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Secret Santa (Anon x Fluttershy)

By MagnaAnon
Created: 2021-01-04 02:33:56
Expiry: Never

  1. >Twas the week before Christmas
  2. >And all through the house
  3. >The holiday party going on
  4. >Would stir even a mouse
  5. >Bad poetry aside, maybe it wasn't that loud, but it was quite the busy gathering.
  6. >Pinkie wanted to throw a party for all her friends and didn't know whose home to hold it at...
  7. >...while your parents were going to be away for the weekend on a ski trip you could care less about.
  8. >They gave you permission to volunteer the house for this party, as long as there was no alcohol involved.
  9. >Agreements and arrangements were made, and Pinkie worked her magic as always to make this Christmas party one to remember.
  10. >Festive decorations covered the walls and ceilings, the air was filled with the sounds of all the classic (or not-so-classic) holiday tunes.
  11. >If you have to listen to that Mare-iah Carey song one more time...
  12. >But you digress...
  13. >On top of all that, there was enough food and drink that everybody had enough of what they wanted.
  14. >After desserts, it was almost time for the main event.
  15. >Secret Santa gifts.
  16. >Weeks earlier you were all asked to put your names into a hat, and whoever's name you picked afterward would be the one you'd get, as Pinkie stated, 'the happiest, bestest present-thingie ever you can possibly think of! But don't say who you got a gift for! That's what Secret Santa's all about!'
  17. >You thought 'what the hell,' and threw your name in.
  18. >After all, what's the worst that could happen?
  20. >People start filing into the common where the tree stood, a mountain of presents underneath it.
  21. >You sigh as you take your favorite place on the couch, laying back with your head up for a brief moment of respite.
  22. >“I can't wait to see what everybody gets this time.”
  23. >You look up to see your girlfriend Fluttershy taking a spot on the couch next to you.
  24. >She was wearing a nice green dress with a fluffy white trim, and a headband complete with soft reindeer antlers. She has a big smile on her face, as always.
  25. >You chuckle as you sit back up, putting an arm around her waist as she lay her head on your shoulder.
  26. “Me too. I hope the gift I picked out goes over well.”
  27. >“It'll be fine. It doesn't take much to make some people here happy.”
  28. >Truer words never spoken, especially from someone you've come to know deeply over the years.
  29. >The two of you have been friends since before you all started high school.
  30. >You helped her out at the animal shelter she volunteered at when you had free time, and the relationship had slowly but surely blossomed as time went on.
  31. >You were both now in your senior year, and the two of you have become very close.
  32. >Things hadn't gotten 'weird,' as some would call it, but that was fine; you did tell her that you were willing to go at whatever pace she liked.
  33. >Before any other thoughts could come to mind, Pinkie seemed to appear out of nowhere, wearing a Santa-inspired outfit.
  34. >“Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's PRESENT TIME!” She yells at the top of her lungs, zipping all around the room at her usual hyperactive speed before stopping in front of the Christmas tree and grabbing a gift from underneath it.
  35. >“I'll be your Santa's Little Helper tonight and hand these around, okie dokie?”
  37. >The process went on like it did with your own family gatherings.
  38. >One person at a time was given a present, and they had their moment in the spotlight to open it and share their reaction and 'thank yous' with everyone.
  39. >It would make things last longer, and certainly better than everyone frantically ripping open their gifts at the same time.
  40. >One by one your friends received their presents, and the creative minds of the Secret Santas were on full display.
  41. >Applejack was given rock-climbing equipment. She had mentioned wanting to give it a try, and also said this would come in handy getting up into some of the taller apple trees on her family's farm, so that made her really happy.
  42. >Rainbow got a brand new soccer ball, as well as a new pair of cleats. The ones she had were all but worn out, so these would be broken in for the upcoming sports season in the Spring.
  43. >Rarity found a new sewing kit with all the necessary tools in her gift, as well as a load of silk and fabrics to try it out on. She absolutely 'adored it,' in her words, given she had a lot of new ideas for outfits and needed the material.
  44. >Sunset was excited to get the latest game of the 'Ultra Crash Bros' franchise. She had been playing it every chance she had at Rainbow's place, but now had her own copy to hone her skills on, and possibly knock Dash's lead character into next week.
  45. >Flash received a leather jacket, and when he tried it on he felt a number of guitar picks in its pockets.
  46. >He knew he'd be strumming with those on the Gibson he thought for sure he'd be getting from his family this year.
  47. >Pinkie's eyes widened at the sight of the cupcakes in her box, as well as a gift card for the Canterlot bakery they came from.
  48. >As Fluttershy said, it didn't take much to make some people happy.
  50. >You pay attention when Twilight opens her gift, a new chemistry set with a large assortment of chemical ingredients.
  51. >You had pulled Twilight's name from the hat, and were happy to see the excited expression in her eyes. Clearly you nailed this one.
  52. >Fluttershy received a set of bird feeders for her backyard, as well as a new pair of binoculars to get a better look at the birds that would come to eat there. She said she knew just where to put them, too.
  53. >The present pile got smaller and smaller, until eventually all were distributed.
  54. >But something was off.
  55. >There was no present for you.
  56. >“Nothing for Nonnie?” Pinkie asks. “That's weird. I know you put your name in and everything.”
  57. “Not that big of a deal,” you reply. “Maybe it got lost in the shuffle. I'll be getting a lot of gifts next week anyway.”
  58. >“Well, if you say so,” Pinkie says. “That's a wrap for Secret Santa! Hope everybody got something they really wanted, and we'll be sure to try and do this again next year!”
  59. >As everyone claps and cheers, Fluttershy leans in close and whispers in your ear.
  60. >“Anon, your gift is upstairs. I'll show you once the party's over.”
  61. >You look at her with a raised eyebrow, but you nod, not sure of what she meant by that.
  63. >Everybody pitches in with the cleanup, putting the leftover food in to-go containers for people to bring back home, and any unwrapping-related debris still on the floor was taken care of.
  64. >As you work, you notice Fluttershy and Rarity stepping away from the buzz and going upstairs.
  65. >You don't read too much into it. They probably needed a little break, away from all the action.
  66. >Soon everyone was saying their goodbyes and heading home.
  67. >Pinkie gave you a gigantic bear hug and 'thank you' for being co-host of her party.
  68. >You got a fist-bump from Flash, and he said he'd let you know how that new guitar of his sounded once he got it.
  69. >Rarity was one the last to leave. As she stepped out, she said “Hope you like it” with one of her traditional 'winks.'
  70. >It was strange, as she came back down all by herself, with Fluttershy staying up for some reason.
  71. >Was she still looking around for that present she was talking about?
  72. >You quickly got your answer.
  73. >“Anon?” Fluttershy calls. “Can you come up here?”
  74. “Hang on,” you say.
  75. >Making sure there was no one else left, you close the front door and follow the voice up the steps.
  76. “Where are you?”
  77. >“ here...” Fluttershy replies, her usual nervous stutter in her voice.
  78. >It came from your bedroom, so you head in that direction.
  79. >The overhead light was off, but the lamp on the bedside nightstand provided enough light.
  80. >Fluttershy seems to have changed her clothes. She now has on a red cloak of sorts.
  81. “So what's up? I figured you'd have gone home like everyone else.”
  82. >“I...didn't want to leave without making sure you got your gift.”
  83. >You finally put two and two together.
  84. “Did you have my name for the Secret Santa?”
  85. >Fluttershy nods, her face turning red. “Turn around and close your eyes while I get it.”
  86. >You're not sure what's she's up to, but you play along, covering your eyes with your hands as you turn your back to her.
  88. >After a moment or so, she says “ can look now...”
  89. >As you turn back her way, your eyes widen, and your jaw nearly drops.
  90. >She has taken off the cloak, as well as all of her other clothes for that matter.
  91. >Red and green ribbon was wrapped around her shoulders, upper torso, and lower body.
  92. >While her...important areas were not showing, she still felt the need to cover them with her hands.
  93. >Her head was tilted away slightly, seemingly out of embarrassment. She looks at you from the corner of her eye.
  94. “Wha...what is this?” You ask.
  95. >You're all but flabbergasted at the sight, but you try your best to keep your composure.
  96. >“Your gift,” Fluttershy replies. “It'”
  97. >You stay put for a moment, not sure what to do.
  98. “Was this Rarity's idea?”
  99. >She fidgets a little. ”Well...wrapping me up like this was. That's why we came up here earlier...but everything else about this was my idea.”
  100. “But...this seems a bit sudden for you...are you sure this is what you want to do?”
  101. >Fluttershy could see you are as nervous as she is, and walks in to give you a hug, which you eventually return.
  102. >“Anon, I decided a long time ago that I wanted my first time to be special, and for it to be with someone I came to know, love and trust for a long time.
  103. >“We've been together for so long, and you've done so much for me and my friends. I wanted to try taking our relationship to the next level, but I wasn't sure when or how to do it.
  104. >“But when I heard you were hosting this year's Christmas party, and when I pulled your name for the Secret Santa, it all seemed to...come together...”
  105. >You bring her out to arm's length with your hands on her shoulders as you took all of this in, wanting to tread carefully.
  106. “...and no one is pressuring you into this?”
  107. >Fluttershy shake her head “No...not at all.”
  108. >You sigh, as you can feel her shivering, either out of being cold or out of nervousness.
  110. >After a moment, a thought comes to mind.
  111. “Tell you what. Let's make a deal.”
  112. >“A deal?” Fluttershy asks.
  113. “We'll take this slowly, one step at a time. If at any point you become uncomfortable, or if for any reason you want to stop, you tell me right away.
  114. “This is a new experience for the both of us, and I wouldn't want either of us to go through with it unless we both absolutely want to. Does that sound good to you?”
  115. >Fluttershy, nods, having been touched by your words. “Yeah...that sounds good...”
  116. >You seal the deal with a kiss. As you part, you go to close the bedroom door.
  117. “Alright,” you say. “Where shall we start?”
  118. >Fluttershy thinks for a moment. “I'll let you decide,” she replies. “It's your gift, after all...”
  119. “Well, you know I've always wanted to travel to places I've never been,” you chuckle, making your way back to her.
  120. “I'd start as far north as I can...”
  121. >You put a hand through her hair, combing it in a delicate way.
  122. “...and then start working my way south...”
  123. >You follow up with several kisses, starting with her forehead, then her ear, her nose – which she giggles at, her cheeks, and returning to her soft lips.
  124. >As you move to her neck, you notice what seems to be a pull string in the ribbons on her left shoulder.
  125. >You grin, having an idea of what it was for.
  126. “May I...start unwrapping?” You ask.
  127. >“Y...yes, you may,” Fluttershy replies. She was still shaking a little, but she at least returns your smile with one of her own.
  128. >With the okay, you take hold of the pull string and gently tug at it.
  129. >Part of Fluttershy's makeshift outfit comes undone, exposing her now bare shoulders.
  130. >You guide your hands to said shoulders, giving them a nice rub, then glide down her delicate arms until you reach her hands.
  131. >You give both of them a kiss before taking one and leading her to the foot of the bed.
  133. >You both sat down on it, and looking things over you see another pull string by her collar bone.
  134. “Number two present?” You ask, thinking of a scene from a favorite movie of yours.
  135. >Fluttershy's face is beet red at this point. At first she doesn't reply, turning your head away again.
  136. “Remember what I said. If you're not comfortable, tell me to stop.”
  137. >Your girlfriend nods. “It's fine...I just...need a moment to ready myself...”
  138. >You take her hand and gently squeeze it.
  139. “Alright. Take your time...”
  140. >You sit in silence for a few minutes, with nothing but your thoughts and breathing to fill the void.
  141. >Fluttershy's breathing is a bit more labored, perhaps from the stress of having taken it as far as she had, and the prospect of going even further.
  142. >Her chest heaves with each inhale; how the ribbon has stayed in place there for this long is beyond you.
  143. >Before long, she clears her throat. “I...I think I'm ready now...”
  144. “You sure?”
  145. >She nods. “Yes...g...go ahead...”
  146. >You take a breath, reach for the second pull string, and give it a tug.
  147. >In an instant, more of the ribbon gives way, exposing her chest to the open air.
  148. >“Oh dear...” Fluttershy exclaims, amazed at how quickly things came undone. “I knew it'd work like that, but...”
  149. “Gotta hand it to Rarity,” you say. “She knew what she was doing.”
  150. >Fluttershy giggles, then gestures to her breasts. “What do you think?”
  151. >You've seen her in both swimsuits and underwear before - the latter by accident once - but this is the first time you've seen them like this.
  152. “They're as beautiful as you rest of you,” you reply.
  153. >Fluttershy blushes. “Well, I think it's time they get some attention, don't you think?”
  154. >With that, you make your next move.
  156. >You turn her so she's facing you as you lower your head, taking hold of her right breast.
  157. >You plant several kisses onto it, smelling the sweet scent of her skin.
  158. >You playfully give it a little suckle, but go no further than that.
  159. >She sighs at these motions, but makes no move to halt you.
  160. >You move to her other breast, repeating the motion. By this time her nipples have hardened up from the arousal.
  161. >You slowly guide Fluttershy's body backwards until you are both lying on the bed.
  162. >After a moment, you carefully position yourself so you're looking down at her.
  163. >Her baby blues seem to shine, but you can also sense some unease.
  164. >“You can...keep going...if you like...” She finally says, the uneasiness fading away a little.
  165. >Continuing your 'travel' motif, you trace a finger between her breasts and downward as you move to kissing her stomach, inching lower and lower.
  166. >For a heck of it, you give her a raspberry on her bellybutton, which triggers a laugh from her.
  167. >At last, you reach as far as you can go before more ribbon obscures the way.
  168. >One final pull string was by her right outer thigh.
  169. >“I guess this is...number three present?” Fluttershy states with a blush, the anticipation building.
  170. “If that's where you want to go...” you reply.
  171. >“......yes, please...”
  172. >Nodding, you tug at the pull string, and the rest of the makeshift outfit comes loose.
  173. >You move the strands of ribbon out of the way, revealing her clean-shaven nethers.
  174. >You did not expect it to go this far, but Fluttershy was being a trooper through it all.
  175. >You feel your heart rate increasing, and the excitement has clearly reached your own lower regions.
  176. >“I guess someone likes what he sees,” Fluttershy giggles, noticing the growing bulge in your pants.
  177. >You chuckle out of embarrassment, but are surprised when she sits up.
  178. >“Here, let me...”
  180. >She undoes your belt and zipper, then lowers both your pants and boxers.
  181. >Anon Jr. emerges, standing at attention.
  182. >“Oh my...”
  183. “First time up close for something like this?” You ask rhetorically.
  184. >“For the both of us, I guess,” Fluttershy replies. “Back up a little...if you don't mind...”
  185. >You comply, moving to the front of the bed as she takes her turn 'on top.'
  186. >“I've always wanted to give this a try...if that's okay with you...”
  187. >Before you can ask what she's talking about, she maneuvers herself so your member is in-between her breasts.
  188. >Without much delay, she moves them up and down your shaft at a slow but steady pace.
  189. >It feels amazing...
  190. >“Am I doing alright?”
  191. “So good...”
  192. >The warmness and softness she exudes is definitely getting you going. You grunt a few times as she picks up the pace, but you say nothing as she continues for another minute or so.
  193. >“Let me know when you're...getting close,” she requests.
  194. “I'm...almost...there...” you reply between labored breaths.
  195. >Fluttershy nods, going even faster than before.
  196. >You've been feeling the pressure down below building up, and it's not long before you can no longer contain it.
  197. >Finally, you let out a moan, and a shower of seed erupts from your member.
  198. >“Eep!”
  199. >She clearly wasn't expecting this to happen so quickly. Her face and breasts are covered in a matter of seconds. She disengages in response.
  200. “Oh god, sorry,” you exclaim. “Didn't think it'd all come out like that...”
  201. >You reach over and grab some tissues from your nightstand and offer them to Fluttershy, which she accepts after a moment to regain her composure.
  202. >“Me neither. Then again, I didn't know what to expect from you...” She takes her time to clean up.
  204. “Well, that was embarrassing. Want me to make it up to you?”
  205. >“...I don't isn't about me tonight...”
  206. “You're right - it's about the both of us. It's our way of exploring each other and seeing where it takes us. Besides, it'd only be fair.”
  207. >Fluttershy considers this. “ gentle...”
  208. “Anything for you...”
  209. >Fluttershy moves up until she's about beside you, her legs spread just enough to give you access.
  210. >You reach a hand down into that area, rubbing the outside of her sanctuary, which brings forth some coos from her.
  211. >A certain dampness confirms to you she's already enjoying what's she gotten out of this experience.
  212. >Not hearing any objections, you slide a finger inside, which brings out a sudden gasp. You remove your little intruder in response.
  213. >“'s just...I've never had someone else do this for me before...”
  214. >'Oh lord,' you thought. She's not as squeaky-clean as she makes herself out to be.
  215. >“Go ahead. I'll try not to react the same way this time...”
  216. >With that, you reinsert your finger and start the process again.
  217. >You keep the pace of your pumping slow but steady, in the meantime using your opposing thumb to rub her clit.
  218. >She arches her head back, taking air through her nose with each little motion.
  219. >“Yes...that's it...just like that...keep going...”
  220. >Confident you're satisfying her urge, you add another finger to the mix, while at the same time increasing your pace.
  221. >This goes on for a bit, until eventually you're going as fast as you can.
  222. >“Oh my god...oh my god...this is-”
  223. >Fluttershy suddenly cries out in pure bliss, and the sheets become damper than before.
  224. >You remove your fingers, feeling her juices run down to your palm.
  225. >Your girlfriend's breathing is heavy after all this, and it takes a little time for it to calm down.
  226. >“That...was wonderful...” She finally says.
  227. “I'm...glad I could be of service,” you reply.
  229. >You both lay there for a few minutes, perhaps giving yourselves the chance to prepare for what may be next.
  230. “How are you feeling?” You ask, breaking the silence. “This hasn't been too much for you, has it?”
  231. >“No,” Fluttershy replies. “It's been a lot to take in, but...I've liked it so far...”
  232. “We can stop at any time, remember. We don't have to go all the way right now if you don't want to.”
  233. >Fluttershy sits up, looking at you with a grateful expression. “I'm glad to hear you say that...”
  234. >She gets off the bed, heading for your dresser. You see her grab something on top of it.
  235. >“But I did say I wanted this to be a special moment...”
  236. >She comes back to bed with you, revealing a wrapped condom in her hands.
  237. “Where did you get that from?” You ask.
  238. >“A little extra something from Rarity,” Fluttershy replies, unwrapping the packaging. “She gave it to me before leaving tonight, just in case I chose to go through with this.”
  239. >You grin, feeling your member rising to the occasion again.
  240. >Fluttershy giggles, teasingly kissing your tip a few times.
  241. >”Sorry, little guy, you're getting covered tonight. Another time, perhaps...”
  242. >As she brings the condom all the way down, you see it's a red and white striped design.
  243. “Gee, would you look at my peppermint stick,” you state in a joking tone.
  244. >“Don't you mean a candy cane?” Fluttershy asks.
  245. “Well, if this looked like a candy cane, I think I'd need a doctor right now.” The two of you share a laugh to try and break the tension.
  246. >“Um...can I be on top for this? At least to start...” Seems she's ready to move to the main event.
  247. >You nod, moving back as far as you can so Fluttershy can take her requested position.
  249. >She raises herself until she's just over your throbbing cock.
  250. >The redness returns to her face, but she shuts her eyes and lowers her head.
  251. >“Are...are you ready for your last present?”
  252. “I'm ready...but I think the more important question is...are you?”
  253. >Without a reply, she comes down, sheathing herself onto you.
  254. >The both of you immediately draw breath.
  255. >“Ooh...” Fluttershy moans and shuts her eyes, the effects of having your length inside her kicking in. You can see tears forming.
  256. “Does it hurt?” You ask.
  257. >“A little...give me a second, please...”
  258. >You shift yourself and draw her into a loving embrace. You can feel both of your hearts rapidly beating in your chests.
  259. “Take your time. This feeling right's one I've always wanted to have with someone close to me...and I'm glad to be able to share it with you...”
  260. >Fluttershy's tears start to flow freely as she kisses you.
  261. >“Have I mentioned how much I love you?” She asks.
  262. “Enough times for it to be etched in my mind,” you reply.
  263. >“It'll be much more than that, I promise.”
  264. >After another moment of both physical and mental preparation, she says “ we go...”
  265. >She slowly picks herself up, then comes back down, repeating the motion several times over.
  266. >Her breasts slightly bounce up and down as she gets into a rhythm, and she rubs her left nipple in tandem.
  267. >You've always wondered what intimate sex would be like, but what Fluttershy is doing right now has far exceeded your expectations.
  268. >After a while you can see she's beginning to tire out.
  269. >Guess now's the time to make the switch.
  270. “My turn...”
  272. >You grasp her shoulders, and in a sudden move you roll the two of you over until you are now on top of her.
  273. >”EEP!”
  274. >She was taken off guard, but when she sees the look in your eyes, the shock fades as she smiles.
  275. >Without another moment's hesitation, she says her next words.
  276. >“Please...take me...”
  277. >With a nod, you pull out slightly, then work your way back in as deep as you can.
  278. >Fluttershy squeals in both surprise and pleasure from this.
  279. >You quickly get into a rhythm of your own, one you feel you're both comfortable with, a steady thrusting with an occasional massage of either breast.
  280. >In the meantime, she wraps her hands around your neck and draws you in closer for a series of kisses on your face and lips.
  281. >Soon you increase the pace, and there is no resistance.
  282. >You are both committed at this point.
  283. >“Anon...I'm...I'm so close...”
  284. “Me too,” you reply. “Hang in there...”
  285. >Your thrusting is as quick as you can make it now.
  286. >The time was near.
  287. “Ugh...Flutters...” you groan.
  288. >You feel her inner walls clamp down on you tighter then before.
  289. >As if by instinct, Fluttershy wraps her legs around you.
  290. >“Oh god...please...keep it in...oh god...oh god...I'm gonna...”
  291. >With one final thrust, the two of you climax at nearly the same time.
  292. >This time is far greater than earlier, and you feel the inside of the condom quickly being stained.
  293. >You maintain your position briefly before you both nearly collapse from exhaustion.
  295. >She finally releases her legs' grip on you as you roll each other to your sides.
  296. >You slowly pull yourself out with another grunt, choosing to leave the condom on for now.
  297. “How...was it?” You ask between breaths.
  298. >Fluttershy kisses you again. “Everything...I could...hope for...and more...”
  299. “Same here...I'm surprised...we went all the way...”
  300. >“Well...not ALL the way,” Fluttershy replies, looking down at your wrapped member. “I don't think I'm ready to go that far yet...not for a while, at least.”
  301. “Hey, when we started dating I said I was willing to go at whatever pace you like. Just let me know when you do want to take that next step...”
  302. >“I will. Thank you...”
  303. >You share another embrace in the afterglow.
  304. “So, how long before our friends find out, you think? About us...about this...”
  305. >“Rarity at least knows what I had in mind tonight...Rainbow won't take long, given she's my best friend and all...I'll be sure to tell everyone eventually, once I'm ready to...”
  306. “Don't worry, I'll keep things quiet until then. Wouldn't want Pinkie and the rest to go bananas too soon, right?”
  307. >Fluttershy laughs. “In any case, I hope you liked my gift to you...”
  308. “Let's just say I hope one of us pull the others name for Secret Santa next year,” you chuckle.
  309. >Fluttershy gives a coy grin. “Who says we need to wait that long?”
  310. >You both laugh as you give her a kiss on her forehead.
  311. >What an end to an incredible night, and what seems to be the start of something even more for the two of you.
  312. >Where the road would lead has yet to be determined, but you're sure you'll find out together.
  313. “Merry Christmas, Fluttershy...”
  314. >”Merry Christmas, Anon...”

Secret Santa (Anon x Fluttershy)

by MagnaAnon

Measuring Up (Anon x Rarity - Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Pinkie Promises (Anon x Pinkie Pie, EQG, Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Uncommon Ground (Anon x Rainbow Dash, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon

Study Buddies (Anon x Twilight, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon