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Measuring Up (Anon x Rarity - Complete)

By MagnaAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-09 03:22:06
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another typical Saturday night.
  2. >You had gotten home after another successful Monsters and Mazes session with your playgroup.
  3. >Another Maze is on the verge of being conquered, but you ran short on time before you could complete it, and you all decided to wrap things up the next day.
  4. >After a nice takeout dinner with the folks you were ready to put on a movie and crash for the evening.
  5. >That was, until your phone beeps.
  6. >You check it and see a new text message.
  7. >From: Rarity?
  8. >She's a classmate of yours, sharing a number of courses, and you kinda-sorta became friends with her over the course of the year as you helped each other with homework and studying for tests.
  9. >You two seemed to be growing quite fond of each others' company during this stretch of time.
  10. >To the point where she exchanged phone numbers with you, which was out of the ordinary for someone like you.
  11. >But this is the first time you've received any kind of message from her.
  12. >Puzzled, you take a look at it.
  13. >'Anon, are you available?'
  14. >'What's up?' You text back.
  15. >'I'm in the middle of a project, but I need help with it. Can you stop by, please?'
  16. >'None of your other friends are around?'
  17. >'Sadly not. I didn't know who else to ask...'
  18. >You're not quite sure what to make of this, but you decide to dig a little deeper.
  19. >'How long will this take?'
  20. >'Not sure at the moment. I'll make it up to you, I promise.'
  21. >Well, it's not like you had anything else interesting going on tonight.
  22. >'Alright. Just need your address, and I'll be over soon.'
  23. >”TYTYTYTYTY! You won't regret this!'
  24. >A heart emoji appears right after.
  25. >You raise an eyebrow at the sight of this, but you don't think much of it.
  27. >After getting Rarity's address and letting your family know where you're going, you take a twenty-minute drive to the home in question.
  28. >It's large and in charge. Clearly her family has plenty of dough to work with.
  29. >You park in the driveway and head to the door, knocking a few times.
  30. >A minute passes, but there's no answer.
  31. >You're about to knock again when the door opens slightly.
  32. >“Who is it?”
  33. >You recognize the voice as coming from Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister. You've heard a little about her and seen her in passing, but nothing out of the ordinary.
  34. “It's Anon. Rarity said she wanted me to come over. Is she here?”
  35. >Sweetie calls out. “SIS! A strange guy is at the door asking about you!”
  36. >You're nearly taken aback. Before you can respond, you hear another voice.
  37. >“Sweetie, you know better than to announce someone like that!”
  38. “That you, Rarity?” You call.
  39. >The door opens the rest of the way, and your kinda-sorta friend reveals herself.
  40. >It looks like she'd been in tears, as the mascara around her eyes is smudged in places. You notice Sweetie is now standing behind her.
  41. >“Oh thank heavens you're here. Forgive my dear sister. She can be on the rude side sometimes.”
  42. >“How is it being rude if what I said was true?” Sweetie asks.
  43. >She quickly receives an angry glare from her older sibling.
  44. >Thank you, Sweetie.” Rarity growls through her teeth. “You can go now...”
  45. >Sweetie shrugs as she returns to whatever she had going on.
  46. >Rarity sighs, shaking her head.
  48. “You alright? I didn't catch you at a bad time, did I?”
  49. >“It's fine,” Rarity replies, rubbing her eyes. “Just been having an awful day, if you can't tell.”
  50. “Why? What's going on?”
  51. >“Why don't you come in? I'll explain.”
  52. >Rarity invites you into the foyer, then leads you up a curved staircase to the second floor.
  53. >You soon reach what appears to be her bedroom. It's spacious, with multiple closets and racks filled to the brim with costumes and outfits of all sorts.
  54. >A large work table stacked with fabrics, a sewing machine, and other clothing-making instruments stands in the middle of it all.
  55. >“As I mentioned earlier, I've been trying to get started on an important project all day, but it's getting much bigger than I imagined. It's become a bother and a stress on my mind.”
  56. “What kind of project?” You ask.
  57. >“It's for a designer's competition I'm participating in. We need to make at least five different outfits that tie together to tell a larger story. Thing is...they must be for men to wear.”
  58. “ need someone to model for you? I guess that makes sense why you couldn't ask your regular friends..”
  59. >“There's that...but I also have no ideas on what kind of story to tell, let alone what outfits to make.”
  60. “Oh, I see...”
  61. >“I'm really sorry for asking this from you out of the blue. I don't have many male friends at school, so I didn't know who else I could turn to. Do you think you can spend some time and help me with this?”
  62. >You mull over this for a moment.
  63. >On one hand, you don't know the first thing about 'modeling' or costume design.
  64. >On the other hand, this is a chance to get to know Rarity better over something other than schoolwork.
  65. >Besides, your 'otherworldly' experience might come in handy in the brainstorming phase.
  66. “You know, what the heck? This could be fun-”
  67. >Rarity grabs you in a big hug, which nearly takes all the air out of your lungs.
  68. >“Thank you thank you thank you!” She cries. “I promise this will be worth your while!”
  69. “Okay, okay....” You gasp, desperate to breathe normally again. “...can you let me go, to start?”
  70. >Rarity releases her grip, nervously giggling. “Sorry, darling. I can get carried away sometimes...”
  71. >Darling?
  72. >“Now then, let's say we get started?”
  74. >It turns out that the deadline for this competition is a month away.
  75. >Plenty of time for the both of you to get your creative juices flowing.
  76. >Rarity has you give out as many random ideas as you can while she listens and makes sketches based on them.
  77. >Every so often she tears out a page when a sketch is not to her liking.
  78. >As you brainstorm, you eventually bring up your Monsters and Mazes games, as well as the different characters your group plays as.
  79. >Surprisingly, this piques her interest, and she asks for more information.
  80. >Given the chance, you go through some of the classes of character one is able to play as; Cleric, Bard, Paladin, and so on.
  81. >You bring up photos of multiple examples for each on your phone, showcasing the varieties of costumes each could wear.
  82. >You also bring up photos of some of the miniatures you've hand-painted to suit your needs.
  83. >All of this suddenly makes her even more excited. Perhaps an idea was coming to mind.
  84. >On a whim, you invite her to your next session the following day, so she can get a feel of how the game works and how the characters interact.
  85. >“I don't all sounds a bit complicated...”
  86. “You don't necessarily have to play,” you reply. “There are plenty of reference books you can look through to get more ideas going, and I'm sure the other guys wouldn't mind answering whatever questions you may have. Just a thought.”
  87. >Rarity considers, hemming and hawing all the while.
  88. “I'll bring you out for a bite to eat after, how about that?”
  89. >With this little bribe, she agrees.
  90. >“Just make sure your friends are kept under control, okay?”
  91. “Not a problem,” you state.
  92. >Checking the time, it's much later than either of you thought.
  93. >You give Rarity the time and address for the session, and again promise that things would go well.
  94. >“It's a date,” she tells you.
  96. >To say your playgroup is surprised to have a guest would be an understatement...
  97. >...and a female guest, at that.
  98. >You explain the situation, and state that Rarity would merely be an observer, having shown partial interest to the concept of this game.
  99. >It takes a few minutes to convince the 'Maze Moderator,' as he's wary to 'outsiders.'
  100. >Rarity scoffs at this, but you calm her and the others down
  101. >He eventually relents after pleas from everyone else to give this 'outsider' a chance.
  102. >With that out of the way, you all sit down and get started with the game.
  103. >The Moderator continues where your group had left off previously, and to Rarity the atmosphere seems to change with it.
  104. >As his storytelling and commands progresses, it seems like she's becoming as immersed as the rest of your Party.
  105. >Not to the point where she'd jump in and create a character of her own, but it'll do.
  106. >She brought along her sketchpad, of course, and she took her time looking through your books and the various tabletop miniatures your group had out.
  107. >She asks a few questions from time to time, addressing each of your other friends regarding their assumed characters.
  108. >Finally the Maze is conquered, and the Moderator explains he'll have a new scenario ready for you all next week.
  109. >As you part ways with your playgroup, you take Rarity to a nice local pizza joint, as you promised you would.
  110. >Based on her sketches and the way she is talking, it looks like she has a solid idea in mind for her contest designs.
  111. >After eating, you return to her place to really get the project moving.
  113. >She tells you her entry outfit line will be a 'modern retelling' of 'this game you play.'
  114. >Four characters of different classes and backgrounds coming together to face against a wicked wizard, the final outfit she plans to craft.
  115. >You both go through the many sketches she made over the course of the past few days and pick out the ones that would look best.
  116. > “Now relax, darling. It's time to get your numbers...”
  117. >With that, she proceeds to take your measurements, ensuring every costume will be a perfect fit.
  118. “So how long do you think each outfit will take to put together?” You ask.
  119. > “Once I get going with a solid concept, I can zip through one in a matter of days.”
  120. “And I assume you'll need me to stop over each time to try it on and pose for photos.”
  121. >“But of course! I trust you don't mind.”
  122. “If it makes you happy and will help out with this contest, I'd be more than willing.”
  123. >Rarity embraces you from behind. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”
  124. >After a while she has all of the info she needs, and she leads you to the front door.
  125. > “I'll let you know once each outfit is ready. Perhaps after classes on those days?”
  126. “Sounds like a plan. Looking forward to see what you come up with.”
  127. >Rarity giggles as she kisses you on the cheek. “See you tomorrow, then!”
  128. >As she closes the door behind you, you are practically shell-shocked.
  129. >You try your best to shake it off as you drive home.
  130. >But all the while thoughts run through your mind.
  131. >Was she becoming even fonder of you?
  132. >Was that just a kiss of appreciation?
  133. >Or was there more behind it?
  134. >Do you try to play it off, or attempt to pursue something even greater in this arrangement?
  135. >It's a lot to consider, but you'll have to wait and see if anything comes of this...
  137. ------------
  139. >The next few days are uneventful for the most part.
  140. >In the classes you share with Rarity, she updates you on her progress.
  141. >She's clearly becoming more and more excited the deeper into this project she gets.
  142. >By Wednesday, she tells you the first outfit is ready.
  143. >When you stop by Rarity's home that afternoon, you're again greeted at the door by Sweetie Belle.
  144. >“It's been a while since big sis invited the same strange guy over multiple times,” she says as she lets you in.
  145. “Is that a problem?” You ask.
  146. >“Not with me,” Sweetie replies. “But with sis...that's another story...”
  147. “What do you mean by that?”
  148. >“She gets very clingy with guys she gets attached to and takes advantage of. Kinda like a parasite.”
  149. >You stop in your tracks as you look down at her, your eyes narrowing.
  150. “Parasite?”
  151. >“I've seen it with several other guys at school. She'll string them along for a while until she gets what she wants from them...”
  152. >“... then she promptly tosses them in the garbage and moves on to her next hapless victim...”
  153. “...and you're telling me this, why?” You ask angrily.
  154. >“To spare you the headaches and heartache once it does happen. You can expect an 'I told you so' from me after this project of hers is done.”
  155. >You're not sure what to think as Sweetie takes her leave.
  156. >You almost feel your heart sink into your stomach.
  157. >Was Sweetie right about all this?
  158. >Would Rarity really take advantage of you like this and throw you out like yesterday's trash once all was said and done?
  159. >No, it couldn't be.
  160. >The two of you have been getting to know each other for a while now, even before this little contest came up.
  161. >Your mind is again clouded as you make your way upstairs.
  163. > “Darling!” Rarity exclaims when you enter her room. “So glad you could make it!”
  164. “I...said I would...” you reply nervously.
  165. > “What's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost.”
  166. >You gulp, but try to keep your cool.
  167. “It's...nothing. I just have a lot of my mind right now, as I'm sure you do.”
  168. >“Well, it's been many busy nights so far, but take a look at what I have ready for you!”
  169. >She goes to one of her racks and pulls out a green suit with elaborate runes and patterns on the sleeves and pants.
  170. >It also comes with a feathered hat, perhaps harking back to Robin Hood of old.
  171. “Go ahead, try it on so I can see how you look!”
  172. >Nodding, you take this costume into another room to change in.
  173. >Not surprisingly, everything fits you perfectly.
  174. >You look at yourself in the full-length mirror attached to the back of the door.
  175. >If you weren't mistaken, this may be her take on the Elfin class.
  176. >You tug on the jacket for a moment before buttoning it up the rest of the way.
  177. >Finally, you don the hat, tipping yourself in the mirror for good luck.
  178. >'Here goes nothing,' you think to yourself, stepping back to Rarity's room.
  179. >Her reaction is that of pure delight. “Simply dashing!”
  180. “I don't know,” you say doubtfully. “I can't say I'm used to getting decked out like this...”
  181. >“Now now, don't be so modest!” Rarity reaches for something at her table. “Here, these go with it.”
  182. “A bow and arrow? Where did you get these?”
  183. >“Borrowed them from Rainbow Dash,” she replies. “She's taking up archery to go along with every other sport she's doing right now.”
  184. >You accept them and draw the bow facing away from her, pretending to get ready to shoot.
  185. >Rarity gaze is beaming. “My, oh my, just how I envisioned it...”
  187. >She takes you to a corner of the room where a number of lights have been set up.
  188. >With that, she has to pose a number of ways as she takes pictures with her camera.
  189. >“Perfect, absolutely perfect!” She says excitedly, drawing a smile from you.
  190. “Glad this worked out the way you wanted it to,” you reply.
  191. >“I think that will do for this outfit. You can change out of it now.”
  192. >With the photo shoot over, you go back to the other room to change into your normal clothes again.
  193. >After you hang up the 'Elfin Archer' costume, Rarity leads you to her bedroom door.
  194. >“I'll get started on the next one as soon as possible. I can hardly wait to see how you look next time.”
  195. “Same here,” you reply. “See ya tomorrow.”
  196. >“See you,” she says, giving you another hug and kiss on the cheek.
  197. >As you make your way down the stairs, you see Sweetie Belle coming up them.
  198. >“Remember what I said...” she says softly in a sing-song tone as she passes you.
  199. >While part of you wants to say something back to her, you decide it's not worth the bother.
  200. >Best not to let the little gremlin get to you.
  201. >But her words still linger in your head.
  202. >What will actually happen once Rarity is done with this contest?
  203. >Will you become expendable, as Sweetie claims?
  204. >Or will things continue to blossom?
  205. >The next few weeks should be more telling...
  207. ------------
  209. >Under normal circumstances, things would be going in a predictable pattern.
  210. >When Rarity calls you Sunday morning to say that outfit number two was done, however, you decide to take it a little further.
  211. >You ask her if she wants to go do something after the photo shoot.
  212. >After tossing out some suggestions for activities, she settles on a round or two of bowling.
  213. “It's a date,” you say near the end of the phone call, mirroring what she had told you near the beginning of this escapade.
  214. >You get a laugh from her as she says her goodbyes and hangs up.
  215. >You're in slightly brighter spirits as you arrive at her place for 'Round 2.'
  216. >Sweetie meets you at the door again, but you simply say a 'hello' as you walk by her.
  217. >No time to be weighed down by doubt right now.
  218. >Rarity wastes no time revealing her next outfit.
  219. >A white and silver suit, plus a matching leather jacket with a Pegasus crest on the back.
  220. >Her modern take of a Paladin, perhaps?
  221. >Your thoughts are confirmed after you've changed into it, as Rarity hands you a motorcycle helmet.
  222. >It's white with a bright blue visor, and Pegasus wings painted on the sides.
  223. >This shoot goes similarly to the first, although most of the pictures put emphasis on your back and the Pegasus patch.
  224. >Still, things go well enough for Rarity to be satisfied with the results.
  225. >Once you've done playing 'Noble Paladin,' you drive her to the local bowling alley.
  227. >It's surprisingly packed today, but you're still able to get a lane for yourselves.
  228. >As you get set up, you notice two other girls coming towards you.
  229. >“Hey Rarity! Fancy seeing you here.”
  230. >You recognize them as Applejack and Rainbow Dash, two of Rarity's closer friends.
  231. >You also have a few classes with them, but you weren't exactly familiar with either of them.
  232. >Except for what Rarity has told you about them, of course.
  233. >“Well, I did promise Anon I'd come here after everything's he's done for me so far,” Rarity replies.
  234. >“So you're this Anon feller I've been hearing about so much?” Applejack asks.
  235. “Yeah, that's me,” you say, trying to bring out some confidence.
  236. >“Quite the looker, aren't ya?” Dash says, lightly elbowing your side. “Rares knows how to pick'em.”
  237. “Pick'em?” You ask.
  238. >“Come now, Rainbow,” Rarity scolds, “that's no way to treat a friend.”
  239. >”Ah, I'm just messing with ya,” Dash replies.
  240. >“If you're anything like she says you are,” Applejack adds, “you're okay in my book.”
  241. “I'll...take that as a compliment,” you say.
  242. >As luck would have it, your lane is next to theirs, and there is plenty to talk about between frames.
  243. >Dash seems to be turning this into a competition with you, however, trying to beat your current score.
  244. >You take the challenge in stride, not wanting to be bested so easily.
  245. >It's been a while since you last played, but not to the point where you were rusty.
  246. >It goes back and forth in the last game you play, but a triple strike on the last frame seals your win.
  247. >Rarity looks on and claps with a pleased expression, as Dash huffs in disappointment.
  248. >When she hears an 'ahem' from Applejack, she fist-bumps you in congratulations.
  250. >“I just need to use the restroom before we leave, okay?” Rarity tells you. “I'll be right back.”
  251. >As she breaks away, her friends see the opportunity to speak to you a little more privately.
  252. >Applejack takes the initiative. “So, Anon...what do you think of her?”
  253. “She's something else,” you reply. “I've known girls here and there, but she's a cut above them all.”
  254. >“She's been talking about you nonstop since this whole costume contest started up,” Dash says.
  255. >This piques your interest.
  256. “Really?”
  257. >“Oh yeah. You've been making a huge difference with her work, sounds like.”
  258. >“Normally when she does something big like this,” Applejack adds, “her vision gets cloudier than an April afternoon. But right now she's focused.”
  259. >Guess now's a good time to ask as any.
  260. “Has she...been with other guys in the past?”
  261. >“Maybe one or two,” Dash replies, “but those bozos didn't seem interested in anything except getting up her skirt.”
  262. >“She dumped their behinds in quick order once that became clear,” Applejack says.
  263. >“She's looking for someone who respects her for who she is and what she wants to do,” Dash adds.
  264. >“This is the first time I've heard of a guy willingly helping Rarity out like this,” Applejack says. “What do you got in mind after she's done?”
  265. “I...honestly don't know,” you reply.
  266. >You think about what to say next for a moment.
  267. “She's been showing what I want to say is attraction, but I can't say for sure how far either of us are going to take it.”
  268. >“You like her, don't ya?” Dash asks.
  269. “Maybe? It's still too early to tell, and I don't know if Rarity's rushing through this to get it done quickly, especially with what her sister said.”
  270. > “Sweetie?” Applejack asks. “What did she tell ya?”
  271. “...that after Rarity got what she wanted from me, she'd toss me in the garbage and move on...”
  273. >“That's terrible!” Applejack exclaims. “I know Rarity, and she'd never do anything like that!”
  274. “You're sure?”
  275. >“As sure as the sun rising in the east. That little varmint's a friend of my own little sis, and I've seen how she acts when someone new is introduced to her family.”
  276. >“Sweetie's just jealous that you're taking some of her sister's attention away from her,” Dash adds. “Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much,”
  277. >Applejack nods. “If what's going on with you two right now is any indication, I reckon you have a good chance of making something great.”
  278. >You close your eyes as you smile.
  279. “Thanks. I really needed to hear that, and I'm glad it came from those who know Rarity best.”
  280. >Applejack grasps your shoulder. “If you ever need to talk about things going on between you two, we're more than willing to listen.”
  281. >“Count me in, too,” Dash says. “Same goes for the rest of our group, I'm sure.”
  282. >You all decide to exchange numbers, just in case you need to take them up on their offer.
  283. >After this, Rarity returns.
  284. >“Sorry about that. I didn't keep you waiting, did I?”
  285. “No,” you reply. “Just enough time for an understanding to be made, I'd say.”
  286. >You say your goodbyes with Dash and Applejack as you take Rarity home.
  287. >She gives you a big hug at the front door, saying she had a wonderful time, and outfit number three would be started on as soon as possible.
  288. “Wouldn't miss it for the world,” you say.
  289. >“You won't be disappointed,” Rarity replies. “See you at school!”
  290. >You wave goodbye and make your way home.
  291. >You're filled with new confidence, and possibly something more, as the day draws to a close.
  292. >If what her friends said was true, things would only get better and better as time goes on.
  293. >One can hope...
  295. >By the following Wednesday, Rarity tells you the third costume is ready to go.
  296. >When you reach her home that afternoon, you're surprised to see an older woman answer the door.
  297. >Her mother, you're guessing.
  298. >“Why hello! You must be this Anon boy my daughter's been seeing recently.”
  299. “Pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I'm glad to have the opportunity to get to know her a bit more every time I see her...”
  300. >“And such a gentlemanly thing to say. You know, she's told me so much about you.”
  301. >You chuckle as you rub the back of your head.
  302. “Oh, she has? Wouldn't have thought...”
  303. >“Mom, are you embarrassing the latest strange guy at the door again?” You hear Sweetie ask from the Peanut Gallery.
  304. >“He's not a 'strange guy,' honey,” the mother replies. “He's a guest who's always welcome to stop by.”
  305. >“Until big sis is done with him,” Sweetie says in her sing-song voice.
  306. >Her mother waves her off. “Pay her no mind, darling. Come on in. Rarity's upstairs.”
  307. “Thank you,” you reply, nodding.
  308. >Now you see where Rarity gets her choice of words from...
  309. >Speaking of whom, she was waiting with her latest creation in-hand.
  310. >This time it's a reddish suit with a black trim. On said trim was a multitude of white musical notes.
  311. >When she brings out a guitar she borrowed from a friend of Twilight Sparkle's, you finally understand the motif.
  312. >Her modern take on a Bard.
  313. >She did say she was doing her take on Monsters and Mazes classes.
  314. >But she's also basing them off of the characters your playgroup has been portraying.
  315. >You put on the outfit and do your fair share of poses for the camera.
  316. >This included one inspired by 'El Kabong,' where you appear ready to swing the guitar like a blunt instrument.
  317. >Turns out that one is her favorite pose of the bunch.
  318. >“Thank you again, darling,” Rarity says to you afterward. “I'll let you know when the next one's ready to go...”
  320. ------------
  322. >By Sunday, the next call comes in.
  323. >Your trips to Rarity's are becoming so routine by this point that you have the directions memorized.
  324. >She's the one to greet you this time, and you see someone else is already here.
  325. >Another classmate of hers, this one with blond hair striped with red highlights, wearing a black leather jacket.
  326. >“Anon, this is Sunset. She's been helping out with this latest creation of mine.”
  327. “Nice to meet you,” you say, extending a hand.
  328. >Sunset takes it and grasps tightly. “Likewise,” she replies.
  329. >“Hang on, darling. We're going to do the photos outside this time, so let me get everything!”
  330. >As Rarity heads upstairs, Sunset finally lets go of your hand.
  331. >“Word has been going around about you.” She says.
  332. “Uh...a good word, I hope?”
  333. >Sunset grins. “From what I've heard and seen, you're really bringing out the best in her.”
  334. “I don't know about that,” you say sheepishly. “I haven't known her that long to really say if I agree.”
  335. >“Neither have I,” Sunset replies, “but she's been known to make impressions on people. I've seen her in moods like this before, but what she's doing now with the ideas you've helped her with is making a really big mark.”
  336. >You mentally breathe a sigh of relief.
  337. >“Just keep doing what you're doing, Anon. Could be the start of something big, I'd say...”
  338. >Before any other comments could be made, Rarity comes down with a costume you did not expect.
  339. >A black suit with red shirt and trim.
  340. “The 'Wicked Sorcerer,' I presume?” You ask.
  341. >“How astute of you, darling,” Rarity replies. “I wanted this to be as modernly authentic as possible, so that's why Sunset's here to help.”
  342. >“I'll be honest,” Sunset tells her, “I was surprised when you asked me for input on this one, given what...I've been through...but I think it'll turn out well. Depends on how Anon wears it, I guess.”
  343. >You're not quite sure what she's talking about, but you roll with it.
  345. >Rarity pulls out a blood-red visor and what looks like a golden amulet attached to a red ribbon.
  346. >“Your props,” she says.
  347. >Your vision is certainly obscured by the visor, while the amulet in your hands kinda helps you understand what the Maze Moderator must feel like when he's in character.
  348. >After you've put everything on, you're led outside to the spacious backyard, and even with the visor you can tell the sun is coming down.
  349. >There are several marble pillars lining the courtyard, and roses have been placed around two of them.
  350. >Perhaps Rarity wants to take advantage of the natural light and her modern spin on ancient obelisks.
  351. >She has you assume a variety of poses for the camera - from reserved, to menacing, to outright insane.
  352. >Every so often you let out a devious, bellowing laugh similar to what the Moderator would use.
  353. >This garners giggles from the girls, although Sunset's seem a bit uneasy.
  354. >Once the photo shoot is over, Sunset heads out, wishing 'good luck' to the both of you.
  355. >Rarity's waiting for you by the door after you've changed back to normal clothing.
  356. >“Not much left to go, darling...” She says.
  357. “Working towards that big finale, looks like,” you reply.
  358. >“And I'm saving the best for last!” Rarity exclaims, following up with her usual hug and cheek peck. “See you tomorrow, as always!”
  359. >'Another day, another 'masterpiece' in the books,' you think to yourself.
  360. >With each passing day, you're drawing ever closer to one of many possible conclusions.
  361. >Which one will prove to be true has yet to be revealed...
  363. ------------
  365. >The school week seems to go by at an absolute crawl.
  366. >It's the typical period during the year where nothing really significant is going on in terms of work...
  367. >...but everyone is still expected to do said work or risk falling behind in terms of grades.
  368. >While it's kind of mundane, you barely seem to notice.
  369. >Your mind is focused on what has been going on as of late.
  370. >You have yet to receive a call from Rarity about the final outfit.
  371. >And there really hasn't been much time during school or between classes to talk to her about it.
  372. >You can't tell if the problem is the current circumstances of school...
  373. >...or if Rarity is actively avoiding you until the final outfit is ready.
  374. >This is not helped by the fact that she's been leaving school as soon as the last bell rings without saying a word to anyone.
  375. >It honestly worries you.
  376. >The words of Applejack, Rainbow and Sunset have certainly been comforting...
  377. >...but there is a part of you that is still focused on Sweetie's words.
  378. >Rarity's been extremely generous with the time she's spent with you, project-related or otherwise.
  379. >But what if, deep down, she's truly stringing you along until cutting that last string?
  380. >It's agonizing, and by mid-week you're not sure how much more you can take.
  381. >In other instances, you'd be calling her yourself to see what's going on.
  382. >However, you don't want to come off as prude and annoying to her, especially at this point.
  383. >The last thing you want is for things to end on a sour note because of a comment you made...
  385. >Friday comes around, and the day seems to follow the other days of this week.
  386. >No interaction from Rarity, and no chance to advance the conversation yourself.
  387. >Before the last class of the day, however, you finally receive a text from her.
  388. >'Can you meet me at Sugarcube Corner after school?'
  389. >You've heard of the place, but you've never been there yourself.
  390. >'Something wrong?' You text back.
  391. >'No. The last outfit is done, but I also wanted to clear a few things up.'
  392. >Uh oh...
  393. >'Some of my other friends will be there, so keep that in mind.'
  394. >Be on your best behavior, you assume she means.
  395. >'You don't have to worry about that. I'll be there as soon as I can.'
  396. >'Thank you, darling. See you there.'
  397. >This comes in a few moments before class begins.
  398. >You frantically put your phone away before you get in trouble with the teacher.
  399. >It isn't much, but you at least have some communication after a brief blackout.
  400. >Still, you're unsure what she meant by her earlier words.
  401. >Whatever they mean, this could be either the end...
  402. >...or the beginning?
  403. >This plagues your mind throughout the class period, and even as you leave for the day.
  404. >You stop at home first to drop off a few things.
  405. >Afterward, you find the directions for Sugarcube Corner and make your way over there as quick as you can.
  407. >As soon as you arrive there, you are greeted, rather, BOMBARDED, by a blur of pink.
  409. >”GAH!”
  410. >You shout as you jump nearly three feet in the air, falling on your behind.
  411. >You look up and see a pink-haired girl wearing a blue waitress outfit.
  412. >She has what you could only describe as a crazed look in her eyes and a smile the size of Ewe-tah on her face.
  413. >She grabs your hand and starts shaking it really fast.
  415. >She finally lets go and stops talking to take a few breaths, which gives you the chance to finally compose yourself.
  416. “'re a friend of Rarity's?”
  417. >“Sure I am, silly! Didn't you hear me?”
  418. “When you were yelling at the top of your lungs at a million miles a second?”
  419. >“Sheesh, she was right! You've got a funny sense of humor. I can go MUCH faster than that!”
  420. >'Oh good lord...'
  421. >“Pinkie, you're going to give him a heart attack at this rate!”
  422. >Thank heavens Rarity comes over to 'rescue' you.
  423. >“Oh don't be a downer, Rares,” Pinkie pouts, “that's how I welcome EVERYBODY who become friends with my friends.”
  424. >Rarity helps you up. “You'll have to forgive her. She can get a little sugar-high, if you can't tell.”
  425. “A little?” You ask.
  426. >Pinkie rubs the back of head. “Yeah, sorry about that. I just started my shift and wanted to make a good impression.”
  427. >She made an impression, alright...
  428. >“Anyways, there's a table set up for Rares already, so why don't you head on over there. You want a drink or something?”
  429. “Just...water for now, please.”
  430. >“Okie Dokie Loki!” With that, Pinkie disappears into the back as quickly as she appeared.
  431. >“Come on, darling,” Rarity says, “before she remembers something she forgot to say to you...”
  433. >She leads you to one of the far corners of the place.
  434. >You reach a table where two other girls were already sitting.
  435. >One was pink-haired also, but a much lighter shade.
  436. >The other has purple locks with pink highlights. A pair of glasses with thick black frames was over her eyes.
  437. >“Girls,” Rarity begins, “this is Anon. He's been helping me out these past few weeks.”
  438. >You give a little wave.
  439. >“Twilight, Twilight Sparkle,” the purple-haired girl says.
  440. >“I'm...Fluttershy,” the other says softly and meekly.
  441. “Good to meet you both,” you reply.
  442. > “And it's nice to finally put a face to a name,” Twilight says. “Rarity's been going almost non-stop talking about you.”
  443. “So I've heard from many others,” you reply, sitting at the table opposite of the other girls.
  444. >Rarity has you scoot over so she can share the booth space with you.
  445. >“You have no idea, darling,” she tells you. “Without you, none of this would be happening.”
  446. >“I've...seen all the pictures she's been taking of you,” Fluttershy says. “It looks like you're both having a lot of fun...”
  447. >“Same here,” Twilight adds. “The posing you do all seems natural for you. How do you do it?”
  448. “Well, it helps if you're familiar with the source material.”
  449. >“You mean Monsters and Mazes?” Twilight asks.
  450. “Yeah, actually...”
  451. >“I love that game! I have friends at another school that I'll play with from time to time.”
  452. >“My brother has a playgroup, himself,” Fluttershy adds, “and he has so many different models painted up in his room.”
  453. >“This is one reason why I invited you here,” Rarity says. “Once I found out how widespread this game is, I couldn't help but dive a little deeper into it with my friends.”
  454. >You're flattered by all this.
  455. “Well...I'm glad you're willing to learn more about it. You're always welcome to watch and play if you really want to.”
  456. >Rarity smiles. “You know, I might take you up on that offer.”
  458. >Pinkie eventually shows up with the water you requested, as well as a tray of cupcakes.
  459. >“Hope you enjoy!” She says, zipping along to greet and assist other patrons.
  460. >You dig in, and you find these are quite delicious.
  461. >You try to limit yourself to just one, though. You have dinner at home to think about, also.
  462. >All the while Rarity talks to the other girls about a variety of things.
  463. >You chime in from time to time with anything you either know about or you mind relevant.
  464. >Once everyone's had their fill, you decide it's a good time as any to bring up a certain topic...
  465. “Hey, you said you wanted to clear a few things up while I was here. What did you mean by that?”
  466. >Rarity wipes her lips with a napkin. “Well, I have a proposal for you.”
  467. >Twilight and Fluttershy pay close attention.
  468. >“You've been there for me every step of the way to make sure this project goes well...”
  469. >“And I was would you feel about being one of my mainstay modelers?”
  470. “You mean for other suits and what-not you put together in the future?”
  471. >“Yes, exactly! You've been pulling off every look I've created, and it'd be nice to have someone close I can rely on to continue doing so.”
  472. >“You'd be compensated handsomely, of course, if that's what you're worried about.”
  473. “No, that's not an issue,” you reply. “I just wasn't expecting a business proposal like this from you...”
  474. >“You don't need to give an answer right away, darling,” Rarity says. “Just throwing an idea out there like you yourself have been doing.”
  475. >You consider, while also noticing the expressions in the other girls' eyes.
  476. “Let me get back to you on that. Right now, don't you have one more outfit for me to try on?”
  477. >“Yes, of course! Are you ready?”
  478. >You nod, leave some cash on the table, and you say goodbyes to Twilight and Fluttershy.
  479. >You're sure you'll be seeing them regularly from this point on.
  480. >You and Rarity soon make your way back to her home for her final installment...
  482. ------------
  484. >When you get to Rarity's place, the two of you waste no time heading upstairs.
  485. >Of course, who else is coming down the steps but Sweetie Belle.
  486. >“Hope you're ready for you-know-what...” she whispers to you in her sing-song snobby voice.
  487. >You come close to blurting something out in response, but you somehow manage to keep quiet.
  488. “It's all in your head, it's all in your head...” you mutter to yourself.
  489. >“Something the matter?” Rarity asks.
  490. “Nothing...” you state.
  491. >Rarity has a questioning look in her eyes, but doesn't take things further.
  492. >You reach her bedroom, and on display is the final outfit.
  493. >It's a shiny blue suit with a trench coat look, all trimmed in black.
  494. >Alongside is a long black staff, tipped with a blue glass ball of sorts.
  495. “Wow...” you say in wonder.
  496. >“This is your character, right?” Rarity asks. “The brave wizard who unites the rest of the Party against the wicked sorcerer?”
  497. “That's pretty much it,” you reply as you look the outfit over. “I can see why this took longer than the rest. You put a lot of work into this one...”
  498. >“I did say I was saving the best for last, and I wanted to make sure it was perfect for you.”
  499. “Well, I think you knocked this one out of the park. Let's find out...”
  500. >You change into it, and once you return you take the 'magic staff' in hand, ready for the camera.
  501. >You twirl is around a few times, followed by some swings and jabs, as if you're casting your magic.
  502. >Rarity shoots away, getting as many angles as she can so she can choose the best one possible.
  504. >At last, she feels there is enough to work with.
  505. >“Once I pick out a good photo for this, all there's left is to send them all in and hope for the best.”
  506. “With plenty of time to spare,” you reply. “I'm glad this all worked out for you.”
  507. >“I have you to thank, though,” Rarity replies. “I couldn't have done any of this without you.”
  508. “It wasn't much...I'd do it all over again if I had to...”
  509. >There's a long, awkward silence as you both try to find what to say next.
  510. “So...what happens now? Do we just go about things as we always have?”
  511. >“You...don't want to work more with me?” Rarity asked softly.
  512. “I haven't said no, Rares,” you reply, too late to stop the Freudian Slip of one of her nicknames.
  513. “With everything that's been going on these past few weeks, I've had a lot to think about...”
  514. >Rarity looks on with a sad look in her eyes.
  515. >“I have, too. I...need to be...honest with you, Anon...I haven't been in a situation like this in a very long time...”
  516. “What kind of situation?” You ask.
  517. >“One where a boy has come into my life showing what looks like interest in what I do...”
  518. “...and each of those times it went down a bad road...”
  519. >Rarity nods, keeping her head down.
  520. >“Are you going to be like the others? Feign affection just to...get with me?”
  521. >Although her head is lowered, you can see tears forming in her eyes.
  522. >You feel your body temperature dropping ever so slightly.
  523. >You realize this is the 'make it or break it' moment.
  525. >Instinctively, you walk to Rarity and softly put your hands on her shoulders.
  526. “I would never do such a thing. I've enjoyed every minute of this as you have...”
  527. “And not just this...ALL of the time I've spent with you has been amazing.”
  528. >“You...don't really mean that...” Rarity mutters.
  529. >You use one hand to gently raise her head, and the other to wipe the tears from her eyes.
  530. “You're smart enough to know that's not true, and so do the rest of your friends.”
  531. >“So...what is it that you want?” Rarity asks.
  532. “I want to keep being there for you...for this to more than just a professional business relationship...”
  533. “...I want us both to be happy with each matter how we spend our time together...”
  534. “...and no matter how long we're together...”
  535. >The tears resume streaming down.
  536. >She wraps her arms around you in a hug, burying her face in your chest as she cries her eyes out.
  537. >You ease yourselves down slowly until you're both sitting on the rug.
  538. >You stroke her hair as you stay like this for a few minutes.
  539. >Rarity finally breaks the silence as she looks up at you.
  540. >“Do you long I've been waiting to hear that from you?”
  541. “An eternity?” You answer.
  542. >“No...much longer than that,” she says, bringing her lips to yours.
  544. >It's a magical feeling, like sparks erupting in your brain.
  545. >You're not sure what shocks you more - the kiss itself, or the fact that Rarity initiated it.
  546. >All of the doubts you've had up to now melt away as you return the loving embrace.
  547. >You both eventually have to 'come up for air' as your lips separate.
  548. >“Wonderful...” Rarity says in her bliss, “simply wonderful...”
  549. “Never knew you had it in you,” you reply, equally in awe.
  550. >“There's a lot more I have in me...if you're willing to discover it all...”
  551. >You chuckle as you help her back to her feet.
  552. >“At whatever pace you'd like. I'm thankful for you giving me the chance.”
  553. >“Why don't we take it one step at a time, darling,” Rarity replies. “I'm not one to jump into anything too quickly, after all...”
  554. “Unless of course it involves your crafting skills,” you say jokingly.
  555. >She giggles, until she sees something horrible to her eyes.
  556. >“Oh dear, I ruined your suit with all of my blubbering!”
  557. >You look down and see multiple stains in your outfit's shirt as a result of Rarity's tears.
  558. “Nothing a little dry cleaning can't cure, right? And at least this happened after the shoot...”
  559. >She begins to laugh, which you join in on. She knows you're right.
  560. “So...what do you have going on this weekend?”
  561. >“Nothing important...plenty of time to spend doing whatever you'd like...”
  562. “I'll check the movie listings...I'm sure there's something for us both to enjoy.”
  563. >“I'd like that. Some time tomorrow, perhaps?”
  564. “It's a date...officially, this time,” you say with a grin.
  565. >You give each other one more kiss before you go to change out of the final outfit.
  567. >Rarity tells you she has some cleanup to do, so she waves to you as you make your way out.
  568. >Each stair you step down seems to make your feet feel lighter and lighter.
  569. >It's almost a guarantee that Rarity will be telling all of her friends about this before the night is out...
  570. >...and you're also sure they will all approve of how things have progressed.
  571. >You plan to take it slow, like she wants.
  572. >Whatever makes her happy, will certainly make you happy as well.
  573. >You're about to reach the front door when you hear footsteps behind you.
  574. >You turn to see Sweetie Belle with her hands on her hips and a smug look on her face.
  575. >“I could hear the crying from down here,” she says. “I told you so...”
  576. >You smile as you open the door.
  577. “Think again, you little shit,” you say bluntly.
  578. >Sweetie's expression turns to pure rage as you close the door behind you.
  579. >Right now, nothing's going to come in the way between you, Rarity, and the blossoming of a beautiful relationship...
  580. >...especially not a jealous little sister...
  582. ------------
  584. >Two months later, you get word from Rarity about the competition she entered.
  585. >The fashion magazine holding it released their issue with the winners.
  586. >Why it took this long to come to a decision was beyond you, but oh well.
  587. >Rarity hasn't looked inside yet, wanting you and her friends to see them together with her.
  588. >At school the next day you join her and the rest of her group at lunch.
  589. >“Alright, everyone,” Rarity announces, “it's time to see the results.”
  590. >She opens the magazine to where they start.
  591. >Looks like it's a 'Top Ten' list, with each passing pair of pages showing the best entries.
  592. >On the first page for the article, it says those with the top three entries would be contacted a week after this issue's release.
  593. >Their costumes would be reproduced and featured at an upcoming Paris runway show for the biggest names in the fashion industry.
  594. >You see plenty of variety here in terms of ideas, but you feel these don't come close to what you and Rarity put together.
  595. >When the next page is turned, there is a collective squeal from all of the girls that gets the attention of everyone in the lunch room.
  596. >Rarity's costumes are listed at #2.
  597. >“Oh my god oh my god oh my god!” She screams with delight. “We made it, darling! We made it!”
  598. >You hug her tightly as she gives you a big kiss.
  599. “I knew you could do it,” you reply. “No doubt in my mind.”
  600. >“Wow...” Twilight says in wonder. “These came out really well, Rarity. Guess the people throwing this contest thought so, too.”
  601. >“But, if these are number two,” Applejack asks, “what came at number one?”
  602. >Rarity turns the page, and everyone's eyes widened as you gasp.
  604. “What...the...hell...” you growl.
  605. >They can't be serious...” Sunset groans.
  606. >“Oh my...” Fluttershy says meekly.
  607. >“Hubba hubba,” Pinkie exclaims.
  608. >“You gotta be kidding me...” Rainbow says, dumbfounded.
  609. >“Who in their right minds would they pick THESE as the winners?” Rarity yells.
  610. >It was five twenty-something male models wearing nothing but boxers and briefs, each with a different pattern on them.
  611. >“This is why I'll never understand fashion trends...” Applejack mutters.
  612. >“Such a waste,” Twilight says, disappointed.
  613. >Rarity looks ready to rip the magazine to pieces, but you try to stop her before she does.
  614. “Now now, let's not get drastic,” you say, attempting to be the voice of reason. “Didn't it say the top three entries get their designs showcased at that big show?”
  615. >“Yeah,” Fluttershy says. “That's gotta be huge for you, Rarity. You're getting your name out there.”
  616. >“And those fashion bigwigs should surely see the effort you put in compared to THIS person,” Twilight adds.
  617. >Rarity calms down a little. “You know, you're right. This could be the first step towards something even bigger!”
  618. “We'll be with you every step of the way,” you reply, netting you a snuggle from Rarity.
  619. >The other girls nod in both agreement and approval.
  620. >You spend the rest of the time taking closer looks at the other entries, with Rarity possibly gaining extra inspiration for future outfits.
  621. >Looks like a lot more good came out of this experience.
  622. >Perhaps even more as time goes on...
  624. >The next six months or so are a wonderful experience for both you and Rarity.
  625. >A lot happens during this period, and you've both enjoyed every minute of it, becoming ever closer as you bonded.
  626. >You formally introduced yourselves to each others families during your second month of dating.
  627. >Your parents are surprised when they find out who you were seeing, but they give their approval and support no matter what may happen.
  628. >Rarity's mother had an inkling your relationship would blossom like this, while her father gives you the stereotypical 'rules of dating my daughter' speech.
  629. >Sweetie Belle eventually came around and started being less obnoxious to you.
  630. >It didn't stop her from being a little gremlin in your eyes, but it was at least a start...
  631. >You and Rarity seemed to form an agreement as far as how your time is spent with each other, taking turns in doing things the other preferred to do.
  632. >Sometimes you would model new outfits she put together, each more sharp than the last.
  633. >Other times you take her to see the latest blockbuster, or watch a classic curled up together on the couch at night.
  634. >Sometimes she'd take you shopping, either for new clothes or supplies to make them.
  635. >Other times you visit the bowling lanes or arcade, each attempting to best your top scores.
  636. >You've managed to develop friendships with the other girls, including Pinkie, who promised to tone things down with you.
  637. >You regularly message both Applejack and Rainbow Dash, keeping tabs on how things are going between you and Rarity.
  638. >As for your Monsters and Mazes friends, they were shocked to learn of your dating the 'outsider girl.'
  639. >A few of them ask you privately if you have 'done it' yet, but you aren't about to 'kiss and tell' to indulge their own fantasies.
  640. >Besides, you were sure she wasn't ready for that sort of thing yet at this stage of your relationship.
  641. >At least, that's what you thought...
  643. ------------
  645. >Another typical Saturday night...
  646. >...or it would have been, had you not received a text from Rarity.
  647. >At this point you'd be getting a normal call from her to see how you were doing or what you were up to.
  648. >Curious, you take a look at it.
  649. >'Anon, are you available?'
  650. >'Yeah, I am. What's up?'
  651. >'Just needed help with something. Can you come over?'
  652. >Boy, does this bring back memories.
  653. >You wonder what kind of project she's gotten involved with this time around.
  654. >You make your usual 20-minute trek to Rarity's place, expecting the usual from her.
  655. >A minute or so after knocking on the door, she opens the door to meet you.
  656. >“Hello darling!” She says, greeting you with a kiss.
  657. >You notice she's wearing a fluffy blue robe.
  658. “Nice to see you, too,” you reply.
  659. >Rarity giggles. “Come in, we have much to take care of tonight...”
  660. >As you head upstairs, you're surprised not to hear anything else going on in the house.
  661. “Is no one else home right now?” You ask.
  662. >“My parents dropped Sweetie off for one of her sleepovers, and they said they were going someplace fancy for dinner. They won't be home until late.”
  663. “Fair enough. At least we don't have to worry about Sweetie being herself around us.”
  664. >“There are times when I agree with that,” Rarity replies, looking back to you with a wink, “especially a night like this...”
  666. >You reach Rarity's bedroom, and she has you close the door behind you.
  667. >Strangely you don't see any new costumes out in the open.
  668. “So what are you working on this time?”
  669. >“Oh, this isn't for a project,” Rarity replies. “I need your help getting some measurements.”
  670. >She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her measuring ribbon, which she hands to you.
  671. “Okay...that certainly sounds like something you could have anyone do...”
  672. >Rarity smiles in a coy way. “Normally, yes...but I have something special in mind...”
  673. >She undoes the knot in her robe's tie strings, then slowly removes the robe itself.
  674. >As it falls to the floor, you're breath is nearly taken away at the sight before you.
  675. >Rarity has on a very lacy bra and panties, the same color as her hair. What's more...
  676. “Hey, I remember those...”
  677. >A week ago, during one of Rarity's clothing stops, she had grabbed two sets of undergarments and asked you which would look better on her.
  678. >Now you can see why...
  679. >“ does it look?”
  680. >Playing along, you rub your chin as if you're deep in thought.
  681. “The color matching to the model's hair is spot-on, and the choice in material is exquisite...”
  682. >Rarity chuckles. “Go on...”
  683. “The way the piece hugs her body and puts focus on her features further elevates her overall elegance and beauty ...”
  684. >“Oh, you're such a flatterer,” Rarity says, gesturing you to move closer. “Now come, let's begin...”
  685. >You're more than happy to oblige.
  687. >You extend the measuring ribbon as Rarity turns around.
  688. >You go through the motions, getting as accurate of numbers as you can.
  689. >You start by carefully wrapping the ribbon around her neck.
  690. >At the same time you get a whiff of the shampoo she must have used earlier.
  691. >A nice lavender scent, you believe.
  692. >You then have her stretch her arms out so you can measure them next, followed by her wrists.
  693. “Is it customary for you to have yourself measured while you're near-naked?” You ask jokingly.
  694. >“If the situation calls for it,” Rarity replies. “You're doing good so far...”
  695. >You gulp, as now it was time for the bust.
  696. > “You know...we can get a more accurate reading if we were to...take this off...”
  697. >You freeze for a moment.
  698. “ sure about that?” You ask nervously.
  699. >“It's alright, darling. I trust you...”
  700. >Another gulp, followed by a stretching of your shirt's collar.
  701. >Given you have her permission, there's no sense in wasting it...
  702. >With that, you unhook her bra, and she removes the article.
  703. >Your hands are shaking a little as you bring the ribbon around her bust.
  704. >You slightly tighten it for the measurement itself, which brings forth a satisfied sigh from Rarity.
  705. >You draw a line down her bare back with your finger, and she laughs at the touch.
  706. >Not wasting any more time, you get a reading for her waist.
  707. >You kneel down so you can follow up with her hips, then her thighs and legs.
  708. >“I trust you like what you see?” Rarity asks.
  709. “Very much so,” you reply...
  710. >...especially given your head is practically next to her toned behind...
  711. >But that doesn't stop you from finishing the task Rarity gave you.
  713. “Well, that should do it...” You say as you stand up, ready to roll up the ribbon. “Is there anything else you need-”
  714. >Rarity turns back around to face you, providing you with a full view of her chest.
  715. >You feel yourself turning red at the sight.
  716. >“We're not done yet, Anon,” she replies, pressing her ample breasts against your torso.
  717. >'Oh lord...' You think to yourself.
  718. >“There are other measurements we need to take...” she says, taking the ribbon from your hands.
  719. >She takes one of your hands and leads you to her bed.
  720. >She then reaches down, undoing the buckle of your belt.
  721. “Whoa, what are you doing?”
  722. >“Relax, darling,” Rarity states. “Do you remember what I told you after you agreed to help me with that contest?”
  723. “...that you would make it worth my while...”
  724. >She nods. “And how long have we been seeing each other without anything crazy happening?”
  725. “Well, that depends on if you count us knowing each other, or just when we started dating...”
  726. >Rarity sighs. “Regardless. You've been so patient with me all this time, and I thought it would be nice if we took the next step in our relationship.”
  727. >Now you're putting two and two together.
  728. >You can see why she was waiting until no one else was home...
  729. “You're sure you're ready to take things in that direction?”
  730. >“...yes, I believe I'm long as you're willing to have have me...”
  731. >You bring her in for a hug, feeling the warmth of her body against yours.
  732. “As long as you're sure...I'll be happy to take that step right along with you...”
  733. >Rarity sighs in content. “Then perhaps we should get started...”
  735. >As she gives you a deep kiss, Rarity goes back to what she was doing before.
  736. >She struggles a little with the oral distractions, but she finally manages to undo the tight button on your jeans.
  737. >She brings them down, then puts her hands on your shoulders in her usual delicate way.
  738. >She turns you and has you sit on the bed, while she kneels down in front of you.
  739. >“Now then...let's see what we have here...”
  740. >Rarity carefully opens the flap on your boxers, exposing your member to the open air.
  741. >“Hm ...not there yet, it seems. We need to work on that...”
  742. >She proceeds to plant several kisses around the tip, while also tracing a nail or two.
  743. “Holy...this feels nice...”
  744. >Your arousal is slowly rising, as is your heart rate, and the extra blood pumping works its magic.
  745. >Before long, Anon Jr. has fully risen to the occasion.
  746. “Better?” You ask sheepishly.
  747. >“Very much so,” Rarity replies.
  748. >Continuing with her little game, she uses the measuring ribbon to get numbers on your total length as well as the thickness.
  749. >“Certainly above-average...I wonder if...”
  750. “So how do I...measure up?” You ask.
  751. >“It's not just the size, Anon,” Rarity replies. “Duration is also important.”
  752. “What do mean by-”
  754. >You don't even get to finish your question before Rarity has her lips around your member.
  755. “ god, you're quick,” you exclaim.
  756. >She gives a muffled giggle as she starts slowly bobbing her head back and forth.
  757. >Occasionally you can feel her tongue moving around, adding to the overall pleasure.
  758. >This continues for a minute or two, and she begins to pick up the pace.
  759. >You make no move to either encourage or debilitate her work, allowing her to take the lead here.
  760. >Before long, a few internal connections are made, and you're feeling a certain something on the rise.
  761. “Rares...I'm...getting close...” you utter.
  762. >Rarity gets the message, and she changes tactics.
  763. >She disengages from her lip service and brings her breasts into the equation, wrapping them around your shaft.
  764. >She wastes no time rubbing it up and down, matching her pace from before.
  765. >Her breasts are truly a level of softness you couldn't possible imagine, and soon it's too much.
  766. >You give a loud gasp as you ejaculate, your seed squirting out in multiple bursts.
  767. >Rarity's nose, cheeks, and chest see the effects of your orgasm.
  768. >“My, oh my, didn't that work wonders...” she proclaims.
  769. >She picks up a rag laying nearby to wipe herself off as you take the time to cool down.
  770. “Hope that wasn't too much...” you say. “Never had something like this done before...”
  771. >“It's quite alright, darling. Just about what I expected, so you don't have to worry.”
  772. “Do you want me to...return the favor?” You ask.
  773. >”No need,” Rarity replied, turning her back to you as she bends over. “You're the focus tonight...”
  774. >She proceeds to pull her panties down, making sure to give you a complete and glorious close-up view of what she has to offer.
  775. "Marvelous..." you say in your awe.
  777. >Rarity chuckles. “Time for you to move on up, if you please...”
  778. >You back yourself until you're at the bed's head.
  779. > “Now...close your eyes, and think in your head what I'm about to say...”
  780. >You nod, complying with her request.
  781. >“Think back to your Monsters and Mazes games, if you would...”
  782. >“You're on another expedition with your Party, and you've just defeated the Monster at the end...”
  783. >“Soon after, you find a beautiful princess encased in a large crystal...”
  784. >“Using your magic, you are able to free her from this dreadful prison...”
  785. >“She thanks you all, telling you she was sealed away by an evil wizard for refusing to be his bride...”
  786. >“She asks you to guide her back to her kingdom, where her royal family is worried sick about her...”
  787. >You sense extra weight being added to the bed.
  788. >“Throughout the many trials and tribulations of the long journey, the princess slowly bonds with you, and soon she has fallen in love...”
  789. >The weight continues to shift ever closer to you.
  790. >“Soon you are one night away from returning her home, and she has time alone with you...”
  791. >“ your eyes...”
  792. >You open them, and see that Rarity is almost on top of you. You feel your member harden again.
  793. >“My dearest,” she says in a pseudo-dramatic way, “our time together is fleeting, and we may never see each other again after this...”
  794. >You grin, deciding to play along.
  795. “It may have been brief, but it has felt like an eternity to me. You have meant more to me than all the knowledge or wealth I could ever hope to accumulate...”
  796. >“Your words touch my heart even more than your deeds. I am truly blessed to have met you...”
  797. “And I you. If only there was more I could do to make further difference in your life...”
  798. >“If you wish it, please allow me to provide a token of my appreciation for everything you've done...”
  799. >You can clearly see where this is going.
  800. “...if her highness wills it...then let it be so...”
  802. >Rarity sees this as her cue.
  803. >She maneuvers herself in a way so your 'magic staff' is just outside her 'secret passage.'
  804. >Down below you can feel a particular wetness from her.
  805. “Been enjoying yourself a little too much through all this, haven't you?”
  806. >Rarity hums as she grinds on you a little. “Can't let you have all the fun, can we?”
  807. “Well, you did say I was the focus tonight...”
  808. >She gives a gasp of fake shock. “Now now, you behave yourself, or this is as far as we go.”
  809. “Yes, your highness...” You sigh.
  810. >“There, that's better. I believe I'm ready to do this if you are.”
  811. You nod. “I'm yours for the taking...or would it be the other way around...”
  812. >“Believe whatever helps you sleep tonight...” Rarity says, raising herself up a bit.
  813. > “My darling...the time has at last come for some real magic to happen...”
  814. >With that, she lowers herself onto your shaft.
  815. >She moans at the initial contact, while you draw a breath of your own.
  816. >It doesn't take long for her to find a good rhythm as she moves up and down.
  817. >Your breathing slowly becomes synchronized with hers as you take each others' hands, lacing the fingers together.
  818. >“ I far?” Rarity asks between breaths.
  819. “Amazing...keep it up...”
  820. >She complies as she maintains her pace.
  821. >Not long after, she's shutting her eyes, her breathing getting heavier.
  822. >Suddenly she lurches backwards, perhaps having lost most of her strength.
  823. >Luckily you're there to catch her before she collapses and falls
  824. >You wrap your arms around her protectively as you take a pause from the action..
  826. > “Sorry, darling...I guess...this is more exhausting...than I thought it would be...”
  827. “Don't overexert yourself,” you say, giving her kisses on her cheek and forehead. “The last thing I want is for either of us getting hurt for no reason.”
  828. > “But...I want be special for you...”
  829. “Let's make it special for the both of us. How about we try something else here...”
  830. >Rarity bows her head as you change positions, your respective 'hoods' still connected.
  831. >You sit up more with your legs bowed, while she's practically in your lap, so to speak.
  832. >You now have your hands under her thighs, while she has hers on your shoulders.
  833. “Ready to start again?”
  834. >When Rarity nods a yes, you're able to raise her up a bit along your shaft, letting her drop back down the length freely.
  835. >“Gracious me!”
  836. >It must have gone a bit deeper than before to get a reaction like that.
  837. “You okay?” You ask, stopping what you're doing.
  838. >Rarity takes a second to respond.
  839. >“I'm alright...” Rarity says softly. “But gentle...”
  840. “As you command, your highness...”
  841. >You repeat the same action many times over, matching the pace Rarity had set earlier.
  842. >She's finding it much easier now, and you hear a mix of moans and coos as you continue on.
  843. >She eventually wraps her arms around your neck, looking into your eyes with a certain tenderness.
  844. >“That's the way...more...yes...keep going...please...more...”
  845. >You pick up the pace, but not to the point where it seems too quick.
  846. >She is clearly as into it now as you are, bringing you in for another long and deep kiss.
  847. >Her tongue requests access into your mouth, which you grant, and your tongue joins in a dance with hers all the while.
  849. >Soon, you feel a familiar connection building up again.
  850. >“Are you...getting I am?” Rarity asks between breaths.
  851. “Nearly...” You reply. “Gotta...remember to-”
  852. >She puts a finger to your lips. “No...leave it's day...for me...”
  853. “You're sure?” You ask, wanting to be absolutely certain.
  854. >“It's alright...I made sure...before planning this...”
  855. >You lower your head as you shut your eyes, sighing in astonishment.
  856. “By your command....”
  857. >Your pace quickens further, and she's able to match your breathing once again.
  858. > “Oh god...oh god...Anon...I love you so much...”
  859. “Love you too...with heart...”
  860. >Tears well up for the both of you as the big moment draws near.
  861. >You're both at the breaking point.
  862. “Almost...there...come on...almost...gonna-”
  863. >“Yes...yes...come with me!” Rarity nearly shouts as she drops onto you one more time.
  864. >You both yell out in your combined orgasm, and you feel your seed shooting into her.
  865. >The look on her face is that of pure bliss as she stares at the ceiling, her mouth agape.
  866. >It's a good thing her arms are around you, as she collapses once again.
  867. >This time, she does so on top of you, bringing you down with her.
  868. >Meanwhile, the bed sheets slowly become stained with the results of your handiwork.
  869. >It doesn't seem to matter to either of you right now., as you're each too caught up in the moment.
  871. >You finally pull out, and you keep her on top of you for a few minutes while you both recover.
  872. >“That was...wonderful...” She says, giving you another kiss.
  873. “I'm enjoyed it...”
  874. >“Indeed...however...there's...more to the story...”
  875. >You tilt your head a little, confused. Then you remember the little 'scenario' she had been brewing.
  876. >“The next morning, you all arrive in the kingdom, reuniting the princess with her parents, the King and Queen.”
  877. >“They are forever grateful for your group's heroics, and offer anything you desire as rewards.”
  878. >“You all refuse, preferring instead to carry on in your adventures.”
  879. >“The princess, having fallen in love with the dashing wizard, wishes to continue traveling with him.”
  880. >“The King and Queen at first object, but then learn of your travels and the experience she has gained.”
  881. >“With their blessing, the princess joins you in your quests going forward...”
  882. “Does this mean you plan on joining me in our games from time to time?”
  883. > “I might have fun,” Rarity replies. “That is...if your friends will let me in...”
  884. “I doubt it will take a lot more convincing. The Mod's starting to get soft...”
  885. >“And if they want, I can even rework all of the other outfits so they can wear them...”
  886. “I'm sure they'd like that a lot.”
  887. >Rarity rests her head on your chest. “You know, I never imagined things would end up this way...”
  888. “Are you glad about it?” You ask.
  889. >“As much as you, I hope.”
  890. “More than you'll ever know...” You reply as you bask in each others' warmth.
  891. >It might have been hard to believe that two hearts from different walks would unite like this...
  892. >...but as far as you're concerned, it couldn't possibly have happened any differently...
  893. >...for this is how Fate decided you two would...measure up for each other...
  895. FIN

Secret Santa (Anon x Fluttershy)

by MagnaAnon

Measuring Up (Anon x Rarity - Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Pinkie Promises (Anon x Pinkie Pie, EQG, Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Uncommon Ground (Anon x Rainbow Dash, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon

Study Buddies (Anon x Twilight, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon