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Pinkie Promises (Anon x Pinkie Pie, EQG, Complete)

By MagnaAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-26 02:31:06
Expiry: Never

  1. >Canterlot.
  2. >The name of the latest community you probably won't become familiar with.
  3. >You are Anon, and you hate life at the moment.
  4. >Your father's job involves a lot of traveling across the country, and the family unit is forced to go wherever said job sends him.
  5. >You're lucky to stay in one place for a year's time.
  6. >It's gut-wrenching for someone who's supposed to still be getting their high school education.
  7. >You're never in one place long enough to make any real attachments, especially friendships.
  8. >As a result, you've mostly been a loner, not associating closely with anyone you meet.
  9. >At this rate, it's for the best.
  10. >Who'd want to get to know someone who could possibly be moving to the next city soon, anyway?
  11. >This has been your attitude for the past three years or so, and it's not changing any time soon.
  12. >At least this time it's near the beginning of the school year.
  13. >Your mother drops you off early this morning at the request of the principal.
  14. >Whoever it is, they want to properly introduce you to some other students...
  15. >...ambassadors, you guess.
  16. >A lady with blue and purple hair meets you at the school's entrance, and she escorts you to the principal's office.
  17. >There, another woman whose hair is a multitude of cold colors sits behind a large desk decorated with various knick-knacks.
  18. >On one side are two girls, one with glasses, purple hair with pink streaks, the other with the poofiest pink hair you've ever seen.
  19. >These must be the 'ambassadors' eluded to.
  20. >The purple-haired girl gives off a kind, yet nervous smile; not surprising, given this first meeting.
  21. >The other girl, however, has an excited look, with bright blue eyes and a big smile on her face.
  22. >Something about her seems off, but you can't quite put your finger on it...
  24. >“Welcome to Canterlot High, Anonymous,” the older lady says. “Please, have a seat.”
  25. >She motions to the chair directly in front of the desk, which you take.
  26. >“I am the principal, Celestia. You've already met our vice principal, Ms. Luna , and you are our newest student, by my notes here.”
  27. You nod. “Yes, ma'am. For how long, I don't know, but I'll do my best while I'm here.”
  28. >Celestia lowers her head. “Yes, I'm familiar with your situation. We'll do everything we can to make you welcome.”
  29. >She motions to the two other girls.
  30. > “I'd like you to meet Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. I've asked them to serve as your guides as you start here.”
  31. >“We'll be here to answer any questions you may have,” Twilight states, “as well as give you the run-down of how things work here.”
  32. >“You're gonna LOVE it here!” Pinkie says excitedly. “It's always nice to meet new people!”
  33. “Okaaay...” you say, unsure of how to proceed. “Well, I guess it won't be too bad here to start-”
  34. >You train of thought is promptly cut off by Pinkie throwing her arms around your neck, giving you a big hug.
  35. >“AWESOME! I knew you'd agree!”
  36. >“Settle down, Pinkie,” Celestia requests. “There's no need to get overly excited.”
  37. >Pinkie lets go of you, giving a chuckle of embarrassment. “Sorry, Nonnie...”
  38. >'Nonnie?'
  39. >Twilight shakes her head. “I hope this doesn't end up like last time...” she mutters to herself.
  40. >It's still loud enough for you to hear, however.
  41. “Wait...what happened last time?” You ask.
  42. >“Ooh, you mean the other new guy we worked with before?” Pinkie questions.
  43. >“The one that you nearly gave a heart attack because of your over-enthusiasm,” Twilight replies. “Took almost a month of therapy for him to get over it...”
  44. >Your eyes widen, both in surprise and in fright.
  45. >If that was true, why would this girl have been picked to serve the same role again?
  47. >Celestia clearly sees your expression. “Uh...perhaps we should go over your classes, Anon? You girls are dismissed for now.”
  48. >Twilight gives you another wave, taking Pinkie's arm. “Come on, Pinkie. You heard her.”
  49. >“But we're just getting started!” She complains, as she's nearly dragged out of the office.
  50. >Luna closes the door behind them with a sigh. “This might not be a good idea,” she states.
  51. “No kidding,” you reply. “That Pinkie sounds like she'd send me to the psyche ward if I'm not careful.”
  52. >“She means well,” Celestia says, “and she acts like this with every new face she meets.”
  53. “How do I know I won't end up like that other guy, though?”
  54. >“When we asked her about this,” Luna replies, “we made her promise not to completely overboard. She can be a handful at times, but she's no-nonsense once she's committed to getting something done.”
  55. >“Please give her a chance, Anon,” Celestia pleads. “It'll mean the world to her if you let her be involved with this.”
  56. >You think about it for a moment.
  57. >She may be quite the pain to put up with, given that bubbly personality of hers.
  58. >But then again, there's no telling how long your stay here would last, so this may be over sooner rather than later...
  59. “Fine. We'll see where this goes.”
  60. >“Thank you,” Celestia says, pulling out some paperwork. “Now, this is a list of the classes we have available this semester.”
  61. >She hands the paperwork to you.
  62. >“Take your time. You don't have to set up your schedule until the end of today.”
  63. >You nod as you look over the list.
  64. >The ones up top seem to be mandatory, while there are various choices for the remaining two slots.
  65. >Band...Theater...Current Events...
  66. >Cooking?
  67. >This catches your eye.
  68. >You love baking, and this could be a good avenue to show your stuff and earn 'brownie points.'
  69. >Perhaps things might work out for you after all...
  71. >Within the next hour or so you've hammered out your schedule with Principal Celestia.
  72. >In addition to the five mandatory courses, you decide to go with Cooking and Art.
  73. >That last one is more of a throwaway filler, but that's besides the point.
  74. >Celestia recommends a certain order for the classes to be taken in.
  75. >This ensures you have as many classes as possible with either Twilight, Pinkie, or both.
  76. >Guess it's her way of ensuring they can keep a tab on how things are going for you.
  77. >The first period is just about over at this point, so you find your way to where your 'second' class is so you can get your first school day here started.
  78. >The next few periods go on in a similar way
  79. >You introduce yourself to the teacher and fellow students, and the class goes on as normal.
  80. >The classes themselves are monotonous so far, as you'd come to expect.
  81. >At the end of the fourth period, Twilight leads you to the cafeteria.
  82. >She offers you a spot at the table she and her friends sit at, but you tell her 'some other time.'
  83. >Again, no sense in making friendships if you won't be here long...
  84. >You have your tray filled with various items and find a corner table to eat in relative peace.
  85. >You take in the atmosphere, as well as eying the various groups of other students.
  86. >You see the typical jocks, the preppies, the nerds, the 'popular girls,' etc.
  87. >Nothing out of the ordinary, much like every other school you've been to.
  88. >You're able to single out the table Twilight and her friends are at.
  89. >They seem to be having a good time.
  90. >Lucky them...
  91. >If only you knew what that was like...
  92. >You shake your head as you pick at your food disinterestedly.
  93. >It's not long before your peace and quiet is interrupted...
  95. >“Nonnie, what are you doing over here all by yourself?”
  96. >You look up from your tray.
  97. >It's Pinkie again.
  98. “Trying to relax and eat. Why?”
  99. >“Don't you want to spend some time socializing with anyone?”
  100. “...if I did, wouldn't I have sat with other people?”
  101. >“Well aren't you a Mr. Grumpy-Pants. You're not going to make friends with an attitude like that.”
  102. “And who says I want to make any?”
  103. >Pinkie puts her hands on her hips, puffing out her cheeks.
  104. >“Nonnie, as one of your guides, I need to make sure you're doing okay. It's not healthy for the mind to always be alone.”
  105. “Look, I appreciate the effort, but it's too early for me to start trying to figure out who's a friend here...”
  106. >“It's never too early for that.. Come on, let's go over with Twilight and the others. We'd be a good starting point for you.”
  107. >You gotta hand it to her – she's persistent, if nothing else.
  108. “I take it you're not going to stop until I give in and say yes?”
  109. >Pinkie grins. “Pretty much. I'm not letting you off the hook that easily, mister.”
  110. >You sigh. Seems it's a losing battle for you no matter what you say.
  111. “Alright, alright, you win...for now...”
  112. >That last part is muttered under your breath, but Pinkie seems to have picked up on it.
  113. >“Aw, don't be like that. I promise, you'll find things much better when you're together with others.”
  114. >You pick up your tray and backpack.
  115. “If you say so. Lead the way, Ms. Ambassador.”
  116. >“Okie dokie Loki!” Pinkie exclaims.
  117. >She takes your free arm and brings you to her table, whether you like it or not...
  119. >You're greeted by everyone there, and formal introductions are given.
  120. >Applejack, the typical farm girl.
  121. >Fluttershy, whose name pretty much says it all...
  122. >Rainbow Dash, the overly competitive athlete of the group...
  123. >Rarity, the little diva who dabbles in fashions of all sorts...
  124. >Sunset Shimmer, the fiery redhead attempting to reinvent herself...
  125. >And there's Pinkie and Twilight, of course.
  126. >Almost reminds you of one of those dating shows on TV...
  127. >Either that, or an 'Alcoholics Anonymous' meeting...
  128. >“Ok, Nonnie, it's your turn,” Pinkie says.
  129. >You groan internally, but you relent.
  130. “I'm Anonymous...Anon, for short. I hate traveling, even though I do a lot of it...and I'm a bit of a wiz when it comes to desserts.
  131. >“Ooh, tasty,” Pinkie says. “I'm no slouch, myself.”
  132. >“So where'd you get your love for it?” Twilight asks.
  133. “My grandmother, mostly. She'd have me over all the time and always had a baked goodie or two ready and waiting. She taught me everything I know.”
  134. >“My gramma's a big baker herself,” Applejack replies. “She's always making pies for us.”
  135. “Mostly apple pies, I'm assuming,” you infer.
  136. >“That's her specialty, but she'll use just about any kind of fruit she can get her hands on.”
  137. >“I love her lemon meringue,” Pinkie adds. “Ooh, and her blueberry ones, her peach ones...”
  138. >“We get it, you love pies of all sorts,” Rainbow interrupts.
  139. >Pinkie chuckles. “Hey, I can't help it if I get carried away sometimes.”
  140. >“Sometimes?” Rarity asks. “Darling, that's pretty much all the time for you.”
  141. >This garners laughs from all the girls, while you come close to joining it.
  142. >You're finally loosening up a little, looks like...
  144. >Fluttershy notices this. “Hey, there goes that frown of yours...”
  145. >“Guess you're not as cold-hearted as you're making yourself out to be,” Sunset says.
  146. “Well, if you've had to go through what I've been through most of my life, I'm sure you can understand my reservations...”
  147. >Sunset grins. “Trust me, I understand...”
  148. >“Anyways,” Pinkie butts in, “how's about we all continue this at Sugarcube Corner after school? Lunch is almost over, anyhow.”
  149. “Sugarcube Corner?” You ask. “What the heck is that?”
  150. >“It's a local bakery we hang out at,” Twilight replies. “You're welcome to join us if you like.”
  151. “I'd love to, but I still need to help my parents unpack. We only got here a few days ago, and we're not fully moved in yet.”
  152. >“Rain check, then!” Pinkie exclaims. “Promise?”
  153. >She holds out one of her little fingers.
  154. >You're hesitant, but the bright look in her eyes is slowly winning you over.
  155. “Alright, promise.”
  156. >You link a pinkie with hers, and she simply beams at this..
  157. >The bell rings, and everyone leaves to continue with their days.
  158. >Two more classes pass with nothing really to write home about.
  159. >Finally, the last period of the day for you...
  160. >The cooking class.
  161. >'Took long enough,' you think to yourself.
  162. >You find the room where the class would be held.
  163. >Multiple stations are here, with ovens, microwaves, and other baking tools and gadgets strewn about for everyone to make use of.
  164. >At last, you feel like you're somewhere you belong...
  165. >Then you hear that voice...
  166. > “NONNIE! You're taking this class, too?”
  167. >'Oh no...'
  169. >Pinkie...yet again...
  170. >You just can't seem to avoid her, can you?
  171. >“I know you said you liked to bake, but I ddn't think you'd be doing it here at school too!”
  172. “Well...there weren't many good options for other classes, so...”
  173. >“Yeah, the choices for this grade level aren't the best. I guess it's a good thing I picked this one, since you're here, too.”
  174. “I'm...sure you'd have just as much fun if I wasn't here...”
  175. >“Don't be silly! You're my friend, and friends have more fun when they're with each other!”
  176. >You can hardly believe what you're hearing.
  177. “...friend?'ve barely known me for a day...”
  178. >“Time is relative, Nonnie! Anyone I meet can be a friend no matter how long I've known them.”
  179. “Wish I had that gift...but I'm hardly in one place for very long for any real connections to be made...”
  180. >“Have you ever tried?”
  181. “...can't really say I have. I've never thought it was worth the effort...”
  182. >“It's always worth it. Trust me, when you're able to really connect with someone, that kind of friendship can seem like it'll last for a lifetime!”
  183. “But...where would I even start?”
  184. >“ can start right here and now...with me, if you'd like.”
  185. >Your mind becomes conflicted with this offer of hers.
  186. >One side questions whose otherworldly design crafted this little scenario.
  187. >Meanwhile, the other side wonders what nice things you could both put together in this class.
  188. >In the meantime, another 'brain' down below asks 'what other kind of 'magic' we can-'
  189. 'No...stop it...'
  190. >'Please?'
  191. ' least not right now...'
  193. >Before you can give an answer, the bell rings, and the teacher comes into the room.
  194. >Today appears to be an introduction to the course, much like the rest of the classes.
  195. >They go over some of the things you'd be making over the next few weeks.
  196. >Time is also spent on the various pieces of equipment you'de be using, as well as safety protocols.
  197. >They're making it sound like you need to sign a waver in order to use an egg beater...
  198. >You'd have to be either really stupid or really careless to hurt yourself in this course...
  199. >Then again, looking at some of the other classmates, that wouldn't be too much of a stretch...
  200. >You're starting off simple today, with eggs and the many ways they can be prepared.
  201. >Surprisingly, eggs are some of the most versatile ingredients a cook can work with.
  202. >This is proven with the long list provided on the work sheets passed out.
  203. >No opening grade, so everyone is allowed to prepare their two allotted eggs however they want.
  204. >Provided there's enough time to do so, of course.
  205. >You opt to make them 'over easy,' and it comes out fairly well.
  206. >You see that Pinkie went the traditional 'scrambled' route.
  207. >“I make this all the time with my sisters,” she tells you. “Sometimes cereal isn't good enough, right?”
  208. >Once everyone is done, you're allowed to eat your creations, even share them with others if you wish.
  209. >Pinkie offers some of hers to you, that same beaming look in her eyes from earlier.
  210. >Not wanting to disappoint her, you be polite and take a forkful.
  211. >The taste isn't bad, actually.
  212. >You ask her what she added to the mix.
  213. >“A little milk, a pinch of salt, and a whole lotta love,” she replies.
  214. >The sweetness of this girl is enough to give one diabetes if they're not careful...
  216. >With the end of the class, school is also done for the day.
  217. >“Welp, gotta get ready,” Pinkie says as she loads her backpack.
  218. “Right, you're meeting your friends at that place you talked about.”
  219. >“Kinda. I also work there part-time. I chat with my friends when there's any down-time.”
  220. “You work there? How did you manage that?”
  221. >“I've known the owners, the Cakes, for a long time. They said they'd offer me work once I was old enough, and I jumped at the chance.”
  222. “You and your connections...” you muse.
  223. >With that comment, a light bulb seems to switch on in Pinkie's head.
  224. >“Hey, I've got a great idea! Why don't we ask them if there's an opening there for you!”
  225. “Wait, a job right off the bat?”
  226. >“Why not? You said you liked baking, and Mrs. Cakes said she's looking for more part-time help now that business is picking up.”
  227. >Your dueling mind goes at it once again.
  228. >You could always use some extra money. Plus, it'd be another play to show off your talents.
  229. >And, it would give you extra time to get to know Pinkie and her friends a little better.
  230. >On the other hand, you wouldn't want to start working some place, only to have to quit a short time after if you get the signal to move again...
  231. >The look on Pinkie's face is slowly winning you over, but you do have other commitments today.
  232. “Tell you what, why don't you mention it to this Mrs. Cakes? If she wants to meet me personally to discuss it, I'll pay a visit first chance I get.”
  233. >“I'll talk to her about you as soon as I see her,” Pinkie replies. “I think you'd have a great time there.”
  234. “We'll see where it goes. I gotta get home, though. See you tomorrow, I guess?”
  235. >“See ya, Nonnie!” Pinkie makes a dash out of the classroom, zipping past a couple other students.
  236. >Where the hell does she keep all of this extra energy?
  237. >As you make your own way out, you see that today has been incredibly productive.
  238. >And if things shape up the way Pinkie suggests, things could get very interesting for the both of you...
  240. ------
  242. >The rest of the week involves a lot of settling in on multiple levels.
  243. >You're becoming more familiar with the layout of the school, with Pinkie and Twilight fulfilling their roles as your guides.
  244. >The two spend some time with you at lunch, which you're becoming more appreciative of.
  245. >They also introduce you to some other friends of theirs.
  246. >One in particular, Flash, seems to enjoy similar music as you, so there's at least one common thread.
  247. >He invites you to watch his jam sessions, which you say you'll take up at some point.
  248. >By Thursday, everything at home is unpacked and arranged where you basically want them for now.
  249. >How long they'll stay this way is anyone's guess, but you'll take what you can get.
  250. >You mention Pinkie's idea of the part-time job to your parents.
  251. >Your father's hesitant at first, for obvious reasons.
  252. >Your mother, on the other hand, is supportive, and convinces him to let you give it a try.
  253. >Besides, it beats getting involved in other 'unpleasant things,' as she calls them.
  254. >You give Pinkie the good news the next morning, and she's as excited as you've seen her.
  255. > “Ooh, this is going to be SO much FUN!” She exclaims. “And perfect timing, too!”
  256. “How so?” You ask.
  257. >“One of the other regulars started up college this week,” Pinkie replies, “It's not far away, but he said he won't have time during the week to work with his expected class load.”
  258. “So, I'd be working his shift?”
  259. >“Don't know yet. Depends on how the Cakes want to shift schedules around.”
  260. “...and if they actually want someone like me working there...”
  261. >“Oh, don't be like that. They're going to LOVE you! I'll let them know you'll be stopping by later.”
  262. “Thanks...I guess...”
  263. > “Don't thank ME, Nonnie. Thank the stars for being aligned for all of this to come together.”
  264. >The stars, huh? Whatever floats her boat, you suppose...
  266. >Once school is out, you find your way to Sugarcube Corner thanks to the directions Pinkie gave you.
  267. >You see a lot of other students inside already, which isn't much of a surprise.
  268. >You take in the atmosphere, which feels similar to a 50's-style diner.
  269. >Booths line the edges, and dozens of stools line the front of a long counter.
  270. >A old juke box plays classic songs of yesteryear, the music pumping through speakers along the walls.
  271. >Several girls in blue waitress dresses with white aprons are currently serving other patrons.
  272. >Among them is Pinkie, of course. She's easy to pick out because of her hair.
  273. >When she sees you, she slides over with her seemingly usual bursts of energy.
  274. >“Nonnie! I knew you'd make it!”
  275. “I said I would, didn't I?”
  276. >“I know, but it's still great to see you! Come on, I'll take you to Mrs. Cakes!”
  277. >She takes your arm and brings you through a pair of saloon-like doors, nearly missing another worker with a tray of desserts.
  278. >You're brought into the back, where all of the baking and other prep work is done.
  279. >Two older individuals seem hard at work; these must be the owners of the place.
  280. >“Mrs. Cakes, Anon's here to see you!” Pinkie calls.
  281. >The older lady looks up from her cupcake frosting work. She's about your height and slightly plump.
  282. >Her hair is two shades of pink, but nowhere near as bright as Pinkie's, while her contacts share a similar hue.
  283. >“Oh, you must be this Anon fellow I've heard about,” she says.
  284. “Nice to meet you,” you reply. “Pinkie's been talking about this place non-stop since I moved in.”
  285. “About how good it is, I'm sure,” Mrs. Cakes says. “Honey, come say hello to Pinkie's friend!”
  286. >Her husband is a lanky fellow with orange hair, green eyes and plenty of freckles on his face. He's currently pulling trays of brownies out of one of the ovens.
  288. >“Well, I was wondering when we'd be seeing you,” he says, extending a hand.
  289. “Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long,” you reply, shaking it.
  290. >“Time is relative, my boy. Now then, Pinkie told us you might be interested in working here a while.”
  291. “...if you're willing to let me, sir.”
  292. >Mr. Cake smiles. “How about you show us what you can do?
  293. >He directs you to one of the work stations, where a number of ingredients are strewn about.
  294. >“This is for a batch of my famous double-chocolate chip cookies,” Mr. Cake explains. “Let's see what you can do with it.”
  295. >You nod, and you see there's paperwork next to the collection with the full recipe.
  296. >You quickly set to work, taking care to measure, add, and mix all of the ingredients in the recommended order and amounts.
  297. >You add baking sheets to a pair of pans and distribute the resulting dough as the recipe suggests.
  298. >The way you do it, it seems there is enough for two-dozen cookies.
  299. >After placing them in the oven, Mrs. Cakes guides you to the station she was working at.
  301. >“How's about you finish frosting these, dearie?” She asked, gesturing to the cupcakes there.
  302. >You agree, picking up the small spatula she had been using and dipping into the chocolate frosting.
  303. >You spread this on top of the remaining cupcakes, taking your time to get a nice even distribution.
  304. >You notice a pastry bag nearby filled with icing, and you sense it's meant for extra decoration.
  305. >You take it, and squeeze a little out on one of the cupcakes; it comes out a hot pink.
  306. >Before you can decide what designs to make, the timer goes off for the cookies.
  307. >You quickly remove them from the oven so they can effectively cool off.
  308. >You return to the cupcakes, deciding to make a trio of balloons on each with the icing.
  309. >You're not sure why you chose this, but it just seemed right.
  310. >The Cakes do and say nothing to interrupt your work all the while, merely observing and whispering to each other.
  311. >This work completed, you put each set of desserts on their own serving plates, then offer each of the Cakes a cookie you have made.
  312. >They take a bite at the small time, chewing with their eyes closed, as if getting a feel for the taste.
  313. >The anticipation is building...
  315. >“Ooh, this is simply scrumptious!” Mrs. Cakes reacts. “Melts in your mouth, just like you make them, honey!”
  316. >Her husband nods in agreement. “You got this spot-on, and on the first attempt, might I add.”
  317. >You chuckle.
  318. “Well, all I did was follow the recipe. Nothing too special after that...”
  319. >“Nonsense, dearie,” the Mrs. replies. “There's more to baking than just reading the recipe. It's also your approach and how much effort you put into it.”
  320. >“You've clearly learned a thing or two from an expert in their own right,” Mr. Cakes adds.
  321. >“And you did such a wonderful job with the cupcakes, too,” the Mrs. says. “Simply beautiful work.”
  322. >At that moment, Pinkie comes back in.
  323. >Frankly, you didn't see her go out, given how focused you were.
  324. >“How'd ya do, Nonnie?” She asks.
  325. >“Why don't you see for yourself?” Mr. Cakes replies, passing one of the cookies to her.
  326. >Pinkie takes a big bite, and it looks like electricity of some kind of is passing through her.
  327. >Her eyes light up even brighter than usual.
  328. >“O......M......G.....this is Anon's doing? This tastes AMAZING!”
  329. >“And look at these, dearie,” Mrs. Cakes adds, pointing in the direction of the cupcakes.
  330. >Pinkie gasps at the sight of the little balloon designs. “Oh, Nonnie, how did you know?”
  331. “Know what?” You ask, confused.
  332. >Pinkie laughs in response. “Never mind. Anywho, I take it he passed the test?”
  333. >“With flying colors,” Mr. Cakes replies. “How would you like to start Monday afternoon?”
  334. >You're almost speechless. You did NOT expect things to go so well.
  335. “Uh...yeah, sure. I'd be happy to.”
  336. > “Lovely,” Mrs. Cakes says. “We'll go over the details when you come back in.
  337. >“I know you have school, just like Pinkie here,” Mr. Cakes adds, “so we'll work around that as best we can with you.”
  338. “Thank you,” you reply, “for giving me this opportunity...”
  340. >As the Cakes get back to their duties, Pinkie comes to you all excited, brimming with extra energy.
  341. >“You did it, Nonnie!” she exclaims. “I knew you could!”
  342. >She's about to leap in for a hug, but she quickly remembers the promise she made.
  343. >She instead takes her time, and embraces you carefully so as not to cause a 'panic attack.'
  344. >You're hesitant to do anything at first, but eventually you put an arm around her back.
  345. “Thanks, Pinkie,” you reply. “It was your idea, though.”
  346. >“No need to be so modest. It's that natural talent of yours that got you through.”
  347. “So...I guess this means we'll be seeing each other more often, now.”
  348. >“That's...not a bad thing, is it?” Pinkie asks.
  349. >You notice the slight change in her voice. It's not as jovial as you've heard it so far.
  350. >Her hair also seems to have become less poofy, her eyes slightly darker.
  351. >Is this...normal?
  352. “No, it's not,” you quickly say. “You're supposed to make sure I do well, right? Me working here with you is a perfect way to do that.”
  353. >“...promise me you won't let things get in the way?” Pinkie asks, offering her little finger again.
  354. “In the way of what?”
  355. >“...our time together...our friendship...”
  356. >Really tugging at the heartstrings, isn't she?
  357. >Instead of giving her your own little finger, you take her whole hand in both of yours.
  358. “There's no need to make a promise like that. Nothing's going to get in the way.”
  359. >Pinkie's eyes seem to brighten a little.
  360. “I guess your abilities are rubbing off on me. I'm making connections again, and you're the first.”
  361. >“You mean-”
  362. “You said I could start with you in terms of making friends, and I'm taking you up on that offer...if you'd like that...”
  364. >The poof in Pinkie's hair bounces back to where it was.
  365. >“I'd love that,” she replies, giving you another hug.
  366. >This time you do not hesitate to return it.
  367. >“Dearie,” Mrs. Cakes says from across the room. “Sounds like we have more customers coming in.”
  368. >Pinkie lets go of you and snaps to attention. “Sorry, got a little distracted. Back to work!”
  369. >She quickly grabs the tray of cookies you made and makes her way back to the main floor.
  370. >“My, she's just the joy and the laughter,” Mrs. Cakes muses.
  371. “You've known her for a long time?” You ask.
  372. >“Since she was a child,” Mr. Cakes replies. “She's practically our adoptive daughter.”
  373. >“Given her upbringing, it's a wonder she has as much spirit as she does,” adds the Mrs.
  374. “Upbringing? What do you mean?”
  375. >The Cakes don't answer at first.
  376. >“That's a personal matter - not something we'd talk about behind Pinkie's back,” Mr. Cakes replies.
  377. >“Perhaps once you two have opened up to each other a little more,” the Mrs. says, “she may be able to tell you herself.”
  378. >You're questioning what they're talking about, but know better than to delve too deeply right now.
  379. “I understand. So...when do you want me to stop by Monday?”
  380. >“Whenever you're able to,” Mr. Cakes replies. “We'd appreciate as much time as you can provide.”
  381. “Alright. Thanks again for giving me a chance. I won't let you down.”
  382. >“We know you won't, dearie,” Mrs. Cakes says. “You enjoy yourself, okay?”
  383. “I will. See you next week!”
  384. >You wave your goodbyes and leave the kitchen.
  386. >As you make your way to the exit, you see Pinkie again, serving up the cookies you made.
  387. >She seems to be in much better spirits than she was earlier, which you're glad to see.
  388. >“Nonnie, looks like your cookies are a hit already,” she says. “Everyone who's had them is loving them so far.”
  389. >Well, what was quick.
  390. “I hope they'll be ready for more. We'll see what I can throw together starting next week.”
  391. >Pinkie nods. “Love to talk more, but I gotta focus on work now.”
  392. “Not a problem. See you Monday?”
  393. >“Definitely,” she replies.
  394. >She skates off again, and you work your way out of there.
  395. >On the way home, you have a lot to think about.
  396. >Your parents will be glad to hear you got a job offer.
  397. >It'll be interesting to see how you'll be able to balance both that and school.
  398. >You shouldn't find it too difficult, though.
  399. >Your thoughts drift to what the Cakes said about Pinkie, as well as her change in demeanor.
  400. >Was there something from her past that caused that change?
  401. >Perhaps the way someone in her family treated her before?
  402. >You feel that now is not the time to be asking Pinkie about it.
  403. >Like Mrs. Cakes said, it'd be best to let her open up at her own pace and level of comfort.
  404. >She's your new friend, after all, and you don't want anything to break said friendship so soon.
  405. >You decide to keep an eye on things for now.
  406. >There's plenty of time for things to develop.
  407. >At least, you hope there is...
  409. ------
  411. >Monday comes at last, and frankly you're excited.
  412. >Perhaps for the first time in a long time since your family started moving around.
  413. >School goes as you expect, and the classes start feeling routine to you.
  414. >At lunch you're invited to the table of Pinkie and her friends again.
  415. >This time you accept, albeit you sit on the end.
  416. >It looks like Pinkie told everyone else about your 'job interview,' and they all seem genuinely happy for you.
  417. >They ask plenty of questions, such as what you'll be doing, what 'specialty' dish you plan to make, etc.
  418. >It's strange to be the center of attention, but at least it's with people looking out for you.
  419. >And you're glad to see that Pinkie is back to her usual self – well, as usual as you can tell.
  420. >Eventually it's time for the cooking class.
  421. >Or as you'll be calling it now, your 'afternoon warm-up' before work.
  422. >The teacher has thrown a curve ball today, which is strange, given how early in the semester it is.
  423. >A multitude of baking ingredients are strewn across each work station.
  424. >You remember them from the previous week, where you had a walkthrough on making banana bread.
  425. >This time, however, you're instructed to make it exactly as before – without guidance or recipe.
  426. >While most of the other classmates are horrified, you take it in stride.
  427. >Fortunately for the others, you're all allowed to work in pairs.
  428. >Naturally Pinkie joins up with you, which you don't mind.
  429. >You remember sampling her work last time, and it came out just fine.
  430. >With your combined efforts, you put together a nice loaf for the teacher to evaluate later.
  431. >It makes you wonder what would happen if they sampled a really bad food item.
  432. >Would they file first - an 'F' grade, or a complaint to the FDA?
  433. >That thought moves to the back of your mind as the bell rings for the end of the school day.
  434. >The time has come...
  436. >You gather what you need from your locker, and you notice Pinkie coming towards you.
  437. >“Ready for your first day of work, Nonnie?” She asks.
  438. “As ready as I'll ever be,” you reply. “Hope the Cakes haven't changed their minds...”
  439. >“They wouldn't do that, silly! They've always been good on their word.”
  440. “I guess. You heading over right away, or do you need to stop at home first?”
  441. >“Oh, I always go straight to the Corner after school. My mom picks me up at the end up my shift.”
  442. “ walk there every day? It's five miles away from here, isn't it?”
  443. >“It's not that far of a walk for me. I've been doing it for the past year or so.”
  444. >Either that's an extreme level of dedication, or there's something else behind it.
  445. >That settles it.
  446. “Tell you what? How's about I drive you over?”
  447. >Pinkie gasps. “What? Wouldn't that be a bother to you?”
  448. “Not at all. It'd give you extra time to get ready and socialize before the shift starts.”
  449. “Besides, this would give us extra time to work together and get to know each other better. Right?”
  450. >Pinkie's expression looks like a little girl who got a pony on Christmas morning.
  451. >“'re sure you don't mind...I'd like that...”
  452. >For some reason, you heart skips a beat.
  453. >You feel...warm and fuzzy?
  454. >Was it because this girl may be showing interest in you?
  455. >Or was this the whole 'connection' bit rubbing off on you more?
  456. >Whatever it is, you somehow peace...comfy...content...
  457. >You shake your head. Much too soon to be thinking like that.
  458. >It's only been a week, after all...
  460. >With that, you extend a hand.
  461. “Then let's get a move-on before the Cakes DO change their minds,” you say.
  462. >Pinkie giggles, taking your hand. “Okie dokie!”
  463. >As you go through the halls, you notice some questionable looks from a few students.
  464. >You hear some of them talking when you're almost out of earshot.
  465. >“That's the new kid, right?”
  466. >“What's a newbie loser like that doing with a freak like HER?”
  467. >“Betcha she's gonna have something special cooked up for him, if you know what I mean.”
  468. >As they laugh, Pinkie stops in her tracks.
  469. >She must've heard all of this, too.
  470. >You feel her grip on your hand tighten.
  471. >You look over to her and see that her head is down, the poof in her hair less noticeable.
  472. >There's a tear running down her cheek.
  473. >Now you're angry.
  474. >Who do these assholes think they are, judging others like that, anyway?
  475. >You grit your teeth and growl, ready to turn around and yell back at the offenders.
  476. >“No, please don't,” Pinkie states, as if sensing what you want to do.
  477. “You're just going to let them say that?” You ask in a low voice.
  478. >“It's not worth getting in trouble over. Let's just go...”
  479. >You relent, letting go of Pinkie's hand and putting that arm around her.
  480. >As you resume your walk, you turn your head and give a death glare to the douchebags.
  481. >You flip them the bird for good measure as you go through the front doors.
  483. >The two of you walk through the parking lot in silence, thankfully not catching any other comments.
  484. >You reach your car, and you unlock it with a flick of your remote.
  485. “Are you alright?” You ask. “What happened back there was uncalled for.”
  486. >Pinkie is still quiet, albeit with some sniffles here and there.
  487. >She's probably still shaken up from what you both had heard.
  488. “Hey, don't listen to those idiots. You're NOT a freak. Your friends know that, I know that. You're the sweetest person I've ever met...”
  489. >At first you don't get an answer from her.
  490. >“...but didn't you feel that way about me when we first met?” She asks. “You were...scared of me...”
  491. >Going back to that, you see.
  492. >You wrap your arms around her, bringing her in for a hug.
  493. “That was before I really started getting to know you,” you reply. “Before I gave you a chance...”
  494. “...just like you gave ME a chance by bringing me over with your friends...”
  495. “...and you know what? I'm damn glad we both took those chances...”
  496. >Pinkie looks up to you. The poof in her hair is coming back a little.
  497. “Come on, let's see that smile of yours.”
  498. >She wipes the tears out of her eyes, which are brightening back up, and finally gives a tiny smile.
  499. “That's more like it. You look much more natural that way than with a frown...”
  500. >She sighs, resting her head on your chest.
  501. >“Thanks, Nonnie. I really needed that.”
  502. “That's what friends are for, right?” You ask.
  503. >“ know, I think I'm ready to get to work now.”
  504. >You nod in agreement as you both get into the car, driving out of there before anything else can start.
  506. >At first the drive over is a quiet one.
  507. >But the thoughts on your mind bubble over.
  508. “I don't get it,” you say. “Why would some people not like you?”
  509. >You get no response, so you continue.
  510. “You're friendly with everybody, you have a winning personality, and no mean bone in your body. Who wouldn't like that?”
  511. >“You' surprised....” Pinkie answers. “Not everybody likes how I act...or my personality for that matter.”
  512. >“I try to keep it under control, but sometimes I can't help being so joyful, especially when it comes to things I like.”
  513. “You mean your outbursts?” You ask, turning an eye to her.
  514. >Pinkie nods. “I've always been like that. Even in the bad times, I try to find something good to latch on to, no matter how small it is.”
  515. “Have you been bullied a lot?”
  516. >“I wouldn't say a lot. Mostly name-calling. It was worse before I met Twilight and the others."
  517. “Sometimes words can hurt even harder than being pushed around,” you muse. “I've had my share of bullies, myself.”
  518. >“And how did you deal with them?” Pinkie asks.
  519. “I didn't. My family has been constantly moving around since I was a little kid, so I knew any personal problems I had at school wouldn't go on forever.”
  520. >“Doesn't change the fact you had to put up with it,” Pinkie says.
  521. “I know...that's why I've been hesitant to open up. Why get attached to something I know won't last?”
  522. >“'Cause you never know when that one big connection will happen. The one that will have you want to try and MAKE it last.”
  523. “There you go, finding the good stuff in the bad,” you chuckle.
  524. >“It's what I do best,” Pinkie giggles.
  525. “Sounds like you're doing better after that little episode. You sure you're okay?
  526. >“Don't worry about me, Nonnie. I'll be alright. I've got you, don't I?”
  527. >You smile as you pull into Sugarcube Corner.
  528. “ do...”
  530. >The Cakes are amazed to see the two of you so early, especially Pinkie.
  531. >As she goes to change into her work clothes, you're guided back to the kitchen to go over paperwork.
  532. >You go through the motions, signing agreements, bank information, everything needed to officially start working here.
  533. >You make it a point to let them know this may not be for long, which they understand.
  534. >For now, they'll take whatever help they can from you, no matter how long you're there.
  535. >With that, you're given an apron and your first assignment – making multiple batches of cookies like the ones you made here before.
  536. >Pinkie returns all dressed up and ready to go as you're starting.
  537. >“Ooh, I hope these are as yummy as last time,” she says.
  538. “As long as I don't screw up, we should be fine,” you reply.
  539. >There's a little time before her shift starts, so she watches you work your magic.
  540. >“Here is the elusive Nonnie in his element,” she narrates in her best David Atten-burro voice.
  541. >You chuckle as you focus on mixing the batter into dough.
  542. >“With gusto, he mixes ingredients together to make the most amazing cookies to ever exist...”
  543. >You laugh as you distribute the dough into appropriate portions onto multiple trays.
  544. >“It will not be long before the masses arrive to taste and appreciate his hard work...”
  545. “They'll at least have to wait until these are done,” you reply, putting the trays into the oven.
  546. >“Some people just don't have that kind of patience,” Pinkie says. “It's like the hipsters who burned their mouths.”
  547. >You look at her, confused.
  548. >“They drank their coffee before it was cool!” She exclaims.
  549. ”Wow...” you groan at the joke. “I've heard whoppers before, but...”
  550. > “Plenty more where that came from!” Pinkie says, looking at the clock. “Whoops, it's that time! Good luck, Nonnie!”
  551. “Thanks,” you reply, watching her skate out to start her shift.
  553. >The afternoon is a busy one, to say the least.
  554. >You're bounced around to different stations, working on different desserts as needed based on what customers are asking for.
  555. >Sometimes you're by yourself, but one of the Cakes is usually there to guide you through the work.
  556. >This is truly your first taste of what you can expect if you pursue a career in this.
  557. >It's demanding, tiring, and time-consuming, but it has to be done.
  558. >And you're enjoying every minute of it.
  559. >Every so often Pinkie or one of the other waitresses will come back here, either to let you know what customers want or to pick things up as they're ready.
  560. >From the sounds of it, your cookies are a hit once again.
  561. >You'll have to remember to make them a staple of yours.
  562. >There isn't a lot of time for chatter, except maybe with the Cakes themselves.
  563. >They're even more focused on the work than you, but that's to be expected, given how long they've done this.
  564. >Eventually it gets close to 5pm.
  565. >The Cakes explain this is usually the time when business slows down, and they don't need as much help around.
  566. >You're given the okay to head out, and you see this is when Pinkie gets done, as well.
  567. >“So how was your first day?” She asks as the two of you are walking out.
  568. “About what I expected,” you reply. “Shouldn't take too long for me to find a groove that works.”
  569. >“You'll do fine. I know you will.”
  570. “I appreciate the confidence. I'll do what I can to make things work.”
  571. >Pinkie nods. “Thanks for the ride, by the way. You're right, it was nice to get here sooner.”
  572. “Want to make these rides a regular thing?” You ask. “I wouldn't mind it at all, really.”
  573. >“Yeah, sure! This means a lot to me, more than you know.”.
  574. “Any time, Ponks,” you say, grinning.
  575. >You heard Rainbow Dash calling her that last week, and Pinkie beamed hearing you use it with her.
  577. >You both see a car pulling up, and Pinkie reacts to it.
  578. >“That's my mom. See you tomorrow!” She gives you a quick hug before parting.
  579. “See ya,” you reply, watching her get into the vehicle.
  580. >You see her mother mouth a question, probably asking who you were.
  581. >Pinkie gives a reply of some kind, and her mother looks at you with narrowed eyes.
  582. >You can't put a finger on what her look is conveying.
  583. >Suspicion?
  584. >Discontent?
  585. >Malice?
  586. >Okay, maybe that third one is a little overboard.
  587. >She turns around and drives away, and you're left to your own devices.
  588. >You head home yourself, and you arrive in time for dinner.
  589. >Your parents ask you about your day, and want to know how work went.
  590. >You tell them all about it, and for the first time mention Pinkie to them.
  591. >Your mother's excited to hear you made a new friend, while your father gives one of his 'nods.'
  592. >The rest of the night is divided between homework and online gaming.
  593. >Another outlet for some of the frustrations you've had over the years.
  594. >When you finally hit the hay and turn out the lights, you have a lot on your mind.
  595. >Maybe Pinkie is right – you should try making as many connections as you can while you're here.
  596. >It certainly couldn't hurt, given how many people you've been introduced to so far.
  597. >Pinkie herself has been a big help to you so far, and she's been getting awfully close to you.
  598. >You wonder if there's more to this than just being a guide.
  599. >Is she becoming fond of you, as you're slowly coming around to her?
  600. >Should you pursue this, or let things develop naturally as you get to know her even more?
  601. >'We'll cross that bridge when we come to it...' You think to yourself as you drift off to sleep.
  603. ------
  605. >It's been a month or so since you started at Canterlot High.
  606. >A lot has happened within this period.
  607. >You feel like you've adjusted to your surroundings for the time being.
  608. >School goes on like clockwork, and you're absolutely shining in the cooking class.
  609. >Some days you're spending more time with Pinkie and her friends at lunch.
  610. >Other days you take that time with Flash and his band mates, discussing the current music trends, among other things.
  611. >They have all become some of the 'connections' you've made so far.
  612. >You've gotten much more comfortable, and slowly but surely you've been opening up to them all.
  613. >You've even exchanged numbers with some of them.
  614. >Pinkie was the first to ask, of course, and you were happy to oblige.
  615. >Twilight soon followed, more for her 'ambassador' role, along with Flash, to keep 'tabs' on you.
  616. >A slow process, but one must start somewhere.
  617. >Most of your time has been spent between school and work, and both have been busy.
  618. >As your time at Sugarcube Corner has increased, the Cakes have given you extra responsibilities.
  619. >Along with the basic items, they're showing you recipes for specialty desserts they don't offer often.
  620. >It takes a certain level or trust and dedication for little secrets like this to be shown to you.
  621. >You're even walked through how they prepare these desserts, and you have the chance to put your own little spin on them.
  622. >The Cakes are thrilled that you're picking up so much from them.
  623. >The Mrs. even says you're like another son to her, which really touches you.
  624. >Of course, Pinkie was skating in when this was said, and you received a big 'AAAWWW' from her.
  625. >Speaking on whom, she hasn't had any weird 'episodes' since the school hallway incident.
  626. >You have yet to bring these up, either with Pinkie or her friends, but it doesn't matter at the moment.
  627. >For now you feel the time has come to bring up other 'topics.'
  629. >You get the chance one afternoon as you're driving Pinkie to work.
  630. “You know,” you start, “since we've known each other, I don't think you've ever mentioned anything about your family.”
  631. >“Oh...really?” She asks.
  632. >She seems to take a moment to see if that was true.
  633. >“Uh...yeah, I guess you're, what do you want to know?”
  634. “Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are they all like? Those sorts of things.”
  635. >Pinkie thinks about how to answer.
  636. > “So...I have three sisters...two older who are in college, one younger who's a grade below us...”
  637. >“My sister Limestone's the oldest. She's been like a second mom, always looking out for us. Determined, but sometimes really aggressive.”
  638. “All in the name of making sure you're all raised right, sounds like.”
  639. >Pinkie sighs. “Yeah, that's one way to put it. Maud's a year older than me. Very loving in her own way, but most of the time her mood and sense of humor are drier than a desert.”
  640. “Is she where you got that coffee joke from?” You ask. “Sounds like the kind of thing she'd tell.”
  641. >Pinkie nods. “I bet you'd get along with her just fine, if that personality of yours is any clue.”
  642. >You chuckle. “Guess I'd have to meet her first to find out...”
  643. >“Then there's Marble, the youngest of us. You've seen how Fluttershy is sometimes, but Marble takes shyness to a whole new level.”
  644. “Not very open, huh?”
  645. >“No. She has a few friends in her classes, but she's very cautious when it comes to other people.”
  646. “At least she has you and your other sisters, right?”
  647. >“Yeah. I just wish she'd open up more, like you have.”
  648. “Maybe she just needs more time. Everyone goes at different speeds, after all.”
  649. >“I know. I just wish there was more I could do to help her branch out.”
  650. “You'll figure something out, I'm sure. Maybe you just need the right inspiration.”
  651. >“Thanks for the encouragement. I do what I can...”
  653. “ about your parents?”
  654. >Pinkie is quiet at first, but eventually gives a response.
  655. >“ dad owns the big quarry the next town over...biggest one in the region”
  656. >“I guess all of the granite used in building our school came from there. Same with a couple other buildings in town.”
  657. “So, is this the family business?” You ask.
  658. >“'s been family owned for generations. My grandpa owned it for a long time, then my dad took over after he passed...”
  659. “Sounds like big shoes to fill...”
  660. >“They's always wanted to pass it on to one of us in the same way, but so far none of us have wanted it.”
  661. “Gotcha. So...what about your mom?”
  662. >“She's a...homemaker, I guess you'd call it? She's never had work of her own as far as I know, with the money the quarry makes, and with four kids,...”
  663. “Hey, nothing wrong with that. My mom's in a similar boat, given my dad's job.”
  664. >“I guess...she keeps to herself most of the time. Doesn't trust a lot of people who aren't within the family circle...”
  665. “Guess that explains the look I got from her before.”
  666. >“Hm? What do you mean?”
  667. “Remember the day I started working? When you got picked up, she gave me this weird expression.”
  668. >“Oh...with narrowed eyes, right?”
  669. “Exactly. Didn't know what she meant by that, but it felt like she was starting right through me...”
  670. >“Yeah, sorry about that. She does that with everybody new she sees me with, especially other guys.”
  671. “Wait...did she think-”
  672. >“-that you were my boyfriend?”
  673. >You're lucky you're about to hit a red light, as it gave you an excuse to hit the brakes.
  675. >Pinkie certainly felt that. “Holy moly. You alright, Nonnie?”
  676. >You take a second to swallow and catch your breath. You feel your cheeks burning a little.
  677. “Sorry...not used to having my thoughts completed by someone else...”
  678. >Pinkie blushes at the fact that the two of you were thinking the same thing a moment ago.
  679. “ that what she thought?” You ask, trying to break the iceberg that appeared out of nowhere.
  680. >“I first, she did...but I told her you're my new friend at school, and new coworker to boot.”
  681. “Oh,” you say, laughing nervously. The light turns green, and you continue driving along.
  682. >“Something wrong?”
  683. “I don't's just that...the way things have been going as of late...”
  684. >Pinkie puts a hand on your shoulder.
  685. >“'s okay...I've been thinking a lot about that, too...”
  686. “And how do you feel about all this?”
  687. >“I feel like...I want to do more than what's here already. I want to learn more about you...”
  688. “Feeling the same here,” you reply. “It's like the connections we're making are getting even closer...”
  689. >“ you want to keep building on this, and see where it goes?”
  690. “Yeah...I'd like that...if that's what you'd like, also.”
  691. >Pinkie gives you a smile and a nod as you pull into work. You park and lock the car and head inside.
  692. >“Gotta go change up. We can talk more later, okay?”
  693. >Pinkie gives you a quick peck on the cheek before rushing to the changing rooms.
  694. >You put a hand to said cheek, your mind flooding with plenty of good thoughts and vibes.
  695. >It's certainly a start...
  697. >Work goes as you've come to expect.
  698. >Lots of prep, lots of baking, and not a lot of time for chatter.
  699. >On the bright side, there's time for something special.
  700. >You had been working secretly at home on something new for the Corner.
  701. >And today you're going to test it with the masses.
  702. >Starting with brownie mix, you add chocolate chunks and marshmallow fluff.
  703. >Shortly before it finishes baking, you spread marshmallow bits all over the top so it will melt just enough without burning.
  704. >You take out the pan, and immediately cut the results into hearty pieces.
  705. >Mrs. Cakes takes notice, mostly because of the smell.
  706. >“Hm...this is different,” she says.
  707. “Care for a bite?” You ask.
  708. >You break off a piece for her to try.
  709. >She takes a bite and immediately shuts her eyes in delight.
  710. > “Hm...nice and gooey. You've got a nice balance here, and the fluff is just melting in my mouth...”
  711. >Nailed it.
  712. “A different spin on a classic,” you say.
  713. >“And a nice spin at that,” Mrs. Cakes replies. “You're going to share these, I assume?”
  714. “If you'll allow it,” you reply.
  715. >“I'm sure they'll love these. Let's put them out, shall we?”
  716. >As you put the brownies on a plate, she grabs a raised glass display base for them to sit on.
  717. >You both agree that the presentation looks nice, and she brings it outside to one of the counters for the customers to ogle over.
  718. >In less than an hour, all of your hard work is gobbled up up by 'the masses.'
  720. >“So what did the Cakes say about those brownies?” Pinkie asks you after work. “The customers seemed to really like them.”
  721. “Let's just say I'll be making at least a double batch of them tomorrow,” you reply.
  722. >Pinkie lets out a little squeal. “I knew it, I knew it! You're becoming a hit here, Nonnie!”
  723. “You sure about that?”
  724. >“Oh yeah. I've been hearing a lot of comments from people about what you're putting out, and it's all been positive.”
  725. “I'm glad to hear my work's being enjoyed,” you say, though you can hardly believe it yourself.
  726. >“It's much more than that,” Pinkie says. “Anyone can bake if they put their mind to it, but very few put all of their heart and soul into it, also. It's that kind of passion we need more of around here.”
  727. “Well, it's good to know I'm making some positive impact.”
  728. >And you'll be making more or it. I know you will.”
  729. “Thanks,” you say, smiling. “That does mean a lot.”
  730. >You both stand there for a bit, taking in the view and collecting your thoughts.
  731. >She did say she wanted to build on what you had so far. Start off slow and steady, perhaps?
  732. >It's you who finally breaks the silence.
  733. “Say, what do you have going on this weekend?”
  734. >Pinkie looks up to you. “Hm...nothing comes to mind besides getting homework done. Why?”
  735. “I thought...maybe we could hang out someplace for a while...without any kind of distractions...”
  736. >She gets a sly look on her face. “You're asking me out, aren't you?”
  737. “Maybe...depends on your definition, I guess.”
  738. >Pinkie giggles. “I'll have to check at home first. If I get the okay, I'll let you know.”
  739. “You know how to reach me,” you say. “Worse comes to worse we can spend time over the phone.”
  740. >“Don't worry, we can figure something out for fun. I'm a master when it comes to that.”
  741. “On top of everything else you're a master of?” You ask.
  742. >“You betcha!” Pinkie yells, and you share a laugh.
  744. >At that moment you see a familiar car pulling up.
  745. >This time, however, it comes right up to you, the passenger side window coming down.
  746. >Pinkie's mother gives you the same look as before.
  747. >“Pinkamena, say goodbye to that 'friend' of yours so we can get home.”
  748. >'Pinkamena?' You ask yourself.
  749. >Pinkie's clearly upset at hearing that.
  750. >“Mom, you know I don't like being called that,” she complains.
  751. >“How can you like not being called your real name?” Her mother asks.
  752. >“It's embarrassing, especially when it's said around my friends!” Pinkie says. “Everyone I know calls me Pinkie!”
  753. >“I don't give a hoot what other people call you,” her mother retorts. “I will call you the name I gave you, and nothing you say or do will change that. Now get in. Dinner will be ready soon.”
  754. >Pinkie huffs as she tosses her stuff in the back seat.
  755. >“Sorry, Nonnie. We'll have to come back to that another time.”
  756. “Don't worry about it,” you reply. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
  757. >You get a 'bye' from Pinkie as she climbs into the car. Her mother drives off as soon as the door shuts.
  758. >Well that was a scene and a half.
  759. >Is this part of what the Cakes were talking about before?
  760. >Maybe things at home aren't as cozy for Pinkie as she makes it out to be.
  761. >It makes you wonder what else she's hiding, although you'd rather not dive too deeply into that.
  762. >After all, it's private matters that you have no business in getting involved in.
  763. >You drive home, determined not to let an open squabble get in the way of what you have going on.
  764. >Whatever may happen in this situation, Pinkie will need to be the one to open up...
  765. >...and you'll be there to listen...
  767. ------
  769. >The next day comes around, and everything seems to be going as usual.
  770. >That is, until school is out.
  771. >You finish your business at your locker, but you don't see Pinkie as you've become accustomed to.
  772. >Maybe she got held up by something?
  773. >No, she wouldn't let anything get in the way of going with you to work.
  774. >Something's not right, you think.
  775. >Curious, you head in the direction where she normally comes from.
  776. >You round the corner, and you come across an unpleasant sight.
  777. >Pinkie is sitting on the ground, sobbing. Her stuff is scattered across the floor.
  778. >Including her work uniform, which has been ripped up and trampled over.
  779. >Twilight and Rarity are beside her, attempting to console her.
  780. >Meanwhile, Applejack is picking up what had been thrown about.
  781. “What happened here?” You ask.
  782. >“Some no-good heathens, that's what,” Rarity replies.
  783. “Heathens?”
  784. >“A bunch of bullies came around and harassed her,” Twilight explains. “At least, that's as much as we can gather...”
  785. >“Stupid bastards,” Applejack comments “They're causing trouble for a lot of the students here.”
  786. “So is this random, or are students being singled out?”
  787. >“Hard to tell at the moment,” Twilight replies. “But either way, this is too far...”
  788. >It wouldn't surprise you if this was the work of those other students from before.
  789. >But that's not important right now.
  790. >You kneel in front of Pinkie, who is still sniffling. Her hair has lost most of its poof at this point.
  791. “Pinkie, you alright? Tell me what happened.”
  792. >Pinkie looks up with dark and tear-filled eyes.
  793. >She practically lunges as she embraces you, crying again.
  794. >“Nonnie, it was awful! They wouldn't leave me alone! They kept calling me a freak! They knocked me over and wrecked my work outfit, laughing all the while!”
  795. >You quietly shush her, rubbing her back in a comforting manner.
  796. “Calm it down, it's okay. We're all here for you...”
  798. >Pinkie continues to weep, and you let her.
  799. >“This is awful,” Rarity laments. “Why would anyone do this to her?”
  800. >“If my brother and I were around when this happened,” Applejack says, “them varmint's would be cruisin' for a brusin' right about now...”
  801. >“Solving violence with more violence won't help matters,” Twilight replies, “especially when the damage is already done...”
  802. “Do you know any of these guys that did this?” You ask Pinkie.
  803. >She takes a second to wipe her eyes and blow her nose before answering.
  804. >“No...they're not people I know. All I remember are the blazers they wore. They had the school colors, and patches on their backs...”
  805. >“Maybe from one of the sports teams?” Twilight thinks out loud.
  806. >“Whatever the case,” Applejack replies, “we'll need to stick together more, just in case this ain't the end of it.”
  807. “You're right,” you say. “Pinkie, how about I get you back home?”
  808. >Pinkie seems to have calmed down. “Thanks, Nonnie. I...need to get another uniform, anyway.”
  809. >“You're still going to work today after what happened?” Rarity asks.
  810. >“I can't let something like this get in the way of what I love,” Pinkie replies.
  811. >Her other friends look to each other with concern
  812. >“Well, if that's how you feel,” Twilight says, “we're not going to stop you. Just let us know if you need anything from us.”
  813. >Pinkie nods as she gets up from the floor.
  814. >“Come on, Nonnie. I'll give you the directions to my home on the way.”
  815. >You follow her out, waving to the other girls as you leave.
  816. >You remind yourself to message Twilight later to provide any updates.
  817. >You're going to be needing a lot of help, sounds like.
  818. >With any luck, whatever is going on will be resolved quickly.
  819. >For Pinkie's sake...
  821. >The drive is a quiet one, except when Pinkie points out which way to go.
  822. >At last you reach her home, with a long driveway with large boulders on each side.
  823. >The house looks small, but apparently big enough to support four children.
  824. >“Be right back,” Pinkie says, getting out of your car and rushing inside.
  825. >You shut off the engine and take in the sights.
  826. >There were rocks of all sizes everywhere.
  827. >Not surprising, given Pinkie's father runs a quarry.
  828. >There are only a few patches of grass here and there. Guess no one really keeps up the yard.
  829. >Not exactly the best environment for kids to play around in, unless they didn't mind getting a lot of sand in their shoes.
  830. >After a few minutes, Pinkie comes out, a fresh dress and apron in hand.
  831. >“Sorry that took so long,” she says, getting in the car. “Mom wanted to know what was going on.”
  832. “And what did you tell her?” You ask.
  833. > “Oh, that I forgot to bring a uniform today, and needed a ride home quickly to get one.”
  834. “And...did you say who brought you here?”
  835. >“I told her a friend. Didn't say who, but I think she knows it was you.”
  836. “Guess we're both beating around the bush,” you say. “I might need a formal introduction with her...”
  837. >“Eventually,” Pinkie replies, “when the time is right.”
  838. >Whenever that may be...
  839. “Ready to make some hungry customers happy?” You ask, changing the subject.
  840. >“More ready than I was a while ago,” Pinkie says. “Thank you...for being there...”
  841. >You turn the ignition and head out.
  842. “Like you said before, I've got you...”
  844. >You make it the Corner with enough time to spare.
  845. >The two of you try to go about your work as if the incident at school didn't happen.
  846. >You could see some bruises on Pinkie's legs, perhaps from when she was knocked down earlier.
  847. >The customers don't seem to notice, but the Cakes certainly do.
  848. >They pull Pinkie over at one point to ask if she was okay.
  849. >She tells another lie, saying she clumsily tripped at school.
  850. >The Cakes seem to buy it, and don't press the issue more than they already have.
  851. >You shake your head, but not enough for anyone to see.
  852. >It's tough to help someone with their problems if that person won't ask for said help...
  853. >You're able to put together multiple batches of the brownies you made the other day...
  854. >...and once again it sounds like they're a hit.
  855. >You hear Mrs. Cakes suggest they make these a staple menu item for the time being, which the Mr. agrees with.
  856. >You're going to be really busy these coming weeks.
  857. >By quitting time, you and Pinkie walk out together as you've become accustomed to.
  858. >“Oh shoot, I forgot,” Pinkie exclaims. “I need to ask for a replacement uniform.”
  859. “Better hurry before your mother gets here,” you reply.
  860. >“Not a problem,” she says, zipping back inside.
  861. >Almost as soon as she does, however, a familiar car drives in and pulls up in front of you.
  862. >This time with the driver side facing you.
  863. >The window comes down, and Pinkie's mother looks up to you....
  864. >That same expression...
  865. >But somehow, it feels much more intense...
  867. >“Where is Pinkamena?” Mrs. Pie asks.
  868. “Pinkie needed to go back inside for something,” you reply.
  869. >“Do not use that nickname in front of me, young man. That's not her name.”
  870. “You call her what you want, I'll call her what I want,” you say bluntly.
  871. >Mrs. Pie huffs.
  872. >“I know you were the one who brought her home earlier. It's not like her to need to be back unless there was a good reason.”
  873. “Didn't she tell you? She forgot her uniform.”
  874. >“Again, not like her. I checked her room after you left and found a tattered one under her bed.”
  875. >Crud...
  876. >“Care to give a proper explanation on what happened today?”
  877. “I'm not the right person to ask,” you reply. “You need to speak to Pinkie-”
  878. >“Pinkamena,” Mrs. Pie corrects. “And she obviously won't give me the truth. You're going to tell me what I want to know, NOW.”
  879. >This is getting out of hand...
  880. “Are you threatening me?” You ask, doing your best to keep your cool.
  881. >“If one of my daughters is being physically harassed by someone else, either at school or here, I demand to know who it is.”
  882. “And what if I choose to respect her privacy?”
  883. >“I can tell you're becoming quite fond of her. I'd make sure you're never involved with her again...”
  884. “ have no control over that...”
  885. >“Oh, but I do, boy. I'm her mother, and you're just a nobody punk who just happened to step into her life one day.”
  886. “Your point? You can't stop Pinkie from seeing whoever she wants.”
  887. >Now she's mad.
  888. >“Damn it, boy, it's PINKAMENA!”
  889. >“MOM!”
  891. >You turn to see Pinkie at the door. She must have just come back.
  892. >The look in her eyes is that of pure horror.
  893. >“Ah, there you are, Pinkamena,” Mrs. Pie says. “I was wondering what was keeping you...”
  894. >“I could hear everything from inside,” Pinkie states. “What's gotten into you?”
  895. >“I could ask you the same thing,” her mother replies. “You've been lying to me today, and I don't appreciate that...”
  896. >She pulls out the tattered uniform she had found.
  897. >Pinkie gasps, having been caught red-handed.
  898. >“When we get home, you're going to tell me EVERYTHING that went on today. One way or another I'm going to get to the bottom of this.”
  899. “Please, Mrs. Pie,” you try to interrupt, “you're making a scene...”
  900. >“You shut your godforsaken mouth, boy!” She roars. “This is a family matter!”
  901. >You grit your teeth, but you comply. Pinkie puts a hand on your arm.
  902. >“Consider this your last warning,” Mrs. Pie says, seething. “If you had something to do with this, I'll ensure you regret EVER stepping foot in this town.”
  903. >“Mom, you're not being fair!” Pinkie objects. “It's not his fault-”
  904. >“QUIET, young lady!” Mrs. Pie yells. “Get in the car THIS INSTANT!”
  905. >The tears from earlier have resurfaced, streaming down Pinkie's face.
  906. >She clearly doesn't want to go, but she doesn't have a choice.
  907. >She gives you a hug before following the order.
  908. >Her mother doesn't even wait for her to fasten her seat belt before speeding off.
  909. >You're at a loss for words.
  910. >You did not expect things to get blown out of proportion like this.
  911. >'This is a family matter,' eh?
  913. >You find it tough to focus on anything that night, whether it be homework or online gaming.
  914. >The emotional overload you and Pinkie went through today has taken a toll on your mind.
  915. >As you're getting ready for bed, you hear your phone beeping with a text message notification.
  916. >You take a look, and you see it's from Pinkie.
  917. >'Hi, Nonnie.'
  918. 'Hey, Ponks,' you text back. 'What happened at home?'
  919. >'My mom got the truth out of me about the bullies. I'm grounded from work for the rest of the week.'
  920. 'That sucks. What about school?'
  921. >'I'm still able to go, but she's picking me and Marble up afterward.'
  922. 'Could've been worse. You could have been put under house arrest, the way your mom was talking.'
  923. >'Don't give her any ideas. It's not fair the way she acted with either of us, and I don't want anything getting ruined by her.'
  924. 'I feel partly to blame. I stuck up for you, not giving her any answers, and it boiled over after that...'
  925. >'It's not your fault. I told you, she does NOT trust outsiders. It's my fault for not telling her the truth from the start...'
  926. 'I'm not forbidden from seeing you, am I?'
  927. >'Since she know you're not the one who hurt me today, you're off the hook for now. But we're both on thin ice.'
  928. 'Guess that means our weekend plans are shot...'
  929. >'You did say we could message each other, right? Let's just have a rain check for our little date.'
  930. >You see Pinkie included both a heart and a kiss emoji after that, getting a sigh out of you.
  931. 'Nothing wrong with that, I guess. Meet you in front of the school tomorrow? Gotta stick together, like Applejack said...'
  932. >'Sounds like a plan. Nighty night, Nonnie.'
  933. >Another kiss emoji.
  934. “Night, Pinkie,” you whisper out loud, typing out your reply.
  935. >At the last second before hitting 'send,' you add a kiss emoji of your own.
  936. >Impulsive for someone like you, but at this point in time it just felt right...
  938. ------
  940. >The next day, you arrive at school earlier than usual so you can meet Pinkie, as promised.
  941. >Ten minutes later, a familiar car pulls up, dropping off your friend.
  942. >Another girl is with her; this must be Marble, Pinkie's younger sister.
  943. >This is confirmed after Pinkie introduces you.
  944. >As described before, Marble is very shy, but Pinkie does what she can to make her feel comfortable around you.
  945. >She's slow to respond, but you tell Marble you can all take things one step at a time, which she appreciates.
  946. >You walk the halls together, keeping your head on a swivel for potential trouble.
  947. >You recall Pinkie mention that the bullies wore school blazers.
  948. >It narrows things down a little, but there are plenty of jocks and other athletes here who wear those on a regular basis.
  949. >You meet up with the other girls before homeroom, and you agree to travel in groups of at least two until you figure out who the bullies really are.
  950. >Applejack had relayed the information to her brother, Big Mac, one of the school's football players.
  951. >He claimed he had a few ideas on the identities of these bullies, but nothing conclusive.
  952. >An extra set of eyes, at least, and possible backup if things went south.
  953. >Despite being 'grounded,' Pinkie seems to be in good spirits in the classes you share with her.
  954. >She hasn't brought up the end of your text exchange from last night, and as far as you know it hasn't been shared with her other friends, either.
  955. >At the end of the school day, you and Pinkie stick close, going together to each others' lockers.
  956. >You eventually meet up with Marble, and you head outside, where Mrs. Pie's car is waiting.
  957. >Along the way, you ask Pinkie if you should tell the Cakes the truth about what really happened the other day.
  958. >She's hesitant at first, bu relents, deciding it'd be better if they knew sooner rather than later.
  959. >One last hug, and she and Marble get into the car.
  960. >And at least this time it doesn't speed away on you...
  962. >Once you get to work, you bring the Cakes aside and explain as much as you can about the whole situation with Pinkie.
  963. >It's a mix of concern and disappointment from them, given they were lied to before, but they at least understand why Pinkie behaved as she did.
  964. >You mentally debate if you should bring up the incident with her mother, but you decide against it.
  965. >It's best if you don't get other parties involved in a situation as tense as this.
  966. >Work is about as busy as normal, although the other waitresses have to pick up the slack left behind by Pinkie's absence.
  967. >They don't seem to mind, though, as it means extra tips for them for the rest of the week.
  968. >Still, work is not as enjoyable without your friend around exuding her cheerfulness.
  969. >One of your projects today is making a three-layer cake.
  970. >The baking is easy enough – the decorating is another story.
  971. >You and Mrs. Cakes tackle it together, deciding on strawberry-flavored frosting to cover it all.
  972. >You add all sorts of shapes in icing, including balloons similar to what you crafted on your trial run.
  973. >When the work day is over, you notice there's one piece of the cake remaining on display.
  974. >This gives you an idea.
  975. >After paying for the piece, you bag it up and make your way to Pinkie's place.
  976. >This would surely cheer her up, and you may have the chance to patch things up, if you're allowed to.
  977. >When you arrive, you head to the front door and knock a few times.
  978. >You wait a minute or so, and the door finally opens.
  979. >The person who answers is not who you were expecting.
  980. >It's an older man, with gray hair and piercing amber eyes, wearing a black hat with a wide brim.
  981. >Pinkie's father, perhaps?
  982. >He looks down at you, his gaze staring right into your soul...
  984. >“Can I help you?” He finally asks.
  985. >You gulp.
  986. “Hello...Mr. Pie? I wanted to see how...Pinkamena was doing.”
  987. >It feels wrong using Pinkie's 'given' name, but in this situation you feel it has to be used.
  988. >“Are you this Anon feller I've been hearing about?”
  989. >Uh oh...
  990. “Y...yes, sir,” you reply.
  991. >“Hm...” The man looks you over, as if trying to pinpoint possible flaws.
  992. >“Son, walk with me...”
  993. >He steps out of the house, closing the door behind him.
  994. >You follow him to the backyard, which is even more expansive than the front.
  995. >Mr. Pie pulls a pipe and a small bag of tobacco out of his pocket.
  996. >You watch as he slowly fills the pipe, then strikes a match to light it.
  997. >Putting the pipe to his mouth, he takes several puffs.
  998. >The silence is practically deafening, the tension can be cut with a knife.
  999. >You feel like you're on pins and needles, not knowing what this is leading to.
  1000. >You wonder what he's going to say, if he says anything at all.
  1001. >You're sure he got Pinkie's mother's side of the story already.
  1002. >Has he made up his mind and is taking his time before letting you off easy?
  1003. >Or is the smoking his way of cooling his nerves?
  1004. >Finally, he finishes what tobacco he had...
  1005. >...and he turns his attention back to you.
  1007. >“Now, I've heard quite a bit so far from many sources, and I want to be sure the record is set straight. You understand, son?”
  1008. >You nod.
  1009. >“First, you're not from around these parts, are you?”
  1010. “No sir. My family moved here just over a month ago.”
  1011. >“And how did you come to know my daughter?”
  1012. “Principal Celestia asked her and one of her friends to act as guides for me at school. We share several classes, and she helped me get a job where she works.”
  1013. >“Everything's lining up so, what do you know about what happened yesterday? And be honest with me.”
  1014. “As far as I know, some bullies hazed her at school. She didn't know who they were, but she was also focused on what was happening to her and her belongings.”
  1015. >“You didn't see the event yourself?”
  1016. “No sir. I went to look for her when she didn't meet up as she normally has, and came to the scene after the fact.”
  1017. >Mr. Pie gives a 'hm...' as he ponders his next words.
  1018. >“I heard about your you had with my wife. She had strong words about you, and not in a good way.”
  1019. “Given the heat of the moment, I don't blame her, sir.”
  1020. >“Son, family is of utmost importance in this household. If anything happens to one of us, it affects the rest of us. You understand that, don't you?”
  1021. “Yes, sir, I do.”
  1022. >“And you understand that my wife and I would do anything within our power to make sure no harm comes to anyone in the family, especially our daughters.”
  1023. “Yes, sir. I'm sorry if anything I said offended your wife. I wanted to stick up for...Pinkamena...”
  1024. >“No need to use her full name around me if you don't want to,” Mr. Pie says. “I'm a bit more lenient in that regard.”
  1025. >You mentally breathe a sigh of relief.
  1027. >“You've become quite close to my daughter, haven't you?”
  1028. >You look down to the ground.
  1029. “I guess so...she's...been a great help to me since I first met her.”
  1030. >“Be honest with me, son – what do you think of her?”
  1031. >You think about your response for a moment.
  1032. “As the Cakes have said, she's the joy and the laughter. She'd helped me to open up in ways I really haven't before. She has her moments, but overall...she's been amazing.”
  1033. >“Is that all?”
  1034. “No...she's...the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. I don't know where I'd be right now without her being there.”
  1035. >“She has that effect on people,” Mr. Pie replies. “You know, she's talked about you almost non-stop since the day you showed up.”
  1036. >You're not sure whether to be surprised or smug about this...
  1037. >“And it seems like you've had a positive effect on her, too. She's...happier than she normally is.”
  1038. >Your ears perk up.
  1039. >“She has many friendships, son, but the one she has with you is unique...”
  1040. “How so?”
  1041. >“Can't put my finger on it, but...something about you seems to make her...complete...”
  1042. “She...likes to make connections wherever she can. I guess the one she made with me is...special...”
  1043. >“I have a feeling this is more than just a friendship. I remember when I met my wife. We were both close-minded at first, but over time we opened up, and the rest is history.”
  1044. “You think Pinkie...likes me?” You ask.
  1045. >“Perhaps. What about you? Do you like her back if that's the case?”
  1046. “I mean...we've agreed to let this grow naturally. It could be something more than a friendship, and...I may be close to falling for her...”
  1047. >Mr. Pie chuckles. “I'm glad to hear that. That being said, I want you to make me a promise.”
  1048. “A promise, sir?”
  1050. >“There is nothing more that I want than for my daughters to be happy. As long as you're in Pinkie's life, I want you to be there for her. Can you promise that?”
  1051. >Mr. Pie stretches out a hand.
  1052. >This certainly feels like the breakthrough moment...
  1053. “Sir...I promise you I will.”
  1054. >You go to shake his hand, but he instead takes hold of your wrist, grabbing it tightly.
  1055. >You're close to being taken aback, but you quickly do the same with his.
  1056. >“It's a pact, then,” he says. “I appreciate you taking the time so we can come to an understanding.”
  1057. >You feel like you've dodged a bullet, while at the same time stepping in front of a cannon that's ready to fire.
  1058. >But somehow you feel this one won't hurt you unless you do something really egregious or stupid moving forward.
  1059. >He brings you back around the house.
  1060. >You notice that Pinkie is looking out from one of the windows, a scared look in her eyes.
  1061. >As soon as you reach the front door again, it opens, your friend at the entrance.
  1062. >“Dad? Nonnie? What's going on?” She asks.
  1063. >“This Anon feller and I just got done having a little chat,” Mr. Pie replies.
  1064. >To Pinkie, this does not sound reassuring.
  1065. >You look to her father, and he gives you a nod. You step towards Pinkie.
  1066. “It's alright,” you say. “I came to see how you were, and I...helped your dad get a grasp on things.”
  1067. >“Okaaay...” Pinkie states, still not sure.
  1068. “Plus, I brought you a little surprise from work.” You hold out the bag you brought.
  1069. >Pinkie looks inside and gasps at the piece of cake, especially the designs on it.
  1070. >“Oh Nonnie, you did it again,” she giggles. “How do you know?”
  1071. >Again, you have no idea what she's talking about.
  1073. >“Dear, Pinkamena,” you hear a voice from the house calling out. “Dinner will be ready soon.”
  1074. >It's Mrs. Pie. Hopefully she doesn't look outside...
  1075. >“Guess it's about time we head in to eat,” Mr. Pie says. “Would you care to join us, Anon?”
  1076. “I appreciate the invitation, but I have plans at home already. Another time, maybe.”
  1077. >“We'll be sure to hold you to it,” he says in reply. “Take care, son.”
  1078. >“See you tomorrow, Nonnie,” Pinkie says, hugging you.
  1079. >You return the embrace while looking to her father.
  1080. >He gives another nod, and a gaze that seems to be one of approval.
  1081. >He and Pinkie head inside as you drive home.
  1082. >That evening is a stark contrast to the previous, perhaps with the air being cleared up a little.
  1083. >You feel like you have the 'ok' from Pinkie's father, but her mother is still in question.
  1084. >It may take a lot more to convince her you're of no threat.
  1085. >Regardless, you believe you're in a much better position than the one you were in yesterday.
  1086. >After finishing your schoolwork, you balance your time between gaming and messaging your friends.
  1087. >Pinkie sends you the most messages, as expected.
  1088. >She sounds much better, and this should improve even more once she's able to get back to work.
  1089. >As you turn in for the night, the exchange you had with Mr. Pie fills your head.
  1090. >How long will you be able to remain a focus in Pinkie's life?
  1091. >Can you gain a better footing with the rest of the family as time goes on?
  1092. >But most importantly...
  1093. >Does Pinkie really 'like' you?
  1094. >And do you 'like' her back?
  1095. >More and more, you feel the answer to the last two questions is 'yes...'
  1097. ------
  1099. >Over the next few days, you and Pinkie stay connected through texts when not in classes together.
  1100. >You bring her a little something sweet from the Corner had at the end of each work day.
  1101. >Under supervision by Pinkie's father, the two of you are allowed to spend time outside her home at the end of the day.
  1102. >You doubt the Mrs. approves of this, but is going along for Pinkie's sake.
  1103. >At the end of the week, Mr. Pie takes time to ask you other questions about your life;
  1104. >The places you've been, the people you've known, future aspirations, etc.
  1105. >You appreciate the fact he's getting to know you and why Pinkie likes you so much...
  1106. >...but you wonder if this is a case of 'knowing thy enemy' with an itchy trigger finger.
  1107. >You'll take what you can get, however, if it means spending mostly uninterrupted time with Pinkie.
  1108. >She does ask her father if she can spend time with you outside the home that weekend.
  1109. > “Best to wait until next week,” Mr. Pie replies. “Wouldn't want to decide against against yer ma's iron will.”
  1110. >Disappointing, but understandable.
  1111. >When he steps in the house for something, you and Pinkie take the opportunity to climb onto one of the larger rocks in the backyard.
  1112. >She needs a little help getting up, though, which you provide.
  1113. >The sun is going down at this point, it's rays making the sky a mix of oranges and pinks.
  1114. >“Guess this week wasn't as terrible as I thought it'd be,” Pinkie says with a sigh.
  1115. “Could've been much worse,” you reply. “Things will be better once things are finally smoothed out.”
  1116. >“What things?” She asks.
  1117. “Well...the things with your mom...finding out who's doing the hazing at school...those sorts of things.”
  1118. >Pinkie groans. “I don't know what I hate more right now...”
  1119. “We'll get through it somehow,” you say.
  1120. >“You think so?”
  1121. “I know so.”
  1123. >As you stare off to the horizon, Pinkie decides to rest her head on your shoulder.
  1124. >You look at her from the corner of your eye.
  1125. >The thoughts in your head from the other night are resurfacing.
  1126. >Instinctively, you take a hand and put it around her waist.
  1127. >She doesn't do or say anything in objection, but rather sighs contently.
  1128. “You know, your dad had me make a pact the other day,” you say, breaking the silence.
  1129. >“He does that all the time with people,” Pinkie comments. “His way of building trust, especially with business partners.”
  1130. “This was far from business,” you reply. “This was about you.”
  1131. >“Oh?” Pinkie asks, confused.
  1132. “He asked me to promise to be there for you, for as long as I'm a part of your life...”
  1133. >You say this while looking at the horizon.
  1134. >You don't see Pinkie's reaction, but you feel your shoulder getting a tad warmer.
  1135. >Her cheeks must be burning at this point.
  1136. >“He didn't say that...” she says.
  1137. “Why wouldn't he?” You ask.
  1138. >“It's just that...he's almost as bad as mom when it comes to people outside the family. Why the sudden change of heart?”
  1139. “Maybe...he's making an exception for you,” you reply. “He did say you've been a much cheerier since I moved here.”
  1140. >“I guess that last part is true...”
  1141. “And he also said there's nothing more he wants than for you and your sisters to be happy.”
  1142. >“That could be said by any parent, though...”
  1143. “Given how rocky things have been as of late, it's very true here.”
  1144. >“Maybe...”
  1146. >You sit in relative silence for a while, simply enjoying each others' company.
  1147. >Soon the sun is close to dipping below the horizon.
  1148. >There hasn't been any calls for Pinkie to come inside yet, and Mr. Pie hasn't come back out.
  1149. >“Nonnie, did you really mean what you said earlier about my dad?”
  1150. “Hm?”
  1151. >“You've been making me feel better with all the stuff from the Cakes. Part of me thought you were just saying things to add on to it...”
  1152. “Come on, you know I wouldn't lie to you about something like that. Your dad would have me strung up by my shoelaces if I was...”
  1153. >Pinkie laughs. “Now THAT I'd believe. He did that with a guy Limestone was seeing once.”
  1154. “Wait...seriously?”
  1155. >“Poor guy said something stupid and out of line that got him and my sister mad...”
  1156. “He tied him up and hung him upside down from a second floor window until he apologized.”
  1157. >You shudder at the thought.
  1158. >“Just be careful around him...and around Mom. My dad may trust you now, but she's another story.”
  1159. “Any ideas on how to get on her good side?” You ask.
  1160. >“Watching your words and not being an idiot, to start. She doesn't give respect that easily...”
  1161. >You think for a moment.
  1162. “How about I make something special for you guys? Does she have any favorite desserts?”
  1163. >“She...does like marble cakes. She does those all the time for our birthdays.”
  1164. >'Only appropriate,' you think to yourself.
  1165. “Let me see what I can come up with,” you say. “I've got the weekend off, so I might be able to whip something up before it's done.”
  1166. >“Can't wait for that,” Pinkie replies. “Then again, that's true with all the goodies you've made so far.”
  1167. >You share a laugh as the sun disappears for the day.
  1169. >“Pinkamena, supper time!” You hear Mrs. Pie shout.
  1170. “Visiting hours are over, looks like,” you say as you slide down from the rock.
  1171. >“Unfortunately,” Pinkie replies, getting up.
  1172. >She somehow loses her balance, giving a scream as she tumbles.
  1173. >Luckily, you're right there to catch her.
  1174. >Unluckily, this sends the both of you to the ground in a cloud of dust.
  1175. >When it settles, Pinkie is lying on top of you, a scared look in her eyes.
  1176. >She's panting heavily from the sudden adrenaline rush.
  1177. >You'd both be embarrassed right now if not for the sudden fright.
  1178. >“Oh my god, are you alright?” She asks.
  1179. “I've had worse,” you groan, doing your best to sit up. “How about you?”
  1180. >She doesn't reply, instead throwing her arms around your neck.
  1181. >“That was scary,” she says, “but you were there for me yet again...”
  1182. “Didn't I make a promise to be there?” You ask, returning her embrace.
  1183. >“Yeah, you did.”
  1184. >She kisses your forehead as a 'thank you' before playfully rubbing her nose against yours.
  1185. >“How about we avoid big rocks like this for a while?” She says, helping you to your feet.
  1186. “I don't know,” you reply. “Led to a satisfying result, don't you think?”
  1187. >“True, but maybe next time we find a less painful way to get there?”
  1188. “Whatever floats your boat...”
  1189. >You say your goodbyes for the night, feeling it best not to let this little moment be found out.
  1190. >But now you have even more to think about as you drive home.
  1191. >What will you need to make a nice cake for Mrs. Pie? Will it be enough for her to turn the page with you?
  1192. >And what else needs to be done to truly win Pinkie's affections?
  1193. “Save it for later, Mini-Me...” You mutter to yourself...
  1195. ------
  1197. >Saturday morning.
  1198. >You're up bright and early, determined to get going on your little 'project.'
  1199. >The night before you did some research on marble cake.
  1200. >It's not a kind you're familiar with, but it seems simple enough.
  1201. >You rush out to purchase the needed ingredients from the local supermarket.
  1202. >By the time you're home again, you're ready to bake up a storm
  1203. >Your mother's surprised by the enthusiasm you're putting into this.
  1204. >She's seen you like this many times, but now seems different to her than normal.
  1205. >You explain the situation to her, including the fact it's your attempt to try and win over a seemingly bitter individual...
  1206. >...who just so happens to be the mother of your new friend.
  1207. >Your mother understands, and asks if you need help with anything.
  1208. >You decline, as it wouldn't have as much impact if you had assistance of any kind.
  1209. >She lets you do your thing, wishing you luck in the process.
  1210. >It's not long until the batter is ready, and two pans are filled and thrown in the oven.
  1211. >You move to the frosting. You feel vanilla is the best option here.
  1212. >When the cake halves are fully baked, you begin the construction process.
  1213. >The bottom layer is lathered in the frosting you prepared.
  1214. >The top layer is added, and the full cake is completely covered.
  1215. >You add plenty of decorative elements to make it stand out.
  1216. >At the store you had debated picking up some rock candy to serve as a finishing touch,
  1217. >You decided against it, thinking it would be too on-the-nose for this particular family.
  1218. >Plus, it may seem like an insult, especially to the Mr. Pie...
  1219. >At last, the cake is complete, at least where you feel it's presentable for the intended audience.
  1221. >You message Pinkie with the good news, sending a photo of your creation.
  1222. >'OMG Nonnie, that looks amazing! I'm sure Mom will love it.'
  1223. 'I hope you,' you message back. 'When do you think I should bring it?'
  1224. >'Lemme get back to you on that,' Pinkie texts. 'I wanna check something first.'
  1225. >You take the time waiting to box up your cake, so it'll be ready to go whenever.
  1226. >Finally you get another message.
  1227. >'Nonnie, you wanna come over for dinner tonight?'
  1228. >Well that was fast.
  1229. >'Mom and Dad said it's okay.'
  1230. >'Plus, Maud and Limestone are going to be visiting tonight and tomorrow.'
  1231. >Escalating quickly, you see...
  1232. 'A whole family affair, eh?'
  1233. >'Don't worry, as long as you remember not to do or saying anything stupid, you'll be fine.'
  1234. 'Alright, alright. Any idea what you're having?'
  1235. >'We'll make it a nice and simple pasta night, and you can wow everyone with that cake of yours.'
  1236. 'Sure, I guess. What time?'
  1237. >'We'll be eating around five. Sound good?'
  1238. >You laugh.
  1239. 'See you then.'
  1240. >'Okie dokie lokie!'
  1241. >Multiple heart and kiss emojis follow.
  1242. >Your heart can't take much more cuteness overload...
  1244. >It's about four in the afternoon when you arrive back at the Pie residence.
  1245. >Cake box in hand, you make your way to the door and knock, as you have before.
  1246. >The door opens, and a girl you don't recognize answers.
  1247. >She's older, with light gray hair and green eyes that pierce just like Mr. Pie's.
  1248. >“Oh hey, you must be this Anon guy Pinkie's talked about since I got back...”
  1249. “Uh...yeah, I am. And you are...”
  1250. >“Limestone,” she replies, holding out a hand. You shift your grasp on the box so you can shake it.
  1251. “Nice to meet you. Pinkie's told me a bit about you, also.”
  1252. >“I'm sure. The way she's been going on and on about all this has me curious, though.”
  1253. “About what?”
  1254. >“It sounds like she's been getting awfully cozy with you. That true?”
  1255. “ could be getting to that point...but neither of us have taken the jump yet...”
  1256. >“Oh really...” Limestone gives you a look that's all too familiar to you.
  1257. >“Look, when our parents aren't around, I'm the one looking after my sisters. I wanna make sure they're all taken care of, you know?”
  1258. “Yeah, I get that...”
  1259. >“If you do take that 'jump,' be good to her, okay?”
  1260. >She pokes your collarbone with an index finger.
  1261. >“Or I'll find out where you live and do Dad's job for him...”
  1262. >You gulp.
  1263. “Y...yes, ma'am...” you stutter.
  1264. >Limestone grins before laughing. “Oh come on, I'm just kidding. Like I'd go that far!”
  1265. “Could've fooled me...” you say, trying to laugh with her.
  1266. >“But seriously, take care of her as I would. Only the best for my sister...”
  1268. >Speaking of whom...
  1269. >“Nonnie, I see you've met my biggest sis!”
  1270. “Hey, Pinkie,” you say, waving. “Hope I'm not too early.”
  1271. >“It's fine,” she replies. “Plenty of time to meet the rest of the family!”
  1272. >Limestone leads with a hand to invite you in, and you make your way inside.
  1273. >Despite how the house looked on the outside, there's a surprising amount of room inside.
  1274. >Pinkie takes the box from you and brings it over to where you assume is the dining room.
  1275. >You're led over to the living room, where Mr. Pie and another girl are watching TV.
  1276. >By process of elimination, this must be Maud.
  1277. >She turns her attention to you with teal eyes, an indifferent look in them.
  1278. >“Hey,” she says in an almost monotone voice. “You this 'Nonnie'?”
  1279. “Mhmm, and you're this 'Maud' Pinkie's getting her jokes from.”
  1280. >“Most of them,” Maud replies. “You hear about the guy who had to have the left side of his body surgically removed?”
  1281. “”
  1282. >“He's half the man he used to be...”
  1283. >You're about to groan when you're interrupted.
  1284. >“But don't worry, he's doing okay...”
  1285. >“In fact...he's all right...”
  1286. >This gets a big laugh from everyone in the room, including you and Mr. Pie.
  1287. >“Where do you come up with this stuff?” He asks.
  1288. >“I have my sources,” Maud replies. “But to be serious, you sound like a good guy, Anon, if Dad and Pinkie's words mean anything.”
  1289. “Thanks,” you say. “Glad I'm on at least some people's good side...”
  1291. >You leave them to their program as Pinkie comes back to guide you around.
  1292. >Eventually you find yourselves in the kitchen.
  1293. >Mrs. Pie is at the stove, stirring something in a large pot.
  1294. >An even larger pot of water is on the burner next to it, mostly likely for the pasta.
  1295. >Marble is in here as well, cutting up various vegetables for a salad. She gives a meek wave hello when she sees you.
  1296. >You can smell sauce simmering in the pot Mrs. Pie is at, and meat of some kind in the oven.
  1297. >“Mom, Anon's here,” Pinkie announces.
  1298. >Mrs. Pie looks up from her work.
  1299. >“I see you decided to come,” she says bluntly.
  1300. >Not a good start...
  1301. >“Pinkamena, Marble, go ahead and set the table, please.”
  1302. >The two sisters nod, grabbing a number of plates from the cupboard and heading to the other room.
  1303. “Is there anything I can help with?” You ask.
  1304. >Mrs. Pie gives you the 'look.'
  1305. >“I suppose you can help with the sausage,” she replies. “It should be ready by now.”
  1306. >Right on cue, an egg timer goes off.
  1307. >Mrs. Pie hands you some pot holders and steps aside so you can grab a pan out of the oven.
  1308. “Andouille?” You ask, recognizing the smell.
  1309. >“You have a good nose,” Mrs. Pie comments. “Cut that up so we can add it to the sauce.”
  1310. >You grab a knife and set to work, chopping the sausage into good-sized pieces.
  1311. >You carefully guide them from the cutting board into the sauce, making sure nothing splatters.
  1312. >Meanwhile, Mrs. Pie takes Marble's place at preparing the veggies.
  1313. >“Now, while you stir all of that in and the water boils, we have time to talk...”
  1314. >Guess she was waiting for everyone else to be out of the room before doing this...
  1316. >“I've been having many talks with both my husband and Pinkamena as of late.”
  1317. “About what's been happening recently, I assume,” you state.
  1318. >“You assume correct. My daughter especially feels I haven't been fair with her or with you since all of this started.”
  1319. “You're being protective of her. That's what mothers do, isn't it?”
  1320. >“It's more than that,” Mrs. Pie replies. “I don't want any my daughters associating themselves with anyone who may take advantage of them.”
  1321. >“I've seen it before with both Limestone and Maud. A boy would show up seemingly out of nowhere and become 'friends' with them. It wasn't long before their true motives came out, and my daughters' hearts were shaken.”
  1322. >You take all of this in as you stir.
  1323. “You feel that's what's going on here?” You ask.
  1324. >“Pinkamena has many friends, boy, but none of them have come as close as you.”
  1325. >Now you get it.
  1326. “So you think I'm getting as close as I am so I can make a move on her.”
  1327. >“Isn't that what boys do?”
  1328. “Some, maybe, but I was raised better than that, and so has...Pinkamena.”
  1329. >You focus on your work, but you feel the 'look' on you again.
  1330. >“Go on...”
  1331. “First, I'm sorry for my words the last time we've met. I'm trying my best to be more respectful with you right now.
  1332. “Second, I've never taken advantage of any girl I've met and known just to 'get' with them. Even if I wanted to, I'm never in one place long enough for that to happen.
  1333. “Third, your daughter has done all she can to ensure I'm welcome and adjusted, both at school and at our jobs.
  1334. “Yes, our friendship has grown since I arrived, and so have our feelings for each other...
  1335. “...but I have too much respect for her to ruin what we've built by 'making a move.'
  1336. “The only way I'd even think about that is if she truly shares my affections and wants to pursue a deeper relationship.
  1337. “I hope that's enough of an explanation for you. It's as honest as I can be right now...”
  1339. >Mrs. Pie hasn't said a word through any of this.
  1340. >At this point, the water has begun to boil.
  1341. >You expect her temper to do the same, but there is nothing yet.
  1342. >Finally, the silence is broken.
  1343. >“I'll say have been raised well. That's a decent head on your shoulders...”
  1344. >“I want the best for my daughters, just as my husband does. He and I just have different ways of showing it.”
  1345. “I can understand that,” you say.
  1346. >“So you can also understand why I've acted the way I have with you.”
  1347. “You don't trust me that much right now, do you?”
  1348. >“It'll take more than a soapbox speech to convince me of your intentions. I'll need to see more from you before that happens.”
  1349. “That's fair. I'll continue to work on that for as long as I can. It's for her sake, after all.”
  1350. >Mrs. Pie pulls out multiple packages of spaghetti and dumps the contents into the boiling water.
  1351. >“And I'll continue to keep a sharp eye on the two of you. As you said, it's for her sake...”
  1352. >You nod in agreement.
  1353. >“I thank you for your help, and for your words. I can finish up here should you wish to join the rest of the family.”
  1354. >You bow your head out of respect.
  1355. “I appreciate this. I won't disappoint you.”
  1356. >You turn to head back to the living room
  1357. >“Oh, and one more thing?”
  1358. >You stop in your tracks and turn your head back to Mrs. Pie.
  1359. >“Try not to do anything foolish with her, or I will hear about it...”
  1360. >The stern warning delivered, you nod and walk out.
  1362. >Dinner is served about fifteen minutes later, and everyone takes a place at the extended table.
  1363. >You sit between Pinkie and Mr. Pie, and you happen to be right across from the Mrs.
  1364. >There's her 'keeping an eye' on you right now.
  1365. >You dig into the meal, and the sauce is an excellent mix of hot and sweet.
  1366. >You're not used to having sausage with a pasta dish, but its spiciness adds a nice flavor, as well.
  1367. >You make this clear with Mrs. Pie, and she appreciates the compliment.
  1368. >During dinner, the Pies discuss recent happenings in their lives.
  1369. >Limestone is currently studying to be a geologist. Given her family history, it only seems appropriate.
  1370. >Maud hasn't fully committed to a major yet, as it's her first college semester, but she's gained an interest in both journalism and creative writing.
  1371. >Pinkie asks out loud if Maud might want to become an author at some point, which Maud may be open to.
  1372. >Marble says she has been trying to broaden her horizons and make new friends at school.
  1373. >It's an uphill battle for obvious reasons, but so far she's gained the support of several of her classmates to keep going.
  1374. >Pinkie talks about school and work, and mentions how she's learned quite a bit from watching you at both places.
  1375. >You try your best to be modest about it, saying she's a good study with plenty of potential.
  1376. >Mr. Pie mentions he secured a contract with the next town over to supply building material for their new municipal offices. The quarry will be extra busy for the next several months.
  1377. >Mrs. Pie has been working hard to prepare for the upcoming county fair, perfecting a few of her dessert recipes.
  1378. >It sounds like she has healthy competition and rivalries with several of the locals, including Applejack's grandmother.
  1380. >You don't contribute much to the ongoing conversation, but you chat a little with Pinkie on the side.
  1381. >You do get a few questions thrown your way, such as how working for the Cakes is, and what plans you have for the future.
  1382. >You answer them to the best of your abilities, although you don't have a definitive response right now for that last question
  1383. >It's a hearty meal, but it seems like everyone isn't eating everything in sight.
  1384. >Making room for the dessert you brought, which makes sense.
  1385. >You and Pinkie help with the cleanup once everybody is done eating, while Marble brings in smaller plates and utensils.
  1386. >With the table cleared, it's time for what you consider the main event...
  1387. >...but also potentially a make or break moment.
  1388. >You grab the box your brought and place it in the middle of the table.
  1389. >You lift up the top, revealing the cake you had so carefully prepared.
  1390. >Most of the Pies seem to marvel at how it looks.
  1391. >You do mean 'most,' as Mrs. Pie doesn't look that impressed.
  1392. >You try your best not to let this faze you.
  1393. >You cut into it and begin to distribute slices to everybody.
  1394. >Pinkie's the first to take a bite, surprise surprise, and she fully enjoys it.
  1395. >One by one the other Pies give it a try. Each one gives a satisfactory grade.
  1396. >Mrs. Pie is the last one to dig in. You stay quiet, waiting with anticipation.
  1397. >“You made this by yourself, boy?” She asks.
  1398. “Yeah, I did,” you reply.
  1399. >“Color me impressed. I make cakes like this all the time, and yours comes fairly close.
  1400. >“It's not perfect, but with improvements you'd get a ribbon of some kind at the fair...”
  1401. >Under the table, you feel one of your hands squeezed by Pinkie.
  1402. “Thank you,” you say. “I'll try to do better with this next time.”
  1403. >“I'm sure you will...” Mrs. Pie replies.
  1404. >After dessert and cleanup, you feel it's time for you to head out.
  1405. >You get farewells from the Pies, while Pinkie escorts you outside.
  1407. “How do you think it went tonight?” You ask.
  1408. >“I think you did good,” Pinkie replies, “even with what you said to Mom earlier.”
  1409. “You heard all of that?”
  1410. >”I was listening from around the corner. Wanted to make sure things didn't get too heated.”
  1411. “Oh...well, I guess there was nothing to worry about. She didn't blow up on me, at least...”
  1412. >“Give her time, Nonnie. Once she knows you a little better, she may come around more.”
  1413. “With any luck...”
  1414. >“But I think everybody else likes you so far. You make a lot of good impressions, you know that?”
  1415. “That's what matters at the start, isn't it?”
  1416. >“Yeah...”
  1417. >You reach your car, but before you get in, Pinkie takes hold of your arm.
  1418. >“Thank you, by the way...for everything you said about me...”
  1419. “Meant every word of it,” you reply. “If this keeps building up as it has, I want us both willing to make it work.”
  1420. >“Me too. We might be there, almost...”
  1421. >She pulls you in for a hug, and gives you a long, tender kiss on the cheek.
  1422. >“Night, Nonnie. See you Monday?”
  1423. “Wouldn't miss it,” you reply.
  1424. >You see Pinkie wave from your side-view mirror as you drive off, which you return.
  1425. >You feel like you've scored a number of victories today.
  1426. >Mrs. Pie isn't fully on board with you yet, but you think you're at least on the right track.
  1427. >With Pinkie, the road to something even greater could be on the horizon.
  1428. >It's all a matter of maintaining your present course and seeing where it all leads...
  1430. ------
  1432. >A few weeks have passed.
  1433. >When Pinkie's grounding ended, she seemed to be in even greater spirits than before.
  1434. >Mostly because it meant she could go about her normal routines without restrictions, including going back to work.
  1435. >It wasn't too hard for you or the rest of her friends to notice her excitement, as she was shivering with anticipation that entire day.
  1436. >As they say, if you truly love your job, you won't work a day of your life...
  1437. >It hasn't been all fluff and roses, though, as random acts of hazing have continued to happen.
  1438. >Whoever these pricks are, they're following a particular pattern.
  1439. >The targets have mostly been freshmen or students who wouldn't recognize the bullies.
  1440. >Also, they would strike when hardly anyone else was around to notice or care.
  1441. >According to Twilight, who keeps tabs with the Principal, the blazers have stuck as a description for the bullies in each incident.
  1442. >Yet so far nothing concrete has been done to resolve this.
  1443. >Celestia probably doesn't want to isolate an entire block of students for questioning until better identifications can be made.
  1444. >How no one's been able to get a good look at these guys is beyond you.
  1445. >It has you worried, honestly.
  1446. >No one has been targeted more than once, but that pattern could easily change at any given time.
  1447. >You'll all have to remain vigilant for now.
  1448. >You continue to move in your small groups for security, and you make sure you stick with Pinkie at the end of each school day.
  1449. >You still notice looks from certain other students when you walk with her, but you haven't heard any more passerby comments.
  1450. >Either they got your 'message,' or they're keeping their voices really low.
  1451. >Regardless, as long as they continue to be discreet, it's fine with you.
  1452. >Pinkie's feelings on the matter are a bit more important than yours.
  1453. >If she's fine with it, then you'll have to be, as well.
  1455. >At the end of the week, it feels like business as usual.
  1456. >Your cooking class teacher has given you another unique test.
  1457. >You receive a recipe from weeks prior, but it was all 'wrong,' with missing ingredients, incorrect measurements, etc.
  1458. >You had to correct the mistakes and prepare the dish as it's supposed to be done.
  1459. >A challenge for someone who didn't remember the recipe, but a cinch for you.
  1460. >At this point if feels like you're showing off, but you try your best to keep that on the down-low.
  1461. >It doesn't seem to be a problem for Pinkie, either, as she breezes through it almost as fast as you do.
  1462. >You give each other a fist bump as you turn in your work.
  1463. >When the bell rings, the two make your runs to each others lockers.
  1464. >“Can't wait to get to work,” Pinkie says. “The Cakes are bringing back a special item for today only!”
  1465. “Oh? What would that be?”
  1466. >“We don't know! They have a rotating list of special desserts they make for the last Friday of the month, so there's no telling which one it will be.”
  1467. “Really? First I've heard of this.”
  1468. >“It's known only between the Cakes and us waitresses once we get in. They make the items in secret when everyone else is gone. Otherwise it'd spoil the surprise!”
  1469. “Eh, I'm sure whatever it is, it'll go over well with people today.”
  1470. >“Always does!”
  1471. >As you pass by one of the restroom areas, Pinkie looks in that direction.
  1472. > “Um, I gotta use this real quick. Be back in a jiffy!”
  1473. >She zips through the door in a heartbeat, leaving you to wait outside.
  1474. >A few minutes pass, and you check the time on your phone.
  1475. >Either she's taking her time in there, or the mystery meat from lunch has come back to haunt her.
  1476. >With your head down, you don't notice anything going on around you.
  1478. >“Hey there, Newbie.” You hear a voice say.
  1479. >You look up and see two older students a few feet away from you...
  1480. >Wearing blazers...
  1481. >You don't see the colors of their eyes, as they are both wearing sunglasses, and they're wearing generic hats, so their hair is obscured.
  1482. “What do you want?” You ask.
  1483. >“He's the new guy here, right?” One of them asks.
  1484. >“Oh yeah,” the other replies. “He's the one hanging out with the freak!”
  1485. >Your senses are spiking right now.
  1486. >“Hey, why are you spending so much time with her?” The first asks. “She's a lunatic!”
  1487. >“A psychopath,” the second adds.
  1488. “Who I spend my time with is none of your business,” you reply. “And I'd stop using those names if I were you.”
  1489. >“Why?” The first asks. “It's the truth! You've seen how she acts around everybody!”
  1490. >“Always on a sugar rush, unless someone hurts her little feelings,” the second says.
  1491. >“Remember when we got to her last time?” The first asks. “She went all emo, looking like she wanted to cut herself silly!”
  1492. >“Don't forget, it's up the sidewalk, not across the street!”
  1493. >As they laugh, you balled up your fists.
  1494. >There's no doubt about it, now. These are the pricks you've been looking for.
  1495. >“Aww, what's the matter?” The second asks you. “Mad that we hurt your little cock sleeve?”
  1496. >“Don't worry,” the first says. “He's just a little wuss who takes cooking classes!”
  1497. >“Yeah, what's he gonna do, try and make a knuckle sandwich?”
  1498. >They laugh again. Now your temper's getting the better of you.
  1499. “Oh, you asshats are BEGGING for broken jaws...”
  1500. >“Tough talk for a skinny wimp,” the first bully retorts. “What do you say, bud? Have we buttered him up enough?”
  1501. >“Yeah,” the second replies. “Time to do our thing.”
  1503. >And then it happens....
  1504. >“Nonnie, what's going on out here?” Pinkie asks as she comes out of the restroom.
  1505. >She gasps at the sight in front of her.
  1506. >Oh no...
  1507. >Your attention is taken away just long enough for the bullies to jump you.
  1508. >Pinkie screams as you're knocked down.
  1509. “RUN!” You yell. “GET HELP!”
  1510. >Without a second thought, she makes a break for it.
  1511. >“Crap,” the first bully exclaims. “That'll cost us time.”
  1512. >“Never mind,” the second replies. “We don't need much for a shrimp like him. Let's get this over with and bolt.”
  1513. >He grabs you by your coat and hoists you up.
  1514. >Before you can respond, the first gives you a knee to the gut.
  1515. >You lurch forward, and the second gets behind you and puts you into a full-nelson.
  1516. >“Make it easy on yourself and take the hits,” he says.
  1517. "Like hell I'm going to just let you do this,” you growl as you struggle.
  1518. >“Good,” the first replies. “Makes it all the more fun.”
  1519. >You get a punch to the chest this time, followed by another.
  1520. "What the 'love and tolerate' motto...this school has?” You cough.
  1521. >“Oh, that stupid little bit?” The second bully asks. “We really 'love' doing this.”
  1522. >“And you better 'tolerate' it,” adds the first, “OR ELSE.”
  1523. >He pulls his arm back for another blow.
  1524. >You make your move.
  1526. >You lower your head before quickly jerking it back, bashing the face of the second bully.
  1527. >You follow up by swinging a leg up, hitting him below the belt.
  1528. >The combined counterattack causes him to shout out and let go of you.
  1529. >This gives you the ability to avoid the incoming punch, and you hit back with a swing of your own.
  1530. >You connect with the bully's midsection, which he doesn't take kindly to.
  1531. >You dodge another hit, and you kick him in the side.
  1532. >They may be bigger, but you're faster on your feet.
  1533. >Which will help, as you see that the second bully is recovering from having his cajones kicked in.
  1534. >Sadly, your speed means nothing if you keep getting distracted.
  1535. >The first bully spears you in this moment, knocking you onto your back and pinning you down.
  1536. >“You alright?” He asks his cohort.
  1537. >“The little shit almost broke my nose!” The second bully says, his voice muffled by his hands.
  1538. >“Well, as the old saying goes,” the first says, “an eye for an eye...”
  1539. >He proceeds to punch the living daylights out of you.
  1540. >Each hit feels like a sledgehammer slamming against your head.
  1541. >You're incapable of fighting back like this, your consciousness beginning to waver.
  1542. >You hear someone shouting 'Stop it!', and the punishment stops for a moment.
  1543. >You see Pinkie, Appljack, Big Mac, and another really large student running towards you from down the hall.
  1544. >The bullies panic, getting off of you and running away.
  1545. >As Big Mac and the mystery student go after them, Pinkie and Applejack stop to check on you.
  1546. >“Oh my god, Nonnie!” Pinkie exclaims as she kneels beside you. “Talk to me!”
  1547. >You can barely keep your eyes open. They dart between your friends as Applejack calls for help.
  1548. >They finally focus on Pinkie, who looks more afraid than you've ever seen her.
  1549. >You feel tears from her eyes hitting your face, but you're unable to respond.
  1550. >Before long, your vision fades to black...
  1552. ------
  1554. >The first feeling that comes to you as you...come intense pain.
  1555. >Your eyes open for what seems like the first time in an eternity, but only a little at first.
  1556. >Your vision is blurry at the moment.
  1557. >Apparently your bell was rung badly enough for your inner workings to get scrambled.
  1558. >It slowly but surely gets more focused...and pinker.
  1559. >“Nonnie?” You hear a familiar voice say.
  1560. >Finally your vision is clear, and you're able to slightly tilt your head back and forth.
  1561. >You're in a room of some kind, and surrounded by privacy curtains.
  1562. >You're on a bed without covers, while Pinkie is sitting in a chair next to it, holding your hand.
  1563. “ I?” You ask groggily.
  1564. >“In the nurse's office,” Pinkie replies. “We got help getting you here after what happened.”
  1565. >With your free hand, you reach for your head, discovering the top has been wrapped in bandages.
  1566. “Oh yeah...that...”
  1567. >One of the curtains slides open, and the school nurse peeks in, holding a tray of water and pills.
  1568. >“Oh, Nurse Redheart! Nonnie's awake!”
  1569. >“I can see that,” Redheart replies. “Welcome back to the realm of the living.”
  1570. “Thanks...I guess...”
  1571. >“Hang on, I gotta get everybody!” Pinkie lets go of your hand and darts out of the office.
  1572. >“So quick, that one,” Redheart muses. “How are you feeling?”
  1573. “Like a mile-long freight train ran over me,” you mutter.
  1574. >“Given the beating you took, that's not surprising.”
  1575. >You try to sit up, but your body screams in agony as the slightest attempt.
  1577. >“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Redheart orders, popping a few pills into your mouth. “At least not until the painkillers kick in.”
  1578. >She helps you down some water so you can swallow said pills.
  1579. “Thank you,” you say. “How long was I out?”
  1580. >“Almost two hours,” the nurse replies. “Your parents have been notified, and they'll be here soon to pick you up.”
  1581. >Lovely.
  1582. “Who else knows about this?”
  1583. >“If you're wondering about Ms. Celestia and Ms. Luna, they're fully aware of this incident. They're meeting with your parents as we speak.”
  1584. >At this time, Pinkie returns.
  1585. >“Nonnie, look who I brought!”
  1586. >Twilight, Applejack, Big Mac, and the other student who was with them come in.
  1587. >“Oh my, this is as bad as I thought!” Twilight exclaims.
  1588. >“Would've been worse had Pinkie not gotten to us as fast as she did,” Applejack comments.
  1589. >“Eeyup,” Big Mac replies.
  1590. >“So you're this Anon I've heard about?” The other student asks in a burly voice.
  1591. “Yeah...and you are?”
  1592. >“Bulk Bicep's the name! I'd shake your hand, but that might not be the best idea right now...”
  1593. >Appropriate name, given his size. He's even bigger than Mac.
  1594. “ did you hear about me?”
  1595. >“Oh, I go to Sugarcube Corner all the time with my girlfriend,” Bulk replies. “I keep hearing your name going around with all the treats you've been making there. They're AWESOME!”
  1596. >The shout is loud enough to get your ears ringing again.
  1597. >“Hey, watch the volume!” Pinkie snaps.
  1598. >“Whoops, sorry,” Bulk says, rubbing the back of his head.
  1600. >“We have news for you, Anon,” Twilight says.
  1601. “About the pricks?” You inquire.
  1602. >“Eeyup,” Mac replies.
  1603. >“Big brother and Bulk recognized the two varmints almost immediately,” Applejack says. “Those guys are teammates of theirs on the football team...or should I say, they were...”
  1604. >“Once the Principal got wind of this,” Bulk adds, “she got a hold of the coach. He got their punk asses kicked off the team, and they might be expelled from school, too.”
  1605. >“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” Applejack states.
  1606. >“There are some things we'll tolerate,” Twilight says, “but what happened to you is not one of them.”
  1607. >You sigh as you lay your head back.
  1608. “Two less assholes to worry about,” you say.
  1609. >Pinkie sits back down in the chair she was in. “Let's not think about them anymore,” she says.
  1610. >You look all around as you slowly regain strength in your muscles.
  1611. >In one form or another, everyone here has shown kindness and concern for your well-being.
  1612. >You realize you've had more impact here in a matter of months than you've had anywhere else the rest of your life.
  1613. >Then something else dawns on you.
  1614. “Shoot, what about work?”
  1615. >“Don't worry, Nonnie. I called the Cakes after we got you here. They want you to rest up as long as you need to.”
  1616. “What about you? Shouldn't you be there?”
  1617. >“They gave me the day off,” Pinkie replies, taking your hand again. “This is more important ...”
  1618. >You smile, both weakly and meekly.
  1619. >“Alright, I think Anon has had enough extra visitors for one day,” Redheart says.
  1620. >She shoos almost everyone else out, promising to keep them in the loop on your condition.
  1621. >Pinkie is allowed to stay, at least
  1622. >Perhaps Redheart senses something special, and leaves the two of you alone.
  1624. >“I'm so sorry, Nonnie,” Pinkie says. “Had I not left you alone-”
  1625. “It's not your fault,” you interrupt. “There's no way you could've known this would happen.”
  1626. >“Doesn't matter,” Pinkie replies. “It happened...they hurt you bad...”
  1627. “And nothing could've prevented that. But you were able to get help, right?”
  1628. >“...right...”
  1629. “Then that's what matters. Those guys could've gone after you. They could've hurt you, or worse...”
  1630. >Pinkie shudders.
  1631. “At least we won't have to see them again, right?”
  1632. >“...hopefully...”
  1633. >Another thought comes to mind.
  1634. “Do your parents know about this?”
  1635. >“I called home after I called the Cakes. I said I wanted to stay here until I knew you were okay.”
  1636. “You didn't have to say that...”
  1637. >“Don't be silly. Like I said, this is more important.”
  1638. >She grips your hand tighter to reinforce this.
  1639. “Alright...maybe mine can give you a ride home. I'm guessing they won't let me get back by myself...”
  1640. >“As they shouldn't,” Pinkie says. “I'd hate to see you trying to drive all banged up...”
  1641. “Yeah,” you laugh. “I'd be weaving back and forth on both sides of the road...”
  1642. >“...before flying off a ramp into a ditch,” Pinkie finishes with a giggle of her own.
  1643. >You both sigh as you look back at each other.
  1644. “Thank you,” you say. “I don't know where I'd be right now without you being there...”
  1645. >“You've been there for me ever since you got here,” Pinkie replies. “I think it's about time I returned the favor...”
  1646. >She leans down until your faces are barely inches apart.
  1647. >She shuts her eyes and slowly closes the gap, bringing her lips to yours.
  1648. >The kiss lasts briefly, but long enough for you to feel the warmth and tenderness it brings.
  1649. >When she breaks away, Pinkie has a little smile that you've never seen before.
  1650. “That was nice,” you say. “Maybe we should do that more often...”
  1651. >Pinkie blushes. “Plenty of time for that, Nonnie...”
  1653. >Not long after, your parents come to see you.
  1654. >Naturally they're worried about you, but you tell them you'll be fine.
  1655. >This is also when they get to meet Pinkie for the first time.
  1656. >Given the circumstances, it's an interesting meeting, but everyone seems glad to finally meet each other face-to-face.
  1657. >When you ask, your mother says she'd be more than happy to bring Pinkie home, while your father drives your car back.
  1658. >On the way, Pinkie talks a little about herself, and about the time she's spent with you so far.
  1659. >Your mother asks her plenty of questions, and all the while she looks happy with how things have been going, despite this little 'hiccup.'
  1660. >Eventually you reach Pinkie's home. She smooches your forehead before heading in.
  1661. >“Such a nice girl,” your mother says as she heads back down the driveway.
  1662. “The nicest I've ever met,” you reply.
  1663. >You see a 'knowing' look from your mother in the rear-view mirror.
  1664. >“ long has this been going on?”
  1665. “What?”
  1666. >“Oh, this little thing you have with her. She's just smitten with you, you know.”
  1667. “You can tell?”
  1668. >“Believe me, I was the same way with your father when we started seeing each other.”
  1669. “Well...I guess it was the day I started the job...maybe even sooner than that...”
  1670. >“I'm so happy for you. In fact, this is the happiest I've ever seen you. Don't let this go to waste, now.”
  1671. “I'll do everything I can not to,” you reply. “She's become very important to me...”
  1672. >Your mother smiles. “I'm sure she feels the same way about you.”
  1673. >It's a quiet drive the rest of the way home, and after a late dinner you're helped upstairs to bed.
  1674. >Even though you're aching, you manage to drift to sleep...
  1675. >...the thoughts of your tender moment with Pinkie easing the pain...
  1677. ------
  1679. >The weekend is spent relaxing at home...or rather, recovering from the other day.
  1680. >The painkillers only do so much to ward off your aches, but you'll have to manage.
  1681. >You're at least able to move about the house on your own, so you're not completely helpless.
  1682. >You receive all sorts of messages from your friends, and they even stop by to check on you.
  1683. >Twilight promises to bring you any homework from school if you miss any days next week.
  1684. >Applejack drops off a pie she helped her grandmother make, which you find touching.
  1685. >Rarity gifts over 'designer' bandages, should you want to look 'stylish' as you heal up.
  1686. >Rainbow Dash sends you links to funny pictures and videos to keep your mind occupied.
  1687. >Fluttershy provides some CDs of calming music, should you need something to help you sleep.
  1688. >Sunset brings you some leftover sushi from the restaurant she works at.
  1689. >You give 'thank yous' to everyone for everything they've done for you.
  1690. >Pinkie was right - having as many connections as possible can make a big difference.
  1691. >As far as Pinkie herself goes, while she's messaged you many times, she hasn't had the chance to come out and see you.
  1692. >She says she's busy, but will try to stop by with something special before the weekend is out.
  1693. >You ask her what it is, but she's tight-lipped.
  1694. >'It's a surprise, silly!' She messages you. 'Not gonna spoil it!'
  1695. >This only piques your interest even more, but you respect her wishes.
  1696. >Anything to play along and keep her happy.
  1697. >Your parents are quite surprised with all the visitors you've gotten in the past day or so.
  1698. >They're even more with the fact they've all been friends you've made as of late.
  1699. >It's a welcome sight for them, given they're not used to you associating with anyone personally.
  1701. >By Sunday morning, you get word that Pinkie was on her way.
  1702. >You hear a knock at the door, and when you open it you are glomped by a blur of pink.
  1703. >“NONNIE!”
  1704. >You should be used to Pinkie's boundless energy by now, but this hug almost catches you off guard.
  1705. “Nice to see you, too,” you say, your head ringing a little again.
  1706. >Pinkie suddenly remembers the promise she made at the start of all this, and the fact you were still healing up. She lets go.
  1707. >“Oh no, sorry about that. I'm just so happy to see you're getting better.”
  1708. “It's okay,” you reply. “Moment of weakness. Happens to the best of us...”
  1709. >Your mother comes to the door to say hello to Pinkie, as well.
  1710. >Then you notice Mrs. Pie coming towards you, a box in her hands.
  1711. >“You must be Pinkie's mom,” yours says. “It's nice to finally meet you.”
  1712. >“Likewise,” Mrs. Pie replies before turning her attention to you. “It's good to see you're up and about. I heard about your little...scuffle.”
  1713. “Can't exactly call a one-sided fight a scuffle,” you reply, looking to the ground.
  1714. >“But you managed to keep my dear Pinkamena out of danger as a result. She's been worried sick about you, you know.”
  1715. >“We all have been,” your mother says. “You should have seen everyone who has come by to see him as of late.”
  1716. >“All of his 'connections,'” Pinkie giggles, lightly elbowing you in the chest.
  1717. >“Well, I guess you can add us to the list,” Mrs. Pie says. “Pinkemena and I put together a little something for you.”
  1718. >She hands you the box, and you open it, revealing a cake.
  1719. “This your famous marble?” You ask.
  1720. >Mrs. Pie nods. “To know the best, you need to taste the best. This should give you an idea of how an expert does it.”
  1721. You grin at the smug remark. “Can't wait to try it.”
  1723. >“Care to come in?” Your mother asks. “I've got a fresh pot of coffee brewing.”
  1724. >“Thank you, I could actually use a cup or two,” Mrs. Pie replies. “I've been up since early morning...”
  1725. >As your mothers head to the kitchen, you and Pinkie decide to hit the living room and chill for a bit.
  1726. >During the transition, she notices something odd.
  1727. >“Gee, Nonnie, I don't see a lot of décor around here,” she says.
  1728. “We honestly don't have a lot,” you reply. “Since we're constantly moving from place to place, it's just a lot faster when there's little to pack and unpack every time...”
  1729. >“Just the basics, I guess,” Pinkie muses.
  1730. >You reach the living room and crash on the couch. Pinkie sits next to you as you grab the TV remote.
  1731. “Anything you wanna watch?” You ask.
  1732. >“I usually flip like crazy until something gets my attention,” she replies.
  1733. >Can't argue with that logic.
  1734. >You go from channel to channel at a quick pace.
  1735. > show...crappy chibified superhero team cartoon...
  1736. >“OOH, STOP!” Pinkie exclaims.
  1737. >You pause your thumb exercising as you reach one of those cooking competition shows.
  1738. >It's been a while since you've seen one in this style.
  1739. >Each chef has one hour to make five dishes utilizing a 'secret' ingredient revealed right before.
  1740. >Pinkie's practically glued to the screen as you watch the chefs work their magic.
  1741. >“It's amazing what they can come up with,” she says. “I wonder what goes through heads...”
  1742. “Probably the same things that normally go through their heads, only jacked up to 11.”
  1743. >“Wouldn't it be cool to be on one of these shows? Together we'd bring the house down!”
  1744. “I bet it'd be literal in your case,” you joke.
  1745. >“Hey, that only happened once!” Pinkie retorts.
  1746. >You're about to respond to that, but you decide it's not worth it...
  1748. >Soon the timed portion of the contest is over, one of the chefs barely completing their final dish.
  1749. >As it shifts to a commercial break, Pinkie takes a breather, resting her head on your shoulder.
  1750. >Feels just like that night at her home weeks prior.
  1751. >You shift your head so it's against hers.
  1752. >With nothing going on at the moment, you figure now's as good time as any to bring something up.
  1753. “So...about what happened Friday...”
  1754. >“Hmm?” Pinkie asks. “ mean...”
  1755. “Yeah, that. I know things have been building up as of late...”
  1756. >“Tell me about it...”
  1757. “I was wondering...was that just in the heat of the moment, or...taking a step forward?”
  1758. >Pinkie takes a moment to reply.
  1759. >“I mean...what do you think?”
  1760. >You reach down and take one of her hands.
  1761. “I think I want to take that step, but only if you want to, also...”
  1762. >Pinkie moves her head so she's looking at you with her bright eyes.
  1763. >She twists her wrist around so the holding of hands is mutual.
  1764. >“You know,” she says with a smile, “I think I'd like that...”
  1765. >You both move in for a proper kiss, and it's a feeling even more wonderful than before.
  1766. >And it lasts a bit longer, too, which neither of you seems to mind.
  1767. >The music of the show coming back on prompts you to pull away.
  1768. >You both chuckle and resume your previous positions together.
  1769. >“Let's see how well these chumps did,” Pinkie says.
  1770. “Sure thing...”
  1772. >You watch as the first chef presents his dishes one at a time to the judges, who taste each one and give their critiques.
  1773. >Some comments are good, others are mixed, depending on who you ask.
  1774. >This is followed up by the second chef, and the procedure follows a similar pattern.
  1775. >After another break, the competitors are brought before the main host.
  1776. >There is long and pregnant pause after 'the winner is...' is said, with the usual dramatic choral music in the background.
  1777. >Finally, the second chef is declared the victor, but by a very narrow point margin.
  1778. >“Wow, that was a close one!” Pinkie exclaims.
  1779. “Amazing what a little creative plating and presentation can do,” you reply.
  1780. >Your mothers walk in at this moment.
  1781. >“Dear, it's time to head home,” Mrs. Pie says.
  1782. >“Okie dokie.” Pinkie gets up. “You think you'll be at school tomorrow?” She asks you.
  1783. “I should be okay to go,” you reply. “That is, if my mom says it's fine...”
  1784. >“We'll see how you are in the morning,” you mother comments. “Don't want to rush it, after all.”
  1785. >“Hope to see you then,” Pinkie says. “Meantime, I've got a bunch of messages to send out...”
  1786. >You say your good-byes as she and her mother take their leave.
  1787. “ and her mom talked up a storm, sounds like...”
  1788. >“Oh, we did,” your mother replies. “We talked about a lot of things, including you and Pinkie.”
  1789. “How does...she feel about this?”
  1790. >“Trust, but verify, basically. I'm sure she's going along with it right now to make Pinkie happy.”
  1791. “Just gotta keep making good impressions with her, I guess...”
  1792. >“Seems to be working so far. Definitely worked with your new friend.”
  1793. “More than you know...”
  1795. >The afternoon goes by without much fanfare.
  1796. >You watch a few more episodes of that cooking show, as the channel is running a marathon of them.
  1797. >During this time you have some of the cake Mrs. Pie made.
  1798. >As she bragged, it's very delicious.
  1799. >You're going to have to figure out how she put this together if you want to get to her level...
  1800. >Afterward, you go through what assignments you had left over from the other day.
  1801. >If you do indeed go back to school tomorrow, you'll want to be ready...
  1802. >You're certainly not getting as much ringing in your ears, so that's a good sign.
  1803. >After a takeout dinner, you head online and beat the living crap out of other players.
  1804. >It's good to be on the giving end, even if it's for fun and doesn't mean much outside of this...
  1805. >It's getting late, and you get ready for bed.
  1806. >That's when you realize you haven't checked your phone almost the whole day.
  1807. >You grab it and look in awe, as texts from multiple people have shown up in the past few hours.
  1808. >You go through them one at a time.
  1809. >Twilight: 'Congratulations, Anon! I'm so happy for you!'
  1810. >Flash: 'Cool beans, bud. How was she?'
  1811. >Rarity: 'Wonderful to hear, darling!'
  1812. >Applejack: 'YEE-HAW!'
  1813. >Fluttershy: 'Yay...'
  1814. >Rainbow Dash: 'Sweet, Anon!'
  1815. >Sunset: 'Good luck, you two!”
  1816. >Welp, Pinkie must have shared the news with everybody.
  1817. >You're going to have A LOT to talk about at lunch for the next few days...
  1819. >Morning comes soon enough.
  1820. >You still feel a bit of a headache, but it's nowhere near as bad as it has been over the weekend.
  1821. >You get the okay from your mother, so long as you take it easy and don't forget your meds.
  1822. >When you get to school, Pinkie is there to greet you with a hug and a kiss.
  1823. >This may be a customary thing for now, so you'd best get used to it.
  1824. >During homeroom, Principal Celestia reads the morning announcements.
  1825. >One of which being that a pair of students have been expelled for their 'behavior' issues.
  1826. >It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who these two were, and you're glad they're gone.
  1827. >Celestia makes it clear that violence on school grounds will not be tolerated for any reason.
  1828. >It's unfortunate that all of this had to happen, but sometimes fate steps in provide a resolution.
  1829. >As they say, to make a good omelet, you must first break a few eggs...
  1830. >The first half of the day goes on as normal, but you don't pay much attention this morning.
  1831. >Lunch finally arrives, and you and Pinkie are bombarded by questions from the other girls.
  1832. >Of course, they all want to make sure you're doing alright after the Friday incident.
  1833. >You assure them you're doing better, especially now that you have a 'special someone' to help keep an eye on you.
  1834. >This is said as you put an arm around Pinkie's shoulder.
  1835. >When asked what the big moment was, Pinkie replies it was a case of the both of you wanting to start something wonderful.
  1836. >There's a cavalcade of 'awws' from everyone else, and you restrain yourself from rolling your eyes.
  1837. >The rest of the day is typical, including the cooking class.
  1838. >It's meatball day, with everyone putting together their own with the ingredients provided.
  1839. >You're told to keep the recipe in mind, as there would be more to come as the week progressed.
  1840. >Build-up to a big pasta dinner on Friday, perhaps? You'll have to find out.
  1842. >It's back to work for both you and Pinkie after school, and you make your drive there together.
  1843. >The Cakes have been as worried sick about you as everyone else you know.
  1844. >They thank the heavens above that you weren't hurt worse than you were.
  1845. >There isn't much time for chit-chat, as there is a large number of expecting customers already.
  1846. >You're on brownie duty again to start, and you set to work making multiple batches of your creation.
  1847. >It seems like it's becoming routine for you, and even more natural than when you first made these.
  1848. >Pinkie comes later on with a very happy look on her face, a new table menu in her hands.
  1849. >When she shows it to you, you notice your brownie has been added to the 'Favorites' list.
  1850. >The Cakes explain they had been considering this change for the past several weeks.
  1851. >After what happened the other day, they decided that now would be a good time.
  1852. >It was a case of both showing their appreciation for your hard work and your bravery in tough times.
  1853. >You're about to perform a Freddie Mercury pose in your excitement, but you're interrupted by another signature Pinkie hug.
  1854. >You settle for a thumbs-up and a verbal 'thank you' to them, instead.
  1855. >The work day continues to be busy, and you're exhausted as your shift ends.
  1856. >Mrs. Pie shows up as usual to pick up Pinkie.
  1857. >For the first time, she doesn't give you one of her typical 'looks.'
  1858. >Instead, you get a general 'hello' as Pinkie gets in for the ride home.
  1859. >Definitely progress with her.
  1860. >The evening is uneventful, but there's certainly nothing wrong with that.
  1861. >You're just glad to be taking things one day at a time again without any big worries breathing down your neck.
  1862. >You also know you shouldn't take anything for granted right now.
  1863. >But as long as the relationship between you and Pinkie continues to blossom, things should only get better from here...
  1865. ------
  1867. >A month has gone by since the 'scuffle.'
  1868. >Since then, there have been no reports of any significant cases of anyone getting hazing at school.
  1869. >The message from Celestia must have resonated with everybody.
  1870. >A good thing, as there are other, more important things to worry about right now, such as...
  1871. >“GAH, where am I gonna hold this year's Christmas party?”
  1872. >Such is the question Pinkie asks while she has oodles of paper strewn across the cafeteria table.
  1873. >Early on, you learned that another of Pinkie's many talents is 'party planning.'
  1874. >The paperwork she had everywhere was all over the map in terms of subject matter.
  1875. >Guest lists...decoration name it, chances are she has something for it here.
  1876. >“This all seems a bit much this time, doesn't it?” Fluttershy asks.
  1877. >“Not for the biggest party of the year,” Pinkie says, “unless you count birthday parties for everyone...”
  1878. >'Best not to argue with the master,' you think to yourself.
  1879. >“Ah can check to see if gramma's got room,” Applejack says. “Ah'm sure she won't mind.”
  1880. > “She let us do that last year,” Pinkie replies. “It'd be boring to have it in the same place every time.”
  1881. “Isn't that what you'd call a tradition?” You ask.
  1882. >“Nonnie, you gotta understand, I have a reputation to keep.”
  1883. >“ have a reputation?” Sunset asks.
  1884. >“As the foremost party planner in Canterlot, silly,” Pinkie replies. “I need to make every event I throw together as exciting as the last, if not more-so.”
  1885. >“You always manage somehow, darling,” Rarity comments. “It's what you're best at, just like I'm best at showing off amazing new outfits at your parties.”
  1886. >“Thanks,” Pinkie says. “It can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, though...”
  1887. >As the conversation continues, you start to wonder something.
  1888. >Then, an idea comes to mind.
  1890. “Hey Pinkie, if I get the okay, what about holding it at my place?”
  1891. >Pinkie gasps. “Really? Would your parents let you?”
  1892. “It wouldn't hurt to ask. Besides, the only real decoration we'd have up is a tree. The place is practically a blank canvas.”
  1893. >Pinkie's eyes glisten with excitement, and she begins to shake a little.
  1894. >“Oh boy,” Dash says with a laugh, “you set her off...”
  1895. >“Alright, Pinkie, settle down,” Twilight warns. “It ain't a guarantee yet.”
  1896. >“Might be too late for that,” Dash says.
  1897. >Pinkie exhales. “Alright...calm down...focus...”
  1898. “Sheesh, does she get like this often?” You ask Twilight in a whisper.
  1899. >“Only when she gets really, REALLY excited about something,” she replies.
  1900. “Tell you what, let me check with the family when I get back tonight,” you say. “It'll really depend on what our plans look like for that weekend.”
  1901. >“I really appreciate that, Nonnie,” Pinkie replies. “And Applejack, if they say no, can you check with your grandma?”
  1902. >“Not a problem,” Applejack says.
  1903. >“Either way,” Pinkie continues, “we'll need to figure out what everyone's going to bring for goodies.”
  1904. >It continues from there, with everyone writing down their commitments to the party.
  1905. >When the list comes to you, you look it over.
  1906. >It appears most of the essentials have been taken care of already.
  1907. >Drinks, cookies, chips and dip, etc.
  1908. >It takes a while for you to think about what you want to do for this.
  1909. >“Don't think too hard about it, Nonnie” Pinkie says. “If you make something, I'm sure it'll be great..”
  1910. >You shrug as you decide on making cupcakes.
  1911. >You remind yourself to focus more on how to decorate them, as you may need to make a lot.
  1913. >“Are we doing a Secret Santa this time?” Twilight asks.
  1914. >“Ooh, last year's was fun,” Fluttershy says.
  1915. “ does this work?” You ask.
  1916. >“Everyone's name goes in a hat,” Sunset explains. “You pick a name, and you get a gift for that person. Very simple.”
  1917. “Is there a dollar limit?”
  1918. >“We usually do a $50 max,” Rarity replies. “Nothing too extravagant.”
  1919. >“It's more about the giving rather than the gift,” Dash says, “although a lot of the gifts over the years have been cool...”
  1920. “Eh, why the hell not? I'll go in on it if everyone else does.”
  1921. >“All that said,” Pinkie comments, “I don't see why we can't have it this year. Any objections?”
  1922. >She looks around to everyone. Apparently there are none.
  1923. >“Then it's settled! I'll find out how many other people on the invite list want to take part. The hat should be ready after that.”
  1924. >The end of lunch bell rings, and you start making your way to your next class.
  1925. >You're impressed with how serious Pinkie is taking all of this.
  1926. >When she's not in one of the 'moods' you've seen, she's normally bubbly about everything.
  1927. >Here, she's all business.
  1928. >And part of you likes that quite a bit.
  1929. >'If only she could boss us around like that...'
  1930. 'No, you stop it...'
  1931. >'But aren't you kinda with her right now? Shouldn't we be having some fun with her, wink wink, nudge nudge?'
  1932. 'I said stop it. You know better than that.'
  1933. >'Don't you love her?'
  1934. 'It's about love AND respect, and I respect her too much to force that on her. Now simmer down.'
  1935. >'Aw, you're no fun...'
  1937. >”Nonnie?”
  1938. >You stop arguing with yourself long enough to see Pinkie with a confused look on her face.
  1939. >“You okay? You look like your train of thought's coming off the tracks.”
  1940. “Oh, just thinking about how to word things tonight, that's all...”
  1941. > “It's not the end of the world if they say no,” Pinkie replies.
  1942. “True. But it's about making you happy. It sounds like you're happiest doing stuff like this.”
  1943. >“Maybe...but it feels like I've been even happier since we really started seeing each other...”
  1944. >You chuckle as she snuggles with you.
  1945. “Can't argue with that, I guess...”
  1946. >“Nonnie, can you make me a promise?”
  1947. “Hmm?”
  1948. >“Promise me you won't just get up and leave me alone. I don't know if my heart could take something like that.”
  1949. >You bring her close and kiss her forehead.
  1950. “You know I would never do that to you,” you reply. “You're way too important...”
  1951. >Pinkie buries her head in your chest, reminiscent of the incident months back.
  1952. >“Thanks. Guess I just needed to hear that...”
  1953. “Well, we're going to hear the late bell soon if we don't get moving.”
  1954. >Pinkie nods as you separate, as you have different classes now. You'll meet in Cooking soon enough.
  1955. >As the day continues, so do the arguments with your mind, Monty Python references aside.
  1956. >You need to focus on getting your parents' permission for the party, of course.
  1957. >It shouldn't be too much of a hassle, and there shouldn't be any hiccups involved...
  1958. >...right?
  1960. >The rest of the day goes on as normal.
  1961. >When you get home from your shift at the Corner, you notice your dad's not home yet.
  1962. “Where's Dad?” You ask your mother.
  1963. >“He said he was working late,” she replies. “He should be back at any time.”
  1964. >As if on cue, the door opens again.
  1965. >Your father steps inside, briefcase in hand and an exhausted look on his face.
  1966. “Another long day?” You ask him.
  1967. >“That's putting it lightly,” he replies, kissing your mom hello and sitting down.
  1968. >“You're pushing yourself too hard,” your mom says. “Awful for your health.”
  1969. >“I can't help it. It's getting more stressful, but it's bringing in money for when we may need it.”
  1970. “Why all the extra hours?” You ask.
  1971. >“The company's asking all of its reps to find more clients. Such is the calling of a traveling salesman like me.”
  1972. >"That's how they trap you,” your mom says. “No matter how many you find, you're expected to work even harder.”
  1973. >Your dad sighs. “I know. I don't know how much more I can take...”
  1974. “Have you thought about finding other work?” You ask. “Around here, maybe?”
  1975. > “He has a point, dear,” your mom says. “Canterlot's been a nice place to live so far, and Anon has made so many friends...”
  1976. >Your father pulls out a newspaper from his briefcase and opens it on the table.
  1977. > “Believe me, I've been checking job postings for this area. There's not much available right now.”
  1978. “What if we helped out with that search?”
  1979. >Your father chuckles. “Any who do you know is looking for workers?”
  1980. “I mean...I don't know anyone personally, but Pinkie's dad has his feelers everywhere with his business dealings, from what I've heard.”
  1981. > “And I've started to get to know his wife,” your mom adds. “She seems to have several connections of her own both up and down the grapevine.”
  1982. >Your dad puts his hands up. “Alright, alright. If either of you hear anything, let me know...”
  1984. >Your mother changes the subject. “So Anon, how was your day?”
  1985. “The usual...well, as usual as these past few months have been. Pinkie's looking to arrange a Christmas party for her closest friends.”
  1986. >“I imagine you're on that list,” your father says with a grin.
  1987. “I'd be shocked if I wasn't. Speaking of which, she's trying to figure out where to have it held, and I wanted to see if maybe we could have it here.”
  1988. >“In this little place?” Your mother asks. “How many people would it be?”
  1989. “As far as I can tell, no more than a dozen. You and dad wouldn't have to worry about doing anything. Pinkie's ironing out all of the details herself.”
  1990. >Your mom still looks unsure. “What do you think, honey?”
  1991. >“When does she plan on having it?” Your dad asks.
  1992. “The Saturday before the big day,” you reply.
  1993. >“And is there a chance someone may bring something 'extracurricular?'”
  1994. “If you mean booze, definitely not. Pinkie won't stand for that at a party of hers.”
  1995. >Your dad looks at your mom. “Well, it's really your call. As long as nothing weird goes on, I'd be alright with it...”
  1996. >She sighs as she shuts her eyes. “If Pinkie stays true to her word...then I guess it's fine. But be absolutely sure everything is kept under control.”
  1997. “Alright. I'll make that clear with Pinkie, and I'm sure she feels the same about this as you do...”
  1998. >You message Pinkie with the good news that night, and she's simply floored.
  1999. >'No need to worry, Nonnie. I've been doing this for years, and not a single drop of the bad stuff has stepped through the door.'
  2000. 'Good to know. You want to stop by so you can get an idea of where and how to decorate?'
  2001. >'Ooh, that's actually not a bad idea. Can I come this weekend sometime?'
  2002. 'Whenever's good for you. If you need a lift, let me know.'
  2003. >'Thanks, Nonnie. I knew I could count on you!'
  2004. >Multiple heart and kiss emojis follow from her.
  2005. >Tis the season...
  2007. ------
  2009. >Pinkie stops by Saturday morning, her mother dropping her off.
  2010. >She comes in with a notepad and a boatload of ideas already running through her mind.
  2011. >“Oh, are your parents not around right now?” She asks you.
  2012. “They're busy with Christmas shopping at the moment,” you reply. “Knowing my mom, they won't be back until around dinner time.”
  2013. >“Alrighty then. Are you as excited as I am about this?”
  2014. “I don't know if I'd ever match it. You're like this almost all the time.”
  2015. >“Not ALL the time,” Pinkie states. “There are good times, and bad times...”
  2016. “Well, we're in the good times right now, aren't we?”
  2017. >Pinkie embraces you. “Yeah, I'd say we are...”
  2018. “There we go. How about we get started?”
  2019. >Pinkie nods and pumps a fist into the air. “Let's DO THIS!”
  2020. >She takes her time looking at the way the kitchen, dining room, and living room are laid out, trying to get an idea how she wants to arrange things.
  2021. >In the meantime she takes photos with her phone and sketches away.
  2022. >“Hmm...we can do that...throw a couple of those up here...maybe these over there...”
  2023. >You marvel at how she goes about her work.
  2024. >Kinda reminds you of the kind of enthusiasm you have when you're baking something special.
  2025. >She's clearly in her element, and within an hour or so she seems to have a firm grasp on her concepts.
  2026. >“Alrighty, that should do it,” she announces.
  2027. “Cool. Do you need help getting stuff to decorate with?
  2028. >“Nah, I've got plenty of stuff at home. I'll bring everything the morning of, and you can help me put all of it up.”
  2029. “Sounds like a plan. There anything you want to do right now with our free time?”
  2030. >Pinkie thinks. “Still too early for lunch...wanna find something fun to watch?”
  2031. “Sure, why not? I'm sure something good will turn up...”
  2033. >You both take the same positions on the couch as last time.
  2034. >Like before, you flip through the channels at a good pace, waiting for Pinkie's signal to stop.
  2035. >Eventually...
  2036. >“Ooh, wait, go back!” Pinkie exclaims.
  2037. >You stop briefly and flip back a channel or two until it reaches an airing of 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.'
  2038. >From the looks of it, it's still in the opening credits.
  2039. >“Wow, it's been a while since I've watched this,” she says. “One of my favorites.”
  2040. “It has its moments,” you reply. “You wanna stay on this for now, or keep flipping?”
  2041. >Pinkie stretches before snuggling up to you. “This'll work...”
  2042. >With that, you get cozy and prepare for the actual movie to start.
  2043. >You honestly can't remember the last time you've seen this, yourself.
  2044. >As the other major characters are introduces, the memories start to come back.
  2045. >Pinkie nuzzles your chest from time to time, and you bring her in a little closer each time.
  2046. >Around the halfway point, you feel something tracing its way up and down your thigh.
  2047. >You look down from the movie, and see it's Pinkie with one of her fingers.
  2048. >You clear your throat, and she looks up at you.
  2049. “Getting bored with this?” You ask.
  2050. >“Oh no,” she replies. “Just thought I'd have a little fun teasing you...”
  2051. “...and this is how you try to do it...”
  2052. >“Well, it's working, isn't it? It got your attention...”
  2053. >You grin mischievously.
  2054. “Two can play at that game...”
  2056. >You respond in kind, using a finger of your own to draw on Pinkie's thigh.
  2057. >She's clearly ticklish, as she giggles with each motion.
  2058. >You keep going, moving up her side, past her waist, and under her arm.
  2059. “Nonnie, quit it!” Pinkie laughs.
  2060. >This only encourages you to continue, only now you add your lips to the equation.
  2061. >You plant kisses on her neck and shoulder while simultaneously ticking her sides.
  2062. >Pinkie is laughing all the while...
  2063. >...until there is a bit of a spasm.
  2064. >This causes her to drop from the couch, dragging you down with her.
  2065. >You both hit the rug with a 'thud' and briefly roll.
  2066. >When you come to a stop, she is right on top of you.
  2067. >The look in her eyes is of surprise at first, but this shifts to one of almost longing.
  2068. >She's the first to break the silence.
  2069. >“Sorry, Nonnie...didn't mean to-”
  2070. “Not your fault...I caused it...”
  2071. >“And...I let you...”
  2072. >You're both breathing heavily as you continue to gaze at each other.
  2073. >Your heart is racing, and you can imagine hers is as well.
  2074. >Have you really reached this point?
  2075. >It feels like neither of you are sure of what to do right now.
  2076. >Do you stop while you can, before things get out of hand?
  2077. >Or do you let this little exploration move forward?
  2079. >Ah, what the hell...
  2080. >You sit up just enough so you can maneuver for a kiss.
  2081. >It seems Pinkie has the same idea and meets you halfway.
  2082. >Unlike the past few times you've done this, this time feels more...intimate.
  2083. >You're supporting your weight by your arms, but the awkward position puts a strain on them.
  2084. >Pinkie notices you wavering, and breaks off so you can both be sitting up more comfortably.
  2085. >The session continues from there.
  2086. >You massage her back with your hand rubbing, while she has her arms around your neck.
  2087. >Then you feel...tongue?
  2088. >'Ooh, we've got a bold one,' you think to yourself.
  2089. >You let her in, and there's a little dance between your mouths for a moment.
  2090. >Soon you have to come up for air, but you remain in your embrace, putting your foreheads together.
  2091. “Having fun yet?” You ask jokingly.
  2092. >Pinkie sighs. “As much as you are, I hope...”
  2093. “Yeah...I'm sure. Bear with me, though. This is all a bit new, if you know what I mean.”
  2094. >“Scared it might go too far?”
  2095. “Right. Wouldn't want to do something we may regret later...”
  2096. >“I know what you mean. But ain't it too early to be thinking of that?”
  2097. “Hey, I'd only go as far as you want to take it. I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything you're not ready for...”
  2098. >“Thank you, Nonnie,” Pinkie says, kissing your nose. “We'll get there at some point, but for now...”
  2099. >She looks down, noticing a particular bulge.
  2100. >“...there are other things we can do...”
  2102. >You gulp as Pinkie reaches down and undoes your belt buckle.
  2103. “Wait, hold on, I thought you said-”
  2104. >“Just because I said we weren't doing THAT, doesn't mean I can't tame that urge of yours...”
  2105. >Oh lord...
  2106. >'I knew it man, I knew it!' Your little inner self shouts. 'Let me out, let me out!'
  2107. >You're definitely not as comfortable with this as you'd like, but you feel it's best to let Pinkie carry out her little plan.
  2108. >You undo the button and zipper of your pants as she helps you out of them.
  2109. >With your lower half left in your boxers, the bulge is much more noticeable.
  2110. >Pinkie giggles as she moves to the flaps. “Time to come out...”
  2111. >You swear you hear a little 'yay' from your inner self as your member makes its appearance.
  2112. >“So this is the little guy, eh?”
  2113. >This gets a chuckle out of you.
  2114. >She eyes it with an inquisitive look as she puts a finger and thumb to her chin, as if deciding how she wants to proceed.
  2115. “However you want to go about it,” you say. “I'll follow your lead.”
  2116. >“Okie dokie,” Pinkie replies in a more seductive tone.
  2117. >She chooses to go with one of her hands, taking a soft grip of your shaft.
  2118. >She begins to pump, slowly at first, then increasing the speed bit by bit.
  2119. >“This okay so far?” She asks as she works.
  2120. “Feels good,” you reply. “Keep going, just like that...”
  2121. >Pinkie finds a good rhythm, continuing her efforts.
  2122. >By now, you're fully erect, and the effects of her actions seem to multiply.
  2124. >“Tell me when you're almost there,” she says.
  2125. >You nod, allowing her to set the pace and tone.
  2126. >As this goes on, she finds the time to drop a few more kisses on you, which you return.
  2127. >After another minute or so, you can feel it...
  2128. “I'm...close,” you say.
  2129. >Pinkie acknowledges, lowering herself.
  2130. >As she quickens her pace, she also kisses your tip several times, further adding to the stimulation.
  2131. >She has an eager look on her face, as if she's waiting for the big moment.
  2132. “Pinkie, I'm gonna-”
  2133. >In response to this, she takes your member into her mouth.
  2134. >This action causes you to gasp, putting your hands on your head as you go over the edge.
  2135. >You quickly orgasm, and Pinkie takes it in as best she can.
  2136. >You feel her throat muscles contract as she swallows.
  2137. “Oh god,” you exclaim, both from the rush and the way she has handled all of this.
  2138. >Pinkie soon releases her 'grip,' wiping her mouth a little.
  2139. >“Say, have you been drinking a lot of OJ lately?” She asks with a toothy grin.
  2140. >Your eyes widen at the question, and you can't take it anymore.
  2141. >You laugh out loud, and Pinkie joins in.
  2142. >As you stop, you both take a moment to catch your breath and calm down.
  2143. >“But seriously, how was it?”
  2144. “Amazing,” you reply. “I did not expect that from you...”
  2145. >“I'm full or surprises. And it helped with your little urge, didn't it?”
  2146. “That's one way to put it,” you say. “Bathroom is a few doors down that way if you need to use it. Mouthwash in the mirror cabinet...”
  2147. >Pinkie nods, taking a brief leave from you as you get dressed again.
  2149. >You get back onto the couch, taking in how this little experience went.
  2150. >It's clear that your were both enjoying it, and you wonder what other hijinks you may get into down the line.
  2151. >Pinkie rejoins you a few minutes later, snuggling with you once more.
  2152. “Might be best to keep this on the down-low,” you suggest. “Limestone would pummel me if she found out, and don't get me started on our parents...”
  2153. >“I won't say anything if you don't,” Pinkie replies. “It'll be our little secret...”
  2154. “I promise,” you say. “But let me know when you want me to return the favor.”
  2155. >“I'll keep that in mind. Let's finish the movie in the meantime...”
  2156. >You nod, and you finish the film without any other urge or interruption.
  2157. >Afterward, you take Pinkie out to lunch at a burger joint she points out on your drive.
  2158. >As you eat, you see her writing down several names on a notebook page.
  2159. >She then proceeds to rip the page out and tear it into several pieces.
  2160. “This for the Secret Santa?” You ask.
  2161. >“Yup,” Pinkie replies, dropping the pieces into a pocket of her purse. “I'll let you pick the first name.”
  2162. >You reach into the pocket, feeling around until you find one you want.
  2163. >You pull it out and look at it.
  2164. >You were half-expecting to see Pinkie's name out of cliché, but instead you've chosen Rainbow Dash.
  2165. >Pinkie writes down the selection on another page. “Oh, she's very easy to buy for. Anything sport-related will work, especially soccer.”
  2166. “Wouldn't have guessed,” you joke, given that's one of the things Dash likes to talk about at lunches.
  2167. “How about you? Are you going to choose now?”
  2168. >“No, I always save my pick for last. I'd rather my friends get more of a selection.”
  2169. >“It really doesn't matter who I get. It's a lot of fun for me no matter what...”
  2170. >You shrug, letting her do what she wants.
  2172. >When you're done with lunch, you take Pinkie home.
  2173. “Did you have a good time?” You ask her with a raised eyebrow.
  2174. >“A great time,” she replies, returning your playful expression. “And you?”
  2175. “Well, let's say this gave me plenty of ideas for the future.”
  2176. >“I can hardly wait,” she says with a giggle as you pull up to her home.
  2177. >Pinkie gives you kiss before getting out of your car.
  2178. “See you Monday,” she says.
  2179. >You wave as she heads inside, then drive off.
  2180. >While you're out, you figure you may as well do some shopping of your own.
  2181. >Given the funds you've gotten so far working for the Cakes, it's time to put them to good use.
  2182. >You hit the local mall and visit a number of stores, buying several gifts for your parents.
  2183. >During your trip, you find things for Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, as well.
  2184. >You're not sure how much you plan on getting for everyone, but this seems a good enough for now.
  2185. >Your mom and dad are home by the time you get back, and you share how your days went.
  2186. >You of course keep your 'fun' with Pinkie under wraps, and they're none the wiser.
  2187. >That evening, you message your friends while gaming online.
  2188. >Through all of today's action, you forgot to mention your dad's job hunt to Pinkie, which you rectify in your texts to her.
  2189. >She promises to let her family know, and to pass along any info anyone finds.
  2190. >Having as many heads on a swivel could make a huge difference in the long run.
  2191. >As you turn in, you feel another empty part of you has been filled in.
  2192. >Your relationship with Pinkie has taken an interesting turn, and you're happy about it.
  2193. >You'll definitely have to be the one providing the 'stimulation' next time, but only when she's ready.
  2194. >Another bridge to cross when you come to it...
  2196. ------
  2198. >Time has been going by quickly.
  2199. >You and Pinkie have been able to keep quiet about your little 'experience' from a few weeks ago.
  2200. >It's simple, really - don't bring it up, don't get brought down.
  2201. >It has, however, changed the dynamic between the two of you.
  2202. >She's still a little lovey-dovey, but not to the point where it's sickening to the rest of the group.
  2203. >You'd think it'd be awkward being in the same vicinity with her, after seeing what she's capable of.
  2204. >But instead, it's as if the bond has become stronger.
  2205. >In private, she did tell you 'if you ever feel that urge again, let me know.'
  2206. >You have yet to take her up on it, as there really hasn't been the time nor the need for it.
  2207. >Likewise, she herself has yet to take you up on your own little offer.
  2208. >It's strange when you think about it – there's plenty of sexual and hormonal tension, but neither of you have acted on it.
  2209. >Maybe it's an unspoken agreement not to let all of that get in the way of what you have right now.
  2210. >To be honest, you're fine with that.
  2211. >You've only been 'together' for a few months now, after all.
  2212. >Perhaps the 'experience' was pent-up frustrations bubbling over and dissipating.
  2213. >You feel it's best to let things grow naturally for now.
  2214. >Take your time, and let Pinkie set the pace.
  2215. >Should the time come where she wants to take that next step, you'll be there.
  2216. >For now, there are more important things to worry about.
  2217. >Like getting through the next week of classes...
  2218. >...making sure you're still up to snuff at work...
  2219. >...and getting your gifts wrapped before Pinkie's party...
  2221. >Soon enough, the day of said party has arrived.
  2222. >You spend the morning making the cupcakes you promised.
  2223. >They're simple chocolate ones, with either red of green frosting in the middle.
  2224. >Frosting of the chocolate variety is lathered on top, and you found little snowmen made of sugar to stick on top of each one.
  2225. >In all, you make two-dozen of them. Should be enough, you think.
  2226. >Not long after, Pinkie arrives with boxes upon boxes of decorations.
  2227. >There's also a big pan of lasagna she had help from her mother making, which went straight into the oven to keep warm.
  2228. >She was not kidding about how serious she takes her party planning.
  2229. >Luckily you're around to help bring everything in and put it up.
  2230. >Your parents pitch in as well, and they're impressed with all of the work Pinkie went through to get all of this together.
  2231. >Applejack and Big Mac stop by later on with several folding chairs they had offered, as there isn't much to sit on at your place.
  2232. >They also brought pies their grandmother had made, as well as a few batches of cider.
  2233. >Over time, more and more of your friends arrive, food and gifts in tow.
  2234. >The gifts are put under the artificial tree that was set up, while the food was spread out on the dining room table.
  2235. >You switch the TV to a station that plays nonstop Christmas music, including songs you barely hear on the radio anymore.
  2236. >When everyone has arrived, the party commences, and many laughs and feels are had.
  2237. >There is plenty to eat, and you sample a little bit of everything.
  2238. >The biggest hits seem to be the homemade veggie dips Fluttershy brought, and Pinkie's lasagna.
  2239. >As far as the desserts go, the pies from the Apples are a success, as apparently they always are.
  2240. >You do hear praises for your cupcakes, which you appreciate.
  2241. >During the dessert period, Pinkie seemed to disappear somewhere.
  2242. >The question of 'why' is answered when she steps out in a Santa-inspired red dress, complete with hat and boots.
  2243. >'Santa's Little Helper,' you assume.
  2245. >Pinkie calls that it's present time, and the party-goers take their places by the tree.
  2246. >She grabs gifts from under the tree one at a time and passes them to their intended recipients, announcing who they're from.
  2247. >Everybody has the chance to open the gift, react, say 'thank you,' etc.
  2248. >There are even a few 'from Santa' gifts thrown into the mix, which are all gag-related.
  2249. >When you ask Pinkie about it, she says anyone can throw them in as jokes to get laughs from people.
  2250. >Applejack, for example, got a box with a banana slicer in the shape of a banana.
  2251. >Part of you thought Applejack would be insulted, but she just vows to 'get even' with Pinkie next year.
  2252. >She explains they've been going back and forth with this for the years, so it's not that big of a deal.
  2253. >You get a 'Santa' gift yourself – a bag of frozen peas.
  2254. >Given what you went through, it's not a welcome sight, but you laugh it off.
  2255. >Water under the bridge...
  2256. >Rainbow Dash opens gift you got her – a new pair of running shoes.
  2257. >She claims they're '20% cooler' than her old ones, something you don't really get.
  2258. >Pinkie ends up with several movies on she has yet to find. No doubt she'd be watching them though the holiday break.
  2259. >When it's your turn, you get a present gifted from Big Mac.
  2260. >You tear off the wrapping and open the box; inside are a trio of cook books you hadn't seen before.
  2261. >One for appetizers, one for main course ideas, and one for unique dessert creations.
  2262. >You thank him, and he replies with his usual 'Eeyup.'
  2263. >The process continues until the last present is given out and opened.
  2264. >Not long after, the party starts to wind down.
  2265. >Everybody pitches in with the cleanup, which would have been a bit of a hassle otherwise.
  2266. >With all of the leftover food packed and ready to go, people begin to make their ways out.
  2267. >Your parents, despite acting only as assistants and chaperones, decide to call it an early night.
  2268. >They head off to bed shortly thereafter, with just you and Pinkie remaining.
  2270. “You need a ride home?” You ask.
  2271. >“I already called my mom,” Pinkie replies. “She'll be here soon. You sure you don't want these decorations taken down right now?”
  2272. “Nah, it's fine. My parents said we can keep them up through the holiday. We'll take care of them after that for you.”
  2273. >“Okie dokie. Oh, I almost forgot!” Pinkie suddenly rushes to one of the spare bedrooms.
  2274. >She comes out with another gift in her hands, holding it out to you.
  2275. >“This is for you...from me..”
  2276. >You take it and open it, finding a new cutting board and knife set.
  2277. “Hey, how did you know I needed these?”
  2278. >“You mom told me when I asked for ideas,” Pinkie replies.
  2279. “Thank you. I'll put these to good use. That reminds me...”
  2280. >You go to the fridge and grab a gift of your own from on top.
  2281. “Meant to give this to you earlier, but we were all busy with everything else.”
  2282. >Pinkie opens it and finds a velvet box.
  2283. >She gasps at the necklace that's inside, a pink stone acting as a pendant.
  2284. >“Oh, it's beautiful,” Pinkie says, and she lets you put it around her neck. “What kind of stone is it?”
  2285. ”Rose quartz,” you explain. “From what I read, it can help with emotional wounds and restoring harmony in times of trouble.”
  2286. >Pinkie giggles as she admires it. “This means a lot. I'll always treasure this...”
  2287. >You share a kiss and an embrace.
  2288. “Seems to me this party was a big success. Was it as good as last year's?”
  2289. >“Better,” Pinkie replies. “Thank you for letting me have it here.”
  2290. “I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Anything for you.”
  2291. >Pinkie grins in a playful way. “I'll hold you to that.”
  2292. >Her mother soon arrives to take her home, leaving you to turn in for the night.
  2293. >You're glad everything turned out well today, especially with your gifts.
  2294. >Little things like that can have a big impact as time goes on, as you've found.
  2295. >Guess the holidays this year won't be so bad after all...
  2297. ------
  2299. >The holidays themselves go as you expect.
  2300. >There weren't many gifts this year, like many years prior, but you all focused on either consumables or high-end items that can last for a long time.
  2301. >Best not to have too much lying around in a moving family, after all.
  2302. >You spend some of the break hanging out Pinkie, mostly at her home.
  2303. >It's mostly watching the new movies she had gotten, with a lot of cozy snuggling involved.
  2304. >Mr. Pie seems not to have a problem with this, while the Mrs. keeps a careful eye on the two of you.
  2305. >Still trying to build up that trust, from the look of things, which is fine.
  2306. >New Years Eve means another party, and this time it's at Applejack's.
  2307. >Well, it's at the barn on the property; at least it's insulated and has heat, so no one is freezing their butts off.
  2308. >Everybody is tallying off their resolutions, or at least the ones they know will be broken within the first month of the new year.
  2309. >You do finally get to meet Granny Smith for the first time, and she's as warm and inviting as Applejack talked about.
  2310. >At one point you discuss some of her recipes; of course, she doesn't divulge any of her secrets.
  2311. >Wouldn't want any serious competition, after all.
  2312. >Before long, the ball on TV begins to drop, and everyone watches with anticipation.
  2313. >When it hits midnight, there are cheers, kazoos, and kisses all around.
  2314. >You and Pinkie share one, of course, and you notice Twilight and Flash do, as well.
  2315. >You never pegged them to be an item, as neither really talked about relationships they had.
  2316. >Then again, you can't recall ever asking them.
  2317. >Regardless, the start of the new year is also the start of new possibilities.
  2318. >Plenty to explore on many levels, and with any luck, plenty of time and opportunity to do so...
  2320. ------
  2322. >It is now mid-March.
  2323. >The winter as a whole was a brutal one, with plenty of snow being dumped on you.
  2324. >With Spring right around the corner, you're looking forward to slightly better and warmer weather.
  2325. >The previous semester ended a few months back, meaning no more cooking at school for you.
  2326. >Om the bright side, you and Pinkie passed at the top of the class.
  2327. >The other new courses available to you were not nearly as exciting, but you picked a few that you hoped would spark some interest.
  2328. >It's been a bit of a bore, honestly.
  2329. >Right now it's a matter of getting through the school day so you can get to work shortly after.
  2330. >Pinkie is in the same boat as you in that regard, and she's practically been her normal self.
  2331. >Without any other issues of harassment, there have been no real shifts.
  2332. >Work has slowed down bit since the holidays, but you keep busy as best you can.
  2333. >One day during the drive to work, Pinkie looks more excited than usual, humming a little something to herself.
  2334. “What's up?” You ask.
  2335. >“Oh, it's almost time for the Canterlot Spring Festival,” Pinkie replies.
  2336. “Festival, eh? What goes on?”
  2337. >“It's a event we hold every year during the first weekend of Spring. There's music, games, vendors, and a bunch of food contests.”
  2338. “So it's a county fair, almost.”
  2339. >“Exactly! Mom always bakes a bunch of stuff and enters as many contests as she can. She's won a lot of them in the past few years.”
  2340. “Can anyone take part, or just long-time residents?”
  2341. >“Anyone can join, Nonnie. Maybe you can show off your skills there.”
  2342. “You know, I might give that a shot. Any idea what contests there are this time around?”
  2343. >“I bet Mom has fliers for them. I'll get you one for tomorrow.”
  2344. “And...can you check to see which ones your mom's going into?”
  2345. >Pinkie gives you a smug look. “Going to try and show her up?”
  2346. “Just the opposite,” you chuckle in reply. “The last thing I want to do is pose a threat to her...”
  2348. >The next day, Pinkie brings you a booklet for the festival, as promised.
  2349. >She must have checked with her mother on what she's doing, as several listings are highlighted in, of course, pink.
  2350. >You go through them at lunch time, and find a few you may have a chance in.
  2351. >One in particular, however, catches your attention.
  2352. >'The Ultimate Taste Test' is its name.
  2353. >The premise is quite simple – make the biggest, baddest dessert you can.
  2354. >This causes a lot of ideas to run through your head on what you can make.
  2355. >But there's a problem.
  2356. >This is one of the contests Pinkie highlighted.
  2357. >“You look so on-edge, Nonnie,” Pinkie comments, noticing your expression. “What's wrong?”
  2358. “Debating if I want to do this one,” you reply, showing her the contest you were looking at.
  2359. >“Ooh, I see what you mean. Mom always breaks out a secret weapon every year for that one.”
  2360. “Would I even stand a chance against her?”
  2361. >“I thought you said you didn't want to do the same ones as her.”
  2362. “For one as epic as this sounds, I might make an exception.”
  2363. >“Hey, I have no control over this. I know how much you love this stuff.”
  2364. >“Besides, I doubt you're going to make an enemy of my Mom over this.”
  2365. “You sure about that?” You ask.
  2366. >“Well, maybe it depends on if you get a better placing than her. It's your call.”
  2367. “And it doesn't matter to you?”
  2368. >“Nah. She enters these things throughout the year, so it's nothing new. I'll support the both of you.”
  2369. “Alright, as long as you're okay with it...and as long as your Mom doesn't serve my head on a platter...”
  2371. >During your remaining classes, you attempt to brainstorm ideas on what to make for the festival.
  2372. >Do you go with what you're familiar with, or do you take a risk and do something entirely new?
  2373. >You talk with both of the Cakes about it in passing at work that afternoon.
  2374. >“Doing anything out of your comfort zone for a contest may look good on reality TV,” Mrs. Cakes says, “but in the real world it can lead to disaster if you're not careful.”
  2375. >“I'd take one of your strong suits and amp things up,” Mr. Cakes adds. “Better to build on what you do best than to build something unknown from scratch.”
  2376. >You agree with the both of them, and you pour through your options that evening.
  2377. >You toss out ideas to Pinkie and the other girls through messages, getting their feedback.
  2378. >It's mixed at best, but Pinkie suggests you put a spin on one of your 'classics.'
  2379. >That gives you an idea.
  2380. >Friday night, after buying all the ingredients you need, you set to work.
  2381. >You make two pans of your 'classic' marshmallow brownies as you normally would.
  2382. >But then you add your 'spin.'
  2383. >Putting one uncut slab on a serving tray, you lather the top with extra fluff.
  2384. >You carefully place the second slab on top of all that, then drizzle everything with frosting.
  2385. >The spend the next half hour or so decorating your creation with icing, as if it was a full-on cake.
  2386. >You feel presentation and plating is just as important as taste for the judges, so you make sure everything is as perfect as possible.
  2387. >You send a picture to Pinkie once it's completed.
  2388. >'Is that what I think it is?' She messages you.
  2389. 'If you think it's a monster cake made from two of my brownie batches, then yes.'
  2390. >'O...M...G...I'm drooling already.'
  2391. 'I'd be a shoe-in if you were one of the judges. Is there a time limit on this?'
  2392. >'Yeah, all entries have to be submitted before 10am tomorrow, so make sure you're there early.'
  2393. 'Good to know.. Hope to see you there.'
  2394. >You cover up your creation and crash for the night.
  2395. >Will this be enough?
  2396. >Only one way to find out...
  2398. ------
  2400. >Saturday morning arrives, and you reach the site of the Spring Festival.
  2401. >You look around for where to register for the contests, and discover Twilight at the booth.
  2402. >She says she and her parents are helping with the organizing and entry collecting, and tells you where to bring your cake to be qualified.
  2403. >She wishes you luck, and you make your way to where the taste tests are to be held.
  2404. >Along the way, you see plenty of other familiar faces.
  2405. >Applejack and Big Mac are manning a stand for selling their family's ciders and pies.
  2406. >It looks like Granny Smith worked overtime the past few nights, as there are dozens of pies available for purchase.
  2407. >And these didn't include the pies she entered into various competitions this year.
  2408. >You see a mini bar for sushi, and Sunset is dressed up and waiting on a few customers.
  2409. >She says the restaurant she works at wanted to set this up as a promotion to attract extra business.
  2410. >It's technically work for her, but she says she's getting paid double-time for her efforts.
  2411. >Flash and his band are performing a live set for the passerby's, many stopping to listen and tip them.
  2412. >You recall Pinkie mentioning she and the other girls having a little band of their own, and you wonder if they'll be doing a song or two here, also.
  2413. >Fluttershy is passing out fliers for the animal shelter she works at, and there are even some dogs on-site with the hopes of finding good homes for them.
  2414. >You notice at least one family looking at them, so you hope it goes well.
  2415. >Rarity and a few others have several mannequins set up to show off some of the new outfits they've designed as of late.
  2416. >Some are for sale, while others are for show, highlighting the latest 'fashion trend,' as they call it.
  2417. >Rainbow Dash is in the games area, of course, showing off her prowess in the soccer skill shot stand.
  2418. >She nails one of the harder elevated kicks while you're there, and she claims the shoes you got her have been working wonders.
  2419. >All the while, there has been no sign of Pinkie.
  2420. >It's possible you just haven't spotted her yet, as it's a fairly big event.
  2421. >You pay it no mind, as you're sure you'll see her eventually.
  2423. >At last, you reach where you need to be.
  2424. >Plenty of others have arrived, with some putting finishing touches on their creations.
  2425. >Sure enough, Pinkie is with her mother at one of the tables, multiple boxes on top of it.
  2426. >“Nonnie!” She calls.
  2427. >She waits for you to set your box down before glomping you.
  2428. >“Fancy seeing you here,” Mrs. Pie says. “Looking to earn some brownie points?”
  2429. “Funny you should say that,” you reply as Pinkie lets go, taking your cake out of its box.
  2430. >Even though she saw this the night before, she can't help but gasp.
  2431. >“Run for your life! It's Brozilla!” Pinkie exclaims, unable to contain her excitement.
  2432. >Mrs. Pie eyes your work. “Interesting. What are you entering this in?”
  2433. “The Ultimate Taste Test,” you reply as you put your entry sign up front. “Figured that would be my best shot, given how well these have been received at work.”
  2434. >“Yes, Pinkamena has mentioned these plenty of times. She's never able to bring any samples home, claiming they always sell out.”
  2435. “She's not wrong. I figured I'd put a spin on it and make a big cake out of it. We'll see what happens.”
  2436. >Mrs. Pie nods. “I wish you the best of luck with that.”
  2437. “And what about you? What did you bring?”
  2438. >“Ooh, let's show him!” Pinkie says.
  2439. >Mrs. Pie nods, opening the boxes and laying out desserts or all types.
  2440. >Four pies, three cakes, two puddings...
  2441. >...and a partridge in a pear tree.
  2442. “Wow,” you say to Pinkie, “you weren't kidding when you said she bakes a lot of stuff for these.”
  2443. >Mrs. Pie chuckles. “Like you said, she's not wrong. I always need to be at the top of game, so I go all out whenever I can.”
  2444. “So...which of these is in the 'Taste Test' category?”
  2445. >“Why don't you try and take a guess?”
  2446. >You eye each item carefully, but one stands out to you.
  2447. >It looks just like the marble cake she brought you ages ago.
  2448. >When you point at it, you get a satisfied nod from Mrs. Pie.
  2449. >“May the best dessert win,” she proclaims, stretching out a hand, which you shake.
  2451. >You notice Mrs. Pie has each of her desserts marked with what category they are in.
  2452. >It makes you feel a little inadequate, given how much she has done compared to you.
  2453. >You try your best not to let that get you down, determined to at least make a good showing.
  2454. >It's not long before judges with clipboards start filing into your neck of the festival.
  2455. >There must be some order as to which tables to go to, as each time they go to Mrs. Pie's first.
  2456. >You notice there are different judges for each category, and they ask for their specific focus.
  2457. >Mrs. Pie cuts into each dessert and puts a small amount on their plate for them to sample.
  2458. >It makes sense, as they probably have a lot of entries to go through.
  2459. >After their tasting, they write down what you assume is their grade on their clipboards, thank Mrs. Pie, and move on.
  2460. >One of them finally comes your way and sees your sign.
  2461. >“And what do we have here, good sir?” He asks.
  2462. >You think about that for a moment.
  2463. “Well, my friend calls it 'Brozilla,” you reply.
  2464. >Pinkie laughs from across the way as the judge eyes the cake back and forth.
  2465. >You follow Mrs. Pie's example, cutting off a small piece and presenting it to him.
  2466. >The judge takes a bite, and a familiar expression comes onto his face.
  2467. >It's just like the one Mrs. Cakes and Pinkie both had when they tried your brownies for the first time.
  2468. >“Very nice,” he finally says, writing on his clipboard. “Thank you, my boy.”
  2469. >You bow your head as he heads off. You get looks of encouragement from Pinkie and Mrs. Pie.
  2470. >For the next few hours, this pattern continues, with multiple judges coming to see you.
  2471. >There's an announcement on the intercom saying the tasting portion of the contests is over, and deliberations would be starting.
  2473. >You look down at the quarter of a cake you had left.
  2474. >Then you see Mrs. Pie's varied desserts...or should you say, the lack thereof.
  2475. >She and Pinkie come over to see you now that things are winding down.
  2476. >“So, what'd you think?” She asks.
  2477. “Definitely a new experience,” you reply. “I'm just surprised I got as many people seeing me as I did.”
  2478. >“It'll become more natural the more often you do it. You should be proud of yourself regardless of what happens today.”
  2479. >“I heard a lot of nice things from the judges about your cake,” Pinkie adds, “so that's gotta mean something, right?”
  2480. “We'll see. While we're waiting, you want to try some of this? It'll be your first chance, after all...”
  2481. >“I don't see why not,” Mrs. Pie replies, and you cut off a slice and hand it to her.
  2482. >Both you and Pinkie watch as Mrs. Pie takes a bite, savoring the taste.
  2483. >“Well...this is certainly a step up from what you brought before. Decent texture, nice amount of fluff, and a nice balance in the ingredients. I think you did good with this.”
  2484. “Thank you,” you say with a smile. “That means a lot coming from you.”
  2485. >“This has GOTTA win something!” Pinkie says. “I can feel it!”
  2486. “We'll have to wait and see...”
  2487. >After you box up what's left of your cake, you and Pinkie go through the rest of the festival.
  2488. >She points out all sorts of booths, and sees many items she'd love to buy if she had a boatload of money on her.
  2489. >But given she doesn't have much at the ready, she has to be picky.
  2490. >Along the way, you see a vendor selling gemstones and related jewelry.
  2491. >Pinkie gazes at the rings with wonder, noticing how each one is shinier than the last.
  2492. “How about this one?” You say, pointing one out with a familiar stone embedded on top.
  2493. >Pinkie recognizes it, too. “You know me all too well,” she says.
  2494. >You notice it's a decent price, and you figure, 'why not?'
  2495. “You want it?”
  2496. >Pinkie gasps. “For me? Really?”
  2497. >You pay the man and pick it up.
  2498. “Really,” you reply, putting it on one of her fingers.
  2499. >“Oh, Nonnie, you're too much,” she says, bringing you in for a kiss.
  2500. “Can't help myself when you're in mind,” you say.
  2501. >Pinkie takes your hand and leads you to another area.
  2502. >You look back and see the vendor giving you a thumbs-up.
  2503. >“You done good, boy...” he says before you're out of earshot.
  2505. >About two hours later, the intercom comes to life again, saying the awards would be presented soon.
  2506. >Those who were interested, including you and Pinkie, make their way to the elevated stage.
  2507. >You meet up with Mrs. Pie, who was chatting with Granny Smith.
  2508. >You recall both Pinkie and Applejack saying that these two have been rivals for the longest time, but it's been a friendly competition for the most part.
  2509. >At least there's no animosity here.
  2510. >Both Applejack and Big Mac arrive to support their grandmother, just in time for the ceremony to kick off.
  2511. >An older fellow hits the podium, the table next to it having a multitude of ribbons in a variety of colors and shapes.
  2512. >“Welcome, one and all,” he begins. “Has everyone had a good time today?”
  2513. >Cheers and claps from the audience signify a 'yes;'
  2514. >“Good, very good. Now then, the time has come to see whose decadent desserts cut the custard!”
  2515. “Shouldn't that be 'cut the mustard?'” You ask to no one in particular.
  2516. >“Custard's tastier than mustard,” Pinkie replies. “I like that better!”
  2517. >You shake your head as the announcer guy begins going through the awards.
  2518. >As it goes on, you notice both Mrs. Pie and Granny Smith being called up many times, getting either second or first place finishes in the different categories.
  2519. >Before long, they are neck-and-neck in the amount of ribbons they have.
  2520. >Eventually it reaches the last category, 'The Ultimate Taste Test.'
  2521. >“Now this is where things get interesting,” the announcer guy says. “We had a lot of entries for this one, and all have been delicious in their own rights.”
  2522. >“Of course, there can be only one overall winner, so it took us a long time to deliberate.”
  2523. >“That being said, we have decided on our top three. Drum roll, please.”
  2524. >The electronics guy does his thing, and the sound effect comes through the speakers.
  2525. >You see both Mrs. Pie and Granny Smith cross their fingers.
  2526. >Pinkie takes your hand and squeezes tightly.
  2527. >“Our third place award goes to......”
  2529. >“......'Brozilla,' from Anonymous.”
  2530. >Your eyes widen, not just from being recognized, but also for placing so well, given it's your first try.
  2531. >Pinkie pushes you to hit the stage and accept your ribbon.
  2532. >Everyone is clapping, while Pinkie herself whistles and woops for you.
  2533. >“Excellent work, young man,” the announcer says. “You received high marks from the judges today.”
  2534. >He hands you a yellow ribbon, which you accept with a bow.
  2535. >“And while we have you up here, there's something else we'd like to present you.”
  2536. >He grabs a small plaque with your name on a silver plate.
  2537. >“We understand this is your first outing at our festival. We were so impressed with your work that we've decided to present you our 'Best Newcomer' award for the year.
  2538. >The crowd claps as you accept the plaque.
  2539. “Thank you sir,” you say. “I'm glad I was able to make an impact.”
  2540. >“You certainly did, my boy. You can step down now.”
  2541. >You make your way back to the group, where Pinkie gives you her typical bear hug.
  2542. >“I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” She exclaims. “Never a doubt in my mind!”
  2543. >“Good work,” Mrs. Pie says. “Guess my little prediction from before came true.”
  2544. “I don't know about that,” you reply. “Just a matter of luck and favor, I guess.”
  2545. >“You still did a nice job, Anon,” Applejack says, giving you a noogie. “Takes a lot to make it here.”
  2546. >“Eeyup,” Big Mac adds.
  2547. >“You're gonna have ta show me what ya made,” Granny Smith says. “For a third place spot, it's gotta be a goodie.”
  2548. “There's plenty left over,” you reply. “I'll bring you some after.”
  2549. >Before anything else can be said, the announcer continues.
  2550. >“Our second place award goes to......”
  2551. >“......'Marbled Landcape,' from Cloudy Quartz Pie.”
  2552. >Pinkie gives her mother a hug before the Mrs. makes her walk to the stage for the umpteenth time.
  2553. >She takes the red ribbon and comes back down, a satisfied look in her eyes.
  2554. > “And finally, our first place award goes to......”
  2555. >“......'An Apple a Day,' from Granny Smith.”
  2556. >Applejack and Big Mac practically roar in victory as their grandmother makes one more trip up.
  2557. >She raises up her latest blue ribbon in triumph, and you notice Mrs. Pie rolling her eyes at this.
  2558. > “Congratulations to all of our winners,” the announcer says. “With that, our awards ceremony has come to a close. We hope to see you all next Spring!”
  2560. >The festival is beginning to wind down at this point.
  2561. >Many vendors are packing up their leftover stock, while attendees are heading home.
  2562. >As promised, you provide slices of your cake for Granny Smith and the rest of the family to enjoy.
  2563. >You help Pinkie and Mrs. Pie clean up their area, which they thank you for.
  2564. >Pinkie asks her mother if she can hang out with you for the evening.
  2565. >Mrs. Pie relents, as long as she's not out too late.
  2566. >You certainly have no problem with it, and you head out to grab a bite to eat.
  2567. >Festival fare is nice, but it doesn't compare to deep dish pizza, which Pinkie practically devours.
  2568. >When you get home, you find a note on the kitchen counter from your parents saying they'd be out for a while.
  2569. “Gone again,” you say disappointed.
  2570. >You really wanted to come home showing off your awards, but that will have to wait until everyone is home and awake enough.
  2571. >“They'll be glad to see these,” Pinkie says. “I know I am.”
  2572. “Thanks, Ponks. You wanna find a movie to watch?”
  2573. >“Actually...I've been thinking...”
  2574. “...about what?”
  2575. >“ did say to let you know when I wanted you to...'return the favor.'”
  2576. “...yeah...I did,” you reply, feeling your face turning pinkish.
  2577. >“You did so good today, I think you've earned another little reward...I mean, if you want it...”
  2578. >If this was a cartoon, steam would be pouring out of your shirt right now.
  2579. >You cough a little out of nervousness, which Pinkie giggles at.
  2580. >“Well? Want me to cash in?”
  2581. >You gulp, trying to think of how to answer...
  2583. “So...this would be kinda like last time...just the other way around...”
  2584. >“Pretty much...if that's fine with you...”
  2585. “...and you'd tell me if I went and did something you don't like...”
  2586. >“Geez, you're making this sound harder than it needs to be.”
  2587. “Can you blame me? This is a big step, after all...”
  2588. >“If you're not comfortable with doing this right now...”
  2589. “That's...not the problem. I just want to be sure you want to go through with it...”
  2590. >Pinkie comes in for a hug, perhaps the warmest you've ever felt from her.
  2591. >“Nonnie, it's okay. I know you won't hurt me or try to take things too far.”
  2592. “It's just...I don't know...strange. I've never reached a point like this with a loved one before.”
  2593. >“Guess we're both in the same boat. It's like one of those cheap romance novels you'd find online.”
  2594. “Complete with all the tropes and clichés that would make you wish you never read it.”
  2595. >Pinkie laughs. “There hasn't been anything like that here, right?”
  2596. “Let's see...we have 'boy meets girl,' 'girl wins boy's heart,' 'disapproving parental figure...'”
  2597. >“Okay okay, I guess I was wrong...”
  2598. “But being serious, here...are you really willing to do this?”
  2599. >“I am if you are.”
  2600. >You give a deep sigh.
  2601. “...alright...”
  2602. >Pinkie releases you from her grip and holds out a hand.
  2603. >You gently take it and lead her to your bedroom, closing the door and locking it.
  2604. “Just in case certain people come home early,” you say.
  2605. >“Now THAT would be a cliché,” Pinkie replies.
  2606. >You laugh as you see her take in her surroundings.
  2607. >Though there isn't much to look at, much like the rest of the apartment.
  2608. >There's your bed, a nightstand, your computer station...and that's pretty much it.
  2609. “I know, it's as bare-bones as you can get,” you quip.
  2610. >“Nothing wrong with that,” Pinkie says. “But that's not the focus right now, is it?”
  2611. “No,” you reply with a grin, “I guess not...”
  2613. >Pinkie beckons you over with a finger and a smile, and you comply.
  2614. >She brings her arms around your neck as you go into a deep kiss.
  2615. >You feel echoes of your past experience, as you rub her back and sides.
  2616. >Only this time, you go lower until you reach the bottom of her blouse.
  2617. >Pinkie follows your lead, raising her arms for better clearance as you slowly take it off.
  2618. >As the blouse drops to the floor, you're greeted with a beautiful sight.
  2619. >Pinkie is wearing a simple white bra; nothing fancy, but it doesn't need to be.
  2620. >“You want this off, too?” Pinkie asks in a delicate way.
  2621. “...if that's alright with you,” you reply.
  2622. >She nods and turns around, allowing you do the deed.
  2623. >You take a breath and proceed to unhook the article.
  2624. >Like her blouse, Pinkie lets it fall away.
  2625. >You're able to look over her shoulder and see her exposed breasts.
  2626. >You expected Pinkie to cover them up, but she doesn't.
  2627. >“How are they?” She asks.
  2628. “They're...wonderful,” you reply.
  2629. >Pinkie reaches back and softly takes your hands, bringing them around and in front of her.
  2630. >“Go ahead,” she says. “I trust you...”
  2631. >You hesitate for a moment, but eventually let instinct take over.
  2632. >You slowly take hold of her breasts, feeling a nice balance between softness and firmness.
  2633. >Pinkie sighs in pleasure as you massage them, being careful not to grab too tightly.
  2634. “This okay so far?” You ask.
  2635. >She simply replies by giving you another long kiss.
  2636. >While this is going on, and with her ladies still in your hands, you lead her back until you're both sitting on the bed.
  2637. >“Anything else you want to do?” Pinkie asks as she breaks away.
  2638. “I can think of a few things...”
  2640. >You lower you head and plant several kisses on her breasts, going back and forth between them.
  2641. >Pinkie coos, allowing you to guide her into lying down on her back.
  2642. >You look up to her face and you see a smile, as if it's a cue to continue.
  2643. >She gasps as you take a nipple into your mouth, giving it a nice suckle.
  2644. >“Ooh...this good...”
  2645. >You give a muffled laugh as you keep going, and there is no indication from her for you to stop.
  2646. >You switch to her other breast, giving it the same treatment as the first.
  2647. >Soon you come up for air, and see that Pinkie's breathing has become much faster and heavier.
  2648. >“I guess...I'm not the only one who has it in them...” She says.
  2649. “Yeah,” you reply. “Where to from here?”
  2650. >“I think you know the answer...”
  2651. “Just making sure we're on the same page...”
  2652. >“The same sentence,” Pinkie replies, reaching for her skirt.
  2653. >You sit up, helping her slide it down her legs to join the rest of her discarded clothing.
  2654. >All she has on now are her socks and white panties...
  2655. >...and you notice a certain pattern on the front of them...
  2656. “So that's why you kept asking how I knew about these balloons...”
  2657. >Pinkie giggles. “Yeah. I wear these all the time. Only a few people know about them...”
  2658. “Welcome me to the club, I guess,” you say.
  2659. >As you lay down next to her, Pinkie gets onto her side, her back towards you.
  2660. >“I'd like to keep these on, if you don't mind,” she says. “We're not going that far...”
  2661. “That's fine with me,” you reply. “I had something else in mind.”
  2662. >“ tell...”
  2663. “As they say, actions speak louder than words...”
  2665. >You kiss her neck as you reach a hand around and down her body.
  2666. >You trace a finger down her stomach until you get to the elastic band of her panties.
  2667. >Not feeling Pinkie slap it away or hearing her say 'stop,' you go underneath it.
  2668. >You feel a tuft of hair, which you play with briefly, and then you reach your destination.
  2669. >It's a little damp down here; perhaps your previous fun had her revving up already.
  2670. “Ready?” You ask.
  2671. >“As ready as I'll ever be,” Pinkie replies.
  2672. “ we go...”
  2673. >You slide a pair of fingers inside, and Pinkie gives another gasp, this one louder than before.
  2674. >You freeze, as if expecting her to end this right now.
  2675. >“Ooh, sorry Nonnie. It's just weird having another person's fingers do the work, you know?”
  2676. >You both laugh nervously at this.
  2677. “You want to stop?”
  2678. >“No, keep going. I want to feel this, just like you do...”
  2679. “Alright then...from the top...”
  2680. >You reinsert and proceed to pump in and out, keeping things nice and slow.
  2681. >Pinkie moans with each motion, arching her head back a little.
  2682. >After a while, you increase the pace bit by bit, which Pinkie seems to appreciate.
  2683. >She turns her head so she can meet yours in another kiss.
  2684. >You shift to nibbling on her ear and neck as you pump even faster.
  2685. >After another minute or two, Pinkie's limit is reached.
  2686. >“Oh god...oh god...gonna...AH!”
  2687. >She hits her climax, the resulting orgasm staining her panties as well as the bedsheets.
  2688. >She collapses in a heap as you remove your fingers, they too covered in her juices.
  2690. >“Wow,” she finally says as she catches her breath. “Where'd you learn to do that?”
  2691. “Could have been one of those cheap romance novels,” you jokingly reply.
  2692. >You share a laugh before she rolls around to face you.
  2693. >“Must have been one of the better ones,” she says, kissing your forehead and hugging you.
  2694. “So...another secret we'll need to keep...”
  2695. >“We've done well keeping quiet so far, right?”
  2696. “Yeah...I don't know about you, but I think this is a good place to stop...”
  2697. >“I think you're right. We're not to the point yet where we go all the way.”
  2698. “Nothing wrong with that. I'm sure you'll tell me when the right time comes.”
  2699. >“It'll come soon enough, Nonnie...”
  2700. >You stay like this for a while, to the point where you almost fall asleep in each others' arms.
  2701. >The shutting of a door at the front of the apartment jerks you back to reality.
  2702. “Oh shit, they're back!” You whisper in panic.
  2703. >You both jump out of bed and cover up the results of your little session.
  2704. >You get your computer out of sleep mode as Pinkie scrambles to get the rest of her clothes back on.
  2705. >“Anon? Are you home?” You hear your mother ask.
  2706. >You quickly reach a Tube-Too page and click on a video from your favorites, while Pinkie finishes dressing in record time.
  2707. >You go to the door, turning the doorknob so the lock is undone as quietly as possible.
  2708. “I'm here,” you reply as you open the door and stick your head out. “So's Pinkie.”
  2709. >“Oh, didn't know you had company over,” your mother says.
  2710. “The festival got done a while ago,” you say. “Pinkie wanted to come back here and show me some funny videos.”
  2711. >Your mother peeks around and sees a nature video with narration that's both comedic and informative.
  2712. >“Didn't I tell you these were funny?” She asks, laughing all the while. “This guy's hilarious!”
  2713. >You laugh, yourself, more at her acting than the video itself.
  2714. “You were right. How he comes up with these jokes is beyond me.”
  2715. > “Okaaay...” Your mother says.
  2717. >Your father steps in. “We saw you brought a few things home. Sounds like that festival went well.”
  2718. “Yeah, it did. That cake I threw together got third place in the category I put it in, and they gave me that plaque for being the best newbie.”
  2719. >“Oh, we're so proud of you,” your mother says. “All of that baking knowledge you got from Nana paid off.”
  2720. “Wasn't just from her,” you reply, pulling Pinkie in towards you. “I have Pinkie to thank, too.”
  2721. >“We've been teaching each other a lot of things,” she adds. “One of the perks of working together at the bakery.”
  2722. >“Guess so,” your father says. “Did you two eat yet?”
  2723. “Yeah, we hit a pizza joint on the way back here. I was actually going to be taking Pinkie home soon.”
  2724. >“Well, it's good to see you again,” your mother tells her. “You're always welcome here.”
  2725. >“Thanks,” Pinkie says.
  2726. >Shortly after, the two of you are back in your car, heading to the Pie residence..
  2727. >“You think they're on to us?” Pinkie asks.
  2728. “They know we've gotten close, especially my mom,” you reply. “Not sure if they have any idea of how close, though...”
  2729. >“Same with my mom and dad. I don't want to say anything to them until we're good and ready...”
  2730. “You let me know when. I'll be there with you.”
  2731. >As you flip through the radio stations, a favorite song of yours comes on:
  2732. >“This is a nice one,” Pinkie says, putting her hand on the arm rest to hold yours.
  2733. “Couldn't agree more...”
  2734. >The song ends just as you pull into the driveway.
  2735. >“See you Monday,” Pinkie says, giving you another kiss before getting out and heading inside.
  2736. >You drive back home feeling truly content.
  2737. >You did a fine job at the festival, and you've reached an even field with Pinkie in terms of 'fun times.'
  2738. >It's another big step in your relationship, and you both took it in stride.
  2739. >You feel like nothing can get in the way right now.
  2740. >It's your hope that this continues for a long time to come...
  2742. ------
  2744. >March turns to April, and April turns to May.
  2745. >For the first time in a long time, you feel like you truly belong someplace.
  2746. >Your relationship with Pinkie has only grown stronger since your little 'session.'
  2747. >Her friends could sense there was something a little different between you and her.
  2748. >True to her word, Pinkie has said nothing openly to them about the intimate going ons.
  2749. >Then again, they probably know on a subconscious level, and are respecting your boundaries.
  2750. >Even Flash has followed this example, although he did ask you at one point if you had 'done it' yet.
  2751. >You told him 'no,' but if that wasn't enough to satisfy him, you say 'believe what you want.'
  2752. >There were no other questions after that.
  2753. >School itself has been fairly busy, but otherwise uneventful.
  2754. >But that's what happens when you're no longer able to show off your cooking skills here.
  2755. >The workload has been ramped up a little, as final exams are just around the corner.
  2756. >As far as Sugarcube Corner goes, the name you've made for yourself has only gotten bigger.
  2757. >You introduced the 'Brozilla' to the Cakes not long after the Spring Festival, and it became an instant hit with customers.
  2758. >Yet another of your creations added to the main menu, although given the resources needed, it's only a Friday exclusive item.
  2759. >It doesn't seem to be a problem though, as the whole thing is gone before the end of the afternoon.
  2760. >The Cakes have shown you plenty of appreciation for all the hard work you've performed in the past few months.
  2761. >They asked you if you wanted to work with them on weekends, as well, once summer comes around.
  2762. >This would mean a heavier workload with more responsibilities, but also a fatter paycheck.
  2763. >It does sound enticing, and would give you more of a chance to 'flex your muscles,' so to speak.
  2764. >You said you'd think about it, wanting to focus on what's going on right now.
  2765. >Education comes first, after all.
  2766. >Still plenty of time...
  2767. >You get home one Friday night to find a big pasta dinner waiting.
  2768. >Your parents are already at the table eating, but they stop when they see you come in, concerned looks on their faces.
  2769. >“Hi, honey,” your Mom says.
  2770. >You stop in your tracks.
  2771. >She never calls you that unless there's something wrong...
  2773. “I'm...not in trouble, am I?”
  2774. >“No, you're not. Come sit down, though.”
  2775. >You take your place at the table, although you're still apprehensive.
  2776. “So...what's going on?”
  2777. >Your mother takes a breath. “We...have some bad news...”
  2778. >Your father speaks next. “I had a virtual meeting with my manager earlier today...they need me to relocate again.”
  2779. >It feels like your jaw is about to dislocate.
  2780. “...what?”
  2781. >“I only heard about this a while ago,” your mother says.
  2782. “But...what about the job search? Pinkie did say her dad was keeping an eye out for any openings around here.”
  2783. >“And he's been in contact with me since then,” your father says. “It's just that there are no openings in the area that would keep us financially stable.”
  2784. >This can't be happening...
  2785. “What about our other needs? The needs for deeper friendships and relationships with people?”
  2786. >“I know the people here have meant a lot to you, Anon,” your mother replies, “but this is the price we pay for trying to make those connections in a moving family...”
  2787. “And what about what I have with Pinkie? We're just about going steady right now!”
  2788. >“We know, Anon,” your father replies. “She's a wonderful girl, but the business doesn't care about things like that.”
  2789. “Don't YOU care?”
  2790. >Your father sighs. “Of course I care. Otherwise I wouldn't have fought to delay our move until the end of the month. I wish there was better news, but right now there's nothing we can do...”
  2791. >Your hands clench into fists.
  2792. “It's not fair...”
  2793. >“It's never fair,” your father replies, “but the job has to come first. Would you rather be penniless and on the street?”
  2794. “At least I'd be able to stay in one place and not leave behind everything I've come to know and love!”
  2795. >You stand up and head back towards the front door.
  2796. >“Where are you going, Anon?” Your mother asks.
  2797. “Anywhere but here until I can clear my head,” you mutter. “Thanks for nothing.”
  2798. >Neither of your parents try to stop you, but you hear them talking to themselves as you leave.
  2799. >“I knew he was going to react like that,” your mother says sadly.
  2800. >“He'll get over it,” your father replies. “He always does...”
  2801. >You slam the door behind you in response.
  2803. >You take another drive, this time to the higher elevations of the city.
  2804. >Pinkie had once guided you to one of the lookout points on the easternmost part of the map.
  2805. >The two of you shared many a sunset here during the weekends.
  2806. >You park your car and shut off the engine, just in time for the sun to start dipping below the horizon.
  2807. >You watch it for a while, but you can't really enjoy it.
  2808. >The situation you're in is a bit too much for you to take right now.
  2809. >You understand where your father's coming from to a degree, but you wish it could have been different this time.
  2810. >You mentally create a list of everyone who will be devastated by this bit of news.
  2811. >Pinkie, of course, is at the very top of that list.
  2812. >After everything you've been through together, it's all about to come crashing down.
  2813. >You pull out your phone and go through the contacts.
  2814. >As much as you want to avoid it, you're going to have to start letting people know.
  2815. >It's only a matter of who to start with.
  2816. >You're sure the Cakes would be sad, but understanding. You did tell them this may happen.
  2817. >Twilight's one of Pinkie's closer friends; she may be able to quietly spread the word to the rest of her group, and also help with damage control.
  2818. >Pinkie's family...well, her father may keep things cool, but her mother may be another story.
  2819. >And then, there's Pinkie herself.
  2820. >That may be the worst option, although telling other people before your girlfriend could make for even more of a disaster.
  2821. >By this time, the sun has almost fully set.
  2822. >It's going to be an uphill battle no matter what, and you'll have to face it head-on.
  2823. >You go through the contact list one more time, trying to make up your mind.
  2824. >Who's first?
  2826. >Before you can make a decision, the phone rings on its own, causing you to jump a little.
  2827. >Looking down, you see it's Fluttershy calling.
  2828. “Hello?”
  2829. >“Hi Anon. How are you tonight?”
  2830. “Believe me, it could be better.”
  2831. >“Why? What's wrong?”
  2832. >Well, guess here's a good place to start...
  2833. “I got word from my father earlier that we're moving away by month's end...”
  2834. >“Oh, that's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear that. Does Pinkie know?”
  2835. “Not yet. I wanted to get the news out to you and some of the other girls first so you can act as emotional anchors. God knows we're both going to need your support.”
  2836. >“I see...but don't wait too long before telling her. When she's ever the last person to know about something, she can flip.”
  2837. “And how do I tell her?”
  2838. >“There's no right way to do so. You just need to be honest and truthful with her. I wish there was more I could tell you...”
  2839. “I appreciate the help. Sorry to be such a downer. Did you need me for something else?”
  2840. >“Well, I was calling because the shelter is going to have a charity bake sale next weekend, and I was wondering if you wanted to contribute something. But given what's going on, I can understand if you'd rather not...”
  2841. “Gotcha. You know, if it's for a good cause, I might be able to whip something up. Who knows, it may help me keep my mind off of things...”
  2842. >“It wouldn't have to be anything crazy. I'm sure whatever you make would be a hit with people.”
  2843. “Sure. I'm gonna reach out to Twilight, and then go to Pinkie's to break the news.”
  2844. >“Best of luck, Anon. I'll let Rainbow and Applejack know what's happening for you. We'll all be there to help you both if you need it.”
  2845. “Thanks, Shy, I do appreciate that. Talk to you later, I guess.”
  2846. >“Night. Bye...”
  2847. >You hang up, then swipe back to your contacts.
  2848. >Twilight, it is.
  2849. >You bring up her name and hit 'Call...'
  2851. >“Hello?”
  2852. “Hey Twi, it's Anon. Are you busy right now? I need some help.”
  2853. >“I'm free. What's the matter?”
  2854. “The family's going to be on the move again soon, and I'll have to break the news to Pinkie.”
  2855. >“Oh no! After everything you've done here for us, for her?”
  2856. “I know. I spoke with Fluttershy just a while ago. She said to be honest with Pinkie, but do you have any other advice to add?”
  2857. >“I mean...just be careful with how you word things with her. It'll make the difference between seeing a firecracker and a volcanic eruption.”
  2858. “Has she always been like that?”
  2859. >“When there's bad news that affects her? Yeah, she doesn't handle it as well as others.”
  2860. “Lovely...I just hoped there was something else I could do, but my father's word is final...”
  2861. >“That's too bad. Is there something you need me to do?”
  2862. “Well, Shy's said she'd let Dash and Applejack know what's going on. Can you get the word to Rarity and Sunset for me?”
  2863. >“Yeah, I can do that. And when are you going to tell Pinkie?”
  2864. “I'm gonna see her soon. there if either of us need to talk to you.”
  2865. >“We always will be, Anon. Let me know if there's anything else you need.”
  2866. “Thanks. Have a good night...well, better than mine...”
  2867. >“Good luck. Talk to ya later.”
  2868. >After hanging up, you toss your phone to the passenger seat and start the car again.
  2869. >You back up and make your way to the Pie residence.
  2870. >It sounds like no matter what you do or say, it's going to be a real messy affair.
  2871. >Better to rip the band-aid off now than to wait and let things fester.
  2872. >If you were old enough to drink, you might be looking for some liquid courage right about now.
  2873. >But then again, that would make for an even messier result.
  2874. >After a while, you reach a familiar dirt driveway.
  2875. >Welp, here goes nothing...
  2877. >You knock on the door, and Mr. Pie answers.
  2878. >“Evenin', Anon. What are you doing here so late?”
  2879. “Sorry for showing up unannounced. I just...had some news to share with you all. Can I come in?”
  2880. >“Sure thing, son. Pinkie's in the living room with the rest of us.”
  2881. >You follow him in, and everyone else is just as surprised to see you.
  2882. >“Anon?” Pinkie says. “What's up?”
  2883. >Mr. Pie shuts off the TV as you take one of the empty chairs.
  2884. “ some bad news from my family earlier, and I wish I had an easy way to say it...”
  2885. >“If there's no easy way,” Mrs. Pie replies, “it's best to say it the way you know how.”
  2886. >“Yeah, Nonnie,” Pinkie adds. “What's going on?”
  2887. >You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath.
  2888. “My dad says we're moving at the end of the month...”
  2889. >Pinkie's eyes widen.
  2890. >“What?” She asks softly.
  2891. “His job is having him relocate again, and we all have to go with him. I only found out a while ago.”
  2892. >Pinkie's shaking her head, the poof in her hair is disappearing.
  2893. >“ can't be happening...”
  2894. “I'm sorry, Pinkie. There's no way to sugarcoat it, as much as I'd like to...”
  2895. >“But...why? I thought he was looking for work elsewhere...”
  2896. “He has been, but nothing's come of it so far. Unless something happens in the next few weeks...”
  2897. >“You promised...”
  2898. “What?”
  2899. >“You promised me you wouldn't just get up and leave me...”
  2900. >You see that more and more of her poof is gone.
  2901. >Marble notices this, too, and she starts to scoot away a little.
  2902. “I did. That's why I'm letting you all know now and not dropping a last minute bombshell...”
  2903. >“YOU PROMISED!” Pinkie shouts.
  2904. >By now, her hair has gone completely straight, covering part of her face and eyes.
  2906. >“Pinkamena, dear,” Mrs. Pie starts, “calm down...”
  2907. >“Calm down? Nonnie broke one of our pinkie promises! He's going away and leaving me! He might be gone forever!”
  2908. >“You don't know that,” Mr. Pie replies. “There's always the chance he'll come back.”
  2909. “He's right, Pinkie,.” you say, standing up. “Let's talk about this...”
  2910. >“SHUT UP!”
  2911. >Pinkie's shout startles everyone else.
  2912. >She get up and takes off the jewelry you got her, throwing it at you.
  2913. >The necklace hits you in the chest, while the ring hits your forehead with a 'thwack.'
  2914. >It all falls to the carpet, as do the angry tears from Pinkie's eyes.
  2916. >She runs out of the room, not looking back at anyone.
  2917. >You drop back into your chair rubbing your bruised forehead, feeling all but dejected.
  2918. >Marble kneels down to pick up the jewelry.
  2919. >“I'm so sorry, Anon,” she says, holding it out to you. “She never takes things like this easy...”
  2920. “Thanks, Marble,” you say, taking the jewelry and pocketing it.
  2921. >“Give her time,” Mr. Pie says. “They say that heals all wounds.”
  2922. >“Don't feel like this is all your fault,” Mrs. Pie adds. “You've done so much for her already, so we need to do the same for you.”
  2923. “I...appreciate that. Though I don't know how much good that'll do with Pinkie...”
  2924. >“We'll try talking to her,” Mrs. Pie replies. “Remember, what affects one of us affects all of us...”
  2925. >“Indeed,” Mr. Pie muses.
  2926. >“If there's anything you need from us,” Mrs. Pie says, “please let us know.”
  2927. “I will. Thank you all...for everything...”
  2928. >“Let me get your number, just in case,” Marble requests. “I'm sure Pinkie has deleted it from her phone already.”
  2929. >You add your number to Marble's phone. It's the most you can do right now.
  2930. “Please let me know if anything changes with her, alright? It's going to be a long next two weeks...”
  2931. >“No need to worry, son,” Mr. Pie replies. “You head on home. I've got calls of my own to make...”
  2933. >You leave the Pie residence with a giant lump in your throat.
  2934. >Twilight was right about Pinkie's reaction – this was a volcanic eruption if you ever saw one.
  2935. >When you get home, your mother's there to greet you with a hug.
  2936. >You told her about what happened earlier with Pinkie, and she's very sorry to hear about it.
  2937. >She tells you your pasta plate is in the fridge if you're still hungry.
  2938. >At this point, you've lost your appetite.
  2939. >You go to your room and plug in your phone to recharge.
  2940. >You keep it on, and you see the messages have been pouring in.
  2941. >They are from all of Pinkie's friends, either sending condolences or asking if you're okay.
  2942. >You message back what you can, and everybody says they'll be there if you need them.
  2943. >You ask if anyone has heard from Pinkie yet, and they all say 'no.'
  2944. >They all figured Pinkie would reach out with her sadness and frustration, but maybe she's waiting for the dark cloud to dissipate a little.
  2945. >You ask that they keep you posted, and they said they would.
  2946. >With that, you swipe away from your messages.
  2947. >You bring up your music, specifically one song:
  2948. >It feels only appropriate.
  2949. >The pain right now is real, and there will be a lot of emotional bruises.
  2950. >But it will heal, no matter how long it takes.
  2951. >This is far from over, though.
  2952. >It's just a matter of what needs to be done from all parties to get to a better resolution.
  2953. >You go to bed with Pinkie's last words to you ringing in your head.
  2954. >The necklace is in your hand, and you rub the gemstone as you shut your eyes.
  2955. >If rose quartz really helps with emotional wounds, you'll need all the healing you can get...
  2957. ------
  2959. >The whole weekend you're practically on pins and needles.
  2960. >You stay in touch with Twilight and company, hoping to get any kind of news.
  2961. >Unfortunately, Pinkie has not contacted anyone.
  2962. >You contact Marble to see if maybe she has any updates.
  2963. >From the sounds of it, Pinkie has stayed in her room since the fallout, leaving only to use the restroom when necessary.
  2964. >Mrs. Pie has been leaving meals at her door, hoping that maybe she'd come out and say something after claiming them.
  2965. >But alas, she simply grabs the food and drink, dumping the dishes out the door afterward.
  2966. >She isn't talking to anyone, as if shutting everyone and everything out of her life.
  2967. >It's frankly breaking everyone's hearts right now.
  2968. >You've tried messaging her a few times, but there is obviously no response.
  2969. >Either she's ignoring them, or she blocked your number.
  2970. >Given your news, it's hard to blame her.
  2971. >Saturday is spent at home for the most part.
  2972. >On Sunday, Applejack invites you over on her grandmother's behalf, and you oblige.
  2973. >You spend time with both of them, either helping with some of the farm work or baking pies.
  2974. >She shows you some of her tricks of the trade, and you pay as close attention as you can.
  2975. >You ask Granny Smith if she has any advice on how to move forward.
  2976. >“Life's gonna hit ya hard no matter what you do,” she replies. “Just gotta stick with it and roll with all them punches.”
  2977. >She goes on with how she had a big spat with her late husband a long time ago.
  2978. >“Ah was so mad at 'im, ah just wanted to push him as far away as ah could. But he wasn't gonna just up and leave, and we talked our way through it. Took time to fully forgive, but he was willin' to wait.”
  2979. “Wish I had time like you did,” you say, “but I'm quickly running out of it.”
  2980. >“It works in strange ways,” Granny Smith replies. “Don't let it, or that girl, get away from you, or you'll be losin' both.”
  2981. “I'll do what I can. It's not going to be easy, though...”
  2982. >“Life never is, mah boy...”
  2984. >Monday comes around.
  2985. >You wait outside the school as per usual, hoping that maybe Pinkie will be here.
  2986. >She doesn't show up.
  2987. >You do see Marble, and unfortunately she tells you that nothing has really changed.
  2988. >You give a heavy sigh as she apologizes, and you both go to your respective home rooms.
  2989. >First chance you get, you talk to Principal Celestia regarding the whole situation.
  2990. >She's sorry to hear about you moving, although she recalls you mentioning it could have happened at any time.
  2991. >She says she'd speak with your teachers to see if you can take your final exams the following week.
  2992. >That way you'd at least be able to have your credits transferred to whichever new school you go to.
  2993. >You thank her and carry on with the day as you normally would.
  2994. >Lunch is especially difficult, though.
  2995. >A small part of you wants to sit by yourself at a table, as if to prepare yourself for the latest round of self-imposed isolation and misery.
  2996. >But given all that has happened in the past nine months, you just can't allow yourself to do that.
  2997. >So you sit with Pinkie's friends as you have done, and she is the main subject.
  2998. >There still hasn't been any kind of contact from her to anybody, and it's worrying you all.
  2999. >You all vow to keep trying, and to let the rest know if something happens.
  3000. >Pinkie doesn't show up for work, either.
  3001. >You share your bad news with the Cakes, and they are sad to hear you'd be leaving.
  3002. >They ask if you want to take the rest of the time off, but you refuse.
  3003. >This is one of the few loves you have left right now, and you're not about to throw it away.
  3004. >They understand, and ask that you keep them in the loop as far as Pinkie's concerned.
  3005. >It's a little tricky to stay focused, but you do what you can.
  3006. >You still feel the pain from your forehead after what happened that night.
  3007. >But that's nothing compared to the pain in your heart right now.
  3009. >The rest of the week follows the same pattern.
  3010. >No word or sign of Pinkie, at school or at work.
  3011. >At the end of the work on Friday, you see there's a piece of Brozilla cake left.
  3012. >Without having to ask, Mrs. Cakes tells you to take it.
  3013. >You wrap it up, hoping it can be shared with a certain someone later on.
  3014. >As you're leaving, you get a call from who you think is Marble.
  3015. “Hello?”
  3016. >“Anon, we need you over here as soon as you can.”
  3017. “Mrs. Pie? What's going on?”
  3018. >“It's Pinkamena. I brought her dinner as I've been doing all this week. But when I came up later to collect everything, the knife I included wasn't given back.”
  3019. “Oh no...”
  3020. >“My husband and I have tried knocking, asking to be let in to talk, but she won't answer.”
  3021. “You can't get into her room?”
  3022. >“The door is locked, and she must have something in front of it now to keep us from getting in.”
  3023. “Oh god, you don't think she-”
  3024. >“I don't want to think about that. You've got to come now. If there's anyone who might get through to her, it's you.”
  3025. >You've rushed over to your car at this point, getting in quickly.
  3026. “I'm on my way.”
  3027. >“Please hurry...”
  3028. >You turn the ignition and punch it, going well above the speed limit as you race to the Pie residence.
  3029. >You never thought it'd come to this.
  3030. >Would Pinkie really do the unthinkable?
  3031. >Just end it all without telling anyone?
  3032. >You mentally recite whatever prayers you know in the hopes that she doesn't...
  3034. >At last, you reach your destination.
  3035. >Instinctively you grab the back from Sugarcube Corner before you head in.
  3036. >Mr. and Mrs. Pie are there to greet you, as is Marble.
  3037. “Any changes?” You ask.
  3038. >“None,” Mrs. Pie replies. “Haven't heard a peep from her since that night.”
  3039. >“Mom, I'm scared,” Marble says, hugging her side.
  3040. >“It'll be alright, dear,” Mrs. Pie says before returning her attention to you. “I hope you being here will help make a difference.”
  3041. “I'll do what I can, although I don't know how much good it will be...”
  3042. >“Do your best, son,” Mr. Pie replies, leading you down a hall to where you assume is Pinkie's room.
  3043. >You raise your hand as if to knock on the door, but you freeze up.
  3044. >There's no telling what could happen here.
  3045. >What if you're too late?
  3046. >You shake those thoughts out of your head and knock twice.
  3047. “Pinkie?”
  3048. >Silence.
  3049. “It's...Nonnie. Can you hear me?”
  3050. >After a long pause...
  3051. >“Nonnie?” You hear a voice say from inside.
  3052. “Yeah, it's me. Can I come in? I know you said you didn't want to see me again, but I want to see YOU again...please...”
  3053. >At first, there's nothing.
  3054. >Then, you hear something being moved from the other side of the door, as well as it being unlocked.
  3055. >After another moment, there's a reply.
  3056. >“...come in...”
  3057. >You look back at Pinkie's parents, who silently encourage you to go on.
  3058. >You take a breath and open the door.
  3060. >There isn't much in terms of light, with the exception of a single dim lamp on a nightstand.
  3061. >You find Pinkie sitting on her bed, her hair as straight as you last saw it.
  3062. >Her skin is also paler than normal, though you're not sure if it's the light or her shift in mood.
  3063. >Her eyes are shut, but you can tell she's been crying recently.
  3064. “How...are you feeling?” You ask, closing the door behind you and setting your bag down.
  3065. >“Awful,” Pinkie retorts with a sniff. “Any other stupid questions?”
  3066. “Unless you count 'do you know how worried everyone has been about you?' as stupid.”
  3067. >“I don't care...”
  3068. >You'll need to tread carefully here...
  3069. “Hey, remember what you told me at lunch the day we met? That it's not healthy for the mind to always be alone?”
  3070. >“You didn't have a problem with that, so why should I?”
  3071. “Because you have so many people in your life that care about you. If you shut them out, it'll crush your heart.”
  3072. >Pinkie still has her eyes closed.
  3073. >“It doesn't really matter now. A part of me will be gone soon, and I don't know if I can bear it...”
  3074. “I'm really sorry about all this...I knew this was going to happen sooner or later...I just didn't realize how much this would affect everyone I've come to know...and come to love...”
  3075. >Pinkie sniffs again. “If you knew this was coming...why'd you have to build me up like that?”
  3076. “Because the connection I've made with you is one I want to make last...because I thought...things might have been different...”
  3077. >“ you not having to move away?”
  3078. “Right...wishful thinking, I guess...”
  3079. >“You're an idiot sometimes, you know that?”
  3080. “Sometimes, yeah.”
  3081. >There's a tiny giggle from her. Perhaps you're getting through to her a little.
  3082. >You continue.
  3084. “I might be going away, but I swear it won't forever. Come Hell or high water, I'll find a way to come back come back to you...”
  3085. >“You don't mean that...”
  3086. “Have I ever lied to you?”
  3087. >“You did break that promise...”
  3088. “If I remember, I told you I would never 'just get up and leave you.' I'm here now, wanting to make sure you're going to be okay.”
  3089. >“It'll never be okay once you're gone...”
  3090. “You'll have all of your friends and family to fill that gap for now. They all love you one way or another, even if they have trouble showing it.”
  3091. >“I'm just sick of it...”
  3092. “Sick of what?”
  3093. >“Sick of always being the joy and the laughter. I'm always making everyone I know happy...but what about me?”
  3094. “No one can be happy all the time. There has to be some sad times once in a while. That way you'll know when the good times come around.”
  3095. >“I've been looking for those good times all week...”
  3096. “Me too. But being able to see you again makes me feel better. I thought you might have done something to yourself.”
  3097. >“Like what?”
  3098. >You don't answer at first. While Pinkie hasn't been looking at you this whole time, you've kept your head on a swivel, looking around for the knife Mrs. Pie talked about...
  3099. “Like...hurting yourself...really bad...”
  3100. >“Oh...I haven't done that, but...”
  3101. >She raised her arms and turns them over.
  3102. >You look in horror as you see cuts going up each of them.
  3103. >You see red marks where she has bled, but they aren't deep enough to cause major damage.
  3104. >The memory of the bullies comes back to bite you.
  3105. >“Don't forget, it's up the sidewalk, not across the street!”
  3106. >You can hear that awful laughing again.
  3107. “Good god, Pinkie, what have you been doing?”
  3108. >Pinkie finally opens her eyes to look at you.
  3109. >They're almost glassy in appearance, the color faded.
  3110. >She gives you a scary smile.
  3111. “Practicing...”
  3113. >This has gone far enough...
  3114. “Where is it?” You ask in a stern voice.
  3115. >“Where's what?” She replies, jokingly.
  3116. >You carefully approach her.
  3117. “You know what I mean.”
  3118. >“ mean that...”
  3119. “Pinkie, you don't want to keep hurting yourself.”
  3120. >“Yes I do. I'll do what I want, when I want...even if it kills me...”
  3121. “Not while I'm still here. Give it to me.”
  3122. >“But don't you want me to be happy?”
  3123. “Mutilating your body makes you happy?”
  3124. >“It's filling in the hole you left, so yeah.”
  3125. >You don't believe what you're hearing.
  3126. “Please...I can't stand to see you like this.”
  3127. >“Then you can leave...”
  3128. “Not until you come back to your senses. This isn't who you really are.”
  3129. >“I told you, you're an idiot.”
  3130. >You're taken aback.
  3131. >“This IS who I really am. The other me is just an act to make everyone else happy.”
  3132. “Either you're the greatest actress this world has ever known, or you're just saying that to make yourself feel better.”
  3133. >“Why not both?” Pinkie says with a shrug.
  3134. “You're lying to me...”
  3135. >“Oh yeah? How so?”
  3136. “Because the Pinkie I know wouldn't intentionally hurt herself just for attention. She'd find other ways of getting the help she needs.”
  3137. >Pinkie crosses her arms, giving you a frustrated look as you come closer.
  3138. “I'll ask you again...give it to me.”
  3140. >“You don't know when to stop,” Pinkie growls.
  3141. “I'll stop when you do,” you reply.
  3142. >“ want it so badly?”
  3143. >You notice her reaching under her pillow.
  3144. >“Then you can HAVE IT!”
  3145. >In an instant, she tries to slash you with the knife.
  3146. >You're able to back away just in time before you're gutted.
  3147. >She lunges at you with a feral yell, holding the object overhead for a downward stab.
  3148. >You grab both of her wrists, tightening your grip until she's forced to release hers.
  3149. >The knife falls to the ground, and you swipe it away with a foot.
  3150. >You pull Pinkie in for the biggest bear hug you can muster.
  3151. >“LET ME GO!” She screams. “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!”
  3152. >Mr. and Mrs. Pie open the door in response to the noise.
  3153. >When they see what's happening, they freeze in place.
  3154. >Pinkie is sobbing all the while, her legs buckling.
  3155. >You guide her down until you're both on the floor, but you maintain your hold.
  3156. “I'm not letting go until you calm down.”
  3157. >You feel your shirt becoming increasingly damp as Pinkie continues to cry.
  3158. >“Why'd you do this to me? Why'd you come into my life and ruin it? Why can't you just leave me alone so I can end it all?”
  3159. “I did it because you're my friend.
  3160. “I came into your life to make it better, not worse.
  3161. “And I love you too much to just let you do this to yourself.
  3162. “You're an important part of me...just like I'm an important part of you.”
  3163. >Pinkie slowly looks up at you with eyes full of tears. Their color is back to normal.
  3164. >You notice a little bit of poof has returned to her hair.
  3165. >Another sniffle, and she buries her head back into your chest as she goes back to crying.
  3166. >She returns your bear hug with one of her own.
  3167. “That's it...let it all out...please...”
  3168. >This goes on for several minutes as you whisper sweet nothings into her ear.
  3170. >After a while, Pinkie appears to have calmed down a little.
  3171. >“ let go now?” She asks.
  3172. “If I do, do you promise not to hurt me or yourself?”
  3173. >“...yeah...”
  3174. “Pinkie promise?”
  3175. >“...pinkie promise...”
  3176. >You slowly release your grip, and Pinkie does the same.
  3177. >“I' sorry, Nonnie. I didn't mean to try and hurt're right...this isn't who I am...who I should be...”
  3178. “I'm the one who be sorry. I caused all of this...”
  3179. >Pinkie sniffles again. “But I went and blew up on you.”
  3180. “I was told you might. I should have chosen my words better.”
  3181. >“I don't think that would've's bad news no matter what...”
  3182. “Maybe...but the words used aren't as important as who they're spoken to.”
  3183. >You sit in silence for a moment or so.
  3184. >“Did you mean what you said before?”
  3185. “About what?”
  3186. >“That you'd come back for me?”
  3187. “Meant every word. I'll do everything in my power to make that happen, even if it takes me forever and an eternity to do so.”
  3188. >Pinkie laughs as she wipes her eyes. “Did you get that out of one of those sappy novels?”
  3189. “Could have come out of a whole mess of them, but I still believe it.”
  3190. >Pinkie gives a sign...
  3191. >...then slaps your face hard. Your head snaps to the side in response.
  3192. >“That's for making me so upset,” she states.
  3193. >You go to reach the aching cheek as she takes both into her hands. More poof has returned.
  3194. >“...and for making me feel a little better...”
  3195. >She gives you a deep kiss, perhaps the warmest one you've ever gotten from her.
  3196. >You return it, sharing a tender moment after a long period of despair.
  3197. >Her parents look on with relief, the Mrs. resting her head on the Mr.'s shoulder.
  3198. >“She gonna be okay?” Marble asks as she joins in.
  3199. >“In time,” Mr. Pie replies.
  3201. >You break it off as you put your foreheads together.
  3202. “You're going to have to get your arms looked at, you know...”
  3203. >“I guess. They shouldn't be too bad, though...”
  3204. “I've got something that might help.”
  3205. >You motion to the bag you had set down, and Marble moves in to get it to you.
  3206. >You pull out the wrapped piece of 'Brozilla' you brought from work.
  3207. >Pinkie's looks on with wonder.
  3208. “The last piece of today's cake. You can have it.”
  3209. >She takes it from you and gives it a big chomp.
  3210. >More poof is back now.
  3211. >“I'm going to miss this almost as much as I'll miss you...”
  3212. “I'll leave the recipe with you. Someone will have to keep the tastiness going while I'm away.”
  3213. >Pinkie hugs you again. “I'll do my best...”
  3214. >You help her up until you're both sitting on the bed, while Mrs. Pie comes around and gives Pinkie a hug of her own.
  3215. >“I'm sorry, Mom, Dad...this was all an awful mess.”
  3216. >“We're just glad you're safe,” Mrs. Pie replies. “Anon was right – we all love you...even if some of us have trouble showing it.
  3217. >You feel Mr. Pie putting a firm hand on your shoulder.
  3218. >“Thank you, son,” he says. “I don't know what would've happened had you not been here.”
  3219. >You give a nod as Pinkie continues to enjoy the emotional support...and the cake.
  3220. >While you watch, another promise you made comes to mind.
  3221. “Shoot, I forgot...”
  3222. >“Nonnie?”
  3223. “Fluttershy asked if I could make something for her bake sale tomorrow...for the shelter.”
  3224. >Mrs. Pie chuckles. “Oh, is that all? You can do it here if you'd like. It's the least we can do.”
  3225. “If that's alright with you...I guess. Probably just gonna do some cookies. Wanna help, Pinkie?”
  3226. >Pinkie shakes her head, and her hair seems to poof out the rest of the way as she giggles.
  3227. >“Wouldn't miss it for the world...”
  3229. >Before you can do anything, however, Mrs. Pie insists on taking care of Pinkie's wounds.
  3230. >From what she can see, they are more scratches than cuts, as they didn't go very deep.
  3231. >Pinkie may still have some scarring after this, but thankfully there's no other permanent damage.
  3232. >Mrs. Pie cleans the wounds and wraps the affected areas in bandages.
  3233. >Had you thought of it, you'd have brought the ones Rarity gave you months ago.
  3234. >Even though this has been a dark moment, Pinkie still manages to inject a little comedy into this.
  3235. >“Hey mommy, I'm a mummy!”
  3236. >Somehow, her mother gets a laugh out of it, although she does ask Pinkie to never try something like this to herself again.
  3237. >After getting the medical attention needed, Pinkie is allowed to help with your baking project.
  3238. >You decide on the double-chocolate cookies you were introduced to by the Cakes way back when.
  3239. >A nice throwback, as they were what landed you your job in the first place.
  3240. >Together you make a double recipe, more than enough to bring in good funds for the sale.
  3241. “Feeling any better?” You ask Pinkie afterward.
  3242. >She lowers her head. “It's...going to be a while before I'm better the whole way. It won't be easy once you're gone...”
  3243. “I know. But I'll always stay in touch with you no matter what. Just because I won't be around doesn't mean we can't be together in spirit.”
  3244. >“A long-distance relationship won't be the same...but I'll do what I can, just like you...”
  3245. “That reminds me...”
  3246. >You pull out Pinkie's ring and necklace from your pocket. You had been keeping them on your person ever since they were thrown at you.
  3247. “Wasn't sure if you wanted these back...”
  3248. >Pinkie's eyes fill with tears again, but she nods a 'yes.'
  3249. >You put the necklace back around her neck, while she holds out a finger for you to slide the ring onto.
  3250. >“Thank you, Nonnie. I don't know what I'd have done if you didn't come here...”
  3251. “How about we don't think about that. In fact, you may want to think about letting all of our others friends know how you're doing.”
  3252. >“You're right. I've got a lot of texts to send tonight...”
  3253. “I'll leave you to it,” you say, packing up the cookies you made. “You going to show up at the bake sale tomorrow? I bet that would be a good place to meet everyone and make up.”
  3254. >“You know, that's not be a bad idea...”
  3256. >Afterward, you finally get back home.
  3257. >Your parents were worried, obviously, as you hadn't called them after work.
  3258. >Given the heat of the moment, you forgot all about it.
  3259. >You explain what happened, and they're relieved to know that you and Pinkie are back on good terms.
  3260. >They saved you a plate, as you also forgot to have any kind of dinner tonight.
  3261. >After eating, you spend the rest of the evening getting messages out to everyone.
  3262. >It looks like Pinkie has been doing the same, dropping as many apologies as she can muster.
  3263. >There will be time for face-to-face meetings tomorrow, but for now it seems like all of her friends are being supportive.
  3264. >During this time, you and Pinkie text each other back and forth.
  3265. >'Nonnie, I was thinking...'
  3266. 'About what?'
  3267. >'Is there anything you want to do with all of us next weekend? It'll be our last time least for a while...'
  3268. 'I guess. My parents did say they have some kind of conference to go to next weekend, so I'd be on my own otherwise.'
  3269. >'A conference before having to move?'
  3270. 'It's for my dad's job, giving him all the details on the area he's being sent to and the new people he'll be working with. He said he has an apartment in the area lined up for us already.'
  3271. >'It's still sad that you're being uprooted again. I wish there was something I could do...'
  3272. 'You don't have to do too much. Did you have anything in mind?'
  3273. >' want me to throw you a farewell party? It'd just be our closest friends, and nothing crazy.'
  3274. >You think about that fir a moment.
  3275. 'You know, I sure my parents wouldn't mind. They at least owe me this...'
  3276. >'I'll talk it over with our friends tomorrow. See you then.'
  3277. 'Night Pinkie. Love you...'
  3278. >'Love you too, Nonnie...'
  3279. >You smile as you turn off your phone and shut off the light.
  3280. >You're certainly glad that Pinkie is on a road to emotional and mental recovery.
  3281. >She'll have everyone in her life to help with that, for sure, and you'll do what you can even if you're not with her in body.
  3282. >It's still going to be long race ahead, but it's one less hurdle anyone needs to worry about...
  3284. ------
  3286. >Another Saturday arrives.
  3287. >As does the bake sale Fluttershy talked about.
  3288. >You showed up to the shelter early with your contribution, and Flutters says she knows for sure they'll be gone in short order.
  3289. >One by one her other friends arrive with all kinds of different treats to sell.
  3290. >Including Pinkie, who made a quick chocolate cream pie with her mother earlier that morning.
  3291. >Time is spent with her hugging and apologizing to everyone for leaving them hanging for a week.
  3292. >There doesn't seem to be any hard feelings from anybody, as their group friendship must be tight-knit.
  3293. >Many others show up for the sale, buying up whatever desserts suit their fancies.
  3294. >Some come with small children to also look at the animals up for adoption.
  3295. >Fluttershy answers as many questions as she can about the pets.
  3296. >Given she's volunteered here for the longest time, she knows just about all of them.
  3297. >During the event, Pinkie brings up the idea of a going-away party for you the following weekend.
  3298. >The unanimous answer is a 'yes,' and Pinkie promises to have the arrangements made by mid-week.
  3299. >By the end of the day, all of the food is gone, and close to a dozen animals have been registered to good homes.
  3300. >To say this was a success would be an understatement.
  3301. >Fluttershy looks sad to see them go, but also glad that they'll spend the rest of their lives with loving families and owners.
  3302. >She thanks you all for what you've done, and she hopes to do this again some time.
  3303. >Afterward, Pinkie asks if you wanted to hang out for a while.
  3304. >As much as you'd like to, you have exams to study for.
  3305. >You got word on Friday from Principal Celestia that she got approval from all of your teachers to take those tests starting Monday.
  3306. >Thankfully they won't all be on the same day, or you'd be running on fumes halfway through.
  3307. >You hunker down that night and most of Sunday pouring through all of your notes.
  3308. >You have a long week ahead of you, so it's best to be ready on all fronts...
  3310. >The school week is grueling, to say the least.
  3311. >Right off the bat, you're brought to an empty room to take your first exam.
  3312. >This one is a breeze, as History is one of your stronger suits.
  3313. >The Algebra exam happens after lunch, and you find it a little more challenging.
  3314. >It goes on like this as the week progresses.
  3315. >When you're not trying to pay attention or getting an exam complete, you're working your butt off at Sugarcube Corner.
  3316. >The Cakes continue to show their appreciation for your doing this in such a troubling time, but frankly it's the least you can do.
  3317. >On Wednesday, Pinkie shares her party plans with everyone.
  3318. >Looks like several party-size pizzas, some desserts, and a couple comedy movies that will get everybody laughing and having a good time.
  3319. >Nothing fancy, but that's not what's important.
  3320. >You give your stamp of approval, and share the plans with your parents that night.
  3321. >They're fine with it, as long as you handle the work of cleaning up.
  3322. >By Thursday, you've completed your exams, so that's one less to concern yourself with.
  3323. >The next morning you arrive a little earlier to get in one last walk of the school halls.
  3324. >It's the last time you'll be here, so you're taking in as many memories as you can.
  3325. >You get various 'thank yous' and 'farewells' from some of the other students throughout the day.
  3326. >Bulk Biceps gives you a bear hug that feels like it'd snap your spine.
  3327. >“It's not going to be as AWESOME without you and your baking around,” he tells you.
  3328. >You assure him your recipes will be safe with the Cakes, and all your creations will continue to be made through them.
  3329. >You get a firm handshake and a nod from Big Mac.
  3330. >He's a guy of few words, but you sense your connections with Applejack and Granny Smith have helped make a good impression with him.
  3331. >Flash says he has band commitments the day of the party, but wishes you well with your travels.
  3332. >You promise you'll keep tabs with him, and to share whatever interesting music you come across in the future.
  3333. >Finally, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna thank you for the contributions you made.
  3334. >They let you know you passed all of your exams, so you'll be in good standing at your next school.
  3335. >It's a bittersweet moment as you leave the school building for the last time.
  3337. >It's also your last day with the Cakes.
  3338. >They hold a little party of their own, with desserts galore at a discount for everybody in celebration.
  3339. >The regular customers all thank you for your work and baking expertise.
  3340. >The waitresses all give you hugs along the way.
  3341. >Some even give you pecks on the cheek, which surprises you.
  3342. >You expected Pinkie to be a bit jealous of all this.
  3343. >However, she takes it in stride, knowing they're just showing their appreciation.
  3344. >After all, you both know she's done far more for you than that...
  3345. >At the end of the shift, the Cakes present you with your final paycheck, as well as the recipe for one of their closely-guarded secret desserts.
  3346. >You promise that their secret won't 'fall into the wrong hands,'and thank them for everything they've done for you.
  3347. >Your tenure hasn't been long, but the impact you made here will be everlasting.
  3348. >On Saturday, your parents leave for the long-awaited conference.
  3349. >They leave you money for takeout if you need it, and promise to let you know when they're on their way back.
  3350. >Pinkie and company begin to show up that afternoon for your final get-together.
  3351. >There are many laughs and tears, between the movies you watch and memories you share from the past year.
  3352. >Everyone gives you smalls gifts and mementos to take on your next journey.
  3353. >They also promise to stay in touch, as they all have your contact into at this point.
  3354. >It's getting late, and all of the friends you've made in such a short span of time begin to head out.
  3355. >You get warm and sad embraces from each person as they leave.
  3356. >There are 'good lucks,' 'goodbyes,' and a 'catch ya later,' depending on who's doing the talking.
  3357. >Finally, it's just you and Pinkie.
  3358. “Want me to take you home?” You ask.
  3359. >Pinkie fidgets a little, as if she has something else in mind.
  3360. >“Actually, can I spend the night? Wouldn't want you to be all alone on your last weekend here...”
  3361. >You raise an eyebrow.
  3362. >“Before you ask, I checked with my parents in advance, and they're fine with it.”
  3363. >You chuckle as you shake your head in astonishment.
  3364. “I guess the extra company would be nice...”
  3366. >It looks like Pinkie came prepared, as she brought a change of clothes and other needed supplies for a night over.
  3367. >As usual, she went the extra mile in her planning.
  3368. >You curl up on the couch together for a while, flipping through various TV programs.
  3369. >You notice the time, and you should be getting ready to turn in.
  3370. “You need to use the bathroom at all? I was going to take a shower.”
  3371. >“I'm fine right now,” Pinkie replies. “Go ahead.”
  3372. >You nod and head to aforementioned facility with your pajama wear.
  3373. >You close the door, strip out of your clothes, and hit the shower.
  3374. >It certainly feels nice after a long day.
  3375. >Alone with your thoughts, you think about your experiences here in Canterlot...
  3376. >...with all the friends you've made...
  3377. >...and especially with Pinkie.
  3378. >Where would you be without her, and where would she be without you?
  3379. >Will you be able to keep this relationship going while you're far apart?
  3380. >It's all nerve-wracking, and something you'd rather not think about right now.
  3381. >You instead take time to clean yourself, then stand with your head under the shower head.
  3382. >In your current position, with the water coming down over you, it's hard to notice anything else.
  3383. >The distraction is enough where you don't hear the door open...
  3384. >...or the curtain carefully being pulled back...
  3385. >It's not until you feel a pair of arms wrap around you that you jump.
  3386. >If the shower head was any lower, you'd have bumped your own head against it.
  3387. >“Sorry, Nonnie...didn't mean to scare you...”
  3388. >You can't believe what you're hearing or feeling right now.
  3389. >And you certainly can't believe what you're seeing as you turn around.
  3390. >Pinkie has joined you in the shower...
  3391. >...completely nude...
  3393. “What are you doing in here?” You ask in a panic.
  3394. >You wish you could back away, but you're up against a wall as it is.
  3395. >“I...wanted to show you how thankful I am for everything you've done for me...”
  3396. “...and...this you do it?” You stammer.
  3397. >“What's wrong? You've seen me half-naked already...”
  3398. “Yeah, your top half, but...not your lower half...”
  3399. >“You're not embarrassed, are you? Especially after the 'fun' we had last time...”
  3400. >You laugh nervously, taking in the full frontal view of her.
  3401. “I...wouldn't say embarrassed...just...surprised that you decided to do this...”
  3402. >Pinkie gives a meek smile.
  3403. >You can't tell if it's tears in her eyes, or if it's water from the shower.
  3404. >She hugs you again, and this time there is no kind of clothing to obstruct you from feeling her exposed chest against yours.
  3405. >She has her head on your shoulder as she holds you tight.
  3406. >“I wish you weren't going away...I wish we could spend the rest of our lives together...”
  3407. >You return her embrace, massaging her back.
  3408. “I feel the same way. If only I could stop time...then maybe we could make this moment last forever...”
  3409. >Pinkie lets go of you, but keeps her hands on your shoulders.
  3410. >“We least make this moment one to remember...”
  3411. “What did you have in mind?”
  3412. >She gives you a certain look. “Well...I think now's the right time...”
  3413. “You mean...”
  3414. >“Mm-hmm...if you want to. This could be our last chance...”
  3415. “Wait...right now? In here?”
  3416. >“Why not?”
  3417. >You'd be hot under the collar...if there was a shirt collar for you to pull on.
  3418. “But...I don't have-”
  3419. >“It's okay, Nonnie, don't worry. It's a safe day...”
  3420. >A stream of emotions runs through your mind.
  3421. >She's right about one thing – it could be your only chance for something like least for a very long time...
  3422. >And she clearly wants to go through with this...with you...
  3424. >You look her straight in the eye.
  3425. “You promise you'll tell me to stop if you change your mind?”
  3426. >“...I promise...”
  3427. >You take a deep breath...
  3428. “Alright...if this is what you really want...”
  3429. >Pinkie closes her eyes for a moment.
  3430. >“It's not what you or I want...”
  3431. >She kisses you tenderly while reaching down.
  3432. >“'s what we both need right now...”
  3433. >She takes hold of your member and begins to gently stroke it.
  3434. >Not wanting her to be left out, you quickly return the favor.
  3435. >You use a hand to rub the outside of her entrance, sliding a pair of fingers inside from time to time.
  3436. >In many senses of the word, given where you are right now, she's already wet.
  3437. >You use your other hand to grasp one of her breasts, and you give it a nice suckle as you have before.
  3438. >You each sigh with each movement as you work your own bits of magic.
  3439. >It's as if you're getting each other prepared, and making sure you're both up to the task.
  3440. >You carefully maneuver yourselves, turning around until she's up against the wall.
  3441. >You'll have to be careful here – wouldn't want to have a nasty slip.
  3442. >Before long, you feel you're at full mast, and Pinkie looks eagerly down there.
  3443. >“Looks like you're good to go,” she says with a giggle.
  3444. >You give a nervous chuckle as she turns her head a little.
  3445. >“Well...whenever you're ready.”
  3446. “It's not just if I am...what about you?”
  3447. >Pinkie gives a sultry smile as she reaches down, using her fingers to open herself up more.
  3448. >“I've been ready and waiting for a long time...”
  3449. >Guess it's now or never...
  3450. “Alright, here we go, then...”
  3452. >You slowly slide yourself inside, giving Pinkie a chance to feel the full effect.
  3453. >She takes a long shallow breath through this, then gives a loud exhale as you reach your limit.
  3454. >“Ooh, this is...”
  3455. “Yep, we've made a new connection...”
  3456. >There are some more tears in her eyes, but it seems more from the pain than sadness right now.
  3457. >Pinkie brings her forehead to yours as she gives a weak laugh, her breathing deep.
  3458. >You look down and see a little red seeping out.
  3459. >No doubt in your mind what that is.
  3460. >“Just need a hurts a little...”
  3461. >You hug her in a tender way, which she returns by putting her arms around your neck.
  3462. “We've got all night. Take your time...”
  3463. >You're getting two sources of heat – the warm water still pouring down, and the warmness that is the inside of Pinkie.
  3464. >It's a wonderful feeling, one that you part of you wishes could keep going on forever.
  3465. >Another minute or so later, she gives a sigh.
  3466. >“Nonnie, promise me you'll be gentle...”
  3467. “It's a pinkie promise...”
  3468. >“ I'm good...”
  3469. “ we go again...:”
  3470. >You slide out about halfway, then go back in.
  3471. >This time Pinkie gives a moan of pleasure, which encourages you to continue.
  3472. >You keep the pace slow, allowing you both to savor each moment.
  3473. >“Ooh...yeah...that's it...oof...”
  3474. >It continues like this for a minute or so, until Pinkie gives a sudden gasp that causes you to halt.
  3475. “You alright?”
  3476. >“Ooh...sorry...guess I came a little...”
  3477. “Just a little, eh?” You ask with a grin.
  3478. >Pinkie chuckles. “Yeah...keep it up...I know you're not there yet...”
  3479. “You asked for it...”
  3481. >You resume your motions, but going swifter than before.
  3482. >Pinkie now seems as into it as your are, with a little outburst accompanying each of your thrusts.
  3483. >You haven't touched the shower settings, but it feels like it's getting hotter and hotter in here.
  3484. >“More...faster...faster...” Pinkie requests.
  3485. >You comply, picking up the pace.
  3486. >Soon, she's raising her legs up, and she's able to wrap them around your waist.
  3487. >It's at this point that you get that familiar feeling.
  3488. “Hang on...I'm nearly there...”
  3489. >Pinkie nods through her quickening breaths, and she manages to kiss you through all this.
  3490. >Another half-minute later, you've just about reached your breaking point.
  3491. >“Come on, Nonnie...make me your little cupcake...”
  3492. >That random little outburst does the trick, and you groan as you climax.
  3493. >You feel your seed spraying inside, while Pinkie moans in satisfaction.
  3494. >You stay connected as you stare into each others eyes, your breathing synchronized at this point.
  3495. >This slows down as the adrenaline begins to drop.
  3496. >As you pull out, Pinkie carefully releases her lower grip, stepping back onto the floor of the shower.
  3497. >“Holy...that felt amazing...”
  3498. “You're telling me,” you reply. “You're right...this is a moment to remember.”
  3499. >Pinkie looks down, your dirty little deeds dripping out and down her legs.
  3500. >“After this, maybe your should start nicknaming me Cream...”
  3501. “Oh god,” you mutter as you laugh. “You never cease to amaze, do you?”
  3502. >“I'm always full of surprises, Nonnie.”
  3503. “On the bright side, we don't have to worry about cleaning up...I've still got this going...”
  3504. >Pinkie laughs, herself. “Let's enjoy it, then.”
  3505. “Couldn't agree more.”
  3507. >You take the time to wash each other, throwing in some more kisses and other sensual touching.
  3508. >All the while, the 'little you' in your head is doing celebratory back-flips.
  3509. >You swear you hear little kazoos playing, as well.
  3510. >Afterward, you grab each of you a towel to dry off with, and you change into your pajamas.
  3511. >Pinkie spends time drying and brushing her hair, before shaking her head until it 'poofs' out to normal.
  3512. >She's slipping into a shirt and panties combination as you brush your teeth.
  3513. >She does the same with hers soon enough.
  3514. “I'm gonna grab some pillows,” you say. “You can have my bed tonight. I'll take the couch.”
  3515. >As you turn to leave the room, Pinkie grabs your arm.
  3516. >“No, Nonnie...I told you, I want to be together with you for as long as I can...please...”
  3517. >There's the pleading look in her eyes again, and you can't bear to see her like this.
  3518. “Alright...”
  3519. >Soon she joins you in bed, getting comfy under the covers.
  3520. >As you turn off the light, she snuggles up to you, resting her head on your chest.
  3521. >“Guess things will never be the same after this,” she says with a sigh.
  3522. “We'll get through it,” you reply. “One day at a time.”
  3523. >“Won't be easy for either of us, especially once you're gone...”
  3524. “I did make a promise to you. No matter what fate has in store, I'll come back to you...”
  3525. >Pinkie kisses you one more time before shutting her eyes. “I'll hold you to that promise...”
  3526. >You close your own eyes as you get cozy. “Love you, Ponks. See you in the morning...”
  3527. >“Night, you too...”
  3528. >Sleep overtakes the both of you, and you each have perhaps your most restful nights in a long time...
  3530. ------
  3532. >You wake up the next morning a bit groggy.
  3533. >Part of you had expected Pinkie to want to continue your fun, but nothing else happened.
  3534. >Your little experience in the shower must have been enough to satisfy the both of you.
  3535. >You turn your head and notice that Pinkie isn't in bed with you right now.
  3536. >She didn't leave, did she?
  3537. >You sit up and look around the room.
  3538. >On the floor, you notice what appears to be the clothes Pinkie wore the other day.
  3539. >So the answer is 'no' – she wouldn't just leave her stuff lying around like that.
  3540. >Then, a certain smell gets your nose's attention.
  3541. >Something is cooking.
  3542. >Getting out of bed, you head towards the kitchen.
  3543. >You see Pinkie at the stove, still in her shirt and panties, making what looks like eggs.
  3544. >She turns your head as she senses your entrance.
  3545. >“Morning, sleepy-head!”
  3546. “Morning,” you say with a yawn. “Did you sleep okay?”
  3547. >“Yeah I did, since I had a special someone to do the sleeping with.”
  3548. >You both laugh as you take a seat at the table.
  3549. >She brings over two plates of scrambled eggs and toast; some glasses of OJ are already present.
  3550. >You take a bite from yours, and the taste is distinct.
  3551. “Hey, these are like the eggs you made in cooking class the day we met.”
  3552. >“Remember what I add to them?”
  3553. “How did you put it...a little milk, a pinch of salt, and a whole lotta love.”
  3554. >Pinkie claps her hands excitedly. “I knew it, I knew it!”
  3555. >You shake your head as you enjoy your breakfast.
  3556. “So...did you want to stick around longer, or do you want me to take you home after this?”
  3557. >“I was...hoping we could spend whatever time we have left together. You leave tomorrow, right?”
  3558. “Unfortunately. Guess we'll have to make the most of today...although I'm sure I'll be busy once my parents get back.”
  3559. >“Something's feels off, though...”
  3560. “What do you mean?”
  3561. >“If you're going to be leaving tomorrow, why hasn't anything been packed up yet?”
  3562. >She has a point, as normally all non-essentials would be boxed up a day or so in advance.
  3563. >That conference is a possible reason, but your parents would have planned around it accordingly...
  3565. >Which reminds you – you haven't checked your phone since last night.
  3566. >Even worse – it's been off the whole time.
  3567. >You dart back to your bedroom to grab it.
  3568. >Turning it on, you go to your messages and see a couple missed calls from your father's number.
  3569. >Crap...
  3570. >You bring up your e-mail inbox, and there are a few new ones.
  3571. >Two spam, and one from father's business email...
  3572. >...the subject: “News.'
  3573. >You tap on the message, and you read it:
  3575. >Evening, Anon.
  3576. >We've been trying to reach you over the phone, but it kept going to your full voicemail. Try emptying it when you get the chance.
  3577. >We'll be back this afternoon, but we wanted to share news with you before that.
  3578. >Your mother and I know how much you've come to love Canterlot and its people, especially Pinkie.
  3579. >We know she means so much to you, and apparently her father knows this just as much.
  3580. >On Monday I got a call from him, saying he made contact with a business partner of his.
  3581. >They've been looking for a sales manager for the area, and needed someone with enough experience and knowledge of the region.
  3582. >I was brought in for an interview the next day, and on Thursday I got word that I was being considered for the job.
  3583. >Only yesterday afternoon did I find out I was accepted, and the pay will be much better.
  3584. >Needless to say, I gave my notice once I had time with my higher-up.
  3585. >I'll be starting the new job in a few weeks, which means we'll be staying here in Canterlot for a long time to come.
  3586. >Hope this shows you that we do indeed care about you, and we'll continue to as time goes on.
  3587. >We'll talk more when I get back, or for the first time if this e-mail doesn't reach you.
  3588. >See you soon.
  3589. >Dad
  3591. >Your body is shaking after reading this.
  3592. >It takes every fiber of your being not to scream and shout your excitement.
  3593. >Instead, you keep it cool, bringing your phone back to the kitchen.
  3594. >Pinkie looks perplexed as you reenter.
  3595. >“You okay, Nonnie?” She asks.
  3596. “ a message from my dad,” you say, glumly.
  3597. > “Oh no, what's wrong?”
  3598. “Here, see for yourself...”
  3599. >You pass your phone to her, and she looks at the e-mail.
  3600. >You watch in muted humor as her expression changes...
  3601. >...from concern...
  3602. > confusion...
  3603. > shock...
  3604. > utter glee.
  3605. >“OH MY GOD!” She screams, leaping from her chair and hugging you tight.
  3606. >She start to cry again as you hug her back, but this time they are tears of joy.
  3607. >“You meanie,” she mutters, “toying with my feelings like that...”
  3608. “Sorry. Wanted to gauge your reaction.”
  3609. >“I'm so happy...I thought it was all crashing down...but we're flying high again...”
  3610. “Yeah. Everyone else is gonna be in for a surprise.”
  3611. >“Oh boy, we're never going to hear the end of this, especially from my parents and the Cakes...”
  3612. “Let'em talk until they lose their voices, for all I care. I'm glad we'll be able to stay together after all.”
  3613. >“Me too. Guess all of those connections we've made have made a big difference.”
  3614. “So...that means a change in plans. What do you want to do today to celebrate the good news?”
  3615. >Pinkie looks up with a grin on her face.
  3616. >“I've got a few ideas, if you know what I mean...wink wink, nudge nudge?”
  3617. >Oh god, the references...
  3618. >But that's just one of the many reasons why you're so in love with this girl...
  3620. >That night, Pinkie practically told the world about the sudden change in plans...
  3621. > well as the fact that the two of your were going steady.
  3622. >Your friends were ecstatic, and were happy to hear how much of an item you and her have become.
  3623. >When Principal Celestia learned of the news about you staying, she was quite shocked, but welcomed your return with open arms.
  3624. >She gave you the option of either starting your vacation early, or finishing up the school year.
  3625. >Either way, you wouldn't have to takes the exams over again.
  3626. >You decided on the latter, as you thought you'd be bored out of your mind at home otherwise.
  3627. >You knew for sure you'd officially be graduating from here during the next school year.
  3628. >You return to work with the Cakes, of course, and they are very glad to have you back.
  3629. >Once school is out for the summer, you switch to a full-time work schedule, as does Pinkie.
  3630. >The guy you took over for came back for summer work, as well, and he was happy to know his position was in capable hands.
  3631. >You get to know him as you share responsibilities, and a new friendship and connection is formed.
  3632. >When you're not working, you spend most of your time with Pinkie, either alone or with her friends.
  3633. >It was also around this time that she felt the both of you should be honest with your respective families about what you're been 'doing' in your relationship.
  3634. >You were hesitant at first, but you relent.
  3635. >They'd all find out sooner or later..
  3636. >Pinkie's parents weren't exactly surprised to hear this bit of news
  3637. >Apparently the two of them had 'experimented' a little around the same age as you.
  3638. >Mr. Pie reiterates the pact you made with him, to take care of Pinkie as long as you are in her life.
  3639. >Mrs. Pie insists you use protection in the future, or 'face the consequences.'
  3640. >Just because Pinkie's 'first time' was a safe day, doesn't mean other times will be.
  3641. >“Unless of course you want to start a family with her early,” she warns you.
  3642. >Your parents share a similar sentiment, but are nonetheless happy to see how things have blossomed.
  3643. >The two of you have occasional sex, but you take Mrs. Pie's warning to heart and use aforementioned protection each time.
  3644. >Better to be safe than sorry, after all.
  3645. >It certainly doesn't feel as magical, but Pinkie doesn't seem to mind that much.
  3646. >One thing's for sure - the bond you share with her has grown ever stronger.
  3647. >And it would continue to do so for a long time to come...
  3649. ------
  3651. One Year Later
  3653. >“Anon, when are those brownies gonna be ready?” A waitress asks as she skates in.
  3654. “Just about finished,” you reply.
  3655. >Your attention is currently focused on decorating another of your famous Brozilla cakes.
  3656. >A timer goes off, and you peel away from your work to get the requested brownies out of the oven.
  3657. >Pinkie quickly takes over the frosting duties as you cut the chocolate goodness into even portions.
  3658. “Here you go,” you state as you get them all onto a serving plate.
  3659. >“Thanks!” The waitress says as she returns to the dining area with them.
  3660. >You and the rest of your friends graduated high school less than a month ago.
  3661. >For you and Pinkie, that means you're back to a full-time summer work schedule.
  3662. >This has provided you the chance to take a more hands-on approach with the job.
  3663. >The same is true for Pinkie, who was promoted from waitress to baking apprentice.
  3664. >She has plenty of experience backing her up, and the two of you go just about hand-in-hand.
  3665. >You both arrive early in the morning to help the Cakes with prep work and other duties.
  3666. >Everyone involved has strengths that compliment each other well.
  3667. >There is no one person pulling a majority of the weight, which is great.
  3668. >You show Pinkie everything you know, and she's a quick study, even managing to make a Brozilla all by herself one day.
  3669. >You couldn't be prouder.
  3670. >Word of the Corner's culinary creations, including yours, has been spreading all around.
  3671. >Reviewers and experts from across the region have made appearances to give their opinions on what the place has to offer.
  3672. >The reviews have mostly been positive, with a handful of outliers complaining they received either 'burnt' or otherwise 'unsatisfactory' results.
  3673. >No matter what you do, there will always a select few that will never be happy.
  3674. >Ah well, haters gonna hate.
  3675. >The more positive ones have driven in customers from all over, and you're more than happy to serve them the best you can bake.
  3676. >Right now, life is better than you have asked for.
  3677. >You have a job that allows you to live out your passions.
  3678. >You have a girlfriend who shares those passions, and it's been a stable relationship for almost two years now.
  3679. >And you have a family that supports you on both fronts, hoping you find success in each.
  3681. >After graduating, Pinkie's parents had gotten her a car of her own.
  3682. >It wasn't overly fancy or expensive, but she didn't care about that.
  3683. >She now had the ability to go to places without asking for rides all the time.
  3684. >Of course, this also meant you wouldn't have to bring her to work anymore.
  3685. >You aren't sad about it, given how much time you spend with her already.
  3686. >It also means she'll have a way of going to college when fall comes around.
  3687. >You each got accepted into local schools, so you can commute and work part-time with little issue.
  3688. >You're pursuing your passion, and will be going to a culinary school to further improve your skills.
  3689. >Pinkie isn't quite sure what she wants to do right away, but the community college she's going to has a multitude of programs that will help her find a rewarding career path.
  3690. >If things don't work out, there's always the Corner to fall back on.
  3691. >But that's a thought for another time.
  3692. >Right now, you're back to putting the finishing touches on your latest Brozilla, with Pinkie adding details of her own.
  3693. “There you go with your balloons again,” you say.
  3694. >“I know how much you like them,” Pinkie replies with a grin. “Can you blame me?”
  3695. “Nah. You can do what you want. They'll love this no matter what.”
  3696. >“They love just about anything you put together, Nonnie. I know I do.”
  3697. >She rubs her nose against yours, passing along some frosting that splattered on her earlier.
  3698. >“How's the cake coming?” Mrs. Cakes asks from across the way.
  3699. “All set,” you reply. “This may be our best joint effort yet.”
  3700. >“Keep up the good work,” Mrs. Cakes says. “We'll be needing more double-chocolate cookies soon. Can you get started on a new batch?”
  3701. >You and Pinkie give a thumbs up as you start grabbing ingredients.
  3702. “It never ends, does it?”
  3703. >“Uh-uh,” Pinkie replies. “I thought you knew that by now.”
  3704. “Well, that was more rhetorical than anything. As long as there are hungry customers, there must be bakers to satisfy their needs.”
  3705. >“We'll just have to do the best we can with what we're given.”
  3706. “Couldn't have said it better myself...”
  3708. >At the end of the work day, you walk Pinkie through the parking lot as you always have.
  3709. >“So what do you have going on this weekend?” She asks.
  3710. “Nothing's set in stone right now. Got any ideas?”
  3711. >“I was thinking about trying something different one night, if you know what I mean...”
  3712. >Pinkie says this while batting her eyes.
  3713. “Oh geez,” you say with a chuckle, “what did you have in mind this time?”
  3714. >“Oh, just a little something to spice things up...or should I say, sweeten things...”
  3715. >She brings out her phone and pulls up a number of pictures.
  3716. >When you take a look, your eyes widen.
  3717. “ did you find these?
  3718. >“Well, I've seen various comics where characters cover up 'certain areas' with whipped cream or other sweet toppings.”
  3719. >You take another look, and the art style looks similar on all of them.
  3720. “These are all from foreign comics, right?”
  3721. >“Yeah, but it's been something I've always wanted to try with my special someone sometime.”
  3722. >Your imagination quickly brings up the sight of your girlfriend this way...
  3723. >Laying on a bed naked, her naughty bits smothered in chocolate sauce and whipped cream, with cherries over her nipples.
  3724. >Pinkie notices the glazed look in your eyes and knows the 'little you' is acting up again.
  3725. >“Nonnie, you're drooling...”
  3726. >You shake yourself back to reality.
  3727. >“So, how does that sound?”
  3728. “Kinky...and messy at the same time...”
  3729. >“Not if you do a good job of eating it all up,” Pinkie replies, elbowing your side.
  3730. >You feel your cheeks burning up at that comment, but two can play at that game...
  3731. “That's hardly appropriate talk in public.”
  3732. >You move in to whisper into her ear.
  3733. “But if you wanna do it, I'll be sure to save room for dessert...”
  3734. >She blushes even more profusely, and the two of you share a laugh.
  3735. >“Let's shoot for tomorrow, then, okie dokie Loki?”
  3736. >You give a nod as she gives you a kiss and gets into her car.
  3737. >“Night Nonnie! Love ya!”
  3739. >You give a wave as Pinkie drives home.
  3740. >It's amazing how things have progressed for the two of you.
  3741. >She's become such an integral part of your life, in ways you never thought she could.
  3742. >At this point, you can't imagine a normal life without her in it.
  3743. >You head back towards your own car and get inside.
  3744. >But you don't start it up right away.
  3745. >Your eyes shift to the glove compartment.
  3746. >You reach over, open it up, and sift through it.
  3747. >Finding what you're looking for, you pull out a small box wrapped in blue velvet.
  3748. >Opening it, there's a nice ring topped with a small pink diamond.
  3749. >You've seen this several times at the mall's jewelry store.
  3750. >You've been saving money for quite a while in your hopes of getting it.
  3751. >Recently, you had enough on the side to buy it.
  3752. >However, you know it's a bit too early to be popping the question.
  3753. >But given how things have gone for the two of you, you're sure she'd say 'yes.'
  3754. >She'd also flip out in excitement at the sight of this.
  3755. >You figure you'll ask her in a few years, once you're both almost finished with college.
  3756. >You close the box and put it back where you've been keeping it.
  3757. >When the time is right, you'll know where to find it.
  3758. >Starting up the car, you head in the direction of home.
  3759. >No matter where life takes you both from this point on, you know you'll always be there for her...
  3760. >...and you know she'll always be there for you...
  3761. >That's a promise......a pinkie promise.
  3763. FIN

Secret Santa (Anon x Fluttershy)

by MagnaAnon

Measuring Up (Anon x Rarity - Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Pinkie Promises (Anon x Pinkie Pie, EQG, Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Uncommon Ground (Anon x Rainbow Dash, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon

Study Buddies (Anon x Twilight, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon