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Trixie Reads and Reviews Trixie Fiction (Flutterrape Stories)

By ZigZagWanderer
Created: 2021-01-05 20:37:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >The camera turns on.
  2. >Up in the corner of the screen, the words 'REC.' appear.
  3. >Pictured is the back of a brightly-lit curiosity shop, which has been converted into a dressing room.
  4. >Many of the curiosities which had once hung on the walls have now been replaced with costumes, like witches hats and flowing capes, and magical props, like stars and wands.
  5. >There are two large padlocks in the room, one locking the exit, and the other locking up a large cabinet that's against the wall.
  6. >Preceding all of this is a blue director's chair, empty, that has no name on the back but rather a big star made from rhinestones.
  7. >There's a burst of bluish smoke and a pony's silhouette appears in the chair.
  8. >As the smoke diffuses into the air, the blue pony with the silver mane, sitting tall in her seat, graces the camera with ever the slightest of proud downward glances.
  9. >She takes a deep breath, preparing for her address.
  10. >She sucks in a large puff of smoke.
  11. >Her muzzle scrunches, the mane along her neck stands on end and her eyes begin to water.
  12. >Just as she doubles over into a hacking fit, her hoof shoots towards the screen and grabs the side of the camera.
  13. >The screen fills with static but it lasts only a second.
  14. >---
  15. >Eventually the footage cuts back to the blue pony.
  16. >She's sitting hunched over and gazing inscrutably into the camera lens, her blue muzzle and beat-red eyes taking up the screen.
  17. >"Is this thing recording now? Trixie can't--"
  18. >More static, and another cut.
  19. >---
  20. >The last wisps of smoke are diffusing into the air as she smiles and addresses the camera.
  21. >"Hello there, fellow admirers of The Great and Powerful Trixie! It is I, Trixie, the Great and Powerful, here today to talk with you all about something exciting that's currently happening in the world of Trixie."
  22. >A loud thump comes from the back of the room, which Trixie only pays the briefest attention to before she begins inspecting the pristine tip of her hoof.
  23. >"Trixie has recently discovered that a growing community of admirers have occasionally been writing stories about her for the past six or so years--give or take."
  24. >In her shined hooves, Trixie sees her proud reflection and gives herself a wink before turning back towards the camera.
  25. >"So you're probably thinking, 'But Trixie, ponies are always telling stories of your amazing exploits, so what makes these stories any different?'"
  26. >She chuckles.
  27. >"A perceptive insight, my fellow Trixie lover. For what sets these stories apart is that they all just happen to be original pieces of fiction, all starring yours truly--but with human males paired with her, believe it or not."
  28. >Two more loud thumps sound in the room, like someone was banging against the wall.
  29. >Trixie's eyes flick over to her left shoulder for a moment before reasserting themselves to the camera.
  30. >She clears her throat and continues:
  31. >"What's more is that Trixie has it on good authority that these stories are all about the more personal, more sensual side of Trixie that no doubt most of you have fantasized about before.
  32. >"Trixie even hears that many of these stories contain scenes almost as exciting as those you'd see in her stage show. To any underaged admirers of Trixie's, you'll just have to come back to this in a few more years.
  33. >"Today, Trixie will be looking into some of these stories and sharing them with you, my fellow fans and admirers.
  34. >"Welcome to 'Trixie's Guide to Trixie Fiction!'"
  35. >Trixie raises her hooves over her head and strikes a grand pose.
  36. >Two small bouquets of sparklers light themselves and send whizzing blue sparks arcing all around the room.
  37. >Trixie leans back in her chair as the lights die down.
  38. >Smoke drifts in from the back of the room and curls around her shoulders.
  39. >"Now this first story--"she smells the smoke. "What's that . . . ?"
  40. >She turns wildly in her chair until her eyes bulge out at the smoke billowing in from off screen.
  41. >"Oh sweet burning Celestia! Not Trixie's posters!"
  42. >She jumps out from her chair, knocking it to the ground, and runs out of frame.
  43. >There's loud hissing mixed with screaming as foam from a fire extinguisher flies in from somewhere off camera.
  44. >More static and another obvious edit.
  45. >---
  46. >Trixie, still petting stray strands of her frazzled mane back in place, leans into the camera.
  47. >"Now, this first story was written by an anonymous author--"
  48. >She's cut off by three more loud thumps, each coming in succession.
  49. >After a moment, she sighs and collects herself, her winning smile returning.
  50. >"This story features Trixie, of course, and a human male. This is greatly relevant to Trixie's interests.
  51. >"Let's take a look at the number of stories we have so far."
  52. >She turns the camera slightly to show a stack of papers equal to that of the classifieds section of a newspaper, more likely a small town newspaper.
  53. >She grabs a small bundle off the top of the stack before turning the camera back towards her.
  54. >"Now this first story . . ."
  55. >Trixie, suddenly failing to hold back her excitement, dances a bit in her seat.
  56. >"This is my own original fiction, starring me! I can't wait any longer! Let's take a look."
  57. >She begins reading the story aloud to herself.
  59. ***
  62. >You awaken to the sound of autistic screaming outside your window
  63. >That or the Bugbears got into your garbage again
  64. >Either way, both problems have the same solution; bear mace with just a hint of hand soap
  65. >Grabbing your spray bottle of the stuff, you make your way down stairs
  67. >You throw open the door
  69. >Yup, her again
  70. Trixie!
  72. >She looks like she's trying to take a shit on your lawn again
  73. >You're still unsure who put the idea in her head that you would like that
  75. >Probably Fluttershy
  76. >You squeeze the trigger on the spray bottle
  77. >And then smack it against her horn
  78. >She loses her focus and falls to the ground, her hat falling over her face
  79. >"Ow! How dare you, Anonymous?!"
  80. Trixie, it's four in the morning and you're howling like a banshee.
  81. >"Trixie would have you not that she is not 'howling'", she corrects you as she gets off the floor
  82. >"She is merely powering up for our bedroom encounter."
  83. What?
  85. ***
  87. >Trixie's eyes still themselves, her painted scowl deepening.
  88. >Then, again becoming aware of the camera, she she lightens the air with a forced, short laugh.
  89. >"Obviously, this is supposed to be a subversive and comedic take on what would happen if Trixie were in love with a human."
  90. >She clears her throat and further composes herself.
  91. >"It's actually very cute, really, to think that Trixie would debase herself in such a way.
  92. >"Now, let's continue. . . ."
  93. >The corners of Trixie's mouth firm themselves and her eyes darken.
  94. >Then she shakes her head and tosses the papers over her shoulder.
  95. >"Actually, let's move on to a different story. This next one actually has an author attached to it, one ZigZagWanderer--whatever that means."
  96. >"And the title"--Trixie's eyes narrow into a faint glare at the paper--"'Trixie and Tree Hugger: The Dynamic Duo."
  97. >She harrumphs.
  98. >"Well, Trixie just hopes that this Tree Hugger pony will not be outshined too much by Trixie's natural wit and charisma."
  100. ***
  102. >You hear three knocks at your door.
  103. >You know that it's about that time for you to get another visit from the Great and Powerful Trixie.
  104. >She comes over every morning to try and impress you with her tricks, win your heart, that sort of thing.
  105. >For the most part all she ends up doing is causing serious property damage, especially if you let her come inside.
  106. >But no matter how upset you get with her, she keeps coming back.
  107. >She's got a serious human fetish, that one.
  109. ***
  111. >Trixie, her cheeks sparking to a wild pink hue, scrunches her muzzle and scoffs.
  112. >"As if Trixie would have such a fetish! Should I even bother reading more of this one? It seems like this author is searching for any incorrect excuse to have Trixie debase herself once again."
  113. >She sighs.
  114. >"I do suppose this ZigZagWanderer deserves a fair chance to impress Trixie, as any pony else would.
  115. >"This next scene takes place after I've met this Tree Hugger pony, and both of us are supposedly in love with the same human male."
  116. >Trixie rolls her eyes, but smirks.
  117. >"As if Trixie would have competition.
  118. >"Anywho, it starts with me saying . . ."
  120. ***
  122. >"You know, I was ready to rip your head off when I saw that you were practically molesting my boyfriend—"
  123. I'm not your boyfriend.
  124. >"Lover, let Trixie talk, please."
  125. I'm not your lover. You need to stop carrying such delusions, and you really need to stop lighting your fireworks on my lawn when I try to shut you out.
  126. >"Then give Trixie a chance!"
  127. Then stop scorching my grass! My lawn is starting to look like a checkerboard.
  128. >Tree Hugger lifts her hoof in the air, interrupting Trixie before she can continue to argue with you.
  129. >Then Tree Hugger, smiling, steps between you both.
  130. >"It seems that there's great disharmony between the both of you. It’s causing your auras to clash and collide head on with each other instead of meet eye to eye."
  131. >Trixie’s eyes pop open.
  132. >"Wow! That's exactly what's going on."
  133. Trixie, shut up. Tree Hugger, you need to stop talking like a fortune cookie and mind your own business. It doesn't take a genius to find out that Trixie and I don't like each other after seeing us argue right in front of you. All that should tell you is that Trixie has serious anger issues.
  134. >Trixie gasps and looks offended.
  135. >"Trixie does not have any issues. She simply offers you the chance to partake in sharing her Great and Powerful, um, energy with yours . . . ?"
  136. >Trixie looks to Tree Hugger for approval of that last statement.
  137. >Tree Hugger nods, but before Trixie can continue you say:
  138. No, I don't care. Shut up, Trixie.
  139. >Trixie starts fuming and gives you the evil eye.
  140. >Tree Hugger ponders to herself for a moment before saying:
  141. >"Perhaps the clash is coming from an energy imbalance between you both."
  142. >"Exactly!" Trixie says. "Trixie does all the work in our relationship. You don't ever see him coming over to Trixie's wagon to work things out when we're fighting, do you?"
  143. >"No, I haven't," Tree Hugger says.
  144. >Trixie points at Tree Hugger and then glares at you.
  145. >"See? She agrees that you don't do any work when it comes to us. And you never come to visit Trixie!"
  146. >You shake your head and sigh.
  147. You two are fucking Looney Tunes. I'm out.
  148. >As you close the door, Trixie shouts:
  149. >"Trixie brought fireworks. Make sure to watch in amazement as she lights them for you."
  150. >After closing the door, you go to the window and watch as Trixie starts setting rockets up on your grass.
  151. Fucking Trixie.
  153. ***
  155. >Trixie, who is practically growling, stops reading.
  156. >"Trixie has had enough of this one. It obviously seems to be focused on this Tree Hugger pony, and it treats Trixie as though she were nothing more than a horny, incompetent simpleton.
  157. >"And further more--"
  158. >There's another thump, this one so loud that the padlock knocks itself against the cabinet door.
  159. >Trixie loses her cool and, picking up a crystal ball in her magic, turns fiercely and tosses it at the cabinet.
  160. >"Will you please be quiet while Trixie is reading!"
  161. >The crystal ball, being made of plastic, bounces off the cabinet door and rolls out of frame.
  162. >It's quiet for a moment.
  163. >Then the loudest thump of all sounds and the hinges of the door break off of the cabinet.
  164. >A human male falls out onto the floor, completely naked, his wrists and ankles bound in shackles and chains which all connect to a metal collar around his neck.
  165. >He glares up at Trixie as he spits out the glittery wadded-up cloth that was in his mouth.
  166. >He coughs and spits as he gasps to catch his breath.
  167. >Trixie watches all of this with frozen shock.
  168. >Finally, as he struggles to stand up, he screams at her.
  169. You fucking--
  170. >"Give Trixie a moment," she says, reaching towards the camera.
  171. >Many edits full of static follow as he and Trixie fight.
  172. >---
  173. >"Let Trixie Explai--"
  174. You hit me on the head with an iron bar!
  175. >"It was actually a wand. . . ."
  176. >---
  177. >"Trixie swears she was going to let you go soon."
  178. Bullshit! How long was I in there? Have my friends been looking for me at all?
  179. >"The search was called off after--"
  180. >---
  181. >Trixie is trotting around the room now, trying to stay away from him as he hops after her.
  182. I'll fucking kill you!
  183. >"Please, if it will help make amends, Trixie will give you a refund on your ticket!"
  184. You snuck up on me in an alley!
  185. >"I'll pay you for your silence!"
  186. Die!
  187. >"Agh!"
  188. >---
  189. >Trixie watches from where she's curled up in the corner as the human collapses facedown on the floor.
  190. >His legs twitch and throb and he winces in pain.
  191. My legs . . . ! Fuck!
  192. >"It's only natural with how long you've been, um . . ."
  193. Locked up!
  194. >Trixie purses her lips and looks away from the man moaning on the floor.
  195. >She tentatively steps towards him.
  196. Don't get any funny ideas just because I'm down. I can still knock you out.
  197. >"Trixie is just returning to her chair."
  198. You better actually mean your chair and not my face.
  199. >"Trixie does!"
  200. >Trixie carefully hops over him and goes back to her chair and sits.
  201. When I get out of here everybody is going to find out about what you did to me.
  202. >"What are you talking about?" she says, her eyes glancing back and forth from him to the camera. "Trixie did nothing that--"
  203. You fucking kept me hostage! You--
  204. >Trixie quickly reaches over to the camera.
  205. >---
  206. --and you made me call you The Cute and Snuggly Trixie during it all!
  207. >Trixie swallows nervously.
  208. >"T-The Cute and Snuggly Trixie would prefer it if you kept quiet about all of that."
  209. >He doesn't answer her.
  210. >"Please, try to look on the bright side of all this."
  211. Yeah, that I'm going to fucking kill you when I get up.
  212. >"N-No, that . . ."
  213. >Trixie looks around the room for a distraction until her eyes settle on the stories.
  214. >"You just lie there and relax--try to get the feeling back in your legs--while Trixie reads you some of her fiction."
  215. I don't want to hear your writing.
  216. >"Actually, this was written by other . . . admirers of Trixie."
  217. Yeah, right.
  218. >"But it's true. You might even find some of them amusing."
  219. >Trixie mouthed the words 'hopefully' as she turned back to the stories, ignoring the scoff she heard behind her.
  220. >"Now this next one is called 'Emotion Junkie' and Trixie hears it is very good, though unfinished."
  221. I am so getting out of here.
  223. ***
  225. >The alarm clock screeches in your ear.
  226. >You slam your hand down on it and then rip the plug out of the wall.
  227. "Fucking clocks. Fuck you."
  228. >Groaning, you sit up and look over to the window.
  229. >It's a nice day outside.
  230. >Well, you would think that if you weren't so broken.
  231. >When you came here to Equestria, your body went through some changes.
  232. >Your emotions are totally fucked.
  233. >All you feel is hatred toward everything.
  234. >Maybe a little bit of sadness and a smidgen of compassion...
  235. >But mostly hatred and anger.
  236. >It's really a surprise that any of the ponies in this land would want to be your friend.
  237. >Considering when you first got here, you kicked sand in the really quiet yellow one's face.
  238. >She happened to be the 'element of kindness' or something.
  239. >Whatever the fuck that means.
  241. ***
  243. >Trixie breaks out into a fit of whinnying laughter.
  244. >"Ha! Trixie likes this one so far."
  245. >She sighs and wipes away a happy tear.
  246. >"See? These stories are great, aren't they?"
  247. >She looks over her shoulder but sees that her lone admirer is still struggling to even bend his tender legs at the knee without wincing.
  248. >Trixie turns back to the story with some urgency and says:
  249. >"Let's keep reading, Trixie has to be coming in here at some point."
  251. ***
  253. >You look over at the picture of you and your girlfriend on your bedside table.
  254. >Not everyone hated you.
  255. >Some actually liked the fact that you were how you were.
  256. >You pick the picture up and flip it over.
  257. >"For all of those times when you're not feeling yourself. -Trixie"
  258. >Trixie's a nice gal.
  259. >She might hide it with a layer of hot sauce, but she's got a sweet core.
  260. >You put the picture back on the table and turn it the right way.
  261. >Then you stand up and stretch out your back.
  262. "This bed sucks ass. It feels like I'm sleeping on a pile of fucking rocks or something."
  263. >"I thought you liked this bed."
  264. >You turn around and look at your beautiful girlfriend as she sits up in bed.
  265. >Her mane hangs in front of her face and she moves it aside with her hooves.
  266. >She then rubs her eyes and stands on the bed to return your gaze.
  267. >"What're you staring at?"
  268. >You lightly shake your head and smirk.
  269. "I'm staring at your hot ass, Trix."
  270. >She laughs a little bit.
  271. >"I love it when you call me that."
  272. >She leans in and you do as well, pursing your lips onto hers for a brief moment.
  273. >She breaks the kiss and smiles.
  274. >"I love you dumbass."
  275. "Love you too bitch."
  276. >You slap her flank and she makes a sexy growl.
  278. ***
  280. >"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Trixie raves. "This is fantastic Trixie fiction!"
  281. >There's a loud sound, like striking iron, ringing out from the back of the room.
  282. >Trixie turns around to find that the human, now standing, is holding an iron wand and is beating on the padlock that's keeping the exit door closed.
  283. >She waits between strikes before addressing him.
  284. >"Um . . . and what did you think of--"
  285. >Glancing over his shoulder, he gives her the coldest glare she's ever seen.
  286. >"Right. Never mind. You can go back to . . . that," she says, waving her hoof towards the exit.
  287. >He sneers at her.
  288. If you really want to know, I thought it was fucking stupid.
  289. >Trixie scoffs.
  290. >"It was not stupid."
  291. It was. And do you seriously expect me to believe that you didn't write any of that story yourself?
  292. >"Trixie did not, and she takes serious offense at that!"
  293. >He simply grunts and goes back to beating on the padlock.
  294. >Trixie harrumphs and says:
  295. >"Trixie can't help it if others want to see the two of us hitched."
  296. And by others you mean yourself.
  297. >"By others, Trixie means others with good taste."
  298. Well these others would all change their minds if I told them how you actually tasted.
  299. >Saying this, he pauses, his arm still raised midstrike in the air.
  300. >He shudders at a distant memory and, after briefly spitting in disgust, goes back to striking the padlock.
  301. >Trixie rolls her eyes.
  302. >"Trixie is going to read more of this, if you don't mind."
  303. Whatever.
  304. >"So in this story your character has no control over his emotions. You've been shown to be really mean, and bossy, and--"
  305. Just like you.
  306. >"Well, after our scene where we have sex in the shower--"
  307. Gross.
  308. >"After that scene, I sneak you into Ponyville so we can seek the help of another unicorn."
  309. >As she says these last words, Trixie's face falls slack.
  310. >"Another unicorn?"
  311. >She knits her eyebrows like she's annoyed before turning back to the story.
  312. >"This unicorn better not be who I think it is."
  314. ***
  316. >You put the book back on the shelf.
  317. "Rainbow's book doesn't make any sense. I mean, 'How to not be an egghead' ? What kind of book-"
  318. >Suddenly the door flies open and Spike runs in, interrupting you from talking to yourself.
  319. >"TWILI-"
  321. ***
  323. >Trixie groans.
  324. >"Now why of all ponies does Twilight Sparkle have to be in Trixie's story? And she has to tell the story now too?! Typical princess behavior, has to have everything her way!"
  325. >Another sharp strike against the padlock pierces Trixie's ear, making her flinch.
  326. >She whips around in her chair.
  327. >"How much longer are you going to bother Trixie with that racket?"
  328. I'm not speaking to you.
  329. >"You could at least agree with Trixie over the disappointing change that's occurred in the story."
  330. How long are you going to keep talking to yourself over there?
  331. >Frowning severely, Trixie grumbles underneath her breath and turns back around.
  332. >"Well, I'll skip ahead a bit to the part where Twilight casts her spell. Maybe it gets better once you and I don't need her anymore."
  334. ***
  336. >He adjusts himself on the table and takes a deep breath.
  337. >You cast the sleep spell on him.
  338. >He's out instantly.
  339. >Now to see if he's in deep enough sleep.
  340. >You boop him on the nose.
  341. >He doesn't react.
  342. >Then hit him pretty hard in the shoulder.
  343. >He doesn't even move.
  344. >Well, that proves that.
  345. >You lock the other three locks on the door and then dim the lights.
  346. "Oh Anon... I've missed you so much since Princess Celestia banished you."
  347. >You climb up on top of him and sprawl out.
  348. "I've missed your body..."
  349. >Plant a kiss on his chest.
  350. "Your lips..."
  351. >Give him a little smooch on the lips.
  352. "And most of all."
  353. >You turn around and face his cock.
  354. >As you stare at it with lust in your eyes, you think back to before.
  355. >Oh how you wished he would notice you.
  356. >You tried everything you read in your books, but you just couldn't get him to care.
  357. >From romantic things to sexual things...
  358. >Not a single thing was left untried.
  359. >And then that one night...
  360. >He came to you.
  361. >He gave you all of his love that night.
  362. >He told you that he loved you.
  363. >Alcohol is the best truth serum after all.
  364. >Told you that he was sorry for everything he had done.
  365. >And that he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life.
  366. >That night, he laid with you.
  367. >He took the one thing you held most precious.
  368. >Your virginity.
  370. ***
  372. >Trixie's eyes turn cold.
  373. >She stops herself from reading further, leans back and takes a deep breath.
  374. >She closes her eyes.
  375. >Then she breaks out into a smirk.
  376. >"Of course getting him drunk was the only way Twilight could have him, especially with me around."
  377. >She chuckles assuredly.
  378. >"Trixie is up to your tricks, SwiftM0nkey. She knows that you wouldn't take Trixie's human away from her like this."
  379. >The banging in the room has stopped, but she doesn't notice.
  380. >She straightens up in her seat.
  381. >"Yeah, this is all just a big setup--but I won't fall for it. I know that any second now Trixie will burst back into the room and stop Twilight before she goes too far."
  382. >She hesitates for a moment before going back to the story.
  384. ***
  386. >You loved him.
  387. >And you still do.
  388. >You slam yourself down on Anon's member one last time and let out a loud moan as you climax.
  389. >Then you stop making him thrust up into you with your magic.
  390. >Wow.
  391. >That was incredible.
  392. >It's been so long...
  393. >You pull yourself off him and get off the table as well.
  394. >Then after taking a big whiff of Anon's scent, you clean him up.
  395. >Alright.
  396. >Time to keep your end of the promise.
  397. >You walk up next to his head and lightly touch him with your horn.
  398. >Then you cast an emotion spell on him.
  399. >You awaken him with another spell.
  400. >He yawns and sits up.
  401. >Then he rubs his eyes and looks around.
  402. >His eyes meet yours.
  403. >"Hey Twilight."
  404. "Hey Anon."
  405. >He then swings his legs off the side of the table and stands up.
  406. >"Wow. Ya know, I actually feel a lot better now. I feel like I've been loosened up."
  407. >He looks at his hands and then to you with a smile.
  408. >"Thanks Twilight."
  409. "O-Oh, you don't have to thank me..."
  411. ***
  413. >"W-What . . . ?"
  414. >Trixie's lost eyes fall down towards the floor, her entire body trembling with rage.
  415. >Then she takes a deep breath, and a band of tension snaps within her.
  416. >She rears up in her seat and slams her hooves down on her desk, shaking the camera.
  417. >"What in Equestria was that?!" she screams.
  418. >The camera begins cutting in and out between footage.
  419. >---
  420. >Screaming, Trixie throws a crystal ball against the wall and it shatters.
  421. >"--Just take it away from me, why don't you?!"
  422. >---
  423. >More screaming, and she's beating the cabinet to splinters with the iron wand.
  424. >"I mean, how could the writer just do that to Trixie, just let Twilight come in and--"
  425. >---
  426. >"And just what are you laughing at?!" she says, turning fiercely on the human.
  427. >He grins at her.
  428. You got cucked by Twilight. It's funny.
  429. >Trixie gasps indignantly.
  430. >"How dare you!"
  431. Why the fuck did you cuck yourself in your own story?
  432. >"You think Trixie would write this trash?!"
  433. >---
  434. >He narrowly dodges an iron wand being thrown at him.
  435. >The wand hits the wall so hard it breaks a hole in the drywall.
  436. >Seeing this, he continues laughing but holds his hands up defensively.
  437. Holy fuck, Trixie, calm down already.
  438. >"No!!"
  439. >She picks up the iron wand and hits the floor in front of her, denting the hardwood.
  440. >---
  441. >Trixie is curled up in the corner and sobbing to herself.
  442. >"Why does this keep happening to me? Why?!"
  443. >A jar of peanut butter, surrounded in a blue aura, floats into frame and then into Trixie's open arms.
  444. >"At least you love Trixie, peanut butter."
  445. >She sticks her hoof in the jar before curling up into the corner again.
  446. >The room fills with sobs and Trixie sucking on her sticky hooves and licking the corners of her dirty mouth.
  447. >The human tiptoes up to her and carefully reaches for the iron wand that's next to her.
  448. >---
  449. >The human is back to striking the lock with the iron wand.
  450. >Soon Trixie enters the frame.
  451. >She sits back down and, sighing, pets her mane back in place.
  452. >She composes herself after a moment, then addresses the camera.
  453. >"All in all, Trixie cannot recommend this one. While the story showed some promise near the beginning, it falls apart as it goes on."
  454. >With one final strike with the iron wand, the wood around the doorknob splits and breaks.
  455. Finally! I am so out of here!
  456. >He breaks the entire knob off and pulls the door open.
  457. >There's only another door behind it.
  458. What the . . . ?
  459. >He opens that one to reveal yet another door.
  460. >And this happens again, and again, and again. . . .
  461. >Finally, after opening up having stacked up enough doors to fill a triple-decker door sandwich, he stops.
  462. >He tosses the iron wand down to the floor in frustration.
  463. What the fuck is going on?!
  464. >"Confused?" Trixie says, giggling. "It's an endless door. You could stay there and keep opening them forever without reaching the exit."
  465. How could--
  466. >"Magic."
  467. >He stares firmly at her.
  468. >Trixie brings her hoof up to her mouth and licks up a dollop of peanut butter that's there.
  469. >"This is The Great and Powerful Trixie's domain you are in, is it not?"
  470. Son of a bitch!
  471. >"You should sit down and listen to Trixie read the next story."
  472. No fucking way! I am finding a way out of here!
  473. >He stomps off, out of frame, in search of a new escape.
  474. >"But it has Trixie's cart in the title!" she calls after him.
  475. >Trixie shrugs.
  476. >"Oh well. But the story really is called 'Trixie's Cart' by the way."
  478. ***
  480. >Sitting up and stretching, you yawn, a hand covering your mouth.
  481. >You take a moment to blink and get your bearings.
  482. >The dream you just had was nuts.
  483. >Some blue horse broke into your house and demanded you to sleep with her then repair her cart.
  484. >You look down at your bedmate.
  485. >She's slack-jawed and openly drooling all over your pillow, her tongue hanging out in a comical fashion.
  486. >...Oh shit that actually happened.
  487. >You carefully slide out of bed and try to creep towards the door.
  488. >Slowly grasp the door handle and turn--
  491. >You sigh.
  492. "I'm going to get breakfast, Trixie."
  493. >"And are you going to invite Trixie?"
  494. "...No?"
  495. >"Wrong answer."
  496. >She leaps out of bed, her stubby, angry legs carrying her past you.
  497. >"Absolutely disgraceful behaviour, you're incredibly rude! How could you deny Trixie breakfast, for shame!"
  498. >You follow her out the door, stomach groaning loudly and mind groaning louder.
  499. >The unicorn enters your kitchen and sits at the table, shuffling the seat up and sitting straight.
  500. >Then, she stares at you expectantly when you eventually enter after her.
  501. >The two of you lock eyes for a moment.
  502. >You check yourself, then look around.
  503. >Then back at Trixie.
  504. "...What?"
  505. >"Trixie is waiting for her breakfast."
  506. "Are you incapable of looking after yourself or something?"
  507. >"Trixie is completely capable. Trixie is a master of self-preservation, she merely expects you to make her breakfast as penance for destroying her cart."
  508. >You give her a flat look.
  509. >"Trixie would like pancakes, by the way."
  510. >...
  511. >"With syrup."
  513. ***
  515. >"Trixie is more pleased with this one, though she feels that she does come off as a teensy bit rather overbearing in it.
  516. >"And why is it that Trixie is almost always an inconvenience to the human characters in these stories? It's not as though they don't all secretly want Trixie around them."
  517. >She turns around.
  518. >"Do you not agree? . . . Where did you go?"
  519. >The human's screams slowly fade in and reach to a crescendo as he descends, falling from the top of the frame and bouncing his face off of the floor.
  520. >He clutches his face before curling up into a ball.
  521. Fucking shit!
  522. >"Oh, there you are."
  523. >He pries his face out from his hands and looks up at her wildly.
  524. There's no fucking way out of here!
  525. >"Yes, yes," she says plainly. "Shall I continue with the story now?"
  526. >He stares at her incredulously for a moment before getting up and running out of frame.
  527. >Trixie suddenly remembers something as she watches him go.
  528. >"If you go that way, make sure to watch out for--"
  529. >Bright light fills the right side of the camera, and the sound of distant flames roaring comes in.
  530. Holy fuck!!
  531. >"I was trying to warn you about that!" she says, again jumping out from her chair to extinguish a fire.
  532. >---
  533. >"Hold still while Trixie is applying ointment to your burns!"
  534. I'm not burned on my fucking dick, pervert! I only got burned on my chest!
  535. >"Trixie is being thorough!"
  536. >---
  538. ***
  540. >"Trixie requires fireworks for her stage performance, come come, this way."
  541. >The little blue demon leads you through the throngs of ponies milling about in the central plaza in Ponyville.
  542. >A lot of heads turn to see the peculiar sight of the infamous Trixie Lulamoon leading around the local human like a servant.
  543. >You try to keep your head down and stay unnoticed.
  544. >Which is difficult when you're the tallest thing in the village.
  545. >"Trixie demands confetti."
  546. >"Trixie requires refreshments."
  547. >"Trixie wants more fireworks."
  548. >"Trixie desires to drop her cape and hat off at the cleaners."
  549. >"Trixie is to be carried."
  550. >The requests pile up over the day.
  551. >You are reaching your breaking point.
  552. >By the time you get back to your house, you're carrying all of her shopping, as well as the mare herself.
  553. >She makes herself comfortable lounging in your arms, making sure to occasionally kick your hands with a stray hoof to make your job that much harder.
  555. ***
  557. >He glares at the story through his bandages, which are now wrapped all around his body as though he were a mummy.
  558. This story . . . it's fucking shit!
  559. >"No it's not! Read more!"
  560. I don't want to read your fan fiction about us.
  561. >"How many times must Trixie tell you that these stories were not written by her?"
  562. Who the fuck else would spend their time writing this crap?
  563. >"One of Trixie's many admirers, obviously."
  564. Admirers? You mean you, yourself and Trixie?
  565. >"Nope! I'll have you know that this was written by--"
  566. >Trixie turns briefly, her eyes scan the story.
  567. >". . . An admirer of Trixie's named Nebulus."
  568. Trixie, stop it, I know that's you.
  569. >"No, it's Nebulus."
  570. You're Nebulus.
  571. >"Trixie is not Nebulus, Trixie is Trixie.
  572. Trixie is--I mean, Nebulus is your pen name.
  573. >"Why would you assume that, if Trixie had a pen name, it would be Nebulus?"
  574. Nebulus is a space term.
  575. >"What does that have to do with Trixie?"
  576. You've got a star on your butt.
  577. >"That's because Trixie is a star."
  578. It has to do with space.
  579. >"It has nothing to do with--"
  580. >Trixie scrunches her muzzle.
  581. >"Why is Trixie arguing with you when we should be reading more of the story?"
  583. ***
  585. >Your eye twitches slightly.
  586. >Stagger through the massive hole in the side of your house.
  587. >Slump against the side of the cart, setting some of the shopping down on it.
  588. >Trixie huffs.
  589. >"Trixie does not approve of her cart being used as a table."
  590. "Trixie needs to shut the hell up."
  591. >"The nerve! Where is that spoon-- Get Trixie her spoon!"
  592. "No."
  593. >She goes red.
  594. >Again.
  595. >Like a spoilt child that doesn't like it when things don't go her way.
  596. >"Trixie shall--"
  597. "Why do you keep saying your name like that? It makes you sound weird."
  599. "--The day."
  600. >"--THE DA-- AAAAAAAUUUGH!"
  601. >She begins hitting you with her hooves.
  603. ***
  605. >Grinning, he says:
  606. You know, maybe some of these aren't so bad.
  607. >"That's enough from this one," Trixie huffs.
  608. Come on, read some more. It was just getting good.
  609. >"We have another here by Nebulus, this one called 'Making Magic', and it should paint Trixie in a more flattering light, since the title refers to her special talent."
  610. Actually, this one looks like it's about me again.
  611. >"What?"
  613. ***
  615. >Another stage is next to yours.
  616. >Blue unicorn wearing a stupid looking hat and cape is gathering a crowd of her own.
  617. >She looks over at you, and is visibly shocked.
  618. >"Who are you supposed to be?!"
  619. "-I- am the superb and magnificent Anonymous!"
  620. >"And you are looking at the great and powerful Trixie!"
  621. >Glare at each other for a minute, silently daring each other to make a move.
  622. >Hear a pony in the back shout out "Oh gods there's two of them!"
  623. >"This is -Trixie's- turf, ahh... uhh, what exactly are you?"
  624. "Human."
  625. >"HUMAN! This is turf belongs to Trixie. And you would be wise to give her space while she renders this crowd awestruck with her amazing talents!"
  626. >Fireworks explode on cue, making a few ponies in the crowd "oooo".
  627. >This bitch.
  628. "Listen up, Tricky."
  629. >"Trixie."
  630. "Whatever. Today is my last show for the month. Just pack up and wait for tomorrow, you can perform then without interfering with my schedule--"
  631. >"Trixie operates on her own level, and is above your pathetic "schedules"!"
  632. >Ouch.
  633. >"Trixie shall perform today. Here and now. And you shall wait your turn, or Trixie shall deal with you personally!"
  634. "Oh yeah? Well guess what?"
  635. >She ignores you.
  636. "Your hat is stupid. And your magic is shit."
  638. ***
  640. This one is fucking awesome too.
  641. >Trixie rolls her eyes.
  642. >"Let's skip ahead a bit more, maybe to a point when Trixie actually does some magic."
  643. Why do you always want to skip the good parts?
  644. >Ignoring him, Trixie's eyes scan the story until she finds the phrase 'make some magic' written down.
  645. >"Ah, here we go."
  647. ***
  649. >"Here's your chance, Anonymous. Let's make some magic."
  650. >You're getting flustered, and your face is burning red at what Trixie is implying.
  651. >The stallion's eyes look over your entire body, taking their time on your breasts.
  652. "S-stop it, Trixie. I'm not doing this."
  653. >The unicorn laughs.
  654. >"It's not as though you ever had a choice, Anonymous."
  655. >He jumps at you, tackling you onto the small bed and wrestling with you until he has you pinned down, ripping your towel off you in the process.
  656. >Stare fearfully up at the pony on top of you.
  657. >He licks his lips and pushes them against yours.
  658. >Your eyes bulge as his tongue slips through into your mouth.
  659. >Push him back with your hands and wipe your mouth in disgust.
  660. "Trixie, STOP!"
  662. ***
  664. >Silence for a moment.
  665. >Trixie blinks slowly, her mouth agape.
  666. >The bandages around his eyes wrinkle.
  667. Okay, what the actual fuck?
  668. >"Was I a stallion?"
  669. Did I grow tits from somewhere?
  670. >"This is not what Trixie was expecting."
  671. I think we missed something from earlier that would have given us some context for what that just was.
  672. >"I think we should move on."
  673. Trixie is correct for once.
  674. >"Agreed."
  675. I already get enough of that rapey bullshit from you in real life already.
  676. >"That's right--Hey!"
  677. >---
  678. How many stories are left?
  679. >"We have . . . well, this can't be right. There's only three more."
  680. Good. My burns fucking hurt. You're still taking me to the hospital, right?
  681. >"This can't be right, there has to be more than just three more left."
  682. Trixie, are you listening?
  683. >"Maybe some of them got mixed up in the stack."
  684. >Trixie gathers up all the stacks of paper and begins flipping through them.
  685. Trixie . . . ?
  686. >She stops flipping through the pages and, staring at the papers, shakes her head ruefully.
  687. >"Some must be missing. Trixie is sure some pony will send the rest to her after this video comes out."
  688. Trixie, I have to go the hospital, and my burns--I can barely move.
  689. >She pays him no mind.
  690. >"Well, we've got this next one, which is called 'Trixie the Translucent.'"
  691. Are you listen--the translucent? What's that mean?
  692. >"Trixie is assuming it is a synonym for either great or powerful."
  693. Yeah, sure. My burns?
  694. >"Drink this."
  695. >She slams down an extra large bottle of blue antihistamine before him.
  696. >The words 'Sleep Aid' having been crossed out on the label with black magic marker and 'Trixie Cure-All' has been written in its place.
  698. ***
  700. >Trixie giggles to herself and leaps on top of you, pinning you on the bed.
  701. >"Then you are in luck Anonymous... Trixie knows all forms of transformation spells..."
  702. >Her horn glows a glorious bright blue and soon Trixie slowly begins to become slightly transparent.
  703. >As her body becomes more and more transparent, she slowly begins to lose a defined form and looks almost like a gel.
  704. >She brings a hoof up to your lips and her slime leaves a trail across your face.
  705. "What the..."
  706. >Her slimy hoof slowly makes her way down your shirt and unbuttons them with on the way down.
  707. >How the fuck does slime even work?
  708. "You are a... slime... pony?"
  709. >Trixie giggles to herself.
  710. >"Oh yes...and that's not all I can do... just wait."
  711. >The blue unicorn slowly begins to meld her way down into your pants and you feel her liquid-like body hug the entirety of your rapidly growing member and sack.
  713. ***
  715. This sucks.
  716. >"Neigh! Trixie likes her attitude in this once--but she certainly is not a slime pony, nor would she ever need to be to seduce--"
  717. Are these stories all about me getting raped, or almost getting raped, or slowly being driven insane by always almost getting raped?
  718. >He glares at her.
  719. And it's always by you!
  720. >"For the last time, Trixie swears she did not write these."
  721. >He glares harder.
  722. >"Why would Trixie write about herself being a slime pony?"
  723. I don't know. Why would she kidnap someone who isn't interested in her and force him to--
  724. >She shoves the bottle of 'Trixie Cure-All' in his open mouth.
  725. >---
  726. >He wretches and then spits blue liquid out of his mouth in a fine mist.
  727. >Trixie screams and covers her head with her arms.
  728. >"Not in Trixie's mane!"
  729. >---
  730. >A blue handkerchief she had been dabbing her cheek with is placed down on the desk.
  731. >"Moving on to our last featured author, one Minion of Lulu. Oh, you make Trixie blush with a name like that!"
  732. >He groans.
  733. I am so done with this shit.
  734. >The human, looking tired, weary from his burns, holds his head in his hands.
  735. >Trixie takes the bottle of 'Trixie Cure-All' in her magic and floats it behind her back.
  736. >"Now this next story is called 'Lulamoon Rape Protection.'"
  737. More rape bullshit. Swell.
  738. >"It's over fifteen chapters long."
  739. Jesus. . . .
  740. >"It starts with you hiring me to protect you from Fluttershy's attempts at having sex with you."
  741. I don't even care. I was in that fucking cabinet for weeks, I've got second-degree burns because of you.
  742. >"Well, just know that Trixie skimmed it a bit and you and Trixie fall in love by the end of it."
  743. Perfect. Now--
  744. >"One more story!"
  745. NO!!
  746. >He turns on her.
  747. Listen, Trixie, I have had had it with--
  748. >Again with the 'Trixie Cure-All!'
  749. >---
  750. >The 'Trixie Cure-All' in one hand, he's got her in a headlock and is trying to pry her mouth open.
  751. Trying to fucking drug me? You drink it!
  752. >"No!"
  753. >He manages to get his finger in her mouth.
  754. >She immediately growls and bites him.
  755. >He screams as his bandages dampen and turn red around her teeth.
  756. >---
  757. >He turns and throws the 'Trixie Cure-All' across the room where it ricochets off the wall and lands somewhere off camera.
  758. >Trixie is pouting.
  759. >---
  760. >He's rubbing his eyes and shaking his head slowly as Trixie mugs for the camera.
  761. >"Now this next--"
  762. I'm tired as shit, Trixie! Aren't we fucking done yet?!
  763. >Trixie sighs.
  764. >"Yes, yes, we're getting there. You don't have to be rude."
  765. Says the kidnapper.
  766. >He sniffles, then makes a pinched face.
  767. You know, at first I thought this smell was the singed hair in my nostrils, but it's these bandages--they stink.
  768. >"Trixie told you she soaked them in ointment."
  769. >He tries to think over this but is overcome with a yawn.
  770. Yeah, sure. That makes sense. I'm tired.
  771. >He sighs.
  772. What kinda ointment is it?
  773. >"Oh, nothing really."
  774. >Trixie coughs into her hoof and mumbles:
  775. >"Chloroform."
  776. >His heavy eyes shoot open for a brief moment.
  777. Wait, what?!
  778. >"In this last story Trixie is the adoptive mother to a human child, whom she rapes daily, while his adopted sister Babs Seed wishes to join."
  780. ***
  782. >Babs moans as her hoof furiously glides across her swollen filly vag.
  783. >She is aware of Trixie coming in to do these things to her naive younger brother.
  784. >He doesn't know better, but...
  785. >"I wish it was me..."
  786. >She hiss as her winking clit brushes against her hoof.
  787. >"I wan' him...inside me. Ta give me his cawk...fill me up until...unnf!"
  788. >She cums as her brother does the same inside Trixie.
  789. >Calming down, she rolls over in the moist sheets.
  790. >"I want it to be me..."
  791. >"Well...that can be arranged, Babsy."
  792. >They young filly gasps, turning her head to see the lustful eyes of her adoptive mother looking down at her.
  793. >"M-Mama...?"
  794. >Trixie smiles. Slipping her hoof under the covers to feel Babs's moist cunt.
  795. >"Even though you are a naughty filly, I will help you get your wish. But first..."
  796. >Trixie slowly climbs on the filly's bed.
  797. >She pushes Babs's face towards her groin, showing the filly a nice, stallion cock.
  798. >"You know what to do..."
  799. >Babs nods, sitting up till her face is in front of Trixie's impressive girth.
  800. >She opens her mouth and takes the cock down her throat.
  801. >"Unf! G-Good girl..."
  803. ***
  805. >He'd torn half the bandages off from his face before he'd started nodding off in his chair.
  806. >Somewhere in the back of his sleepy mind, he was mulling over what Trixie had just read to him--which had left her stupefied.
  807. >His mouth fell open in an attempt to speak, and his bottom lip overflowed with blue-tinged drool, which traveled down his chin before dripping down onto the desk before him.
  808. >Then he finally found strength enough to sound his thoughts:
  809. Guh!
  810. >After this his eyes closed again and he brought his chin down to his chest, slamming his mouth shut.
  811. >The clack of his teeth hitting each other woke Trixie from her stupor.
  812. >She stopped idly staring at the story she'd just read.
  813. >She too began processing what she'd just seen had been written about her.
  814. >"Okay, I'm sorry, but what the fu--!"
  815. >---
  816. >"--And why does Trixie again have a penis in this one?!"
  817. >---
  818. >Trixie, screaming in rage, throws her director's chair across the room.
  819. >The human is snoring.
  820. >---
  821. >Sitting back in front of the camera, she takes her face out from her hoof, sighing.
  822. >"Okay, clearly some of you--"she sighs again"--I appreciate your efforts, but you all simply don't have any idea on how to properly write a Trixie-centric story.
  823. >"Trixie understands, she's a very interesting character. But just remember the two most important things about Trixie."
  824. >She clears her throat and, leaning into the camera, says slowly:
  825. >"One: Trixie is great.
  826. >"And two: Trixie is powerful.
  827. >"What you shouldn't be doing is writing Trixie out to be some kind of pathetic, sexual deviant that constantly debases herself for the slightest bit of attention.
  828. >"Because that's not who Trixie is at all."
  829. >The human slumps forward and crashes into the table, knocking the entire thing over and sending the camera tumbling backwards.
  830. >Only the ceiling is pictured as Trixie tells him:
  831. >"Okay, big guy, you're going back into the cabinet."
  832. >---
  833. >The previous setup is again pictured, except the cabinet in the background has now been wrapped all around with rows of duct tape.
  834. >In the left corner of the frame is a symbol of an empty battery, blinking repeatedly.
  835. >Trixie sits down, wipes her brow of the few stray sweat drops left from her previous work, and then clears her throat before addressing the camera.
  836. >"So, yes, to recap, Trixie should always be great, and she should always be powerful."
  837. >She gives a blank stare into the camera for a moment.
  838. >"So, yeah, just try to remember those two things the next time you write your Trixie fiction."
  839. >Thinking of something, she straightens up in her seat.
  840. >"Which, by the way, is something that you should be doing more of, as there isn't nearly enough of these stories out there to satisfy Trixie!"
  841. >She scoffs.
  842. >"I mean, honestly, it's been six years since these stories started, but when Trixie looks at what's been presented to her here it doesn't look like six years worth of content has been created for her.
  843. >"So what are you all waiting for, for Trixie to somehow become even greater and more powerful-er?"
  844. >She waves the suggestion off with her hoof.
  845. >"Nonsense! She's perfect already, and there should be more stories that attest to that.
  846. >"And that's why Trixie has saved the best story for last!"
  847. >Following a puff of smoke, a few pages appear before her on the desk.
  848. >Trixie eyes begin to sparkle as she holds them up to the camera.
  849. >"Trixie just received a sample of this new story last night, a fabulous tale of love between man and Trixie, written by none other than . . ."
  850. >Her eyes flippantly scan the pages, not so much reading from one side to the next as they are dancing around to create an effect.
  851. >"Written by an author by the name of 'Trixie is Best Pony Number One!'"
  852. >As she gets a taste for the name of this author, her excitement begins to dampen.
  853. >She scrunches her muzzle and looks again at the name written on the page.
  854. >"Wait, that's not right," she mumbles. "It's supposed to be 'Trixie is Number One Best Pony."
  855. >---
  856. >She beams a little too brightly as she flips through the two pages she has.
  857. >"Now it isn't quite finished yet, but Trixie feels that we should all give this new author just as much a chance as we would any other pony.
  858. >"After all, she is writing about Trixie--a most noble undertaking, if I do say so myself."
  859. >She chuckles to herself, then clears her throat for a more nobler tone.
  860. >"Anywho, I'm sure this 'Trixie is Best Pony Number One' will go on to finish her story as long as we're sure to give her a lot of feedback on her work so far.
  861. >"So without further ado, this is 'Trixie is Best Pony Number One' with her story . . ."
  862. >Trixie looks at the top of the front page for a title.
  863. >It reads: 'Trixie story (it's a working title).'
  864. >"With her fabulous title--'Trixie Story!'"
  866. ***
  868. >be me, Trixie!
  869. >be GREAT and POWERFUL!!
  870. >you're putting on a comeback performance in Ponyville
  871. >it's great and every pony loves it
  872. >they're all in awe of your power
  873. >you even see your friend Starlight Glimmer in the audience cheering
  874. >see she's with Princess Twilight
  875. >she waves at you
  876. >don't wave back
  877. >just then one admirer in particular catches your eye
  878. >some tall, two-legged monster-looking thing, with well-defined muscles and neatly-groomed hair
  879. >you've heard Starlight tell you about this thing before
  880. >she says it's some creature called a human that's from another world
  881. >he cute
  882. >hear him cheering you on in his deep voice
  883. >"Yeah, go Trixie, you're so awesome, and beautiful . .."
  884. >you and him lock eyes after he says this
  885. >you wink
  886. >he blushes and hides his face in his hands
  887. >how adorable
  888. >after the show you're in your wagon coutning up your stak of bits
  889. >as usual you raked in way more in tips than in waht you sold in tickets
  890. >oh Trixie you do dazzle them so!
  891. >especially that one tall cutie, that human guy
  892. >youo wouldn't mind seeing him again
  893. >hear three knocks on your wagon door
  894. >it's not unusual for some fans to come around this time and ask you for an autograph
  895. >it makes for a nice send off after you have to leave, one last visit before you have to leave for somewhere new
  896. >it gets a bit lonely sometimes, life on the road
  897. >sighing, you grab a couple headshots and head for the door
  898. >open it to reveal those two dumb ponies Snips and Snails
  899. >nah, just kidding, it's that human guy
  900. >he's wearing a tux and holding some flowers in his big arms
  901. >you can tell he's nervous
  902. >you smile ever so slithly
  903. "Oh, and just what can Trixie do for you?"
  904. >he blushes hearing the confidence in your voice
  905. >"Oh, Great and Powerful Trixie, I don't have any money for an autograph, but to show you how much your peformance meant to me i went and picked these flowers for you."
  906. >he hands them to you
  907. >blue lilacs
  908. >delicious
  909. >the hands, anyway, but the flowers ain't bad neither
  910. >you pretend to look them over for a second, to not be so sure of this gift, before eventually accepting them
  911. "Thank you very much, they're beautiful. Just like me, correct?"
  912. >he stammers
  913. >"I heard what you said when you were watching me."
  914. >his face turns as red as spaghetti sauce
  915. >"Oh- oh that was just -"
  916. "It's fine," you say, mostly for his benefit." Trixie is used to ponies fawning over her, it's nothing new."
  917. >he chuckles to put himself at ease for Trixie
  918. >"Oh, heh, good to know."
  919. >he rubs the back of his head and smiles, embarrassed
  920. >unf, this guy is a cutie
  921. >you gotta find an in with him
  922. >get a good idea
  923. >you start putting the flowers in a vase, making it seem like you're speaking lightly
  924. "You know, as Trixie is about to embark on a new tour, she is in need of a new assistant for her travels on the road."
  925. >"OH, really?"
  926. "Yes, so, if you weren't--"
  927. >just then there's another knock on the wagon door
  928. >ugh, who could that be?
  929. >see it's, of all ponies, Princess TWilight who's peeking in, her head very close to his legs
  930. >"Um, sorry if I'm interupting anything. Hello, Trixie."
  931. >you greet her coldly, saying simply her name
  932. Twilight.
  933. >she smiles and then turns towards the man
  934. >"Hey, I need you back at the castle soon, Spike is getting so hungry that he's beginning to sulk."
  935. >he chuckles
  936. >"I did promise to make him that ruby-red spaghetti tonight."
  937. >feel the corners of your mouth tighten
  938. >he has engagements elsewhere, and he had the nerve to still visit you?
  939. >who does he think he is?
  940. >And why is Twilight still here?
  941. >"just come back soon," she says to him, touching his thigh. "I miss having my little human around."
  942. >"Okay, i'll try to hurry it along here."
  943. >you're a bit confused here
  944. >her little human?
  945. >just then he bends down and gives her a brief kiss
  946. >w-what?!
  947. >when it breaks Twilight giggles and goes to leave
  948. >but not before smacking him on the flanks with her tail
  949. >he smiles brightly
  950. >then he turns to you and looks at you with those eyes of his
  951. >"Anyway, if you want me to find you a new assistant, I can maybe ask around a bit for you."
  952. >you don't answer him
  953. >you feel sick
  954. >he obviously loves Trixie, so why is he with Twilight?
  955. >this isn't right
  956. >this isn't right at all
  957. >he looks at you oddly
  958. >"Are you alright?"
  959. >you stil dont' answer
  960. >you feel your heart fizzling out like a dud firework
  961. >your words feel the same, with you only speaking in stammers and spurts
  962. "buh . .. buh . . . buh... buh..."
  963. >the blue glass vase that you were holding falls to the floor and shatters
  964. >you hardly react to the piercing of breaking glass
  965. >his eyes go wide
  966. >"Woah! Holy shit!"
  968. ***
  970. >Trixie pauses as she reads the last of what had been written.
  971. >She blinks at the story, her eyes circled deeply with tracks of bewilderment.
  972. >From the back, the cabinet walls are shaking with the sound of snoring.
  973. >She shakes out of her stupor and squints hard at the few pages she's holding.
  974. >"Twilight Sparkle?! Seriously! Now why did I even add that in . . . ?"
  975. >She stares a bit harder until she remembers something which makes her scrunch her muzzle.
  976. >"Oh, right, excitement. . . . Sweet Celestia, writing is boring."
  977. >The camera beeps a bit, indicating that the battery's low.
  978. >Trixie yelps as though she had forgotten about it momentarily.
  979. >Her eyes slowly float over to the camera and her mouth falls slack, searching for something to say.
  980. >"Okay . . . so . . . uh-hmm . . ."
  981. >She takes a moment to herself to think.
  982. >Then she scoffs.
  983. >"Okay, you know what? I am so done with stories for a while. I'll just edit this later to make it look good."
  984. >---
  985. >She's leaning over the camera, her fluffy blue chest taking up the frame.
  986. >"Now how do you turn this thing off?"
  987. >---
  988. >Trixie is all dressed up in a bright nightblue dress, the skirt decorated with rhinestones all arranged together to like big stars.
  989. >She picks up the iron wand and whacks the door of the cabinet loud enough for the iron to ring out like a bell.
  990. >"Wake up! The Cute and Snuggly Trixie is all ready for our date, and she refuses to go out with a cabinet!"
  991. >---
  992. >There's banging coming from inside the cabinet.
  993. >Trixie, now at the desk again, is lighting up her lips with cherry lipstick.
  994. >She idly glances over at the stack of stories again.
  995. >Her eyes pop out of their blue-shaded lids.
  996. >She grabs up one of the stories and looks at it closely.
  997. >Her brow furrows.
  998. >"What is this name? Flutterrape?! Where's Trixie?!"
  1002. *******
  1003. Stories Featured:
  1005. Anonymous' "Trixie Story"
  1007. Swift_M0nkey's "Emotion Junkie
  1009. Nebulus' "Trixie's Cart"
  1011. Nebulus' "Making Magic"
  1013. Flutterpriest's "Trixie the Translucent"
  1015. Minion of Lulu's "Lulamoon Rape Protection"
  1017. Minion of Lulu's "Mama Trixie"
  1019. Trixie is Best Pony Number One's "Trixie Story (it's a working title)"

All there was and need to know [zigzag story archive]

by ZigZagWanderer

The Growth Process

by ZigZagWanderer

A Secret Place

by ZigZagWanderer

Being Natural

by ZigZagWanderer

Counting with Pinkie Pie

by ZigZagWanderer