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All there was and need to know [zigzag story archive]

By ZigZagWanderer
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-11-30 16:42:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Below are two links that should contain every story that was on my old ZigZagWanderer pastebin.
  4. I won't be transferring everything that was on my original pastebin to here, but this way, with the link, everything that I ever made public will still be available, for better or worse.
  6. Archiving my old stuff made me feel nostalgic, so a few of the stories--mainly the ones that I didn't copy over to here--have some short notes jotted down before them. Some notes are there to help provide context that got lost during the transfer from Pastebin, while others are just random memories and thoughts that I had while reading everything over again.
  8. What follows below is a list of the stories that I'd still like people to read. I saved these because either I thought they were still good or because they held some special significance to me still, even after five years of writefagging.
  10. Either way, to the people out there who are like me, and who enjoy reading weird greentext fanfiction about My Little Pony with human characters inserted in them, I hope this paste finds you well, after the great Pastebin purging of late 2020.
  12. Now, let's get the hell on with the reading.
  15. "The Growth Process"
  16. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  18. This was written in early January of 2015 and was the first story I ever posted in the Flutterrape general, which has been my favorite place in /mlp/ since 2013. I was a beginner in every sense of the word but I put everything I had into this story. It took me about six hours to write the six posts that it ended up being. I once heard that a writer's first story is the most honest one that they'll ever write. That's true for me, at least. This story isn't great, but if I had to save only one, this is the one that I'd pick.
  21. "A Secret Place"
  22. tags: Anon, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia
  24. I wrote this for the Pone Mom general in March, 2015. I was trying to keep them bumped with content by writing tons of shorts and one shits. I was way out of my depth. I created a huge workload for myself and it drove me a bit out of my mind; combine that with my having just started writing not long before and you have a lot of really bad stories that were all coming out of me from that time. But this story came from a prompt that Frostybox posted, which is probably what saved it from being as bad as everything else I was doing at the time. We were friends for a long time after this. I miss his writing.
  27. "Being Natural"
  28. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Tree Hugger, Flutterrape
  30. This story was originally a prompt that I posted in the Flutterrape thread. It's your typical Flutterrape scenario, except Tree Hugger gets involved, and Anon's fetish happens to be threesomes. Pretty simple, and I thought it was a good idea for a funny story, but I didn't want to do it myself because I hadn't written much comedy yet. No one wanted to do it though, so I ended up writing it anyway. I sent it to Frostybox a few weeks after I'd finished it and he told me that I should post it in the thread. I finally did in mid June of 2015. Frosty was right, a few people liked it. I was lucky that I had such good support when I was starting.
  33. "Counting with Pinkie Pie"
  34. tags: Anon, Pinkie Pie, Flutterrape
  36. These were a series of really wacky, off-the-wall one shots that I wrote sometime in early 2016 for Flutterrape. I always have a lot of fun writing Pinkie.
  39. "Order, Plans, Fluttershy and other things to avoid"
  40. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  42. Another really weird story that I wrote for Flutterrape sometime in early 2016. I went on a day-long writing binge and this story came out. I had a lot of self-doubt in my abilities at the time. The ignorance that I'd had when I was first starting had faded away and I was no longer content with just writing blindly and hoping for the best. I'd actually started to study the craft a bit, and now I had some ideas about what made a story good and what separated good writing from bad writing. But I didn't have enough practice to see those ideas properly realized in any of the stories that I tried to do at the time. It was very frustrating. 2016 was my year of growing pains. Eventually, after you write enough, your ideas will start coming to you in forms that are much easier to get on paper. But until then, practice, practice, practice.
  45. "My Misfit One Shots"
  46. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape, Comedy
  48. You ever click on a paste that has a really interesting title only to be disappointed when you find that the story is so short that you could reach the bottom of the page with just a few taps on the down arrow? I always hated that. Even if the story is good, you still feel a bit disappointed regardless. That's why I made this collection, for the most part. It's for everything that I still think is good but isn't big enough to stand on its own.
  51. "The Crusaders Write a Flutterrape Story"
  52. tags: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Cheerilee, Flutterrape
  54. I wrote this in October, 2016. This story was a turning point for me. After a year of near continuous disappointment, this one came along and ended up being some of the most fun I've ever had writing something. Everything started coming a lot easier to me after this one.
  57. "Applejack Gets Something Back"
  58. tags: Anon, Applejack, Flutterrape
  60. This was written a month after the Crusaders story. I didn't feel as good about this one at the time, but people in Flutterrape really liked it when it was posted, and I've come to like it too. I felt like I was finally finding my niche as far as writing funny stories goes.
  63. "Another Story Where Everything Goes Wrong"
  64. tags: Twilight Sparkle, Mane 6, Anon, Flutterrape
  66. The title to this one sucks but I never thought of anything better. I'll just tell you now that it's a comedy about Anon undergoing a significant personality change overnight, and Twilight's efforts to figure out why. I wrote it the day before Christmas, 2016.
  69. "A Pretty Sweet Deal, When You Think About It"
  70. tags: Anon, Rarity, Maud Pie, Flutterrape
  72. I had a weird phase during 2016 where I would dream completely finished stories. This happened a few times, and I always wrote them out when they came to me. This story is a result of one of those dreams, which hopefully explains why it's so weird. Well, Faust did say that Rarity was originally supposed to be the element of inspiration.
  75. "Ponyville's Fortress"
  76. tags: Anon, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  78. My first story of 2017, written in January. The beginning is way too slow, and Anon's anger comes off as forced to me now, but I still like the humor in this one. I always like it in Flutterrape stories when Fluttershy suddenly has competition from other characters who clearly outmatch her in some way, and who better to do that with than the two princesses?
  81. "Pumpkin's Mystery"
  82. tags: Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy
  84. This was my first ever prose story, later converted to greentext. I worked on it on and off for about eight months before finishing it in May of 2017. I was extremely proud of this one when it was done, until I realized that I couldn't really post it anywhere on /mlp/. I would have liked to have posted it somewhere, because as far as I know nobody but me has actually read this one, but I ended up just sticking it on my bin and moving on. Maybe that was for the best. Looking back on it today, I think it starts strong, gets better, then drops off towards the end before fading out with a whimper. A lot of that had to do with the ongoing rewrite fatigue I was feeling as I reached the end of the story. But the end suffered from even bigger problems than just a lack of polish. There's a lot of vagueness towards the end as to what actually happened between Fluttershy and Anon, which was part of the story's main point relating to Pumpkin's character; but strong themes can't make up for an inconclusive, unsatisfying ending. As much as it would have pained me to admit it back then, this one definitely needed a bit more time and focus given to it, as I was reaching the ending, before I really could have even thought about calling it finished.
  87. "Can't Trash the Dash"
  88. tags: Anon, Rainbow Dash, Flutterrape
  90. Writing "Pumpkin's Mystery" for so long had left me completely drained, so I dug up this old Flutterrape story I had started back in January of 2016 and ended up finishing it in May, 2017. I really enjoyed writing Rainbow Dash in this one and she's been extremely fun to write in everything else I've ever done.
  93. "The Pages of Fear"
  94. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Flutterrape
  96. This was another story that was born from a prompt I came up with that no one else wanted to touch. All I'll say about it is that, at the beginning, Anon has a broken ankle and is begrudgingly being cared for by Fluttershy. I finished it sometime in June, 2017. It's one of my favorites of everything I've written so far. The title is a reference to The Wages of Fear.
  99. "Pinkie Pie and the Birthdate"
  100. tags: Anon, Pinkie Pie, Flutterrape
  102. I wrote this on another of those day-long writing binges I mentioned earlier. This one was done in early June, 2017.
  105. "Opposite Day"
  106. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Flutterrape
  108. Originally written: August, 2017. This one did pretty well in Flutterrape, even though I wasn't sure about it when I posted it. I never know what people are going to end up liking.
  111. "Equestrian Help Hotline/*ring ring*"
  112. tags: Anon, Flutterrape, Comedy
  114. These are two different collections of shorts that I combined into one paste. The Hotline shorts were written throughout August of 2017 and the *ring ring* shorts were written sometime in late 2018, maybe September. It's hard to know exactly when the *ring ring* shorts were written because I did them on my phone after my laptop blew up.
  117. "Applejack, Tree Hugger, and Metaphysical Philosophy of the Aura"
  118. tags: Anon, Applejack, Tree Hugger, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  120. Wrote this one during late August of 2017. It was my personal favorite story that I'd done for a long time afterwards, though if I reread it today I'd probably only see it for its flaws. I remember opinions being split on Tree Hugger after her episode aired. Some people found her to be really annoying. I think the main reason for this was because, all throughout the entire episode, she was always depicted as being in the right. Combine that with her hippie personality and she was bound to ruffle some feathers. Realizing this, I wanted to write a story where Tree Hugger was essentially in the wrong the entire time, and show my idea of what I thought her nastier side was like. Frustrated Tree Hugger was incredibly fun to write.
  123. "Not Simply to"
  124. tags: Anon, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  126. I wrote this on and off throughout 2017 but finished it in late August. I'd always thought that Rarity and Rainbow Dash made for an underrated pairing, so I wanted to do a story with both of them in it (though the story is mainly about Rarity).
  129. "Fillyshy"
  130. tags: Fluttershy, Anon
  132. This was my second attempt at writing prose before converting it to greentext.
  135. "Six Spooktacular Flutterrape Stories"
  136. tags: Anon, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  138. Five of these stories were finished in time for Halloween, 2017. Only Fluttershy's story was late. I was halfway into November before finishing that one. These stories vary in quality. I think the Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack ones are good. The other three--Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy--are a bit more idiosyncratic. I was really crunching to get the stories done in time for Halloween, so I was slightly out of my mind again while writing parts of these.
  141. "The Longest Flutterrape LTD Staff Meeting"
  142. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  144. Local Flutterrape writer Nebulus wrote a story back in 2017 that was called "Flutterrape LTD." To say that the thread was enthralled with it would be an understatement. Within a few weeks people were writing their own shorts that were based on it, drawfags were making fan art, and the thread saw an upsurge in traffic that it didn't have since about three years before. It was a good story for sure, but even more than that, it was an event. At some points Neb even let the thread get involved with what he was writing. He started writing things into the story that were based on what the thread was saying about the story. I know a few of the things I posted in my comments made it in. Anyway, I was as engaged with the Flutterrape LTD general as anyone else, so when the idea for this story came up I figured I had to do it. Neb had entertained us all so much that it felt like it was the least I could do. Thanks, Neb.
  147. "Another Straya Day in 'Questria"
  148. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  150. In a strange turn of events, I did another tribute story shortly afterwards. There's an Australian in Flutterrape named Brownee who has also written many a good story over the years. But my favorites of his were the "Straya Day in 'Questria" stories, which he would post on Australia Day. So when 2018 came around and it seemed that no new Straya Day story was going to come, I decided to write my own. As a plus, Brownee said he liked the story. Thanks, Brownee.
  153. "Be Ready"
  154. tags: Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  156. I wrote this in early February of 2018. It was a rewrite of a story I did way back in 2015, which is now unfortunately lost. I have just as many lost/unfinished stories as I do finished ones--maybe even more. I remember Frostybox critiquing this and telling me that my dialogue read flat. I didn't agree with him at the time, but I've kept it in mind since then, and just by doing that I think he helped me to write better scenes since this story was posted. That Frostybox, man. Even when he's wrong, he isn't wrong.
  159. "Tempestuous Hearts and Hooves"
  160. tags: Tempest Shadow, Anon
  162. This was originally going to be a Valentine's Day comedy for Flutterrape but the tone changed as I wrote it. It became a lot more serious because the more that I wrote about Tempest, the more I sympathized with her. I still think the original idea could work as a comedy, like I had planned it to be. Another thing about this story, it was originally over ten-thousand words, but I edited it down to just a little over eight-thousand because I thought the reason that nobody ever liked my serious stories was because they were too long. In the process of cutting, the beginning to this story ended up getting butchered. I wish I hadn't done that, especially since no one read this one either. This is the one story of mine that I've seriously considered rewriting.
  165. "Trixie and Tree Hugger: The Dynamic Duo"
  166. tags: Anon, Trixie, Tree Hugger, Flutterrape
  168. Originally written: March, 2018. My personal rule of thumb is that a story has to at least go over ten posts before it gets its own paste. In regards to that, this story doesn't make the cut. Thing is, I was originally going to add more to it, and I still think about doing so from time to time, since I know what the next part is going to be about. Maybe someday. Anyway, I like this one.
  171. "Twilight Night"
  172. tags: Anon, Twilight Sparkle, Flutterrape
  174. Even if you like nearly every character that's on the show, like I do, I still think every writefag has that one member of the mane six that they find the hardest to write, that one who doesn't provide as many ideas for stories as they should. For me, that's Twilight Sparkle. I can count the number of story ideas I've come up with for her on one hand--and with a few fingers missing too. I got frustrated about this and decided to write this story as my own personal challenge to myself in response. It was fun and I liked doing it. Now if only I could just come up with another idea for her. . . .
  177. "MILF Destiny"
  178. tags: Anon, Flutterrape, Comedy
  180. Written for Mother's Day, 2018 for Flutterrape. I based them off the MILF-loving Anon comics that ShoutingisFun draws. This is the first story I ever wrote that someone said outright was shit. I wouldn't go that far. I had a lot of fun writing this one, but what I find fun doesn't always make for a great read for everyone else. It's an uneven story. I like the beginning, and the parts later on in Canterlot, but I probably could have pitched the rest.
  183. "Just (Don't) Talk to Her"
  184. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Flutterrape
  186. I wrote this in late May of 2018. It was based on the story "Just Talk to Her" by Maonyman, which is your typical Flutterrape romance story. I don't mean anything bad by describing the story as typical. It's an enjoyable story, it just doesn't do anything new. I still recommend it to people in the thread. But after critiquing Maonyman's original story, I got the idea to write a satire of those kinds of stories where Anon ends up falling in love with Fluttershy after spending some time getting to know her; and this is what came out.
  189. "Perfect Plans for Someone Else"
  190. tags: Cozy Glow, Fluttershy, Anon, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Flutterrape
  192. Originally written: June, 2018. A strange story. I wouldn't have saved this one myself, but it was more popular in Flutterrape than I had anticipated; so here it is. On the bright side, I was glad when I got to include the Crusaders later on in the story. I really like the Crusaders.
  195. "Spooky CYOA"
  196. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape, Comedy
  198. Not much to say about this one. I think Flutterrape should always have a story for Halloween, but since I didn't have anything planned, I thought I'd do a cyoa instead. It was supposed to just last until Halloween was over. Long story short, it didn't. I wrote it using library computers, since my laptop had blown up three months prior. I don't think I did a good job running a cyoa, but as a wacky Flutterrape Halloween story, I think it's alright.
  201. "Trixie Reads and Reviews Trixie Fiction"
  202. tags: Trixie, Anon, Flutterrape
  204. Originally written: July, 2019. This story came after a long dry spell where I had no good ideas at all. I sometimes wonder what the characters from the show would think of all the fanfiction that's been written about them. I figured out of all the characters, Trixie would be the one who would have the most conflicted feelings about it, especially when it comes to the Flutterrape genre.
  207. "Fucking Nightmare Night! Fucking Fluttershy!"
  208. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Flutterrape
  210. I wrote this for Halloween, 2020 for the Flutterrape thread. I finished it after a day-long writing binge, since I waited until the last minute before getting started on it. Compare it to the previous stories here that I wrote in a single day and I think that some clear improvement in my writing can be seen. Well, that's more my concern anyway. All anyone else has to do is chose whether they want to read my stories or not.
  213. "Fucking Fluttershys!"
  214. tags: Anon, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Flutterrape
  216. Originally written: January, 2021. This is currently the last story I've completed. I don't have much to say except that I'm pretty happy with it.
  218. Thanks for reading. More stories to come.

All there was and need to know [zigzag story archive]

by ZigZagWanderer

The Growth Process

by ZigZagWanderer

A Secret Place

by ZigZagWanderer

Being Natural

by ZigZagWanderer

Counting with Pinkie Pie

by ZigZagWanderer