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Werebear Anon

By Satyrfag
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-13 16:49:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Doors locked. Windows barred.
  3. >Getting ready to settle in and ride out the night.
  4. >Two hours or so until sunset.
  5. >There comes a rapping on your shack's door.
  6. "This had better not be a raven."
  7. >You look through the peephole. Nothing. So if it's a pony, or ponies, there aren't enough of them to be a threat.
  8. >You frown and open the door.
  9. > 40 lbs of sobbing pegasus surges off your doormat and slams into your chest.
  10. >You stagger back and collapse into an armchair.
  11. >It's a while before she can get it together enough to speak.
  12. >"I want to -" *sniffle* "-take you up on your offer from last month."
  13. >The phrase rings a bell, but you have no idea who this pony is.
  14. "Uh, jog my memory a little?"
  15. > "Last month at the market! I was passing through on my way -- on my way to --"
  16. >She breaks down in tears again.
  17. >Oh. NOW you remember her. She'd made a very arrogant pass at you, and you'd told her that you "didn't like them young and arrogant, and to come back when the world had beaten her down a little."
  18. >Well, it certainly seems to have done that.
  19. >Any night but tonight, you'd take her up on that. She's really pretty.
  20. "Tonight's a really bad night. Can you come back tomorrow morning? Please?"
  21. >"O-okay."
  22. >She gets out of your lap and plods towards the door with hanging head.
  23. >You have a sudden suspicion that if you let her leave now, you'll never see her alive again.
  24. "Wait. You can stay and talk, but you need to be out of here before nightfall, okay?"
  25. >She tells you the whole sordid story of how her dreams went to shit.
  26. "Well, there's plenty of blame to go around. You're partially at fault for being reckless and stupid --"
  27. >She whines wordlessly.
  28. "--but Spitfire's at fault for encouraging your reckless behavior. Notice how she suddenly backpedaled once the consequences had the potential to bite HER in the ass? If she hadn't realized that she could have been held partially responsible for getting a bunch of well-connected mares killed, she'd have kept supporting you instead of letting you take all the blame. As for Rainbow Dash--"
  29. >You have to stop and chuckle at the name. "Seriously, who the hell names their child that, even in magic horse land? The kid must be a colossal faggot, and I say this as a man who will cheerfully fuck an effeminate bitch-man in the ass if no women are available."
  30. >Dust's wings shoot straight out and she starts blushing.
  31. >"Colt-on-colt? L-lewd."
  32. "I mean, I like pussy better. Licking ass is disgusting, I don't care how cleaned, shaved, and waxed it is. Licking a clean pussy is actually enjoyable."
  33. >Dust's chest tuft poofs out with a faint *thwomp* noise.
  34. "See, I'd give you flak for that, but I remember being young and horny. Stay with me for a minute."
  35. >"Yes, daddy."
  36. >Her eyes bulge and she claps her hooves to her mouth.
  37. >Internal screaming intensifies.scroll
  38. "Good fucking Lord, you do think with your cunt, don't you? Seriously, woman, mare, whatever, I'm trying to make a point here."
  39. >Thankfully, that seems to make her shut up and listen to you.
  40. "ANYWAY, Rainbow Dash's little friends are to blame for deciding to fly into a military exercise zone. Spitfire's to blame - again - for not posting warnings to keep them away. You're to blame - again - for trying to make light of it, too. I don't know if you were just trying to act tough or what, but you nearly got five people -- sorry, ponies -- killed. That's not something that you just brush off. Would you want them acting like it wasn't a big deal if they'd nearly killed you?"
  41. >She whines again. "No."
  42. "Damn right. Everyone involved in that debacle owes everyone else an apology. Several apologies, in some cases."
  43. >You cast a glance out the window. It's getting dark.
  44. >Shit. This conversation took longer than expected.
  45. >Well, Plan B it is, then.
  46. >You hope it goes better than the last time you tried this... little miss tomboy here isn't perfect, but she doesn't deserve to die, either.
  47. "As late as it is, it's not safe for you to leave. Stay with me tonight..."
  48. >You pin her to the couch and start kissing her. She's startled for a moment, but then starts kissing you back enthusiastically.
  49. >Her staying here isn't safe either, but if you take this approach, she has better odds. Leaving now would mark her as prey.
  50. >Besides, she really is a pretty mare. You want to kiss her, so you do. With any luck, both sides of your personality will come to an accord and you'll both see her as your mate.
  51. >You keep kissing her, groping the athletic body beneath you. She moans into your mouth as you squeeze her teats.
  52. >You can feel it when the moon comes up. Here goes.
  53. >"I can't believe the villagers told me not to come here. They said you were a monster."
  54. "I mean, they're right."
  55. >"W-What?"
  56. >You grin at her with teeth that are quickly lengthening into fangs.
  57. "I am a monster, Dusty. Certified grade-A all-American werebear."
  58. >Lightning's pupils shrink until they're no bigger than pinpricks. Her eyes roll in terror.
  59. >She thrashes and struggles, trying to throw you off of her, but you weigh almost five times what she does. While she's strong for her size, she's not that strong.
  60. >Your fangs close on her neck.
  61. >You bite down just hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to draw blood.
  62. >She makes a noise that's half moan, half whinny.
  63. "Fortunately for you - "
  64. >You nip her shoulder lightly.
  65. "I'd rather have you in my bed than in my stomach."
  66. >You move back up and nibble gently where her neck meets her jawline.
  67. "I hope you're ready to be my breeding sow, Dusty."
  68. >"S-stop...my wings can only get so erect..."
  69. >You laugh, and give yourself completely over to the bear within you.
  70. >The rest of the night passes in a warm, wet, pleasant haze of raw werebear-on-pegasus sex.
  71. >Morning sunlight streaming through your bedroom window awakens you.
  72. >Lightning Dust is passed out next to you, her wings still locked out straight.
  73. >Shit, she's not dead, is she? You woke up to a cooling corpse once, back on Earth. It's not an experience that you want to have again.
  74. >She rolls over, farts, and starts snoring. It's a loud, grating snore.
  75. >You leave to get a drink of water, take a piss, and let the room air out.
  76. >Fart fetishes are disgusting, after all.
  77. >LD's still snoring like a walrus yodeling into a drainpipe when you get back. You brought the water pitcher and a bottle of painkillers in case she has a dehydration headache.
  78. >She squirts a LOT when she cums. You're going to have to throw these sheets out.
  79. >You roll her over. The snoring thankfully stops.
  80. >You lie down on top of her and pass back out.
  81. >When you wake up again, it's afternoon. You rolled off of LD at some point, but the awful snoring hasn't resumed.
  82. >She's awake. Big golden eyes stare into yours.
  83. >Okay...you saw her pupils at close range yesterday, and they weren't shaped like little hearts then.
  84. >"Marry me, you magnificent beast."
  85. "How about we start with an actual date? You're pretty and your pussy tastes great --"
  86. >Kind of like kiwi fruit.
  87. "-but I learned a long time ago that looks and good sex aren't everything."
  88. >"Nnnf. Fine, but you may have to carry me to the restaurant. I don't think I can walk. Tartarus, I never thought I'd be into coltdom..."
  89. ***
  90. >Be Twiggy Piggy, eleven months later.
  91. >The Cutie Map has called you, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy to a friendship problem at Neighara Falls General Hospital!
  92. >You have to admit, you were not expecting the attending nurse to have an ass fatter than yours, nor to find Lightning Dust in labor, with a giant white ape holding her hoof and spouting words of encouragement.
  93. >The obstetrician, a burly mare from Stalliongrad, is fetlock-deep in Dust and the operating room is in chaos.
  94. "Push, honey. You've almost got it!"
  95. >"You did this to me, you alien bastard! Oh, sweet Faust, it's tearing me apart!"
  96. >"Chyort! What kind of mutant did you put in her, you mudak?! Even breech birth like this one should be easy like train station whore!"
  97. "Fuck you and fuck your mother, you Russian cunt! How the hell was I supposed to know that I could knock her up?"
  98. >You're not sure where to begin with this one...
  99. >At that moment, Lightning Dust makes one final convulsive effort and squeezes out...
  100. >Squeezes out...
  101. >Ash!
  102. >Aàaaaah!
  104. >Faintly, you hear Dash scream, along with the ear-piercing shriek of the bat pony nurse.
  105. >Hateart, the mad author, was right! There is no Faust! The universe is nothing but mindless chaos! Woe to the daughters of mares!
  107. > Ia! Ia! Fthagn!
  109. >Be Fluttershy, best pony of the Mane Six.
  110. >Okay, so the ape's mutant offspring is an UGLY foal. Still, you don't see why Twilight and Dash are on the floor frothing at the mouth.
  111. ***
  112. (Pic related is Anon and Dust's kid.)
  114. >"And that's the story of how you were conceived, how you were born, and why you turn into a bear every full moon!"
  115. >Lightning Dust beams at your eldest son.
  116. >Honey Thief stares in horror.
  117. >You sigh.
  118. "Dear, was the blow-by-blow of how I fucked you stupid really necessary?"
  119. >"Yes. He needs to know how to fuck mares if he's going to be as badass as the two of us.
  120. >Your second wife chimes in. "Don't teach the colt to be a slut, Dusty. There's enough of those as it is."
  121. >"Oh, shut up, Arrhythmia. If it weren't for us, you'd have been single until you died, fatass."
  122. >There's a brief scuffle that ends with Arrhythmia sitting on LD's head. Dust flails, but Arrhythmia's phenomenal ass has her pinned.
  123. "Dad, now that I've been scarred for life, is the story of how you and Mommy Arrhythmia met anywhere near as traumatic?"
  124. "No, son. She did the ultrasound while you were still in the womb. She screamed so hard when she saw you that it broke the machine.."
  125. >"I see. Do we have any mead? If I get outside of a bottle or two, maybe I'll forget about Mom talking about how you fucked her so hard that her cervix gave out."
  126. "I think I'll join you. Your moms will be fighting for a while."

Woodwose Anon - Part 1

by Satyrfag

Woodwose Anon -- Part 2

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Werebear Anon

by Satyrfag

Political anthro shitpost

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You brought this on yourselves.

by Satyrfag