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Nonstop Nut Motherfuckers (from VM)

By Grey
Created: 2023-12-10 07:55:39
Updated: 2024-03-02 05:10:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Flashback scene from that takes place at line 7734 put into its own paste for the sake of having it being easier to read as requested:
  3. >...
  4. >It was the beginning of December.
  5. >The nofap legacy of that one athletic alumni was fairly known among a lot of the most annoying male students of the school and their friends from other schools.
  6. >They had all seen all of those trophies behind the glass and got ambitious stars in their eyes.
  7. >Though, not all of them had made it to the current week of post-November madness.
  8. >But others outside of CHS had.
  9. >These were the ones who had proved themselves.
  10. >And the ones looking to take it a step further (i.e. another month further) were the ones who sought to become "unstoppable" to a degree.
  11. >But it was mostly because they had learned from their own friends that they weren't the only ones who had made it to the end of November.
  12. >After all of that self-restraint, after all of that sitting still, lying in bed like a rock, mental blockades, forced hobbies to take the mind to a safer place...
  13. >After all of that, was the fact that they weren't the only one who endured it to the end.
  14. >They thought no one could follow them, each of them held this foolish little notion.
  15. >All four of them.
  16. >Two from CHS.
  17. >The other two are from two other schools, one of which being that prep school in the city.
  18. >All of their conversations had been infected with this undertone of comparisons and unspoken competition to see who was that imaginary protagonist who survives everything.
  19. >The way all four of these guys looked at eachother, the subtle disses, the way they each tried to maneuver the topic over to something they could brag about...
  20. >It got really annoying, didn't it?
  21. >It was all easy-to-abort-from jokes and fun when talking about their inner energy lasting as long as possible.
  22. >Each of these cowards always kept on the back burner that little escape route of "yeah but I wasn't REALLY committed or serious, gosh, you were? That makes YOU the stupid one and me the chill and smart one who escaped the stupidity that GOT you!"
  23. >It's always the same old story with them.
  24. >The mothers of some of the other students complaining about classmates didn't exactly remember their own high school peers being THIS bad.
  25. >But maybe they were just remembering their heyday in a better light.
  26. >Even though this "you're remembering it wrong on purpose" idea can act as a red herring that makes you believe something that actually was technically better wasn't.
  27. >But Chrysalis wasn't (successfully) doing her thing in this town back when she was this age.
  28. >And the internet superhighway of communication hadn't poisoned nearly as many minds back then.
  29. >And even the in-person social environment these guys usually hung out in was anything but helpful.
  30. >Even those who didn't make it all the way through the month got cringe baggage straddled to their shoulders like tungsten ballasts under duct tape fashioned to be akin to knight or samurai armor.
  31. >Just being annoying fucks about things because they're in that annoying-fuck age range.
  32. >Like, shit, dude, go jerk off or something what the fuck.
  33. >So much nonsense to drain out of the heads of these young men they mistake as the ingredients to being cool and special.
  34. >It didn't take long before some of the mothers of the girls at school caught wind of how some of these guys sounded.
  35. >"I was merely pretending to care! That's why I made this entire lecture about the history of x thing to totally pwn you bro! I just like yelling at you lolol."
  36. >"Yeah that book is a fun read. I'm not saying that I think I'M like the main character, I have too much humility and self-awareness just like that monotone guy on youtube."
  37. >"Oh yeah? Well I'll keep doubling down no maaaaaaatter what! That makes me the alpha dominant super sigma male supreme (without my having to say it directly which makes it not count)."
  38. >"I'm not like other guys" blah blah blah
  39. >Brief insistent non-points is the coward's weapon of choice.
  40. >Stubborn obfuscation is the coward's shield of choice.
  41. >The girls in school scoffed at all the cringy closet-narcissism.
  42. >And so did their mothers.
  43. >But the guys they still hadn't heard from were the survivors of No Nut November, who were the even worse ones.
  44. >They had been shifting this same cringe into maximum overdrive.
  45. >All four of them.
  46. >And so, Principal Cadance of Crystal Prep decided it was time to step in.
  47. >She already knew the last PTA meeting with Celestia and Luna also present with her had affected some folks the same way it has affected Miss Cheerilee.
  48. >As far as Cadance knew, there was no way to reverse the spell she was aware of.
  49. >And Chrysalis was insistent on keeping things going her way.
  50. >Cadance had stood there in the room, watching some of the other ladies in there begin to complain about it being too warm.
  51. >Starting to look at their own husbands funny.
  52. >Starting to look at the *other* husbands all funny.
  53. >For some reason, it affected the ladies first, and Cadance watched in powerlessness to stop it.
  54. >No one fucked, but everyone left thinking about fucking.
  55. >...
  56. >You're one of the four dueling survivors looking to outlast the other three.
  57. >It's early December so far, and it seems that early November into mid November was the now long-past hardest part.
  58. >Back when you were a sophomore, Zephyr's older sister was this senior girl named Fluttershy who had massive wobbling tits that always snatched your attention every time you saw her walking in the hallway.
  59. >Those things could not be contained enough to be ignored no matter what she wore.
  60. >Rarely did she have something that hid her mesmerizing cleavage; but those colossal sweater puppies ended up enticingly bouncing around in her green sweaters anyway.
  61. >Even if you had tried No Nut November back then, seeing her double D's so often would have broke you before the number of days even reached double digits.
  62. >But then she graduated, and last year's No Nut November was almost a success... you made it to the day before Thanksgiving.
  63. >But you had really buckled down this time, having grown a little and strengthened your self-control.
  64. >Meanwhile, your classmate from whom you even knew of Fluttershy, Zephyr Breeze, just found out he might be getting held back because his grades have too many zeroes.
  65. >You were closer to him last year and the two of you sort of grew distant this year, but that didn't stop Zephyr from asking you if he can copy your homework.
  66. >You had declined to go to his house and help him during Thanksgiving break, deep into your nofap, because you knew his older sister Fluttershy would be there visiting her family for the break from college.
  67. >Don't even want to imagine how even nicer her tits are NOW.
  68. >Well, you do, but you must not.
  69. >Nevertheless, Zephyr invites/begs you to come over to his house after the beginning of December is underway, so you can help him be able pass the super hard upcoming exams that are gonna happen right before winter break.
  70. >His mom totally agrees that it's a good idea to have his friend from school come over and be a study buddy to her increasingly deadbeat son before it reaches the point where he doesn't even make it to college.
  71. >He's been unwilling to do anything productive on his own and stays in his room all the time with the door locked.
  72. >Doing who knows what in there; it certainly wasn't ever homework.
  73. >Anyway, you just got done bragging to your friends that you're the smartest one out of the bunch and you're now going to help the hopeless Zephyr Breeze not fuck up the rest of his school year.
  74. >After making sure Fluttershy and her big beautiful chest won't be there to ruin your extended nofap.
  75. >Surely you've accounted for every factor here...
  76. >Every overtime day past the end of November has now gotten surprisingly harder every 24 hours.
  77. >You're still holding it all in, and it's REALLY important that Fluttershy isn't here.
  78. >You've been having lots of lewd thoughts lately, and if the boner demon happens to find you, it'll be impossible to get rid of.
  79. >Open the front door and step inside.
  80. >Your casual friend Zephyr Breeze has shown signs of wanting to stop and go play video games or whatever since about 15 minutes in.
  81. >"I dunno, dude. Is this even worth getting into college for?" He stares at his homework he did nothing in class to prepare for.
  82. >You tell him he's not even trying, and he doesn't even deny this.
  83. >Doesn't care.
  84. >He's not even in his 20s yet and he's already totally fine with letting his life fall apart for the sake of not leaving his comfort zone.
  85. >And he has worn this like a badge, ready to boast that "I'm 19 and I've already wasted my whole life" meme the second he turns that age on his birthday.
  86. >Meanwhile, you...
  87. >You are on a level of focus and drive that Zephyr could not begin to understand in his mashed potatoes platter of a brain.
  88. >Essentially agree that you'll help him cheat on the test, and you'll do his homework for him and change some of the answers around so it's not obvious.
  89. >Yadda yadda yadda, you're just glad you've gained the ability to even do this efficiently with your current "powers".
  90. >Zephyr's mom comes home, ready to hear all about how productive your study buddy session is going.
  91. >After some time, she brings up a plate of cookies for the two of you; you can hear her footsteps outside the door and hear her soft voice. "I made you two some cookies... if that's fine with you. May I enter?"
  92. >Zephyr lets her in, the door swings open, and your attention is immediately caught off guard.
  93. >"Hello there... I'm Posey Shy, Zephyr's mom."
  94. >What you heard was 'I'm Posey Shy, Fluttershy's mom'.
  95. >The two reasons why are inches from your face as she sets the plate down on the nightstand.
  96. >Now you know where Fluttershy inherited those huge tiddies of hers.
  97. >Posey Shy's bountiful chest is even bustier and more fully developed than her daughter's.
  98. >There's no way her bra inside that blue top isn't required to perform some serious strength training.
  99. >Through the collar, you can see Posey Shy's bra strap strain on her shoulder as she leans forward, indicating just how much force her breasts underneath everything in there are exerting on her bra cups.
  100. >Those same bra cups make their outline clear to your eyes that just can't help but sneak a peek when Posey's not looking.
  101. >"Thank you so much for helping my son out with this." She says to you. "You're the first person who actually got him to sit down and read something."
  102. >You nod at her, unable to talk without everything turning into cavemen-like grunts from your neurons being so activated.
  103. >Those huge swaying breasts inside Posey Shy's top stretching the fabric out more than they probably should are just begging to be freed.
  104. >What's that song? Stacy's Mom?
  105. >There's a weird warmth from the hallway that followed her into the room with you.
  106. >No idea where it came from.
  107. >Oh fuck, Posey Shy's hips and thighs...
  108. >No surprise she has such proven breed-ability in her form.
  109. >The waistline of her pants are just as strained as her bra strap was when you caught a glimpse.
  110. >Fertile hips were made for those pants, but those pants were not made for those fertile hips.
  111. >All sorts of sexual thoughts about Fluttershy's mother uncontrollably flood into your mind.
  112. >This is where she got all that, and she inherited it ACCURATELY.
  113. >"Oh... my..." She gasps. "I forgot to get you two milk."
  114. >She forgot the MILK.
  115. >Oh of course she fucking did.
  116. >God damn it.
  117. >Of course the fantasy that implies had to be put into your mind.
  118. >With this, she hurries down the stairs in a hastened pace.
  119. >You can only hear her footsteps, but you know damn well those massive jiggling boobies stuffing her top have GOT to be bouncing like crazy as she goes down the stairs.
  120. >Picturing her cleavage jiggling around inside of there, combined with that milk fantasy, was the final straw needed to get blood rushing into your member.
  121. >An event you've desperately haven't even mentioned to yourself internally in order to prevent it from happening from the horny cognitive dissonance alone.
  122. >Sit in a way where Zephyr can't see your stubbornly pitching tent for his mom.
  123. >He doesn't care enough to pay attention to anything anyway.
  124. >Just gazes out the window not giving a fuck, probably thinking about when he's gonna see that arrogant blue tomboy who hates his very presence again.
  125. >She's probably happy she's currently in college doing whatever it is she's doing right now.
  126. >"Here you two go." Posey Shy sets the two glasses of milk down.
  127. >Yeah, just imagine where that came from, you fucking pervert.
  128. >Imagine Fluttershy sucking on Posey Shy's breasts like you KNOW canonically happened at one point.
  129. >Inside the front of your underwear: *throb* *throb* *throb* etc.
  130. >Zephyr doesn't give a shit that you have the decorative pillow from his bed he never actually uses on your lap.
  131. >Each twitch of your stiff member is still strong enough to make the pillow move slightly.
  132. >How the fuck are you going to get out of here?
  133. >Several minutes pass, and the two of you have finished the cookies and milk.
  134. >You imagined some fictional scenarios while you were drinking your milk.
  135. >Swishing it around, gulping it down...
  136. >"Ugh, this is so lame." Groans Zephyr. "Can we please just call it a night and tell my mom everything went great."
  137. "Yes! Yes, that's a great idea. I should leave now." You instantly stand up, facing away. "Good job, bro. I'll see you tomorrow."
  138. >You're out the door before he can respond.
  139. >Miss what he just said while you were already halfway down those... same stairs...
  140. >And look who's at the bottom waiting for you!
  141. >"Everything go well?" Posey Shy locks her fingers behind her back.
  142. "Yup! He understands everything! Doesn't even need me to come back! He's got it now! Hope he passes the test!" You know he won't pass the test, but will just act like the problem was on his end after you had already left.
  143. >"Oh, that's wonderful news! Thank you so much!" Posey Shy's voice gets slightly louder with joy. "C'mere!" She spreads her arms out.
  144. >You couldn't be rude and reject the hug, she's in your way anyway.
  145. >Fuck.
  146. >Wrap your arms around her thick curvaceous body.
  147. >There's no way those humongous hooters stuffing that top and stretching that fabric so far out wouldn't make contact with you.
  148. >With just as much busty softness as you fantasized, they unavoidably mush against you.
  149. >Posey Shy's huge boobies press up against you, right against your body.
  150. >Like giant water balloons softly giving way to your body as the hug tightens.
  151. >Only a few layers of clothing separate you from this woman's undoubtably large-areolae nipples...
  152. >In the front of your underwear: Danger! Danger! Danger!
  153. >You hadn't even thought of whether or not she could see your obvious tent from the bottom of the stairs.
  154. >She must not have if she still hugged you.
  155. >But now she's not letting go of you.
  156. >"Mmmmmmm... Thank you so much!" She rocks back and forth with you in her loving hug.
  157. >You can feel Posey Shy breathing faster, as if she's getting excited.
  158. >Almost as excited as you are...
  159. >There's no way a hug with your friend's mom lasting more than 30 seconds like this can't be seen as inappropriate.
  161. >After she lets go of you, you have to pray that she doesn't look down in the brief moment you're facing her before heading out the door in a hunched over gorilla walk.
  162. >You're now on a hair trigger so sensitive that even brushing up against the inside of your underwear the wrong way will do you in.
  163. >How did your cock even survive that?
  164. >Don't think about it!
  165. >If you even lightly tap that point of no return, the dam will burst open against any restraint you could possibly muster, fully outside of your control.
  166. >Do NOT allow that unwinnable battle to start.
  167. >Not when you're THIS pent up.
  168. >"Can you give him this?" Zephyr rolls your closed backpack down the stairs like a soft bowling ball before retreating back to his room.
  169. >You're halfway down the driveway before Posey Shy's voice catches your attention.
  170. >"You forgot your backpack!"
  171. >Oh fuck, that's right.
  172. >Wanting this final encounter to be over as quickly as possible, you spin around and race towards her, only to bump into her as she was rushing towards you.
  173. >"Oop!" She makes you lose your balance and stumble into a large bush with lots of flowers nearby. "I'm sorry! I... whoooaaa!" Her own continued inertia went after you.
  174. >The cushion of flowers keeps you from falling all the way to the ground and having leverage of any kind.
  175. >The cushion o Posey Shy's soft voluptuous body pins you with her weight to the flowers suspending you diagonally under her sexy fully developed fertile body.
  176. >Both of you have great difficulty getting out of this position.
  177. >Her crotch collides with your tent, you can't push her boobs away.
  178. >Make funny noises.
  179. >Ejaculate.
  180. >EJACULATE~
  181. >No d-TOO LATE~!
  182. >Your own sexual nature takes over.
  183. >Takes over completely.
  184. >Posey Shy is diagonally on top of you against the flowers suspending both of you in an inescapable position.
  185. >Your brain enters 2iq horny caveman mode.
  186. >Thrust your hips forward as your fully activated cock convulses out of control against the inside of your underwear.
  187. >Your horny panicking hands push themselves all over her body while the heat of this very physical moment is in full swing.
  188. >Grope Posey Shy's big soft sexy boobies~
  189. >It's all irresistible.
  190. >No consequences in mind, you NEED to FEEL HER UP while cumming.
  191. >Her eyes shoot wide and she falls silent; your shaking hands knead and squeeze Posey Shy's huge soft MILF boobies...
  192. >The lovely scent of the flowers is all around you.
  193. >Don't care what happens after this irresistible moment is over, as an instant dark wet cum spot rapidly grows with each hot spurt.
  194. >Fluttershy's mom, has got you going OFF!
  195. >You HAVE to reach under Posy Shy's shirt~!
  196. >*sprrt* *sprrt*~
  197. >Feel up Posey Shy's soft warm tummy under there, exposing her sexy bellybutton by lifting your intruding hands upward along her smooth warm skin to get to Posey's bra cups.
  198. >Unable to get off of you, she doesn't try to stop you, only moans in shock as you get off with your hands finding their way under the bottom of Posey Shy's bra cups.
  199. >You continue spurting hot cum into your underwear, and through it outside to and down your pants... what even was that senten-
  200. >Her sexy nipples are just as big as you knew they were~!
  201. >*sprrt* *sprrt*~
  202. >Damn, you came embarrassingly quickly...
  203. >There's just so much of it...
  204. >You have lost, it's over.
  205. >Nothing left to do but brace for whatever punishment comes.
  206. >...
  207. >The seeping afterglow has your mind in a fog.
  208. >What just happened?
  209. >You went back home, right?
  210. >It's a good thing Zephyr's window didn't overlook the driveway, right?
  211. >Posey Shy has simply stood there, the look on her face just as guilty as yours was.
  212. >As she thought about how she just wouldn't let go of you.
  213. >Only unconsciously understanding just what she was... encouraging.
  214. >She pulled out out of the bushes, too nervous to say a word.
  215. >You can tell the beans will not be spilled about this.
  216. >On her end of the deal, at least.
  217. >Your lack of power will be swiftly sniffed out the next time you see your still surviving friends.
  218. >And so, it was down to three left.
  219. ~
  220. >...
  221. >"Stop lying dude! You totally fucking came recently!"
  222. >The other three who are still left taunt their defeated friend, who very clumsily tries to play it off as some other explanation.
  223. >But there's no way to hide how lethargic he's become compared to the others.
  224. >Plus there's those little telltale signs that he's lying when confronted about it as per usual when everyone in the group does so.
  225. >And finally, after days of waiting for the first of the survivors to cave in, wondering who it would be, they finally have their answer.
  226. >One of the CHS guys was the first to go.
  227. >The rest of the guys do their whole little round of quippy remarks and whatnot and then it all dies back down into casual every day conversation.
  228. >Which eventually turned into talks about going to the beach.
  229. >A consolation trip for the one loser.
  230. >And a "combination" trip for the three survivors.
  231. >Combined "extra challenge" to eliminate contestants faster with girls in bikinis at the beach, and "premature victory" for whoever will be the last man standing (all three are making this overconfident prediction about themselves at eachother).
  232. >And so, on a road trip they go.
  233. ~
  234. >You're the one student who's from Crystal Prep, the most competitive one.
  235. >Your friend from CHS just failed the final extension period of NNN, which means one down two to go in terms of whom you're to outlast.
  236. >This trip will surely be what takes them under but NOT you.
  237. >You're more powerful than them, your blind confidence said so.
  238. >The lot of you arrive at the beach together, get out of the car, change into your swimming trunks, etc.
  239. >The first thing the more pent up three of you notice at the beach is the sheer amount of girls here.
  240. >Almost all of them in their bikinis or one piece swimsuits just letting more skin show than they usually do.
  241. >You see a couple of girls you recognize strutting across the sand; Sweetie Belle and Rarity.
  242. >Two really hot sisters from CHS, wearing their summer clothes in November due to it being warm where you and they travelled somewhat south to.
  243. >Rarity, who had gone to prom with one of your CHS friends unrelated to the nofap club, had already graduated from high school like two years ago.
  244. >Sweetie Belle still goes there if you're not mistaken.
  245. >You watch Rarity grab the bottom of her top and pull it up, revealing her bare bellybutton in the quick glimpse you get before turning your head away until your darkness goes.
  246. >That mere glimpse of Rarity's bellybutton was enough to activate your neurons.
  247. >Just imagining yourself resting your head on her sexy tummy.
  248. >Before moving up to her breasts, which are so neatly wrapped up in that purple bikini top you can't stop gawking at like a pent-up moron.
  249. >Sweetie's boobs have really been filling out a lot too since the last time you saw her.
  250. >She walks around in just her bikini top just like her older sister, both of them likely well aware of the similarities of it being them in just their bras.
  251. >Meanwhile, their mother, Cookie Crumbles, is reluctant to strip down to her bikini in public at first.
  252. >Maybe not to make it awkward for her two young daughters, maybe something else.
  253. >Couldn't say.
  254. >All you know is that she clearly has a lot more going on inside those regular clothes of hers.
  255. >You didn't expect her to look as attractive in a swimsuit as her two daughters, on account of her prime years being behind her, but you're about to be proven quite wrong.
  256. >When she finally starts stripping out of her regular clothes, you feel less guilty with it not being one of her daughters but rather the woman herself.
  257. >The fully grown woman with a proven breeding body folds the bottom of her shirt up to reveal her soft tummy, which has gotten much softer with age than her daughters' tummies.
  258. >Lifts it up more to slowly unveil her soft midriff then torso, before the tensed fabric finally releases her chest in a display of just how busty and stubborn to come out it really is.
  259. >Even with that black bikini top on, Cookie Crumbles's huge breasts visibly fall out with a bit of noticeable jiggling before they're finally at ease.
  260. >You look away a little bit later this time, having just learned well that Rarity and Sweetie's mother still has whatever she's got going on that she passed down to them.
  261. >Sure, that model-like hourglass shape of her body might not be as slim as Rarity and especially Sweetie, having widened out with some bodyfat over the years, but that absolute form is still clearly there.
  262. >Your two fellow survivors are busy getting their attention snatched away by other bikini girls on the beach your own age, the same age as Rarity and Sweetie, but you've been suddenly stricken by someone a little more soft and time-enriched.
  263. >You've looked away long enough to assume that she's in the water by now, but the image of what you saw was already burned into your head.
  264. >Creeping on Rarity and Sweetie's mother like that, what are you thinking?!
  265. >You gotta get yourself under control.
  266. >Wait until your boner tent in your swimming trunks finally subsides, and then suntan a bit, play some volleyball, etc.
  267. >...
  268. >Something's been making you not think so clearly all day today.
  269. >You haven't been paying a lot of your surroundings because you're not the type to worry too much.
  270. >You've gotten all sweaty from a few volleyball games and had rinsed off in the ocean, but now you gotta shower the saltwater off.
  271. >With that, you set down the clothes you plan to put back on onto a bench in a secluded corner near the entrance and then walk further in in your swimming trunks, towel in hand.
  272. >Not understanding the nut-trap you’ve walked straight into.
  273. >Oddly enough, the place is full of only females, making you to want to turn around and leave until they were gone from the few showers they're using, to avoid them tempting you.
  274. >But you figure it won’t be empty until hours from now.
  275. >Isn't this place supposed to be co-op? Why are there no guys in here?
  276. >Keep yourself looking away from all the women of varying ages as you finally find and enter an empty shower stall.
  277. >Luckily, no one noticed you.
  278. >The locker room has a lot of girls and women changing their clothes in it.
  279. >Stripping out of their shirts and pants down to their bras and panties, then stripping out of their bras and panties to then put their bikinis on.
  280. >Or stripping out of their bikinis to soon return to their regular clothes, often after a shower first.
  281. >Everything you've seen out there on the beach, all those sexually attractive female bikini-clad bodies, now temporarily losing their bikinis and clothing in this private set of rooms and corridors and such.
  282. >It's enough to make you hard once more, just the thought of that.
  283. >But your horny side makes you adventurously continue with your overconfident side absent mindedly in tow.
  284. >You got too curious as you walked around some more, noticing that the steam from the shower section obscured everything a little bit, but not enough to obscure your imagination going hand in hand with what you could still actually see.
  285. >You didn't even bother going far into the female-crowded locker room section where you could have protected your swimming trunks better after slipping out of them.
  286. >Beelined straight back into the shower are as your spinning mind finally remembered what you were supposed to do.
  287. >Your already fully erect cock flings out of your trunks as you pull them down, indicating that this place is already having quite the effect on you.
  288. >Set your trunks on a hook outside the shower alongside your towel, noticing a few women showering in stalls relatively close to yours.
  289. >Thinking of them completely slippery and naked RIGHT THERE where you are makes your raging erection twitch.
  290. >Your boner stubbornly refuses to go away, stiffly wobbling side to side as you lather yourself up.
  291. >Just ignore it the best you can, you're safe inside this (public) shower.
  292. >In this private yet also public washroom at the beach.
  293. >Strangely, seemingly all of the occupants were women.
  294. >Completely naked women of varying ages with their breasts and butts of all sizes.
  295. >You've never felt so self-conscious in your life, being naked in this space full of women and girls in various states of undress, some bathing themselves or eachother, or simply walking around.
  296. >One of whom you got a brief glimpse of had a familiar pink skin and multicolor hair before disappearing completely from your vision.
  297. >Your quickly bathe yourself in this beach washroom full of women and girls, half-expecting yourself to later be able to say that you "survived" this too.
  298. >As this happens, you notice something gradually permeate the humid air and it's not just your shampoo.
  299. >A strangely perfume-like scent...
  300. >Once you're clean, your plan is to high tail it out of here.
  301. >Reach around the corner and feel nothing but the lone hook on the wall with nothing on it.
  302. >Look down, nothing dropped, it's all just gone.
  303. >Your heart beats in your throat as you're at a loss at how to respond to this.
  304. >Decide you'll hurry out soaking wet until you reach your clothes on the bench on the way out of this place.
  305. >Unlike several minutes ago, it is now unusually misty and hard to see.
  306. >You have to move slowly to avoid slipping and falling, and you have to be careful not to... bump into anyone.
  307. >Hold your erection down the best you can, but it's too solid and at full mast to really go down much at all even with your hand pushing it.
  308. >It can really only stick straight out, and you can't make it subside with all these constant reminders of the (oblivious) beauty of the female form appearing to you through the mist every few seconds until you reach the bench towards the exit you remember.
  309. >Your clothes are inexplicably gone from where you had set them.
  310. >There was no one in this corner several minutes ago!
  311. >You gulp, realizing that something is being done on purpose, but you have no way to just go outside into public naked with a full erection Florida-Man style.
  312. >You HAVE to stay in this humid, misty, private washroom full of naked, showering and changing women in every direction until you can figure out what to do next.
  313. >The perfume scent has gotten stronger; the tiny high-up windows can only act as vents so much.
  314. >Leave the one secluded corner that was somewhat near the exit and go back deeper into the misty beach washroom, in search of your clothes you're almost certain you're not getting back any time soon.
  315. >Now your eyes have gotten really adventurous, not afraid to blatantly peer into the showers and get a good look at the fully naked bathing women in search of their nipples and vaginas.
  316. >And lots of this is what you catch really good glimpses of.
  317. >Sopping wet tits swaying back and forth with drops and trickles of hot water flying off of them.
  318. >Glistening, jiggling buttcheeks reacting to women stepping around inside the showers to face different parts of their curvy naked bodies at the hot running water.
  319. >Layers of water sleekly slipping down their soft, shaking, sopping wet thighs.
  320. >Not an article of clothing on ANY of them.
  321. >You'd feel too much like a creep if you stole one of their towels... if your uncontrollably horny brain could even think of that idea right now.
  322. >It's still visible enough in here to see the other nude women, but not your fully erect cock sticking straight out.
  323. >With this, now you are stuck wandering naked and aimless with a stubborn erection.
  324. >Maybe the locker room section will be safer.
  325. >Ogle around in the locker room section at skirts being pulled down to reveal clingy frilly panties over soft buttcheeks and supple cameltoes.
  326. >At shirts being pulled up to expose big soft pairs of tits jiggling around inside their bra cups.
  327. >Big soft boobies jiggling more freely with bras are unhooked and bikini tops are untied when women are changing and exposing their bare breasts to the rest of the humid misty locker room.
  328. >The almost opaque mist shields your extremely erect cock from view so long as no lone looks long or hard enough to recognize what's going on down there.
  329. >They can barely even see that you're a guy.
  330. >Fail to push your erection back down, and your hand up against its stubborn jolts rubs against your solid shaft, making it even more agitated and sensitive.
  331. >Your tip has a drop of precum now.
  332. >Instinctively, having longed for this feeling for far too long, your hands begin to move back and forth almost autonomically.
  333. >Notice this happen, but you're too horny and mushminded to care enough to stop yourself.
  334. >You've already made it past the end of November, and you're probably never going to get an opportunity like this again.
  335. >surrounded by all these naked women who can barely even see you in here with them.
  336. >Your clothes are gone, so you don't exactly have a choice.
  337. >This full erection is absolutely REFUSING to subside even a little.
  338. >Rubbing your hands against your shaft in this way you've missed for so long is too irresistible and overrides that long built up restraint into the excuse that this is an emergency.
  339. >You're trying not to start stroking but you're experiencing a horny emergency.
  340. >Watch busty women in the locker room pull their tops off and panties down.
  341. >Some busty women unhook the back of their bras, some unhook the front.
  342. >Changing and exposing their sexy bare nipples~
  343. >Some slip their panties off their smooth hips and down their thighs, some untie the sides of their tiny bikini bottoms and let them simple fall down their legs to the floor...
  344. >Topless, bottomless, some all the way naked, some letting their bare buttcheeks bounce around as they reach for their clothes inside their lockers...
  345. >Some women you already saw the exposed cleavage and bellybuttons of on the beach have now come in, unable to recognize you in the mist, and they untie the back strings of their bikini tops, nonchalantly allowing their bikini cups to fall away from their sexy bare nipples~
  346. >All right in front of you!
  347. >You're trapped in here anyway and you'll never get a chance like this again; this is a horny emergency; your hand completely gripped your shaft and started stroking properly anyway before you knew what you were doing.
  348. >Everywhere you go... naked or increasingly naked women.
  349. >All oblivious to you in the thick mist and perfume scent helping libido take over.
  350. >You kept rubbing your manmeat while trying to hide it with your hands.
  351. >Not nutting for so long made it sensitive.
  352. >Increasingly desperate, you're now tempted to fap away the erection.
  353. >None of the women would see with all the mist.
  354. >Not even the resulting discharge on the floor.
  355. >It was almost like the entire area was tailor-made to trap you into spunking that load you tried to save up.
  356. >Walk around the place boldly masturbating to all the women around you right in front of them.
  357. >Stroke your precum-leaking manmeat more and more as you stand there and stare like you're in some VR dream right in front of all these naked women who can't see you openly jacking off to them in the perfumey mist.
  358. >So many oblivious women exposing their soft cuddle-able midriffs and thighs if they were wearing clothes, exposing their bare sexy nipples if they were wearing a bikini.
  359. >Slipping their pantyhose down, unhooking their bras, untying their bikini tops and bikini bottoms...
  360. >So many boobies and butts and thighs and things softly swaying and jiggling around in their partially or fully exposed state as the move around working their clothes on and off.
  361. >Your hand enthusiastically strokes up and down your length.
  362. >You re-entered the shower/bathing area at some point.
  363. >So many soaked naked women letting the suds run down the sides of their bare soft curvy bodies.
  364. >They lather themselves, some lather eachother, rinsing off in the hot water, turning around and making their soft round buttcheeks bounce with each careful step.
  365. >They arch their backs and let their naked breasts face the brunt of the stream of hot water, letting it all trickle down to their soft bellybuttons then their dripping crotches and glistening thighs under their washing hands.
  366. >To all of this, you openly, brazenly masturbate to them all right in front of them, standing right there with them unable to see what you're doing.
  367. >Your eyes shoot wide.
  368. >You suddenly noticed a particularly plump butt was shaking close to you as you were still massaging your manmeat.
  369. >It belonged to a rather "thicc"-figured older lady that was just as fat in the chest.
  370. >She was apparently singing a song in her head as she bathed herself with soap in her hair.
  371. >She hadn't even noticed you.
  372. >You must've unconsciously wandered until you were right next to her.
  373. >Is that...
  374. >That's Cookie Crumbles! Rarity and Sweetie's mother you leered at stripping down to her bikini earlier.
  375. >Now her bikini is gone.
  376. >Now she's completely soaking wet and fully naked before you, mostly facing away, bare soft cake that is her wonderfully plump buttcheeks softly jiggling around and glistening with running water pouring down her smooth wet skin.
  377. >The nasty idea of spurting over those wet asscheeks before she had a chance to notice had suddenly crossed your mind.
  378. >Your horny mind rationalized that, at least the fat load you contained wouldn't be wasted on the floor.
  379. >Your cock throbbed hard at the idea.
  380. >Start rubbing it harder and harder, focusing on Cookie Crumbles's sexy wet naked body.
  381. >Getting closer and closer.
  382. >Cookie Crumbles's soft plump butt wobbles back and forth to her rubbing soap all over herself.
  383. >She suddenly turns around and sees you there, but can't see what you're doing.
  384. >Your hand only briefly stops, before continuing out of the sheer momentum of your own horniness when you see her big sexy breasts swaying side to side, bare dark-pink nipples fully exposed and all.
  385. >"...Anon?" She quietly addresses you. "Is that you?"
  386. >You can't respond, and you can't stop fapping to her.
  387. >"Oh dear, what are you doing here?" She looks around. "No one sees you in here, right?"
  388. >Shake your head, failing not to look down at her breasts.
  389. >Cookie starts to cover herself in front of you, because she saw you looking at her body.
  390. >You make eye contact with her and apologize with your eyes, which she seems to pick up on.
  391. >"Oh uh..." She suddenly sounds like she's trying to resist something.
  392. >Why is the perfume smell so strong in here?
  393. >"Come here, dear, stand behind me." She stops covering herself, consciously letting her nipples become fully exposed to you once more, and grabs your arm.
  394. >You stand under the water now, naked with Cookie Crumbles as she rinses off and shields you from view of the other women with her own body.
  395. >Her soft busty tits brush up against you as they wobble back and forth when she scrubs herself.
  396. >You can't stop rubbing.
  397. >Her proven-breedable body is too much to resist.
  398. >"Is everything okay?" She knows you are just blatantly staring at her naked body but now not covering herself anymore. "Can't find your clothes?"
  399. >Shake your head, urgently fapping to her right in front of you without her knowledge.
  400. >She thinks you're simply standing there, not thinking about what your arm motions mean.
  401. >Keep edging yourself to her huge breasts, wanting to suck on her bare nipples so badly.
  402. >"It's quite alright, I'll help you out as soon as I'm done."
  403. >You HAVE to nut NOW.
  404. >"Can you do me a favor and get my back? It's okay, no one can see us." She keeps her voice soft and quiet.
  405. >Cookie Crumbles turns around again, facing her big soft beautiful naked ass to you.
  406. >It sends you over the edge.
  407. >Your clench, you tense, your cock jolts and jerks around.
  408. >It's coming... you're cumming~
  409. >She hands you a glob of body wash for you to lather her back with.
  410. >She HAS to know how lewd this is!
  411. >And she's doing it willingly.
  412. >Your cock releases a spurt and it lands right on her soft round buttcheek.
  413. >A larger spurt, a huge rope of cum, follows suit and completely spans itself along Cookie Crumbles's other soft round buttcheek.
  414. >Your fapping hand is still wildly stroking your shaft as your lathering hand runs its way up and down her smooth sexy dripping back.
  415. >She shakes her butt around a little bit from taking a couple of steps in place as she feels your hand distracting her from the feeling of your thick ropes of cream accumulating all over her soft buttcheeks and lower back around her dimples of Venus.
  416. >Pretend nothing is wrong in your less naughty hand's motions.
  417. >"Thank you so much, Anon."
  418. >You grunt.
  419. >Letting more and more of your load shoot out of you now further up her back until it mixes with the bodywash.
  420. >All of your pent up frustration finally escapes.
  421. >And now there are two.
  422. >But you're not even out of the woods in here yet...
  423. >You watch the bodywash slide down.
  424. >Trickling down Cookie Crumbles's sleek back until it mixes with your increasingly accumulating ropes of cum that landed there so far.
  425. >Then seeps down by her dimples of Venus, some of it making its way right between Cookie Crumbles's awaiting buttcrack.
  426. >Your own hands move down with it all and start "lathering" Cookie Crumbles's soft glistening plump buttcheeks.
  427. >There was no way you'd have stopped yourself from turning it into groping.
  428. >Not with so much of her soaking wet, sexy naked body enticingly jiggling like that...
  429. >Her visible sideboobs, her bare plump ass, and more.
  430. >The voluptuous woman clearly noticed your hands squeezing and holding on to her lovely nude behind.
  431. >She briefly reacts, trying to say something, but nothing comes to her currently partially-rational mind.
  432. >Clearly, this is the fault of teen hormones.
  433. >She consensually created this situation by inviting this young man into the shower with her so he can hide with her until he can be able to go find his clothes.
  434. >Both she and him are naked in here together, and he's certainly at THAT age.
  435. >What else would she expect to happen?
  436. >He simply can't help himself.
  437. >With your hands running up and down her wide hips and sides of her soft dripping midriff.
  438. >She knows full well this young man's hands are wandering more than those of another female bather would.
  439. >She can feel them trembling slightly, only further indicating that you just can't help yourself and this is your uncontrollable libido talking.
  440. >At least in her mind, in its current state.
  441. >She takes a deep breath, further letting more of the mysterious perfume scent into her lungs.
  442. >Those teen hormones really are making you get very touchy-feely, aren't they?
  443. >Cookie Crumbles assumes the totally-not-groping is all that is taking place, and that nothing else... further... is happening, despite her oddly conflicted feelings about that.
  444. >She has no idea it’s already happening, all over her back and buttcheeks.
  445. >Your ejaculation finally concludes with one last spurt of excited mancream directly onto the crevice of Cookie Crumbles's buttcrack.
  446. >You were cumming no-handedly most of that ejaculation, which only made it feel better.
  447. >Because it felt like you were trying to prevent it, by not encouraging it to continue with your hand, which only make it... stubbornly continue...
  448. >Still continue to admire Cookie Crumbles's soft naked body with your hands even though clearly no new bodywash to be lathered around is present.
  449. >But she allows it, understanding of what's really happening, or at least as much as she isn't oblivious to.
  450. >You watch Cookie Crumbles's cum-drenched buttcheeks jiggle with every steps as she back herself up into the running water, rinsing all of the evidence away.
  451. >Unable to see that massive spread-out load travel down her thighs and into the obscurity of the mist.
  452. >Doomed to meet its fate down the currently not-perceivable shower drain.
  453. >Like it never even happened.
  454. >"C'mon, my clothes and towel are in my locker." She says to you, turning the water off after another minute or so of rinsing herself. "Don't slip now, darling."
  455. >You follow her out of the shower, and make it back over to the doorway between the entrance to the shower area and the entrance to the locker room area.
  456. >Cookie Crumbles holds onto your wrist in a soft yet insistent grip.
  457. >Guiding you through the beach washroom full of naked women just like her, like you're lost and she's showing you the way.
  458. >"This way, dear..." She gently pulls you along. "Get behind me so no one sees you."
  459. >The two of you make your way through the thick mist, both completely naked, dripping wet.
  460. >Pass by more variously sized and shaped women, but most of your attention remains on Cookie Crumbles, the beautiful woman you just got finished cumming all over the backside of, unbeknownst to her.
  461. >"Good thing it's so misty in here, hmm?" She giggles. "Follow me, this way."
  462. >Your wobbling cock is already back to standing straight up, that is, if it had even started to go down at any point at all.
  463. >Your free hand does the only thing it knows how to do right now.
  464. >Grasp your shaft and begin stroking again to the magnificent sight of the thick n' curvy Cookie Crumble's wet, slippery naked body making crystal clear just how soft and jiggly everything is.
  465. >"Stay right behind me, dear. I'll help you sneak out of here."
  466. >Every time she takes a step, her buttcheeks do an obvious little bounce with her nude walk.
  467. >Even from the back, you can make out the sides of her huge soft boobs bouncing up and down with each step as well.
  468. >How could you NOT masturbate to Cookie Crumbles's wet naked stride?
  469. >She guides you through the rows of lockers, holding your hand and wrist, while you use your other hand to blatantly masturbate to her soft curvy body's lovely wet naked display right in front of her.
  470. >Even as she faces you, you can plainly see her bare large-areolae breasts delightfully swaying with her body's movements.
  471. >As she holds your hand guiding you through the misty locker room area, Cookie Crumbles still cannot easily see (without paying attention) you brazenly jerking off to her sexy, wet, naked body right in front of her~
  472. >She soon seems to get lost herself, unable to remember where he locker was.
  473. >Something made her forget...
  474. >You quietly tell her you actually don't think you got everywhere on her back in the shower.
  475. >Part of her knows you obviously did, but another part of her guides you back in the other direction.
  476. >You continue jerking it to Cookie Crumbles all the way back to the shower area she "mistakenly" re-entered.
  477. >Re-enter the exact same shower stall, turn the water back on.
  478. >There's no bodywash left.
  479. >But you're not done yet.
  480. >"Wash" Cookie Crumbles's back, then her hips, torso...
  481. >She shudders at first when your hands reach around all the way, then make their way up and forward and sincerely grope her huge soft boobies~
  482. >She welcomes it with a horny sigh.
  483. >Wet and naked in the shower together, Cookie Crumbles continues to let you resume "bathing" her.
  484. >Almost playing it off like you're simply getting her front now, as if that even makes platonic sense.
  485. >By lustfully feeling up Cookie Crumbles's huge soft bountiful tits with lascivious hands, gently squeezing them and stroking your fingers back and forth along her arousing large-areolae nipples.
  486. >By slowly caressing her soft tummy and hips with those same lascivious hands, massaging her in ways that aren't anything like lathering or scrubbing.
  487. >Cookie Crumbles looks back at you, establishing brief eye contact, before returning her gaze forward and encouraging you to continue "bathing" her.
  488. >Both of your hands having been so eager to enjoy Cookie Crumbles's body left your heavily stimulated erection in dire need of something...
  489. >There was no way you were going to keep your hips back while feeling her up all over, with all that warm water running down her soft, curvy naked body,
  490. >That same plump butt of hers you came on irresistibly beckons you.
  491. >You lose all control of yourself, all of it.
  492. >Thrust your hips forward, slamming your erection right into Cookie's delightfully fat rear.
  493. >Her eyes widen, she lets out a noise in response to your throbbing shaft ramming itself between her big soft buttcheeks from behind.
  494. >Her noises get lower and more sultry the longer she feels you humping her with your erect cock hotdogging her enticing buns, snug between them.
  495. >As quietly as she can, she takes another deep breath of the still perfume-scented air and leans back into you.
  496. >Still trying to somehow pin the blame on simply teen hormones.
  497. >Through the narrow gap of her cleavage, she sees the tip of your cock poke through her thighs.
  498. >Slipping back and forth, in and out of view from where she can see past her soft sexy tummy.
  499. >There's no way this is just a normal shower now, not when she can see some precum leaking out of your tip as your erect length works itself between her tight soft thigh gap.
  500. >You plap your pelvis against Cookie Crumbles's wet soft round butt in the hot shower.
  501. >With your erect shaft rubbing against her vulva and eroding any remaining restraint she herself may have had.
  502. >And that didn't hold out very long.
  503. >Cookie Crumbles does her best to mask her horny moans from your stiffness massaging her goods like that.
  504. >She lets your hands freely feel her up anywhere they want all over her sexy wet naked body.
  505. >You fondle and grab her beautiful flesh as so much of her wonderfully jiggles around whether up against your hungry hands or not.
  506. >Cookie Crumbles's horniness gets the best of her, and she spins around to face you.
  507. >Quickly embracing you and locking your lips into a lustful tongue kiss with her.
  508. >You reach around and lightly spank her soft round buttcheeks before helping your erection find its way between her soft puffy vulva and drive deep inside.
  509. >Watch her pleading eyes light up in response to you penetrating her.
  510. >Doesn't take much convincing to begin humping Cookie Crumbles as hard as you can.
  511. >Your erection was already close to the breaking point, and you just had to give it what it needed.
  512. >Cookie Crumbles bites her lip in between long passionate kisses as you plow her, and plow her, and plow her even harder.
  513. >The wet plapping noises have got to be audible throughout the entire beach washroom, but the female-only occupants in here don't seem to notice, or mind it if they do notice.
  514. >Cookie Crumbles backs you up against the tile wall, and traps you into a corner while you fuck her with everything left you've ever held back inside before.
  515. >Her soft bellybutton and tummy breathe in and out faster and faster as your shaft stuffs her as a new kind of "bodywash gel dispenser" you both needed to improvise the lack of the first one.
  516. >Ejaculating once just wouldn’t cut it.
  517. >You can’t leave here until your balls are COMPLETELY empty.
  518. >Go harder and faster with as much fervor as you are able to muster.
  519. >This time, you don't stop after feeling your violent ejaculation begin once more.
  520. >Keep summoning it, even as you're already starting to cum with no turning back.
  521. >Anything left inside your sack must go.
  522. >Cookie Crumbles needs it...
  523. >You feel your stiff member tense all the way, shortly before the last of your load begins erupting out of you and deep into her.
  524. >It's all going to one place this time.
  525. >No need to wash anything off.
  526. >She lovingly kisses you with her full soft lips as you let it all out into her.
  527. >Stuffing her sweet cookies with warm cream.
  528. >She feels it all surging deep into her.
  529. >There's so much of it that she's in full belief that this is still your first ejaculation.
  530. >But she encourages you to blast it all inside of her regardless.
  531. >Keeping you pinned in the tile corner with her soft, curvy, sexy wet naked body for the entire duration of your much needed ejaculation inside of her.
  532. >Only after another minute or so does Cookie Crumbles free you from the corner of the shower.
  533. >You fall to your knees, sack completely emptied of its contents.
  534. >Just as out of breath as you are, Cookie Crumbles sits down on the shower floor with you and holds you in her arms.
  535. >With your face up against her big soft tits for another minute until you come to your senses enough to get the message that she wants you to suck on her nipple.
  536. >Something about this perfume scent put this urge into her head, specifically regarding her current prey she just asserted her authority over.
  537. >You happily comply, not needing any convincing whatsoever.
  538. >Letting this beautiful milf stroke the back of your head as you suckle on her warm large-areola breast on the shower floor with the running water now loudly covering up any further noises with both of you letting it directly hit the shower floor.
  539. >...
  540. >A bit later, you finally make it to Cookie Crumble's locker she was storing her things in.
  541. >In there with her clothes are also your own, to the surprise of both of you.
  542. >It's unmistakably obvious that all of this must have happened intentionally.
  543. >Like you're now allowed to access your clothes again now that the milf you gave up your entire cargo to is satisfied enough to access hers.
  544. >It's was sooooo on purpose.
  545. >But you're too satisfied and afterglow-struck to give two fucks about how or why.
  546. >Fuck that No Nut Nonsense, you're adding Cookie Crumbles's number to your phone.
  547. >You wonder what the previous man out of the race from CHS is doing right now.
  548. >He had mentioned something about Fluttershy's mother.
  549. >Anyway...
  550. >It is (very much so) down to two left.
  551. >…
  552. >Windy Whistles can’t wait for her daughter Rainbow Dash to come back home for the holidays.
  553. >RD has become incredibly more… filled out in recent years.
  554. >MUCH bustier chest, wider hips and thighs, softer tummy, and so on.
  555. >She hadn’t expected her slim, flat petite athletic daughter to have an extra growth spurt like this while in college.
  556. >But she’s proud of her and will obviously support her even if she decides that her physical form is no longer suitable for athletics anymore.
  557. >There must have been something RD picked up on the college campus over the summer while rooming with that fellow athlete.
  558. >And it must have been something magical, making her look more and more like her mother every day.
  559. >And making Windy Whistles herself feel more enthusiastic about the ways of love and… lust too…
  560. >Hopefully, it’s nothing too actually magical, as has happened in this town before, but nothing too extreme she knows about has taken place yet.
  561. >She knows her own willpower is very strong, which is where her daughter Rainbow Dash gets her own ironclad willpower from.
  562. >The only friend of hers who has more willpower than her is probably Cloudy Quartz; she was a tough nut to crack to even get to agree to meeting at a Denny’s at such an inconveniently close-to-supper time.
  563. >Cloudy usually sits down with her family every evening for supper, not stays at a restaurant with friends, that’s very unlike her, but she’s been surprisingly lenient about it this time, considering her.
  564. >Maybe something really is going around.
  565. >Anyway, Windy Whistles has been trying to contact Cookie Crumbles for the past couple of hours now, but she doesn’t seem to have her phone on her at the moment.
  566. >Oh well, just unfortunate timing at the moment.
  567. >She’s planning to get together with her, Cloudy Quartz and Posey Shy for a collective luncheon exclusively for the moms of their corresponding daughters’ friends group.
  568. >Those who were able to make it at least.
  569. >But four of them being available to all eat at Denny’s together is quite the party.
  570. >There’ll be so many neat things to talk about, and Windy Whistles can brag about her own daughter’s achievements while the other three go about their own topics of interest.
  571. >Family gossip, new shopping trends, how work has been going, celebrity news, funny corny memes they saw on the internet social media pages they shared with friends.
  572. >Cloudy Quartz is totally still going so long as she doesn’t spoil her appetite for supper with her family, while last word from Cookie Crumbles was similar, but Posey Shy hasn’t officially made up her mind yet.
  573. >With that, Windy decides to visit Posey’s home to ask her if she’d still like to go, since she doesn’t seem to be near her phone either.
  574. >And she sees an almost unfamiliar car in the driveway, taking a moment to recognize it as one of the students’ cars.
  575. >Oh! That must be Zephyr’s friend she heard about coming here to help Posey’s son with homework that one time.
  576. >Must have gone well if he came back.
  577. >That’s all Windy Whistles has to go on since Posey Shy has been rather tight lipped about however it went ever since it happened.
  578. >But Posey is usually quiet anyway, so Windy didn’t really give it any second thought.
  579. >Now Cookie Crumbles suddenly going temporarily silent was a little bit more surprising.
  580. >She usually has a million and one things to talk about by now, but maybe she’s saving it up for the luncheon.
  581. >”Hello?” Windy notices the front door of Posey Shy’s house already cracked open.
  582. >Being quite similar to her daughter who inherited some of her character, Windy Whistles just walks right on into the unusually warm front room of the house without even knocking.
  583. >”Posey? You there?” Windy Whistles continues up the quietly creaking stairs. “I think I hear ya!”
  584. >She continues towards the door to the master bedroom.
  585. >And with this, she makes a discovery as soon as she pushes the ajar door open and looks towards the bed.
  586. >There’s no way Posey herself is going to explain in her own words the end result of the events leading up to this as follows:
  587. >…
  588. >Posey Shy was sitting on the living room couch shortly after the first encounter with her son’s friend.
  589. >Her mind was spinning, trying to figure out what all of this was making her feel inside.
  590. >The way he went into hot little spasms against her body while she pinned him to the flowery bushes… the way he… reached inside of her clothes… underneath her bra cups…
  591. >Posey knew it was wrong what he did, but it didn’t feel anywhere near as wrong as it should have.
  592. >Not even in retrospect.
  593. >She looked at it more fondly than she’d be willing to admit to her friends, every time the memory of the feeling of his wild hands exploring inside of her top against her bare skin crossed her mind.
  594. >It just felt so… needed.
  595. >She’d been feeling so tense recently, very wanting of something she couldn’t identify, and she wasn’t able to identify it until that young man came inside of his pants after she bumped into him.
  596. >It’s like… so THAT was what she wanted all along!
  597. >Posey bit her lip and crossed her legs in response to the sexual memory.
  598. >Remembering exactly how to find the phone number of her son Zephyr’s friend.
  599. >She knew he wouldn’t talk about it to anyone, having seen how embarrassed he was after he came back to his senses.
  600. >Posey smiled knowing how she wouldn’t tell anyone either, officially solidifying the secret enough for it to… continue, if she wanted.
  601. >It took her a long several moments of thinking before the urge got the best of her and she went to find his number.
  602. >…
  603. >You were so afraid that word of your mishap would spread around the parental ring like wildfire.
  604. >Until you received a phone call from Fluttershy’s mom herself, extinguishing those fears the instant she told you that she doesn’t want anyone to find out either… and that she wants to know if you can come over again to talk about it.
  605. >It took her several minutes to get the words out, as though part of her was trying to get her to hang up on you and flee back into silence.
  606. >But something about the memory of you kept her on the line.
  607. >And now you’re coming over to her place to “talk everything out”.
  608. >You’re glad you were able to recognize her voice, otherwise you would have assumed this was a cruel prank.
  609. >Without second thought, as though your own instincts are already taking you back over, you drive over to the house as instantly as you can.
  610. >Luckily not getting a speeding ticket on the way over.
  611. >Knock on her door knowing exactly what the true intentions are here.
  612. >Otherwise, she wouldn’t have thrown in the “maybe come help Zephyr again today” with this whole other thing looming over the both of you, not to mention the fact that Zephyr isn’t even home when she opens the door and lets you in.
  613. >Your eyes immediately lock their gaze at Posey Shy’s remarkably busty chest as you step in, and she notices this right away but doesn’t do anything about it.
  614. >”So…”
  615. “So…”
  616. >There’s a long pause before she tries to say something else.
  617. >”Umm…”
  618. “Is Zephyr not here?”
  619. >Posey shakes her head, then again after you ask if anyone else is.
  620. >You can see her chest going in and out more as she breathes more heavily.
  621. >Both of you are fidgeting with your own fingers as you sit on the living room couch together, exchanging nervous glances with the memory of what happened not only freely going off like fireworks in your own minds but also freely flowing back and forth with mutual knowledge of what you did together.
  622. >What you did and how it felt.
  623. >Posey Shy bites her lip and blushes heavily, clearly having second thoughts about this.
  624. >The two of you came here to “talk things out”, except neither of you are exactly doing any more talking.
  625. >Posey Shy continues to apologize profusely with her eyes, even more so when you scoot closer to her.
  626. >Both of you already know where this is going, and she’s the one who got the urge to open the door for it, but now she’s hesitant as soon as you started walking through.
  627. >You’re hesitant too, but not as much.
  628. >You wouldn’t have behaved this way had something THAT special didn’t already happen between you two.
  629. >It would have felt more inappropriate for you to put your arm around Posey Shy like this.
  630. >But she just lets out a shaking sigh and allows you to continue, face as red as a tomato.
  631. >She’s considering the possible ways out of this, the possible ways she can keep this from continuing before it grows into something she can’t keep secret anymore.
  632. >Why did she have to enable this young man the way she did?
  633. >Why did she so clearly WANT to enable him like this?
  634. >The way he convulsed in the flowery bush against her had awoken something within her that has been trying to get out since a little earlier this year.
  635. >It had been sleeping and only making tiny little distractions until he had to go and wake it up like that with that coincidental encounter.
  636. >Posey should have known that a boy his age would be unable to ignore how large her chest is, knowing how the hormones go with these young men.
  637. >And now she can’t ignore his inability to ignore.
  638. >Posey Shy can’t look away from how increasingly obvious your growing erection inside your underwear is becoming through your pants.
  639. >Your raging erection already says everything she wants to know.
  640. >You continue looking down at Posey Shy’s chest, clearly glancing at her slightly-in-view cleavage after she takes off her jacket, and she doesn’t even acknowledge it despite obviously knowing you’re looking at her there.
  641. >Again, this would feel less… right… had it not been for you cumming in your pants right up against Posey Shy while feeling her up under her clothes in the past.
  642. >All you putting your arm around her does is make this less awkward, not more.
  643. >Because you’re inching this closer to what you two have already become fond of.
  644. >And it’s what’s been flaring up in both of your minds non-stop, so it’s only you making things inch closer and closer to what both of you want, not just a “wrong” encounter between a young CHS student and Fluttershy’s mother.
  645. >You feel Posey Shy begin to shake after your reaching around arm makes its way under her arm, wrapping directly around her still clothed body.
  646. >Your hand lands right on her soft tummy through her top, trying its hardest not to caress up and down and then failing to stop itself.
  647. >”O-oh… my…~” Posey Shy’s eyes go wide, her lips quivering.
  648. >She’s probably trying to pretend to be surprised, but you both knew what this was as soon as you walked in.
  649. >You came her to have sex with Posey Shy, properly this time.
  650. >And she let you in because she wants to have sex with you.
  651. >But neither of you are willing to admit this in words… just demonstration.
  652. >Exactly as the oddly growing humidity in this place dictates.
  653. >Your hand ventured its way upward on the front of Posey Shy’s soft curvy body, unsubtly pushing up against her big soft chest through her blouse.
  654. >She faintly jolts in response to this, but fails to hold back a quivering smile.
  655. >Posey Shy’s mind races and spins, worried about how the last time could be forgiven for being an out-of-control accident that happened between you two, but not this time.
  656. >This time, it’s completely done deliberately and consensually.
  657. >Both of you planned it and agreed to it together, there’s no way to explain this to anyone in a way that… th-that…
  658. >Posey Shy’s train of thought goes off the rails when your hand begins to unsubtly grope her big soft tit through her blouse.
  659. >You’re as stiff as a tree trunk in your pants now, only getting harder the more you feel Posey Shy’s soft clothed busty chest against your hand.
  660. >To (both of) you, it feels so… good~
  661. >Posey tries to regain her quickly draining common sense.
  662. >She’s not to have sex with her son’s friend from school!
  663. >But what she really can’t decide is if she’s too nervous to say no, or too horny to say no~
  664. >Nature’s just doing what nature does, like on the Discovery Channel, and Posey Shy is 100% on board with it whether she’s trying to be or not.
  665. >She’s been feeling an itch for months now, and a teaser of the scratch it needed was accidentally presented to her last time you were here; there is no going back now.
  666. >She needs the whole thing now.
  667. >Has to finish what the two of you started.
  668. >Posey Shy looks down, discovers she hadn’t realized you already started unbuttoning the front of her blouse.
  669. >She didn’t notice until your fingers already succeeded halfway down.
  670. >It’s too late to button everything back up; you can plainly see Posey Shy’s entire deep soft cleavage and her frilly bra cups holding it together.
  671. >She shivers in apprehensive arousal while your hands unbutton down the front of her open blouse even further and expose Posey Shy’s soft bare tummy and bellybutton…
  672. >Now it’s much easier than before to reach inside of her clothes.
  673. >Especially when you can see what you’re doing this time.
  674. >Posey Shy squeaks quietly to your hands caressing along her smooth bare skin and reminding her of that feeling she missed more than she realized she did.
  675. >Her restraint she was already failing to hold up comes crashing down all the way now, and Posey Shy lets out a long quiet moan of arousal in response to your hands increasingly eagerly feeling her up.
  676. >Her moan couldn’t be kept in with all that happening.
  677. >You pull her into a kiss, meeting her lips with yours and getting her to pucker hers in un-repressible arousal.
  678. >After this, you grab the rim of Posey Shy’s bra and gently pull it upward as far as you can.
  679. >Her huge soft boobs are initially stubborn to fall out of their bra cups, and Posey’s tummy breathes in and out faster than several minutes ago.
  680. >But your upward pulling was too persistent, and the tension from Posey Shy’s bra slowly breaks as her frilly bra cups gradually slide up her smooth soft breasts.
  681. >You watch both of her large-areola nipples slip out into view.
  682. >Posey shuts her eyes as her sexy bare breasts fall out of her frilly bra cups.
  683. >Yeah… that’s where Hootershy inherited her goods from.
  684. >Posey Shy makes less shy noises when your hands grope her huge bare soft breasts and gently squeeze more and more pleasure into her.
  685. >Her fully opened blouse falls down her arms, the back of her bra is unhooked so it all stays loose and unable to cover her breasts anymore even if pulled back down.
  686. >You pull Posey’s undone bra down her arms as well, and are burying your face into her busty soft chest before you even know it.
  687. >She helps you catch her big sexy nipple in your mouth.
  688. >Latch on and immediately begin suckling on her.
  689. >Officially submitting yourself to her and letting her know that you’re all hers.
  690. >Posey Shy contorts her face a little as she lets you suck on her breasts one by one, but her wanting side has gotten too strong to not totally take over.
  691. >She welcomingly holds your head up against her chest, letting you fully wrap your arms around her soft, nearly topless body.
  692. >”Would you like to come in my room?” She warmly asks, feeling your head and face gently nodding against herself.
  693. >The two of you stay on the couch for another several minutes, with you thirstily kissing and sucking Posey Shy’s big sexy nipples until they’re irreversibly stiff and erect from it all.
  694. >The feeling makes her giggle a little.
  695. >Only let your mouth go of her on the way upstairs, then latching back on as soon as you fall onto the master bedroom bed together.
  696. >Posey Shy lies on her back against the soft sheets as the rays of sunlight beam down upon her through the window, her bare exposed nipples on her soft busty chest fully erect and begging for the return of your lips.
  697. >The light from the window soon has your head blocking most of it trying to shine onto her chest.
  698. >She happily moans and softly throws her head back against the bedsheets as your thirsty mouth works and works your latched lips until you begin churning warm breastmilk out of Posey Shy’s nipples one by one.
  699. >She listens to you momentarily begin to gulp it down, and keeps her hand behind your head to hold you up against her huge soft bare breasts until you’re finally done several more minutes afterward.
  700. >You scrunch Posey’s skirt up her smooth thick thighs and grab either side of her panties upon feeling them get captured in your grip.
  701. >Initially having to work them down her soft round buttcheeks against the sheets.
  702. >Posey Shy now simply lets out a moan of encouragement as you slide her panties all the way down her legs, soon positioning yourself between her legs.
  703. >Undo the front of your pants, do everything you need to do to free your erect cock.
  704. >Move your hips forward up between Posey Shy’s soft sexy thighs until your push your tip against her bare crotch then find its way between her vulva.
  705. >Posey’s encouraging moans turn to hornily celebratory wails as your length pushed deeper and deeper into her.
  706. >She’s not even able to have second thoughts anymore about something she wants so badly.
  707. >The bed creaks back and forth to the rocking of your hips.
  708. >Posey’s voice becomes breathy and almost desperate for more; her glasses fall crooked from her lidded eyes little by little with each thrust you deliver.
  709. >The once-neat bedsheets become ruffled and messy little by litter the longer this goes on, with a deep accumulating heat from the two of you getting the rest of your frustration out on top of them.
  710. >You rock your hips harder and harder, making Posey Shy’s beautiful naked breasts sway up and down as she lies on her back before you.
  711. >Her eyes silently tell you to let her know when you’re cumming… so she knows exactly when to leglock you as tightly as she can.
  712. >With this, you make the bed rock more and more.
  713. >Had this bed not been so massive and had the floor not been carpet, it’d have started sliding back and forth at the legs below.
  714. >You can hear in Posey shy’s voice that she needed this really badly, more badly that she had ever been aware of.
  715. >She reaches her arms up and grabs the pillow behind her head.
  716. >Her fully unbuttoned open blouse still draped to her wrists, along with her loosely tangled undone bra also at her wrists.
  717. >Posey Shy’s bare soft tummy shows a slight bulge from your erect cock deeply plowing inside of her each time your motion is as forward as it can go.
  718. >Your humping makes Posey’s soft bellybutton rise and fall until her scrunched up skirt gets pushed up enough from it all to cover it.
  719. >Which unveils Posey Shy’s delightfully stuffed pussy gripping onto your cock as it drives in and out, letting you get a prolonged look at how lovingly your having sex with Fluttershy’s mother.
  720. >For more and more minutes atop the bed.
  721. >Posey Shy’s pleading eyes ask you if you’re cumming yet.
  722. >Not yet, but you’re getting closer.
  723. >Posey shy’s assertive legs lock onto you, with her quickly humping up against you right back.
  724. >Nope, you’re cumming right now.
  725. >You simply agree and surrender yourself to the creeping climax that gets further encouraged by your own quickening humping to match Posey’s quickening humping.
  726. >The point of no return is thoroughly crossed, and you keep going as enthusiastically as you can anyway.
  727. >Being a proven fertile breeder, Fluttershy’s mother Posey Shy knew exactly when she needed to tighten her leglock upon your waist.
  728. >The very instant she felt your cheeks clench against her shins, she knew.
  729. >And she tightens her leglock with such an inescapable assertion that you couldn’t escape if you tried.
  730. >Your load charges up through your shaft, immediately gushing out deep into Posey Shy.
  731. >She feels every last bit of it, not letting go of you throughout the entire duration.
  732. >She strains and bites her lip once more, soon kissing you on the lips in a much deeper french kiss to the thick hot load painting Posey Shy’s entire womb from the inside.
  733. >Her hot breath fills the air with yours, and her busty naked chest rises and falls up against you from below as you continue and continue to nut deeply inside of her.
  734. >Posey Shy’s voice makes all sort of satisfied noises as she tries to say something.
  735. >But her thoughts are all scrambled from feeling your jolting cock still wildly gushing more of your hot load way down inside of her; it keeps reverting her mind back to a state of 100% focus on breeding and nothing more.
  736. >Fluttershy’s mother finally lets go of you from her lovely thighs after another minute goes by.
  737. >She’s exhausted and simply lets you go back to continuing to suck on her bare nipples in bed with her.
  738. >Smiling, sighing and giggling between deep tired breaths you share with her as your face is buried deep in her big soft breasts one by one.
  739. >”Posey? You there?” A somewhat distant voice calls from presumably the stairs.
  740. >But you don’t even register it despite noticing it.
  741. >Both you and Posey Shy are too horny and caught up in your afterglow to truly get your minds to care about this and shut the door you didn’t realize was still ajar.
  742. >“I think I hear ya!” The voice got closer, soon followed by the sound of the door creaking open. “Yo, you in h-”
  743. >…
  744. >And so, Windy Whistles stops in her tracks, staring wide-eyes at the two of you.
  745. >Posey Shy doesn’t even let go of the back of your head, as though you briefly fucked all her shyness out of her system for a split second.
  746. >”…P-Posey?!” Windy Whistles gawks on in disbelief.
  747. >”It’s okay… He’s 18.” Posey responds with her breathy voice slowly coming back.
  748. >You finally come to your senses feeling the vibrations of Posey’s soothing voice vibrating against your face through her big soft breast.
  749. >Briefly release her nipple with an audible popping noise.
  750. “Y-yeah… I’m 18.” You back her up. “Don’t worry, it’s fine.”
  751. >”But you’re married!” Responds Windy Whistles.
  752. >”…S-so?” Posey finally feels her shyness return with a nervous squee as she covers herself with a blushing grin.
  753. >Windy stares at her for the longest time, but neither of you even try to hide what’s been going on.
  754. >”I… um…”
  755. >”Alright alright alright, look, I know there’s technically no laws against this around here. And only Cloudy cares a whole lot about this kind of stuff. But… YOU?! Really? And with one of the students?”
  756. >”…I-I can explain…” Posey trails off, knowing she can’t.
  757. >”Maybe there really is a love spell outbreak going on.” Windy continues, starting to piece together things she noticed throughout the past few months. “Hang on, hang on, I think I know more than you do about this.”
  758. >”…What?…”
  759. >”Has anything been… affecting your daughter lately? Especially after that PTA meeting this year.” Windy Whistles asks. “I think I have more explaining to do than you do if you aren’t aware.”
  760. >”Wh-what’s been going on?”
  761. >Windy gets ready to explain how her own daughter Rainbow Dash has gotten much more voluptuous herself lately and proceeds to ask her friend if Fluttershy has lately experienced… similar developments.
  762. >You just watch Posey slowly stop covering herself, and then simply begin to hold her while in bed with her as she talks to one of the other CHS alumni’s mother.
  763. >They don’t even mind you hearing everything they say, and you learn that one of your friends may have already been taken by Cookie Crumbles, the mother of Rarity and Sweetie Belle who are also from CHS.
  764. >Your friend DID sound weird when he said he was planning to return home from the beach alone instead of with the rest of you.
  765. >If he’s already fallen to whatever… this… is that’s been going on, then you start to wonder if your remaining two friends still made it.
  766. >But you have no idea just how drastically that’s going to change, starting with Windy Whistles.
  767. >And then eventually Cloudy Quartz, after her extremely powerful sexual restraint finally meets its match and inevitably much later loses the great fight against unstoppable horny lust.
  768. >As it’s hardwired into her very human nature itself, no matter how strongly repressed… a naturally sexual being’s primordial truth cannot be erased.
  769. >And once that sexual truth gets amplified by persistent forces outside of her control, it’ll sooner or later become a problem only pent up young lads like you and your friends have the ONLY solution to.
  774. ~
  775. >...
  776. >And now it’s mid to late December.
  777. >Windy whistles’s daughter Rainbow Dash has come home for the holidays from college.
  778. >And Windy can’t help but notice how quickly Rainbow Dash has filling out during the past year or so.
  779. >All before she even turns 20.
  780. >Back in Windy’s day, it took until at LEAST her late 20s as an active athlete to start getting bustier in the chest and softer on the tummy.
  781. >Hadn’t even reached D-cup status until she was about 39, and Rainbow Dash somehow reached it two whole decades earlier than that.
  782. >There either really is something magical going on, or someone needs to find out what they’re putting in the chocolate milk over at Canterlot University she knows her daughter’s been gulping down pretty often.
  783. >It HAS to be some potent external force causing rapid-paced growth spurts and common-sense-altering libido surges.
  784. >There’s no other explanation for Rainbow Dash going from a lower B-cup bra size to a full-on D-cup bra size in barely over a year with the rest of her staying in relatively fit shape.
  785. >This is part of what she had explained to her friend Posey Shy after she caught her in the act with one of her daughter’s male classmates.
  786. >The four of them eventually have their luncheon together, Posey Shy, Cookie Crumbles, Windy Whistles and Cloudy Quartz.
  787. >It’s not out of the ordinary for Posey Shy to nervously sip her coffee in relative silence, but Cookie Crumbles to behave relatively similarly with a look of guilt in her eyes is something Cloudy Quartz catches onto really fast.
  788. >”Is something the matter?” Questions Cloudy. “Normally you’d be mentioning the matching Christmas outfits your daughter made for you and herself by now.”
  789. >”Oh, hahah, I suppose I’m just tired right now.”
  790. >Cloudy raises an eyebrow at her, already able to tell something’s up.
  791. >So can Windy, except she herself already knows what it is specifically.
  792. >”Have fun at the beach?” She asks.
  793. >The way Cookie Crumbles stares at her coffee like she’s watching a Jenga tower fall says it all.
  794. >Those contracting pupils, that awkward smile…
  795. >She’s remembering something she doesn’t want to talk about out loud.
  796. >Windy Whistles silently gasps, semi-intentionally, and unintentionally just in view of Cloudy quartz’s eyesight.
  797. >”What is it?” Asks Cloudy Quartz. “What happened at the beach?”
  798. >Posey Shy sinks into her seat in one-and-a-half-hand embarrassment, knowing her own guilt while also knowing she’s no longer alone in it.
  799. >”What did you just gasp at? Tell me!” Cloudy Quartz goes into full questionnaire-mode. “Is there something I don’t know about?”
  800. >”Now now, nothing bad happened.” Cookie Crumbles clumsily attempts to clarify, hiding the memory of how good it felt from her facial expression the best she can.
  801. >The beans are eventually spilled, what with Windy Whistles not being very good at keeping secrets to herself, and Posey Shy confessing out of pure guilt that she had romped around as well.
  802. >But it’s also due to Cookie Crumbles deciding to explain her rationale for having sex with one of those young men, stating that it was healthy to help him get all that out of his system and that being sexually open like that isn’t entirely a bad thing.
  803. >Not entirely at least, with this one occasion being a rare exception to the wrongness.
  804. >”I cannot believe what I am hearing!” Cloudy Quartz begins to lecture the other two women. “I never thought I’d see the day when I’d find out that two of my closest friends were disloyal to their husbands like this!”
  805. >”It’s different with some people, dear.” Cookie Crumbles defends her “conscious” decision to have done what she did. “I am totally fine with you being more traditional than the rest of us, but…” She goes on and on before Cloudy has her turn going on and on right back at her.
  806. >All the women are careful not to allow anyone else in the Denny’s to hear them talking about this for the next 40 minutes or so.
  807. >The secret will still be kept, but Cloudy is shamed of her friends for falling victim to such temptations.
  808. >”And Windy!” Cloudy continues. “I sincerely hope you don’t fall down the same dark path these two must be saved from. This must be amended between you and your husband if you already have!”
  809. >”Hey!” Windy starts to feel insulted by the assumption. “It still didn’t happen to me! My loyalty’s too strong.”
  810. >”How do you know it won’t happen in the future? You said there’s magic going around, right?”
  811. >”It just won’t, okay? It won’t happen to me, I’ll make sure of it! I’m not about to fall victim to the same thing.” Windy turns to the other two. “No offense.”
  812. >”None taken, dear.” Cookie Crumbles takes a deep breath after having to respond to Cloudy Quartz’s interrogation for over a half an hour now.
  813. >Cloudy Quartz crosses her arms and gives her an ashamed look.
  814. >”Well it’s NOT gonna happen to me!” Swears Windy Whistles.
  815. >The four eventually change the topic when their food arrives.
  816. ~
  817. >…
  818. >Making it through November was one thing.
  819. >But making it through December too?
  820. >That’s something only the most elite “warriors” can do.
  821. >Two of your friends have fallen, and you and your remaining non-CHS pal survive.
  822. >Christmas has passed, and the time to think about New Years resolutions has come into the foreground of your mind.
  823. >And your ambitions are only amplified by what you have done with yourself.
  824. >You feel like you could fly somehow.
  825. >You could run 5 marathons in a day.
  826. >You could travel the world and not tire out once.
  827. >But instead, you’re just going to work out as a ceremonial pledge towards your New Year’s resolution to “git gud” every single day you can for the entirety of next year.
  828. >You’ve been on a roll with nofap, and it’s gotten you all confident that you can take things even further.
  829. >You could become absolutely shredded through dedication from working out to ignore your libido trying to scream at you “I can’t take it anymore”.
  830. >You needed something to distract yourself with, and weightlifting is something that fits that need like a slipper.
  831. >Because you needed an excuse to motivate yourself to lift weights more often than your comfort zone would allow you under normal circumstances.
  832. >Normal circumstances simply won’t do anymore, but these are no longer normal circumstances.
  833. >All this pent-up-ness has gotten you incredibly not normal.
  834. >And with this, you enter the gym with your bag of clothes locked away in your locker and the overhead light beating down on your determined forehead.
  835. >Step into the room feeling the shill of the air conditioning goosebump your skin up.
  836. >A bit more than usual, actually.
  837. >Make yourself sweat on the treadmill a little bit to counter this, trying to bring that body heat up since there ain’t no thermostat that will.
  838. >But it looks like someone else was already ahead of you on that, and you think you know this guy too.
  839. >He doesn’t even look at you as he makes his feet blur atop the racing treadmill below him.
  840. >Hoodie over his head casting a shadow over his eyes that stay glued to the number of miles he’s traveled in the data.
  841. >”Sorry if it’s too cold in here.” He says to you as what must be hid form of greeting.
  842. “Hm?”
  843. >”My fault. I turned the thermostat down.”
  844. >That voice.
  845. >Yup, that’s Wood Elf.
  846. >”I figured you’d ask by now like the guy on my team did.”
  847. “About what? The cold?”
  848. >”Yeah. I’m sorry if it’s too cold. You can turn it back up if you want, I’m gonna sweat too much either way now.”
  849. >Is this guy insane?
  850. >He’s gonna make his ears hurt from sweating in the cold like this.
  851. >Then again, this Wood Elf guy is kinda known to be a weirdo.
  852. >Isn’t he like 26 or something anyway?
  853. >You just ignore him and decide against turning the heat up, since no one else is here.
  854. >On the treadmill next to Wood Elf, you try to remember if this guy does the nofap too.
  855. >If he doesn’t he doesn’t exactly talk about it much, if at all.
  856. >Look at the number of miles he has on the treadmill, wondering in that’s accurate, given how fiercely he’s still sprinting on that thing.
  857. >It’s making you feel inadequate.
  858. >He already left the room before you had noticed.
  859. >Didn’t even say goodbye.
  860. >Whatever, you’ll totally do exactly what he did on your own treadmill with no issue.
  861. >You can totally outdo that guy, he’s older than you and in a way where you should naturally have more energy than him anyway.
  862. >The draft ends at 26, right? There’s gotta be a reason for that.
  863. >Didn’t even realize you were muttering to yourself while on the treadmill trying not to get too tired too soon.
  864. >Start running out of breath, realizing that your ambition you were reaching for just might be out of your range, which only enrages you having seen someone just blow right past you in this.
  865. >Your own on-edge-ness makes all of this kind of stuff feel worse.
  866. >Really brings out your competitive side even when no one’s around.
  867. >You didn’t hear the door open and shut.
  868. >Someone came in and got onto the treadmill next to you.
  869. >After finally no longer being so caught up in yourself and stuck in your dumb little ways, you turn your head to see who it is.
  870. >”Fun way to spend the end of the year, huh?” Windy Whistles replies to your curious glance.
  871. >Oh fuck, it’s that loud soccer mom who wouldn’t stop making a scene when her daughter Rainbow Dash was on a roll on the field back when she went to school here.
  872. >After RD graduated, you were under the impression that you’d never see this lady again, since RD didn’t have and younger siblings going here.
  873. >But it looks like you were wrong about part of that.
  874. >”Must be great still being so young. The pounds don’t come back to ya so easily.” She continues, slipping her jacket’s hood down.
  875. >Feels way too weird to have someone’s mother be the only person in the workout room with you.
  876. “Yeah. Well uh, I’m just spending the last of the year doing whatever.”
  877. >You try not to pay too much attention to her after the smalltalk starts to die down.
  878. >Hard to do so when she starts up again, now bringing up her daughter Rainbow Dash and what she’s recently accomplished in college.
  879. >Things she apparently already told her mother about, and now her mother is telling random young guys at the gym who are practically complete strangers to her.
  880. >Even outside of Rainbow Dash’s presence, her mother still can’t stop going on and on about her.
  881. >Why is the universe simply designed to annoy you? Namely after it’s been long enough into the nofap where every little thing starts to get on your nerves because you’re so tense all the time.
  882. >Up the speed on the treadmill just to get the anger out, imagining yourself just running out the room form this lady and into the safety of the locker room.
  883. >Soon calming down about part of your irritating night, at least.
  884. >Almost feel like you’re subconsciously trying to impress Windy Whistles through how fast you can run on the treadmill.
  885. >That Wood Elf guy who is probably miles away by now did more than you’re doing right now.
  886. >You’re still more concerned with focusing on him instead of talking to RD’s mom running on the treadmill right next to you.
  887. >At least you can be proud of yourself for not having any sexual thoughts with a woman right next to you, after you’ve gone two entire months without rubbing one out at any point.
  888. >Weird how you’ve been… how you’ve been...
  889. >You forgot what you were about to say.
  890. >Even through her jacket or sweatshirt or whatever that thing is, Windy Whistles’s huge chest is very alluringly bouncing up and down as she runs.
  891. >You should NOT have looked to your side!
  892. >Why did you have to go and do that?!
  893. >Luckily, she didn’t even notice you glance over at her body while going on and on about her daughter.
  894. >But you’ve noticed her assets underneath that sweater jacket going wind all up and down as they do.
  895. >Even though the thick layers of clothing, it was obvious.
  896. >But you immediately take your mind off of it all and continue running, having had great control over your own mind and impulses for so long.
  897. >She continues talking about her daughters achievements, and you play along pretending to be listening to her.
  898. >And now it’s time to step off of the treadmill; your body is telling you “no more”.
  899. >Absolute exhaustion is beginning to overtake you, but you’re still mad about your number of miles not being as high as the number of miles that Wood Elf guy got.
  900. >So you continue running aggressively, ignoring the soreness in your legs, ignoring your out-of-breathlessness.
  901. >Windy must be getting at least a little impressed by your stamina by now.
  902. >You’re barely even over halfway to the previous record set by the guy before you.
  903. >And your lungs and legs already feel like they’re gonna give out.
  904. >Damn, how did he do it?
  905. >He didn’t even look tired when you were talking to him.
  906. >Like, yeah he’s a professional and all and you’re not, but, just damn.
  907. >Being so behind someone with there being nothing you can immediately do about it really gets to you.
  908. >This must happen to lots of guys doing the nofap.
  909. >Anyway, what are you supposed to do about it anyway?
  910. >Complete years of physical muscle and cardiovascular training in the span of one run?
  911. >Do you have ANY idea how literally impossible that is?
  912. >This Wood Elf guy is in his mid 20s, and you’re 18, of fucking course he’s gonna be better than you, he’s probably been training non-stop since he was younger than your age.
  913. >16 to 26 is 10 fucking years of practice and training; you’ve only been doing this for a little less than half that time at VERY best.
  914. >Okay, now that you’ve distracted yourself with all of those facts you’ll now go back to ignoring again, you look back down at the number of miles you’ve run.
  915. >Barely even two thirds of Wood-Elf’s distance.
  916. >Maybe you’re feeling like you should be at professional level because you’ve pent yourself up with “extra energy” for two entire months.
  917. >And your soaring expectations inside your jumpy brain outpaced your physical capabilities.
  918. >By a lot.
  919. >You’re wheezing so hard that Windy actually became concerned and stopped talking about how great her daughter is to ask you if you’re okay.
  920. >Your extreme exhaustion puts your body on survival autopilot and forces you to plant your feet on the sides of the treadmill off of the conveyor belt section.
  921. >Hunch your back, gasping and wheezing with it feeling like it’s still not enough to bring you enough air into your lungs in time.
  922. >Dizzyness overtakes you, start seeing colors, fail to catch your breath that is still outpacing you.
  923. >You really did yourself in now.
  924. >”Are you okay?!” Windy Whistles sees a sight concerning enough to get her to step off of her own treadmill.
  925. >She slams her hand onto the emergency stop button you forgot to press.
  926. >Your hands weakly clasp upon the side railing bars of the treadmill, sliding down the length from the sweat of your palms.
  927. >Your entire field of vision turns green and swirly as though you had just rubbed your eyes for too long, taking away your ability to see anything at all.
  928. >Yup, you ran waaaaaay too hard.
  929. >Shouldn’t have done that.
  930. >Now you’re paying a rather severe price.
  931. >It’s too late now; your body is giving out and you can feel through the pain, soreness and exhaustion yourself falling.
  932. >She must have caught you, because you didn’t feel yourself land on the solid conveyor belt or even worse, the floor.
  933. >Your chest and stomach each heave up and down as you face upwards towards the ceiling, desperately gasping for air like a fish out of water.
  934. >Why did you do this to yourself?
  935. >Now Rainbow Dash’s mom probably has to call an ambulance for you, a stranger she’s never met.
  936. >Your loud-ass wheezing has got to be making her worried sick.
  937. >”Can somebody help?!” She can be heard calling out, barely, as your hearing is starting to become muffled too.
  938. >Your self-induced flash-bang moment lasts for about another minute or so as your impaired senses prevent you from processing anything going on right now.
  939. >…
  940. >It’s probably been an entire minute more by now.
  941. >You know this only because you’re still resting on the floor up against Windy’s arms and chest.
  942. >Too out of it to even process that you’re leaning up against her boobs until you come back to your senses more.
  943. >”Damn it, no one else is here.” She mutters.
  944. >It’s the first thing you hear post-exhaustion-overload.
  945. >Your vision slowly fades back to you.
  946. “I… hah… hh… I’m… oh…o-… okay… I’m okay… hohh fuck…” You get the message out between hyperventilating wheezes, holding your thumb up.
  947. >Your lungs are SCREAMING at you.
  948. >So are your legs.
  949. >”Oh thank goodness you’re okay!” Windy sighs in relief after learning she doesn’t have to call 9-1-1 for you.
  950. >You try to say something else through your labored gasps, and not even you yourself know what it was supposed to be.
  951. >”Why the hell did you do that to yourself?!” She begins to sound angry. “That’s dangerous! You gotta pace yourself more!”
  952. >Just let her go off on you, because she’s right.
  953. >You tried to squeeze in years worth of practice and training into the timespan of 15 minutes; it went exactly how one would expect.
  954. >Very stupidly.
  955. >And of course, Windy automatically goes back to making this about her daughter once more.
  956. >Telling you all about how Rainbow Dash knew how to pace herself properly and that’s how she became such an effective and efficient runner.
  957. >Even after “putting on a few pounds but only in the right places”, apparently.
  958. >The longer she rambles on, the slower and less intense and more back to normal your breathing becomes.
  959. >”There we go, that’s it.”
  960. >You feel her unzip your jacket.
  961. >…
  962. >Windy Whistles didn’t know why she just did that.
  963. >Unzipping this young man’s jacket like that.
  964. >He doesn’t have anything on under there.
  965. >His bare chest shines with sweat, still heaving up and down as she holds him lying in her arms.
  966. >Just feeling him moving around like that with each breath, it activates something inside of Windy.
  967. >And seeing him wheeze and struggle to completely catch his breath only makes it more intense.
  968. >A young and obviously pent-up young man’s fit body completely exhausted and at her mercy.
  969. >He just displayed how much stamina he has to her, and it’s piqued her interest.
  970. >Something about the way he just… went at something like that.
  971. >Until his body gave out.
  972. >Oh fuck, there’s a bulge growing in his shorts…
  973. >His fit high-energy body must be completely dazed and confused right now.
  974. >Windy tries to finally pry her mind off of this, but her attention is brought back to his strong shoulders after she slips his jacket down his toned arms.
  975. >When’s the last time she’s been this close to a guy this young and chiseled?
  976. >Must have taken him a while to get himself this in shape.
  977. >He mus- no!
  978. >This must be what got to Cookie Crumbles and Posey Shy!
  979. >There’s been something going around and it’s now trying to get Windy Whistles next.
  980. >He’s probably getting hard because he’s just so pent-up, and he can feel her big soft completely developed and filled out boobs she can’t really do anything about pressing up against his shoulder as she cradles him in her arms…
  981. >”No, I can’t let this happen.” Windy says to herself under her breath. “It’s NOT going to happen to me!”
  982. >But she doesn’t feel a strong enough urge to push him away as he starts wrapping his arms around her without realizing it.
  983. >He’s getting so erect in his shorts.
  984. >Feeling her body like this must be getting him so hard.
  985. >Windy watches his erection go from noticeable to obvious to un-ignorable.
  986. >Feeling him breathe heavily up against her isn’t helping; it’s as though it’s contagious and spreading to her too…
  987. >Now Windy Whistles is starting to pant heavily, increasingly excited on the inside that her soft voluptuous body is getting this guy so erect in his shorts for her.
  988. >He’s pent-up, fit, erect and confused, unable to resist in response now that he’s spent all of his current energy showing off on the treadmill for fifteen minutes straight.
  989. >Windy tries to stop thinking this way, but she’s MAKING him hard!
  990. >How could that not excite her?
  991. >”No… NOT happening to me…” She tells herself.
  992. >After another minute of this, Windy can feel her own body heating up a little too much for comfort.
  993. >She unzips her own sweat-jacket to give her own body some air, barely even aware that she’s doing so.
  994. >Her body is taking action on its own, before she can actually think about what she’s doing.
  995. >…
  996. >You’ve finally caught your breath again, now breathing still a little heavily, but normally.
  997. >Windy has been talking about her daughter Rainbow Dash the whole time, except she’s been slowing down her talking pace, as though she’s getting… distracted by something.
  998. >Finally glance over at her and gulp.
  999. >Windy Whistles has fully unzipped her sweat-jacket, revealing the real reason why she was bouncing around so much under it.
  1000. >She doesn’t have a sports bra on, just a clingy, small and short off-white tank top trying its darnedest to properly stretch around those massively busty and soft shirt stuffers that are her tits.
  1001. >The small size of her thin tank top doesn’t cover her tummy, and you watch her exposed soft bellybutton move in and out with every breath.
  1002. >Try not to look any further, but her unzipped sweat-jacket slips down her shoulders and takes her thin spaghetti string shoulder straps of her tank top wit it, making the tank top slip down a little more and reveal the unaware busty woman’s soft cleavage…
  1003. >”You know? At her age I was also a very good athlete…” She sighs, panting as heavily as you are for some reason.
  1004. >She’s certainly distracted by something.
  1005. >You don’t realize what it is until you glance down at yourself and discover that your member in your shorts has become full-mast erect.
  1006. >When did THAT happen?
  1007. >You noticed this before you realized that you’re completely topless.
  1008. >Did Windy Whistles start stripping you on purpose?
  1009. >Really start to feel funny inside, especially since you’ve been hard in your shorts all this time without realizing it.
  1010. >You know Windy can feel her own busty soft tits mashing into you, and it must be causing her bare nipples just beneath the thin tank top fabric to get stiff and visible through it.
  1011. >Frantically look around for your sweat jacket, but it’s gone.
  1012. >Where did it go?!
  1013. >”Here, you can borrow mine…” Windy slips out of her own the rest of the way. “It’s chilly in here.”
  1014. >Oh… right.
  1015. >You overheated yourself so much that you couldn’t tell.
  1016. >”It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”
  1017. >She nervously gets back onto her treadmill, red in the face, knowing that there still hasn’t been anyone around to hear the two of you yet.
  1018. >Wait, hold on, this doesn’t make any sense.
  1019. >Where did your sweat jacket go?!
  1020. >Was this on purpose to give her an excuse to take hers off to give you a LOT more to ogle at?
  1021. >The cool air in here is making her nipples get harder and harder under that thin tank top, you can see it, you can see how big her nipples are from their increasingly visible stiff outlines.
  1022. >If it weren’t for that thin little tank top, this busty woman would be completely topless.
  1023. >Fully exposing her big bare breasts for all to see.
  1024. >Your eyes briefly detour down to another lovely sight you now notice more:
  1025. >Her tight, well-conforming spandex shorts practically painted over her soft butt, crotch and upper thighs.
  1026. >The part of you now remembering your nofap is praying she doesn’t turn her treadmill back on or start walking as it starts up.
  1027. >But this is exactly what happens.
  1028. >Even as Windy Whistles is simply walking, her huge soft breasts are already noticeably jiggling to her steps.
  1029. >Can’t help being at LEAST a double D cup with no sports bra to properly contain those… lovely things…
  1030. >Meanwhile, inside Windy’s head: “Take your mind off of him! Just take your mind off of him!” She goes as her pace on the treadmill begins to pick up.
  1031. >And as her pace picks up, so does the intensity of the jiggling and bouncing of her huge soft tits in nothing but that small thin tank top.
  1032. >Windy uselessly pulls her thin spaghetti string straps of her tank top back up over her shoulders, trying to just go back to running now that the pent-up young man is okay, only to have her bouncing breasts inside that very tank top cause it to try to malfunction once again as she runs faster.
  1033. >You’d have thought all of this was on purpose had she not displayed such a genuinely worried expression on her face.
  1034. >Also, you didn’t even bother putting her sweat-jacket on.
  1035. >Too distracted now.
  1036. >She’s taking her mind off of you, but you can’t take your eyes off of her.
  1037. >Watch her run, making her boobies bounce for you as she runs on the treadmill in tight spandex shorts with nothing but a small thin tank top clinging to her soft busty tits the best it can~
  1038. >Her fully filled out chest is going to bounce around whether she likes it or not, but she’s pretending this doesn’t matter.
  1039. >She’s hoping the encounter is over now, but you’re standing there, not turning your treadmill back on, watching her while completely erect in your shorts.
  1040. >And she knows this full well.
  1041. >While struggling to keep her thin little tank top on all the way.
  1042. >There’s no way she’s doing what she’s doing with full control of herself, something is getting the better of her.
  1043. >She keeps telling herself in her head it’s not going to happen to her, trying her best to snap out of it, and feels herself getting closer.
  1044. >Closer to running out of here, but she’s already running, and you’re still right next to her, more ready for what’s next than either of you realize.
  1045. >Windy Whistles continues to run and makes her boobs bounce, trying to mentally fight off all the urges about you.
  1046. >She’s not only getting turned on by your full erection, but she’s now getting turned on by the lewd motions and properties of her own very womanly body too.
  1047. >Both of you share this useless hope that you're going to succeed in resisting your own nature.
  1048. >You’re trying so hard to go back to focusing on running on the treadmill.
  1049. >But the thing about Windy is… those.
  1050. >She herself is already running on her own treadmill right next to you, and her fully developed adult woman chest can’t help but bounce around unrestrained without a sports bra to help with that.
  1051. >Being the only thing covering Windy’s huge soft bouncing D+cup breasts, that thin little off-white tank top can only do so much, if anything at all…
  1052. >This HAS to be some kind of setup.
  1053. >All the other empty treadmills in the room and she had to choose the one right next to YOU.
  1054. >She HAD to be intentionally braless in order to keep running on that treadmill knowing about and feeling her own busty milf chest bouncing up and down in a way impossible to ignore, even through her sweatjacket.
  1055. >And that was BEFORE she took it off.
  1056. >In the already CHILLY fitness room.
  1057. >With her huge BRALESS breasts bouncing even further outside of her control, covered by nothing but a SMALL AND THIN off-white tank top…
  1058. >There’s no way she doesn’t know her big nipples are reacting to the cold air and getting HARD through the thin fabric.
  1059. >It’s gotta be your final surviving friend setting you up somehow to ensure that he’s the last man standing, there’s no other explanation.
  1060. >Why else would she behave in this way?
  1061. >…
  1062. >Getting too horny to think straight but not admitting it to herself, Windy’s trying her best to ignore the pent up young man on the treadmill next to her.
  1063. >Why did she have to step onto the one next to him? Was it to get a closer look at him?
  1064. >Why did she get BACK onto the treadmill right next to him after he practically fainted?
  1065. >She knows her bellybutton is showing now, and she knows her chest is bouncing around uncontrollably as she runs in place.
  1066. >They’ve just gotten so big after a couple of decades, it just comes with age.
  1067. >She’s got to be somewhere around 20-25 years older than him, but he can’t stop staring at her anyway.
  1068. >He turned his treadmill back on to the low setting, now just speed walking, but it’s so obvious how he keeps glancing back over at Windy’s huge bouncing rack as she runs next to him.
  1069. >Windy doesn’t want to address it, and instead pretends he already left.
  1070. >Whatever’s going on must have affected him too.
  1071. >And it’s trying to affect her.
  1072. >It’s trying to make the two of them have sex with eachother.
  1073. >Maybe if Windy ignores him staring at her, he’ll just get the urges out of his system later after seeing all this and then it’ll be over.
  1074. >She hates to do this to him but-… why isn’t she thinking to put her sweatjacket back on?
  1075. >She’ll do it after the next mile mark is reached, don’t want to mutually exchange attention with this aroused boy.
  1076. >That might remind Windy of his stiff wobbling tent in his shorts she forced herself to forget abou-
  1077. >Fuck.
  1078. >Maybe it’ll help if she tugs her thin little tank top over her exposed bellybutton.
  1079. >He clearly must be leering her smooth midriff too, and there’s nothing she can do about her spandex shorts tightly conforming to her soft round butt and thighs, which he also must be leering at non-stop.
  1080. >Windy tries to pull the bottom of her thin little tank top down a little; it just won’t cover her bellybutton, it can’t…
  1081. >The fabric gliding against Windy’s stiff nipples just made them get even harder against the inside of her thin tank top and show through more visibly.
  1082. >And the top just slid down to reveal more of Windy’s cleavage too.
  1083. >Windy’s continued running bounces her tits around even more, forcing her tank top to slip down even further with every step.
  1084. >This happened more easily because Windy’s tank top’s thin spaghetti strand shoulder straps keep slipping down her smooth shoulders.
  1085. >She continues her efforts to pull the top of her small thin tank top back up to an appropriate level, but it just won’t stay on her properly with her soft massive shirt stuffing boobies bouncing around in it so much.
  1086. >The pent up boy is definitely staring at all this going on, and Windy is still just trying to take her mind off of it as she thinks about how her bouncing tits are making him harder and harder in his shorts.
  1087. >It’s just so arousing to her to think about how erect he’s getting watching her big sexy braless tits try to bounce their way out of her thin little tank top~
  1088. >It’s turning her on so much~
  1089. >But she can’t allow herself to think about it, that loyal willpower won’t be defeated just yet!
  1090. >All Windy has to do is imagine herself running through the woods or somewhere, pretending she’s alone.
  1091. >”I’m not horny… I’m not horny…~” Windy Whistles repeats to herself under her labored breathing, too quiet for the horny young man next to her to hear.
  1092. >Windy’s huge soft tits continue freely bouncing around in that thin little tank top that desperately tries to keep them covered under its thin off-white fabric...
  1093. >Windy continues her struggle to keep her thin malfunctioning tank top on properly over her big sexy bare nipples underneath that get closer and closer to slipping out~
  1094. >”I’m not horny too… I-I’m not horny too~~” Windy lies to herself after unintentionally glancing over at that sturdily pitched full-mast tent of yours in the front of those shorts.
  1095. >Windy saw it enticingly wobbling side to side until the slower treadmill was shut off.
  1096. >Yes… he’s horny… but Windy must NOT be horny too! She must not!
  1097. >She’s always been a winner, not a quitter!
  1098. >Windy continues running down the forest path in her mind, away from her horny nature effortlessly keeping up with her.
  1099. >Because she’s never actually going anywhere, but her tits are still bouncing around and giving the pent up boy a show he can’t look away from.
  1100. >She feels herself getting moist in the front of her spandex.
  1101. >…
  1102. >You’re getting a show you can’t look away from.
  1103. >All that absolute nut inside is beginning to be… in question…
  1104. >You’ve built it up for so long, proving that you’re anything but a quitter.
  1105. >Soon erasing any and all urges to rub one out from your mind, and focusing on distractors like working out to keep your mind away from it.
  1106. >But your own sanctuary was intruded by that athlete girl’s mother now making her huge clearly braless tits bounce around as she runs on the treadmill, huffing and blushing as her eyes occasionally glance over at you.
  1107. >Watching all that busty fleshy goodness appetizingly move up and down and slightly sway to the side each time Windy turns her body a little making another step on the treadmill…
  1108. >Every time they give off a jiggly bounce and persistently nudge the ill-prepared off-white fabric of her thin little tank top struggling to cover them down just a little bit more…
  1109. >Just watching Windy Whistles’s sexy deep soft cleavage careening up and down, with more and more of it becoming exposed as her thin little tank top starts failing and reveals more of it in response to every step…
  1110. >How are you NOT going to stroke yourself then nut to the mere thought of those beautiful mounds jiggling and bouncing around like THAT?!
  1111. >Your nut you’ve built up after all this time is now in question.
  1112. >Windy Whistles’s big sexy bouncing boobies got you all horny and not thinking rationally.
  1113. >Barely even realized you were still erect, with all that blood that could have been in your brain crowding up your erect cock instead.
  1114. >You’ve already switched your treadmill off, having completely forgotten that Windy offered her sweatjacket to you since you apparently lost yours at some point for some mysterious reason.
  1115. >Her thin little tank top is getting closer and closer to exposing her nipples.
  1116. >From the way the top of it is shifting down her exposed cleavage and sideboob more and more even after she tries to tug it back up.
  1117. >Her panicky hands’ tugging can’t negate what her huge tits’ soft bouncing is doing.
  1118. >All she’d have to do is turn her own treadmill off and stop running, but she can’t for some reason.
  1119. >Something gives her the urge to continue to court your with her body while trying to revive the smalltalk.
  1120. >”I-I was a… a good athlete… at her age t-too…~” Windy struggles to keep her areolae from peeking out the receding top rim of her thin little tank top, shoulder straps halfway down her arms.
  1121. >You’re doing everything you can to push your erection back down and hide it, she’s doing everything she can to pull her tank top back up and hide her nipples.
  1122. >”W-wanna hit the sh-showers… w-with me… later?”
  1123. >She must not have realized what she just said.
  1124. >But her words just made it so your nut is no longer in question.
  1125. >It’s now no question that you’re going to lose this nut tonight no matter what.
  1126. >Stand on your stationary treadmill with your fully erect member trying to pierce through the front of your shorts, watching Windy without the slightest attempt at hiding it.
  1127. >Everything previously at the forefront of your mind has been replaces with sexual fantasizes about Windy’s sexy body.
  1128. >Which isn’t too far off from the sexual reality right in front of you before your eyes.
  1129. >You’re going to lose this nut QUICKLY.
  1130. >It all starts spiraling out of control at an exponential pace.
  1131. >Windy continues running on her treadmill, only to have the top rim of her thin little tank top threaten to allow her areolae to appear.
  1132. >She doesn’t seem to be aware as her own body heat begins to assert itself over the chilly air in the room, despite that same chilly air making her nipples poke through her tank top from up against the inside of the thin off-white fabric.
  1133. >She’s still running through the imaginary forest path in her mind, still not able to evade her own horny nature easily catching up to her.
  1134. >Yours has already pounced upon you, and your eyes are shamelessly locked onto her massive bouncing titties reacting to every one of her running steps upon the treadmill.
  1135. >Windy lifts her water bottle up to her face to try and wet it to cool herself down.
  1136. >The trickles of cool water reach her glistening neck, assuring her that her restraint is going to be well paid-off as her body cools back down and this heat doesn’t take her.
  1137. >That she’s gotten away from the horny and the aroused young man next to her no longer sees her as she’s disappeared into the distance to him.
  1138. >But he’s still standing right here…
  1139. >You’re watching the upper rim of Windy Whistles’s tank top slowly reveal the upper slivers of her sexy areolae, a little more each time she takes a step as her hands are occupied with trying to hold her water bottle up to her lips trying to lock around its tip.
  1140. >You can see from the visible nipple bumps that each entire breast will be fully exposed to you after only a few more running steps on the treadmill, and Windy’s massive soft bouncing boobies jiggle their way out of the top of her thin little malfunctioning tank top.
  1141. >You can’t look away.
  1142. >Windy finally looks back down with some water dripping down her chin.
  1143. >She notices her fully exposed breasts jiggling out in the open for a brief second, the appearance of which only makes you jolt your hips forward in her direction a second before her panicked hands scramble to pull the fabric back over her nipples.
  1144. >And the tip of her water bottle accidentally opens and lets a few splatters of water spill right over where her hands are tugging.
  1145. >Windy doesn’t realize it, but her pulling her little tank top is useless now, because the soaked, thin off-white fabric clearly shows her big sexy nipples right through it and there’s nothing she can do about it.
  1146. >You’ve subconsciously begun to walk towards her, towards this sexually beautiful sight you lay your eyes upon.
  1147. >The wet fabric now sticks to her skin more easily, but it doesn’t matter anymore, because the fabric is transparent, showing Windy’s big sexy erect nipples whether she likes it or not.
  1148. >She doesn’t seem to notice you anymore right now, only hyperfocused on trying to run away from her own horny nature she should have overpowered by now.
  1149. >Except it’s currently overpowering her just like yours just overpowered you.
  1150. >Windy soon feels how wet her top is, and realizes it’s because she accidentally spilled water all over herself.
  1151. >Part of her tells her she’s in the shower because of this, another part of her tells her she’s getting cold because of the wet fabric.
  1152. >Either way, busty Windy Whistles sets her mostly empty water bottle aside, grabs the bottom of her thin soaked off-white tank top, and strips it off of her body while still running.
  1153. >She peels it up past her huge soft bouncing tits, fully exposing her full beautiful breasts to you without knowing it.
  1154. >Your member reacts to every single little nudge against the inside of your shorts.
  1155. >Windy’s not thinking.
  1156. >Now she’s completely topless with her huge soft naked breasts bouncing around with nothing restraining or covering them.
  1157. >Your brain is completely on sexual autopilot, with only a tiny fragment of that little voice inside of you telling you to save your nut, but it’s not listened to.
  1158. >That voice can’t even make a sound right now.
  1159. >Your sexual frustration came to a breaking point and you’re standing right in front of Windy Whistles.
  1160. >Openly and unsubtly staring at her irresistible topless display, trying to figure out how to respond other than just stare at her huge fully naked breasts softly bouncing around for you…
  1161. >After about another minute or so, you get behind Windy Whistles, checking out her soft round butt getting wonderfully hugged by her spandex shorts painted over it.
  1162. >You can still see the sides of her tits bouncing up and down from behind her.
  1163. >She now knows you’re behind her, and looks behind herself trying to figure out how she could possibly even try to get you to be less horny, but she’s too horny herself to even figure that part out.
  1164. >As she’s trying to… figure that part out… it figures itself out when she loses her focus on her footing, leading her to trip and fall in an instant.
  1165. >The treadmill’s conveyor belt slams her right into you, and you feel her hands grab onto the sides of your shorts.
  1166. >The rim of your shorts wasn’t nearly on tightly enough to stay where it was.
  1167. >As Windy falls the rest of the way down, your fully erect cock flings out in front of her face.
  1168. >All of what the two of you were trying to prevent from happening, is now taking place outside of either of your control.
  1169. >Her hands on your bare skin and her cheek right up against the side of your stiff erect shaft triggers everything into full ejaculation right then and there.
  1170. >The restraint broke.
  1171. >As surprising as it is that it lasted this long, it breaks just as hard as one would expect it to in order to overpower THAT much restraint.
  1172. >Windy can feel your rock hard erection jolting against the side of her face, with no way she can ignore it as she hugs your legs through your scrunched down shorts around it.
  1173. >You can feel it about to start coming out; it’s unpreventable.
  1174. >The entirety of your erect member stiffly jerks around up against Windy’s face, nanoseconds away from shooting your cum out at her.
  1175. >How could she say no to feeling our cock so… physically begging for her to let it inside? And right NOW, at that.
  1176. >The first blast of your cum was to be followed by larger spurts, but it lands across Windy's face.
  1177. >Before she even realized it, Windy’s sexual instinct took over completely and she slammed her face right up against your crotch.
  1178. >She kept her lips parted and allowed your tip, then the length of your shaft to slide right into her mouth right as the first spurt of semen came shooting out.
  1179. >Windy rocks her head back and forth, forward and back, with your erect ejaculating cock in her mouth, swelling against her tongue as another and another gush of white-hot cum is released.
  1180. >Her soft puckered lips wrap around your base, slide halfway up your shaft, then return your your base with each horny movement of her head.
  1181. >She’s unable to hold it back anymore, neither are you.
  1182. >And she churns all of your well-earned load out of you with her mouth.
  1183. >You lose it all, spurt by spurt, gush by gush.
  1184. >You make a few noises in response to this feeling.
  1185. >Feel your hands holding either side of Windy’s head as her hands can be felt wrapped around your legs.
  1186. >Between her moans, she starts to gulp.
  1187. >Like she finally realizes just how thirsty she’s been this entire time, and the water bottle wasn’t the right way to quench it.
  1188. >The swelling underside of your ejaculating cock glides back and forth atop Windy’s massaging tongue encouraging your ejaculation to intensify.
  1189. >Your balls lightly slap against her chin, and the front of her throat undulates as she gulps and gulps and gulps all of your pent up cream you’re now losing to her.
  1190. >Some of it leaks out and trickles down her smooth jawline and chin.
  1191. >Then down the front of her still visibly gulping neck, and past her collarbone, then slowly down the softness of her busty swaying naked breasts.
  1192. >Your erect cock pops out of her mouth as she gets her chance to breathe.
  1193. >Thick strands of the saliva-cum mixture bridging between your cock’s head and Windy’s lips stretch as far as they can go before gently landing on her jiggling, swaying tits and soft kissable tummy, then drawing your attention to how she’s reached into the front of her spandex to finger herself without realizing it…
  1194. >Her sexy display of this prompts another big spurt out of you, and it lands right on her face and cleavage.
  1195. >She welcomes your cock between your cleavage, and you finally grope your hands onto her softness to begin titfucking her more sturdily.
  1196. >Which gets another couple of spurts out of your cock already from feeling her supple goodness on either side of your throbbing, swelling, sensitive shaft.
  1197. >All she can think about is feeling your hot spurts squirting directly up against her skin.
  1198. >It trickles to her bellybutton, then further down until it reaches where her fingers fiercely stroke her clit between her vulva, becoming the lube adding to her already abundant sexual juices being prompted out by her stroking.
  1199. >It sends her over the edge too, and she trembles from feeling your cum getting all over her fingers being the last thing she needed to climax.
  1200. >No one else had even walked into the room during any of this.
  1201. >The door had been locked somehow
  1202. >…
  1203. >And then there was one…
  1204. >…
  1206. ////////////////Extra/Alternative Cookie Crumbles scene////////////////
  1207. >Stroke your precum-leaking manmeat more and more as you stand there and stare like you're in some VR dream right in front of all these naked women who can't see you openly jacking off to them in the perfumey mist.
  1208. >So many oblivious women exposing their soft cuddle-able midriffs and thighs if they were wearing clothes, exposing their bare sexy nipples if they were wearing a bikini.
  1209. >Slipping their pantyhose down, unhooking their bras, untying their bikini tops and bikini bottoms...
  1210. >So many boobies and butts and thighs and things softly swaying and jiggling around in their partially or fully exposed state as the move around working their clothes on and off.
  1211. >Your hand enthusiastically strokes up and down your length.
  1212. >You re-entered the shower/bathing area at some point.
  1213. >So many soaked naked women letting the suds run down the sides of their bare soft curvy bodies.
  1214. >They lather themselves, some lather eachother, rinsing off in the hot water, turning around and making their soft round buttcheeks bounce with each careful step.
  1215. >They arch their backs and let their naked breasts face the brunt of the stream of hot water, letting it all trickle down to their soft bellybuttons then their dripping crotches and glistening thighs under their washing hands.
  1216. >To all of this, you openly, brazenly masturbate to them all right in front of them, standing right there with them unable to see what you're doing.
  1217. >Your eyes shoot wide.
  1218. >You suddenly noticed a particularly plump butt was shaking close to you as you were still massaging your manmeat.
  1219. >It belonged to a rather "thicc"-figured older lady that was just as fat in the chest.
  1220. >She was apparently singing a song in her head as she bathed herself with soap in her hair.
  1221. >She hadn't even noticed you.
  1222. >You must've unconsciously wandered until you were right next to her.
  1223. >Is that...
  1224. >That's Cookie Crumbles! Rarity and Sweetie's mother you leered at stripping down to her bikini earlier.
  1225. >Now her bikini is gone.
  1226. >Now she's completely soaking wet and fully naked before you, mostly facing away, bare soft cake that is her wonderfully plump buttcheeks softly jiggling around and glistening with running water pouring down her smooth wet skin.
  1227. >The nasty idea of spurting over those wet asscheeks before she had a chance to notice had suddenly crossed your mind.
  1228. >Your horny mind rationalized that, at least the fat load you contained wouldn't be wasted on the floor.
  1229. >Your cock throbbed hard at the idea.
  1230. >Start rubbing it harder and harder, focusing on Cookie Crumbles's sexy wet naked body.
  1231. >Getting closer and closer.
  1232. >Cookie Crumbles's soft plump butt wobbles back and forth to her rubbing soap all over herself.
  1233. >She continues to bathe herself, being none the wiser to your actions, turning around slightly to reach her back but not noticing you.
  1234. >Your simply continue out of the sheer momentum of your own horniness when you see her big sexy breasts swaying side to side, bare dark-pink nipples fully exposed and all.
  1235. >You can't think, and you can't stop fapping to her.
  1236. >Stroking your gripping hand along your hard shaft to her gently jiggling buttcheeks and sideboob still visible from behind her.
  1237. >Why is is so hard for her to notice you even though you must have been within her eyesight by now?
  1238. >Why is the perfume scent so strong in here?
  1239. >You stand under the water now, naked with Cookie Crumbles as she rinses off; she unknowingly lets some of it spill onto you off of her, but nothing directly from the shower nozzle reaches you without being on her first.
  1240. >She turns around to rinse off her rear.
  1241. >Her soft busty tits brush up against you as they wobble back and forth when she scrubs herself, but she doesn’t seem to notice.
  1242. >You can't stop rubbing, now staring head-on at her dark pink headlights staring you in the face as she has her eyes closed and water rushing down her face.
  1243. >Her proven-breedable body is too much to resist.
  1244. >You continue urgently fapping to her right in front of you without her knowledge.
  1245. >Keep edging yourself to her huge breasts, wanting to suck on her bare nipples so badly.
  1246. >Cookie Crumbles continues humming to herself, letting her huge soft breasts sway side to side as she turns back around to face the water hitting her sexy body.
  1247. >Facing her big soft beautiful naked ass to you.
  1248. >You HAVE to nut NOW.
  1249. >She keeps her voice soft and quiet.
  1250. >Backs up slightly just enough for your tip to gently poke her soft round buttcheek, and she STILL doesn’t notice this somehow.
  1251. >Her soft warm dripping wet rear mashes against your leaking tip and sends a shock through you you weren’t prepared for.
  1252. >It sends you over the edge.
  1253. >You clench, you tense, your cock jolts and jerks around.
  1254. >It's coming... you're cumming~
  1255. >Your cock releases a spurt and it lands right on her soft round buttcheek.
  1256. >A larger spurt, a huge rope of cum, follows suit and completely spans itself along Cookie Crumbles's other soft round buttcheek.
  1257. >Your fapping hand is still wildly stroking your shaft as your lathering hand runs its way up and down her smooth sexy dripping back.
  1258. >She shakes her butt around a little bit from taking a couple of steps in place as she feels unknowingly recieves your thick ropes of cream accumulating all over her soft buttcheeks and lower back around her dimples of Venus.
  1259. >It’s so thick and landing on her in such thick built-up globs of semen.
  1260. >You grunt.
  1261. >Letting more and more of your load shoot out of you now further up her back until it mixes with the bodywash.
  1262. >All of your pent up frustration finally escapes.
  1263. >And now there are two.
  1264. >But you're not even out of the woods in here yet...
  1265. >After several more spurts, you finally finish cumming and let the afterglow spin your mind like a dryer you could make good use of after getting so wet in here.
  1266. >You now have the option to retreat in defeat back into the misty corridors of the public washroom, or apologize to Cookie Crumbles out of post-nut guilt.
  1267. >Stand there, fixing to hide yourself behind her as more naked women walk on past.
  1268. >If it weren’t so hard to see in here, they’d have known something was up right away.
  1269. >All they can do is walk on by, thinking the barely visible naked body right there is one of the other women.
  1270. >At least that’s what you’re imagining.
  1271. >This thick perfume scent in the air couldn’t be impairing their judgement or anything like that.
  1272. >You’ve started to walk away, but you don’t know where to go.
  1273. >Whatever’s going on is starting to get to you as well, and enough to get you all disoriented.
  1274. >You didn’t even realize you had wandered in a big circle all the way back to where Cookie Crumbles was bathing.
  1275. >She’s now facing outward from the shower again, and her aloof lidded eyes are open as you approach her.
  1276. >Your own eyes are locked onto her body.
  1277. >"...Anon?" She quietly addresses you. "Is that you?"
  1278. >You didn’t realize she was looking right at you, and you had gotten close enough to be able to see her nipples clearly because you got too horny to think straight.
  1279. >Is she able to keep her balance properly? She almost looks like she’s swaying back and forth.
  1280. >Maybe, it’s hard to see for sure.
  1281. >"Oh dear, what are you doing here?" She looks around. "No one sees you in here, right?"
  1282. >Shake your head, failing not to look down at her breasts.
  1283. >Cookie starts to cover herself in front of you, because she saw you looking at her body.
  1284. >You make eye contact with her and apologize with your eyes, which she seems to pick up on.
  1285. >"Oh uh..." She suddenly sounds like she's trying to resist something.
  1286. >Your member is still mostly erect, and it starts to go back up to full mast status the longer you keep staring.
  1287. >"Come here, dear, stand behind me." She stops covering herself, consciously letting her nipples become fully exposed to you once more, and grabs your arm.
  1288. >You stand under the water now, naked with Cookie Crumbles as she rinses off and shields you from view of the other women with her own body.
  1289. >Her soft busty tits brush up against you as they wobble back and forth when she scrubs herself.
  1290. >You can't stop rubbing.
  1291. >Didn’t even realized you started, but your hand had already returned to your shaft once again.
  1292. >"Is everything okay?" She knows you are just blatantly staring at her naked body but now not covering herself anymore. "Can't find your clothes?"
  1293. >Shake your head, urgently fapping to her right in front of you without her knowledge.
  1294. >She thinks you're simply standing there, not thinking about what your arm motions mean.
  1295. >"It's quite alright, I'll help you out as soon as I'm done."
  1296. >You watch the last of the bodywash slide down.
  1297. >You watch her full sexy breasts sway once more now completely facing you as you directly masturbate to her right in front of her for a second time, even turned on by the fact that you nutted on her before she even knew you were here.
  1298. >This is like a dream.
  1299. >A couple more seconds later allows you to climax a second time, and you watch hints of your remainder of your load land onto her soft sexy tummy.
  1300. >You watch Cookie Crumbles's big squeezable tits jiggle with every steps as she backs herself up into the running water, rinsing all of the evidence away.
  1301. >Unable to see that massive spread-out load travel down her thighs and into the obscurity of the mist.
  1302. >Doomed to meet its fate down the currently not-perceivable shower drain.
  1303. >Like it never even happened.
  1304. >Your concern now is figuring out how to get out of here.
  1305. -
  1306. I can put that into the paste page itself if you want, either replace the scene or add it in as an alternate scenario somehow. As I said last thread, I could rewrite more of it if you want. If not then I can use an idea I came up with in a later scene.
  1307. Outside of that, I actually figure now that it’s not necessary to repost the Windy update here since it’s already in the ponepaste page at line 1048, and anyone can just follow a link back to the previous thread and read it there in the next several days anyway, and could still just go to desu after that anyway if necessary:
  1308. >Cookie Crumbles finishes washing herself.
  1309. >Them ore she scrubs before rinsing, the more her large soft breasts sway side to side right in front of you.
  1310. >Simply watch her.
  1311. >Not even attempting to hide your staring as she continues to rinse herself off.
  1312. >Unable to make your full erection subside in the presence of Cookie Crumbles's curvy, fleshy, sopping wet nudity.
  1313. >Even in the heat of this misty shower area, her big sexy nipples have completely stiffened, and she's not even attempting to hide them from you.
  1314. >Allows you to simply stare at them as much as you want.
  1315. >Immediately begin to miss that full unobstructed view of Cookie Crumbles's sexy nipples after she turns around, but now her huge wobbling naked ass is keeping your full attention.
  1316. >Her big soft and round naked buttcheeks glisten with trickles of water and jiggle once again to each step she takes.
  1317. >"I said we can go now." She repeats.
  1318. >You didn't even realize she had turned the water off.
  1319. >"Stay behind me. You're safe with me."
  1320. >As soon as she herds you behind her, your uncontrollable hands go immediately to gently feeling up her naked ass.
  1321. >You couldn't stop yourself.
  1322. >But the reaction from her you expected does not occur.
  1323. >Your hands just keep groping her wet softness without being slapped away.
  1324. >Continue having fun with her caboose as she takes off, immediately following her down the row of showers.
  1325. >Her huge naked jiggling buttcheeks would have been luring you to follow her even had she not known you were here.
  1326. >Such a beautiful sight as she walks away from you, not seeming to notice your unprompted grabbing and caressing after she stops.
  1327. >Still fully erect, you start drifting your hips closer and closer until your tip is poking her right onto her soft bountiful flesh.
  1328. >Cookie Crumbles's huge soft butt jiggles slightly simply to your cock poking her alone.
  1329. >"Now where exactly was my locker again?" She can't seem to remember.
  1330. >One of your hands is gently kneading one of Cookie Crumbles's soft bare buttcheeks, while the other hand is stroking up and down your rock hard shaft.
  1331. >Might as well keep going; if she feels it and knows you're doing this (most likely, she does know and feel all of this, pretty much undoubtably), then her letting you continue HAS to be intentional.
  1332. >Cookie Crumbles's mind is swimming, and she can just barely register a pair of curious hands taking a physical liking to her bare naked backside.
  1333. >She should have known this young mad being all worked up as he is would eventually start succumbing to his own nature.
  1334. >He probably was experiencing an erection under all that mist and was hoping she hadn't seen it, and she didn't even know.
  1335. >Without thinking, Cookie Crumbles spins around to face you, letting her fully bare breasts nearly brush against your chin.
  1336. >"I... I can't seem to remember..." She starts off.
  1337. >You don't even look up from Cookie Crumbles's soft naked breasts, instinctively reaching up to flick her big stiff nipples around with your thumbs.
  1338. >"Here..." She backs you into a corner against the lockers to hide you from view of all the other women and girls here. "They can't see you with me in the wa...w-way..."
  1339. >She felt you wrap your arms around her soft naked body.
  1340. >You've absolutely lost all self control at this point.
  1341. >That distant lidded look in Cookie Crumbles's eyes indicates that she's still not fully processing this.
  1342. >She's naked, letting a young also naked guy hug her in the middle of this locker room full of other ladies who only can't see this going on because of the thick mist everywhere.
  1343. >"You... need a hug?" She actually half-mindedly returns the embrace with you.
  1344. >Both of you can tell where this is going.
  1345. >Cookie Crumbles starts to say something about remembering where her locker is, but your hands reaching around and feeling up her naked ass again says all there is to know about what's really going on.
  1346. >She's thinking about a lot of things in her mind right now.
  1347. >Realizing that there's a lot to be considered about young male hormones, which she attributes all of this to.
  1348. >The thick aroma of perfume continues to make both of you slightly dizzy.
  1349. >Your hands have now boldly moved to her front and openly, explicitly grope her big soft breasts.
  1350. >Cookie Crumbles doesn't verbally respond to this outside of a low sigh, and clearly allows you to continue on purpose while looking down right at your barely visible hands kneading and squeezing her soft naked breasts in the thick mist.
  1351. >The two of you then lock eyes again, you tell her you actually weren't done showering yet as your groping hands communicate something else to her.
  1352. >Her words respond to your words, and her actions respond to your actions.
  1353. >"...W-would you like to go finish showering first?"
  1354. >You nod.
  1355. >The more your hands feel her up all over her soft dripping naked body, the more she responds by leaning into you; both of you are still completely naked together.
  1356. >Feeling her soft skin pressing up against you makes you intensify your touchy-feely-ness upon her.
  1357. >To which she once again responds positively with her body while taking some game about how it's good you want to make sure you finished showering first... something abut cleanliness.
  1358. >Despite how dirty the two of you are about to act.
  1359. >In Cookie Crumbles's mind, there's this explanation that your young male hormones can't be helped.
  1360. >And that it's better if she takes it in stride and maybe encourages you to get it out of your system in your intimate moment of weakness.
  1361. >Cookie Crumbles couldn't do anything about the voluptuous properties of her naked female body sexually arousing you, and you couldn't do anything about your hormones hardwired into your brain.
  1362. >The two of you resume your embrace after returning to the same shower stall.
  1363. >"It's okay, dear. I understand." Cookie Crumbles gazes at you, still not seeing you already jerking off to her through the mist.
  1364. >The water is hesitantly turned on.
  1365. >Stand with your back to the water pitter pattering against you.
  1366. >Cookie Crumbles keeps her hands on your shoulders, facing you and blocking anyone else's view on you from the outside.
  1367. >You don't even look at her face at all now, just keep your gaze fixated onto her body, her huge swaying breasts, her soft slightly folding tummy, her thick smooth thighs that wobble every time she repositions her legs...
  1368. >"I suppose I can't keep your eyes from wandering, huh?"
  1369. >You look up to her face now, finding a slight but understanding grin.
  1370. >"It's okay, it's okay. You can look down at my body. You have my permission."
  1371. >Just like before, she doesn't make a single attempt at covering herself as soon as your eyes glance back down at her fully naked body.
  1372. >"I know you can't help yourself, dear. Not when we're both naked like this. I won't make this difficult for us, you can look as long as you'd like. I don't mind."
  1373. >Cookie Crumbles keeps her soft wet naked MILF body standing right in front of you as you very obviously don't actually bathe yourself.
  1374. >You just stare at her and masturbate to her under the mist.
  1375. >She can barely see what your arm is doing ,but doesn't think a lot of it, simply assuming you're just standing here enjoying the hot water for a little bit like she does too.
  1376. >The two of you woefully try to spark conversation about what you think happened to your towel that disappeared.
  1377. >And why Cookie Crumbles miraculously forgot where her locker is, thus losing access to her own towel.
  1378. >Allowing the resurgence pf this situation where the two of you are naked in the public shower together, occasionally sharing a hug out of "politeness".
  1379. >But you both know you just wanted to share a hot naked hug with Cookie Crumbles again and again.
  1380. >And she's just taking your flaring, exploding hormones in stride.
  1381. >Generously shielding your nudity from outside view with her own nudity as you "shower" right in front of her.
  1382. >Cookie Crumbles understands that you're extremely horny, but is too out of it from this mysterious perfume scent to really want to do anything about it.
  1383. >"Have you ever seen a naked woman in person before now?" She gets curious enough to ask.
  1384. >Shake your head.
  1385. >"I see. I suppose I should have known that might be the case. You must not have known what to do. How to react."
  1386. >She voluntarily pulls you into another hug as you're still stroking yourself to her soft wet full nudity outside of her knowledge as she talks to you.
  1387. >"It's only natural for you to look." Cookie Crumbles says quietly enough to keep the other ladies in the public showers from hearing. "As long as we keep this between us, I don't see much issue with it."
  1388. >She lets you put your arms back around her soft wet naked body, doing the same back to you.
  1389. >She bites her lips as she grins, almost nervously... almost.
  1390. >But her lidded eyes have a very not-nervous thirst in their gaze.
  1391. >Neither of you have any idea where either of your towels are.
  1392. >You and Cookie Crumbles are completely naked together in the public curtain-less shower stall, hidden by nothing more than a still slightly see-through blanket of mist in the air.
  1393. >Your dripping wet hands switch from stroking your erect manmeat right in front of her and spreading some of the body wash and shower water to her wide fertile hips.
  1394. >Cookie Crumbles not only lets you look, but she lets you touch.
  1395. >She gradually backs you up into the water enough for her herself to be under the water too.
  1396. >Now she’s getting wet too along with you, letting the hot running water gently batter her big soft naked tits as they get pushed upward by your shoulders they’re pushing against.
  1397. >The water trickles along her bare glistening skin inward to your jaw getting pressed up against by Cookie Crumbles’s deep sexy cleavage.
  1398. >You spread more slippery body wash up and down her soft bare torso, letting the suds run down from her sleek shoulders along the smooth wet shiny skin of her nude womanly curves.
  1399. >”Might as well, since we’re going to have to wait until we can find out towels, I suppose.” She sighs to you, making her voice vibrate through her smooth softness up against your blushing face.
  1400. >You can feel her hands going up and down your bare back too, as your hands had continued to glide along her smooth wet bare skin.
  1401. >Reach your hands around to Cookie Crumbles’s huge soft naked buttcheeks and “wash” them as well, squeezing them as they get more and more slippery with body wash.
  1402. >”Can’t say I’ve ever been so intimate with a young man your age.” Her increasingly wanting voice can be felt through her soft busty chest against your cheek. “You certainly have a bit of honesty to you.”
  1403. >Feel and hear her giggle softly.
  1404. >Your hands get more enthusiastic all over Cookie Crumbles’s pudgy-yet-curvy slippery naked milf body.
  1405. >Whatever she had when she was your age, she still has it now, only softer and wider and more pronounced from over the years.
  1406. >Cookie Crumbles scrubs your back during the indefinite wet naked shower hug, making her huge soft boobs slightly wobble in your face.
  1407. >Almost like an enticing invitation for you to suck on her big erect nipples drifting side to side in their bare stiffness right in front of your face.
  1408. >”W-would you like to… hahh…” Cookie Crumbles starts before she feels your lips lock onto her bare breast and begin sucking against her stiff areola~
  1409. >She makes another sound as if she’s trying to continue whatever she was asking you, probably about where you think your towels are, but it drains itself out of her mind the longer you suckle on Cookie Crumbles’s big erect nipple, boldly flicking her other nipple around with your fingers.
  1410. >Can’t have cookies without milk, after all.
  1411. >Cookie Crumbles knows this is going much further than it should have gone, but she can’t bring herself to figure out what the rational thing to do is.
  1412. >This isn’t a normal way to shower at all… but she doesn’t feel like she wants it to be anyway.
  1413. >She still doesn’t know you’re simultaneously jerking your full mast cock as you’re suckling on her breasts.
  1414. >She does know that you hadn’t asked for her permission to suck on her exposed nipples, but it feels better than she would have expected… too much of her wants this to keep going for now…
  1415. >She starts to say something, but only gibberish then soft quiet moans come out instead as she hesitantly but surely accepts this.
  1416. >This young man was clearly already severely falling victim to his own built-in hormones, she already knew deep down it would come to something like this.
  1417. >All she can think about is attributing this to that and letting this magnificent sucking go on and on; the feeling takes over her mind.
  1418. >In response, Cookie Crumbles’s hand can only cup behind your head and gently push you deeper against her big soft naked breast, instinctively as though you were one of her own.
  1419. >Cookie Crumbles can’t even figure out what to do next at all as you alternate between sucking on each of her big stiff nipples~
  1420. >Upon you finally releasing her nipples after a few minutes of sucking on them, your eyes lock with hers and you realize that both of your hands are groping her big soft slippery tits even though a hand is still stroking your manmeat.
  1421. >Look down to discover that Cookie Crumbles has taken over that task for you, and you look back up to find a vacant expression in her lidded eyes.
  1422. >Only communicate with Cookie Crumbles by deeply kissing her on her full luscious lips, getting a couple more soft moans out of her…
  1423. >Under the hot running water, lock your lips with hers in a gradually emerging french kiss, as your hands frantically knead her huge soft slippery naked boobies that noticeably jiggle against your horny groping from the motions of her hand stroking your erect shaft a little faster~
  1424. >First, she didn’t know you were stroking your manmeat, now she doesn’t know yet that SHE’S stroking your manmeat!
  1425. >The last of the body wash glides down to the floor and down the drain.
  1426. >Both of you are totally clean now, but still getting dirtier and dirtier in your actions to eachother.
  1427. >Now fiercely making out and feeling eachother up.
  1428. >”M-my… lets are getting tired… can we…” She huffs for a brief moment.
  1429. >Your hands gladly give Cookie Crumbles’s plump glistening behind several light spanks, making her soft naked buttcheeks jiggle around before she now faces away from you.
  1430. >Pretend there’s still bodywash to lather off of her, groping her tits from behind while hotdogging her big beautiful buns with your desperately erect manmeat.
  1431. >Stroke your length up and down between those cheeks more and more with your sensitive underside dug into her soft buttcrack, fixing to cum all over her backside like some amount of time before.
  1432. >But firmly grabbing her huge soft buttcheeks in your hands and pushing them together on either side of your throbbing, twitching erection puts your ambitions much higher this time from how that looked and felt.
  1433. >Already start pulling Cookie Crumbles towards yourself.
  1434. >Making her have to step around more rapidly and cause her soft naked buttcheeks to visibly sway and wobble for you, and you only make them jiggle around more with continued groping and light smacking.
  1435. >Both of you are on your knees, and you’re beginning to lean her forward into the right position.
  1436. >Cookie Crumbles can now distribute her weight between her arms and knees.
  1437. >She lowers her upper body to the pooling up shower floor, letting her huge soft naked tits push down onto it and delightfully mash against the friction-retaining shower floor tiles.
  1438. >Cookie Crumbles raises her lower body with your assistance.
  1439. >Your hands on either side of Cookie Crumbles’s wide hips and soft buttcheeks haul her big sexy ass upwards as she keeps her busty suckable tits mashing down against the shower floor~
  1440. >Adjust your position on your knees as needed in order to align your erect cock with Cookie Crumbles’s now exposed pussy.
  1441. >Thrust your hips forward, she feels you pressing your tip up against her exposed vulva lips and lets out a long higher pitched moan…
  1442. >It isn’t long before she feels you drive your length all the way inside, shutting her eyes with her profusely blushing face pressed atop the tile.
  1443. >Both of you are unaware of whether or not anyone else in this public shower section can hear the rhythmic plapping that is currently echoing through the walls.
  1444. >You watch jiggling waves of flesh roll up the sides of Cookie Crumbles’s big soft naked buttcheeks in response to each pelvic thrust you deliver.
  1445. >Bent over and taken by a pent up young man who urgently needed release all this time, Cookie Crumbles beats the tile next to her gaping mouth with her hot breath.
  1446. >Her eyes open, they shut, they dart around wondering how much this will intensify.
  1447. >She barely even though of anything at all when she was getting into this position with you.
  1448. >But she doesn’t want to leave this position until you’re finished releasing your frustration she feels she needed to help do something about.
  1449. >She joyfully cries out with her face plastered to the tile shower floor.
  1450. >That blushing, lip-biting face of hers slightly sliding back and forth atop the tile as each impact from your increasingly energetic humping moves her whole wet, naked and bent-over body back and forth.
  1451. >Your wet skin persistently continues to slap against her wet skin, and you watch your erect shaft appear and disappear back deep into Cookie Crumbles’s pussy while you plow her across the wet shower floor a little bit further each time.
  1452. >Let out a few grunts, feeling it all become closer and closer as Cookie Crumbles notices the edge of the shower wall getting closer to the top of her head.
  1453. >She eventually reaches it, and then the other perpendicular edge of a wall in the corner of the shower.
  1454. >You’re now far away enough from the running water to allow it to loudly batter the shower floor enough to cover up your noises more easily.
  1455. >Now you plow Cookie Crumbles up against the corner even harder and faster, making the plapping noises emit as loudly as possible~
  1456. >Hear Cookie Crumbles moan in delight to all of your humping and plowing.
  1457. >She grits her teeth.
  1458. >Rolls her eyes.
  1459. >Curls her toes, and more as she can no longer get scooted forward along the wet tile floor from your pelvic impacts upon her.
  1460. >You don’t even stop when you feel yourself begin to finally climax.
  1461. >Ejaculation takes over as it does.
  1462. >You only pick up the pace of your powerful humping upon the thick bent-over milf before you with her exposed goods pushing up against your crotch.
  1463. >It must have been a couple of spurts before you finally settled on one prolonged pelvic lean up onto her.
  1464. >Up against her goods and your ejaculating cock wildly jolting and exploding with spurts deep inside of her.
  1465. >You didn’t waste this remainder of your nut onto the shower floor, that’s for sure.
  1466. >...
  1467. >A bit later, you finally make it to Cookie Crumble's locker she was storing her things in.
  1468. >In there with her clothes are also your own, to the surprise of both of you.
  1469. >It's unmistakably obvious that all of this must have happened intentionally.
  1470. >Like you're now allowed to access your clothes again now that the milf you gave up your entire cargo to is satisfied enough to access hers.
  1471. >It's was sooooo on purpose.
  1472. >But you're too satisfied and afterglow-struck to give two fucks about how or why.
  1473. >Fuck that No Nut Nonsense, you're adding Cookie Crumbles's number to your phone.
  1474. >You wonder what the previous man out of the race from CHS is doing right now.
  1475. >He had mentioned something about Fluttershy's mother.
  1476. >Anyway...
  1477. >It is (very much so) down to two left.
  1478. ~
  1479. >Some amount of days later, you’re at the beach again.
  1480. >This time, you see Rarity there by herself, trying out her new bikini and probably fixing to sunbathe a little bit.
  1481. >She’s at the nearby tiki bar getting herself something to drink, facing away from you.
  1482. >And you get a great view of Rarity’s bare, plump round buttcheeks in those bikini bottoms barely even trying to cover them to any extent.
  1483. >With the top of her buttcrack peeking out on account of her bikini bottoms being so small.
  1484. >She turns her head and says something to you that you didn’t process.
  1485. >All you can think about is one thing.
  1486. >You know EXACTLY where she gets it from.
  1487. ///////////// and now back to the next part ////////////
  1489. ~
  1490. >You’ve somehow made it to late January.
  1491. >All of November and all of December had gone by, and now you’re dragging this cringe “challenge” out into its third month.
  1492. >All of your comrades have fallen, you could tell in the difference in energy they had brought into the room.
  1493. >They drag their feet, they look at the ground, they got bags under their eyes, you already know what it means.
  1494. >You did it, you’re the sole survivor.
  1495. >At least of this group.
  1496. >It’s become so much of a big thing for you that you don’t know what to do next other than to keep going.
  1497. >Conditioned yourself into nofap for so long that you’re either too used to doing it or too scare of no longer doing it.
  1498. >It’s like you’ve built up this towering house of cards, taller than anything you’ve ever seen before even in movies or world record competitions (though the latter might not be accurate).
  1499. >You never thought you’d even make it halfway this far, and you just don’t wanna stop yet.
  1500. >It’s become too much of a habit for you and you just don’t wanna stop.
  1501. >It’s really hard trying to get your brain to go back to the way it was, a task akin to what it feels like trying to make your awake brain fall asleep or make your tired brain wake up.
  1502. >You’ve become so complacent with this that you aren’t even truly registering the urges you feel anymore.
  1503. >They’ve finally begun to ease up.
  1504. >The water was cold when you first got in, but now you have to get out, but the air would feel too cold now.
  1505. >The thought of a transition from one habit back to another has gotten you shivering at the very idea.
  1506. >And because of all this, you begin to avoid being around girls more and more as much as you can.
  1507. >You don’t hate them or anything, you just don’t want to love them.
  1508. >Or whatever way of describing it that sounds like a cringe song lyric.
  1509. >There’s good reason to believe that you should be concerned on account that your friends had almost as strong willpower as you do and they lost pretty easily.
  1510. >Except you have a difficult job to distract yourself with; you’re an unproffessional repairman.
  1511. >Your heightened intuition, energy and focus has combined with the same practicality that carried you through the nofap.
  1512. >Not only through it, but beyond it.
  1513. >Now you’re completing tall orders in sometimes as short as one day.
  1514. >Usually, someone would need a trade school degree to do what you’re doing, but you’re more or less a freelancer and only getting paid by people who not only know you don’t have a degree (and are too young to have one), but agreed to let you work on whatever they need fixing.
  1515. >It’s usually the smaller things they end up trusting you with, since you aren’t a professional and probably not even allowed to work on the things that fall under warranties and stuff.
  1516. >The authenticity and maybe even legality of your line of work is heavily in question, but an odd job is an odd job and you’ve been getting paid at least enough money to buy yourself some new video games.
  1517. >You’re gonna play these things so much once you’re done with all of this, sitting around all day every day absolutely destroying every single level of a campaign mode of [insert game here] at a pace that may or may not break records is going to be your reward to yourself for doing all of this hard work.
  1518. >Don’t even find yourself sleeping much at all, going around town offering to fix anything you can to random people, occasionally running into the occasional interaction such as some guy telling you that you need to be an actual mechanic with a degree or something in order for him to let you fix his truck that won’t start.
  1519. >But fixing simple bikes and swing sets and other things like that turn out to be a lot easier than you would have anticipated had you been more in a state of normality.
  1520. >Tools are really fun to work with… and not to play with.
  1521. >The only tool you’ve ever played with is no longer being used that way, and you’re currently doing things like peeling old rusty brackets away with pliers and twisting actual metal screws into tight wooden holes.
  1522. >Fixing furniture with whatever spare supplies and whatnot you have available to you is proving to be the more profitable side to this.
  1523. >The surprising thing is how quickly you managed to get most of the tasks done.
  1524. >A sharp mind to figure it out and a strong grip to maneuver the pieces and parts just the way you need them in order to get them to lock together or come apart so you can replace it with something stronger and less broken.
  1525. >You’re not so much into using glue or tape; adhesives can only go so far.
  1526. >You have to use physical interlocking like nails and screws, and in the right way at that.
  1527. >Everyone who has agreed to pay you and let you fix some of their stuff didn’t spect a teenage boy your age to be so good at this, and so good at doing so many things in one day, often going to multiple places around town to fix the stuff of people living in different neighborhoods or working somewhere a mile or so away.
  1528. >They imagine it must be exhausting for you, and it is, but less so on account of your ability to not only endure it but exceed in it.
  1529. >And all the while, you’ve lost sight of the urges to masturbate from before, like you’ve drifted too far into this sea of what you’re doing to even know what direction land is in anymore.
  1530. >There were these three singing girls at one point, each of them had musical names.
  1531. >They must have seen you sailing around in this ocean of using your strength with tools and resources to fix things enough for people to pay you.
  1532. >It must have been the way their voices had sounded, or something about the… features of their physical appearance, that made land just a little bit visible to you.
  1533. >Just enough to remind you that you’re stranded at se- nope, ignore their song and go in the opposite direction.
  1534. >They were going to lead you into a trap, making your ship run into rocks that would puncture your ability to stay afloat and make you sink if you stayed in the water.
  1535. >You’re not going back onto land, you’re not getting out of the metaphorical pool.
  1536. >It’s so nice in here playing marco polo with the next person offering to pay you 50 bucks to repair their shelf.
  1537. >It’s so nice out here playing the role of Blackbeard and collecting treasure but with energy and skill you stole instead of stealing the treasure itself.
  1538. >You never know when 50 bucks can turn into 50,000 bucks, one broken something could be the only thing necessary to get there.
  1539. >Fuck it, this is persisting.
  1540. >Elysium is not necessary to ignore their song, as your own willpower is stronger than any rope.
  1541. >Whatever affected your three friends must have affected these three girls too, so it’s probably good that you currently are the way you are.
  1542. >You simply help the three siren sisters get their trailer wheel out of a ditch and move along, insisting that it’s not necessary for them to pay you unless they really want to do so (in money).
  1543. >You lead honest work, with honest results.
  1544. >The sirens will have to take another sailor for their own, which they surely will, but this guy here is already too far gone.
  1545. >Almost as much as that Wood Elf guy you’ve heard about, but he’s way too overboard about it to the point of it being stupid and even life-ruining… at least you’re planning to stop this one day when you can afford to.
  1546. >Of course, you’re still nice to the three sirens, they didn’t do anything wrong to you, and you’re more than happy to help them.
  1547. >You wish them the best after the blue one pretty openly came on to you out of nowhere, offering to “show you her room”.
  1548. >The other two facepalmed at her.
  1549. >The purple one blushed and pouted in the corner as the orange-haired one offered to “help you back”, but she shrugged it off and moved on on her own after you politely implied back that you’re clinging to unnecessary principles.
  1550. >She understood though, and confidently hit you with a “yeah I know” when you told her that she’s still really attractive anyway.
  1551. >You’re glad she didn’t even take it as a rejection, makes you feel better.
  1552. >Later went on to repair three different bookshelves that same day.
  1553. >…
  1554. >”W-well… who are you to lecture us anyway?” Windy Whistles asks a question the answer to which she already knows what it’s going to be.
  1555. >Cloudy Quartz gives her a thunderous downward glare.
  1556. >”I can’t believe you. The whole lot of you.” Cloudy Quartz chastises the other three women as they all sit together. “So easily giving in to whatever this… thing going around is. Didn’t our own daughters learn how to fight back against magic?”
  1557. >”I may not be an expert on the topic, but I would assume it’s more than just magic.” Cookie Crumbles adds. “It seems to play upon something that’s already part of us. Our own nature.”
  1558. >”That’s easy for you to say.”
  1559. >”Well, what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
  1560. >”Pardon me for being impolite, but you hadn’t had much of it when we were in high school. Back when we were naive young girls.”
  1561. >”Well, excuuuse me!”
  1562. >”I’m not the one who broke my marital bond!” Continues Cloudy. “And I’ve actually maintained it, which only goes to show that all you have to do is commit a little more and this magic can be defeated.”
  1563. >”Well… just because I didn’t mind a little bit of fun back in the day as you had, doesn’t mean I’m unable to commit to anything.” Says Cookie Crumbles.
  1564. >Windy Whistles sulks into her seat in guilt as Posey Shy nervously darts her eyes around.
  1565. >Internally to herself, Windy Whistles is still surprised that she actually caved in.
  1566. >She was supposed to stay on Cloudy’s side on this! Absolutely shameful to know that HER OWN restraint had now broken in that fitness room.
  1567. >This shouldn’t have happened, surely there must be some sort of foul play at foot here.
  1568. >Windy Whistles never became disloyal like that before, even though marriage itself isn’t that big of a deal around here, she was still absolutely crushing the challenge until that one fateful night.
  1569. >Every time Cloudy glances over at her, she feels the remorse and defeat put another stake into her, knowing that there’s no way she can convince Cloudy out of what she already found out about.
  1570. >”I can understand it happening with Posey, she and I had talked before about having more backbone.” Cloudy continues her diatribe. “And Cookie, well, I don’t mean to be rude, but…”
  1571. >”Oh puh-lease, you’ve said this twice now. Just be as rude as you can so we can get this out of the way! Yes, perhaps restraint isn’t my strong point. There’s no need to rub it in just because something even happened with Windy.”
  1572. >”Hey!” Windy Whistles instinctively replies before remembering the circumstances.
  1573. >”Now now, I’m not saying it’s your fault.” Cookie Crumbles starts off before turning back to Cloudy Quartz. “But please don’t do that thing where you say you don’t mean to be rude but then go on to do exactly that. It doesn’t cushion the blow, it only makes you come off as snarky."
  1574. >”Well maybe a little bit of snarkiness is warranted here!” Responds Cloudy Quartz. “There’s obviously something going on here and none of you are doing much to try and prevent it! Even though you clearly can!”
  1575. >”Hey! I really did try!” Protests Windy Whistles. “Whatever it is, it’s powerful. And uh… I’m not sure if I’m comfortable asking my daughter about it.”
  1576. >”Well she might know more, would she?”
  1577. >”You’re not wrong but… ugh, it’s just so embarrassing.”
  1578. >”Well at least you have enough integrity to BE embarrassed.”
  1579. >”Now hold on just a minute!” Cookie Crumbles nearly rises to her feet. “You can call my disloyal all you want, which doesn’t mean much given our difference in values, but do NOT lecture me about integrity! That’s just uncalled for.”
  1580. >”How is it uncalled for?” Questions Cloudy Quartz. “You can use me as your example. I had absolutely no trouble keeping myself from making the mistake you all made. And do you know why? It’s because I’m one of the only people left on this earth who still values marriage in the right ways. And that was all that was necessary”
  1581. >”How do we know you’re not keeping a dirty little secret from us?” Implies Windy Whistles.
  1582. >Cloudy gawks at her, as dumbfounded as a flat-earther looking at her house from the moon.
  1583. >“I… canNOT believe what I am hearing!” She huffs, but without a hint of a blush on her face. “I am shocked that you have the utter GALL to assume that about me! How could you?”
  1584. >Windy Whistles WANTS to say the same thing back, but she knows she has no grounds to. “Well all I’m saying is that you don’t know if it could get to you next, then.” She crosses her arms.
  1585. >”And I KNOW it won’t! Because apparently I have had more willpower than you all along. Which shouldn’t have been the case, which feels worth mentioning so you don’t assume I’m making this out to be a competition, Windy.” Says Cloudy in a cold tone. “All I’m saying is that I’m disappointed in you. All of you.”
  1586. >”You can’t talk to us like that.” Rebukes Cookie Crumbles. “If we wanted to take marriage more seriously, we would have CHOSEN to!”
  1587. >”And you DIDN’T! That’s the problem I’m addressing! I chose to take it more seriously and you didn’t! And not the magic got the better of all three of you. Which is why I have to step in and give you some… pep talk, if you will.”
  1588. >”No one needs pep talk less than I do.” Windy Whistles says. “I will resolve this myself.”
  1589. >”Was it not a couple of weeks ago when you swore it wouldn’t happen to you too?” Cloudy reminds her.
  1590. >”…You mean like how you’re doing right now?” Posey Shy finally jumps in and drops the bomb on her. “Windy fell, so why wouldn’t you?”
  1591. >”I’m going to be nice and assume you’re not implying you’d have lasted any longer.”
  1592. >”I’m not! I’m talking about the two of you, not myself. If you don’t mind!” Posey gives Cloudy the meanest face she can without looking cute.
  1593. >”Well I suppose this is more about Cookie and Windy than it is about you, after all.” Says Cloudy. “As I said, you and I in particular already talked about having backbone. The other two of you, however, there’s no excuse for this!”
  1594. >”And what makes you think you get to decide there’s no excuse?” Cookie Crumbles raises an eyebrow.
  1595. >”What makes you think you get to decide there IS one?” Cloudy responds right back at her. “Three of us still have kids that go here! And I would appreciate it if you did more to try to figure out where this malicious magic is originating from, let alone try to prevent it from advancing!”
  1596. >”Tell you what, we’ll bring this up with our daughters, since they have more experience with magic. Posey, you can ask Fluttershy. Windy, you ask Rainbow Dash. I’ll ask Rarity. And Cloudy, you ask Pinkie Pie, and maybe she can teach you how to have a little more fun in life along the way.”
  1597. >”Oh… you really went there, didn’t you?”
  1598. >Cookie Crumbles smirks watching the flustered blush appear on Cloudy’s face. “Oh yeah, I went there.”
  1599. >”You’re STILL going there when we have a serious problem on our hands?”
  1600. >”Excuse me but I haven’t been given a reason to worry about it like you are. Our kids were going to be getting into intimate relationships with peers either way no matter what we do! They’re simply at that age, magic or not. All this magic does is make it more intense, is all. None of your daughters are married last time I checked, so why all the fuss anyway?”
  1601. >”It’s about keeping them from hindering their ability to have restraint. If you would like to raise your daughters differently, be my guest, but don’t tell me how to raise mine!”
  1602. >”Fair enough, but don’t talk to be about my own integrity or how this makes a difference what Rarity does.”
  1603. >”If she’s as much of an interactive free spirit as you were back in the day, then this magic could be bad news for her. You do remember how much *ahem*… fun you’ve had before, yes?” Interrogates Cloudy.
  1604. >”Times have changed since then! I grew up, got married, had kids, and THEN this magic came in and steered things away from how it would have been without. And Rarity isn’t married anyway. Sweetie is an even longer way off from that.”
  1605. >”Yes, the times have changed. BECAUSE there is magic now!”
  1606. >Cookie Crumbles starts to say something, but realizes that Cloudy is right.
  1607. >Windy Whistles snaps out of her self-shame from hearing all of this for a few seconds and adds another two cents. “Rainbow Dash uh… physically developed because of it too… so I think it’s a lot more than just a state of mind.” She says.
  1608. >”Exactly why we must figure this out, Cookie!” Continues Cloudy.
  1609. >”I mean that as in, it’s not fair for you to criticize us for something that’s obviously outside of our control.” Clarifies Windy.
  1610. >”If it’s outside of YOUR control, then how come it’s still inside MINE?!”
  1611. >”Is it?”
  1612. >”I know I haven’t cheated on my husband, so yes. Why should I believe otherwise?”
  1613. >”And I also KNOW that it made my daughter’s breasts grow three cup sizes in less than a year! So, BELIEVE, that!”
  1614. >Cookie and Cloudy exchange glances after looking over at Windy.
  1615. >”Okay, okay, okay, so we can at least agree that something more can *and should* be done. Yes?” Cloudy offers a compromise.
  1616. >”An apology would be nice.” Cookie Crumbles raises her eyebrow again. “You didn’t have to take it so far.”
  1617. >Cloudy Quartz groans in frustration.
  1618. >”I’ll concede that my remark regarding Pinkie Pie teaching you to have fun had crossed the line too. And for that, I apologize.”
  1619. >”I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry I expected you to have more restraint when you and I look at marriage in different ways. That was closed-minded of me and I apologize.”
  1620. >”I would like to clarify that you’re not wrong for *feeling* disappointed in us, but just understand that we really tried. Especially Windy, here.” Says Cookie Crumbles.
  1621. >”That’s fair. Because I will admit that I am still a little disappointed. But we should still at least try to do something about this.”
  1622. >Posey Shy joins in. “I’m sorry I questioned your ability to stay loyal in your marriage.”
  1623. >”I still think you shouldn’t assume you’re untouchable just because you take marriage more seriously.” Windy Whistles says to Cloudy Quartz. “Like I said, it, uh, bloomed Rainbow Dash more than normal. Physically, no matter what she believed in her head. Don’t think nothing can happen to you.”
  1624. >”Well nothing physical happened with any of my four daughters. Maybe it’s because yours was a later bloomer is all, and obviously I’ve done all my growing up a long time ago.” Cloudy’s voice gets quieter in the second part of that, not comfortable with inappropriately talking about her own body like… that.
  1625. >”That’s not the point!” Says Windy Whistles. “It uh… it still got past my restraint and still got me a bit hot under the collar, and we’re the same age. And we still don’t know what other physical effect it can have on us, like alcohol or that stuff dentists give you that make you dizzy and sleepy, whatever it’s called.”
  1626. >”Novocaine, dear.” Says Cookie Crumbles.
  1627. >”Yeah, that. And you’d be lying if you said I wasn’t at least more strong-willed than Posey or Cookie when it comes to our relationships. No offense.” She turns to them.
  1628. >”…None taken.” Cookie Crumbles raises her eyebrow for a third time while Posey Shy blushes profusely.
  1629. >However, these facts make Cloudy feel a little uneasy.
  1630. >…Windy’s right…
  1631. >But she’s not about to admit that outright.
  1632. >”Well I can assure you it will NOT happen to me.” Swears Cloudy Quartz, still not feeling terribly remorseful about chastising the other three women about their lack of restraint.
  1633. >”Like you said…” Windy Whistles brings back up. “Was it not a few weeks ago when I said the same thing?”
  1634. >Cloudy struggles to think of a response to this.
  1635. >The door to the conference room finally opens.
  1636. >”Sorry we’re late.” Apologizes Vice Principal Luna as Principal Celestia closely follows her into the room with the grades of Marble Pie, Zephyr Breeze and Sweetie Belle in her hands. “Let’s get this meeting started.”
  1637. >”Hiya, I’m going to be tagging along, if that’s okay.” Says Windy Whistles as the two sisters sit down.
  1638. >”Not a problem. Anyway, let’s get the ball rolling, we’re already behind schedule.”
  1639. >Several minutes in, Cloudy Quartz begins to wonder something to herself: “Did someone turn the thermostat up?”
  1640. ~
  1641. >…
  1642. >Maybe they were using their tractor the wrong way and never realized it, and now it broke down.
  1643. >And then took up your offer to fix it, likely not knowing how a lot of this stuff works anyway.
  1644. >Seems par for the course for a family that… farms rocks?
  1645. >”Igneous Rock has always been stubborn about it.” Cloudy Quartz, one of the owners of this house on the outskirts of town says to you. “He never used that darn thing properly and now it needs fixing.”
  1646. >You’re glad this woman is wearing strictly appropriate clothing that even covers up her collarbone.
  1647. >Completely takes the prospect of certain things out of the equation and lets you focus on your hard honest work.
  1648. >Oh that’s right, this is the Pie family residence.
  1649. >Four girls who either go to or went to CHS live here, except school’s in session, so you should be safe on this cold late January day.
  1650. >Still unfortunate that you mind keeps wandering to that topic, but you’ll distract yourself soon enough with the lady of the house hopefully not too impressed by any stamina you display.
  1651. >This is your first time fixing a tractor, so this is new territory.
  1652. >Continue tinkering around with all sorts of things you don’t know the proper name for.
  1653. >Resort to looking things up on your phone, and asking Mrs. Quartz if she knows of any manuals lying around you might be able to use.
  1654. >She tells you that Mr. Pie normally knows where all of those things are, and he himself had used the designated manual for that tractor himself, but she doesn’t know where he keeps it and he’s busy in town currently trying to sell rocks that had been farmed from this place.
  1655. >Damn, if you’re gonna sell rocks, they better be some pretty damn good looking rocks.
  1656. >If anything, this is just a mining family, and they’ve been looking for valuable minerals to sell on the market.
  1657. >No idea why it’s being framed as “farming rocks” from everything you’ve heard.
  1658. >Anyway, you take your mind off of that and get back to the work you’re doing.
  1659. >After a while, you actually do finally find the tractor manual, and you start jotting down a few notes on paper what you did wrong so far and what you think might work based off of what the manual says and what the internet on your phone says.
  1660. >You had better complete this in the first day if you want to get paid a high enough amount for it to be worthwhile.
  1661. >But you’re just not used to doing something like this.
  1662. >Even after looking a bunch of things up, and trying to decipher the books Mr. Pie has the best you can, it just doesn’t click with you.
  1663. >It might as well be written in another language; you didn’t go to school for this.
  1664. >All you can really say about this is that you’re out of your element, and that’s something you hate having to admit after having been able to take on any challenge that came your way up until now.
  1665. >You hate the “until now” part of that so much.
  1666. >There’s just this part of you that doesn’t want to be stopped yet, the part of you that just wants to fix the damn tractor already even if you don’t get paid for it.
  1667. >”I can” doesn’t mean shit if you aren’t later saying “I did”.
  1668. >But the gap between those two is like trying to manually jump across one of the Grand Canyon’s widest points.
  1669. >How the fuck are you gonna do that shit?
  1670. >Jumping a distance that’s a couple of meters or yards is already enough of a challenge, but doing at least 20 times that amount in one jump just isn’t happening; it’s not in the cards.
  1671. >You’ll need a ramp and a motorcycle or some shit, spare the cape.
  1672. >Ain’t just gonna run up to the edge of the cliff, leap high into the air and make it to the other side of the Grand Canyon.
  1673. >And yet, you still want to believe that you can do it.
  1674. >Because you HAVE to believe that you are going to be able to pull this off.
  1675. >You’ve pulled everything else off, like you did back in November, and then all the other things you were able to pull off because of November then December and now January.
  1676. >Running into a wall now just makes it hurt more, because you’ve picked up so much momentum.
  1677. >Odd how running into a wall from the (originally) November thing now would only make it feel better.
  1678. >Suppose that the mental consequences of whatever challenge you embark on will be amplified after it’s been longer before you stop, depending if they’re positive or negative.
  1679. >Not one really talks about consequences positively, as a term, as a word.
  1680. >What would you consider a positive consequence anyway?
  1681. >What can be called a positive consequence?
  1682. >”Is everything alright?” Cloudy Quartz calls over from the living room.
  1683. >It’s been several hours, and you’re staring defeat square in the face as you glance down at all the inner mechanisms of stuff that a licensed mechanic would be waaaaaaaay better suited for.
  1684. >You have no idea what you’re doing.
  1685. >Cloudy Quartz hasn’t really even done so much as go near you this entire time, and now she repeats what she had asked. “Is everything alright?”
  1686. “Yeah, just a little stuck is all.”
  1687. >”Would you like to give it a rest for today? I don’t want to overwork you or anything.”
  1688. “No, no no, I’m fine.
  1689. >You continue working.
  1690. >…
  1691. >And working.
  1692. >…
  1693. >And then you scrape your skin on your thumb bad enough to force you to have to stop.
  1694. >And as you’re walking out of the garage where the small tractor is, you can feel it laughing at you, basking in its little victory that it was the thing that finally took down the all-time everyfixer.
  1695. >”Are you sure you don’t need a bandage for that or anything?” Asks Cloudy Quartz.
  1696. “I’m okay, it’s nothing major.” You keep your thumb wrapped up in paper towels.
  1697. >Luckily, the blood stopped early on enough for the truth not to seep through the white material.
  1698. >Cloudy Quartz goes back to whatever it was she was just doing, already sensing your frustration in light of what just happened.
  1699. >You really did believe in yourself to fix that tractor, but you ended up just as stubborn as her husband, thinking you can do it in some way that just isn’t going to work.
  1700. >”So… any luck with the tractor?” Igneous Rock Pie come walking through the door as you sit at the kitchen table with a glass of orange juice on the table before you.
  1701. >Cloudy Quartz has gone off upstairs to do something.
  1702. >“Oh hello, didn’t see you there at first.” Mr. Pie enters the kitchen where you sit. “You’re here for the tractor, right? I apologize for being so late.”
  1703. “Yeah, I kind of figured out what I have to do. It’s written down on this piece of paper.” You look over where you have the two sheets of paper. “Oh, err, two pieces of paper. There’s been a lot of trial and error going on.”
  1704. >”Hm, I can see that.” Mr. Pie looks over at your hand. “Your thumb okay?”
  1705. “Oh you know, got a little too into it and wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have.”
  1706. >He smiles and nods as you gather your things and get ready to head off. “Well it seems like you put in a lot of hard work successful or not, and it’s only fair you’re rewarded for that much at least.”
  1707. >He pulls out a 20 dollar bill and hands it to you.
  1708. “Wait, you really mean it?”
  1709. >”That tractor has been such a pain in the neck for me, I can’t blame you for it being a pain for you as well.”
  1710. “I could give it another try another day if you’d like. Would you like the notes I wrote down? Maybe if you’re here next time, we could try and troubleshoot this thing together.”
  1711. >”I absolutely will be here. I’d be more than happy to.”
  1712. >You hand him the papers.
  1713. >Mr. Pie, in his head, can rest fully assured that you did nothing but what you were supposed to do when you came over here.
  1714. >There’s no way you could have been… off doing something else, possibly in the rooms of one of his daughters, if you were spending enough time to write down technical notes with this much detail and accuracy.
  1715. >He can see from the soot on your shirt that you’ve spent a lot of time on this, and the fact that you cut your thumb a little bit is also supporting of the evidence that you actually spend the day working hard on what you said you’d do.
  1716. >”There’s so much dishonesty in this modern world that I can’t help but reward a day’s honest work.” He gives you an assuring smile.
  1717. >You walk out of the house with at least some dignity left, knowing that you at least made 20 dollars off of this so far.
  1718. >That and knowing you’ll come back for round two of this challenge.
  1719. >Continue to remind yourself of this as you’re driving away in your car.
  1720. ~
  1721. >There’s a couple of reasons as to WHY you’re the one who lasted the longest as the sole survivor.
  1722. >Right as you’re taking your usual nocturnal-emission-prevention measures before bed, you continue to look up any useful tractor information you can on your phone.
  1723. >You’re trying really hard to keep yourself focused on this.
  1724. >And now it feels like you finally have an excuse to.
  1725. >There’s something about today that keeps trying to seep its way into your mind, but you’re not sure what it is.
  1726. >You’re WILLFULLY not sure what it is.
  1727. >Continue looking up quick truck and tractor fixes and techniques for such for several more minutes in bed before an ad pops up on your phone.
  1728. >God damn lack of adblock on mobile devices being a piece of shit pain in the a-
  1729. >Oh fuck it’s a summer/beach vacation advertisement they do in the middle of winter to make snowbirds want to spend money on plane tickets, gas money, and gift shops.
  1730. >But that truth behind the They Live sunglasses is overshadows by the fact that the advertisement has a girl in a bikini in it.
  1731. >And damn did they pick a good looking gal to catch the attention of people they’re shilling to.
  1732. >You become so internally torqued that you have to exit the page.
  1733. >Reflecting on the fact that you exited the page only make you perceive the girl in the advertisement as even hotter, because the ad made YOU out of everyone have to close out of the page.
  1734. >Even though this is pretty much what you would have done anyway to avert mental invasions of bad tho(ugh)ts in your imagination, or at least mental raiding parties.
  1735. >But the stint with the tractor today has gotten your defenses against yourself raised into a frenzy.
  1736. >Everything you do that wasn’t an automatic success feels like a weakness.
  1737. >Everything you… can’t handle seeing… feels like a weakness as well.
  1738. >Cognitive dissonance sprinkles its magic fairy dust all over it and your overthinking mind mixes it all up in a large saucepan.
  1739. >What you saw in that advertisement starts to exaggerate its own strength in your mind.
  1740. >Those tits, that body, fuck, everything looked so…
  1741. >Open another website and look up truck and tractor stuff, already feeling as though there’s porn or at least lewd selfies on the side of your screen already.
  1742. >Transmitters, transmissions, a couple of other things in the alphabetized list you’re scrolling up after screentapping to a random point…
  1743. >Eh screw this, it’s hurting your eyes, making your muscle tendons on your scalp ache as a result.
  1744. >The last thing you need is a headache making you cancel your plans.
  1745. >Shut your eyes, get some rest.
  1746. >…
  1747. >”I’m telling you, he just didn’t want to let up.” Cloudy Quartz tells her husband. “I asked him if he needed a glass of water, or extra paper towels, or anything, and he just kept on working.”
  1748. >”I gotta say, I really admire his dedication.” Mr. Pie states. “Even though it’s pretty obvious he might not be cut out for this.”
  1749. >”I wouldn’t say that directly to him. It might bum him out. It started to feel like fixing that tractor became something of a personal task for him. You should’ve seen it.”
  1750. >”Did he injure his thumb early on or later on?” Asks Igneous Rock Pie.
  1751. >”It was toward the end. I heard him walking around in the kitchen looking for paper towels. If I knew how bad it was, I’d have offered him a first aid kit, but he was already back in the garage by the time I went over.”
  1752. >”He must’ve lost his focus. Got exhausted but didn’t want to realize it. Ended up hurting himself.”
  1753. >”Well I’m sure there’s got to be some way we should tell him to be careful next time without hurting his pride.”
  1754. >”Yeah… boys that age can get hard to talk to about that kind of stuff. When they bite off more than they can chew but don’t wanna admit it.” Igneous Rock thinks back to when he was 19. “It’s a hell of an embarrassing lesson. I should know.”
  1755. >”Well I sure appreciate your current wisdom of these times.” Cloudy sarcastically replies.
  1756. >Dinner soon ends and the topic is soon forgotten about.
  1757. >…
  1758. >Cloudy lies alone in bed in the middle of the night while her loving husband snores next to her.
  1759. >She’s sincerely hoping that her daughter Pinkie Pie isn’t getting mixed up with party-goers in college.
  1760. >At least Limestone thought her popular classmates were “lame”, and Maud was known be even the nerds at school as the boring girl who didn’t know how to have fun.
  1761. >But Pinkie is a totally different story.
  1762. >Cloudy heard all kinds of stories about keg parties and frat houses and sorority initiations and so on…
  1763. >It’s scarier than horror movies to her - because it’s actually real, and can happen to HER family.
  1764. >Pinkie’s ability to turn nearly every moment into a party, her ability to use her bubbly personality to make friends with almost anyone, especially people with the same loud and hyper demeanor as her… those who throw those said keg parties…
  1765. >It may be 1 in the morning, but Pinkie Pie may or may not be in bed right now.
  1766. >What if she’s drunk?
  1767. >And letting a boy put his filthy perverted hands all over her?!
  1768. >Cloudy Quartz physically recoils at the imaginative scenario.
  1769. >What an alarming thing that could be happening to HER own daughter RIGHT NOW.
  1770. >Wouldn’t be far-fetched for a boy to be attracted to Pinkie Pie wearing something a little too… free-spirited for Cloudy’s liking.
  1771. >Though, this shouldn’t be a problem with the currently cold weather.
  1772. >Unless everyone’s inside with the heat cranked all the way up.
  1773. >How much warmer do people feel when they’re drunk?
  1774. >Cloudy Quartz wouldn’t know; she’s never been drunk in her entire life.
  1775. >Why wasn’t she more worried about this sort of thing when Halloween was happening, with all those college kids acting up with their Halloween parties.
  1776. >Did it just not occur to her then?
  1777. >Sure, Maud had promised to watch after Pinkie that time, so that might have been it.
  1778. >But Pinkie is surely venturing out there alone now.
  1779. >Learning more about drunkenness than Cloudy will even know.
  1780. >Something she hopes not to learn about.
  1781. >This leads her train of thought over to what Cookie Crumbles had said some time ago.
  1782. >”Maybe Pinkie can teach you how to have fun”… or something along those lines.
  1783. >Pinkie Pie always seemed a lot happier than Maud Pie and especially Limestone Pie most of the time.
  1784. >This was true in high school and it’s probably just as true in college.
  1785. >Except this time, Pinkie is engaging in more… adult-oriented activities.
  1786. >Cloudy Quartz worries about her daughter getting mixed up with this stuff even more than a desperate white knight classmate of hers would.
  1787. >Except this time, it’s actually valid, Cloudy is Pinkie’s mother.
  1788. >Cloudy is also Maud’s mother, and Limestone’s mother, both of whom are also in college, most likely not having as much fun as Pinkie.
  1789. >Because they, or at least Maud, are more like their mother than Pinkie is.
  1790. >And Cloudy wonders to herself if they feel like they’re missing out after watching their slightly younger sister make young memories the way they wish they could have.
  1791. >Walking the section of the path they just finished, but looks around and enjoys the scenery more, telling them what they missed when they passed it.
  1792. >…Would this be the case as well when Pinkie tells Cloudy about her college experiences?
  1793. >Cloudy can only imagine how much she had missed by staying the way she was when in college.
  1794. >Sure she was never interested in partying, but she doesn’t know if she even would have liked it.
  1795. >She never even gave it a try, and now she’s too old for that.
  1796. >But Pinkie’s surely giving it not only a try, but likely a big success too.
  1797. >”Maybe Pinkie can teach you how to have fun” Cookie Crumbles had said.
  1798. >That sarcastic jab STILL lives rent-free in Cloudy Quartz’s mind, from a former classmate and also a mother of multiple daughters who had always carried herself nicely and wouldn’t be expected to stoop to such a level of getting groped by greasy drunkard hands in some scraggly slacker-student’s smelly living room at 1 in the morning.
  1799. >Cookie and her two daughters are too classy to not be above that.
  1800. >”Maybe Pinkie can teach you how to have fun”…
  1801. >Obviously, there’s “too far” in the free-spirited party animal direction Cloudy had heard horror stories about, but what about the opposite direction?
  1802. >Is there a “too far” for that?
  1803. >The line indicating the point at which that begins being crossed may prompt someone to say something like what someone as usually polite as Cookie said.
  1804. >Cloudy did indeed sort of go a bit hard on her and her other friends about their failure to control themselves.
  1805. >And they all seemed to collectively agree that it’s at least implied that Cloudy may have taken her own righteous choices “too far”.
  1806. >And it made Limestone rebel, didn’t affect Maud since she’s already the boring sister, fell on deaf ears with Pinkie and…
  1807. >What about Marble, her youngest daughter still in high school?
  1808. >Still at home, sleeping a couple of rooms over…
  1809. >Marble Pie has always been such a sweetheart, and Cloudy Quartz hadn’t found much of a reason to worry about her, since she’s always so quiet and keeps to herself.
  1810. >What will happen when Rebellious Limestone and Free-Spirited Pinkie tell her all about what it’s like to be in college?
  1811. >They might… teach her “how to have fun”. Or at least Pinkie would.
  1812. >Cloudy had already done her worrying about Limestone and she’s not dead or raising a kid currently, but Pinkie’s the more wild one anyway.
  1813. >Cloudy did in fact notice Marble undergo a growth spurt… just like Windy Whistles said that her daughter Rainbow Dash had… WHILE AT COLLEGE.
  1814. >And Marble already had it happen earlier.
  1815. >Developed such a busty chest that male eyes couldn’t hope to turn away from her.
  1816. >It would only be a matter of time… along with whatever Pinkie tells her regarding “have fun in college while you still can” or something like that.
  1817. >College is the last truly fun era of someone’s life, and Pinkie is all about having fun and being a blabbermouth about things.
  1818. >Life after college is: wake up, get ready, go to work, be at work all day, come back exhausted, eat dinner, have SOME time to yourself, go to bed, rinse and repeat while paying occasional taxes.
  1819. >Putting two and two together, Pinkie would want her own younger sister to have *as much fun as possible while she is able to*.
  1820. >And there ain’t a damn thing Cloudy Quartz can do about it once her youngest daughter Marble has become beyond her command.
  1821. >She would watch in real time Marble transform from the quiet sweetheart girl into some easy, unprincipled slut with the huge chest, ogled by all sorts of problematic boys and men.
  1822. >Turning away from what Cloudy had become after college and turning into what Cloudy hope Pinkie won’t become after college.
  1823. >What Cookie Crumbles and Windy Whistles had said still lingers in Cloudy Quartz’s mind.
  1824. >”Maybe Pinkie can teach you how to have fun”…”Rainbow’s chest grew multiple cup sizes in less than a year from some unknown force while in college”…
  1825. >The rest of that parent-teacher meeting with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna regarding Marble’s academic performance may have left an impression on Cloudy while the heat in the room seemingly couldn’t stop being cranked up, but it’s the words before that that stick.
  1826. >That and the fact that Marble’s grades have noticeably slipped a little recently...
  1827. >Could it ONLY be senioritis?
  1828. >Cloudy Quartz imagines Marble Pie’s first year of college, her first year of true freedom.
  1829. >Like a rubber band finally getting launched after being let go… all the tension finally releases…
  1830. >Marble takes Pinkie’s advice and goes to a party.
  1831. >There’s red plastic cups there.
  1832. >There’s loud music.
  1833. >Marble wants to prove she can fit in now.
  1834. >The people there show her the way.
  1835. >…The guys stare at her chest…
  1836. >Marble eventually discovers something that Cloudy never even gave a try to see if she’d like it or not.
  1837. >And there isn’t a damn thing Cloudy can do about it but worry and wish it won’t happen.
  1838. >But to Cloudy’s surprise… a tiny defecting part of her mind, one she has no idea where it came from, cries out that the thing she wishes won’t happen is actually something she… wishes happened to her.
  1839. >Cloudy almost audibly gasps.
  1840. >Shocked at herself for even considering such a thing, and goes back to worrying about Marble going to college.
  1841. >Surely, she wouldn’t get in if her grades are too low, right?
  1842. >Though, what she hear from the meeting With Celestia and Luna in that really hot damp conference room doesn’t indicate that Marble’s grades are low enough for actually severe failure.
  1843. >Just a noticeable slip.
  1844. >Indicative of… something, she’s sure.
  1845. >But either way, whether Cloudy likes it or not, even her youngest, sweetest daughter is going to college.
  1846. >And just like that young man today who was frustrated with not being able to control the situation with the tractor, Cloudy isn’t able to control the situation with her daughter Marble.
  1847. >Marble’s going to experience what Cloudy missed out on.
  1848. >Wait, no, she’ll experience what Cloudy never fell victim to.
  1849. >Cloudy ends the topic with herself on that note and shifts to the young man who insisted he continue working on that tractor.
  1850. >What a stubborn, frustrated young man, hyper-fixated on completing a task he had little usable preparation for.
  1851. >He may be stubborn and frustrated, but he sure had enough stamina to continue going the ENTIRE day working on such an uphill battle putting so much sweat on his brow.
  1852. >Not even Igneous Rock would stay that stubbornly dedicated to something when he was that age.
  1853. >At least Igneous Rock knew when to call it quits and accept that his pride would have to take a bit of a blow, but Anon… the younger generation these days is something else.
  1854. >At first you don’t succeed, try try again.
  1855. >At second and third you don’t succeed, try try again.
  1856. >As soon as you figure out you’ve been doing it wrong, keep trying it again the wrong way anyway because screw acknowledging honest mistakes.
  1857. >The mistake in this case being not recognizing that he’s not cut out for the job… but he persists anyway…
  1858. >He probably knows he’s wrong, but it doesn’t matter to him.
  1859. >He didn’t give up despite being wrong anyway, what kind of achievement is that supposed to even bring?
  1860. >That’s not a victory, it’s just an increasingly embarrassing defeat the longer you cling to it and pretend it was a win simply because you refused to change your mind, like a stubborn 12-year-old.
  1861. >In these young men’s heads, they probably see everything in life as wins and losses, because they’re stupid and immature, but think they have everything figured out like they’re polymaths.
  1862. >But even if they know deep down that they overstepped their boundaries, or overestimated their own sense of humor, or what have you… they still “win” if they turn their nose up at the obvious defeat their cognitive dissonance is allergic to.
  1863. >Choosing some fleeting self-narrative of victory over the simple truth.
  1864. >What a dangerous level of delusion.
  1865. >Anon is a stupid, frustrated young man hopelessly stuck in his ways.
  1866. >Who will overwork his own stamina all day somehow if he has to.
  1867. >How did he even manage to do that?
  1868. >The ENTIRE day?
  1869. >There must be some physical thing going on, it can’t just be his stubbornness.
  1870. >at least in Pinkie’s case, it’s the sweets she eats, but Anon didn’t even eat at all since he had arrived.
  1871. >He did all of that on pretty much an empty stomach.
  1872. >Food is fuel, but he must have some sort of other fuel going on, and it’s not just his frustrated stubbornness, Cloudy is sure.
  1873. >Maybe he can teach Igneous Rock how to keep persisting for an entire day and get twice as much done before sundown from now on.
  1874. >Cloudy Quartz thinks about a lot of things while lying awake at night.
  1875. >Like, how the hell was that conference room so humid at this time of year anyway?
  1876. ~
  1877. >You didn’t get your chance to give it another go until about half a month later.
  1878. >Had spent so much time looking up any and all information you could about pickup trucks, tractors, vans, or really just cars in general.
  1879. >And how they work on the inside… most of which you still barely understand a whole lot of.
  1880. >You’ve even gone down the whole auto insurance rabbit hole, as if that was going to teach you anything other than the differences in costs between engines and transmissions and whatever the fuck else.
  1881. >There is nothing you want more in this world than to get back to the Pie Family home and fix that tractor THE VERY DAY YOU ARRIVE.
  1882. >The very hour, even.
  1883. >To make up for failing last time.
  1884. >And yet, you were too nervous to perform any test runs on your own car under the hood.
  1885. >It tells you a whole lot about what you actually know, namely what you know that you don’t know, but you’re keeping that from yourself as you drive all the way back to the family’s home.
  1886. >Igneous Rock is already waiting outside for you, now available to work alongside you to try and fix the problem through teamwork.
  1887. >Part of you hopes that he’d know more about his own small tractor, but if he did, he’d have fixed it already.
  1888. >And another part of you is glad he didn’t, so now you can return and finish the battle with the tractor you feel like you’re the one who started.
  1889. >”Already got the hood open for ya.” He walks up to you. “I gave it a look myself.”
  1890. “Any luck?” You ask with slight hope for the opposite.
  1891. >”Same old situation so far.”
  1892. >Follow him into the garage to find that he’s made little more progress than you had, if at all.
  1893. >Immediately take your toolkit out that you had brought with you.
  1894. >Igneous Rock Pie looms over the mechanisms from under the hood alongside you as you try to focus even harder than he is.
  1895. >Something in your mind thinks to ask him where Cloudy Quartz is, but your better reasoning stops you.
  1896. >”So this is where you got stuck last time?”
  1897. “Yeah. I think some things there might need to be replaced. Unless I can make it work somehow.”
  1898. >You can see he’s looking at the scar/scab where you got your skin pierced last time.
  1899. >Probably wondering how fast you were trying to do anything, while watching your hands right now.
  1900. >Several minutes go by, and you have a bunch of new papers out that you brought with you.
  1901. >You figure he’s not the type to be too accustomed to using a mobile phone with a touchscreen and instead is more old-world when peeking back and forth between a manual and whatever activity being done.
  1902. >You realize you forgot to get yourself a bite to eat before driving over, having focused so hard on getting this done in one fell sweep and not intending to stick around very long getting stuck again.
  1903. >But of course, here you are indeed getting stuck again.
  1904. >A bunch of wires and tubes and stuff are simply refusing to cooperate.
  1905. >The more you try to work on it, the more frustrated you become.
  1906. >As the notion, the possibility that maybe you’re not going to complete this all today starts to bubble up in your mind.
  1907. >It’s really starting to make some jitteriness start to show in your hands that can’t stay still.
  1908. >Being hungry doesn’t exactly help either.
  1909. >”Need a break, there?” Mr. Pie finally asks you after about an hour, seeing something is clearly getting you all anxious.
  1910. “I just haven’t eaten all day. It’s fine, though.”
  1911. >”Ah, well that’s not a good idea. Working on an empty stomach. It’ll throw off your focus.” He tells you. “Gotta get some fuel in your engine, you know?”
  1912. “Well, I don’t know if you’d mind me asking if there’s anything to eat around here. I sure wouldn’t mind.”
  1913. >”Not at all. Don’t worry about it, I’ll see to it that the tractor doesn’t run away while Mrs. Quartz fixes you something.” He half-jokes.
  1914. >He must have picked up on how serious you were about gettin this done.
  1915. >Or maybe Cloudy Quartz told him.
  1916. >You’re not sure which way that went, but you know you yourself are going into the kitchen.
  1917. >Mr. Pie is right behind you, and he calls for Cloudy Quartz and asks her if she could make you something quick so you aren’t working on an empty stomach.
  1918. >She doesn’t seem very bothered or even really that surprised at all by this, promptly slicing up some ham on the counter into discs and cubes, getting ready to carry the plate over before you even know it.
  1919. >Almost feel like your head is spinning starting to think about getting food.
  1920. >The more you realize that chewing delicious food is less and less minutes or even seconds away throws your focus out the window and careens everything in your mind towards getting something to eat before you finish this thing.
  1921. >It’s only your natural instincts putting your priorities straight.
  1922. >You’re visibly shivering by the time Cloudy Quartz sets the plate down in front of you.
  1923. >”Well, you sure look eager to eat something.” She comments, sounding like she had wanted to help you since the last time you were here.
  1924. “I promise I won’t hurt myself this time.” You smile.
  1925. >She chuckles. “That’s good to hear. Let me know if you need any more after this.”
  1926. >On the plate before you is basically a mountain of ham. Pure protein with a bottle of ketchup next to it.
  1927. >You open the bottle, and it looks like the lid is a small critter’s ribcage and you’re ripping it open with how much red stretchy ketchup residue is stuck everywhere inside.
  1928. >”Oh… heh, sorry about that. My daughter Pinkie was recently home from college. She’s a little messy.” Apologizes Cloudy Quartz. “I didn’t know since I don’t use ketchup all that much myself.”
  1929. >You raise your eyebrows with a nod.
  1930. “It’s alright.”
  1931. >”Here.” Cloudy wets a paper towel at the sink.
  1932. >She quickly wipes off the inside of the plastic lid to the bottle of ketchup.
  1933. >As she’s scrubbing the inside of the lid, you notice her chest just noticeably swaying back and forth to the motions of it.
  1934. >She’s already dressed as though she has a lot of layers under her very appropriate dress top, possibly multiple layers of underwear, and yet it still wasn’t quite enough to stop her natural attributes from making themselves known through it all with enough rapid motion.
  1935. >You have no idea why your mind went there randomly, or why you had let your guard down and allowed yourself to be paying attention to her in that way, or whatever it was that happened.
  1936. >But you saw what you saw.
  1937. >Indisputable evidence that Cloudy Quartz’s chest is not only at LEAST a couple of C-cups, but they’re all natural too.
  1938. >Not sure why you would have needed that, but there it was given to you.
  1939. >Hear the slight noise of an engine come from the garage, and feel your heart sink and your appetite briefly postpone itself.
  1940. >No… there’s no way.
  1941. >”Oh! Did you finally get it working, honey?” Cloudy Quartz walks over to the door to the garage and steps through.
  1942. >There’s a brief pause before he answers.
  1943. >”Nope, just testing a couple of things out on my truck first.” He responds. “Then comparing it to tractor.”
  1944. >That’s… something that would work?
  1945. >Not even you’re quite sure about that, but you’re no expert, so you just return your attention to your plate of ham and squirt a stream of ketchup over it like you’re firebombing a castle.
  1946. >You’re really just glad the tractor wasn’t fixed in your absence.
  1947. >If anyone’s going to be responsible for that tractor coming back to life, it HAD to be you.
  1948. >It’s become more or less a personal thing (definitely more).
  1949. >Quickly wolf down the plate of ham, surprised Cloudy Quartz made this much for you.
  1950. >She didn’t even ask you what you wanted, and then just heated up a bunch of ham and served it to you on a plate.
  1951. >Several minutes of you eating go by, and the sounds of Igneous Rock tinkering with both his truck and his tractor are accompanied by the truck revving on and off again.
  1952. >The truck, but not the tractor.
  1953. >You don’t know exactly what he’s doing, but holy hell this ham tastes amazing.
  1954. >”Would you like a second batch?” Asks Cloudy Quartz.
  1955. >Give her a nod, and she immediately goes back to heat you up some more ham.
  1956. >You’re swallowing the ham so fast that you’re almost inhaling it down your windpipe.
  1957. >Slow yourself down before you require Cloudy Quartz to have to perform a Heimlich Maneuver on you because you were once again stupid and short-sighted.
  1958. >”Would you like something to drink?” Cloudy asks you.
  1959. “Mhm!”
  1960. >She proceeds to go through a bunch of sweet fruit drinks her daughters go through, mostly Pinkie who has the real sweet tooth.
  1961. >You settle for one of those, and wait for her to pour a tall glass of it for you while you continue eating your (now second) mountain of ham.
  1962. >It’s really starting to fill you up now, and your brain is less directed towards satisfying your hunger instinct now.
  1963. >You just couldn’t stop yourself as soon as you had started sticking the fork into the slices and cubes of ham.
  1964. >It was all right there in front of you, the smell of the juice meat rising up to your nose as you squirted the ketchup all over it.
  1965. >It would have been like stopping a giant magnet from getting pulled onto a metal wall by that point; the very thing that is SUPPOSED to happen was so close to happening.
  1966. >So close that your survival instincts kicked in and put you on autopilot until your stomach was full of enough ham for you to relax again.
  1967. >The truck in the garage continues to be messed with, while the tractor remains silent.
  1968. >You chug down the fruit juice from the tall glass, trying not to gulp too loudly.
  1969. >The phone on the wall suddenly rings, and Cloudy Quartz is the only person available to pick it up.
  1970. >”Mhm… I see, well he’s working in the garage right now but I can fetch him if you’d like. Would you like to ask him?” She starts off.
  1971. >Igneous Rock heard her talking about him on the phone and enters the house on his own, soon hearing that he finally got a solid deal from in town from people he was presumably selling rocks to.
  1972. >It was landscapers… of course…
  1973. >”They said it’s first come first serve, and whoever seals the deal first has a sale.” Cloudy tells him.
  1974. >”How much?”
  1975. >”They’re still willing to negotiate.”
  1976. >Before you know it, Igneous Rock Pie races back into the garage, then you hear a bunch of shuffling and clanging noises.
  1977. >”Anon?” He finally returns.
  1978. “Yes?”
  1979. >”Can I trust you to take over for the tractor while I’m out? Very important business meeting.” He tells you.
  1980. “Absolutely.”
  1981. >Perfect, this is just what you needed.
  1982. >He made arguably no progress while his tractor while you refueled your stamina and focus in the kitchen.
  1983. >It’s less than two minutes before Mr. Pie is out the door back into the garage with his coat on.
  1984. >The truck starts up for more than several seconds this time, and you hear the garage door open before the revving of the engine gets quieter and further away.
  1985. >He strikes you as a man who wants to really get across how punctual he is.
  1986. >And off he drives, with Cloudy Quartz closing the garage door from the inside half a minute afterward.
  1987. >Your stomach groans in satisfaction.
  1988. >Cloudy Quartz notices your plate is empty once more, but you’re leaning back in your seat, clearly too full for a third round.
  1989. >You’ve been eyeing the half empty bottle of ketchup after you were done using it, remembering what you saw as Cloudy was wiping down the inside of it.
  1990. >”Would you like me to get that for you?” She asks after a minute or so, looking down at the plate you only didn’t lick clean because that’d be rude.
  1991. “Sure thing.”
  1992. >Cloudy reaches across the table for the empty plate and empty glass.
  1993. >Her arms push her soft busty chest together; it couldn’t not be protruding out like that even wrapped up under all of this appropriate clothing.
  1994. >It’s really unfortunate that even a woman as proper as Cloudy Quartz can’t fully hide the shape of her assets from a guy like you who has to work hard to keep his mind out of the gutter.
  1995. >You didn’t know it was happening until it got to the point where it was hard to make it go away.
  1996. >Up against the inside of your boxers, your member started to really stiffen up to the thought of Cloudy Quartz.
  1997. >Even a half second of letting you’re guard down after months of nofap put you in such a vulnerable position that… that…
  1998. >Fuck, you gotta wait for this thing to go away before you let yourself stand up.
  1999. >Sit there for a few more minutes, telling Cloudy that you just want to make sure you don’t get a cramp or something.
  2000. >She buys it and heads off to do something else.
  2001. >Leaving you alone to sit and stew in your own battle between your common sense and your libido.
  2002. >Common sense telling you that you gotta get your mind out of the gutter and make this erection go back down NOW.
  2003. >Libido telling you that it feels great getting hard in your pants and that you should go ahead and get HARDER.
  2004. >Several more minutes of this internal struggle go by, about 45 mintues after Mr. Pie left, and the situation’s currently at a standstill.
  2005. >Intrusive lewd thoughts keep finding their way back into your mind, sneaking in.
  2006. >You breathe slowly and try to put your mind back onto the tractor.
  2007. >Think down to the front of your pants… it’s not going back down…
  2008. >Fuck, are you really going to have to stand up like this?
  2009. >Might as well do it now before she comes ba-
  2010. >The phone ringing startles you, making you almost jump out of your seat.
  2011. >Before you have time to retreat to the garage, Cloudy Quartz rushes into the room to catch the ringing phone in time.
  2012. >Her chest very slightly jiggles underneath all of her clothes despite whatever amounts of support she has to try to prevent that; she can’t do a whole lot about her own body’s natural properties at the end of the day.
  2013. >You wished you hadn’t noticed that; you’re badly losing your little battle now…
  2014. >”Oh… oh! Oh my goodness, well are you alright?” She says into the phone.
  2015. >The phone conversation lasts about two minutes, but you hear enough to have a good idea of what happened before she has to let you know the details she just heard over the phone.
  2016. >She hangs up and grabs a nearby phone book for the number to a towing company.
  2017. “What happened?” You ask mostly to take your own mind off of certain things, two things in particular.
  2018. >”It’s Igneous Rock… his truck broke down on the highway. Probably because he was tampering with it so much just an hour ago. His truck just broke down about 35 minutes into the drive to the next town over. He’s stuck at a payphone.”
  2019. “Oh… oh no…”
  2020. >It’s been a long enough time now that your cramp excuse for not standing up doesn’t quite reasonably hold up anymore.
  2021. >”Don’t worry, you shouldn’t have to drive all the way over there on account of his stubbornness.” She tells you. “He… insisted on handling it himself too.”
  2022. >Good, that means you don’t have to stand up to get to your car.
  2023. >”Igneous Igneous Igneous… always stubborn as a rock…” She mutters.
  2024. “I know the feeling.” You add, raising your hand where your thumb still shows the scar.
  2025. >”Well you’re young. That’s your excuse.” Cloudy sighs. “Ready to get back to the tractor now?”
  2026. >Something about the way she talks about you being young makes you feel funny now.
  2027. >You no longer have a valid excuse not to stand up.
  2028. >You stare at the semi-open door to the garage where the small tractor waits for you.
  2029. >The powerful erection in your pants, the stubbornly solid member of throbbing sexual meat, is desperately trying to tear a hole through your pants with how much force its exerting.
  2030. >Had it only been your underwear, then you’ve probably have the entire shaft going through the front by now… letting it twitch just a little bit puts a strain on the layers of fabric that happens to be all your clothing has to offer.
  2031. >Your balls themselves sway slightly with every little movement, feeling extra dense after digesting so much protein and letting it throughout your body.
  2032. >You breathe slowly but heavily as quietly as you can, praying that Cloudy simply shrugs it off and walks out of the room.
  2033. >But she’s genuinely concerned about you.
  2034. >If there even is a point in time when your erection will finally subside, it can’t be any less than several minutes from now… even feeling itself pushing so hard against the inside of your underwear is creating a feedback loop that makes you get harder in response anyway.
  2035. >There’s no way you’re getting rid of this… thing happening to your cock any time soon, it refuses to go away and it’s 100% outside of your control whether you like it or not.
  2036. >You’re at the mercy of your own body’s natural process of becoming and staying physically sexually aroused.
  2037. >Even getting more sexually aroused IN RESPONSE to being sexually aroused.
  2038. >Trying to push your erect cock down with your hands would be like trying to pour out a fire… with gasoline.
  2039. >”You’ve been sitting there quite a while. Are you alright?” Asks Cloudy Quartz.
  2040. >With a sharp nod, you get up, but make sure to hunch over and face away from her before she has a chance to see what’s going on in he front of your pants.
  2041. >”You sure you’re alright?”
  2042. “I’m fine, I just…” You hobble away, hoping she didn’t see anything.
  2043. >”Was the ham alright? Is your stomach upset?”
  2044. “The ham was great, don’t worry.”
  2045. >”Then what’s wrong?”
  2046. >She already stepped right in front of you, putting her hands on your shoulder with a concerned expression.
  2047. >Feeling her make physical contact with you as she looks down at your torso where your stomach is isn’t helping your situation at all.
  2048. >Not only this, but she’s stronger than you expected.
  2049. >She stands you up all the way while you shiver and weakly fail to hunch yourself back over.
  2050. >”Are you hurt? What’s wr-“ She stops when she looks just a little bit further down past your abdomen.
  2051. >You can feel just how powerfully your full mast erection is turbulently stretching the front of your pants.
  2052. >Hiding this thing would be equivalent to trying to hide a skyscraper in somebody’s backyard; would be even more so like this upon your cock no longer being “inside” of your pants or underwear at all.
  2053. >Cloudy Quartz’s eyes go wide as she sees it; she knows why you were hunched over now.
  2054. >You quietly grunt in defeated acceptance of what just happened.
  2055. >Didn’t even see when she took her hands off of your shoulders, or even feel it happen.
  2056. >You hunch back over and make your way over to the garage, no longer needing to make an excuse when the cat is already out of the bag anyway.
  2057. >She saw it.
  2058. >She fucking saw it, and it made her stop asking you if you were hurt or something.
  2059. >The fact that Cloudy Quartz understands the fully erect gravity of the situation makes it get even HARDER.
  2060. >You’ve disappeared into the garage to work on the tractor, as though your mind isn’t 200% distracted at this point.
  2061. >Your claw-machine-level fingers limply attempt to wrap around your phone for more information about tractors.
  2062. >Where was that paper you had again?
  2063. >Did Igneous Rock take it with him before he… got stuck without a ride several miles away from here on the other side of town?
  2064. >You don’t even know what you remember or what you don’t remember.
  2065. >You just stare down.
  2066. >Stare down at the open-hood tractor’s inner mechanisms.
  2067. >Having lost any and all knowledge about what you were doing.
  2068. >The thought of Cloudy’s soft busty chest slightly swaying around while wrapped up in all that clothing has dominated your mind.
  2069. >Your hands are too clumsy to do anything now.
  2070. >Your mind is too clumsy to figure out what kind of oil is supposed to go into a plastic container or tube, whatever.
  2071. >Igneous Rock Pie is stuck on the other side of town, all four of the daughters are out of the house, and his wife is right here having just seen what’s going on in your-
  2072. >Actually maybe it’s a good thing that all four of the Pie sisters aren’t here.
  2073. >You’d have lost ALREADY by now had that been the case.
  2074. >The tip of that powerful erection of yours keeps bumping into the side of the tractor.
  2075. >…
  2076. >Cloudy Quartz is too afraid to call Igneous Rock again right now, feels like the very tone of her voice will give something away about what she saw.
  2077. >She should have known that boy was trying to hide… THAT.
  2078. >What is she going to do now?
  2079. >Kick him out?!
  2080. >She already knows that she can never let him into this house again after he leaves.
  2081. >But does she kick him out? For what? Something he couldn’t even control in the first place?
  2082. >Cloudy can’t stop feeling so hot in her clothes.
  2083. >She never even allowed herself to think about it before.
  2084. >When she was lying in bed next to Igneous Rock, thinking about how that same lust magic that affected her three friends couldn’t get to her because she was already too attached to the stubborn man lying next to her.
  2085. >She didn’t think she needed to let something out of her system.
  2086. >It hadn’t even crossed her mind… that she NEEDED it.
  2087. >She’s supposed to be the one who’s too established to be affected by… by…
  2088. >A blazing fire finally erupts itself within her, having been held back so expertly all this time like it wasn’t even there.
  2089. >Cloudy could have had Igneous put it out whenever it started to get out of control, but it never even crossed her mind, because she’s USED to not letting it cross her mind.
  2090. >Now all those days Cloudy could have felt those urges but didn’t allow herself to, because she and her husband are already married with four daughters who have now reached college age, it’s all finally trying to come through her heart at once.
  2091. >Or through her mind at once… though it feels most likely that it’s in her womb begging for something to join it.
  2092. >There were several times Cloudy could have had a certain conversation with Igneous, about how they could have restarted intimate nights together due to some magic going around making people unreasonable.
  2093. >But in her mind, that would imply there was even a threat to their marriage to begin with… she hadn’t even given the thought the time of day.
  2094. >Because she’s not SUPPOSED to be romantically and sexually feeble like Cookie Crumbles, or Posey Shy or even Windy Whistles.
  2095. >There wasn’t SUPPOSED to be a need to pay off this debt, because Cloudy didn’t even believe that it was piling up to begin with.
  2096. >She and her husband already had all of their fun and it paid off in a strong marriage, they hadn’t felt too much arousal for years due to being so isolated and focused on their rock farming business.
  2097. >Something so mundane and not-arousing… but she had heard Igneous masturbating in the bathroom a couple of times.
  2098. >She always chalked it up to “men being men”, but she didn’t think she needed to keep her arousal at bay too.
  2099. >It didn’t even occur to her, she thought it was only men with sperm building up in their testicles.
  2100. >She was too busy thinking about the rock farming business and proudly, deliberately not caring about anything sexual for it to even occur to her that it might work the other way around too.
  2101. >There was so much time she could have discovered the unseen, unfelt mountain of dynamite and started shoveling it away little by little before it grew THIS big.
  2102. >She didn’t even know it was there; it would be shameful for her to even imply that it might be there, but then that kept her from mitigating the risk that was growing and growing and growing until…
  2103. >Why didn’t she go and convince her husband Igneous Rock to get intimate with her again?
  2104. >Maybe he would have changed his mind despite the possibility of having ANOTHER child and going back to raising a baby after the first four are just about all out of the way and now living away at college.
  2105. >Maybe Cloudy admitting that there was a risk at all would have changed his mind, but that would imply that she would need to do something about said risk in the first place.
  2106. >Pride was Cloudy Quartz’s saboteur in this, and now she can’t ignore that maybe she should have started shoveling away that dynamite, even though acknowledging it was there would have been shameful for her.
  2107. >Every night they didn’t spend together *like that* could have been a few more shovelfuls of dynamite to no longer have to worry about.
  2108. >Igneous would have stubbornly insisted he didn’t want to go back to raising little children again, after how stressful the first four were, especially the pink one.
  2109. >That may have factored into the conversation never coming up when Cloudy kept denying the presence of dynamite to herself.
  2110. >She doesn’t even know right now what it is or what it could be.
  2111. >Those other women, those friends of hers… THEY’RE the ones with dynamite, and she scolded them for it, believing that her values kept all the dynamite away and they wouldn’t have dynamite either if they were more like her.
  2112. >Cloudy never realized how wrong she was.
  2113. >She’s been building up dynamite too, but never turned around to look it it, to see how high the mountain was getting.
  2114. >It’s been piling up inside of her, just waiting for a lit match to scramble everything up and blow everything to the point of caving in.
  2115. >All those missed days of could-have-been masturbation or marital sex are now all trying to happen all at once. All of that ignored tension that wasn’t supposed to be there, heightened by whatever magic is going around, it’s all squished into this one moment now.
  2116. >Like trying to tackle weeks worth of tasks in a couple of hours, like trying to shovel away an entire warehouse full of gravel in 20 minutes… with only one person and one shovel.
  2117. >She let it all build up too long, now that boy’s stiff erect tent was… there…
  2118. >It was so huge and just jutting out like that that she didn’t know what ti was at first.
  2119. >Those poor pants were doing their best to contain that diamond-hard pole of flesh, surprisingly not already coming apart at the seams like how Cloudy’s restrain is threatening to do with all of this dynamite meeting a lit match.
  2120. >She has to put it out NOW before she does something she’ll regret.
  2121. >And now Igneous Rock isn’t here.
  2122. >Not here to help Cloudy Quartz pay off the horny debt she didn’t realize was there until a few minutes ago.
  2123. >Her womb is heating up , almost feeling on fire with sudden waves of long-ignored arousal that seem to be coming out of nowhere.
  2124. >It never happened until just now, because it wasn’t ALLOWED to happen until just now, because of Cloudy’s pride in believing she never had the need to begin with.
  2125. >The thing is, had she done something with Igneous Rock even as recently as a week ago, she’d have been able to withstand seeing Anon’s boner trying to piece its way through his pants.
  2126. >It still would have brought a temptation she didn’t want to admit to having for several years, but she at least wouldn’t be feeling her womb burning up THIS badly.
  2127. >The flame already reached just a tiny portion of the dynamite… and that’s all it took.
  2128. >Cloudy shudders and falls to her knees with a primal need surprise-ambushing her after being kept away so expertly for so long.
  2129. >She clamps her hands together between her legs, throws her head back, thankful she already locked herself inside the master bedroom so Anon can’t come in here.
  2130. >Heavily breathing, Cloudy Quartz fans herself then reaches inside of all her layers of proper clothing to get to the exploding fire she can’t pretend doesn’t exist.
  2131. >Past her outer skirt, not before dipping under the bottom of her thick, tucked-in couple of layers of tops to get under it first.
  2132. >That thing Cookie Crumbles said to her about having fun… whatever it was, Cloudy can’t remember…
  2133. >All that stuff about Pinkie having FUN in college, all of it.
  2134. >This is pointing RIGHT at that thing they were feeling that this was all about, isn’t it?
  2135. >Cloudy didn’t know it would be THIS severe trying to beat back!
  2136. >Another layer of her clothing, Cloudy’s inner skirt, is finally penetrated by her hand, trying to make its way past her pantyhose now.
  2137. >Cloudy’s face turns bright red she she feels her hand reaching more and more interior layers of her clothing, her crotch now more closely feeling her wildly flailing fingers searching for the fire to put out.
  2138. >That huge sexy erect cock Cloudy saw… ohhhh fuck… it’s either extra hard and huge, or Anon really is actually bigger than Cloudy’s Igneous Rock.
  2139. >Not only is this young man larger, but he has a LOT more stamina… he has demonstrated this just as much as he involuntarily demonstrated his size even through his pants.
  2140. >There used to be this rumor that men can really PLOW when they’re full of ham, something Cloudy didn’t consider until after it was too late.
  2141. >Especially the young ones, who are full of energy and drive, ones that haven’t become fathers yet and are still wild and untamed, possibly fruitlessly trying to tame themselves and hold all of that back at such an inconvenient age to TRY that.
  2142. >Cloudy’s fingers finally make it underneath her pantyhose and clumsily dip their way under the next layer, the final layer before… before…
  2143. >This final layer of women’s clothing that is too inappropriate to be mentioned feel moist with something…
  2144. >Cloudy couldn’t help but survey… herself… at this point and finds that she may have been on the cusp of orgasming already, or at least leaking a forbidden fluid that only accumulated upon a lot of arousal being felt.
  2145. >It can’t be!
  2146. >Not from seeing Anon’s… his…
  2147. >This should only happen with Igneous Rock like always!
  2148. >At least back in the day long ago when they still did things like that together.
  2149. >It’s STILL wrong even thinking about this boy.
  2150. >If there’s anyone Cloudy Quartz is going to masturbate to, it’s her husband.
  2151. >…She didn’t realize she already started, and the stimulation skyrockets beyond her hand’s control before she can make it pull itself away.
  2152. >”No!” Cloudy moans upon feeling her privates get a certain touch they now can’t go on without any more of. “No, no no, stop this! He’s not… h-he’s not…”
  2153. >The image of Anon’s raging erection is what caused this to occur, and this must not be allowed.
  2154. >No! Cloudy will wait until her HUSBAND comes home, whenever that will be…
  2155. >It’s too late to go back, Cloudy already started, and the exponentially growing explosion of sexual arousal overrides Cloudy’s very hand into continuing, disobeying her brain’s command.
  2156. >Human feels something like this… human keeps going, programmed to.
  2157. >She already started, he hand won’t stop even if her brain tells it to.
  2158. >She just realized that she’s been trying to get her hand to stop all this time, except now she knows what she’s been trying to do.
  2159. >Cloudy Quartz had to use her OTHER hand to grab her wrist and pull her sinning hand out of her clothing… back out past all those layers she dove under, leaving a long, stretching trail of those clear warm fluids that came from deep within.
  2160. >And Cloudy is ashamed to see it glimmering in the light coming in from the window.
  2161. >Shiny drops and strands of female ejaculate, coming from HER, and NOT having been summoned by even the thought of her husband.
  2162. >Cloudy leans back against the foot of her bed, resting on the floor, not remembering when or how she got there.
  2163. >Her chest heaves in and out as she gasps and tells herself to wait for her husband, vowing NOT to open that door until Anon is gone and Igneous Rock has returned.
  2164. >But she’s already caved into her arousal from the dynamite explosion, and then forced it to cancel, except it can’t just be cancelled like that.
  2165. >She. Already. Started.
  2166. >The rest of the horny needs to come out, it’s necessary, it’s required, it’s crucial, it’s vital, it’s NEEDED~!
  2167. >Absolutely NEEDED~!
  2168. >Cloudy Quartz struggles to control her now unholy hand, swearing that she’s not touching that damn doorknob until the younger man in the house is replaced by the older one she knows.
  2169. >She tries not to think about it, undoing a couple of her top’s buttons to air herself out, fan herself around her collarbone…
  2170. >”It” being that… that…
  2171. >No! Don’t think about it!
  2172. >Don’t think it, don’t say it.
  2173. >Do not think or speak of anything of that nature.
  2174. >…But that’s exactly what it is… nature.
  2175. >But nature can be tamed.
  2176. >Cloudy Quartz’s restraint is a rock, it always has been a rock, and a strong, sturdy, powerful rock.
  2177. >She can last the rest of the day after starting to cave in, right?
  2178. >She shouldn’t have put her hand where she put it, maybe she’d have a ch-
  2179. >NO! She still has a chance!
  2180. >Rocks are strong… but even rocks erode over time.
  2181. >When Cloudy Quartz allowed herself to cave in to that dynamite explosion, it left all these massive openings to the open air containing the elements, elements of the weather.
  2182. >Guess what causes erosion?
  2183. >Cloudy Quartz murmurs to herself, and to Windy Whistles, Cookie Crumbles and Posey Shy in her head: “For my past comments doubting your strength, I apologize…” Her neck begins to glisten with sweat as her soft busty chest breathes in and out. “But I’m still making it out where you didn’t. I am NOT unlocking that door. My husband has nothing to worry about. He will KNOW I survived.”
  2184. >The boiling up need for release, especially after she ALREADY STARTED bringing said release out, only grows stronger and stronger inside of Cloudy Quartz, but her mind cares the most about what her husband would think if she gave up.
  2185. >If she gave in, which she cannot allow.
  2186. >Where the other three ladies failed, Cloudy WILL succeed, because her principles and values are stronger than any natural erosion that can happen.
  2187. >Except, this isn’t just natural, it’s ENHANCED natural, (Eros)ion.
  2188. >That magic has been REACTING to all of this happening all along, and raining down upon Cloudy Quartz like a dark stormy monsoon of heart-tipped arrows blocking out the sun.
  2189. >It’s so tragically poetic with her name.
  2190. >Almost feels like it makes TOO much sense for her not to accept deep inside.
  2191. >The rains coming in can only do so much to put out the growing fire…
  2192. >But they also soften Cloudy’s edges, smoothening out the once-rugged terrain preventing more urges from crossing in.
  2193. >This can be heard happening in Cloudy’s loudening breathing, it intensifies and each breath grows deeper and hotter.
  2194. >There’s slowly but surely room being made for something that CAN put out the fire~
  2195. >After however many minutes have passed, the phone rings again from downstairs.
  2196. >It’s the only phone in the house, as the Pie family is known for being rather old-fashioned, at home at least.
  2197. >It HAS to be Igneous Rock Pie calling from a payphone.
  2198. >And what would he think if Cloudy Quartz, his wife who always rushes to answer the phone especially in a situation where she’s want to know if he’s okay, suddenly doesn’t pick up after several tries?
  2199. >If she is to answer the phone, Cloudy is going to have to break the vow not to open the door.
  2200. >Her head was spinning too much to even consider this scenario, she was too unwillingly horny to think straight…
  2201. >Another ring.
  2202. >Cloudy decides she’s shut her eyes if she has to, rising to her feet and heading towards the door.
  2203. >…
  2204. >The phone starting to ring startled you, because you had been standing still in place for so long.
  2205. >Why didn’t you get into your car and leave already?!
  2206. >Your brain is skipping like a broken record; you don’t know what you’re doing.
  2207. >It’s like you’re standing right outside of a cougar’s den, but instead of running away, your brain stopped working and your next move is uncertain.
  2208. >Something is keeping you from doing the rational thing.
  2209. >Maybe it’s the long-drawn-out nofap keeping you in some sort of standby mode, near a female.
  2210. >Your cock still refuses to go down. Even a little.
  2211. >Another ring from the phone.
  2212. >The sound just reminds you of Cloudy’s chest bouncing around inside of all that clothing, still failing to be completely restrained.
  2213. >Still, you MUST NOT allow your base urges to win out.
  2214. >The fully erect tent you’ve been poking the side of the tractor with starts to leave a moist spot with that dark dot of precum that’s been seeping through.
  2215. >You’re still trying to “work”… but your can’t focus on a damn thing anymore.
  2216. >That massive sexual frustration is what’s been keeping you in place, near a female, where the prospect of mating becomes the only thing dominating your mind over all else.
  2217. >Another ring from the phone.
  2218. >Accompanied by familiar footsteps being heard coming down the stairs, this time with more heavy steps, like Cloudy can barely keep her balance but is trying to rush, which would only make her boobies bounce and sway around even MORE this time.
  2219. >It can’t be ignored, you HAVE to imagine what you KNOW is happening.
  2220. >You HAVE to see it happen!
  2221. >Something just completely took you over, making you insist through your actions that you have to at least see *that* happen so you can jerk off to the thought of it later tonight.
  2222. >You’ve already semi-voluntarily surrendered; the urge is too much to deal with, it’s killing you.
  2223. >You can’t even do anything anymore! This is too far!
  2224. >It’s… it’s...
  2225. >Cloudy Quartz stops in her tracks upon seeing you standing there with a half-functioning brain.
  2226. >She knows what the problem with you is now, and she’s afraid to try and solve it.
  2227. >But still looks right down at that massive erection in your pants.
  2228. >What already happened was you standing here, watching Cloudy Quartz stumble her way down the rest of the stairs, barely looking where she’s going, luckily not falling.
  2229. >But Cloudy Quartz forgot to button her top back up; she just realized she had to unbutton both tops to get the fanned draft all the way to her bare skin.
  2230. >As she was making her way down the stairs, the front of her top slipped down.
  2231. >You’ve been gazing straight over at her, watching a rare sight take place before your eyes: Cloudy Quartz’s deep soft cleavage jiggling and bouncing as she was… coming down…
  2232. >Cloudy feels the still-growing heat within her make her body violently tremble.
  2233. >The magic that has long infected the both of you asserts itself and asserts itself, strengthening your built-in nature as well as her built-in nature.
  2234. >Cloudy Quartz follows your gaze and first notices how much of her cleavage is showing, but then sees something else you’re seeing: the stiff bumps of Cloudy’s perky erect nipples making themselves too obvious to ignore through EVERY layer of clothing.
  2235. >Red hot in the face, Cloudy shrieks and fumbles to re-button her top, but keeps slipping and fucking up…
  2236. >Her hands mash into her chest, pushing her deep soft cleavage further up as her jello-y boobies don’t stop reacting to her hands bumping into them to frantically hide them~.
  2237. >Cloudy’s hands get more and more panicked, soon accidentally pulling even more of her buttons undone and exposing even more of her sexy jiggling cleavage to you.
  2238. >The more erect you get up against inside your underwear, the more your scrotum shrinks to lift up those heavy balls you’ve been successfully storing your load in for multiple months.
  2239. >You must have missed watching porn too much, especially with your semi-functioning brain, because your standby mode turned to autopilot mode when you instinctively undid the front of your pants and pulled your underwear down to stroke your cock.
  2240. >Something needed to happen NOW.
  2241. >But not only for you.
  2242. >Cloudy looks down and sees even more than sh saw before: the source of that massive tent, your naked erect cock suddenly out without you realizing it’s out.
  2243. >Your hand is stroking it, working your tool with your dormant brain only thinking about sex and cumming.
  2244. >Something needs to happen for HER now too.
  2245. >”S-stop…” She mutters, watching you lose control as the feeling you’ve missed for so long finally comes back as you stroke your length to her.
  2246. >She can see the drop of your precum beckoning to her; the explosion comes back inside of her stronger than ever.
  2247. >All of the erosion that would have happened over the next couple of hours, that might have resulted in “scooting closer” in another situation, all happens at once, condensed into a couple of seconds…all that arousal and urge…
  2248. >Too much to take at once.
  2249. >Cloudy falls back onto the stairs, no longer able to bear the heat of her own body and pulling the front of her outer top all the way open then her inner top open until the buttons all the way just past her soft bellybutton are ripped undone.
  2250. >The more you see, the more you stroke, getting closer to get a good look.
  2251. >You have to cum NOW.
  2252. >She needs her fire put out NOW.
  2253. >You’re trying to back away, she’s trying to retreat up the stairs on her hands and bottom and feet, but you two only get closer like powerful magnets too close to avoid one another now.
  2254. >As soon as your hands firmly grope Cloudy’s busty soft chest directly on the smooth glistening skin of her sexy cleavage between her loosening bra cups almost showing what’s underneath through the gaps… it’s too late.
  2255. >You lunge down upon her.
  2256. >Pulling all of her clothes out of the way, grabbing the middle of her bra and pulling it up with mindless, horny force and baring her sexy perky nipples at least one of her daughters must have inherited from her.
  2257. >You scrunch up her skirt and assert yourself between her thighs, she tries to protest against it but not a word comes out.
  2258. >Feeling your waist gliding up her smooth skin of her inner thighs, almost tickling her, makes her reach out and pull you closer on purpose with more than just her one hand under lust’s control this time.
  2259. >The kiss you two suddenly share felt like a wash of relief after an unspeakable, unbearable tension finally breaks after an eternity.
  2260. >Lock your lips together, start feeling eachother up and exploring bare skin with your hands.
  2261. >You feel your cock push its way past her panties, through the hole in her pantyhose you tore.
  2262. >It all happens so much faster than you can process it.
  2263. >Feel your length thrust deep inside, your shaft getting all the friction it needs after your feral humping ensues and prompts Cloudy to reciprocate it.
  2264. >Your sack swings back and forth, Cloudy begs you to keep going with a leglock she didn’t realize she initiated.
  2265. >You hump and hump and hump her until you get too close to even imagine going back.
  2266. >Plow her even harder and make her bare tits sway up and down.
  2267. >You’re getting this load out atop the stairs on top of Cloudy Quartz…
  2268. >Keep going and going and going until you finally feel everything tense up just the way it was always meant to.
  2269. >Cloudy throws her head back once again.
  2270. >Your long built up load violently shoots out of you and rushes deep into Cloudy Quartz, making her shake every time she feels a spurt gush its way deep into her.
  2271. >The answering machine beeps, since all the rings of the phone were missed.
  2272. >You’re still releasing wave after wave of your load as the message plays, barely able to even understand english in this moment.
  2273. >Is someone on their way back?
  2274. >That’s what you think you just heard.
  2275. >Cloudy Quartz, in her widely torn open pantyhose and tugged aside panties below the waist, has no idea where her skirt and everything else covering there has gone.
  2276. >A pair of young male hands feel her up all over her basically topless body her torn open tops fail to even try to cover with the sleeves still halfway up her arms and her bra cups tangled around her collarbone.
  2277. >Neither of you can fully process what is going on right now.
  2278. >Cloudy Quartz’s once sharp and dead-set mind has become a bubbling soup of horny lust…
  2279. >Did you already cum inside of her yet or is your own horny soup brain getting ahead of itself?
  2280. >You know your butt is clenching and your pelvic muscles are tensing like crazy.
  2281. >By some clumsy miracle, you managed to pull out of Cloudy Quartz, letting a long thick bridge of clear sexual fluids from both of you string between your slippery swelling tip and Cloudy Quartz’s slippery dripping vulva lips~
  2282. >Your cock tenses and visibly jolts, shaking that warm gently stretching rope of your+her mixed precum up and down as it stubbornly refuses to stop bridging between two VERY riled up sets of sex organs.
  2283. >The fluids are so clear that you can conclude it had only felt like you came.
  2284. >But your erect length was just deep inside of Cloudy Quartz either way, the irrefutable evidence of this being that long string of precum and love juice your long erect tool could only drill itself deep inside of her soft warm caverns of fertility and bring out all over your throbbing cock from so deep within~
  2285. >Cloudy Quartz gawks at the sheer size and erect-ness of your sexually charged up cock.
  2286. >All of that throbbing pent-up meat being inside of her blocked her brain from even functioning outside of primal breeding mode.
  2287. >But now she is blessed with a brief moment of clarity… immediately constructing a coping mechanism swearing you were kept from cumming and maybe didn’t get all the way inside and… and… a-and…
  2288. >Her long-conditioned instinct to re-cover her soft naked perky breasts in the presence of this young boy she’s not married to is interrupted by the arousing sight she’s seeing.
  2289. >Her fumbling hands fail to pull her bra cups back over her sexy perky nipples as the evidence is right in front of her.
  2290. >As she watches your throbbing, twitching cock hold and shake the other end of the strand of precum juices of your slippery glans, her end of which slowly seeps out right between her soft bare vulva lips under her stimulated clit, Cloudy Quartz must accept that that clear coat of her juices on your erect throbbing length spans all the way to the very base of your shaft…
  2291. >And she knows this is evidence of her feeling her vulva hugging your shaft all the way up and down it’s length as you had thrusted inside of her.
  2292. >She still tastes your kiss when all this makes her subconsciously lick her lips.
  2293. >All she knows for sure is that she not only wants, but NEEDS your big sexy erect tool back inside of her so you can finish the job you started.
  2294. >It has only been a few seconds and she misses it already.
  2295. >You lean in and kiss her on the lips again.
  2296. >She kisses back, hoping it’ll appease you long enough for her to retreat back to her master bedroom and put herself back together before her husband comes home.
  2297. >But she’s enjoying the deepening kiss just as much as you are.
  2298. >Not only kissing back but voluntarily, shamefully escalating it into a saliva swapping French kiss with her tongue.
  2299. >Cloudy Quartz let’s out a quick soft moan into your mouth, then breathes heavily against your face before letting out a longer, breathier, more pleading moan into your mouth, lips joyfully locking with yours as your tongues joust and wrestle together~
  2300. >She weakly half-stands up and makes a futile attempt to retreat up the stairs without you.
  2301. >But her heart’s not in it.
  2302. >Almost naked and struggling to cover her breasts back up, Cloudy Quartz watches your heavy sack swing side to side under your naked, jolting and swaying erection as you pursue her up the stairs.
  2303. >The strand of precum and love fluids still bridges between her nethers and your tip~
  2304. >Directing everything back to where it needs to go…
  2305. >The middle of it falls down without breaking yet, with the opposite ends closing the gap once more as you get closer…
  2306. >Cloudy Quartz almost tries to pull her sleeves back over her bare shoulders.
  2307. >Her loose undone bra cups just can’t stay over her sexy perky nipples as her trembling hands collide with her soft jiggling boobies and make them… react to it for you~
  2308. >Your hand was holding the back of Cloudy Quartz’s head while you were kissing her.
  2309. >Watch her hair fall all the way down and loose; you knew you felt her bun come apart a little against your grabbing hand.
  2310. >Cloudy Quartz haphazardly struggles with her undone clothes.
  2311. >But can’t focus at all with her eyes locked onto your cock closing in on her.
  2312. >She LOVED feeling that thing inside of her… she needs it back inside!
  2313. >There’s no way she can resist anymore… Cloudy Quartz already got some of what she needed, she NEEDS the rest of it NOW~!
  2314. >No going back.
  2315. >Mr. Pie’s voice over the phone is heard saying something from the kitchen as you back Cloudy Quartz into her own master bedroom.
  2316. >You’ve gotten closer and closer until your arms wrap around her.
  2317. >Cloudy Quartz senses your longing, drooling tip pressing up against her vulva once again~
  2318. >It sends so many tingles throughout her body!
  2319. >She shudders as your cock’s head finds her vulva lips once more and pushes its way back between them…
  2320. >Cloudy had been given a moment of clarity but no longer had the strength for it to mean anything.
  2321. >Her body shamefully rejoices in horny celebration as she feels your erect cock’s head push its way deeper between her vulva, followed by your veiny shaft reintroducing the energetic meaty length Cloudy Quartz can’t go on without until you put her fire out…
  2322. >Her mind shuts down once more as your full erect length returns to where it belongs.
  2323. >You thrust inside of her over and over once again, scrambling her thoughts and making her groan as the two of you fall atop the bed.
  2324. >Still heavy from the ham Cloudy fed you, your sack swings back and forth to each thrust.
  2325. >Cloudy feels your still-packed balls gliding along against the smooth skin of her upper inner thighs, gently slapping against her underbutt in barely audible plaps.
  2326. >Her loose hair lies sprawled about the bed’s surface.
  2327. >Every ounce of “we shouldn’t be doing this” is humped out of Cloudy Quartz.
  2328. >You pull her bra cups apart and free her wrists of her sleeves, leaving Cloudy Quartz completely topless~
  2329. >Her crooked glasses fall off and are tossed aside.
  2330. >The soft plaps you deliver upon Cloudy Quartz get louder.
  2331. >She’s enchanted by the allure of your swinging sack while your huge hard cock rams deep inside of her once more like she longs for whether intentionally or not.
  2332. >Cloudy Quartz rolls her eyes, bites her lip and curls her toes to the feeling of your massive erect cock twitching and thrusting inside of her vaginal walls with your heavy swinging balls following its motions.
  2333. >You hump her and hump her and hump her… once again.
  2334. >Animalistically ripping her pantyhose apart and all the way off in less than a minute.
  2335. >The fabric of Cloudy Quartz’s tugged aside panties is more stubborn, but the straps soon give way to your pulling and break.
  2336. >It’s not long before Cloudy Quartz is completely naked on top of the bed while getting viciously, passionately FUCKED by the pent-up young boy she hired.
  2337. >Cloudy Quartz’s loose undone hair keeps getting messier atop the sheets, and the bed begins to creak and rock as you hump her harder and faster.
  2338. >The blinds are open, but luckily there’s no one at an angle that able to view the delightfully sinful act you and Cloudy are performing together through the second floor window that all of what Cloudy preached to her friends now flies right out of…
  2339. >Her messy undone hair is scattered all over her face.
  2340. >Cloudy Quartz flails her arms around across the decreasingly neatly made bedsheets, her soft naked breasts wildly swaying and jiggling around occasionally under your horny groping, her bare sexy perky nipples pointing up at the ceiling~~
  2341. >Does she realize she’s leglocking you~?
  2342. >You hump her and hump her and hump her still…
  2343. >Making your heavy sack swing back and forth with more fervor.
  2344. >Cloudy Quartz moans and wails to your merciless plowing upon her; you plow her like a field in spring.
  2345. >You till her soil and get ready to deliver as much seed as you are able to give her…
  2346. >Cloudy Quartz used to preach to her friends abou-
  2348. >Your heavy aching sack wildly swings to and fro as your flinching, throbbing, fully erect cock deep inside of Cloudy Quartz finally reaches its absolute limit.
  2349. >But you keep humping the sexy, horny and naked Cloudy Quartz anyway~…
  2350. >And the levy finally breaks.
  2351. >Everything flexes, unstoppable ejaculation takes over.
  2352. >Drive yourself balls-deep into Cloudy Quartz with one final push and let your thick massive load charge through, out of your heavy swinging sack…
  2353. >Powerful ropes of long pent up semen shoot out, as deep into Cloudy Quartz as they can go.
  2354. >Quickly reaching the opposite side of her womb…
  2355. >The two of you could have at LEAST left in your car together and finished this somewhere else.
  2356. >Somewhere Mr. Pie wouldn’t have come home to.
  2357. >But his wife, the mother of Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie and Marble Pie, lies naked on their master bed on her back, herself orgasming in response to the feeling of being cummed inside of by a younger stubborn wannabe fixer-upper guy.
  2358. >After a few more minutes, your post-nut clarity is going to have to help you come up with a plan.
  2359. >...
  2360. >"Hello? I'm back!" Igneous Rock Pie chimes as he enters through the front door. "Why didn't anyone answer the phone? Was lettin' you know I was on my way back."
  2361. >He continues through his house, soon stopping by the kitchen to see an empty plate on the table with ham residue on it.
  2362. >From the garage, he hears nothing.
  2363. >From upstairs, he hears the shower running.
  2364. >He decides to go to the garage first, soon swinging the door open. "Oh my god!"
  2365. "Ugh..." You groan. "What happened?"
  2366. >Mr. Pie immediately comes to your assistance and helps you off of the floor, noticing how sweaty and greasy you are.
  2367. >"Are you okay?" Igneous Pie asks. "Do I need to call an ambulance?"
  2368. "I'm okay, I'm okay. I think I passed out." You lie.
  2369. >"Why didn't you wait until I got back? You could have seriously injured yourself!"
  2370. "I'm sorry, you're right."
  2371. >You begin to talk about how you got all carried away fixing the little tractor right behind you, glancing at the hood that's still open.
  2372. >"Aw darn, and I guess my wife couldn't hear you from the shower." Comments Igneous Rock. "Explains why she didn't hear the phone ringing either. I should have had her watch over you more closely, I'm sorry."
  2373. "It's okay, don't be sorry. It was just bad luck." You lie again, still out of breath.
  2374. >"Well I'm just glad you're okay. I can't afford an insurance situation on my hands right now."
  2375. "Neither can I."

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey