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[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 1)

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-21 05:52:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >[ I have lost the original pastebin address and only keep the content ]
  2. > [ The original author is mercury4eva ]
  3. >-------------------------------------------------
  5. Dedicated to the memory of my beloved Jenna (03/10/2008 - 30/05/2017).
  6. You inspired many of the scenes in this greentext story, and you will always be remembered. From now, until my passing day, you will always have a place in my heart. I love you, and I miss you.
  8. The world may take you away, but it can never have yesterday.
  10. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  12. > You are Anonymous, a young Inspector in the Police Force.
  13. > Having graduated about six months from the Academy, your first posting was to "D' Division as an Investigation Officer. The evidence you collect on cases may be subsequently used in court, which can determine the verdict and accompanying sentences that are meted out to the defendant or defendants as the case may be.
  14. > You were given an incident about two weeks ago, where your officers broke into a flat after neighbours complained of a foul smell coming from within. Inside were iron cages containing three Equestrian pony slaves, and from the lack of identification collars on them, you knew that they were being traded on the black market. You remember wrinkling your nose in disgust at the familiar, sickening smell of death from the smaller grey colt, and from the state of decomposition of his body, you knew that he had been dead for some time. The other two mares, the pink and yellow ones about the size of large dogs, were alive but very thin, covered in bruises and stank of their own manure. Their breathing was shallow, and they were barely conscious when representatives from the Animal Rights Agency took them away.
  15. > Your officers found a young man in a bedroom and arrested him for possession of a variety of drugs and an unmarked pistol. He did not put up any resistance when he was handcuffed, and from his practically catatonic behaviour and the bags of white power on his desk, you hazard a guess that he would have overdosed on cocaine if his neighbour did not make the call that morning. After he was taken to the lock-up, you worked with the officers from the Narcotics Bureau in processing the scene for evidence.
  16. > Your investigations allowed a court order to be issued, and the young drug-dealer is now held in police custody without parole. He is awaiting trial for charges of drug trafficking, illegal possession of slaves, and illegal possession of a firearm. You had little hope for the son-of-a-bitch, and frankly, you were glad when you heard that the Public Prosecutor assigned to his case is a mean bitch; that drug-dealer is a menace to society and an unfeeling cruel bastard, considering the state of the ponies when you found them.
  17. > You followed up on the two miniature equine slaves that were sent to the 24-hour Animal Rights Agency shelter, where a wing has been set aside for the sapient creatures. One of them died after the first two days when her fever refused to break, but the pink mare managed to pull through. She was given the medical care she desperately needed for severe dehydration and the various injuries on her body, as well as a heavy dose of antibiotics to combat the multiple infections that ravaged her system. According to the Medical Officer, they ran a series of tests to ascertain her health when she had recovered somewhat, and he was pleased with the results.
  18. > Problem was, she had been uncooperative with her handlers, and attacked a staff member.
  20. > Nine and a half hours ago, you were talking to a representative from the Animal Rights Agency over the phone. Originally, it was just a follow up for the case file, but your conversation had steered away from that.
  21. “There must be other alternatives.”
  22. > “I told you, Officer Anonymous,” said an exasperated female voice over the phone. “We have to put the last one down. We have no space for it at the shelter and it also showed aggression towards our staff. It is not fit for auctions.”
  23. > ‘It’. She kept insisting on calling her an ‘it’, and she had been doing that since the moment you called her.
  24. > You fought down your irritation and swallowed.
  25. “Look, she was clearly abused before, so maybe her aggression is part of trying to cope.”
  26. > “Maybe, but we don't have the resources for that.”
  27. > You sighed as you pinched your nose in frustration. Government agencies and their perpetual perceived lack of funding. So typical.
  28. > “Unless you can magic me a behavioural therapist who is willing to do that for free, we have to put it down… Why are you so invested in it anyway?”
  29. > ‘It’ again.
  30. > You took a breath and let it out slowly. This lady was really getting on your nerves, and something in you snapped.
  31. “Tell you what, Ms Heather. If you don't have a better alternative to putting her down, then give her to me. I’ll take her.”
  32. > You then told her that you would meet her at the Agency shelter when your night shift was over, and that you would do the necessary arrangements for the pony's transport.
  33. > “Good. We are not paying for you to bring it home.”
  34. > Again with the ‘it’. This bitch.
  35. > When you hung up, you cursed as you tossed your phone on the couch in your office.
  36. > …
  38. > Glancing down, you take a good look at your new pony as she sits on her haunches in front of the reception counter, looking down at the floor with dejected eyes. This pony with the pink coat, purple mane and tail with teal streaks, now legally belongs to you. She also has those big purple eyes, and a little horn on her forehead.
  39. > Waiting for the Agency handler to process the paperwork, you continue examining the mare. Her mane and tail are a mess, and she is dirty and smelly. She has a black muzzle on, and she wears a collar that is attached to a leash in your hand. They are in red, and their designs are similar to those that once belonged to your dog.
  40. > Kaiser is in canine heaven now, Boss. You cannot keep dwelling on his passing away.
  41. > I know he is, Brain, but I do miss him.
  42. > Sighing softly, you shake your head to clear your thoughts just as the Agency handler comes back with the papers you were writing in earlier with a bandaged hand.
  43. > Glancing down at the sitting pony, you make a mental note to be extra careful when you remove that muzzle later on. You thank the Agency handler and slide the documents in your backpack before turning your attention to the mare.
  44. “Come now, little pony, let’s go home.”
  45. > Silently, she nods and rises to her hooves, following you to the taxi outside. The taxi driver gives you a brief glance when you open the door, but says nothing as the pink mare climbs onto the newspaper-covered backseat. She lies down and looks at the carpet, keeping silent as you sit down beside her.
  46. > You tell the driver your address and close the door. Shortly after, the taxi starts moving.
  47. > “Got yourself one eh? Boy or girl?”
  48. “Girl.”
  49. > You answer the driver curtly, as you have little interest in talking to him.
  50. > “Ahhh… You lonely eh? Want some fun eh?”
  51. > The driver looks at you through his rear mirror, raising his eyebrows twice. You just shrug in response, not wanting to commit yourself to a conversation.
  52. > “I have my own. Little slut is so good at sucking cock, you know what I mean? Takes it like a champ. She has this really plump-”
  53. > Great. One of ‘those’ owners.
  54. > Currently, ponies are considered as private properties of their owners, albeit rather expensive ones with no legal protection whatsoever. In court, they are viewed as being no different from a computer or a sofa; as such, it is not illegal to engage in sexual relations with one’s pony slave or abuse them in any way, given that parliament is still undecided on the laws for them. It had been almost a year since pony slavery was legalised, but the creation of specific laws regarding their treatment still has no signs of progress, beyond the establishment that a license is needed to own one.
  55. > Fuck these politicians, Boss. Why do we pay them so much anyway?
  56. > You tell me, Brain. Hell, even stray dogs get more legal provisions than ponies; the latter can talk and work in simple jobs, but are generally treated worse based on what I’ve seen. Go figure that out.
  57. > “… The way she cries when I slap her face, you know? Makes you want to pound her much-”
  58. > Case in point here, Brain. Seriously, fuck this asshole.
  59. > You glance at the pink pony, noticing silent tears dripping off her muzzle. You must stop this.
  60. “Dude, I just finished a 12-hour night shift. I would like some peace and quiet.”
  61. > Thankfully, he just looks at you through his rear mirror and shuts the hell up. Must be the expression on your face or something.
  62. > You extend a hand and place it on the pony’s back. Expectedly, she recoils and scoots closer to the door, looking at you with wide fearful eyes. Those purple irises of hers have shrunk from her terror, and they seem to be trembling slightly as she stares at you. You can guess what is going through her mind, but you persist in petting her rigid body. She has to know that you are not one of ‘those’.
  63. > You gently run your fingers through the dirty pink coat, stroking her side as you would a dog. Her ribs are sticking out through her soft fur, and she does not stop shaking as she watches you intently with those violet eyes.
  64. > You are exhausted from your night shift at the Station, and looking down at the pony does not seem to be helping with her fear. Leaning back against the seat, you close your eyes and continue running your fingers through her fur, muttering softly as you do so.
  65. “Easy, little pony. You are safe with me. There’s nothing to fear now… Easy… Easy now… Easy…”
  66. > She moves, and you glance down. No longer pressing herself against the car door, the mare relaxes somewhat, allowing you to pet her back with your entire hand. You run your palm up to her mane, and eventually, you shift your hand to the top of her head and stroke it gently. When you open your eyes, you see that she is still watching you with those eyes, although her body is less rigid now.
  67. > You snort softly at her behaviour. She is definitely not trusting you yet.
  68. > Leaning against the seat and closing your eyes once more, you release a little sigh and simply rest your hand on the pony.
  69. > Car rides always relaxes you. Hopefully, it does the same for your new equine companion.
  70. > Especially when the bastard driving the taxi has shut his fucking mouth.
  71. > …
  73. > Walking over to your front door, you unlock your apartment and remove your shoes, tugging on the leash gently as the pink pony enters your home. She scans your place as you close the door gently and lock it.
  74. > Your apartment is spacious for a single bedroom flat, and it is already fully paid for; one of the perks of having a well-paying job. A large window on the right of the hallway lets in a generous amount of natural light, keeping your flat looking bright and airy with its white walls and white flooring.
  75. > Some may say that your flat is ideal for a single man, and you would agree with them.
  76. > Furniture-wise, you went for a modern, simple look; your furniture is mostly dark, which contrasts nicely with the whites of your apartment. You like the interior design of your home, as the arrangement gives you a feeling of organisation and cleanliness.
  77. > Now for the hard part. Taking a knee after removing your backpack and setting it aside, you look into her eyes and address her.
  78. “Pony, I know you have doubts and fears about me. I know that you have had a hard time on Earth, and that humans have been rough on you. But know that not all humans are like that… For what’s it worth, I am sorry for what has happened to you.”
  79. > You pause, watching her as she just looks back at you. No response.
  80. “I am going to trust you. I will take off your muzzle, but you have to promise me that you will not do anything silly. I will not hurt you, and I trust that you are not going to hurt me either. Can we have that understanding?”
  81. > She continues looking at you, and her gaze is so intense. Then, she gives a slight nod.
  82. “Good.”
  83. > Reaching behind her head, you notice her flinching again. You feel around the back and undo the knot holding the muzzle in place. Holding the ends of the straps, you move them towards you, releasing the muzzle's hold on the pony. Then, you unhook her leash and collar, which you place at the counter beside your apartment's main door.
  84. > She lowers her head and moves her jaw while frowning slightly, as if it is an alien sensation to her.
  85. > You are frowning yourself as you watch the mare. How long has this thing been on her?
  86. “I’m Anonymous. What is your name?”
  87. > Her eyes swivel back to yours, but she does not say anything. Dread seeps into you as she continues staring at you in complete silence.
  88. > Oh fuck, what is thinking? Is she going to bolt? Maybe even attack-
  89. > “Starlight… S-Starlight Glimmer.”
  90. > Oh. Well now.
  91. “That is a pretty name.”
  92. > She does not react. Just looks at you. Watching you.
  93. > You cough to clear your throat.
  94. “Well Starlight, I am going to get changed and prepare breakfast… But first, I think you should get a bath.”
  95. > You rise to your feet, again noticing that she flinched when you stood up to retrieve both the documents and two sets of Police uniforms from your backpack. You leave her there for now, stopping by the bathroom to deposit the dirty uniforms in a laundry basket before walking to your bedroom to keep the papers and get a set of fresh clothes. Entering the living room again, you see your new pony is sitting at the same spot that you left her. She is still staring at the floor.
  96. “Starlight, come here. You need a bath.”
  97. > Said pony jumps at your voice, but nods and rises to her hooves. Reluctantly, she follows you into your bathroom. From the way she moves, and the expression on her face, she looks like a sheep being herded into the slaughterhouse.
  98. > Putting your stuff on a bar handle, you tell Starlight to stand under the shower. She does so silently and keeps still when you reach over to take the showerhead off its holder. Turning the water on, you test it on your palm.
  99. > Warm. Nice.
  100. > Squatting, you bring the showerhead close to her. Damn, this pony reeks.
  101. “I am going to clean you, okay Starlight? You’ll feel much better after this.”
  102. > She stares at the running water then up at you, and closing her eyes, she nods.
  103. “Good.”
  104. > You direct the water on her back first, letting it soak into her fur. Gently, you run a hand along her back, cleaning her as best as you can. Moving the showerhead around, you direct water at her mane and you rub at it. Then, you proceed to wash her chest and belly, followed by her front hooves, lifting them one at a time and spraying it with water.
  105. “Keep your eyes closed. I am going to wash your face."
  106. > She does not move, nor did she respond in any way.
  107. “Starlight. I expect a response when I am talking to you.”
  108. > Pony seems to be in a daze, Boss. Let her be for now.
  109. > You shake your head and let out a breath. Using one hand to hold the showerhead, you use the other to flop those big ears down and hold them against her skull. It is then that she gasps and recoils from your hand.
  110. “Shh… Shh… It’s okay, Starlight. I am just closing your ears to stop water from entering them.”
  111. > No response other than staring at you fearfully. Sighing, you make sure that she can see your hand moving towards her as you hold her ears down again. She is trembling hard under your hand, but obeys when you tell her to close her eyes again.
  112. > You put the showerhead at the crown of her head and let the water flow down her face. You keep the showerhead in place with a hand and use the other to brush the sides of her muzzle and her eyelids. Satisfied with getting her face clean, you release her ears and move the showerhead towards her hindquarters, where the pictures of an eight-pointed purple and white star with two green-and-teal wavy streams adorn both sides. It is interesting how the pictures seem to be part of the hairs of her coat; as if the fur there is specially dyed with that design.
  113. > You work on her hindquarters and her legs silently, getting as much dirt off as you can. When you grab one of her back hooves, your pony flinches and clenches her eyes shut.
  114. “Relax, Starlight. Come on now, relax.”
  115. > She cracks opens her eyes to look at you for a few moments. Then, she nods slowly, and allows you to run your hand over her back legs.
  116. “Good.”
  117. > As you work, you can feel her muscles becoming less tense. Just that little bit though, but it was progress nonetheless.
  118. > Done with her hooves, you pause.
  119. “I’m going to wash your privates, Starlight.”
  120. > Again, she just nods silently, and still with those eyes shut. You notice her chin trembling, and she is breathing hard in the silent bathroom.
  121. > Gently, you lift her tail, letting you to have a look at the mess beneath as she whimpers. You grimace and wrinkle your nose at the sight. Either she had diarrhoea or that the Agency staff did not do their job as instructed. Probably both.
  122. >You direct the water jets towards the mess, letting it soak through a bit.
  123. “This is a mess, Starlight. Spread your legs and don’t move.”
  124. > She shakily complies by shifting her back hooves. You steel yourself and start rubbing the areas covered in faeces.
  125. > Fucking hell, the smell is so strong. At least, they are coming off.
  126. > That is when you notice a sniff. A soft one. She is crying.
  127. > Aww fuck…
  128. > You wonder what to say, but could not think of anything. Clearly, this is bringing up some painful memories for her, but what the fuck can you do?
  129. > You opt for silence and resume rubbing her anal region and cleaning it of faecal matter. Satisfied, you work your way down and wash her vulva, rubbing your fingers along its fleshy length. The surrounding fur there is stained with urine and God knows what else. Moving on, you reach lower to wash her groin, and you are mildly surprised when you realise that she has teats. The small fleshy mounds are complete with nipples, and they resemble an actual horse’s, albeit much smaller. You then move on to wash her tail.
  130. > The whole time, Starlight was crying and shaking, and you note how her hind legs are trembling intensely as you clean her.
  131. > You narrow your eyes at her behaviour.
  132. > What the fuck did she endure to put her in such a state?
  134. > Starlight is relatively clean now, so you turn the shower off and grab the shampoo bottle. She is still sniffling, but you decide not to say anything and squirt shampoo into your palm. Lathering it up, you start working on her chest, then her mane, her back and belly, her privates and her tail. Finally, you lift her hooves one by one, making sure to soap each hoof carefully. When you are done, you give an amused snort at the standing mass of grey foam.
  135. > Got to find those little bits of happiness in life, Boss.
  136. > You got that right, Brain. Else we will both go insane.
  137. > Starlight has remained motionless throughout, except when she sobbed. When you pause to admire your handiwork, she opens those big purple eyes and looks at you. They are red and puffy.
  138. “You look like a thundercloud.”
  139. > Wordlessly, she returns her gaze to the floor as you sigh. So much for cheering up the sad pony.
  140. > Turning on the shower once again, you rinse her off from head to hoof. You take a spare purple towel from the handle bar, and hold it between your hands to form a 'V'. Then, you push it to her muzzle and begin to gently dry her face, like how you always did for your dog when you bathed him. Hushing her softly, you use the towel to wipe away her tears and mucous.
  141. > At least she has stopped crying, Brain, so that’s good.
  142. > You pause to adjust your hold on the towel, flipping it to get a dry side. Then, Starlight shakes herself like a dog. All over you.
  143. > Wiping your face and flicking your wrist, you are unable to resist giving her a deadpan look as water drips from your fringe. Surprisingly, you see she is trying hard, but failing to hide a small smile. That made you chuckle, as you glad that your new pony is not dead on the inside.
  144. > Wordlessly, you resume towelling her off. Once she is dry, you place her towel on the bar.
  145. “I need to shower too, but I have to keep you in my sight. Stay there, Starlight.”
  146. > You immediately see that she is uncomfortable with that. When you take off your wet shirt and glance at her, she has backed into a corner of the bathroom with her tail between her legs, and she has her eyes clenched shut.
  147. > Your suspicions are growing by the moment. She must have been sexually assaulted, seeing how fearful she was when she saw your bare skin. Well, time to work on that fear.
  148. > You ignore her and remove the rest of your clothing, dropping them into the laundry basket at the corner. Placing the showerhead back on its holder, you step in front of the sink and brush your teeth. Done, you stand below the shower and turn it on, enjoying the warmth of the water as you begin to clean yourself.
  149. > You glance at Starlight from time to time as you are worried for her, but she just remains where she is, watching you intently with narrowed eyes. Shrugging, you just continue your own routine. Normalising something helps with overcoming the fear of it. Let her become used to seeing you like this, and she may overcome her fear of you and your nakedness.
  150. > At least, that is what you hoped for.
  152. > When you are done with your shower, you dry yourself and get dressed. Then, you open the door and step out of the bathroom, taking a moment to stretch yourself and letting out a loud yawn. Starlight peeks out from the corner of the doorway, and her face is hard to read.
  153. “Let’s have breakfast, Starlight.”
  154. > With that, you leave her and go to the kitchen, giving her the opportunity to follow you if she desires to. You make yourself scrambled eggs and buttered several pieces of toast, boiling a small portion of broccoli and carrots with some salt as you do so. Satisfied with the taste of the vegetables, you spoon them onto two plates; one with the eggs and toast, and another with toast, lettuce and cucumbers.
  155. > By now, Starlight is sitting nearby on the floor, watching you prepare the food.
  156. “Smells good, doesn’t it?”
  157. > Your pony blinks at your question but remains silent. Turning to her, you speak in a soft, but firm voice.
  158. “Starlight, I expect a response when I am talking to you. If you don’t feel like saying anything, that’s fine, but I appreciate a nod at least. Respect goes both ways, Starlight.”
  159. > “… Y-yes… M-Master…”
  160. > You pause. “Master”, huh? That sounds... good.
  161. > You smile as you lift the plates with your hands.
  162. “Alright then. Time to eat.”
  163. > Going to the living room, you place her plate on the coffee table while still holding yours. You sit on the couch, being careful not to drop anything as you grab your phone to browse the news. It is important to be well-informed of current affairs in your line of work, and helps to keep your mind busy as you eat.
  164. > She walks up to her plate and sniffs it eagerly, but stops and looks at you. You pause.
  165. “Something wrong?”
  166. > “M-master… Master has not given me permission to eat.”
  167. > Oh. Right.
  168. “You may eat, Starlight Glimmer.”
  169. > At once, she dives into her meal, attacking it like she has not eaten for days. You did hear from the Agency that she rejected food when she was there.
  170. > Assured that she is eating now, you continue on your portion, sharing the meal in silence. As you chew, you pocket your phone and let your thoughts take over.
  171. > Slavery sucks.
  172. > You cannot imagine how painful it is to have both your physical and social world destroyed, and you being turned into property for use by other beings. The closest experience you can relate that to was your isolation during your conscripted military training days in the jungles; two full dirty weeks in the field with no personal freedoms; cut off from the outside world and having no friends and family around as you toiled, sweated and bled for an organisation you could not give a rat’s ass about; all in fear of getting caught by instructors who will force you into interrogation training.
  173. > Kinda like slavery, is it not?
  174. > Yep, Brain, I can definitely empathise with her… Yet, for some reason though, hearing her call me ‘Master’ was… Thrilling. It made you feel… Powerful.
  175. > You to pause swallow.
  176. > Why is that, Boss? Do you like that feeling of power? She is forced by circumstances to be a slave, you sick fuck! What the hell is wrong with you? Aren’t you supposed to stick up for what is right and defend people?
  177. > Narrowing your eyes, you ponder the questions that Brain poses to you.
  178. > Are you trying to compensate for something, Boss? Are you evil? Is it because you were bullied when you were in school? Or is it because you secretly enjoy the feeling of absolute control over another? Is it-
  179. > “M-master, can I clear your plate, please?”
  180. > You jolt from your thoughts as your eyes dart to the voice. Starlight has walked over to you and is looking at you with her head bowed down. A sign of submission.
  181. > Her plate is resting on the ground before her. Yours is already empty, but you are still holding it up like an idiot. Shaking your head lightly, you put it down on the table and face the pink pony.
  182. “Before that, Starlight, I want to ask you something.”
  183. > You catch that flinch again, but ignore it. She sits down on her haunches and fix her eyes on your foot.
  184. > “Y-yes? Master?”
  185. “Why are you calling me “Master”?”
  186. > She tilts her head in confusion, but does not look at you.
  187. > “Because you own me, Master.”
  188. > THAT is interesting. Is this some kind of complex? Mere ownership necessitating servitude?
  189. “Do you want to be free, Starlight?”
  190. > “A pony is never free... Not in this world. You know that, Master.”
  191. > You pause as you consider her answer.
  192. > True. No ownership and no license means a pony is free for taking and enslavement. If a pony tries to escape or is set free, he or she forfeits any means of protection. You have seen enough cases in your short police career to know this is true.
  193. > But…
  194. “You didn’t answer my question.”
  195. > Starlight flinches.
  196. > “N-No.”
  197. “What?”
  198. > “No, Master. I do not want to be under the illusion of being free, even if you say that I am.”
  199. “I don’t understand. Elaborate, please.”
  200. > She frowns.
  201. > “Master, every pony has a cutie mark, which in addition to showcasing his or her special talent, gives that pony a purpose in life…"
  202. > You wait for her to continue.
  203. > "… I lost my purpose w-when your people… E-en-enslaved…”
  204. > She sniffs. Tears are welling up again in her eyes.
  205. > “… P-ponies. I… I l-lost my m-magic, when I was t-taken here… And there is no w-way for me to return to E-Equestria… As… As far as I k-know…”
  206. > Starlight wipes her snout, taking a moment to compose herself. When she speaks again, her voice sounds… resigned.
  207. > “So now, I have a new purpose, Master… To be a s-slave… To serve you…”
  208. > You frown. As desirable as that might be, your inner white-knight is telling you that keeping her is wrong. Slavery is abhorrent and vile, and you should be ashamed if you perpetuate its existence. Yet, the circumstances here…
  209. > When you out a frustrated breath, Starlight’s eyes widen quickly; they give you a sense of… Urgent pleading, even before she speaks.
  210. > “Please don’t set me free, Master. I’ll be a good slave for you. I’ll obey! I’ll do anything that you ask me to! Just… Don’t… Don’t set me free… I have nowhere else to go… If you do… I-I will find have to find a new Master… I… I’ll have to… To survive in this world…”
  211. > Will she do something stupid if you set her free? Highly likely. You are undecided of what her role is, but it is probably for the best to keep her under your watch for now. At least you know you are not one of ‘those’ owners.
  212. > Are you, Boss?
  213. > Fuck off, Brain!
  214. “Okay, I understand. You’ll stay here with me for now. For now though, I have one more thing.”
  215. > “… Y-yes… Master?”
  216. “What is this I heard about you being aggressive at the shelter?”
  217. > Starlight flinches. She mumbles something, but you could not make out what she said.
  218. “Speak up, Starlight.”
  219. > She whimpers, and you frown. What the fuck happened?
  220. > “… H-he violated m-me…”
  221. > Oh, fuck me.
  222. > “… So many t-times…”
  223. > You fucking knew it. The way she behaved earlier makes sense now. Cold fury sprouts from your chest, and you feel it coursing through your veins.
  224. > After that admission, Starlight falls silent. She just stares at the plate in front of her, keeping her head bowed. Shaking your head to clear your mind, you lean forwards in your seat, moving your right hand over under her chin. Gently, you lift her head with a finger, leaning forwards to look her in her violet eyes. They are brimming with tears.
  225. "Can you… Tell me what happened? Be honest with me."
  226. > Starlight remains silent, just standing there as her eyes moves across your face. Then, the pony moves her head slowly away as she looks off to her right.
  227. > You move that hand again, placing it on her shoulder and petting her gently.
  228. "I need to know, Starlight… I cannot help you if I don't know what happened."
  229. > The silence presses on, so you wait. And wait.
  230. > You are about to give up when she speaks, and when she does, her voice is soft.
  231. > “… I tried to be a good girl for him… I did, Master, I really did… I just… Just endured… The t-things he did to me… For the first few days and nights, it was bearable, Master. Humiliating and d-dirty, but still… It was bearable… But one night, he was so r-rough with me. He was so forceful and fast, and I wasn't ready for that. I have never done that before, Master, and he didn't give me the time to get ready. He just pushed himself into me! It hurt! It hurts so much! He was so fast and so rough! I tried to get him to stop, but he just kept doing it! The pain, Master! Oh, the pain! I could not take it anymore! I tried to hold myself! I DID! I REALLY DID! I WANTED HIM TO STOP! I JUST WANTED HIM TO STOP!”
  232. > Starlight shrieks as she rears up and slams both front hooves down, shattering the plate in front of her. Just like that, the floodgates open.
  234. “Hey! Hey! Hey, Starlight!”
  235. > Before you know it, you are holding her in your arms, cradling her head to your shoulder as she flails her hooves in an attempt to get away.
  236. > You feel a sharp pain in your knees. Distracted, you look down and see that you are kneeling on the floor. The same floor where the plate had shattered. You see blood seeping through a crack on the tile.
  237. > Ah, fuck it. The screaming pony is more important, and she has not stopped yet.
  239. > She punctuates each alternate word by driving her hooves into your back, and you grit your teeth as you endure the blows.
  240. > Fuck. That's going to bruise.
  242. > You hold her tightly as you know that she may hurt herself. Whispering some comforting words in her ears, you keep her close to you as she continues screaming and struggling in your arms.
  243. > Fuck. Your own ears are hurting.
  244. > Finally, she gives up and stops screaming.
  245. > She just cries. And cries. And cries.
  246. > …
  248. > Fuck.
  249. > Your back hurts. Your knees too. You need to change your shirt again, and you are sleep deprived.
  250. > After a night shift at the Station, you would have been in bed by 8am, but a quick glance at your clock tells you it is 10:34am now. You sigh as you look down at the pink pony who is passed out in your arms.
  251. > Those earlier things do not matter anymore. What is important is the little mare. Your little mare.
  252. > Groaning, you stand up, thankful that your knees are not cut badly. You carry the sleeping pony to your bedroom and lay her on your bed gently. Pausing to look at her sleeping form, your eyes move up as you glance around the room.
  253. > Similar to the rest of your flat, the walls and floors are white. A large window on the wall opposite the door gives you an unobstructed view of the scenery outside, and it is flanked by dark red curtains. The headboard of your bed rests against the wall, its right side being close to the door. The frame is black, matching the end-tables that flank its sides. Directly in front of your bed is your wardrobe, which has an ironing board on its left, and a desktop computer on its right.
  254. > Shaking your head lightly, you go to the wardrobe mirror to check the damage on your body.
  255. > Fucking hell, those knees are NOT happy. Bits of glass are embedded into the skin, and when you lift your t-shirt above your shoulders, you see that your back is an interesting combination of red, purple and blue.
  256. > At least Starlight did not bite you, right? Fucking consolation prize, there.
  257. > You spend the next painful half-hour picking the glass from your knees with a pair of tweezers. Then, you did a thorough sweep of the living room, clearing it of glass before wiping up the blood with towelettes. Aching from the bruises and dizzy from a lack of sleep, you collapse on the bed beside Starlight, draping an arm over her sleeping form as you turn on your side. Her coat is soft and warm, and you can feel the firmness of her muscles underneath it. Her mane smells wonderfully floral from the shampoo, and the purple and teal hairs in it feels rich and soft against your chin.
  258. > All you want to do now is sleep, but you pause to check your phone. No messages. Good.
  259. > You place it on your nightstand and just lean in to cuddle with your new pony companion, closing your eyes as you wait for sleep to consume your consciousness.
  260. > Fuck. Forgot the change of clothes.
  261. > Ah, forget it, Boss. Sleep time.
  262. > …
  264. > Movement.
  265. > You wake, yet you keep your eyes closed as you feel a weight shifting on the mattress. Being a light sleeper is both a blessing and a curse.
  266. > Then, you feel something warm and wet brush your left kneecap, causing you to jump from the sting.
  267. > What is she doing?
  268. > The sensation continues for a while before it stops. Then you feel it happening again on your right knee and you relax, letting it happen. It is… Nice.
  269. “Starlight? Are you licking me?”
  270. > You hear a gasp. Opening your eyes as you crane your head upwards, you squint at your pony from the brightness of your room and yawn.
  271. > Starlight is looking over her shoulder at you and she has her tongue out. Closing her mouth, she gulps before adjusting herself so she is facing you. Those big purple eyes are brimming with tears.
  272. > “I-I just wanted to clean your wounds.”
  273. “Okay.”
  274. > Starlight dips her head low, keeping her eyes on your bedsheet.
  275. > “I’m sorry, Master.”
  276. > You watch as those tears start falling, cutting a wet trail through the short fur on her cheeks. You move to reach for her cheek, intending to comfort her.
  277. > FUCK. Your back.
  278. > Groaning, you lay back down on your pillow as you grimace. Jesus fuck, that hurt.
  279. > “M-Master! I-”
  280. “Forget it. It is in the past.”
  281. > “But Master-”
  282. “No ‘buts’. I forgive you. There is no need to explain anything.”
  283. > Silence. A sob. Then-
  284. > “Why, Master?”
  285. > You look at her again. Starlight looks to be on the verge of a breakdown; her pupils have constricted and her ears are pinned flat on her head as she shakes badly.
  286. > “It is my fault! I lost control! I hurt you, Master!”
  287. > You nod.
  288. > “I am a bad pony.”
  289. > You ‘hmm’ in agreement.
  290. > “A-are you going to… To p-punish me, Master?”
  291. > You blink slowly and just shake your head. Shock flashes across her face, and you watch as her pupils shrink at the same moment when her eyes widen. Those ears perk up in your direction as she recoils a little, lifting the back of a hoof to her chest.
  292. > “W-what? Why?”
  293. “Because I choose to.”
  294. > Starlight holds that position for a moment before putting her hoof down. She closes her eyes and shakes her head. Then, she opens them, looking at you as she tilts her head in confusion.
  295. > “I don’t understand! Why won’t you punish me? My Master always did! I-I went overboard! I deserve it!”
  296. > Starlight is now shaking her head vigorously, clenching her eyes shut. Pink pony’s hysteria is starting again.
  297. > This time, you anticipated the pain. You barely flinch as you reach over and hold her right cheek with a hand.
  298. “Look at me.”
  299. > She pauses. Slowly, she raises those purple eyes to yours.
  300. “You did what you did because you were hurting… Sometimes, we just need to let it all out.”
  301. > You extend your thumb and brush it across her eyelid, getting that tear from the corner of her eye.
  302. “That way, we heal faster, and more completely.”
  303. > She just watches you. Her face shows no emotion.
  304. “I can understand that.”
  305. > She closes her eyes and softly snuggles into your palm, rubbing the side of her face into it. You see the beginnings of a small smile tug at the corners of her mouth.
  306. > Damn, that's cute.
  307. > You smile too, and give the both of you a few seconds to enjoy the moment.
  308. “Do you want to make it up to me?”
  309. > Starlight lifts her face off your palm. She moves her hooves up and holds your hand in them as she nods slowly.
  310. “Then serve me. Do it in two ways.”
  311. > Starlight grimaces and hangs her head. Silently, she gets off her haunches and turns around. She lowers her front end to the mattress and sticks her butt up, lifting her tail in the process.
  312. > “As my M-Master wishes.”
  313. > You blink.
  314. > This position gives you an unobstructed view of her female anatomy. You do not even try to avert your eyes as they are drawn to her private parts.
  315. > Damn, what a sight. Little Anon is happy.
  317. > You cannot help chuckling.
  318. “Starlight, I didn’t mean that. Come here.”
  319. > She gets up and does so, taking a few cautious steps towards you before sitting down.
  320. “I meant serve me with all of this-”
  321. > You lightly poke her chest.
  322. “- and this.”
  323. > You do the same with the side of her head.
  324. “For as long as you are with me.”
  325. > She is motionless. Something must be still processing, maybe?
  326. > Then, she nods. Tears gather at the corners of her eyes again as the biggest smile you have seen so far breaks on that cute face.
  327. > “Yes, Master. I will serve you with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind.”
  328. “Good. On that note, let me establish some ground rules, so you know what I expect of you. They are easy to follow, but are important if you are to live with me.”
  329. > Starlight’s smile falters a little before she nods. Speaking in a firm, authoritative manner, you address your new pony slave.
  330. “First, communication is very important to me, so rule number one: “Talk to me, and don’t be afraid to do so”. As I told you earlier, I expect a response when I call for your attention, give you instructions or when I am simply talking to you. I want you to clarify my instructions if needed, and don’t hesitate to ask “why” or “how”. Ask me for the things that you need and want, and inform me if something is wrong. I know some owners want their ponies to only speak when spoken to, but that strictly does not apply here. Not with me. Do you understand?”
  331. > “I do, Master. “Don’t be afraid to speak to you or ask for things”.”
  332. > You smile.
  333. “Good. Next, I want you to be perfectly honest with me at all times. Now, and for as long as you are here, I expect you to always tell the truth. No secrets, no cover-ups, no half-truths. So, rule number two: “Never, ever lie to me”. I hate dishonesty, and I promise you that I will be much more understanding and forgiving if you simply tell me the truth. Always, and for all circumstances. You get that?”
  334. > “Yes, Master. “No lies. Ever.””
  335. > Your smile widens and you shrug.
  336. “That’s it, really. You seem to already be obedient and respectful, so there is no need for me to say anything explicit about those. I can tell that you are a smart pony, Starlight, so use your heart, soul and mind in all the things you do and you’ll be okay.”
  337. > She nods.
  338. > “Yes, Master… I will. I promise.”
  339. > You take a moment to pet Starlight on her mane, smiling warmly at her before glancing at the clock on your bedside table. 4:04pm.
  340. “We have things to do, Starlight.”
  341. > Her ears perk up. She is listening.
  342. “First, we have to clean the apartment. Top to bottom. Start with wiping the surfaces, then the sides of the furniture. After that, I want you to sweep and mop the floor. I will show you where to get the cleaning supplies and the step-ladder.”
  343. > Starlight nods.
  344. > “Yes, Master.”
  345. “I would help you if I could, but my back is killing me.”
  346. > She flinches as if you had slapped her. You ignore it.
  347. “If all goes well, we can leave for dinner at 7.30. There is a place that I have been wanting to go to for some time.”
  348. > “Yes, Master.”
  349. > You smile and pet her on the head. She folds those big, fluffy ears as you do that.
  350. “Oh, and we have to get your stuff as well… One of these days.”
  351. > “My stuff, Master?”
  352. “Grooming supplies.”
  353. > She nods.
  354. > “Yes, Master.”
  355. “Okay then, let’s start.”
  356. > With that, you slowly sit up, groaning lightly. Fucking hell, your back still aches.
  357. > Meh. You can live with that.
  358. > …
  360. > Starlight surprised you with her diligence, speed and intelligence. You walked her through the methods of how you did your cleaning, and she carried them out beautifully. Of course, you corrected her a few times.
  361. > She had to improvise, given that she has hooves. For example, she wrapped a damp rag around a spatula and carried the handle in her mouth, using her head motions to move the rag across your kitchen counter tops. She also had to brace the dust pan against a corner for her to sweep dirt into it, again carrying the broom with her teeth. Your cleaning supplies are designed for hands, after all.
  362. > You cleaned the highest places and moved items as needed. As she laboured, you cleared the trash, did the laundry and dishes, ironed your shirts and polished your work shoes. Then, Starlight assisted you lightly as you washed the bathroom, mostly with the shifting of items in and out of the bathroom. You did most of the work there, as you did not want Starlight to have to hold the toilet brush in her mouth.
  363. > That would be fucking unhygienic and unpleasant. With your hands, at least, you could still wash them if they are dirty.
  364. > As you finish up by cleaning the bathroom mirror with a dry newspaper, you realised that throughout the afternoon, Starlight followed your every instruction to the letter. A part of you relished in the feeling of dominance and control you have over her, yet another wondered about the ethical implications of your actions. To say you “rescued” her is not wrong, and you do have a desire to help her.
  365. > But she is your slave now. This diligent, intelligent, and frankly, really beautiful pony... You had been treating her as a servant, and you took on the role of her master just like that, especially when you notice how broken she already was.
  366. > Why DID you get her exactly?
  367. > You shook your head and cleared those thoughts, and diverted your focus as you scrubbed the toilet bowl.
  368. > You do not like the answer that came.
  369. > …
  371. > You ‘hmm’ in approval as you watch Starlight push the mop back onto its holding rack in the bathroom.
  372. “You did well, Starlight.”
  373. > She blushes lightly as she gives you a shy smile.
  374. > “Thank you, Master.”
  375. “It is almost seven. Time to get clean.”
  376. > With that, you remove your clothes and place them in the same pail that is sitting at a corner. Turning around, you notice that Starlight has averted her gaze, and is looking towards her left.
  377. > Pony is still scared of naked men, huh? Expected as much.
  378. > Turning to the sink, you ignore her and start brushing your teeth. Making a big deal out of your nakedness will not help her recovery, and since you expect to share the only bathroom in your house with Starlight, she had better start getting used to seeing you like this. You spit and rinse, then grin at your reflection. Hmm, white.
  379. > Glancing at her, you see that Starlight is still staring at the tiles on her left.
  380. “Bad memories, huh?”
  381. > Starlight nods. No tears this time, at least.
  382. > You consider picking her up, but your back protests. Instead, you remove the showerhead from its holder and kneel, letting out a breath at the sting from your knees.
  383. “Come here, Starlight.”
  384. > She looks up and nods silently, taking several cautious steps towards you. Using a hand to guide her, you adjust her position so she is facing away to your right, and you note that Starlight’s eyes are closed the entire time. Letting the water hit her back, you spray her down thoroughly as you give her entire body a quick rinse. Well, except one part.
  385. > Pausing as you move the showerhead towards her hindquarters, you speak in a firm voice.
  386. “Lift your tail.”
  387. > She winces. No compliance.
  388. “Lift your tail, Starlight.”
  389. > Her bottom lip trembles, but you wait. A couple of seconds pass, then she does so.
  390. “Good. Now stay still.”
  391. > You spray the water beneath her tail, using your free hand to clean the area. Running your fingers across her ass and vulva slowly, you rub her privates as water flows between your fingers, and you marvel at how so soft and warm she is there.
  392. > Gently, you spread her vulva apart, allowing you to see the structures of her sex. You feel a stirring from below as you satisfy your curiosity about her female anatomy. This is the first time you have been this close with a girl after all, and the sight and feel of her flesh is making you feel… Aroused.
  393. > Being engrossed in your exploration, you hardly notice the intake of breath, nor the way her body is trembling as you touch the tip of your middle and index fingers to the entrance of her vagina. Almost mechanically, you move your fingers down, brushing it along the inside of her slit and stopping when you reach the small bump of flesh at the bottom. You move them up again, tracing the length of her pussy before using a thumb to brush the firm muscle of her anus, noting how it clenches at your touch. Water splashes against the back of your hand the entire time.
  394. > You twist your wrist, facing your palm up as you reach between her hind legs, rubbing her groin and cupping her teats. The water jet follows your hand, and you feel the bumps of both of her nipples against your fingers as you massage them lightly. All this time, Little Anon is at attention. He would have made a drill sergeant proud.
  396. > You start as you realise this: You are not cleaning her. You are feeling her up. Molesting her. Shaking your head vigorously, you try to clear the cloud of lust that is fogging up your mind. It worked, somewhat.
  397. > You remove your hand and stand up, turning away quickly as you curse yourself under your breath. Your knees make their displeasure known, and you muse that you deserve the pain for what you just did to Starlight. Shaking your head again, you cough to clear your throat before speaking to her.
  398. “Go dry yourself with that purple towel.”
  399. > When your command is met with silence, you glance at your pony over your shoulder. Starlight is staring at you with a weird facial expression, and her mouth is slightly ajar. Disbelief? Fear? Anger? Utter confusion? Even… Relief? You cannot place it. Probably a mixture of all of them.
  400. > Boss, well fucking done, you piece of shit.
  401. “I said: Go dry yourself with that purple towel.”
  402. > She stays in position, and you watch as her constricted pupils darts from your own to your erection and back, repeating that action a few times. Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out.
  403. “You heard me, Starlight. Go on.”
  404. > Your voice comes out... Surprisingly gentle, almost like a nonchalant dismissal. The guilt you feel within, coupled with disbelief and disgust at what you just did… You do not know what to make of it.
  405. > Silently, Starlight turns away and slowly walks towards the bar holding the mentioned purple towel. She bites on it and pulls it off, holding it in her hooves as she buries her face in it. Your heart aches at hearing her sobs again.
  406. > Fucking hell…
  407. > You know you lost control. You molested a survivor of rape, and you did it with a full erection practically centimetres away from her face. You acted in the moment, and now, you scared and hurt your new pony slave.
  408. > FUCK!
  409. > As expected, Brain offers no sympathy as you mentally kick yourself for your mistake.
  410. > Replacing the showerhead back on its holder, you rinse yourself briefly and turn off the water. You reach for your shampoo, falling back into a familiar routine as you close your eyes and sigh.
  411. > Starlight's soft sniffs echo in the bathroom despite the running water, and each one sounds much louder than you expect.
  412. > …
  414. > By the time you are drying yourself, Little Anon is off duty.
  415. > Starlight just sits there with her towel, watching you with those puffy eyes. You wrap your green towel around your waist and kneel down, speaking to her softly and gently.
  416. “I’ll dry your behind.”
  417. > Wordlessly, the pink pony passes you the towel in her hooves. She closes her eyes and stands, turning around and lifting her tail in the process.
  418. “Good. Stay still for me, okay?”
  419. > Starlight nods, and you proceed to rub the towel over her lower back and her butt-pictures. The silence is deafening, so you search for a topic of conversation.
  420. “Are these tattoos of some sort?”
  421. > “T-tattoos, Master?”
  422. “Pictures that are made on skin. Meant to be permanent. Yours seems to be part of the fur though.”
  423. > “They are cutie marks, Master. Every pony gets them when they find out their special talent.”
  424. “Ah yes, you did mention that this morning. Who was the artist?”
  425. > “Artist?”
  426. “The pony who drew those on the outsides of your thighs.”
  427. > Starlight gives you a small smile.
  428. > “Cutie marks form magically, Master. They are part of the innate magic that we have as ponies. We did not get another pony to draw them.”
  429. “What about the design?”
  430. > “It is always something that represents our special talent. Each cutie mark is unique. We do not choose those.”
  431. “Hmm.”
  432. > Done with her butt and hind legs, you begin drying her genital and crotch areas. She hangs her head and stares at the tiles in front of her.
  433. > “You enjoyed doing that, Master?”
  434. > Her voice is soft when she said those words. You know what she is talking about.
  435. “I was just keeping you clean.”
  436. > “Master, that is not an answer.”
  437. > You pause. Astute pony is astute.
  438. > Holding the towel with both hands, you roll her tail between them, drying it as best as you can from base to tip.
  439. “Yes… Yes, I did.”
  440. > She turns and looks at you with a frown. If you had to guess, that face she is making suggests a mix of disappointment, disgust and a little bit of fear.
  441. > You clear your throat before speaking again.
  442. “I’ll admit: I always struggled with lust. I was exposed to pornography when I was just 11, masturbation when I was 13. Never thought it was a problem until I was 20, when I got the chance to bed a girl but could not do it. So used to porn and jerking off that I just couldn’t get it up, y’know?”
  443. > She watches as you fold the towel to get a drier side, which you use to dry her tail again.
  444. “Realised the harm then. Tried kicking those habits, but they had become such a part of me that I kept failing... And the porn escalated; I was watching shit that would terrify my younger self. That year, I was kicked out from my parents’ house after they walked in on me and saw what was on my computer screen.”
  445. > You stand up and hang her towel, pausing for a moment to let out a breath.
  446. “They were very conservative, being staunch Catholics and all. I suspect they wanted me to be a priest. Must have thought I was a homosexual, and that I would bring them to hell. They never contacted me after that, and neither did any of my cousins, aunts or uncles.”
  447. > Undoing your towel, you start getting dressed. You glance behind your shoulder, and you see that Starlight is still watching you with her ears perked up.
  448. “Been alone ever since. Birthdays, holidays, even days when you had to go to church... All by myself. Tried sending cards and letters back home. Didn’t receive anything back. Never got a card. Never got a gift. No messages or calls. No visits. Six years of complete silence.”
  449. > You zip up your shorts and smirk.
  450. “Funny how a single moment can change your life so much.”
  451. > Turning around, you squat in front of your pony.
  452. “When I got you, Starlight, my intentions were… Not pure. True, I wanted to save you from a horrible fate, and having someone keep me company and help me with the chores would be fantastic… But a small part of me also wanted something more.”
  453. > You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh.
  454. “I know what happened to you at the drug dealer’s place. Hell, I handled your case. I also know what happened at the Animal Rights Agency. I know you suffered from human hands, I know what I should or should not do, and I know what is right and wrong… Yet…”
  455. > Releasing the pinch, you look into those big purple eyes as you breathe out.
  456. “Believe me, I am still fighting my urges. That is a path I do not want to take anymore, and I vowed to kick pornography out of my life after that evening, six years ago. It has been a tough one, but I choose to… As you can tell though, I still have a way to go for lust itself... A pretty far one.”
  457. > You sigh again and your gaze drops to the floor. The memory of you molesting Starlight is fresh in your mind, along with all the emotions.
  458. “I should have sought your consent. What I did earlier… There is no excuse for it. I was selfish and careless, and did not consider how you would have felt. For that, I am sorry.”
  459. > You are sure that Starlight is just watching you, as her shadow has not moved.
  460. “I will promise you one thing though, Starlight.”
  461. > Looking up at your pony, and reach over to hold one of her hooves in your left hand. Her gaze follows her hoof as it rises, and she simply watches as you place your other palm over it.
  462. “I will never hurt you. Ever.”
  463. > Those eyes dart across your face, and you wait for a response. Finally, she sighs and nods.
  464. “Good. Let’s go for dinner.”
  465. > Smiling softly, you ruffle her mane as she gives you a weak smile in return. You stand up and straighten your towel on its handle bar.
  466. “Come on, Starlight. Let’s go.”
  467. > With that, you leave the bathroom, hearing the soft clip-clops of Starlight's hooves as she follows you.
  468. > …
  470. > The sun has set, leaving the evening air cool and still. You unlock the door and open it, stepping out on the roof platform.
  471. “Come on, Starlight.”
  472. > Giving the red leash a slight tug, you get your pony to follow you. Starlight looks around curiously, turning her head from side to side as she takes in her surroundings.
  473. > You are on the roof of a block of flats, situated a short walk from your own apartment. It is dimly lit only by a red LED at the top of an antenna, and a soft humming noise comes from a generator on your left. Your surroundings are quiet, save for the occasional vehicle passing through the road way down below.
  474. >There are only handrails on the roof platform, giving you an unobscured view of the city sprawled below you. From your position, the city lights appear to reflect the unobscured stars above, forming a canvas of deep blue that is littered with sparkling white dots. The half-moon decorates the night sky with its brilliant light, and is easily the size of a golf ball that is held at an arm’s length. Big, bright, and beautiful. You can see the pockmarks on its surface without squinting.
  475. > Taking a deep breath, you savour the coolness that floods your lungs before letting it out slowly. Hmm, fresh air.
  476. > “Where are we, Master?”
  477. > You set your purchases down and sit, stretching your legs out luxuriously as you lean on your left hand. Taking another breath, you turn to your pony and pat the ground beside you, smiling encouragingly at Starlight. She walks over and sits on her haunches, keeping her eyes on you as you pet her mane gently. You remove the leash for her comfort, but Starlight still has to wear that collar. Legal requirement.
  478. “This is where I come to relax. When things get too much, and I want to get away from it all, I come here.”
  479. > “Are we even allowed to be here, Master?”
  480. > You chuckle softly.
  481. “I was working on a case last year where someone reported a falling vase from this block. ‘Killer litter’, we call it. I interviewed a few bystanders and got permission from the town council to search the roof, but nothing suspicious came up. So, I filed the case as an accident and closed it.”
  482. > Reaching over to the paper bags, you pull out two boxes.
  483. “The town council worker was in a hurry to get back to the office that day and left the key with me. He did not give me his name or contact details, but he had mine. So, I kept the key, waiting for him to contact me. He did not.”
  484. > You open the salad box and set it down before Starlight, filling the empty half with water from a bottle.
  485. “To answer your question, no. We are not allowed. Haven’t been chased out in the last dozen times I was here though.”
  486. > Opening the other box, you pick up a fork. Grilled dory. The smell is exquisite.
  487. > You turn to Starlight and give her a smile.
  488. “Shall we?”
  489. > She nods, flicking her tail as she smiles in return.
  490. > “Thank you for the meal, Master. It looks lovely.”
  491. > You ‘hmm’ in acknowledgement. Turning her eyes to the salad, she waits for you to give her permission, but you just start on your meal. Glancing up at you, Starlight sees you watching her. Leaning in cautiously, she takes your eating as her cue to start on her food. You smile lightly as she does so; you are glad that Starlight is learning to relax in your presence and enjoy her new freedoms with you as her master. Besides, having to give her permission every time would be tedious.
  492. > You eat in silence, enjoying the food and her company. It is a nice difference having someone else share this moment with you. Usually, you spend the time here delving into your thoughts, replaying key events of the day in your mind, or trying to think up solutions to challenges you are facing. Now, you have a distraction, and you like it.
  493. > You watch Starlight give her food a few chews before swallowing. Damn, she sure eats fast. An adaptation to the uncertainty of availability of food, maybe?
  494. > Poor girl. She is still thin.
  495. > Starlight finishes her food and dips her muzzle into the water, closing her eyes as she sips it carefully. Damn, she is cute.
  496. “Do you want more?”
  497. > Starlight pauses, opening her eyes as she looks at you in surprise. Water drips from her chin as her muzzle hangs open, and her eyebrows are raised above her wide eyes.
  498. > “M-more, Master?”
  499. > If you were to guess, this may be the first time she is given the offer to have more food. You gesture towards your portion of garden greens.
  500. “You are still so thin, Starlight. I would prefer if you ate more.”
  501. > Her eyes travel to the salad, then back at you. She nods slowly, as if she is suspicious of your intentions.
  502. > Probably thinks you are testing her, Boss.
  503. > “If it pleases you, Master.”
  504. > She is so submissive. That feeling of control. You love it.
  505. > Spooning the greens into her box, you take care not to let the oil from the dory drip into her food.
  506. > “Thank you.”
  507. “No problem.”
  508. > Resuming the meal in silence, you put a piece of dory in your mouth and chew slowly. You swear she is wearing a smile before she starts eating again.
  509. > …
  511. > Putting the trash into the plastic bags, you tie them. You intend to bring them back, as you do not like littering. It is 8.37 pm, according to your phone, and a quick check shows that you received no new messages. Nice.
  512. > Starlight sits near the edge of the roof platform, looking down at the city. You scoot over to join her, resting your left elbow on your wounded knee. She gazes at it, then at the other as her head dips a little.
  513. “You have already apologised. I forgive you.”
  514. > She just nods silently. Smiling lightly, you turn to look out over the city, taking in the sheer beauty of the landscape before you. You breathe out softly, looking up at the moon as you marvel at its size. It sits in the night sky perfectly, shining brilliantly in its place as it is accompanied by the millions of stars above. Then, you hear Starlight’s soft voice.
  515. > “… Why did you save me, Master?”
  516. > You pause, frowning a little as you think carefully.
  517. “Because I do not want you to die.”
  518. > Turning to her, you notice that she avoids your gaze and stares at the distance. You see the orbs of light reflected in her eyes, but that far-away look in them tells you that she is not seeing them.
  519. “Speak your mind, Starlight. You have questions.”
  520. > She is silent. Then-
  521. > “For what end? So I can become your maid?”
  522. “That… And because I am lonely.”
  523. > Starlight turns to look at you, her face expressionless as she mulls over your answer. She turns back towards the distance again, sighing softly as she closes her eyes. Dipping her head and causing her mane to cover her face partially, your pony speaks in a soft voice.
  524. > “… What if I don't want to live anymore, Master?... What if I want to die?”
  525. > Raising your eyebrow lightly, you answer her.
  526. “Now? Then, I will not let you.”
  527. > “And why not?”
  528. “Because I don’t want you to.”
  529. > She pauses, opening her violet eyes as she looks forward.
  530. > “Parasol and Rumble died... I wish I could have gone with them.”
  531. > Silence. You decide to break it.
  532. “Will you tell me more about them?”
  533. > Starlight looks forward as she tells you that they lived in the same town with her. How Parasol was a worker in a “weather factory”, whatever that means. How she made beautiful snowflakes and the perfect clouds. How she took part in the Best Young Flyer competition, only to lose to a pony named Rainbow Dash. How she was interested in this stallion called Silver Script.
  534. > Starlight then tells you about Rumble. How he has this super awesome brother called Thunderlane who he looked up to. How he competed with the Cutie Mark Crusaders for a spot to show his flag carrying routine for the Equestrian Games. How he stressed about not having his cutie mark, and the things he tried to get it.
  535. > You feel a weight building in your chest as you listen to her. To understand that these ponies are individuals is one thing; to actually know them, their dreams, and their lives is another.
  536. > You sigh. It does little to relieve the pain you feel for them, and for the pink pony beside you.
  537. > Fucking hell, we humans can be so cruel.
  538. "May I… Hold you, Starlight?"
  539. > Her expression changes from melancholy to surprise as she turns to look up at you. You pat the ground beside you, and her gaze travels at the spot. Then, she nods, giving you a small smile as she gets up and sits beside you.
  540. > Slowly, you put your arms around her and pull her into an embrace. You rest a hand on her shoulder, and another on the top of her mane, cradling her head softly into your chest. Holding Starlight firmly, yet gently, you marvel at the warmth and softness of her fur. Underneath that, you can feel of the firmness of her body, and the mix of floral and feminine scents from her mane fills your nose.
  541. > Sighing softly, you feel the dark clouds of loneliness pale. They have not faded yet, but they are not as heavy as before. With time, maybe, they will go. You must be patient with yourself.
  542. > Gently, you stroke the purple mane with that adorable teal streak.
  543. > Yours. She is yours. Your pony girl. Your Starlight.
  544. > You reach up and rub the back of those big, fluffy ears.
  545. > And hers. You are her Master. You will not do anything to hurt her, nor let any harm come to her. You will take care of her, help her recover from her ordeal, and keep her healthy and happy. Having suffered loss before, you do not want to feel it again, so you vow to keep these promises.
  546. > Then, you hear a sigh, and feel the weight of her body press against yours as she leans in against you. That display of trust and affection causes something warm to blossom in your chest. Something you had almost forgotten. Happiness. Pure, simple happiness.
  547. > It is funny how a simple embrace can make so many things go through one’s mind.
  548. > Maybe that is why hugs are often the answer, Boss. They are powerful.
  549. > Amen to that, Brain. Amen to that.
  550. > …
  551. > “Master?”
  552. “Yes?”
  553. > Starlight moves to pull away from you, so you release your hold on her. She looks up at you, but quickly averts her gaze to her left as a slight blush appears on her face.
  554. > “I… I-I have to go to the bathroom.”
  555. > She whispered that so softly. You are sure you would not have heard it if the night is not quiet.
  556. > You snort, and smile at her as you rub the back of her ears again.
  557. “Let’s hurry back home then, hmm?”
  558. > “Yes, Master… And thank you.”
  559. “Hmm.”
  560. > …
  562. > You unlock your apartment and Starlight rushes in, heading towards the bathroom. Little pony is urgent.
  563. > Chuckling, you turn on the lights for her and enter the kitchen to dispose of the take-away packaging. You glance at the clock as you wash your hands. 10.35pm. Time to prepare for tomorrow.
  564. > You prepare two portions of garden salad and butter three slices of bread. Then, you pour out a cup of orange juice and a cup of guava smoothie. Placing all these at the lowest shelf of your fridge, you then set your fruit basket on the floor near the fridge. Finally, you go to your storeroom to retrieve Kaiser’s old drinking bowl, which you wash thoroughly before filling it with water and setting it beside the basket.
  565. > You pause to think. What else would she need during the day?
  566. > Of course.
  567. > You go back to your storeroom and get a length of rope. Tying one end on the handle of your fridge, you make a knot on the other end. You squat, pulling on the knot as your fridge opens. Excellent.
  568. > “Master?”
  569. > You turn around. Starlight has a blush on her face, and she looks to be nervous from the way she frowns lightly and bites her lower lip.
  570. “Yes, Starlight?”
  571. > She fidgets. Definitely nervous.
  572. > Fuck. Did she make a mess in the bathroom?
  573. > “C-could you… W-wipe me, M-master?”
  574. > Wipe? Oh. OH.
  575. > You get up, walking over to pull two pieces of tissue paper from a box nearby. Sitting down beside Starlight, who is blushing profusely, you get her to lift her tail.
  576. > Okay, just a speck here and there. And a few drops of yellow. Not as dirty as you expected.
  577. > You clean her up. Thoroughly, but gently. Releasing her tail, you throw the soiled tissues away.
  578. > “Thank you, Master.”
  579. > You just smile, not wanting to embarrass her further.
  580. “My turn to use the bathroom.”
  581. > She nods as you leave her and enter said bathroom, looking around cautiously. No mess. Good girl, Starlight.
  582. > You almost closed the door when it hits you. You retch.
  584. > Throwing the door open, you rush out. One hand on the opposite wall, you cough as your eyes water. You bring your other hand, now a fist, in front of your mouth as you retch again.
  585. “Augh… Fuck me...”
  586. > You look up.
  587. > Starlight watches you in shock, and you note how those eyes of hers are so big. She is still standing where you had left her, and she raises a hoof in front of her mouth. Her expression changes; her eyebrows lower as she smiles behind her hoof and blushes. Then, she giggles.
  588. > You cannot help it. You chuckle too.
  589. > She starts laughing, her whole body shaking in mirth. You join her.
  590. > …
  592. > Using an open palm, you gesture towards the dusty books at the bottom of your bookshelf.
  593. “These are my old school textbooks. They may be a little dry, but I am sure you can find some answers to questions you might have about Earth and this country from them. You can try those books above if you like fiction. Dictionary’s at that corner if you need it.”
  594. > “Yes, Master.”
  595. > After you used the toilet and washed up, you told Starlight that you must go to work tomorrow and that she will be home alone, as you have a shift from 7am to 7pm. You bring her around the apartment and highlight some of the things she may do during your absence. So far, you have covered your plans for her food, the use of the television, and the radio function on your hi-fi set. Now, you check off “books” from your mental list. You would have included more things for her, but having no magical grasp in those hooves is a bitch.
  596. > Bringing Starlight to the phone, you instruct her on its use as you scribble your phone number for her.
  597. “Call me if there is an emergency, and I will rush home as soon as possible. I will be busy, but I want to know if something happens. Do you understand?”
  598. > “I understand, Master.”
  599. > You lean down to ruffle her mane and smile at Starlight, earning yourself a small smile from her in return. Removing your hand, you take a breath before adopting a firm look. When you speak again, your voice is authoritative and firm.
  600. “Starlight, I am trusting you to be by yourself tomorrow, so don’t let me down. I’m sure that you know as well as I do what happens to ponies who run away, so don’t try, okay? It’s not worth it, and I have been treating you well so far, haven’t I?”
  601. > The pink pony closes her eyes and nods slowly. Starlight keeps quiet for a moment, then she opens her violet eyes to look at you. When she asks her next question, you note her hesitation and cautiousness from the way that her voice is soft and shaky.
  602. > “What… What happens if I… If I do run away… M-Master?”
  603. “Do you want to?”
  604. > Starlight snorts as she shakes her head at you. Her answer comes out lifeless. Dead, almost.
  605. > “Honestly? No Master, I don’t… Why would I? I have nowhere else to go, and your world is a dark, scary and cruel place… And you’ve been treating me kindly and generously so far, Master.”
  606. > Nevermind the fact that you touched her inappropri-
  607. > Shut the fuck up, Brain. Not now.
  608. > You are not surprised that she asked you that. Telling her to sit as you walk to plant your ass on your sofa, you take a moment to collect your thoughts before answering her.
  609. “I personally have never dealt with cases of runaways before, Starlight, but I have heard horrible stories from my colleagues of what happens to ponies found without their masters. More often than not, ponies seem to vanish completely when they escape, and the Police have found... Well, the broken bodies of runaways much more frequently than registered and owned slaves.”
  610. > Starlight’s eyes widen.
  611. > “… B-broken?”
  612. > Letting out a breath, you give her a nod.
  613. “Runaways tend to end up as victims of abuse, Starlight. There are people out there that have lost friends and family in the War, as well as evil, sadistic people who get a thrill from torturing your kind. I’ve seen my share of these people are capable of… And it scares and disgusts me that they can get away with the things they do. If you have an owner, you are his or her private property, so others will think twice about acting on you lest they get sued for damages and compensation... Just… Trust me when I say that it really isn’t worth trying to run away. For you and me both.”
  614. > Your pony keeps her eyes on you and stays silent. She appears to be thinking about what you said, so you give her the moment to collect her thoughts. Then, she sighs softly and looks down before nodding.
  615. > “Yes, Master. I… I understand. You don’t have to worry about that.”
  616. “Good.”
  617. > A part of you expected her to challenge your claims or even call out that you might be saying all these to scare her into staying with you, so you are quite surprised when she accepted your answer so readily.
  618. > Gently, you reach a hand over and pet Starlight on her mane, giving her a small smile when she looks up at you. You say nothing and continue that display of affection as you delve into your thoughts again.
  619. > From the other Senior Officers that you have spoken to, there seems to be two sides to the market where pony slaves are bought and sold. The first side deals simply with the sales of ponies as household servants, labourers or simply companions; the last category includes sex slaves, or ‘comfort ponies’. Sellers treat pony slaves as merely another commodity, but the government has taken the first step to regulate the market through the issuing of mandatory licences; you may buy and own pony slaves legally, provided you register them with either the Police or the Animal Rights Agency. How their owners treat them thereafter, sadly, is apparently not of major consideration and consequence, provided that none of the other laws are broken.
  620. > Runaways though… They are a huge problem. What little you know of the slave trade tells you that proven loyalty is a major consideration for buyers; runaways are therefore worth very little, so these ponies are often sold to the other, darker side of the market, where there exists a significant demand for pony slaves to be used for activities that are sadistic and cruel. This is where runaways come in; they are often worth too little to be sold in the ‘conventional’ market, so many are sold to the degenerates in society for their abhorrent deeds that often result in an extremely painful death for the pony slave. At least, that is what you gather from the state of the corpses that you have seen in the cases you have encountered.
  621. > The Police have been wanting to crack down hard on the slave pony trade, but the lack of legal provisions for ponies sold in the market proves to be a major obstacle that has yet to be overcome. As an enforcer of the law, it is incredibly frustrating that your hands are tied when you come across cases of abuse of the sapient miniature equines, and frankly, it breaks your heart that you can do little to help them.
  622. > “Master?”
  623. > You blink, focusing your attention on the pink pony that just called your name.
  624. “Yeah?”
  625. > Starlight lifts on of her hooves to touch your forearm. You pause your petting of her mane and wait for her to speak.
  626. > “Earlier on that rooftop… When you said that you “don’t want me to die”… What do you mean exactly?”
  627. > You frown at her question.
  628. “It means that I will be very sad if anything happens to you, Starlight... I want you to be happy with me, and I want to give you a better life… Because… There is so much hate and indifference in the world, and you and your kind are suffering because of that. You… You don’t deserve this. No pony deserves this. Not the shit that we humans are giving you.”
  629. > Your pony smiles softly at you when you finish your little speech. She uses her hoof to stroke your forearm as you move your hand up to rub the back of her fluffy ears. Recalling the events of your first day with your new pony slave, you lean forward to keep eye contact with her before you speak again.
  630. “And Starlight? I’m sorry for… Well… Molesting you in the shower earlier. I’ve never been that close to a girl before, and I got caught up in the moment... I went out of line, and I apologise.”
  631. > Starlight shakes her head gently and gives you a bittersweet smile.
  632. > “You don’t have to apologise, Master. That… That is your right.”
  633. > You do not know what to say in response. Coughing lightly to cover the ensuring awkwardness, you are glad when you feel a buzz in your pocket. You pull out your phone and unlock it to see that you have just received an automated reminder from the Station for your shift tomorrow. Okay then.
  634. > You set the alarm for the next day, seeing that it is now 11pm sharp.
  635. “Okay Starlight, time for bed.”
  636. > She nods.
  637. > “Yes Master.”
  638. “Good. Come here.”
  639. > She approaches you as you get off the soft and squat to pick her up. One hand below her chest, and the other below her hindquarters, at the back of her thighs. You lift her up.
  640. > Or, you tried to as your back screams its displeasure. Fuck.
  641. “Nevermind. Bad idea.”
  642. > Guilt flashes across her face as you remove your hands and shake your head lightly, walking over to turn off the lights. Your flat becomes dark, but not entirely, as light from outside come in through the windows. Walking over to your bedroom, you lay down on the bed, sighing softly as you place your phone on the end-table. Hoofsteps comes closer as Starlight enters the room after you.
  643. > You turn to watch as she approaches you slowly. Then, Starlight rears up and puts her hooves on the bed, and you see that she has a frown on her face.
  644. > “M-Master… Where… W-where do I sleep?”
  645. “You sleep here, Starlight. With me, on my bed.”
  646. > Her eyes widen as she blushes. Little Anon stirs as you anticipate the prospect of having company in your bed. Female company.
  647. > You shake your head. As nice as that may sound, you must watch your behaviour. For now, at least. You do not want to traumatise her further, and you already violated her earlier.
  648. “Come on up, Starlight. It’s getting late.”
  649. > Starlight pauses for a while, before she closes her eyes and nods. Rearing up, she plants both front hooves on the bedsheet and pulls herself up with a small kick from her back legs. She lays down on your left, keeping her distance from you.
  650. > You frown. That will not do.
  651. > Reaching over, you put your arms around her. Your left hand goes under her chest while your right arm goes around her hindquarters and hind-hooves, giving you a hook around her lower body. She gasps as you pull her close, holding her back against your chest. You turn on your side, letting her lay her head on your left upper arm. Your left hand holds her chest while your right hand rests on her tummy. Pulling your legs and hips up, you hold them against her hindquarters as you spoon her. When you look down at her, you notice that her tail is tucked instinctively between her legs.
  652. > Baby steps to recovery, you remind yourself. Slowly, but surely.
  653. “Just relax, alright? Easy, now Starlight. I promised that I won’t hurt you.”
  654. > You feel her nod. Sighing, you rest your head above hers, noticing that she is rather tense in your embrace. Over time, you are sure Starlight will start trusting you as she gets used to your displays of affection. She has to.
  655. > You inhale, taking in her scent. So wonderfully feminine. Lovely.
  656. > Little Anon stirs again. The warmth and firmness of her entire body flushed against yours, in your bed no less, is a new experience.
  657. > You ignore him, close your eyes and clear your mind as you start to pray. Prayer always helps you sleep. You thank God for the blessings he has given you, asking for forgiveness for your sins and his mercy, for you are but a sinner. Whispering softy, you ask him to help you-
  658. > “Master?”
  659. > You open your eyes.
  660. “Hmm?”
  661. > Eloquent. Shut up, Brain.
  662. > She is silent, then she gets up and sits in front of you. You look at her quizzically as she takes your left hand between her hooves and lifts it to her muzzle. She kisses the tips of your middle and ring fingers.
  663. > What.
  664. > “Thank you for saving me, Master.”
  665. > You smile. It is always nice to be appreciated, so you just nod as she rubs her face against the back of your hand.
  666. > “I was in Tartarus, Master. I-I did not think that it would end, and I was ready to die. I wanted it to end, so badly… Every day is a bucking nightmare... Every night a new wave of pain.”
  667. > Oh boy, here comes the tears again.
  668. > “I was trying to starve myself when I was at the Agency. I thought that if I did not eat, they would put me down… That did not happen... So, I tried a different way. I fought against that man who did those things to me. I hoped that if they saw me as aggressive, they will kill me.”
  669. > Your left hand is soaked now, but you pay it no mind.
  670. > “I thought I had succeeded… This morning, when you appeared at my cell, I felt elated. “It is going to be over,” I told myself. “This is it.” Then, when you said you were going to take me home, I felt crushed. “The ride is never going to end”, I thought. I was hoping it to be over quickly, but this world is just so cruel.”
  671. > You move your right hand to the back of her mane, petting her gently there.
  672. > “Then, you showed me something that I had forgotten. You were kind to me, Master, and you gave me food. Fresh, wonderful food, and so much of it. You gave me a home, and you gave me hope for a better life.”
  673. > Starlight kisses the back of your left hand again as she sniffs.
  674. > “I have done nothing to deserve this. I am a slave, Master. Only a bucking slave. You could have used me for your pleasure. You could have beaten me, kicked me, and ground my face into the dirt as you fucked me… And… And yet, you didn’t.”
  675. > She raises her bloodshot eyes to yours. It pains you immensely to see her like this.
  676. > “Why, Master?”
  677. > You remove your right hand from her mane, which you use to gently wipe her eyes.
  678. “Because… You are mine.”
  679. > Starlight pauses for a moment, before a wide smile appears on her little muzzle. You remove your left hand from her grasp, and pull her into a hug again. Your left hand rests on her shoulders as your right holds her on her lower back. She sighs as she snuggles into your chest, and you notice that her body is less tense now.
  680. “And because I choose to.”
  681. > You are only one man, and what you can do is severely limited. Yet, if you can make a difference in the life of one pony… Just one… That to you, is already an accomplishment. That, is already making a difference in this world.
  682. > Gently, you press her into your chest, breathing deeply as you move your right hand slowly up her back and down. The feeling of holding someone so intimately in the comfort of your bed fills you with joy. You are glad that you rescued Starlight.
  683. > Tonight, your bed is warm, and you have company.
  684. > Tonight, you are not alone.
  685. > …
  686. > You feel the mild, dizzy sensation of sleep approach as you hear a whisper.
  687. > “Thank you, Princesses, for delivering me.”
  688. > Guess you were not the only one praying tonight.
  689. > …
  691. > The strums of a guitar wake you. They are backed by the low hum of a bass guitar and a calm percussion beat; the latter being steady thumps of a bass drum and the ‘twock’ sound of a drumstick hitting the rim of a snare drum. You know this song.
  692. > “… The Milky Way… Among the heavens…”
  693. > Reaching over, you grab your phone from the end-table.
  694. > “… And Mr. Moon… He came by…”
  695. > You silence the alarm. 5.45am.
  696. > Looking down, you smile as you see Starlight snoozing gently. Her chest slowly rises and falls as a small trail of drool escapes that little muzzle of hers. You reach over and gently wipe it off with a thumb, smiling warmly at her as you do so. Seeing her like this, being so vulnerable as she rests in your arms, causes a warm, fuzzy feeling to fill your chest.
  697. > Slowly, you shift your arm out from beneath her, being careful not to wake the sleeping pony. You shake off your sleepiness and get off the bed, taking one last look at Starlight before heading for the bathroom as you stretch and yawn. Pausing in the hallway, you pick up a pencil to scribble a small note for Starlight. It read: “Starlight. Might be back home late. Take care of yourself. - Anon”
  698. > Satisfied, you paste it on your fridge and head to the bathroom for a shower.
  699. > Time to do your duty to the nation.
  700. > …
  702. > You enter the locker room at 6.45am. Many of the officers from the previous shift are in the locker room as well, and you exchange pleasantries with them as you make your way to your locker. Opening it with a key, you take off your shirt and hang it up after placing your backpack on the floor. You grab your uniform and button it up carefully, making sure that you do not miss any. After checking your reflection in the small mirror, you stop by your office to deposit your backpack on the couch before heading to the armoury.
  703. > Sergeant Hicks is on duty. The older, bespectacled and fair-skin man is currently sleeping, and you watch as his huge belly rises and falls with his snores. He has his entire body slumped backwards against his seat, and his head is hanging off the back of the chair as he breathes through his opened mouth.
  704. > You shake your head. The Armoury Sergeant chose to sleep right in front of the iron-grilled window of the armoury dispensary. You wonder how he manages to sleep like that; that position looks mighty uncomfortable.
  705. > Personally, you do not blame him. To be fair, his is a rather boring job, and he is here every morning and evening as part of his part-time working arrangement, even on weekends and public holidays. Nonetheless, you think is far better for him that you catch him rather than your superiors. At least you are significantly more merciful. For now.
  706. > You grin and take a breath.
  707. “Oi!”
  708. > In perfect synchronisation, you slam your palm on the metal-covered counter. High-five, Brain.
  709. > He jolts awake and almost falls off his chair.
  710. > “Ack! W-what? Oh! In-Inspector!”
  711. > He scrambles to get off the chair and throws you a salute. His belly continues bouncing.
  712. > You shake your head, unable to resist an amused smile as you return the salute.
  713. “Morning to you too, Hicks.”
  714. > When you drop your hand, he follows suit. You force your face into one of sternness.
  715. “Sergeant, one more time and I will have to go to DSP* Koh.”
  716. > *Author’s note* DSP – Deputy Superintendent; A rank in the Police force that is equivalent to a Major in the Army.
  717. > “S-sorry Sir!”
  718. > He is so flustered, and you smile at the way he splutters. At least he has the decency to look sheepish.
  719. “I would like to draw my equipment, please.”
  720. >”Y-yes, Sir.”
  721. > He turns around and picks up a utility belt, which he pushes on the counter. Getting a key from his desk, he goes to unlock the weapon rack. In the meantime, you check all the items on the belt. Cuffs. Check. Baton. Check. Speed loader pouch. Check. Taser and weapon holders. Double check. Radio pouch. Check. Radio itself? Hmm...
  722. > You insert the batteries and turn it on.
  723. “143 to Dispatch. 143 to Dispatch, comms check. Over.”
  724. > “Dispatch to 143. I hear you five-five. Over.”
  725. “Roger that, Dispatch. Over.”
  726. > Radio. Check. You clip it in its holder and wear the utility belt.
  727. > “Here you go, Sir.”
  728. > Hicks places you a tray in front of you. It contains your service revolver, a Taser X2 electrical stunning device, a small pile of bullets, a small box and a speed loader. Picking up the revolver, you examine the pistol. A Taurus, Model 85. Chambered in .380 Special +P. Five shots.
  729. > You count the pistol cartridges and pick each one up, carefully checking the condition of the rounds. No dirt, dents, dust or rust. Excellent. You open the box and shake out the Taser Module, which was the ammunition for the stun gun to check it in a similar fashion. Satisfied with the equipment, you pick up the tray and head to the loading bay. You load the revolver carefully, feeling that same excitement you had when you picked up your first firearm; it was a rifle that you used when you were serving during your days as an Army conscript.
  730. > You fill the speed loader with the remaining rounds then load the Taser Module in the X2. Flicking a switch, you test the stun-gun’s laser aiming device. Bright red; fully functional. Good.
  731. > You put all these in their respective holders on your belt as you do a final check of all your equipment. Walking back to the armoury window, you hand the tray back to Hicks with a smile.
  732. “Thank you, Sergeant.”
  733. > “N-no problem, Sir.”
  734. > You turn to leave, but pause when a thought comes to you.
  735. “Don’t let me catch you sleeping on duty again, Hicks.”
  736. > “Y-y-yes, Sir! Won’t happen again, Sir!”
  737. > You smile as you head to your office.
  738. > He never keeps that promise.
  739. > …
  741. > You are reading an article on the newspaper in your office as you take a sip of water from a mug. There were seven more cases of ponies disappearing yesterday, bringing the total to 32 now.
  742. >The interesting thing is that every case exhibited a similar set of circumstances: 1. Each pony disappeared seemingly without a trace. 2. Each pony that disappeared were owned slaves. 3. Each case had no reported signs of forced entry and exits. There were slight variations, such as where the pony was last seen, the nature of their ‘work’, and the demographics of the missing ponies, yet, the iconic feature of each of these cases is that the means of escape are always left extremely and deliberately obvious for Investigation Officers in the Police Force. By that, you are referring to unlocked and undamaged doors and windows that are left wide open; devices such as padlocks left unlocked on the ground without damage to their locking mechanisms, and seemingly without the use of a key; and the creepiest of all are chains and ropes used to restrain pony slaves are left intact and coiled in neat tight bundles. It seems as if this is the work of a group of serial ‘pony-nappers’ who are able to overcome all and any means of locking devices, and loved to taunt investigators by taking the time to coil chains and ropes during their pony-napping sprees.
  743. > The ponies in these cases are different from runaways, as there are almost always signs of forced exits for the latter: from the briefings that you have attended for these cases, the ponies involved here either broke something to create a means of escape, tore through their restraints or simply overpowered their handlers and ran away. Unlike the work of the pony-nappers, these are usually crude and reactionary attempts to escape that leaves a mess behind.
  744. > You fold the paper and think. The pony-nappers seem to be extraordinarily effective and efficient given the speed at which they operate, and because of these, they are probably a very dangerous group to mess with as well. If you get assigned one of these cases, you had better be ready to defend yourself; probably even with the use of deadly force if necessary. Since these missing ponies are all reported to be registered pony slaves, there might be cases of unregistered ponies going missing too. Maybe, if you could speak to one of-
  745. > Your office door opens. Standing there is a pretty and young Chinese lass in Police uniform. Her dark fair is tied in a bun, and her facial features are sharp, complete with a set of small lips. She has those big hazel eyes that sit well on her face, accentuating her exotic feminine beauty.
  746. > This lady is your long-time friend from Academy days, and you grin at her.
  747. “Good morning, Angela.”
  748. > She adopts a haughty look, walking imperiously into your office with her palm held open in front of her. Moving her eyes to said palm slowly, she mines turning a page on an invisible book.
  749. > “This court is satisfied, beyond a reasonable doubt, with the evidence presented by the prosecution against one Inspector Anonymous, on the single charge of ‘intentional missing of breakfast’.”
  750. > She glances at you and back at her ‘book’, never losing that imperialistic expression. You cover your mouth with a hand to hide your smile.
  751. > “I, therefore, am driven to convict the accused to the maximum punishment as stipulated in Section 15 of the Meals Code, in the interest of public safety and well-being, as well as fullness of stomachs.”
  752. > Angela turns her body to face you, closing her ‘book’ with her hand. She flares her nostrils at you, keeping her chin high. It is hard to hide your amusement now.
  753. > “You are hereby sentenced to carry out the task of partaking in a meal with one Inspector Angela. May God may have mercy on your soul.”
  754. > You laugh, and she joins you.
  755. “Thank you, your Honour.”
  756. > You put the newspaper down and follow Angela to the canteen. A quick glance at the wall clock tells you it is now 9.13am.
  757. > …
  759. > Angela is telling you about a movie she caught with her boyfriend when one of the Station Orderlies approaches your table. He is a skinny, dark-skinned individual wearing a baggy uniform. Definitely has Indian blood in him.
  760. > “Sir? Ma’am?”
  761. > He salutes, and the both of you return it.
  762. “Yes, Chris?”
  763. > “Deputy Superintendent Koh would like to see the both of you in his office.”
  764. > “Okay,” answers Angela. “Thanks Corporal.”
  765. > “No problem, Ma’am.”
  766. > He salutes and you both do the same. As Chris turns to leave, you call out to him.
  767. “Wait, Chris.”
  768. > He turns around.
  769. > “Yes, Sir?”
  770. > Reaching over, you put a $2 note in his shirt pocket.
  771. “Go enjoy a coffee. My treat.”
  772. > He smiles.
  773. > “Thank you, Sir!”
  774. > You exchange salutes with him and he leaves. He is almost skipping.
  775. > “Always nice to the boys, eh Anon?”
  776. “Helps to keep their morale high, Angela. Conscription is a bitch. Besides, it makes getting work done easier.”
  777. > She smiles, shakes her head and finishes her coffee as you drink the last of your tea.
  778. “Shall we?”
  779. > She nods.
  780. > “Let’s see what DSP Sir has for us this time.”
  781. > …
  783. > Such a coincidence. You were just reading about it this morning and here you are, taking on two of the missing pony cases. Angela is given two as well. Yours are for one “Royal Ribbon” and one “Minuette”, while Angela’s are for “Piña Colada” and “Lotus Blossom”.
  784. > “I want these cases solved. Special Investigations has been hounding us for results, and now we have these new cases.”
  785. > Deputy Superintendent George Koh is head of your Station's Investigation Branch and your supervisor. The middle aged, fairly muscled Asian man is known for his strictness when it comes to work, and other personnel in the Station calls him 'DSP Koh', or 'DSP Sir', as a mark of respect for his rank.
  786. > He sighs as he pinches the front of his eyebrows. Angela and you say nothing, as both of you are well aware of the pressure the Deputy Superintendent faces from upper management.
  787. > You resist the urge to shake your head.
  788. > Scholars and their ivory towers, Boss. They should do a day in your job; it might change their fucking expectations a little.
  789. > Amen to that, Brain.
  790. > DSP Koh looks up and tells the both of you to turn in your findings before knocking off today-
  791. > “- or someone will get a hurt real bad.”
  792. “- or someone will get a hurt real bad.”
  793. > “- or someone will get a hurt real bad.”
  794. > Almost like an echo to his last words, Angela and you mutter under your breaths. He smirks and nods before turning his attention to you.
  795. > “Anon, I would also like you to follow up on your drug trafficker. Prosecution is asking for a statement from your pony. Said that it might be useful in the ‘illegal possession of ponies’ charge.”
  796. > “Yes, Sir.”
  797. > “You really adopted that pony then, Anon?” Asks Angela.
  798. > You nod, causing her to beam at you. This girl always had a thing for animals.
  799. > Ponies are not animals, Boss.
  800. > Whatever, Brain.
  801. > “Okay, okay. Very sweet. Now get to work.”
  802. > DSP Koh can be quite a hard-nosed bastard. Angela and you stand up, files under your arms as you both give him a salute. He returns it and waves you both out. The door has almost closed when you hear:
  803. > “… not getting paid enough to do this shit...”
  804. > …
  806. > Angela and you first went to Royal Ribbon’s address since it was the closest to the Station. You managed to speak with her owner, a divorcee who lives with his aged mother on the 15th floor of a block of flats. Using the information in his police report, you confirmed the facts of the case with him:
  807. > 1. Royal Ribbon was a unicorn mare who was registered under his mother’s name.
  808. > 2. He ‘employed’ the pony as a caretaker for his mother.
  809. > 3. Royal Ribbon has never “exhibited any form of magic”, whatever that means.
  810. > 4. He woke up the previous morning at around 5am to a front door that was left wide open, and the gate’s padlock was also unlocked.
  811. 5. Nothing else was stolen.
  812. > His account states that he locks his mother with Royal Ribbon in her room at night as she suffers from dementia and is prone to sleepwalk. Her door can only be opened from outside, and the windows in her room are bolted shut. Every night, he locks his main gate and his front door before retiring to his own room to sleep, and he keeps the keys in his pockets when he goes to bed.
  813. > He has no security cameras.
  814. > After Angela and you interviewed him and his mother, the both of you examined the doors, the bolted window and the padlock. No damages, and their locking mechanisms work normally. Even the glass panels on the windows are intact.
  815. > You frowned when you were done with your examination, and you flipped through the paper work to add a note on it. “No signs of forced entry” is confirmed then.
  816. > Having done these, you stepped out of the room and confirmed with Royal Ribbon’s owner that said pony was unable to pick things up with her hooves, nor did she had any extraordinary dexterity with manipulating things using her mouth. He nodded at your words, so you made another note. No lock-picking either.
  817. > Heh, “extraordinary dexterity... with mouth”.
  818. > FUCK OFF BRAIN! I’m working here, dammit!
  819. > You then searched his apartment with his assistance while Angela talked to his neighbours. As indicated, nothing was stolen and everything was accounted for, obviously other than the pony. Angela came back with no leads either, as none of the neighbours had the missing pony in their houses, nor had they seen anything suspicious.
  820. > You considered getting Forensics in, but decided there was little point since the owner had touched all the door handles and the padlock with his bare hands. He had also swept the apartment before you arrived, wanting “to make a good impression”. When he admitted that, you had to take a breath and resist berating the bloody idiot, because any potential evidence there would have been destroyed. No matter really, because even if he did not do that, Forensics would normally only come in if there were signs of forced entry. ‘Resource prioritisation’, they always said.
  821. > The most plausible explanation would be someone close to him came and took Royal Ribbon away, but what about the keys then? Unless a ninja was in hiding in his room in plain sight, waited till he slept, took the keys, unlocked the doors and gate and returned them, and finally stole the pony. All in the dead of night.
  822. > Plausible, but bloody unlikely.
  823. > You phoned your supervisor and filled him in. DSP Koh agreed that there was nothing more that can be done for Royal Ribbon’s owner at that point, and instructed you to keep the case open for a follow up next week.
  824. > …
  826. > You accompanied Angela for her Lotus Blossom case.
  827. > The facts of the case are as such:
  828. > 1. Lotus was an ‘Earth’ pony mare; registered.
  829. > 2. Her owners got her to work as a masseuse for them.
  830. > 3. Similar to Royal Ribbon, she had no magic ability “because she has no horn”. You wonder if this was a species thing among ponies, and you made a mental note to ask Starlight about it.
  831. > 4. They kept Lotus chained in their mansion’s basement when she was not working, where the only possible ways in are the door and a ventilating window.
  832. > 5. They left for lunch yesterday afternoon for about an hour after locking up the pony and the house, only to come back to find her gone and the locks undone.
  833. > 6. The report indicated that they had nothing lost or stolen.
  834. > While Angela spoke to Lotus’s owners, who are a pair of rich-as-fuck professors who teach in a local university, you checked the doors and the ventilating window in the basement. No signs of forced entry either, there are no mechanism damages, and the bars on the window are still solid. You then checked the padlock on the chain. Normal, and working. What the hell.
  835. > No cameras either. These guys are swimming in wealth and assets, and they said that surveillance systems “were too expensive”. You almost snorted when they told you that.
  836. > When you joined Angela as she was confirming with them that nothing was stolen and everything was accounted for, they brought up that something was indeed missing: a college textbook on ethics. Only after your prompts did the male owner recalled that he lent it to a friend.
  837. > Neighbours also did not notice anything suspicious when the both of you did your walk-around, so no lead theremuch for getting any leads.
  838. > Angela and you did manage to convince Forensics to come in after the owners insisted multiple times. And spoke to DSP Koh. And fucked him over the phone. They came in after a two hour wait and swept the entire house for evidence. They said they would get results by this evening.
  839. > Prioritising “limited” resources eh? Lazy asshats.
  840. > …
  842. > The case for Minuette is fucked up.
  843. > Following the address on the Police report, Angela and you entered the door of a two-story shophouse. From experience, you suspected that this was a brothel of some sort, as the abnormally large house number plate and the red-tinted porch light are dead giveaways. Ironically, the Penal Code does not stipulate that prostitution is an offence, but living on the earnings of a prostitute is. No pimping, in other words, but commercial sex is legal. Go figure. You wonder who came up with these laws.
  844. > Your suspicions were confirmed when a lady claiming to be a “friend” of Minuette came forward and spoke with Angela and you. She produced her health card and identity card, assuring you that she has not skipped her mandatory tri-monthly checks for sexually transmitted diseases. Good for you, lady, and for your customers.
  845. > The case facts are as such:
  846. > 1. Minuette was a unicorn mare, also registered.
  847. > 2. Her owner, the lady you spoke to, allegedly got her to as a “pet”.
  848. > 3. No magic ability.
  849. > 4. Minuette and this lady, together with a bunch of other women, apparently sell themselves at this establishment to earn a living.
  850. > 5. Her owner saw Minuette enter her room with a customer yesterday afternoon. When she went to check up on her, Minuette was gone.
  851. > Your first thought was the pony had obviously run away with said customer when her owner was not looking. CCTV footage confirmed Minuette entering the room with a middle-aged Caucasian man, yet, when the door opened, it was a young Asian male that left.
  852. > What. The. Flying. Fuck.
  853. > The footage then shows her owner entering the same room, only to emerge about three minutes later without the pony.
  854. > After viewing the creepy footage, you got that lady’s permission to search the room where Minuette was last seen entering. It had no windows and no other entrances other than the door leading to the hallway outside. A small part of the room has been converted into a shower, and the only other things in there was a mattress, a ceiling light, and a small drawer containing condoms, diaphragms, lubricating gel, towels and bathing supplies. You examine the shower, looking for any damages or possible escape routes. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  855. > The lady confirmed that there were no valuables kept in the service rooms and nothing was stolen from the premises. Had cases of theft before, she asserted, so all their personal belongings are kept in the office.
  856. > Angela was really spooked after viewing the CCTV footage, and her face paled even more when shared your findings, or lack thereof, with her. She went back to the Station to try and get the identities of the two men while you stayed behind and waited for Forensics; DSP Koh called them in after you updated him, and asked that you remained on the site to assist the officers as they do their sweep. They came down soon after and swept the room, again promising to give answers when evening comes.
  857. > You left the brothel, but not before telling Minuette’s owner that the Police is doing their best to find the pony. One part of you hopes that the efforts will fail though; being taken as a slave is messed up already, let alone being forced to be a whore just to live in this fucking world.
  858. > Boss, is that not what you are guilty of too? You own a pony slave at home. You bought her body with food, safety and a place to stay, and you know what you want from her.
  859. > Brain, if you do not shut… Oh. Fuck.
  860. > Fuck me.
  861. > …
  863. > You close Minuette’s case file much harder than you normally would, pinching the bridge of your nose hard as you sigh. You do not care much for the weirdness of the case for now, and you focus on the other, more powerful emotion.
  864. > Guilt surges through you.
  865. > A prostitute. Starlight is a prostitute, and you are her only customer.
  866. > Why had not you not thought of that? FUCK!
  867. > You sigh and close your eyes, ignoring everything and everyone around you as you slump against the café chair. Your tea remains untouched, having gone cold while the mental debate in your head rages on.
  868. > You gave Starlight a home. (She has no choice). You cleaned her and fed her. (You touched her privates). You comforted her when she was sad. (You want her to recover so you can use her). You held her and made her feel safe (You revelled in that feeling of control). You want her to be happy (You can use that to justify her slavery). You want to be her Master (You desire to enact ownership on a living, thinking, and feeling being).
  869. > Letting out a breath, you shake your head and mutter softly to yourself, hardly noticing the looks you got from the other customers from the loudness of your exhale.
  870. “You are right, Brain. Getting her was a bad idea... And I am a fucked-up person.”
  871. > …
  873. > You hear Angela’s quick footsteps approach. Shaking your head, you clear your thoughts and look up.
  874. > “You won’t believe what Forensics just told me.”
  875. > Angela takes the seat beside you. She drops her phone on the table and practically snatches up her cold cup of coffee, almost spilling its contents. Raising it to her lips and taking a big gulp from it, you see that her grip is shaking.
  876. “Whoa whoa, take it easy, Angela.”
  877. > She places the already half-empty cup back on the table, frowning at you before she leans in. When you do the same, she pauses for a moment as if to collect her thoughts.
  878. > “For the Lotus case, Forensics said that they only have articles from the couple and the pony. Nothing else! No fingerprints, no markings, no chemicals, no bodily fluids. The only thing that stood out was a large amount of rodent hair and shit in the basement.”
  879. > You scratch the side of your head.
  880. “If the rats have started their revolution, we know where to strike then.”
  881. > “Shut up, Anon! This is serious.”
  882. > You wince. Angela is seldom in such a mood, so you just wave for her to go on.
  883. > “The brothel case? The one with Minuette? Database has no record of those two men."
  884. "Foreigners?"
  885. > "I don't know. Might have to check with embassies."
  886. > You 'hmm' in agreement.
  887. > "Anyway, Forensics swept the entire room and found loads of hair. At least 200 unique samples. Some of them date to at least two years ago.”
  888. “That’s good then. May get a lead.”
  889. > “I wished. They said that they had no Caucasian or Asian hair. “
  890. > You jolt up. What the fuck?
  891. “What the fuck?”
  892. > “I know! Forensics told me that the samples had Native American, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and even African origins, but no Caucasian or Asian. They searched the trash too. No gloves, no hats, no bodysuits, nothing.”
  893. > You lean back against the chair, taking a moment to process the information. Angela has her eyes on you, and you can see fear in them. Her breathing is so fast.
  894. > “H-how? You saw those men too, right? They had no bags either.”
  895. > You nod, frowning hard. How indeed.
  896. “Could Forensics have fucked up their sweep?”
  897. > Angela shakes her head and you sigh. She is right. Forensics have always maintained a high level of effectiveness as their boss is a mean bitch.
  898. > Plus, you were there when the officers from Forensics did their sweep, Boss.
  899. > You both sit in silence, and you are sure that like you, Angela is running scenarios though her head. Those men spent at least 15 minutes in that room; the Asian dude definitely longer as he must have already been inside before the White guy brought the pony in.
  900. > Then, a thought occurred to you.
  901. “Angela, the CCTV. Did you see that Asian man enter?”
  902. > “N-no. As you were taking to that lady, I was watching the footage for the previous two days. That pony had three guys, and those guys entered AND left.”
  903. > What the fuck? Probable scenario: the Asian guy has been hiding in that room before the past two days. He remained undetected as the pony serviced three clients, then Caucasian guy entered the room with the pony. Asian guy made both of them disappear and left the brothel.
  904. > What about Forensics then? If he was in the room for at least that period of time, then why no hair? Scenario scrapped. Unless-
  905. “Do you think the White guy disguised himself as the Asian?”
  906. > “No. Impossible. Didn’t you see the footage? He was much older, taller and bigger sized than him. That lady also went in to check the room, remember?”
  907. > You are stumped. What the hell is going on?
  908. > Angela shakes your knee with a hand, grabbing your attention. Your wounds. Ouch.
  909. > “I’m scared, Anon.”
  910. > You lean in and look into her eyes, noting that her hazel ones are dilated with fear. Gently, you put a hand on her shoulder. Time to step up.
  911. “Hey, there has to be an explanation for all this. Don’t speculate, and don’t assume things. You are an Investigation Officer of the Police Force, and you have to keep your head.”
  912. > You give her shoulder a few squeezes.
  913. “This is our case, and we will solve it. The public needs us. Remember what Staff Sergeant Barnes told us at training? If we fuck up-”
  914. > “… People suffer.”
  915. “- People suffer. That’s right. The worst thing to do now is to freak out.”
  916. > Slowly, she nods before giving you a weak smile. You return it, hoping that it will encourage her. Breathing out heavily, you sit back up.
  917. “I’ll explain to DSP Sir later. Now, we still have one more case to handle.”
  918. > You tap a finger on Piña Colada’s case file and glance at Angela, earning yourself a nod from your best friend. Raising a hand, you manage to catch the attention of a nearby waiter.
  919. “Bill, please.”
  920. > …
  922. > Generally, there are reasons for the things you do. Sometimes these are stupid, inconceivable, or driven by impulses; other times, they are calculated, deliberate, and rational. They all do have one thing in common though: you are very aware of them when you act.
  923. > You left Piña Colada’s case as your last one for the day deliberately, as her disappearance happened at the Agency shelter. The same one where you got Starlight. The one where she was abused… And you have a plan in mind.
  924. > The case facts are as such:
  925. > 1. Piña Colada was a registered pony slave, and she was an ‘Earth’ pony filly.
  926. > 2. Her owner was in police custody for resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. He was released a week ago.
  927. > 3. No magic ability.
  928. > 4. The pony was being kept in the shelter for medical treatment as a result of physical and sexual abuse from said owner. Temporarily only though, as he was due to collect her next week.
  929. > 5. She was loaded into the Agency’s transport vehicle yesterday morning by a driver. Piña Colada had an appointment at a nearby vet to undergo surgery to repair a broken front leg.
  930. > 6. When the driver came back from his smoke break, the truck’s backdoor and the filly’s cage padlock were unlocked, and the filly herself was missing. The keys were still with the driver.
  932. > It is 5.35 pm when your vehicle enters the shelter’s carpark. You grab Piña Colada’s case file and lock the police car, entering the building’s reception area with Angela. Calmly and purposefully, you approach the middle-aged woman at the reception counter. She watches you lazily, but switches on a smile and greets you warmly when you go closer.
  933. “Good evening to you, Ma’am. I am Officer Anon, and this is my colleague, Officer Angela.”
  934. > You gesture towards said policewoman.
  935. “We would like your help with Piña Colada’s case.”
  936. > “Sure, Officer. What can I do for you?”
  937. “For a start, we would like to speak with Mr Thomas Reagan. The Agency driver who reported the disappearance of Piña?”
  938. > “Ah, old Tommy! He is in the staffroom. He was so scared that he will lose his job for letting the horsie get stolen, ya know? Poor thing was in so much pain! The stupid law does not allow us to take action against her owner, so we do what we can to care for her. Anyway, Tommy just came in not long ago, about three weeks. He has the sweetest little girl, I tell you. Only eight years-”
  939. > Oh boy, here we go. You clear your throat.
  940. “Yes, Ma’am.”
  941. > “- already learning algebra! Can you believe that? When I was her age-“
  942. “Yes, Ma’am, I understand that, but- ”
  943. > “- hated all the studying. Just wanted to have fun and enjoy my youth, ya know? It is- ”
  944. > Angela snickers as you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. She moves forward and gently places her hand on the lady’s forearm.
  945. > “Ma’am, we would love to hear more, but we are in a bit of a hurry to finish our work. Deadlines, you know?”
  946. > The receptionist smiles at her.
  947. > “Ah of course. Deadlines, deadlines. Go speak with Tommy, and feel free to help yourselves to a cup of coffee at the break room. Nothing like a warm cuppa to perk you right up! You darlings look so tired!”
  948. > Well, she is friendly all right. Angela beams at her.
  949. > “Thank you for the offer, Ma’am. Come on, Anon, let’s go.”
  950. > You start following Angela, but several steps in, you slow down. Time to put your plan into action.
  952. “Angela?”
  953. > The policewoman stops and looks over her shoulder at you.
  954. > “Yeah?”
  955. “Say, can you take this case for me? I have to get some things for Starlight.”
  956. > She frowns and turns to face you.
  957. > “Can’t it wait till after we are done?”
  958. “I don’t know what time the shops will close, and I don’t know what DSP Koh will say when we get back. Might be too late then.”
  959. > She rests her pen on her lip as she thinks. You watch as her eyes drift towards her upper right.
  960. > “No.”
  961. > Fuck.
  962. > “Unless you treat me to Bridget’s.”
  963. > You grin. That, you can do.
  964. “Mixed Grill Special, with a Peppermint Milkshake?”
  965. > She nods eagerly. This girl is so cunning. You sigh, even as you continue grinning at her.
  966. “Okay then. Lunch, next shift?”
  967. > “Okay!”
  968. > She smiles widely and turns to leave.
  969. “I’ll see you back at the cruiser! In an hour!”
  970. > She just waves, still having her back to you. Turning around, you walk back to the receptionist. She puts her book down and smiles at you. Reaching into your pocket, you pass her a note containing the names of the 3 other missing ponies.
  971. “Ma’am, can you run these through the system? We are looking for other missing ponies as well. Just in case someone brought them to an Agency shelter.”
  972. > “Oh sure, Officer. Gimme a minute.”
  973. > You wait for her to finish. She does, really quickly. If you were to make an estimate, that took her only about 20 seconds, tops. Wow.
  974. > “Nope, nothing here. All still missing.”
  975. “Okay, thanks anyway.”
  976. > You lean on the counter.
  977. “Would you happen to know where I can get pony grooming supplies?”
  978. > …
  980. > Angela briefs you as the both of you enjoy burritos in your patrol car. With Chilli Fries. Your pony grooming supplies are on the backseat.
  981. > No signs of forced entry. Nothing else was stolen. No CCTV footage. No witnesses. Driver worried as all hell for his job, despite assurance from his own manager.
  982. > Forensics decided this was too trivial to get involved. They argued that ponies are property, so this was no different from a stolen handbag in a public place. They said: “If you want to shut down an entire shopping mall to sweep it for evidence just for one lady’s purse, then you do the arrangements.” Naturally, the both of you are pissed for two reasons: 1. Ponies are sapient beings, not a fucking leather storage contraption; and 2. No forensic evidence makes the case almost impossible to solve.
  983. “Did you manage to interview the Agency handler?”
  984. > “Yeah. Thaddeus Benson. He was cleaning the pony pens. Why?”
  985. “Just checking you got everyone.”
  986. > “Oooo-kaaay, Inspector.”
  987. > You both had finished your dinner when you lurch forward in your seat, holding your stomach as you groan. Angela puts down the plastic bag holding the trash and holds your shoulder, leaning in to have a better look at your face. From the frown on hers, she looks worried.
  988. > “A-Anon, are you okay?”
  989. “Yeah, just felt a stomach-ache. I have to go take a shit.”
  990. > She rolls her eyes and leans back on her seat.
  991. > “Then use the shelter’s. Don’t want you to shit yourself on the drive back.”
  992. > Groaning again, you leave the vehicle. You had almost reached the doors when Angela calls out to you from the rolled-down window. Letting out a breath, you stagger back.
  993. “What… Augh… Do you want?”
  994. > Nonchalantly, she tosses the plastic bag of trash at you.
  995. > “Be a dear and throw this away too, will you?”
  996. > She grins as you head towards the door again. Unknown to her, you grin too.
  997. > Cheeky cunt.
  998. > …
  999. > You stop your act the moment you enter the building. Throwing the trash in a nearby bin, your pull out your phone and look through your contacts. There. You call it.
  1000. > “Investigation Branch.”
  1001. “Chris?”
  1002. > “Yes, Sir?”
  1003. > The Station Orderly’s voice was a bit muffled. It seems like Tech Department has yet to replace those office phones.
  1004. “I am working on a case, and I need your help. Can you look up one ‘Thaddeus Benson’ for me?”
  1005. > …
  1007. > Opening the door carefully, you step out into the alleyway behind the Agency shelter. You see a familiar face.
  1008. > Him. Thaddeus Benson. Show time.
  1009. “Mr Benson!”
  1010. > You greet him warmly. He looks up from his cigarette and he notices you.
  1011. > “Mr Anonymous! Please, just Thad is fine.”
  1012. > You walk towards him, giving him a wave. He returns it and smiles at you warmly.
  1013. > “I didn’t know you are a police officer! Glad to see some decent folk in this part of town.”
  1014. “Heh, it’s just part of the job.”
  1015. > “How is the pony you got from me? She doing okay? You know, I took care of her.”
  1016. > You flinch. Pausing for a moment, you check yourself. Almost lost it there. You keep your face neutral.
  1017. > “You okay, man?”
  1018. “Actually no. Got a bit of a cold.”
  1019. > “Ah, take care of yourself, Bro. Flu season-”
  1020. > He punched your arm at “Bro”. This fucking bastard dared to touch you.
  1021. “Listen, Mr Benson, I have to go. Got to get back to office.”
  1022. > He pauses and frowns, visibly annoyed at your interruption. Then, he shrugs and lights his cigarette. You smile at him.
  1023. “Hey, before I go, I want to thank you for taking care of my pony when she was here.”
  1024. > Offering your hand, you watch as he smiles and swaps the cigarette to his other hand. Then, he reaches that free hand to shake yours. His lips are moving but you hear nothing. Your heart races. Your mind is clear.
  1025. > You grab his thumb with your right hand, twisting it backwards. Your left hand holds his wrist, preventing it from moving as you push down with your shoulders. Hard.
  1026. > He screams, throwing his cigarette away before trying to pry your hands from him. You are stronger.
  1027. “Get down on your knees, before I break your thumb.”
  1028. > He does so, hurriedly. Stepping forward and still holding his thumb, you lean close to him as you whisper into his ear.
  1029. “114 Kovan Close, unit 4-72D. Postal code 76249.”
  1030. > “Argh! What-”
  1031. “Amanda Benson. Maiden surname Pilkton. Worked for seven years in Glittering Prizes Jewellery. Now in SilverTech’s HR department. Employed there for two years.”
  1032. > His pupils shrink.
  1033. “You have two daughters and a son. Jules, Janey, and John. Ages 17, 13, and 11. Your eldest is in Viewgrove High. Final year student. Your other two are in Victoria Primary. Your youngest has his birthday is twelve days’ time.”
  1034. > He splutters, trying to get his words out. Beads of sweat oozes across his forehead.
  1035. > “O-officer, I-”
  1036. > You press forwards again, and he yelps. Like a fucking mutt. You whisper to him again.
  1037. “We know who you are, Mr Benson. We know what you do. How you treat these ponies, and the things that happen to them. We have been watching you for some time now.”
  1038. > He is trembling now. You push a little harder, watching as he grimaces. Lowering your voice, you address him again.
  1039. “My associates and I DISPISE people like you. Some more than others. Let’s just say that we like to take things into our own hands.”
  1040. > “B-b-b-but y-y-ou are the P-Police! Y-you… Augh… C-can’t d-do-”
  1041. “Shut up.”
  1042. > He falls silent as his breath gets caught in his throat. His eyes are like pinpricks now, and he is shaking hard. You narrow your eyes when you speak again, intending to capitalise on his fear.
  1043. “I may be a police officer. But, Mr Benson, this is not a police operation. My ah… Less lawful… Associates do not have such restrictions. If you piss them off further, who knows what may happen?”
  1044. > He starts to shake his head.
  1045. “Have you been watching the news, Mr Benson? You should; we have been active recently. Say, things would be interesting if one of them decides to… Slip… A few photos to your dear wife, would it, Mr Benson? How about your darling daughters? Or the staff of this shelter?”
  1046. > “N-no…”
  1047. “Or if the members of my organisation get really angry, your poor son may have a little… ‘Accident’… At school.”
  1048. > “No! Please…!”
  1049. > You push again and he gulps in pain. This time, you keep your voice soft.
  1050. “If we get word that the ponies here are suffering again, I cannot guarantee anything, Thaddeus.”
  1051. > You shove him on his back and fix your gaze on him. He cradles his arm and whimpers.
  1052. “You have been warned. Have yourself a good evening.”
  1053. > You turn and leave the alleyway. Your ‘organisation’ does not exist. You wish it does. You do not have the photos. You wish you do.
  1054. > Going around the corner, you stop and look at your hands.
  1055. > They will not stop shaking.
  1056. > …
  1057. > You open the door of the police cruiser and sit down.
  1058. > “Fucking finally! Took care of some ‘big’ business, eh Inspector?”
  1059. > Angela giggles. As you smile at her, you feel the muscles around your eyes remain still.
  1060. > Starlight's tear-stained face flashes across your mind.
  1061. “Yeah, and it was satisfying.”
  1062. > You start the engine. It was not.
  1063. > You wanted to do more.
  1064. > You wish you did.
  1065. > …
  1067. > Deputy Superintendent Koh took a moment to read through the case files that Angela and you handed in. He clarified some points here and there, especially regarding Forensics’ assessments of the case evidence and the judgement-calls Angela and you made in the field. Overall, it seemed like the work Angela and you did were satisfactory, as neither of you got scolded.
  1068. > He closed the case files, then asked for your opinions on each case. He listened carefully as Angela and you gave him your perspectives for the cases, which he jotted down in his notes. His reactions were less extreme than you had expected, especially regarding the mysterious men for Minuette’s case. He agreed that with Angela's suggestion to contact foreign embassies to try and determine the identities of the two men, and said he will get the officers from the incoming shift to do that. From his rather calm demeanour, you suspected he knew more than what he was letting on.
  1069. > You probed him about it, and after a moment’s hesitation, he shared that the other 3 cases reported yesterday had similar circumstances. All three had no signs of forced entry, had nothing else stolen besides the ponies, and had no witnesses. One of the cases really shook up Angela and yourself. The CCTV footage for that case had a similar phenomenon as Minutte’s; this time, a man turned into a woman.
  1070. > Holy fucking shit.
  1071. > That knowledge sent chills up your spine. You were sure Angela would have hyperventilated if she was not sitting.
  1072. > DSP Koh also shared that five more missing pony cases were reported during the afternoon when Angela and you were investigating yours. He lamented that Special Investigations would not be happy about the cases Angela and you were unable to solve, but assured you both that he will “see what can be done”.
  1073. > When you left the office at 7.13pm to turn in your equipment for the day, you cannot help but worry about Starlight. You hope you do not come home to an empty apartment.
  1074. > The train ride home took way longer than you would have liked.
  1075. > …
  1077. > You are still thinking about the cases as you step out of the lift and walk to the front door of your flat. Setting the plastic bags down, you feel your heart rate climb. What if Starlight is next?
  1078. > You take out your keys and insert them in the slot, and you feel the sweat across your forehead.
  1079. > You twist your wrist, hearing the mechanism disengage. Your stomach feels hollow and empty.
  1080. > You turn the knob as you brace yourself.
  1081. > You push.
  1082. > “Master! You’re back!”
  1083. > Thank God.
  1084. > You heave a sigh of relief as Starlight races towards you. Grinning as you kneel, you spread your arms wide open as the pink blur comes closer. Too close. Too fast!
  1085. “Ommpf!”
  1086. > You are sitting now. No pain, just surprised.
  1087. > You open your eyes and look down. Your pony girl has her hooves wrapped around your tummy, nuzzling it with a huge smile on that face. Shaking your head, you cannot help yourself as you chuckle. Maybe you worry too much.
  1088. > Starlight gets off you and sits. The way she smiles sheepishly at you as she blushes? Absolutely adorable.
  1089. > “I’m sorry, Master, but I could not help it. You were gone for so long!”
  1090. “I did tell you that I will be home after 7.”
  1091. > “It does not make it feel any shorter, Master.”
  1092. > You just smile and pet her, taking extra care to rub those big, fluffy ears. Your other hand goes below her chin, scratching the underside of her muzzle lightly. She closes her eyes in bliss as you do so.
  1093. “Have you eaten, Starlight?”
  1094. > She nods.
  1095. > “You made so much, I had to force myself to finish each meal.”
  1096. > You snort. You always prepared big portions for yourself.
  1097. > Habit, Boss? Habit, Brain.
  1098. “I just wanted you to be full.”
  1099. > She just nods. You ruffle her mane before standing and picking up the bags.
  1100. “Come girl.”
  1101. > She enters the flat and you close the door. Then, you turn the lock.
  1102. > You do not mind doing this every day. You like your one-pony welcoming party.
  1104. > Entering the flat, you turn its lights on.
  1105. “Have you been in darkness?”
  1106. > “I don’t know how to turn the lights on, Master.”
  1107. > Oh. Shit. Gotta think of something then.
  1108. > Entering the kitchen, you set your purchases on the counter. You almost opened a bag, but you pause. Something is… Missing.
  1109. > You turn and reach up to the speaker set that is resting on your drying machine. Powering it on, you pick up its audio cable and insert it into your phone. You browse through your playlist and select an album.
  1110. > The deep hum of a bass guitar resonates the air, accompanied by the gentle notes of a piano. These sounds are punctuated by the occasional strike of a high-hat.
  1111. > “… Someday… When I’m awfully low… And the world is cold…"
  1112. > Ahh… Much better.
  1113. > You turn back to your groceries and unpack them as Starlight’s voice comes from the hallway.
  1114. > “Master? What is this song?”
  1115. > You close a drawer.
  1116. “‘The Way You Look Tonight’, by Claressa Montiero. Originally sang by Bing Crosby and Dixie Lee in 1936 for some movie. Many singers have done covers for this song, but this version by Montiero is my favourite.”
  1117. > “1936? Isn’t that a long time ago?”
  1118. > You smile as you replenish your fruit basket.
  1119. “81 years ago, Starlight. Around the time when my grandfather was a little boy.”
  1120. > “Wow…”
  1121. > You generally preferred old songs as they are different from contemporary songs. Not that they do not have their own charms, of course; you do have many contemporary ones in your playlist, but these older songs just seem to be more meaningful. Maybe you are a rebel, choosing non-conformity to the norms of modern society.
  1122. > “… With each word, your tenderness grows… Tearing my fear… Apart…”
  1123. > “It is beautiful.”
  1124. > Turning to Starlight, you give her a smile. You are glad that someone else likes it too.
  1125. > I like it too! Okay, Brain.
  1126. “She is a local jazz singer, so it might be hard to find this version on the Internet.”
  1127. > “What’s an ‘Internet’, Master?”
  1128. > You chuckle.
  1129. “I’ll show you after I am done putting these away.”
  1130. > Starlight smiles and nods. She sits, ears perked up as she listens intently.
  1131. > “… Won't you please arrange it… Cause I love you… Just the way you look tonight.”
  1132. > …
  1134. > You place the cups back on the dish rack and wipe your wet hands on the back of your shirt. Turning off your speakers interrupts Carmen McRae’s “Blue Moon”, much to the disappointment of Starlight. Wordlessly, you pick up the last plastic bag and go to the living room, setting it down as you sit on the floor.
  1135. “Starlight? Come here. I have something for you.”
  1136. > Your pink pony gets up eagerly, practically skipping over. She stops in front of you, watching you curiously as you open the bag and grab ‘it’. From the way she does that little wriggle of her shoulders, you can tell she is excited for your gift.
  1137. > “What is that, Master?”
  1138. > You smile. She is going to like this.
  1139. “Close your eyes.”
  1140. > She complies, and you sigh as you run a hand through her mane, taking the moment to enjoy the feeling of the long, soft hairs between your fingers. You smile softly as you take in the sight of your pony mare. Starlight… She’s beautiful alright. Her violet eyes are large and attention-grabbing, complete with eyelashes that are feminine and long. Her muzzle is shorter than an actual horse’s, and its smaller shape is adorably cute. Those ears of hers are large, and the back of them is covered with her short pink coat. Her mane is a little messy though, so you are going to have to fix that.
  1141. > Removing your other hand from the bad, you put the head of the grooming brush above her horn and begin brushing her mane. Starlight gasps and flinches from the sensation, opening her eyes to stare at the offending object. After blinking a few times, she recovers and turns to you, her muzzle hanging open.
  1142. “I thought you might like to feel pretty again.”
  1143. > Her breath gets caught up as tears well up in those big purple eyes. She moves her head down, and with a sob, she starts crying.
  1144. > You pause, holding the brush in the air stupidly. This… Is not what you expected.
  1145. > Aww fuck.
  1146. > What did you do, Boss?
  1147. > I swear I did not do anything, Brain! Now help me figure something out!
  1148. > Your business this time, not mine.
  1149. > You put down that brush before reaching over to cradle her in your arms. Your back aches just that little bit as you pull her in, using a hand to stroke her back slowly.
  1150. “Shh… Shh… There, there… It’s okay girl… Hush now, Starlight… It’s okay…Shh…”
  1151. > You feel her shaking her head vigorously. Releasing your hold on her, you watch as she lifts her head up. Those eyes are still leaking, but Starlight has a little smile on that muzzle.
  1152. > “I-I’m not sad, Master. I’m happy.”
  1153. > You feel your eyebrows move. What?
  1154. > Starlight reaches up and wipe her eyes with a hoof before fixing her gaze on you. She is smiling fully now.
  1155. > “I-I’m sorry for crying, Master. Y-you see, I used to brush myself every day when I was back home, and it was one of my favourite things to do just before bed. I… I always liked the feeling of it, getting my mane and tail done. It’s… It has just been… So… So long…”
  1156. > You put a finger on her lip, hushing her as you smile warmly at her. She nods in response, keeping that grateful smile on her little muzzle. With a soft command, you get her to stand still for you.
  1157. > Grabbing the brush, you start working on her mane again. You run the brush through the entire length of her soft hair, getting those tangles free. Then, you run the fingers of your other hand through, following the same path that the brush took. You use the brush again, starting from a slightly lower position this time. Again, you use your fingers as a follow-through. Alternate. Repeat.
  1158. > As you work, Starlight has her eyes closed the entire time. She flicks her ears every once in a while, keeping that little smile as she holds her head high. You may not be well-versed in pony body language, but this is pretty bloody obvious. She is enjoying this immensely.
  1159. > You pinch the metal teeth of the brush several times, clearing the strands of hair that are caught between them. Balling them up by rolling your fingers, you set them on the floor. Satisfied, you reach over and start working on that long purple tail. The pink coat of her body is too short to require the use of the brush anyway.
  1160. > You use the same technique. Brush first, then fingers. Brush, then fingers.
  1161. > You are done with the outer side. Just as you open your mouth to speak, Starlight raises her tail, keeping her body still. She keeps her head low and shuts her eyes tightly, as if she is expecting something bad to happen. Nonetheless, you smile. Little pony is starting to trust you.
  1162. > You grab Starlight’s tail near the end and lift it slightly, feeling her body start. Your eyes drift to her lady parts, and you take in every detail of it. Her female folds look so soft and inviting. Her flesh is pink, feminine and delicate, probably really warm too. Then, your eyes settle on her ass.
  1163. > It's dirty.
  1164. > You jolt.
  1165. > The fuck are you doing, Boss?
  1166. > Just having a look, not hurting her right?
  1167. > You shake your head vigorously before the debate starts again.
  1168. > Gotta do something about that wiping issue too, you muse. But how?
  1169. > Focusing back on her tail, you keep that thought as you start working on the underside. Same technique. Brush. Fingers. As you work, you realise that her tail is actually much fuller and heavier than you expected, and it arcs naturally through the air. The hairs on it are so soft.
  1170. > Wait.
  1171. > You drop her tail as you reach up and clear the metal teeth again, balling up the strands of hair. Dropping it by the other ball of purple, you hold her tail in your hand again. You feel Starlight shudder, but her movement is much, much smaller this time. Good.
  1172. > As you begin brushing it again, you notice that her shoulders fall slightly as she sighs and visibly relaxes.
  1173. > You smile. Progress.
  1174. > …
  1176. > Stepping on a pedal of the trashcan, you throw away the balls of purple hair and the sheets of tissue paper. You had to wipe Starlight again, much to her embarrassment.
  1177. > Working your mind, you think about of a solution to her hygiene problem. You use toilet paper to keep your hygiene, but Starlight has no grip in those hooves. She can rub her butt on some, but leaving trails of toilet paper on the floor is messy, especially if the wind blows. They tear way too easily as well; those stray bits will just end up sticking to her rear. Furthermore, she would have to pick up the soiled pieces in her mouth. That, is pretty fucking disgusting.
  1178. > Scat fetish Boss?
  1179. > You can fuck off right now, Brain!
  1180. > How about your disposable kitchen towelettes? They are heavier and thicker. That could work... But, how to keep them from flying all over the damn place?
  1181. > You pause as you think. What if you used the roll itself? She can clean herself on that, and you will throw the soiled pieces away before bedtime. Yes, that is feasible. How to hold it in place, though… Maybe a support of some sort? Like a cat’s scratch post? Drop the roll in, and it will stay. Easy, simple, and effective. Nice.
  1182. > You glance around the house, looking around for inspiration. Then it came to you. Of course!
  1183. > You unplug your standing fan in the living room and remove the top portion, leaving its standing support sticking up. Starlight watches curiously as you work on your little project. You got a fresh roll of towelettes from your storeroom and slot it on the standing support.
  1184. > Pausing, you think as you consider your crude prototype. You pick up the upper portion of the fan and you go to your storeroom, placing that on a shelf before you bend down to get your old teddy bear from a box. Going back to the living room, you impale Mr. Furreal on the top of the metal support. Using his ass.
  1185. > No hard feelings, Furreal, but safety is important; you do no not want to fall on the end of an exposed metal pole. Picking up your contraption, you place it in the corner of your bathroom before turning to Starlight with a grin. Hygiene problem: Solved.
  1186. > I helped Boss.
  1187. > Fuck you, Brain. I thought of this myself.
  1188. “You can clean yourself with this after you use the toilet, Starlight. I will remove the dirty ones each night, so don’t worry about that.”
  1189. > She looks at it quizzically. You watch as her expression changes to one of comprehension, then her face breaks into a wide smile.
  1190. > “Oh, thank you so much, Master! Thank you! Thank you!”
  1191. > That curling fringe of hers bounces as she does those little hops of excitement. Not only is your little pony cute, she is pretty clever too. She figured out what you had in mind, after all.
  1192. > It makes one less excuse to look at her sweet pony ass, though.
  1194. > Remembering your earlier promise, you sit down on your couch and pull out your laptop from your backpack. Starlight sits down beside you, looking at it curiously as you turn it on.
  1195. > “Is this the ‘Internet’, Master?”
  1196. > You chuckle.
  1197. “This is a computer, Starlight. We can access the Internet from here.”
  1198. > You start your Internet browser. Starlight listens in awe as you explain that the Internet is a widely used means of communication on Earth, where people can access information, pictures, music and videos that other users upload.
  1199. “Think of websites as marketplaces or town halls, where the people at these places are other Internet users, and the browser as a train that brings you there. At these websites, like a marketplace or a town hall, you can interact with people, access the information that is available there, and do all sorts of other things.”
  1200. > “All these, with this machine?”
  1201. > You nod, secretly feeling an immense pride for your species for this wonderful invention.
  1202. > “Wow… That… That sounds amazing, Master.”
  1203. “It is.”
  1204. > You mention that you can use the Internet to buy and sell items, play games, communicate with other users and even run businesses. As you open several webpages, you explain the basic technicalities of E-mail, social media platforms, video-sharing websites, and even online encyclopaedias.
  1205. > Starlight places a hoof on your thigh as she looks up to you.
  1206. > “I have been meaning to ask you. Can you show me a picture of an ‘aeroplane’, Master?”
  1207. > You smile.
  1208. “You have been reading my physics textbook, haven’t you?”
  1209. > Starlight nods, and you ruffle her mane. It is then that you notice her horn. Oh yeah, you had a question of your own.
  1210. “Starlight, before that, can you tell me about pony magic?”
  1211. > Starlight seems a little perturbed by your question, but explains that before she can tell you about pony ‘magic’, you need to know about pony races first.
  1212. > Apparently, there are 5 main species: Alicorns, Unicorns, Pegasi, ‘Earth’ ponies, and Bat ponies; the first and last being exceptionally rare. You listen as she tells you about the differences between them. Unicorns, like her, have the ability to cast spells with their horn; Pegasi are winged ponies that can fly, walk on clouds and manipulate the weather; and ‘Earth’ ponies are those without wings and horns. You are especially interested when Starlight talked about Alicorns and their royal status as rulers of Equestria. These are winged unicorns basically; they are regarded as living gods by ponies, and they have immensely long lives and powerful magical abilities. For Bat ponies, they are a small, unique group who are nocturnal and have physical characteristics that resemble bats, hence their name. These are part of the Night Guard, which itself is part of the contingent of Royal Guards that protect the Alicorn rulers and act as the standing army of the pony-nation of Equestria. Starlight then mentions that there are also the Crystal ponies from the Crystal Empire (big surprise there) who also have Unicorns, Pegasi and ‘Earth’ variants, but get their name from their citizenship in said Empire.
  1213. > She then talks about the history of Equestria and how it was founded. Apparently, they mark the anniversary of its founding by celebrating some festival that reminds you strongly of Christmas.
  1214. > The conversation then drifts to daily life and she explains about pony magic itself. Apparently, they can interact with objects in Equestria using their hooves; something about the innate flow of ‘harmony’ that allows ponies to hold things without actually gripping them. The closest thing to that that you could think of is a magnetic field that is generated around their hooves to allow them to interact with objects. This field is controlled by a pony’s will, allowing them to pick and drop things as needed. Interesting. Earth has no ‘harmony’, hence no magical grasps.
  1215. > You shake your head as she mentions that last bit, feeling sorry for her and her kind. You can only imagine what it is like to have your hands cut off and enslaved on an alien planet. When you tell her that, Starlight only gives you a bittersweet smile.
  1216. > “I’ve gotten over it, Master.”
  1217. > That is a lie. From her posture and that faraway gaze, you can tell she is not being truthful. You put an arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to you, letting her rest her head on your own. No need to press the issue of her untruthfulness; she may have broken one of your rules, but at least she did not deliberately lie to you. Furthermore, what she needs now is recovery, not discipline.
  1218. > You do not break the ensuring silence, wanting to give her privacy and time. Deep down, you know she is hurting, so you just sit there holding her close and enjoying the feeling of her body against yours. You rest your head on hers, smiling softly as you close your eyes and pull her gently to your side.
  1219. > The clock ticks as you glance at it. It is 9:26pm.
  1221. > “Master…”
  1222. > You open your eyes and look down, noting that Starlight has her gaze on the floor as she sits beside you.
  1223. “Hmm?"
  1224. > “You… You’re really… Af-affectionate...”
  1225. > … Okay… A weird observation, but okay…
  1226. “I suppose I am.”
  1227. > Silence.
  1228. “Does it… Bother you?”
  1229. > She does not reply immediately, so you decide to wait.
  1230. > “Do… D-do you want me, Master?”
  1231. > You pause. Is she thinking what you think she is?
  1232. > Try playing dumb.
  1233. “What do you mean?”
  1234. > “… I know you have been staring at me, Master. Especially… Down there…”
  1235. > Starlight raises her head slowly, meeting your eyes. Her face is expressionless.
  1236. > Fuck.
  1237. > That is unexpected. You do not know how to respond.
  1238. “… Starlight, I… I…”
  1239. > What to say? Dammit!
  1240. > Your pony slave shakes her head slowly as a bittersweet smile forms on her muzzle. She moves her gaze lower, fixing it on your chest.
  1241. > “If Master wants to take me, then you have every right to do so.”
  1242. > Her voice is monotonous and soft. You feel a twitch below, yet your mind races to Minuette’s case, and to your realisation of what Starlight is. The wave of guilt returns.
  1243. > “My body is yours, Master… If you want to use me for your pleasure, then I will be a good girl for you… All I ask, Master, is for you to be gentle with me when you do…”
  1244. > Her offer is tempting, and her words are enticing. You feel an erection coming on at the thought of taking her right there and then. This girl is available for sex, and all she asks in return is for you to be gentle when you fuck her? God, you want it. You want her. You want her so badly.
  1245. > This girl is your slave; your obedient pony slave. She will let you do whatever you want to her as you are her master, and she has no say in it. She is your personal prosti-
  1246. > No.
  1247. > You shake your head vigorously. You cannot do that. You should not. She is not willing, and she is not ready.
  1248. “Starlight, stop.”
  1249. > She raises her eyes to yours as the knot in your stomach tightens. Her expression remains unreadable.
  1250. “Why are you saying these?”
  1251. > She pauses.
  1252. > “… I have come to realise that human men all want the same thing. Even if you try to deny it, Master… Sooner or later, it will come.”
  1253. > She keeps looking at you with her big purple eyes. They seem so sad, even without the tears that gather at their corners.
  1254. > “You are a man, Master, and I am your slave... If you want to take me, then my body is yours to use for your pleasure, for you are my owner and superior. That is my purpose.”
  1255. > No. That may be true, but you choose not to buy that bullshit. You do not want to, and it hurts you to hear her talk like that.
  1256. > Patting her softly on the side with that arm still around her, you speak to her firmly.
  1257. “You are a pony, Starlight. You are intelligent. You think, feel, and hurt like we do.”
  1258. > “… Are you saying these to make me feel better, Master, or yourself?”
  1259. > Fuck. She has a point there.
  1260. > Starlight blinks, and a tear rolls down her cheek. Bowing her head, her next words are soft.
  1261. > “Please… Please be gentle with me, Master… I will listen and obey. Tell me what you want and how you want it, and I… I will do it… I will… I will be a good girl for you, Master.”
  1262. > You stare at her.
  1263. “If I were to do that, won’t it bother you?”
  1264. > “It does not matter.”
  1265. > Huh? What kind of response is that?
  1266. “Why doesn’t it? You mean you don’t care?”
  1267. > “My cares do not matter.”
  1268. > You frown. No, it should!
  1269. “But I’ll be doing something you do not want.”
  1270. > She shakes her head as she keeps her head lowered. That curly fringe of hers that you made at the end of her grooming session bobs lightly from side to side.
  1271. > “What I want does not matter.”
  1272. > You feel a pang of irritation. This response again.
  1273. “So, what if I were to tell you to do something that you do not like?”
  1274. > “I’ll just do it. What I like does not matter.”
  1275. > Oh yeah?
  1276. “Bark like a dog.”
  1277. > She raises her head to look up at you. Then-
  1278. > “Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!”
  1279. > You feel crushed. It tears your heart that your Starlight is so broken. You cannot take it anymore.
  1280. “Stop.”
  1281. > She falls silent. You feel warmness at the corners of your eyes as you fight to keep your voice level.
  1282. “Did you enjoy that?”
  1283. > “It doesn’t matter.”
  1284. “IT MATTERS TO ME!”
  1285. > Grabbing the stunned pony, you pull her to you, hugging her body against your chest as you press your left palm on the back of her head, holding it against your shoulder. You cannot stop your own silent tears as you bury your face into her neck. Your breath gets caught in your throat, so you take the time to compose yourself as you use your right hand to stroke her back. When you eventually speak again, you made sure to swallow first.
  1286. “You are mine, Starlight. Your fears, your pain, your cares, your hopes and your happiness. Everything. They matter to me.”
  1287. > You continue stroking her back as you feel her chest heave. Your silent tears soak into her mane as you hear a soft sniffle. She must be crying too.
  1288. “Don’t you ever fucking forget that, Starlight.”
  1289. > You kiss her on the neck, firm and hard. The fur there is soft and warm on your lips. Then, you feel one of her hooves wrap around your head, as the other goes around your neck.
  1290. > “… I knew you were different, Master… I knew it… Thank you… Sweet Celestia, thank you… Thank you, Master… Thank you so much for being different… Thank you…”
  1291. > You reach your right hand up and wipe your eyes. Her words left you feeling warm inside your chest, and it renews your commitment to be the Master she hopes you to be. You sniff, reminding yourself to regain control over your emotions. Being a man and all that shit.
  1292. > Slowly, you release Starlight. You look into her violet eyes as she meets your gaze with her own, and you see that they are bloodshot, complete with streaks of wetness that leads down her face. You give her a weak smile and she returns it with a small blush. God damn, she is a beautiful creature.
  1293. > You tell her that, and she blushes deeper.
  1294. > “… Even when my eyes are puffy, Master?”
  1295. > Chuckling softly, you just lean in and kiss her softly between her eyes. Then, you sigh and put your forehead on hers, closing your eyes as you do so. Just like that, you are sharing breaths with her.
  1296. > What are you going to do with your little pony?
  1297. > You feel the warmness of her breath on your face.
  1298. > Anything and everything, Boss, as long as she is happy. Nothing else matters. Be patient as you work to win her heart and love. She may be a slave in this fucked up world, but she is yours. You are her master, and you are different… Because you want to be… And because you choose to be.
  1299. > That… That is a pretty good answer, Brain.
  1300. > I’m not such an asshole all the time, Boss.
  1301. > You shift slightly, and the feeling of Starlight’s forehead against yours reminds you of her presence. It is at this moment that you realise something.
  1302. > You are falling in love with your pony slave.
  1303. > And you are falling hard and fast.
  1305. > Starlight sits beside you and watches as you power the laptop off. When you tell her to, she goes to retrieve your backpack. You thank her and put your laptop in it before zipping it up.
  1306. “Do you know what love is, Starlight?”
  1307. > Your pony moves her eyes to meet yours as you place your backpack beside your couch.
  1308. > “Love? Like between two ponies, Master?”
  1309. “Love in general.”
  1310. > “… Isn’t it that warm feeling of happiness you get when you look at your special somepony?”
  1311. “Yes, but there is so much more.”
  1312. > Starlight tilts her head slightly as she looks at you curiously. Her ears are pointed up and facing you.
  1313. > “How would you define ‘love’ then, Master?”
  1314. > You pause to think.
  1315. “Love is a choice. A conscious choice that you intentionally make when you want the best possible outcome for someone. Even when it gets tough, even when it gets painful, love pursues those outcomes… It is a commitment. It is a way of living.”
  1316. > Starlight giggles softly as she blushes.
  1317. > “Master… Are you trying to say “I love you”?”
  1318. > Fuck.
  1319. > That was way too quick.
  1320. > “That is a pretty terrible way to do it, y’know?”
  1321. > You splutter as your mind becomes a blank.
  1322. “W-well, I… I-”
  1323. > Starlight leans in and kisses you on the cheek. Your eyes widen.
  1324. > She… She just-
  1325. > “In time, Master, I may make that choice too… For now, I am just happy to be with you.”
  1326. > Starlight then climbs into your lap, leaning her body sideways against your chest as your arms instinctively move around her. She closes her eyes and nuzzles the side of your neck with her muzzle.
  1327. > You open your mouth to say something.
  1328. > Nah, fuck it.
  1329. > Instead, you tilt your neck, resting the side of your head on the top of her own. You press her body against yours gently, enjoying the tenderness of her actions and the happiness that you feel from them.
  1330. > Deep down, you know you have already made your choice.
  1331. > Hopefully, she chooses you, too.
  1332. > …
  1334. > You watch in amusement as Starlight puts both hooves to the side of her face, squishing her cheeks together. Her eyes are closed, and the handle of a small spoon sticks out from her little muzzle. She moans as her expression takes on one of overwhelming bliss. It looks as if she just had an orgasm.
  1335. > You would not be surprised if she actually did; Bridget’s does serve an amazing Blueberry Crème Supreme. You remember your first time trying it; the sweetness of fruity flavours; the delicious milky goodness; that little hint of lime; all served on a palette of cool softness that explodes with flavour in your mouth. Good times were had, and with good company.
  1336. > Starlight opens her eyes and notices you watching her. She blushes as you take the spoon from her mouth, apologising quietly for her behaviour.
  1337. > You smile and wave it aside, as you can definitely relate to what she had experienced. Not only is the sundae really damned good, she probably has not had ice-cream in a long time. You use the spoon to scoop a morsel off the frozen ball of blue, which you hold it in front of your pony.
  1338. “Another one, Starlight?”
  1339. > She blushes as she stares at you indignantly. There is a frown on her face, and her lips are pursed.
  1340. > “I can help myself. I am not a filly.”
  1341. > You muse that you could just order her to open her mouth, and she will comply.
  1342. “Oh? Says the one who was staring at the menu earlier like a kid in Willy Wonka’s Factory.”
  1343. > “Who’s that, Master?”
  1344. > You mentally kick yourself. Obviously, she will not get the reference.
  1345. > Way to go, Boss. Well done.
  1346. > Shut up.
  1347. > You just shake your head.
  1348. “Bad attempt at a tease. Don't worry about it.”
  1349. > Starlight smiles as she rolls her eyes and starts licking the dessert from the bowl. Like a dog.
  1350. > You smile and put the spoon in your mouth, resisting the urge to moan yourself. Hmm… Fruity. And creamy.
  1352. > The restaurant is quiet tonight; only three other tables are occupied. You take a sip from a glass of water as you wait patiently for your order. Good shit comes to those who can fucking wait.
  1353. > With nothing to do at the moment, you think back to the cases Angela and you handled today. You remember the strange circumstances that surround them and wonder if the Director of Special Investigations will bring them up tomorrow. Probably. You wonder who could be so effective and efficient in such tasks. Organised criminals? Not any groups you can think of as of now. A Police insider, maybe? That will be disconcerting. Maybe organised criminals inside the Poli-
  1354. > “Master? Are you okay?”
  1355. > Starlight is looking at you with a slight frown. Concern is clearly visible on that face.
  1356. “I’m just thinking about work today.”
  1357. > She nods silently and returns to her frozen confectionery.
  1358. > Wait. She might know something.
  1359. “Starlight? Do you know a pony called ‘Minuette’?”
  1360. > “No, Master.”
  1361. “How about ‘Royal Ribbon’?”
  1362. > She shakes her head.
  1363. “‘Piña Colada’ or ‘Lotus Blossom’?”
  1364. > Her eyes lights up, and you feel a sense of hope.
  1365. > “’Lotus Blossom’? She lived in Ponyville with me!”
  1366. > You take out your notepad. Placing your pencil on a clear page, you ask her to go on.
  1367. > “She works in the Ponyville Spa, Master. She gave me a massage the day I met my best friend, Trixie Lulamoon, who is a stage showpony and illusionist. Anyway, Lotus has those wonderfully soft hooves, yet, she can push hard in all the right places. Fitting really. She is so talented with them.”
  1368. > Masseuse: Confirmed. She was putting those talents to use for the snobbish fucks in that mansion before she disappeared. Probably includes a bunch of ‘happy endings’. Both in, and on her.
  1369. > That was unnecessary, Brain.
  1370. > Starlight looks up from her reminisce and watches as you continue scribbling down notes.
  1371. “Go on, Starlight. Tell me more about her. How she looks, the friends she had… That sorta thing?”
  1372. > “If I remember correctly, Lotus has a pink mane and a blue coat. Her cutie mark is a white lotus flower. I do not know her personally, so I cannot say much about her friends, but she has a twin sister though, Aloe Blossom. Pink coat and blue mane, opposite to that of Lotus. I cannot remember what her cutie mark is. She works with Lotus in the Spa too.”
  1373. > You note all these down. May be useful.
  1374. > “She employs this really buff stallion in the Spa. He is a giant for a pony, being all muscles, but he is so gentle and sweet. He runs a cinnamon nut stand as his second job. I cannot remember his name, but he has a white coat and a cut, short blonde mane and tail. His cutie mark is a weight. A ‘dumbbell’, I think.”
  1375. > You nod and write.
  1376. > “Why are you asking about Lotus, Master? Have you met her?”
  1377. > You pause. Should you tell her?
  1378. > Better not to. You may cause her to panic or have a breakdown. Besides, you are bounded by the Official Secrets Act for case information.
  1379. “I came across her name today at work. She is working for a rich couple, offering them massages. Thought you may know her.”
  1380. > Starlight lowers her gaze. Then she looks at you.
  1381. > “M-master, may I go see her one day? It has been so long.”
  1382. > Shit. Just what you feared.
  1383. “The couple is not open to visitors. I can try asking though.”
  1384. > Starlight smiles.
  1385. > “Thank you, Master. It means a lot to me.”
  1386. > You just nod. That is a promise you cannot keep.
  1387. > Looking up, you see a waiter bringing forth a sizzling hotplate. You glance at your notes again, focusing on a name that you had circled and underlined. Trixie Lulamoon.
  1388. > You keep your notebook.
  1390. > “Here you go, Sir. Enjoy your meal.”
  1391. > You thank the waiter as he leaves, your mouth watering as you stare at your order. Medium-rare beef tenderloin, topped with thick black pepper sauce, accompanied by a whole buttered baked potato and grilled asparagus. All on a hotplate that is still sizzling. The aroma is amazing.
  1392. > “Urgh… Master, is that smell coming from your food?”
  1393. > You look up at Starlight, noting that she is eyeing your food warily.
  1394. > Well, fuck.
  1395. > You just grin at Starlight as you cut into the beef. It is so soft and juicy. You pop a square of it into your mouth and chew on it. It practically dissolves, filling your mouth with its succulent goodness. You close your eyes in bliss.
  1396. > Mein Gott, you have fucked off to Beef Heaven.
  1397. > Swallowing, you open your eyes and are about to take a second cube when you notice Starlight’s expression. Her face is frozen somewhere between absolute horror, disgust and disbelief. You guess she was probably watching you the entire time.
  1398. “What?”
  1399. > “Is… that… r-raw, Master? Raw m-meat?”
  1400. > You glance down at your food. The steak is grilled nicely on the outside and pink on the inside, and it is still bleeding slightly. A perfect medium-rare, in your opinion.
  1401. “This is beef, Starlight. I normally have it this way. Keeps it tender, juicy and retains its flavour.”
  1402. > Starlight retches. She recovers, using a hoof to hold her napkin in front of her mouth.
  1403. > “B-beef? Oh goodness! Like… f-from a c-cow?”
  1404. > You just nod.
  1405. > “Sweet Celestia…”
  1406. > Perplexed, you just watch Starlight as she closes her eyes and shakes her head. Wasn’t she okay with you eating fish yesterday on that rooftop? Why the sudden change? You put these questions to her.
  1407. > She opens her eyes, but keeps her gaze at her dessert.
  1408. > “Truth be told, Master, I was never comfortable with that either. Some Equestrian animals do eat fish, but I never liked that. Why must one die for another to live?”
  1409. > You are about to ask her if that was a rhetorical question, but decide against it. Taking a moment, you think about it before responding.
  1410. “Isn’t that a universal truth? I mean, it is only through death can there be life, isn’t it? The plants and their by-products that you have as part of your diet? Some of them gave their lives so you can sustain yours.”
  1411. > Starlight opens her mouth to respond, but closes it. You take the moment to eat as Starlight watches you. From her frown, you sense that she has other questions, so you keep quiet and continue on your food.
  1412. > “… But… A cow, Master? Why would you do that?”
  1413. > She whispered that so quietly. You swallow.
  1414. “Do what?”
  1415. > She pauses before responding. When she does, her voice shakes.
  1416. > “U-use her for… For f-food...”
  1417. > Oh.
  1418. > You never really thought about that. Cows give us beef, beef is meat, and meat is food. You eat meat as part of your omnivorous diet, as do many humans. Nothing wrong, right?
  1419. > Check your meat privilege, Boss.
  1420. > You one of ‘those’ people, Brain?
  1421. > “… She died to feed you, Master… She could have been your friend…”
  1422. > Wait, what?
  1423. > A thought occurs to you.
  1424. “Are cows intelligent in Equestria, Starlight?”
  1425. > “Intelligent, Master?”
  1426. “Like ponies. That is, they are sapient, meaning they are capable of logical and rational thought.”
  1427. > She nods slowly. So that’s what this is about; she thinks the cows on Earth are the same.
  1428. > You are about to clarify that when she speaks again.
  1429. > “If you eat c-cows, Master… Will… will you… E-eat me one day too, Master?”
  1430. > You would have teased her had you not noticed her fear. She has her ears flat, and she presses her body against the chair. Those big eyes are almost completely white, as her irises have contracted so much. You make sure your voice is gentle when you answer.
  1431. “No, Starlight, I won't. Cows on Earth are sentient, Starlight, but not sapient. They may feel emotions, but do not have the same mental capacities as humans, or ponies, for that matter. I suppose that if they can demonstrate a level of intelligence beyond that of an animal, like being able to speak for instance, then things may have turned out differently.”
  1432. > She visibly calms down as you take another bite. Potato, this time.
  1433. “Humans using them as food may be cruel, but it is a necessary evil. We have to live, so we have to kill. Similar to hurting someone who threatens your life, I suppose; you do what is needed to keep yourself safe or alive. That’s how I justify it, anyway.”
  1434. > You swallow and look at Starlight. From that frown, you can tell she does not seem convinced.
  1435. “And yes, I am okay with that.”
  1436. > She does not reply, so you use the time to take a sip of water.
  1437. “If it makes you feel better, our plants for these animals are guided by laws to ensure that we process them ethically, with the least amount of pain and time.”
  1438. > Even YOU don’t buy that crap.
  1439. > Yeah, yeah, Brain.
  1440. “You may say that we are hypocritical, and I’ll agree with you. How can we treat animals ethically when we are actually killing them? Well, we do what we can to keep pain and suffering to a minimum. Achieve an objective with the resources we have, in such a way that we can look at ourselves in the mirror and be okay with what we see.”
  1441. > “… I suppose you are right, Master, but I still don’t like it.”
  1442. “You may not like it, Starlight, but this is how it is. Don’t make the mistake of forgetting that morality often has more greys than we are comfortable with.”
  1443. > Starlight looks up at you.
  1444. > “Is that how you justify your owning of me, Master?”
  1445. > Your chewing slows as you think about her point. You swallow.
  1446. “You are a pony, Starlight. A pony on Earth. You know as well as I do what that means.”
  1447. > She hangs her head again, and she nods slowly.
  1448. “You may be a slave, but you can be a happy one. At least, as happy as you can be while still being my property.”
  1449. > You take a breath. “My property.” Fuck, that sounds harsh, even to you.
  1450. > Starlight keeps quiet for a few seconds as her gaze drops to her dessert. Then, her eyes slowly swivel up to meet yours.
  1451. > “… What if I cannot be happy as a slave, Master?”
  1452. > You pause as you think.
  1453. “That is a choice you make. Circumstances have forced you into this position, but how you feel and act about it is a choice. So, choose to be happy, Starlight.”
  1454. > You smile as she looks up to you.
  1455. “And I will help you make that choice.”
  1456. > A weak smile tugs at her muzzle. It warms your heart.
  1457. > You are really the king of bullshit, Boss.
  1458. > I have been to university, Brain; it gave me the best training for it.
  1459. > Raising your glass, you take another sip of water.
  1461. > “… Is it really that good, Master?”
  1462. “What is?”
  1463. > Starlight pauses to look at your plate.
  1464. > “Eating that… M-meat, I mean… You seem to really enjoy it, so… I was just wondering…”
  1465. > Intrigued, you pause to let her continue.
  1466. > “… What eating t-that must be like…”
  1467. > You grin as a mischievous thought comes to your mind. Vegetarian pony and meat. Oh boy, this is gonna be good.
  1468. “You want a piece?”
  1469. > Starlight recoils when you asked that. She recovers quickly and shakes her head vigorously, that curling fringe of hers following with a slight delay. You decide to press on.
  1470. “You are curious, and my words are limited in describing the experience, so why not try it for yourself?”
  1471. > Starlight just stares at you.
  1472. > “… You want me to e-eat that, M-master?”
  1473. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I’m just offering.”
  1474. > Her expression is one of morbid curiosity. Like when you witness something horrifying, but are unable to look away.
  1475. > Good way to put it, Brain.
  1476. “Here, I’ll give you a small piece.”
  1477. > You carefully cut a tiny cube of beef and put it on a small plate. Then, you pick the plate up and set it down in front of Starlight. Her disgust is evident from her grimace, but she does take a sniff of the morsel of meat. Her eyes widen before she pulls back and makes a face.
  1478. > “Goodness me! It smells so… Eww… Bloody, Master!”
  1479. > You just shrug and set your cutlery down.
  1480. “Like I said, you don’t have to eat it, if you don’t want to.”
  1481. > Deep down, you hope she does. You are quite eager to see her reactions.
  1482. > Starlight leans forward and slowly opens her mouth. She pauses and glances at you as you watch her. Swallowing, Starlight visibly braces herself before diving in, taking the beef cube into her mouth. She chews quickly, but stops after her jaw works itself several times. You watch as her muzzle scrunches up. Her eyes narrow and her eyebrows furrow. Then, she ducks to the side of her chair.
  1483. > “Yurgk!”
  1484. > She spits it out. You cannot help chuckling as she uses her tongue to clear out the remaining pieces in her mouth. She spits those out too.
  1485. > Eyes watering, she quickly takes a bite out of her dessert and swirls it around in her mouth. She swallows, but gags.
  1486. > You hold her glass of water in front of her and she takes a gulp out of it. She had to use both hooves to hold the glass steady as you are laughing so hard.
  1487. > Boss, you really are an asshole.
  1488. > I know.
  1489. > She sighs and fans herself with a hoof.
  1490. > “Sweet Celestia! That was bucking horrid!”
  1491. > You just hide your face as you reach over and ruffle her mane.
  1492. “Enjoyed your virgin experience?”
  1493. > She strikes your hand with her hoof as she grins back at you.
  1494. > “At least I ain’t one, Master!”
  1495. > You pause. That was unexpected, and it hurt.
  1496. > Starlight recoils when she notices your reaction, but you laugh again and she visibly relaxes. She is right, of course, but you have learned to laugh at yourself years ago. It must have been a way to cope with bullying in school.
  1497. > “… Sorry…”
  1498. “It’s okay. It is funny because it is true. Besides asking you to try meat is-”
  1499. > “Oi! You have to clean that up, you know?!”
  1500. > You sigh as your mirth dies down. Reaching over, you ruffle Starlight’s mane again before picking up your napkin.
  1501. > Somehow, you feel proud of your little pony’s bravery.
  1502. > A part of you does wonder how she knew that you never had a girl before, though.
  1503. > …
  1505. > You check your phone. It is now 11:28pm.
  1506. > Stepping out of Bridget’s Restaurant, you walk to the main road. You stop by the roadside, getting Starlight to sit before raising your hand. Keeping your eyes on the approaching vehicles, you look for a blue automobile with a luminous sign on its roof. A taxi.
  1507. > “Where are we going, Master?”
  1508. > You smile at Starlight.
  1509. “You’ll see.”
  1510. > You look up as a blue car stops beside you. Opening the backdoor, you help Starlight up into the backseat. Satisfied that she is safely in the vehicle, you close the backdoor and open the passenger’s door at the front. You move to sit down, intending to tell the driver your destination.
  1511. > “Get out.”
  1512. > You pause, looking at the senior male driver questioningly. He glances at Starlight and back at you. From the way he curls his lips, he is definitely pissed.
  1513. > “I said, get out!”
  1514. “What?”
  1515. > He glares at you. Perplexed, you decide to comply and step out of the vehicle before leaning into the open door.
  1516. “Is there a problem?”
  1517. > “I don’t serve people like you. Fuck you.”
  1518. > He spat at the word ‘people’.
  1519. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
  1520. > His moustache curls as he practically growls at you.
  1521. > “You fucking slavers are heartless, cruel bastards! You force these poor ponies to work for you while you abuse and rape them! You fucking disgust me! You dare call yourself human? I don’t want your business!”
  1522. > Oh.
  1523. > You open your mouth to respond, but Starlight is quicker.
  1524. > “N-no! Master is a nice human, Mister! He is kind and-”
  1525. > “Pony, you don’t have to defend this fucker. I know his type.”
  1526. > Turning to you, he snarls again.
  1527. > “I hope Parliament passes that Bill. You’ll get what’s coming to you, asshole, and I hope the Police kicks your ass into jail. Filthy fucking degenerate.”
  1528. > He spits in your direction, and you watch as it lands on the passenger seat.
  1529. > Your anger flares, but months of encountering such people have given you good control over your temper. This guy mentioned the Police. How ironic.
  1530. “I treat Starlight well.”
  1531. > “Tell that to the court next time, you fucking rapist! I hope you rot in prison.”
  1532. > You sigh. No point arguing with him.
  1533. > You just swallow that lump in your throat and open the back door. Reaching over, you grab Starlight and carry her in your arms. Your back smarts from her weight, but not as much as you expected. You lean into the open front door again.
  1534. “I’ll go. You happy now?”
  1535. > “Very much. Fucking slaver.”
  1536. > You close the door and the cab speeds off.
  1537. “Well, fuck you too.”
  1538. > You muttered that under your breath as you watch the vehicle get further. Well, that sucked.
  1539. > Don’t start, Brain.
  1540. > Nostrils flaring, you put Starlight down, being careful not to get her leash tangled. She immediately turns to you, and her face is one of outrage.
  1541. > “How dare he, Master?! How can he say those things to you?! How dare he?! He doesn’t even know what you have done for me! What you-”
  1542. > You just shake your head and put your palm in front of her. Enough.
  1543. > Starlight falls silent. You are angered by his treatment of you, but you recognise that his behaviour is not without reason.
  1544. “He means well girl. Don’t worry about it.”
  1545. > “B-but Master! You can’t-”
  1546. “I said don’t worry about it!”
  1547. > Starlight pauses, and glares at a spot off to her side. With a start, you realise that you snapped at her. You sigh and close your eyes, taking a moment to calm yourself as the fire within burns. Taking another deep breath before opening your eyes, you see that Starlight is still sulking.
  1548. “Remember what I said about not all humans being rough on ponies? This… This is an example of one of those groups of people who oppose pony slavery. They mean well, and they have been working ruthlessly to get our government to either ban slavery or to create laws to ensure fair treatment of ponies. There are other groups that take to hostility towards owners. What they do depends on the group, really.”
  1549. > You sigh again, watching Starlight turn her head to look up at you in surprise; her violet eyes are wide and her muzzle hangs open. Turning around, you glare at the wall behind you. That encounter with the driver still hurt, and your plans for tonight are ruined. Those plans, which you formulated carefully over supper, are ruined. That sucked, perhaps more than the foul words you heard from the cabbie.
  1550. > “… Master? Are… Are you okay?”
  1551. > You take a moment to compose yourself before you turn and look at the pink pony.
  1552. “I wanted to take you to the airport, since you asked about aeroplanes earlier. Wanted to show you how they look in real life, rather than just a picture on a computer. Wanted to let you listen to the roar of their engines, and watch as they land and take off. Wanted to let you marvel at the sheer size of these flying machines…”
  1553. > You rest your head against the wall.
  1554. “… Not in the mood anymore… All ruined because of one asshat…”
  1555. > Something touches your fingers. Something furry. And warm.
  1556. > You look down to see that Starlight has pushed her muzzle to your hand. Her snout rubs gently against the outer sides of your fingers, and she looks up at you pleadingly.
  1557. > “Don’t be angry, Master. That sounds wonderful, but we can always go another time. Let’s just go home and sleep it off, okay?”
  1558. > You feel the flames within die down.
  1559. > “Please?”
  1560. > Those purple eyes. Starlight made those puppy eyes with them. The flames extinguish, leaving you feeling hollow. You shake your head and smile gently as you pet her.
  1561. “All right.”
  1562. > You pick up her leash, which you had dropped without realising. Starlight walks beside you as you lead the way home. The night remains quiet and still, making the sounds of your footsteps seem louder than normal, and you can hear each of her hooves clip-clopping on the pavement.
  1563. “… I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier, Starlight. Wasn’t thinking straight at that time…”
  1564. > Starlight nuzzles your fingers as she keeps pace with you.
  1565. > “It is okay, Master. It is your right.”
  1566. > You just nod. You do not have a response to that.
  1568. > You unlock the door and lead Starlight in. Closing the door gently, you are careful to keep your noise down; it is late and you do not want to disturb the neighbours. Turning the lights on, you kneel and take off Starlight’s leash and collar, and you smile as he shakes herself and gives you an appreciative smile. Starlight closes her eyes when you reach up and rub her fluffy ears. Standing up, you stretch yourself, feeling your joints pop.
  1569. “I’m going to change and get ready for a shower. Feel free to go to sleep first, if you want.”
  1570. > Starlight nods quietly and goes to the bathroom. Heading to the kitchen to get a drink of water, you take the opportunity to change the water in Starlight’s bowl after you are done. You step out into the hallway to see your pony head to your bedroom.
  1571. > Following her, you enter your bedroom and take out a set of clean clothes from the wardrobe. Starlight has laid down on your bed, resting her head on her hooves as she watches you grab your things. You just give her a brief smile and head to the bathroom to use the toilet, then go through your showering routine. Following that, you brush your teeth and end it off with a shave. Normal stuff.
  1572. > You dress yourself and hang your damp towel, taking a moment to throw away the dirty towelette on Starlight’s ‘hygiene stand’. Turning off the lights, you enter your bedroom and notice that Starlight is still awake and watching you. You lay down the bed and plug your phone to charge. Swiping your thumb across the screen, you unlock it, seeing that it is 12:26am now.
  1573. > No need for an alarm, as you have no commitments in the morning.
  1574. > You start up your browser, navigating to your favourite news site. An article catches your attention, and you begin to read. Starlight gets up from her position and lays down next to you, pressing her body close to yours as she leans her head on your shoulder and looks at your phone. You smile as you carefully lay an arm around her, resting your hand on her butt-picture. Cutie mark. Starlight’s eyes reflect the light from the small screen, and her gaze seems to follow the movements of your thumb.
  1575. > “… Anything interesting on the news, Master?”
  1576. > You note that this is probably the first time she has seen a human reading on a mobile phone, yet she knows what you are doing simply by looking at the content of your screen. Smiling softly, you rub her lower back with your hand.
  1577. “You are a smart girl, Starlight.”
  1578. > “Thank you.”
  1579. > You look at your phone again.
  1580. “Just an article on a new military cooperation agreement that our government undertook with another country’s. There’s also articles on the rising cost of living, the increase in immigration and the proposals of local political opposition parties. Nothing much, otherwise.”
  1581. > You feel Starlight nod. Bored, you put your phone down carefully and turn on your side, facing your pony as you put both arms around her, holding her close. One hand goes on her butt picture, the other on her shoulders. Again, you delight in the feeling of intimacy that you are sharing with her, especially when she is so soft and warm. You close your eyes, preparing to pray. Then, you hear a sigh.
  1582. > Sorry, God, my pony needs me.
  1583. “Starlight? You okay?”
  1584. > Starlight averts her gaze when you look down at her, and you notice the frown on her face.
  1585. “Something wrong?”
  1586. > She hesitates.
  1587. > “It’s nothing, Master.”
  1588. > You do not buy that.
  1589. “Tell me. It’s okay, Starlight. You can tell me anything. Rule number two, remember?”
  1590. > Starlight looks up and searches your face with her eyes, as if to judge your trustworthiness. She stops and takes a breath. When she eventually opens her mouth, she speaks softly.
  1591. > “… I realise that I am so helpless here. I cannot go anywhere without you, prepare food, move or lift so many objects, and I cannot even… Clean myself after I use the filly’s room, or bathe on my own. I… I feel like a new-born foal, Master… I feel entirely dependent on you just for my daily living.”
  1592. > She sighs.
  1593. > “Things were so different back in Equestria. I was so independent. I was the leader of a town that I had founded, and I was the student of the Princess of Friendship! Hay, I even saved Equestria from a Changeling invasion…”
  1594. > Your pony lowers her eyes.
  1595. “I was able to take care of myself. I was able to take care of other ponies… I… I was useful…”
  1596. > You open your mouth, but she resumes speaking.
  1597. > “… But now… I cannot help but feel that I am a burden to you, Master. You may say that you do not mind doing those things for me, but I cannot help worrying… I cannot help worrying that somehow, someway, you’ll grow tired of taking care of me. That you’ll grow bored of me one day. Like a foal who gets a puppy, the infatuation can only last for so long.”
  1598. > Starlight shakes her head, and closes her eyes. You decide to let her have the moment, and wait for her to speak again. She does.
  1599. > “I don’t want to go back to that shelter, Master… I don’t want to be auctioned, and I don’t want another master. I have experienced how other people treat ponies, Master, and it scares me… It scares me so much…"
  1600. > She tucks her chin in, lowering her head. Your breath gets caught in your throat as the tip of her horn comes to rest near your eye. You almost forgot that she is a unicorn. Removing your hand from her cutie mark and gently holding it, you move your head back a little to have a better look at it. Starlight jolts from the contact, and she looks up at you.
  1601. > “What… What are you doing, Master?”
  1602. > You examine it. The horn is solid cone shape, with a round end. It seems to be flaking off, despite its hardness. It appears to be made up of stuff similar to that in fingernails.
  1603. > Keratin, Boss.
  1604. “Sorry, but your horn almost took my eye out. Never seen one up close before.”
  1605. > Starlight snorts, and returns to tucking her chin in.
  1606. > “It used to be much, much sharper. I used it on a one of your soldiers when I was captured. When I came to Earth, it became duller over time. Bits keep falling off.”
  1607. “Due to the lack of magic?”
  1608. > “‘Harmony’, Master. Magic is a manifestation of harmony.”
  1609. > That made no sense to you, so you just continue examining the horn in silence. It looks to be a little paler than the rest of Starlight’s pink coat, and its surface is covered in tiny cracks, like fissures on dry ground. You release your hold on her horn and pet her mane, stroking it gently.
  1610. “You mentioned that there are other pony types. Does a lack of ‘harmony’ only affect unicorns, Starlight?”
  1611. > Starlight sighs before she replies, staring forlornly at a spot on your bedsheet.
  1612. > “Unicorn horns are the way which we channel harmony for use in our magic. It is the basis for all pony spells. For other pony types, harmony is present in them too; it is a resource that is innate in all ponies, Master, and gives us our characteristics.”
  1613. “Characteristics?”
  1614. > “Cutie marks are a manifestation of harmony when we discover our special talent, Master. That happens to all ponies, eventually. In Equestria, Alicorns and unicorns are able to cast spells; spells like levitation, kinetic bursts, transfiguration, and teleportation. For Bat Ponies and Pegasi, their harmony helps them in their flight. It allows them to remain light, and amplifies their natural wingpower. I suppose it is the same for Alicorns.”
  1615. > Wing… Power? Like ‘horsepower’ in a car? Interesting.
  1616. > “… Parasol and Rumble… When we were in those cages… They often said that their weights remained the same when they try to fly. No matter how they tried, they could never get in the air… Would have made it easy to escape, otherwise…”
  1617. > Starlight pauses as she takes a breath. That explains why you never heard of or seen ponies in the air, even those with wings. Starlight shakes her head slowly, and continues.
  1618. > “For ‘Earth’ Ponies, Master, their harmony is a bit more curious. It enhances their natural endurance and strength, and gives them a knack for mastery of skills. For example, Applejack is an amazing apple farmer, and Pinkie Pie is one of the best bakers in town. Double Diamond is a fantastic skier, and the Blossom twins can give those wonderful massages.”
  1619. > She pauses to think.
  1620. > “I know an ‘Earth’ pony who grows the most beautiful carrots. She is the only one in Ponyville who has learnt to, and she supplies the entire town by herself… And the trio of ‘Earth’ ponies who sells flowers? They may be a little… Dramatic at times, but their flowers are always so pretty…”
  1621. > You see a bittersweet smile growing on her muzzle as she reminisces on her memories. Deciding quickly to speak, you hope that your interruption will prevent her from crying.
  1622. “Is… Is your horn like that because you are here? On Earth, I mean.”
  1623. > Starlight does a little shake of her head.
  1624. > “… I don’t know for sure, Master, but I am guessing that our horns are nourished by harmony… Maybe that’s why it is like that, because harmony does not exist here, at least not in the way that we are familiar with… I cannot feel it anymore… I'm sure Twilight will know why…”
  1625. > She sighs. Your heart aches seeing her like that.
  1626. “Is there anything that we can do about it?”
  1627. > Starlight does not respond, but lets out a breath instead.
  1628. > No, then.
  1629. “Sorry.”
  1630. > “Don't be, Master. It isn't your fault."
  1631. > You reach your hands upwards and stretch, stifling a yawn in the process. Turning back to Starlight, you rest your left palm on her neck. Your right hand goes to her side, stroking her coat softly.
  1632. > “… Master… My offer still stands, if you w-want me.”
  1633. > You blink.
  1634. “Haven’t we gone through this?”
  1635. > Starlight remains motionless, but when her mouth opens, her voice is so soft.
  1636. > “I don’t want to leave you, Master. You are the best thing that has happened to me so far, and I feel… Safe… With you. With you around, I’m not as scared… But I… I have nothing to give you in return, Master… No money, no skills, no talents… Just… Me… A unicorn with no bucking magic… May as well be a pet that can speak…”
  1637. “Starlight, don’t talk like that. You are more than that… You are…”
  1638. > Crap. She nailed her description so accurately.
  1639. “… You are…”
  1640. > Starlight looks up at you. Her face is partially hidden under that curl in her mane. Those big, purple eyes are tearing up, but her voice remains steady.
  1641. > “You got me because you wanted a bed slave, didn’t you, Master?”
  1642. > You flinch.
  1643. > Fucking exposed.
  1644. > FUCK. What are you to say? “Yes, I did, but I didn’t expect you to be so psychologically damaged that now I have had a change of heart about your original purpose?", or "No, I am just a faggot white-knight at heart?". FUCK.
  1645. > Starlight keeps her gaze at you. It is so intense.
  1646. > “Master, you said you didn’t have “pure intentions” when you saved me. This is my purpose, isn’t it? T-to share your bed… That’s why you don’t have a bed for me, even when you went to get that grooming brush. That’s why you bathe with me. That’s why you like touching me so much… Even now, you have your arms around me… That’s why… That's why you keep looking under my tail…”
  1647. > You expected this. You were never good at being subtle, after all, but you were not prepared for her to put it so directly.
  1648. “I’m sorry.”
  1649. > Your mind is a blank. That was the only thing that came up.
  1650. > Starlight says nothing as she closes her eyes and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips, making you freeze in shock. Her tears pool at her eyes as she leans back and fixes you with a fierce glare.
  1651. > “If my body’s what you want, Master, then take it… I said it before, and I’ll say it again: I am not going back to that shelter, and I don’t want another Master.”
  1652. > She reaches her hooves up and wraps them around your right forearm. Using this makeshift grip, she lowers it, bringing your hand lower. And lower. Between your bodies.
  1653. > Your eyes widen. You feel her now. The warmth and softness there, on your fingertips. She keeps your palm there with a hoof, and looks up at you again. Starlight blinks and a tear rolls down her cheek, but her gaze remains hard.
  1654. > “Take me and use me, Master. Let me fulfill my purpose as your bed slave.”
  1655. > Again, you feel that conflict within you rise up with a vengeance. You clench your eyes and take a breath, clearing your mind as much as you can before opening your eyes to address her.
  1656. “Are you… Doing this… Because you are afraid that I will leave you?”
  1657. > “A slave that does not fulfill her purpose is useless and a liability… I have been in a position of leadership and management before, Master. The rational thing to do is to get rid of liabilities…”
  1658. > So, “yes” then.
  1659. > Starlight moves her hips, grinding herself on your fingers. You can feel her labia parting as your fingers slide between them, and one of your fingertips touches a moist opening. At the same time, however, you can also feel her tail covering the back of your hand.
  1660. > Starlight is still afraid. She is not ready.
  1661. > “… It’s all I have to give, Master… I know you want me, and I want to fuilfill my purpose… Just… I beg you, Master, to be gentle with me… You promised that you will never hurt me, so I… I will be your mare… I will be your little pony…”
  1662. > You feel a lump grow in your throat. Does she honestly think she has to give you her body for you to keep her? Does she really want it?
  1663. > ‘“It doesn’t matter”’. That was what she said earlier to you just earlier this evening… And that feels so long ago.
  1664. > “You are lonely, Master, and I am willing… Please… Allow me to serve you… Let me please you, Master…”
  1665. “Starlight… Please don't… Don’t… Please…”
  1666. > Her eyes. They are swimming with tears, and she looks at you… pleadingly. You cannot tell if she is sincere, or if she is a bloody good actress.
  1667. > Starlight licks your lips slowly, ending it with a kiss. You keep your mouth closed as your mind races, desperately trying to find a way to defuse the situation while your gut screams its desire for her. Little Anon is already ready to go, and the way he presses against your underwear is extremely uncomfortable. Starlight seems to know this, as she brings her hindleg to your crotch and draws it against your clothed member.
  1668. > “… You are all that I have now, Master. You are kind and gentle, and you have looked out and provided for me. You are the best thing that has happened to me since I came to Earth… I don’t want to lose you…”
  1669. > You choke, clenching your eyes tightly as you feel the sensual caresses of her inner thigh on your erection. You know that if you give in, you will end up hurting her more, despite her apparent willingness. Your mind shouts for you to control your desires, and your heart aches at Starlight's brokenness… Yet, another part of you yearns for her fiercely, and it takes every fibre of your being to resist your desires. You want to fuck her so badly. You want to pin her down underneath you as you let your passion and lust boil over. You want to take her like a beast, and you want to experience that sweet release of a powerful orgasm as you finish inside her. You want to paint her inner walls white.
  1670. > God dammit. God Fucking dammit! Why is this so difficult?! Why does your passion burn so strongly?! Why?!
  1671. > When you open your mouth to say something, Starlight puts her hoof on your mouth.
  1672. > “… I know you love me, Master, and I know you will not hurt me… So… I will be a good girl for you. I will be your mare… I’m… I’m your little Starlight.”
  1674. > He remains silent, then-
  1675. > I can fucking kiss you!
  1676. > Kiss the pony, Boss, not me.
  1677. > Shifting your body upwards, you pull Starlight to your left, making her gasp. You are now on top of her and looking deep into her big, purple eyes. Putting your right arm below her neck, you rest your left hand on the side of her face as you caress her cheek with a thumb. Then, you lean in and put your lips on hers in a gentle kiss, pouring your soul into that little act. Tilting your head a little, you close your eyes and give your pony another kiss, making her moan into your mouth as she exhales.
  1678. > She tastes so… Pure. Nothing like the sweetness that is often described in the erotic stories that you had read. Her lips are warm and soft as you caress them with your own, and her breath is thick and warm as it washes over your face.
  1679. > This. Is. Awesome.
  1680. > You could fucking die, right here, right now, and you are okay with that… No, you want to live for-fucking-ever, so you can experience it again and again.
  1681. > Reluctantly, you pull away. Your lips leave hers with a soft ‘pop’, and you let out the breath that you have been holding in your chest.
  1682. > The pink pony below you opens her eyes at the same time that you open yours. She blinks several times, and you see her eyebrows furrow slightly as she breathes heavily.
  1683. > “… M-Master…”
  1684. > You put a finger on her lips, hushing her. Then, you remove your hands and use them to hold her hooves. You concentrate as you close your eyes, frowning as you delve into your memories. When you open your eyes again, you look deep into her own oceans of purple. Opening your mouth, you feel your throat expand as you aim for that high note.
  1685. “… Don’t go changing… To try and please me…”
  1686. > Starlight is bewildered. Her frown deepens as her little muzzle hangs open slightly.
  1687. “… You’ve never let me down before… Woah oh ohhh uh ohhh…”
  1688. > You see her chest heaving.
  1689. “… I don’t imagine… You’re too familiar… And I don’t see you… Anymore…”
  1690. > You feel your diaphragm strain as you hold on to that last note.
  1691. “… I… Would not leave you… In times of trouble… We never could have come this far… Whoa uh ohhh…”
  1692. > Starlight has a little smile now. God, she is so beautiful.
  1693. “… I took the good times… I’ll take the bad times… I’ll take you just the way you are…”
  1694. > You sway her hooves a little to the tempo of your song.
  1695. “… I said I love you… That’s forever… This I promise from the heart…”
  1696. > Moving her left hoof, you rest the bottom of it on your chest directly above your heart. Gently, you press on it with your hand.
  1697. “… Woah oh ohhh uh ohhh…”
  1698. > A tear rolls down her cheek, but your pony is smiling widely. She has a little blush on her cheeks.
  1699. “… I couldn’t love you… Any better… I love you just the way you are…”
  1700. > The room becomes quiet again as you end your song.
  1701. > Good job, Boss. You fucking nailed it.
  1702. > You smile warmly at the pink pony below you, and she sniffs as she grins in return.
  1703. “Billy Joel. “Just the Way You Are”.”
  1704. > Looking down at the hoof on your chest, you draw your eyes back to hers.
  1705. “You feel that? That… Is how I feel about you, Starlight.”
  1706. > You gasp as she lunges forward, pulling you by the neck into her embrace. Starlight is crying again as she buries her face into your neck. You put your arms around her and you take a breath, feeling wetness below your ear as she whines pitifully.
  1707. “… You said that you’ll serve me with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul. Your mind may be okay with that, but your heart and soul are clearly not… Take some time to think about it before you decide… Because I… I want you to be happy when it happens… Remember, Starlight, that your happiness matter to me, as well as your fears, your pain, your cares and your hopes… I have made many promises to you, and I intend to keep them.”
  1708. > You carefully twist your body, lowering both of your heads back on the pillow. She is still crying, so you take a moment to simply pet her on the back. Then, you take a breath and pause to clear your mind.
  1709. “… Dear God… Thank you for the many blessings you have given us. Thank you for the love you have for us, and for the many things that you have done… Please forgive our sins and have mercy on us, Lord, for we are merely sinners… Dear God, I pray for Starlight here… That you’ll never forget her… That you’ll be there for her when she is lonely, or when she is scared…”
  1710. > Starlight’s sobs are softer now. Her ear flicks when she heard her name. She raises herself slowly, watching you with those bloodshot eyes. Her mane is a mess, sticking to parts of her face.
  1711. “God, I pray that you will be there to comfort her when she is sad… To guide her when she is lost… To ease her when she is in pain… Please, God, I pray that you’ll heal her from her past, so she can learn to trust again in the future… Help her to understand that she does not owe me anything, and that I want only the best for her… She is my little pony, Lord, and I want her to be happy… Because… I fucking love her… With all my god-damned heart… In the same way that you love me, Lord… I pray all these, in your precious and most holy name… Amen.”
  1712. > You brush away the strands of hair covering Starlight’s face. Then, you lean forward and kiss her on the tip of her nose, making close her eyes and smile. You lean in, embracing the comfort of your pillow and the feeling of her body against yours. Starlight tucks in her hooves as you press her closer to your body, resting your head on top of her own as you idly stroke her back with a hand. You breathe in, enjoying the smell of flowers and the feminine smell of her mane.
  1713. “Goodnight, Starlight.”
  1714. > “Goodnight… Master.”
  1715. > You smile as you plant a kiss on her forehead before snuggling closer to her. Little Anon is still standing at attention, and he pokes her on her thigh.
  1716. > Yes, your desire for her still rages fiercely.
  1717. > You let out a soft sigh and close your eyes. This night is going to be a long one.
  1718. > …
  1720. > You open your eyes, becoming more conscious of the world. Your room is bathed in a deep blue hue. You hear soft chirps coming from outside the window, accompanied by the hum of the occasional car drifting past. They are far away, though, so they are not loud enough to be a nuisance. You are glad that your apartment is situated on the higher levels of the building.
  1721. > Reaching over, you unplug your phone from its charger and unlock it. 7.13am. You sigh, taking a moment to rub the back of your right hand over your eyes. It is then that you notice that Little Anon is very much awake, straining against the fabric of your clothing. A tad uncomfortable, but you muse that it is just normal guy stuff. Nothing new.
  1722. > You turn your body slowly, and a smile breaks on your face as you see Starlight snoozing gently beside you. She is lying on her side with her hooves are tucked in, and she is facing you as her body rises and falls gently. Her head rests on your pillow, and her mane is a cascade of purple; the teal streak zig-zagging through the purple mess. Her muzzle is open slightly and her hooves twitch lightly as she dreams. God, she looks so serene like that.
  1723. > Gently, you run your palm over her sleeping form, feeling her the fur that covers the firmness of her muscles below it. You pause when your hand reaches the base of her tail as memories of last night comes rushing into your mind. Reaching hand up, you touch your lips. Did you really kiss her yesterday?
  1724. > Yes, you did, Boss.
  1725. > Your smile widens as happiness and a sense of accomplishment blossoms in your chest. You did it. You resisted your urges, and you showed your love for her without hurting her. Exhaling deeply, you thank God silently.
  1726. > You shift your weight slowly and cautiously step off the bed. Starlight remains in dreamland. Good.
  1727. > You go to your storeroom and take out a large sheet of cardboard. Carrying that carefully, you enter the living room, moving the coffee table aside before dropping the cardboard softly on the floor. You clench your fists and pull your elbows back, feeling your muscles tense. Then, you punch both hands upwards, feeling your back pop as you shake your head. You seem to have recovered from Starlight’s blows, as your back no long aches. Awesome.
  1728. > You take your t-shirt off and drape it across the armrest of your couch. Then, you drop down on the cardboard sheet, placing both palms on it. Taking a breath, you let your body fall.
  1729. > You catch yourself before hitting the ground, using your arms and shoulders to push yourself up to a horizontal position.
  1730. “1…”
  1731. > You let your body fall again and you catch yourself. You push yourself up.
  1732. “2...”
  1733. > You smile as you start the cycle again. Nothing like a good session of push-ups to kick-start your physical training routine.
  1735. > You lay flat on the cardboard mat as you try to catch your breath. Having just completed three sets of exercises, where each consists of push-ups, crunches, squats, flutter-kicks, dips and jumping-jacks, you close your eyes, taking a moment to slow your breathing. Your aching body is covered in sweat, and you feel blood surging through your body from the intensity of the workout. You like this feeling; it reminds you that you are still alive.
  1736. > When you open your eyes, and all you see are two orbs of black surrounded by purple rims. They are way too fucking close.
  1737. “AUGH! S-Starlight?!”
  1738. > Your pony backs away quickly as you recoil in shock, scooting away on her bum. Her expression changes from one of scared surprise to one of sheepishness.
  1739. > “Sorry! Oh Celestia, I’m sorry, Master! I didn’t mean to scare you.”
  1740. “Jesus girl! Don’t do that next time!”
  1741. > She kicks a hoof and moves her head down, lowering her gaze to the floor. Her ears flatten against her skull.
  1742. > “Yes, Master… I’ll remember that.”
  1743. > Heart still thumping, you wipe sweat from your brow. An awkward silence ensues between the both of you, and you wonder how to break it. An idea comes to you, and grinning, you open your mouth.
  1744. “Let’s go for a run. Must have been a long time since you stretched those legs.”
  1745. > “A run? Master?”
  1746. > You nod and stand up, grabbing her leash and collar from the counter beside your door, which you put on for her and pocket your keys. Then, you pull your t-shirt on and tug on the leash, smiling down at the pink pony.
  1747. “Let’s go.”
  1749. > Starlight impresses you with her stamina and speed. She easily keeps pace with you as the both of you cover the perimeter of the park situated below your home. Her strides are consistent and lengthy, and her breathing is steady and calm as she gallops beside you. Your pony’s mane and tail billows in the wind, and her face is focused as she runs.
  1750. > You have covered almost seven and a half kilometres now. The crisp and cool morning air certainly help you maintain your speed as the both of you pass by trees, benches and lamp poles. You have not spoken to her throughout the run as you focused on your own running form, and you feel the burn in your muscles from the fast pace. It is a familiar one though; after all, you are one of the better runners in the Station.
  1751. > You are reaching the end; a gazebo that sits at the park entrance where the both of you came in.
  1752. “Go, Starlight! Race you to that building there!”
  1753. > “You got it, Master!”
  1754. > She sprints, pulling ahead as you chase her. You feel the rush of wind as you propel yourself forwards, adjusting your form to increase the rapidness of your strides. Somehow, you manage to catch up with the pony.
  1755. “C’mon Starlight! All the way! Go, go, go, go!”
  1756. > She grunts in response.
  1757. > 200 metres.
  1758. > 150 metres. You feel the burn become smaller as adrenaline floods your system. Your arms are like pistons.
  1759. >100 metres. Focus, now. Almost there.
  1760. > 50 metres. You grit your teeth and clench your fists.
  1761. > 10 metres. Starlight overtakes you.
  1762. > “YES!”
  1763. > Shit.
  1764. > You slow yourself, but your momentum forces you to skip the last strides. Bending forward, you support yourself with hands on your knees, wheezing as you fight to catch your breath. Your heart races, and you feel a slight dizziness from the exertion. Starlight comes into your vision. She shows similar signs of exhaustion, and her sides are dripping with sweat. She looks up at you, wearing a triumphant grin on her muzzle as she pants deeply.
  1765. > “… Beat… Ya… Master…”
  1766. > You just shake your head as you smile and ruffle up her already wind-swept mane. No arguments there.
  1767. > Panting hard, you walk over to a nearby water fountain and call Starlight over to you. You step on a lever on at the base of the fountain, causing a small jet of water to appear from the dispenser.
  1768. “Drink up… Starlight… You… Did well… Good job… Keeping up with me…”
  1769. > Your mare pauses and looks up at you as she blinks in apparent confusion.
  1770. > “But… M-Master… You… You should… Go… First…”
  1771. “No… Starlight, you drink first… I insist… You belong… To me… And… I take care of… My own…”
  1772. > Talking when you are exhausted is tiring business. Your lungs are still burning.
  1773. > Even as she pants, you see a smile form on your pony’s mouth before she bows to you. A bead of sweat falls from her chin.
  1774. > “Thank you… Master…”
  1775. > With that, she closes her eyes and dips her mouth to the water, sipping it noisily. Reaching a hand forward, you brush the hair from her mane and tuck it behind her ear so it does not get wet from the water below.
  1776. > Her eyes open when you did that, and in that brief moment when she glances at you, you swear that her smile widens before she closes her eyes again and continues drinking.
  1777. > Ehh whatever. It is just a nice gesture on your part, and you did not intend for it to mean anything.
  1778. > You wipe your sweaty forehead and pant as you watch your thirsty pony take her fill. When you take a drink yourself half a minute later, water has never tasted so sweet before.
  1779. > Exercise really does make you feel alive, and the momentary pain you feel when you are doing it only makes hammers that point home.
  1780. > …
  1782. > You sit on a patch of grass beside the gazebo, enjoying its coolness and softness on your bum. Your heart rate is slower now, and your breathing is much more controlled. Starlight comes close and you put a hand on her mane, petting her softly as you smile at her.
  1783. “You are one hell of a runner, y’know?”
  1784. > She grins smugly.
  1785. > “I’m better than you.”
  1786. > That face. So arrogant. Oh yeah?
  1787. > You grin deviously before grabbing her, lowering her to the ground as your fingers attack her tummy and ribs. She laughs.
  1788. > “M-Master! S-stop! Hahaha! Stop! P-please!”
  1789. > You do not relent in your assault as you chuckle. Little pony thinks she is better, huh?
  1790. > Put her in her place, Boss.
  1791. > You put your lips on her damp tummy and blow a raspberry, still tickling her with your hands. She wriggles, swatting her hooves at you as she flails in an attempt to stop you.
  1792. > “Hahahaha! Stop! M-Master! Please! Hahahaha! Master, please! Please!”
  1793. > Okay, enough.
  1794. > Letting up, you give her a moment to recover. You are grinning fully now, enjoying the euphoria from your own laughter. Looking down at the pink pony, you watch as she tries to catch her breath on her back. Her head is angled upwards, exposing her neck as her chest heaves. You gaze lowers involuntarily, taking in the curves of her body. That little tuff of fur on her chest. The indent of her belly button on her tummy. The exposed, furless flesh on her crotch. The small, pinkish nipples on her teats, which swells just that little bit. Her thighs are held open. Your eyes travel lower still-
  1795. > “Master?”
  1796. > You jolt as your eyes go up to Starlight’s. She knows.
  1797. > Fuck.
  1798. > You open your mouth to apologise, but she cuts you off with a hoof.
  1799. > “Don’t.”
  1800. > She smiles at you through half-lidded eyes as a blush starts to form on her face. You feel your face burning as you smile sheepishly back. Starlight reaches behind you, and you let her pull you closer. Your face is inches away from hers now, and you can feel her breath washing over your face.
  1801. > “I’m yours, Master. All of me… Belongs to you.”
  1802. > With that, she pulls you in, closing her eyes as she kisses you. This time, you open your mouth, letting the wet intruder enter. You embrace her tongue with yours, exploring the insides of her muzzle. It is so warm and wet, and her lips feels just right being on yours. There is no taste, yet you love the feel and texture of mouth and tongue. She brushes your lips with her own, and you reciprocate by moving your jaw gently. Starlight moans as she presses her muzzle firmly towards you, using both hooves to hold your head as she twists hers to get another angle on your mouth. You feel your body react instinctively to her movements, almost as if you are dancing with her.
  1803. > Your eyes are closed now, allowing you to fully focus on kissing the sweaty pink pony in your arms. Her mane tickles your face as you move your head. Your hands roam down her body, feeling the dampness of her coat and the firmness of her muscles. Every time you breathe in, all you can smell is her; the light, feminine sweetness emanating from her and the faint floral scent from her mane. You hold her tightly, yet gently, as your right hand snakes along her chest, reaching her tummy. This time, you hold your palm flat and press firmly on it, as you do not want to tickle her. You turn your wrist, angling it so your fingers lead the charge further down.
  1804. > You notice her body become stiff. Humming softly as you kiss her deeper, your fingers touches her bare flesh, and they caress and grope your mare; it is like they have a will of their own, and they want more of what she has to offer. She ‘hmm’s back at you at a higher pitch, and her breathing becomes deeper as you-
  1805. > ‘Thunk’.
  1806. > You jump at the noise, eyes darting towards the source. Standing stock-still about seven metres away from you is an old lady with an umbrella on her wrist. Her mouth hangs open as she stares at you with wide eyes. Movement draws your attention to a small bottle of water rolling at her feet as it leaks its contents on the pavement.
  1807. > You turn to Starlight, who is also staring at the woman. Her wide eyes meet yours.
  1808. “Run.”
  1810. > You lock your front door, still laughing with Starlight. The look on that lady’s face. Fucking priceless.
  1811. > Sighing softly, you roll your shoulders, getting some of the stiffness out. Then, you lean down and remove her leash and collar.
  1812. “Good run, eh girl?”
  1813. > “It was fun, Master. Thank you for bringing me out.”
  1814. > You smile at Starlight. The pink pony is a mess; her coat is matted with dried sweat and her mane is a frizzled nightmare. Her entire body, including her tail, are covered with bits of grass. Yet, she is the most beautiful creature in your eyes, especially when she wears that smile. Like how she is doing now.
  1815. > Yet, you cannot help but feel that it seems… Forced. It is as if she is unnaturally cheerful.
  1816. > Might be the exercise, Boss. Post-workout endorphin rush.
  1817. > Probably.
  1818. > You shake your head and glance at the clock. 9:21am.
  1819. “Shower and breakfast?”
  1820. > Starlight blushes and looks at the ground. When she looks up at you again and speaks, her voice is so small.
  1821. > “Are you going to… Bathe me, Master?”
  1822. > Little Anon twitches. Control yourself, Brain.
  1823. “Wait for me in the bathroom. I’ll get your things ready.”
  1824. > Starlight nods and does that while you go to get some fresh clothing from your wardrobe. A thought comes to you, and you make a quick detour to grab a new toothbrush from a cabinet in your kitchen. You shake your head as you enter the bathroom, silently scolding yourself. Stupid you forgot that ponies need to brush their teeth too.
  1825. > Starlight waits quietly as you set your things down. You take off your soiled clothes and toss them in a bucket, noticing that she moves to look away, but quickly returns her gaze to you. It does look a little forced, and you wonder if that her behaviour is the result a conditioned reflex from her abuse. Shaking your head, you decide not to say anything and proceed to brush your teeth and shave, hoping again that the repeated exposure to your nakedness will let her get used to it.
  1826. > You take your time to carry out your tasks before tearing open the packaging for the new toothbrush. Leaving it on the counter for now, you kneel down in front of Starlight and beckon her towards you. You note how she visibly swallowed when her eyes dart to your penis before she obeys with a quiet nod. When she sits in front of you, you lift up her chin to look her in the eyes before speaking to her softly.
  1827. “Starlight, I’m not going to do anything to hurt you, alright? I promised you that, and I need you to trust me, okay?”
  1828. > Starlight keeps silent for a moment, and she has a frown on her face. You wait for her to speak, and when she does, her voice comes out shaky.
  1829. > “I… I’m… I’m s-scared, Master… I’m scared… Please, Master… I’m scared…”
  1830. > Her pitiful begging tears at your heart. It hurts. It really does.
  1831. > You almost move forwards to pull her into an embrace, but you remember that you are currently naked. Instead, you move a hand to her back, feeling it tremble lightly in her fear. Stroking it slowly, you keep your voice soft and address her.
  1832. “I’m just going to brush your teeth and bathe you, okay? I’m not going to do anything else. You understand me?”
  1833. > Your pony nods silently. Then, you freeze as a realisation hits you; the way she stiffened earlier at the park… The weird feeling you got when you saw her smiling… Hell, now that you think about it, even the way her laughter earlier sounded a bit… Forced…
  1834. > Oh no.
  1835. “Starlight… Just now, at the park… Were you afraid when I touched you?”
  1836. > The pink pony moves her eyes on the floor. She remains still and silent, then, she nods.
  1837. > “I’m s-sorry, Master. I… I know what you wanted… And I tried… I tried to…”
  1838. > Her words trail off, and she closes her eyes.
  1839. > Fuck.
  1840. > You remove your hand form her back. Pinching your nose and exhaling, you feel a coldness in your chest as your heart sinks. Starlight put up a brave front for you, and she certainly does not love you. You… You forced yourself on her earlier.
  1841. > Brain keeps silent, and you do not blame him. How can you be so impulsive that you molested her in the park? In the heat of the moment, you forgot her history of abuse and you forgot to consider her feelings. Again. Bloody hell, Anon, you keep fucking up.
  1842. > You swallow and let out a sigh. Celebrating your victory this morning seems so stupid now. Why did you put yourself in this situation? Why? You have trouble reining in your lust, and yet you got a female pony slave for yourself. A sexually traumatised one that you practically forced to sleep in the same bed as you do for the past two nights. Brain is right, maybe getting her was a bad-
  1843. > No. The alternative is much worse. What are you going to do? Sell her? Throw her out? Let her be euthanised by those people at the Agency shelter? Worse, get rid of Starlight and risk letting her be owned by some of the sick fucks out there who will abuse her further or even kill her?
  1844. > No. You will keep her, and you will protect and look after her. She is your pony now, and you will man up and be her Master. She needs you to be strong, both for her and for your-
  1845. > “Master?”
  1846. > Opening her eyes, you wait until she makes eye contact with you.
  1847. “Yes?”
  1848. > She gives you a weak smile.
  1849. > “Getting my teeth brushed and a nice bath sounds lovely. I don’t want to impose, Master, but if you would be so kind and generous, could you do those for me?”
  1850. > You muse that it is strange that a slave is asking her Master to do things for her, but you reason that she only did that because she has no other way to do them herself. Plus, she DID ask you nicely.
  1851. > Smiling at Starlight, you nod.
  1852. > “Okay.”
  1853. > Starlight bows deeply and thanks you before sitting down on her haunches. Yep, your pony slave does know how to show that she appreciates and respects you as her Master. The keyword here is “show”, but she has convinced you that her actions are believably sincere.
  1854. > You stand and retrieve the new toothbrush, wetting it under a running tap and squeezing a little toothpaste on it. Examining her teeth, you note that you really should brush them on a regular basis, as what you see does disgust you a little. You grimace as you realise that you actually kissed that mouth. Otherwise, no signs of damage. Good.
  1855. > You lift the side of her right cheek and you hold it up with a thumb, exposing her back molars. Toothbrush, in. You angle your wrist and brush the sides of those teeth at the bottom row first, working your way across to the other side and repeating it for the top. Working on the inner sides of the bottom row, Starlight gags slightly when you push the brush too deep.
  1856. > Probably needs more practi-
  1857. > Shut up, Brain!
  1858. > You mutter your apologies and start working your way towards the centre and to the other side. The task is easy enough, as you had ample experience brushing your dog’s teeth when he was still around. Done. Piece of cake.
  1859. > She stands up and spits into the toilet as you wash the toothbrush and put it beside yours. Yours is blue; hers, red. You turn the shower on, testing its warmness before angling it for her to rinse her mouth. Spitting in the toilet again and using a hoof to flush it, your pony turns and smiles warmly at you.
  1860. > “Thank you for that, Master. It has been a while.”
  1861. “No problem. I’m going to brush your teeth every morning and night. Remind me if I forget.”
  1862. > “Yes, Master.”
  1863. > You reach a palm towards her.
  1864. “Come here Starlight. Let’s get you clean.”
  1865. > Starlight bows her head and walks towards you as you kneel. She stands before you, keeping herself still as she closes her eyes. You rinse her down thoroughly, using the showerhead on every inch of her body as you get rid of all the bits of grass and dirt on her. She shudders a little when you spray water on her privates, but she remains still otherwise.
  1866. > You reach for the soap. Like the first time you bathed her, you start rubbing from her back, working your way up to her neck and mane, before going down to the tip of her tail. You tell her to keep her eyes closed as you wash her face and head gently.
  1867. > Now, for the underside.
  1868. > You shift your body and move behind her. Putting your left hand under her forearms, you feel the hardness of her bones as you push upwards, supporting her upper body as she rears up. She gasps and stiffens, clearly not expecting that. You just ‘hmm’ softly and start rubbing the soap into her chest and belly.
  1869. > She is no featherweight, but you are strong enough. Her back presses against your chest as you lean slightly backwards to compensate for her weight. You use the other hand to rub the underside of her body, working from her neck to her belly. Then, she shifts her weight and immediately, you feel her butt pressing against your crotch.
  1870. > You pause and blink. Starlight has her entire body flush against yours, and she is so warm and firm. You feel that familiar urge come again as Little Anon rises fully and touches her inner thighs.
  1871. > Oh fuck.
  1872. > You stay still as you feel her shudder. From your position, you cannot see her face, but you are sure that she is uncomfortable.
  1873. “Starlight? You okay?”
  1874. > She just nods silently.
  1875. “Are you sure? I can stop if you feel uncomfortable.”
  1876. > “Go on… M-Master…”
  1877. > You shift uncomfortably and change the knee you are resting your weight on, unsure of how to continue. Your hand still rests on her belly.
  1878. “I’m going lower, okay? Tell me if you want me to stop. I promise I will.”
  1879. > She nods. Still stiff.
  1880. > She probably won’t stop you, Boss, even if she wanted to.
  1881. > Yep, probably.
  1882. > You lean in to kiss her on the cheek.
  1883. “Remember that I love you, Starlight, and that I won’t hurt you. I only want the best for you.”
  1884. > She turns to you, looking over her shoulder. A small smile breaks on that little muzzle.
  1885. > “I will… I will, Master.”
  1886. > You move your hand downwards and soap her teats, massaging them as you do so. They are so soft, and without the fur, her bare skin is warm and smooth. You reach lower, feeling her shudder again as your fingers reach her marehood. Rubbing your soapy hand along its length, you feel it twitch under your ministrations.
  1887. > You blink. Did she just… Wink at you?
  1888. > Shaking your head to clear your mind of more lewd thoughts, you decide to keep silent as you wash the insides of her thighs and her back hooves. Then, you let her down and direct your attention at her hindquarters, ass and tail. Your mare remains still and quiet while you soap her, and she has her eyes closed the entire time. You work quickly, hoping that you do not cause her to revisit those dark memories from the shelter.
  1889. > And… Done.
  1890. > You stand up and rinse her off, taking care not to miss any spots on her body. Satisfied, you reach over and hand her the purple towel she previously used, telling her to dry herself as best as she can.
  1891. > “Yes, Master… And thank you.”
  1892. “You’re welcome.”
  1893. > Taking the towel in her teeth, your pony goes over to a corner and drops it in her hooves, which she uses to dry herself in a rather… Haphazard manner. Without that magical grasp in her hooves, she probably has not gotten used to interacting with objects with them. No matter, you will dry her later.
  1894. > Starting the shower again, you start cleaning yourself. You smile when you realise that Starlight is not crying this time.
  1895. > As you are soaping your groin, your erection reminds you that you thoroughly enjoyed the experience of bathing your mare. Said mare has been watching you quietly, and you note that her eyes shift up to meet yours when you glance at her.
  1896. > You just give her a weak smile and quickly turn to focus your eyes on the showerhead. The look that she was wearing… It was a neutral expression with a small frown.
  1897. > Starlight is thinking of something, and you wonder what that is.
  1898. > …
  1900. > You hang your towel up and kneel to dry Starlight with hers. She smiles gently and closes her eyes as you do so, keeping herself still for you. Good girl.
  1901. > You are reaching for your clothes when Starlight speaks.
  1902. > “Master?”
  1903. “Yes?”
  1904. > Starlight blushes as she looks away. When her eyes meets yours again, you see that she is biting her lower lip.
  1905. > “C-can you… S-stay that way? Stay… N-naked…”
  1906. > You raise an eyebrow. What?
  1907. “Why?”
  1908. > She paws at the floor
  1909. > “I… I want to see you… I mean, I want to see… More… Of you…”
  1910. “… Okay…”
  1911. > That is strange. Is this what she was thinking about earlier?
  1912. > You would have questioned her further, but your growling stomach distracts you.
  1913. “Come Starlight, let’s eat.”
  1914. > Your pony nods and follows you as you exit the bathroom. You enter the kitchen stark naked and start preparing breakfast. This time, you go for the simple stuff: Wholegrain cereal with milk, with bananas and eggs as sides. You crack three of them into a bowl, and you pause.
  1915. “Do ponies take eggs, Starlight?”
  1916. > “We have them in pastries and cakes, Master, but rarely by themselves. Too much can make ponies sick.”
  1917. > You nod as you start the fire, deciding that you will reserve just a little bit of omelette for her. She still needs her proteins, and you do not bake.
  1918. > …
  1920. > Breakfast is done quickly. You clear up the dishes and wash them, telling Starlight to start grooming her tail, and you will do her mane after. Done with your task, you wipe your wet hands on your lower back out of habit, feeling the water remain. Oh right, you are still nude.
  1921. > What is Starlight doing, asking you to remain this way? “To see more of you?” The fuck does that mean?
  1922. > You dry your hands on a table cloth and enter the living room. Only one way to find out.
  1923. “Tail done already?”
  1924. > Starlight nods proudly, beaming at you. She has the brush handle in her mouth, looking pleased with herself. You pet her and take the brush, sitting on the floor beside her as you start working out the knots and tangles in her mane. She closes her eyes and stays still, allowing you to work quickly. You reach the end of her mane, and you turn your attention to that fringe, brushing it upwards at an angle before letting it drop. It falls on her face, bouncing lightly into a curl. Perfect.
  1925. > Now, for the other issue -
  1926. “Starlight? I want to ask you something.”
  1927. > “Yes, Master?”
  1928. “Why are you asking me to stay naked?”
  1929. > The pink pony lowers her gaze to her left, staring at a tile on the floor as she keeps quiet.
  1930. “C’mon Starlight. Talk to me. Is something wrong?”
  1931. > “… I… I want to train myself, Master.”
  1932. > That catches your attention.
  1933. ““Train yourself”?”
  1934. > She turns her purple eyes to yours and nods timidly.
  1935. > “Yes, Master. I… I want to overcome my fears… I am grateful for everything that you have done for me, and I want to serve you as best as I can, but I… I cannot do it if… If I’m afraid of you…”
  1936. > Well, shit.
  1937. > “With your permission, I want to try something, Master.”
  1938. “Yeah? What is it?”
  1939. > A small smile appears her muzzle as she blushes lightly.
  1940. > “Master… Can you… Hold me again… Like you did in the shower?”
  1941. > What.
  1942. “Now?”
  1943. > Starlight nods.
  1944. “Are you sure?”
  1945. > She nods again.
  1946. > “You said that love is a choice, Master, and a commitment. When it gets tough or painful, love still pursues that commitment. That’s what you told me. I know you love me, Master… And I… I want to try… I want to try to love you too, Master.”
  1947. > You frown, even as that coldness in your chest disappears.
  1948. “Starlight, do you know what you are asking? Even I am afraid of what I may do. You know me, and what I struggle with.”
  1949. > She lowers her eyes.
  1950. > “Your language of love is touch, Master. Touch is how you express love… That much is obvious.”
  1951. > After saying that, she gazes down again. You wait. When her eyes come up again, they are no longer contemplative. They are focused.
  1952. > “I know that you will not hurt me, Master, and I trust you. Help me, so I can help you… Help me, Master, so I can… I can love you in return.”
  1953. > You pause to consider her words.
  1954. “Is this what you really want, Starlight? Be honest now.”
  1955. > She takes a moment to think, and you see her eyes lower for a moment before flicking up to meet your own.
  1956. > “Yes, Master.”
  1957. > You blink as you feel a rush of pride for her. This pony is something, alright.
  1958. “You are a brave girl, Starlight. Y’know that?”
  1959. > She just smiles softly at you.
  1960. > “Thank you, Master.”
  1961. > Starlight nods and gets up from her sitting position. She glances to your privates before pushing her head under your chin slowly but firmly, closing her eyes as she does so. Then, the mare turns and faces away from you, and you catch her swallowing before she switches on a smile and flags her tail, putting on a show for you as she does a little wriggle of her hindquarters. Your pony then backs herself towards you, pressing her rear against your tummy. Her tail lifts, tickling your chin. Using your hands, you guide her to a sitting position directly in front of you.
  1962. “Lean back, Starlight. Rest your back against my chest, and your head on my shoulder.”
  1963. “Y-yes… Master.”
  1964. > Starlight does just that. Supporting her body with your left forearm across her chest as she leans into your left shoulder, you shift your right leg, letting her rest her hind hooves on your calf to prevent her from sliding off.
  1965. > In this position, your head is just above her throat. You can smell floral scent of the shampoo you used, and you feel the softness of her coat and the firmness of her body underneath it on your bare skin. Being this close with her... Being this intimate… It makes your breath quicken and your face burn. Your heart thumps hard in your chest… And you can feel yourself getting hard.
  1966. > Your right hand moves to Starlight’s knee. Pressing lightly, you get your pony to spread her legs wider. Almost instinctively, her tail twitches underneath her. This, together with her narrowed eyes, her quick breathing, and the way she seems to be clutching on to your left forearm, tells you that your pony is extremely nervous. You turn your head and kiss her softly on her lips before pulling back to speak to her.
  1967. “Relax, Starlight… I’ll go slow, okay?”
  1968. > She nods and smiles bravely.
  1969. > “Touch me, Master… Touch me, please… Put your hands on my body…”
  1970. > Her words, while arousing, are laced with fear.
  1971. > You lean in to give the scared mare another kiss before moving your right hand to her chest. Slowly, you run it down, taking your time in exploring her body as her ribs bump against your fingers. Her tummy is tucked in, and it heaves in time with her breathing. Your fingers travel slowly past her belly button, brushing across the short fur there as you press them gently on her stomach.
  1972. > Starlight sighs and closes her eyes, and you can practically feel the tension leaving her slowly as she relaxes.
  1973. “Feels good?”
  1974. > “It does, Master… Lower… L-lower, please…”
  1975. > Nodding lightly, you proceed as requested. Your hand reaches her crotch, feeling the warm smoothness of the skin on her teats. You take one of them in your palm and play with it, squeezing and pressing gently on her flesh, causing her to moan softly. Then, you use your fingers on a nipple, twiddling it softly between your index finger and your thumb.
  1976. > “Ohh… Master…”
  1977. > You smile and flatten your hand on her crotch, moving it over the bump of her teats as you go lower. They are malleable, shaping themselves to accommodate your fingers as they pass them. You stop, resting your hand just above her sex.
  1978. “May I?”
  1979. > Starlight opens her violet eyes to look at you before she nods silently. You lean down and plant a kiss on her lips before pulling back.
  1980. “Close your eyes and relax. Let me know if you want to stop, okay?”
  1981. > “Yes Master, I… I… I…”
  1982. > She obviously wants to say something more. You raise an eyebrow, and the pink pony is your arms reaches a hoof up to touch your cheek.
  1983. > “… I trust you… I trust you, Master… I trust you...”
  1984. > She smiles weakly when you bring up your right hand to hold the hoof that is touching your face. You plant a kiss on it before moving it back to your forearm. The way she said those words… It seems as if she is trying to convince herself of them.
  1985. “You can, Starlight. You can.”
  1986. > With that, you take a moment to lick your fingertips, getting them wet. Then, you rest your hand at the same spot on her groin, sliding it slowly downwards. You find a bump of flesh, and you move your fingers around it, tracing the outline of her marehood. Your pony exhales as her clitoris comes to rest between your middle and ring fingers. You flatten your palm again, stretching out your fingers as you cup the entire length of her vulva and rub it gently from top to bottom. So soft… And so warm.
  1987. > Starlight has her eyes closed as she moans softly, and she arcs her back lightly as you continue sliding your fingers across her privates.
  1988. > Satisfied with her reaction, you use your index and ring fingers to press a little on the sides of her marehood, feeling her labia part as you move your middle finger between them. It comes across an opening, which is wonderfully warm and moist. You move your hand higher, taking note of the structures of her female anatomy, and you feel her flesh twitching as she winks. A bump of flesh presses against the centre of your palm, and you tease it by moving your hand across it. You stop when it comes to rest between the tips of your index and middle fingers, and you use them to press lightly on her clitoral hood.
  1989. > The mare in your arms tenses slightly when you did that, and you hear her take a deep breath as her face flushes. Applying a little more pressure at the top of her vulva with your fingers, you start circling them, using the bit of wetness on them to work up a steady rhythm.
  1990. > “M-Master… Ahh… Ahh…”
  1991. > Starlight opens her eyes, and she blushes heavily when she looks at you. Dipping her head lightly, she moans into the back of a hoof as you continue masturbating her.
  1992. > You lean in and kiss her between her eyes before pulling back. Giving her a warm smile, you speak softly.
  1993. “Faster?”
  1994. > Those violet eyes stay on your face a little longer before your pony nods slowly, keeping her mouth covered with a hoof. She closes her eyes again when you speed up the movement of your fingers, and you hear her breathing becomes faster and deeper as you continue your ministrations. You feel her clitoris twitch again as she groans and moves her hoof away from her mouth.
  1995. > “Ma-Master… Ohh… Sweet Celestia, your fingers… Ahh… Uhh…”
  1996. > You smile. Seeing her like this, so vulnerable and putty in your arms, makes you feel so dominant. Hearing her vocalise your name warms you inside and arouses you to no end; your full erection throbs as it presses on the side of her butt.
  1997. > Dipping your right index and middle fingers down, you hook them into her vagina, getting some of her juices on them before sliding them along her slit up to her clitoris. Feeling it darting against your fingertips again, and you increase the pressure and speed, circling in the opposite direction this time. She winks her pussy again, and her body heaves upwards as she starts breathing through her mouth.
  1998. > “F-faster… Master! Faster please!”
  1999. > You oblige. Faster. And a little more pressure.
  2000. > You close your eyes, focusing on keeping the rhythm in your wrist. Wink. Starlight moans and pushes her hooves against your left forearm, but you continue stimulating her. You can feel her tensing up.
  2001. > “Ahh… Ahh!”
  2002. > You grin. Almost there.
  2003. > Make her cum, Boss.
  2004. > “Ahh! M-Master! Master! Ahh! Uhh… OHHHH! Master! Ahh! Uhh... Ahh…”
  2005. > Starlight’s pussy pulses as she squirts on the floor. You slow down your hand movements, but continue circling her clit as it darts in and out of its hood. She breathes heavily, wriggling lightly as she rides out her orgasm. Her body shudders, then goes limp as she just lay panting in your arms.
  2006. > You give her a kiss on her lips as you slow down again. Then, you stop.
  2007. > Lifting your wet fingers in front of her muzzle, you gently push the tips into her mouth. Starlight moans in surprise and her eyes open in surprise, but she closes them again as her tongue bathes your fingers gently and wetly. She breathes through her nose, ‘hmm’-ing softly as she cleans them. You let her suckle for a moment longer before removing your hand from her mouth slowly, letting her catch her breath.
  2008. > Putting your arms around her in an embrace, you cradle her to your chest. Your next words come out soft.
  2009. “You are mine now, Starlight. Things are different, and you never have to be afraid of me… Because… I love you.”
  2010. > Her muscles move as you feel her nodding.
  2011. > “Yes… Master.”
  2012. > You hold her for a little while longer, simply enjoying the feeling of her fur on your bare body. Starlight remains still, save for the rising of her chest as she breathes, and her eyes remain closed. You can feel her heartbeats on your chest from the way you are holding her, and you are sure that she can feel your own. Smiling softly, you just close your eyes and rest your head on top of hers, savouring the intimate moment you are sharing with your mare.
  2013. > …
  2014. > You raise your head slowly, letting your eyes travel over to her face. She looks so contented and peaceful, and her breathing is much slower now. You shift slightly, noticing that Little Anon is also off-duty now.
  2015. > Gently, you re-position your hands. One below her shoulder, and one under her cutie mark. Shifting to a squatting position, you stand and lift her up. Taking a moment to adjust your hold, you feel her weight shift towards your chest. Good.
  2016. > Carrying the sleeping Starlight into your room, you put her down on the mattress and move her head so it is resting on your pillow. You get your blanket and unfold it, draping it over her hind legs and her tummy. Then, you draw the curtains, darkening the room. Taking a moment to pause, you stand at the doorway, just watching her snooze.
  2017. > A smile comes on your face. She is a special mare, alright.
  2018. > You turn to leave the room, but your eyes fall on the standing fan. Powering it on, you set it to oscillate on its lowest speed. You glance at Starlight once again, noting her ear twitching lightly as her side rise and falls gently. The sight of her like this makes you sigh in content.
  2019. > Now, that is perfect.
  2020. > You rinse yourself again before dressing. Then, you clean the wetness in the living room before setting the cardboard mat back in the storeroom. Pulling out your phone, you check the time. 12:37pm.
  2021. > You scribble a note for Starlight, telling her that you are going out to get some groceries and food. Pinning the note on the fridge, you turn to grab your keys and leave the apartment, taking care not to slam the door.
  2022. > You smile as you engage the lock and pocket your keys. You will enjoy her ‘services’ some other time.
  2023. > …
  2025. > The trip to the grocer was uneventful, and the lack of a queue meant that you were back within the hour. When you came back, arms full of your purchases, you did a quick check on Starlight. She was still sleeping, so you went into the kitchen to unpack the numerous bags. Having done that, you ate the burgers you bought, leaving a hayburger and some fries on the counter for Starlight. They came from the special menu at the food stall near the supermarket. Seems like society is becoming more pony-friendly now.
  2027. > Done with lunch, you then prepare a portion of greens for Starlight. You do not know what time your meeting with the Director of Special Investigations will end, so you decide to prepare dinner for your pony. Just in case.
  2028. > Putting the bowl of salad, a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice in the fridge, you pour a glass of orange juice for yourself and gulp it down, closing the fridge with a foot. You wash the glass and wipe your hands before leaving the kitchen and entering your bedroom.
  2029. > Starlight is still asleep, so you quietly start changing to your work attire: a white long-sleeved shirt on top of a white basic tee with navy-blue pants. Then, you put on your belt. Its polished buckle is adorned with the crest of the Police Force.
  2030. > Don’t miss any belt loops, Boss.
  2031. > Aye, I hear you, Brain.
  2032. > You are adjusting your collar in the mirror when you see Starlight stirring. She gets up and looks in your direction, blinking slowly with half-lidded eyes.
  2033. > “Master?”
  2034. > You smile at her through the mirror.
  2035. “Hi Starlight.”
  2036. > She returns it. You check your attire once more before walking over to sit beside the pink pony. Almost immediately, she moves to hold you, wrapping her hooves around your chest. Glancing down, you see that she has her eyes closed, and she has a smile on that face. You cannot resist one of your own as you hug her back and plant a kiss at the top of her forehead.
  2037. > “Thank you, Master. For being so gentle with me.”
  2038. > You pet her mane before moving your hand lower, caressing her cheek with a thumb.
  2039. “I wouldn’t do it any other way.”
  2040. > She looks up at you. Her eyes are sparkling as tears gather at the corners of her eyes.
  2041. > “Master… When I told you that you are the best thing that has happened to me… I meant it. I really did… I don’t deserve everything that you have done for me… You are so different from the others… and I… Master, I… I lov-”
  2042. > Instantly, you put a finger on her lips. She furrows her brows, taken aback by your sudden movement.
  2043. “Starlight. Give yourself some time to think it over. I don’t want you to commit yourself before you are fully ready. Remember what love is?”
  2044. > She closes her eyes slowly and nods.
  2045. “Good. Love is always a choice and a commitment, not a feeling. Give yourself until I get back to think things through before you say those words. Okay?”
  2046. > She nods again and smiles sweetly at you, blinking as tears trail from both eyes. You lean in to plant a kiss between her eyes, taking your time to enjoy the softness of her fur on your lips. She closes her eyes when you did that.
  2047. > You lean back, blinking away warmness from your own eyes as she gazes at you adoringly. Reaching into your pocket, you pull out your phone. 1:25pm.
  2048. “I gotta go girl. Lunch is on the counter, so help yourself to it. Dinner’s in the fridge if I come back late. Don’t wait up for me. Oh, and turn off the fan when you are not using it. You know how to?”
  2049. > “I do, Master.”
  2050. “Good. Alright, I must be off now.”
  2051. > You give her one extra squeeze before releasing her. Standing up, you turn to exit the room.
  2052. > “Master?”
  2053. > You stop, turning your head to Starlight, who is still sitting on your bed.
  2054. “Yeah?”
  2055. > Starlight gives you a warm smile.
  2056. > “Take care of yourself.”
  2057. > You grin at her.
  2058. “I will.”
  2059. > With that, you leave the room.
  2060. > …
  2062. > You enter the packed auditorium, looking around for Angela or Deputy Superintendent Koh. Men and women in blue fill the rows of seats, and some of them are walking up and down the aisles, forming a moving sea of bodies. You frown, narrowing your eyes as you gaze around Falcon’s Hall, looking for a familiar face.
  2063. > From your position, the stage is directly in front of you, where a teak podium rests. It has the Police crest on its centre, and you see a small, black microphone peeking out just above the wood. The noise of chatter fills the auditorium, adding to the chaos. This will not be an easy task, you muse, as Falcon’s Hall has a seating capacity of 800. It is almost full.
  2064. > You feel a vibration in your pocket. Taking your phone out, you read Angela’s message.
  2065. > “Row 5, Section G. DSP Koh is here. =P”
  2066. > You grin as you head towards Section G, brushing past other police officers with muttered apologies. Thanks, Angela.
  2067. > …
  2069. > You exchange salutes with your supervisor, DSP Koh, before plopping down on a seat on Angela’s left. He is seated on her right, looking at his phone as his thumbs fly across the screen.
  2070. > Angela grins at you as you pick up the handouts on your chair, leaning in. She whispers.
  2071. > “The Review of Cases will start in three minutes, given by our Division Commander. I heard the Director of Special Investigations Department is making an important announcement after that.”
  2072. > Oh? An announcement?
  2073. > You lean forward in your seat, looking at Deputy Superintendent Koh.
  2074. “Sir? DSID is making an announcement? For what?”
  2075. > He glances at his phone again before pocketing it.
  2076. > “Yep. Commissioner has given the approval for it. You got your pony very recently, right?”
  2077. “Yes, Sir.”
  2078. > He smirks as he leans back into his seat.
  2079. > “You’ll definitely be interested then.”
  2080. > You glance at Angela, who shrugs at you.
  2081. > Meh, you will wait and see.
  2082. > Flicking through the handouts, you glance through the slides. Crime statistics tables, trend analyses, updates from various departments…
  2083. > The lights dim. No point reading now. Putting your handouts aside, you decide to let the speakers cover the content.
  2084. > As the audition becomes darker, you watch as officers get themselves seated. The auditorium quietens as a Police enlistee makes his way across the stage. He goes to the podium and clears his throat. The sound of it echoes across the auditorium, amplified by the huge speakers hanging off the sides of the stage.
  2085. > “Good afternoon Commissioner, Director Special Investigations, Division Commanders, Sirs and Ma’ams. I am Corporal Brandon from Ops Department. The agenda for today is as follows: First, Division Commander Briggs from ‘D’ Division will be presenting the Review of Cases for this quarter. Next, Commander PTRF* will give updates on the Armed Assault Response Unit initiative. This will be followed by a report from Technology Department on the trials of their UAV* testing as given by Superintendent Lowe. The last item would be an announcement by Director Special Investigations on the Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department.”
  2086. > *Author’s Note* PTRF – Police Tactical Response Force, UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, comes commonly in the form of miniature flying drones.
  2087. > You sit up in your seat, eyebrows rising as you are unsure that you heard the speaker correctly. The ‘Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department’?
  2088. > “Without further ado, please rise as Division Commander Briggs takes the stage. Ma’am, please.”
  2089. > You stand up, along with everyone else in the auditorium. DSP Koh leans in, whispering.
  2090. > “I told you that you would be interested.”
  2091. > You join the officers in the auditorium in saluting DC Briggs as she takes the podium. DC Briggs is a blonde Caucasian lady whose long hair bounces and flows as she walks up, and the tall woman is dressed in a Police uniform. She is fairly young, probably in her late 30s. Definitely a scholar, given her age and rank.
  2092. > She returns the salute, putting her hand down first before you put yours down. Plugging in a cable, she sets up her laptop. The display flickers to life, showing a title screen for her presentation for the Periodic Review of Cases. She leans into the microphone.
  2093. > “Please, be seated.”
  2094. > Picking up the handouts, you plant your butt on your seat. You pull up the swing table at the side of your seat, giving you a surface to write on as you click a pen. Ready. Your Division Commander clicks her mouse twice, first showing a content page, then showing a set of histograms. DC Briggs takes a breath and speaks.
  2095. > “Commissioner, Director, Commanders and Officers, our crime statistics for the past three months have been encouraging, as compared to the same time-period last year. We see a general fall in incidents for Offences Affecting Property across all six categories, with the exception of Cheating, specifically Online Scams. For Offences Affecting the Human Body, there is no significant changes across all categories, with only a slight increase in Outrages on Decency.”
  2096. > DC Briggs takes a moment to click her mouse, and the slide changes to another set of graphs. You narrow your eyes, looking at the data presented.
  2097. > A high-intensity green dot appears on the screen, moving along a bar-chart. DC Briggs has a laser pointer in her hand as she speaks.
  2098. > “As mentioned, Online Scams has seen an increase in the number of incidents. The most common forms remain Overseas Transfers and Money-For-Love Scams. As you can see, ‘A’ Division reported that they responded to 368 cases for this quarter, which is a 25.2% increase from last year. ‘B’ Division-”
  2099. > You take a moment to write “overseas trans.” and “$$$ for love” on your handouts before paying attention to DC Briggs again. It is good to be aware of what you may potentially have to deal with.
  2100. > …
  2102. > The rest of DC Briggs’ presentation was not as interesting as you hoped. Those analysis slides were rather self-explanatory, and without the use of statistical tools such as regression tables, you are cautious to accept Briggs’ conclusion that the slight increase in Outrages on Decency cases means that they are becoming more prevalent. Nonetheless, you did learn a substantial amount from her presentation.
  2103. > The Police Tactical Response Force’s presentation on the Armed Assault Response Unit initiative certainly captured your attention, given your interest in firearms. The initiative comprises of the setting up of special task forces within each Police Division to act as the Police’s first response to terrorist attacks, specifically those involving armed attacks from gunmen. The officers for the Response Units will be drawn from existing personnel in their respective Divisions, who will be issued sub-machineguns and bullet-resistant equipment. According to Commander Police Tactical Response Force, the intent of the Response Units is three-fold: First, to be the initial force that engages the gunmen in firefights and pin them down. This is to halt their advance through the target location, and thus minimise civilian casualties. Next, to buy time for more specialised troops from the Tactical Response Force to get to the incident site. Lastly, to increase the capabilities of the Police to respond to simultaneous attacks at multiple locations at a given time. This initiative, as explained by Commander PTRF, is still a work in progress, but is expected to be ready for rolling out by the end of the year.
  2104. > You fell asleep during Technology Department’s presentation on the results of their Unmanned Aerial Vehicle trials. Superintendent Lowe was clearly ‘volunteered’ at the last minute to give the presentation, as he was clearly not confident of the content of the slides. His discomfort was evident throughout the presentation: he used many fillers during his explanation of a diagram on the various capabilities of the new Police Aerial Drone, and ended up just plain reading the text off the slides. Try as you may, you could not keep your attention on him, and ended up resting your chin on a hand as your eyelids become heavier and heavier.
  2105. > It is only when Angela poked you with a harsh whisper that you jolt awake.
  2106. > “Anonymous! Wake up! It’s over.”
  2107. > You blink away your sleepiness as you watch Superintendent Lowe exit the stage. Then, the same Police enlistee that made the earlier announcements makes his way to the podium.
  2108. > “Commissioner, Director, Commanders, Sirs and Ma’ams, the last speaker for today is Director of Special Investigations Department, Assistant Commissioner Daniel Thor. Please rise. Sir, please.”
  2109. > You stand up with the other officers in the auditorium, snapping your hand up in a salute as AC Thor steps up to the stage. The Caucasian officer is an imposing man, being tall and muscular; Angela always joked that his uniform could burst anytime. His sand-coloured hair is short, reminding you of the bristles on your toilet brush. He stands before the podium, snapping off a salute before flicking through a few sheets of paper.
  2110. > “Sit.”
  2111. > His deep voice rumbles through the hall as you put down your hand and take your seat. Once the shuffling noises of hundreds of individuals across the auditorium has died down, AC Thor glances around before speaking.
  2112. > “Commissioner, Commanders, and Officers. We are facing a turning point in our country, and that is the future of Equestrian pony slavery. Yes, let us not kid ourselves: these ponies are not here because of “employment”, “labour”, “care-giving”, or for “pleasure”. They have been enslaved from their homes to serve in our households and businesses, and often under the shadow of abuse to their minds and bodies. The Animal Rights Agency may help in the management of such cases by providing medical care, but a lack of legislation has allowed perpetuators of abuse to evade justice. This is unacceptable.”
  2113. > Your head nods as you recall Starlight’s emotional breakdown that morning you got her. You feel cold fury rise again within you at the thought of that fucking shelter handler, Thaddeus Benson. Surprisingly, you hear murmurs of agreement echo across the auditorium as officers whisper and nod to each other. This warms your heart. Guess you are not the only one feeling this way.
  2114. > “As many of you are familiar from the cases you handled, registered pony slaves have been disappearing since a month ago, apparently under mysterious circumstances. As of today at 4pm, the number of such cases stands at 47. We have not included non-registered ponies, but we estimate that that number stands at approximately 80.”
  2115. > 130 missing ponies? Damn.
  2116. > Whispers break out again, but AC Thor shushes the chatter.
  2117. > “I want to share with you about an important event that happened two months ago. As some of you are aware, a delegation from the ponies of Equestria entered Parliament in the middle of an evening session to present their case to the leaders of our country. Their representative, one Princess Cadance, along with three Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, gave a speech to our Ministers, seeking a peaceful resolution to the War and to plea for the release of ponies who want to return to their homeland. Their Princess has drafted an open letter to us as a species, which I will read to you now.”
  2118. > Those are some brave ponies, Boss. Imagine entering the most important building of a hostile alien race just to talk.
  2119. > Amen to that.
  2120. > The Assistant Commissioner takes a moment to put on a pair of glasses before glancing down at a document.
  2121. > “Dear Humans of Earth, my name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess of Love, Ruler of the Crystal Empire and niece to Princesses Celestia and Luna, Rulers of all Equestria. I come before you not as an adversary, but as an ambassador of peace and friendship, which I, on behalf of all the ponies of Equestria, extend to each and every person here on Earth. We humbly ask that you would reciprocate our good intentions.”
  2122. > “My ponies have suffered under human hands, both during the war as Equestrian citizens doing their best to protect their loved ones from a foreign power, and after, as labourers for and caretakers of humankind. We mourn for the people who have passed away from our defence of our homeland, we offer our empathy to those who are still suffering from injuries from our campaigns, and we extend our condolences to families and friends who have lost their loved ones. Like you, we ponies are intelligent; we think, we feel, we love, we hurt, and we dream in the same capacities as any human being. We understand that humans have suffered because of our actions, and we simply ask that humankind may empathise with us and our position, and forgive us for our actions that have caused the loss of human lives.”
  2123. > “This war has cost both sides greatly, but perhaps more so for ponykind, as many of my subjects have been taken to Earth when the Portals are open, many times involuntarily. We have lost many loved ones in the war, but we have lost many more of our kind thereafter to slavery. Pony families have been broken, lovers separated, friendships torn apart, parents have lost their foals, and many fillies and colts have been orphaned. It breaks my heart to see what remains of my little ponies living in such despair and uncertainty; suffering loss, having their towns and cities destroyed, having their livelihoods ruined and their hopes and dreams crushed. I, myself, have lost both my husband and daughter, so I know very well the pain that my subjects are going through.”
  2124. > “As such, I, Princess Cadance, plea for your sympathy, compassion, and generosity for the return of my subjects, especially those who long to return home. Our Equestrian way of life will never be same again, but I hope that with the reuniting of pony families, friends and lovers, we can look forward to a better future as we rebuild from the ashes of our broken societies.”
  2125. > “I am immensely grateful for your kindness in giving me the opportunity to express my intentions, and I hope that this dark period for both human and ponykind will pass soon. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
  2126. > “With love, Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire, and of Equestria.”
  2127. > Silence. When AC Thor finished reading the letter, the auditorium is quiet. You hear the soft sound of crinkling paper as the Assistant Commissioner folds the document and simply stares at the microphone, not saying anything. Angela shifts in her seat, and you hear a soft sniff from her direction. Glancing at her, you see that she has a piece of tissue paper in her hand, and she is dabbing at her eyes softly.
  2128. > You sigh softly as the silence draws on, thinking of Starlight and all the names of the missing ponies Angela and you investigated. Your heart aches for them, but shaking your head slowly does little to dull the pain within you.
  2129. > We humans… What have we done? How are we capable of something so cruel? Oh Jesus… Sweet, merciful Jesus… Please, forgive us…
  2130. > Your attention is drawn back to AC Thor as he takes a deep breath.
  2131. > “Princess Cadance and her ponies told Parliament that the Portal linking Earth to Equestria has been closed, and that Equestrian Citizens will be contacted to ascertain their desire to return home. She did not specify how and by when exactly, but assured Parliament that those who do will be granted the means to return to Equestria. For ponies who wished to stay, Princess Cadance made a plea for laws to be enacted to protect them, as she recognises that some of her subjects may become attached to their owners during their time on Earth.”
  2132. > “As I have said, this incident happened two months ago. For the next five weeks, Parliament has engaged in debate over this, and have come up with a resolution to help the ponies here. As of three weeks ago, Parliament is in the midst of formulating a Bill to be presented for approval by our Prime Minister. No details have been finalised, but Princess Cadance’s request for legislative protection will be a major part of the Bill. In the meantime, however, our Minister for Home Affairs has given the go ahead to Commissioner to set up a department in the Police that handles matters relating to ponies. This includes the management of future reports of abuse, the handling and care of abused ponies, and the deployment of a task force for rescue operations. All missing pony cases will be handled by the department as well, with effect from tomorrow, 7am.”
  2133. > Your eyes widen. Is this really happening?
  2134. > “Officers of the Police Force, I am proud to say that my secondary appointment will be the Director of the Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department, in addition to my primary one as Director of Special Investigations. Let us make this country a better place when we do our duties and serve our nation, as we work to protect people and ponies alike. Thank you.”
  2135. > The auditorium erupts in applause as the sea of Police officers present give AC Thor a standing ovation. You stand too, clapping loudly as Angela whoops and cheers beside you.
  2136. > Fucking finally, something is being done for them.
  2137. > Angela pulls you into a tight hug, beaming through her tears as she hops in excitement.
  2138. > “They did it, Anon! Those ponies fucking did it! When their Princess comes for Starlight, you can free her and she can go home! Wooooo!”
  2139. > You freeze as Angela turns to hug a stunned DSP Koh. If Starlight says ‘yes’ to Princess Cadance, then... Oh fuck.
  2140. > The missing ponies. Did they disappear because they said ‘yes’? Oh God…
  2141. > Are you ready to let Starlight go home, Boss?
  2142. > Fuck.
  2143. > …
  2145. > It is now 5.41pm. You are keeping the presentation handouts in your backpack, listening as DSP Koh tells Angela and yourself about your day shift tomorrow. Apparently, there is an arrangement to increase the exposure of senior officers to everyday fieldwork as response units, in order to bolster their expertise in engaging members of the public through first-hand experience. In other words, Angela and you are taking on the roles of junior officers that are dispatched to incidents for your day-shift tomorrow. You are okay with this, as you always recognised that being on the frontline is an excellent way to learn new skills and polish old ones. As the three of you turn to leave, that Police enlistee who emceed for the meeting approaches your group.
  2146. > “DSP George Koh? Director Special Investigations would like to speak with your team. He will be in his office.”
  2147. > DSP Koh grunts and simply waves him off. He grabs his briefcase and turns to Angela and you.
  2148. > “Come on then, the Big Man is waiting.”
  2149. > Angela frowns at you, and you answer her unasked question with a shrug.
  2150. > You have no idea what the hell AC Thor wants.
  2151. > …
  2153. > Entering the office behind DSP Koh and Angela, you close the door with a soft click. You take your position on Angela’s left as the three of you face the Assistant Commissioner and give him a salute. If he looked big on stage earlier, he is a massive fucker up close.
  2154. > He did not earn the nickname “Big Man” for nothing, Boss.
  2155. > AC Thor looks up from the document in his hands. He is seated behind a dark wooden table, in this posh-as-all-hell office. Eyebrows raising slightly, you realise that he is reading Princess Cadance’s letter. He returns your salute, and gestures for the three of you to sit. You comply, then DSP Koh speaks up.
  2156. > “Sir, you wanted to see my team?”
  2157. > AC Thor nods and keeps the letter in his pocket before pulling out a stack of case files. Yours and Angela’s. He taps on the covers with a finger, looking at DSP Koh.
  2158. > “These are really well done. Good job, George.”
  2159. > “I have to hand it to Inspectors Angela and Anonymous here, Sir. It is their work, and credit should go to them.”
  2160. > You feel a rush of gratitude towards your supervisor and you nod appreciatively at him. Apparently, so does Angela, as you notice her mouthing “thank you” to him. DSP Koh just smiles lightly, gesturing at AC Thor with a thumb. “Pay attention to the Big Man”. Okay then.
  2161. > AC Thor nods and places the case files aside.
  2162. > “Now, before I tell you what this meeting is about, I heard that one of you has recently adopted a pony?”
  2163. > You blink, glancing at DSP Koh and Angela before turning your eyes to AC Thor.
  2164. “Yes, Sir. I did. A unicorn named Starlight Glimmer.”
  2165. > “Ah. Tell me, Inspector Anon, how is she?”
  2166. > You frown at the Assistant Commissioner. Why is he asking about Starlight?
  2167. > You give your answer cautiously.
  2168. “She is doing fine, Sir. The Agency gave her a good health record, and her lab reports turned up negative for diseases and substance abuse. She is still a little underweight, though, so I make sure that her meal portions are large, Sir.”
  2169. > As you answer, you somehow get a feeling that AC Thor is looking right through you. His gaze is intense… Almost… Hostile. As if he was sizing you up, or trying to judge if you are trying to be untruthful. He does not speak, so you give him more information.
  2170. “She is currently resting at home, Sir. We went for a run this morning. She managed to keep my pace, and even overtook me, so her health is good, Sir.”
  2171. > “Good. Is she… Happy?”
  2172. > What.
  2173. > You pause, thinking carefully before answering.
  2174. “I dare say that she is, Sir. I have been spending time with her to help her recover from the abuse she suffered and to get to know her better. Taking her out to some of my favourite places, and I have also been careful with my actions and words.”
  2175. > Okay, that last bit is fucking debatable, but you do not want AC Thor to know that. He has that piercing stare again.
  2176. “She was a wreck when I rescued her from euthanasia, but she is much more emotionally stable now. I try to make her smile as and when I can.”
  2177. > “What does she mean to you?”
  2178. > This time, you do not hesitate.
  2179. “Starlight is a slave, Sir. My pony slave. I own her, and she is mine. But I also see her as an intelligent equal, a friend, and…”
  2180. > Your thoughts flash to this morning, when you fingered her to an orgasm. You could almost hear her gasps of pleasure in your ears, and the way she called you Master as she pleaded for you to go faster. You cough.
  2181. “… And a companion. Sir. I got her as I felt lonely. I do not have a girlfriend, Sir.”
  2182. > You swear that his already hard expression got even colder. He leans in.
  2183. > “So, I take it that you are fond of her?”
  2184. > You nod, meeting AC Thor’s eyes with your own.
  2185. “I am. She is an intelligent, sweet girl that is forced by circumstances into slavery, and did not deserve any of the things that happened to her. I’ll admit that I still have loads to learn about her, but Starlight has shown herself to be a brave and resilient mare. I admire her for that.”
  2186. > “Inspector, how far will you go to protect her?”
  2187. > Your eyes narrow as you give him a hard stare of your own. Is this fucking bastard testing you?
  2188. “I will die before I let her come to any harm. Sir.”
  2189. > “And why’s that?”
  2190. “Because she is mine, Director. And I lov-“
  2191. > You hesitate. True, you are irritated by him, but he is your boss. Your boss’ boss. Last thing you want him to think is that you are in love with a pony, even if it is true. You shake your head and continue.
  2192. “And I love the companionship she offers me. She takes away my loneliness by just being there, so I’ll do my best to take care of her for as long as she is with me.”
  2193. > The office is silent as you keep your eyes on the Assistant Commissioner’s, feeling his bore into yours. Your resolve to protect Starlight hardens as you wonder if AC Thor is asking all these questions to probe your loyalty to her. Or if he has some reason for wanting to know all these. Or if he simply is just a noisy cunt.
  2194. > A small smile breaks on that face. It is barely noticeable if you have not been watching him so carefully, and you narrow your eyes in return.
  2195. > A soft cough from your right breaks the tension between you and AC Thor as you both glance at Angela. You had almost forgotten that she and DSP Koh are beside you. She jolts when the both of you face her, but opens her mouth.
  2196. > “Please, Sir, I have known Anonymous since our days in the Academy. He is a good man, a better policeman, and the best partner I have worked with. He will never harm Starlight.”
  2197. > You are her first partner.
  2198. > Shut up, Brain.
  2199. > You smile at Angela when she glances at you. Thank you.
  2200. > AC Thor nods slowly, almost leisurely, before leaning back into his chair.
  2201. > “You heard from my announcement about the Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department that we will set up a rescue operations task force. Its job will be to act on intelligence gathered from our officers to stage raids on locations believed to be harbouring illegal pony slaves, or registered ones who are being abused. We will not be able to help the latter as of this moment, not until Parliament passes that Bill, but we certainly can do something about the former.”
  2202. > You frown again. Why is he telling you all this? Unless-
  2203. > “Officers drafted into this task force are to remain strictly nameless in the field for their protection; you will be assigned new codenames to be used for communication at all times within your team. Report directly to the given locations for briefings with your equipment. As you can expect, this will be on top of your own shift work, so be prepared to be called as and when we need you to. We expect you to be ready to receive your briefing in two hours when you are on standby. It will be tough and very risky, but you will be handsomely rewarded. Let’s say, a basic supplement of $3,500 per month, and an additional $500 for every raid you participate in. Oh, and these are on top of what you already make. ”
  2204. > Angela just gapes at AC Thor as he reaches into his desk, and you believe you are doing the same. That is a fuckton of money, and you are already extremely comfortable with your current salary.
  2205. > The Director pulls out two forms and places them in front of you both, and you note how DSP Koh is smiling like a proud parent. You scan the piece of paper, nothing the large letters on the top stating that this document comes from the newly formed Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department.
  2206. > All those questions were for this… And you had just been interviewed without realising it.
  2207. > AC Thor smiles at you when you look up at him.
  2208. > “Inspectors Angela and Anonymous, I would like to offer you positions as members of an ECAD Rescue Team.”
  2209. > …
  2211. > Using your upper body strength, you lift the green plastic case you are carrying into the boot of Angela’s car. You grunt as you push the case in, as it is much heavier than it looks. Angela does the same beside you, lifting hers and sliding it easily in. You smirk, shaking away that familiar feeling of inadequacy that comes whenever you had a workout session with the Chinese girl. She is stronger and faster than you in almost every way, despite being skinnier and half a head shorter than you. And that is even though you work out too.
  2212. > Not that you want to pull out stereotypes, but you will not be surprised if she learnt fucking Kung Fu or some shit when she was young.
  2213. > Angela gets in the driver’s seat, slamming her door louder than she normally does. She is pissed.
  2214. > You take the passenger seat, strapping your seatbelt on as Angela starts the engine and drives. Keeping quiet, you decide to wait. It is going to come. You know Angela way too well.
  2215. > Heh, Angela is “going to come.”
  2216. > Oh for fuck’s sake, Brain!
  2217. > “That sexist pig!”
  2218. > Here she comes.
  2219. > “The whole time I was in that office, that pig just seemed to ignore me. “Inspector Angela is your partner, is she not? What kind of policeman leaves his partner in the lurch?” What the fuck? Am I supposed to be your supporting character or something? All he cared about was you, and how you were this pony Jesus that saved Starlight, and how you “obviously care for ponykind in general, so I know you will do a good job against those who seek to do them harm”. Bloody hell, I care about them too, God dammit! I signed up for the same shit as well, and my fucking life is also on the line, but all he bothered about was you and how your record was fucking clean and how compassionate you are! Fuck!”
  2220. > You just nod. Other people may be insulted by her comments, especially when they are involved, but you know better. Very few things can piss Angela off to such an extent, but being relegated to a lesser position due to perceived, apparent sexism is one of them. In other words, Angela hates being treated as being less important than men, even if it was not intentional.
  2221. > Angela just fumes as she drives, but you are not worried. Having known her for so long, you already know what to do: 1. Wait for her to stop the car; 2. Attack the perceived sexist verbally (if Angela is still angry); 3. Comfort Angela as she cries; 4. Listen to her as she rants; and 5. Validate her self-worth with a hug.
  2222. > She pulls into the Station’s carpark and reverses into her allocated lot. She turns off the engine and just slumps against her seat, blinking furiously as her eyes become wet. Step 1, done. Step 2, skip. Step 3, commence.
  2223. > You remove your seatbelt and unclick hers, releasing it gently so it does not go flying to her car door. Leaning in, you put a hand on her shoulder as you hand her a tissue. She holds it, but stares out the window as tears flow down her face.
  2224. “Hey, Angela, don’t let that fuck get to you. You are, and have always been awesome.”
  2225. > She dabs furiously at her eyes. Okay, maybe still a bit angry.
  2226. > “It’s stupid. So fucking stupid. Why do men treat women like that? I am fully trained and fully qualified to do a job, and I put in my best effort every single time… But yet, I don’t seem to get the same recognition as men do. It’s incredibly frustrating, Anon... And it is so unfair.”
  2227. > Squeezing her shoulder lightly, you just nod silently. You have heard this so many times before.
  2228. > “I just… I always wanted to prove my father wrong, you know? Joined the Force to show him that I can do a man’s job, and that I can carve a name for myself in this male-dominated sector. I am not like my sisters! I don’t want to be a housewife, living a simple life and waiting on a husband! I want to leave a legacy. I want to be remembered. I want people to remember me as a girl who was different… Who chose to be different… Yet… It doesn’t seem to be changing… That fucking Caucasian pig with his stupid fucking haircut… Like poorly shaven pubic hair.”
  2229. > Step 4: Listen to Angela as she rants. Check.
  2230. > You sigh and gently pull Angela in a hug, holding her gently while gently hushing her as she sobs. Once you are sure that she is unable to see your face, an amused grin breaks across your face. Angela always had the most random and creative insults. This time, AC Thor’s hair is the victim.
  2231. > Taking a breath, you gently run a hand across the back of her shoulder, comforting her as best as you can. Angela grew up with really conservative parents, who expected their three daughters to marry young and be housewives in the most traditional form. They were expected to be seen, but not heard. Expected to serve, but never to receive. Her brother, on the other hand, was clearly favoured as he grew up having the best of everything. Literally everything. He got his very own room, the spots in the best schools, the grandest celebrations, the biggest presents, the most expensive clothes and gadgets. Angela’s parents wanted him to be a doctor, so they spent on him, leaving their daughters to pick up the scraps. When Angela wanted to join the Police Force, her father objected strongly, saying that it was not a place for a woman to be and threatened to lock her up. She had to run away from home to join the Academy, and her father never spoken to her since. Whenever she is at home, her dad chose either to avoid being in the same room with her, or ignore her completely if he had to be with her. All these was simply because she had disobeyed him to pursue her dreams. You know all these, because Angela has told you about it. Many times.
  2232. > Holding her as she becomes still, you let Angela rest her head on your shoulder. You tap her lightly on her back to let her know you are there for her, like how one would tap an infant to get him or her to burp. Angela is your colleague, but she is also your best friend, and you love her for who she is. Not in the same way as how you love Starlight, but you still love her nonetheless; more like a sister, a buddy or a pal. Hell, if she doesn’t have a boyfriend, you would definitely have taken an extra step and try to go for her.
  2233. > Now, for the final step. Step 5, Validation of Angela’s self-worth.
  2234. “Angela. Things will change one day, you’ll see. You will be a high-ranking officer then, showing the world that a girl can be who she wants to be. Don’t let this fucking world tell you that you are not awesome, because you bloody well are. Hell, you won the award for fittest trainee in the Academy for our batch, didn’t you?”
  2235. > Angela sniffs, but remains motionless in your embrace.
  2236. “That time in takedown training? Where you fucking spun the instructor around like a doll before tossing him aside? Bloody awesome. We were talking about it for weeks.”
  2237. > Angela pulls herself up, looking at you with her hazel eyes. Her cheeks are still wet, but at least she has stopped crying now. You reach over and brush her hair away from her face, smiling at her gently.
  2238. “You are an amazing woman, Angela. Don’t you forget that.”
  2239. > She smiles slowly, before punching you in the shoulder. Fuck, that had some force in it.
  2240. > “And you are the best partner I can ask for. And my best friend. Thank you.”
  2241. > You smile, resting a hand on her shoulder as she does the same to you. The bro-feels are real here.
  2242. “Say, would you like to join Starlight and me for dinner at Bridget’s after we change to our civilian clothes? I still owe you that treat, remember?”
  2243. > “Sure. My boyfriend is out of town, anyway. But Anon, I will go only if I get to take Starlight’s statement on that drug trafficker that you arrested.”
  2244. > Shit. You totally forgot about that.
  2245. > You smack a hand on your head as Angela laughs. Then, the shoulder pad on your uniform touches your cheek. It is wet. And sticky.
  2246. > You grimace as you glance down at your shoulder, noting that your uniform is covered in flecks of white. Slowly, you turn to Angela, giving her a deadpan look.
  2247. > “Your uniform, your problem. Kthxbye!”
  2248. > She tosses you her car keys before she dashes out of the car and runs to the Station, laughing as she goes.
  2249. > You smile and shake your head. Cheeky cunt.
  2250. > …
  2252. > Waiting for Angela outside the locker-rooms, you spot DSP Koh turn into the hallway. You give him a small wave as he approaches and pull out your phone, pretending to check a message to avoid having to stare at him walking towards you; that would have been awkward. It is now 6.13pm. A shadow enters your peripheral vision. Okay, close enough.
  2253. > You pull your arm up in a salute as he reciprocates.
  2254. “Sir.”
  2255. > Nodding, your supervisor drops his hand, and you follow suit. He simply smiles as he moves to put his hand on the door for the male locker-room.
  2256. “Sir?”
  2257. > He pauses, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
  2258. “Given the high number of missing ponies, Sir, I was wondering if… I was wondering if I can bring Starlight for my shift tomorrow. I’m… I am worried for her safety. Sir.”
  2259. > The Deputy Superintendent turns and face you. You watch as he gazes upwards while he thinks. When they fall back to meet yours, you steel yourself for his response.
  2260. > “Does Armoury Sergeant Hicks still have those K9 Unit vests?”
  2261. “The ones for the Kevlar plates? Yes, Sir. Saw them yesterday morning.”
  2262. > “Make sure she wears one when she is with you then. Makes it look official.”
  2263. > You nod.
  2264. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
  2265. > DSP Koh just nods and moves to open the door again. You clear your throat.
  2266. “Sir?”
  2267. > Again, he turns to face you.
  2268. “Thank you for speaking up for us in front of AC Thor.”
  2269. > DSP Koh just smiles again as his takes a moment to think.
  2270. > “Being a manager is knowing how to give or take credit. Being a leader is knowing when to. You guys did a good job, so you deserve it. See you tomorrow, Anon.”
  2271. “See you, Sir.”
  2272. > So sagely. You feel your respect for the Deputy Superintendent rise as he nods again and enters the room, leaving you in the hallway. You smile. While he can be a hard-nosed bastard at times, deep down, DSP Koh is a fantastic leader who always looked out for the both of you. You know that when shit hits the fan, you will follow his orders to the letter.
  2273. > Even to the very end.
  2274. > Let’s hope that his orders do not involve you harming Starlight, Boss. That will be a pickle.
  2275. > …
  2277. > You are giving an account of the morning when you brought Starlight home as Angela and you exit the lift and walk to your apartment.
  2278. “I could tell that she was so scared, Angela, but she turned out to be such an obedient girl.”
  2279. > “Poor Starlight! What happened to her?”
  2280. > Shaking your head, you put down the heavy green case and slide your key into your front door. You twist it, hearing the mechanism unlock.
  2281. “I may not know the full extent of it, but I have a pretty good idea. She seems better now though, so that’s good.”
  2282. > You pick the case up again and push the door open, entering the apartment. Your eyes fall on Starlight, who is sleeping on the couch. Her head rests on one of your school textbooks, and from the diagrams that are still visible under her lush purple mane, it seems like she is studying physics again.
  2283. > You lean down and remove your shoes, opening the door wider for Angela as she walks in, carrying her own pair. Pointing a finger at the snoozing pony, you get her to look in the direction of your couch.
  2284. “Shhh…”
  2285. > Angela’s eyes fall on the sleeping Starlight, and you watch as her eyes widen. She gasps softly, putting her shoes down before covering her mouth with her hands. Leaning in, Angela whispers through the gaps between her fingers.
  2286. > “Oh my God, Anon! She is so cute!”
  2287. “Aye, she is.”
  2288. > You leave Angela to fawn over Starlight as you heave the case up again and carry it to your bedroom. Setting it down in a corner between the wardrobe and your computer, you roll your shoulders, feeling the tension in them disappear. You turn and leave the room, walking over to an Angela who is now kneeling beside your coffee table, watching the pink pony snoozing away. You lean in to her ear.
  2289. “Watching someone sleep is totally NOT creepy at all.”
  2290. > She smacks you on the chest as you chuckle. Unfortunately, the sound wakes Starlight up. She opens her eyes slowly, blinking drowsily a few times before they settle on you.
  2291. > “Master… You are back…”
  2292. “Hi girl.”
  2293. > ““Master”? Anon! Why is she-”
  2294. > Angela stops and takes a breath. She turns to Starlight and smiles at her sweetly.
  2295. > “Starlight Glimmer? I am Angela, Anon’s colleague and partner from the Police Force. Can you give us some time alone? We have some things to discuss.”
  2296. > Shit. This cannot be good.
  2297. > Starlight’s eyes wander from Angela’s to your own. You just nod, using a finger to point towards your bedroom. The pink pony nods and leans forward on her front hooves, bowing at Angela.
  2298. > “Yes, Mistress.”
  2299. > Angela recoils as Starlight recovers and jumps off the couch, trotting into your bedroom as she looks at Angela curiously over her shoulder. You watch as she enters the room and turns to close the door.
  2300. > The moment you hear the door click shut, Angela rounds on you as her eyes flash with rage.
  2301. > “You didn’t set her free, Anon?! “Master”? “Mistress”? What the hell is that?!”
  2302. > You pinch your nose as you move over to sit on the couch, using the time bought to think. Closing the book that Starlight was reading, you set it on your coffee table. You should have expected Angela to be pissed from these honorific titles. The policewoman has always been an animal rights advocate; naturally, that sense of compassion and duty for animals will bleed into her perception of enslaved ponies.
  2303. > No point regretting that oversight, Boss. Defuse the situation.
  2304. “Starlight. She… Prefers to call humans by those. Must be the doing of her previous owners or something. I suppose it’s part of her conditioning, as she called me “Master” since the day I got her.”
  2305. > The scowl on Angela’s face remains.
  2306. > “Tell her she doesn’t need to then. You saved her from slavery, so she is free now. It is not difficult.”
  2307. > Yes, it is. You like hearing Starlight call you “Master”. It empowers you, and reaffirms your ownership of her. You look away from her, sighing as you stare at a corner of your coffee table. How can you explain yourself to Angela?
  2308. “Angela… It… It isn’t as simple as that.”
  2309. > “Go on. Explain.”
  2310. > You take a breath, gathering your thoughts before looking up at the angry woman.
  2311. “I… I like it when Starlight calls me that. It gives me a sense of ownership over her, a sense of purpose, and reminds me of my responsibility to take care of her every need… It makes me want to make her happy. To make her life a little bit easier. To keep her safe… And…”
  2312. > You sigh again as Angela’s gaze softens a little.
  2313. > Just get it out, Boss. She will understand.
  2314. “… And it makes me feel needed, Angela. Her calling me “Master” helps me feel needed, and makes me feel respected… That she needs me for her very survival… That she defers to me and my judgement… That she listens to me and understands me… It… It makes me feel less lonely, Angela.”
  2315. > Your eyes fall as you swallow a lump in your throat. You cover your face with a hand, letting out a deep breath as you embrace that empty feeling in your chest. It hurts, and it is so god-damned familiar.
  2316. “Being her Master… It makes me feel less lonely, and her presence makes this place feel warmer and livelier… She gives me a reason to come home, Angela, and a reason to continue living… Especially… Especially after my family… Six years, Angela. Six fucking long years…”
  2317. > You stop as your emotions overwhelms you. Your eyes remain dry, but you wish you could cry it out. Not being able to leaves you feeling frustrated. Being a man sucks sometimes.
  2318. > “Hey, it’s okay, Anon. I… I understand.”
  2319. > You feel a weight deposit itself beside you as a hand squeezes your shoulder. Despite yourself, you cannot help but feel a sense of irony. Just barely half an hour ago, you were comforting Angela as she wrestled with her emotions. Now, she is doing the same for you.
  2320. > You bring your eyes up to meet Angela’s hazel ones. Her brows are furrowed in concern, but she has a little smile on her face.
  2321. > She understands you, Boss. She really does.
  2322. “I cannot lose her, Angela. She means the world to me now. I don’t think… I don’t think I will be okay without her… I’m scared of that Princess Cadance. I’m scared that she will take my Starlight away. I’m scared… Of being lonely again…”
  2323. > Angela just regards you, not saying anything. Then, she stands.
  2324. > “Wait here.”
  2325. > You watch as she walks to your bedroom and opens the door. She enters, disappearing for a short while before carrying a surprised Starlight in her arms. Walking over to you, she gently deposits the pink pony into your lap and kneels to meet your eye-level. Your arms instinctively pull Starlight into a hug.
  2326. > “Tell that to her then.”
  2327. > You smile softly at Angela and she reciprocates with a grin of hers. Then, she gets up and goes to your kitchen, leaving you with a bewildered Starlight. Your pony faces you, and immediately, you see her expression change to one of concern as her eyebrows furrow.
  2328. > “Master? Are you okay?”
  2329. > You swallow and slowly shake your head.
  2330. “No, Starlight. I’m not.”
  2331. > Starlight nuzzles you gently under your chin before pulling back to look at your face. Her purple eyes are so fucking beautiful.
  2332. > “What’s wrong, Master?”
  2333. > You swallow and sigh. No beating about the bush.
  2334. “Ponies are disappearing, Starlight. All over the country. As of 4pm today, Special Investigations estimate that number to be around 130.”
  2335. > Starlight’s eyes widen.
  2336. “We do not know how, why and where they have gone, but I have a feeling that one of your Equestrian Princesses, one Princess Cadance, may be responsible. Somehow, someway, she is bringing ponies back to your homeland. Rescuing them from slavery. That is what my gut is telling me, even if I have no proof for it.”
  2337. > “Prin-Princess Cadance?”
  2338. > You nod.
  2339. “She and three other Bearers of the Elements of Harmony entered Parliament to address our leaders. Parliament, Starlight; the centre of our country’s political and legal powers. She told us that those who want to return to Equestria “will be granted the means to do so”, sometime in the near future. Starlight, I…”
  2340. > Leaning in, you give Starlight a gentle kiss on her forehead, just below her horn. You feel that familiar pain in your chest again as you look into her eyes again.
  2341. “I don’t want to lose you. You mean the fucking world to me now, and you have brought so much happiness and love into my life already. Don’t you ever say that you are not useful, or are a burden to me, because you certainly are not… You mean everything to me.”
  2342. > You reach a hand over and run a thumb across her cheek. Her concerned expression remains as those eyes dart across your face.
  2343. > Whatever she is thinking can wait; you just want to talk. You swallow, and continue.
  2344. “All I want now is to be loved… Ever since I have been cut off from my family, all I want is to feel loved again. To be needed and wanted again, and to have some meaning in another person’s eyes. Starlight, I… I want to free myself from this despair… I want to never be lonely again…”
  2345. > You pull Starlight into a hug as you bury your eyes in her mane. Feeling the softness of her hair and smelling her scent, your resolve finally breaks as you start tearing up. You exhale sharply, feeling warmth escaping the corners of your eyes as you hold her tightly.
  2346. “I’m scared of losing you, Starlight… I’m terrified that you will say “yes” to Cadance one of these days and I will come back to an empty home… Back to the same fucking shithole of my loveless life… I am scared, Starlight… I am so scared of loneliness… And I fear losing you…”
  2347. > You feel Starlight’s hooves wrap around you as she leans in. Pausing, you take a deep breath.
  2348. “I know you will want to go home, and I know that it is the right thing to do, letting you go… “To Protect and Serve”, right? “Country before Self”? I know all these… And they tell me that I should let you go when that time comes…”
  2349. > Swallowing as more tears escape your eyes, you speak again.
  2350. “I want you to be happy, Starlight, and I mean it from the bottom of my fucking heart when I say that. Yet… I also want you to be here with me. To keep me company. To be there for me when it gets cold and dark. To comfort me when I need it, and to love me for who I am.”
  2351. > You slowly pull back, letting Starlight sit in your lap again. Her eyes are red now, and you suspect yours are the same.
  2352. “You may not love me, and I don’t want to force you into something that you may not want. Love is gentle and kind, right? Love is not forceful… But… Know that I do love you, and I really, really want you to love me back… I’m… I’m sick and tired of being alone, Starlight… I really am.”
  2353. > You rest your head on a palm and cover your eyes, sniffing and swallowing as your crying stops. God, that was embarrassing, letting yourself go and speaking your mind like that. Being silly and insecure. What kind of a man-
  2354. > “Master? Look at me, please.”
  2355. > You take a moment to compose yourself before removing your hand. Your eyes rests on your pony’s, and you simply pause, letting you take in the sight of her. Her eyebrows are furrowed, but she has a little smile on her face.
  2356. “Yeah, Starlight?”
  2357. > “I know the pain of loneliness myself, Master. I’ve been through it as well. When my friend Sunburst left me for our capital city of Canterlot, it tore me apart. All my hopes and dreams for us, just… Gone. In an instant. I never trusted another pony for a long time. How can I, when I have put so much of myself into a friendship that just shattered so quickly? The promises we made, the agreements… They were never kept.”
  2358. > Starlight shakes her head. Now, it is her turn to sigh.
  2359. > “My parents never were the caring sort; they were there, but they never there for me. When I tried to talk to them about Sunburst after he left, they just brushed me off. When I was bullied in school, they never acted to help me. “Just a phase”, they always said. “Not a big deal”. “You’ll get over it”… At least, when Sunburst was still there, he… He protected me from them and stood up for me. He helped me with my magic studies and spellcasting, and he was always there when I was sad or lonely. My parents were not. Never cared. Never bothered.”
  2360. > Placing a hand on her shoulders, you stroke her softly. You see so much of yourself in her.
  2361. > “When Sunburst left just like that, I was in so much pain, Master. I had a crush on him when I was just a filly, and I believed that he will be my coltfriend one day. Hay, I even pictured myself marrying him when we grow up… I wanted to contact him, but I did not know how to. So, I waited for him as he knew my address… Nothing. Year after year. Hope turned to despair, despair turned to anger, and anger turned to fear. I was so terrified of letting another pony in only to be hurt again, that I pushed them away… I pushed them all away. Everypony that approached me, I pushed them away. Never had a friend after Sunburst left.”
  2362. > Starlight swallows as fresh tears start falling from her eyes. She lowers her head.
  2363. > “And the bullying, Master. The bullying was so bad. Ponies would corner me and take my lunch allowance. They will call me names in the corridors. They will pick my locker to leave rotten fruit and vegetables in it. They said that Sunburst got tired of my whining, of my stupidity, of my looks, and that he found a filly in Canterlot that was way more intelligent and prettier than me. They said it was because he had a cutie mark and I didn’t, and those who singled me out all had theirs. I couldn’t understand it at all. Why me? Why not that other filly in class? Why not that colt in the library? Is it because they have their cutie marks and I didn’t? What have I done to deserve this?”
  2364. > Shaking her head as more tears come, the pink pony continues speaking.
  2365. > “I searched, but I cannot find any answers. Instead, all I found was… Pain. So much of it… It hurts… It hurts so much, Master. I couldn’t take it anymore one day, so I just left. Ran away and never looked back.”
  2366. > Her eyes open and move to meet yours. She sniffs.
  2367. > “I convinced myself that cutie marks were the answer to my problems, and that they were responsible for them. So, when I met ponies who were struggling with their problems, it was easy to convince them with my story. They liked and accepted me, Master, and chose to follow me in my travels. I never really had a destination as I just wanted to run away from my home, so I told them that I wanted to found a new town, where everypony will be happy with no cutie mark problems. Eventually, I acted on what was originally just a lie and founded my village, and got them to relinquish their cutie marks.”
  2368. “So what happened?”
  2369. > Starlight gives you a small smile.
  2370. > “I met Princess Twilight Sparkle when she and her group of friends came to my village. Long story short, she convinced me that I was wrong about cutie marks and that friendship was the solution to my problems. She was so kind and generous, Master, and she offered to be my first, real friend. Not only did she take me under her wing as her personal student, she let me live with her in her huge castle, helped me reconcile with Sunburst and the other ponies in my town, and helped me to meet Trixie, my best friend. I… Owe her my life… Not in the sense of being in danger, but for the new life that she gave me…”
  2371. “Hmm...”
  2372. > This Twilight Sparkle. You want to meet her someday.
  2373. > “Master?”
  2374. > You focus your attention on Starlight.
  2375. > “Even after my reformation, loneliness never really does go away. Every time I go to bed in the castle, or when I am alone, loneliness somehow finds me. He hides when I am with my friends, or when I am busy, but he almost always comes back… Trixie was there for me when I needed her, and she really helped me with my issues, but she… She is gone now… And without her, especially after all these months, I feel lonely again… It hurts, Master. Loneliness hurts so much… Do you… Feel the same way, Master?”
  2376. > The way she described her loss; the way she described loneliness… It is almost as if you said those words yourself. You nod as Starlight gives you a small tired looking smile as she wipes her eyes.
  2377. > “We are lonely individuals, you and me. That… That is something special, I suppose. United by a common understanding… Master, don’t they always say: “Miserable being must find more miserable beings, then, is happy?” Now that I am on Earth, I found you, and you me.”
  2378. > You smile grimly, showing her that you agree with her assessment.
  2379. > Starlight rears up and holds your head between her hooves. Tilting her head slightly, she plants her lips on yours, moaning softly as she does so. You are surprised by her forwardness, but you embrace her anyway, holding her close as you open your mouth and wrestle her tongue with yours. Kissing her sloppily, you enjoy the warmth and wetness of her mouth and tongue. She tastes so wonderfully plain. So distinct, yet indiscernible. More texture than flavour. You love it.
  2380. > Warmth floods your being, washing away that feeling of emptiness in your chest. That warmth… Is happiness. A fuckton of it.
  2381. > Starlight leans back, pulling herself off you as she rests her forehead on yours.
  2382. > “Master… Do you really love me?”
  2383. “I do. You know I do, Starlight.”
  2384. > “Then maybe… There is a solution for both our loneliness, Master...”
  2385. > Your eyes widen as your pony hugs you again.
  2386. “St-Starlight…”
  2387. > “You make me feel safe, Master. For the first time in a long while, I feel safe… I may be a slave, but I am happy to be yours… You have been kind and generous to me, Master, and I am very grateful for that… I… I want to be with you.”
  2388. > Smiling softly, you put your arms around her.
  2389. “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me when you said that, Starlight.”
  2390. > She leans in, resting her face against your chest as she closes her eyes and smiles as well.
  2391. > “I think I do, Master.”
  2392. > You grin and sigh in happiness as you hold her tight. Then, movement at your peripheral vision distracts you.
  2393. > Angela wipes her eyes with a tissue and just smile sheepishly at you. She was watching the both of you the entire time.
  2394. > …
  2396. > You give her a smile. Lifting your right hand, you stretch it towards Angela, moving your fingers towards you. Your meaning could not have been clearer: “Come here”.
  2397. > Angela nods, walking over to sit beside you on the couch.
  2398. > “Anon… I… I shouldn’t… I’m sorry.”
  2399. > You smirk at her.
  2400. “No worries, Angela. I would have told you after, anyways.”
  2401. > Wordlessly, you put your right arm on Angela’s back, pulling her into a hug too. You hold Starlight in your left arm, feeling Angela lean in on your right shoulder. Happiness and gratitude fills your being again making you blink as your emotional dam threatens to burst again.
  2402. “Thank you both… Really, I mean it. Thank you so much for being here for me.”
  2403. > Angela simply taps you on your right upper arm. Starlight looks up at you, smiling that sweet smile of hers.
  2404. > “And you, Master, for being here for me.”
  2405. > You lean in and kiss her below her horn, hearing her giggle softly before she hugs you again, nuzzling against your chest as she closes her eyes. Grinning, you can feel the pumping of her little heart on your chest. God bless her.
  2406. “You are very welcome.”
  2407. > Angela smirks as she watches you and Starlight. Then, she closes her eyes and lean in too.
  2408. > The silence is comfortable as you sit there with the two lovely ladies, simply enjoying their company. A sworn sister on your right, and a pretty pony on your lap. You sigh, wishing that this could last forever.
  2409. > It is getting dark now. Glancing at the clock, you see that is 7.32pm. Oh right, dinner time. Before that though, you remember the task you have yet to do for DSP Koh. Better do it now, lest you forget again.
  2410. “Starlight?”
  2411. > Said pony’s ears perk up, and you release her as she pulls herself up to pay attention to you.
  2412. “I would like to take your statement. For the drug dealer’s case. Our Public Prosecutor needs it as evidence for use in court.”
  2413. > Angela also gets up. You nod to her, and she gets up and walks over to her bag. Pulling out a file, she takes out a familiar sheet of paper and walks to turn on the lights. Done with that, she goes back to her place. She clicks a pen, then turns to you with a nod.
  2414. > She is ready.
  2415. “Starlight, can you tell me how you came to be in the drug dealer’s place? Also, can you tell me what happened there?”
  2416. > Starlight looks away from you, staring at your coffee table. She remains silent, so you give her the time to process her thoughts. Probably has a lot of memories to go through, and not all pleasant ones. Eventually, her mouth opens.
  2417. > “… I’ll start from the beginning… Before I even came to Earth. Is… Is that okay, Master?”
  2418. > She looks up to you for permission. You simply nod, and her gaze travels back to the table. She looks so different now. Barely two minutes ago, she was a contented, giggling pony in your embrace. Now, with her shoulders slumped and her head hanging low, and with her mane covering a portion of her face, it is almost like she is someone else.
  2419. > “I was travelling to the village I founded with Trixie, on a special mission as given by Twilight. My task was to mobilise ponies to participate in the war effort, and to evacuate the remaining ponies to the refugee camps below the capital city of Canterlot. We were three hours away from my village when Trixie and I set up camp for the night. We were… Stupid. We lit a fire as it was a cold night, and we left it burning as we slept.”
  2420. > Starlight shakes her head slowly.
  2421. > “I am not sure when they came, but your soldiers placed magic suppressing rings on our horns as we slept. Trixie woke first, and she screamed so loudly. I woke up, and immediately, hands were on me. I struggled, bit, and kicked at the soldiers, managing to get them off me. Then, I saw a soldier on top of Trixie as he tied her up. I got up and ran to her… And I… I ran my horn into his thigh… There was so much blood, Master, and it stung my eyes… And the way he screamed… I will never forget that.”
  2422. > Starlight’s eyes swivel up to meet yours. Cold fury is evident on her face, and the gaze she gives you is so hard.
  2423. > “I only wanted to help her, Master… And I am not sorry for that.”
  2424. > You just nod. Fair enough.
  2425. > Starlight lowers her head again and glares at the coffee table.
  2426. > “Naturally, they overpowered me and beat me. I fought as hard as I could, but they said they will kill Trixie if I did not comply. So, I surrendered… I let them take me, and I did it to keep her safe. They tied us up, gagged us and blindfolded us. Then, they beat us… Over and over again… All I can hear was the vulgarities that spewed from their mouths, and all I can feel were the hardness of those weapons they used and the boots they wore. And the smell and taste of mud and blood. They were in my mouth and nose…”
  2427. > Starlight’s eyes seem to be unfocused now, and she looks like she is staring at an object beyond the table.
  2428. > “I don’t remember what happened after that… I thought I would die from the pain… At some point, I must have passed out, and I don’t even remember when Trixie was taken away from me… I… I didn’t even get to say goodbye… When I woke up, I was already in Master’s vehicle. My body just hurt… There was so much pain, Master. Just so much pain. My whole body just felt like one big bruise. I… I couldn’t even talk that day…”
  2429. > Something touches you on the shoulder, catching your attention. You turn, seeing Angela with her hand on you. Her brows are furrowed in worry, and she does a series of little shakes with her head. You frown at her as you tap her hand, but you shake your head at her in response. You want to know what happened. You want Starlight to continue.
  2430. > Ignoring Angela, you turn back to Starlight, who has not moved from her position.
  2431. “Can you continue, please?”
  2432. > Starlight just nods, not even turning to look at you.
  2433. > “Parasol and Rumble were already there. Master told them to look after me and left me in that cage with them. Parasol… They were so gentle and kind, Master… They used their water to wash me and licked my wounds, and all I could do was just lay there like a plank of wood… I was just hurting so much… I… I don’t know how long we were in those cages, but Parasol and Rumble were always there for me… Looking after me, feeding me, giving me water as I just lay there… After a few days, we started talking. They told me about themselves, and I told them about me… It… It was nice.”
  2434. > Starlight’s eyes refocused as she turns to look at you. There is no clear expression on her face. Your pony looks… Dead. Lifeless.
  2435. > “My first kiss was given to Parasol, Master, when she fed me water with her mouth… Not even a stallion or a colt… Not Sunburst… Not Trixie or Twilight… Not even the other Princesses… It was her; a pegasus I don’t even know before… And Rumble… He would spend almost every waking moment staying with me, licking my wounds… Cleaning me, even when his tongue became dry… Even when his speech became funny from thirst, he just continued to do that for me…”
  2436. > Starlight hangs her head as tears fall from her eyes.
  2437. > “I… I don’t deserve them… Parasol and Rumble… I don’t deserve their kindness… They were hurting too, in their own way, but… But, they were there for me…”
  2438. > She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she wipes her eyes with a hoof. You wait, keeping silent. Eventually, Starlight speaks again.
  2439. > “Master was always talking on the phone. He frequently called someone called “Michael” to discuss “the merchandise”, and I gathered that he wanted to sell us to a “BJ Bar”. I do not know what that means exactly, but I knew it wasn’t good. From the way he described us, I think… I think we were going to be whores…”
  2440. > You jolt upon hearing that familiar term. “BJ Bar” was short for a “Blowjob Bar”, which was a pub with in-house sex workers. Customers can enter these places and “get a drink and a blow”, as your Army buddies often said. Their premises are usually dimly lit, accompanied by many ‘dark’ rooms where patrons can engage the ladies working there. The only reason these places are still up is that the Police has a Vice Control Department that oversees these establishments, in addition to businesses engaged in gambling and alcohol. It is an open secret that the owners of these places have connections to Vice Control, where they have an unofficial agreement to cooperate with demands by the Police, where in return, they are allowed to conduct their business. A shady deal for sure, but it has helped authorities to monitor them and minimise black market involvement.
  2441. > Yeah, SO effective, Boss. Look, now they even can get ponies in.
  2442. > You turn to Angela, who merely nods. She knows what they are.
  2443. > Starlight looks at you, head tilted lightly as she seems to be contemplating something. She glances at Angela, then back at you. Then, she sniffs as she shakes her head and looks down. That’s… Curious. You take a mental note to ask about her that later, and softly ask that Starlight continues with her account.
  2444. > “Master apparently was unable get the deal. I remember him shouting at “Michael” on the phone one day, saying that he borrowed a lot of money to get the three of us. Since that day, Master took to drinking and using that white powder a lot… And when he does… He…”
  2445. > Starlight shakes her head again.
  2446. > “He used Parasol… Many, many times… I can tell he was frustrated, and he took it out on her…”
  2447. > Oh God.
  2448. > You cringe. That does not sound good at all.
  2449. > “Every time Master came to our cage after taking that white powder, he would drag her out by her mane. And every time, Rumble will try to stop him, even if it means he will get beaten by Master later when he brings her back… Rumble was a brave colt… So very brave… Stupidly brave…”
  2450. > You glance at Angela, who looks utterly disgusted. She is frowning and her lips are pursed, making them even smaller. Her hazel eyes are narrowed.
  2451. > “Master will always take her to the room at the back. Then, she will scream… And scream… And scream… When she is dragged back, she will have all these cuts and bruises on her, and she will always smell of him… His… He… He will leak from her… Sometimes from her marehood, sometimes below… Many times, she will be bleeding below… Then, Master will beat Rumble for his defiance… Sometimes with a belt, sometimes with his hands, sometimes with his foot…”
  2452. > Starlight smirks.
  2453. > “Even when I got better, Master always went for Parasol. He… He liked her voice, I think… I even offered to take her place to give her a break, but Master said that he wanted me to remain a virgin… He says that I can “fetch a better price” when he eventually sells me to the right buyer… It’s ironic really that Master was saving me, as I lost both my virginities to that Agency handler for free, just two days after I was sent to the shelter…”
  2454. > Angela sniffs beside you. You just take a breath, feeling that cold rage again as you think back to your encounter with said handler. It may be irrational and impulsive, but a part of you wish you had shot Thaddeus; after all, you had your revolver with you at that time. Even now, you want to give him an express ticket to hell... And that drug dealer too; because fuck that guy as well. Sadistic asshole.
  2455. > Starlight looks up at you with those dead eyes.
  2456. > “Do you know how exactly they died, Master?”
  2457. > Having come so far now, you decide to push on. You shake your head, lifting a hand to Starlight in a gesture for her to explain.
  2458. > “I heard the staff at the shelter talking. Parasol had a rectovaginal fistula, which led to her developing pyometra. Do you know what these are, Master?”
  2459. > Those sounded really bad. You glance at Angela, who shakes her head. Slowly, you turn back to Starlight and give her a shake of your head as well. You have no energy now, just feeling sorry for Starlight and her kind. Even Brain regrets satisfying his morbid curiosity now.
  2460. > Starlight speaks in a monotone.
  2461. > “A rectovaginal fistula happens when the wall separating the vagina and the rectum tears, which allows faecal matter to enter the vagina. Pyometra is a condition when the womb becomes infected. It swells rapidly from the build-up of pus, causing it to become painfully bloated and distended, and it is a life-threatening condition if not treated quickly.”
  2462. > Oh sweet Jesus…
  2463. > You slump against the couch, pinching your nose in disgust. Poor Parasol was… She was raped to death. Quite literally.
  2464. > Starlight is not done yet. When she speaks again, you look at her between your fingers.
  2465. > “Master was beating Rumble when he got up and bit him. He got angry, and held Rumble by his hind legs. Then, he lifted him, swinging his head against-”
  2466. > “Starlight. Stop.”
  2467. > Angela’s sudden interruption is a welcome break. You glance at the policewoman. She has her eyes closed, and she looks as if she is on the verge of throwing up. Her face is stained with tears. The pen in her hand is shaking rapidly, which she drops on the table.
  2468. > Angela reaches over and lifts Starlight into her chest, cradling her like an infant. The pink pony closes her eyes as she starts sobbing into Angela’s shirt. Tears fall from Angela’s eyes as she blinks rapidly. She leans in and whispers in the little mare’s ears as she rocks her slowly from side to side.
  2469. > “It’s okay, Starlight… It’s okay, baby… It’s okay… It’s over now… It’s okay…”
  2470. > You remain slumped in the couch, letting your arms fall to your sides. You do not even feel angry now. Just tired. And sad. Your eyes travel to the Witness Statement form, filled with Angela’s writing as a sour bitterness rises to the back of your throat. You can physically TASTE your disgust.
  2471. > Guess that's the price you pay to be an enforcer of the law, Boss. As you learn more about the dark natures of men in your work, you lose bits of your soul.
  2472. > You look up, and the clock on the wall comes into your vision, telling you it is 8:21pm.
  2473. > Fuck dinner. You have no appetite now.
  2474. > …
  2476. > You turn off the fire and stir the egg and carrot porridge again. Satisfied that it is done, you taste it before scooping out a helping of it into a bowl. Putting a spoon in said bowl, you pick up a plate of boiled broccoli, carrots and potato and carry them to the living room. You set them down in front of Angela, who is still holding Starlight in her arms. The policewoman gives you an appreciative nod, and the both of you look down at Starlight, who is now just laying still in Angela’s lap with her eyes on the couch. You kneel down and put a hand on top of her mane, stroking her head softly. Her eyes swivel up to meet yours, but she does not say anything.
  2477. “Starlight? Time for dinner.”
  2478. > “Thank you, Master, but… I’m not hungry.”
  2479. > You sigh, standing as you go back to the kitchen and scoop out another bowl of porridge. Taking a moment to pour out a glass of milk, you carry these and return to the living room. You put the bowl down and lift the glass of milk in front of Starlight’s muzzle. She looks at it, then those purple eyes move up to meet yours again.
  2480. “At least drink this, Starlight. I insist. You don’t want to disobey me, now, do you?”
  2481. > Angela frowns a little when you said that, but you ignore her and focus on Starlight. Slowly, the pink pony pushes herself up using her front hooves into a sitting position. Holding your hand with her hooves, she leans in and dips her muzzle to the rim, sipping the milk slowly. You angle your arm accordingly, letting the pink pony take her time as she drinks from the glass.
  2482. > She looks so cute like that. It reminds you of a toddler drinking from a sippy-cup.
  2483. > You move your other hand and place it on the back of her neck, petting her gently. Angela’s eyes meet yours, and she beams at you. You return it with a soft smile of your own, and the both of you return to watching Starlight.
  2484. > It’s almost like the both of you are parents, Boss, and the pony is your baby.
  2485. > Starlight gently pushes against your hand when the glass is half-full, and you slowly remove it from her grasp. You reach over and brush a finger above her upper lip, wiping away the white moustache on her. Starlight gives you a small smile and a nod when you do that.
  2486. “Good girl, Starlight.”
  2487. > Sitting down beside Angela, you raise the glass to your lips and swallow its contents in one gulp. Placing the glass down on the table, you hand Angela her bowl and pick up yours. She mumbles her thanks as your eyes travel up to the clock, seeing that it is almost 10pm now. Then, they move to the television, and the both of you watch as a celebrity chef gives his evaluation of the dishes his students prepared. Starlight gets up and lays down between the both of you, curling herself up as her head rests on Angela’s lap.
  2488. > A part of you wishes that she chose yours, but given the circumstances, you rationalise that Starlight will prefer female contact for now.
  2489. > …
  2491. > Angela steps out of your flat and turns to face you. She nods in the direction of the couch.
  2492. > “She… Will be okay, won’t she?”
  2493. > Glancing over your shoulder, you see Starlight sitting on the couch as she watches you. You turn back to Angela and nod.
  2494. “I will look out for her.”
  2495. > “I’m glad to hear that.”
  2496. > A short silence fall between the both of you. You do not even have to guess, as you are sure both Angela and you are replaying the events of this evening in your minds.
  2497. > “Anon.”
  2498. > You look up, seeing a slight frown on Angela’s face.
  2499. “Yeah?”
  2500. > “… I can understand why you want Starlight to call you ‘Master’. At least, for the “to be wanted and needed” part… But, Anon, I still don’t like it.”
  2501. > You take a breath. Angela’s stance on this is not unexpected.
  2502. “Does my taking care of her in return help?”
  2503. > Angela shakes her head slowly.
  2504. > “… They were meant to be free, Anon, and we took that away from them…”
  2505. > Her gaze hardens.
  2506. > “I didn’t say anything earlier as you were so distraught, but you taking care of her is the bare minimum you should do. You do not get credit for that, you know, at least for me. Ideally, you should let her be free again. No more of this “Master”, “Mistress” shit.”
  2507. > You frown at her.
  2508. “We do not live in a world of ideals, Angela. And freedom is overrated and a state of mind. You choose to be free, as far as possible, despite your circumstances. Same for happiness.”
  2509. > “For your first point, maybe we don’t. But Anon, we can try to, can’t we? We can try to make the world more idealistic. It is about setting standards.”
  2510. > You turn away from her. To refute her argument about ideals will be tiring and tedious. Angela is not done.
  2511. > “And for your second point: Freedom is a right for any sapient person, pony or human. Freedom is to be given, not made. How can a slave be free, when he or she is bound by the will of a master?”
  2512. > This, you can handle. You look into her hazel eyes.
  2513. “How about you? Are you really free? After all, you need to work to earn a salary. That isn’t just given to you; no one owes you your living. You need to pay taxes, and you are bounded by law in the things you can or cannot do. Even then, you are still bounded by social norms; you can dance crazily on a crowded train as it isn’t illegal, but you don’t because people will stare at and judge you for that. You need to eat and drink every few hours, or you’ll die. You cannot fly. Your masters are the institutions and the people around you. Hell, even your body is a master that you must answer to and obey. If you are religious, God is also another master. So tell me, Angela, are you really free?”
  2514. > “My freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution, Anon. That is given. That is my right.”
  2515. > You just close your eyes and sigh. She did not even attack any of your points.
  2516. “Look, Angela, it is late, and we all have had a crazy, tiring day. Let’s just agree to disagree, alright?”
  2517. > Angela remains there, frowning at you. Clearly, she does not want to. You let out a frustrated sigh as your voice raises slightly.
  2518. “Angela… C’mon. I love Starlight, alright? As I always tell her: all I want is for her to be happy with me. I provide for her, and she gives me companionship. That’s it!”
  2519. > Your eyes lower, and your voice becomes softer.
  2520. “I love her, Angela. I really, really do.”
  2521. > Angela remains silent, and when she speaks again, her voice is gentle.
  2522. > “… Promise that you’ll take good care of her, Anon?”
  2523. > Looking up, you fix her with the same look that you gave AC Thor this afternoon.
  2524. “I will fucking die before I let her be harmed. I promised that to that Caucasian pig earlier, and I’ll promise this to you too.”
  2525. > Angela pauses, then she closes her eyes and nods slowly. Then, she opens her arms and slaps her hands on your back, pulling you in. You reciprocate by holding her tightly with yours.
  2526. > “You better live up to that promise, Anon. For Starlight… And for yourself too.”
  2527. > You close your eyes and tap your partner’s back with a hand.
  2528. “I will. You know I will.”
  2529. > You feel Angela nodding.
  2530. > …
  2532. > Closing the door after bidding Angela a good night, you walk over and sit on the couch. Starlight has her eyes on you the entire time. You turn to address her.
  2533. “Starlight, I have a day shift tomorrow, from 7am to 7pm. I got permission from my supervisor for you to join me, if you want. I, uh… Do you… Want to follow me tomorrow?”
  2534. > Starlight tilts her head.
  2535. > “Do you want me to, Master?”
  2536. > You frown. A question for a question.
  2537. “To be honest, I am worried that you are in danger. I don’t feel safe leaving you here by yourself… Many ponies are missing, Starlight, and I am worried for you. So yes, I want you to.”
  2538. > “If that is what you want, Master, then I will do it.”
  2539. > Leaning in, you look into her eyes as you frown a little.
  2540. “Starlight, if I were to bring you with me, you need to do exactly as I say. Out there in the field, in public, I have a duty to protect people and ponies, and to do that, I need your full cooperation. It may not be easy, it may be dangerous, and it may be frightening, but don’t hesitate when I tell you to do something. Act first, and act fast. You understand me?”
  2541. > Starlight nods. Smiling, you put a hand on the top of her head and rub her ears slowly.
  2542. > After the emotional rollercoaster that Starlight went through as she made her account, you expected her to refuse or just make form of protest; yet, she just nods, accepting your demands of her. She really is a good girl.
  2543. “We will need to leave here at 6.20am, and we will take a walk to the Station.”
  2544. > “I understand, Master.”
  2545. > You pause, then you lean in again.
  2546. “Starlight, whatever it is now, and whatever happens tomorrow, know that I will be looking out for you, and that I want only the best for you. I know that I have said this many times before, but I need you to hear it again. I trust you, and I need you to trust me and my decision-making in return. Can you do that for me?”
  2547. > “Yes, Master.”
  2548. “Do you trust me?”
  2549. > Starlight gives you a smile.
  2550. > “I do, Master.”
  2551. > Using your other hand, you reach over and run a thumb over her cheek as you continue rubbing her ear with the other. She leans in to your touch, clearly enjoying your affections.
  2552. > Pony is a delicate state now, Boss. Take it slow and easy.
  2553. “You sure you don’t want anything to eat? I can heat up your dinner that is sitting in the fridge. Missing a meal is not good, you know.”
  2554. > Starlight lowers her head slightly.
  2555. > “I know, Master. I… Just don’t feel like eating, for now.”
  2556. “Well, I’ll save that for breakfast tomorrow, then. Okay?”
  2557. > She smiles and nods at you, apparently grateful for your concern.
  2558. > I shouldn’t have pushed her, Brain.
  2559. > Yeah, but you needed to know what happened, Boss. The more you know, the better you can take care of her and treat her fairly.
  2560. > That… Makes sense. A bit more pain now, for more comfort later.
  2561. “Starlight? After telling us all that, are you okay?”
  2562. > Starlight gives you a slow nod as she lowers her gaze.
  2563. > “It’s in the past. What matters now is that I have you for my Master. Just for that, I am happy, and I am very thankful. I… I’ll cherish you, Master, for being who you are.”
  2564. > That warms your heart. You sigh softly.
  2565. “You’re a really brave pony, Starlight… I mean, my problems are… Miniscule, when compared to yours… And here I am, thinking that I got the worst deal in life. Being silly and self-centred.”
  2566. > Starlight gets up from her sitting position and scoots over to you. She closes her eyes as she leans in, giving you a quick peck on your cheek. Surprised, you look down at her as she gives you a gentle smile.
  2567. > “All problems are relative, Master. Just because mine may be larger, doesn’t mean yours hurt any less.”
  2568. > Smiling at her, you ruffle her mane.
  2569. “Thank you, Starlight. Really, I mean it.”
  2570. > “You are welcome, Master.”
  2571. “… I love you.”
  2572. > “I know.”
  2573. > …
  2575. > You are now in your bedroom, setting an alarm on your phone to wake up at 5.45am tomorrow. It is 11:12pm now, according to your phone. Starlight is lying on your bed, watching you walk across the room as you plug your phone to charge.
  2576. > Having brushed Starlight’s teeth and yours, you took a shower with her sitting at a corner in the bathroom, watching you. She insisted on that, saying that she wanted to “further her training” in overcoming her fears. Then, you did all the minor tasks to wrap up the day, such as washing the dishes, clearing the trash, changing the water in Starlight’s bowl, and throwing away the dirty towelettes on Starlight’s ‘hygiene stand’. Now, as you prepare for bed, you notice Starlight’s gaze at the green plastic case that you brought back earlier this evening.
  2577. > “I have been meaning to ask you. What’s that, Master?”
  2578. > Walking over it, you move it out and lay it on its side. Then, you go to get your keys from the living room. You sit on the floor as Starlight cranes her head, looking over your shoulder as you unlock the case. Opening it, you show your pony its contents, earning a soft gasp from her.
  2579. > Inside is a foam-padded, black interior, with several slots cut into the foam to form storage compartments. You glance over the items stored there.
  2580. > The upper half of the case holds a Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol with three additional 15-round magazines directly below it, and a Heckler & Koch MP5A2 sub-machinegun, also with three additional 30-round magazines. The magazines are all filled with 9×19mm Parabellum pistol rounds, and the weapons already have magazines in them. Next is a radio set, a miniature tablet, a torchlight, batteries, and a black combat knife in its sheath.
  2581. > The bottom of the case holds a black vest, complete with various pouches for storage. It has the word “Police” in white emblazoned across it, and you can see the outline of the ceramic plates in the vest. On its right is a black Kevlar helmet with a thick transparent plastic face shield, black knee and elbow guards, a holder for the Glock pistol, a black balaclava, two cleaning kits for the weapons, a bottle of oil, and finally, an ammunition box that contains 500 9x19mm cartridges, complete with a holder containing a folded piece of paper.
  2582. > Tapping a finger on the pistol, you turn to Starlight with a smile.
  2583. “This girl is called ‘Lady’, Starlight, and this-”
  2584. > You tap the sub-machinegun.
  2585. “This is her boyfriend, called ‘Tramp’. I hear they make an excellent team together.”
  2586. > Starlight rolls her eyes as you pull out Lady, releasing the magazine as you pull back on the slide, checking that the pistol is cleared of rounds. You release the slide, letting it rush forward with a sharp snap that echoes through the room. Tilting the weapon on its side, you look at its weathered surface.
  2587. “Seriously, though, these are equipment that I will be using as part of a new assignment. I am now a member of a Rescue Team from the Equestrian Citizens Affairs Department. Our job is to conduct raids on locations to rescue ponies.”
  2588. > “The “Equestrian Citizens Affairs Department”, Master?”
  2589. > You toy with the pistol, spinning it around on its trigger housing and aiming down its sights.
  2590. “Yes, Starlight. We call it ‘ECAD’ for short. Our government seems to be taking a harder stance on pony slavery now, and are apparently more committed to helping your kind, especially those who are suffering.”
  2591. > Turning around, you lift the pistol to Starlight, watching her examine it before sniffing it curiously. She makes a face, and you chuckle softly.
  2592. “The future for ponies in this country is changing, Starlight. It may be slow now, but one step at a time, bit by bit, that is changing.”
  2593. > You turn back to the case, sliding the magazine into Lady swiftly. Placing the weapon back in its compartment, you close the green case slowly, hearing its locking mechanism engage.
  2594. > Your eyes remain on it for a few moments, thinking of the will you made earlier in AC Thor’s office. Starlight is to be Angela’s should you die in the line of duty. If the both of you are killed, Starlight is to be given to DSP Koh. In both cases, a quarter of your wealth will be given to Starlight’s caretaker, a quarter will be given to ECAD as a donation… And the last half will be given to your parents, despite all that has happened.
  2595. > You narrow your eyes as you mutter your next words.
  2596. “… And I… I will be one of the drivers for this change.”
  2598. > Moving the case back to its position beside the wardrobe, you stretch your arms upwards as you move to turn off the lights, yawning in the process. Then, you climb on the bed, resting your head on the pillow as Starlight moves over to lie beside you, facing you with a gentle smile. You check your phone, seeing that there are no new messages. Leaving it on the end-table, you turn to her, placing your left hand on her back as your right goes to her cutie mark. You pull her close, feeling the now familiar firmness of her body, complemented by the warmth and softness of her coat. As always, you rest your head above hers, and her feminine scent and the smell of your shampoo fills the air that you are breathing in.
  2599. > Opening your eyes, you watch as she lifts a hoof to your cheek, running it slowly down your face. Her face is hard to read, but you see a hint of a frown on it. You let her do that for a few moments, enjoying the light caresses she makes, but the silence eventually becomes a tad uncomfortable.
  2600. “… Are you… Thinking about something, Starlight?”
  2601. > “… I was thinking… That even though I did not end up in a ‘BJ bar’ as a whore… Technically, I still did become one.”
  2602. > Huh?
  2603. > You frown as you hold her hoof in your right hand, looking at her quizzically.
  2604. “I don’t get it. Is this what you wanted to say earlier, when Angela was here?”
  2605. > “… I was obvious, huh?”
  2606. > Nodding slowly, you see Starlight’s muzzle break into a bittersweet smile as she lowers her eyes. You decide to elaborate.
  2607. “When you finished talking about the bars, you glanced at me, then Angela, then back at me again… I guessed you wanted to say something then.”
  2608. > Starlight remains quiet, so you break it.
  2609. “What do you mean by “technically still becoming one”, Starlight?”
  2610. > Her eyes meet yours.
  2611. > “I meant… I am one, right? I am now a whore, Master. Your whore, as I am your slave… And you are my client, Master… My only client.”
  2612. > That earned her a frown from you, but you do not correct her.
  2613. > She is right. You own her, and you bought her. Not with money, but with food, a home, and the promises of safety and love. By some definitions, that makes her a whore. You let out a frustrated sigh.
  2614. “… Why must you… Why must you put it so… So crudely, Starlight?”
  2615. > She smirks at you.
  2616. > “Isn’t that the truth? Why delude ourselves that I am not what I am? Master, I have accepted my lot in life here on Earth… Maybe you should let me do it, too… Look, even your body accepts it, while your mind struggles.”
  2617. > Her eyes travel down to your crotch. You follow her gaze, which causes you to be looking down at Little Anon poking her thigh through your clothing. Now that she highlights it explicitly, you are aware of how sexually aroused you are. You swallow. The closeness of her body makes it hard for you think of a way to counter her point.
  2618. > You take a breath and think, closing your eyes. When you open them, you have come to a decision.
  2619. “Starlight.”
  2620. > Her purple eyes swivel up to meet yours, and you see her little muzzle close as she pays attention to you. Your mare is so beautiful.
  2621. “… Just… Just stop whenever you want, okay? I… I promise I will too, and I will not get angry if you do… I… I don’t want to force you into anything. Or hurt you.”
  2622. > Starlight smiles softly.
  2623. > “I know you won’t. You are my Master now, and you have kept your promises to me so far… I trust you, Master… I really do.”
  2624. > With a nod from you, Starlight shifts her hooves under herself as she gets up. Giving you a half-lidded look, she climbs on top of you. You feel her weight on your chest as she leans her head in and kisses you deeply. Opening your mouth, you let her tongue in as you brush yours against hers. Again, you taste that distinct plainness, as the sensation of the wetness and warmth of her mouth fills your senses.
  2625. > Your hands are resting on her; one on the side of her neck, and one on her hindquarters. You squeeze her firm ass as you attack her mouth at a different angle, hearing her moan softly. Her mane tickles your face as she leans forward still, pressing her lips against yours with more pressure. You exhale with a moan.
  2626. > Starlight breaks the kiss, moving her head upwards as you lean in to nibble on her lower lip, ending it with a kiss.
  2627. > “I love you, Master… I love you so much.”
  2628. > Slowly, you open your eyes, blinking as you watch Starlight pant as she sits on you and smiles.
  2629. > She said it! She! Said! It!
  2630. > You grin widely as you sigh in happiness. Brain is dancing in joy.
  2631. > Slowly, she pulls away, getting up as she steps off to your left and sits on the bed.
  2632. > “Undress yourself for me please, Master?”
  2633. > Yes, Ma’am.
  2634. > You sit up, pulling your t-shirt off. Then, you hook both thumbs in the waistband of your shorts and underwear, holding them there as you slide your ass backwards. You feel the coolness of the night air and the softness of the bed on your skin. Gathering your clothes into a ball, you drop it on the floor and lie back down on the bed on your side, feeling strangely exposed as Starlight eyes your naked form. Your heart is pounding hard as she gets up and leans in, giving you a peck on the side of your chin.
  2635. > “Just lay there for me, okay Master? Let me do everything tonight. Allow me… To serve and pleasure my Master.”
  2636. > Putting your left hand on her cheek, you smile at her and nod. Starlight moves both hooves to hold your hand, turning her head as she closes her eyes and kisses it. Then, she opens her mouth, licking your index finger from the base. Reaching your fingertip, she plants a kiss on it, pushing your hand towards you as she kisses each fingertip in succession. Leaving your little finger wet with a lick, she gently moves your hand down back to your side.
  2637. > She leans forward, lowering her head as she kisses your left shoulder. Lifting a hoof, she supports herself by resting it on your right shoulder. Moving slowly, she plants a trail of firm kisses as she travels down your chest, pausing at your nipple. She takes it into her mouth, closing her eyes as she rolls her tongue over and sucks on it. Despite yourself, you squirm.
  2638. “Starlight, that tickles.”
  2639. > Starlight gets up, smiling at your reaction.
  2640. > “Lie on your back, Master.”
  2641. > You do as she asks, following her lead as she guides you down with her left hoof. Then, she plants both hooves on your chest, angling herself as she slides the both of them down your body, pushing down with her weight. They travel across your stomach, your waist, then they spread as they follow your inner thighs. She lays her body down on its side, facing away from you. Your erection is only a few centimetres from her face, and you shudder as she exhales on it. Your heart races in anticipation.
  2642. > Starlight uses a hoof to brush her mane and flick it behind her ear. Then, she leans in, resting a foreleg across your groin and the other on your left thigh. She closes her eyes and engulfs your cock with her mouth in a single motion, getting half of your length into her muzzle. You inhale sharply as pleasure floods your senses.
  2643. > God, that feels so damn good. Her muzzle is so warm and wet, her lips presses on your shaft as she bathes your member with her tongue. You breathe out with your opened mouth from the new and overwhelming sensation.
  2644. > So THIS is what a blowjob feels like. Holy shit.
  2645. > Starlight keeps her head still as she suckles on your penis, pursing and relaxing her mouth in a rhythmic fashion. You feel the movements of her tongue as she licks around the crown of your dick with it. She holds Little Anon up with her jaw, pressing the underside of him against the roof of her mouth and starts bobbing her head. Gently. Sensually.
  2646. > You close your eyes and arch your back, unable to resist a groan as your mare blows you. With each motion, she seems to get more of your erection in her mouth. She then starts moving her head circular fashion, never letting her muzzle’s hold let up as she continues bobbing up and down. You let out another groan from the pleasure. Then, you feel a hoof rest on your scrotum. It starts moving in a circle, pressing gently on them as Starlight rolls your testicles with the soft underside of her hoof.
  2647. “Oh Starlight… Good girl…”
  2648. > You keep your eyes closed as Starlight keeps moving her head, feeling the movements of her tongue as she slides the broad side of it along your length. Her hoof motions change, and now she is running it up and down your scrotum. You groan in response to the new sensation. Then, she starts humming, and you feel the vibrations from her throat travelling down your penis. Suddenly, the pressure increases and as she speeds up, bobbing her head and causing her mane to bounce along with her movements.
  2649. > Her gentle ministrations are wonderful, but it is not enough to make you cum. Enough to keep you hard, but nowhere sufficient to bring you to an orgasm.
  2650. > Unless, you do as Brain suggests and fuck her throat. You shake your head a little at that. That will be way too rough, and surely unpleasant for her.
  2651. > She is female, right? There is something else you can do.
  2652. “Starlight? Hey…”
  2653. > Starlight tilts her head as her eyes open to look at you over her shoulder. With half of your cock in her mouth, you cannot help but think that she looks so cute and sexy like that. You put on left hand on her mane, stroking it lightly.
  2654. “I… Uhh… You are doing a great job, Starlight, but… I feel like… Taking it up a notch.”
  2655. > You move your hand from her mane across the length of her body, tracing her feminine curves. Those hips, man.
  2656. > Slowing down at her cutie mark, you spread your fingers and grab her there feeling the firmness of her hindquarters. Tapping her ass with a small flick of your wrist, you watch the way it jiggles just that little bit. Moving your hand again, you feel the texture on your fingertips change from soft fur to warm flesh. You reach your destination when your fingers brush against her feminine slit. Her vulva is soft, moulding its shape to your fingers as you trace the outline of her pussy. Your middle finger moves between her folds and touches her vagina. She is already leaking, leaving your fingertip wet with her juices.
  2657. > You make eye contact with Starlight, to which she blinks while nodding lightly. She knows what you want.
  2658. > Your pony leans back, letting Little Anon out of her muzzle with a small ‘pop’ as she exhales on him again. Then, she gets on her hooves and climbs on top of you again, angling herself over your crotch. She bites her lower lip as she looks over her shoulder, checking herself as she leans back, and you feel the tip of your cock touch her labia before her flesh parts around you. Clearly, she is no stranger to this.
  2659. > Starlight turns to make eye contact with you, pausing as she gives you a gentle smile.
  2660. > “I’m your little Starlight… Master. I’ll be a good girl for you.”
  2661. > With that, she plunges herself backwards.
  2662. > You flinch at the sudden penetration, your breath getting caught in your throat as you move your right leg upwards involuntarily, resting your foot flat on the bed. The pleasure from her warm, wet and tight passage overwhelms you. Not giving you a moment to recover, or herself for that matter, she hilts you inside her and starts rocking back and forth with her hips. Hard and fast.
  2663. > Holy fuck, this pony is one that doesn’t pull her punches.
  2664. > Immediately, you feel pressure building in you.
  2665. > Starlight is fucking you, and she is relentless. Her eyes are closed tight in concentration, and you see that her teeth are bared as she huffs with every exertion. The curl on her mane bounces as she works. From this angle, you see her tail bobbing in and out of sight behind her as her hindquarters moves up and down like a piston, taking your entire length in her with each movement. Slaps echo through the room as her butt smacks against your groin. You feel your heart pounding rapidly.
  2666. > You are not going to last.
  2667. > You move to put both hands on either side of her hips, not even needing to guide her as she rides you quickly. As they go closer to her body, she simply pushes against them when they block her movements, not even slowing to let you hold her. So, you rest your hands on her lower back and slide them down instead, feeling them move back and forth with her hips as she thrusts herself against you. Over and over again, never slowing, and bottoming you out in her each time she rises and falls. Your face burns.
  2668. > You hit that peak as your pleasure rises rapidly.
  2669. “Uhh! St-Starlight! I’m gonna-”
  2670. > Not even managing to finish your sentence, you cum inside her. Hard.
  2671. > You clench your eyes shut. Little Anon twitches and spasms in her vagina as Starlight slows down rapidly, keeping her hips moving in a constant grinding motion as she rides you through your orgasm. Clenching your eyes shut, you groan loudly as pleasure overwhelms your senses. Then, it passes, leaving your body limp as you lay panting heavily into the night air from the pleasure that she gave you. You take a slow, deep breath, enjoying the warmth of the afterglow from having sex with your mare.
  2672. > Holy shit, that was fucking intense. Easily one of the largest orgasms in your life.
  2673. > And you are no longer a virgin.
  2674. > Opening your eyes slowly, you see that Starlight is hanging her head, causing her mane to cover her face as she holds her upper body up with her front hooves. Her body heaves as she pants from the exertion, and you watch as a bit of drool escapes her muzzle and fall on your chest. When she adjusts herself, you feel yourself slipping out of her depths, and the results of your climax drips onto your groin. Heh, you will wipe it with a tissue later.
  2675. > Smiling gratefully, you reach your right hand under her mane and over to her cheek.
  2676. “… Thank you… Thank you, Star-“
  2677. > It is wet. Her cheeks are wet.
  2678. > You jolt. Pushing yourself up with your left elbow, you slowly move your right hand upwards, bringing her face into your vision. Starlight has her eyes closed, but tears are streaming from them. Her breath catches in her throat as she opens her right eye, looking at you before she closes it again, pushing against your hand as she hangs her head and cries. Hard.
  2679. > Shit.
  2680. > Shit. Shit. SHIT!
  2681. > Sitting up fully, you wrap your arms around her, immediately whispering your apologies into her ears as she leans into your chest, now sobbing loudly into it. Drops of warm liquid touches your chest, and you rub the length of her back with your right hand firmly as you bury your face into her mane.
  2682. “Starlight! Shit! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have asked you to… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
  2683. > You kiss her on the top of her head, feeling helpless as she just continues crying in your embrace.
  2684. > Ah fuck! Why did you have to get your rocks off so badly? Shit, poor Starlight! What are you going to do now? What will happen to your relationship with her? What if she becomes worse because of this? Shit! She is still crying! What do you do now? How should you comfort her? FUCK!
  2685. > The questions keep on coming, and so do the vulgarities. You are sure that you are on the verge of a panic now, and Starlight does not seem to be stopping any time soon.
  2686. “I’m sorry, Starlight! I am! I… I love you! I do! I never wanted to hurt you! I never wanted to force you into this! I love you! P-please! Please forgive me, Starlight! I’m sorry! Please! I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
  2687. > Your vision blurs as tears start rolling from your own eyes. Helplessness fills your being, along with a sense of hollowness in your stomach. You do not know what to do except cry along with her as you rock the both of you back and forth. Shakily, you kiss the top of her head again.
  2688. > All you wanted was the best for her, and now, because of your lust and lack of will-power, you hurt her. You broke your promise. You betrayed her. You are a hypocrite, saying one thing whilst doing another. You do not deserve her love. You do not deserve to be her Master. You are no different from that drug handler, or that fucking Thaddeus Benson. You are a rapist. You are a degenerate. You are… A monster.
  2689. > You just cry harder as you mentally kick yourself over and over again.
  2690. > The gasps and shudders you make echo Starlight’s.
  2691. > …
  2693. > “… It was just bad memories, Master, and I wanted to make new ones… Happy ones… I chose to do it, Master, so don’t blame yourself… I… I wanted you to make love to me, for you to show me how much you loved me. I wanted that… Maybe… Maybe even more than you did… And, you were so gentle and patient with me, Master, unlike the others… I thank you for that.”
  2694. > You simply smile as you brush a thumb over her right cheek.
  2695. “You are an amazing mare, you know that? You have been surprising me since I got you, and you continue to do so, even when I thought I knew you.”
  2696. > Starlight smiles at you warmly, and the darkness of the room causes her large purple eyes to appear to sparkle.
  2697. > “And you too, Master... You are gentle, kind, generous, and affectionate on one hoof, and assertive, protective, loyal and full of integrity on the other. You saved me from death, and now, you are putting your life at risk to save other ponies. I… I am glad to be your slave, Master. Your bed slave. Your little pony… Your whore.”
  2698. > Shaking your head, you tap a finger on her nose. She scrunches her muzzle lightly when you did that.
  2699. “That is such an ugly word. It doesn’t fit a beautiful, sexy pony like you, so stop using it.”
  2700. > “As you wish, Master.”
  2701. > You smile at her, pulling her even tighter against your chest by pressing on her neck and hindquarters with your hands. She leans in, sighing softly as she closes her eyes.
  2702. “Let’s get some sleep, okay? We have to wake up early tomorrow.”
  2703. > Starlight giggles.
  2704. > “Don’t you mean ‘later’, Master?”
  2705. “Ugh, don’t remind me. Five hours of sleep is barely enough… At least, you can get to sleep in the car. I have to do the walking about.”
  2706. > “Hehehe! Fair enough, Master.”
  2707. > Tilting your head, you plant a kiss on the top of her head, just under her horn.
  2708. “I love you, Starlight.”
  2709. > “And I you. Goodnight, Master.”
  2710. “Goodnight.”
  2711. > …
  2713. > “… Master…”
  2714. > Groaning, you wish that that flying cupcake will just fucking stop so you can grab it.
  2715. > “… Master, your phone is playing its song…”
  2716. > You stir, blinking drowsily as your ears start working.
  2717. > “… Gonna show them all we care... Oh my sleeping child, the world’s so wild…”
  2718. > Reaching over, you pick up the offending object and move a thumb across its screen to shut the alarm off.
  2719. > “… That’s one reason-”
  2720. > You drop your phone as you turn back to that voice that woke you. Starlight is smiling sweetly at you, resting her head on your pillow with her eyes half-closed and her mane in a purple mess. She is so pretty like that.
  2721. > “Good morning, Master.”
  2722. > You lean in and kiss her on her forehead.
  2723. “Good morning, Starlight.”
  2724. > Taking a moment to caress her cheek, you sit up, yawning widely as the blanket falls off you. You pause, feeling really cold all of a sudden.
  2725. > Oh right, you are naked. And the reason for that is…
  2726. > Turning back to Starlight, you watch as she gets up slowly. You pet her mane, leaning in to rest your forehead on hers.
  2727. “Thank you for a wonderful night. You were amazing.”
  2728. > Starlight giggles softly.
  2729. > “It was my pleasure, Master… Shall we get ready? I need to get my mane and tail brushed… And… I need you to clean me there, Master…”
  2730. > She turns her neck, nodding at her hindquarters before looking back at you as she blushes lightly. Though your vision is blocked, you are sure that you got what she meant. You probably left a mess at her privates. And in her.
  2731. > You ruffle your pony’s already dishevelled mane and smile at her.
  2732. “Alright. I’ll brush your teeth too.”
  2733. > Starlight nods at you as she mumbles her thanks. You stretch yourself before stepping off the bed, shivering lightly as you do. Your floor tiles are cold.
  2734. "Come, Starlight, we don't want to be late in leaving."
  2735. > "Yes, Master."
  2736. > …
  2738. > You give the sentry a final wave before leading your pink pony into the Station. Entering it by its main entrance, you walk swiftly past surprised on-lookers who whisper amongst themselves, pointing at Starlight. You ignore them, walking past the two partially filled rows of seats in front of the main counters and into a hallway on the left of said counters.
  2739. > Checking to make sure that Starlight is still following you, you continue down the hallway and reach a door marked “Authorised Personnel Only”. You stop in front of it, facing your right as you key in the pass code on a number pad situated on the wall. It beeps, and you hear a click as the door unlocks. You open it and hold it for Starlight as she enters it. Letting the door close, you turn right and proceed up two flights of staircases to another hallway. Directly in front of you, at the end of it, is the iron-grilled window of the armoury. You see the obese Sergeant Hicks in it, and he is sleeping again.
  2740. > As you predicted Boss, he never keeps that promise.
  2741. > Chuckling, you exit the staircase landing and turn left, walking pass several doors to offices belonging to other Station staff. You eventually come across a water-dispenser situated between two doors that lead to the locker rooms. Pausing, you turn to Starlight.
  2742. “Starlight, I’m going to get changed into my uniform. I’m leaving you outside here for a while, as there will be other officers in the locker room. If anyone asks, say that you are belong to and are waiting for “Inspector Anonymous”; that’s my rank and designation. Otherwise, just wait here. Alright?”
  2743. > Starlight gives you a nod.
  2744. > “Yes, Master.”
  2745. > You smile at her.
  2746. “I won’t be long.”
  2747. > Dropping the leash in front of her, you enter the door on your right, seeing the familiar, dual blue stripes that run along the walls. The sound of voices and running water fills the air.
  2748. > Turning a corner, you see that the locker-room is filled with junior officers from the previous night shift, and they are talking and laughing as they move around in varying stages of undress. Some are almost done changing, and are buttoning up their civilian attires, while others are naked, walking around with towels in their hands.
  2749. > You sigh in relief. It is lucky that you did not bring Starlight in.
  2750. > “Inspector! Good morning, Sir!”
  2751. > At once, all movement in the locker room ceases as everyone in it turns to face you, arms snapping up in salutes.
  2752. > Ah, the formalities.
  2753. > You turn to the one who shouted, seeing the naked Corporal with his arm up in a 90-degree angle. He keeps his fingertips at his brow as his hand is held at an angle, exposing its back to you. Smirking lightly, you draw your own arm up, mimicking him before dropping it. All the men present copy you, but stand stock still as they await your next words.
  2754. “Good morning to everyone. Please, carry on.”
  2755. > Immediately, movement starts again. Turning back to the Corporal, you raise an eyebrow at him, nodding at his bare body. Looking down quickly, his eyes rises to meet yours as he gives you a sheepish grin.
  2756. > “Just bad timing, Sir. Flashing a Senior Officer is not what I wanted for the end of this shift.”
  2757. > You laugh, patting him on the shoulder as he breaks into laughter himself. Shaking your head, you move pass him and proceed to your own locker, dropping your backpack on the floor before unlocking it with a key. You take off your shirt, hanging it up before turning to grab a uniform. Pulling one set out, you flinch as you notice the white stains on its shoulder pad.
  2758. > Oh right. Angela’s fault.
  2759. > Shaking your head, you return it to the locker and grab another set and put it on, taking care to ensure all its buttons are fasten.
  2760. > Gotta remember to bring that set home for a wash. Remind me, Brain.
  2761. > I will, Boss.
  2762. > Done, you shut the door and pull out your phone as you walk towards the exit. No messages yet, and the time is 6.55am.
  2763. > You have five minutes to get your attendance taken at the biometric scanner.
  2764. > …
  2766. > Fastening the buckle with a snap, you hold one end of the strap and pull on it, tightening the vest to fit the width of Starlight’s body. Then, you lean back, watching as your pony adjusts herself. She rolls her shoulders, twisting her body experimentally from side to side before stretching her hind legs out one at a time. Starlight looks really good wearing the Police K9 Unit vest; the all-black attire contrasts nicely with her pink coat and matches the deep purple of her mane and tail. It covers the length of her body, stopping just short of her cutie marks.
  2767. > As a bonus, your pony is bullet-resistant. At least, for most handgun calibres.
  2768. > Starlight shakes herself and looks up to you.
  2769. > “I suppose it fits nicely, Master, and the weight of this is okay, but I can smell the dog who last wore this.”
  2770. “Is it really strong?”
  2771. > Starlight just smiles at you.
  2772. > “Just a hint of it. I’ll be okay.”
  2773. > You smile and pet her, hearing a sigh behind you. Turning, you see a wistful looking Sergeant Hicks watching the both of you.
  2774. > “You are a lucky man, Inspector… I have always wanted a pony for my kids, but I cannot afford to look after one, given the timing of my schedule. Furthermore, I don’t think my wife will approve.”
  2775. > You cluck your tongue in sympathy. Sergeant Hicks is the only person in the Station who has passed the qualification test to man the armoury, so he has to be here every day from 5am to 9am and at 5pm to 9pm to manage the collection and distribution of equipment for the officers. He works part-time only, and uses most of his free time to look after his aged parents.
  2776. > A really filial son this one, eh Boss?
  2777. > Aye, he is.
  2778. “Why won’t your wife approve, Hicks?”
  2779. > He frowns at you.
  2780. > “Sir, don’t you know why these ponies are brought here? For hard labour and sex, that’s what. My wife will die of jealousy if she knows I got one, even if all I want is a playmate for my kids and to help with the chores… Women, I tell you, Sir. Always thinking with their heart and not with their head… You are not married yet, so you don’t know what it’s like.”
  2781. > That statement: “For labour and sex”, made you feel really uncomfortable. You turn to look at Starlight, but she avoids your eyes and lowers her gaze to her left, focusing her eyes on a spot on the armoury floor. She seems embarrassed.
  2782. > Hicks is right. For the latter at least, in your case.
  2783. > You cough.
  2784. “Thanks for your help, Sergeant. I… Uh… Gotta go meet Angela.”
  2785. > “Oh, before you go, Sir, I need you to sign out for the vest and the Kevlar plates. Don’t want Auditing to fuck me over.”
  2786. “Sure.”
  2787. > You get up, walking over to the Sergeant’s desk. He hands you a form, which you give a quick read-through before putting your signature at the bottom. You hand the paper back to Sergeant Hicks.
  2788. “Thanks, Hicks.”
  2789. > “Ah, no problem, Sir. Hope you don’t get many incidents today for your shift.”
  2790. > You give him a smile.
  2791. “Same here.”
  2792. > Going back to Starlight, you pick up her leash.
  2793. “Come, Starlight. Let’s go.”
  2794. > Wordlessly, she follows you out of the armoury as Hicks closes and bolts the door shut. You walk down the hallway in silence, but stop when you are halfway down it. Kneeling, you put a hand on Starlight’s mane.
  2795. “I’m sorry, Starlight. For him… And… For me.”
  2796. > Starlight gives you a bittersweet smile as she puts a hoof on your knee.
  2797. > “… Well, at least you are gentle and kind to me, Master. That, I am grateful for… Unlike many of the rest of my kind, I am fortunate that I got you… So think of it as a give-and-take, okay Master? Isn’t this what relationships are? I give you what you want, and you look after me, keeping me safe and loved in return... It is a good arrangement, is it not?”
  2798. > That did not alleviate the guilt that is seeping in, so you just smile at your pony.
  2799. “Thank you, Starlight. Really.”
  2800. > Leaning in, she kisses you on the cheek.
  2801. > “No need, Master. I love you.”
  2802. > You pull her into a hug, taking a breath as you try to flush away your feelings of guilt.
  2803. “I love you too.”
  2804. > Keeping the hug for a few seconds, you let her go. You get up, and you are about to continue down the hallway when you see Sergeant Hicks looking at you from between the iron-grills of the armoury window. He gives you a thumbs-up and a smile, which you return with awkwardness. You proceed down the hallway quickly with your armoured pony and your policing equipment.
  2805. > You hope that Hicks does not get any wild ideas.
  2806. > …
  2808. > It is 7.13am now.
  2809. > Walking down to the basement carpark, your vision is assaulted by the multitude of alternating red and blue lights emitting from the numerous vehicles parked there. Adding to this discomfort is the occasional burst of sirens and the sound of vehicle horns. The basement carpark has at least 30 officers moving around and in-between the police vehicles as they do their routine checks on the vehicles and their equipment.
  2810. > You give Starlight an order to stick close to you, and you proceed to the police cruiser at the far corner, where you spotted a familiar figure standing with two other officers. Angela is signing the hand-over forms for the vehicle.
  2811. > The two officers exchange salutes with Angela as you approach her and leave. She turns around, and a grin breaks on her face as she sees Starlight and you.
  2812. > “Anon! Starlight!”
  2813. “Hey, Ange-”
  2814. > “Mistress!”
  2815. > You catch a brief frown on Angela’s face, but it changes to a smile as she kneels to greet your pony. Starlight nuzzles the policewoman’s right hand as Angela pets her mane. She smiles softly at Starlight before her expression changes into one of concern. Her eyebrows furrow, and she leans back to look into Starlight’s eyes.
  2816. > “How are you feeling, Starlight? I’m sorry for making you re-visit your past, but we needed your help for the case. I hope you’ll understand that I never wanted to make you sad.”
  2817. > Starlight closes her eyes and nuzzles Angela again.
  2818. > “I’m okay, Mistress. Master was there to comfort me through the night, so I am feeling much better now. Thank you.”
  2819. > Heh, “comfort her through the night”? More like you fuc-
  2820. > Shut it, Brain.
  2821. > Angela frowns again. She taps a finger on Starlight’s nose, earning her a scrunch from the pony.
  2822. > “Call me Angela, Starlight. Anonymous may want you to call him “Master”, but I prefer you to call me by my name. We are friends and we are the same, you and me; there is no power difference between us. Regardless of what HE has to say.”
  2823. > You hold your palms up as Angela jabs a thumb in your direction. Whoa, easy, lady.
  2824. > Starlight blinks as she looks at you, then giggles softly at your exaggerated reaction. Turning back to Angela, she nods as a smile appears on her face.
  2825. > “Yes, Mis-Angela. Yes, Angela.”
  2826. > Angela pets Starlight again as she grins. Then, she stands up and looks at you.
  2827. > “I’ve checked the car and all its equipment. Tank is full, lights and sirens working. Everything is accounted for and signed out.”
  2828. > You nod gratefully at her.
  2829. “Thanks Angela... I apologise for arriving late, as I forgot to adjust my alarm. For additional time to get Starlight ready, I mean. That was my fault.”
  2830. > Angela points a finger at you as she shakes her head.
  2831. > “No excuse. Drinks for breakfast are on you, after the Morning Brief.”
  2832. > You sigh.
  2833. “Well, you did all the work, so fair enough.”
  2834. > “That’s right. Now c’mon, Morning Brief’s on in another…”
  2835. > Angela checks her watch as you do the same with your phone. It is 7.21am.
  2836. > “… Nine minutes. Let’s go.”
  2837. > You nod. Tugging Starlight’s leash gently, the three of you head back upstairs, dodging other policemen and women as they go about their routines.
  2838. > …
  2840. > True to your word, you paid for the drinks. You carry the tray to the table where Angela and Starlight are chatting away. From the bits of conversation that you overhear, it seems like Angela is really interested in learning about pony magic and its relationship with ‘harmony’.
  2841. > Seems like Starlight’s something of a prodigy in this area, Boss. The loss of her magic must have really hit her hard back then.
  2842. > Aye. Poor girl.
  2843. > Having heard Starlight’s explanations on the subject before, you just tune them out and start on your noodles, thinking back to what you learned during the Morning Brief with Team Leader Assistant Superintendent* Kenneth Lin, the overall-in-charge of this shift. A fit and tall Chinese man with a face that is pockmarked from acne scars, he is a friendly but disciplined individual, seeking the best for his men while being able to balance the demands made of him by his superiors for results.
  2844. > *Author’s Note* Assistant Superintendent, or ASP for short, is a Captain equivalent in the Army. It is one rank lower than a Deputy Superintendent, which is a Major equivalent.
  2845. > From the Morning Brief, you learned that yesterday’s shift was relatively quiet. The officers encountered a case of noisy neighbour complaints, two cases of drink driving, and a case on the sale of contraband cigarettes. Given that the district your Station serves is one of the safer ones in the country, and that now is not a holiday period, you are not surprised that the previous shift had it easy.
  2846. > Hopefully, today’s shift will be quiet as well.
  2847. > You finish your meal, looking up to see that Angela and Starlight are done too. You check the time. 7:57am. Clearing your throat to catch their attention, you address the girls.
  2848. “Sorry, don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but it is time for our first patrol.”
  2849. > Angela beams as she takes out her radio. She always liked doing the voice procedures.
  2850. > Clicking a button, she raises it to her lips.
  2851. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Message, over.”
  2852. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Send, over.”
  2853. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, we are Romero Tango Romero, and proceeding with Patrol 01. Time now is 0757, over.”
  2854. > “Dispatch, roger that Foxtrot 5. 0757 copy. Please proceed with patrol. Over.”
  2855. > “Roger Dispatch. Over.”
  2856. > Angela downs the rest of her coffee. Winking at you, she stands and starts walking to the stairs.
  2857. > “Master? Who’s Romero Tango Romero?”
  2858. > Chuckling, you ruffle Starlight’s mane as you pick up her leash.
  2859. “Romero and Tango are phonetic alphabets, Starlight, for ‘R’ and ‘T’ respectively. We use these to enhance the clarity of our messages on the radio. So Angela told Dispatch, which is the managing unit for the Police, that we are ‘RTR’, which is short for ‘Ready To Receive’.”
  2860. > Starlight hops down from her seat, but keeps her gaze at you.
  2861. > “‘Ready To Receive’’, Master?”
  2862. > Like how Starlight was “ready to receive” your-
  2863. > Oh for fuck’s sake, Brain!
  2864. > You smile as you start walking.
  2865. “It means that we are ready to go to anyone who calls for the Police now. Ready to take on incidents, in other words.”
  2866. > Starlight nods as she trots beside you as you make your way to the stairs. From her upright posture, that little skip in her steps and that determined smile on her face, you can tell that she is excited for her first day as a policepony.
  2867. > …
  2869. > You check that the way is clear before pulling the police cruiser out of the Station. Releasing the steering wheel, you let it right itself as the vehicle turns into the lane closest to the road divider. You step on the accelerator, feeling your body press itself against the seat as the vehicle speeds up. Then, you hear a muffled “oomph!” from behind.
  2870. > Ensuring the road ahead is clear, you chance a quick glance at the backseat. Starlight is picking herself up, and you guess she fell when you accelerated. Turning your eyes to the road, you speak.
  2871. “Starlight, just lay down on your belly, okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
  2872. > “Yes, Master.”
  2873. > You stop at a traffic light. Looking at Angela, you see that she is reading from a file.
  2874. “First stop is the Rose Isles Financial Building, in the Central Business District? Three checkpoints yeah?”
  2875. > “Yep… Then Linen Road Industrial Complex, four checkpoints… Hup Seng Residentials, Five checkpoints, and finally… Oh! First Montfort Primary School. Two checkpoints.”
  2876. > You groan. Kids. Why does it have to be kids?
  2877. > Angela laughs, punching you on the shoulder. You must have groaned pretty fucking loudly.
  2878. > “They aren’t so bad, Anon. A bit energetic, sure, but they are so sweet and cute.”
  2879. “Nah, they are noisy, mischievous rascals who always demand rides. And they always pull my ears.”
  2880. > “Kids? You mean human foals and fillies, Angela?”
  2881. > Angela turns around and beams at the pink pony.
  2882. > “Yes, Starlight. We are going to visit a Primary School later, and the students there will be aged seven to twelve... And Mr Big Inspector here already has a reputation there for being “Officer Pony”. A bit ironic, in my opinion.”
  2883. > You hear a soft giggle from the backseat. The light changes to green and you put your foot down, turning the vehicle to the right and into the expressway entrance.
  2884. “I regret saying ‘Yes’ to that child. Truly, I do. Now, they swarm me like Zerglings whenever we go there.”
  2885. > “Oh, hush you… You are always so caring to them, even if you don’t realise it. They like you, Anon.”
  2886. > You roll your eyes. Turning the signalling light on, you enter the expressway after checking that there is ample space between you and the approaching vehicle.
  2887. > “You know, you’ll make a good father one day.”
  2888. > A father? You, Boss? You barely have the patience for some of the incompetent fucks in the Station, and these are grown adults. Nevermind kids.
  2889. > Tell me about it, Brain.
  2890. > Then, you smirk as an idea comes to you.
  2891. “What? And are you going to be the mother?”
  2892. > Angela pokes you in your side, making you jolt. The vehicle swerves a little as you rush to correct it.
  2893. “Oi! I’m driving, dammit!”
  2894. > …
  2896. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, we are at Checkpoint 2 for Patrol 01. Time now is 0854. Over.”
  2897. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5, 0854 at Charlie Papa 2 copy. Proceed. Over.”
  2898. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, roger that. Over.”
  2899. > You slot the radio back on its holder as Angela writes on a form in the file. The three of you are outside a bank outlet, near the automated telling machine. Checking on Starlight, you see that she is watching the multitude of people walking about, the majority of them wearing office and business attires. Some give Starlight and you curious looks, while others just ignore the three of you.
  2900. > Angela clicks her pen.
  2901. > “Bubble Tea, Anon? I’m sure Starlight would love to try some.”
  2902. > Starlight looks up at the mention of her name.
  2903. > “What’s Bubble Tea, Angela?”
  2904. > Angela kneels, rubbing the pony’s big fluffy ears. Starlight closes her eyes and leans in, clearly enjoying the display of affection.
  2905. > “Best way to describe it? Heaven in liquid form. It is a Taiwanese invention: milk, caramel, and a tea base served with ice, accompanied by chewy tapioca balls that we call ‘pearls’. This is the generic and most common one, but they also have a multitude of flavours such as green tea, passionfruit, honeydew…”
  2906. > You chuckle as you watch Starlight practically salivate. Her muzzle hangs open, and her eyes widen as Angela continues to list off more flavours and variants of the drink.
  2907. > “… and topped with bits of chocolate and caramel pudding!”
  2908. > Starlight rears up and puts both hooves on your knees, shaking them lightly. She has a frown on her face as she looks at you pleadingly.
  2909. > “Oh please Master, can you buy me some? Please, Master? It sounds so good! Oh please? Please? Master, please? Plea-”
  2910. > Fuck. There is no way you can resist that. Starlight is just too… Bloody adorable.
  2911. “Ah, alright then. But you must continue to be a good girl for me, okay?”
  2912. > Starlight blushes profusely as she gets off you. She lowers her head and peeks at you as she gives you a shy smile, rubbing a hoof over another. Her tail swishes through the air as she flicks it.
  2913. > “Y-yes, Master… I… I will be.”
  2914. > Perplexed by her behaviour, you frown at her. Then you realise the double meaning behind your words.
  2915. > Starlight always used the term ‘good girl’ when she…
  2916. > You cough as your own face becomes warm. Thankfully, Angela was messing around with her phone during this exchange.
  2917. > You heave a sigh of relief. That will be awkward, if not even dangerous. Angela would probably flip her shit if she knows what you did to Starlight last night. The lady in question puts away her phone and looks at you.
  2918. > “Shall we go? I need my Bubble Tea fix.”
  2919. “Yep, let’s go.”
  2920. > …
  2922. > “Peppermint Milk Tea, please. Large.”
  2923. > “With pearls, Angela?”
  2924. > “Yes, please. Oh! And I will like caramel custard on top, Ma’am.”
  2925. > “Okay! That will be $5.00; a 50 cents discount, since you come here so often.”
  2926. > “Oh, you shouldn’t! Really, I insist. You have a business to run, after all.”
  2927. > “Well, alright Angela. I’ll give you a little more custard then.”
  2928. > “Thank you!”
  2929. > Watching the exchange between Angela and the sweet old woman who runs the Bubble Tea kiosk brings a smile to your face. Angela has always been nice and polite to the elderly.
  2930. > Respect for seniors that is lacking far too much nowadays, Brain.
  2931. > You know how fucking old that makes you sound right, Boss?
  2932. > Shut up.
  2933. “Your turn, Starlight.”
  2934. > She walks up to the counter and rears up to look at the menu. Then, she turns to face you, frowning lightly. Her intention is obvious: she is asking for your permission. You nod your head, making a mental note to have a discussion with Starlight about permissions later.
  2935. > “I’ll have a small Milk Tea, please. With pearls.”
  2936. > “Okay, Miss Policepony!”
  2937. > You move forward, telling Starlight to wait with Angela while you make payment. Getting an assurance that someone will send the drinks to you, you thank the dear old lady as you collect your change. Then, you pull out your phone as you walk over to Angela and Starlight, who are sitting on a nearby bench and talking about ‘harmony’ and magic again. You plant your ass beside them, accessing the ‘Notes’ function in your phone and key in “Permissions, Starlight”. Scrolling up, you see that “Night light, Starlight” and “P.P. Statement, Starlight” are still there.
  2938. > Oh yeah, you have yet to hand in Starlight’s statement form to DSP Koh.
  2939. > “Mister Policeman, Sir? Your orders are ready.”
  2940. > That bright cheery voice causes you to look up, and you start. A deep magenta pony with a pink mane stands before you, wearing a yellow and purple bow in her mane. Her eyes are a beautiful light green. She has a light-yellow top on, complete with a pleated skirt in darker yellow, and her outfit reminds you of a cheerleader. Your drinks, in their sealed plastic cups, are contained in a plastic bag that is sitting on the ground in front of her, along with three large straws.
  2941. > Damn, that outfit looks really good on her. It makes her… Adorable and sexy. Adorasexy?
  2942. > That’s not a word, Boss.
  2943. > She gives you a polite smile.
  2944. > “Two Milk Teas, one small, with pearls, and one large, without pearls. Also, a Peppermint Milk Tea with pearls and caramel custard, large. Is this your order, Sir?”
  2945. “Aye it is.”
  2946. > “Cheerilee! Sweet Celestia! It is you! It’s really you! Oh goodness!”
  2947. > Before you could react, Starlight rushes forward and hugs the cheerleaderpony, causing her eyes to widen in shock as her muzzle hangs open.
  2948. > “Star… S-Starlight Glimmer? Is that… Are you…?”
  2949. > “Yes! Yes! It’s me, Cheerilee! It’s really me! Oh Princesses! It really is you! Oh, I am so happy to see you again!”
  2950. > Starlight pulls back, her eyes watering as she regards Cheerilee with a wide grin. You watch as Cheerilee’s eyes focus on your pony’s face, and she reaches a shaky hoof to touch Starlight’s cheek. The pink pony closes her eyes, causing tears to fall from them as she leans into her counterpart’s touch and grins widely.
  2951. > “… Sweet Celestia… Am I… Am I dreaming? Is it really-”
  2952. > “You’re not! It’s me! Starlight! It’s me, Cheerilee! It’s really me! It is so good to see you again! I missed you, Cheerilee…”
  2953. > You watch as Cheerilee’s expression changes from utter shock to one of recognition, then her own eyes start tearing up. She lunges forward and pulls Starlight into a hug, crying her eyes out as she wraps her hooves around the armoured K9 vest.
  2954. > “Starlight! It is you! Oh goodness, I never thought that I’ll see you again! It is you! It really is! Oh Celestia, you don’t know how happy I am to see…”
  2955. > Any coherent words from the two ponies can no longer be heard when they just mumble to each other as they cry. Their hooves are wrapped tight around each other, as if they are bracing themselves for a tidal wave to hit them. They bury their faces into each other’s manes, both of them sobbing heavily as they nuzzle each other, totally unaware of the small crowd of onlookers that are watching and pointing at them. Some of them even have their phones out.
  2956. > A cheerleaderpony and a policepony. It reminds you of the costumes that owners used to put on their pets at the dog conventions that you attended before.
  2957. > You smile warmly at the sight as you drop Starlight’s leash as you turn to Angela. She already has a tissue out, and is wiping away her tears silently. Your colleague matches your gaze, she leans in to rest her head on your shoulders as she watches Starlight and Cheerilee with you.
  2958. > “I never thought of it... All the times we have been here, Anon, I never thought that Cheerilee might know Starlight…”
  2959. “… Neither did I.”
  2960. > You remove the radio from its holder, raising it to your lips.
  2961. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Message. Over”
  2962. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Send. Over.”
  2963. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. We have encountered… Uh… Some obstacles in our patrol. As such, we will be delayed in reaching Charlie Papa 3. Over.”
  2964. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5, roger that. Delay in patrol, copy. Please proceed when you can. Over.”
  2965. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Wilco. Over.”
  2966. > You return the radio to its holder.
  2967. > …
  2969. > Taking a sip from your large Milk Tea, you regard the cheerleaderpony who is sitting beside Starlight.
  2970. “I’m sorry, but I have to ask: Why are you wearing a cheerleader’s outfit, Cheerilee?”
  2971. > The magenta pony smiles as she nods at Mary-Anne, the elderly owner of the kiosk, who is sitting with Angela and you on the bench. She has closed the kiosk for the moment, taking the time to talk with Angela, Starlight and you. Mary-Anne returns Cheerilee’s smile, reaching an aged hand to pet the pony on her head, making Cheerilee’s eyes close in delight.
  2972. > “She was wearing it when my daughter bought her for me, seven months ago. I thought that she looked so cute in it, so asked her to wear it whenever she is with me at the kiosk.”
  2973. > Mary-Anne turns to smile at you.
  2974. > “Helps to leave an impression on customers, you know? Got many more sales per day ever since she started wearing it.”
  2975. > You nod.
  2976. “I agree. Cheerilee, you look absolutely adorable in it.”
  2977. > She blushes lightly, looking away briefly before turning her green eyes up to yours.
  2978. > “Thank you, Mister Anon Sir. That’s really sweet of you to say.”
  2979. > Angela smirks at you before turning to Cheerilee.
  2980. > “May I ask why you were wearing this outfit when… You know…”
  2981. > Coughing lightly, Angela waves her right hand in the air.
  2982. > “When I was captured, Angela? It’s okay, I don’t mind talking about it.”
  2983. > The policewoman nods and smiles. Cheerilee dips her head, and you see a small smile on her muzzle before she starts speaking.
  2984. > “I was part of a group of volunteers from the refugee camp in the fields below Canterlot. We formed a squad to provide entertainment for the Guards who were headed for battle, and we organised cheerleading and dance performances in their camps before they were sent out. We also had musicians and singers, and they helped boost their morale with their music and songs.”
  2985. > Cheerilee looks up at Angela and takes a breath. She still has that little smile.
  2986. > “I was captured when we were travelling to a Guards’ camp near Fillydelphia to perform for them… I guess I had it easy, as your soldiers just got us to surrender when they found that we had no weapons. They put magic suppressing rings on the horns of the unicorns and tied the wings of the pegasi, then they herded us onto a truck… We just complied… We were scared that they will hurt us, so we did not fight or try to run away… They gave us food and water, and brought us to an auction house within the week, where I was purchased by Charity to help Ms Mary-Anne here with her Bubble Tea kiosk.”
  2987. > Cheerilee gets up and walks over to Mary-Anne, leaning in to nuzzle the aged lady’s hand. The pony blinks as tears start pooling in her eyes.
  2988. > “Thank you so much, Mary-Anne... And thank you for Charity. I… I am really grateful for your kindness... You and Charity gave me a new life here on Earth, so thank you… Thank you so much.”
  2989. > Mary-Anne puts her hands under Cheerilee’s forehooves, guiding her up into her lap as she hugs the cheerleaderpony.
  2990. > “You are very welcome, Cheerilee… You have more than repaid us with your help, as your work helps me pay for Charity’s student loans. I should be thanking you instead, silly girl.”
  2991. > Oh god, the feels.
  2992. > It is interesting that Cheerilee’s capture was so different from Starlight’s, Boss. Guess people are far more dynamic and complex than you give them credit for. Some are good, some are bad.
  2993. > In my line of work, Brain, you tend to see more of the latter.
  2994. > Meh, fair enough, Boss.
  2995. > Letting them enjoy the hug, you turn your attention to Starlight, who is watching her fellow pony and her owner with a smile.
  2996. “Starlight? How do you two know each other?”
  2997. > Your pony turns to you when you call her. She dips her head, almost in the same fashion as Cheerilee did, before she speaks.
  2998. > “We were living in Ponyville together, Master, before the War… I was staying in Twilight’s castle, which doubled as both her home and the town’s library… Ms Cheerilee was a schoolteacher, Master, and she frequently visited the library to gather materials and prepare lessons for her students… For me, I often spent time in the library to help Twilight with her research, so naturally, we talked and helped each other with our work… You can say that Cheerilee and I are rather close because of that.”
  2999. > Cheerilee looks at Starlight adoringly, who reciprocated with a wide smile of her own. Starlight turns back to you.
  3000. > “She is a good friend, Master, and a wonderful teacher. Her students always say that she was the best teacher they ever had.”
  3001. > Cheerilee giggles softly, covering her mouth with a hoof.
  3002. > “I’m the only teacher in Ponyville, Starlight.”
  3003. > “That doesn’t change the fact that the foals love you, Cheers.”
  3004. > “Aww… You got that sweet tongue from Mister Anon, didn’t you Starlight? But yeah, thank you.”
  3005. > Heh, “got that sweet tongue from you”. Maybe tonight, Boss, you should try eating her out.
  3006. > Brain, that sounds nice, but it is highly inappro-
  3007. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Incident has been assigned to you. Over.”
  3008. > Right, you are still at work.
  3009. > Angela picks up her radio.
  3010. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Send. Over.”
  3011. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5, a body has been found in the rubbish chute of Block 45, Blue Ridge Road. I repeat, Block 45, Blue Ridge Road. Deceased is a pony mare. Details on your MDT*. Please proceed to secure. IO* will be dispatched in 10 Mikes*. Over.”
  3012. > *Author’s Note* - “MDT”, short for ‘Mobile Data Terminal’; “IO”, short for ‘Investigation Officer’. Mikes, “M”, short for “Minutes.”
  3013. > You feel the tension in the air rise quickly as the five of you freeze.
  3014. > Fuck. A body. And a pony’s to boot.
  3015. > Angela turns to you with a worried glare, but raises the radio to her lips.
  3016. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Solid copy on all. Do we still proceed to Charlie Papa 3 for Patrol 01, over?”
  3017. > “Negative, Foxtrot 5. Cite “Deferment to [Case Number]” on your patrol form and proceed to incident site. Time now is 0927. Do you copy, over?”
  3018. > Angela nods.
  3019. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, roger that. 0927 copy. Proceeding to site now. Over”
  3020. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Roger that. Over.”
  3021. > Your eyes travel from Angela’s, to Mary-Anne’s and Cheerilee’s, then to Starlight’s. You sigh.
  3022. “Guess it takes all sorts of people to make up this world, huh? The good, the indifferent, and the evil.”
  3023. > You stand, pulling out your wallet. Taking a $50 dollar note from it, you press it into Mary-Anne’s palm and close her fingers over it.
  3024. “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, even at the expense of your business. I hope this is enough to cover the lost sales.”
  3025. > Mary-Anne looks down at the note, then smiles at you as she raises her eyes.
  3026. > “Mister Anon, you don’t have to do this, you know?”
  3027. > You just give her a bittersweet smile in return.
  3028. “No, I don’t. But I want to, and I choose to. This world is fucked up as it is, but we can try to make it a better place, can’t we?”
  3029. > The elderly lady nods.
  3030. > “Thank you, Officer.”
  3031. > You just nod in return before bending down to pick up Starlight’s leash. Angela gets up too, turning to shake Mary-Anne’s hand. Turning to your pony, you say in a loud voice.
  3032. “We can come back here whenever there is time, Starlight. For now, we got a duty to do.”
  3033. > Starlight nods. She walks over and rears up in front of Mary-Anne’s seat, pulling Cheerilee into a brief hug. Releasing her, she then trots to your side.
  3034. > “Let’s go, Master.”
  3035. > …
  3037. > Turning into the carpark, you scan your surroundings as you the slow the cruiser down, trying to drive and look for Block 45 at the same time.
  3038. > Angela taps you urgently on the shoulder.
  3039. > “Anon, there.”
  3040. > Following the direction of her finger, you spot a small group of people. They are gathered in front of a rubbish chute door.
  3041. “Roger that.”
  3042. > You turn the vehicle around, moving it closer to the incident site. Shifting the gear to ‘reverse’, you check the rear and side mirrors as you back the car slowly into a lot, turning the steering wheel as needed. From the corner of your eye, you see Angela lean forward, tapping on the screen of the Mobile Data Terminal with an index finger. A slip of paper ejects from its bottom, which Angela tears off and puts in the file she is carrying. Then, she picks up her radio.
  3043. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Message. Over.”
  3044. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Send. Over.”
  3045. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, we have arrived at the incident site. Time now is 0941. Proceeding on foot. Over.”
  3046. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5, 0941 copy. IO is 6 Mikes out. Over.”
  3047. > “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch, 6 Mikes copy. Over.”
  3048. > Done with parking, you turn the engine off and remove the key, releasing your seatbelt with the other hand. You turn around. Starlight has her hooves planted on the door, and she is watching the small crowd intensely.
  3049. “Starlight, I want you to stay close to me as we proceed to the site. Don’t go near the body, and don’t touch anything. Okay?”
  3050. > Starlight did not even turn to look at you, but she does a small nod as her eyes remain glued to the crowd. You get out of the cruiser, slamming the door shut. Walking over to the passenger seat, you open the door. Starlight dashes out and starts sprinting to the crowd, her red leash dragging along the ground.
  3051. > Shit.
  3052. “Starlight! Get back here!”
  3053. > Leaving a stunned Angela behind, you give chase. You focus on two things: the pink blur in front of you, and the movement of your legs. Left, right, left, right. Your surroundings become a blur, and you feel the wind rushing past your face. You hear the soft clinking sounds of the equipment on your utility belt. They are in sync to the rhythm of the rise and fall of your body as you sprint after the pink pony.
  3054. > It is futile; Starlight easily outpaces you, and she reaches the chute first, much to the surprise of the people there. You watch as she rears up, pulling the black bin down on its side with her hooves.
  3056. > 30 metres away. You watch as Starlight frantically pulls a big, black mass of plastic bags out of the bin. She proceeds to bite on one end of it, pulling a bag off. No no no!
  3057. > 10 metres. You see her mouth hang open as she regards the face of the deceased pony. She is green in colour.
  3058. > 5 metres. You skip to the side, dodging a woman who walked in front of you.
  3059. “Starlight!”
  3060. > Said pony gasps as she jolts from the harshness of your shout. She looks up from the pony’s face to yours.
  3061. > You wheeze, taking a moment to catch your breath. Now that you are near, you see that crowd is made up of approximately ten people, and they are watching you in shock. No doubt, your shout has startled them as well. Behind them, Angela is running towards you, file in hand. Your heart is pounding from the sudden burst of energy, and your chest heaves from exertion.
  3062. > You put up a hand.
  3063. “Sorry for startling anyone… I am Officer Anonymous of the Police Force, and my partner is Officer Angela… More officers will be arriving soon, and we’ll take care of the body… Please disperse… There is nothing more to see here, and your presence here may hinder Police investigations… We ask that you give us space and time to work, and please do not touch anything… Thank you everybody.”
  3064. > You managed to address the crowd in-between your gasps for air. Some of the people present there give you small nods and start to leave. Four people remain however, whispering amongst themselves before Angela arrives and shoos them away.
  3065. > Still fighting to catch your breath, you take a closer looker at the deceased pony. Well, only her mane is green; her coat is a light turquoise blue. You can only see her head, and the rest of her body is covered in a black trash bag, which is tied tightly and messily with pink raffia string. Said Ruffia string is also looped around her neck. A tear in the bag shows her cutie mark: it is a white raincloud, complete with green raindrops. There is none of the familiar odour of decomposition from her, apart from the stink of trash that has been spilled from the toppled bin.
  3066. > She died merely hours before then, Boss. And from the string around her neck and the bruising there, she probably was strangled to death. Gotta check her eyes to confirm.
  3067. > Better wait for the Investigation Officer to confirm that, Brain. Angela and I are supposed to be playing the role of Junior Officers today.
  3068. > Yes, Boss.
  3069. > You glance around, seeing that the crowd has dispersed. There are people at their windows though, watching the three of you. Turning to Starlight, you call her name. She looks up to you, but shrinks when she sees the fury on your face.
  3070. “Do you know her?”
  3071. > The pink pony just stares at you. Her eyes are constricted, her ears are flat against her skull, and her mouth is opened slightly. She is frightened of you.
  3072. “Answer me!”
  3073. > “… N-no, M-master…”
  3074. “Good.”
  3075. > Starlight shuts her eyes and dips her head. She knows she is in trouble.
  3076. > You turn to Angela, fixing her with a look, causing her to shut her eyes and take a breath. Then, she opens them, giving you a slight nod. You return it with one of your own.
  3077. > Angela knows the consequences of Starlight’s actions, and she knows what you are going to do.
  3078. > You are going to discipline Starlight.
  3079. “Follow me.”
  3080. > That came out almost like a growl.
  3081. > Wordlessly, your pony does what you told her to. You walk around the block, looking for a secluded spot, when eventually, you lead her behind a generator station. Turning around, you give Starlight a hard stare, and again she shrinks in fear.
  3082. “You deliberately disobeyed me.”
  3083. > “… I… I’m sorry, Master! I-I was just worried that she might be somepony that I knew fro-”
  3084. “I told you to stay with me and not to touch anything, didn’t I? DIDN’T I, STARLIGHT?!”
  3085. > Starlight shuts her eyes and lowers her head.
  3086. “Do you know what you have done? You contaminated the crime scene when you moved the bin; we needed photographs of the scene as it is. You used your mouth to remove the covering on her head, leaving traces of yourself on that bag. You altered the position of the body, which will affect the findings of the Investigation Officer when he does his examination… The fact that you changed these affects the credibility of the evidence that we gather, you know that? The Public Prosecutor will use our findings in court, which can determine whether the sick fuck who did that to her walks scott-free, or rots in prison… Your actions may cause other ponies to suffer the same fate under that fucking psycho if he walks free, you know that?!”
  3087. > Starlight grimaces as you barrage her with your words and your anger. Pausing to take a deep breath, you lower your voice, growling at her again.
  3088. “… And, you violated my trust and disobeyed my orders. Not only as a slave, but also as an enforcer of the law. I told you yesterday that out here in the field, you needed to do exactly as I say… And you promised to, didn’t you?”
  3089. > You wait. Starlight eventually nods, and you press on.
  3090. “You are a smart mare. Do you know why?”
  3091. > She nods, but you state it anyway.
  3092. “Because it can be dangerous out here in the field. My orders are given for specific reasons, Starlight, and they are meant to protect you and the others around you. Not following them affects my work, and puts you or others in risk of injury and harm… That’s why I told you to cooperate fully with me, without hesitation… Your defiance can kill you out here, you know that?”
  3093. > She simply nods again as tears start falling from her eyes. Shaking your head, you decide what your next course of action is.
  3094. > You unclasp the buckle on the utility belt, letting your equipment drop on the floor. Hearing the thud and clinks, you see Starlight open her teary eyes in surprise. Then, she shrinks back again as you unbuckle your own belt, pulling it free in a swift movement. Her eyes widen and her pupils contract. She knows what you are going to do.
  3095. “Lower your front to the ground and cover your eyes. Put your ass up, and lift your tail.”
  3096. > You watch as Starlight swallows hard, then she shakily compiles. Her hind legs are quivering in fear.
  3097. > You put the end of the belt beside the buckle, forming a loop of leather. Holding it in your right hand, you draw your arm backwards. Then you bring it sharply forward, flicking your wrist in a test swing. You hear the sharp ‘swoosh’ of displaced air as the loop cuts through it like a whip. Starlight visibly quivers at the sound as she sobs into her hooves.
  3098. > Steeling yourself, you position yourself behind her. You swallow a lump in your throat as you hesitate, but you shake your head again.
  3099. > You must drive the lesson home. Disobedience is not tolerated.
  3100. > You take a moment to aim, as you move your weight back onto your right foot. Using your left arm as a guide, you draw your right backwards, feeling the leather loop resting on your forearm. Then, you bring your weight forward, feeling the pressure on your left foot increase as you swing your right arm in an arc, using that same flicking movement of your wrist to drive the belt forward in a sharp angle.
  3101. > ‘Twack!’
  3102. > The sound of the crack echoes through the entire neighbourhood. Starlight jumps when the make-shift whip meets its mark, and she cries out in terror.
  3103. > In terror. Not pain.
  3104. > Slowly, Starlight peeks out from behind her hooves, recoiling lightly when she sees you squatting behind her, the leather loop resting on the ground to her right. You drop it, and you hear the soft ‘clink’ of the metal buckle as it hits the ground. Planting your butt on the ground, you close your eyes and rest your forehead in your left palm. Your right forearm rests on your knee.
  3105. > You only wanted to scare her. You meant it when you told her that you will never hurt her.
  3106. > The soft clip-clops of her hooves reaches your ears. You open your eyes, watching Starlight as she turns her body around so she is facing you. She keeps her head low and approaches you cautiously. Gently, she nuzzles your right palm, closing her eyes as she sobs.
  3107. > Starlight is using her tears to wash your fingers.
  3108. > Your pony really is a brave girl, Boss. Nuzzling your hand after you threatened to whip her? That takes some serious courage… Or stupidity…
  3109. > Obviously, it’s the first, Brain.
  3110. “… I made two promises to you, Starlight… That you will never have to be afraid of me, and that I will never hurt you… I have broken the former, Starlight, so don’t… Don’t make me break the latter…”
  3111. > She rushes forward to hug you tightly, crying heavily into your chest.
  3112. > “I’m s-sorry, Master! I am! I’m sorry! I will listen next time! I promise! I will obey you, Master! I’m so so sorry…”
  3113. > Hugging her tightly, you rub the back of her head and pet her back through the K9 vest. You bury your face into her mane, willing the hurt you feel inside to go away.
  3114. > True enough, you can smell the scent of dogs.
  3115. “Your punishment is knowing that you caused me to break a promise that I made to you… And that you hurt me by betraying my trust.”
  3116. > Starlight continues to mutter her apologies, so you just hold her tightly.
  3117. “… There, there, Starlight… I accept your apology… It’s okay… Everything’s okay… I love you… It’s okay…”
  3118. > …
  3120. > You are back the scene with Angela and Starlight, watching representatives from the Animal Rights Agency packing the body into a bag, lifting it onto a stretcher. They proceed to carry it away. Turning to the Investigation Officer assigned to this case, one Inspector Noel, you listen as he engages in a discussion with two other officers from the Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department. The Inspector is a thin, bespectacled Asian man who has a camera dangling from his neck.
  3121. > “… Nothing beyond a charge of improper disposal of a carcass. Just a fine of $1,000. Tops… And that is if, and only if, mind you, that the Subordinate Court finds him guilty.”
  3122. > “Bloody outrageous! Why are the laws so hard to create?! I mean, she had her tongue ripped out and a fucking knife wound in her vagina, Noel! Who the fuck does that? This asshole is a danger to-”
  3123. > “Please, stop… I know, alright? Sprinkle Medley has suffered clear physical and sexual abuse; I get that, okay?! You don’t have to say it again, dammit! Until Parliament passes that Bill, we are stuck here... Don’t forget that she is registered as his, so he can do whatever the hell he wanted to her.”
  3124. > “… God fucking dammit… Oh alright, then, I’ll do the write-up for ECAD… We’ll look into his purchase history and post a lookout for him. Be sure to include that in your report, Noel... Hopefully, AC Thor can blacklist him, that slimy fuck. Stop him from getting more of them.”
  3125. > “I hope so. It’s lucky that that bastard is not at home, ‘cause I don’t know what I’ll do if I see his fucking face… Anyway, E-mail me your write-up yeah? I’ll send mine to you when I’m done.”
  3126. > “Alright. See you back at HQ for the debrief in an hour.”
  3127. > Inspector Noel sighs and waves to the two ECAD officers as they take their leave. He turns to Angela and you, sighing again as he pinches the bridge of his nose and clenches his eyes.
  3128. “No bueno, eh, Noel?”
  3129. > “Nope… It’s just so… Incredibly fucking unjust…”
  3130. > You turn to Angela, who just shakes her head sadly. Letting out a sigh yourself, you feel a mixture of indignity and frustration. From your earlier conversations with the two ECAD officers, you know now that there are laws getting formulated to protect ponies, but are yet to be implemented. You clench your fists hard, crushing Starlight’s red leash in them. These fucking sadists are getting away with their treatment of these sapient ponies, and you, as a Police officer sworn to protect the vulnerable in society, could do nothing about it. The injustice of it hurts you inside though, and leaves you feeling bitter and resentful.
  3131. > A maximum $1,000 fine? Why not just slap his wrist instead and tell him to play nicely?
  3132. > God dammit. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.
  3133. > The silence drags on, as each of you are immersed in your own thoughts. All that runs through your mind is the hope for Parliament to fucking pass that Bill and the things you would do to that scroungy fuck if you met him. Then, Noel squats, stretching out a palm towards Starlight.
  3134. > “Little pony? Come here, girl.”
  3135. > Starlight turns up to you for permission, which you give with a nod of your head. Walking forward, she keeps her head bowed. She sits on her haunches in front of Noel, who gently pets her on the head.
  3136. > “My name is Noel. What’s yours?”
  3137. > “S-Starlight Glimmer, Officer Sir.”
  3138. > Noel smiles softly as he continues to pet her.
  3139. > “You know, you are a very lucky pony, Miss Starlight, to have Inspector Anon as your master. I have encountered so many cases like these, and it kills me bit by bit every time I come across a new one… Yet, knowing there are also people like Anon here gives me hope that humanity is not entirely condemned… So, you should treasure Anon, okay? Do what he says, and listen to him. He’ll take good care of you, I know it.”
  3140. > Starlight nods.
  3141. > “I will, Officer Noel Sir.”
  3142. > Turning her head to look at you, you see tears gathering at her eyes again.
  3143. > “I will…”
  3144. > You squat to place a hand on her back, mouthing a silent “thank you” to Noel. He merely nods, standing up as he turns to leave.
  3145. > Sighing as you stand, you move your head up to look up at the block of flats. In one of these units, the turquoise and green-maned mare had her tongue ripped out, a knife stabbed into her birth canal, and she was strangled to death with string. Probably raped too.
  3146. > Yet, this block looks so peaceful from the outside, Boss. And the neighbourhood is so quiet. Looks can be bloody deceiving.
  3147. > You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder. Turning, you see Angela also looking up before she turns to you.
  3148. > “If there is nothing else, we should go… Wanna try to complete the Industrial Complex Patrol before lunch-time? I’ll drive this time.”
  3149. > Before you can reply, she nods in Starlight’s direction.
  3150. > “Seat behind later, Anon, and spend some time to comfort her. She looks like she really needs it.”
  3151. “Okay.”
  3152. > Angela pats your shoulder before she starts walking to the police car, pulling out her radio on the way.
  3153. “Starlight?”
  3154. > Your pony is still sitting at the same spot, her gaze fixed at where the toppled bin used to be. At the sound of her name, her ears perk up, and she gets up on her hooves.
  3155. “You okay?”
  3156. > That was a stupid question, but your intention was to show that you are concerned for her. She gives you a soft nod.
  3157. “Let’s go, alright?”
  3158. > “Yes, Master.”
  3159. > Tugging on Starlight’s leash gently, you get her to follow you. You plan to pet, hug, and cuddle the crap out of her in that backseat.
  3160. > Not literally, Brain.
  3161. > …
  3163. > Starlight fell asleep. Curled up in your lap, you gently stroke her mane and rub her ears. Poor girl has been through a roller coaster of emotions already, and given the few hours of sleep she got last night (this morning), you do not blame her.
  3164. > Plus, she is new to the whole policepony job.
  3165. > Angela pulls the vehicle into a carpark, slowing down as she drives over a hump. The rocking motion shakes the vehicle, causing Starlight to shift back and forth. Yet, she just continues snoozing.
  3166. > Angela shifts the gear to ‘reverse’ and backs the car into a lot. Then, she puts the gear to 'park', pulls up on the handbrake and removes her seatbelt, tapping on the Data Terminal again as she tears off another slip of paper and writes in the file. When she is done, she looks back at you and nods, and you slowly slide Starlight off you onto the backseat. Again, she just sleeps through it.
  3167. “Shall we leave her in the car? She is exhausted.”
  3168. > Angela pauses to consider your suggestion, then she nods.
  3169. > “I’ll keep the engine running and the air-con on. This place is relatively safe anyway, so no worries about the car. Oh, write her a note yeah? Don’t want her to panic later if she wakes.”
  3170. > Seeing your nod, she exits the vehicle and pulls out her radio again, speaking quickly into it. You take out your notepad to scribble a short message for Starlight, putting in a time estimate and a message that Angela and you will be back after the Patrol is done. You stick it on the back of the headrest of the driver’s seat.
  3171. > Turning back to glance at Starlight one last time, you open the passenger door and step out, closing said door gently. You look around, seeing that you are in the carpark of a factory of sorts. As far as you know, Linen Road Industrial Complex is a manufacturing hub, albeit a smaller one as compared to the others in the country. Although you have four checkpoints for this patrol route, they are relatively easily to access as compared to the ones in the Central Business District, given that they are situated around the perimeter of the complex.
  3172. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. Roger that. 1211 Copy. Over.”
  3173. > Angela puts her radio back, then nods at you. You follow her, setting off at a brisk pace towards your first checkpoint. It is located beside the outer perimeter fence, so Angela and you are walking along rows of parked container trucks by the fence. Your respective equipment bounces and clinks with your footsteps.
  3174. > “… You really love her, Anon, don’t you?”
  3175. > Turning to Angela, you meet her eyes and nod.
  3176. “I do… I really do, Angela…”
  3177. > “Have you… Nevermind… Knowing you, you probably already did.”
  3178. > You frown.
  3179. “What?”
  3180. > Angela smiles at you.
  3181. > “You already made love to her, haven’t you?”
  3182. > You stop dead in your tracks as your heart skipped a beat, staring at Angela as she stops too. Your stomach constricts as if an ice cube appeared in it. Smirking lightly, your partner gives you a little shake of her head and a knowing smile.
  3183. > Fuck.
  3184. > She knows. Angela knows. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck…
  3185. “H-how did… You…”
  3186. > “Boys will be boys, Anon… And the two of you are way too obvious.”
  3187. > Angela takes a breath, looking up at the sky for a moment before turning back to you and crossing her arms.
  3188. > “I can tell by the way the both of you look at each other; there is something there that is beyond that of a master and a slave. Or even between close friends. I can tell that she does not obey you because she fears you, but she obeys you because she wants to… I dare say that she loves you, Anon… As a girl myself, I am certain of the signs.”
  3189. > Angela smiles at you before she elaborates.
  3190. > “From the way you were comforting her earlier in the car? The things you said to her, the way you held her, and the way she looks at you, I can tell. You were kissing her, for fuck’s sake! It’s almost like you both are in your own little world.”
  3191. > Shaking her head, Angela giggles softly.
  3192. > “Your behaviour is exactly the same as how my boyfriend behaves with me… Much to the annoyance and embarrassment of my mother and sisters, but I digress.”
  3193. > Eyes drifting to her left, Angela sighs deeply before she resumes speaking.
  3194. > “I suppose even though I still don’t like the idea of her being your slave, you have shown that you have not and will not take advantage of her position to abuse her… From the things you do, Anon, I can see that you value her happiness and well-being… And… I guess you are right; even though Starlight may not be truly free, she can still choose to be happy. With you. As her master.”
  3195. > You just stare at Angela, stunned at her monologue.
  3196. “S-so, you are not… Angry?”
  3197. > Fucking witty, Boss. Of all the things to say, you ask the obvious.
  3198. > Angela grins as she punches you on the shoulder.
  3199. > “Why should I be? Starlight is clearly happy being with you; you treat her well, look after her needs, and you keep her safe. Also, knowing you, you’ll make good on that promise to AC Thor that you’ll die for her if need be. I say that’s a pretty good deal, especially in this day and age; it’s hard to find a guy like you, especially one that is so committed… And, as a bonus, you are handsome and charming enough for a guy.”
  3200. > You cough as your face becomes warm. Angela laughs, clearly enjoying your discomfort.
  3201. “T-thanks…”
  3202. > Recovering, Angela sighs again and grins at you.
  3203. > “Don’t mention it. Besides, I am not in a position to judge the nature of the relationship between the both of you.”
  3204. > Huh?
  3205. “I don’t understand. What do you mean by “not being able to judge” us?”
  3206. > Angela smirks. Glancing left and right, Angela leans in conspiratorially.
  3207. > “I’m going to tell you a little secret, Anon.”
  3208. > Intrigued, you bend your back and lower your head, bringing your ears closer to her. Angela covers her mouth with her hand and whispers.
  3209. > “… Let’s just say that my boyfriend isn’t my first, and that I know a lot about canine anatomy...”
  3210. > What. The. Fuck.
  3211. > Smiling sheepishly at you, Angela turns and starts walking again. You are sure that your eyes are like sauces now as you regard her in shock. Your mind is a blank.
  3212. > What the fuck. What the fuck!
  3213. > Never did you expect-
  3214. > “A girl has needs too, Anon! And that was years before I met my boyfriend!”
  3215. > You blink rapidly and shake your head before you start following her.
  3216. > Angela is an active member of an animal rights activist group. Brain buzzes with excitement at the possible teases and dirty jokes that he can make in the future.
  3217. > Shaking your head again, you get him to shut up.
  3218. > You will never see your best friend in the same light again.
  3219. > …
  3221. > Laughing at Angela’s joke, you punch her shoulder.
  3222. “That’s really horrible. Funny though, but horrible.”
  3223. > Angela just continue giggling, wiping her eyes with the back of the hand that holds her file. Walking over to the Police cruiser, you peer inside the window, seeing that Starlight is still sleeping.
  3224. > Damn, she is really plum tuckered out, eh Boss?
  3225. > “Back to Station for lunch, Anon?”
  3226. > You turn and smile at Angela as she opens the door to the driver’s seat.
  3227. “Sure thing, Ma’am.”
  3228. > You get into the passenger’s seat, closing the door quietly. Despite your efforts, Starlight stirs and opens her eyes slowly, her little muzzle opening in a yawn. You reach a hand over and rest it on her head, which causes her to focus her eyes on you. She gives you a smile as she blinks drowsily.
  3229. > “Hi Master.”
  3230. “Hey Starlight.”
  3231. > Petting her mane slowly, you reach the other hand to cup her cheek. You run your thumb over it, and she smiles warmly in return.
  3232. “We are heading back to the Station for lunch. Just completed the Industrial Complex Patrol.”
  3233. > Her eyes open wide and she lifts her head.
  3234. > “Oh no… Master, I should hav-”
  3235. “It’s okay, Starlight, it’s okay… You had a rough morning, and you slept late yesterday. Don’t worry about it.”
  3236. > Starlight kisses your thumb and rubs her face into your palm.
  3237. > “Thank you, Master.”
  3238. > You just continue petting her and caressing her cheek. It is then that you realise that Angela has not started driving; she is looking over the driver’s seat at you. When you meet her eyes, she mouths: “See? I was right”. You smile sheepishly as she returns it with a warm one, then she fastens her seatbeat and shifts the gear to “drive”, releasing the handbrake thereafter.
  3239. > The drive back to the Station is filled with cuddles, nuzzles and hugs with your pink pony.
  3240. > …
  3242. > You wipe watermelon juice off Starlight’s muzzle before passing an apple to her, watching as she bites on it. Sitting down on the chair, she holds it in her hooves and looks up at you with a grateful smile.
  3243. > “Thank you, Master.”
  3244. > You just smile as she takes a bite out of it.
  3245. > She is eating much slower now, Boss. Definitely on the road to recovery.
  3246. > Aye, she is.
  3247. > You turn back to your meal: a portion of white rice with dishes. Simple and filling. Cheap too.
  3248. > Angela’s lunch is similar to yours, and she has already finished half of it when you were getting a portion of fruits for Starlight. You start on your meal, taking a slice of stir-fried pork with a mouthful of rice.
  3249. > The Station canteen is relatively empty now, given that it is almost 2pm. There is a group of junior officers seated at another table on your left, and they seemed to be listening to a briefing as given by the Station Warrant Officer. On your right, you see a female Inspector passing a hot drink to a teenage girl in school uniform, before seating down at the table and talking to her. That schoolgirl appears to be shaken badly; from the way she frowns at her drink while giving small nods to the policewoman in front of her, you can tell she has had a bad experience.
  3250. > Shoplifter, maybe? Or the target of some pervert? Criminal, or victim?
  3251. > You shake your head. It is fruitless to speculate further without some context.
  3252. > Then, you watch as DSP Koh picks up a tray with a bowl on it. He turns, scanning the canteen. You raise your hand, which catches his attention, making him smile lightly as he carries the tray to your table. When he approaches, Angela and you greet him by standing up to give him a salute, which he returns after putting down his food. Then, the three of you sit down together.
  3253. > “Ah, this must be Starlight then.”
  3254. > Starlight bows, apple still in her teeth. She holds it in her hooves again before speaking.
  3255. > “Good afternoon, Mister Officer Sir.”
  3256. > “Please, call me Koh. Or “DSP Koh”, as how Angela and Anon calls me.”
  3257. > “Yes, DSP Koh Sir.”
  3258. > DSP Koh turns to you with a small smile.
  3259. > “Well-mannered and polite. Good job, Inspector.”
  3260. > You clear your throat.
  3261. “She is naturally so, Sir. I didn’t need to teach her that.”
  3262. > “That may be the case, Anon, but it reflects well on you as a master. You should be proud of her.”
  3263. > Smiling lightly, you glance at Starlight and give her a quick pet before looking back at your supervisor.
  3264. “I am.”
  3265. > DSP Koh is about to pick up his chopsticks when Angela speaks.
  3266. > “Sir, you wanted Starlight’s Witness Statement form? I have it in my office now.”
  3267. > “Oh, that’s good, but it isn’t needed anymore. Still, keep it in the case file in my office for future reference, after lunch.”
  3268. > What?
  3269. > You share a look with Angela, who is just as confused as you are. Even Starlight looks up from her apple, watching and listening to the scene in front of her.
  3270. > You turn to DSP Koh.
  3271. “Sir? Why isn’t it needed anymore? Didn’t the Public Prosecutor ask for it?”
  3272. > The middle-aged man gives you a smirk.
  3273. > “I just got word from Prisons. That drug dealer you arrested, Anon, was strangled to death by his cell-mate three days ago. Apparently, the cell-mate is being held for aggravated assault for savagely attacking a person who kicked his pony. He was due to be released on the account of ‘Defence of Personal Property’… Anyway, that drug dealer was apparently boasting to him about how he raped a pony and killed another in his flat. Early that morning, the prison guards heard a commotion in the cell, and they entered it to find the cell-mate had his arm locked around the dealer. They tried to resuscitate him, but his windpipe was totally crushed. The dealer has been unconscious for a long while before the guards wrestled the cell-mate off him. He was dead before he could be sent to the Prison Medical Centre.”
  3274. > Whoa… That absolute madman. He actually did it.
  3275. > “That cell-mate is now being held for Murder, but as far as I know, the charge would most likely be Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder… If he can prove that the provocation was sufficient for him to lose his rationality, that is. His family has been contacted, and his pony has volunteered to stay with him in Police custody; she went in this morning. Quite a shame, really… I heard he is a pretty nice chap. The Prisons Warden allowed him to bring his pony in when he learned about the case; guess he was itching for some vigilante justice himself, as he actually allocated a budget to pay for her meals for the time being. Out of his own salary, mind you… Anyway, serves that dealer right though, that sick fuck.”
  3276. > Angela, Starlight and you just sit there, stunned by what you have learnt. DSP Koh has no qualms about it though, and starts on his noodles.
  3277. > Being charged for Murder at worst; Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder at best. Either a death sentence, or life imprisonment. If he is well behaved, that life imprisonment sentence may be reduced to 15 years.
  3278. > At least, he has his pony for company, Boss.
  3279. > “How is the evidence stacked up for him, Sir? Does he have a strong defence?”
  3280. > That question came from Angela.
  3281. > DSP Koh ‘hmms’ as he eats and thinks. He swallows.
  3282. > “As far as I know, the other cell-mates did confirm that the dealer was laughing and joking about his actions, and they heard him insulting the cell-mate’s pony, so who knows? Maybe the judge for this case will take these into account when deciding the verdict? I don’t want to speculate without speaking to the Investigation Officer for his case, but I’m confident that our judges are fair.”
  3283. > Okay then.
  3284. > DSP Koh wipes his chin with a handkerchief and speaks again.
  3285. > “Tragic as it may be for the cell-mate, I am glad that he sent that sadist to hell. People like him is what causes a lot of the sufferings in this world for ponies like Starlight. Better to weed them out.”
  3286. > DSP Koh motions to your food with a hand.
  3287. > “Eat up, Anon. Your food’s cold, and you are still on RTR status for your shift.”
  3288. > You clear your throat.
  3289. “Yes, Sir.”
  3290. > …
  3292. > “… Anon…”
  3293. > You stir, reluctant to move from your position.
  3294. > “… Anon, wake up. It is 3pm now…”
  3295. > You open your eyes, and the first thing you see is Starlight’s smiling face.
  3296. “… Hi, beautiful…”
  3297. > You yawn widely, ignoring Starlight’s blush as you move both hands up to rub your eyes. When you open them, you see Angela’s face behind Starlight’s. She is shaking her head softly as she smiles at you.
  3298. > “Sappy as all hell, right Starlight?”
  3299. > The pony on top of you giggles softly.
  3300. > “I wouldn’t have him any other way, Angela.”
  3301. > You smile, leaning forward to kiss Starlight on her little muzzle.
  3302. “… And I you, little pony.”
  3303. > Starlight blushes and giggles again. That is such a cute sound.
  3304. > “Sheesh… Alright, we have to go for the Hup Seng Residentials Patrol now. Five checkpoints, so it will take a while to clear them.”
  3305. > Groaning, you sit up slowly as Starlight hops off you. Angela kneels and starts putting the K9 vest back on the pink pony, working expertly as she adjusts the straps and buckles. You removed her vest when you laid down on the couch in your office after lunch, letting Starlight lie on top of you while you waited for Angela to come back from DSP Koh’s office.
  3306. > Her coat wass warm and soft in your arms, and her body was firm. The way she snuggled into your embrace? You feel fuzzy just thinking about the feeling of her on top of your chest, sharing that intimate moment with you. Probably explains why you do not even remember when you knocked out.
  3308. > You smile fondly as you watch Starlight adjusting herself again, K9 vest now in place. Thank you, God, for giving me that sweet, beautiful little pony, and for letting me win her love and affections.
  3309. > Checking your phone, you see that it is indeed 3pm now. Angela must have let you rest after she was done filing that Witness Statement form, as it would not have taken long.
  3310. > You take a deep breath and stretch yourself, yawning again. When you open your eyes, you see Starlight holding the handle of her red leash in her mouth, which she moves to deposit in your hand. You smile and ruffle her mane, telling her that she is a good girl. She closes her eyes and smiles as you pet her. God, she is so cute.
  3311. > Angela taps you on the shoulder gently, giving you a nod and a smile before she exits your office.
  3312. > Right. Back to work.
  3313. > Standing, you turn to Starlight.
  3314. “C’mon, Starlight. Let’s go.”
  3315. > …
  3317. > Hup Seng Residentials is a collection of condominiums and landed property. One of the bigger housing communities in the district, it is home to approximately 8,000 people. This patrol route is chosen, as far as you know, for the Police Force to show its presence amongst the people, and to give them a sense that your officers are engaged in their community. The patrols here are thus more for a display than for necessity, given that crime rates here are low, but you agree with the rationale that was given to you: law enforcement, community engagement and Police presence should be treated as inseparable.
  3318. > Walking around the quiet neighbourhood, Angela, Starlight and you found the first three checkpoints easily. Now, your group is walking across a lift lobby.
  3319. > “Master, it is so peaceful and quiet here.”
  3320. > You smile.
  3321. “That’s because the workday is not over yet; most people living here are still at their workplaces or schools… Well, except for that group there.”
  3322. > Using your thumb, you point it at a group of young children chasing each other in a playground, laughing and calling to each other under the supervision of two ladies. There are about a dozen of the energetic little rascals, some male and some female, and they are all younger than ten.
  3323. > Your patrol route covers the playground, so you continue towards it. One of the young boys comes running towards the three of you, pointing at Starlight excitedly as he jumps and claps his little hands. He is no older than seven by your estimate.
  3324. > You kneel and smile at him.
  3325. “Hey little man, you wanna meet my pony? She’s a really sweet and friendly girl.”
  3326. > “Okay, Mister Policeman!”
  3327. > He moves forward and pets a surprised Starlight gently. She initially recoiled a little when the boy approached her, holding a hoof up as she leaned back, but she relaxes at his touch, smiling softly and closing her eyes. Angela kneels too and speaks to the boy.
  3328. > “Her name is Starlight.”
  3329. > The little boy smiles as he continues petting Starlight’s head, ruffling it like how one will pet a dog.
  3330. > “Good pony. Starlight is good pony.”
  3331. > Before you know it, the whole gang of kids had come over, asking your permission repeatedly to pet Starlight.
  3332. “Okay, okay, just be careful, okay guys? No pulling on her hair and ears, and no poking of her face. Starlight here will be sad if you do that. You don’t want to make the pony sad, do you?”
  3333. > “No, Mister Policeman!”
  3334. > The way that they answered simultaneously is… Creepy.
  3335. > Must be the way they answer questions in class, Boss.
  3336. > Probably, Brain, but still… Creepy.
  3337. > Surprisingly, the rowdy, energetic bunch of kids keep their word, taking turns to shower Starlight with gentle affection. The two ladies then come over, muttering their apologies and thanks before shooing the kids back to the playground, where they resume their chasing game.
  3338. > “That was… Nice, Master. A little degrading, but nice.”
  3339. > Chuckling, you place a hand on Starlight’s back. She turns backwards to look at you over her shoulders, meeting your eyes as she smiles too.
  3340. “Ready to go?”
  3341. > Starlight nods, and gets up.
  3342. > “Yes, Master.”
  3343. > You stand and resume walking.
  3344. > “See what I mean? You will be a great father, Anon.”
  3345. > Rolling your eyes, you chuckle and shake your head as Angela walks beside you, file in hand.
  3346. “Oh c’mon, I was just being nice to them. Anyone in my position will-”
  3347. > “Say goodbye to the Police officers and the pretty pony, children!”
  3348. > A chorus of young voices follow.
  3349. > “Bye Mister Policeman! Bye Miss Policewoman! Bye, pretty pony!”
  3350. > You wave at them.
  3351. “Bye, kids!”
  3352. > …
  3354. > Keeping to the sidewalk, the three of you are walking along a road flanked by rows of bungalows. You passed Checkpoint 4 approximately five minutes ago, and the three of you are getting tired. After all, you have been walking for approximately an hour now, so there is little conversation between the three of you.
  3355. > You pull out your phone and unlock it. The temptation to just plug your earphones in and fuck off to music heaven is so tempting, but the Police Force has strict rules regarding the conduct of officers, especially when they are on patrol. Instead, your eyes drift to the ‘Notes’ icon.
  3356. > Oh yeah.
  3357. > You open it, deleting “P.P. Statement, Starlight”. No need for that anymore.
  3358. > The other two notes: “Night light, Starlight” and “Permissions, Starlight”, remain.
  3359. “Starlight?”
  3360. > Said pony looks up at the mention of her name. Her ears also swivel towards you.
  3361. > “Master?”
  3362. “Later, when we get back home, I will give you the camping lamp in the storeroom. It has a large carrying handle, and you can turn it on and off by pressing the button at the side. Just let me know if the battery runs out, so I can replace them.”
  3363. > You reach a hand down and rub the back of her ear. She smiles as you do that.
  3364. “I don’t want you to spend your nights in darkness, if I get home late, that is.”
  3365. > “Thank you, Master.”
  3366. > ‘Hmm’-ing softly, you release your hand, and move a thumb to delete the notes.
  3367. “Also, Starlight, you don’t need my permission for every little thing, you know. When I give you space to decide for yourself, like the ordering of food for instance, go ahead and do it. Unless it is a decision that may pose a risk to yourself or others around you, like whether to follow someone or going somewhere that places you out of my sight, then please, do ask me. You are a smart girl, and I expect you to figure out when and where you should do that.”
  3368. > Starlight nods.
  3369. > “Yes, Master.”
  3370. “And feel free to ask me the rationale for the things that I ask you to do, and feel free to disagree with me. I don’t want you to just follow my orders blindly and unwillingly, as I want you to feel respected as an individual and use your intellect and experience to serve me… But, I would still expect a degree of respect and obedience from you as your Master… Just… Trust me, okay? At the end of the day, I love you and I want the best for you.”
  3371. > Starlight smiles.
  3372. > “You know I do, Master.”
  3373. > You return her smile with one of your own, but you adopt a stern look after.
  3374. “The exception to these is when we are out here, in the field. I don’t mean to put you down, Starlight, but I have way more experience than you here, so I need and want you to follow my every order to the letter. Carry them out first, then ask why later; don’t hesitate, just do it… The consequences of action or inaction is of utmost importance out here: a split second’s hesitation can mean life or death; a judgement call can decide if you let a criminal go free or fuck him over with well-deserved justice. These I cannot stress enough.”
  3375. > Starlight nods slowly as she mulls over your words.
  3376. “And… I’m sorry for not telling you all these earlier. Thinking back, it is my fault too, when you ran over and pulled that body out… It isn’t fair to you that I punished you for my mistake.”
  3377. > You sigh.
  3378. “Can you forgive me, Starlight?”
  3379. > Starlight gives you a small smile.
  3380. > “I do, Master.”
  3381. > You stop and kneel to put your arms around your pony, taking a moment to breathe in her scent from her mane. God, you love her so fucking much.
  3382. “I’m sorry.”
  3383. > “Apology accepted, Master.”
  3384. > Leaning back, you regard her. Her purple and teal mane rests easy on the sides of her neck, and her fringe has that cute twirl that falls on one side of her face. She gives you a small smile, which sits so well on her little muzzle, meeting your eyes with her violet ones. Her little horn sticks up on her forehead, and her ears are big and fluffy.
  3385. > You reach your right forearm under the back of her hind legs and butt, while you move your left upper arm under her front legs and her chest. Cupping your hands on her side, you lift her up as you stand.
  3386. > “M-Master!”
  3387. > Taking a moment to adjust your grip, you continue walking forward towards a watching Angela, carrying your pony in your arms. Again, you can smell the faint scent of dogs.
  3388. “You look tired. Just relax and let your Master take care of you, okay? We still have a ways to go to the last checkpoint.”
  3389. > Starlight nods and smiles before she leans in to rest her head on your shoulder.
  3390. > “Okay… My Master…”
  3391. > …
  3393. > In this line of work, things can change dramatically and suddenly.
  3394. > One moment you are calm and relaxed, just carrying out your usual routines and orders; having a pretty pink pony accompany you as you do them is an additional luxury.
  3395. > Next you are on full alert, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you move fast and with purpose.
  3396. > Like now, Boss.
  3397. > You are huffing and panting as you run towards the cruiser, Angela and Starlight keeping pace beside you. Reaching out a hand, you aim for the door to the backseats. You close it on the handle and wrench it open, holding it for Starlight as she hops onto the backseat. Flinging the handle of her leash in, you move over to open the passenger’s door in front and get in, fastening the seatbelt. Angela is already starting the vehicle, and when you nod at her, she steps on the accelerator and pulls the cruiser out of the lot with a screech. You reach over and press a button on the Mobile Data Terminal to activate the sirens.
  3398. > Wiping your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand, you pull out your radio.
  3399. “Foxtrot 5 to 014, we have just retrieved our vehicle. We are on our way to the Station. ETA* at incident site in 15 Mikes*. Over.”
  3400. > *Author’s Note* ETA, short for ‘Estimated Time of Arrival’, Mikes, short for ‘minutes’.
  3401. > “014 to Foxtrot 5. Copy that. Anon, is it? Hurry please, these fuckers look like their patience is running out. Over.”
  3402. “Foxtrot 5 to 014. Roger that, Ma’am. Solid copy. Over.”
  3403. > You put down the radio and look at Angela, who is practically speeding now.
  3404. “Fucking hostage takers? What the hell are they trying to pull?”
  3405. > Angela gives a brief shake of her head as her eyes dart from side to side, keeping a firm lookout for other vehicles on the road.
  3406. > “I don’t know, but we better get those rifles to the scene, fast. And knowing DC Briggs, this will not end well… Can you call Chris again?”
  3407. “Okay.”
  3408. > You pull out your phone, scrolling down your contact list to find the Station Orderly’s number. You press a button, then another, holding the phone in your hand. The ringing is interrupted by a cackle of static before a voice projects out from the speaker from your phone.
  3409. > “Sir?”
  3410. “Chris, have you unlocked the armoury yet?”
  3411. > “Way ahead of you, Sir. We are shifting the rifles out now to the Station entrance now. Three of the M110s and a box of 7.62s, right?”
  3412. “That’s right. We are four minutes out.”
  3413. > “Yes, Sir.”
  3414. “Good. See you in a bit.”
  3415. > You hang up as the vehicle bounces.
  3416. > “Master? What’s going to happen?”
  3417. > You turn around to see a scared Starlight. She has a frown on her face, and her ears are flattened against her skull. Pausing to think, you shake your head and decide to tell her the truth. At least, she will be prepared when it happens.
  3418. “The two robbers who took that little girl hostage are going to be killed.”
  3419. > “K-killed, M-master?!”
  3420. > You nod.
  3421. “Our country takes a serious view of hostage taking, Starlight. The maximum sentence for taking a hostage is the death penalty… For the incident that we will be attending, our Division Commander, Senior Assistant Commissioner Sarah Briggs, is already at the site. She… Uh… Has a reputation for choosing Immediate Action.”
  3422. > ““Immediate Action”? What does that mean, Master?”
  3423. “It means that she prefers to kill hostage takers on the spot.”
  3424. > Starlight’s eyes widen. You turn back to face the front, holding out a hand as you point forwards.
  3425. “There, I see them. Chris and the other Corporal.”
  3426. > Angela nods as she turns in, stopping in front of the two young men.
  3427. > You get out and walk over to them, opening the backseat door as you tell Starlight to scoot further in. The thin, dark-skinned Chris and his Hispanic friend load the rifles in the backseat and pass you a small but heavy cardboard box.
  3428. > “7.62mm NATO, Sir. 50 rounds. Magazines are already attached to the M110s.”
  3429. “Thanks, Chris.”
  3430. > Giving them a quick wave in dismissal, you get in the back seat, closing the door as Angela starts driving again. You rip the top of the cardboard box open, lifting a flap to see the copper-coloured ends of the ammunition. Holding the box between your legs, you reach over and detach the magazine from one of the rifles, which you proceed to load with cartridges from the box. It has a maximum capacity of 20 rounds, but you decide that 15 should be more than needed. Done with that, you load the magazine back to the weapon and pull out the magazine from the rifle below it, which you proceed to fill as well.
  3431. > “M-Master, are those…”
  3432. > Looking up briefly, you see Starlight staring at the cartridges in your hand.
  3433. “Yes, Starlight, these are rifle cartridges. 7.62x51mm NATO. Bullets are designed to hit with deadly force at long distances.”
  3434. > Starlight is silent, so you just continue your work. You are loading the last magazine when you hear her voice again.
  3435. > “… I’ve seen… What they can do… To a pony…”
  3436. > You look up to see Starlight still staring at the rounds in your hand. Swallowing, you shake your head and finish up. Focus now, Anon. You load the magazine on the last weapon before closing the cardboard box, setting it on the back seat before reaching over to pull Starlight in your arms.
  3437. > She buries her head into your chest while you rub her ears and pet her on the vest.
  3438. > You do not know what to say, so you keep silent.
  3439. > …
  3441. > Angela and you crouch low, keeping your heads down as you carry the M110 rifle and proceed along a wall of police vehicles towards a black SUV in the centre, where an officer is speaking into a loudhailer. Your partner insisted on carrying the other two, saying that she is stronger and faster than you are. The soft clip-clops behind you tell you that Starlight is following close. Her leash is in your pocket, and she is keeping close to you as you had ordered her to. You can hear the soft ‘clinks’ coming from the five extra rifle rounds as they bounce against each other in a small pouch on her vest. As per your Standing Orders for Weaponry and Ammunition, you are not allowed to leave the remaining rounds unattended in the car.
  3442. > The small carpark of the diner is surrounded by a perimeter of Police vehicles, and officers are taking cover behind them. They have their weapons out; some using their revolvers while others have shotguns, and they are pointing them in a general direction. Sneaking a peek, you see a pair of hooded figures in front of a reddish brick wall, near the entrance of the diner. One of them is standing against the wall and holding a knife against the neck of a young girl, who looks no older than ten. The other is standing in front of his partner, waving and gesturing aggressively with a pistol. You cannot hear what he is saying.
  3443. > As per DC Briggs’ message, the three of you carry onwards past the black SUV and towards a blue sedan near the far end of the perimeter. You see your Division Commander, the long-haired blonde wearing a Police uniform with a tight skirt, crouched down beside two officers wearing balaclavas, bullet resistant vests and combat uniforms, complete with black boots. She is speaking to them as your party reaches.
  3444. “Ma’am.”
  3445. > DC Briggs turns to look at you, sighing in relief.
  3446. “Three M110s, Ma’am. Loaded with 15 rounds each. An extra five is with Starlight here.”
  3447. > “Good. Angela, pass your rifles to the Marksmen. Anon, give me yours.”
  3448. > Wordlessly, the two masked men take the rifles from Angela. With a nod from DC Briggs, they crouch low and retreat, disappearing into the crowd of on-lookers. She takes the rifle from you, extending the weapon’s bipod before pulling her skirt up and dropping to a prone position on your right, near the hood of the sedan. She peers through its scope as she makes adjustments using the knobs on its side. The Division Commander then spreads her legs, laying them flat on the floor, which pulls her already tight skirt upwards even more.
  3449. > You cannot help yourself as your eyes wander. Damn, your Division Commander is an attractive woman. Long blonde hair. Slender body, flared hips, fine ass. And her legs are fair and long. No blemishes on the skin on her thighs and calves, as far as you can see.
  3450. > You shake your head. Not the time for that.
  3451. > Nodding to Angela, the both of you pull out your revolvers and position yourselves over the boot of the sedan, resting your arms on it as you aim at the figure holding the pistol. From this angle, you have a clear line of sight to the right sides of the two men, who are still facing in the direction of the black SUV. Glancing down briefly, you see that Starlight is crouched low beside a wheel, watching the scene from below the vehicle.
  3452. > Well, at least she will be safe.
  3453. > Turning your head, you focus on your target, the man with the pistol, lining him up in the sights of your weapon. Inside, you know that your display is for show; he is at least 75 metres away from you, and at this distance, it will take a miracle to hit him with your revolver.
  3454. > No wonder DC Briggs asked for those rifles.
  3455. > You hear a sharp snap from your right. Out of the corner of your eye, you see DC Briggs reach for her radio.
  3456. > “014 to Sierra Actual. Copy that. Aim for the one with the pistol. I’ll take the fucker with the girl. Prepare to fire. Over.”
  3457. > She is really going to do it. Not even an offer to negotiate.
  3458. > You quickly wipe the sweat off your forehead as you aim down your weapon again. In a few seconds, these moving, breathing men are going to die.
  3459. > “Copy that. Fire at will. I will do the follow up. Over.”
  3460. > You blink, and instantly the pistol wielder collapses as two distinct shots echo out from the distance.
  3461. > ‘Thunk!’ ‘Thunk!’
  3462. > The sedan in front of you practically shakes as DC Briggs fires her M110. Twice. In quick succession.
  3463. > You watch as the knife-wielder’s right arm flies off his shoulder, the blade still in his hand. Then, he too goes down in a small cloud of dust. The little girl screams as she crouches, holding her head in her arms while she cries.
  3464. > “014 to Dispatch. Targets down… Incident time… 23 minutes. Over.”
  3465. > Other police officers are rushing towards the two hostage takers, weapons at the ready. One of them moves to carry the girl, bringing her back swiftly towards the black SUV.
  3466. > Holy shit.
  3467. > Four bullets. Two dead men.
  3468. > You turn to rest your back against the blue sedan, sliding down to a sitting position. Starlight crawls over to your left, wrapping her hooves around your side as she holds her head against your chest. She is shaking heavily.
  3469. > The sharp sounds of dress shoes on pavement approach from your left. You look up as DC Briggs passes you the rifle, her facial expression stoic and neutral. It is almost like everything earlier did not happen.
  3470. > “The Marksmen are coming back here. Take their M110s and return them, then go back to your shift. Remember to inform Dispatch that you are ‘Ready to Receive’. I will sign out for the ammunition later.”
  3471. > You nod.
  3472. “Yes, Ma’am.”
  3473. > She turns to leave, but Angela calls out to her.
  3474. > “Ma’am, can I have a quick word with you?”
  3475. > Your Division Commander pauses, then turns around.
  3476. > “Yes, Angela?”
  3477. > Angela bites her lip and frowns, speaking up after she softly sighs.
  3478. > “No disrespect intended, Ma’am, but shouldn’t we have given them the chance to surrender? I mean, they deserve a fair trial, don’t they?”
  3479. > The blonde lady regards your Chinese partner for a moment.
  3480. > “They would have gotten the death sentence regardless.”
  3481. > The expression on DC Briggs’ face hardens.
  3482. > “I would have ensured that.”
  3483. > With that, she starts waking away again. Three steps in, your Division Commander stops and turns her head slightly, not even looking over her shoulder as she calls your name.
  3484. “Yes, Ma’am?”
  3485. > “Remember to return those rounds that are with Starlight.”
  3486. > You nod, even when you know she cannot see you as she walks away.
  3487. “Yes, Ma’am.”
  3488. > Watching her retreating figure, there is only one thing in your mind right now.
  3489. > You are fucking terrified of DC Briggs.
  3490. > …
  3492. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. We are at Charlie Papa 1 for Patrol 04. Time now is 1837. Over.”
  3493. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5. 1837 Copy. Charlie Papa 4, Patrol 04 Copy. Over.”
  3494. > Wait.
  3495. “Negative, Dispatch. I repeat, Checkpoint 1 for Patrol 04, not Checkpoint 4. Check and verify entry for Foxtrot 5. Over.”
  3496. > “Dispatch to Foxtrot 5, uhh… roger that. My apologies. Confirm Checkpoint 1 for Patrol 04, over?”
  3497. > You smile. Poor dude must have had a long day.
  3498. “Foxtrot 5 to Dispatch. Confirmed, Charlie Papa 1 for Patrol 04. Time now is 1837. Over.”
  3499. > “Roger that, Foxtrot 5. 1837 Copy. Please proceed with patrol. Over.”
  3500. > Stretching your arms upwards, you feel your joints popping before you return your radio to its holder. Angela scribbles on her file while you glance around the darkening school.
  3501. > It is approaching twilight now, so First Montfort Primary is rather quiet, given that most of the kids have already returned home. There are a few groups of students still hanging around the school for their co-curricular activities. From your position in front of the General Office, you can hear the sharp slaps of badminton smashes from the multipurpose hall above you, accompanied by the occasional shouts of triumph and the screeches of sports shoes on the floor. On your right is a short connector to the school’s courtyard, which is opposite the flagpoles for the National and School flags. There is a group of approximately 30 students wearing white Judo Gis on the right of said flagpoles, and they are mimicking the actions of an instructor, who is wearing a blue one.
  3502. > Sighing, you realise that you do miss your days as a student, as what your friends and family often assert.
  3503. > Except the bullies, Boss.
  3504. > You frown.
  3505. > Aye, except the bullies.
  3506. > Angela clicks her pen and nods at you, proceeding to walk towards the basketball courts. You are about to follow her when you notice that your pony has not moved.
  3507. > Looking down at Starlight, you see that she is standing in front of the General Office with her head bowed down. She seems to be lost in thought, as her gaze is fixed on the floor and her brow is furrowed. Your pony has been quiet since the rescue of the little girl (or the killing of the two men), and has not said anything else besides “Yes” and “No, Master” when you returned the rifles to Chris. She remained quiet as well when you started this final patrol of your shift.
  3508. > Further up, Angela stops when she realise that the both of you are not following. Catching your eye, you nod towards your mare. Angela touches her index finger to her thumb and raises her hand, giving you an “O.K.” sign before pointing that index finger in the direction of your vehicle. Her message is clear: “You have my permission to stay here; and I will meet you back at the cruiser.” With that, she turns and continues walking.
  3509. > You tug gently on the leash, leading Starlight to the edge of the step that separates the connector from the General Office to the courtyard. Calling her over, you sit on the step. From here, the flagpoles are directly opposite you, and you can observe the entirety of the courtyard and the wings of the school building that flank both sides of said courtyard. They are five stories high, including the ground-floor. The school’s canteen is on your right, and a closed bookshop is on your left. The evening sky is directly above, and it is already a deep blue. Still light enough to see though.
  3510. > You sigh, taking a moment to appreciate the view as you feel Starlight sitting down on her haunches on your right. Reaching over, you pull her in, wrapping your arm around her as you rest your palm on her right foreleg. You hold her to your side as you lean lightly towards the sitting pony, feeling the holder of your revolver pressing lightly against her lower back. Turning your head slightly, you see that she is watching the group of kids throw punches in the air, shouting in unison as instructed. You clear your throat.
  3511. “… DC Briggs is right. Those men were demanding that our Government provide them with a getaway vehicle in return for the girl’s safety. Chapter 126C of the Hostage-Taking Act stipulates that “whoever seizes or detains any person; and threatens to cause death or hurt to such person in order to compel the Government to do or abstain from doing any act shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life, and shall, if he is not sentenced to death, also be liable to a fine or to caning”… Given the verdicts of numerous cases before, Starlight, their deaths are almost inevitable… So, there is no point dwelling on it; it’s not going to change anything.”
  3512. > Starlight moves her head to look up at you. Her face is expressionless.
  3513. “What DC Briggs did was just to expedite what is unavoidable… At least, they died quickly… Better than other slower forms of death, I guess, like drowning, getting mauled by an animal, or dying of a terminal illness… At the end of the day, death is not a pleasant experience, no matter how you go.”
  3514. > Not helping, Boss.
  3515. > You fucking try it then, Brain. Bloody smartass.
  3516. “If you are wondering, the essay question for my final examination in the Police Academy was exactly this: the Hostage-Taking Act, so I know the exact wording as written in the Criminal Procedure Code… For this very Chapter, at least.”
  3517. > Starlight just gives you a nod before her eyes drift back to the group of kids. You wait; you know she will talk eventually.
  3518. > “… I’ve seen the bodies of Royal Guards who have been shot in the War, Master…”
  3519. > And she does.
  3520. > Swallowing, you do not say anything, choosing to let her voice her thoughts.
  3521. > “… Some of them had holes in their bodies, big enough to fit an entire hoof… Their insides spilling out like a wet bedsheet, covering the ground where they lay… Some of them have had their legs shot off… I can still remember the broken foreleg of a Guardsmare hanging by that little bit of skin and fur as it dangles in the wind… She had a coat like mine, but her mane was orange… Some of them had holes in their heads… And I’ve seen… I’ve seen what the insides of a pony’s head looks like, Master… I’ve seen… Ponies, with their eyes punctured by bullets…”
  3522. > Shit.
  3523. > Those sound fucking horrible.
  3524. > “… I’ve seen the aftermath, but I guess I was fortunate enough never to have to watch a Guard getting shot in front of me… That incident earlier, Master… That’s how the Guards died, didn’t they? The crack of thunder, a burst of dust and blood, then falling to the floor as they writhe in agony… That’s how those Guards died…”
  3525. > You pull her into your lap, letting her sit on your left thigh as you rest your palm on her shoulder, stroking it while she watches the Judo trainees again. Your other hand moves to hold her by her cutie mark. You lean in, planting a soft kiss on the back of her head.
  3526. “I’m sorry… For all the pain, suffering and death that my kind has caused yours, Starlight, I am truly sorry.”
  3527. > Starlight releases a soft sigh.
  3528. > “Your apology will never bring them back, Master… Those Guards who were killed are gone, and like you said, there is no changing anything now… Nor can your apology, no matter how sincere, ease the suffering and pain of the ponies who are here on Earth…”
  3529. > She has a point there… But, you have yours to make too.
  3530. “It may not be the case for other ponies, but it can help ease the suffering and pain of one pony.”
  3531. > Slowly, Starlight turns her head as her eyes meet yours.
  3532. “That pony is the mare whom I want to protect. The mare who means the world to me. The mare whom I made promises to. The mare whom I am attracted to, and the mare whom I love… The mare… That belongs to me.”
  3533. > Starlight smiles softly.
  3534. “The mare in my arms.”
  3535. > Starlight leans in as you do, and you meet her lips in a deep kiss as you close your eyes. She moans as you exhale, your tongue brushing against hers. The taste and texture of the inside of her mouth floods your senses. Again, that characteristic plainness, and the warmth and wetness that accompanies it. You tilt your head as you hug her tighter, kissing her from another angle.
  3536. > Happiness and love fills your being, along with sadness, despair and anger. It is an interesting mixture that makes your eyes wet.
  3537. > Starlight is a beautiful, sweet mare that is deserving of so much love and happiness, but has already experienced so much hardship, horror and pain. It is not fair. It just isn't fucking fair at all. And they are caused by people. Humans, like you.
  3538. > You feel tears travel down your eyes as you tilt your head yet again. They just keep flowing, but you ignore them. From the way her body heaves in your embrace, you are sure she is crying too. Not wanting to see her tears or hear her sobs, you attack her mouth with yours. You retreat your tongue, and almost immediately, her tongue enters your mouth. Suckling on it gently, you meet its tip with your own as she moans again. You kiss her harder still.
  3539. > You want to forget everything and just be like this. With your Starlight.
  3540. > You want to do this forever.
  3541. > …
  3542. > Unknown to the both of you, the group of kids and their instructor have ceased their training. They watch as you lean back, pulling Starlight on top of your chest and kissing her deeply.
  3543. > The instructor hurriedly shoos his students away.
  3544. > …
  3546. > You drop your salute, and the other two officers do the same. Patting one of them on the shoulder, you wish them a good shift before walking over to the Logistics Office, dodging other policemen and women as they move around the cramped basement carpark. Like this morning, your vision is assaulted by the multitude of flashing red and blue lights, and your ears are filled with the wails and blasts of sirens and vehicle horns as officers do their routine checks on the vehicles and their equipment. Walking past a white SUV with ‘Police’ emblazoned on its side, you go around the corner, earning yourself a brief break from the chaos behind you. A few metres in, on your right, is the window to the Logistics Office.
  3547. > Corporal Chris is already there as you step up to the window. You greet the young, skinny Indian teen, and he acknowledges your presence by exchanging salutes with you.
  3548. > That uniform is seriously too large for him, Boss.
  3549. “Here is the receipt for the petrol, Chris. $100 exactly for 41.49 litres of Leva 98. From National Petroleum.”
  3550. > Chris nods and takes the folded piece of paper from you, which he opens to check. Reading it quickly, he then disappears into the office to reappear a short while later, passing you two $50 bills.
  3551. > “Here you go, Sir.”
  3552. > You thank him and exchange salutes with him, turning to walk away as you pull out your wallet to keep the bills.
  3553. > “Sir?”
  3554. > You pause, turning back to the Station Orderly. He has his brows furrowed in concern.
  3555. “Yeah Chris? What’s up?”
  3556. > He hesitates. Tilting his head slightly, his next words are… Cautious.
  3557. > “… Are you okay, Sir? I… I heard what happened at the hostage incident earlier...”
  3558. > Oh. You give him a small smile.
  3559. “I’m okay, Chris… I’ve seen my fair share of incidents like that, so you can say that I’ve been desensitized… Somewhat… Still pretty unpleasant though; I don’t look forward to another.”
  3560. > “I understand, Sir. I… I am just concerned for you.”
  3561. > Your smile becomes wider and warmer.
  3562. “Thanks Chris. I appreciate that.”
  3563. > Huh, guess those $2 bribes are paying off, eh Boss? Using coffees to win hearts and minds.
  3564. > Well Brain, I treat others good, and they reciprocate. Pretty simple, really.
  3565. > Shame that it is simple shit like this that people often forget.
  3566. > Aye Brain, it is a shame alright.
  3567. > Slotting your wallet back into your pocket, you frown as a thought occurred to you. Then, you turn back to the Corporal.
  3568. “Chris, don’t go blaming yourself for the outcome of the incident, you hear me? You were merely following orders; Orders, Corporal, that came from me, your superior. Orders that you are bounded by both law and the Disciplinary Code to carry out. So, let me do the sorting out of the emotional and ethical shit here, okay?”
  3569. > You take it upon yourself to be a punching-bag of sorts, as you are worried that he may somehow be guilty for indirectly causing the deaths of the two hostage takers. This guy is barely an adult; let him enjoy his innocence for a little while longer.
  3570. > Corporal Chris nods and smiles at you.
  3571. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
  3572. > Glancing at the clock, you see that it is 7:18 pm.
  3573. “See you tomorrow for the night shift, Chris.”
  3574. > The Station Orderly gives you a salute, and you copy him.
  3575. > “See you, Sir.”
  3576. > Dropping your hand, you proceed to the stairway. Then, you hear a sigh of relief behind you as you step away from the window of the Logistics Office.
  3577. > Your gut was right; he was feeling guilty.
  3578. > Yourself? Let God be the judge. You were merely a vassal of his will, anyway.
  3579. > ‘No’ then, Boss.
  3580. > You hope ASP Kenneth Lin, the overall-in-charge of this shift, will keep his Evening Brief short and to the point.
  3581. > …
  3583. > You hand the tray and the heavily-laden utility belt back to Sergeant Hicks through the iron-grilled window. Inside the tray are the Taurus Revolver, the Taser X2 electrical stunning device, the ten .380 Special +P rounds, the small box containing the Taser Module and the speed loader. Basically, the weapons that you drew this morning.
  3584. > Sergeant Hicks mumbles his thanks as he checks and counts the equipment on the belt and in the tray. Seemingly satisfied, he places them on his desk, taking a book and a ballpoint pen with him as he turns around. He hands you the pen and opens the book, which he lays on the window counter. Hicks points down at it with a finger.
  3585. “Over here, Sir.”
  3586. > Nodding, you check that your identification number is correct before clicking the pen to scrawl the time and date on the row. You finish off by putting your signature at the end.
  3587. > A quick glance above shows that Angela has already returned her equipment after the Evening brief. She also returned Starlight’s K9 vest and signed for it on your behalf.
  3588. > Passing the pen to back to Hicks, you thank him as he retrieves the book. He puts his signature on it too before closing and depositing it on his desk. The Armoury Sergeant then proceed to unpack your equipment, moving around the room as he drops off pieces in various shelves and drawers. Noticing that you are still at the window, he pauses.
  3589. > “Sir? Anything?”
  3590. > You think back to this morning, where he saw Starlight and you… ‘Being friendly’, down the hallway.
  3591. “Hicks… Uhh… About this morning… I… I hope that you don’t come off with the wrong-”
  3592. > “Ah Sir, you don’t have to tell me. I won’t say anything to the rest.”
  3593. > You are relieved. Since you have been posted to the Station, the much older Sergeant Hicks has always looked out for you. He has given you good advice as you adjusted to life as an Investigation Officer, and you have spent a few occasions just hanging out with him in the armoury to listen to his stories and wild theories about the Police Force and the government. Hicks has always been a good friend of yours… Now, you cannot help but feel a little guilty for doubting him.
  3594. > Walking over to the window, he smiles and pats you on the shoulder.
  3595. > “You are a single male living on your own, and your pony is female. You are her master and she is pretty, so naturally, you’ll be drawn to her. That, I can understand… Hell, if I were in your position… Nevermind, you don’t want to hear that…. Just treat her nice, okay Sir?”
  3596. “I try my best to, Hicks. I… She means a lot to me.”
  3597. > Hicks nods.
  3598. > “That’s good. Remember that she is a person, after all… But Sir…”
  3599. > He leans in, motioning with his hand for you to do the same.
  3600. > You move your head closer to him, and he murmurs softly in your ear.
  3601. > “… Don’t let Inspector Angela know what you do to her, yeah? I mean, you are her partner, so you know her type… And I am fat as fuck, so I cannot help if she decides to beat the shit out of you.”
  3602. > You nod, fighting hard to keep your face contemplative as you resist the urge to smirk.
  3603. “I will, Hicks… And thanks.”
  3604. > “No problem, Sir.”
  3605. > Sergeant Hicks pats you on the shoulder once more as he straightens up. Giving you a smile, he salutes you. You return the gesture before turning to head for your locker.
  3606. > If only he knew, Boss.
  3607. > You are grinning now.
  3608. > Yeah, Brain, if only he knew.
  3609. > …
  3611. > Even at the hallway, you can hear Angela and Starlight’s voices from within your office. You adjust your hold on the two sets of uniforms in your arms before turning the handle and pushing the door open.
  3612. > “… and when I opened the door, a mountain of pastries and cakes fell on me! I mean, I only asked her to bake that one-”
  3613. > Angela and Starlight look up as you enter the office. Starlight smiles at you, hopping off the couch and trotting over to nuzzle your calf. You kneel to pet her mane, as she looks up at you adoringly. Smiling at her, she closes her eyes and leans into your palm.
  3614. > “Master.”
  3615. “Good girl.”
  3616. > Angela stands up and clears her throat. When you look up, she is rubbing the back of her neck with a hand.
  3617. > “You two lovebirds go ahead. I… Uh, am going to meet my boyfriend later for dinner.”
  3618. > You smirk.
  3619. “If you don’t want to be the third wheel, Angela, then just say so. Lying is bad.”
  3620. > Starlight taps your chest with a hoof as she shakes her head. She has a little frown on her face.
  3621. > “Master, you are being mean now.”
  3622. > You chuckle.
  3623. > Starlight is right. Capitalising on Angela’s awkwardness like that? You are truly an asshole, Boss.
  3624. > You apologise to Angela, who responds by curling her lip and narrowing her eyes. She points her index and middle fingers to her eyes before flicking her wrist around, giving you the “I’m watching you” sign.
  3625. > “I’ll see you tomorrow for the night shift, Asshole.”
  3626. > Hey, Angela and Brain can be friends now.
  3627. > You are still chuckling as Angela tells Starlight that she would love to hear the end of that story tomorrow. She only bid Starlight farewell before leaving the office.
  3628. > Starlight turns to you with a worried expression, but you smile and ruffle her mane.
  3629. “Angela and I are good pals, Starlight. She knows I’m messing with her.”
  3630. > Your pony gives you a small smile and a nod.
  3631. “Dinner at Bridget’s, Starlight? I can get you ice-cream again.”
  3632. > “May we?! Please Master! Please! Please!”
  3633. > Starlight’s already big eyes widen as they light up with obvious excitement as she does a little dance of joyful anticipation. You put a finger in front of her mouth.
  3634. “Alright. You have your “yes” then.”
  3635. > She beams and nods quickly.
  3636. > You stand and attach Starlight’s leash to her red collar. Then, you open the door of your office, letting Starlight leave first. Her tail swishes as she practically bounces through the doorway.
  3637. > You pause. Reaching around your desk, you grab your backpack, which you proceed to stuff the two uniforms into, before putting it on your back. Stepping out, you close the office door and lock it before you begin walking down the hallway. Starlight is waiting, and you can tell she is already impatient.
  3638. “After this long shift, Starlight, I’m getting a grilled lobster.”
  3639. > “And a Blueberry Crème Supreme, Master?”
  3640. > You smile at her. From the way her eyes seem to sparkle, she must really be anticipating that dessert.
  3641. "Definitely. I’ll eat it out of your mouth if I have to.”
  3642. > Starlight blushes profusely as she smiles and looks to the side.
  3643. > …
  3645. > Bridget’s Restaurant is crowded tonight, given that it was the start of the weekend. To you however, days hold little meaning as your day and night work shifts cut across both weekdays and weekends. You have spent Friday nights in the Station writing up case summaries, and have spent Sunday mornings interviewing witnesses. It does make for an imprecise schedule which often causes you to miss out on social gatherings, much to the disappointment of your friends, but you make it a point to join them as and when you can.
  3646. > While the both of you are having dinner, Bridget, the owner of the restaurant, made an announcement that there will be a music-and-dance event later. The cheery, Caucasian lady in her late 50s is dressed in a bright green dress, and she was practically bouncing in excitement as she got her staff to put away a section of tables and chairs. A young man is busy at a corner of the restaurant; he appears to be setting up a series of speakers.
  3647. > Having done with your main courses, you are sharing a bowl of Blueberry Crème Supreme with your pony, telling her a story from your days in the Police Academy.
  3648. “… I was with the guys, just complaining my ass off about her. I was so caught up that I didn’t even notice the change in their faces; one guy even told me later that he was shaking his head desperately, which I didn’t catch… Anyway, at that moment, I heard HER voice from behind.”
  3649. > Starlight gasps as you shake your head slowly, chuckling as you do.
  3650. “I was SUCH an idiot, ranting off about her like that! I still remember the Instructor’s next words, and the exact tone that she used when she said: “You got a problem, Cadet?””
  3651. > You smirk at your stupidity.
  3652. “I must give credit to her; if she was pissed, she hid it really well with her smile… Of course, I knew I was fucked, so I just gave this awkward laugh and apologised. No point lying, right?”
  3653. > Ears perked up, Starlight leans in. You take a spoonful of the dessert, savouring its fruity and creamy flavour.
  3654. > “So what happened, Master?”
  3655. “She did not scold me or even make any mention of it, so I thought I got away… I only found out later that I got Guard Duties for the entirety of the next week.”
  3656. > Starlight giggles, holding a hoof in front of her muzzle.
  3657. > “Well, Master, I don’t want to be mean, but you kinda deserve that.”
  3658. > You laugh.
  3659. “Yeah, I did… The other guys still find it funny to this day.”
  3660. > Taking a scoop from the frozen ball of cream, you watch as Starlight closes her eyes. Her head tilts slightly backwards as she opens her little muzzle, extending her tongue out just that little bit as she anticipates the arrival of your spoon. She is really so damn cute.
  3661. > Brain reminds you that you could feed her your cock instead, which spoils the moment somewhat.
  3662. > You ignore him and push the spoon into her mouth, lifting the handle upwards as she moans, moving her jaw lightly as she swirls the ice cream in her mouth. She opens her eyes slightly, giving you a half-lidded gaze as she smiles softly at you before swallowing.
  3663. > For some reason, Little Anon twitches. This is… Lewder than it ought to be.
  3664. > A beep from your pocket catches your attention. Putting down the spoon, you tell Starlight to finish the rest of the dessert as you pull out your phone.
  3665. > You received a message from a new number. Unlocking it, you note that it is 8.30pm exactly, and turn your attention to the message.
  3666. > It read: “Attn Delta, ECAD RT 1: Unit has been placed on standby from 2300 tonight to 1700 tomorrow. Activation can be given at short notice. Please acknowledge by replying “1” to this number.”
  3667. > Your eyes widen. After acknowledging the message, you turn to Starlight.
  3668. “The Equestrian Citizen Affairs Department just dropped me a message. There will be a raid by my Rescue Team any time from 11pm tonight till 5pm tomorrow, so we’ll have to stay at home. Guess I cannot bring you to the airport, after all.”
  3669. > Your pony smiles as she places a hoof on your hand. When she speaks, her voice is gentle.
  3670. > “It’s okay, Master. If this is how it’s going to be, then I’m happy just to spend time with you… Be careful, okay, Master? I… I don’t want to see you hurt.”
  3671. > That got her a smile from you.
  3672. “Thank you, Starlight.”
  3673. > You reach over and cup the side of her face with a hand, which she leans into.
  3674. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that.”
  3675. > Starlight reaches both hooves up to hold your hand. Then, she closes her eyes as she plants a kiss on the tip of your middle finger, pressing her lips gently, yet firmly on it. She moves her lips back with a soft ‘pop’ and opens her eyes slowly, pressing her cheek on your palm again.
  3676. > “No, Master… I do.”
  3677. > Your smile widens. Then, the lights dim as Bridget herself picks up a microphone.
  3678. > “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting. Our DJ for tonight is a charming young lad-”
  3679. > This universe is really considerate, Boss. It’s like it waited for the both of you to finish up so it wouldn’t interrupt.
  3680. > Yeah, it’s weird, Brain. No complaints though.
  3681. > “- feel free to step on out and have fun! Without further ado, let the party begin! Woohoo!”
  3682. > “We built this city… We built this city on rock and roll… Built this city... We built this city on rock and roll, ohhh….”
  3683. > As the sounds of a series of drum rolls fill the air, you chuckle and shake your head.
  3684. > Really? Of all the songs, they chose this one.
  3685. > Be nice, Boss. It is a good choice for an opening to a dance party.
  3686. > “What’s funny, Master?”
  3687. > You turn to Starlight. She is looking at you with a small frown.
  3688. “This song is one of the most iconic disco hits of the 1980s, Starlight. ‘We Built This City’, by this group called Starship. I just found it funny that they chose such a cliché song.”
  3689. > “… Or recognize my face… Say you don't care who goes…”
  3690. > Starlight smiles as she bobs her head to the rhythm.
  3691. > “I like it, Master.”
  3692. > “… Knee deep in the hoopla… Sinking in your fight…”
  3693. > People are streaming to the section that has been cleared, and you feel the urge to join them. You stand up and remove Starlight’s leash. Her eyes widen as you smile at her.
  3694. “Come, Starlight. Let’s dance.”
  3695. > With that, you leave your backpack at your table and walk to the make-shift dance floor, already bouncing your body to the beat. Dodging a couple who is already twisting and turning as they dance, you find a clear spot.
  3696. > “… Listen to the radio… Don't you remember…”
  3697. > Oh shit. The chorus is coming.
  3698. > Turning around, you face Starlight as you start swaying your body to the beat, closing your eyes as you anticipate the moment when the chorus drops.
  3699. > “… Rooooll! We built this city….”
  3700. > You kick off your feet and let the passion of the moment take over, holding your fist in front of you. Opening your mouth, you sing the lyrics into your fist, keeping your eyes on Starlight as you bob you head and move your body from side to side. She covers her muzzle and giggles at your antics.
  3701. > “… We built this city… We built this city on rock and roll…”
  3702. > A swift drum roll, then the music starts again. From your position on the dance floor, you are close to one of the speakers. You can feel the ‘thump’ of the bass in your chest, and you can barely hear anything else besides the music. The alternating red, green and blue lights that pierces through the darkness only add to the excitement you feel inside.
  3703. > “… Someone's always playing… Corporation games…”
  3704. > Starlight is bobbing her head, and she is bouncing her body to the beat. You lean in, shouting to let yourself be heard over the music.
  3705. “Dance, Starlight! Have fun!”
  3706. > She smiles and nods. With that, you plant your right sole on the ground while keeping your weight on your left.
  3707. > “… We just want to dance here…”
  3708. > You pause to get the beat, having lost it when you leaned in to speak to Starlight.
  3709. > 3… 2… 1…
  3710. > That’s it.
  3711. > “… They call us irresponsible… Write us off the page!”
  3712. > Opening your mouth, you sing.
  3713. > “Marconi plays the mamba…”
  3714. > You twist your hips as you close your eyes and shake your head in sync with the tempo of the pre-chorus.
  3715. > “… Listen to the radio…”
  3716. > You have no problems remembering the lyrics; this song is one that you have heard plenty of times.
  3717. > “… We built this city…. We built this city on rock and rooooll…”
  3718. > You chance a quick glance at Starlight, who is swinging her head from side to side. Her mane follows, the individual strands flowing through the air as they separate. She is laughing as she twists her hips, her tail swishing from side to side. When she opens her eyes and sees you watching her, she pauses and blushes. You lean in again.
  3719. “Just dance, girl! Dance like there’s no tomorrow!”
  3720. > “Yes, Master!”
  3721. > With a giggle, Starlight extends her front left hoof, kicking her right back hoof. She bounces for two beats then pulls them in, extending her front right one and the left back one and repeating her two beat bounces. She alternates between them, and an amused grin breaks on her little muzzle.
  3722. > “… Police have got the choke hold… Woah oh oh woah oh oh… Then we just lost the beat…”
  3723. > You start doing your best chicken impression, moving over to the other side after four beats. Repeat for the other side. Starlight laughs at your silliness, and you join her.
  3724. > “… Looking for America… Coming through your schools!”
  3725. > Starlight closes her eyes and swings her hips in a circular fashion as she bounces her body, causing her tail to spin in a neat circle. She does the same with her neck, and that curl in her fringe starts spinning as well.
  3726. > You grin. It is so wonderful to see her smiling like that.
  3727. > No worries. No suffering. No pain.
  3728. > No slavery.
  3729. > She laughs again when you start a slow ‘running man’, swinging your arms in and out in an exaggerated fashion.
  3730. > “… We built this city… We built this city on rock an' roll…”
  3731. > …
  3732. > The next song is ‘Feels like I’m in Love’ by Kelly Marie.
  3733. > …
  3734. > Then, it was ‘Funky Town’ by Lipps Inc.
  3735. > …
  3736. > That was followed by ‘Give It Up’ by KC And The Sunshine Band.
  3737. > …
  3738. > Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody’ comes after.
  3739. > …
  3740. > Then, ‘Ladies Night’ by Kool & The Gang.
  3741. > …
  3742. > Followed by 'Strut Your Funky Stuff' by Frantique.
  3743. > …
  3744. > The entire time, all that you focused on were three things: First, the rhythm of the music. Second, the happiness and passion in you that comes with dancing. Last, the laughing and smiling face of your little pony as she loses herself in the music.
  3745. > You were smiling the entire time as you danced with Starlight. The last thing was the one that mattered most.
  3746. > …
  3748. > Entering the lift with Starlight in your arms, you reach a pinkie forward to push the button to the floor of your apartment. Your pony has her eyes closed as she sings, and her head bobs lightly to the rhythm of her song.
  3749. > “… Oh baby! … Every time I love you, it’s in and out of my life… In out, baby… Tell me, if you really love me, it's in and out my life… In out, baby… So, baby, love never felt so good…”
  3750. > She is lost in her little world. The world of ‘Never Felt So Good’, by Michael Jackson.
  3751. > As the lift ascends, Starlight proceeds to hum the melody for the next verse, keeping her eyes closed. Stepping out of the lift, you take a moment to adjust your hold on the pink pony in your arms as you fish out the keys for your front door.
  3752. > “… Whoa uh woah, ‘Cause baby! … Every time I love you, it’s in and out of my life… In out, baby… Tell me… If you really love me, it's in and out my life… Drivin’ me crazy… Woah baby, love never felt so good… Uh huh, never felt so good… Woah oh, uh huh, whoa oh woah… Yeah…”
  3753. > You turn the keys and push the door open. Stepping in, you use a foot to close it. You let her down gently, squatting as you boop her on her nose with a finger. That earned yourself a scrunch from her as she sits on her haunches.
  3754. “I don’t think that last part was in the song. Pretty creative though, Pony of Pop, and your voice is spectacular.”
  3755. > Starlight giggles as she blushes lightly. She jabs you lightly on the knee with a hoof.
  3756. > “You are such a tease, Master. My voice is nothing as compared to other ponies.”
  3757. > You smile, leaning to kiss her on her forehead, which causes her to close her eyes and smile. Leaning back, your eyes meet hers when she opens them.
  3758. “I’m serious. You managed to hit the highs of that song without sounding flat. Your control is evident when you were adding all the ‘woah’s and ‘uh’s, and your voice is warm, mellow and rich with little thinness. Trust me, Starlight, I am a bit of a connoisseur in this regard.”
  3759. > Starlight dips her head as she flattens her ears, her flushed face becoming redder as she looks off to her left with a smile, rubbing a hoof over her foreleg. She then looks at you, and her eyes are watery.
  3760. > “Thank you… Nopony has ever… Thank you, Master…”
  3761. > You just ruffle her mane as you grin at her.
  3762. “Go use the bathroom or something while I prepare your food for tomorrow. I will make two portions, just in case I won’t be around for lunch. I don’t know when I will be activated by ECAD, so just have your meals on time, okay Starlight? Remember to have your dinner before I come back to pick you up for the night shift. We will leave here by 6.15pm tomorrow.”
  3763. > Starlight nods, moving a hoof to wipe her eyes.
  3764. > “Solid copy on all, Master.”
  3765. > You grin.
  3766. “Good girl.”
  3767. > Ruffling her mane, you stand up and take off your backpack, removing the soiled uniforms from it and set it beside your couch. Carrying your uniforms, you go to your toilet and toss them into your laundry basket before you proceed to the kitchen. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Starlight remains sitting at the same spot, watching you as you take a various bags and containers out of your fridge, including the bottles of milk and fruit juices. You pretend not to notice her presence as a smile appears on her muzzle, which grows wider as she continues watching you.
  3768. > As you start chopping a carrot into slices after washing it, Starlight gets up and proceeds to the bathroom, but not before turning back to glance at you over her shoulder.
  3769. > Now that you are aware of it, you muse that Angela is probably right about the signs. Starlight seems to be in love with you, despite the horrors that she has gone through. You pull out your phone to check the time. 10.23pm.
  3770. > You snort as you push the sliced carrots into a bowl and proceed to cut up a cucumber. From the moment you met her, you managed to win her love in 87 hours. This must be some kind of a record.
  3771. > A part of you suspects that she may have an ulterior motive for pursuing a sexual relationship with you; after all, she is a survivor of multiple rapes that happened just in the past two weeks, courtesy of that fucking Thaddeus Benson.
  3772. > Pausing to throw away the ends of the cucumber, you return to your thoughts. Starlight may be initiating sexual contact with you to better her life as a slave, to get your commitment to your ownership of her, to overcome her own issues of loneliness, or even to use you as a proxy for revenge against those who have hurt her and her kind. Judging by her behaviour last night, where she cried her eyes out after riding you like an Arizonan cowgirl, you are sure that she still has a way to go for recovery.
  3773. > Pushing the cucumber slices into the bowl, you add a few cherry tomatoes into it after washing them. You then proceed to prepare a lettuce for your salad.
  3774. > Yet, underneath all these, Starlight appears to love you, and from her recent behaviour, she evidently trusts you. Her Master. The human male who owns her. The man whom she obeys.
  3775. > Her Stockholm Syndrome is strong here, Boss.
  3776. > Smirking, you muse that you can order her to plant her face on broken glass as you fuck her ass hard and without lubrication, and she will probably do it. Even if she does not, you can easily overpower and force it on her. After all, she has no magic, and you are much stronger than she is.
  3777. > Opening a bottle of olive oil, you add a dose of it into the bowl, followed by a healthy amount of salad dressing, which you proceed to mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  3778. > But you will not do that. You meant it each time when you told her repeatedly that you love her and that you would never hurt her. She gives you her love, companionship, and her body. In return, you provide for her and take care of her everyday needs, keeping her happy, safe and loved.
  3779. > It is, as she said, a “good arrangement”.
  3780. > Ethical on your part? Of course not. Morally right? You are probably going to hell for this.
  3781. > You spoon the salad into two small bowls which you place in the fridge, then place the mixing bowl in the sink. Opening the milk and juice bottles, you pour out two glasses of milk, a glass of orange juice, and a glass of guava juice.
  3782. > You are getting what you want and need from your pony slave. Your bed slave. Your… Lover… And you are doing it in a way that benefits both Starlight and you. Let those who want to judge you have a field day as they examine and scrutinise your behaviour. Their opinions… Are irrelevant.
  3783. > Putting the glasses in the fridge, you close it gently, and proceed to wash the mixing bowl and spoon that you had used.
  3784. > As far as you are concerned, you feel justified and are ready to be accountable to God himself if need be. You are a sinner, and you are not perfect.
  3785. > Deploying mental acrobatics now, are we Boss?
  3786. > You wipe your hands dry on your lower back as you exit the kitchen. Seeing Starlight in the hallway, you walk over and kneel in front of her. Then, you cup both sides of her face with your hands as you close your eyes, leaning in at an angle to kiss her passionately on her lips. Your pink pony ‘hmm’s in surprise, but you keep her there until her muzzle opens, which you proceed to invade with your tongue.
  3787. > She moans into your mouth as you experience that familiar warmth and wetness. Happiness and love fills your being as she uses a hoof to caress your face, leaning in to kiss you deeper.
  3788. > Yes, I am. So sue me.
  3789. > …
  3791. > Laying Starlight gently down on her back on your bed, you move a pillow under her head, letting her purple and teal mane become a mess. Then, you lean in to give her a kiss. Not a full make-out session this time, but a passionate one that you hold for a few seconds before letting her go.
  3792. > You climb on the bed, kneeling between her hind legs and resting your weight mainly on your knees and the soles of your feet. Looking down, you position your erection at the entrance of her vagina, poking it lightly. Little Anon throbs with your heartbeats, and you feel the excitement within you rise at the prospect of making love to your little mare. You raise your eyes, meeting Starlight’s violet ones as she smiles softly at you, and her eyes seems to sparkle as she blushes. You feel her pussy twitch as she winks it.
  3793. > “Go ahead, Master… I’m ready.”
  3794. > You smile and give her a nod before looking down again. Checking yourself, you then push your hips forward, penetrating her marehood slowly as Starlight moans. She is so wet and warm, allowing you to bury Little Anon all the way into her tight passage. You give a grunt as your groin meets hers, pausing to simply enjoy the sensation of her around yourself. She clenches down on you before releasing.
  3795. > Holy fuck, she feels amazing.
  3796. > Then, you adjust your body, shifting your weight forward as you lower yourself over Starlight, propping yourself up with your elbows as your head comes to rest just centimetres away from her own. You feel the soft and warm coat of her chest and belly against the bare skin of your own body as you lean in further. Starlight moves under you, wrapping her front legs around your neck and resting the sides of her hind hooves on your lower back. Her warm breath washes over your face as she exhales. Closing her eyes, she pecks your right cheek with her lips before opening her eyes slowly, looking at you with a half-lidded gaze as she whispers.
  3797. > “Fuck me, Master... Rut me like a stallion would. I’ll be a good girl for my Master.”
  3798. > You move your hips backwards, feeling her vaginal walls massaging you as you pull yourself out of her. Well, almost out of her. When you have just an inch left within her, you thrust forward, hearing Starlight gasp softly as you plunge yourself into her depths. She winks again. You repeat the process, faster this time as Starlight lets a breath out. And again, even faster. Her inner walls contract, which you can feel through Little Anon.
  3799. > You pick up a pace, fucking her in the missionary position as the bed shakes under you. Focusing on her face, you see that she has her eyes closed, her little muzzle hanging slightly open as she breathes through it, giving soft moans every now and then as you work your hips. Starlight rocks just that little bit back and forth, her body moving in time with the rhythm of your hips.
  3800. > She’s so beautiful and sexy, Brain.
  3801. > Aye, and she’s all yours.
  3802. > “Ohh… Master… Master… Ahh… Fuck me, Master… Uhh…”
  3803. > That voice. Calling out for you in whispers as you made love to her. Firmly, yet gently. Lustfully, yet passionately. You smile as you feel a familiar pressure build within your being.
  3804. > You lean in again, giving her another slow, passionate kiss as your hips seem to move on their own accord. With your lips on hers, you breath out deeply through your nose as your heart pounds in your chest, seemingly in sync with that thumping from in her own. Releasing her, you adjust yourself again, moving your forearms beneath her to hold her body tightly like a bolster as you rest your head against her neck. You shift your legs further to the side, allowing you to get more leverage as Starlight’s hind legs are pushed further apart by your thighs. Closing your eyes, you breathe in the floral scent from her mane.
  3805. > Time to be a stallion. Her stallion.
  3806. > You use your new position to thrust into her pussy rapidly, going as deep as you can each time. The sounds of wet slaps fill the room as your groin becomes moist from her secretions. You grunt again as the pressure builds again, the new angle bringing forth a burst of pleasure as you maintain the quick pace. Her insides tighten down on your cock when she winks her pussy again.
  3807. > “Ahh! Ahh! Oh Master! Ahh! Uhh! Fuck me! Uhh! Ahh!”
  3808. > You grit your teeth and keep your eyes closed as the sound of her vocalisations turns you on immensely. Her voice is gentle and soft, even as she gasps and moan as you fuck her, very much different from the way porn actors sound when they do their jobs. The idea that you are bringing her genuine pleasure fills you with pride and happiness.
  3809. > You are her man, her Master, and she is giving you herself. Her all.
  3810. > “Ahh! Master! I’m going to…! I’m going to cum…! I’m going to…! AHH! OHH! Master! Ahh! Uhh!”
  3811. > And she is enjoying herself immensely.
  3812. > You do not respond, even as you hear her cry out and feel her vagina pulsating strongly. She is holding you tightly as her pussy clenches down on you, doubling the pleasure you are already feeling. Not once did you slow down nor hold back as you bury yourself to the hilt with each thrust; each one becoming easier as the fluids from her orgasm removes any resistance. You are sweaty now, and you pant with each exertion. Groaning again, the pressure you feel inside builds up.
  3813. > Focus now, Anon. You are nearly there.
  3814. > You shift your legs to the side again, increasing the leverage you get. Transitioning to quick, rapid thrusts, you do not pull yourself all the way out, but push your hips forward when your length is halfway out of her. Starlight has her teeth gritted as she held on while you push towards your orgasm; no doubt, her marehood is sensitive after her climax. Grunting with each thrust, the wet slaps become louder, and you can hear the squeaking of your bed now as you drive your hips like a piston. The pressure builds rapidly.
  3815. > That’s it. No turning back now.
  3816. “Ugh! Starlight! Starlight, here it comes...! Here it-! Gaah! Ahh!”
  3817. > You hold Little Anon deep inside her as the pressure peaks and your orgasm washes over you. Little Anon twitches rapidly inside Starlight, each throb bringing a wave of pleasure that floods your senses. The release you feel is overwhelming; the pleasure almost painful.
  3818. “Ughh… F-fuck…”
  3819. > You could not help hissing that between your teeth as you groan. You thought you knew what an orgasm felt like, but this… This is a new threshold for you.
  3820. > Something wet and warm moves across your cheek. You open your eyes slowly, and Starlight’s flushed, smiling face is the first thing you see, complete with her sexy half-lidded gaze. She leans in and gently licks your cheek again.
  3821. > “You are sweating, Master.”
  3822. > Now that the cloud of lust has receded, you realise that you are indeed very sweaty. Your heart is pumping, and your breath is fast. Then, your mind registered what she said.
  3823. > Starlight… Licked your sweat?
  3824. > You move your right forearm out under her, which frees your hand. Reaching it to the side of her face, you caress her cheek with a thumb.
  3825. “That’s unhygienic, Starlight.”
  3826. > She giggles.
  3827. > “I know, Master.”
  3828. > You give a brief chuckle before leaning in to kiss her on her lips, wrapping your arm around her again as you gently lower yourself to the side, resting your head on the pillow as Starlight turns with your movement. A gentle breeze comes in from the window, washing coolly across your sweaty body as Starlight leans in to your chest and tucks in her hind legs. Her mane pools around your neck, and you are sure it is becoming wet now. Closing her eyes, Starlight lets out a soft sigh as a smile breaks on her little muzzle.
  3829. > “Let’s shower in the morning, Master.”
  3830. > You plant a kiss on the top of her head, glad that Starlight is not in tears this time before you close your own.
  3831. “Okay.”
  3832. > “I love you.”
  3833. “I love you too, you beautiful, sexy pony. Goodnight.”
  3834. > “Night, Master.”
  3835. > With that, you close your eyes. You will pray tomorrow.
  3836. > As you drift off to sleep, Little Anon still rests inside Starlight.
  3837. > …
  3839. > Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes. It is light now, and the room you are in is quiet. You blink a few times, hearing the soft sounds of the birds and the occasional car coming from outside your window on the right. When you move to get your phone from the end-table, you feel the tickle of Starlight’s mane as it moves across your shoulder. It is 7.14am, according to your phone. Still early, but now that you have woken up, you cannot go back to sleep. You drop it on the end-table with a sigh.
  3840. > Glancing over, you smile as you regard Starlight’s sleeping form. She has her back to you, and her head is resting on the pillow. As expected, her mane and tail are in a mess; the teal streak weaving itself through the sea of purple. Your eyes trace the curves of her feminine form, taking note of her slender shoulders, the inwards curve of her waist and the rise of her hips. They travel down to the light flare of her hindquarters, which is connected to her long and slender tail.
  3841. > She is a sexy pony girl, Boss. You are a lucky man indeed.
  3842. > As you move a hand to place it on her cutie mark, you realise that your body is sticky. You grimace from the discomfort, remembering that you slept without taking a shower after having sexual intercourse with your mare. It is lucky that your nose is already desensitised to the odour of your body, as you are sure that you stink.
  3843. > Gently, you get off your bed, doing your best not to wake Starlight. You proceed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and use the toilet, ending off with a shave and a shower. When you are done, you dry yourself and get dressed after changing the towelettes on Starlight’s hygiene stand. You proceed to the kitchen, changing the water in Starlight’s bowl and putting a pot of water on the stove. While waiting for it to boil, you go into the storeroom to get the camping lamp, remembering to put in a fresh set of batteries and to test it. You place the lamp beside her water bowl before dumping oatmeal into the steaming pot, stirring it carefully as you add condensed milk. Taking a spoon, you sample it, smiling when you are satisfied that it is ready. Simple, milky goodness to kickstart your day.
  3844. > You proceed to ladle it into a bowl, and placing it on a tray with a spoon, a pitcher of water, an empty glass and two bananas, you carry your breakfast to your bedroom. Starlight is still sleeping, so you move the tray to your desktop table, shifting the keyboard inwards as you set the tray down. Reaching down, you power it on.
  3845. > You smile as you look at your beast of a machine. Five years ago, it had the best components available on the market, which served you well as you were a heavy gamer back then. Now, you mostly just use it to browse the Internet or play music, having lost interest in video games. Nonetheless, your decision to invest in a good sound card and an expensive speaker set really paid off, as you spent many nights just lying in bed, listening to albums for hours.
  3846. > You adjust the volume, and after navigating through a few folders, you open one named “Yiruma - The Best - Reminiscent 10th Anniversary”, which you proceed to play a selection from. The gentle tones of a piano fill the air; soft and controlled, yet flowing with passion and rhythm. Sighing softly, you turn around to look at your pony.
  3847. > From this angle, Starlight’s genitals are on display. Her tail is relaxed, and its position does little to cover her modesty. Your thoughts drift back to the first time you gave her a bath, and the moment when you molested her after cleaning your apartment. She was so frightened of you then, and you are sure that she anticipated you to force yourself on her… To rape her, given how… Forward… You were with her.
  3848. > You shake your head slowly. Lust has been, and probably always be, a struggle for you. It has been a dominant facet of your life and way of thinking, and despite your efforts, you have not been able to overcome it. Even now, your eyes are fixed on Starlight’s rear, taking in the details of her privates as your ears are blessed with the melodic tunes of the pianist working his magic.
  3849. > Is lust really that bad, Boss? If directed towards an outlet that does not hurt anyone, why should it be a bad thing?
  3850. > You pause to think. Your religion certainly is vocal about it: sexual deviance is wrong, premarital sex is wrong, pornography is wrong, masturbation is wrong. Hell, even looking at an attractive woman is considered sinful. Somehow, you agree with what has been taught to you, acknowledging that these teachings are meant for a supposed higher moral purpose and a holier way of living, despite not liking or always following them. Maybe this issue of lust is why you always felt a sense of disconnect with the Church.
  3851. > Personally, you feel that sex and love are intertwined, and that they are beautiful and enjoyable things to be treasured and indulged in. With the right partner, of course. To you, the fact that Starlight is your bed slave does little to change that. After all, you love her and she loves you, and despite your sexual contacts with her being transactional ones and are technically bestiality, you would not want your blossoming relationship with her to be any other way.
  3852. > Poner is for boner, Boss.
  3853. > You chuckle at the inappropriateness of Brain’s statement.
  3854. > At the start of a new song, you fill the empty glass of water and walk over to set it on the end-table. Moving back to the foot of the bed, you lean your head in at an angle as you put your lips on Starlight’s vulva, opening your mouth as you draw your tongue across the entire of its fleshy length.
  3855. > Fuck morality. Fuck religion. Fuck all the expectations of your social institutions and the people in them… And fuck hygiene.
  3856. > You love Starlight to death, and you are going to show it.
  3857. > Starlight’s feminine and musky scent is strong here. Rolling your tongue up and down her warm and silky soft feminine slit, you taste the slight saltiness of her vaginal secretions and the light, alkaline bitterness of your own essence. You came in her, after all, and it has leaked as she slept. Like you said, fuck hygiene. And fuck those who are too squeamish to partake of their own cum. Cowards.
  3858. > You continue licking and kissing her pussy, even pushing your tongue into her vagina to get more of what she has to offer, which causes you to press your nose on her thigh. She winks as you put a thumb on her clitoral hood, circling it slightly as her clitoris darts out and her vagina clenches down on your tongue.
  3859. > “… Uhh… M-Master… That’s… Ahh… One way to say ‘good morning’…”
  3860. > You pause as you raise your head lightly. Starlight’s eyes are open now, and she has her head raised as she watches you with a deep blush and a drowsy smile. You get up and pick up the glass of water from the end-table, pressing the rim of it to her lips gently. Tilting it accordingly, you pet her mane as she gulps its contents down.
  3861. “Another glass, Starlight?”
  3862. > She smiles.
  3863. > “Yes please, Master. And could you turn up the volume? I always loved piano pieces.”
  3864. > You return her smile and do as she asked. She drinks slower this time, stopping when the glass is about a quarter full. You finish it yourself and set the glass back on the end-table, climbing back on the bed as Starlight shifts to lie on her back across the bed, moving a pillow to rest her head on it. Scooting back, you position your head between her thighs, leaning over to take one of her nipples in your mouth while your left hand moves to grab the other teat. You suckle on it, enjoying the feeling of her warm flesh in your mouth as your hand massages the other. Unlike human breasts, these are much smaller; still malleable as they have fatty deposits, but they do not protrude as much as a woman’s.
  3865. > “… Ahh… Master, please stop teasing me…”
  3866. > You let her nipple go with a soft ‘pop’, giving her a grin before directing your attention downwards. Moving your left hand to the underside of her right thigh, your other hand moves to the side of her vulva, again using your thumb to circle her clitoral hood. She winks as you start a rhythm, increasing the pressure slightly.
  3867. > “… Ohh… Just like that, Master… Ahh…”
  3868. > The soft and gentle way that she vocalises her pleasure fits the piano music perfectly. You rest your tongue on the dock of her tail, tasting the saltiness of her sweat there. Then, you move your head up, letting your tongue brush across the ring muscle of her anus. It clenches as Starlight moans, her left hindleg twitching lightly as you kiss her there and give it a few licks. You feel Starlight’s clitoris dart out again as she winks, and you increase the speed and pressure of the movements of your thumb as you masturbate her.
  3869. > Moving up again, you feel the wetness that is coming from her vagina. You open your mouth wide and lean in, plunging your tongue into her orifice as she clenches down on it while moaning out loud. Pressing your jaw and lips firmly on her, you massage the length of her vulva while simultaneously moving your tongue in her depths. Her vagina is so warm and wet, and the saltiness you first tasted is now less pronounced as she leaks fresh lubrication. The soft flesh of her pussy moulds itself to your ministrations, and you savour the feeling of her privates on your mouth. Her vaginal walls clench again as she winks.
  3870. > You close your eyes and focus on eating her out. Rolling your tongue inside her as your lips caress her vulva, you give your pony an intimate massage by moving your jaw gently. Your thumb quickens its rhythm on her clitoral hood, and you press it slightly harder on her flesh. She is your mare, and you want to make her feel good. You want to pleasure her. You want to love her.
  3871. > “Ahh! Master… Please, Master… I can’t… I can’t… Uhh…”
  3872. > Her thighs are gripping the sides of your head as she moans again. You grin.
  3873. > She is close now. Time to bring her off.
  3874. > You focus your mind on two rhythms: the one in your thumb and wrist as you continue circling her clitoral hood and her love button, and the one in your mouth and tongue as you slurp and suckle on her genitals messily and lewdly. Increasing the pressure and speed on the both of them again, you feel Starlight clenching down hard on your tongue as she tenses up, her thighs moving to grip your head harder.
  3875. > “Ahh! M-Master, I can’t...! I’m gonna…! I’m…! Uhh! AHH! AHH! Master! Oh Master! Uhh… Sweet Celestia… uhh… ”
  3876. > Starlight is writhing on the sheets as she orgasms, her vaginal walls clamping down on you in a series of spasms and twitches while her clitoris darts in and out against your thumb. The wetness you feel inside her suddenly doubles or triples, and you feel moisture on the sides of your lips and nose. You ease back, continuing your respective rhythms in a much softer and gentle way, letting Starlight ride out her pleasure.
  3877. > As the little mare relaxes, you give her one last kiss on her clitoris before getting up, pressing her right hindleg down as she rolls to the side. Leaning in, you hold the back of her head and kiss her on the lips, closing your eyes as you let Starlight taste herself when your tongue enters her little muzzle. She ‘hmms’ into your mouth as her tongue brush against yours, and she tilts her head to allow you more access. You feel her lift a hoof to your left cheek, caressing it gently as she embraces your lips and tongue with her own.
  3878. > Breaking the kiss softly, you open your eyes as she does. Her eyes are half-lidded, and she is smiling at you as she pants with her mouth hanging open. You see that her chest is heaving as her warm breath washes across your face.
  3879. > “… Thank you… Master, for being such a gentlecolt… Albeit… A really lewd one…”
  3880. > You grin and boop her gently on her nose with your own, earning yourself a small giggle from Starlight.
  3881. “As long as you love me, Starlight, I am willing to do this every morning.”
  3882. > Leaning back slightly, your eyes travel to the upper left as you pause to listen to the piano music that is playing in the background. You turn back to Starlight and smile at her.
  3883. “I believe this piece is called ‘Love Me’. It is played by an amazing pianist called Yiruma.”
  3884. > Starlight blushes as she smiles back at you.
  3885. > “Fitting, isn’t it Master?”
  3886. “Aye, it is.”
  3887. > Starlight’s eyes move down for a moment, then her expression changes slightly. Her smile falters a little and her eyebrows are narrowed. She is concerned.
  3888. > “Master, you haven’t climaxed yet… Would you… Like to rut me again? Or for me to service you with my muzzle?”
  3889. > You smile at her words as they fill you with happiness. Your pony cares for you.
  3890. “It’s okay, Starlight. Truth be told, I am a little sore from the previous nights, and would like to rest for now. I don’t think I can cum, even if I will definitely enjoy making love to you.”
  3891. > “Are you saying that you are… Sexually satiated?”
  3892. > Chuckling, you shake your head.
  3893. “Forgive my poor vocabulary, Starlight, but if you mean that you have provided me all the sex that I want for now, then yes.”
  3894. > Starlight smiles warmly as she caresses your cheek with her hoof.
  3895. > “Then I have fulfilled my purpose then, Master.”
  3896. “I suppose you did.”
  3897. > Starlight gives you a peck on the nose in response.
  3898. > Silence distracts you, and you go over to your computer. Choosing another album, you play Montgomery Smith’s ‘Dinner Music’ before going back to your bed. Starlight has her eyes closed, and her muzzle bobs gently as she listens to the sound of a gentle percussion beat, complete with a high-hat. The beat is accompanied by a piano, a bass guitar and an instrument that you do not recognise. When you lie down beside Starlight, the soothing and sultry sound of a saxophone pierces the air, taking the stage as it plays out the melody of Smith’s rendition of ‘Killing Me Softly’.
  3899. > You rest your head on the pillow, burying your face into her mane as you wrap an arm around her chest. Your other hand moves to her groin, cupping her still-wet vulva.
  3900. “Mine.”
  3901. > Starlight giggles softly.
  3902. > “And it is, Master.”
  3903. > You close your eyes and sigh, breathing in the faint floral scent that somehow survived in her mane since her last bath. It is mixed with her body’s natural and feminine one, and you love it. You press your body against hers, making her the little spoon in your embrace. Closing your eyes, you focus on the piano that has taken over the melody.
  3904. > Beautiful music and a beautiful mare. What more can you ask for?
  3905. > Your oatmeal is cooling as it sits in front of the computer. You have totally forgotten about it.
  3906. > …
  3908. > Placing the clean bowl on the dish rack, you begin to rinse the soap off the ladle and the spoon. The soft clip-clip of Starlight’s hooves catches your attention as she enters the kitchen. You turn, seeing your beautifully groomed and washed Starlight carrying your phone in her teeth carefully. That cute curl in her fringe bounces as she trots over to you. Attempting to dry your hands on your lower back only makes it wet, and you chuckle at your silliness as you reach for the tablecloth instead.
  3909. > You are naked again, as per Starlight’s request after you bathed her.
  3910. > At this rate, Boss, you don’t need home clothes anymore.
  3911. > Kneeling, you thank Starlight as she deposits your phone in your hand. You flip it around and wipe the moisture on it away with the tablecloth.
  3912. > “You received messages, Master.”
  3913. > You smile as you unlock your phone, tapping on the ‘Messages’ icon as your other hand moves to pet her mane. She smiles and leans into your touch.
  3914. “Thanks, Starlight.”
  3915. > Focusing on the first message, you pause to read it.
  3916. > It says: “Attn Delta, ECAD RT 1: Unit has been activated. Report to PHQ*, Briefing Room 3-2 with your equipment by 1130. Please acknowledge by replying “1” to this number.”
  3917. > *Author’s Note* PHQ, short for Police Headquarters.
  3918. > You glance at the time. 9.37am. Less than two hours to report. You need to leave in 20 minutes if you want to make it on time.
  3919. > Sighing, you acknowledge the message before turning to the other one. This one is by Angela.
  3920. > It reads: “Anon! ECAD has activated us. Be at your place @ 1030-ish. Will be driving. Let’s save some ponies =P”
  3921. > Smiling, you remove your hand from Starlight’s mane and use both thumbs to type her an acknowledgement, returning her smiley with one of your own. Lowering your phone, you see that your pony is sitting on her haunches, watching you with a light frown.
  3922. > “Master? Is that from the Equestrian Citizens Affairs Department?”
  3923. > You nod.
  3924. “Aye, I’m going for a raid. And so is Angela. She’s coming to pick me up later.”
  3925. > Starlight’s frown deepens as she reaches a hoof and touches your face. Intrigued, you remain silent as she strokes your cheek, watching her eyes as they travel to a several points on your face. You reach your left hand up and hold her hoof, lowering it as you address her.
  3926. “What’s wrong, Starlight? Are you okay?”
  3927. > Starlight lowers her head, her eyes moving to a tile on her right. When she speaks, her voice is soft… And scared.
  3928. > “Will… Will it be dangerous, Master?”
  3929. > You frown.
  3930. “It might be. I have no details of the raid yet, but I am prepared for anything. We have bullet-resistant equipment for a reason.”
  3931. > Starlight pauses before speaking.
  3932. > “… I am worried for you, Master… I am worried that you may get hurt, or even k-killed… When you do your duties later…”
  3933. > She looks up again, fixing her violet eyes on yours as she swallows.
  3934. > “What’s going to happen, Master, if I do lose you? I… I don’t want you to be hurt… I don’t want to lose your love, Master… I don’t want anypony else but you… I don’t want… I don’t want to be alone… I’m scared, Master… I’m scared of losing you… I’m scared… I’m scared of being alone again…”
  3935. “Oh Starlight…”
  3936. > You put your phone down as you reach over and pull Starlight into a hug. She shuts her eyes and trembles as she rests her head on your left shoulder. Your right hand rests on her lower back as your left strokes her gently on her shoulders. Tilting your head, plant a soft kiss on the side of her neck.
  3937. “If that really happens, Starlight, I have made plans for you. You will be living with Angela, and if she too gets hurt or killed, you will live with DSP Koh… They are good people, Starlight, good and decent people that I trust with my life. They will protect you, look after you, and keep you happy and healthy… So don’t worry, okay?”
  3938. > “… They can never love me the same way that you do, Master…”
  3939. > Warmth gathers at the corners of your eyes when you hear these words. You swallow, but the lump in your throat remains.
  3940. > She really does love you. Bless her little pony heart.
  3941. > Embracing her tighter, you whisper that you love her. You say those words over and over again, and you mean each one with every fibre of your fucking being. She is crying now; her breaths get caught as she sniffs and sobs into your shoulder, and you can feel her chest heaving each time she does that. You reach your left hand up, stroking the back of her head as you rock your body back and forth gently. Tears fall from your own eyes, and you do not even bother trying to stop them. You sniff, and the sound of it joins those that are made by her.
  3942. > Eventually, her crying dies down. Leaning back slightly, you take a good look at your little pony.
  3943. > Starlight’s nose is runny, her cheeks have wet streaks running down them, and her ears are pinned flat on her skull. The thing that draws your attention are her eyes. Those big purple eyes are bloodshot and puffy, and the gaze she fixes on you is so intense. It is almost as if she is afraid that you will disappear every time she blinks.
  3944. > You smile as you wipe your eyes with the back of a finger. Telling her to wait there, you walk over to the counter beside your front door, picking up her red collar. You enter the kitchen and sit in front of her, reaching your hands around her neck as you put it on for her. Done, you tap it with a finger.
  3945. “This collar may be a token of the horrors of slavery, Starlight, but it also signifies my ownership of you. If anything happens to me, I want you to wear it proudly. Use it as you tell people and ponies alike of your experience. That you got a master who was generous, kind, and loving. Get them to believe that human beings are worth saving; that we are not condemned by our greed, selfishness and lust.”
  3946. > You reach your right hand and cup the side of her face, looking into her eyes as you continue.
  3947. “Hopefully, you can make my world a better place, and when Princess Cadance comes to bring you back home, you can help heal the pain and suffering of your fellow ponies by giving them hope. Hope for the ponies who remain here on Earth. That some of their brethren that chose to stay are living happy lives, where they are loved, looked after, and cherished by their humans. And you are a living example of that, because you choose to wear this collar. A symbol of slavery.”
  3948. > Starlight smiles and nods as you pause to stroke your thumb over her cheek. You can tell that she is trying hard not to cry again.
  3949. > “Yes, Master. I will do as you say.”
  3950. > You smile as your eyes become wet again. When you blink, a tear falls from your left eye. Starlight leans in and licks your cheek, catching that tear in her tongue. Leaning in, you kiss her gently and pull back.
  3951. “… If anything does happen to me, Starlight, know that I died with you in my mind and in my heart. It… It may be too early now, but I want you to know that I am already thinking of marrying you one day. It may be just a small, private ceremony, more symbolic than anything, but I want you to know that I have already given you my heart.”
  3952. > Starlight’s eyes widen as she chokes.
  3953. > “… You… Y-you really mean that, M-Master?”
  3954. > You smile.
  3955. “I have been thinking about it, but I have not come to a decision yet... I just want to say it before I am unable to.”
  3956. > Starlight blushes and smiles gently as she moves both hooves up to hold your right palm in them. She closes her eyes and rubs the side of her face against the back of your fingers as silent tears fall from her eyes.
  3957. > “Master, how can I return to Equestria when you love me so much? When you need me like you do? When you want me like no stallion has ever had in my life? Especially now… When you just said that you may like to marry me someday?”
  3958. > She kisses the back of your ring finger as you swallow that lump in your throat. Her purple eyes meet yours, and they appear to shimmer and sparkle with wetness as she smiles warmly at you.
  3959. > “You said you were terrified that I will say “yes” to Princess Cadance. You… You don’t have to be anymore, Master.”
  3960. > What.
  3961. > Starlight kisses the back of your hand again as fresh tears fall from her eyes when she closes them. Opening them slowly, she grins at you.
  3962. > “I want to stay here on Earth, Master. I want to stay with you… I want... I want to love you for the rest of my life… I want to be your wife.”
  3963. > Pure, unadulterated joy bursts forth in your chest when you hear those words. You shake your head slowly as you grin at her. You have known her for five days. Only five fucking days; and here she is, saying that she is willing to accept your marriage proposal, should you be ready yourself.
  3964. “You really are an amazing mare, you know that?”
  3965. > Starlight giggles as she wipes her eyes with a hoof.
  3966. > “Yes, Master. You said that before.”
  3967. “And it is true.”
  3968. > You hug her again, enjoying the warmth and softness of her coat, and the firmness of her body. Breathing in deeply, your nose is assaulted by a fresh wave of floral scents from her mane.
  3969. > “… When you get back later, Master, I want you to rut me. Fast and hard, or gentle and slow, I want you to make love to me. I want you to do anything you want to me, and I want you to indulge in every fantasy and desire you have… I will be a good girl for you, Master. I will be your little Starlight… Because I want to, Master, and because I choose to…”
  3970. > You chuckle at the familiarity of those words, even as Little Anon rises to poke her in her tummy.
  3971. “As you wish, my lovely Starlight… Thank you for your trust in me…”
  3972. > Your pony nuzzles into your chest in response.
  3973. > …

[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 1)

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[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 2)

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