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Twilight Oneshot - Instructions

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 01:20:59
Expiry: Never

  2. >"Rise and shine sleepy head," Twilight said opening the blinds in your room letting in the warm sunlight enter your dark room
  3. >You pull the cover over your face hoping that the purple unicorn will ignore you.
  4. >"C'mon Anon, the day is starting and you don't want to be tardy on your first day of work!"
  5. "Shut up and let me sleep."
  6. >"No!" she said, using her magic to pull the covers away from you.
  7. >The cold air washes over you and the blinding light returns.
  8. >You pull the pillow from under your head and cover your face with it.
  9. Please, just give me 5 more minutes. I have a fucking headache.
  10. >"Well, you wouldn't have had a headache if you slept early."
  11. >She walks towards your bed, her hoofsteps sounding like banging drums against your ears.
  12. Twilight, please.
  13. >"No."
  14. >She proceeds to use her legs to try and push you off the bed.
  15. >It might have been able to succeed if she was a real sized horse, but it felt like marshmallows to you.
  16. Fine, fine! I'm up.
  17. >You prop yourself up and look around your room, or more accurately, Twilight's basement.
  18. >In it lies your bed, a desk and chair, a bag with your clothes and a few machines she doesn't use anymore.
  19. >Back on earth, you would have complained but you were penniless here.
  20. >So she took you in, in exchange for her doing random experiments on you.
  21. What day is it?
  22. >Yawning and rubbing your eyes, trying to remove the sleepiness away from your body.
  23. >"Monday, and you're already 1 minute and 23 seconds late on your first day."
  24. >Groaning, you pull yourself out of bed and walk towards the bathroom.
  25. >"Where are you going?! Are you trying to run out on another job?!" she said while using her magic on your shirt, preventing you from moving forwards.
  26. Bathroom, piss, and I need a shower.
  27. >"Oh, o-okay," she said letting you go.
  28. >You could have sworn you saw her face turn a shade of pink.
  29. Wanna watch me? You know, just in case I run?
  30. >She looks down, her face red with embarrassment.
  31. Just joking Twi, just give me a few minutes.
  32. >"Well, hurry up! You’re already late!"
  33. >You wave her off and close the door behind you.
  35. What the fuck?!
  36. >You wrap yourself in your towel as you see Twilight waiting in your room.
  37. Fucking hell, have you been waiting here the whole time?
  38. >"Well yeah, I needed to make sure you didn't run away."
  39. Where are my clothes?
  40. >"Oh, they're right there, today, you'll be wearing the clothes I picked out for you. Not your old, dirty rags."
  41. Oh, are we married now?
  42. >Another blush emerges from Twilight.
  43. >"Oh hush you. I just need you to be presentable while you work."
  44. Ugh, fine!
  45. >You examine the clothes you're going to wear and they're not half bad.
  46. >A simple, clean white shirt and jeans.
  47. >It's definitely a step up from the clothes you previously wear, a muddy and torn shirt and pants you don't even know the color of now.
  48. >You look at Twilight, expecting her to give you some privacy.
  49. >She does not budge.
  50. Are you going to help me or what?
  51. >"Wha-what?"
  52. So you're just going to stare? You know I charge for that.
  53. >"Oh! So-sorry!" she said getting up from her spot and walking towards the door.
  54. >Still holding the towel securely, you dash in front of her and close the door before she can leave.
  55. You know, we can have some fun.
  56. >"I don't know what you mean," she said her eyes fixed to the floor, not daring to look at yours.
  57. C'mon Twi, you're an adult. I'm an adult.
  58. >"You don't act like it."
  59. >You ignore her and continue, lightly chuckling.
  60. And we're in a room, with a bed. Alone. And you know, I bet I can convince my boss to let me take a day off.
  61. >"No she won't. Not on your first day."
  62. >You gently cup her chin in your palm and force her to look at you.
  63. >You slowly bring your mouth close to her ears, your lips gently caressing her.
  64. Are you sure, Ms. Sparkle, you don't want to give me a day off?
  65. >She's shaking now.
  66. >You have always loved teasing her, and you know where all her sensitive spots are.
  67. >"Ye-yes...I mean no. You can't have a day off."
  68. >You gently nibble at her ear a couple of more seconds until you stand up.
  69. Alright, I guess I'll just work today instead of having fun.
  70. >Twilight collapses on the ground from the sudden loss of contact.
  71. >You love to do this to her, bring her close and whenever she refuses, you comply.
  72. >Trying to not make a sound, she stands up and exits the room.
  73. >You know where she's going and you leave her to it.
  74. Wait, Twi.
  75. >"Ye-yes?"
  76. Thanks for giving me a job. And a place to stay.
  77. >"No-no problem Anon."
  78. >She closes the door and you hear a rush of footsteps dash to her room, slamming the door.
  80. >You are Anonymous.
  81. >And you're dating Twilight Sparkle, the bookworm, the nerd.
  82. >You haven't gotten pass kissing yet and that doesn't bother you, you like to take things slow.
  83. >But it still doesn't stop you from teasing the cute little mare from time to time.
  84. Hey, where were you, you missed the first hour of work.
  85. >You laugh inside, you know what she was doing, but you still love to see her blush.
  86. >"I was getting ready for work. It's your fault since I had to wait for you to finish."
  87. Hehe, sorry Twi.
  88. >"And please, call me Ms. Sp-Sparkle while we're working," she said as she nonchalantly takes out a few books from the shelves and puts them back again.
  89. >But you can tell she's blushing.
  90. Sure thing, Ms. Sparkle.
  91. >Your job is to check out the books while Twilight helps the ponies find the exact book they're looking for.
  92. >It's boring work, but at least you're not freeloading off her anymore.
  93. >Today is a quiet day, hardly anyone came in so you just sat around, bored out of your mind.
  94. >Occasionally you would stare at her while she’s not looking and sometimes she would stare at you when you're not looking.
  95. >The day ends and you're closing up the library when Twilight speaks to you.
  96. >"Congratulations Anon, you managed to not get fired for one whole day. A new record."
  97. Oh shut up. You damn well know that I hate working.
  98. >"So why did you ask me for a job?"
  99. >You look at her thinking on what you should say.
  100. Well, you've been nice to me and I wanted to repay the favor?
  101. >"Is that a question or an answer?"
  102. Both?
  103. >She laughs at that, "It was mice working with you."
  104. Same here.
  105. >You pull her in for a kiss and she blushes again.
  106. >Honestly, this mare is so innocent.
  107. >You pick her up on your arms and you both sit down at her couch.
  108. >She lies down on top of you as you gently stroke her mane.
  109. >"Anon, I've been reading a book."
  110. Nerd.
  111. >She ignores you and continues, "And it says that males are supposed to umm..."
  112. Supposed to what?
  113. >"Ne-nevermind. It's a stupid book."
  114. Really, a stupid book? You never said that about any book before.
  115. >"Well, it is."
  116. Why'd you read it then?
  117. >"Because, I thought it know."
  118. I honestly don't know.
  119. >She stays silent, letting the seconds trickle by.
  120. Tell me.
  121. >"I was looking at why you would bed."
  122. >You didn't hear the whole sentence, but you heard enough to find out what she wanted.
  123. Oh. Oh!
  124. >She stands up away from your chest and you see her blushing again.
  125. And what did you learn?
  126. >"Th-that if males are in the m-mood, they would..." she said, trailing off.
  127. >You remain silent; you don't exactly know what to say.
  128. >"And it's been bothering me why you would never...with me."
  129. >You can clearly hear the distress in her voice.
  130. >You can tell this has been on her mind for quite some time now.
  131. >"Is there something wrong with me?" she said raising her voice, "Am I - Am I not good enough?"
  132. >She turns around and looks at you, you can see her eyes are red and poofy, telltale signs that she's about to cry.
  133. Hey, hey. There's nothing wrong with you.
  134. >"Then why?!"
  135. >You pull her close to a hug.
  136. What if we do it here and now?
  137. >You can feel her stiffen as you said those words.
  138. >"Ye-yes."
  139. >You push her down and you move on top of her.
  140. >You can tell she's nervous about the whole thing.
  141. >You kiss her, she kisses you back.
  142. >Her hooves wrapped around your neck like a vice, you can tell she's forcing herself.
  143. >Slowly, you move your hands from her neck, down to her stomach.
  144. >Lower and lower.
  145. >Stopping just above the place where she needed you most.
  146. >You break the kiss and look at her.
  147. >She's crying, nervous, scared so you remove your hand and place it on her face.
  148. >You wipe away her tears and you press your foreheads together.
  149. Sorry Twi, not tonight.
  150. >"But why?!"
  151. Look at you, you're forcing yourself. You talk about your books as if they're instructions or something. But you don't know how I feel about all this.
  152. >You're angry now, raising your voice, thankfully Spike isn’t here.
  153. Look, Twilight, I don't want to force myself on you. How would it make me feel if I acted like the other males in that book, without caring about what my partner wants?
  154. >She opens her eyes, finally understanding.
  155. It's supposed to be the ultimate act of love. And I'm not going to do it until you're ready. Got it?
  156. >She nods, crying again.
  157. And I only tease you because...I like it seeing you blush, plus, I kinda like it when you're aggressive. Maybe one day you'll tie me up and have your way with me, not that I would mind.
  158. >She lets out a tiny laugh.
  159. And I love you.
  160. >"Me-me too," she forces herself to say between her sobs.
  162. FIN
  164. >You wake up with your hands and feet tied to the bed post.
  165. >Your eyes are covered with a black cloth, and your mouth with a gag.
  166. >You try to scream but only incoherent mumbling comes out.
  167. >You feel a hoof on your chest, and for the first time, you feel that you’re naked.
  168. >Magic pulls off your blindfold and gag.
  169. >Panic starts to set in.
  170. >A shadow moves closer to you, and upon closer investigation, you can see Twilight’s silhouette.
  171. Oh thank god, Twi, help me.
  172. >Stepping into the light, you can see she’s wearing latex. A lot of latex.
  173. >"Call me Ms. Sparkle."

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