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[spg]Recovery - Full Story By KLAIFFERON

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 01:19:48
Expiry: Never

  5. >You are Anon
  6. >Few weeks since you tried to find out what deepweb really is on your own
  7. >You downloaded the Tor browser and been looking at hiddenwiki for some links
  8. >Nothing but a bunch of disgusting shit, some totally legit drug selling pages,few pages that you have to log in to show it's content, probably holding the most fucked up shit in this cursed realm of the internet. But then…
  9. >you open another link
  10. >page that looks like illegal shop with all kinds of exotic animals
  11. “Oh yeah, I'm gonna buy myself a fucking shark.“ you think as you scroll down, giggling a bit to your stupid joke
  12. “Woah, didn't think you could actualy buy a shark here.“ you think as you scroll past an image with shark in gallery
  13. >But you still had doubts if this isn't just another stupid joke. You never know which sites here are real and which troll.
  14. >There wasn't even any kind of contact or buy button or something how to let know you'd like to buy some animal
  15. >but then you saw something you weren't expecting
  16. >An image of a pony, but not just normal pony. It was literally shacked up and blinsided pony from that cartoon show you used to like so much. A moss green pegasus with a short, messy yellow mane. It wasn't any pony you knew from the show.
  17. “Ok, so it's definitely a troll page.“
  18. >you click the image anyway
  19. >it opens another link, with more details and photos. You zoom on one of pictures. It seems really greatly photoshopped. Almost real. Not some import of a vector into a real photo. Literally how could a pony look in 3d, but not the disgusting way. Still so cartoony and cute, but realistic at the same time.
  20. >She looks so alive. Even the emotions of fear and confusion were so visible. Seeing such a cute in a situation like this makes you a bit uneasy.
  23. >Why would anyone put so much effort into something like that? Then you remember 4chan
  24. „It's the same like asking why would anyone spend hours to perfect their drawing skills, just to draw girls with big black dicks.“
  25. >Ew
  26. >As you zoom the picture back out to read the description, you realize that there's a chat window on the right
  27. >4 people in there. Including you. One of them seems to be the seller, because unlike the rest, he has a blue dot instead of the green one next to his nick. His name was Zaldon.
  28. >You look at your nick, it's anonymous 02
  29. >the remaining two are Alefos and as you guessed: anonymous 01
  30. „Damn, always the number two, just like in real life.“
  31. Alefos just wrote: „I'm thinking about it, you know, one doesn't have a chance like that many times in their life. But on the other hand, i'm not sure if i want that. I wanted to buy something ferocious.“
  32. >You hesitate a bit before you join the chat:
  33. „Is this really like real, or is this some sort of a stupid prank?“
  34. >you wait like 10 seconds, before Zaldon writes:
  35. „Where do you think you are, kid?“
  36. >you have no idea what to write on something like that. Luckily, you were spared of this one, because he continued:
  37. „This isn't some stupid reddit of yours. This is serious bussiness.“
  38. >At first, you felt a bit upset for being accused of using reddit, but then you wondered if you shouldn't just leave. It might end up bad, you heard of some scary shit on deepweb, that started just like this: with an innocent conversation, where the „deepweb newfag“ makes obvious that he isn't local and becomes a prey of some maniac. But for some reason you stayed.
  39. „So you really have a pony? How is that even possible?“ you asked.
  40. >the fact that there still were two other people watching your conversation made it even more uneasy.
  41. „How's not important. I can assure you that this is real. Important is, if you are willing to buy.“ replied Zaldon.
  44. >Your hearbeat got even quicker. Shit was about to happen. You knew you should just GTFO and never come back, but you still stayed. And you knew why…
  45. „How much?“ you asked.
  46. >at this point Alefos left
  47. „The starting prize is… let's say 5000 bucks.“ said Zaldon.
  48. >That's actualy not as much as you expected. The ideas started to flow trough your head. Is this even real? >But this was where „anonymous 01“ interfered
  49. „6000“ he wrote
  50. >oh shit
  51. >Quickly, you had to think. Is this really what you want? Will you have the money? What if this is just a way to rob you somehow?
  52. „6500“ you replied anyway. The urge was too strong.
  53. „7500, that's all i will offer.“ said anon 01
  54. “HA FAGGOT“ you thought to yourself, „who's number two now?“
  55. „So that means i won: my offer is 8000 dollars.“ you wrote.
  56. >silence for a few long seconds, Zaldon was obviously thinking
  57. „Ok...I hoped to get some more out of this, but i need to get rid of her quickly. You're lucky.“
  58. >YES, wait the fuck did i just do.
  59. >But you thought that you're still safe. You didn't write anything about your location name or anything else. That was just before he wrote the time and place of your meeting. It wasn't that far away, from the place you live. Almost awfuly close. At 11 PM, 20 days from now on.
  60. „How do i know you and what can make me sure that you won't rob or kill me there? And most of all, how do i know she's real?“ you wrote a bit scared. You didn't even ask how is it that he set the place so close to you.
  61. „I'd be damn dumb to kill you over few bucks. I'm selling things. I already have to keep cops of my ass. If you want proof of her being real, wait few minutes and then refresh this page.“ replied your new business partner.
  62. >so you did
  63. >you played one of your fave songs from your playlist to give yourself a bit of courage and at the end you refreshed the page
  67. >instead of the page you saw before, there was a livestream on the pony, shackled just like on the picture. But she was trying to move.
  68. >How the fuck?!
  69. „Hpphm.“ she let out in a desperate voice over the gag
  70. >Jesus Christ, so this is really happening. Poor pone.
  71. >The chat was still there, but it was under the video this time
  72. „Is everything alright?“ Zaldon asked.
  73. „Yeah,..sure. It is.“
  74. „Good. Remember the place and the time. Now get out.“ ended Zaldon your conversation.
  75. >You closed the browser
  76. “What have i just done.“
  77. >Did you just promised someone 8000 dollars?
  78. >where will you get the money?
  79. >Oh man, shit fuck
  80. >You were so excited and so frightened at the same time. Your hands were shaking like an old man's
  81. >But you will see a real pony!
  82. >Not only see, but like...own. As weird as it sounds.
  83. >but it will still be better than if she stayed with this guy
  84. >...Or Anonymous 01
  86. >It was kinda late, so you decided to have a joint and go to bed. Best thing that came to you mind, because you couldn't just play games or do whatever you were planning to do without thinking about what just happened.
  87. >you still had some weed you've had left for some special occasion and right now was probably the best time.
  88. >Sure it was better to leave it for some time when around friends, but now you really did need to take your mind off this
  89. >soon you were lying in your bed, but now the thoughs got even more intense
  90. >luckily, thanks to being dumbed down by weed, you always forgot what you thought about and it was easy to force yourself to think about something else
  91. >zzZZzzzz
  93. >The moment is almost here
  94. >with a borrowed car from a friend, you're arriving to the place 15 minutes earlier, just to be sure
  95. >Long story told short, you sold a shitload of things to get the money. Even though it still wasn't completely enough. Some things were just too precious or crucial to sell so you had to borrow the last 1000 dolars, but it was ok. You'll be leaving back home with a pony right?
  96. >hopefully
  97. >there's a knife in your pocket, just to be sure you're safe
  98. >gun would be better, but shit, you sure as hell don't have enough money for a thing like that right now
  99. >pocket knife with sharp blade will have to be enough
  100. >you stand under the street lamp in the parking lot you were supposed to meet this guy
  101. > you wonder how does he look like
  102. >is it gonna be a fat neckbeard, or some skinny computer rat? Maybe he will look completely normal. Oh what are you thinking, he sure as hell aint gonna show himself in real, or he'll at least cover his face for sure
  103. >maybe you should do the same…
  104. >you put on hoodie, that's all you have
  105. >oh man, this waiting is killing you, it feels like you're about to explode any second
  106. >maybe you should just leave?
  107. >but then, old van parks in the darkest spot of this place
  108. >is it that cliché?
  109. >you wait a bit more, expecting someone to come out
  110. >nothing happens
  111. >you gulp and approach the van
  112. >there's a masked man inside, as expected
  113. „Hey, are you Zaldon?“ you ask.
  114. >he nods
  115. >„I almost thought you were so dense to actualy stay there. Ok, let's just get over it. You have the money?“
  116. „Of course i do. Do you have the pony?“
  117. >you'd normally laught at your sentence, it sounds ridiculous, talking about animated ponies like when buying pervitin
  118. >but right now, you're scared as shit
  120. >in one hand you hold the knife just in case
  121. >Zaldon moves the mirror in his van, so you can see behind him
  122. >So it was true.
  123. >She was there, just like on the photo, still blindsided and tied up
  124. >your heartbeat got even faster
  125. „You gonna fuck it, are you?“ Zaldon asks with a grin
  126. >shit why do you have to ask a thing like this
  127. “N-no. I'm not.“
  128. >he just chuckles heartily„Sick fuck. Of course you are.“
  129. >„Ok, give me the money.“ he says then in more serious voice
  130. >you hand it over trough opened car window so he can count it
  131. >you hope you haven't lost anything
  132. >„Alright. Go take her and get lost.“ he says as you hear the clap or trunk being unlocked
  133. >you proceed to the trunk and slowly open it to reveal a full view of a green pony
  134. >she's shivering
  135. >Few seconds you wonder how to pick her up the best way, so you won't hurt her or something
  136. “It's like carrying a big dog.“ comes to your mind while reaching for her
  137. „Oh man, she's heavier than i expected.“
  138. >„Don't tell a single word no anyone, you understand? If you gonna have any kind of problems, like with police or something worse, i never even saw you.“ said Zaldon just as you closed the trunk.
  139. >In the next few seconds, he's gone.
  140. >your heart is still racing, you expected some troubles
  141. >you're a one lucky bastard and you know that
  142. >quickly, you run with her in your arms back to your car, trynna avoid as much light from the streetlamps as possible, putting her on the the passenger seat
  143. >you almost forgot about the one important thing in all that hurry
  144. >you idiot forgot to tell her that she's safe from now on, shit she's still terrified and still shivering and humming for help over the gag
  145. „Ooook, do not worry, alright? I will now take those things off, but promise me you won't scream or punch me. Yes?“ you tell her in your most calming voice
  147. >she slowly nods
  148. „Here we go.“ you take out you knife and begin setting her free
  149. >you start with the thing over her eyes
  150. >it was just a simple scarf, so you didn't even need to cut it
  151. >as you take it down, she slowly starts to open her big, blue eyes
  152. >she must have been like this for some time, because she closed them again immidiately after, because of too much light
  153. „Oh sorry.“
  154. >you turn off all the lights within the car
  155. >that's better
  156. >she's looking at you silently, still shivering a bit
  157. >you need to think of something to say
  158. „Look, everything's gonna be good from now on. Alright? I don't know what happened to you before, but i promise i'm not like those people. Let's set you free now, ok?“
  159. >you cut the ropes that hold her hooves together
  160. >you still expected a kick, but surprisingly she just moved them to position so she could sit
  161. >and for the last thing: that awful gag. It must suck, breathing like this
  162. >she takes a deep breath as you take it away
  163. >she's all free now, but what to do now? Maybe you should introduce yourself to her or something? You've always been bad at this thing
  164. „So, my name is Anon. What's yours?“
  165. >she opens her mouth like if she trying to say something, but no sound comes out
  166. >again
  167. >she looks desperate with this
  168. „You can't speak? Is it like from shock or...“
  169. >poor little pone, she tries so hard but nothing
  170. „It's ok now. We have time. Let's just try it later, maybe it will get better?“
  171. >she nods slowly while carefully watching you
  172. >you try to reach out to caress her mane, but she dodges like a stray dog
  173. „Don't worry, i was just...nevermind, there's a bit of something in your hair. I wanted to remove it.“
  177. >suddenly she comes closer and adjusts her head so you can try again
  178. >not what you expected
  179. >so you pretend to take something out of her mane, and throw it behind her
  180. >while doing it, you look at her flank to see her cutie mark, but there is none
  181. >strange
  182. „Well, now that you're free and stuff, I- i can take you home with me if you want to. But of course you could leave if you wish.“
  183. >but her leaving was of course the last thing you wanted
  184. >sure you did it because it was the right thing, but you really did want her around
  185. >she wraps her hooves around your arm
  186. >uh oh, this actualy went pretty great
  187. >you laugh a bit
  188. „Ok, I'm glad you're willing to stay. But i'll need this hand for driving.“
  189. >she lets go so you can start the car but before that you do what you wanted to do a moment before
  190. >you stroke her mane once, just to show you mean no harm
  191. >it was a bit rough, since she probably hasn't washed in quite a time
  192. >but still felt nice
  193. >you smile as you turn the key
  194. „Let's go somewhere nicer. Shall we?“
  196. >most of the ride is silent, as you just try to concentrate on driving
  197. >she watches you carefully, with almost adoring look, but it's hard to tell since she doesn't speak
  200. > You park in front of your home
  201. „So this is it. Over there.“ you point „We need to get inside quickly so no one would see.“
  202. You both run from car to your door and shut it quickly.
  203. „So this is my home. Yours as well of course, for as long as you please. I'll show you around ok?“
  204. >she nods
  205. „But i still don't know your name...Is it something like human name, like, i dunno: Renata, Suzan or something like that?“
  206. >stupid question, but worth a try
  207. >of course she wave's her head as a no
  208. „Well, we could play a guess game, but i'm not really good at it. It would be easier if we'd find you a new name for now. You don't have to keep it.“
  209. >she does that „I dunno man.“ pose with her hooves. It looks so cute
  210. >Everything she does looks so cute, she's a pony after all
  211. „Let's say…“ you look at her, thinking. „How about Ashley?“
  212. >nope, she waved her head
  213. >but it looked kinda fitting, man
  217. „So how about Sarah?“ you ask after another few seconds
  218. >she puts her hoof under her chin, thinking
  219. >after short time she comes to a consclusion
  220. >It was yes
  221. „Well, Sarah. Welcome.“ you smile
  222. >she follows you like a tail, while you show her all the rooms
  223. >explaining things like TV or some other technology stuff that ponies lack in their world was surprisingly amusing to both of you
  224. >at first she was so timid about all the new thing, as if something was about to jump on her, but soon she gave up the fear and began to show her real self
  225. >curious, wanting to try everything new and ever listening to all your explanations and stupid jokes
  226. >It was really nice having someone who'd actualy listen to you
  227. „So this is the bedroom, except there's only one bed. I never really had that many guests, only when i got back drunk with some friends but they usualy slept on the ground since they were...well, drunk of course. But we need to find you a better place to sleep.“
  228. >you wish to have balls to just tell her that she could sleep in one bed with you
  229. >she found that old small matress that you had for your dog
  230. >before it died
  231. >it was now just sticking out from under your bed
  232. „Not sure if this is good enough. It used to be for dogs, isn't it a bit demeaning for you?“
  233. >she looks at it again and raises her shoulders like saying: „It's something.“
  234. „Well, first i'll have to clean it up a bit. You don't wanna sleep on something that still smells like dog. And for this night, you can sleep in my bed. I-if you want. I can sleep on the couch.“
  235. >jesus, you were almost there, why did you have to fuck it up with that last sentence?
  236. >nevermind, time to change the topic before she can react
  237. „You must be hungry, we should get you something to eat. Don't you think? Or you can take a shower while i make something for you, eh?“ you spit out quickly
  238. >you didn't really give her a chance to decide so your next stop is bathroom
  243. >you show her the shower and how to use it so she can wash herself
  244. >leaving her there, you go to kitchen
  245. „What should i get her?“ you stare into the fridge
  246. >after few seconds of searching you find some frozen vegetables in the freezer part
  247. „This will help.“
  248. >you dump it all on frying pan, adding some seasonings, salt and pepper
  249. >despite of what it actualy is, it tastes quite delicious after few minutes of frying on high heat
  250. >a bit spicy but not too much
  251. >at the end, you grate some eidam over it to melt on top
  252. >since you're done, you go check on her
  253. >you open the door to bathroom to see that she just got out of the shower in the cloud of steam
  254. >instinctively you close the door
  255. >oh wait, ponies are always naked
  256. >open again
  257. „The dinner's ready.“ you announce. „You remember where the kitchen is, right? I'll wait there.“
  258. >as you're about to leave, she waves at you to stop
  259. > you forgot to give her something to dry herself
  260. >as you search for some towel, you find a teethbrush you had stored for when the one you use now gets too jagged
  261. >she could use that as well
  262. >you handle it to her along with the towel and a toothpaste
  263. >but she dropped it
  264. >looks like here in this world, they can't just pickup things magicaly
  265. „Do you want me help with this one?“ you ask as you pick up the toothbrush and paste.
  266. >she looks away, to the ground
  267. >you could swear if this was a cartoon, she would be visibly blushing
  268. „It's probably just this once, don't worry, but we should leave it after dinner anyway. I guess you won't need help with drying or will you?“
  269. >she waves her head smiling a bit
  270. >in situations like this, you could always see how much she'd like to say something, even if it was a simple „Thank you.“
  271. >life here on earth must be pretty hard for a pony, especialy when you can't even speak
  275. >you wait silently in the kitchen, thinking
  276. >but not for long
  277. >the door are slowly starting to open as she enters the room, still a bit wet
  278. >it's easier to dry yourself when you don't have fur
  279. „There you are. Come, come. I bet you're hungry. It's not anything special, but at least it's warm.“
  280. >she sits on the chair next to you, unsurely looking at the dish then back at you
  281. >she can't hold a spoon you dumbass
  282. „Oh,..right. Do you want me help you with that as well?“
  283. >it must be so awkward for her
  284. >just imagine you're unable to do even the most basic things like eating without help
  285. >not like you're not glad to help, but how does that make her feel?
  286. „I'll think of something to help you hold things in the future. Don't worry.“ you say as you feed her the first morsel
  287. >she ingurgitates it in the speed of light
  288. >must have been pretty hungry
  289. „So, is it alright? Should i add some more seasonings or...“
  290. >her pupils widen a bit and big smile appears on her face
  291. >putting her hoof on the edge of the plate she implies to get her some more
  292. >and certainly, you wouldn't keep her waiting
  293. >it didn't take long for her to gobble up the whole plate and half of yours
  294. >that's one hungry pone
  299. >after dinner, you help her to brush her teeth
  300. >you sit in front of her in the bathroom
  301. >she opens her mouth widely, waiting for you to start
  302. „You don't have to keep your mouth fully opened the whole time.“ you say with a little laugh
  303. >she half closes the mouth
  304. >it's still pretty awkward, for both of you, Can't remember that you'd ever have to brush someone else's teeth
  305. >but that didn't stop you from doing your job properly
  306. >after 4 minutes, you announce that you're done so she can spit the toothpaste out
  307. „Smile!“
  308. >she smiles at you with her white teeth, so typical to ponies
  309. >yawning immediately after
  310. „If you're sleepy, you can go to bed if you want. I just need to take care of some stuff before i go to sleep as well. But if you'd need me, I'll be either somewhere around the house, or sleeping on that couch in the living room, ok?“
  311. >she nods slowly, yawning again
  312. >you yawn as well
  313. >it's contagious
  315. >after leaving her in your bed, you to attempt to wash the matress
  316. „Jesus, i think this damned smell won't come out.“ you gibber to yourself
  317. >after some time of failed trying, you just leave it in the bathroom and take a shower yourself
  318. „I'll buy something new and better.“
  319. >then you head to your couch
  320. >it wasn't even that late, like around 10pm , but since you had everything done, you thought you could use some extra sleep
  321. >you wrap yourself in the spare blanket and close your eyes
  322. >but your body isn't really used to going to sleep so early
  323. >after hour of struggling to fall asleep, you hear the door in the direction of your bedroom open
  324. >looks like you're not the only one awake
  325. >you pretend to sleep, but still with one eye half open to observe
  326. >just to not interrupt her in whatever she was about to do
  327. >but what if she wants to run away?
  328. >nope, she's coming closer to you
  329. >looking at you doubtfuly, she stands in front of the couch for a few seconds
  330. >does she need something, but is too afraid to wake you up?
  331. >she proceeds to slowly reach out her hoof and get herself up on the couch
  332. >being there, she carefuly lays her body just a few milimetres next to you, so she wouldn't „wake“ you up
  333. >don't know what to do, if you should pretend that you just woke, or wrap your arm around her inconspicuously as if you're doing it from sleep or just stay like this
  334. >of course you stayed
  335. >if you wouldn't, it sure could get better, but there was also a little chance that she'd leave again
  336. >better not to tease luck
  337. >knowing she's just next to you and hearing her soft breath was soothing enough for you to fall asleep pretty fast
  340. >you though that the morning would be pretty awkward, except it wasn't
  341. >she wasn't even there
  342. >and it wasn't even morning
  343. >you look at the clock
  344. >11:36
  346. >you rush to look trough the house, just to find her in the kitchen, looking out of the window
  347. >oh
  348. „Hey Sarah.“
  349. >„H-hi Anon.“
  350. >wait what
  351. „Whoa, you can speak now? That's awesome! Finally we can have a talk!“
  352. >„Yeah...It's actualy since the yesterday night. When i realised it, I wanted to tell you, but you were sleeping already. Didn't want to wake you.“
  353. >looks like the choice you made that night was a poor one
  354. >but should you tell her now that you were just pretending?
  355. >you probably should
  356. >but better not
  357. >better try to play it cool
  358. „Aw, i wouldn't mind if you woke me up. I have so many questions! And i presume you have some as well.“ you say as you sit on the chair and make a room for her to sit as well
  359. >„Well, yeah. There's quite a lot it. I don't even know where to start. But,..first of all things: why? Why would you treat me so well, help with things and,.. you're just so different from others here.“
  360. >don't you fuck this one up, make yourself look like a humble person and not like a creep
  361. „I...Well, you know, not all people are the same. The ones you met were probably the worst kind out there. I'm doing my best to help you compensate at least for a little bit for the things you've must have been trough.“
  362. >u did it champ
  363. >„That's kind of you. Really, you cannot imagine the feel, when you set me free. It was like slowly waking up from a nighmare. And i couldn't even thank you. So i do now.“
  364. >you smile
  365. „You're welcome. Come to think of it, what is your real name?“
  366. >she bites her lip nervously
  367. >„It's..Well, it's Grass Walker. As if my mother knew i'll suck at flying. To honest, i kinda like Sarah better. It sounds kinda exotic and doesn't remind me of... things.“
  368. >Grass Walker doesn't sound so bad either
  369. >but if she likes Sarah, Sarah it is then
  373. „Ok, Sarah. Can you tell me, how did you actualy get here? Like, to this world? I've never seen someone like you in real.“
  374. >„I--, can't really remember it clearly. I went to Everfree forest and at some point as if i lost my memory. The next thing was that i woke up somewhere here.“
  375. >it's always an Everfree forest
  376. >all the weird shit happens there
  377. >„Then they took me. I was so frightened but i tried to fight back. Kicking, biting, but in the end i got shackled and held like that for what seemed to be eternity. Until yesterday.“
  378. >eternity must have been those 20 days you had to wait + some time before
  379. „That's terrible. But at least you're safe now.“
  380. >„Yeah...Thanks to you.“ she smiles. „Now when i think back about the emptiness, it still gives me goosebumps. But, can i ask you something?“
  381. „Sure, ask whatever you want.“
  382. >„I heard the conversation you had with the one who had kept me like that. Just a few minutes before you freed me.“
  383. >oh shit nigger
  384. >„Did you me from him? Like when you go to shop and buy a some sort of product?“
  385. „Well, it sure sounds bad. But i can't really deny that i didn't use money to free you. It's certainly not a normal thing here, buying someone. I can assure you, if this is what you ask about. And i presume you're angry. Guess you have right to be.“
  386. >„No, no. I'm not angry. At least not angry at you. You saved me, I'm grateful to you. But it's just something that has been on my mind...How much was it? Was it a lot?“
  387. „Let's say: A lot to me, not being exactly a rich person, but surprisingly small amount for a life of an intelligent being. Slavery is still illegal here, so one would expect a lot more money.“
  388. >„So you bought me as a slave?“
  389. >fuck
  393. „Noididn'tmeanitlikethat. I never meant it like that. There was just a price for setting you free. I'd never force you to do things and if you were to leave, i wouldn't try to stop you….I'd just be like really, really sad.“ you spit out of yourself quickly
  394. >„I wasn't implying on something like this, I-...sorry if it sounded that way. I was just curious. Aaand excuse me if i'm nosy, but I'd kinda like to know how it even happened. How did it happen that it was you, who bought me of all...humans? Is that how you're called?“
  395. „Yea, humans. Well, if i should tell you, i'll have to explain some things first. I presume you don't know what internet is?“
  396. >„Inte-wha?“
  397. „Internet. It's kinda hard to explain, but if should simplify it, it's like a big, like really big and huge storage of informations and data and pictures and stuff. And you can access it trough computer or phone.“
  398. >you bring up your phone from your pocket
  399. „I didn't tell you about these things yesterday, because it was kinda hard and long time to explain. I meant the phone and computers and all. Not the story. -But now we have a lot of time, so if you want to hear it...“
  400. >ray of warm sunlight shines trough opened window right into your face, as cloud moves out of the sun's way
  401. >what a beautiful day
  402. >wouldn't it be better to spend it outside?
  403. „Hey, i have an idea, if you don't mind.“
  404. >„What is it?“
  405. >you put your phone back into your pocket
  406. „Since it's almost lunch time, i'll make something for us to eat and we can go outside. There i can answer all your questions. You know, since it's gonna take some time, explaining all the new stuff, and i don't really like spending sunny days inside.“
  407. >„Sounds good. I can wait some more. And at least I'll see how more of your world. I didn't really get a chance before….But if you're just dodging the question, just say so. You don't have to answer, if you don't want to.“
  410. „I'm not trying to dodge it. Promise. It's just that this might as well consume big part of the day and i'm always rather somewhere out in the forest than sitting in my house.“
  411. >„Alright. As you wish.“ she smiles „I already enjoyed interiors enough. Being locked up in that room. N-not saying that there's something wrong about your house, or that it feels similiar to...That idea was probably a nonsense to start with, sorry.“
  412. >Jeez, you both are so tryharding to not offend each other
  413. >but talking to her naturaly, without being awkward is so hard right now
  414. >you both want to not fuck this up so bad, you're actualy almost fucking this up
  415. „I get what you meant. That's alright.“ you laugh. „Sooo, what do you normaly eat?“
  416. >„Well, vegetables, fruit, legumes, probably the same things you humans eat.“
  417. >you imagine a fat guy, eating burger while holding a bottle of coke
  418. >yeah, right….same things
  419. >you probably shouldn't tell her that majority of humans eat meat
  420. >at least not now
  421. >time to go vegetarian
  422. „Well, i'll make something. Something better than i made yesterday. Hopefully….“
  423. >„But it was delicious!“
  424. „Was it? Aw, it must have just been the hunger. It wasn't anything special.“
  425. >„But i loved it. It was kinda spicy,.-in the good way! Could you,.. could you make some more of that?“
  426. „Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and i'd gladly make some more, but i'm affraid i used all the frozen vegetables i had in my freezer. But, i have an idea for today's lunch. Do you like cauliflower?“
  427. >„Sorta? It's not my favourite thing, but it's alright.“
  428. „Ok, i hope i won't f-...mess this up.“
  429. >better not to swear in front of a pone
  430. „But it's kinda easy to cook so I probably won't. I'll just go get the stuff.“
  431. >some onions, cauliflower of course, maybe some garlic aaaand,. that's all. The rest is seasoning
  432. >you're chopping the cauliflower while Sarah carefuly watches you
  433. >“These are weird.“
  434. „What?“
  437. >„Sorry...It's your hooves. Never seen anything like that.“
  438. „We call them hands. Yea, it's kinda weird when you think about it this way. They look like five tiny tentacles, but they're pretty useful. They're just,..handy.“
  439. >„Can't deny that. Maybe i should get a pair as well if I'm going to stay in this world.“ she laughs
  440. „I was wondering, how do you even pick up things in your world?“
  441. >„I don't know, we just do. But it's harder here. A lot harder. Just like flying and basicaly everything.“
  442. „Yeah, this world is pretty hard. But we still survive somehow. Humans are pretty adaptable.“
  443. >„You must have a strong leader, right?“
  444. „Um, not really. We don't have any leader at all. Like, we do have leaders of individual parts of our world, but not any real leader of a whole humanity.“
  445. >„How is it possible? And who raises the sun and the moon?“
  446. „No one. It just goes up and down by itself. This world is so much different from yours, you wouldn't beleive.“
  447. >„It is, i see.“
  448. „This is why I said that explaing all the new stuff to you is gonna take a while. There's a whole lot of it.“
  453. >the cauliflower is done
  454. „….I'll just dump this into the kettle for a few minutes to boil. Don't worry, not gonna let it boil completely, that would taste like crap. Then fry it along with some garlic and onion, seasoning and it's good to go.“
  455. >“You humans fry a lot, do you?“
  456. „The ones who can't cook properly do. It's not that healthy, but it's something.“ you smile
  457. >“Raw fruit and vegetables aren't that bad, why not eat that?“
  458. „I dunno. We're just so used to having our food somehow prepared, we almost don't eat it raw at all.“
  459. >“That sounds soo unnatural.“
  460. >you chuckle
  461. „Soon you'll know, that humanity and nature are like two counterparts. Sometimes it seems like we're mortal enemies...It's not something i'm proud of. Don't know why i even bring something like this up, let's talk about something else, shall we?“
  462. >“Ok.“
  463. >silence
  464. >“Hey, what's in those bottles over there?“
  465. >you look what's she pointing at
  466. „You mean those bottles? That's beer. You do have beer in Eq- your world, do you?“
  467. >„Nope. What is it?“
  468. „An alcohol. It gets you drunk.“
  469. >“Drunk?“
  470. „You know, being all dizzy and careless. It's fun. You sure have something like that, where you came from. Like wine or something.“
  471. >“So, it's something similiar to wine?“
  472. „Yup. Except different taste.“
  473. >“That's...nice…………...But I never tried wine. Or anything similiar.“
  474. „What? You're kidding.“
  475. >“I'm really not. That's for older ponies.“
  476. „Wait, just how old are you? And how old you have to be to considered mature?“
  480. >“I'm 17. B-but almost 18! Except you have to be 20 to drink wine. But not many ponies do that anyway. And when they do, it's usualy on special occasions...But, hey, can i have at least a little sip? Just to try it, you know.“
  481. >you chuckle
  482. >how in the world can something be so uncorrupted? Not even knowing what alcohol is.
  483. >Bet she's virgin as well
  484. >shut up brain
  485. >You're not sure if you wanna be the one to corrupt her. It feels wrong, knowing you'll probably be the one to show her all these things
  486. >you don't wanna set her on the wrong track in her life
  487. >but how can possibly someone resist a face like that?
  488. „Of course. But you'll probably won't like it anyways.“ you say as you handle her a bottle you just opened
  489. >you'd expect her to take a small sip first, but instead she gulps at least ¼ of the bottle at once
  490. >“Ew, that's disgusting. You really drink that? Yuck.“
  491. „I warned you.“ you laugh. „It's not something, that you'll like instanly.“
  492. >“It's so bitter.“ she frowns. „Does all alcohol tastes like this?“
  493. „Nope. There's a lot of it. I still have some wine in the fridge, so you can try it later if you want. But hey, i don't want you to eventualy become an alcoholic. Everything in moderation, especialy with this stuff.“
  494. >“Alright, alright. And I do feel a bit dizzy, is this how being drunk feels?“
  495. >jesus, why does this of all things interests her so much?
  496. „Basicaly yes, but you'd have to multiply it few times.“
  497. >a big smile appears on her face
  498. >“All these new things here are so interesting! Inertet, TV, alcohol, those big carriages that move on their own... Can't wait to see it all!“ she got a little bit too excited there
  499. >“Well, if you show me of course. And explain. That would be great.“
  500. „Don't you worry, i will. And there's a whole lot of it.“
  503. >after few more minutes of frying, the dinner is finally ready
  504. „So this is it. Nothing much, but we don't have much choises.“ you say as you put the pan on a wooden cutting board and then on the table along with two spoons
  505. >it's basicaly just seasoned, boiled and afterwards fried cauliflower with some onion
  506. >„Well, it doesn't look that bad.“ she reaches out instinctively for a spoon, failing to grab it. “Except i can't eat it. Dang, i almost forgot about it.“
  507. „I'll help you, just like yesterday. Till we find some way for you to pick things up.“
  508. >“If you say so. Thanks.“
  509. „No problem.“
  510. >you take one spoon, pick some cauliflower bits with it and put it in front of her mouth
  511. „Here comes the airplane!“
  512. >“Wait, what's an airplane?“
  513. >oh,...right
  514. „Sorry, it was supposed to be a joke. Forgot you don't know these things.“
  515. >“But still, what is an airplane? Some floating city?“
  516. „Heh, not really. That's how we call big flying machines. We can use these to travel over long distances. Even seas.“
  517. >“The seas? That's so cool, i can't imagine a pegasus flying so far! Unless it's some really small sea. But I'd probably couldn't fly even over that.“ she pouts
  518. >then she looks back on the full spoon
  519. >„Oh i almost forgot.“
  520. „Watch out, it still might be-“
  521. >“Arrg, it burns!“ she's rolling the morsel in her mouth „Aw, but it tastes great. Gimme some more please!“
  522. „Should i blow this one for you?“ you ask with a chuckle
  523. >“I just forgot about it.“ she looks to the ground with a little frown, lasting only for a few seconds, as you're closing in with another spoonful
  524. >blowing some air on it before, she puts the morsel in her mouth
  525. >„This is actualy really good. Do human foods always have such strong taste?“ she says with a full mouth
  529. „Well, i don't know to what should i compare it with. But it's probably just me, mixing all kinds of seasoning. I'm not really a big cook, so i just add everything that smells nice to me and hope for the best. So, you like it after all?“
  530. >„I'm loving it.“
  531. >you think about trying to explain why you just chuckled again, but then you reconsider
  532. >McDonalds is trash anyway and it wasn't even that funny
  533. >you feed her, eating with another spoon when she chews
  534. >while doing so, a though comes to your mind
  535. >how is it even possible, that you of all people who watched the show, is so lucky to end up with a pony in his house
  536. >since she's here, you feel so happy inside
  537. >you were always uneasy about your future. But right now, you feel that you are somehow no longer worried
  538. >like when you smoke a joint and just the fact that you live makes you happy
  539. >is this love?
  540. >maybe you should tell her something
  541. >probably not, or just not right now
  542. „Your eyes are gorgeous.“ you say just as she looks directly at you
  543. >damn, where did that even came from? Why did you say it out loud?
  544. >“My eyes? Thank you. But they're no extra. You should see my friend Flitter in ponyville. I'm just...not special in anything.“ she tries to make an awkward smile
  545. >she's spilling more spaghetti than you were just about to
  546. >here's your chance
  547. „But i like yours. Not Flitters.“ you continue
  548. >looking at her face, if she were a human, she'd be completely red
  549. >maybe you should stop pushing her
  550. „I just wanted to say, that I'm glad you're here with me. It's just so nice having around someone else than my shadow in this house. Y'know?“
  551. „And I'm- I'm really glad to be here as well. Of all places here in this world.“ she says in a shy voice, smiling to herself
  556. >suddenly your phone rangs, indicating a text message, ruining the moment, but maybe saving you from an awkward situation
  557. >you pick it up to take a look
  558. >it's your friend, the one who borrowed you the car
  559. „Hey, I'll be needing the good ol Mandy back already this night. Know i told you can keep her until monday, but plans have changed. Sorry man.“
  560. >„What's that?“
  561. „My phone. Got a text message.“
  562. >„How?“
  563. „You can send messages trough these devices. You just write it and he or she can see it on their phone.“
  564. >“Wow. Show it to me!“
  565. >you close the message and put the phone in front of her
  566. >as she touches it, she accidentaly opens the message again
  567. >she flinches just a few milimetres with a little „Eeep!“
  568. >then she realizes that it's nothing and acts like nothing happened
  569. >she moves closer with her head to see what's written there
  570. >„Who the hay is Mandy?“
  571. „Oh that's the car i drove you here with. It's not mine. It's just borrowed. And looks like we gotta give it back this night. But we can still use it today.“
  572. >“Ooh. And how do you control that thing?“
  573. „Well, it's easy and complicated at the same time. You saw that plate i had hands on the whole time on the ride here? You determine the course with it. Then, you have three pedals, like with piano. One for break, second for more speed and the third one...well, that's the complicated part. But basicaly, you have to press it when you want to change from performance to speed.“
  574. >that was a pretty poor explanation
  575. „Will be better if i just show you after lunch.“
  580. >after finishing lunch, you pack some things and go check on the street
  581. >some people are around, but hopefuly, they won't see trough the fence
  582. „Sarah, let's go. Quickly.“
  583. >she dashes out of the house so fast, you couldn't even open the car door
  584. >so she stops in front of the car
  585. >you rush to let her in so no one can see her
  586. „Phew. Now, where shall we go?“
  587. >“I thought that you had some sort of plan?“
  588. „I do, but i couldn't decide which place. Maybe the forest?“
  589. >“Um, not sure about that. Is it haunted?“
  590. „Haunted? What, no.“ you laugh. „But still, we don't have to go there. There's also another place i had in mind.“
  591. >“Where?“
  592. „You'll see.“
  593. >you start Mandy and set off
  594. >trough the ride, you keep on trying to explain how car works, because she still struggles to understand
  595. >also, every now and then, she peeks out of the car window to see how the outer world looks like
  596. >you know it's not really safe, you don't have the heart to stop her
  597. „You don't have to hide anymore. We're outside the town.“ you announce as you leave the last building behind
  598. >“Nice.“
  599. >she sticks her head out of the window like a dog
  600. >“This is like flying, except the flying part. Hey, can i sit in the window?“ she shouts so you can hear her over the wind
  601. „Isn't it a bit too dangerous? What if you fall out?“
  602. >“Nah! I promise, I'll cling onto something.“
  603. „Weeell, ok then.“
  604. >you roll the window down completely so she can sit there
  605. >at position like that, it leaves her private parts kinda exposed
  606. >it's not like you didn't notice before, but really, maybe you should tell her
  607. >later, just don't stare and don't crash
  608. >“How fast that thing can go?“
  609. „Would you like to see?“
  610. >“Yeah!“
  611. „Ok, then. But seriously, hang on tight. And tell me if i should slow down, alright?“
  612. >“Mm-hm.“
  617. >you shift down and stomp the pedal to the ground
  618. >Mandy isn't the fastest, but you still easily manage to get her at good 135km/h on the straight road
  619. >„Wooooooooooooooooooo.“
  620. >you slow down because of the incoming road turn
  621. >Sarah looks like she's about to go back into the car, but then stays in the window
  622. „We are almost there. Just a few minutes more.“
  623. >“What would happen if i opened my wings right now? Do you think i'd fly?“
  624. „Don't! Something awful might happen and i would regret it for the rest of my life.“
  625. >“Aww, alright then.“
  626. >just as you said, only few more minutes and you're there
  627. >your favourite meadow from where you can see almost the whole city and even farther
  628. >and the best part: almost nobody ever goes there
  629. >normaly your spot for camping or joint smoking when you really wanna enjoy the good weed
  630. >but today, you're here just to relax
  631. >you couldn't drive back high anyway, not when you're here by car, that's too risky
  632. >you stop the car and Sarah jumps right out of the window
  633. >her eyes are all wet from tears, caused by the wind and her mane completely wind-swept but she's smiling
  634. „So, this is it. How do you like the view?“
  635. >she blinks a few times and wipes her face before looking around
  636. >„This is great! So this is your city over there?“ she points her hoof
  637. „Yeah. It always looks so much better from this distance, doesn't it?“
  638. >“Well, i didn't really see it from up close, but it does look beatiful from up here...Can you see your house from here?“
  639. „It's really tiny, but if you look closer, you'll see it.“ you point
  640. >she tries to see it, but she isn't even really sure what to look for and evetualy gives up
  641. >meanwhile, you bring a blanket, bottle of water, few apples and a few tangerines
  642. >and also some cookies you had hidden for emergency munchies
  643. >while taking a small sip from the water, you lay down on the blanket
  644. >right now, life seems almost perfect, it just misses one thing
  649. >you reach down into your pocket
  650. >there's a nug of weed in your hand, you took it with you just in case
  651. >you tried this strain before, it's probably sativa, not too strong, but not too weak
  652. >temptation rises, how fun could it be to get high with a pony on such a beatiful place?
  653. >but you really shouldn't, what if police catches you on the way back?
  654. >“Hey, what's that? It smells funny.“ Sarah interrupts you from thinking
  655. „This? Oh, well, it's called marijuana.“
  656. >“Marijuana? And what is it for? Some seasoning?“
  657. „Not really. Something better. It's a bit like alcohol, but different. It makes you relax really, really hard. Everything suddenly feels beatiful.“
  658. >now you got her full attention
  659. >“Wow, that sounds interesting. And you have to eat it?“
  660. >from the tone of her voice, it's kinda obvious that she'd like to try what weed does
  661. >but she's just too shy to say it directly
  662. „Nah, you have to set it on fire and inhale the smoke.“
  663. >“Really? That's...unusual. How does it feel?“
  664. >you know what? Just fuck it, we gonna get high
  665. „Well, you can see for yourself. Would you like to try it?“
  666. >“Ummm, I'd be lying if said that i wouldn't…“ she looks away inconspicuously as she wanted to look like she doesn't care
  667. „Come on, you don't have to be so shy about it.“ you laugh „Just say so. I won't miss it.“
  668. >“If you say so, then...yeah. It does sound really cool.“
  669. „Alright, I'll roll it up. But before that, you know marijuana, just like alcohol is a drug. It's good to get baked or drunk sometimes, but not too frequently. I just want you to remember to take these thing easily. You're so…innocent in this kind of things. It feels kinda wrong, being the one to introduce you into this. I'm not saying this to scare you, but it's just something i need to get off my chest.“
  670. >“Well, if you don't want me to know, i don't have to. It's just that it sounds really great. And smells nice.“
  674. „No, i didn't mean it like that. It's completely up to you. One should try everything, right? Or, rather almost everything. And weed is of the things that doesn't hurt to try.“ you smile as you make the filter
  675. >“And, what are you doing right now? Does it have to be like specialy prepared?“
  676. „You could say so. Just watch and you'll see.“
  677. >after two or three minutes you're done, holding a rolled joint
  678. „This is it. Now, if you light up one end, you can inhale from the other. I'll show you.“
  679. >“This looks neat.“
  680. >you light the joint and take a first puff
  681. „You gotta inhale it straight into your lungs and hold it there for some time. And inhale slowly, maybe try to puff from from the joint, then some air and repeat till you have your lungs full. You won't cough like that.“ you say as you exhale
  682. >she nods excitedly
  683. >you hand her the joint, forgetting she can't hold it
  684. >you're getting pretty high already, especialy in the sun
  685. „Riiight, let me help you with that.“
  686. >you put the joint to her mouth
  687. „Carefull now, slowly.“
  688. >she does just like you told her and it goes pretty well
  689. >but she exhales too fast and then coughs anyway
  690. >“Whoa. *cough* Oh man. *cought*“
  691. „Do you feel anything?“
  692. >“Yeah, yeah i do. I'm getting kinda heavy, especialy my head……. And i love it.“
  693. >you laught before taking another puff
  694. „That's great! You know, i wanted to show this to you some other time, but still one day it would just have to happen. But right now is after probably the best time.“
  695. >“Why so?“
  696. „Just look. All the panorama around us, sun is shining...And warm makes you high even more.“
  697. >you take another puff
  698. „Such a beatiful day.“
  699. >just like before, you help her with inhaling and this time she coughs a lot less
  700. >looks like she's getting a grip of it already
  701. „Still alright? Not sure how much you can take. It's your first time after all.“
  702. >“Yeeah. This is great. As if, i dunno. So calm and stuff. You know?“
  703. >she's pretty baked
  707. >but there's still half of the joint left
  708. >you take a really deep puff
  709. >you don't want her to end up completely wasted and fall asleep
  710. >her turn
  711. >after that, she really seems to have enough
  712. >“Uhhh, do you ever look at the sun and….Oh, i forgot what i wanted to say.“
  713. >whatever she meant, you feel like you understand her completely
  714. „I feel ya.“
  715. >you take a last big puff
  716. >there's still some weed, but she has enough already and you feel pretty much the same
  717. „It tastes disgusting at the end.“ you mutter as you throw it away
  718. >suddenly
  719. >“I know!“
  720. „Know what?“
  721. >“I couldn't remember what was on my mind. I was thirsty. Soooo, thirsty.“
  722. >you can't help yourself but to laugh while reaching for the water
  723. „Hehe, there you go. My little cookie.“
  724. >“Why cookie?“
  725. „Because you're totally baked.“ you chuckle
  726. >it takes her a while to get it, but you're pretty sure you mentioned that word before
  727. >after half a minute she actualy starts laughting
  728. >then she remembers again that she wanted to take a sip
  729. >speaking of cookies, you reach for the ones you brought
  730. „You want some?“
  731. >“Oh yeeeah. Awesome, you wouldn't beleive how hungry i am right now.“
  732. „Actualy, i do beleive. That's what weed does.“
  733. >you take half of the cookies and put them in front of her
  734. >“Thanksss.“
  735. >she grabs one with both of her hooves and takes a bite
  736. >“This is so goshdamn delicious!“
  737. >after the foodgasm of chewing the first bite she lays on her back on the blanket, staring at the sky, still holding the rest of the cookie
  738. >you lay just next to her, while she slowly munches another bite
  743. >“I think i've never felt so good before. You're really the best, you know that?“ she says after finishing the cookie
  744. „Well, thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying.“
  745. >“But i really mean it. Like THE best. I can't imagine what would happen if you weren't here for me. Can i give you a hug?“
  746. „Of course-“
  747. >before you could finish, she has already her hooves wrapped around you
  748. >feels good man
  749. >you put your right hand on her back and with your left hand, you slowly start to fondle her mane
  750. >she lets out a pleasured moan
  751. >nice
  752. >afted minute or two, you still continue and it seems like that if you'd take advantage of this situation, she probably wouldn't even have will to resist
  753. >but on the other hand, you kinda feel that you shouldn't
  754. >she should be at least sober
  755. >laying there in your arms like this, she's so vulnerable
  756. >if it was just another drunk girl at some stupid party, you probably wouldn't think for too long, having a chance like this. You're no white knight, but this is just different
  757. >and right now, you might just be too high for fug anyway
  758. >you can leave that to some other time
  759. >at this time, slightly lewd cuddles are more than enough
  760. >while fondling, you're examining her every detail
  761. >her fur is so incredibly soft, like rabbit but shorter
  762. >her whole body so well formed, just in the right proportions
  763. >and her mane, oh man how pleasant is it to bury your hand into her beige-blonde hair
  764. >your right hand slowly continues down her hip once and then up again
  765. >strong and firm
  766. >then you continue with the very same hand to her ear, scratching slowly behind it
  767. >with eyes already closed for some time, her brows go even lower from the pleasure and she stretches her neck to the direction of your hand as if she can't get enough
  768. >“Mmmmm. Anon, this is wonderful...“
  769. >you'd just very much like to kiss her at least, so you give her a soft, small kiss on her lips
  770. >in all the extasy, she probably barely felt it
  774. >but she did, even if she most likely didn't realise what exactly it was
  775. >she moved her lips slightly upwards and licked her upper lip, where you kissed her
  776. >„Anon, i think, i think i'm gonna...gonna melt here. Like literally melt. It feels good, but just a few minutes more and I'm gonna fall asleep and wake up like a puddle.“
  777. >she opens her eyes only to close them again because of the sudden brightness around
  778. >in her second try, she opens them only a little so she can see
  779. >her pupils are so wide, that her blue irises are barely visible
  780. >„I don't wanna fall asleep...“
  781. >very slowly, she lets go of you and tries to stand up
  782. >looking at her, she's having a bit of trouble with coordination, so you help her up
  783. >she just interrupted that perfect moment you two had, but how could you blame her?
  784. >you remember times when even a normal weed like this fucked you up so hard
  785. >the good old times
  786. >“My head...I really need to move. Just walk somewhere or somethin'. Or I'm gonna pass out.“
  787. >you stand up and it hits you as well
  788. >that second wave of high, always coming when you stand up
  789. >made you a bit dizzy as well
  790. >“I'm just gonna take a walk around here...Could you...go with me please? I just don't wanna go alone.“
  791. „Course i will. I think i could use some walking as well.“
  792. >“But where?“
  793. „Come with me. We can leave the blanket here. No one will steal it here.“
  794. >“Do you think someone would just take it if it isn't his?“
  795. >you chuckle
  796. „This isn't Equestria you know.“
  797. >stuffing the bottle of water, cookies and fruit into your pockets, you look around
  798. >you have no idea how long you've been laying here, it could have been something about 10 minutes or a whole hour
  799. >you think about looking at your watch, but you don't
  800. >time is now just a nuisance
  801. >only thing that you should know now is that it's still the same beautiful day and the sun is still far from setting
  806. „This way.“
  807. >you walk towards nearby forest, that is in the opposite direction of the road you drove here
  808. >Sarah follows you of course, but she's a bit slower like this. You have to walk slower than you're used to
  809. „You alright?“
  810. >“Yeah, the most al...rightest. In fact, i totally kinda cannot stop smiling.“ she bursts out in laugher for no real reason
  811. >even though you're not as high as she is, hearing her laught makes you laugh the same
  812. >it's like contagious
  813. >same for her, hearing you laught makes her laught even more
  814. >she actualy ends up curled up on the ground, wheezing for air
  815. „W-we should probably go.“ you manage to say in almost serious voice after some time spent laughting at nothing
  816. >“Go where? Oh, the walk! I remember! Bwee-hee.“
  817. >at this point, she got it pretty much almost under control as well. Except the weird laught at the end
  818. „So,..still wanna? You seem to be pretty alright, by now.“
  819. >“Oh i assure you that I'm not.“ she chuckles while standing up „But you're right, we should go.“
  820. >so you both slowly continue on your way to the forest
  821. >you find the cookies you put in your pocket just a few minutes ago, so you offer her some
  822. >naturaly, she gladly accepts
  823. >with her mouth full, carrying the cookie and eating it bit by bit, she can't speak so she just giggles sometimes along the way
  824. >it's cute, seeing her like this
  825. >so different apart from when you first saw her
  826. >dirty, disheveled and scared
  827. >now all clean, frangratly smelling like your new shower gel and most of all: filled to the brim with happiness
  828. >sublte wind blow starts to blow, playing with her mane and sometimes blowing some hair in her face
  829. >she doesn't seem to mind it at all
  833. >there's so much beauty in the nature around you, but you're stuck watching your pony companion most of the time
  834. >but it can't be helped, you can't get enough of her
  835. >when she's high like that, she doesn't realize you're staring at her
  836. >what would she think if she knew?
  837. >suddenly, you're standing at the edge of the forest
  838. >the distance you walked wasn't really that big, but you still feel like it was faster than you'd expect >especialy with her, being pretty slow
  839. >as you leave the sunny meadow and enter the forest, there's completely different atmosphere
  840. >sun doesn't shine there a lot because of the trees, so it's a bit darker there
  841. >also, not as warm as out on the meadow, but it's not really cold
  842. >then, a single cold blow of wind from inside the forest flows around your shoulder and gives you goosebumps
  843. >“You're cold?“ Sarah notices just as she swallows the last bit of cookie
  844. „Nah, that's alright.“
  845. >“Are you sure?“
  846. „Yup. Really, it was just one cold blow of wind.“ you laught „But hey, nice of you to ask.“
  847. >“Ok then...You know, I wonder, how does it feel to live without fur?“
  848. „I dunno. Normal. How does it feel to live with it?“
  849. >“Cozy. Most of the time at least. And you usualy don't get cold.“
  850. >this might be the time to finaly bring up something that has been on your mind
  851. „Well, i guess you're right. I suppose that's the reason why you don't wear any clothes...But don't you feel a bit, you know…exposed? Really, the tail doesn't always covers everything.“
  852. >“What do you mean? I though you wear clothes just because you're cold.“
  853. „That is true, but the main reason is that we cover ourselves. It would be kinda humiliating for a human to come out of his house naked.“
  854. >she stops
  855. >“Wait. So, right now…I'm to call it...I'm being like, obscene or...immodest?“
  856. >maybe it wasn't the right time to bring this up. She may still be high, but not enough to be completely careless as she was just hour ago
  861. „Um, well,.,kinda...If-If you were a human i guess.“
  862. >with her hind legs crossed and scrunchy face, you could swear that she's blushing really hard
  863. „But i swear i'm not looking. It's just that sometimes you get directly into my vision and i'm not quick enough to look away. But i don't stare at your private parts...“ you try ease it for her, but you end up making it worse
  864. >„Um, I'm sorry.“ she says in such a quiet voice, it's almost like whisper
  865. „What? No need to feel sorry, it's not really something that's unpleasant to see- Wait i didn't mean it like that. Oh dang. I just meant that there's no need or you to say sorry. I-I-...should probably stop talking.“
  866. >silence for a few seconds that seem a bit like eternity
  867. >you might have fucked this up the last two times when you spoke, but you gonna give it a third chance to at least break the silence
  868. >or make it last even longer if you fuck up again
  869. >here you go:
  870. „I'm probably the one to apologize. I should have tell you earlier, but i was kinda afraid of how would you react...B-but if that helps, i'm gonna get you some pants or something when we get home.“
  871. >“Well...That would be nice of you...Thanks.“
  872. „No need to thank me there. But we should probably talk about something else. This was getting pretty awkward, let's just not think about it from now on, ok? For now, i can lend you my shirt or i can run back for that blanket. There should be a way to somehow cover know.“
  873. >“I don't really think that the shirt will help with this, the sleeves are too short… And the blanket is too far away. Could we just pretend like we haven't talked about this till we get back and I won't walk in front of you..?“
  874. „Y-yeah. Alright.“
  875. >it's almost funny, this situation reminds you of times when had to speak about something serious with people who weren't supposed to know you're high
  876. >the euphory always goes away and you feel like you're not even high anymore, just really awkward
  877. >thank God it's over now
  881. >despite your previous conversation, you continue on your road trough the forest
  882. >you're no longer watching her all the time, just in case
  883. >but she doesn't seem to be enjoying the walk as much as she did just a few minutes ago
  884. >you wouldn't expect it to lay on her mind for such a long time
  885. >you should at least say something
  886. „Sorry, are you still angry on me for not telling you earlier? “
  887. >“N-no. I'm not angry. I never was. But I didn't know it's immoral here to not wear any clothes. I just don't want you to think i'm bad mannered.“
  888. >looks like the social propriety means a lot to ponies
  889. >or at least to this particular pony
  890. >could it be because of the humiliation she experienced before?
  891. >or was it because of you? Maybe she felt embrassed because she likes you
  892. >nah, it couldn't be
  893. „Hey, don't worry. Don't let it ruin your mood. There's no one to judge you. Especialy if you didn't know.“
  894. >“You know, I just really though it's the same like in Equestria. It's not like we show off everywhere, We just don't look “there“ and tail covers it for most of the time.“
  895. >you laugh subtly
  896. „No big deal. Really.“
  897. >she doesn't answer, but she gives you a cute smile
  898. >now she looks like she's back on the same positive wave as she was before
  899. >but you don't really feel that high anymore, almost sober
  900. >wonder, how about her?
  901. >from the way she talks and what she talks about, she's probably still high, but the effect is most likely ending and fading
  902. >normaly, you'd roll another joint, but you're out of weed and even if you weren't, you wouldn't anyway
  903. >she had enough for today, let's not overdo it
  904. >the road trough the forest actualy turns at some point and leads you back on the meadow, just a few hundred of meters from where you walked in
  905. >Sarah opens her mouth as if she wanted to ask „Where are we?“, but she notices the car in the distance
  906. >“What are we gonna do now?“ she asks instead
  907. „Depends, do you want to stay here or go back home?“
  911. >she yawns before answering
  912. >“Well, I dunno, but i'm pretty tired now. To be honest, i don't care if we stay here or go back, as long as i can take a nap somewhere. Not for long, but still...“
  913. „Then i guess we could stay here, i'll rest a bit as well. I shouldn't drive after smoking weed and a bit of sleep might help to get at least part of it out of my body.“
  914. >“Do you think you'd crash?“
  915. „Not really. I used to drive even in a lot worse conditions. Actualy, i feel pretty normal now. But if cops would catch me, i'd have to pay a big load of money.“
  916. >“Why?“
  917. „Because that's how it works here. No matter you're already sober, if you have something left in your blood or sweat, you still gonna pay.“
  918. >“That sounds pretty unfair.“
  919. „It is. Just a way to get money out of people. I told you this world sucks.“
  920. >along the way, you're explaining things to her
  921. >she's asking about cars, how they work etc…
  922. >when you finally get to your original place where you left the blanket, you drop yourself on it and while laying on your back, you strech your whole body, loudly yawning
  923. >she lays pretty close to you and covers lower part of her body with the blanket
  924. >“Anon?“
  925. „Yes?“
  926. >“I, ummm...Nevermind.“
  927. „Come on, you already started the sentence.“ you say with a smile
  928. >“Well, i wanted to ask if you could do that thing with your hand you did before...At least for a while. Not for long.“
  929. „You mean this?“
  930. >you reach out, fondling her mane and scratching her ear
  931. >“Yeah, that's it...thanks.“
  932. >she slowly closes her eyes
  933. „My pleasure.“
  934. >you position yourself so you can lay comfortably and play with her mane at the same time
  935. >closing your eyes, you think about what next
  936. >by the time you'll be driving Mandy back to your friend, cops probably won't find any THC in your sweat if they stopped you
  937. >but not on your way back home
  938. >you'd have to stay here a lot longer than you planned
  942. „Fuck it, they won't catch me.“ you think to yourself. „Just gotta beleive.“
  943. >you open your eyes to get your mind off these things
  944. >Sarah looks like she's already asleep
  945. >so peaceful, so sweet
  946. >you think back about your times spent on /mlp
  947. >what would other Anons say if they knew?
  948. >guess it wouldn't be anything pretty
  949. >anyway, you close your eyes again, just enjoying the moment
  950. >for about and hour, you balance on the edge of sleep and wakefulness
  951. >at some point you stopped fondling Sarah's mane and just left your hand on her back
  952. >even though you didn't actualy fell asleep, you feel pretty rested
  953. >you stand, trying to not wake the sleepy pony next to you
  954. >but she moves and slowly opens her eyes just as you remove your hand from her back
  955. >„Hi…“
  956. „Oh, hey Sarah. Slept well?“
  957. >“I didn't actualy slept. But it was somehow enough. I feel full of energy.“
  958. „Same with me. That happens sometimes after marijuana. Probably depends on strain or how much you smoke.“
  959. >“I see...So, are you planning we go back home now?“
  960. „Yup. Probably will be better.“
  961. >there's nothing much to pack, so you just take the blanket and put it on Sarah's back as a poor imitation of a skirt to hide her womanhood
  962. >the road to the car isn't long, you're there in just a few minutes
  963. >you're not really worried about cops as long as you're on the dusty road, but after getting back on the asphalt, you're getting a little bit paranoid
  964. >you already informed Sarah to rather keep her head down and just to be sure, you're driving 5 kilometeres under the speed limit
  965. >suddenly, you see a cop car in the distance and a cop standing just next to it
  966. >shitshitshit just don't stop me
  967. >he wouldn't stop you if you're not going too fast, right?
  968. >he wouldn't
  969. >you're thanking God as you're passing him by
  970. >you met one more cop car along the way, but he was driving in the opposite direction
  971. >at home, you quickly run inside with Sarah behind you
  976. „Ooof. I was really worried few times.“
  977. >„What exactly do you think would happen if they caught you?“
  978. „Nothing nice. Aside from the fact i'd get fined, he would most likely see you. Nobody knows what might happen. Maybe nothing, but you never know. Cops are unfathomable, you never know if he's a total asshole who wants to ruin your life or some normal guy.“
  979. >you sit on the couch, just to stand up immediately again
  980. >you walk towards the drawer with your underpants, where you grab one of your least used boxers
  981. „Hey Sarah, take this.“
  982. >„Oh, thanks.“
  983. >you turn away, while she struggles to put it on
  984. >“Heck, this is hard. If i at least was a unicorn..“
  985. >then you hear a thud
  986. „You alright back there?“
  987. >“Yeah, yeah I'm just having a bit of trouble here.“
  988. >after few more seconds of struggling she announces her success
  989. >you turn back to see
  990. >“So, now i'm like normal, according to human social standarts?“
  991. „Well, you're still a pony and there's nothing bad about it, but i guess there's pretty much no point trying to fit in. Thought you just wanted to hide your… you know.“
  992. >“Well, yeah. I just don't wan't you to think that I'm weird or uneducated. Since you said it's obscene here...“
  993. „Wait, you're doing this just so i wouldn't get bad impression on you?“
  994. >“K-kinda…?“
  995. >it feels weird, when your opinion actualy matters to someone
  996. >you're flattered, but you don't really know what to say
  997. „Oh, well. You don't have to worry about that. If i had bad impression on you, i'd most likely tell you. You're amazing and the fact you don't know our social norms doesn't change that.“
  998. >“Me? And amazing?“
  999. >how is it possible that she still thinks you're doing all of this just because of your “neverending hospitality“?
  1004. >well, you basicaly did tell her that when she asked the first time, but only because you didn't want to look like a creep
  1005. >but what to say now?
  1006. >should you just plainly say something that would end with telling her „I love you?“
  1007. >no, that would be too much spaghetti
  1008. >it would be easier to recite whole gorilla warfare copypasta right now
  1009. >how about a compromise between „i love you“ and „i like you“?
  1010. >you sit on the couch she's standing next to
  1011. „Of course you are. You know, i really had fun today. And it's not the weed. My life is usualy pretty boring and lonely most of the time. B-but with you, it's like you've brought some colours into this grayness. I mean, i can get high with friends sometimes, but with you today, this was just different. A lot better.“
  1012. > she sits on the couch next to you „You really mean that?“
  1013. „I do.“
  1014. >“And you're not saying it just like that?“
  1015. „Why would i lie to you?“
  1016. >„It's just,.. I never meant anything special to anyone. I wasn't a good flier, never prominent in anything and i didn't even get my cutie mark so far while being almost adult… That's when a picture of something the pony is good at appears on their flank. And in Equestria, that's pretty serious thing. I'm not used to being told things like these...I…..“
  1017. >suddenly, as if you knew what to do
  1018. >you reach out your hand, putting it on her head and then slowly fondling down, stopping at her cheek
  1019. „Come on, that's alright. I couldn't care less about butt tatoos. They don't change a thing.“
  1020. >while backing with your hand, you continue
  1021. „You know, from your position after saving you and showing you all this new stuff, it may not seem that way, but i never was anything special as well. Sometimes, there's just this one in the herd, that's different in some way. That doesn't fit quite in. But that's okay. Even that one, finds his or her way eventualy.“
  1025. >for very few seconds, you're just silently looking in her big blue eyes, still smiling, patienly waiting till she finds the right words
  1026. >she looks away and then back at you again to say what's been on her mind
  1027. >“….Thanks for saying that Anon. It really does mean a lot to me...And most of all, you mean a lot to me. When i got into this world, i though i'm just gonna die, and all alone. When they took me, I was so scared and lost pretty much all hope for salvaltion. Blindsided, waiting for nothing, couldn't even move. It felt like i'm gonna lose my mind any time. But then you appeared, bright like a shining sun, driving the darkness away. Freed me from the shackles, gave me the time of my life and even told me things so kind and understanding…Never even asking for any kind of reward. I wish i could just at least...“
  1028. >she doesn't finish, but it's obvious what she meant
  1029. >slowly and carefuly, to see if you're not protesting, she's getting closer to your lips for a kiss
  1030. >you're leaning closer as well, laying your hand on her shoulder, very gently helping her to bring her body closer to yours
  1031. >as your lips are just about to touch with hers, you both close your eyes, wrapping each other in a loving hug
  1032. >you can feel her heart beating fast like a motorcycle rushing trough the highway
  1033. >and then it happens
  1034. >the most expected and pleasant moment, when you finally meet her soft, warm lips in a long and deep kiss
  1035. >gentle at first, just barely in contact with each other, but continuously more and more lustful with passion to absorb all the love you're both putting into this action
  1036. >few small kisses at the start, then few more longer and deeper ones
  1037. >you can already feel her saliva in your mouth as your tongue meets hers for the first time
  1038. >you twist it around for a bit and pushing gently against afterwards
  1039. >her tongue seems to be quite bigger than yours and pretty much like everything about her, softer
  1045. >all this time, you're fondling her whole body with your hands and at this point, you use your right arm to push her even closer on you
  1046. >trully, the most wonderful moments of your life so far
  1047. >as if everything around seized from existing and only thing that remained were your naked spirits
  1048. >you wish for it to never end, but it already must have been like ten or fifteen minutes
  1049. >when it actualy ends, none of you really feel like letting go
  1050. >she's still holding you tight as you're backing away from each other, still in a kiss that's getting lighter and lighter, ending with one that's as gentle as the very first one
  1051. „Whoa.“ you say between your breath after few seconds of silence
  1052. >Sarah just giggles instead of answer, because she doesn't seem to know what exactly to say
  1053. >from the look on her face, you're guessing she mixed up between happines, confusion and something you weren't sure about
  1054. >“This was my first real kiss I...never kissed anyone like that.“
  1055. „Aaand...*cough* how do you feel about it?“
  1056. >“It's…so wrong. But felt so good at the same time. So...outta this world, or even mine. I just couldn't help myself, couldn't stop, i don't even know where it came from. And you weren't even resisting...“
  1057. „Well, yeah. I didn't want to.“
  1058. >“But you're a human. Were not even the same species. Isn't it forbidden in your culture as well, to do things like these with other species?“
  1059. „Um, it is. Pretty much. But it was way too good to regret it.“
  1060. >“...Was it?“
  1061. „For me, 100%. It was incredible.“
  1062. >“Oh my...But what would other ponies say if they knew. But you're just- I feel so happy around you, but i felt like it just wasn't enough. I needed more so i just...did a...thing.“
  1063. „Look Sarah, that's alright. If you want to or just feel guilty or something, well guess we can just forget about it...“
  1064. >„N-no. Please, don't... And um, so, you were saying you don't mind this at all?“
  1068. „Exactly.“
  1069. >“Then, you know. Maybe we that again...sometimes? Or maybe, right now?“
  1070. >you can't help yourself but to smile
  1071. >this is way too cute
  1072. „C'mere.“
  1073. >as she comes closer, you wrap your right arm around her, lean your forehead on hers, staring deep into her eyes while slowly fondling her back
  1074. >being this close to her, you start:
  1075. „It's not that long time we know each other. But still, there is something special. This feeling, you know about it already, otherwise you probably wouldn't do what you did. I experienced it few times in my life as well. Sometimes both sided, sometimes not. And if i should tell the truth: with you, i feel it stronger than ever. Guess you already know what i'm going to say, but i still want to say it out loud, because i really mean it.“
  1076. >you kiss her gently on the tip of her muzzle
  1077. „I love you Sarah.“
  1078. >before she can say anything, you kiss her again, this time on her lips
  1079. >not for really long, just a few seconds. Then you stop, giving her time to speak her mind
  1080. >as you're letting her lips go, she satelessly kisses you once again to prolong it at least for a second
  1081. >your nose is now touching her muzzle, while she looks into your eyes again
  1082. >„I-I think-N-no, I am sure of it, that...I love you too.“
  1083. >how did all of this even happened so fast?
  1084. >you couldn't care less about how it happened, but sure as hell it makes you happy like nothing else
  1089. >without waiting, she continues where you stopped
  1090. >this time, knowing you're both fine with it, she doesn't hold back at all
  1091. >of course, there's also one thing that you were trying to not pay attention so far
  1092. >there's a huge bulge in your pants
  1093. >you still trynna ignore it, but the lovely situation, feel of her body on yours, mixing salivas, twisting tongues and all this warmness just make the nature work
  1094. >after few minues of kissing and cuddling, you move your hand from fondling the upper half of her body a bit lower
  1095. >massaging her thighs, you're slowly getting to her hindquarters, making your way to her vagoo
  1096. >just when your fingers are about to get there, she suddenly stops you
  1097. >“Wait, please. Not there, I don't want it to hurt again...“
  1098. „Hurt? Why would it hurt?“
  1099. >she's doesn't answer, just looks down sadly
  1100. „Hey, Sarah. Are you alright?“
  1101. >“It happened once. When i was shackled. I felt something cold there and then the pain. Something big and cold entered into me.“
  1102. >what the fuck, did they took her virginity with an iron pipe or something?
  1103. >shit, that's bad
  1104. >“I didn't know what's happening, i was blindsided. I only heard someone asking if i like it and calling me dirty slut. I wanted to yell, tell him to stop, but i had that gag over my mouth...“
  1105. >you hug her, caressing her head
  1106. „Shhh. Calm down. You don't have to talk about it. Just, don't imagine it again.“
  1107. >she sniffs and you can see that her eyes are a bit watery
  1108. „Aww. I didn't know you had such a bad experience with this. I'm sorry.“
  1109. >“...It's not your fault Anon. I…I just couldn't get over it so easily.“
  1110. „I shoudn't have rushed this thing either.“
  1111. >“...Are you dissapointed with me?“
  1112. „Wh-Hey Sarah, stop being low self esteemed. I am not dissapointed with you. After having your first sexual experience like that, it's only understandable. If i knew, i wouldn't even try it on you till you decide to make the first move.“
  1117. >“But what if i wouldn't ever make the first move? I'm just...affraid.“
  1118. „Well,..I don't know. But someday it would probably come naturaly.“
  1119. >“Would it?“
  1120. „Sure. And it will. We can wait. We have all the time in the world. And one day, when you're ready, I'll make it for you as best as possible. Okay?“
  1121. >the boner is protesting against the deferral, but you seriously can't afford to mess this up now
  1122. >forcing her into this might end up horribly. Instead of a loving waifu, you'd probably have double traumatized pile of paranoidness
  1123. >you already spent so much time with your hand as an only companion, you can wait some more
  1124. >for Sarah
  1125. >“Okay.“ she smiles and nods lightly
  1126. >“But, what now?“
  1127. „Well, since the „moment“ is kinda over, guess i could show you now what internet is.“
  1128. >“The thing you found me trough?“
  1129. „Yup. Come, come.“
  1130. >you move from the couch, to your computer
  1131. >along the way, you grab one of the chairs from the kitchen table and place it next to your chair, so she can sit there
  1132. >she follows you, still wearing those boxers you gave her. Either she doesn't care, or she likes them
  1133. >next few hour you spend explaining about all the things she ask
  1134. >and she does ask a lot of questions
  1135. >it's kinda exhausting, but fun
  1136. >you show her Youtube as well and some of your favourite songs
  1137. >she seems to like them, but then she ask:
  1138. >“Hey, Anon. Why are all human songs either about something sad, violent or just overaly not really positive? Do you humans not like to sing about happiness?“
  1139. „That's not true. We do have some love songs now and then.“
  1140. >“Well, yeah. But i really haven't heard anything about simple happiness. Or about joy from doing something. And even those love songs you showed me are often pretty sad. Are humans always so sad?“
  1141. >this actualy makes you think
  1142. >you try to explain it, but you can't seem to find the right words
  1146. „Um...Well,..guess the reason is….most people write songs about what they see and go trough. And life here isn't always happy. The strongest emotions are usualy the negative ones and i'd say that this is what influences artists the most. Even love between humans is pretty sad, because it doesn't last these days.“
  1147. >„So, human love doesn't last? But you're a human, does that mean?..“
  1148. „No no no, it's not what i wanted to imply. It's just that people today are… not true to each other. They fall in love with someone but over time they realise, that the person they fell in love with was just a pose. That's one of the reasons. I don't know whatever reasons for leaving each other they might have. But that won't be our case. You're way too precious to me.“
  1149. >you pat her head gently with the last sentence
  1150. >could have said something better, but she doesn't seem to mind
  1151. >she just smiles at you warmly
  1152. „Anyway, not all songs are like that. While there are some happy or neutral songs from those who sing usualy about something sad, there are also some people that sing mostly about happy things. I'll show you Bob Marley, you gonna like him.“
  1153. >you type Three little birds and play the first video
  1154. >“This one's great. I mean, it's not like those before were bad, but this one kinda reminds me of when i was at that meadow with you. Like when nothing mattered.“ she says when it ends
  1155. „Heh, well, you're pretty close. The guy was known for smoking a lot of weed. And since we were pretty high on our little trip up there, guess we were at the same wave.“
  1156. >“Hehe. Yeah. Also. his mane looks pretty cool. Does he still sing?“
  1157. „Not really. He's um...well, you see, he's dead. Quite a long time. All that's left are his songs, reminding us to be happy.“
  1158. >„Aww. Poor Bob.“
  1159. „Yeah.. But everyone dies one day. We should enjoy the life as long as we can. Also, you'd be surprised how many singers that we listen to today are deceased already.
  1164. „But their songs still live on. Like a deathless legacy.“
  1165. >you look at the time on your PC
  1166. >it's 7 pm already
  1167. „Oh, i almost forgot. I'm supposed to return the car today. Will you wait here? I'll be back in hour or two.“
  1168. >“Alright. Can i listen to songs on that internet thingy in the meanwhile?“
  1169. „Of course, let me show you.“
  1170. >quickly, you explain to her how again how mouse works and how to switch between songs by clicking on the recommended ones
  1171. >Of course it would be better is she could find some specific songs, but using keyboard would be pretty hard for her. So this is at least something
  1172. >before leaving, you give her a kiss and quick cuddle
  1173. >you can see her in the window, watching you as you drive away
  1174. >now that you got some time for yourself, your mind gets flooded with thoughts
  1175. >you're excited and a bit worried at the same time
  1176. >from now on, you actualy got a loving pony gf
  1177. >but the thoughts about future are uncertain
  1178. >she can't really go out, because someone would see her but you can't keep her inside all the time
  1179. >one day, you probably gotta leave your house and move somewhere more isolated
  1180. >or just go out with her and hope no one's gonna say or do anything
  1181. >they can think she's just a dog with some costume or very detailed robot…
  1182. >yeahhh. Bullshit
  1183. >but maybe…
  1184. >you decide to leave this for later, now you just want to enjoy the fact that all of this is actualy happening
  1185. >along the way, you stop at the gas station and pump some gas into the car
  1186. >you saved some of your money for this before, because you wouldn't want to give it back to your friend dusty AND empty
  1187. >when you actualy get there, you hang out with him a bit, but not very long
  1188. >can't wait to be back home again and the way back is gonna be a lot longer than way here
  1189. > simply, driving>walking
  1190. >you walk pretty fast, but you've still been out over hour and half
  1191. >but now you're finally there
  1192. „Hey Sarah, i'm back!“
  1193. >you can hear System of a Down playing, but no answer
  1198. >it's „Ego Brain“
  1199. >maybe she just can't hear you, it's kinda loud
  1200. >you walk up to the computer, just to see her curled up in your chair, sleeping
  1201. >how did she even get from Bob to SOAD?
  1202. >anyway, you don't really want to wake her up, so you just close the youtube after the end of this song. You don't want it to automaticaly load another song
  1203. >should you leave her here, or try to move her into the bedroom?
  1204. >you decide to leave her so she can sleep, at least for now. To be exact, till you'll go to sleep as well.
  1205. >walking away, you hear a loud yawn
  1206. >„Anon?..Is that you?“
  1207. „Yup.“
  1208. >“Whoa, i can't even remember when i fell asleep. When you left and i sat here alone, *yaaaawn* i suddenly felt pretty tired.“
  1209. „Should i take you to bed?“
  1210. >„Nah, that's alright. Thanks. I feel now pretty rested. Don't think i could fall asleep.“ she jumps down from the chair
  1211. >“How long you've been gone?“
  1212. „Not even two hours. It's still pretty soon. You wanna watch some TV?“
  1213. >“Tv? Yeah that's that,.oh i know what it is. Sounds like fun.“
  1214. „And what genre of films do you like?“
  1215. >“I Dunno. We don't have a lot of those in Equestria. Mostly just theaters. But i like...I still don't know what i like. Something with a good story.“
  1216. „Good story huh? And would you mind if it was over three hours long?“
  1217. >“Probably not.“
  1218. „Aaand, guess you're already prepared it's gonna be full of humans.“
  1219. >“I don't mind that. It can at least help me understand your species more.“
  1220. >that's all you needed to know. It's LOTR time.
  1221. >after few minutes of searching, you got everything you need
  1222. >Wine? Check. Olives? Check. Some pastry? Check. A pony companion to lay on your lap and make cute noises when you cuddle her? Check.
  1223. >now you got everything one could possibly need for this
  1224. >this is gonna be perfect
  1225. >you connect your PC to the television and turn all the lights off
  1226. >I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air
  1231. >“And all of this really hapened?“ Sarah ask as Galadriel's introduction ends
  1232. „No, silly.“ you laugh „Most films are fictional, although this world shares some abstract similarities“
  1233. >she has so many questions about every little thing, but it's not something that would irritate you
  1234. >not her fault, that she just doesn't have any clue
  1235. >“Those houses are perfect! And everything is so green there. It looks even better than Equestria.“
  1236. „Does it?“
  1237. >“Yeah. I think. It was nice there, but this just seems even more idyllic.“
  1238. „I always loved the Shire too. Wish i could get a house like Bilbo.“
  1239. >you pour two glasses of white wine
  1240. „Cheers. Maybe we'll get one someday.“ you handle her one of them
  1241. >“What's that?“
  1242. „Wine.“you smile and pause the TV
  1243. >“Wine? But i don't know if i should. You know, you said i shouldn't overdo it. I already smoked that herb today.“
  1244. „It's not like there's enough for us to get like really drunk. Wine isn't that strong.“
  1245. >“If you say so...“ she tries to hold the glass with her hooves, but almost drops it
  1246. >looks like you'll have to help her with that as well
  1247. >with your assistance, she takes a small sip
  1248. >“Hey, this isn't half bad.“
  1249. „Wine is a fine thing. Here, have an olive. It's a good combination.“
  1250. >except the instructions weren't clear enough, so she takes another sip and eats the olive at the same time
  1251. >“Ew, not really. But...maybe just a little bit.“
  1252. >you can't help yourself but to chuckle
  1253. >she's so different, but so enthusiastic about everything new
  1254. >you press the play button again
  1255. >after some time, she actualy stops asking about things and just silently watches, leaning her head on your chest, sometimes taking a sip of the wine
  1256. >as the scene where Nazgul searches for the hobbits in the forest comes, she suddenly grips you tightly
  1257. >her eyes wide open and she's looking at the screen without a flinch
  1258. „You alright?“
  1261. >“Yea- yeah. I am not scared. Really, hehe. I...They aren't real, right?“
  1262. >you pause the TV again
  1263. „Well,….they might be. One could even be roaming the streets right now.“
  1264. >“H-he could?“ she grips you even tighter
  1265. „Nah. Just joking.“
  1266. >“Anon!“
  1267. „What? You said you weren't scared.“ you grin
  1268. >“I- Yeah, i wasn't. I was just, a need of...being sure..? Yup, that's it.“ she scrunches
  1269. „Oh Sarah. You might be bad at lying, but you're pretty damn adorable while attempting.“
  1270. >she buries her face in your hoodie
  1271. >“I'm not.“
  1272. „Heh, if you say so. Want some more wine?“
  1273. >“Lemme just finish this one.“ she unburies her face again
  1274. >you hand her the glass and she gulps the rest of it
  1275. >then you pour her some more wine and when you're at it, you refill your second and already half empty glass
  1276. >unpausing the TV, she leans on you back again
  1277. >after the chase ends and hobbits get to the inn, she ask a question you've been expecting when Gandalf spoke about meetup place for the first time
  1278. >“A prancing pony? I thought i heard it wrong before.“
  1279. „Ponies on earth are something completely different. They are basicaly just smaller horses. Imagine the one Gandalf rode, but with shorter legs.“
  1280. >it looks like she'd probably want to ask more, but since she's missing the movie while speaking, she ends the conversation with a simple “Oook...“
  1281. >trought the rest of the movie, she tries to limit the questions so you don't have to pause it all the time, even though you wouldn't mind pausing it for her
  1282. >sometimes you stop watching the screen, just to see her reactions to the most crucial or just your favourite scenes
  1283. >it's priceless
  1284. >always, when nazghul appears, she's hugging you tightly, even though you already told her they aren't real
  1285. >makes you think, if in Equestria there's a shitload of weird and sometimes pretty scary creatures, no wonder she beleived you when you told her they are real
  1290. >you probably shouldn't have lied to her in the first place, but the temptation was just too high
  1291. >when balrog appears in Moria, you feel her hearbeat getting even quicker as she's clinging onto you
  1292. >her mouth moves as if she's saying very quietly „Run, run, run!“, but you can't hear her over the music
  1293. >in the scene where Gandalf falls down to the pit, the tense, fear and excitement in her expression changes to shock and her eyes are actualy getting watery
  1294. >you never really considered this scene to be emotional to you, since you always knew he'd come back
  1295. >but she doesn't know
  1296. >you really wish you could see this all again, without knowing what's gonna happen next. Just like her
  1297. >she's actualy holding back tears
  1298. >you wish you could tell her that he's not really dead, but you don't want to ruin it for her
  1299. >„Stupid Aragorn.“ she utters when he doesn't give Frodo time to mourn when they get out of Moria
  1300. >when Boromir responds to Aragorn with „Give them a moment for pity's sake!“, she nods her head approvingly
  1301. >after the part where fellowhip leaves the elves, she turns her head at you
  1302. >„Why didn't Boromir didn't get anything from lady Galadriel?“
  1303. „He did get a gift in the book. A gold belt.“
  1304. >“And they forgot about him in the film version? Poor guy. I actualy like him the most. He seems a bit evil at first glance, but he isn't. He's just a bit naive, but kind. And that stupid Aragorn is still mean to him all the time.“
  1305. >you wouldn't expect her to actualy understand this on her first watch
  1306. >sometimes she acts so silly, but she's actualy pretty smart
  1307. >and soon, pretty sad…
  1308. >trough the upcoming fight scene with orcs in the forest, she's like glued to the tv
  1309. >she's not used to seeing so much violence, so she makes a disgusted face sometimes when something that looks painful happens, like Gimli throwing an axe into orcs face
  1310. >but she's also pretty excited, seeing so much action and thrill
  1311. >but then…
  1315. >an arrow in Boromirs chest
  1316. >“NO!“ she squeaks
  1317. >another one
  1318. >her eyes are getting watery again
  1319. >the last arrow
  1320. >tears are slowly starting to form
  1321. >“You jerkbag! Leave him alone!“ she growl at the screen as skurut leader approches to finish him off
  1322. >in the scene after Aragorn kills the orc and is having a final dialogue with Boromir, she doesn't even try to hide anything
  1323. >she's just hugging your right arm and crying
  1324. >but you feel some tears of your own, running down your cheeks
  1325. >it's kinda contagious + this actualy might be the saddest moment from the entire trilogy
  1326. >you try to console her a bit, by caressing her mane with your left hand, you still have free
  1327. >not really saying anything, just „enjoying“ the sadness together. If it can be called that way
  1328. >at the end, you wipe the tears off your face and let the credits music play
  1329. „Sarah? Are you alright?“
  1330. >“Yeah...The story, it just drew me in and it felt so real. And i overreacted a bit.“
  1331. „That's the purpose of a good film. To draw you in deep. Don't worry, you weren't the only to cry in this moment.“ you laught
  1332. >“It's a lot better than theatre. How do they even make it look so real?“
  1334. „After effects, good acting, good cameras and more. One just needs enough money.“
  1335. >“How much?“
  1336. „More than i will ever aquire trough my whole life.“
  1337. >“That must be a lot then.“
  1338. „You bet.“
  1339. >you turn the TV off trough remote controler
  1340. „Guess we should go to sleep. It's pretty late. And to be honest, i feel a bit drunk. How about you?“
  1341. >she had a lot less wine than you did. If she had the same as you. she'd be totally drunk already. You just wanted to get her into the positive alcohol mood. You can leave some heavy drinking for later
  1342. >“I feel something. Not that intense like with that herb, but i can feel it.“
  1343. >she jumps to the ground and totters a bit for few seconds until she gets it under control
  1344. „It kicks you more, once you stand up.“
  1345. >“I can see that. I almost fell now. Hehe, trippy. Hey and Anon, i need to ask: You ain't gonna sleep on the couch this time, won't you? I mean, now that we are like um, dating? Is-Is it okay if i could sleep with you in one bed? Or if you prefer sleeping alone...I don't know human customs. If you sleep with someone in one bed only if you had sexual intercourse with them or something.“
  1346. „Why would you think something like that? Of course you can.“
  1347. >“I just wanted to be sure. Since yesterday you slept on the couch, even though there was still plenty of space on your bed.“
  1348. „Well, that was just because i wasn't sure you wouldn't mind me there.“
  1349. >“Mind? Not at all. And it's your bed after all. To be honest, i kinda wished i wasn't alone in the room.“
  1350. „Well, I learned that later.“ you say quietly to yourself
  1351. >“What?“
  1352. „I said i wish i learned that earlier.“
  1353. >“Heh, yeah.“
  1354. „Anyway, I'm just gonna take at least quick shower and brush my teeth before going to sleep. But you don't have to, if you're too sleepy.“
  1355. >“Well, i'd kinda appreciate a shower. But, could you help me with brushing my teeth, just like yesterday? I hate to bother, but i still can't do it by myself.“
  1358. „Of course i will.“
  1359. >“Thanks Anon.“
  1360. >once in the bathroom, you decide to start off with the teetbrushing. You'll rather have it done before showering, because then you can go straight to the bed
  1361. >grabbing the toothpaste and brush you used yesterday, you sit on the chair
  1362. >Sarah follows and sits in front of you
  1363. „Could you rather sit on my lap? It'd be probably easier that way.“
  1364. >“Sure.“
  1365. >she jumps up and sits on your thighs
  1366. >„Is this ok?“
  1367. „Yup, now if you could open your mouth a bit?“
  1368. >so she does
  1369. >it feels kinda awkward, making an eye contact with her while doing your job
  1370. >a bit same awkward, when you received your first blowjob
  1371. >let's just dont think about things like that right now
  1372. >you already managed fight the boner trough the whole movie, it shouldn't be that hard now
  1373. >you try to concentrate on her breath, but it doesn't really help. You can already feel the bulge rising
  1374. >why would something like this even turn you on?
  1375. >she moans a little, now that's enough
  1376. „Oook, guess were done.“ you end the brushing earlier than you planned
  1377. >you'd usualy brush longer, but you didn't want to make it even more awkward than it was
  1378. >2,5 minute should be enough
  1379. >“Thanks Anon.“
  1380. >funny, while kissing before it felt so natural, but sticking a toothbrush into her mouth feels just...weird
  1381. „No problem. You can go to shower first, I'll brush my teeth in the meantime.“
  1382. >“Alright. I'll be quick, don't worry.“
  1383. >you nod and smile before reaching for your toothbrush
  1384. >“Anon? I um, i can't get them off. I mean i probably could, but it's hard. Could you..?“
  1385. >she's talking about those underpants you gave her
  1386. „Sure.“
  1387. >you come forth from the front and get your fingers under them, pulling them down
  1388. >while doing so, basing from her expression, you could swear you feel the fabric slightly rubbing on her ladyhood
  1389. >„T-thanks.“ she backs into the shower and closes herself inside
  1390. >dammit, she said she isn't ready, but why does everything look so sexual?
  1395. >you sit on your old bathtub in other corner of the room and watch her shadow
  1396. >she's struggling to turn on the water, but she wouldn't ask for your help again
  1397. >maybe she's too proud for that or doesn't want to bother you again
  1398. >not like you wouldn't do it if she asked, you understand it must be hard without fingers
  1399. >but she manages to do it before you spit out the toothpaste to ask if she needs help
  1400. >you continue on watching her
  1401. >now the silloutte tries to grab a soap, but drops it after few seconds
  1403. >does she know you're watching?
  1404. >she's having trouble to pick it up with only one hoof, so she sits on her rump to use both of them
  1405. >it looks funny when she sits like that and carefully holds the soap with both front hoofs to clean herself
  1406. >how did they do things like that in Equestria? Some different kind gravity? It would makes sense, since she can't fly here either. At least you think she said that
  1407. „Hey Sarah. You said you can't fly here on Earth, right?“ you say with a mouthful of toothpaste
  1408. >„Yeah. Not like i was a good flier in Equestria, but here, i can like glide at best.“
  1409. „And in your homeland, you could just pick up things with your hoofs?“
  1410. >„Yup.“
  1411. „How? It doesn't make sense.“
  1412. >„I don't know. It was natural. But here, it just doesn't work.“
  1413. >you spit out the tootpaste so you can talk normaly
  1414. „Look, i was thinking, if i made you some sort of bracelet or something with a hook or...I dunno, i just need to make something to help you pick up things. What if you'll need something and i won't be around at the time?“
  1415. >“That would be great. But i have no idea how.“
  1416. „I'll think out something.“
  1417. >after she's done with showering, the door open with a cloud of steam
  1418. „The towel, right?“
  1419. >you hand her the one from yesterday – it's the biggest one you have
  1420. >it ends up covering her almost whole, only hoofs visible
  1421. >spooky Except the towel is blue and not white
  1424. >she tries to move her body in a way so the towel rubs against her fur
  1425. >but it's not going that well
  1426. „Was it so tragic yesterday as well?“ you joke
  1427. >“Worse, yesterday, i also tried to roll myself into that towel as well.“
  1428. „Jeez, let me help you with that.“ you say with a laugh
  1429. >you dry her the same way you'd dry a dog and you're careful to not slide your fingers directly to her „special place“
  1430. >she giggles when you're drying under her wings
  1431. >„That tickles.“
  1432. >when you're done, you put the towel on a drying pole and get a hairdryer to finish the drying process
  1433. „I'm gonna leave for work monday morning, will you manage in the meanwhile?“ you ask while drying
  1434. >“And how long will you be gone?“
  1435. „About 8 hours. But i'll be leaving soon before you wake up, so guess it won't be that long for you.“
  1436. >“I'll get up the same time as you.“
  1437. „That's some serious dedication.“ you smile „But you don't have to. Sleep is more important.“
  1438. >“I can go to sleep again when you leave.“
  1439. „*sigh* As you wish. If someone tried to drag ME out of my bed when i don't necessarily have to, they would have to bring at least 2 more people.“ you chuckle
  1440. „But we still have at least one day off...Then 5 days of work and then another two days free. Repeating until it makes one insane.“
  1441. >“And you don't like your work?“
  1442. „How could I? It's work. You're not supposed to like it. There's not many people who actualy like their jobs.“
  1443. >“In Equestria, everyone does for living what he or she enjoys and is good at. Cutiemark always shows the way. Well, unless you are me – an eternal good at nothing blankflank.“
  1444. „You must be good at something. You just haven't found it yet. Question is, will the cutie mark appear even if you're here in this world?“
  1445. >“We'll see...Or not. Guess that'll be the point. I give it 2 more years and then i give up searching.“
  1446. >by this time you find her fur to be dry enough
  1447. >also fluffed up
  1453. „Look.“ you show her a mirror
  1454. >“Uh, i look silly.“ she frowns, then yawns
  1455. „Maybe a bit silly, but cute.“ you smile
  1456. „Anyway, if you're sleepy, you can go to bed now. I'll take a quick shower and be there in few minutes. Ok?“
  1457. >“Well,.. as you wish. I'll wait for you there.“
  1458. >it almost surprises you that she doesn't protest
  1459. >when the door close behind her, you take off your clothes and enter the shower
  1460. >maybe you should jerk off when you have some time for yourself
  1461. >but on the other hand, you said you'll be there in just few minutes
  1462. >and pretty sure, she won't actualy go to sleep before you'll join the bed
  1463. >you can do jerking in the morning when you'll have enough time, you'll make up some reason why you need to be alone for a while
  1464. >when you're done with showering, clean and fresh, you continue to your bedroom with a big glass of water in your hand
  1465. >the sound of door opening makes already half asleep Sarah notice you
  1466. >“Hey.“
  1467. >laying next to her and putting the water on the nightstand, she wraps you tightly like a teddybear, then looses the hug a bit
  1468. >“I love you Anon. This was the best day of my life.“
  1469. „I love you too my sweetheart.“ you kiss her on her forehead and shut off the tablelamp
  1470. >“But it's just you, doing all of this for me, getting pretty much nothing in reward.“
  1471. „That's not tr-“
  1472. >she stops you, putting her hoof gently over your mouth
  1473. >“I want to- no i need to give you something in reward. Although i'm still a bit affraid...It's not like i wouldn't want to, when you said it doesn't hurt at all. But the memories just,.. But i was thinking, i could make you feel good a different way...“
  1474. >she leans closer and gives you a short kiss
  1475. >after that, one deep and longer
  1476. „Sarah, what exactl-“
  1477. >“Shhh. You'll see.“
  1478. >she slowly moves her whole body lower and lower, kissing your chest along the way
  1479. >is she really-
  1480. >she touches your manhood trough your underwear
  1481. >boner
  1485. >her hooves are struggling a bit with your boxers, until she manages to take them off you, revealing your diamond hard erection
  1486. >you hear a soft, playful giggle
  1487. >„I hope I'll do good.“
  1488. >then, the feel of her tongue gently exploring the tip of your penis
  1489. >the tongue is so damn soft and big, she could almost wrap it around your whole penis
  1490. >one thorough lick from bottom to the tip again
  1491. >she stops there, moving the tongue from left to right for a few seconds, before wrapping her lips around the head like a in big kiss
  1492. >oh god
  1493. >still at the tip, she sucks it like a lollypop for a few seconds, before continuing lower
  1494. >afterwards, taking the most of it in her mouth, rolling it around and sometimes giving very gentle bites
  1495. >this goes for a minute or two, before she actualy starts to move her head up and down
  1496. >very slowly at first but speeding up a little over time
  1497. >same goes for the intensity of her sucking – almost faint at the start, but continuously stronger with every half a minute
  1498. >you can't help yourself but to pant from the pleasure
  1499. >it's even hard to speak
  1500. „Nnghhh.“ you let out unwittingly
  1501. >suddenly it stops
  1502. >“Does it hurt? I'm so sorry i didn't mean to do any harm...“ she squeaks
  1503. „No, no it doesn't. Exactly the opposite. It just feels too good.“
  1504. >“Does it really?“
  1505. >while saying that, you could almost see her grin from the tone of her voice
  1506. >then the pleasure starts all over again
  1507. >your head is buried in the pillow and it feels like you're about to explode
  1508. >as she increases the intensity over time, you're getting closer and closer
  1509. >at the total brink, the though of „Does she know what's gonna happen at the end? Shouldn't i at least warn her?“ flows trough your head
  1510. >but it's too late
  1511. >the feeling of total exctasy flows trough your whole body and doesn't seem to fade at all for good 15 seconds
  1512. >like being in spasm of pleasure, can't even move, only your hands are shaking a bit
  1517. >you kinda expected her to stop when your member shoots a load of warm stickiness in her mouth
  1518. >but she doesn't
  1519. >in between your loud breaths, you can hear a soft gulp
  1520. >she continues until you get half flaccid, then gives you a one final lick and gentle kiss on the tip, leaving you completely clean
  1521. >before she snuggles back to your chest, she takes few gulps from the water you brought
  1522. >“Was it good, Anon?“
  1523. „I-I literaly have no words. It was seriously, totaly heavenly.“ you nuzzle her mane and scratch her behind her ear
  1524. >she makes a cute noise of satistaction
  1525. >“Glad to hear. The end was a bit salty, but not something i couldn't use to...“
  1526. „But how did you even learn that? I though you barely know what sex is.“
  1527. >“Um, when you were gone, i was watching those videos on the internet and there was one song. Half of it was in some different language, but from the part i understood, it was about sex. It scared me bit at first, in the clip, they were even doing all sorts of...things. Weird sometimes. But i also saw that they did this thing and it gave me an idea. The rest was compromise.“
  1528. >she must have seen uncensored version of „Pussy“ videoclip from Rammstein
  1529. „Oh, Sarah.“ you chuckle
  1530. >you kiss her muzzle
  1531. „But really, this was perfect. I wish i could repay you with something at least equally good.“
  1532. >“You already did.“ she laughts „You did a lot more.“
  1533. „I meant, by the same coin.“
  1534. >“Oh,..Well, we should still leave that for later. As i said, i'm still a bit...insecure about that place.“
  1535. „Alright. I understand.“
  1536. >“I'm glad you do, Anon...But i'm kinda sleepy now, we should go to sleep anyway.“ she yawns
  1537. „Goodnight then, my little princess.“
  1538. >“Goodnight Anon. I love you.“
  1539. >falling asleep never felt so pleasant
  1540. >her soft fur against your chest, the warmness of her body and most of all the warmness of her love, so strong
  1541. >your consciousness is slowly fading as you're entering the dream reality
  1542. >today trully was a glorious day
  1547. >you're waking up to the strange tickling on your face
  1548. >opening your eyes, you realize it's Sarah's mane
  1549. >her face is just a few centimetres from yours but you can only see her nuzzle because her mane is covering it almost whole
  1550. >this is what happens if you have long hair and you lay down to sleep when it isn't completely dry
  1551. >you check the watch, to see if you should get up or can afford few more tens of minutes
  1552. >it's 10:06, time to get up and do stuff
  1553. >but it's so damn comfy here
  1554. >guess ten more minutes won't hurt
  1555. >you move your body a bit, so your morning wood isn't poking her thights
  1556. >unfortunately, it causes her to wake up
  1557. >eyes still closed, she moves her shoulder a bit and breathes out loudly
  1558. >since she's already awake, you give her a kiss on her nuzzle and then her lips
  1559. >smile appears on her face
  1560. >“Anon?“
  1561. „Good morning sweetie.“
  1562. >“Good indeed.“
  1563. >you move some of her mane, so you can see her eyes and while at it, you slide with the back of your finger on her cheek and gently circle around, trying to copy the direction of her fur
  1564. >then you slide even lower, gently rubbing the side of her neck up and down
  1565. >she lets out a pleasured “Mmm.“ and lazily opens her right eye
  1566. >“Anon...I just had the strangest dream.“ she whispers
  1567. „What was it about?“
  1568. >“There were orc and humans and elfs. All figting... I was there as well, not knowing what's happening, until one of the orcs noticed me. Come to think of it,..not sure if it really was an orc. But he was after me. And then you appeared, kicked his butt and took me to safety.“
  1569. >sounds like a mix of LOTR and reality, except in reality, you just cowadly bought her freedom, instead of fighting over it
  1570. „Really?“
  1571. >“Yeah...And i woke up to see it's true…“
  1572. „Not sure if i could win against an orc, though.“ you grin
  1573. >“You already did, now is the part where you took me to safety.“ she giggles
  1574. >“Aw, Anon. I just feel so happy when i'm with you.“
  1577. „And I feel happy when i'm with you.„ you nuzzle her
  1578. >this morning reminds of times, when you imagined scenes of waking up next to your pony waifu
  1579. >in the days you've been the most desperate for love but getting none, only your fantasy could help you out
  1580. >except it's real this time and it's far better that in your head
  1581. >every touch so silky, her every breath gently tickling you on your face with a warm touch, all the detail in her big beautiful eyes – like staring high into the night sky full of stars
  1582. >you could continue, trying to describe the smoothness when you bury you hand between the wisps of her mane, or even the strange and wonderful sensation when you kiss her lips, but words are of no use here
  1583. >isn't this feel literaly the best thing to wake up to?
  1584. >but all good things eventualy come to an end
  1585. >not like it's gonna be bad afterwards
  1586. >but you've been like this for quite a time and you should get up already, your stomach gurgles for some food
  1587. >and you're not the only one here who's feeling hungry
  1588. >after you lazily uncover the sheets and put your feet on the ground, you give your spine a good stretch
  1589. >Sarah does the same, except still on bed and different pose
  1590. >she looks like in the „IWTCIRD“ picture
  1591. >including the scrunch
  1592. >you continue to kitchen to get something for your late breakfast
  1593. >this time, it's just few big slices of bread with cottage cheese and salt
  1594. >And some apples for some morning vitamins
  1595. >of course you gotta feed it to her because of her clumsy hooves, but it's not something necessarily bothering
  1596. >always bite for her, bite for you – fifty fifty
  1597. >almost romantic, only if it wasn't mainly because you can't find any other way, but still kinda cute
  1598. >also makes you think about how you gonna plan to make that device for holding things
  1599. >how is it even gonna work?
  1600. >man, this actualy might be beyond your ability to craft things
  1601. >if you want it to work properly, don't hinder and look at least a little bit elegant
  1604. >first thing that come to your mind is just a belt around the hoof with a hook on it
  1605. >but that's just silly
  1606. >it might work at least in some situations though
  1607. >maybe some sticky glove or a rough surfac-
  1608. >“What are you thinking about Anon? You look so pensive and serious.“
  1609. „Nothing, I was thinking about the device i promised you earlier. But i still have no idea how could it possibly work. It's just...I don't want to give up before i even start, but i can't think of anything right now.“
  1610. >“Well,..I'm sure you'll find some way. I know you must be getting tired of assisting me all the time. I wish i could do something about it to ease it for you...“
  1611. „No, wait i didn't mean it that way. I don't mind helping you out at all. I want to do this for you, so you can be less dependant on help of others...You don't mind you can't even eat with a spoon without help?“
  1612. >“Um, it is a little bit complicating. Quite a lot, actualy. Especialy for future. And most importanly, it complicates things for you as well. But on the other hoof,..I-ii“
  1613. >she takes a deep breath
  1614. >“….nevermind.“
  1615. „Come on, tell me. What could be so bad about what you wanted to say?“
  1616. >“...I, err k-kinda like it… I mean i'm not lazy to do it myself, if i could. I don't want to be a burden... But i like it when you're around all the time and we can eat from the same plate and stuff...But most of all, I'm so very affraid of what you said earlier.“
  1617. „What do you mean?“
  1618. >“When you said that human love doesn't last long...I know you said it's different with you and me, but...“
  1619. „It IS different. I love you dearly...But what does this even has to do with it?“
  1620. >she's silent for few seconds, thinking if she should say what's on her mind or not
  1621. >then, with a bit shaky voice she starts, trying to explain her unsure feelings with words
  1622. >though it seems to be hard for her
  1626. >“You also said the problem is, that people fall in love with someone, but then they realize the person they fall in love with was different, or just a pose. I'm affraid i'll change over time, or there will be something about me that will make you not like me anymore. must sound selfish of me, but, b-but i was hoping that even if something like that happened, you'd still at least be there to help me with these basic things and i could still...still feel loved even then.“
  1627. >not sure if weird, or extremely sweet of her
  1628. >she's so affraid of losing you, she even created this poor plan of how to stay by your side even if you eventualy stopped loving her
  1629. „Jesus. Sarah, this is so….silly in every way. It doesn't make sense.“
  1630. >she gives you a pouty look after saying that
  1631. „Sarah, i am not gonna leave you. *Sigh* I shouldn't have said things like that before, i didn't think it would get stuck in your head so much. And i totally didn't think you'd create such a theory out of it. Love is too complicated to understand, for me or you. You can just embrace it and you'll know when it's true. It may be only two days, but i'm sure i know good who i've fallen in love with, because i-i just feel it. You're on the same wave with me, it's just so unique, there's no way i could not recognize it.“
  1632. >few second silence
  1633. >“I'm...I'm sorry for telling you this, i'm just so stupid.“
  1634. „Hey, don't say things like that. You're not stupid. And I did encouraged you to say what's on your mind. It's only natural. I too know this fear, but you shouldn't let it into your head.“
  1635. >she takes another deep breath, but she lets it out before speaking
  1636. >“...Thanks Anon. I won't… It's because i never felt like this before. Loving someone and being loved. And it feels so good i can't imagine living without it.“
  1637. >you put your hand on her cheek and smile
  1638. „I'm glad you're so true to me. You're just the sweetest little thing, you know it? Especialy when you smile.“
  1641. >a smile appears on her face and it's obvious she isn't just forcing herself into it to make you happy
  1642. „Now, that's better.“ you slowly let go
  1643. „Sarah, tell me you really never experienced something similiar before? I don't mean directly true love, but you never even fell in love?“
  1644. >“I did...but never like this...I sure did wish few colts i liked to like me as well. One would even go out with me, when...when i was so young it was still normal to not have a cutie mark. But this is so different. I never even knew what to talk about when around them. But when i'm with you, it all just comes almost naturaly.“
  1645. „See, and that's how i know you're the one.“ you smile
  1646. „I had it the same before, naturaly. I fell in love few times, but i never trully and deeply loved before. And that's because I never i met anyone who's actualy „compatible“ with me. But now i did and not only that special someone is on the same vibe, but she's also the most beautiful creature walking on this planet. Sarah, i'd be a goddamned fool if i ever left you.“
  1647. >this is something you wished you could actualy say to someone one day
  1648. >something that all girls want to hear from someone they love
  1649. >but you'd never say this to any of your previous girlfriends, because it simply wouldn't be truth
  1650. >“Anon that's sweet of you. You have no idea how much it means to me.“
  1651. >is that a tear in her eye?
  1652. >yup
  1653. >she wiped it off, but you saw it
  1654. „I only say what i feel. And i'm really glad you like to hear it.“ you nuzzle her
  1658. >After finishing the breakfast, you're sitting on the couch while Sarah struggles to put on her pants from yesterday
  1659. >she still likes to wear it for some reason
  1660. >meanwhile you start to think about what will your today program will be
  1661. >you're going to work tommorow, meaning you won't get to see Sarah for most of the day, so you wanna enjoy your time together as much as possible
  1662. >the weather today is not as good as it was yesterday, so you won't be planning on spending so much time outside, but you should go at least for a little walk
  1663. >maybe with a bike
  1664. >it's not completely shitty weather after all. Just not as good as it was yesterday
  1665. „Hey Sarah, how is it you and running?“
  1666. >“Why?“ you can hear her asking from behind you
  1667. „Do you like running? Or you prefer just walking?“
  1668. >“Dunno. I'm no runner, but everypony likes to strech her or his legs once in a while.“
  1669. >she comes closer as she's done with putting the pants on and sits on her rump just next to you
  1670. „I was thinking we could go for a walk except i'd take my bike this time.„
  1671. >you already explained her what bike is
  1672. >“That sounds good. We could even race somewhere, what do you think?“
  1673. „Sure, but you'll win anyway.“ you laugh „Humans are slow on two legs, even with bike. Ponies must be a lot faster.“
  1674. >“Well, i did say before i'm not a good runner, so don't worry.“ she laughs as well
  1675. >“And the winner gets umm...I don't know, it probably should be something symbolic, because i don't have anything of material possesion. Except for my stuff in Equestria.“
  1676. „But that actualy might be a good idea. Let's say, if i win and one day, you eventualy find your way back to Equestria, you'll buy me a pizza there and vice versa if you win. What do you say?“ you grin
  1677. >“Do you think there will actualy be a way back?“
  1678. >you put your right arm around her. Not trying to „enhance“ the dialogue, simply just because you like the feel of her fur and warm body on your skin
  1683. „I don't know. I hope so, if i could go as well. We could have a lot better life there. No hiding and secrets, just think about it. But for now, equestrian pizza is a good symbolic prize.“
  1684. >you continue, playing with her mane, twisting it around your finger
  1685. >“Haha, yeah. I haven't really though about this one so much. The thought i'll have to hide for the rest of my life if stay on Earth IS kinda unsettling.“
  1686. „Well, we could just move somewhere less civilized one day. I'd do that gladly, i'm already getting tired of city all the time. That's why i took you specificaly on that place yesterday. You can see the city just from the right distance. Not too close to influence you, but also not too far so you can still see it all of it, like on the palm of your...Well that wasn't a clever simile, but you know what i mean.“
  1687. >“Yeap. Imagine having a house there, waking up to that sight every day.“
  1688. „That would be great. But the sight of you in the morning is even better.“ you close by
  1689. >“You don't have to sweetalk Anon, you already have me guaranteed.“ she giggles
  1690. „Maybe, but it i like to say it, because i love you, c'mere give me kiss.“ you smooch her
  1691. >“Anon!“ she giggles again
  1692. >“But you were right. If we ever got back to Equestria, you wouldn't have to hide there like i have to in your world. Maybe they'd look a bit down on us, since humans aren't really anything common in Equestria, but there are seen some interspecie relations sometimes. Not with that different kinds of bodies though. But hey, in the end, we're nothing but mammals.“
  1693. „Haha, yeah.“ you think about continuing with the song, but she doesn't know it and she still wouldn't do it like on discovery channel anyway
  1694. „I was wondering though. Do you find human body appealing to you like naturaly, or is it more like because i saved you and all?“
  1699. >“It sure is different. To be honest: At first, i was a bit scared when i saw the first human. But it was in affect with danger and shock. I actualy really like it now. When you're so tall and big, it feels so safe, being around you. And on the other hoof, while you can be strong like a bulky colt, you're also gentle as a butterfly. And i wouldn't stick to you so much if i didn't like you physicaly as well.“ she winks at you [spoiler] not down there of course [/spoiler]
  1700. „Don't think i could kick stronger than a colt though.“
  1701. >„Well then, we will know when we get back to Equestria.“ she smiles
  1702. „One day, hopefully...I'd love to see it there. It must be so beautiful.“
  1703. >“It sure is. This place has it's beauty as well, but different one. Maybe a bit rougher. Equestria is just a lot more...magical. It's hard to explain by words. I really wish you could see it one day.“
  1704. „Yeah...“ you smile faintly
  1705. „Dang, now i realized i actualy returned the car back. We'll have to get you trough the city if we want to go for a walk somewhere. But how?“
  1706. >“How about in a…box? A box with legs is still less odd than if i showed up like this.“
  1707. „That's too cliché...I'll go look for some big box.“
  1708. >you stand up to start searching
  1709. „And i'll make that box a skirt, so they won't see your legs.“
  1710. >she gives you this alright/whatever smile, still sitting on the couch
  1711. >“Should i go help you with searching?“
  1712. „It would be useful. You could try it out in an instant.“
  1713. >no more needed to say, she follows you around the house
  1714. >eventualy, you find a box big enough for her so you cut a big hole from bottom for legs and few small ones in the front, so she can see
  1715. >like trough the medival knight helmet
  1716. >after you're done, you put it on her
  1717. „So, how does it feel?“
  1718. >“Well, i can't see a thing. I don't really have eyes on my butt.“ she laughs
  1719. >you stupid just put in on her backwards
  1720. „Riiight. Sorry.“
  1721. >you turn it around
  1722. „How about now?“
  1726. >it's not really balanced, since her head is higher than the rest of the body, so the box covers her hind legs almost whole, while leaving the front ones completely exposed
  1727. >you put a piece of fabric, some old curtain, around the box and cut it in the shape so she doesn't drag it too much on the ground
  1728. >now she kinda looks like minecraft muslim
  1729. >not like it isn't totally obvious to you how weird it's gonna be
  1730. >people will sure look at you questionably, especialy if the box is gonna move on it's own
  1731. >but seriously, who's actualy gonna come to you and ask what's inside?
  1732. >and if so, you don't have to answer
  1733. >it's stupid, but it might work
  1734. >still better if she just walked around plainly and you can't think of anything better right now
  1735. >she's too big to be carried in a bag or something
  1736. >“I can see now. But is it really gonna work?“
  1737. „Hopefully. I don't think anyone will actualy question me. Anyway, even if someone saw you, it doesn't have to straight away mean trouble.“
  1738. >“Well, you were the one who told me it's dangerous.“
  1739. „The more people know, the worse of course. Everyone is potentional threat, but not everyone is a real one. Some people just don't care.“
  1740. >“Ook then.“
  1743. >after lunch, you grab your bike, put the box on your pony gf and walk out the door
  1744. >the weather got a bit better now since morning
  1745. >nice
  1746. >you're not riding the bike, not until you get somewhere more isolated where you can take the box off Sarah
  1747. >you just slowly walk next to the moving box
  1748. >feels like you're so busted and you haven't even left your street
  1749. >so you try to avoid as many people you can
  1750. >everyone always stares
  1751. >even if for a second, you always draw attention
  1752. >on the other hand, you could just say this is some social experiment on how many people will notice, if someone asks
  1753. >after few minutes of swift walking, that seemed a lot longer than it actualy was, you're finally at the edge of the city
  1754. >it wasn't really that far, you're not living too close to the center
  1755. >when you're sure you're far enough, you free Sarah from her box
  1756. >you're standing where meadow starts, kinda similiar to the place from tommorow. But it's all lowlands here
  1757. >in the distance, you can see where meadows become farmfields with grain
  1758. >“I'm so glad i can finaly take it off. It's so hot inside. But at least i could finally see the city more detailed. Not just from car.“
  1759. „And the impression?“
  1760. >“It's kinda nice, seeing it all moving and living. But it just lacks the nature, you know?“
  1761. „I though you had cities like this in Equestria as well?“
  1762. >“We do. But I always lived in something different. Cities like this are a bit new to me. Quite a bit to be honest.“
  1763. „What was it like where you lived? Not Equestria overally, just the place. And the feelings about it?“
  1764. >she puts a hoof under her chin
  1765. >“Well, it wasn't always the same place all the time. I can tell you, but it's long and not really interesting.“
  1766. „We have plenty of time, i'd like to hear about your life. If you're willing. “
  1767. >“I'd actualy be pretty glad to talk about past with someone.“
  1771. >“We could sit under this tree over there.“ she points hoof at lonely tree, standing about half a kilometer from you
  1772. >“Hey and we could race there. Like planned.“
  1773. >you grab your bike again and prepare to start
  1774. „Let's go then, I'm ready.“ you say with a smirk
  1775. >she gives you excited grin
  1776. >“So: Threee….Twooo….One and go!“
  1777. >at “go“ she launches like a rocket
  1778. >don't think you could possibly catch up to her, but you gonna do your best anyway
  1779. >over time, she slows down a bit and continues slowing until you evetualy get to lead
  1780. „You're just letting me!“ you laugh while catching breath
  1781. >“No i'm not.“ she speeds up so it isn't that obvious
  1782. >“I was just resting.“
  1783. >trough the whole race, she switches speed all the time so you can catch up
  1784. >and at the end, she evetualy lets you win
  1785. >you collapse under the tree, gulping the water from a bottle you had in the holder on your bike, while she's running around happily like flywheel toy before settling down next to you
  1786. „You shouldn't have let me win. You're a lot faster than me.“ you pant
  1787. >“Hush. I wanted to.“ she smiles and kisses you
  1788. >she looks so happy, who would have known she'd enjoy this so much?
  1789. „Didn't you say you're bad at running?“ you chuckle
  1790. >“You wouldn't want to race otherwise.“ she lays her head on your lap while watching the sky, that's now almost cloudless again
  1791. „Fair enough.“ you rub her chest with a grin
  1792. >“I always loved this. When there's a single tree standing in the middle of a meadow. Always looks so inviting.“
  1793. >you hum agreeably
  1794. >“Almost as beatiful as in Equestria…..Still wanna hear that story of mine?“
  1795. „Of course I do.“
  1796. >“Ok.“
  1797. >she takes a deep breath before starting
  1801. >„When i was just a little filly, i lived with my parents in a really small village, not far from Baltimare. The best years of my life... I remember it as a most idyllic place ever, even though it was probably just another village. Few dusty roads, grass everywhere a lot of trees around and a river just next to our house. I'd always play there with my mom and it was as well the place where I learned to swim. School was alright, i even had few friends. But then one day... mom died. I was 11. Father told me she just left and will be back. But i somehow felt he's lying. I saw him crying many times, when he thought he's alone. After few more months, we moved to Cloudsdale. I was 12 when he told me the truth about her. It was such a stupid accident, she hit her head while flying and fell down to her death. It was so ironic, she loved flying. Unlike me, especialy after i was told this. It was her idea we move to Cloudsdale one day, but never lived to see it. A city made of clouds! Would you beleive that?“
  1802. „Must have been amazing there.“
  1803. >“...No. Not really. At least not for me. I always liked being close to nature down on the ground a lot more. And other pegasi always picked on me for it. It kinda makes sense, why would you live in Cloudsdale, when you don't like flying? And being a blankflank as well… I lived there till i finished the school. I was 16, when you're not adult, but you can live on your own if you choose to. I moved to Ponyville, hoping it's gonna get better.“
  1804. „And did it?“
  1805. >“Sort of. I was still blankflank, but at least there weren't just clouds everywhere. Ponyville is actualy pretty close to the image of village i was born in. Except i had no one there for me. I spent most of the time home, or working on random jobs to get some bits. I always had enough to live with a full belly, but always felt i'm not doing what i was predestined to. How could i? I don't even have cutiemark and i pretty much gave up on ever having it.“
  1810. „I remember, you said your name used to be Grass Walker?“
  1811. >“Yeap. But i don't like it at all. Avoided using it, since everyone made fun of it in Cloudsdale. I even made up a different name when settling down in ponyville.“
  1812. „Sarah, maybe these are all the reasons you don't have a cutie mark.“
  1813. >“What do you mean?“
  1814. „Seems that in Equestria, your name is bonded with your talents. You like nature, your name is Grass Walker, it's gonna be something with nature, but if you despise your own name, how could you embrace the talents it represents? And you said when you actualy got back on the ground, you spent most of the time working or being at home instead of being somewhere you belong more.“
  1815. >“You really think that…?“
  1816. „Sure I do. This cutiemark magic may not work in this world, but if you ever gonna get home, you know what to do.“ you smile
  1817. >“Anon, if you're right...I-I don't know if i should be happy or sad how stupid i was al these years. If it's really that simple...I was literaly trying to be someone else because of others...“
  1818. „It's not your fault. Especialy when you were so young…
  1819. „Jeez, this story kinda sounds familiar in some way.“ runs trough your head
  1820. >“Anon but,..i haven't used it for so long. Could you still call me Sarah? Since we're still here in this world anyway...“
  1821. „You're really sure about it?“
  1822. >“Yes. If we ever get to Equestria, we can start using my old name, but for now i kinda like more this earthly name.“
  1826. „As you wish. I'm not gonna question you.“ you smile
  1827. >“Thanks Anon….Aaaand um...what about your story? How was your growing up?“
  1828. „Well, i can tell you.“ you adjust your back on the tree
  1829. >meanwhile she stands up to stretch
  1830. >“Tell, i'm looking forward to hear it. I'm just gonna make myself comfortable first. Would you mind if I lay like ?..“ she gestures with her hoof without finishing the sentence
  1831. „Of course not. Go ahead.“
  1832. >she lays back down, with her back between your spreaded legs and her head leaning on your chest
  1833. >you slowly fondle and rub her body like a puppy, trough all your upcoming talking
  1834. >the feel of soft pony fur is always so pleasant to touch and she likes it when you do this, so there's no reason not to
  1835. >being all comfy and snuggled up, you begin
  1836. „Now, where to start...“
  1837. >you spend next minutes explaining your life, from chilhood to present
  1838. >just like she did, but sometimes you go even into the details
  1839. >no need to write it here, you know your story good enough, Anon
  1840. >she'd listen carefuly, sometimes asking about things she doesn't know from her world
  1841. >made her a bit surprised to find out you lived trough so many difficulties as well
  1842. >but we all do, after all. Don't we?
  1843. >you know you haven't always been so positive as you're now
  1844. >it's not even that long
  1845. >it feels good, having someone you can tell all of this, that's on your heart
  1846. >kinda like psychiatrist, but not payed for understanding
  1847. >she's been trough some shit, so she can always at least partly relate
  1848. >you actualy spent under that tree a lot more time than planned, talking not only about past, but future, hopes and dreams as well
  1849. >and after this conversation, you feel even closer to her
  1850. >two losers from different dimensions, who at last found each other
  1851. >it does, sound almost like a fairy tale
  1852. >although there's still a lot of things you have to say to each other, eventualy you both agree it's time to move on
  1853. >you will still have a lot of time to talk when home
  1858. >now it's time to continue on your wander
  1859. >while slowly standing up and stretching your body, you think about which way you'll go
  1860. >but does it really matter?
  1861. >as long as you're out there with her, it doesn't
  1862. >though, you could have another race, since running makes her happy
  1863. >if it even can be called „race“
  1864. >but you certainly won't mind some more physical exercise
  1865. >if you gonna practice this often, you might even get into better condition
  1866. >and one day maybe even win the race fairly
  1867. >yeah, that's stupid. She's just too fast for a human, but still worth a try
  1868. >“Which way?“ she's asking already, interrupting you from your thoughts
  1869. „I don't know, but follow me. We'll find some.“ you grin before setting off as fast as you can to have some headstart
  1870. >it doesn't last long until she catches up of course
  1871. „Lead the way. We're going over there!“ you gesture the direction with the movement of your head to the forest
  1872. >you know there's a way trough, even for a bike. You've already been there
  1873. >hopefuly, you won't run into someone else there
  1874. >you can feel the adrenaline and joy of speed rushing into your head as you're speeding behind her
  1875. >she actualy reaches her full speed and rushes ahead like a dart
  1876. >but before the border of the forest, she turns around, running back to you, so she can continue along your side
  1877. >soon, you reach the forest together and race trough a road leading inside
  1878. >you eventualy gotta go one after another, because it gets too thin
  1879. >she's first of course, you'd be just slowing her down
  1880. >but then…
  1881. >holy fuck
  1882. >some old guy, directly in the way
  1883. >Sarah dashes around him, you almost crash into him and have to stop
  1884. >>“Whoa slow down there lad, that was close. And what was that thing?“
  1885. „Yeah, close...But what thing you mean?“
  1886. >>“The green one. It was just...“
  1887. >he turns around, but she's already gone, out of his sight
  1888. „I don't know what you're talking about.“
  1893. >>“Oh, i could swear i saw some weird animal. As if it was running just right in front of you...“
  1894. >you just raise your shoulders, like if you don't have any idea what he's talking about
  1895. >>“Well, but if you say so. Maybe i'm just seeing things.“ he laughs awkwardly
  1896. „Maybe it's just from the shock. Well, i'm sorry, but if you're really alright, i gotta go.“
  1897. >you quickly past him and speed on, searching for Sarah
  1898. >she must have hide somewhere, but it would be too obvious if you now shouted for her to come out
  1899. >so you just stop when out of the old man's sight and search
  1900. >it doesn't take long, because she notices you first and comes out by herself
  1901. >she was hiding behind some big tree
  1902. >“Anon!“ she whispers
  1903. „Oh, there you are. We should get going.“
  1904. >“I'm sorry i ran away without checking if you're alright. But i didn't hear a crash, so...“
  1905. „You did the right thing. Better than if he saw you again.“ you smile
  1906. >“And, what did he say?“
  1907. „Nothing much. It was just some old guy, no detective. I played dumb and he beleived me.“
  1908. >“Playing dumb, like denying?“
  1909. „Yup, he actualy thought it was just in his head.“
  1910. >“Really?“ she chuckles
  1911. „Yeah.“
  1912. >“That's so stupid and lucky at the same time.“ she laughs „So,..still wanna continue with the race?“
  1913. „Well, i do feel less safe with you here now, since we just met a human, but on the other side, maybe it's not that big of a deal as i thought. What will people do about it anyway? They probably ain't gonna straight away call cops or something. Think we'll just continue and if we run into someone again, you just go ahead and wait for me somewhere.“
  1914. >“Alright then.“ she walks with you to your bike, you left on the road
  1915. „Coming to think of it, maybe we could try to be less careful in trying to hide your existance. Not exactly by exposing you to everyone, but maybe it could be possible one day, to integrate you into our society. What do you think?“
  1919. >she looks a bit nervous, judging from her expression and her leg twitching a bit when you said it
  1920. >“I-i don't know. What if someone is gonna take me away? I'm not really sure about it...“
  1921. „You mean like the first time you got here?“
  1922. >she nods, with a gulp
  1923. „I don't think that would happen, and if someone tried, i'd cut the bastard open.“ you laugh „But there might be a risk of you, getting suddenly too much attention from people if you were revealed to them. Hard to say if the good kind of attention or bad one. You're basically an alien to us and then, i don't know what would happen. But guess our life wouldn't just stay the same.“
  1924. >“Couldn't we rather just keep me secret please? Anon, it's just so good now, i don't want it to change. “
  1925. >you pat her head and smile before answering
  1926. „Of course. It was just thought, don't worry. It was just because...what if you get bored of me one day? If you won't even have anyone else you could talk to, it would be only natural. You'll need at least some friends.“
  1927. >she stops and lifts her chin a in something that kinda looks like scrunch, but indicates probably something else
  1928. >“It's gonna be difficult. I know… I love you a whole lot. And i've been kinda avoiding this thought, that I won't have anyone else I could talk to for the rest of my life if I stay on Earth. Kinda waiting if the urge of needing someone else, like friends in my life, actualy comes... But so far nothing and maybe the solution just comes somehow naturaly. Maybe the problem never come,..I never really had that many friends anyway…Could we just live on and enjoy the life when it's all beautiful, just the two of us?“
  1929. „As you wish Sarah. But you should tell me if you ever feel lonely. I could at least get you a cat or something.“
  1930. >“Thanks Anon...“ she smiles „...Now, which way next?“
  1934. >trough the rest of the time you've been out, you didn't meet any more humans
  1935. >actualy, just one more, but you managed to avoid direct confrontation, because you turned around as soon as you saw a figure
  1936. >at the end, you found your way back to the box you left there and got home the same way you came
  1937. >looking at your clock, you've been out for almost three hours
  1938. >time quality spent
  1939. >and you still have a plenty more, this day is far from over
  1940. >but first of all, you should take at least a quick shower, because you smell sweaty
  1941. >so does Sarah, although she doesn't smell as much as you
  1942. >when done, just like before, you dry her a bit with a towel
  1943. >in the process, she asks:
  1944. >“Hey Anon, i was thinking. Could we see the continuation of that Lord of the rings movie tonight?“
  1945. „Sure, i didn't have any real plans anyway. Though, maybe if you'd leave it for later, you'd have something to look forward.“
  1946. >“Well, we could leave the last part for friday night and see the second one today. How about that?“
  1947. „It's your choice.“ you laugh „I saw it already, so it's completely up to you.“
  1948. >“Another movie night it is then.“ she states cheerily
  1949. >though, it's kinda obligatory to have some alcohol for even better mood when watching a movie like that
  1950. >but you don't want to overdo it
  1951. >fuck it, none of you will drink trough the whole upcoming week anyway
  1952. „I'll have to go fetch some wine then. It won't take long.“
  1953. >by now, you're done with drying using the towel, but this time you don't continue with hairdryer and leave her fur to fully dry naturaly instead
  1954. >you have plenty of time after all
  1955. >“If you say so...“
  1956. „You'll manage in the meanwhile, won't you?“
  1957. >“Of course. But could you turn on the computer for me? I'll be listening to some music in the meanwhile.“
  1958. „Yup.“
  1959. >few minutes, and you're ready to go out again, leaving Sarah by the computer
  1960. >just like you promised, it wasn't long you've been gone
  1965. >opening the doors, you can already hear her
  1966. >„Anon! You're back! Check this.“
  1967. „Hey Sarah,, check what?“
  1968. >“I found this song and it's great! Come.“
  1969. „Better than those before?“
  1970. >“Those we're all great, but this one's lyrics are just,..I don't know, it makes me feel so happy for some reason. Kinda like those songs from Bob Marley, but different.“
  1971. >as you're closing by, you wonder what is it gonna be, if it's so good
  1972. >she clicks play and you hear the start
  1973. >nothing special so far, even the singer's voice doesn't seem that unique
  1974. >kinda like some radio song
  1975. >the chorus starts: „Sun is shining and so are you“
  1976. „Well, it's...alright i guess. I think i heard it once when it was new, playing in the radio. But it's a long time ago.“
  1977. >“Aww, so you don't like it?“
  1978. „I mean: It's good, but not sure if that good. What exactly do you like about it more than other songs?“
  1979. >“The lyrics kinda remind me...they kinda remind me of you. Not literally, but in the way you appeared in my life. And the melody is so cheery and fits the lyrics good...I was hoping you'd like it as well.“
  1980. „That's actualy really sweet of you saying that...I'm not saying i don't like the song. It's not bad, maybe I'm just too picky in music to like it instanly.“
  1981. >“I see...What's your favourite kind of music anyway? Besides from what you shown me before. Like, is there some song you could say that is your most favourite?““
  1982. „Oh, i think that constanly changes. I used to hold dear a lot of songs trough my life. Right now, i'm not sure what could i state as my favourite one. But i remember one song that used to make me feel so sad and happy at the same time. I'm not sure if i should show it to you, it's a bit morbid when i think about it.“
  1983. >“You already started, show me.“
  1984. „Ok then, but don't take those lyrics literally.“
  1989. >you type „Queens of the stone age - Mosquito song“ and click first video
  1990. >as the melody starts, it reminds you of times when things didn't seem that bright as they do now
  1991. >as it continues, you can see Sarah's smile slowly fading away
  1992. >almost six minutes of silent listening, until the very last sound of fading violin brings the end
  1993. „...Just so you know, it isn't about cannibalism.“ you add
  1994. >she looks still kinda serious and unsure before she speaks
  1995. >“I know. I think i understand it. At least partly…Is this how you used to feel about life?“
  1996. „Yeah...Not always, but sometimes there were moments or days, when this was...fitting.“
  1997. >“When you're not sure if there's any real purpose, right?“
  1998. „...Right.“
  1999. >“That's the reason i liked the song before so much. Because the thoughts it brings are the complete opposite.“
  2000. >you smile and pat her head gently
  2001. „I see now…“
  2002. >maybe it's time to change topic
  2003. „Anyway, i was wondering if you ever played any video games?“
  2004. >“Guess there is something like that in Equestria, buuuut i never really tried. Not really.“
  2005. „Not even once? Come on. I can show you, you might like it.“
  2006. >you boot up some racing game, because these are the most easily manipulated ones
  2007. >you set steering keys on „space“ and „zero“, so she can steer with her hooves while you'll control speed with „-“ and „+“ on the side of the keyboard
  2008. >“Oh, hey this looks so real!“ she gasps when she see's the first gameplay
  2009. >it's just one of many racing games, almost all are in someway similiar nowadays, but she never saw something like that, so she's amazed
  2010. >you actualy waste good few hours on this
  2011. >she's pretty bad at it at the start, especialy when you have to control the speed, but she's enjoying it anyway
  2012. >when she actualy manages to win at lowest difficulty for the first time, she looks almost same happy as she was when racing against you and your bike
  2013. >so it goes, until both of you decide it was enough
  2016. >it's around 7 PM when you're leaving the computer
  2017. >how quickly the time goes with these things
  2018. >just a few moments ago, you felt like there's still so much time left, but now it's almost night
  2019. >and if you gonna shower today, you should probably do it now
  2020. >so you won't have to, when you're drunk after watching The two towers
  2021. >although, it's not that long since you showered when you got back home
  2022. >but it was just a quick one, to get rid of the most sweat, so you actualy end up heading to bathroom
  2023. >“How long is it since you last used this?“
  2024. >Sarah is pointing at your bathtub
  2025. „I don't even know. Truth is, i'm kinda lazy. In shower, you just turn the water on and you're done in few minutes, but this takes a lot longer.“
  2026. >“So, the issue is time? Not water?“
  2027. „I think so. Why?“
  2028. >“Well, we do still have some time now. And i was thinking if maybe I could have a bath instead of shower today?“
  2029. „That would be no problem, i guess.“
  2030. >“Great! There's nothing more relaxing than a nice bath.“
  2031. „Oh, is it?“ you smirk
  2032. >“Well, maybe not. But I like water a lot.“
  2033. >you don't say anything, just give her a smile while turning the water on
  2034. >after few minutes it's almost filled, so you pour in some bath foam
  2035. „Your royal bath is ready your highness. Anything else you might want?“ you try to sound like royal guard in some castle
  2036. >the moment you said it, you already regret it, because it feels pretty stupid
  2037. >but she actualy plays along with this silly roleplay
  2038. >“Thanks master Anon. There actualy IS one thing i'd require from you. And that is you to join me, of course.“
  2039. „Oh, that's kind of you my highness. But that would just mean you'd have a lot less space.“
  2040. >“I do insist on it.“
  2041. >you grin
  2042. „Seriously now Sarah.“
  2043. >“I am serious. It'd be nice if you'd come as well.“ she smiles
  2044. „Well, you wish. Now when i think of it, I could bring some of that wine as well.“
  2045. >“Alright, i'll wait inside.“
  2046. >and so she does
  2050. >when you're back with two glasses and the bottle, her pants are already lying on the chair and her head is sticking out of the sea of foam
  2051. >this is the time you should undress and join her but...even though she already gave you blowjob before, you still feel a bit awkward being completely naked in front of her
  2052. >another thought comes trough your head
  2053. >maybe this could actualy lead to sex tonight
  2054. >she did sound kinda...sexual
  2055. >anyway, thinking about this just gave you boner
  2056. >you are trying to somehow hide it while loosing your pants and entering the bathtub
  2057. >it's not that effective though
  2058. >when inside and sitting on the opposite side of the tub, you can just hide it in the foam
  2059. >not like she hasn't noticed before
  2060. >the bath's not that big, so your legs are kinda poking her as well
  2061. >a lot more awkward and lot less romantic than you've been expecting
  2062. „So um, cheers.“ you hand her one of glasses
  2063. >it's just a regular glass, not the one for wine, because this one is easier for her to hold with her hooves
  2064. >“Thanks, cheers.“ she smiles and takes a sip
  2065. >you gulp down over half of your glass to give yourself more confidence in whatever is going to happen
  2066. >“Anon, you seem kinda nervous.“
  2067. „That's because i am.“
  2068. >“Why?“ she laughs
  2069. „I'm not used to being naked in front of someone. And, being in tub with anyone else than myself.“
  2070. >“But i DID already saw you naked, remember? I even played with your pal down there.“ she giggles
  2071. „Yeah, but this is different.“
  2072. >“In which way?“
  2073. „I dunno, it just is. I was a bit more drunk before and it was dark as well.“
  2074. >“Relax, i don't mind your um...soldier is at attention. If that's what troubles you.“
  2075. „I don't control these things...But hell, Sarah come to think of yesterday you were the shy one.“
  2076. >“It was mainly because i was worried if i'm not insulting your culture or something.“
  2077. „Yet you still wear those pants.“ you grin
  2080. >“I like them. If only they weren't so hard to put on and off me.“ she takes a sip of wine
  2081. „I saw that you managed to take them off by yourself this time.“
  2082. >“With some struggle, but yeah.“ she smiles „Anyway, i was thinking. Since we have this lovely atmosphere and...stuff. I should finally try and get rid off that fear of, you know...“
  2083. >as she speaks, she's slowly standing up on all four and closing by trough the foam to you
  2084. „What do y-..Oh.“
  2085. >she kisses you on your lips, closes her eyes and continues even further to you, placing her hooves on your shoulders
  2086. >oh man, is this gonna be really it?
  2087. >but why so out of blue?
  2088. >suddenly, she stops again, sits back on her rump and huddles herself shamingly
  2089. >“I-I though i finally could, this time.“ she squeaks
  2090. „Sarah...“
  2091. >“And I was so sure about it… But then, just,. just like before. I'm sorry.“
  2092. „Sarah. Don't be sorry. You shouldn't force it on yourself, it'll be only worse.“
  2093. >“But i'm not forcing! I love you and this shouldn't be so hard for me,..yet it still is. The though of something penetrating inside me and especialy if I'm so stupid to close my eyes, so I can't even see your face while at it, it brings those memories...“
  2094. >you move closer to her and just wrap your arms around her
  2095. „I told you before, we have all the time in the world. There's no need to rush it.“
  2096. >“I could at least do that thing i've done yesterday for you...“
  2097. „No. Look, it does feel great, but it almost makes me feel guilty. Such a pretty face, doing such things. Your lips are for kisses, not for...that. You don't have to do it only because of me.“
  2100. >“My lips are mine alone, Anon. And i wouldn't do it if i didn't want to.“
  2101. „...Um, but anyway, now it's not even time for that. It felt like you were about to cry just a few seconds ago. Let's just leave all the sexuality out of this and enjoy the bath, alright?“ you reposition her body, so you're now cradling her
  2102. >“...Right. It was probably a bad idea from the start. I shouldn't have even bring it up.“
  2103. „It doesn't matter now. Just close your eyes and enjoy the hot water.“ you smile
  2107. >in the end, the bath actualy turned out to be pretty relaxing
  2108. >rest of it, you spent in almost total silence
  2109. >eyes closed, just leaning on each other and enjoying the feel of hot water all around your bodies
  2110. >it felt...serene
  2111. >when the water lost it's temperature, becoming tepid, you moved on to the next part of this night: LOTR
  2112. >sitting on the couch in dark before the movie starts, she wouldn't lean on you, because her mane was still wet
  2113. >you didn't say anything about it, just pulled her gently closer and put your arm around her
  2114. >she gave you this confused look as if she wanted to say something about getting your clothing wet, but then just silently smiled to herself, accepting it
  2115. >unlike her mane, her fur dries pretty quickly so putting the towel under the place she sat, was pretty much unnecesary after all
  2116. >as the movie started, you could almost see the excitement building up inside of her
  2117. >long story told short: she loved it just as much as the first episode
  2118. >her favourite thing was the return of Gandalf, since she could enjoy that scene without any previous spoilers of him being actualy alive
  2119. >and as the subtitles rolled at the end, the wine bottle was empty and both of you slightly drunk
  2120. >“Anon, that was awesome! Oh, I can't wait to see the last part.“
  2121. „Heh, yeah. But you still have a lot of time before that.“
  2122. >“Aw, i wish i could see it now, forget it afterwards and then see it again as we planned.“
  2123. „I wish i could do that with so many movies. Luckily for you, there's still a load of good ones you haven't seen yet.“
  2124. >“Tell me some.“
  2125. „Well,..Starwars. Uhh, Matrix...There's a lot of it, i just can't think of it right now. Now when i think of it, i can download you Starwars series so you could watch it when i'm working.“
  2126. >“Is it good?“
  2127. „Yup. It is. Though...Don't know if all the episodes are as good as LOTR, but you'll judge by yourself.“
  2128. >“Ok!“ she smiles
  2133. >all that happened so far seems like perfect night, fitting to a perfect day
  2134. >only one thing is missing and you know exactly what
  2135. >she did tell you before, that she'd help you out with this specific thing if you wanted to
  2136. >though, there's a conflict in your mind
  2137. >surely, you wouldn't just straight up ask her now, even though you know she would not mind
  2138. >but it just feels so damn wrong
  2139. >why?
  2140. >you know why, it's the feeling you cannot repay it to her with the same amount of pleasure AND the fact she seems just too innocent to do such things and you don't want to ruin it
  2141. >and world ain't gonna colapse without you, orgasming tonight
  2142. >so you just continue straight to your bed, give Sarah a goodnight kiss and very soon fall asleep in a loving embrace
  2148. >the sound of your alarm, dragging you from your dreams into reality
  2149. >oh, fuck it's morning
  2150. >halp
  2151. >you shut the alarm off as soon as possible, trying to not wake Sarah, but it's already too late
  2152. >“Hmmf.“ she moans lazily while half opening her right eye
  2153. „You can sleep, no worry.“ you whisper as you're slowly letting go so you can stand up from your bed
  2154. >“...Anon?“
  2155. >you stop
  2156. „Yes?“
  2157. >“I love you.“
  2158. „I love you too.“ you smile and lean back to kiss her muzzle
  2159. >as she feels your lips, she reaches out to kiss you back
  2160. >“I did promise you something though...“
  2161. „Uhh, what do you mean?“
  2162. >“You know what i mean.“ she opens both of her eyes, while slowly sliding her hoof to your crotch, feeling your morning wood
  2163. >“Oh, you sure do know what i mean.“ she giggles „You deserve it, you know?“
  2168. „Sarah, shouldn't...“ you protest even though your body already craves for more, as she's already massaging you penis with her hoof
  2169. >“Don't worry, i don't mind it, if that's the case.“
  2170. „Y-yeah, but...“ you don't even finish the sentence
  2171. >she gives you last kiss on the lips before she slips under the blanket
  2172. >then again, just like before, the feeling of her slippery, warm tongue making gentle contact with your manhood
  2173. >from the pressure around the root, you judge she's holding it tight between her hooves
  2174. >kinda like when wearing a „ring“
  2175. >then the warmness goes slowly up and down, but only on front side, meaning she's still using just her tongue
  2176. >it goes like this for not even a minute, until it stops and changes to gentle nibbling of the head, that slowly progresses into the full suction as she takes it almost whole into her mouth
  2177. >her head moves up and down only slightly and very slowly, because the main focus still goes into the suction so intense, you don't think you'll last a lot longer
  2178. >with your right hand, you grip the blanket as in spasm
  2179. >and your left one, you reach into her mane, fondling her head
  2180. >but eventualy, as you're getting so close to the brink, you gotta let go of her hair and grab the blanket with your left hand as well, because it feels like as if your hand would automaticaly force her head to deepthroat
  2181. >and then it comes, the very moment when your body goes into the total spasm of pleasure when you can hardly move nor even open your eyes
  2182. >just like before, she takes the full load, swallows whole and continues on stimulation till the very end, when your body stops twitching on it's own and you're half flaccid
  2183. >then she slips out of the blanket, straight for the glass of water you left by the bed and gulps it down whole
  2184. >“So, was it good?“
  2185. „Heavenly.“ you pant
  2186. >“And that's what matters.“ she smiles „You don't have to feel bad about it or something.“
  2189. >you'd very much like to answer, but your mind still feels a bit blurry to decide if you agree or not, so you just hug her tightly and end up with simple:
  2190. „Thanks...“
  2191. >she just hums contentedly and makes herself comfortable on you
  2192. >it feels so damn comfy again, the feel after orgasm when you just lie in your bed so pleasantly weakened, with no mess to clean up and cuddly pone in your arms
  2193. >the curves of her body under your hands drove you so wild just a few seconds ago, now they seem so calming instead
  2194. >you could lay like this for hours
  2195. >too bad you gotta go to work
  2196. >just 10 more minutes with her and you'll be on your way
  2197. >maybe 20 minutes, including the skipping of breakfast or getting something really quick on the way
  2198. >even the thought that you'd actualy not go to work comes trough your head, but…
  2199. >you need money so one day you could arrange better life for both of you
  2200. >so it's just 20 minutes more
  2201. >with your eyes closed, you gotta concentrate so you won't fall asleep again
  2202. >one of those thing to help you concentrate right now, is your finger, slowly repeating the circular motion on her back between her wings
  2203. >she seems to be enjoying that spot, because when you started, she'd purr pleasantly and nuzzle closer to you
  2204. >what a time to be alive
  2205. >but speaking about time, from checking the watch, your time is almost over
  2206. >you try to enjoy the last moments of your 20 minutes as hard as you can, but the more you think about it, the more distracted you get
  2207. >until it's eventualy over
  2208. >Sarah seems to be asleep again now, so you try to leave, without waking her up
  2209. >but despite your carefulness, you still hear a faint:
  2210. „...bye Anon.“ indicating she's not fully asleep
  2211. „Bye sweetheart. I love you.“ you whisper back and smile before opening the door
  2214. >first just quick brush of your teeth, putting your clothes on, then grabbing an apple or two and you're on your way
  2215. >throughout the day, it's really hard just to try and stop thinking about the moment you'll be back home
  2216. >you feel pretty distracted all the time, not that heavily to be unable to function though
  2217. >but most of all: you somehow feel constant happiness, no matter what
  2218. >something you've somehow always been lacking, now completely overflowing with it
  2219. >like you could just explode with love
  2220. >so the time goes, so long
  2221. >and then it's over and you can go home again
  2222. >felt kinda like when you were a little kid, waiting for christmas, then suddenly waking up to it
  2223. >on your way home, you buy something sweet just because you feel like it
  2224. >and finally, the moment you open the doors to your house
  2225. >not saying anything, you wait with words until you really get to see her
  2226. >ending up to finding her in the kitchen, in the middle of drinking water straight from the tap
  2227. >when she sees you, she spits half of it out, so she could speak
  2228. „Hey Sarah. How've you been?“
  2229. >“Anon!“ she bounces hapilly to you with her mouth still a bit wet
  2230. >you kneel down to hug her
  2231. >as it happens, you give her a big kiss as well
  2232. „It felt a lot longer than it actualy was, I'm so glad to see you.“
  2233. >“And i sure am glad to see YOU.“ she kisses you again
  2234. >you smile and wipe the water off her face, then yours
  2235. >“Oh, sorry.“ she giggles
  2238. „Since i left, I couldn't stop thinking about the moment I see you again.“ you caress her cheek, smiling faintly and looking straight into her eyes
  2239. >they seem so beautiful, like you could lose yourself in them forever
  2240. >her deep-black pupils inside those almost unnaturaly blue irises feel almost hypnotizing
  2241. >you slide your hand into her mane and play with her hair a bit, then continuing to her ear, scratching gently behind it
  2242. >she lets out pleasured hum as her head almost automaticaly tilts closer to your hand and both of her eyes half close
  2243. >you continue scratching a bit harder and also add your second hand, which you use to fondle her back
  2244. >from the sounds she makes, it almost feels as if you were doing something completely different
  2245. >“You always know how to hit the spot, you know that? It's like being in some trance when you touch me like this.“ she laughs when you stop for a while
  2246. „And that's a good thing, i hope?“
  2247. >“Absolutely.“
  2248. >you grin, lift her up, like when carrying a spouse and walk to your couch where you sit and lay her down on your lap
  2249. >she doesn't say anything, as she knows what you're planning
  2250. >when there, you can continue your massage with even more comfort
  2251. >“Could you...could you do this a bit harder?“ she asks you suddenly
  2252. >it's true you've always been really gentle when it comes to touching her, maybe even too gentle
  2253. >but she isn't made of sugar after all, though she might taste like it
  2254. >so you scratch her harder between her wings as her moans get even louder
  2255. >“This is sooo good...“
  2256. >boner for obvious reasons
  2257. >but now is not the time for it, you want to repay her that morning at least partly
  2258. >after some time spent on her back, you flip her so you can pay some attention to her front side as well
  2259. >with her eyes closed, she lets you manipulate her body like a plushie, knowing you'd never do any harm
  2260. >slowly, you start scratching her chest up and down with both of your hands
  2263. >she's pretty fluffy there
  2264. >kinda giving you the urge to blow raspberries
  2265. >and there isn't really a reason not to, so you put your face into her fur and blow your full lung capacity
  2266. >“Anon! That tickles!“ she giggles
  2267. „Does it?“ you blow again, adding some tickling under her „armpits“
  2268. >“Anon, *giggle* stop! I don't wanna pee myself.“ she laughs
  2269. >you repeat it two more times, before getting back to scratching
  2270. >at that point, she's panting from laughter
  2271. >“Hehe...Come on Anon, that's just silly, i'm not a baby.“
  2272. „But it's fun.“
  2273. >“Sure it is.“ she giggles last time before calming down and getting back to relax
  2274. >you slide your right hand down on her belly, having to loose her pants a bit for that, but she doesn't mind
  2275. >careful not to get too close to her marehood, you rub her there up and down
  2276. >partly, to know if the myth about crotchtits is true
  2277. „Is this far still alright?“ you ask just to be sure
  2278. >“Uhhmm.“ she hums in a tone, that means agreement
  2279. >after few seconds, you find a nipple in her fur
  2280. >meaning she's either equestrian version of flatchest, or they grow bigger when pregnant
  2281. >anyway, she must be more sensitive on that spot, as her breath started to get heavier as you touched her there
  2282. >suddenly, the strange tense is broken by your loudly growling stomach
  2283. >“You're hungry?“
  2284. „Well, yeah. A bit. Haven't eaten anything since lunch.“
  2285. >“You should have say so, i wouldn't hinder you if i knew.“
  2286. „That's alright, you weren't hindering me. There are more important things than food….And i almost forgot, there.“ you hand her the chocolate bar you bought on your way home
  2287. >“Aw, you didn't have to, especialy if you're hungry yourself.“
  2288. „Shush, it's for you.“ you smile
  2289. >“Well, thanks then. But, could you...“ she hands you the bar back
  2290. „Yeah, right.“
  2291. >you open it for her and put it in her mouth as well when you're at it
  2293. >“Oooh, this tastes great!“
  2294. >then, something lying on the table by the couch catches your attention
  2295. >you don't remember putting any papers there
  2296. „What's this?“
  2297. >Sarah puts the chocolate bar in between her hooves sho she can talk
  2298. >“This? I've been um, drawing.“
  2299. „Really? Like, with your mouth?“ you pick the papers up
  2300. >“Yeah, but it's...not really that good.“
  2301. „We'll see.“ you say, flipping the papers
  2302. >first one is a portrait
  2303. >it's kinda simplified, using as few lines as possible
  2304. >most of them are straight or only slightly bent, making it look a bit cubic
  2305. >she doesn't do any shadows either
  2306. >it's not really a caricature though, just a style of her drawing that still looks kinda realistic
  2307. >and it's very easily recognizeable that it's supposed to resemble you
  2308. >how did she memorize your face so good?
  2309. „This is actualy really impressive.“
  2310. >“For real?“
  2311. „Well of course, look at it. It looks just like me. I didn't even know you could draw. It must be so hard with mouth.“
  2312. >“It's how pegasi and earth ponies do it. One gets used to it.“
  2313. >now you kinda understand why she's so good at fellatio
  2314. „But why didn't you tell me earlier? You could at least write something the first day, when you couldn't talk.“
  2315. >“I didn't have paper nor pencil and didn't know how to ask for it. A bit shy as well.“
  2316. „Well,..but anyway, I couldn't do it any better, even with hands. You're pretty good at drawing.“
  2317. >“Thanks.“ she smiles as you take another paper
  2322. >same style of drawing, but this time it's Mandy, the car you had borrowed before, which took you up the hills where you had that first joint with her
  2323. >it's not completely accurate, as she saw the car from outside only few times, but still recognizable
  2324. „Heh, you're good.“
  2325. >“...But the next one sucks.“
  2326. „How come?“ you put aside the previous two to see it
  2327. >it's a meadow with a lonely tree, with two small figures under it
  2328. >the perpective is not so good, as it's probably the reason why she said it sucks
  2329. „It's not that bad. Just a few lines to fix and-“
  2330. >your stomach growls again
  2331. „I really should get something to eat first...“ you stand up, taking the papers and a pencil with you
  2332. >she follows you with the rest of the bar in her mouth to the kitchen
  2333. „How about you? You're not hugry?“ you ask along the way
  2334. >“Nah, not that much.“ is what you understand from what she answers with her mouth full of chocolate and caramel
  2335. „And what did you eat trough the whole day?“
  2336. >she takes few seconds to chew it all down before answering
  2337. >“I found few apples here in kitchen, hope you don't mind.“
  2338. „Of course i don't mind. I wouldn't want you to starve. But was that seriously enough for you? Just apples?“
  2344. >“I guess. When in Equestria, i'd often eat just raw fruit or vegetables trough the day.“
  2345. „You don't eat warm meals in your homeland?“
  2346. >“We do, but not always. Dunno about other ponies, but it was always easier for me to just grab some fruit and eat it. And it's healthier as well.“
  2347. „I see. But you're sure now you don't want anything else?“
  2348. >“Maybe just a bit. Depends, what are you going to have?“
  2349. >you look around the kitchen and a fridge
  2350. „Some bread with...something. And salad on top of it probably.“
  2351. >“Well in that case, one slice would be nice.“ she smiles
  2352. >so you slice some bread, spread cheese on it and finish it with a salad
  2353. >humble food, but you don't care and she doesn't as well
  2354. >you sit to the table, picking up one of the slices and putting it closer to her mouth
  2355. >“I'll try to handle this by myself.“ she stops you „You were right before, i need to be more independent when it comes to doing basic things.“ she picks the bread clumsily from your hands with her hooves
  2356. „That should be solved one day by that device i promised you.“
  2357. >“Yeah, but that just makes me dependant on that device. And we still don't even have any idea how it will work. I've been thinking: I should try and learn how to use these...“ she raises her left hoof, as she's holding the bread in her right one „ the maximum capacity. I mean, yeah they are a lot clumsier in your world, but so was my mouth when i first tried to draw or write. - even in Equestria.“
  2358. „As much as I hate to admit it, you're right about the device. I have no idea how to do it...So, from now on you plan on using your hooves on everything?“
  2359. >“Yup.“
  2360. „But if you'll need help, just say so, ok?“
  2361. >“Ok!“ she nods with a smile, before taking a bite from her bread
  2367. >while chewing, you take a look at the remaining two papers
  2368. >they are both full of sketches of various things
  2369. >types of eyes, some album covers she saw on youtube, everyday objects in your house and few human figures in different positions with no face- kinda like 4chan anons, though not all of the poses have completely realistic anatomy
  2370. >you gotta grin, as some figures are with wings on their backs or horns on their heads, just like ponies in Equestria
  2371. >noticing one of them has a dick on his forehead, horn in his crotch and this smug expression, you almost spit out the bread you just took a bite of
  2372. „What is this?“ you laugh0
  2373. >“I was just fooling around.“
  2374. „It's hillarious.“ you take another bite of your bread
  2375. >then you notice on the second paper, few simplistic images, all resembling nature in some way
  2376. „Are these designs of your cutie mark?“
  2377. >“What? Why would i want my cutie mark to be a man with- oh, you meant these...Yup. Those were actualy the reason i started on drawing today, but after a while, I moved to drawing something else. I probably shouldn't cling to it anymore.“
  2378. „Most of the things get ruined by one's expectation, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't care at all. I think it's nice to hope, but not too much, in case the hope is false.“
  2379. >“Yeah...There's no use for cutie mark on Earth anyway, right?“
  2380. „I guess. Except for fashion reasons maybe. But hey, if you want a picture on your butt, we can paint it.“ you say jokingly
  2381. >“Alright mister, i'll have one big human figure with a penis on his forehead, will 10 bits be enough?“ she plays along „And don't forget to make it as majestic as possible.“
  2382. >you chuckle with your mouth full while chewing
  2383. >after gulping the morsel down, you answer:
  2384. „I'm affraid this is gonna cost at least 69 bits, lass.“
  2385. >of course she isn't gonna get it, how could she?
  2389. >“That's a whole lot of money. Couldn't there be some other way?“ she winks at you seductively
  2390. „You better save THAT for marriage, young lady.“ you grin
  2391. >“So when's the marriage gonna attend?“
  2392. >at this point, you're not really sure if it's still all just the game, or it could actualy implicate something more
  2393. >but you still decide to continue
  2394. „Let's say,..3 weeks, starting from the end of this one?“
  2395. >“Deal.“ she offers you a hoof, so you fistbump it and both of you chuckle
  2400. >“Do humans really marry so fast?“ she asks after a while
  2401. „What do you mean?“
  2402. >“I know it was just a joke, since we couldn't even get married here, but do humans marry each other, after like three weeks?“
  2403. „That depends on them. It can be years, or days. Is it different in Equestria?“
  2404. >“Well, i guess not. Sorry i'm just thinking out loud about nonsense.“
  2405. >image comes trough your mind, where you stand before the priest and all those people present are staring at your qt, but four-legged bride
  2406. >what would they think? Your friends, your family,..your boss? If he knew as well, of course
  2407. >they would probably laugh or something worse
  2408. >wonder if there would be someone actualy supporting you
  2409. >is it so bad to love a different specie?
  2410. >then again, you actualy feel pretty proud of her, why should you ever care what others think?
  2411. „Now you got me thinking about the same thing.“ you chuckle
  2412. >“Really?“
  2413. „Yes, i was thinking about how would the marriage look like. Though it's really too early for that stuff, maybe it could actualy be done one day. About 6 months from now on? It would probably have to be secret and-“ she stops you
  2419. >“Don't worry. It's just a ceremony. I'm not gonna force you into it. If you'll just keep on loving me, it will be more than ten marriages.“ she smiles and kisses you on the cheek
  2420. „You really don't care at all about marriages? I thought equestrians are a bit more traditional in this kind of thing.“
  2421. >“Well, would be nice. But it's not that important, especialy since nobody should even know about my existence. If we were in Equestria, guess there wouldn't be a big reason not to, buuut...“
  2422. „...We're stuck here on this piece of crap planet.“ you finish
  2423. >“It's not a piece of crap, just...different. I wish it could be easier here, if I could at least go out without any worries.“
  2424. >oh man, this is killing you- imagining if you were in her position
  2425. >if you really had to stay at one place for the rest of your life, it would drive you insane
  2426. >how can she be so calm?
  2427. >what if it actualy makes her lose it one day?
  2428. >there is an option of going somewhere more isolated, but she still needs some friends as well
  2429. >“Anon, what's with that frowny face of yours?“ she snaps you back from your thoughts again
  2430. „ hurts me think about your future here. If we don't integrate you into society somehow, you'll be lonely for the rest of your life. It's just so...sad.“
  2431. >“You know, i've been always pretty lonely. But now I have you.“
  2436. „But are you really sure it's gonna be enough for the rest of your life?“
  2437. >“Is it like a test or...?“ she asks you with a bit doubful expression
  2438. „No, just… It doesn't trouble you at all? Knowing you won't have anyone else, except me?“
  2439. >“I tried to not really think about it so far. It won't do any good, worrying about future, instead of enjoying the present. Right now, i don't need anyone else.“
  2440. „...I can get you a pet one day. Or try to make you some human friends, who won't tell anyone. But that's all i can think of.“
  2441. >“That's alright Anon, really.“ she smiles at you with this half-smile, half smirk, before attempting to push the last piece of her bread into her mouth, but accidentaly dropping it on the ground instead
  2442. >“Oops,..“
  2443. >you chuckle as you reach for tissues
  2444. „Suppose you won't want this anymore.“ you throw the piece of bread into the trash can
  2445. >“By Celestia, I wish i wasn't so damn clumsy. Sorry for the mess.“
  2446. „Hey, it's nothing, I'll just clean it up. It's not your fault you don't have fingers.“
  2447. >“Yeah, but-“ she tries to protest, but you cut her off
  2448. „No buts. If you were clumsy, you couldn't even draw like you do.“
  2449. >“Well, If you think so...“
  2450. >you smile and almost instinctively scratch her head
  2451. „...You know, i was thinking if you could show me how you do it.“
  2452. >“Drawing?“
  2453. „Of course. I've never seen anyone drawing with their mouth. At least not good enough to be considered actual drawing.“
  2455. >“I can, but don't expect something breathtaking. It's just me, moving my mouth and doing weird faces.“ she laughs
  2456. „You alone are breathtaking….Weird faces only make it more interesting.“ you snicker
  2457. >and so, after you're done with your food, you continue back to living room with few more papers
  2458. >“But what should i draw?“ she asks you with a pencil in her mouth
  2459. „Literally anything that comes to your mind. I'll be drawing you in the meantime.“
  2460. >“Alright then.“ she starts scribbling the sketch of something you can't see from your angle
  2461. >before you start drawing as well, you watch her for a while
  2462. >at the start, she'd often a bit nervously look at you in the corner of her eye, as if you were there to judge her, so you'd always just smile back to reassure her it's nothing to be nervous about
  2463. >after a while, she stops it and just concentrates on her work
  2464. >it's pretty interesting, watching her as her mouth moves the pencil precisely enough to create a picture
  2465. >you can see she's helping to angle the pencil correctly between her teeth using her tongue and every half a minute, gulping the saliva that created in her mouth while her tongue was busy
  2466. >almost made you forget you wanted to draw as well
  2469. >so you start with a circle, trying to remember some tutorials how to draw ponies from when the ride was still going
  2470. >since her expression constanly changes, you leave her face blank and continue on drawing her body, so you can decide what will her expression be like later
  2471. >sometimes, she looks at you at the same time you're looking at her and smiles
  2472. >she looks cute with that pencil in her mouth
  2473. >it didn't seem like it was such a long time, but you actualy spent over an hour of work on drawing her
  2474. >and you'd probably continue even longer with the details, but she was the first one to announce she's done
  2475. >“Look, Anon. What do you think?“
  2476. >she shows you the picture
  2477. >it's Isengard, seen from it's entrance, before it was destroyed by Saruman's orcs
  2478. >full of trees and majestic
  2479. >looking at it. it feels like it's at least 10 times better than what you drew
  2480. >not like your drawing is complete crap, but it just isn't THAT good
  2481. „Wow, now that is awesome.“
  2482. >“You think so?“
  2483. „No, i know so. It is far better than what i expected. I can't compete with such a scenery.“
  2484. >“Show me.“
  2485. >so you show her what you made
  2486. >“It's not bad at all. You made me look better than in reality with that simplified fur and hair.“
  2487. „I don't think it's possible to make you look on the paper even better than you already are. Because i can't draw your soul as well.“ you smile
  2488. >“You flatterer.“ she giggles nervously as she isn't really used to so much admiration
  2489. >“I don't even know what to say.“
  2490. „You don't have to say anything.“ you pull her closer and give her a smooch
  2495. „Now i remember that i left downloading the movies I told you about before. Did you watch it?“
  2496. >“How was it called? S...Sunwars?“
  2497. „Starwars.“
  2498. >“Well, i didn't even use your computer today, so no. I did not. I didn't even know you were downloading something for me.“
  2499. „Should have tell you. But anyway, I was thinking we could see it tonight together. It's quite a time since i saw it the last time and it wouldn't hurt to refresh my memory.“
  2500. >“How about we see it now and go for a stroll when the night comes?“
  2501. „That sounds even better. Do we still have that totally unsuspicious box?“
  2502. >“Yup. We do. Though, now when i think about it, maybe it's gonna be weird if someone sees you walking with that thing again.“
  2503. „Maybe. But maybe not. You started it and i'd enjoy a little night walk as well.“
  2504. >“Ok then!“ she nuzzles you
  2505. „Good. I'll be right back with the movie.“
  2506. >so you bring it over while she waits on the couch
  2507. >no wine this time, you don't want to make an alcoholic out of her
  2508. „I was wondering if I should show it to you in chronologic order or not.“
  2509. >“Why not?“
  2510. „Well, episodes 4,5 and 6 were made before the first three. There are even more episodes, but they aren't really worth mentioning. Anyway, it would mean that the quality of effects would first go up and up, then down to the bottom again. Buut, if you'd see it chronologicaly, the finale of the third episode would be even more exciting, since you wouldn't know what's gonna happen. Though, you'd know the main plot of the next three films.“
  2511. >“Hmmmm. To be honest, i don't know. What do you suggest?“
  2512. „I don't know either. But i guess that maybe you should see the older ones first. The difference between it's effects is like really big.“
  2513. >“Aaalright. Let's see it.“ she waddles playfully on the couch as you're about to click „play“
  2514. >the familiar sound of trumpets starts and you're already sitting comfortably next to her
  2515. >dem nostalgias
  2516. >this is gonna be great
  2520. >after two hours of watching it's getting dark outside
  2521. „So, how did you like it?“
  2522. >“It was great! Though, maybe not as good as LOTR, but still great.“
  2523. „Don't worry, it's gonna get even better.“ you smirk
  2524. >“But what's gonna happen in the next episodes, since the death star is already destroyed? It was empire's ultimate weapon, wasn't it? Is there gonna be something even worse?“
  2525. „You wouldn't really want me to tell you, would you?“ you laugh
  2526. >“No, not really. But it does make me wonder.“
  2527. „You'll see tomorrow. We can have a movie night every day.“
  2528. >“Awesome!..But now, it's getting pretty dark outside as well, sooo…“
  2529. „Yup about time, let's go. I'll just get the box.“ you stand up and stretch
  2530. >few minutes and you're both out
  2531. >it IS bit colder than it was when you got home, but not as much you were expecting
  2532. >almost makes you wish you didn't take your jacket with you
  2533. >at least there's less people than troughout the day
  2534. >you're on your way to the same meadow you were yesterday
  2535. >it's this particular place, mainly because it's the closest one with ability to create an illusion of being somewhere far from city
  2536. >lights are shining with their orange light as you're walking nervously with a dark hoodie on, next to a big, moving box
  2537. >you're trying to not care about strangers, but you still do
  2538. >when you have to be silent, your mind can be the loudest thing ever
  2539. >and right now, it's just telling you to worry
  2540. >but then you're finally there, putting the box off and your worries as well
  2541. >Sarah takes a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and humming some made up melody when her exhale comes
  2548. >now, when out of reach of the streetlamps, it' pretty dark this night as well
  2549. >you can't see the moon over clouds and only a handful of stars
  2550. >you can barely see Sarah standing just next to you
  2551. >but you don't have to see her to feel her presence and energy
  2552. >you're still both silent, even though there's no reason anymore
  2553. >this time it's not that kind of „worry-inducing“ silence
  2554. >it just feels like there's not really a need for words right now
  2555. >slow walk, you stroll into the dark nothing and caress Sarah's mane with your right hand as she's always just a few centimetres next to you
  2556. >but you also feel that you're too slow for her, so you break the silence
  2557. „...You know, if you want to get that energy out of yourself, I'm not gonna hold you. You don't have to wait for me, wherever you want to. I have a light, so you will find me again easily.“
  2558. >“I just don't want to leave you here. Won't it be boring for you?“
  2559. „That's alright, I can wait. It's my own problem i can't catch up.“ you smirk „You should enjoy being out to the fullest. Summer is almost ending.“
  2560. >“But i don't even know where to run.“
  2561. „Doesn't matter where. I can feel that tense in you right now. Just let your heart choose direction.“ you smile
  2567. >a few seconds of silence, then you hear her taking a deep breath before she dissapears from your side
  2568. >grass is rustling as she's running trough it forward, at her full speed
  2569. >then she does something you weren't expecting
  2570. >opening her wings, she takes off like a jet
  2571. >the silloutte of her body glides few meters above the ground, but not for long as her wings aren't big and strong enough to keep her in air
  2572. >a soft thud, when she lands back on the ground
  2573. >then, some more rustling of the grass and she's soaring again
  2574. >this time she's flapping her wings furiously, trying to actualy fly instead of simple gliding
  2575. >it doesn't help that radicaly, but she does almost fly
  2576. >pretty much like hen – short distances and unwieldy, but it's still something
  2577. >again and again she tries until she's too tired to continue and comes panting back to you
  2578. >you're watching her with a little smile on your face
  2579. „I though you said you don't like flying.“
  2580. >“I don't know as well what got into me… I just felt like i needed to let it all out. And i haven't used these for such a long time.“ she stretches her wings, revealing their full size
  2581. >they are a lot bigger than they seem when folded
  2582. >not big enough for her to fly but still pretty big, up close
  2583. >“It's so exhausting and i'm even worse at it here on Earth, but i still enjoyed it like never.“ she giggles
  2584. „I'm glad to hear that...Can i...can i touch?“
  2585. >“Of course. Suit yourself.“ she opens her left wing again
  2586. >you carefully slide your hand from the place where her fur ends and feathers start, up to the tip of her last feather
  2587. „These are incredible, even if just for gliding. And so beautiful as well.“
  2588. >you continue examining the shape with your hands, as you can barely see the wing in the dark
  2589. >“Thanks,.. but you're acting like you've never seen them before.“
  2593. „I don't remember seeing them unfolded before or i wasn't paying enough attention. I was wondering: How does it even feel to have another pair of limbs on your back? How extensively can you use them?“
  2594. >“I dunno. You mean like…?...I don't think i could pick things up with my wings. I'm too clumsy. Buuuut, maybe I should at least try using them more. I almost forgot i have them, when I don't use them at all.“
  2595. „It would be a shame if they remained unused forever...Dang, these feathers are so soft in this place.“ you continue examining the part where the wings connect to her back
  2596. >“And ticklish as well, so careful ple- Anon!“ she squeals, giggling
  2597. >of course you just did it to see her reaction
  2598. „Sorry, couldn't help myself.“ you snicker „You're just too adorable when ticked.“
  2599. >„It's nothing, i just wasn't expecting that.“ she says, still with a slight giggle in her voice „Anyway, still feel like walking?“
  2600. „Weren't you exhausted?“
  2601. >“Not enough.“ she smiles
  2602. >you grin, as you know about a way how to exhaust one another, but first she would have to overcome that fear of hers
  2603. „Let's go then.“ you answer, suppressing the dirty thought you just had
  2605. >after almost two hours spent outside, you're opening the door to your house again
  2606. >you're not really exhausted, but it does feel really good to just to sit on your couch and let your legs relax
  2607. >same with Sarah, she takes her place in your lap
  2608. „We should probably go sleep soon.“ you announce after few minutes „Just gonna take a shower and...*yawn*“
  2609. >“Right,...“
  2610. „You go first, at least your fur will have more time to dry before we go.“
  2611. >she jumps down on the ground lazily
  2612. >“How bout we go both? It'll be quicker.“
  2613. „I guess... Okay then. But i can't guarantee I won't get boner and make things awkward.“
  2616. >“Awkward - as if.“ she laughs „Look Anon, I know how you're always trying to hide it. And I don't know what kind of reaction you're used to from others, but i'm not gonna judge you for what your body does by itself. And you know I can always help you out with that, if you'd just ask.“
  2617. „...Huh, glad to know. But not today, really. You've already done enough for me in the morning.“ you smirk and stand up from the couch, heading to the bathroom
  2618. >you're loosing your clothes as Sarah struggles with putting down her pants
  2619. >though she's quicker with it than you are
  2620. >but maybe you're just too slow
  2621. >“Anooon. What's taking you so long?“
  2622. >she's already sitting in the shower
  2623. „Nothing.“ you put away your underwear and follow inside as well, closing the curtain behind you
  2624. >although she assured you to not worry, you still try to ignore the fact you're naked as you're turning on the water flow
  2625. „It's gonna be cold at first, watch out.“
  2626. >“I know.“
  2627. >both of you step aside to the corners before the water gets warmer
  2628. >then you adjust the shower head into the maximum height so it can spread water all around and not only the spot in the middle
  2629. >when you're both completely soaked, she asks:
  2630. >„So...could you help me out a bit with soaping?“
  2631. “Yeah, no problem. Just lemme...“
  2632. >you turn the water off, pour some shower gel in your hands and sit down, because ponies aren't even nearly as tall as you are
  2633. >especialy being on all four
  2634. „There.“ now her head at least isn't in the same height as your crotch
  2635. >she comes closer and adjusts herself for your better reach with this faint smile on her face
  2636. „Should i put it on your wings as well?“
  2643. >“You don't have to. They don't really get dirty a lot. Depends on you.“
  2644. „Well if that's the case.“
  2645. >you put away most of the gel from your hands on her back so you can use it later
  2646. >the rest, you gently and carefuly rub into her feathers
  2647. >she partly unfolds her wings when she feels your touch and leaves them hanging loosely for you to easily manipulate
  2648. >now you have enough time and most importanly enough light, to see how exactly they even fold
  2649. >with eyes closed most of the time, she sometimes makes a delighted hum as you find yourself more massaging her wings than just washing them
  2650. >the sounds alone are enough for your member to rise, besides the thoughts that are going on in your head when she's sitting there all wet and you're completely naked
  2651. >you're trying to not think about it and even if she's not looking, you rather hide your penis with your leg
  2652. >when done and out of shower gel, you turn the water on, to moist your hands and wash it off her feathers
  2653. >now for the rest of her body
  2654. >“You sure are taking your time with me.“ she giggles, opening her eyes „You don't have to be so precise.“
  2655. „I enjoy it.“ you smile
  2656. >she's not paying attention to your erection, most likely to make you feel more normal about it
  2657. >she just smiles back and closes her eyes again
  2658. >you start rubbing the gel inside her fur on her back, continuing to her neck, chest, front legs, belly, hind legs and her flanks as the last part
  2659. >just like with her wings, you're pretty thorough with your work
  2660. >there's only one place your foamy hands haven't touched
  2661. „Guess you'll be washing it down there by yourself, eh?“
  2662. >she lifts her chin a bit and lowers her eyebrows
  2663. >“...Yeah...It's not that wouldn't trust you, but...“
  2664. „I know. You can't get over it.“
  2665. >“It's so ironic and hypocritical. I'm encouraging you to not worry, while i'm being like this...“
  2666. >when it comes to this topic, it feels like it's always the same
  2670. „You know we talked about it. It's not your fault and the one who suffers the most from it, isn't me. You should give yourself a rest.“
  2671. >she doesn't say anything, just nuzzles you and leaves her head leaning on your shoulder
  2672. >“...Thanks Anon“
  2673. „You don't have to thank me for saying the truth you know.“ you smirk and turn the water on
  2674. >you're not seeing it, but she smiles. Although you somehow know it
  2675. >with her head still in the same place, you reach your hands to help the water wash away the foam from her body by doing slow, fondling moves
  2676. >when you feel like you're done, you stand up, giving her time to put her head away and turn the water off
  2677. >now it's your turn
  2678. >it's gonna be a hell of a lot quicker, especialy when you don't have fur and wings
  2679. >before that, you pour a small amount of gel on Sarah's hoof as well, so she can finish her hygiene by herself
  2680. >you're not looking at her while she does that, simply from your taught decency, although she probably wouldn't care anymore
  2681. >when you're done, you open the shower curtain and step out to get the towels
  2682. >first one for her, second for you
  2683. >since you're planning to go to sleep as soon as possible from now on, you help her with drying because you can do it better and faster
  2684. >not even half an hour and you're both ready to go to bed
  2685. >she waits there while you're switching off the lights
  2686. >in the dark, you grope to your place next to her
  2687. >as you're laying down, you put your arms around her and hug her tightly before sleep
  2688. „Good night, sweet.“ you kiss her lips
  2689. >“Good night to you too, Nonny.“
  2696. >so the days go
  2697. >everything's so great, you're both enjoying each other's love to the maximum
  2698. >and although you hate leaving her in the bed alone when you gotta go work in the morning, the better it is when you get back
  2699. >she's always so happy to see you
  2700. >and every day you watch together another episode of Star Wars as well
  2701. >though, she still isn't completely used to all the violence in the TV
  2702. >still lamenting about the desruction of Alderaan and the first Deathstar as well, saying it's horrific to think about so many lifes being lost
  2703. >basicaly, it pains her see even stormtroopers die
  2704. >but she likes the films anyways
  2705. >even while pointing out things that don't make sense to her
  2706. >she was complaining that Luke's plan of resquing Han was silly and stormtroopers should have been more accurate since they are supposed to be elite etc…
  2707. >can't blame her for that
  2708. >though the twist in episode 5 when it was revealed who's Luke's father, stunned her a lot
  2709. >also said she expected Luke to turn to the dark side in the end
  2710. >about prequels, she saw only Phantom Menace because friday night was supposed to be a night for her long expected Return of the king
  2711. >her reaction on JarJar was pretty neutral
  2712. >she just said he's a „goofy thingy“
  2713. >but she was amazed with seeing the jedi order in it's days of functionality
  2714. >and of course, the next level of effects and especialy the podrace was a big boom for her
  2715. >seriously, she was pretty vocal in her amazement
  2716. >all „Wooo“ and „Woaaah!“
  2717. >made you chuckle how passionate she is about films
  2718. >but that's just her, she laughs and she cries like it's all real
  2719. >of course, watching TV is not all you do together throughout the week
  2720. >there's a lot of things, two can have fun with
  2721. >but it would be meaningless to list them all, because right now it's friday
  2722. >the day you both have been waiting for...
  2726. >you're coming back home from work with a bottle of wine, few beers and some snacks for this night
  2727. >opening the door into your house, you can hear the hoofsteps closing by from some other room
  2728. >knowing what's gonna happen, you put your bags on the floor so your hands are free
  2729. >“Anon! How have you been?“ she runs to you happily, wrapping her hoofs around your chest and reaching for a kiss
  2730. „Couldn't wait to see you again my petal.“
  2731. >you reach down, placing your hands on her cheeks and thirstily for the taste of her lips, you kiss her
  2732. >not the french way, you just want to enjoy normal kisses right now as your nose boops into her muzzle and you feel her hot breath on your face
  2733. >when both of you let go, you just look into each other's eyes and smile
  2734. >“Why petal?“ she asks witha giggle
  2735. „Just like petals are what makes flower beautiful, you're what gives my life an essence. Like a petals to the flower of my life.“ you smile and scratch her mane
  2736. >now when you said it out loud, you're not really sure if it makes enough sense
  2737. >still better than „I hate sand, it's coarse and rough...“
  2738. >“Aww. That's so sweet of you...I wish I could think of something as sweet to say...“
  2739. >thank God she likes it
  2740. >what she doesn't know is that you actualy spent your whole way home, thinking it trough
  2741. „Maybe another kiss could do instead.“ you smirk
  2742. >with no hesitation, her lips are already on yours
  2743. >soon you can feel her slippery tongue in your mouth as well
  2744. >you continue along for few seconds but then gently push her away
  2745. >she looks confused
  2746. >“What's wrong? Did I do something?“
  2747. „We can have plenty of tongue action later today.“ you explain yourself with a faint smile „...Wouldn't want it to become too casual, would we?“
  2748. >“I...guess you're right...“
  2749. >you give her a small kiss on her muzzle, pat her head and slowly stand up while picking up your stuff you left on the ground
  2752. >“What's in these?“ she points at the bags
  2753. „Something for tonight...“
  2754. >you show her the content
  2755. >“The wine thingy! But you said we shouldn't overdo it with alcohol...“
  2756. „It's been a week.“ you laugh „It's not that serious. If it was everyday, then it would be concerning.“
  2757. >“I see. So,..when do you plan starting with today's um...programme?“
  2758. „You mean the movie and wine?“
  2759. >“Yup.“
  2760. „I don't know. If you're looking forward to seeing the finale so much, we can start right now.“
  2761. >“I do look forward to it, but I can wait. Waited a whole week, so few hours more won't kill me. You just came home, so you must be hungry. Also, watching movies is better when it's dark.“
  2762. „All true I guess. I'll make myself something to eat first...Then we can play that racing game again to pass some time, it's been a while, eh?“
  2763. >“Mhm. Sounds good.“ she nods
  2764. >so you continue straight to kitchen, make some quick spaghetti with ketchup and then to your PC
  2765. >while at it, you open yourself a bottle of beer for a start
  2766. >screw „beer after wine and you feel fine, wine after beer and you feel ill“ your stomach can take it with no problems
  2767. >you drink slowly, so over those few hours you've consumed only two bottles anyway
  2768. >Sarah would sometimes ask you for a sip as well
  2769. >most likely from curiosity at the start, but maybe she actualy started to like the bitter taste
  2770. >but not enough to accept a whole bottle when you offer her one
  2771. >good for her
  2772. >when the night falls, you move to the couch and prepare the movie, along with the snack
  2773. >before it starts, you pour two glasses and hand her one
  2774. >she got better with manipulation of things with hooves, so this time you can actualy have a toast
  2775. >maybe it's the beer, but as the movie starts, she's smiling from ear to ear and her breath rate raises in anticipation
  2778. >as the opening scene appear, where Smeagol murders his friend and falls to the power of the ring, she's already glued to the TV
  2779. >just hope she won't be dissapointed after all this hype
  2780. >but so far it looks like she's enjoying every single second
  2781. >and there's nothing about LOTR that could possibly dissapoint her after all -it's almost flawless
  2782. >as the movie progresses, she'd point out how amazing is „this“ and „that“ and thanks to to the wine, her enjoyment is even multiplied
  2783. >so it goes, 4 hours of awesome until the very end
  2784. >and when the credits start to roll, she moves from her position of leaning on your shoulder, to have more space for stretching of her body
  2785. >“That was- amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!“
  2786. >she starts stretching her spine in the middle of word „amazing“ and it causes her voice to get stuck on letter „a“ during that time
  2787. >and she seems pretty drunk as well
  2788. „Sure was.“ you grin
  2789. >“But so sad as well that so many had to die. It's insane. Can you imagine that?“
  2790. „War never changes.“
  2791. >“...Good thing it's just a film and there aren't any real wars anymore, right?“
  2792. „Well...There are. We are just pretty far away.“ - that is what you wanted to say
  2793. >but you just said:
  2794. „...Right.“
  2795. >trying to change the topic, you continue:
  2796. „It's pretty late. Like, hour after midnight. Do you feel sleepy?“
  2797. >“No-o-oh. Not at all.“
  2798. >she raises her hoof for some reason as well
  2799. „Me neither.“ you chuckle „It's the alcohol. And I have an idea.“
  2800. >“Tell me!“
  2801. >she seems prety overly-enthusiastic over little things when drunk
  2802. >and you wouldn't want to waste this state you're both in, by going to sleep
  2803. „How about we go out for a stroll? But just trough the city. No boxes, or masking. There won't be any people at this hour.“
  2804. >“Really?!“
  2805. „I hope so. This city isn't THAT big.“
  2809. >“Then let's go!“ she jumps down the couch cheerfuly and almost fall on her muzzle
  2810. >“That was close.“ she giggles
  2811. >then she totters her way ahead to the main door and jumps around drunkly
  2812. >as you open the door, she rushes out
  2813. >“Yeah! Fresh air!“
  2814. >the sky is clear this night and full of stars. It's the first thing that catches your attention
  2815. >but not long before she notices as well
  2816. >“Look at the sky! It's so wonderful! I wish I could fly now. Why didn't I like flying when I was in Equestria?“
  2817. >she tries to get off the ground, but fails
  2818. „Would want to de-courage you, but i wouldn't try that when drunk. Your balance is off as hell and you could-“
  2819. >she crashes on the ground, but being still on the grass, she doesn't really hurt herself
  2820. >“Heh, you're right...Dang, now i'm all dirty.“
  2821. „You'll have a nice shower when we get back home.“ you laugh
  2822. >everything's so fine right now, like you can't even remember what „not having fun“ means
  2823. >when in close to her, you get this sudden urge to just smooch her
  2824. >and so you do
  2825. >no idea why, maybe because you simply feel happy
  2826. >“Anon! I wasn't expecting that at all!“ she squeals with laughter
  2827. >for few seconds you're just holding each other and laughting at nothing until both of you calm down a bit
  2828. >the lukewarm breeze blows, playing with her mane and even being a bit dirty, you feel like she's more beautiful than ever
  2829. >looking into her blue eyes, you just want to kiss her like never before
  2830. >wiping the small bit of dirt from her cheek, you get closer and closer until your lips meet once again
  2831. >softly at first, almost at the point where you just barely feel it and just exchange the wine parfumed breaths
  2832. >then you get closer, but just as you actualy start pressing on her lips a bit, it feels like you can't ever get enough
  2833. >“Is this the time you meant?“ she asks you between kisses
  2834. „What time?“
  2838. >she doesn't answer with words but tilts her head a bit and soon you can feel her tongue forcing into your mouth
  2839. >now you know what she meant
  2840. >of course you're not resisting now, because this is exactly the time you've been saving the moment for
  2841. >the mutual twirl of your tongues kinda feels like dancing and your mouth are the dance floors
  2842. >it's almost hypnotizing
  2843. >as you let go just to catch a breath, you remain in contact with her and gently press your tongue against hers
  2844. >the saliva drop that formed between almost drips down, but before it does, she catches it and presses herself at you again
  2845. >as it happens, you fall your back
  2846. >the dew on the grass makes your shirt wet and you wouldn't mind it if Sarah didn't stop kissing you after few more seconds
  2847. >“Aww, sorry.“
  2848. „That's nothing.“ you smile
  2849. >“So um,..well, still wanna go for that walk?“
  2850. „Maybe rather some short one.“
  2851. >“Exactly.“ she giggles „Or...maybe no walking at all?“
  2852. >you can't wait to be home right now as well, knowing you gonna continue there, so you just grin:
  2853. „That's actualy a good plan...Buuut, first we should have a shower before we continue. We're both dirty like dogs.“
  2854. >“Haha, yeah. Let's go then?“
  2855. „Yup.“
  2856. >and you're both back in your house
  2857. >not a long time spent outside, but nonetheless satisfying
  2858. >in the bathroom, you undress quickly and both enter the shower
  2859. >as you're not planning on something while in the shower, you just clean and dry yourselves as fast as possible and go straight to bed
  2860. >but of course, this doesn't mean going to sleep
  2866. >carrying her in your arms, you turn off all the lights and leave just a small tablelamp shining
  2867. >then you slowly lay her on the sheets with her back down and place yourself on top of her
  2868. >she feels so tiny and cute in comparison with your body
  2869. >but as you're still drunk, it's a bit difficult to stay on your all four a long time so you just kiss her gently and lay right next to her, wrapping your arms around her body
  2870. >pulling her closer, you start again just like you did when outside
  2871. >gentle at first, then wilder and wilder by every second
  2872. >this time with 420% more comfort
  2873. >just like before, she is the one to engage the tongue dance
  2874. >she's so full of desire and lustful love it almost surprises you
  2875. >at some point she pushes your body with her hooves to make you lay on your back so she can lie on your chest
  2876. >she's not really heavy, as pegasi seem to be pretty light
  2877. >now that she has enough space, she spreads her wings, but then let's them just lie freely
  2878. >no idea why she did that, but you don't really care and it feels nice when her feathers tickle you softly like that
  2879. >also, she produces quite a bit more saliva than human and as it mix with yours, soon the area around your mouth is pretty wet
  2880. >all the time when your hands are free, you fondle her all around her body, avoiding only one special place
  2881. >the twirling of tongues in your mouths, sloppiness, the wonderful hot temperature and curves of her delicious body give you soon a raging hard on
  2882. >she surely noticed it, as it's sticking out of your shorts and directly pokes her thights
  2883. >if she rocked her body on yours a bit more, you can imagine it would actualy make you cum
  2884. >but being drunk with this extra alcohol endurance, maybe not
  2885. >but it still feels so good
  2886. >then she stops kissing you and slowly moves her lips away from yours, not more than 3 centimetres
  2887. >you can still feel the heat of her breath on your face
  2891. >“I've been thinking...“ she whispers softly, her voice like a gentle spring breeze “...I felt this...this feeling and think that I- really can and want to do it today.“
  2892. „Really?“
  2893. >“Yeah...“ she smiles, kisses your forehead and reaches her hoof for your throbbing member to adjust herself better
  2894. >but you stop her by rolling both of you to the side and switching positions that now you're the one on top again
  2895. „If so, I'm gonna make it very thorough so i can repay you everything to the last drop...“
  2896. >“What do you-“
  2897. „Shhh.“ you put finger on her muzzle „Just close your eyes and if you'll feel like I should stop, don't hesitate to tell me.“
  2898. >you reach for the tablelamp to shut the last source of light, but she stops your hand
  2899. >“I don't want to close my eyes, I want to see your face Anon. There's nothing else I'd want to see more.“
  2900. >you just smile and kiss her gently on her lips
  2901. >just like at the start, so softly, she can barely feel it
  2902. >then another one, deeper
  2903. >the third one on her cheek, fourth one on her neck
  2904. >you slowly move your body lower and lower while kissing hers along the way
  2905. >her chest, few more kisses on her belly and as you're getting closer, you're adding up the number of kisses you spend on each of her muscles
  2906. >as you're getting close to the sweetest spot, her left leg twitches a bit
  2907. >and then you're finally there
  2908. >but she won't have this quick, not at all
  2909. >before you start, you pause for a few seconds, just gazing and fondling her thights with your hands
  2910. >her vulva looks so puffy, like little pillows
  2911. >and already a bit wet, even if she may not exactly know why and how
  2912. >you move your hands from her thighs to her butt and slowly massage it as you slowly loose your tongue from your mouth and circle around her vagoo, teasing and preparing her for what's gonna happen as her leg continues to twitch
  2913. >you can hear her really, really heavy breathing of expectation
  2914. >and then you start
  2918. >one lick of her labia with just the tip of your tongue, up and down, finally tasting her sweet nectar
  2919. >at that point, she'd sometimes let out a quiet whimper of pleasure
  2920. >you start using your whole tongue but you still avoid touching the clit, saving it for later
  2921. >and after few more minutes of warming up, you finally decide to move to the clitoris
  2922. >you give it one thorough lick at first and then just tease it with the tip of your tongue
  2923. >her leg almost shoots out as you touch it with your tongue and the sounds change to a continuous, quiet squeal
  2924. >you stop for a bit, just to look up to her face, seeing her panting like after a long race
  2925. >giving her a smirk, you return to your work
  2926. >now is where the fun begins, as you're done with foreplay and start pressing your lips on her moist marehood
  2927. >it's so incredibly soft
  2928. >first, you do just two thorough licks to gather all the juice in one place and then you start making out with her vag as if it was mouth
  2929. >not forcing the tongue too much inside, only barely, but it seems to be far more than enough
  2930. >while doing so, most of her nectar spreads on your face, but you don't mind at all, it just turns you on even more
  2931. >soon, she starts almost shaking and her legs tightly clamp your head in her crotch
  2932. >the squeal is no longer as she almost screams from pleasure, but tries to contain it, resulting in discontinuous, high pitched sounds
  2933. >vigorously than before, you continue on licking until the final climax
  2934. >when the grip of her legs eases, the sounds get back to pleasured whimper and twitches all around her body as you still restlessly continue lapping on her candy
  2935. >it takes about a minute till the pulsing of her body stops and she just pants heavily
  2936. >at this point you decide to give her a little rest
  2937. >“S-s...Sorry I...couldn't….control my legs.“ she says in between her breaths
  2938. >you grin
  2939. „Good you enjoyed it...But it's not over yet.“
  2940. >you haven't even been inside
  2944. „Are you ready?“
  2945. >“R-r-ready? Not-even...sure if I...If i can take any more.“
  2946. „I still got a lot more to show you. Unless you wouldn't want me to.“
  2947. >“ me, please Anon.“
  2948. >you wipe off some of her fluid from your face with your hands to get them slippery
  2949. >then give her vulva few more licks, before starting to suckle on her clit
  2950. >while doing so, you prepare your middle and index finger on your right hand and middle finger on your left one and start sliding them across her labia
  2951. >middle finger on the left hand for her anus and those two on your right one for her vagoo
  2952. >she's already enjoying it, not even knowing what's gonna happen next
  2953. >first, you just gently press your fingers inside her holes but not enough to actualy penetrate
  2954. >then you slowly start pushing inside
  2955. >you can her hear her going all: „OooOOoooh!!!“
  2956. >as for the finger for her anus, you went full inside
  2957. >but you rather push the other two only to the half of their lenght and make a hook gesture, pushing them more upwards than in and out, trying to hit the G-spot
  2958. >!
  2959. >“Aah!“
  2960. >as you increase the speed, the sounds change into continuous moaning of pleasure and her wings spread again, making a little flaps
  2961. >but this time you ain't just gonna let her orgasm
  2962. >...or are you?
  2963. >„Aaaaaaaaaaah!“
  2964. >she came faster than you expected, wings flapping furiously while the rest of her body in almost total spasm, raising her belly upwards
  2965. >“...Ah-...non...“
  2966. >that was faster than you expected
  2967. >what do you know? Equines...
  2968. >you stand up on your knees, holding your rock hard erection
  2969. „Now, ready for the final part? Or...“
  2970. >she lies there exhausted, just her chest moving slowly up and down
  2971. >when she hears you, she moves her head to look at you, seeing your throbbing penis
  2972. >“You didn't even get to...“
  2973. >you raise your shoulders
  2977. >“We'll fix that.“ she licks her lips with a smirk „Just need to refill first.“
  2978. >she reaches for the glass of water on the nightstand, gulps it down whole and stands up on all four
  2979. >coming closer to you, she pushes with her hoof on your chest, suggesting you to lay back
  2980. >“There's this one thing I promised but still haven't finished.“
  2981. >she comes closer, giving your penis one lick from root to the tip and then moves even further, sitting on your thights
  2982. >you can feel the wetness rubbing on your legs as she moves even closer, to the point where she rubs your penis with her labia
  2983. >it already feels like heaven, so soft and slippery
  2984. >“And now...“
  2985. >she adjusts your penis with her hoof to be pointing straight up and positions herself above it
  2986. >just before she goes with her body lower to penetrate herself on it, she gives you this look as if she wanted to say „I love you“ with her eyes
  2987. >then she slowly goes down and your member starts penetrating inside her marehood
  2988. >it's tight, really tight, but so sloppy as well and she still presses on, looking deep into your eyes, raising her wings again and biting her lip
  2989. >it goes quite smooth at first but as she progresses lower and lower, her expression changes
  2990. „You don't have to push yourself Sarah...“
  2991. >“N-no, this is am-azing!“
  2992. >as she finishes the sentence, she sits down completely and pushes the rest inside at once
  2993. >“Aaaah..!“
  2994. >must have hit the A-spot
  2995. >oh man, this really feels amazing and she doesn't even have to do anything, just the feel of how she pulses and this clenching is wonderful
  2996. >now she starts to slowly move up and down, leaning closer to your face and flapping her wings in the full extent
  2997. >you reach your hands, laying them on her sides as you simply need to touch her
  2998. >she leans even closer with her head to yours, still rocking her butt on you, although not as deeply as before
  3002. >now that she's close enough, you move your palms on her shoulders as she reaches for a kiss
  3003. >your mouth is still wet from her fluids, but she doesn't care and lustfuly presses her lips on yours
  3004. >so sloppy
  3005. >at this point, you grab her butt and slowly start to thrust as well
  3006. >after a while, she leaves all the moving on you as she's most likely experiencing another orgasm
  3007. >she can't even concentrate on the kiss anymore, just drooling in your mouth and panting
  3008. >“haaaaaAAAAAAAAAaanoooooon!!!!“
  3009. >flapping her wings again in spasmic movements while the rest of her muscles clench almost completely
  3010. >even down there it feels a lot tighter
  3011. >suddenly it gets even more slippery and wet, did she just..?
  3012. >yup, she just totally squirted a puddle of mare juice between your legs
  3013. >you push on the tempo from slow movements to faster ones, giving her body even bigger spasms of pleasure
  3014. >she's not even speaking anymore, just makes this cute high-pitched noises all the time
  3015. >and there you go, feeling it's gonna come to you as well
  3016. >still grabbing her butt, you start moving it with your hands up and down along with your thrusts, getting balls deep
  3017. >it's getting hard to keep your eyes opened as the waves of stunning pleasure start pulsing trough your body indicating your climax is gonna come soon
  3018. >she's clenching her body again, most likely having even another orgasm and juicing your member like a soap just before-
  3019. „Hhhhnnnggggg.“
  3020. >you can barely move anymore, just few more spasmic thrusts as her grip completely milks you dry
  3021. >it's no longer just waves of pleasure, but constant feel of something so intense, you could forget even your own name
  3022. >no idea how long the moment is, but it feels like whole eternity in few seconds
  3023. >and then it slowly goes away, leaving you completely exhausted
  3024. >you close your eyes and wrap your arms around her as your flaccid penis slowly falls out
  3025. >complete silence, only mutual heavy breathing and her fur on your skin
  3028. >you stay like this for good three minutes before she breaks the silence with her quiet voice
  3029. >“That was the most delightful thing i ever experienced, Anon. I love you so much...“
  3030. „...I love you petal...“
  3031. >then, another tens of minutes of silent relaxing
  3032. >you'd fall asleep pretty easily if the thought that you should clean the sheets you're laying on didn't pop up in your head
  3033. >after some more time, when you feel like you're able to function, you open your eyes again to the sight of her face, resting on your chest
  3034. „Sarah...“ you whisper
  3035. >nothing, only quiet breaths and a gentle smile on her face
  3036. >she must have fallen asleep
  3037. >so you carefully move and lay her to the side so you can stand up
  3038. >you didn't wake her, good
  3039. >now for the sheets - you grab them and put them to the bathroom while you go get a new ones
  3040. >then you wash your penis and face, taking a moist face cloth with you
  3041. >when back in your bedroom, you gently clean Sarah down there from the remaining mess
  3042. >while doing that, she lets out a soft moan as if she was saying something, but she's still sleeping
  3043. >putting the face cloth aside, you take your place next to her, turn the tablelamp off, gently hug her and close your eyes
  3044. „Good night, petal.“
  3052. >you feel a bit strange
  3053. >like you can't remember what happened just a few seconds ago
  3054. >you were walking somewhere important, but…
  3055. >is your body even laying or standing?
  3056. >it feels comfortable, doesn't it?
  3057. >oh, right
  3058. >you just woke up and now you're laying in your bed ya dummy
  3059. >eyes still closed, you're thinking while listening to the quiet breathing, so close to your face
  3060. >can't remember what was the dream you just had about, but it was nice
  3061. >two dreams to be exact
  3062. >there was Sarah in both of them, but the first one was a lot more...passionate
  3063. >and you can remember it really vividly
  3064. >or was the first one even dream at all?
  3065. >flashes of delightful memories fill your mind as you remember them in your head
  3066. >all the sweet sounds and loving tense
  3067. >oh man, it was actualy all true
  3068. >brings up a smile on your face
  3069. >you move your arm slightly, feeling Sarah's soft, short fur
  3070. >although, the feeling is not only on your arms, but on your belly, chest and thights as well
  3071. >yeah and there's also this tickling of her mane on your neck
  3072. >your calves tickle a bit as well, most likely her tail
  3073. >you're still holding her body, just like when you went to sleep
  3074. >well, not exactly the same way
  3075. >you must be tangled with her like a pretzel now, with her head on your chest
  3076. >normally, when you wake up, you rather keep your eyes shut till it's not necessary to open them
  3077. >except this isn't „normally“
  3078. >there's a sight of something even more beautiful than your average dreams, waiting for you
  3079. >so you're slowly raising your eyelids, to adjust yourself to the light in the room
  3080. >Sarah's muzzle is resting just a few centimetres from your neck
  3081. >you slowly look around, realizing there are no sheets on you
  3082. >even though you brought new ones, but you didn't even use them
  3083. >seems that each other's bodies were enough to provide the feeling of warmness and be cozy AF for both of you
  3088. >not sure what to do now though
  3089. >should you close your eyes again and enjoy the moment?
  3090. >seem like it's the best option right now
  3091. >there's no reason not to, you don't have to get up to work
  3092. >but you kinda feel like you want to cuddle her or at least kiss her, but don't want to wake her up at the same time
  3093. >her lips are too far away from yours and if you moved, you'd probably wake her
  3094. >so you at least gently press your lips in her mane
  3095. >her sleep must have been pretty light at that time, because it caused her to wake up anyway
  3096. >as you notice that she's about to open her eyes, you feel like you should say something sweet, but what?
  3097. „Hello there, Sleeping beauty...“
  3098. >man, they don't know human fairy tales in Equestria, what were you thinking?
  3099. >but she loves you so much, you almost can't fuck up
  3100. >she hums contently to herself, then, with a slight giggle she says:
  3101. >“You'll spoil me, treating me like some princess all the time.“
  3102. „Can't help it. Maybe I just love you too much.“
  3103. >“Oh, and I sure love you too Nonny.“ she smirks and nuzzles you „And especialy after that yesterday night...“ she takes a deep breath, then yawns „It was sooo wonderful.“
  3104. „So,..fear no longer prevails in your mind?“ you grin and slide your finger down her spine to the part where her tail starts and then up again to the back side of her neck, where you bury your hand in her mane and keep on scratching her
  3105. >“Of course not!“ she tilts her head closer to your hand to enjoy the scratches „...Thinking of it now, how can even one bad experience ruin all your imaginations about something that is actualy so great?“
  3106. „That's just how brain sometimes works. Couldn't blame you...“
  3107. >“Hmpf, but still...Imagine if we could do it earlier.“
  3108. „Maybe it was meant like this. Sex should be like a cherry on the top of the cake we call love. Not the other way around.„ you slide your hand from her mane to her cheek and smile
  3113. >“...I Guess you're probably right. You're always right in the end.“
  3114. „Not always.“ you laugh „Remember how I was overreacting over people seeing you? Then that old guy comes and is like: „Oh, i could swear i saw something, but ohhh, maybe not.““
  3115. >“Haha, well maybe not always.“ she giggles „And by that you don't mean you could be wrong in that thing you said before as well or do you?“
  3116. „You mean the cake and cherries? Not really. At least I hope so i'm right. But even if I wasn't, it wouldn't change anything now. Guess we should focus on something with more purpose.“
  3117. >“Like question: When are we going to do it again?“ she grins
  3118. „Mayyyyybe. You're one horny mare, you know that?“ you chuckle
  3119. >“Well you DID show me something awesome. It's not my fault I like it.“
  3120. „But let's just not make it a total routine. It's like with a good food. If you eat it everyday, it'll stop being so great over time...sorry for using food comparison again, but...y'know.“
  3121. >“Yeah, but I think i get what you mean. wouldn't hurt to get at least some more, eh? Maybe a little...dessert?“
  3122. „Now?“
  3123. >“You're the one that said it.“ she giggles and puts her hoof on your chest „And I can feel your magic wand rising down there for some time already.“
  3124. „It's because of the mornings. That's what always happens in the morning. It's just…“
  3125. >“Something that needs to be taken care of?“ she slides her hoof down on your belly
  3126. „It may seem that way, but sometimes one just has to ignore it and it'll go away. I mean: one can't just,- you know, every morning.“
  3127. >“Maybe not every morning, but how about this morning…?“
  3128. >you can already feel her hoof gently touching your penis
  3129. „Sarah… you know it won't be as good as it was yesterday.“
  3130. >she stops for a while
  3135. >“But it'll be good. Won't it?“
  3136. „It's always good, even if it's bad.“ you laugh „Though,...i don't know...“
  3137. >“What's wrong?“
  3138. „Well, It's just that now you know what's up and stuff and… I kinda liked how you used to be all naive and innocent about this kind of things.“
  3139. >“Oh...“
  3140. „I didn't mean to imply it's bad now. You gained some confidence and experience with all sorts of things and that's good. It's just my fault for still looking at you the same way you were a week ago...“
  3141. >she doesn't say anything as you can see from her expression that she's still thinking about it
  3142. >but she moves her hoof from your crotch and gives you a hug instead
  3143. >“Maybe I really got a little dirty...With words especialy...“
  3144. „That's alright Sarah. Or even if you did, then only a little bit.“ you grin „You just want to enjoy the life to the maximum with all that it has to offer. I couldn't possibly blame you.“
  3145. >“...It's not that I'd have to have it all the time,.. It's just that we're comfy and stuff and I though being more straight-forward about it would… oh well.“
  3146. >you give her a gentle smooch and smile
  3147. „I know. Sorry for even bringing this up.“
  3148. >“That's alright, at least it got me thinking.“
  3149. „Thinking isn't always the best way. Sometimes one should just follow the heart.“
  3150. >“Aaand what is your heart telling you right now?“ she smirks playfully
  3151. „To do this.“ you give her a deep kiss, using your tongue right from the start
  3155. >“Like this then, eh?“ she giggles when you stop for a while
  3156. >being still pretty close with your mouths, she's gently playing with your bottom lip with her teeth
  3157. >then she presses her lips on yours again
  3158. >“Guess we can leave that thing for later, maybe. This is satisfying as well.“ she smiles when both of you slowly let go again after few minutes
  3159. >too bad all this just made you hard again
  3160. >it would be weird if you suddenly insisted otherwise, but now that you had this little foreplay, it feels pretty convenient
  3161. >so you decide to leave it up to her
  3162. >but with a little help
  3163. >you're gently and thoroughly fondling her all around her body, sometimes paying special attention to her butt
  3164. >she'd just purr from happiness while gently kissing you
  3165. >it's so nice to slide your hands over something so smooth, round and soft like a pony butt
  3166. >so nice, you find yourself being stuck on that place with your palms for quite a time
  3167. >but she doesn't mind, she likes it
  3168. >you move your fingers of your right hand to the dock of her tail, gently scratching her there
  3169. >makes her giggle a bit in between the kisses
  3170. >if you moved just a bit lower, you'd be touching her ponut
  3171. >with your left hand, you slide on her inner thights, pretty close to her vag
  3172. >but eventualy you get once so close you could feel you touched it
  3173. >...leaving a moist sensation on your hand
  3174. >she faintly and slowly starts rubbing herself over your body
  3175. >looks like she's not even realizing it
  3176. >she really must be getting pretty excited by now
  3177. >so you move your left hand to her belly and slowly progress lower and lower
  3178. >with the moves she does, she's almost rubbing her marehood over it, so you slide even lower to make it happen
  3179. >it's warm and wet
  3183. >firstly you don't really move, then you slowly start pressing your fingers on her labia and slightly move them up and down
  3184. >it feels so hot to tease her like that and seeing her react to it with those cute faces and sounds she makes
  3185. >but it's so hard to hold yourself from slipping inside when she's so ready for it
  3186. >though, you want to make it more interesting than that
  3187. >so you gently grab her clit in with your thumb and pointing finger and roll and rub it between them
  3188. >she twitches when you do that
  3189. >and continues on trembling as you add up on intensity
  3190. >“Ah,..Anon, what were you saying just 20 minutes ago?“ she pants with a giggle
  3191. „Can't remember exactly, but what I'm saying now, is that was an idiot for trying to refuse it.“ you smile and kiss her
  3192. >“B-but if you'll continue like this I-I'm gonna… too sooo-aaah.“
  3193. >you start rubbing your palm over her clit, adding up on the pressure
  3194. „Just let it all out...“ you whisper „You can have it as many times you want.“
  3195. >it doesn't take long with this tempo until she really cums with a loud vocal manifest, leaving your hand covered in slippery marejuice
  3196. >“That-that sure was something.“ she almost stutters „C-come to think of the continuation waiting down there… I can't wait.“
  3197. „Then we won't.“ you smile, and take a good lick from your slippery hand „But, can I have a request?“
  3198. >“Anything you desire.“
  3199. „Could you turn around?“
  3200. >“Of course...“ she smirks and stands up on all four
  3201. >your plan at first was to do it doggy style, but seeing that rump waving over your face, you cant help yourself but to grab her flanks and force her dripping genitals down on your face
  3202. >when you do it, her wings open like a switchblade
  3203. >“I wasn't expecting this!“
  3204. „Me neither.“ you mumble with a mouthful of delicious pussy
  3205. >“Glad I can do something to repay when I'm like this.“
  3208. >soon you can feel her tongue circling around the head of your penis
  3209. >then, a gentle suction and twirling
  3210. >slurping noises make it even more amazing
  3211. >so you concentrate on your job, doing the best you can with your tongue as well and receiving the best kind of feedback
  3212. >but then,.. you can feel the grip intesify into something different and you can feel her tongue moving on your root
  3213. >did she just deepthroat you?
  3214. >balls deep
  3215. >how you even gonna compensate?
  3216. >you start munching and sucking on her as passionately as possible, using your hands as well, resulting in a big blow of juice straight into your face
  3217. >just as she cums, she almost convulsively presses her head down on your member she almost swallows your balls
  3218. >she's trying almost too hard to please you
  3219. >you'd never want to force her into something like that, but she does it by herself out of gratefulness
  3220. >and it doesn't take long like this for you to reach your limit as well
  3221. >soon you feel like losing control of your body out of pleasure, so you almost can't even properly move your tongue the way you want to
  3222. >you're basically just rubbing your face over her twitching marehood
  3223. >and then you finally get to the point where you just can't hold it any longer
  3224. >you can feel your penis throbbing and pulsing as it shoots white liquid straight into her throat as her tongue massages it's lower part
  3225. >then she slowly pulls it out, still gently rubbing it with her tongue, but this time not licking it clean
  3226. >she's too tired for it as she just lays her head on your thigh and rests while breathing heavily
  3230. >you continue on tonguing her for some more, she deserves it
  3231. >after 2 or 3 minutes, you can hear a faint chuckle
  3232. >“That sure was something. Mmm and-ah... still is, I see. But you don't have to...“
  3233. >you continue for about a minute more anyway
  3234. >then give her one final, thorough lick to finish it, clean your face with a tissue and carefuly turn her around to see her face
  3235. >she's smiling
  3236. „Sarah… I rather not you do this again.“
  3237. >“Is something wrong?“ her expression changes
  3238. „ I don't want you to choke yourself. You don't have to push yourself so hard.“
  3239. >“That's alright, I can take it. Anything for you.“ she smiles again
  3240. „I really don't want you to hurt or humiliate yourself because of me. I love you.“
  3241. >“And I love you too Nonny. That's why I don't mind it.“
  3242. „But I'm serious, petal.“ you slide your hand behind her ear to scratch her„It feels like I'm using you and I don't want that. I just want to love and kiss you and care about you and make a passionate love with you. This just makes me feel so guilty.“
  3243. >“Well,.. as you wish. I won't do that again, but maybe you'll change your mind one day. Just know that I don't find it humiliating as long as I do it voluntarily, and for you.“
  3244. >you smile and hug her
  3245. „You're the sweetest little thing in the universe, you know that?“
  3246. >“No I-“ she starts, but you interrupt her with a kiss
  3247. „Yes you are.“
  3248. >she just giggles and nuzzles you
  3249. >“...I never want this to end Anon.“
  3250. „Me neither. And it won't… Though, I think we should clean ourselves a bit now.“
  3251. >“Haha, yeah. I guess.“
  3252. „So, In ten more minutes?“
  3253. >Sounds good.“ she closes her eyes and lays her head on your shoulder
  3254. >you close your eyes as well and lean your head on hers
  3258. >so the days go and they are the best ones you ever had
  3259. >it doesn't even matter what you do, because as long you do it together, you're always having fun
  3260. >you also go out a lot, even though it's a bit risky
  3261. >but since you got yourself at least some old car, you can transport her safely trough town
  3262. >and sometimes you decide to make it even better by bringing home some alcohol or weed
  3263. >which usualy progresses trough fun, into sexy fun as well
  3264. >basically, you're living the dream
  3265. >until one sunday morning, about two months from now on...
  3266. >you had no idea what was about to happen, nothing seemed even a little bit off
  3267. >you both went to bed like usual and fell asleep in a hug
  3268. >but, opening your eyes in the morning you realize she's not by your side
  3269. >that's ok, though, she must be up already and somewhere around the house
  3270. >so you take your time in bed and then go look for her
  3271. „Sarah?“
  3272. >funny, she must be somewhere here
  3273. „Sarah? Where are you?!“
  3274. >still nothing
  3275. >where the hell is she?
  3276. >you keep calling her name and search trough your house, but she 's nowhere to be found
  3277. >she wouldn't run away, or would she?
  3278. >there was no reason for her to do such thing
  3279. >she was happy with you, just like you were with her
  3280. >could it be possible that someone… took her?
  3281. >nah that's stupid, nobody knows about her
  3282. >but where is she then?
  3283. „SARAH! If you're hiding, come out! It's not funny, I'm getting pretty worried.“
  3284. >nothing
  3285. >it's not possible she'd be just gone without any trace or you noticing
  3286. >so you just continue on searching
  3287. >but it's been 3 hours and you're sitting all alone in your house
  3288. >waiting and thinking
  3293. >did you do something wrong?
  3294. >was there something on her mind that bugged her enough to run away?
  3295. >so many questions suddenly pop out and you can't answer single one of them
  3296. >you run out to the streets, desperately looking wherever you can
  3297. >even taking your car and driving around the town
  3298. >pointless
  3299. >so you just come back to your home, slowly realizing she might actualy be gone and you can't do anything about it
  3300. „GODFUCKINDAMMIT!!“ you slam your fist on the table „Why?!!“
  3301. >it doesn't help, only makes you feel even worse
  3302. >she's gone and you have no idea where and why
  3303. >no one to give you explanation
  3304. >no one to tell you it's gonna be ok
  3305. >no one at all
  3306. >just you alone in your own house
  3307. >just like it used to be
  3308. >was it all just a dream?
  3309. >a hallucination maybe?
  3310. >it felt too good to be true, what if it wasn't?
  3311. >but all your memories… are they not real?
  3312. >and what is real anymore? Are you?
  3313. >maybe this is just a bad dream
  3314. >maybe you'll wake up to see her again
  3315. >but it's taking so long and still nothing
  3316. >you're starting to feel tears, crawling down your cheeks
  3317. >and they feel so bitter
  3318. >you move to your PC and click on youtube
  3319. „Sun is shining and so are you...“
  3320. >thought it would make you feel better but it's even worse
  3321. >only reminds you of how shitty you feel
  3322. >but you still gotta play it on repeat
  3323. >it's been only day, she still can come back, right?
  3324. >right?
  3328. >three days since Sarah dissapeared
  3329. >three longest days you ever had
  3330. >already lost all hope
  3331. >most of the time spent just by sleeping or surfing on the internet, trying to forget
  3332. >right now, you're just about to go to bed
  3333. >with all the lights off and utter darkness, only thing that's left are the scary thoughts of lonely future in your head
  3334. >but you can't cry anymore
  3335. >not even sure if you should be angry sad, you just feel like a piece something broken is missing
  3336. >and it hurts
  3337. >but sleeping is alright
  3338. >so you go to sleep very early
  3339. >though, not even dreams are always salvation when all your daily thoughts are nothing but loss
  3340. >if only you at least knew if it was even real or just something inside your brain
  3341. >you put earbuds in your ears so music can help you relax before falling asleep
  3342. >“I know the sun is hot, mosquitoes come to suck your blood...“
  3343. >this doesn't really help, but you can't bring yourself to skip the song
  3344. >so you just listen to the sad melody and let it consume you whole until you fall asleep
  3345. >but you feel there won't be any sweet dreams this night
  3350. >you are Sarah
  3351. >and your head is dizzy af
  3352. >you remember going to sleep in Anon's bed, but this feels like laying on a ground
  3353. >despite the fact you feel like you gotta puke, it's uncomfortable
  3354. >sun is shining, you can feel it stinging your eyes even over your closed eyelids
  3355. >so you slowly open them
  3356. >a sight on 8 creatures is revealed to you
  3357. >closest one is a purple baby dragon, asking you if you're alright
  3358. >you don't answer
  3359. >then there are 6 ponies with a princess Twillight in the front
  3360. >and in the back…
  3361. >now you remember what you really saw that day in Everfree
  3362. >Discord
  3363. >are you back in Equestria?
  3364. >you gulp back the urge to puke so you can say out loud the only thing that's on your mind right now
  3365. „Where's Anon?!“
  3366. >you most likely interrupted them from talking as they are all looking at you
  3367. >princess Twillight proceeds to speak to you, but stops as you're just staring at all of them blankly without a word, processing that your life on earth is now somewhere far away
  3368. >>“Welcome back! We are deeply sorry for Discord over here as he promised to not-...“
  3369. >“Are you alright, dear?“ asks Rarity
  3370. „A-alright? I don't even know what's happening. Why did this…?“ you whimper, almost crying
  3371. >>“See? It left her with an emotional trauma!“ Twillight turns angrily at Discord
  3372. >then she turns back at you
  3373. >>“Whatever horrors you've been there trough are now gone, don't worry.“ she smiles
  3374. „But I just want to go back!“
  3375. >everyone gives you this weird expression
  3376. >>“Back? But why? Thought the human world is pretty cruel. What's so good about it?“
  3377. „Not „what“ but „who“. I don't wanna live without him.“
  3378. >a moment of silence, soon broken by Discord
  3379. >“See? I told you it's not a big deal. She even found a partner there! How sweet. Who's the villain now?“
  3380. >>“You'd really rather go back?“ Twillight asks you
  3381. >you nod
  3382. „I'd rather him to go here, but just getting back will do...“
  3388. >you are Anon again
  3389. >and you just woke up in the middle of the night
  3390. >checking your clock, it's 4:36
  3391. >there's some rustling ouside your house
  3392. >but you're too depressed to care
  3393. >kinda wish it was some crazy murderer to ease your pain
  3394. >if it is, he has a free entrance, you even left your house door unlocked
  3395. >anyway, you close your eyes again
  3396. >then, silent steps
  3397. >man now this is actualy disturbing, someone really is in your house
  3398. >you slowly stand up from your bed
  3399. >listening to the steps, it almost feels like your visitor is… walking on four legs
  3400. >could it be?
  3401. >you haste to the door leading to living room
  3402. >flipping the light switches along the way, brightness suddenly fills all the rooms
  3403. >you're squinting to see, as you probably had more vision when it was dark
  3404. >but you do recognize a green four legged equine looking figure
  3405. >standing in the middle of your living room
  3406. >you rub your eyes to make sure you're not hallucinating or just sleeping
  3407. „S-sarah?“
  3408. >it really is her
  3409. >“Anon!“ she runs happily to you
  3410. >you fall on your knees so you can hug her
  3411. >you can feel your eyes watering from happiness as your hands wrap around her soft body once again
  3412. „I thought I'd never see you again… Where have you been petal?“ you whisper
  3413. >“You wouldn't beleive. But I'll tell you all about it. We have about three days.“ she announces happily
  3414. >you let go as you hear that
  3415. „Three days? Three days for what? You're not going to stay?“
  3416. >“No, and neither do you. We're both going to Equestria!“
  3417. „You're serious? How?“
  3418. >“I'll tell you everything, let's just get off the floor.“
  3419. „Right.“
  3420. >you stand up and proceed to your couch
  3421. „So...“
  3422. >“Yeah, so,..“ she clears her throat before she starts talking
  3427. >„That night I dissapeared, it was because I was drawn back to my world. They didn't forget about me actualy. And I even know how exactly it was that I got here! Long story told short: Discord, a god of chaos was set free from his stone prison and one of the many things he had done during his „rampage“ was that he teleported small part of the Everfree forest here on Earth. And I was inside that forest at that time. When he was stopped, the forest and everything got ported back, except all the creatures that left the forest once it appeared here. Does it makes sense to you when I say it all straightforward like this?“
  3428. >she said it all so fast you need some time to proccess it all
  3429. >does this mean that their timeline is somewhere around second season?
  3430. “I guess it does… But it was four months here, how is it that-“
  3431. >„That's because nobody knew I was missing! You know how I said I didn't leave my house a lot? So, few months, after Discord was stopped, they figured out that not everything was set back to it's original state and they made him search your world for everything that stayed here. And once I got back, I told them about you as well and they allowed me to take you with me! But I had to wait three days because travelling like this really exhausts your body and that's why we have three more days here as well. Isn't it great?“ she smiles at you, full of expectation about your reaction
  3432. „Wow… Now that is something.“
  3433. >“You're not happy?..“
  3434. „I am, I'm just absorbing all this information. So, after three days, we will get ported to Equestria?“
  3435. >she nods happily and hums
  3436. „And,.. can I take something with me?“
  3437. >“Guess, only things in your pockets. Or… I dunno, I didn't ask about that.“
  3438. „Nevermind that, Sarah, that really IS awesome. Not only you're back, but, this as well. Oh, I love you so much.“
  3439. >you give her a big smooch
  3442. „A whole new world, who would have thought? And here I was thinking you ran away.“
  3443. >“I'd never do that in my sane mind. I love you, I'd never leave just like that.“
  3444. >you don't say anything, but hug her again
  3445. „I'm just so glad to see you again. The thought of getting back to my lonely life was just so terrifying… I honestly don't know if I could ever get used to it again.“
  3446. >“You tell me about it.“ she laughs „Worst was when I woke up on Equestrian ground and for a few seconds, I wasn't even sure if it wasn't just a dream.“
  3447. „I know exactly what kind of feel you mean.“ you grin „Hope THIS isn't a dream right now.“
  3448. >“I can assure you it isn't.“ she giggles „But I guess we could hit the sheets now, I'm pretty tired.“
  3449. „No wonder, it's not even 5 o'clock… Aren't you hungry as well? I can get you some food.“
  3450. >“Nah, that's alright. Or, maybe an apple or something wouldn't hurt.“
  3451. „I'll bring it to the bedroom.“
  3452. >“Okay.“
  3453. >so you make your way to the kitchen
  3454. >while walking, you're still processing all of this
  3455. >man, you're really going to Equestria
  3456. >how awesome can this life get?
  3457. >it feels like you could just jump from happiness
  3458. >so you do
  3459. >and you bang your head on the chandelier
  3460. >ow
  3461. >you also broke part of it
  3462. >but who cares? You're leaving in three days anyway
  3463. >so you just grab the apple you came here for, wash it and continue to your bedroom
  3464. >Sarah is already there, snuggled up in the sheets
  3465. >you take your place next to her and put the apple to her head
  3466. >“Thanks.“ she grabs it with her hoofs and starts munching on it
  3467. „No problem.“
  3468. >when she's done with the apple, you shut the tablelamp off and make yourself combortable
  3469. >„Good night Anon.“ she gives you a kiss
  3470. >tastes like apples
  3471. „Good night Sarah.“ you smile to yourself and close your eyes
  3476. >waking up feels so good again
  3477. >especialy when you know that soon there will be nothing tiying you to this world and you don't have to care
  3478. >no work, almost no responsibilities anymore...
  3479. >it feels liberating, but on the other hand, you're a bit scared about it as well
  3480. >leaving all your material posession and everything you've accomplished in this world is quite a big deal
  3481. >if you didn't have so much time to think about it, if Sarah just told you to come with her that night, you wouldn't think twice
  3482. >but now you have enough time to doubt
  3483. >what if residents won't like you?
  3484. >what if you won't get a job there?
  3485. >what if the spell fails and you'll have to stay on Earth?
  3486. >what if, what if
  3487. >so you're constanly asking Sarah about all kinds of things
  3488. >she doesn't mind though, even if she may not look like it sometimes, she's actualy happy you're so interested in her (and soon yours) world
  3489. „How's the weather there usualy? What kind of clothing should I take with me?“
  3490. >“Well, it's nothing extreme. Like,.. you know, normal.“
  3491. „I don't know, that's why I'm asking.“ you laugh
  3492. >“I think that if you take some of your regular clothes with you, it'll do. You can always get yourself some new clothes in Equestria. Don't worry about it.“
  3493. „Okay then. I'll put on few jackets, few pairs of jeans, maybe something comfortable as well...“
  3494. >“Wait, like all at once?“
  3495. „Of course. More clothing means more pockets and that means more stuff I can take with me.“
  3496. >“...Have you considered you might get teleported there naked?“
  3497. „….“
  3498. „...No.“
  3499. >she lifts her chin, letting out a little chuckle
  3500. >“I'm not saying it's gonna be like that, but it's one of the posibilities.“
  3501. „Damn, well... Hope it won't happen. Don't want everyone to see my dong just as I arrive.“
  3502. >“We're always naked. They won't judge you anyway.“ she laughs
  3506. „That may be, but I'd still feel pretty uncomfortable about it.“
  3507. >she stands up on her hind legs and imitates your voice:
  3508. >“Hello Equestria! My name is Anon and I'm very, very shy. So eyes off!“
  3509. „Basically.“ you laugh
  3510. >“Come on Anon, it's gonna be alright. No reason to worry about anything. Really. Think about positive things.“
  3511. „Yeah… It just means a lot and I don't want to mess up. Coming to think of it, I should download some music as well. I suppose there won't be a lot it?“
  3512. >“Not the kind you're used to.“
  3513. „Right, just hope it'll port my notebook as well. Or at least my mobile. Is there even any way to charge it?“
  3514. >“We'll find a way.“ she smiles
  3515. „...Ookay. You know,.. there will be some things I'll miss after all. Internet, videogames, movies… Though, I'm sure it's gonna be worth it. Don't wanna look like I don't wanna go, because I do. I'm just...“
  3516. >“I know what you mean. I kinda got used to some of those Earthly things as well. Not even gonna lie, it's incredible. When I saw a movie for the first time, I was so amazed because it felt so real. Gonna miss it too. But there's more to life than just technology, right?“
  3517. „Exactly… Hey, just two more days and our lifes will be completely different. How about we do something crazy?“
  3518. >“Such as?“
  3519. „I dunno, rob a bank?“ you smirk
  3520. >she gives you a doubtful look
  3521. „Not literally, I mean:, loan some money and never return them. It won't be a big sum if we want it right now and banks suck anyway. They won't miss it. We can buy something we don't need, have fun with it, then voilá, and we're gone.“
  3522. >“… Well, if you say that banks suck….“
  3523. „Of course they do. And do you know what else we could do?“
  3524. >“What?“ she smiles in anticipation
  3525. „Blow up our house. Wouldn't it be grand?“
  3529. >“Blow up the house? Isn't a bit too much?“
  3530. „I don't know. But I thought about it few times. Imagine seeing a big-ass explosion of something that once meant so much to you, but you need it no more- Though...“
  3531. >you scratch your chin
  3532. >“Yes?“
  3533. „I still have some friends who could use some extra resources… What do you think? What should I do?“
  3534. >“You decide. Are they worth it?“
  3535. „...I guess, yeah. Why waste a good house, when it can help someone?… Ugh-hey, but I have another idea. Would you still like to see a final explosion?“
  3536. >“Well,.. I'd lie if I said that I wouldn't...“
  3537. „There's still that car I bought. AND it would resolve the question, people will ask: „Why Anon suddenly dissapeared?“. We will blow up our car, fake my death and we're off to horseland. It's perfect!“
  3538. >“That's not a bad idea at all.“ she snickers
  3539. „I know right?! I'll just write my final will, download some music, then we loan some money for gas, snacks and weed. It's gonna be perfect finale! I'm so excited.“ you smooch her mid-sentence
  3540. >“Then lets get to it! Can I help you with something?“
  3541. „Not sure, maybe just think about some additional things we might need to take with us and I can take care of the rest. It's not a lot of work after all.“
  3542. >so you start torrenting discographies of all bands you know that you might like and while it downloads, you're off to bank
  3543. >after few hours, you're back with the maximum of money they can loan you just like that, full gas tank in your car with additional 30 liters in canisters and with last 7 grams of weed your dealer had
  3544. >this is gonna be noice
  3545. „Hey petal! I'm home!“ you wave with the money
  3546. >she rushes to you from living room, straight into your arms
  3547. >“Anon!“ she kisses you excitedly
  3548. „Ready for the ride?“
  3549. >“Hay, yeah I am. But we still have two and half day though.“
  3554. „I know, but today, we're going to have some fun with the car. And when we get home, we'll get so high, we will touch the sky.“ you laugh
  3555. >“Sounds great.“ she grins
  3556. „Then lets do it. Lets see how fast this thing can go. I'll write the will and last goodbye letter tommorow.“
  3557. >you're already on your way to the car
  3558. >she takes her place next to you
  3559. >“Do I still have to hide while we drive trough the city?“
  3560. „Of course not. We no longer care if someone glimpses you. But you should belt yourself.“
  3561. >“Aye captain! And where are we going?“
  3562. „Somewhere where cops don't patrol. Some muddy road, full of holes and jumps. It's gonna be fun, I always wanted to drive some car without having to care about it's shock absorbers.“
  3563. >and you set off
  3564. >while in the city, you go slow
  3565. >but just when outside, you stomp the pedal to the ground and the car starts speeding
  3566. >it's almost a straight road, so you push it to the maximum
  3567. >156km/h is the best you can get
  3568. >everything is shaking, it's an old car after all
  3569. >“Are you sure it's not gonna fall apart?“
  3570. „Not really.“ you laugh
  3571. >“Maybe we could slow down a little bit then?“
  3572. >you let go of the gas pedal and the car starts slowing
  3573. >there's a curve up ahead anyway
  3574. „Don't worry. I was just kidding. It's still fine. Were you scared?“
  3575. >“No, no I wasn't. Or maybe just a little bit. But not like a whole lot. Really.“
  3576. >you chuckle
  3577. „It's alright, I was a bit scared too.“
  3578. >“But you said it's still fine.“
  3579. „It is, but it gets adrenaline pumping. Doesn't it?“
  3580. >“It sure does.“ she giggles „Are we gonna do it again?“
  3581. „We can, on the way back. But right now, we're going this way.“
  3582. >you turn to the left, on the crossroad leading to the nearest village trough fields and few times even some short forests
  3583. >it's a beautiful road, especialy on a sunny day like this
  3588. >it might not be as warm as it was three months ago, when it was still summer, but it's nice
  3589. >considering it's fall
  3590. >it's not even wet
  3591. >you're only going around 65km/h, as the road is pretty curvy and slim, but it feels like racing a rallye
  3592. >“Wooo.“
  3593. >there's so many bumps on the road, it jumps like crazy
  3594. „Hey Sarah, hang tight.“
  3595. >you steer it to the grass field
  3596. >drifting time
  3597. >not like you're good at it, but it's fun even if you suck
  3598. >and then you stop
  3599. „Do you wanna try it too?“
  3600. >“Me? I'm not sure if I can handle that. I can't even reach the pedals properly.“
  3601. „Then I'll handle the pedals and shift lever, you'll just steer.“
  3602. >she grins
  3603. >“Alright then.“
  3604. >you move the seat to the maximum rear position so both of you can fit there and let her sit on your lap
  3605. >“Rrright. So I'll just move this thing around, eh? I can do that. Hopefuly.“
  3606. „Of course you can, it's easy.“ you giggle
  3607. >“Yeah, but you're forgetting how clumsy I am.“
  3608. „No you're not. You'll see.“
  3609. >you start slowly accelerating
  3610. >at first, you're keeping it at 30km/h at max as she drives in the circles
  3611. >“This is fun! Can you speed up a little?“
  3612. „Of course.“
  3613. >you're still on the grass field and there's a lot of space around, so there's no danger
  3614. „Try quickly turning it to right.“
  3615. >she does and the car slides on the grass, losing control
  3616. >you shift down and stomp the gas pedal, which results in almost nice drift
  3617. >but ends up with the car stopping in place anyway
  3618. >“Whoa. That was amazing! Let's do it again.“
  3619. >this is gonna be a fun afternoon
  3624. >fast forward few hours spent doing all sorts of stupid shit with the car, it's almost 5 pm and you're heading home
  3625. >so tired, you didn't even speed that much on the way back
  3626. >not like Sarah cares, she's about same tired as you are
  3627. >driving trough the city, you stop on the side of the road
  3628. >“Did something happen?“
  3629. „Nope, I just wanted to stop by this shop. I'll be soon back, wait here just a few minutes.“
  3630. >“Uh, Okay.“
  3631. >and just as you promised, you're back in no time
  3632. >carrying a bong and two rasta hats
  3633. >just as you get inside the car, you put one of the hats on her head
  3634. >it's big and stretchy enough, even for her
  3635. >“Wait, I can't see!“ she laughs
  3636. >you covered her eyes with it so you rearrange the hat on her head
  3637. „It looks good on you.“
  3638. >“Does it? Thanks.“ she smiles, then notices the bong in your hand „...And what's this thing?“
  3639. „Something we might use tonight. Not sure if it won't be too hardcore on you though.“
  3640. >“I can tell you right now that it ain't gonna fit whole inside.“
  3641. „What? No it's not a sex toy, silly.“ you chuckle
  3642. >“Then?“
  3643. „You pour water inside, put weed in this little hole and let the whole thing fill with smoke. Then you inhale all of it at once.“
  3644. >“All at once? My throat hurt just to think about it.“
  3645. „I told you it might be a litle hardcore on you.“
  3646. >“Hey, I can take it.“
  3647. „It's not a challenge or dare.“ you pat her head and smirk „I just wanted to take it with us to Equestria just in case.“
  3648. >“Does it scratch your throat like a… lot? You tried it before, did you?“
  3649. „Of course I did. You have to do it properly. If you do, you might not even feel it. But sometimes… well I once almost threw up but that was because I added too heavy tobacco.“
  3650. >“Well, now I'm not sure about trying it...“
  3651. „You don't have to. It's alright to stay with joints.“
  3652. >“I do have to. At least try. There won't be many days like this.“
  3653. „Then I'll show you first.“ you start the car with a smirk „As soon as we get home.“
  3657. >you park the car in front of your house and walk to your door
  3658. >“So, what do we do now? Are we gonna…?“
  3659. >she doesn't finish as you're already grinding the weed with a slight grin on your face
  3660. „Yup. Could you check the freezer for some ice cubes?“
  3661. >“Ice cubes? What for?“
  3662. „You'll see.“
  3663. >as she brings them, you're done with grinding and already filling the bong with water
  3664. „Thanks.“ you put some in the bong „We wanna cool the smoke as much as possible, you know?“
  3665. >“Now I do.“ she smiles „Come on, show me how it works!“
  3666. „Alright, alright.“ you chuckle and move on to your window
  3667. „You gotta do it all in one breath, at least that's how people told me I should do it when I was starting. Not sure if it really helps with preventing the cough, sometimes you just can't help it, but whatever...“
  3668. >you light it up, holding a turbo and the bong starts filling
  3669. >as you're running out of breath, you let the turbo go and breath in all the smoke
  3670. >almost not even feeling it thanks to the water and ice
  3671. >after holding it for few seconds, a cloud of smoke comes out of your window and you fall in your chair
  3672. >“Anon! Are you alright?“
  3673. „...More that alright.“ you grin and hand her the bong „Your turn.“
  3674. >“Um...Could you, light it for me?“
  3675. „Oh, right, I forgot, sorry.“ you're chuckling as you're refilling the weed
  3676. „Start slowly and when you almost run out of breath, do that final whoosh, like the last bit of breath you have and just… get that stuff in your lungs you know?“
  3677. >“Yeah.“ she giggles at the sight of you, having a hard time trying to form sentences
  3678. „Ready?“
  3679. >“I guess so.“
  3680. „Good.“ you light it up again and watch her
  3681. „Now. Do the whoosh!“ you let the turbo go and she breathes it all in, but starts coughing after two seconds
  3682. >all the smoke went out in the room instead of the window
  3683. >but you don't care, rather than, you reach for the glass of water you brought along
  3687. „Hey, hey petal you're good?“ you put the glass in front of her mouth as soon as her cough stops
  3688. >she's sitting on her rump, on the floor and staring in front of her at the small crack on the white wall
  3689. >then she finaly notices the glass and eagerly starts gulping on the water without saying a word
  3690. >“I feel like I'm gonna melt again, just like the first time...“ is what she says after the glass is empty
  3691. „Does that mean good or bad cause-“
  3692. >“It's good,.. at least I think. Does good mean like a,..uhhh, like when you…wait, hey I totally forgot what I was about to say.“
  3693. „Oh, you're high as shit, little lady.“ you laugh
  3694. >“Totally.“ she laughs as well and leans on your shoulder lazily „This is nice...“
  3695. „Yeah, but do you know what is even better?“
  3696. >“Tell me!“
  3697. „I don't know petal, that why we have to figure it out. Let's go for a little ittle tiny teeny walk-o.“
  3698. >she just burst out in laughter as you're trying to understand what is so funny about your completely normal sentence
  3699. >but soon you forget about it and laugh along as her laughing makes you laugh as well
  3700. „Jesus, this so damn gold I'm gonna cry.“ you wheeze in laughter
  3701. >“Didn't you mean to say like, green?“
  3702. „I...No, you're green. And now even double green. Like a proper pone of nature and stuff. I have no idea what we were talking about. But I need something to drink.“
  3703. >you stand up slowly with the glass still in your hand to refill it
  3704. >“Wait for meee.“ still sitting on the floor, she's pulling herself in your direction
  3705. >as you notice, you put the glass on the floor next to her and attemp to pick her up in your arms, but fail
  3706. „Woah, you're got heavy suddenly. Wait.“
  3707. >you try again, this time succesfully picking her up, holding her like a bride
  3708. >she gives you a kiss on your cheek
  3709. >“My hero.“
  3710. „That doesn't even make any sense.“ you chuckle and return her the kiss, this time on the top of her muzzle
  3714. >“Doesn't need to. It does on some other level of existance.“ she leans her head on your shoulder, closes her eyes and hums comfortably
  3715. >you continue on your way to the sink, without realizing why exactly
  3716. >so naturaly, you find yourself standing there, in the kitchen, without any clue
  3717. >but your arms are getting heavy
  3718. >is she sleeping?
  3719. „Sarah?“
  3720. >“Uhmm?“
  3721. „I think I'm gonna have to lay you somewhere or else my arms will drop you.“
  3722. >“Uh, okay. How about there?“ she points at the kitchen table
  3723. „Alright.“
  3724. >so you put her on the table and continue back to the sink
  3725. „Now where was I?“
  3726. >“I think you left the glass there because of me. Sorry.“
  3727. „Oh right! I was thirsty.“ you start drinking the water straight from the tap
  3728. >as you turn around, she's sitting again, still on the table
  3729. >“Why the table? Table is not for sitting or sleeping. Am I that dumb?“
  3730. >you just chuckle, pat her head and whisper „Weed magics“ in her ear
  3731. „But seriously though, I'm gonna need some fresh air.“
  3732. >“Me too. Let's go to the back garden?“
  3733. „Yeah, that's a good idea.“ you put her down from the table as she seems to struggle with jumping down
  3734. „You know you just looked like a little kitten, when they like aren't sure about if they gonna make that jump, like between two chairs or something, when there some gap bigger than they're used to, except they go all: Meaow meaow.“
  3735. >“I can go meow too.“ she chuckles, but makes a horse noise in her attempt
  3736. „Jesus...“ you laugh „How about we roll a joint?“
  3737. >Another? I dunno.“
  3738. „It's gonna be the first one, remember? And the sun is setting down, it's gonna be a-w-e-s-o-m-e.“ you pull out the grinder with some weed still left and the papers as well
  3739. „Let's go to the garden, lemme just-“
  3740. >you start pulling the big chair, that was in the same set as your couch, out to the garden
  3741. >when you find the right spot to watch the sun that will be soon setting, you sit in the chair and start rolling
  3745. >Sarah sits next to the chair and waits
  3746. >when you're done rolling, you check the watch
  3747. >it's been an hour and ¼ since your bong hit
  3748. >then you notice her, sitting on the grass
  3749. „Why don't you come up here?“
  3750. >“Didn't want to distract you.“
  3751. „Nonsense, I'm done anyway.“ you show her the spliff and giggle „And now that we're going to light it up, it even necessary. Come up.“
  3752. >so she pulls herself up on your lap and gets comforable
  3753. „It's this great? Life can be sometimes so damn good… But the better it gets, the worse it feels when it stops being so great...“
  3754. >she raises her head a bit
  3755. „I was so affraid that I'd never see you again just a few days ago. If you wouldn't show up, if you really were gone forever and I knew it for sure, I think I'd eventualy end it. The car we're going to blow up would actualy have a driver.“
  3756. >“Come on, don't say things like that…“
  3757. „I was just thinking out loud, sorry... But we should not forget about bad times, as the contrast reminds us how good it actualy is now. And if not always good, then at least decent and not the worst.“
  3758. >“But if you should remember the bad times, what should you remember in the worst times?“
  3759. „… That's hard. Guess you just gotta cling on the hope it's gonna get better again, have faith in your fate. But I'm not really good at this kind of thing. I totally panicked the day you vanished.“ you chuckle
  3763. >“Sorry...“
  3764. „It's not your fault. I'm just so happy to have you back, my sweetest flower leaf.“
  3765. >“And I'm glad to be with you again.“ she presses her muzzle on your chest, again, a bit like cats do
  3766. >you gently start scratching her mane with your left hand as you hold the joint in your right one
  3767. >then you put the joint in your mouth and light it
  3768. >the lava-red sun is just starting to set behind the horizon and gives the sky a strange, beautiful light
  3769. >there are few clouds above and their edges almost look like they are being burned away by the magical aura of earth's flaming star
  3770. >even your garden is all covered in red light
  3771. >it all feels so peaceful and breathtaking
  3772. >you take a puff and hold it in while, offering the spliff to Sarah
  3773. >both of you are staring silently into the sun as is it slowly sets and all the beautiful scenery and colors fade with it
  3774. >sometimes can life suck, sometimes can life be flawless…
  3778. >you're waking up late for work
  3779. >it's almost 12am, but you couldn't care less
  3780. >the work is none of your concern anymore
  3781. >why should be? Two more days and you'll no longer be part of this world
  3782. „No longer part of this world...“ you whisper to yourself as you lay in your bed next to still sleeping Sarah
  3783. >putting it this way, it sounds more like death than just happy departure
  3784. >though, maybe death really is just another happy departure
  3785. >it's not total end of your story, just another chapter somewhere far away, on better place
  3786. >at least you beleive it's this way
  3787. >and it really feels similiar somehow now
  3788. >maybe that's why, a long time ago, Sarah asked you at the end of Return of the King, if Frodo leaving to the Lands Of Undying means that he dies
  3789. >what does even define dying? If you don't feel pain in the process, is it still death?
  3790. >can death mean just moving somewhere else, without the dying part? Just departure?
  3791. >when you leave this world, you'll even be officialy proclaimed for dead
  3792. >it really feels like you're going to die, except you're happy about it
  3793. >maybe dying on Earth should be a blissful thing and not something sad
  3794. >the main reason people are scared of this happening is because they don't know where they're going
  3795. >guess this is the biggest difference, because you know that exactly where you're going
  3796. >and if you even can take something material with you, that means it really isn't death
  3797. >but why are you even thinking about things like this?
  3798. >you slowly blink your eyes and move your head up a little
  3799. >now you realize you still feel a little dizzy
  3800. >it must be all that marijuana you smoked yesterday night, still in your body, made you think about things too philosophicaly
  3801. >but you don't really want that right now
  3806. >instead you're trying to remember everything that happened, which now feels a bit like remembering a dream, except it's not that hard
  3807. >Sarah snuggles closer to you and smiles when you move your hand to scratch your thigh
  3808. >seems that she's actualy awake for some time, or just woke
  3809. >anyway, you lean closer to kiss her
  3810. >“Good morning.“ she squints her eyes and yawns
  3811. „Good indeed.“ you yawn as well „I was just thinking about what happened yesterday...“
  3812. >“A lot of things…“ she smiles „Good things. Though I can't even remember when we went to bed.“
  3813. „Late, very, very late. Like 3:20 or something. Right after-“
  3814. >“Right after that lazy, but surprisingly awesome sexual...“ she kisses your cheek „...intercourse?“ then giggles „Yeah, now I remember that. “
  3815. „We were both so weak at that time, from all we smoked before, we could barely move.“
  3816. >“Haha, yup. It all felt like forever.“ Sarah laughs „The good way.- Every second of everything and not only the lewd things. Like when you found that last bar of chocolate.“
  3817. „It didn't just feel that way. We really were chewing every piece at least for five minutes.“ you laugh
  3818. >“And it was all awesome. And especialy the music. How was that song called we found the last?“
  3819. „Arena Negra I think…“
  3820. >“I'm gonna have to listen to it as soon as we get up.“ she snuggles even closer, so her body touches yours as much as possible „But now it's too comfy...“ her eyes close again
  3821. >you notice there's a big rolled joint just next to your bed, so you grab it and wave it in front of Sarah's face
  3822. >she opens her right eye
  3823. >“Anon, I'm not sure… You said we shouldn't overdo it.“
  3824. „Well, this is still nothing compared to what some people smoke. Though,.. we are not other people.“ you put it back in place
  3825. >she gives you a little smile
  3826. „Guess, we can stay clean today and instead we leave this one for that final, special moment. How about that?“
  3830. >and as you promised, not a single bud of weed was smoked that day
  3831. >instead, you started the day by writing your last will, then the goodbye letter
  3832. >It said: Human life is such a strange thing. It can be resilient, but so fragile at the same time. Sometimes you can survive a bullet trough head, but sometimes you just hit a bad spot and you're gone from this level of existence. Though, the worst always comes from within. A lack of purpose can be the deadliest thing. And it's also a reason of why I'm leaving this world too. I'm not sad, not happy, not even angry anymore. People come and go, they work, they spend money, then they sleep and then go to work again. All the same routine and it lacks adventure. I'm just bored of this miserable life without meaning, without a goal that actualy isn't purposless. Those who might care about, or even mourn my disappearance, I suggest not to. I'm in a better place now.
  3833. >after you had all of this completed, you went for a long trip with Sarah, but this time you drove your car far away from the city
  3834. >there are places you wanted to visit but never really did – a hill somewhere in the distance with a lookout on top of it, a lonely wind power plant in some faraway forest, - you name it all
  3835. >this was the best time to pay a visit to all of these places
  3836. >you didn't really care about someone seeing the green pony accompanying you and there weren't a lot of people anyway
  3837. >the weather wasn't as nice as it was yesterday, it was all cloudy and sometimes even rained a bit
  3838. >a typical fall
  3839. >although this would be one of the days you normally hate, you didn't mind it this time
  3840. >the air felt fresh and the chilling temperature was somehow a nice change
  3841. >as the moment of your departure was closing in, it made you feel pretty sentimental
  3845. „How different is in Equestria?“ you ask Sarah, sitting silently at the roof of your car, parked on the top of a big, green hill
  3846. >she takes her eyes off the panoramic view of the lowlands bellow
  3847. >“Hmm? What do you mean?“
  3848. >you climp up to her
  3849. „I know I asked about your home a lot of times, but… How different is the nature there? I mean: Do trees, rivers and all… look the same?“
  3850. >“Not entirely, but I think there isn't any like mayor difference. Why are you even asking?“
  3851. „I just had a little feeling, if it isn't more simplistic there.“
  3852. >“Simplistic?“
  3853. „You know, cartoony? Less detailed?“
  3854. >a bad choice of words
  3855. >“Why?“ she laughs
  3856. >now that you're at it, you might as well tell the truth
  3857. „I… There's something I should tell you.“ you say in a bit more serious voice
  3858. >“Should I be affraid? Come on, how bad can it be?“ she's teasing you
  3859. >you take a deep breath
  3860. „Even before I first met you, I already knew about Equestria and ponies. Though, I didn't know it was real because I only saw it as a cartoon. - There's a kid cartoon that used to be on TV few years ago and that's where I first saw your species. But it was just a fairy tale for everyone...“
  3861. >remembering all the drama that was around this topic in MLD, you're kinda affraid of her reaction
  3862. >but you felt like you just had to tell her
  3863. >“...Wow, that sure is…rad? I guess, that I'm in a cartoon character as well?“ she smiles a bit nervously
  3864. „W-well, you're not really included there, but that's not the point. But: You don't mind me telling you all this? I though you'd be angry..“
  3865. >“Should I be? It doesn't really change a lot of things now.“
  3866. „So, you're cool with that? You don't mind?“
  3867. >“Of course, I mean: you didn't even have to pretend you don't know about ponies in the first place. I wouldn't mind it if you straight up told me that you knew us from a TV show.“
  3868. „Alright, that went a lot smoother than I expected.“ you chuckle
  3871. >at the end of day, you're returning pretty tired, belly stuffed with pizza you bought along the way home, and feeling ready for bed
  3872. >you thought about skipping shower, but decided not to
  3873. >because even if you could go to bed few minutes earlier, it wouldn't mean you'd get to sleep, since Sarah wanted to see some movie for the last time and you already said yes
  3874. >so after you're both done with showering, you make two coffees, move your TV to the bedroom and start searching trough your movie folder
  3875. „So, you wanna see something new or...“
  3876. >“New of course! Do you still have some, like really good movies I haven't seen yet?“
  3877. „I dunno, hope so. Curious case of Benjamin Button maybe?“
  3878. >“I already seen that. It was great though.“
  3879. „How about...Uh, Stonehearst Asylum?“
  3880. >“Se-een. “
  3881. „Then,..You must have seen Drive already, eh?“
  3882. >“Nope. Is it good?“
  3883. „Wait, you really haven't seen it yet? You've seen Kevin and Perry Go Large, but not Drive?“ you smirk
  3884. >“In my defense, I didn't know what is Kevin and Perry going to be about.“
  3885. >your grin gets even wider
  3886. „Drive it is then.“
  3887. >few minutes into film, she doesn't really seem that much impressed
  3888. >she even said that she doesn't find the protagonist interesting enough, too typical
  3889. >but that was just at the start of the movie
  3890. >soon, she starts noticing his unusual behavior, his way of doing things and how unexpected way the story progresses
  3891. >“What is that tale of a scorpion and a frog about?“ she asks when it's mentioned in the film
  3892. >so you pause it and start explaining
  3893. „Scorpion asks the frog to take him across a river on it's back, swearing he won't sting, because they would both drown. Yet he does sting the frog and drown them both because it's his nature to kill.“
  3894. >“So the scorpion on his jacket...Wow, now it makes a lot more sense.“
  3898. „Yeah, it's pretty deep. Pretty philosophical… Do you, you think a scorpion can be reformed?“
  3899. >“Hmm, not sure if literal scorpion, but if it's meant more- I mean, less literal way… I beleive yes. Why do you ask?“
  3900. „I'm not sure… You know, humans are like scorpions to our world. We almost killed it. Is it even right for a human to be in Equestria?“
  3901. >“What are you talking about? You're no scorpion.“ she laughs, then in a more serious, concerned voice: „You didn't kill someone or did you?“
  3902. „Nah, just thinking about stuff. I'm still a bit affraid of how will everyone react on me being there, if they won't see me as a threat.“
  3903. >“They won't, why would they even invite you there?“ she laughs
  3904. „Out of politeness?“
  3905. >“Come on, stop it Anon. It's gonna be fine. You're really just overthinking it. There are so many deadly creatures in Equestria, nobody is gonna mind one human.“
  3906. „...I guess you're right.“
  3907. >“Of course I am.“ she gives you a smile, presses play and the movie continues
  3908. >at the end of the movie, you turn off all the lights and just lay comfortably in the bed, talking until both of you fall asleep
  3912. >and today is your last day on Earth
  3913. >waking up was strange, even though you felt like you want to stay in the bed, there was a certain urge to seize the day to the maximum, to enjoy what this world has to offer before it's too late
  3914. >so you got up pretty early
  3915. >though, you found yourself in the situation of not exactly knowing what to do, so you just wandered from one thing to another, without actualy doing anything
  3916. >you double checked everything you planned to stuff in your pockets so you could take it with you, but that's pretty much everything you did
  3917. >the weather wasn't too cold, but it was cloudy so you didn't really feel like going out either
  3918. >but you decided to go somewhere for a lunch, since you didn't feel like cooking anything
  3919. >at least you'll kill some time in some place that isn't your house
  3920. >“And where exactly are we going?“ Sarah asks you while you're starting the car
  3921. „I don't really know. We'll just drive around the city and look for some nice place to eat. Somewhere I've never been before.“
  3922. >“What about me?“
  3923. „You'll go too of course. It won't matter if someone sees you today. We're gone by the midnight. aren't we?“
  3924. >“Yeah, but going to restaurant? There will be too many people.“
  3925. „We'll see. Maybe some pizzeria or something.“
  3926. >you drive around some italian restaurant, it looked pretty nice, but none of you really felt like eating pasta today and pizza wasn't on the menu + you've already been there
  3927. >then some posh looking one, but you didn't really feel like going there either
  3928. >“Hey and what about over there?“ Sarah points to the left
  3929. „But that's just some fast food.“
  3930. >you stop anyway
  3931. „You want something from there?“
  3932. >“I don't know, depends on what they have.“
  3933. „Let's go see then.“ you get out of the car and wait for her to do the same, so you can lock it
  3934. >it would be a shame if someone stole your midnight explosion
  3938. >she nervously follows you across the street to the door, leading to a small room, barely fitting for 4 people
  3939. >there's only a counter in the wall, menu of what they have above it and a trash can in the corner
  3940. >fat, bearded man behind the counter gave you a surprised look, when he saw Sarah behind you, but then returned to normal
  3941. >>“G'day, what's it gonna be?“
  3942. >not sure if he just doesn't care or tries to look like he doesn't
  3943. „Hello, can we have uhhh…well, I'll have this one over there, 10C.“
  3944. „What about you?“ you turn back to Sarah
  3945. >“Guess I'll have the same one as you.“
  3946. „Then twice.“ you smile at the man
  3947. >>“D'you wanna ketchup or tartar sauce,.. or both?“
  3948. >what kind of fast food doesn't have mustard?
  3949. „Ehh, both I guess. Let's be adventurous.“
  3950. >soon, you receive two big buns filled to the brim with salad, fried eidam, tartar sauce and ketchup
  3951. „Thanks man.“ you leave the tiny room and walk back to your car so you can eat it
  3952. >“Well, that is pretty huge for such a small price eh?“
  3953. „Yeah, I'm kinda surprised too. Fast foods always meant a lot of eating for little money, but this is extreme. Hope it won't taste like shit.“ you take a bite while opening the car door
  3954. „It's pretty good actualy… Can you hold it or you'll need some help?“
  3955. >“Well, I guess I could hold it, but I'll spill it for sure.“
  3956. „Thought so.“ you smile „You know, this might be the last time this is necessary. When we get to Equestria, you'll be all independent and stuff again.“
  3957. >“Yeah… Just when I almost learned to hold things without dropping them.“ she smirks „Even though I like this world, I'm looking forward to be home once again.“
  3958. >you offer her the burger to take a bite with a smile
  3959. >“This is really good.“ she mumbles with her mouthful
  3960. „Yup, not bad at all. Shame we didn't find this place earlier.“
  3961. >“We can stay on Earth and have a meal like this everyday.“ she laughs
  3962. „Yeah...“ you chuckle
  3963. >…
  3964. „... I'm glad we're leaving.“
  3965. >“Me too.“
  3968. >by the end of the day, you're getting ready for your last ride
  3969. >gas tank full, everything in place, last will and goodbye letter on your desk and all the stuff you wanted to take with you is in your pockets
  3970. >you almost automaticaly lock the door as you leave, but then unlock them
  3971. >then lock it once again
  3972. >before you enter the car, you take your last look at your, now past, home
  3973. >you're both silent the whole time, just smiling faintly
  3974. >when you feel like you're ready, you put your hand on Sarah's head and scratch her a bit to get her attention
  3975. „Shall we?“
  3976. >she just hums agreeably
  3977. >things feel so serene, almost like it's some sort of ritual
  3978. >you start the car, leaving the radio off and slowly drive up to the hills where you had your first joint together
  3979. >there wasn't many words troughout the ride, no need for them
  3980. >you'd only occasionaly give her a smile, which she'd return
  3981. >when you're there, you stay in the car for few more minutes
  3982. >until silence is broken
  3983. >“So...what now?“
  3986. „I… don't know. We still have few more hours until midnight…“
  3987. >“How about we prepare the car, then have a beer and wait till the time for explosion comes?“
  3988. „The gas might evaporate in the meantime. We should pour that stuff on it just before we light it. But the beer idea isn't so bad...“
  3989. >you open two bottles out of 8 you brought along and hand one to her
  3990. „For Equestria?“
  3991. >“For Equestria.“ she lifts her bottle with two hooves to clink it onto yours and takes a sip
  3992. >you have a lot more than just sip, but no more than 1/3 of the bottle
  3993. >“To tell you the truth, I still haven't got completely used to the taste of beer.“ she takes another sip
  3994. „Why didn't you say so earlier?“ you laugh „I could have bought you cider instead.“
  3995. >“Well, it's not like I can't stand it, I don't like it, but kinda do as well.“
  3996. „Yeah, that's typical.“ you smirk „Too, can't say that I love it. You have a bottle, so you drink even though you're not enjoying it like lemonade or chocolate.“
  3997. >“Humans are strange...“
  3998. „We sure are.“
  4001. >it took both of you quite a long time till you finished the first bottle
  4002. >you didn't want to end up too drunk before the explosion, so you were matching with Sarah's tempo
  4003. >but you knew, that at the time when you finally get ported to Equestria, you'll be far from sober anyway
  4004. >there's still that joint waiting for you and after those few beers, it will destroy you even more
  4005. „Guess it won't be the best first impression when I arrive drunk AND stoned, eh?“ you ask and put away the empty bottle, reaching for two more
  4006. >“I was thinking about that too… Guess we'll just have to say that we're like this because of the porting spell.“
  4007. „Does it work like that?“
  4008. >“I don't know. But I felt pretty dizzy when Discord used it on me... And tired as well. We'll just ask for some time to rest before any welcoming or whatever is going to happen.“
  4009. „Sounds good.“ you smile and hand her one of the bottles
  4010. >“For Earth?“ she lifts her bottle
  4011. „For Earth.“
  4012. >around 23:20, you both had finished your 3rd bottle
  4013. >the night isn't that dark and moon shines pretty bright so you can still see
  4014. „Guess it's time. Where have I left that canister?“
  4015. >“Over there.“
  4016. >it's lying few meters behind you, so you pick it up and start pouring it on the car
  4017. >Sarah is sitting on the same spot, waiting
  4018. >when done, you look in her direction
  4019. „Let's do it?“
  4025. >she nods, smiling from ear to ear from anticipation
  4026. >“But be careful!“
  4027. „Always.“
  4028. >so you flick the lighter and light the benzine soaked car on fire
  4029. >as it spreads pretty quickly, you start running to the safe distance
  4030. >Sarah is already there on the spot
  4031. >you sit just next to her and light up the joint
  4032. >the car is completely on fire, but that's all so far
  4033. >you put the joint into Sarah's mouth after taking few puffs, hold the smoke in your lungs and watch the car burning
  4034. >“When is it going to explode?“ she asks you with a mouthful of smoke
  4035. „I...don't know… I guess it should be doing something.“
  4036. >“Maybe we should wait a little more.“
  4037. „Yeah.“
  4038. >…
  4039. >…
  4040. >you puff some more
  4041. >stil nothing
  4042. >“At least the fire looks cool.“
  4043. „Yeah, haven't seen a fire this big in a while.“ you laugh as the THC starts kicking in
  4044. >suddenly a loud boom in front part of the car, but not big enough to do any significant damage
  4045. >still left both of you shocked though, as it was completely unexpected now
  4046. >Sarah even leaped few centimetres above the ground with a squeaky „Eeek!“
  4047. >after few seconds of silence, you burst out in uncontrollable laughter, followed by her's as well
  4048. „Jesus, this was perfect.“ you wheeze
  4049. >trying to calm down a bit, you check the watch
  4050. >it's almost midnight
  4051. >but almost can mean at least good 20 minutes
  4052. >so you spend upcoming time chatting and staring into the big, lonely fire until your watch shows exactly 0:00
  4053. >but nothing happens
  4057. „Well?“
  4058. >“I don't know, but hey, it's just a few seconds after midnight, let's not be impatient.“
  4059. „Alright… We can have that last beer in the meanwhile.“
  4060. >“Cool.“
  4061. „There.“ you hand her the last bottle
  4062. >“Any idea what to drink for?“
  4063. „Don't know, maybe we should leave such things when we finally get there. Then we can have a toast for the bright future?“
  4064. >“Deal.“ she smiles and snuggles closer to you as it's slowly getting chilly
  4065. „Do you want a jacket?“
  4066. >you have like three layers of clothing, so you're not cold at all
  4067. >“Nah.“ she snuggles even closer and curls in
  4068. >you open your jacket anyway, so you can wrap it around her
  4069. >“That's alright, Anon.“ she smiles „I'm not cold. I'm just getting comfy.“
  4070. „Me too. Do you know how hot is it under all this clothing?“ you smirk and take a sip from your beer
  4071. >you hold her close and silently stare into the fire, which still shines, alhough not so intensely as it used to
  4072. >in between the sips of beer you slowly realize how tired you feel
  4073. >and the night is so calm it makes you wish you could fall asleep
  4074. >you're trying to resist, but it's pretty hard, when you're being this comfortable
  4075. >Sarah seems to be in the same state, if not even more tired
  4076. >her tiny body absorbs alcohol worse than yours
  4077. „...Sarah?“
  4078. >no response
  4079. >only calm, warm, periodical breaths
  4080. >it feels so mesmerizing, your eyes slowly start closing too
  4081. >you squintily look into the fire one more time before you close them completely
  4082. >whatever is going to gonna happen
  4086. >the sun is shining bright straight onto your closed eyelids
  4087. >too bright
  4088. >you rather move your head to the side, so you won't have to open them
  4089. >judging by the pressure on your chest, Sarah must be still by your side, so everything's cool
  4090. >but you still move your hand, feeling her fur, just to be sure
  4091. >soft as always
  4092. >but your head feels somehow dizzy
  4093. >were you even sleeping though?
  4094. >it didn't really feel like ordinary waking up
  4095. >more like waking up from some sort of coma or unconsciousness
  4096. >wait
  4097. >you open your eyes wide
  4098. >this isn't the hill you fell asleep on
  4099. >there's a dusty road in front of you and some trees
  4100. >suddenly something touches your shoulder from behind
  4101. „Waaaah!“
  4102. >you quickly turn around, almost dropping Sarah
  4103. >>“Ooops, I didn't mean to scare you, just that saw that you were…“
  4104. >of course you recognize that shy voice
  4105. >there's a Fluttershy standing just behind you
  4106. >and the rest of the mane six, along with Discord
  4107. „That's fine...“ you stutter
  4108. >>“See? They're fine of course! A little delay never killed anyone.“ says Discord with a smirk
  4109. >Twillight doesn't answer, but gives him an angry look
  4110. >then she turns to you, clears her throat and starts with a cheerful tone
  4111. >>“Welcome to Equestria, mister Anon.“
  4117. >fast forward three days spent by settling in, you're sitting under a big apple tree, munching on an apple
  4118. >you're now living together in Sarah's house in Ponyville, which may be a bit smaller than your old home, but a lot more picturesque
  4119. >ponies around still didn't get completely used to your presence, but it's not that much of a deal as it was with Zecora
  4120. >they don't fear you, as they have been announced of your presence, but when you walk around the village, everypony is looking at you
  4121. >either curiously, sometimes a bit cautiously but you always catch their attention
  4122. >gives you a mixed feelings, but it doesn't feel like you're unwelcome here
  4123. >you even got few job offers and since your body feels a lot stronger in this world, you can be a great help
  4124. >for a start, you chose to help out on Sweet Apple Acres at least for some time, out of nostalgia to the show and to see how the bucking of apples actualy works
  4125. >not even mentioning the free apples, which are a lot tastier than average ones on Earth
  4126. >but you kinda plan to move on to something else, though still not sure what and when exactly
  4127. >you have plenty of time
  4128. >right now, you're after your work day and just resting and waiting for Sarah
  4129. >she told you to meet you there under this tree, after you're done with the work, so you two could have a little stroll and to show you the areas outside of the Ponyville
  4132. >and there she flies
  4133. >she lands a bit clumsily a few meters from your feet and crashes straight into your arms
  4134. >you laugh as you catch her and give her a kiss on her nose
  4135. „Hey, Petal.“
  4136. >she giggles happily and folds her wings
  4137. >„Hi Nonny. How was your first work day?“
  4138. „Cool. Wasn't actualy that hard. And a lot more entertaining than my usual work routine on Earth. How about yours?“
  4139. >Sarah blows her mane out of her face before speaking
  4140. >“Aww, It's good to finally do something productive after all those days I spent doing pretty much nothing. But, actualy it's more than just good. Guess what?“
  4141. „Don't know.“
  4142. >“Come on, at least try! Guess.“ she puts her hoofs on you shoulders in anticipation
  4143. „Alright then… Did you… I don't know… Did you finally get your cutie mark?“
  4144. >you say the first thing that comes to your mind
  4145. >“EXACTLY! How did you know? Check!“
  4146. >she turns around, opens her wings and faces them down to make them not interfere in the view of her flank
  4147. >“Ta dah!“
  4148. >it's a green sprout in a circle
  4149. >pic related
  4150. „That is amazing Sara- I mean, I guess I should call you Grass Walker now, eh?“
  4151. >“Well, it's my official name here, but you can still call me the same if you want.“
  4152. „Alrighty then. And how does it feel to finally have a cutie mark?“
  4153. >“To be honest, if I earned it before my little trip on Earth, I guess it would make me a lot happier, but now it just somehow feels like some sort of formality. You know, I already found myself thanks to you and that matters a lot more than a picture on my flank.“
  4154. „So… no celebration?“
  4158. >“But of course we're celebrating! Just when we get home.“ she laughs „Now I remembered, speaking of Earth, I can finally invite you for that pizza.“
  4159. „Wasn't it me, who was supposed to invite you?“
  4160. >“Nah, you won the race.“
  4161. „Well, if you say so...“
  4162. >“Sure I do. Yeah and another thing. Those seeds you brought are already germinating. so I planted them in front of the house. Is that alright?“
  4163. „Of course. We don't have to hide those things like on Earth… But I wonder, do you think it has something to do with your cutie mark? You know, since it's a sprout.“
  4164. >“Not sure, but I think not. I work with a lot of other plants in my new job too.“
  4165. „I see. Well,.. and are we staying here or…?“
  4166. >“Yeah, the stroll, I almost forgot, let's go.“
  4167. „And where are we going?“ you stand up slowly
  4168. >“Just a little walk around the area. And to show you some favourite places of mine. Come, come.“
  4169. >she's jumping happily next to you as you walk, sometimes lifting herself into the air and flapping her wings for some time before returning to the surface
  4170. >it's great to see her like this
  4171. >now that she finally can be free
  4172. >in a place where both of you belong
  4173. >and not locked in your house all the time
  4174. >for the first time, it looks like every single aspect of your life is finally in place
  4175. >happiness can have many different forms, but it never felt so real before

[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 1)

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[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 2)

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