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Twilight Oneshot - Perfect Vision

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 01:21:30
Expiry: Never

  2. "Twilight! Get your butt down here! Now!"
  3. >You're screaming at Twilight.
  4. >She's being totally unreasonable and it's making you angry.
  5. >You've been downstairs for an hour now waiting for Twilight to get out of her room and come downstairs.
  6. >"I don't wanna go!"
  7. "I will count to three and if you're not down here by then, I will drag you out of your room"
  8. "1"
  9. >You hear her trotting in her room, quicker now that you've started counting.
  10. "2"
  11. >Her door opens audibly and she runs downstairs.
  12. "Finally, let’s go so I can get some sleep once this is done."
  13. >She looks angrily at you, her eyes boring into your skull trying to convey how much she hates you.
  14. "Stare all you want, we'll still going."
  15. >She knows she's going to lose so she changes her tactics a bit.
  16. >Instead of looking angry and trying to intimidate you, she looks at you with puppy eyes.
  17. >Her lip is quivering now, and her ears pressed down against her skull.
  18. >She's giving it her all to make herself look sad and miserable.
  19. >For a moment you lose your composure, you just want to do anything to please her.
  20. >But you know better and it's all an act.
  21. "Not going to work Twi."
  22. >"Ugh! Fine, but once we find out that there's nothing wrong, you'll never hear the end of my nagging," she huffed.
  23. >You just roll your eyes not even bother trying to respond to her childish antics.
  25. >You leave her house and feel the cold winter air against your skin.
  26. >It isn't the same coldness back home but it's still made you shiver.
  27. >Unlike Twilight, she wasn't used to the cold and she starts shaking from the cold.
  28. >Not wanting to make her day even worse by getting her sick, you drape your jacket over her.
  29. >You accidentally brushed your hand across her neck and you could have sworn that you felt her cheeks get a tad bit warmer.
  30. >"Thanks," she said trying to prevent her teeth from chattering.
  31. >Both of you walk through Ponyville in the morning.
  32. >The streets aren't even shoveled yet, but you had no choice, all the other slots were full.
  33. >You come across deep snow, it's almost up to your thighs and you know that it'll be hard for Twilight to cross it without magic.
  34. "Twi, want me to carry you?"
  35. >You said jokingly.
  36. >It's fun to tease her once in a while but you should control yourself, just a few minutes ago she wanted to eat your face and you're teasing her.
  37. >You're not that smart.
  38. >"Yes."
  39. >That surprised you.
  40. >Usually she would just give you the stink eye and would walk away.
  41. "Uh, I was actually joking."
  42. >"Too bad. You offered to carry me and I accept. It's your duty to carry me now."
  43. >She sticks out her tongue.
  44. >You can't help but think to yourself 'god dammit, she looks cute'
  45. >Maybe that's why you tease her constantly.
  46. "Fine, fine."
  47. >You pick her up and trudge across the snow with her in your arms.
  48. >At first she felt cold but little by little she starts to feel warm against your skin.
  49. >You hold her tighter against your body; her body heat makes the cold journey a bit more comfortable.
  50. >She also snuggles closer to you which makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but not because of her body heat.
  51. >Finally, you reach your destination, the optometrist.
  53. >You both wait in the waiting room, she would sometimes look at you angrily and sometimes her eyes would fall and look nervous.
  54. >She said her eyes were getting blurry when she would read.
  55. >At first you thought she was just tired and needed rest.
  56. >But then you started seeing her strain herself to read something far away and you knew something was wrong.
  57. >You told her to see an optometrist, to get her eyes checked but she wouldn't have any of that.
  58. >She argued that glasses would be in the way and is too much of a hassle.
  59. >Eventually, after hours of shouting you finally convinced her to hear the doctor's opinion first.
  61. >The visit isn't that long.
  62. >He did a couple of tests to Twilight, wrote on his chart and asked a couple of questions.
  63. >"Ms. Sparkle, you need glasses," the doctor eventually said.
  64. "Told you."
  65. >It felt good to rub it in her face and wanted to do it some more but you saw the look on her face.
  66. >She looks like her whole world ended.
  67. >Twilight walks out of the room and you follow her out.
  68. >You should say something, like, 'It's not the end of the world,' or, 'Cheer up Twi,' anything to remove her dejected look out of her face.
  69. >It's just glasses right?
  70. >She shouldn't be like this.
  71. >Eventually she picked a purple frame off the shelves and had the doctor fit the new glasses in.
  73. >You two exit the optometrist's and head back home.
  74. >Twilight still looks saddened about the whole thing and you couldn't think of anything to say to her.
  75. >Usually you would just tease her and she would get angry and laugh.
  76. >Not this time though.
  77. "Hey Twi, want me to carry you back home?"
  78. >This time you aren't joking and you try to make your tone softer.
  79. >She didn't say anything but she stops and she raises her front hooves towards you.
  80. >You walk in silence towards her house with Twilight in your arms.
  81. >You can't see her as you walk because she's hugging you rather tightly.
  82. >"I look ridiculous," she pouts.
  83. "No you don't."
  84. >"Yes I do"
  85. "No."
  86. >"Yes."
  87. >Sighing, you give up.
  88. >Arguing with Twilight is never a good idea.
  89. >Instead you hold her tightly, pressing her body closer to yours.
  90. >The walk isn't as long as the one in the morning because most of the snow has been cleared but it's still tired you out.
  91. >You reach the library and you set her down.
  92. >Not knowing what to say or do after you left her there and made your way down to the basement, or your room for the time being.
  93. >It's just some stupid glasses.
  94. >Why would she be so upset about it?
  95. >These questions have been bugging you ever since you left the optometrist's and you're no closer to figuring out the answers.
  96. >Too tired to think you fall back asleep.
  97. >You hope Twilight will get over it by herself in a couple of hours.
  98. >If'll think of something then.
  100. >You wake up from your bed, cold and miserable.
  101. >You had a nightmare, about Twilight and you getting chased by flying glasses.
  102. >It was weird.
  103. >Getting out of bed, you went upstairs to make yourself some coffee.
  104. >It's pretty quit right now, but you're surprised that Twilight isn't down here reading books.
  105. >It's her morning routine, you get up and wish her a good morning and make coffee for the both of you.
  106. >Figuring out that she might still be asleep you decided to leave her alone.
  107. >An hour pass.
  108. >And another.
  109. >You're getting worried now.
  110. >Twilight isn't known for being late and you decide that you should check up on her.
  111. >Walking to her room, you hear a quiet sobbing.
  112. >Afraid that something might have happened to her, you burst inside her room.
  113. >Twilight is sitting on the floor, her head pressed on the bed to muffle her crying, and her new glasses thrown across the room landing on the floor.
  114. >She hasn't notice you entering her room without an invitation and you should probably leave.
  115. >But you wanted to make sure she was okay.
  116. >You put a hand on her head and stroke her mane.
  117. "Twilight, are you okay?"
  118. >Fuck, you're stupid.
  119. >Of course she's not okay, she’s crying.
  120. >"Yeah, Anon. I'm okay, just a bit...stressed."
  121. "Want to talk about it?"
  122. >"Not really, no," her head still pressed against the bed and it's almost impossible to hear her now.
  123. "Twi, I'm your friend. Tell me about it."
  124. >She raises her head and looks at you.
  125. >You finally see her face, her eyes are red, she's been crying for a long time now.
  126. >Sitting beside her, you gently grab her and placed her head on your lap, quietly stroking her mane still.
  127. >She loves it when you do this to her, she once said it relaxes her.
  128. "Well?"
  129. >You ask as she isn't saying anything.
  130. >"I hate the glasses," she mumbles, avoiding looking at you.
  131. "Then why did you get it? There was a ton of other frames-"
  132. >"Not the frames you dolt."
  133. "And there's the Twilight I know."
  134. >You gently kiss her head, it felt natural.
  135. >"What I mean was, I hate getting glasses in general."
  136. "Why? I thought you love reading."
  137. >"I do! But I just..." she trail off.
  138. "Yes?"
  139. >"I look weird."
  140. >You laugh.
  141. >With all the scenarios playing in your head, you didn't even consider this one.
  142. >"This is why I didn't want to get glasses. You're just going to keep laughing at me."
  143. >She tries to get up but you push her head down on your lap again.
  144. "I'm not laughing at how you're going to look, but at how stupid that sounds."
  145. >You kiss her head again, it seriously feels natural, and she relaxes a bit again.
  146. "You've never cared about how you looked before, why now?"
  147. >She doesn't say anything.
  148. "Unless you're trying to impress someone."
  149. >You feel her shift a bit in your lap.
  150. >You were getting somewhere now.
  151. "Maybe you're actually trying to court someone?"
  152. >"N-no."
  153. "Really?"
  154. >"N-no, I mean...yes, I'm not trying to court somep0ny," she says.
  155. "Well if you were, they're lucky to have you. Remember that."
  156. >It's true.
  157. >Twilight might have a few habits, but to you, it just makes her more adorable.
  158. >And cute.
  159. >And endearing.
  160. >And lovely.
  161. >And beautiful.
  162. >She might nag you about your own habits, but you know she does it because she always knows what's best for you.
  163. >And the stallion that caught her attention would be lucky to have her.
  164. >You knew this, but she doesn't.
  165. "Twilight."
  166. >Your tone soft, you want to remind her about this and not tease her about it.
  167. "You're perfect. All your imperfections, all your flaws, everything about you is perfect."
  168. >This time, it was her turn to laugh.
  169. >"That's the stupidest thing I heard. How are flaws equate to being perfect?"
  170. "Because it's you."
  171. >She blushes at this.
  172. >You don't see her blush, but you felt it.
  173. >You two stay in her room in silence for a bit, enjoying the moment.
  174. >"What if, the pon - I mean, person I'm trying to get their attention"
  175. "Well, I would be lucky."
  176. >"I'm not joking."
  177. "Oh..."
  178. >You don't know what to say.
  179. >Sure, you thought about all those things about her but do you see yourself with her?
  180. >You think a moment and you can feel Twilight shifting in your lap again.
  181. >Then it hits you.
  182. >Yes you do.
  183. >You can see yourself spending a date together.
  184. >Having a candlelit dinner.
  185. >Reading a book with her, while she explains parts you don't quite get.
  186. >You love her.
  187. >Unable to find your voice, she starts talking again.
  188. >"Now that I have glasses...I thought you might think of me ugly. And wouldn't like me."
  189. >Wow, you are slow.
  190. >Putting the pieces together, the crying, the whole argument about not getting glasses, all of it was because of what you might think of her.
  191. >You remove her from your lap without saying a word and she looks at you, heartbroken.
  192. >Picking up the glasses, you walk towards her.
  193. >You place the glasses on her face and look at her.
  194. >She looks perfect and you bring your lips to hers.
  195. >Breaking the kiss, you look at her again.
  196. >She's speechless but you want to say something.
  197. "I have a thing for glasses."

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