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Cadence Oneshot - Wedding Day

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 01:22:09
Expiry: Never

  3. Remember: This was not my idea.
  5. >It was the day of Cadence's wedding.
  6. >My Cadence's wedding.
  7. >I was incredibly happy and immensely sad all at once.
  8. >I don't know what to really call that emotion, so I'll just leave it as it is.
  9. >My love for Cadence will never die out, I told her that many times.
  10. >I respected her choice, and I would never go against it.
  11. >Whatever makes her happy...
  12. >I wish it could be me that could make her happy.
  13. >She wanted a simple wedding.
  14. >She had told me that from the beginning.
  15. >She wanted the wedding to take place in our meadow.
  16. >I was rather delighted that she thought so highly of it.
  17. >The place that always gave me peace could now make her the happiest mare alive.
  18. >She was getting married to someone she loved, and someone who loved her back.
  19. >So why wasn't I happy?
  20. >I put on my black suit and sighed at myself in the mirror.
  21. >I never spent so much time getting ready before.
  22. >Why was I so nervous?
  23. >I shouldn't be nervous.
  24. >This feeling that I'm feeling is insane.
  25. >I should be happy.
  26. >I should be happy.
  27. >Cadence would always have my heart, I realized.
  28. >It would always be hers, whether she knew it or not.
  29. >I heard Twilight call from downstairs; it was time to get to our meadow.
  30. >I picked up the rings and went downstairs.
  31. >I glanced at the clock, and realized that we were going to be early.
  32. >This wedding was going to take place at the hour of twilight, as per Cadence's request.
  33. >It's quite ironic, really.
  35. >I distinctly remember our time in the meadow.
  36. "Twilight, again," I murmured. "Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end."
  37. >"Some things don't have to end," Cadence replied.
  38. >I do wish that she had been correct, because everything has an ending.
  39. >Life... has an ending.
  40. >Love... has an ending.
  41. >And we... we had an ending.
  42. >I arrived fashionably early, as the old saying goes.
  43. >I glanced up at the sky.
  44. >It was not twilight yet.
  45. >It would be soon.
  46. >This would be the twilight of my life.
  48. >The scene was beautiful.
  49. >Many flowers
  50. >A magnificent stage for exchanging the vows and such
  51. >An aisle for my beautiful Cadence to walk down on.
  52. >And several rows for guests to sit at.
  53. >It was so small... so simple... just the way Cadence wanted it.
  54. >I glanced at the rows for the guests, and at my family members that were taking their seats.
  55. >I would not have the honor of sitting with them.
  56. >I had a different matter to attend to.
  57. >I was the best man.
  58. >I pulled out the rings that were to be exchanged from my jacket pocket.
  59. >I glanced at the ring that would soon be on Cadence's and smiled.
  60. >I just wished it was my ring instead.
  62. >Shining and all his friends arrived first.
  63. >They took their place on the left side of the rows.
  64. >I only glanced at them, and then I turned back to look at the whole set-up.
  65. >I did not want to face Shining.
  66. >I couldn't... but I knew I had to.
  67. >I had to be a gentleman.
  68. >"Hey Anon," I head Shining's voice from behind me, and I couldn't stop the pain that shot through me.
  69. "Shining," I said, not turning around.
  70. >I heard him take a couple of steps forward, and place a hoof on my shoulder.
  71. >"I'm not here to poke fun at you. I'm not here to call you names..." his voice was gentle, and I could almost feel the happiness radiating off of him. "I wanted to say thank you."
  72. >I closed my eyes.
  73. >Be strong, Anon...
  74. >You have to be strong for her.
  75. "Thank me?" I finally spoke up.
  76. >I realized that Shining was at my side, staring off into the distance with me.
  77. >He did not turn to look at me, and I did not turn to look at him.
  78. >"You gave me Cadence," Shining said carefully.
  79. >I finally decided to open my eyes, 'I did not give her to you' I yelled in my head. 'I gave her what was best for her.'
  80. >With Shining, she could have children.
  81. >With Shining, she could live out her life.
  82. >With Shining, she could love him fully without any obstacles.
  83. "Shining..." my voice was a pathetic excuse for a whisper.
  84. >His eyes looked to me.
  85. "Please... take care of her."
  86. >"Of course I'll take care of her. I would give my life for her as much as you would, and you know that."
  87. >Shining sighed and stood next to me for a little while longer, looking up at the darkening sky.
  88. >"It's almost time. She'll be here soon... might as well take our places."
  89. >I nodded as Shining took his place on the altar.
  90. >I turned around and saw how the rows had filled up quite nicely.
  91. >I took in a breath and my eyes shot open at her scent.
  92. >Cadence was here, and Celestia help me she smelled delicious.
  93. >I was excited to see her.
  94. >I just wish she was excited to see me.
  95. >I knew who she had come here for, however.
  96. >And it was not me.
  98. >I took my place to the right of Shining, where the best man should stand.
  99. >The rings I held for them burned in my pocket- nearly searing my skin.
  100. >I'm over-reacting as always, and there's no one that can stop me now.
  101. >Then, as I stood there, wrapped up in my own thoughts, music started.
  102. >Everyone in the rows stood up and Cadence's scent grew closer and closer.
  103. >Then... there she was.
  104. >She stood at the other end of the altar, preparing for her walk down to us.
  105. >She looked absolutely magnificent.
  106. >She was adorned in white; her dress fit over her curves and showed parts of her creamy skin.
  107. >She wore a veil that framed her face, but I could still see her perfectly.
  108. >She looked like a beautiful angel.
  109. >I knew she was too good to be mine.
  110. >I wanted to hold her in my arms one last time... and I would make sure that I did before the night was over.
  111. >I could not leave her without feeling her embrace me once more...
  112. >Then, Cadence began her procession down the aisle.
  113. >Her father was holding her close to him, tears in his eyes.
  114. >I could see Cadence's mother in the audience around us.
  115. >She had tears in her eyes too.
  116. >Cadence made her way to the altar, and Shining held his hoof out for her.
  117. >Shining gave her a smile, and Cadence smiled back.
  118. >I didn't miss that she smiled at me, either.
  119. >My heart is beating out of my chest.
  120. >A smile from an angel can do that to you.
  121. >I barely caught everything that happened... because my mind was lingering in its memories.
  122. >Memories when Cadence was mine.
  123. >I didn't realize how much I truly needed her until she was standing on the altar with another man.
  124. >"I do..." Shining said, gazing into Cadence's dark purple eyes.
  125. >The pastor then turned to Cadence, reciting the same vows to her.
  126. >I closed my eyes, trying to tune them out.
  127. >I didn't miss, however, the part where Cadence was to say 'I do'.
  128. >Her purple orbs turned to look straight into my eyes.
  129. >Her eyes showed longing.
  130. >She smiled then, and closed her eyes.
  131. >"I do..." she replied.
  132. >I could feel my world crumble.
  133. >Now was my time.
  134. >I took a step forward, rings in hand.
  135. >Shining was first to take a ring and slip it on Cadence's horn.
  136. >Shining's happiness was undeniable; I could feel it from where I stood.
  137. >And then, Cadence took the ring that was meant for Shining.
  138. >Her skin brushed against mine for a moment and electricity shot through me.
  139. >Could she feel what I felt?
  140. >"Ladies and gentleman," the pastor announced, "I am now proud to present to you... Mr. and Mrs..."
  141. >Everyone clapped while I cringed at the words.
  142. >And... that was pretty much it.
  143. >The wedding went by quickly, and Shining and Cadence had gone off together.
  144. >I would see her again at the reception afterwards.
  145. >I wanted her to smile for me once more.
  147. >"You did good," I heard Twilight say.
  148. >Strange, I hadn't even heard her come up to me. I didn't reply to her, my eyes fixed on the moon above my head. It was twilight.
  149. >"Let's head toward the hall," she said, coming behind me and willing my legs to walk forward, "We can't miss the reception!"
  150. >I sighed.
  151. >The reception hall was crowded before we even arrived.
  152. >It was late at night and early in the morning all at once.
  153. >It took about a half hour before Cadence and Shining walked in, hoof-in-hoof.
  154. >Everyone cheered for them, but I couldn't even will myself to make the effort.
  155. >Forgive me, Cadence.
  156. >Speeches began and congratulations were exchanged before the lights dimmed and the music took over.
  157. >I would not be here much longer, that I knew.
  158. >I took in a deep breath and made my way to Cadence.
  159. >She was speaking to her father before I arrived.
  160. >The moment she saw me, she turned around and threw her hooves around me.
  161. "Congratulations..." I whispered in her ear.
  162. >She stayed in my arms, "Anon..." I heard her whisper.
  163. "Yes?"
  164. >How is it that all my worries disappeared when I held her in my arms?
  165. >"Thank you..." she mumbled against my shirt.
  166. "You don't have to thank me for anything, love..." I replied.
  167. >I closed my eyes in shame. I hadn't meant to call her "love"... I was just so used to it-
  168. "...sorry," I quickly added.
  169. >"You don't have to apologize," Cadence said, her arms still around me. "Come, I want to speak with you outside for a moment."
  170. >Cadence took my hand and led me outside into the parking lot.
  171. >The moon still loomed overhead, and I took in a deep breath of the night air.
  172. >Too bad the only thing I smelled was Cadence.
  173. >I was intoxicated.
  174. >She was my drug and I would die if I didn't have her.
  175. >"I'm glad you came," Cadence finally spoke up, looking up into the sky.
  176. "What? You think I would miss the chance to be the best man?" I said with fake enthusiasm.
  177. >I hoped she wouldn't catch it.
  178. >She sighed, and I got the feeling that she did catch it.
  179. >She was always too perceptive for her own good.
  181. >"I love you, Anon..." she whispered.
  182. >The breath caught in my throat.
  183. >I looked to her, shocked.
  184. >Did she mean... she loved me as a best friend?
  185. >That would never be enough for me, and she knew it.
  186. >"Why did you let me go...?" she asked, she sounded like she was about to cry.
  187. >This isn't right. Angels don't cry.
  188. >I looked to her, and I was surprised more than anything.
  189. >Why had she asked me this question?
  190. >I would never let her go, she should know that already.
  191. >I told her that Shining was the best for her, and I wasn't lying.
  192. >She was a pony.
  193. >I was a human.
  194. "I was scared," I replied, refusing to look at her, so instead I looked up at the moon.
  195. >My hands were shaking, so I stuffed them into my pockets.
  196. >I will not show weakness.
  197. >Not now.
  198. >Not when I've come so far.
  199. >"You were... scared?" she questioned.
  200. >I nodded, closing my eyes.
  201. "I didn't want harm to come to you..." I wanted to touch her so badly, "The night when I told you I was no good for you, I was telling the truth."
  202. >"Anon..." she said. I could smell her tears.
  203. I finally looked over to her, "Cadence, don't cry."
  204. >She was in my arms so suddenly, that I couldn't control it.
  205. >It was something I was used to doing when she felt upset.
  206. >I gently rubbed her back with my hand.
  207. >"I still love you, you idiot..." Cadence whispered.
  208. >My eyes widened, her words repeating over in my head.
  209. >'I still love you, you idiot...'
  210. "You have Shining now..." I whispered in her ear. "You can start a family... and he will always keep you safe. I made him promise me."
  211. >"Of course he'll keep me safe..."
  212. >We hugged each other for a while until I broke it off.
  213. >I looked straight into her eyes.
  214. "I'm different. I put your life in shambles by being with you. The talks behind your back, the looks you get...I cause pain and suffering. And I will no longer."
  215. >She just looks at me, her faces matted with her tears.
  216. "Goodbye Cadence..."
  217. >I took a couple of steps away from her.
  218. "I love you."

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