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Applejack Oneshot - Paint

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 01:22:38
Expiry: Never

  3. >Day permanent paint in Equestria
  4. >You've been dating Applejack for a while now.
  5. >And you two have been keeping it a secret from everyone.
  6. >Especially Big Mac.
  7. >Ohh boy, if he finds out, he will kill you.
  8. >So you kept quiet about it.
  9. >All those late night rendezvous with Applejack at the barn, or how you would quietly climb her window at night.
  10. >You cherish those moments.
  11. >And you cherish her.
  12. >So when another stallion hits on her, you can't do anything about it.
  13. >If you do, everything will be revealed.
  14. >So you kept quiet...
  16. >"Well, howdy sugar," says Applejack
  17. "Howdy to you too."
  18. >She's working the stall early in the morning with her younger sister.
  19. >Applebloom looks like she's about to collapse considering it's still too early in the morning.
  20. "I just need to buy three apples."
  21. >You smile at her, three apples was Applejack's Cutie Mark.
  22. >And you two use it as a way to communicate.
  23. >Buying three apples means you want to spend time with her tonight.
  24. >"Sure thing hun'. Let me just get the freshest ones."
  25. >She turns around and shows her flank to you.
  26. >You can't help but marvel at the sight of it.
  27. >Those legs, those hips, and how she swishes her tail back and forth...
  28. >She knows it drives you crazy and she just loves teasing you.
  29. >You didn't even notice the stallion behind you.
  30. >"Nice show. If you want, you can come back to my place," he says.
  31. >You wanted to smack him so bad.
  32. >But you control yourself.
  33. >"Nah, I don't like stallions actually," Applejack says, winking at you.
  34. >One of the reasons why you love her so much is because she can handle herself.
  35. >And good thing Applebloom is still sleepy; else she would bombard her with questions.
  36. >The stallion mumbles to himself and walks away, probably thinking she's into mares.
  37. >She doesn't need anyone defending her.
  38. >But you would still like to, once in a while.
  39. >"Now git, I need to sell apples, not talk."
  40. >Deciding it's better to leave her to her work, you leave her too it.
  41. >You would spend the whole evening together anyways.
  42. >You also wanted to do something different tonight.
  43. >So you decided to visit Rarity to buy a couple of...'supplies'
  45. >Evening came rather slowly, probably because you were too impatient.
  46. >Sneaking pass the Apple's house, you knock on the door of the barn.
  47. >AJ always says to just come in, but you remember when Big Mac was still working and you just waltzed in.
  48. >Luckily he didn't spot you that time.
  49. >Opening the door, you grab your bag of supplies and laid them out.
  50. >Applejack walks out of the shadows, her mane flowing from the wind.
  51. >She doesn't have it tied up tonight.
  52. >She looks down at your feet and notices the things you've brought.
  53. >"What's all this?" she asks.
  54. "Paint, for a pony's coat."
  55. >"And why in tarnation would you have that?"
  56. "Fun."
  57. >You're smiling now.
  58. >Applejack takes pride in her orange coat.
  59. >You know she would never agree to this, but you wanted this.
  60. >"What're yah gonna do with it?"
  61. "Use it on you, duh."
  62. >"Do you want me to smack you? Why would I let you?"
  63. "Because you love me, mostly. And besides, you can wash it off. Plus, you owe me from last time."
  64. >It's true, you agreed to help her work the fields for a favor and you're cashing it in tonight.
  65. >"Fine," she walks towards you.
  66. >You begin stripping off your clothes and grabbing one of the paint tubes.
  67. >For so long, you wanted to mark Applejack as your own, and now you will.
  68. >Moving the tube like a pen, you wrote, 'Belongs to Anon' just above her Cutie Mark.
  69. >You take a step back and let it dry.
  70. >"My turn," she says ash she uses her hooves dipped in the paint to write a message on your body too.
  71. >'Applejack's Property'
  72. >Reading those words, it makes you feel...complete.
  73. >For so long, you've hidden your relationship and now, even for a brief moment, you don't have too.
  74. >You decide to write more on her body, 'If lost, bring to Anon', 'Applejack is taken' etc.
  75. >Nothing too crude of course.
  76. >And she does the same too you.
  77. >The tube of paint didn't last long but you're covered in it, and so is Applejack.
  78. >Opening another tube, you began to write more...vulgar messages.
  79. >'Enter here'
  80. >'Anon's Slave'
  81. >Etc.
  82. >And she also does the same.
  83. >'Applejack's toy'
  84. >'I tasted this past of his body.'
  85. >If Granny Smith saw you now, she would probably have a heart attack.
  86. >You two continue this for a few more hours, using all the paint Rarity gave you.
  87. >Until you see it.
  88. >The words you never wanted to see, and you specifically told Rarity not to give you this kind.
  89. >'Permanent, washes off in 3 weeks.'
  90. >Your eyes go wide, your blood runs cold and you're screaming inside.
  91. >Applejack notices this too and her face turns to that of shock.
  92. "Big Mac will kill me."

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