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Cheerilee Oneshot - Camping

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 01:23:17
Expiry: Never

  3. >"Please Anon."
  4. >The dark pink pony moves closer to you, her green eyes wide and pleading.
  5. >She knocked you down and now she's on top of you.
  6. >She presses her body against yours.
  7. >Her warm body is in contrast with the cold floor underneath your back.
  8. >"Please Anon," she repeats again, this time moving her face closer. "Do it for me."
  9. >She licks her lips slowly and seductively while her hoof traces circles on your chest.
  10. Umm...
  11. >You can't think straight anymore and not only that, the pony on top started grinding her body against you.
  12. >You blankly stare at her, lost at the moment.
  13. >She took this chance and brings her face closer to you; you can feel her hot breath on your neck as she works her way up to your ear.
  14. >"Just give in and say 'yes'," she whispers nibbling at your ear.
  15. Ha...
  16. >Your breath quickens its pace as you try to form words in your mouth.
  17. >You can't even remember what she asked for, all that's left in your muddled brain is wanting to get closer to her.
  18. >If saying 'yes' would get you what you that, then you would say it a million times.
  19. Yes Chee-
  20. >A hoof shuts your mouth, cutting you off mid-sentence.
  21. >"Nuh-uh-uh. That's 'Miss. Cheerilee' to you mister."
  22. Yes, Miss Cheerilee.
  23. >She brings her mouth to yours and kiss, sealing the deal.
  24. >Whatever it is.
  25. >You decide to put it at the back of your mind for now as you and Cheerilee get lost in the fiery passion.
  27. --
  29. I can't believe I got roped into this.
  30. >You mumble under your breath, making sure the little fillies and colts don't hear your displeasure.
  31. This is so stupid. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.
  32. >The walk to campsite is hot and treacherous and it doesn't help when you’re dragging a cart full of bags.
  33. >"Hey Anon! Hurry up!" one of the fillies shout.
  34. >It's most likely Sweetie Belle; you do love how her voice cracks when saying your name, but not enough to stem your frustration.
  35. >You put your angry face on but when you look at her excited face, you can't help but smile.
  36. >Maybe it isn't that bad.
  37. >If these children can have a good time, then you guess that it would be worth it.
  38. >You learned a few days before the trip that if you hadn't agreed to come then the trip would have been canceled.
  39. >Good thing Cheerilee 'convinced' you to come along.
  40. >Also, when Applejack and Rarity found out, they thanked you profusely and would make it up to you.
  41. >It's no secret that you hate going outside and when you agreed to help out, they came by your house and thanked you personally.
  42. >They even brought Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and they tackled you down and kept repeating 'thank you'.
  43. >That made you smile.
  44. >Yes, this trip isn't that bad.
  45. >You pull the cart with your newfound strength and caught up to them.
  47. --
  49. >A few hours later the children are sitting around a campfire, some of them eating smores.
  50. >"Hey! Let's all tell scary stories!" Sweetie said. "It'll be fun"
  51. >It's true, it will be fun.
  52. >No camping is complete without someone getting scared.
  53. >Especially if that someone is Cheerilee.
  54. >You still want to get back at her during the time she bribed and teased you with sex to come camping.
  55. >But first you have to wait till the end; you don't want to start the best one first.
  57. >Most of the stories told are about ghost or monsters.
  58. >These kids know nothing about true fear; some of the stories almost lull you to sleep.
  59. >They're that boring.
  60. >Every few minutes you look over at Cheerilee sitting a few seats beside you.
  61. >You can see twitch at the littelest things, like the wind howling or a twig snapping.
  62. >Eventually she sits beside you, wedging herself between your arms.
  63. Scared?
  64. >"Me? Scared? Nonsense. I'm just cold."
  65. >You do love her bravado and you can't help teasing her.
  66. >Sometimes when she's not looking you would bring your hand behind her back and slowly caress her.
  67. >Every time you do so she would freeze, her eyes wide and wedge herself closer to you.
  68. >"A-are you doing that?"
  69. Doing what?
  70. >You try to hold in your laughter as she frantically look behind her, to find whatever it is she's looking for.
  71. >You continue this a few more times and silently laughing at her until you see that she's about to cry.
  72. >Deciding enough is enough; you stop and grab her, setting her down on your lap, cradling her.
  73. >She calms down a considerable amount.
  74. Scared?
  75. >"Yes..." she barely manages to squeak out.
  76. >You can feel her trembling in your arms and you try to comfort her as much as possible.
  77. >It's the least you can do considering it's your fault she's like this.
  78. >So you stroke her mane, her back and softly hum her favorite tune in her ear.
  79. >She snuggles closer to you, melting at your fingertips.
  80. >Another weakness she has is that she turns to putty when you use your fingers on her.
  82. >Eventually it's your turn to tell a scary story.
  83. >She looks at you, pleading that you don't but the other kids are looking at you, waiting for you to start.
  84. >You contemplate on what to do.
  85. >The kids want a scary story and you want to give it to them.
  86. >You set Cheerilee down, on the seat beside you.
  87. >You can already see her getting scared.
  88. >She refuses to let go of your arm.
  89. I'm going to tell you guys a story about a forest. This very forest to be exact...
  91. --
  93. ...The ponies eventually arrived home. No one wanted to talk about what happened that weekend. Maybe they didn't want to remember or maybe they have just forgotten about the whole thing. But one thing is certain, whenever they look at the trees again, they make sure that it's not looking back.
  94. >You finish your story and all the kids are huddling together; they're clearly scared now.
  95. >No one wants to move from their seat, as if the story you just told is true.
  96. >You look at Cheerilee beside you.
  97. >She didn't let go of your arm once and you can see that she has tears in her eyes.
  98. Okay guys. Time to sleep.
  99. >They flinch at the sound of your voice.
  100. >The whole time you were telling your story, you were whispering.
  101. >The sudden change in volume made them snap out of their scared state.
  102. >You stand up and properly put out the smoldering fire and watch while the kids go back to their tents.
  103. >You do your rounds, making sure all of them are inside and none of them are missing.
  104. >You do this while Cheerilee is walking beside you, sticking close to you the whole time.
  105. >You wait a few more minutes, to make sure everything is in order and you walk Cheerilee to her tent.
  106. >Her tent is big, compared to the other kids; she even has an inflatable bed inside.
  107. >You tuck her in, making sure she's comfortable and you leave her tent.
  108. >Walking back, you felt a tug on your shirt.
  109. >It's Cheerilee, she looked scared and about to cry again.
  110. >Maybe the story you told was too scary.
  111. >"Please, don't leave me alone."
  112. >She has those puppy dog eyes that no one cn refuse, plus the tears isn't helping.
  113. Fine.
  114. >You pick her up and she hugs your neck, almost chocking you.
  115. >Walking back to her tent, you plop her down on her bed.
  116. Let me just get my pillows.
  117. >She looks like she's about to cry again.
  118. >You know that she's not good with scary stuff, but this is too much.
  119. >Maybe you went a bit overboard.
  120. >"Okay."
  121. >You get your things and walk back to her tent.
  122. >At first you spot Cheerilee already lying down and sleeping.
  123. >Then looking closer you see that she's actually in a seductive pose.
  124. Really? Sex at a time like this?
  125. >"C'mon Anon. I'm too scared to sleep and I thought we could do something fun together," she says while patting down on the spot beside her.
  126. You know we have to wake up early tomorrow.
  127. >"We'll be quick. Unless you last longer."
  128. Is that a challenge?
  129. >"Maybe."
  130. >You were never one to back down from a challenge.
  131. >So you jump beside her and kiss her.
  132. >You can already feel your pants getting tighter.
  133. >You were ready to strip down until you heard the zipper of her tent opening.
  134. >Scared that one of the kids might spot you, both of you stop and pretend to be asleep.
  135. >"Miss.Cheerilee, can we sleep with you?"
  136. >"We're too scared."
  137. >You recognize the voice of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.
  138. >With them here you can't get frisky with Cheerilee and it’s her idea in the first place, she would refuse them.
  139. >"Of course you can," she said, motioning them to come inside.
  140. >You whisper in her ear.
  141. What the fuck are you doing?!
  142. >"It's your fault for scaring them too you know," she said, her hooves slowly moving its way up your leg. "If you hadn't scared them we could have done this in peace."
  143. >She slowly traces circles on your loins eliciting a moan from you.
  144. This is my fault?!
  145. >You're gritting you teeth now, trying not to make any sound.
  146. >She didn't say anything and continues to move her hooves.
  147. You know I can do that too.
  148. >You bring your arm on her stomach and slowly move down south.
  149. >You start to play with her too, this time she too is trying not to make a sound.
  150. >"Next time, don't tell scary stories."
  152. >Making sure Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are asleep, you two fuck.

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