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[Yandere]Applejack X Anon

By kqaii
Created: 2021-01-18 03:49:57
Expiry: Never

  1. [I don't know who the original author is]
  4. >The sun setting down on the horizon, covering the sky in an orange hue.
  5. >Your body is sweaty and sore, carrying barrels and barrels of apples from the orchard to the Apple family barn.
  6. >Carrying the last barrel of the day, a single, ripe, red apple falls onto the dirt ground, not noticing this you keep on lumbering towards the barn, an orange hoof picks it up and places in back in the barrel that you're carrying over your shoulder.
  7. >"Be careful on what yer carryin', Anon, these apples are like our foals!" a blone maned, orange colored, cowboy pony talks to you like you were her husband or something whilst hidding her blush by lowering her stetson to cover her face.
  8. "Sorry boss, I'll be careful on carrying these next time" you reply to Applejack, hiding the fact that you're creeped out by her.
  9. >You are Anonymous, only human in Equestria, currently living in Ponyville and working for the Apple family.
  10. >At first after arriving in the Everfree forest, you sought a house or anything that has a roof but nopony would consider sheltering an alien, but the Apples took you in, after a few days and a few arrangements, you started working for them, picking apples from trees, carrying barrels of apples, feeding the pigs and yada yada yada, you get the drill.
  11. >So you kinda owe them...a lot, they we're really kind and caring to give you your basic needs.
  12. >One afternoon, Applejack invited you to join her and her friends in a small get together at Sugarcube Corner, this was not your first party here though, your first was when the pink, bouncy pony threw a...what did she called it?...Welcome-to-Equestria Party, you accepted her offer to party down.
  13. >The marshmallow pony offered to sew and make clothes for you, the purple horned one said if you wanted to borrow a book, you can come by her library sometimes, the pink, bouncy pony told you if you wanted some sugar and sweet treats you can go to Sugarcube Corner, the shy one just kept quiet, what a surprise, the rainbow, noisy pony said you can hang out with her sometimes since you looked cool enough.
  14. >That party was memorable and always has a special place in your heart but after a few weeks working for Applejack, her behaviour started to change.
  15. >In the afternoon, after your lunchbreak, you would go to the Ponyville market and open your kiosk to sell the apples you picked and the others bucked.
  16. >She would glare at everymare you sold apples to or just chatted with, she started to 'accidentally' show you her flank everytime you look back at her, it does give you a boner though.
  17. >You walk towards the Apple family's house, sweating and breathing heavy, you follow your boss, who oddly doesn't look fazed by the hardwork done today at all, well, probably it's because she lived her whole life here and she worked the moment she could buck a tree.
  18. >You slow down a bit because of the fatigue you're experiencing right now, this is harder than lifting weights at the gym, you're now a few meters away from her, it hurts but you keep on walking.
  19. >"Hurry up, Anon! Dinner's almost cooked and yer pay's already here." she waves her right hoof, signaling you to come over quickly.
  20. >You pick up the pace and slowly start moving faster, slowly but surely, you are nearing her when you accidentally trip over a rock embed deep in the ground.
  21. "ASdgGasdf-" you randomly say moments before planting your face on the ground
  22. >An audible thud can be heard from where Applejack stood, she hastily gallops to your side and picks you up with all her might from the dirty ground you planted yourself in
  23. >"ARE YA ALL RIGHT, ANON?" fliping you over and cradling you in her hooves as if a mother would do to her child "DID YA HURT YERSELF BAD?!" she keeps crying over spilt milk.
  24. "I'm fine, Appl-" you feel a sudden touch on your no-nos, it's Applejack and she's carressing your no-nos "Uhh...boss?"
  25. >"WHO? WHAT? WHERE?" she frantically looks over to her left and right, sweating bullets whilst cradling you in her hooves, suddenly letting you go, it causes you to fall flat on your back and land on a rock, fuug.
  26. "Hey, that hurt." you stand up gently stroking to your now bruised and aching back, you look at her with teary eyes
  27. >"Ah'm so sorry, Anon, Ah didn't mean to hurt you I swear, honestly" lifting a hoof and looking solemnly at you, "But we do need to hurry back home though"
  28. >You both walk back home, tired and hungry, entering their humble abode, the first thing you notice is the smell of freshly baked apple pie, Granny Smith's signature dish, it tempts you to devour it.
  29. >Following the scent, you walked into the dinner room, the smell is emanating from the kitchen.
  30. "SWEET APPLE, YOU SMELL GEWD" slowly dragging your fingers from the sides of your face, you don't notice Applejack blushing behind you.
  31. >"Ya really think that, Anon?" she queitly whispers to you while fidgeting her front hooves but you don't hear this, you could only focus on that sweet apple scent.
  32. >"Ahnern?! ar yen dere?" an old, wrinkly green mare walks in holding a pan of apple pie with her mouth, she gently places it at the long, wooden table.
  33. >She walks over to you and produces a bag of bits from her side and gives you 10 bits, enough for a can of beer and salad at the local diner, "Here ya go, sonny!" she jovially gives you the small, brown bag.
  34. >Applejack trots to the kitchen to help her granny bring the food to the table, "Where are ya eatin' dinner, sonny?" she smiles at you while gesturing a hoof at an open seat right besides her
  35. "I'm sorry, ma'am but-" she cuts you with a sudden hush.
  36. >"Ah want to hear nuthin' of this "ma'am" nonsense, Ah'm still young you know." she dances shortly before Applejack returns carrying a bowl of soup on her head, she's not wearing her signature stetson.
  37. "I'm not going to over extend my welcome here, I'll be going home and cook my own dinner, Granny Smith." placing your right hand on your chest, you feel a swell of pride form in you.
  38. >"If ya say so, Anon." you turn your back and walk out of the room, holding the bag of bits in your left hand.
  39. You are now outside the Apple orchard, you raise your right hand shout "Tonight, we shall feast on beer and salad!"
  40. >Walking back home takes a few minutes and buying beer and salad adds about 10 more minutes but the moment you sit back, drink and eat, it will all be worth it.
  41. >You hear a sound, a slow rustle in the bushes behind you, you turn your back to find a brown stetson sticking out the bushes and there's only one pony who wears a stetson in Ponyville
  42. "Applejack?"
  43. "Applejack?" you question to the pony hiding behind the bushes
  44. >A silhouette of a mare comes out of the bushes and in the strip of moonlight beaming down in front of you, it illuminates AJ's face as she walks closer to you
  45. >"Hi, Anon..." she replies in a stern manner as if she's hiding something
  46. >Why is she even here? Is she following you? If so then what does she want?
  47. >The farm is a long way from here, is she here just to buy something from the stores?
  48. "AJ, are you following me?" you fold your arms and look straight into her eyes, you'll know if she's lying
  49. >"Eennope" she jitters, her eyes darting from left to right and she's scrunching
  50. >She's hiding something
  51. "AJ, we both know that when you lie, you always scrunch"
  52. >"Ah kinda..." her voice trails off as she looks deeply into your eyes, "Ah heard you shout that all ye're going to eat tonight was salad." her expression vanishes from sight as she pulls down her stetson and cover her face
  53. "Oh..."
  54. >But why is she following you?
  55. "So you know what I'm going to eat tonight, what now?" you put your hands in your pocket as a sign of defeat
  56. >"I can bake you an apple pie" her stetson falls off as she raises her head to reveal her beaming smile
  57. "Woah, that's actually pretty nice, AJ." you kneel down to her level and reach for mane to tousle, "So, am I expecting you to come tonight?"
  58. >"Yes, I'll be 'coming' tonight, Anon..." she winks to you then turns around and heads back to the farm in haste she left her prized stetson
  59. "Beer and pie it is"
  60. >Be a blonde maned, orange colored mare and a cowboy apple farmer
  61. >Who's also in love with Anon
  62. >The local human and oddity
  63. >Oh Anon...
  64. >Be Applejack
  65. >Currently, you are galloping across town to get back to your home, Sweet Apple Acres
  66. >Arriving at your home, you see Granny Smith waiting for you in her favourite rocking chair
  67. >"Why'd ya run off like that?" she questions you whilst rocking her chair
  68. "Anon had nothing to eat, so ah went and ask him if he'd like some pie." you reply nonchalantly
  69. >Oh Anon, you consume my every thought
  70. "He said yes!" you giggle at the thought of Anon eating your pie and eating you out
  71. >"Well, what are ya going to do about it then?"
  72. "I'll bake him pie, right now" you dash pass Granny Smith and went straight ahead to the kitchen
  73. >You're going to get in the kitchen and bake an apple pie for Anon, that's it
  74. >So the ingredients are flour, sugar, salt, eggs and strands of your hair
  75. >You can't wait for Anon to eat this, he'll eat it and fall in love with you
  76. >Oh Anon, you sweet talker, you
  77. >You slowly start beating the eggs
  78. >A mental image of you and Anon holding two foals whilst talking and laughing at each other's joke appears inside your head
  79. >What would you name your foals?
  80. >Probably something apple related, what would Anon name them?
  81. >Hold your horses, missy
  82. >We haven't started planning for the wedding yet
  83. >Or the honeymoon
  84. "Oh, beast" you feel something wet drip down your back legs
  85. >Just thinking about him makes you this wet, imagine having him in you
  86. >It doesn't matter as long as you finish baking this pie
  87. >Anon will surely love it
  88. >You walk in the door and the first thing you see is a mint colored pony, who's reading a book behind the counter
  89. >You sneakily walk behind her and slowly tap on her withers
  90. >"OHMYCELESTIA!" she jumps out from the stool she was sitting on and directly looks at your smirking face
  91. >She's fuming
  92. >"ANON! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Lyra holds her book in her magic while trying to hit you with it
  93. >You chuckle
  94. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it, you looked too vulnerable" you grasp your hands together while apologizing to her
  95. >"I swear Anon if you do this one more time I'll-" she raises a hoof at you and waves it menacingly
  96. "Or you'll do what, you cutie pone" you suddenly reach to her body and pick her up
  97. "ANON! I'm not a little filly! let me go!" she screams at you but this causes you to tighten the hug
  98. "No, cutie pone" you quickly reply to her before, out of nowhere, a book hits you on the back of the head
  99. >You let her go and she lands on her hooves
  100. "Lyyyyrraaa, that hurt" falling on your knees, cradling your head and acting like your crying, this always does the trick to these ponies
  101. >"That won't work on me, Anon." she returns behind the counter, picks up her book and starts flipping pages, "Now what page was I reading?"
  102. >You let go of your hands and look at her with big puppy eyes
  103. >"What did you even came here for, Anon?" putting down her book on the counter and glares at you
  104. "I want to buy beer." standing up and dusting off the dust from your suit
  105. >"Okay, what brand and how many?" she asks you, waiting for an answer
  106. >Deciding on the most cheapest beer in Equestria you
  107. "Two cans of Colt light, please" you reach for your sack of bits in your pocket
  108. >"That'd be 5 bits, Anon" she pulls out two cans from the fridge behind her and holds the cans in the air with her magic
  109. >You open your money bag, take out 5 bits and place it on the counter
  110. "I'm 'handing' you 5 bits...get it?" you try to mimic some meme in the interwebs
  111. >"It was funny the first few times Anon but this..." she shakes her head but gives you your beer, "This is just horseplay!"! she retorts
  112. >You both just stare at each other for a while, waiting for a response from each other's pun
  113. >You both just giggle at the bad puns you both made
  114. >After a few minutes of chatting, jokes and more bad puns, you look at your watch and notice it's already late
  115. "Uh! Thanks for the beer, Lyra but I really have to go, I'm expecting someone." you turn back and brisk walk out of there
  116. >"Goodbye Anon and thanks for the 5 bits!" she waves a hoof at you
  117. >You are oblivious to the stetson wearing orange pony behind you, who saw the whole ordeal with Lyra
  118. >"That cheater..." her eyes are now the size of pin pricks and she's balancing an apple pie on her back
  119. >You are in your house now, it's pretty small and cozy but that's what you can afford right now
  120. >You are Anonymous and you are currently chilling on your couch, a small coffee table right infront of you, the front door a few meters away from you
  121. >Earlier you bought two cans of beer at Lyra's, you placed them inside your fridge
  122. >Applejack is coming to visit and with her, an apple pie
  123. >Oh sweet apple pie
  124. >You look over to the stetson on your coffee table
  125. >You inspect it
  126. >There's something sewn on the side of the hat
  127. "With love, from Ma and Pa..." you feel a slight tug at your heart strings
  128. >You place it back
  129. >In your boredom, you look at the ceiling and start to fall asleep but a sudden knocks at your door causes you to wake up
  130. >You stand up and answer the door
  131. "Who is it?" you ask to the stranger behind your door
  132. >"A've got the pie" a familiar voice replies
  133. >You open the door to reveal Applejack without her hat and balancing an apple pie on her back
  134. "Isn't that hot?" you gesture for her to come inside
  135. >"Eenope" she struts in and quickly places the pie on the coffee table, she proceeds to feel comfortable on your couch
  136. >You close the door and hurry back to the fridge
  137. >"Hey, Anon, why do ya have mah hat?" she asks you whilst you were getting the beer
  138. "You kinda left it earlier when you ran home." you come back to the couch with the beers on each hand
  139. >"Thanks fer keepin' safe, Anon, ya see it was a gift from mah parents." she takes the hat off the table and places it back on her head
  140. "Oh..." you sit back on the couch with AJ on your right, you give her the can on your right hand and you put yours on the table , "Can I have a piece of that pie, please" you eagerly plead to her with open hands
  141. >"Ya don't need to ask, Anon, Ah baked it just fer ya." she takes a piece and hands it to you
  142. "By the way, thanks for doing this AJ, you, you guys have done so much for me ever since I came here." you grab the can of beer and chug it, "You guys are like family to me" you place the can back on the table
  143. >"Awww shucks, Anon" she's fiddling with the beer and just sits there, blushing
  144. "Seriously, you guys give me a house, a job and a family." tears start to fall from your eyes
  145. >"Just let it all go, Anon, everything's fine now" she's patting your back while you're cradling your head and bawling your eyes out
  146. >You start taking small bites on the pie while listening to AJ's stories about her family's history
  147. >It doesn't bore you but there's something wrong with the pie, you can feel something foreign inside of it
  148. >But you don't care because it's free and it tastes good
  149. >After a few hours
  150. >"...and that's why Big Mac doesn't tend to the chickes anymore" you both laugh at the story on how Big Mac can't help with the barn animals
  151. >"Ah best be going, Anon, Granny might get worried sick if Ah don't come home" she jumps off the couch, leaving one last piece of apple pie on the table
  152. "Oh, okay, goodbye AJ and thanks for the food" you open the door for her as she walks out of it
  153. >"Oh, and don't be late tomorrow, we're going to harvest the west orchard early in the mornin' and ya can just eat breakfast there" she waves goodbye to you and quickly gallops back home
  154. >You look at her figure, slowly vanishing in the distance, you come back inside and sit back on the couch, again
  155. >You take the last piece of the pie and slowly munch it
  156. "What the fuck?" you look at the strands of hair you pulled out of your mouth
  157. >It's blonde
  158. >You run straight to the bathroom and quickly spit it all out, waste of good food
  159. >but it had hair mixed in it
  160. "Applejack should wear a hair net." you say to yourself while brushing your teeth
  161. >You get ready for bed, changing into your PJs and diving into bed
  162. >It's been a long day but the feeling of your soft bed is divine
  163. >And not long enough, the sound of crickets chirping lulls you to sleep
  165. >In the middle of the night you awoke to the heavy feeling on your chest
  166. >You try to move your hands but you can't even feel them
  167. >You open your eyes but all you see is black, it takes a while for you to see in the dark
  168. >and the first thing your eyes focused is a figure draping on your chest
  169. >It's a pony...with a stetson
  170. >You try to say something but somebody or somepony taped your mouth shut with duct tape
  171. >"Why can't ya love me, Anon" the figure comes closer to your face and kisses your forehead
  172. >It's Applejack
  174. >"Why can't ya see it, Anon, we're perfect for each other!" she proclaims her love to you while she slowly caresses your face, "Why are ya so blind to not see that?" she asks, waiting for an answer but knowing your mouth is taped shut, she just jumps off you and walk back into the dark "Ah'll be back, Sugarcube, don't go off runnin' without me" she says disappearing completely in the blackness of your house
  175. >Why didn't you light a candle before going to bed, Anon?
  176. >Oh yeah, it might burn your house down...while you're sleeping
  177. >You are confused, scared and cold, there are a million thoughts shooting through your mind right now but you also notice that you're only wearing your boxers
  178. >You can't move or turn your head, the only you can do is wait for the horrors Applejack might commit to you
  179. >After a few minutes she comes back
  180. >"Ah'm back, Sugarcube." illuminating the dark recesses of your house, she returns with a lit candle, she walks back to your bed
  181. >Placing the candle on the drawer, right beside your bed, she returns to sitting on your stomach
  182. >"Hey, Anon, do ya remember the first day we met?" her unblinking eyes stare into yours, "Ah remember it like it was just yesterday..." her mind wanders as she reminisces the past
  183. >You feel fear...and a rush of adrenaline
  184. >Causing you to get a boner
  185. >"Hey, what's poking at mah flank?" she cranes her head to see a tent on your boxers, "Anon, Ah didn't think ya'd love me back!" she pulls back her hooves to cover her crimson red face
  187. >She gently licks your dick, covering it in her saliva
  188. >"This is mah first time doing this, Anon, Ah'm sorry if Ah don't do good" she swallows your dick in her mouth and starts to bob her head
  189. >After a few minutes, she releases your dick from it's warm prison, "Did'ja take a bath before going to bed, Anon?" she's now giving you a sorry excuse for a hoofjob
  190. >Checking if you dick is completely wet, she moves to stand on her hind legs and positions herself above your erection
  191. >She lowers herself slowly, you unwillingly spread her vaginal lips with the tip of your lance, you enter her
  192. >"Y-yer mah f-first, Anon..." she stutters as tears begin to stream down her face, you could only imagine the pain of getting your hymen ripped "Ah was savin' mahself just fer ya, Anon" small amount of blood drip on the sides of your dick that is still visible
  193. >She completely hilts you inside of her, the insides of her vagina feels warmer than normal women and has a cussiony texture, "S-see, Anon, we're a p-perfect fit fer e-each other!" she stops to take a quick, short break and begins a slow pace of bouncing
  194. >"Ahhn...ahhhmn" she bites her lips, eliciting soft moans from her
  195. >"AnonAnonAnonAnonAnon..." she picks up the pace, chanting your name as if it were a mantra
  196. >Amidst the panting and moaning, each bounce she makes, evokes loud creaks from your wooden bed
  198. >You tightly grasp the sheets of your bed causing it to slightly rip
  199. >You are about to release your load and she can feel it too
  200. >"A-anon, yer about to come, aren't ya?" she asks in between moans, "Ahhn, Ah'm at mah limit..." you feel a gush of warm marecum on your manhood, causing you to ejaculate, "AAAAAAHHHNN!!" she screams, thank God your house is near the Everfree forest, if it wasn't, the entire neighbohrhood would've heard her scream
  201. >"Ah love ya too, Anon" suddenly, without warning, a hoof smacks you on the head, knocking you out
  202. >Your vision starts to blur before everything fades to black, you heard
  203. >"What would'ya name our foals?..." before completely falling unconscious
  205. >The soft chirping of birds wakes you up, you find yourself faceplanted on the rough, wooden floor beside your messy bed
  206. >You slowly pick yourself up up but a sudden surge of pain originating from your head causes you to gently cradle it
  207. >Your fingers investigate where the pain is coming from and later find a nasty bulge on your forehead
  208. "Ahh! Damn it! What happened last ni-" quickly remembering what had occured last night, you hastily scan your surroundings
  209. >You're not naked, taped to the bed nor is there a rapist pony nearby, finding nothing unusual, you take a sit on your bed and think about what you're going to do today
  210. "Oh God, my head hurts like hell..." still softly carressing your bruised forehead, you crane your neck to look at the clock
  211. >It's 7:34 in the morning...
  212. "I'M FUCKING LATE FOR WORK!" you recklessly run to the bathroom, "NO TIME FOR BREAKFAST, SHIT SHIT SHIT..." grabbing your toothbrush and squeezing toothpaste on it, without delay, you furiously brush your teeth
  213. >You spit, drink water, shit, piss and change clothes faster than Rainbow Dash flying across town to meet the Wonderbolts
  214. >You close and lock the door, sprint all the way from the edge of the Everfree to the Apple farm
  215. >You notice the yellow police tape incasing Lyra's convinience store, you just dismissed it as another drunk pony assault, probably Berry Punch
  216. >Stepping on mud and dirt, you find yourself in Sweet Apple Acres
  217. >Running to the west orchard, you see Applejack and Big Mac bucking trees, they notice you
  218. >Applejack stops bucking the tree and walks up to you, "Anon..." she says hesitantly
  219. "I am REALLY sorry, my alarm clock didn't wake me up earlier, it's okay if you reduce my pay later..." pleading with teary eyes and an exhausted body, you never knew you could run that fast
  221. >"ANON! WHAT HAPPENED TO YER HEAD?!" she screams at the top of her lungs, her hat almost falling off her head
  222. "I fell down the bed while I was sleeping last night..." covering the bruised part of your head, "I'm really sorry for being late and scaring you, AJ."
  223. >"It's okay, Anon, just get that barrel over there and start picking some apples" she walks back to the tree and continue bucking it, dozens of apple fall from the tree
  224. >You pass by Big Mac and in tow is two, full barrels, he's sniffing the air around you
  225. >Gay...
  226. >"Hey, Anon, did'ja even take a bath?" that familiar, low-toned, masculine voice echoed in your head
  227. "Fuck...I forgot to clean myself" you just notice how stupid you are, "Is it really that bad?" you ask
  228. >"Eyyyup..." he walks back into the barn carrying two full barrels of apples, sometimes you are amazed by how strong this guys is
  229. >You kneel and start picking up some apples, the ones that fell on the ground, and place the inside the empty barrel
  230. >"Anon, did ya had breakfast before comin' here?" a sweaty, pumped up Applejack looms over you, her figure shadowing you from the sun's awful heat
  231. "I can't say I had..." still picking some apples on the dirt
  232. >"How 'bout we get something to eat first? What do ya say, Anon, you up fer grub?" she beams and struts back to the house, showing her package to you
  233. "O-okay" you stare at her soft yet tense, fat, orange flank, admiring her apples and wonder...was it just a dream?

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