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[short]Ponies have sex by hugging. (wut)

By kqaii
Created: 2021-01-18 04:12:53
Expiry: Never

  1. [original author LOVELYMUFFINS pastebin]
  5. >Day what ever Rarity is helping you.
  6. "Alright thanks Rarity! this is my favorite jacket."
  7. >"Of course darling it was no trouble at-" Shes interrupted as you pull her into a hug.
  8. "Seriously thank you!"
  9. >Rarity releases a small moan which causes both of you to freeze.
  10. >You let go of her which causes her to fall to the ground.
  11. >You see just under her a small puddle
  12. >And the sudden smell in the air confirmed your suspicions.
  13. "Well, this got awkward fast..."
  15. >Day therapy with Twilight sparkle...
  16. >Being magically transported to magic pony land has kinda played with your head.
  17. "Thanks for listening Twilight, it means a lot."
  18. >"Of course Anonymous, its what good friends-" Shes interrupted as you embrace her in a hug.
  19. "Seriously thank..."
  20. >You wanted to finish your sentence but... you could feel Twilights entire body quiver as she moaned.
  21. >Her hooves wrapped themselves around your body and a sudden wet spot appeared on your leg.
  22. >You tried to let go but she used her magic to keep your arms around her.
  24. >Day applejack.
  25. "Hey thanks for this pie,"
  26. >"Of course Anon, anything for a good friend."
  27. >You quickly lean down and give Applejack a quick hug.
  28. "Thanks."
  29. >As you stand up Applejack seems to be out of breath, and has a heavy blush.
  30. >Not weird at all.
  32. >Day Pinkie.
  33. "Hey Pinkie."
  34. >"Hi Anon!"
  35. >Pinkie leaps through the air and into your chest.
  36. >You embrace her causing her to cry.
  38. >you have no idea how you feel about this when she does this everyday.
  40. >Day rainbow dash.
  41. >I fucking hate rainbow dash.
  42. >You tackle her into a hug.
  43. >You raped rainbow dash.
  44. >She enjoyed it regardless.
  47. >Day Fluttershy
  48. >You don't hug her.
  49. >She tries to hug you.
  50. >You came.
  52. >Hug filly
  53. >Nothing happens
  54. >Your wallet is missing though.
  56. >Day you are going to hug Trixie
  57. >Why?
  58. >Because for a moment, we are going to pretend we are gadget.
  59. >After your search you find Trixie relaxing out side of her wagon.
  60. >Just strolling up she instantly notices you.
  61. >But she doesn't know your intentions
  62. >You pick her up and place her against your chest.
  63. >IT BEGINS
  64. >You begin rubbing Trixie up and down your body, both of you moaning.
  65. >The near by homeless pony has no idea what he just witnessed.
  67. >"Thank you for coming all the way out from ponyville to come meet us Anonymous, we have heard so much about you from my student."
  68. "It was no problem at all Princess Celestia, it was wonderful to meet both you and Princess Luna."
  69. >As you begin to turn and leave you quickly turn back to Celestia and Luna.
  70. "Um, this is an odd request but..."
  71. >You kick your foot and release a deep sigh.
  72. "But any chance I could get a hug? Its a sign of friendship ."
  73. >Both the sisters look at you as if you just farted.
  74. >Your pretty sure you didn't.
  75. >Luna looks around and nods to her sister uncomfortably
  76. >"A-alright, we don't wish to be rude."
  77. >Both alicorns wrap a wing around you as you wrap your arms around them.
  78. >They attempt to stifle their moans.
  79. >Luna is the first go as she whispers in your ear.
  80. >"Its been so long."
  81. >You whisper back
  82. "I have no idea whats going on. I just like hugs"
  86. >Day "Aw yeah niggah, swimmin in dem bits!"
  87. >Apparently you got the best hugs in this crazy world.
  88. >Mares be getting wet all over your lap.
  89. >Shits cray
  90. >This place is cray.
  91. >You get paid for hugging small colorful ponies.
  92. >Who the fuck would hire you if you put that on a resume.
  93. >A ding from your door says you have a customer
  94. >Spinning in your swivel chair you are met by a large red pony.
  95. >you know this pony.
  96. >Apple-butt said you should avoid him
  97. "Hey look man she came to m-"
  98. >Your interrupted by a large sack of coins being laid on a nearby table.
  99. >Now you are conflicted.
  100. >That's at least triple of what mares pay...
  101. >Lota bits.
  102. >reluctantly you pat your lap for him to jump up
  103. >He hops up wasting no time at all.
  104. >Hes way heavier then the mares but you are alright with it.
  105. >Taking a deep breath you wrap your arms around him.
  106. >He moans followed by a rather large shot of some kinda white stuff flying into the air and getting stuck on your ceiling.
  107. >You release your arms which causes him to hope off.
  108. >Wasting no time he leaves.
  109. >With a splat something falls from the ceiling and lands on your lap.
  110. >Shuddering you get up to fetch something to clean the mess up.
  114. >Day sleeping with Princess Twilight sparkle
  115. >While sleeping you roll over and pull Twilight sparkle into your chest.
  116. >At first she just lightly moaning.
  117. >But eventually you woke up because of her rubbing herself on your bare chest while she kept your arms wrapped around you.
  118. >"Oh god Anonymous, you feel so good."
  119. >Her entire body shakes till she lets go of your arms and relaxes on your chest.
  120. >You lay there with a raging boner as Twilight begins to snore.
  123. >Day hugging pony sex thing.
  124. >You are consoling Rarity, apparently some stallion dumped her.
  125. >Something about being a stuck up bitch
  126. >Apparently hes wrong
  127. >War never changes.
  128. >"Such a rude comment! I can't believe he would say that about me after everything I have done for him!"
  129. >Talk his ear off?
  130. >Deciding to solve this quickly you spread your arms.
  131. "Rarity, I know what would make you feel better."
  132. >"Whats that darling?" She says through teary eyes.
  133. "A hug."
  134. >As you close in Rarity begins stuttering and freaking out.
  135. >"A-Anon I don't think I'm," Your arms wrap around her.
  136. >She goes silent for a bit before wrapping her hooves around you.
  137. >"N-No pony must know." She moans into your ear.

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