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Magical Me! Ep. 03- Nervous Energy

By kqaii
Created: 2021-01-19 11:08:14
Expiry: Never

  1. [original writer _LEAF_ ]
  4. >Yesterday was your last day being grounded.
  5. >That was hell.
  6. >But now you can finally quit with the cleaning and intense studying.
  7. >Today you are at the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house.
  8. >"We're gonna play a game!" Apple Bloom announces.
  9. >These fillies usually play pretty dumb games, but most of the time they do some pretty cool stuff, so you hang out with them.
  10. "What kind of game?"
  11. >Apple Bloom smiles mischievously. "House."
  12. "What's house?"
  13. >The three crusaders give you a disbelieving look.
  14. >"We're gonna pretend we're a family." Scootaloo tells you.
  15. "Okay, and what do we do?"
  16. >Apple Bloom pushes Sweetie Belle next to you. "You're gonna be the dad and Sweetie Belle will be the wife."
  17. >Scootaloo and Apple Bloom giggle.
  18. >Sweetie Belle looks embarrassed. "Apple Bloom! I thought we talked about this..."
  19. "Well then what are you two gonna be?"
  20. >Apple Bloom takes off her bow and ties her mane into two ponytails. "I'm gonna be the daughter."
  21. >Scootaloo slicks her mane back. "And I'M the son!"
  22. >You all stare at her.
  23. >She looks a little embarrassed. "What? It's only pretend, right?"
  24. "Now what do we do?"
  25. >Apple Bloom rubs her hooves together. "Okay, so Scootaloo and I have just gone ta bed. So now you need to do what ma's and pa's do when the kids are asleep."
  26. >Sweetie Belle looks around. "I think Rarity is calling for me..."
  27. >Apple Bloom blocks her friend's escape and pushes her back to you.
  28. >You hear her whisper something to Sweetie Belle but can only make out 'your' and 'chance'.
  29. "What to moms and dads do when the kids go to sleep?"
  30. >Scootaloo nudges you from behind. "They kiss!"
  31. >Sweetie Belle faces you, her face red.
  32. >"It's only pretend, right? Just a little kiss?"
  33. >Well this is weird to you.
  34. >Why would a girl want to kiss you?
  35. "I don't get it."
  38. >Apple Bloom forces Sweetie Belle's head forward. "It's easy. Don't think, just kinda press your lips together."
  39. >Sweetie Belle appears to be having a heart attack, but closes her eyes and licks her lips. "Be gentle..."
  40. >You shrug a lean forward, pressing your lips to hers.
  41. >It's awkward standing there with your mouth on hers, but you can feel a little tingle sensation in your stomach.
  42. >Apple Bloom and Scootaloo giggle loudly.
  43. >Sweetie Belle turns her head a little.
  44. >You open your eyes and see that hers are still closed.
  46. >The sound of Trixie's voice makes you pull away from Sweetie Belle and go to the window.
  47. >Trixie looks up at you from below.
  48. "Yes mo- Trixie?"
  49. >"It's time to go. We have to make a trip."
  50. >You turn back to your friends.
  51. "Sorry guys, gotta go."
  52. >They look a little disappointed.
  53. >Sweetie Belle jumps over and hugs you.
  54. >This is more awkward than kissing.
  55. >"Thanks for um, playing. Can you play tomorrow?"
  56. "I'll see. Tomorrow, let's just practice magic."
  57. >You leave the club house and meet with Trixie down below.
  58. >She looks agitated.
  59. >Not mad, but worked up about something.
  60. "Where are we going?"
  61. >The two of you start walking back home.
  62. >"We have to go to Canterlot. Her royal highness, 'Twilight Sparkle' has commanded every pony to meet at the castle."
  63. >Did something happen?
  64. "Is everything okay? Should I be worried?"
  65. >Trixie looks at you.
  66. >Her eyes tell you that she's actually a bit scared.
  67. >She takes a breath and rubs your head.
  68. >"Everything is fine, little one. I fear that a big change is happening. But you don't need to worry as long as the Great and Powerful Trixie is around."
  69. >You smile and follow your mentor back home.
  72. >The two of you ride on a packed train to Canterlot.
  73. >Trixie seems to grow more agitated the closer you get.
  74. >You don't like her like this.
  75. >She's usually so confident and in control.
  76. >Maybe you should try some conversation.
  77. "I saw Twilight Sparkle in the Hayburger once. She's really pretty, don't you think?"
  78. >Trixie grimaces.
  79. >"Trixie forbids you from talking about Twilight Sparkle."
  80. >Oh...
  81. >She looks out the window sourly. "She's not even that pretty."
  82. >Maybe they had some bad blood between them?
  83. >By the time you get to Canterlot, all the ponies around you seem worked up.
  84. >Trixie made you dress in a fancy sweater and some slacks, so you feel a little uncomfortable.
  85. >You still wore your cape with flames on it, of course.
  86. >The two of you follow the crowd all jostling their way to the castle.
  87. >Out in front of the large structure there is a crowd of hundreds of ponies.
  88. >Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight Sparkle all stand on a balcony above with guards all around them.
  89. >Celestia steps forward and the crowd silences.
  90. >"Stay right next to me," Trixie orders.
  91. >You put a hand on her back and look up at the Princess.
  92. >Her voice booms out so all can hear.
  93. >"My little ponies! I am afraid I have some terrible news."
  94. >The crowd murmurs.
  95. >"Once again, there is a threat to Equestria as we know it! An evil villain has returned. Most of you may remember the disaster that happened around Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding not long ago..."
  96. >The crowd gets a little louder.
  97. >What happened at that wedding?
  98. >You go to ask, but Trixie holds up a hoof.
  99. >Celestia continues.
  100. >"I'm afraid that threat is here once more! The Changelings have been spotted in several towns and cities all over Equestria. It seems as though their numbers have grown prodigiously."
  101. >Now the crowd is a roar of voices and shouts of disbelief and fear.
  102. >Celestia spreads her wings and shouts.
  103. >"The villain Chrysalis has sent an open threat to our kingdom! But fear not! We will face this challenge head-on and make it known that no pony will tolerate evil!"
  104. >The crowd begins to cheer.
  107. "Trixie, what does this all mean?"
  108. >Trixie pulls you away as Celestia begins to give out orders and plans for action.
  109. >"It means things are about to get more hectic. It means we're going to have to step it up with your training."
  110. >Adrenaline is coursing through you from the roar of the crowd behind you.
  111. >"It means Trixie will have to work harder to keep you safe and from doing something stupid."
  112. >The two of you head into a building called 'The Gold Hoof Inn'.
  113. "Well, maybe a sword doesn't sound that silly now?"
  114. >Trixie shakes her head. "Nice try. No sword."
  115. >Before you can get to the counter of the Inn, a pony steps in front of you.
  116. >You know this is one of Twilight Sparkle's friends.
  117. >Scootaloo's idol.
  118. >Rainbow Dash looks kind of mean.
  119. >"Trixie, I don't know why, but Twilight wants to talk to you."
  120. >Trixie glares back at her. "Is this a royal order from the queen? Why does she want to talk to a peasant like Trixie?"
  121. >Rainbow Dash huffs. "Don't ask me! She just asked me to find you. Go to the castle and talk to her yourself!"
  122. >With that, the rainbow pony flies off.
  123. >Trixie groans and walks to the counter.
  124. >"I need a room for two for one night."
  125. >The stallion behind the counter nods and goes to get a key.
  126. "Are we not going to the castle?"
  127. >Trixie shakes her head. "Trixie is going to the castle. You are going to wait here in the room until Trixie returns."
  128. "But I wanna go too! I don't want to sit here alone while you go do all the cool stuff!"
  129. >Trixie looks like she's about to shut you down, but then thinks about it.
  130. >"Fine. You can come. You'll probably just cause havoc if I leave you alone anyway."
  131. >You pump your fist.
  132. >"But you will be on your best behavior and only speak when spoken to, understand?"
  133. >You nod and the stallion gives Trixie a key. "That'll be eighty bits."
  134. >Trixie pays for the room and the two of you head back to the castle.
  137. >You sit beside Trixie in a small room.
  138. >Some guards led you there after Trixie announced she had an appointment with Twilight Sparkle.
  139. >Twilight and her friends all sit on the opposite side of the table from you.
  140. >They seem a little intimidating up close.
  141. >Well, except for the yellow one...
  142. >Twilight clears her throat. "So, you know about the uprising of Changelings. I called you here to ask for your help."
  143. >Trixie looks bored. "To ask, or demand?"
  144. >Twilight looks agitated for a second, then regains her cool.
  145. >"To ask. We need all the help we can get and your skill with magic would be helpful."
  146. >Apple Bloom's sister speaks up. "Okay, not to be rude, but can we address the Elephant in the room?"
  147. >Everyone looks at you.
  148. >Twilight smiles at you. "We've all heard about you, Anonymous. But it's a pleasure to actually see you up close for the first time."
  149. >The pink pony appears from under the table and shakes your hand vigorously. "I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you Anonynonynonymous! What's your favorite color? When is your birthday? What's your favorite food?!"
  150. >Twilight pulls her friend away with magic. "Pinkie, please! I'm sorry, she's just excited."
  151. >Trixie seems pissed.
  152. >"This is Anonymous. A human. He is also Trixie's pupil in the study of magic."
  153. >The ponies all seem impressed.
  154. >The Sweetie Belle's sister bats her lashes at you. "How wonderful! Then you should be able to assist as well, Anonymous?"
  155. >You go to answer, but Trixie cuts you off.
  156. >"No. Absolutely not. He's still in training."
  157. >You want to argue, but Twilight nods. "Of course. I couldn't ask you to endanger yourself. But it would be nice if you could show me your magic some time."
  158. "I can show you right now."
  159. >Trixie puts a hoof on you before you can get up.
  160. >"No magic. We're going back to the inn. Trixie will consider your request."
  161. >She gets up and gives a stiff sarcastic bow.
  162. >You do the same, but nicely.
  163. >The two of you leave.
  164. >The streets outside are all still busy.
  165. "They seemed a lot nicer than I thought they would be."
  166. >Trixie grunts.
  167. "And Twilight Sparkle asked to see MY magic! She's the Element of Magic! That's so cool."
  168. >It seems like any talk of Twilight only puts Trixie in a worse mood.
  169. "Um, but her friends Fluttershy and Rarity... They kept staring at me. It was a little weird."
  170. >"I want you to forget about Twilight and her friends. You need to focus on your training even more now."
  171. >The two of you get back to the inn and go to your room.
  174. >That night, after lessons, you get out of bed to use the bathroom down the hall.
  175. >Trixie is snoring in the bed next to you and you can't sleep.
  176. >You go over to her and cover her back up with the blanket she has kicked off of herself.
  177. >She mumbles in her sleep.
  178. >"Anon... You fool... Fix your hair... Mfffmmm that's better..."
  179. >You smile and give her a small kiss on her horn.
  180. >She rolls over and hugs her pillow close with a smile.
  181. >You exit the room and walk down the dark hall.
  182. >They keep this Inn pretty cold.
  183. >It's a bit creepy at night in the silence.
  184. >After draining the dragon, you head to the lobby to get a drink.
  185. >The mare now working behind the front counter smiles warmly at you.
  186. >"Well aren't you just the cutest little thing in Canterlot. Is there anything I can help you with?"
  187. "Thank you, ma'am. Do you have anything to drink?"
  188. >She gives you some sort of juice and pats your head.
  189. >"Such lovely hair! Come back any time if you want anything else."
  190. >You thank her again and walk away.
  191. >Well she sure was nice.
  192. >"Um, e-excuse me?"
  193. >You stop and turn around.
  194. >Fluttershy stands behind you, looking nervous.
  195. "Oh, uh, hello Ms. Fluttershy?"
  196. >"You can just call me Fluttershy. I finally get to talk to you. That's... Nice."
  197. >Awkward is a better word for it.
  198. "Are you staying at this Inn too?"
  199. >"Oh no. I was just taking my pet bunny for a walk and decided to come in here."
  200. >Taking a bunny out for a walk.
  201. >At midnight.
  202. "Well alright then. Nice to see you again, Fluttershy."
  203. >She makes a squeaking noise.
  204. "Are you okay?"
  205. >Fluttershy looks behind her at the door where a bunny is angrily tapping it's foot.
  206. >"Um, w-would you like to come with me on a little w-w-walk?"
  207. >You really want to go to bed.
  208. >But Fluttershy is so nice and shy, you really don't think you can tell her no.
  209. >Plus, she's an Element of Harmony.
  210. "Sure. I just can't go too far."
  211. >You leave the Inn, following Fluttershy.

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