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Harem Gone Awry by MnMFiM

By kqaii
Created: 2021-01-28 07:10:25
Expiry: Never

  1. [original author MnMFiM ]
  2. "Harem Gone Awry"
  3. -------------------------
  5. >You are Anonymous.
  6. >You are a twenty something year old who, after contracting a minor case of fatal alcohol poisoning, you showed up in Equestria.
  7. >You spent the past couple years in Ponyville, living your life as any man should.
  8. >Drinking, and fucking everything in sight.
  9. >Eventually you matured, and found yourself in love with three different mares.
  10. >After a massive internal struggle, your bro informed you that there was nothing wrong with polygamy in Equestria.
  11. >Figuring that nothing could go wrong with a polygamous relationship, you proposed the idea to the mares, and they agreed.
  12. >And those three mares were…
  15. ()Applejack
  16. ()Gilda
  17. ()Blueblood.
  19. >Well, you take that back. It wasn’t three mares, it was one mare, one stallion, and one… uh… lioness? You weren’t sure what the correct term for a female griffon was.
  20. >Anyways, you ended up being in a relationship with all three of them and marrying them.
  21. >Applejack, a hard working mare that literally bled traditional family values (minus the polygamy bit) and hardcore booty.
  22. >Seriously, this mare had a booty so tight you could bounce a quarter off of it.
  23. >You tested this theory three times, in the name of Broscience.
  24. >Getting off topic… Applejack’s ass has tendency to become the center of attention.
  25. >Which is probably what attracted you to her in the first place.
  26. >The fact she was the first pony to give you a chance also helped in your decision to be with her.
  27. >The two of you became fast friends, which exploded into a very pleasant friends with benefits type of relationship a couple of months later.
  28. >It was only natural that you ended up married to her two years later, after you realized that you had cared more for the mare more than you had let on.
  30. >There was also Gilda, the griffon.
  31. >Birds were very important, and this bird was no different.
  32. >Your bro Rainbow Dash introduced you to her a couple months after you showed up in Equestria.
  33. >She was a complete bitch, you’re a total prick, the two of you just kinda clicked.
  34. >It seemed like at least every other evening, the two of you would get together for drinks at the local watering hole, wasting most of your paychecks on shitty, watered down booze.
  35. >It was about a year into your friendship when Gilda suddenly appeared on your doorstep, drunk off her ass, looking for more… intimate companionship.
  36. >Not one to let a friend down, you gave that bird the ride of her life.
  37. >That night left a lingering tension between the two of you, but nothing came of it until a couple of days before you decided to get involved with her, Applejack, and the third individual, when she decided to, in a rather embarrassed manner, reveal that her feelings for you were a lot stronger than you thought.
  38. >The only issue was, while she wanted to be with you, you wanted to be with Applejack, and you suddenly wanted to be with Gilda too.
  39. >Your husband, who was just your bro at the time, suggested you just get with both of them, which you did.
  41. >Which brings you to your husband, Blueblood.
  42. >You had met the infamous prince at the Grand Galloping Gala when you went with the Elements of Harmony.
  43. >You had heard the stories about him, about how he treats everybody less than dirt, about how literally all he did was insult anybody who he came across.
  44. >You had to meet him.
  45. >Channeling your inner bro, you drunkenly shambled up to him, loudly greeted him, and offered him some of your whiskey.
  46. >You expected him to explode on you and make your evening, but you were shocked when he graciously took the bottle off of you and drink a long swig from the bottle.
  47. >You chilled with him the rest of the evening. The stallion, despite his infamous reputation, was a bro of the highest degree.
  48. >You fondly remembered him going up to a mare you commented you’d love to fuck the shit out of to him and just straight up commanding her to sleep with you.
  49. >And she did. She even gave you her number, which you refused to call for moral reasons.
  50. >Blueblood was a madcolt. An absolute madcolt.
  51. >The two of you went back and forth visiting each other for the next couple months, since broship doesn’t look over things like distance.
  52. >Eventually, however, the prince decided to randomly move out of Canterlot, build a mansion in an unused portion of Sweet Apple Acres, and forced you to move in with him,
  53. >When you asked him why he left behind Canterlot, he said that you were literally the only one who seemed to genuinely care for him, and he wanted you to become an everyday part of his life.
  54. >Even though he forced it on you, you had to admit, you were touched.
  55. >Living in an a mansion for free with your best bro was pretty cash as well
  57. >Half a year after getting into relationships with both Applejack and Gilda, you began to notice a change in your bro’s behavior.
  58. >He was starting to get even more touchy feely with you, your ironic games of ass grab seeming to become more common and more intense.
  59. >You’d catch him looking your way out of the corner of your eye, a dreamy look on his face as he eyed you down.
  60. >You began to worry he might be a fag, but you doubted it. He always said no homo anytime he did something slightly homo.
  61. >Even when he threw himself at you and tried to kiss you.
  62. >That was a fucking great prank.
  63. >There was no way your bro was gay for you.
  64. >A couple months later, you decided that it was time to take things to next level with Applejack and Gilda, and asked them to marry you.
  65. >They both said yes, of course.
  66. >Feeling the need to get back at Blueblood for his various totally not homo pranks, you proposed to the prince as well.
  67. >He said yes without skipping a beat.
  68. >You thought it was odd, but whatever, you kept it to yourself that it was a prank for the sake of benefits. He’d catch onto it eventually.
  70. >The wedding was pretty extravagant, which wasn’t shocking, considering that it was a royal wedding that also involved a member of the Elements of Harmony.
  71. >You were shocked that you were the only one who found the wedding a bit strange.
  72. >You knew the ponies were accepting, but you were expecting at least one pony to have an issue with the partially ironic polygamous bi-sexual interspecies relationship you had found yourself in.
  73. >But all you heard was about how happy everybody was for you.
  74. >Even Gilda’s and Blueblood’s parents were happy, even though they were all notorious for acting like dickwads to everybody.
  75. >You didn’t know how Applejack’s parents felt about everything because they were dead.
  76. >Needless to say, the wedding went off without a hitch. You were made a prince and a member of the royal family, you got your ass kissed by a bunch of random nobles and Canterlot elite, and then you ran off and talked shit on all of them with your partners.
  77. >The sun set, and you found yourself locked in a honeymoon suite with your two brides and your groom.
  78. >You had always joked about having a foursome with the three of them, but when it actually happened, you didn’t really know what to expect.
  79. >All you knew was your balls were emptied, and your wives were filled.
  80. >Your bro also touched your dick and fondled your balls a few times, but he said no homo, so it was cool.
  81. >You all spent the next week together in Canterlot, before returning to Ponyville.
  83. >You are Anonymous.
  84. >You awaken in your plush, oversized bed, finding yourself sharing the bed with only Gilda this morning.
  85. >You assumed that Applejack got up earlier to work the farm, and Blueblood probably ran off to cook breakfast or something.
  86. >You sniffed the air, picking up on the smell of synthetic bacon and eggs in the air, confirming your suspicions.
  87. >You felt a bit of regret assuming he was going to be a pompous prick when you met your best bro.
  88. >For a prince, he sure did a lot for you, and the others.
  89. >What a bro.
  90. >Your stomach urging the rest of your body to function, you began to crawl out of bed, eager to chow down on whatever culinary masterpiece your bro has whipped up.
  91. >”I’m not done with you yet, dweeb…”
  92. >...?
  93. >You felt a pair of talons grip you, as your wife pulled you back into bed, wrapping her appendages around you.
  94. >As much as you loved snuggling up to the griffoness, holy fuck, did you crave some bacon.
  95. “Free me this moment, wench!” you demanded.
  96. >Gilda snickered, before breathing her response into your ear.
  97. >”Nah~”
  98. >You felt one of her fingers trace down your chest as she coo’d softly.
  99. >...!
  100. >You jumped slightly as you felt her talon poke your morning wood, which was just begging to jump out of your boxers and greet your wife.
  101. >”If you wanna keep your junk in one piece, I suggest you stay here until I’m ready to get up~”
  102. >You shifted your body around and faced the griffoness, shooting her a playful glare.
  103. “If you strike me down, my erection shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.”
  104. >She snorted in amusement.
  105. >”You dork.”
  106. >She tightened her grip on you as she pulled your body closer to her own, before affectionately nuzzling her beak against your cheek.
  108. “Gilda.”
  109. >She gave you an annoyed look, probably disappointed you were ruining her fun.
  110. >”What?”
  111. “I’m hungry.”
  112. >Your bird waifu let out a loud groan of protest.
  113. >”Ugh… fine! But tomorrow, if you pull this shit again, you’re sleeping on the floor from now on.”
  114. >She released you, before shifting her body so she was facing away from you.
  115. >You found yourself smiling at her behavior, before you planted a grateful kiss on the back of her head.
  116. “Thanks, babe.”
  117. >”Whatever, dweeb,” she huffed.
  118. >She stopped throwing her fit for a second, before she looked over your shoulder at you.
  119. >”Hey… could you bring me something?”
  120. >You shot her a grin, before jumping out of bed.
  121. “Sure. So long as you promise not to cut of my junk.”
  122. >She rolled her eyes, before facing away from you once again.
  123. >”Sure, whatever. Just get me some food, dickweed.”
  125. >Leaving Gilda to her own devices, you rushed downstairs and made a beeline for the kitchen.
  126. >Holy fuck, were you hungry.
  127. >You could eat a horse.
  128. >Wait...
  129. >...on second thought, that’s probably not a good phrase to use in a world primarily populated by multicolored equines.
  130. >Whatever. You were hungry.
  131. >Screeching to a halt as you hit the kitchen, you narrowly avoided bowling over Blueblood as he removed a tray of muffins from the oven.
  132. >”Slow down, Anonymous!”
  133. >He shot you a harsh glare as he set the muffins down on the nearby counter to cool.
  134. >”You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep running through here, you buffoon!”
  135. >His features softened, before he shot you a sheepish smile.
  136. >”Pardon my outburst, I-”
  137. >You raised your hand, signalling him to silence.
  138. “It’s cool, bro. Thanks for looking out.”
  139. >He nodded, before motioning over to the side.
  140. >”Hungry?”
  141. >You followed his hoof with your eyes-
  142. >...!
  143. “FUCK YES!”
  144. >Food.
  145. >So much food.
  146. >Bacon, eggs, biscuits, muffins, everything you could ever dream of.
  147. >”Mother always told me that the key to a mare’s heart was food… I suppose it works both ways.”
  148. “Totally, bro.”
  149. >Assembling your plate, you plopped down in a chair and dug in.
  150. >Your husband took a seat beside you.
  151. >”I was worried you were going to let your breakfast go cold.”
  152. >You shrugged.
  153. “I was being held against my will.”
  154. >Blueblood’s pleasant smile faltered as you revealed this.
  155. >”Ah… so that featherbrain is trying to keep you all to herself once again, is she?”
  156. >You gave him a look.
  157. “Hey man, you should talk about my wife like that.”
  158. >”I’ll talk about my husband’s wife however I damn please!”
  159. >”Yer not talkin’ bad bout me behind muh back, are ya?”
  160. >You looked towards the source of the new voice, spotting a freshly showered Applejack standing in the kitchen doorway, glaring harshly at the prince.
  161. >”I was referring to Anonymous’s other wife, dear Applejack.”
  162. >”Good.”
  163. >Her glare faded as she trotted over to you, planting a light kiss on your cheek.
  164. >”Mornin’ Anon, sorry Ah couldn’t keep ya company this morning. Needed ta get up early for harvest.”
  165. >You flashed her a grin.
  166. “No worries, AJ. I had Gilda to keep me company.”
  167. >Her pleasant aura seemed to falter just a bit at the mention of your other wife, but she didn’t mention anything as she climbed over your chair and plopped her flanks down on your lap.
  168. >She grabbed the blueberry muffin off of your plate and took a small bite out of it, much to your dismay.
  169. “M-muh muffin…”
  170. >She paused mid-bite, before looking your way with a mischievous smile.
  171. >”It’s alright, sugarcube, we can share.”
  172. >She wiggled her hips against your crotch, before shifting her body so she could straddle your hips, facing you.
  173. >Before you could say anything, you felt her lips press against yours, and half of the remaining muffin forcibly push into your mouth.
  174. >Your dick was kinda confused by the erotic display.
  175. >But your confusion was irrelevant, because you were fucking hungry.
  176. >Biting down on the muffin, you pulled away from the mare as you chew it down to a fine paste and swallowed.
  177. >The mare did the same, before leaning in, planting a light kiss on your lips.
  178. >”Ya feel better now~?”
  179. >Your stomach seemed to think so.
  180. >Grinning at the mare, you returned her kiss.
  181. “I’d say so.”
  182. >A satisfied look crossed the mare’s face, as she grabbed a piece of synthetic bacon off of you plate.
  183. >”Good.”
  185. >”Hey dweeb!”
  186. >You looked towards the hallway as your bird waifu called out to you.
  187. >She walked into the kitchen.
  188. >”Where’s my-”
  189. >Her eyes fell upon you, Applejack straddling your hips, casually munching on your bacon with a cocky look on her face.
  190. >An expression of pure, unadulterated rage crossed the griffon’s face.
  191. “Sorry Gilda, I just wanted to eat first. I was about to bring something up to you, when-”
  192. >”Right! I get it.”
  193. >She rolled her eyes, before approaching you and Applejack with a dark look on her face.
  194. >”Hey apple fucker, you’re in my seat. Scram!”
  195. >Applejack snorted in amusement, shooting the griffoness a cocky grin
  196. >”Ah’m afraid this spot’s taken, Gilda.”
  197. “Gilda-”
  198. >She shot a glare at you, signalling you to shut your fucking mouth.
  199. >”Anon, there’s no way letting this fucking horse take the spot my ass rightfully belongs on.”
  200. >The cocky expression on Applejack’s face broke, and a furious look took it’s place.
  201. >”Call me a horse again! Do it again! One cotton pickin’ more time!”
  202. >An evil grin spread across the griffon’s beak.
  203. >”Gladly.”
  204. >Gilda leaned towards the mare, before whispering out a single word.
  205. >”Hooooooooooor-”
  206. >The griffon wasn’t even able to finish her sentence before the mare struck out, her hoof a blur as it collided with Gilda’s feathered face.
  207. >The bird lion hybrid was dazed for a few moment, but quickly regained got herself together.
  208. >”Ah told ya not ta-”
  209. >The griffon jumped at the mare with a catlike screech, tackling her off your lap.
  210. >The two rolled for a couple seconds, before they came to a stop.
  211. >Gilda had managed to get on top of the mare, but was having trouble dodging the mare’s flurry of punches as she tried to trap Applejack in a chokehold.
  212. >Your dick immensely approved of the random catfight, but you realized that you should probably do something.
  213. >What do?
  215. ()Side with neither, use psycho crusher on them
  216. ()Ignore the catfight and ask Blueblood how his day’s going
  218. >The two of them looked as if they were about to fight to the death.
  219. >The thought of two fiercely attractive members of the opposite sex would tickle the fancy of many men.
  220. >But you, Anonymous, found yourself losing interest.
  221. >You were much, much more interested in the bro sitting beside you.
  222. “So Blueblood, how’s your day going?”
  223. >You sipped casually at your tea as he stopped watching the two mares fight and looked at you with an incredulous look.
  224. >”Anonymous, don’t you think you should do something?”
  225. >You shrugged.
  226. “Nah, they can sort it out.”
  227. >You shot the stallion a smug grin, but he just gave you a look of disappointment.
  228. (Your relationship status with Blueblood dropped by 10 percent. His relationship status is now at 90 percent.)
  229. >”Anonymous, go break them up before they destroy my kitchen.”
  230. >You let out an annoyed groan.
  231. “Fuck… fine!”
  232. >You suddenly felt the urge to kill the stallion with a bottle of Nuka Cola for some reason.
  233. >Probably just indigestion.
  234. >You jumped up from your chair and walked towards your fighting wives.
  235. “Hey, knock that off.”
  236. >The two of them either didn’t hear your half-hearted order, or ignored you.
  237. >Either way, they continued to fight.
  238. >You took a deep breath, mentally trying to prepare yourself for what was next.
  239. >You were the man of the house.
  240. >You needed to show your dominance.
  241. >It was time… to use psycho crusher…
  242. >...wait…
  243. >You forgot the fucking combo, God damn it.
  244. >Besides, you’d kill your wives if you used psycho crusher on them. That shit would be funny, but, you know, you loved them and all.
  245. >That booty game too ridiculous to wipe off the face of the Earth, anyways.
  246. >Opting for plan B, you closed the distance between you and them, reaching down and grabbing them by their tails.
  247. >Giving their tails a shape tug, you lifted the two of them up in the air with ease, holding them away from each other.
  248. >”Put me down, you fucking queefsniffer! She fucking started it, and I’m-”
  249. “Fucking. Stop.”
  250. >Gilda stopped running her mouth as the harsh tone of your voice.
  251. >It was extremely rare that you actually got angry, you were content just to not give a shit and chill out most of the time.
  252. >But stupid shit like this pissed you off, immensily.
  253. >The griffon remained silent for a few seconds, before crossing her arms and letting out a soft ‘hmph’.
  254. >”Whatever, I think she learned her lesson anyways.”
  255. >With that, your bird waifu wiggled out of your grasp, grabbed a handful of bacon from your plate, and walked out of the room.
  256. >Rude.
  257. >You turned your attention to the orange mare you were still holding up in the air, who had a shameful expression on her face.
  258. >Letting out a sigh, she looked up at you, her eyes begging you for mercy
  259. >”Ah’m sorry, Anon… Ah just… she riles me up somethin’ fierce. Ah should have better control… but… she was kinda asking for it, sugarcube.”
  260. >You set the mare down, giving her a comforting pat on the head.
  261. “It’s all good, AJ. Just chill out, alright? Don’t let Gilda being a cunt get to you. You and I both know damn well my dick is big enough to be shared.”
  262. >The mare snickered lightly, before motioning you to get on her level.
  263. >You complied, squatting low to the ground as you got face to face with your wife.
  264. >She smiled, before leaning forward, placing a light kiss on your forehead.
  265. >”Ah can share… but between ya and me, Ah’d much take all of ya in rather than split ya with somebody else…”
  266. >She pulled away from you, her orange cheeks turning a light shade of pink, before she did a 360 and walked out of the room.
  267. >As soon as she trotted out of the room, you heard Blueblood clear his throat.
  268. >”Anonymous, I love you, but, if you let them fight like a couple of savages over you again, I won’t be pleased. One bit.”
  269. >You gave the stallion a look.
  270. “It can’t be helped, bro.”
  271. >Not really being in the mood to listen to him chew you out, you walked over to the fridge, opened it, and grabbed a nice, cool beer from inside.
  272. >As you closed the fridge and began to walk out of the kitchen, you caught the prince giving you a weird look.
  273. “What?”
  274. >”It’s not even eleven yet, Anonymous. Why are getting a beer?”
  275. >You shrugged.
  276. “If you don’t take a shower with a shower beer, you’re a pleb.”
  277. >”Well… I guess you got me there, Anonymous…”
  279. >A few minutes later, you found yourself in your bathroom.
  280. >Wasting no time, you undressed yourself, which didn’t take long at all, considering you were only wearing your boxers.
  281. >You grabbed your beer, open it, took a quick sip, and hopped into the shower.
  282. >Yeah, shit was early, but life wasn’t complete without shower beers.
  283. >Besides, since when did you care about how early it was?
  284. >As you bounced back and forth between washing yourself, drinking your beer, and casually spanking your monkey, you heard the bathroom door open, and someone wander in.
  285. >Blueblood seemed kinda ticked about your delayed intervention, so that meant there was only two individuals who would be joining you right now.
  286. >The shower door opened, and in jumped…
  288. ()Applejack.
  289. ()T-Pain.
  291. >T-PAIN?!
  292. >Wait, no, T-Pain isn’t orange.
  293. >Or a horse.
  294. >”Howdy, Anon!” your apple waifu chirped as she closed the shower door behind her.
  295. >She eyed your shower beer, and flashed you a grin.
  296. >”Mind sharin’?”
  297. “Sure.”
  298. >The mare opened her mouth for you, allowing you to place the can on her lips and pour a liberal amount inside of her mouth.
  299. >You pulled the can away as she closed her mouth and swallowed, before flashing you a grateful smile.
  300. >”Thank ya kindly, hun~”
  301. “No problem, babe.”
  302. >You took a sip from the can, your face heating up as you revelled in the indirect kissu.
  303. >As you did this, your wife pushed past you and jumped in front of you, allowing the water to rain down on her.
  304. >She seemed to almost be finding pleasure in the feeling of the stream rinsing away the dirt and grime that built up on her body during the past several hours of work.
  305. >You felt your manhood twitch in approval as you took in her form.
  306. >Unsurprisingly, for a mare who worked on a farm all day, her butt had a lot of muscle to it.
  307. >Not too much, but just enough to make it look shapely as hell.
  308. >You were honestly surprised at how an ass with so much muscle could still be so circular and inviting.
  309. >But her perfect ass would be incomplete with her glorious child birthing hips.
  310. >You wouldn’t be shocked if she could crush your head with one simple squeeze with those things.
  311. >The mare looked back at you and caught you mirin’.
  312. >She took note of your slowly rising erection, and smirked.
  313. >”Hey Anon, enjoyin’ the view?”
  314. >You and your penis nodded in unison, eliciting a cocky smile from the mare.
  315. >”Why dontcha make yerself useful and put them hands ta good use?”
  316. >She wriggled her eyes at you seductively, before motioning her flanks over at the nearby bottles of Apple Spice shampoo.
  317. >You knew what you must do...
  319. ()Use the hands God gifted you with to wash your wife and massage her glorious ass.
  322. >You looked down at the hands that God had blessed you with.
  323. >Your impressive digits, your glorious opposable thumbs, something that even unicorns were jealous of.
  324. >Your wife had demanded that you put them to good use.
  325. >And by God, you would fucking do so.
  326. >Downing the rest of your shower beer, you let the precious liquid rejuvenise you.
  327. >As you felt your power grow and the fire inside you rise, you grabbed the nearby bottle of Apple Spice, dumping a generous amount into one of your palms.
  328. >Rubbing your hands together like a greedy merchant, you reached out towards the mare cautiously.
  329. >Carefully…
  330. >Carefully…
  331. >”Anon, quit fuckin’ around.”
  332. >Oh. Right.
  333. “Sorry.”
  334. >You pressed your fingers through her hair and lightly dug your digits into her scalp,
  335. >The mare let out a content sigh as you began to massage her scalp.
  336. “How’s that?”
  337. >A pleasant smile spread across her face.
  338. >”Amazing~”
  339. >You gave your wife a quick scratch behind the ear, before you ran your fingers through her long, flowing mane, spreading the shampoo throughout it’s entire length.
  340. >As soon as her mane was a soapy mess, you grabbed some body wash, and shifted your focus to the mare’s body.
  341. >Her perfectly toned, invitingly curvy body.
  342. >You felt your anticipation build as placed your hands on mare’s shoulders, before gripping them and beginning to lightly rub at them.
  343. >Applejack’s body shuddered at your touch, prompting you to continue.
  344. >You continued along her body, rubbing the body wash into her coat and kneeding out every knot that you came across.
  345. >You heard a mixture of content sighs, coos, and soft moans from the mare as you did so.
  346. >As you pushed onwards, your felt something begin to grind against your leg.
  347. >Something furry, hot, and wet.
  348. >You took a peak downwards, and spotted Applejack grinding her hindquarters against you, looking up at you with a lustful, pleading look.
  349. >”K-keep going,” she urged you on.
  350. >You weren’t one to disappoint.
  351. >You pressed on, working your way along the mare’s back and to her flanks.
  352. >You could feel your dick almost begin to curve as you reached your wife’s firm, inviting asscheeks.
  353. >You gave her flanks a nice squeeze, eliciting a low moan from the mare.
  354. >Her grinding increased as she looked back at you, biting down on her bottom lip as she eyed me down.
  355. >”Tan my hide~”
  356. >You felt a cocky smirk spread across your face.
  357. “Well… if you insist…”
  358. >You stopped massaging and groping at the mare’s flanks.
  359. >Grabbing onto one of Applejack’s cheeks with your left hand, you brought your right arm back.
  360. >Building some power up in your arm, you struck out at the mare’s hindquarters, your open palm colliding with her flank at supersonic speeds.
  361. >The mare cried out, panting like a dog as you repeated the action again and again, each strike sending ripples through your wife’s perfectly toned flanks.
  362. >You could feel her grinding increase, as her juices began to coat your legs.
  363. >She was clearly ready and willing, and judging by the strength of your erection, so were you.
  364. >What to do… what to do...
  366. ()J-J-JAM IT IN!
  368. >You equipped your hammer of justice, grabbing it with one hand while you guided Applejack’s ass into position.
  369. >The mare rather quickly picked up on what was going and looked back at you, giving you that sultry, half-lidded gaze that you both knew drove you insane, begging you to rut her.
  370. >You weren’t one to-
  371. >Fuck, gotta stop saying that.
  372. >Using your hand to guide your ponos towards the mare’s vagooo, you slowly pressed just the tip inside of her.
  373. >The mare’s body shuddered in response, as she fell onto her forehooves, keeping her ass in the air.
  374. >”D-do it~!”
  375. >At her word, you slapped your hands against the mare’s flanks and grabbed onto them, before slamming your cock inside of her slippery cunt.
  376. >The mare cried out as thrust most of your length inside of her at once, before retracting slightly, then thrusting in deeper.
  377. >Applejack’s sharp cry was reduced to a low moan as you began to pound away at her marehood.
  378. >She looked over her shoulder, a fiery look in her eyes and a cocky grin spread across her reddened cheeks.
  379. >”T-that the best ya got?”
  380. >You snorted with amusement, before giving her your own cocky look.
  381. “Of course not!”
  382. >Digging your digits into the mare’s rear, you used your powerful hip muscles to thrust into her with all your strength, slamming your entire length inside her.
  383. >Applejack’s body shuddered once more as she bit down on her lip and buried her face into her hooves, preventing another sharp cry from escaping her mouth.
  384. >All you could make out was a low “mmmf~” as pounded away at her marehood, picking up the pace as you went.
  385. >There were many things you learned about Applejack over the past couple years, and one of those things were, while she was a soft, tender mare, whenever the two of you rutted, she liked it when she was roughed up a bit.
  386. >There was nothing that she enjoyed more than a nice, hard fuck.
  387. >As you continued to slam into her, you ran a hand up her ass until you found your way to the base of her tail.
  388. >Wrapping your fingers around it, you gave it a hard yank.
  389. >Your wife didn’t bother trying to silence herself this time, as she unburied her muzzle from her hooves, howling in pleasure
  390. >Her howls drove you to rut the mare harder.
  391. >You stepped up your game, increasing your pace and the strength behind your thrusts.
  392. >A series of squeels and sharp moans escaped from Applejack’s mouth in response, your efforts quickly turning her into a bumbling mess.
  393. >You yanked harder as you pounded away at her, giving it your all, thrusting into her at lighting speed.
  394. >More cries of pleasure came from the mare as her breathing became more erratic and laboured.
  395. >You felt her tunnel of love tighten around your hammer of justice, a sound barrier shattering moan emanating from your wife as she reached the point of orgasm.
  396. >As the mare lay there with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, a look of pure bliss on her face, you felt that you had concluded your mission.
  397. >Now, it was time to finish the fight.
  398. >Feeling empowered by her state, you renewed your aggressive assault on her marehood, your thrusts into her more than likely breaking the land speed record.
  399. >Pounding away at her like a rocket powered cheetah, you began to feel a pressure build up in your loins.
  400. >This was it.
  402. >As you screeched at the top of your lungs like an autist, you felt an intense wave of pleasure hit you as your dick twitched violently, your seed shooting deep inside of the mare.
  403. >”Mmmmmmmf~!”
  404. >You felt your wife’s hooves begin to give way under her as you finished inside of her.
  405. >You held onto her, propping her up.
  406. >It would be pretty rude of you to let your wife pass out in the shower, after all.
  407. >You ran your hands up her body until your fingers found their way to her ribs.
  408. >With a grunt, you lifted the mare off the shower floor, propping her up against your chest as you wrapped your arms around her.
  409. >You noticed a grin tug at the corners of your wife’s mouth as she wrapped her hooves around you, burying her muzzle in her neck.
  410. >You felt her lightly press her lips against your nape.
  411. >”Thanks, sugarcube~”
  412. >A smile spread across your face as you returned the gesture
  413. “Anytime, AJ.”
  415. >It wasn’t long before Applejack regained her strength and was able to stand on her own, though she seemed pretty reluctant to leave your arms.
  416. >You helped her clean up, wiping the blood from her lips where she bit down on it.
  417. >After doing so, you quickly dried off, and threw on your clothes.
  418. >What should you do now?
  421. ()Check up on Gilda.
  423. >You made your way for the bathroom door, only to feel Applejack’s hoof wrap around your arm.
  424. >Before you could react, you were pulled down to her level, and you felt her lips lock with yours.
  425. >As soon as you realized what was going, you wrapped an arm around the mare’s neck and pulled her in, returning the kiss with vigor.
  426. >You heard the mare hum with satisfaction as she pulled away from you with a smile, a trail of spittle still connecting the two of you.
  427. >“Just needed somethin’ ta keep me goin’ till later tonight.”
  428. >You smirked as you eyed her down.
  429. “What? The sex wasn’t good enough for you?”
  430. >She snickered, before affectionately pecking you on the cheek.
  431. >”Nah… that was lovely… Ah just didn’t get a kiss outta ya.”
  432. >And with that, she placed a small, sensual kiss on your lips, before letting go of your hand and pulling away from you.
  433. >”Well… Ah gotta get back ta work. Them apple trees ain’t gonna buck themselves.”
  434. >She looked up at you with a pleasant smile as you stood back up.
  435. >”Ah love ya, Anon.”
  436. >A stupid grin spread across your face, her words and smile melting your heart.
  437. “I love you too, AJ.”
  438. >You rustled the mare’s mane, before making your way out of the bedroom.
  439. >The orange pony followed you out, shot you a final loving smile, and split off from you, making her way downstairs.
  441. >You made your way up the hallway and stopped at your bedroom door.
  442. >You paused, steeling yourself for what lay on the other side, awaiting your arrival.
  443. >With a breath, you gripped the handle, twisted it, and pushed in the door.
  444. >The response to your arrival was almost immediate.
  445. >“PISS OFF, DWEEB!”
  446. >The griffonesses words just bounced off of you as you approached the bed, being more than used to this song and dance.
  447. >You sat at the edge of your bed, peering over your shoulder at Gilda, who lay there, her body facing away from you.
  448. “Hey.”
  449. >”Didn’t you hear me? Piss off!”
  450. >You ignored her as you laid back on the bed, folding your hands behind your head, thinking carefully about what to say next.
  451. >What should you say…
  453. ()Say nothing, cuddle with your bird waifu.
  456. >Gilda flinched slightly as she felt your arms wrap around her belly.
  457. >She didn’t protest though.
  458. >You pulled her in, burying your face in your plumage as you revelled in her warmth.
  459. >A light content sigh escaped your bird waifu’s beak.
  460. >The two of you lay there in silence, the sounds breaking it being your breathing and the occasional coo from your lover.
  461. >”I’m sorry…”
  462. >Her apology surprised you, but you felt a big grin spread across your face in response.
  463. “I know you are.”
  464. >”Asshole…”
  465. >The griffoness shifted in your arms, turning her body around so she could face you.
  466. >There was an empty glare on her face, something that caused you to snort in amusement.
  467. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
  468. >You ignored the look of fury on her face as you planted a light kiss on her beak.
  469. “You gotta be nicer to the others, Gilda. My dick is big enough to be shared.”
  470. >Her features softened, as her glare was replaced by an expression of guilt.
  471. >”I know… just… that was my seat, Anon.”
  472. >You flashed your wife a smirk.
  473. “You can share.”
  474. >She jabbed a finger into your chest as she stared you down.
  475. >”Fine, but I get my seat next time. Deal?”
  476. >You nodded, before planting a kiss on her forehead.
  477. “Deal.”
  478. >The griffoness buried her face into your chest, nuzzling into it affectionately.
  479. >”I love your dweeby ass so much…”
  480. >Her words came out as low, raspy whisper, but it warmed your heart just the same.
  481. >You kissed the top of her feathered head, rubbing at her back with affection.
  482. “I love you too, cunt.”
  483. >You heard the griffoness coo happily at this, rubbing her face even more into your chest.
  484. >Whelp, now that’s taken care of, what should you do now?
  486. ()Go chill with Blueblood.
  488. Current ratings:
  490. Applejack: A+
  491. Gilda: A-
  492. Blueblood: B-
  494. >You felt a major urge to go see your husbando.
  495. >You looked down at the usually aggressive griffon now happily cuddling with you.
  496. >Would it be a dick move of you to ruin this moment and see Blueblood?
  497. >Eh, you doubted she would mind.
  498. “Hey babe, I’d love to stay here and cuddle with you all day… but I gotta go see Blueblood.”
  499. >She stopped, and looked up at you with a raised brow, her annoyance pretty apparent on her face.
  500. >”You’re not serious, are you?”
  501. >You nodded wordlessly.
  502. >You were expecting her to get angry and start screaming at you, but neither of those things happened.
  503. >A hurt look crossed Gilda’s face as she took in your acknowledgment.
  504. >”Oh…”
  505. >Before you could do or say anything to comfort her, she shoved you off of her, turning her body away from you once more.
  506. >”Go. Go be with your faggot husband and leave me the fuck alone.”
  507. >You opened your mouth to protest, but a furious hiss from Gilda shut you up.
  508. >You sighed, before jumping out of your bed and making your way towards the bedroom door.
  509. >You could deal with her later.
  511. (Your relationship status with Gilda has decreased to a C).
  513. >You fell down the stairs like a badass, before jumping up from the floor and making a beeline for Blueblood’s study, where he almost certainly brooding in.
  514. >You kicked the door open, and dodge rolled inside, before looking about for your bro.
  515. >...?
  516. >He’s not here?
  517. >”Anonymous?”
  518. “AHH!”
  519. >You jumped out of your skin as Blueblood appeared behind you seemingly out of nowhere.
  520. >You turned around, spotting him giving you a peculiar look.
  521. >”You’ve seemed pretty eager to spend more time with you wives than me as of late… so tell me… why have you finally come my way?”
  522. >”Uh…”
  524. ()”To hang out with my bro, of course.”
  526. “I… want to hang out with my bro, of course!”
  527. >You flashed the stallion your biggest shiteating grin, but he continued to stare you down, a harsh look on his face.
  528. >”Is THAT all I am to you, Anonymous.”
  529. “Uh… you’re my… best bro?”
  530. >An emotion came over his face that you had genuinely never seen cross your bro’s face before.
  531. >Anger.
  532. >He was angry, at you, for the first time since you met.
  533. >”Is this whole marriage just a joke to you, Anonymous?”
  534. >You were taken aback by his statement as he slammed his hoof down on the floor.
  535. “I-!”
  536. >”I love you, Anonymous! I threw my entire life and reputation away just to be with you, and you can’t even love me back! You can’t treat me like anything other a bro!”
  537. “But I thought-!”
  538. >”Get out!”
  539. >He pointed his hoof at the door behind him as he stomped at the floor with anger once more.
  540. >”GET THE FUCK OUT!”
  541. >You were hit by the smell of ozone, before you were blinded by a bright flash.
  542. >Next thing you knew, you were in the middle of the nearby orchard, on your hands and knees, vomiting up the breakfast you just ate an hour ago.
  543. >Teleporting was never kind to you, nor anybody else, really.
  544. >As you finished puking your guts out, you did the best you could to get your shit together.
  545. >What… what did you do wrong?
  547. (Your relationship status with Blueblood was decreased to a D.)
  549. >“A-anon?!”
  550. >You heard the familiar Southern drawl of Applejack as she cried out, shock and concern evident in her voice.
  551. >You looked towards the source of the voice, spotting her galloping towards you.
  552. >She skidded to a halt inches away from you, immediately going to your side.
  553. >”Are ya okay?! How… where did ya… did ya teleport here?”
  554. >She blinked, before her nose picked up on the smell of what was once your breakfast. She looked down, spotting your vomit sitting in the dirt below.
  555. >”Yup… teleportation…”
  556. >You nodded weakly to confirm what she already knew.
  557. >She flashed you a reassuring grin as she gently pushed you onto hindquarters, before sitting beside you, keeping a hoof wrapped around you back to both comfort, and to prevent you from falling over in your weakened state.
  558. >”Ya okay…?”
  559. >You spat off to the side, trying to get the disgusting taste out of your mouth,
  560. “Not really…”
  561. >The look of concern on the mare’s face intensified at this.
  562. >You felt her hoof rub at your back in a futile attempt to comfort you, as she opened her muzzle to speak.
  563. >”Mind if Ah ask what happened?”
  564. >You remained silent, playing the events of the last ten or so minutes over and over again in your head.
  565. >You comforting Gilda, fixing the small issues caused by earlier this morning.
  566. >Then fucking everything up, and making things ten times worse with her.
  567. >Then going to try to patch things up with Blueblood, and then completely destroying everything.
  568. >You could probably make it up to Gilda… but...
  569. >You didn’t know if you could even fix things between you and your husband.
  570. >You went into this marriage with him thinking it was all a joke, that it was just for benefits.
  571. >You didn’t realize he wasn’t playing around.
  572. >You didn’t realize he actually loved you, and that he was marrying you to be with you, not because of the legal benefits.
  573. >Blueblood was your bro. You didn’t want your relationship with him to come to an end.
  574. >But… you’re straight.
  575. >You don’t like cock, nor sticking your dick in man ass.
  576. >”Anon…?”
  577. >Applejack’s voice brought you back to reality.
  578. >And reality was beginning to hit you.
  579. >Hard.
  580. >You might lose one of your wives, who cared very deeply for.
  581. >You were almost certainly about to lose your bro.
  582. “I fucked up.”
  583. >As these words left your mouth, the gravity of the situation had began to hit you.
  584. >You found it growing difficult to breath, and you swore you felt a wet sensation on your face.
  585. >Were you crying…?
  586. >No, that couldn’t be it.
  587. >It must be raining.
  588. >That’s it.
  589. >You don’t cry.
  590. >Men don’t cry.
  591. >You felt your wife’s hooves wrap around you as the tears began flow freely down your cheeks.
  592. “F-fuck!”
  593. >Applejack embraced you tightly as you broke down into violent sobs, your entire body shaking as you did so.
  594. >The mare did her best to comfort you, letting you cry into her chest as she rubbed at your back, softly shushing you and telling you that everything was going to be alright.
  595. >But you knew that they were false promises.
  596. >You knew things weren’t going to get better, deep down.
  597. >It would be difficult to patch things up with Gilda, and that wouldn’t last long. That bird was as fragile as your marriage.
  598. >Only God knew how hard it would be to fix your relationship with Blueblood. This wasn’t just a little spat, it was obvious he felt like you didn’t care about him. At all.
  599. >Fuck, just thinking about them just made you cry harder.
  600. >You cried, and you cried, and you cried.
  601. >The entire time, Applejack was there beside you, holding you and doing her best to support you, regardless of her feelings about the others and the whole harem setup.
  602. >You loved this mare. She rarely caused any drama, and if she did, she was quick to apologize and make amends.
  603. >She was always so tender, so caring.
  604. >She was the perfect wife.
  605. >”Anon…”
  606. >Applejack’s voice grabbed your attention. You did your best to regain your composure before looking her way and responding.
  607. “W-what?”
  608. >Gently, she wiped the tears away from your cheek with her hooves, giving you the best reassuring smile she could muster.
  609. >”Let’s go get ya cleaned up… then we can go do somethin’ ta get this off yer mind. Ah’m sure whatever ya did… it can be fixed.”
  610. >You sniffled, thinking over her offer.
  611. >You could probably use a drink right about now… a hard one… and sharing a drink with your wife seemed really tempting.
  612. >What should you do?
  614. ()Take her up on her offer.
  616. >Deep down, you felt that maybe you should go home and try to patch things up with your other partners.
  617. >You knew Applejack wouldn’t mind if you did. Unlike the others, she didn’t really get jealous unless she was heavily neglected, which she never is.
  618. >But, you figured that they could use some time to themselves.
  619. >Besides…
  620. >As you looked at the mare sitting beside you, looking at you with a pleasant smile on her face… at cute collection of freckles… her irresistible emerald eyes…
  621. >You realized you wanted nothing more than to be with her.
  622. “Yeah… alright, let’s go do that.”
  623. >”Alright… here sugarcube, let me…”
  624. >Lending you a supporting hoof, she helped you off the ground.
  625. >You stumbled slightly, but thanks to the help of your wife, you didn’t fall flat on your face like a drunk.
  626. >”The farmhouse is just a little ways away. Let’s head there and clean ya up, alright?”
  627. ”Yeah… sounds good…”
  628. >You shot Applejack a weak grin as she trotted beside you, using her body to support you as you slowly walked towards your objective.
  629. “...think I can get some Applejack Daniels when we get there?”
  630. >She glanced up at you, flashing you a smile.
  631. >”Of course, sugarcube, we can share the bottle.”
  632. >Lewd.
  634. >After several minutes of walking, you had reached your destination, the Apple family’s farm house.
  635. >You used to come here pretty regularly back in the day to spend time with Applejack, but now, it was pretty rare you went to visit, even though you lived on the same property as the rest of the Apple family.
  636. >Applejack led you into the house and into the downstairs bathroom.
  637. >By then, you had regained enough strength to walk on your own, and entered the bathroom on your own, making a beeline for the mouthwash.
  638. >Popping the top off, you poured a generous amount into your mouth, swished it about until it began to burn like jacking off after touching jalapenos, then spat it out in the sink.
  639. >You felt a lot better as the horrific flavor of what used to be your lunch was replaced by minty freshness.
  640. “Thanks, AJ.”
  641. >She beamed at you.
  642. >”Ain’t nothin’ to thank me for. Ah gotta look after my man, anyways.”
  643. >She grabbed a washcloth off of a nearby hangar, drenched it in water, and motioned you to get down on her level.
  644. >You obliged her, falling to your knees and presenting your face to her.
  645. >She flashed you a grateful smile.
  646. >”Now hold still…”
  647. >Gently, the mare pressed the wet washcloth against your skin.
  648. >She spent a few moments dabbing away the dried tears on your cheeks and the nastiness that built up around your lips and nose, before pulling away, a pleasant smile on her face.
  649. >”There… all better…”
  650. >She turned around briefly and threw the now disgustingly dirty washcloth in the nearby hamper, before looking back at you.
  651. >”How about we go into town? Maybe hit up a bar? Ah don’t think Big Mac would mind terribly if Ah took a half day.”
  652. >You felt a grin spread across your face at the mare’s proposition.
  653. “Sure. Why not?”
  655. >It wasn’t long before you found yourself walking into town with your wife at your side.
  656. >You mourned the loss of your precious gains, desperately wishing they had cars in Equestria.
  657. >As you walked through the town, you relished in the fact that you no longer received anymore nasty looks from random ponies on the street.
  658. >It wasn’t long ago that they would constantly be staring you down, talking behind your back as if you were some kind of monster.
  659. >Now they would either ignore you, or shoot you a friendly smile.
  660. >It was a nice change of pace.
  661. >Especially with all the shit that’s happened today.
  662. >You felt an intense shiver run up your spine as you did your best to stay warm with what little you had on.
  663. >Your Oppai hoodie and faded jeans would be enough on any ordinary day, but on a freezing late autumn day like this, the cold quickly made you it’s bitch when you weren’t wearing the proper attire.
  664. >You regretted not taking your /mlp/ scarf with you when you crossed over all those years ago.
  665. >...?
  666. >You felt a sudden warmth brush up against your leg.
  667. >You glanced down, spotting Applejack sidled up to you, grinning warmly up at you.
  668. >”Ya looked a bit cold.”
  669. >The mare’s body shivered as she said this, obvious that the brisk weather was taking it’s toll on her as well.
  670. >Hmm…”
  672. ()Stap her to your chest, acquire warmness, form voltron..
  674. >Jesus fuck, you’re cold.
  675. >There’s only one reasonable option to help yourself and your wife fight against this cold autumn day.
  676. “Ready to form Voltron!”
  677. >Applejack stopped dead in her tracks, and gave you a weird look.
  678. >”Anon, what-”
  679. >Gently, you scrabbed the mare by the scruff of her neck and placed her against your chest, moving your hands beneath her flanks to support her.
  680. >The mare quickly picked up on what you were doing, wrapping her hooves around your neck and waist.
  681. “Let’s go, Voltron Force!”
  682. >Applejack giggled at your antics, placing a small kiss on your lips.
  683. >”Thanks sugarcube, it was a might cold on the ground.”
  684. >You returned the mare’s kiss, revelling in her warmth as you awkwardly walked around with your wife strapped to your chest.
  685. >It may have been a bit uncomfortable, but at least you weren’t cold anymore, and Hell, you were sure that if your relationship status with Applejack wasn’t already maxed out, shit would’ve just improved dramatically.
  686. >Bitches love being cradled. And warm.
  688. >You are Voltron, Defender of the Universe.
  689. >Wait, no, you’re Anonymous.
  690. >Your title involves destroying cunts, not defending universes.
  691. >A handful of minutes of awkward walking later, you found yourself standing in front of your favorite bar.
  692. >The Winchester.
  693. >If there was ever a zombie apocalypse, this is where you’d hide out at.
  694. >Not because it was secure or anything, you just wanted to be able to drink yourself into a coma.
  695. >You placed down your wife and made for the entrance.
  696. >You held the door open for Applejack, since you were a polite lad, and followed her in as she trotted inside.
  697. >You almost fell to your knees and kissed the floor as you were greeted by the warmth of an active heater, and the smell of booze in the air.
  698. >You… you were home.
  699. >Resisting the urge to cry with joy, you waltzed over to the bar, your wife in tow.
  700. >You hopped on a stool, where you were greeted by the bartender and handed you and your wife your drinks of choice almost immediately.
  701. >Applejack Daniels, on the rocks.
  702. >You felt a smile tug at corners of your mouth as you eyed your drinks, remembering how the two of you actually got to know each other.
  703. >You had met before, when you first showed up in Equestria.
  704. >Broke a few of your ribs on your first meeting, actually.
  705. >She assumed you were a monster, like everybody else.
  706. >Naturally, she felt pretty shitty when she found out the truth about your appearance.
  707. >So, while everybody else hid in the shadows while you drank your sorrows away, she sat on barstool beside you, ordered the same drink you had, and covered your tab.
  708. >If she didn’t do that, and if she didn’t befriend you, you doubted anybody else would’ve given you a chance.
  709. >”Hey Anon…?”
  710. >Your wife’s voice shook you from your memories.
  711. >You looked away from your glasses and gave the mare your attention.
  712. >”A bit for yer thoughts?”
  713. >You shot her a reassuring smile as you grabbed the glass off the counter, holding it up to your lips as you took a quick drink.
  714. “Sorry, just getting lost in my memories, that’s all.”
  715. >As you placed your whiskey back down on the bar, you felt Applejack hoof fall upon your hand.
  716. >She gave you a smile that was as sweet as honey and placed a light kiss on your cheek.
  717. >”Ah think it’s yer turn to cover the tab, sugarcube~”
  718. >Fuck.
  719. >She gave you an overly affectionate nuzzle, before turning her attention back to her drink.
  720. >You did so as well, taking another drink from your glass.
  721. >You appreciated your wife’s efforts to support you.
  722. >You were pretty shocked that she hadn’t tried to convince you to just divorce them at this point, considering she’s more into traditional marriages than harems.
  723. >You were sure that your other two partners would’ve tried to pull that by now.
  724. >Well… maybe not Blueblood. Gilda definitely would’ve, though.
  725. >Fuck… try as you might, you just couldn’t get them out of your head.
  726. >Their words had pierced you deeper than an arrow could hop to.
  727. >You looked to the mare sitting beside you, currently too occupied with her drink to notice you staring at her.
  728. >Perhaps the answers to your problems lay with the mare sitting beside you.
  729. >It was worth a shot
  730. ”AJ?”
  731. >The mare finished off her drink and looked at you with a raised brow.
  732. >”What is it, sugarcube?”
  734. ()Ask for advice.
  736. >You sighed into your whiskey.
  737. “What should I do?”
  738. >She gave you a questioning glance, apparently surprised you actually wanted to know what she thought.
  739. >Reasonably so..
  740. >”Ya wanna know what Ah think?”
  741. >You nodded wordlessly.
  742. >She gave you a look.
  743. >Not a weird look, like you were expecting.
  744. >But a look of pity.
  745. >”I don’t think there’s anything you can do, Anon.”
  746. >A solemn expression crossed her face, before taking a drink from the glass the bartender had just refilled.
  747. >”Gilda… Gilda’s just Gilda. Ah think she’ll get over herself in a couple days, like usual. But… Ah don’t think there’s anythin’ ya can do to fix things between ya and Blueblood. Beyond goin’ gay for him.”
  748. >A light giggle escaped her muzzle at this.
  749. >”We both know that ain’t happenin’.”
  750. >You shook your head.
  751. “Yeah, no way.”
  752. >The mare leaned against the bar, placing her other hoof on your hand.
  753. >”Ah’m sorry, hun.”
  754. >You covered her hooves with your free hand, giving them an affectionate squeeze.
  755. >You felt a sad smile cross your face as you looked into the mare’s beautiful green eyes.
  756. “Yeah… I know…”
  757. >A small grin spread across the mare’s lips.
  758. >”If there’s anythin’ Ah can do to help ya feel better… or help ya with yer troubles… just give me a holler, ya hear?”
  759. >You raised your brow at the last part, but her eyes shined with nothing but sincerity.
  760. >She was a shitty liar, so you knew she was being genuine.
  761. >She never liked the whole harem thing, even if she went along with it to be with you.
  762. >Now everything was beginning to fall apart, and here she was, here to support you through it.
  763. >She was even offering to help you fix things with your other lovers.
  764. >You knew that neither of them would even consider offering that.
  765. >You felt your aching heart slowly warm up as you gave the mare a genuine smile.
  766. “Thanks, AJ. I’ll keep that in mind.”
  767. >The orange pony returned your grin, before she leaned towards you, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
  768. >”Don’t worry… Ah can give ya all the affection ya need while they’re holdin’ out on you.”
  769. >Her hot breath brushing against your neck sent shivers down your spine as she continued to breath down your neck.
  770. >”And… all the other stuff that a spouse is supposed to do, as well~”
  771. >You flinched as one of her hooves snuck away from your hands and found it’s way in your lap.
  772. >You felt your cheeks heat up as her hoof slid up your leg and found it’s way to your crotch.
  773. >A teasing grin spread across her muzzle as she ran hoof in little circles around Lil’ Anon.
  774. >Before things could go any farther, her hoof retreated away from your loins and back to the bar.
  775. >”Heh… sorry bout that… got a little carried away. Ah guess this whiskey is hittin’ me pretty hard…”
  776. >Your dick disagreed with your analysis.
  777. >What do?
  780. ()Go home.
  782. >You felt your loins cry out to continue what Applejack started, and part of you demand that you continue drinking.
  783. >But… another part of you knew you needed to go home.
  784. >Fix the damage you’ve caused.
  785. >If you just avoid it, then things will just get worse.
  786. “Applejack… I think we should just go home…”
  787. >She looked surprised when these words left your mouth.
  788. >Disappointed as well. She was drunk, sure, but you were sure she wanted you to keep going.
  789. >But, she nodded, and smiled.
  790. >”Alright sugarcube, let’s go.”
  791. >She finished off the rest of her drink as you threw some bits down onto the bar.
  792. >You were quick to finish off your own drink before hopping down from your stool.
  793. >Together, you and your wife walked towards the exit.
  794. >As you threw open the door and began walking in the general direction of your home, you took a moment to think about just how lucky you were to have Applejack at your side.
  795. >Maybe with her help, she wouldn’t be the only one at your side after this was over and done with.
  796. >You felt a smile cross your face as the butterflies in your stomach grew frantic.
  797. >God, you loved this mare.
  799. >Throwing open the front doors, you rushed inside of your home.
  800. >You had two fires to put out, and not much time to do both.
  801. >Who should you-
  802. >”Hey dweeb!”
  803. >Looks like fate decided for you.
  804. >You felt something light hit your face.
  805. >You blinked in surprise, before following the source of the voice, spotting Gilda standing at the top of the grand staircase leading to the mansion’s second story.
  806. >”We need to talk. I’ll be in the bedroom.”
  807. >With that, she did a 360 and walked away.
  808. >When you heard the bedroom door slam behind her, you looked down to see what had hit your face.
  809. >On the floor, you spotted a scroll, more than likely from Blueblood.
  810. >You felt an extreme urge to read it, but at the same time, you needed to patch things up with Gilda before it got worse.
  811. >Fuck, what to do?!
  813. ()Read Blueblood’s scroll.
  815. >Fuck it, Gilda can wait a couple seconds.
  816. >You opened up the scroll, immediately recognizing Blueblood’s perfect hoofwriting.
  817. >’Anon…’ it started off.
  818. >’Over the past couple weeks, it has occurred to me you do not feel the same way for me that I feel for you.’
  819. >’I married you thinking you were actually interested in being in a relationship with me, not because you wanted to make a joke out of me.’
  820. >’I am returning to Canterlot. You can continue to live in the mansion, I built it for you, after all.’
  821. >’Good bye, Anonymous.’
  822. >’Blueblood.’
  823. >You felt your stomach drop as you finished reading the prince’s letter.
  824. >You wanted to lie to yourself, to tell yourself that none of it was true, but you knew that, deep down, it was.
  825. >You didn’t marry Blueblood because you loved him, you did it ironically.
  826. >And for benefits, but mainly for irony.
  827. >You thought all those times he got homo with was a massive joke.
  828. >You didn’t realize you were leading him on this entire time by responding in kind.
  829. >You didn’t realize he actually loved you.
  830. >FUCK!
  831. >You crumpled up the scroll and tossed it to the floor in blind rage.
  832. >How in the name of FUCK could you be so FUCKING stupid?
  833. >You could still fix this, you knew you could.
  834. >You immediately did a 360 and sprinted out the front door, much to Applejack’s shock.
  835. >You heard her call after you, but you ignored her.
  836. >You had to stop him.
  837. >You had to make things right.
  839. (Gilda’s relationship status has been downgraded to a F.)
  841. >You knew where you would be able to find him.
  842. >One of Blueblood’s biggest hobbies was flying airships.
  843. >He had his own personal airship that he had moored on the other end of Ponyville.
  844. >If he was going to return to Canterlot, that’s where he would be heading.
  845. >Was it already too late? Could you even beat the clock at this point?
  846. >FUCK!
  847. >You sprinted faster, trying to run faster than your body would even allow you to.
  848. >You couldn’t let your bro leave you, not without trying to fix things first.
  850. >GOTTA GO FAST!
  851. >”Anon!”
  852. >You heard Applejack calling out behind you.
  853. >You looked over your shoulder, spotting the orange mare quickly catching up to you as she galloped after you.
  854. >She slowed quite a bit as she reached you, shooting you a look filled with determination.
  855. >”Hop on, Anon!”
  856. “Right!”
  857. >You immediately jumped on your wife’s back, which was kinda awkward since she was half your height and you didn’t have a saddle to sit on, but that really didn’t matter.
  858. >”HOLD ON TIGHT!”
  859. >Your wrapped your arms around the mare’s neck as you held onto her.
  860. >The mare picked up her pace, galloping at speed that would probably break the land speed record that was previously broken by a rocket power cheetah.
  861. >It wasn’t long before you spotted the prince’s airship over the horizon.
  862. >In the blink of an eye, Applejack closed the distance between you and the airship, before skidding to a halt.
  863. >Blueblood was just finishing throwing his things on board when he noticed your arrival.
  864. >He seemed pretty shocked to see you before him, judging by his facial expression.
  865. >”A-Anonymous?!”
  866. “Blueblood!”
  867. >You jumped off your wife and immediately sprinted towards him.
  868. >You shot him a cock smirk as you stared him down.
  869. “You didn’t think you’d get away that easily, did you?”
  870. >The stallion flashed you an incredulous look.
  871. >”It doesn’t matter what you have to say, Anonymous. It’s over. I’m leaving.”
  872. >He turned away for you, and made his way for the ramp that lead up into the airship.
  873. >SHIT!
  874. >What do?
  876. ()Write in option that may or may not work depending on how I feel. Be smart about this one.
  879. >Much to your shock, the stallion actually paused his ascension into his aircraft, and glanced your way.
  880. >Without skipping a beat, you continued.
  881. “At least… at least fucking hear me out! We’ve been bros for years, you owe me that much.”
  882. >He scoffed.
  883. >”I owe you nothing, Anonymous!”
  884. >His features lightened up somewhat, contradicting his previous statement.
  885. >”But, I suppose I could entertain you. Speak your mind, Anonymous. But it won’t change my mind.”
  886. >You grimaced under the stallion’s cold stare, but you stepped forward, ready to give it your all to try and win back your bro.
  887. “I… I fucked up, Blue. I didn’t know how you felt about me, I just thought you were fucking around with me. I married you because I thought it would be funny, and because the benefits for the two of us would be nice.”
  888. >You could tell by the expression on his face, your words weren’t really doing much to phase him.
  889. >Hell, you might have been making things worse.
  890. >But you weren’t ready to give up, not yet.
  891. >”I’m sorry, man. I’m sorry for the way I treated you. I’m sorry for leading you on. You’re right, I don’t love you, not in that way, at least. We could never have that relationship. I love you like a brother, not a spouse.”
  892. >As you carefully considered your next words, you felt a massive pain in your chest, more painful that what you experienced in the car accident that brought you to this world.
  893. “Believe me, I know I fucked up, and that literally all this shit is my fault. But I would do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to get you to change your mind.”
  894. >You felt hot tears began to run down your cheeks as you spat out the next words.
  895. “I-I don’t want to lose my brother, Blueblood.”
  896. >The pain in your chest grew worse, and before you knew what was happening, you were on the ground, your knees in the dirt.
  897. >Your tears fell to the earth as you found yourself no longer able to look at the stallion who stood above you.
  898. >”I just… I just…”
  899. >You felt a hoof fall upon your shoulder, lightly tapping your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you.
  900. >”That’s enough, Anonymous.”
  901. >You looked up from the ground, finding yourself face to face with the prince, who was now giving you a warm smile.
  902. >”I… I might find it infuriating that you lead me on for all those months, however innocent your intentions were… but… losing you as a brother would be a mistake. Something that I would regret. Something I was already regretting.”
  903. >Before you could even react, the stallion pulled you into a tight, brotherly embrace.
  904. >You blinked, not quite believing what was going on for a few seconds, before wrapping your arms around his neck, reciprocating his hug.
  905. “I’m going to make it up to you, bro. I’m going to make sure you don’t regret giving me a second chance. I promise you.”
  906. >He pulled away from you, and flashed you a big grin.
  907. >”You already have, Anonymous.”
  909. (Your relationship status with Blueblood has permenantly upgraded to B++ (God-tier bro))
  911. >You felt another pair of hooves wrap around you from behind, as Applejack pressed her body against yours, leaning her head on your shoulder.
  912. >”Ah’m glad ta see ya two kissed and made up. Ah’ll be honest… Ah wasn’t lookin’ forward to havin’ ta deal with Anon bein’ all mopey and stuff.”
  913. >She gave you an affectionate nuzzle, before shooting the stallion you were holding a grin.
  914. >”Ah guess we don’t need ta compete for Anon’s attention anymore, huh?”
  915. >He returned her smile.
  916. >”I guess not, dear Applejack.”
  917. >He released you, and waved you towards his airship.
  918. >”Come along! You have to patch things up with Gilda, too!”
  919. >You nodded, feeling determination fill your very being as you sprinted up the ramp, the two ponies right behind you.
  920. >Your bro did a few real quick system checks, and before you knew it, you were off the ground, rapidly making your way towards your home, where your bird waifu awaited.
  922. >Within minutes, the airship was beginning to descend into an open field right next to your mansion.
  923. >You didn’t even bother waiting for Blueblood to finish landing, jumping out from the airship.
  924. >You tucked and rolled as you hit the earth, before immediately getting on your feet, sprinting for the mansion’s front door.
  925. >Before you could reach it, however, the door opened, and out stepped your bird waifu.
  926. “GILDA!”
  927. >You ran to give her your affection, but stopped dead in your tracks as she shot you a furious glare.
  928. >”Don’t touch me. Don’t come anywhere near me.”
  929. >You felt that familiar heartache return at the tone of her voice.
  930. >This wasn’t the usual tsundere-tier shit she’d regularly pull with you.
  931. >She was being serious.
  932. >It was at this point you noticed her talons were occupied by a ratty old suitcase, which you noted was completely stuffed.
  933. >”I’ve had it, Anon. All you do is pay attention those two fucking horses.”
  934. >Good thing Applejack was still aboard the airship, otherwise she’d probably start another brawl with the griffoness.
  935. “That’s not-”
  936. >”Shut your Celestia damned mouth. Don’t even fucking bother lying to me to save face. You barely ever make time for me, and when you do, you usually immediately ditch me to do something with one of them.”
  937. >The unbridled rage in her eyes faltered, and a deeply pained expression crossed her face.
  938. >You could see tears brimming in her eyes as she continued.
  939. >”I-I wanted to talk this through with you, so maybe we fix things. But, big surprise, you run out on me, AGAIN!”
  940. >You stepped towards your wife as you tried to talk her down.
  941. “Gilda, I-”
  942. >”Shut the fuck up. I’m done. I’m leaving.”
  943. >She shot you one last glare, before walking off in the general direction of Ponyville.
  944. >You moved to protest, but… you knew you brought this on yourself.
  945. >Was there really a point in fighting it?
  946. >What should you do?
  948. ()Renegade option.
  950. >Numerous options weighed down on your mind.
  951. >Just giving up.
  952. >Crying like a bitch.
  953. >Asserting your dominance, which would more than likely just end with you politely asserting she stay.
  954. >Begging her to stay and apologizing.
  955. >But, one option shined above all the others.
  956. >Your trump card.
  957. >No, you weren’t going to send her back to Griffonstone. She was a citizen, anyways, not an immigrant.
  958. >You knew a thing or two about how griffons worked.
  959. >And one thing you knew was that griffoness’s loved nothing more than a mate who could overpower them.
  960. >Good thing you’ve been watching a lot of Crocodile Hunter lately.
  961. >You had acquired Steve Irwin as your stand after watching it for three days straight.
  962. “OI YA CUNT!”
  963. >She stopped dead in her tracks.
  964. >”What did you-”
  965. >You didn’t give her time to finish her sentence, immediately rushed forward and jumping towards her.
  966. >You grabbed her midsection and pulled her down to the ground with you.
  967. >The griffoness reacted immediately, feeling her talons kick and slash at you as the two of you rolled.
  968. >You ignored it, though. You could handle physical pain, but you weren’t about to lose somebody you loved.
  969. >As soon as you stopped rolling, you managed to get on top of her, sitting your ass down on her midsection.
  971. >”Let me go, you fucking prick!”
  972. >Gilda struck out at you, her claws extended, ready to slash you across the face.
  973. >But you were prepared for this, because you got gud.
  974. >You reached out and grabbed the griffoness’s claw, before pinning it back down to the ground.
  975. >You grabbed her other arm before she could try to hit you again.
  977. >Wait.
  978. >How are you going to stick your thumb up her ass?
  979. >This is quite the conundrum…
  980. “Oi sheila, would ya promise not to hit me if I let you go so I could stick my thumb up your ass?”
  981. >”FUCK YOU!”
  982. “Shit sheila, ya could’ve just said no.”
  983. >Shit.
  984. >Guess you would have to let Steve Irwin down.
  985. >Sorry boyo.
  986. >You felt your inner Aussie fade as you looked down at the griffon that you had pinned to the ground, who was still fighting to escape.
  987. “Give up, Gilda, you know you’re not getting out of this.”
  988. >”BITE ME!”
  989. “Is that an offer?”
  990. >You smirked as you eyed the griffoness down.
  991. >She mumbled something under breath in response, something that your ears (they needed to git gud) couldn’t quite pick up.
  992. “I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t-”
  994. >You felt your smirk increase as you took in these words.
  995. >You guessed the renegade option worked.
  997. >You let go of the griffon’s talons.
  998. >As soon as you did so, she lurched forward, punching you as hard she could in face.
  999. >”YOU ASSHOLE!”
  1000. >You rubbed at your jaw, wincing at the pain, but was surprised when Gilda sat up, wrapping her arms around you, burying her face into your chest.
  1001. >You felt something wet against your chest as her body shuddered as she sobbed, her tears actually managing to soak through your Oppai sweatshirt.
  1002. >All you could really do was hold the griffon and do your best to comfort her as she cried into your chest.
  1003. >The two of you stayed like that for longer than you could keep track of, but eventually, Gilda unburied her face from your chest, looking up at you with tear-filled eyes.
  1004. >”All you’ve ever done was ditch me for them. That’s how it’s been ever since we’ve gotten married. Now I want to move on, and you refuse to let me go. Why? You don’t need me, Anon.”
  1006. ()Because there hasn’t been a Gilda sex scene yet.
  1008. “I do need you…”
  1009. >Gilda’s eyes lit up as you embraced her tightly, whispering your next words into her ear softly.
  1010. “There hasn’t even been a Gilda sex scene yet…”
  1011. >She raised a brow at this.
  1012. >”Dude, what?”
  1013. “I mean… I fucking love you, and I don’t want to lose you.”
  1014. >She snickered, before nuzzling your cheek with affection.
  1015. >”Yeah, I guess I would’ve missed your dweeby ass as well.”
  1016. >A serious look crossed her face as she stared you down.
  1017. >”I swear to Celestia, you get up and go do something with somebody else, I’m going to rip your dick off and never speak to you again.”
  1018. >You flashed her an amused grin.
  1019. “Right. Don’t worry, I intend to make it up to you.”
  1020. >”You better. I’m not going to stick around if you don’t.”
  1021. >The griffoness nuzzled you another time, this time with even more affection.
  1023. (Your relationship status with Gilda has upgraded to a B-)
  1025. >Your bird waifu pulled away from you, and flashed you a grin.
  1026. >”So, what should we do now?”
  1028. ()Do something as an awkward, extremely problematic family. Together.
  1030. >It was at the point you noticed that you had been joined by Applejack and Blueblood.
  1031. >So much for dicking Gilda.
  1032. >...wait… maybe you could have a foursome…
  1033. >Some good old fashioned family fun.
  1034. >...nah, nobody would be in the mood for group sex at a time like this.
  1035. >Other than your dick, of course.
  1036. >...!
  1037. “THAT’S IT!”
  1038. >”What?” came the simultaneous reply of your various spouses.
  1040. >Applejack and Blueblood shared a look as you jumped off of your bird waifu.
  1041. >It’s been a long day for your highly dysfunctional, barely held together family.
  1042. >But pizza fixes everything.
  1043. >Even rapidly falling apart marriages.
  1044. >You grabbed Gilda off of the ground and, using your superior upper body strength, hefted her up onto your shoulders.
  1045. >Your bird waifu was initially surprised by your actions, but seemed rather happy with her new seat as soon as she realized what was going on.
  1046. >Together with your other two spouses, you walked in the general direction of Ponyville, the rest of the day behind you.
  1047. >You tried to avoid dwelling on your fuck ups, all you wanted to do was live in the now.
  1048. >Because in the now, you were happy.
  1049. >And so were the others.
  1050. >That’s really all you could ask for.

[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 1)

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[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 2)

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