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[Dark]Circumcised Glimmer

By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-10 01:46:14
Expiry: Never

  1. [original author pontology ]
  2. Circumcised Glimmer [Capped/dark/tragic]
  3. * You may prefer the original with images: *
  4. -------------------------
  6. >You are Starlight Glimmer.
  7. >Male convicts in Equestria are castrated, but what did that matter, you're a mare.
  8. >Little did you know that female convicts are, in severe cases, circumcised.
  9. >When Twilight Sparkle offered you a chance at redemption, the law still had to be carried out. It was part of the reformation process, they said, or the guilt of your wrongdoings would eat away at you. It was permanent penance.
  10. >They made a new you with a scar for your wrongdoings you can never forget. They cut off your clitoris and infibulated your vulva, marking you forever as a convict for all to see.
  11. >That was the same day they gave you a new mane style. The new Glimmer.
  12. >You can't masturbate anymore or insert anything into yourself. When you clean yourself, you just feel the scar, a reminder of what you can never experience again.
  13. >It hurt so much for the most month, but the real hurt was psychological. Twilight told you to focus the pain on never crossing back to who you were.
  14. >It feels like a leash on you. They cut off and sewed up your marehood, and you can never get that back.
  15. >And since ponies are always naked, everypony can see your circumcision. You're a walking warning.
  16. >After you mind-controlled the mane five, Twilight just placed her hoof on your scars, and said, "This is why you're circumcised."
  17. >You lie on your bed aroused. You can feel the base of your clitoris deep beneath your skin engorged, but when you touch yourself, there's nothing there.
  18. >You turn over in bed and cry. Again. You cry a lot these days. They broke you, physically and mentally. Reformed and re-formed, circumcised forever.
  19. >You are Starlight Glimmer.
  20. >Anon arrived in Equestria yesterday.
  21. >The first thing he noticed was your infibulated cunt. You hate that ponies are always looking at it, your mark of shame, but most of all you hate that their bemused glances at your mutilated genitals arouse you. As anon looks at your sewn up cunt and clitoral scar, you feel the base of your clitoris deep beneath your mound engorge. It's just a constant reminder that you will never find pleasure or release again, just circumcised forever for all to see.
  22. >"Glimmer," Anon finally asks, "If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your... um.."
  23. >Anon trails off. Always the same question.
  24. >"I'm a convict," you say. "I tried to destroy Equestria, so they.." you feel something deep within you engorge, ".. circumcised me."
  25. >Anon looks at your infibulated cunt again. You put your head down in shame.
  26. >"Yeah!" Pinkie bounces into the scene. "Glimmer was a big meanie, so we cut off her clit and sewed her up so she will always remember what she did and never be a meanie again!"
  27. >"Thanks, Pinkie," you sigh. You feel the insatiable arousal beneath your scars and feel the sutures like a cage that remind you of your sins. "I'll stay reformed."
  28. >Pinkie happily bounces away and Anon keeps glancing at your circumcision.
  29. >It's been two years of this. You haven't felt pleasure or cum in two years. Just scars and sutures.
  30. >You unmindfully run your hoof over your infibulation. A pony behind you glances on and smiles, as if amused. You put your head down in shame, a public disgrace.
  31. >You know you'll spend tonight longfully running your hoof over your scars and cry again. You should never have attempted revenge on Twilight.
  32. >It especially hurt when Rainbow Dash called you, "Circumlight."
  33. >You walk through the crowd of ponies, feeling the sick arousal beneath your scars you've constantly had for two years.
  34. >And will have for the rest of your life.

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