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Anon's Corruption by Cerenth(Part 1-5)

By kqaii
Created: 2021-02-07 03:56:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Copied from
  2. Original author Cerenth (
  3. The sequel of "Fluttershy Mind Fucks Anon"
  4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. -Part 1-
  6. >Be Twilight Sparkle.
  7. >Be currently frantically searching for the Helements of Armory.
  8. >You mean Elements of Harmony.
  9. >You can’t remember where you last put them... AGAIN.
  10. >It was in one of these books.
  11. >”Twilight...”
  12. “NOT NOW SPIKE. Can’t you see I’m busy?”
  13. >Your dragon slav- er... “assistant” is bothering you again.
  14. >He’s probably hungry since you forgot to feed him last night.
  15. >Well boo hoo.
  16. >It’s not like he hasn’t gone a few days without food before.
  17. >And if you don’t find those precious magic mcguffins, everybody’s going hungry.
  18. >Permanently.
  19. >”Twi... Calm down. Let me-“ You cut him off.
  20. “CALM DOWN?! How can you say that at a time like this? Anon’s gone off the deep end and released Discord! The only logical course of action is to find the elements and use them on Discord again. AND I CAN’T FIND THEM. Thus, the only logical conclusion is to PANIC!”
  21. >To ram your point home you take a break from your zipping from one side of the library to another to give your purple headed lizard a good shake.
  22. >...
  23. >That came out wrong.
  24. “WHARGARBL” You exclaim, as you pull down entire shelves of books.
  25. >One of them has to be the right one!
  27. >Be Spike.
  28. >Your moth- um... supervisor? Let’s go with egg-hatcher has gone on one of her mild psychotic episodes again.
  29. >And she has the nerve to call Anon crazy.
  30. >It always happens when you belch up one of her scrolls from her mentor, Princess Celestia.
  31. >But it seems that this one is extra bad.
  32. >Seems that Discord came back and is ripping Canterlot a new asshole.
  33. >Twilight’s dealt with him before, but she’s really getting stressed now.
  34. >You’re pretty sure you read something about this being stress caused by some form of post-traumatic stress disorder, but you can’t spell those words, let alone articulate them properly in speech.
  35. >Well, you’d better do something about all this, since everyp0ny seems to be off their crazy pills today.
  36. >Walk over to the shelf that contains the book on the Elements of Harmony reference guide.
  37. >That was where Discord hid them last time.
  38. >The book made a pretty cool hiding place last time.
  39. >You always wanted to hide things in books, but when Twilight saw you hollowing out the pages you couldn’t sit straight for a week after.
  40. >...
  41. >Wait, that came out wrong.
  42. >Anyway, you open the book and are bathed in the multichromatic luminescence that the Elements give off.
  43. >You always thought that shit was pretty cool at least.
  44. >Sometimes when Twilight was asleep, you pretended you were the “best” Element of Harmony, Awesome, who wore all the elements and shouted “TASTE THE RAINBOW, MOTHERFUCKERS” at your enemies.
  45. >Then Rainbow Dash found out and said that SHE was the element of awesome and that you couldn’t compete.
  46. >That made you kinda sad for a while.
  47. >Anyway. No more diversions.
  48. “Twi, I’ve foun- GAH!”
  49. >Twilight headbutts you out from in front of the book you were holding, displacing you so fast that the book doesn’t even drop, and instead lands in her own hooves.
  50. >You find that the p0nies tend to do that a lot around here. It’s really quite rude.
  51. >She doesn’t even spare a second to glance at where you landed.
  52. >You pull your scales out of a support beam that they got wedged into.
  53. >”YES! I finally found them! Let’s see... 1, 2... 6? OH NO! Why are there six?! Oh dear Celestia... What does this mean?”
  54. >Ugh. This is why you don’t skip medication Twilight...
  55. “Twilight, there’s always been 6 Elements of Harmony. You, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy.”
  56. >”There’s no such pony as Fluttershy! First Anon says it, then you!” She screams back.
  57. >Her mane is taking on that frazzled, worried look now.
  58. >She always gets it looking like that when she has one of these episodes.
  59. >This might not end well.
  60. “You really don’t remember her? Yellow? Pink mane? Shy, timid? She had a modelling career that made her an obscene amount of money and publicity.”
  61. >”... Nope.”
  62. >Dese fuckin’ p0nes, mang...
  63. >”She tries to rape Anon practically daily, with less than stellar results. You always, ALWAYS invariably go and help Anon clean up after whatever crazy scheme she’s come up with to destroy his house and sanity.”
  64. >Nothing. This information doesn’t register at all. She just sits there with a blank expression.
  65. >She does however pipe up anyway with one of her half-baked ideas.
  66. >”Ok, so if we have an extra Element of Harmony, we can get Rainbow Dash to take that element of... Kindness? And you can be the Element of Rainbow Dash! IT’S PERFECT.”
  67. >She’s stroking her mane as she says all this.
  68. >It does nothing to smooth out the kinks.
  69. “Ok, Twilight... I’m going to get the girls now. We’ll sort all this out when they get here.
  70. >”Great. Fine... It’ll all be fine...”
  71. >She lies down in the corner of the library and curls up in the fetal position.
  72. >You leave the building as she starts sucking her hoof like a filly.
  73. ~~~~~~
  74. - Part 2-
  75. >Some time later...
  76. >After navigating the new landscape of Ponyville you managed to round up the girls.
  77. >Luckily Discord hadn’t greyed them out like last time.
  78. >It seemed that Discord was playing with the gloves off now.
  79. >Where before he wanted to cause mischief and basically laugh at chaos, now he’s learned.
  80. >He’s been burned twice by these elements, and he’s not going to risk it again.
  81. >But while it was a blessing that the elements hadn’t been corrupted, it was only because he was hoping to dispose of them in other ways.
  82. >You found Applejack in a burning barn, and with Big Mac’s help managed to get her out.
  83. >Rainbow Dash was being chased by killer clouds that were trying to buck her for once.
  84. >Rarity’s mannequins had come to life, and were advancing on her with needles, a mockery to her fine trade.
  85. >Pinkie Pie had holed up in Sugarcube Corner basement with the Cakes.
  86. >They stared up at you in terror, clutching their children close to their hearts.
  87. >It was heartwrenching.
  88. >Pinkie was reluctant to leave, but she knew it was the only way to ultimately save the Cakes.
  89. >And that doesn’t even begin to describe what he’s done to Ponyville in general.
  90. >You can see the flames licking Canterlot in the distance, but Discord hasn’t spared Ponyville at all.
  91. >His preferred tactic this time it seems is to animate objects. And when he’s not doing that, he’s simply spreading fire everywhere.
  92. >Being a dragon, it was fairly easy for you to just run straight through to your destinations.
  93. >But the ponies without wings weren’t so fortunate.
  94. >Rarity managed to conjure a shield that she learned from Twilight after the last Discord encounter.
  95. >But while it allowed you to pass freely, it also let you take a good look at some of the unlucky ponies who weren’t so gifted.
  98. >Back at the library with the girls, the discussion resumed.
  99. >None of them could remember Fluttershy at all.
  100. >”Y’all are talkin’ ‘bout Anon’s bird, right?”
  101. “For the last time, Applejack, NO. Fluttershy is a p0ny. She lives on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest.”
  102. >”What kind of silly p0ny would choose to live there, Spikey?” Pinkie Pie chortled.
  103. “She lives there to take care of the animals that live with her. Ok. Tell me this then. Who goes and wakes up all the animals at Winter Wrap Up?”
  104. >The girls struggle to recall anything about the event and all you get are 5 confused faces.
  105. “Ok. Something has happened to your memories. Fluttershy took a book out the other day about mind control. She must have cast a spell on you guys. Twilight, do you really not remember her coming in here?”
  106. >”Not at all, Spike... I’m sure you’re onto something but I just can’t remember this p0ny at all...”
  107. “She’s the element of kindness. You need her to complete the set.”
  108. >Then you get an idea.
  109. “Here, Twilight.”
  110. >You find the records for loaned books and point to the entry for Fluttershy removing the book, written in Twilight’s hoofwriting.
  111. >”Mind bending for dummies:... Assuming direct control... And I definitely wrote that. My gosh, Spike! You’re right!”
  112. >Finally!
  113. “You’re darn straight I’m right! You guys have been under some kind of spell. And that also means that Anon was right too.”
  114. >The looks on the girls faces fall as one when they realise they couldn’t help their friend in need.
  115. >Even if they were under the effects of Fluttershy’s spell, you know these mares.
  116. >They would have done anything to try to help.
  117. >Twilight finally pipes up.
  118. >”Gather together girls. If we’re under a spell, I’ll try and dispel it.”
  119. >The girls huddle together.
  120. >Twilight begins charging magic in her horn, and summons a spell circle made of complex overlapping geometric shapes and runes.
  121. >The circle on the floor glows in time with pulses of light from her horn, and soon the light intensifies such as to be blinding.
  122. >You shield your eyes to avoid it, and turn back to the girls after.
  123. >They seem... Enlightened?
  124. >”Oh my Goddess! How could I have forgotten about Fluttershy?!” Rarity exclaims.
  125. >”I know, right! Me and her went to flight camp together! I’ve known her all my life!” Rainbow Dash says.
  126. >Pinkie Pie is wailing out loud, tears pouring out her eyes like fountains.
  127. >She is being comforted by Applejack who has her in a hug, but she howls like a banshee,
  128. >”How could I forget her? I’m such A BAD FRIIIIIIIEND!”
  129. >Twilight is the only p0ny who is composed.
  130. >And it looks like she’s figured this out.
  131. >”Girls, now isn’t the time for this. We need to find out where Fluttershy is and banish Discord again.”
  132. >Now this is the Twilight you know.
  133. >It sets your heart at ease to know that she’s finally on the case.
  134. >If anyone can sort this out, Twilight can.
  135. ~~~~~~
  136. -Part 3-
  137. >Be Discord’s right hand man, Anon.
  138. >You are currently watching Discord completely buttfuck downtown Canterlot.
  139. >Literally. He put a butt on a skyscraper and is currently raping it.
  140. >Much to the displeasure of the residents.
  141. >Man, what a guy.
  142. >He always knows how to keep it classy.
  143. >You’re watching this on a 42” plasma screen TV you conjured using your new chaos powers.
  144. >It’s so nice to be able to get some human items again!
  145. >You sit on your new throne in Canterlot castle with popcorn on your lap, idly munching away.
  146. >But you need something to slake your thirst.
  148. >Obediently, Fluttershy trots in, tears streaming down her face, but otherwise expressionless.
  149. >”Yes, master? What can I do for you?” she asks in monotone.
  150. “Get me a beer. And while you’re in the kitchen, make me a ham sandwich.”
  151. >She flinches at the mention of ham.
  152. >”Y-yes, master. At once.”
  153. >She turns to leave, but her hoofsteps are uncertain.
  154. >Welp, better turn up the mind control.
  155. >You hold your plated hand up towards her, and blue lightning shoots out of your fingertips, sith style.
  156. >It’s not meant to hurt her physically.
  157. >Oh no. It does to her what she thought was so acceptable to do to you.
  158. >It’s the equivalent of looking at enemies in Amnesia: The Dark Descent, but 10x worse.
  159. >Her head feels like it’s going to burst, and her vision is now blurry and shifting. She’s dizzy and nauseous, and her ears are filled with a piercing din.
  160. >She falls down, screaming in pain.
  161. >You let her experience this for a good 10 seconds, then stop it as suddenly as it came.
  162. “And be quick, bitch. In fact, just bring me my goddamn beer, then go get my sandwich.”
  163. >She picks herself up, and turns around to face you.
  164. >”As you wish, my master.”
  165. >Her soulless expression is back on her face.
  166. >Good.
  167. >See, now this is how you do mind control.
  168. >Fluttershy is in complete awareness of herself.
  169. >But she’s not in control of her body.
  170. >And you can watch what she’s doing and thinking 100% of the time.
  171. >Bitch couldn’t even get that right.
  172. >But man, these chaos powers are awesome.
  173. >Yeah, you could have just conjured a beer, but that’s not the point.
  174. >The point is that you swiped yourself some pigs from Applejack’s barn, then set it on fire when she tried to stop you.
  175. >Fluttershy is well acquainted with those pigs. She hates harming animals.
  176. >She comes back with your beer.
  177. >You roughly snatch it off the tray she brought it on and crack it open.
  178. >... Ah, you needed that.
  179. >She’s still here.
  180. “What are you waiting for? GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SANDWICH.”
  181. >She hesitates no more and turns to leave again.
  182. >Oh man, this is going to be good.
  183. >She walks into the kitchen and picks up a meat cleaver with her mouth.
  184. >In the corner are the three terrified pigs you picked up earlier, in a pen of sticks tied with rope.
  185. >She approaches the pen and the pigs recognise her.
  186. >Their fear is temporarily alleviated as it is replaced with hope.
  187. >One of them, a sow you think, comes close to the edge of the pen and squeals, pointing at the rope on the pen with her snout.
  188. >Fluttershy stares at her with cold, unfeeling eyes, betraying her inner turmoil.
  189. >”No. Please. I don’t want to. Please don’t make me. NO. NOOOOOOOOO!”
  190. >The butcher’s knife comes down, slicing the sow’s throat open.
  191. >Through her body you can feel the warm blood splatter all over her face.
  192. >She’s crying up a storm inside.
  193. >Her feelings of helplessness and guilt wrack her psyche once again, as you’ve made her feel many times since you got your powers.
  194. >In fact, it’s mostly another form of mind control.
  195. >You held her up above Canterlot as the flames chased the fleeing inhabitants.
  196. >You both stood in Discord’s paw, as he strode through the city, leaving absolute chaos in his wake.
  197. >You said to her,
  198. “You drove me to this, Fluttershy. This is all your fault.”
  199. >You didn’t even have to try very hard to suggest it to her.
  200. >Her mind picked it up and has ran with it so well that you don’t need to put much effort into tormenting her.
  201. >But you do so anyway. It’s the thought that counts.
  202. >She brings your sandwich to the throne room.
  203. >”Here you are, master.”
  204. >The tears have carved streams through the blood on her face. Fresh and delicious tears.
  205. >You take the sandwich and stare into her face as you take a bite.
  206. >Her eyebrows twitch, but otherwise she shows no emotion.
  207. >Oh god, this ham is so good. You haven’t had pork in so long.
  208. >But that’s not the point of this.
  209. >You spit out the bite in her face and throw the sandwich and plate at her hooves.
  210. >She steps back reflexively.
  212. >You can feel inside that she’s begging and pleading with you to spare her from going through that again.
  213. >But her body betrays her and she simply replies,
  214. >”Yes, master.”
  215. >And walks away.
  216. >Yes.
  217. >Vengeance tastes better than any ham sandwich could.
  218. ~~~~~~
  219. -Part 4-
  220. >You ponder what torture you should inflict on Fluttershy next.
  221. >Obviously, rape is out of the question.
  222. >It doesn’t mean anything when you do it to her.
  223. >Hell, it’s what she wanted in the first place.
  224. >No, you’ve got another idea.
  225. >You click your fingers and a flash of light fills the throne room.
  226. >But it’s not from your chaos magic.
  227. >The mane 5 stand in front of you, various shades of worry and anger painted across their visages.
  228. “Ah, my dear FRIENDS.”
  229. >No, they’re traitors.
  230. “Or should I say traitors? You all ignored me in my times of need. How are you all? I trust you had a pleasant trip?”
  231. >Twilight steps forward from the group.
  232. >”We used Fluttershy’s element to track her position. What have you done, Anon?”
  233. >She almost looks like she’s on the verge of tears.
  234. >Really? It should be you crying.
  235. >You’re the one they abandoned.
  236. >You’re the one who had to deal with that yellow devil.
  237. >Every day.
  238. “I took the only course of action available to me, Twilight. Fluttershy was in my head, enabled by YOU, I might add. I couldn’t convince any of you to help me, so I had to find somebody who would. Fluttershy cut me off from the princesses though. But she inadvertently dropped me off in front of someone else who could help. Any port in a storm and all that.”
  239. >”And you think this is acceptable? Look at all the pain you’re causing to all those p0nies.” Rainbow dash accuses indignantly.
  240. >And with good reason.
  241. >A glance outside the window reveals a hellish scene.
  242. >The broken Canterlot skyline glows an angry orange, a fiery maw trying to eat the very sky itself with its jagged rooftop teeth.
  243. >Beautiful, isn’t it?
  244. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
  245. >”How could you say something like that?!” Rarity shouts.
  246. >Because it pleases me that you ignorant p0nies are getting hurt.
  247. “Because it pleases me that you ignorant p0nies are getting hurt.”
  248. >Wait, what did you say?
  251. “Fluttershy.”
  252. >”Yes, master?”
  253. “Place yourself in the restraints I conjured.”
  254. >You gesture to a pillar to the right of your throne.
  255. >You made this just as the mane 5 teleported in.
  256. >It is a simple series of chains and cuffs designed to go around her neck and hind legs.
  257. >The chains go through a series of loops on the floor in order to spread her legs and keep her head down.
  258. >This is because she is then put in the perfect position for the horse dildo behind her.
  259. >She fixes herself in the restraints and waddles back onto the dildo.
  260. >She’s dry. It’ll hurt like hell.
  261. >But she doesn’t even flinch.
  262. >The other ponies look on in fear and disgust.
  263. >”W-what have you done to her?” Twilight demands.
  264. “I’ve only returned the same courtesy she gave me. Except I’ve done it better. If you like, I can release her. I’ve got the only hands to get her free anyway.”
  265. >With another click of your fingers your mind control spell is released.
  266. >Immediately Fluttershy starts screaming, wailing and thrashing.
  268. >You walk over to her and give her 5 across the eyes.
  269. >She sobs, defeated and prostrate to you.
  270. >You go to sit back down on your throne.
  271. >”Yew know we have to stop this, Anon. Not just yew, but Discord too.” Applejack proclaims remorsefully.
  272. >You sigh.
  273. >Of course they will. They’ve done it before, and they’ll do it again.
  274. >But this time it’s different. Discord wants to play for keeps.
  275. >He’ll burn it all to the ground before he gives it back to Celestia and Luna.
  276. >You can feel it.
  277. “Discord won’t give it up, you know. He’ll tear this place to shreds before he’ll let you stop him.”
  278. >”Not if we use these!”
  279. >Rainbow Dash leaps into the air to fly across the throne room.
  280. >Tiara of Kindness in her mouth, she’s dead set on making it to Fluttershy.
  281. >Discord however, has a different plan.
  282. >He teleports in to the room just as she’s about 2 metres away from Fluttershy.
  283. >She doesn’t have time to react, and she collides straight with his scaly fist.
  284. >Rainbow Dash and the tiara go sliding back across the floor, blood spurting from her nose.
  285. >”Tch. You should know I wouldn’t let it be that easy, Rainbow Crash.” Discord gloats,
  286. >”It seems my servant hasn’t done as good a job as I had anticipated. You’re all alive and well. How disappointing.”
  287. >He fills those last two words with venom.
  288. >They fill your heart with dread.
  289. >”Anon.” He barks.
  290. “Yes, my lord.”
  291. >My lord?
  292. >”I am done playing games with these mares. But I think you are not. Devise a game for them. Something appropriate. Spread some chaos. I think we need a little more grey out here. Pastel colours are so out.”
  293. “Of course, my lord. At once. Please forgive me.”
  294. >You kneel before him, and take his paw in your hand to kiss it.
  295. >You don’t want to disappoint him again.
  296. >Why?
  299. >You must obey your master and not keep him waiting any longer.
  300. >”Very good, Anon. I want 6 corpses by the end of the day. Chop chop!”
  301. >And with that he claps his hands together and disappears in a puff of pink smoke.
  302. >Now it’s just you and the girls.
  303. >Rainbow Dash is just getting back to her feet after the blow, a worried Pinkie Pie tending to her.
  304. >Applejack and Twilight are staring daggers into you.
  305. >Rarity is comforting Fluttershy, reassuring her it’ll be ok.
  306. >Yes. You have a game for them.
  307. >One that will make them see just how corrupt they truly are.
  308. ~~~~~
  309. - Part 5 -
  310. >You get an idea.
  311. >A horribly, terribly, wonderful idea.
  312. >With your chaos powers, all it takes are a couple of clicks.
  313. “Well girls, I’m going to show you just how awful it is being Anonymous. Here are the rules to my game. You win if you don’t get raped. Simple as that.”
  314. >You click your fingers once and modify Fluttershy’s mind to completely lustful.
  315. >Her eyes lock onto your crotch, and she pushes Rarity away as she struggles to get out of the restraints and to your cock.
  316. >She can’t even articulate words anymore.
  317. >She just grunts and whines.
  318. >Her wings are so erect you swear you can see the veins on them.
  319. >You turn to the remaining 5 ponies.
  320. >You click your fingers and turn them into 5 copies of yourself, all butt naked and little Anons standing to attention.
  321. >They look around in confusion.
  322. >”What the... What have you done, Anon?” Twilight asks.
  323. >”Ooh! So that’s what hands feel like!” Pinkie exclaims.
  324. “It’s obvious, Twilight. You will now experience what I have to go through every day. Good luck.”
  325. >You sit on your throne and put a shield around you.
  326. >You don’t want to touch Fluttershy in this state.
  327. >She’d get marejuice all over your nice armour.
  328. >You click your fingers one more time and her restraints are released remotely.
  329. >She takes off like a shot and latches onto Rarity-Anon, who was unfortunate enough to be close enough.
  330. >”WAHAHAHA! Fluttershy, get off me!” Rarity protests.
  331. >Fluttershy ignores her demands and immediately stuffs Rarity’s cock in her mouth.
  332. >”Ugh... F-fluttershy... Stop...”
  333. >Rarity isn’t used to such sensations, and Fluttershy is sucking cock like a black hole powered hooker on payday.
  334. >”Hold on, Rarity! I’ma comin’!” Applejack shouts.
  335. >She runs across the room, turns around, crouches down and bucks Fluttershy off Rarity.
  336. >”T-thanks, Applejack. I don’t think I could have lasted much longer.”
  337. >Applejack gives Rarity a hand up and the two regain their composure.
  338. >Fluttershy gets up a few feet away and shakes off her disorientation before charging again.
  339. >This time she’s got a different look in her eyes.
  340. >You recognise that look.
  341. >You first saw it a couple months after her fetish attempts began.
  342. >Your constant denial had driven her to extreme measures.
  343. >She began to remember her lessons with Iron Will, the confidence trainer.
  344. >She had a look of determination and anger on her face that day, and if it weren’t for your quick thinking and fast running speed, you would never have gotten away from the giant custard monster.
  345. >You shudder at the thought, and almost pity Applejack and Rarity right now.
  346. >That same determined glare is being aimed at them now.
  347. >You could almost call it Fluttershy’s
  348. >rapeface
  349. >It seems that Applejack and Rarity are also aware of that face.
  350. >They know now that Fluttershy means business.
  351. >She’s going to stop at nothing to get hot monkey dick from these “humans.”
  352. >And with that, she pounces at Rarity again.
  353. >Applejack and Rarity start running away, but the throne room doors are locked.
  354. >Fluttershy chases all the girls one by one, like a fox in a chicken coop, and just as predatory.
  355. >It’s an inevitability that they will lose here.
  356. >You’ve been on the receiving end of that so many times.
  357. >You know there were times that you only managed to avoid rape because of your friends...
  358. >Without them Fluttershy would have won a long time ago...
  361. >No, fuck them!
  362. >If they had listened to you, you wouldn’t have gotten into this mess.
  363. >But it wasn’t their fault, was it?
  364. >They were under Fluttershy’s spell too...
  365. #WARNING: CONTROL @ 85%
  367. “I have a game for you girls to play.”
  368. >That’s odd, they’re already playing a game with Fluttershy.
  369. >They’re all clones of you and are being chased by her.
  370. >That’s... bizarre. You were just thinking of doing that yourself.
  371. >Lord Discord must have come up with it.
  372. >Well that’s ok. You have another game instead.
  373. “Enough horsing around girls.”
  374. >You clap your hands and Fluttershy finds herself locked in her restraints again.
  375. >She still struggles and moans, but she’s secure for now.
  376. >The girls collapse, breathless, unused to human stamina.
  377. “Well that was a nice warmup, right girls?”
  378. >No answer, you really tuckered them out.
  379. “No matter. You won’t be using your bodies for much longer anyway.”
  380. >”And... just what... the hay... does that mean?” Rainbow Dash manages to eke out.
  381. “Well now we come to the method by which I’ll show you how each and every one of you is responsible for this.”
  382. >A click of your fingers and you’ve asserted your influence onto the ponies’ minds.
  383. >You don’t wish to control them, but you want to show them some very specific hallucinations.
  384. >You’re going to show them exactly how they’ve helped Fluttershy to rape you in the past.

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[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 2)

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