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By kqaii
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-08-20 02:54:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Original author is Anon
  2. _____________________
  4. >order your own Rarity
  5. >get excited that life is worth living now
  6. >the package arrives and soon you find there's some assembly required
  7. >the manual is in Russian
  8. >you're pretty sure some of the parts don't fit together
  9. >her right foreleg is a different color
  10. fucking shady resellers, never again
  12. >She's not Rarity
  13. >Her coat is off-white
  14. >Her smile is crooked
  15. >Her eyes don't shine like they should
  16. >Her right foreleg is pink
  17. >You finish assembly anyway
  18. >She blinks several times before she looks at you
  19. >"I am Rare. Nice to meet you, Dining."
  20. >Did she just call you Dining instead of Darling?
  21. >Her accent is painfully wrong
  22. >She tries to walk toward you, but her legs don't quite work right
  23. >You are certain you assembled hey correctly, you were extremely careful
  24. >Her legs tremble
  25. >After a few steps, she stops
  26. >At this point, you can tell she is having trouble standing up at all
  27. >Her new expression is disconcerting
  28. >Her lips are contorted into a crooked frown
  29. >She tries to close her eyes, but her eyelids don't close all the way so that you can still see some of the whites
  30. >Her ears droop
  31. >She must be in pain
  32. >She's not Rarity, but your heart can't take this
  33. >You lift her and hold her in your arms
  34. >She looks you in the eyes
  35. >Mostly
  36. >You now notice that one eye is sightly off
  37. >"Thank you, Dining"
  38. >She tries to nuzzle your chest, but stabs you with her horn in the process
  39. >Wincing, you adjust her head
  40. >She doesn't seem to mind as long as you are close
  41. >She really is very soft and warm
  42. >You scratch her ears
  43. >She's not Rarity, but you could get used to this.
  45. >Be Rare
  46. >You simply awoke today
  47. >You don't know anything
  48. >Except that you are Rare, you want to be fabulous, and you call others Dining
  49. >You do not question these things, despite not knowing what fabulous means and not ever having met another being
  50. >You open your eyes and look around
  51. >Your eyes fix on the first thing you see
  52. >Another creature
  53. >What is it?
  54. >You greet it
  55. >"I am Rare. Nice to meet you, Dining."
  56. >The features on Dining's face change
  57. >You don't know what that means
  58. >You feel that you must meet Dining
  59. >You begin to walk
  60. >You have never done this before
  61. >It is very difficult
  62. >You don't know which leg goes first
  63. >Sometimes when you move a leg, it hurts
  64. >You don't like walking
  65. >You give up, but your legs are in an awkward position
  66. >You feel more hurt
  67. >A lot more
  68. >You don't know what to do
  69. >Your mind races
  70. >It does not race very long, it has nowhere to go
  71. >You are so confused
  72. >You close your eyes to shut out the hurt
  73. >The bottom of your eyes feel more dry than the rest, but you don't know why
  74. >What are you feeling?
  75. >You have never felt before
  76. >You don't like feeling
  77. >Suddenly, you feel yourself rising
  78. >The pain in your legs vanishes as you feel something warm and strong around you
  79. >You look up to see Dining holding you in its appendages
  80. >You feel differently now
  81. >You feel warm and pleasant
  82. >You like Dining
  83. >Dining saves you from bad feelings
  84. >You want to tell him
  85. >"Thank you, Dining"
  86. >You want to get closer to Dining, so you move your head into Dining's chest
  87. >Dining moves your head a little and scratches your ears
  88. >You really like Dining
  89. >You are thankful that the world around you isn't as harsh as when you woke up
  90. >You don't want Dining to put you down
  92. >Be Rarity
  93. >You wake up and are immediately aware of who you are
  94. >You love designing and fashion
  95. >You know you are here to make a friend
  96. >You look around the room
  97. >It is poorly-lit and disorganized
  98. >You see the human
  99. >He's a mess
  100. >His hair is greasy and disheveled, his beard is untamed all the way to his neck
  101. >His t-shirt, jeans, and white socks are all ugly, ill-fitting, and worn out
  102. >And the sweaty smell...
  103. >He could really use a makeover
  104. >But what makes you flinch is his expression
  105. >He is looking at you with intense, desperate eyes
  106. >You try to hide your initial disgust
  107. >To make a good first impression, you clear your throat and straighten your posture
  108. >"Hello, darling. I am Rarity."
  109. >He begins to tear up, then slowly gets up and walks out of the room with the head down
  110. >Well, that went swimmingly
  111. >He must think you hate him with a performance as unconvincing as that
  112. >Come on, Rarity, you can be more presentable than that
  113. >But you decide not to chase him, and instead investigate the room
  114. >There's not much here besides the usual living room things
  115. >A chair, table, TV, mantle...
  116. >Oh, there are pictures on the mantle!
  117. >You must see them
  118. >Each one depicts the human with...
  119. >Some ugly bootleg version of you
  120. >Her face is uncanny, her coat is discolored
  121. >Eugh, why is one leg pink?
  122. >You take a closer look at the human
  123. >His fashion sense is poor, but he is at least clean
  124. >And he's smiling in all of the photos
  125. >The pony doesn't look like she's smiling, but with context in mind you assume she is
  126. >You look around the rest of the house, avoiding the room you saw the human enter for now
  127. >You see no sign of your failed doppleganger
  128. >The thought strikes you
  129. >Are... You, the illustrious Rarity, a replacement?
  130. >You push open the door to what you assume is the human's room
  131. >He is face-down on his bed
  132. >Though a little jealous of the knockoff pony, you don't want to see the human like this
  133. >"H-hello? Are you okay?"
  135. >He flinches at the sound
  136. >He wipes his eyes on his pillow before turning his head to look at you
  137. >As if you didn't know he was crying...
  138. >He takes a moment to compose himself
  139. >In a dull, deep, throaty voice he introduces himself as Anon
  140. >He says that buying you was a mistake, and he's sorry for all of this
  141. >You wave a hoof
  142. >"Oh, darling, buying me was not a mistake!" You say with a wink
  143. >He smiles a little
  144. >Progress!
  145. >But after a moment, his frown returns and he flops back down, face in the bed
  146. >You can barely make out his muffled voice
  147. >"If only you knew..."
  148. >You were sure he said that
  149. >"If only I knew what?"
  150. >Silence
  151. >"Is it about that pony that looks... A little bit like me?"
  152. >He tenses a little, then slowly gets back up
  153. >"I guess you found the photos... I forgot how smart you would be. I guess there's no reason to hide it now..."
  154. >He tells you about a pony named Rare
  155. >He accidentally ordered her in an attempt to get you
  156. >She was so pathetic and useless, but he loved her so much
  157. >He had to teach her how to walk and eat
  158. >He even house-trained her
  159. >You wince at how undignified it would be if you had to learn those things
  160. >But he looked so earnest and nostalgic as he told stories
  161. >Her first bath, playtime, introducing her to his friends who also fell in love with her
  162. >And many, many upsies
  163. >Upsies were her absolute favorite
  164. >She was a disaster of a pony, but you could tell there was a hole in his heart
  165. >His speech began to falter
  166. >Apparently, her defects caught up to her
  167. >Only 3 years after she arrived, her body started to fail
  168. >No veterinarian or pony specialist could do anything, she was far too defective
  169. >Her last words we, "Pick me up, Dining"
  170. >He broke down, head in his hands
  171. >Your heart plummets through the floor
  172. >You can't be jealous anymore
  173. >You must make him feel better!
  174. >You must!
  175. >You MUST!!
  176. >You crawl up onto the bed and cuddle up to him
  177. >He doesn't even notice
  179. >You give up after a few minutes
  180. >You suddenly have an idea
  181. >You don't like the idea, but you feel it's the only thing you can do
  182. >You leave the sobbing human alone and go outside
  183. >You find a patch of dirt among the tall grass
  184. >No, Rarity, you can't, it is filthy!
  185. >But you must!
  186. >You saw him, he needs this
  187. >After much hesitation, you get on the ground and roll in the dirt
  188. >This is horrible, but it will be worth it
  189. >You shake off excess dust until your coat looks only slightly dirty
  190. >You walk to his shed, find a bucket, then fill it with water from the spigot attached to his house
  191. >You normally use this spell on fabric, but you hope it works on water
  192. >Sure enough, the water turns pink
  193. >You start to argue with yourself in your head again
  194. >Will this ever come out?
  195. >You can't permanently ruin your coat like this
  196. >Rarity, get a hold of yourself!
  197. >This is what friends do
  198. >Your face contracts, and you slowly begin to dip your right foreleg into the pink water
  199. >You can't look
  200. >You feel the water reach just past your knee as your hoof touches the base of the bucket and realize how silly of an idea this was
  201. >There were no other bigger containers, this will have to do
  202. >You shake off excess moisture, poke your head inside, and pull a handtowel to you with magic
  203. >It is filthy, but you have no choice
  204. >With your leg dry, you enter the house
  205. >You walk up to his doorframe, but stay out of sight
  206. >You can still hear sobbing
  207. >You can do this Rarity, just play the part
  208. >You take a deep breath and enter the room
  209. >With the worst accent you can muster, you say
  210. >"Hello, Dining"
  212. >His head jerks up, mouth agape
  213. >He looks horrid, even worse than before
  214. >He wipes his tears on his arm
  215. >He slowly gets up and approaches you
  216. >You nervously shift your posture, but you dare not back up, for his sake
  217. >After a long pause, he hugs you with all his might
  218. >Oof, too much might
  219. >But you bear it and return the embrace
  220. >He's crying, but it's different now
  221. >It's sad, but not desperate
  222. >After what seems like hours, he lets go
  223. >"Rarity, you are too good to me... Thank you."
  224. >You smile confidently, thankful you did the right thing
  225. >"I... I think I can move on now. You can clean yourself up now."
  226. >Oh thank Celestia
  227. >You bolt to his nasty bathroom
  228. >At least the bathtub is acceptable, so you draw a bath
  229. >Fortunately, the pink came out too, after some scrubbing
  230. >You dry yourself off with the cleanest towel you can find and return to his room
  231. >He is wistfully looking at a photo of Rare on his nightstand
  232. >You clear your throat
  233. >He turns to you and smiles slightly
  234. >"You are looking more like yourself, Rarity."
  235. >"Oh, yes, of course I do, Anon. But don't worry about me, let's talk about YOU."
  236. >"What?"
  237. >"You're a wreck, Darling! Let's get you cleaned up."
  238. >And so you spent the rest of the day re-teaching him how to take care of himself
  239. >The rest of the week, actually
  240. >His life had been in shambles before you pulled him out of it
  241. >But it has no effect on your natural poise
  242. >You know there is a handsome gentleman under there
  243. >You just have to find it
  244. >That's fine, your work was cut out for you
  245. >You are the illustrious Rarity, master of makeovers
  246. >Besides, your new human friend is worth it.
  248. -End-

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