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[SFW] G5 - Anonymous in New Equestria

By GreenReaper
Created: 2021-02-28 01:51:38
Expiry: Never

  1. This green has been written on this thread
  2. And it was proofread and fixed by this anon
  3. This paste is the final revision.
  6. >Anonymous is a timeless being.
  7. >As part of a deal with the Devil, he will never die, so he not only had to suffer the non canon seasons, he also suffered the fall of Equestria.
  8. >His friends died, Fluttershy became Discord's yang, so she is a God of "Harmony" now, the villains' statue has been crushed by the civil wars, and the windigos killed whoever was left.
  9. >Flurry had a crystal pure heart, but even she failed. She was hugging her parents when it happened.
  10. >As for the princesses, gone. They got rid of them in their vacation.
  11. >Twilight got Bastille'd. By you, on the throne. It was the fastest and merciful way, otherwise "they" would have tortured her to the end.
  12. >Yes, "them". Giving them a name would be an insult to their races.
  13. >Spike died in the cold storm, holding the entrance of the castle.
  14. >You moved on, hiding from everything.
  15. >A millennia passes, you haven't heard from the outside world.
  16. >One day, a little filly knocks on your "door", a slab of rotten wood.
  17. >"Hello sir, I am Sunny, an explorer of the Earth Pony kingdom. Would you like to learn about friendship?"
  18. >You look at the book. The shitty journal. The only evidence your friends existed at all.
  19. >You grab the book, and read some passages.
  20. "This book is bullshit. No wonder, I bet is a new censored edition."
  21. >You close the door in front of the filly's face.
  22. >"Hey! Give me back my book!"
  23. >You don't answer, you walk deeper into your grotto, memories hitting you every step.
  24. >By the time you are very deep, tears were coming out of your face.
  25. >Those old songs, those days where everybody got together to party, the tales and adventures you created.
  26. >You put the book inside a small library you made, with other tomes filled about the legends of your friends.
  27. >When you turned around, the filly was inside, looking at all the old memorabilia.
  28. >"Sir, where did you-?"
  29. "Your kind is no longer welcome in Ponyville. Leave my house."
  30. >You pull her tail up, and drag her away.
  32. >"H-hey! Put me down! You can't do this!"
  33. "Fucking watch me."
  34. >Outside, you throw the filly away.
  35. >"You mean thief! You will pay for this!"
  36. "You don't scare me mudpony, I fought worst time ago, and Ì haven't lost my strength."
  37. >And with that, you close the door again.
  38. >That night you couldn't sleep. You were marking and rewriting the book, retelling the story properly.
  39. >At the next morning, you heard knocks again. Is the filly, with some other ponies.
  40. >"See mister? Now give me back my book or you'll get it!"
  41. "Bring it."
  42. >The mare is stunned and the ponies confused. You weren't scared. You stopped fearing a long time ago.
  43. >"Uhhh... alright! Girls! Get him!"
  44. >The ponies jumped at you, but you stopped them. Not even a scratch.
  45. >You were going inside your home, but Sunny stops you.
  46. "Unless you want to get hurt, move."
  47. >"Why do you want my book?"
  48. "Why do I? Why do you?"
  49. >"... Because I want to bring friendship to Equestria."
  50. >You lost it.
  51. "Ahahaha!... Oh, wait, you're serious. Let me laugh harder: AHAHAHAHA!"
  52. >"Hmmm... so what's it to ya? You only are inside a dumb hollow tree."
  53. "That's my problem. Want a new book? Here, now fuck off."
  54. >You give the filly two bits. She looks at them amazed.
  55. >"Ehhh?! Izzy! Pipp! He gave me bits!"
  56. >The ponies run two her friend, watching the coins.
  57. >"Sir, how did you-"
  58. "If your buddies want books, here. Leave me alone."
  59. >You gave them a small pouch of 10 bits. Their jaws hit the floor.
  60. "... Alright this is annoying. Just take the money and go!"
  61. >"S-sir, where did you find this?"
  62. "I had it with me. Don't worry, I still have more."
  63. >The unicorn with a ball on her horn comes close.
  64. >"Mister, a "bit" is a collection item. You just gave us thousands of kritz."
  65. "Kritz? The fuck is that?"
  66. >The fillies look at each other.
  67. >The pegasus comes closer to you.
  68. >"My friend Sunny told us she wasn't allowed in Ponyville. Are you from Ponyville?"
  69. "Yes."
  70. >Their looks are worrying.
  71. >"Mister, Ponyville was destroyed in the Long Winter."
  73. "I know, and it was all thanks to you, you birdbrain."
  74. >"Hey!"
  75. "Oh shut up, you cloud minds ruined the climate in Ponyville during the war, and when the Yaks came, the headpoppers casted the windigos. You ponies destroyed Ponyville, not me."
  76. >You push them away.
  77. "Now leave! Your kind is not welcome! Nobody is welcome!"
  78. >The unicorn steps forward.
  79. >"You can't talk to my friends like that!"
  80. "What are you gonna do, shiny bone?"
  81. >"I... I..."
  82. >You look at the ball on her horn, and take it.
  83. "Use your magic? Shoot, go ahead."
  84. >Everypony steps away as the unicorn stands paralyzed.
  85. "Well? Where are the sparks?"
  86. >She doesn't know what to do.
  87. "I'll go first then."
  88. >You throw the ball at her, and in a moment of panic, she stops it mid air.
  89. >Her friends are amazed, and she is in awe.
  90. "Well?"
  91. >She returns to reality, and throws the ball at you.
  92. >It was pathetic, it didn't crossed half feet.
  93. "Your kin grew weak. Expected, I remember when the unicorns were hunted down. It's interesting you have a horn at all."
  94. >You look at the pegasus: her wings are white.
  95. "And your wings, they are different. Scootaloo had a disability, but see it forced on healthy pegasi so they couldn't fly anymore... can you reach the skies?"
  96. >She shakes her head.
  97. >You look at the Earth pony.
  98. "What about you? Do you know how to work the ground, and grow tons of fruits and greens?"
  99. >"That's a racist stereotype."
  100. "So what does your race do?"
  101. >"Um... activism and construction?"
  102. "Celestia dear, did I live to see this place turn into Commiefornia?"
  103. >The ponies are confused.
  104. >"Sir, do you know about Celestia?"
  105. "Know? KNOW?! I FUCKING MET HER! I was one of her finest guests! Oh, how we joked with tea and cake. And her sister, filling me with the sweetest dreams. And Cadence! Cadence was a prime lover, Shining you glorious bastard. I have never eaten a perfect peetzer after she was gone. And, oh dear Flurry, the Crystal Empire never deserved you, you were never meant to spill your blood for those glass bodies."
  107. >You raise your hands to the sky.
  108. "Are you entertained, you fuck?! All I wanted was to have my friends! And you gave them to me only to take them away! Why are you leaving me alive, if all I want is to be dead!"
  109. >You break down crying, and the ponies are confused.
  110. >Only the unicorn comes close and hugs you.
  111. >"Is ok mister. Just let it out."
  112. >You hug the filly, and her friends join.
  113. >A pony hug. Is been so long since you had one.
  114. >When you calm down, the mares give you space.
  115. >"Are you alright mister?"
  116. ".... If you want your book, it’s inside the library. I edited it, the stories were wrong and filled with propaganda. I even added clean pages to rewrite it. Sorry if you don't like it."
  117. >"Eh... no, is fine. Can you please take us there?"
  118. >She was lying. She knew where the library is, but must be curiosity guiding her.
  119. >You stand up and point them at your house.
  120. >It was very small. The first room is everything: kitchen, living, and room.
  121. >No bathroom, you do that outside and far.
  122. >The next room is the library: a small collection of posters, books, and toys, telling the story of your friends.
  123. >The ponies look at everything.
  124. "Your book is on that stand, third row."
  125. >The Earth pony goes and grabs it, but stops to read the other tomes.
  126. >"Mister, for how long did you take care of this?"
  127. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."
  128. >"Ok... oh, are these Tales of the Princesses?"
  129. "Yup."
  130. >"Animal bonding and you?"
  131. "Yep."
  132. >"Apples to the core?"
  133. "Eeyup."
  134. >"Pinkie's Crazy Kitchen?"
  135. "With Lil Cheese's cheese cakes. She did that recipe for her kid."
  136. >Book after book, the mares read everything, except for one.
  137. >The diary.
  138. >"Mister?"
  139. "My name is Anonymous, but you can call me anon."
  140. >"Alright. Anon, what is this book?"
  141. "Never saw it?"
  142. >The mares negate with their heads.
  143. >You almost respond, but you see they truly don't know nothing.
  144. >You will remedy this.
  146. ".... If you must know, first: we aren't in a hollow tree trunk. This is the Golden Oaks Library. Second, your book isn't "Twilight's Journal"; is the Friendship Journal, the book where the Mane 6 wrote about their adventures. And finally: only S1 and 2 are the best Seasons."
  147. >The fillies are confused, but they accept.
  148. "Alright, give me the book."
  149. >The Earth pony gives you the diary, and you open it, guiding them to sit around you.
  150. "This book is the Diary of the Sisters. It has the tales of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the rulers of Equestria. This book starts with their coming, when the tribes started to settle, but because the ponies didn't care much about the night, an evil force overcame Luna, turning her into Nightmare Moon. Celestia tried to save her, but to no avail, so in a desperate attempt to save ponykind, she sealed her sister on the Moon for 1000 years, waiting to find the mare that will save her with the magic of friendship. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, an unicorn from Canterlot, and the one who will start our story."
  151. >"Twilight Sparkle?"
  152. >"Wasn't she Princess Twilight?"
  153. >"Where are her wings? Did the artist forget them?"
  154. >You swallow a scream and a curse.
  155. "This.... was before she got her wings.... I better start from the beginning."
  156. >You clear your throat.
  157. "Once upon a time, in the far land of Equestria..."
  158. >And so the room was filled with tales, jokes, curses, insults and laughter.
  159. >The stories of your friends, bringing joy and tears. Life lessons, hard choices, and the friends along the way.
  160. >By the time you finished, it was night.
  161. "... and that was how the magic of friendship grew, and Ponyville became the center of Equus, where all races could coexist...."
  162. >Your smile disappeared.
  163. "But in the end it was a pipe dream. Dragons burned the yaks, the zebras hunted the changeling, and the Diamond dogs robbed the Abyssinians. Her dream of Harmony and Friendship became a fool's wish, and she paid for it."
  165. >You close the book.
  166. "The windigos appeared, the ponies destroyed each other to survive, the princesses were murdered, and I..."
  167. >You lower your head
  168. >"Sir, what did you do?"
  169. >You stand up, and put away the book.
  170. >"Sir?"
  171. >You take a box, and show them the inside: a tiara with purple gems.
  172. "I destroyed the kingdom. Sorry if the story doesn't have a nice ending, but those were the events. The tribes separated more than before, Equus is gone, and I have been living in this library ever since."
  173. >"But, didn't you try to fix that? The ponies-"
  174. "The ponies would have killed me! But I can't die! I made a pact to finally be here in this world, but the dealer enjoys seeing me suffer. He gave me what I wanted, at the cost of everything I loved. I tried many times to end myself, but it only brings me suffering. It doesn't matter what I do, I can only watch time pass. My ride, it will never end, and I will be stuck here forevermore."
  175. >The ponies are sad.
  176. "Sorry, but that's the rub. Now, if you excuse me, the library is closed, it's too late, and I don't have a guest room. I'm afraid you will leave. You can keep the book, I don't need it anymore."
  177. >"No, is fine. Thanks for the story."
  178. "Well, thanks for letting me tell it."
  179. >The mares say goodbye, and leave your house
  180. >That night you couldn't sleep again. The memories made a rumble inside your head.
  181. >At dawn, a knock comes from your door.
  182. >Is Sunny.
  183. "Hello Sunny, want a book to check out?"
  184. >"What are you talking about anon? I came for you!"
  185. "What?"
  186. >"We are going to save Equestria! Again!"
  187. >And so begins the tale of Anonymous.
  188. >Anonymous in the New Equestria.

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