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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-03 23:06:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Chadanon
  2. >Taking a piss in the women's stall
  3. >Why? Fucked a slut against the sink
  4. >Damn roasties just jamming out with their clam out
  5. >Bitch may be pregnant. Fuck that. Your huge 15 inches exists to fuck, not to parent
  6. >Clean your cock with her bra and give it back
  7. "Don't call me, I'll see you around."
  8. >Bitch doesn't answer. You fucked her brains out, and the other are leasing out trying to get your magnificent attention
  9. >Shame because today is leg day and you never skip leg day
  10. >As your mere masculinity opens the door, a small visage: turbothot spunkle
  11. "Begone thot, I gotta leg it"
  12. >She is sneezing. Obviously: everyone knows thots are allergic to chads
  13. >"O-oh. Hi a-a-a-ACHOO!!!"
  14. >Her saliva hits your man chin
  15. "Puag! Cover it!"
  16. >You fail to notice, but your reaction made a bit of spit come out, and hit her right cheek
  17. >"S-sorry"
  18. >With the maximum of respects, you push her aside and keep walking. Fucking thots making you lose time
  19. -----
  20. >The day goes normal: you broke a new running record, again. You got an A in a math test you didn't even study for, and fucked the Principal in the faculty lot in front of her sister
  21. >After a social afternoon where your Chad friends and you got a night life worth of Fast and Furious, you are back at your owned home. Boss sent your check and you paid bills already, so now you can enjoy your vacation and "study" in peace
  22. >As you change to your undies to sleep, you sneeze
  23. >Weird, your last health check up said you were fine. Then again it was 5 years ago. You don't need docs: you feel fine, you are fine
  24. >You go to sleep
  26. >A new day starts, and you are ready to fuck bitches and own the place
  27. >As you made your calorie-counted breakfast, you see the cake that was given to you in your last birthday 2 days ago is still fresh
  28. >You shouldn't eat it because it was made with industrial white flour and is mostly cream which means an insane amount of sugar. But then again a small sweet tooth isn't bad, so you grab yourself a piece
  29. >You finish your morning as usual: a small jog before school, a good dose of water with suplements, and ride your family custom made Ford Mustang from the 65
  30. >You drive all the way to CHS and park in the faculty lot. If Luna complains again, you'll fuck her this time
  31. >As you enter the halls, you are greeted as always: all the bros wave and makes chest bumps of respects, as females whisper and send kisses your way
  32. >You reach your locker, but something catches your eye: Cuntblast Jizzhole didn't try to get your dick. She may be a thot, but a slut is still addicted to cock in the end
  33. >You see one of her friends walking around; the mutie one
  34. "Hey, you, whatever your name is: where's the purple girl?"
  35. >"Umm... Twilight? She is at her home. She called in sick today"
  36. "Great, beat it"
  37. >You may ask for info, but everyone knows that a friend of a thot is a thot too. And you know it because you saw that yellow slut sucking off the wacky janitor behind the bleachers once
  38. >Whatever, school time
  39. >As always, you just check your phone and take naps. At least you can check this stuff back at home if you feel like it. Not that you do
  40. >School finishes, and you join the guys at the gym for workout
  41. >Bulk biceps already started
  42. "Hey Snowflake, ready for cardio today?"
  43. >"Fuck you anon! Cardio is for pussies!"
  44. "Tell that to these legs"
  45. >You show off your muscular lower body. All the males applaud and females start to bite their lips
  46. >"Whatever. I bet you can't beat me at weight liftting"
  47. "How much?"
  48. >"220"
  49. "Bring it on"
  51. >Both start working out, making poses and showing off the guns, but something happened
  52. >As both were in the last part, you fail to lift the dumbbell and slips off your hand
  53. >"YEAH!!! Who is the best now?"
  54. "Fuck you Bulk, it slipped off" *cough*
  55. >"Hey bro, are you alright?"
  56. *Sniff* "I'm fine. Just a cought, that's all"
  57. >"No, you look sick"
  58. >He touches your forehead
  59. >"Dude, you have a fever! Go home!"
  60. "C'mon Biceps. I didn't started with my lower arms"
  61. >"Go home anon, I mean it"
  62. "Fine. See you tomorrow"
  63. >You take a quick shower in the changers, dress up, and go home
  64. >The bad thing is he was right. The fever rises as you reach home
  65. >By the time you arrive, your head is burning and you are having cold sweats
  66. >You manage to get a cold bag, and put it on your head. You don't bother changing and fall on your bed
  67. >You check on your side table next to it and find some aspirins
  68. "Hope this goes away"
  69. >You take the pills right there with no water, and fall sleep
  71. >The next day isn't as great as you hoped it would be
  72. >The fever is gone, and your head is cold, but your muscles man...
  73. >They are twiching. It was probably how you stopped mid workout
  74. >You throw away the cake, it may be bad. But is strange, it wasn't old enough to rot
  75. >Why did you had a strong fever out of nowhere?
  76. >You go back to school. Today you didn't even bothered to jog
  77. >As you drive, a sad song came up. You don't remember the name, you aren't into that stuff
  78. >But instead of changing the radio, you left the song on. It only came to you after you were in front of your locker
  79. >Something wrong is happening
  80. >As the day passess, you take care of the lesson for the first time in your life
  81. >You are trying to not think so much about these recent events
  82. >Thankfully, it wasn't much: History. WWII. Everybody heard about it so many times it is almost predictable
  83. >At lunch time, you notice something. The purple chick isn't here today again
  84. >You don't normally do this, but you get close to the 6 girls
  85. "Hey..."
  86. >Wait, did you just barely made social contact?
  87. RD: "Oh, hey, is anon. What do you want?"
  88. R: "Rainbow, be a bit more gentle"
  89. "Uhh... Yeah, I was wondering where is that purple girl. Twilight."
  90. >Oh, no. Stuttering before sentences. Something is really wrong
  91. PP: "Aw, we always knew you liked her"
  92. "I-it's not like that!"
  93. >What the hell is happening?! WHERE IS YOUR ALPHANESS?!!
  94. FS: "Well, we visit her yesterday"
  95. "So?"
  96. AJ: "It's simple anon: She is really sick. We couldn't even see her face to face"
  97. "Did she went to the doctor?"
  98. SS: "Yeah. She told us she will be back next week"
  99. "Whoa... That's... Great"
  100. SS: "Hey anon, something's wrong?"
  101. "NOTHING! I gotta go!"
  102. >You walk away quickly
  103. >At your table, it hits you. Why did you ran away?! It isn't a big personal question. Oh God, why does it matter if it's personal to you?
  104. >Your mind is racing with tons of questions, until suddenly...
  105. >"Hey, are you okay?"
  107. >You look at your side: Flash Sentry
  108. "Oh, hey man. Errrr... You are in my table"
  109. >"Sorry, I saw it empty and I though I could sit here"
  110. "Well, you know what? You can stay. I'm not in the mood to be a jerk"
  111. >This was a mistake
  112. >His face lightens up, but dear Jesus, he won't shut up!
  113. >He spoke how that roastie Shimmer used him for fame. How he fell in love with an interdimentional horse, and how everything went downhill from there
  114. >He even told you how he lost the retarded girl to Biceps
  115. >A beta full and through. This won't help your situation at all
  116. >"... And now I eat at the mall and hang out at the amuzement park alone most of the time"
  117. "Interesting..."
  118. >"Oh anon, we talk like if we were brothers!"
  119. >That was sarcasm, you fucking cuck
  120. >*RIIINNNNGGG!!!*
  121. >Thank the heavens, the bell
  122. "I have to go"
  123. >"Wait! No! Can we hang out later?"
  124. "I'm busy this week"
  125. >"This weekend! I know some very cool guys!"
  126. >Questionable
  127. "I'm late, I-"
  128. >"Come on! Shining Armor needs another guy for his game and Big Mac is already busy!"
  129. >Wait, Shining Armor? The golden boy of CPA?
  130. >Well, hanging with the fancy guys won't help a lot since everyone will think you are pretensious, but he is alpha enough to get your Chad back
  131. "Alright. This Friday is ok?"
  132. >"Yes! Trust me man, you will have a blast! In a Flash!"
  133. >He makes gunfinger trying to be more cool. It was a horrible attempt
  134. "Yeeeeaaaahhh.... See you at Friday"
  136. >The rest of the week passes, and simptoms got worse
  137. >First you got tired of getting /fit/
  138. >Then your Chad friends told you the "don't sweat, we will call you later" bullshit which means "I don't want to see you again"
  139. >And even started to have a small playlist of sad emo songs
  140. >You realize what this means: you are becoming a normie, the death of the Chad road
  141. >Finally Friday comes up, and you are even moving at a virgin's walk, barely looking over
  142. >"Hey anon, ready to party?"
  143. "Yeah, sure"
  144. >Flash is your last bet. If he helps you impress Shining Armor, you might have a chance to return to the Chadness
  145. >You get into his Camaro, and he starts driving
  146. >"It was really great to meet you man"
  147. "Don't mention it"
  148. >"No, I mean it. After all the breakup and loneliness, I finally got a bro"
  149. "Come on, you hang with SA and BM. They aren't like the most popular men in our school?"
  150. >"Yeah, but I barely see them. Shining is hooked with the principal of CPA, Cadance, and Big Mac finally got a girlfriend. A baker called Sugar Belle"
  151. "Good for them"
  152. >"Yeah is good, but I felt so alone.... But not anymore! Now I got you!"
  153. >Don't count that for too long Flash. Sorry but I won't ghost around life
  154. >Finally both reach Shining's home, and parks at front
  155. "Hey, aren't we supposed to meet in a sport court or something?"
  156. >"Nah, the game is at his place. You'll love it"
  157. >Flash knocks the door. A "coming" sounds from inside. A few minutes later, Shining Armor opens the door
  158. >You can feel it: his aura of Alpha man is good. You can feel a bit more cooler close to him
  159. SA: "So this is the new guy?"
  160. FL: "Yes. He is anon, a very cool guy"
  161. "Nice to meet you"
  162. >You lift your hand to shake his, but Shining proves his manliness by grabbing it and pull you for a hug
  163. SA: "Hey, pleasure's mine. Thanks for hang with my boy F here"
  164. >Yes! You feel the Chadness!
  165. "It was nothing. He is a good guy"
  166. >"Well, come in"
  167. >Both go inside his house
  169. >Is strange: his TV in the living is 50 inches, which is good, but has a Switch with Smash on. A casual party game
  170. SA: "How about some snacks? Made them myself"
  171. >Myself?!
  172. >You look at the tray, and see nachos and pizza with soda
  173. >What?! Where are the beer with tacos and chicken wings?!
  174. FL: "The game is ready?"
  175. SA: "Yeah, I'll bring it here"
  176. >A few moments later, your fears become true: he brings a copy of Ogres & Oubliettes
  177. SA: "Now we are ready!"
  178. "Noooo!!!"
  179. FL: "Whoa anon, what is happening?"
  180. "You aren't a Chad Shining, you are a Brad!"
  181. SA: "A what?"
  182. "This was supposed to be my chance to recover my old self, but now I'm stuck with nerds and normies!"
  183. FL: "Ehh, anon are you ok?"
  184. >Flash tries to pat you in the back, but you block it
  185. "Don't touch me you cuck! I shouldn't have let you to be close to me! I'm becoming a loser just as you!"
  186. SA: "Anonymous, relax. You are acting crazy"
  187. "I'm a fucking normie!!!"
  188. >You run away, leaving the home behind, but your escape isn't long
  189. >You bump with someone. After a small moment, you see it's Twilight
  190. "You!"
  191. >"Anon?"
  192. >You grab her by the arms and shake her violently
  193. "What did you do to me?!"
  194. >This reaction is cut short after Shining Armor and Flash Sentry (who were following you) jumped on you
  195. >A while later, everyone is at Shining's house again
  196. SA: "Alright Anonymous, explain yourself"
  197. "I was using Flash to become your friend and recover my Alpha self"
  198. FL: "That's cold dude"
  199. "Cold?! My life has been a nightmare since that bitch sneezed on me!"
  200. >You point violently to Twilight
  201. "It's all her-!"
  202. >You take a better look at her, and find she carries her hair in a bun again. Her upper body is covered by a blouse with a vest, and has a long skirt down to her ankles. And her shoes are a pair of espadrilles
  203. "What... What happened to you?"

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 4

by GreenReaper