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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-03 23:09:27
Updated: 2021-09-16 20:28:54
Expiry: Never

  1. "What... What happened to you Twilight?"
  2. >"Well..."
  3. ----
  4. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  5. >You just finished sucking off a cute boy under the table in the science club, and you are taking your time swallowing his load
  6. >Walking to your locker, you see Sunset
  7. >"Hey twi, how are you?"
  8. >You just wave
  9. >"Everything alright?"
  10. >You check around, and see there isn't any students around
  11. >You open your slutty mouth, showing the seed of your last "stop"
  12. >"Oh, you skanky girl. Let me taste"
  13. >Sunset grabs you from the hair and forces her lips on yours. You always loved how dominant she is
  14. >Both clashes tongues, passing cum and saliva as tasting each other's savory glands
  15. >She cuts the kiss after a while, a small trail of fluids leaving her lips
  16. >"One of the jocks again?"
  17. "They keep healthy and taste the best"
  18. >"Well, AJ invited us to her farm. Flutters wants you to meet Lonestar. I know you will like him"
  19. >Your inner thighs start to humidify. You always saw that gentle stallion eyeing you around, but you never had proper experience with his kind
  20. "Ohhhh! I can't wait!"
  21. >"This Saturday"
  22. >She gives you a hard spank
  23. >"Try to not strecht it so much"
  24. >She waves goodbye, and walks away
  25. >You can't stop thinking of that sweet future. Your womb is already on fire and your panties are soaking wet
  26. >You walk quickly to the bathroom. You need to unwind before PE starts
  27. >A few feet away, a smell comes to you and start sneezing
  28. >Oh no, anon is fucking another chic inside the girl's bathroom again
  29. >You dream he someday destroys you in bed, but he always say "I'll fuck a rabid dog before you. Thots needs don't apply"
  30. >His chadness is almost a guilty pleasure to you. Maybe you can join the lesbian orgy he always drags behind
  31. >Before you touch the door's handle, the bathroom opens path to Anonymous, the Chad
  32. >If you could drop on your knees and suck his prick now, it would be Heaven
  33. >"Begone thot. I gotta leg it"
  34. >You sneeze. The thot-Chad allergy appears
  36. >"O-oh. Hi a-a-a-ACHOO!!!"
  37. >You can't reach your handkerchief, and sneeze on his face
  38. "Puag! Cover it!"
  39. >You failed to notice, but your reaction made a bit of his spit come out, and hits your right cheek
  40. >"S-sorry."
  41. >He doesn't respond, pushing you away from his path and walking away
  42. >As you enter the bathroom, you see a girl dripping his essence as two of them scissor each other chanting his name
  43. >It may be true that thots are allergic to Chads, but everyone knows they can take on any cum
  44. >You lick and penetrate the girl's puffy vulva, cleaning her completely and bringing her to an orgasm
  45. "Sorry sweetie, this is for me"
  46. >You go to a stall, and start fingering yourself enjoying the taste in your mouth
  47. >Anon's cum is so alpha it defeats the other tastes inside
  48. >As you caress yourself, your hand feels something on your cheek
  49. >You realize is anon's saliva. This is as close as you get to him kissing you
  50. >You take the wet spot, and shove it inside you
  51. "Oh, anon, you know your way around~<3"
  52. >You finger yourself for a while until your get an orgasm, and enjoy the afterglow. Moments later the bell rings
  53. >You clean yourself up, fix your clothes properly, and suck the fingers you used. His taste is still there
  54. >You can't help but sight. Anon is so dreamy
  55. "I wish something could happen so we can be together"
  57. >Rest of the day follows as usual: you got the gaze of all the boys thanks to your (on purpose) thigh sport clothes, be the best student by answering all the teacher's questions, talk about your sex life with your friends in lunch time, and suck off Proffesor Cranky (he isn't called DONKEY Doodle for nothing)
  58. >Just something caught your eye for a moment: after he blow his load on your mouth, you couldn't swallow it, you spit it away. He luckily didn't mind, he was lost in the afterglow
  59. >That wasn't the only thing wrong: as you walked the way home, your stomach felt revolting, and you couldn't stop sneezing
  60. >A fever you though, but your body was still strong. What was it?
  61. >Finally at home, you finish your homework quickly and pass dinner. The revolting sensation was too much
  62. >Sleeping was hard. You had cold sweats, and the same nightmare everytime you closed your eyes: it was a man hitting you. But not physical you, he was crushing some pillars that you felt it represented your mind
  63. >The next day was worst
  64. >Your mother goes to your room every morning to wake you up
  65. >"Wakey wakey! Eggs and bakey!"
  66. "Ughhh..."
  67. >"Oh Twilight, you don't look fine at all"
  68. >She brings a thermometer and waits for a bit. When she checks your temperature her face worries even more
  69. >"Hold on sweetie, we are going to the hospital"
  70. "No... Mom, is just a fever"
  71. >"A strong fever. I'll get your father"
  72. >As she leaves the room, the revolting sensation comes back full force
  73. >You can't hold it anymore. You grab a bucket quickly, and puke everything in it
  74. >Something catches your eye: all the vomit is semen. There isn't food or bilis, just semen
  75. >You puke a second time, and hear some steps coming quickly
  76. >You manage to get a small chemical that was in your side table, and use it on the vomit. It looks almost normal
  77. TV: "Oh heavens, Twilight!"
  78. NL: "Shining!!! Start the car! I'm carrying your sister!"
  79. >Your family takes you with urgency to the hospital
  81. >Now at the hospital, things doesn't get better. You start to get wet coughts. Everytime you clean the mucus, you find out is sperm
  82. >Thankfully, your family didn't noticed this. They were busy trying to get some service
  83. >Finally a doctor checks you up, gives your parents some medicine, and a permission for a week off school with the medical receipt
  84. >He told them it was a reaction for food poisoning, but you know that is wrong. Whatever made you react like this it wasn't for a bad apple
  85. >Your parents pay the bills, and take you back home. Your mother makes you a hot soup, and your father tucks you into bed
  86. NL: "There we go. Need anything else?"
  87. "No dad, I'm fine"
  88. NL: "Great. If you need anything you call me. I can bring you the TV here if you want"
  89. "No dad, is okay"
  90. >Your mother enters your room
  91. TV: "Let our girl breath a bit Night Light"
  92. >She serves your soup on your bed
  93. TV: "Vegetable soup. With extra carrots and onions. It will help you"
  94. "Thanks mom"
  95. TV: "Need something else?"
  96. "No, is fine. I just want to eat"
  97. >Your parents leave you, and you start taking the soup
  98. >Questions bombard your mind: Why did you get sick? Why you expulsed semen? What is going on with your body?
  99. >"Twilight, are you ok?"
  100. "Eh? Oh, Spike. Yes, I am, just a bit sick"
  101. >"I was scared this morning, you didn't looked good"
  102. >You pat his head
  103. "Don't worry little guy. I'm just fine now, and I will recover quick"
  104. >Or at least, you hope you do
  106. >This time, the sleep was achivable, but the dreams were really creepier
  107. >You were standing on a wasteland, no signs of life
  108. >As you were walking, you heard some sobbings coming from afar. You run towards that direction
  109. >At reaching the place, you find Midnight Sparkle. She was raped and is covered in cum
  110. "What the-?"
  111. >"Twilight..."
  112. "...!"
  113. >".... Twilight.... What did you do?"
  114. >Suddenly, the Earth shakens and a big trench divides both of you. From the bottom, thousands of ugly men come climbing the hole towards her
  115. "No! Leave her alone!"
  116. >"They can't hear you. They won't"
  117. >You turn around, and see the strangest male you ever saw: He is tall, blonde, his chin is squared and pronunciated. His blue eyes are penetrating. His clothes consists of a very pinkish top that shows off his massive chest muscles, and green spandex pants that do nothing to cover his leg muscles (let alone his massive cock)
  118. >Finding a guy like this would turn you on madly, but something makes you feel the upmost respect for him
  119. "Who-"
  120. >"That thot will meet her end. Just becoming a jizz rag of random strangers and find death choking on their rancid cum. She won't have a happy ending, and even if she survives, she will only be an empty husk that beauty forgot"
  121. "No! We have to do something!"
  122. >"She has nothing to do with me. I don't have a reason to get involved. Thots needs don't apply"
  123. "How can you say that, you jerk?! She needs our help!"
  124. >"I didn't came for her, I came for you"
  125. "What?"
  126. >"This is your test: if you want to get better, you will save that girl. Alone"
  127. "And if I fail?"
  128. >"Death will be a merciful act to what is going to happen to you. The kid I was taking care off broke a rule from the Chad code, but yours are starting"
  129. "The kid? Rules? What are you talking about?"
  130. >"Want to know?"
  131. >He waves his head towards a very fragile rock bridge. It reaches Midnight
  132. >You take a deep breath, and go towards the bridge
  134. "Can I know your name at least?"
  135. >"When you finish"
  136. >Now at the entrance of the bridge, you can see the abyss. It's void is infinite
  137. >Taking a bit of courage, you start walking
  138. >The rocks start to crack and some bits fall. Your step is very wary, but you try to speed up: those men have no problem climbing the walls
  139. >Your step gets more fast and solid, slowly reaching half of the road
  140. >The men didn't slowed down sadly: some already climbed and start to walk towards Midnight. Others stayed to help other men go up
  141. >You run, but this was a mistake: a part of the floor gives up, and you almost fall. You managed to hold on, and climb back up
  142. >You only hurry the steps. This was also an inconvenience since the broken floor started to crack down
  143. >Finally the path gives up, and crumbles away. You run again, and jump just as the bridge plummets to the void. Now on solid ground, you run towards Midnight
  144. >You reach and grab her
  145. "Midnight, don't worry, I'll get us out!"
  146. >"Twiligh.... No.... Run"
  147. "I won't. I can beat them!"
  148. >You grab your magic pendant and make a wave towards the men, but something happened
  149. >You don't have any magic
  151. >You move your hand frenetically trying to cast a spell to no avail
  152. >In instinct, you drag Midnight trying to get as far from the men, but you weren't strong enough
  153. >Desperate, you throw rocks at them, hoping to scare them off. They keep walking
  154. >Finally, you only cover her
  155. >"Don't... Twilight, don't!"
  156. "I won't let them hurt you!"
  157. >"You must run!"
  158. >You feel it. They are close
  159. >This is the end
  160. "Help!!!"
  161. >One of the men is about to touch you
  162. -----
  163. >*PUM!*
  164. >You see the impact: the strange man double kicks the ugly man in the face!
  165. C: "Name's Chad"
  166. > [Fist of the Northstar - Movie ver.]
  167. >He faces the horde
  168. C: "Thots needs don't apply..."
  169. >He takes a stance
  170. C: "... But all women are queens. Anyone who dares hurt them will meet Hell"
  171. >The horde of horny ugly men roars as they try to take him out. It was pointless
  172. >One by one, he launched everyone towards the abyss, never to be seen again
  173. >When the last one falls, the Earth rumbles again. A giant fat ugly man rises
  174. >"If she breaths.... SHE IS A THOT!!!"
  175. >Chad didn't though twice: he runs towards the giant, facing him head on
  176. >The behemoth raised his hand, and launched it to crush him. Chad just jumped, and threw a flying kick
  177. "You can do it Chad!"
  178. >The titans are about to clash
  180. >*RIINNNGGG!!!!*
  183. *Gasp!*
  184. >The clock alarm wakes you up
  185. >When you are more aware of your surroundings, you see a TV playing Hokuto No Ken videos
  186. >Now you remember: yesterday your father and brother insisted to do something for you so you let them hook it
  187. >And since it was a smart, it took Shining's browser history to start up
  188. >You let out a sight. Your mother is checking you up
  189. >"Good morning sweetie"
  190. "Hi mom"
  191. >"You look a bit better than yesterday. Time for your medicine"
  192. >You take it
  193. >"There we go. Your friends called yesterday, they are going to visit you today"
  194. "I don't know if that's a good idea, they might get sick"
  195. >She handles you a cup of tea
  196. >"You can use your phones Twilight. They can see you, even if it's not face to face"
  197. "Hey, that is a good idea!"
  198. >"Now rest. Anything you need, you call me, ok?"
  199. >You nod
  200. >She leaves you with some crackers and the tea. As you take breakfast, Spike comes up
  201. >"She is right, you know? Yesterday you couldn't stop vomiting and sneezing"
  202. "Well, I do feel a bit better. Maybe after the visit I'll fully recover"
  203. >"That would be great. I miss my red rockets"
  204. "Oh, Spike"
  205. >Suddenly, you felt something
  206. >Is true that you and Spike had "red rockets" so he can be calm, but for some reason, you felt... Rejection?
  207. >Must be your imagination
  209. >After your friends's visit, now you are sure something is going on
  210. >They came, everyone conversed with you in a videocall, and everything was peachy
  211. >Until they started sharing their latest about their sex lives
  212. >You never had a problem with this. In fact, you were the shining example of non-guilty immoral sex adventures
  213. >But now, you just couldn't hear it. In fact, you felt even disgusted
  214. >You didn't wanted to hear about Pinkie's orgy, how Fluttershy let's the janitor (who is the superintendent in disguise) ram her against the gym bleachers, how many rugs Rainbow munched, and how many men sodomized Rarity
  215. >When AJ, Sunset, and horses came up, you almost puked again
  216. >The girls think it's maybe the sickness, so they just leave you school's homework and good wishes
  217. >Your mom gave them some snacks and everybody went home
  218. >As you were doing your schoolwork, Spike appears again
  219. >"It was great that your friends came to visit you"
  220. "Yeah, I really missed them"
  221. >"But everything is fine? I saw that you didn't liked to speak to them about something"
  222. "Oh, it's nothing. They were just talking about their sex life. Is just... That's private, you know?"
  223. >Wait, did just that sentence came out of your mouth? You of all people?
  224. >Who was known for walking naked on 4 once because of some guy's fetish?
  225. >"You weren't in the mood?"
  226. "I guess not"
  227. >"Not even for a "red rocket"?"
  228. >He moves a bit, and shows his canine penis fully erect. He even knotted out
  229. "Urgh, fine. Come here"
  230. >He lays on your arm on his back, ready for a handjob, but you just couldn't touch it
  231. >It was repulsive to you: touching a dog's cock? Are you that desperate?
  232. >Well, you were. You even let him mount you sometimes, but now you can't even see it
  233. "Spike, I'm sorry but I'm indisposed. Can you hump a pillow or something?"
  235. >Your eyes open widely after that sentence
  236. >You stand up from your desk and go to the bathroom
  237. >Seeing the mirror, it isn't much to tell: it's just you. Well, a sick and unnattended you
  238. >Your hair is a mess, you are a bit more skinny because you vomited a lot, and there are small bags under your eyes
  239. >But that is the main difference: your gaze is a different one
  240. "What is happening to me?"
  241. >Finally the day passes, and you went to bed
  242. >You lay your head on your pillow thinking about your reactions. Did something actually changed inside you?
  243. >You close your eyes, and let your mind rest for a moment
  244. >Sadly, it was going to be another hard night
  245. >This time the dream took you to a penthouse on a hill. You had the key to the main door, so you entered as it was your house
  246. >The place was pristine: not a single speck of dust. The furniture was modern yet it kept a classic vibe due to the layout. It was welcoming yet exclusive
  247. >You see a modern black sofa and giggle a bit, thinking how Rarity would love to star another porno in this kind of place
  248. >"Having a perverted yet silly mind is good for the soul. Great to see you again"
  249. >You recognize that voice
  250. "Chad? Is that-!"
  251. >After turning around, you see he finished taking a bath. But he wasn't using the towel to cover himself
  252. >He had it in his hand, but still walked around naked, showing his masculine body to any view
  253. >You turn around quickly
  254. "ImsorryImsorryImsorry!"
  255. >"Hahaha! Don't worry, is fine. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of, and you already saw enough cocks in your life to be comfortable around them"
  256. "That doesn't mean I want to see them 24/7"
  257. >You stop for a moment and wonder: Did you just said that?
  258. >"So it has started. Come to my room, and you will find the answer"
  259. >You hear his steps go back, so you look behind this time
  260. "What do you mean with "find the answer"?"
  263. >You go inside Chad's room: one of the walls is just a big window showing the outside view of the penthouse. It shows a cliff, and the sun rising from the sea
  264. >There's a small side room that works as a personal closet. He is there choosing his clothes and shoes
  265. >The bed is king-size, and Midnight is there resting. She has some bandages on
  266. "Midnight?"
  267. >"Shhh! She is sleeping!", whispers Chad
  268. "How did she got hurt? Those guys were just nightmares"
  269. >"Not exactly: it was a nightmare, but they represented your inner lust. It got self destructive after I came here"
  270. "Came here? Wait... What are you?"
  271. >He comes out of the closet, dressed with a gold suit and spats. His inner shirt is black, and has a golden tie
  272. >"I am The Chad: guardian of anon's Chadness. Or whatever you left him with"
  273. "What?!"
  274. >"Shh! What did I tell you?"
  275. "But... How do you exist?! He never got corrupted by Equestria magic"
  276. >"But you did. You can see me as an outcome of you getting tainted"
  277. "Tainted?"
  278. >"Let me explain it: after he accidentaly spat on your face, I started to "contaminate" your body. Thots can't resist a Chad's body essence unless it involves cum. And after you fingered yourself with his remains, you let the contamination grow faster"
  279. "So what you are saying is I'm becoming a Chad?"
  280. >"No, you are becoming a Virginal Woman. I know, crazy after what you did, but the Chad gen is taking over. After some time, you will become in a cute innocent girl who always has proper fun without the need of drugs or carnal pleasure. You will be a proper example of feminism because you will work equally with the men instead of shoving your presence and demand respect only because you have a vagina. And the best is that lust will be a thing of the past, and you will seek a proper man who can take care of you. AKA: a Chad"
  281. >You can't believe it. Your wish became true!
  283. "So that means I can be with anon!... Wait! I sneezed on him! And you said he broke a Chad rule! It was because he got contact with a thot like... Like me?"
  284. MS: "That wasn't the reason"
  285. >You look at your left. Midnight is awake
  286. "Midnight? What do you mean?"
  287. C: "So, do I tell her or you will do it?"
  288. ----
  289. >Be anon
  290. >The story is insane, but is the only thing it can give you an explanation
  291. "What did you do Twilight?"
  292. >"..."
  293. "Twilight, I need to know: what did you do?"
  294. >She lowers her upper body, like a japanese asking for forgiveness
  295. >"I'm sorry anon! When Pinkie invited me to make your birthday cake, I fingered myself and let my juices fall into the mix. Pinkie found out, and used a dildo to make me cum more for the cream!"
  296. >"My thot DNA contaminated the cake, and acted like a poison for your Chad gene! Anon I'm really sorry!"
  297. >You can't believe it. That fucking slut destroyed your Chadness with only a single slice of cake!
  298. "Eeee... Ehe... Hehehe... Hahaha... HAHA!... HARHARHARHAR!!!"
  299. >"A-"
  301. >You jump from the couch, but Flash and Shining stop you
  302. >Minutes later, Shining launches you away from his house
  303. SA: "And stay away from her!"
  304. "Shut the fuck up idiot, it was her fault I turn into a NPC. You heard me slut?! Your fault!!!"
  305. >You see Twilight tear up and run upstairs to her room, Shining following her behind
  306. "Ah, fuck it. Come on Flash, take me home!"
  307. >"What? Need the help of a cuck now?"
  308. "Don't be a bitch Flash. I need a ride home"
  309. >"Then go to a bus stop. You know, I'm happy you turned into a fucking loser. A jerk like you doesn't deserve any better"
  310. "Fuck you fag! I know this move: now you will be all nice to the girl I just hurt, so you can get some. But guess what? It won't happen! Because that bitch up there ISN'T YOUR HORSE!"
  311. >"Get lost"
  312. >He closes the door
  313. "Fine! Whatever! I don't need no one! I was fine alone! I can be great alone! You'll see!"

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 4

by GreenReaper