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[NSFW] - Stillwater Slug Infestation

By Starbounce
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-23 18:09:12
Expiry: Never

  2. The wind coasted through the trees out on the edge of the Everfree. Stillwater looked left, then right, then back behind her. This place looked familiar. Had she been here before? She sat down with a huff. Stupid guide. 'Oh, just follow the path, it's impossible to miss it!' Yeah well, she missed it; and now she missed the path too. She put her hooves to her head and massaged her temples. She could find her way through. She just had to keep looking.
  4. Her thoughts were interrupted by a small squelching noise. Stillwater cocked her head as she looked down at a small creature in front of her. Some kind of slug, but it was different. The eye stalks were bulging, pulsating, and weirdest of all, glowing. Something about it tickled some part of Stillwater's head. It was so strange, she couldn't think of anything else. The pulsing lights completely captured her attention. The eye stalks twitched and the slug crawled forwards. Stillwater layed down and watched it move, her misfortunes completely forgotten in the moment. The eye stalks undulated in a fascinating way, the light from the glow casting soft shadows on the ground. It crawled to her, Stillwater's eyes enrapt by it the entire time.
  6. When it got within a hoof's length Stillwater's nostrils were hit by a sickly sweet stench. Her curiosity only grew. She reached out a cloven hoof and poked it. The texture was slimy and thick. She watched the slug trail over her hoof and back to the ground. She brought her hoof close to her face. The stench was even stronger. She paused, then gave her hoof a small lick. The slime /was/ sweet. In fact it was the sweetest thing she'd ever tasted. Sweeter then the purest honey. Her eyes fell back to the glowing eye stalks, the slug continuing on it's journey to her. Her brain felt tingly and fuzzy, and every glowing pulse only deepened the feeling. Another taste wouldn't hurt. Stillwater leaned forward and ran her tongue across the slug. The sickly sweet slime went down slowly, but smoothly. It stuck to her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She wanted more.
  8. Her eyes drifted back down to the pulsing glow. The fuzzy cloud in her head grew. She needed more. She rested her chin on the ground and opened her mouth, her tongue lolling out. The slug crawled onto it and left a trail of slime across as it ventured inside. Stillwater shivered. The sweet taste overwhelmed her senses. She hardly even felt the slug as it slithered deeper, until it hit the back of her throat. Reflexively she tried to swallow, but the slug was too slimey. Her throat muscles couldn't grip. Not that it stopped it. It slithered down, a slimy bulge gently coaxing it's way down her throat.
  10. The fuzziness in Stillwater's head continued to ramp up until she felt it splash into her stomach. Then the floodgates swung open and flooded her head, washing away all coherent thought. She basked in the afterglow, the warm sun on her back, the sweet slime in her stomach, and a smile on her face.
  12. Slowly the brainfog cleared away, and with every iota of clarity came an overwhelming sense of panic. What just happened? It made her feel so good, but... but now it was /inside/ of her! She could feel it wriggling and writhing in her stomach. It felt good, and that was the most terrifying part.
  14. Stillwater leapt up, only to get sucker punched in the gut by a wave of nausea. Her gut growled like an angry manticore. It felt heavy and cumbersome, like she'd eaten a bowling ball coated in honey. She... she needed help! She had to get back to home and... and...
  16. The world spun around her, trees and grass and bushes blending together into one big green glowing blur. Which way had she come from? Which way was she going? She'd been here before, right? Or was it just another of the countless similar-looking clearings in this forest? The sun was starting to set. How long was she just sitting there?! She doubled over as the nerves of her stomach lit on fire. Pleasant fog dribbled away from her stomach out to the rest of her body. What was it doing inside of her?! She started breathing heavily as her situation set in. She tried to gag herself, but all she tasted was more of that sickly sweet slime. Then the feeling started creeping up. First through her torso, then up her spine.
  18. When it hit the base of her skull she froze in place for a second before dropping to the ground. Her eyes unfocused as the creeping sensations wrapped around her brain. Where it trailed it's slimy tendrils, the pleasant fog set in. Panic subsided to fear, which faded to curiosity, which drifted away into a pleasant blur.
  20. When she came to the sun was creeping up the other horizon. Stillwater blinked. She felt... weird. The faint taste of that sickly sweet slime still lingered in her mouth. Yestersay flashed through her head. Panic swelled, but pleasant waves drowned those thoughts out with oblivion. When she calmed down, she could think clearly again. What did it even want with her? She thought about how snails lived their lives... How do snails even live their lives? Well, they must be born, grow up, breed, and-
  22. Her horn wriggled. At the mention of the last word, a different sensation pulsed through her head. Images of that soft green glow from the snail's eye stalks appeared in her mind's eye. She let out a relaxed sigh. She liked the glow. It made her feel safe and at ease. From her horn waves of pleasure pulsed out. It left the taste of the sickly sweet slime on her tongue. Stillwater's eyes unfocused. Her knees gave out from underneath her and she toppled to the ground. She stayed in that state until she heard the frantic flap of wings above her. Her horn writhed in anticipation.
  25. Fret Flow circled the skies. She'd left yesterday and said she'd be back by nightfall. There's no telling what could have happened to her out here in the wilds. Fret just hoped it wasn't lethal. He scanned the ground until his eyes settled on a clearing. In the middle lay a brown and green figure, collapsed on the ground. Oh sweet Celestia, he hoped he wasn't too late.
  27. He dive bombed to the clearing and skidded to the ground. He threw Stillwater over to turn her face-up. Her chest moved steadily. Thank Celestia, she was still alive. Now, to get her out of here. His hooves wrapped around her to pull her forwards when her eyes fluttered open. They seemed different, and so did her horn, but he couldn't quite put his hoof on it.
  29. "F- Fret?" she croaked out.
  31. "Yeah. We can talk later, let's get you out of here first."
  33. She let out a sigh of relief as he wrapped his hooves around her. She leapt forwards and wrapped her hooves around the back of his head. Fret's eyes went wide as they landed on her's. Now that he looked closer, he figured out what was so different. Her pupils glowed green, and a predatory smile crossed her face. Her horn writhed and wriggled as it changed from brown to a similar green. That's all he saw before she kissed him.
  35. Her tongue darted into his mouth. With it came torrents of sickly sweet slime. The texture nearly made him gag, but he couldn't deny that it tasted /good/. He tried to slip a hoof between them and push her away, but he could never hope to over-power her, even before whatever happened. His eyes stared, wide, into hers. That's when hers gave off a faint glow. They, combined with the slime, sent waves of pleasure reverbrating through his head. He knew what was about to happen. Yet try as he might, he couldn't hope to stop it.
  38. Stillwater's horn glowed brightly. The light trickled down into Fret's eyes and scrambled his thoughts with pleasure. His eyes fluttered as he stared at the light. The strength sapped away from struggles. Weaker and weaker until he was limp in her hooves. Stillwater set him down. One word reverbrated through her head, one that the parasite rewarded: breed.
  40. She pressed her muzzle against Fret's sheath. A few gentle prods and it started to emerge. Perfect. With every steamy breath, it twitched and grew a little bit more. When it was at half-mast, she gave it a lick. Slime coated it, glowing faintly from her horn's light. Fret's eyes were still fixated on it too. Stillwater decided that she'd had enough of foreplay.
  42. She took his dick in her mouth and started pumping. His dick twitched inside her mouth, and he let out a moan. After a little bit, Fret curled over towards her horn and wrapped his mouth around it. Lightning shot down her spine as Fret started to fellate it. The two pleasured each other for a while, Stillwater's horn writhing in Fret's mouth while his dick twitched inside her mouth. Then her horn slithered away. The breeze struck the slimy indent where it used to be. Meanwhile she watched as it crawled down his throat and settled in his stomach. His eyes were unfocused, and his dick was still hard.
  44. Stillwater stood up. Fret's eyes vaguely followed her. She turned around, flicked her tail out of the way, and presented her pussy to him. With glowing green bedroom eyes, she silently asked a simple question: 'are you gonna fuck me or what?' Fret lurched forwards, off balance as the slug started to spread inside him. He leapt on top of her back and thrust inside. Slime leaked from her holes, so it slid in easily. He thrust like a wild animal, driven by instinct alone. He leaned his head against her neck, his eyes drifted off as his slime-covered tongue lolled out. Stillwater's eyes were also distant, lost in the sensations of the moment. Nothing else mattered in the world except for each other. With lazy smiles and glowing green eyes, they came together. The two of them collapsed into a pile, curling up in each other's embrace as the slug worked it's way through Fret's system. Meanwhile, a new one had started to sprout from Stillwater's forehead. When the two woke up, they'd repeat the process with a fresh pair of ponies. Then they'd do it again, and again, and again.

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