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Princess of Autism

By Starbounce
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-27 22:39:51
Expiry: Never

  1. If you came here from /ptfg/, go die in a hole. I didn't write this to fuel your shit fetish.
  3. >"No you're not injecting me with any more homo-juice!" Anonfilly screeched as she dove under the table
  4. >"Anon, come on! Cheerilee said that all fillies need to be properly vaccinated before they can go to school!"
  5. >Twilight's horn lit up as a magical net swept under the table
  6. >Anonfilly let out another screech, and Twilight's heart leapt
  7. >Finally, she'd caught the slippery little guy!
  8. >She tugged the net out, vaccine ready and waiting in her telekinetic aura
  9. >Only to find a small purple dragon instead of a small green pony
  10. >Smushed against Spike's chest was a half-eaten hot dog, one coated in dust and hair and fur from the floor
  11. >He looked up at her with a non-zero amount of fear in his eyes
  12. >Twilight rolled hers and scooched him away
  13. >As she bent down under the table, she heard hoofsteps as they pitter-pattered away
  14. >"School is for fags!"
  15. >Green hooves, by the doorframe
  16. >Her magic shot out at the speed of light
  17. >Anonfilly yelped
  18. >Twilight grinned
  19. >Anon looked back with pure horror on her face as she was dragged back to certain doom
  21. >"There, that wasn't so bad, was it Anon?"
  22. >Anon stared forward, eyes unreadable
  23. >"...Anon?"
  24. >Twilight waved a hoof in front of Anon's eyes
  25. >Blank
  26. >Twilight's eyes darted back and forth
  27. >What in Equestria was going on with her?
  28. >She circled in front of him and placed a hoof on Anon's chest
  29. >Anon's heart was beating fiercly
  30. >Twilight put an ear up to her chest
  31. >Anon's heart sounded like it was about to explode!
  32. >Magical energy surged through her core
  33. >Twilight's horn lit up as a magical wave pulsed out
  34. >Anon's small filly body glowed with energy, but she could at least see where it was being directed
  35. >It flowed in from her leg where she gave her the vaccine, circled around her core, and then flowed out three directions
  36. >The first was her back
  37. >The second was the crown of her head
  38. >and the third...
  39. >Anon's stomach clenched
  40. >Her throat tightened
  41. >and magical rainbow vomit gushed out onto Twilight's head
  42. >Twilight dry-heaved as she scrabbled backwards
  43. >She slapped at the vomit with her hooves
  44. >She only partially succeeded in getting the vomit out, but she definitely succeeded in getting the vomit all over the kitchen
  46. >Twilight snapped out of her disgust-panic when she noticed Anon glowing brighter then before
  47. >She was even floating now
  48. >Wings sprouted
  49. >A horn formed
  50. >Anonfilly had ascended
  51. >Magical energy pulsed out, sending books flying from the Treebrary's walls in the other room
  52. >Anon fell to the ground unconscious
  53. >Twilight sat on the ground in stunned silence
  54. >She wasn't sure what in Tartarus just happened, but she was certain of one thing
  55. >Anon had gotten her wish of getting out of school for today
  58. >"Purple I swear to Allah I will learn how to use my newfound powers for the sole purpose of smiting you if you stick more needles in me."
  59. >Anonfilly stood up and shook herself like a wet dog
  60. >Her wings flapped uselessly around before she had the presence of mind to fold them into her side
  61. >Well... try to at least
  62. >The nerve connections weren't exactly the strongest quite yet
  63. >It took some trial and error, and some help with her forehooves to slid them into position
  64. >"You've still never explained who exactly this 'Allah' of yours is, Anon. But despite that-"
  65. >"Blasphemy! Speak his name in vain once more and I shall give you a taste of my hoof!"
  66. >"Please, you'd be the one licking my hooves!"
  67. >"Like an immortal alicorn princess would lick the hooves of a simple-minded unicorn!"
  68. >Twilight's face twitched
  69. >Her horn flared up as telekinetic aura encased Anonfilly
  70. >"T- Twi?" Anon stammered
  71. >Her wings flapped uselessly
  72. "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!"
  73. >"Oh really? What are you sorry for then?"
  74. >Anonfilly's eyes darted around as her mind raced
  75. >"Uh, I'm sorry for insulting your intelligence?"
  76. >Anonfilly's face stretched into a cheshire grin
  77. >It faded quickly when she heard the sound of a window open
  78. >"Alicorn Anonymous Experiment Log Number Oh Oh Oh One. Flight responsiveness slash durability test."
  79. >Anonfilly kicked and struggled as she was floated out the window
  80. >"Waitwaitwait, flight SLASH durability? You're not gonna-"
  81. >"The second is dependent on the first, Anon." Twilight said as she sipped from her coffee mug
  82. >The sound of quill on paper was barely audible over the whipping wind
  83. >"Where did you even get those from?!"
  84. >"Learn how to use telekinesis and I'll tell you. For now though, good luck!"
  85. >With that, she heaved the newly-winged Anonfilly into the air
  86. >Anonfilly screamed as she first went up, then down
  87. >Her wings clawed at the air
  88. >Her hooves scrabbled for something, anything to hold on to
  89. >The ground approached
  90. >This was it
  91. >This was how she went out
  92. >She never did get her dick back
  93. >Nor get the chance to bury her face in Lyra's chest fluff
  94. >She tried so hard
  95. >And she got so far
  96. >But in the end
  97. >It didn't even matter
  98. >Something surged inside of her
  99. >Magic flashed
  100. >and she vanished
  103. >"Twiliiiiiight! I'm Sorryyyyyyy!"
  104. >Another flash of light
  105. >"I won't do it again!"
  106. >Another flash of light
  107. >Twilight sipped from her coffee mug
  108. >"I'll even give school a chance! Just plea-"
  109. >Another flash of light
  110. >"-se get me out of here!"
  111. >Twilight set her quill down
  112. >Freshly scrawled on the page lay a few notes regarding the impromptu 'experiment'
  113. >'Anon appears to have a stronger connection to her horn then to her wings. In an emergency situation, instinct reached out and activated the former rather then the later. Could be evidence of stronger mental attributes then physical attributes.'
  114. >Another flash of light
  115. >"Oh goddd I'm going to get sick!"
  116. >Twilight looked up from her notes to see yet another flash of light followed by Anonfilly plummeting from the air
  117. >She spun out-of-control, wings and legs whipping uncontrollably in the wind
  118. >Right as she neared the ground, her horn sparked and flashed
  119. >Then she reappeared up at the top again
  121. >"Helpppppppp meeeeeeeeeeee-"
  122. >Another flash of light
  123. >-eeeeeeeee! I wanna get ou-"
  124. >Another flash of light
  125. >"-t of here!"
  126. >Another flash of light
  127. >Twilight sighed as she shuffled her notes around
  128. >"I can't. We gotta see how fast your magical aptitude advances with as little outside interference as possible."
  129. >Another flash of light
  131. >Another flash of light
  133. >Another flash of light
  135. >Another flash of light
  136. >"-NCE TO ME!"
  137. >Another flash of light
  138. >"Ok maybe a little bit, but I doubt you would've really pushed yourself like you are right now."
  139. >Another flash of light
  140. >Anonfilly let out a screech
  141. >It was a pure, primal screech of pure anguish and injustice
  142. >With that, Anonfilly disappeared mid-fall
  143. >Twilight's brow shot up as she scanned for where the filly went
  144. >No sign of her
  145. >No matter, she'd just have to trace the mana trail left behind by the teleport spell
  146. >Her horn lit up, and in one smooth motion tore open a hole in reality to fling herself through
  149. >"You'll never catch me alive coppas!"
  150. >Anonfilly shouted, somewhat muffled, as she sprinted to the other side of Rarity's boutique
  151. >Rarity screeched as the green demon blasted right underneath her dress
  152. >"Anon get back here! We don't know what-"
  153. >Neither she nor Twilight caught what Anonfilly had in her mouth before her horn dramatically ripped yet another hole in reality
  154. >She was already gone
  155. >Anonfilly appeared in Pinkie's room
  156. >She looked around
  157. >Pinkie wasn't there
  158. >Twilight had yet to follow
  159. >She wouldn't have much time
  160. >Anonfilly dove towards Pinkie's laundry basket and knocked it to the side
  161. >Clothes spilled out all over the floor
  162. >Since ponies rarely wore clothes, Anonfilly always imagined that they rarely every did laundry
  163. >They clothes would probably get pretty rank buried in there for so long
  164. >But that did nothing to prepare her for the assault on her nostrils when all the clothes spilled out
  165. >Fucking hell ponko
  166. >Anonfilly hunched over as she gagged
  167. >As she brought her head back up, she found her prize
  168. >A pair of white and pink striped panties
  169. >Smelled faintly of honey
  170. >Lewd
  171. >Anonfilly grinned and rubbed her hooves together
  172. >Right as she bent down to pick it up, she heard a magical tear behind her
  173. >"Wait, Pinkie's room? What are you do-"
  174. >Anon turned around like a deer in the headlights, except with panties dangling out of her mouth
  175. >"..."
  176. >"..."
  178. >She was already gone
  180. >The easy and obvious targets were out of the way, but her cover was blown
  181. >Purple knew her targets, but there were still three other locations she could go to
  182. >She could set traps, but she could only be physically present at one
  183. >Although her neurotiscism would never let her just sit and wait
  184. >She'd get antsy
  185. >Her hooves hit the bottom of the drawer, and still no sign of her panties
  186. >Anonfilly grimaced
  187. >There was no way in hell that this mare wouldn't have at least one pair
  188. >She looked over at Fluttershy curled up on her bed
  189. >The mare sure was a heavy sleeper
  190. >Although she looked exhausted today
  191. >Needed a shower too, more then usual
  192. >...
  193. >Anonfilly quietly trotted over and lifted up Fluttershy's sheet
  194. >The first thing she noticed was the stench
  195. >If Prekno Puff's hit like a truck, Fluttershy's hit like a cruise ship
  196. >The second thing she noticed was the puddle
  197. >The third were the panties
  198. >Freshly used, still worn
  199. >The golden apple
  200. >If she could pull it off
  201. >Calculations ran through her head
  202. >Various factors all came in to play:
  203. >Purple's likelihood to set traps instead of just chasing directly after her
  204. >Her speed at setting said traps
  205. >The order in which she'd set traps
  206. >Too many things at play to know for certain
  207. >But Anonfilly knew one thing
  208. >You miss every trickshot you don't take
  211. >Anonfilly's horn lit up
  212. >She'd seen how Purple's horn magic danced and twirled
  213. >And while it may have been the onyl thing for her to go off of,
  214. >She felt like jt was a good baseline
  215. >Pretty soon she could wrap things in her magical aura
  216. >Soon after she figured out how to apply force to it
  217. >She surprised herself with how quickly she learned
  218. >Alicorn augmentation crossed her mind, but she discarded that in favor of her natural intellect
  219. >She was ready
  220. >With her hooves she lifted Fluttershy's legs off the bed
  221. >Her telekinetic aura wrapped around her panties
  222. >Anonfilly's eyes darted up to Fluttershy's face
  223. >A small blush, but no movement
  224. >Good enough
  225. >Her horn sparked as she applied a force to the panties, which pushed them outwards
  226. >Slowly they slipped off of Fluttershy's legs
  227. >Anonfilly was in a perfect flow state
  228. >The utmost concentration, nothing else mattered
  229. >Her entire focus was focused on these panties
  230. >Until she heard a flash of magic behind her
  231. >Anonfilly jerked around
  232. >Twilight stood there
  233. >There was a crazed look in her eye
  234. >Unpredictable
  235. >Erratic
  236. >Lesson Zero nigga
  237. >Anonfilly didn't like that
  238. >Twilight's mouth opened
  239. >Anonfilly's hoof shot up to her mouth
  240. >Twilight's head cocked sideways
  241. >Anonfilly tilted her head towards the sleeping Fluttershy
  242. >Her blush had grown larger since shexd last checked
  243. >Understanding crossed Twilight's face
  244. >No need to wake her, this could be dealt with quietly
  245. >Unfortnately for her, this was exactly what Anonfilly was counting on
  246. >In one smooth motion she ripped a tear in reality, swiped the panties off, and then leapt through
  247. >Fluttershy woke with a start
  248. >Her eyes immediately landed on Twilight, unexpectedly in her room
  249. >The next thing she noticed was the lack of panties around her thighs
  250. >Internally, Twilight facehoofed
  251. >She got outplayed to Tartarus and back
  252. >But this wasn't over
  253. >Not by a long shot
  256. >Waking Fluttershy up had bought some time
  257. >Anonfilly popped into existence in the center of Rainbow Dash's cloud bedroom
  258. >and immediately plummeted through the floor
  259. >Fucking bird horses with their obscure bird magic
  260. >Anonfilly teleported back up
  261. >She redirected energy from her horn into her wings
  262. >and immediately fell through the floor again
  263. >After a few seconds of panicked flapping, Anonfilly teleported back up
  264. >This time she redirected her energy into her hooves
  265. >Her frogs tingled with the faintest touch
  266. >Which was a good thing, since it meant that she could actually touch the clouds now instead of just falling through
  267. >She looked back at the three holes in the floor she'd left
  268. >Wait, three
  269. >She'd only left two
  270. >She snickered
  271. >Looks like Purple forgot how to use her cloudwalking spell the first time
  272. >Sucks to suck
  273. >Anonfilly pulled the cover off from the bed and covered the holes
  274. >There, no one would be the wiser
  276. >Now time for the loot
  277. >Anonfilly dove into Rainbow's laundry basket
  278. >The stench of sweat was overwhelming
  279. >Rank ass mare
  280. >Next time she saw her, she was gonna spray her with a garden hose
  281. >For now though stealing some apparel would have to suffice
  282. >Buried underneath her heavy weather gear she found the treasure trove
  283. >Four black socks and one pair of black panties
  284. >Jackpot
  285. >Anonfilly slipped the panties on over her legs
  286. >They fit fairly snugly, which was surprising since they were over the top of three other pairs
  287. >In order: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, then Rainbow
  288. >Two more to go
  289. >For now though, the socks
  290. >They were surprisingly soft
  291. >She couldn't quite make out what the material was, but it felt heavenly on her fur
  292. >She'd let RD step on her if she wore these in a heartbeat
  293. >Fortuntately, Anonfilly was the one who'd have to do the stepping for now
  294. >She pulled the socks up around her hooves
  295. >They were baggy, but held in place
  296. >Perfect
  298. >Magic flashed behind her
  299. >If before Purple looked like lesson zero, then now she looked like lesson negative ten. Her eyelid twitched, and her face was locked intk a sadistic grin.
  300. >She took a step forwards
  301. >She opened her mouth
  302. >and promptly fell through the hole in the floor
  303. >Lmao get fucked
  304. >Anonfilly struck a wingdab as she teleported away
  307. >Two more to go
  308. >Anonfilly appeared in a flash in Applejack's room
  309. >Purple was hot on her tail, so she didn't have much time
  310. >Her eyes scanned the room
  311. >Laundry basket: empty
  312. >Dresser: non-existent
  313. >Closet: occupied by Applejack
  314. >So then where were they!
  315. >Wait, what was that last one?
  316. >"Oh no ya don't!
  317. >Anonfilly leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding Applejack's lasso
  318. >She stepped out of the closet, panties hugging her rear
  319. >Wew
  320. >They really framed her flank perfectly
  321. >She'd let her sit in her with those panties on
  322. >"Yer gon have ta priy them from my cold dead keister, ya lil green varmint!"
  323. >Oh right, she'd probably got warned
  324. >This was Purple's trap
  325. >May Allah curse you and your sons!
  326. >"Applejack please, we can hear the extra chromosomes dripping through your accent."
  327. >Her eyes narrowed, and she spit the rope to the side
  328. >"I don' know what tha means, but I shure as heck don' like yer tone!"
  329. >Applejack said, marching over
  330. >Anonfilly's horn lit up
  331. >Time to test something
  332. >The process of teleporting was pretty familiar to her now
  333. >So easy that she could probably reverse portions of it
  334. >Which means...
  335. >Light flashed behind Applejack
  336. >Her flanks twitched at the sudden blast of cool air
  337. >Her eyes widened
  338. >She turned around only to see her cheeks bare and exposed
  339. >She turned back around
  340. >Her plain white panties were on the green little shit's face
  341. >Alongside a shit-eating grin
  342. >"Consarnit!"
  343. >With another flash of magic, she was gone
  345. >One more to go
  346. >Unfortunately, this would be the most difficult
  347. >Anonfilly teleported back to the treebrary
  348. >Or at least where she thought the treebrary was
  349. >The interior was pitch black
  350. >The only light was a small purple sizzle
  351. >Beneath it, two orbs of madness
  352. >The light flashed outwards in a wave
  353. >Purple torches lit up along the stone walls as it passed
  354. >This was no treebrary
  355. >This was the castle of the two sisters
  356. >and on the pedestel where the elements once sat lay Twilight's panties
  357. >"I know why you're here, Anon. But you won't get them. In fact, you're going to return all the others that you stole from my friends, and we're going to have a nice long /talk/ back at the house."
  358. >Judging by how she said 'talk', Anon was certain that there would be physical punishment, mindrape, or both
  359. >She steeled her nerves
  360. >As a great man once said: "We choose to go to the moon... not because it is easy, but because it is hard."
  361. >Except in this case, we chose to steal some thin pieces of cloth attached to those moons
  362. >Anonfilly snickered
  363. >Oh god
  364. >If she modified them before returning them, it'd be just like planting her flag on them!
  365. >She steeled her nerves
  366. >She had no clue what Purple would throw at her, but for that, she'd give it her all
  369. >Tension sparked through the air between the two mares
  370. >On one side, you had a psychotic purple unicorn pushed to her mental breaking point
  371. >"I just wanted you to make some friends at school, Anon!" Twilight said
  372. >She stomped at the ground, tears in her eyes
  373. >"I never asked for any of this! I never wanted to spend my entire day chasing you around, reassuring my friends that it would never happen again! I just wanted to help you, is that so bad?!"
  374. >On the other side, you had an autistic green alicorn riding high on adrenaline
  375. >"I don't need coddling, Purple, I need freedom! I haven't even figured out how to fly yet, and I'm already free-er then I've ever been since I arrived!"
  376. >"After being forced to play in your sandbox for so long, I can't wait to make the world into my own."
  377. >Twilight sniffled
  378. >"Ok ok, I might have kept you a bit too close. I- I can see that now"
  379. >She obviously didn't, seeing as how she still wanted to stop Anonfilly
  380. >"But why would you go around stealing my friends' panties like some kind of pervert? Don't you know kind of consequences there'll be?!"
  381. >Anonfilly stood tall
  382. >A subtle breeze blew through the castle, tossing her hair (and tuft of chest fluff) in the wind
  383. >"You see Purple, that's the beauty of it. The panties themselves aren't even all that alluring, it's just the perfect symbol. It's something that anyone with a sound mind would never do. The social consequences alone are disastrous for getting caught, let alone any legal ones. It's obviously a mistake. Everyone can tell."
  384. >"Then why would you go around intentionally making bad choices?! Are you thinking straight?! Do you know how much work I'll have to do to clean up this mess and get you back to neutral?!"
  385. >Anonfilly dramatically turned her head as she looked off to an imaginary horizon
  386. >"Exactly because of that, Purple. I can make as many mistakes as I want, and you'll always be there to clean up the mess. If I never suffer for my actions, then how will I learn? How will I grow?"
  387. >Twilight's mind raced
  388. >"But- but what about..."
  389. >Anonfilly put a hoof up to her chest
  390. >"Twilight, you have to let me grow up sometime"
  391. >She gave her the brightest, most genuine smile she could muster
  392. >"Now please, drop the tracking spell. Let me be free."
  393. >Tears welled up in Twilight's eyes
  394. >With a sigh, her horn flashed briefly
  395. >"There, it's done"
  397. >Confusion
  398. >Disbelief
  399. >Anger
  400. >Twilight's eyes darted up to Anonfilly
  401. >She saw two things
  402. >The first was her trademark shit-eating grin
  403. >The second was Twilight's own personal pair of panties
  404. >There was a flash of green magic
  405. >and she was gone
  406. >"ANOOOOONNN!!!"
  408. >Anonfilly popped into existence in the CMC's treehouse
  409. >Coast was clear for now
  410. >6 pairs of panties and 4 socks were strewn across her
  411. >She sat down in a corner
  412. >She bundled up everything into one pile, pulled it up to her face, and took a massive huff
  413. >"Aww yeah..." she said, eyes fluttering, "that's that goooood shit."
  414. >Her head spun from the fumes
  415. >She swooned a bit before falling over face-first into the pile
  416. >Anonfilly was in heaven
  417. >She dangled Twilight's panties up in front of her face
  418. >Now /this/ was what freedom was all about
  419. >Off in the distance, a magical pillar of purple fire erupted into the sky
  420. >The ground rumbled and groaned
  421. >She may be in heaven now, but there'd be hell to pay later
  422. >Anonfilly shrugged, slipping the socks back on and taking another huff from the panty pile
  423. >Such was the price of freedom

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Princess of Autism

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