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Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:08:52
Updated: 2023-07-05 11:04:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Off Duty
  3. By: AWF
  5. > Metal clinked against stone in a steady, if somewhat irregular rhythm. Celestia mused on this as she subconsciously tried to match strides with her shorter sister. It took some effort, but it was the easy kind of effort. No pony lives depended on her success.
  6. > "Do not implement this plan, Sister," Luna said in as commanding a voice as she could muster with her older sibling. "Nothing is to be gained from this venture!"
  7. > There was no answer, but it did not deter the fierce alicorn in the slightest. "We are certain we can find another way! These apes can not be trusted!"
  8. > But Celestia was implacable. She had thought long about what she was about to do and it was indeed the only way. Humans were often greedy and untrustworthy, true, but they were not brutes. They understood the languages of diplomacy and negotiation. They understood money.
  9. > Before the two worlds had collided, the ruling Princess of Equestria had considered the same plan with minotaurs or griffins, but found the prospect too dangerous.
  10. "We have been over this, Luna. Wherever I go, however well I hide, ponies find me. There is always another problem, another crisis. It has been many thousand years since I had a vacation."
  11. > She had stopped and tilted her younger sister's chin up with a feather. Yes, she was also afraid. Of course she was nervous. But, Celestia was pleased to note, the wing was perfectly steady.
  12. "Griffins, minotaurs, dogs - even the distant nations will not do. I am too well known here. But this new Earth; that has possibilities. The humans do not know me. I can be just another pony to them."
  13. > Luna was unconvinced. "But this is madness, Sister! Surely thy tasks are not so onerous that they require escape? Surely We could take some of thy burden instead?"
  14. > The white sister grinned wryly.
  15. "We tried that too, remember? Once you came back I hoped - I really did - that you could take the throne sometimes. How long was it before a 'disaster' needed my attention?"
  16. > The pony had signed the quotes around the word with her wings. It made Luna look away in embarrassment, but she answered nevertheless: "An hour."
  17. "Forty-seven minutes, Sister. I had barely gotten into my bath before you were knocking on my door, panicking."
  18. > Now the night-blue alicorn blushed in recollection. "Thy insight is valuable, Sister." She looked up with new determination. "We shall try again! Thee can have thy vacation whilst We handle the court! Give Us another chance."
  19. > Her earnest plea made Celestia laugh pleasantly. She didn't blame her sister for the failures. She wasn't mad at Luna. If anything, her deference to her older sibling was flattering.
  20. "The second time - correct me if I'm wrong - I was barely out of the throne room when you galloped after me."
  21. > Luna had remembered this, too, but the pony had been hoping that her sister had forgotten. She didn't have a reply, so she changed track again. "Surely, with thy experience, ruling is not such a chore?"
  22. > The small pony had placed herself physically in Celestia's path.
  23. "My decisions save lives, Luna. Or destroy them. Even something as simple as breakfast has consequences."
  24. > This took her by surprise. "Surely breakfast is immaterial? What lives could be affected by thy choice between toast and eggs?"
  25. > Now Celestia sighed sadly. It should not matter, but it did. When she had found out, the Princess opted to prepare her breakfast by herself.
  26. "Different cooks prepare each. If I pick one over the other, one pony is happy, but the another miserable. Such heartbreak over such a simple choice. And each day is filled with them, Luna. I need to get away from it all, at least for a while."
  27. > Finally, the dark-blue alicorn saw there was no winning this argument. "How long," she asked flatly.
  28. "Only a few months. A year at the most."
  29. > "And what shall We do in thy absence?"
  30. "Rule. Make decisions. Tend to the sun and the moon. I have complete confidence in your abilities, Sister. You will chose correctly if there is no temptation to consult me."
  31. > What Celestia didn't add was that perhaps, after a year of Luna's blunders, some ponies would finally come to respect just how much knowledge, effort and sheer gut feeling went into leading the pony nation.
  32. > She had not lied - the alicorn believed Luna quite capable of handling all the 'disasters' her subjects usually brought before her. Perhaps she would even lose her patience a few times. Maybe it would reduce the amount of frivolous requests.
  33. > If anything really big happened, Twilight and the Elements of Harmony would handle it, as they always have. Plus, they did not call Luna the 'Warrior Princess' for nothing.
  34. > Even if every other pony in Equestria didn't agree, Celestia knew that day-to-day ruling wasn't quite that essential.
  35. "Come, Sister. The human is waiting for us."
  36. > Slowly, grudgingly, the smaller alicorn stepped out of the way. She still didn't like the idea, but she would go along with the plan.
  37. > ...
  38. > The human had been provided tea and refreshments, so he would have something to occupy his time. And he certainly wouldn't mind the brief rest after he heard their proposal.
  39. > As it was, the hairless face registered only the slightest annoyance at being kept waiting, but it was gone before Celestia could be sure she had seen it.
  40. > Reading human expressions had become a necessary skill for the Princess. Celestia idly wondered how Luna would deal with all that diplomacy. She made a mental note to remind her sister not to threaten violence.
  41. > From what she had seen, the humans posed significant threat if a war should break out.
  42. > In the present, however, the Princess approached the seated human and inclined her head politely. It wasn't quite a bow, but it could be taken that way.
  43. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Mr. Plain."
  44. > The name suited the man. Even in the sea of similar human faces, his was as nondescript as it went. The most significant feature was his graying hair.
  45. > The suit was similar: simple black and white with the tie providing the only splash of color. Compared to him, Celestia practically shone like a rainbow.
  46. > "My pleasure," the human lied, "what is this about, Princess?" He glanced from one sister to the other. One expression was eager, expectant and interested, if slightly worried, while the other was sullen and mistrustful.
  47. > She decided to go straight to the point.
  48. "I will not steal any more of your time, Mr. Plain. Due to certain... unexpected developments, I have decided to give you my contract. Your auction has, even among ponies, the reputation of fairness."
  49. > It was a sore point and Celestia couldn't make her face show dispassion. Her subjects - her ponies! - were taken from their homes and sold as pets on Earth. She had put a stop to it; the humans had listened to her threats once they realized she could control the sun and the moon. But even while many ponies were being returned, a lot of them remained in captivity.
  50. > She had to admit - the humans had turned remarkably quickly. There was no more silent foalnapping in the night. And laws were being enacted to protect the pony slaves against the violence of their human masters.
  51. > It appeared like the human governments, of which there were many, were really trying to accommodate her wishes and return her subjects to her.
  52. > But at the same time, the more industrious humans found new opportunities.
  53. > Human advancements in science were highly sought after. And especially their medicine could sometimes do what even magic could not.
  54. > Out of desperation, some daughters sold themselves to help their families. Some siblings accepted servitude to save their sisters from certain death. There was always something the humans could provide.
  55. > Celestia had time to consider all that before the human recovered. But then, immediately, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
  56. > "You? Do you expect me to believe that you, of all people, are broke?"
  57. "It is not money we are after, Mr. Plain. It is medicine."
  58. > It had taken ages to find an appropriate family. A young filly, wasting away from a debilitating illness - one which humans could cure. When she had approached them, the parents had been ecstatic. That alone, perhaps, validated her decision as a good one.
  59. > The man still couldn't believe it. "Well? Why don't you just pay for it?"
  60. > He conveniently forgot the fact that, since Equestrians mainly traded with gold, the human governments, fearing the collapse of their currencies and economy, had strictly forbidden transport of all precious metals from the ponies' world to Earth.
  61. > Physically, the ponies were very wealthy in human eyes. Politically, they had no money whatsoever.
  62. > Access through the portals was tightly controlled. Black markets cropped up every now and then, but they were quickly and relentlessly crushed by the human authorities.
  63. > The Princess sighed and fought back exasperation with the constant maneuvering and deception that was so commonplace in diplomacy.
  64. "You know as well as I do that this is impossible, for now. The things we are allowed to trade do not have nearly enough value."
  65. > The human wanted to be thorough. "Okay, then why you? Why not someone else? After all, you're much more indispensable to your people than, for example, a maid or a cook."
  66. > This answer came naturally to Celestia. She hadn't had to prepare it in advance.
  67. "I could not ask one of my ponies to make a sacrifice I, myself, was unwilling to make."
  68. > "Commendable. Stupid, but commendable. Okay, Princess, I'll level with you. What's the catch?"
  69. > She raised a carefully controlled eyebrow.
  70. "Catch?"
  71. > The human sighed and pushed his chair back. It looked like he was about to stand up and leave. "Don't pretend I'm stupid, your Highness. I know you aren't, either. And I know you're not telling me something. If you want my help, you'll have to be upfront with me."
  72. > Luna looked at the older sister with alarm. "Do not! Tis a trick!"
  73. > But Celestia was determined. She lit her horn and carefully nudged the chair back against the table. The human, seeing her defeat, didn't fight it.
  74. "Very well. I want... a vacation."
  75. > He laughed, as if she had told him a joke. But when neither she, nor Luna joined in, the man fell silent. He blinked in surprise.
  76. > "You're serious?!"
  77. "Do understand, Mr. Plain. I have been unable to have a vacation in several thousand years. Wherever I go, however well I hide, ponies recognize me; how could they not? And always I am treated like... well, like royalty. And each time some problem or other is brought for me to solve. But on Earth, nopony- pardon, no one knows me."
  78. > They looked at each other for a short while, then the human opened his mouth to speak. But the Princess was faster.
  79. "And before you suggest it, you know very well that I cannot simply visit your world, not without a diplomatic reason and all the pomp and ceremony that entails. Like you said - neither of us is stupid. The best way is incognito."
  80. > If he was miffed that the pony had guessed his words, the human didn't show it. He quickly found another problem to bring up.
  81. > "That's all very well, but how am I supposed to get you past the controls? You're not exactly inconspicuous. Most people on Earth don't know what an alicorn is, but the customs people do."
  82. > Now Celestia smiled pleasantly.
  83. "A disguise spell. I will be a pony criminal who has been sent into slavery in lieu of a death sentence."
  84. > To demonstrate, her horn lit up and the Princess was enveloped in a cloud of brilliant yellow, almost exactly like sunlight. When it faded, a new pony stood before the slaver.
  85. > She was a simple earth pony, an unremarkable cyan with a green mane. She was shorter even than Luna. Her hoofguards and ceremonial vest looked comically oversized.
  86. > When Celestia opened her mouth even her voice was different.
  87. "Meet 'Supple Branch', a convicted murderer."
  88. > Impressed, despite himself, Mr. Plain jumped to his feet and walked around the disguised alicorn. He whistled to himself. "Impressive," he said. "Yeah, I reckon this could work. But you can't stay like that forever, can you?"
  89. > The mare shook her head.
  90. "I cannot maintain this spell indefinitely, no. If not sooner, it will slip away when I have to sleep. Once we are past the border checks, I will revert to my usual shape. You must find a buyer who doesn't know much about ponies."
  91. > The man looked doubtful, but Celestia knew it was an act - an attempt to increase his profits. "I dunno," he said slowly. "It could be tricky."
  92. > With another flash of light, the Princess reverted to her usual visage. She had a feeling that size mattered when dealing with humans, just as much as it did with ponies.
  93. "You are the best in your line of work, are you not? And while I do not approve of what you do, I cannot prevent it without curtailing my ponies' basic freedoms. Despite that, I believe I can trust you to fulfill your end of this agreement."
  94. > Luna finally added her opinion. "Trick Us, and We shall make thee regret it! We shall come after thee!"
  95. > The human waved the threat away. "Sorry, Princess, but that doesn't scare me. You'll never make it past the border. You've seen machine guns, haven't you?"
  96. > Despite being smaller than Celestia, the night-blue alicorn knew how to loom impressively. She was just tall enough to look the human right in his face when she raised herself up proudly.
  97. > Her smile was cold and merciless.
  98. > "We do not need to visit thy world to hunt thee, human. The Dream spans all worlds. And We are its Mistress!"
  99. > It had a profound effect. The man gulped and backed away, wide-eyed. Undoubtedly he was imagining what kind of powers Luna might have in dreams. But he didn't know. Even most ponies didn't know. But there were legends.
  100. > Nightmare Moon was still vivid in memories.
  101. > Celestia wrapped a comforting wing around the man's shoulders, as if to shield him from her sister. It was time to seal the deal.
  102. "Do not worry, Mr. Plain. My sister worries too much for my safety. I believe you will conduct yourself with honor and integrity in this task. No drastic measures will be required, will they?"
  103. > He managed to shake his head. But then he remembered something else. "Hey, you said 'vacation'. What happens when you've had enough of slavery? You run away and what? I smuggle you back?"
  104. > The human had all but accepted. Celestia was in equal parts thrilled and afraid.
  105. "If necessary. Consider it one of your obligations under our agreement."
  106. > It took a while and the ponies waited with held breath. But eventually, the human nodded.
  107. > Celestia relaxed. Greed could always be counted upon.
  108. > "Yeah, I guess we can make it work."
  109. > Before he could change his mind, the alicorn held out a hoof for the human to shake. He did so, if a little hesitantly.
  110. "Excellent, Mr. Plain. We shall, of course, work out all the details. For now, please enjoy the amenities of this castle while I go and set my affairs in order."
  111. > "Yeah... you do that," he man said slowly.
  112. "Oh, and I did not lie when I said a pony needs treatment. After all, you can't expect your customs officers to accept that you had gotten a slave for free, can you?"
  113. > Another nod. "Yeah, I suppose that's right. Fine, I'll get you the treatment. Anything else?"
  114. > But Celestia just smiled pleasantly and left. A moment later, the younger sister also walked out, her eyes never leaving the human's. Her expression promised swift and horrible vengeance should anything happen to the Princess.
  115. > "Just what have I gotten myself into?" Mr. Plain asked the empty room.
  117. > ~~~~
  119. > Incredibly soon, Celestia was sitting in the back seat of a car, heading to her new home. They had deemed it safest that she remain in disguise during her travel, so the pony that looked out the window at the rushing landscape was 'Supple Branch', a plain earth mare.
  120. > Of course her new owner - a certain 'Mr. Anonymous' - knew her real name and what she looked like. But the auctioneer had chosen his customer well and Anonymous had no clue who or what she was.
  121. > He didn't have a clue about alicorns or their status. To him she was just another pony.
  122. "Tell me about him again, Mr. Plain. And this time, please do not skip details."
  123. > His first introduction of the buyer had been nothing more than a few hurried sentences as he bundled the mare up and led her to his car.
  124. > "Okay. He's a moderately wealthy man - naturally, since he was able to afford you. Some big lawyer, I think. Has his name on the building, so he's an associate or the owner, I'm not sure which. Single, never married, no kids. Apparently he's a workaholic, much like you, Your Majesty."
  125. > The mare waved a hoof.
  126. "Please, 'Celestia' will do at this point. Let's not reveal too much to Anonymous."
  127. > "Sure thing. Anyway, he's forty-something, lives in a house some ways from the city. The main reason he bought you is for the housework. He has a maid over occasionally, but nothing on a permanent basis. It sounds to me he read about your... subjects, and now he wants one to keep his house in order and cook. That's about all I know."
  128. "So, my tasks will be..."
  129. > She left the sentence hanging in the air and sought out Mr. Plain's face in the rear view mirror. He glanced back, then kept on talking.
  130. > "Cleaning the place, cooking, serving the meals, that sort of thing. Also laundry and maybe some light gardening. Nothing too onerous. It may not even be a full-time job, so you'll have plenty of freedom."
  131. > There was one big question left. She had considered making it a stipulation of her contract with Mr. Plain, but in the end decided against it.
  132. > She had heard rumors.
  133. > Some humans were very... affectionate toward ponies. Celestia was certain she could fend off any untoward advances, but maybe it would have been wise to have some form of legal protection written into whatever contract her buyer signed.
  134. > But she hadn't mentioned that. Even when Mr. Plain had brought the question up, the pony had waved it away and moved on.
  135. > It was an embarrassing thought, hidden deep down where nopony could find it. The alicorn was lonely. With the stress of ruling Equestria, there never seemed to be a good time for a dalliance. And with her subjects either afraid, or in awe of her, there had been very few chances.
  136. > She didn't know yet how she felt about... a human. But the mare didn't want to rule it out completely. Legal stipulations were far too definitive for her taste.
  137. "Will he require... my affection?"
  138. > It didn't take long for Mr. Plain to answer. "I'm not sure, but I'm leaning toward 'no'. The guy isn't exactly a public figure, but at first glance he appears to be a gentleman. I don't think you need to worry about it."
  139. "That is good."
  140. > The pony firmly squashed the tinge of disappointment.
  141. "Anything else I should know?"
  142. > "You memorized the phone number?"
  143. > Celestia quickly recited it to herself. It was a very important piece of information - a means for her to contact Mr. Plain once she was done with her 'vacation' and escaped from this Anonymous. She would have to find a public pay phone and dial the numbers he had given her. Then, someone from the auction would come to collect her and they would arrange for her return to Equestria.
  144. > The machine didn't seem too complicated, but she had memorized the instructions too.
  145. "It's a box with the word 'Telephone', usually blue or red. Inside, I pick up the 'headset' from the hook and drop the coins in a slit. Then I wait for the slow beeping noise and type in... hmm, yes. Plus, one..."
  146. > She quickly recited the long sequence of numbers. Mr. Plain fished a piece of paper from his coat pocket and checked it. "That's right. Make sure you remember it. If you don't, I'll make up some excuse in, say, about three months and drop by for a visit."
  147. "Thank you, Mr. Plain. As discussed, you will be paid in small jewels - such as are easily secreted about your person - when I am safely back in Canterlot."
  148. > He grunted and focused on his driving again. The mare was, at the same time, calm and worried, so she focused her gaze on the distant hills. The world was drab and uninspiring. Most of that was probably due to the weather, which was overcast and rainy. In addition, the day was coming to an end, so the darkness seemed even more oppressive.
  149. > She knew that humans didn't have the ability to control their weather, like ponies did. But now she wished they could. She didn't believe in omens, but meeting her new owner on a day like this would surely be a bad one.
  150. > The alicorn closed her eyes and felt for the sun. It was impossibly distant and she sighed. There was no way for her to budge it, no matter how hard she tried.
  151. > Truly, this was an alien place. For a moment, worry overtook her excitement and Celestia wondered if she had made a mistake in coming.
  152. >...
  153. > "We're here."
  154. > The words brought the Princess from a thoughtless reverie. As she came to, Celestia saw the house.
  155. > At first she thought it wasn't very large - used to the scale and grandeur of the Canterlot Palace - but when she realized that Anonymous lived alone her opinion changed. The place really was big for one human.
  156. > But it was still ugly. All straight edges and rectangles. 'Modern', she had heard Mr. Plain say.
  157. > The pony focused on the surrounding countryside instead. The view was amazing. Rolling hills and forests, exquisitely painted in the colors of autumn. She had spent most of her life in ornate rooms and finely decorated hallways, but now her hooves itched to run through the resplendent countryside.
  158. > Celestia smiled to herself. Maybe the house wasn't all she had hoped for, but the scenery was lovelier than she had imagined. She could see that, even in the rain and the dimming, overcast daylight.
  159. > "Come in, come in!" a new voice was saying. While she had been taking in the view, Celestia hadn't been paying much attention to Mr. Plain, who had gone to knock on the door.
  160. > Now she was awarded her first glance of her 'owner'.
  161. > Anonymous was shorter than her. Somehow, that seemed important.
  162. > Beyond that, the pony had little reference. The face looked normal. The eyes seemed fine. The hair was graying a little, but still thick.
  163. > Her owner, the mare decided, was a very unremarkable human.
  164. > Mr. Plain introduced her simply as 'Celestia', which was perfectly fine by her. But Anonymous just looked at her uncomprehendingly. Too late she realized that she was still disguised.
  165. > "I thought I was buying some kind of unicorn," the man said with a touch of disappointment in his voice. His invitation to enter seemed to be revoked because he kept blocking the doorway.
  166. "You did! Sorry, Mr. Anonymous. I travelled in disguise."
  167. > In moments she released the spell and felt herself return to her accustomed height and shape. She had never truly thought about where her wings went, she just knew that she couldn't feel them at all.
  168. > The human was impressed, but also suspicious. "And why do you need to travel in disguise?" he asked. He addressed his next question to the auctioneer. "Did you sell me a stolen pony, Mr. Plain? I explicitly said-"
  169. > Celestia quickly tried to take charge of the conversation.
  170. "Forgive us, Mr. Anonymous. My appearance might raise some comment and we wished to escape undue notice. I assure you, Mr. Plain had gotten me perfectly lega-"
  171. > Anonymous raised up a hand and she fell silent in shock. He barely glanced at her and continued talking to Plain. "You also promised she is well behaved."
  172. > Even the auctioneer was a little taken aback. "What? She was just answering the question."
  173. > Her owner shrugged. "True, but I did not ask *her*. I asked you."
  174. > Plain sighed and opened a slim briefcase. He brought out a sheaf of papers. "Here, this is all the paperwork. I assure you that Celestia came to my auction legally. All the documents are in order, you can check."
  175. > "I will," the man said simply. He stood aside to let the pair inside. Mr. Plain went first, because Anonymous wanted to speak with the pony.
  176. > "You can perform simple household tasks?"
  177. "Yes, sir. Sorry! Yes, Master!"
  178. > He frowned a bit at the title. "No, I don't like that. You will call me 'Anonymous', or 'Anon' for short. None of that 'Master' business."
  179. > Celestia was quick to spot the hypocrisy.
  180. "But you are, in fact, my owner. I have to obey every command?"
  181. > For the first time since she saw him, Anonymous smiled, at least a little. "To answer the first: Yes. And the second: It depends. I expect you to follow reasonable orders without question. I will not mind you asking for clarification, but I will not have you demanding my reasons for every single request I make. Do you understand?"
  182. "Of course, Anonymous. I am- I used to be a skilled diplomat. I know when to obey and when to ask for details."
  183. > "Good. Your first task is to brew a pot of tea for me and Mr. Plain. You should find everything you need in the kitchen. Second door on the right. When you are done, bring it to the conference room, that is two doors down and across the hall. You may also bring a cup for yourself."
  184. > She paid very close attention to the instructions. It would not do to fail such a simple task so quickly after her arrival. She almost ran off to do it, but remembered just in time and looked back to her owner.
  185. "Of course, Anonymous. Anything else?"
  186. > It earned her an approving nod, which in turn made her happy. The man was strict and precise, true. But he also seemed reasonable. She would not be subjected to whims, at least.
  187. > Even from their first interaction, Celestia knew that she could expect fair treatment and precisely defined work. And - most importantly - she would not have to make many important decisions! No lives would hang in the balance. The worst that might come from her mistakes would be a stern talking to.
  188. > Anonymous didn't look like the sort to beat her.
  189. > "That is all, for now. When we're done with the paperwork and the money, I will show you to your room and explain your tasks to you."
  190. > The mare sought for something to say and went for the line her own Palace staff had been saying to her for millennia.
  191. "Very good, sir."
  192. >...
  193. > She didn't even have to decide which tea to brew! Anonymous only had one sort. And all the cups were the same, so she didn't have to pick the crockery. And the sugar, which she had found by smell, was just cubes in a bowl. The job had required exactly one decision: whether to boil the water on the stove, or use her magic.
  194. > The first presented a problem. The part of the kitchen which Celestia decided was the stove seemed completely incomprehensible to her. Sleek black surface with several white rings drawn on. There were no knobs, nor any holes where the fire might come from.
  195. > She resolved to ask Anonymous how it worked, but for now simply heated the water with a simple flash of her horn.
  196. > When she walked to the meeting room with the entire tea set floating behind her, she drew amazed looks from both humans.
  197. > "That was fast," Mr. Plain said. He was used to levitation, but had forgotten that she had other spells at her disposal. Her new owner just seemed impressed by the floating objects.
  198. > She made a show of setting the table. Saucers floated and gently touched the wood just in time for the cups to land on them. Spoons swam around the air while she poured the tea. She didn't even have to look at the sugar bowl to place it exactly in the middle.
  199. > It was like a smooth, intricate dance and she timed it perfectly. The moment the last cup was filled all the spoons landed at once. She kept the teapot floating for a moment more, then set it down beside the sugar, in case anyone wanted a refill.
  200. > The magic was elementary and one she had been using nearly every day of her life. Of course she was good at it!
  201. > She could read the wonder and astonishment in Mr. Anonymous' face, however well he tried to hide them. She smiled pleasantly and politely waited for him to begin.
  202. > He picked up the spoon and examined it. "Impressive," he said at last. He put the utensil back down and took the cup without putting any sugar in. Celestia was horrified.
  203. > Tea without sugar was simply unthinkable!
  204. > She debated with herself if she should sweeten her own cup at all - if Mr. Plain didn't take any, the mare would feel like a glutton.
  205. > Luckily the auctioneer added several lumps and Celestia gratefully matched his number.
  206. > She took a sip and was impressed. 'Earl Grey' the box had said, but it was good despite the drab name.
  207. > The humans continued their business. It was mostly legal talk, and revolved entirely about the fine details of her contract. She knew it all, so she didn't have to pay particular attention to it. But she still watched her owner, ready for any little job he might have for her while he and Mr. Plain discussed the final few points.
  208. > At long last, they stood up, shook their hands and said their goodbyes.
  209. > "Celesta, please see our guest to the door. Then put all this away and come find me in the living room."
  210. "Of course, Anonymous."
  211. > She walked Plain to the entrance, where he stopped and looked up at her worriedly. "You sure this will be okay? He looks kind-of demanding. You're not going to have much fun like this."
  212. > The mare couldn't help but laugh.
  213. "On the contrary, Mr. Plain. I have had the most peaceful few days I can remember in the past thousand years. Do you know how many life-or-death decisions I have had to make today?"
  214. > He stared at her in confusion.
  215. "None! Having someone else in control of the smallest details of my life is remarkably liberating."
  216. > Now he clearly thought she was crazy, but didn't say anything about it. "Well, just remember the number."
  217. "Thank you, Mr. Plain. Goodbye!"
  218. > She closed the door after the man and waited until his car started. Then she went to pick up the tea set and took it to the kitchen. She briefly considered washing it, but Anonymous hadn't told her to do that. He just said to 'put it away'. Besides, she couldn't see the soap and didn't relish the idea of rummaging around for it.
  219. > The pony went to look for her new master in her new home.
  220. >...
  221. > It wasn't hard, despite the size of the mansion. She followed the sounds and wondered why Anonymous needed so many rooms if he lived alone.
  222. > The pony found her owner on a large, comfortable-looking couch. He was staring at a window-
  223. > No, Celestia realized. That wasn't a window. It was a rectangle and she could see people and objects in it, but the image changed to show different angles.
  224. > A faint rumor tickled her memory.
  225. "This is a 'tele-vision', sir?"
  226. > The human had heard her approach - the hoofguards weren't exactly stealthy. But he hadn't taken his eyes off the magic rectangle until she spoke.
  227. > "You haven't seen a TV yet?" he asked, a little surprised.
  228. "I have not been in your world for very long."
  229. > The explanation was satisfactory. The man picked up a smaller black box and showed her. It had tiny bumps with writing and symbols on them, but the Princess couldn't make heads nor tails of it.
  230. > "This is how we control the television. It can show us images from anywhere in the world. Exactly how it works is immaterial right now, but perhaps the easiest way to understand it is like a window. One for which we can choose where it faces."
  231. > Anonymous pushed some of the bumps on the smaller rectangle and the picture changed. It showed a bunch of humans standing in a square, listening to a finely-dressed human on a balcony. Then it showed cars, driving very fast. Then a woman was explaining something - before the image changed, Celestia recognized the words 'Thursday' and 'Friday', with little pictures of clouds under them.
  232. > Finally, the view returned to the one it had been showing when she entered. Some serious-looking men, standing around a shining green table. There were colored balls on the green surface and one of the men sighted down a stick at the orbs. A voice - Celestia couldn't see the speaker, spoke some numbers and, she guessed, human names.
  233. > As curious as she was, the mare knew there would be time to explore these marvels. Right now, her top priority was to make as good a first impression as possible.
  234. "The table is clear. Should I wash the dishes?"
  235. > Anonymous waved a hand. "Just stack them in the dishwasher for now. they can wait until dinner."
  236. > He saw her blank stare and almost smiled. "I will show you later." His attention returned to the television.
  237. "Would you like me to begin preparing dinner?"
  238. > "Oh, that's right. Mr. Plain said you can cook. What can you make?"
  239. "What would you like, sir?"
  240. > She knew that the man immediately recognized her deflection. But he didn't seem to mind. "Would it be rude if I asked you to cook meat?"
  241. > The question was not one she was prepared for and it flustered her for a few seconds. But the pony quickly rallied.
  242. "If you give me the recipe and do not force me to eat it with you, then I would be happy to try."
  243. > In truth, the idea of having anything to do with dead flesh revolted her. But maybe, if she plugged her nose, didn't pay too close attention and used her magic, rather than hooves, it would be okay?
  244. > The man laughed at her expression, even as she desperately tried to hide it. "Don't worry, I won't make you chop up a chicken or something like that. How about something vegetable for today? Come, I will show you the pantry and you can decide for yourself."
  245. >...
  246. > The tiny, windowless room, which opened from the kitchen, was mostly filled with shelves. It wasn't even big enough for two people, let alone a human and an alicorn. Celestia just poked her head in, while Anonymous gave her a quick tour of the shelves and the refrigerator.
  247. > Understandably, he had mostly non-perishables. Most of his produce was in cans and jars, although the man assured her that he often visited a market on his way from work.
  248. > He mostly cooked light dinners for himself or ordered delivery if he was particularly busy. He was rarely home for lunch and never ate breakfast before he went to work.
  249. > That last horrified the pony and she was glad cooking meals would become her responsibility. Two meals a day was no way to live, even for a human.
  250. > She was to jot down whatever ingredients she needed in a notepad and Anonymous would be sure to pick it up.
  251. > For the present evening, the mare glanced over the meagre stock and tried to come up with something half-decent.
  252. > "I know it's a bit empty," the human admitted, "if you can't make anything from this stuff we'll order something for today."
  253. "No, no, I have a few ideas!"
  254. > She wanted to impress. She smelled, more than saw, a few cloves of garlic. It was on the point of sprouting, but still good. She pulled it out with her magic and then glanced over the shelves. A couple onions floated up as well. She added a pack of what looked like flour. And from the refrigerator, she grabbed a box which contained sour cream, as she read from the label.
  255. > There were also some cans in there. One of them sported an image of green peas and the pony picked that up as well. She didn't see any spices, not even pepper and salt, so Celestia guessed those were elsewhere. She hoped his spice rack was reasonably stocked, at least.
  256. "How would you feel about split pea and onion soup and some homemade garlic bread? I shouldn't take more than an hour."
  257. > She remembered a vital detail.
  258. "Oh, that is - if you have any yeast."
  259. > Her voice was doubtful. It didn't look as if Anonymous baked a lot of bread. But he opened a tin box on a shelf and pulled out a small packet.
  260. > "Dry yeast okay?" he asked and showed her.
  261. "I'm not familiar with that sort."
  262. > "You just mix it with a bit of warm water and sugar and then it's like regular yeast," the man explained. She was a bit doubtful, but willing to try.
  263. "Sure, that sounds okay. Now if you can just show me how to operate your stove and oven?"
  264. > She remembered the smooth, shiny black surface. Anonymous turned to leave the room and she backed out of the entrance, her foodstuffs floating above their heads.
  265. > "Not a problem," he said and led her the few steps to the appliances.
  266. > It turned out that she couldn't use the black surface. Anon said the buttons were of the 'touch' sort, and apparently that meant only human fingers worked on them. Hooves did not. At his advice, she tried to poke at them with her nose, however silly it looked. But the little symbols were too small for her to reliably hit.
  267. > They were at a loss until Anonymous remembered something and went to fetch it. He returned with a small, black stick. On one side it ended in a metal tip, but the other was rounded and soft to the touch.
  268. > Amazingly, the rubber part worked on the 'touch buttons'. Celestia listened closely to Anon's explanation on how to use the contraption. It wasn't difficult, once she had poked at it for a bit. The oven was used in the same fashion and also quite simple.
  269. > She would have preferred to work with actual fire - the woodsmoke added a certain flavour - but she could use the things just fine with her little stick. She made a mental note never to lose it.
  270. > After he had shown her the impoverished spice rack, Celestia smiled and gently prodded the human out of the kitchen with her muzzle and wings.
  271. "I have everything in hoof, Anonymous. Dinner will be served in an hour."
  272. > He didn't resist, but the human had obviously intended to watch her. The Princess knew that she had to set these boundaries early on. She would not gain his trust if he felt he had to constantly supervise her.
  273. > Confident, efficient and polite, those were the key words. Plus, she would wow him with her cooking.
  274. > Despite the strange devices around her and despite her short battle with the can, the pony felt happy enough to hum a little tune as she worked.
  275. > This 'servitude' business would be a piece of cake! So very relaxing!
  276. >...
  277. > The meal went over well. It was rather simple, but her new owner seemed to enjoy himself well enough. Celestia could barely eat herself as she watched the human nervously.
  278. > Finally, the verdict was in: "It's not bad. Quite good, in fact. Thank you, Celestia."
  279. > It was less praise than she had anticipated, but the pony accepted it graciously with a nod of her head. Regrettably there was no dessert, a point she brought up once the human had finished eating.
  280. "I would have done even better, Master Anonymous, but your pantry is regrettably understocked. I could do so much more with only a few extra ingredients."
  281. > The human raised a finger. "Not 'Master', remember? Just 'Anonymous' will do. Write down what you need most urgently and I'll fetch it tomorrow when I return from work. I suppose I can also take you down to the markets on Saturday, if you wish."
  282. > It sounded like fun.
  283. "I would appreciate that, Anonymous. Now, if you could just give me a quill and some ink, I will prepare a few suggestions for tomorrow's dinner."
  284. > The man laughed. "Quill? What century did you come from? The touchscreen stylus has a pen on the end."
  285. > It was almost an insult, but the mare quickly rallied. She concentrated and her horn glowed. The human stared as the little stick floated over from the kitchen. Celestia sternly resisted the urge to smirk. She was good, but it would not do to gloat.
  286. > She placed it on the table before her and inspected it again.
  287. "The metal bit? That is a pen? Where is the ink?"
  288. > Anonymous got up and went to rummage in a drawer. He came back with a small yellow block made of paper, and slid it toward her. "The ink is contained in the pen. Try it."
  289. > She experimentally scratched the gleaming tip on the yellow pad. It left a crisp, clean line. She hadn't doubted the human, of course, but seeing it was like some kind of strange new magic. As if to convince herself it really worked, the pony did it a few more times, until the paper was full of lines, loops and squiggles.
  290. > She almost opened her mouth to ask, but then she noticed that the block was formed by many pieces of paper stuck together. She removed the top one and there was a fresh page underneath. Almost like a little booklet!
  291. "This will do perfectly. Thank you, Anonymous!"
  292. > She left the paper and pen on the dining table and picked up the dishes. She was about to take them out, but paused at the door with the crockery and utensils floating around her.
  293. "Could you also get me a book on human cooking, so I may learn to prepare more appropriate meals?"
  294. > The human didn't even have to think. "Oh, there should be some in the library. We'll check tomorrow. For now, put the dishes in the sink and I will show you to your bedroom. You can wash up tomorrow when I'm at work."
  295. "Very good, sir."
  296. > She made a quick visit to the kitchen to do as he said, then came back. The dining room was empty, but Celestia could hear the human walking around. She picked up her magic pen-button-stick and the notepad. She would need to come up with a better name for it. The human had called it 'stylus', so she opted to use that.
  297. > Anonymous was found on the first floor in the hallway. He heard her hooves on the hardwood but didn't look back. "Here, it was meant as a guest room, so I think it will do nicely. Do you sleep in a bed, or should we arrange something else? Like a haystack?"
  298. > As if she was some kind of animal! The mare repressed her tiny flare of annoyance and walked into the room.
  299. "I have slept in a bed every night of my life, Anonymous. I'm not a beast, you know?"
  300. > He raised his hands up. "Yes, of course! Sorry."
  301. > Celestia went and sat on the bed. It wasn't as soft as her mattress in the Canterlot Palace, but it would do nicely. She didn't mind 'roughing it' for her vacation.
  302. > "You may use the wardrobe and the dressers, although I saw that you don't have any luggage. Are there things you will need? Clothes? Brushes? Uh... bridles?"
  303. > She stared at him pointedly for a moment. Then she got to her hooves and went to peer into his eyes from right up close. The man was a little nervous with her as tall as she was. Good.
  304. "Mr. Anonymous. I think it would benefit our relationship if you immediately removed from your thoughts any ideas that I am anything like your Earth horses. I would be most grateful if you thought of me as a person, instead. I will sleep in a bed, I will brush my teeth, I will take showers and I will sit at the table for meals. It would be much easier if you thought of me as a four-legged human, rather than a pony."
  305. > It worked. The human spread his arms. "Yes, yes. Of course, you're right. Sorry! I merely had some incorrect preconceptions because of your shape."
  306. > Mightily pleased with the progress, the mare went back to her bed.
  307. "Excellent. Which reminds me: I will need a toothbrush and some supplies. Mr. Plain told me that most owners prefer to provide these things for their ponies themselves, so I did not pack anything. It can wait until Saturday - I will do the essentials with my magic until then."
  308. > She was becoming aware of an uncomfortable pressure.
  309. "Oh, and if you could show me to the bathroom?"
  310. > The human led her a few doors down the hall and pushed it open. It was nicely roomy and looked quite clean. Celestia guessed that whoever Anonymous hired to clean his house had been there that very day.
  311. > All the required furnishings seemed to be in place, so the mare turned to face the human and smiled pleasantly.
  312. "I will get myself ready for bed and retire for the day. Is there anything else you require?"
  313. > He shook his head. "Not today, thank you. We'll talk about your other duties in the morning."
  314. "Very good, sir."
  315. > It was a good line. She saw why her own staff kept using it all the time. It could mean practically anything and was useful in any circumstance.
  316. > She waited for the man to start walking away, then closed the door and went about her evening ablutions. She opted to skip showering, so it didn't take too long. Cleaning her teeth with magic was a snap, though she preferred the brush. Her mane was on the verge of being acceptable and her tail probably wasn't. She decided she would wash both the next day, while Anonymous was at work.
  317. > Then it was time for bed. She removed her vest - a simpler version of her ceremonial garb. And kicked off the plain metal hoofguards. Mr. Plain had advised against bringing gold and silver to Earth and she agreed.
  318. > Out of habit the Princess tried to lift up her coronet, but it was not there. Another sacrifice of necessity. She spread the cloth over a chair and pushed the four metal pieces under it, out of the way. Then she climbed under the covers.
  319. > With all the strangeness and excitement, the mare didn't think she would ever fall asleep. And she was right.
  320. > The bed, although more comfortable than what Mr. Plain had provided at the auction, didn't seem to want to accept her. After turning around for the twelfth time, the mare sat up with an exasperated sigh.
  321. > She considered beating the mattress with her magic until it became softer, but decided against it.
  322. > With a heartfelt, sorrowful sigh, Celestia got up, walked over to the window and looked outside. She could see the shadow of the mountain, stretching up and away. To the right was the road, with a lone car driving down it. The pony wondered who was out this late.
  323. > She could see the general shapes of trees, if not the detail. Based on the light and shadows, Celestia estimated that the moon - Earth's moon - was somewhere behind her.
  324. > The though evoked memories of her sibling and the Princess wondered how Luna was doing. Was she, perhaps, staring up at the night sky from the castle balcony? Was she, too, missing her sister?
  325. > Now that she was at her destination and the bustle and excitement was largely behind her, Celestia felt homesick.
  326. > She considered slipping out through the window and going home. This world was huge and complex. The stove and oven, with their touch-buttons. The TV. Even these cars were far beyond her understanding. Was she too old for all this bewilderment?
  327. > But Celestia knew herself too well. She had expected doubts to come, especially during her first few nights here. She firmly squashed them.
  328. > There was fun to be had!
  329. > But the mare still wiped away a tiny tear and pressed her hoof against the glass.
  330. "Be safe, Sister. I will see you again."
  331. > The short ritual made her feel a lot better, but now Celestia was fully awake. She knew, on a deep, subconscious level, that she wouldn't sleep that night.
  332. > She briefly considered waking up Anonymous. But then she thought: what could the human do? The man had work in the morning, whereas she was on vacation. Let him sleep.
  333. > Instead, the pony cast a simple spell to muffle her hoofsteps. She glanced at the metal guards, but decided against them. Somehow, going about the place 'bare-hoofed', as it were, seemed naughty. And fun!
  334. > The sheer outrage made her smile. Other than in her own room and her bed, the Princess never went unshod, even in her own castle. Now, just thinking about it thrilled her.
  335. > In fact, Celestia decided, she would not wear the things at all on Earth! And she would also forgo the vest! After all, she had wanted to be just another slave, no?
  336. > She had to work hard to suppress a giggle as the mare slipped out of her room. Her magic-enhanced hooves made no sound, even on wood. She crept up to Anonymous' room and gently opened the door to look inside.
  337. > It was much like hers, except with more wardrobes and drawers. That was right, Celestia remembered, the humans wore a lot of clothing.
  338. > She wondered what they looked like naked, but decided against lifting Anonymous' cover to check.
  339. > Instead, she carefully closed the door and crept away.
  340. > The house was dark, but she could see well enough in reflected moonlight. She poked her snout back into the kitchen and dining room, just to make sure she remembered where they were. She also found another bathroom on the ground floor, before she lost interest in exploring the inside.
  341. > The front door was locked, but it didn't take Celestia more than a minute to work out how to turn the key. She let herself out, walked to the middle of the lawn and looked back.
  342. > The house was just as ugly at night, so she quickly turned away.
  343. > The mountainside and the road were much more interesting. She went to inspect the smooth, black surface. There hadn't been time before.
  344. > It wasn't as hard as she expected - the material seemed to yield a tiny bit under her hoof. She stomped it experimentally and heard the faint clop, even through her silencing spell.
  345. > There were lines on the sides and down the middle. The pony quickly figured them out. They helped the humans to drive on their side and avoid running into opposite traffic. It seemed like a useful idea and Celestia filed it away for later.
  346. > Perhaps it could improve traffic congestion in some parts of Canterlot!
  347. > She heard a car in the distance. It was approaching and the pony quickly stepped off the black surface. She waited by the side of the road to try and see the humans in the vehicle.
  348. > It was deceptively fast! The foliage around the road muffled the sound until it was suddenly right before her. The thing sped around the curve and blinded her with strong lights.
  349. > As she reflexively looked away, she heard the squeal of tires and the car slid to a stop not far from her.
  350. > She could see nothing through the glare of the lamps, but suddenly the pony was scared. She turned and fled back to the house.
  351. > It was just in time - she heard the car door open and a voice say something, but the mare jumped inside and pushed the door shut.
  352. > She listened intently, fearing the human would come investigate. It would not do to wake up Anonymous! The mare was trembling in fright until the car door slammed shut and the vehicle pulled away. Only then did Celestia breathe a sigh of relief.
  353. > A fit of giggling threatened to overpower her and the mare did her best to muffle her mouth in the crook of her foreleg. Oh, how she wished she could have seen the look on that human's face! An unexpected alicorn at the side of the road.
  354. > The thought made her chuckle some more.
  355. > It subsided slowly and she made her way back to her room. Enough adventure for her first day, Celestia decided.
  356. > She still couldn't sleep, so she just pushed a chair to the window, sat and stared out at the landscape.
  357. >...
  358. > A faint, blaring noise from Anonymous' room made her jerk up. It was still dark, but there was a hint of pink on the horizon to the left.
  359. > Celestia didn't remember falling asleep, but her entire body was sore from the awkward position. She had slipped from the chair and ended up sleeping wedged between the chair and the windowsill.
  360. > She stretched, painfully, and got to unsteady hooves. She levitated up her vest and hoofguards, but then remembered her decision from the previous night.
  361. > Feeling a bit embarrassed and very naughty, the mare dropped them, walked outside, and went to the human's room. She heard him moving about and pushed the door open.
  362. "Anonymous, I-"
  363. > She didn't get much further before the door almost slammed back into her face. She blinked in shock.
  364. > There had been so much pink flesh. When she realized that the human was dressing himself, Celestia couldn't help blushing a vivid red. It was far too close to her own discomfort at not wearing her own clothes!
  365. "Sorry!"
  366. > "Knock next time!" the man commanded.
  367. "Of course! I forgot! Please forgive me?"
  368. > There was a grunt which she chose to understand as affirmative. She waited in the hallway for her owner to come out. He had his pants and a basic shirt, which wasn't even buttoned up all the way. The man had obviously hurried for her sake.
  369. "I'm very sorry, Mas- Anonymous. I completely forgot! It will not happen again!"
  370. > He just waved it away. "It's fine, it's fine! Just startled me, that's all," he said, then blinked and stared at her. "But I can't help noticing that you also neglected to wear your own... things."
  371. > Her blush deepened. Now that she was called out on it, going without her vest and hoofguards seemed like a bad idea.
  372. "Oh, I thought- I decided I don't need them. Most ponies wear nothing at all, I hope that's alright?"
  373. > He raised a question she could see miles away: "Why did you, then?"
  374. > Luckily, Celestia thought fast.
  375. "I had to meet with foreign diplomats very often. It was a formal thing and I guess I had just gotten used to it. I can put them on, if you'd like?"
  376. > The human looked her up and down in a way that made her feel even more naked, somehow. But then he shrugged. "It's fine. I don't mind either way."
  377. > The mare relaxed a little when her owner left for the bathroom. It occurred to her that Anonymous had forgotten to ask why she was bothering him this early in the first place.
  378. > It was time to fix this bad impression. She scurried to the kitchen and got started on breakfast. There was no time to waste!
  379. >...
  380. > When Anonymous came down, he was fully dressed and cleanly shaven. The mare had also been busy and the table was set with everything she could find. There was toast with hard boiled eggs. She had peeled them, too. There was a plate of cheese slices. And, having found a box of milk, Celestia even made pancakes. She didn't have fresh fruit and cream for the topping, so she simply used jam from a glass jar.
  381. > And, most importantly, a steaming cup of tea. That was the first thing the human took, before casting an impressed gaze over the rest.
  382. > "I didn't even know I had most of this stuff in the house," he commented.
  383. > The pony laughed pleasantly. She was happy the man didn't bring up their incident.
  384. "You did. Breakfast is the most important meal. I have put together a small list with the essentials we will need for tonight and tomorrow morning. It is Thursday, correct?"
  385. > The man nodded. "Yes, tomorrow is Friday."
  386. "Good. If you would be so kind as to buy these items, we will be stocked until Saturday. We are still going to the market, right?"
  387. > Another nod. "Yes, of course."
  388. > And just like that, Celestia realized, she had control over the household. True, the man was her owner, on paper. But he would defer to her decisions regarding food and shopping for groceries. She slid the yellow paper rectangle forward. She had done her best to keep it short, but the paper was filled with her neat script. The human inspected it briefly.
  389. > "Shouldn't be a problem. I will pick these up on my way home."
  390. "Very good, sir. Now, what do you want me to do while you are gone? My duties?"
  391. > It reminded him and Anon became more sure of himself. "Ah, of course. There's cleaning and tidying up, of course. You are to keep the house in order. I don't have time now, but I will show you how to operate the washing machine and the dishwasher tonight. For now, just do the dishes the old-fashioned way and drop the laundry in the basket downstairs."
  392. > It sounded simple enough and Celestia gave a curt nod.
  393. "Of course."
  394. > There was more, but the man looked at her before asking: "I would also like you to maintain the outside. The hedge needs trimming and perhaps there is some work in the flower beds. I normally call a gardener once a month and he tells me what needs doing to keep the house looking presentable. Can you handle that?"
  395. > The mare grinned.
  396. "Of course. Gardening is something of a hobby. I will inspect the outside and come up with some suggestions by tonight."
  397. > The human looked happier. "Very versatile, aren't you?"
  398. "I do my best, sir."
  399. > Then the man shrugged. "That's about it, for now, really. The rest of the day is your own. Do you want me to show you how to operate the television?"
  400. > Celestia remembered the magic window in the living room. She was curious about it, but the human was starting to fidget as if he was in a hurry. If it came down to a choice between showing her a new trick and eating breakfast, she would insist on the latter.
  401. "That is fine, sir. If you just tell me where you keep your books, I will read a little. The 'tele-vision' can wait."
  402. > He told her where to look for the small library, then tried to get up to leave for work. He had finished his tea, but hadn't touched the food.
  403. > Her magic gently, but firmly, held him down.
  404. "Your breakfast, Anon?"
  405. > He waved a hand. "I probably forgot to mention - I don't eat breakfast, usually. Just a cup of tea is enough." He attempted to rise again, but the pony easily kept him sitting. "You needn't have bothered, I'm sorry."
  406. "Please, I must insist. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I am sorry if you are late - I will make sure I wake up earlier tomorrow to get it all ready sooner."
  407. > The man sighed. He knew he wouldn't get away until he ate something. If he commanded it, the mare would let him up. They both knew that. But he apparently decided to follow her advice, because Anonymous hurriedly took a piece of toast and an egg.
  408. > She watched him eat in silence. To her surprise, the man even took one of the pancakes and washed it down with more tea.
  409. "Very good, sir. Have a lovely day at work!"
  410. > Her magic vanished and the human got up. He gave her a look she couldn't quite identify. "Will I need to get one of those magic-suppressing rings from the auction? I didn't order one because Mr. Plain assured me you would behave."
  411. > She gave a polite smile.
  412. "Of course, sir. Except when it comes to breakfast."
  413. > His smile returned, if a bit hesitantly. "Well, be careful. Because I will order one if you abuse the privilege!"
  414. > Then he hurried out and Celestia was left alone, heart hammering. She shook her head and concentrated on her breathing. This had been quite a gamble and she hadn't even been with the human a whole day! Perhaps she was too used to command?
  415. > The mare suddenly realized that Anonymous would be entirely within his rights to belt her. True, she could easily prevent it but then she would have to leave. She wasn't relinquishing control, Celestia thought to herself, she was acquiring it. It would not do.
  416. > From now on, the alicorn promised herself, Anon's word would be law. She was going to do the whole servitude thing properly, just like she had imagined it.
  417. > Her gaze fell on what was left of her breakfast. Anonymous might not be a fan of eating in the morning, but the mare couldn't think of another way to start her day. Pretty soon, she had devoured everything she had prepared.
  418. > It was time to go to work. Together with last night's dinner, she had accrued a sizable pile of dishes to wash. There was also the matter of cleaning the house. The pony realized that Anonymous had forgotten to show her any brooms, brushes, mops or supplies.
  419. > But she had enough time to explore the house and find all that. There was bound to be a broom cupboard or something.
  420. > She had feared that these parts of servitude would be markedly less fun. But there was something relaxing about the mindless work. For one, she knew exactly when it would be finished. And for another, the job wouldn't change partway through.
  421. > The sponge wouldn't try to manipulate her. The plates and cups wouldn't lie to gain some political advantage.
  422. > The dishes were the most immediate, so she did that first. She quickly found soap, sponge and cloth. Once they were washed and dried, she pulled open cupboards and drawers until she found where everything fit. For good measure, she also wiped down the smooth stove surface and the inside of the oven.
  423. > When she was done with the kitchen, the pony went to explore her new home. She knew some of the rooms already and for most others she could guess their purpose. There were two more bedrooms, though barely furnished, and yet another bathroom on the first floor. It was attached to Anonymous' bedroom, for convenience, she thought.
  424. > She saw a few clothes on the floor and remembered the instructions about the laundry. She went to look for it.
  425. > She found something like a machine room in the basement. The multitude of pipes and blocky metal objects looked ominous and scary.
  426. > The mare watched the contraption warily, waiting to see if it would do something.
  427. > Unfortunately, she spotted the laundry basket through a small door, right next to the machinery. She laughed at herself for being silly - no human contraption could threaten her, after all - but the feeling of unease didn't go away. She would have to walk past the arrangement of gleaming metal parts. The gloom didn't help at all!
  428. > She took a few hesitant steps, then froze. Her breath caught. From this angle, two of the softly glowing red lights almost became eyes, peering at her from a dark corner.
  429. > The pony gulped and took another step. The image went away.
  430. "Silly, silly! It's just pipes and things!"
  431. > She chided herself, even forced a little laugh, but it didn't help. The thing seemed to be staring at her, waiting to pounce.
  432. > Perhaps if she explored it a little? The pony turned toward a large, blocky part with a funny, protruding part. She leaned her head closer to smell it.
  433. > But there was a loud click somewhere in a mess of wires. Her head whirled to look at a little green light which had lit up.
  434. > Before Celestia could discover what it meant, a slow rumble began deep in the machine.
  435. > She knew her eyes were as big as saucers and she felt her knees tremble a little.
  436. > Then the monster roared. In the quiet, punctuated only by the hammering of her own heart, it sounded worse than any dragon she had met.
  437. > The mare gave a loud, frightened squeak and ran for it. She didn't stop until she was under her own bedcovers.
  438. > Only then did she start to feel stupid. It was a machine. It had a function. She didn't understand it, but that didn't make it dangerous. Or else Anonymous would surely have mentioned it when he told her to go down there.
  439. > In the safety of her own room, the alicorn could laugh at herself. She realized that she had wound herself up so tightly that a slightest noise from the metal contraption would seem monstrous to her.
  440. > But then she remembered that she still had to get past it, to take laundry to the basket. Her smile faded and Celestia gulped.
  441. > Perhaps it would be wise to play it safe. She would ask Anonymous about it when he came home. Until then, she would simply put all the laundry in the empty wardrobe in her room, so it would be ready for her to take down there.
  442. > But she still waited another half hour, listening to the distant hum of the terrible machine. Only when it stopped did Celestia finally come out of her room.
  443. > She firmly shook her head and went to explore some more.
  444. >...
  445. > She found the room for Anonymous' car. It was unmistakable due to the smell. That room was a lot dirtier than the rest of the house and she'd need *days* to clean it all up. Maybe she didn't have to - considering that no one had bothered to tidy up in the past. She resolved to ignore it for now and ask the human.
  446. > The living room she already knew, but there was a curious spiral staircase leading up from it. She hadn't even spotted it in the gloom the previous night, but Anonymous had told her to look for the library up there. She went to explore, even if it was a tight turn for her.
  447. > Up above was indeed a room with bookshelves. The pony took a few minutes to pull out a number of books and read their titles.
  448. > They were mostly on politics or law. Dry stuff, but she was used to such. A shelf to the side had more interesting tomes - cookery, gardening, even a few volumes on various machines. The mare made a mental note to look through those.
  449. > If she understood the monster in the cellar, she wouldn't be afraid of it anymore, she repeated to herself.
  450. > Luckily, the library also had a door to the first floor hallway, so she didn't have to go back down the narrow staircase.
  451. > She walked past the master bedroom and found a spacious study. There were more shelves of books here, as well as a large writing table with unfamiliar objects. At first glance it looked like a smaller 'tele-vision', but that surely wasn't right.
  452. > The human wouldn't want to be distracted by that while he was working, would he?
  453. > Anonymous also had a board with little squares, next to the TV-like-thing. Each of them had a letter or a number.
  454. > Did the human need it to remember what shapes the letters were? Surely he could read and write without assistance?
  455. > The pony shook her head and added it to the mental list of things she wanted to ask about.
  456. > There was a lot of paper on the desk and the carpet around it. She scanned through a few of the documents, but didn't try to decipher the legal language. Most of the papers were crumpled up and she felt safe enough throwing them into a basket.
  457. > The others, she stacked neatly on the table.
  458. > One final door waited on the first floor, but it opened to reveal a small space with no windows. She saw brooms, brushes, mops, buckets and colorful bottles with a strong chemical smell around them. She had found her supplies.
  459. > With some relief the mare saw that all the cleaning bottles had labels with precise descriptions and instructions for their use. It was a clever idea and she stored it away for later. It would undoubtedly save time when training new staff for the palace!
  460. > One more room was left on the ground floor. When she pushed the door open, Celestia couldn't hold back a small sigh. It was a dream come true!
  461. > In the middle of the tiled room was a big bathtub! And against one of the walls, what seemed like a small wooden house. One specific word on the glass window caught her attention: 'Sauna'.
  462. > It felt like coming home. Showers would have been fine, if the water was hot enough, but this was icing on the cake!
  463. > The mare went to examine this room in minute detail, a dopey smile plastered across her face.
  464. > If anonymous asked for her hoof in marriage right then, she would have said yes. Not even the Canterlot Castle had its own steam room!
  465. > But now that the idea was lodged in her head...
  466. > There would be changes when she got home, Celesta was sure of that!
  467. > But she dragged herself away. An unwelcome little thought said that she should probably ask Anonymous if she may use these facilities. It didn't sound very 'slave-like' to just fill up the tub and have a relaxing bath.
  468. >...
  469. > The house finished, Celestia went outside to see the flowerbeds Anon had mentioned. It wasn't much of a garden- very few of the plants were edible, but she had to admit that they looked nice.
  470. > The gardener hadn't bothered too much, with the winter approaching, but the pony saw a few jobs that could be done. And the human had been right - it looked like it was time to trim the hedge and, possibly, cut the grass.
  471. > She walked around the house to see it from other angles. It was just as blocky and ugly from all directions and Celestia made a face at the unappealing structure. No amount of flowers would help there, she felt.
  472. > But the surrounding area wasn't bad. Autumn was in full swing, which meant that most trees were getting ready to shed their leaves. To one side of the house there was an entire hillside, the one she had watched in the night. It was covered with a forest and her hooves itched to explore it, but she decided against it. Another day, after she had Anonymous' permission. Perhaps he would even allow her to join the Running of the Leaves.
  473. > To the other side, there were fields of grass, punctuated by roads. She saw quite a number of cars driving around and briefly wondered if one of them had Anonymous.
  474. > Of course not, she thought to herself and grinned. He had left for work hours ago. He wouldn't live so far from his job that it took him hours and hours to get there, right? It stood to reason.
  475. > One of the vehicles rushed past the house and the pony caught a brief glimpse of a surprised face, staring out at her. She chuckled a little to herself - she must have seemed quite the oddity in this world of humans, especially judging from the last night's incident.
  476. > She put it out of her mind and stared into the distance. The land sloped downward and she saw a big city in the valley. It put any place in Equestria to shame and for a moment Celestia wanted to fly down there and take a closer look.
  477. > But the metropolis seemed gray and lifeless, wrapped as it was in a thin fog. Perhaps she would visit it when the weather was nicer.
  478. > Her survey complete, the mare thought about what to do next. There was plenty for her to clean. The alicorn decided it would be a good idea to thoroughly tidy the entire house, partly so she would impress Anonymous and partly for her own peace of mind.
  479. > She hadn't seen a way to remove the carpets yet, so that seemed like an interesting challenge with which to start.
  480. > Taking the tough fabric out and beating it free of dust would be a snap with her magic. After that, she decided, she would wash the floors and the bathrooms. And then she would gather up any clothing or sheets that needed laundering, and put them- away.
  481. > Her ears fell flat against her head and Celestia did her best to put the mechanical monster out of her mind.
  482. > The human had promised to show her how to use the washing machine. It seemed like a neat idea - a device that did all the washing for you. It would benefit the Canterlot Palace immensely and the staff would be most grateful if their Princess brought something like that home.
  483. > But the important bit was that Anonymous would go down there with her. Somehow, that made her feel better.
  484. >...
  485. > The carpet proved to be a problem. She couldn't find an edge - as if the fabric was stuck under the walls themselves! In her frustration, Celestia thought about simply ripping it up, but then she paused to think.
  486. > Humans had no magic. How did they clean the carpets if they couldn't easily take them out? There had to be more to it.
  487. > The mare had to improvise with a complicated spell until she learned the tick. It was meant as a quick solution for a filthy dress, and it lifted particles of dirt right out of the fabric.
  488. > It was quite an effort to cast it on a large enough scale to clean a room, but she had had thousands of years to perfect her magic.
  489. > With some strain and concentration, and with her horn blazing brightly, the mare lifted all the dust and tiny particles of dirt out of the entire floor in a room. She then bunched it all together into a small, disgusting ball. She levitated it carefully out the front door and threw it as far as she could. Then she did it again and again, until there were no more rooms with carpeting.
  490. > It was hard work and she was breathing heavily and sweating by the end. But she couldn't rest just yet. She picked up one of the plastic buckets and a mop and went to wipe all the floors without carpets. Luckily, that included only the kitchen, hallways, bathrooms an the dining room. Anonymous, it seemed, was quite a fan of carpets.
  491. > Only then did the pony relax. Her stomach told her it was time to eat something - in fact, it had been growling for a while now, but Celestia didn't want to stop until she was finished.
  492. > A quick lunch, she decided, then a shower. And, with luck, a bath later that evening, if Anonymous said yes.
  493. > Or, if he said no, probably a wrestling match until he said yes. The pony was fairly certain she could take the man.
  494. > She went to browse the pantry and ended up with a can of sweet corn and some leftover bread from the previous night. It wasn't much and she was looking forward to dinner.
  495. > The mare took her meagre lunch to the living room and sprawled in the couch. She looked at the dark and silent 'tele-vision'. Now that she had a moment, Celestia was curious.
  496. > Anonymous had controlled it by means of a smaller black rectangle. She spotted it on the low coffee table and brought it closer to her face.
  497. > The buttons had strange symbols, numbers and letters. She didn't know what to make of it.
  498. > She poked 'A' - for 'Activate', but all it did was make a red light on the 'tele-vision' blink green for a moment. She tried another button, and it did the same. Each letter only caused a flicker.
  499. > Luckily this device had buttons that yielded to pressure and she could use them with her levitating spell. None of that finger-touch-button nonsense, she was happy to see.
  500. > But she still didn't have any success with the infernal contraption.
  501. "Show me the pictures!"
  502. > The command didn't work, of course. Out of desperation, Celestia picked a number - four - and pushed that button.
  503. > Finally there was a click and the black window sprang to life.
  504. "Four?! Why in Equestria..."
  505. > The pony had started to mutter to herself, but it died on her lips as she looked at the magic window.
  506. > It was something like the cars - she was sure of it. Only they were strange. They only seemed to have one human in them and they were painted with garish colors. There wasn't any roof to keep out the rain, either!
  507. > They drove in a cluster while a human voice kept talking about names and numbers. She also caught words like 'race', and 'championship' and what she guessed were names.
  508. > After a few minutes she realized it was a competition. A race. It didn't seem very exciting - the runners just used those cars to drive around the track. She considered it cheating, but she guessed it was fair if everyone was doing it.
  509. > She watched a few minutes, then looked at the remote again. This time she pressed the button marked five.
  510. > The window flickered and now there were two humans in comfortable chairs having a discussion. She listened in, but it was mostly about politics, taxes and money. She'd had enough of such at home, so she tried 'six'.
  511. > This was a lot more interesting. She watched the humans dancing and singing to catchy music for a while. After a bit she opened her canned corn and began to eat.
  512. > She paused briefly when she heard the faint hum of the monster in the basement. Her muzzle scrunched up in thought. Had it always done that?
  513. > The mare couldn't remember hearing the noise before. Perhaps it had been in the background and she hadn't really noticed? Whatever it was, now that she was aware of it, the metal monster sent a shiver down her spine and she felt her ears flatten again.
  514. > The pony focused firmly on the tele-vision and her meal. And besides, the couch was feeling decidedly warmer and more comfortable. She decided to postpone her shower and watch the singing for a little while.
  515. >...
  516. > That was where Anonymous found her when he returned. Sprawled over the couch, asleep and with MTV blaring in the background. The empty can was between her forehooves. The man cleared his throat to wake her and Celestia scurried to her hooves.
  517. "Anonymous! Welcome home. I have done the tasks you assigned me. Did you go to the market? I will begin preparing dinner immediately."
  518. > She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was six, which stunned her.
  519. > Somehow, with the insidious magic of the television box lulling her, she had slept three hours! It was sheer luck that she had done her work before becoming entrapped by the curious device.
  520. > "A fan of music?" Anonymous asked.
  521. "No, not particularly. The first thing had a race, then there was talking about politics and then this. It seemed... fun, so I watched for a while."
  522. > She grinned in embarrassment.
  523. "Very unusual songs. Some of them are quite rude, if you don't mind me saying."
  524. > It made the human laugh. "Yeah, music today is like that. The groceries are in the car. Please fetch them out and put them in the pantry and refrigerator.
  525. > The mare quickly gave her assent and went about the task. All it took was simple levitation and it was done in minutes. Then she took stock of the goodies.
  526. > Her owner had found everything she had written down, so Celestia began working immediately. The human came to check on her after a few minutes and stared in awe at the sight.
  527. > She was chopping several vegetables at the same time, filling a pot of water and stacking items she wouldn't need into the pantry, all without even looking at it.
  528. > The pony stood in the middle of all that activity with her nose in a cookbook. She spotted the man and smiled pleasantly.
  529. "I am making rice medley, Anonymous. I hope that will suffice?"
  530. > He tore his eyes from the whirlwind of motion. "Oh. Of course. Yes, that's fine."
  531. > She kept her smile in place, but he kept staring.
  532. "Anything else? I will look through this book and prepare a shopping list for tomorrow. Any preferences?"
  533. > Now he shook his head, but his eyes strayed to the pot, which floated over to the stove, and the cutting boards which delivered the initial set of vegetables.
  534. > Her touch-stick set the heat without the mare even glancing in the direction.
  535. > "N-no. Whatever you decide," Anonymous said, more than a little distracted.
  536. "Very good, sir. I will come find you when I'm done. It shouldn't be more than an hour."
  537. > It worked and Anonymous left, albeit hesitantly. Celestia went back to her book while she waited for the water to boil.
  538. >...
  539. > The dinner was, once again, a success. Her medley earned moderate praise and her skill at magically setting the table some unspoken admiration. But then something unthinkable happened.
  540. > Anonymous did not touch the chocolate pudding she had made. It was still warm, too! It was all Celestia could do to keep herself from staring.
  541. > Unsweetened tea was one thing, but this was a personal affront! Perhaps he hadn't noticed? She tried prodding a little:
  542. "Dessert, Anonymous?"
  543. > "Oh, thank you, no. I tend to stay away from oversweet food," the man blasphemed. "You needn't have given yourself this much work."
  544. > Somehow, she kept the growl out of her voice, but it was still strained.
  545. "I like to bake."
  546. > Luckily, Anon didn't seem to notice her tone. He was already someplace else, mentally. The pony knew that expression all too well. "After you've cleaned up, take the evening off. You've done a very satisfactory job today."
  547. > He even had the audacity to push the cup with his dessert toward her! She would eat it, of course, but it was tantamount to insult!
  548. > She slid it back over, slowly but firmly, her eyes never leaving Anon's face.
  549. "Please," she said through gritted teeth, "at least taste it."
  550. > The cup came back. "Oh, thank you very much, Celestia, but no. I'm quite full." He didn't notice her glare because Anonymous had taken his phone out of a pocket and was reading something off it.
  551. > Fuming, the Princess let it go. Despite the loss, she resolved to keep baking. Ever more wonderful, *delicious* treats. She would get Anonymous to appreciate her skill, or else!
  552. > It was now a Quest for her. She accepted the challenge. The man wasn't really averse to sweets - the pancakes that morning proved it. But perhaps that had been the exception. Maybe the shock of her using magic on him had caused him to do something he normally wouldn't have.
  553. > For a minute, the mare considered doing it again. It would be trivial to bind the human and force feed him the pudding.
  554. > But what then? Anonymous would undoubtedly send for one of those rings. Or worse - send her back to the auction.
  555. > Despite these minor hiccups, the mare was enjoying herself immensely. She didn't want her vacation to end after one day! And she didn't think Plain would agree to sell her again. According to their contract, he would just return her to Equestria and collect his pay.
  556. > Fine! The pony nearly growled in frustration. The human had won this round. But she would find ways to make him eat her desserts. And not only eat - enjoy them, too! She swore it to herself.
  557. > But tonight... tonight she would graciously settle for the second prize.
  558. "One more question, Anonymous..."
  559. > "Hmm?" he didn't even look up. The fact that the man wasn't even aware of their struggle really irked. But the alicorn kept her voice pleasant.
  560. "I couldn't help noticing you have a large bathtub and a sauna. I hope it is not inappropriate of me to ask-"
  561. > He cut her off with an absentminded wave of his hand. "Oh, I got those because an old friend kept insisting I should. But I hardly ever use them, it's too much work. Please feel free, if you enjoy that sort of thing."
  562. > Her jaw fell down. No sweets and no hot baths? And no steams? Was the human even alive?!
  563. > She closed her mouth with a snap. At least she had his permission, so that was something. But should she extend her Quest to getting Anonymous to enjoy a steam? Would it be too weird?
  564. > The pony decided to think on it later. There was another concern.
  565. "Will there be enough hot water? I would have stoked the furnace, but I did not find it. If you show me, I will light a fire for my bath."
  566. > Now the man finally stopped fiddling with his phone and looked up in wonderment. "Wait- fire? Furnace? I have central heating, which works on oil, no need to stoke a furnace. Hot water isn't a problem."
  567. > Infinite hot water and the man didn't enjoy baths?! Now, more than anytime before Celestia felt an alien. What kind of world had she dropped into?
  568. > But nothing prevented her from taking some pampering, that was the important part.
  569. "So, I assume the steam also doesn't need fire?"
  570. > "It's electric. There's an on button on the side and a dial to set it-" the human began explaining, but then shrugged and put his phone back into a pocket. "Actually, I'll show you in a bit. You can operate the bath?"
  571. > The mare gave a nod. She had seen the tap during her exploration earlier and understood how to use it.
  572. > "Okay. Do that. I have to review an important case right now. I'll be done in about an hour and I'll come show you how to use the sauna, okay?"
  573. > She bobbed her head again, which helped hide her smile of giddy anticipation.
  574. "Thank you, Anonymous."
  575. > It was almost enough to make her forget about his dessert. Almost. She pulled the cup to herself and dunked her muzzle into the warm, sweet, delicious goop. She didn't notice the human leave.
  576. > About a minute later, she came back to her senses and cleared the table. On her way to the kitchen, Celestia realized that she had forgotten to ask Anonymous her questions, mainly about the 'dish washer', he had mentioned, but also about cleaning the carpets, the laundry and - her breath caught at the thought - the mechanical monster in the basement.
  577. > But all of that could wait until the next morning. She simply washed the dishes with her magic. It was a snap, as was drying them and putting them back.
  578. > There was some medley left and she saved it for her lunch the next day. And the remaining pudding would wait for Anonymous' breakfast. For round two of their little contest!
  579. > The mare almost giggled in excitement. It was a battle of wits, just as much as any trade negotiation or peace treaty she had brokered. But this was infinitely more fun! And, she couldn't help thinking, much less stressful. Even if her opponent didn't even know they were competing. In truth, he didn't have to know.
  580. > She'd still win.
  581. > Celestia finished cleaning the kitchen, then hurried over to the best room in the house. A glance revealed that her tail was indeed unmentionable. And the mane was a filthy, tangled mess.
  582. > It was sheer luck that Anonymous hadn't commented upon it. A man like him would undoubtedly expect his servants to be presentable. A dirty, neglected slave reflected badly upon her master.
  583. > A quick rummage of the various cupboards revealed a bottle of lavender-scented bubble bath. She gratefully squirted a generous portion into the tub.
  584. > She plugged it with the black cork before any of it could escape. Then she opened the tap and pushed it all the way to the right, toward the little red circle. She had discovered that meant hot water.
  585. > And the blue one on the other side was for cold water. Leaving it somewhere in the middle gave her a mixture and allowed her to set the absolutely perfect temperature.
  586. > It was clever and much easier than two separate taps. Another invention to take home, perhaps?
  587. > The water filled slowly and the mare used that time to inspect herself in the mirror. She blushed slightly when she remembered that she didn't have her vest, but the human hadn't remarked upon that either. Not after the morning, at least.
  588. > She was still herself, though. A little disheveled, perhaps. Her fur and mane in a state they'd never be acceptable back home. But it was a vacation, Celestia reminded herself. She could afford to be a little lazy.
  589. > In the court, anything less than absolute perfection was unthinkable. In that regard, Anonymous was already much more comfortable to be around.
  590. > A very naughty thought occurred and the pony covered her mouth with a hoof to keep from bursting into laughter. The face looking back from the mirror could have belonged to a child in that moment, what with the gleam in her eyes and the pink cheeks. The very idea almost made her feel like a foal!
  591. > What would happen, she wondered, if she went out and rolled in the dirt a little?
  592. > How many thousands of years had it been since she had done something like that? Had she ever let herself go that completely, even when young?
  593. > She had to try it!
  594. > But not tonight.
  595. > For now, she went to examine the wooden box. She found the buttons and dials on the side, but didn't touch them. Anonymous would come show her how it all worked.
  596. > Inside, there was a wooden bench, a metal trough with some rocks and a wooden bucket with a ladle. She couldn't see any pipes for steam. 'Electric', Anonymous had called it. She was faintly aware of the term. She knew some of her subjects were researchers, but with her magic able to do everything for her, Celestia had never truly interested herself in machinery.
  597. > Maybe it was time? The humans, having no magic at all, made their science work for them. It was a curious thought - one she would examine more closely when she was back home.
  598. > Some things Earthlings could do with machines went even beyond what was achievable by the best unicorns.
  599. > Celestia stared at the inside of the little house and tried to figure it out.
  600. > The buckets and the ladle started to make sense. She remembered the oven, back in the kitchen. There was no fire, but it still got hot.
  601. > The sauna must work in the same way! But it was dry heat, so she was probably supposed to put water in the bucket and pour it over stones with the ladle to get her steam! It was simple, really!
  602. > Celestia felt immensely proud of herself. At this rate, even the monster in the basement would soon yield to her intellect!
  603. > The thought recalled her and she moved her ears around. Yes, now that she was aware of it, she could hear the hum of the beast, just above the splashing of the water. It was roaring again and the mare looked uneasily at the floor beneath her hooves.
  604. > The most reassuring fact, however, was that Anonymous didn't seem concerned. The machine was probably doing what it was supposed to, the mare decided. It wasn't scary at all, she told herself. She almost believed it, too.
  605. > Besides, her water was ready!
  606. >...
  607. > It seemed to Celestia like mere moments had passed before Anon was already knocking on the door.
  608. > Come to think of it, the water had turned lukewarm rather quickly, too! Maybe Earth's water couldn't retain the heat as well as in Equestria?
  609. "Come in!"
  610. > There was a pause. Then the human asked uncertainly: "Are you decent?"
  611. > The mare's eyes shot open and her muzzle scrunched up in surprise. She didn't know how to answer at first.
  612. "Anonymous - I am wearing exactly the same amount of clothes I have worn all day."
  613. > "Oh. Right. Of course," the human said quickly and entered. Celestia noted that he still kept his eyes averted, as if looking at her would be somehow inappropriate.
  614. > She held back an amused giggle as she stood up and climbed, dripping, out of the tub. She walked right up to the human and sat on her haunches. The floor was quickly covered with soapy water, but neither of them paid it any mind.
  615. "Show me how this works."
  616. > A concrete goal, a distraction. That broke the ice well enough and Anon brightened up. He pointed at the little gray panel with buttons and switches and dials.
  617. > "Here's what you do..." he began.
  618. >...
  619. > It turned out to be rather simple. The switch with a circular symbol would turn it on. Then one of the dials would set the temperature inside. Both were easy to use with her magic.
  620. > After his hurried explanation, the human began backing out. He still hadn't even looked at her. And now, the pony worried, he might get it into his head that she was naked *all* the time. It was technically true, but it would make dealing with the human very awkward. Nigh unbearable, in fact.
  621. > And she was *not* going to start wearing clothes!
  622. > The situation had to be resolved!
  623. "Anonymous. I wonder if I could ask another favour."
  624. > His hand, which had been reaching for the door handle, stopped. "Yes?" he asked.
  625. > Celestia returned to her bath. Lukewarm or not, after a few minutes outside, the water felt soothingly warm again.
  626. "Wash my back?"
  627. > Again she had to suppress a laugh as the human nearly jumped. "What?!" he said, "can't you do it yourself?"
  628. "Well, yes. With magic, easily. But ponies are social creatures. We find things like this soothing. My sister used to do this for me, in fact."
  629. > The mare didn't add '...until I banished her to the moon.'
  630. > Anonymous was hesitating, which Celestia took as a good sign. She floated up a sponge and gave him a hopeful look.
  631. > It worked!
  632. > The human moved a little jerkily, almost mechanically, but he came to her. After a moment, he pushed up the sleeve of his shirt and took the sponge.
  633. > She smiled encouragingly and turned to the side, to get herself in easy reach. After a few seconds, she felt the ginger touch on her back.
  634. "Don't worry, I'm quite sturdy. And - before you ask - no, this isn't weird."
  635. > The alicorn was lying. Soaked and sitting in a bathtub with this alien creature pawing at her back made the mare feel very vulnerable. It was nothing like sharing a bath with a pony she trusted!
  636. > But she was determined to make it right. And controlling her expression came easily after millenia of practice.
  637. > "Feels... inappropriate," the man commented. But he didn't stop.
  638. "Why?"
  639. > Celestia thought she understood. It was like the difference between seeing a mare walking around about her business, and seeing her in the bathroom, doing her... well, 'business'.
  640. > Some things were done strictly in private. She was beginning to discover that bathing was one such thing for humans.
  641. > It almost made a kind of sense. They wore their clothes all the time and didn't like to be seen without. She had experienced that when she walked in on the unclad human by accident. It was logical that these, private activities, extended to everything which included removing their clothes.
  642. > Luckily, there was a simple way to verify her theory.
  643. "So, you're uncomfortable with me in the bath because you're imagining me as a human woman? I can see how seeing one of them naked might be uncomfortable."
  644. > "Yes! Exactly!" the human quickly affirmed. His pitiful attempts at washing her back stopped. "It just doesn't seem... proper!"
  645. > Celestia was a little flattered. She had chided the man to see her more as a person and less as an animal. It had, apparently, worked. Maybe even too well.
  646. "Well, my culture is different, but I understand. It will be alright once I'm out of the bath?"
  647. > He hesitated for just a second, but the mare had been watching for that. "Y-yes," Anonymous said uncertainly. "I suppose so."
  648. "Then, let's simply not think about it. I'm me, and you're you. Everything else is just labels, hmm?"
  649. > She saw him nod.
  650. "Maybe it will help if you give me some orders. I've cleaned most of the house. Tomorrow I will wash the windows and sweep the dust on the furniture. Would you like me to get started on the garden?"
  651. > This was firmer ground and she felt that the human was more sure of himself. "That sounds good. Yes, do that, please."
  652. > 'Please', Celestia thought to herself. Quite polite, even to a slave. She approved.
  653. "Very good, Anonymous. Thank you for your help here. I will try out the steam chamber tomorrow, when I am alone, if that's alright?"
  654. > "Yes, sure. Whenever you like," he agreed. Then he let the sponge fall into the water and took a few steps back, to the door. "Listen, I will finish up my work and retire for the night. I shan't be needing breakfast tomorrow, so you may sleep in."
  655. > The pony tsked and turned to look at him.
  656. "I'm sorry, but I can't obey that order, Master."
  657. > He understood her calling him that was just the mare being contrite, so he didn't correct her. But he raised up his hands as if in defense. "No, it really isn't necessary."
  658. > Celestia allowed herself to glare a little.
  659. "I will hold you down with magic and feed you, if I have to!"
  660. > The threat, however jokingly she might have made it, made the human scowl. "I will order the ring!" he countered.
  661. > Now she let her mouth spread in a nasty smile.
  662. "Try it and see what happens!"
  663. > They glared at each other fiercely for a moment, but then the human chuckled a little. A moment later, a much relieved Celestia joined in. "You really won't budge on this, will you?" Anon asked.
  664. > The pony shook her head. It had been another gamble. She hadn't been entirely sure the man was joking. But she had listened to her instincts, honed by thousands of diplomatic encounters of all kinds. She could spot bluffing when she saw it.
  665. "I will not. We will be eating breakfast every morning. I suggest you plan your schedule accordingly."
  666. > Anon spared his arms helplessly, then let them fall back. "Fine. But you're not really acting like a slave, you know that? Baths and saunas and TV. And ordering her owner around..."
  667. > She poked her tongue out at him.
  668. "You're not acting like a slaver, either!"
  669. > He gave this a bit of thought. "You'd prefer chains and collars and the belt when you misbehave?"
  670. > Now Celestia quickly shook her head. Then she lowered her gaze and let her ears fold down in what, she hoped, looked like abject misery.
  671. "No, Master."
  672. > There was a strange look in his eye. The mare could just see his face in the corner of her vision.
  673. > "I swear to God, I don't know what to make of you, Celestia. Are you sure you're a regular pony?"
  674. > For a moment she worried that he was getting close to uncovering her secret. The earlier remark about her not acting like a slave, and now this! She had to divert his train of thought, fast.
  675. "Do you have garden shears and a mower, Anonymous? I will get started on the lawn tomorrow. And we might need some supplies, which we can pick up the next day."
  676. > "Oh yes," he said, "the shears are in the garage. And you'll have to check if there's enough gas in the mower."
  677. > He spotted her blank stare and shrugged. "Let's leave it until Saturday. I'll show you. And then in the afternoon, I'll take to you to the market for produce and groceries and then to the garden center for anything you need."
  678. > The pony couldn't wrap her head around the idea that there should be a gas in the mower. It didn't run on steam, did it? She imagined that would be quite unwieldy.
  679. > Yet another mechanical wonder, the mare guessed. She was looking forward to it.
  680. > "Anything else?" the human asked. She shook her head and he bid her good night and ducked out. Only then did Celestia remember about the monster in the basement.
  681. > It could wait another day, she decided, and sank back down. But the water was rapidly losing its heat, so she sighed and decided to get out.
  682. > At least she felt sleepy this time. The day had been filled with strange adventure, and she hadn't gotten enough sleep the previous night. The nap on the couch had barely taken the edge off her exhaustion.
  683. > Celestia quickly dried herself off, pulled the plug on the bathtub and went to leave the room. At the last second she remembered that she should clean up after herself.
  684. > But aside from a bit of soapy water, there wasn't a big mess. Plus, the mare was certain Anonymous wouldn't need the room.
  685. > She would clean it up tomorrow, the alicorn decided. It could wait.
  686. > Happy with her reasoning, the mare made a slight detour through the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. She drank it quickly and went to her room.
  687. > She paused on the hallway and focused her ears, but there was no sound coming from the master bedroom. It looked like Anon was already asleep.
  688. > There were no clocks upstairs, so the pony didn't know how late it was. Out of habit, she reached out to the sun to see how low under the horizon it was. But with the world between her and the shining orb, she could barely feel it.
  689. > Too far for any kind of accuracy.
  690. > Celestia shrugged to herself and sat on her bed. Her vest and hoofguards caught her eye.
  691. > How quickly she had gotten used to being without them, the mare mused. But they reminded her of Luna and she hugged the fabric to her chest.
  692. "Have a peaceful night, Sister."
  693. > She put the items under her bed and pulled the blanket over herself.
  694. > The pony was asleep in seconds.
  696. > ~~~~
  698. > It was a restful night and Celestia had no problem waking up well before sunrise. She lay in her bed for a minute, listening to the sounds of the quiet house.
  699. > Again, she heard the thing in the basement. It was a barely perceptible hum, but now that she knew what to listen for, she couldn't help noticing it. Especially in the pre-dawn stillness.
  700. > It was getting ridiculous! The stupid machine was beginning to take on mythical proportions and the alicorn couldn't be having that. Time to go down there and find out what the device was for!
  701. > Despite her imagined bravado, the pony still muffled her steps and crept down the stairs slowly. She was ready to flee at any moment. The only sound, besides the creature's constant roar, was her own thundering heartbeat.
  702. > All too quickly she was on the bottom of the stairs. The noise seemed almost deafening now, but that might have been just her imagination.
  703. > Whatever *for* did the human use this thing?! It never produced anything, nor consumed any materials. Celestia wasn't familiar with industry, even the rudimentary, hoof-operated devices her subjects used. But she was sure she should understand what it was the thing *did*!
  704. > The TV, she understood. And the stove and oven were just an improvement on things she already knew. Even the dish-washer and the laundry machine were obvious.
  705. > The car was a weird replacement for a carriage - one that didn't require ponies pulling it.
  706. > But this monster was a mystery. It didn't seem to do anything, except make noise. It never even moved.
  707. > The thought made her breath catch and her heart skip a beat. Her blood ran cold.
  708. > Was it that it hadn't moved, or simply that she'd never *seen* it move?
  709. > Thinking about the monstrous assembly of pipes and blocks being able to roam the house was the stuff of nightmares.
  710. > The pony crept forward. The door was open and Celestia thought she could see a faint glow in the room. It was red, like Tartarus itself.
  711. > The human didn't havea portal to the nether-world in his house, did he?!
  712. > She carefully poked her head around the doorframe.
  713. > The monster was full of fire! It was plain to see trough a tiny window on the front part. The flames, fanned into a roaring fury, were what was making all the noise.
  714. "What the *buck* are you?!"
  715. > It went dark instantly. The noise stopped. The light vanished.
  716. > Celestia gave a short 'eep' and jumped back. It had heard her and didn't like her questioning. Any moment now it might come for her!
  717. > With a very brief flash of magic, the mare slammed the door shut and ran back, into the relative safety of upstairs.
  718. > She ended up in the living room, trembling and breathing heavily. She needed the human! Surely Anonymous would know what to do. Demonic infestation was probably a common thing in this strange world!
  719. > She didn't want to go into the ground level hallway - it was too near the dreaded basement. The mare took the spiral staircase, jumping two steps at a time.
  720. > Her haste didn't pay off. Nearly at the top, she missed a step and plunged forward. She hit her snout right on the railing and had to scramble her hooves furiously to keep from slipping down.
  721. > Celestia grunted as she dragged herself into the room above. She rested for a moment, then burst out of the library and into Anon's room.
  722. > She leapt and landed on the bed.
  723. "Anonymous! Come quick, it's after us! We have to go *now*!"
  724. > The human gave a surprised shout and flailed around himself. A stray hand landed right on her face, but the pony almost didn't notice it.
  725. > She wrapped all four hooves around the human and clung to him for dear life.
  726. "Please, listen to me! The thing in the basement! I went to look and it saw me! It's after me! HELP!"
  727. > Finally, Anonymous woke up fully from the strange dream, only to find that it was actually happening. But he recognized the pony and, despite her tight grip, didn't try to fight her off anymore.
  728. > "What in blazes has gotten into you?!" the man demanded angrily. "It's the middle of the night! Let me go!"
  729. > The authoritative tone calmed her down and Celestia was able to peel herself away. She remained on the human's bed, shivering slightly. Her ears swiveled this way and that, seeking out any sound of the monster in the hallway. It was surely just outside the door by now!
  730. > Anonymous sighed and placed a hand on her withers. "Calm down, girl," he said, not unkindly. "Tell me what spooked you."
  731. > The mare swallowed a lump and focused her eyes on the human. Her ears folded down in fear.
  732. "T-thing! In the basement. Pipes and m-metal and things!"
  733. > Anonymous' gaped in surprise. "You mean the central heating?!"
  734. > It was like a slap combined with a cold shower. For a minute, all the pony could do was open and close her mouth in shock. Then she shook her head.
  735. "It can't be! It keeps roaring all the time without anypony near it! And there's fire inside it! And just now it heard me!"
  736. > She grabbed the human again, but this time he didn't resist.
  737. "I went to check- I heard it from my room. And I saw the fire inside! And then I said something and it heard me! It went quiet suddenly!"
  738. > The human put a hand on his eyes. "It's automatic," he said flatly.
  739. > She unwrapped her hooves and pushed herself away, so she could look at Anon's face.
  740. "What does that mean?"
  741. > He didn't move his hand away as he explained: "It means the central heating turns on and off by itself, whenever it's needed. If the house gets too cold, or hot water runs low, it turns itself on to heat up. And when it's warm enough and there's plenty of water, it shuts off again."
  742. > The Princess was gobsmacked. She had enjoyed a bath last night and the water had been *warmed by the monster*?! She spoke slowly, to give herself time to wrap her head around the idea.
  743. "So that's why there's..."
  744. > "-fire inside, yes," Anonymous finished her sentence.
  745. "And it's not going to-"
  746. > "-eat us, no. It can't move. It's a machine, Celestia. A convenience, just like the TV, or the car, or the oven." Now that it was cleared up, the human sounded nothing so much as exasperated.
  747. "I- I see."
  748. > His shoulders shook, but the mare couldn't see Anon's expresion. The hand was still on his eyes. She was worried the human was angry at her sillines. She let him go and shuffled away.
  749. > But then she realized the human was laughing. It started as a low chuckle, but he pulled his hand away from his face, looked at her expression, and burst into a full laughing fit.
  750. > It seemed to go on forever. Celestia couldn't help her embarassed blush. She lowered her muzzle to the bed and closed her eyes. But however tightly she folded her ears against her head, she couldn't shut out the laughter.
  751. > She had known! The first time she saw the thing, she had known it was just a machine, serving a purpose! But she worked herself up into a frenzy over it.
  752. > It roared at her by chance. And of course it roared again when she was preparing her bath! The pony had been using up a lot of hot water, the machine had to make more.
  753. > And it falling silent just as she was looking at it was pure chance.
  754. > The mare drew a breath and heaved a deep sigh, partly out of relief, but mostly out of embarassment.
  755. > It took ages for Anonymous to wind down. He had to wipe the tears out of his eyes when he looked at her again.
  756. "Shut up."
  757. > "You thought it was a monster!" the human said and started chuckling again.
  758. "Not. A. Word!"
  759. > She glared as fiercly as she could, but it only seemed to make the human more jovial. "You actually went down to fight it, and it scared you off!" he said, accusingly. "Dear Lord, frightened by central heating?"
  760. > The mare gave a low, annoyed growl. She was embarassed enough without the man driving it home.
  761. "I'm warning you!"
  762. > He didn't seem to care. "Just how old are you? Did I get a child or something?"
  763. "No! NO! If you *must* know, I'm-"
  764. > She stopped herself just in time before she blurted out the real age. It would have raised some eyebrows. She quickly said the first number she could think of.
  765. "-thirty!"
  766. > There was barely a pause and Anonymous didn't seem to notice it. "Thirty and you still believe in fairy tales and monsters?"
  767. > The pony raised her face toward the ceiling and heaved an exasperated sigh.
  768. "For your information, Mr. I-never-get-scared, there *are* real monsters in Equestria! Dragons and manticores and changelings and things I'd rather not even think about!"
  769. > Finally it worked. The human stopped poking fun at her and his face grew serious. "Fascinating place," he remarked dryly.
  770. "It's beautiful and I wouldn't have it any other way. And it's my home!"
  771. > His hand went back to her withers, but then slid down her mane. Despite her annoyance, it was deeply comforting.
  772. > "What time is it?" the human asked. Celestia tried to sense the sun again, but it didn't tell her enough.
  773. "Early morning."
  774. > But the human reached over to the nightstand and picked up his watch. The numbers and hands lit up. The pony stared in fascination. Such a useful idea! She put it on her mental list - something to talk over with Twilight Sparkle. She would undoubtedly find a spell to do that.
  775. > "Nearly five," he said.
  776. "When must you leave?"
  777. > "I need to be in my car at six-fifteen."
  778. > The mare did a quick calculation.
  779. "Breakfast will be on the table fifteen minutes before six. I expect you there, too."
  780. > She slowly disentangled herself from the bedcovers and stepped over the prone human. But a hand shot up and caught her hoof. The Princess froze.
  781. > "Come ask me next time you find something 'mythical', okay? Before you work yourself into a panic again." His voice was kind and there was not a trace of his laughter left. Celestia decided she was grateful.
  782. "Thank you, Anonymous."
  783. > She leaned down and nuzzled the surprised man, then jumped from the bed and left. She paused in the doorway and looked back. He probably couldn't see her in the dark, but the pony smiled anyway.
  784. "Remember - five forty-five."
  785. > The best way to get over her embarassing little incident, Celestia decided, was to throw herself into work.
  786. > She was already making plans. More eggs, of course. Panckaes - one couldn't start a day without them. And now she had whipped cream and real fruit! Oh, and some pudding was left from the previous night. She would even warm it up again.
  787. > Oh, and istead just tea, she would make lemonade for the human.
  788. > It would be a feast fit for a king!
  789. > She didn't even notice when she started to hum a faint, pleasant melody, nor the fact that it made the human smile as he watched her go.
  790. >...
  791. > As soon as Anonymous was out the door, Celestia went back to the basement. She felt a little uneasy, but pushed past the tightness in her chest and entered the room with the 'central heating'.
  792. > She traced a few of the pipes wiht her eyes and tried hard to understand what they were for. But it was still a mystery. She inspected the blocky objects against the wall. Yes, the little window was there, so that humans could see if it was working correctly - if the fire was hot enough or something, the mare guessed.
  793. > Just above was a gray panel which reminded her of the sauna controls. There were little switches and dials and glowing numbers, made of little straight ligts. She read: 150. The pony took a step closer and inspected the switches.
  794. > She was beginning to recognize the symbol - a little circle with a vertical line on the top. Humans used that same image on all the machines and it was usually to turn them on or off. There was one like it on the stove and on the oven. And even on the TV and sauna.
  795. > A few of the others were labelled 'pump 1', 'pump 2' and so on - obviously for moving the water around.
  796. > Celestia decided not to touch anything. If she broke it and didn't know how to fix it, the house would get cold. More importantly, there would be no hot water for her bath, which would be an unthinkable tragedy!
  797. > Now that she knew what the thing did, it wasn't scary anymore! True, it was daytime and some light filtered from a small, grubby window near the ceiling. But she wouldn't fear the thing even in full darkness anymore. Of course she wouldn't!
  798. > Finally, Celestia was able to enter the little room to the side, where Anonymous had told her to take the laundry. It did have a basket, with a few clothing items and several enigmatic machines.
  799. > They had circular hatches on the front and the mare could gleaming metal inside.
  800. > At least these weren't scary. Undoubtedly one of them was the 'washing machine', but she didn't know which. But the thought reminded her - there was a pile of laundry hidden in her wardrobe. The pony blushed again and quickly felt for it with her magic. It was a matter of seconds to float the pile down and drop it neatly into the basket.
  801. > All that was left was for the human to show her how to operate this 'washing machine'.
  802. > She was feeling immensely pleased with herself as the mare made her way back upstairs. She gathered up the dishes and took them to the kitchen. There was also a machine for washing dishes, but until she knew how to use it, the pony could wash up faster with her magic.
  803. > She began with the empty pudding cup and her face darkened at the memory. The human had refused it!
  804. > What baffled her was that he ate the pancake with apparent enjoyment, but then refused dessert. She couldn't quite wrap her head around it. In the end, she had to eat it herself! Again!
  805. > The nerve of the man! Celestia couldn't help stomping her hoof in anger.
  806. > She'd show him! When Anonymous came back from work, he'd find a bucking *cake* on the table! And it would look so bucking *delicious* that he wouldn't be able to resist!
  807. > And the pony remembered the perfect recipe for it. There was some fruit left over, too!
  808. > Before she started, however, the mare lifed up the pudding cup to her nose an sniffed. Then she looked around herself, as if afraid someone might be watching.
  809. > She blushed and guiltily licked the dish clean. Then she put it down and did the same with the pancake plates. There was still some whipped cream and jam on them.
  810. > The blush remained on her face until she had washed all the dishes and put them away.
  811. > Then the mare thought about what to do next. The cake could wait until the afternoon - she wanted it to be as fresh as possible when Anon came. The windows it was, she quickly decided.
  812. > She had gotten the idea the previous day as she examined the cleaning supplies. One of the bottles promised *brilliant* windows and the mare was eager to try and see what it did.
  813. > She began to hum her little melody as she went about her business.
  814. >...
  815. > "Excuse me! Hey, excuse me!" a strange voice rang out over the front lawn. Celestia looked up with a small start. She hadn't even heard the car approach - the sound of traffic had just blended into the background somehow.
  816. > But now there was a yellow, metal carriage stopped by the side of the road. A woman had gotten out and was walking over to Celestia.
  817. > The mare quickly swallowed her mouthful and picked up the garden shears. It took all of her concentration, but Celestia endeavoured to look as if she had been simply trimming the hedge. Not eating it in any way!
  818. > "Hey, can you talk?" the lady asked. "I heard you ponies can talk."
  819. > Celestia was wary of strangers, but she still tried to be polite.
  820. "I can. May I help you? Is there something you require?"
  821. > The woman had stopped at a safe distance, staring hard at the floating shears. The pony followed her gaze and gently lowered the implement to the grass.
  822. > At long last the human continued. "Oh, no, nothing!" she quickly said. "Do you live here?"
  823. > Celestia looked at the house, then back to the staring lady.
  824. "Yes."
  825. > She kept her responses simple, hoping the stranger would be satisfied and leave. She could defend herself, if a human became beligirent, but the mare didn't particularly wish for a situation where it would become necessary.
  826. > Luckily, the human realized she was staring. She started and took a hesitant step foward. "Sorry, sorry! I saw the news, but I never thought I'd see one of you for real. I just wanted to take a closer look!"
  827. > She kept her magic at the ready. Mr. Plain had warned her that strangers might try to foalnap her. Ponies were becoming quite valuable as their numbers on Earth fell.
  828. > The alicorn made a mental note to raise this issue the next time she spoke with the human ambassador. Ponies who entered into servitude willingly, were being foalnapped and prevented from returning home when their debt was repaid!
  829. > But right now, she looked at the woman and saw that she was more nervous than malicious. The Princess quickly decided that her unexpected visitor was telling the truth.
  830. "You may come closer. I will not bite."
  831. > She made her voice pleasant and her smile bright. It worked and the lady slowly approached. "You're taller than I thought," she commented. "Oh, and such a lovely white!"
  832. > Celestia kept her smile.
  833. "Thank you. In fact, my owner washed me just last night."
  834. > This took the stranger aback. Her expression darkened slightly and she frowned. "Oh, one of those sort..."
  835. > It took a few moments for Celestia to understand what the human meant. Then she blushed a little and quickly set the record straight:
  836. "Oh! Nothing like that, I assure you! Mr. Anonymous is very polite to me."
  837. > That seemed to help. "Anonymous, Anonymous, yeah, I think I've heard of him. Lawyer, right?"
  838. "That is correct."
  839. > There was nothing more to say and the two didn't really have anything in common. After a few awkward seconds, the lady touched her lip. "Uh, you've got a bit of- a little something."
  840. > Celestia squinted at her snout. There was indeed a leaf stuck there - one she hadn't noticed while she had been focusing exclusively on the woman. She quickly brushed it away with a foreleg. She couldn't help the slight blush.
  841. "Uh, thank you... I was just- I'm trimming the hedge-"
  842. > The pony lifted up the shears again with her magic, as if to demonstrate. The sight of her faint yellow aura lifting the tool made the lady step back nervously.
  843. "I was trimming it, and... well... it's honeysuckle. It smells really nice!"
  844. > For a moment Celestia couldn't meet the woman's eyes.
  845. "It'd be a shame to let it all go to waste."
  846. > Finally the stranger pulled her gaze away from the floating shears. It took her a few seconds to replay the last few sentences in her mind. "Oh, don't mind me! I'll just be... going."
  847. > The woman flashed a nervous smile. The pony returned it, a bit more steadily. Then, after a brief internal struggle, the lady stepped closer and held out a hand. "It was nice meeting you! I'm Christine. I suppose you could call me a neighbor, but I live a few miles down the road."
  848. > The pony lifted a foreleg - it was a human custom Mr. Plain had explained to her. But she saw that her hoof was caked with mud. It seemed impolite to shove that into the woman's hand, so the alicorn extended a wing instead. She placed one of the strong, primary feathers into Christine's hand. The woman didn't even grip out of fear of hurting the wing.
  849. "Celestia. Nice to meet you."
  850. > There was something else on her visitor's mind, so the mare waited patiently. Finally, the question came: "Do you think Mr. Anonymous would mind if I brought my daughter to visit you someday? She's crazy about ponies, ever since she saw the news on TV."
  851. > Celestia couldn't yet say if her owner would agree to it or not, so she gave the woman an apologetic smile.
  852. "I will ask him. If you could come around on Monday - about the same time as today - I'll have the answer, Christine."
  853. > That seemed to satisfy the woman. She said her goodbyes, went back to the car and drove off. Not without turning and staring at the pony every few steps, of course.
  854. > When she was alone again, the mare giggled to herself. It had been a strange encounter, but not an unpleasant one. Except for being caught eating Anonymous' hedge. That was a little embarassing.
  855. > She inspected the dent in the hedge and groaned. There was no way to even it out with the trimmers. Hopefully Anonymous wouldn't notice.
  856. > But the fragrant plant had smelled so good! And it had been *ages* since the Princess had had a chance to simply graze.
  857. > Come to think of that, some of the grass looked pretty tantalizing, too, especially the young sprouts by the side of the house.
  858. > Perhaps, Celestia thought, if she was really careful and bit evenly. Maybe no one would notice if she had just a taste? After a bit more of the honeysuckle, of course. And she'd have to get seeds for some delicious flowers. If the seasons were the same as in Equestria, there should be time to get a few delicious sprouts before the humans dropped snow on the land.
  859. > She leaned closer, inhaled the sweet scent and took a tentative nibble. The garden shears dropped out of her magical grasp, forgotten.
  860. >...
  861. > The hedge was ruined! Celestia had done her best to even it out with the shears, but there was an obvious patch of bare bush, right there in sight of the entrance.
  862. > There had been no way for her to fix it and the mare was decidedly uneasy. She had meant to eat it evenly, but she got lost in thought and her mouth had just done its own thing.
  863. > And when she was full and looked at the damage, the alicorn knew it wouldn't pass muster. The hedge was ruined! There was a large hole in the green foliage, right in the sight of the main door.
  864. > She briefly considered trying to cover it up somehow, or maybe paint it in some manner. But there was no chance in Tartarus that Anonymous would miss it. Even if, by some chance, he didn't spot it tonight, he would certainly notice in daylight.
  865. > Her mind raced with various plans and schemes, until the pony sighed and accepted her fate.
  866. > No, trickery would be entirely unprofessional. She simply had to admit her blunder and face any punishment the human thought appropriate. She really couldn't judge. What was an appropriate atonement for eating his hedge? How important was the look of his house to Anonymous?
  867. > Based on the blocky, misshapen, ugly architecture, the pony would have said 'not at all'. But the lawn was well-kept and perhaps her eyes saw it differently. Maybe this kind of building was considered the height of fashion on Earth?
  868. > She realized that she had absolutely no frame of reference in this. So far the human had been amenable and friendly. Maybe he would take this in stride, or maybe he would be livid.
  869. > Celestia imagined punishment after punishment, each more dire than the last, as she paced up and down the hallway waiting for the human to return.
  870. > She could stop him if the man tried to do anything too drastic. But guilt mingled with her pride and the alicorn knew she would accept whatever he imposed, short of maiming or killing her.
  871. > Celestia was fairly certain, he wasn't the type to really hurt her over something like this. Perhaps the worst would be a few lashes with his belt, she hoped.
  872. > She really hoped.
  873. > The car came, waited, and drove in. The garage door slid down after it and the car door opened. She heard the footsteps.
  874. > The pony sat on her haunches, right in the middle of the hallway. She looked miserable, with her downcast gaze, folded ears. Even her mane seemed to droop down. Her eyes seemed on the verge of tears. Perhaps, if she looked sorry enough, the punishment would be milder.
  875. > It took surprisingly little doing, she found. Maybe she was a slave only on paper, but somehow, in some way, she had taken it to her heart.
  876. > The incident with the basement monster proved it. As a ruler of Equestria, she would never be afraid of it. But perhaps she had left her mantle of the Princess under her bed. Perhaps, finally, she was able to simply be the pony underneath.
  877. > And right now that meant a frightened and very sorry slave mare, who had done a bad thing and was awaiting punishment by her master.
  878. > It all seemed appropriate. And it was different enough from her normal state of mind that she quickly spotted exactly what she was doing. Like she had told Mr. Plain: it was strangely liberating to let go.
  879. > With a small start she realized that the human had come in, stopped, and was now staring at her.
  880. > "Celestia? What's wrong? Did something happen?"
  881. > She was glad to hear a note of concern in his voice. It gave her hope.
  882. "I have made a stupid mistake today, Master."
  883. > She knew that the title was unavoidable in this case. And somehow the human knew it too. He didn't correct her.
  884. > The mare raised her eyes and steeled herself for the judgement.
  885. "I went to trim the hedge and... damaged it. Inadvertently!"
  886. > Anonymous was taken aback. "Damaged? What do you mean? What happened? Show me!"
  887. > She got up on unsteady hooves and led the way to the front door. She stepped outside, extended a wing to point, and let her head fall down.
  888. > The human looked at the bare patch. Then he looked at her. "Why didn't you say you don't know how to use the shears? I would have taught you."
  889. > The pony heaved a sigh and glanced up, briefly.
  890. "It wasn't the shears, Master. I... ate it."
  891. > That gave him pause. He looked at the hole again. Then at the pony. Then back to the hole. "You ate the hedge?" he said flatly.
  892. > Celestia nodded silently.
  893. > "You ate the hedge," the man repeated. "Is it even edible? I don't know if you have the same kind of plants back in-" he had to search his memory for the name. "-Equestria."
  894. "It is honeysuckle, Master. It is edible for us. And delicious."
  895. > There was a prolonged silence as they both looked at the damaged bush. Finally, the mare could stand it no longer.
  896. "What will be my punishment, Master?"
  897. > He moved at last and looked at her. A hand came, as if to pet her, but paused in the air. Then the human sighed. "In a way, it's quite funny, you know? But that is right where it shows. I thought you had more self-control. You certainly acted like you had!"
  898. > It was all true. The pony nodded to it all. She should have had more self control! But the entire point of her vacation was for Celestia to relinquish the mantle of command. Perhaps she had done it the wrong way around? She let go her self-control, but kept bossing the human around. Maybe a good belting would set her straight.
  899. > "I expected better of you, Celestia. So your punishment will be that you will go to your room without dinner - or dessert - and stay there until morning. Make sure to use the toilet beforehand."
  900. > It was a lot lighter than she had feared. The loss of dessert stung, but in her relief the mare didn't mind.
  901. "Thank you, Master! I'm sorry!"
  902. > "And don't call me Master!"
  903. "Sorry!"
  904. >...
  905. > She had the entire evening to think. Celestia went through the events of the past few days in her mind and tried to understand what was happening to her.
  906. > The slavery thing was a ploy, of course. But she had wanted to do it properly. She had accepted her role fully. But what exactly did that mean?
  907. > She was subservient to Anonymous, that one was a no-brainer. It meant she did whatever he told her, that's how the whole thing worked.
  908. > But, the mare realized, there were undertones. Being a slave to a good master also meant that she would be protected. She would expect to be fed, cleaned and given a safe place to sleep and live. She would be given everything she needed to perform her duties.
  909. > True - in the Canterlot Castle the Royal Sisters didn't have to concern themselves with finances. The accountants did all that. But the money was *technically* theirs, so any expenses incurred in the running of the castle came, figuratively, out of their coin-purses.
  910. > Here, however, the money belonged to Anonymous. The house was his and the food and water also. She was given their use, but there was a fundamental difference. If the human had refused to buy ingredients, she would have to make other dishes. And if he gave specific orders what she should cook, that's what she would have prepared.
  911. > It went even deeper. The master provided more: safety and stability.
  912. > Perhaps she had somehow, subconsciously known that all along? Maybe that was why the central heating had frightened her so? She had never even considered fighting it with her magic. Partly, because it belonged to her owner, but mainly, Celestia realized, because it was his duty to keep her safe now!
  913. > Some of the decisions were no longer hers to make. But that was alright. It meant, among other things, that she was allowed to be afraid!
  914. > Of course there were also anomalies. She kept trying to boss the human around. When she thought it appropriate, she took charge of the situation. The bath, for example. And her insistence on breakfast. And her secret Quest to get Anonymous to appreciate pastries.
  915. > Perhaps, Celestia thought, that was simply her being used to command. That part of her had to be suppressed now, but maybe it found ways to leak through. After all, it had been a part of her for millenia. When she stripped away that, what was left?
  916. > Maybe that was why she acted almost like a little filly?
  917. > And, now that she understood it, she could decide what to do about it.
  918. > Should she continue down this path? Give in to the slavery thing, accept Anonymous' ownership of her. It might change her, at least a little. Would she be able to discard it again, fully, when she went back?
  919. > And if it did changer her, would it be for the worse, or for the better?
  920. > On the other hoof, if she nipped this behaviour in the bud - then she would have to *act*. And that completely negated her relaxing vacation. She would have to watch every word and action. She would have to pretend, just as much as she had to do with all the dignitaries and diplomats.
  921. > She looked out the window where the moon was half full.
  922. "You are undecided too, Sister?"
  923. > And it didn't help her think when her stomach growled like that. The honeysuckle had been tasty, but it wasn't really a meal. She was starting to miss dinner! It was going to be a long night, she feared.
  924. > The mare was painfully undecided for long moments. But then, as if a switch flipped in her head, she had the answer.
  925. "Okay! It's the vacation I wanted. Let go! Relax. It is out of your hooves, Celestia."
  926. > It was simple. She would go with the flow. She would be a slave. She would relinquish her grip on herself and enjoy the moments. If it made her act like a young mare again, so much the better!
  927. > Her master was the good sort and obviously cared about her, even after mere days.
  928. > Perhaps the experience would change her, but it would be for the better. After all, hadn't she always preached seeing both sides of an argument before reaching a decision?
  929. > Knowing what it was like to relax and give over control of her life was the opposite side of how she had always felt and acted.
  930. > The alicorn floated her vest and hoofguards from under the bed. She chose to imagine that they represented her as a ruler.
  931. > And, having decided to walk around 'naked' had been her first step to leaving them behind.
  932. > They were a link to her past - to her normal self. She wouldn't need them here. But also, they were a connection to her Sister and her subjects. The mare kissed the emblem on the vest. She had to say goodbye, even if it wasn't forever.
  933. "I'll come back to you someday. I promise. But now I need to be somepony else."
  934. > She put them back under the bed and climbed in. Having made the decision consciously, she felt like a large burden had been taken from her back. Goodbye Celestia, Princess of the Sun and ruler of Equestria. Hello Celestia, a happy and - sometimes - naughty slave mare.
  935. > She fell asleep with a smile on her face.
  937. > ~~~~
  939. > Celestia didn't know the exact time - she would have to ask Anonymous for a clock like his. She could wear it around her ankle, the mare supposed. But it was really early.
  940. > As she had feared, the empty stomach didn't let her have much sleep. She woke up several times and snuck out for a glass of water. And it didn't help one bit that she could smell the lingering aroma of the sandwich Anonymous had made for himself.
  941. > The least her owner could do was join her in fasting. A show of solidarity! Every time Celestia crept down the corridor she stuck her tongue out at Anon's door and blew a silent raspberry.
  942. > The snorted softly in annoyance, then had to suppress a giggle when she realized what she was thinking.
  943. > She could have cheated and gotten a snack. The mare was fairly certain that the human wouldn't notice. But that would have been dishonest. And, quite frankly, Celestia was no longer sure about her ability to lie to her owner. No longer in such perfect control of her face.
  944. > So she kept feeling for the sun. She was getting better at it. With some effort, she could tell when it was two hours or so from rising. And then she couldn't stand the hunger anymore.
  945. > She went to the kitchen and looked over the stock. So many delicious things! Her mouth watered as her nose took in the smells.
  946. > But the rules, as she understood them, were that she wasn't allowed any food until breakfast.
  947. > In which case, Celestia reasoned, breakfast should be moved to as early as possible. That made sense, so the mare quickly went about preparing it.
  948. > She did everything. Nicely browned toast and butter. Sliced bread. Peanut butter. Jam. Waffles. Scrambled eggs with a hint of parsley and pepper. She even made tiny little cupcakes - chocolate and vanilla cream.
  949. > And a pitcher of orange juice completed the set.
  950. > The mare found a large enough tray to fit everything. She stacked it up, lifted it with her magic and went up to Anon's room.
  951. > It was far too early to poke the poor human upright. So he would get breakfast in bed. And, incidentally, the mare would be there to 'clean up' any leftovers, such as there might be.
  952. > She knocked, waited for the groan, then burst in with a cheerful smile.
  953. "Good morning, Anonymous! Rise and shine. The sun is... almost at the horizon!"
  954. > The mare pulled the curtains back dramatically, but it was still pitch black, with perhaps the barest trace of purple toward the east.
  955. > "What kind of time do you call this?" the human asked, a little grumpy. "It's the middle of the night!"
  956. "Uh, sunrise? Nearly? Almost?"
  957. > He glanced at his clock and groaned again. "One day of week I get to sleep in a little, and you can't even let me have that? Is this revenge for sending you to bed without supper?"
  958. > The mare laughed pleasantly. She lifted a large napkin from her back and spread it over Anonymous' legs in the bed. Then she balanced the tray there.
  959. > The human stared at the array of food before him. "Just how long have you been awake? This is... impressive. To say the least!"
  960. > She kept her grin and sat on her haunches beside the bed. She would watch him eat. Make him, if she had to. Fortunately, the human understood that and didn't seem to mind. He gave a resigned sigh and picked up some toast.
  961. > "Might as well join me. This is too much for one person, Celestia. Don't you have any moderation?"
  962. > Celestia chose to understand his words in the way that suited her best. That, too, was freedom of a sort. With a single bound she was on the bed and snuggled up to the human's side. That gave her a superb position to 'help' him with his meal, as he had requested.
  963. > She felt happy enough to try a little joke.
  964. "Hmm. Mod- er- at- ion... No, I don't think I've ever heard the word. What's it mean?"
  965. > It worked and the human chuckled. But then he bopped her nose with a finger. "Watch it, you! I know you're trying to cook your way back into my good graces!"
  966. > His finger left a smear of peanut butter on her nose. She snaked out her tongue and licked it off. It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted!
  967. "Is it working?"
  968. > She watched his hand, which was going down for the napkin. She stopped it with her magic and gently lifted it back up.
  969. > Anonymous watched it curiously, but didn't fight it. His eyes widened as the pony licked it clean.
  970. > Then, after Celestia had time to realize what she had just done, they looked at each other. She blushed a rosy pink.
  971. > The human shook his head in wonder, but he was grinning. "I still don't know what to make of you, Celestia. Sometimes you seem five years old and sometimes fifty. Are all ponies that strange?"
  972. > She laughed, but didn't answer him.
  973. >...
  974. > Between the two, the food was gone in what seemed like minutes. The mare firmly squashed the thought that she had eaten most of it. But there had been a small victory! Anonymous had taken one cupcake, eaten it, and proclaimed it 'good'. He refused any more, but it was a start!
  975. > She floated the empty tray out the door and deftly manoeuvred it to the counter in the kitchen. Then she focused her gaze on the human.
  976. "You can go back to sleep now."
  977. > The human looked outside. It was still pre-dawn. "That's just what I intend to do. Could be a problem now that I've eaten, but I'll give it my best! I suggest you do the same!"
  978. > The mare, again, interpreted it a bit more creatively.
  979. "Okay!"
  980. > She settled down right beside the human, on the bed. She didn't mind the lack of a blanket - her fur and wings kept her quite warm. But she did lay her head on Anonymous' chest.
  981. "Goodnight!"
  982. > The human stared for a moment. "See? This is what I'm talking about. It's like you're eight years old, or something!" The mare just poked her tongue out, without opening her eyes.
  983. > Anonymous shook his head and sighed. "I've half a mind to call Mr. Plain and have him get you. But I really like what you're doing with the place. Aside from the hedge, of course. And you can cook."
  984. > Celestia shrugged a little.
  985. "What can I say - I'm just good."
  986. > A hand came down on her neck and fiddled with her mane. Then the fingers travelled up to her ears and began slowly scratching. "Okay, you can stay here until morning," came the very welcome verdict.
  987. "Mmmm."
  988. > Then the human reached to the wall and turned off the light. Celestia felt him shift lower, until he was lying down. But throughout it all, the hand didn't move and the fingers continued their wonderful, magical scratching.
  989. > This particular perk of having a master she could get used to, the mare decided.
  991. > ~~~~
  993. > Celestia enjoyed riding in the front of the car this time. The view was much better and seeing the road rushing at her was quite exhilarating.
  994. > She glanced at Anon, who was still smiling. The alicorn made a face. Her awakening had been most rude, she had decided. Slave or not, she did not deserve that kind of treatment! Even if she *did* technically eat his hedge. Slightly.
  995. > The human had woken before the exhausted pony. He had touched the tip of her nose. And Celestia had licked the spot. So he did it again, with the same result.
  996. > The jerk had then spent several minutes doing that to her, until Celestia had woken up enough to realize what was happening. She gave him an icy glare, huffed and stormed out.
  997. > Undoubtedly it made his bed too cold and boring to stay in it, because the human joined her in the living room shortly after. He had apologized, after a fashion, but it would take more time for her to fully forgive that horrible transgression.
  998. > Thinking about the torture most cruel and unusual, however, reminded her of a real problem.
  999. "Uh, Anonymous. I just thought of something."
  1000. > He glanced over, but then returned his eyes to the road. It was a definite drawback of the car - it couldn't drive itself, like a good, honest, pony-pulled carriage. Not to mention that it couldn't even fly!
  1001. > "What is it?" the human asked.
  1002. "Maybe it's not the best idea for me to be seen like this."
  1003. > He thought it over. "You mean without your clothes? Should we go back and fetch them? I thought you said ponies didn't wear anything."
  1004. "No, not that. You might have noticed that I have both wings and a horn? Have you ever wondered about it?"
  1005. > Again the man glanced in her direction, even though he had had time to thoroughly inspect her on many occasions. "I'll admit to a polite interest," he said carefully.
  1006. "Well, it's a rare thing. So, most of the ponies we might meet will... have heard of me. I don't want this information - that I'm on Earth - to spread."
  1007. > Now the human frowned. "Why not? Did Mr. Plain lie to me after all, and you really are some kind of fugitive?"
  1008. > Celestia gave him a deadpan stare. What kind of attorney was he if he couldn't even inspect her purchasing papers and contract?"Nothing like that! I'm more worried about humans."
  1009. > It was a small lie. If her subjects, the ones on Earth, learned that their Princess was a slave, it would cause problems. She didn't want them to lose heart.
  1010. "Due to our... rarity, We are worth a lot of money. Maybe you've noticed, you know... when you were purchasing me?"
  1011. > "It was a bit steep, yes. But Mr. Plain assured me you're worth every cent. I'm still not convinced, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt."
  1012. > The mare stuck her tongue out at the human, who chuckled a little.
  1013. "Well, you got me really *cheap*, in fact. There's only four alicorns in all of Equestria. That's ponies with both wings and a horn. Some... collectors, I guess... would pay a lot more for one of us."
  1014. > She hoped it was vague enough. With luck, the human would think it was only a biological feature, and not a sign of her status. After all, why should it carry any kind of social standing? The humans didn't, as far as Celestia had seen, have races like ponies. There were no 'pegasi humans', or 'unicorn humans'. Racial strife probably didn't exist on Earth.
  1015. > "Okay, so you don't want word about you to spread, because you're afraid of..." the human said and waited for her to finish the sentence.
  1016. "... of foal-napping. With you, there's a contract. I know what to expect. If criminals got me, who knows what could happen. I'd much rather stay in your house, you know?"
  1017. > "You mean kidnapping?"
  1018. > The pony had heard the expression. It put her in mind of goats, but that was how the humans said it. She nodded.
  1019. "Same thing."
  1020. > Luckily, Anonymous didn't probe further. But he did raise a valid point: "So, what do you propose to do about it?"
  1021. > There was a very easy solution.
  1022. "I'll change. Remember when you first saw me and I looked like an earth pony. Smaller, and cyan-colored? I can change like that again, whenever we're out among people."
  1023. > Perhaps there was a trace of doubt, but Anonymous shrugged and went along. "Okay, sounds simple enough."
  1024. "Oh, and you shouldn't call me Celestia. I'm known by name. If you mention that near a pony, they'd get very... curious."
  1025. > "Fine, fine. What do you-"
  1026. "Supple Branch."
  1027. > "Good, good. It's all a bit shady, but if you insist."
  1028. > The mare breathed a sigh of relief. She had been afraid the human would ask many more questions, or proclaim the scheme silly. She was grateful that he was willing to play along with almost no begging or coercion.
  1029. > "But you'll have to do something for me when we're back home."
  1030. > Oh. OH! The pony kept her eyes firmly on the road, but she swallowed a nervous lump. Here it came. She had thought about it - sex with humans - but the mare was still quite undecided. Perhaps the choice had just been taken from her?
  1031. "S-sure. What di-did you have in mind?"
  1032. > "You said you were a diplomat. Have you ever brokered a trade agreement?" The human waited for her weak and uncertain 'yes', then went on. "This case is similar. I'll give you the reference law books for both countries. I need to you read a contract and point out anything which might be against the law in either country. Can you do that?"
  1033. > Celestia let her breath out and turned a stare on Anonymous.
  1034. "That's *it*?!"
  1035. > He didn't seem to understand her tone. "I know it's tedious, but it would save me a couple of very boring, dull hours. And in return I'll go along with this 'Supple Branch' scheme. Deal?"
  1036. "Of course! No problem! I'll be happy to! I was just surprised. I thought maybe you wanted-"
  1037. > She shut up quickly and blushed.
  1038. > The human glanced at her again. His eyes returned a few more times, after he saw how red she was in the face. "Wanted what? What's wrong?"
  1039. > She made herself continue.
  1040. "Well, some humans - I heard! - like to be... intimate. With their ponies. Or so I've heard."
  1041. > She could actually see his eyes bulge out in surprise at the idea. "What?! No! God no! Jeez! I'm not *anything* like that!"
  1042. "Yes, I know."
  1043. > Mr. Plain had said much the same. But Anonymous really wanted to drive it home. "Let's make this clear right now. Celestia, you will never have to worry about anything like that from me, okay? You can take this to the bank!"
  1044. "I know. I know. Thank you, Anonymous. It's a relief."
  1045. > But she couldn't quite suppress a tiny flash of disappointment.
  1046. > They drove in silence for a while and it began to grate on the pony. She sought for a topic. Any topic, just to clear the air.
  1047. "So, where are we going?"
  1048. >...
  1049. > The marketplace where Anonymous took her to buy fresh produce was very similar to what Celestia had seen at home. Rows of little stands, vegetables and fruits on display. The noises, and smells and sights were quite familiar. If she closed her eyes, the mare could almost imagine she was in Equestria.
  1050. > As soon as she saw the huge variety of things for sale, the pony forgave her owner for the morning 'nose-bopping'. She ran from one stand to the other, trying to see everything.
  1051. > The people stared. Some of them pointed or took pictures with their pocket-telephones - Anonymous explained the concept to her when she asked what they were doing. But the Princess was used to being at the center of attention and took it in stride.
  1052. > She was quite fortunate, she learned, that the city had no leash laws for ponies. Although a collar was mandatory and Anonymous said he would take her to buy one right after the market.
  1053. > They made their first purchase at a stand where she saw carrots, onions, garlic and squash. The pony told her owner that she would make him a vegetable stew for dinner and he shrugged and acquiesced.
  1054. > The mare almost made a mistake after Anonymous paid and the seller packed her vegetables in a bag. She reached for it with her magic and only at the last moment remembered that she was supposed to be 'Supple Branch' - an earth pony.
  1055. "Hand it down to me, please?"
  1056. > The human frowned in confusion. "Can't you reach it? I've seen you-"
  1057. > It was rude of her to interrupt, but she didn't want to risk anyone hearing.
  1058. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you - earth ponies can't use magic, you see? You're thinking of unicorns."
  1059. > He got the message and passed the bag down. She took it in her mouth, which became the second problem. She looked pleadingly up at the human, who laughed and took it back.
  1060. > "So, now what?" he asked.
  1061. "I'll need some saddlebags."
  1062. > He nodded to himself. The bag went under one arm and he turned back toward the parking lot. "Let's take this to the car and then we'll go to the pet shop first.
  1063. "I'm not a pet!"
  1064. > "No, of course not. But that's where they sell pony-related accessories. Sorry."
  1065. > The information reminded her just what her subjects were reduced to, on Earth. She sighed and tried to put it out of her mind. She wouldn't be able to help, not as 'Supple Branch'. But when she was back home, she would call the human ambassadors again and make new demands.
  1066. > That mollified her nagging guilt a little and she could put it behind her.
  1067. >...
  1068. > At least the collar was pretty, Celestia thought, as she examined it in the small mirror. Of course the pet shop - she made a face when she remembered where she was - didn't have a mirror for their clients. Luckily, the lady at the counter had one in her purse and now Anonymous was holding it for her.
  1069. > The band was dark blue with silvery, metal trimmings and buckle, which reminded her of Luna.
  1070. "It's nice. We'll take it."
  1071. > Her owner paid - this time with a plastic rectangle, rather than paper. They had been lucky and the store had exactly one set of saddlebags. They said that with the dropping number of ponies on Earth it was no longer in stock. That made Celestia feel slightly better.
  1072. > She needed Anonymous' help to get the leather strips around her barrel and the bags along her back. It was obvious these humans gave no thought to how a pony might wear the getup by herself.
  1073. > Then, feeling like a packhorse but strangely liking it, they walked out. It was true that ponies opted to wear saddlebags quite often back home. They were convenient for a race that didn't have pockets, after all. But here, these human-made things were meant primarily for ponies to carry things for their owners. It was yet another sign of servitude and so, deeply embarrassing.
  1074. > But it was also slightly thrilling. Now she was *really* getting into the nitty-gritty of slavery.
  1075. > "Quite the little packhorse, aren't you?" the human joked. Celestia thought she should be mad, but she just laughed a little and stuck her tongue out at him.
  1076. > "We should get you a little saddle, so I didn't have to walk."
  1077. > Now he was going too far, but luckily - for him - the mare remembered something she had forgotten to mention.
  1078. "Oh, that reminds me! Some woman came by. Name of 'Christine'. She asked if she could bring her daughter to see me. I told her to come back Monday and that I'd ask you."
  1079. > The man was thoughtful. "Hmm, Christine, Christine. Yes, I think I remember. Lives nearby?"
  1080. "Yes, she said a couple of miles down the road."
  1081. > "Yeah, that's her. What do you think? Do you want to see her daughter?"
  1082. > Celestia hadn't expected the decision to fall on her. She shrugged.
  1083. "Sure, I guess? I wouldn't mind."
  1084. > Luckily, she had had a lot of practice with children. Running a school, even if it was in name only, had given her a lot of opportunities.
  1085. > Now if she only knew why she had associated riding with the human child...
  1086. >...
  1087. > By the time Celestia was done with the market, her saddlebags were positively bulging. They were also noticeably heavy and for the first time the mare wished her camouflage spell would also give her an earth pony's strength, rather than just looks.
  1088. > Even the human noticed. "You alright there? Those look heavy."
  1089. > But she wasn't about to admit it, not to him. After all, he had kept quiet and paid for whatever she set her mind onto. Most of it was food he would also enjoy, true, but it had been *her* choices.
  1090. > The alicorn doubted many of her subjects on Earth had this much freedom.
  1091. "It's fine."
  1092. > "Well, do you need anything else?"
  1093. > She glanced back at the multitude of foodstuffs. There were all kinds of vegetables. Flour. Lots and lots of flour. Sugar, eggs, fruit - all the essentials for her baking.
  1094. > Then she had loaded up on potatoes and rice and various salad ingredients. Then, for good measure, she had a few small tins of spices. Things Anonymous lacked in his kitchen, such as marjoram, lemongrass, sassafras and a few herbs native to Earth she didn't know, but liked the smell of.
  1095. > It had been very kind of the seller to let her sniff through his entire stock. After she had promised not to get snot on anything, of course.
  1096. > Celestia estimated that she had enough stuff to make varied and interesting meals for the entire week. And desserts. Of course she didn't forget desserts. There was some baking chocolate somewhere, she could smell it. It was maddening. And it mixed so perfectly with the stalk of vanilla she found at the spice stand, that the mare found herself drooling a little.
  1097. "No, I think we're fine."
  1098. > There was no meat in her packs. She had seen several shops in nearby buildings that sold dead flesh and she avoided them. Luckily, her owner hadn't noticed. But the mare remembered his words from the first day. Eventually, she will have to face it. She had no illusions that Anonymous would turn vegetarian, just to appease his squeamish slave.
  1099. > But maybe she could wow him for another week or so, before he started asking for that. And perhaps, with luck, he would go and buy *those* ingredients by himself.
  1100. > The pony felt she could just about deal with small packages of the stuff. But she didn't want to see it arrayed on a display before her.
  1101. > There was one stop left - something Anonymous had promised her.
  1102. "Just the 'garden center' now, right?"
  1103. > The human snapped his fingers. "Oh, that's right! You wanted to pick up some seeds for the flowerbeds! Come on, it's not far. We can walk. It's nice out."
  1104. > Celestia glanced again at the bags on her back. She didn't feel too confident about going any distance with those. Her legs were starting to tremble as it was!
  1105. "Uh, could we drop this off in the car, please?"
  1106. > The human didn't mind. They made the trip to the parking lot again and Celestia breathed out a sigh of relief when the burden was lifted. It went in the back part of the car. She was left with the leather straps around her barrel, but she didn't mind those.
  1107. > The human was right. It was a lovely walk, despite the incessant traffic. There was even a park! I looked so... normal!
  1108. > Celestia gaped in surprise. If you took away the people and replaced them with ponies, it would almost be like a town in Equestria. Even the noise of the cars was muffled by thick foliage.
  1109. > Until she saw something that twisted her insides with anger.
  1110. > It was another pony. That, in itself, would have been interesting. But the pony - an earth stallion, she noted - was crouching down with his ears folded and tears streaming from his eyes. Even his tail was tucked beneath him in fear.
  1111. > And over the pony stood a red-faced human, shouting.
  1112. > It had started suddenly. She didn't even register the first few words around the bend in the path, not until the saw the scene.
  1113. > "... worthless, miserable *idiot*!" the human was screaming. He had a white and red box in his hand, which he waved in the stallion's face. "How many times must I tell you?! *Light*, you stupid creature, not regular. Light!"
  1114. > He threw the object at the pony. It bounced from the stallion's snout and landed on the ground. Celestia had tensed up and reached for her magic, but Anonymous put a hand in her mane and she looked up. He shook his head silently.
  1115. > Fortunately, the object wasn't heavy and didn't hurt the pony. It just made him flinch and squeak. But then the irate human stepped on the thing and ground it into the dirt.
  1116. > Celestia guessed it was made of shiny paper.
  1117. > "You'll get the right ones! I don't *care* where you get the money! If you show your face back home without, I'll make sure you're sorry!"
  1118. > The pony babbled something quiet which looked affirmative, but they were too far and Celestia couldn't hear the words. The angry human spat on the ground beside the stallion and stomped off.
  1119. > After a few moments, the pony got up and picked up the destroyed packet with his mouth. He dragged his hooves as the started down the path toward them. As he came closer, she could see him more clearly. Vividly orange coat - it reminded her of one of Twilight Sparkle's friends. Except this one had a burgundy mane.
  1120. > All that had time to flash across her mind before she realized that the stallion hadn't even seen her yet with his head hanging that low.
  1121. > The alicorn looked up at Anonymous.
  1122. "Do something!"
  1123. > It took all her concentration to keep her face and voice at least somewhat polite.
  1124. > But her owner spread his arms. "Sorry, can't. He didn't strike him. The pony doesn't look abused or neglected. Law says it's fine."
  1125. "Well, then it's a *stupid* law!"
  1126. > The mare did her best to keep tears from her eyes. She swallowed the anger - Anonymous wasn't responsible for this, after all. But she would have words with the human dignitaries when she was back!
  1127. > They waited as the stallion came to a waste basket, reared up and dropped the thing in. Then he looked around and spotted them. His eyes widened and he took an involuntary step back.
  1128. > It looked as if he might run away, so Celestia made herself smile brightly as she trotted forward. She sensed, more than saw, Anonymous following her.
  1129. "Hi! Hi! What's your name?"
  1130. > He swallowed and gave her a hesitant smile in return. "B-brook," he managed. "Silent Brook."
  1131. "Supple Branch. Look, I couldn't help seeing-"
  1132. > His face fell and the pony turned away angrily. "None of your business!" he said gruffly. He glanced back, then up at Anonymous. "Just go. I'm fine!"
  1133. > The mare cocked her head to the side.
  1134. "It looked pretty bad. Does he beat you?"
  1135. > Now it was the stallion who got angry. "What does it matter to you?! Leave me alone! I've had enough of people looking at me like I'm a foal!"
  1136. > It wasn't a reaction she had expected. She took a step back and stared incredulously.
  1137. "Okay, okay. Sorry. I just hoped there might be something we could do..."
  1138. > "If you try anything," Brook said, "I'll go to the police!"
  1139. > Now Celestia was on the verge of tears. It didn't make any sense.
  1140. "Why are you defending that... human?!"
  1141. > The stallion sat on his haunches and sighed. "Listen. I know what it looked like! But it's not like that! He's a good Master, okay? Just loses his temper sometimes. Things have been hard, okay? For both of us. So just back off! Don't try to do me any favors!"
  1142. > The mare looked behind her, at Anonymous.
  1143. "Uh, could you give us a moment, please?"
  1144. > The human didn't make a fuss and walked a few steps away. Then Celestia lowered her voice and leaned closer to Brook.
  1145. "What if I told you I can get you back to Equestria?"
  1146. > The stallion stared at her in shock. "Are you for real? There's no way any of us is getting through the border!"
  1147. "What if there was a way?"
  1148. > Brook held up a hoof. "Please, don't get my hopes up. Please! It's not that bad here! I have friends. I made peace with it. And Master's daughter visits some times. I like her a lot, I wouldn't just up and leave her like that, even if I could!"
  1149. > Perhaps, in a way, Celestia could understand that? If Luna was on Earth and there was no way to get her out, she would also chose to stay.
  1150. > Even if her owner yelled at her?
  1151. > Even if he beat her!
  1152. "Does he..."
  1153. > She was about to ask again, but Brook glared at her. "No, if you must know! He doesn't! He just yells, then he gets drunk and then he cries in my mane. It's... complicated, just drop it!"
  1154. > The mare nodded slowly.
  1155. "Sorry. It was nice meeting you, though. Are you here often? Maybe I can get Anonymous to come down here sometimes so we can talk?"
  1156. > The stallion looked at the ground. "Don't wanna talk. Not if you'll keep saying those things!"
  1157. "I said I'm sorry. I won't, I promise. I just like to talk. There's not many ponies around."
  1158. > Brook relaxed a little and nodded to her. "I've been here five years. Almost from the start. A lot of them got sent home. Some died. Some escaped, but I don't know where to. But a few of us like it here. We meet on Wednesdays, if we can make it."
  1159. > He said 'if we can make it', but Celestia read the unspoken words clearly: 'if we can get our owners to bring us'. For that matter, she wasn't entirely certain she could get Anonymous to take her to a pony meeting. Perhaps occasionally.
  1160. "You like it here," she repeated flatly, "even with that human yelling-"
  1161. > "I can handle him!" Brook spat. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do!"
  1162. > The alicorn watched her new friend - if she could call him that - walk slowly away. Now that he was aware of another pony, his steps no longer dragged. He held his head up proudly and glared fiercely at the world.
  1163. > Then, as he passed by Anonymous, the human held out a hand. There was some of that paper money in it.
  1164. > Brook stared up in surprise. "What's that for?"
  1165. > Her owner shrugged. "Just helping out."
  1166. > The stallion looked from him to Celestia with deep suspicion in his eyes. She gave an encouraging nod and a smile. He hesitated for a few seconds, then took the money gingerly in his mouth. "'ank 'oo," he said to Anonymous and left without looking back at them.
  1167. > The mare watched him go and barely felt Anonymous' hand back in her mane. "There's all sorts," he said quietly. "But if the owners really are abusing their ponies, someone reports it sooner or later. And the police take these things very seriously around here. Unfortunately, there are no laws against yelling, for now."
  1168. > Celestia closed her eyes and nodded. She wasn't even entirely sure what had happened. Silent Brook had acted almost as if *she* was the aggressor. And the threats to report her!
  1169. > Was it possible that some ponies really wanted to stay in this world? Even if the humans mistreated them?
  1170. > The mare suddenly realized that she hadn't asked what the yelling was about. What if Brook really had messed up? She herself had been willing to accept lashes for her mistake.
  1171. > If someone came after that punishment and told her she was being treated unfairly and she should escape, how would she react? Probably not much differently than Brook.
  1172. > She needed to know more. She hadn't even asked if Brook had a contract with an expiration date, or if he was enslaved for life. He had said that he'd been one of the first, so it was probably the latter.
  1173. > She would have to find a lawful way to sort such cases out when she was back.
  1174. > The pony considered getting a notebook to write all these to-dos, so she wouldn't forget.
  1175. > But one thing was certain. She needed to learn more. A lot more.
  1176. "Anonymous?"
  1177. > "Hmm?" the human asked. He was also lost in thought, it seemed. They had started walking again, but not really seeing where they were going.
  1178. "Would you take me to a pony meet-up sometimes? It's every Wednesday, but I don't need to go that often..."
  1179. > He thought it over. "Maybe. Where is it?"
  1180. > Celestia opened her mouth to tell him, then realized she hadn't asked. Her ears fell down and her face turned slightly pink. It made Anonymous laugh, which made her blush worse.
  1181. > "I'll see if I can find anything on the Internet," he promised and reached over to ruffle her mane.
  1182. "Internet?"
  1183. > She remembered she had heard the word before. Some ponies mentioned it as the greatest human invention. But she never understood what it was, really.
  1184. > Anonymous stared for a moment, then shrugged. "I'll show you when we get home. Come on, garden center is just around here."
  1185. > The mare looked behind, but of course Silent Brook was long out of sight. It hadn't gone the way she thought her first pony encounter on Earth would go. But it had given her a lot to think about.
  1186. > Clearly the situation was not black and white. There were nuances. Details she had to understand, before she could hope to propose any kind of policy to resolve matters.
  1187. > But right at that moment they entered a huge, warm building. There were plants *everywhere*, mostly sprouts. The mixture of scents and sights threatened to overwhelm her as she took it all in.
  1188. > All thoughts of policies and ponies fled her mind.
  1190. > ~~~~
  1192. > "Celestia, could you come in here for a moment?" Anon's voice rang out. The mare dropped her cutting knife and turned to leave the kitchen. Then, as an afterthought, she brought around her 'stylus' and lowered the heat under the large pot.
  1193. > If the human had a longer request, she didn't want it to boil over.
  1194. > She made her way to the living room, where her owner was standing beside the couch and pressing a black rectangle to his face. The pony was about to ask, but remembered about 'pocket phones'. She hadn't seen one being used like that - Mr. Plain had usually just poked at his with fingers. So had Anonymous, the mare recalled.
  1195. > And now she could hear a small, tinny voice coming from it. It was too quiet to understand what it was saying, but it sounded like a woman speaking.
  1196. > Anonymous was apparently having a conversation with a lady. Celestia waited patiently until he was done. She wondered why he had called her if he was obviously busy.
  1197. > But he held up a hand to her and took the phone away from his ear. "Ah, there you are. Listen, Christine is asking if she may visit today with her daughter. What do you think?"
  1198. > The mare though over her tasks for the day. It was Sunday, so Anonymous had said she should rest a little. But there was still the mystery of the washing machine to discover, plus she had wanted to sort through the seeds they had bought for the flowerbeds.
  1199. > But, the pony had to admit, visiting with the friendly, nervous woman, did sound more fun.
  1200. "Should I make extra lunch for them?"
  1201. > She had planned the stew for two people, but with a few more vegetables she could easily stretch it to four, especially if one was a filly. And there would be plenty of dessert, of course. She would see to that.
  1202. > The human put the phone back along his face. Celestia thought it looked rather silly, but she focused her ears forward and tried to catch what they were saying.
  1203. > "Christine? Yes, I think today's fine. Just one thing: would you like to come over for lunch?" He waited while the woman on the other side jabbered. "No, it's fine," Anonymous said, "there's plenty for everyone. No problem at all!"
  1204. > More jibber-jabber. Her owner nodded and flashed her a small grin as they waited. "Okay. Good, see you in a bit, then!"
  1205. > When he took the phone away it was with an air of finality. He touched it with a finger, then dropped it in his pocket. "That's all settled then. Two more for lunch, Celestia."
  1206. > She gave the man a slight nod.
  1207. "Very good, sir."
  1208. > There didn't seem to be anything else on his mind, so she went back to the kitchen. Her mind was already racing. The main course wouldn't be a problem, but the dessert had to be re-invented. She had been planning on fruit bowls with ice cream, for the two of them. But she didn't have enough for four people. Luckily, she hadn't started on that yet.
  1209. > Muffins! She decided quickly and began opening the now-familiar cupboards and drawers for everything she needed. It wasn't as fast, or easy, but it was a lot of fun.
  1210. > The mare hummed to herself as she arranged the plastic bowls on the counter. Behind her, the knife flew up again and resumed cutting up the carrots.
  1211. >...
  1212. > As soon as she opened the door for the neighbor and her daughter, Celestia understood why she had associated the filly with riding. Perhaps it had been a premonition, or maybe something in Christine's expression. But the young human squealed in delight and began begging almost immediately.
  1213. > "YAAAY! A pony! Can I ride the pony, mom? Can I? Please! Pleasepleaseplease! I wanna ride the pony!"
  1214. > The mother must have seen Celestia's ears fold back in surprise, because she quickly grabbed her daughter before she could jump at the mare.
  1215. > "Sorry! She's a bit excitable, sorry!" the lady explained.
  1216. > The Princess caught herself quickly and gave them a bright smile.
  1217. "Welcome. Please, come in."
  1218. > Her only hope to avoid the clutches of the little human was to fully assume the 'professional help' role. Maybe if she was a bit upstuck and cold, the filly would forget her wish. Unlikely, but after that first impression, Celestia was willing to try anything.
  1219. "Master Anonymous is in the living room. If you would step this way? Lunch will be served in ten minutes in the dining room."
  1220. > The woman glanced from her, to the furnishings, then back to the mare. She was quite impressed, Celestia noted smugly. Unfortunately, it didn't work on the smaller human, who kept clamoring for a pony ride.
  1221. > Christine gave her a weak grin. "It wouldn't be too much bother, would it?" she asked. "She's had her heart set on a pony ride ever since I told her we were coming."
  1222. > The mare held her panic back. This was nothing like pony children, who were quite respectful to the Royal Sisters, even when young. Nothing in her many years had prepared her for someone like this! There was only one force in the world which could protect her!
  1223. "I will have to ask Master. This way, please!"
  1224. > Celestia didn't flee, but that was only because she made her steps slow and deliberate. In her heart and mind, she was galloping away as hard as she could.
  1225. > Riding her?! It was unthinkable. And the way the human filly flailed about, she would undoubtedly kick her flanks. And, the mare could just imagine, Anonymous would get such a laugh out of the whole ordeal. She would never live it down!
  1226. > Her only hope was to throw herself on her owner's mercy. She finished the small walk to the living room, where Anonymous got up and shook Christine's hand. Then he smiled down at the filly.
  1227. > "Hi, Sally. My, you've gotten quite big, haven't you?" he asked. The child nodded enthusiastically and started explaining about 'notches' on a door frame.
  1228. > Celestia waited for the man to glance at her, before she made her request.
  1229. "If I could speak to you for a moment, Master Anonymous?"
  1230. > It worked and he followed her out of the room. He raised his eyebrows at her. "Well?"
  1231. > The mare took a breath and did her very best. Ears down, eyes big and shiny, head drooping just a little. Glance darting furtively around his face. Lip trembling a little. It was perfect!
  1232. "Please do not make me carry the filly on my back."
  1233. > It was so wonderfully pathetic that it couldn't fail!
  1234. > But Anonymous just laughed. "Aw, are you afraid she's too heavy for you? I'm sure you can do it, just a few laps around the house, okay? We don't want to break a little girl's heart, do we?"
  1235. > The pony was stunned. It should have worked! What power did the child have over her owner?!
  1236. "But- I don't- I never..."
  1237. > She fell silent when the man held up his hand. "Look, I will order you to do it. But I'd prefer it if I didn't have to. It was your idea, remember?"
  1238. > Her mouth opened and shut a few times, but Anonymous wasn't done yet. "Here's some free advice: It's happening, just accept it. It will be easier if you don't make such a big deal out of it, understand?"
  1239. > What else could she do but nod? So she bobbed her head.
  1240. > The human seemed pleased. "Go on, talk to her a little. Get to know her. She's a good kid. I'm sure you'll like her."
  1241. > Another quiet nod.
  1242. > "Lunch is ready?"
  1243. > Finally she found her voice.
  1244. "The stew is cooling. I just have to take the pot to the dining room. The table is already set. And the muffins will be done in five minutes."
  1245. > The human laid a hand on her withers. "Okay, I got it. Go and talk with them a little. Get comfortable. I'll do those things and come get you when it's ready."
  1246. > She almost argued, but then swallowed her complaint and acquiesced. Perhaps the human was right, Celestia thought tentatively. Maybe if she talked with the filly for a bit, it wouldn't be so bad.
  1247. > Anonymous left for the kitchen and Celestia opened the door back into the living room. She took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. Christine was talking to the girl. "... be so pushy, sweetie. I know you have your heart set on a pony ride, but it's not your pony, so show some respect, okay?"
  1248. > The girl looked near tears. It occurred to the mare that Christine had spotted her reluctance and had probably guessed why she had wished to talk to Anonymous. She must have also assumed that her owner would side with his pony.
  1249. > Seeing that heartbroken little face helped a lot. The mare walked forward and offered a small smile. This would be one of the harder things she had ever had to say. And one of the toughest acts to sell in a lifetime of tough acts.
  1250. "It seems Anonymous said yes. Little filly, if you can promise to behave, I will give you a pony ride."
  1251. > The child whooped and went to hug her. Celestia lowered her head to make it possible. But then she spotted Christine out of the corner of her eye. The woman was holding back laughter.
  1252. > When Celestia looked at the lady, she explained: "You said 'little filly'. We don't call our children that."
  1253. "I'm sorry. What should I call her, then?"
  1254. > The child had let her neck go and was now playing with her mane. It wasn't as magical on Earth for some reason, but it was still quite pretty. The small hands poking and pulling were strange, but not painful, so Celestia ignored it.
  1255. > "Usually, it's 'little girl', or 'little boy'. Sometimes 'child'," Christine explained. "Filly is a young horse or pony. You can see how it doesn't fit?"
  1256. > That reminded her of Anonymous' correction in the car.
  1257. "How about 'kid'?"
  1258. > The woman nodded. "That works, too, yes."
  1259. "But kid means a young goat. You do not call your children 'young pony', but you do call them 'young goat'?"
  1260. > The lady stared for a moment, then burst out laughing again. "That's right! Why didn't I ever think of that? It's appropriate, sometimes! You're a little goat sometimes, Sally, aren't you?"
  1261. > The girl just stuck her tongue out, but then laughed. It was endearing and Celestia warmed up a little to the child.
  1262. > She turned her head to see what the fi- *girl* was doing. It seemed she was engrossed by her flank now. "Pony? Why do you have a picture on your butt?"
  1263. > The mare bit back a chortle. She turned a little to face the child better.
  1264. "My name is Celestia. It's nice to meet you, Sally. And that is called a 'cutie mark'. It shows you what a pony is good at, or what she likes."
  1265. > The little human frowned in concentration. "So, you like the sun?"
  1266. "Very much, yes."
  1267. > She went back to her exploration and Celestia looked at the mother. "You don't deal with kids a lot, do you?" the woman guessed.
  1268. "Not as much as, perhaps, I should."
  1269. > It was easy to admit. Undoubtedly there were pony children just as enthusiastic and energetic as this. Perhaps if she met some outside of her political functions, Celestia would have known how to handle it. As it was, she just sat woodenly as the girl poked at her wings.
  1270. > Luckily, her mother seemed to have it all in hoo- hand. "Is she hurting you doing that?" the lady asked with a touch of concern.
  1271. "No, it's quite alright."
  1272. > To show herself willing, the alicorn opened her wings a little so Sally could take a better look. Of course she immediately went to poke her finger between the feathers. And then she grasped and pulled. It made the mare wince a little.
  1273. > Christine quickly stepped in and pulled the little hand away. "Not so rough, Sally. If you hurt Celestia you won't get your ride, okay?"
  1274. > The girl was immediately sorry. She looked at the mare with an earnest expression. "Sorry, pony! I didn't mean to hurt you!"
  1275. > Perhaps, Celestia thought, a small lesson was in order?
  1276. "It's okay, Sally. Just remember - you should never touch a pony's wings without permission, okay?"
  1277. > The child nodded.
  1278. > She was saved by her owner, who came in, proclaimed the lunch ready and led them to the dining room. Luckily, the girl still needed occasional help eating, so she sat right next to her mother, on the opposite side of the table from Celestia. At least this way she could enjoy the food without little, probing fingers.
  1279. > The upside of their company was that her cooking earned a lot more praise. Christine simply couldn't stop going on and on about how delicious everything was and how perfectly it was cooked.
  1280. > The mare beamed happily. She couldn't wait for them to try the muffins, which were cooling on a plate in the middle. She saw little Sally eyeing them with a great deal of interest.
  1281. > At long last the main course was done. Celestia helpfully levitated the dishes away and out of the room, then brought one muffin before each of them.
  1282. > It looked like Anonymous would skip out. He pushed his away with a polite refusal. But luckily Christine tried one, exclaimed in pleasure and urged the man to have one: "Dear God, Anonymous, you *have* to try this. And you-" she pointed at Celestia with half of a muffin, "have got to give me the recipe!"
  1283. > The pony beamed happily. She *knew* she was good. But it was still nice to have it confirmed.
  1284. "Of course, Christine. I will write it down for you."
  1285. > The lady gaped. "You can write, too?"
  1286. > Celestia decided the woman probably wasn't rude on purpose. It all just stemmed from ignorance.
  1287. "I can write perfectly! In fact, later today I will assist Anonymous with a few details of his work."
  1288. > The man made a noncommittal noise. He had tried his dessert, Celestia noted approvingly. And he was surreptitiously finishing it, too.
  1289. > But Christine was quite impressed. "Well, I must say, Anonymous. You've really lucked out on this one. She's an absolute gem!"
  1290. > It was getting a bit too praise-y even for Celestia. To her dismay, she saw only one way out of the situation. One she wasn't eager to bring up.
  1291. > She looked at the beaming, radiant face of the child. Then to the happy and expectant Christine. And finally, to the approving Anonymous. There was nothing else to do, but accept her fate with as much dignity as she could muster.
  1292. "Sally, would you like your pony ride now?"
  1293. > The response was very enthusiastic. Almost before she knew what was happening, they were all in the back yard. The girl was jumping up and down in excitement.
  1294. > The mare looked at Christine.
  1295. "Help her up, please?"
  1296. > She spread her stance a little as Sally was lifted to her back. The little human was a little unsteady, but then she just gripped her mane with both hands. Celestia just waited patiently, until they both got used to each other.
  1297. > At least the child wasn't too heavy. The pony quickly got used to the extra weight. And, she noted approvingly, Sally had hugged her barrel with her legs just forward of her wings.
  1298. > It took the human a short while to get a feel for the balance, but she quickly learned not to fight Celestia's little movements.
  1299. > The mare remembered that humans balanced on two feet their entire life. It must come naturally to them, she supposed.
  1300. "Good. Please hold her hand. We will take a few steps."
  1301. > Up until now Christine had kept a grip on her daughter to help steady her. She shifted it so they only held hands.
  1302. > To her credit, now that she was on her, the human filly was very well behaved. She was still and calm. It wasn't too difficult to carry her. And she didn't kick!
  1303. > Celestia took a few slow steps. Luckily, Sally could rely on her mother to keep her upright, otherwise she would surely have fallen. Her free hand was still gripping her mane tightly, but it wouldn't have been enough.
  1304. > But after the length of their backyard, the girl became more confident. The mare was pleased to see that the human didn't sit stiffly, but moved fluidly. Against her at first, sure, but more and more in sync as they walked.
  1305. > She had been worried that carrying the human would be like having a top-heavy block of wood on her back. But by the time they came back, her mother barely had to hold Sally's hand.
  1306. "Everything okay?"
  1307. > The child nodded, but realized that the alicorn didn't see her. "Yes! I love you, pony!"
  1308. > Her joy was a little infectious. She could probably have called it after their second trek down the backyard, but Celestia found herself feeling charitable.
  1309. "Would you like to go around the house?"
  1310. > The filly - *child*, Celestia reminded herself - looked up to her mother. "Can I, Mom? Please!"
  1311. > The woman was slightly uneasy. She went around to look at Celestia. "Are you sure it's okay? She's not too heavy, is she?"
  1312. "Not at all. I will make sure she doesn't fall."
  1313. > Assent was given, much to the girl's delight. She was quite sure of herself on the pony by now and bounced a little to try and get her going. "Giddyup!" she yelled.
  1314. > Despite her urging, Celestia still took it slow. She picked her steps with care, to keep the human as level as possible. She walked slowly and kept the ride quite smooth.
  1315. > The change form grass to the hard road surface in front of the house was a bit jarring. Sally would have fallen off, but Celestia had been ready and quickly steadied her with a bit of gentle magic.
  1316. "You're doing fine. Relax and follow my steps."
  1317. > "Okay!"
  1318. > The rest of the trip was easier and soon they were back with Christine and Anonymous.
  1319. > She wasn't heavy, but it was still a relief to get the burden off her back. The pony breathed out a sigh, but it was cut short when the child threw her arms around her neck and began kissing her.
  1320. > "Thank you!" she squealed. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
  1321. > It was easy to be magnanimous now that it was over.
  1322. "You're quite welcome, Sally."
  1323. > Of course she had to promise to repeat the experience. And there was more kissing and hugging and excited babbling. But eventually it ended.
  1324. > She watched the car pull back and drive away, with the little girl waving the entire time they were in sight.
  1325. > Only then did Celestia look at Anonymous' face. It was a smirk, just as she had feared. "Giddyup," he said quietly.
  1326. "This horn is very sharp, Anonymous. I urge you to consider this little fact while thinking up what to say next."
  1327. > He reached over, entirely without fear, and ruffled her mane. Or rather, Celestia thought, *un-ruffled* it a little after the enthusiastic child. "Now I really think I should buy you a saddle. Something nice and lacy."
  1328. "Careful!"
  1329. > She had almost growled it. Okay, so the whole experience hadn't been quite that bad. Perhaps she had also smiled at the girl's enthusiasm and joy. And maybe it wasn't as demeaning as she had originally feared.
  1330. > But that gave the smug human no right to poke fun at her!
  1331. > "Nah, you're a sweetheart," the human had the audacity to say, even when proof to the contrary was right before him. "You did well, by the way. How about a little work to take your mind off that horrible subjugation?"
  1332. > The mare remembered her promise to look at his documents. It sounded better than listening to the human making puns and jokes about riding and horses!
  1333. "Yes, please!"
  1334. > She followed him in the house and up the stairs to his study.
  1335. >...
  1336. > "Coffee?" Anonymous offered. He placed a cup on the table and suddenly Celestia could smell the very welcome aroma.
  1337. "Mmm, thank you. Yes."
  1338. > She didn't lift her eyes from the book, but she felt the couch give a little as the human sat beside her. "Any luck?" he asked as he looked at the page she was reading.
  1339. "I'm done with the first one. This one is a bit more convoluted. It is taking time."
  1340. > The mare became aware that it was getting dark outside. Thanks to the little desk lamp Anonymous had brought her, she hadn't even noticed.
  1341. "Oh! Your dinner! I'm sorry, I'll get right-"
  1342. > The book rose, but the human pushed it back down. "No rush. In fact, this is more valuable. I'll make sandwiches."
  1343. > She watched him doubtfully, but she settled back down and released the book.
  1344. "If you're sure..."
  1345. > But the human had already put it out of his mind. He searched her face. "Interesting way of doing it. Tricky. I'll be impressed if it works."
  1346. > The mare smiled. It was tiring, but she was out to make a good impression.
  1347. "Why? It's simple, really. I will study the law books you've given me. Then I will carefully read the contract, with the knowledge of what is legal and what isn't. Voila."
  1348. > "Yeah, but what you're saying basically," Anonymous went on to explain, "is that you'll memorize two different trade laws in a couple of hours, and then apply the knowledge to a very complex contract. You're bound to miss something."
  1349. "I shan't miss a thing, Anonymous. I've done this before. *And* the laws weren't nearly as clear and organized as these!"
  1350. > The mare suspected it was part of being an alicorn. Her memory had to be good, otherwise she'd be forgetting stuff all the time. She had seen, heard and read so many things over the years. They all had to go somewhere!
  1351. > And now she would use that gift to really impress the human. Not that she needed it, the mare told herself, but a little extra leverage was always good.
  1352. > She caught herself and nearly bit her tongue. She was trying to assume control again!
  1353. > The pony wondered when such things would stop. If ever.
  1354. > The reason she was *really* doing it, Celestia thought slowly and pointedly, was because her owner - her Master - had told her to. And it was her duty to follow the instruction to the best of her ability.
  1355. > There. If she repeated that a couple hundred times, maybe she would believe it.
  1356. > The truth was that she was trying to show off.
  1357. > With a despairing mental sigh, the mare dragged herself back to the text.
  1358. > She didn't hear the human go. She hardly noticed when he came back. Something poked her face and she absentmindedly opened her mouth.
  1359. > It was pretty good, for a sandwich. A bit heavy on mayo and light on tomatoes, but thoroughly enjoyable. She lifted the coffee to wash it down, but after a single sip, Celestia grimaced, put the cup back down and added several more sugar cubes.
  1360. > A brief stir, again without even looking, and she gulped it down.
  1361. > "Would you mind if I watch the game? Otherwise I can clear the desk in the study for you," Anonymous asked from thousands of miles away. She barely registered the question and just nodded on general principles.
  1362. > Even the TV couldn't break her concentration. But the material was boring, and memorizing the strange requirements and rules was exhausting. She found her head drooping and her eyes watering.
  1363. > It was time for a break. The pony moved the book to the coffee table and stretched out her forelegs. A moment later, she also spread the wings as far as they would go.
  1364. > It was revitalizing. She looked at the screen with renewed interest.
  1365. > "Break?" Anonymous asked.
  1366. "Break. Tell me about this game."
  1367. > She shuffled closer. When the human didn't move away, she did it again. It ended up with the pony basically leaning on her owner.
  1368. > He was delightfully warm. And his explanation of the balls and points and pockets was like a lullaby. The boring game on the TV screen slid seamlessly into a dream of flying.
  1369. >...
  1370. > Celestia woke with a small start. She was still on the couch, but the human was gone and there was a blanket draped around her and a pillow under her head.
  1371. > It was dark and the alicorn wondered how late it was. She really would need to ask Anonymous for a clock. Earth's sun told her nothing!
  1372. > Her gaze landed on the book. The book!
  1373. > Celestia gasped a little when she remembered. She had finished all but the last chapter! She had intended to take a small break to rest her mind, then finish her task.
  1374. > It was bad! She had promised Anonymous to be done with her little job by the evening! But she had been a little lazy in the morning, and then that whole thing with Christine and Sally! However light the little goat was, it had still been tiring. No wonder the mare had simply fallen asleep like that!
  1375. > Especially - the thought rose up unbidden - considering just how warm and soft the human skin had felt. And how boring the strange game of pond. No, pool, she corrected herself.
  1376. > Something else bothered her. It took her a few moments to spot it. Little goat?
  1377. > The pony couldn't help chuckling at herself a little.
  1378. > But it was time to get back to work! Perhaps if she had the document ready when Anonymous went to work - along with a big breakfast, of course - he wouldn't be too mad about her laziness.
  1379. > She flicked on the lamp and reached for the book again. At least this one thing worked in her favor. The knowledge she had absorbed earlier was still all there, neatly arrayed in her mind.
  1380. > In some ways, it was good to be a Princess!
  1381. >...
  1382. > She barely registered the sounds of the human waking up. A faint feeling of pride rose up in her chest, but Celestia was too tired to acknowledge it.
  1383. > It had been a close thing indeed! But the document was done. She had circled the problematic bits with the red pen Anonymous had given her. And then she wrote down suggestions on how to change the terms to make it... 'compliant'. Yeah, that was the word.
  1384. > That last thing wasn't what Anonymous had asked for, but she had done it just the same. Two distinct suggestions for every iffy part!
  1385. > And then, on the end of it all, she had made breakfast! True, it was simple - hard boiled eggs and toast. And a few pieces of fruit. Oh, and her signature pancakes, of course she hadn't forgotten!
  1386. > There was a clock in the kitchen and the mare had timed it just right. It was five forty-five when she placed everything on the table and waited for the human to finish dressing and come down.
  1387. > He found her slumped on a chair, with her head on the table. Whatever he said, she *had not* been snoring!
  1388. > But whatever Anonymous imagined he saw, it helped put him in a lighter mood. Celestia was less nervous as she slid the papers forward.
  1389. "Sorry it took this long. But I have finished. And there are also my recommendations on-"
  1390. > As hard as she fought to avoid it, there was no stopping her yawn. It made the human laugh, but then wince in sympathy.
  1391. "-recommendations on how to fix the problems."
  1392. > Anonymous picked up the sheaf and leafed through the papers. "This is quite impressive, Celestia," he said after reading a paragraph. Then he looked up. "But you didn't need to stay up all night doing it."
  1393. > She struggled with another yawn.
  1394. "... promised yesterday evening."
  1395. > "Well, I am grateful, but you really didn't need to rush so much. Anytime during the week would have been fine."
  1396. > She blinked in confusion. The human *hadn't* demanded the task be done by Sunday evening? She tried to remember him saying so. But she slowly realized he hadn't. It had been her promise, which the man never corrected.
  1397. > Well, she showed him anyway! Mocking her method like that!
  1398. > She didn't see him move, but there was suddenly a warm hand on her head. "Go on, get some sleep, you crazy horse."
  1399. > It sounded really good, actually.
  1400. "... sounds nice."
  1401. > "So move! Go on! Git!" the sharp words were like a crack of the whip. The commanding tone woke her up enough to stand up on shaky legs. She gave the human her final instructions.
  1402. "Try pancakes. 're good. Leave some for me. Bye."
  1403. > She didn't wait to make sure and walked slowly to the stairs. For a moment she peered up, but then decided against it and turned to the living room.
  1404. > The blanket was still there and the couch was actually softer than her bed. Plus, she could fiddle with the tele-vision a little.
  1405. > She didn't hear the human finish eating and leave.
  1406. >...
  1407. > There were no explicit instructions for her that day, so Celestia took it a bit slower. She wandered the house, tidying up here and there. She gathered up laundry and took it downstairs, past the central heating.
  1408. > The thing didn't scare her anymore and the pony stuck her tongue out at the dormant monster whenever she passed it.
  1409. > The basket was getting pretty full. She looked at the machines and considered trying to learn them. She imagined herself explaining to her owner why all his clothes and sheets were nothing more than tattered rags.
  1410. > Her imagination made the scene so vivid, that her ears fell and the mare blushed a little. No, she decided, another solution was in order.
  1411. > Celestia scanned the cupboards above the row of machines. One of them was washing powder. There was also a softener. The instructions were a total enigma.
  1412. "... dosage instructions. Half load, one table spoon. Normal, heavily soiled. Two tablespoons for full load."
  1413. > She muttered a little as her brow wrinkled.
  1414. "Am I supposed to *eat* it?! Hmm, for best results, pour in washing machine drawer."
  1415. > Her gaze went up to the row of machines. Aside from the circular hatches in the front, none of them seemed to open in any other way. She switched her gaze to the bottle of purple liquid. It was more of the same.
  1416. > At least the names were almost comprehensible. 'Fabric softener' and 'washing powder'. The latter was like a soap, right?
  1417. > Maybe she could make it work. One of the powder boxes had an image of clean, white shirts and sheets. The other featured colorful items. Celestia tentatively deducted that they were meant for different colors of cloth.
  1418. > There was one way to find out.
  1419. > The mare levitated the full laundry basket up to the ground floor bathroom. The big tub would be perfect, but she could try it out in the sink first.
  1420. > She pulled out a white, triangular piece of cloth with two big holes. It was a mystery where Anonymous wore those. She had never seen it on him, now that she inspected the item.
  1421. > She filled the sink with warm water, then poured in a bit of the washing powder. She stirred the water. Soap was supposed to make bubbles, right? She added a bit more.
  1422. > The result was uninspiring, but if the box claimed a mere spoonful of the stuff was enough for a 'half-load', whatever that was, then she had probably overdosed it already.
  1423. > Well, if she ruined one piece of clothing Anonymous might be slightly miffed. But if she succeeded, he would be pleased. It was worth the risk!
  1424. > She plunged the cloth in the water and scrubbed it against itself. That kind of levitation was tricky for an extended length of time, and the mare hadn't slept much. She opted to use her hooves.
  1425. > The warm water was pleasant and she didn't mind the smell of the washing powder. Doing something solid, with her actual hooves was curiously pleasant. Celestia found herself humming happily as she worked.
  1426. > When it was done, she drained the sink, filled it again and tried the fabric softener. That had a stronger scent. It was supposed to be some flower, but to her nose it was too chemical. Not unpleasant, just strange.
  1427. > She didn't know exactly what to do with the softener, so she just dunked the piece of cloth in it, swirled it around a bit and waited. It didn't need more scrubbing, it was clean.
  1428. > After a good fifteen minutes, she brought it out and inspected the result for a few seconds. Then she opened the faucet and rinsed out the piece of clothing until it was no longer soapy.
  1429. > As her final step she held it up with her magic and heated the air around it. Steam billowed out as the cloth dried rapidly.
  1430. > The result was quite encouraging. She took the finished 'product' up to Anonymous' room and compared it to the ones in his wardrobe drawer. It was even slightly softer and smelled a little nicer.
  1431. > It stood to reason: an Equestrian Princess was certainly better than a mere machine!
  1432. > Celestia was encouraged and hurried back to the bathroom. This time, she would use the tub. It would need more powder and softener, but that only took a quick mental calculation. It would also mean some manual work, but it wasn't too strenuous and the warm water was pleasant on her hooves.
  1433. > And, the mare decided, as a reward, she would try the steam room!
  1434. >...
  1435. > Languishing. Yeah, that was it, Celestia thought. That was what she was doing on the couch. With her busy night and the heavenly steam she had enjoyed, the pony was entirely spent.
  1436. > She had switched the TV to the music channel and now she was staring, dumbly, at the dancing humans.
  1437. > There was a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice on the coffee table, but she had almost forgotten it. The blanket was warm and more than once she caught herself nodding off.
  1438. > There was a tiny flare of guilt, but the alicorn didn't feel *too* bad. After all, her owner hadn't given her any instructions whatsoever. And she had still done the laundry!
  1439. > If there was any justice on Earth, she had gone above and beyond her duty. She had earned a lazy day.
  1440. > In a few hours she would have to get up and make dinner for the human. But that was still some ways away. She briefly thought about her options. She could mince what was left of the stew, add a bit of flour and veggies, and make that thing she had seen in the human cookbook. 'Falafel', yeah, that was it. It needed fresh salad to go with it, but that was also easy. And pudding. Pudding was easy.
  1441. > It was perfect. In fact, she didn't even have to start until the human came home.
  1442. > Dinner decided, Celestia returned her focus to the TV. It was pink. Very, very pink. One of Twilight's friends would certainly approve, but it was a bit much for the alicorn. She lifted up the remote box and turned it off with a sigh.
  1443. > Now she was also bored!
  1444. > Perhaps a walk around the garden would do her good. The mare could spot herself being more lazy than necessary and she didn't want to risk acquiring such a habit permanently.
  1445. > A brisk trot around the house, maybe a few loops in the air. It would certainly get the blood flowing! But she had to remember not to stray too far.
  1446. > Anonymous hadn't said anything, but they both understood that she shouldn't venture too far from the house. And definitely not without a collar.
  1447. > But maybe she could poke her snout into the forest, at least a little? It surely couldn't hurt.
  1448. >...
  1449. > The leaves were already starting to fall. Any day now, Celestia thought, the Running of the Leaves would have to be organized to get the rest of them down.
  1450. > She wondered if the remaining ponies on Earth participated in the event. It probably depended on their owners.
  1451. > The alicorn flew in lazy circles above the tree canopy. There were few roads here, and none with that hard tar stuff. If she didn't look too far into the distance, she could almost be above one of the nameless hills around Ponyville.
  1452. > Here and there she spotted a flash of color. It seemed that some humans were already practicing for the Running!
  1453. > She didn't want to go near them. As it was, many stopped and gaped at the sky when she flew overhead.
  1454. > The Princess flew up to the top of the hill and looked around. Behind, there was Anonymous' house. And further down the hillside what looked like a small village. Even further, against the horizon, was the big city. From up there it was difficult to pinpoint where Anonymous had taken her to visit the market.
  1455. > Ahead of her, there was only wilderness. Rolling hills which smoothly joined up with a mountain range in the distance. Perhaps there were more human settlements, but if so, they were hidden from her sight.
  1456. > She hovered for a while, looking in all directions. But there was nothing which truly stood out, so the pony headed back. She decided to follow the winding road this time. There wasn't much traffic, but one particular car seemed to follow her. She stopped and flew a little lower to inspect it and the people within.
  1457. > It was mostly white with unusual blue decorations. She read the word written on the side.
  1458. "Uh oh."
  1459. > Her heart began to beat faster and Celestia swallowed a lump.
  1460. > It read: 'POLICE'.
  1461. > She knew they were something like guards among humans. And the fact that the car had stopped when she had, made her feel like she was in some kind of trouble.
  1462. > A man stepped out now, clearly in uniform. He didn't look happy.
  1463. > She tried her best, most disarming smile, but remained well out of reach.
  1464. "May I help you?"
  1465. > "Come down here right now!" came the order. "Where's your owner?!" Another man stood up from the car, walked around it and pulled a piece of rope out.
  1466. > She wasn't too happy about that and her ears folded back in fear. The mare thought about fleeing. There was no way they could chase her through the forest. But she gave a tentative answer.
  1467. "H-he's at work. I was just on my way home, I didn't mean to cause any trouble."
  1468. > "Down!" the irate human bellowed. Just in case, the mare got her magic ready. She knew that humans had fearsome weapons. She couldn't risk these two trying to use them on her.
  1469. "I'll just go home! I'm sorry to have bothered you! Bye!"
  1470. > The shout was lost behind her as the alicorn sped off. She flew low and fast, dodging an occasional treetop. A few seconds later, there was the sound of a siren behind her, but as she had surmised, the car couldn't go into the forest.
  1471. > The noise soon faded into the background.
  1472. > She went straight home, a little shaken, but relieved that she had avoided this particular trouble.
  1473. > Celestia knew that she had done a very naughty thing by running from the guards, but she couldn't help giggling at the delicious excitement. Her heart kept racing as the incident replayed again and again in her mind.
  1474. >...
  1475. > The giddy high lasted well into the evening. Celestia started dinner earlier than she had planned and decided to change pudding into actual cake. Nothing fancy, just a simple white cake with fruit and sprinkles, but she hoped the human would appreciate it anyway.
  1476. > The human was running late, so she had the table set long before he arrived. She was sitting on the couch with a glass of orange juice as she waited.
  1477. > At long last, there was the sound of the car.
  1478. > Two cars.
  1479. > Celestia nearly dropped the glass. They had visitors! Anonymous hadn't told her, so it was probably a last-minute thing!
  1480. > Of course her owner couldn't blame her if there wasn't enough dinner for everyone. But if she could make it stretch, the mare would be some kind of a hero to the man, right?
  1481. > She dashed into the kitchen and quickly washed some extra lettuce and a couple of carrots.
  1482. > If the humans didn't mind salad, there should be enough of those 'falafels' to go around. And if she cut the cake thinly, everyone should get a piece.
  1483. > Her own portion would be much smaller, the mare realized and her ears drooped down in sorry. But her resolve was firm. Even this sacrifice was not too much for the selfless Princess!
  1484. > She was busily cutting and mixing when the door opened and the people entered.
  1485. "Come in! Dinner is set, please do not wait for me. I will bring some extra salad shortly!"
  1486. > But they didn't proceed. "Celestia?" Anonymous called. "Could you step out here for a moment, please?"
  1487. > Whatever could the human want now?! She was doing all she could with no warning.
  1488. > Her step faltered when she imagined that Christine and Sally might be the unannounced guests. So soon?!
  1489. "If this is about a pony ride, then I should tell you-"
  1490. > The voice failed her. The salad bowl she had been mixing fell on the table with a clank. Her blood turned to ice.
  1491. > Her unexpected guests were the two policemen she had met earlier.
  1492. > And the look on Anonymous' face told her all she needed to know. "Is this her, officer?" her owner asked.
  1493. > The large man behind her owner looked grim. She saw anger in his eyes. "Yes. That's the pony."
  1494. "Eep!"
  1495. > Celestia reacted, rather than thought. She fled, down the hall, up the stairs and right under her bed.
  1496. > As soon as she had made the first few steps, she realized just how stupid, immature and - above all - useless it was. But she had started moving and pure, irrational fear drove her on.
  1497. > Even her owner's irate call couldn't stop her. She trembled under the bed and whimpered as she listened to the approaching footsteps.
  1498. > This time, she would *not* escape the belt!
  1499. > It occurred to the pony, briefly, that she could simply jump out the window and fly away. They would never be able to prevent her, not with her magic.
  1500. > But she really didn't want to do it. Up until now, she had had a great time with Anonymous. She had relaxed and rediscovered a part of who she was under the facade of the ruler.
  1501. > She liked it too much here!
  1502. > The pony began to understand that she would accept her punishment. After all, she had done a bad thing. Somehow, she had known that Anonymous didn't want her wandering off. And now she knew why. It was probably illegal.
  1503. > If the price for her mistake was a belting, she would take it. If it was much worse, she would flee and return to Equestria.
  1504. > That would mean she'd have to admit defeat before Luna.
  1505. > The Princess was willing to take a lot of punishment before she did that.
  1506. > But despite that knowledge, she hid. It was as if her body had a mind of its own.
  1507. > Her owner entered her room and put his hands on his hips. "Will you come out, or do I have to drag you out?" he asked.
  1508. > She had to know what to expect, as soon as possible.
  1509. "Will they take me away? Put me in prison?"
  1510. > For a split second Celestia thought his face softened. It was encouraging. "No, of course not. I've already paid the fine, they just want to talk to you."
  1511. > It was better than she had feared. The pony stuck her snout from under the bed.
  1512. "Promise?"
  1513. > "Get out. Now," Anonymous said. It sounded like any delay would make it worse for her.
  1514. > She pulled herself into the open and stood up, a little shakily. The human quickly caught her mane. "We'll decide your punishment later. Now come here!"
  1515. > There was no choice but to follow.
  1516. > By the time the mare was led, not dragged - that's how she chose to remember it - back to the entrance hall, her face was red with embarrassment.
  1517. > She knew what was expected of her.
  1518. "I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again."
  1519. > The younger police-man was holding back laughter, but his older partner wasn't amused. "What you did today was very irresponsible. The laws are there to protect you!"
  1520. > Celestia couldn't quite make the connection, but she didn't voice her doubt.
  1521. "Yes, sir."
  1522. > The human pulled out a notebook and read out loud. "Going out without your owner. Flying without supervision. Failure to obey a lawful order. Running from a police officer. *And* going out without your collar. That's quite a number of charges. Anything to say for yourself?"
  1523. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know I would cause so much trouble. I just wanted to stretch my wings."
  1524. > The glare softened a little, but the man kept up the tough act. She understood he was trying to deter her from further foolishness. "If I see you flying out there again, I will personally haul you to prison, understand?"
  1525. > She knew her ears were as far back as they could be. And her tail was tucked tightly against herself in submission.
  1526. "I p-promise!"
  1527. > The man held her gaze for a few moments, then touched his hat and nodded at her owner. "Good. Have a nice evening, Mr. Anonymous."
  1528. > She stood there and watched them go. After a minute, she heard their car start and pull away. Only then did her owner turn to her.
  1529. > "Care to explain what you were thinking?" he demanded.
  1530. > The mare tried for a pitiful look. She crouched a little to make herself smaller, and focused her gaze right on Anon's eyes. Hers were already leaking.
  1531. "I really didn't know about all these laws, Anonymous, I swear! I just wanted to go out for a bit and stretch my wings!"
  1532. > He rubbed his forehead with a hand. "If you had your collar, and at least came down when ordered, he would have given you a warning and sent you home. But you ran away, so he tracked you down and slapped me with a fine."
  1533. "I'm sorry."
  1534. > The human heaved a sigh, but didn't say anything. Celestia dropped her head and shakily stood up. She saw the shape of the future. She was no longer helping her owner, but rather costing him money. It was over.
  1535. "I will pack my things. I'm sorry, Anonymous."
  1536. > He took his hand away and stared. "What? What are you talking about?"
  1537. "You will send me back to the auction. I'll get ready and wait quietly in my room until Mr. Plain comes pick me up."
  1538. > She was about to walk away, a picture of misery, but she paused for a moment.
  1539. "I have washed the laundry. Dinner is on the table. If y-you want, I'll make you breakfast tomorrow."
  1540. > Her owner was by her side in a few steps. "Hey! I'm not sending you back over a stupid mistake!"
  1541. > The mare stopped. Her heart skipped a beat. She had been so sure!
  1542. "You aren't?"
  1543. > If Anonymous could forgive this blunder, then Celestia didn't *want* to leave. Who knew if she could get herself sold again. And even if she managed, somehow she knew there was no chance to find another owner like Anonymous.
  1544. > "No. But I will have to punish you for real, this time. It's not just a matter of an eaten hedge, you could have gotten into very serious trouble."
  1545. > She tried to keep the tremor from her voice, but her eyes were big and shiny and hopeful.
  1546. "I know. I'm sorry, Anonymous."
  1547. > He went to pat her neck. It was surprisingly gentle. "There are poachers in the hills sometimes. Some of them would have no qualms about shooting you and mounting your head on a wall."
  1548. > The mere thought was terrifying.
  1549. "Why would they mount my head on a wall?"
  1550. > "As a trophy."
  1551. > She didn't like the idea at all. Had it ever happened to a pony?! Her concern for herself vanished as she felt fear and sorrow for her people. Besides, she could defend herself.
  1552. "Well, my magic-"
  1553. > Anonymous interrupted her. "And if you didn't see it coming? You'd have a bullet through you before you knew what was happening. Going out flying like that was really irresponsible. I don't mind the running from the police, or the collar. But you could have gotten yourself killed!"
  1554. > The concern was heartwarming, and the mare smiled in gratitude.
  1555. "Thank you, Anonymous. From now on, I'll only fly when you say it's okay. And I won't go out alone anymore, okay?"
  1556. > There was just one unpleasant manner left.
  1557. "What will be my punishment?"
  1558. > The human gave it some thought. "I won't send you to bed without supper again. You'd just wake me up at three or something with a feast. Which you'd then eat by yourself."
  1559. > That was *not* how it had happened and Anonymous knew it perfectly well. But Celestia wasn't about to argue the point. She decided to give the man the idea, before he came up with a worse one.
  1560. "The belt?"
  1561. > Anonymous sighed, then nodded. "I guess I have to. I believe you've learned your lesson, Celestia, but it's for the look of things, you understand?"
  1562. > She swallowed. She could not remember the last time she had been spanked - or hit in any way. This punishment would be entirely out of her experience. She didn't know what to expect, but she had to be brave.
  1563. > This was what came from getting stupid, foalish ideas into her head. It was time to pay the price.
  1564. > After a long while, she nodded.
  1565. > He still had his hand in her mane, and now Anonymous ran it down her neck. "Good. Let's have dinner, first. We'll do it after."
  1566. "Yes, sir."
  1567. >...
  1568. > It wouldn't be too bad, Celestia knew it! No way Anonymous would beat her too hard. She would probably not even have bruises!
  1569. > She believed that, of course, but her throat was still tight with the effort of controlling her breathing. Her heart was hammering and her legs were trembling.
  1570. > She waited patiently in the living room while the human had gone to fetch another belt.
  1571. > He had said it himself, over dinner: He wasn't angry about the fine, just disappointed in her poor judgement. The punishment was mostly symbolic!
  1572. > She heard the man walking down the stairs and her hooves itched to run away. The mare made herself stand still and take deep, calming breaths.
  1573. > It wasn't going to hurt. Not badly! He would probably just give her a few light taps, right?
  1574. > After all, she had learned her lesson! She told the human so over dinner and he agreed. It was just a formality.
  1575. > She couldn't hold back a whimper when she spotted the length of black leather in Anonymous' hand. It was way longer and thicker than it had any right to be! It might as well be an iron rod, her overactive imagination supplied.
  1576. > The pony felt her eyes widening. She took an involuntary step back and looked at the human's face with deep fear.
  1577. > When Anonymous came closer, she shuffled around the couch, putting it between him and her.
  1578. > "Now, Celestia. Let's not have any more silliness, okay? I promise I'll go easy on you. Come here," the man said. He didn't look angry, nor particularly mean.
  1579. > The pony made herself walk around. She turned to the side and presented her back and flank. Her muscles tensed in expectation.
  1580. "H-ho- h-how many?"
  1581. > "Five for escaping the policeman. And three for ignoring me when I called you."
  1582. > It was less than she had feared.
  1583. "T-that's fa-fair."
  1584. > Without any warning or further comment, the strip landed on her back with a slap. It didn't really hurt. It stung a little, that was all. But the surprise of it, made her 'eep' in shock.
  1585. > Almost she ran for it again. But that would have made it worse. Anonymous was calm now, but if she angered him, the belting would become a lot more painful.
  1586. > This was outright gentle. It really was just symbolic!
  1587. > She made herself believe it and stand still. But her wings still twitched and the mare shut her eyes tightly.
  1588. "N-not the wings, o-okay?"
  1589. > Celestia knew she didn't have to mention it, but she wanted to make sure. And it was something to say, so she wouldn't be waiting for the second slap in silence.
  1590. > "Of course. I'll be careful, I promise," Anonymous said. Then, almost before he had finished talking, the belt whipped through the air and landed against her buttock.
  1591. > Either it was more sensitive area, or the human had struck her harder. This one definitely stung. Her eyes watered.
  1592. > *Slap* *Slap*
  1593. > Two landed across her flank in rapid succession, making her gasp in surprise. The human was being very careful with the strength he applied, but the hits still stung. She kept her eyes tightly shut.
  1594. > But there was a pause. "Doing okay?" the human asked, a touch of concern in his voice. "We can take a short break. You're halfway done."
  1595. > She shook her head firmly. Now that it was happening, she just wanted it over.
  1596. "No. Now. All of it!"
  1597. > She sensed Anonymous shrug to himself. Of course she couldn't see, but she imagined the belt lifting up again.
  1598. > At least it was over quickly. Two slaps over her back, well away from her wings, then two more on her other flank. At least the human had spread them around, so that no part of her skin was badly bruised.
  1599. > But she felt where every hit had landed.
  1600. > Celestia slowly realized it was over and let her breath out. She let her hind legs fold up and sat on the floor.
  1601. > It hadn't hurt all that much, it really hadn't. But the way she had wound herself up beforehoof now worked against her. Relief flowed through the pony and she found herself sniffling a little, for some reason.
  1602. > Her owner put the belt on the coffee table and came to pet her mane. "There, all done. That wasn't so bad, was it?"
  1603. > She shook her head.
  1604. > "I hope I'll never have to do this again, you know? Think before you do, and ask me if you're not sure, got it?"
  1605. > Now she nodded. She was staring at the carpet and refused to meet Anonymous' gaze. A hand gently cupped her chin and lifted her head.
  1606. > "Hey, you did well. And I'm not angry, okay?"
  1607. > The pony managed a small smile.
  1608. "I know, I know. It's okay. I deserved it. And now it is over."
  1609. > "'atta girl! Dinner was good, by the way. And there's most of the cake left. Would you like some?"
  1610. > She gave a heartfelt nod. But then froze.
  1611. "O-only if you have some, too."
  1612. > She still had a Quest, after all. Heroes didn't give up their Quests just because they were lightly spanked.
  1613. > "A small piece, if it will make you feel any better."
  1614. > Her owner also seemed relieved that it was done. He was cheerful and acceptive. The pony decided to press her luck a bit more.
  1615. "W-will you take me to the pony m-meetup on Wednesday?"
  1616. > He thought it over, briefly. "I don't like driving down to the city twice in a day. If I take you with me to work, can you behave yourself for ten hours?"
  1617. > The alicorn found she liked that idea.
  1618. "Yes! I swear!"
  1619. > Anonymous shrugged. "Okay. You'll keep Wendy company, then - she's the receptionist. And after work, I'll take you to the pony meeting. And then we can grab some pizza, okay?"
  1620. > It sounded like a magical evening. And just thinking about it was helping her put the spanking in the past.
  1621. "Will you take me dancing?"
  1622. > She asked it as a joke, and they laughed together. Then Celestia wiped the last remnants of her tears away.
  1623. > "Goofy horse," the human chuckled. "Go get the cake then, and we'll watch some movie or something."
  1624. > The mare didn't notice that she almost pranced to the dining room.
  1625. >...
  1626. > They both laughed at the antics of Bean. Celestia realized that this human had the most pony-sounding name she had heard so far. Too bad he was so very inept. The simplest tasks caused him such trouble.
  1627. > In a small way, he reminded the pony of herself. But in her case, it was because she didn't know the human world and their ways very well.
  1628. > In Bean's case, he was simply... odd.
  1629. > The end text began to roll upward - Celestia understood by now that it meant the show was over - and the last of her laughter died away. She ended up lying on her back, draped across Anonymous' knees on the couch She now looked up at the human.
  1630. "That. Was. Hilarious!"
  1631. > Although her owner joined in, especially when she started laughing uncontrollably, he didn't seem to find it quite as funny on his own. He explained to the pony that he had seen it all before.
  1632. > That, of course, lead to the explanation of what 'DVD' was. Now the mare got an idea from it all.
  1633. "Could I set it up for myself sometime? A-after I'm done with my tasks, of course!"
  1634. > Her owner's hand was on her belly and he gave it a slight rub. "Sure. I'll show you how it works. But not now. It's getting late."
  1635. > It was true. The sky outside had been dark for quite a while. She felt for the sun and made a judgement call.
  1636. "Around nine... ish?"
  1637. > Anonymous glanced at his wristwatch. "Correct. Good sense of time you've got," he remarked. Celestia didn't comment on it, but the flattery felt nice.
  1638. > She rolled off her owner and stood up. She spotted the plates on the coffee table and levitated them up.
  1639. "There is some cake left. I will put it in the refrigerator for breakfast."
  1640. > The poor human placed both hands on his stomach. "Thank you, but that has been quite enough cake for a long while. How about we forgo dessert tomorrow morning?"
  1641. "Yeah, how about no?"
  1642. > "Why are you so insistent on this? You try to get me eating dessert for every meal, you know? You're going to give me diabetes at this rate!"
  1643. > She made her face serious and went to sit right before the human. She spoke from the heart.
  1644. "Anonymous, dessert it one of life's little pleasures. Why do *you* insist on denying yourself? Why do you not have cake more often, or enjoy a steam? Go for a fli- run? A hooficure- or whatever the human equivalent?"
  1645. > He thought it over and his hand came up, almost without conscious control, to brush her mane with slow, even strokes. In the end, the human just shrugged.
  1646. > "Too busy, I guess. I work whole days and then I'm tired when I get home. Maybe I should get a hobby."
  1647. "Hobby like baking?"
  1648. > Even to herself, the questions sounded impossibly naive and hopeful. When Anonymous chortled with laughter, Celestia joined in.
  1649. "You're right, maybe not. But! Let's go for a walk tomorrow. After your job. No matter how late it is, alright?"
  1650. > He seemed doubtful. "It might be very late. I don't know..."
  1651. "I can make you with magic!"
  1652. > He quickly returned the threat: "I can belt you again!"
  1653. "Not if I don't let you!"
  1654. > He was grinning, and so, the mare found, was she. It was like a little game between them.
  1655. > "Try me!" the human went on.
  1656. > It was her turn. Celestia thought quickly.
  1657. "How about a deal: Go for a walk after work and I won't make you eat cake for breakfast."
  1658. > Her owner turned the idea around in his mind. "Yeah, okay, I can work with that."
  1659. "But you still have to eat pancakes."
  1660. > "Fine, fine," Anonymous agreed, if a tiny bit reluctantly.
  1661. "And Wednesday, we will go for the pony meetup, then a pizza. And on Thursday, we're going to have a nice, pleasant steam."
  1662. > The human held up a hand. "Stop, stop! You're forgetting who the Master is around here!"
  1663. > The pony lowered her gaze, as if chagrined.
  1664. "Sorry. Okay, go on."
  1665. > This took him aback. "Go on, what?" he asked with some confusion.
  1666. "Go on and *order* me to do all those things."
  1667. > The human stared at the mare. "You don't give up, do you?" he asked at length.
  1668. "Never have so far!"
  1669. > He chuckled and bopped her nose with a finger. She automatically licked the spot, which made her frown in annoyance. It just made the human laugh harder.
  1670. > "Go on," he said, "get yourself to bed, right now. I'll think about it."
  1671. > She cast him a pointed look, but walked slowly out of the room and up to her bed. Despite the blunder and the belting, Celestia was happy. It was good to know that the human wouldn't punish her too harshly, even over serious stuff. Not that it would *ever* happen again, she swore to herself silently.
  1672. > And, having thought she would be sent back, it was a big relief that Anonymous was prepared to put up with her, even while she was still learning all the little ways and rules.
  1673. > She sat on the carpet and pulled the hoofguards and the vest from under the bed. She held them up to the light and just looked for a while.
  1674. > Already this new life felt like the real one, and Equestria was fading. Of course she wouldn't forget, but her plan was working. With the clamor of politics and diplomacy that far away, the Princess was quickly relaxing. She was quite enjoying herself - yes, even the punishment. It was an entirely different world of experience, and she explored it with a fascination of someone who had been stuck in the same place, same routine for millenia.
  1675. > A few months of this carefree life and she would be a new mare!
  1676. > But there was something important she had to do - perhaps not every day, but as often as it took to keep the memory alive.
  1677. > She kissed the emblem on the vest.
  1678. "Good night, Sister. I hope the burden isn't too heavy."
  1679. > Then she stuck the items under the bed again and climbed in. No doubt there would be more stuff to do tomorrow. New, interesting things to learn. Sights to see!
  1680. > She was looking forward to the walk with Anonymous. She wondered where he would take her.
  1681. > From her pillow, Celestia could just see the hillside. Maybe there were secrets in the forest - ones the humans knew and she didn't. Perhaps her owner would show her some!
  1682. > Her smile remained on her lips long after she had drifted off.
  1684. > ~~~~
  1686. > Celestia had spent some time planning her move. It was nearly time now and she finished her preparations. She cast a critical eye over everything.
  1687. > Saddlebags, loaded with a few sandwiches and water bottles. Check.
  1688. > Two large glasses of yogurt and mashed fruit to get them started. Check.
  1689. > Collar, within easy reach near the garage door. Check.
  1690. > Facial expression...
  1691. > She walked to the bathroom and peered into the mirror for a quick, last-minute practice. Big eyes, as glossy as she could make them. Ears slightly lowered. Mane hanging down to accentuate the misery. Head held low, but turned up hopefully.
  1692. > Something was missing. Aha!
  1693. > The mare floated over her collar and held it in her mouth so that it hung from either side.
  1694. > It was perfect.
  1695. > Perhaps all the preparation was unnecessary, but Celestia had a feeling Anonymous would try and weasel out of their agreement. He hadn't actually promised, after all. It was best to make sure.
  1696. > Besides, it was fun to play the role of a neglected and lonely slave who is hoping for nothing more than some attention by her master.
  1697. > While she was working to suppress the giggle, Celestia heard the car pull up. The grinding, metallic noise of the garage door confirmed it. Anonymous was home. It was show time!
  1698. > She neatly levitated the yogurt drinks to the only flat surface in the hall - a low shoe cabinet - and dropped her packed saddlebags at the side. She took the collar in her mouth again, sat before the garage door and waited, heart racing.
  1699. > The door opened. Her human looked at her. The face - tired, of course - relaxed into a grin.
  1700. > It worked.
  1701. > "Oh, alright, I get the hint," the human said. Celestia sensed he had meant to sound cross, but she knew the image she had created was simply too pretty to resist. Of course he couldn't be mad!
  1702. > She floated him his drink and gulped down her own. The collar was instantly around her neck and the bags on her back. Then the mare stepped nervously from hoof to hoof while she waited on Anonymous.
  1703. > He put the glass down on the cabinet and looked at her. It was only half-empty, but she was willing to overlook that little insult. Anonymous raised up his hands in defeat. "Okay, okay. I'll just have to find some less-expensive pants, okay?"
  1704. "Already laid out on your bed. Hurry!"
  1705. > "Sheesh, what's gotten into you?"
  1706. > It was a valid question and it made the pony a pause in surprise. Impatience was uncharacteristic for her. And cajoling her owner like that? Unthinkable to the 'old Celestia'.
  1707. > But the truth wasn't difficult to guess. She had spent the day alone. She had watched the TV until it bored her. Then she swept all the floors, made the beds and went out to trim the hedge some more.
  1708. > She had, very carefully, abstained from eating the sweet foliage. That is, eating it off the bush itself. No one saw her stick her muzzle in the bag once she had gotten it behind the house.
  1709. > After that, she read up on some human recipes. She was well into the meat section and couldn't stand more than a couple at a time. After a few pages she was forced to put the book away to quell her uneasy stomach.
  1710. > She considered another bath or steam, but the alicorn knew such indulgence would spoil her irreversibly.
  1711. > So the rest of her afternoon was spent standing on the roof and trying to peer through the thinning, multicolored forest for trails she would like to explore. She had quite a few in her sights.
  1712. > Too bad it was already getting dark and she would have an hour, two at the most.
  1713. > The trip would have to be repeated on a Saturday! Even if she had to carry the human on her back!
  1714. > And there it was: She had been hyping herself up for the walk throughout the afternoon. No wonder she was so impatient to get going.
  1715. > She stilled her hooves and schooled her expression back to the one she internally called 'diplomatic patience'. But she couldn't keep her ears from seeking out the tiniest sounds which told her how Anonymous was doing with his clothes.
  1716. > The silken rustle as his fine shirt slid off. Followed by the metallic tinkle of the belt buckle. An occasional grunt as pants came down and were shaken off.
  1717. > Then, to her slight disappointment, the sound of the human fiddling with the clothes wardrobe. She had hoped he would leave the suit on the bed or floor for her to tidy up later. It would have saved him *seconds*!
  1718. > Then came the coarser sounds of his 'jeans'. That was what the label said, at least. He had worn these to the market a few days ago, the mare vividly remembered their washed-out blue color. She could pinpoint the moment he had finished pulling them on. Then the zipper. And the belt. And some more rustling as he began with his shirt and sweater.
  1719. > The mare firmly stifled her desire to get up and pace. Instead, she sat on her haunches and examined the paintings in the entrance hall.
  1720. > She looked, but didn't see a single one - in her mind, she was watching the human fiddle with his clothes some more, then stand up and walk out of the room and down the stairs.
  1721. > Her owner found her apparently engrossed with a painting of sunflowers.
  1722. > "Van Gogh," he said, "you like it?"
  1723. > She focused her eyes. It was quite a pleasant painting. A bit simplistic at first glance, but as she examined it for a few seconds, more and more details sprang to life. The painter, Celestia decided, was a genius. But it would have to wait for later.
  1724. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go. Let's go!"
  1725. > She was on her hooves and out the door in an instant. The human followed slowly and fiddled with the door. Then he put the keys in his pocket and looked up toward the hill. "So, where do you want to go?"
  1726. "This way! Come on. While there's some light left!"
  1727. > That reminded Anonymous. "Oh, that's right! We should bring a flashlight, just in case. I don't want be stuck in the hills with no light."
  1728. > The mare stared at him in shock as he pulled the keys back from his pocket. But then she remembered that Anonymous hadn't seen her do much else than simple levitation.
  1729. "It's fine, I got it!"
  1730. > To demonstrate, she made her horn glow a brilliant yellow-white light, very much like the sun. The human stared in awe. "Impressive," he managed.
  1731. > The mare sighed, let the spell go and switched to levitation to tug his hand forward.
  1732. > It finally worked and Anonymous started moving.
  1733. >...
  1734. > As soon as they entered the forest, all impatience was gone from Celestia. She walked easily, if rather slowly, beside the human and tried to see everything.
  1735. > She had never taken a particular interest in the woods before. Even gardening had been an old, second-rate hobby. But now, everything seemed fresh and foreign. And it wasn't only the fact that she was on an alien world - after all, the plants and trees looked much the same as the ones in Equestria.
  1736. > Somehow, it was still novel and exciting. She found herself enjoying even the smallest detail.
  1737. > The touch of wind on her withers. The scents of wood and moss and mud. The crunch - or, in some places, squelch - of leaves underhoof. They passed a small fir tree and she carefully nibbled on a few green tips. They were bitter and unpalatable, but it was important that she tasted it!
  1738. > After a few minutes, she tried to strike up a conversation with Anonymous.
  1739. "So, do you ever participate in the Running of the Leaves?"
  1740. > "The running of what?" came the reply. The pony figured it must have a different name on Earth.
  1741. "Well, in late autumn, when the leaves are starting to fall from trees, there is a run through the woods to shake the last branches clear before winter. It is a very popular event in Equestria. Nearly every pony joins it."
  1742. > His question shocked her: "Why?"
  1743. > The mare opened her mouth to tell the human it had been that way for countless generations. But then she tried to remember why the tradition had started. It took some digging.
  1744. "At first, it was only earth ponies for their fruit trees. If there were no leaves left on branches, the trees stood the winter a little better. I guess that was reason enough, for some families."
  1745. > She leaned closer as if confiding a big secret.
  1746. "Some ponies care very much for their trees and other plants. I have heard of a family who covered theirs with cloth on particularly cold nights."
  1747. > She wrenched her mind back to her story.
  1748. "In any case, running is fun. Most ponies enjoy running, so over the years, more and more joined the tradition. Eventually, it spread also to pegasi and unicorns. Now, the entire kingdom does it every fall."
  1749. > Anonymous took it all in and thought it over. "Fascinating place," he said, once again. Only this time, Celestia wasn't sure if it was derogatory or sincere.
  1750. > "Some humans run for recreation, or reasons of health. And yes, there are races - marathons - organized sometimes. But they mostly take place in cities, I think."
  1751. "Could I join one?"
  1752. > The man looked her up and down. "I don't think it'd be allowed, not seriously. You do have a few unfair advantages."
  1753. > She felt her ears droop down and her owner quickly stepped closer and scratched her head. "Look, I'll check the Internet and see. If there are any upcoming marathons, I'll call the organizers and ask if you could participate, even if you're not eligible to win, okay?"
  1754. > She grinned, disappointment forgotten in an instant.
  1755. "Thank you, Anonymous!"
  1756. > The human was thoughtful. "You know, you're an awful lot of work. I'm pretty sure the idea was that you'd reduce the amount of stuff I had to do."
  1757. > She poked her tongue out at the human, before countering his complaint.
  1758. "I do all the tedious stuff around the house. We can switch if you want!"
  1759. > They both laughed and the pony went on, earnestly.
  1760. "Besides, it'll do you good to go out and meet people. I think that's the *real* reason you got me, even if you won't admit it to yourself."
  1761. > "So you're a shrink, too?"
  1762. "A what?"
  1763. > "Psychiatrist. Head doctor."
  1764. > The mare shook her head firmly.
  1765. "Nothing of the sort. I just know how to read people. It comes with the job."
  1766. > They walked in silence for a while, until they came across a tiny stream of water, running along the path. Celestia watched it for a moment, then grinned to herself.
  1767. > Of course she had to try it!
  1768. > She waited until there was a puddle large enough for her muzzle. Then she sucked up a mouthful.
  1769. > It tasted of mud, and wood and leaves. And it left some grit on her tongue. But it was still delicious!
  1770. > She saw Anonymous make a face. "Ugh, that's gross. I thought you were civilized!"
  1771. "Sometimes it's fun to let loose."
  1772. > But the human didn't seem convinced. He was looking at the mare strangely. "So, the first day, with you all proper and professional. That had been an act? Were you trying to impress me or something?"
  1773. > Celestia froze. She quickly ran through the past few days in her mind. She really was acting very differently than what she had expected! She needed an explanation!
  1774. "Well, no. Not really. That is who I was. Call it a 'remnant of my past life'."
  1775. > She was careful not to allude to the fact that she would be returning to it.
  1776. "But doing these jobs, for you. It is quite relaxing."
  1777. > "Working the house is relaxing? Cooking? Cleaning?"
  1778. "Yes!"
  1779. > It was difficult to explain. Even Mr. Plain hadn't understood. Celestia wasn't entirely sure she herself knew why it was so. But she tried anyway.
  1780. "I don't know how or why, but this job is very relaxing. You must remember I had to decide important matters of state. I had to negotiate, which means 'deceive' most of the time. I had spent so long acting like a diplomat, that I forgot who I really was underneath. Do you understand?"
  1781. > Her owner was staring into the distance, with his brow furrowed in thought. But slowly, he nodded. "I think I get it. You were a politician. You had to act a certain way. But now, you don't need that anymore."
  1782. "Exactly! It's liberating!"
  1783. > That one made him laugh for a bit. "I don't think I've ever heard anyone use that particular word to describe servitude!"
  1784. "Well, it's true! Washing dishes is fun! Cleaning floors is fun! Because it's not complicated. You know when you're done. I like it, and I like being relaxed."
  1785. > When the human didn't answer her for a while, Celestia searched his face for any sign that she might have overstepped some bounds. Just in case, she added:
  1786. "Just - let me know if I relax too much, please? Before you decide to send me back to the auction?"
  1787. > "I saw you finished the hedge today. Not a bad job. And the house is looking good," Anonymous said slowly. Celestia didn't immediately connect this with what they had just been discussing. So she simply took the compliment.
  1788. "Thank you?"
  1789. > But the man wasn't done yet. "Your cooking is good. Maybe you should try a meat dish or two, sometimes, but it's good, overall."
  1790. "Uh, sure? I've been reading up on it, and-"
  1791. > Only now did the alicorn realize Anonymous wasn't quite listening. He simply went on, interrupting her: "So, as long as the quality of your work doesn't change, I don't mind you a bit more relaxed. I'm glad you enjoy the work. Plus, goofy horse is funny horse, and that's a very welcome, if unexpected, bonus."
  1792. > She felt her mouth slowly spread in a smile.
  1793. "So, you're happy with my service?"
  1794. > The man nodded, finally able to hear her again, it seemed. "Extremely. Just don't go *too* crazy, okay? If you do, I might belt you again, but I don't think I'll send you back."
  1795. > Her punishment came back to mind and the mare lowered her ears. It was more a sign of shame, than fear.
  1796. "Good. Then we are agreed."
  1797. > She held out her hoof for him to shake. It was a little muddy, but the man could grab her ankle, which was nice and clean. He didn't though.
  1798. > "One more thing, I've been thinking about."
  1799. "Yes?"
  1800. > "You are not to use the sauna whenever you please, alright? Maybe I've been too lenient. We'll save this for a special reward when you've been good. The same goes for bath. You can take showers, instead."
  1801. > Celestia blinked in surprise and her hoof dropped to the ground. It was a loss and it stung quite a bit. But the human was right, she realized. Over the days she had gotten too relaxed. She had forgotten her role in their story.
  1802. > Her owner was absolutely within his right to put her in her proper place. Plus, the mare realized, he hadn't said anything about baking or TV.
  1803. "H-how will I earn them?"
  1804. > The human went to pat her head. It really helped ease the sting. "Well, you've earned one bath and sauna with that contract you checked. My colleague who deals with international trade has been going over it for the past two days. Apparently, most of your suggestions are 'brilliant'. And the few that aren't, are good starting points."
  1805. > The pony felt herself beam with pride. She even stood a bit taller.
  1806. > But there was more. Anonymous went on: "And, despite my misgivings, it seems you hardly missed a thing. A few minor, esoteric points. But he's had twenty years of experience and specializes in that field. You've only read the law books once. It's damned impressive, Celestia!"
  1807. > Almost without her conscious controls, her hooves did a little prance and the mare hugged her owner with her wings.
  1808. "Thank you! I was happy to help!"
  1809. > After extricating himself from her affection, Anonymous spoke again. "You saved him a couple days of work, so don't be surprised if he offers to buy you lunch tomorrow. I can't wait to see what he says when he sees you!"
  1810. > Whatever Anonymous was imagining, it made him chuckle. But he wouldn't explain what he meant, even after Celestia asked.
  1812. > They resumed their walk. She really wanted to reach the top of the smaller hill. There was a clearing, where they could watch the stars come out and eat their sandwiches. Then, she'd use her magic to light their way home.
  1813. > She was still a bit shaken about the sudden discipline. She had been getting quite comfortable around her Master. He was very easygoing, despite appearances. But she understood his concern. If her demeanor changed this much in a few short days, where might it end up?
  1814. > The 'diplomat' in her fully endorsed Anonymous' decision to limit her fun and keep her reined in. But the 'Celestia' part of her couldn't help but fume a little at the loss.
  1815. > She'd have to find a small, funny and - above all - harmless way to get back at him, one of these days. She wouldn't hurt the man, in any way. Or even inconvenience him. But she needed to plot a little. It helped her put the incident fully behind her.
  1816. > Besides, she had *one* bath and sauna, and she planned to enjoy them later tonight. The water would feel *nice* after their walk.
  1818. > ~~~~
  1820. > Excitement and trepidation vied for the top spot in Celestia's mind as the car slowed down and the human spoke up. "This is it," he said, with a certain finality.
  1821. > The drive had been silent for her part because the mare was tired. She had gotten the idea to bake something for Anonymous' colleagues. Too bad it had only occurred to her right after her sauna.
  1822. > Of course, Once she thought it, the pony simply had to do it. Nothing fancy though - a few trays of cookies and one of muffins. She had finished at two A.M.
  1823. > All residual sleepiness fled as Anonymous drove into a dark, gaping hole in the ground. Celestia felt a slight discomfort as her mind threw up the image of them being swallowed by a large dragon.
  1824. > Luckily the inside was well lit past that initial, scary ramp. The human deftly manoeuvred his car into a spot between two others, then switched it off.
  1825. > "Stay close to me. There's gonna be some surprise, but I don't expect any trouble.
  1826. > The mare realized he had said it to ease her fear. She became aware that her ears were lowered, like a frightened filly.
  1827. > While it was fun to pretend sometimes at home - that is how she chose to remember it! - this was a place of business. She had to put on her diplomatic face and act the part of a skilled politician.
  1828. > She followed her owner to a small room, full of mirrors and with a column of buttons on the side. It was a tight fit and the pony had to twist a little. Her muzzle was right in her owner's hair and she smelled the faint scent of his shampoo.
  1829. > They had talked about it and her owner assured her that there were absolutely no ponies anywhere near the office. The mare had therefore decided not to disguise herself as 'Supple Branch'. A smaller pony would have fit more easily in this tiny room, but holding on to her spell over the entire day would be very tiring. She certainly did *not* want her magic to slip during the pony meeting!
  1830. > Anonymous pushed a button labelled '16' and Celestia felt the floor lurch. It made her shuffle her feet nervously. They were rising!
  1831. > But the human noticed her look and put a hand on her neck. "Relax, it's just the elevator. This way we don't have to walk up eighteen flights of stairs."
  1832. "Ah. Okay. Thank you."
  1833. > There was a ding and the door slid open. Celestia looked out with curiosity.
  1834. > It was a corridor lined with glass offices and with a soft, blue carpet on the floor. She could see in the nearest few that they contained a desk, one of those 'computer' things Anonymous told her had the 'Internet', and a bookshelf.
  1835. > Just barely visible were big blocky things - filing cabinets, the mare decided. Full of binders and papers and other office supplies.
  1836. > Twilight Sparkle would probably love it here, the Princess thought and it brought a smile to her lips. She followed her owner down the hallway, acutely aware of the collar on her neck and the stares of people in offices. There were also some humans in the corridor, their conversation halted by the sight.
  1837. > Anonymous paused at the reception desk, where a plump, red-haired woman stared at them in surprise. It was hard to tell her age, because there was too much makeup on her face.
  1838. > While Celestia inspected the woman, her owner broke the ice. "Morning, Wendy. This is Celestia. She, uh, keeps my house in order."
  1839. > The mare glanced at her owner and wondered why he hadn't said 'slave', or 'servant'. Perhaps it was rude to mention it? But on the other hoof, the collar was right there, proclaiming her position beyond doubt to everyone who looked!
  1840. > Celestia decided to solve the mystery later. She followed up on the introduction and levitated a small saucer, wrapped with that transparent plastic foil. Quite useful stuff.
  1841. > She made sure her voice was cheerful and her smile bright and pleasant.
  1842. "Good morning, Wendy! Here, I made these for you!"
  1843. > It was a couple of muffins and a selection of cookies. Celestia became aware that the woman was staring at the floating plate and remembered her owner's reaction to her levitation spell. It was too distracting, so she laid the impromptu tray on the receptionist's desk and let the magic fade away.
  1844. > She also became aware that people had exited their offices to look at her. She was starting to feel decidedly uncomfortable with the scrutiny, despite her years and years in the public eye.
  1845. > Luckily, Anonymous came to the rescue. He clapped his hands together and turned to the crowd. "All right, people, nothing to see here. You've all heard of equestrians. We've had several cases, remember?"
  1846. > It was enough. There was a murmur of conversation, indistinct even to her ears, then the crowd slowly dispersed. Even Wendy, the receptionist seemed to snap out of her shock.
  1847. > "Oh! Yes, of course, Mr. Anonymous!" she squeaked. She looked apprehensively at the cookies, then up at the mare. Celestia kept her smile in place. "She's... bigger than I imagined."
  1848. > "She's taller than an average pony, yes."
  1849. > The receptionist poked the plate of sweets with a finger. "What did she mean by 'made these for me'?"
  1850. > Anonymous rolled her eyes. "You can ask her yourself," he said, politely, but with an air of slight annoyance. "I'll introduce her to Denis, then she'll keep you company for a while."
  1851. > Again, the woman looked at Celestia, but this time there was some admiration there. "Well, she certainly is pretty," the lady remarked.
  1852. > Celestia took the matter in her own hooves.
  1853. "Thank you. And I like your hair. It reminds me of a friend from home."
  1854. > Wendy patted her head a little self-consciously, then managed a weak grin. The mare kept her own smile, but it was starting to feel a bit strained.
  1855. "Please, try the cookies. It's my own secret recipe!"
  1856. > That worked and Wendy unwrapped the plate. She carefully took one of the muffins and looked at it uncertainly. Thankfully, Anonymous came to her rescue again.
  1857. > "Come on, let's go meet Denis and then you two can talk," he said and took a step.
  1858. > Celestia was only too happy to follow her human down the corridor and into a corner office. The sight made her gasp a little in surprise.
  1859. > The view was spectacular. The entire wall was windows and she could see for miles and miles! They were so high up, too! The pony hadn't realized just how fast that elevator had moved.
  1860. > She ignored her owner for a moment and went to press her nose right up against the glass. Even her wings fluttered a little as she looked straight down, at the tiny cars and people.
  1861. > "Anonymous, late as usual! Hey, when did you get one of those?"
  1862. > It was a new voice and the pony dragged her gaze from the view. The man was thin and tall, with a mess of hair that was just starting to go gray. He put her in mind of nothing so much as a beanstalk. But he seemed jovial enough. Aside from a cursory glance, he didn't stare at the pony which instantly made Celestia like him.
  1863. > "A couple of weeks. Denis, I'd like you to meet Celestia. She's the one who did that contract for you," her owner explained. It made the other human stare for a moment, then burst out laughing.
  1864. > "Ha ha! Pull the other one, you asshole. Who *really* did that?" the laugh was a bit insulting, so Celestia looked at Anonymous and waited for him to confirm it.
  1865. > "It's true," her human said. "She used to be a diplomat in her country and I swear she has an eidetic memory for legal stuff. Wait-" he paused and stared at her, as if just realizing something. "That contract Mr. Plain brought me - that wasn't standard auction stuff. Did you come up with it? Why am I only realizing this now?!"
  1866. > Celestia gave a nervous smile.
  1867. "Yes, I helped with certain points. The contract his Auction had was... inadequate. I wanted to make sure."
  1868. > Denis looked from Anonymous to her, then back. "Don't tell me you expect me to believe this little spiel?"
  1869. > But her owner just shrugged. "Well, she did it. Read the trade laws, read the contract and - well, you got the result."
  1870. > The tall human laughed again, but stopped when neither Anonymous nor Celestia joined in. "Okay, we'll just see about that then," he said quietly and pointed a finger at the pony. "Don't go anywhere!"
  1871. > He left the office at a fast walk and turned down the hall. The mare looked at her owner.
  1872. "It's a little insulting, you know?"
  1873. > Anonymous came to pat her mane. "Sorry about that. I never told him you were a pony. He'll believe it, just give him time."
  1874. > He stopped when Denis rushed back, a sheaf of papers in his hand. He glared at Anonymous, then transferred the look to the mare.
  1875. > "Very well, miss pony-lawyer, tell me this," he demanded and turned the page toward her. It was one of her recommendations for a tricky part of the trade agreement. "Tell me where did you get this?"
  1876. > Celestia searched her memory. Anonymous had said that some of her suggestions were weak, but he never told her which. So she simply retraced her reasoning.
  1877. "Well, that particular part - let me see - yes. It was in one of the laws. Do you have the books?"
  1878. > Anonymous wordlessly went to his bookshelves and pulled out a volume. Celestia remembered it from her studying and picked it up in her magic. She quickly leafed to the correct part.
  1879. "Here. Sixteen, paragraph two. The language is a little ambiguous, so I wasn't sure. I rewrote those sentences in the contract to work around it."
  1880. > Denis looked at the floating book before his face. He didn't seem to notice the magic at all. He scanned the page, muttering a little to himself. Then, at last, he lowered the text and stared at the pony.
  1881. > "You wrote those corrections," he said flatly. It didn't sound like a question. Celestia looked at Anonymous, who nodded.
  1882. "I d-did."
  1883. > She wasn't sure what else to say.
  1884. > The man stared for a moment longer, then his eyes lit up and he smiled. "A damn fine job! And this asshole here," he said and nudged her owner, "never mentioned you were a pony. Not that I'd have believed it!"
  1885. > It made her frown in displeasure.
  1886. "Mr. Denis. I assure you, ponies can do all the same jobs that human can. And more!"
  1887. > It shut him up. Her tone certainly made Anonymous choke a little as he suppressed his laughter.
  1888. > The tall man stared at her again, then his face split in another grin. "I believe it! Anyway, lunch is on me. This saved me a bunch of time."
  1889. > He stepped closer and put himself between Anonymous and her. He also lowered his voice a little. "How'd you like to come work for me, instead?"
  1890. > Without even waiting for her response, Denis turned to her owner and fumbled in his pocket until he found a small booklet. "Fifty K. Right now."
  1891. > Celestia's blood froze. If this man became her owner, she would have more things like that contract as her job. It would be right back to the same old politics and diplomacy! She caught Anonymous' eye and shook her head with as miserable expression as she could manage.
  1892. > "Sorry, no deal. Find your own talent."
  1893. > Celestia felt her wings and ears droop from relief. Even her knees went weak for a moment. But Denis wasn't so easily deterred.
  1894. > "Hundred K? Hundred and fifty? Come on, man. How much did you pay for her? I'll triple it!"
  1895. > Her owner shook his head to all of those. "She'll help you from time to time, but only if she feels like it. And you'll pay standard rate."
  1896. > It worked and Denis deflated. "Fine, fine!" He turned to Celestia and winked, all trace of disappointment gone instantly. "You, if you ever get tired of whatever he's having you do, come find me."
  1897. "Uh, sure, Mr. Denis."
  1898. > He laughed and patted her on the back. "Just Denis to you. Come around my office at twelve and I'll take you to the finest restaurant around here. Both of you!"
  1899. > And just like that he was gone. The pony looked at her owner in confusion.
  1900. "What... just happened?"
  1901. > Anonymous, unable to contain the laughter anymore, had to sit down behind his desk. "Oh, don't mind him. Denis offers to hire anyone who shows the smallest bit of talent. And he usually fires them within a week, as soon as they make their first mistake."
  1902. "Thank you. For not selling me. It sounded like a lot of money."
  1903. > The human shrugged. "It was. But money isn't everything you know?"
  1904. > It was an unfamiliar attitude. Celestia was aware that most humans valued money above everything else. It was strange that her owner, who apparently had a lot of it, didn't.
  1905. "So, what should I do?"
  1906. > Anonymous looked at his wristwatch. "I have a meeting in five minutes and it'll probably drag until lunch. Go to Wendy, tell her I sent you. See if she has any little jobs you could help with."
  1907. > The human paused, then offered an alternative: "Or, stay here and read, if you'd prefer that. Just don't break anything."
  1908. > Celestia thought quickly. Her eyes scanned the rows of books on the shelves. All law books and legal texts. As boring as books could get.
  1909. "I'll be with the receptionist."
  1910. > Her owner shrugged, then gathered up a few folders from his desk and left the office. It seemed she was on her own. Celestia couldn't help but be flattered by the trust.
  1911. > She went to inspect the view again. The city was spread before her like an open flower. This was far higher than even her balcony in the Canterlot Castle.
  1912. > She traced the path of one particular sidewalk until it went out of sight behind a building. Then her eyes switched to a glistening pair of railroad tracks. They weren't much different from equestrian ones, except that the trains themselves didn't seem to run on steam. They were sleek, red and yellow and green things that gave the impression of tremendous speed, even when sitting still at what Celestia assumed was a station.
  1913. > But her inspection of the city ended soon. The mare sighed, cast another look across the distance, and turned resolutely away. True, Anonymous had said she could spend the day in his office, but the mare had put a lot of effort into preparing treats for her owner's coworkers. She wasn't intending to bring the fruit of her labor back home with her.
  1914. > She poked her head out through the open, glass door and looked down the corridor. It seemed mostly empty, so she stepped forward and turned toward the reception.
  1915. > Again, the people in offices looked up from their work to stare at her. But at least none of them came out to ask her questions. It seemed Anonymous' word carried a lot of power in this place. For some reason, it made Celestia feel proud that he was her owner.
  1916. > The receptionist stared at her, once again. It made the mare shuffle nervously and wonder if there was something on her face.
  1917. > She gulped and ventured:
  1918. "I'm- Mr. Anonymous asked me to help you with any tasks you might need."
  1919. > The receptionist was no help. "What sort of tasks?" she asked, perhaps a tad suspiciously. The woman had been in the process filing her nails, but now stopped and watched the mare closely.
  1920. "Whatever, really. I can make coffee, or proofread documents..."
  1921. > "Hmm. Can you use a phone?" came the question. Celestia hadn't done so before, but she was confident she could after Mr. Plain's instruction. The pony nodded.
  1922. > It made Wendy smile again. "Good. Come here, let me show you what you need to do."
  1923. > The alicorn made her way around the desk.
  1924. > The task was simple. Wendy 'printed out' a list of people and their numbers and some dates. It was Celestia's job to use the phone to reach everyone on the list and make sure the people knew about their appointments on those days.
  1925. > Simplicity itself. Most of the voices that answered the mare were uncertain, perhaps even slightly scared after she told them where she was calling from. But she made her voice as reassuring as she could and coaxed all of the 'clients' to agree to their meetings.
  1926. > By the time she was done, Wendy was impressed.
  1927. > "Mr. Anonymous didn't bring you in as my replacement, did he?" the woman asked, only half-joking.
  1928. > Celestia giggled a little.
  1929. "No. I help him around the house. You have nothing to worry about."
  1930. > They talked a bit more - with occasional interruptions as Wendy answered her phone, or fiddled with her computer. Then they made coffee and took it around the offices. It was the perfect opportunity and Celestia added a couple of cookies and a muffin with each serving.
  1931. > It was quite well received and pretty soon the mare felt right at home in the office.
  1932. > People still stared, of course, but she was able to put it out of her mind, thanks to her long practice.
  1933. >...
  1934. > Before she knew it, noon had come around and the mare found herself sitting in a nearby restaurant with Anonymous and Denis. The two were deep in conversation about some of their cases, so the pony used the time to look around.
  1935. > It was certainly a fancy place. Thick carpet, lush curtains, gilded chandeliers, polite staff. There was surprisingly little comment at the fact that she wasn't human, too!
  1936. > She didn't know many of the foods, but on Denis' recommendation, Celestia ordered the 'Greek salad'. The other two asked for steak and it was only through force of will that the mare kept her face neutral.
  1937. > Denis tried to buy her again, but Anonymous gave him a firm no and put a stop to it. It was flattering, but also starting to get annoying.
  1938. > Luckily, the tall lawyer changed the topic. "So, Celestia - what kind of trade deals did you usually arrange at your old job?"
  1939. > It was a bit hypocritical of him. He had said 'old job', as if she had come to Earth for a change of scenery or something.
  1940. > Yes, it was true in her case! But most ponies didn't get a choice. That's why it was called slavery!
  1941. > But she made her expression pleasant.
  1942. "All sorts, really. Our neighbors include the griffins, minotaurs, dragons... all sorts of people! You wouldn't believe what they wanted to trade!"
  1943. > The human grinned in anticipation. "Come on, give us an example!"
  1944. > She thought back to the weirdest. "Well, once there was his pompous griffin lord, who wanted our criminals. There aren't many ponies who commit heinous crimes, but he wanted them. It turned out he was hoping to let them go in the wilderness and then hunt them! Can you imagine?"
  1945. > All three of them laughed.
  1946. "Of course I said no! No amount of gold would make me sell out my-"
  1947. > The mare caught herself and blushed. She felt her ears lower and finished lamely:
  1948. "-the citizens. Even criminals."
  1949. > Anonymous opened his mouth, but the other guy was a second faster. He just spoke over her owner: "Well, I heard where ponies are selling themselves into servitude. Mostly for medicine, or sometimes to get one of them back from Earth. A trade, or something."
  1950. > Her face darkened.
  1951. "The crown doesn't condone that, oh no! In fact, I heard *the Princess* is planning to make that illegal! And she's working with the human government to get the ponies back!"
  1952. > The two humans leaned away from her fire. "Sheesh, sorry to have brought it up. I didn't realize it was that important to you," Denis said, raising his hands.
  1953. > The mare forced herself to calm down.
  1954. "It's alright. I just- don't like it."
  1955. > The grin was quickly back on the human. "Well, if you ever see the Princess again," here he looked at Anonymous and winked, "you can offer her our services. I'm sure we could help with the proper wording to get that legislation through more easily."
  1956. > Celestia kept her face impassive.
  1957. "I'll keep that in mind."
  1958. > But the tall man wasn't done yet. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking - why are you here?"
  1959. > The mare thought fast and decided to use the same story she had tried with Mr. Plain.
  1960. "I sold my contract in exchange for medicine for a friend."
  1961. > "How long?"
  1962. > Anonymous answered that one. He seemed to feel her discomfort discussing it, even if he thought it was for a different reason. "Twenty years," her owner answered.
  1963. > Denis whistled. "Expensive medicine. What disease?"
  1964. > Celestia looked down. The disease and the medicine were real. And her 'sacrifice' had helped. But it still wasn't something she particularly enjoyed talking about, not least because some desperate families really were in that bind.
  1965. > And some mares - fillies, really - sold the only thing they had. Themselves.
  1966. "Cancer."
  1967. > The human simply had to try again: "Well, I can pay it off and reduce your contract to ten years, how's that sound?"
  1968. > She glared, but Anonymous held a hand up. "Stop it, or you're fired!"
  1969. > Denis just laughed uproariously. "You can't do that, buddy! We're partners! But okay. Sorry. No more offering to buy the pony, I promise."
  1970. > Luckily, their food arrived and they didn't have to talk anymore. Celestia bit into her salad and found it extremely tasty.
  1971. > It was almost good enough to make her forgive the human who had bought it. Hopefully he'd keep his mouth shut for the rest of the meal.
  1972. >...
  1973. > They were back in Anonymous' office before too long. She pushed the door closed and cast a simple spell to shield the room from eavesdropping.
  1974. "That pompous, good for nothing, arrogant,... *Aargh!*"
  1975. > Her owner chuckled. "Sorry. He's not too bad once you get to know him. But he never had much feel for people. Apparently also ponies."
  1976. > The mare glared at her owner, but sighed and tried to relax. It failed. She took a few calming breaths, but the words bubbled back from her memory and the mare stomped her hoof.
  1977. "Buy me a *stallion* to keep me entertained?! Who in Tartarus does he think he is?! I'll show him 'buy me a stallion'!"
  1978. > She snorted, leaving a layer of condensation on the glass.
  1979. "I'm not doing any more work for him, lunch or not. Got it?"
  1980. > The human nodded. "Sure, sure. No problem. What's with the glow, by the way?" If he was concerned about her magic, Anonymous didn't show it. Or perhaps by now, he trusted her enough.
  1981. "Sound-shield. No one can hear what we say."
  1982. > "That's quite useful."
  1983. "Humph! If that... *human* tries to buy me again, I will break his legs, understand?!"
  1984. > That seemed to be going too far. Anonymous looked up sharply and frowned at her. "Now now, behave yourself. Denis is tactless, but he's a good attorney and partner. I already told you I'll have a word with him."
  1985. > She just gave a grunt to acknowledge him. Then went to watch the view. It did wonders to relax her.
  1986. "So, what now?"
  1987. > Her owner shuffled some papers around. "I've got to finish some of this work. You can help, or you can relax for a bit. We still have about five hours before the pony meeting, and it's not too far from here. You're gonna change for that?"
  1988. > It took Celestia a second to realize the human didn't mean clothes.
  1989. "Oh yes! Of course. I need to go as 'Supple Branch'. I'll change in the car."
  1990. > "Good, good," Anonymous replied, already deep in thought. He was reading something from his computer screen and the pony walked around the desk to see. It looked like a legal document. No surprises there.
  1991. "So, what are you working on?"
  1993. > ~~~~
  1995. > Celestia, in her 'Supple Branch' guise, walked behind Anonymous down a grubby, dark corridor. They had left the car some distance away at the only available parking lot nearby. Then the walked down the street, looking at numbers above the entrances.
  1996. > The mare was more and more doubtful that it was the right place. There were no signs and the building seemed positively decrepit.
  1997. > The walls had once been white, but now there were stains in all shades of brown and yellow. The floor, tiles, didn't look as if it had been swept or washed in years. There were a few doors, but all of them were closed and many were scratched or battered.
  1998. "A-are you sure this is the right place?"
  1999. > Her human shrugged, but kept walking. "It's the right address. It said to last door on the left. Let's just go and look."
  2000. > She found herself creeping closer to Anonymous, until she was almost bumping his rump with her muzzle. Just in case, Celestia prepared a few emergency spells, to be cast a a moment's notice.
  2001. > She carefully stepped around paper bags and an occasional plastic cup on the floor.
  2002. > But then a very welcome sound entered her ears. She swiveled them around to hear better.
  2003. "Ponies!"
  2004. > The mare breathed out the word with considerable relief. She saw that Anonymous, too, relaxed a little.
  2005. > Sounds of talking and occasional laughter led them, indeed, to the last door on the left. It was closed, but there was a piece of paper taped at perfect pony-height.
  2006. > It read: "Pony meet up. All welcome."
  2007. > The words were the most inviting thing Celestia had seen since they left the car. But her owner stood there, inspecting the door and apparently listening to the talk inside.
  2008. > She bumped his thigh with her muzzle.
  2009. "Go on. Let's go in."
  2010. > Her voice betrayed her nerves and she cleared her throat. She repeated more firmly:
  2011. "Let's go."
  2012. > The human pushed at the door handle and the pony peeked around his legs. At the sound, the talking inside stopped and several pairs of eyes turned their way.
  2013. > They were all pony eyes and Celestia felt her heart skip a beat with nerves.
  2014. > She shouldn't be this worried about meeting her own subjects! It simply would not do. But her traitorous legs refused to obey her! She waited for Anonymous to enter first.
  2015. > The group was a mixed one. Mostly earth ponies, with one pegasus and one unicorn. The latter had a ring on her horn, if it could even be called a ring. It was a blocky, misshapen affair that made Celestia shudder to even consider. She made a mental note to thank Anonymous again, later.
  2016. > She looked at the assembly while they studied her in detail. Aside from Silent Brook, whom she knew, and the pegasus and unicorn, there were three other earth ponies.
  2017. > Two of them smiled immediately - a gray stallion sitting next to a white mare. Celestia decided that they were probably a couple when she saw them subconsciously draw nearer each other. The other earth stallion, with a pleasing chocolate-brown coat, stared at her in slight shock, before recovering and giving her a grin she could only call 'sultry'.
  2018. > The unicorn kept her expression neutral, but the pegasus gave her a timid smile, which was somehow a lot warmer than the rest.
  2019. > The brown stallion was the first to react. He stepped forward, looked up at Anonymous and reached out a leg. "Welcome! Name's Heavy Hoof. Please, there are snacks for owners, if you'd care to step this way?"
  2020. > Her owner looked down for her approval and Celestia nodded her head slightly. The human leaned down a little, shook the offered hoof and followed the pony to a closed door.
  2021. > The stallion knocked, then pushed it open. There were a few bored-looking humans in there, but Celestia only caught a glance before Anonymous entered and Heavy Hoof closed the door after him.
  2022. > The others came forward and one of them went to close to door where she had entered. If they weren't ponies, Celestia would have been quite worried by the way they circled her.
  2023. > The couple came up right to her face and sniffed her. The mare was the first to speak. "Hi! What's your name?"
  2024. > She had been expecting it and answered smoothly and confidently.
  2025. "Supple Branch."
  2026. > The alicorn could almost feel the eyes on her. "Fitting!" the mare said and introduced the rest: "I'm Lake Frond, this is my husband, Rock Lichen," she explained and pulled the pony closer, as if to show him off. "The pegasus is Glitter Dust, next to her is Glowbug - please don't ask her about the ring!"
  2027. > The last sentence was whispered, but the unicorn still heard it and humphed angrily. The mare giggled and finished: "Finally, there's Silent Brook. And Heavy Hoof led your human away, of course."
  2028. > It was a rush of names and faces, but Celestia had been practicing her memory for millenia. She quickly committed them all to memory.
  2029. "Nice to meet you all. So, what do you do at these meetings?"
  2030. > The mare, apparently the speaker for the group, shrugged. "No itinerary. Just meet and talk a little. Just so we don't forget there are other ponies out there. Oh, that reminds me! There's also Belle Hop, but she couldn't make it today. If you come next time, you'll probably meet her."
  2031. > She paused and re-railed her train of thought. "Anyway, we just... talk. It's a hard world out there and sometimes what you really need is a sympathetic ear to make sense of it. We help each other, as we can."
  2032. > Celestia nodded. It was about what she had expected. Then she spotted Brook behind the others. He wasn't as curious, having met her before, but the stallion was watching her warily.
  2033. "Hi! We met before, remember? In the park!"
  2034. > It had been all of four days ago, but she said it anyway, if only to break the ice. The stallion nodded, half-heartedly. "Yeah. Glad you could make it."
  2035. > She had a feeling he didn't relish the chance to speak with her. Probably due to all the uncomfortable questions. She decided firmly that she wouldn't push him anymore.
  2036. "So," she said to Lake Frond, "your owners aren't all bad if they let you come here, right?"
  2037. > The mare sighed and looked away. "There's good days and bad days. You know how it is. How long have you been...?" she asked, but tactfully didn't say the word 'enslaved'.
  2038. > Celestia told the truth:
  2039. "About two weeks."
  2040. > It caused a bit of laughter. "Ooh, so *that's* why we haven't seen you around," exclaimed Glitter Dust. Everyone laughed again and Celestia joined them, if a little uncertainly.
  2041. > "Your owner seemed nice," the pegasus went on. "Is he treating you well?"
  2042. "Yeah, pretty much. I just have to work the house, he's away on job, most of the time."
  2043. > Lake Frond patted her and was about to ask something, but she looked at Heavy Hoof, who was approaching Celestia from behind and shut her mouth.
  2044. > "Hello, beautiful," the stallion muttered, right in her ear. It was only through her rigid self-control that Celestia didn't jump.
  2045. > But the voice, and the words, sent a faint thrill through her. She firmly suppressed it and didn't answer. His hot breath on her ear wasn't making it any easier to concentrate, but the mare managed.
  2046. > "A calm and quiet one, eh?" the stallion asked, then chuckled a little. "I prefer 'em rowdy and wild, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."
  2047. > She didn't have to see it to know he winked. It caused her to swallow heavily. She tried for a diplomatic answer.
  2048. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested."
  2049. > It was a very good lie. A fantastic one. For the life of her, Celestia couldn't tell how the stallion was able to spot it.
  2050. > He laughed and the sound sent fresh shivers down her spine. "I doubt that, darling. What do you say we duck into the bathroom and get to know each other... personally?"
  2051. > Luckily, Lake Frond came to her rescue. The mare rolled her eyes and batted Heavy Hoof lightly on the nose. "Quit it. It's her first time. You do want her to come again sometime, don't you? So push off!"
  2052. > But his sultry smile turned into a friendly one and the stallion nudged Celestia in the ribs and laughed pleasantly. His voice was suddenly a lot less husky, too. It made it easier to look at him.
  2053. > "Sorry, miss!" he apologized and looked like he meant it. "I'm just easily excited. Don't take it the wrong way - just remember: the offer is always on the table, right?"
  2054. > He winked and walked over to a coffee table loaded with snacks. Celestia looked at them and guiltily remembered that she had given all her cookies and muffins away at Anonymous' office. She resolved to bake more for her next visit to the pony meet up.
  2055. > The pegasus followed her gaze and gestured with a wing. "Come! Grab a bite to eat. We take turns cooking - it was Lake Frond's turn today!"
  2056. > And just like that, Celestia saw, she was a part of the group. They clustered around the table and began talking again. For the most part, she just listened.
  2057. > There were stories of what they had done over the past few weeks. The mares, in particular, had to cook for their owners and they exchanged news of good prices for groceries. It seemed that they were given a strict budget by their humans and tried to stretch it as far as they could.
  2058. > The reason for that became apparent when Rock Lichen explained that the owners usually let them buy treats for themselves with the leftover money.
  2059. > Then Glowbug had to explain the strict setting of no magic on her ring. Apparently, the unicorn was usually allowed at least a trickle, so she could perform basic levitation for her personal grooming and care. Unicorns in particular were bad at doing delicate things with their hooves. But now her magic was cut off completely.
  2060. > The shame-faced mare explained that she had thrown a fit over her owner not ordering her a book she had asked for. The punishment was a week with no magic.
  2061. > There were murmurs of sympathy, but it obviously wasn't the first time it had happened, as evidenced by a slight snicker from Lake Frond and Glitter Dust.
  2062. > Once or twice Celestia spotted Heavy Hoof giving her an appraising look, with a very suggestive smile behind it. If she weren't already naked, the alicorn would have felt that the stallion was undressing her with his eyes.
  2063. > She did her best to ignore it, snapping her eyes firmly away. It didn't help that his grin grew wider and he winked when she tried to steal glances at him.
  2064. > She wondered if he had acted the same way to the others. Obviously not the earth mare, if she was really married to Rock Lichen. But the unicorn and pegasus did look at the brown stallion from time to time.
  2065. > Celestia couldn't quite read their expressions, but her imagination supplied what her observation could not.
  2066. > As pushy as he was, it wasn't a big leap to imagine him with either of the two. Or both!
  2067. > She had to wrench her thoughts back to the present when everyone looked at her. The Princess realized that Glowbug had asked her a question and quickly racked her memory for what it was.
  2068. > They wanted to know if her contract was permanent, or a limited-time one. She decided to use the same lie as she had with Anonymous and Denis.
  2069. "Twenty years. I went to get medicine for a friend."
  2070. > Heavy Hoof whistled, quite impressed. "Kind *and* generous!"
  2071. > But it was Lake Frond who smiled the widest. "That's excellent, dear! We're all lifers - taken before there were any rules. Since there are no contracts, there's no way we're getting off, at least with the laws the way they are."
  2072. > It reminded Celestia and she formulated her response carefully.
  2073. "Before I went, I overheard the Canterlot Castle staff talking. It seems Princess Celestia is working on changing the human laws regarding ponies. Apparently she's in touch with a big law firm right here in the city. They'll try to get all ponies without contracts home!"
  2074. > The group seemed wistful, but just for a moment. Then Rock Lichen gently took her hoof. "That'd be nice, but I wouldn't count on it. The humans don't like to let go of what they have."
  2075. > Glowbug sighed. "I'll believe it when I see it," she said firmly.
  2076. > Lake Frond kept her smile and placed her own hoof right beside her husbands, so they were both holding Celestia. "It's not *that* bad here, sweetie. I mean, sure, it's servitude. But we've made homes for ourselves. We have friends, even among the humans. Most of us get along with our owners just fine."
  2077. > She glanced at Brook, who rolled his eyes and snorted. But there was no reply coming, it seemed. Celestia almost brought it up, but stopped herself at the last moment.
  2078. "Well, that's what I heard. And I know the Princess cares for all of us."
  2079. > There was a nervous shuffling and a half-hearted murmur of assent, before Glitter Dust changed the topic: "So, that hot dog guy at the corner of Fourth and Harrison now has vegetarian sausage. Has anypony tried it?"
  2080. > Lake Frond made a face. "Ugh, still tastes like meat! I'm never gonna get used to it," she said, keeping her grimace.
  2081. > But Heavy Hoof was intrigued. "Hmm, I'll see if I can get Gregory to take me someday. Harrison, you said?" He looked at the pegasus for her confirming nod, then back to Celestia.
  2082. > "Would you like to join me, beautiful? Do you live nearby?"
  2083. > At least this much worked in her favor. The alicorn shook her head.
  2084. "Sorry. Up in the hills. Anonymous works near here. Well, not that near. In the area. I'm not even sure how often I'll be able to come."
  2085. > Glitter Dust fiddled around for a piece of paper and a pen. Then she scribbled something and pushed the paper toward Celestia with a hoof. "Here! Add me on Skype and we'll stay in touch. I'll give you addresses for the others - those who have it."
  2086. "Skype?"
  2087. > The pegasus explained some more. She was obviously quite excited about the stuff. "Skype? You haven't seen it yet? It's an app, on a computer. Your human *does* have a computer, doesn't he?"
  2088. > Celestia remembered the things she had been meaning to ask Anonymous.
  2089. "It's like a small TV? Rectangle with letters and numbers? By the way, what *is* Internet?"
  2090. > Now Glitter Dust was grinning widely. It caused the other ponies to chuckle with delight. "You've done it now," Brook said, finally smiling. "Now you've got her started, you're in for quite a lesson!"
  2091. > Celestia didn't understand. She looked from their smirks, to the pegasus, who was so excited she couldn't keep her wings still. "Hold on a sec!" she said and went to the door with the owners' room. She knocked, ducked inside, and came back a minute later with what looked like a black folder. She held it by a strap in her mouth and took it to the coffee table.
  2092. > "I'll show you. C'mere!" Glitter Dust said, grinning. Celestia saw that the others had made room and were back to talking softly between themselves.
  2093. > The pegasus had meanwhile dragged a silver and black rectangle from the bag. It looked a little like a TV and a little like a picture frame - if you wanted to frame pure darkness. The alicorn shuffled closer to get a better look.
  2094. > Maybe if a pony explained, she would understand better. Anonymous had told her about 'electronic mail' and information and web-sites. She couldn't understand what the box on his desk had to do with spiders.
  2095. > "Okay, lemme turn it on. You'll have to get your human to buy you a stylus or something, if you wanna use one of these. Or, if he has a laptop or a desktop, all you need it a small stick. It's good if it's soft, otherwise it's hell on your teeth."
  2096. > Celestia didn't mention that she already had a stylus. Instead, she looked with deep curiosity at the small TV, where a bunch of colorful symbols and text had appeared.
  2097. > "This here is what we call an 'eye pad', okay?" Glitter Dust began.
  2098. >...
  2099. > Celestia and Anonymous left together with the pegasus and her owner. The four of them were the last ones there, so Glitter Dust had to lock up. Her owner, a cheerful, middle-aged woman with short hair and a permanent smile, dropped the key into one of the mailboxes.
  2100. > "Don't worry, the guy who lets us rent the place will come along later to get it," Glitter Dust explained. "He opens it for us, but doesn't usually wait up."
  2101. > The ponies walked side by side with their owners following. The pegasus knew the way, even if Celestia couldn't immediately remember which way was the car. She glanced back to see if Anonymous would point out a direction, but he was having what appeared to be an animated conversation with Maggie, Glitter Dust's owner.
  2102. > She had been introduced to all their humans, except for Silent Brook's.
  2103. > "He doesn't come anymore," Lake Frond had explained when Celestia asked about it. Before she could follow up with the logical next question, the mare went on preemptively: "No, it's not quite legal, but people know Brook and they don't mind. Even the cops. He's been here the longest, I guess."
  2104. > Suddenly, Glitter Dust chuckled softly. "Did you see how Peter had to drag Heavy Hoof away? He did *not* wanna leave first. I wonder why?"
  2105. > She was giving the alicorn a sly glance, but Celestia kept her face neutral, even if it did blush a little. Reminded of the 'eager' stallion, she blurted out the question which had been stuck in her mind throughout the evening.
  2106. "Is he like that with every mare? I mean, did you you and him-"
  2107. > Celestia fell silent when she saw Glitter Dust's expression.
  2108. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
  2109. > The pegasus interrupted her. "Yes. Not that it's any business of yours."
  2110. "Sorry."
  2111. > "He does it with every mare. Heavy Hoof is... " Glitter Dust explained, but didn't know how to finish the sentence. "He has a unique situation. I won't say anything. You'll have to ask him yourself."
  2112. > Now Celestia was extra curious. She thought back on her interactions with the stallion. The new insight brought a few additional observations from her memory. How Heavy Hoof had almost avoided talking to anypony else, for example.
  2113. > Or how he hardly said two words to Anonymous, after his initial greeting. The pony also kept repeating how pretty Celestia was, despite the fact that 'Supple Branch' had been picked to be as unremarkable as possible.
  2114. > Something else occurred to her.
  2115. "Did he also... with Glowbug? And Lake Frond? And that pegasus - the one who wasn't there tonight?"
  2116. > But Glitter Dust refused to say more. "Ask them yourself!" she said irritably. But the way she spoke told Celestia that the answer was 'yes'.
  2117. > Curious.
  2118. > She wanted to find out more. She had to talk with Heavy Hoof in private. Just talk!
  2119. > Of course she wouldn't use the opportunity to sneak a peek under his belly! She wasn't a needy teenager, after all!
  2120. > A hand on her mane brought the alicorn from her reverie. "Come on, say goodbye now, Ce- Supple. We're going a different way here."
  2121. > She obediently made her farewell with Glitter Dust, politely shook Maggie's hand and watched them walk away.
  2122. "You almost slipped up there."
  2123. > Anonymous sighed. "Sorry. Not used to such duplicity."
  2124. > She pierced him with a look and pointed out:
  2125. "I thought you were a lawyer."
  2126. > "Not all lawyers are liars," the human countered.
  2127. "Touché."
  2128. > He laughed, then ruffled her mane and looked around. "This way. I think there's a good pizzeria a few blocks down."
  2129. > Celestia instantly forgave the slip-up. She hadn't had human pizza yet and she was eager to try.
  2130. "You're paying."
  2131. > They both chuckled at her obvious statement. Then her owner began walking and she followed.
  2132. >...
  2133. > Celestia groaned as Anonymous' car hit what seemed like an endless series of bumps. Her hooves were on her belly, resting as lightly as she could make them.
  2134. "Urk! Holes are *not* an appropriate material for roads, Anonymous!"
  2135. > Even her owner's obvious pity for her condition couldn't stop the man from chuckling. "Not my fault you ordered a large. And ate what was left of mine. *And* had dessert. *And* ice cream on the way to the car!"
  2136. > Celestia whimpered a little as she was reminded.
  2137. "Having a stand open at this time of night was pure evil! Plus, it's winter!"
  2138. > "Now there, Celestia, don't you assign blame on anyone except yourself," the human admonished. He even raised a finger. It wasn't a pony gesture, but the alicorn had learned what it meant from Mr. Plain and his staff at the Auction.
  2139. "Did I really have your pizza too?"
  2140. > "Yup."
  2141. > "But- but it had *meat* on it!"
  2142. > The alicorn knew she was a little green in the face as she remembered. Good thing her owner couldn't see, or he'd laugh some more.
  2143. > "Just salami. You took it off, remember?"
  2144. "Huh."
  2145. > The taste hadn't been entirely bad, now that she thought about it. Well, not the taste so much as the aroma. It was mostly salt, in either case. Perhaps, the mare decided tentatively, it would bear further experimentation.
  2146. > Celestia felt another pang in her belly and quickly thought: another time, another time!
  2147. > She had to stop remembering food. Or else Anonymous' car would have a problem. One which she would have to clean up.
  2148. "So, how were the pony owners tonight?"
  2149. > The human gave the question due consideration. "Didn't seem bad. Just regular people, mostly. We didn't have too much to talk about, really."
  2150. > There were two humans Celestia was particularly interested in.
  2151. "Maggie seemed nice."
  2152. > She felt, more than saw, Anonymous shrug. "I guess. She manages a hardware store. I might need a few things before the winter. How'd you feel about visiting with her pony. What was it again?"
  2153. "Glitter Dust. And what's a 'hard-wear shop'? It isn't to do with clothes, is it?"
  2154. > The man laughed. Celestia decided he was mocking her ignorance, so she took her revenge by sticking out her tongue. That would show him!
  2155. > "It's a specialized store for tools and machines."
  2156. "Ah. Anyway, you like Maggie?"
  2157. > Anonymous shrugged again. "She's alright. Why?"
  2158. "Married?"
  2159. > "No, not... exactly," he answered and his voice trailed off at the end. Celestia suppressed a smile.
  2160. > The pony had a plan. She still had to take her revenge on the man for curtailing her bath and steam privileges. An idea had formed when she saw the two humans talking earlier.
  2161. > Maybe the Princess could play a matchmaker? She had done it before, after all.
  2162. "No reason. What about Peter?"
  2163. > Her owner was blank. "Remind me, which one was Peter?"
  2164. "Heavy Hoof's owner. Brown stallion."
  2165. > "Oh. I didn't talk with him much. Why?"
  2166. > Celestia sighed. The mystery would need more work, it seemed.
  2167. "Just making conversation. Hey, do you have a Skype?"
  2168. > The human glanced at her. "I suppose I could install it. Would you like it to stay in touch with your new friends?"
  2169. "Yes please. Glitter Dust showed me. You never said the Internet could do that! You just went on and on about spiders."
  2170. > Anonymous looked strangely at the mare. "Spiders?! I never mentioned spiders!"
  2171. "The 'Web'?"
  2172. > Again her owner laughed at her misunderstanding. He got another raspberry from the mare.
  2173. > "That has nothing to do with spiders, Celestia."
  2174. > She chose to ignore the correction.
  2175. "Do you have an 'eye pad'?"
  2176. > Anonymous snapped his fingers. "I do, as a matter of fact! Denis got me one for my birthday last year, but I never even unpacked it!"
  2177. > The news made Celestia stare in disbelief.
  2178. "Master Anonymous, you *really* need to get a life! I've been on Earth five minutes and I want an 'eye pad'. You've got one and you're not even interested enough to unpack it!"
  2179. > "Well, you can have mine," the human said. It made Celestia sigh and roll her eyes theatrically.
  2180. "It's a good thing you got me, Anonymous. I just hope I'm not too late."
  2182. > ~~~~
  2184. > It was simply astounding just how many clothes humans went through in a week!
  2185. > Celestia watched the overflowing laundry basket with a critical eye. True, she had changed all the sheets on the beds, but it was still ridiculous!
  2186. > No way could she be expected to wash a whole basketful every week.
  2187. "Wait a minute!"
  2188. > The mare twirled around and looked at the large, rectangular machines. Washing machines. The clue was in the name.
  2189. > She sighed, rolled her eyes - this time at herself - and went to look for her owner.
  2190. "Anonymous!"
  2191. > The alicorn found him on the couch.
  2192. "Come and show me how to use the machines for washing laundry!"
  2193. > The human blinked at her. "Wait, didn't you already wash a load last weekend? I thought you'd figured it out."
  2194. "I did it by hoof. You weren't home."
  2195. > "Oh," was all her owner could say.
  2196. "See? I *do* go above and beyond for you. I think I deserve at least an hour in the sauna!"
  2197. > It didn't hurt to try, did it?
  2198. > Anonymous chuckled and stood up. His hand went automatically for her ears and the mare leaned into his touch. It was surprisingly addictive, she had found.
  2199. > "Okay, do tonight's laundry and you can have thirty minutes," her owner graciously allowed.
  2200. "Yes!!"
  2201. > The mare pumped a hoof in triumph.
  2202. > Her owner led the way to the basement. "Come on, I'll show you."
  2203. "You know, I've also been doing the dishes by hoof all this time."
  2204. > "Fine, fine. Forty-five minutes."
  2205. > Celestia couldn't help herself prancing a few steps in delight. Her thoughts went back to the car ride and her promise to turn Anonymous' life around.
  2206. "Care to join me?"
  2207. > It was a most gracious offer for the lonely human! Anonymous had no call to nearly trip over his feet and splutter incoherently like that!
  2208. "Come on, It'll be fun!"
  2209. > Now she was doing it purely out of mischief, just to see how red she could make his face.
  2210. > "I'm not like some of the other owners!" Anonymous said when he could talk again.
  2211. > Celestia froze in mid-prance, all traces of mirth instantly gone.
  2212. "They force themselves on ponies?"
  2213. > Her owner caught the dangerous gleam in her eye and held up a hand to calm her. "No," he explained, "nothing like that, I don't think. I watched them with their ponies as they were leaving. I think it's consensual."
  2214. "But they are slaves. They don't have a choice."
  2215. > "I know," Anonymous acceded. "I meant as consensual as it can be in that situation. Listen, I handled cases like that with kids, back in the day. It didn't look like the ponies are suffering. At worst it's an annoyance."
  2216. > It placated Celestia somewhat. Besides, the mare remembered and did her best to suppress the blush, she also sometimes fantasized about her owner that way. Maybe, sometimes, it *could* be consensual, even between a master and a slave?
  2217. > She decided to give the humans the benefit of the doubt. And her new pony friends have seemed cheerful and happy. Surely she would have spotted if any of them were being abused?
  2218. "Okay, but that reminds me: You promised me an 'eye pad'. And a Skype. Glitter Dust is probably still waiting for my..."
  2219. > She tried to recall the word, but gave up and used another which came to mind.
  2220. "Instant something. Spider."
  2221. > It made the human laugh and pat her head. "Do you want it before your sauna or after?"
  2222. >...
  2223. > Celestia couldn't help fidgeting a little as Anonymous was unpacking the 'eye pad'. She liked the pure white box, but a detail caught her attention.
  2224. "Why is 'eye pad' spelled with just the letter 'i'? And it's not capitalized properly. There's not even a space!"
  2225. > Anonymous paused while pealing the clear plastic from the screen and glanced at her. "This is how they named it. It's a trade mark. Spelling doesn't matter here."
  2226. "Oh. Weird."
  2227. > Of course she didn't mind. It was a shiny new toy. More importantly, it would help her stay in touch with her new friends.
  2228. > That brought to mind Glitter Dust, which in turn reminded her of another detail. She concentrated and her stylus stick floated from the kitchen. Now it was *extra* important she didn't lose it!
  2229. > The human turned the thing this way and that. Finally, he found the switch. Both of them watched as the screen flickered to life, showed a blinking red symbol, then died.
  2230. > "Needs charging," her owner muttered and went to rummage in the box again.
  2231. > Celestia didn't understand, but Anonymous obviously knew what was wrong. She watched him pull out a small, white lump and a length of string. One bit went into the 'iPad', then Anonymous stood up, walked to the TV and pushed the lump into the wall.
  2232. > "Let's leave it to charge until morning," her owner said. It was disappointing, but Celestia didn't argue. She lifted her rump from the couch.
  2233. "Breakfast will be on the table at five-thirty. Good night, Anonymous."
  2234. >...
  2235. > An iPad was an amazing device! Anonymous had been kind enough to finish setting it up for her and the mare was now tapping her stylus on absolutely everything. 'Icons', he had said they were called, and yes - she could try each one.
  2236. > He had scribbled a 'pass word' on a piece of paper, in case she needed it, then left for work, while the pony was engrossed in the colorful little pictures.
  2237. > It was so easy! It gave you instructions on how to do everything right there on the screen. She had used the 'App Store', like Glitter Dust had taught her, and found Skype. She even managed to create a-
  2238. "What was it again Glitter called it?"
  2239. -account! That was it!
  2240. > Celestia felt a tinge of pride that she had remembered to use 'Supple Branch' as the name. Plus, it asked her to think up a password for herself, so nopony else could pretend to be her on the Skype. It was brilliant, even if that part had caused her some trouble.
  2241. > 'Luna' apparently wasn't a good password, despite the fact that nopony whatsoever would *ever* connect the earth mare with the alicorn Princess of the Night!
  2242. > It wasn't a problem. The thing wanted her to use numbers in her password, so Celestia had opted for 'Luna123', which was apparently fine. On the other hoof, now it was even harder to guess.
  2243. > She added Glitter Dust as a friend, using the nonsensical name the pegasus had written on a piece of paper: 'ticklefeather'.
  2244. > That one had given her a nice chuckle.
  2245. > It looked like Glitter Dust was not at her Skype right then, because it said it would ask for her approval when she came on the line. While she waited, Celestia went to explore some other icons.
  2246. > She grinned as she thought the word. Soon, she would know as much as Glitter Dust about this new toy!
  2247. > One thing in particular caught her eye: a symbol of a musical note. It said 'iTunes' underneath.
  2248. > She tapped the stylus on that out of curiosity.
  2249. > It took her some time to figure out what it was. The thing showed her a list of strange names. At first she thought they were books, but it turned out it was music. All of human music, in that one little place. It was amazing!
  2250. > She tried to listen to a few songs and found she liked them. But then the thing asked for a password and wouldn't take 'Luna123' as an answer. It was frustrating, until the alicorn noticed it wanted *Anonymous'* password.
  2251. > It was right there on paper and she easily typed it in, letters, numbers and punctuation.
  2252. > The 'iTunes' asked her a few more questions she didn't understand, but it was kind enough to offer to remember the password so she wouldn't have to type it in each time. It wanted her to agree with something, but the alicorn was impatient for her music and simply stabbed the word 'agree' with the stylus.
  2253. > It worked and the music resumed! She was so focused on the work that she almost entirely ignored words like 'purchase' or 'buy'. The mare had no money, so if the thing thought she was *buying* music, it was just plain wrong!
  2254. > Celestia suppressed a whinny of excitement as she realized that she could choose any music at all. No longer would she suffer the whims of the TV, with its poor, repetitive selection of songs! Now she could truly explore human culture!
  2255. > It didn't sound as good as the TV. Celestia decided to ask Anonymous when he came home - maybe there was something she was missing. But despite that minor annoyance, the mare was happy.
  2256. > The housework passed much more quickly with the musical accompaniment. She explored all that 'iTunes' had to offer.
  2257. > She liked Jazz, it turned out, and Rock wasn't bad. Pop was a bit juvenile and Classical way too stuffy - it reminded her of the diplomacy and meetings and agreements.
  2258. > She didn't care for Metal; that one was too angry. And Hip-hop didn't suit her at all, despite the amusing name.
  2259. > The real treasure, however, was the way the device suggested more songs based on her taste.
  2260. > Soon, the house was spotless, dinner was made and ready for the oven an the laundry was dried and folded and put away. Celestia felt pleased with her progress and was having a celebratory ice cream.
  2261. > By that time, she had over eighty different songs in her 'play list'.
  2262. > Suddenly the iPad made a new noise. She glanced over, but everything looked normal. It did it again as soon as she looked away! The pony floated it over for a closer inspection.
  2263. > For a moment she could see the words 'ticklefeather' and 'u there?'
  2264. > Glitter Dust was trying to talk to her through Skype! Celestia panicked and stabbed the stylus at the screen at random. All it did was make Mr. Elton start singing again.
  2265. "No, not that!"
  2266. > She stopped it and tried again. Another noise binged at her and a message flashed across the top of the screen: 'Ok, write back when u can. ill b around"
  2267. > Glitter Dust was giving up! In a flash of inspiration, Celestia pushed the Home button. Then she saw the welcome blue Skype icon. She tapped it quickly.
  2268. > There it was: words from the pegasus, like magic.
  2269. "How do I- what do I do now?"
  2270. > The mare poked at the white box which read: "Type a message here".
  2271. > She found the letter-icons! It took a bit of hunting, but the alicorn painstakingly tapped out a message:
  2272. "Im here"
  2273. > A surprisingly short time later, Glitter Dust answered:
  2274. > "great! did ur owner let u use his pc?"
  2275. > Celestia didn't know what a 'pc' was, so she typed back a little uncertainly:
  2276. "I have an iPad"
  2277. > She noticed something and added:
  2278. "Hey its fixing my capitalization"
  2279. > It took a bit longer for the reply this time: "heh yeah. thats autocorrect. itll bite u on the ass sooner or later."
  2280. > Celestia didn't know what to say to that, but luckily Glitter Dust was typing more. It said so right there on the screen. She waited.
  2281. > "so u got an ipad too... u should ask him to buy u some music on itunes"
  2282. > The alicorn felt proud of herself. She smiled and giddily tapped out her reply:
  2283. "I already did it myself he left me the password and I put it in"
  2284. > "what? he left u his credit card?!"
  2285. > It made Celestia frown a little.
  2286. "no just the password it didn't ask for credit or cards"
  2287. > The conversation was kinda slow, but Celestia didn't mind. It meant she could walk around and do other things and only check on the iPad every now and then to see if there was a reply. It was marvellous!
  2288. > She began washing the dishes and looked back when the iPad made a noise again. It hadn't done so for Glitter Dust's other messages. What had changed?
  2289. > Well, the pegasus would certainly know. She turned it back on and read the latest message:
  2290. > "guess his card was already in there. listen im playing this clash of clans game and need a few bucks. do u think ur owner would mind if u loaned me his password?"
  2291. > The words made her forget what she was about to ask.
  2292. "Bucks?"
  2293. > She needed a bit of time to figure out how to type a question mark.
  2294. "bits. money. ill pay u both back when i get my allowance"
  2295. > That was fine. Celestia was okay with it. She wanted to ask what deer had to do with human money, but decided against typing up something that long. Maybe once she'd had a bit of practice with the stylus.
  2296. "Yeah sure what do you need?"
  2297. > Glitter Dust gave her a list of instructions. It resulted in getting Anonymous' 'email address', then his password from the little paper. Then the pegasus thanked her profusely, enough to make Celestia blush.
  2298. "Don't mention it its fine"
  2299. > She didn't wait for more replies, just went straight to the question which had been pestering her:
  2300. "Tell me about heavy hoofs situation"
  2301. > There was a long pause, before Glitter Dust typed some more. "no its not right. ull have to ask him urself"
  2302. > The alicorn sighed. It seemed there was no way to get past it.
  2303. "Does he have Skype"
  2304. > "yes but hes not on rigth now. his nick is hotstudd23"
  2305. > It figured. Celestia found herself rolling her eyes as she jotted it down on paper. She looked over to the dishes, then at the clock. It was getting close to the time her owner would be coming home.
  2306. "Listen I gotta go its almost time to make dinner but I'll talk with you more later okay"
  2307. > The next message surprised her: "okay"
  2308. > It was followed by a yellow symbol and when she peered closely at it, Celestia saw that it was a little smiling face.
  2309. "How did you do that"
  2310. > There came another smiling face, followed by the instructions: "write : ) only without the space"
  2311. > It didn't make much sense, but a lot of things about this toy were nonsensical to the alicorn. She tried and giggled a little when her symbols turned into a smiley face. She sent a bunch of them to Glitter Dust.
  2312. "Anyway gotta go now nice talking to you"
  2313. "Oh you can give me the Skype for others later okay"
  2314. > Her friend finished up with: "okay. bye"
  2315. > Celestia wondered if there was something she should do - some button she should press. But she had said her goodbyes, so she just hit 'Home' and opened up music again, so she had something to listen to while she finished cooking.
  2316. > After a short while, the mare started singing in tune with the music. It was quickly becoming her favourite song and she almost knew it by heart already.
  2318. > ~~~~
  2320. > "Celestia! I need to get a few things from the hardware shop, do you want to come?"
  2321. > Anonymous had paused in the hallway and poked his head into the kitchen, where the pony was washing their breakfast dishes and enjoying some relaxing music.
  2322. > She smoothly turned the volume down.
  2323. "Hardware shop - that's Maggie's store, right?"
  2324. > "Yes. She promised to change the blade on the lawn mower, so we can get started on the grass."
  2325. > The thought of visiting with her new Skype friend was very appealing. True, Celestia had added all members of the pony meet group, but they were very rarely on. Glitter Dust was the most active one, with Celestia a close second.
  2326. > It helped that she had what was essentially her own iPad. The other ponies had to borrow their owners' computers. Except for Silent Brook - neither he nor his human had a use for such a thing.
  2327. > Luckily, the stallion lived near the store where Glitter Dust helped her owner, so he kept in touch through the pegasus.
  2328. > Something Anonymous had said made Celestia think.
  2329. "By 'we can get started on the grass', you really mean 'I can get started on the grass'?"
  2330. > The human grinned at her. "Smart girl!" he complimented. In truth, the mare recalled, her owner had asked her opinion on gardening and she said yes. Also, she was quite interested in this 'lawn mower'. Perhaps it could be useful for the gardeners at the Canterlot Castle.
  2331. "Sure, I'd like to come with!"
  2332. > "Alright, come on, then!" Anonymous said and walked to the garage. Celestia put the mug she was wiping down on the table, turned off her iPad and hurried after. Both the chore and the music would wait for her.
  2333. > Soon they were on the road, the car's engine humming away. The sun was still up, but the alicorn saw some thick, black clouds rolling in over the city. It made her sigh miserably.
  2334. > "What's wrong?" her owner asked with a touch of concern. It was heartwarming, really.
  2335. "The weather. I was hoping we could go for a walk tomorrow - a proper one. But it looks like it will rain."
  2336. > Anonymous followed her gaze. "Shame. Maybe next week?"
  2337. > Celestia opened her mouth to ask when winter was scheduled, but remembered in time that humans didn't control their seasons like ponies.
  2338. "It might snow by then."
  2339. > She had poked her snout out through the door when her owner left the previous day. It had been downright chilly. Definitely smelling of winter.
  2340. > The mare had her ears down - a sure sign of misery which the human was learning to recognize. But then she brightened up.
  2341. > True, a walk would be out of the question if it started to snow, but there were other fun activities.
  2342. > How many years had she spent the first day of snow cooped up in her room staring out the window, or watching from the balcony? Looking at her ponies, frolicking and laughing?
  2343. > Each year she had been envious of their innocent fun. If she went out, it quickly turned into a media event. A political function. When all she had really wanted was a good snowball fight.
  2344. "Not that snow is bad. I'd just like to climb that hill before winter. And no, flying there isn't the same!"
  2345. > The human blinked and woke up from whatever reverie had claimed him. "I'll check the weather forecast. Maybe next week will be your day."
  2346. "My day?"
  2347. > "Let me guess. I'm coming with?" Anonymous asked.
  2348. > Celestia tried to give him the same kind of grin he had given her earlier.
  2349. "Smart man!"
  2350. > She laughed a little, then raised another point.
  2351. "This lawn mower machine..."
  2352. > Anonymous glanced at her, then at his rear mirror. The handle was just visible. They'd had to somehow fold the thing up in order to fit it into the car.
  2353. > "Yes?" her owner asked.
  2354. "Does it always stink like that?"
  2355. > Anonymous audibly sniffed. "Well, that's the gas. Is it bothering you? You should have said." He fiddled with the buttons in the car and fresh air began blowing more strongly in her face.
  2356. "Gas? What kind of gas? I've never smelled anything like it. It's not really bad, just... potent."
  2357. > "Gasoline," the human explained. "It's a liquid fuel. Like..." he stopped for a moment and looked absentmindedly at the pony. "Do you have oil lamps. Back home?"
  2358. "Yes."
  2359. > "It's like that," he continued. "A very flammable liquid. It's also used for cars."
  2360. > The pony was impressed, despite herself. Running machines on liquid. True, oil burned and so it could conceivably be used to drive steam machines. But this was something else entirely.
  2361. > It was quite an amazing concept. It also prodded at another memory.
  2362. "Wait- does the- uh, the central heating also run on gas?"
  2363. > Anonymous looked impressed. "Nice catch! Similar liquid, yes. But not gasoline exactly."
  2364. > The Princess felt a little smug. Until her owner asked: "What did you think 'gas' meant?"
  2365. > She looked away, but it was too late. The traitorous blush had been instant.
  2366. > "Come on, out with it! I promise I won't laugh."
  2367. > She let out a breath and admitted her original thought.
  2368. "Steam. I thought it ran on steam, okay?"
  2369. > True to his word, Anonymous didn't laugh. But he wanted to. She could tell. In some ways, it was worse!
  2370. "Well, in *my* world we might not have fancy machines, but we can move the sun and the moon around, *and* control the weather!"
  2371. > Before she knew it, her tongue was poking out defiantly at the human.
  2372. > And - the mare later suspected - before Anonymous knew it, he reached out and prodded it back in.
  2373. > At first all she could think about was how pleasantly salty his finger was.
  2374. > Then they both blushed deeply. Celestia saw this, because she had been watching the man from the corner of her eye.
  2375. > "Soo," Anonymous said after an uncomfortable silence. "Will you change before we get there?"
  2376. > Celestia was only too glad of the new topic.
  2377. "Yes, of course. Glitter Dust said she helps out in the shop, and I also don't want Maggie to know I'm an alicorn."
  2378. > Anonymous still seemed uneasy about the duplicity. "Is it really such a big deal?" he asked uncertainly.
  2379. "Yes! I know how it sounds, but please trust me, Anonymous. This is for the best."
  2380. > He sighed and let it go. "Fine, fine," he agreed, but it didn't seem easy for him.
  2381. > She'd have to find a better explanation, and soon!
  2382. > For now, Celestia cast the spell and became Supple Branch again.
  2383. >...
  2384. > The store itself reminded the alicorn of the garden center. Except instead of green, growing things, the shelves held a multitude of machines, tools and what the mare guessed were parts.
  2385. > She did her best to help Anonymous unload his contraption, but without her magic and unused as she was to manual labor, the human was pretty much on his own.
  2386. > Luckily the thing had wheels and wasn't too hard to push into the store. She did that while her owner locked the car.
  2387. > Once inside, she tried to find either Maggie or Glitter Dust. It wasn't difficult - the pegasus spotted them and came over.
  2388. > Celestia nearly burst out laughing when she saw her getup. Blue overalls, hastily and crudely adapted for a pony. She spotted a name tag and couldn't hold back a small chuckle as she imagined what Rarity's reaction would be.
  2389. > The pegasus took it well. She grinned back and pointed out: "*Some* of us have to work for a living, you know?"
  2390. > Her friend turned a little to show off the clothes. There were a few dark stains, Celestia noted.
  2391. > "Beats getting oil in fur and feathers," Glitter Dust explained.
  2392. > The two embraced, carefully so that the Princess wouldn't get the aforementioned stains in her coat, then the pegasus smiled up at Anonymous.
  2393. > "Maggie said you were coming. She's with a customer and it will probably take a while. I'll change your blade for you!"
  2394. > She cast a critical eye over the red lawn mower.
  2395. > "What is that, Honda something, right? Twin blades, electric start..." the pony mused, mainly to herself. "Nice machine. Must've cost a bundle."
  2396. > Anonymous shrugged, like he did every time anyone mentioned money. "I got it on my gardener's recommendation. I'm guessing he didn't clean it properly or something, one of the blades is rusted and I don't want to risk it."
  2397. > Celestia was staring at her friend with both pride and admiration. It was a familiar sensation whenever she thought about her more distinguished and accomplished subjects, but she still cherished it every time.
  2398. "Where did you learn all that?!"
  2399. > Glitter Dust just shrugged it off. "You know how it is. You help your human in the shop, pick up a few things. Anyway, we have the blades - Maggie checked when you called. I'll see if I know how to change them. Come this way!"
  2400. > She led them to a door which clearly said: 'Employees only'. Both Celestia and Anonymous stopped simultaneously and looked at each other uneasily.
  2401. > Glitter Dust noticed she was alone and turned. "Come on, Maggie said it's okay!"
  2402. > They followed and Celestia was willing to bet her owner had the same nagging feeling that they ought not to. She certainly had it.
  2403. > It was a workshop. Disorganized, dirty, greasy and full of tools and machine parts. Very few of them Celestia could guess the function of. The pegasus, however, seemed quite at home.
  2404. > "Up here," Glitter Dust said and deftly helped Anonymous lift his contraption to an empty table.
  2405. > It was human-height, which would have been too high for a pony, but the pegasus pushed over a wheeled chair and hopped on.
  2406. > "Okay, let's see here," she murmured and brought her hooves together in anticipation.
  2407. > "You are sure you can do this?" Anonymous asked a little uncertainly.
  2408. > The mare grinned confidently. "Oh sure, I've taken apart a few of these. Not this exact model, but... a few."
  2409. > "And how many have you put back together?"
  2410. > It was Maggie's voice from the door and it made Glitter Dust jump in surprise. The poor mare didn't know how to answer, so her mouth just opened and shut a few times, comically.
  2411. > It made Celestia laugh, even though she didn't want to hurt Glitter Dust's feelings. The pegasus was blushing quite heavily while the woman came forward to shake Anonymous' hand and pet Celestia.
  2412. > "How are you two?" the woman asked. She was looking at her owner, so the alicorn let him answer first.
  2413. > "Nothing to complain. You work Saturdays?"
  2414. > Maggie shrugged. "On and off. We take turns. I thought I'd let Glitter take a shift or two alone every now and then, but she has a tendency to dismantle everything the customers bring in for repair. And then I have to fix it."
  2415. > The alicorn saw the pegasus poke her tongue out. She caught her eye and grinned.
  2416. > "Come on, Maggie! How many times has that really happened?!" the mare demanded.
  2417. > Unfortunately, it seemed like the lady had a good memory. She began counting on her fingers.
  2418. > "Let's see, there was that gentleman with his chainsaw. Then that other guy with his weed whacker. There was that vacuum cleaner - brand new, might I add," Maggie listed. With each item, Glitter Dust's face fell a little more.
  2419. > "Oh, and just last week? Remember that woman who brought in that toy car with her son? He had to walk home, didn't he? It took me the whole night to put it back together!"
  2420. > The pegasus sighed. "Okay, you've made your point. I'm sorry. I just wanna see how stuff works!"
  2421. > There was no real anger there. The woman reached over and patted her pony on her head. "That's why I let you watch, okay?"
  2422. > Celestia and Anonymous watched the two. It looked like a very intimate, pleasant moment. Then the lady remembered herself and made a demand: "Now apologize to Mr. Anonymous for nearly breaking his lawn mower!"
  2423. > Glitter Dust faced them with a very sorry expression. Celestia made a mental note to ask her later how to do that! Even her lip trembled in misery.
  2424. > "Sorry, Mr. Anonymous!" she almost sobbed!
  2425. > The alicorn nearly applauded the act. She couldn't believe how the humans didn't guess!
  2426. > "This will be thirty minutes. Why don't you two go and get a pie from the shop across the street?" the lady suggested.
  2427. > Celestia felt her eyes go large and pleading as she wordlessly and imploringly looked at her owner. The pegasus might have cornered the market of 'sad pony', but no one could do 'begging, starving mare' like the Princess with her eye on the pastry!
  2428. > Of course he couldn't resist. "Okay, sounds fine. Be back soon!"
  2429. > The alicorn looked back to her friend just before the door closed. Glitter Dust didn't seem to be in trouble. The mare had a slightly guilty grin on her muzzle, but the woman was already reaching over to ruffle her mane.
  2430. > This pony, at least, wasn't being molested, the alicorn decided.
  2431. >...
  2432. > By the time they made it back, Celestia industriously licking crumbs from one leg and awkwardly hopping on the other three, Anonymous' machine was ready.
  2433. > Glitter Dust was polishing it with a rag out in the shop and smiled at them as they entered.
  2434. > "All done! Piece of cake!" the pegasus exclaimed. "I could've done it, easy!"
  2435. > Anonymous looked around for the woman, but Glitter Dust explained without him having to ask: "Maggie is in the back. Smoke break. Here's the bill for parts. She says no charge for changing it."
  2436. > She waved a hoof for emphasis, but Anonymous wouldn't hear of it. He pulled some bills from his wallet and put them down on the counter. "Then tell her to consider it a tip. Thanks!"
  2437. > He was about to grab the repaired lawn mower and leave, but Glitter Dust began pushing it. "I'll help you get it loaded," she offered helpfully.
  2438. > It also gave her a few more minutes to talk with Celestia.
  2439. > "So, a couple of us are gonna have a video chat tonight, you in?"
  2440. > The alicorn didn't quite understand.
  2441. "What's that?"
  2442. > "It's a thing on Skype where you can see each other's faces and talk with words - out loud. It's not quite like meeting in person, but better than text. Faster, too. What do you say?"
  2443. > Celestia had a sudden, small fright. She hadn't changed into Silent Brook while she chatted on the iPad! Could they see her?! But nopony had remarked upon it.
  2444. "You can see me over Skype?!"
  2445. > Luckily, Glitter Dust mistook it for enthusiasm. "Well, not just like that," she explained to Celestia's immense relief. "You gotta turn it on, first. I'll tell you how before we start."
  2446. > Celestia had to work hard to keep her face neutral and not sigh in relief.
  2447. "Okay. Thanks. Why today?"
  2448. > Glitter Dust didn't answer immediately, because she was helping Anonymous load the lawn mower into the back of his car. When she was done, she wiped her hooves on her overalls.
  2449. > "Some of the others won't be able to make it on Wednesday, so we're doing this instead," she explained.
  2450. > It made sense and the alicorn found herself looking forward to it. Good thing Glitter Dust had given her a warning, even if it was inadvertently.
  2451. > She promised she would attend, hugged her pegasus friend goodbye, and stepped around the car to get in the passenger seat.
  2452. > Anonymous said something to Glitter dust, but the Princess didn't catch it from inside. She just heard the muffled reply: "Oh! Wow! Thanks!"
  2453. > The human got in behind the wheel and started his car.
  2454. "What was that?"
  2455. > "Oh, I just gave Glitter Dust a small tip for helping me load the mower."
  2456. > Celestia smiled at him. She found she liked it when Anonymous was nice to her friends.
  2457. "That was sweet of you. But didn't you already leave a tip inside? For Maggie's work?"
  2458. > "Well, yes, but this was just for Glitter Dust. She's nice," Anonymous explained. Celestia found herself nodding in agreement. Then the smell of gas caught her nose again. She glanced back at the machine.
  2459. "So, now it will work? You'll show me how to use it?"
  2460. > He nodded, but didn't look away from the road. "Yep. When we get home. You mow and I'll make us sandwiches, deal?"
  2461. "No lunch?!"
  2462. > Her plaintive tone finally made him look over, and her lowered ears made him both 'aww' and chuckle, one after the other. "We just had pie, remember?"
  2463. "That didn't count!"
  2464. > "Sorry."
  2465. > Celestia realized her owner was teasing her. And, by the look of it, he was having a lot of fun!
  2466. > She poked her tongue out and decided to pout the rest of the way home.
  2467. > If he was serious about skipping lunch, she would make him *such* a dinner!
  2468. > The mare began to plot.
  2470. > ~~~~
  2472. > The video chat was... interesting, Celestia decided. On the one hoof, it was great to be able to see her friends and speak with them. But on the other, their voices sounded tinny and flat.
  2473. > She also missed smelling them and seeing their body language. Glitter Dust was right - this could in no way replace meetings in person, but it was a good alternative when compared to text only.
  2474. "Is it supposed to be that loud?"
  2475. > The alicorn still couldn't quite wrap her head around the lawn mower. It caused her pegasus friend no end of amusement.
  2476. > "Yes! It's loud and it rattles your teeth or your hooves - however you grab the handle, and it stinks... but it works!" Glitter Dust repeated, yet again.
  2477. > The others also laughed at her consternation.
  2478. "It's just- I wasn't expecting it!"
  2479. > She thought the pegasus had a smirk on her muzzle, but it was hard to tell from the small square. Celestia, in her Supple Branch guise, leaned closer for a better look.
  2480. > Yes, that was undoubtedly a smirk! But before she could point it out, the pegasus spoke and her picture expanded to fill the screen.
  2481. > Even after an hour of it, the effect was still startling and unsettling for the alicorn.
  2482. > "Did you run to your human's bed again?" Glitter Dust asked, eliciting yet another bout of laughter.
  2483. "What?! What do you mean 'again'?!"
  2484. > Six very attentive pony faces turned on 'Supple Branch' expectantly. Silent Brook wasn't there, because he didn't have a computer, and the earth couple shared theirs, so there were only five pictures beside hers.
  2485. > "Anonymous told Maggie and she told me. Listen to this guys:" Glitter Dust began. Celestia tried one of her best glares, but it had no effect.
  2486. > "She didn't know what the central heating was when she came into his place, so Supple was scared of it! She thought it was a monster or something. And one time she thought it was chasing her and hid in her Master's bed! With him in it!"
  2487. > There was a lot of laughter, further spurred on by her blush. Celestia didn't really mind, but she could have done without the embarrassment. She still stuck her tongue out at all of them.
  2488. > "That's hilarious!" Rock Lichen exclaimed and hugged his marefriend as they both laughed. Even Belle Hop, whom the alicorn hadn't met in person yet, piped up: "Really? You were scared by the central heating?"
  2489. > Celestia heaved a sigh and nodded.
  2490. "Yes, alright?! I didn't know what it was or what it did. It kept making noise, there was a fire inside of it - what was I supposed to think? You saw some of the stuff we have in Equestria!"
  2491. > There was another round of laughter, but the Princess knew they didn't mean anything bad by it. Just amusement.
  2492. > It still stung!
  2493. "Enough about that, okay? You've had your fun with the new girl, now drop it, please!"
  2494. > Luckily, Glitter Dust was easily distracted and moved on with another question: "The mower worked, though? The blades are good? Maggie said to ask you if everything is okay."
  2495. "Yes. But I'd rather have grazed, however long it would take."
  2496. > If she didn't feel like going back to being a Princess, Celestia could obviously make her living as a comedian. They all kept laughing at most things she said.
  2497. > But enough was enough. Heavy Hoof chided the others, for a change. "Okay, that's enough guys. Give the pony a break. Anyway, why can't you two make it on Wednesday?"
  2498. > Celestia realized that Rock Lichen and Lake Frond hadn't really explained. But now they smiled hugely. "Road trip!" they squealed in delight together. Then the mare went on: "Owners going across the country for a wedding. Some cousin or something. And they're taking the car. It's a twenty-hour drive!"
  2499. > Despite herself, the Princess was envious. That *did* sound like fun! Luckily, Glitter Dust had the perfect answer: "Make a lot of pictures, okay?"
  2500. > Lake Frond nodded, but a little uncertainly. "Will try. We don't all get phones and iPads and so on, like some of you."
  2501. > The alicorn and the pegasus both decided to ignore this. There was a silence and Celestia looked at the faintly smiling faces. She recalled that the unicorn hadn't said much.
  2502. "So, Glowbug. Still cut off from magic?"
  2503. > It wasn't really tactful, but she could afford being a little brash as Supple Branch. Besides, the mare shook her head happily. "No! They let me off early! Good behavior!"
  2504. > "Great! Don't buck it up, okay?"
  2505. > That was Heavy Hoof and all he got in return was a small pout and silence. There wasn't that much left to say, so Celestia took it up:
  2506. "Well, this has been a lot of fun, but I still prefer meeting in person. I'll try and get Anonymous to take me next Wednesday. That one is still on?"
  2507. > Her friends waited for the couple to speak up. "Yeah, we should be back by then. Wedding's on Thursday, then a day or so for the party and we should be back by Monday. Let's hope the Andrew and Mary aren't both too tired to take us."
  2508. > "Good. I'll tell Brook on Monday. He usually comes by the store to say hello," Glitter Dust promised.
  2509. > The other pegasus, Belle Hop also piped up: "And I'll be there too! Looks like the whole gang this time!"
  2510. > Celestia knew she would promise Anonymous anything to take her. It sounded like all of them meeting was a rare occurrence and she wanted to be a part of it.
  2511. > The others slowly made their goodbyes, until only she, Glitter Dust and Heavy Hoof were left. The alicorn glanced at a small clock on the top of the screen.
  2512. > Past ten. Not too late, but Anonymous' weather forecast promised a sunny morning and she had convinced her owner to take a walk before lunch.
  2513. > However, there was one more thing she wanted before bed.
  2514. "Heavy Hoof - I keep hearing about your 'unique' living situation. But nopony wants to tell me anything. What is it?"
  2515. > He looked down. It was an instant change from the usually suave and open stallion. For an moment, Celestia thought she saw panic in his eyes.
  2516. > "Uh. That's - I really don't wanna talk about it, Supple. Please."
  2517. > It was even making the pegasus uncomfortable, but the alicorn didn't give up.
  2518. "Okay, then you tell me, Glitter Dust. Please! It can't be that bad, can it? Are they beating you or something?"
  2519. > Both ponies quickly shook their heads. "No, nothing like that!" the stallion quickly said. "It's just... complicated, okay? It's a tough world out here. Not like Equestria, you'll see."
  2520. > That still wasn't an answer and the mare nearly growled.
  2521. "If you don't spill it right now, I'll... I'll..."
  2522. > She didn't have a very good threat. 'I won't sleep with you' made her look like she was using sex as an interrogation tactic, while 'I'll be sad' lacked a certain something. Maybe 'I'll keep asking'? But that was a given.
  2523. > "Jeez, calm down!" Heavy Hoof said. "Don't work yourself up so much, girl. Tell you what, gimme some private time on Wednesday - just you and me - and I'll tell you."
  2524. > Now he was using his secret to buy sex from her! Celestia glared and humphed angrily.
  2525. "No deal! How about this: I'm gonna find out sooner or later. So you can either tell me and explain, or I'll get it from somepony else and maybe get the wrong idea."
  2526. > The pegasus hadn't said a single thing, but now jumped in: "Well, It's getting kinda late, I should go."
  2527. > She didn't even wait for their acknowledgement before her little square vanished. The alicorn almost didn't notice and neither did the stallion, by the look of it.
  2528. > He deflated and looked down. It felt like a victory and Celestia allowed herself a pang of pride. Sometimes a gentle hoof was needed, but other times a firm touch worked better.
  2529. > "Okay, fine! Just promise... you won't look at me differently!" the stallion demanded.
  2530. > The request quickly raised both her guard and her ears. It sounded bad and the alicorn began to worry what was being done to her poor subject.
  2531. "I promise."
  2532. > He still waited for a bit, but she gave him time. Heavy Hoof needed a lot of preparation before he blurted out: "I'm a sex toy, okay?! There. That's the big secret!"
  2533. > Her heart sank and her stomach constricted. This was one of the things she had worried about whenever she thought about her ponies in human hands. It didn't seem Heavy Hoof was being tortured, but this was maybe just as bad.
  2534. "I'm sorry."
  2535. > He shook his head and held up a hoof. "It's fine! It's not what you think! It's not exactly... bad."
  2536. > She waited, but there didn't seem to be more forthcoming.
  2537. "Go on?"
  2538. > The stallion heaved another sigh. "All that happens is that Master and his wife- well sometimes they like me watching. So I have to stand there in their room and watch them... do it."
  2539. > It really wasn't what she had imagined, but the very idea seemed strange and revolting to the mare.
  2540. "What?! Why? That's sick!"
  2541. > He shook his head again. "No, it's not. It's a kink. I kinda get it, I think. Doesn't make it fun, but I understand. It's not a big deal."
  2542. > She had to make absolutely sure.
  2543. "They don't... touch you? Make you do anything?
  2544. > "No! I just watch. My first owner was a sicko, but then the humans passed a law and they put him in jail and took me away."
  2545. > Before she knew it, Celestia had her hooves up before her mouth in horror. "Did he beat you? O-or something else?"
  2546. > The pony sighed sadly. "Something else. He... 'rented me'."
  2547. > It was almost too much to bear. The alicorn had to fight back an urge to fly to her mistreated pony and gather him up in her hooves and take him home.
  2548. > Not only was it impossible, it would also probably get them both killed.
  2549. "R-rented?"
  2550. > "Do you really want me to spell it out?" Heavy Hoof asked, but his voice was defeated. He was looking at the floor with his ears flat down and - despite the bad image - Celestia could see a tear drop.
  2551. > Her heart went out to him.
  2552. "I'm so sorry, Heavy Hoof. I shouldn't have pushed you. I wish I was there so I could give you a hug!"
  2553. > That made him look up and twitch his lips up for a moment. "Thanks. You're sweet. I just try to forget it. And let me tell you, I'm *real* glad of that law."
  2554. > So was Celestia. It was one of the first she had forced the humans to enact. She thought about bringing it up, letting the stallion know he had his Princess to thank for that. But, she decided, there would be time for that later.
  2555. "Yeah, tell me about it. Is that why you- um. You know. Come on so strongly to every mare?"
  2556. > She watched his ears rise up as he looked at her in surprise. "Dunno. Maybe? What I know is that Master and Mistress have been married ten years, but they *still* do it every night."
  2557. > He drew a shuddering breath and looked away. He also blushed, but it was hard to see with his color. "And they want me there to watch most nights. And then, usually, Mistress tells me to get in bed with them... when they're done."
  2558. > It wasn't something Celestia enjoyed hearing, but it looked like it was helping Heavy Hoof feel better as he explained. So she listened in silence.
  2559. > "She likes to cuddle with me when she sleeps. But the smell! And looking at them. And sometimes she touches me in the night."
  2560. > The stallion blinked his eyes and shook his head, as if trying to dislodge the memory. "Most nights I have to go in the bathroom and... you can imagine. Get it over with."
  2561. > His hooves went up to his head and the pony looked at her in desperation. "And I can't stop thinking about it! Maybe that's why I just... attack every mare I see? I dunno, I'm not a psychiatrist!"
  2562. > The story left him trembling and nervous. "Are you disgusted? I'll understand. But now you see why I don't talk about it? It kinda kills my chances."
  2563. > Maybe it was pity, or perhaps something she saw in him. The alicorn was impressed. All that, and the stallion was still quite nice and cheerful. His obsession with mares could be explained and he never became too pushy or violent, at least from the little she had seen in his interaction with the others.
  2564. > A very strong spirit, she decided. A pony who was determined to leave the bad aside and focus on the good.
  2565. "No, I'm not. I understand and I'm sorry. And no, it doesn't kill your chances."
  2566. > Before his grin could split his head in half, Celestia held up a hoof.
  2567. "That's not a yes! Heavy Hoof, I'm not saying yes, understand? I'm just saying it's not... off the table."
  2568. > His grin made her all hot and bothered again and she sought to change the topic.
  2569. "My owner's a lawyer. I'm sure what your two are doing to you isn't right. Want me to tell him? See if we can do something about it?"
  2570. > She had all but decided to use Anonymous' lawyer powers to save the stallion, but he looked panicked and quickly shook his head.
  2571. > "No! NO! Please! Nothing like that! Please!" he babbled. It made the alicorn stare.
  2572. "But they're... doing all that stuff to you!"
  2573. > "I don't mind! They saved my life, okay? I was ready to kill myself after that bastard who whored me out to men, but they took me in and helped me through it."
  2574. > He smiled a little, even as more tears ran down his muzzle. "When I said 'they make me watch', it's not... that bad. I'm sure they'd be okay if I said no, just really disappointed. They really *really* like it, you know? And maybe it's a way I repay them their kindness."
  2575. > Again, Celestia waited for the stallion to talk it out.
  2576. > "It's humiliating and it leaves me... needy. But it's better than some. And other than that, they're really nice. They don't make me do chores and I get my own computer, and I can go out whenever I want."
  2577. > He barked a laugh at that last: "Heh! If I really wanted, I could've escaped ages ago. So please, no lawyer. Don't try and save me. I'm fine."
  2578. > That grin was back. It made the alicorn feel a little better about the situation. It was still, in her opinion, all kinds of messed up. But presumably, their other friends knew. Maybe even some of the owners.
  2579. > And the group didn't bring it up. It all seemed to somehow work.
  2580. > She wondered how many other stories like this they were all hiding. Obviously her impression that all was well couldn't be trusted here.
  2581. > "If you really wanna help, though," Heavy Hoof went on with a small wink, "maybe a kiss from a beautiful mare would make me feel better!"
  2582. > Even she laughed a little.
  2583. "Maybe. We'll see."
  2584. > They looked at each other in silence for a moment.
  2585. "Heavy Hoof?"
  2586. > "Hmm?"
  2587. "Thanks for telling me. I'm sorry to have pushed you, but I'm also glad I did."
  2588. > "Yeah. At least now it's done. No more secrecy, right? At least we can trust each other, even if some humans are a little... weird."
  2589. > She remembered her own lie she was telling these ponies and felt a pang of guilt. But the alicorn schooled her expression into a faint smile.
  2590. "Yeah... No more secrecy. Good night, Heavy Hoof."
  2591. > "Night night, beautiful!"
  2592. > She break off their Skype call and let the stallion do it instead. The little light went out, telling her nopony was looking through the camera anymore. With a sigh, Celestia changed back into her real form.
  2593. > Her head hit the bed.
  2594. > Why did it all have to be so confusing? At first glance, Heavy Hoof was being horribly abused. And Silent Brook too. But they were fiercely protective of their owners, even going as far as to defend the atrocities.
  2595. > It didn't make much sense. But it was clear to her that the situation was a complex one.
  2596. > She would need a lot more time among humans before she could understand.
  2597. > But for now, she magicked over her sweet roll - leftover from the fantastic dinner she had cooked for Anonymous. She munched it thoughtfully and paused when she heard the rain start outside.
  2598. > It was just as her owner had predicted. It would rain through the night and then morning would be sunny.
  2599. > The afternoon was a bit more uncertain, he said, but it looked like more rain.
  2600. > For now, the weather fit her mood. She washed down her pastry with orange juice, then got up from her bed and went to the bathroom.
  2601. > She brushed her teeth methodically, not really thinking about it. Her mind was on the two stallions.
  2602. > On their meeting, next Wednesday, she would indeed try to get each of them alone and talk a little.
  2603. > Carefully, of course. Silent Brook was easily annoyed by her questioning. He would need special care.
  2604. > And then she'd decide how to proceed.
  2605. > It wasn't much of a plan, but it was something.
  2606. > The mare tucked herself into the bed and gratefully wrapped the blanket as tightly around herself as she could.
  2607. > A pair of strong, warm, human arms around her wouldn't be amiss, a stray thought brought up. And not just arms. And not just 'around'.
  2608. > No doubt if Anonymous did what she had just thought about, some would call it 'molestation'.
  2609. > Was she a hypocrite? Judging others while secretly wishing it for herself?
  2610. > At least the blush did a nice job of keeping her warm.
  2612. > ~~~~
  2614. > Anonymous' weather forecast was correct. Celestia woke up, looked out the window and smiled. The sky was clear and the rain had stopped.
  2615. > There were more clouds encroaching on the hillside, but for the moment it seemed as if they might even get some sunlight.
  2616. > The pony felt a little happier about the day, but she still scrunched up her muzzle into a frown and sighed. A clear morning was nice, but she'd have preferred the afternoon too.
  2617. "Where's a weather pegasus or two when you need them?"
  2618. > Rain or shine, it was still the time to make breakfast. The human no longer needed convincing each morning, though he still didn't appreciate her skill with sweets.
  2619. > Not fully. A murmured 'thank you' or 'it's good' didn't really count!
  2620. > The mare let her imagination run wild for a bit as she made her sleepy way downstairs.
  2621. > Perhaps she needed to go simpler? The mare cast a critical eye over her supplies in the pantry. A bag of apples caught her eye.
  2622. > Yes! How come she hadn't thought of it sooner? It could be a meal in itself! Luckily she had discreetly questioned one of Twilight Sparkle's friends and got her to tell her a very secret apple pie recipe.
  2623. > It would take an hour, but she had time. Even if Anonymous got up, he would probably end up on the couch to watch one of his shows. News, most likely.
  2624. > The pony looked around, frowned, then concentrated. Her iPad floated down from her room and landed on the kitchen table.
  2625. > She quickly scanned the playlist. Funny name, but it popped out immediately. 'I gotta feeling'. Incorrectly spelled, but the music was upbeat and happy.
  2626. > She couldn't keep her hind hoof from tapping in time with the strumming. And when the drum started, it made her rump start swinging in tune. Moments later the pony was singing along as she began to work.
  2627. >...
  2628. > "Someone is in a good mood," her owner commented from the doorway. It was enough to throw her off and nearly cause her to drop the cinnamon shaker.
  2629. > The mare quickly turned down the current song with the incomprehensible title - 'Californication', what did that even mean?
  2630. "Well, yes. I'm making pie for breakfast. Would you like a glass of juice while you wait?"
  2631. > Anonymous didn't answer because he went to the fridge and got it himself. He was lifting it up to his mouth, but Celestia tsk-ed and pulled the carton away with her magic. Instead, she filled a glass and floated it over.
  2632. "Don't be gross."
  2633. > The human blinked at her. "Didn't I see you the other day with the almond milk?"
  2634. > She knew her face flashed a guilty red, but the pony managed to hold on to her glare.
  2635. "That's different."
  2636. > Anonymous matched her, look for look. "Explain how."
  2637. > The alicorn thought quickly on her hooves.
  2638. "It's different because you don't drink almond milk, so the entire carton was mine. Whereas we *do* share orange juice."
  2639. > His poker face was amazing, Celestia had to give him that. And the man knew how to poke holes in her arguments: "Maybe I would like almond milk, but never really realized it was a thing. I didn't know it existed until you bought it."
  2640. > It was yet another small marvel of the human world, and it made the mare smile.
  2641. "Neither did I. Would you like some?"
  2642. > He lifted up his glass. "I'm fine. So, what's the plan today?"
  2643. > This was firmer ground.
  2644. "Apple pie. Then we go for a walk. Probably not to the top, but *somewhere*. I'll pack us a meal-"
  2645. > He opened his mouth and Celestia knew exactly what the man was going to say. She corrected him preemptively:
  2646. "-no! Not lunch. A *meal*. I'll make lunch a little later today."
  2647. > He just spread his arm and let it fall. With the other he brought the glass to his face and drained it. "Okay, I'll be in the living room."
  2648. > She gave him a big smile and picked up the empty glass right from his hand at the same time as she slid the pie into the oven.
  2649. "Breakfast will be ready in forty-five minutes."
  2650. > He thanked her and left. The pony was a tiny bit annoyed that he made her miss a good song, but she didn't rewind it. A better one had started playing and she immediately swung her hips to the tune again.
  2651. > A moment later her voice followed.
  2652. "... to the sea to the sky, and I do believe that we rely on!"
  2653. > It was so easy to get lost in the fast song that the mare didn't notice Anonymous, who had stopped just outside and peeked back. He was smiling a little at her exuberance.
  2654. >...
  2655. > The morning air was crisp and clear. The trees, mostly barren, were shrouded in wispy, gentle fog. The sun was barely above the horizon and was still melting through the low mist.
  2656. > As she took it all in, Celestia was elated. Thousands of season, and she still found beauty everywhere. Maybe it was an alicorn thing.
  2657. > There was a chill in the air and some frost on the grass. She had made Anonymous dress up warmly before allowing him to put a collar on her neck.
  2658. > Now he turned the same admonition back on her: "That's all you're going to wear?" The mare had a long, red scarf - the only clothing item she had bought, despite the human urging her to get some winter gear.
  2659. "It's all I need."
  2660. > He didn't buy it. "It covers your neck, yeah. But what about all the rest?" he pointed out and patted her on the rump to drive it home.
  2661. > It wasn't a hard hit, but the mare reflexively danced away from his hand.
  2662. "Hey! It's enough, and I'll tell you why: One, I have feathers to keep me warm-"
  2663. > The alicorn spread her wings a little to show him, in case Anonymous hadn't noticed her wings by now.
  2664. "Two, I have fur. And three, I enchanted it."
  2665. > Unfortunately, she couldn't demonstrate the last two points, so she didn't try. But it got the human interested. "Enchanted? How?"
  2666. "Simple warmth spell. It will keep *all* of me warm, even if it only covers my neck. It's really rather elementary magic. Most unicorns pick it up before they're twelve."
  2667. > Anonymous stepped closer and took the fabric in his hand. He examined it minutely, but of course he saw nothing. It wasn't a flashy spell.
  2668. > "Looks normal to me. Feels normal, too."
  2669. > His ignorance made her chuckle a bit.
  2670. "You have to wear it, silly. Of course it won't do anything for you if you just touch it. Obviously."
  2671. > It was a little mean, but the mare wanted some revenge from all his gentle jokes at her account whenever she encountered a new human gadget.
  2672. > "Oh. Well, obviously," he agreed, uncertainly.
  2673. > Celestia was feeling charitable, so she didn't compound on his ignorance. She made a few steps.
  2674. "Come on, let's go, let's go! I want to go down that side path, remember? We saw it last week and you said it's windy and dangerous in the dark."
  2675. > The man shrugged a little to himself and followed.
  2676. >...
  2677. > The ground was really soggy and before long the mare was muddy up to her ankles. She didn't mind in the slightest. She was hardly even looking where she stepped. The pony just let her nose lead the way.
  2678. > There were so many new and curious smells! She had found several types of mushrooms, but since neither she nor Anonymous knew which were edible, they had left them alone.
  2679. > They also passed a few cedar trees where deer had begun eating the bark. Despite her owner's grimace, Celestia also had a taste.
  2680. > It wasn't bad, if a little gritty. She laughed at Anonymous' expression and quickly went to nibble the tips on a nearby bush, just to spite him a bit more.
  2681. > It ended with her laughing and the human shaking his head in dismay.
  2682. > Shortly after, the mare made an amazing discovery! She stopped and held out a wing to prevent her owner stepping on it by accident.
  2683. "Look!"
  2684. > He blinked and stared down the path. "I don't see anything."
  2685. "On the ground."
  2686. > The man inspected the sight again, but had to concede defeat. "Still nothing, sorry."
  2687. > She didn't explain further. There was a puddle in the middle of the path and it had frosted over! True, the sheet of ice was very thin, very hard to see. But Celestia had been looking for something like that.
  2688. "Wheeeee!"
  2689. > She galloped forward, took a mighty leap, and landed with all four hooves punching holes through the ice. There was a most satisfying crunch and a splash. The mare also sunk nearly to her knees.
  2690. > The icy water quickly overpowered what little her enchanted scarf did for her legs and the mare gasped in shock.
  2691. "Eeep! It's *freezing*!"
  2692. > But she laughed and stomped some more, until no piece of ice was larger than Anonymous' thumb.
  2693. > Only then did the mare step out, shivering and shaking a few droplets of water from her coat.
  2694. > It had splashed. The human had wisely kept well out of the way.
  2695. "You can't imagine how long I've wanted to to this."
  2696. > Her mirth was infectious and her owner also began laughing. "Goofy horse," he jabbed.
  2697. "Well, it's true! I haven't done anything like this since... well, since I was a little filly!"
  2698. > Anonymous caught up to her and laid a hand on her whithers. "Okay, if it's that fun, then be my guest! Stomp any puddle we come across."
  2699. > As if he had a say!
  2700. "I will."
  2701. > "Fine, go ahead."
  2702. "I will."
  2703. > They were both grinning, even as they matched stares. Of course the human gave up first. Her will was iron.
  2704. > "You're cute when you're happy. Just make sure you don't catch a cold or something, okay?"
  2705. > As if an alicorn could catch a cold! Celestia poked her tongue out, but the human had been waiting for that exactly. His hand shot out and firmly grabbed her ear.
  2706. > Her eyes bulged out in shock and the mare froze. True, she could have twisted away easily, but surprise kept her still.
  2707. > "I'm letting these childish things slide, because, frankly, they're adorable. I'm just asking you not to do it in public, okay?"
  2708. > The mare nodded slightly, as much as she could. She was set free. It was a reasonable request, but he didn't have to grab her like that! Like she was some kind of a child!
  2709. > It called for revenge. She stomped her hind hoof, hard. Water splashed up between them.
  2710. > Most of it ended in her coat, but Anonymous got a few droplets on his face and collar, just like he deserved.
  2711. "Ooops!"
  2712. > He glared for a moment and the pony feared she might have taken it too far. She flinched when her owner brought his leg up, then tried to shield herself with a wing as he also stomped.
  2713. > It splashed them both, again.
  2714. > She gave the human a small grin, but he held up his hand preemptively. "Okay, enough fun, Celestia. I don't mind these... eccentricities of yours, really. We just have to maintain a somewhat professional appearance, okay?"
  2715. > She nodded. It really wasn't that much to ask. In fact, she had expected a lot more discipline than that.
  2716. "Of course. I promise, Anonymous."
  2717. > They continued their walk, but the mare kept an eye out for any appropriate puddles, preferably with an ice sheet.
  2718. "But I'm taking a bath when we get home."
  2719. > He human thought it over. "Fine. A short one."
  2720. "You should take one, too."
  2721. > He didn't seem convinced. It was a mystery how he didn't find hot water pleasurable!
  2722. > "Maybe," the man said noncommittally.
  2723. "I know how we could save some water."
  2724. > She was watching carefully and yes - there was the blush. The chill in the air made it very hard to spot, but she was looking out for it.
  2725. > So the human *was* thinking about her... 'more intimately'. At least whenever she brought it up.
  2726. > She would need to consider it carefully. Celestia didn't want to ruin the relaxed dynamic they were developing.
  2727. > Not to mention that if she did anything with Heavy Hoof, it would further complicate matters. Maybe she didn't want to pursue a more involved relationship with either of them because she was undecided?
  2728. > The train of thought wasn't a good one, it was making her blush! Anonymous was bound to notice and ask why!
  2729. > She sought for a safe, easy topic.
  2730. "So, what's with those horn rings? The one they gave Glowbug looks *so* ugly. Is that really the best humans can do?"
  2731. > If the change was sudden or unexpected, Anonymous didn't show it. He shrugged and thought about it for a moment.
  2732. > "I'm not an expert, but the ones I've looked at in the catalog are nice and round. I don't think I've even seen one that misshapen. Remind me to ask Mrs. Turner next time."
  2733. > Celestia hadn't known the owner's name.
  2734. "Turner. Okay, I'll remember."
  2735. > She was about to ask what the woman was like, but spotted a telltale reflection up ahead. She forgot her question and their conversation as she galloped and leapt again.
  2736. >...
  2737. > By the time Celestia and Anonymous got back to his house, the mare was almost completely soaked. Her scarf, magic or not, was not up to the task and she was shivering with cold.
  2738. > The human saw it, but didn't bring it up, much to her relief. Even the playful alicorn was starting to feel a bit silly after her eleventh or twelfth puddle.
  2739. > She stepped from hoof to hoof while her owner unlocked the door. Then she gratefully followed him inside, where it was warm.
  2740. > "I'll go put some tea on. You get your bath started before you freeze to death," Anonymous said. It was a very welcome prospect.
  2741. "Oooh, yes! Lemon and honey in mine, please!"
  2742. > The man nodded and went into the kitchen. Celestia didn't wait around. She made a beeline for the downstairs bathroom. It felt even warmer than the hallway and the pony couldn't wait to sink her shivering rump in some hot water.
  2743. > Anonymous hadn't said anything about the steam, but maybe he could yet be convinced.
  2744. > She sat in the empty bath and turned it on. Then she felt the temperature with her leg, stared thoughtfully into the distance and turned it a little more to the warm side.
  2745. > It felt heavenly. The puddle grew and slowly enveloped her rear. It made the mare shiver all along her spine and slightly unfurl her wings.
  2746. "Ooooh. Niiiice."
  2747. > She kept up a litany of long, exuberant moans and sighs as the warm waterline rose up her body.
  2748. > It was half-full when Anonymous came in. He still hesitated for a moment, despite their little talk the other day.
  2749. "Come in!"
  2750. > It helped and he moved. The mare was happy to see that he had made tea for himself as well.
  2751. "You are a wonderful human, Anonymous. My undying gratitude."
  2752. > He chuckled a little and waved the praise away. "It's just tea," he said dismissively. "Besides, can't have you falling sick."
  2753. "Alicorns don't usually get sick."
  2754. > "Good perk."
  2755. > He put the tray down on the edge of the sink and leaned against the wall. "Any more plans for today?" he asked.
  2756. "Not really. Did you have something in mind?
  2757. > "It's starting to rain again. I thought I'd watch a movie, or read a little."
  2758. "Yes."
  2759. > He frowned slightly. "Which one? Movie, or book?"
  2760. "Either. Both. I don't mind. Give me the couch and a blanket and I'll be a happy pony."
  2761. > He opened his mouth, but Celestia guessed what he would say before he made a sound. She answered him preemptively:
  2762. "I'll still make lunch, just something... light. When I'm dry."
  2763. > "How do you keep guessing what I will say?"
  2764. "I'm just that good."
  2765. > Perhaps her grin was a bit too insolent, but the human didn't seem to mind. He had something else to ask: "Will you come to work with me again on Wednesday?"
  2766. > Wendy, the receptionist, had been fun. And Celestia liked most of his coworkers, except for that jerk Denis. But with no pony meeting after, there wasn't much point.
  2767. "No. We're not meeting this Wednesday. Next one?"
  2768. > Anonymous snapped his fingers. "That's right, Glitter Dust said something like that. I forgot."
  2769. "Mhm."
  2770. > "Well, enjoy your bath. I'll open up the radiator in the living room, so it's nice and warm. And I'll pick a movie."
  2771. > She closed her eyes, leaned back and smiled. The water was nearly full, so she closed the tap and plunged the room into silence.
  2772. "Thank you, Anonymous! Oh! Could I maybe also have a steam?"
  2773. > The alicorn didn't have to see his face to know he was undecided. Giving in without a good reason could undermine his authority.
  2774. > "A bath is enough for now, Celestia. But if you want to earn one tomorrow, I have another little legal project for you."
  2775. > She was about to ask, but this time the human guessed her thoughts instead.
  2776. > "No, it's not for Denis. It's for me."
  2777. > Celestia laughed.
  2778. "See? You can do it, too. I'll be happy to help."
  2779. > She heard him move, take a step closer, then felt his hand in her mane. The scratch behind her ears was heavenly and she gave a small moan.
  2780. > Again the thought rose, unbidden. How would it feel to have both his arms around her over night?
  2781. > She let out a sad sigh when Anonymous took his fingers away and left. But the water was nice and hot and Celestia was quite happy.
  2782. > She considered bringing the iPad in, but decided against it. She would just start chatting with Glitter Dust or one of the others. Nice, but not as relaxing.
  2783. > It could wait.
  2784. > The alicorn shifted a little and pushed the water around with her wings. A warmer patch flowed against her belly and she gave a delighted gasp.
  2785. "Aaaaah. Mmmmmhyesssss..."
  2786. > A bit more of that and Anonymous would find a had pony dissolved in his bathtub.
  2787. >...
  2788. > Celestia could barely lift her hooves as she made her way back to the living room. It had been a *most* relaxing hour and it showed. She had to think about every hoofstep.
  2789. > Regrettably she had to leave the warmth of the bathroom behind, but the mare had draped a big towel over her flanks and wrapped another around her mane. Even that had seemed like an overly-complicated task.
  2790. "Anonymous, I need a bathrobe."
  2791. > She slumped into the couch and let out her breath in an appreciative sigh. Soft and warm, that was what she needed.
  2792. > "Sure thing," her owner promised, apparently without giving it much thought.
  2793. > The mare eyed his arm, lying idly on a cushion beside him. His pink arm. Very soft, warm, pink arm.
  2794. > She shuffled closer and laid her head right *there*. Of course she hadn't planned it, her demeanor said! She wasn't even looking at it!
  2795. > Drat! The human pulled away. She was about to sigh, but it caught in her throat when the touch returned on her neck.
  2796. > The next move would be critical and the alicorn spent a minute or two mulling it over.
  2797. > Then she wriggled around, as if trying to get more comfortable. She flopped to her side, shuffled yet closer and rearranged the pillows.
  2798. > If she ended with her head resting lightly against the human's flank, that was just an accident, right?
  2799. > The hand returned to her whithers and Celestia allowed herself a luxurious sigh.
  2800. > Finally she peered at the screen.
  2801. "What are we watching? That's Bean, right?"
  2802. > The gentle stroking paused, then resumed. "Yes. You liked the episodes, so maybe you'll like this. It's a movie."
  2803. "I like the music. What's that language?"
  2804. > "French. I can look up some songs for you, later."
  2805. > Celestia found herself nodding happily.
  2806. "Yes please."
  2807. > The human looked down at her and grinned. "I'd like to see you sing *those*!"
  2808. > She knew she blushed a little, but kept her eyes firmly on the screen.
  2809. "You heard?"
  2810. > "Yeah, that was very good. What was it, I'm sure I know the title."
  2811. > The pony waited a few seconds if Anonymous would remember, then helped him out:
  2812. "Snow. Red Hot Chili Peppers."
  2813. > The human snapped his fingers. "That's right! Thanks." The hand went back to her neck and resumed its idle stroking. Celestia debated with herself for a minute, then made her request.
  2814. "A little higher, please."
  2815. > Her owner glanced down again. "Hmm?"
  2816. "Hand. A little higher. Ears'd be favorite."
  2817. > He dutifully moved his hand and the mare cheered internally. "Oh, no problem," the man said smoothly. "Hush now. Movie."
  2818. > But she had one more thing to say.
  2819. "Don't let me-"
  2820. > Of course that was the point where she yawned!
  2821. "-fall asleep. I have to start lunch in an hour, or else we can just skip it and go directly to dinner."
  2822. > Maybe she should have noticed that Anonymous hadn't answered, but the mare was pleasantly sleepy. The towels, even slightly damp, kept her nice and snug. The leg under her cheek was quite warm, and the hand, slowly scratching behind her ears was bliss itself.
  2823. > Even Bean's antics in that fancy restaurant couldn't keep her attention for long.
  2824. > Her last thought was that if Anonymous failed to wake her up in time, she would do something mean to him. Bite him, she guessed. Or kick. Yeah, one of those.
  2826. > ~~~~
  2828. > "Celestia, can you see me in the living room for a moment, please?" Anonymous asked from the kitchen door. It was a little more polite than usually, but not overly so.
  2829. > The pony returned the cover to the pot, tapped on the oven surface with her stylus and cast a quick glance around. The vegetables she had been cutting would wait. The water wouldn't boil over on its minimum setting, and the dough was rising on its own.
  2830. > She turned off her music and went to the living room, where Anonymous was already sitting on the couch. Something in his expression made her steps falter and her ears fold back all by themselves.
  2831. "Is- is everything alright?"
  2832. > He didn't answer, just pointed to the armchair opposite him. "Please sit."
  2833. > She obeyed, but the mare couldn't prevent a slight tremor in her wings. Celestia tried to remember what she might have done, but nothing came to mind.
  2834. > The house was in order. Meals were on time. Nothing was damaged. His behavior didn't make sense.
  2835. > The alicorn planted her rump in the chair and stared at the human in expectant silence. After a second, her ears turned toward him.
  2836. > "Can you explain to me," Anonymous began, his voice deceptively calm. Deceptively, because there was anger there and the pony nearly reeled back when she glimpsed it through the cracks in his expression.
  2837. > "Can you explain to me," the human repeated and lifted up a piece of paper, "how you have managed to spend nearly two thousand dollars in Apple Store in the two weeks you've had the iPad?"
  2838. > Her breath caught and Celestia guiltily remembered all those warnings and questions she had ignored while she was exploring human music.
  2839. > The ears went firmly back against her head and the mare lowered her gaze. There was also the blush of embarrassment, she knew.
  2840. "I... might have, uh... *inadvertently* purchased too many songs."
  2841. > She said it in a small voice as her mind raced. She was trying to come up with a way to mitigate this disaster. Maybe she could somehow explain her lapse in judgement?
  2842. "I didn't realize I was actually buying the songs - not until now. I'm- I'm not used to this kind of money, you see-"
  2843. > Anonymous' hand went up. "Songs, says here, seven hundred fifty-three dollars and twelve cents. Let's say I understand that part. You really like music. Okay."
  2844. > There was a 'but'. Celestia knew it was coming. After all, seven hundred was not 'nearly two thousand'. She wondered what other expenses she might have unwittingly incurred.
  2845. > "But," Anonymous said and she headed him off in an attempt at self defense.
  2846. "Well, nopony told me Skype was that expensive! I didn't know!"
  2847. > That gave the human pause. "Skype? What are you talking about? Skype is free! What I mean are these 'in-game purchases' for-"
  2848. > Anonymous looked down on his paper. "-this 'Clash of Clans'. Over a thousand dollars, Celestia. What were you thinking?!"
  2849. > A faint memory stirred and the mare relaxed a little. Obviously this was just a mix up.
  2850. "Oh that! Glitter Dust plays that. She told me about it once."
  2851. > Her owner didn't seem to understand. "So what? I don't care if you both play it, but spending that kind of money on a stupid game? I really expected more self-control from you, Celestia!"
  2852. > She shook her head and quickly explained:
  2853. "No, no, I don't play that! Only she does."
  2854. > The human was still confused, it looked like. "Then why did you spend all that money? What did you spend it on?"
  2855. "I didn't!"
  2856. > Celestia was starting to feel very much put upon. *She* hadn't spent a single bit on an iPad game. Music, yes. She was sorry that she went overboard. Sorry that she hadn't asked Anonymous about the curious little messages.
  2857. > And she would take her punishment for the seven hundred fifty-three dollars, no problem there!
  2858. > But she very much resented these accusations about something as frivolous as that silly game! She hadn't even liked it that one time Glitter Dust got her to try it!
  2859. > It was time to put her hoof down.
  2860. "Listen here, Anonymous! I *never* spent a single bit on some iPad game! I don't much appreciate your tone."
  2861. > He leaned back, shocked. His hand went to his face. "If you didn't spend it, who did? Glitter Dust? How? Did you let her use your iPad?"
  2862. > Celestia was shaking her head, but then she remembered their first Skype chat.
  2863. > So *that* was what Glitter Dust had meant by 'borrow a few bucks'! And it looked like 'a few' had become over a thousand dollars.
  2864. > The Princess tried to recall the exchange rate between bits and dollars. There was a number - one of the castle accountants had once brought it to her. The price - in bits - for one of the human dollars.
  2865. > Just multiply it by a thousand and -
  2866. > Celestia felt as if her heart had stopped for a moment.
  2867. "A t-thousand dol-dollars?!"
  2868. > Anonymous nodded. "Just over." If he found her sudden shock strange, he didn't mention it. "Tell me how Glitter Dust spends that from your iPad, Celestia."
  2869. > She didn't want to answer. But Anonymous would undoubtedly find out. And then it would be worse for her.
  2870. > Her head fell and all Celestia could hear was the hammering of her heart.
  2871. "I... might have given her the pass word."
  2872. > It seemed like Anonymous couldn't quite wrap his head around it. "You have given her the password," he repeated. "So she tricked you?"
  2873. > Celestia vehemently shook her head.
  2874. "No! She told me she needed some money for that game! She promised she would pay me back!"
  2875. > "No chance in Hell Glitter Dust has that kind of money. Even Maggie probably doesn't have that much just lying around!"
  2876. "Well, she promised!"
  2877. > Even to herself Celestia sounded sullen and petulant. Naive, that was the word.
  2878. > She had never, even for a second, imagined that Glitter Dust was trying to trick her. Steal from her, even!
  2879. > The human just stared at her for a while. Celestia couldn't help fidgeting with her forehooves.
  2880. > "Go back to the kitchen and finish dinner. I'll call Maggie."
  2881. > But she needed to know!
  2882. "What will you tell her?"
  2883. > Anonymous shrugged. It didn't seem like he would enjoy the conversation. He didn't like the idea of putting the pegasus in trouble. Maybe she could use his reluctance?
  2884. > Despite everything, the alicorn didn't want to dunk Glitter Dust, however deserved it might be. The two mares could solve it between themselves!
  2885. "Please don't? I- I'll take responsibility. It was my error, Anonymous."
  2886. > But the human was set: "If she had done it to you, she might have also done it to others. Maggie should know about this."
  2887. > Celestia hung her head in defeat. She heaved a shuddering sigh and stood up to leave. But she paused for a final question.
  2888. "Wh- what will be my punishm- ment?"
  2889. > "I don't know yet. We'll discuss it after dinner, okay?"
  2890. > It seemed like utter defeat. Celestia made her slow way to the kitchen and listlessly began to cut the vegetables again. She considered listening to some music for a moment, but changed her mind. She wasn't in the mood.
  2891. > Another thought occurred. Maybe she should at least warn Glitter Dust? She opened up Skype and wrote as quickly as she could:
  2892. "Hey you there?"
  2893. > Her pegasus friend began typing almost immediately, much to Celestia's relief.
  2894. > "whats up?"
  2895. > The alicorn thought about a diplomatic approach, but then she remembered Anonymous' expression and her own embarrassment as she had to admit the error in judgement.
  2896. > Anger flared up and Celestia opted for the direct approach.
  2897. "You spent a thousand dollars on clash of clans!!"
  2898. > There was no reply, so the alicorn harrumphed to herself, then went on.
  2899. "Anonymous is calling Maggie right now so you better prepare yourself"
  2900. > Again nothing, but after a minute Glitter Dust's little circle went from green to gray.
  2901. > Celestia hoped her owner wouldn't tan the pegasus' hide too much. A little wouldn't hurt, though.
  2902. > The mare sighed and went back to her cooking. She barked a laugh as the thought rose:
  2903. "I hope Anonymous doesn't tan *my* hide too much."
  2904. >...
  2905. > Dinner was markedly subdued, Celestia couldn't help noticing. Neither she nor Anonymous spoke, so the only sounds were the clink of cutlery and the sound of plates and glasses as they were moved.
  2906. > When the human spoke up the mare nearly breathed a sigh of relief, even as he undoubtedly prepared to name her punishment.
  2907. > "What do you propose we do with you, Celestia?"
  2908. > She hurriedly swallowed her mouthful and nervously licked her lips. She was about to suggest a week without baths and steams, but Anonymous didn't seem to be in a mood for joking.
  2909. "M-maybe the... the belt ag-again?"
  2910. > At least it was something she had experienced before. She knew what to expect, even if Anonymous wouldn't be as gentle this time.
  2911. > "That's a given, of course. What else?"
  2912. > The mare gulped in fear. She had hoped it would be the only thing.
  2913. "No- no baths? Or st-steams?"
  2914. > "For a month, yes," Anonymous finished, making her grimace unhappily.
  2915. > "*And* you're going to earn that money, just so you get some appreciation for how much you two spent."
  2916. > The loss stung badly and Glitter Dust would certainly get a piece of her mind, but at least there would be no other physical punishment.
  2917. "How?"
  2918. > Anonymous thought for a minute, then his face split into a satisfied grin. Celestia couldn't help feeling a little uneasy at the sight.
  2919. > "You'll go to work with me, every day. And you'll assist Denis until you've earned two thousand dollars. On an intern's pay."
  2920. > If her ears went any further down, they would crush the mare's skull.
  2921. "Does it have to be him?"
  2922. > But the alicorn knew it was hopeless, even before Anonymous said: "Yes. Punishment is supposed to be unpleasant. I'll talk with him tomorrow and you'll start the next day."
  2923. > Celestia tried to muster up some grace, at least while accepting her punishment.
  2924. "Yes, Sir."
  2925. > "Oh, and I spoke with Maggie," the human went on and Celestia drew herself to attention. "Apparently she tried the same thing with the other ponies at one point or another. Though never that much money."
  2926. > At least she wasn't the only one to fall for the pegasus' tricks. Celestia felt a little better about her mistake.
  2927. > "Maggie will punish her - again - but Glitter Dust just doesn't want to learn, it seems. Maggie sounded at her wits' end. She offered to give me the mare, just to be done with it."
  2928. > The idea of having a roommate was at the same time scary and very interesting. Of course she would have to tell Glitter Dust the truth and hope the pegasus wouldn't blab. No way she could maintain Supple Branch over the long term.
  2929. > But she didn't want *that* sort of suspense in her life. And knowing Glitter Dust, she would be on Skype even before Celestia finished talking.
  2930. > Despite all that, Celestia would have loved the company. She still liked the happy, curious pegasus, even after her trick.
  2931. > Maybe not exactly 'happy pegasus' for a while, but Celestia did like her.
  2932. "What did you say?"
  2933. > Anonymous answered quickly and waved his hand dismissively. "I said no, of course. I don't want another problematic pony."
  2934. "Problematic?! I'm not problematic!"
  2935. > The human sighed with more drama than was strictly called for, in the mare's opinion.
  2936. > "Really, Celestia?"
  2937. > She *absolutely* didn't want him thinking that! The alicorn jumped from her chair and went around the table.
  2938. "Anonymous! I'm sorry, okay? It was an honest mistake, it won't happen again. I'll work for Denis until I pay you back. And I'll take the other punishment!"
  2939. > She presented her rump to the man.
  2940. "Just spank me now and get that part over with! And no baths for a month. Please, I'll behave! Don't send me back!"
  2941. > Anonymous seemed surprised at the outburst. So was she. Celestia hadn't even realized just how much she enjoyed it there, or how scared she was of failing.
  2942. > "Okay, relax, I'm not sending you back. I'm not mad about the money, really!"
  2943. > The pony was shocked to find tears in her eyes. She hadn't meant to get so emotional. But now that the punishment was set and the incident was more or less behind her, relief flowed through her body like a cool, calming wave.
  2944. > She just wanted it *completely* over now.
  2945. "I'll get the belt."
  2946. > The human reached up and patted her head. "We don't have to do it *now*, Celestia."
  2947. "Now. I want it over with. Please, it's important to me."
  2948. > Anonymous sighed and stood up. "Very well, bring the belt to the living room, if you're sure."
  2949. >...
  2950. > There she was again, a lot sooner than she would have expected. Her owner stood over her, the strip of leather hanging loosely from his hand.
  2951. > She wanted it over, but now that it was happening, Celestia found herself filled with trepidation.
  2952. "H-how many this time?"
  2953. > Anonymous gave it some thought, while he circled around to her face. "About twenty should do it, I think."
  2954. > She inadvertently gulped, but then she nodded.
  2955. "Tha- that's fa-fair!"
  2956. > However hard she tried, Celestia couldn't make her flank stop trembling. She knew it would be better once it started. The suspense was killing her, but she didn't dare say anything.
  2957. > Anonymous seemed in a slightly better mood so perhaps, if she didn't anger him further, he would go a bit easier on her.
  2958. > She closed her eyes, but it didn't help. She was keenly aware of her owner's position. Of his footsteps as he went around again. The swish of fabric as he lifted his arm.
  2959. > The mare winced even before the first hit landed, but at least she didn't cry out.
  2960. > *SLAP* *SLAP* *SLAP*
  2961. > Blow after blow, wherever they happened to land, much faster than the last time. She had wanted to count them, to know when it would end. But after the third or fourth slap she lost track and just focused on enduring.
  2962. > The squeals came unbidden, as did the tears. The mare knew, in her heart of hearts, that the beating was in no way severe. That it shouldn't really hurt all that much.
  2963. > But maybe the guilt *made* it painful? Each strike with the leather seemed to leave a line of fire across her abused rear. She knew there would be bruises.
  2964. > The human really wasn't holding back, not like the last time!
  2965. > But it was too late to change her mind. Celestia gritted her teeth and endured in her tiny little world of darkness and shame and pain.
  2966. > The last hit rang out, echoing. In the ensuing silence, the pony realized she was crying.
  2967. > Bawling really. The realization was almost more painful than the punishment. So little did it take to reduce the Princess of the Sun, the Ruler of Equestria, to weeping like a little filly.
  2968. > Her hind legs were shaking badly and the mare definitely felt some heat along her rump.
  2969. > She didn't dare look, even when she felt Anonymous' hand on her muzzle.
  2970. > "There, it's done," he said. There was no real anger behind the words. Celestia shuddered as she thought what the punishment would be like with the human truly angry.
  2971. > Despite the way it had felt, she knew her owner hadn't used all his strength.
  2972. > She managed a small nod and a smile, and the human wiped away a few tears from her face.
  2973. > "Maggie said she would bring Glitter Dust over tomorrow after work, so we can see her punishment first hand."
  2974. > An image popped up and the mare almost laughed a little.
  2975. "We'll compare butts to see whose is redder."
  2976. > Even Anonymous smiled at that. "Well, you're going to change into Supple Branch, no? Will bruises still be there?"
  2977. > The alicorn considered it, then nodded.
  2978. "Yes. I'll make sure they're there. It's only fair Glitter Dust sees that I was also punished."
  2979. > They watched each other for a moment. The mare couldn't help but shuffle uncomfortably from the distracting heat in her rear. She chose instead to focus on the human hand, which was still stroking her muzzle.
  2980. "I'm sorry, Anonymous. It was a stupid thing I did, with music and giving the pass word to Glitter Dust. I should have asked you about it."
  2981. > The man shrugged. "Well, you learned your lesson."
  2982. > Celestia nodded emphatically. She glanced back and gasped a little. Even from her vantage point, the smooth, white flank was looking quite pink through her white coat.
  2983. > No wonder it felt so hot.
  2984. "I did, yes."
  2985. > It was futile now, but she was trying to muster up some of her bearing and grace. In truth, without the comforting hand, she would have kept crying for a bit longer.
  2986. > On the other hoof, the mare thought, she *really* was letting go of the Princess. *She* would never have cried under punishment.
  2987. > Anonymous followed her gaze. Maybe there was the start of a wince in his face, but it was gone before Celestia could be sure. But she chose to believe it was there.
  2988. > Sympathy, even when giving her a deserved punishment. It just made her like him more.
  2989. > "Okay, can you clear up the dining room and put the dishes in the washer?"
  2990. > She considered it, then nodded. It wouldn't require her rump.
  2991. > "Good, go do that, then go to bed. It's been a hard enough day," the human commanded. But she wasn't quite ready to be alone just yet.
  2992. "Could I stay up a little longer with you?"
  2993. > That gave Anonymous some pause, but he quickly shrugged. "It'll be boring. I have to read up on some esoteric law up in the study."
  2994. "W-what if you read it here, on the couch. I- I don't want to sleep yet. I'd like to sit with you. I'll be quiet, I promise."
  2995. > If her human saw his way clear to keeping an arm around her, or maybe even scratching her ears while he read, it would go a long way toward putting the nastiness behind them.
  2996. > Celestia wanted to feel that they were okay. A few hours of quiet company would do nicely.
  2997. > "Okay, I think that could work. But if you distract me, I'll send you to bed. I have to get through this thing by tomorrow."
  2998. > She nodded, quite happy once again. Aside from her red rear and the faint traces of tears, it was impossible to tell she had just been punished with a belt.
  2999. > Clearing the table and the dishes were the work of minutes. She cast an eye on her iPad, but saw that Glitter Dust was still offline. Good. Celestia hoped the pegasus would get at least as much as she did.
  3000. >...
  3001. > The mare almost fell into the soft cushions. She didn't want to put pressure on her abused behind and the position she had chosen would leave her head in Anonymous' lap.
  3002. > This suited her just fine.
  3003. > Her ears swiveled as she heard a faint ding from the kitchen. It was Skype on her iPad. Maybe it was Glitter Dust, apologizing. Or wanting to tell her about her own punishment.
  3004. > Or it was one of the others, just saying hi.
  3005. > Whatever it was, it would wait until the next day.
  3006. > The human returned with a large book and took his place. In moments Celestia was nuzzling his thigh while Anonymous put the book down on the armrest.
  3007. > As she had predicted, his other hand went to her mane and sough out her ears.
  3008. "Thank you, Anonymous."
  3009. > "What? What for?" he asked, a little surprised. He obviously hadn't expected anything like that out of her, not after their little showdown.
  3010. "For not going overboard. I know it's a lot of money. You'd be within your rights to beat me a lot more. Or yell. Or just send me back to the auction."
  3011. > His hand patted her on the neck, before returning to her ears. "I still might, if you don't earn the money back, you know?"
  3012. > They both knew he didn't mean it, but the mare played along.
  3013. "I'll earn it. I'm good, remember?"
  3014. > He said nothing more as Anonymous became engrossed in the text. The pony looked up at his little frown of concentration.
  3015. > Despite all that had happened, she was happy. She felt safe. Each day she trusted the human more.
  3016. > When the time came to leave, she would absolutely miss Anonymous.
  3017. > The thought made her a little sad and she sighed. In response, the human slid his hand comfortingly down the length of her neck.
  3018. > It was quite pleasant, actually.
  3019. > She didn't even know when she fell asleep.
  3021. > ~~~~
  3023. > Celestia had been waiting for the sound of Anonymous' car on the driveway. But however much she tried to, the mare could not prepare herself fully. Her heart sank, there were butterflies in her stomach and her wings tried to flutter before she could force them to stillness.
  3024. > She desperately tried to recapture the comfortable, almost intimate moment they had shared the previous night, after her punishment.
  3025. > Even with a sore rump, Celestia had felt closer to her owner than ever before. And his fingers, working their insidious magic on her ears had quickly turned her brain to putty.
  3026. > And then she had woken up, still in that warm, comfortable lap, except now with a soft blanket covering her flank. She blinked, looked up and smiled. The human grinned back.
  3027. > For a second, Celestia had the image of kissing him in her mind, but it passed when Anonymous scratched her ears again.
  3028. > "Come on, let's get you to bed," her owner said. Celestia made a mewl of protest, but allowed herself to be prodded to her hooves.
  3029. "Fine, but I'm taking the blanket."
  3030. > Moving reminded her how stiff her limbs were, and stretching made her yawn. On a whim, she leaned down and gave the human a friendly lick on his cheek.
  3031. "Goodnight, Anonymous."
  3032. >...
  3033. > Remembering helped, and Celestia calmed down. She listened to the now familiar noises of the garage door. Then she heard the second car.
  3034. > Maggie and Glitter Dust were right behind her owner! Celestia quickly cast the spell which turned her into Supple Branch. She glanced back at her rump and concentrated again. The cyan coat now sported very visible purple welts.
  3035. > She was just in time. The door opened and Anonymous came in from the garage. "Evening, Supple," he said. Celestia was pleased that he took care to use the right name.
  3036. > But she didn't say anything back, because the human went to the front door and opened it without waiting for her reply. Maggie walked in and the alicorn in disguise gave her a weak smile and a wave.
  3037. > The woman stopped. She had a leash in her hand, but there was no sign of the pegasus. The line stretched taut to the side, though. Glitter Dust was apparently hiding beside the door.
  3038. > "Come on!" the woman snapped.
  3039. > Celestia heard her friend's low, subdued voice: "Do I have to? I said I'm sorry! I don't understand why they have to see me like this!"
  3040. > Glitter Dust sounded very whiny.
  3041. > "You'll have more to show them if you don't move," Maggie threatened and tugged at the leash. "I'll do it in front of Mr. Anonymous and Supple Branch. Would you prefer that?"
  3042. > The pegasus gave a sigh and walked into view. Celestia felt her breath catch and her eyes water in sympathy. The lime rump was glowing bright red! There was no blood or scars, thank goodness, but they didn't seem far off.
  3043. > The Princess swallowed in fear. Glitter Dust's punishment seemed a lot fiercer than her own. It reminded her just how lucky she was with Anonymous.
  3044. > Maggie gave the leash another tug to get the mare fully inside, so she could close the door and keep the chill out. "Well?" she demanded and lightly yanked the cord again.
  3045. > The pegasus took the cue. "I'm very sorry for tricking Supple Branch into giving me your password, Mr. Anonymous," she intoned reverentially. "It was wrong of me to use her like that and to spend your money. I'll find a way to pay you back."
  3046. > That part sounded rehearsed, but the mare hurried on with her own, improvised explanation: "I never meant to use that much, honest! Just a couple of dollars, until I got my allowance! And I would've paid it all back, I swear!"
  3047. > Maggie was starting to frown, but Anonymous answered before the woman: "It's not me you should apologize to. It's Supple Branch. She'll earn that money back for me. How you two work it out between yourselves doesn't really concern me."
  3048. > The pegasus stared, disbelieving at first, then her face split into a relieved grin. "Really?" she asked, brightening up. She stared at Celestia with a tiny little smirk. "I'm off the hook? Thanks! Thanks a lot!"
  3049. > Maggie was faster than the alicorn. She had Glitter Dust's ear in a vice grip. "Not so fast, Missy! You're not off the hook *that* easy!"
  3050. > The pegasus had no choice but to follow the hand, which lifted her to her hind legs. She had to flap her wings awkwardly to keep her balance.
  3051. > "Ow! Owowowow! YES!" she agreed preemptively, even before Maggie made her demands.
  3052. > "You're gonna come here every weekend and do *everything* Mr. Anonymous or Supple Branch tell you to, until they think you've repaid them in full, understand?"
  3053. > "YES! Please! Yes, I'll do anything! Ow! Let go, please! OW!"
  3054. > Only then did her owner release the pegasus. Celestia did her best to keep her face straight and impassive. It was easier than she had anticipated. When Anonymous said she wouldn't have to repay him, Glitter Dust had a very impolite smirk on her face. She was all too happy to pawn her punishment on somepony else.
  3055. > It looked like the Princess would have to do some basic educating on the proper pony values. She looked imploringly at Anonymous and then leaned her head toward the living room. Her owner gave her a slight nod.
  3056. "Come on, Glitter Dust. I'll tell you what you'll have to do. Come with me."
  3057. > There was something in her voice and expression, it seemed. Something stern. The pegasus immediately lowered her ears and bowed her head before trotting sadly after Celestia.
  3058. > Maggie seemed satisfied with the effect and let Anonymous lead her to the dining room. Just before the door closed, the alicorn heard the woman complain:
  3059. > "I really don't know with her anymore. Stealing? I wish I could say it was the first time. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth keeping her around..."
  3060. > Glitter Dust's face was burning brighter than her rear end as Celestia pointed her to the couch. Of course they both heard every word.
  3061. "Don't worry. Humans like to exaggerate."
  3062. > It helped a little and the pegasus gave Celestia a small smile. It was weak and uncertain, but it was there.
  3063. "Talk to me. What on Earth possessed you to spend that much money on a stupid game?"
  3064. > Glitter Dust sighed and hung her head again. "Sorry. I swear I really don't mean to do it! You gotta believe me! It's just how these thins are made. I read about it once!"
  3065. > Not her fault? The alicorn had her own thoughts on that, but she would give her friend a listen, at least.
  3066. "Go on."
  3067. > "It's like-" the pegasus began, then flung her hooves up in the air, "they pull you in with the game, give you some free stuff to get you hooked. And then, when you're invested, you need to put money in to keep going."
  3068. "I see. And you can't simply stop playing, because..."
  3069. > Now the pony was getting sullen. "I knew you wouldn't understand. I stopped playing a million times. But then you get an email and it says your people are under attack and wont you come save them. It's the same for every game like that! I've tried them all and it's all the same! Keeps coming back to haunt you!"
  3070. > That impulse, at least, Celestia could understand. She tried to remember what the game was about. Yes, there were small, cartoon people in the thing. Maybe it wasn't so hard to get attached to them? If she didn't have Equestria, would she be just as vulnerable as the pegasus?
  3071. "Okay, let's say for now that I understand. But you had to know what you were spending. Didn't it ever occur to you that there would be trouble?"
  3072. > "Yes. But I kept saying 'a couple of dollars more won't hurt', and 'I'll pay it all back slowly', and suddenly it's a thousand bucks!"
  3073. > The Princess, in her Supple Branch guise, jumped up on the couch and put a hoof around her friend. A wing would have been better, but she didn't have it at the moment.
  3074. "Okay, okay, here's what we'll do."
  3075. > An ear turned to face her, even if Glitter Dust didn't stop staring down at her hooves.
  3076. "First, you're gonna stop playing that. All those games. They aren't good for you, okay?"
  3077. > The pegasus was about to argue, but she let the breath out and nodded faintly. "Fine."
  3078. "I mean it, Glitter! Use the iPad for Skype, nothing else. It's not the pony way to waste your life staring at that little screen."
  3079. > Glitter Dust's hoof twitched, as if she wished to push the other mare away. "Okay, I said fine! You sound like my mom! If she knew about the Internet! And like Maggie!"
  3080. > Celestia allowed herself a small, motherly smile.
  3081. "I'll earn all the money to pay Anonymous back. But you're not off the hook entirely."
  3082. > The alicorn had given it some thought. She could combine the punishment with doing something useful. It would help Glitter Dust's self esteem.
  3083. "Since you can fly and I can't, you'll help me clean the roof, and check all the tiles. And clean the gutters. It's not pretty, but if you do that for me, we'll call it even, okay?"
  3084. > The pegasus nodded slowly.
  3085. "Now, about you tricking me into giving you the pass word in the first place..."
  3086. > "I said I'm sorry," the mare muttered darkly. "Besides, I asked if I could borrow a few bucks and you said it was fine."
  3087. "A few dollars, yes. Glitter, not a *thousand*."
  3088. > The mare sighed, more deeply and with marked exasperation. "What else do you want me to say?! Sorry, Supple! I messed up, okay!? Or do you wanna whip me a little, too?"
  3089. > It was sorely tempting. But Celestia decided a gentle hoof would work better.
  3090. "No, no. I just wanted you to know. Sorry was enough. I forgive you."
  3091. > She held her hooves open and the pegasus looked at her incredulously. Then, she fell into her hug with a small sigh. A moment later, she sniffled.
  3092. "There, there. I can see how good Maggie got you. I'm sorry."
  3093. > The mare was turning to butter in her grasp. Her voice was one whimper away from full crying. "I de-deserved it! I'm a bad pony and a bad f-friend!"
  3094. > Celestia nuzzled her grief-stricken friend. Now that most of the punishment seemed over, Glitter Dust was really letting it all out. Her shoulders shook as she tried to suppress sobs.
  3095. "It's over, Glitter. We'll do the work until we make it up to Anonymous and then it's going to be fine. Just promise you won't touch those games again, okay?"
  3096. > The pegasus nodded against her neck. Celestia felt some more encouragement was called for.
  3097. "Besides, Anonymous belted me as well. You must have seen it! Taught me to keep pass words private!"
  3098. > "Passwords. It's one word," her friend corrected.
  3099. "Passwords. Okay."
  3100. > "At least purple goes with cyan."
  3101. > Celestia blinked. It was an unexpected joke. When she didn't immediately laugh, the pegasus pulled her face away and gave her a weak smile.
  3102. > "Sorry. I couldn't help it."
  3103. > They watched each other for a moment, then burst out laughing. After a moment they hugged again.
  3104. "Feeling better now?"
  3105. > Glitter Dust nodded again, but it turned into a grateful nuzzle.
  3106. "Remember - you have pony friends around you. You're not alone. We'll help you kick this stuff, okay?"
  3107. > Another nuzzle-nod.
  3108. > Celestia fell silent and just kept her hooves lightly around her friend.
  3109. >...
  3110. > That was how the humans found the pair. Even Maggie's face softened and she went to put her hand in Glitter Dust's mane.
  3111. > "Did you work out how you'll repay these nice people?" the lady asked.
  3112. > Celestia answered so that her pony friend didn't have to.
  3113. "Glitter will come and help me clean the gutters, and check the tiles on the roof. She can fly."
  3114. > The alicorn felt a tinge of pride when her owner quickly took up the pretense. "That's right. It would be a very useful thing too, before the winter."
  3115. > Maggie seemed satisfied. "Good. Some hard work might straighten her out. Teach her the value of money!"
  3116. > The pegasus disentangled herself and focused her eyes on her owner. "And I'm giving up iPad games. C-can you lock it for me so I can only use Skype?"
  3117. > The lady shrugged. "Probably. We'll ask Sam. You know how I am with electronics."
  3118. > Glitter Dust nodded and looked back to the earth mare, who was still hugging her lightly.
  3119. > "Thanks, Supple. You're a good friend."
  3120. > She jumped down from the couch and went around to poke her snout at Maggie's lap. "We ready to go?"
  3121. > The woman held out her hand for Anonymous to shake and made her goodbye: "Well, thank you again for being so understanding. Glitter will do a good job on your gutters, or she'll get another hiding. You can trust me on that!"
  3122. > Celestia was watching the mare and saw the wince. She had no doubt that the pegasus would work hard to repay her debt. But would it all be enough to keep her from doing such things in the future?
  3123. > She would need her other friends to help out, when they could. After all, ponies were at their best in groups. Mutual encouragement.
  3124. > "It's fine, really," Anonymous replied as he led the pair to the front door. Celestia followed them and made sure to give Glitter Dust a final hug before she left.
  3125. > Her owner closed the door behind their guests and went back to the living room with the Princess in tow.
  3126. > "Interesting idea. Checking the roof, cleaning the gutters. It'll give her something to do. Were you planning on doing all that yourself?"
  3127. > Celestia shook her head mutely.
  3128. > "Good. 'Cause I usually call a guy for that. I guess I won't have to this year."
  3129. > The human sat on the couch and heaved a sigh. The mare stopped in front of him, then changed back to alicorn. Once she was herself again, she laid her head in his lap and closed her eyes.
  3130. "I don't like how easily the iPad made her steal from her friends."
  3131. > "Makes sense. These people target these games at children and the easily impressionable. I've read about it. It's remarkably effective."
  3132. "It's not right. I can't believe it's legal."
  3133. > A very welcome hand came down to her mane and ears. She smiled a little to herself. The human was being trained very well!
  3134. > "Well, there's a lot of debate about it recently. Maybe, in a while it won't be legal anymore. It's a complicated subject. Where does consumer protection become tyranny?"
  3135. > Celestia shrugged with her wings. For a moment she tried to find a good solution, but then just gave it up. Her relieved sigh was heartfelt.
  3136. "I'm glad I don't have to work out those issues."
  3137. > She opened her eyes and examined the human.
  3138. "So. Denis?"
  3139. > Anonymous nodded a little. "I made it clear to him. No offers of buying you. No offering you stallions. I *will* slap him with sexual harassment if he doesn't stop all that, you just tell me, okay?"
  3140. > It made her feel immensely better about working for the man.
  3141. "Thank you, Anonymous. You're very kind."
  3142. > "Anyway, there's two projects where he would like your help. One involves preparing a document - a basic guideline for trading contracts. It's internal use only, so it doesn't have to be idiot-proof. The other is a criminal case."
  3143. > She saw the human frown a little. "I don't know why he picked that one," her owner said thoughtfully. "Armed robbery. We're consulting for the district attorney."
  3144. "It doesn't matter. Work is work. Those two will be enough to cover my... bill?"
  3145. > She felt herself blush when she said it.
  3146. > "Yeah, I think so. The document should take you two to three weeks. You can take a meeting room when it's free so you can work in peace. The robbery case you'll have to consult with him and probably a few others at the firm."
  3147. > Anonymous saw her expression and guessed her question: "Don't worry, they'll handle all outside communication. You'll be just another set of eyes so we don't miss anything. That one starts next month and your part should take about two weeks."
  3148. "So... going to work with you. I'll make us lunch each day."
  3149. > The other hand came down to work on her other ear. It was quite nice and the pony heaved a satisfied sigh.
  3150. > "Good girl," the human praised. "It will be an interesting month, yes."
  3151. "And weekends with Glitter Dust, working no the house. I guess that means no more walks?"
  3152. > Her owner gave it some thought. "Tell you what. Make sure your friend does a good job and I'll take you both down to the lake each day. We can get you cotton candy or icecream. And if there's anything good on, we can go to the movies."
  3153. > The mare enjoyed hearing such things. It sounded very pleasant.
  3154. "Mmm, I'd love that."
  3155. > He playfully tapped her rump, making her gasp. She was still quite tender down there!
  3156. > "Okay, time for dinner. Let me up."
  3157. > She didn't immediately move. Anonymous seemed in a good mood, so the alicorn tried her luck:
  3158. "How about a small bath after dinner?"
  3159. > He laughed a little, but wouldn't budge: "Nice try. You're being punished, remember?"
  3160. "Please, Anonymous?"
  3161. > She tried to copy the big, sad, soulful eyes and the slumped, miserable posture she had seen Glitter do. It had zero effect.
  3162. > Despite the failure, Celestia was impressed by her owner's resolve.
  3163. > Then, the man grinned and got that mischievous look in his eye. It made the alicorn uneasy and she lifted her head up.
  3164. "What? What did you think up now? Spill it!"
  3165. > "Maybe," Anonymous said slowly, his grin widening. "I'll take a bath myself. Now that the tub is free for a change."
  3166. > She was aghast. It was mockery of the highest order!
  3167. "You wouldn't dare!"
  3168. > It was a mere whisper, but the force behind the words made it carry and fill the room.
  3169. > "You know, seeing how much you like it - I'm curious. I think I'll give it a try. Please don't disturb me. I'll be out for dinner in an hour."
  3170. > He got up and made his way out the room. Celestia saw him turn down the corridor.
  3171. > She had always wanted to get Anonymous to enjoy a bath or a steam, but this was ridiculous!
  3172. "Anonymous, this is *entirely* unfair!"
  3173. > He didn't reply. The pony caught up to him and tugged on his shirt sleeve with her magic.
  3174. "Come on! Please! You're better than this!"
  3175. > She thought quickly.
  3176. "At least let me come inside and put my hooves in the water!"
  3177. > Still no reply.
  3178. "Ple-he-he-ease!"
  3179. > The whine was a bit more sulky and desperate than she would have liked, but the human was already through the door and her time was running out.
  3180. > "Stay!" he commanded and shut the door in her face.
  3181. > All Celestia could do was stare in indignant shock at the wood as she listened to the noises.
  3182. > The water started! She knew that spigot like her own hoof - that was the squeak as it was turned toward 'warm'! And the first splash of water in the empty tub! And - the mare whimpered a little - the plug!
  3183. > The unbelievable cruelty! The ghastly torment!
  3184. > She would *not* forget it.
  3185. > The mare curled up on the floor, with her ear at the door so she wouldn't miss a single sound.
  3186. > The human would *pay*!
  3188. > ~~~~
  3190. > It wasn't too bad, Celestia decided during her lunch. Especially if her new jailer, Denis, kept having business lunches with clients.
  3191. > She was chewing on a hay-and-cheese sandwich in Anonymous' office and sipping an 'iced tea' Wendy had made her. It was quite good, actually.
  3192. > Her owner was also gone - in fact - the whole floor was mostly empty. It gave her the peace and quiet she needed to really get into the books.
  3193. > As she and Anonymous had discussed in the car, the alicorn would take the first week simply to read and absorb the material she would have to work with. He had gotten her some office supplies and the pony dutifully jotted down important-looking bits and questions.
  3194. > She didn't absolutely need to do that, but it helped.
  3195. > And to his credit, Denis was entirely professional and courteous while they were working. Maybe it was just in his free time that he was a jerk? It suited the mare just fine if she never found out for sure.
  3196. > She could definitely work with this. It might even be enjoyable. She was feeling charitable toward Denis, because he had not once mentioned her bruised plot.
  3197. > Of course Anonymous had told his colleague why she was suddenly working for him, but Denis just ignored it. She was very grateful for that.
  3198. > Her sandwich and her drink were gone, but she hardly noticed. Even when her owner came back Celestia barely glanced at him. He came around the desk and looked at what she was reading.
  3199. > Then his hand in her mane made her lose her place. But she didn't mind in the slightest.
  3200. "When does Denis usually come back?"
  3201. > She would have kept reading in his office, but the man wanted to lock it when he was away. Very mistrustful, Celestia thought.
  3202. "I need the Customs Code next. You don't have it, I checked."
  3203. > The human glanced at his wristwatch. "Should be soon," he said. "Why don't you take a break? You're doing a fine job, don't run yourself ragged."
  3204. > Celestia considered this. After a moment she nodded and pushed the book away. Then she stretched out her wings luxuriously and drew a deep breath.
  3205. > She froze in shock when she felt Anonymous' hands right *there*! He had carefully grabbed the leading edge and was tracing a finger down a primary feather.
  3206. > It instantly drove all thoughts of Denis and her work from her mind. She also blushed a vivid red - a fact that the human didn't seem to notice just yet.
  3207. > And, if he didn't let go soon, he would have a mess on his chair!
  3208. > True - the pony used her wings 'socially' quite often. She even hugged the human with them, or sometimes offered a feather in lieu of a hoofshake. But it was all casual, a passing gesture.
  3209. > This, on the other hoof, was something else entirely. Holding her wing like that, touching the sensitive feathers right there. So gently, caressingly. Almost like he was preening them.
  3210. > Without asking first!
  3211. > For one thing, it was incredibly inappropriate. And for another, strangely exhilarating.
  3212. "Uh, Anonymous?"
  3213. > Her voice was too breathy by half and a little high-pitched. It made the human look and release the wing. It snapped back to her side.
  3214. > She was immensely relieved that he had let go.
  3215. > She was very disappointed that he had let go.
  3216. > "Whoa, what's wrong?" her owner asked, voice full of concern. "Something in your sandwich?" Apparently he mistook her expression for nausea.
  3217. > She shook her head, closed her eyes and took a deep breath to relax.
  3218. "I might have forgotten to mention, but wings on a pony are an intensely... 'private' matter. Do you understand?"
  3219. > The human blinked and looked at his fingers. "What do you mean 'private'?" he asked carefully.
  3220. "Something... lovers do."
  3221. > Now his face was starting to match hers in color. "Oh! OH! Sorry! I swear, Celestia, I didn't know! I was just curious!"
  3222. > She had guessed as much, but it was still a relief to hear it.
  3223. "It's okay. You didn't know. Now you do."
  3224. > But the lawyer in him raised a point she knew he would: "But you have touched me with your wings before. Hugged, even."
  3225. "Yes, but that is different. Imagine the difference between licking your face and kissing you. Both involve approximately the same gestures and... parts. But they have quite different connotations."
  3226. > His blush grew worse. When she realized what she just said, so did hers.
  3227. > "Yeah, I think I understand the difference. Please accept my apology. It won't happen again."
  3228. > Now she was sad. She hadn't meant to sound so negative!
  3229. "Well now, I know you're curious. I could... show you a bit more. But when we are home. In private."
  3230. > It didn't have the intended effect. The human looked away in embarrassment and quickly went to shuffle some papers around. "Well, yes. Maybe. We'll see."
  3231. > She had an idea. Anonymous was clearly uncomfortable about the thoughts of her... in that way. Perhaps she could have some fun that evening. Tease him a little.
  3232. > It would be exciting and he would make the funniest faces, if the current one was any indication.
  3233. > A fitting revenge for making her sit outside the bathroom and listen to him taking a bath!
  3234. > But for now, she needed to concentrate on work. She *really* did not want to 'leak' as she walked. Also, even the humans would be bound to notice the smell.
  3235. > She carefully stood up and focused. She felt... damp, but nothing was oozing. That was good.
  3236. > Just in case, she kept the tail firmly clamped against her.
  3237. "I'll just... uh, I'll use the bathroom."
  3238. > The human gave a nod and she left his office. The mare headed straight for the ladies' room, barely acknowledging Denis as she passed him in the hallway.
  3239. > Once safely inside, the alicorn heaved a sigh and then started to giggle. As if she was fifteen! She forced herself to stop and spoke to her reflection in the mirror.
  3240. "Stop this, Celestia! Act your age! Besides, he's a different species!"
  3241. > Just to be sure, she squeezed into a stall and wiped herself and the dock of her tail dry.
  3242. > As she left, the mare in the mirror seemed to be giving her a speculative and rather 'smirky' look.
  3243. "Not now! And certainly not here!"
  3244. > The alicorn made herself look away and schooled her face to stillness. It was time to work!
  3245. > She made her way to Denis' office and took the chair at the smaller desk he had arranged for her.
  3246. > At least the human would take her mind from these inappropriate matters.
  3247. > "Hello. Progress? Need any help?" he offered, straight to he point.
  3248. > She remembered her questions.
  3249. "Actually, yes. There are a few points, let me see..."
  3250. > Her notes and her book were still in the other office.
  3251. "Oh, just a second."
  3252. > She stepped out across the hallway and pushed her owner's door open. It looked like he was fiercely concentrating on his computer, but he looked up.
  3253. "Just need my notes."
  3254. > He gave a nod and the pony floated them over. But just as she was about to leave, Anonymous cleared his throat.
  3255. > "We'll talk tonight."
  3256. > It made her heart nearly skip a beat. She tried to guess what he meant, but his expression said nothing.
  3257. > Would the talk be a chiding for letting herself - and him - get this flustered at work?
  3258. > Or would he want to inspect her wings some more?
  3259. > She had to bite her lip to stop herself going down that path of thought again. She hurried out without answering.
  3260. > Denis was looking at her strangely. She went back to her desk as nonchalantly as she could.
  3261. > When she glanced back at the human, he had a very insolent smirk. She very much did not like it.
  3262. "What?!"
  3263. > He steepled his fingers and inspected her for a short while before answering: "You hitch your tail up and away when you talk to Anonymous. Did you know that? I wonder what that means on a pony."
  3264. > Her breath caught. She hadn't even been aware of it! And worse, Celestia realized: this jerk had had a wonderful view of her plot!
  3265. > And now he thought he had guessed what Anonymous and she were doing. It made him laugh and the sound sent cold shivers down her spine.
  3266. > "Nothing to be ashamed about, dear. We all have our little... secrets."
  3267. > The insolent, meaningful way he winked at her nearly made the mare hoof Denis right in the face.
  3268. "It is none of your business! And nothing is happening if that's what you're implying!"
  3269. > Too late Celestia remembered that she shouldn't have engaged the man at all. His grin just widened.
  3270. > "Ah, but you're hoping something would?"
  3271. > She remained silent and let her muzzle scrunch up in disgust. But it just seemed to make the man laugh harder.
  3272. > At long last he stopped and sighed happily. "Well, if your uptight master says no, you come to me. I wouldn't mind giving *that* a try."
  3273. > Her mouth fell open at the ludicrous proposition. And the tone! And the sultry wink!
  3274. > She remembered what her owner had said.
  3275. "One more word, Denis, and we'll slap you with sexual harassment. I'm warning you!"
  3276. > It didn't have quite the effect she had hoped for, but the human shrugged and raised up his hands, palms toward her.
  3277. > "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'm just joking, you know?"
  3278. > She very much doubted that, but she didn't want to argue anymore. There was still the job to do, and Denis was still a superb attorney.
  3279. > And, the mare remembered, when he was working, this human was a lot more professional.
  3280. "Okay. Just so long as you know. Now let's go through my questions..."
  3282. > ~~~~
  3284. > The pony group. Celestia was not looking forward to them, not this time. There had been too much speculation on Skype about her and Glitter Dust, and neither of them really wanted to tell the others.
  3285. > Celestia because she had been tricked so easily - now that she knew it, her error was obvious, of course. And the pegasus because she had done the same to the others in the past.
  3286. > But she had promised to attend, if for no other reason than as a show of support for Glitter Dust. And so she followed Anonymous down the hallway and into the room.
  3287. > This time she had made cookies. It wasn't technically her turn, but the alicorn had decided to do it anyway. As a sort of belated greeting.
  3288. > She was among the first there. Rock Lichen and Lake Frond were already present and so was Heavy Hoof. But none of the others. In fact, Belle Hop and Silent Brook wouldn't be able to make it.
  3289. > The brown stallion perked up when Celestia entered - in her guise of Supple Branch, of course. The couple also smiled, but there was no way they could match Heavy Hoof's sheer enthusiasm.
  3290. > "Why hello there, beautiful-" he began, but Celestia shot him a glare. After a couple of days with Denis and his innuendo and smirking she was in no mood for any more of these games.
  3291. > Luckily, the stallion was more tactful than that human. His ears went flat and the grin vanished. "Sorry. Just complimenting you."
  3292. > She sighed and went to join them around the coffee table, while Anonymous, with a last pat on her withers, went to the owners' room.
  3293. > "Well? What's going on with you two?" Lake Frond demanded, even before Celestia could bring the box of chocolate chip cookies out of her saddlebags.
  3294. > She tried to fiddle with the straps, but couldn't unbuckle them without her magic. Luckily, Heavy Hoof noticed her predicament and went to help.
  3295. > The fact that he brushed her barrel and flanks with his muzzle didn't exactly help her composure.
  3296. > She focused on the box, instead.
  3297. "I made these. I know it's not my turn, but here they are anyway."
  3298. > It distracted Rock Lichen, who quickly took one and tasted it. Even Heavy Hoof followed suit. But the mare just stared. "Tell us. Come on, we're here to help, remember?"
  3299. > Celestia was undecided. True, she considered the group her friends. And she knew Glitter Dust thought very highly of everypony. But should she bring up their trouble?
  3300. > She had hidden the faint traces of her belting with the changing spell, but the pegasus would have no such luck.
  3301. > They would immediately know she had been punished.
  3302. > Maybe if she prepared them, they wouldn't be as hard on the poor mare?
  3303. "Me and Glitter got into some trouble over a certain... thing. I don't think I should say any more. She'll tell you if she wants to."
  3304. > Now they were very attentive. Three pairs of eyes seemed to bore into hers. Luckily, Celestia was used to such scrutiny and didn't even bat an eyelid.
  3305. > They were interrupted by Glowbug, who joined them and floated her own box to the coffee table.
  3306. > The smell quickly told the alicorn that it was shortcake with strawberry jam. She couldn't help licking her lips in sweet anticipation.
  3307. > "Hey! I thought it was my turn!" the unicorn complained. She quickly noticed who had brought the cookies and turned her glare on Celestia. "You might have said! I worked all day on this!"
  3308. "Sorry! I really like baking, I couldn't help it! I'll still do my turn, don't worry!"
  3309. > Somewhat mollified, the mare looked to Lake Frond. "So, did you get it out of her yet?"
  3310. > When the earth pony shook her head in denial, Glowbug turned back to Celestia. "Good. I'm in time, then. Go on. What happened?"
  3311. > "She and Glitter got in some trouble together, but she won't say what," Lake Frond summarized.
  3312. > The news made the unicorn smile a little. "Good. At least I'm not the one in trouble this week. So, what was it?"
  3313. > She almost cracked and told, but luckily the pegasus in question came in, led on a leash by her owner.
  3314. > It was a very unusual sight and everypony stared in shock.
  3315. > "Wow, must have been real bad," Lake Frond muttered under her breath. Her husband nodded and, after a few seconds, so did Heavy Hoof.
  3316. > They couldn't help noticing the welts on the lime rump. It was significantly better than when Celestia saw her last, but there could be no question.
  3317. > "Jeez, good thing Maggie didn't flay her!" That was Heavy Hoof, and he was a tad too loud. Glitter Dust's head snapped to them and she scrunched up her face in annoyance.
  3318. > Fortunately she was unhooked from the leash and allowed to join them. "Go on, laugh. Get it over with..." she said miserably.
  3319. > "Nopony will laugh, sweetie," Lake Frond said calmingly and jumped down from the couch so she could go give her stricken friend a hug. "But please tell us what happened."
  3320. > Glitter looked to Celestia, then heaved a sigh. "Same story."
  3321. > The others seemed to understand. "Oh. Poor thing. Supple didn't know any better?"
  3322. > The pegasus shook her head.
  3323. > "How much?" Rock Lichen asked.
  3324. > Glitter didn't seem sure that she wanted to tell them. But then she hung her head and answered quietly: "Over a thousand."
  3325. > Four sets of eyes widened and Lake Frond put her hooves over her mouth as she gasped.
  3326. > "Sweet Celestia, Glitter! What were you thinking?!"
  3327. > The mention of her name almost gave the alicorn a start, but she managed to hide it at the last second. It was a common expression, she should have been ready for it.
  3328. > But being in disguise was making her jumpy.
  3329. > "Wasn't. What else is new?"
  3330. > Heavy Hoof joined Lake Frond next to the pegasus and they both hugged her. "What are you gonna do?" he asked. "That's a ton of money."
  3331. > "It's fine," Glitter explained, "Supple's owner is really nice. I'll just help them with their roof."
  3332. > They all stared at Celestia in surprise. "Really?! Just like that? A thousand bucks?!" Rock Lichen sputtered. "What aren't you telling us?"
  3333. > The alicorn didn't see any harm in admitting the truth.
  3334. "I'm good with law. Used to help set up treaties and so on with Griffonstone and some other neighboring countries. I will work for Anonymous at his law firm until I pay it off."
  3335. > They still seemed a little doubtful, particularly Glowbug. "Thousand bucks? What, so you'll work his law thing *and* the house for like a year?"
  3336. "Two thousand, actually. I also went overboard with buying music."
  3337. > There was no reply as they all stared. Until Glitter spoke up: "Your rump healed up nicely. You can hardly see it."
  3338. > They all stared at her behind and Celestia felt herself blush a little.
  3339. "Yeah. I heal fast."
  3340. > The group just looked at each other in silence for a bit. Then Lake Frond renewed her hug on Glitter Dust and waved a hoof at Celestia. "C'mere. You poor things."
  3341. > The Princess joined the embrace a little reluctantly, because the earth mare was gently chiding the pegasus.
  3342. > "We've been over this a million times, Glitter. You go overboard with these things. Those games aren't good for you."
  3343. > The mare pushed herself away and groaned. "Yes! I know! We *have* been over it! And I'm swearing it off for good this time, I promise!"
  3344. > Nopony seemed to believe it, so Celestia also withdrew and went to stand by her friend's side.
  3345. "It's true. And she'll need all of us to help her through it, okay? That's what friends do."
  3346. > The disbelief softened and Lake Frond smiled. "Of course, dear. We're here whenever you need us, okay?"
  3347. > The ponies went back to their seats and turned their attention to the sweets on the coffee table. Celestia made sure she got at least a piece of the shortcake before it was gone.
  3348. > It was absolutely delicious, a fact she made sure to mention to Glowbug.
  3349. >...
  3350. > And just like that their incident was in the past. It was a relief and soon the alicorn found herself relaxing around her friends. They told stories, especially Lake Frond and Rock Lichen after their road trip.
  3351. > Glowbug had managed to get through a week without throwing a temper tantrum, a fact she was very proud of.
  3352. > Heavy Hoof went back to fawning over her, only she didn't mind so much anymore. In fact, after Denis, the stallion was a true gentlecolt.
  3353. > One of the humans came out to bring them lemonade - Mrs. Turner, if Celestia recalled the name correctly. Glowbug's owner.
  3354. > Eventually the time ran out and the ponies left, one by one. In the end, only Glitter, Celestia and Heavy Hoof were left.
  3355. > The pegasus was getting ready to go - Maggie was already waiting at the door - so the alicorn went to give her a last hug and see her out.
  3356. > Walking reminded her of pressure in her bladder, so she walked into the small bathroom. Undoubtedly Anonymous would want to leave soon, too. Best to get her 'business' over with, so she would be ready.
  3357. > She finished quickly and flushed. The sink was a little annoying in her Supple Branch guise - it seemed much further up than she was used to.
  3358. > It was a strain to reach the tap and she was using one leg to pull herself a little higher so she could turn the water off.
  3359. > "Need a Hoof?"
  3360. > Why exactly Heavy Hoof had followed her didn't matter. She was grateful for the help as the strong stallion nudged her up and held her there quite easily.
  3361. > But as she was lowering herself, her grip on the sink slipped and she basically fell right on him.
  3362. "Oh! Sorry!"
  3363. > But the pony didn't seem to mind. He had his sultry smile back as he shuffled her into an uncomfortably tight hug.
  3364. > "You smell wonderful, beautiful," he commented.
  3365. > The mare was instantly aware of their bodies, pressed together. Unbidden thoughts of Anonymous touching her wings arose. She looked away, but there was no hiding the flush in her face.
  3366. > "Yeah, I think we both need this," the stallion murmured.
  3367. > She wanted to say no, but he was just too warm! And the strangeness of the past weeks caught up to her.
  3368. > This would be something familiar. Something she knew and wanted!
  3369. > The human was confusing and she couldn't quite make up her mind. It felt both right and wrong at the same time.
  3370. > But with Heavy Hoof, it would be natural.
  3371. > A brief affair. A bit of fun. They both knew what it was and it wouldn't hurt anypony!
  3372. > After all, he had done it with all the others, she knew. With some of them it was a regular thing.
  3373. > Celestia suspected the stallion met Glitter Dust quite often, and possibly Belle Hop, too. Maybe not Lake Frond, now that she was married, but almost certainly Glowbug!
  3374. > She opened her mouth to say yes, but there came a knock on the bathroom door.
  3375. > "Supple?"
  3376. > It was Anonymous' voice and it brought a strange relief. Heavy Hoof had a certain charm, something intensely physical. It clouded her mind, made it hard to think.
  3377. > "Come on, we're going. Is Heavy Hoof there with you?"
  3378. > She gave the stallion a nervous grin. She whispered so the human wouldn't hear.
  3379. "Sorry. Maybe another time?"
  3380. > He was disheartened, but didn't stop trying. "Can I visit you someday? It doesn't have to be a big deal, Supple. Just a bit of fun. I really like you. And I *know* you like me."
  3381. > She became aware of the 'oozing' and her ears folded down flat.
  3382. > There was entirely too much of such... excitement lately! She would have to do something about it, either with her owner, or with Heavy Hoof.
  3383. > Or, her treacherous mind supplied, with both of them.
  3384. > Though probably not both at once.
  3385. > She made herself breathe deeply and pushed the stallion away.
  3386. "I'll talk with Anonymous. I'll let you know on Skype."
  3387. > That would be easier, she knew. No smell. No touch. His insidious magic wouldn't work so well over the Internet.
  3388. > As they pulled apart, Celestia got a very good look down Heavy Hoof's belly. He was quite impressive and she felt herself wink involuntarily.
  3389. > The stallion inhaled, deeply. "I know you want it too. You can't lie to me, Supple," he whispered. "Talk to me on Skype when you get home. We can get the video chat going and maybe... have a little fun?"
  3390. > Celestia felt the blush blossom up again and she fought to wrench her mind back to the matter at hoof.
  3391. > Luckily, the knock came again. "Supple Branch?"
  3392. > The human was starting to sound a little worried.
  3393. "Coming! Just a second!"
  3394. > Heavy Hoof 'vanished' as impressively quickly as he had risen. In a few seconds, he was standing and essentially presentable. He nuzzled the mare and whispered: "I'll buy you a minute..."
  3395. > Then he went out. Celestia heard him talk to both the owners.
  3396. > "Sorry, it was the lemonade. Went right through me. And Supple also needed a boost to reach the sink. It's too far up, you know?"
  3397. > Her owner followed the explanation with the same question again: "Supple is still in there?"
  3398. > "Yes, she's drying her hooves. Should be out in a moment. By the way, Mr. Anonymous - would it be alright if I visited? Peter, will you drive me?"
  3399. > The other human agreed rather quickly: "Well, sure, if that's okay."
  3400. "Please say no, please say no!"
  3401. > She had muttered it under her breath while she dabbed urgently at her behind with toilet paper.
  3402. > But there was no such luck.
  3403. > "I guess that works. And I'll ask my colleague for a quote. I don't work with inheritance cases, but I'll refer you and make sure you get a good price," her owner promised.
  3404. > "Great! And of course I'll pay for your time. I have the number, let's say this weekend?"
  3405. > She was finished, too late, and went out to the meeting room.
  3406. "Here I am, sorry to keep you waiting!"
  3407. > Peter was holding out his hand and Anonymous shook it. "Good night, Mr. Anonymous," the human said. "I'll lock up, don't worry."
  3408. > The mare quickly slipped on her saddlebags and left. They weren't fastened properly, but she didn't care. She was only too glad to get out of Heavy Hoof's sight. And the cold air outside helped.
  3409. > "Did you have fun?" her owner asked as they were walking to the car.
  3410. "Yeah. It was nice."
  3411. > The meeting was, really. The last few crowded minutes in the bathroom - well, she hadn't decided how she felt about that yet.
  3412. > Nothing happened which she would regret, that was the important bit.
  3413. > She looked up at her owner, but all she could think about was getting him home and into bed. Naked, preferably.
  3414. > A new thought came up and made her stop in shock. She almost couldn't believe it.
  3415. > But it explained everything. She did the math in her mind quickly and it worked out.
  3416. > She should have expected it!
  3417. "Uh oh."
  3418. > Anonymous also stopped and turned back. He looked at her with truly heartwarming concern. She felt her tail begin to rise and her ears flatten.
  3419. > "Everything okay? Did you forget something?"
  3420. > She swallowed a lump and stared at the human in abject misery.
  3421. "I think I'm going into heat..."
  3423. > ~~~~
  3425. > She had to give credit where it was due. Celestia was impressed by how nonchalant Anonymous seemed on their drive home, especially after the news she had just dropped on him.
  3426. > The silence suited her very well. Her thoughts and emotions were a complex, undecipherable bundle and she needed some time to work it all out. Before getting the human involved in any way.
  3427. > Heat. Of course she was due. It had followed the same, regular cycle for millenia. She really *should* have seen it coming, and back home she would have.
  3428. > The symptoms would be eased by a combination of herbs, hot baths and, when all else failed, a secret cache of select toys in a magically sealed compartment in her room.
  3429. > And she would have had staff - mares, of course - who would understand and accept some of her duties. Plus, Celestia recalled, it was easy to ignore your body when the fate of Equestria hung in the balance.
  3430. > There were no such distractions on earth. There would be no relief of toys - not unless she could get Anonymous to buy her some.
  3431. > Yeah, the mare thought glumly, that wouldn't be awkward in the slightest. She could do *some* with her hoof and magic, but it most definitely wouldn't be enough. Not when the heat really hit.
  3432. > Herbs were probably a no-go. She knew their names and how they looked. It was conceivable she could find some, perhaps all of them, on Earth. But without her Royal Alchemist, there was no way to prepare the mixture.
  3433. > The recipe was in a book in the Canterlot Library. A fat load of good that did her.
  3434. > She should have thought about it before she left! The mare groaned and closed her eyes in frustration.
  3435. > She practically felt Anonymous' concerned eyes on her, but he didn't comment to her eternal gratitude.
  3436. > Which led her to the next scary thought. The human.
  3437. > There was tension between them as it was. A bit of flirting here and there. A suggestion in the eye, or perhaps in the way she touched him, or he her.
  3438. > All roads were leading to an intimate relationship, but this was *way* too soon! With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Celestia realized that in a day or two, she would present herself to the human and *demand it*.
  3439. > Unless he bound her up and locked her somewhere. Possibly with one of those horn rings, so she couldn't get out by herself.
  3440. > Yeah, the pony thought and smiled a little. Bound, hoof and wing. Vulnerable and exposed. Perfect for taking-
  3441. > She hurriedly pushed the scene away with a small squeak. Her eyes flew open. But it was too late. There was definite wetness on the base of her tail.
  3442. > The alicorn prayed it wouldn't leak past it and stain the seat. Stupid, stupid filly! Stay away from thoughts like that!
  3443. > Discipline was key. If only she hadn't spent the best part of the past two months trying to give up her self-control.
  3444. > Her ears couldn't go any lower.
  3445. > And then there was the stallion.
  3446. > Heavy Hoof.
  3447. > Celestia closed her eyes again and whimpered a little.
  3448. > She wanted him, *bad*. Of course she did. It was what her body demanded during heat. And his casual charm and pushy suggestions weren't making it any easier to say no.
  3449. > It was critically important to say no!
  3450. > Heat, plus a stallion equalled a foal. It had never been a worse time for her to get in the family way!
  3451. > There was absolutely no way the stallion could visit her. Even the pony group meeting would be iffy.
  3452. > Perhaps, if they were both surrounded by others. Glitter Dust, and Lake Frond and Glowbug and Belle Hop - they were mares and would understand.
  3453. > They would keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't let her body overpower her mind.
  3454. > If she was alone with Heavy Hoof?
  3455. > Celestia couldn't help breathing a little faster and more heavily. She was getting hot just thinking about the two of them, in a room, alone.
  3456. > One whiff of her during the peak, and he would be unstoppable. If he was hard to resist now, she would say yes faster than light!
  3457. > Even her analogies were breaking down as she remembered what she had seen. The brown stallion - like delicious, sweet chocolate. And his... well, 'him', so firmly pressed against his belly.
  3458. > She really should have looked away.
  3459. > In an instant he would be on her back and prodding-
  3460. > The mare gulped, then gasped and slapped herself in the face with a hoof.
  3461. "NO!"
  3462. > Anonymous looked over again. "You okay?" he asked.
  3463. > At exactly the wrong moment the car hit a few bumps. The mare filled her mind with visions of ice, and snow and frost. Vast expanses of white nothing.
  3464. > But it was too late. Both of them heard the squishy sound. And there was the unmistakable smell.
  3465. > The seat was probably ruined.
  3466. "Please stop! Right now! Please! NOW!"
  3467. > The human obeyed. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic and the road was wide. The wheels hit the sand on the edge and the car drew to a halt.
  3468. > Celestia opened the door, unbuckled the seat belt and jumped from the car. She didn't make it more than a few steps before a dribble ran down her leg.
  3469. > She hung her head in shame and shivered as the glow passed. It had been too close!
  3470. > A mere thought - a memory - was enough to drive her to the edge. And a couple of bumps to grind her against her tail had done the rest.
  3471. > The pony began to shiver as the feeling drained from her. She let out a miserable sigh.
  3472. > And there was Anonymous, thoughtfully bringing her a blanket from the car. Why he had blankets in the car, Celestia didn't know. But it was welcome.
  3473. > He draped it over her flank and ran his hand through her mane.
  3474. > The cold helped and she found his caress merely warming, rather than 'exciting'.
  3475. "Sorry. I think I ruined your seat. Let me wipe it off..."
  3476. > The man shrugged and stopped her from moving forward with a simple palm on her muzzle.
  3477. > "Don't worry about it. Are you alright? What happened? Did you need the bathroom?"
  3478. > She shook her head and let it fall down again.
  3479. > "Then what? Were you sick? Something you ate?"
  3480. > Another shake and a deep sigh.
  3481. > Anonymous spread his arms. "Well? Talk to me, Celestia. I'd like to help, just tell me what's wrong."
  3482. "The heat."
  3483. > He frowned, not understanding. "The heat? What does that mean, exactly?"
  3484. > She took a step forward so she could bury her face in his shirt. As much as she could fit with the horn laid sideways. She could smell him, on the fabric and through it. But he was not a stallion and it didn't trigger a significant response.
  3485. "I couldn't stop myself thinking about... well Heavy Hoof. It's the urges. They can drive a mare a little... crazy."
  3486. > He still didn't get it, making her explain some more. But at least he couldn't see the blush.
  3487. "It... was a very vivid thought. And then we hit a couple of bumps. And I- well, I-... It happened. I couldn't stop it."
  3488. > It took several seconds for the man to grasp what she was saying. "OH!" But he didn't know how to respond. Luckily he didn't move away.
  3489. > If she had to guess, Celestia would say his face was just as red.
  3490. "Sorry."
  3491. > The hand was back and sought out an ear. It was folded down, but he quickly teased it upright so he could scratch it.
  3492. > "Don't be. It's just nature, right? Beyond your control."
  3493. > She nodded against his chest, grateful for the comfort. At least the ear scratching wasn't an erotic gesture.
  3494. > Except she had just made it so by thinking it...
  3495. > Her legs grew weak and she felt herself... warming up. She pulled away with a small whimper.
  3496. "Sorry! Maybe it's best you don't touch me. Everything... makes it happen right now."
  3497. > Anonymous also stepped back and quickly shoved his hands into his pockets. "So, what do we do now? Do you want me to lock you up until it passes? Is there medicine which would help?"
  3498. > The image of her being tied up and the human... 'exploring' her came back. It took an effort to dislodge.
  3499. "No. There is a herbal mixture, but I don't know the recipe. I never looked it up. There was always a Royal Alchemist - in the castle - who made it for me."
  3500. > She sighed and sat on her haunches. That put her tail on the freezing ground, but that was good. Cold and ice were good right then.
  3501. "And if you lock me up, I'll get out in an instant. Magic. Unless you order one of those rings, and I'm not too sure about that."
  3502. > He was at a loss now. "Well, what do you suggest?"
  3503. "I was going to talk to you - go through the options at home. But it's progressing faster than I feared. I'm sorry - I should have expected it. But I completely forgot."
  3504. > "How often do you- uh, how often does it happen?"
  3505. "About every ten months. Last time I was still in Equestria. Family and friends help."
  3506. > He nodded and came closer. He didn't try to touch her, but the presence itself was a comfort.
  3507. > "Take as long as you need. Then I'll take you home and we'll talk, okay?"
  3508. > Celestia nodded miserably. A few more minutes in the cold and perhaps she would be able to finish the journey. If she focused really hard.
  3509. >...
  3510. > Finally they were in the living room. The mare was on the floor, since she could not trust herself with any furniture right at the moment. Anonymous was sitting in the comfy chair, looking at her.
  3511. > "So, what do you suggest?" he asked after some silence.
  3512. "I don't know. Without that herbal mixture, it will be... 'intense'. More than I'm used to. I'll probably try to... relieve it as much as I can."
  3513. > Yep, there was that red in his face. "You mean like toys, and uh. Well, pleasuring yourself?"
  3514. > She shook her head, not quite ready to look him in the eye.
  3515. "Worse. I'll come to you. Begging. For it."
  3516. > From the corner of her eye the pony saw the human lean away. It was far too early in whatever relationship they were building. But they needed to talk it out and decide, *now*. She had run out of time.
  3517. "Let me just tell you that I won't hold you responsible if you say yes, okay? It'll be my fault. And I'm sorry, in advance. I won't be quite myself."
  3518. > That got it started. First the imagination - she saw his face redden some more. Then the widening eyes as he realized what it would mean. Then determination.
  3519. > "Well, it's not right. I'm your owner, Celestia. The difference in power - that would be nothing more than abuse, no matter the biological justification."
  3520. > She nodded in agreement. Of course you can't have a meaningful relationship between two persons if one of them has to do everything the other orders. If one of them is completely in another's power.
  3521. > But in her case it wasn't so. She was slave only *on paper*. That changed their power dynamic, but the pony couldn't just come out and say it. Not until she could be sure how Anonymous would feel about it.
  3522. > In time, something could work between them, she knew.
  3523. > But perhaps, it didn't have to be a real relationship, not yet.
  3524. "Actually, I'd prefer to consider us 'consenting adults' in this case."
  3525. > She was grateful for that little phrase. It was in one of the generic law books she had read that day.
  3526. > "But still - I'm an owner and you're- well. I'm not sure consent can work here, not legally."
  3527. > She almost growled a little. He wasn't understanding.
  3528. "Forget legally, Anonymous! Look at me! I'm still lucid and coherent. I'm still in control of myself, right?"
  3529. > He was a little doubtful and it nearly drew an exasperated sigh from her. She barely stifled it in time.
  3530. > "Right."
  3531. "Good. So, here's how I see it. No, a *relationship* can't work between us, not like this. But there doesn't have to be one! All this needs to be is physical! Relief. A bit of fun. No expectations, no commitments!"
  3532. > Now she was coming to the crux of the issue. Could the human envision an intimate relationship with someone of a different species? Their biology 'fitted', she knew that much.
  3533. > "Well, that's a big question and it's rather unexpected, Celestia. You have to understand that. Have you thought, maybe- one of the others? Heavy Hoof seems fond of you. Or that Silent Brook?"
  3534. > She rolled her eyes. He hadn't made the obvious connection, it seemed.
  3535. "Oh, sure. A mare in heat and a stallion. Do I need to draw you a picture what would happen?"
  3536. > His eyes widened and a hand flew to his mouth. "Oh!"
  3537. > Yeah, that shut him up, all right. A stupid idea. She was tempted too much as it was! Anonymous didn't have to go offering it, enticing her with those kind of thoughts!
  3538. > "Okay, how about... toys? Maybe they don't sell pony toys, but human ones would... fit."
  3539. > She had to admire the man. Now that they were talking solutions, he didn't seem to mind getting into the nitty-gritty details. True, his face was quite red and he had trouble looking in her eyes for any length of time. But the suggestion was welcome.
  3540. "Yes, that would help. But are you going to go into a store with me to buy... toys?"
  3541. > "No need!" he said and grinned. For the first time, there was some relief in his face. "We can order them over the Internet. I'll find a seller and you can see what they offer and pick a few."
  3542. > The Internet. It kept on surprising her.
  3543. "Good, we'll do that. But when I'm really in it, I will want the real thing. I've already thought about it with you, so I'll think about it again. Sorry."
  3544. > The news surprised him, however much he tried to hide it. But surely the human had considered it - *them* - too, right? Please let it not be just her!
  3545. > "I don't know what to say to that, Celestia," her owner answered slowly.
  3546. "Well, figure it out in the next day or two. Or buy a really strong horn ring and some chains. I may not be able to control myself!"
  3547. > She hadn't felt the full force of her heat in thousands of years! The herbs had always been there to take the edge off. Celestia had no idea what would happen. How intense it might be. She wanted to prepare for the worst.
  3548. > Now the human gulped in fear and looked uncertain. "M-maybe, just as a precaution. I have no doubt you'll keep a hold on yourself. You're a willful person, I know that first-hand."
  3549. "Well, maybe. I just wanted to warn you. If I come, in the middle of the night, you'll either have to say yes or restrain me. And I wanted you to know that either is fine. I won't blame you for whatever happens, okay?"
  3550. > She didn't add that she would prefer the former. Even without her heat Celestia was curious. And she liked the human. She would very much prefer the former over the latter!
  3551. > He wasn't rash, or stupid. He kept a level head. He indulged her fanciful desires, while at the same time keeping a firm hand on the reins.
  3552. > The mare had no doubt she was falling for this human, hard. A few more months and she would have started to work on him saying 'yes'.
  3553. > But that option had just vanished. Either Anonymous would accept her and give in, or he would reject her. She just hoped their relationship would stay cordial and pleasant for the duration of her vacation.
  3554. > Or else she might have to cut it short.
  3555. > But for the moment, she felt a little better. It was a lot to spring on her owner all at once, but she had no doubt he would think it over and come up with a solution.
  3556. > "I'll keep it in mind. I'll see if I can get a ring sent here quickly enough."
  3557. > Then Anonymous proved his clarity of thought yet again. His brow furrowed and the man looked right at the mare.
  3558. > "You probably shouldn't come to work with me for a few days, then? How long does heat usually last?"
  3559. > She didn't know if the lack of herbs would change it, but she didn't think so.
  3560. "About a week. I'll get the brunt of it over the weekend, and then a few more... sensitive days. I should stay away from the pony meeting next week, just to be safe."
  3561. > The human mulled it over. "Okay, good. I'll bring you the books you need, so you can stay on track. I'll tell Denis you're ill or something. And you'll go back with me next Thursday, okay?"
  3562. > She nodded. Then she stood up and went to the human. She had to bump his chest with her muzzle a few times before he put his arms around her neck. Then she nuzzled him.
  3563. "Thank you, Anonymous. I really appreciate it. All of it."
  3564. > He nodded and carefully patted her head and neck. No ear-scratches, the mare noticed. He really didn't want to excite her. It was a shame and it didn't bode well for him saying 'yes' when the time came.
  3565. > Perhaps it was time for a bit of honesty?
  3566. "Anonymous?"
  3567. > "Hmm?"
  3568. "I would prefer it if you said 'yes'. That would - alleviate my symptoms best."
  3569. > "But Celestia, I-"
  3570. > She silenced him with a wing feather on his lips.
  3571. "Hush. No more talk about 'power differences' and 'consent'. I like you and I'm comfortable with the idea. I don't see a power difference. It'd just be fun. No obligation to make it anything serious."
  3572. > This time he didn't quite argue. It gave her hope.
  3573. "How about you play some more with my wings and then see how you feel about it all?"
  3574. > She extended one and waved it right in his face. She knew he was curious. And if he was aware of what it meant, it might get him... 'warm'. It would be easier to convince him.
  3575. > "I'll think about it, Celestia. Go to bed and we'll talk again tomorrow after work."
  3576. > She pulled her head away and blinked. The mare was impressed. Either he found ponies completely unsuitable for those kinds of thoughts, or he had self-control even more rigid than hers. Well, her former self, at any rate.
  3577. "You don't think humans and ponies... doing it, are gross, do you?"
  3578. > Now was a moment of truth. The mare watched his face closely for any sign of disgust. But there was just concentration as the man thought deeply on what to say.
  3579. > "Hmm, no, not as such," he said slowly. "Just never thought about myself in that situation."
  3580. "Really?"
  3581. > Her voice was flat and full of sarcasm.
  3582. "You went and bought a pretty mare like me, and not even once, for a second, considered laying her down on the bed and seeing what it was like?"
  3583. > It wasn't helping! She felt herself wink and it caused a shudder to run through her body.
  3584. > "No, Celestia. I thought about how nice it would be to have someone around who would do all the housework and maybe talk to me over dinner. That is all."
  3585. "Huh."
  3586. > Perhaps all the stories of how depraved and horny human men were had been exaggerated? Or maybe her owner was really different?
  3587. > If it was the latter, Mr. Plain would find a *bucket* of diamonds as a personal gift from her!
  3588. > But right now the pressure was building again. Celestia remembered Heavy Hoof's promise.
  3589. > A video chat would be safe!
  3590. "Okay, I'll go and... take care of it. I'll get your breakfast ready tomorrow morning, Anonymous. And I expect you to consider my... proposal."
  3591. > The human nodded. "Sure thing. Good night, Celestia."
  3592. > She kept the tail firmly against herself. She had just washed the floor in the hallway and stairs the other day and she didn't want to do it again the next day.
  3593. "Good night."
  3594. > The iPad was already in her room. And undoubtedly the stallion was waiting at his computer, eager to have some fun with her.
  3595. > She wondered what kind of fun and how they would do it. She felt another tingle as she winked and hurried her steps.
  3596. >...
  3597. > Celestia didn't even feel hungry, despite her lack of dinner. Anonymous would probably make something for himself. She considered asking him to include her but it didn't seem right.
  3598. > She was supposed to be the servant in any case! Valid medical condition or no.
  3599. > But right at the moment, all she could really focus on was the glowing screen of the iPad. None of her friends were on, not even Heavy Hoof, despite his invitation.
  3600. > He was probably still with his owners, watching them-
  3601. > Even alone, the alicorn felt herself blush. The thing which had seemed so utterly immoral and disgusting only a few days ago was now filling her mind with very inappropriate images.
  3602. > She was a hypocrite! Heat or no, what was being done to poor Heavy Hoof was not right!
  3603. > But the mare couldn't help wondering if he liked it. True, the tension without relief would be agony, but the sweet release later - could it be worth it?
  3604. > She had been 'containing' her own excitement for most of the day and was very much looking forward to letting it all out.
  3605. > Celestia forced herself to stop biting her lip and concentrated. Hot it maybe was, but still a perversion!
  3606. > And even thinking about it like that had made her complicit. She was a bad pony.
  3607. > What she needed was for someone - preferably Anonymous, of course - to hold her down and belt her good. Leather strap on her backside. Maybe even a bit to keep her quiet!
  3608. > And then, when he was done, she would be in the perfect position for him to put those strong hands on her back, lift himself up and-
  3609. "Eep!"
  3610. > The hormones were messing with her head. And the wet squelch as she winked didn't help her guilt in the slightest.
  3611. > She wished the stallion's humans would hurry up and finish, so he could join her. He would be very excited, wouldn't he?
  3612. > The mare imagined him again, only with a few extra inches. It was her imagination and she could do what she wanted with it!
  3613. > A regular stallion wasn't all too durable in bed, she knew that much. But maybe his daily 'exercise' would help Heavy Hoof last longer? Humans could supposedly keep it going for a long while.
  3614. > The rumors she had heard back in Equestria hinted at *minutes* at a time!
  3615. > She tried to imagine. Of course she would gush out in the first few seconds - it was natural, especially during heat. But then it would keep going and going. Past the afterglow, and well into her second. Third.
  3616. > Perhaps fourth?
  3617. > Just thinking the numbers made the pony moan with need.
  3618. > The wait was killing her, and ruining the bed she noticed.
  3619. > Celestia got up, very aware of a slight, warm trickle down her hind leg.
  3620. "The carpet!"
  3621. > She remembered just in time and looked urgently around the room. There was the blanket she had taken with herself the other day. It was good enouch in a pinch and she quickly wiped herself.
  3622. > Washing up could wait until the next day. For now, she held the cloth bundled in her magic and pressed against her rump and went to the door.
  3623. > She pushed it open, just a crack, and swiveled her ears forward to listen.
  3624. > There! Clink of cutlery as Anonymous put a plate on the coffee table. Sandwich, undoubtedly.
  3625. > Celestia considered, just for a moment, going down and presenting her wetness to the human.
  3626. > Maybe the smell would wake him up? Or the sight. She didn't know what human women looked like... there, but it couldn't be *too* different, could it?
  3627. > However tightly he held herself, the human had to have urges. Every living male did! Some just lied about it!
  3628. > But no - it was too soon. She didn't want to risk alienating her owner until the pressure and urge was entirely unbearable. Anonymous was to be a last resort.
  3629. > Instead, she went to the bathroom and picked up several large towels. Heavy Hoof or no, she would need them.
  3630. > On her way back she heard Anonymous' phone ring. The mare paused and listened to the conversation.
  3631. > "Oh, hi, Mrs. Turner. Yes, I called earlier..."
  3632. > It didn't seem important. Something about law, probably. The pony owners had learned that Anonymous was a successful lawyer and were all asking for advice.
  3633. > She made a mental note to remind Anonymous to charge them. It was highly unprofessional to offer his valuable services for free, just because his pony knew theirs.
  3634. > But that didn't matter. She had what she needed. The blanket went in a corner, bunched up so it wouldn't leak on the floor. And two of the large towels went on the bed. She shouldn't leak through *both*, surely!
  3635. > Then she checked the iPad again.
  3636. > Still no Heavy Hoof.
  3637. > She had to wait longer, but it was killing her. There had to be something she could do!
  3638. > The mare remembered what Anonymous had said. The Internet had stores which sold sex toys. Maybe she could find one herself and at least examine the merchandise?
  3639. > It would make picking it with her owner much less awkward and, above all, shorter. Yes, it was the responsible thing to do.
  3640. > And if the sight of human... things tickled her heat, well, she had a hoof and could warm herself up a little before the stallion was available.
  3641. > She flung herself on the bed and hurriedly tapped on Google.
  3642. > It was a neat idea - one place where she could find anything on the Internet. She blushed heavily as she wrote out the search: 'sex toys'.
  3643. > The selection was astounding! Celestia felt her mouth drop open as she read through the result summary.
  3644. > Every shape, color, length and girth imaginable. Even if there were no toys for ponies, she could find one that would feel appropriately long and wide!
  3645. > And they were in all possible colors - even vivid green and white and red! She knew humans came in only a few shades of pink and brown, but they sold toys in any hue they could imagine.
  3646. > Some were even transparent!
  3647. > A shudder ran through her and she heard, felt and smelled her fluids escaping again.
  3648. > Now she was genuinely curious. At first the mare had skipped past the sections for men, but now she looked.
  3649. > Women really didn't seem too different from mares. Less pronounced, perhaps. No wonder it all fitted! And no surprise sensible men preferred pony. They were much more pleasing to look at, down there. And the tail accenuated the sight nicely.
  3650. > She had a very guilty thought and went back to Google. It took her some time to work up the nerve to type out her next query.
  3651. > Finally, averting her eyes, as if that would make it better, the pony typed out: 'pony sex toys'.
  3652. > One look at the images and she couldn't suppress a whinny of excitement. There it was! All shapes and sizes imaginable!
  3653. > Almost without her being aware, Celestia pushed a hoof down between her belly and the bed. She found the spot and began rubbing, slowly and luxuriously.
  3654. "Oooooh."
  3655. > The motion was very familiar - intimately so - but with the images before her, the alicorn felt like a teenager again. Entirely new sensations flowed through her.
  3656. > Perhaps it was the lack of herbs, or the way she had let herself go while on vacation, or the images before her which stimulated her imagination even as she gently massaged.
  3657. > Most likely a combination of all three.
  3658. > In no time, she gasped, shuddered and froze. One last twitch of a hoof and it became unstoppable.
  3659. "Yesssssss!"
  3660. > The hiss ended with a whinny, which left her entirely bereft of breath. Copious amounts of fluid gushed out, warm against her legs and hoof. Her entire body twitched in rhythm as she let the day's frustration and weariness pour out.
  3661. > The pony found herself unable to draw breath while her orgasm lasted. Only when the last spasms passed, accompanied with powerful winks, did she manage to gulp down a lungful of air.
  3662. "Aaah!"
  3663. > For a moment, all she could do was moan feebly and twitch as the afterglow receded. It seemed like at least an hour had passed before she pulled her head up and gulped down deep lungfulls of air.
  3664. > It was *exactly* what she needed!
  3665. > Just in time, her Skype dinged and she brought the stylus up. Even her magical grip was shaking and it took her several tries to hit the right buttons.
  3666. > It was Heavy Hoof: "You ready?" Immediately it began to ring with the video call.
  3667. > She almost forgot! Changing into Supple Branch was a matter of concentrated effort. She hoped she could keep the disguise up, if all her orgasms were like that last one!
  3668. > She gave it brief thought, then floated over a pillow and leaned the iPad against it. Now it would only take a small nudge to make it tip over, hiding the camera and her.
  3669. > And any magical light, which accompanied the change, she could explain by bad Wi-Fi signal.
  3670. > Glitter Dust had used that explanation more than once when the screen got blurry and blocky.
  3671. > Only then did she answer the call. The stallion appeared with herself in a smaller, dark square in the top left corner.
  3672. "Hi, Heavy Hoof!"
  3673. > She had a genuinely warm smile for him. But he couldn't see it. "Sweetie? You'll have to turn on the light!"
  3674. > Of course. There was plenty of light from the iPad for her to see around the room, but Supple Branch was just a shadowy outline on Heavy Hoof's screen.
  3675. > She nearly flicked the switch with her magic, before she recalled herself.
  3676. "Uh, give me a moment. I don't wanna leak all over the carpet."
  3677. > Luckily, there was the third towel. She threw it down and completely failed to hear the small whimper from the stallion.
  3678. > She lowered herself from the bed on unsteady hooves and shaky legs. Then she brought the blanket out of the corner to complete her 'protected' path to the light switch.
  3679. > Celestia had to rear up to hit it - another unusual, stimulating motion.
  3680. > "That's better! Now come back and let me get a look at you!" her friend commanded.
  3681. > She found herself liking the tone. No lover in the past had dared talk to her that way. It nearly made her dribble some more.
  3682. > The mare hurried back to bed and put herself in front of the camera, smiling widely.
  3683. > "Cheerful, aren't we? I knew I was good, but I didn't think I had such an effect!"
  3684. > She shook her head a little.
  3685. "Almost, but not quite. I'm going into heat. That probably explains the... the bathroom."
  3686. > His eyes grew wide and the stallion looked wistful. "I *knew* I smelled something! It must have just started tonight?"
  3687. > She nodded, then a thought made her frown a little.
  3688. "You can't see me for about a week. Sorry. Can't risk it, not now."
  3689. > His ears lowered in misery. "Oh. Well, what about condoms?"
  3690. "What are they?"
  3691. > The brown pony brightened up again. She knew why, too. Getting at a mare in heat would mean he mounted her several times in a night, without fail. Maybe even eight or nine times, if he was really pent up from his owners.
  3692. > It would wear both of them out and make the rest of her heat a lot more manageable.
  3693. > "They're little plastic... like bags, you put over-" he began, then fell silent and looked away. Celestia couldn't believe her eyes, but she almost saw it even through the video chat: Heavy Hoof was blushing!
  3694. > "You put them over, well, *a stallion*. So he doesn't... you know."
  3695. > She laughed a bit. There was a blush on her too, but the mare could excuse it on her recent effort. This was simply too sweet to let go.
  3696. "He doesn't what? I need details, Heavy Hoof!"
  3697. > He was adorable when he sputtered like that. "Do I really need to draw you a picture here?"
  3698. "It would help!"
  3699. > She grinned and winked - in more ways than one.
  3700. > Heavy Hoof heaved a sigh. "A bag for my 'stallionhood', so it catches all the 'juice'. No foals, you see?!"
  3701. > It was very tempting. But it also sounded dangerous. She didn't want to play with chance like that.
  3702. "Well, what if it breaks?"
  3703. > He shook his head firmly. "It doesn't! Really! They make them very sturdy, even if they are so thin! It's good. They hardly ever-"
  3704. > The poor stallion plugged his mouth, but not quite in time. The mare finished his sentence for him.
  3705. "They hardly ever break, is that what you were going to say? Sorry. I'm really tempted, you know? But that's not a chance I'm willing to take!"
  3706. > It helped that Celestia couldn't be sure about her disguise holding up through their fun. Maybe, in heat, she would have accepted one of those risks. But both at once were just too much to leave to luck.
  3707. > Perhaps, as a last resort. After she spoke with Anonymous about it. And only if the human was completely unwilling to help her out himself.
  3708. > "Aww," Heavy Hoof said sadly. There was a whiny edge to his voice as he begged. "Come on, Supple! It'd be totally safe, I promise! I really really like you!"
  3709. > Again, Celestia thanked the stars for the iPad. In person, she wouldn't be able to say no to him.
  3710. "Sorry, Heavy Hoof! Maybe I shouldn't have told you at all. I'm really not comfortable with the idea."
  3711. > He looked so miserable with those ears folded down and that muzzle scrunched up in sorrow. She nearly gave in. But then the stallion brightened up.
  3712. > "Okay, I understand. I won't push it. But maybe we meet after your heat, when you're safe? A kind of a 'follow up'?"
  3713. > That pony was just too damn nice! The alicorn caught herself just on the verge of saying 'yes' again!
  3714. "I won't promise it, but maybe?"
  3715. > By the looks of it, Heavy Hoof was also quite impressed with her. "Quite strong-willed, aren't you? Not even Glowbug was this tough. Okay! I like a challenge. I'll work for it. The reward will be all the sweeter then!"
  3716. > His sultry wink woke her up fully again and Celestia remembered the reason they were talking.
  3717. "Okay, just video chat for tonight. What do I do?"
  3718. > This was firmer ground, and the response was immediate. The stallion smiled and pushed his chair away from the table. He was sitting on his rump, like a human. And, he revealed from under the table... the rest of him.
  3719. > Celestia found herself staring hungrily. Perhaps her imagination didn't do it justice after all! Even as she watched, she saw a glistening pearl of clear liquid flow down it.
  3720. > "I'd tell you to put down some towels or something, but you've done that already. Smart girl!"
  3721. > The praise felt incredibly good, coming from the pony behind that... thing. The mare nearly purred in delight. Yes, she felt it clearly. Her 'bits' were definitely ready for round two.
  3722. "You're quite impressive yourself, handsome!"
  3723. > He wrapped a hoof around his organ and slid it up and down. It spread the juice into a glistening sheen.
  3724. > Even without her being conscious of it, Celestia licked her lips. She could imagine the smell of it and it was driving her crazy. Her hoof went down again, to tease apart her folds and look for the sweet spot.
  3725. "Mmmm."
  3726. > But Heavy Hoof slid closer and hid himself from view. "Your turn," he said. "Show me what you're hiding back there!"
  3727. > It was a little disappointing, but just thinking about his hungry eyes eating up what she presented was enough to elicit another shudder.
  3728. "Yes, sir!"
  3729. > She shuffled to her side, but it wasn't enough. It seemed she wouldn't be able to both display herself and see the screen at the same time. They would have to take turns.
  3730. > Celestia figured Heavy Hoof knew that already. She wondered briefly how many times he had done that after watching his owners.
  3731. > There were a few mares to choose from - and she had no doubt he was able to convince one or the other every now and then.
  3732. > She finished her turn, ending up on her belly and facing away from the screen.
  3733. > "Very nice," the stallion commented and smacked his lips. "Were it not for the screen, my tongue would be *all in that*!"
  3734. > It made her moan and shudder. She rubbed a little more urgently.
  3735. > "Now, now, sweetie! Move that hoof. I wanna see it all!"
  3736. > It was hard, but she complied. She removed the obstruction and even spread her legs a little, obediently. The tail was as high up as it could go, entirely without her conscious control.
  3737. > She heard the stallion moan, and the silky, slick sounds of him stroking himself. It almost made her lose her will and bring the hoof back.
  3738. > He must have seen her twitch, because he quickly raised his voice: "Ah, ah! Naughty! Just wait, I wanna see you wink a little!"
  3739. > He didn't have to ask for it. Denied its stimulation, she felt the muscles spasming in an irregular rhythm. Each one made her whimper again with lust and desire.
  3740. > The stallion renewed his stroking. Either it was incredibly loud, or he had some trick to make it this clear over the video chat. Each slap against his belly as he brought his hooves down sent a fresh shiver down her spine and made her twitch her tail higher out of way.
  3741. > If she had a toy - any toy - she would have rammed it in as deep as it would go and let herself experience every shuddering, moaning, whimpering second.
  3742. > As it was, all that soothed her was her own liquid, spurting out like a small geyser and tickling her just enough to nearly drive her insane.
  3743. > "Almost.. there, babe," Heavy Hoof gasped in a husky voice. "I'll tell... you when... to look!"
  3744. > His slapping was becoming more urgent and her hoof twitched in the same rhythm. In a few more seconds she would explode even without touching herself!
  3745. > She couldn't do much more but moan back at him:
  3746. "Please... hurry!"
  3747. > Luckily, Heavy Hoof was still a pony stallion. She didn't think she could take ten more seconds, let alone a few *minutes* of that!
  3748. > He whinnied a little and choked out the word: "Now!"
  3749. > The mare threw herself around, hoof finding its place and her eyes seeking out the screen.
  3750. > Somehow, she could see each vein in detail. It felt as if time had stopped for a few seconds.
  3751. > And then it exploded. The first strand shot out and hit the stallion right in the muzzle. The second stained his belly and neck.
  3752. > He let out a loud, shuddering breath of relief.
  3753. > It was enough to push her over. No more than two rubs with the frog of her hoof and Celestia joined him in ecstasy.
  3754. "Ooooooaaaah!"
  3755. > The moan filled the room and her mind, while the first wave of pleasure racked her body.
  3756. > Too late the mare felt herself losing control of her magic and the disguise began slipping away.
  3757. > She nearly panicked as she sought the 'end video' button on the iPad. Luckily, in her blind flailing she missed it and tipped the device over on its face.
  3758. > The spell vanished, but the camera was hidden and the mare stopped thinking and let herself go.
  3759. > It was even more intense than the first time.
  3760. > Her fluid went everywhere! It simply didn't stop gushing.
  3761. > The moans became gasps, which then became whimpers. She ended up in a twitching pile of pony and pleasure.
  3762. > This time, the afterglow didn't seem to dissipate, not quickly at least.
  3763. > She knew she had a dopey, relieved smile on her muzzle, but she didn't care.
  3764. > Heavy Hoof's muffled voice brought her out. "Supple? You okay? You went dark there."
  3765. > The mare remembered her friend on the other side of the iPad. She concentrated and, with a huge effort, brought Supple Branch back.
  3766. > Leaning the thing against the pillow had been a stroke of genius. She lifted it up again - with her hooves, of course, and gave the stallion a smile.
  3767. "Sorry... bumped it... over."
  3768. > Her mane was a mess and she was sweaty, but Celestia was smiling beautifully. So was Heavy Hoof, despite all the sticky white in his fur.
  3769. > He had put towels down too, smart stallion.
  3770. > "Sweet Celestia, that was a... very good one!" he said. Not even the phrase could worry her now. "Was it... good for you, too?"
  3771. > She nodded a little and let her head fall down and her eyes close.
  3772. "Wonderful!"
  3773. > "The stallion laughed. "You're quite beautiful when you're satisfied, you know that?"
  3774. > All the mare could do was nod.
  3775. > "Let's do it again tomorrow, okay? Anytime. I know how bad heat can get if you dont... relieve it."
  3776. > She nodded again.
  3777. > Heavy Hoof proved his gentlecolt nature again by not asking to see her in person. They both understood that the mare would agree to anything right then. He didn't put her in a position where she would have to change her mind later.
  3778. "You're an absolute gentlecolt, Heavy. I'm sorry about the mess..."
  3779. > He laughed and she looked just in time to see his eyes twinkle in mischief. "I think you're worse off. I didn't... 'gush' nearly as much as you, love!"
  3780. > She was aware of the truth in his words. Even now she felt like she was lying in a warm puddle.
  3781. "I'll clean it... tomorrow."
  3782. > The afterglow was making her sleepy and she yawned right in the middle of that sentence.
  3783. > "Okay. I don't have that luxury. I still have to get in bed with Master and Mistress. I'll shower quicky. Sleep well, beautiful. I'll talk to you tomorrow!"
  3784. "Uh-huh."
  3785. > She was already drifting away. The screen going blank as Heavy Hoof ended their chat was very welcome. She floated the device to her bedside table, then looked for the fastest, least-effort solution to her puddle problem.
  3786. > She let the disguise spell go and rolled over. Some of her juice was smeared on her sheets, but Celestia was beyond caring. She bundled up the towels and dropped them on the blanket. Then she lifted up the relatively dry one from the floor and did her best with her fur.
  3787. > It didn't seem too bad to her, but the alicorn knew the smell in the room must be atrocious.
  3788. "Gotta remember... air out in morning."
  3789. > She muttered it mostly to herself, just so she wouldn't forget.
  3790. > In minutes, the mare had drifted off to sleep, lulled by the warm glow in her body as it relaxed from its need. The sheer intensity of her fun meant she wouldn't be woken up by urges during the night.
  3791. > And that sounded very nice indeed.
  3793. > ~~~~
  3795. > "Celestia, is everything-" Anonymous tried to ask, but he made the error of opening the door to her room and stepping inside. It was as if the man had walked into a solid wall and rebounded.
  3796. > "GAH! Christ, Celestia, what *is* that?!" her poor owner yelled and hurriedly waved a hand in his face.
  3797. > The mare surfaced from a very hot, very sweaty and above all, very active dream. She blinked her eyes, then stretched her aching legs.
  3798. > Her blanket nearly *crackled*. The alicorn remembered the previous night. Luckily it was dark in her room, so Anonymous couldn't see the damage. Just smell it.
  3799. > It was musky and sharp and sweet, all at the same time. And since the mare had been practically stewing in her own juices through the night, it was potent. Enough to drive the human back with a pained look on his face.
  3800. > "Crack a window, jeez!" Anonymous complained as he reached for the light switch.
  3801. "No! Don't-"
  3802. > It was too late. The darkness was banished and the human stared in shock. It looked like he didn't even know how to respond proportionately.
  3803. > At length, her owner just sighed and took a backward step into the hallway. "Please clean this mess up. And you may take a bath today."
  3804. > That made her ears lift up in attention.
  3805. > "You're yellow, Celestia. What in blazes did you do last night? I heard you, but I didn't imagine it was this bad!"
  3806. > Aaaand, down the ears went again. But she still found no words.
  3807. > The mare was beginning to panic. She had to say *something*.
  3808. "Sorry."
  3809. > "I don't have time for this. Clean yourself up, and your room. And please air out the whole house!"
  3810. > She gave a guilty nod. The blush was stealing over her face and she couldn't quite lift her eyes high enough to meet his.
  3811. > Any chance she might have had with the human was probably ruined. And adding to her shame: as the pony shifted a little, she became aware of her coat.
  3812. > It was sticky, but only in the places where it wasn't dry and cracking. What she could see on her forelegs was indeed yellow, as were her sheets. And the pillow, which had somehow ended up between her hind legs.
  3813. > Some of it was on the ceiling! And she had no idea how that could have happened!
  3814. > She couldn't hold back a small whimper.
  3815. > Much to her surprise, Anonymous came back into the room. He didn't sit on the bed - of course not, especially in his work suit. But he crouched near her and put a hand in her mane.
  3816. > Celestia imagined it was like grabbing a filth-encrusted, sticky mop. But the human showed no disgust.
  3817. > "Look at me, Celestia."
  3818. > The command was irresistible. She looked up, her vision only slightly blurred by tears. She tried to blink them away, but they just kept coming. She was surprised they didn't sizzle on her cheeks, which were positively burning with shame.
  3819. > She *should* have cleaned herself up last night. And the room. And she should have found something to wear in bed.
  3820. > Celestia had *known* all this! But she had been too lazy in the afterglow of her release. Releases, she remembered.
  3821. > And now it was time to pay the piper.
  3822. "I'm- it was-"
  3823. > She took a deep breath and tried again.
  3824. "I'm sorry. What must you think of me!"
  3825. > That last wasn't crying, but only through a herculean effort of will. It wasn't far off, but if she could only hold it back until the human left, she would be okay.
  3826. > Her self-loathing could wait for when she was alone. And her shame, too.
  3827. > But Anonymous was perceptive. His hand shifted to her muzzle and lifted her face up, so he could inspect it more closely.
  3828. > And prevent her from burying it in the bed. His thumb gently rubbed her chin and the mare closed her eyes and leaned into the touch.
  3829. > "I'm sorry I yelled. I didn't realize how bad it is. Please don't cry."
  3830. > The mare opened her eyes in disbelief. It wasn't a tone she had expected. And she was sure she hadn't heard it from him yet.
  3831. "It makes me do things... *want* things! And I can't even keep it out of my dreams!"
  3832. > Her owner watched in silence, but there was also sympathy there. And concern.
  3833. > "It's going to get worse, isn't it?"
  3834. > All she could do was nod.
  3835. > "Mrs. Turner will let me borrow one of Glowbug's horn rings. A strong one. And I'll go buy some rope today after work."
  3836. > It was a very sensible precaution. If the urge had hit her that strongly on her first day, then she would be entirely out of her control at the peak.
  3837. "That's g-good. Please be safe. From me."
  3838. > But that wasn't all. "I'll also get you some toys. You can use them in the lower bathroom, it'll be easier to clean. And you can take a bath afterwards - as often as you need."
  3839. > It was good news, but right at that moment it sounded more like a stopgap measure to keep her under control. The mare still nodded in gratitude.
  3840. > "Let's consider your punishment suspended until this passes, okay?"
  3841. "Thank you, Anonymous."
  3842. > The human looked around the room again. "Should I bring you diapers? Just for the night, of course. So you don't have to change the bed every single day."
  3843. > It was further humiliation. A reminder of just how little control she had over her own body. But she nodded anyway.
  3844. "That would be best."
  3845. > "Be safe. I'll come home as quickly as I can. You don't have to bother with dinner - we'll order something, okay?"
  3846. > The pony just nodded. Anonymous was still keeping his hand on her face and she felt the warmth and smoothness of his skin. And his support and care through it. She chose it as her rock to cling to in this world, just as Luna was her strength back home.
  3847. > Her next word was a mere whisper:
  3848. "Anonymous?"
  3849. > The human leaned closer to hear better. "Yes?"
  3850. > Even Celestia herself didn't know why she had done it. But the human was there. He had been unfailingly nice to her - even when he was punishing her.
  3851. > He was there, and the mare was alone, confused and a little frightened.
  3852. > She kissed him.
  3853. > And he didn't push her away. He didn't resist!
  3854. > When she realized that, Celestia felt her stomach flutter and her heart speed up.
  3855. > It went on and on. And then, just as suddenly, they were pulling apart.
  3856. > Her first instinct was to apologize. Play it down. Blame it on the hormones.
  3857. > But all of that would be a lie.
  3858. > She stared the human defiantly in the eye, silently daring him to say something.
  3859. > "Well- I'm really running late. I'll see you tonight!"
  3860. > Anonymous nearly ran from the room.
  3861. > And his expression had been unreadable.
  3862. > With a sinking feeling, Celestia realized that she might have made a big mistake. And she wouldn't know until the evening.
  3863. > Unless Mr. Plain came to pick her up sooner than that.
  3864. > She let her muzzle fall on the bed and closed her eyes. The dam threatened to really break now.
  3865. "I love you, Anonymous."
  3866. > But it was too late.
  3867. > Maybe if she had led with that, it would have turned out differently? Or maybe she was just a silly old mare with a Stockholm Syndrome.
  3868. > Thank you Glitter Dust for explaining that one.
  3869. > Or perhaps the lack of herbs made her fall for the nearest male around?
  3870. > If even she couldn't know, how was Anonymous supposed to believe anything out of her muzzle?
  3871. > The pony whimpered silently and sniffed.
  3872. "You really dropped the Sun on this one, Celestia."
  3873. > There was nothing else for it. The mare dragged herself out of the bed and got to work.
  3874. >...
  3875. > It wasn't a solution she was particularly proud of, but it would do. After the fourth time she had to hurry to the bathroom - and after her second spill, Celestia had groaned in frustration and went to look in the laundry basket.
  3876. > A towel and a pair of Anonymous' under-pants. It wasn't a good fit, nor was it comfortable. But what choice did she have? She couldn't keep taking shower after shower!
  3877. > Her tortured mind alternated between utter despair, when she thought her indiscretion that morning had permanently turned the human away, and excitement, when she imagined she remembered him returning her kiss.
  3878. > And, of course, thoughts of Heavy Hoof and his urgent, desperate grunts kept coming back to haunt her.
  3879. > It always resulted in a mess. At least now, the only casualty would be her tail, which was bunched up uncomfortably under the towel, and maybe the under-pants, which she could wash easily.
  3880. > Luckily it hadn't happened over a carpet, or she would have accomplished very little in the day. Her own room was bad enough. And there, at least the towels and the blanket had soaked up most of it.
  3881. > There were stains in the mattress, though, and the pony didn't know what to do about them.
  3882. > She ended up lifting the thing upright next to an open window. At least it would dry out. She could take it from there later.
  3883. > The sheets were easier, as were her covers and the blanket itself. In the end, it only took three loads in the washing machine and then the drying machine before she had it all neatly folded back in the wardrobes.
  3884. > Before the evidence of her night was erased, she mentally corrected and blushed, even if there was no one around.
  3885. > What was left in the carpet took some scrubbing with soap and water and a rather ingenious variation of her dust-removing spell. She was actually quite proud of that one.
  3886. > It also worked on the mattress.
  3887. > She didn't feel hungry, but she made herself eat a few apples, mainly for something to do with her time as she rested.
  3888. > And the occasional ping from her iPad didn't help. It was Heavy Hoof, asking to chat with her again, but the mare didn't feel like it, so she didn't reply.
  3889. > What would she tell him, anyway? 'Sorry, I kinda like my owner now, so I wanna see where that goes?'
  3890. > She couldn't deal with his whining and begging, not right now. And besides, the stallion had Glitter Dust and Belle Hop and Glowbug to see to his needs. He wouldn't suffer badly without Supple Branch.
  3891. > She didn't ignore the one from the pegasus, though. Glitter Dust was a mare and would understand.
  3892. > "hey u there?" it read. Celestia didn't particularly like the pegasus' lack of grammar, but she hadn't brought it up. On the other hoof, her own wasn't exactly flawless either. It was just too much work with the stylus to write exactly right.
  3893. "Yes what is it?"
  3894. > It took a long while, during which the alicorn shuffled her feet uncomfortably. The tail pressed against her was tickling her a little and it was time to change her towel.
  3895. > Finally, the response came: "hh said u did it yesterday but u arn't answering now"
  3896. > And a few moments later: "u ok?"
  3897. > Celestia rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. It was the stallion again, only this time he was going through the pegasus to talk to her.
  3898. "Its complicated I don't wanna talk to him right now"
  3899. > Of course he had told her everything! 'Supple Branch' would need to have a heart-to-heart with Heavy Hoof. It wasn't a big secret that he was regularly seeing all the mares - except for Lake Frond, Celestia still wasn't sure about her - but he could at least *pretend*.
  3900. > There was such a thing as discretion!
  3901. > She considered her answer, but Glitter Dust wasn't done yet: "he also said u r in heat"
  3902. > Celestia saw no point in lying to the pegasus.
  3903. "Yes I am so you know why I can't see him"
  3904. > After a moment's thought she added some more explanation.
  3905. "I got used to the herbs back home and its bad now without them I can't control myself"
  3906. > She put the iPad down in frustration and considered calling Glitter on video chat. But she really didn't want to change into Supple Branch now. Her makeshift diaper would probably fall down and make another mess.
  3907. > "oh that explains it ill tell him dont worry i got ur back"
  3908. > It was very welcome news. But there seemed to be more: "want me to come help u out ;)"
  3909. > That was a winking face! Celestia nearly gasped in shock at the proposition. And - Luna help her - she was actually considering it!
  3910. > No danger of foals with Glitter Dust and it *would* help. Except she knew now that she wouldn't be able to hold on to her disguise.
  3911. > The mare didn't know if she should be relieved that the decision was out of her hooves, or sad that she wouldn't get the release she craved.
  3912. > Of course her imagination began its insidious work immediately. She felt herself wink and leak and was grateful for her ingenious diaper.
  3913. > A mare! She would *definitely* know her way around. More so than a stallion. And it would last longer! True, a tongue was not... the thing, but it could writhe around, seeking for that spot-
  3914. > Her ears went flat and Celestia shuddered. No, the disguise spell was still the key point! She had to be firm with herself.
  3915. "Thanks but I'm fine just need a few days to get over it. Can you tell the others?"
  3916. > Even the text of Glitter's reply seemed disappointed: "awww"
  3917. > But Glitter didn't make a fuss. She went on simply: "okay i got u"
  3918. > Of course she couldn't leave without teasing some more. Celestia blushed again as she read her final message.
  3919. > "u know where to find me if u change ur mind! ;) ;) ;)"
  3920. > *Three* of them this time! She would never have guessed that he pegasus liked mares. Not after the rumours about Heavy Hoof. Maybe Glitter Dust went both ways?
  3921. > It was a very inappropriate thought for the princess, but also one she couldn't stop. How bad would it be if she told them the truth and then invited both of them over?
  3922. > She could watch the stallion with the pegasus, and then Glitter Dust could have a turn with the Princess.
  3923. > Heavy Hoof could even help out. And he would keep going much longer than usual, with the smell. Glitter would certainly appreciate that!
  3924. > Celestia bit her lip as she tried and failed to suppress an excited whinny.
  3925. > But then she thought what Anonymous would say and her ears flopped down. The human would probably allow it. He would just be disappointed in her.
  3926. > One moment she is professing her love for her owner, and the next she's involved with *two* other ponies, right under his roof. Yeah, that'd be *bound* to make him return her affection!
  3927. > No! The alicorn was adamant. If she was to have any chance at all with her owner, she had to be strong. Plus the whole disguise thing, etcetera.
  3928. > Even if it meant dealing with the heat on her own and then working on bringing about their relationship with a clear head. Anonymous would trust her words more then, too.
  3929. > Would she still feel the same way, though?
  3930. > That made it even more important that she didn't do anything stupid or drastic during this trying time!
  3931. "You probably blew the spell already this morning, don't make it any worse!"
  3932. > Maybe talking to herself helped, or maybe it just distracted her. But the urgent heat under her towel subsided a little.
  3933. > There was still some dusting to do - that should clear her head a little. And she would make dinner for Anonymous, heat or no.
  3934. > Her owner had said she didn't have to, but it would be something enjoyable to do. Other than *that*.
  3935. > And if she performed all her duties well, she would indulge in a short bath. The human had said she could do that! And in the bath tub, she would reward herself with a little hoofplay. And that should help her keep it under control through dinner.
  3936. > After that - maybe she could video chat Heavy Hoof again? Despite her dreams, Celestia had slept better than she had expected.
  3937. > She wanted to say no. Stay strong. Keep control.
  3938. > But even now her will was flagging under the relentless assault from her groin. It was a curse, that's what heat was!
  3939. > The pony sighed and went to look for a duster.
  3940. > Heavy Hoof was a gentlecolt. He would understand she wanted some fun over video chat, but not the real thing. Right?
  3941. >...
  3942. > She was at one of her low points when Anonymous returned. It didn't help that the human was running very late. Obviously! He had to arrange things with Mr. Plain to come pick her up, it was the only explanation
  3943. > Not only would they send her back home, but it will be in the middle of her heat!
  3944. > Luna was a smart mare. She would undoubtedly guess what had happened, at least a version of it.
  3945. > And then the jokes and jabs and snickering would come. For *weeks*!
  3946. > But that wasn't even the worst bit. She would miss Earth! The beautiful landscape. Her first winter without journalists in *ages*. Her new friends - there was no way she would be able to stay in touch. Maybe through letters, but only if Mr. Plain would be kind enough to relay them. And she would have to keep lying to them forever.
  3947. > The mare had hopes of finding a way to free all the ponies and take them back with her. They wouldn't *really* mind her disguise if she freed them, right?
  3948. > Now it wouldn't come to pass, simply because she had given in to a stupid impulse. Why? Why did she have to try and kiss the human?
  3949. > In time he might have opened up more, but in her heat it was pushy of her at best, disgusting at worst.
  3950. > Especially after he had seen her in the mess she made. Of course he couldn't return any feelings! And now she would never have the chance. Not when he threw her out in disappointment!
  3951. > The pony was on the verge of tears when she heard the car and the garage door.
  3952. > She made her way to the hallway outside and waited for the verdict.
  3953. > Only one car, so maybe Mr. Plain wasn't coming yet. It was late, the auctioneer would probably come for her tomorrow.
  3954. > She kept her eyes on the floor when her owner entered.
  3955. > "Oh, there you are, Celestia. Help me with these, alright?"
  3956. > Her face snapped upward and her ears lifted, but the mare didn't dare allow herself hope.
  3957. > The tone had been so casual. As if nothing had happened! She felt her mouth open in shock and unexpected hope bloom in her heart.
  3958. > "Celestia? Everything alright?" Anonymous asked with a touch of concern.
  3959. "Y-you're not mad? Dis-disgusted?"
  3960. > Now it was his turn to gape. "Whatever for? Did you do something?"
  3961. > She hurriedly shook her head. She had, in her frustration and misery, done a superb job on the house. The pony knew that. Every surface was sparkling. Every speck of dust cleaned up. Floors washed, carpets vacuumed, laundry finished.
  3962. > And to top it all, not one but *two* delicious lasagnas! Well, one tasty and one foul. She had gone the extra mile and made a meat one for Anonymous.
  3963. "No! Nothing!"
  3964. > It was all she could do to answer his simple question.
  3965. > "Then why?"
  3966. > He wasn't going to bring it up! Celestia didn't know if she should be pleased that he didn't seem to care about her indiscretion, or sad that he so casually dismissed her kiss.
  3967. "This morning..."
  3968. > She really had to stop answering in sentence fragments.
  3969. > At least it worked! Anonymous remembered and looked away. If she had to guess, a blush was coming. And she *still* didn't know what to make of it. Was the human open to a relationship or not?!
  3970. > "Oh, yes. Well, that," he mumbled. "I'll attribute that to the heat."
  3971. > The ears went down again, but this time in disappointment.
  3972. "Oh. Yes, of course."
  3973. > At least it didn't sound as if he would send her away or punish her. It wasn't the response she had feared, but it also wasn't one she had hoped for.
  3974. > But maybe it wasn't quite off the table? Perhaps it was the hormones, but she had to know.
  3975. "But when it's over? I-"
  3976. > She looked away to keep from blushing at the blatantness of what she was asking.
  3977. "I'd like to- I wish to explore this a bit more, Anonymous. I l-like you."
  3978. > When he didn't answer, she looked into his deeply thoughtful frown. At long last he spoke. "We will see."
  3979. > It felt like a kick in the gut, but the mare drew a shuddering breath and nodded.
  3980. "Yes. Thank you. Sorry."
  3981. > "These bags now?"
  3982. > She quickly lifted them up in her magic. They were full of blocky shapes. Definitely not groceries, but she didn't really care at this point.
  3983. > Even her heat and the pressure in her groin felt distant. The human had all but snubbed her and she felt about ready to cry.
  3984. "Where do you want me to take them?"
  3985. > She would put the stuff where Anonymous told her, then run to her room for privacy.
  3986. > Why should this matter so much?! It never did before!
  3987. > Stupid hormones, and her stupid heart and - the pony nearly growled at the thought - *stupid* unrequitting human!
  3988. > If he noticed her inner turmoil, her owner didn't show it. He just pointed with his hand. "Living room. These are all for you."
  3989. > Gifts might make her feel better. She hurried there with the bags and emptied them on the coffee table while Anonymous took a seat on the couch.
  3990. > A few of them she recognized immediately. Toys. A few human-shaped and one in pony anatomy.
  3991. > She looked up with surprise. Getting those must not have been easy.
  3992. > Perhaps Anonymous did care for her? It lightened her heart a little.
  3993. > But there were two she didn't immediately recognize. She lifted up one which looked like a thick stick with a half-sphere on one end.
  3994. "What is this one?"
  3995. > The human had obviously mastered his embarrassment, because he didn't seem put off in the slightest.
  3996. > "That's a vibrator. I have batteries for it somewhere. It... well, it vibrates. Give it a try and see if you like it."
  3997. > She definitely would. The alicorn found thoughts of emotions and Anonymous returning her affection slipping away as her heat reasserted itself.
  3998. > One more she was curious about, then she could take them all and try to douse the fire within.
  3999. "And this?"
  4000. > The human shrugged. "Oh, that's a massaging shower head. I'll change the one in the upstairs shower."
  4001. > She didn't immediately realize why he had brought it. Sure, a massage would be nice, but it wouldn't help too much with her current problem.
  4002. > But then she looked at the vibrating toy. An idea occurred and the mare gasped.
  4003. "OH! You mean I can use it to-"
  4004. > Luckily she didn't say it. Her owner nodded. "Exactly. It was mentioned on TV once, in one of those housewives dramas or something. I thought you could give it a try. Oh, and I also got this."
  4005. > He reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a black, misshapen circle.
  4006. > She recognized it immediately.
  4007. "Oh, that's why you were talking with Mrs. Turner! Glowbug's horn ring?"
  4008. > "Exactly. She has more of them, so he could let us borrow this one. I also have some rope in the car. But I really hope we won't need these things, Celestia. You can keep a hold on yourself, can't you?"
  4009. > She gulped. As intense as it was the previous night she didn't think she could control herself *this night*, let alone over the weekend when it would really hit her hard!
  4010. "I'll try. But please have those in your bedroom. If I come... for you... in the night..."
  4011. > She mumbled to an embarrassed, blushing pause. Then gathered her resolve and went on. It was important the human knew how to defend himself.
  4012. "Pretend to agree with me. And say you won't do it unless I wear the ring. I'll be *really* stupid, okay? The heat- it messes with your head."
  4013. > Again there was that look of sympathy and care on his face. And again the twinge in her heart.
  4014. > She went around the coffee table and gently touched her muzzle to an arm.
  4015. "This is not the heat talking, Anonymous. This is me. And you have my undying gratitude. *And* when I said I like you a lot, it wasn't just a lie to get in your pants."
  4016. > This next sacrifice would be huge. Hopefully he would see it as meaningful.
  4017. "I... don't want your, uh, 'help' with this heat. I'm serious about taking it further when it's over. I'm okay with you restraining me however you can."
  4018. > He fell back to his previous argument again: "But Celestia, I'm still the master. The difference in-"
  4019. > She grunted and interrupted him.
  4020. "-power. Yes, I know all that. And I don't care. Remember when I had to tell you not to treat me as a horse?"
  4021. > He nodded.
  4022. "Well, it's the same thing now. Don't treat me like a slave! I haven't felt like a slave for a single second I was here!"
  4023. > She was getting dangerously close to admitting her real purpose and status. But she was willing to accept the risk.
  4024. "I *wanted* to do all these things for you. I don't see a difference in power! I don't know about how 'wrong' this would be. I just know I like you and it feels *right*."
  4025. > The speech ended with her breathing heavily and staring hard at her owner. He didn't quite know what to say to that. The fact pleased her immensely. Maybe she was getting through to him.
  4026. > "Okay, okay," the human gave in. "Enough of that. I'll think it over and we'll talk about it when the heat is over, deal?"
  4027. > It wasn't a no!
  4028. > From her viewpoint, it was practically a yes!
  4029. > The weekend would be hard, but with all the toys Anonymous had brought her, she could make it bearable.
  4030. > And she would take the horn ring even before it started. In fact-
  4031. > The mare floated up the ring and slipped it on her horn. It felt heavier than it should and made her quite uneasy. But it was a show of faith.
  4032. > She wondered if she should feel anything.
  4033. "There, now you don't have to fear my magic. How does it work?"
  4034. > Anonymous just stared in shock. "Wow. Committed, aren't you?"
  4035. > He searched his pockets and brought out a small, black, plastic square. "A remote. I can set how much magic it blocks. Right now, it's not doing anything."
  4036. "Turn it to maximum."
  4037. > The human did so, after seeing her determination. There was an almost imperceptible electronic whir from the ring, but she didn't feel the sudden, blinding pain she had half-expected.
  4038. > She experimentally tried a simple levitation spell.
  4039. > The effort was there, and she felt the magic leave her. But nothing happened. She concentrated harder and the electronic whine got louder. It felt as if the ring was absorbing all the magic!
  4040. > It was a disconcerting feeling and she understood why Glowbug hated it so much. A new thought made her wonder and she focused quickly on the Sun.
  4041. > No, that was still there. Apparently the ring worked only on the unicorn magic. It made sense - the humans didn't have an alicorn to study.
  4042. > A few spells which involved that part of her power would probably work. Hopefully she wouldn't remember that when the heat blanked her mind and made her go to Anonymous.
  4043. > "Well?" the human asked. He was just as curious as her.
  4044. "It's strange. I'm trying really hard to lift that box, and it *feels* like it should be working. If I kept it up, I'd be just as drained and tired as if I had been doing it. But it's not happening. The ring is soaking it up instead."
  4045. > He fiddled with the remote and suddenly the box responded and shot up into the air.
  4046. "Ugh! Now it just feels really, really heavy! I can barely hold on to it. It's a huge effort!"
  4047. > She lowered the box and let herself relax.
  4048. "What did you do?"
  4049. > "It's one setting less than the full block. Here, let me turn it off. We don't need it right now."
  4050. > The electric noise went away and Celestia tried her spell again. Now it was working as it should.
  4051. > It was quite scary. The things these humans could do. She wrenched her mind away from that line of thought.
  4052. "So, how come I don't just remove the ring with my hoof? Turn it on again, I want to try something."
  4053. > The human obliged as she sat on her haunches and raised her hooves to her horn. It was tricky to grasp, but she got it and tugged.
  4054. > It made her gasp out in pain and caused her eyes to water. The thing felt as if it was a part of her horn. She wouldn't be able to pull it off without ripping it right out of her skull.
  4055. "Yeah, I understand now. I wonder how it does that."
  4056. > "Does what?" Anonymous turned it off again, much to her relief. She tried again and now it slid off easily. She let it fall back down.
  4057. "It feels like it's stuck there. Like it's a part of my horn. If I pulled hard enough, I would rip my horn out."
  4058. > Her owner examined his remote again. "Ah, I see. There's a separate setting - a padlock. That probably allows you normal use of magic, but doesn't allow you to remove it. Clever."
  4059. > She nodded.
  4060. "Good. Use that. And keep that remote near your bed. If I come in the night I won't be myself, remember? I doubt you'll be able to reason with me. So just use that to get rid of my magic, then... tie me up."
  4061. > Again it made her think of how helpless she would be. Horny, wet and helpless. Perfect for taking.
  4062. > Maybe, seeing her that way, Anonymous wouldn't be able to resist-
  4063. > The mare gulped. She had to do something about it, quickly. Before she began begging the human for it.
  4064. "Dinner's on the table! I'll be back in thirty minutes!"
  4065. > He didn't argue as she grabbed all the toys in her magic and almost galloped upstairs.
  4066. > Thank goodness for the towel and the underpants! She knew she was practically gushing already. She could smell it! And the human probably could, too!
  4067. > Even as she ran up the stairs she tore open the pony-toy box. Anonymous had brought it just in time!
  4068. >...
  4069. > The toys had worked. Perhaps even too well. The vibrator alone left her a drooling, shivering, moaning mess.
  4070. > Not to mention her room. She didn't want to magic her carpets and mattress clean every half hour, nor did she enjoy doing the laundry several times each day.
  4071. > She had taken the toys to the downstairs bathroom and did her 'business' there. So much easier to clean up!
  4072. > The alicorn had hoped to be done for the day. She had viciously jabbed at herself with the vibrator, as if taking her anger over her condition out on her body. And when she had been too sore to continue, she persisted one more time, just to get it done.
  4073. > At this point, it was a mechanical thing, entirely detached from her thoughts and emotions.
  4074. > And then, after taking care of her biological urges, she had taken a long, luxurious and - above all - extremely hot bath.
  4075. > She had dried herself off, wrapped herself in Anonymous' bathrobe and crawled into bed. It was the perfect ending!
  4076. > Now the alicorn was lying sprawled across her bed when she remembered something Anonymous had said. She lifted her head with a vaguely interrogative grunt.
  4077. > Surely he didn't?
  4078. > But she had to know. The mare groaned a little in dismay. She had *just* gotten comfortable. Now she had to get out again. She would never sleep if she didn't find out the answer to that question!
  4079. > She exited her room with her head and tail hanging down limply and her hooves dragging on the floor.
  4080. > She paused for a moment to swivel her ears this way and that. The human was already in his bedroom. She would probably wake him up, but she had to know.
  4081. > She knocked politely, but didn't wait for the invitation before entering.
  4082. > The human lifted himself up and reached for the switch, but the pony was faster. She turned on the light and focused a stare on her owner.
  4083. > He opened his mouth to ask, but she quickly reassured him.
  4084. "No, I haven't come for that. Don't worry."
  4085. > He visibly relaxed, but now his curiosity was piqued. He didn't even seem annoyed that she was disturbing his sleep.
  4086. > "Why have you come, then?"
  4087. > She almost didn't hear it. She was looking at the bed. It seemed too comfortable.
  4088. > Even without an actual, conscious decision Celestia walked forward and lifted herself up. The bathrobe - human shaped - was a bit uncomfortable around her forelegs, but she liked its smell so she ignored it.
  4089. > The human obligingly made room for her and the mare fell down with something between a grunt and a sigh. Only then did she speak up.
  4090. "You said you borrowed the horn ring from Mrs. Turner. But she thinks I'm an earth pony. Did you tell her?"
  4091. > If he had, Glowbug would probably know very soon, and then the others. It would significantly complicate matters.
  4092. > If Anonymous *had* blabbed, the glare she was giving him was fully justified. If not, she would apologize later.
  4093. > "No, I didn't. I told her it was for a work colleague who has a problematic unicorn."
  4094. > Relief flowed through her and the pony smiled.
  4095. "Smart human."
  4096. > But now she was getting warm and comfortable and her room was all the way on the other side of the hallway. She simply laid her head down.
  4097. > Perhaps the pleasant, slightly sore glow after her pleasure was making her too relaxed, but Celestia felt mellow and cuddly.
  4098. > Anonymous would just have to live with it. At least for a while.
  4099. > Only one thing was missing. She raised her head and concentrated. Her horn glowed around the ring.
  4100. > Seconds later, a plastic tub floated into the room, accompanied by two spoons.
  4101. > She cast a sneaky glance at the human and saw his mouth twitch up in a smile.
  4102. > Good. He wasn't mad.
  4103. > The ice cream landed between her forelegs and she popped the container open. Mint. It was perfect.
  4104. > Anonymous reached out and fingered the cloth of her bathrobe. Yes, she had decided it was hers. At least while his smell lasted. Then she would make him take a bath and wear it for a while to replenish it.
  4105. > "Looks funny on you."
  4106. > The mare pulled the spoon out of her mouth and stuck her tongue out by way of answer. Then she waved the other spoon in Anonymous' face.
  4107. "Shut up and eat."
  4108. > He waved it away. "Thanks, but I'm good. You just enjoy it."
  4109. > The pony intended to do just that. But there was one more thing. She wondered if she could press her luck.
  4110. "Wait."
  4111. > She lifted the ice cream up and rolled around awkwardly for a bit until she got the sheet from under her. Then Celestia shuffled closer to the warm human and covered herself up.
  4112. > It made a little cave around her head and horn with just enough room for the ice cream and the spoon.
  4113. "Perfect."
  4114. > Perhaps she was pushing it too far, but the alicorn didn't care at the moment. She was emotional, horny and wrung out, all at the same time. The human would just have to bear it for a while.
  4115. > And yes! There it came! The hand, starting on her neck, then sliding down to her back, where it settled. The fingers played lightly with the fabric of the bathrobe.
  4116. > She almost purred in delight.
  4117. "Correction. *Now* it's perfect."
  4118. > The human still didn't say anything, which was just as well. She dipped the spoon back into the minty, sugary goodness and chomped down. It was as if the treat was cooling the fire in her belly.
  4119. > "You're not going to sleep here, are you?" Anonymous finally asked and broke the spell. It made Celestia sigh sadly.
  4120. "No. Just let me finish this ice cream, then I'll leave you alone."
  4121. > She almost felt him nod, even if the sheet was covering her almost entirely. But eyes weren't important right at the moment.
  4122. > It was all about the smell and the taste and the warmth.
  4123. "Oh, and thank you, Anonymous. I *do* realize just how inappropriate this must seem. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate you being so accepting."
  4124. > Now he was probably blushing in modesty. At least that's how she chose to imagine her owner.
  4125. > "Don't mention it. It's a trying time, I understand."
  4126. > The pony nodded a little, but didn't talk with her mouth full. She almost raced to the end of the cup, then was sorry it was gone so quickly.
  4127. > She lifted the cover and put the empty plastic and the spoon on the end table.
  4128. > One more thing to do - this one for a chuckle before bed. She licked the human on his cheek. With her icy-cold tongue.
  4129. > He made the cutest little gasp of surprise and Celestia couldn't keep back a titter. She did it again, but a hand came to stop it. So she licked the palm, instead. But that time there was no reaction.
  4130. "Aww."
  4131. > "Are you done?"
  4132. > There was a note of annoyance, faint, but present. The mare knew she was pushing her luck too far. It was time to go.
  4133. > But now she had set a precedent! A quick cuddle and ice cream in Anonymous' bed was apparently okay! Maybe even welcome.
  4134. > She wondered if she could build on it. Perhaps once her heat was done and she wasn't a danger to her owner's health in the night, the mare could extend her comfortable stay until she 'accidentally' fell asleep!
  4135. "Yes. Sorry. But also thank you, Anonymous. You're a good human."
  4136. > She dragged herself out of bed and picked up the empty ice cream cup and cutlery. She couldn't help noticing the remote for the horn ring on the end table.
  4137. "I think I'll be fine for tonight. Thanks for- uh. Thanks for the toys. They help."
  4138. > Was it just her imagination, or did the human look relieved? She nearly humphed.
  4139. > Relieved that a beautiful, needy mare *won't* come to his bed in the night! The audacity! She considered taking a small revenge by hiding his remote.
  4140. > Then he would be helpless if she needed something warm inside her in the night.
  4141. > The mare felt herself starting to blush and hurriedly turned off the light to hide it.
  4142. "Good night, Anonymous!"
  4143. > Her voice was a bit more squeaky than she would have liked, but maybe the human hadn't noticed. She hurried out of the room.

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf