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Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:09:55
Expiry: Never

  2. > The shame would come later. Celestia had nearly gotten though Saturday before she couldn't help herself anymore and called Heavy Hoof for round two.
  3. > Only this time she had all these toys to show him.
  4. > Maybe she had broken the stallion? Some of the noises he made... Even the alicorn hadn't heard anything like it from a pony before.
  5. > It had felt incredibly good to make Heavy Hoof splutter and whimper and gurgle like that! And her own release had been incredible.
  6. > Maybe even enough to save Anonymous in the night!
  7. > Plus, the mare thought happily, she was learning better control over her disguise. Just like the last time, she had leaned her iPad on a pillow so it would be easily knocked over if she felt herself slip.
  8. > But she hadn't! Not even for a single second. She wasn't even aware of holding the spell in her throes of passion, but the disguise didn't fade.
  9. > It was a point of pride and maybe it would slightly offset the shame once she came down from her happy cloud.
  10. > Celestia was panting a little and basking in the glow. So, apparently, was Heavy Hoof.
  11. > "Wow. You are a very *fun* mare, Supple!" he was saying between gasps for air.
  12. > She turned her head slightly to look. Yes, this time the stallion was almost as wet and sticky as herself. He had done it *twice* while looking at her working the horse toy.
  13. > And - this one was a little surprising and Celestia would have to think about it later on - he had another go when she switched to the human-shaped ones.
  14. > Right at the moment, she had to give some sort of an answer.
  15. "It was fun."
  16. > That was the truth. Ashamed of herself for using the stallion like that or not, Celestia had needed the release badly. If she hadn't, the toys - however good - would probably prove insufficient. She would have gone to Anonymous.
  17. > And she really didn't want that.
  18. > The human was for cuddles and comfort. At least for the time being.
  19. > Whatever came between them, Celestia wanted it to be gentle and loving. Her heat would ruin it.
  20. > She wrenched her guilty mind back to her friend in the present. Why did it feel slightly like cheating on Heavy Hoof to be thinking of her owner?
  21. > "Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Call me if you need me again, beautiful!"
  22. > With some relief, Celestia saw the screen go blank. She still knocked over the iPad, just in case.
  23. > She heaved a deep, heartfelt sigh. The emotional situation was complex, but the physical was straightforward.
  24. > The pony just had to get up and gather all the towels she had used. Then she had to take them down and put them in the laundry machine.
  25. > The mare silently thanked her owner for showing her how to use the timer function on the thing. She would load it, set it for three A.M., then go to sleep.
  26. > The laundry would be done when she got up. Amazing.
  27. > Then there was the matter of her shower. She needed one, very badly. Anonymous shouldn't have to walk in on a room filled with her scent. This she had vowed to herself!
  28. > Her stale, sour, last-night's smell, no less. No wonder he had been disgusted!
  29. > But rolling over and climbing from the bed still made the mare whimper. Heavy Hoof had driven her further than she would have gone herself, even with the heat. She had stuffed herself beyond reason.
  30. > And all without using her magic. It just meant that now her legs were sore from awkwardly gripping the toys, and her back ached from bending over to reach far enough.
  31. > Maybe a bath?
  32. > Celestia checked the glowing clock Anonymous had gotten her. It was nearing midnight and she groaned again. She had promised Anonymous his breakfast. She had to deliver!
  33. > Perhaps not at five-thirty, like most days, but anything past eight would be hoofing the line. She quickly set it to seven before she forgot.
  34. > A *very* quick shower, then.
  35. > She released her disguise spell.
  36. > And nothing happened.
  37. "Huh? What?!"
  38. > The pony felt around herself with a hoof. She was still Supple Branch. She had changed just before calling Heavy Hoof. The spell needed constant concentration to keep up.
  39. > And she *definitely* wasn't holding it!
  40. > Something was wrong. All thoughts of cleaning up and showering fled her mind.
  41. > Celestia nearly ran to the human for help, but remembered just in time. Not in that state! Not if she didn't want to spend the next hour cleaning his room so the poor man didn't have to sleep with her smell in the air.
  42. > She had pushed his kindness and hospitality far enough.
  43. > But she still needed help.
  44. "ANONYMOUS!"
  45. > She paused and listened. Yes! He was moving around on his bed.
  46. "Anonymous! Please come in here!"
  47. > It worked! The human was getting up.
  48. > Celestia suddenly remembered that her room was hot, stuffy and, probably, stinky. She hurriedly opened her window. At least that part of the magic still worked!
  49. > Lacking a particular idea on how to air it quickly, she jumped up on the bed, leaned on the window and frantically waved her hooves, as if to push the bad air out.
  50. > It was too late, anyway. The human opened her door. His voice sounded sleepy, but worried. "Celestia? Everything okay in here?"
  51. > His hand found the light switch and they both froze. She saw his eyes wander over the mess on the bed. The toys, still glistening with her juices. The iPad. And then the mare, standing practically on the windowsill.
  52. > "Uh..."
  53. > Yeah, what *do* you say in this situation?
  54. "Sorry! I was just airing it out! Anonymous, I have a problem!"
  55. > He looked at the bed again. The towels were soaked. All her toys were strewn around and each had been used. "Did you hurt yourself?"
  56. > She shook her head and jumped down to the bed. The mare stood protectively in front of the scene - partly to save the human from having to look at it all and partly to cover up her shame.
  57. "No, nothing like that! I changed into Supple Branch so I could... video chat..."
  58. > Now that she had to explain it, her face was going very red. The mare looked at the floor in embarrassment and felt her ears go all the way down.
  59. > She wrenched her mind to the problem at hoof.
  60. "Now I can't turn back!"
  61. > It made the human blink in surprise. "What? I thought the problem was staying Supple Branch. Don't you have to concentrate on it all the time?"
  62. > It made no sense! Celestia felt her eyes filling up with tears. She shuddered, and Anonymous went to close the window before she froze to death in her wet, sticky coat.
  63. > He didn't sit in the mess on her bed, but he reached out his hand to pet her mane. The human didn't seem to mind it when he encountered a wet patch, either. And the touch was helping, a lot!
  64. > The mare took a deep breath and went on.
  65. "That's how it should work! I'm not concentrating!"
  66. > She was grateful the human was with her, even if he didn't know how to help. What was she thinking anyway? Going to Anonymous with a magical problem?
  67. > It probably said something about just how much she had come to rely on the human. How much she trusted him.
  68. > But now was not the time to analyze that!
  69. > "Well, can't you, I don't know, forcibly turn back?"
  70. > It was actually a good idea. Maybe she had overused the spell and it had stuck somehow. The exact mechanics of that would be difficult to pinpoint. Maybe Twilight Sparkle could help her work it out once she was back home.
  71. "Yeah, yeah! Good idea! Let me try!"
  72. > She had to improvise it on the spot, but it wasn't difficult. She knew her normal shape very well.
  73. > But the magic didn't take hold! She was pushing it, adding more and more, until all her might was focused on that one single spell.
  74. > It was just being... consumed. A feeling she had felt once before!
  75. > The mare realized and gasped.
  76. "The horn ring!!"
  77. > It was blocking her attempt to change back. And it was probably also responsible for her disguise sticking like that!
  78. > Exactly why and how Celestia couldn't hazard a guess, but that had to be it. It was the only thing different from all the other times she transformed!
  79. > It hadn't stop her from changing the first time, but now it was preventing her from going back!
  80. "The remote! Turn it off!"
  81. > They had agreed a day before to leave the ring on her horn until the heat was over. And Celestia asked the human to lock it in place, but not restrict her magic unless it was really necessary.
  82. > The first mainly so the ring wouldn't fall off while she slept. The second because she wasn't really a danger, not until the urges blanked her mind.
  83. > Anonymous ran out of the room and returned mere seconds later with the little rectangle. He pushed the buttons.
  84. > "Okay, try it now."
  85. > She focused. Her face fell.
  86. "It's the same!"
  87. > The human stared at the remote. "But how? It's not blocking your magic. Let me unlock it entirely!"
  88. > He pushed that button, too. The mare tried again, with the same result.
  89. "No!"
  90. > They both stared at each other. "Can you take it off?" her owner suggested.
  91. > Celestia blinked. It was a very good suggestion, but there was a problem.
  92. "I don't know where it is."
  93. > The statement was ludicrous. Of course she didn't have a horn in her Supple Branch guise. Where had the horn gone? And the ring? And her wings?
  94. > She had never gone as far as to find out. It didn't seem important. But now it was!
  95. > Anonymous patted around her head, as if he would find an invisible horn there. He seemed stunned that he didn't.
  96. > "Where- uh. Your horn isn't here," he muttered in confusion. "How is it possible that your horn isn't here?"
  97. "Same reason my wings aren't. It's a change spell, not an illusion. Anyone could tell the latter as soon as they touched me!"
  98. > The man put his finger right on her problem: "Okay, where did the ring go, then?"
  99. "I don't know!"
  100. > He looked at his remote. Then at her. Back again. "Oh! Here!" he exclaimed and pressed a button. "Try some magic now. A lifting spell or something!"
  101. "Levitation."
  102. > She didn't know why she corrected it. But she picked up her alarm clock from the end table and floated it around a little.
  103. "Okay, now what?"
  104. > The human inspected his remote and fiddled with it some more. "I put it on maximum, Celestia. It should have stopped all your magic entirely. Apparently, wherever the ring is, the remote can't reach it. Maybe some sort of another dimension or something."
  105. > It was a very clever idea and despite the seriousness of her situation the mare felt proud of her human.
  106. > She nearly smiled a little before she realized what the experiment was showing them.
  107. > If there was no way to turn the ring off, what would happen? Would she be forced to stay Supple Branch? How long?
  108. "H-how long does a horn ring keep working?"
  109. > Anonymous had no answer. "I don't know. I'll call Mrs. Turner in the morning, okay?"
  110. "Can't you call her now?"
  111. > She needed answers, fast. The mare was very afraid. What if the answer was 'forever'?! She couldn't keep ruling Equestria like an earth pony! The horn and the wings were an authority symbol!
  112. > And what if her unicorns back home couldn't find a way to turn her back?! She would be stuck like that for the rest of her long life!
  113. > The mare put her face in her hooves and desperately tried not to sob.
  114. > Her owner left again and returned with his phone. She listened intently at the quiet, dragged out beep as it rung.
  115. > But there was nothing. Anonymous sighed and put it down. "She must have it silenced or something. We'll try again tomorrow."
  116. > There was apparently no choice. She would simply have to endure.
  117. > Celestia called up her magic again and tried to change back. But this time she went further. As far as she could.
  118. > Of course her owner saw her strain. He petted her again. "Don't run yourself ragged, Celestia. Just relax. Maybe something will come up by morning and if not, Mrs. Turner will know more about it."
  119. > But the mare wasn't listening. The rush of magic and the swelling of fear when it didn't do what she wanted was making her panic. She gasped for breath, then held it again as she renewed her effort.
  120. > A pinch on her ear broke her concentration and returned the alicorn to the present. Her knees gave out and she slumped against the human. She was breathing hard and her muscles were twitching involuntarily.
  121. > Were it not for the strong embrace, Celestia would have cried. As it was, she just sighed and buried her face in Anonymous' nightgown.
  122. > "Come now, you need rest. And you need to stop trying. It's not helping you any. Come, let's get you a shower and then put you to bed."
  123. > It was reasonable. Without the human, she would likely have kept trying until she hurt herself. Or she would have run out and called Mr. Plain to get her home as quickly as he could.
  124. > But now Anonymous was taking charge. He was right. Sleep would help. Who knew - maybe she would wake up in her old shape anyway. And if not, Her owner would know whom to call and ask.
  125. > They would figure it out!
  126. > They had to!
  127. >...
  128. > The silver lining was that she got to sleep cuddled with her owner, it turned out. Anonymous didn't clean her bed and she didn't particularly feel like it anymore.
  129. > If he ordered her, Celestia would have done it. But maybe he sensed her state of mind and let it go for the moment.
  130. > He bundled up her toys in the towels she had put down and dropped it all in the bathroom sink. He didn't say if any of it had leaked to the sheets and the mattress.
  131. > It could wait. She was grateful for that.
  132. > But unfortunately, she couldn't quite enjoy the unexpected cuddles. Her mind kept running in the same circle over and over.
  133. > What if she couldn't find a way to turn back? What if she would be stuck as an earth pony?
  134. > Would her magic fail after a time?
  135. > How would her life change when she got back home?
  136. > Did she even want to return like that?
  137. > The human broke her out of her thoughts with a prod on her muzzle. "Hey. Snap out of it! We'll figure it out."
  138. > She became aware of her surroundings again. Of course. Her owner's bedroom. His bathrobe - she vaguely remembered cooperating when he put it on her. And his bed.
  139. > Funny thing, her heat was no longer a problem. The shock and fear and worry made any desires she might have had, go away.
  140. > Even when he had helped her shower. Not even a twinge down there.
  141. > Small blessings, right?
  142. > She was called upon to say something.
  143. "Oh. Yes. Of course. Thank you."
  144. > He poked her nose again. "Hey! I'm serious. Don't get hung up on the problems until we know for sure. I'll bet you either Mrs. Turner or Glowbug know how to deal with this!"
  145. > The human was right. Celestia wrenched her mind back to the present. She gave his finger a half-hearted lick.
  146. "Yes. Thank you, Anonymous."
  147. > It still wasn't the response he was looking for. He pinched an ear between his fingers and forced her head around. She had to look at him.
  148. > That finally broke through.
  149. "OW! Hey! Watch it!"
  150. > Anonymous inspected her face for a moment. "Back with me? Stay here. You're not helping yourself like that."
  151. > He was right. What was happening to her?
  152. > The alicorn had faced down changelings, disasters, war; even Discord in her time. Why was this new crisis any different? She had always put her faith in her subjects and they had never let her down.
  153. > This problem would be the same. If Glowbug couldn't help, then Twilight Sparkle would come through. And if not, perhaps that Starlight Glimmer - she was a magical genius by all accounts.
  154. > But this was different from all her past disasters because it was personal!
  155. > Before, the fate of Equestria had hung in the balance. Celestia could not afford to break down and abandon her subjects.
  156. > Now it was just her. Nopony really depended on her at the moment.
  157. > The tightly-wound bundle of emotions brought on by her heat didn't help.
  158. > And she had succeeded in letting the Princess go, at least to an extent. The pony Celestia could afford to break down a little.
  159. > At least she didn't cry. It was just worry and she could stop that.
  160. > Anonymous was right. Stressing over it wasn't doing her any good.
  161. > The mare took a deep breath, then forced a small smile.
  162. "Thanks. I think I needed that."
  163. > She still probably wouldn't be able to sleep, but that was no reason to keep her owner up as well.
  164. > She shuffled until her flank was resting against his side and closed her eyes.
  165. "Good night, Anonymous."
  166. > The bed shifted as the human reached for the light switch. Then again as he settled back down. He was lying on his back and his elbow was pressed lightly against her barrel.
  167. > It wouldn't do. If he insisted on comforting her through the night, he would do it properly.
  168. "No, turn."
  169. > Anonymous froze for a moment, but then obeyed. He shifted to his side, facing her. The mare lifted herself a little.
  170. "Arm."
  171. > It slid under her obediently. Good.
  172. > Celestia laid back down and pushed her back and rump into Anonymous' belly. The other arm went around her barrel.
  173. > She approved. The human was learning fast.
  174. "Better. Good night, Anonymous."
  175. > He didn't answer. Perhaps he didn't like the sleeping arrangements? Tough luck, he had offered it himself!
  176. > It was warm and pleasant. Perhaps she would even sleep like that. She closed her eyes.
  177. > Spooned as she was, Celestia could almost believe that everything would be right with the world in the morning. She felt quite safe.
  178. > A mare could get used to that!
  179. > But the treacherous thoughts came back. Her eyes flew open, even if there was nothing to see in the darkness.
  180. "Anonymous?"
  181. > "Hmm?" he didn't *sound* annoyed or cross.
  182. "We will have to tell Mrs. Turner and Glowbug about me."
  183. > There was silence for a while. Then the arm around her barrel moved and the hand stroked her chest fluff.
  184. > "I guess so. Can't be helped. Or do you have an idea?"
  185. > She didn't.
  186. "No. I hope they can keep a secret."
  187. > "Most people can keep a secret. Don't worry. And even if your friends find out, would it really matter that much?" the human brought up his old argument.
  188. "Maybe not. But I'd prefer not to risk it."
  189. > She considered telling him. About the ploy and her misdirection. She might have to leave soon, anyway.
  190. > The human deserved the truth, at least. He had been nothing but nice to her, even after all the money he spent and the troubles she had caused him.
  191. > Celestia opened her mouth again to say it.
  192. "Anonymous?"
  193. > "Yes?"
  194. "Thanks for everything. I hope someday I can show you exactly how much this all means to me."
  195. > She was a coward! But now maybe wasn't the time for absolute honesty. She *would* tell him. Just... some other time.
  196. > The mare suddenly realized there had been no reply. And his hand was still.
  197. "Anonymous? Are you asleep?"
  198. > His hand resumed its stroking. "No. And it's fine. I like having you around."
  199. > It gave her a warm, fuzzy feeling. She smiled in the darkness.
  200. "Okay, now say that last part, but skip the words 'having' and 'around'."
  201. > Had to be worth a try, right?
  202. > It made him laugh, anyway. "Oh, fine! I like you."
  203. > She felt very good about that.
  204. > They could definitely build on it. Now she really hoped Glowbug could keep a secret! And help her out of this predicament.
  205. > She needed more time with Anonymous, to find out where it would go.
  206. > Celestia fell asleep while thinking about how to convince the unicorn to keep quiet about her.
  208. > ~~~~
  210. > It was the moment of truth. Celestia couldn't help leaning a little against Anonymous as they sat on the couch. Mrs. Turner was in the comfy armchair and Glowbug seemed perfectly happy sitting on her haunches beside her owner.
  211. > The mare didn't know too much about the middle-aged woman in front of them. She lived alone, but Celestia didn't know what had happened to her husband. There had to have been one at some point, because she had a daughter somewhere.
  212. > The unicorn was there to help her around the house and chat with her on the evenings. Glowbug herself had told her that much.
  213. > It was, by no accounts, a bad life. Aside from occasional punishments, which were necessary because Glowbug was - in Celestia's opinion - a little spoiled, the pony had free reign of the house and could go outside on errands.
  214. > She was allowed to attend the pony meetings and even had an allowance.
  215. > Yes, the mare was technically a slave, but there were ponies worse off. On some level, Glowbug seemed to know it, which was why she had never really tried to escape. She was generally good, aside from occasional mischief.
  216. > Right at the moment, the unicorn wasn't entirely certain why they were there. She had been happy to visit, but quickly noticed Celestia's uneasy, worried mood.
  217. > The disguise was still there when she had woken up.
  218. > "So, tell me what exactly is the problem?" Mrs. Turner asked Anonymous. "Something about the ring I loaned you? It worked perfectly for Glowbug."
  219. > Celestia looked pleadingly at her owner, who sighed and obliged her earlier request.
  220. > "I'm sorry about this, Mrs. Turner," Anonymous said slowly, "but I need to ask you: can you keep this a secret? I would very much prefer that word of this doesn't get out."
  221. > "Word of what, dear?"
  222. > "Please, a promise?" he insisted and Celestia's heart swelled with pride and gratitude.
  223. > The woman rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. Is this a lawyer thing? Confidentiality, or what's it called? Anyway, I promise I'll keep my mouth shut."
  224. > "Not exactly a 'lawyer thing', as you put it. But thank you. And you, Glowbug? Supple doesn't want you to tell the others, okay?"
  225. > The unicorn looked at her owner with wide, surprised eyes. But she also agreed. "Fine, fine. I promise too."
  226. > They were intensely curious and Celestia couldn't keep a neutral expression anymore. Her ears sagged and she looked down. Luckily, Anonymous explained the problem.
  227. > "I'm afraid Supple Branch isn't all she seems. Apparently she is well-known in her home country, so she adopted a disguise on Earth to avoid certain types of danger."
  228. > Here it came. As soon as Glowbug heard, she would know everything. That reminded her and the Princess looked up sharply.
  229. "E-excuse me, Anonymous? Could I tell Glowbug myself in the other room?"
  230. > It was a strange request, but her owner shrugged and nodded.
  231. "Come with me, p-please."
  232. > The unicorn was now extra curious and quickly followed Celestia to the kitchen.
  233. > She waited for her to shut the door, then pierced her with a stare. "Well? Why all the secrecy? Who are you really?"
  234. > Celestia gulped in trepidation.
  235. "Look, it's complicated. I told Anonymous I'm well-known, but I haven't told him exactly who I am. Once you know, you'll understand, okay? Just promise me you won't tell him."
  236. > The unicorn stared in stunned silence. Finally, she managed to get words out. "Just who in Tartarus *are* you, Supple? All the secrecy. Is there a single person on Earth you haven't lied to?"
  237. > Celestia nearly whimpered as she considered the question. Maybe the only human she hadn't lied to about her identity - only because he hadn't asked - was Denis. The irony was palpable.
  238. "Please?"
  239. > Her fear and worry came through and Glowbug softened. She went and hugged her friend. "Shh, it's okay. Just tell me. I promise I won't give out your secret. Are you like a wanted criminal or something? Some celebrity? What?!"
  240. > Celestia took a deep breath.
  241. "I'm an- an alicorn."
  242. > The reaction was very different than she had expected. The unicorn practically *hissed* and leapt away. She stared at Celestia with a mixture of fear, suspicion and animosity.
  243. > It surprised her for a second, but then her mind connected the pieces together and the alicorn felt her own fur rise in response. She took a few steps backward.
  244. "You! You are a- a-"
  245. > Celestia felt faint and seriously considered flinging the door open and running for it. She was not ready for this, and neither was Anonymous.
  246. > She nearly slapped herself in the face. Glowbug's name was a dead giveaway! Stupid, stupid Celestia!
  247. > The hiss had given her the final clue she needed. No pony ever made a noise like that!
  248. "-Changeling!"
  249. > Now Glowbug looked panicky. "How do you know?!"
  250. > The mares stared at each other.
  251. "I should blast you right now! How long have you been hiding?!"
  252. > "Me?!" Glowbug spat. "Look at yourself! You're doing the same thing!"
  253. > Being compared to one of the evil little bugs?! It made Celestia growl.
  254. "I am not! I don't feed on Anonymous' love! Parasite!"
  255. > They kept watching each other. The alicorn had her magic wound up and ready to loose. The changeling was undoubtedly doing the same. Of course Glowbug wouldn't be a match for an alicorn and they both knew it. Unless she was Chrysalis herself.
  256. > But if that were the case, she would have struck already.
  257. > Judging from her face, the Glowbug was thinking the same thing.
  258. > "Which one are you?"
  259. > There was no point in hiding it.
  260. "Celestia."
  261. > Another hiss and the creature pushed herself further into a corner. "Usurper!"
  262. > It wasn't a word she was expecting.
  263. "What?! What are you talking about?"
  264. > "The Queen said you stole her rightful throne! Usurper! Deceiver! Tyrant!"
  265. > It shouldn't really surprise her that Chrysalis would stoop to lies, but the words still stung.
  266. "Am not! Your Queen is the deceitful one, creature!"
  267. > The door opened and both humans came in, staring.
  268. > "What's all the racket?" Anonymous asked, but Celestia stepped in front of him protectively.
  269. "Please leave, Anonymous. She is dangerous. I've got it in hoof."
  270. > Mrs. Turner slipped past before the alicorn could stop her. And she didn't dare use any of her magic for a spell to pull her back. She might need all of it for the changeling.
  271. "No, wait! You don't know what kind of creature she is!"
  272. > The woman stood in front of her pony and glared. "A changeling? Yes, I know."
  273. > It made Celestia reel back.
  274. "Well... Then you don't know what she does!"
  275. > "Feeds on emotion," the woman said.
  276. > Celestia felt her mouth drop open, especially when she saw Glowbug's smug grin. The unicorn rubbed her face against the woman's leg, possessively, like a cat.
  277. > "Supple, Mrs. Turner explained it to me. That's why the horn ring did what it did. It was designed to force Glowbug to keep her pony shape. There are no secrets there. Except, it seems, between you ponies."
  278. > Glowbug's owner continued the explanation. "Really, Supple Branch. You assume too much. I'm aware what Glowbug is, and what she needs to live. She's helped me through some tough times, so there's plenty of love for her to eat."
  279. > It was a world gone mad! Not only was the woman knowingly keeping one of those things in her home, she was willing feeding it, too!
  280. > She looked helplessly at her owner, who shrugged. "I don't see a problem with it, Supple. Besides, is it any more of a secret than yours?"
  281. > "Yeah! You can drop the act, Mr. Anonymous. I know who she is. Right, Celestia? Or should I say..." the unicorn announced smugly.
  282. > She was about to tell him her full title!
  283. > Anonymous *could not* learn it from Glowbug! Celestia had to be the one to tell him! She wasn't ready! Everything would go wrong!
  284. > In her panicky desperation, the alicorn saw no choice but to throw herself on the creature's mercy, if there even was any.
  285. "Please!"
  286. > It was a quiet plea. Maybe it was pitiful enough that it softened Glowbug's heart, or maybe the years on Earth and interacting with ponies had made her nicer. The unicorn didn't say it. She even relaxed a little.
  287. > "Okay, so now that's over with, let's see about your problem, shall we?" Mrs. Turner said, as if the entire thing was solved.
  288. > And the worst part was that Anonymous seemed to think the same. They went back to the living room, calling for the mares to follow.
  289. > Celestia stepped in front of the unicorn to block her path and lowered her voice.
  290. "Please don't tell him. Or the others. Please. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm asking for your help."
  291. > Glowbug glared a little. "I'm not a monster like you think I am. And if I tell the others anything, you'll tell them about me. I happen to like my friends!"
  292. > Undoubtedly they were a part of her diet. It nearly made Celestia sick, but she had no real choice.
  293. "Okay. I won't tell about you and you keep your mouth shut about me. Deal?"
  294. > The changeling nodded. "Deal. But only because I like you. Celestia or not, I considered Supple Branch my friend."
  295. > It felt as if the changeling was showing her up. It made the alicorn blush in shame and hang her head.
  296. "Well, you nearly snapped my head off when I told you!"
  297. > Now it was her turn to seem embarrassed. Glowbug replied: "I reacted, okay? It was a shock. You did a good job hiding it. I mean- you *video-sexed* Heavy Hoof! And then blam! You've really been Princess Celestia all this time. Way better disguise than any of mine!"
  298. > Was it praise or derision? She couldn't be quite sure, not with one of them, so Celestia decided to take it as the former.
  299. > "Anyway, I left all that behind. I don't want to go back. It's a good life here, compared to the Hive. So please - you ponies always talk about second chances. This is mine."
  300. > The unicorn simply walked around her and followed the humans to the living room. Celestia went after her.
  301. > How many times has her world turned upside down on Earth? She had lost count.
  302. > This time, the short and simple of it was was that *Princess Celestia* was a bigger sneak and liar than a changeling!
  303. > She walked behind the unicorn in complete shock. But Anonymous quickly reminded her of the real problem.
  304. > "So, it seems the ring prevents this changing magic. So how do we turn her back?"
  305. > The unicorn examined her for a moment. "May I? Just a harmless probe. It may tickle a bit."
  306. > Celestia nodded.
  307. > Glowbug concentrated for a moment and this time her horn went green. Changeling magic, undoubtedly! Disgust warred with her worry that she would be stuck in her disguise. In the end, she let it happen, even if she imagined it felt cold and slimy.
  308. > "Hmm. You had the ring on, and then you changed into something without a horn. Well, that was stupid. Why couldn't you have picked a unicorn for your disguise? It would have let you use your magic."
  309. > Why indeed? Just one reason, really.
  310. "I wanted to be more inconspicuous."
  311. > Glowbug barked a laugh. "What? Humans would notice a unicorn, but ignore an earth pony? Yeah, good luck with that. Even those who know the difference don't give a shit when they see you have a horn ring."
  312. "Well, are you going to help or not? Can you even do anything?"
  313. > The green glow was back and the changeling prodded at her. She came closer to peer into her eyes for a moment. Then walked around, touching her flank with a hoof, prodding at her knees.
  314. > "Well, it's a complete disguise. Hmm," the unicorn said to herself and continued her inspection.
  315. "Where do your horn and wings go when you change, anyway?"
  316. > "I don't really know. Someplace else. But they're still attached to you, if that's what you're asking. Just not... here. Hopefully, mine go to the same place as yours."
  317. > Her owner pointed out: "The remote for the ring doesn't work."
  318. > "I know," Glowbug replied. "The scientist at the facility, who studied me and made my first ring said pretty much the same thing. That I shouldn't change into anything other than a unicorn, because it would be tricky to get it back."
  319. "Tricky?"
  320. > Celestia didn't like the sound of that. She completely ignored the news that Glowbug had been studied by humans like a lab animal. Perhaps later, when she was back to herself, she would feel some pity.
  321. > Suddenly the unicorn lowered her head and examined the alicorn from below. "There is *one* thing we could try."
  322. > It filled Celestia with relief. If there was one thing to try, even if it didn't work, that usually meant there were others. And the changeling would think of them, if she had to.
  323. "Anything!"
  324. > Glowbug looked at Mrs. Turner. "Take my ring off, just for a minute. I don't wanna end up stuck like her."
  325. > If she had any doubts about the trust between the two, it was dispelled now. The woman smoothly brought her remote from her pocket and unlocked the ring. The changeling levitated it from her horn with a sigh of relief.
  326. "Why do you force her to wear it at all?"
  327. > "So I don't slip up and change accidentally," the unicorn explained.
  328. > "And because you're a brat sometimes and need a timeout from your magic to get you back in line," her owner added.
  329. > It made Glowbug turn red. "Yeah, also that."
  330. > "Okay, I'll change to my... normal shape. Please don't freak out."
  331. > At first Celestia thought that was meant for Anonymous, but the mare was staring directly at her. Undoubtedly she was worried about more of Celestia's instincts and prejudices surfacing.
  332. > But she didn't wait for confirmation. There was the too-familiar green glow and the creature stood before them. Anonymous gasped in surprise but not - Celestia was proud to notice - in disgust.
  333. > "Gimme your remote," the changeling told him. The human obeyed and held it out. Glowbug easily grasped it in a simple levitation spell. "Well, I hope this works," she proclaimed.
  334. "What will you do?"
  335. > "I'll take the remote to the same place our limbs go when we change. And I'll unlock your ring from there."
  336. "What?! How?!
  337. > "Simple. I'll change into something that doesn't have a head," Glowbug explained as she placed the remote in her teeth, so that she would push the unlock button if she bit down.
  338. > It was ridiculous. But she *was* the expert, out of the four of them. And it did sound reasonable, if a little crazy.
  339. > "Ready?"
  340. > Celestia swallowed and nodded. Whatever Glowbug was, helping the alicorn out of this mess would go a long way to proving herself truly different.
  341. "Yes."
  342. > "Here we go." The changeling was enveloped by the green glow again. When it was gone, the sight made the alicorn a little queasy. It was still her body, but a smooth stump where the head should be. It was a very disconcerting sight and both humans grimaced a little.
  343. > Then, suddenly, Celestia felt the magic grip her and she transformed back into herself. A moment later there was the green light around Glowbug again and she ended up in her unicorn guise. She spat out the remote.
  344. > It worked! The alicorn felt herself going weak at the knees as relief washed through her. She sagged a little and would have collapsed if Anonymous hadn't grabbed her around the neck to steady her.
  345. > "That's great. See? I told you Mrs. Turner and Glowbug would be able to help us," he pointed out. It was true, the human had said that. But at the time it was just a little white lie to help her sleep.
  346. > She reared up to hug her owner and peppered his cheek with kisses.
  347. "You did! Thank you! Thank you so much!"
  348. > She was both laughing and crying at the same time, happy that the disaster was averted.
  349. > They were so preoccupied with their little celebration that Celestia barley felt the horn ring being tugged off.
  350. > "You probably don't need this anymore," Glowbug said. "I only have a few of them and no way to get more."
  351. > In her elation, Celestia let her owner go and swooped up the unicorn in a full, winged and hooved hug. She planted a kiss on her cheek, also.
  352. "Thank you!"
  353. > Glowbug made a face, but then smiled a little. "Well, you just paid me back, so we're even."
  354. "Paid you- what?"
  355. > The changeling kept her smile. "The thanks. It tastes delicious, by the way."
  356. > Perhaps the Princess dropped the unicorn a bit too quickly, but she made her face remain neutral. She hadn't really felt anything as Glowbug took her emotion, but knowing it had happened wasn't entirely pleasant by itself.
  357. > She hurriedly went to hug the woman as well.
  358. "And thank you, too, Mrs. Turner. Both for letting us borrow the ring and coming to help right now!"
  359. > The woman was staring a little. "My, you're a pretty thing! I don't know why you'd ever want to hide this, sweetie! You're lovely!"
  360. > The alicorn blushed.
  361. "Uh, thank you."
  362. >...
  363. > However grateful, Celestia was still glad to watch them go. Seeing Glowbug around the pony meetings would be hard, but the alicorn would keep her promise if the changeling kept hers.
  364. "I'm happy I'm back to normal, but that is one secret I could have lived without knowing."
  365. > "What? Glowbug being that- what did you call it? Changeling?" Anonymous asked. He closed the front door and turned to stare at the mare. "Why would that be such a problem?"
  366. > The Princess didn't enjoy bringing those memories up, but he deserved an answer after the little show he had seen between herself and Glowbug.
  367. "Changelings keep trying to take over my... uh, country. They feed on emotion - love and joy and friendship. And they want to turn ponies into a food source. I've always considered them enemies and monsters."
  368. > "Well, Glowbug seemed nice enough. Maybe living on Earth has changed her," he said, repeating her own guess.
  369. "I thought the same thing. We'll see."
  370. > The mare felt for the sun. It was directly above them. Time to do some work. At least it would distract her.
  371. "I'll get lunch started."
  372. > "There's still your room. And your toys in the bathroom sink. And the laundry," Anonymous pointed out, rather unhelpfully.
  373. > That reminded her and her ears folded down in despair. If it wasn't one thing, it was another.
  374. "Oh. Right. And I'm still in heat. But now there's no ring."
  375. > He laughed at her sudden misery and laid his hand on her withers in a show of comfort. "You can handle it."
  376. > She didn't feel quite as confident, but Celestia still gave him a faint smile.
  377. "We'll see. Just don't say I didn't warn you if I come for you in the night."
  379. > ~~~~
  381. "Anonymous, we need to do something!"
  382. > Celestia was getting desperate. With the scare over her horn ring mishap over, the mare was feeling her heat again. It had returned with a vengeance, wild and hot and irresistible.
  383. > The human looked away from the boring game he was watching on the TV. "Your toys aren't helping?" he asked, as if offering a suggestion.
  384. > She groaned.
  385. "No! I told you so before. They are a stopgap measure at best. My body knows the difference between a toy and- the real thing."
  386. > The pony still blushed, even without actually saying it. She was imagining it clearly enough. She took a breath and went on:
  387. "Tonight. Soon! I'll want the- uh, the... *latter*!"
  388. > There was more bad news. She might as well lay it all out on the table and be done with it, Celestia thought.
  389. "And now there's no horn ring, so however well you tie me up, I'll just *magic* my way out."
  390. > Finally she was done and the pony was left breathing heavily and staring at Anonymous. And it wasn't just exertion that was making her out of breath!
  391. > The human seemed to sense it too. "Well, any suggestions?" he asked very cautiously.
  392. > She didn't like the idea she'd come up with, but they were running out of options.
  393. "I'll get drunk."
  394. > "What?! How will that help?"
  395. > The mare went to him and sat on the thick carpet. She had to wriggle her rump a little to shift the folded towel to a more comfortable spot. She didn't even mind it at this point, because otherwise she would be leaking everywhere.
  396. > It was yet another reminder of her problem. She froze, desperately trying to get a grip. Don't, she thought fervently. Don't grind!
  397. > At least Anonymous accepted her head in his lap without comment. And he didn't need prompting to put his hands on her head and begin massaging her ears.
  398. "I won't be able to use magic against you if I am drunk enough. And then I'll be sick, and I'll feel wretched and tired and I won't bother you."
  399. > He still seemed horrified. "That's barbaric!"
  400. > Barbaric was it? Maybe he'd prefer the other idea?
  401. "Alternatively, you could just - do the 'latter'. If that would make you feel better."
  402. > The human frowned, failing to understand her. "The latter? What do you mean?"
  403. > Celestia groaned a little and rolled her eyes in exasperation.
  404. "Rut me! Put me in bed, get on behind me and just *stick it in* like a normal stallion!"
  405. > When she realized what she had said, Celestia 'eeped' and closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at how red her owner was in the face. Probably not more than her, plus hers showed better on white fur!
  406. > Human faces were inherently pink. It didn't seem fair.
  407. > Her next words were very quiet.
  408. "Sorry. It's... bad. I can't stop thinking about it."
  409. > Anonymous coughed nervously. "Well, any other options?"
  410. > The pony forced herself to think.
  411. "Call Mrs. Turner back to bring the ring? If I don't try to change again it should still work."
  412. > She didn't like the idea in the slightest but before long she would be desperate. She blinked and looked at her owner to gauge his reaction. He wasn't a big fan either.
  413. "Or call Heavy Hoof - he said we could do it with a condom, but you'll have to make him swear he won't give away my secret."
  414. > She thought that last bit over again.
  415. "Or maybe just don't bother. With Glowbug and him, I might as well tell everypony and face the music. I'm nearly ready to do it, too!"
  416. > "That bad?" Anonymous asked sympathetically.
  417. "Yes!"
  418. > The human looked back up at the TV. "Okay, let me think for a minute."
  419. > The pony just grunted. The scratches were helping a little. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. The lap under her chin was very warm and the monotonous voice from the TV was helping her relax.
  420. >...
  421. > "Celestia? Wake up!"
  422. > She didn't like the tone. The alicorn had been half-dreaming and smacked her lips a little. She couldn't remember what the dream was about, but it was making her hot and cold all over, both at the same time.
  423. > "Celestia!"
  424. > She jerked awake and opened her eyes. Anonymous was staring down at her. She was still in his lap.
  425. > And his pants were soaked. The mare hurriedly pulled her tongue back in.
  426. "Eep!"
  427. > She moved her head away. Yeah, she had definitely slobbered a little. More than a little.
  428. "How long was I out?!"
  429. > Anonymous stood up and gingerly pulled the cloth away from himself. "A minute, maybe two."
  430. > She sighed. "You j-just smelled so nice. I swear I didn't do it intentionally, Anonymous!"
  431. > Her owner sighed and began the awkward, uncomfortable shuffle toward the bathroom. The mare followed him anxiously.
  432. "Please, you have to believe me! I just dozed off and my nose was right there, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
  433. > He paused and looked at her with concern. "Go down to the basement, you know where the liquor cabinet is?"
  434. > She nodded with her ears folded back in shame.
  435. > "Take whatever you need," the man said, but had to pause to think. "There should be all sorts. Denis keeps bringing it from his vacation in Europe. Take two bottles. No, wait. Make it three."
  436. > Celestia heaved a shuddering sigh and dragged herself away. She knew about the cabinet in the back of the laundry room. Why it was there, she couldn't guess. But Anonymous never drank and didn't seem to have guests often. Possibly it was just conveniently out of the way.
  437. > She went downstairs and looked through the bottles. It seemed like no one had touched them in a long time.
  438. > The mare remembered the layer of dust which had been on the cabinet when she cleaned it a few weeks ago. She might even be the first person ever to take anything out of there!
  439. > She picked the most beautiful bottles she could find. One was an elegant round affair with amber liquid. It read 'Greenore Single Grain Irish Whiskey'. It sounded exotic. And then there was the nice, green one - it gave her some trouble to read in the unfamiliar language:
  440. "Di-able Vert. Absinthe?"
  441. > She wondered how it was really pronounced.
  442. > Anonymous had said to take three. She picked a clear bottle with another strange name. She tried to say it anyway, just for the fun of it. And for the small distraction.
  443. "Bauer's Obstler? Schnapps? Forty percent."
  444. > She levitated the bottles from their shelves and closed the cabinet. Then she went to look for the human.
  445. > Maybe it would even be fun. She would have to do it on her own, though. The alicorn couldn't risk blabbing about who she really was and her lies about the slavery. She couldn't let him find out from drunk Celestia!
  446. > Anonymous was back in the living room with fresh pants. He simply watched as she arrayed the bottles before him on the coffee table.
  447. > Then he looked up at her. "Interesting choices. Your favourites?"
  448. > The pony shook her head.
  449. "No, I don't know any of them. But I don't mind trying. It's been *ages* since I had a real drink, so I guess it won't take a whole lot."
  450. > It was just as well. She didn't want to use up too many of them. The bottles looked expensive.
  451. "I'll go to my room. Can you lock it from the outside? Oh, and..."
  452. > She concentrated for a moment. Several large towels floated from the laundry room upstairs to her bed. And the plastic bucket she had used for the mop whizzed past them. Hopefully she would remember to throw up in there, rather than on the floor or bed.
  453. > Either way, she was getting used to cleaning up messes in her room.
  454. > The human watched it strangely. "You can drink here, I don't really mind. And I'll make sure you don't hurt yourself."
  455. > She wanted to. She *really* wanted to. And maybe she could get him to take a glass or two as well. Maybe it would loosen him up to consider the 'latter option'!
  456. > But she really didn't know what she would be like when drunk. The danger of spilling her secret was simply too great.
  457. > The alicorn sighed sadly.
  458. "I don't want you to see me like that. I will take care of it. It's just tonight, and then tomorrow I'll be able to control it again."
  459. > He was about to argue and Celestia knew she would give in if he did.
  460. "Shut up!"
  461. > She was dangerously near tears.
  462. "Not a word, Anonymous! If you won't do what I need you to do, because 'it would be wrong'..."
  463. > Her wings made the air quotes almost without her thinking about it.
  464. "...then this is the only thing I can do to obey your wishes! Yes, it will be wretched. And I can't imagine how awful I'll feel in the morning!"
  465. > She took a shuddering breath and made her glare return.
  466. "But I will *not* have you watching as I do this! I will *not* have you see me drunk out of my mind and mad with the heat! You will do me the courtesy of not listening, either!"
  467. > The Princess was in court, that's what her voice carried. And it worked. The human lowered his eyes and nodded.
  468. > "I'm sorry," he said, at last.
  469. "So am I. But after this, you *owe* me!"
  470. > It didn't quite make sense, she knew. It was her body that was the problem. And her own mistake in not coming to Earth prepared. At the very least, she could have warned her owner in advance to get her a non-changeling horn ring in time.
  471. > But she was suffering and she would make at least part of it Anonymous' fault!
  472. > "Well..."
  473. > He was about to reach the same conclusion as her - that it was her own failures that had led to this.
  474. "No! No excuses! I'll do this to spare your feelings, but I get my bath privileges back! I will have completed my punishment, okay?!"
  475. > Anonymous sighed and stood up. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry, Celestia."
  476. > It was a small victory, at least.
  477. "Well, fine. When this is all over, we'll talk!"
  478. > The emotions were slipping out of her control. She should get out of the room before she said something foolish and ruined everything! But this had been collecting in her gut for a while and it had to come out before she burst.
  479. "If all you want is a house maid, that's fine. I can do that - I'll find what I need someplace else! But I'd like something more! You don't get to be this nice to me and not expect a mare to fall head over hooves! You can't be this kind and understanding without getting something back, okay?!"
  480. > The tears were starting in earnest and she looked away. Her owner wasn't answering her, but he was looking and waiting for her to finish.
  481. "I l-"
  482. > It still wouldn't come out and the alicorn cursed herself for cowardice.
  483. "I like you, Anonymous. I really do."
  484. > Even now she blushed, even with this half-admission. How could the human be so thick?! Anyone with half a brain would understand what she wanted to say!
  485. > "You're emotional, I understand. Do what you have to today. I have some Tylenol in the medicine cabinet, I'll leave it out if you need it tomorrow."
  486. > She couldn't believe it. Even after practically throwing herself at the human, he was just - friendly and understanding.
  487. > What did it take?!
  488. > Could it be that he didn't believe her? That it was all the heat talking?
  489. > Was it?
  490. > It was a big, stupid mess and the mare let her head drop.
  491. "We'll talk tomorrow. I'm sorry."
  492. > And now there was his hand, gliding down her withers and back. He was careful to avoid the wings as he brought his hand back to pat her neck gently.
  493. > "I expect we will, Celestia. I expect we will."
  494. > She whimpered a little and ran for it. After a moment, the bottles floated after her.
  495. > Now she really needed that drink. Maybe it would quell her mind.
  496. > Even before she had fully shut her door, the mare was sobbing quietly. She threw herself on the bed, hurriedly unstoppered the green bottle and lifted it up to her mouth.
  497. > It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. But at the same time it was the most vile, disgusting, burning liquid she had ever swallowed.
  498. > She heard the lock on her door click as Anonymous turned the key.
  499. > The pony sighed and took another swig.
  500. > The blasted heat was ruining everything! It was making her stupid. It was driving her to do and say all these idiotic things!
  501. > Yes there was something she felt for the human. But was it love? Respect? Kinship? Was he a friend, or a potential mate?
  502. > Did she even want anything to happen, truly?
  503. > It was impossible to tell, not with the mixture of hormones rushing through her body.
  504. > She put the green bottle down on her end table and opened the amber one.
  505. "Gah!"
  506. > That burned even worse than the first one. But she persisted and gulped thirstily until it was a quarter gone.
  507. > Please, let it work quickly! She wanted to stop thinking.
  508. > The toys were on her bed, waiting. Soon, the alcohol would cloud her mind and then she would probably reach for them.
  509. > Anything, just to get the night over with!
  510. > She wanted to be herself again, not a slave to her... her *marebits*!
  512. > ~~~~
  514. > The first minute after waking up was fine. But then Celestia made the mistake of trying to move.
  515. "Ughhhh."
  516. > It was barely a groan. She didn't even know how she had been able to sleep. Her head and forelegs were on the bed and the rest of her was hanging down to the floor. No wonder her back felt stiff.
  517. > And the smell. Gah! Yuck!
  518. > At least most of her sick ended up in the bucket. Even so, the mare couldn't stand it much longer. She stood up on wobbly legs and reached clumsily for her magic.
  519. > It was slow and faltering, but she managed to open the window and toss the plastic abomination out.
  520. > She would find it and wash it later. When her head stopped pounding like that.
  521. > It was overcast outside, but the mare was only dimly aware of that. If it rained, it might wash the bucket some.
  522. > The alicorn froze as there was a knock on her door. "Celestia? Are you alright?"
  523. > It was Anonymous! The pony glanced at her clock. Nearly eleven! He should have been at work.
  524. > Not fair! Not again! He wasn't supposed to be around to see her like that *again*! The mare hurriedly climbed on her bed and desperately tried to blow the bad air out with her wings.
  525. > At least this time she had wings!
  526. > The door opened and the human stepped in.
  527. "Eep!"
  528. > She flushed somewhere between pink and red as they looked at each other. Why did the human keep finding her on the windowsill doing something silly?!
  529. > "How are you feeling?"
  530. > Celestia slowly lowered herself from the window and lay down on her bed.
  531. "Blergh!"
  532. > Again, the human didn't sit down beside her. Not on that bed! But he came forward. At least the pat or the scratch would be nice, the mare thought.
  533. > But instead, she smelled water. Oh yes, Anonymous was carrying a glass. She hadn't been paying much attention, but now it reminded her just how thirsty she was.
  534. > "Here, take this. It should help," the human said. "I called the vet and it's okay for ponies."
  535. > Thoughtful, even if 'vet' stung a little. She opened her mouth and accepted the pill. Then she had to lift her head a little so her owner could give her water.
  536. > She was grateful for that. The mare wasn't sure her magic was up to the task just yet.
  537. "Thank you, Anonymous."
  538. > There it was. He had seen her at her absolute worst. No doubt he was permanently turned off mares.
  539. > Stupid body, and stupid heat and stupid alcohol and stupid... other fluids. The room was a mess. The towels hadn't helped.
  540. > And it looked like she had fallen off the bed in the middle of her 'fun', so now it was in the carpet, too.
  541. "I'll clean it all up, I swear! I just need a few minutes..."
  542. > She remembered the time and looked at the human sharply.
  543. "You were supposed to be at work anyway!"
  544. > He shrugged. "Took a sick day. Thought you might need some help. It didn't sound pleasant last night."
  545. > And here came the blush again.
  546. "Sorry."
  547. > She closed her eyes. The pounding in her head was making it hard to think. And all her muscles were sore. And the taste in her mouth was absolutely foul.
  548. "Please go away."
  549. > Above all, she didn't want Anonymous to see her like that! When she had started to drink herself into a stupor, her one pleasant thought was that the human wouldn't be there to see the aftermath.
  550. > She was supposed to have the house empty for at least a few more hours, so she could clean up her room, herself and maybe even do the laundry!
  551. > It was completely unfair!
  552. > She couldn't choke back the sob.
  553. > And why did he have to be so *nice* about it all? There it was! His hand in her mane already, patting comfortingly.
  554. > "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" the jerk asked, as if he didn't know. "It's not that bad, is it? Do you want me to get another pill?"
  555. > She shook her head.
  556. "It's..."
  557. > Celestia couldn't get the words out around the lump in her throat.
  558. > And still the human didn't understand! The hand slid up to her head and pried open one of her ears, which she was holding pressed firmly against her skull.
  559. > "Come on, anything you need. I want to help," Anonymous cooed as he fiddled with her ear.
  560. > That just made it worse. If he really wanted to help her, he could have said 'yes' last night. There would still be a mess, but it would be in *his* room. And it would be a beautiful mess!
  561. > The pony took a deep breath and opened her eye. It sought out Anonymous.
  562. "What I need is my dignity back."
  563. > He didn't know how to answer that, which gave Celestia a tiny victory.
  564. "Please get out of the room. I need a shower, and I need to clean this up. And - ugh! - I need to brush my teeth a couple of times. And then I'll go and make us lunch."
  565. > He didn't seem quite sure about that plan. "Are you sure? It wouldn't be a problem-"
  566. "No!"
  567. > It was an effort, but Celestia lifted her head up.
  568. "You've seen enough! I'm not even embarrassed anymore, Anonymous! I *need* this! Let me pull myself together on my own, okay?!"
  569. > She shook her head and dislodged the hand.
  570. "Once I'm presentable again I will seek you out."
  571. > Outside it started to rain. It felt appropriate. And it would make it easier to clean up after the bucket. Maybe if she went out, it would even wash some of her shame away.
  572. > "Are you sure that's what you want?" Anonymous asked. "It's really no problem. I can make us sandwiches, or we can order something."
  573. "Shut up!"
  574. > It was perhaps more forceful than she had intended, but the mare felt brittle. A wrong touch or a bad memory and she would go to pieces.
  575. > And the human would *never* see that! She would make sure!
  576. > She pushed her owner away with a hoof, then resolutely slid out of the bed. She made her legs hold her steady and kept her glare on Anonymous.
  577. "It's done! My heat is over!"
  578. > That wasn't entirely true - she would be quite excitable for a few days. But the worst was behind her and Celestia felt she could control the rest of it.
  579. "You saw what it did to me. I'd rather you didn't, but there it is! If you want to do me favours, let me get on with my work and forget what happened! I don't need, nor want your pity."
  580. > Had he returned her feelings, she would have gladly taken comfort from those hands and that lap. But even after she had nearly presented her winking-
  581. > Celestia stopped the thought ruthlessly and went on around it. Even after that he didn't want her. Either he was a complete gentlecolt, or the human didn't feel even slightly attracted to someone of another species.
  582. > The former - she could work with that. As for the latter...
  583. > Then she would serve out her role in his house with as much grace and dignity as she could muster. And then, once she was fed up with it, she would leave. As simple as that.
  584. > Leave without even telling Anonymous anything.
  585. > She just watched the human silently. She knew how she looked - frazzled, tangled mess of a mane, matted and sticky fur. Tail and rear practically encrusted with- best not to think about what.
  586. > Her wings were in a disarray, her chin was covered in dried up sick. And there was probably a wild, crazed look in her eyes.
  587. > It was the ugliest she had ever felt.
  588. > And still the human didn't avert his eyes. He didn't step away, or cover his nose from the stench.
  589. > His lack of a reaction gave her an impossible hope.
  590. > It would all hinge on what the human said next.
  591. > So she waited. Even with all her experience, there was no way to guess at what the man was thinking. But she made her face impassive - he wouldn't know either! Not anymore.
  592. > At long last, he reached out and picked a bit of something gross out of the fur on her cheek.
  593. > "Maybe you don't want pity, but what you need is a bath. Go down and enjoy yourself. This-" he waved his arm around the destroyed room, "-can wait. And if the carpet is ruined, I'll have it replaced. Don't worry about it, Celestia."
  594. > She just kept her eyes on him. Okay, maybe it would all hinge on the next thing, then!
  595. > "And don't worry, you're still pretty under all that."
  596. > Her composure broke, but only for an instant. Enough for a single sob to escape her.
  597. > She reached out her wings and hugged her owner.
  598. "Tell me there's still a chance!"
  599. > If she had been impressed before, she was doubly so now. Not only did the human fail to show any revulsion at being nuzzled by all that dirt, he even put an arm around her neck!
  600. > "There's always been a chance, Celestia. Let's wait till your heat is completely over, then we'll see, okay?"
  601. > She nodded against his cheek.
  602. > "Now go get that bath. That's an order!"
  603. > She nodded again, but now the mare was smiling a little.
  604. "Yes, Master Anonymous."
  606. > ~~~~
  608. > The week passed in near silence. Celestia barely spoke with Anonymous and he seemed fine with that.
  609. > Her shame slowly slid into the past and the pony no longer found her face coloring the instant she saw her owner.
  610. > 'There has always been a chance,' he had said. A chance for them. And she wanted it! Not the physical aspect of it - that had really been just the heat - but the emotional connection.
  611. > The mare threw herself into housework until every surface gleamed, every carpet was spotless and not a single speck of dust was to be found anywhere in the house.
  612. > It helped. Finally she could face the man again.
  613. > On Saturday she made them a casserole - an interesting dish from the cookbook and very tasty if she replaced meat with broccoli. A bit of squash and a few mushrooms really perfected the dish.
  614. > Even the human couldn't help but praise it.
  615. > When they finished and Celestia had washed all their dishes, she went to the living room, placed herself between the human and his TV and stared him down.
  616. "What happens now?"
  617. > Of course he didn't immediately understand. "Hmm? What are you talking about, Celestia? Did something happen?"
  618. "No. Between us. Things have been... quiet. I'd like for that to change."
  619. > The human leaned back against the couch and crossed his legs before answering: "Then talk."
  620. > When she saw the slight smile, the pony realized that her owner intended to have some fun at her expense. Undoubtedly he was trying to fluster her.
  621. > It was unfair! He had seen her just about as embarrassed as she could possibly be. And she had no way to turn the tables on him!
  622. > One of these days she would face Anonymous with the green bottle and make him empty it! Just so she could see the human completely drunk.
  623. > But not today. For now, she decided to play along. Act as if everything was normal. Deny him his fun.
  624. > Celestia hopped on the couch and nestled against Anonymous' side. She sighed in comfort.
  625. "Do you wish to do something over the weekend? Go someplace?"
  626. > Maybe Anonymous was disappointed that she hadn't taken the bait, but he answered readily enough: "Actually, it will rain most of the time. I arranged with Maggie to bring Glitter Dust tomorrow. You two are going to clean the gutters and check the roof."
  627. > The two statements seemed to conflict.
  628. "You just said it would rain."
  629. > That smile was back. "I did."
  630. "But you expect us to work on the roof?"
  631. > The human was too still. He was holding back laughter. "It wouldn't be much of a punishment if it was pleasant, would it?"
  632. > Celestia opened her mouth to argue, but then thought better of it. She was still a little mad at the pegasus for tricking her. An afternoon of rooting through wet and slimy gutters would be the perfect punishment.
  633. > But she wasn't cruel.
  634. "Okay, but when we are done, we get to use the steam room."
  635. > "Agreed."
  636. > So far, so good.
  637. "Then there's work. I guess I start again on Monday? The trade guide?"
  638. > The human nodded. "Yes. But you're a bit behind. If you can't finish it before the robbery case starts, you'll switch to that and finish the guideline later."
  639. > It didn't much matter. Celestia didn't care what sort of work she would have to do to atone for her overspending.
  640. > "Now, about your heat-"
  641. > Instantly her ears were down and the mare froze in trepidation.
  642. > The human didn't seem angry, or annoyed. He spoke a bit too calmly. Obviously he had been thinking about it. "I understand it was your biology and you couldn't help it. But that wasn't entirely pleasant to witness, you understand?"
  643. > The pony sighed. It wasn't as if she'd had any choice! She considered stomping angrily away, but that would not have helped either of them.
  644. "It could have been very pleasant for us both! All you had to do was say 'yes'!"
  645. > Anonymous turned slightly to look at her. His face went all frowny and clouded. "You know that wouldn't have been fair of me."
  646. "It was unfair one way or the other, Anonymous! If you said yes, maybe I could have retained my dignity. Why are you so adamant about this?!"
  647. > Now there was a response. Her owner looked away and put a hand over his eyes. He drew a long breath. Something else was bothering him, and the mare couldn't say what.
  648. > But she was intensely curious. She reached out a wing and tipped his face back to look at her.
  649. "Please - you can tell me, I won't mind."
  650. > For a while it seemed he wouldn't. But Celestia waited and eventually he spoke: "My early career - it was criminal cases. Abuse, to be exact. Sometimes children."
  651. > There were a lot of memories there, she saw. And many of them were bad ones. The mare rested her wing around Anonymous' shoulders for the comfort it would bring. She still didn't speak.
  652. > "Some of them were quite bad. I often wished I didn't know the details." The human moved his hand from his face, but he didn't seem to know where to put it. It looked like he wanted to grasp her wing for comfort, but changed his mind.
  653. > Celestia quickly prodded his fingers with a hoof and he gripped that instead.
  654. > She also smiled gently.
  655. "I understand. You have seen how bad it could be. And you were worried I would feel like that once the heat was over."
  656. > "Exactly," Anonymous replied quickly. He seemed relieved she understood without having to hear the specifics. Thinking about it, so was Celestia. She didn't particularly want to hear details of such things.
  657. > "It was good for my career, but not good for *me*, you see?"
  658. "You should have said. Okay, I don't mind, but it would have been easier if I had known! As it was, you just seemed prudish and obstinate. I wondered if maybe it was because you didn't find ponies attractive. We are a different species, after all."
  659. > Now the human shook his head. "No, that's not it at all. It was just that in heat you seemed remarkably similar to being drugged."
  660. > It was a relief. There wasn't something wrong with her. Anonymous didn't find her ugly or repulsive, even after seeing the mess she had made. It was just the human being reluctant because of the things he had seen. Worried that she would change her mind about being willing after the fact, maybe?
  661. > It was a little flattering and sweet, now that she thought about it. He really did take her feelings into consideration.
  662. > Though perhaps a bit too much.
  663. "I appreciate your concern, really. But now it's over. I'm not 'drugged' anymore. So what happens now?"
  664. > The human didn't seem to have an answer: "I don't know."
  665. > She didn't either. But she knew it would take some work and patience.
  666. "Let's take it slow, then. How about a dinner sometime?"
  667. > For a moment the mare remembered that she was *technically* his slave. A slave asking her master out to dinner, no less.
  668. > It was funny and she chuckled slightly to herself.
  669. "Don't worry - the quality of my housework will not slip, Anonymous. I will not get ideas above my station."
  670. > Now he laughed as well. It was good that her owner had such a relaxed attitude toward her. It would make it easier to explain when she had to tell him the truth. At least she hoped it would.
  671. > "Oh, that reminds me. We are invited to lunch next weekend. It is Sally's birthday and Christine asked me to bring you."
  672. > It was only a child's party, but it sounded like fun. And, naturally, there would be cake!
  673. > The mare gasped a little.
  674. "I will make the cake! I insist! Call Christine right now and tell her not to order it from anyplace else."
  675. > Anonymous paused to think for a moment, then brightened up. "Good idea. I know how you like to bake. And you're good at it."
  676. > She nearly pumped her hoof in victory. Finally her owner had admitted it!
  677. > More than that: here was an excuse to spend an entire day or two in the kitchen, just fiddling with biscuit and filling and decorations. In fact - the mare decided - she would make two! A chocolate cake and a fruit cake.
  678. > The alicorn hadn't had much of a selection since she had started working for Anonymous, so it would be a nice excuse to remind herself of the taste.
  679. > But as she began planning the treat Celestia noticed that the human was a little nervous. He was looking away, so she prodded with a hoof and demanded:
  680. "There's more. Say it."
  681. > Anonymous didn't quite look at her. "Actually, I already have an idea for a different gift. Well, Christine asked for it, actually."
  682. "Oh?"
  683. > The mare was curious to hear what the humans have come up with.
  684. > "This is only if you agree to it, understand? I will not force you to go through with it, Celestia."
  685. > He was very worried about her reaction. It sounded ominous, but she was burning with curiosity.
  686. "Yes?"
  687. > "A little saddle," he answered, but didn't say anything more.
  688. > The alicorn frowned in confusion. What would a young girl want with a saddle? The humans didn't give other humans rides, as far as she knew.
  689. "Why a saddle? Why would Sally want a saddle?"
  690. > Anonymous caught her misunderstanding and he grinned a little. "Actually, it's for you."
  691. "What?!"
  692. > He had been right to be nervous! Celestia wasn't sure she liked the idea at all!
  693. > He explained quickly: "Christine asked me if you would be willing to give the kids pony rides. Nothing too strenuous, just a short walk with each of them. And there's not that many. I'll buy the saddle, if you would do it."
  694. > They intended to use her as a beast of burden! Ride her! *Her*! Princess Celestia! The ruler of Equestria!
  695. > She was about to give Anonymous a resounding 'no'. That ride she had given the child had been a one-time thing! He should have known that. The human should have told Christine that from the onset!
  696. > Cake, yes. Pony rides, no!
  697. > But she paused. An insidious memory crept in - of the child laughing and bouncing up and down on her back. And her grateful face, and her excited babbling to her mother about it.
  698. > They were only children. Perhaps she could make an exception?
  699. > The mare hung her head. The request went straight into her heart. There was no way she could show up and disappoint the little girl and her friends.
  700. "Only those friends who are the same age as Sally, or younger. And it's not to become a regular thing! Do you hear me Anonymous? I like that child, but you will not rent me out as a riding pony!"
  701. > He was starting to chuckle at her apparent fiery demands. But it only spurred her on.
  702. "I mean in, Anonymous! It is a special occasion, and I'm doing this for Sally *only*! The next time you promise someone a pony ride, it will be *you* wearing the saddle, understand?!"
  703. > But the human just ended up laughing harder. Celestia sighed and slumped back against his shoulder.
  704. "Promise me it will not become a regular thing, Anonymous?"
  705. > He still didn't answer, so she tried another angle:
  706. "I know I offered you a pony ride, but that was for you only."
  707. > That shut him up. The human turned a pleasing shade of pink. She quickly pushed it a bit further:
  708. "You know, if you get a bridle, and some reins..."
  709. > She didn't finish the thought. The way Anonymous was suddenly coughing was most amusing.
  710. > Celestia considered it a victory and it put her in a good mood again. It really did seem that her embarrassment was forgotten. And now that she understood why Anonymous had been reluctant to - as he saw it - take advantage of her, she didn't feel as bad about the messes she had made.
  711. "When you said you liked me - that night before we got the ring from Mrs. Turner - was it a lie to make me feel better during my trying time?"
  712. > It took Anonymous a while to remember, but then he shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I do like you, Celestia. But perhaps not in the way you'd want."
  713. "But you're open to that way?"
  714. > She held her breath until her owner gave a slight nod. "I suppose I am."
  715. > He nudged her in the ribs with his elbow. "Besides, you're not really acting like a slave at all. Sometimes I feel like we're already married or something."
  716. > The pony froze with trepidation. He wasn't figuring it out, was he?
  717. "Sorry. I'll try-"
  718. > A hand came up to push her mouth shut. "I don't mind. I got you for the housework, but I'm keeping you for the company. You're fine. Just remember - keep it professional in public."
  719. > She smiled with relief.
  720. "Yes, Master."
  721. > The talk had done her a world of good. She was happy to know that she hadn't irreversibly ruined her chances with Anonymous. It looked like their life together would go back to normal, more or less.
  722. > But, on the other hoof, he owner had agreed to take her out to dinner. In that setting, she could start building something more between them.
  723. > She was sure she wanted it, now.
  725. > ~~~~
  727. > Sunday was the only day Maggie's store was closed. Despite Glitter Dust's complaints, the woman had come to rely on her help, so that was the only day the pegasus was available to work off her debt to Anonymous.
  728. > Celestia came running for the front door when she heard the bell and changed into Supple Branch just before she reached it. She had to rear up to hook a leg on the door handle so she could pull it open.
  729. "Welcome! Come in, come in!"
  730. > Her friend didn't seem quite as happy, but Maggie was soon grinning back. "Someone's excited to get started!" she commented.
  731. > Celestia moved smoothly aside and dropped into a small bow.
  732. "Please. Mr. Anonymous is in the living room. I will bring tea there in a few minutes."
  733. > She bundled her guests inside and closed the door. Then she nudged the pegasus onward with her muzzle.
  734. "Go on, you know the way. A cup of tea and then we can get started, alright?"
  735. > Glitter Dust gave her a hesitant smile in return. "Y-yeah, sure."
  736. > Celestia escorted the ladies and saw them seated on the couch. Then she ducked into the kitchen and put the pot on the stove.
  737. > She could have heated it with magic, but the mare didn't want to use spells in her disguise. It could become a habit and then it would be all too easy to forget herself in front of her guests.
  738. > The pony resisted, however annoying it was to get all the cups on the tray using nothing more than her hooves and her mouth. And a chair she had to push around to reach things.
  739. > But the alicorn didn't let it dampen her mood. She had missed some *mare* company, in truth. Celestia hadn't spoken much with her friends over Skype - mainly out of embarrassment. Now that she was - nearly - over it, she missed them.
  740. > And Glitter Dust would understand in a way Rock Lichen and Heavy Hoof couldn't. And probably Glowbug also couldn't. Did changelings go into heat?
  741. > All these years and she had never thought to wonder about that.
  742. > Maybe she would ask her. After all, Celestia had promised to get to know the unicorn a little better.
  743. > The water was soon boiling and the crockery was stacked and ready. She carefully lifted the pot with her teeth and placed it on a heat-mat on the tray with the rest. She hopped down from the chair and pushed it away.
  744. > Then Celestia looked at the laden thing. An earth pony would have no problems lifting it and juggling it to her back. Nor would carrying it around be an issue.
  745. > Even a pegasus could do it, although she would use her wings to help balance it.
  746. > But alicorns - much like unicorns - tended to rely on their magic.
  747. > She didn't relish the idea of pouring boiling water all over herself, nor did she enjoy the thought of explaining to Anonymous why all of his fine china was in little pieces on the floor.
  748. > Celestia scrunched up her muzzle as she thought about it. Then she went and peered out into the hallway to make sure she was alone.
  749. > There wouldn't be much harm, would there? Her horn wasn't visible, and if she kept the levitating grip on the underside of the tray there would be no telltale glow.
  750. > She sighed and quickly focused.
  751. > The tray floated down to her back. She would only steady it, nothing more.
  752. > Then Celestia made her way back to the living room. The humans were already deep in discussion. Something about Anonymous' car, it sounded like. Glitter Dusk was also listening with interest.
  753. > Celestia deeply hoped that the pegasus didn't work on cars. Those things seemed dangerous enough, without the reckless mare poking her hooves into what she didn't understand.
  754. > The alicorn used a moment when their guests were looking at Anonymous' gesturing and quickly shuffled the tray from her back to the coffee table.
  755. > The crockery tinkled a little, but they didn't see the quick burst of magic.
  756. "Tea? Maggie? Glitter? It's chilly outside."
  757. > Her friend puffed out her chest. "Yeah, maybe for you earth ponies! We pegasi are used to cold. High altitude and all that, you know?"
  758. > Celestia poked her tongue at the insolent mare. Used to cold? Hah! Undoubtedly she had been spoiled by her soft bed and warm radiator.
  759. > She hopped up to the armchair with her owner and simply made herself comfortable in his lap.
  760. > Anonymous didn't seem to mind and just kept explaining something. "Turns out, it was just a leak and the fluid was low. Mechanic said it could have been a lot worse."
  761. > Maggie nodded. "Yeah, parts for these new transmissions can get expensive."
  762. > The man just waved a hand. "I don't mind expensive. Besides it was still under warranty. It could have slipped out of gear on the highway and left me in a problematic situation. Or it could have seized, which is even worse."
  763. > The pegasus chimed in as well. "Yeah! And then it would have *exploded*! Yikes!"
  764. > Both Maggie and Anonymous laughed at the pegasus, who smiled back after a while. Then the man pointed to the tray. "Please, feel free. Both of you."
  765. > Maggie began pouring herself a cup, but Glitter Dust shrugged it off. "Thanks, but I'd rather just get started on that roof. Maybe finish before it rains again. What do you need me to do, exactly?"
  766. > He had explained it all to Celestia before the two came, so Anonymous simply picked the mare up and dropped her to the floor.
  767. > "Supple will show you everything."
  768. > Celestia made sure not to grumble at being so rudely dislodged from a comfortable seat as she led her friend out of the room and up the stairs.
  769. "It's nothing hard, actually. There's a hatch up here - you'll need to fly up to reach it. And there's a ladder. And then there's a window that opens to the roof up top."
  770. > They found the attic trapdoor and Glitter jumped and grabbed the short piece of string with her mouth. She barely had to flap her wings.
  771. > The door opened and a ladder unfolded out, just like Anonymous had showed her.
  772. > Celestia made her way up first. There was a light switch and she found it mostly by memory.
  773. > She moved away from the entrance and let her friend up behind her.
  774. "Okay, the idea is that you get to the edge and scoop up all the gunk and leaves and everything out of the gutters. And I'm supposed to follow you below with a bucket and clean it up. Got it?"
  775. > Her nose wrinkled a little in disgust, but the pegasus quickly accepted her fate. "Fine. Shouldn't be a problem. Anything else?"
  776. > Celestia looked around. The entire floor was used mostly as a store room. She remembered the shape of the house. The roof was barely slanted and there wasn't a real peak. That made the attic quite roomy.
  777. > A very ugly design, but it had make it easier to organize the place. Before she had gotten her hooves on it, the place had been a mishmash of random objects.
  778. > She quickly spotted what she was looking for.
  779. "There's some spare roof tiles over there. You're supposed to check each one up there if it's cracked or broken. And then you somehow pull it up and replace it with a fresh one. I don't know how to do that, Anonymous didn't show me."
  780. > They found the window and Glitter Dust quickly got it open. There was another, shorter ladder and the ponies emerged on the roof.
  781. > "Okay, let's see here," the pegasus murmured and prodded at one of the tiles. She could easily lift it with a hoof, but it was stuck under others on two sides.
  782. > The mare had to lie down on her belly and use both hooves to lift the neighboring ones and then she was able to remove the tile with her mouth.
  783. > She slid it back and let everything settle down.
  784. > "Ugh, it's gonna be annoying. Let's hope there aren't many broken ones," she said hopefully. "Well, at least it isn't glued down or something. They just fit together."
  785. "Well, if I help you lift those, you won't have to use your mouth. You find them and I'll fetch, and then we'll replace them together."
  786. > That earned her a grateful hug. "Thanks, Supple. You're a real friend."
  787. > They approached the edge of the roof and Glitter Dust looked down into the gutters. Whatever was in them, it was black.
  788. > "Yuck," the mare said. "I don't enjoy having that on my hooves. But at least there's not a bunch of it."
  789. "It's a large house. It'll take some time."
  790. > The pegasus looked around herself. "Yeah, it will. Best to get started, right?"
  791. > It really was. The skies were overcast. It had rained in the night and it should have been pouring still. Some stroke of luck left them with a bit of relief, but it could begin again any minute.
  792. > But before she began her work, the pony lowered her voice and turned an inquisitive stare on Celestia. "But I'm not starting until you tell me!"
  793. "Tell you what?"
  794. > She had a very insolent, inappropriate grin and it instantly made the alicorn color. Yeah, she could guess what Glitter Dust wanted.
  795. > "How was it with Heavy Hoof? Glowbug said you two did it over Skype again!"
  796. > Her ears went down and Celestia sighed.
  797. "Why does everypony gossip so much?!"
  798. > "Spill it, or I'm not doing a thing," Glitter threatened.
  799. > It would probably earn the pegasus a spanking. On that note, it would earn *her* one as well! Celestia groaned quietly. Either her friend didn't care about another beating, or she wanted to know more than she feared Maggie.
  800. > Probably the latter.
  801. "It went about as you can imagine. You know how heat is!"
  802. > The other mare leaned closer. "You didn't wanna go to your human for help?"
  803. > The alicorn didn't know how to answer at first. But eventually she decided on honesty. A heart-to-heart with a mare was what she had wanted, after all.
  804. "I tried. Believe me, I tried!"
  805. > "And?"
  806. "He said no. He said it wouldn't be right, since I wasn't myself."
  807. > The pegasus blinked in surprise. "What, is he gay or something?"
  808. > Celestia hadn't considered that. Surely not? He had explained his reasons - but she wouldn't share them with Glitter Dust.
  809. "I don't think so. He never said."
  810. > "Did you show him your rump and wink?" came the next question. It made Celestia blush some more and she couldn't keep looking at the pegasus.
  811. "Not... intentionally. But he must have seen it."
  812. > Glitter nodded sagely. "Yep. Gay. Totally gay."
  813. "What makes you say that?!"
  814. > "Here, lemme show you." The mare stepped closer and nuzzled the alicorn gently. The light touch ended with a lick on her ears which made Celestia's knees a little weak. Then the pegasus turned and flicked her tail aside. It was a very suggestive gesture.
  815. > Her heat was well over, but even so Celestia felt a twinge of desire. Her mouth parted a little and she blushed. The pegasus had been watching for that and grinned triumphantly.
  816. > "See? We're adorable. And humans find ponies irresistibly cute. Men take one look at our... ahem, 'treasure', and they go wild."
  817. > She pierced Celestia with a stare. "Did he get hard when he saw you all wet like that?"
  818. > The alicorn barely suppressed an embarrassed squeak. She had never expected her friend to be so forthright!
  819. > Maybe the pegasus had caught whatever strange illness Heavy Hoof had?
  820. > But she found herself hiding a guilty little grin of excitement. Talking like that about Anonymous was incredibly naughty, but also quite exhilarating!
  821. "Maybe... a little? I didn't see it very well under the clothes, but it felt like it."
  822. > Glitter Dust's eyes went wide. "You felt it?" she asked flatly. "When? What were you doing at the time?"
  823. > It wasn't a memory she was proud of. She didn't want to tell her friend. But the pegasus prodded her ribs with a hoof. "Come on, tell! Coooome oooon, Supple. Talk!"
  824. > Her ears lowered some more and the red on her face became brighter yet.
  825. "I... might have slobbered on him a little. I fell asleep in his lap."
  826. > "You *sucked him off*?!"
  827. "No! NO! Nothing like that! I just nuzzled it a little and licked it a few times! Through clothes!"
  828. > The pegasus was giving her the flattest and and most put-upon stare she had ever seen on a pony. Then she rolled her eyes and prodded her with a hoof. "Okay, what happened next?"
  829. > Celestia looked away.
  830. "I got drunk and went on Skype with Heavy Hoof..."
  831. > It was obvious there was a piece of the story missing. Glitter sighed and asked again: "I meant, what happened right after you... licked him? 'By accident.'" She even signed the air quotes with her wings.
  832. "Oh. He went to change into new pants."
  833. > Now her friend was nodding knowingly. "Yep. Gay. No doubt about it."
  834. > Celestia felt she needed to clear up Anonymous' name.
  835. "No, he just didn't want to take advantage of me."
  836. > "In that case, he's the biggest, nicest, *bestest* gentlecolt who has ever lived, *ever*. Or he's stupid. Or maybe both."
  837. "Well, he's taking me out for dinner so we can talk and see where it goes!"
  838. > Glitter fell silent for a moment, then there was a dangerous gleam in her eyes. "You will click me on Skype the instant you get back, okay? Unless he takes you to his bed - then you can tell me in the morning."
  839. > She even sounded magnanimous, as if granting both Celestia and Anonymous her blessing to be together.
  840. "You are a gossip! Besides, what do you know about ponies and humans anyway?!"
  841. > Now the pegasus blushed a little. There was a story there. It was time for revenge!
  842. "Tell. Me. Now. Or I won't tell you a single thing about Anonymous anymore!"
  843. > The threat worked and Glitter Dust leaned closer. "Don't tell anypony, okay?"
  844. > Celestia just nodded. A moment later the pegasus lowered her voice nearly to a whisper. She was imparting a big secret. "There's this older couple in the next building. Their son is off in college, but he comes home over holidays. We got talking one day and we kinda- became friends."
  845. > So far there was nothing sinister or strange, so the alicorn kept quiet and waited for the rest of the story.
  846. > "Anyway, he and some friends have this den in the basement of their building. Nothing fancy, just an old couch and a TV and some game consoles. He took me down there to show me his games and... something called 'weed'."
  847. > Judging from her face, Glitter Dust had enjoyed the experience of these 'games and weed' quite a lot. She was smiling and licking her lips.
  848. "What is it?"
  849. > The mare shrugged. "Some sort of herb. I dunno. Anyway, you roll up dried leaves in tobacco - like cigarettes. You must have seen humans with those?"
  850. > Celestia nodded. It didn't make much sense, but she had seen a few people around Anonymous' office take 'smoke breaks'. They lit little white sticks on fire and inhaled the smoke.
  851. > From the distance it smelled slightly like a pipe, such as some of her subjects enjoyed, but a lot more... chemical.
  852. > She had nearly choked after she caught a whiff and Glitter Dust noticed her expression.
  853. > "Yeah, they are awful," she confirmed. "But with this 'weed' in them, they're kinda nice. It makes you light-headed and everything seems funny and you're in a good mood for a while. Kinda like drinking, except no headache after."
  854. > It sounded interesting. Celestia decided to ask Anonymous about this herb later. Perhaps he knew where to get it, so she could try it for herself. Not in a cigarette - she would undoubtedly be able to use it with a pipe.
  855. > Hopefully her owner had one in the house somewhere.
  856. "Okay, go on?"
  857. > It was enough to wake Glitter Dust up from her reminiscing and move the story along. "Yeah, right. Anyway, he was back for holidays this one time last year, and we were hanging out in the den - just talking and smoking a little. And then he said I was cute."
  858. > The pegasus giggled at the memory. "I found it just *so funny*. But he kept saying it and..."
  859. "And?"
  860. > Now she blushed very hard and her ears went completely flat. Celestia could guess, but she wanted to hear it.
  861. > "Well, we ended up kissing. And then... doing it."
  862. > Maybe it was good that Glitter Dust didn't include too many details.
  863. "Romantic."
  864. > It was a tad too sarcastic and the pegasus gave her a hurt look. "Well, maybe he wasn't a white stallion, but it was nice. He was gentle with me and it was amazing. Humans can go for *minutes* at a time, did you know that? And it only takes them a short while before they can go again - even when you're not in heat!"
  865. > Again memory woke up and Celestia felt a ping from her lower regions. Minutes! And several times in a night!
  866. > Okay, maybe her relationship with Anonymous wouldn't be *all* emotional. Physical sounded nice to top it off!
  867. "Interesting. What happened with you two?"
  868. > Glitter Dust shrugged. "He still visits for holidays and we hang out. But he has a human marefriend now. Actually, it's called a 'girl-friend', I think."
  869. > The pegasus leaned a bit closer still and whispered. "He told me mares are better. He just didn't know how to tell his parents. And I technically belong to Maggie and Sam and he couldn't afford buying me from them."
  870. > She sighed a little. But then she brightened up. "Hey, Christmas will be around soon. I'll introduce you and we can smoke weed together sometime!"
  871. > Celestia shrugged. It sounded like an interesting experience.
  872. "Sure. Anyway, we have a job to do here. We can gossip later."
  873. > Glitter Dust looked at her blankly and leaned her head to the side. "Why later?"
  874. "I got Anonymous to let us use the steam room when we're done!"
  875. > She couldn't help laughing when she saw the pegasus' expression. Glitter Dust's eyes went as big as tea saucers. "Steam!? You got us a steam?! I dunno when was the last time I had a steam!"
  876. > She was suddenly hugging the alicorn and flapping her wings excitedly. It nearly toppled them off the roof, but Celestia just smiled back and returned the hug.
  877. "Sure. Why not? A little reward if we do a good job."
  878. > The pegasus let her go and nearly saluted. "Okay! Let's get on this! Good job, good job. Let's do a good job here!"
  879. > The enthusiasm was nice to see. Celestia also wanted to impress her owner. She had to prove to him that housework and cleaning weren't slavery to her.
  880. > Once he understood that, she could slowly start getting him used to the idea that she liked being with him. And then, he could get over his hesitation about 'the difference in power'.
  881. > After all, she had gotten over hers easily enough!
  882. "Okay, I'll go down and find a bucket. This side first?"
  883. > The pegasus chirped something affirmative. She was already at the edge and scooping out large hoof-fulls of gunk.
  884. >...
  885. > Anonymous didn't need much convincing to allow Celestia a bath before steam. The downside was that Maggie didn't want to wait that long.
  886. > Glitter Dust came up with the solution: "Would it be alright if I slept here, Mr. Anonymous?" she asked, contriving to look like the best-behaved pony in history.
  887. > The man looked at her owner, who quickly agreed: "Yes, that'd be fine. If it isn't too much of a bother?"
  888. > Before Celestia could process what was being suggested, Anonymous also nodded.
  889. > "It's settled then. I'll deliver her to work tomorrow morning. It's not too far out of our way."
  890. > The humans shook hands and said goodbye while the pegasus joyfully hugged her bewildered friend. "Sleepover!" she squeaked happily and swished her tail around in excitement.
  891. "Uh, yes, sure. Just give us a second..."
  892. > Celestia disentangled herself and hurried after her owner. She waited as he saw the woman out the door, then whispered fiercely to him:
  893. "I can't stay 'Supple' all night! We *can't* sleep in the same room!"
  894. > The human looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged. "Just make the bed in the other room for Glitter Dust. We have another bedroom."
  895. "No, it won't work! We ponies are very social creatures. I'd need a good reason to want to sleep alone!"
  896. > Celestia froze for a moment, then then her mouth split into a grin.
  897. "You got me into this, so you are going to help me out!"
  898. > If he knew what she was planning, Anonymous probably wouldn't have agreed so readily. But he didn't, so he did.
  899. "Follow my lead!"
  900. > They went back to the living room, where Glitter Dust had thoughtfully remained standing in the middle. The mares had washed their hooves as best they could, but they were still quite filthy from their work. Undoubtedly the pegasus didn't want to dirty the couch.
  901. "We have a problem,"
  902. > Celestia proclaimed it and gave Glitter a desperate grin and a wink where her human couldn't see. She stepped closer and quietly whispered in her ear:
  903. "Play along."
  904. > Glitter Dust was about to ask something, but Celestia flattened her ears in supplication and winked urgently again.
  905. > The pegasus glanced at the human, then asked her question a little uncertainly: "What's the problem?"
  906. > Celestia took a breath and acted, drawing on millenia of political intrigue.
  907. "There's not enough beds, I'm afraid. And I really don't have a single clean sheet for the couch. I've been a bit... lazy. Sorry."
  908. > That last she directed at the human, who knew different, but saw her urgent wink and didn't say anything.
  909. > The alicorn kept her eyes on the human as if considering something.
  910. "Unless... Well, it's not the *best* plan..."
  911. > Anonymous asked his question right on cue: "What's the plan?"
  912. > Celestia flashed a conspiratorial grin at the bewildered Glitter Dust, then made sure the mare saw her uncertain and pleading expression before facing the human again.
  913. "One of us could... uh... m-maybe join you? I suppose... Glitter Dust could take my bed and then I can..."
  914. > The pegasus suddenly understood and added her own touch: "Yeah, that could work! I wouldn't mind your bed, Supple!"
  915. > Only now did Anonymous realize what her plan was. If he was annoyed, the human didn't show it on his face. He just sighed and sat on the couch, as if to think.
  916. > Celestia felt her heart hammering as she waited for the verdict. She sensed the pegasus step closer and slip a wing around her withers. "Good thought," the pegasus whispered approvingly.
  917. > "I suppose that could work. The bed is large enough for the two of us," Anonymous agreed at last. But Celestia knew him well enough to understand his unspoken words: he would expect an explanation later and it would have to be a good one!
  918. > The alicorn put it out of her mind and took a few steps toward the hallway.
  919. "Good! Come on, Glitter Dust! Let's go take that bath."
  920. > The pegasus nudged her in the ribs as soon as they were out of Anonymous' sight. "Brilliant!" she commented with a very impertinent smirk. "You think quick, filly!"
  921. > Even if it was just a ruse, Celestia felt her face flush a little. It *would* be a most pleasant night. No heat, or worry, or alcohol to distract her from fully enjoying the cuddles!
  922. "I'd be grateful if you didn't make inappropriate comments before Anonymous. And I guess it's too much to ask to keep this to yourself?"
  923. > Glitter Dust nudged her again. "Yes to both. You can't expect me to keep something this juicy from the others?"
  924. > The pegasus slowed and looked at Celestia with renewed interest. "What, is he your *first*?!"
  925. > The alicorn nearly choked on her tongue. It had been an entirely unexpected question.
  926. "No! I'm not a virgin! Not that it's any business of yours!"
  927. > Glitter Dust waved a hoof dismissively. "Not that! I mean: is he your first *human*?"
  928. > Celestia just blushed and looked away. She didn't need to answer. The pegasus took one look at her face and excitedly rubbed her hooves together.
  929. > "Filly, you are in for a treat! I won't spoil it anymore!"
  930. > It was just as well. A few more questions like that and Celestia suspected her face would be pink permanently.
  931. > She gratefully pushed open the door.
  932. "In here."
  933. > Maybe a hot bath would shut the pegasus up for a while?
  934. >...
  935. > No suck luck. It wasn't long before Glitter Dust poked her head into the sauna and whistled. Celestia remembered too late.
  936. "No, wait! Don't go in-"
  937. > But the pegasus had already emerged and in her hooves-
  938. "Eep!"
  939. > Celestia looked away, lest her face burst into flame. It had been a very misguided idea during her heat, which she had subsequently forgotten. Until now.
  940. > She had intended to use one of her toys in the steam room. It had proven itself as a bad idea - the steam room was far too hot and humid to go through with it.
  941. > The mare wished she had remembered to take the toy back with her, though. And it was one of the human-shaped... things. A large one.
  942. > Glitter Dust was looking at it with something between awe and horror. "You used *this*?" the pegasus squeaked.
  943. > "Damn, Supple - this is seriously impressive!"
  944. > Celestia just folded down to the tiles and put her hooves over her face. She just made a weak grunt in lieu of a reply.
  945. > "Can I borrow it?"
  946. > Her ears swiveled forward and the alicorn lifted her head, mouth agape in shock.
  947. "What?! Now?!"
  948. > The pegasus laughed at her expression. "No. I mean, can I borrow it for a few days?"
  949. > Celestia looked from the thing to Glitter's lithe pegasus body. It didn't seem plausible.
  950. > True, Supple Branch wasn't much larger, but she was an earth pony. She couldn't assist her friend with suicide.
  951. "You'll hurt yourself."
  952. > Her friend pouted a little. "*You* didn't!"
  953. > That was true, but the toys were sized for an alicorn - Anonymous made sure when he brought them.
  954. > Unfortunately she couldn't tell Glitter Dust that. And besides, Celestia remembered guiltily that she *had* used them while Supple-shaped on video with Heavy Hoof. It had hurt, but the heat had overruled it.
  955. "Fine, fine. Go right ahead. You can keep it if you want."
  956. > Celestia didn't intend to stay on Earth long enough for her next heat to be a problem anyway.
  957. > She shook her head a little and went to open the hot water for their bath. The ponies on Earth were a lot more open about their sexuality. Come to think of it, so was she!
  958. > She spoke about it with Anonymous and aside from blushing and general embarrassment, she hadn't been nearly as mortified as she would have been in Equestria.
  959. > But that had just been necessity, right? The heat made her more outspoken than she would have been without it, no?
  960. > Maybe it was something about being a slave - it freed you from a lot of responsibility, but it also took away some inhibitions.
  961. > Which Glitter Dust went and proved: "Unless you *want* me to try it now?"
  962. > There was the mortification.
  963. "Glitter! Please- I just want a nice, pleasant bath. Please?"
  964. > The pegasus sighed and put the thing aside, much to Celestia's gratitude. Then she hopped into the tub with a small splash and quickly settled down.
  965. > "Oooh, that's nice. Come in. No naughty stuff, I promise."
  966. > She was a bit reluctant, despite her words, but the alicorn had never turned down a hot bath in her life and she wasn't about to start.
  967. "Okay. But I'm throwing you out the second you say anything. Or touch anything!"
  968. > That insolent, mischievous grin was there again. "Wash my mane?" Glitter Dust asked innocently.
  969. > The alicorn rolled her eyes, but she reached for shampoo anyway. She would expect the favour returned, with absolutely no inappropriate touching. Maybe it was a good idea for her to go first and set an example.
  970. > "Oh, and my tail, please?"
  971. > Celestia nearly groaned.
  973. > ~~~~
  975. > Anonymous was already gone by the time the mares came out of the bathroom with towels on their heads.
  976. > It had been relaxing. Perhaps even too much - Celestia had found her disguise nearly slipping a few times as she almost dozed off in Glitter Dust's lap.
  977. > But now it was nearly over. The magic was getting quite hard to keep up and she would welcome sleep.
  978. > She sniffed the air and quickly discovered that her owner had made himself a sandwich. With some of that salami. It made her nose wrinkle, even with all the time she had to get used to it.
  979. > The pegasus noticed it too. "Sandwich?" she asked. The alicorn nodded. "Yeah, I guess we've been in there rather long. He must have gotten tired of waiting."
  980. > Admission wasn't easy and the mare scrunched up her muzzle in a slight frown. She had promised the human that her housework wouldn't slip just the other day!
  981. > "What about us?"
  982. > Celestia didn't feel up to cooking, especially with hooves instead of magic. But she was also quite hungry.
  983. "Hm, something light, maybe? I've got some apples and oranges left."
  984. > The pegasus leaned her head to the side and smacked her lips. "Orange, please. Maggie doesn't buy them this time of years 'cause they're kinda expensive."
  985. > The alicorn had to push over a chair to reach the shelf in the pantry, then she returned with two fruits.
  986. > The two jumped up on the sofa and went to work. Peeling was a bit tricky with hooves and teeth, but Celestia made sure to catch any dripping orange juice on the towel. She was happy to see Glitter Dust doing the same.
  987. > "So, bed with Master?" the pegasus said conversationally. The alicorn had hoped to avoid that talk, but apparently she wouldn't have that kind of luck.
  988. "Just sleeping, Glitter. Please don't make a huge deal out of it."
  989. > The pegasus nudged her, as if she didn't hear. "Yeah, sure. You went through all the trouble of making him think we don't like cuddling, just so you could *cuddle* with him?"
  990. > Glitter Dust barked a short laugh. "Pull the other tail, Supple. It's got bells on."
  991. "What?"
  992. > Her friend sighed. "Just an expression."
  993. > It was time to change the topic. Something Celestia really wanted to know. It was the perfect time.
  994. > She bumped her flank against Glitter's and spoke up.
  995. "So, how's life with Maggie and - what was the name? - Sam?"
  996. > The pegasus nodded at her guess. "Yeah, Sam. They're - nice. I can't really complain, I know I've got it better than some. Like Heavy Hoof - at least mine don't want me there when they- you know."
  997. > It was good news for the Princess. It looked like the stallion's situation was something unusual, rather than the norm.
  998. "How about Lake Frond and Rock Lichen? They don't talk about their humans in the pony meeting."
  999. > The pegasus shrugged with her wings. She had to swallow the orange rind before she could talk. "Dunno, nothing special? They don't get beaten or abused, if that's what you mean. I saw Lake Frond with a red flank a few times, but it didn't look so bad. Not as bad as ours."
  1000. > The mare laughed a little at the memory. "Oh, by the way - this thing today makes us even, right?"
  1001. > She had the decency to look guilty. It really hadn't been a huge effort. The drains had taken them less than three hours, but only because Celestia had insisted that the pegasus follow up with a brush. And then another hour for the five or six tiles which Glitter had proclaimed 'suspicious'.
  1002. > And she'd had company all that time. And then the bath and the steam as a reward. It certainly wasn't a thousand dollars worth of work.
  1003. > But Celestia was feeling charitable.
  1004. "It's fine, we're even. I'll earn the rest of it with at Anonymous' law firm."
  1005. > Glitter Dust smiled and put a wing around her friend. "Thanks. I know I got off really lightly here, Supple. I truly appreciate it."
  1006. > The gratitude and the hug nearly made it worth the punishment. Nearly.
  1007. "Well, I might need a favour sometime. And you're going to do it, no questions asked, deal?"
  1008. > The pegasus agreed too rapidly. It was obvious she didn't even think it through: "Yeah, sure. Anything. I promise, Supple!"
  1009. > They sat in silence for a moment while they finished their fruit. Then Glitter Dust went on: "What will you be doing for Anonymous anyway?"
  1010. "Some legal stuff. I'll have to read a few law books and write a summary. And then there's this criminal case - robbery, I think. I don't know about that one yet, I'll see."
  1011. > Her friend reached over a hoof and pushed Celestia's towel out of the way. "Guess that's what this means, then?" she asked and tapped her cutie mark.
  1012. > It was a book and a quill. At first Celestia had intended to make it a cutie mark in bookkeeping, but it worked just as well for law. She had tied it to the Canterlot Castle to more easily explain her familiarity with it, should she ever slip.
  1013. "Yeah, I... arranged business agreements for the Canterlot Castle. Mostly with foreigners. You?"
  1014. > The pegasus didn't have to show it, but she pulled the towel away and wriggled her rump a little. It was a metal funnel with a rainbow waterfall pouring out of it.
  1015. > "I maintained the rainbow machines at Cloudsdale. Guess that's why I like it so much in Maggie's store."
  1016. > Celestia found herself smiling gently. It was good that at least some of the captive ponies were doing what they loved.
  1017. > She sighed as the first pangs of her headache began. She had been holding the disguise spell for too long already, too soon after her night of drinking. It was time to go.
  1018. "Well, I'm tired. Let me show you to your bed. Oh, and I think I have a spare toothbrush - Anonymous bought me a pack of three."
  1019. > Glitter Dust didn't argue. It was late and she was also exhausted. And there would be work the next day. "Yeah, good idea."
  1020. > The alicorn led her friend upstairs and into the bathroom. She gave her a fresh toothbrush and some of her paste.
  1021. > Luckily she could blame her awkwardness with her hooves on fatigue.
  1022. > Then she escorted Glitter Dust to her room and made sure she was comfortable.
  1023. "Good night, Glitter. I'll come wake you tomorrow when breakfast is ready."
  1024. > The pegasus nodded, gave her friend another hug and said: "Yeah, thanks. Supple? It's been a good day. If you have more stuff you'd need help with, just let me know. I'll have Maggie drive me over."
  1025. > She would, Celestia felt. If she could make up an excuse not to sleep in the same bed with Glitter Dust, she definitely would.
  1026. > The mare flicked the light out and gently shut the door. Then she went to Anonymous.
  1027. > His room was dark and the human was merely a shape in the bed. The alicorn paused just long enough to release her diguise spell with a relieved groan, before climbing in.
  1028. "Finally. You will never know how good this feels."
  1029. > He was still awake. Celestia saw him shift when she came in. And he was undoubtedly waiting for her explanation.
  1030. > "So, care to tell me why a guest room wouldn't do?"
  1031. > Indeed.
  1032. "It's simple."
  1033. > She replied smoothly and rapidly. It had taken some thought, but she had a good reason.
  1034. "If I was in the guest room, or Glitter Dust was on the couch, she might come looking for me in the night if she needed anything. Or if she woke up before me in the morning."
  1035. > The mare shuffled closer to the human, but he just slid away. She began to worry he was upset with her trick and quickly finished her explanation.
  1036. "If I'm here, she won't come unless it's really urgent, and even then she'll knock and wait outside."
  1037. > The human still wasn't sure. "And it's not weird that you'd choose to sleep in my bed, rather than with her?"
  1038. > Celestia quickly shook her head.
  1039. "No, not really. Ponies like to cuddle, but only with family and close friends. Right now, you're more like family than her, so it's pretty normal."
  1040. > The mare hoped like blazes that Glitter Dust would be discreet and the reason she had given *her* wouldn't come back to Anonymous. That would be quite awkward to explain.
  1041. > He was silent and the pony feared he would call out her bluff. But eventually, she felt him relax.
  1042. > "Okay, just as long as you understand this is not a regular thing."
  1043. "Yes, of course, Anonymous."
  1044. > Silently, she added: 'It will become a regular thing, do not worry!'
  1045. > But she wasn't quite ready to push it. After they both became drowsy, the mare would bump her back against the human and hope that he would reflexively put his arms around her. For now, it was enough that she was touching his flank.
  1046. "Good night, Anonymous. And thank you."
  1047. > She held her breath as she waited for the reply. There was a rustle as the human moved his hand to her neck and slid it under the towel to her still-damp mane, then felt upward until it found her ears.
  1048. > The mare sighed in pleasure at the scratch.
  1049. > "That shampoo smells nice," the human commented.
  1050. > It was a little too chemical for her still, but she knew Anonymous' nose wasn't nearly as sensitive as hers. It was a good purchase, it seemed, and the mare smiled to herself.
  1051. "Thank you. It's passion fruit."
  1052. > Celestia thought for a moment, then decided to risk it. She turned around so she was facing the human. He removed his hand, but it came back when she was still once again.
  1053. "Does this count as a date?"
  1054. > That lightened the mood and the human laughed a little. "No, I don't know what this counts as. But it's late. Go to sleep, Celestia."
  1055. > Instead of answering, she pushed her muzzle forward and licked Anonymous right across his face.
  1056. > Maybe she could even call it a 'kiss', of a sort. But she still quickly offered him the towel from her mane.
  1057. > The fact that it smelled even more strongly of her shampoo was no accident. She giggled softly. Her goal was to excite as many of his senses as she could.
  1058. "Good night, Anonymous."
  1059. >...
  1060. > Waking up up was entirely pleasant, despite the impossible hour. Even before Celestia opened her eyes, she became aware of Anonymous' forelegs around her barrel.
  1061. > Uh, arms. Her owner was a human. It would not do to mistake him for the dashing alicorn stallion from her dreams.
  1062. > Why had she imagined him as alicorn? It had never happened before.
  1063. > The mare shifted her rump ever so slightly. Not enough to wake Anonymous, but it did bring more of her fur in contact with that pleasantly warm skin.
  1064. > She darted a glance at Anonymous' alarm clock.
  1065. > Four fifty-six. She let out her breath in a luxurious sigh. Over half an hour to enjoy the snug and comfortable cuddles, before she had to get up up and prepare a simple breakfast.
  1066. > Her thoughts went back to the dream. Celestia couldn't remember the last time she had imagined her lover as an alicorn. They were rare enough that she had never heard, nor read, about an alicorn stallion.
  1067. > Yet Anonymous was the one she had dreamt about, she was sure of it. Maybe she saw him as kind, smart and patient enough that she simply couldn't envision him as an earth stallion, or a pegasus or unicorn?
  1068. > She also hadn't dreamt of him as a human. Very curious.
  1069. > Celestia tried to wriggle a bit closer again. The house was chilly at this time of night and despite her fur the mare imagined she felt cold, even through the blanket.
  1070. > But the movement made the human mumble something. Her ears instantly shifted toward him and she tried to make out the words.
  1071. > It was in vain. Whatever the human intended to say in his dream was incomprehensible to her.
  1072. > Luckily he didn't wake up, but the hand on her chest fluff twitched, as if in a scratch.
  1073. > The human heaved a sigh then his hug tightened, much to the alicorn's delight. A mare could *easily* get used to this!
  1074. > Forget sex! She would have to inquire about getting a nice, big human slave for herself, just to keep her bed warm and cuddle her when she slept.
  1075. > She hadn't heard of humans selling themselves into slavery. But their world operated mostly on money. Perhaps she could somehow arrange it?
  1076. > But it wouldn't be the same. Just any random human wouldn't do.
  1077. > She wanted Anonymous.
  1078. > The pony wondered if he would be interested in leaving his work and his home and his friends to come be her Royal Pillow?
  1079. > It nearly made her giggle and the mare couldn't help twitching as she held back a laugh.
  1080. > Unfortunately, the movement woke the human up. His hug relaxed and his arm slid down her barrel and over her wings.
  1081. > The gentle, fumbling touch made her shiver in pleasure.
  1082. > "Mmm, g'back to sleep," Anonymous mumbled. "Wh' time izzit?"
  1083. > Sleepy human was funny human. This time, Celestia couldn't keep back a quiet laugh. She shuffled around until she faced her owner.
  1084. > By now, Anonymous was fully awake and he looked at the clock. "Still early," he whispered. "Aren't you sleeping?"
  1085. > Before she answered, the mare gave him a friendly good-morning lick.
  1086. "I wanted to enjoy this moment for a bit. You go back to sleep - I'll get up in half an hour and make breakfast."
  1087. > The towel was gone, but Anonymous fished for a moment under the covers and found it, so he could wipe his face.
  1088. > "I wish you wouldn't do that," he said. He didn't seem to mind, so she licked him one more time. Which drew out a sigh as he had to dry his face again.
  1089. "Sorry. It's a pony thing."
  1090. > The mare was half expecting the human to lick her back, but of course that didn't happen. Apparently it wasn't a human thing.
  1091. > She didn't mind. His hands were between them and began to idly twiddle the fur on her chest. It was just as nice as a good face-lick.
  1092. > Anonymous closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep again. Celestia knew exactly when he was gone as his fingers stopped moving.
  1093. > She relaxed and listened to the house.
  1094. > There was the roar of the central heating. Celestia wondered if it would frighten Glitter Dust. The metal pipes pinged a few times as the heat began to flow.
  1095. > Outside there was the first car of the day, and the first raven crowing at it.
  1096. > This far into winter, the window was completely dark at five in the morning. But maybe, the mare imagined, she could see a hint of light.
  1097. > She felt for the sun. Her sense of the heavenly orb was getting more refined and she could feel it there, under the horizon.
  1098. > The alicorn wondered if she could move it.
  1099. > Perhaps she would try when she got up. She didn't want to wake Anonymous again with the glow of her horn.
  1100. > The human.
  1101. > She still wasn't entirely sure what to make of him. On the one hoof, he had purchased a slave to keep his house in order.
  1102. > But on the other, he did treat her more like hired help than a servant.
  1103. > Was that better or worse?
  1104. > And, most importantly - what would be his reaction when she told him the truth?
  1105. > Would he-
  1106. > Celestia felt her ears fold back down at the thought.
  1107. > Would he get another pony to keep his house in order when she was gone?
  1108. > Why did she feel slightly jealous? Whomever Anonymous got - the alicorn was sure it would be a mare - would have a pretty good life here.
  1109. > And, with a bit of patience and brains, she could slowly work her way into his bed, too.
  1110. > If she wanted, of course. And if not, Celestia didn't think even for a second that the human would ever force her.
  1111. > Maybe it would be a good idea to write a few words for her successor - tell her how to deal with the human and how to behave. Make her life a tiny bit easier.
  1112. > But she would have to trust Anonymous not to read it.
  1113. > Then there was another thought. Celestia didn't like that one, but it followed naturally from what she was working through.
  1114. > She would miss the human. It would leave quite a hole in her life. Master or not, in the few months she had spent at his house the alicorn had gotten used to Anonymous.
  1115. > Maybe he could be convinced to come work for her at the Canterlot Castle.
  1116. > She could always use a good lawyer, especially one who could advise her on human matters.
  1117. > More than once Celestia opened her mouth to ask Anonymous if he would consider a job in Equestria.
  1118. > But every time she remembered that she would have to tell him the truth.
  1119. > It was cowardly, but she couldn't do it.
  1120. > Eventually, the clock ran out and the mare heard her alarm from the other room.
  1121. > There was a thump, which made the alicorn sit up in surprise. Surely Glitter Dust hadn't fallen out of the bed in shock?
  1122. > Still, it was time to get up. The mare gave her human a quick nuzzle, then breathed a sigh of regret and slid out of the warm bed and into the cold, unforgiving gloom.
  1123. > She risked waiting with her changing spell until she was in the hallway with Anonymous' door shut. She didn't want to wake him up with the light.
  1124. > Luckily the pegasus was still in the closed room. The alicorn assumed the shape of Supple Branch and pushed open the familiar door.
  1125. > She had to jump over Glitter, who seemed to have gotten tangled up in her sheets, before she could turn off the alarm clock.
  1126. "Morning, Glitter Dust. Sleep well?"
  1127. > The mare managed to get her hooves free, after which it was a matter of seconds before she disentangled herself.
  1128. > "Dammit, Supple, it's still night! Don't tell me you get up at this hour?!"
  1129. "Every day. You can sleep another thirty minutes while I make breakfast."
  1130. > The pegasus was only too glad to comply. She jumped back up, wrapped the blanket around herself and flopped down.
  1131. "Okay, I'll come wake you up."
  1132. > In all honesty, Celestia was happier to cook alone. This way, she could use her spells to help out.
  1133. > Breakfast with nothing else but hooves would be extremely awkward and difficult. Of course earth ponies managed it just fine, but they had a lot more practice than the alicorn.
  1134. > She made her way down the stairs and began thinking about what to make.
  1136. > ~~~~
  1138. > "I told people you were ill," Anonymous said as they rode the elevator up to his office. Celestia nodded with a grateful little smile. She had worried how the humans would look at her after learning that she had been in heat.
  1139. > It all stemmed from her research on the Internet. Heat was something which happened to animals. Humans didn't experience urges, at least not that strong.
  1140. > And, it seemed, the human cycle happened once per month. It would make sense that it would be weaker, otherwise they would never get anything done!
  1141. > She guessed it all evened out in the end. But the key part was that humans didn't go into heat, not really.
  1142. > The mare had been a little worried about her coworkers when they found out just how bad it had been.
  1143. > But now she didn't have to be! An illness was the perfect excuse.
  1144. > Besides, Celestia mused, human women sometimes took a sick day if the symptoms of their 'aunt Flo' were especially bad. Of course she was perfectly within her rights to do the same once a year!
  1145. > There was a ding as the elevator door slid open. Celestia spotted something new and quickly walked to the reception desk to inspect it.
  1146. > The receptionist now had a vase of flowers on her desk. It was a very welcome touch of color in the otherwise drab office.
  1147. "The daisies are lovely, Wendy!"
  1148. > The woman beamed and stood up, so she could go around the counter and give the alicorn a hug. "Oh, it's good to see you're better, Celly! I hope it wasn't something you ate here!"
  1149. > The mare scrunched up her muzzle in confusion.
  1150. "Ate? What did..."
  1151. > The woman leaned closer and whispered: "It was probably one of those weird places Denis took you, right? I always knew you couldn't trust sushi!"
  1152. > The mare looked at her owner in bewilderment. She mouthed a question. 'What?'
  1153. > "Oh, it was quite a bad stomach bug, yeah," Anonymous explained, "but the restaurants aren't to blame, Wendy. Maybe it was the hedge."
  1154. > Celestia gasped in shock. The hedge?! Surely Anonymous hadn't gone around telling Wendy about the time she had nibbled on the shrubbery?! She wondered what else he had told their coworkers.
  1155. > She needed a small revenge. The pony thought quickly.
  1156. "Maybe it was *your* cooking, Anonymous!"
  1157. > He simply shook his head. "No, I don't think so," he replied smoothly. The smug jerk had prepared for this, Celestia realized!
  1158. > And the way he seemed deep in thought gave him all the credibility in Wendy's eyes.
  1159. > "Sandwiches don't usually cause that. It was awful!"
  1160. > If he weren't talking about her, the alicorn would have applauded the performance. The shocked expression, the wide eyes. Unless...
  1161. > She barely stifled a gasp. He wasn't acting! It was a real memory and she knew exactly which one!
  1162. > He glanced from the woman to the mare and gave her a mischievous grin. Celestia tried to swat him with a wing, but he skillfully dodged and went right on:
  1163. > "Yeah, right there in her room, too!" he told Wendy, who was staring in fascinated horror. "Everywhere it went - gushing and-"
  1164. > He fell silent when Celestia kicked his leg in exasperation. She was quite red in the face, but it was more anger than embarrassment.
  1165. "You will pay for this!"
  1166. > She had kept it under her breath, but Wendy heard and quickly matched her glare.
  1167. > "Really, Anonymous?" the receptionist said crossly and folded her arms. "Show some tact! The poor thing is still queasy, for Christ's sake!"
  1168. > The man just laughed pleasantly, tousled her mane a little and turned to leave. "You know what you're doing today right? I'll be in my office if you need me."
  1169. > The mare stuck her tongue out after the human.
  1170. > She quickly tried to mend the impression on the receptionist:
  1171. "Look, Wendy - I didn't eat the..."
  1172. > She sighed and corrected it to the truth.
  1173. "Okay, I did eat the hedge... *a little*. But that was weeks ago. And I *certainly* never gushed from anywhere, whatever Anonymous told you! I cleaned up after myself in either case!"
  1174. > The woman gave her another hug. "Aww, no need to be embarrassed, Celly. It happens to all of us. I'm just glad you're better."
  1175. > Celestia returned the hug with her wings and sighed.
  1176. "Thank you."
  1177. > She looked down the hallway. Now the alicorn was afraid what her owner had told Denis. The receptionist was very kind and Celestia got along perfectly well with the other coworkers. But that man was a jerk at the best of times!
  1178. "Denis in yet?"
  1179. > The woman nodded. She went back to her chair, but called after the pony: "Oh, don't forget these. They are for you!"
  1180. > She was holding up the vase.
  1181. > Celestia went back to smell them. They really did help. The pony was glad that the custom of bringing flowers to ill friends was the same on both worlds.
  1182. > She took an exploratory nibble.
  1183. "Mm, delicious. Thank you!"
  1184. > The woman stared at her for a moment, then burst out giggling.
  1185. "What?!"
  1186. > She took another bite as the woman began laughing. "They were meant as decoration, not food. Though I guess you like them better as a snack?"
  1187. > Celestia froze mid-chew, then looked at the pretty vase with a bite taken out of the bouquet and then back at the woman, who was nearly falling over.
  1188. > "Wait! Hold that pose!" the receptionist commanded. Celestia obeyed while the woman brought up her phone and snapped a picture. "There. My niece will love that!"
  1189. > She turned the screen around to show the mare. It was a good one, if a little silly. The vase with the missing chunk was prominent in the picture, as was Celestia with a befuddled expression.
  1190. > There was also a flower sticking out of her mouth. It reminded her and the mare began chewing again.
  1191. > "Cute," Wendy said and reached over to give her a pat.
  1192. > After a moment, Celestia also laughed. It was a good picture. It showed a side of her she had had to keep sternly under wraps in Equestria.
  1193. > She poked her tongue out at the woman, after which they both ended up laughing.
  1194. > Finally, there was no more putting it off. She lifted up the vase and sighed.
  1195. "Here we go."
  1196. > At least now she had a snack. And if Denis commented upon it, she would kick him.
  1197. > Celestia made her way down the hall. A few of the people in the offices shouted out greetings and the mare gave a wave or a smile here and there.
  1198. > Before long, she was at the door. The wall was glass, so she didn't even have a moment to pause and gather her wits. She entered and firmly put the vase on her desk.
  1199. "Morning."
  1200. > The human was at his desk, apparently engrossed with his computer. Email, undoubtedly.
  1201. > "Morning, Celestia," came the casual reply. The mare felt her ears turn in shock. Had she heard right?
  1202. > It sounded almost like a normal greeting!
  1203. > "Feeling better?"
  1204. > She slowly turned to face Denis and dared to hope he had somehow changed for the better in the past few weeks.
  1205. "Yes. Thank you. But I have some catching up to do."
  1206. > He glanced away from his screen to give her a nod. "Good. Let me know if you need anything."
  1207. > And that was it. She had expected at least a pun, if not a jab at her illness. And maybe another indecent offer.
  1208. > Maybe the thought of her being ill had turned him off. It was to be hoped.
  1209. > In either case, Celestia went to her desk and leafed through her notes. They were still exactly where she had left them.
  1210. > And the books were open to the same pages she had been reading last week. Denis apparently hadn't touched her desk at all.
  1211. > She was glad of the unexpected respite. It was probably just temporary - the human always became very professional when he was concentrating on his work.
  1212. > Denis spoke up before she could get far: "Oh, I'll move your help on the robbery case up a little."
  1213. "Yes?"
  1214. > The human nodded and went back to the screen. "Yeah, and I'll make sure you get a computer. You know how to use e-mail, right?"
  1215. "Yes."
  1216. > Well, it wasn't entirely true. She was aware of the principle. It was mostly like Skype, except you sent longer messages and slower. She could work it out and if not, Glitter Dust would probably know.
  1217. > "Good. I'll make sure you're in the c.c., so I don't have to print out everything and type up your replies."
  1218. > She didn't quite like the sound of that, even if she didn't understand what 'c.c.' meant.
  1219. "Uh, Anonymous said I'd just assist with research."
  1220. > The human stood up and came to her. She couldn't help thinking how impressively tall he was as he loomed over her desk.
  1221. > "I want you in a bit more active role. We probably can't get you into court hearings, but you will be meeting with the DA and you'll help the expert witness," he explained.
  1222. > Celestia didn't really like how that sounded. Her role was getting more and more complex for what was supposed to be a simple punishment!
  1223. > She didn't want more exposure. And certainly not with anything like the human legal system. It would greatly complicate matters. And she might be caught!
  1224. "Surely there's little I can help with-"
  1225. > The human didn't even wait for her to finish. "Actually, this case has you written all over it. I think you'll like it."
  1226. > She gulped at the dangerous gleam in his eye. It was as if the man was looking forward to seeing her reaction.
  1227. > Which meant there was a reaction to see!
  1228. "Uh, what is the case about?"
  1229. > "Robbery," Denis said. But she already knew that. She was about to demand more, but he went on just before she spoke up: "They were stealing ponies."
  1230. > Her vision swam and the mare held her breath until the room settled again.
  1231. "What?!"
  1232. > Denis seemed pleased with the reaction. "Yeah. Breaking into auctions, mostly. Then they took them south and across the border. Probably sold as exotic pets who knows where. There's enough people willing to pay a pretty penny for one of you. And the source had dried up, you see?"
  1233. > He straightened up and went to look across the hall at Anonymous. "It's a lucrative market right now."
  1234. "But surely the new slavery laws-"
  1235. > The human barked a short laugh, which interrupted her. "- apply only in the United States. And Europe. Some parts of the world aren't as... 'enlightened'."
  1236. > She had tried! So hard had the Princess worked to get these laws enacted among humans. And now she was learning they only applied on a part of the world.
  1237. "Where?!"
  1238. > She stood up and advanced on the human. Almost without conscious control she had fluffed out her wings and spread them a little. It was an ancient gesture a pegasus would use to make herself look bigger to predators.
  1239. "Tell me exactly where the laws apply and where they do not!"
  1240. > The human studied her expression for a moment. "I'll show you how to look for it when you get your computer. I don't know - it's a part of what you'll have to research."
  1241. > She had to be absolutely sure.
  1242. "We are helping to convict these people?"
  1243. > In a rare gesture of kindness, Denis put a hand on her withers. His face went soft, but only for a moment.
  1244. > "Yeah. We're helping the prosecution on this case. If we win, the robbers will get a sentence and we'll set a precedent for future cases."
  1245. > The alicorn was filled with righteous anger. Now she was sorry that she wouldn't speak before the judge!
  1246. "Good. I will make sure we win. And it's 'foal-napping', not 'robbery'. You're talking about ponies!"
  1247. > The human shrugged a little, but left his hand on her. As shocked as she was to discover this, the touch was a comfort.
  1248. > "Maybe. But right now they're treating it as theft. You'll like the DA. She is trying to change it into kidnapping and human trafficking. That would be a prison sentence."
  1249. > If the woman was fighting for that, Celestia already loved her. But before she did anything more, the mare had a few choice words for Anonymous. She pushed Denis away with a wing.
  1250. "Give me a second."
  1251. > She stomped out of his office and into her owner's. The human looked up, right into her glare and visibly flinched. "What? What did he do this time?"
  1252. "You!"
  1253. > The mare lowered her voice a little so she wouldn't shout.
  1254. "You knew this 'robbery' case was about ponies! Why did you not tell me?!"
  1255. > Anonymous stood up and came closer. He wanted to put his hands on her withers, but the mare stepped away.
  1256. > No cuddly pony until she got a good answer!
  1257. "Well?!"
  1258. > "I didn't think you worrying and fretting about it would do you any good. And especially not during your h- illness."
  1259. > She snorted in annoyance.
  1260. "It was not for you to decide what I fret about, Anonymous!"
  1261. > He wouldn't be dissuaded. "Well, I made a judgement call. I would have told you before the case started, so you could prepare yourself for dealing with it. Seems Denis beat me to it?"
  1262. "It got moved up. I start on it tomorrow. Today!"
  1263. > Maybe the human was right. And, the mare thought guiltily, as her Master, he certainly did have the right to keep things from her.
  1264. > It didn't help much. She sat down on her haunches and sighed. Her ears lowered in her sadness.
  1265. "It caught me unprepared. I really believed the laws they passed about ponies were making a difference."
  1266. > Now she finally allowed the human to pet her. "They are, Celestia. The laws help. But there will always be crime. That's why we're here, right?"
  1267. > He was right. What she would be doing would help ponies in general. And she would learn more - the Princess would be able to make much better demands to her sneaky, lying human ambassadors when she was back!
  1268. > And maybe Anonymous had really done her a kindness not to spring this on her right during her heat. But she was still mad about the lies he told Wendy.
  1269. "You're not off the halter, Anonymous. You owe me!"
  1270. > He smiled at her and gently grabbed her ears between his fingers. He pulled them upright. "Come on. Perk up, there's a good girl."
  1271. > She rolled her eyes.
  1272. "Not good enough."
  1273. > But she had a faint little smile, too. The human let her go. "Okay, what will I have to do?"
  1274. > She thought quickly.
  1275. "Bath. With me. I'll see you enjoy a bath and a massage and a hooficure! Or foot-icure, whatever you call it!"
  1276. > Yes, there was the red in his face. He deserved it, too. Going around telling people she couldn't handle a bit of honeysuckle! And the- the *gushing fluids* thing!
  1277. > "Why?" he asked plaintively. She held his gaze.
  1278. "Keeping something like this from me. And the stuff you've been telling Wendy. Think of it as revenge!"
  1279. > He didn't argue. And bath-cuddles with the human would help calm her down after learning these horrible news.
  1280. > There was still work to do, though. The mare glanced across the hallway, where Denis was looking at them with an insolent grin. When he saw her looking, he gave her a thumbs up.
  1281. > It was obvious now. He wanted to rile her up, so she would go pester Anonymous. And then he would see how they reacted.
  1282. > She knew he hadn't really changed!
  1283. >...
  1284. > At long last the day was over. Celestia could hardly contain herself through dinner and washing up. But even that passed and it was finally time.
  1285. "Come on!"
  1286. > She nudged Anonymous with her muzzle. The lazy lout was already sprawled on the couch. He had obviously forgotten their agreement and wandered off while she was cleaning the dishes.
  1287. "Bath. Now."
  1288. > Yes, he really had! His eyebrows rose and the human leaned away from her. "Now?"
  1289. "Now."
  1290. > "You are really going through with this then?" her owner asked plaintively. Had he seriously imagined she would let him off the hook? After embarrassing her before Wendy *and* keeping something as big as a foal-napping case from her?!
  1291. "Yes, Anonymous. *We* are going through with this! I'll start the bath. Be there in ten minutes, or I will drag you there with my magic!"
  1292. > It wouldn't do to leave the human worried and uneasy, though. The alicorn nuzzled her owner again.
  1293. "It's nothing bad, you know? Earth ponies and pegasi often bathe together, so they can help each other reach places they can't themselves. And despite the magic, unicorns like that way, too."
  1294. > "Is that so?" Anonymous asked. He still didn't sound too certain.
  1295. "Indeed! I told you that night Glitter was here: we are very social creatures, especially among family and close friends. And you're almost both of those to me!"
  1296. > That was about all she could do in that short a time. One way or another, the human would be getting over his inhibitions about baths. She chose to call it a 'punishment' for all the little jokes and tricks he had played on her. The truth made her blush too hard.
  1297. > But why this particular punishment? The question hadn't arisen until now.
  1298. > Celestia had spent the day distracted by reading everything she could find about courts and trials. There was much of it, but Denis had been helpful and pointed out good starting material.
  1299. > She actually felt a little grateful toward the man. She *might* overlook one inappropriate gesture or offer in return.
  1300. > However, that work was over and she would continue the next day. Hopefully her computer would arrive, so she could begin researching the actual case.
  1301. > Her impromptu colleague had said there were a number of news articles she should read for a start.
  1302. > She could begin on her iPad, but the mare needed to relax for a while, first.
  1303. > Why bath with Anonymous, though? It didn't sound relaxing. Knowing him, the affair would be awkward and very embarrassing. For both of them.
  1304. > The man could hardly stay in the same room while she was in the bath alone. Now she would make him remove his clothes and get in the water with her.
  1305. > The mare entered the big bathroom and caught a glimpse of her glowing red face in the mirror.
  1306. > She would have to manage the situation very carefully.
  1307. > For a start, maybe she would allow him to keep *some* clothes.
  1308. > She opened the water tap, checked that it was hot enough, then sat on her haunches beside the tub to think.
  1309. > It had seemed wonderful in her imagination. Yes it would be a little awkward at the start, but the warmth would relax them both. She would get Anonymous to scrub her back, then she would return the favour.
  1310. > They'd talk about...
  1311. > The mare skipped that thought and saved it for later. She'd come up with something, surely. Anyway, the two would probably end up leaning against each other, possibly with her wing around the human, or his arm on her withers or barrel.
  1312. > She would put her head on his shoulder - minding the horn, of course.
  1313. > Then they would be silent for a moment. And Anonymous would be a bit more comfortable with her presence.
  1314. > If it went *really* well, maybe she could hint for them to keep the cuddles going.
  1315. > Perhaps... share the bed again?
  1316. > The water level was rising nicely and Celestia woke up from her idle daydream just for long enough to pour bubble bath in the tub.
  1317. > Now that she had gotten used to it, the liquid didn't smell too bad. And she knew the human liked the scent.
  1318. > She cast a very short, simple spell to agitate the water. In moments there was a thick cover of bubbles and foam. Perfect to conceal everything below. It would help the human's embarrassment.
  1319. > Maybe - the mare sighed at the new idea which popped into her head - once they were naked and in the water, Anonymous would let his hands explore further.
  1320. > He had seemed interested in her wings before. But now they would be alone, so she could let him.
  1321. > Perhaps it didn't need to stop with wings. The mare shuddered as she imagined those fingers sliding down her back and tracing out the shape of her cutie mark.
  1322. > Maybe even further?
  1323. "Oh, my."
  1324. > Celestia decided it was time to get in the water. She didn't want to leave a puddle, even if it would be easy to clean on the tiles.
  1325. > With her inside the tub, the level rose. She judged it would be enough once Anonymous joined her, so the mare shut it off. Then she lowered herself further down. It was deliciously hot!
  1326. "Mmmmmmm."
  1327. > She hoped the human would hurry up and come while she still had some of her mind to work with. The heat was starting to melt it around the edges.
  1328. > The mare flopped on her back and let her wings soak a little. Pure bliss! She let her head hang over the edge and closed her eyes so she could focus better on the warmth.
  1329. > She hardly noticed when her owner came in. It was perfect, in fact! If she was relaxed, it would undoubtedly rub off on him!
  1330. > "You look like you're having fun. Why don't you just enjoy yourself and then we'll watch a movie together?"
  1331. > Nice try! Celestia felt her mouth twitch up into a smile. She didn't open her eyes.
  1332. "In the water, Anonymous."
  1333. > The human sighed. There was a rustle as he removed his clothes. The mare peeked through one eye. There wasn't too much to see. Of course Anonymous kept his under-pants on him without even asking, but she let it slide. The rest of him, she had seen from time to time. At least in parts.
  1334. > Pink, slightly hairy and quite soft. Not as muscular as she had seen on the Internet that time she-
  1335. > The mare blushed with guilt and firmly thought: '-did some research on humans!'. She also squeezed her eyes more tightly shut in concentration.
  1336. > She shifted aside to give her owner room. There was a pause and she imagined him opening his mouth to beg for mercy again.
  1337. > There was none to be had.
  1338. "Quiet. In the water, now!"
  1339. > He sighed and Celestia imagined him shaking his head in bemusement. But he obeyed and she felt the warmth rise to a perfect height.
  1340. > The mare slowly rolled over until her wing was across the human. He was way too stiff, despite her explanation earlier. She saw his hand going white where it was gripping the edge of the tub.
  1341. "Relax. Nothing sexual, okay? Just a bath with two friends. Warm and soothing."
  1342. > She leaned her head on his shoulder and heaved a luxurious sigh.
  1343. "Let me teach you, Anonymous. Here, give me your arm."
  1344. > He allowed her to lead the limb down and around her barrel. It meant her hind hooves slid between his legs, but the mare didn't mind.
  1345. "Good, now let go of the tub. It's not that deep, you won't drown, trust me."
  1346. > She laughed gently at his expression.
  1347. > "This is very inappropriate, you know?"
  1348. > But the pony saw his defenses were crumbling under the onslaught of hot water and soft pony fur. Almost there, she thought.
  1349. "Maybe for humans. Not for ponies, remember? It's nice. Here, your other arm."
  1350. > She hooked with a wing and lifted it from the edge, then left it gripping the appendage as she laid the feathers across his chest.
  1351. > She shifted a little lower, to bring more of her barrel below the water line. The fact that it left her head on his chest was a happy accident.
  1352. "See? Nothing wrong with a bit of comfort, Anonymous."
  1353. > He didn't answer, but the alicorn was pleased to feel him relax a little. And, the human probably didn't realize: her ear was right over his heart.
  1354. > Right now it was going a little fast, but Celestia knew that it would slow when he got used to the situation.
  1355. > And she would know *exactly* how much he relaxed, and when. In fact, she thought he was already calming down!
  1356. > It was time for some pillow-talk.
  1357. "I'm not angry about the case anymore, Anonymous. I understand why you haven't told me. I'm still a bit miffed about Wendy, but luckily she believed my side of the story and we had a laugh about it."
  1358. > The arm on her wing jerked a little, but didn't go away. The other hand, flat against her back also tightened.
  1359. > "Maybe it was a little mean. But we're even after this, right?" he asked. It was nice of him to somewhat concede the absolutely foul way he had treated her.
  1360. "Yes, we are even, Anonymous. But please don't think of this as punishment, okay? Just two... persons, enjoying a comfort together. It doesn't *have* to be weird."
  1361. > That last bit was mainly for her own sake. The mare was feeling decidedly 'warm' underneath. And it wasn't all from the water.
  1362. > She shifted her legs and her knee bumped a very unfortunate place. It made the human jump a little and the pony withdrew hurriedly.
  1363. > It seemed her owner wasn't made of stone, after all. Well, a part of him was. Or so it had felt!
  1364. > Celestia firmly staunched that line of thought. Comfortable and relaxing! Remember the goal! Don't rush it.
  1365. > *That* comes later.
  1366. > It was time to distract them both.
  1367. "Anonymous?"
  1368. > "Hmm?"
  1369. > It had sounded more like a squeak than a word. It almost made her giggle.
  1370. "Would you be so kind and wash my mane? I wish to see how that feels with fingers, rather than magic or hooves."
  1371. > She pulled away and the human sat up. The relief on his face was palpable. "Yeah, I can try."
  1372. > She turned around and levitated her bottle of passion fruit shampoo into the air so Anonymous could grab it.
  1373. > She scooched closer until her rump was resting against his legs and closed her eyes.
  1374. > The human wasn't normally averse to petting her and maybe that helped. He squirted a bit of the goop on his hands and put them in her mane.
  1375. > It was even better! Maybe it was the hot water, or the fact that they were both in the bath, but the fingers massaging her scalp were *amazing*.
  1376. "Mmmm- ooooh!"
  1377. > Unconsciously the mare leaned further back, until she nearly fell into Anonymous' lap.
  1378. > "Don't move," he commanded and pushed her upright again. That was right, Celestia remembered. He needed room to work. She made herself sit up.
  1379. > The reward was worth it! Such unfamiliar sensation! The palms on her head and neck, with the fingers so expertly wriggling around to spread the foam everywhere. And not a drop slid down into her eyes!
  1380. > Such skill! Artistry! Bliss! How did the human have such control over so many appendages?!
  1381. > The thought fleeted across her brain, then faded. The mare was practically melting under the onslaught.
  1382. "Ahhhhh."
  1383. > She flicked an ear back when she thought she heard a faint chuckle. But that just caused the human to remember and a soapy hand wrapped itself around it in a gentle massage.
  1384. > It drew a small, delighted squeak from the pony. And another, when Anonymous did the same to her other ear.
  1385. > A few minutes and the pony would be gone. Whatever was left would do *anything* the human commanded.
  1386. > Celestia desperately fought not to say that out loud! If Anonymous realized what dreadful power he had over her, he would undoubtedly abuse it!
  1387. > But at the same time, she never wanted the massage to end.
  1388. > Too soon that part was over and Anonymous moved his hands lower. It was nearly as pleasant on her neck, but Celestia couldn't hold back a small sigh of both disappointment and relief.
  1389. > She had made it through without losing herself!
  1390. > The rest of her mane was soaped up in a few minutes and the hands came to lie idly on her shoulders. This part had been markedly less intense, so the mare was still herself at the end.
  1391. "Thank you *so* much, Anonymous!"
  1392. > She turned around so he could see the smile. And- Celestia felt her heart skip for a moment- the human was grinning too!
  1393. > She pointed an accusing hoof.
  1394. "You *liked* doing that!"
  1395. > The blush couldn't lie! Anonymous tried to out-stare her, but Celestia persisted. A moment later they both burst out laughing.
  1396. > "Okay, maybe this isn't as dreadful as I first imagined," the man admitted. It was very big of him, the mare thought. She leaned against the back of the tub and steadied herself with her hind hooves on his chest. He didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
  1397. "I told you. This isn't a punishment, Anonymous."
  1398. > "Oh?!" he said and pointed a finger right at her. "What was all that about 'revenge', then?"
  1399. "Could I have gotten you to do this without that? Would you have agreed if I just asked?"
  1400. > He thought it over. For a moment the alicorn was sure he would lie. But then the man shrugged. "Probably not."
  1401. "There."
  1402. > Anonymous didn't answer, so the mare took it as a victory. She kept her smile.
  1403. "Lean back and let's enjoy this a few more minutes, while the water is warm. Oh, I'll just-"
  1404. > She crouched down and dipped her head under to rinse out her mane. She knew how it must have looked: the hair spreading on the water like a rainbow.
  1405. > The pony hoped Anonymous was impressed. It was important that he found her lovely!
  1406. > Maybe she needed it to offset the ugly he had seen during her heat?
  1407. > Or perhaps, like all fillies, Celestia simply liked to be adored. That was a part of her life she missed slightly since she had come to Earth.
  1408. > Anonymous' admiration nearly made up for it, though.
  1409. > When she surfaced, the mane hung over her face. But before she could magic it out of her eyes, the human did it for her.
  1410. > Such useful things, fingers!
  1411. "Thank you."
  1412. > She only had to prod once with a hoof to make him lean back, then she took her place against his chest again.
  1413. > The alicorn was pleased to hear that his heart wasn't rattling as quickly anymore.
  1414. > Maybe, she dared hope, he would agree to a bath without threats, someday!
  1415. > She closed her eyes and tried to make the moment last as long as she could.
  1416. > It wouldn't be very long before the water was lukewarm and it was time to get out. But their evening wouldn't be over yet.
  1417. "After we're done, you're getting a massage."
  1418. > His breath caught for a moment and Celestia giggled a little.
  1419. "You've shown me how good you are with hands, now you'll let me show you what hooves can do, okay?"
  1420. > "Do I get a choice?"
  1421. > She thought it over.
  1422. "No, not really."
  1423. > She was already hatching a plan! A massage would need a large, comfortable, flat surface, right?
  1424. > What better than his bed? If she was careful and made it *extra* relaxing, Anonymous would be liable to simply fall right asleep!
  1425. > She would cover him with the blanket and curl up beside him. And by the time he woke up in the morning, it would be too late!
  1426. > The human was a 'sleep-cuddler', she knew! All she had to do was stay beside him as he slept and she would get her comfy human pillow!
  1427. > It couldn't fail to work!
  1429. > ~~~~
  1431. > Her ploy had worked, but only that day. Anonymous made sure to send her to her own bed each night after that.
  1432. > Celestia didn't much mind, though. She threw herself into the work with zeal, which left her exhausted by evening. She dragged herself to bed and was out like a light.
  1433. > She would work on Anonymous after the case was over.
  1434. > The bad part was that her enthusiasm and effort deeply impressed her impromptu boss.
  1435. > Every day Denis offered to buy her contract, and every day Anonymous refused. The mare didn't really mind - she just ignored him and kept working.
  1436. > By Friday she had absorbed all the mandatory texts Denis had given her. And all the news reports and case details she could get her hooves on.
  1437. > Her eyes stung from staring at the computer screen so intently. She tended to get lost in whatever text she was reading to the point that she forgot to blink. And also, if it weren't for Wendy, Celestia would have starved.
  1438. > She made a mental note to find a way to repay the woman for bringing her a salad each day. But even that would wait until this case was behind her.
  1439. > The alicorn had learned a lot, but she still didn't feel ready. The human legal system was full of protocols, exceptions and intricacies. She needed to understand as many of them as possible, if she was to offer any kind of help in the case.
  1440. > She would meet the prosecutor on Monday. The mare loaded her saddlebags with all the books she thought she would need - volumes which were missing from Anonymous' library at home. She made her way to the lift after the human, but the pony was barely aware where she was going.
  1441. > Even placing each hoof before the other was a conscious effort.
  1442. > "You're running yourself ragged with this case," her owner remarked on the elevator. She firmly shook her head.
  1443. "I have to help. This will be a precedent-setting case, Anonymous. It might even pave the way toward granting ponies the same rights as humans. I *have* to do all that I can!"
  1444. > He appreciated how important it was to her and didn't argue. And - Celestia was a little surprised - he lifted up the bags from her and slung them over his shoulder.
  1445. > Her exhaustion wasn't physical, but the mare was still grateful. She gave the human a friendly nuzzle.
  1446. "Thank you, Anonymous. You are a sweet human."
  1447. >...
  1448. > She fell asleep in the car and only woke up when they stopped in the garage. Celestia blinked in surprise for a few moments until she realized where she was.
  1449. > "Okay, that's enough. Off to bed, right now. We have Sally's party tomorrow and I can't have you falling over. You might land on a kid."
  1450. > She tried to blow him a raspberry, but it turned into a yawn. A small victory: she managed to extend her tongue as far as it would go while her mouth gaped. He probably understood.
  1451. > But maybe the human was right. She should get a good night's sleep, enjoy the party and the cake, then study some more in the afternoon.
  1452. > It wasn't like there was much else to do. It had been raining since Wednesday and the outside was truly miserable with the freezing drizzle.
  1453. "Okay, okay. I'll make us a quick dinner and then I'll-"
  1454. > Anonymous laid a hand on her muzzle to shut her up. "Nonsense. You've been doing very well at work. I'll make us sandwiches. And you will take it easy over the weekend. You won't make a good impression on the DA if you can't even stand upright!"
  1455. "Can too!"
  1456. > She stood up to show him, but nearly lost her balance when another yawn took hold of her.
  1457. > "That's it. Off to bed! I'll make it a command, if I have to!" the human said sternly. It sounded serious and Celestia decided to obey. She still didn't much like that the human was right, but the mare knew when to concede defeat.
  1458. > She had worked herself too hard, that was true. She would be no use to her ponies if she couldn't see the case through. She had to admit it:
  1459. "Maybe you're right. I'll take it easy over the weekend. Let's-"
  1460. > She couldn't even get through that sentence before she yawned again! Cursed weak alicorn body!
  1461. "-let's watch a movie."
  1462. > It would be relaxing, right? And falling asleep leaning against Anonymous would be so very pleasant.
  1463. > But the human wouldn't hear of it. "BED! NOW!" he ordered.
  1464. > Celestia only grumbled a little as she slowly dragged herself up the stairs. But she paused right outside her room. She looked down the hallway and smiled a little.
  1465. > He hadn't said *whose* bed!
  1466. > The pony made her way to the human's bedroom. His was softer, anyway! And it smelled nicer!
  1467. > If he really wanted her rested, then this was the best way.
  1468. > In moments she was under the covers and asleep.
  1469. > She woke up when something prodded her back, but she just mumbled to whoever it was to go away.
  1470. > The mattress shifted under her as the rude person failed to obey, but the mare didn't really mind. The bed was big enough for two.
  1471. > She woke up briefly again when a pair of arms encircled her barrel, but only enough to lift herself slightly and allow it to slide under her.
  1472. > The mare gave the palm a friendly lick, then she was gone again. The last thing she managed was:
  1473. "Good... night..."
  1475. > ~~~~
  1477. > The moment Celestia opened her eyes, she knew something was different. The light was strange.
  1478. > True - she had slept a little later than usual, but the room was still too bright. Not that she particularly minded that, she was just curious.
  1479. > Waking up in Master's bed was to be enjoyed, whatever the weather. The arms were still around her and the mare could feel Anonymous breathing against her neck. She smiled.
  1480. > Apparently the alicorn wasn't the only one to enjoy sleeping in after a hard week.
  1481. > She hardly remembered getting into his bed, but she was glad she did. And more glad that the human hadn't simply thrown her out and sent her to her own room.
  1482. > It was a mark of her progress!
  1483. > But now she was stiff and curious about the strange light. And her owner was lying on her mane, making any movement quite impossible. Regrettably, he would have to be shifted.
  1484. "Uh, Anonymous?"
  1485. > The arm slid up her barrel, but there was no other response. She tried again.
  1486. "Wake up."
  1487. > This time it worked. Her human moved and yawned. Most importantly, he rolled to his back and off the hair. It allowed the mare to stretch out her legs and sit up.
  1488. > Then she looked out the window.
  1489. "EEEEEEEEEE!"
  1490. > Anonymous sprang bolt upright with a crazed look in his eyes. But she didn't notice, because she had already jumped from the bed.
  1491. > Her hooves pattered on the rug in a fast, excited little dance.
  1492. > Any sleepiness or stiffness was instantly gone.
  1493. "SNOW! IT SNOWED!"
  1494. > She was squealing with delight, but the pony didn't much care. She fluttered her wings a little and ran in a tight circle around the room.
  1495. "SNOW SNOW SNOW!"
  1496. > She had been waiting for it! All the rain and the cold - it was bound to happen, but the uncertainty had been unbearable! But now it was there!
  1497. > Celestia didn't notice the bewildered look Anonymous gave her, nor his confused expression as he looked out the window. But she jumped on the bed and hugged the human, even as she flailed her tail around wildly in excitement.
  1498. "Yes! Yesyesyes! Finally! Come on! COME ON!"
  1499. > Before he could answer, she leapt back down and scampered out of the room. Her flank hit the opposite wall in her haste, but the pony didn't much care.
  1500. > She practically flew down the stairs and possibly left skid marks on the hardwood where she landed.
  1501. > In moments she had opened the door and burst outside, into the white, virgin world. She stopped in the driveway and inspected the ground with a big smile.
  1502. > Her legs were sunk in the soft, puffy blanket up to her ankles. She kicked at it and noted that it clumped easily - perfect for a snowball!
  1503. > Then she twirled in a circle, trying to see everything.
  1504. > The roof had a blanket of white. So did the hedge. The hillside and trees were faint splotches of green and brown under pristine white.
  1505. > Only the road was its customary ugly black, but Celestia didn't let it bother her.
  1506. > It was winter, there was snow, and she was going to a children's birthday party, where there would be cake and - undoubtedly - a good, exhilarating snowball fight!
  1507. > Surely the young humans would enjoy building a snow pony! And then, when they came back inside, wet and cold, but ultimately happy, she would make them hot cocoa with little marshmallows.
  1508. > The mare gasped. She had a bag in the pantry! She had made sure to buy it a long time ago in preparation for this exact day!
  1509. > She stomped in a rapid little dance and squealed a little again.
  1510. "This is going to be *so much fun!*"
  1511. > She pranced to the yard and looked around the house. Of course it was the same in all directions.
  1512. > First snow! The world was white. The sky was a different shade of white. The sun was a mere suggestion of a shape, somewhere *over there*.
  1513. > The sound was muffled. The air was clean and smelled of water and... snow!
  1514. > Celestia closed her eyes, twirled again, then fell right on her back into the powder. Perhaps the blanket of white wasn't quite thick enough, but she didn't mind. It stuck most pleasantly to her fur and tickled her nose where it landed.
  1515. > She pushed her wings open and wriggled around a little.
  1516. > The snowflakes working their way among her feathers were pure bliss.
  1517. > Sure, it was cold, but *so* refreshing!
  1518. > And finally the human showed his face at the front door.
  1519. "Anonymous!"
  1520. > She jumped up in a spray of snow and ran to the human.
  1521. "Isn't it wonderful?! Don't you just *love* first snow?"
  1522. > She didn't say: 'There are no cameras! Nopony was staring at her behaviour! There were no ponies to be scandalized by her behavior!'
  1523. > It was the most free she had ever felt and the alicorn wrapped her wings around the human.
  1524. > Who yelled in surprise and jumped away.
  1525. > Oh, right! The feathers were full of snow and all Anonymous was wearing was a T-shirt. Without fur, the snow could be shockingly cold!
  1526. > The mare just giggled and shook herself. A few flaps took care of her wings.
  1527. > Now she was a little disheveled, but positively glowing with joy.
  1528. > "Let's get inside before you catch a fever," her human suggested.
  1529. > She giggled. Alicorns didn't easily get sick. But Anonymous was right. There was something to do before the fun!
  1530. "I will make us breakfast and a cup of tea!"
  1531. > The mare swished her tail around to shake the snow out of it. Then she flicked her ears a few times to do the same.
  1532. > Some of it had already melted in her mane and ran in a cold little stream down her neck. It made her shiver, but it was a pleasant sensation.
  1533. > It made her feel *so alive!*
  1534. > But she didn't mind getting inside with her owner and shutting the door. And the house felt even warmer now!
  1535. > "A quick breakfast. We overslept, Celestia. We need to be at Christine's in an hour," Anonymous reminded her.
  1536. > The mare nodded, her smile growing even wider.
  1537. "Yes, sure! I'll fetch the present!"
  1538. > The box was in her room. She had wrapped it and wrote the child's name in nice, pink letters.
  1539. > She blushed a little when she remembered what was inside, but not even that could dampen her spirit on this day!
  1540. > Pony rides in the snow! And then a snowball fight! And then cake!
  1541. > The mare grabbed her human again and nuzzled him. Again he gasped as a trickle of cold water ran down her cheek and under his collar.
  1542. > But she just laughed at his expression and dodged as he tried to grab her ear for a quick bit of discipline.
  1543. > Luckily he didn't chase her into the kitchen, though the mare was half-hoping he would.
  1544. > A short chase would be fun!
  1546. > ~~~~
  1548. > The reception was even more enthusiastic than she had imagined! Celestia had poked her head into the room where the children were playing, only to have a little human cannon into her hug.
  1549. > "CELLY!" her young friend squealed at the top of her lungs.
  1550. > She easily caught Sally for a brief nuzzle, before she was surrounded by happy, yelling children. It was a form of adoration and the Princess drank it in, even if they were a little too 'grabby'.
  1551. > Much to her gratitude, Sally quickly stepped in and slapped away a hand which was getting too familiar with her wings.
  1552. > "No! Don't touch!" the girl commanded. "Wings are a bad place and so is the tail!"
  1553. > Her voice seemed to carry some authority and the press of little bodies around her eased somewhat. Finally she had time to inspect her new friends.
  1554. > Luckily, the birthday girl was an immense help. She pointed them all out for the pony:
  1555. > "That's Eliza, and Mia, and Abigail and Nicky," she explained while Celestia tried to keep up and match names to faces.
  1556. > Eliza was a dark-haired, slim girl with eyes that seemed almost pony-big. She was one of the more quiet ones. Then Mia and Abigail were most likely sisters - they looked too alike with auburn curls and freckles.
  1557. > Nicky was clearly the troublemaker in the group, there was no mistaking that mischievous smile. It put her in mind of Glitter Dust and the fancy watch the girl wore on her wrist seemed to confirm her knack for human gadgets.
  1558. > Then there were two human colts, who had kept their distance. Sally introduced them as 'Oliver Wilson' and 'Will'. Why the first was given a two-part name, Celestia couldn't say. Maybe it was just the way they children knew each other.
  1559. > The mare sat on her haunches and smiled kindly at each one as they were named.
  1560. > With that out of the way, the sisters - Mia and Abigail, Celestia remembered - spoke up at the same time: "Where are you from?!"
  1561. > She was only too glad to answer, because it made her remember her home.
  1562. "I'm from a land called 'Equestria'. It's where all ponies come from. Well, ponies like me, at least."
  1563. > The next two voices clamored up together. Nicky asked: "Where is Equestria?" at the same time as one of the boys wanted to know what it was like.
  1564. > Celestia couldn't really answer the first. Magical portals were perhaps a bit too advanced for children. So she focused on the second:
  1565. "It's a beautiful land with very friendly ponies. And the place where I am from is called 'Canterlot'. It's like a big castle, sticking out from the side of a mountain. The view is breathtaking."
  1566. > Castle was the magic word. It drew the boys closer and they stared at her with wide, fascinated eyes.
  1567. > "Castle? Are there knights and kings and jousting?" Oliver asked. This time Celestia was sure it was him.
  1568. "Well, there are no kings in Equestria. The land is ruled by-"
  1569. > It was a tricky one. She couldn't say 'alicorn', not if she wanted to keep Anonymous in the dark. The man was right there, even if he didn't' seem to be listening.
  1570. "-by two royal sisters. They raise and lower the sun and the moon each day, and make sure their ponies are safe and happy."
  1571. > At least, she added mentally to herself, that was the plan. Maybe it didn't work sometimes, but she tried very hard and so did Luna!
  1572. > They both liked to imagine they did quite well against all the threats they had faced over the years.
  1573. > "Are you a princess?" came the question that froze Celestia to the spot. She sought out the speaker, who was now in the center of attention. In particular the girls were staring at their friend in wonder.
  1574. "What makes you say that?"
  1575. > "Uh, n-nothing. I just thought - you're so beautiful and all white. You *look* like a princess!" came the quiet reply.
  1576. > Eliza was blushing a little at all the eyes on her. The girl obviously didn't like putting herself forward and she reminded Celestia of Twilight Sparkle's friend, Fluttershy.
  1577. > She didn't know the truth, of course, but it was a very perceptive guess. Celestia felt instant sympathy for the shy, quiet girl. She reached out a careful wingtip and gently tilted her face up so Eliza could see the alicorn smile.
  1578. "I'm no more special than any pony in Equestria. But there is one princess here today."
  1579. > She looked at the birthday girl, who giggled with delight.
  1580. > Crisis was averted and the quiet girl seemed satisfied with the answer. Celestia relaxed a little and answered a few more idle questions.
  1581. > Her favorite color was either blue or red - even Celestia herself wasn't sure. She had been reminded of Luna and realized how much she missed her sister and her lovely midnight-blue mane. And red was the color of leaves in fall, which was an especially beautiful time of year.
  1582. > Her favourite food was cake, which elicited a round of clapping and laughter from her new fan club. And no, she wasn't married and there was no colt-friend.
  1583. > That last part made all the girls blush and the boys look away.
  1584. > Of course the children had heard stories from Sally and wanted to see a bit of magic. The alicorn obediently floated her present to the birthday girl. It made them all gasp in delight.
  1585. "Here, open it!"
  1586. > She felt her face go a little hot at the idea, but Celestia found she liked Sally's friends. They weren't a bad sort and she couldn't fault them for being a bit too 'grabby' when they first met her.
  1587. > Of course most of them never had a chance to see a real pony, they were understandably excited.
  1588. > There was a gasp as Sally tore up the paper and pulled out the little saddle. She looked up at the alicorn and said the question:
  1589. > "You'll give me more pony rides?!"
  1590. > Despite the unease, Celestia found her enthusiasm quite infectious. She kept her smile and confirmed it.
  1591. "Of course, but you have to promise me something first, okay?"
  1592. > The girl nodded with a very serious expression. This was obviously important and the alicorn knew she could trust Sally's word.
  1593. "You have to promise me you won't make a pony give you rides if they don't want to, okay? I'm sure if you ask nicely, they won't mind. But you must respect it if they say no."
  1594. > "I promise," the child said. Even some of her friends were nodding. Perhaps Celestia was doing something good, at least. If they learned at this early age to treat ponies as people, rather than things, the future relations between their people would be better.
  1595. "In fact, I will give all of you rides today."
  1596. > There was a loud chorus of voices raised in delight. "YAAAY!"
  1597. > The girls rushed closer for a hug and Celestia wrapped her wings around them. It would be tiring, but also quite rewarding if the last time with Sally was anything to judge by.
  1598. > The only downside she could think of was Anonymous with his jokes and jabs. But she had an idea how to silence him now. A mouthful of snow, that was how!
  1599. > Before the girl could start strapping the saddle on the alicorn, Christine came with a cake on a big tray.
  1600. > Celestia felt a pang of guilt over that. She had promised to bake it for the party, but by midweek Anonymous had noticed how hard she was driving herself and guessed that the mare wouldn't be up to it.
  1601. > How correct he was. If they had relied on her, there would be no cake this day.
  1602. > Luckily, her owner had called Christine and explained, and the woman had ordered the cake from a shop. It probably wasn't as good, the alicorn thought, but it would do.
  1603. > There were nine candles on it.
  1604. > It looked like she would get cake before she had to give the children rides. It suited the mare just fine!
  1605. > And then they would go out and have some winter fun outside. She had seen the colorful, full-body suits in the hallway. It wasn't hard to guess they were made for the children to roll around safely in the cold snow.
  1606. > After all, humans didn't really have fur and they were remarkably sensitive to cold. She had seen that with Anonymous that very morning!
  1607. > She stopped making plans when Christine passed her a plate with a delicious, brown, sugary piece of chocolate cake.
  1608. >...
  1609. > Sally was the first to have a pony ride, as was proper for the birthday girl. She showed the others how to sit and follow the mare's movements. It helped immensely and the others did much better than Celestia had expected.
  1610. > Even the boys had accepted her magnanimous gift, although they sat rather more stiffly than the girls.
  1611. > Without the saddle, those two would never have stayed on her back. She didn't mind, though.
  1612. > When she had let him down, Will quietly asked if all ponies were as pretty as her.
  1613. > The human was a little young, but it still made her blush at the question and the mare didn't know how to answer.
  1614. "Uh, I don't know..."
  1615. > It didn't help that the small human blushed as red as she did. Luckily, he could be distracted by cake so she avoided having to answer.
  1616. > Other than that, the riding went smoothly.
  1617. > After a bit of walking up and down the room, and out to the hallway, Celestia took each child through the kitchen, where their parents were all too eager to snap pictures.
  1618. > She was happy that they were making memories with her and the mare made sure to smile widely for each photo.
  1619. > Once they were done, the adults made sure their young were warmly dressed before they let them go outside. Celestia could already hear their screams of delight.
  1620. > She had an idea and went to speak quietly with Christine.
  1621. > A few moments later, Sally was dressed in her snow suit and the pony came up to the impatient girl.
  1622. "Come, let's ride outside, okay? After all, a princess needs her steed!"
  1623. > She had kept the saddle for a bit longer and now accepted the burden once more. She was a little tired after the other children, but Celestia was looking forward to the next part. She didn't mind a bit more effort.
  1624. > And, she had to give Sally some credit - the young human was very sure of herself in the saddle. She was learning quickly.
  1625. > The alicorn barely had to think about her rider as she walked outside. And the gloved hands around her neck weren't a death-grip.
  1626. > As the two emerged outside, there was a cheer with only a few jealous overtones.
  1627. > Now, how did one start a snowball fight? Ah, of course!
  1628. > The mare scooped up a bit of snow in a levitation spell. It was the work of moments to round it into a sphere. Then she picked at random and let it fly - not too fast, so it wouldn't injure the child, but also not too slow.
  1629. > Oliver was the unfortunate first victim and caught the ball right in his chest.
  1630. > "Hey!" he yelled and leaned down to make his own ball. Some of the others broke off and ran for cover, while the rest followed suit and began urgently scooping up snow.
  1631. > Celestia giggled in excitement and yelled up to her rider:
  1632. "Hold on! We have to escape!"
  1633. > The grip around her neck tightened. The alicorn wasn't too worried. If Sally fell off, she would land in the soft snow. But she still took care as she cantered away and around the house.
  1634. > Not quickly enough, though. A snowball caught her right in the flank and the mare gasped. It turned into a giggle and she sped up to escape. By the little yelp, Sally also got one in the back.
  1635. "Us against them, right? We can't lose, not with my magic!"
  1636. > "Yes!" the girl yelled back. She pointed with a hand. "Go that way! There's a shed we can hide behind!"
  1637. > The pony changed her direction. She saw the building and tried to decide if she would make it. Running through full snow was incredibly tiring, especially with a passenger on her back.
  1638. > She made it - barely - and the two collapsed into the snow, laughing.
  1639. > The mare needed a few minutes, but she waved a wing at the surrounding snow.
  1640. "Quick, we need defenses. They probably saw us!"
  1641. > The human began piling up snow into a crude wall, while Celestia caught her breath. Soon she was ready and looked around. Everything was quiet.
  1642. > The calm before the storm.
  1643. > The war was on and the mare wriggled in the snow a little out of sheer delight.
  1644. > She didn't even see where the expertly aimed ball came from, but it splashed harmlessly against the saddle.
  1645. > The alicorn stuck her tongue out in the approximate direction of her assailant, then rolled over behind Sally's wall before they could get in another shot.
  1646. "What now?"
  1647. > The girl gave it some thought. "Let's sneak around the back! We'll get them from behind."
  1648. > It was a good plan. Celestia was glad that her ally was a good tactician. She began rolling up balls, so they would have ammunition ready. Then she lifted her head above the wall and listened intently.
  1649. > The rustle of their snow suits was unmistakable.
  1650. "They're coming!"
  1651. > She whispered it and pointed a hoof. Sally nodded with a grim, determined expression.
  1652. > It looked like there would be no survivors.
  1653. >...
  1654. > It wasn't much later that the pony was lying flat on her belly, hiding behind yet another makeshift wall of snow. She tried, but failed to suppress her giggling.
  1655. > Snowball fights were *so much fun*! No wonder her subjects took every opportunity!
  1656. > Something whizzed past above her and the alicorn jumped a little in surprise. She scooped up a bit of snow in a simple levitation spell and rolled it into a ball. Then she raised her head to look for whoever threw it.
  1657. > A sleeve from a pink jacket was sticking out from behind the house corner. It wasn't a clear shot and Celestia crawled slowly to the side.
  1658. > It was amazing just how nimble and fast the children were. She had thought that magic would give her an unfair advantage, but the balls of slush came from all directions before she could deflect them. And her own throws missed more often than not.
  1659. > There was a rustle as Sally got to her knees to follow, but Celestia waved a wing.
  1660. "Stay down. I'll get her! It's Abigail!"
  1661. > The child nodded and moved back to the relative safety of their hastily constructed fort. The birthday girl had proven as a valuable ally in this little war.
  1662. > She would be protected from the pink-jacket - their enemy!
  1663. > Celestia tried to move as low and as silently as she could. It worked and soon she was quite a distance from her hiding spot.
  1664. > She saw both Abigail and her sister, Mia, crouched just around the house, looking intently at the spot where Sally was still hiding. They had their snowballs at the ready, but they hadn't seen the mare crawl away.
  1665. > Of course! White fur on white snow. She was the epitome of stealth.
  1666. > The mare hefted the ball and prepared herself to launch it. Not too fast, of course. She didn't want to hurt the child. But with enough force to make it fly true.
  1667. > But there was a thump against her flank and Celestia jumped up in surprise. When she twirled around, she saw Sally and the two boys, advancing on her. Each was holding a couple of big snowballs and even as she looked one caught her right in the face.
  1668. "Eee-gh!"
  1669. > The pony spat out the snow and tried to make sense of the situation.
  1670. "Betrayal!"
  1671. > At the shout, the pelting began in earnest. The mare lifted up a lid of magic to save herself, but it didn't help. There were yells from behind and the pony saw that the sisters were coming at her from that direction.
  1672. > Even as she noticed that, Celestia took yet another ball in the rump. The cold impact made her yelp and twirl around. Sure enough, there were Eliza and Nicky, running into the fray.
  1673. > She swung the shield around and looked for cover. Unfortunately, that opened up her side to Sally and her collaborators. Two more slapped against her hide.
  1674. > Out of desperation, the mare wrapped more magic around herself until she was encased in a bubble.
  1675. > All the kids were now advancing on her. Every now and then a ball smashed against the translucent barrier. But nothing got through.
  1676. > She was safe for the moment, but completely surrounded.
  1677. > If any of them were surprised or amazed at the spells they didn't show it. Her little shields and her levitation had come into play a number of times and the children had quickly accepted it as fact.
  1678. > Even this latest spell didn't cause undue comment. Most of her little adversaries just grinned and waited for her to lower her guard. Sally was the one to approach.
  1679. > "No fair!" the girl yelled and slapped her hand against the shield. "Magic is no fair!"
  1680. "Is too! You betrayed me!"
  1681. > "Nuh-uh! I was a spy all along!"
  1682. > But they had entered the war together and never separated. When had her friend had a chance to switch sides?!
  1683. > But apparently the alliances were shifting even more rapidly than at a Griffon trade negotiation. The groups seemed to have merged simply into the children against the pony.
  1684. > Well, now that she thought about it, Celestia *had* thrown the first ball.
  1685. > There was no way out. The mare was trapped and out-snowballed.
  1686. "Okay, I give up! You won't pelt me if I lower the shield?"
  1687. > The children were bad liars. They promised they wouldn't, but the alicorn could read their faces clearly.
  1688. > She didn't mind. She let the bubble vanish and then feigned surprise as snow flew at her again.
  1689. "EEEEP! No! STOP!"
  1690. > Celestia yelped, but then she couldn't hold back the laughter anymore. She shielded her eyes with a wing and looked for the little traitor.
  1691. > In a few steps she was upon Sally and grabbed her with her hooves. The two rolled around in the snow and alternated between squealing from the cold and laughing out of sheer excitement.
  1692. > The assault was so sudden that Sally's friends didn't know how to help. A few of them threw their last ammo at the pony, but half the balls hit the girl instead.
  1693. > In the end, Celestia got the upper hoof. She pinned the little human's arms to the snow.
  1694. "Yield! Truce?"
  1695. > Sally struggled for a bit longer, then nodded. "Okay! I promise."
  1696. > This time Celestia believed her. She let her go and the girl sprang up to hug the pony.
  1697. > They were both shivering, so the mare made a judgement call.
  1698. "Okay, I think this is enough."
  1699. > There was a chorus of disappointed groans.
  1700. "Let's get some more cake and warm up!"
  1701. > This quickly changed the tone and her new friends ran for the house. The mare helped Sally up and followed.
  1702. >...
  1703. > Anonymous shook his head in dismay as he helped the alicorn out of her saddle. She was dripping with water and there were still clumps of snow melting in her mane and tail.
  1704. > Her fur was almost entirely soaked and the pony shivered a little even in the warmth of the house.
  1705. > "Looks like you had a lot of fun," her owner commented. Celestia chose to imagine that he was jealous.
  1706. > In fact, all the grown-ups had probably been looking out the window at their little war, envious that they couldn't join their children.
  1707. > But it was so easy:
  1708. "You could have joined us if you wanted!"
  1709. > He chuckled, but shook his head. "I don't think that would be very appropriate. That's just for children."
  1710. "So I am a child?"
  1711. > She didn't mind the implication. It was part of what she had wanted when she came to Earth. To release the filly inside and let her play a little!
  1712. > "No, but it's different for you," her human explained. He found a towel somewhere and carefully began drying her back and mane. It was very nearly like a massage. Just for that, she forgave him the unintended insult.
  1713. > "Oh, so you are the magical helper?" came a new voice. Another human approached them and grinned at the alicorn. He held out his hand. "Jeff."
  1714. > Celestia remembered as she reached a hoof up for the man to shake. "Sally's father?"
  1715. > The man nodded. "That's right. I wanted to say thank you for clearing our driveway. It saved me a ton of work with the shovel."
  1716. > She liked the praise, even if it wasn't entirely deserved.
  1717. "It was a very simple spell, Mr. Jeff. Anonymous needed a space to park his car and it was no trouble to clear the rest of your front yard."
  1718. > The human wouldn't take her modesty: "Maybe it was simple to you, but it was still amazing to see. All that snow, just floating up and moving aside."
  1719. > She didn't argue anymore.
  1720. "Well, you're quite welcome."
  1721. > She and her owner followed the man back into the living room, where most of the children were wrapped up in blankets or towels. The mare remembered her other gift, which was in Anonymous' coat pocket.
  1722. "Oh! You do have cocoa, right? I have some marshmallows with me!"
  1723. > She levitated the packet from the entrance hall and made her way to the kitchen. One last thing to make the party complete!
  1724. > Well, the beverage and another slice of cake. It wasn't as good as hers, but the Princess had never turned down cake before, and she didn't intend to start now.
  1725. > Anonymous left her with Christine and went to sit somewhere with Jeff. They would probably talk about TV, the mare guessed. Humans often did.
  1726. > She began to hum a gentle melody as she poured a pot of water. Meanwhile Christine was getting the cocoa powder from the pantry.
  1727. > Children's parties, Celestia decided, were great!
  1729. > ~~~~
  1731. > "So..." Anonymous said quietly as they drove back. "Had fun?"
  1732. > Celestia didn't have to think about the answer. For that matter, the human didn't really need to ask! He could probably read the smile on her muzzle.
  1733. > She bobbed her head up and down happily anyway.
  1734. "Yes, it was lovely!"
  1735. > "It was nice of Christine to give us some cake to take home," Anonymous went on. Her smile widened as the alicorn remembered.
  1736. "Yes. We'll each have a piece."
  1737. > That was news to the human. "No need. You can have it all. I know you appreciate it more."
  1738. > The mare firmly shook her head. Anonymous still didn't enjoy confectionery. She still had the Quest to complete!
  1739. "We will each have a piece!"
  1740. > She spoke calmly and resolutely. There was no mistaking her tone of command. She would wrestle her owner to the floor and force feed him, if she had to.
  1741. > Anonymous seemed to sense her determination. "Okay, okay, I'll try it!"
  1742. > The alicorn reached over with a wing to give her owner a pat on his head.
  1743. "Good human."
  1744. > He sighed and probably rolled his eyes in exasperation. Celestia couldn't see from her angle. She also couldn't quite judge if he was annoyed. Perhaps some mending of bridges was in order?
  1745. "I am very grateful you took me, Anonymous. It was probably rather boring for you."
  1746. > Now the human glanced at her, but too quickly to see his expression. "You're welcome."
  1747. > She fell silent as they stopped on the driveway and waited for the garage door to open. But then she had an idea.
  1748. > Why not include Anonymous in some of the fun, at least?
  1749. "Wait!"
  1750. > Celestia quickly opened the car and stepped out. The human looked around in surprise, thinking she had spotted something. "What is it?" he asked and leaned over the passenger seat to see what she was doing.
  1751. "I'll just clear our driveway, too. It's easy!"
  1752. > It was a ploy, something the mare had thought up on the spur of the moment.
  1753. > She had to get the human out of the car and outside. Undoubtedly he would come and watch after he parked.
  1754. > As she waited, Celestia prepared the magic she would use.
  1755. > Exactly as predicted, Anonymous moved his vehicle inside and turned it off. Then he hurried out to watch her magic in action.
  1756. > What he got instead as a snowball, right to the face!
  1757. > Celestia roared with laughter at his shocked expression and choked mewling sounds that came out.
  1758. > She watched closely what he would do next. There was always the risk he would be annoyed, maybe even send her to bed without dinner or bath. But Celestia was willing to risk it.
  1759. > The mare nearly squealed with excitement when the human crouched down and grabbed a fistful of snow.
  1760. > "I'll get you for this!" he roared and let it fly, but the pony was faster. She ducked around the house and his throw missed.
  1761. > Celestia scooped up another ball and peered around the corner, only to see her owner running toward her.
  1762. > She yelped and shot the snow toward him, before turning tail and galloping away.
  1763. > She didn't run too fast. The fun was in the chase, not in actual escape. Every now and then Anonymous paused, grabbed some snow and chucked. Most of those found their mark and Celestia was soon covered in snow.
  1764. > But she gave as good as she got! Her magic was fast and the earlier practice with the children had significantly improved her aim.
  1765. > More than once Anonymous had to stop and wipe snow from his face and hair, and each time Celestia blew him a raspberry.
  1766. > "Just you wait till I catch you!" the human roared in mock rage. It just made the alicorn giggle some more and spurred her on.
  1767. > But the human was gaining on her. It took some clever hoofwork to make it look like she was running as fast as she could, yet still somehow slower than Anonymous.
  1768. > Soon, she could no longer pause to throw snowballs. She concentrated on dodging a clumsy grab as they reached the end of their back yard and continued around the house again.
  1769. > The human was right behind her!
  1770. > She glanced back and - despite the fact that she had engineered the situation - squealed in fright.
  1771. > The look was to be her undoing.
  1772. > Celestia yelped in surprise and tripped. Her forelegs collapsed before her and she plunged forward in a spray of snow.
  1773. > Her hind hooves kicked uselessly at the air as the mare tumbled head over wings and ended up on her back, helpless.
  1774. > She was immensely proud of the performance. And Anonymous didn't suspect a thing!
  1775. > The human landed on her with a triumphant yell. "AHA!" he shouted and his arms wrapped around her barrel to keep her from slipping away.
  1776. > Only for a moment, because the man quickly shifted his body and straddled her belly. There was no escaping from the weight, even if she wanted to.
  1777. > But Celestia had to keep up appearances. She fought fiercely, but was careful not to kick Anonymous as she flailed her hooves.
  1778. > "Throw snowballs at me, will you?!" the human demanded. It would have been scary had Celestia not seen a grin, which Anonymous quickly suppressed.
  1779. > "I'll teach you some manners, you horse!"
  1780. > Too late the alicorn understood what he was about to do! This time her yelp of fear was real.
  1781. "No! Please, not that!"
  1782. > But there was no preventing it. Two handfuls of snow came to meet her muzzle. Her giggles became intertwined with squeaks, before being muffled.
  1783. "No! Plea- gah! Agh-!"
  1784. > She spluttered as she involuntarily swallowed some snow. Her wings flailed ineffectually against the ground. But no quarter was given.
  1785. > She barely managed a breath before Anonymous rubbed more snow in her face. The human was grinning openly now as he focused on his work.
  1786. > No part of her muzzle was dry any more and the pony stopped struggling.
  1787. "I yiel- gurk! I yield!"
  1788. > She had to choke it out between mouthfuls of snow.
  1789. "Mercy!"
  1790. > The punishment ended, but the human still sat on her. It made Celestia acutely aware of her back pressed into the freezing ground, but she didn't mind. She was concentrating more on Anonymous' thighs pressing against her sides.
  1791. > Anonymous leaned down to get a better look. His fingers gently wiped a bit of melting snow from her face.
  1792. > It was perhaps the nearest they had been while not asleep. Celestia knew exactly what to do. A warm lick of appreciation!
  1793. > She reached up with her head and closed her eyes.
  1794. > The alicorn later suspected that neither of them knew how it had turned into a kiss.
  1795. > She certainly never intended it. Nor did Anonymous. Maybe he had opened his mouth to object to her licking, but had been a moment too late?
  1796. > The pony often thought about it afterwards. It was a fateful moment.
  1797. > But at first, she froze in shock. Her lips were touching his, and since she had intended to lick, her tongue was out.
  1798. > Or rather - in.
  1799. > Celestia opened her eyes and looked straight into Anonymous'. It seemed to go on for a while, as neither of them dared move. As soon as they pulled apart, they would have to blush and she would probably apologize.
  1800. > They would pretend it had been an accident.
  1801. > Perhaps it had been, but it was one they both needed to push them along.
  1802. > The human wasn't moving away! Maybe - the mare couldn't be sure, but she really hoped - he was leaning in?!
  1803. > The thought seared its message across her mind and Celestia dared let herself hope. Maybe *this* time it didn't need to be an accident! Maybe she wouldn't have to apologize!
  1804. > She certainly wasn't sorry!
  1805. > The mare pushed all thought away. There would be time for it later.
  1806. > Right now, she spread her wings open and wrapped them carefully around the human.
  1807. > Her hooves sought out his flanks and her tail swished up to brush his thigh.
  1808. > Neither of them felt the cold.
  1809. > The kiss went on forever, then suddenly stopped.
  1810. > The pony watched the human.
  1811. > The human watched the pony.
  1812. > No one spoke.
  1813. > Anonymous lifted his hand again and brushed a drop of water from her muzzle.
  1814. > Alas, they could not stay like that. Now that it was over, Celestia became aware of her freezing back and began to shiver. The slight movement broke the spell.
  1815. > "Oh, sorry! I forgot! We should get you inside!"
  1816. > The mare heaved a sad sigh, but then brightened up. She was still holding the human with her wings. He wasn't leaving yet.
  1817. "Only if you p-promise we'll do t-this again!"
  1818. > She held her breath and turned both ears toward the man, so she wouldn't miss the 'yes'.
  1819. > "Yes," Anonymous said quietly.
  1820. > Celestia felt her mouth split open in a smile. She released the human and accepted his hand to help her up.
  1821. > A shake dislodged most of the snow which clung to her fur and feathers, but it didn't make her warmer.
  1822. > On the contrary: the mare started shivering wildly as a slow but freezing wind picked up around them.
  1823. > "Come on. Let's get inside and have a hot cup of tea," her human insisted.
  1824. > She was only too glad to obey, but Celestia glanced back at the trampled snow.
  1825. > Something important had happened. Something monumental!
  1826. > She didn't yet know what would come next, but she was eager to find out.
  1827. > The pony hurried to catch up with her human.
  1828. > They would have to take it slow.
  1829. > But she was fine with slow. She could wait a little longer.
  1830. > Celestia had the perfect idea.
  1831. "So would you like to cuddle on the couch with that tea and a blanket, and a nice movie?"
  1832. > Anonymous stopped to look at her.
  1833. > The mare kept her smile and held her breath again as she waited for the verdict.
  1834. "Yes, I think I'd like that very much, Celestia."
  1836. > ~~~~
  1838. > Entirely professional while they were at work. That was what they had both agreed. Things were weird enough as it was, without bringing others into whatever was happening between Celestia and Anonymous.
  1839. > At least the DA had moved their meeting to Wednesday. The alicorn had some more time to prepare and the days left her too exhausted to pursue the relationship further.
  1840. > The human didn't object to them sharing a bed, though. It was nice and the mare was only too happy to cuddle up against her owner each night.
  1841. > That part *really* helped her relax.
  1842. > At long last the day came and Celestia found herself sitting at a table in one of the lush, bright, wood-paneled meeting rooms. The mare looked over to the lady who entered while Denis held open the door for her.
  1843. > The district attorney stopped to look at the alicorn.
  1844. > Of course Celestia also inspected this new human. Her hair, slightly graying, was tied up in a very tight bun. The dress was plain black over a white shirt, with only a slim gold chain as decoration.
  1845. > Her one accessory was a brown purse hanging from her shoulder. She also wore half-moon spectacles, the alicorn noted. It all put her in mind of a successful, middle-aged woman.
  1846. > Everything about the DA screamed of professionalism and competence, but Celestia didn't let it intimidate her.
  1847. > She smiled pleasantly and inclined her head in a slight bow. Before she could introduce herself the woman spoke up.
  1848. > "You must be the protege Denis spoke of so highly. Celestia, right?"
  1849. > The mare bowed again.
  1850. "That is right, Mrs..."
  1851. > She turned her voice up in a question.
  1852. > "Miriam Adams," came the smooth reply, along with the outstretched hand. Celestia carefully placed a hoof in it to receive the shake.
  1853. "Mrs. Adams - I have familiarized myself with the most important procedures and the court terminology. Denis has not yet given me any case details, so I only know what was reported in media."
  1854. > Her temporary boss took a seat next to the alicorn while the lady walked around to sit opposite them. She pulled a sheaf of papers from her bag and spread them out before her.
  1855. > She glanced through the paperwork, then looked up above her glasses. "I have seen your work on that contract or whatever it was. You seem competent, Celestia."
  1856. > It sounded like high praise. Even Denis confirmed it: "Yes, ma'am. I have offered her a job here, but she has refused. This case is the exception due to its nature, of course."
  1857. > "Of course," the lady answered. She glanced down at the papers again. Celestia chose to be silent unless asked a direct question, at least until she knew a bit more about this Miriam Adams.
  1858. > "And I see that her owner - this Mr. Anonymous - does not wish her to testify?"
  1859. > It was her own wish, to avoid all the publicity and exposure that would bring. Her human had just been kind enough to put it forward as his own request. Celestia was very grateful for that.
  1860. > There was a pause and the pony realized they were both looking at her.
  1861. "Oh, sorry! Yes, that is correct, Mrs. Adams."
  1862. > The woman nodded slightly. She kept her eyes on the pony, but steepled her fingers and touched the tips to her chin.
  1863. > "So, tell me, Celestia: why are you interested in this case?" she asked at long last.
  1864. > The mare picked her words with care.
  1865. "Ponies are involved, and-"
  1866. > "Do you know them personally?" came the question, interrupting her.
  1867. "No, nothing like that. But where I come from, Mrs. Adams, all ponies look out for each other. Denis tells me that this case will likely set a court precedent. That, in turn, will help all ponies on Earth."
  1868. > "Hmm," murmured the woman, apparently deep in thought, "commendable. Very altruistic."
  1869. > The alicorn decided to turn the tables for a moment.
  1870. "Why are you pursuing this case, Mrs. Adams? What are your motivations?"
  1871. > Denis looked at the mare in shock, but didn't say anything. Miriam just kept staring at the pony.
  1872. > In a few more moments, Celestia would have withdrawn the question. She didn't want to offend the lady or seem impertinent.
  1873. > But slowly the DA smiled. "Valid question. I took the case, Celestia, because I did not agree that those men have committed theft. I wish to see them convicted for kidnapping."
  1874. > Celestia instantly warmed up to the woman. She smiled beatifically.
  1875. "I wholeheartedly agree. I wish to do everything in my power to make that happen."
  1876. > The lady brushed a speck of dust from the sleeve of her shirt and pursed her lips for a moment. Then she picked up one of her papers and slid it across the table.
  1877. > "Here is what we will do," she said, suddenly all business and efficiency. The pony glanced at the paper, but only read the underlined word in the first paragraph.
  1878. "Amicus curiae?"
  1879. > Miriam nodded. "You owner is a very good attorney, Celestia. He knew that the judge would not accept you as a witness since you were, by no stretch of the imagination, involved."
  1880. > She glanced over to Denis before continuing. "That leaves us two options: expert witness or... this."
  1881. > Celestia searched her memory. She was sure she had seen the phrase written down. And 'expert witness' gave her the last bit of the clue she needed.
  1882. "Ah, of course! I remember now. An 'amicus curiae' renders assistance to the court by means of special insight, pertaining to the case."
  1883. > "Exactly. And the key difference is that normally such a person does not attend the court hearings."
  1884. > Celestia was already smiling. It sounded just like what she had wanted!
  1885. > The lady leaned closer, as if for a better look. "You will provide materials, which will be considered through the process. I will make sure you have the reports after each hearing and you will prepare for me briefs with any information you feel we can use. And more briefs which I will give to the judge."
  1886. > It sounded like a lot of work, but the Princess would not shy away from it. She would not let her subjects down in this!
  1887. > This was a good way she could serve them even on Earth!
  1888. "Of course! It will be an honor, Mrs. Adams!"
  1889. > Even Denis was grinning with anticipation. "With you two, this will be an easy win!"
  1890. > They both looked at him. Celestia was the one who sighed.
  1891. "Denis - do not count your chickens before they are hatched."
  1892. > "I was about to say the same thing," Miriam confirmed. "We will have a lot of work and a difficult fight. I engaged your firm because you and your associates are conscientious and do good work. Celestia is simply an added bonus."
  1893. > She pushed another paper forward. "Here. You will need to sign this NDA, and the brief. I will file it today and let you know as soon as I have the court's decision."
  1894. > The mare hadn't considered the possibility that she would be denied! She opened her mouth to ask, but Miriam predicted the question.
  1895. > "Do not worry. Even if amicus curiae is rejected, you will still help me win this case - as a personal adviser."
  1896. > It made the alicorn smile with relief. It would have been a cruel fate to bring her here, just in time for such an important case, *and* with the skills she had in these matters, and then prohibit her from helping!
  1897. > She levitated a pen and quickly made her signature on the documents. The DA carefully slid them back into her purse. "Good. Now I can show you the complaint and the report from the initial hearing. Tomorrow we will go through our evidence and police reports."
  1898. > The pony nodded happily and leaned closer to see better.
  1899. > "Oh, and call me Miriam," the woman added absentmindedly.
  1900. >...
  1901. > Eventually Miriam concluded her interview and Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. She had made a good impression. And so had the woman.
  1902. > The alicorn was happy that the lady was on their side in this trial. The woman was clearly competent and very passionate about her work.
  1903. > They both had a lot of work to do before the next meeting, but for now Celestia pushed it out of her mind and decided to have a restful evening.
  1904. > It was Wednesday, she remembered. Anonymous was easily persuaded to take her to the pony meet up, at least for a few hours.
  1905. > And as soon as they returned home, the mare would do something about *them*.
  1906. > Her and Anonymous. A very strange concept. She wasn't entirely sure it had really happened!
  1907. > True, she had taken to sleeping in her human's bed ever since the fateful moment on Saturday. And the man didn't object. But she came to bed late and rose early. The most she had done was give the human a tired lick before falling asleep.
  1908. > And from his side...
  1909. > They *had* cuddled on the couch and watched a movie or two. Well, leaned against each other, at least! That was almost like cuddling, right?
  1910. > It wasn't as if she had time for anything else. As she had promised him, Celestia still kept the house in order and cooked. It would not do to let her standards slide just because she was now - maybe - dating her owner.
  1911. > Later that night she would see if she might tease something more from the cryptic human. Some clue of where they stood.
  1912. > Maybe even a kiss or two. The mere thought made her smile. And then...
  1913. > The pony purposefully avoided thinking about the future beyond a few weeks. She wasn't sure how the two would handle things once she returned home.
  1914. > Perhaps it was a good idea to leave their relationship where it was?
  1915. > No, she thought and shook her head. She wanted more!
  1916. > But maybe not get too invested, in case Anonymous took the admission of her deception poorly. It would not do to get her heart broken on Earth.
  1917. > "Everything okay?" the human asked.
  1918. > Celestia became aware of her surroundings and saw that they were already parked near the pony meeting place. The human had turned his car off and was looking at her with a touch of concern.
  1919. "What? Why do you ask?"
  1920. > A hand came to her withers and Celestia leaned into the touch. A scratch was always welcome.
  1921. > "You mumbled a bit and kept shaking your head there. Deep thoughts?" the human asked.
  1922. "It depends..."
  1923. > "Oh? On what?"
  1924. > She wondered if she should bring anything up right then. It wasn't the best time - despite them being half an hour early, Celestia didn't want to burden Anonymous with a difficult question and then leave him in the company of what were basically strangers.
  1925. "Nothing important, really."
  1926. > "The case?" the human guessed. Celestia decided to roll with it. She had thought about Miriam a little, so it wasn't even really a lie.
  1927. "Yes. With Mrs. Adams, I think we can win it. But I wish I could be more sure."
  1928. > The hand slid up higher to tease open her ear, which she had folded flat down. It was nice and the mare closed her eyes.
  1929. "Mmmm."
  1930. > "Don't worry. Denis usually does trade law, but he's a good attorney. And you'll be helping him," Anonymous said calmingly. It helped and Celestia sighed in comfort.
  1931. > She decided to try a little experiment.
  1932. "Thanks. A kiss before we go?"
  1933. > She held her breath and didn't open her eyes. There was silence and her ear went back down in misery.
  1934. > Apparently Saturday hadn't meant anything. At least leaving Earth would be easier then, the pony thought.
  1935. > There was a rustle and the mare reached for her magic to open the car door. But just before she could, the hand was back under her muzzle and gently lifted up her face.
  1936. > Lips brushed hers. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it was there.
  1937. > She smiled and opened her eyes.
  1938. "Thank you. Does that make us coltfriend and fillyfriend?"
  1939. > Celestia cursed her own weakness. She hadn't meant to spring this on the human, she had specifically decided against it! But the kiss had brought up hope and she just had to know!
  1940. > "I'm not sure *what* it makes us. It's a very complicated situation," the human said slowly. At least he didn't bring up her being his slave, Celestia thought. Why was he hung up on that so much?!
  1941. "There's no hurry, Anonymous. We will figure it out. And you didn't say 'no'!"
  1942. > He ruffled her mane a little and laughed. "You're right, I didn't. We have time, so no point in rushing it."
  1943. > A few more months, Celestia thought quietly, but kept her smile. It was enough to perhaps deepen their relationship and build it into something lasting. She was sure they would find a way, if that happened.
  1944. > She could always offer Anonymous a job in *her* house!
  1945. > Or, failing that outcome, their feelings could change into something more... physical. That would also be acceptable. Once it was over, they would part ways - hopefully amicably, and they would both be richer for the experience.
  1946. > The least desirable option was that nothing further happened. They went back to the way they had started. Strictly professional. If Anonymous decided it is too strange to 'date' his slave.
  1947. > Date!
  1948. > It reminded her.
  1949. "Oh! You still owe me dinner someday! You promised! Someplace nice."
  1950. > Her human grinned a little. "Yes, I did. I will see if I can arrange something for Friday evening, okay?"
  1951. "Yes!"
  1952. > The mare waited a few seconds more, hoping he would kiss her again. But he didn't, so she opened the door and stepped outside. The human followed shortly after.
  1953. "We won't stay too long today, don't worry. I just wish to say hello to everypony and let them know I'm still alive."
  1954. > They were some blocks away from the meeting place, but the alicorn changed into Supple Branch.
  1955. > One of the others might run into them, despite it being some time before the official meeting start.
  1956. "Okay, I'm ready. Lead the way!"
  1957. > She fell in step beside her human. There was something else.
  1958. "Could we get pizza afterward?"
  1959. > She failed to spot Anonymous' mischievous little smile. "Too lazy to cook, already? Maybe this 'us' isn't a good idea-"
  1960. "I'll cook! I'll cook! No pizza then, sorry. I shouldn't have-"
  1961. > Only then did she notice that Anonymous was holding back laughter. She frowned a little at him and bumped his rump with her muzzle.
  1962. "Joker..."
  1963. > And he didn't even apologize! The mare considered giving him a long, warm and, above all, wet lick!
  1964. > But it was chilly outside and she didn't want Anonymous walking around with a moist face and catching a cold. Humans did that a lot, apparently, at least according to Wendy the receptionist.
  1965. >...
  1966. > They weren't the first ones in! Celestia had expected that they would need to wait for one of the others out in the hallway, but when Anonymous tried the doorknob, it opened.
  1967. > Glowbug was already inside.
  1968. > Both mares looked at each other and their ears folded back. It was almost synchronized.
  1969. > "Good luck," her owner whispered to her and went to look for Mrs. Turner in the small 'owner's room'.
  1970. > The alicorn made her way into the room.
  1971. "Good evening."
  1972. > The changeling in disguise inclined her head. "To you, too. Have a seat? I made cookies."
  1973. > There was indeed a tray on the coffee table and it was giving out an amazing aroma. Pineapple. Not a common choice, but Celestia still felt her mouth water a little.
  1974. > Glowbug was sitting on a chair to the side - it was her usual place. And the couch was usually occupied by Lake Frond and Rock Lichen, so Celestia nudged another chair closer to the cookies and jumped up.
  1975. "I'll just try *one*!"
  1976. > It made the unicorn laugh. "Don't worry. There's plenty."
  1977. > Such generosity! The alicorn smiled back pleasantly.
  1978. "So-"
  1979. > But Glowbug began first so Celestia fell silent and let the changeling speak.
  1980. > "So, how'd your heat go? We haven't really spoken since- the ring."
  1981. > It was true - Celestia had seen the changeling on Skype a few times and nearly tapped her once or twice, just to say hi. But she had decided against it each time.
  1982. > Apparently Glowbug had done the same.
  1983. > Glowbug.
  1984. "Why such an obvious name? Weren't you worried ponies would figure it out?"
  1985. > The unicorn grinned. "You didn't!"
  1986. > She had a point there.
  1987. "Okay, that is true. But still? Something like 'Firefly' would have been better, no?"
  1988. > Now the other creature looked down at her hooves. "It was what Mr. Hudson called me. It was a joke, but I kept it when I got out. I liked him."
  1989. "Oh? Who was Mr. Hudson?"
  1990. > The unicorn looked up sharply. "You don't have to do this, you know? Just pretend in front of the others. We don't have to see each other a lot."
  1991. > It was tempting. But Celestia remembered that day they both found out about their disguises. The changeling had acted unlike anything she had been expecting.
  1992. > But there was one important thing, first.
  1993. "I would like to try. I behooves me to do as I preach, does it not? Friendship is for all."
  1994. > She was sidling up to the issue, hoping a way to put it would pop up. But there was nothing. She'd just have to go out and say it.
  1995. > Celestia sighed and lowered her gaze.
  1996. "Were you in Canterlot when- during Princess Cadence's wedding?"
  1997. > The changeling didn't answer. After a few moments the alicorn looked up.
  1998. > "What does that matter?! That's ancient history! What are you going to do about it anyway?"
  1999. "Please - I'd just like to know."
  2000. > The bug in disguise groaned and looked up at the ceiling in exasperation.
  2001. > "Fine! I was. Okay? Now what?!"
  2002. > Glowbug was right. What should Celestia do with this information? Besides, the entire Hive had been involved in that attack. Could she really blame one drone for the decisions of her Queen?
  2003. > The unicorn sensed her inner struggle and her face softened. "If it helps, the explosion broke my wings. It took me *months* before I could fly again. And it hurt like hell."
  2004. > That didn't make it better, but Celestia appreciated the gesture.
  2005. "Thank you for telling me the truth."
  2006. > She wondered how one went about forgiving. It wasn't even what Chrysalis had done to her, personally. She was miffed about Cadence and Shining Armor, but that was all the Queen.
  2007. > In Glowbug's case, it was what the swarm had done to her subjects!
  2008. > There weren't many deaths, thanks in large part to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. But there were some.
  2009. > "You know," the creature under scrutiny spoke up slowly, "we didn't *all* agree with the Queen."
  2010. > That was interesting news. Until now, Celestia had thought of the changelings as a unified whole. They had always acted with singular purpose. Or else their disagreement hadn't been very visible.
  2011. "You didn't stop her."
  2012. > Glowbug's hoof hit the armrest on her chair. It made a loud thump. "The Hive comes first! Came first! We might not agree with the Queen, but we don't argue! This is about family!"
  2013. > There was obviously conflict there. Celestia filed it away for further study once she was back in Equestria. If there was dissent among the changelings, she might be able to help nudge them along somehow and have Chrysalis dethroned.
  2014. > Maybe, away from her influence, the changeling race could be reformed?
  2015. > It was something Twilight Sparkle had once said - no creature is too far gone that they can't be redeemed.
  2016. > But there was still the whole 'eating of emotion' matter.
  2017. > Again Glowbug seemed to guess her thoughts. "I know what you're thinking! I see how you're looking at me! *I* didn't get any of your precious ponies' love! The Queen was the only one who fed during that disaster!"
  2018. "And now? You're slowly sucking these ponies dry? And you call them your friends!"
  2019. > The changeling rolled her eyes in despair.
  2020. > "Stop with all these prejudices, Supple! Have you ever asked me how it works?! No! So who are you to judge?"
  2021. "So tell me how it works."
  2022. > The anger seemed to drain from Glowbug and she returned her eyes to Celestia. "Why bother? You hate us. Let's just agree to stay out of each other's way. I won't sell you out, so you can have your precious friends, and you do the same for me."
  2023. > It was that solution again. Celestia really wanted to take it. But it felt incomplete. She would be leaving things unfinished.
  2024. "No."
  2025. > The alicorn ran a hoof down her face and tried to regain her calm.
  2026. "Look - you are right. There's a lot of prejudice and preconceptions. I promise I'll listen. And I promise I'll think about it, seriously. Okay?"
  2027. > The two watched each other for a while. At long last, Glowbug shrugged a little to herself.
  2028. > "Okay. I don't understand it, not really. But - " she began and paused to think. "You know how changelings feed on love? We need food, but we also need to absorb emotion, or we die."
  2029. > It made Celestia's stomach twist, but she forced her face to stillness and nodded.
  2030. "Yes."
  2031. > Glowbug spread her hooves in a grand gesture. "Well, it's *different* when the feelings are directed at us!"
  2032. > The alicorn wasn't entirely sure she wanted to hear nuances of how the bug creatures drained their prey. But now she was interested. She waited for Glowbug to continue.
  2033. > "It's... strange. Normally we have to - like, imagine sucking water through a long hose. It takes effort."
  2034. > Despite her self-control, Celestia shuddered and closed her eyes. But she made herself open them again and looked at the unicorn.
  2035. "Go on."
  2036. > "Well, these ponies are my friends."
  2037. "But you're in disguise and lying to them."
  2038. > "True," Glowbug agreed. "But I think I've been in this disguise so long that I've actually *become* Glowbug the unicorn. I don't feel like I'm lying to them. It's something like... make-up, okay?"
  2039. "Make-up?!"
  2040. > The changeling held up a hoof. "Just bear with me, okay? It doesn't feel like a disguise. It's just who I am. And we've become friends."
  2041. > Her face brightened up and the mare began to speak more quickly: "Oh, and there's also Mrs. Turner! She knows exactly who and what I am, but she still likes me! She's also my friend!"
  2042. > Okay, so a changeling could be likable. Celestia didn't see it making much of a difference. The emotion would run out, sooner or later. Changelings fed more quickly than the feelings could be replenished.
  2043. "So? You just suck it out of them. I think that's even worse!"
  2044. > Glowbug jumped from her chair and flailed her hooves excitedly. Her face was animated as she tried to explain: "No, no! It's different! I think it's because they share their feelings with me willingly! It's so much more filling!"
  2045. > The hooves went to her belly. "I don't know why or how or anything! But I *like* my friends and they *like* me, and somehow I'm not hungry. I don't have to drain them!"
  2046. > It would be a remarkable breakthrough, if it could be proven true.
  2047. "Really?! You befriended ponies and a human and now you don't have to suck out their love to sustain yourself?"
  2048. > Glowbug jumped a little and smiled. "Exactly! I don't know why this should be, but I'm happy it is! I don't want to hurt my friends!"
  2049. "That's... curious."
  2050. > The unicorn stopped and stared pleadingly at the alicorn. "So you see? I'm not- doing all those things you say about me! I don't know what's happening to me or how. But it is!"
  2051. > Celestia wished she had time to examine this in more detail. But she heard voices on in the hallway.
  2052. "The others!"
  2053. > Glowbug returned to her seat, but she kept a soulful gaze on the alicorn. "Please? I just want to be with my friends!"
  2054. > The alicorn made a snap decision. True, the changelings were liars and actors. But this pony seemed genuinely concerned. And - Celestia found this the most telling of all - Glowbug really wanted Celestia to have good opinion of her.
  2055. > She could have just left it all alone. They both knew each other's secret, which was enough to ensure mutual silence. But she wanted the alicorn to approve!
  2056. > Maybe there was such a thing as a good changeling?
  2057. "Okay, okay. I'll ask Anonymous if we could meet - just us two. So we can talk some more."
  2058. > The hope in Glowbug's eyes confirmed it. She smiled beautifully at the alicorn. "Thank you! I'd like that!"
  2059. > They fell silent when the door opened. It was the couple - Lake Frond and her coltfriend.
  2060. > "Hi! Hi!" the mare greeted. She ran to Glowbug to give her a hug. Celestia watched them. They were both smiling at each other. Two ponies, genuinely happy to see each other.
  2061. > But the thought fled when the happy mare gave her a hug, too. "Hi, Supple! Haven't seen you a while. Heat passed okay?"
  2062. > It was such a sudden change of topic that Celestia couldn't hold back a blush. It made both Lake Frond and Rock Lichen chuckle.
  2063. > "Poor filly! That bad?"
  2064. > All she could do was nod.
  2065. "Uh, is H-heavy Hoof coming?"
  2066. > She had worried about meeting the stallion in person, after their little performances. And especially now that she had begun something with Anonymous.
  2067. > Celestia hoped the pony wouldn't take it too hard. He had to understand that her agreement and promises were due to her heat, right?
  2068. > "Yeah, he usually comes with Belle Hop. They live closer together, so Peter sometimes brings them both," Rock Lichen explained.
  2069. > Celestia felt her face fall and it made the earth mare chuckle a little. She hugged the distraught alicorn again.
  2070. > "Don't worry, sweetie. He told us how bad you had it. We understand. Nopony is going to make fun of you, okay? Or they'll have me to answer to!"
  2071. > The Princess sighed and nodded into her friend's mane.
  2072. "Thanks."
  2073. > The couple took their places on the couch and inspected the bounty before them. "Ooh, lovely! Which one of you brought these?"
  2074. > It was Lake Frond who asked because her coltfriend had already stuffed a couple in his mouth.
  2075. "Glowbug. Here, let me try one!"
  2076. > It was a mark of how seriously she had taken their discussion. Celestia had completely forgotten about the cookies!
  2077. > They were *delicious*! Maybe if a changeling could learn to bake like that, she really could be reformed, the alicorn thought!
  2078. > She made sure to smile at the unicorn to show her appreciation. She got a grin in return as she returned to the chair.
  2079. > It wouldn't do to seat herself next to the sweets and eat them all. She had to leave room for pizza later!
  2080. > Maybe, with a bit more talk, she *could* call her a friend?
  2081. > There was the sound of running hooves outside and the door burst open. It was the pegasus, who seemed flustered and impatient and worried.
  2082. > She was in quite a state.
  2083. > "Come on, come on, give it here," the pegasus harassed her owner. She was almost dragging Maggie into the room.
  2084. > "Glitter, sweetie? What's wrong?" Lake Frond asked for all of them. They had never seen the pegasus so upset.
  2085. > And it was even more worrying when Glitter Dust simply ignored the question and poked her muzzle at Maggie's hand. "Give it, give it!"
  2086. > The human sighed and reached into her backpack. "Fine, fine! Here. Sheesh!"
  2087. > She brought out a laptop and the pegasus pushed the cookies away to make room. Luckily Rock Lichen caught them and returned them to the table.
  2088. > "Take it easy!" Lake Frond said and walked around to try and give the pegasus a hug. But Glitter Dust slipped away and looked at the door. "I hear the others coming!"
  2089. > She ran there and opened it. "Come quick!" she called.
  2090. > Heavy Hoof and Belle Hop came in, looking around in wonder. But the distraught pegasus was already back at the table, looking at the laptop, which was starting up.
  2091. > "Come on, come on. You gotta see this. All of you!" Glitter Dust said urgently. She looked around and made a few nervous steps toward the unicorn and Celestia.
  2092. > "This is *huge*, guys! I only found it today!"
  2093. > "What is?!" Rock Lichen asked and shuffled closer to the laptop. He made room to his side for Lake Frond, who had fallen silent and was looking at the screen with nervous curiosity.
  2094. > Belle Hop also came closer and at on her haunches so Heavy Hoof could see over her head.
  2095. > When it looked she had all their attention, Glitter Dust pushed a button with a wing feather.
  2096. > The screen flickered and displayed what the pegasus had last been looking at.
  2097. > They all gasped, even Glitter Dust.
  2098. > "Is that-" Belle Hop asked, but Glitter interrupted her.
  2099. > "I t-think..." she said quietly. "Guys, I think Equestria has fallen!"
  2100. > They watched in silence.
  2101. > It was a photo on Facebook. And it featured their princess, the room was definitely human.
  2102. > She had just taken a bite out of a vase of daises. She was smiling a little, with a part of a flower still poking from her muzzle.
  2103. > A collar encircled her neck.
  2104. > There were already thousands of comments, mostly exclaiming how beautiful the pony was.
  2105. > No one spoke.
  2106. > They understood why Glitter Dust was so worked up.
  2107. > If their Princess had been captured and enslaved, Equestria was most likely gone.
  2108. > Celestia felt her blood run cold. She could have sworn that her heart skipped a beat when she saw the picture on Glitter Dust's computer.
  2109. > It was the one Wendy took, that Monday a week ago! How had the pegasus found it so quickly?
  2110. > Or, for that matter, why was there a picture of her somewhere on the Internet which *could* be found?!
  2111. > She barely stifled a small gasp when she remembered. The birthday!
  2112. > Those humans took *so* many pictures of her! Being ridden by children! And smiling about it!
  2113. > What would her ponies think?!
  2114. > If those in front of her were any indication, it wouldn't be pleasant at all!
  2115. > She wrenched her mind back to the present, where Heavy Hoof was making a small speech.
  2116. > "Look, maybe Equestria is gone, or maybe they just have *her*! We can't know for sure!"
  2117. > He was trying to keep hope alive, but the pony seemed on the verge of tears.
  2118. > "Yeah, and how would that happen, unless they stormed Canterlot?!" Rock Lichen demanded. He looked even more miserable than the other stallion.
  2119. > Lake Frond hugged them both. Her ears twitched as the mare thought up an answer, then folded down flat when she realized what it was.
  2120. > "M-maybe," she said and gulped in terror, "they just foal-napped her? Or maybe she was invited for diplomatic talks and they did something to the food?"
  2121. > "But she's smiling!" argued Belle Hop, pointing at the image. "That doesn't look like somepony who's been foal-napped!"
  2122. > They fell silent for a moment. Celestia wished silently that they wouldn't probe further. She looked at Glowbug, who was staring in shock and horror. And, yes! There was bemusement there.
  2123. > Celestia returned the glare, just as Heavy Hoof came up with another explanation. "You know," he said slowly, as if afraid of the idea. "There are those... training centers..."
  2124. > All ears went down, even Glowbug's. It was a very dark rumor. Nopony among her friends had been able to confirm or deny it. They just whispered about it whenever they felt depressed.
  2125. > Places which took in rebellious or difficult ponies and... re-trained them.
  2126. > From the mental image she had, Celestia thought about whippings. And worse.
  2127. > She hoped fervently that the laws she forced upon humans had put a stop to such places. It would cause her no end of nightmares to think otherwise.
  2128. > "Well, we gotta *save* her!" exclaimed Glitter Dust and hit the table with a hoof. "No way we're letting the Princess be someone's pet!"
  2129. > 'No no no no, please let the Princess be someone's pet!' thought the alicorn.
  2130. > "Okay, what do we do?" That was Belle Hop, who had walked over to sit by Glitter Dust's side. They looked defiantly at the other ponies.
  2131. > Celestia had to try something, anything, to get them to abandon this idea.
  2132. "No, m-maybe we shouldn't get in-involved!"
  2133. > She mumbled it, because it sounded hollow even to her. No pony would leave another in obvious danger. If she had seen Luna like that, wouldn't she move the heavens to free her?
  2134. > The alicorn looked down as all eyes focused on her.
  2135. > "What? What kind of talk is that?!" demanded Glitter Dust. "No, we're doing this! If Equestria is still there, the Princess will know how to get there. And if it isn't..."
  2136. > They all drew shuddering breaths at the prospect.
  2137. > The knowledge that Equestria, its ponies and their friends and families were safe, somewhere beyond the reach of humans, had been a major factor of their happiness.
  2138. > "Well, if it's gone, then we'll rebuild it. With Princess Celestia! She'll know what to do, we just have to break her out!" Glitter finished.
  2139. > That made the others stiffen up with resolve. It looked like they were really going to do it.
  2140. "Please, let's not do something stupid. We should think this through!"
  2141. > It was a plea and the alicorn looked at Glowbug for support. The unicorn sighed, rolled her eyes and joined in: "Yeah, maybe we take a few days and think it over? We need a plan, at least."
  2142. > They were about to start muttering darkly, so Celestia tried again.
  2143. "She doesn't look like she's being beaten. We need a plan before we do anything irreversible."
  2144. > It felt like she was giving in to this madness.
  2145. > She should tell them.
  2146. > But she couldn't, not before she told Anonymous. The mare was caught between a rock and a hoof, with no way to wriggle out of it.
  2147. > She needed a few days! To think. To come up with something.
  2148. > Heavy Hoof came to her aid: "Supple is right. We need a plan. We can't just run away. Do we even know where the Princess is?"
  2149. > Glitter Dust tapped on her laptop. "It was posted by someone by the name 'Wendy Locker'."
  2150. > She inspected a few things, clicking through the screens faster than Celestia could follow.
  2151. > "No location. Damn. I'll have to read through the comments, see if someone sounds like they know her. Or, I could ask this lady directly," the pegasus murmured.
  2152. > "Good, then we need a way to get there. Glowbug, can you do anything?" Rock Lichen asked.
  2153. > The unicorn looked at Celestia, who shook her head slightly, still with that pleading look on her muzzle.
  2154. > "I- I'm not sure. I don't know any travelling spells, and teleportation won't work over any real distance," she explained. It was the truth, but at least she hadn't given them more ideas.
  2155. > "C-could we ask one of the owners?" suggested Belle Hop. "Supple, aren't you always saying how nice Anonymous is? Do you think he'd be willing to help us? Just get us on a train, or something."
  2156. > Celestia nearly squeaked in fright at the idea.
  2157. "I really don't think so! We- he has a lot of work..."
  2158. > Belle Hop looked at the others. "Glitter, how about Maggie? Or maybe Heavy Hoof? I know Rock and Lake's humans won't help."
  2159. > The brown stallion shook his head. "Sorry, I don't think so. They probably wouldn't stop me if I explained, but they won't help. I'll sneak away, just in case."
  2160. > That left the other pegasus. She scrunched up her muzzle. "I'll ask. But not until after I know where. In case she takes away my electronics and starts tying me up or something. If you don't hear from me in a few days, just go without me!"
  2161. > The earth mare spoke up for the first time since they had seen the picture.
  2162. > "She looks... happy," Lake Frond said quietly.
  2163. > Heavy Hoof waved it away. "Brainwashed, probably!"
  2164. > "Guys, GUYS!" Glitter Dust whimpered suddenly. "We *can not* tell the humans who she really is! Maybe they don't know, but if they find out, it's gonna be trouble!"
  2165. > The others looked at her and Celestia almost aplauded. Smart mare, don't draw attention. Don't tell the owners. In particular, don't mention it to Anonymous, please!
  2166. > "Why not?" asked Rock Lichen, trying to work it out according to his scrunched up muzzle.
  2167. > "If the authorities knew, do you think they'd let her walk around like that? She's a political figure. If they destroyed Equestria, they'll want to keep her hidden so she can't organize any resistance. And Princess Luna, too! And Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle!"
  2168. > "Maybe they just don't care? If they won, maybe it was just an auction?" supplied Heavy Hoof slowly. But he didn't quite believe it.
  2169. > "And if Equestria *hadn't* fallen, they will especially want her to have a bargaining chip!" the pegasus finished and thumped the table again.
  2170. > "Not a word about the Princess, then!" Rock Lichen agreed.
  2171. > Glitter fiddled with her computer a little more, then she groaned. "No, you idiots!" she moaned.
  2172. > "All these idiot ponies in the comments, calling her 'Princess'! Tartarus!" she explained to the others.
  2173. > It made Celestia's heart sink lower.
  2174. "W-what are they saying?"
  2175. > Belle Hop pushed her way to the laptop to read. The alicorn didn't dare look at her face.
  2176. > "Despair, mostly. Looks like a lot of ponies came to the same conclusion as you, Glitter."
  2177. > Celestia had to fight back tears.
  2178. "H-how many ponies?"
  2179. > Silence again as the two pegasi examined the Internet some more.
  2180. > "Couple dozen. Okay, we have to stop them from saying it before some human spots it..."
  2181. > There was the sound of typing and the Princess looked up.
  2182. "What are you saying to them?"
  2183. > Glitter Dust dictated what she was typing slowly with the tips of her wing feathers. "Hush you fools, don't say who she is! Delete your comments!"
  2184. > "I hope that's vague enough," said Heavy Hoof.
  2185. > Rock Lichen hugged his friend. "We don't have a lot of choice."
  2186. > "Guys, she seems so happy," repeated Lake Frond, more loudly. This time they all heard and fell silent. Everypony inspected the screen again.
  2187. > "Yeah, it's weird. It's like she wants to be there. And I think Supple was right. The Princess isn't being beaten," muttered Belle Hop. "Tell me that username again, I'll try and talk with this 'Wendy'. See if I can find out more."
  2188. > Glitter Dust peered at the computer too. "Yeah," she said, "I thought about doing that, but she's not online. I'm waiting for her to accept my friend request."
  2189. > Celestia gulped. The receptionist would be only too happy to share details about her favourite alicorn coworker. She had to warn the woman - plead with her to keep quiet!
  2190. > She realized what that meant and her heart descended all the way down to her hooves.
  2191. > Anonymous would have to find out. Tonight. He could probably call Wendy and ask her to keep quiet. Please, she thought, don't let Wendy check her Facebook before that!
  2192. > Before she fessed up to her owner.
  2193. > It was too soon!
  2194. > They had been doing so well! He had kissed her earlier!
  2195. > And now she'd have to reveal the lie.
  2196. > Maybe she could get away with simply explaining her station? Maybe downplaying it a little. He needed to know just enough to help her deal with these ponies, before they did something stupid.
  2197. > No. If there was a chance for anything between Anonymous and her, she would have to give him the whole truth. Even so, he might not want to keep her around.
  2198. > She didn't really need too much.
  2199. > Just a little longer.
  2200. > Her vacation had just ended, the alicorn knew that very well.
  2201. > But she wanted to see this case to its completion. It could take months, Miriam had said, and Celestia needed to see that it won!
  2202. > Then she would tell her friends and then she would leave for Equestria.
  2203. > Except it was more complicated now. Soon all her ponies on Earth would know that the Princess was enslaved. It would make them lose heart.
  2204. > She would somehow need to get the word out to them. But what could she say?
  2205. > 'I was getting tired of all that freedom I had, so I went to try slavery for a bit?'
  2206. > 'Hey, I know many of you are suffering, but I thought I'd treat this slavery thing as a joke for a bit, no hard feelings?'
  2207. > 'So, about this collar around my neck...'
  2208. > No.
  2209. > She couldn't tell them. And right now, the alicorn couldn't think of a way to explain! She needed time to think!
  2210. "Uh, guys... I'm kinda tired with all this work I've been doing. Mind if I leave? I want to think about the Princess for a bit."
  2211. > The mares looked at her and noted her expression.
  2212. > "Oh, you look awful, sweetie," Lake Frond said and went over to give Celestia a gentle hug and a nuzzle. "Go get some rest. We'll talk about this some more."
  2213. "Please - let me know whatever you decide. I want to be a part of it."
  2214. > Maybe if she learned about their plan soon enough she would be able to stop it.
  2215. > Glitter Dust nodded. "Yeah, sure thing! I'll tell you on Skype if we decide anything. Get some rest."
  2216. > "I think I'll walk out with you. Let me get Mrs. Turner," said the unicorn. "Want me to fetch Anonymous as well?"
  2217. > Celestia just nodded gratefully.
  2218. > The others went back into a huddle. "Look, we obviously need to get away if we want to do anything. And we need Glowbug out of her ring, so she can help us with locks and walls," Heavy Hoof was explaining.
  2219. > It made Celestia want to grit her teeth in frustration. They would work on this rescue plan, it looked like!
  2220. > "Yeah, that's right. And we'll need someplace to stay. Remember, if she was brainwashed, she won't want to help us at first," Glitter Dust explained. The alicorn suspected her friend had seen too many human movies, but the others seemed to be eating it up.
  2221. > "That's right! Try and find out where she is. Let's hope it's America, because I don't think we're getting past customs. 'Wendy Locker', that's American, right?" asked Rock Lichen. "I don't think we can reach Europe."
  2222. > "I'll fly there if I have to!" Glitter Dust growled.
  2223. > But the stallion shook his head. "Across the ocean? This isn't Equestria, Glitter. Earth is *huge*!"
  2224. > He didn't wait for an answer, but continued with his speculation. "Let's hope it's America. Unless it's around some desert bit, there will probably be forests. We can hide out there until we figure out how to get her home. It'd just be grass and bark and evergreen trees, but I think I know how to make snow igloos for warmth. And with Glowbug's magic, fire shouldn't be a problem."
  2225. > There was a chorus of agreement.
  2226. > "Then what?" asked Lake Frond, but Celestia didn't hear the answer. The two humans and the unicorn came from the owners' room and the ponies fell silent. Glitter Dust spread a wing across the screen to obstruct the view.
  2227. > For once, the pegasus inadvertently helped her. If Anonymous had spotted the picture, he might have commented on it.
  2228. > She hurried out ahead of their owners with Glowbug right on her hooves.
  2229. > "We'll go ahead and chat a bit, that's okay, right?" the unicorn asked. Both Anonymous and Mrs. Turner nodded.
  2230. > The mares hurried onward.
  2231. > "That could be a problem," her friend said and Celestia heaved a sigh.
  2232. "Tell me about it. What do I do?!"
  2233. > "I'd say 'I told you so', but that could have been me, so I won't."
  2234. "Thanks."
  2235. > Maybe it was a touch more sarcasm than the alicorn intended, but Glowbug didn't seem to mind.
  2236. > "You'll have to tell him now, you know?" the unicorn pointed out.
  2237. "Yeah, I know."
  2238. > Celestia sighed sadly.
  2239. "It was just going so well! And the case- I can really make a difference here! I can't deal with this and the case at the same time!"
  2240. > They stopped and waited for the owners to walk back into sight before going forward. Glowbug gave her new friend a hug. "I feel ya. Have you considered telling them?"
  2241. > The alicorn barked a laugh.
  2242. "Tell them what? That I've been making a big joke about their situation? I hinted to Silent Brook that I could get him home and he nearly bit my head off!"
  2243. > "Yeah, that's usually a problem. Ponies get used to living here. Unless their owners treat them real bad, they don't want to risk getting stuch with worse humans. You hear stories."
  2244. > Celestia could understand it. Things could be worse *so easily*.
  2245. "Even Heavy Hoof?"
  2246. > Glowbug shrugged and looked into the distance. "You know, it sounds tragic, what they're doing to him. But I heard some rumors..."
  2247. "What rumors?"
  2248. > The unicorn rounded up on Celestia and stared right in her eyes. "Swear to me you don't tell this to anyone!"
  2249. "I swear!"
  2250. > The changeling held her gaze for a moment longer. "I'm not sure, mind you. But I think Heavy Hoof had gotten it on with his mistress. And I don't know if his master knows!"
  2251. > It was quite hard to believe, but it made sense, given his eagerness. Even so, Celestia didn't see how it pertained to the stallion wanting to stay. Human women couldn't be that much better in bed, could they?
  2252. "So, what does that change?"
  2253. > "I think he likes her. A lot. If you know what I mean. And I think he likes his master, too. I talked with him on Skype a few times... after. And he doesn't seem all that depressed, if you get what I'm saying."
  2254. > Celestia felt her eyes widen and her mouth open in surprise. She stopped walking so she could stare at her friend.
  2255. "Oh!"
  2256. > "*And* it looks like they... like him back. Who knows what's really going on, but that pony likes it here. Having to run away to save you will break his heart!"
  2257. > It became even more important to stop them, then.
  2258. "He won't. I'll put a stop to it."
  2259. > "Okay. I'll see if I can think of something," the unicorn promised. Celestia noticed that their owners were almost upon them.
  2260. "Thanks, Glowbug. You- you're a real friend. I'm sorry about-"
  2261. > She didn't get to finish. "It's fine," the mare said and hugged her. "Just remember once you're back. We're not all bad. Tell them that making real friends fills you up more than stealing love. Hope that helps."
  2262. > Celestia knew what she meant. If this news spread through the changeling Hive, it could be the push they needed to say to no to Chrysalis! It was, perhaps, a start of something big!
  2263. "You don't want to go home?"
  2264. > Glowbug thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No, I like it here. And I don't know what Mrs. Turner would do without me. Now hush."
  2265. > The two broke apart just as their owners came within earshot. It was a good thing a human hearing was that much weaker than pony.
  2266. > "Ready to go?" asked her human.
  2267. > Celestia nodded silently.
  2268. > "Time for pizza?"
  2269. > She shook her head.
  2270. "Actually, I'd just like to go home. I'm tired. I will make you dinner, if you like."
  2271. > That raised his eyebrows. He quickly said goodbye to Mrs. Turner and Glowbug, then went back to staring at Celestia as they headed for the car.
  2272. > "What is bothering you? It can't be the case. Is it 'us' again?" he asked.
  2273. > The mare shook her head. She wondered how to say it.
  2274. "I'll tell you when we're home, okay? Just - leave me in silence for a bit, please? I need to think."
  2275. > Anonymous shrugged a little to himself. "Sure, not a problem."
  2276. > The mare crawled into the car and immediately let her eyes unfocus into the distance.
  2277. > She had to find *some* words which would make it right between them. There *had* to be some!
  2278. "Anonymous?"
  2279. > He waited to clear the intersection before glancing at her. "Yes?"
  2280. "Please remember that I love you, all right? As a friend and as- something more."
  2281. > If he was shocked at the outright admission, her owner hardly showed it. "Where is this coming from? Didn't you say yourself we should take it slow?"
  2282. > She sighed and looked away from him and out the passenger window.
  2283. "Yes. I did. But it's important you know. Please?"
  2284. > She nearly flinched as a hand sought out her ear. "I'll remember. Whatever is bothering you, we'll figure it out. We saved you from the basement monster, remember?"
  2285. > The mare couldn't help smiling. A tear ran down her cheek and she kept her muzzle turned away from the human.
  2286. "Thank you. You are a good human, Anonymous."
  2288. > ~~~~
  2290. > It was the moment Celestia had been dreading ever since she decided she liked Anonymous.
  2291. > If her owner had been just another human slaver, the mare would never have thought about it twice. It wouldn't be so hard!
  2292. > She would just leave and get Mr. Plain to smuggle her back home, problem solved.
  2293. > But she really liked this human. She respected Anonymous too much to simply vanish. He deserved an explanation.
  2294. > And the mare also wanted to make it work. There were feelings she hadn't yet fully explored. Questions she hadn't asked and, of course, pleasures she hadn't indulged in.
  2295. > She had hoped this moment would be some time in the future. After she *really* had Anonymous' trust.
  2296. > No time for regrets. She should have realized that the Internet, with its free and easy sharing of information, would be her undoing. She should have kept her form of Supple branch at work.
  2297. > How she could have avoided the pictures at Sally's birthday, Celestia couldn't say. Christine had seen her as an alicorn - changing that would raise questions and require explanations she didn't have.
  2298. > But it was a useless venue of thought in either case. She followed her human from the car to the living room, where Anonymous sat down and looked at her.
  2299. > There was still concern in his eyes and it wasn't helping in the slightest.
  2300. > One important thing, first.
  2301. "Anonymous, could you call Wendy and ask her not to answer any questions about me on Facebook - or anywhere?"
  2302. > This was so far from what the human had been expecting that his hand pulled out his phone before he realized.
  2303. > "What?! Why?" he peered at the alicorn again. "Are you in some kind of legal trouble? Was I right after all and you're stolen or something?!"
  2304. > The mare shook her head.
  2305. "Nothing like that. Please, call Wendy, and then I'll tell you everything. Nothing held back, I promise."
  2306. > Any more pleading in her voice and Celestia would be begging. She would have done it, too.
  2307. > It was critical that her pony friends learned about her from *her*, not some human. Even so, it would be almost impossible to repair their trust.
  2308. > Not to mention that she would have to come up with a good explanation for her 'vacation'.
  2309. > But one problem at a time. Anonymous first, ponies later.
  2310. > After a few moments of silence, the human tapped on his phone. The mare was flooded with relief and sagged a little.
  2311. > Her rump landed on the carpet as she sat down to wait.
  2312. > She could hear the ringing, and then Wendy, slightly worried but mostly bewildered: "Yes? Anonymous?"
  2313. > "Hi, Wendy. Sorry to bother you, but Celestia really wanted me to call and give you a message," he explained.
  2314. > "What is it? Is something wrong?"
  2315. > Even the lady was concerned about her.
  2316. > Anonymous waved his hand, despite the fact that Wendy couldn't see him. "No, nothing like that. She is just asking you not to talk about her over social media."
  2317. > There was silence. It was a strange request and the lady would deny it, Celestia knew!
  2318. > Her ears folded down and she began to sigh.
  2319. > "O-kay, but I don't understand-"
  2320. > Her owner interrupted the woman on the phone: "No, neither do I, but I'll get to the bottom of this. So you will agree?"
  2321. > "Yes, of course! She'll be in the office tomorrow, right?"
  2322. > Anonymous looked at the mare, who nodded. Again, the relief made her head sag. One small crisis averted.
  2323. "Thank you!"
  2324. > She said it loudly enough so that Wendy would hear. There was a pause again.
  2325. > Then the woman spoke up: "Am I on a speaker or something?"
  2326. > Her human laughed a little. "No. Pony hearing, remember?"
  2327. > "Oh. Well, if you can hear me, Celestia, I'll want answers tomorrow!" Wendy demanded. It made Celestia lower her ears quickly again.
  2328. > By now, Anonymous was holding the phone before him, since the pony and his receptionist were having a conversation without him.
  2329. "Yes, of course, Wendy! Thank you!"
  2330. > There was a grudging: "You're welcome," then the man put the phone back to his ear.
  2331. > "Have a good night," he said, "and sorry for the late call."
  2332. > The woman said something affirmative, then hung up. His eyes settled on the pony.
  2333. > "Well?"
  2334. > Celestia gulped. She almost blurted it all out, but Anonymous had more to say.
  2335. > "This is about your disguise to the other ponies, isn't it?" he guessed.
  2336. "Y-yes."
  2337. > He put his elbow on his knee and leaned his face into his hand.
  2338. > "Okay, out with it, then."
  2339. > Where to even begin? Celestia thought about the story she was about to tell Anonymous and picked the worst spot.
  2340. > If she got through that part first, the rest would be easier.
  2341. "I've been lying to you, Anonymous. Maybe I had good reasons, but it was still wrong. I never expected it would have to come out, but I don't have a choice anymore."
  2342. > His eyes narrowed as the two stared at each other. "Lying about what?"
  2343. > Here it was. The moment of truth.
  2344. > Celestia thought her heart would hammer through her ribcage and fall on the carpet. She tried thinking of the situation as a diplomatic discussion. Turn the words around to make herself out in the best possible light. Make the truth dance a little.
  2345. > But she didn't want to do that. Not to Anonymous. He deserved better.
  2346. "I've been lying about who I am and why I am here."
  2347. > She had intended to tell him the whole thing, but her coward mouth couldn't quite form the words. Even as it was, the mare was shaking a little. Wings wanted to unfurl and take her away from there, but she sternly kept them pressed tightly against her body.
  2348. > "So, who are you really?"
  2349. > The question was, of course, inevitable. She had known that, but it helped push her past the block.
  2350. > It was as if her tongue was losing strength! But the alicorn made her say it.
  2351. "I'm Princess Celestia. My sister and I rule Equestria - the land of ponies."
  2352. > Maybe it was better to give him bit by bit.
  2353. > It was a shock. She saw his eyes widen, even if the face was carefully neutral. She decided to explain a bit more.
  2354. "Alicorns are... like royalty in my land. This form has to be earned through great deeds and it marks us out from other ponies."
  2355. > "So, that's why you wanted a disguise? So the ponies on Earth wouldn't know their ruler is here?"
  2356. > Very perceptive. If she wasn't so scared, Celestia would have felt quite proud of her owner.
  2357. "Yes. It would crush them to see me in a collar."
  2358. > The man closed his eyes and rubbed his eyelids. "And you didn't think having your photo taken and posted online would cause exactly that?"
  2359. "I did not realize what Facebook was. I didn't even know what the Internet was, Anonymous."
  2360. > He let it drop for the moment and continued with the next question. The alicorn had known this one was coming, too, in one form or another.
  2361. > "Okay, so you don't want your ponies to know that you've been captured. You intended to hide this for the rest of your life?" the human pointed out.
  2362. "N-not exactly."
  2363. > She found herself unable to continue. Her ears were already as flat as they could go, but now she hung her head as well.
  2364. > "Not exactly? What then? What is it you don't want to tell me?"
  2365. "I didn't intend to stay on Earth forever. I just meant to be here for a few months."
  2366. > And, of course Anonymous asked: "Why?"
  2367. > She glanced up. There wasn't any anger, not yet. First, Anonymous was trying to get the whole truth, and then he would decide how he felt about it.
  2368. > There was absolutely no way it would be good.
  2369. > But she also had no real choice. Yes, she could run away. But that would mean abandoning her subjects and the court case. And, more importantly, it would mean abandoning Anonymous.
  2370. "It was meant to be a vacation."
  2371. > Now her owner barked a laugh, as if disbelieving her. "What?! You let yourself be enslaved as a vacation?! What kind of twisted-"
  2372. > She couldn't take the tone anymore. Celestia drew a breath and jumped into Anonymous' word.
  2373. "You don't know what it's like. Years and years and years of the same thing! Court. Serving my ponies. Diplomacy. Generations and generations of diplomats, each trying the same tricks again. I did not have a single day off for the past thousand years, Anonymous!"
  2374. > She saw the next question rising up in his eyes, but she pushed forward, wanting to get it all out before her courage failed her.
  2375. "Even when I tried to take a vacation - let my sister take care of the court - they sought me out! Everywhere I went, they knew me, treated me like royalty and then brought their problems before me!"
  2376. > Just one more bit, and then she would let him ask the question which was on the tip of his tongue.
  2377. "Yes! Earth was a treasure! Finally I would be someplace where I wasn't known! No court, no duties, no negotiations. Housework and cooking is downright *relaxing* in comparison!"
  2378. > The mare ended up breathing heavily after her forceful speech. She waited for the man to ask.
  2379. > "Thousand years?" he said, right as she was expecting.
  2380. "Yes."
  2381. > Her voice was calmer now, gentler. She had poured her fire, her passion into the speech. There wasn't much left, maybe enough to get through whatever else Anonymous wanted to know.
  2382. > And then receive the verdict.
  2383. > She still had an exit, if necessary. There was no ring on her horn. She could magic her way out of whatever way Anonymous tried to trap her.
  2384. "I'm over a thousand years old, Anonymous. Becoming an alicorn gives us a greatly extended lifespan. Infinite, perhaps. Even I am not sure. I do not age and I do not fall ill."
  2385. > "You're a thousand years old?!" the human blurted out. He wasn't trying to hide his shock anymore.
  2386. "Yes!"
  2387. > He groaned a little and put his hands on his forehead. "Celestia, sometimes you act like you're *three*!"
  2388. > That explanation was easier. And the question - Celestia began to hope that Anonymous wasn't quite as angry as she had feared.
  2389. "Yes! Because back home, I never can! I step out on the balcony, there's ponies with cameras. I go out of the castle, there's subjects, prostrating themselves. Can you imagine the scandal if *the Princess* rolled around in the snow a little?!"
  2390. > The human didn't answer her.
  2391. "There are standards I must always adhere to, Anonymous! Is it so hard to believe I wanted a change, at least for a while?"
  2392. > If that was his biggest problem, then she was in the clear. But when Anonymous looked back up, the last sliver of hope died in her heart.
  2393. > The human looked furious. He glared and his hands gripped each other until his knuckles were white.
  2394. > She deserved a beating, the mare believed that firmly. But she still shuffled back, almost involuntarily.
  2395. > "So, let me get this story straight," Anonymous began with a voice that was far too calm. "You got tired of ruling and the duties that came with it. So you came to Earth and had yourself sold as a slave. I expect Mr. Plain is in on this little plan?"
  2396. > The mare just nodded, wide-eyed.
  2397. > "Okay. Someone was to buy you and give you light, household work. You'd be able to have some fun and rest from your stressful, ruling lifetime. And then what? When you'd had enough of slavery, you would just escape?"
  2398. > Another nod.
  2399. > "And whoever bought you - they would simply have forfeited their money. Pony would vanish without a trace."
  2400. "Y-yes."
  2401. > She glanced away from his expression.
  2402. "B-but not in your case! Anonymous, I really like you! I would have made Mr. Plain return your money!"
  2403. > She had intended no such thing until just now, but she would have promised anything to placate her owner.
  2404. > "Go up to your room," her owner said quietly.
  2405. "What?"
  2406. > "Your room. You can escape now if you want, but I expect you have a reason for telling me all of this, or you would have done it already."
  2407. > She nodded hurriedly.
  2408. "Yes, I have to help with the case! It's important for my subjects-"
  2409. > "It doesn't matter," Anonymous interrupted. "I don't care. You won't run away tonight, will you?"
  2410. > She gulped. A part of her really wanted to. But it would leave too many things unfinished.
  2411. "No. I promise I won't, Anonymous. Please, I just-"
  2412. > "Then shut up. Go to bed. I want to think about this."
  2413. > She stood up, but didn't walk yet.
  2414. "W-what will you do?"
  2415. > Anonymous shrugged. "I don't know yet. What *should* I do?"
  2416. > Celestia didn't have an answer to that.
  2417. "I d-don't know."
  2418. > She let her head hang until the mane fell over her face. The pony was glad that her owner had such excellent self control.
  2419. > But any further relationship between them was most likely over.
  2420. > She looked up and blinked away a tear.
  2421. "Anonymous, I wasn't lying when I said I liked you."
  2422. > His face hardened again. "You were lying about everything else!"
  2423. "I really didn't think-"
  2424. > "No, you didn't!" he said more loudly. Celestia flinched a little at the interruption, but she couldn't leave it alone. If she didn't try everything, the pony would never forgive herself.
  2425. "Please, listen! It wasn't supposed to go like this! I started to like you, first a little and then a lot! And then more!"
  2426. > She was too late to prevent a sob escaping.
  2427. "I don't want it to stop, Anonymous! I'm sorry about lying! And I'm sorry about the money! I'll find a way to pay you back. I'll do anything!"
  2428. > He opened his mouth, undoubtedly to order her to leave again, so the mare spoke faster:
  2429. "Please, anything! You can belt me as much as you like, or forbid me sweets. Or the bath. And you can make me sleep outside in a dog house! I don't care, I'll do *anything*!"
  2430. > "You'll do anything for what?" he asked.
  2431. > The pony sniffed in misery and wiped her muzzle with a hoof. Tears were leaking freely now, but she didn't care.
  2432. > Maybe Anonymous would believe she was being sincere.
  2433. "I'll do anything to stay with you."
  2434. > It surprised even the mare herself. Just how hard *had* she fallen for the human?!
  2435. > "And the nation you're supposed to be ruling?" the human asked quietly. She saw he wasn't done with anger, but right now there was some pity there.
  2436. > Pity was good. She could hope.
  2437. "I will find a way!"
  2438. > Again the unreadable mask! Celestia wanted to kick her human. She couldn't tell what he was thinking!
  2439. > "Get up to your room. We'll talk again in the morning. If you're still here," he ordered, still speaking calmly and quietly.
  2440. "Please, Anonymous-"
  2441. > "YOUR ROOM!" he roared and the mare took a step back in fright. She took another look at his face and decided against arguing some more.
  2442. > She fled from his sight and up the stairs.
  2443. > Perhaps she had pushed Anonymous too far.
  2444. >...
  2445. > Celestia couldn't stop pacing up and down her room. She ignored the complaints of her growling stomach and instead tried to calm her distressed mind.
  2446. > What would Anonymous do?
  2447. > At this point, she would have welcomed a beating, if only it meant she could start earning back the human's trust. She would have apologized profusely, even begged for leniency, if it would help.
  2448. > But the mare knew it wouldn't. At best, Anonymous would send her to bed again. At worst, he would...
  2449. > The alicorn couldn't tell. Throw her out? Refuse to see her again?
  2450. > It would effectively put a stop to all her efforts with Miriam, and Celestia was desperate for those to continue. The DA would probably still win, the mare hoped, but the Princes simply *had* to be involved now.
  2451. > Maybe she saw it as an excuse for her willing slavery? For the way she had all but mocked her subjects' misery directly. If she could tell them: yes, I did belittle your pain, but I made sure something good came of it. A better fate for all her ponies who were being kept on Earth.
  2452. > It wouldn't excuse her poor judgement at being photographed and seen on the Internet, but it would help!
  2453. > Worst of all, it wasn't the whole reason. Beside the burning need to see the court case through, there was Anonymous.
  2454. > Celestia had never met a person like him. She wanted to know him better!
  2455. > This had nothing to do with her ponies, or the politics. The desire came from Celestia the mare, not Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.
  2456. > The mare realized she had been staring at the clock without seeing it. She quickly identified the thing which had brought her out of deep thought.
  2457. > Her ears perked up as they caught a familiar sound from the bathroom. Anonymous was washing up.
  2458. > How many nights had Celestia lain in his bed, listening to these same noises as she waited for Anonymous to come, give her an absentminded scratch and put his arms around her?
  2459. > It couldn't have been more than a couple.
  2460. > And yet...
  2461. > Celestia already missed that casual closeness. She missed his scent. The thought that she would have to sleep in her own bed, alone, revolted the alicorn.
  2462. > She glanced at it. Comfortable and warm it might have been, but the mattress now looked as if it was stuffed with rocks.
  2463. > Rocks made out of ice!
  2464. > It was entirely unappealing. Celestia whimpered a little as she heard Anonymous' bed rustling. The human was getting in.
  2465. > And now he was stretching out!
  2466. > Her overactive imagination painted his hand sliding along the bed, looking for that warm, equine body to which he had become so used.
  2467. > Celestia swore she heard the human sigh in disappointment!
  2468. > He was just as miserable sleeping alone, the mare knew this!
  2469. > How fast a body could become used to cuddling something soft and warm at night, Celestia despaired.
  2470. > How quickly she had associated Anonymous' smell with safety and comfort!
  2471. > It was all her fault! The mare sniffed and went to her bed. She lifted a hoof and placed it on the mattress. But her legs didn't seem to have the strength to lift her up.
  2472. > What would be the point anyway? It wasn't as if the mare would be able to sleep.
  2473. > She leaned her nose closer and inhaled deeply. Nothing except her. The loneliest smell in the world.
  2474. > The alicorn sighed and let her hoof drop back down to the floor. It was entirely unfair!
  2475. "All I wanted was some time away!"
  2476. > She spoke softly, so that her voice wouldn't wake Anonymous up.
  2477. "Every pony gets a vacation, why can't I?!"
  2478. > A millennium of service to her subjects with hardly a luxury accepted for herself. Surely Celestia had earned a bit of happiness?
  2479. > She looked out through the window at the bright, moonlit world.
  2480. "What should I do, Sister?"
  2481. > There was no reply, of course, but Celestia tried to imagine Luna. Her fierce, determined expression. The slight scrunching up of her muzzle when she didn't understand something, but was determined not to show it.
  2482. > The happy little smile when things went her way and the Princess of the Night was allowed to strut a little.
  2483. > And also the side so few ponies ever got to see: The Lonely Princess.
  2484. > Luna was feared and respected. She was also alone.
  2485. > How alike they were? Celestia was a public figure. Luna was a recluse. But they were both lonely, each in her own way.
  2486. > The face Celestia had to show to the crowd was so often not her own.
  2487. > Luna had not yet learned that trick, so the expression she showed the ponies was her real one. But it was not one they were expecting, so they slid away, polite, yet distant.
  2488. > Each of them only had the other. Each would only ever have the other. Whatever friends they made were like petals on the wind. Beautiful, fragrant, but so very ephemeral.
  2489. > Was it wrong that Celestia tried to find something - a *short* something - with Anonymous?
  2490. > Would her sister begrudge her a romance?
  2491. > No, Celestia decided at last. If anything, Luna would encourage her older sibling to take what happiness should could find in the world.
  2492. > And to find it, Celestia would need to go looking!
  2493. > The mare stood up, fresh determination shining from her eyes and face. She made her way out through the door and to Anonymous' room. She sat down in the hallway and focused her ears.
  2494. > There! Right at the edge of her hearing was his soft breathing. She waited until she was absolutely sure that it was steady and regular.
  2495. > Then the alicorn cast a spell remembered from a mischievous youth. The glow flowed from her horn and settled around her hooves before vanishing.
  2496. > Now, when she moved, her hoofsteps were completely silent.
  2497. > How many centuries since she had used this particular spell? It seemed like it had come from a different lifetime.
  2498. > There was something deliciously naughty about it and despite her worry and apprehension, Celestia had to stifle a giggle.
  2499. > She gently opened the door and went to Anonymous' bed. Then she considered the next problem.
  2500. > It was imperative that the human didn't wake!
  2501. > With extreme care, Celestia gripped a corner of the blanket with her magic and lifted it up. The glow was as faint as she could make it and the cloth was on the verge of slipping out of her grasp.
  2502. > She moved it with glacial slowness and kept her ears trained on the human, so she would hear any unusual sound, which would warn her if he was about to wake.
  2503. > Once she had uncovered a good patch of the mattress, Celestia placed her hind hoof gently on the bed. She carefully shifted her weight to it. Soon she followed with her foreleg.
  2504. > Anonymous slept on, oblivious to her machinations. Soon, the mare was standing awkwardly half on the bed and half on the floor. The human shifted slightly and Celestia froze in terror. She didn't even dare draw air into her lungs.
  2505. > But the human settled back and the rhythm of his breathing steadied again. The alicorn relaxed.
  2506. > Next came a difficult bit. Celestia slowly lowered herself down, mindful that she didn't jostle her owner. It took several minutes to get through that, but finally the mare was lying mostly on her belly, with two hooves still on the floor.
  2507. > She lifted the blanket some more, making sure the glow of her magic was still faint, and carefully rolled to her side.
  2508. > That completed her movements and the alicorn ended up lying on her side, facing away from the human. She swiveled her ears to him and listened closely.
  2509. > He was still asleep.
  2510. > Celestia gently lowered the blanket over her flank. Anonymous was lying on the other end of the cloth, so it came a little short, but the mare didn't mind.
  2511. > Her hooves poked out, but she was warmed by the human's presence, more than the fabric. What she had really wanted was to be embraced by the smell. And his bed was soaked with it.
  2512. > The pony pushed her muzzle in the pillow and inhaled, slowly but deeply.
  2513. > She didn't dare shuffle closer - touching Anonymous' skin might wake him up. But she was in the same bed at least. She probably wouldn't sleep, but she could listen to the human breathing and feel the tiny movements of the mattress beneath her.
  2514. > Her ears and her nose might be enough to take her to a happier time.
  2515. > She savored it for a moment, then let her breath out quietly. It might be her last night in his bed, but at the very least it was one more night with Anonymous beside her.
  2516. > The human murmured something and began to get up. Celestia froze again in terror and waited for the indignant shout.
  2517. > It never came. Anonymous turned and lay back down while his hand sought out her flank.
  2518. > The mare flinched a little at the unexpected touch, but Anonymous patted her side and murmured something which sounded comforting.
  2519. > Celestia doubted he had even woken up.
  2520. > She risked a little more and shuffled back to poke her rump into Anonymous' lap. He moved again and the mare gulped in fear.
  2521. > But the human just hugged her around the barrel, pushed his face into her mane and went right back to sleep.
  2522. > It was very promising. His subconscious actions betrayed how he truly felt about the alicorn.
  2523. > This could yet be salvaged, Celestia thought. She just had to approach it the right way. Put her best hoof forward.
  2524. > Hit Anonymous with the things he liked most about her.
  2525. > The pony remembered what that was and smiled in the darkness.
  2527. > ~~~~
  2529. > Celestia woke up before her human. For a few moments she tried to keep the dream alive, because in there Anonymous wasn't angry with her.
  2530. > Memory returned and the illusion faded. Undoubtedly he would be angry. Probably he would toss her out of the bed.
  2531. > Punishment?
  2532. > The alicorn didn't think so. She would have taken it, but it didn't seem like something her human would do, not in this instance.
  2533. > The mare saw only one way to fix it. She slowly and carefully lifted the blanket up and slid down under it.
  2534. > If Anonymous didn't see her, he wouldn't get mad!
  2535. > It was the kind of thing Celestia would believe if she *was* three! The human had said it: sometimes she behaved like she was a filly.
  2536. > And each time he had said that, Anonymous was smiling.
  2537. > If he liked that side of her enough, it might push him along through betrayal and anger toward forgiveness. The factor of 'cute' was a sadly under-appreciated diplomatic tool.
  2538. > Any moment now. Celestia felt the human began to stir. His breathing changed and a hand moved to seek out her mane.
  2539. > She allowed herself to enjoy the touch - hopefully not the last.
  2540. > "Huh?" Anonymous murmured as he woke up. "Celestia?!"
  2541. > He sat up and tried to lift the blanket, but her magic easily kept her covered.
  2542. > "Just what do you think you're doing?!" the human demanded. He tried to move away, but the alicorn was holding grimly onto his leg.
  2543. "Cuddles."
  2544. > There was silence as Anonymous processed this. But at least he had stopped struggling. Good, give in to the inevitable, the mare thought.
  2545. > "Is this some kind of a hare-brained scheme to make me forget what happened?" the human demanded.
  2546. "Nope. Just cuddles."
  2547. > Short, nonsensical responses, that was the key.
  2548. > The human was not amused. "Celestia, this isn't funny!"
  2549. > But the mare found herself enjoying the little contest. It was a battle of wills. If she could outlast his annoyance and his anger, the human would move to exasperation. She could work with that.
  2550. "Is."
  2551. > Now the man groaned and rubbed his face. He wasn't quite past the first part. "Release me this instant! This is ridiculous!"
  2552. "Nuh-uh!"
  2553. > She shook her head a little. Anonymous couldn't see it, but he would see the bulge of her horn move.
  2554. > "I will take a belt to you if you don't obey, Princess or not!" came the threat.
  2555. > What her human didn't know was that the alicorn would prefer that over some of the alternatives. A good beating would be better than him never speaking to her again.
  2556. > But there was the game to be played. She leaned her head to the side as if thinking.
  2557. "Nuh-uh!"
  2558. > The horn glowed for a moment and all his belts rose up from the wardrobe and floated out into the hallway. The doors opened just to let them through, then closed.
  2559. > Such accuracy without seeing was difficult, but the mare was good!
  2560. > "I can still use my hand!"
  2561. > She gave this due thought. Then, in response, Celestia shuffled a little and lifted a corner of the blanket. The picture of the sun on her white rump came into sight, but she made sure no more of her was uncovered.
  2562. > For a moment she hoped a blow would land. Punishment for her crime would move them along even faster!
  2563. > But Anonymous didn't hit her.
  2564. "Well?"
  2565. > The man heaved a sigh and tried to pull his leg away again. The mare tightened her grip. She hadn't needed magic yet, but she would, if that was what it took to keep Anonymous in place.
  2566. > "This is beyond rude, you know that, right?"
  2567. > Celestia just shrugged slightly with her wings without saying anything.
  2568. > There was a minute of silence as the human gathered his thoughts. Then he went on, quietly: "You can leave if you want, you know? I'm not stopping you. Of course I'll have words with Mr. Plain, but I don't think you care that much about him. Why are you doing this?!"
  2569. > Was it time for some truth? The alicorn was undecided for a moment, then decided to go for it.
  2570. "I like you, Anonymous. I don't want it to end."
  2571. > She felt the mattress move and imagined clearly the man spreading his arms in a hopeless gesture. "Well, you lied to me - not to mention your own people!"
  2572. > She nodded.
  2573. "I know. I'm sorry. I was sorry the moment I started liking you."
  2574. > More silence. After several uncomfortable seconds, Celestia continued.
  2575. "And I still need your help."
  2576. > "Help?! With what?" The human sounded disbelieving. Perhaps he could wrap his mind around her infatuation, but he couldn't imagine the Princess needing anything this desperately.
  2577. "The case, for one. I want to see it through. I've been lucky, but sooner or later someone will recognize me from the pictures. Some human, I mean."
  2578. > "And what will happen then? What can I do about it?" Anonymous asked. The mare smiled a little. He was thinking about it! He was moving past the 'lied' part and onto the 'after' part!
  2579. "I don't know. It might be a diplomatic incident. I just need long enough to win the case. Then I'll make an official statement and go home, I promise! I can handle the Ambassador when I'm back in Canterlot."
  2580. > She wasn't entirely certain about that last bit, but she certainly knew that she would prefer to face any accusations or fallout from her bastion of power, rather than from Anonymous' house.
  2581. > A hand landed on her mane. Annoyed and maybe angry, yes, but the human still wasn't insensitive to her concern. She took it as a good sign.
  2582. "There's more. I don't know what to say to my subjects about me. I need to think. Can you get the ponies here?"
  2583. > The human froze. "What? All the ponies on Earth?"
  2584. > Now Celestia shook her head.
  2585. "No, just the group. Glitter and Heavy Hoof and... them."
  2586. > "If I do that, what will you tell them?" he asked uncertainly.
  2587. > The Princess didn't know yet, but a vague plan was forming.
  2588. "I don't know yet. Maybe... the truth? I will need you to say I'm not your slave, really. That you will let me go when I'm done."
  2589. > It was a big thing to ask. And it was a lot of money. Anonymous hadn't really seemed to care much for money so far, but Celestia expected him to feel differently when a lot of it was at stake.
  2590. "I will get you your money back, I promised. Please?"
  2591. > This was the point where visual cues would help. She pulled the blanket away and gave Anonymous one of her best, finely crafted Looks.
  2592. > The mane was frazzled and hung over her face, but it only added to the cute. Sleepy and disheveled pony Princess, begging her strong human protector for help.
  2593. > The eyes went a perfect amount of round. The pupils as large as she could make them. A slight, pleading smile in the corners of her mouth, with just a hint of worry that he would say no.
  2594. > She risked letting him go, so she could include her legs in the overall picture. Forelegs extended flatly on the bed before her, as if in supplication.
  2595. > The room was just light enough from the snow outside for him to see. Perfect.
  2596. "Please?"
  2597. > Even the voice had harmonics which went straight to the pity center of the brain.
  2598. > Of course Anonymous couldn't stand that look, not for long. He lowered his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his fingers.
  2599. > "Damn it, don't give me that look! How long have you practiced it in front of a mirror?" the human asked with exasperation.
  2600. > Celestia nearly pumped her hoof in victory. Yes! It was working! The Look never failed to work!
  2601. "Ages."
  2602. > She squeaked the word, as if embarrassed about it. She even blushed a little and lowered her eyes to her hooves. It was a finely-tuned act.
  2603. > In her time, the Princess had used it on minotaurs, griffons, even dragons! Anything to serve her subjects better!
  2604. > A human was no contest.
  2605. > The man lifted his face to the ceiling and sighed theatrically. "Fine, I suppose I can't say no, can I?"
  2606. > Celestia smiled beatifically. Victory!
  2607. > Anonymous watched her for a while. The mare imagined that he liked what he saw.
  2608. > "How do we get your friends here?" he asked suddenly.
  2609. "Simple. Call the owners. They might be more inclined to listen to you than them."
  2610. > It wasn't an entirely happy thought. Her subjects weren't exactly maltreated, but their opinions sometimes mattered very little.
  2611. > Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were in that boat. Their owners saw them as little more than pets.
  2612. > At least Silent Brook's human treated him as a thinking individual, even if was mostly just a convenient target for yelling.
  2613. > And Glitter Dust shared some of the responsibility for Maggie's store. Perhaps she came as close to independence as any of them. Though she wasn't above spankings when she messed up.
  2614. > Celestia had seen that first-hoof.
  2615. > She pushed such thoughts to the side and looked at her own human.
  2616. "Yes?"
  2617. > Anonymous shrugged, mostly to himself. "Okay, I will call them. I won't promise anything, but I will try."
  2618. > The pony hugged and nuzzled him.
  2619. "Thank you, Anonymous."
  2620. > There was one more thing. The mare felt the two of them were moving past the lie. Now they were on a more equal footing. Maybe she could get away with a small joke, to remind Anonymous of the fact and lighten the mood?
  2621. "By the way, how does it feel knowing that you've spanked a Princess?"
  2622. > His eyes bulged out most pleasingly! Celestia laughed a little and flicked her tail in amusement.
  2623. > "I didn't know that at the time!" he said a little defensively. The pony quickly renewed her hug and the nuzzle.
  2624. "Don't worry. I didn't mind. I deserved it."
  2625. > There was no immediate answer. Obviously he was still worrying. Celestia patted her human's back with a wing.
  2626. "It was... liberating."
  2627. > "How so?"
  2628. > Anonymous was relaxing in her grasp. It caused a pleasant, warm feeling in the pit of her stomach.
  2629. "Princesses don't get spankings, Anonymous. We don't get punished for our mistakes, not really. Not unless we decide to do it to ourselves."
  2630. > She sighed as she remembered some of her larger blunders.
  2631. "Mostly the punishment is the guilt we feel for having let our subjects down."
  2632. > She released the human and moved away so she could inspect his face. Maybe there was a touch of pity, some slight understanding there. It was hard to speak about these things with non-alicorns.
  2633. "Being so... directly responsible for my actions was a new feeling, Anonymous. I will cherish the memory of it, always."
  2634. > Now he blinked in confusion. "You'll... cherish it? Memory of being belted?!"
  2635. "Yes!"
  2636. > She giggled a little at the uncomprehending look.
  2637. "Do not worry about it. Just be assured I am not sore about it."
  2638. > "Fine. Please yourself, I'm sure."
  2639. > It was time to move on from it. But it was still amazing how rapidly the human changed his viewpoint. It was as if a switch had been flipped in his mind and now suddenly she was no longer a slave.
  2640. > It felt like he was treating her as an equal.
  2641. > And equal!
  2642. "Um, about that other thing?"
  2643. > Anonymous stared at her. "What other thing? There's more?!"
  2644. > She quickly shook her head.
  2645. "No, no. I said I liked you. And there is still that date."
  2646. > Her human paused uncertainly. Maybe his mind didn't work quite as well in the morning, so the alicorn prodded him along a little more.
  2647. "You promised me a dinner, remember?"
  2648. > The human rolled his eyes. "Oh, that. Yes, I remember. You keep bringing it up," he replied. The mare held her breath while Anonymous thought about it. "Fine, we'll have dinner. But no promises."
  2649. > It was a good start. Celestia smiled again. There was a strong chance to move them forward. She *knew* her human liked her too!
  2650. > In fact...
  2651. > The morning was going swimmingly. Perhaps she could push her luck yet again?
  2652. > Celestia pulled herself closer, so she was staring at his face as closely as her horn would allow it without gouging out his eye.
  2653. "Thank you!"
  2654. > Then, without any real warning, she closed the last bit of the distance and put her lips on his.
  2655. > The body under her stiffened in shock before he tried to pull away. Unfortunately for him, the only way was down and the mare followed it smoothly.
  2656. > She ended up lying on Anonymous' chest, still touching lips. Now there was nowhere else to go.
  2657. > Celestia paid close attention to his hands - if the man tried to push her away, she would go. But until he didn't, she took it as 'yes'.
  2658. > The forceful approach was working! She slid her tongue out to poke at him. This was the moment where he would either accept her, or push her away.
  2659. > The alicorn rooted for the former!
  2660. > Yes! The parting of his lips was almost involuntary, but she took advantage of it. His eyes closed in supplication and the body relaxed.
  2661. > It was happening!
  2662. > Her heart began hammering and the mare moaned a little as she explored, further and further, until she met opposition.
  2663. > It was like a battle of thrust and parry, retreat and counter-attack. And, throughout it all, the warmth of their shared breath mingling on her muzzle.
  2664. > The mare became aware of something between them. It would have drawn a smile to her lips, if they weren't busy.
  2665. > Finally, Anonymous was responding! Was it truly only the 'slave' thing which had been holding him back?
  2666. > She shifted herself a little and there was no mistaking it! The human was getting hard.
  2667. > The mere thought was enough to make her wink and shudder in pleasure. Another small moan escaped her.
  2668. > But now the arms came to her barrel and gave it a gentle push.
  2669. > It wasn't a rejection, so Celestia allowed it and pulled her face away. A small droplet of spittle fell from her muzzle to Anonymous' neck, then slid to the pillow.
  2670. > He was looking at her, his face a mess of confusion and wonder.
  2671. > "We'll be late for work," he whispered.
  2672. > It wasn't something the alicorn wanted to hear, but she understood it. Yes, he was receptive. And yes, they would move forward with the relationship.
  2673. > But what he was really saying was that her human needed some time to process it.
  2674. > After all, she had been thinking about this - about *them* - for a while. For him, it was a very new idea.
  2675. > He had responded, yes, but it was a physical thing. Celestia didn't just want Anonymous' body.
  2676. > She would give him time - as much as he needed. Whatever blossomed forth between them had to be fully consensual, for both of them.
  2677. > A small, hypocritical thought sprang up. Had she made the decision for him? The alicorn shook her head slightly. Yes, she had nudged him along a little, but that had just been a way to prove to him that he was interested!
  2678. > The pony lowered her head for a quick peck on his cheek, then she rolled off.
  2679. "Of course, Anonymous."
  2680. > The clock would begin ringing any minute now.
  2681. "I'll make us breakfast."
  2682. > Anonymous lifted himself on his elbows. He was about to argue, or at least ask about it, but she smiled and pushed him back down.
  2683. "Relax, I enjoy the housework and cooking, remember? Think of it as me earning my keep. Pulling my share."
  2684. > He still seemed uncertain.
  2685. "Look, Anonymous. Even when you thought I was a slave, you never ordered me around. You made requests. And I obeyed them because I wanted to. And I was very grateful for that. You treated me more like a maid than a servant."
  2686. > She climbed out of the bed and stretched a little. The wings went out, the legs extended and the back arched. It felt good after a night trying to be as still as possible.
  2687. > And, as an added bonus, she lifted her tail up and out of the way, Anonymous would get a good look at all the 'treasure' he could claim.
  2688. > Celestia glanced back and caught him staring. It made her smile.
  2689. "I would like for you to think of me as... something else, from now."
  2690. > There was no reply, but his expression said it all. She also didn't miss a slight movement as the human brought the concealing blanket around his waist.
  2691. > Too late, she had seen the bulge through his clothes.
  2692. > It made her shudder in delight, but she sternly forced herself walk forward.
  2693. > The fact that her careful gait made her hips sway so wide was no accident. And the tail somehow failed to come down.
  2694. > It was pony courtship, a very crude form, but very effective on humans, apparently.
  2695. "Breakfast will be on the table in twenty minutes."
  2696. > A mixture of familiar and new. Mundane and alluring.
  2697. > And of course there would be a bit of time to flirt in the office, too. Celestia felt her grin widen at the thought.
  2698. > It would be the perfect distraction from her hard work!
  2699. > Besides, the plan regarding her ponies on Earth was crystallizing.
  2700. > Maybe her stay on Earth would be both productive *and* pleasant, after all. There was some extra spring in her gait as she made her way down the stairs.
  2701. > The mare remembered and focused her magic for a few seconds. The iPad floated down and she quickly scanned the song list.
  2702. > Something fitting. Something upbeat.
  2703. "I got a feeling! Yes, perfect!"
  2704. > She exclaimed in delight. It seemed like the song was written for her, for that exact moment! And the lyrics fit her mood almost to the letter!
  2705. > Celestia turned the volume up and tapped a hoof to the rhythm. In a minute her rump would begin to swing to the beat.
  2706. > A singing mare would further convince Anonymous that he made the right choice!
  2707. > She began to plan breakfast with a smile on her muzzle.
  2709. > ~~~~
  2711. > Celestia paced nervously up and down the living room as she and Anonymous waited for their visitors. Her visitors, actually. Or maybe 'jury' was the better term.
  2712. "It's just the three of them, right?"
  2713. > On the one hoof, the alicorn was relieved she wouldn't have to deal with all her friends' accusing glares at once, but on the other hoof, she would need to go through it multiple times.
  2714. > Twice, with any luck, if she could get in touch with Silent Brook.
  2715. > "Yeah. Maggie said yes and the Wiliamses let Lake Frond and Rock Lichen come. I couldn't get Peter or Patrick."
  2716. > That meant no Heavy Hoof, at least. And no Belle Hop.
  2717. > There was a pause as Anonymous counted in his mind. "Oh, and that other one, what was it? He usually comes alone... the one from the park..."
  2718. "Silent Brook."
  2719. > The human snapped his fingers. "Right! I don't think I've even met his owners."
  2720. > Celestia believed it. The stallion, it seemed, came and went as he pleased. Maybe Glitter Dust would have a way to reach him - she had said that Brook sometimes came by her store to say hello.
  2721. > The mare realized that her question had been entirely pointless. She was there in his office when Anonymous called each owner and asked. She heard their replies through his phone.
  2722. > It had been something to say. An attempt to distract herself, the mare guessed.
  2723. "What about Glowbug?"
  2724. > She hadn't been in his office when he spoke with the old lady.
  2725. > "Oh, Mrs. Turner said she was sorry, but her daughter is coming to visit and she wants Glowbug to help with cooking."
  2726. > The changeling already knew, so the alicorn didn't mind her absence. But having a sympathetic face in the little crowd would have been comforting.
  2727. > Amazing how quickly things changed, Celestia thought. A week ago she had been very uneasy about what was essentially a mortal enemy, but now she was sad that Glowbug wouldn't attend.
  2728. > Maybe if a changeling could accept her deception, the others would too?
  2729. > A hand on her withers halter her pacing and the pony looked at Anonymous, who was sitting on the couch. At least *he* wasn't mad anymore!
  2730. > In fact, Celestia now remembered, he had helped immensely when Wendy accosted them at the reception in the morning. It would have taken Celestia a lot longer to convince the receptionist that nothing sinister was behind the previous night's phone call.
  2731. > And her owner came up with a simple, yet effective explanation. Incredible!
  2732. > She was just a very rare type of pony - and also very expensive - so they didn't wish to draw too much attention. It was all true, too!
  2733. > Wendy was most understanding and apologized profusely for posting that picture without asking. She even removed it from Facebook straight away.
  2734. > That reminded Celestia.
  2735. "Oh! Did you get all the others from the party?!"
  2736. > Anonymous needed a moment to catch up, but then he shrugged a little. "Most," he replied. "And Christine promised she would talk with the ones we couldn't reach."
  2737. > The mare sagged in relief. The fact that the fingers had started to massage her neck also helped.
  2738. "Thank you, Anonymous. I can't express my gratitude for your help. I really should have considered these things before."
  2739. > She didn't mind that the humans took pictures of her - as a Princess, Celestia was so used to it that she automatically smiled and looked at the cameras. But she should have asked the people not to put the photos on the public Internet.
  2740. > Most of them, it turned out, were quite reasonable. She had heard them agree easily as Anonymous dialled little Sally's entire guest list.
  2741. > Telling him, Celestia decided, had been a very good decision. Even the people who had already put her pictures online agreed to remove them.
  2742. > Her human really did have a way with words and the mare was immensely proud and grateful.
  2743. "Mmm."
  2744. > She closed her eyes and gave into the marvellous scritching.
  2745. "I'll have to think up some reward for all your help, Anonymous."
  2746. > "A big one, yes," the human agreed. It made the mare blink her eyes open in surprise.
  2747. "I thought you were more modest."
  2748. > He shook his head. "Not after the stunt you pulled!" Anonymous said pointedly. He even raised an admonitory finger at her!
  2749. > Celestia suddenly felt a chill go down her spine.
  2750. "I'm not off the hook yet, am I?"
  2751. > The human shook his head again. "Not by a long shot. I'll help you clean up this mess, Celestia, but then we're going to have a Talk."
  2752. > She practically heard the capital letter in the last word. It made her give a little whimper of concern.
  2753. > The mare swallowed a lump and sought out her bravery.
  2754. "Y-you... I said you c-could belt me again, if- if it helps..."
  2755. > She left the question hanging in the air hopefully. Better that than sending her home! Maybe if she showed some contrition, she wouldn't even get that much.
  2756. > "I'll do that, yes," Anonymous agreed. She stared at the matter-of-fact tone.
  2757. "Uh, I didn't... Really?!"
  2758. > The mare pulled away from the human's touch. Her mouth gaped open in shock.
  2759. > She had accepted the punishment! Suggested it, even. Anonymous wasn't supposed to insist, especially not now when he knew who she was!
  2760. > "Yes." His tone was too calm. Celestia searched his face and tried to decide if it was a joke. Damn the unreadable human expressions!
  2761. "Why?!"
  2762. > The man steepled his fingers and inspected the mare for a moment. "Because you deserve it. And, like you said, because you never get punished."
  2763. > She couldn't quite wrap her mind around his reasoning.
  2764. "But you've punished me... several times!"
  2765. > The memory was enough to make her blush in embarrassment and look away.
  2766. > "Yes, while you were Celestia, maid," Anonymous explained patiently. "But now, I know you're Princess Celestia, ruler of a nation. And you have behaved like an irresponsible child, toward me and your people. So you'll get spanked like one."
  2767. > Celestia opened her mouth to point out the glaring, obvious flaw in his reasoning.
  2768. > But she couldn't immediately spot it. She suddenly realized that she was dreading this spanking like no other!
  2769. > How?!
  2770. > She had taken two without problems. What was different this time?!
  2771. > It hit her: Back *then*, Anonymous had thought her just a regular pony. So she had taken it as a game - as an act. She could have stopped it at any moment and the knowledge had given her the confidence she needed.
  2772. > But now it wouldn't be an act. Both she and Anonymous knew exactly who she was. And this time, she *had* to take it. No escape.
  2773. > Of course Celestia could magic her way out and prevent Anonymous from hurting her. But that would just prove to him she was a fake and a coward and, ironically, that would hurt her *more*.
  2774. > There was no real choice. Princess Celestia would have to take her humiliating, richly deserved punishment.
  2775. > It was a different kind of error. Previous beltings have been due to her miscalculations as a mare. This one was due to her blunder as the Princess.
  2776. > She was afraid of this punishment.
  2777. > It showed her, in very clear ways, that she was fallible. It wasn't exactly news, but never before in her long reign had the alicorn been faced with that in such a direct manner.
  2778. > Luna had been correct from the very beginning. The plan was madness, foolishness! But not because of personal danger - her Sister had been wrong on that part. It was a bad idea because of disrespect toward her ponies!
  2779. > She would pay for belittling their suffering.
  2780. > Her ears folded down as Celestia came to the conclusion. The punishment was unavoidable. It was out of her hooves.
  2781. > And Anonymous knew this perfectly well.
  2782. > Celestia swallowed and tried very hard to keep her voice stead.
  2783. "I un-understand. Of course, Anonymous. I accept the punishment."
  2784. > The doorbell rang. "Good," the human said and stood up. "We'll decide on the details later. Deal with your friends first."
  2785. > A small mercy, at least. Putting it off didn't help too much, but Celestia was happy about the respite.
  2786. > She wouldn't have to think about the upcoming spanking for a while. Her subjects would take all her concentration.
  2787. >...
  2788. > As they had agreed beforehoof, Anonymous would entertain Maggie, who was driving the lot, so Celestia could would have the privacy to explain herself to the ponies.
  2789. > It suddenly seemed like a bad idea. The mare wished her human would be there when she told them.
  2790. > She heard the front door open and quickly changed into Supple Branch. The alicorn wanted a chance to explain before showing them.
  2791. > Her heart was going into overdrive as her friends filed into the room. Glitter Dust was familiar with the house so she led the way. They were all confused and bewildered. Celestia didn't think their owners deigned to tell the ponies why they were there.
  2792. > In fact, the humans themselves didn't know much! Anonymous had been very discreet.
  2793. > "Supple? What was this about an urgent meeting?" Lake Frond asked. The three relaxed a little when they saw their friend.
  2794. > "Yeah," added the pegasus, "what's wrong? Did something happen?"
  2795. > More than ever before Celestia wished she could be elsewhere. Anyplace!
  2796. > At that moment, the alicorn would rather fight Discord again, or Tirek, or Sombra!
  2797. > She would be less afraid. Her heart wouldn't feel as if it was about to explode.
  2798. > Even her legs were trembling and the ears, flat against her skull, no longer obeyed her.
  2799. > "Supple? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Rock Lichen said, smiling at the little joke. But when Celestia failed to give a reaction, the stallion's face fell.
  2800. "Please, everypony. H-have a seat."
  2801. > Why did she suddenly feel like a filly at her first poetry recital? A filly who had neglected to learn the poems. And everyone was staring and waiting for her to begin.
  2802. > She was used to speaking in front of a crowd, even when she had bad news. But not when the blunder had been hers entirely.
  2803. > The alicorn swallowed and looked at the worried, expectant faces before her.
  2804. > She tried a reassuring smile, but it fled from her muzzle in a few seconds.
  2805. > "Don't worry, whatever happened - we're here for you, sweetie," Lake Frond said encouragingly.
  2806. > Disappointing them, that was the big problem, Celestia realized. She would have to tell them that their friend had lied about the most important thing. Who she was.
  2807. > Undoubtedly their trust would vanish. But the alicorn hoped there would be enough reverence for the Princess left to allow her to explain.
  2808. "I'm... I-"
  2809. > She swallowed again and sat down. Her rump hit the carpet and the mare looked down miserably. Nothing for it, but to come out.
  2810. "I've been lying to you."
  2811. > The mare dared a glance up, but all she met were three confused expressions.
  2812. > "Oh?" Glitter Dust asked first. "About what?"
  2813. "Everything. I'm n-not really 'Supple Branch'. It's a disguise."
  2814. > Three faces blinked in surprise, but none of them spoke. Celestia just pushed forward.
  2815. "Y-you see, I wanted to get away from my life. So I came up with this ruse to stay on Earth for a while. As a-"
  2816. > This was the bitter word. This was where she made light of their situation.
  2817. "-a vacation."
  2818. > There was the sound of giggling. Lake Frond had her hooves before her mouth. "Vacation!? Earth? Whatever gave you that idea?!" she asked between laughter.
  2819. > But Glitter Dust was staring. "Okay, who are you then?" the pegasus asked suspiciously. "Why would you need a disguise? Are you a changeling?!"
  2820. > The earth pony couple gasped and hugged each other at the revelation. Even Celestia was shocked. She tried to read Glitter Dust's expression.
  2821. > Did the pegasus know about Glowbug? If so, how? And why hadn't she told anypony else?
  2822. > Or maybe it had just been a lucky guess.
  2823. "No, nothing like that, I promise. I'm a... pony."
  2824. > They all noticed the pause. "Then who?" Rock Lichen demanded. His wife had gotten worried after the accusation and the pair still held hooves.
  2825. > The alicorn closed her eyes and said it.
  2826. "I'm Princess Celestia."
  2827. > There was silence. When she looked again, the three were just staring.
  2828. > "What?!" both Rock Lichen and Lake Frond shouted at the same time. Glitter Dust jumped from the couch and advanced on the disguised alicorn.
  2829. > "Is this some kind of sick joke, Supple?" the pegasus demanded. "How did you get Anonymous to get us here? It's not funny, you know!"
  2830. > Celestia sighed.
  2831. "Please, everypony, stay calm. I'm in disguise. I didn't want anypony to worry if they saw me. But the receptionist at Anonymous' law firm took a picture. I didn't know she would put it on the Internet!"
  2832. > Her friends looked at each other, then back at her.
  2833. > Lake Frond also lowered herself from the couch and joined the pegasus in her inspection. "Okay, let me get this straight. You - Princess Celestia - somehow got shorter, removed your horn and wings and dyed your fur and mane, so you could... take a vacation on Earth?!"
  2834. > It sounded like a very bad joke, especially coming from a mouth that wasn't hers.
  2835. "It's a spell..."
  2836. > "Prove it!" Glitter Dust demanded angrily. "I don't appreciate being made fun of, Supple. Prove it."
  2837. > She gulped again. There would be no going back.
  2838. "Okay, s-stand back."
  2839. > She took a few steps backward to give herself room. Then she released the spell. A flash of light and she stood before them.
  2840. > Suddenly, Celestia wished she had her hoofguards and peytral. She felt entirely naked without it.
  2841. > There were three little gasps and a thud of hooves as Rock Lichen joined his wife on the floor. They all bowed.
  2842. > "P-princess!" Glitter Dust gasped, "f-forgive me! I didn't mean t-to-"
  2843. "No!"
  2844. > Her voice was urgent and she fell down on her belly before her prostrating subjects.
  2845. "Please, none of that! I don't... deserve it."
  2846. > They slowly rose up, staring in wonder.
  2847. > "I never thought I'd see you again, Princess!" the stallion mumbled quietly. He was smiling and that was making it worse.
  2848. > "You should have said sooner," Lake Frond insisted. "Uh, m-majesty!"
  2849. "No titles, please! On Earth, I'm no more special than you. Less! I lied and pretended and used Anonymous for a very selfish purpose."
  2850. > Glitter was the first to get over her amazement and shock. "Why would you take a vacation on Earth?!"
  2851. > Celestia took a deep sigh. It would take some explaining.
  2852. >...
  2853. > "Okay, okay, let's say we understand. Thousands of years, no time off. Anywhere you went ponies come to you with their problems,..."
  2854. > Rock Lichen paused, trying to understand. "But why Earth? It's so dangerous. Who knows what might have happened! What if someone got you who wasn't as nice as Anonymous?"
  2855. > The alicorn had glossed over that part a little, so she went back to it. She leaned back a little for support. After that explanation, all her muscles felt weak like water.
  2856. > Her friends were back on the couch and she had pulled up the comfy armchair for herself.
  2857. "Actually, I made sure the auctioneer - Mr. Plain - found someone who would sign a contract on how to treat me. I've had to deal with Mr. Plain a few times and I knew I could trust him to keep his word."
  2858. > The ponies nodded. There was a bit of silence, so Celestia brought up the dragon in the room.
  2859. "So, I'm very sorry for lying to you. And I will understand if you're upset with me. But I do need your help."
  2860. > Glitter Dust frowned. She was the only one who showed some annoyance at the deception. Maybe because Celestia hadn't really spent much time with the other two. The pegasus probably thought they were friends. That they had told each other everything.
  2861. > "Well..." Rock Lichen began, unsure of how to say it. The stallion blushed a little, but his wife came to rescue.
  2862. > "It wasn't the *nicest* thing, Princess. But we understand. We're just glad you're not *really* a slave."
  2863. > Celestia moved her gaze to the pegasus.
  2864. "I'm really sorry, Glitter. I'm not very proud of it, you know? I'll understand if you don't wish to be my friend anymore."
  2865. > The mare groaned a little and threw her hooves up in exasperation. "Fine! Fine. Apology accepted."
  2866. > That cleared the air a little. But maybe a bit more was called for.
  2867. "In fact, I have agreed that Anonymous should punish me for the deception."
  2868. > Three sets of eyes widened. "Princess! I don't think that's-" Rock Lichen began uneasily.
  2869. > The alicorn smiled gently.
  2870. "It's quite alright. I deserve it. In fact, I proposed the punishment."
  2871. > It wasn't *entirely* a lie. Just a slightly bent truth. Enough to mollify the stallion.
  2872. > "Well, if you think it best. Just please make sure *those* pictures don't end up on the Internet, or you *will* have a revolt on your hooves, Princess."
  2873. "Please, just 'Celestia'."
  2874. > She had asked them to call her that several times. But habits died hard, it seemed. From a very early age, all her ponies were taught to call her and Luna as 'Princess'. It was hard to undo that.
  2875. > "You said you needed our help, P- uh... Celestia," the earth mare asked. She blushed as she corrected herself, but it was a start.
  2876. "Yes. Glitter Dust, you said a lot of ponies saw the picture of me on the Internet. Do you have their names. Can you contact them?"
  2877. > The pegasus mare shook her head. "Sorry. Wendy removed the photo and all the comments went with it. No way to tell now."
  2878. > Her ears drooped a little at the news. She had had a plan, but it looked like she wouldn't be able to implement it, after all.
  2879. "Oh."
  2880. > "Why?" the pegasus asked.
  2881. > There was no harm in telling them her idea.
  2882. "I thought we could contact each of those ponies and tell them about me. That was the help I needed. Not about the vacation, of course. But there is something else."
  2883. > "I don't think we should lie, Princess," the stallion pointed out.
  2884. "Oh, no, it wouldn't be a lie, Rock Lichen. I'm helping Anonymous with a court case involving ponies. Have you heard of that?"
  2885. > The couple shook their heads, but Glitter raised a hoof. "Oh, yeah! I read about that once. Some ponies were foal-napped, but the humans were caught. And now they're going to trial."
  2886. "Indeed! It is an important trial. It will decide if those homes committed theft, or foal-napping."
  2887. > "Theft?!" Lake Frond burst out. "How is it theft?! They took ponies!"
  2888. "Exactly. But it seems some humans are trying to get the criminals a lighter sentence by convincing everyone that foal-napping ponies is merely theft. I am helping to convict them of the full crime."
  2889. > Now the faces were approving and admiring. All three of her friends were smiling. "Way to go, Princess!" Rock Lichen said proudly. "Whatever we can do to help!"
  2890. > Celestia nodded.
  2891. "I need time. I won't appear in court, because that will be a very public affair. It will be in newspapers and I have been seen too much as it is. If the human leaders knew I was here, there would be trouble, you understand? My visit isn't exactly... 'diplomatically authorized'."
  2892. > After a fashion, they all nodded. "So, that's why the disguise," Rock Lichen pointed out.
  2893. "Yes, exactly. I need to remain in hiding for as long as the prosecuting people need my help. And the humans, especially, must not find out who I really am, or else all my testimony would be dismissed."
  2894. > It was rather simplified, but she didn't want to bother her friends with exact legal terms. She also neglected to mention that she only wore the disguise where ponies were liable to see her. Now that she looked back, she should have the disguise at all times in public.
  2895. > But the people at Anonymous' firm knew her as the alicorn, so she'd have to keep that the same, at least.
  2896. "I was hoping you could contact all the ponies who saw that picture and assure them that the Princess is not really a slave. That I am helping make laws to protect them, so they shouldn't draw undue attention to who I am. And I wish everypony to know that I am working hard to get them all home."
  2897. > She saw a quick flash of disappointment on Glitter Dust's muzzle and quickly corrected:
  2898. "At least those who wish to go home. And those who stay shouldn't be slaves. It will take time, but that is my goal."
  2899. > The three looked at each other, then the pegasus spoke up: "Well, we could mention it in the pony chat group we have on Facebook. There's a lot of members."
  2900. > The alicorn was flabbergasted.
  2901. "Pony chat room?!"
  2902. > "Yeah," Glitter went on. "Somepony made a group on Facebook just for ponies. You need to have a video chat with at least two members to prove you're not a human, so there definitely aren't any humans in there. We could tell everypony there, and they'd tell their friends."
  2903. > The mare shrugged a little and began smiling. "In a couple of days, most ponies on Earth would have your message, Princess."
  2904. > It was amazing news and the alicorn grinned widely.
  2905. "That would be perfect! Can you do that, Glitter Dust?"
  2906. > There was something else which bothered her suddenly. The Princess tried to put her hoof on it.
  2907. "Wait, why don't I know about this pony chat group?"
  2908. > The pegasus leaned her head to the side. "Well, you're not on Facebook. And I haven't been on it much, lately. I guess it just slipped my mind. Those two don't use their computers much and Heavy Hoof and Belle Hop just use Skype for video chat."
  2909. > She shrugged a little to herself. "I guess it got a little quieter lately - a lot of the ponies went home."
  2910. > At least *some* good news, Celestia thought.
  2911. "Well, there are still enough ponies in it to spread the message?"
  2912. > "Of course! I'll do it as soon as I get home. Anyway, what about the others?"
  2913. "Others?"
  2914. > "You know, Belle Hop, Silent Brook, Glowbug-" the pegasus started, then put her hoof over her mouth and gasped.
  2915. > "Holy crap," she swore, "Heavy Hoof! Nopony say anything to him, alright?! I will tell him in person!"
  2916. > The couple looked strangely at her. "Why?"
  2917. > Now there was an evil grin on her face when the mare took her hoof away. "I wanna see the look on his muzzle when I tell him he's had video sex with a Princess!"
  2918. > All four of them blushed at the thought. Then Glitter gasped again and covered her mouth once more.
  2919. > "I have y-your... eep!"
  2920. > Celestia remembered the toy she had let the pegasus 'borrow'. They couldn't meet each other's eyes.
  2921. > "So, that's why it was so... big," the poor pony squeaked. After a moment, Rock Lichen and Lake Frond caught up and also looked away in embarrassment. Obviously the pegasus had told them about it.
  2922. > They waited in silence.
  2923. "Well. I can't tell you all how grateful I am for your help. And how relieved that you aren't angry at me for the lie."
  2924. > That moved them past the awkward. The earth mare smile. "Of course, Princess! We know you have good reasons. You haven't led us wrong yet. We trust you."
  2925. > The other two nodded.
  2926. "Thank you!"
  2927. > Celestia had tears in her eyes. Such loyalty, and after she had - for all intents and purposes - abandoned them on Earth.
  2928. > She would find a way to got them home, or ensure they had the rights they deserved on Earth! The alicorn swore it to herself again.
  2929. "You'll tell the others, too?"
  2930. > "Yes. But it would help if we did a video chat, so they could see for themselves," Glitter Dust suggested.
  2931. "Good idea. I will be on Skype each night, whenever you need me."
  2932. > The three jumped from the couch and she went to embrace them. Then they bowed again, making her blush a little. She still didn't feel she deserved it.
  2933. > "Come on, let's go tell Maggie to drive us home," the pegasus said. "Bye, Princess!"
  2934. > Celestia watched them go. As soon as the door closed, she collapsed into the couch. It went a lot better than she had any right to expect. But now she was wrung out.
  2935. > The uncertainty with Anonymous, the hard day at work, and the emotional roller coaster of telling her friends.
  2936. > The mare didn't think she had the mental energy to get up to her room. Maybe Anonymous would carry her.
  2937. > She would try and convince him.
  2938. > And then there was the punishment.
  2939. > She trembled at the thought, but now it was imperative she got what she deserved. Hopefully, her human could be persuaded to make it a Friday, so her bruises would have at least a few days to heal before she displayed them at work.
  2940. > Undoubtedly Wendy would ask questions, so she would have to come up with a good reason.
  2941. > And Denis would probably make jokes. She could imagine his smirk so clearly that Celestia made a face.
  2942. > "That unpleasant?" Anonymous asked.
  2943. > She opened her eyes in wonder. The mare hadn't heard the human come in!
  2944. "No, thinking about Denis. What he'll say when he sees my rump on Monday. Please, can we do the belting on Friday, so I have a couple of days at least to heal?"
  2945. > Anonymous laughed and reached over to pat her mane. "Sure, I think that's acceptable."
  2946. "Oh, and can you carry me to bed?"
  2947. > The human just kept laughing. "Come on. Up to your hooves and in the bathroom. If you're not ready for bed in ten minutes, you're sleeping in your own room."
  2948. > That worked.
  2949. > Celestia stuck her tongue out at him, but she did drag herself to her hooves.
  2950. > She went slowly out of the room and up the stairs with only minimal grumbling at the unfairness of it all.
  2952. > ~~~~
  2954. > It was the day of reckoning. Celestia found herself idly watching the foam sliding down the inside of the kitchen sink. She realized she was trying to put it off again. She really didn't need to watch water dry, after all.
  2955. > She sighed and stomped a hoof resolutely. It was time to face her fate. But her treacherous eyes still cast around the kitchen for something else to do. Anything!
  2956. > Celestia caught herself before she decided to sweep the floor again. It had been enough of a delay when she chose to wash the dishes with her magic, rather than use the machine Anonymous had shown her.
  2957. "No more avoiding!"
  2958. > Her voice sounded more firm than she felt. The alicorn tried it again:
  2959. "It is not an execution. It is not even public! You can do this, Celestia!"
  2960. > She swallowed a lump and went to look for Anonymous in the living room. He was watching that pond game again.
  2961. "I'm ready."
  2962. > The pony most certainly was not, but maybe the human wouldn't be able to read her body language.
  2963. > Anonymous glanced at her and his expression turned to pity. Yeah, Celestia thought, she should have guessed. Ears folded back was a very clear sign of fear. As was the nervously flicking tail, and the slight tremor in her wings.
  2964. > "Are you sure?" her human asked.
  2965. > Celestia chose to interpret it as mocking condescension and tried to find some anger. Or at least annoyance.
  2966. "Yes, let's get it over with, Anonymous!"
  2967. > Now it was his turn to be uncertain. Celestia saw the human hesitate. Aha! So his bravado at spanking a Princess had been nothing but an act!
  2968. > It didn't make her feel any better. It just meant that she had to be the determined one.
  2969. > The mare concentrated and her horn lit up. She selected a belt in Anonymous' closet - hopefully the softest one - and levitated it downstairs and into his hand.
  2970. "You were right. We all need this, so we can move past it."
  2971. > She didn't entirely believe it, but it sounded right. There had to be some form of justice and the alicorn would prefer this to the guilt she had felt when she looked into her subjects' adoring, forgiving faces.
  2972. > Her magic winked out as Anonymous' hand closed around the strip of leather. He watched her wordlessly.
  2973. "Please, do not hold back. Do however much you feel I deserve."
  2974. > Perhaps a tad too dramatic, which was funny because the mare had nothing to prove to anypony. Anyone!
  2975. > Well, other than Anonymous, of course. She very much wanted to impress him.
  2976. > She turned her flank to the human to show willing. With luck, he would be- *SLAP*
  2977. "GAH!"
  2978. > It had come quite unexpectedly. She wasn't ready! It stung, more than she remembered the previous times.
  2979. > Her legs nearly buckled before she caught herself. The sting faded, but a dull line of fire was left across her hide.
  2980. > The mare looked back and saw that Anonymous had already lifted his arm again. He was really going through with it!
  2981. > Somehow she hadn't believed it until now.
  2982. > There was a whoosh and a loud slap as the belt found her again.
  2983. "EEP!"
  2984. > She tried very hard to keep her muzzle shut. But her flank was unused to punishment and she felt the hit keenly. Celestia couldn't hold back a small whimper as the human lifted the leather again. She quickly closed her eyes.
  2985. > But it didn't land. "I really don't think this is the right thing-" Anonymous began talking, But Celestia interrupted him.
  2986. "Keep going! All of it!"
  2987. > Her voice was strained and she was saying things she really didn't want to say. But now was too late to chicken out.
  2988. > If she showed up before her friends with only two lines, they would know that the punishment was symbolic.
  2989. > They needed to see that it was real. That even their Princess was accountable for her foolishness.
  2990. > No special treatment.
  2991. > But the human had stopped.
  2992. "Anonymous, I said keep go-"
  2993. > *SLAP*
  2994. "AAAH!"
  2995. > Again he caught her by surprise! And it hurt! Luna, how much it hurt this time!
  2996. > Celestia quickly understood two important things: Her previous punishments *have* been symbolic in nature. And this one was not!
  2997. > She was no longer sure she could take it. The mare danced around and turned her rump away from the human. She was already breathing heavily and her eyes were tearing up from the lingering fire on her hide.
  2998. > She wanted to call it enough, she really did! But the alicorn remembered the ponies. Glitter Dust and Lake Frond and Rock Lichen. They looked at her with adoration and the unshakable faith that she could do no wrong.
  2999. > Lying and deceit was bad! It was unbefitting any pony and especially a Princess! But her friends on Earth would never call her out. They would never expect her to be punished.
  3000. > So she had to do it herself!
  3001. > Celestia hoped her subjects would appreciate the gesture.
  3002. > Anonymous was watching her with concern. His arm with the belt was lowering, but the mare twirled around again.
  3003. "Keep going! Please!"
  3004. > She jammed her eyes shut just before the human landed another strike. This one made her moan through her nose, because she was holding her mouth closed so hard.
  3005. > Maybe she swayed a little, but the pony remained upright. Several times the belt landed, each hit adding to the overall pain.
  3006. > The tears could no longer be contained and neither could the whimpers. Luckily, the human didn't stop, or she would have given up there and then.
  3007. > Surrender, that was the thing! It was out of her hooves. It had been ever since she had decided that she liked the human enough to tell him the truth.
  3008. > When had that happened? The alicorn tried to remember - lose herself in the memory to shut out the horrible present.
  3009. > The snow chase! She had thought about it before then, but that was the first time she was absolutely sure. She enjoyed the human's laugh as he ran after her.
  3010. > And his weight as he sat on her...
  3011. > She had been helpless then, too! Yes, Celestia had her magic and she could have flung Anonymous off her. Just as she could easily prevent his punishment now.
  3012. > But she wouldn't. Maybe she had taken the 'slave' thing too far, but the mare wanted to be entirely in his power.
  3013. > She had forgotten over the centuries what that even felt like. Only now was she rediscovering it.
  3014. > Complete surrender. Her punishment, her hide, her very *life* in the hooves - hands! - of another person.
  3015. > Anonymous had all the control and she had absolutely none. And it was delicious! So simple!
  3016. > Her entire world revolved only around the belting she was receiving and the pain. There were no other responsibilities except to endure while it lasted.
  3017. > And then there would be the respite! And she would look at her human - her owner! - and all would be right between them again!
  3018. > She would have paid her debt, both to Anonymous and to her subjects. Her heart would be washed clean of her folly!
  3019. > Slowly Celestia became aware that the beating had stopped. She opened her eyes.
  3020. > The mare was panting, sweaty and her rump was on fire. She risked a glance back and whimpered at what she saw.
  3021. > Very angry red. There could be no doubt.
  3022. > The human was looking at her with some trepidation.
  3023. > "Are you okay?" Anonymous asked with concern. Celestia saw him drop the belt to the floor and put both his hands around her muzzle.
  3024. > One finger brushed a tear away.
  3025. > It really was over.
  3026. "H-how m-many?"
  3027. > Anonymous shrugged. "I didn't count. Lots. I guess I really was a little bit angry."
  3028. > She nodded vehemently. It felt like lots.
  3029. > The human was about to apologize. She saw it clearly in his face.
  3030. > "I'm s-"
  3031. "No."
  3032. > She managed a smile.
  3033. "I think I needed that. You did the right thing. And I asked you to do it. No 'sorry', alright?"
  3034. > Soon his smile mirrored hers. "Tough pony. But something tells me this punishment wasn't for my sake."
  3035. > He had told her as much before and it was still true. Celestia closed her eyes as the hands explored her face.
  3036. "Also for my ponies. Princesses are never accountable, except to ourselves. It was time one of them answered for her mistakes."
  3037. > "Well, it's done now. We'll call us even after this," the human said softly. He waited, but the mare didn't answer. She was enjoying the touch. "So what now?"
  3038. > Celestia knew she would have to deal with the future. But adrenaline was leaving her and she found her legs weakening.
  3039. "I need to sit. Uh, make that lie down. On my belly."
  3040. > Anonymous followed her to the couch and helped her get settled down. Then he sat beside her head.
  3041. > The pony considered it for a minute, then shuffled forward until she could lay her head in his lap.
  3042. > The hands, that was the important part. They were in her mane and around her ears.
  3043. "What now?"
  3044. > She just repeated the question back while she thought.
  3045. "What... now..."
  3046. > The alicorn sighed sadly. Their relationship would change, undoubtedly. No more carefree Princess and her kind Master.
  3047. > But maybe there was a way.
  3048. "Two things come to mind, Anonymous. I need a room and board, at least while this court case needs me. Miriam said I will not testify, so she mainly needs a few essays on pony values and culture. Examples from our law. Proof, in short, that we are civilized."
  3049. > Anonymous kept petting as he considered, to her endless gratitude. "That one is not a problem. You can keep your room for as long as you need."
  3050. > A question hung in the air and the mare saw it instantly.
  3051. "Yes, thank you. In return I will keep cleaning and cooking, if that's alright?"
  3052. > She sensed the smile, even if she didn't see his face from that angle. The mare was exactly on her belly, afraid to lean to either side, lest she press her abused rump against the fabric.
  3053. > "Yes, that would be very welcome. Help around the house in exchange for the room and food."
  3054. > It only needed one slight change.
  3055. "What else must I do so I get *your* bed, Anonymous?"
  3056. > He chuckled at the little joke but didn't answer.
  3057. "Which brings me to the second thing. You were reluctant to... date, because you thought you owned me."
  3058. > It wasn't a question, the human had said as much. The word 'date' made her blush a little, but Celestia persisted.
  3059. "I would like to try, now that the illusion has been dispelled, so to speak. That is, unless you do not find ponies... interesting?"
  3060. > She had meant to say 'attractive', but decided against it.
  3061. > "I do, especially now that I lived with one for a while. What do you propose?"
  3062. > It sounded like they were negotiating a business contract! The mare groaned a little and lifted her head. A more direct approach would work better.
  3063. "Shut up and kiss me!"
  3064. > After a moment, the human obliged.
  3065. > Almost without conscious control, Celestia crawled forward and into Anonymous' lap. She had to turn to her side, which made her gasp against the human's warm, wet lips. Her abused flank was sitting on his knees, but the mare was determined and ignored it.
  3066. > The lap had to be occupied!
  3067. > She had to feel what was happening underneath.
  3068. > She liked what was happening underneath!
  3069. > The hands moved around to explore and Celestia put her forehooves on Anonymous' shoulders to steady herself.
  3070. > The touch on her fur felt like electricity. She could sense each hair as the skin passed over it.
  3071. > The desire suddenly burned hotter than her rump, and when Anonymous slid his fingers over her wings, she could no longer control it.
  3072. > The alicorn shuddered as she winked. It made the hand stop and return, to brush the feathers again.
  3073. > Her tail flailed around, as if to fan the flames in her belly.
  3074. "Yes! Please! More!"
  3075. > She could hardly gasp between kisses, but Celestia opened her wings to give her human easier access. Obediently, he returned his fingers to the right spot and ran them down the primaries.
  3076. > It was nearly enough to push her over the edge! There was no way Anonymous could be unaware of the warm dribble.
  3077. > There was no going back. The mare tore her face away and glared.
  3078. "We're doing this..."
  3079. > It came out as a gasp and she had to suck down another breath to continue:
  3080. "we're doing this *now*! No... excuses!"
  3081. > There was a flicker of indecision, but the human nodded. One hand kept gently playing with her feathers while the other slid down her barrel to her belly, prodding for sensitive spots.
  3082. > It didn't take him long to find the bump of a nipple and pinch it lightly. His effort was rewarded by a moan and another spurt of fluid. Almost involuntarily the mare shifted and ground herself against his fingers. They poked at exactly the right place.
  3083. "Aaaaah!"
  3084. > That did it and all she could do for a few moments was twitch and whimper as waves of pleasure ran up and down her entire body. Anonymous looked at her strangely, but then his eyes widened as he realized what had happened. As he felt the wetness.
  3085. > The alicorn didn't wait, but pressed her lips against his again. This time she went on the offensive and pushed in as far as she could. The poor human had to suck air down through his nose, but Celestia didn't care. She would take what she needed!
  3086. > When the orgasm waned, the pony moved off.
  3087. "Pants!"
  3088. > Her demand was urgent, breathless.
  3089. > The human complied. He unbuckled - such useful things, fingers! - and wriggled himself free.
  3090. > One glance was enough to make the mare wink again. Not quite as big as her toy, but it looked much better. At least it did to her eyes.
  3091. > She slid her hooves around Anonymous' chest again and crawled back up into his lap.
  3092. > His... stallionhood?
  3093. > The name didn't matter. It was pressed between them and the mare felt it twitch a little.
  3094. "No no no, not yet!"
  3095. > She was desperate that he should finish inside her. She wanted to feel it there. But the human looked at her strangely.
  3096. > "Not yet," he assured her. A hand went up to brush a lock of her mane from her face. She hadn't even noticed it slipping.
  3097. > But there was no time to lose. She smiled and positioned herself.
  3098. > There was no going back. They both needed it now.
  3099. > The mare lowered her hips, drawing soft sighs from both of them.
  3100. > Not as big, but every bit as filling, the alicorn decided. She paused for a few seconds, just to enjoy his presence, then lifted herself.
  3101. > Thought fled from her mind and the pony gave in to the pleasure.
  3102. > She slammed down again, this time with a little moan. Up again, then another hard slam.
  3103. > Too long had she waited for it. Dreamed of it. Wondered.
  3104. > It was time to *do*.
  3105. > Her lips sought out his again and the hands landed on her hips. The touch, right on the welts, made the pain flare up a little, but it mingled perfectly with the unthinking rapture.
  3106. > The mare worked herself up and down rapidly, determined to climax again. Before or with the human, just... *again*!
  3107. > It didn't take too much. The pressure built up, she winked hard, just once, then it was over.
  3108. > The pony gave a mix between a moan and a muffled scream as she buried her muzzle in Anonymous' hair and let it happen.
  3109. > Her wings beat ineffectually and her forelegs gripped the human to keep him in place. She felt herself tighten around him, as if milking it.
  3110. > Moments later, she gushed in a hot waterfall, all over Anonymous' legs and groin.
  3111. > Celestia paused, panting and waiting for the human to finish.
  3112. > When she opened her eyes, Anonymous was watching her with a slight smile. She realized he was expecting something.
  3113. "Was... it good?"
  3114. > She hadn't felt it happen, but surely no male could resist her vice grip in the throes of passion, right?
  3115. > "Keep going," Anonymous answered, making her eyes widen in shock. "Nearly there."
  3116. > She found new strength in her flagging limbs and began to move again. Up and down, rhythmically. She kept her eyes open now, watching her humans' expression.
  3117. > He was enjoying it as much as she did, that was obvious. But he still hadn't...
  3118. > Celestia began to believe the rumors. She redoubled her efforts.
  3119. > Her hot breath came in short pants as she increased the pace. It was still so *stiff*! And somehow it felt even bigger now!
  3120. > Before long, she was slamming herself with reckless abandon, chasing her third. It was more work, but so very worth it.
  3121. > The glow began slowly, deep in her belly. It pulsed and grew with each thrust, making her squeak with every breath.
  3122. "Me too... Almost... again!"
  3123. > Sentences were beyond her, but she saw it in Anonymous' eyes. He was on the verge as well. That gave her the energy she needed.
  3124. > Faster! His hands now helped, gripping her waist and lifting her up and bringing her down. His hips bucked to force himself deeper inside.
  3125. > Maybe it was the fact that he was getting there that pushed her over the edge, but the mare found herself past the point of no return yet again.
  3126. "Yes! I'm- yes! YEEEEEEEES!"
  3127. > She slammed down and her passage spasmed again. Her last word got drawn out in a high-pitched moan.
  3128. > Celestia barely heard the human grunt beneath her, but she felt him pulse. A couple of quick twitches, then a gush of hot liquid, deep inside.
  3129. > Perfectly timed. The hands clutched at her fur, holding her down with iron strength as Anonymous emptied himself.
  3130. > And she milked him, bearing down with conscious effort to get every last drop.
  3131. > It lasted forever, or so it seemed.
  3132. > Just the two of them, clinging to each other. Sweaty, exhausted, but satisfied.
  3133. > After a while, the human shifted a little and plopped out of her. A gush of their combined fluids followed.
  3134. > Celestia heaved a deep sigh.
  3135. "... was... amazing."
  3136. > Full sentences were too hard right then. For the human also, it looked like. He just nodded.
  3137. > The mare fell against him and nuzzled his neck.
  3138. > It was an effort to fold her wings back, but she had to do it - how else was Anonymous supposed to put his arms around her barrel and hold her close.
  3139. > He did so. Obedient human!
  3140. > All the waiting. All the frustration. And the patient effort.
  3141. > It had all been worth it.
  3142. > The mare saw a bead of sweat flow down Anonymous' face as he stared off into the distance, mouth turned up in a small, sweet smile.
  3143. > She licked it off gently, then laid her head on his shoulder.
  3144. "Are we dating now?"
  3145. > The human began laughing.
  3147. > ~~~~
  3149. > They had done it again when she came from the bathroom into the bedroom! And this time the human took the initiative! *And* he took her from behind, with hands on her rump.
  3150. > The touch on her welts made Celestia whimper a little and Anonymous apologized, but she just urged him on, ignoring the pain.
  3151. > How he cold have recovered so quickly the mare didn't know. Another rumor confirmed, it seemed.
  3152. > *And* it lasted even longer! Far beyond the point where her mind had turned to jelly and her sanity was slipping away.
  3153. > After it finally ended and they both collapsed to the bed panting, the alicorn was left in a state of uncomprehending bliss. She was sprawled over Anonymous' chest and drooled a little.
  3154. > She woke up just enough to lick it up.
  3155. "Mmm."
  3156. > It had mixed with his sweat in a most delicious way!
  3157. > In response to her hot tongue on flesh, his hand came and patted her muzzle. She gave that a lick, too, before the fingers settled on her cheek.
  3158. > He hind hoof twitched slightly as Celestia began to relax her muscles.
  3159. "You could have warned me, you know?"
  3160. > She tried to make it sound slightly accusing, but the alicorn couldn't. She had a dopey grin that gave away her real feelings on the matter.
  3161. "Now I'll have to shower again."
  3162. > The human drew a deep breath before answering. "Yeah, me too," he said.
  3163. "No. Wait till morning. I love the smell."
  3164. > She did, Celestia found! Sweat, mingled with their... 'personal aromas' was quite intoxicating. Both exhilarating and calming at the same time.
  3165. > The mare could stay surrounded by it forever.
  3166. > It would probably cause comment.
  3167. > She still needed a shower, if only to prevent a huge mess in the bed. She had remembered - barely - to float in a couple of towels just as they were starting, but the pony knew she would keep 'oozing' for a while, unless she cleaned herself thoroughly.
  3168. > But not just yet. For now, she could remain as a white puddle of fur and feathers, leaning against Anonymous' side and with her head on his stomach. The way it rocked up and down was strangely soothing.
  3169. > There was still the mess in the living room, but the alicorn didn't want to think about it.
  3170. > In the morning. It was weekend anyway. There would be time.
  3171. > And time for more lovemaking, once Anonymous recovered.
  3172. > Sometime next evening, the mare estimated. Even if she were in heat, three times in a night would break a stallion - if he somehow lasted as long as the human did.
  3173. > "You seem thoughtful," Anonymous commented. The finger on her cheek brushed a little. It made the mare close her eyes.
  3174. "Mm. Yes."
  3175. > "Anything interesting?"
  3176. > She twitched her head in a slight shake.
  3177. "No, just comparing... pony and human."
  3178. > She realized it was probably a bad thing to say as soon as it was out her mouth. But the human just chuckled. "Oh? And the verdict?"
  3179. "Can all humans go this long?"
  3180. > Out of all possible thoughts, a faint tinge of sympathy for Heavy Hoof was the first to poke its head up. The poor stallion had to watch his owners go at it like this. No wonder he was pent up!
  3181. > "Oh, sorry about that. I guess I'm out of practice," Anonymous replied sheepishly. "It should last longer than five minutes, just give me a chance to... practice a little."
  3182. "L-longer?!"
  3183. > Surely he was mistaken?
  3184. > The hand went for her ears and the pony moaned in delight.
  3185. > "Well, it depends on the mood. Sometimes a quickie is nice, but other times it's better to keep playing for a while. We'll see."
  3186. > The mare sighed.
  3187. "I'm taking you with me when I go. Whether you like it or not, Anonymous."
  3188. > He just laughed at that, but Celestia didn't. She was determined.
  3189. > Somehow she would convince the human to accept some job in the Castle, so she could keep him close.
  3190. > Sex, when it lasted long enough for her mind to start unravelling at the edges, was even more relaxing than hot baths! It would do wonders for her mood!
  3191. > Celestia felt herself begin to slip away and lifted her head. It wouldn't do to fall asleep and wake up to a cold, sticky, messy bed.
  3192. > She didn't relish the thought of changing the sheets in the middle of the night.
  3193. "Ugh, shower. I will be right back."
  3194. > The hand slipped away from her ear as the mare rose out of the bed. She took one of the towels with her, held against her rump with magic. It caused her to walk a little awkwardly, but she didn't even mind the way Anonymous laughed at her.
  3195. >...
  3196. > Waking up in a cuddle was *even better* now. That was her first thought as Celestia opened her eyes and smiled.
  3197. > Anonymous hadn't showered and now she was wrapped up in both his arms and his scent. That, plus the memory, was enough to make her wink and the mare clamped her tail against herself.
  3198. > It wouldn't do to wet the bed *now*!
  3199. > The human was still asleep and she was perfectly happy to just lie there and enjoy the warmth and the closeness.
  3200. > What made it even better was that he had slept naked! Bare skin on fur was just about the most comfortable thing.
  3201. > The alicorn wondered if she could get some sort of skin-like bedding to use as blankets in her room in Canterlot.
  3202. > As a backup plan.
  3203. > Which she wouldn't need, because Anonymous would agree to leave with her.
  3204. > Who could resist a nice, pristine white rump like hers?
  3205. > Well, the mare remembered, not pristine at the moment. But she would heal in a few more days and *then* it would be pristine.
  3206. > She yawned and stretched out her legs. It half-woke Anonymous and made him shift. The pony took the opportunity to wriggle around so she was facing him.
  3207. > "Huh? What time izzit?" he asked sleepily.
  3208. "About six. Go back to sleep."
  3209. > He mumbled something which sounded affirmative. But before he nodded away again, the hand slid down her barrel and patted her rump.
  3210. > Celestia gasped and tensed up as he touched the sensitive, abused skin.
  3211. > "Oh! Sorry!"
  3212. > She let her breath out and relaxed.
  3213. "It's okay."
  3214. > But the human didn't seem entirely over it. "No, sorry for... the belt. I really shouldn't have-"
  3215. > She quickly reached up and plugged his mouth with a gentle hoof.
  3216. "Hush. It was the right thing."
  3217. > Plus, it had brought them together. It had torn down the last wall between them. In a very real way, the belting had nudged her to 'conquer' the human. Celestia wouldn't have it any other way!
  3218. "I'll heal. Don't worry."
  3219. > The human yawned. It was adorable! She couldn't resist licking his face a little. Then she giggled.
  3220. "Sorry. Go back to sleep now. I'll get up in a while and make breakfast."
  3221. > Anonymous wiped his face with a hand, then mumbled something she couldn't make out. The mare took it as agreement.
  3222. >...
  3223. > The meal was simple. Pancakes, chocolate syrup, slices of toast, eggs, orange juice. Nothing that required a whole lot of concentration.
  3224. > Which left her able to listen to music and sing along. She paused for a bit as she heard the human come down the stairs. He hadn't showered yet, which made Celestia smile.
  3225. > Good. She would enjoy the scent for a while longer.
  3226. > His phone rang and the pony swiveled her ears to hear better. She turned down the music.
  3227. > She couldn't quite make out the other voice, not from another room, but she heard her human replying.
  3228. > "Oh, hello. Yeah, I am. Why do you ask?"
  3229. > And then, after some jibber-jabber from the tiny speaker: "Yeah, that works. Sure, we can let them catch up. And we can go over that thing, what was it again?"
  3230. > Very curious. Celestia had a feeling it pertained to her, but couldn't quite put her hoof on it. Maybe Wendy was calling over some work-related thing. Or maybe it was Denis with some meeting for Monday.
  3231. > 'Let them catch up,' was probably a reference to Celestia and Miriam. Maybe there had been a development?
  3232. > The alicorn quickly floated the dishes up into the air and went to the living room to ask.
  3233. > They could eat on the coffee table this time. Which reminded her - she would have to do something about the couch and the carpet!
  3234. > That made her blush. Luckily, the spell was simple, if a little tiring.
  3235. > It was too late to spy on the conversation, though. Anonymous was just putting the phone down when she entered and placed the food down.
  3236. "Who was it?"
  3237. > The mare hoped it wasn't too nosy or impertinent of her to ask. She quickly corrected:
  3238. "Just curious."
  3239. > The human looked over the feast and then at the couch. She could read his face clearly: that big stain wouldn't come out. He'd probably have to get another one!
  3240. "Oh, don't worry about that. Here, let me fix it!"
  3241. > She had gotten quite good with the cleaning magic. It still took a lot of power and her horn lit up brilliantly. After a moment, the unsavory substances lifted up from the fabric and bunched together into a small ball. She floated it to the window, opened it for a second and tossed the gunk outside.
  3242. > The couch, Celestia was pleased to see, was spotless. Perhaps a faint smell was left in the room, but it would air out easily.
  3243. > Now the human smiled as well. "Impressive!"
  3244. > She went to give him a nice wing-hug and lead him to sit down.
  3245. "Go on. Eat. There's plenty. We have ice cream for after!"
  3246. > Anonymous involuntarily placed a hand on his stomach, which made the alicorn giggle.
  3247. "Don't worry, we'll burn that off tonight!"
  3248. > She gave him a sultry wink, then sat by his side. The human remembered his phone call.
  3249. > "Oh!" he exclaimed. "It was Peter. He's coming for a visit. Apparently your friend needs to see you."
  3250. > The alicorn blinked in surprise.
  3251. "Heavy Hoof? Why?"
  3252. > Her human just shrugged. "Didn't say. Just that you needed to talk. That's alright, isn't it?"
  3253. > Celestia couldn't see a problem, so she just nodded. But it was strange.
  3254. > As they had discussed with Glitter Dust, Rock Lichen and Lake Frond the other day, she revealed the secret to all of them over Skype on that evening after telling the three in person. All their reactions had been much the same.
  3255. > Except for Heavy Hoof, who looked a little uncomfortable, but the alicorn guessed it just came from knowing he'd had video sex with a Princess.
  3256. > Such things always needed a lot of care. Whenever Celestia had wanted a liaison or just a fun evening in the past, the stallions needed careful hoofwork.
  3257. > Maybe the thought of seeing their Princess in... that way, was just too strange for them?
  3258. > Undoubtedly Heavy Hoof wanted to apologize in person for anything she might consider inappropriate. Maybe he felt bad about pressing his affections on her.
  3259. > She would just have to explain that it hadn't bothered her. A short chat.
  3260. > The mare became aware that Anonymous was looking at her. She had gone a little quiet as she thought.
  3261. "Oh, sorry. I was just trying to imagine what he wishes to talk about."
  3262. > The plates of food were still untouched and the pony bumped her human on the shoulder with her muzzle.
  3263. "Go on. Eat!"
  3264. > He smiled. "Yes, Your Highness!"
  3265. > It was a joke. Of course Anonymous, of all people, wouldn't start treating her like royalty. Not *now*, at any case.
  3266. > She stuck her tongue out at him in lieu of reply.
  3267. >...
  3268. > Celestia was stacking the dishes into the machine when she heard the car. A bit later came the doorbell. She quickly changed into Supple Branch and went to open it.
  3269. > Of course Heavy Hoof knew her now, but his owner still did not. The mare decided to keep it that way.
  3270. > The doorknob was a bit tricky, but she managed and smiled up at the human.
  3271. "Hello. Please, come in. Anonymous is in his study."
  3272. > If the stallion, who was standing behind his owner, was surprised to see the disguise, he didn't show it. He followed the man inside, out of the cold.
  3273. > "Thank you," Peter said. "You two will be alright on your own?"
  3274. > The mare gave him a nod.
  3275. "Of course. Come, let me show you."
  3276. > She pointed a hoof to the living room for her pony friend.
  3277. "Just make yourself at home, Heavy Hoof. I'll be right back!"
  3278. > Celestia led her guest up the stairs and into Anonymous' office. Then she went back to see what the stallion wanted.
  3279. > She found him still just inside the door, stock still and with his head hanging low.
  3280. "Heavy Hoof?"
  3281. > The alicorn took a step back when she saw the expression. Hurt and betrayed, and more than a little angry. He faced her head on.
  3282. > "You... and Anonymous?" he demanded. Celestia took another small step backward before she caught herself.
  3283. "Yes. Here, let me change."
  3284. > A flash of light and she was her usual self. The stallion didn't bow.
  3285. > "Thanks a lot, *Princess*!" he said, sarcasm dripping from the title.
  3286. "What? I'm afraid I don't understand, Heavy Hoof."
  3287. > The pony swiveled his head around and sniffed sadly. He turned big, sad, soulful eyes on her and lowered his ears as if in supplication. Then the stallion took a shuddering breath. "I came... t-to ask you, Princess."
  3288. "Ask me what?"
  3289. > He sat and returned his eyes to the carpet. "Never mind. You obviously picked a human rather than your own kind!"
  3290. > The alicorn understood. Her blush deepened.
  3291. "Look, Heavy Hoof, I know I said some things while I was- uh, 'in my time'. And I am sorry for misleading you. But-"
  3292. > He looked up sharply. There was a hint of anger there now, mingled with regret. "But what?! 'I like humans now, so buck off?' You know, I really liked you!"
  3293. > Celestia sighed and stepped closer. She sat down as well, right on the floor. She still towered over the stallion, but it was the gesture that counted.
  3294. "I like you too, Heavy Hoof. But things happened this way. I'm sorry."
  3295. > He refused to meet her gaze. "Yeah, I'm sorry too." He sounded quite upset. Disappointed and frustrated.
  3296. > Celestia really didn't like his obsessive fixation. It only served to make the stallion miserable. She reached out a wing feather and tipped his face up. His eyes were already wet.
  3297. "Heavy Hoof, please. I did not intend to hurt your feelings."
  3298. > The earth pony shook his head free from the slight touch and sighed. "Well, too late now. I would have loved you, Princess."
  3299. > He truly was heartbroken. The alicorn felt pity until she spotted the stallion sneakily watching her from the corner of his eye.
  3300. > Celestia suddenly understood what he was trying to do. A guilt-trip into something she would regret later. It was quite un-pony-like behavior. Maybe it had come from his experience with humans.
  3301. > She rolled her eyes. Nopony one out-manipulated a diplomat of her caliber!
  3302. "Like you love Glitter Dust? And Belle Hop? Lake Frond? And your human lady-"
  3303. > The alicorn searched her memory for the name.
  3304. "-Deborah?"
  3305. > The widening of his eyes told her that Glowbug's information had been correct. He mumbled in confusion. "I didn't- I never- how do you know?!"
  3306. > A small triumph, maybe. Too bad his fur hid his blush.
  3307. "It is my job to know what is going on in the lives of my ponies. Yes, I admit my reasons for coming to Earth were somewhat selfish, Heavy Hoof, but even now I am working to make their lives - *your life* - better!"
  3308. > She stood up and turned sideways to show him.
  3309. "Here - is this punishment enough for my deception, do you think?"
  3310. > The stallion gasped. "*He* did that to you?! Princess, if he is making you go to his bed, I'll-"
  3311. > The alicorn quickly interrupted him before the stallion could work himself into a frenzy.
  3312. "Nothing of the sort! The punishment was my idea! And going to Anonymous' bed also! Do you think a human could make me do what I did not wish?"
  3313. > She wanted to remind him of the power alicorns wielded. Apparently he had forgotten a little in his time on Earth.
  3314. > "S-sorry, Princess. I didn't think before speaking. Of course no human could make you."
  3315. "Why did you come here today, Heavy Hoof?"
  3316. > He swallowed and flashed her a brief, nervous grin. "I t-thought you liked me. I remembered that time in the ba-bathroom. And then on video chat. I thought we could..."
  3317. > He let it trail off, hoping she would understand without him having to say it.
  3318. "Three mares and a human lady are not enough for you, Heavy Hoof?"
  3319. > He leaned away from her question. His ears went flat and a hoof came up before his chest as if to shield him. "It's not l-like that, Princess! I love all of them!"
  3320. > Perhaps, in his own way, Heavy Hoof really did, Celestia decided. Herds were uncommon these days, but a stressful situation like they had on Earth could bring them close enough to reawaken the older ways.
  3321. > He looked defeated. That was not her intention and the mare brought her wing back to gently lift his face back up.
  3322. "I'm not mad, Heavy Hoof. I understand. This world hasn't been kind to you."
  3323. > He shook his head slightly. "N-not at first. Peter and Deborah are okay, I guess. Except for making me... uh, making me watch."
  3324. > She had expected as much. Even Heavy Hoof didn't know if he liked that or not.
  3325. "I understand. When I leave, you can come with me and return to Equestria. I will make it happen."
  3326. > The stallion stared at her with wide, round eyes for a moment. Then he slightly shook his head. "Thank you, Princess. B-but... no."
  3327. > His voice was soft and sad. "I don't want to leave M-mistress," he admitted. The pony realized what he had just admitted and quickly added: "A-and Master!"
  3328. > It wasn't a new sentiment. Celestia had hinted at the possibility to the others on her Skype reveal, but none of them took the offer. Plus, there was Silent Brook's reaction the first time she had met him.
  3329. > The mare tried to imagine it herself. What if she were *really* a slave, captured, restrained and without her alicorn powers. And then she would come into Anonymous' possession. Possibly after going through some worse masters?
  3330. > She was sure she would have liked him just as much. And after that, she would probably wriggle her way into his bed despite his misgivings about their positions.
  3331. > It would have taken a bit longer, true, but without an option to go home, what else would she do? Companionship, love and safety.
  3332. > Yes, in time she would have grown to love her owner. She wouldn't want to leave him.
  3333. > Even being treated as pets hadn't prevented Lake Frond and Rock Lichen from liking their humans.
  3334. > Besides, there was always a chance that running away would end up worse.
  3335. > After enough time, *this* life became normal and Equestria a mere distant memory.
  3336. "I expected as much. But please think it over. I will be on Earth for some time and I will tell you all when I am leaving if you have a change of heart."
  3337. > The stallion managed a weak smile. "Thank you, P-princess. I'll think about it," he promised.
  3338. "I will make us a cup of tea."
  3339. > He just nodded and heaved another sigh.
  3340. "And, if I am completely honest, were it not for Anonymous, you would have gotten yourself an alicorn."
  3341. > She giggled a little and winked at him while the stallion coughed and spluttered in shock.
  3342. "You are quite a persuasive pony, Heavy Hoof. No ordinary mare could resist your charm. If you *do* decide to return with me, I will introduce you to Princess Luna."
  3343. > Now the stallion gave a small eep, blushed heavily and shrunk in on himself. "Princess L-luna?!"
  3344. > She had to laugh at how horrified he seemed.
  3345. "Don't worry, my sister is a very friendly mare. Do not believe the newspapers."
  3346. > In fact, Celestia thought - this could work quite well! Maybe Luna would enjoy some flattery and seduction. And Heavy Hoof was very good at it. It would surely bolster her confidence.
  3347. > Maybe Luna should be the one to take a vacation on Earth next?
  3348. > Now there was a thought...
  3350. > ~~~~
  3352. > Finally things were getting back on track for Celestia. Anonymous had accepted her advances, her help on the court case was 'invaluable', according to Miriam, and even Denis was acting with something akin to professionalism.
  3353. > The only problem was... one she imagined Heavy Hoof had. Every night she and her human fell on each other. And most mornings, too.
  3354. > It wasn't really the pony way, but Anonymous seemed insatiable and some of it rubbed off on the mare.
  3355. > She felt like she was constantly in heat, albeit a mild one. It was a good thing she didn't have to work in the same office as her human. His smell would have driven her insane.
  3356. > As it was, they had indulged in a little flirting in the office, but only when they were both absolutely sure no one could see.
  3357. > A quick peck on the cheek in the elevator. A hand laid 'carelessly' on her rump, a wing on a shoulder, such things.
  3358. > It took all of her powers of concentration to keep herself from leaking everywhere, a fact which seemed to amuse Anonymous no end.
  3359. > His 'excitement' was a lot easier to hide with his clothes, so it was not fair. The alicorn did her best to get through the day and planned fearsome revenge each minute she had to sit still with her tail between her legs and think of icebergs.
  3360. > Unfortunately, somehow, any thought of vengeance vanished the instant they arrived home.
  3361. > She forgave as soon as their lips locked together.
  3362. > The mare tried to put it out of her mind as she went to fetch herself a coffee. The things she suffered for her subjects were stuff of legend. But she would be steadfast in her duties. The Princess would not complain. History would never know just what she went through each day.
  3363. > Anonymous was in the little coffee room. The mare smiled, despite her mild annoyance over a particularly difficult text.
  3364. "Hey you."
  3365. > The human took her cup from the magical grasp and put it down beside his to fill with the black, delicious, life-saving drink.
  3366. > Even an alicorn had her limits. Working through all the history of kidnapping cases was... taxing.
  3367. > "How is it going?" the human asked. He had offered his help whenever she might need it, but Celestia took it as a point of pride that she could research every detail on her own.
  3368. > She looked out into the hallway for their coworkers, laid her muzzle on Anonymous' shoulder and quickly nuzzled his neck.
  3369. "It is good. Some of the cases are... difficult. Traumatizing. I study them bit by bit, with more mundane ones between each part."
  3370. > Anonymous nodded. "Yeah, they can be pretty bad. That's part of the reason I got out of criminal law. Is Denis being an ass, by the way?"
  3371. > The mare sighed and leaned her head to the side.
  3372. "Not more so than usual."
  3373. > "Good. That's good."
  3374. > It was hard to have a discussion like that. So close, practically enveloped by his scent and unable to touch him. Well, *really* touch him.
  3375. > If she could be sure they had a few minutes, the alicorn would have knelt down and made sure the human was a little flustered for a change.
  3376. > Her head would be at the perfect height, she thought.
  3377. "Uh... excuse me a minute!"
  3378. > Wrong thoughts! Celestia had been lucky so far, but she knew the humans would smell her arousal, however weak their noses were. The scent was unmistakably pungent, musky.
  3379. > Maybe they wouldn't be able to place it, but a single droplet sliding down her leg would prove it beyond doubt.
  3380. > She couldn't afford it, not now.
  3381. > It was going too well with Miriam and the case!
  3382. > The bathrooms! They had been her salvation several times. The strong chemical smell, combined with the perfume in the soap was able to cover up her... problem.
  3383. > The pony made sure her tail was clamped firmly against herself as she rushed through the halls and into the blessedly empty room.
  3384. > She locked herself into a stall and unrolled the toilet paper. Then she sighed.
  3385. "Come on, Celestia, you're not a hormonal teenager. Control!"
  3386. > Easy to say. The mare waited until she calmed down. Then she wiped herself dry, tossed the soiled paper into the toilet and flushed. She went for the sink next.
  3387. > Cold water on hooves helped. Only then did she let herself out of the bathroom.
  3388. > She passed by Wendy's desk and the receptionist waved her over.
  3389. > "Hi! You were in quite a rush. Forgotten again?"
  3390. > It had been a convenient excuse. Not to mention that it was the truth sometimes. The mare worked with such focus that she forgot to tend to her bodily needs.
  3391. > Only when a flood was *imminent* did she realize, a mistake which had prompted a few urgent gallops to the little fillies' room.
  3392. "It's the coffee. I'm not used to how fast it works, Wendy."
  3393. > Since she was there, the alicorn took a small nibble from the vase of daisies the receptionist kept on her desk lately. After that first time, the woman found it immensely funny whenever Celestia did that, so she made sure the flowers were fresh each day.
  3394. > The receptionist also brought donuts to many of her coworkers and brewed coffee whenever the pot ran low, so this wasn't any special treatment.
  3395. > The mare was still grateful for the consideration.
  3396. "These are lovely, Wendy. Thank you! I do not know how you find time to do everything around here."
  3397. > She got a modest wave of a hand in reply. The woman liked to downplay her vital role in the firm.
  3398. > "Don't you worry about that, Celestia. We all do our bit. You and Mr. Anonymous and Denis do the difficult, brainy bits. I fetch the coffee and flowers. To each his own, right?"
  3399. > The mare gave the woman a bright smile.
  3400. "Indeed. I'll stop by over lunch for a chat!"
  3401. > As she walked back to the coffee room, the alicorn mused on the way the receptionist had spoken. Her human was always 'Mr. Anonymous', but Denis was just the first name.
  3402. > Maybe it was the way he acted. The tall lawyer kept making inappropriate jokes. He was quite popular with some coworkers and even Anonymous seemed to like the man. Maybe, after working with him long enough to stop being on the receiving end of his innuendo, Celestia would grow fond of Denis as well?
  3403. > As far as she could determine, despite his faults and attitude, the lawyer was dependable and always ready to help - provided you could put up with the jabs as he did so.
  3404. > On the other hoof, Anonymous was a bit... aloof. The mare saw why he didn't have too many close friends. He was a bit on the uptight side and always strictly professional.
  3405. > Their relationship seemed to be changing that somewhat and the man smiled sometimes, but it would take more time to undo decades of... being himself.
  3406. > She pushed it out of her mind as she stepped into the small kitchen again.
  3407. "Sorry."
  3408. > Her cup was filled and had lots of cream and sugar, just the way she liked it. Anonymous' was black and probably very bitter.
  3409. > That reminded her. The alicorn had taken the time last evening, at great personal inconvenience and discomfort, to do a little baking.
  3410. > She had foregone a bath in order to make it all fit in the time she had before bed.
  3411. > Hopefully, Anonymous would appreciate the sacrifice.
  3412. > Celestia focused for a moment and deftly maneuvered a plastic box from her desk in Denis' office to the kitchen.
  3413. "Here, this is for you."
  3414. > It was a cream roll, but the human cookbook had called it a 'Swiss roll'. Mostly it looked and tasted like a sponge cake, but filled with whipped cream and fresh fruit.
  3415. > How the markets managed to get strawberries that red and juicy in the middle of winter was beyond her, but Celestia was grateful for it.
  3416. > "I don't think-" Anonymous began, fending the container off with a hand, but the mare interrupted:
  3417. "You don't have to think. A bit of cake is a perfectly good snack with coffee!"
  3418. > He looked ready to argue, but the alicorn narrowed her eyes. She still had the Utmost Holy and Just Quest to Make Anonymous Enjoy Pastries!
  3419. > She levitated up a smaller piece and held it before his face.
  3420. "Open!"
  3421. > He didn't fight the command. The lips split apart and the pony pushed the sweet inside.
  3422. "Chew!"
  3423. > Anonymous nearly smiled! She was sure she saw it! A very encouraging result!
  3424. "Now swallow!"
  3425. > He did so, without complaint. As a reward, the alicorn gave him a grin of her own. A most beautiful one, reserved for when she was very pleased with his actions.
  3426. "Good. Now just keep repeating that until the tray is empty, understand?"
  3427. > The way Anonymous looked helplessly at the food was incredibly funny. But the Princess was a merciful mare.
  3428. "I will help."
  3429. > She sipped a bit of the coffee and mixed the flavour with some cream roll. Perhaps she was a little biased, but the craftsmareship was immaculate! The taste blended and filled and refreshed. The biscuit melted on the tongue and filled the stomach most pleasingly.
  3430. > She pretended not to, but Celestia saw that her human ate his share without much prompting. He looked like he was enjoying it, especially when it mixed with his bitter and sugarless coffee.
  3431. > Maybe one of these days she could convince him to add a bit of cream...
  3432. > Between them, the dish was quickly depleted. There was another box in her pack, but that one was for Wendy.
  3433. > Celestia would not give in to the alluring smell and devour it herself after lunch.
  3434. > Not again, at any rate. She didn't like the resulting shame at her weak self-control.
  3435. > Why had she not given it to Wendy yet, then?
  3436. > One of these days the mare would deliver a treat to the receptionist. She just had to bake some more.
  3437. > But she didn't mind sharing with Anonymous. A sacrifice, but important for the completion of her Quest.
  3438. > And now the reward for her valiant hero. The pony leaned her head into the hallway and looked both ways to make sure they would be alone for a few seconds more.
  3439. > Then she kissed him. After a moment, his hands ended up on her neck and the fingers played with her mane.
  3440. > The alicorn barely bit back a whinny of pleasure. The kiss was taking somewhat longer, but she didn't mind.
  3441. > Until...
  3442. > She heard footsteps approaching and tried to pull away. But the hands held her steady and she somehow didn't have the strength to break that gentle grip.
  3443. > At the last possible second she managed to get her face away.
  3444. > Of course it was Denis! Probably alerted by the floating cake!
  3445. > "Having a nice little snack?" he asked and smirked. The mare knew she hadn't blushed! She was sure of it!
  3446. > It was impossible for the annoying human to read her expression. But he grinned even more insolently than usually and tapped his nose.
  3447. > He knew! Celestia nearly panicked.
  3448. > "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" he promised, but that didn't fill the mare with confidence. She looked to her human for help.
  3449. > Anonymous, expression immaculate, just shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. "You watch too much hentai."
  3450. > For a moment the tall lawyer seemed a bit uncomfortable. Celestia vowed to herself she would learn what 'hentai' meant. It sounded like a useful tool for dealing with Denis.
  3451. > After a moment of decidedly tense silence, both humans chuckled and anything her temporary boss might have suspected about her and Anonymous was forgotten.
  3452. > It was just as well. Denis probably wouldn't cause them any problems, but his jokes and indecent offers would undoubtedly intensify. And Celestia still wasn't sure if the proposals were serious or not.
  3453. > She was half expecting something quite inappropriate, but the human asked instead: "So, Celestia. Need any help on that dissertation for Miriam?"
  3454. > It took her a second to switch tracks in her mind.
  3455. "On pony art? No, I finished that this morning. I'm reading cases again."
  3456. > She had written essays upon essays about pony society, culture, virtues, even myth and folklore. Everything to prove that they were an entire civilization of sentient, intelligent beings.
  3457. > Worthy of the same rights humans enjoyed on Earth, in short. According to Miriam, they were making a very compelling case. But the woman still came up with suggestions and comments for nearly all of her work and Celestia wrote and rewrote entire papers until the DA was happy.
  3458. > She was ever more glad that this woman was on their side. With her attention to detail and insight into the proceedings, victory truly was in sight.
  3459. > They had discussed the possibility of Celestia, or one of her pony friends to appear as a special witness, but the alicorn couldn't trust such an important role to anypony in the group, however much she liked them. And she was still unwilling to appear herself.
  3460. > With a bit of luck, her written work would be sufficient.
  3461. > There was still much to do and Miriam would be around later to align their schedules and bring her comments on the previous few papers.
  3462. > As pleasurable as it was, flirting would have to wait.
  3463. > The mare glanced at Anonymous again.
  3464. "I better get back to work. Please remind me when it is time for lunch."
  3465. > He nodded and the pony walked out, leaving the two men alone in the coffee kitchen.
  3466. >...
  3467. > "We'll have most of next week off," Anonymous said quietly as they drove back home. Silence suited Celestia. After dealing with Denis, being friendly with Wendy, flirting with her human and the meeting with Miriam, the mare was exhausted.
  3468. > Some time off was at the same time very welcome news and entirely unacceptable. She would fall so far behind!
  3469. "But why? Miriam needs me to finish the papers!"
  3470. > Her human glanced over. "No, she won't need you next week."
  3471. "Why?"
  3472. > The pony was truly baffled now. When Anonymous looked at her again, he grinned in amusement.
  3473. > "Don't you know what date it is? Or do you not celebrate?"
  3474. > The alicorn tried to remember. She had seen the calendar, but hadn't paid it too much attention.
  3475. > Then she gave a small gasp as she figured it out. It was late December, after all! How could she have forgotten?
  3476. "Hearth's Warming! Of course!"
  3477. > Now it was Anonymous' turn to look baffled. "Hearth's Warming? No, it's Christmas."
  3478. > Celestia remembered the word from her friends. Glitter Dust had mentioned it. It was when her friend came to visit. Her *first* human.
  3479. "Oh yes. Different name, but I think the holiday is much the same. Family and togetherness and gifts."
  3480. > Anonymous nodded to it all. "That's right. Now, I don't normally put up a tree, but maybe we could make an exception this year."
  3481. > Celestia grinned and clapped her forehooves together in anticipation.
  3482. "Yes! Yes yes yes, please!"
  3483. > Her enthusiasm was infectious and Anonymous also smiled. "Okay. Then it's settled."
  3484. > The mare had been thinking about Glitter Dust and remembered to bring up the question she had forgotten.
  3485. "Oh, by the way, Anonymous. What is 'weed'?"
  3486. > There was silence and the alicorn looked to her human, only to find him staring at the road in shock. "What?! Where did you hear that?"
  3487. > It made the pony a little uneasy.
  3488. "Uh, Glitter Dust mentioned it. One of her human friends comes for a visit around Heart's- uh, Christmas. And she said they like to smoke some kind of tobacco called 'weed'."
  3489. > The man sighed. He didn't look at her, but the mare got a strong impression that he disapproved.
  3490. > "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. It's really called 'marijuana'. Weed is just the slang name. And it is illegal in this state. If that friend is ever found out, he could be in some trouble. And so would Glitter Dust. I hope you won't get mixed up in that - it might seriously damage any work you've done for Miriam."
  3491. > That was the last thing the alicorn wanted! The way her pegasus friend had described this smoking sounded fun, but not if it was illegal! She would have to have words with Glitter Dust!
  3492. "Oh. I'll be sure to tell her. Maybe she doesn't know?"
  3493. > The human sounded doubtful, but he agreed. "Maybe."
  3494. "Anyway, I would still like to meet her friend. Do you think you could drive me for a visit someday?"
  3495. > Again he was silent for a while. Then the human sighed. "Yes, but only if you promise you won't take part in drugs. And go easy on alcohol."
  3496. > Her human paused, then barked a laugh. "I can't believe I just said that."
  3497. > It did sound a little like something a father might say to a daughter. The mare giggled at the thought.
  3498. "I promise... *Master*."
  3499. > It just made him groan a little.
  3500. > Celestia had a nice chuckle about that, then changed the topic.
  3501. "Anyway, I was thinking I might take a bath tonight. You will join me, right?"
  3502. > When Anonymous didn't answer right away, she placed a hoof carefully on his leg.
  3503. "Come on! It will be fun!"
  3504. > Without all the awkward embarrassment from their last time, having the human in the tub could be particularly enjoyable. He could wash her mane, and her tail. And she could teach him to preen her wings.
  3505. > Quite possibly she could somehow return the favor, maybe with her tongue and mouth...
  3506. > The mare shuddered and ruthlessly stomped out that line of thought before she wet the seat. It could wait until they were at home.
  3507. > First she would need a 'yes'.
  3508. "Say yes, or I will give you the Look again."
  3509. > The human tried very hard, but Celestia saw his mouth turn up in a smile.
  3510. > "Okay, yes."
  3511. > She wondered if she could push it a little further today.
  3512. "And you'll have the last piece of cream roll cake with me."
  3513. > "After dinner?" the human asked nervously. With the piece he had already eaten over coffee, Anonymous had had more sweets in this one day than in an entire week previously.
  3514. "*Instead* of dinner."
  3515. > It was cute the way he winced. Cute and funny. The alicorn laughed pleasantly and laid a gentle wing on her human's shoulder.
  3516. "You'll need the energy. For later tonight."
  3517. > And now he was blushing. So was the mare, but it was still funny.
  3518. > "I'm starting to think that contract you and Plain made me sign had been a sham," Anonymous said darkly.
  3519. > Celestia shook her head and explained:
  3520. "No, but if you remember it, there were all the things you must or mustn't do to me, but none of the things I should or shouldn't do myself."
  3521. > The human blinked and fell silent for a while as he thought back. "Oh yes. Why haven't I noticed that before?"
  3522. > Celestia puffed out her chest a little in pride.
  3523. "I'm *very* good with contracts, Anonymous. Very good."
  3525. > ~~~~
  3527. > Celestia could hardly wait for the car to stop. She hadn't really had time to see any of her friends in the week leading up to the holidays, so this time with Glitter Dust would be most welcome.
  3528. > Anonymous kept his word and drove her over on Saturday. She hadn't yet been to where the pegasus lived, so the alicorn looked at the apartment building with some interest.
  3529. > Her friend was already standing outside on the street, waiting with a huge smile on her face.
  3530. > Of course Celestia went in disguise. Perhaps it was a little belated, but the mare now knew she shouldn't show her alicorn self in public. She cheated with her camouflage a little when she used her magic to open the car door, but there was no glow so it was probably fine.
  3531. > She barely remembered to wave goodbye to Anonymous.
  3532. "Bye! I'll have Maggie call you when I'm ready to go home!"
  3533. > Celestia didn't want her human to be bored while he waited the whole day, so he would return home and come pick her up in the evening.
  3534. > Unless she decided to sleep over. Glitter Dust insisted it would be fine, but the alicorn wanted to hear Maggie confirm it first.
  3535. > The pegasus came to her and waved with a wing as Anonymous turned the car and drove away.
  3536. > "This is going to be so much fun!" the mare said and began giggling with excitement. "Come on, let's go say hi to Maggie and Sam, then I'll introduce you to Doug!"
  3537. "Doug?"
  3538. > Celestia didn't know the name, which made the pegasus pause and lean her head to the side quizzically. "Doug, you know! I told you about him, remember?"
  3539. > The alicorn tried, but there was nothing.
  3540. "You never mentioned a name. Is this your... friend?"
  3541. > There was a hint of a blush there, but the pegasus nodded and jumped from hoof to hoof. "Yeah, yeahyeah, him! He came from college yesterday!"
  3542. > The mare was suspiciously happy. Seeing old friends was fun, but Celestia had a nagging suspicion.
  3543. "You are not making him cheat on his fillyfriend, are you?"
  3544. > Even in her Supple Branch guise the alicorn still had her piercing stare. It worked all too well on Glitter Dust.
  3545. > There was the telltale red in her face, the nervous eyes which wouldn't meet hers. The pause.
  3546. > "N-no! Why should I be responsible for what he does?!" the pegasus demanded.
  3547. "So you and him *are*... uh, you know?"
  3548. > Now the mare grinned again. She took a step closer and spoke quietly. "Yes, but don't tell anyone, okay? Besides, his girlfriend broke up with him, so it's all fine!"
  3549. > That had the sound of truth. And beside, Glitter Dust seemed happy, so Celestia shrugged to herself. Who was she to judge anyway, with all the things she and Anonymous got up to lately?
  3550. "Good for you."
  3551. > Her friend just nodded and ran a few steps again. "Yeah, come on!" she called. Her steps faltered and the pegasus frowned a little. "You hungry? Maggie said she could make us omelettes!"
  3552. > It sounded delightful. Unfortunately, Celestia had already eaten.
  3553. "I made a huge breakfast for me and Anonymous."
  3554. > "So you still cook for him? Despite the fact that now he knows...?" Glitter Dust asked, a little puzzled.
  3555. > The alicorn just shrugged.
  3556. "Of course. Why not? I'm still living in his house."
  3557. > Her friend shook her head. "No, I mean - he doesn't mind that he has the literal *Princess* of Equestria making him meals?!"
  3558. > Celestia just stared for a few moments.
  3559. "Should he?"
  3560. > Finally the pegasus shrugged. "Guess not. It's just weird. Listen, are you going to stay like that for the whole day?" she asked and indicated Supple Branch with a hoof.
  3561. "While we are in public, at least. But a whole day would be tiring. I will change back when we are alone. That is alright, isn't it?"
  3562. > Glitter Dust just smiled. "Of course. It'll just be a bit weird, but I'm okay with it."
  3563. > She hadn't expected that particular word, so Celestia asked about it.
  3564. "Why weird?"
  3565. > A hoof came up to wave at her disguise again and the pegasus tried to explain. "Well, it's weird. It's like 'Supple Branch' and 'Princess Celestia' are two different ponies. It's weird thinking of them as one and the same!"
  3566. > It was a bit silly, now that she came to think of. Expecting that she could keep her friendships exactly the way they had been. Of course ponies would treat her differently.
  3567. > This was exactly what Celestia hadn't wanted when she came to Earth. She sighed and her head slumped a little.
  3568. > "I'll try to make it not weird. Please don't be sad," Glitter Dust said quickly. She walked back and put a wing around her friend. "Now let's get the buck out of the cold already!"
  3569. > This was promising. Their relationships would change, but maybe it didn't have to change *too much*? Celestia found a small smile.
  3570. "I thought pegasi didn't feel cold?"
  3571. > Glitter Dust poked her tongue out, which just made the alicorn chuckle.
  3572. > She followed her friend into the building and up the stairs. Her ears caught the sounds of people living their lives. Mostly TV noises, a few pots cooking, some quiet conversation. It felt very homey.
  3573. > The alicorn lifted up her nose and sniffed. One of them was making a meat dish, but the other, she felt, was some kind of pasta. It was hard to tell in the mixture of scents.
  3574. > They went up and up, all the way to the top floor. Lucky for Glitter, Celestia thought. Many pegasi didn't feel right living on the ground.
  3575. > They came to a dark brown, wooden door. It had a handle, rather than a knob.
  3576. > All the other apartments had knobs, so the alicorn suspected the change was made to make Glitter Dust's life easier. It was very encouraging and the mare warmed up to Maggie and Sam. No wonder the pegasus wanted to stay with them.
  3577. > "Hey! We're here!" Glitter called out and after a moment the familiar lady came through an open doorway.
  3578. > "Oh, hello, Supple!" she said and gave her a friendly smile. "Would you like some breakfast? Or a coffee?"
  3579. > The alicorn wished she could, but any more food would be the straw that broke the alicorn. The other thing sounded good, though.
  3580. "Oh, some coffee please! Thank you!"
  3581. > The woman nodded and pointed out a door. "Through there. Show her to the table, Glitter. Oh, and you haven't met Sam yet, have you? Glitter will introduce you."
  3582. "Not yet. I am very much looking forward to meeting your husband, Maggie."
  3583. > The way her eyes bulged out and her hand came up to cover her mouth gave Celestia pause. Had she said something wrong? She was about to apologize, when the pegasus beside her burst out laughing.
  3584. > The alicorn looked from the woman to her friend.
  3585. "Glitter Dust?"
  3586. > Now even Maggie was chuckling. "Oh my," she said, wheezing a little as she tried to keep from full laughter. "That's a first! You better show her, Glitter."
  3587. "Show me what?!"
  3588. > The Princess was getting really worried now. Glitter Dust was actually on the floor, holding her belly and flopping around weakly as she guffawed.
  3589. > Celestia rolled her eyes. Whatever she had said wrong, it couldn't have been *that* funny. But she waited patiently until her friend got a grip on herself and stood up on shaky legs.
  3590. > There were tears in her eyes and the face was red. She was still grinning. "Dammit, Supple, that one was a classic. Just wait 'till the guys hear about this!"
  3591. > Celestia didn't entirely like the idea, but she didn't mind too much. Maybe, whatever the mistake, it would prove to the ponies that she was, after all, just a mare.
  3592. > She followed the pegasus through the door into a small living room with a dining table. It was obviously used for both purposes. She looked at the human sitting at the table and froze.
  3593. > There was an instant blush on her face.
  3594. > Glitter Dust walked right up to Sam and giggled a little. "You heard?"
  3595. > Sam nodded. She was also smiling at the joke.
  3596. "I'm so sorry! I had no idea!"
  3597. > How do you apologize for something like that?! Celestia took a step closer and inclined her head.
  3598. "Please! Accept my humble apologies. It was an honest mistake and I meant nothing bad by it."
  3599. > The woman laughed easily. She didn't seem mad. "Yeah, 'Sam' is short for 'Samantha'. I guess Glitter Dust never even mentioned me?"
  3600. > It wasn't a reprimand, because the lady reached out her hand and the pegasus easily slid her head under it to get a scratch.
  3601. > "I did! I totally did! I just never remembered to use the full name!"
  3602. > Coming to her friend's defense, Celestia quickly confirmed the story.
  3603. "That is true, ma'am. And I never asked to make sure. I simply assumed."
  3604. > Sam gave a single nod. "You know what they say. When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me."
  3605. > To her relief, it didn't look like Sam held any sort of a grudge.
  3606. "Quite true. No hard feelings?"
  3607. > The alicorn walked forward so the lady didn't have to twist her neck to see her.
  3608. > "No hard feelings," Sam repeated. "Come, take a seat. Have a pretzel!"
  3609. > There was a bowl on the table. Despite her overfull stomach, Celestia was curious. She jumped up on the chair and inspected the offering. She was tempted. But if she indulged, the pony felt she would just fall asleep in an hour, coffee or not.
  3610. "Thank you. Perhaps a bit later."
  3611. > "So, what will you two do today?" the woman asked idly to pass the time. The alicorn looked at her friend for an answer.
  3612. > "We'll go hang out with Doug, maybe play a few games on his console. That reminds me, can I have some pizza money?" Glitter Dust asked and made a very good attempt at the Look.
  3613. > The girl was a natural! With a bit of training, she could become a master of the Look. And it worked!
  3614. > Sam reached into a pocket and brought out a wallet before realizing what she was doing. "Wait," she said slowly and paused. "What happened to your money? Are you playing one of those games again?"
  3615. > The pegasus blushed and looked away. "N-no," she said quickly, if a little nervously. "Not for money, I'm not!"
  3616. > The human sighed and Celestia nearly echoed it. "Glitter," Sam said tiredly, "you know how you always fall for these things. I don't wanna have to take your iPad away to make sure. We can't have you scamming one of your friends again!"
  3617. > She watched the pony, but Glitter Dust didn't look up.
  3618. > "I swear I'm not spending any money on a game, Sam! Why won't you believe me?" the mare said petulantly.
  3619. > Celestia looked at the miserable pony. She needed a friend right then, so she jumped down and went to hug the distraught pegasus.
  3620. > Then she addressed Sam.
  3621. "I know you have no reason to trust me, but I believe her."
  3622. > Then the alicorn faced the mare and smiled gently.
  3623. "Glitter, swear to me that you will keep it in moderation and not fall into that trap again. No matter how tempting it is."
  3624. "We both know what the really important things are, right? And these games are not it, they are merely a slight distraction."
  3625. > The human considered this. Two pony faces were practically a force of nature. Of course she couldn't resist! "Okay, fine. But I'll be checking! Just tell me what happened to your money."
  3626. > Her ears flopped down and the pegasus looked at the floor again. "I'm saving it," she said quietly.
  3627. > Both Sam and Celestia turned their gaze on the mare in surprise.
  3628. > "What for?"
  3629. > The human beat her to the question. Judging by the way Glitter was starting to blush, it was something really strange.
  3630. > "... gonna buy hang gliding lessons next summer," the pony mumbled. Celestia looked up at Sam, who was just as stunned as her.
  3631. "But why?! You're a pegasus, you can fly!"
  3632. > "I knew you wouldn't understand," Glitter Dust said sadly.
  3633. > Celestia put her hooves around her friend again and smiled.
  3634. "Then tell us. You must have a good reason, right?"
  3635. > Sam just nodded quietly. Maggie came with a small tray and four cups of coffee and joined her... wife? At least that's how Celestia would put it. Of course they could just be marefriends living together and not actually married. It wasn't uncommon in Equestria, where there was always a shortage of stallions.
  3636. > "What are we talking about?" Maggie asked quietly. Sam murmured an explanation while Glitter Dust was gathering up her courage. After hearing it, Maggie also watched the pony in expectant, curious silence.
  3637. > Finally, the pegasus took a deep breath. "Look, I know I can fly, right? But I saw hang gliding on YouTube and it looked interesting. I wanna know what it feels like to fly around without using your wings!"
  3638. > It sounded like a very curious idea. Better than throwing money away on silly games and robbing her friends to fuel the addiction, at least.
  3639. > The humans decided the same thing, because they both smiled proudly. Sam put her hand back in Glitter's mane and sought out her ears with her fingers.
  3640. > "Well, I support that. If it means you won't piss money away on the iPad, I'm right behind it. Tell you what - if you keep at it, I'll kick in a hundred bucks for your birthday."
  3641. > The woman, still holding her wallet, opened it and pulled out a few notes. "And the pizza is on me."
  3642. > Both Celestia and Glitter Dust smiled. "Thanks!" the pegasus said sweetly.
  3643. > Then she nudged her friend back toward the chair. "Come on, coffee, then we'll go meet Doug."
  3644. > The alicorn liked the idea. Plus the aroma of the beverage hung tantalizingly in the air. She also smelled cream on the table. A truly masterfully served refreshment!
  3645. >...
  3646. > The two mares made their way to the 'Den', as Glitter Dust had called it. It was in a similar looking apartment building a few streets away. They entered and Celestia couldn't quite shake the feeling like they were somehow trespassing.
  3647. > But Glitter Dust seemed right at home. She headed down the main staircase without missing a hoofstep and led Celestia to the beaten-up door with peeling paint.
  3648. > Before they entered, however, the pegasus looked behind.
  3649. > "You said it's uncomfortable to stay in disguise too long?" she asked, reminding Celestia of the problem. Luckily, according to the mare, Doug could be trusted with the secret.
  3650. "Yes, I'd rather not. Should I change now, so I do not confuse your friend?"
  3651. > "No, no! Stay a bit longer, it's gonna be awesome! I'll give you the signal!" her friend urged with a mischievous smile. After a moment, the alicorn also grinned in anticipation.
  3652. > It seemed like Glitter Dust had a plan for a joke. She straightened her face and reared up to open the door. It was the knob kind, so it took a bit of effort.
  3653. > When she entered, Celestia inspected the room. Just like her friend had explained, it *did* look very comfortable. The walls were a little bare, but there was a thick carpet on the floor and a couch of second-hand appearance.
  3654. > Celestia sniffed the air carefully. There was an edge of something unfamiliar. She recognized tobacco smoke and stale food. A bit of damp and the distinct smell which the mare associated with concrete.
  3655. > The new thing was none of those. Celestia tentatively concluded that it was probably that weed Glitter Dust said she and the human liked to smoke.
  3656. > Her eye - trained in the subtle arts of housekeeping over the past few months - cast critically around the small room.
  3657. > The place needed a good cleaning in her opinion, but she had to admit it was homey. Even the occasional chips bag or empty can just served to enhance the feeling of it being lived-in.
  3658. > Strange, because the human had only arrived the previous day, Celestia remembered. It didn't add up, but the mare filed the question away for later. Right now, the young man on the couch waved and grinned at them.
  3659. > The alicorn supposed he was handsome enough for a human. She didn't have too much experience to go by, but there were no obvious, glaring flaws.
  3660. > He was a little underweight for her taste - the mare would go as far as to say 'lanky', but apparently that seemed attractive to most humans. He had dark hair, longer than she was used to seeing on human males.
  3661. > "Hey Glit. Brought a friend?" he asked.
  3662. > The pegasus kicked the door closed behind her alicorn friend and ran forward to give the young man a hug. "Yes!"
  3663. > She made herself quite comfortable right in Doug's lap and extended a wing. "Doug, that's Celestia. Celestia, Doug."
  3664. > The Princess stepped closer and reached out a hoof for a shake. The man inspected her quickly, then shrugged a little and focused rather on the mare in his lap.
  3665. > "Earth pony, eh? Well, she's welcome here. Mi casa es su casa, right?"
  3666. > Glitter Dust looked like she was about to explode. "Wrong! Not an earth pony! Watch this, it's awesome!" she explained and pointed a hoof toward her friend.
  3667. > It was the signal, Celestia decided. She let the disguise go and a flash of light left her standing at her full height and majesty.
  3668. > She liked to imagine that her mere presence made the room brighter. She smiled at the gobsmacked human.
  3669. > His mouth had fallen open and he was staring. Glitter Dust had been right - it was a good joke and the mare was having a blast laughing.
  3670. > Unfortunately, Doug dislodged her onto the couch and got up to come stare at Celestia from closer.
  3671. > "Damnit, that's impressive! Nice trick!" he complimented. The alicorn stood still as he walked around to inspect her from all angles.
  3672. > "Love the hair. Like a rainbow," he murmured. Then Doug seemed to spot something and grunted. "Wait, wings and a horn? What do you call that? A pega-corn?"
  3673. > Her friend was useless for any kind of explanation, so Celestia did it herself.
  3674. "No, it is called 'alicorn'."
  3675. > She didn't bring up her station, of course, and she hoped Glitter Dust wouldn't either. According to the pegasus, this human could be trusted, but the Princess wasn't about to take chances if she didn't need to.
  3676. > "Sweet. Well, have a seat," the young man invited and went back to plop his rump next to Glitter again. His arm went around her shoulders, which made the mare smile beautifully.
  3677. > There was a little something there, Celestia decided. Perhaps, if they saw each other more often, it could blossom.
  3678. > "Yes please, beer for me!" the pegasus said, completely unfazed by the fact that her human now had to get up.
  3679. > He went to a small refrigerator in the corner and took out a can. Then he looked at the alicorn. "You?"
  3680. > Celestia shook her head.
  3681. "Thank you. Perhaps a bit later."
  3682. > Doug shrugged and brought two cans. He handed one to Glitter and opened the other. Then they swapped.
  3683. > Of course, the pegasus couldn't open this human style can without a tool. The way Doug unthinkingly helped her spoke volumes of how comfortable the two were around each other.
  3684. > It was a nice thing to see and Celestia relaxed. Perhaps that was why the place seemed like a home, rather than some dark room in a basement. She went and sat on the couch.
  3685. > There was a small TV in a corner with a white box before it. Cables ran from the box to the screen. The game console she had heard so much about. There should be other bits of plastic around - controllers.
  3686. > Her pegasus friend had spent some time explaining all this. The smaller ones were for humans. In fact, Doug had one on the armrest of the couch. There was a larger controller on the carpet by the TV. That one had bigger buttons and levers, so that a pony might be able to operate it.
  3687. > There was only one - just for Glitter Dust, no doubt - but the alicorn could easily use a human controller with her magic.
  3688. > In truth, she was looking forward to some of the games she had heard about. But first, it seemed, it was time for the pair beside her to sip beer and tell each other about their lives.
  3689. > Two friends, catching up after being apart for months. It was a nice sight to see and the alicorn was looking forward to listening to the stories they would share.
  3690. > She just hoped Glitter Dust skipped some of the more embarrassing ones about the Princess herself!
  3691. >...
  3692. > Time passed quickly. Celestia could see how Glitter Dust managed to lose herself in video games. These ones were great fun, especially when played with friends.
  3693. > She wasn't much good at it, but both the pegasus and her human friend were good sports when they won. At most, the pegasus poked gentle fun at the alicorn.
  3694. > "Come on, Celly!" Glitter gasped out amid gales of laughter, "you've got magic! These things are awkward as hell for hooves and I'm still beating you!"
  3695. > It was true. The alicorn had tried the larger controller which was made specifically for ponies and found it even worse than the usual kind.
  3696. > There were just too many buttons and sticks to think of, in addition to paying attention to the cars racing along on the street. On top of that, she kept forgetting which of the squares on the screen was hers.
  3697. > More often than not, her lack of skill resulted in a spectacular crash. It was a good thing no one got hurt.
  3698. > Other than Glitter Dust and Douglas Wilder, who held their sides and guffawed after each misfortune.
  3699. "It is only because you have had such a lot of practice, Glitter Dust."
  3700. > It didn't sound right, even to her. Celestia couldn't see herself improving much, even if she played the thing regularly each week.
  3701. > "Nuh-huh! I was a natural the second I picked it up! Tell her, Doug!" her friend replied.
  3702. > The human was concentrating on the screen, because the pegasus was winning. Celestia stopped trying and just watched the other two finish the race.
  3703. > It was a close thing, but Glitter Dust managed to keep her slim lead. As soon as she passed the finish line, the pegasus threw her hooves up and whooped!
  3704. > "YEAH! Still got it! Pony master race!" she cheered.
  3705. > Celestia thought it was a little rude, but Doug didn't seem to mind. At least not that part. He just pointed an accusing finger. "You cheated!"
  3706. > "Did not!" countered her friend. Celestia looked at the two. She hadn't been aware of any foul play. Glitter Dust seemed genuinely offended by the accusation.
  3707. > The human put the controller down and tapped his finger on the mare's nose. "Yeah you did! You tickled me with a wing! That's why I didn't shift up out of that final turn, otherwise I would have gotten you!"
  3708. > "Lies!" Glitter Dust spat, but she was blushing a little. The alicorn recognized the signs and gasped.
  3709. "It's true! You did cheat!"
  3710. > Now Glitter was really getting red in the face. "Well, *maybe*, but *you* were distracting me!"
  3711. > Doug didn't accept the explanation. "Revenge!" he yelled out and put his hands on the pony.
  3712. > The way Glitter Dust squealed made Celestia afraid the human was hurting her. But she quickly saw it was only tickling.
  3713. > Her mouth split apart in a grin. Compared to the severity of her crime, the punishment seemed quite fitting.
  3714. > The pegasus flapped her wings sporadically, flailed her limbs and twisted around to get away. She would have escaped, but the alicorn came to Doug's help and grabbed the mare to hold her still.
  3715. > "HEY! NO FAIR!" Glitter cried, but now she was trapped. She tried to argue some more, but the words were subsumed under peals of laughter. "STOP!" she managed to squeak, but it wasn't over that fast.
  3716. > The torture went on for about a minute before Celestia put a stop to it. She pulled her friend away from the vengeful human and placed a wing between them.
  3717. "That is enough, I think."
  3718. > Doug was also laughing and now he just shrugged. After a few moments he got his breath back. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry, Glit."
  3719. > The pegasus had tears in her eyes. She was sweating a little and her legs were quivering. "I'll get you both for this!" she said between panting. "Just you wait!"
  3720. > It was an idle threat and they all knew it. Despite that, Celestia kept a hold on the pegasus for a few more seconds. In return, Glitter Dust nuzzled back into the soft, white fluff on her chest.
  3721. > Doug sighed again and got up. He walked to the little refrigerator and took a small box from behind it. He brought it to the couch and placed it in his lap when he sat back down.
  3722. > The alicorn craned her head to look at it. It seemed important, especially the way Glitter Dust straightened up to watch it closely.
  3723. > When he opened it, Celestia saw the contents. Bits of thin paper, a colorful plastic bag, metal cylinders. Very confusing. But she noticed the smell. Tobacco and that unusual thing she sensed earlier.
  3724. > She made a deduction and her stomach sank.
  3725. "You are going to smoke, aren't you?"
  3726. > The human paused with the bag in his hand and looked at her. "Is that a problem?" he asked. Then his eyes shifted to Glitter, who pushed herself away from the Princess.
  3727. > "No, Celly is cool, right?"
  3728. > It was a difficult choice. The stuff was illegal, so Anonymous had told her. Her owner didn't have a reason to lie. He had also expressly forbidden her to do this.
  3729. > But the mare liked Douglas Wilder, and she knew Glitter Dust thought the world of him. Maybe there was some kind of love there, even.
  3730. > Was it really her place to enforce human laws? Just how bad was this drug? The pony wished she had more information, that she had taken the time to research it a little on the Internet.
  3731. > Swallowing, Celestia asked a little uncertainly:
  3732. "W-what does it do?"
  3733. > Douglas shrugged and picked up one of the metal cylinders. He split it apart to reveal lots of small teeth in both parts. "Nothing much. You feel funny for a while and it relaxes you. Some places allow it for medical use, even."
  3734. > It sounded reassuring and the alicorn looked to her pegasus friend. Glitter Dust nodded.
  3735. "I will not have want any, but I also will not give you away."
  3736. > Glitter relaxed and smiled. "Your loss," she said and leaned back in the couch. Then she lowered her voice and gave the Princess a nod. "Thanks."
  3737. > Despite her doubts, Celestia kept a close eye on the human. He reached into a pocket in his pants and pulled out a small plastic bag with something green inside it. The mare looked at the contents of the box. She frowned a little in confusion.
  3738. "Wait, what is that?"
  3739. > "You don't expect me to leave illegal drugs here, do you? That's just tobacco," Doug said and tapped the larger, colorful bag. "The real stuff is here." He held it up for her to see.
  3740. > The smell became more pronounced and her nose wrinkled a little as Celestia caught a whiff.
  3741. > It made sense. People presumably knew who used this room, so if anyone happened to find the drug by chance, it would probably end poorly for Douglas Wilder. In addition, he was away most of the year, so it didn't make much sense for him to leave it behind.
  3742. > He tipped the bag into the cylinder, then placed the two halves together and twisted them. It was slightly like a grinder, the alicorn guessed.
  3743. > After a minute or two of that, Doug stopped and opened it. Indeed the substance was now chopped up into small pieces.
  3744. > Glitter Dust licked her lips in anticipation and fiddled with her hooves. The alicorn guessed that she was looking forward to a rare experience.
  3745. > "Too bad I can't roll with hooves," she said and chuckled. "Plus, no way for me to buy it."
  3746. > It was a good thing. With the way Glitter was prone to addicting games, she would undoubtedly overindulge on this 'weed'. Whatever they said, Celestia knew it was banned for a reason. Too much of it was very likely detrimental.
  3747. "How often do you smoke this?"
  3748. > She asked the human directly. He was fiddling with the piece of paper and didn't stop even when he shrugged and answered: "Oh, I dunno. Maybe once a month? It's more of a social thing, when friends come over."
  3749. > He placed some tobacco on the paper and rolled it around a little. "Not during exams, this stuff makes it hard to study."
  3750. > The alicorn approved of what she was hearing. She watched the human dribble a bit of the green stuff into the tobacco and close the paper around it. It turned into a stick.
  3751. > Then he licked the edge. Celestia was about to ask, but she saw that the paper became sticky. That way Douglas was able to make it into a cylinder.
  3752. > "There we go," he proclaimed and held it out.
  3753. > Glitter scooched closer and nuzzled her friend affectionately. "Me first, me first!" she clamored. "How strong did you make it?"
  3754. > "Not too strong," the human said. "Let's start out easy, right?"
  3755. > They were about to do it, Celestia realized. There was no more avoiding it. If she stayed, the mare would be complicit in a crime.
  3756. > She was suddenly very unsure about the scene.
  3757. "Uh, maybe I shouldn't be here for this."
  3758. > Her voice was uneasy and she tensed up, getting ready to stand and leave. But she felt a hoof on her leg and Glitter Dust smiled at her. "No, it's fine, Celestia. Really! Nothing bad is going to happen, we'll just giggle a lot and say stupid things."
  3759. > Doug also seemed to agree. He held the cigarette in the air for the pegasus to put her mouth around it, then fished out a lighter from his pocket.
  3760. > "Yeah, don't worry, Celly. This isn't one of those hardcore drugs, it's just a bit of harmless weed."
  3761. > She relaxed a little, but the alicorn was still apprehensive. The smell would be the biggest giveaway, she knew. There would be no avoiding a shower before Anonymous came to pick her up.
  3762. > Or maybe she could sleep over. Celestia looked out the window and felt for the sun. It was certainly getting late, a fact which her stomach confirmed.
  3763. "Should we arrange for some more food before you two..."
  3764. > She pointed a hoof at Glitter Dust's mouth, which was sucking greedily at the cigarette while the human was lighting it.
  3765. > The tip glowed orange and the pegasus inhaled. Celestia waited expectantly to see what would happen.
  3766. > After a few seconds, the mare coughed and exhaled a cloud of smoke. She closed her eyes and sighed again, while Doug also took a drag.
  3767. > There was no significant change. The alicorn didn't know what to expect, but surely it would be something?
  3768. > Glitter Dust opened her eyes and saw her expression. "Relax, Celly. It's fine. See? Nothing bad about it."
  3769. > Once the human had had a lungful, he offered the smoke to the pegasus again and she puffed on it gratefully.
  3770. > "Dammit I missed this. Don't go away again, okay Doug? We should do this every week."
  3771. > He barked a laugh. "You want us to become addicts? Should I drop out of college and move in here, so we can get high every day and play games?"
  3772. > Celestia switched her gaze to the pegasus. She was wondering the same thing. Did Glitter not understand the realities of the world?
  3773. > "Yeah," the mare said easily. "That all sounds perfect!"
  3774. > They both burst out laughing and the alicorn joined in. It was obviously a discussion they occasionally repeated.
  3775. > But there was more. Glitter Dust took a long puff on the proffered cigarette, held it for a while, then blew it toward the ceiling. "Seriously, though, the moment you finish college, you get a nice job, mister! Understand?"
  3776. "What?"
  3777. > The pegasus shot out a wing and hugged the human closer to her. She nearly made him lose his balance and Doug had to juggle the lit cigarette so it wouldn't fall on the pony and burn her.
  3778. > He would have succeeded, but Glitter pulled him closer and drew him into a very passionate kiss.
  3779. > At the last possible moment, Celestia caught the dangerous thing in her magic and held it up before it became a fire hazard.
  3780. "Careful you two! Don't burn the building down!"
  3781. > But they didn't seem aware of her. The mare was whispering urgently to the human: "You get a good job and buy me, understand? I don't care if you take a loan, just take me away!"
  3782. > The pair stared at each other and the human nodded. It made the mare smile beautifully.
  3783. > "Promise?" she asked.
  3784. > "I promise," came the reply, barely above a whisper. Then they were kissing again.
  3785. > Maybe it was the effect of the drug, or simply the fact that they hadn't seen each other in a long while. She knew they had been together last night, but the alicorn knew first-hoof how insatiable humans were.
  3786. > And some mares. She blushed at memory of herself with her human. The way Glitter Dust was moaning slightly as Doug kissed her neck was all too familiar.
  3787. > It was wrong to watch and she turned her gaze away. Celestia suddenly felt like a fifth hoof. She glanced at the TV and the console and thought about amusing herself. But it wouldn't work.
  3788. > Even if she kept her face strictly averted, she would hear and *smell* everything. The alicorn risked another glance and almost gave a small squeak.
  3789. > Glitter Dust was already tugging the human's pants down with a hind hoof! She had to intervene right now!
  3790. "Uh, guys? I don't think this is really appropriate."
  3791. > Two sets of eyes turned toward her and blinked in surprise. They had obviously forgotten she was there.
  3792. > Doug hurriedly pulled his pants back and sat back down. He remembered their cigarette and looked around, a little panicky.
  3793. > It floated down before his face, suspended on a little cushion of magic.
  3794. "You're welcome."
  3795. > He took it and moved it to an ashtray on the armrest. Meanwhile, Glitter Dust was blushing heavily and refused to meet Celestia's gaze at first. It took her a bit of time before she worked up the courage to twist around and look bashfully at the alicorn.
  3796. > It helped that her back was pressed against the human's chest. It gave her courage, it seemed.
  3797. > "Sorry," the mare squeaked.
  3798. > But the Princess was not entirely heartless.
  3799. "You two could use some time alone. Some more, I mean. I will go and see Maggie and Samantha. They can call Anonymous to come fetch me."
  3800. > Shaking her head, the pegasus laid a hoof in hers. "No, wait! I thought you'll stay for a sleepover?"
  3801. > Her voice was sincere and plaintive, but Celestia saw how Doug's hand reached around Glitter's barrel and grabbed the fur of her belly.
  3802. > She firmly shook her head.
  3803. "No, I will go tonight. You two need to... catch up some more, and I do not wish to disturb that. I will visit another time for our sleepover, alright?"
  3804. > There was indescribable gratitude in her eyes as the pegasus nodded. She had been afraid that Celestia would make her choose between her human lover and her friend. The pony shot forward, breaking Doug's grasp on her, and hugged the alicorn.
  3805. > "Thank you," she whispered in her ear.
  3806. > Celestia smiled back.
  3807. "You are very welcome. Call me on Skype the *instant* you get home, okay?"
  3808. > Being there and seeing it happen would be too much, but having the pegasus describe her experience later would just be harmless gossip.
  3809. > Besides, Glitter Dust owed her. She had gleefully told the others all about her heat, and the toys and even the encounters with Heavy Hoof, which Celestia had vouchsafed to her friend in confidence!
  3810. > It was time to turn the tables a little.
  3811. > "I promise," the mare said.
  3812. > Celestia stood up and held out a hoof to the human. He shook it a little uncertainly.
  3813. "Thank you for the hospitality, Douglas Wilder. Video games really do go well with pizza - I shall remember this. Please, enjoy the rest of your evening!"
  3814. > He didn't know how to reply to that, so the mare just stepped away, reached for her magic and changed into Supple Branch again.
  3815. "Bye!"
  3816. > They both waved at her and the alicorn went outside. She closed the door behind her with magic - feeling like she was cheating again, but there was no one around to see.
  3817. > Even Douglas and Glitter Dust weren't looking anymore. In the instant before the door hid them from sight, Celestia saw their lips lock yet again.
  3818. > And now came the urgent breathing and the sound of fabric sliding down legs. It looked like they wouldn't wait even a second!
  3819. > If she were mean, Celestia could have pretended she had forgotten something and gone back. Their embarrassment would be delicious.
  3820. > But she just smiled to herself and hurriedly ascended the stairs. Even listening in on Glitter Dust's soft, needy moans seemed too much like intrusion at that point.
  3821. > Hopefully no one else would walk in on them.
  3822. > If someone did, then Glitter's story would be even more deliciously awkward, but - and this was the important bit - not Celestia's fault.
  3823. > The alicorn chuckled to herself as she exited the building.
  3824. >...
  3825. > It turned out that Maggie and Samantha really were sweet humans. They didn't mind in the slightest that the alicorn returned by herself. Perhaps they knew something was happening between Glitter Dust and her human friend, but they didn't mention it.
  3826. > At least they weren't trying to stop it.
  3827. > While Maggie was calling Anonymous, Celestia went and joined Sam in the living room. The woman was sitting on the couch and solving a crossword puzzle and the mare took the chair at the table so she wouldn't disturb.
  3828. > Too late - Sam looked up and frowned a little. "Have you been smoking?" she asked sharply.
  3829. > The alicorn didn't want to get her friends in trouble, but there was no point in denying it. In either case, no mention of drugs, of course.
  3830. "Douglas Wilder smokes tobacco. I know I stink of it. I will need a bath when I get home."
  3831. > Samantha watched her for a moment, then shrugged a little to herself and went back to the crossword. Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. It was good news. The tobacco smell apparently masked the weed smell for humans.
  3832. > Anonymous would understand that some people smoke tobacco. A few of their colleagues at the firm did, and the smell hung around them like a cloud. Her human knew how it sticks to clothes.
  3833. > As if thinking about him had summoned her, Maggie came in the room just as she was putting the phone back in her pocket. "Mr. Anonymous is on his way, Supple. He will be here in about thirty minutes."
  3834. "I understand. Thank you."
  3835. > "Coffee or tea while you wait?" she offered. It sounded lovely. Outside was cold and Celestia liked the idea of something hot in her belly.
  3836. "Oh! Coffee, please! If it isn't a bother."
  3837. > Her hostess smiled and left for the kitchen. "It'll just be a moment!"
  3838. > But Celestia jumped from her chair and joined Maggie. The least she could do in return was keep the woman company. She sat down in the middle of the kitchen, hoping at least she wouldn't be in the way.
  3839. > "Had a good time today?"
  3840. > Maggie was facing away, but Celestia nodded anyway.
  3841. "Oh yes. Video games and pizza."
  3842. > The woman was silent while she poured the water and set it on the stove. Then she turned around and leaned against the counter. "So, I'm guessing you left when those two became too... friendly?"
  3843. > Her smile said that Maggie didn't mind, but it was still quite a shock. Celestia gasped and covered her mouth with a hoof.
  3844. "H-how- how did you know?!"
  3845. > That made the woman laugh pleasantly. "Oh, come on. You think I don't see the signs? I was young once. Besides, I see the way Glitter walks when she comes home from visiting Doug."
  3846. > The mare was a little incredulous.
  3847. "And you don't mind? A human and a pony?"
  3848. > She tried to hide her own trepidation. For some reason, she wanted Maggie to approve of Glitter Dust and Douglas Wilder and therefore indirectly of Celestia and Anonymous.
  3849. > Maggie frowned a little in thought and pursed her lips. Then she shook her head slightly. "No, I don't think so. There was a time, not too long ago when what me and Sam have would be considered wrong. Who am I to judge?"
  3850. > She rubbed her chin with her fingers. "Nah, I just want Glitter to be happy."
  3851. "But you are her owners. You are keeping Glitter Dust as your slave."
  3852. > That didn't sit too well with Maggie, but Celestia wasn't sorry.
  3853. > "Maybe on paper! But I've always thought about her more like a daughter."
  3854. > The alicorn thought quickly.
  3855. "Then, if Glitter Dust had a way to return home, you would let her?"
  3856. > Now Maggie tapped her lips with a finger. The water started to boil, so the woman turned and added a few spoonfuls of ground coffee to the mix. She stirred it a little and Celestia waited patiently for an answer.
  3857. > "Yes," it finally came. "If that would make Glitter happy, then I suppose I would. I'd expect her to visit, though. Or at least write."
  3858. > It gave Celestia a warm feeling in her chest. She knew that despite this news, the pegasus wouldn't want to leave the couple, nor her friends.
  3859. > That made it doubly important for the Princess to make sure ponies got the rights they deserved on Earth!
  3860. > But it was enough of that heavy talk. The coffee was ready and the alicorn was looking forward to its invigorating effect. Especially when she saw that the woman was kindly adding bowls of sugar and cream on the tray as well.
  3861. > There was only one thing missing.
  3862. "I will make sure to bake some cake the next time I visit, Maggie. As a little thank you. I have this perfect chocolate mocha recipe that goes very well with coffee."
  3863. > The woman laughed at the promise while she dug three cups out of the cupboard. "You don't have to do that, but thank you if you do." She led the way back to the living room. "Come on."
  3864. > While Celestia was climbing back on the chair, Maggie poured and took a cup to Sam. Her partner thanked her absentmindedly, then the two kissed briefly. It was sweet and made the mare smile a little.
  3865. > Soon, her host was back at the table.
  3866. > "So. Are you staying out of trouble yourself?" Maggie asked.
  3867. "Why do you ask?"
  3868. > Grinning, the lady took a sip before answering. "Glitter mentioned something about a spanking. What did you do?"
  3869. > The alicorn blushed a little and looked down in her coffee.
  3870. "I lied to Anonymous about... something. I took my punishment and now it's in the past."
  3871. > Of course Maggie realized that Celestia didn't want to say it. Luckily, she didn't pressure her. "Oh. That's good, then."
  3872. "Yes."
  3873. > She didn't feel comfortable with questions like that, so the alicorn looked for some other topic.
  3874. "How is the store doing? Why did you choose that particular business?"
  3875. > It worked and Maggie shrugged a little. "Always had a knack for machines. I helped my dad fix that old tractor of his when I was young. I could do a better job than him by the time I was seven."
  3876. > The mare had tried sipping her coffee slowly, but as soon as it was cool enough not to scorch, she couldn't help it and simply poured it down her throat. Luckily, there was more in the pot.
  3877. > She had another question. Celestia looked at the woman on the couch, still working on her crossword. A small smile formed on her muzzle.
  3878. "How did you two end up... together? If you don't mind me asking."
  3879. > Sam looked up and Maggie chuckled at the question. "Ho boy, now that's a long story. Let's hope we have time before Mr. Anonymous comes for you."
  3880. > In an instant the mare echoed her smile and settled back in the chair to listen.
  3881. "If not, we can continue next time. With the cake."
  3883. >~~~~
  3885. > It had all been going very well. The mare had finished her coffee, thanked her host and walked out to get some fresh air before Anonymous. Came to pick her up.
  3886. > She fluffed her mane around a little and flicked her tail a few times. The air was cold, but it would clear up the last of the tobacco smoke. For a moment she considered using her dusting spell on her coat, but decided against it.
  3887. > Besides, even if she retained a bit of the smell, her human wouldn't hold it against her.
  3888. > Or so she thought. The moment they were back in their living room Anonymous faced her with his hands on his hips.
  3889. > "Well?" he asked.
  3890. > Celestia decided to play the innocent card.
  3891. "Hmm? It was fun, if that's what you are asking."
  3892. > It wasn't, really. How he might have smelled anything the alicorn didn't know. Even she couldn't detect it anymore and human noses were a lot worse than pony ones.
  3893. > But Anonymous was implacable. "You smoked it with them, didn't you?"
  3894. > Her ears folded down at the accusation. The mare stared at the human with a steady gaze.
  3895. "Did not. And I resent the way you asked that!"
  3896. > "Do not lie to me, Celestia. I know what weed smells like!" the man exclaimed.
  3897. > Despite herself, the mare turned her head and sniffed. It was still there, but very faint. When she turned back, Anonymous looked triumphant.
  3898. > "I knew it," he said with finality. "Celestia, you really can't afford stuff like this, not know! There are such things as random drug tests, you know?"
  3899. > She hadn't, but it was a moot point anyway. She hadn't done it.
  3900. "I did not smoke it, Anonymous. Listen to me!"
  3901. > He paused and watched her face for a long while. Then his hands left his hips and the human crossed his arms before him.
  3902. > "Okay, then explain," he demanded.
  3903. > For a moment the mare considered stomping out angrily. The lack of trust really stung. As did his discourtesy.
  3904. > The human had spoken to her as he would to a teenager! But a temper tantrum would just prove him right.
  3905. "Yes, Douglas Wilder and Glitter Dust smoked a little. I made a judgement call. He is a responsible kid, much more so than Glitter Dust. I did not prevent them having their fun, but I did not participate!"
  3906. > He was at a loss for words, Celestia saw that. She had gotten adept at reading human faces - his in particular. Anonymous made a rash judgement and was now regretting it.
  3907. > Now all he had to do was admit it and offer up a sincere apology to the Princess.
  3908. > Well, technically she really *had* gone against his wishes, but that was no excuse! If he had just asked like an adult, she would have explained. There was no need for childish accusations and anger.
  3909. "I left when they started!"
  3910. > Finally Anonymous found words: "Okay. But it was still irresponsible. I don't want to have to spank you again!"
  3911. > The pony gasped in indignation. How dare he!
  3912. "You did *not* just speak to me as if I was a filly!"
  3913. > His arms lifted up in a hopeless gesture before Anonymous let them fall. He didn't reply with words, though.
  3914. "I would have hoped you'd trust my discretion. I saw no harm in my friends having a bit of fun, even if it isn't entirely by the rules. I don't appreciate your tone, Anonymous, I must say!"
  3915. > Now the man was on the defensive. His arms shot up again, but this time as if to ward her off. "Well, I was just worried about your case, you know?"
  3916. > She snorted, but there was no amusement behind it.
  3917. "I am also worried about my case. This is the future of my ponies on Earth. Of course I wouldn't risk all that!"
  3918. > The mare looked down and spoke more quietly:
  3919. "Nor would I risk *us*. What we have."
  3920. > "Good," he answered. "Let's have dinner and go to bed."
  3921. > Celestia shook her had sadly.
  3922. "First you say that you are sorry."
  3923. > "What?! Why?"
  3924. > She rolled her eyes a little. How could a human be so smart as Anonymous, but not understand that he had fouled up?!
  3925. "Apologize for attacking me like that! Like I was a teenager. You are acting far too much like my father when it comes to drugs!"
  3926. > If he said it then, the mare would forgive everything. She did like Anonymous. Probably - although it was still a little early to tell - she even loved him. It felt like it, anyway.
  3927. > But he decided to make it difficult. "Well, you needed quite a bit of discipline in your time here, remember?"
  3928. > The alicorn walked right up to him, so that she was staring at Anonymous' face from an inch away. Her horn was just above his forehead. A slight downward nod and she could bonk him.
  3929. > He would deserve it, too!
  3930. "I am a thousand years old. Pretending is fun. And yes, my disguise was ill-thought-out. But I understand illegal. I wrote most of my country's laws, remember?"
  3931. > Refusing to back away, her human spread his arms. "Sometimes I wonder..."
  3932. > Celestia blinked in shock. He had not just impugned her ability to rule her people, had he?
  3933. > She quickly thought over possible punishments.
  3934. "You're sleeping alone until you apologize."
  3935. > She was determined to storm out, so that he would have to stew a little in his misery. Celestia strode firmly away, although 'stomped' would have been a better word.
  3936. > Plus - Celestia grinned evilly when she was facing away - she would make him breakfast in bed the next morning for that extra guilt!
  3937. > It meant she would need to sleep in her own bed, which would be cold and lonely. But sacrifices needed to be made for the sake of the future.
  3938. > Anonymous had to understand that there was a line. The alicorn wasn't above taking punishment where it was deserved. But questioning her judgement when the lives and welfare of her ponies were at stake? Impossible!
  3939. > Worse - treating her like she was a teenager herself?
  3940. > He had no right! However she acted. Of course memories surfaced right at the wrong moment.
  3941. > Frolicking around in the snow. The fright over the central heating. Being escorted home by policemen like a filly in trouble. Sneaking into his bed and refusing to leave.
  3942. > Perhaps she had sent him mixed signals on that front. *Slightly* mixed! But she had explained it all! Anonymous should have understood the difference between innocent, carefree, joyful play, and doing drugs!
  3943. > It was a good thing he could not see her blush!
  3944. > "Celestia - wait," the human called after her.
  3945. > Cursing her weak, generous heart, the mare did so. She stopped in the doorway, but didn't look back.
  3946. > "I didn't mean to treat you like a child. But you have to understand why I thought that way."
  3947. > Maybe she couldn't really be mad at Anonymous, and perhaps his arguments made sense. But the initial shock at the accusation and - above all - the his insolent tone made it hard to find much pity right then.
  3948. > One night, she decided. Punishment for her because she hadn't asked Anonymous for details or went to read up on this drug, and also Anonymous' punishment for how he treated her.
  3949. > Like a little filly who doesn't know better!
  3950. > A filly from whom he had to drag out the truth! If he had asked directly, like a reasonable adult, she would have told him exactly what happened.
  3951. > Yes she had promised Douglas Wilder and Glitter Dust that she wouldn't give them away, but it did not count with Anonymous.
  3952. > She could trust Anonymous. Despite this evening, she still could.
  3953. "I'm still sleeping in my own bed tonight."
  3954. > He opened his mouth to object, or ask why, but the mare twirled around and placed a wing feather on his lips.
  3955. > She smiled a little.
  3956. "I forgive you. Ask me directly next time - you don't need to trick the truth out of me, Anonymous."
  3957. > The alicorn made a silent promise to herself to always tell her human the truth from now on, even when she would rather hide it.
  3958. "But I'm a little sore anyway. A night without sex will let me heal."
  3959. > The man blushed and her smile widened. Anonymous was cute when he was flustered like that. She gave him a gentle kiss.
  3960. "I will see you for breakfast tomorrow."
  3961. > All he could do was nod.
  3962. >...
  3963. > A quick shower and a brushing of teeth later, and Celestia was lying on her bed. Her large, hard, cold, empty bed. She floated over the iPad and looked at the Skype list.
  3964. > Glitter Dust should at least *know* that she had caused trouble between the alicorn and her human!
  3965. > But the pegasus was not online. The only two of her friends with a green icon right then were Lake Frond and Heavy Hoof. She didn't feel like speaking to the stallion, so she picked the couple.
  3966. > They were usually both on the computer at the same time.
  3967. "Hey you two still up?"
  3968. > It took a minute for the answer to appear. Typing with a stylus in your mouth was slow going, so Celestia was patient.
  3969. > Finally it came: "Hey whats up?"
  3970. > She didn't want to spend the next four hours to exchange seven sentences with the two.
  3971. "Can we video?"
  3972. > Instead of writing out their answer, her iPad began to ring gently as Lake Frond called. She answered.
  3973. > Celestia panicked for a split second, when she saw her image in the top right corner. Then she remembered that they knew her now.
  3974. > "Princess?" the mare said. She turned her head around. "Rock, come here. It's the Princess!"
  3975. > The stallion joined her in the picture and they both smiled. "Hello, Princess Celestia!" Rock Lichen echoed.
  3976. > The poor alicorn rolled her eyes slightly.
  3977. "Please, I keep saying this - just 'Celestia'. I hope we're friends by this point."
  3978. > The two still blushed whenever she brought it up. Fortunately, they quickly shook it off and the stallion asked: "To what do we owe this pleasure?"
  3979. "I wanted to talk for a bit."
  3980. > It was a little annoying how the two looked at each other, before Lake Frond answered: "Of course. Anything in particular?"
  3981. > Celestia bit her lip as she debated whether to tell them anything or not. But she decided to go for it - after all, Glitter Dust had no qualms about telling the entire group about 'Supple Branch' and her heat. And what she had done with Heavy Hoof.
  3982. > Well, not the entire group. The pegasus had told everypony except Heavy Hoof - who obviously already knew - and Silent Brook, who wasn't on Skype.
  3983. > She had told Silent Brook the very next day when he came into her store for a chat, though.
  3984. "It's Glitter Dust. I was just visiting with her and her friend - Douglas Wilder."
  3985. > Lake Frond put a hoof on her muzzle and giggled, while the stallion tried very hard not to.
  3986. > "Her coltfriend, you mean?" the mare asked when she could speak again.
  3987. "So you know?"
  3988. > They both nodded happily. "Oh, sure. She talks about him sometimes. How he'll save up some money and buy her contract from Maggie and Sam. And how she'll convince him to go to Equestria with her, where they could get married."
  3989. > It was all news to Celestia - juicy news. She grinned as she imagined how she could tease the pegasus a little with this information. Just a small payback, nothing really mean, of course.
  3990. > Perhaps she would mention that, as an alicorn, she could officiate the ceremony.
  3991. "That sounds quite romantic."
  3992. > Celestia also liked the way Lake Frond had said 'buy her contract'. It was slightly nicer than just saying 'buy her'.
  3993. > "Mhm!" Lake Frond nodded. "Doug was Glitter Dust's first. The first is always a special pony- uh, or human."
  3994. > She didn't immediately understand, so the alicorn leaned her head to the side in question.
  3995. "Her first? You mean her first human?"
  3996. > Now that she thought about it, Glitter Dust had said something along those lines, once. Similar to her and Anonymous, then, Celestia thought. But both Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were shaking their heads.
  3997. > "No, her *first*," the mare explained again. "You know- first *anything*."
  3998. > It made the alicorn gasp in shock.
  3999. "Wait - how old even is Glitter Dust?"
  4000. > The two thought for a moment, then the stallion ventured: "Around... twenty two? I know she was nineteen when she first met Doug and that was about three years ago. He was just starting college."
  4001. > Then it would make sense. It would mean - a thought which made Celestia quite sad - that the pegasus had been taken from her home while she was still technically a filly. But if she found happiness like this on Earth, maybe it wasn't absolutely terrible.
  4002. > And she also began to understand why the pony didn't particularly want to go home. Her experiences on Earth hadn't been the worst, and with a special somepony - some*human* - she would naturally want to stay with him.
  4003. "How did Heavy Hoof keep away from her, then? It must have driven him mad."
  4004. > Again, Rock Lichen shook his head. "No, Heavy Hoof didn't move near here until a year after that. By that time, Douglas Wilder was in college and with a human fillyfriend, so Glitter Dust was heartbroken. Maybe that's why she said yes."
  4005. > So many tragic stories. It was a mark of her ponies' spirits that they turned into such beautiful individuals despite them.
  4006. > But the alicorn was realizing that she didn't know nearly as much about Lake Frond and Rock Lichen's circumstances.
  4007. "How about you two? How did you come to Earth? Where did you meet?"
  4008. > The two blinked in shock at the sudden change in direction. The mare placed a hoof on her chest. "Me, P-princess?!"
  4009. "Celestia, please. And yes, you. We haven't had a chance to really talk. I would like to know."
  4010. > Again the couple looked at each other.
  4011. > "Well," Lake Frond began slowly, "I was from Baltimare and Rock was originally from Los Pegasus. As far apart as you can imagine. I don't think we would ever have met without Earth, so that's one blessing."
  4012. > She was already smiling as she remembered.
  4013. > "It was completely by chance, too. The Williamses had Rock, first. Andrew got him so he could help at the factory. He'd heard how strong earth ponies are, so it seemed like a good idea."
  4014. > "Yeah! At first I was devastated because I was supposed to be a miner. I mean, what else with a cutie mark shaped like a mining pick? I always had a knack for finding rare ores and gems. But they were making me sit and watch an assembly line, or pull around trolleys of stuff, or load trucks and so on. But it wasn't so bad. Master and I talked a lot and I guess we kinda clicked."
  4015. "I'm glad it wasn't too onerous. Did he ever beat you to force you to work?"
  4016. > It was tasteless and too direct by far. But Celestia was really interested and a bit too tired to try and kick around the bush.
  4017. > If the stallion felt the question in poor taste, he didn't show it. "No, nothing like that. I heard what happened to *some* ponies, so I made sure to do a decent job."
  4018. > Lake Frond had been nodding to the story happily, but now she hoofed her husband on his shoulder. "Shut up! You did a *fantastic* job. That's why they decided to save up and get me also, so I could keep Mistress Mary company and help around the house while you two were at work."
  4019. > The way they spoke, Celestia wasn't entirely sure she liked it.
  4020. "They make you call them 'Master' and 'Mistress'?"
  4021. > "No," the mare said. "But they did at start. And I'm thinking about that time, so it kinda slips out."
  4022. > She giggled. "We just call them Andrew and Mary now. They aren't too bad, except..."
  4023. > Celestia saw that both ponies became sad, but she couldn't tell why. She didn't wish to interrupt the story, so she just put it aside it for a follow up question.
  4024. > After a few moments the mare went on: "Anyway, when they brought me home, it was love at first sight. I guess it was a stroke of luck, for us two and for the Williamses."
  4025. "Oh, how so?"
  4026. > Rock Lichen answered that one. He put a hoof around his wife and nuzzled her a little. "We didn't want to take the slightest chance of getting split up, so we were very good ponies indeed!"
  4027. > They both laughed and Celestia joined in.
  4028. "Lovely."
  4029. > She was wondering one more thing.
  4030. "So Heavy Hoof came in a bit later. You can't tell me he didn't try to... you know. With you, Lake Frond?"
  4031. > They nodded and Rock Lichen grinned widely. "He tried, yes. I had to kick him a few times to get him to stop."
  4032. > Ah! So the brown stallion didn't always meet with success. Maybe that was why he was trying so hard with the Princess. She would make up for any number of failures.
  4033. > "I don't know why he is like that," Lake Frond explained, then shook her head. "Well, I *know* why he is like that. It's a sad story. But he's making himself miserable, and he's making Glitter Dust miserable, because that filly always goes back to Douglas whenever he is in town. She thinks it's cheating and it breaks her heart. Despite him always telling her it's fine."
  4034. > Rock Lichen added. "Don't forget Belle Hop. She's also miserable because of Heavy Hoof."
  4035. "Belle Hop? Why? Does she also have somepony? Or some human, and he makes her cheat too?"
  4036. > The mare sighed. "I wasn't supposed to tell, but I don't think she would mind. She has the biggest crush on Heavy Hoof. She really wishes for him to propose to her and settle down. He keeps coming back to her when he isn't having luck with Glitter Dust or Glowbug, and Belle Hop always says yes. And then she's miserable when he moves on like it was nothing."
  4037. > Unfortunately, it was a story Celestia had heard more than once. Earth wasn't entirely to blame - such a thing also happened in Equestria.
  4038. "Has she ever told him?"
  4039. > The ponies shrugged. "Dunno. Probably," the stallion said slowly. "We didn't poke in too much. We just provide a shoulder for crying when Belle Hops needs one. Sometimes I think I should smack Heavy Hoof around a bit more until he sees reason."
  4040. > The alicorn was thinking exactly the same thing. Perhaps she should think about making it happen. It would certainly be a good deed.
  4041. > Heavy Hoof might stop searching so desperately for love and acceptance, if he found something real.
  4042. > The Princess decided she would speak with Belle Hop privately to see just how deep the feeling went.
  4043. > There was another thing she wished to know about the two ponies before her, though. And it was a hard one.
  4044. "Okay, one more thing. You don't have to answer. How did you two come to be on Earth?"
  4045. > In other words, how did they become captured? There was a chance either or both of them had sold themselv- their contracts. But those generally had a limited duration, so Celestia didn't think that was the case.
  4046. > Perhaps the way they were taken had something to do with the sadness she had seen a few minutes ago.
  4047. > The court case was one thing - a very important, high-profile way for her to help *all* her subjects on Earth.
  4048. > But these smaller touches - Heavy Hoof and Belle Hop and Lake Frond and Rock Lichen - they were also meaningful.
  4049. > It was in her oath as a Princess: '... from the smallest cause, to the largest...'
  4050. > She noticed that the two had been silent for a while.
  4051. "You don't have to say," the alicorn repeated. "But I would be very grateful. I wish to know my ponies."
  4052. > Again the pair looked at one another. It was quite obvious they were reluctant. But they didn't want to say no to their Princess.
  4053. > At long last, Rock Lichen sighed. "Okay, I'll go first," he said.
  4054. > The pony thought for a while to organize his thoughts, while his wife leaned against his shoulder in a show of support.
  4055. > Then, Rock Lichen spoke up.
  4056. > "We used to live on the outskirts of Los Pegasus. Dad had a sawmill right on the edge of the forest and he supplied a lot of the wood for construction in the city. You know - hard work, but honest and respectable. Mom was a bit of an artist, but didn't get much in the way of recognition."
  4057. > He was smiling slightly, so Celestia guessed that despite her lack of success, the mare had been happy enough.
  4058. > They were obviously pleasant memories and helped the stallion gather courage to continue. "Anyway, after I got my cutie mark, I started to explore south, down in the rocky parts of the desert. I found the occasional gem or a bit of this ore or that. Usually I could dig them out by myself and turn them in for a few bits at the surveyor's office."
  4059. > Lake Frond giggled a little at that and winked at the alicorn. "Don't let his modesty fool you, Princess. Rock is really good. I wish Andrew would consider looking for a better job."
  4060. > She sighed sadly again, but then shook her head and nuzzled the stallion to continue.
  4061. > "Well, it wasn't a glamorous life, but I liked it. I enjoyed the quiet and I wasn't afraid of work. I just knew I'd find a big seam of something and then maybe get a loan and open my own mining company."
  4062. "Very industrious."
  4063. > Another dream curtailed by Earth. Still, Rock Lichen didn't seem too sad, not with Lake Frond by his side. The two really did love each other, that much was obvious.
  4064. > "Yeah, exactly! So, I guess I was out in the desert when the portals first opened. I didn't know anything about it. I used to spend weeks, sometimes, with my cart and tools. As long as the supplies lasted."
  4065. > He was coming up to the less happy time and Celestia mentally prepared herself for a sad story.
  4066. > She made sure to keep smiling at the stallion.
  4067. > He sighed again, but the mare was right there with a gentle lick, which helped a lot.
  4068. > "The first time I saw humans I didn't know what they were. I was curious, so I went to check. I heard them talking, so I got very excited. Here was an entirely new type of creature to be friends with!"
  4069. > Rock Lichen barked a mirthless laugh. "Shows how much I knew! They were a group of hunters for one of the auctions. I'm glad those are illegal now, but back then they stalked near trade routes and roads and foal-napped incautious ponies."
  4070. > He shook his head a little and looked down. "Such as myself."
  4071. "No, it was in no way your fault, Rock Lichen. If anything, it was mine. We should have reacted the moment we heard about ponies being taken, rather than seek diplomatic solutions."
  4072. > Celestia was also a little ashamed at the memory.
  4073. "In fact, Princess Luna wanted to go on the offensive right away. I talked her out of it."
  4074. > Shaking his head, Rock Lichen looked at the alicorn through the camera. "No, no, Princess. A fight would have caused a war. It would have ended badly. You did the best possible thing."
  4075. > It was very kind of him to say so. Celestia wondered if the stallion had ever thought about the chance of meeting one of the royal sisters, however unlikely that would have seemed. Had he prepared the words in advance?
  4076. > The pony drew a breath and plunged on. "They weren't too mean, now that I look back. They tied me up and kept a watch, but they didn't beat me or starve me. They took my cart and the supplies and used them to waylay a few others, to increase their profit."
  4077. > He shrugged a little. "Not much more to tell about that, Princess. They dragged me to Earth and put me up for auction."
  4078. > There was a chunk missing from the story, so Celestia waited if there would be more.
  4079. > In the end, Lake Frond nudged the stallion with a hoof to try and make him continue. It was a relief that she didn't have to remind him. But there was a question.
  4080. "You did not fight them?"
  4081. > "At first," Rock explained. "Kicked a few humans at the camp and they whipped me once or twice. But then, at the auction, they put me in a cell with an older pony..."
  4082. > The stallion frowned a little with concentration as he tried to remember the name. "Pumpkin something-" he mumbled, embarrassed. "I can't believe I've forgotten his name!"
  4083. > Right on cue Lake Frond gave her husband a hug and murmured something comforting in his ear. Rock Lichen sighed and shook his head a little.
  4084. > "Pumpkin... Patch? I think, at least. He told me how bad life could get among humans. Scared me quite a lot, actually. I decided to cooperate pretty quickly after that."
  4085. > The pony looked a little guilty of how fast he had succumbed to the humans, but Celestia knew what his fate would have been had he not.
  4086. "Do not be ashamed, Rock Lichen. You had no means of resistance. Nopony would blame you for giving in."
  4087. > It earned her a grateful nod, before he went on: "I didn't see Pumpkin a lot. Just that day or two, before he was sold. And then I soon followed."
  4088. "That was when Andrew Williams... got your contract?"
  4089. > Such an innocent-sounding phrase. But her guess was wrong and both the mare and the stallion shook their heads.
  4090. > "No, at first I got sold to a football club. As a mascot, of all things!" Even Rock chuckled a little has he said it and Lake Frond also put a hoof before her muzzle to hide the grin.
  4091. "Mascot?!"
  4092. > On the one hoof, it sounded very demeaning, but on the other maybe it wasn't a bad life.
  4093. "What did they expect you to do?"
  4094. > Rock Lichen waved a dismissive leg. "Nothing much. I'd wear the official uniform - made for a pony - and strut around during the game. And there were some photo shoots and some commercials. Didn't last long, though."
  4095. "Why not?"
  4096. > "Pretty soon the animal rights groups started making noise about ponies," he explained, a quirk of his mouth giving away how belittling it must have felt. "Pretty soon, it was considered bad taste to have a pony as a mascot, so they sent me to another auction. *There* was where I met Andrew."
  4097. "You were not beaten? Molested?"
  4098. > It was the wrong thing to say and Celestia was sorry immediately when she saw how Rock Lichen's ears flattened. He shook his head and answered, but didn't meet her gaze.
  4099. > "No, just kept me chained up and away from my family and friends," he explained quietly.
  4100. > It nearly broke her heart and Celestia lowered her gaze in shame.
  4101. "Sorry."
  4102. > "No, please! I didn't mean to sound like that, Princess! It wasn't too bad. And I met this beauty on Earth, so I guess it all evens out?"
  4103. > The stallion grasped his wife and hugged her tightly. It looked like she was about to melt.
  4104. > "Aww, that's so sweet," she murmured.
  4105. > Celestia thought the same thing, but didn't say it. She did, however, begin to think that Rock Lichen might be inclined to leave Earth, especially if Lake Frond felt the same.
  4106. > If at all possible, she would make it happen!
  4107. > Her eyes rested on the mare, who looked decidedly uncomfortable.
  4108. "You do not have to tell me your story, Lake Frond."
  4109. > But Lake Frond didn't like disappointing a Princess. Her ears went down and she closed her eyes, as if mentally preparing herself for a painful ordeal.
  4110. > Her husband nuzzled her and whispered something, to which she nodded.
  4111. > "I'll tell it," Rock Lichen said while the mare buried her face in his chest.
  4112. > He looked at the alicorn and began the second story: "Her sister joined the guard groups. It was supposed to be a month, but she didn't come back."
  4113. > However long in the past, the memories were still vivid for Lake Frond. The mare pressed herself deeper into Rock Lichen's comforting embrace.
  4114. > Celestia remembered the incidents. After news of foal-napping had spread, some ponies had taken it upon themselves to protect their people. Unsanctioned groups of self-proclaimed guards.
  4115. > When she and Luna had heard of it, the alicorns quickly sent out most of the royal guard to find the ponies and get them in hoof before they inadvertently started an international incident.
  4116. > It was one of the more unpopular decisions she had ever had to make. Celestia also hated it, but provoking a full-out war would have ended up much worse, for both sides.
  4117. > The lack of good options had spurred her to pester the human diplomats day and night until she achieved success. Hunting and enslaving ponies became illegal.
  4118. > After that Luna had quickly organized her own guard to protect the roads and outlying villages, only this time they were police, rather than some form of guerrilla fighters.
  4119. "What h-happened?"
  4120. > It was difficult for Rock Lichen to speak of it, and even harder for Lake Frond to hear, but the Princess had to know!
  4121. > "Nopony knew. Seaspray - that was her name - just vanished. Lake went from group to group to try and find her, or anypony who knew what happened to her, but..."
  4122. > The mare sobbed a little and looked at the Princess.
  4123. > "I was stupid and went alone. Humans caught me while I slept. I never knew they could move that silently..."
  4124. "No shame in that, Lake Frond. I'm sorry. Did you ever find your sister?"
  4125. > The mare shook her head. "No. Glitter Dust helped me search on the Internet, but there's no word," she replied quietly. It didn't sound good and the mare obviously feared the worst.
  4126. "Perhaps she was already returned to Equestria. I will look into it, you have my word on this, Lake Frond."
  4127. > That drew out a small smile. "Thank you, Princess!"
  4128. > The alicorn sighed in exasperation and tried once more:
  4129. "Please, just Celestia!"
  4130. > The couple both blushed, but at least they didn't cringe and apologize like the last few times.
  4131. > Celestia was about to excuse herself, lest she dredge up more unpleasant memories, but a little square appeared and told her that Glitter Dust was now online.
  4132. > She couldn't wait to hear the story! And the happy pegasus might cheer up the sombre mood which had arisen.
  4133. "Oh! Look, Glitter Dust just came!"
  4134. > But Lake Frond was faster.
  4135. > Eager for any distraction from her tragic story, the mare already had the stylus in her mouth and tapped at the screen. Moments later, the pegasus came up before the Princess.
  4136. > She was obviously right out of the shower, with her mane all frazzled and wet, and her fur sticking out in places. There was a towel around her neck and tucked under her wings.
  4137. > There was another towel under the mare as she lay on the bed with the iPad propped up against a pillow.
  4138. > "Hey, guys! Miss me?" Glitter Dust sang with a big smile.
  4139. > Lake Frond's hooves twitched - she wanted to give the pegasus a hug, but of course couldn't over Skype.
  4140. > Meeting ponies in person was still best, the alicorn thought.
  4141. > "Sooo, how'd it go? Is he going to buy your contract soon?" the stallion asked, but Glitter Dust didn't have a chance to answer because Lake Frond spoke up right after her husband.
  4142. > "Did he learn any new tricks?" the mare asked.
  4143. > It made both Celestia and Glitter Dust blush crimson. But the pegasus still replied: "M-maybe..."
  4144. > She was looking away from the camera, but the grin said it more loudly than her words. The pegasus had fun.
  4145. > Then her face grew serious and she looked at the camera imploringly. "Please nopony tell Heavy Hoof, okay? He gets weird after he hears about Doug."
  4146. "Weird? How?"
  4147. > It was Lake Frond who explained, while the pegasus looked down at her hooves. "He's jealous. He goes all focused and intense until he gets with Glitter again. And then he struts around like he owns the world for a day or two."
  4148. > Celestia sighed at the news. It sounded like an endless circle in which these ponies were caught.
  4149. "I will have a word with Belle Hop. And then him. Perhaps he will take advice from a Princess?"
  4150. > For that reason, it was okay to use the honorific. The title was a tool to help her subjects, not just to lap up their admiration and respect.
  4151. > "Maybe," Lake Frond said thoughtfully. "Yeah, that might work. Thank you, P- uh. Celestia."
  4152. > Feeling quite proud of her to have remembered in time, the alicorn then focused on the pegasus. With her so quiet, the picture had become small and scooched over in the corner.
  4153. "Were Maggie and Samantha upset that you stayed out this late?"
  4154. > She glanced at the clock. It was nearly midnight already!
  4155. > "Well," the pegasus said and her picture filled the screen again. It was just in time for Celestia to see the mare shrug a little with her wings. But she wasn't meeting her gaze.
  4156. > "Actually-" Glitter Dust tried again and managed a small grin. "Maggie's gonna spank me in the morning."
  4157. "What?! Why?!"
  4158. > It sounded unreasonable!
  4159. "Just for being out a little later? This is quite unfair - I'll go and ask Anonymous to-"
  4160. > "Please don't!" the mare squeaked hurriedly. She was staring into the camera with deep pleading in her eyes. "Please."
  4161. > It was unlike the mare to accept punishment this readily. It was highly suspicious and Celestia's eyes narrowed.
  4162. "Why?"
  4163. > Her voice was cautious and quiet.
  4164. "What are you not telling me?"
  4165. > Again the pegasus looked away, shame-faced. "I- uh. It's not the *when* I came home. It's the... h-how."
  4166. > She wanted it dragged out of her bit by bit. The alicorn could certainly oblige.
  4167. "Okay. How did you come home?"
  4168. > Smiling ruefully at the camera, Glitter Dust admitted it: "Uh, sweaty and tired and... uh, smifofeed."
  4169. > The last bit was mumbled beyond recognition.
  4170. > "What? Speak up, filly!" Lake Frond called out. She and Rock Lichen filled the screen for a moment and they both had disapproving frowns on their faces.
  4171. > The pegasus exhaled, as if fed up by all the questioning. "I came home stinking of weed, okay?! We smoked a little, and then- well. You know. And then we smoked some more to relax after."
  4172. > All three of her friends shook their heads in unison and Celestia tsked in disappointment. Not that she had expected anything else.
  4173. > Since the human colt visited so rarely, the alicorn was inclined to look the other way. Apparently, Maggie had no such qualms.
  4174. "Well, she isn't wrong! Even I stank of it. Anonymous spotted it immediately."
  4175. > The married couple gasped in surprise. "What did he do?" Lake Frond asked, wide-eyed with fear. Even Glitter Dust was staring with concern.
  4176. > "I didn't mean to get you in trouble as well, C-celestia," the pegasus mumbled.
  4177. "You didn't. I did not appreciate the way Anonymous accused me. We had words. That is why I am here now - he will be sleeping alone tonight."
  4178. > Rock Lichen looked horrified, while his wife nodded approvingly. "That's right," she said, "Princess- oops, sorry. Celestia. It's good you don't let any human push you around!"
  4179. > Her voice was fiercely determined as Lake Frond said that. The other two soon nodded.
  4180. > "Well, it's one smell humans can really pick up, for some reason," Glitter Dust explained. "I can never hide it from Maggie. Usually she just tells me how disappointed she is. Dunno why tonight is different."
  4181. > Celestia had an idea and felt herself blush in embarrassment.
  4182. "I know. It's because they smelled it on me. But they didn't say anything to me, so I guess they're punishing you for being a bad influence."
  4183. > "Yeah, that'd be it then. I don't mind. It's been an awesome day! I just hope they don't ground me while Doug is in town..."
  4184. > That was a far greater concern for the pegasus than the spanking. And Celestia knew that her humans realized it. She also felt they wouldn't do it.
  4185. > Strict, yes - especially since Glitter Dust so richly needed some discipline at times - but not unreasonable. Not cruel.
  4186. > Maggie and Sam really were more like parents than owners to the pegasus. And grown mare or not, she acted like a teen often enough to warrant it.
  4187. "I think you and Douglas Wilder will be fine."
  4188. > The mare relaxed somewhat and smiled at the mention of her human coltfriend.
  4189. > "Well, it's getting kinda late. But I'll expect to hear all about Doug when we see each other, Glitter. I could use some fresh ideas for this stallion here. He's starting to get a bit boring in bed!"
  4190. > Lake Frond tapped her husband on his chest with a hoof as she spoke. Both she and the pegasus laughed while the stallion in question blushed a vivid red. After a few moments Celestia also giggled, but mainly at his expression.
  4191. > "Anyhow, we should get off the computer. The battery is getting low," the mare went on.
  4192. > Glitter Dust kept laughing. "Yeah, that's why the rest of us have iPads!"
  4193. > All she got in return was a stuck out tongue from Lake Frond. "Okay, think of Doug when they're belting you, Glitter. Stay strong!"
  4194. > They were still giggling when their picture went out, leaving the Princess alone with the pegasus.
  4195. > "I should probably get off, before I get something extra. I'm not supposed to be on the Internet this late," Glitter Dust admitted.
  4196. > Really, she was a teenager at heart. And it looked like she would always remain so.
  4197. > Celestia wished the pony would never change. There was something lighthearted and fun about Glitter and everyone around her, humans included, felt it.
  4198. "Alright, Glitter Dust. Be safe. Try to smoke a bit less. If Maggie turns your rump purple, you will not be able to enjoy Doug, you know?"
  4199. > "Yeah, yeah," the mare answered, a tiny bit annoyed at the admonition. "Good night, Celestia. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"
  4200. > The alicorn gave a nod.
  4201. "Of course."
  4202. > The iPad went silent and she levitated it to the bedside table. Then she laid her head down on the pillow and sighed.
  4203. > Foalnapped while she was looking for her sister. And it obviously still stung, she could see it clearly in Lake Frond's face. If Glitter Dust hadn't come online and distracted her, the mare might have started to cry.
  4204. > Blushing a little with the guilt, Celestia reached out with her magic and pulled out the hoofguards and royal vest from under the bed.
  4205. > She watched the sun emblem and her thoughts turned to the other one, back in Canterlot Castle.
  4206. > How was Luna dealing with the duties? Did she miss her?
  4207. > The alicorn wiped away a solitary tear as she thought of her sister. Steadfast, fiercely loyal, and so energetic when she was happy.
  4208. > The reunion would be almost as sweet as after her imprisonment on the moon. The mare smiled a little as she imagined throwing open the doors to the throne room.
  4209. > That night-blue head would look up, the ethereal night mane whipping around. Her cyan eyes would widen.
  4210. > She would grin and rush for her, probably pushing away a petitioning pony or two. And then they would embrace, briefly.
  4211. > There would be so much to speak about. So many stories, for both of them!
  4212. > Celestia giggled a little as she imagined how she would broach the subject of Anonymous.
  4213. > 'By the way, Sister - this human will come and live with us for a while.'
  4214. > Luna's expression would be priceless.
  4215. "Very soon, Sister. I must do my duty by our ponies on Earth, but then I will come back to you."
  4216. > The alicorn kissed the sun emblem and gently folded it up and returned it under her bed.
  4217. > Maybe a night away from Anonymous and the constant sex was a good thing. It would allow her to reconnect with the other things that mattered. With the symbol under her bed and with the memory of her sister.
  4218. > Celestia wrapped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes.
  4219. "Good night, my Sister."
  4221. > ~~~~
  4223. > The news was very good. Celestia couldn't help but smile as Miriam Adams read from her notes.
  4224. > Her indirect testimony was apparently quite moving and it helped the D.A. make a very convincing case. The alicorn allowed herself some joy. It would be a landmark trial, which would ensure harsher penalties for foal-napping her subjects.
  4225. > And once she was back in Canterlot, the Princess would have yet another tool at her disposal to press for pony rights.
  4226. > "And that was about all for the famous poetry - nice memory, by the way. I hadn't expected actual examples, but they went over pretty well," the woman was saying.
  4227. > Denis was also present, but he kept mostly silent, unless Celestia asked a specific question. The human was able to search his memory far quicker than she could search the Internet.
  4228. > Her impromptu boss was turning out to be quite an asset. And after weeks of them working together, the man had gradually stopped with the jokes and the suggestions.
  4229. > In a few more months, Celestia thought, he might be downright tolerable! But she wouldn't need to stay that long, it seemed.
  4230. > According to Miriam's estimation, the trial would be concluded within the next three weeks, after which it would be time for the alicorn to return home.
  4231. > She was starting to seriously miss her sister and their friends. And - she would never have admitted it to anypony - Celestia also worried about the state of Equestria. Sometimes, leading the pony nation required a gentle hoof, which Luna would not know to employ.
  4232. > Yes, she was quite anxious to return and take on her duties once again. The only obstacle now was Anonymous.
  4233. > She had not yet broached the subject of their future. The alicorn sighed inwardly and promised herself she would do it that night.
  4234. > "Hmm? Something wrong?" the lawyer lady asked.
  4235. "No, no. Why do you ask?"
  4236. > Miriam pointed at her face. "Your ears went all floppy."
  4237. > Celestia quickly replayed the last bit of conversation. The DA had been telling her about the final couple of papers she would need to write - a personal appeal to the judge and something akin to her closing statement.
  4238. "I'm sorry. My mind was drifting a little. I have complete confidence and you will have the documents by tomorrow, of course."
  4239. > The woman nodded, just once. "Good. I'll review them and we'll meet on Friday to discuss. In the meantime, Denis, get your people to dig up cases from back when slavery - human slavery - was legal."
  4240. > "Anything specific?" Denis asked.
  4241. > "Hmm, something circa eighteen sixty, post Emancipation Proclamation, but pre-thirteenth, cases where slaves won. Maybe we can find a parallel to cite, even if it's a bit outdated."
  4242. > The man grinned. "Of course. I'll have the interns go through every case on record!"
  4243. > "Good."
  4244. > Celestia remembered reading about the period. Humans had actually gone to war against each other over the matter of slavery. She was very happy that the side of freedom won, but the mare was still disturbed by the idea of war over... well, *ideas*.
  4245. > It was a good plan, though. She remembered Miriam mentioning it some weeks earlier. She wondered why the lawyer hadn't asked for the research then.
  4246. "Why now, Miriam? Are we not winning?"
  4247. > The woman rubbed her hands together and grinned. "This is just to strengthen our position. The defense is looking to undermine our arguments, so we have to stay a step ahead of them. I didn't want to risk giving away our plan."
  4248. > The pony didn't understand - how would research on some past court cases give away secrets to the other side? But Denis saw her expression and came to her rescue.
  4249. > He leaned closer and murmured in her ear: "Interns have friends and they sometimes discuss what they shouldn't. We didn't want to take chances."
  4250. > It made sense. Except:
  4251. "Well, could we not have done it ourselves?"
  4252. > Both the humans laughed a little. Then Miriam asked: "Would you have had the time? Do you know how many old books and newspapers and court records you'd need to go through?"
  4253. > The alicorn shook her head.
  4254. "I guess I don't. I'm still getting used to how much information there is on Earth."
  4255. > The D.A. seemed to have put it out of her mind already. She was watching the mare with speculation.
  4256. > "Listen, how'd you like to come and work for me, instead? There are quite a few cases which could use your touch. I'm sure I can get you better pay than whatever *he* is giving you!"
  4257. > She pointed at Denis, who began laughing uncontrollably. His hands went to his face and the woman watched him in surprise.
  4258. > When her gaze transferred to Celestia, the mare explained:
  4259. "He has been making the same offer for months, Miriam. And I have always said 'no'."
  4260. > "Wait, I thought you worked for him?" the lady asked, now thoroughly confused.
  4261. "It is a long story."
  4262. > Steepling her fingers before her, the D.A. smiled a little. "Summarize it."
  4263. > Denis slapped the mare on her back as he wound down, then he gathered his papers. "Okay, it looks like we're done for today. You two have fun."
  4264. > They both watched him leave, then Celestia leaned her head to the side in thought.
  4265. "In short, I have done... a thing, which caused my owner a considerable sum of money. In return, he agreed for me to help Denis at an intern's pay, until I repay the debt. It is through pure chance that I was assigned to this particular case."
  4266. > She thought over the last statement again, then smiled.
  4267. "Correction. I got assigned this case because Denis wanted to see my reaction to it."
  4268. > Miriam chuckled. "Yeah, I was about to say that. I was wondering why he took the lead on this. I understand trade law is more his forte."
  4269. "Indeed. He has been curious about me from the moment Anonymous introduced us."
  4270. > "Makes sense. You're a curious horse, Celestia," the lady replied slowly. "Anyway, the offer still stands. I'll buy you from Anonymous, and pay what's left of your debt. I'll make sure your salary is fair - a lot fairer than what you're getting now. What do you say?"
  4271. > Were she really a slave, Celestia would have jumped at the chance. Doing what she was good at, earning decent money - maybe even...
  4272. > She had to know!
  4273. "Once I earned enough to pay back my contract?"
  4274. > The woman just shrugged. "You'd be free. Well, insofar as the law allowed by then. I'd hope you would keep working for me, though."
  4275. > Now there was a possibility. She thought of the Facebook pony group. There had to be some whose cutie mark would be aligned with legal work.
  4276. "I'm afraid I have to decline - Anonymous and I have a special arrangement, which I do not wish to change. But I am very flattered by the offer."
  4277. > Before the woman had a chance to grow disappointed, the pony continued.
  4278. "However, what if I recommended to you a few ponies whose special talents align with what you are looking for? There are some out there better than me. A few, I think, might be happy to take the opportunity."
  4279. > The woman was thoughtful! She was actually considering it seriously!
  4280. > "Hmm, interesting thought. I read up on it - it's to do with the pictures on your sides, isn't it?" Miriam pointed out.
  4281. "Yes! It's called a cutie mark, and it represents the specific pony's special talent. Accounting and law-related cutie marks are rare, but they do exist. I will ask around."
  4282. > The lady was a little sceptical. "Wait, you don't know any directly?"
  4283. "No, not on Earth. But you can trust me on this - if a pony has a law-related cutie mark, they are *good* at it. Easily as good as I am and probably better. I only acquired the skill through necessity and practice."
  4284. > "So," Miriam asked, "what does yours represent then?"
  4285. > It was a question Celestia would rather not answer. But she didn't want to lie. Perhaps the idea was outlandish enough...
  4286. "I... can move the sun back home on Equestria."
  4287. > At least the way Miriam's mouth dropped open was amusing.
  4288. "Please do not tell anyone! It's a very rare thing and I would prefer not to attract attention."
  4289. > "Move the *sun*?! How? Why?!"
  4290. "It is a different world, Miriam. The heavenly bodies do not move on their own - they have to be raised and lowered by magic. I move the sun and my sister moves the moon and stars. In a pinch, either can do both."
  4291. > Flabbergasted. It was the only word the alicorn could think of. She waited patiently until the woman worked through it.
  4292. > "Amazing!" Miriam whispered, mostly to herself. "Can you do it here as well?"
  4293. > Celestia shook her head, then froze and shrugged.
  4294. "Actually, I haven't yet tried. I can sense the sun, but it is much bigger and much further away than back home."
  4295. > "Please, for the love of God, do not try!" the lawyer begged her. "If it turns out you can do it... I don't like to imagine what might happen."
  4296. > Suddenly, Celestia was afraid. She had nearly reached out and poked at the human sun so many times! She hadn't been aware of any danger!
  4297. "W-why?! What could happen?"
  4298. > The woman stared at her in shock. "You mean you don't know?" she asked and rubbed her eyes. "Look, I'm not a physicist, but there's stuff like gravity and orbits. And the Earth is tilted, which causes seasons. Nudge any of it out of whack and... I don't know - weather would go crazy, I suppose. Maybe Earth's orbit would change. Slightly closer or further from the sun and life becomes impossible!"
  4299. > It made Celestia's skin crawl to think about it. She decided never to so much as touch the sun again, for as long as she was on Earth!
  4300. "Oh! I had no idea, I swear! Of course I will not attempt it, you have my solemn word on that, Miriam!"
  4301. > The woman relaxed slightly. "Good. That's good. Who knows, maybe you would stop Earth in its orbit entirely - I don't know what magic can or can't do! And then we fall into the sun. Everything gone in a poof!"
  4302. > The mare swallowed uneasily. Sheer luck that she hadn't tried anything.
  4303. > "And you're right! That's something we don't tell anyone, *ever*. Does Anonymous know?"
  4304. > Celestia nodded.
  4305. "Yes, but I trust him completely. He will not mention it."
  4306. > "Good," the lawyer said. She removed her glasses and sighed. "I won't tell anyone, and I suggest you keep it to yourself as well. Who knows what sort of attention you'd attract if this got out."
  4307. "Yes! That is what I thought exactly! It is why I didn't wish to appear in court."
  4308. > "Smart girl. Okay, I think we're done here. Can you send someone with a new pitcher of water? I think I need a few minutes before I go out."
  4309. > The mare smiled as politely as she could. When she stood up, her legs were trembling slightly. Such disaster, so near by!
  4310. "Of course. I'll see to it directly. I'll get the... uh, the closing statement and the other thing to you tomorrow!"
  4311. > The woman murmured something affirmative. She had gotten out of her chair and was staring out the window, where the sun was just setting.
  4312. > Celestia sternly resisted the urge to feel the heavenly orb.
  4313. >...
  4314. > The rest of the day passed quickly, mainly because of the concentration involved in writing the required documents. And just like that, the mare found herself back home.
  4315. > Dinner could wait for a few more minutes, so Celestia went and joined her human on the couch for a bit. He obediently accepted her head into his lap and began to fiddle with the ears.
  4316. > It was so easy to simply lose herself in the comfort, but Celestia was determined. No more delays, no more putting it off. She didn't want to end up mumbling another awkward explanation to the human.
  4317. "Anonymous? There is something we must talk about."
  4318. > He didn't move his eyes from the screen. "Mm?"
  4319. > The pony sighed and her horn flashed for an instant. It was enough to push the correct button in the TV remote. The picture winked out and Anonymous opened his mouth to complain. But then he looked down at her worried expression.
  4320. > "Anything wrong?"
  4321. > She decided to simply come out with it. Straight and to the point. But the alicorn still took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as if afraid of the reaction.
  4322. "After the case I will return to my world."
  4323. > There it was. Mere words, but implying so much heartbreak that they nearly hurt just to be spoken. Even the fingers in her mane stopped as Anonymous considered. It was a slight consolation - the human was also uncomfortable with the idea.
  4324. > "I guess I can't stop you, right?" he asked after a brief pause for thought.
  4325. "I'm sorry. My people need me. And I miss them. I hope you understand."
  4326. > She felt him nod rather than saw it. He resumed scratching her ear, but the mare knew there was more. It was the question she knew Anonymous would ask. It was one she wanted an answer to, as well.
  4327. > "So, what about us then? Say bye and go our separate ways?"
  4328. > That suggestion was only the worst case solution, Celestia hoped. She had a better idea, but it would take delicate hoofwork.
  4329. "I do hope not, Anonymous. I have been thinking about it."
  4330. > The fingers froze again and the mare felt the body under her stiffen. "Go on," the human said in a tightly controlled voice.
  4331. "Travel is difficult for me. Most people on Earth do not know who I am, but the ones at the border crossing do. Bringing ponies from Equestria is tightly controlled now and proper paperwork is tedious to obtain each time."
  4332. > "But?" Anonymous asked, predicting that there was more to it.
  4333. > It made Celestia smile. The human had come to know her too well, too quickly, but she wasn't complaining.
  4334. "But... Human travel is less regulated. I can issue a formal invitation - consulting in matters of law, perhaps, which would allow you to visit as often as you liked."
  4335. > The lap under her head shifted as the man shrugged a little. "I suppose that'd be something-"
  4336. "I have another idea..."
  4337. > She interrupted him, impatient to get it out.
  4338. > "Yes?"
  4339. "You could... move. On a more permanent basis."
  4340. > The slight intake of breath told her that the suggestion was quite unexpected. She quickly clarified it:
  4341. "There is real work for you in the Canterlot Castle. In fact, even if you say no, I will still try to find some attorney to take up the position as human legal adviser."
  4342. > He was going to say no! Celestia knew it! She rushed on, trying to bring it back into the realm of possibility:
  4343. "You'd have wages and an apartment. Or a house! There is some crown property in the city! And of course you could travel between Earth and Equestria as you wished!"
  4344. > A hand clamped around her muzzle, shutting her up immediately. The mare forced herself to look up.
  4345. > Anonymous was grinning.
  4346. > "So, turn the tables then? I'd get to be *your* servant for a while? Some kind of revenge?"
  4347. > It made her blush deep crimson, exactly because she had thought the same thing a few times in the night. And liked it! Why had she liked it so much!?
  4348. > The mare pulled her face away to stammer:
  4349. "N-no, I didn't m-mean-"
  4350. > The hand found her again and stopped the explanation. "Relax, it's a joke."
  4351. > She did breathe out a sigh of relief, but then froze again as she waited for the verdict. Would the human stay by her side?
  4352. > Please, at least occasional visits, please, the alicorn thought fervently. Her eyes closed once more.
  4353. > "I'll think about it. It's a big decision. Good thing you didn't spring this on me at the last minute."
  4354. > He'd...
  4355. > Celestia's eyes widened in surprise. Anonymous hadn't said no! He was thinking about it!
  4356. > As the hand withdrew from her muzzle, her face split into a wide, goofy, disbelieving grin. The mare had been ready to argue and argue and plead and beg and snivel until she convinced Anonymous to come.
  4357. > But now he was thinking about it! A bit of care and she could sway him to the right decision!
  4358. > The pony couldn't contain herself. She lunged forward to kiss the human.
  4359. "THANK YOU!"
  4360. > Perhaps she said it a little too enthusiastically, but there was no holding back on the joyful hope she now entertained.
  4361. > Then Celestia clambered up to her hooves.
  4362. "I'm going to make you *such* a dinner! And cake! Of course cake!"
  4363. > She thought for a moment, while the human began to laugh at her antics. She fluffed her wings out a little as she paced to the door, then came back.
  4364. "And tonight- yes! You're getting a full-body hoof massage! And then..."
  4365. > The mare tried to top that, but couldn't quite imagine what else there was. Except...
  4366. "... I'll do anything you want. *Anything!*"
  4367. > The way the human grinned at her made the alicorn look down and blush a little. But she quickly perked back up. Whatever Anonymous chose, she was bound to like it.
  4368. > She had liked his other ideas so far. Even the... weirder ones. Like the one with handcuffs and rope and the blindfold.
  4369. > Or that one with the riding crop. The pony had been very sceptical about that, but it had turned out great fun! And it barely stung at all!
  4370. > Celestia noticed Anonymous' expression and guessed he was thinking the same thing. It made her ears instantly flatten and her tail clamp down before she made a puddle on the carpet.
  4371. "I'll- uh.. I'll get that d-dinner started!"
  4373. >~~~~
  4375. > It was utterly unfair! The worst news found her in the best place of all - the steam room.
  4376. > Celestia had been having a wonderful, relaxing time, when Anonymous came to knock on the glass. One look at his expression and the mare knew something was very wrong.
  4377. > Despite the heat, she felt a chill run down her spine. The pony hurriedly stepped out of the small room and turned it off. Maybe, if whatever her human was about to say wasn't quite as dreadful as it appeared, she could get back inside later.
  4378. "What's wrong?"
  4379. > But that was the source of her fear. It was nearly ten in the evening. Nothing *should* be wrong.
  4380. > Anonymous looked past her with an ashen expression. "You need to leave, right now. As soon as possible. Back home, if you can, but out of the house."
  4381. > The alicorn wasn't quite aware of her rump hitting the floor as her hind legs gave way. All she could focus on was her heart, which nearly stopped.
  4382. "What?! Why?!"
  4383. > She was already shaking her head in denial, even before the human could explain.
  4384. "Not a chance! I'm not leaving you, and especially not like this! Whatever you think has happened, we will solve it together!"
  4385. > She saw that the human was gripping his phone in a white-knuckled hand. He held it up as proof.
  4386. > "Mrs. Adams just called me. Bad news," was all he could say. The man was still looking at the wall behind her, as if unwilling - or unable - to meet her eyes.
  4387. > Celestia tilted his face toward her with a feather. His expression was really starting to unsettle her.
  4388. "W-what was it?"
  4389. > She tried to imagine. What news could Miriam bring them that was this urgent? Even if the case suddenly turned completely around, surely the woman wouldn't find out herself until morning. Sure, she would rush right over to find a way to fix it, but she certainly wouldn't call in the middle of the night.
  4390. > Nor would it need Celestia to leave Anonymous' house.
  4391. > The human wasn't quite answering, the mare noticed.
  4392. "Anonymous, what was it about? Do we need to go see her? Is it about the case?"
  4393. > Had the mare not been looking very carefully at her human lover, she would not have seen the slight shake of his head. Whatever it was, Anonymous seemed to be stuck in some horrible place.
  4394. > The mare laid her wing around his shoulders and carefully nudged him toward the door.
  4395. "Come on. Let's go to the living room. I'll get us a cup of tea and we'll talk. I'm sure we can solve this, Anonymous."
  4396. > He didn't resist as she led him away, but he stopped in the entrance hall. "N-no, there's no time. You have to pack and go."
  4397. > The mare was a little exasperated by his vague insistence. She heaved a tired sigh.
  4398. "Why, Anonymous? You keep saying that, but you've given me no reason."
  4399. > The man took a grip on himself and turned to face her. His hand came to brush her cheek, more for his own comfort than hers.
  4400. > "Federal agents," he said at last. "Mrs. Adams only heard about it because she's a friend of the division counsel. He called to ask about you personally."
  4401. > Her stomach sank. She didn't know too much about the nebulous and sometimes mysterious branch of the human special police, but she had read about some of their jurisdiction and activities as she researched past court cases.
  4402. > Them taking a special interest in her was a sign that they had recognized her. The human government was aware that the leader of Equestria was in their land. Unauthorized.
  4403. > The punishment would be dire!
  4404. > More than that - the consequences for her people, her efforts to bring them justice, even the very court case she had put so much time into - it would all fall apart!
  4405. > She needed more information.
  4406. "What about them? Where are they? What do they know?!"
  4407. > If there was a touch of panic in her voice, Celestia couldn't help it. She could keep her head in a crisis, but couldn't help feeling fear. She sat on the tiles and stared anxiously at the human as he explained all that he knew.
  4408. > "Mrs. Adams didn't say much. You are not to come into work tomorrow, because they will be there, asking about you. I don't think we can keep it a secret. After that, they'll probably come here. They are to capture you, but I don't know what for, or where they'll take you."
  4409. "How in the world did they find me?!"
  4410. > Even as it came out, Celestia realized how stupid the question was. She answered her own question at the same time as Anonymous:
  4411. "Facebook."
  4412. > "Facebook, yeah."
  4413. > The mare sighed and her ears drooped in misery.
  4414. "Is that thing ever going to stop haunting me?!"
  4415. > Her human put his arms around her neck in sympathy. "I'm sorry, Celestia. I really should have mentioned it to you when I gave you the iPad. It's supposed to be basic online safety."
  4416. > She gave him a kiss. It was sweet of Anonymous to take some of the blame, but the bad judgement was hers entirely. Maybe, if she had trusted the human from the start, he would have cautioned her.
  4417. "It's my fault. I decided to go into your office without a disguise. That is where the first picture came from. Wendy."
  4418. > She couldn't be angry with the woman, though.
  4419. > "And there was that birthday at Christine's. You couldn't have kept hiding from all the neighbors forever."
  4420. > Celestia shook her head miserably.
  4421. "Probably not. But it's done. Maybes and could-have-beens won't help me right now. What do we do?"
  4422. > Her mind was already racing. She couldn't stay in Anonymous' house, that was certain. Anonymous was right. She understood why had been so distraught.
  4423. > Perhaps one of her pony friends could take her in? What could the agents really know?
  4424. > She considered how much contact she'd had with all her friends. Glitter Dust was probably out of the question. And she had chatted quite a lot with the others, too. Could the humans see her chats with her friends?
  4425. > The thought made her blush. Could they see her... *activities* with Heavy Hoof?! It was a scary and very embarrassing notion!
  4426. > She had an idea!
  4427. "Silent Brook!"
  4428. > Anonymous looked up with a touch of confusion before he remembered the stallion. "Why him?"
  4429. "He doesn't have a computer. I can't go to any of the others. If the agents could see Facebook, they could maybe see my Skype. But Silent Brook doesn't use Skype. We only ever met in person!"
  4430. > Anonymous smiled a little and bopped her nose with a finger. "Smart girl. But how do we get in touch?"
  4431. > There was only one possible way.
  4432. "Through Glitter Dust. She sees him sometimes in the store. Maybe she knows where he lives."
  4433. > The alicorn would need to vanish, for a few days. Long enough to...
  4434. > The pony sighed.
  4435. "We need to call the number Mr. Plain gave me, so he can send someone to pick me up and take me home. It'll be a day or two, he said. Oh, and can you call Miriam back? I need to speak with her before... I go."
  4436. > A course of action - a beginning of a plan - made them both feel a bit better. It allowed the mare and the human both to push through their fear and uncertainty.
  4437. "Come on. Living room, and I'll bring us a cup of tea. We have to talk. We need a plan."
  4438. > The man just nodded, hugged her again and kissed her muzzle. "We'll figure it out."
  4439. > She just nodded, her mind already ablaze with planning and scheming.
  4440. > If the humans wanted a battle of wits, Celestia could certainly oblige. Sol Invictus was not just a fancy nickname.
  4441. > However close she might have come, Equestria had not yet been conquered. The mare always put her hopes in her friends and they had never let her down.
  4442. > This time her faith was in people like Anonymous and Miriam Adams and, yes, even Mr. Plain. Unfortunately, she would all but disappear from the lives of her ponies on Earth. But they would understand.
  4443. > It also meant she couldn't do very much to offer them a return home, not until she spoke with Mr. Plain about possible arrangements.
  4444. > The mare put a pot of water on the stove and absentmindedly jabbed the button for heat as she thought.
  4445. >...
  4446. > It was a stressful situation and they were both uneasy. But that just made it doubly important to share some comfort and closeness. Celestia had made Anonymous lie back in the couch and placed herself right in his lap while they sipped the 'Earl Gray'.
  4447. > Every now and then, the mare nuzzled the human or licked his bare arm. There was something showing on the TV, but it was quiet and neither paid the movie much attention.
  4448. "We need to make sure you are clear of all blame, Anonymous. I will not have you in trouble because of myself!"
  4449. > There was another option - her human could simply go with her. But that thought was a selfish one, especially since Anonymous had not yet decided what to do.
  4450. > The alicorn would not force his hoof!
  4451. > "Well, I can always claim I never knew who you were. It was true for most of the time. Just a rather unique and pricey pony," he said slowly. They both chuckled at it.
  4452. "That much is true. And no one in the office knows, either. Miriam Adams does, but she is obviously on our side. The ponies, but they will not say anything. It's not quite as bad as I first feared, Anonymous."
  4453. > She felt the human nod. "Then what? I claim I was tricked? They'll just go after Mr. Plain."
  4454. > The auctioneer was smart. There were things in the contracts which lessened his liability, and the alicorn wasn't particularly worried about that particular man. He had undoubtedly considered the possibility and covered himself, somehow.
  4455. "I wouldn't worry too much about him. I mentioned to him that it might happen, but he said he would take steps. A forged paper trail, I believe."
  4456. > Anonymous nodded again. "So that's me and everyone at the office. Undoubtedly they'll also ask Christine, since you were at her party when those photos were taken. But none of them know everything. I will call her and say it's a simple mixup of your papers and that she should answer truthfully."
  4457. > It sounded quite reasonable. With luck, the kind woman and her family would not get into too much trouble. That just left one thing.
  4458. "That leaves us, Anonymous. What do we do?"
  4459. > He slid his hand down her mane and patted her barrel gently. "What do you propose?"
  4460. > She wanted to say it.
  4461. > She absolutely didn't want to say it.
  4462. > It could so easily be construed as some kind of coercion and Celestia was wary of that particular trap for their relationship.
  4463. > She decided to try a gentler hoof.
  4464. "In time, I do hope you will visit. The job will be waiting for you, if you decide. Whenever that might be...?"
  4465. > The mare raised the inflection at the end, strongly hinting that he could decide sooner, rather than later.
  4466. "And, of course, if you become a wanted criminal, I will extend asylum. It is the least I could do, really."
  4467. > "Yeah, the least!"
  4468. > They both laughed at it, but Celestia hoped it wouldn't actually come to that. It would look bad for her human adviser to be a wanted criminal on Earth.
  4469. > "So, I'm guessing you should leave tonight?"
  4470. > It wasn't a pleasant thought, but the mare had to face up to it.
  4471. "Yes. Could you call Maggie? I don't really want to use Skype anymore. In fact, I'll leave the iPad behind, just in case."
  4472. > The fingers on her barrel scratched, making her sigh with pleasure. Such a small touch, yet so satisfying.
  4473. > "Okay. Give me a few minutes," Anonymous said. Celestia realized he also wanted to enjoy the moment for a while longer. His reluctance, while making her feel warm inside, compounded her own worry and sadness.
  4474. "Please don't let it end. *Us*. Not yet."
  4475. > She didn't say the next part, but it was there in her mind. She would outlive Anonymous, of course. There was no avoiding it. But at least she wanted a few more decades with the human. It shouldn't be over *tonight*.
  4476. > The alicorn tried not to think about such things, but it was a night for saying uncertain goodbyes and the knowledge crept in unbidden.
  4477. "I hope Silent Brook can take me in for a while. Otherwise, I will just hide out in the woods."
  4478. > The human chuckled a little. "Nibbling on sprouts and bark?"
  4479. "Yes!"
  4480. > Lighthearted, that was the key. Dwelling on the bad would just make them both sad.
  4481. > After a few more minutes of stroking her fur and playing with her mane, Anonymous sighed and fished his phone out of a pocket.
  4482. "Wait."
  4483. > There was one more thing.
  4484. "A kiss, please. Before I go."
  4485. > He obliged. And it lasted a while. The mare put all her longing and sorrow and fear into it as she clung to the warm human.
  4486. > By the time it was done, a solitary tear slipped from her eye and dropped on Anonymous' shirt.
  4487. "I will go get my things."
  4488. > There wasn't much, really. The hoofguards and the peytral with the emblem. But she would also take the toothbrush and the shampoo Anonymous had bought her. She liked the smell, now that she had gotten used to its slight chemical undertones.
  4489. > It would take about five minutes to pack in a small bag, just enough time for Anonymous to arrange matters with Maggie. Then it would be a car ride, a brief last kiss and then...
  4490. > Hopefully Celestia would see him again before she left. But she might not. Best to act as if it was their farewell. Leaving things unspoken, unfinished would tear her up inside over the years.
  4491. > The pony slipped out of the embrace, stood up and fixed the human with a glare.
  4492. "Promise you will at least visit once this thing with the agents is over. Promise me, Anonymous!"
  4493. > The human did so. "I promise, Celestia."
  4494. "And think about my offer!"
  4495. > "I will."
  4496. > She forced a slight, impossibly hopeful smile, then left the room. 'Fled' might have been a better word. Looking at the human any longer would just end with tears.
  4497. > It didn't help that she heard Anonymous heave a sad, miserable sigh when he thought she was out of the room. Still he misjudged her hearing.
  4498. > A moment later he was already tapping his phone and Celestia walked up the stairs with her head held low.
  4499. >...
  4500. > And there it was. Not even an hour later and the alicorn was hugging Anonymous, hopefully not for the last time. They shared a kiss, then it was time to go.
  4501. > You do remember Mr. Plain's number, right?" the human asked for the fourth time.
  4502. "Yes! I told you, my memory is good. I'll call him from Maggie's phone. You make sure you are safe as well, okay?"
  4503. > Anonymous brushed her mane. "I'll tell them you escaped tonight. The timing is a little suspicious, but I think I'll be fine."
  4504. > There was a moment of silence, then the mare pulled away. Her friend was already waiting on the sidewalk. They had no more time left.
  4505. "Let me know as soon as you decide, please."
  4506. > "I promise."
  4507. > Celestia didn't intend to beg Anonymous to come to Equestria. She didn't even plead. But it was a close thing. Now that their little affair had begun, she wasn't sure she could give the human up. Not yet!
  4508. > Once things calmed down a bit he would visit. Anonymous had promised that much, at least. And they could stay in touch through Mr. Plain. The auctioneer would just have to become a courier as well.
  4509. > She already owed him a lot of precious metals and gems. A few more wouldn't matter.
  4510. > The pony made herself smile as she dropped down to the ground. In her Supple Branch guise, the pony had had to stand on her hind legs to reach the human in the car.
  4511. "Love you."
  4512. > The human thought about it, but only for a second. "You too," he replied. Then he got back into his car and drove away.
  4513. > Once the car was moving, Celestia heard the clop of Glitter Dust's hooves on the road behind her.
  4514. > "Why couldn't you have stayed as Supple Branch, again? If they were looking for an alicorn, you could have pretended you weren't one. You said Anonymous has all the right papers, no?"
  4515. > The Princess shook her head sadly.
  4516. "They probably know I can change. Miriam Adams said I shouldn't risk it. Get home while I still can."
  4517. > "Probably a good idea," the pegasus commented. "Don't want to have the Princess captured *for real*." She laid a gentle, comforting wing over the alicorn.
  4518. > "Come on. We can stay in the Den for tonight. Maggie will take us to Silent Brook's tomorrow morning," Glitter said.
  4519. > The alicorn frowned slightly in confusion.
  4520. "What about the phone? I need to call Mr. Plain to come and smuggle me back."
  4521. > The pegasus patted a small bag around her neck. "I have it here. Maggie loaned it to me."
  4522. "Is that a good idea?"
  4523. > Glitter didn't understand at first, but when she saw Celestia smiling a little, she bumped her with a wing joint. "Joker. I'm not gonna play games on it, so you can wipe that smirk off your face!"
  4524. > The mood lightened and the two began to walk.
  4525. > She would have been fine alone, but Glitter Dust insisted that she would stay with the Princess, just in case.
  4526. > In case of what, Celestia couldn't fathom. Hopefully, the pegasus was just being paranoid and nopony would find them. Maybe she had some reason to be, though.
  4527. > The FBI were quite powerful, Celestia knew. They could very likely see her chats on Skype - which would have given her 'Supple Branch' guise away. And they could undoubtedly see whom Anonymous had called with his phone. But they probably couldn't listen in just like that.
  4528. > That was why it was important he didn't call Mr. Plain directly.
  4529. > Miriam Adams was okay - she was employing his law firm for a case, so that call made sense. And Maggie - they had spent a few minutes thinking about it until Celestia came up with the solution.
  4530. > After she had 'escaped' - inconveniently just a day before the authorities managed to track her down - Anonymous would have called another human he knew with a pony to ask if maybe Celestia was hiding at their place. Or if Glitter Dust knew anything about the escape.
  4531. > He would also have driven to the town to see if he could find his missing pony. After stopping at Maggie's, Anonymous would go and drive around the pony meeting place, then around his office - all the places Celestia knew.
  4532. > His search would have proven fruitless, of course. And the mare would be safely away with Silent Brook's owner, who had never even met Anonymous.
  4533. > It was the safest way.
  4534. > Once Mr. Plain collected her, Glitter Dust would tell her other friends what had happened and why she had had to disappear so quickly.
  4535. > Not the greatest plan ever, Celestia knew, but the best one she and Anonymous could come up with on such a short notice.
  4536. > It hinged on Silent Brook being willing to house her for a day or so, until her 'rescue' came, but the alicorn didn't worry too much about that.
  4537. > Even if the stallion refused to help the Princess - which was in itself unthinkable - she could hide out in the forest like she had told Anonymous.
  4538. > Not Supple Branch, of course. She'd take the guise of Glitter Dust for this purpose, to throw off potential pursuers.
  4539. > Then all that was left to do would be to wait at Mr. Plain's auction until he forged some papers - an expired contract - and smuggled her back home.
  4540. > Simplicity itself.
  4541. > The mares arrived in the Den. Douglas Wilder had gone back to his college, so the room was empty.
  4542. > There was the couch - Glitter Dust said it unfolded into a makeshift bed and Celestia trusted her word. There were blankets and with two of them, the ponies wouldn't be too cold.
  4543. > A sleepover, even if it wasn't under the best of circumstances.
  4544. > Her goodbye with Anonymous had been so sudden. It hadn't really had time to sink in.
  4545. > Only a couple of hours ago, the mare had been looking forward to getting out of her relaxing steam, joining her human on the couch and letting him work his finger magic on her back and her wings.
  4546. > And - she had quietly hoped - his hands would again stray to the more 'naughty' places, which would result in a vigorous and thoroughly enjoyable... 'romping'. And the night would have concluded with the two lying exhausted in Anonymous' bed, sweaty, but pleased.
  4547. > The alicorn sighed sadly as she imagined the events which wouldn't now come to pass.
  4548. > "Don't worry, give him a few days without you and he'll be *begging* to come to Equestria," Glitter Dust said, guessing her thoughts.
  4549. > The mare's words reminded the Princess about her other unresolved questions. One in particular.
  4550. "I wish I could take all the ponies back with me. Those who wished to go. I never even asked Rock Lichen and Lake Frond."
  4551. > The pegasus was silent for a moment. Then she began fiddling with the couch as she spoke: "Those two might actually have said yes, you know?"
  4552. > It was a surprise. I they did, they would have been the first ponies to do so.
  4553. "Oh? How come? The rest of you seem to like it here."
  4554. > Glitter Dust stared at the alicorn for a moment, then pushed the couch backrest with a hoof until it fell down. Together with the seat, it formed a small but serviceable bed.
  4555. > "The rest of us have good owners. Yeah, even Heavy Hoof. His previous human was a sicko and wanted to make a quick buck off him, but Peter and Deborah are kind to him."
  4556. > Celestia opened her mouth to point out the whole 'sex' thing, but Glitter forestalled her with a raised hoof.
  4557. > "Yeah, I know they make him watch when they fuck, but it's only because he secretly likes it. And he gets with the Mistress often enough. It's not what you'd call a 'conventional' family, but there's some love, trust me."
  4558. > The alicorn shook her head in dismay.
  4559. "He's making Belle Hop sad."
  4560. > Glitter Dust barked a laugh. "So? That filly needs to grow a backbone, hoof that colt across his face and tell him to love her. It's as simple as that, really. But she never really says it, so Heavy Hoof probably doesn't even know."
  4561. > It was a different story than Lake Frond had told her, so Celestia didn't know what to believe. She wished she could speak with Belle Hop and Heavy Hoof herself.
  4562. > Maybe.
  4563. "You think you could get them to visit Silent Brook? I want to sort this out before I leave."
  4564. > The pegasus shrugged. "I'll try."
  4565. > Seeing that their bed was set and the door was locked, Celestia dropped her saddlebags, released her spell and became herself again. She sat on the couch and watched Glitter rummage in a drawer underneath for blankets.
  4566. "And you never answered me about Lake Frond and Rock Lichen."
  4567. > The pegasus pulled out a few colorful pieces of fabric. They looked nice and thick and warm. They stank a little of tobacco and weed, but the room had been empty for the past week so it wasn't unbearable.
  4568. > Pulling the blankets up on the couch, Glitter sat down beside Celestia and leaned on her. At any other time, such closeness would have lifted the Princess' heart.
  4569. > "They didn't tell you, right? I don't know if I should," she hesitated.
  4570. "What if I order you?"
  4571. > That made the pegasus laugh. "Yeah, sure. Since you put it that way, lemme bow and scrape a little first."
  4572. > The alicorn nudged the pegasus with a wing.
  4573. "Please?"
  4574. > Asking politely, that did the trick. Glitter drew a breath, folded her ears down and explained: "They want foals. And their owners won't let them. Lake Frond knows she's getting older. There's still time, but the way it looks the Williamses will *never* allow them to have children."
  4575. > Celestia snorted a little. A stallion and a mare together, how could the humans stop it?
  4576. "So? Why do they not just wait for a heat and do it? Even mares have a hard time telling exactly when they will go into heat, the humans wouldn't know until it was too late!"
  4577. > The pegasus wouldn't meet her gaze. "Yeah, Lake Frond said that to her owners. Threatened them, you might say. But they just said if she did that, they'd take her to a vet and..."
  4578. > Her blood ran cold and Celestia was afraid of what came next. But she couldn't stop listening.
  4579. > "... have her abort," Glitter Dust finished in a broken voice. "You can see why they are careful. I can't imagine what that'd do to a mare..."
  4580. > Celestia couldn't either.
  4581. > She made a decision.
  4582. "I'm taking them with me. Mr. Plain will just have to get papers for three ponies, instead of one. Get the word to them."
  4583. > She did a quick mental calculation.
  4584. "It's Thursday. I'll hide at Silent Brook's until Tuesday and have Mr. Plain come pick me up on Wednesday. You'll all get together for the pony meetup - Lake Frond and Rock Lichen always come, right? And the owners are shut in their little room, so they can just walk out. Then you'll bring them to Silent Brook's house, where Mr. Plain or one of his men will be waiting to take us away."
  4585. > The pegasus watched the princess incredulously. "Really?! You'd risk that for them?"
  4586. > Celestia snorted.
  4587. "Of course! I've risked more than that for my ponies, you know that! I can see the rest of you like your owners, but the Williamses sound horrible. I am going to save Lake Frond and Rock Lichen from them, and that is final. And if Silent Brook's owner complains - Anonymous gave me some money."
  4588. > A course of action, a plan. It made it easier to bear what she had heard. Maybe enough so that she could sleep.
  4589. > The alicorn lay down and patted the bed.
  4590. "I miss my human, so you'll have to do for cuddles. Come on."
  4591. > It made Glitter Dust smile a little as she joined her monarch and pulled the blanket over them with a wing.
  4592. > "Good night, Princess."
  4593. "Sweet dreams."
  4595. >~~~~
  4597. > It wasn't quite like waking up with Anonymous, but her pegasus friend in her lap was warmer and softer, so that was something.
  4598. > Celestia stretched carefully, trying not to jostle Glitter Dust awake. Then she lay there and considered her future.
  4599. > The most important thing was to call Mr. Plain. It had been quite late when she and Glitter Dust came in the Den, so the two had decided to call in the morning instead.
  4600. > Besides, there was less of a hurry since Celestia had opted to wait until Wednesday.
  4601. > After that, the alicorn supposed, her friend would go fetch Maggie and she would take them both to where Silent Brook lived. They could have gone alone - in fact the stallion almost never had his human's company - but the mares didn't want to risk being picked up and detained by the police.
  4602. > Whatever magic allowed Silent Brook to walk around alone, unnoticed might not work for the mares. And if she was caught, there were records of Supple Branch and her owner in their computers.
  4603. > Undoubtedly the officers would call Anonymous, which would also probably alert the FBI. Far too risky.
  4604. > Then it would just just be a matter of hiding out with Silent Brook until Wednesday. Celestia didn't want to plan too far ahead, at least not until she spoke with Mr. Plain. So much could change so quickly - it was useless to expand any effort on the fine detail.
  4605. > She almost felt for the sun to see what time it was, but stopped herself in time. Instead, she lifted up Glitter Dust's pack, pulled out the phone and looked for the button that made it go.
  4606. > The screen lit up. It was half past five.
  4607. > Back in her life with Anonymous, the mare would be getting up to prepare breakfast. The thought made her sigh sadly.
  4608. > Putting the phone back down, the alicorn tightened her grip around the pegasus, who had her muzzle tucked tightly against the royal chest. She carefully nuzzled Glitter Dust and closed her eyes.
  4609. > Two more hours, she decided.
  4610. > Her ministrations made the pegasus twitch and murmur something. "Mmhmm... 'ove 'oo Doo..."
  4611. > Celestia smiled when she realized what her friend had said. 'Love you, Doug'. It was probably because of the bed and the room, the alicorn knew. Smell was a powerful thing, but it confirmed what she had already suspected.
  4612. > As if to punctuate her statement, Glitter also sleepily licked Celestia on her foreleg, which was wrapped around her barrel.
  4613. > It would have been a sin to wake her up from whatever she was dreaming, so Celestia kept her eyes closed and went back to sleep herself.
  4614. >...
  4615. > In a rare show of discretion, Glitter Dust went out to fetch them some breakfast while Celestia called Mr. Plain. It took her a few seconds to fully remember the number, but then she tapped it into the device with confidence.
  4616. > It was nearly eight, so the human should be awake already, but the mare still felt uneasy as it ringed.
  4617. > At long last there was an answer: "Hello?"
  4618. > Sagging a little in relief, the alicorn recognized the auctioneer.
  4619. "Hello, Mr. Plain. It's me - Celestia."
  4620. > There was a silence as the human processed this. Then he guessed: "So you're ready to go home?" It didn't sound like he was particularly pleased about it.
  4621. > She had thought hard about what to tell him. The fact that she was being chased by the government probably wasn't the way forward, but the extra 'passengers' should be mentioned as quickly as possible.
  4622. "Yes. Me and two others. You can arrange that, right? I will see to it that you are well compensated, Mr. Plain."
  4623. > Another, longer silence followed and the pony was afraid she had pushed it too far.
  4624. "Mr. Plain?"
  4625. > Eventually he continued, quietly and perhaps a little fearfully: "What the hell have you done, Celestia? I have federal agents here going through my files! Specifically, *your* files. It's a good thing we forged your paper trail to some company in India which doesn't even exist anymore! But getting new papers to get you back is impossible right now!"
  4626. > Her heart sank. The humans were a step ahead of her! She didn't know how to reply, so Mr. Plain sighed and went on:
  4627. > "Look, you're just gonna have to sit tight with... uh, with Anonymous until this blows over. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."
  4628. > The alicorn hated just how much pleading there was in her voice, but she didn't have too many options.
  4629. "Please, Mr. Plain! There has to be something! The agents are with Anonymous as well. I'm hiding with a friend. I need to go back!"
  4630. > Again, the human said nothing.
  4631. "Please?"
  4632. > This had been her last safety line! If Celestia couldn't escape, she would have to remain a fugitive on Earth! However long that might take. Luna would go mad with worry and probably try to do something stupid!
  4633. > Not to mention that Celestia would be in constant danger of being captured.
  4634. > It was an impossible situation. And of course she couldn't help Rock Lichen and Lake Frond, either! Luckily Glitter Dust hadn't told them yet, so there wouldn't be any disappointment.
  4635. > Other than for Celestia.
  4636. > Maybe Anonymous would know what to do?
  4637. > Only... reaching out to him, now that he was being watched, was probably a very bad idea. She'd have to wait until things calmed down somewhat.
  4638. > If the humans ever stopped looking for her, which sounded unlikely. Maybe they would leave her owner alone after a while if he persisted with his story that he knew nothing about her. Then again, maybe they wouldn't.
  4639. > Finally, Mr. Plain spoke again. Celestia had almost forgotten he was on the phone.
  4640. > "Look, I can maybe get you out of the country, if I call in a whole bunch of favors and if we're *very* lucky!"
  4641. > The mare wasn't sure she liked the idea. That would take her away from everything she knew, including Anonymous.
  4642. > Her life would become even more uncertain!
  4643. "I d-don't know... What happens then?"
  4644. > She could almost envision the auctioneer shrugging. "Don't know yet. Maybe once things calm down, I can get you back and send you home. There aren't any portals in the rest of the world, right?"
  4645. "No. Just the one."
  4646. > The ponies didn't even know how the existing one came to be.
  4647. > "Then you sit tight - here or someplace else, until things relax enough that I can get you home. Of course, now they know you can change shape, so there'll probably be more checks."
  4648. "L-like what?"
  4649. > The human barked a laugh. "Damned if I know. They'll think of something. Let's hope it's something you can work around."
  4650. > Celestia did hope that, fervently. This was turning into a right mess and the alicorn was beginning to get afraid.
  4651. > The big question now was whether to leave the country or try to hide. She couldn't tell which was the best course of action.
  4652. > She needed to talk to someone. Anonymous would be preferable, but she'd settle for Miriam Adams.
  4653. "I'll think it over and call you back in a day or so."
  4654. > Or, whenever she got access to a safe phone again, the mare added to herself silently.
  4655. > "Okay, you do that. If I don't answer, keep trying. I get those nosy bastards in my office sometimes, rifling through my papers."
  4656. > She said 'bye' and hung up. Then her muzzle hit the couch.
  4657. "What the buck am I supposed to do now?!"
  4658. >...
  4659. > Celestia thought about telling Glitter Dust about her newest problem. On the one hoof, she didn't want to distress the pegasus too much. But on the other hoof, she didn't want to send Lake Frond and Rock Lichen the message of hope when there was none.
  4660. > In the end she decided that her friend had to be told.
  4661. > "What?! That bastard!" Glitter exclaimed angrily. "That's not fair! You had a deal!"
  4662. > The alicorn knew that.
  4663. "Yes. But if the human police have him under scrutiny there isn't much he can do, deal or no."
  4664. > The mare still seemed a little sceptical, but grudgingly accepted the alicorn's explanation: "I guess."
  4665. "So, the question is now: do I leave the country? Will it be easier to hide someplace else? You know this world very well, Glitter Dust. What do you think?"
  4666. > Shaking her head, the pegasus grabbed her Princess around the barrel. Her hooves couldn't quite reach, but she tried anyway. "No, I think that's a bad idea. At least here you know ponies - and people - and you can speak the language."
  4667. > Celestia had seen that. It was a strange coincidence and she had thought about it sometimes. How came that the ponies would share a common language with parts of Earth only?
  4668. > "I'll talk with the others and we'll try to come up with something," Glitter promised. But the thought of Skype made Celestia decidedly uneasy.
  4669. "I don't think that's a good idea."
  4670. > "Don't worry, we won't chat over the Internet. I'll try and see them in person. At least some of them. I sometimes visit Heavy Hoof, so that won't be too strange. And then he can spread the word to Belle Hop, maybe Glowbug and I'll see if Maggie will take me to Lake and Rock."
  4671. > It wasn't much of a plan, but it made the pegasus feel better, so Celestia didn't point out the futility. Her ponies were determined, but even she could see no way home. Maybe if Twilight Sparkle was on Earth, but even that would be a really slim chance. Her talented student had spent the past few years studying the portal and its magic, to no avail.
  4672. > But Glitter Dust didn't see the problems. She was smiling faintly, as if in encouragement. "We'll all think it over and talk about it on Wednesday. We'll figure something out!"
  4673. > Still, the alicorn had been surprised in the past. She would not forbid them, of course. There was something else she needed to do, though.
  4674. "I have to speak with Miriam and Anonymous. Can you try and make that happen? I know I am asking a lot, Glitter, but-"
  4675. > The mare just interrupted her monarch. "No problem, Princess. Any of us would die for you, I hope you know that!"
  4676. > Celestia did, and it didn't make it any easier to ask. Very rarely had she been forced to make that choice and each one weighed heavily upon her heart. And after every one she had promised herself, in tears, that it would never happen again.
  4677. "Thank you."
  4678. > "I still think you should go to Silent Brook's. If the feds make a link from Anonymous to Maggie and me, they might find this place. It's not safe."
  4679. > That much made sense. The alicorn gave a slight nod.
  4680. "Very well."
  4681. > She was about to rise and go, but her friend gently held her back. "No, not yet. I got us some fruit and bread. I told Maggie to come pick us up in about half an hour."
  4682. > With that, Glitter Dust shrugged off her saddlebags and let them spill their contents over the couch. It wasn't a feast, but Celestia was hungry and the fruit was good. There was even a bit of bread and some sour cream in there, which the two mares split between them.
  4683. > The pair finished just in time, before there was a knock on the door. Celestia changed to Supple Branch with a slight gasp of surprise. She didn't know if Anonymous had explained anything over the phone, but Glitter's owners had always seen the alicorn in her disguise. Now was not the time to expose herself needlessly.
  4684. > "Come in!" said the pegasus once she saw that Celestia was transformed. The door opened and the woman peered inside. The pegasus leaned closer to the alicorn and whispered: "I told her to knock."
  4685. > "So, this is where you've been getting your brains railed out?" the lady asked. It made Glitter blush vividly and look away.
  4686. > Maggie shared a small grin with Celestia and went on: "It stinks in here. Once this snafu with Supple is over, you're gonna bring those sheets home and wash them. Cushions, too! And you're gonna smack the dust and ash out of that carpet!"
  4687. > It was amazing how flat Glitter Dust's ears went, and how quickly! "Yes ma'am," she said miserably.
  4688. > If it weren't for the seriousness of her situation, Celestia would have laughed and poked some fun of her own at the poor pegasus.
  4689. > But it seemed like her unease and urgency were plain to see. Maggie stepped in and patted her mane with a hand. "Don't worry, sweetie. Let's get you someplace safe until Mr. Anonymous can resolve this paperwork problem."
  4690. > But to the pegasus she said a bit more firmly: "You've arranged with Silent and his owners that it's okay, have you?"
  4691. > The mare nodded, but her eyes told the whole truth. It made Maggie sigh in exasperation. "Silly thing. I know you keep telling me you're twenty something, but you act like you're thirteen, Glitter. Come on, give me their phone number and I'll work it out."
  4692. > Now the pegasus was looking industriously at the floor. "Doesn't have a phone. Or Internet."
  4693. > The woman rolled her eyes and her shoulders slumped a little. "Do you even know where he lives?"
  4694. > Now Glitter Dust nodded, feeling herself on firmer ground. "Yeah! Couple of blocks from the big park downtown."
  4695. > "Been there, have you?" Maggie asked sharply, knowing full well that the pegasus could not have.
  4696. > "N-no," the pegasus replied, "but he told me once. I remember. We pegasi have good memory for... geography."
  4697. > The woman wasn't entirely convinced, but she decided to play along. "Fine. I'll drive you two, but if we don't find the house, Supple is coming back with us and we'll figure out something else!"
  4698. > Celestia made sure to smile beautifully.
  4699. "Thank you so much, Maggie. I really appreciate it."
  4700. > The woman smiled right back. "Don't fret, Supple. I just wish this *thing* was half as polite and responsible as you are."
  4701. > It was the straw that broke the pony's back. "Hey!" Glitter Dust exclaimed and looked up sharply. But her muzzle ran right into Maggie's finger for a boop. It was like a switch, making her ears go flat again and her head drop back down in silence.
  4702. > The human had her reply ready: "Don't you 'hey' me! Now let's get going. I can't leave Jeff in charge of the store for too long, you know that!"
  4703. >...
  4704. > A very triumphant-looking Glitter Dust pointed through the window of Maggie's car. "There! That place!" she said excitedly.
  4705. > And it was after a mere ten minutes of searching. Celestia had to admit that the pegasus really was good at navigating.
  4706. > She inspected the house from the back seat. It was a single-family, two-storey home, a little decrepit but with a sturdy roof. The front yard was quite overgrown and the house itself looked dirtier than it had to.
  4707. > There were a few pieces of miscellaneous trash strewn around, which gave the alicorn a bad feeling in her stomach. But Glitter Dust wasn't concerned and just pushed the car door open.
  4708. > Celestia still couldn't manage the small handle with a hoof - the pegasus assured her it was a knack - so she cheated with a tiny bit of magic. A moment later Maggie also exited the car and joined them on the sidewalk.
  4709. > It was one of those unmarked, wide roads where the people parked their cars right on the side. It wasn't done in many places anymore, Celestia understood, but she liked the idea in some of the movies Anonymous had shown her.
  4710. > There were trees all along the lane - bare at this time of year, of course. There was no car in front of Silent Brook's place, though. She knew they didn't have too much money and this confirmed it a little.
  4711. > After a brief pause, Glitter stepped forward. "Come on. He should be home right now."
  4712. > But Maggie hung back. "I'll just wait here. This is weird enough as it is."
  4713. > Celestia agreed, but she followed her friend up the path and to the front door. The pegasus raised up a hoof and knocked firmly.
  4714. > There was some shuffling inside and after a while a middle-aged, balding, bleary-eyed man opened. He looked down at the two ponies. "What?" he demanded. Celestia remembered him from the park, all those months ago.
  4715. > "Uh, is Silent Brook here?" Glitter asked, only a tad uncertainly.
  4716. > The human grumbled something unintelligible and turned around. "HORSE!" he yelled up the stairs. "It's for you!"
  4717. > There was a vaguely interrogative noise and the sound of hooves hitting the floor. To her relief, Celestia saw that the man lost interest and went back inside.
  4718. > What she could see of the place didn't give her much comfort. Inside was just as filthy as the outside. There were bits of paper and food wrappers. There were plastic bags and empty bottles. What wasn't covered in dust was instead coated with grime.
  4719. > If she were to live there, even mere days, the alicorn would first have a good cleaning-up, she decided.
  4720. > Moments later, the orange stallion poked his head around the curve in the stairs.
  4721. > "Glitter? Princ- uh, Supple?" he asked, uncertainly. "What the hay are you two doing here?"
  4722. > He was obviously uncomfortable at having Celestia see the squalor in which he lived and that was making the pony grumpy.
  4723. > "Can we go inside and talk? Please?" the pegasus asked, trying to win the disgruntled pony over with a friendly smile.
  4724. > He sighed and shrugged. "I guess. Come on," Silent Brook said and turned to lead them up the stairs.
  4725. > Meanwhile Glitter stuck her head out the door and waved a wing to Maggie. "We'll just be a minute!" she called. The woman gave her a hesitant thumbs-up and went around to sit in the car.
  4726. > Then the pegasus closed the door with a slight thump, which made Silent Brook's owner yell from the other room: "Horse, you were supposed to get me my smokes!"
  4727. > The stallion replied, just as sourly: "I need money for that, Saul, remember?!"
  4728. > All he got back was a stream of curses, but he just ignored them and ushered the mares up. "Come on, just ignore him. He'll forget in a minute anyway."
  4729. > The pair followed him up a little uneasily as the stallion led the way to an upstairs bedroom.
  4730. > It was perhaps a bit cleaner than the rest of the house, but only marginally so. At least, Celestia saw with approval that there were no drink bottles or cans. There was a plain mattress on the floor and the sheet was turning yellow. It needed washing, even more than the bedclothes in Glitter and Doug's Den.
  4731. > The smell in the air was too musky by half. The alicorn wondered if Silent Brook ever aired the room out.
  4732. > If Silent Brook allowed them to stay, Celestia decided again, she would at least get the household in order. It would be the least she could do to repay the kindness.
  4733. > But right at that moment, the stallion sat on the carpet in the middle of the room and stared at the two, expectantly.
  4734. > "So, why are you here again?" he asked pointedly.
  4735. > The alicorn looked at the pegasus and took a deep breath. It would take some explaining, so she sat as well.
  4736. > She began:
  4737. "I need your help."

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf