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Where the Alicorns Roam

By ComfysPlace
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-01-31 04:33:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Princess Celestia I know you wanted Anon and me to go out into the world more often but,"
  2. >You take a breather as you glanced down the exceeeeedingly long trail you just hiked feeling your lungs planning a revolt on your brain for this utter barbarity.
  3. "I think this is a little much for a field trip isn't it?!"
  4. >"Don't be a wimp Twilight, we've barely left Canterlot proper itself." Anon called back a light froth on his flanks and nope get those eyes back on his face right now!
  5. "I am not a wimp and Canterlot was two hours ago! We've climbed to the tallest part of the mountain!"
  6. >"Not quite my precious students, now dear you know Twilight's not as rugged as yourself so cut her a break yes?"
  7. >"...I guess Mom, but why are you being so secretive about this place we are going to anyway? You usually give us both some warning when we are coming across something special."
  8. "I barely had enough time to bring my notes along for mountainclimbing Princess!"
  9. >"Twilight I swear, you don't need notes for that, you just do it!"
  10. "Well if somepony had decided to actually read his notes then maybe he wouldn't have bombed the theoritical paper from last week hm?"
  11. >"Teachers pet."
  12. "Spoiled Prince."
  14. "Children."
  15. >At the chiding tone from the Princess you both snapped towards her seeing not anger only disappointment from the r- diarch of Equestra.
  16. "Sorry."
  17. >"Sorry Mom."
  18. >"You know I only-"
  19. >"Tia? Tia my baby girl is that ye, I hear on my doorstep? Get yer fanny in here already ya silly filly afore ye catch a cold now! I swear on ye old mam's heart that if I find ye've been trying to melt the snowcaps off again I'll thump ya for yer silliness!"
  20. >Princess Celesita's face bloomed into a rush of emberassment?
  21. >You've seen the princess handle diplomats from the warlords of Saddle Arabia to the Dread Dragon Queen of Drakeland with the cool poise of stone.
  22. >Princesses don't just blush!
  23. >"Father, it has been years since I've done that! Must you bring it up everytime I come to visit you?"
  24. >Father!?
  25. >Trotting out of the cave ahead was an alicorn, a MALE alicorn at that who had a coat of pale gold speckled with small specks of fiery red and warming orange with a mane of silver and eyes of coal.
  26. >Of your sample size of four you've not ever seen an alicorn that ever looked old before, yet this stranger had the faintest lines around his eye, skin that had laugh lines around his mouth and if you had to take a guess a stallion just leaving the prime of his youth.
  27. >At spying the three of you the stallion squinted and let out a great laugh that brought memories of your own father at seeing Shining and Cadence had finally admited they were seeing each other, "Tia you little scamp!"
  28. >A weakly fluttering aura formed around the alicorn's horn and grabbed the princess by her ear!
  29. >Surprisingly instead of breaking free the Princess allowed herself to be dragged by the ear as her father ranted about not raising a shameless rake.
  32. >You and Anon watched as the Princess was dragged into the cave before the elderly stallion poked his head out to you two.
  33. >"That said, I'll not have my hospitality be insulted, come in come in youngin's I have a fresh batch of cookies on the table."
  34. >A loud pop startled you both, like a log snapping from water superheated in a fireplace, without looking away from you both the alicorn shouted, "Naughty fillies trying to sneak treats don't get treats, Tia!~"
  35. >With a kind smile you're ushered in and soon sitting around a rather simplistic home, yet for all the basic amenities the well cared for plates, cups, and the furniture itself spoke of quiet dignity in its preservation all of which was centered around a large hearth crackling away giving the cave home a rather cozy glow.
  36. >Princess Celestia meanwhile was sucking on her hoof as if she'd been burnt before pulling out her hoof at the sight of your approach.
  37. >"Mom I really like this guy, but who is he?"
  38. "Yes, I've never seen anypony treat you, well treat you like-"
  39. >"Like a school filly that ought to know better?" Your host interrupted before rounding on the princess, "And for shame Tia, yer son's near grown and he doesn't even know where he came from!"
  40. >"Father that is why we are here in the first place! Anonymous was hardly fit for the trip prior-"
  41. >"Fit for the trip!? Well, no wonder! Look at the boy he's just skin and bones the poor lad. Here son, have a cookie, actually make that three. Ol' Papa Hearth will get some meat on ya right quick don't worry none."
  42. >Anon's cheeks are stuffed with cookies and he's left holding another with wide eyes at the experience before suddenly cookie is already in your mouth as well!
  43. >"Can't be forgetting a strapping young mare like yerself either now can I, so tell me about yerselves it's rather lonely on this rock of mine, oh if only my daughters came to their Papi in his time of need."
  44. >This stallion, this Hearth, is Dangerously Whimisical
  46. Sir, I-"
  47. >"Ohohoho, come now lassie ye don't need to sir me, such a polite young mare ye found for your lad Tia, but ye can call me Grandpa, Granda, or anything else like that too. After all, you're pretty much apart of the family."
  48. >Anon choked on the cookie in his mouth while Princess Celestia rolled her eyes, "Father please, at least let them finish their food before you try to surprise them."
  49. >"Ack! Betrayed by me own student in surprises!" King? Grandpa? Heart, let's go with Hearth decried clasping a hoof to his chest.
  50. "Oh, Oh! Oh no no no, I mean, Anonymous is a nice colt and will make a mare very happy sir-"
  51. >"Up! Up! Up! None of that sir business now, and now yer saying yer too good for me grandson now?" The alicorn said slowly drawing closer towards you, the nearby hearth slowly dimming down as you could hear faint whispers around you.
  52. "I-I..."
  53. >"Out with it Lassie!"
  54. "I don't feel that way about Anonymous! He's like a little brother to me!"
  55. >Instantly the room brightened and the whispers faded before your cheek is pinched by a pitiful amount of magical grip, "There's sommadat spine I'd hoped for, that'll do mare, that'll do."
  56. >"Father, once you're done traumatizing my student would you care for me to serve you a cup or-"
  57. >"Bah! I'll not have you touching me teapot Tia!"
  58. >Just like that the imposing sight of this ancient alicorn is gone and instead is a puttering about old stallion pouring tea out for his guests.
  59. >You rub the back of your neck trying to relieve the emotional whiplash from this stallion.
  61. >Anon nearby leaned over to you whispering, "You okay?'
  62. "Y-yes, I wasn't expecting, I mean where you?"
  63. >"Nope." Anon said popping the p, "I'm in the dark as much as you."
  64. >"Which is why I had wanted to bring you both to meet with Father, Father this is-"
  65. >"Bah! Tia, not everything needs to be so formal! Come now, I've known about your little miracle the moment he was born, could feel it in my bones I could! Gave me quite a fright it did that much magical power coming into being."
  66. >Magical power?
  67. >You've studied alongside Anon for many years and you've seen him struggle with a simple gripping cantrip, how would he have that much magic at his disposal?
  68. >"Matter o' fact why don't I teacha few spells in the old book laddie? Ain't no way Tia's taught ye all me tricks!"
  69. >Anon frowned at the question slowly grabbing a cookie to nibble on in response.
  70. >"Aw come now lad, what's wrong?"
  71. >"Father, my little sunshine is not quite adept at magic, we're still trying to understand why but-"
  72. >"I'm not cut out for magic Grandpa, I've made my peace with it, sides I've focused on keeping up with Mom's exercise regime and helping her out with that. You should see me back in Canterlot, I've been able to stop a carriage from crashing into a diner once!"
  73. >"That's the strangest thing, not even a peep of magic ya say?"
  74. "There are a few miscasts, Anonymous has been trying as hard as he can, but the magic slips away from his grasp like water and oil."
  76. >"Quite odd, quite odd indeed," Hearth murmured drawing closer to Anonymous and looking over him with a keen eye, "Ye said ye stopped a, what was it again child?"
  77. "A carriage?"
  78. >"Ah yes, Car-age, these cabbages are heavy then?"
  79. >"Carriage Grandpa, and yeah most ponies would struggle to stop it hurtling down the street when the brakes stopped working."
  80. >"Curious and curiouser! Tia me girl, have you tried the Depths?"
  81. >You heard the capital in that name, but what in Celestia's name are the depths?
  82. >Tartarus you've read about as being one of the deepest pits for the worst of Equestria's foes to be banished too, could be something else?
  83. >"I'd thought to ease my sunshine into magic and all its wonders first before going that far Father, why would I throw him into the Depths so quickly?"
  84. >"Bah! Ye turned out fine when I'd taught ya, look at you now, all grown up and moving yer little sunshine all willy nilly like me silly filly."
  85. >"Father, please..."
  86. >Grandpa stop teasing Mom so much, please?" Anonymous asked and you quickly looked away for the earnest stare from the crown prince was a potent weapon indeed.
  87. >More than one night had been spent on trying to help tutor Anonymous after bed time because of that gaze.
  88. >"Ohohoh, Tia this one's going to be quite a heart breaker for sure! Good show lad, alright alright, now then to explain better let me tell ya a story."
  89. "What kind of story? Fiction? Non-fiction? Do I need to take notes?"
  90. >"Easy lassie, just stay a while by the fire and listen for a spell," Hearth smiled then refilled the cup of tea that you had just finished, "Now a long time ago, in the void of space and time did we roam, we knew many foes from great green brutes to sly cunning pointed ear tricksters and just as many allies, like the great apes wise for their youth with their clever hooves to the loyal and stoic bufonem emittunt yet we held no home to call our own."
  91. >You had started to reach for your notepad and quil only for a majestic yellow glow to hold your stationary down, a glance to the princess had her subtly shake her head, her eyes still on her father.
  92. >"Until between one moment and the next did we come across a small rock, a tiny flicker of a flame upon it that clung to it's frozen surface, we took that small rock a pebble really, and dragged it closer to the nearby star to warm it's stone cold heart and let green shoots florish once more."
  93. >"Great works did we fashion in that time, our herd grew more fruitful and others came to our home. We welcomed them to our Hearth and Home, for a time things were grand. Oh ye should have seen it then lassies, the gardens and homes for our little ponies were quite the feat if ye pardon an old stallion's bragging."
  94. >"What happened next Grandpa?"
  96. >"Ah," Caught in his reminiscing the stallion coughed into his hoof, "Through the use of the Depths had we crafted this Hearth, and it is by that magic does this world still stand. For an age long before yer time did a great calamity occur."
  97. >You can see the memories are hard on Hearth as he looked all his years at this moment as dark shadows covered his eyes cast by the fire, "It happened so quickly that we'd not expected it, but it was as if all the lights in the sky had gone out, like candles blown out by a great and terrible wind. The malicious laughter of beings beyond the void echoed out as even our home was rocked by our realm tearing apart at the seams."
  98. >Princess Celestia gently laid her wing about Hearth in a hug, "Father-"
  99. >"Nai Tia, I'll finish it, just old scars yanno..."
  100. "If it's too painful to-"
  101. >"Come on Grandpa you don't have to-"
  102. >"I said nai!" The cave rattled with the spoken word before Hearth began to cough harshly, "Oops, drew a bit too much there" A forced smile on his face had none of you convinced of the sincerity behind it.
  103. >At seeing the mood of the room Hearth sighed, "It is rough, I won't lie, but it's something ye need to know, ye especially little sunshine."
  104. >Anonymous began to speak only to pause and you swear, for just a moment your friend wasn't the one who nodded, "You were saying that the calamity had happened?"
  105. >"Aye, yer grandam, Sol bless her fool heartfelt what had happened to our flame, it had raged out of all control and she, she consumed it all to contain it from our Hearth. The world was not much better off with the sudden loss of our flame for what is a home without a hearth? I tried to keep everything together as best I could, but most of the Depths were knocked awry most of the weaving that I'd done torn, mangled, snapped, and cut wholesale."
  106. >"Is Grandma Sol...?"
  107. >"Nai, nai lad she's not gone, merely...different than she used to be. I don't regret it, neighther does she for that matter," Hearth brought his own wing around the Princess, "If not for that I'd have not gotten two wonderful daughters out of it all! Speaking of which when is that scamp Lu-lu coming by Tia? It's been a season or two since I've seen her!"
  109. >"She was hosting a diplomatic party for our little ponies Father, she's recently returned after our...disagreement."
  110. >At the mention of the banishment you could see Hearth frown quite mightily at that, "Bad business that was, I know I should have come down from the mountain to see to ya both!"
  111. >"Father you and I both know what that would have entailed..."
  112. >There is a begrudging silence between the two elder alicorns before Anonymous coughed, "It's in the past now right? Aunt Luna's back with us, Mom and Auntie are back together as friends and we're a family again...right?"
  113. >"Aye, aye that we are, that is if some naughty filly decided to visit more often!" A rough tousling of the Princess's mane breaks the tense mood.
  114. >"Father please..." Despite the protest, you can see a faint smile on the princess's face.
  115. "Are the Depths the leylines running through the planet? Eh, Mister Hearth, sir."
  116. >Fater than you can blink you've another cookie in your mouth.
  117. >"Now lassie I've told ye already, call me Hearth!"
  119. "Surry."
  120. >"And finish yer food now least ya choke on it!"
  121. >Grumbling internally at too whimsical stallions you force down the delectably delicious dinner ruiner.
  122. "What I was trying to ask was how does this help Anonymous with his magic problem?"
  123. >"Oh that's easy enough, I teach him a spot of how to use the Depths and know how to help him bridge the gap between the two."
  124. >Anonymous has his cheek pinched softly again, "You've got a bit too much of me blood in ya it seem like laddie, don'tcha worry none now come back to the kitchen and we'll see what we can fix, eh?"
  125. "Eh?"
  126. >"That-wait the kitchen?"
  127. >"Course laddie! Where else are you supposed to establish a hearth and home if not in the kitchen! Come on now!" With a sprightly leap Hearth ushered Anonymous into the kitchen with his wings, "As for ye two entertain yerselves for a bit, maybe go and visit Ol' Sol while yer at eh? She's lonely yanno."
  130. >Suddenly, you’re interrupted when a deep pulse of magic from within the kitchen washed over your form!
  131. >The sores from your hike up here are gone, the subtle tension of dealing with your mentor’s slight cake addiction is gone, and overall you just feel like you’ve come from a rough day at the library stressed as can be only to be greeted with a warm and loving home.
  132. >There is also a faint scent of brownies in the air and Princess Celestia smirked at you, “Now you begin to see, my dear pupil. Just a moment more and the precious, ahem, I mean the baked goods will be here.”
  133. “What,” You swallow down the saliva building up in your mouth, “What power is this, I’ve heard of some small cantrips in the cooking section in the Canterlot archives, but those are just, just cantrips! Like a small fire starter, or a temperature check, oven mitts for hooves!”
  134. >”That my dear pupil, is a type of magic that I’ve never been able to perform.” Princess Celestia began, “Not for lack of trying mind you, but from my own observations this magic is a type of magic that allows one to grant great comfort to those in desperate need. Why was there even a time that a small snack and visit with Father had led to a moment of innovation when I most required it.”
  135. “Really?”
  136. >”Indeed, why do you recall your knack for translocation?”
  137. “It was one of the first spells you showed us in magic kindergarten when you did your visit, I studied so hard on that spell to master it.”
  139. >”I imagined you came across the same wrinkle as I did then?”
  140. “Yes, the safety guards for ensuring proper translocation are so difficult, how’d you- No.”
  141. >”It was from having a wonderful snack and visit with father that I had found the work around that we use here, simply inverse the outline of the spell to bounce off the surroundings to land safely.”
  142. “Wouldn’t that mean before that you’d have to manually account for every translocation before hoof?”
  143. >”Quite so, it used to be a mark of great prestige for a unicorn to be able to do so prior to my little work around.”
  144. “That would mean-” Your stomach turned at the mental image that train of thought ran aground, even more so at Princess Celestia’s reserved nod, “Oh.”
  145. >”On the matter of spellcraft how are your studies going with my son?”
  146. “Oh! Well, I don’t mean to brag, but once, er should I refer to your father as King Hearth or Hearth or-”
  147. >A dull clang on the back of your head rocked you forward as you exclaimed in pain, “I told ya once lassie, it’s Hearth and don’tcha forget it now!”
  148. >Finding the source of the clatter while rubbing your head you find-
  149. “A horse shoe?”
  151. >”Father does have quite the arm, and understanding of physics as I am told.” Princess Celestia sipped her tea, “However, referring to him as Hearth would be easiest I think.”
  152. “Of course Princess, hum, where was I again?”
  153. >”Your studies I believe, how is your head? Father is used to throwing horseshoes at family, but I worry that he might not have held his strength back.”
  154. “I’m fine, actually that's quite odd, shouldn’t I have a large lump on my head from that?”
  155. >The door to the kitchen slammed open just as you asked the question, “That little lassie is a secret I’ll have to keep to myself, can’t have ya learning all my secrets out the gate now can I?”
  156. >Trotting back in you saw Hearth and Anonymous each carrying a tray of baked goods, they smell quite divine, although you think you recognize the goods as brownies.
  157. “O-of course not s-” The horseshoe in your hooves vibrated alarmingly, “Hearth, um, just a little curious, but are those brownies?”
  158. >”Not only brownies,” Anonymous chipped in, “Grandpa did...well I don’t really know what we did, but it felt right?”
  159. >”Haha, not to worry son, ye’ll get the hang of it when ye don’t have this old codger coddling ye. Still the old family recipe for Cosmic Brownies is a standby going back eons I’ll have ye know!” Hearth exclaimed laying out each tray onto the stone table, “Go on, go on have a taste now.”
  161. >Already Princess Celestia had levitated three of the brownies over onto her saucer and you carefully extract one of the slightly gooey cubes to your own plate.
  162. >The brownie has the appearance of basalt, maybe obsidian, so dark that it seems to draw in the ambient light within the cave home, yet on the edges of the desert you could peek at the inside to see the iridescent bake mix turned treat that swirled under your gaze.
  163. >Could you even eat this?
  164. >It looked tasty, smelled amazing, only it looked like it was a step away from having a dozen skulls and crossbones applied to it from the nearest food committee.
  165. >Hearing the contended hum coming from Princess Celestia and from Anonymous nearby you can see their collective bliss as they ate.
  166. >Hearth meanwhile had simply plopped on brownie to enjoy while watching you, “Come now lass, it’s not going to bite ye.”
  167. >Screwing up your tuft you stabbed down into the brownie collecting a large bite then shoved the whole mass into your mouth!
  169. “Oh no, is Twilight alright?”
  170. >”Tia dear, I thought ye said the wee lass is able to handle her treats?”
  171. >”She can Father, I’ve only been introducing her to the wonders of it with small choice pieces.”
  172. “Mom? Grandpa? What are you talking about?”
  173. >”Ah, well, you see Sunshine-”
  174. “Mom, come on, I know when you use that word something is up.”
  175. >”The food we can bake, child, is of a realm that most folk aren’t able to handle quite yet, yer mum matter of fact had much the same reaction come to think of it.”
  176. >”Father, please, I did the same thing she had, admittedly I was much younger than her when I did so…”
  177. >Waving a wing in front of the stock still Twilight you looked towards your elders.
  178. “Wait, I thought that bag you had labeled as stardust was like star anise! It even looked like them!”
  179. >”That’s because I told ye to listen through yer hooves ya daft child! How else ya supposed to bake right proper?”
  180. “We were baking! It was as easy as-”
  182. >”As easy as breathing innit?”
  183. >”Son? Are you-”
  184. >You hold up a hoof as you mused on this, you hadn’t really noticed it, but you did feel a little tired just like when you’d first attempted to cast a spell.
  185. >Granted those attempts usually resulted in creating smoke as a by-product of too much magical power put into the spell.
  186. >You have the feeling you could make truly odd effects if you followed along with the previous gut feeling you had felt while following the recipe Grandpa Hearth had taught you, maybe he had a book, a cookbook?
  187. “Mom I think,-” You hold back some tears at the thought, “I think I can cast magic now…”
  189. >Just as you had said that Twilight had lowered her fork from her mouth eyes closed in contentment.
  190. >Then those same eyes opened revealing empty white voids that colored her magic as she suddenly grasped you bodily in her aura.
  191. >You have a moment to resist only to feel things go sideways as your fellow student brought you to her side.
  192. >”Twilight!”
  193. >”Easy lass, let her be.”
  194. “I have the strangest feeling that you rather enjoyed the fudge?”
  195. >”Enjoyed it?” The heavy reverberations make your eyes go a little crossed.
  196. >Tightness around your barrel has you fighting for air as the odd glow and heavy taste of magic on the air disappeared like a switch.
  197. >”I loved it! Oh I had no idea that there was such magic like this! Really I should have noticed it during our lessons on the Roamare era of conquest during the re-civilization era! Can you teach me a few lessons on the side if I help you translate thaumic equations into recipes? Oh this is so exciting!”
  198. “Glad you’re excited at least, that earlier light show was a bit concerning.”
  199. >”Oh that was just a manifestation of my cutie mark, it’s actually really fascinating if you think about it, during times of great emotional distress or even a emotional peak your magic can be revealed.”
  200. “So you’re saying that somepony with a mechanical wrench would have, what, a giant wrench would appear?”
  201. >”Depends if they have a job as a plumber, but I’d imagined they have something show up to match it, pipes maybe?”
  202. “Pipes, as in the sewer?”
  203. >”If it fits, though the cross referencing betwe-”
  204. >”Ya said she innit part of the family? She’s reminding me of Lil Loo when she was a filly.”
  206. >Flushed at the comment you and Twilight both turn to see the old codger gently nudging Mom.
  207. >”I’m not-”
  208. “Grandpa please.”
  209. >At your reactions Grandpa Hearth and Mom start to laugh to themselves while you stewed at the teasing.
  210. >Feeling a nudge at your side you can see Twilight motion towards Grandpa, “Do you think I need to learn some of those recipes?”
  211. “I think he was taking a joke Twilight, but uh-”
  212. >Wings of pale gold suddenly come around your withers and Twilight bringing you both close, “Why if she just wanted ta learn she need only ask! I’m always happy to teach some eager students, come along now!”
  213. “Grandpa are you sure? Twilight’s not-”
  214. >”This is magic Anonymous, I can do this.”
  217. >Ducking beneath the countertop you feel more than hear the utensils being scattered to dust.
  218. >Behind you Grandfather cackled flying above the kitchen weaving between the tendrils grasping for his form.
  219. >”I’m sorry! I'm so sorry!” Twilight yelled out as she blasted a tendril with her horn
  220. “Twilight, I love you like a sister, but now is not the time!”
  221. >”...Sister?”
  222. >Biting down on the scruff of Twilight’s neck you bodily yanked her back from a tendril that smashed down with a meaty thud.
  223. “Twilight!”
  224. >”Sorry!”
  225. >More flashes of light go about as the tendrils are burnt away leaving an acrid smell in the air.
  226. >You glanced towards the source of these calamari rejects as the baking soda flew through the air.
  227. >There on the island in the kitchen is a bowl, it’s a nice bowl expertly made with lovingly crafted little designs of alicorns and even stranger beings upon it, it also happened to have ena eldritch light coming from it’s innards as more tendrils slither out into reality.
  228. >How Twilight managed to mess up cookie dough to bring to live abominations against nature you’ll never know.
  229. >Yelping you leap back to back with Twilight as a tendril hungrily paws at you.
  230. >”Not to worry youngin’s! I’ve a trick or two up my cloak!”
  231. >You, Twilight and even the tendrils of purple suckers turned as one towards the faintly glowing alicorn before the whole mess of meat, ceramics and more are outlined in black frozen in place!
  232. >Thank goodness, beside you Twilight let out a sigh of relief only to stiffen as you both hear a tinkle of broken glass.
  233. >”Oh bother.”
  234. >Grandfather landed with a crack on the stone breathing heavily from the backlash of his failed spell.
  235. >The tendrils reared back as if struck by whatever Grandfather tried to do and lurch forward towards the panting alicorn.
  237. >There was no thought, only instinct.
  238. >KLANG!
  239. >You rocked back into your grandfather the improvised silver platter dish dented horribly from the impact.
  240. >With silver platter in hoof you bashed, blocked and even cut with the platter to give your patriarch time to recover from his spell.
  241. >Twilight you can just make out on the other side of the aisle blasting and teleporting about the room as best she could, but she was slowly being overwhelmed by the density of the fleshy tendrils.
  242. >”Fiddlesti~~~~cks!” You heard behind you!
  243. >Grandfather was bodily yanked up during your moment of inattention and hoisted above the bowl where even now you could see a great many gnashing teeth set to devour your grandpa!
  244. >Rearing back you toss your platter forgoing any defenses to try a wild shot even as you're soon grabbed by more of the tendrils!
  245. >The platter soared through the air and-
  246. >TINK! Tink-tink.
  247. >Clattered off with barely a dent, the silver now horribly crumpled.
  248. “Twilight! Save-”
  250. >The door to the kitchen opened and you could hear your mother, “Oh dear.”
  251. >At that moment a cleansing flame of light blasted outwards and over the giant mess the kitchen had become leaving behind a cleaned and fully repaired kitchen once again.
  252. >The tendrils which had held you faded away like shadows in the light and Grandfather managed to land on his hooves avoiding the island with a bout of youthful vigor you hadn’t expected.
  253. >”Princess Celestia I can explain! I am so sorry, I had-” Twilight began to explain from her perch atop the fridge before she winked away with a flash and reappeared before Mom, “no idea that deep magics where going to go that awry and-”
  254. >”Twilight.”
  255. >Oh no, Mom, no don’t do this, not again.
  256. >”Y-yes Ma’am?”
  257. >Celestia, your mother, leaned down to be eye level with the unicorn before she giggled like the utter prankster that she is, “All is forgiven dear, honestly your attempt at it wasn’t as bad as mine.”
  258. >”Too right, that's why the whole polar regions had to be cordoned off before yer mother and I could finish sterilizing the lot!” Grandfather chimed in from the island after checking on his bowl.
  259. >You withhold a giggle at seeing Mom wince at the reminder as she holds a hoof up in protest, “In my defense, I hadn’t expected the cooking aide to suddenly begin to cackle when I started the oven.”
  260. >”Tia if I have told you once, I’ve told you countless times,-”
  261. >”Don’t trust interdimensional spirits that are overtly helpful, yes Father I know that now.”
  262. >Grandfather let out a slight harrumph before he turned back to the rest of you, “Well with that out of the way what say we try our hooves at another pastime of mine?”
  263. >Before you could answer Mom interrupted, “Ah, I’m afraid that won’t be possible Father, the day is soon to end and I’ll be needed back at Canterlot soon to set the sun.”
  264. >”Oh? Then go out on the ledge and do it there?”
  265. >”Father, you know I can’t do that, the city-”
  266. >”Pah, the day when you can’t move the sun without that old cane of a ritual I built in the city is the day you’ll retire!
  267. >”Well, what of the ponies? They have become accustomed to me setting the sun from the balcony of the castle.”
  268. >”Oh, I see how it is, truly I have fallen far when me hospitality has driven me own blood from me house!” Grandfather wailed covering his eyes
  269. >”Father, father please, no it’s not like that! It’s just that I have responsibilities to the kingdom that I have to attend to and-”
  270. “Could we, I mean, could Twilight and I spend the night at Grandfather's then? That way you can go back and do your job and Twilight and I can spend time with grandpa so he’s not yanno lonely?”
  271. >At your interjection the two alicorns turned to you and then grandfather looked at mother with bright eager eyes.
  272. >”W-well, I hadn’t planned on it, but if that’s what you want to do Sunshine, I would allow it. That is if Twilight is interested as well?”
  273. >”I wouldn’t mind learning more about the ancient history of Equestria Princess, that is if you’d allow it?”
  274. >”O-oh. Well, then of course you can.”
  275. >Seeing how odd your mother is acting you quickly trot around the counters and hug your mother tight.
  276. “Thanks, Mom, you know I love you right?”
  277. >You definitely didn’t hear a strong sniff and you didn’t happen to mind how tight your mom hugged you back.
  278. >” Of course my little sunshine, just coming to terms with some things.”
  279. “Don’t worry mom, it’s only a few hours at most, we’ll be fine!”
  281. “ Bye Mom! Be safe on the hike back! See you soon!” You called out waving with a wing and hoof after your mother as she slowly trotted away her head constantly weaving between the path ahead and to you.
  282. >” Goodbye Princess!”
  283. >” Take ya time Tia, I’ve got’em in good hooves.”
  284. > Mom strays at the bend down the mountain giving you a final look, before she nodded, then was out of sight.
  285. “...She’s going to be okay, right Grandpa?”
  286. > Sucking on his teeth your grandpa replied, “Tia? Aw, she’ll be alright, a touch overly emotional at times, but she’s a tough ol’ bird.”
  288. >You are the reigning diarch over the sovereign lands of Equestria, Defender of the Realms, Voice of Peace, and Incarnate of the Sun itself.
  289. >You continue down the path towards Canterlot, your throne, and your responsibilities and-
  291. >Ahem.
  292. >No, no no, this is normal and it’d have to happen eventually, but did it have to be so soon? He’s only sixteen! That’s far too soon to be spending the night out of the castle! Far too soon!
  293. >You hear a faint whine and glance about before realizing that you had been the one to make that noise.
  294. >By the Sun’s fiery locks Celestia, get a hold of yourself!
  295. >Sure Anonymous will be spending the night with Grandfather, it’s good, great even you’d been a bit worried he’d not approve of your son due to his...unique parentage, but-
  296. >But But but, he’s your baby colt!
  297. >A nearby guard on your balcony salutes you smartly, ” Welcome back Princess, where are the Prince and your student?”
  298. “Oh, they will be spending the n-night with their grandfather tonight, they will be… returning soon in the morning.”
  299. >” Princess? Are you okay?” The young corporal, hm, Armor, Shining Armor yes that’s it asked.
  300. “Just a few realizations that snuck upon me Corporal, at ease. I shall set the sun and I think to retire for the night.”
  301. >” Of course Princess, and if I may be so bold?”
  302. >You incline your head towards the young stallion.
  303. >” It’ll get better soon, he still loves you.”
  304. >Oh damn these too insightful guards of yours, you had just stopped yourself from tearing up!
  306. >Your grandfather nods to himself knowingly, “Yeah, tough ol’ bird, now then what say you youngin’s come along and we can see what mischief we can get up to, eh?”
  307. >'' Hearth, I don’t think the Princess would approve of us getting up to mischief, maybe we could study for the upcoming test on Thaumatological Properties?
  308. “We could do that, but would the properties done through my magic even apply? We’d still have to go through with the practical to show that we know what we are talking about.”
  309. >” Anonymous we’ve gone over this a thousand times, casting without the theory behind it leaves you easy to be exploited no matter how many times you spam your spell.”
  310. “I’m just saying that if I am able to finish one spell using the Depths then why do I need to know the theory behind a method I don’t use?”
  311. >” Easy laddie,” Your mane is tousled by your grandfather, “We’ll go over a few bits of husband tales to get yer theory bits all checked out, don’tcha worry.”
  312. >You shake your head trying to fix your mane so it’s out of your eyes.
  313. “Sure, but that’s not addressing the main issue here, it’s two different types of magic, right? Wouldn’t that mean if I don’t know to refer to Coldthorn’s Count of thermal-based spell casting it'd be invalidated by whatever the Depths use?”
  314. >” Oh.” Twilight paused at the question before glancing to Grandpa, “I supposed that would make sense, but it’s still magic! Regardless if we call it this or that, it’s still a measurable phenomenon.”
  315. >” That it is, but it’s,” Grandpa rolled his hoof around in an oddly familiar gesture to you, “it’s less precise and more about the feeling. It’s like painting a masterpiece, it’s a work of heart you could say.”
  316. “That says a lot, but doesn’t really give any specifics, I can’t just tell Mom that I feel like a spell being used for the transfiguration of an apple to orange feels like warmed butter that is poured over sauted carrots!”
  317. >At your outburst Twilight regards you with a worried look, “Anonymous? Are you okay?”
  318. >Meanwhile your grandfather is beaming at you, “Now you’re getting it!”
  319. “I, uh, huh.” You trail off thinking on what you know of the theory behind the apples to oranges to spell, but it keeps coming back to warmed butter on carrots, could you rephrase the answer through cooking metaphors? Or even make entire spells based on those recipes grandpa had? What if you were to take some of your own personal recipes and apply them that-
  320. >A solid tap on your forehead has you drawn from your thoughts causing you to blink.
  321. >” Started thinking up recipes didn’tcha youngin’?” Chuckling the elder stallion turned away leading into his house, “Tell ya what, ya come along and we’ll see what I can rustle up for ya.”
  322. >” Could I take a few notes, I mean if that’s alright with you Hearth…” Twilight asked her magic levitating a pencil and notebook to hover before her, “I’ll just watch this time, no funny business I swear!”
  323. >” Oh aye, and while ya do that how bout I tell ya about the good ol’ days eh? I saw how ya were itchin’ for your papers earlier.”
  324. “Twilight’s always been a bit of a nerd about magic to be honest Grandpa-”
  325. >” I’m not a nerd!” Twilight straightened herself to be eye level with you, “I am an intellectual!”
  326. “Didn’t stop you from unleashing the delights from down under on us now did it?”
  327. >” Alright youngin’ enough yapping, let’s get bakin!”
  329. >Scraping the mix from the bowl into the pan to start baking you glance over to see Twilight furiously scribbling away at her notes.
  330. >Glancing to Grandpa you see he’s still busy slicing up the fruit to go on the desert and sneak up on your quasi sister in all but blood to see what her notes look like.
  331. >You have to be very quiet or else she’ll teleport you into the castle hedges, again.
  332. >Thankfully as busy as she is you can see she had started taking observations of what you and Grandpa were doing, but then you saw her notes filled with more questions than answers.
  333. >Culminating in her own attempts at art which if you tilted your head the right way might have looked like a pony?
  334. >Seeing how bored out of her mind, you figured she’d been patient enough while you were busy, taking a step or two away just to be safe mind you cleared your throat.
  335. “Grandpa?”
  336. >”Aye?”
  337. “Since we’re more or less done with the desert do you think we could hear a story?”
  338. >”Ha! Ya think you’re done once you’ve got the pans away and the ingredients prepped? Nai nai you’re forgetting the most important part!”
  339. >”And what’s that Hearth?”
  340. >The elderly alicorn grinned as his eyes illuminated into dark pools of abyss, “UNFATHOMABLE COSMIC POWERRRraaugh-” The light show quickly faded away as Grandpa began to cough.
  341. >”Oh no! Here your majesty, have a drink.” Twilight exclaimed teleporting from her seat to appear with a freshly poured glass of water to the stallion.
  342. >You meanwhile had hurried over to his back trying to soothe the ache in his lungs? Or was it his throat? Darn it all you really need to look up the basics of cure magic as the hacking cough had you tensed ready to move if need be.
  343. >Now what you had in mind you weren’t all that sure of, but you see Grandpa take the drink and sips it before clearing his throat again, “Thank you lass, ahem. Well as I was saying it’s the power sure, but mostly love in how you assemble it!”
  344. >Twilight let out a slight oh of disappointment and you spared a glance to your grandpa to let the little goofball have her fun.
  345. >”That said, I suppose I do owe you a story or two of the good ol’ days, come along children, sit by the hearth and listen for a spell.”
  347. >”Once long ago during the first age we of the alicorn had settled amongst the fair lands of our Hearth, yet our stomachs grew taunt and rumbled with need. The forests and fields had yet to bloom under our care.”
  348. >You listened intently while Twilight with a gleam in her eye was writing so fast you’d think the pencil was ready to combust!
  349. >”So yer ol’ papi here set to work with a vigor, with a bit of magical know-how, a good chunk magic too boot and a little experimentation the fields were created.”
  350. >”Didn’t you just say you already had fields?”
  351. >”Aye that I did, but these fields were special, no matter the season they would continue to grow plentifully. There would always be plants ready to harvest and the abundance of life allowed for our herds to craft different creatures to experience their place in the world.”
  352. “Wait, so then you’re saying all the creatures of Equestria are from your own hooves?”
  353. >”Ho ho, not quite that far, but a fair few creatures are ours, from the wiley squirrels to the fearsome hydra were some of the more esoteric creatures we crafted.”
  354. >”Where are these fields, Hearth? They sound like an ecological wonder to behold, like the botanical gardens in Canterlot.”
  355. >”Oh they used to be all over, they were my personal fields after all, oh those were the days, simple and peaceful.” The stallion trailed off with a happy smile on his face.
  357. “Er, grandpa?”
  358. >”Eh?”
  359. “The fields?”
  360. >”Oh! Oh yes, you’d find them all over matter of fact, I think there was one branch of the fields near the girls home back in the day.”
  361. >”They're old- You don’t mean the Everfree Forest!?”
  362. >”Is that what they are calling it now?”
  363. >”It’s only one of the class five biological hazard zones rated under extensive park ranger ponies to successfully navigate it due to the wildlife there being, well, dangerous!”
  364. “Isn’t there a little town on the outskirts of that place?”
  365. >”There is a small community of earth ponies that live there, but I doubt they’d have a proper handle on the amount of magic that place has!”
  366. >”Hm, well the fields might have overgrown in the last ten thousand years I’d checked on them.” Grandpa mused to himself ideally while scratching at his chin before he clacked a hoof on the counter top, “I know just the thing, Grandson!”
  367. “Yes grandpa?”
  368. >”What do you say to having your own little field to call your own?”
  369. >”You can’t be serious.”
  370. >”I quite am, that said having a little bit of help on the side wouldn’t hurt either, especially from such a powerful young unicorn such as yourself.”
  371. >”Well, not to brag, but I am apprenticed under your daughter for advanced magical lessons and I have managed to master pin point teleportation up to an accuracy of two feet!”
  372. “Gee, not to brag or anything.” You remarked dryly while watching your grandpa with narrowed eyes, just what was he doing buttering up Twilight like that?
  373. >” Impressive, impressive, then I suppose letting the two of you have the deed for the castle there wouldn’t be amiss, after all how else are you supposed to care for the fields there?”
  374. >”Wait, what?!”
  375. “Eh!?”
  377. >”Sunshine, did you already pack your extra set of horse shoes?”
  378. “I did, Raven has been a blessing for organizing everything, I’ll need to make her some cookies before I go.”
  379. >Mother sighed as she leaned against the door frame watching you gather up the last of your personal things.
  380. “Mom?”
  381. >”Oh, I must have drifted off a bit Sunshine, what did you need?”
  382. >Mouth set in determination you hop onto the made bed and tap it with your hoof.
  383. “Come and sit.”
  384. >”Oh?”
  385. >You tap a touch harder on the bed, a series of soft pomfs could be heard from the displaced air.
  386. “Come on!”
  387. >”Oh very well Sunshine, now what was it-ah!”
  388. Face buried on your mother’s tuft you hide your grin at once again catching you mom off guard, tilting your head back to rest your chin on her chest to smile up at her.
  389. “You know I love you right?”
  390. >”I do, that’s never in doubt, what are yo-”
  391. “And you know that no matter the distance I’d still love you even if the sun were to go out and the moon would go dark, right?”
  392. >”Anon, sweetheart, what brought this all on?”
  393. “You’re still not happy about Grandpa’s gift and you’re upset about it.”
  394. >”I’m just concerned for your safety and-”
  395. >You simply raised an eyebrow at her when she wilted under the skeptical gaze when she muttered under her breath.
  396. >”...more time.”
  397. “Mom?”
  398. >At your prodding the floodgates burst, “I thought I would have more time with you Sunshine! I know that as Prince you’d have duties to attend to, or at least I would hope that you did, if you didn’t I wouldn’t want to force it on you, but then again you’re so sweet I don’t see why you wouldn’t and now that you’re going I didn’t think it would be this bad an-”
  399. >Your legs are tense as you strain to withstand the resounding shockwaves coming from your mother as her Royal Voice came to bear upon you.
  400. >Alarmingly the heat inside the room is steadily rising as you see small embers within the aurora that is your mother’s mane.
  401. >Oh no.
  402. “MOM!”
  403. >You try to shout back, only for your words to be drowned out by the deluge of magically charged words.
  404. >It’s only by focusing on your own voice straining against the now cracked stonework that you manage to speak, “MOM!”
  405. >The flood recedes and you slump forward into the tightly clinging hooves around you, “Sunshine, I’m so sorry dear I hadn’t thought it was getting to me like that…”
  406. “It’s okay Mom, really it is, honestly I’m rather terrified over what Auntie Luna is going to do when I go to say goodbye.”
  407. >”Well I suppose it’s for the best I had my breakdown here instead of in the courtyard, still do you really feel like this is such a grand idea Sunshine?”
  408. “I do, when I heard about the forest I thought it’s such a shame it’s grown so out of control like that. Who knows, maybe it’ll be related to my cutie mark?”
  409. >”Now son, don’t you let any of those other ponies make you think for a moment that not having a cutie mark makes your worth any less you understand?”
  410. “I know, I’m not five again, but I really feel like this is my calling. Or at least the start of the journey towards it.”
  411. >At seeing the tears in your mom’s eyes you start to bring a wing up to wipe away the tears but she rebuffs your touch, “No, no this, I’m not crying from sadness, just crying at how well grown my baby colt is.”
  412. >At this your heart feels an ache but you preserve and hug your mother tightly.
  413. “Right, well then I’d best go speak with Auntie Luna, I think she has some things she had wanted me to pack as well.”
  414. >Waving goodbye to your mother you soon begin making quick tracks to your aunt, you only hope she’s not dressed in her old war gear like the first time your class had gone on an overnight field trip.
  417. >Turning the corner you hadn’t seen your mother walk out wiping away at her eyes before she materialized a scroll before her and began to write.
  418. >Shortly after writing Celestia burnt away the scroll with the seal upon it and the ashes were whisked away by dragonfire.
  419. >Passing through various stained glass windows of heroes of Equestria and more you arrive in your office.
  420. >The paperwork office for the real decisions made with your various aides, the paperwork that parliament had collected to be forwarded to your final say, and of course the strongest batch of Salt Flat Drys.
  421. >Pouring yourself a glass you sip away at the drink feeling the sour bite as it burns all the way down.
  422. >You’re staring out through the vastness of space, to your charge of the skies lost in thought when you hear so far away on the edge of your awareness the knock upon the door.
  423. “Come in.”
  424. >”Princess? You wanted to speak with me?” Twilight asked, “If this is about the quiz on magical terminology I know that self started sparklers was wrong it’s been nibbling at my all day I could-
  425. “No, no Twilight, it’s not about the quiz. Tell me, how would you feel for a long term assignment to put what you’ve learned to the true test?”
  426. >”Long term assignment? What about? Is it dealing with mutable magical tables? No, maybe dealing with magic upon the frontier that is strange and odd? No no, can’t be that what about-”
  427. “I would take it as a personal favor if you were to assist my son in the management of his own domain.”
  428. >”For Prince Anonymous? Princess, I don’t think that my skills are useful to such an endeavor, wouldn't Miss Raven be more of an aide?”
  429. “While Miss Raven does have quite the selection of skills, I would like to see this as an opportunity for you to have a taste of your future prospects?”
  430. >Twilight paused with a hoof raised before she set the hoof down, “I don’t quite follow.”
  431. “While I would never dictate what you would do with your life Twilight, ever since that day you found your cutiemark I knew you were able to do great things. Why you could even become head mare of the research department of magic, of course you’d need some form of experiance to show your skills.”
  432. >You levitate a few forms over to your student, “Job experience? As a researcher? Princess I think those are called interns.”
  433. “True, but there has been a recent opening for a head mare on research of a nearby magically inactive zone.”
  434. >Glancing over the forms and then reading a touch more intently you're far too clever a student looks back up at you with a squint.
  435. >”Princess, is this a roundabout way to ask me to babysit Prince Anonymous?”
  437. >You refuse to budge from your stare off, though you hiccup for a moment, “Honestly Twilight if I was wanting you to do that wouldn’t I just simply ask?”
  438. >”No.”
  439. “Now see here young filly, you and Anonymous have both been in this stuffy castle for far too long and I’d rather you both go out together. See the sights, stretch your wings out and maybe even make some friends!”
  440. >”Princess please, you know I’m far too busy for that!”
  441. “Twilight, if not for Spike and my Sunshine I’d think you didn’t have any friends at all to begin with!”
  442. >Your student shifted uncomfortably at the light hearted jest, “I have colleagues, and I like having a small circle of friends, why would I need more?”
  443. “I had thought the same for a time, but I worry about you and my Sunshine, I’ve seen what happens when one of my blood is isolated and left alone. Could you as a favor for a worried mother just try to make some friends with him?”
  444. >Scratching at the back of her head Twilight thought it over, “I can try Princess, although it’s a bit of a tall order, it’s not like there is a book on friendship! Trust me I’ve looked it up.”
  445. “Of course you would, but thank you Twilight.”
  446. >”If nothing else Prince Anonymous and I can just become best friends, that’s worth at least three friends right?”
  447. >Despite yourself you can’t stop the small giggle, “I don’t think that’s how it works Twilight, but you better hurry Sunshine was almost finished packing.”
  448. >”Right!”
  450. >Striding through the castle you pass marbled columns on the way to the courtyard where you can already see many a maid hard at work collecting your effects.
  451. >”And make sure that we’ve collected enough provisions for the journey. I know that the trip is rather short, but better to be with than without. No off ye trot!”
  452. >You grin despite yourself, your old auntie is always such a worrier.
  453. >Entering the courtyard proper you spread your wings wide bringing forth a small breeze that rustled the manes of all as you called out, “AUNTIE!~”
  454. >Turning toward you Princess Luna, Lady of the Lunar Marea, Master of the Montes Aponninnyus, Holder of the Prisons Copernickerous and Nychos, turned about to face your call with a wide smile upon her face.
  456. >”NEPHEW!”
  457. >Leaping you feel the whip crack of the air left behind as you crash into your Aunt with a full body hug, the mare accepted the hug with a twirl laughing all the while, “Tis been too long nephew, and come now you know better than to try the Royal Voice upon us!”
  458. “Well I had to announce myself, very important if I recall from a certain Princess.”
  459. >”Truly a wise Princess if there ever was one, but I worry that your antics might have the lady Raven be cross with us.”
  460. “Now Auntie Lu-Lu you know that was more your fault-”
  461. >”Nephew please, you’re near a stallion now, must you insist on such foalish names?” Auntie pleaded with you with a faint flush on her cheeks.
  462. >You simply nuzzled into her chest in response.
  463. >The honk that Auntie let out had you laugh as you slipped away barely avoiding the errant wing slap to your head.
  465. >”Nephew! Contain thy whimsy! Truly thou has been falling in thy lessons of manners!”
  466. “What can I say Auntie, you make the silliest faces when I do, although I notice you’re about to go on another hunting trip. Did your guard happen on another beastie to bring back to the castle garden?”
  467. >”Ha! I think not dear nephew, no I’m accompanying you to our old home! I rather think my old adventuring gear still fits quite well don't you think?” Auntie replied as she trotted around in place showing off her outfit.
  468. >The outfit itself looked quite similar to her hunting leathers, a pair of leather boots that were strapped snuggly to cover her legs, leather barding that hugged her barrel close with small scales sewn like fish’s mail darkened so as to not catch the light, finally a long cloak colored forest green that shimmered like starlight was clasped around her neck with a small crescent moon as the pin.
  469. >For the life of you, you can’t quite make out much of a difference.
  470. “Auntie that looks just like your normal hunting outfit, I saw you not a week ago in this when you came back from the Crystal Reaches.”
  472. >You reached down and pulled free the small memento she had gifted to you from her hunt, a small lump of crystal flesh that had been carved with Auntie’s cutie mark on it
  473. “What was that thing anyway? A giant crystal lizard?”
  474. >Auntie Luna beamed at you, “Why yes it was, a great fearsome beast that was terrorizing some of the local settlers to the far north, quite a troublesome pest, but with quiet the useful hide.”
  475. >Then Auntie’s face fell in a pout, “I’m rather disappointed in you Nephew, obviously the difference is the cape! You can’t go on a proper adventure without a handy cape!”
  476. >You tilted your head to the side looking over the cape, admittedly it did look rather dashing, but still.
  477. “Does it really?”
  480. >”Of course it does, dear nephew, why I was worried I’d outgrown it. The abundance of food nowadays has me worried I’d grown too large for it!”
  481. “Never Auntie, still it’s nice I suppose? Although are you sure you need to escort Twilight and I to the castle?”
  482. >”Nephew,” Auntie begins and you can see your auntie fade away and Princess Luna of the Wyld Hunt appears, “Do you even know the way to the castle?”
  483. “We have some of the best guides for the Everfree that’s to be hired on for our trip, not to mention that I’ve learned a thing or two from your tales so we can protect ourselves, besides don’t you have to hold Dream Court?”
  484. >Princess Luna waved her wing dismissing your counter, “My lovely sister has saddled the crown with her lovely helpers, tis been a long time coming that they earn their bits I say. Anything that truly requires our attention would be easily answered by dragon fire.”
  485. >That’s rather odd, Auntie only gets this serious whenever it’s something she’s trying to hide from.
  486. >Something’s got to be off.
  488. “Auntie.”
  489. >”Now Nephew, don’t thou try thy whimsical measures upon thou Auntie.”
  490. >Alright something is definitely off, you only had to change your tone and Auntie has dove face first into her old speech.
  491. “Auntie Lu-Lu, what’s got you so tense? Something’s bothering you and it can’t just be Twi and I going to another castle.”
  492. >”Can’t an Aunt be worried over her nephew?! Cease thy questions our trip will begin soon and thou asking such frivolous questions is delaying our progress!”
  493. >Alright Anon, think about what's happened recently that has Auntie up in a dander?
  495. >Matter of fact, Mother and Auntie have both been rather tense recently, family dinners have been a strained affair, but they both usually put it aside when you're there.
  496. >Although, a few nights ago there was the going away cake that had you Auntie flaring her nose like she was impersonating a matabull, you had thought it might have been Auntie being mad she hadn’t thought of doing a cake.
  497. “Now hold on just one second, does this have something to do with Mom? Auntie you know that it’s not a competition right? I love you both dearly, you’re my family.”
  498. >Auntie spluttered in place as if she had pepper thrown in her face, “Nay that isn’t, I mean to say,” Taking a moment to compose herself your Aunt shook her head, “Was not the cake, although we were quite cross with sister for turning the hide of the fearsome Polar Puff into that travesty of a cake, as ICING of all things!”
  499. “Aw Auntie, it wasn’t that terrible was it? We all had some of the cake and it was quite delicious if I recall.”
  502. >”Just so, but for her to have the gall to look so smug for simply baking the mess of sugar and icing when I tracked it down to its lair, then I faced it in single combat!”
  503. “Auntie, you know Mom eats her emotions whenever she’s upset, it’s probably my fault anyway.”
  504. >Long blue wings sweep around your withers as piercing blue eyes regard you with concern, “What folly do you speak of now my dear nephew, the actions of my sister are her own, not yours.”
  505. >You shrug out of the embrace and sit on the soft grass beneath you with a thump, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m basically moving away and Mom hates it, but I have to do this. Otherwise Grandpa’s gift will go to waste and think about it”
  506. >Your wing is thrown out towards Canterlot itself, “If I manage to even get a fraction of the wonders that Grandpa was talking about to work again it’d help everyone out so much! Food exports would go through the roof, ponies that are sick and need rare medicinal herbs will be a thing of the past.”
  508. >Wing dropping you let your eyes focus on the city you can spy past the castle gates, the white marble and rich purple tiles that spread out like a rich velvet blanket, each building a promise, each promise a tiny light for every being that lived in the city itself.
  509. >The ponies, donkeys, cows, goatfolk and even the rare mino and griffon, all are under the protection and guidance of your mother and aunt.
  510. >Who are you to stand on the sidelines unwilling to put in the work for the extended family your mother and aunt had adopted?
  511. >You feel more than hear the soft sigh of your Aunt as she sits beside you in the dirt, “Mayhaps I… was overzealous in our work.”
  512. >You're not using the cold shoulder, you’re just a bit focused on the itinerary for your trip!
  514. >However, you’re drawn from your thoughts by a foreleg circling your barrel and dragging you into a hug!
  515. >”Dost thou think we are made of stone, Nephew?” Aunt Luna’s voice is muffled by your mane, “We feel much the same as our sister, for our dearest Nephew is leaving our home, who’ll watch the stars with Us? Who’ll keep Us company as We stride through the plains of nightmare and dream alike?
  516. >Your heart clenched at the reminder, but you hold fast, you shan’t falter here!
  517. >You haven’t even left the castle!
  518. >So why do your eyes feel all warm and hot?!
  520. >Auntie drew you back and looked down at you with a faint smile on her face even as she used a wing to clean her eyes, her hooves meanwhile wiped away at your own face, “Ha! Look at us two, crying as if we were prissy princes meant to be rescued!”
  521. “Auntie, come on, I’m a prince you know!”
  522. >”Indeed, yet for all that it is good to see thou know when it is time to cry, never forget that nephew.” Luna stood then and dusted off a few blades of grass that stuck to her armor, “Well, I suppose now would be the time We collect our things and see you off Nephew.”
  523. In a moment of stupidity that you blame your leaky eyes on you asked, “You’re not going to force the issue?”
  524. >”By the craters of Nychos, no! Nephew, if you believe this is the course of action to take, then far be it from We to argue against it. We-” You see Aunt Luna flinch before she resumes speaking more carefully, “I know that you have a good heart, but do be careful that you don’t try to take on the whole weight of the world upon your back my overly responsible nephew.”
  526. >You hadn’t expected to have actually won an argument like that, it wasn’t really even much of an argument really.
  527. >That said, you watched as Luna gripped her satchel and some of her own supplies from the caravan with a far too forceful jerk on the fabric. She's willing to give you this choice but it doesn’t mean she’ll like it.
  528. >Following that trail of thought, you know that your aunt and mother both have this wonderful habit of kicking their issues further down the road to deal with later, you should know you’ve stopped them fighting more than once with Raven’s help.
  529. >Oh fiddlesticks, you know what you need to do.
  530. “Auntie,” Aunt Luna turned towards you with a knapsack hanging from her mouth, “If it please ye, We would be honored by thy guard on Our travels.”
  531. >You know you solved yet another potential snag in the future when Aunt Luna dropped the sack with a gasp starry eyed at your request.
  533. >”Heave ho lads! Give it another go!” Cried the caravan master as ponies strained against the muddy grounds of the dirt road.
  534. >”This is going to set us back by a whole day! If not more, if this keeps up, are you certain I can’t just you know?” Twilight nodded her head towards the carriage, its wheels spinning uselessly in the quagmire of a road on the edge of the Everfree.
  535. >”Nay young Sparkle, better to conserve your strength for when we truly need it, lest you be exhausted by the time we arrive.” Aunty replied while you watched with a frown as the ponies shoved hard against the carriage, the wagon train behind it not faring much better with their heavy loads.
  536. >”Princess, if I don’t try something we’ll be camping in the woods long before we reach the castle.” Twilight huffed at the answer.
  537. “I could try to give the carriage a nudge?”
  538. >”And have you dirty yourself with the common pony’s work? Nay nephew! Tis folly for you to strain yourself.”
  539. “Aunty…”
  540. >”She does have a bit of a point Anon, besides if I can’t help then neither can you.”
  541. “What logic is that? Come on just a little bump of the hip I bet I could.”
  542. >A hoof wrapped around your shoulder then as Aunty turned you away from the carriage, “Nephew must I remind you of the taxi incident some yonder years ago?”
  543. >You puff your cheeks out at the reminder, recalling it quite vividly.
  544. “In my defense, that was a really large pothole that the wheel was stuck in.”
  547. >”Nephew you sent the carriage and the pony attached to it into the wall across the street.”
  548. “That’s just blowing things out of proportion.”
  549. >”No, Princess Luna is right, the bits to pay for that came out of our collective student budget, remember?” Twilight added with an arched brow.
  550. “Fine, but we’re still stuck!”
  551. >”Nothing for it I suppose, we’ll just have to sit down and read a few books, oh truly a travesty.”
  552. >”Why Nephew, dear Twilight, where is your sense of adventure! Come We can simply go forth without the royal carriage and allow the fine ponies to do their jobs. Why I quite recall that We are close enough to the main road.”
  553. “It’d be better than standing around doing nothing.”
  554. >”Reading is never nothing, Anon.” Twilight frowned at you before she sighed at Aunty Luna’s look, “Fine, Spike! Stay with the carriage, we’ll be back in a few hours.”
  555. >”You got it Twilight, I’ll be just fine here with my emergency snack stash.” Spike calls out from within the carriage, the faint tinkle of broken gemstones following after your party of three.
  557. >Passing from sight of the caravan you are struck with a sudden bit of clarity that has you turn to your aunt, “Auntie, when was the last time that you had to walk to the castle?”
  558. >”Hm?” Aunty Luna stood up from the rock she was examining before she released a laugh, “ha, Nephew tis only been a few centuries, besides We know our personal demesne like the back of our hoof!”
  559. >After glancing back down at the rock at her hooves Auntie Luna turned about and pointed towards an ominous stretch of trees with a darkened undergrowth that looked as pitch as a new moon night. “Tis the way, onwards my dear friends!”
  560. >Twilight leaned in close to you as she whispered, “Listen if you keep her distracted I can cast a quick point me spell to figure out if we’re going the right way, think you can use some of that stallionly charm to do it?”
  561. “Stallionly charm?” You barely hid your snort, “Do you even know who you’re talking to?”
  562. >”A dork, just as big as my brother.”
  563. “Oi.”
  564. >”Just go already!”
  565. >Rolling your eyes you slid up to trot alongside your Auntie as she hummed a little ditty to herself, it sounded very familiar.
  566. “Aunt Luna, that song, it sounds like something I’ve heard before, what is it?”
  567. >”Ah, why is it an old lullaby from the better years, long before you were born. Although I am not surprised you recall it, tis a song I often sang to you when you were younger, my own sire had sung it to me when I was but a filly.”
  568. “Grandpa sang it? I wonder if I could get the song from him, it’s rather soothing.”
  569. >”Aye that it is, We could…” Aunt Luna looked firmly ahead through the gloom not glancing your way, “sing a few of the lyrics if thou wish it, We know it has been a time since We sang it to thou.”
  570. >Was she embarrassed, oh that’s adorable, at the same time it would be a neat way to give Twilight more time to cast.
  571. >On a whim you nudge the mare on her wither, “I’d be glad to hear you sing again, Auntie.”
  572. >The smile you received made you renew your vow you made at the age of eight, when Nightmare Moon first arrived and your Aunt Luna appeared, that you would protect that smile with all that you had.
  573. >Humming under her breath Aunt Luna found her rhythm and began to sing, “Land of sun and land of moon
  574. Land that gave us birth and blessing
  575. Land that called us ever homewards
  576. We will go home across the sky
  577. We will go home, we will go home
  578. We will go home across the sky
  579. We will go home, we will go home
  580. We will go home across the sky.”
  581. >A faint flash of magic behind you and you're drawn out from the strange feeling of nostalgia that swept you away, Aunt Luna was drawn from her singing as well.
  582. >You both look to see Twilight smiling sheepishly and, “Ah, Princess I was just wanting to make sure we were on the right path, that's all, didn’t mean to interrupt your song.”
  583. >”Tis no problem Twilight Sparkle, We believe we are close to the castle, although We do recall there being a cliff nearby, this dratted fog is being a bother. Nephew if thou could lend a hoof?”
  584. >Oh dear, Aunt Luna only draws into formalities when she’s upset, maybe you should have been a bit more thorough on the charm there.
  585. “Of course Auntie, are we doing a wonderbolt special?”
  586. >”Pfft, why sister had decided to indulge in an airshow of the old pegasi honor guard We’ll never know, but yes, a Gusty Guts maneuver if thou will, on my mark.”
  587. >One of those, darn it, those always make your wings hurt afterwards, oh well nothing for it.
  588. >Rearing back on your hind legs you stretch out your wings feeling the feathers begin to tingle as the winds sluggishly respond to your command, you never could quite get a proper handle on pegasi magic.
  589. >Nevertheless the winds trembled as the pressure mounted almost spiraling out of your control when-
  590. >”Mark!”
  591. >Down came the storm, a gale of wind howling from your combined wingpower to banish the foggy expanse before you, soon enough the winds died down to reveal that not five hoofsteps away was indeed a cliff framed by the rapidly declining evening light!
  592. >”Pegasus Feathers that would have been a bad trip!” Twilight exclaimed in shock seeing how close you were, “The bridge is out though, I think if I can just…”
  593. >Eyes squinted and horn aglow the purple mare’s magic illuminated the broken rope bridge and slowly then ever so quickly the ropes and wood rotted from age lightened in color, portions of the material that had fallen away slowly pieced themselves back together and reformed into pristine condition once more until a freshly constructed rope bridge stood before you both.
  594. >”Impressive young pupil, We see that our sister has taught you well.”
  595. “Twilight does have a bit of a knack for magic after all, still using Rested Up’s Restoration is quite taxing. How are you holding up Twilight?”
  596. >The mare leaned against the freshly reconstructed bridge, sweat beading on her brow and smiled with strain, “Just…peachy…how about…we cross already?”
  597. “Of course, but one little thing.”
  598. >Aunt Luna hid her smirk as you approached the unicorn before a chuckle escaped the princess when you bodily lifted Twilight up onto your back with nary a sound of effort.
  599. >”Anon! Put me down right this instance!”
  600. “Aw Twilight, you used to love doing this back when we were foals, are you saying you don’t like it?”
  601. >”...What I like or not are two dif- Hey!”
  602. >”Enough flirting children, come now we’ve a castle to survey!”
  603. “Auntie-”
  604. >”Princess please-”
  605. >”I’ll not hear another word, now off we go ponies!”
  608. >Bodily shoved across the bridge you soon come into the main gate, past it lies the courtyard and the place has definitely seen better days by the looks of it.
  609. >Walls crumbled, entire sections of the castle blocked by rubble and debris, nature taking its course crawling unchecked and unbound by the grace of an Earth ponies’ hoof.
  610. >You suppress a shudder that climbs through you, what a strange concept for everything out for itself instead of working in harmony.
  611. >Aunt Luna meanwhile seems lost in thought as Twilight peers around on your back, “I suppose the best place to start would be on the walls and slowly make- wait is that an old library sign?!”
  612. >Feeling hooves kick into your side, you rear up in surprise, “Onward mighty steed there are ancient tomes to discover!”
  613. >Glaring back at the mare you see her grip on your mane loosen considerably, “Ahehe, if you please good sir?”
  614. >Turning back to face the library you let out a satisfied huff before cantering off to the remains of the library.
  615. >”Ah do be careful, We’ve often left quite a few little pranks for Celestia here over the years, not telling how well some of them have held up.”
  616. >”You’re not coming along Princess Luna?”
  617. “Wouldn’t it be better to have our guide come along with us Aunty? After all, this is your home too…”
  618. >A faint smile graced your aunt's face as she shook her head, “Fear not nephew, Sparkle, We are merely recalling something we had left here all those years ago. We think to recover it, enjoy the library, you might just find a few secrets on your own.”
  619. “If you are certain, Auntie…”
  620. >At your concerned look the lunar princess waved a wing at you, “Go on already Nephew, have some fun after all you only have a whole castle to explore!”
  621. >Twilight leaned down to your ear and whispered, “Maybe let her have some space? It can’t be easy being here after all.”
  622. >You consider the issue at hoof and have to withhold a sigh, Twilight was right, again.
  623. “Alright Auntie just give a good Royal yell if you’re in trouble.”
  624. >Your Aunt Luna simply rolled her eyes at you as you and Twilight reached the library doors, with an almighty buck of her hooves Twilight slams open the door.
  625. “We really need to get you some therapy for this bookophilia of yours, Twilight, it’s getting out of hoof.”
  626. >“Bibliophilia, Anon, now hush I’m just going to soak this all in…” Twilight said from behind your head and you stood there wondering what exactly there was to take in, it smelled old, musty, filled with cobwebs no doubt and of rotting books.
  627. >Not exactly your scene per say, still you continue to wait, when Twilight bonelessly slumped against your back.
  628. >”Now that, is a good library, come on let’s see if they have Starswirl the Bearded books or Clover the Clever, oh perhaps spell books from Moorrigan the Menacing!”
  629. >You gird yourself for a reading session as Twilight begins to easily levitate countless books and resting them upon your saddle bags, carefully trot toward the table and give it a considering glance.
  630. >If it didn’t collapse into dust when you set these books down you’ll eat your own wings.
  631. >”Come on Anon, we’ve got knowledge to acquire!”
  632. “Not sure if the table’s going to stand up to a stiff wind, nevermind the weight of the books here.”
  633. >”Oh it’ll be fine,” Twilight insisted levitating a book to set down on the table, “now lets-”
  634. Fwump!
  635. >Oh ponyfeathers…
  636. >There is saw dust and dirt everywhere and you can’t see a thing in all this, this muck!
  637. >Oh no…
  638. >You try to hold it in, but the sheer dust is far too much and-
  640. >You are Princess Luna and you are basking in the nostalgia, and the regret.
  641. >A hoof rested upon the stone wall that made up the hallway you traveled and you can almost see in your mind's eye the scene of you and Tia running along with pots for helmets and broomsticks in your mouth while the staff gave chase in worry.
  642. >The vision continued until you arrived at your father’s hooves as he beheld you both with a stern expression.
  643. >Broomsticks lay forgotten and explanations come forth unto the granite cliff face that was your sire’s expression.
  644. >Which turned into squeals of delight when Father had plucked each of you up with only a hoof.
  645. >You still recall his words then, “If you’re intending to be brave knights my little fillies, you have to remember this, have compassion for the foes you face.”
  646. >Compassion
  647. >What a strange thing to have when defending what was yours by right.
  648. >The vision faded away as you shook the errant thought from your head, things are better now, you’ve a nephew to spoil and your sister is…
  649. [spoiler]Vain.[/spoiler]
  650. >Still as beautiful as ever…
  651. [spoiler]Arrogant[/spoiler]
  652. >Humble as can be even with your return…
  653. [spoiler]Naive[/spoiler]
  654. >Generous to even allow you time with her son, your nephew.
  655. Thud
  656. >In your musings you had bumped against the solid iron wood and steel banded door that led to the castle armory, yes that’s right you had come down here for a reason.
  657. >If your sister was willing to allow your nephew to go out into the world with nary a thing to defend himself, well it has always fallen to you[spoiler]Us[/spoiler] to pick up the slack behind the scenes.
  658. >Magic illuminating from your horn the seals cast upon the door slowly unlock with a flicker of fading enchantments, swung wide you illuminate the gloom and frown at the state of the armory.
  659. >Far outdated armor and weapons of war that have been left to the exposure of time, you had hoped that it might yet remain here, but perhaps your sister had tried to remove everything of your involvement after your…argument with her.
  660. >You sigh, thoughts already racing on diagrams and which ponies might yet be of use when a gleam of moonlight shone true and bright within the gloom.
  661. >Following the ray of moonlight you find a faint gleam amongst the refuse and past broken stands and half rusted away armor you found it.
  662. >In the dark of the night a bright moon smiled and filled the room when suddenly you felt the air pressure suddenly drop and the castle shook as a mighty bellow of air rendered the sky.
  663. >Your nephew had to have the strangest afflictions within his bloodline to be affected so by mere allergies of all things, it’s almost as if he weren’t a full blooded alicorn…
  664. >The thought lingered in your head, you had never seen Celestia’s mate, nor had you truly inquired about what lucky stallion had managed to sow his oats amongst the fields and take root.
  665. >If your sister had thought that bull and cock story of a sudden child of her own flesh and blood you’d sooner believe the moon was made of cheese!
  666. [spoiler]It is in fact not made of cheese, you’ve had time to be intimately acquainted.[/spoiler]
  667. [spoiler]It’s more of a wispy taste of sweetness of all things. Truly the whimsy contained within must have been siphoned off your sire no doubt![/spoiler]
  668. >Still you had assumed that perhaps some mortal had passed away with the years or was slain from one too many ‘sessions’ with your sister, she was after all the wilder of you.
  669. >Regardless if his blood is diluted with mortal-kin Anonymous is of your blood and of your flesh, you carefully lift the armor by hoof knowing its special properties, you’ll be imprisoned a thousand years more before you let him come to harm.
  671. >”Anonymous Firmament! Did you have-” Twilight coughed into her hoof sending more dust flying about from her now black coat, “to sneeze the library clean!?”
  672. “I warned you about the table, I- Ah…”
  673. >With an alarmed neigh the unicorn brought her hoof up under your nose just in time to settle the itching building up.
  674. >Twilight sighed then released your nose, before she looked over the various overturned bookshelves, scattered books, pages still fluttering in the air with a mournful gaze.
  675. >”All those poor defenseless books, Anon how could you?”
  676. “Oh come off it Twilight, it was an accident and you know it too.”
  677. >”I know, but still, the lost knowledge!” Twilight cried out waving a hoof towards the mess.
  678. >Rolling your eyes at your friend's dramatics you follow her hoof before you stop and squint at the far wall.
  679. >Now what in the name of your mother is that?
  680. >Trotting past Twilight you hardly notice her attention in the background walking for the stone wall, the book case here hadn’t even moved from the sneeze, yet it looked tilted?
  681. >”Anonymous? What is it?”
  682. “I don’t know, does this book case look off to you?”
  683. >Feeling the soft jab in your barrel you oblige the motion to move as Twilight looked over the bookcase herself, “Hm, that’s odd it’s bolted to the wall behind it, so it shouldn’t have moved.”
  685. “If you hadn’t waved your hoof over the library I think I might have missed this, but-”
  686. >Before you could ask, you see Twilight’s eyes trail over the wall when suddenly her horn lit up and the nearby torch sconce was enveloped in her magic.
  687. “Twilight, what are you doing?”
  688. >”Oh, if I’m right this is going to be just like Daring Do and the Lost Idol Of Labyrinthia!”
  689. >You vaguely recalled that story had Daring Do stuck inside of a maze of-
  690. “Moving walls?!”
  691. >”Yeah!”
  692. “Well what are you waiting for? Turn it! Turn it!”
  693. >With a grin Twilight did just that, the torch tilting forward suddenly and the floor beneath you shifted!
  694. >Wings flared out, you grab the nearest thing to steady yourself.
  695. >Soft, a very plush and soft yet sturdy platform you have grabbed.
  696. >”Ah, Anon?” Twilight murmured out as your sides were flush with one another from the sudden change in venue.
  697. “Oh snapsticks, I’m sorry Twilight. The ground shifted so quickly-
  698. >Releasing your winged grasp on the mare like you were burnt you wave your hooves back and forth.
  699. >”No, no I understand it’s- is that an authentic Zebrican warmask?!” A flash of magenta magic and Twilight stood before a fearsome visage of wood, a snarling Leopardino you think.
  701. >Following after the mare you shake your head, come on now Anon it’s just Twilight, even if she was really sof-
  702. >That’s a sharp horn next to your eye!
  703. >Rearing back wings flared at the sudden appearance you barely heard Twilight chatter on in excitement.
  704. >”Anon look at this! It’s a perfectly preserved rhinoceros horn, usually you never find one unless it’s gifted by the owner.”
  705. “Gifted? How would that even work unless you know.” You motion to your own horn, “Snip snip?”
  706. >”Celestia no, what usually happens is that it's a funerary gift to very close friends, otherwise the horns tend to be set alight and the magic contained in them will burn away the body of the deceased. Still for one of these to be here, it’s odd.”
  707. >Glancing around the rest of the various trophies that lined the hall you are strongly reminded of your Aunt Luna’s quarters, podiums alike that hold past glories, but also treasures strewn about without a hint of organization.
  708. “Is this something like a trophy hall? There is a ton of this stuff scattered about, although do you think you can shed a bit of light in here? It’s rather dim.”
  709. >Setting aside the rhino horn, very gently mind you no explosions thank you very much, Twilight scoffed, “Can I make a light, please Anon even you can do that.”
  710. “I’d rather not risk a misfire, especially with that here.” You nod towards the horn.
  711. >Twilight’s horn lit up as she squinted at you, “You don’t think that your grandpa would have a cupcake or something for lighting things up do you?”
  713. “I don’t know, he just might, I’ll have to write to him, but I bet I could do something like just lack a kitchen at the moment.”
  714. >With the better light you both are able to see the hall continues for a while yet, then makes a turn, with no other recourse you soon follow after the threadbare carpet.
  715. >”You know, it still makes me giggle.”
  716. “Eh, what’s that?”
  717. >”That with all the phenomenal cosmic power of an alicorn, you’re stuck in the kitchen making treats.”
  718. >The hairs on the back of your neck stiffened suddenly, “Those same treats that had your magic acting all crazy like if I recall.”
  719. >”Well of course, but it’s still rather funny in a grand cosmic kin-” A faint ring echoed through the hallway and Twilight turned just in time to see the flying horseshoe.
  720. CLANG!
  721. Tink, tink, tink tink.
  722. >Ouch, that stung, shaking your wing from the impact you shoot Twilight an exasperated grin, the mare meanwhile is wide eyed glancing at the horseshoe then at you, “What! How? But that-that doesn’t make any sense!”
  723. “Maybe not, but if it’s grandpa he might have found a way, maybe you should try apologizing?”
  724. >”I was just makin-” The horseshoe began to rattle on the stone ominously, “I’m sorry! It was just a silly joke, a guffaw, a goof!”
  726. >The horseshoe stills and remains motionless, you carefully approach it to tap the piece of apparel just in case it might suddenly rocket about once more when it rapidly ages and turns to rusted dust!
  727. “Oh that can’t be good, uh,” You look over to Twilight who's using you as a meat shield, “think we just forget this happened and move on?”
  728. >”That might be best, and sorry about the kitchen comment, Anon.”
  729. “It’s fine, I thought it was funny too. Might be Grandpa’s really traditional about these things?”
  730. >”Don’t know, don’t care, there’s more history to unravel let’s go!” Twilight exclaimed, as she led the way once more.
  732. >Diving ever further in the hall you both marveled, well mostly twilight, over the various items on their own pedestal each with a small blurb about them.
  733. >The deeper you both went the more you began to think this was the equivalent of an ancient mares cave, you paused when your hoof brushed against glass ware, bending down you wrinkled your nose at the faint scent of soured vinegar. Wine perhaps?
  734. >"Anonymous look at this!"
  735. >Darn it Twilight, running ahead is going to get you into trouble, mark your words it will.
  737. >Rounding the corner you gasp, depicted on the wall before you is a series of concentric dials steadily growing larger in diameter the further out from the center of the wall. Depicted in fading paint and dusty gem stones you could just make out the forms of two alicorns circling one another as if in chase on the outermost part of the wall before you. One, your mother no doubt, with dull amethyst eyes that still twinkled in the low light of Twilight's magic. The other, your aunt, bright aquamarine gemstones cool and mysterious.
  738. >"This is fantastic! Anonymous, do you recognize this door?"
  739. "It looks almost like a replica of the puzzle doors in Daring Do and the Winter Court, but it's missing the centerpiece for a dragon claw to be shoved in isn't it?"
  740. >"Just what I was thinking, but maybe hm, there is an inscription here, I think it's in High Equestrian."
  741. "No problem for you right, miss smarty pants."
  742. >"Anonymous, you swore to keep that secret to your grave!"
  743. You can't help the snicker at the flustered mare before Nodding to the door, "Alright alright enough pony feathers what does it say?"
  744. >Twilight arched an eyebrow at you before she huffed, faintly you heard her mutter, "Stallions…"
  745. >At least your not the one to force your best friend to officiate a marriage between mare and doll.
  747. >"Thus doth the two sisters standeth together, without one shalt nev'r falleth and the other shalt nev'r breaketh, yet ye beest did warn to split in twain the two might not but cometh together once moo.”
  748. “The actual hay was that?”
  749. >Twilight drew back and gestured at the wall, “Obviously we just have to solve the puzzle here and we’ll be able to get in.”
  750. “Okay, how do we do that the words you just said didn’t make a salt lick of sense.”
  751. >“Oh Anon, don’t worry your pretty little head, see if we pull on this!” Twilight grunted the last word out as her head jerked down on the outermost circle. Dust and stone flakes fell from the undisturbed stone as a thousand years of filth was disturbed when it came to a stop with the mark of a familiar sun at the top.
  752. “I’m beginning to get it now, so the next one would be…” You reach up to the second and drag the stone down, the harsh grind of stone against stone agitating the air with dust until you see your aunt’s cutiemark beneath the sun.
  753. >“Right!” Twilight exclaimed then pointed at the third ring, “And now we just ha---ave?”
  754. >You leaned in alongside Twilight as she trailed off, there on the final circle was of a crescent moon within a sun, next to it on the right was what looked like a trio of stars and on the other side was, you think it might have been a horizon with the line making the horizon curved up to show a setting sun, or perhaps evening?
  756. “Alright genius, what's the third symbol supposed to be?”
  757. >“Um, uh, I know this, just give me a second.”
  758. >Twilight paced back and forth muttering to herself, while you looked at the final circle and curious yourself, started to slowly pull on the various symbols that came up hidden as they were by the door's construction. A comet, a pair of circles within one another, and finally a hole, it's rather ominous looking to be quite frank.
  759. >“...and going back on the treatise of the return of Princess Luna that must mean!” Twilight exclaimed then stomped her hoof on the cracked stone, “That the answer is the current flag of Equestria showing both sun and moon!”
  761. “I’m sorry, what?”
  762. >“Don’t worry Anon, I’ve got this.” With a small grunt of effort the unicorn tossed her head up, the third circle grinds through the symbols until it reached the crescent moon within the sun.
  763. “Twilight I don’t think that’s the right symbol.”
  764. >“Nonsense, this fits with the old flag of Equestria way back when the two princesses were here, let me just hit this and then-” Twilight reached over and slammed the entry stone down. There was a click from behind the stone work and the door shuddered, just in time for a giant mallet to come smashing down on the mare!
  765. You lunged forward shouting, “Twilight!”
  768. >Alas you’re too late as the mare is barreled over by the mallet and her body slams into yours with a muffled thud. Thrown to the ground you cradle Twilight’s no doubt broken body against your own as tears begin to well up, only for the mare to wriggle in your grasp and let out a hysterical giggle, “Oh my Celestia, Anonymous that was amazing, but terrifying!”
  769. “You’re alright?”
  770. >“Aside from the sudden fear of hammer shaped objects, I’m just peachy! Now, could you let me down?”
  771. “Oh,” Startled you gently lower the mare down onto her hooves, “I thought that-”
  772. >“I’m fine, although I think we found one of your aunt’s pranks, I think that mallet was enchanted to be exceptionally soft.”
  774. “Maybe so, but let's try it again, only this time with the right answer? What was your thought process on the riddle?”
  775. >“Obviously the first verses are each about Princess Celestia and Luna, with nightfall and daybreak as the answers to each, but the last verse doesn’t make any sense. ‘yet ye beest did warn to split in twain the two might not but cometh together once moo.’”
  776. “Can you say that in something that isn’t fit to make my ears fall off, Twilight.”
  777. >“Cave equines I swear, fine, ‘yet you best be warned that to split the two will not but come together once more.’”
  778. “Maybe it’s some type of celestial event that happens when both the princesses are working together?”
  779. >“Right, which is what the sun and moon together would make an eclipse! So why…”
  781. “Why wouldn’t the sun and moon together wind up working? Wait, is that the symbol for an eclipse by that era’s reckoning? Or would it be something else?”
  782. >“Gah!” Twilight throwed her hoof in the air, “This is why I wanted to keep my books with me on the trip here to begin with! I have no references, I know it's on the tip of my horn!”
  783. “You’ll get it Twilight, I know you can.”
  784. >“I appreciate the pep talk, but no amount of cheering is going to solve this riddle!”
  785. “Hm, alright, alright let's think it through, we know it's an eclipse or at least that's our best guess, right? Are there other celestial acts that occur when the sun and moon come together?”
  786. >“Eclipses, harvest moons, new moons, blue moons, are a few I can name off the top of my head. We can at the very least remove the obvious none sun and moon icons, so no on the comet, on the stars and on that weird horizon line.”
  789. >You watched as Twilight drew out each of the shapes with her horn, the subtle display of magical illusions drawing a sense of envy from your heart, then she struck a line through each image to punctuate her point.
  790. “Then the Equestrian flag wasn’t the answer.”
  791. >“Obviously, so that leaves us with two circles, one inside the other, and-”
  792. “The hole.”
  793. >Twilight leaned in to look at the depiction of a hole and shivered, “That gives me the creeps, it’s just a hole.”
  794. “It’s a mighty deep hole if it’s as black as pitch.”
  795. >“Think we could throw something down it?”
  796. “Why would we do that?”
  797. >“It might be a key or a cypher!”
  798. “I think it might just be a hole, Twilight.”
  799. >The mare simply hummed as she eyed the hole and you frowned knowing that specific type of hum.
  800. >That's the same hum she gave when she had tried to finish Clover the Clevers Alchemical Resolution and the east wing of Celestial’s School for Gifted Unicorns had to be closed down for a week.
  801. “Twilight.”
  802. >“Hush Anon, I’m thinking…”
  803. “That’s what’s terrifying me, you’re not going to do something silly like shove your horn in the hole, right?"
  804. >Twilight jerked away from the door, pupils tiny as they looked anywhere but you, "What? No of course not that would just be crazy talk."
  805. “Good, still I think for this time around we should do the two circles as the final answer, the hole is weirding me out.”
  806. >“Alright let me just-”
  807. “Don’t just use your hoof!”
  809. >Twilight froze in place looking back between the central button and back to you, “Eh? Why not?”
  810. “Do you like being tossed across the room, stand back here with me and use your magic!”
  811. >There is a pause from Twilight before you see her frantically wave a hoof in front of her face as she walks, “I knew that! Of course, I was just testing your reflexes!”
  812. >You, being a good friend, don’t say a word.
  813. >Let a mare have some pride even when she’s totally wrong otherwise she’ll pout to the end of time [spoiler]week[/spoiler]
  814. >A kathunk from the door draws you away from your thoughts and you feel the magic in the air suddenly bear down on you, something was coming and-
  815. >“Get down!”
  816. >You’re caught unaware as Twilight shoulder tackles you to the ground just as arcane bolts of magic fly through the air from the door, they fly overhead and out of sight.
  817. Faintly you can just catch the faint pops and cracks when they detonate.
  818. >You and your aunty are going to be having words on what counts as a harmless prank
  819. Twilight’s eyes are on a constant swivel as the panic recedes before she locks her gaze on you, “Hole?”
  820. You nod in reply, “Hole.”
  822. >Quite done with this damned door you and Twilight with the confidence of having been burnt twice now both slam the last ring into place revealing the dark hole on the dial.
  823. >You glance to Twilight and she nods to you, the both of you smash that central dial and tense ready to throw yourselves away for the next trap to no doubt-
  824. >The cracking of stone shifting after a thousand years has you throwing yourself back just as Twilight magics up a protective dome around you.
  825. >With your sudden movement you crash into the dome sending you and Twilight both rolling backwards from the momentum you had gathered.
  826. >You’re suddenly reminded of a small hamster in a ball as you both go rolling down the hallway until Twilight remembered to dispel her magic.
  827. >A grunt escapes you as Twilight flopped atop you and leveraged herself up to glare at you, “Really?”
  828. “It’s a legitimate tactic!”
  829. >“Rolling my magic like a beach ball!?”
  830. “We couldn’t be certain!”
  831. >“Anon it was a near one hundred percent chance of success, you, you great big scaredy cat!”
  832. >You were going to refute that statement with a clever retort only for it to die when you heard the stone door grind to a halt.
  834. >Antics aside, you and Twilight wobbly regain your hooves before hurrying down past the door curious to see what had such extensive security only to find it to be a near barren room.
  835. >The only thing that draws attention is the copious amounts of picture frames that looked to have been moved, the holes of furniture that had been removed from the room and a pedestal leading to a plinth.
  836. >Atop the plinth is a large staff that looks to be sized for a pony to assist in walking, atop the tip is a large orb of cerulean teal glass or perhaps a gemstone, the wood of the staff curled atop it in a possessive grasp.
  838. “That has to be a trap.”
  839. >No doubt, but it's still important, and I'd rather be banned from the library than if we don't get to the bottom of this!”
  840. “Think it might be a pressure plate?”
  841. >“Maybe, but if we try to do a precise alteration spell on some extra stone here…” With a squint Twilight’s horn glowed and a nearby piece of rubble began to slowly morph from stone to a replica of the staff.
  842. >“How heavy would you think that is Anon?”
  843. “Has to be at least five, make that five pounds and three hooves in weight, are you going for Transcript’s Traveling Trials?”
  844. >“Just the one, you ready to run if this goes like Daring Do and The Llama Peaks?”
  845. “Pfft, run? I’ll kick that boulder through next week!”
  846. >“And the sudden pit trap on the floor if you do?”
  847. >You merely wiggle your feathers at Twilight in response, “I don’t have a broken wing either.”
  848. “Show off, alright get ready, in three…two…now!”
  849. >You're ready to take off like a wonderbolt performance at the sudden flash of light ready to grab Twilight and go.
  850. >Twilight was already ahead of you head sweeping back and forth looking for the trap that would no doubt trigger.
  851. >Only, nothing was happening.
  852. >Was that it?
  853. >“Anon? Do you think that this-”
  854. “Just take the win for what it is Twilight, let’s just carefully and slowly-”
  855. >“Nephew?”
  857. “FUDGE STICKS!”
  859. >Princess Luna trotted into the room and glanced up to the ceiling, “Nephew, Twilight Sparkle, cease thy foalish whimsy and come down from there, We’ve something to show thee.”
  860. “I would love nothing more Auntie, but I fear I might be stuck.”
  861. >Twilight tugged on your neck rocking the two of you to no avail, “I would say he’s quite stuck at that.”
  862. “Twilight, why would you try to pull us free to fall on the ground!”
  863. >”I would have caught us both!”
  864. >”Children.” The night sky illuminates the both of you and the ancient stone work crumbled beneath the pull of the moon princess.
  865. >Flipped upright you land on your hooves while Twilight slides off your back.
  866. “Sorry Auntie.”
  867. >“Sorry Princess.”
  868. >Princess Luna regarded you both with a gimlet eye before she sighed looking over to the staff that had fallen to the floor in all the excitement, “We see thou has found our old mentor’s trophy room, as well as his staff, well done indeed.”
  869. >”Oh my sweet sun and stars I dropped a priceless artifact.” Twilight exclaimed then looked to her hooves in betrayal.
  870. “It can’t possibly be Starswirl’s legendary staff, it was just laying here on a pedestal! Anypony could have come along to steal it!”
  871. >”Indeed, that is why,” Luna paused as she brought the staff close with a whisper of magic, “this is a fragment of that useful tool.”
  872. “What do you mean Auntie?”
  873. >”Merely that Twilight Sparkle and thou will have thine hooves quite full on unraveling its secrets, catch.”
  874. >”Catc- PRINCESS!” Twilight shouted in horror as the staff carelessly tossed at her, hooves scrambling to catch the haft before it could shatter on the stonework, “Princess, please be more careful! This staff might be as old as you are, but it’s nowhere near as durable!”
  875. >You took a step away from the new target of Aunties ire as the mare simply smiled, it was not a kind smile, “Why Twilight Sparkle, think of it merely as…unorthodox homework between the two of you.”
  876. >Twilight loveable idiot that she is, beamed in reply, “I won’t let you down Princess!”
  877. “Auntie, historical relics of unfathomable power aside, what brought you after us?”
  879. >”I’m glad you asked!” Luna the cold smile warming by a few degrees-
  880. >A clarion call of clanking metal upon stone shocks you as a fully assembled suit of armor that gleamed in the low light, a breastplate carved with intricate engravings depicting the various phases of the moon, pauldrons which featured full moons with a silhouette of a mare in the moon, a chainmail skirt that glimmered like fish’s scales to protect the leggings, and great oversize sabatons fit to crush many a skull!
  881. >Oh, wait, that last thought wasn’t yours was it?
  882. >Shaking your head you catch the tail end of Luna’s speech, “Thus do We decide thou shall be protected with this armor, tis of finest make and near impervious to magic, or at the very least very difficult to affect.”
  883. “Auntie…”
  884. >”Yes, do go on and praise Us, We’ve done quite well if We do say so.” Auntie is preening, oh your aunt is such a goof ball at times.
  885. >A hoof pinched your side, Twilight leaned against you with a lidded gaze, “You are of course going to accept the additional highly historical and ancient piece of living history that still functions, RIGHT?”
  886. >Taking both hooves you bodily shoved the mare off you.
  887. “Of course I’ll accept, but I feel like it’s a bit much isn’t it? There is naught much that can truly harm an alicorn, isn’t that right?”
  888. >”Perhaps not truly harmful, but inconvenience ? Suffice to say /that/ can happen all too alarmingly…” Auntie trailed off and you frowned feeling like a right heel for bringing up her time away like that.
  890. >”That aside, thou art a prince and this can be simply ceremonial if needed, but We’d much prefer if thou keep it or at least the breastplate with thou at all times, one never knows.”
  891. >”Not to mention that this might be the largest cache of moonsteel I’ve ever seen! Where did you even find enough ore for it Princess?” Twilight chimed in eyes sparkling with intellectual fervor as you watched her scritch away at a notepad.
  892. >Where did she even find one, you don’t recall her having it on her, Auntie meanwhile had shook her head, “A trade secret Twilight Sparkle, but We’ve more important matters to attend to, first of which is the state of the grounds, the castle and not let Us even get started on the rest of the domain which has been left unattended for a thousand years.”
  894. “I recall that Mom had decreed that the region of the Everfree was to be left alone to allow for history to be preserved, or at least that was what the history books were saying.”
  895. >”Oh yeah, wasn’t that the essay where we had to argue with the professors that using Princess Celestia as a source is in fact a legitimate use of interviewing?”
  896. “That’s the one, Mom never actually answered us on why she did that.”
  897. >”Most likely to keep the embarrassment of the family from causing more strife than there already was…”
  899. >You and Twilight both were startled from past scholastic pursuits at how bitter the lunar princess was.
  900. “Aunt Luna?”
  901. >”Pay me no heed nephew, still the fact remains what should we focus on first?”
  902. >”Princess are you-”
  903. >”WE are fine, Sparkle.”
  904. “Auntie.”
  905. >Princesses don’t pout, they merely express their dissatisfaction and disappointment in elegant ways, or so your Mom and Aunt both claimed.
  906. >And that was the most elegant dissatisfaction display you’ve ever seen from Auntie.
  907. >A snort from Auntie before, “Perhaps We are slightly incensed at how Our oh so wonderful sister had decided to treat our ancient seat, it is…unsettling.”
  908. >You trot over to your aunt and wrap her in a hug, a glance to Twilight has the purple mare join you on Auntie’s other side.
  909. >”Nephew! Sparkle!”
  910. “It’ll be okay Auntie, we’re here now and we can fix it.”
  911. >”Don’t you worry Princess, Twilight Sparkle and her ever faithful ditzy assistant are on the case!”
  914. “Are you seriously pulling a Nancy Mare on me?”
  915. >”You still like it!~”
  916. >A faint giggle from the lunar princess made you smile in return, another case of the blues banished once more if only for a while, you’re still a little worried.
  917. >Aunt Luna has been more morose as of late and it- “So what is your decision nephew?”
  918. “I’m sorry, what?”
  919. >”What should the staff and most of our efforts focus on first? Have you already forgotten?”
  920. “No, no, just had an errant thought,” Releasing the princess from her hug you ponder, “I think the domain and the roads would be the first step. The ruins of the castle only look bad, a bit of spring cleaning and I feel like the castle could be brought back up, but if there is little land to be making use of. Then there is going to be little incentive to bring ponies in who are interested in working the land, not to mention the roads. We will be in trouble if we’re forced to rely on simple dirt paths for supplies.”
  921. >”You may need to prioritize the grounds first Anonymous, otherwise ponies will go hungry by the time winter is here, that’s something we will have to take into account. Hardly have a full sized weather team here to restore order to the weather.”
  922. “I think we can afford to dip into the funds to buy enough bulk food for winter, isn’t the village we passed by a farming community? Ponyville wasn’t it?”
  923. >”Indeed, though I am quite pleased at how well you both are measuring your options, please do continue.” Auntie added in watching the back and forth between you and Twilight with a small smile.
  925. “Thanks Auntie, we did learn from the best, okay Twilight what if we do the roads and try to get something going on the grounds afterwards? It’ll be the first thing right after we get some proper order in the weather and manage something more substantial. The only issue I can see with any of these ideas is that we’re not exactly flushed with experts here. We do only have the basic castle staff and a few general contractors.”
  926. >”Truly We do not understand why thou took such scant supplies and followers with thou, if thou said a word the whole of Equestria would move at thy beckoning.”
  927. “It’s more of showing that I’m capable of working without abundance, a sort of standing on my own hooves.”
  928. >”It doesn’t hurt he also just so happens to have Princess Celestia’s personal student to assist of course.”
  929. “I’m also a personal student of Celestia, Twilight.”
  930. >”Minor details, but I have a solution!”
  931. >”Oh?”
  933. >The purple mare nodded, “Yep, I had taken a look over the census records, cross referenced that with job reviews and the like in the local area and found our experts.”
  934. “When did you find time to do all of that?”
  935. >”The carriage ride.”
  936. >”That infernal contraption was quite a long trip if thou recall.”
  937. “Sure but not long enough to have just the right ponies on the tip of your tongue!”
  938. >”I had flash cards.”
  939. “...Yeah that makes sense.”
  940. >”With that said, who might these experts be called Twilight Sparkle?”
  941. >Twilight tilted her head back while one eye closed recalling the information, “If I recall the ponies we’ll need are-”
  942. ---
  943. >The past few days have been busy, between settling the ponies from the caravan into the ruins, Aunt Luna organizing a hunt amongst the bat ponies she had brought along for stretching out the rations and busy work of getting the stone roads started you’ve been left at your wits end.
  944. >If you had to settle a dispute about who's using the last of the hot water from the communal shower you'd abdicate the throne and go to Hawaneigh.
  945. >A wooden mug of some foamy drink startled you out of your thoughts, a small splash of the foam slipping onto the map you’ve been pouring over, “Ah nephew, I see thou has already gained the royal frown.”
  946. “I wasn’t frowning, and really Auntie this early in the day?”
  948. >A pull of the root beer is Luna’s response before she whips away the foam, “Indeed, the ponies of this modern era are quite plainly, fussy. It’s a wonder that Equestria still stands, but then again sister does have her cake addiction to fall back on.”
  949. “Auntie.”
  950. >”Ha! Thou has even managed Tia’s disappointed tone, well done.”
  951. “I’m not trying to be mom, I just-” You release a sigh and glance at the drink on the table, root beer isn’t even that alcoholic.
  952. >A glance at Luna already halfway through her drink, Aunty has been a bit stressed recently.
  953. >Maybe this was just her way of trying to bond again?
  954. “Screw it.” You take a drink of the foamy fizzy drink and your taste buds tingle at the earthy flavor, immediately you feel better, a weight falling off that you hadn't noticed.
  955. >”Huzzah! Now come along nephew, the best plans are always planned while a little inspired.” Luna exclaimed as she leaned over you and looked at the maps below.
  956. “You say that every time before the pranks begin.”
  957. >”Indeed! Now nephew, I will say that the Everfree is ideal for a city to be built, it’s why we chose it in the first place. Plenty of forest for new homes, food in abundance even if some of it was more likely to eat you instead and there happens to be a quarry nearby if memory serves…” Luna placed a hoof just a bit south of Ponyville towards a sunken landmark, “Ah, yes Quarrine’s Hill there was a good source of granite there.”
  958. “Was there anything else that I should have our scouts be on the lookout for?”
  960. >”If I recall-”
  961. >Sudden shouts of alarm echo through the campsite and you had just turned towards the tent entrance when a streak of rainbow light flew through the air towards you!
  962. Tink.
  963. >You had just blinked and there was Auntie Luna in front of your wings spread wide to cover you.
  964. >Also Auntie had her sword out and was currently holding it against the throat of some strange rainbow haired mare that was holding exceptionally still.
  965. >”And what, pray tell, was thou thinking to do when thy barged into the mine nephew’s abode like an utter cad?” Luna asked the stranger, tone cold that even you were feeling intimidated.
  967. >Luna didn't seem to care how much the stranger had been trembling under her gaze. >"Uh, Hi your princess ship, I was told that the prince needed to see me and I figured that since the awesome prince of Equestria needed to see the most awesome pony in Equestria it seemed like simple math and- eep!"
  968. >The blade Luna held in her magic shifted a few centimeters and you could see the metal digging into the mare's fur, "I have little time for braggarts, who sent you and why are you here. Speak!"
  969. >”Some egghead in town was looking for some of the best fliers in town and you’ll find no better than me!” The near suicidal mare declared holding her gaze with Luna.
  970. >”Is that so?”
  971. You walked around and gently placed a hoof on the sword, “Auntie, if she was sent by Twilight maybe we put the sword down? It wouldn’t do any of us any good if we skewered a good mare for just being over eager to help, right?”
  972. >”Right!” The blue mare took the offer up and stepped back rubbing at her throat, “Geez Princess you really don’t mess around.”
  973. >”Might We have the name of Our help then?” Aunty was still frosty and you winced in sympathy for the new mare.
  974. >”Easy, Rainbow Dash is the name and flying is my game, if you need somepony to scout out from above I’m your mare, not only that but I’m Ponyville’s premier weather mare so any sudden storm fronts will be as easy as two stomps of a hoof!”
  975. “Quite a boast, but why were you in such a rush you barreled through the campgrounds and into my tent?”
  976. >”Oh that? I was in a race against-”
  977. >”Hi Rainbow Dash!~”
  978. >”Guwah!”
  979. >”Ah!”
  980. >”Auntie wait!”
  981. >One of the tent poles that was holding the ceiling up suddenly gained a new metallic addition as the pink mare below the blade had the gall to giggle.
  982. >”Wowee, you’re a quick princess! Are we playing another game? Oh is it Dames and Princes? We even have an actual factual prince of the realm here to even make it more believable, by the way Rainbow!~ I won.”
  983. >”Ugh, Pinkie Pie…”
  984. >A squeal of metal pried free from wood interrupted the duo as Luna looked down upon the pink mare, “And thou are another associate of Twilight Sparkle?”
  985. >”Oh you mean that new friend I made today? Totally, why as a matter of fact I was going to get all the ponies in Ponyville together to do a super sweet meet and greet when I heard that there was a whole herd of new ponies to meet just over in the Everfree, so then I-”
  986. >A flash of light illuminated the tent interior followed by a burst of smoke, “Don’t just run in!!”
  987. >Thank goodness Twilight has arrived, maybe she could wrangle these ponies.
  988. >”Or not, you’ve already done it. Great! Just Great!”
  989. >The twitchy eye your friend is experiencing is just a few short moments before a Twilight Temper is unleashed, best to get things back on track.
  990. “Mares, I thank you for coming, but what exactly are you bringing to the table exactly?”
  991. >Rainbow is first to reply, “Oh that’s easy, like I said, you need the best flier? I’m your mare. Need weather cleaned out and a sunny day for a festival? I can do that in ten seconds flat!”
  992. >”Really.” The flat tone from your aunt has you side-eye her, but she stayed unphased.
  993. >”Totally!”
  994. “Perhaps a demonstration? We did have a few ponies complaining about the mud that was starting to form from the showers last night and another day of rain will just slow things down even more.”
  995. >”Say no more!” Just like that the mare is gone in a blur of colors.
  996. >”Surely thou are giving her rope to be her own hang mare.” Luna asked
  997. >”Her records had said she was the top mare in her weather team Princess, so she might not be full of hot air.”
  998. >”Snrk, that’s funny!” The odd Pinkie Pie chortled then paused at the blank looks sent her way, “You know because she’s a pegasus?”
  999. “Oh my, Twilight how could you? I thought we were past this phase.”
  1000. >”What? I wasn’t!”
  1001. >”For shame Twilight Sparkle.”
  1002. >”I wasn’t!”
  1003. “I know I was-” You’re cut off as the sounds of the campground had slowed down and a murmur of awe had replaced it.
  1004. >Striding outside you squint at the exceptionally bright day when it had just been overcast, through the sun’s glare you spot a singular hovering pegasus descending from above.
  1005. >Rainbow Dash beamed at you as she came to a stop and posed in the air, “Like I said, Ten. Seconds. Flat.”
  1006. “That was incredible, I can’t even see any formations forming on the horizon.”
  1007. >”Heh, told ya. I think my work stands for itself.”
  1008. “I suppose so, welcome aboard Rainbow Dash.”
  1009. >When you looked back at the other mares you spotted Luna had raised an eyebrow of consideration, Twilight had her jaw open and Pinkie Pie.
  1010. >Pinkie Pie was eating some pie?
  1011. >When did she?
  1012. >”Don’t think too hard about it, Pinkie’s always got something stashed away.” Rainbow interrupted your thoughts.
  1013. “Does she really?”
  1014. >”Yep!” Pinkie answered and you swear that either she has a horn hidden away in that curly mess of a mane or she’s a descendent of Discord with how often she keeps popping up left and right like this!
  1015. “I-I see, what about you Pinkie Pie? Twilight had mentioned you were an expert in forestry?”
  1016. >”Pfft as if! I do make a mean strawberry strudel though!” Pinkie replied candidly before tossing pie tin and all into her gob, a crunch filled the air as the mare finished off the treat.
  1017. >At the silence the mare looked around in confusion, “What?”
  1018. >You ignore Pinkie to give Twilight look number twenty three, specifically for situations where you know she’s gotten in over her head, but she’s being too stubborn to admit she is wrong.
  1019. >Twilight nervously laughed then grabbed Pinkie by her shoulder, “Pinkie, why don’t you tell Anonymous what you told me.”
  1020. >”Told you what?” Pinkie replied blinking at the sudden question, “Ah, Twilight your grip is a bit strong there.”
  1021. >”The whole you have secret stashes of party supplies that are all over the place, including the Everfree forest? You know, that specific bit?!”
  1022. “Party supplies?”
  1023. >”Oh yeah, Pinkie has this whole thing with parties, I’m surprised she didn’t have a whole party set up for you and yours when you first passed Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash added in before she ducked away back into the tent.
  1024. “How in Equestria were you able to store away so many hidden caches in the Everfree of all places?”
  1025. >”We-----ell I do happen to have a few tricks up my mane to use, but those are pie family secrets you’d need to be a part of the family for me to share those, so what do you say? Wanna join the Pie family?” The mare waggled her eyebrows at you suggestively.
  1026. “I uh-”
  1027. >”NO!” Twilight appeared between the two of you with a flash of light in a low aggressive pose then, stood back up clearing her throat, “Ahem, I mean, no we don’t have time for Anon to learn all your tricks?”
  1028. >”Indeed, and pink one?”
  1029. >”Yeppero-whoa whoa whoa!” Pinkie flailed around at the bare steel in front of her face.
  1030. >”We’d ask thee to refrain from propositioning our nephew like a common rogue of the street, politely We must add.”
  1031. “Auntie! Please put away the sword, Pinkie Pie is a guest of ours and we are better than that.”
  1032. >Aunt Luna spared a glance toward you and you held your ground, you know why she’s doing this it’s the exact same reason why Mom had kept rotating the maids everytime they so much as lingered a gaze at you.
  1033. >Made it one doozy of a way to even make any friends, well aside from Twilight, but that doesn’t really count.
  1034. >”Very well, We shall…refer to thine judgment nephew.”
  1035. “Thank you, now Pinkie Pie, I do apologize, but could we maybe start over? Hello, I’m Anonymous.”
  1036. >You offer a hoof to the mare on the ground and you see her glance behind you.
  1037. >A nervous gulp from Pinkie, but she still takes your hoof, “H-hiya Nonny, pleased to meet ya, uh so heard from Twilight there you needed Rainbow and I for something?”
  1038. >”Pinkie! You won’t believe it but they have some genuine Sweet Apple Acre Cider reserves in here!” Rainbow Dash burst back onto the scene with two mugs of the cider from YOUR personal casks.
  1039. >The blue mare paused taking in the scene and asked, “Uh, what’d I miss?”
  1040. >A hoof meets your face as you can just feel the royal indignation coming from behind you, nevermind what Twilight might do.
  1041. “Alright! Enough is enough, Twilight.”
  1042. >”Ah! Yes?”
  1043. “Take Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie along the dirt roads we’ve mapped out prior, I want a full report on everything between us and Ponyville, leave markers for the construction ponies to get started on as you go.”
  1044. “Rainbow Dash.”
  1045. >The rainbow mare snapped to sloshing a bit of drink from her mug on her head, but you’ll give her credit she doesn’t flinch though you do see a tear well up at the lost cider.
  1046. “You will be providing an overwatch for your party and give an overview of what landmarks, natural resources and the like to Twilight for her report and Pinkie Pie?”
  1047. >”What’cha need Princy?”
  1048. “I will assume your skills lay in snacks, provisions and the like to keep morale up?”
  1049. >”Totally I can definitely work with that, oh I bet Twilight here is a fudge packer.”
  1050. >”Excuse me?!”
  1051. “You did enjoy that fudge I had made for you a few days ago.”
  1052. >”That was different!”
  1053. >”Hm, not to worry Twilight I’ll make the best fudge that ever fudged!”
  1054. >Twilight turned to you with hope in her eyes, but that hope turned to despair as you waved the royal hoof, tilt to a forty five degree angle, repeat and smile.
  1055. “Very good, in that case hop to little ponies we’ve got work to do!”
  1056. >Rainbow Dash guzzled down her cider and passed the other mug to Pinkie who you could only watch bemusedly as she simply crunched the whole flagon in her maw.
  1057. >Truly Ponyville mares are something else.
  1058. >Twilight then was dragged away by the two but you could see her keep craning her head back to you, you know that look it's the please oh please save me from the crazy nobles.
  1059. >In this case it’s just a couple of ponies, but really what could go wrong?
  1060. >”That was quite cruel, nephew.”
  1061. “Maybe, but if I know one thing for sure it's that Twilight never lets me down when it counts. Sides, what's the worst that could happen?”
  1062. >”Oh nephew, must you tempt the serpent so?”
  1063. “Relax Aunty, you and Mom had him locked up tight so I doubt it’ll be a problem, now about the defenses you were talking about…”
  1065. >Kachunk. Plap.
  1066. >Another step forward, another mound of dirt.
  1067. >Kachunk. Plap.
  1068. >You know Auntie was concerned that the walls had yet to be built back to muster, but a road is a road.
  1069. >Kachunk. Plap.
  1070. >And without a road how are you going to stay connected with everypony in Equestria?
  1071. >Kachunk. Plap.
  1072. >Matter of fact if it wasn’t for you just trying to talk Aunty would-
  1073. >”-mous, Prince Anonymous! Please!”
  1074. >Eh?
  1075. >Pausing in the excavation for the road, you glance over your wither to see one of the work mares in her yellow hard hat panting heavily beside you.
  1076. >Raising a hoof up you adjust your own hard hat and wait for the mare to catch her breath, what was her name again, Chain Gang?
  1077. >No, no, that's far too morbid, Chain was involved for sure.
  1078. >”-wait a bit for us to catch up with you!”
  1079. >She’s cute with all being flustered and out of breath like that, though what was her darn name?
  1080. >”Your highness?”
  1081. >Her yellow mane reminds you of a daisy, maybe that was it?
  1082. “Ah, sorry Daisy Chain, what was the problem?”
  1083. >Oh dear, you know you’ve done goof, the pout the foremare levels at you is worthy enough to have Raven give it a begrudging nod.
  1085. >”Listen I know you’re a good sort, the girls and I really appreciate the work you’ve done so far, but just look behind you!”
  1086. >Following the gestured hoof your eyes follow along the trail of foliage you’ve cut through and the dirt mounds you’ve left behind so you don’t-
  1087. >Your mouth puckered at the sight of the team of construction mares throwing themselves bodily at the work trying to keep pace with you
  1088. >Work mares are throwing and leveling earth as fast as their legs would allow
  1089. >Then there are the mares grimly setting the stones down rushing back to the wagon of stone at a fast pace, the mares in charge of hauling foliage away have sticks poking out from their manes.
  1090. >You had thought it was rather quiet, they look to be about a full thirty paces behind you, at this rate the road will take forever to be finished.
  1091. “I see the problem Daisy Chain.”
  1092. >”Right, so if you would slo-”
  1093. “No to worry I’ll come back there and start moving dirt as we-”
  1094. >”NO!” Daisy Chain shouted recoiling in horror, the rest of the work crew paused in their work at the sudden shout and you can see a wave of relief pass through them all at you stopping.
  1096. “Pardon?”
  1097. >Coughing into her hoof Daisy Chain continued, “I mean to say that we appreciate the work you’ve put in your highness, but the girls and I can’t keep this pace.”
  1098. “Which is why I’m more than happy to assist if you would allow me.”
  1099. >Daisy Chain glanced back and then leaned in close, “My prince, please consider just taking a break. We are happy that you’re here to help, but let a mare have her pride, yeah?”
  1100. “Pride?”
  1101. >Daisy Chain nodded empathetically, “Please, the crew and I are breaking ourselves trying to keep up, and it breaks morale more when we see our prince going so hard on the job. Makes a mare feel like she ain’t helping at all ya see?”
  1102. “Daisy Chain, surely if I help where we are lagging that would raise morale wouldn’t it?”
  1103. >”Not exactly, it’ll make my crew feel like they aren’t doing their part and I know my crew, they are good mares, a bit hard headed at times, but if they think they aren’t pulling their weight. Well…” Daisy Chain tilted her head back to the crew who had yet to fully stop working, though at a less frantic pace.
  1104. “I see, I wouldn’t want to cause discord Daisy, but I still want to assist you all in your work. What kind of prince would I be if I don’t help with all the housework?”
  1105. >”House work he says, haha, that’s a riot.” You heard Daisy mutter to herself before she spoke up, “My prince, if we have you watching over us from afar I can guarantee that the crew will be working double time and be glad for it.”
  1107. “Was that not what we wanted to avoid?”
  1108. >”My prince, if there is one bit of wisdom I’d pass on to you it's this, a mare has her pride and it drives her to do some truly foolish but astounding things for it.”
  1109. >You don’t quite understand, but you can tell that this is something Daisy believes with all her heart.
  1110. >Another glance to the mares hard at work as sweat trailed down their faces, soaking through their little orange safety vests and the determination to see a job through leaves you to sigh.
  1111. “Very well, I shall refrain for a while.”
  1112. >”Great! Thank you my prince, perhaps an early lunch for you? Say an hour? You could go for two.” Daisy Chain offered with startling vigor.
  1113. “A visit to the baggage train might be in order, yes. Carry on with your job Daisy Chain.”
  1114. >”Of course, of course!”
  1116. >Hoisting your shovel on your wither you head to the back, you pass by the mares as they work, some give a wave while others nod, some are so dead on their hooves they don’t even recognize you.
  1117. >Well we can’t have that.
  1118. >There has to be something in the supplies to perk these mares up, it’s your fault they are in such a condition anyway.
  1119. >Reaching the end of the baggage train you let your shovel drop point first into the good earth, the blade sinks down a few solid inches keeping it upright ready for use while you start to look over the supplies.
  1120. >”Ah! Prince Anonymous, are you needing something to eat? I’d be more than happy to help.” Wagon Wheel asked, a rather nice mare for being the quartermaster assigned to this train, though why she was always looking like she had a fever you don’t quite know.
  1121. >Well, you do have an idea, but you’d rather have her not disappearing in the middle of the night.
  1122. “Not quite Wagon, but we do have some of the crushed lemon powder for the midday meal, yes?”
  1123. >”Of course, would you like me to pour you a drink? We could even add in a bit of extra sugar ration to it, if it pleases you of course.”
  1124. “No, no, I just need the powder and a few other things, the crew is working so hard I figured something special might be needed here.”
  1125. >”What did you have in mind? I know we work under your authority but we can’t use the supplies so frivolously!"
  1127. "True, that's why I think I shall go on a walk."
  1128. >"A walk? Should I call for your guard?"
  1129. >You passed along a bit to the mare who glanced down at the coin.
  1130. "I would appreciate your discretion Wagon Wheel."
  1131. >”I…I can’t, if I let you walk off like that the guard mares would-”
  1132. >Clink clink
  1133. >Wagon Wheel’s eyes grew two sizes as she stared down at the higher denomination bits on the crate.
  1134. “Let me help where I can, please.”
  1135. >The mare scratched at her ear nervously before she sighed then said rather loudly, “Oh drat I appear to be having such an awful earache my prince! I’ll just need to look inside this crate right here to find some aspirin, it won’t take me terribly long to do so!”
  1136. >Good mare, with that taken care of you delve into the woods you think you saw some mint for free on the ground nearby, and if you manage to mix that with the citrus of the lemon powder…
  1138. >Carefully add a few dollops of honey, then flash freeze certain portions of the drink to keep it cool, follow with three clockwise movements of the spoon and listen for the chime…
  1139. >A faint crystalin chime echoed out from the pitcher and you beamed down at the freshly made lemonade, with a few additions of course!
  1140. >Gathering up the pitcher, mugs and a spare cutting board you carefully balance the makeshift tray between your wings and are off!
  1141. >“Put your backs into it ladies! We’re working with the prince here! Pine Shave I don’t want to see you slacking again or so help me I will be sending you to Canterlot to explain to the Princess why our Prince’s road wasn’t done on time!” The bellowed orders and cajoling from Daisy Chain had you shaking your head, that mare had a set of lungs on her that's for sure.
  1142. >Coming into sight of the road thus far you can see that progress has been made, slowly, but it's still there.
  1143. >Though the way the mares had soaked their work clothes and seemed even more fatigued had you worried, Daisy Chain might have been onto something there.
  1145. “Daisy Chain! Ladies!” You called out, “You look like you’ve made some fine progress, but why don’t you all come take a quick break?”
  1146. You bring around the serving tray with a wing, “I brought fresh lemonade to quench your thirst.”
  1147. >A stampede of mares rushed right for you work long forgotten in the rush.
  1148. >Swarmed as you are under a tide of greedy grasping hooves for the cold fresh drink you chuckled.
  1149. >One mare in her delirious state had made the bold move to mount your back to reach your tray faster.
  1150. >"Alright ladies, break it up, let the prince breathe!" A yellow hard hat bounced in the crowd and you found Daisy Chain nudging and pushing the frozen mares aside, dispersing the crowd, until she came to a stop before leaning her head back to lock eyes with you.
  1151. >"Are you hard of hearing or do you just take what everypony says with a grain of salt?"
  1152. >The blatant disrespect in her tone had you weary, best to be careful in your words to set her at ease.
  1153. "I only wished to help in my own way."
  1154. >"Mhmm…" Daisy Chain broke eye contact to the lone glass of lemonade still bubbling away merrily herbs still floating in the drink, "That ain't booze is it?"
  1155. >"Heck no boss!"
  1156. >"Aw come off it Daisy, he's just trying to help!"
  1157. >"It's really bubbly!"
  1158. >"Oi! Enough of you lot I wasn't asking you!" Daisy Chain shouted over the crowd while you kept the same placid expression you’ve seen your mother use with court.
  1159. >With a snort of hot breath Daisy Chain would grab the last drink and sip.
  1160. >You can only smile as the energy of the drink combined with the fizzy nature coursed through the foremare, it’s all in the ears you see, finishing her draft Daisy Chain let out a great exhale of satisfaction.
  1161. “I hope that the drink was satisfactory?”
  1162. >Daisy squinted at you while the crowd of mares chimed in a deluge of words, “Of course!”
  1163. >“I could keep going for the rest of the day!”
  1164. >“The prince touched this mug, I’m never brushing my lips.”
  1165. >“This is great!”
  1166. >“Enough of that ladies! We’ve got a job to do and it seems to me yall have gotten some pep in your step! Heave-ho ladies!”
  1168. >With a collective roar of Heave-ho the mares took off in a great cloud leaving you behind, only to come to a sudden stop at a bright light popped into being before the crowd!
  1169. Wait, you recognized that sparkle pattern, “Twilight? What brings you and our resident experts here?”
  1170. >At once all three of the mares start to talk and you bring your hooves up to fend off the barrage of words.
  1171. >The trio stopped before glancing at one another, uncertainty apparent before Rainbow Dash spoke first, “Somepony has been messing with the markers we left behind for the road!”
  1172. >“What!?” Daisy Chain shouted out, “Those markers are important! If we don’t have them the road will go off kilter and we’d be working towards a cliff before we know it!”
  1173. >“I know! It’s super crazy, just as crazy as when Momma Pie had to bring back boulders for the farm and use’em to keep moles out of the fields!” Pinkie replied drawing a few confused glances at the comment, “They were really big moles.”
  1174. “Even if they had taken the markers, those were rather large, magically enchanted, buried deep in the ground stone markers, and you’re telling me that they are just gone? Hacked away into pieces?”
  1175. >“Not hacked into pieces, no, the markers had been dug out, but there was no trail mark, only raised mounds everywhere.” Twilight explained Pinkie pushed her face close to the purple mare as she said, “Just like the mole ponies from the farm! I told you it was mole ponies!”
  1176. >“Pinkie Pie mole ponies are just a myth, if anything it might have just been someponies trying to play a prank.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at the pink mare.
  1178. >“Not quite Rainbow Dash, the mounds and lack of tracks from the site do fit with Diamond Dogs though.” Twilight interjected drawing your attention to the name.
  1179. “Diamond Dogs? When was the last time any pony had dealings with Diamond Dogs?”
  1180. >“Not for many moons, I went back to Ponyville to the library there to do some research on them.” Twilight said when she levitated a series of dusty old tomes out of her saddlebags to show you.
  1181. >“We found a ton of books!” Pinkie chimed in happily
  1182. >“Not that any of them were worth the trip,” Rainbow Dash interjected, “every last one of them had the same story, dogs come in and steal things, ponies get all up in a stampede and the dogs are sent running off with their tails between their legs!”
  1183. >“Rainbow, that was only the one book we had to look at multiple sources.” Twilight frowned at the pegasus who scoffed, “Sure we did, and that wasted even more time that could have been better spent kicking flank! Princey, come on back me up here!”
  1184. >At the expectant look of the three mares, well two and one pink mare asking about the lemonade, you held up a hoof to think.
  1186. >Those stones are important, the work and effort alone of redoing the surveying would take another day if not more which would delay things, not to mention simply replacing the stones would lead to them being stolen again no doubt.
  1187. “I believe it would be best if we approach the diamond dogs and engage in diplomacy, hopefully we will be able to come to terms with them and perhaps we could-”
  1188. >“Aw come on!” Rainbow Dash burst out, throwing her hooves in the air, “What we really ought to do is just kick their flanks and take back our stuff! That’ll teach them!”
  1189. >Pinkie hummed in reply now with her own drink of lemonade, “I don’t know Dashie, that seems a teensy weensy bit mean?”
  1190. >“Not only that Rainbow Dash but it would be utterly barbaric!” Twilight exclaimed eyebrows raised high
  1191. >Rainbow flew right into Twilight’s face nose to nose, “Oh yeah? If it’s so barbaric how come all of those books you looked up had the ponies doing the same thing?”
  1192. >Drawing back the unicorn said with awe in her voice, “You were paying attention?!”
  1193. >“Duh, there were a few cool moments in those books like the battle of 876 C.E.” Rainbow replied as she leaned back in the air.
  1194. >Pinkie jumped into the conversation with a question, “Wasn’t that the one where the Dogs were roaming around taking all the sweets of Equestria and Princess Celestia had to take the field?”
  1195. >“Yeah!” Rainbow pointed a hoof at her friend for making her point.
  1196. A sudden tremor rattled the bones of the mares as a thud echoed in the forest. You raised an eyebrow at the chagrined looks you received, “Now that I have your attention, we will use our words first if the dogs are not willing to listen to reason…”
  1197. >“Awww yeah! I knew there was a reason I liked ya Princey!”
  1198. >“Are you sure about this Anonymous? Taking things too far with the diamond dogs could come back to haunt us here.”
  1199. >“Oh relax Twilight, if everypony’s feelings get a bit rustled I’ll just bake them a dozen apology cakes and that’ll fix them up right quick!”
  1200. "Thank you Pinkie, Twilight if we don't show a firm response then the dogs will no doubt take that as a sign of weakness and push their luck. For now, Daisy Chain?"
  1201. >"Sir?"
  1202. "Bring the mares back to the castle. I'll not have your fine folk be in danger while we resolve this."
  1203. >Daisy Chain snapped off a quick salute and began to bark orders to her crew while Twilight came closer to murmur, "Anonymous what's the plan here?"
  1204. "We will summon the guard and begin to comb the region for their normal haunts, once we do then we can approach for a diplomatic solution."
  1205. >"If you want I could help your fliers try to spot anything from the ground."
  1206. >You blinked in surprise, you and Twilight turned to see Rainbow Dash hovering above you.
  1207. >"Rainbow! That was a private conversation! You can't just eavesdrop like that!"
  1208. >"What? You and the prince were like right there! Besides it sounds like you'll need help anyway so why not two colts with one swoop?"
  1209. >You nudged Twilight before she could angrily retort, 'She has a point.'
  1210. >The pout thrown your way said it loud and clear, 'She's a braggart and rude!'
  1211. >You tilted your head at Twilight letting her stew before she scoffed and rolled her eyes.
  1213. >Pinkie Pie bounced her way towards the blue mare and let out a low whistle, "Dashie I think you might have your work cut out for you, I haven't seen a pair of ponies do that except for Mr and Mrs Cake!"
  1214. >"What? All they did was just stare at one another."
  1215. >"Sure but there were a ton of words being thrown back and forth!"
  1216. >"And what makes you so certain about that huh?"
  1217. >"Just trust in Auntie Pinkie Pie she will steer ya true."
  1218. >"Pinkie, we are the same age."
  1219. >“Only a difference of three months~ Oh it looks like they’re done talking!”
  1220. “I will gladly accept your help Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie if you wish to assist I would be very grateful as well.”
  1221. >Pinkie giggled in reply, “Sure! Let’s find some puppies!”
  1222. With a nod you begin the trek back to the castle intent on finding these dogs and hopefully ending this scuffle before anypony gets hurt, it shouldn’t be too hard right?

Broken Herds, Reforged

by ComfysPlace

Shimmering the Setting Sun

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Twilight Era and Troubles

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by ComfysPlace

Lightning and Rainbows

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