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Off Duty, part 3 (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:11:28
Expiry: Never

  2. > The human, Saul, made Celestia quite uncomfortable. He was loud and lazy and indulgent. Why exactly Silent Brook would put up with him was a mystery.
  3. > And he drank a lot. And he smoked, far worse than Douglas Wilder. As a result, the house was messy and filthy and it stank.
  4. > Her presence was... tolerated. The mare couldn't read that particular human, so she didn't know what he really thought of her staying there. Silent Brook had simply informed the man that 'Supple Branch' would be living with them for a while.
  5. > She still wanted to repay their kindness, such as it was, by cleaning up and perhaps cooking. But the pony didn't like to stay in the same room as Saul unless absolutely necessary.
  6. > Luckily, the man left in the afternoon and her stallion host explained that his owner worked in a factory. That gave her a chance to swoop into the lower floor and pick up most of the trash.
  7. > She didn't worry too much about using magic inside the house, though the alicorn had made sure she was disguised as Supple Branch whenever there was a chance to meet Saul.
  8. > He usually never came to the first floor, Silent Brook assured her, so she could calmly stay as her true self while she was there. That made it easier.
  9. > Her pony friend was even kind enough to go to a nearby store and pick up some necessities. She had enough money to pay for it herself, but Celestia didn't like the idea of leaving the house while there was a chance she could be stopped and questioned without a human by her side.
  10. > Silent Brook brought her the urgent things: foodstuffs, some cleaning supplies and - most importantly - trash bags. She needed lots and lots of trash bags.
  11. > As she began working, the stallion sat on the couch and watched, though without apparent interest. She did her best to ignore him. After a few moments, he turned on the TV and focused his attention on that instead.
  12. > The Princess was efficient and well versed in such work by now. Pretty soon she had the trash packed away and the bags stacked outside by the cans, and she could focus on the next job.
  13. > It was rather hard to choose, but she picked a rag and the cleaning fluid and started on all the wood and plastic and ceramic surfaces.
  14. > The walls were in a worse state, but Celestia didn't know what to do about that. Maybe the rag would be enough, or maybe a coat of paint would be required.
  15. > On the other hoof, it might be less effort to just demolish them and rebuild. Or at the very least, strip the plaster off and put new on. However you went about doing that...
  16. > She might get an idea for a spell later. For the moment she focused on the grubby furniture.
  17. > "You don't have to do that, you know?" Silent Brook announced suddenly. It nearly made her drop the bottle. The alicorn had forgotten that she had company. For the last few minutes she had been starting to feel almost as if she was still with Anonymous in his empty house, while he was at work.
  18. > The mare twirled around in surprise.
  19. "Oh. It's not a problem. A little thank-you for letting me stay."
  20. > He didn't seem particularly grateful. "You don't have to lie to me, Princess. I know what this is," he said in a tone Celestia didn't particularly like.
  21. "What is this, then?"
  22. > Again the pony paused before answering. He almost glared at her. "You're just too fancy to live in squalor like this. It doesn't behoove a Princess to have a bit of dirt and trash around her."
  23. > A bit?!
  24. "A bit?! Silent Brook, this place is a mess! And no, I genuinely wanted to do something nice for you and Saul!"
  25. > His mouth quirked up in an almost-smile. "Don't lie. You're probably thinking why haven't I done something about this myself."
  26. > That much was true. From what she could tell, Celestia didn't think Silent Brook really worked anywhere. He just ran errands for his human. He obviously had enough free time to do something about the living conditions.
  27. > But she decided to be diplomatic.
  28. "I have wondered, true. But I understand that life sometimes gets in the way."
  29. > She really did hope Silent Brook had a reason. Some ponies were slobs, but the alicorn had very rarely seen standards slip this low.
  30. "For example, at the very least you could have washed the bedsheets in your room."
  31. > Silent Brook had the decency to look embarrassed. "I was busy," he muttered and looked away - a blatant lie.
  32. > It made the alicorn stare at him for a while, but she didn't push the topic.
  33. "I will wash them for you. Did you bring washing powder?"
  34. > The pony shook his head. "Machine doesn't work. It's no use. No money for a new one. Not even to get it repaired."
  35. > Celestia nearly kept herself quiet, but couldn't quite manage it this time.
  36. "But there is money for cigarettes and drink?"
  37. > The result was surprising. Silent Brook jumped from the couch and advanced on her with a dangerous gleam in his eye.
  38. > "Who bucking gives you the right to come in here and judge us?! Huh?! Just because you live in a castle full of servants and maids you think you're better than us?"
  39. > She could easily have stopped him with magic, but in her initial shock the mare just stepped back before his anger.
  40. "No, of course I didn't mean-"
  41. > "You need a place, fine! Stay! But one more word about this house or Saul and I'm kicking you out myself!" Silent Brook growled.
  42. > The alicorn swallowed a lump and nodded. The stallion kept staring at her for a bit longer, then went past her and up the stairs. She just watched him go in silence.
  43. > Just before he was out of sight, Silent Brook stopped and muttered: "Laundromat is down the street."
  44. > Then he was gone.
  45. > It took Celestia a few moments to understand what he meant. It wasn't a common thing anymore, but before laundry washing machines were readily available, some humans took their clothes to a specialized store, where they could wash it for a small fee.
  46. > She didn't relish the idea of doing that herself, but if she really meant to clean the place up, she would have to.
  47. > It was obviously a touchy subject, and now the alicorn was curious. What could have happened between Silent Brook and his human to cause something like this?
  48. > At first glance they hated each other. The stallion swore at the human and the human swore at the stallion.
  49. > Saul ordered Silent Brook around, mainly to fetch cigarettes or liquor or food, while the pony just seemed to resent everything the human said.
  50. > She remembered the park and thought to herself: Possibly his owner also beat Silent Brook, at least sometimes. Perhaps that was why he didn't come to the pony meet up? He didn't want the others to see bruises?
  51. > Yet on the other hoof, Silent Brook seemed to be free to go as he pleased. He could have walked out and never returned if he wanted.
  52. > Something kept him there and fiercely loyal to his owner.
  53. > It was a secret and Celestia decided to get to the bottom of it.
  54. > She put the cleaning bottle down and draped the rag over a chair. Then she followed the stallion upstairs.
  55. > Walking as silently as she could, she came to his room and found the door closed. It wasn't locked, so she just used a tiny levitation spell to twist the doorknob.
  56. > Then she gently pushed it open.
  57. > Silent Brook was curled up on his mattress, with his legs over his head, as if he was trying to shut some noise out. He didn't hear her come in, especially the way he was breathing heavily.
  58. > The pony was on the verge of sobbing and Celestia felt her heart fill with pity. It was obviously painful and wrought with emotion, whatever the real reason for him staying with Saul.
  59. > She approached and sat beside the mattress. The stallion saw her, but didn't comment. After a while she laid a wing across his withers.
  60. > He didn't fight her off, which the alicorn took as a good sign.
  61. "I'm sorry."
  62. > It was generally a good way to start these things.
  63. "I was out of line. Of course it is not my place to judge and I guess I forgot."
  64. > Silent Brook just grunted something noncommittal, so the Princess went on by herself:
  65. "I do wish to understand. Please speak to me."
  66. > His voice came quietly and Celestia had to strain her ears to hear: "None of your business."
  67. > She sighed and decided on a more direct approach. It made the stallion squeak in protest, but she picked him up in her hooves and hugged him. He resisted, but only for a moment.
  68. > He couldn't match her strength, not while being pressed firmly against the royal chest fluff.
  69. > The mare smiled sadly. The Royal Chestfluff was a power she used too rarely. She promised herself this would change if she ever got home.
  70. > After Silent Brook stopped struggling, it only took a single nuzzle for him to burst into tears. It was about what Celestia had expected.
  71. > The stallion acted tough and independent to better hide some awful secret. He didn't wish to burden his friends with it. Often that made him come across as gruff and uncaring.
  72. > But in reality the problem he was dealing with was beyond him.
  73. "... from the smallest cause..."
  74. > She murmured it gently. It was unlikely Silent Brook understood the words, but he did hear the tone and it was making him relax a little.
  75. "You don't owe the human anything. I promise I will find a way home for you, Silent Brook."
  76. > Now the pony began struggling again. He pushed himself away and focused an incredulous, hurt look on the Princess. It nearly made her drop him.
  77. > "I don't wanna go home!" he hissed angrily. "Let me go! You don't understand *anything*!"
  78. > She almost did, especially with Silent Brook pushing against her. But the alicorn brought her wings into play and kept both her grip and the smile.
  79. "Then tell me. I wish to understand."
  80. > It was a chancy thing. It could easily have gone the wrong way. But Celestia kept her expression open and caring, and her ears focused expectantly on the stallion.
  81. > His gaze lowered and his legs relaxed.
  82. > "I owe Saul and his family my life. More than that! I owe them *everything*!"
  83. > It was bound to be a heart-wrenching story and Celestia mentally prepared herself for it. Now that he had made the decision to speak, she also loosened her grip and allowed Silent Brook to settle back on the mattress.
  84. > He didn't pull away, but neither did he try to keep the hug going. In the end, the alicorn just left her wing lightly draped around his shoulders and back.
  85. > It would help if he didn't have to look at her face, so the mare shifted a little and faced the wall, just like Silent Brook was doing.
  86. > "When I first got here... on Earth," he began quietly, "they tossed me from auction to auction. I bit and kicked a lot. I was angry. I didn't know what was happening!"
  87. > This confirmed what Celestia had guessed - Silent Brook was among the first ones taken. That meant he was probably originally from the Dodge City, or that region. Where the humans first appeared from the portal in the Badlands.
  88. > She didn't say it, though. The stallion would continue at his own pace and nothing good would come out of rushing him now.
  89. > "The guy who bought me last," Silent Brook went on, "I... never got to know him. Some oil-rich bastard from some shithole of a country on the other side of the world. He had bodyguards. They packed me in a cage and tossed me on an airplane for thirty hours. No food, no water, it was cold and noisy and hard to breathe."
  90. > Her wing twitched a little, but Celestia resisted the urge to hug the stallion again. She needed him to finish before he broke down in tears again.
  91. > Besides, he didn't seem too upset about the awful-sounding journey.
  92. > "But that was the good part," he said, with a humorless chuckle. "Turns out he needed an interesting diversion for his two sadistic little shitstains. Twenty something and living on their papa's money and bored out of their skulls. They liked to torture animals and daddy just looked the other way because he was busy!"
  93. > Silent Brook barked a mirthless laugh. "Guess I was cheap enough with my record..."
  94. > The pony took a glance at the Princess and she nearly recoiled from his expression. She almost asked him to spare her the details.
  95. "I'm sorry."
  96. > She truly was. Even without knowing what came next, she was scared of the story.
  97. > "Yeah. Well, it was pure Tartarus," the stallion said, looking away again. "I didn't speak the language and they only used English to torture me. And they liked to play with knives!"
  98. > At this, Silent Brook twisted and showed her his belly. He pried the fur away to reveal a network of scars.
  99. > Celestia gulped in fear.
  100. "Why?!"
  101. > It was as alien a thought as she could imagine. Why would any creature do this to any other?! She understood predators and hunger, but this was just pain for pain's sake!
  102. > But before she could ask again, the pony settled back down and grinned fiercely. "They didn't tie me up properly one day. Stupid as well as mean. I broke a leg on one of them," he explained, ignoring her question. "Kicked the other in the stomach and ran for it."
  103. > She didn't like to hear about her ponies being that violent, but after the last bit, the alicorn nearly cheered him on. She knew Silent Brook wasn't lying about how horrible those humans were. If anything, he was holding back. They deserved whatever they got and possibly more!
  104. > "Of course they had guards, but at that point I wouldn't mind a bullet through my head, just as long as I didn't have to go back to those two!"
  105. > The words made Celestia shudder and she replaced her wing around Silent Brook for some quiet comfort.
  106. > "Turns out, there were Americans near there. Lucky for me there was a war, so they came looking when they heard guns. They didn't know what I was, so they shoved me into a cage," the stallion said and the relief in his voice was palpable.
  107. > He smiled a little. "That's where I met Saul. He was stationed there and he was the only one in the bunch who'd heard of ponies. Came to feed me and talk to me every night. I guess he called in some favours or something, because the next thing I knew, they were shipping me back to America. To his family."
  108. > Celestia allowed herself to relax a little. Maybe the rest of the story would be less gruesome. But she was beginning to see why Silent Brook was this fiercely loyal to Saul. She would be too, to any human who took her from a place like that!
  109. > But there was more to the story. The stallion heaved a sigh and continued: "I was pretty messed up. Imagine living on a quiet farm around Appleloosa, then grabbed by some upright monkeys then before you know it they are whipping you and shoving knives in you, just to see how loud you could squeal. I still get nightmares sometimes..."
  110. > Her wing-hug tightened and for the first time Silent Brook seemed grateful. He even leaned into the mare and nuzzled her flank.
  111. "H-how long? Did t-they..."
  112. > "About a month," he said dismissively. "Anyway, back in America, I woke up most nights screaming. But April - she's Saul's daughter - ran into my room and held me until I got over it," the stallion said gently. He was back to staring at the wall, but now blissfully, rather than fearfully.
  113. > He smiled a little. "After a couple of nights she just put me in her bed and slept next to me. It really helped. I didn't want her to do that - I really didn't want to kick her in my nightmare. But that girl wasn't afraid for a second."
  114. "That is really sweet."
  115. > "Yeah. An absolute angel. Anyway, by the time Saul came back from the military I was ready to worship the ground he walked on. Remember, he got me out of that mess. A few more days in that cage and the rich jerk would have come for me. He did, but they told him I was shot during my escape and they burned my body."
  116. > Now Silent Brook's expression was slipping back to sadness. There was more heartbreak, so Celestia just stayed quiet and waited for it.
  117. > "Saul didn't get off lightly either. That war was hell on everyone. He changed since the time I saw him last."
  118. > Silent Brook shook his head. "It was fine for the first few weeks. We talked a lot. It seemed like it was all over for us. I hoped I'd spend the rest of my life with him and his family."
  119. > The alicorn was starting to see the shape of the last bit of the story, but she let her friend finish it himself. The stallion sighed sadly and his head lowered.
  120. > "But it didn't last. He kept staring into the distance, muttering. More and more. And he started drinking. I mean drinking a lot."
  121. > "Well, he got into arguments with his wife. Finally she decided she'd had enough and took April away," Silent Brook explained flatly.
  122. "You didn't go with them?"
  123. > When the pony looked at her again, all Celestia could see was love and devotion. After a moment he squeezed his eyes shut and fresh tears leaked down his face.
  124. > His voice was husky with emotion. "How could I do that?! The man saved my life. And he needs me a lot more than April and Lena," he blurted out. "I just..."
  125. > The pony sighed again and the sadness in his slumped shoulders and flat ears was heartbreaking. "I just dunno how to help. He drinks, and then he yells. And he still wakes up in the night. Sometimes I sleep in his bed. H-he..."
  126. > Now the stallion was really nervous. He glanced at Celestia and tried to decide if she could be trusted with this.
  127. > "He sometimes... p-punches... me. He doesn't mean it! It's the nightmares! And he's sorry about it! But..." the stallion said and sighed again, "it still hurts."
  128. > Silent Brook waited to see what her reaction would be. It was crucial she used a careful hoof with this.
  129. "And you stay in his bed because without you, it is worse."
  130. > He was very surprised at her guess. But the stallion nodded. "Yes. What else can I do!?" Silent Brook lowered his voice and his glance darted fearfully around. "He has his gun in a drawer, next to the bed. I'm afraid.. if I g-go, he'll..."
  131. > A shuddering sob racked his body. "He'll..."
  132. > He didn't need to say it out loud. Celestia placed a wing feather on his muzzle.
  133. "Hush, I understand."
  134. > She guided Silent Brook's face back to her belly and just held him as the dam broke loose. This was an anguish which had been quietly collecting over the years.
  135. > The mare wanted to help. Yes, she wanted to get home. But while she waited for that option to present itself, one of her ponies needed her. Of course that came first.
  136. > She just wished she knew how to help. What to do?
  137. > It would take thought. And it would take a very gentle hoof, because both Silent Brook and Saul would probably fight her all the way.
  138. > She hadn't expected to get as far as she had, even. Hearing most of Silent Brook's story this soon. Of course a lot of the detail was missing for now. That would come later.
  139. > To have gotten this much out of him at all...
  140. > Celestia guessed she had her alicorn status to thank for that. The Princesses were a symbol of safety and stability. This was something taught and re-taught to all ponies in Equestria nearly from birth.
  141. > In part, that was what made it such a big responsibility. To live up to all that.
  142. > She idly ran a wing down the stallion's mane and back, as soothingly as she could. She knew the first steps to take on this road. And, when she put her mind to it, the rest of it would undoubtedly become clear as well.
  143. > It would take a while. Maybe she didn't have enough time left on Earth.
  144. > Maybe she would have a chance to go home - which she would have to take, for the sake of all her subjects. Or maybe the humans would catch her.
  145. > Matters of the heart were not resolved quickly. But maybe, if she got Silent Brook and Saul started, they could make the rest of the journey on their own.
  146. > The first thing was easy, though. She carefully lifted Silent Brook's face from the Royal Chestfluff and smiled at him.
  147. "You're a very good pony. I'll help as best as I can."
  148. > He blinked, not completely understanding her words, but the smile and the tone worked wonders to relax him.
  149. "First, we'll clean this place up, okay? Together. Let's call it my personal little thank you to Saul for rescuing you."
  150. > The pony gave a hesitant nod and his ears lifted up with hope.
  151. "And then... the nightmares..."
  152. > The ears went instantly down.
  153. "I *know* you still have the dreams sometimes. Maybe I can help you both - I'm not my Sister, but I know a thing or two about the dream world."
  154. > This time, Silent Brook let his ears rise only slightly, as if unsure. It made Celestia giggle quietly.
  155. > She glanced out the window. It was nearly night. The human should be coming home in a few hours, or so the stallion had told her.
  156. "Come, let's go to the kitchen and see if we can make a nice dinner."
  157. > He gripped her around the waist with all four legs. "D-don't tell him! A-about what I told you! Pl-please!" Silent Brook mumbled fearfully.
  158. "I promise."
  159. > She thought of another thing as she watched the stallion.
  160. "But you're taking a bath and then I'm cutting your mane. Can't have subjects looking like that."
  161. > Her tone was lighthearted and her grin said it was mostly a joke.
  162. > "Hey!" the stallion said and put his hooves over his head, as if protectively. But his mouth quirked up in a tiny smile.
  163. "Not negotiable."
  164. > She touched his nose with hers and giggled a little. After a moment, Silent Brook managed a very faint smile. It helped them both to put the horrible story behind.
  165. > Then the stallion stood up and led the way downstairs.
  167. >~~~~
  169. > The human didn't say thank you. Now that Celestia knew something about his past she didn't mind so much. She still made sure that the house was cleaned up - somewhat, at least - and the dinner was cooked and served on the table.
  170. > She should have gotten at least an acknowledgement or something! The complete disinterest was what stung the most. As if all her effort didn't even matter.
  171. > If Silent Brook felt bad about his owner's manners, the stallion didn't say. He didn't thank her either, but the pony had at least helped her prepare everything.
  172. > What they ended up having was vegetable stew. Not the most exciting stuff, but easy to make. Saul didn't show any appreciation, but he didn't complain either.
  173. > The human simply came home from his job, walked right past the faintly smiling 'Supple Branch', saw the meal on the table and went to eat. After a few moments of stunned silence, the alicorn joined him.
  174. > And she had been waiting in the hallway for at least fifteen minutes to greet the human home!
  175. > Celestia couldn't help feeling just a tiny bit snubbed.
  176. > Silent Brook heard, more than saw, his human enter, so he got up from the couch and came to the kitchen which also doubled up as the dining room.
  177. > As they ate she tried to break the silence a little.
  178. "So, I hope work was not too tiring, Mr. Saul?"
  179. > Too late the alicorn remembered that Silent Brook had never told her the surname.
  180. > "Just Saul," the human replied, a tad gruffly. He didn't seem offended, but he also didn't answer her question. Celestia decided not to push it.
  181. "I can make other things, if you would prefer, Saul. As a little thank you for letting me stay here."
  182. > Finally the human looked at her. He didn't seem neither pleased not annoyed about her presence.
  183. > The alicorn swallowed nervously.
  184. "We, uh. We also cleaned a little."
  185. > Finally some useful response: "Thanks."
  186. > It made the mare smile. So he wasn't completely impolite! Even Silent Brook managed a weak grin.
  187. > It was a very, very tiny victory, but Celestia took it and shut up. The rest of the meal passed in silence. Then she stacked the dishes into the sink - carefully so she wouldn't break them with hooves - and excused herself.
  188. > Silent Brook followed her upstairs.
  189. > "Sorry about him. He doesn't talk much, especially with people he doesn't know," the stallion explained.
  190. "I noticed."
  191. > "I'll, uh get you something to sleep on."
  192. > Hopefully cleaner than the mattress. It was too late in the day, but Celestia vowed to round up any cloth she could find in the house and take it to that Laundromat the first thing next morning!
  193. > With her collar and with Silent Brook by her side, the humans shouldn't bother her. It was practically across the street, anyway.
  194. > The stallion had gone to another room and she heard him rummaging around. After a few minutes he came out and walked to the stairs.
  195. > "Saul! Where's the camping stuff?!" he yelled down. His tone and the sheer volume made the alicorn wince.
  196. > The human's reply was just as impolite: "Storeroom! Where it always was!"
  197. > "It's not in the right box! Did you take it?!" Silent Brook insisted.
  198. > There was a thump and Celestia guessed the human hit the armrest with his fist. "Why the fuck would I do that, horse!? No one goes up there except you!"
  199. > After a moment the pony sighed and turned around. Celestia joined him.
  200. "Have you considered talking with Saul a bit more politely?"
  201. > Silent Brook paused just long enough to glare. "You go down there and ask him *politely*. See if you get a better answer."
  202. > The mare shook her head and went to the storage room. It was full of boxes, most of them closed. There was also a layer of dust covering most things.
  203. > The upper floor would be the next part of the house for her cleaning efforts, she decided.
  204. > A couple of boxes were open and their contents spilled across the floor. There were papers in plastic binders. She also saw some old clothes, sized for men, and a pair of rubber boots.
  205. > Silent Brook followed her inside and looked around. Then he sighed. "It should be in one of these..."
  206. > He dragged another box to himself, and awkwardly pulled the top open with his teeth. The alicorn rolled her eyes and prodded him in the flank.
  207. "Let me."
  208. > The first thing to do was change back to her alicorn shape. That allowed her to see over the stacked boxes. Then she levitated a few and easily opened them.
  209. "What am I looking for?"
  210. > The stallion tried to peer inside one, so she lowered it a little. "Looks like army camouflage - green and brown and yellow pattern. Sleeping bag and foam pad. Both should be rolled up," he explained.
  211. "Why is it all packed in boxes?"
  212. > Silent Brook gave her a long look, as if deciding whether to trust telling her. "Saul just left it all in the car when he came from the military. Said he didn't wanna look at it. So April and me just packed it up and put it here. There was some stuff in boxes up here already, anyway."
  213. > The stallion shook his head a little. "He never even asked about it. Except the gun. He kept that with him."
  214. > It was a dangerously dark trail of thought so Celestia changed it.
  215. "Tell me about April."
  216. > The mere mention was enough to get Silent Brook to smile again. "She is really something. The army doc in Afghanistan stitched me up after my escape-"
  217. "You were injured?!"
  218. > Silent Brook nodded. "Yeah, a bullet grazed me. Anyway, I had to go and have my stitches taken out so April came with me. At the time, humans didn't know too much about us ponies, so the vet..."
  219. > His ears fell flat at the shame and the stallion looked away. He repeated, more firmly and angrily: "The vet. He didn't dare give me any painkiller. The one in Afghanistan didn't either, but at the time I was glad I was alive."
  220. "Ouch."
  221. > The pony just ignored her comment. "So April took me by the ears and put her face right up to mine. Smiled and said we were going for ice cream after that, so what flavours would I like?"
  222. > Even Celestia was grinning now.
  223. > "Turns out, focusing on her face and smell and thinking about ice cream took my mind right off things. Didn't even sting when the vet poured alcohol on the wound."
  224. "A sweet young lady. I wish to meet her."
  225. > Now his face fell and Silent Brook looked away. "She doesn't come around often. Sometimes I meet her in the park, but not as much lately."
  226. "I'm sorry."
  227. > Celestia kept opening box after box as they talked. She found a bit of the distinctive green and brown cloth in a few of them, but they were uniforms. Perhaps in this next one...
  228. "Do you think I could meet with the others, discreetly?"
  229. > The stallion leaned his head to the side, thinking hard. "You said the government is after you? Can you change into anypony else, or just Supple Branch?"
  230. "It takes study. The spell is an alteration of Changeling magic, but it's a lot more difficult, even for an alicorn. I would need the book with the original form, then alter it over a course of a month to get a specific image."
  231. > Of course the earth pony didn't understand magic too well, but he nodded. "Well, if they can get to the laundromat, or the coffee shop down the street, I don't think anyone would bother you. We don't get a lot of police in this neighborhood."
  232. > It was promising.
  233. "Could you ask Glitter Dust to come one day?"
  234. > Silent Brook just shrugged a little. "Okay. I'll go there tomorrow morning, while you're waiting on the laundry. Maybe she'll come back with me."
  235. > It was good news. She could trust the pegasus with messages for Anonymous. They would have to be in some sort of code, but she knew her human well enough to come up with something.
  236. > "There! That's it!" the stallion exclaimed suddenly and pointed a hoof. Celestia looked at the box she was holding and brought out the roll. It was green foam, along with the sleeping bag itself. It was easily large enough to serve as a makeshift bed.
  237. > Maybe not as soft as she was used to, but the alicorn didn't mind 'roughing' it for a while. At least she wouldn't have to sleep outside in the snow!
  238. "Yes, this will do nicely! Thank you, Silent Brook!"
  239. > The stallion just grunted. "It's getting late. I'll turn in, if you don't mind, Princess."
  240. "Just Celestia, please."
  241. > She followed him back to his room. There were two more doors, but they seemed closed and the dust on the floor suggested they hadn't been open in a while.
  242. "What is in there?"
  243. > The pony glanced and shrugged a little. He seemed downcast and his ears drooped a little. "Left one is April's room. Right one is where Lena had her exercise equipment. She sent people to get it, so now it's just an empty room. We don't really use it."
  244. > Silent Brook settled himself down on his mattress and pulled a scrap of blanket around him. He didn't give her any extra instructions for her sleeping arrangements, so the alicorn decided for herself.
  245. > She unrolled the foam and laid it down on the other side of the room. The sleeping bag would serve as a makeshift blanket.
  246. "Thank you, Silent Brook. I will try to be in your dreams tonight, but I have not done this in a while so it may take some practice."
  247. > The stallion just grunted something noncommittal, so Celestia settled down. As she tucked herself in, the mare couldn't help inhaling deeply.
  248. > There was a mixture of smells in the fabric, faded after being stored for so long, but still plain to her nose. An exotic mixture of spice, dry sand and sun-bleached stone. It reminded her of nothing else than the desert from her diplomatic visits to Saddle Arabia!
  249. > She also smelled Saul in it, but it wasn't unpleasant. She just wished it was Anonymous instead.
  250. "Good night, Silent Brook."
  251. > At least this time he answered more politely: "Good night, Celestia."
  253. > ~~~~
  255. > Celestia was happy that the Laundromat was mostly empty. It really was a thing of the past. She had her pick from the rows of huge washing machines, so she selected the one that seamed the least beaten up.
  256. > On the other hoof, it was easily large enough for all the washing she had to do.
  257. > There was a lot of it. Bedclothes and garments were only the start of it. After a brief consideration, the alicorn had also taken the fabric from the couch pillows, the curtains and the table cloth.
  258. > Now the thing was churning in its endless cycle and the mare, disguised as Supple Branch in public of course, sat on the uncomfortable seat and waited.
  259. > She hoped Silent Brook would be back soon with Glitter Dust's reply. Or, preferably, the pegasus herself.
  260. > She glanced from the machine right in front of her to the other one. She had picked the two cleanest - one for white cloth and one for colored and black.
  261. > Learning about that particular problem had been fun. Anonymous' shirt had been ruined, but luckily the human didn't mind too much.
  262. > If the little display could be believed, it would take another hour to finish washing. After that - the mare glanced around her at yet another row of big, blocky machines - she would have to move it all into two dryers.
  263. > It would end up costing four dollars. Not too expensive. Just time consuming.
  264. > And infinitely boring!
  265. > Celestia looked around and saw a stack of magazines. She went to inspect them and immediately spotted the title and murmured it out loud from sheer surprise:
  266. "How to please your man?!"
  267. > She blushed and looked around to make sure no one was looking. Why would humans put stuff like that in a magazine was beyond her, but with the knowledge right there, she could certainly use it.
  268. > If she ever saw Anonymous again.
  269. > That thought threatened to make her sad and the mare shook her head. No! She'd see him again.
  270. > Maybe not in the next few days, but as soon as she got home, she would have Mr. Plain send Anonymous a message - and an invitation. He was bound to say yes!
  271. > She picked up the magazine and opened it. It couldn't hurt to read it, could it? Even an old pony like herself could do with learning a few new tricks.
  272. >...
  273. > "Hey Supple!"
  274. > The cheerful voice interrupted Celestia right in the middle of 'blowjob like a porn star', and she hurriedly shoved the shameful thing under her rump with a faint squeak.
  275. "Uh, h-hello!"
  276. > She looked wildly around herself, right into the eyes of a smiling Glitter Dust. That was enough to overpower the embarrassment, so she jumped from the seat and gave her friend a warm hug.
  277. > It had only been a day, but somehow it felt longer. The pegasus sat right on the floor and kept her smile. "So, Silent tells me you wanted to see me."
  278. > The alicorn bobbed her head.
  279. "Yes! I need you to send a message to Anonymous."
  280. > This made Glitter Dust's face fall. "Uh, dunno if that's such a good idea, Supple," she began slowly.
  281. > At least she was using the right name, Celestia thought. They were the only three in the laundromat, but one could never be too careful.
  282. "Why not?"
  283. > "You got out of there just in time. The feds came to Maggie, asking questions. She never saw you... as you are, so she couldn't tell them much. They even asked me stuff! I think that put them off the trail, but you should still be careful for a while."
  284. > It was alarming news. The people looking for her were clever and thorough. They went after Anonymous, Mr. Plain *and* now Maggie and Glitter Dust. Undoubtedly they would ask any others her human had had contact with.
  285. "What did you tell them?"
  286. > The pegasus glanced at her a little sideways, as if insulted. "Nothing, of course. I never suspected you were an alicorn. I just knew you as 'Supple Branch'. I don't know where you are now."
  287. > Celestia smiled with relief.
  288. > The stallion piped up: "They won't find you here. Humans mostly don't know about me. A cop told me once - I'm not even in the computer. 'Cause I got in the country through the military and no one bothered to register me or something."
  289. > He was at the same time irritated by the fact and slightly proud of it.
  290. > She was relieved, but the fact still put a damper in her plans.
  291. "Well, I need to get a message to Anonymous. Isn't there anything you can do?"
  292. > The pegasus sighed. "Give me it and I'll see in a couple of days, if things settle down a little."
  293. > The alicorn grinned.
  294. "Thank you! Just tell him you looked at the sun and it was very interesting, so he should, too."
  295. > She hoped her human would put it together. 'Look at the sun' should be clear enough that he should come see her.
  296. "Oh, and I really like this laundromat. It's so quiet."
  297. > That last bit was a hint for the pegasus, more than Anonymous. It really did look like a good place to meet, Silent Brook was right in that.
  298. > Glitter Dust shrugged a little. "Okay, guess he'll know what you mean?"
  299. > Celestia just nodded.
  300. > "Perfect. I have to go now. Maggie drove me here. She's waiting in the car."
  301. > As soon as she was gone, Silent Brook put his hoof on the seat. Too late Celestia saw that the magazine was still open on the incriminating page.
  302. > "Why are you reading up on how to pleasure humans?" he asked in a flat voice.
  303. > She was instantly blushing again.
  304. "I w-was curious. And bored. It was just the first thing I grabbed..."
  305. > But she couldn't quite meet his eyes, and that probably told him everything about Anonymous and her.
  306. > "Uh huh," he said slowly, unconvinced. He slid the magazine away and sat. "So, what's next?"
  307. > The mare glanced at the machines.
  308. "The dryer."
  309. > It made the stallion chortle a little. "I meant *after* that. Just go home and wait for Glitter?"
  310. "Something like that. How were your dreams tonight?"
  311. > The pony glanced away from her. "Same as usual. Not too bad."
  312. "I will try again tonight. I'm sorry."
  313. > He waved a dismissive hoof. "Thanks for trying, anyway."
  314. > The Princess thought about how to *really* help the stallion. Given enough time she could probably do it herself, but there were ponies who specialized in this kind of thing, especially after the Earth-portal.
  315. "Are you sure I cannot convince you to come home with me? There must be-"
  316. > He was already shaking his head. "No. Thanks, but no," Silent Brook said. His eyes focused on the house, which was just visible through the shop window. "He needs me."
  317. > His loyalty was truly heartwarming. She sighed and joined her friend on the seat. She didn't have wings in her disguise, but she put her foreleg around him.
  318. > After a moment, the stallion relaxed and leaned against her.
  319. > They watched the machines turning their laundry around and around.
  320. >...
  321. > Celestia avoided the living room, where Saul was sitting on the couch watching the TV and smoking. He had immediately sent the stallion out for more cigarettes, but seemed to be ignoring the mare still.
  322. > She didn't mind too much and went about replacing all the fabric she had stripped from the house. She hung the curtain up - making sure the human wasn't looking in her direction while she used the magic - then stepped back to inspect her hoofwork.
  323. > It wouldn't do.
  324. > Now the walls were a distinct contrast against the curtains. How *did* you make walls that yellow?!
  325. > She really would have to try and come up with a spell to whiten them. Maybe yet another variation of her dusting magic?
  326. > Meanwhile the pony took her load of washed cloth and went into the master bedroom on the ground floor.
  327. > She had cleaned in there before, but it still felt strange. Everywhere, on everything she could smell, there was just Saul.
  328. > It almost felt like cheating on Anonymous. The alicorn didn't want to stay in that room too long. She quickly fitted the sheet and spread the blanket on the bed. A bit of surreptitious magic rapidly folded Saul's clothes and stacked them in their proper places in wardrobes and dressers and drawers.
  329. > Then she spotted the ashtray on the nightstand. It was overflowing with ashes and cigarette butts.
  330. > Celestia rolled her eyes in exasperation. She was sure she had cleaned the room the previous day. The human must have brought it with him when he went to bed.
  331. > Smoking in bed? That was a fire hazard if ever she saw one.
  332. > The drawer was slightly open, too. She pushed it closed, but not before she spotted a glint of black metal.
  333. > Her breath caught and the mare froze on the spot. It was as if her blood had suddenly been replaced by ice.
  334. > She had heard of them. Of course she had - even back in Equestria. And she had seen them on TV. But this was the real thing.
  335. > The alicorn couldn't help her curiosity. It was wrong. And the thing was evil. But she wanted to look at it.
  336. > Her ear turned toward the door, but the TV was still blaring and Saul was still on the couch. She heard the springs squeak a little as he shifted.
  337. > Then, heart hammering, the pony gently pulled the drawer open. It didn't make a sound.
  338. > There it was.
  339. > A black, metal thing. More blocky than the ones she had seen in movies. She was almost afraid to touch it, even with magic, but she did so anyway and lifted the gun up to the light.
  340. > Some letters were embossed on the side. They didn't make much sense, except for a word: 'beretta'. She wondered what it meant.
  341. > The weapon was obviously made for hands. There was no way for a pony to operate one, except maybe a unicorn. The loop - where a human would put his finger - was far too small. And the grip would fit a palm perfectly, but trying to hold the thing steady with a hoof would be a nightmare.
  342. > Just out of curiosity, she let it float down into her upturned hoof, so she could feel the physical weight of it.
  343. > It was heavier than she expected.
  344. > "What the FUCK are you doing in there?!"
  345. > The yell came from the door. So much had Celestia focused on the evil little thing that she hadn't heard the human move!
  346. "EEP! Sorry! Sorry!"
  347. > She quickly let the gun drop back into the drawer and stepped aside. The human, irate and red in his face pushed past her and picked it back up. "What did you do?! Why were you looking for my gun?!"
  348. > The alicorn couldn't help noticing that he gripped the handle and put his finger in the loop with the trigger. For now it wasn't pointed at her, but she knew it was a definite possibility if Saul didn't like her answers.
  349. > Gulping in fear, Celestia thought quickly. She could probably protect herself with magic, but then she would have to leave. And the crazy human would take it out on Silent Brook. It wasn't fair.
  350. > Truth was her best defense.
  351. > She didn't have to think about her expression because it was already quite pitiful. Large, sad eyes. Ears folded flat. Lips slightly parted in terror. Tail tucked in and her forehooves so close together that they were touching.
  352. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Saul. I was cleaning in here and I saw it. I know I shouldn't have, but I wanted to look. I was very careful, I swear!"
  353. > He was obviously expecting denial, so the admission shocked him. He stared through suspicious eyes, unsure what to make of it.
  354. > His hand with the gun lowered and the dreadful barrel was pointing at the floor now.
  355. > Then the door burst open and Silent Brook called out: "Saul here are your damned smokes."
  356. > His hooves rang on the floor as the stallion went to check in the living room. It was empty, of course.
  357. > "Saul? Supple?" the pony was calling out as he walked through the kitchen back to the hall.
  358. > Celestia saw something strange. As Silent Brook was calling for him, the human looked at the gun in horror, then at the door. He seemed afraid. In moments, he stuck the weapon back in the nightstand and pushed the drawer closed.
  359. > "One word and you're dead!" he threatened.
  360. > The mare just nodded quietly. Then the human left her and went to meet the stallion.
  361. > "There you are! Smokes are on the coffee table. *You're welcome!*"
  362. > He had purchased them with Celestia's money, but the alicorn didn't mind. Anything to ingratiate herself with the pair. She hadn't known how long she would have to live with them, after all.
  363. > "Who the fuck is she, horse?! Who did you drag home?" the human yelled.
  364. > It caught Silent Brook by surprise, but he went instantly on the defensive. "What? She's a friend, Saul."
  365. > Maybe they didn't realize she could hear. Celestia quickly followed the human out and made sure the stallion saw her.
  366. > "Yeah?! Barging into our lives like that? Poking through my stuff?" the man demanded.
  367. > Her pony friend stared at Celestia for a moment in surprise, but then glared up at his owner. "She was probably cleaning, Saul. You know? The stuff we ought to do ourselves every now and then!"
  368. > It didn't help. The tall human pointed a trembling finger at the mare. "Well, she was going through my stuff! I want her out of here, now!"
  369. > This was very bad news and the alicorn took a step back at the accusation.
  370. > "Hah! Like you have stuff to hide! You're just a paranoid drunk, Saul. Let it go!" Silent Brook argued.
  371. > Why she said it, Celestia could never quite figure out. It seemed like the right thing at the right moment.
  372. > It was obvious that Saul didn't want the stallion to know he kept a gun nearby. And Silent Brook already knew. She needed to break that wall between them and get them talking.
  373. > Really talking, not just shouting obscenities.
  374. > Besides, if she had to leave anyway, there wasn't much of a danger.
  375. "I accidentally found the gun, Silent Brook. I should not have, but I picked it up to look. And I'm sorry."
  376. > The human made a passable impression of a goldfish as he stared at her with his mouth opening and closing.
  377. > Then he advanced on her. "I'll strangle you! Tattling little bitch!"
  378. > But Silent Brook was faster and placed himself between the mare and the human. If he was angry about her telling the human, he didn't show it.
  379. > "Give it up, Saul. I already knew you have a gun there."
  380. > Now that incredulous stare was focused on the stallion. "You what?" the human asked in quiet surprise. He didn't shout it and his arms fell to his side, which Celestia took as good signs.
  381. > "Face it, you son of a bitch. You've got problems. Hah! I've got problems, too! It's more common than you think. We're both messed up in the head. Of course I know you have your gun in the drawer!"
  382. > It took the human some time to answer. He didn't meet their eyes. "I kept it for the day you stopped coming back."
  383. > There it was! The first step! Celestia nudged Silent Brook forward with a well-aimed hoof to the rump. He stumbled and the human reflexively caught him, falling to his knees as he did so.
  384. > The stallion looked up. "Why the fuck do you think I keep coming back, you idiot? To stop you from going off the deep end! It's not for your sunny personality, you know?"
  385. > Celestia smiled at the little jab. It was important he spoke naturally. Saul would know it was honest.
  386. > The human was hard to read. His lips pressed together and he just watched the pony silently. But he didn't remove his hands from Silent Brook's shoulders.
  387. > Then Saul looked up at Celestia.
  388. > "She's a friend, Saul. You can trust her. I do. With my life," the stallion said gently.
  389. > Still the human said nothing. And after a few seconds, their moment of closeness was over. He stood up with a grunt and left. The ponies listened to heavy footsteps, then the tormented squeak of the couch.
  390. > And finally, the tearing of paper as Saul opened his new cigarettes pack.
  391. > At long last, Silent Brook looked at his alicorn friend. "Stupid," he commented. "Stupid, but ballsy. How'd you know that'd work? He might have killed us both."
  392. > She looked down in shame.
  393. "I d-didn't."
  394. > "Lucky, then."
  395. > The mare pointed.
  396. "Go and talk with him. You two need to talk it out. It's not going to get better if you just yell and swear at each other."
  397. > Silent Brook shrugged. "Dunno what to talk about."
  398. > The Princess rolled her eyes. "Tell him what you told me. How much you appreciated him visiting you in that cage in the desert. Start with that."
  399. > The stallion looked at her suspiciously. "And what will you do?"
  400. > The alicorn smiled.
  401. "I'll finish with the laundry, then I will begin cooking lunch."
  403. >~~~~
  405. > Things went back to normal. Or at least as normal as they ever got in Silent Brook's home. Celestia, for her part, mostly avoided the human and he did the same to her. The stallion and his owner went back to their uneasy existence.
  406. > Maybe they talked a little more, but it was hard to tell. They were certainly shouting at each other less. Maybe she could count it as a small victory.
  407. > Either way, the house was a lot more presentable after her efforts. The walls were still yellow, but most other surfaces gleamed.
  408. > She even attacked the filthy and disgusting toilets and bathrooms. Thank goodness for magic, so she didn't have to actually touch anything.
  409. > Even so, she took a long shower and thoroughly washed her horn afterward. That made her feel a little better.
  410. > Silent Brook was suitably impressed. Celestia didn't think the stallion had ever imagined his Princess to do such menial work. She was glad to prove him wrong.
  411. > She also kept trying to get into his dreams, but to no avail. There was one last thing to try and the alicorn faced her pony friend with it one evening.
  412. "I need to be touching you when we sleep."
  413. > His near instantaneous blush was cute, actually.
  414. > "W-what?! Why?!" he mumbled, not quite meeting her eyes. The pony was staring hard at her left ear.
  415. "I'm not my Sister, Silent Brook. She can get into any dream in Equestria, but I cannot. I need physical contact to do it."
  416. > The alicorn lowered her head and sighed a little.
  417. "It is not ideal, but I think we should try anyway. I hate to see how tired you are each morning after the nightmares. And I wake up at nights to listen to you whimpering."
  418. > It truly was heart wrenching. The alicorn made her way to Silent Brook's mattress and patted it with a hoof.
  419. "In you get."
  420. > The blush was quite apparent now, even under his orange fur. But he obeyed, after a moment's hesitation.
  421. > The stallion had his forelegs on the bed when he stopped and looked pleadingly at the Princess.
  422. > He asked in a very small voice: "I... might... you know. While I'm sleeping..."
  423. > Now Celestia was blushing a little, too.
  424. "I know. It is natural and I won't think any less if you."
  425. > The poor thing nodded miserably and dragged himself fully in bed. The alicorn joined him and pulled the blanket over them.
  426. > "S-so, what do I... how do we-?" Silent Brook tried to ask in as polite a way as he could, but words failed him.
  427. "Just relax. It should be enough for me to be near, but just in case..."
  428. > She shuffled a little closer and laid a wing across his withers. It was a little funny how Silent Brook nearly jumped at the touch. But he settled back and heaved a sigh.
  429. > It was entirely possible that he wouldn't sleep at all. But he wouldn't have a choice the next evening. Or the one after that.
  430. "Good night, Silent Brook."
  431. > The stallion swallowed before replying. "Good n-night, Princess."
  432. >...
  433. > They both managed to sleep, but the alicorn hadn't made it into Silent Brook's dream. She knew he *had* dreamed - one look at his face in the morning told her that. But she hadn't been able find it in the night.
  434. "I'm sorry, Silent Brook. But I'm willing to try again tonight."
  435. > Now that the initial awkwardness was over, the stallion just shrugged. "Okay. Whatever."
  436. > He didn't seem too convinced and Celestia wished she could talk to her sister for advice.
  437. > At least he didn't have problems sleeping in the same bed with somepony else. Probably his nights with Saul helped with that. His initial reluctance could easily be explained by the fact that she was a mare. And an alicorn.
  438. > Once he got over the fact that he had a Princess in his bed, Silent Brook had no trouble relaxing.
  439. > In the dark, one warm body was very much like another.
  440. > She stood up and stretched a little. A few moments later she changed to Supple Branch. The human was already up - she could hear him walking around downstairs.
  441. "I will go and make breakfast."
  442. > The stallion nodded and disentangled himself from the blanket. "Yeah. Saul will probably send me to the store. Need anything?"
  443. > He would be ordered to bring back cigarettes and beer, the alicorn knew. She was beginning to see the pattern.
  444. "Hard cheese. I will make us pasta tonight and I need more. Oh, and fresh tomatoes."
  445. > Nodding and yawning a little, Silent Brook made his way past the alicorn down the stairs. She followed, but paused just before the human could see her.
  446. > "There you are! Go to the store and fetch me-" Saul began, but Silent Brook just interrupted him and finished his sentence.
  447. > "Beer and smokes, yeah, yeah. Drunkard."
  448. > The human acted as if he hadn't even heard the insult. Instead, he plonked his rear in the couch and turned on the TV.
  449. > Once her pony friend was gone, Celestia gathered her courage and walked down and in the living room.
  450. "Morning, Saul."
  451. > The man glanced at her and immediately dismissed her presence. She tried to engage him a little:
  452. "What would you like for breakfast?"
  453. > Again he looked at her, as if trying to decide what she was after. His lips tightened in distrust, but after a few seconds he spoke: "Eggs and bacon."
  454. > It was disgusting, of course. Ruin perfectly good eggs with a piece of rotten flesh. But she had cooked it for Anonymous a few times and knew how. It meant she'd have to make hers and Silent Brook's first - or use two pans.
  455. > She went about her task and in moments the eggs were sizzling in a pan. There was meat in the fridge. She had cleaned out the rotten stuff and sent the stallion for fresh produce. He brought some meat things on his own initiative.
  456. > For Saul. It was actually sweet for the stallion to think of his human like that.
  457. > Celestia wondered if one could put bacon in tomato sauce as well. If she was already blaspheming with eggs, why not take it a little further? Especially if it made Saul happy.
  458. > At least it didn't take too long to cook. She opened the window, but the smell was still all-pervasive.
  459. > It was done shortly. She calculated by the eggs, of course. The alicorn had no way to tell when the bacon was ready. It wasn't quite black and the smell wasn't getting much better. Anonymous had always said it was good, so Celestia tried to match the approximate color.
  460. > Eventually she laid it on the table and went to poke her head into the living room.
  461. "It's ready, Saul. Enjoy."
  462. > Still no thanks, but at least he went to eat. That gave the mare a chance to tidy up a little in the living room.
  463. > She had left Saul's bedroom alone after the gun incident.
  464. > There were only a few empty cans on the coffee table. Was the human drinking less? Maybe her presence was having a positive effect on him already. Or maybe it was a clean house.
  465. > The Princess would have to remember and tell Silent Brook to keep cleaning - however tiresome it might be.
  466. >...
  467. > She had just finished sweeping the living room when Celestia spotted something quite unusual. There was a female human sneaking into the house!
  468. > Saul was still in the kitchen - she heard the occasional clink of his fork on the plate - and the alicorn opened her mouth to call him.
  469. > The young lady saw her and urgently shook her head and put a finger to her lips.
  470. > It was a desperate plea and Celestia hesitated. She approached.
  471. > "Please don't tell him, please!" the newcomer begged in a whisper. "I'm just looking for Silent Brook."
  472. > Celestia made an educated guess.
  473. "April?"
  474. > The girl was taken aback. "How do you know?! Do you know Silent? Is he here? Who are you?"
  475. > In her surprise she was becoming quite loud. The mare made a judgement call. She heard Saul getting up from his chair in the kitchen and whispered urgently to April:
  476. "Quiet. Go up, I'll be there in a minute. Silent Brook went to the store."
  477. > April smiled gratefully and nodded to her before silently running up the stairs. She vanished into Silent Brook's room.
  478. > Celestia met the man as he was coming from the kitchen.
  479. "I'll just put the dishes away, then I'll go upstairs, Saul. Any wishes for lunch?"
  480. > He actually thought about it! Before, whenever she asked anything like that, the human just ignored her.
  481. > Now he shrugged a little.
  482. > Could it be that he was warming up to her? Or at least becoming used to her presence?
  483. > "Dunno. Whatever," he said.
  484. > But he had considered her question! It was definite progress.
  485. > The alicorn smiled pleasantly and quickly put the empty plate and utensils in the sink. She could always wash them later, it wasn't as if her day was particularly full.
  486. > Then she slipped upstairs and found April sitting on Silent Brook's bed.
  487. > The girl was looking around in wonder. Probably at how clean the place was, Celestia decided.
  488. "Okay, why are you here, and why don't you want Saul to know?"
  489. > The young woman faced her without fear. She was probably quite pretty - Celestia couldn't always tell with humans - and she held herself with the easy grace of somepony comfortable in her hide.
  490. > She was slim, but not skinny, with a mess of bright red hair. That was an artificial color, Celestia knew that much after living on Earth for this long.
  491. > Her clothes were also on the light side. A pleasant, grass-green sweater and blue jeans. Her brown coat was the most drab thing about the attire.
  492. > Most importantly, the girl had an easy and friendly smile that wouldn't be out of place on the streets of Ponyville. Celestia had some bias from Silent Brook's stories, but she would have liked this person despite that.
  493. > "Me first," April said and with a mischievous grin. "Who are you and why are you living with Silent and Dad?"
  494. > The alicorn couldn't see the harm in telling her. Not the truth, of course, but pieces of it.
  495. "I'm Silent Brook's friend. He was kind enough to take me in for a few days until... my owner can pick me up."
  496. > Hopefully it sounded like her human was on vacation or something.
  497. > "So, you did all this?" the girl asked and waved a hand about. Particularly the window. Celestia was quite proud of her hoofwork. It was actually transparent now!
  498. "Yes. A little thank-you for letting me stay here."
  499. > April stared at her a little incredulously. "And Dad doesn't mind?"
  500. > The alicorn joined the human on the mattress. She sat down and April turned to face toward her.
  501. "It's hard to say, but I don't think so. It's just a few days anyway."
  502. > "How do you know Silent Brook?"
  503. > Again Celestia had to think about how much to tell her.
  504. "We met in the pony group. You know his other friends? Glitter Dust and Heavy Hoof and Lake Frond and-"
  505. > Nodding, the young lady finished her sentence: "Rock Lichen, and... what was her name? The funny unicorn?"
  506. "Glowbug."
  507. > She snapped her fingers in recollection. "Yeah! And the other pegasus, Belle Hoop, right?"
  508. "Hop. But yes. I moved into the area and..."
  509. > Celestia recalled the first time she had met the stallion.
  510. "Oh, sorry. A little mixup. I actually met Silent Brook in a park *first* and he told me about the group."
  511. > The girl bobbed her head up and down knowingly. "Yeah, I can't believe how they just let him walk around on his own."
  512. > Celestia pointed an accusing hoof.
  513. "Your turn!"
  514. > The girl was a bit embarrassed and looked away. "Dunno how much Silent has told you. Saul is my Dad, but he and Mom don't live together anymore. I live with Mom, but I try to visit sometimes. They don't have phones or the Internet, so it's kinda hard. I was hoping Dad would be at work."
  515. > The pony gently shook her head.
  516. "He works afternoons."
  517. > "Huh. He used to work mornings. Doesn't matter, he doesn't come up here anyway. I've spent the night sometimes, if Silent and me ended up talking too late."
  518. > For an instant Celestia wondered if the girl and the stallion were a thing. But it didn't seem so, at least not from her expression. Just good friends.
  519. > She wondered if she should mention how the two were doing.
  520. "I know Silent Brook misses you. Not sure about Saul, but I'd guess so."
  521. > The girl sighed a little sadly and hung her head. "I know. But I just can't visit so often anymore. Mom says I should stay away. And Dad gets worked up if he sees me. Starts ranting about Mom..."
  522. > It was an understandable fear. Celestia had seen first-hoof how the man could be when provoked. But turning her back on him was very irresponsible of his wife. She could have helped, if she took the time to understand.
  523. > None of it was April's fault, though.
  524. "I'm glad you disobey sometimes, if only for Silent Brook's sake."
  525. > Speaking of the stallion, the door opened and his voice rang out. "Here, fresh smokes. They didn't have cold beer so I'll just put it in the fridge, Saul!"
  526. > The man yelled back something affirmative.
  527. > Celestia was watching the young woman and saw how her eyes lighted up when she heard her friend. Just to be sure, she laid a gentle hoof on April's knee.
  528. "Just wait. He will come up, don't worry."
  529. > The girl gave a nod and they listened to what was happening downstairs. The stallion took his bags to the kitchen and stacked some things into the refrigerator. Then he walked to the living room and talked with his human.
  530. > Surprisingly he kept his volume down, and so did Saul. Not even Celestia could catch the words, though she heard their voices.
  531. > Neither of them yelled or swore, which was good progress in her book. And then, finally, the pony came up the stairs, undoubtedly looking for the alicorn.
  532. > "Supple? You up th-" he was saying, but fell silent when he spotted the two on his bed. "Ap-april?!" he whispered, completely shocked.
  533. > The girl grinned and spread her arms. "C'mere!"
  534. > He didn't need to be told twice. The stallion broke into a gallop and fell into her hug. Celestia moved out of the way just in time and now watched their reunion with a happy little smile on her muzzle.
  535. > The girl wrapped her pony in her arms and patted his back. Silent Brook couldn't quite reach around her chest with hooves, but he tried. His tail flicked this way and that and his ears were flat against his head.
  536. > "I missed you!" Silent Brook whispered fiercely. The girl sighed happily.
  537. > "Missed you too, sweetie. How are you?" she asked.
  538. > But the pony couldn't answer. He just began licking her face and whimpering softly. "Don't go, please," he said with his eyes closed. "Stay tonight."
  539. > It would mean her dream magic would have to wait another day, but Celestia wouldn't mind. She guessed that April's presence still helped with his dreams. He had told her just how much relief she brought him when they first met.
  540. > The girl's fingers closed on his mane for a moment, then she began stroking again.
  541. > "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. But you know how Mom is..."
  542. > The stallion knew exactly what to do. He pushed himself away and gave her a pleading, soulful look. It made the young woman sigh.
  543. > "Fine, but just one night. I'll call Mom and tell her I'll sleep at Jenny's. Maybe she'll buy it."
  544. > It was unfortunate that they had to lie - each to to their own human - in order to spend time together. Celestia hoped things would improve. If Saul got better.
  545. > She really had to help them now.
  546. > Finally, April let the stallion go and looked out through the window. "I don't want to stay in here and hide from Saul the whole day. You wanna go get some ice cream or something?"
  547. > Her eyes flickered to Celestia. "How about her? Wanna bring your girlfriend?"
  548. > It nearly made the alicorn gasp in shock.
  549. "We're not- I'm not his girlfriend!"
  550. > "She's just a friend," confirmed Silent Brook at the same time as Celestia. It just made the young woman giggle.
  551. > "Fine, fine. I believe you. So what do you say?" she asked again. This time it was directed at Celestia.
  552. > It was tempting. It would mean nearly the entire day disguised, but it could still be quite fun. The alicorn looked at her pony friend, who gave her a happy nod.
  553. > He obviously didn't mind her butting in on his quality time with his human.
  554. "Yes, I'd love to."
  555. > Silent Brook left April's lap with a regretful sigh, but he quickly got a grip on himself. "Okay, sneak out and wait at the end of the street. I'll go tell Saul I'll be out. And you call your mom!"
  556. > The girl nodded happily and beckoned to Celestia. "Come on, let's go!"
  557. > She was only too happy to oblige.
  558. > Celestia couldn't help liking April, and she thoroughly approved what she did for Silent Brook. She had never before seen the stallion smile that widely!
  559. >...
  560. > Watching the stallion and his human friend interact was adorable! Celestia noted that the two were touching as much as possible, though in an entirely different way than she and Anonymous.
  561. > Just two friends enjoying physical contact. She had looked extra hard, but could see nothing sexual about it.
  562. > When they walked, Silent Brook often rubbed up against April's legs. When he wanted to point something out, he wrapped a hoof around her thighs to turn her in the right direction.
  563. > For her side, April made sure to drape a languid arm around the stallion, or made room in her lap for his head whenever they sat. And she kept a near-constant hand on his head while they walked.
  564. > Even better - the girl was very liberal with ear scratches. Good thing Silent Brook wasn't the jealous type, because Celestia herself stole more than her fair share of those.
  565. > The young woman had skill! It made the alicorn wonder if she could be convinced to take the newly-created post of Royal Ear-scratcher in the Canterlot Castle.
  566. > She'd part with a quarter of her treasury to have this magic touch made available after a trying day holding court.
  567. > April hit a particularly sensitive spot with just the *perfect* amount of pressure.
  568. > Half the treasury! No, the *whole* thing! It was worth it!
  569. > The three were sitting on a park bench in the sun, both ponies pressing their heads into April's lap. Actually, the human was sitting and the ponies were more... 'sprawling'.
  570. > And before she knew it, Celestia found herself trusting this human enough to tell her some of her story. Not her real status, of course, but some of her life with Anonymous.
  571. > She also admitted that the government was after her, though she didn't tell her the real reason.
  572. > If April suspected that the mare was holding things back, she didn't say anything. The very soul of discretion!
  573. "So, now I am waiting for Glitter Dust to organize some way to meet with Anonymous. As soon as she thinks it safe. And then I hope Mr. Plain can find a way to smuggle me back home."
  574. > The girl nodded a little and shifted her hand from the ear-scratching to belly rubs.
  575. > Celestia *loved* belly rubs! She vowed it would be the next trick Anonymous learned. In return for her newly-acquired proficiency in 'blow jobs'.
  576. > Blushing at the thought, Celestia quickly hid her muzzle in April's shirt.
  577. > Luckily, the girl wasn't looking. "How did you convince an auctioneer to just smuggle you back home? It can't have been easy."
  578. > A version of the truth, Celestia decided.
  579. "My family... back home. They're quite rich. They will pay him a lot for it."
  580. > The young woman pointed out a flaw and the alicorn was impressed by her acuity.
  581. > "But he can't take Equestrian money to Earth. It's gold and jewels and they are controlled at the border," the girl said.
  582. "True. But no doubt he has a plan. Maybe he will find a way to smuggle it out, or maybe he will put it in a bank in Canterlot and wait. The laws might change. Or he'll buy property in Equestria."
  583. > The Princess had given it some thought, but didn't really mind whatever the human did. If he chose to broke the law - well, it was a human law and thus none of her concern. If he stashed the money, it would just mean that the ponies in the Canterlot Bank would be able to use it for their profits. And if he purchased land or businesses - that was just investing back into Equestria, same as anypony else.
  584. > The price she had agreed with Mr. Plain was fair. Even with the extras she was expecting for Lake Frond and Rock Lichen, it was still deserved payment for the risk that man would take. She could not begrudge him the profit, even if she didn't fully agree with his profession.
  585. > "I... might have an idea," April said after a pause. Celestia was curious, but didn't really want to move. Those fingers - right on her soft spot!
  586. > But the girl pulled her hands away and the alicorn groaned. It was echoed by Silent Brook, which meant she had also stopped scratching the stallion.
  587. > "Come on. I think there's a store near here," April said and stood up.
  588. > A little slowly and filled with regret, the two ponies followed.
  589. >...
  590. > They waited outside because the electronics store didn't allow ponies inside. It was a little demeaning, but Celestia didn't mind much. It was nice out. She had opted to go without her enchanted scarf because the sun, shining down on her fur, made it warm enough.
  591. > She sat beside the stallion and looked around at all the people going about their business. Quite a number of them stared at the ponies - they were becoming an increasingly rare sight - but none of them approached the pair.
  592. > Finally, April returned from the store with a plastic bag. She led them back to the bench and patted the seat. Celestia was only too glad to jump up and see what the girl had bought.
  593. > She had two cell phones. Not nearly as fancy as the touch-screen thing Anonymous used, but they seemed quite functional.
  594. > But why would she do that? What was the use? The agents could obviously listen in on phones.
  595. > April spotted her little frown and explained: "They're prepaid phones. They don't need a name or anything to use. No one knows who has one, so you should be safe from prying. Get one to Anonymous and you can talk, as long as you both keep the phones a secret."
  596. > It made Celestia stare in wonder. Such possibility!
  597. "Oh! That's incredible! I didn't know these existed. Yes, this would help so much!"
  598. > The alicorn grabbed the young lady around her neck and hugged tightly.
  599. "Thank you *so* much, April!"
  600. > The young woman just laughed and shrugged it off. "Strange none of your other friends thought of it. Or Anonymous."
  601. > Celestia had an explanation.
  602. "He's not too... 'into' technology, you know?"
  603. > "Ah," April said understanding. "That'd make sense."
  604. > For his part, Silent Brook just smiled proudly at his human friend.
  605. > "So, ice cream and then pizza, or pizza first and then ice cream?" the girl asked.
  606. > It was a very difficult decision. But the alicorn was used to difficult decisions.
  607. "Pizza first. Can you pay for it? I will give you the money when we're at Saul's. Oh, and for the phones also. I insist."
  608. > She thought about her saddlebags back in Silent Brook's bedroom. There was her peytral, the hoofguards and the cash Anonymous gave her.
  609. > Then her thoughts turned to the evening. April had agreed to sleep over and Celestia hadn't had the heart to object.
  610. > It meant she would either have to tell the girl her secret, or sleep in a different room and risk her finding out anyway. It was a difficult question and she would think on it through the afternoon.
  611. > The human seemed trustworthy. And the way Silent Brook acted toward her confirmed it.
  612. > Celestia believed she could trust April with the secret.
  613. > Maybe that would be the best way. A few more hours of talking with the human and then she'd know for sure.
  614. > If she still thought the same way in the evening, the alicorn would tell April the whole story, she decided.
  615. > For now it was time to fill her belly with delicious pizza and then maybe get the human to scratch it a little more.
  616. > Yes, pizza would definitely be added to the menu in Canterlot Castle, the Princess decided. Too bad belly scratches required fingers, though.
  617. > She would really have to consider creating a new post. 'The Royal Scratcher'? Or maybe 'The Palace Pamperer'. Something official-sounding.
  618. > Stress relief for the Princesses.
  620. > ~~~~
  622. > It finally worked. Celestia found the seam between the realities that night and slipped smoothly into Silent Brook's dream.
  623. > Perhaps what had helped the stallion most of all, was a good rest with April's calming presence. Also, maybe the alicorn was getting back into practice.
  624. > The very next day after April had slept over, Celestia joined her friend again in his bed, and this time it worked!
  625. > She found herself inside the dream.
  626. > "Hello? Is anypony there?" called Silent Brook somewhere in the distance. There was a tremor of fear in his voice, clear despite it being muffled.
  627. > Celestia hid herself. It never paid to be too hasty in these things, Luna had been very insistent on that fact.
  628. > Observe first, act later.
  629. > Now that she felt the dreamscape around her once again, the alicorn quickly remembered the long-unused skills. It was easy to be invisible in a dream.
  630. > Once she was convinced that she was well hidden, Celestia went in search of her friend.
  631. > It wasn't a particularly big place and the style reminded her more of Canterlot than anywhere on Earth. It was a villa, richly decorated with tapestries, intricate carpets and paintings.
  632. > The air was dry and warm, and it smelled of desert.
  633. > The furniture was old, polished wood. Mahogany, if the alicorn had to guess.
  634. > Here and there were touches of the modern human world: a television, a phone. Speakers. Electric lamps and switches, skillfully hidden or made to blend with the environment.
  635. > She looked around, but didn't linger. Silent Brook was elsewhere.
  636. > The mare concentrated for a moment and felt for her friend.
  637. > In moments she found him and twirled around to look at a particular door. Compared with the other furnishings, it was out of place. She opened it and looked down a dark, stone stairway.
  638. > It reminded her too strongly of an open grave.
  639. > The pony blinked and forced her mind back to stillness. Her own careless thoughts could manifest in this place. She had to keep them under control. Silent Brook's would be hard enough to deal with, without adding some ancient alicorn nightmares to the mix.
  640. > She descended into the cellars. The rich carpets gave way to bare stone floors. The wall hangings to spider webs. The furniture was no longer beautiful.
  641. > And there, in a small room, under a solitary electric bulb - Silent Brook. His legs were chained together and a heavy, metal collar linked him to the wall. There was a bucket in the corner.
  642. > It was probably how he had been held, Celestia thought and her heart went out to her subject. Her friend.
  643. > But she still didn't reveal herself. Something told her that the real nightmare hadn't started yet.
  644. > She walked over to the pony and stood protectively before him, even if he couldn't see her.
  645. > It wouldn't be very long. Silent Brook was whimpering quietly and staring at the dark, wooden rectangle of the door.
  646. > The alicorn jumped a little as it burst open. She didn't remember closing it, but it was Silent Brook's dream. Things changed depending on what he believed.
  647. > There was hideous laughter and slow, deliberate footsteps. The stallion shuffled into the corner, as far out of the circle of dim light as he could. The chain rattled as he trembled, pressed against the walls.
  648. > "Wakey, wakey, plaything," the voice purred. "It's time for you to sing."
  649. > Celestia tried to see through the gloom, but the darkness was absolute. She looked back to Silent Brook, who had his eyes closed and was shaking his head.
  650. > Maybe it was time to end it?
  651. > But if she did, the nightmare would be back the next night. She could not guard the stallion all the time.
  652. > She had to give him the key. But the moment was not quite there yet. The nightmare wasn't ready.
  653. > The mare let her eyes slide shut and focused inward. She was a part of the dream, which meant that the dream was also a part of her. She should be able to see how it went.
  654. > And there had to be a place where she could insert a hoof and nudge it in another direction.
  655. > No grand gestures, however much she wanted. No bursting into flame and making the monster blow away like dust.
  656. > No vengeful goddess, shielding her subject with her wings made of light.
  657. > Something smaller...
  658. > Suddenly Celestia saw it, the place where she could change things. She blinked her eyes open and went to stand beside Silent Brook.
  659. > The monster emerged from the shadow with a mad cackle. It was human, but not entirely so. It walked on hind legs and held a gleaming knife in a twisted parody of a hand. The features were mostly human, but the teeth were not. Absolutely nothing should have teeth *that* pointy, the mare thought. Or eyes *that* yellow and slitted!
  660. > There was a dark hole, oozing something unidentifiable, where its chest should have been. The thing should not have been alive with a wound like that.
  661. > She could see why Silent Brook was caught again and again by the same nightmare.
  662. > It shuffled forward with a limp and the alicorn noted that. Perhaps a slight premonition?
  663. > She had to remember - everything was controlled, given life, by the stallion. The monster was only in his imagination.
  664. > He said he broke his tormentor's leg.
  665. > And he kicked the other one...
  666. > Ah! Of course. He had joined both of his tormentors into a single creature.
  667. > The mare smiled. Even as terrified as he was, the stallion was giving himself hints. Maybe, with more time, he would have realized that it was only a dream.
  668. > But she could speed things along.
  669. > She was still invisible when she leaned down to put her muzzle next to his ear. She spoke the words, but they made no sound.
  670. > They arrived in Silent Brook's mind like thoughts, without the intervention of his ears.
  671. "I kicked him and broke his leg. Kicked the other in the stomach."
  672. > She watched her pony closely. His expression froze for an instant as the message settled into the forefront of his mind. His lips twitched as if he was repeating it silently to himself.
  673. > But he was looking at the monster with the knife and his eyes quickly filled with new fear.
  674. > Then she whispered to Silent Brook again:
  675. "I beat him and escaped! I'm not here!"
  676. > Her friend had averted his gaze away from the monster, but now he looked at it again, in confusion. It froze uncertainly, mid-stride, while it was advancing on the pony.
  677. > Once more, Celestia spoke, this time lifting her head to stare defiantly at the creature.
  678. "I'm home with Saul and April! This is a dream!"
  679. > Of course Silent Brook didn't hear her, but the monster did. It lowered its foot and took a hesitant step back.
  680. > Silent Brook straightened up.
  681. > "This isn't real!" he said suddenly. "This is a dream!"
  682. > Everything went black.
  683. >...
  684. > Celestia woke up when Silent Brook sat bolt upright in the bed. Her wing, laid carefully across his flank slipped off.
  685. > The alicorn stretched a little and smiled to herself. She really was good at it, once she found her way into the dream!
  686. > Her stallion friend was breathing heavily and staring into the distance.
  687. "Feeling better?"
  688. > His incredulous stare turned to her. "W-what happened?" he asked plaintively.
  689. > Celestia pushed herself partly upright and laid a gentle hoof on his.
  690. "I succeeded."
  691. > "But," the stallion mumbled, "b-but you weren't there! It was just the nightmare all over again, but then I suddenly realized it was a dream and woke up!"
  692. > There was faint light coming in from the street lamp and the Princess smiled happily, certain that he could see her.
  693. "I beat him and escaped. This is a dream. I am home with April."
  694. > His eyes went even wider. "That's exactly what I-" he began, the his hooves flew to his mouth. "How did you-?!"
  695. > The mare chuckled happily. "Not everything we do is flashy, Silent Brook. Sometimes a Princess must use a gentle hoof."
  696. > He was still confused, so she explained.
  697. "I simply helped you realize what was already there in your mind, Silent Brook. You knew it was a dream, but terror kept you from remembering. I merely whispered a few words to you in your dream. A name."
  698. > "April," the stallion sighed.
  699. "Yes. Undoubtedly you would have remembered in time. Friendship can be a powerful link."
  700. > He sighed and his shoulders sagged. "So this is it? No more nightmares?"
  701. > Here, the mare had some bad news.
  702. "Unfortunately it is not that easy, Silent Brook. You will not be free from this fear. The nightmare will return. But you will remember on your own, in time. It will be easier each night. It will happen more and more often, until you defeat it completely."
  703. > The pony nodded. "Thank you, P-princess."
  704. > For once, Celestia didn't mind the honorific. The authority and power the title carried might help the stallion defeat his demons next time, when he was alone again.
  705. > "You know," he went on, a little uncertainly, "I thought I'd see you in the dream. Or something."
  706. > Celestia shook her head.
  707. "That would have worked for tonight. But it would not have lasted when I left. Your thoughts must find their way out for themselves. Now that I have shown you a path, it will be easier to walk the next time."
  708. > She wasn't sure he understood, but Silent Brook didn't ask more questions. He yawned and lay back on the bed. "W-will you go back to the sleeping bag now?"
  709. > The mare considered it. Then she shook her head and settled back down.
  710. "There is still some time until morning. And the nights are chilly, Silent Brook. You do not mind?"
  711. > "No, of c-course not," he replied.
  712. "Good night, Silent Brook."
  713. > The stallion shuffled into a comfortable position. Maybe he ended up a fraction of an inch closer to the alicorn, or maybe it was just her imagination.
  714. > She hadn't lied. The warmth would be welcome. And the sleeping foam on the floor was hard on her bones. Silent Brook only had a mattress, but it was infinitely more comfortable.
  715. > "Good night, Princess," he whispered back. "And thank you."
  716. > She put her wing on his flank again, more out of habit at this point than anything else. She missed her 'Anonymous-pillow'. And in the dark, one warm body was pretty much like another.
  717. > "P-princess?" the stallion asked a little uncertainly.
  718. "Just in case."
  719. > He paused. "Oh. T-thank you."
  721. >~~~~
  723. > Every morning Celestia sent Silent Brook out to visit with their pegasus friend and ask about Anonymous.
  724. > And finally, one day, Glitter Dust replied that they could meet. It had been over a week at Saul's and the alicorn had been getting quite impatient.
  725. > When the stallion came back that morning he took her to a corner coffee shop, where Glitter Dust was waiting for them.
  726. > The alicorn couldn't help prancing a little as they walked down the street, a fact which didn't escape Silent Brook.
  727. > He was wise enough to keep it to himself, but he did give his Princess a bemused look once or twice.
  728. > And there it was. The table outside in the sun which seated a human and a pony with two extra chairs.
  729. > Celestia liked to imagine later on, that there was magic in the air as they saw each other.
  730. > Their eyes met.
  731. > The mare galloped and the human stood up just before she hit him.
  732. > Luckily the force of her hug didn't topple Anonymous over. She somehow kept from outright kissing the human - they were in public, after all - so she did the next best thing.
  733. > Celestia climbed fully up into his lap and nuzzled him affectionately. They were both laughing.
  734. "I missed you!"
  735. > But Anonymous just buried his face in her mane and sat down with the pony on his knees.
  736. > Luckily she was smaller in disguise.
  737. > It took her a minute or two before Celestia became aware of the look her pony friends were giving her. Silent Brook and Glitter Dust were staring with very insolent grins on their muzzles.
  738. > But she didn't care.
  739. "Tell me everything! How have you been? Are you eating right? You do make breakfast for yourself each day, right? The washing machine giving you any problems? The door sticks a little."
  740. > The human barely fended her off as he kept laughing harder.
  741. > The mare paused, slightly confused.
  742. "What?"
  743. > But Anonymous just patted her neck and sighed.
  744. > "It's nice to see you too. We can't stay long. I don't think I'm being followed, but I don't want to risk it," he explained.
  745. > That reminded the alicorn. She looked pleadingly at Silent Brook.
  746. "I forgot to bring the phone! Can you fetch it, please?"
  747. > Luckily the pony was happy to oblige and ran off.
  748. > "Phone?" Anonymous asked.
  749. "Yes, it was April's idea. She is Silent Brook's... uh, it is complicated. She is a friend and got us prepaid phones. She says they should be safe if we keep them secret."
  750. > The man nodded. "Oh! Of course. Why didn't I think of that?"
  751. > Celestia had been asking herself that same question. And she had worked out an answer.
  752. "Because you're a lawyer. A phone with a contract is somehow more... legal. Official. Something you just buy and use feels... incomplete."
  753. > There was something else Celestia needed to know.
  754. "Have you spoken with Miriam Adams? How did the case go?"
  755. > This one he could answer. "Actually, she came over and met with Denis yesterday. Apparently it's looking good. She thinks it will be a win for pony rights."
  756. > The alicorn beamed.
  757. "They will yield to all our demands?"
  758. > Now the man shook his head sadly. "Not completely all of them, no. But most of them. Jail time, certainly. Miriam is convinced they will be punished for some form of kidnapping, even if the laws won't be changed outright."
  759. > Then he brightened up a little. "It will set a precedent and go into case law. Miriam said this will be a basis to push for more pony rights. But it will take time."
  760. > Very inspiring. Even Glitter Dust smiled happily.
  761. "That's great news! Of course I will lend any help I can when I'm back home."
  762. > The stallion came back, a little winded but not out of breath. He dropped a plastic bag on the table and pushed his chair closer to the pegasus.
  763. > All of them shut up as the waitress came to take Anonymous' order and gawk at the ponies. She was familiar with Silent Brook, who lived basically around the corner, but she hadn't seen a pegasus before.
  764. > Glitter Dust knew exactly how to use this admiration to her advantage. The young lady was about to leave with just one order or coffee for the human, but the pegasus smiled pleasantly and asked for a hot chocolate with marshmallows. After a moment's thought Celestia did, too.
  765. > The stallion went for a coffee, like Anonymous.
  766. > Once they were alone again, the alicorn came out with a hard question. She looked at her human and her ears fell, as if in supplication.
  767. "So... have you thought about... the future?"
  768. > His smile vanished and Anonymous looked at her solemnly. For a moment it felt as if the bottom had fallen out of the world and the mare was slipping down into an endless abyss.
  769. > He was going to say no!
  770. > She steeled her heart.
  771. > "I have, and..." Anonymous began slowly. The other two sensed the solemnity of the occasion. Maybe without even realizing it, Glitter Dust put a wing around Silent Brook.
  772. "And?"
  773. > The human sighed. "I can't uproot my life just like this. You understand that, don't you?"
  774. > The mare let out the breath she had been holding. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes lowered.
  775. "I understand, Anonymous. You do not have to say more."
  776. > Her two pony friends, sensitive to their Princess' mood sighed sadly in unison.
  777. > Celestia couldn't quite look at her human's face. It was a struggle to keep calm and focused on the immediate problems.
  778. > She didn't doubt that Anonymous would help her return home. She had just expected... more. That they had something.
  779. > Something beautiful.
  780. > A finger on her chin lifted her face.
  781. > "Let me finish," the man said softly. Out of the corner of her eye, the alicorn saw the other two ponies lean forward so they could hear.
  782. > She gave a single nod.
  783. > "I'll need a year or so until I can hand off all my responsibilities at the firm. I'll also have to work out some things with the bank and so on. There's a lot of paperwork."
  784. > For the first few seconds she couldn't make sense out of the words.
  785. "P-paperwork?"
  786. > "Yeah. It's hard enough to move to a different country, Cel- uh, Supple. But this is moving to an entirely different world. I'm not even sure what sorts of documents I'll need."
  787. > The man barked a laugh. "Hell, I'm not even sure if it's legal."
  788. > All she could do at first was take a few shuddering breaths.
  789. > A year was nothing. She had waited longer for good ice cream.
  790. > Suddenly she had to blink away tears.
  791. "Does that mean-"
  792. > The pressure of his fingers on her chin increased and then his palm, wonderfully warm, slid up to cup her face. The thumb wiped away the beginning of a tear.
  793. > "It means yes. I've thought about it and I'd like for this," he indicated with a finger between her and himself, "to go on. But I want to do it properly. I can't be any use to you if I'm a fugitive."
  794. > As a little joke, the human added: "Maybe you'll need to push for some new laws for human immigration, you know?"
  795. > She replied, as serious as she had ever been:
  796. "I shall move mountains and seas, if need be, Anonymous. You have my word on that."
  797. > Something else occurred to her and she jabbed an accusing hoof right in his stomach.
  798. "You did that on purpose!"
  799. > His innocent face was pretty good, Celestia had to admit. But she had had more practice. She saw the guilty flicker in his eye.
  800. > "Did what?" he tried, despite knowing full well she'd seen through him.
  801. "Pretended like you were going to say 'no', just so you could see my reaction! That was incredibly mean, you know?"
  802. > She brought her face closer and lowered her voice to a growl.
  803. "I've thrown creatures into Tartarus for less than that!"
  804. > Unfortunately for her, Anonymous had a secret weapon. One she couldn't defend against.
  805. > He poked at her nose with a finger. Boop.
  806. > Her eyes crossed for a moment and she pulled away and blinked to clear her vision.
  807. "Hey!"
  808. > He just grinned. The insolence! The cheek! The disrespect! The unfairness of it all!
  809. "I'll bite!"
  810. > For some reason, the human wasn't intimidated. "Try it. I'll belt you again!"
  811. > At that moment Celestia heard a little cough from the side and turned her head to see...
  812. > Her two friends, looking away with very red faces.
  813. > The waitress with her tray, staring.
  814. "Uh."
  815. > She quickly slid from Anonymous' lap and took the empty chair to her side.
  816. "Excuse me."
  817. > Luckily, the onlookers just pretended they didn't see anything. Glitter Dust and Silent Brook probably because she was, after all, an alicorn. And the human girl...
  818. > Maybe she had heard stories and now realized what was happening between Anonymous and Supple Branch. For most humans it seemed to be an uncomfortable topic at the best of times.
  819. > At least she didn't get angry over it.
  820. > Instead, the poor waitress quickly placed their drinks on the table and left.
  821. > Celestia glanced at Anonymous, then they both burst out laughing. The other two ponies didn't join in.
  822. > The silliness was over, though. The alicorn tasted her drink, found it incredibly sweet, and smacked her lips in appreciation.
  823. > Then she said up with a more businesslike tone of voice:
  824. "I spoke with Mr. Plain. He says the 'federals' are investigating his business too. I do not have a way home right now, Anonymous."
  825. > Perhaps she should have led with that. After all, Anonymous couldn't come live with her and marry her in a jail cell or a secret human government facility.
  826. > Did she just think 'marry'? The mare blushed a little and firmly blotted the word from her mind.
  827. > A liaison was one thing, but this was bucking the tree before the fruit was ripe. Or maybe before it was even planted...
  828. > His face grew serious, too. "I'm sorry. So, what's the plan?"
  829. > Celestia shook her head.
  830. "I do not have a plan yet. I need to speak with Miriam Adams. Can you take that phone to her?"
  831. > He nodded happily and pulled one of the boxes to himself. "She should be in for a meeting tomorrow. I will speak with her and we will call you around four. What's the number?"
  832. > Celestia pointed where April had been kind enough to write both numbers on both boxes.
  833. "There. And thank you! Maybe there is another auction, or someone else who could help me with my papers. And if I change my mane, maybe dye it, I can perhaps sneak through customs."
  834. > "Yeah, maybe. Why Miriam Adams, though?" Anonymous asked.
  835. "She knew they were coming for me. She obviously has knowledge, or connections. Or maybe she has ideas. She is positively inclined toward ponies, and I trust her."
  836. > And there was another thing. Celestia didn't know too many humans, but she did know the D.A. and trusted her completely. And with her skill set and history, she might know what to do about Saul.
  837. "One other thing. I will explain on the phone."
  838. > Her eyes darted to Silent Brook and Anonymous spotted it. But he didn't understand why, so he didn't comment.
  839. > "Okay, I think I can make that happen. Anything else you need to get home, just let me know. Money isn't a problem and most other things shouldn't be either."
  840. > The mare leaned closer and placed a hoof on Anonymous' leg.
  841. "Thank you. I will repay you once we are in Equestria. *Believe me*, I will repay you, Anonymous!"
  842. > There was too much suggestion in her tone which made her pony friends blush again.
  843. > It was time for a less problematic topic. She was about to ask about her coworkers in the law firm, but Anonymous beat her to it:
  844. > "So, what have you been up to these days?"
  845. > The mare didn't want to bring up Saul and his problems, at least not with the stallion around. So she chose something lighter.
  846. "Did you know that young Silent Brook here has a crush on a human?"
  847. > Poor thing nearly choked on his coffee, which just made the alicorn smile wider.
  848. > "Hmm?" Anonymous asked, intrigued.
  849. "Yes. Her name is April..."
  851. > ~~~~
  853. > Celestia made sure to keep the phone with her the entire afternoon. Anonymous had promised to call and she wasn't about to miss it.
  854. > She was washing the dishes and humming a gentle tune to herself when it rang. She nearly dropped the plate. A moment later she lifted up the block of plastic and jabbed the green button.
  855. > The mare had dutifully read the instructions beforehoof.
  856. > "Hello!"
  857. > It was Anonymous' voice, if a little tinny.
  858. "Hi! How are you?"
  859. > She didn't really know what to say, but Celestia was excited. Her very first phone call and it was from her favourite human!
  860. > "Not bad," he answered. "I'm here with Miriam, you said you have something for her?"
  861. > The woman also spoke up to show her presence: "Hello, Celestia!"
  862. > The alicorn smiled, even though they couldn't see her, and took the phone upstairs. Her friend, Silent Brook, was watching the TV, although he turned his head to look at her walk past with undisguised curiosity.
  863. > That was good. The stallion was still a little angry about her joke earlier. Perhaps she should not have said that April was his fillyfriend. The girl was a little young and - as Celestia herself had seen - harbored no such feelings for the stallion.
  864. > Maybe Silent Brook had considered that something between himself and the human could happen, but she had not seen him so much as hint at it.
  865. > Perhaps he was waiting for April to be older?
  866. > Maybe that was why he was so touchy about the little joke?
  867. > Anyway, it could wait. The pony would forgive her for having a bit of fun at his expense.
  868. > Eventually.
  869. > His pout was kinda cute, though.
  870. "Hello Miriam Adams!"
  871. > She greeted the woman as she walked up the stairs.
  872. > "What's up? Anything I can help you with?" the D.A. asked.
  873. "Actually, yes. It is this person - Silent Brook's owner. I was wondering if you could give me some advice."
  874. > "Ask." The lady was getting a bit impatient, but Celestia hadn't wanted to mention any details until she was in Silent Brook's room with the door closed. She even lowered her voice a little so the stallion wouldn't overhear.
  875. "Yes. He was in a place called 'Afghanistan' for some war. I don't have Internet so I couldn't get more details - do you know it?"
  876. > They made no sound, but somehow the quality of noise changed. Celestia could practically imagine the lawyers looking at one another in confusion. "Yes, we know it," Anonymous said after a while.
  877. "He had some bad experiences, I think. He doesn't talk about it. But he has nightmares and is drinking rather a lot. It even caused problems with his marriage and now he never sees his wife and daughter."
  878. > "Yeah, unfortunately stuff like that happens more often than we would like," Miriam explained. "Probably some form of PTSD. Is he getting help for it? A psychiatrist?"
  879. > Celestia didn't think so. The human went to work, but did not otherwise leave the house.
  880. "No, it doesn't seem like it. He had bad nightmares and..."
  881. > She bit her lip and debated internally whether to tell them. But she trusted Anonymous completely and Miriam Adams was a friend.
  882. "Promise you will not speak of this."
  883. > The woman on the other end of the phone line chuckled. "Celestia, this basically falls under attorney-client privilege. Even if it didn't, you know I won't tell anyone."
  884. > It was good to hear it.
  885. "Thank you. He has a gun... and Silent Brook is worried he might-"
  886. > The mare gulped and her ears went flat even from just thinking about it.
  887. > She finished a little lamely:
  888. "Do something stupid."
  889. > There was silence from the phone.
  890. "Miriam?"
  891. > The woman sighed. "Yeah, still here. So, what did you think I could do here? How did you think I could help?"
  892. > Now that she was faced with the actual question, Celestia wasn't sure anymore.
  893. "I... d-don't know. I thought you could give me some advice on how to proceed. Should we get him help, or leave him to work it out on his own?"
  894. > "No, no, that's almost never a good idea. How long since he came back from Afghanistan?"
  895. > The mare made a guess.
  896. "I don't know for sure. Three or four years?"
  897. > "Yeah, and things have just been getting worse, I assume?" the lawyer lady asked.
  898. "Yes, I suppose so."
  899. > "Leaving it alone could end badly. Or maybe he'll bottom out somewhere. These people refuse help as a rule and think they should be able to handle it themselves," Miriam explained. "Unfortunately, they mostly can't. What we *should* do is get in touch with the man's GP and let them handle it."
  900. > If that was a law abbreviation, Celestia hadn't come across it yet.
  901. "GP?"
  902. > "Oh, sorry," the lady apologized. "I forget you're not from Earth. It stands for 'General Practitioner'. It's a doctor you usually go to with problems and he or she tries to help, or sends you to a specialist if it's a more complicated problem."
  903. > Including more people in the scheme sounded like something Saul would oppose. Perhaps she should try and speak with him, first. Maybe he trusted her a bit more, now that she had been living there for a while and had cooked him many tasty meals.
  904. > Most of them with meat, even!
  905. "Okay. What would happen in this case, do you think?"
  906. > Again a short pause, while the D.A. thought about it. When she spoke, her words were slow, as if she was unsure. "My guess would be," the woman said carefully, "he would get an appointment with a psychiatrist who specializes in PTSD. After that, I really don't know. I'm not a doctor."
  907. > Her human had been silent throughout the discussion. Celestia wanted his opinion as well.
  908. "Anonymous? What do you think about all this?"
  909. > He needed a bit of time to consider his answer, but then he spoke: "I think I agree with Miriam. There are people who know how to handle this sort of thing, you really should speak with them."
  910. > It was sweet how he seemed to ignore her race, but Celestia pointed out:
  911. "Yes. A pony coming alone into a hospital to ask about a psychiatrist for another human. I'm sure nothing could go wrong there."
  912. > "Well, since you put it that way-"
  913. > But the mare giggled and cut him off.
  914. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'll try and talk with Saul first. Maybe I can use diplomacy to get him to agree and seek some help. And if I can't, I'll let you know and we'll think about other options."
  915. > "Why are you so worried about this 'Saul'?" Miriam asked.
  916. "Mainly because he saved Silent Brook's life. And I hate to see people suffer, human or pony. And their family is torn apart. I wish to do what I can. He took me in without knowing anything about me, or my trouble."
  917. > "Okay. I'll have to be going now," the D.A. said, "so is there anything else?"
  918. > Celestia wanted to know more about the case, but if the woman was in a hurry, it could wait.
  919. "Can we meet somewhere, when the case is over? I'd like to hear about it."
  920. > "Sure thing. I'll arrange something with Anonymous. Just lay low for now. You did a good job of vanishing, so the feds have lost track. With luck they'll assume you escaped and ease up on the investigation."
  921. > The woman snapped her fingers. "Oh, that's right. Anonymous tells me you can't get home through the auction which brought you here. You need new papers to cross the border."
  922. "Yes. And I will have two others with me. Can you help, Miriam? I swear I will find a way to repay your kindness!"
  923. > Now the lady laughed gently. "No need for that, dear. Two more, huh? Okay, I'll give it some thought. I'll let you know through Anonymous. Bye!"
  924. > Celestia smiled. A very sweet human.
  925. "Bye, Miriam Adams! Thank you!"
  926. > She heard her human stand up and hold the door for the D.A. - a gesture the alicorn wholeheartedly approved. Then he came back.
  927. > "So, now what?" he asked.
  928. > Celestia kept her smile in place.
  929. "Now you tell me about your day, Anonymous. And the office. What did I miss while I was here?"
  930. > While she had been discussing Saul and her escape with Miriam Adams, her nerves made Celestia walk up and down the room, almost without being aware of it.
  931. > But now she went and lay down on the bed. The phone was still held in her magic up beside her ear.
  932. > As she listened to Anonymous telling her all about how nothing significant has happened in the office in the past two weeks, the mare rolled to her back, stretched out all four hooves up in the air, spread her wings, and relaxed.
  933. > He didn't seem to understand.
  934. "Anonymous, you don't understand the purpose of this."
  935. > Even her voice was relaxed now.
  936. > "Oh?"
  937. > The mare giggled a little.
  938. "I'm not *that* curious about the office. All I wanted was to listen to you talk for a little bit. It *has* been over a week. I miss you. That coffee almost doesn't count!"
  939. > "Oh."
  940. > Except - she was lying a tiny bit. There was one piece of news she really wanted.
  941. "What did Denis say when I didn't come to work anymore?"
  942. >...
  943. > Silent Brook was still a little miffed when they went to bed after dinner, so Celestia opted to sleep on her foam mat. If he had another nightmare, she would hear it and could probably intervene.
  944. > It took her quite some time to fall asleep on the hard floor, but she managed to slip into a pleasant dream where she was reunited with Luna and joined her over lunch.
  945. > She was dying for a hayburger, actually! Earth had none and the Princess had never known how much she wanted one!
  946. > But just before she could bite into it, the large doors to the throne room - why were they eating there, exactly? - burst open to admit Silent Brook.
  947. > "Wake up!" he said in a strange whisper that seemed to fill the room. "Please, Princess, wake up!"
  948. > Celestia looked to her sister. It sounded like something she should know about. But Luna just smiled sadly.
  949. > "It seems it is thy time to leave, Sister," she said. "But we shalt see each other soon now."
  950. > The knowledge that she was asleep flooded into Celestia's mind and the world faded away.
  951. "No! Wait! I have questions!"
  952. > But it was gone and she found herself being gently shaken awake by the stallion.
  953. "Silent Brook? What is it?"
  954. > Before he could answer there was a thump and a yell. It woke the alicorn up, instantly and completely.
  955. > Silent Brook whimpered a little at the noise. "It's Saul!" he explained hurriedly. "A nightmare. Bad one. Please help!"
  956. > Celestia wasn't sure what she could do, but at the very least she might prevent the human from injuring himself. Without further thought or analysis she bolted upright and ran out of the room.
  957. > The stallion let out a grateful sigh and followed right on her heels.
  958. > In moments, the two ponies were in the human's bedroom. He was tossing and muttering, but Celestia couldn't understand any of the words.
  959. > Until a particular bit made her gasp in horror:
  960. > "No, n-no, don't," Saul moaned loudly and clearly. "There's kids in there!"
  961. > The pure terror in his voice bled into her bones and Celestia averted her eyes. What kinds of madness had the human seen in that war?!
  962. > On the other hoof, she really didn't want to know!
  963. > Silent Brook didn't seem affected. He had probably heard things like that before. Before she could gather her wits, the pony was on the bed and carefully patting his human on the chest with a hoof.
  964. > He looked at Celestia with pleading in his eyes, which were just visible in the faint light of the street lamp, coming through the window.
  965. > She swallowed and stepped closer. Her eyes were on the human, who flailed his arms and hit the wall. That was probably the thump they heard.
  966. > It must have hurt, because it made Saul yell again.
  967. "I'm sorry! Silent Brook, I don't know how to get into his dream, not while I'm awake!"
  968. > The stallion went right back to waking up his human, who was getting worse.
  969. > Celestia felt the situation slipping from control. She had to do *something*. Take charge. It was her duty.
  970. "Hold him still so he doesn't hurt himself."
  971. > Her mind raced and the alicorn tried to remember. Something tickled her memory. Old magic she hadn't used in ages. Tricks from her childhood as she and Luna were learning their first spells.
  972. > One came up from the distant past. A prank, but perhaps it would be enough.
  973. > She concentrated on the form and her horn lit up. Too late Celestia remembered that she wasn't in disguise.
  974. > The fear and the excitement had been enough to forget that detail. But it was too late.
  975. > With luck, Saul would be too addled from his nightmare to remember.
  976. > The glow enveloped both the human and the stallion, which made them both gasp in shock. She knew exactly how it felt. Luna had used that particular trick on her too many times before their parents had put a stop to it.
  977. > It was like being plunged into a lake of icy water.
  978. > And it worked!
  979. > Saul opened his eyes and tried to flail his arms around. But Silent Brook was somehow wrapped around his arms and legs, easily holding the human in place.
  980. > Now there was another problem. The human was looking at her. A tall, white mare with a glowing horn, standing over his bed. She was probably quite an intimidating sight in the gloom.
  981. > Especially upon waking up from his nightmare.
  982. > "What the fuck-?" the human yelled and tried to free himself again. "Lemme go, LEMME GO!"
  983. > But Silent Brook didn't. The human was too dangerous. Both ponies remembered the gun in the drawer.
  984. > Who knew what Saul would do, panicking in the dark. She had to calm him down, somehow.
  985. > For a moment she considered leaving and letting the stallion talk to the human. But that went against her nature as a leader.
  986. > There was perhaps another way. It worked on ponies, perhaps it would also work on humans?
  987. > She spread her wings out a little and used a different spell. Again one she hadn't cast in centuries. Thank goodness for her alicorn memory.
  988. > In a moment the mare was outlined in light. It suffused - yes, that was the perfect word for it - suffused each hair and feather.
  989. > Even her mane billowed up into its old, familiar shape again.
  990. > The effect, Celestia knew, was stunning. She seemed to glow from within with a gentle, warm, yellow light, as if there was an invisible sun just behind her. The aura bathed the room in an unearthly light.
  991. > Silent Brook stared with his mouth open. And so did the human. They stopped struggling just so they could see better.
  992. > The Princess smiled beatifically and the glow strengthened.
  993. > It was Sun magic. Even on Earth, even at night, it came easily.
  994. > She should find a way to use these spells more often. They calmed her soul and all around her.
  995. > "Are-" the human mumbled hoarsely, "are you an angel?"
  996. > It was an unfamiliar concept, but the mare had read about it on the Internet. She had heard the word in a movie and decided to look it up.
  997. > It seemed fitting, actually.
  998. > She made her voice as gentle and melodic as she could.
  999. "Yes. I'm here to help."
  1000. > Both males went back to staring in awe. The admiration felt good, but Celestia couldn't forget the reason she was there.
  1001. > Maybe she could help a tiny bit, if she chose her words carefully.
  1002. "Your past haunts you, Saul Geary. It is hurting you and those closest to you."
  1003. > Yes, it struck a chord. She saw the human glance away, before his eyes came back. He could not stop staring at her wings.
  1004. "It is not easy to forget horrors, I know. You must try. There are those who can help, if you but accept their aid."
  1005. > The man gave a single nod. "I'll-" he tried to say, but couldn't quite get it out the first time. He finished a little lamely: "I'll try."
  1006. > Even Silent Brook smiled at that. The human might break his word later, but at least he would start thinking about it.
  1007. > She was about to find a way to excuse herself and leave, when Saul spoke up again: "Who are you?"
  1008. > Briefly Celestia considered lying. But something told her she could trust this human. Her indecision must have been obvious, because she saw Silent Brook give her a firm nod.
  1009. > The spell faded and the light went out. Both males let out sighs of regret while Celestia sat on the floor.
  1010. "This is me without a disguise, Saul. I'm Supple Branch."
  1011. > She waited for the verdict. Maybe he would be angry at the lies and deceit, or disappointed that she didn't trust him.
  1012. > Well, she had very little reason to do so, based on his behavior, actually!
  1013. > Maybe he would just demand she leave. Or he could be worried about having her magic in the house.
  1014. > But Saul did none of those things. "Why hide?"
  1015. > She swallowed. "There are men after me. I am trying to get home - to my world - but until the search for me eases up, I have no way to get there."
  1016. > "Huh," Saul said. I was all the comment he seemed prepared to give. Until he raised his voice again: "You can let me go any time, horse."
  1017. > Silent Brook relaxed and flashed Celestia a relieved grin. He unwrapped himself from the human, who rubbed his forearms to restore circulation.
  1018. > The mare hadn't realized until then just how strongly the pony had gripped his human to keep him still.
  1019. > She took charge again.
  1020. "Go back to sleep. Silent Brook, you stay with Saul and come get me if the nightmare returns. I'll take your bed."
  1021. > The authoritative tone helped and the two males both nodded. But while Silent Brook lay down, Saul shuffled to the edge of the bed.
  1022. > "Where are you going?" the stallion asked.
  1023. > The human grunted a little in annoyance. "Get a damn glass of water!"
  1024. > Celestia walked backward to let him out of the room, then joined the human in the kitchen. She felt he had some more questions. He turned the light on and looked her up and down.
  1025. > "How come you're bigger than the normal ones?" he asked.
  1026. "I'm a different kind of pony."
  1027. > She was being truthful, but only to a point. The human didn't need to know absolutely *everything*.
  1028. > He shrugged, as if it wasn't really important. "That why they're after you? Who is after you, by the way?"
  1029. > He selected one of the clean glasses - a thing he had not even thanked her for, in fact! - and opened the tap.
  1030. > Water splashed into the sink and the human waited with his finger in the stream.
  1031. "Yes. I don't like to say who is chasing me. I do not wish to put you in danger."
  1032. > Now he laughed a little. "I've been in danger. Just tell me this: is it criminals or the government?"
  1033. > This was a very difficult decision. Saul had served in the military. He might still have loyalty for his commanders and so, by proxy, to the leaders of the country and its policemen.
  1034. > She could refuse to answer. But Celestia felt she knew what his answer would be.
  1035. > Yes, he *should* have loyalty, but seeing what the service in the military had done to him, she didn't think Saul had much love for the higher-ups.
  1036. "Government."
  1037. > "Yeah, makes sense. Otherwise you'd go to the police for protection, not me," the human went on and stuck his glass under the stream of water. It filled quickly and he turned the tap off.
  1038. > His eyes stayed on her as he drank and the mare returned the gaze with a blank expression. She waited to see what Saul would do.
  1039. > If it came to the worst, she could probably tie him up with magic, get her things and leave before he could do anything.
  1040. > At long last, the glass came down and Saul pointed a finger at her. "Might wanna keep this look under wraps. It's kinda obvious."
  1041. > Celestia relaxed. He wouldn't turn her in. She was sure of it now.
  1042. "I cannot keep my disguise while I sleep, Saul. But I take it whenever I go out."
  1043. > "Good, that's good," he said and his eyes slid away. He was a little embarrassed about something and the alicorn waited for him to come out with it.
  1044. > "Look," he began, glanced at her face briefly, then looked down to the floor again. "Thanks for... tonight. I try and not let it get to me, but you know how it is."
  1045. > Maybe he was in the right sort of mood for her to push a little? To have that talk she told Anonymous and Miriam she would?
  1046. "Saul. Don't take this the wrong way, but you obviously cannot handle whatever happened, not on your own. It's hurting you and Silent Brook and - most importantly - it's hurting your daughter. She needs a father."
  1047. > His face twisted up and for a moment Celestia tensed. She got her magic ready to wrap the human up if he should turn violent. But she stood her ground and glared at the recalcitrant man.
  1048. > She saw his fist bunch up until the knuckles were white.
  1049. > "Who the fuck are you to come in here and tell me what I should or shouldn't do?!" he demanded.
  1050. > The mare pushed it further. She stepped closer and stared right into his eyes.
  1051. "I'm someone who cares about my friends. Maybe that includes you, but it certainly includes Silent Brook and April!"
  1052. > Saul said nothing, but he kept his grimace and kept glaring right at her.
  1053. > She sighed.
  1054. "I'm not doing this to meddle in your affairs, Saul. And I'm not doing it to be mean. But maybe this is something you need to hear. Please, at least think about it?"
  1055. > The change of tone helped. The human relaxed a little, even if he was starting to breathe rapidly through his nose. It wasn't over yet.
  1056. > Celestia had to do a bit more work. She relaxed her face and took a step back. The time for threats was over.
  1057. > Then she gave the human her Look. It had done wonders for Anonymous, surely it would help here.
  1058. "Please, Saul. It's not important where this message came from, but please think about what I am telling you. There is no shame in seeking help. People understand. And wouldn't it be worth it? To see April again?"
  1059. > That last was what struck a chord. Maybe Saul didn't like his wife anymore, not after she just up and left, but he obviously cared a great deal about his daughter.
  1060. > It would probably turn out to be the key. But maybe not yet tonight.
  1061. "I won't bring it up again, you have my word. Just promise me you will consider it. *Seriously* consider it. For yourself and for those who love you."
  1062. > The human mumbled something, but it was in no way a promise!
  1063. > Celestia called up her powers of dealing with problematic negotiators again.
  1064. "I said *promise*, Saul! That was not a promise!"
  1065. > Another tense moment followed, but then the man unclenched his hands and heaved a sigh. His eyes went to the ceiling as if in exasperation.
  1066. > "Fine, damn it! I'll think about it, okay? Just leave me alone."
  1067. > Celestia smiled. One more thing.
  1068. "Now thank me for cleaning up your house."
  1069. > "What?!" Saul asked, flabbergasted. He looked around the room as if he hadn't seen it before.
  1070. > His gaze paused for a moment on the stack of clean dishes - where he had taken his glass, in fact - then went on across the empty, clean counter and across the kitchen table with no beer cans or cigarette ash.
  1071. "I have done it for free - as a sign of thanks. But it is polite that you thank me in return, is it not? Come on. Act like you are civilized!"
  1072. > For a fraction of a second Celestia thought his mouth quirked up in a smile at her gentle chiding. Then he raised his arms a little and let them fall. It was a sign of defeat!
  1073. > "Fine, fine. Thanks for cleaning the house," he admitted a little grudgingly.
  1074. > Celestia smiled to herself. A few more weeks and she would turn the man into a gentlecolt. She hoped she would get home before that, but if she didn't it would be an interesting side project.
  1075. > April really should have her father back. And not a violent, broken drunkard either.
  1076. "Good. Now off to bed and I will see you for breakfast tomorrow. I'll go back to my disguise during the day, just in case."
  1077. > Saul didn't answer, but he did leave for the bedroom. Too late Celestia spotted the stallion in the doorway. He was staring with his mouth wide open.
  1078. > She gave him a smile too, then turned and went back upstairs.
  1079. > Another human knew her secret, but that was alright. She felt she could trust Saul, even if he was a bit rough around the edges.
  1080. > Not a bad night's job. It was true what they said: a mare's work was never over.
  1082. > ~~~~
  1084. > Celestia woke up to her phone ringing. It was such an unexpected noise that it took her, in her drowsy state, almost a minute to figure out where it was coming from.
  1085. > Then she held up the plastic rectangle and looked at it worriedly. No one except Anonymous should know the number, right?
  1086. > Could it be that the human authorities had figured out that this was now her phone?
  1087. > But why would they call?
  1088. > She considered crushing the device and chucking it into a trash can. But that would cut off her one line to Anonymous and Mr. Plain.
  1089. > It didn't stop ringing.
  1090. > The mare swallowed a lump and gingerly prodded the correct button with a touch of magic.
  1091. "Y-yes?"
  1092. > "Hey, sorry about the hour," a voice said on the other side.
  1093. > Celestia sagged in relief.
  1094. "Miriam Adams. Why are you calling me? How do you know the number?"
  1095. > The woman sounded dismissive. "Oh, Anonymous gave it to me. Listen, sorry I'm calling at this sort of hour," the woman apologized again.
  1096. > A glance through the window showed Celestia that it really was early. The sun was not yet up, although the sky was already gray. Around seven, she estimated.
  1097. "It's not a problem. I was about to wake up anyway. Why did you call?"
  1098. > "Some good news, maybe," Miriam said. "I spoke with that Mr. Plain and asked what kind of papers you'd need to cross the border."
  1099. > The mare nearly forgot to breathe for a moment. She sat up and wrapped her hooves around her belly to still the butterflies.
  1100. > Was it possible her human friend had found her a way home?!
  1101. "Yes?"
  1102. > "There's the passport, of course. We also need some kind of proof of sale, like a contract or a bill. Anonymous has both of those. And then we need the emancipation form, which is something an owner can get. It's done at the city clerk's for some reason."
  1103. > Celestia could guess at what the documents entailed from the names. They didn't seem too problematic at all!
  1104. "That is all? Those shouldn't be too hard!"
  1105. > "No, but here's where it gets complicated. The contract and the release form include a description. How much are you willing to bet your description - I mean as 'Supple Branch' - is already at the border crossing? The moment you show your mug there, you're toast. And of course they know what an alicorn is, right?"
  1106. > Her heart sank a little and Celestia sighed. There was always another hurdle.
  1107. "Oh. Yes, of course they do. I'm still grateful you tried, Miriam. I really do appreciate it."
  1108. > Besides, there was almost no way she could get any of those papers for Lake Frond or Rock Lichen, could she?
  1109. > The woman on the other end of the phone call laughed a little. "Now hang on, Celly. Don't give up that easily. What we need here is just two things, really."
  1110. > The mare stood up and went to look out the window. She saw a neighbor get into his car and drive away. Off to work, most likely. There was a light in his house and Celestia imagined his wife cleaning up after their breakfast.
  1111. > She missed doing that for Anonymous. Although, now that she thought about it, she missed going to work with him more than being essentially a housewife.
  1112. > Half an hour in the car, still half a sleep, talking idly as the inside slowly warmed up. It was just so comfortable!
  1113. > She wrenched her mind back to the present.
  1114. "Which two things?"
  1115. > "First, we need to change your appearance. Can you disguise yourself as a different pony?" Miriam asked.
  1116. "No, sorry. The spells takes a lot of study and I don't have it with me. My memory is good, but not perfect. I don't dare risk tricky magic like that without the book."
  1117. > "Oh," the woman said, sounding a bit subdued. "Hmm."
  1118. "Sorry."
  1119. > "Not your fault in the slightest dear," the D.A. assured her.
  1120. > Celestia wished she could hug her. The woman was really kind and probably putting herself into no end of trouble by helping her. The alicorn really hoped no human would find out.
  1121. > "Okay, another idea. How about hair dye?"
  1122. "Hair dye?!"
  1123. > It was true that some mares dyed their manes, especially when they started going gray, but to be done on you entire body? Unthinkable.
  1124. > And yet...
  1125. > The hope was quickly dashed.
  1126. "Sorry. I don't think it would work. The paint would... uh, 'fall off' when I changed back."
  1127. > There was a moment's silence, then Miriam pointed out: "What if you didn't change back until you were through? Get you dyed shortly before the border check. How long can you keep it up?"
  1128. > Celestia thought back to her experiences in public.
  1129. "I have kept my disguise for twelve hours before, but my head was really starting to hurt. I would say not much longer than that."
  1130. > "Okay, that should be plenty," Miriam interjected. "That's the first thing solved."
  1131. "What is the second thing?"
  1132. > "We get us someone who can forge the documents," the woman said, rather bluntly. "Change your description, mainly."
  1133. > Celestia didn't like the idea too much. With her position as a diplomat and lawmaker, papers should be sacrosanct. Documents should be inviolate!
  1134. > But she had known this would have to happen ever since she decided to take this vacation. Mr. Pain had to do a *bit* of forging to get her into the country with a fake history, and she had known he would have to do it again to get her out.
  1135. > It was a necessary evil.
  1136. "Do you know someone who can do this?"
  1137. > The way Miriam hesitated made Celestia lower her ears further down.
  1138. > "Not sure yet. I'll get back to you on that," she promised.
  1139. > At the very least it was the start of a plan.
  1140. "Can we do something about the two others I wish to bring?"
  1141. > There was silence. Then, finally: "I don't know. Maybe. It'd be easier if you can get their original contracts of sale. Then just change the owner to, I dunno, Anonymous and he can release all three of you."
  1142. > It was a tall order. Maybe Lake Frond and Rock Lichen could do it, though.
  1143. "I will speak with them and we will try to get their papers. The timing will be difficult, so their humans do not notice the contracts gone."
  1144. > "Agreed," Miriam said. "For now, I'll see what I can arrange for documents. In the meantime, can you find a hair dye that works on you and give it a try? Send me a picture so I can get the description ready."
  1145. > The mare nodded before she remembered the woman couldn't see her.
  1146. "Yes, I will. Thank you, Miriam Adams."
  1147. > "No worries. Take care!"
  1148. > And just like that the phone call ended. It left Celestia thoughtful.
  1149. > With the D.A. and Anonymous both helping, she was starting to feel a bit more optimistic about getting home soon.
  1150. Perhaps the dream she had that night Silent Brook woke her up was at least a little prophetic? Her sister had said they would see each other soon.
  1151. > Celestia went to her saddlebags in the corner and lifted out the peytral. How many times had she glanced at the sun emblem in the mirror as she prepared for a public speech or appearance?
  1152. > But that wasn't what the garment represented.
  1153. > No.
  1154. > Instead, each time Celestia looked on the sun symbol she was reminded strongly of its twin. The moon her sister wore.
  1155. > She held a gentle smile on her muzzle as she looked at the golden sun embroidered in the fabric.
  1156. > Then she slowly kissed it.
  1157. "Just a bit longer."
  1158. > A solitary tear fell and splashed against the gold thread.
  1159. > "You really miss her, don't you?" asked a voice from the door.
  1160. > She had been so preoccupied that Celestia hadn't heard the stallion approach. She glanced to him and nodded silently while he made his slow way to her side.
  1161. > They both looked at the vestment.
  1162. > "You know, just seeing that makes me feel safe," Silent Brook confided.
  1163. > Celestia held the cloth for a few moments longer, then folded it and returned it to the saddlebag.
  1164. "Family is important, Silent Brook. Do not give up on yours."
  1165. > "Princess?"
  1166. > She turned to face him and laid a careful feather against his cheek.
  1167. "April and Saul. You must help them come back together. They are both important to you and seeing them avoiding one another is tearing you apart, Silent Brook."
  1168. > His gaze dropped to the floor. "What can I do about it?" he asked, his voice defeated.
  1169. "I told you. Do not give up. Speak, and speak and do not stop while your voice works. Talk with Saul until he agrees to accept help. Talk with April and Lena until they agree to meet."
  1170. > "I'm not sure I can, Princess," Silent Brook said quietly. He was very uncertain. It was a scary prospect, Celestia knew. From his point of view, Saul was hanging by a thread. Too much pressure would make him fall.
  1171. > But the alicorn had seen something in the human.
  1172. > He was stronger than the stallion imagined.
  1173. "Trust in yourself. And trust in those around you. Sometimes ponies - and humans - can surprise you."
  1174. > He gave her an uncertain nod, so Celestia decided to stop lecturing for now. She stood up.
  1175. "Come, let us go and make breakfast. It has been a busy night and we will all feel better for a hot meal."
  1176. > This was easier to accept and Silent Brook grinned. "Sounds good!"
  1177. >...
  1178. > Celestia walked up and down the house, dusting the same pieces of furniture over and over. It was the nerves as she waited for her friend to return from the store.
  1179. > She hoped he would find what she'd sent him to fetch.
  1180. > Hair dye.
  1181. > He had asked what color, but the alicorn had been at a loss. It would need to be something bright and lively. A dark dye would simply make her cyan darker and wouldn't change it significantly. Not enough to change the description, in any case. Or, it would make her black.
  1182. > That was rare enough among ponies that it would certainly draw attention.
  1183. > Maybe the same kind of bright red as April used? That would alter her fur into something purplish or fuchsia.
  1184. > It would be sufficiently different, in any case.
  1185. > And the most important part was that mixing red into her green mane should make it brown. Celestia tried to imagine the combination, but it wasn't particularly flattering. That was okay. It didn't have to look good, just *different*.
  1186. > There was no time to be picky. She had told the stallion to pick something as bright and as red as possible.
  1187. > She also needed to know how much dye to get and how to apply it, so she would be ready when the time came.
  1188. > Humans didn't have that much hair, so she told her friend to bring three or four packets of dye. Or cans. Or whatever it came in. Enough to cover at least a part of herself.
  1189. > The mare shuffled her hooves nervously and went to check the kitchen again. But there was nothing more to do. She had cleaned up after their breakfast and their lunch.
  1190. > Walls still bothered her, with their faint yellow tinge. Probably from all the tobacco smoke. But a fresh coat of paint for the entire house would be a bit much.
  1191. > With nothing else to do, the pony went and checked the fridge. There was still half of the cabbage head left.
  1192. > Saul had stared a little strangely at the ponies over lunch. She had fried a fish for him and then mixed a very simple salad for herself and Silent Brook. The man didn't seem to think it was enough. He told them to get something more from the store and even left a few dollars.
  1193. > At least he didn't bring up the night's events. He acted as if everything was back to normal. It was a little worrying and a bit calming, both at the same time.
  1194. > The thump at the front door interrupted her thoughts.
  1195. > Finally! Celestia heard him enter and went to see what Silent Brook had found for her.
  1196. > As soon as he was inside, the stallion spat out a plastic bag from his mouth. "Here," he said when he saw her. "It's the only red I could find."
  1197. > The alicorn freed the little package from the bag and peered at it doubtfully. Then she looked up at her friend.
  1198. "Neon pink?"
  1199. > Her voice was flat. Even a foal should know the difference between red and pink, shouldn't they?
  1200. > Silent Brook just shrugged. "Looks red on the label. Anyway, it's the brightest one they had. The rest were all brown and black and... so on."
  1201. > Her stare intensified and Silent Brook shuffled uncomfortably under her scrutiny.
  1202. > Maybe he didn't know colors?
  1203. "You have finished elementary school before you came to Earth, did you not?"
  1204. > Now he was indignant. "Yes! Of course! It's just... I don't usually think too much about colors, okay?"
  1205. > The alicorn giggled. There weren't many ponies without a good sense for color. It was something she would have to mention to April, so the girl to teach her pony friend.
  1206. > Right that instant, however, she had something more important to do. She flipped the box around and looked at the back side.
  1207. > So nice of humans to include instructions for absolutely everything right there on the packaging.
  1208. > Or, like in this particular case, on a folded piece of paper inside.
  1209. > She spread it out with her magic and read quickly to herself.
  1210. "Hmm, shampoo, rinse... dry."
  1211. > Something else caught her attention.
  1212. "Pre-lighten?!"
  1213. > Maybe that was for humans with dark hair who wanted it vivid pink. In her case, cyan should be light enough to simply go on.
  1214. "Apply... twenty minutes. Rinse again."
  1215. > The stallion was watching her with about the same expression as if she were doing serious alicorn magic. When she looked back to him, Silent Brook spoke up nervously: "Is... uh, is everything okay?"
  1216. > Smiling, the mare nodded.
  1217. "Yes. I will go and try it now."
  1218. > Her phone had a small camera and - thanks to the instructions - Celestia knew how to use it. With luck, she would send Miriam a picture before the day was over.
  1219. > She made her way upstairs and into the bathroom, with Silent Brook following her in curiosity. But at the threshold she stopped, turned around, and gave him a pointed look.
  1220. "A bit of privacy, if you would?"
  1221. > His face turned a pleasant shade of red, which made the mare giggle. But she still firmly shut the door and set to work.
  1222. >...
  1223. "So, what do you think?"
  1224. > Celestia twirled around to give her friend a good look from all sides. Two tubes of hair dye were enough to cover her completely, fur, mane and tail.
  1225. > That meant she didn't have enough left, but Silent Brook could easily get more from the store.
  1226. > The stuff was expensive, but she didn't have much use for money.
  1227. > Speaking of the stallion, he tried very hard not to laugh, so the alicorn wasn't *too* cross with him.
  1228. > It was probably just that he was used to seeing 'Supple Branch' as a cyan pony, and now she was... brown.
  1229. > She would rather call it a mixture of amaranth and purple, but there was no avoiding the truth. Her fur was brown and the mane was a lighter shade of brown.
  1230. > The important thing was that it looked different. Celestia stood in front of a white-ish wall and levitated her phone at head height to take a picture for Miriam.
  1231. > She wasn't entirely sure how to get the image from the phone to the lawyer, but presumably Glitter Dust would help with that.
  1232. > Which reminded her.
  1233. "Oh, by the way - can you get Glitter to come by the Laundromat again? There is maybe a way to bring Rock Lichen and Lake Frond with me, but I need to get in touch with them."
  1234. > Silent Brook stopped giggling at her changed appearance and gave her a genuine smile. "That would be nice. They want to start a family, but they can't on Earth."
  1235. "How about you?"
  1236. > "Me?" the stallion asked and put a hoof on his chest. "What do you mean?"
  1237. > Could this be a reason to convince him to return?
  1238. "You do not wish for a family of your own?"
  1239. > The pony looked down and his ears went back. "N-no," he lied.
  1240. "Silent Brook..."
  1241. > He heaved a sigh and managed to lift his eyes to hers. "Not yet," he corrected. "Someday... maybe. But Saul needs me and I don't wanna be away from April."
  1242. > She wasn't trying to be mean. Celestia came closer and laid a gentle leg around poor Silent Brook's withers.
  1243. "Someday, then. I will do my very best to give my ponies more rights on Earth."
  1244. > The warm body pressed against hers relaxed. "Thanks, P-princess."
  1245. > He blinked and his hears perked up. "Wait a minute. Rock Lichen and Lake Frond? Their owners won't let them go. What will you do?"
  1246. > There was no mistaking her mischievous grin.
  1247. "They will... uh, 'steal' themselves. They need to find their papers and get them to Miriam Adams. She will arrange for the papers to be... let's say 'amended'. And that will allow Lake Frond and Rock Lichen to pass the border as free ponies."
  1248. > Celestia could swear she felt Silent Brook's chest expand with pride.
  1249. > "That's awesome! I'll go and speak with Glitter Right now!"
  1250. > She levitated the phone in front of his face.
  1251. "Take her this, please, and ask her to get the picture to Miriam Adams."
  1252. > Maybe her faith in the D.A. was a bit premature - the woman had promised to think about it. It might happen that she couldn't find a forger.
  1253. > But Celestia was convinced that the lady was resourceful. She had worked with her for nearly three months and had consistently been impressed by her drive and acumen.
  1254. > If Miriam Adams could not arrange for a few forged documents, then probably no human in the city could.
  1255. > There was the little nagging doubt. What would Celestia do if this hope failed her as well?
  1256. > She forced it out of her heart. If the forgery fell into water, she would march up to the border crossing and *make* them let her through!
  1257. > Maybe they were equipped to deal with unicorns, but Celestia was an alicorn.
  1258. > An entirely different class of pony! They could hold her back about as well as spider web could hold back a forest fire!
  1259. > But she would prefer to get home without starting an international incident. Or, goodness forbid, a war.
  1260. > Only as a last resort, then.
  1261. > Silent Brook apparently noticed that she was preoccupied, because the stallion murmured a quiet goodbye and slipped away with the phone held carefully in his mouth.
  1262. >...
  1263. > The worst part of hiding was waiting for news, Celestia decided. Miriam Adams had her picture and her friends, Lake Frond and Rock Lichen, had their instructions to get the lawyer their documents.
  1264. > If they managed to steal them, they would bring them to the pony meet up the next day.
  1265. > Celestia wasn't sure if she should go or not.
  1266. > Maybe with her newfound disguise? Applying the paint was tedious, but it *would* give her a chance to properly say bye to everypony.
  1267. > And tell them to keep their spirits up.
  1268. > Not goodbye for Lake Frond and Rock Lichen, though. If they could steal the papers.
  1269. > They sent assurance back through Silent Brook that they could do it. They were excited at the prospect of leaving and a bit sad to part with their owners.
  1270. > Other than being treated as pets, it hadn't been a bad life.
  1271. > And now, all Celestia could do was wait. She sat at the kitchen table with her impromptu little 'family' - the stallion and his human. She had made them dinner.
  1272. > Meat lasagna for the man and a vegetable one for the ponies.
  1273. > And, unless her ears had just failed her, Saul just gave her a compliment!
  1274. > "Heh! Nearly forgot what it's like to have meals cooked for you," he had said.
  1275. > Well, maybe not a compliment, but it was very good progress. Normally the human just ate in silence and left.
  1276. > Even Silent Brook stared at his human in surprise.
  1277. "Do you like it? I'm afraid I am not very good with the meat things, but I have read a book about it. I hope it is alright."
  1278. > Saul had a piece stuck on his fork, which he waved toward her. "It's good," he confirmed.
  1279. > It drew out one of her best smiles. She even felt her tail swish around in delight. If she had her normal shape, she would have fluttered her wings a little.
  1280. "Thank you. Any wishes for tomorrow morning?"
  1281. > Now the human shrugged. "Whatever. Eggs and bacon, I guess?"
  1282. > Celestia gave a nod.
  1283. "Of course. I *am* sorry for burning it the last time. It's quite hard to tell when it is ready."
  1284. > His hand waved the self-critique away. "Just a bit crunchy, don't worry."
  1285. > It was the longest and the most normal conversation she had had with Saul yet! Her heart was racing and the mare fiddled a little with her forehooves under the table.
  1286. > She saw Silent Brook staring at her and gave him a smile, too. Then she kicked him a little and raised her eyebrows.
  1287. > He didn't get it until she jerked her head urgently toward the human a few times. Her grin was definitely a little strained at the end.
  1288. > "Oh!" Silent Brook said suddenly, "so... how was work, Saul?"
  1289. > Luckily, the human was focusing on his food and didn't notice the ponies' antics. "The usual. Sitting at a conveyor belt and making sure the product isn't *complete crap*."
  1290. > Celestia made an educated guess.
  1291. "So, you ensure the quality of what the factory produces?"
  1292. > "Ha!" Saul barked, "if you can call it 'quality'!"
  1293. > He didn't volunteer anything more, but his eyes went back to his dish, so Celestia kicked the stallion again and silently mouthed 'April' to him.
  1294. > Silent Brook shook his head, but the mare frowned and kicked him again. She nodded urgently and her friend rolled his eyes.
  1295. > At least he obeyed. "So,..." he began, only a bit uncertainly. "I saw April the other day."
  1296. > Saul looked up sharply, his food forgotten and all of his attention on the pony. He didn't say anything, just waited for more.
  1297. > "She's... uh, fine. Doing good in school. Her hair is orange now..."
  1298. > Celestia decided to jump in. It was a little white lie, but she was sure it wasn't too far from the truth.
  1299. "She asked us to greet you, Saul. She misses her father."
  1300. > The human grunted angrily. "Well, she has her whore mother to thank for that."
  1301. > Two pairs of ears folded down at the swear word. And then...
  1302. > "Sorry," Saul said.
  1303. > Celestia barely kept her mouth closed and it took yet another kick to get Silent Brook to stop gaping at the human.
  1304. > She was quite pleased with the progress. Just like she had said. A few more weeks to get the human behaving a bit more politely. Maybe a month to gently prod him to seek some professional help for his nightmares.
  1305. > It didn't seem as if she would have that time, but she could set Silent Brook on the right path.
  1306. > The stallion seriously underestimated the therapeutic quality of pony-belly-rubs. It mellowed humans out! If he could get Saul to do that, he might not even *need* a specialist!
  1307. "It really doesn't have to be this way, Saul."
  1308. > His hand bunched into a fist around the fork and slammed down on the table. Silent Brook flinched, but Celestia remained steadfast.
  1309. > "I'm *not* going back to that... that... To Lena!" he said firmly.
  1310. "I didn't say that, Saul. But you could spend at least some time with your daughter. I'm sure you both want that. Lena can't stop it, unless you give her the reason."
  1311. > It looked like the human would get even angrier. But he closed his eyes, let his breath out, and muttered: "I'll think about it!"
  1312. > Celestia smiled to the incredulous stallion.
  1313. > It would be a long path, but she could get them started on it.
  1314. > And, maybe in a few months, she could invite them both to Canterlot and see how much progress they made.
  1315. > For tonight though...
  1316. > Enough antagonizing the poor human. He was thinking, that was good. He was trying to control his anger, which was better.
  1317. > Maybe - Celestia couldn't be quite sure yet - he drank a little less?
  1318. > If true, that was the best sign of his progress yet!
  1319. > After a tense minute or so, Saul's shoulders slumped and he went back to eating in silence.
  1321. > ~~~~
  1323. > Celestia went to the pony meeting with Silent Brook, but in her 'double' disguise. She was still uneasy about policemen seeing her walking around without a human, but the stallion assured her they wouldn't meet any.
  1324. > He sounded as if he knew about these things, so Celestia believed it and followed him out of the house.
  1325. > She didn't know how late they would be, so the mare conscientiously prepared a meal for Saul, should the human come from work before them.
  1326. > Nothing fancy, just cream cheese, tomato and basil sandwiches. With the atrocity that was sliced ham inside.
  1327. > They would keep on the table for an hour or two, until the human came and ate them. The mare arranged them on a plate, then thoughtfully added a sprig of parsley for decoration.
  1328. > She observed the result with a critical eye for a moment, then nodded quietly to herself. Just because it was only sandwiches was no excuse to do a half-job.
  1329. > Then it was time to go.
  1330. > Silent Brook led her down the street, then turned into a small park. "Shortcut," he explained.
  1331. > He didn't have to, because Celestia had absolutely no idea which way it was. Not too far, he assured her.
  1332. > She caught up until she was trotting easily by Silent Brook's side.
  1333. "Any suggestions for a name?"
  1334. > "Huh? What?"
  1335. "I don't want to risk someone overhearing-"
  1336. > The mare paused, looked around, and then whispered it:
  1337. "Supple Branch."
  1338. > "Oh!" the stallion exclaimed. He gave it some thought. "Uh, how about 'Tree Sap'?"
  1339. > It was probably the color. It *did* put one in mind of trees. Or mud.
  1340. "Yes, that could work. Thank you."
  1341. > They kept trotting, but Silent Brook looked at her sideways. "For a Pr- uh," he began, but caught himself in time. "Uh, for who you are, you sure go for a lot of subterfuge."
  1342. > She didn't like it either.
  1343. "It's the human world. I do hope someday I will be able to visit as myself. Officially."
  1344. > "That would be wonderful," he said and nodded.
  1345. > It was getting dark, but Silent Brook knew the way very well. They left the tarmac and he led her through a thicket of trees and bushes.
  1346. > She saw that the winter was fading. Of course surprises could still happen, but for now the ground was almost clear of snow.
  1347. > Almost, but not quite.
  1348. "Wait, wait, just a moment, please!"
  1349. > She made a slight detour to a pile of rather dirty, second-hoof snow. Perhaps it was where the humans had pushed it together to clear the walking paths and the mass allowed it to stick around this long.
  1350. > There wasn't more than a few inches, but it was enough for her purposes.
  1351. > With a quiet giggle of delight, Celestia jumped right in it with all four hooves.
  1352. > It was delightfully cool on her frogs!
  1353. "Come on! Try it!"
  1354. > Once he saw what she was doing, Silent Brook sighed and rolled his eyes a little. But he did walk to her and put a single hoof on the snow.
  1355. "No, come here!"
  1356. > She ran around and head-butted him onto the patch. It was obvious he wasn't enjoying it nearly as much as she had. But he did look down at the white-covered ground.
  1357. > "Okay? Can we go now?"
  1358. > The mare giggled again and rejoined her friend on the small blotch of snow. She saw with great sorrow that she had already stepped through it and reached the mud in some places.
  1359. > She still pranced a little, just for the joy of it.
  1360. "Are we in a hurry?"
  1361. > The stallion was puzzled. "Well, no, but-"
  1362. "Then shut up and allow yourself to experience the world, Silent Brook."
  1363. > She nudged him with her rump so the pony had to step sideways. He looked down again, ears focused on the snow as if it might tell him secrets. Then he returned his eyes to the mare. "It's just cold," he pointed out.
  1364. "Exactly!"
  1365. > "But so is the sidewalk. And the grass."
  1366. > Celestia shook her head.
  1367. "It's a different kind of cold."
  1368. > He didn't seem convinced. "Sure, but so what?"
  1369. > Celestia circled around until she was looking in his face from up close.
  1370. "So everything, Silent Brook! The senses are how we know the world. Do not deny yourself experiences, no matter how busy you are. I made that mistake, too. Learn from it!"
  1371. > She smiled at him encouragingly.
  1372. "Think of the dusty gravel road in the height of summer. Your legs ache from walking all day. Then you come across a stream and gladly wade into it. The water is cool and lovely on tired hooves."
  1373. > He didn't understand, at least not yet. "Okay, but I don't see-"
  1374. "Hush! Now remember dew on a spring morning. A thousand droplets of water, cold but not chilly. Or grass on a warm evening in early autumn. Got all that?"
  1375. > "Mhm!" the stallion nodded. He really was trying, she saw. Maybe because he remembered who she was.
  1376. "Those are just some of the sensations you can feel, just by walking. Snow is another. Which is your favourite?"
  1377. > "Uh," the pony thought for a while. "Autumn, I guess. Warm grass."
  1378. "Now, imagine you lived in the city and only ever walked on streets. You would never know what grass felt like under your hooves. Would you say your experiences in that life would be richer or poorer in comparison?"
  1379. > "Poorer, of course!" he replied with barely a delay. It was the answer she was expecting.
  1380. "Well, feeling, but not taking time to notice things is almost as bad. So allow yourself to *feel* and make your world richer, Silent Brook."
  1381. > Maybe she got through to him, or perhaps the stallion was just too polite to say that she was an old, crazy mare.
  1382. > But he did shuffle his hooves a little with a look of concentration on his muzzle.
  1383. "Soon it will be spring and you won't be able to do this. Make sure you remember what it feels like, Silent Brook."
  1384. > He still kept his eyes closed and focused on the sensations on his frogs.
  1385. > "Okay, yes! Thank you!" he chirped happily.
  1386. > It was too perfect. Celestia glanced around for possible onlookers, then used a tiny bit of magic to scoop up some of the snow.
  1387. > Her dusting spell came to her aid again as she removed bits of twigs and dirt from the ball.
  1388. > Then she aimed it.
  1389. > "So, what do I- GACK!" the stallion tried to say. He got it right in the muzzle and sputtered for a few moments until he had spat the snow out.
  1390. > He gulped down a breath of air, then glared at her. "Pri- uh, *Tree Sap*! That was just mean!"
  1391. > The pony advanced on her, eyeing the patch of snow under him for ammunition.
  1392. > He wouldn't be able to get together a clean ball, not without magic, and he knew it. But it was fun to pretend.
  1393. "No! Please! I'm sorry!"
  1394. > The mare giggled in excitement and dashed off to put some distance between herself and her 'irate' friend.
  1395. > But he didn't run, just slowly followed her. It looked like he wouldn't chase her, which was slightly disappointing. Surely he wasn't taking it too seriously, was he?
  1396. > Celestia waited for her friend and then fell in step with him. He didn't look at her and he glowered a little at the world. Surely he wasn't *that* sore about a little harmless snowball?
  1397. "I cleaned it with magic, if it helps."
  1398. > Silent Brook just grunted.
  1399. "Sorry."
  1400. > She wasn't really and he knew it perfectly well. But it couldn't hurt to apologize.
  1401. > Finally the stallion glanced at her. "I'd never have imagined you doing things like that, you know?"
  1402. > Of course she knew. Nopony could imagine their Alicorn Princess acting like a foal! It was what made it so fun!
  1403. "I know!"
  1404. > He shook his head in exasperation. "You really are enjoying Earth, aren't you?"
  1405. > There was that disapproval again.
  1406. "And if I am?"
  1407. > He kept his mouth wisely shut. But Celestia didn't enjoy this sudden, newfound tension between them.
  1408. "Listen, Silent Brook. I will admit that the idea of coming here to 'get away' for a while was... *somewhat* hare-brained. I honestly did not intend to disrespect the situation of my ponies on Earth."
  1409. > He walked on in silence.
  1410. "Even Princesses need some time for themselves."
  1411. > Now the stallion spoke up. "Most ponies vacation in Vanhoover or Los Pegasus."
  1412. "I tried that. The most recent time I went to Vanhoover, the mayor begged for my help and I ended taking petitions from citizens. Twelve hours each day, for an entire week."
  1413. > He hadn't known that and the stallion swiveled an ear toward her. He still didn't look, but she had his full attention now.
  1414. "And Los Pegasus. That was two years ago. Six ribbon-cutting ceremonies. Four public speeches, no less than *nine* school visits. And I spent the nights going through the city regulations because the council asked me to advise them on construction laws."
  1415. > Now Silent Brook was looking at her with sincere compassion.
  1416. "At one point, I fell asleep into a bowl of cucumber soup. Thankfully it is served cold."
  1417. > "I'm sorry," he said and really meant it. "I had no idea."
  1418. > But the Princess smiled a little as she thought about it. It wasn't really a *bad* memory and she had shared a pleasant little laugh with Luna later.
  1419. > Especially once she had described to her Sister exactly how red in the face the mayor had been!
  1420. "Perhaps the fault is mine. I can't say no when my ponies need me. Before Earth, I was seriously considering a vacation among Minotaurs or Dragons. But it would have turned out into a diplomatic visit. I am known everywhere, Silent Brook."
  1421. > He made the connection himself. "Except Earth," he finished with a small sigh.
  1422. "Except Earth."
  1423. > "Okay," the stallion conceded. "When you put it like that, I understand. I'm sorry for the way I acted."
  1424. > She gave him a smile and brushed her flank against his as the walked.
  1425. "It is alright, Silent Brook. But you understand now why I make sure to experience everything I can? There is no telling when I might get another chance."
  1426. > "Yes. But you really should make time for yourself. I mean back home. It's not healthy to work all the time," he pointed out helpfully.
  1427. "Indeed. That is why I am here."
  1428. > They suddenly reached the end of the grass and their hooves clopped on concrete again. Silent Brook looked both ways then went on the street.
  1429. > Celestia glanced back, incredulous how quickly the park gave way to buildings.
  1430. > "Over here," Silent Brook said and turned.
  1431. > Now that she was there, the mare thought she recognized some of the buildings. They were quite near the pony meeting place.
  1432. "Oh, this is here? I never realized you lived that close. Why don't you come more often?"
  1433. > The stallion heaved a sigh. "In case..." he tried to say, but thought better of it. "No reason."
  1434. "Come on. Tell me."
  1435. > He lowered his eyes to the sidewalk. "In case Saul needs me."
  1436. "It will get better. Just speak with him like I've taught you. Bring him together with April again. Get him to accept help."
  1437. > He nodded. "Yes. Thank you."
  1438. > And just like that they were at the door. It was late enough that the meeting had already started. That meant the humans would hopefully be in the owners' room. Celestia would prefer it if they didn't see her at all.
  1439. >...
  1440. > When she entered, just behind Silent Brook, everypony jumped to their feet to come greet the newcomer.
  1441. > "Oh! Hello there!" Lake Frond called out.
  1442. > But a moment later they recognized her and there was a series of gasps.
  1443. > "Supple?!" Heavy Hoof asked a little incredulously. "Wh-what happened to you?"
  1444. > Glitter Dust knew and she was giggling into her hoof. But the others just stared.
  1445. "Sorry everypony. A little extra disguise to get me home. I hoped it would be a bit better, but you all saw through it in seconds."
  1446. > That last part worried her a little. Rock Lichen came up and circled around her. "No, no, don't worry," he was saying. "Humans won't be able to tell. They really can't recognize us except from color."
  1447. > It was a relief. And besides, her papers didn't have too detailed a description. Miriam Adams had read it out to her. It basically just said 'Mare: Cyan (coat), green (mane)' and a couple of words for her cutie mark.
  1448. > She considered drawing another over it, but then just covered it with paint. The humans didn't understand what it was for, and she could claim to the border people that she hadn't gotten hers yet.
  1449. > Even if they knew what age ponies got their marks at, she could claim to be a unique case. Miriam agreed and changed the text to say she had no cutie mark. The papers would confirm her story.
  1450. > Celestia glanced around. It seemed as if everypony was there.
  1451. > The important stuff first.
  1452. "Do you have the papers?"
  1453. > She asked Lake Frond, who nodded. "I gave them to Glitter already. She'll get them to that lawyer of yours."
  1454. > Rock Lichen raised a concern in a nervous voice. "Uh, are you sure we can trust this lawyer lady?"
  1455. "Yes. She won the case against those foal-nappers. And she's helping me get home. I trust her completely."
  1456. > That was enough and the stallion relaxed.
  1457. > "So, how will we do this?" he asked.
  1458. > Celestia had been thinking about it.
  1459. "Can you keep a small something hidden from your humans?"
  1460. > Lake Frond and her husband looked at one another. Then the mare said: "Yes. What did you have in mind?"
  1461. > Celestia glanced at her pegasus friend. "Glitter Dust, could you get Maggie to buy them a prepaid phone, like mine? That way we can talk in secret."
  1462. > She had experimented with the thing a little and knew a secret.
  1463. "I you put it to the most silent setting, humans can't usually hear it ringing from the next room, but we can."
  1464. > They were all impressed. Even Heavy Hoof whistled through his teeth. "Nice, Supple! Good idea!"
  1465. > That reminded her.
  1466. "Oh! Can you please call me 'Tree Sap' while I have these... colors?"
  1467. > "Oh. Sure, no problem!" the pony agreed easily. He watched her with a hungry expression, which was at the same time flattering and a little disconcerting.
  1468. > The stallion still had desires toward her, it seemed.
  1469. > Which reminded her about the little drama which was happening among her friends.
  1470. "Listen, everypony."
  1471. > She had their full attention.
  1472. "I do not know when exactly I will leave Earth. If an opportunity presents itself, I will take it. There might not be time to say goodbye."
  1473. > The information was making them sad, but each of them smiled at their monarch in support.
  1474. > "We understand," Glitter Dust assured her.
  1475. "Thank you. If will send word as soon as I can, probably through Anonymous. But before I go..."
  1476. > She didn't want to say it outright. If Belle Hop was too shy to speak with Heavy Hoof, she certainly wouldn't appreciate being outed in front of everypony. She needed to get her alone.
  1477. > And then she needed to kick the stallion in the rump and get some answers. He was either incredibly thick and hadn't noticed how the pegasus felt about him, or he was using her affection for an easy lay.
  1478. > In either case, a kick to the rear was the least he deserved!
  1479. > She was coming up with a plan when Glitter Dust spoke up again: "Uh, Tree Sap?"
  1480. > That woke Celestia from her thoughts and she pointed a hoof at the other pegasus. It was time to help.
  1481. "Belle Hop, can I see you quickly in the bathroom?"
  1482. > Five muzzles fell open in surprise. Only Glitter Dust and Silent Brook knew what was going on.
  1483. > Heavy Hoof made a small whimpering noise as he no doubt imagined extremely inappropriate things the two mares might do alone.
  1484. > She firmly ignored him and led the bewildered pegasus away.
  1485. > Once in the small bathroom, she quickly cast a spell against eavesdropping. Just to be safe.
  1486. "Tell me about Heavy Hoof."
  1487. > The mare instantly blushed and looked away.
  1488. > "W-why do you wanna know about him?" she asked. "H-he's just a p-pony."
  1489. "Yes, and so are you. Tell me what you think about him."
  1490. > Realization dawned and Belle Hop gave a small gasp as she covered her mouth with a hoof. "You know?! Who told you?"
  1491. > The alicorn shook her head and laid her leg around her friend's withers.
  1492. "Never mind how I know. You want Heavy Hoof to see you like you see him."
  1493. > It wasn't a question and the pegasus nodded sadly. Her ears, stiff from the initial shock, were folding back.
  1494. "But he only sees you as a momentary diversion. Then he's right out there again, chasing other mares."
  1495. > Again, the pegasus didn't have to confirm it. A look at her face made it plain. She sniffed a little.
  1496. "Did you tell him how you feel?"
  1497. > Her friend shook her head. "I t-tried. But I cuh- cuh-," she sobbed and tried to finish the sentence before tears started in earnest. "Couldn't!"
  1498. > Celestia pulled her closer and pressed her face against the Royal Chestfluff. It wasn't the real thing, but it still had some of its power.
  1499. "There, there, sweetie. Don't be ashamed."
  1500. > The mare clung to her with all four hooves and wings as she wept. Celestia just waited patiently for the torrent to stop.
  1501. > Eventually it did. Celestia imagined the others had their ears plastered to the door, but thanks to her spell they wouldn't hear anything.
  1502. > Belle Hop deserved some privacy, at least.
  1503. "You can tell me, sweetie."
  1504. > The mare did so, haltingly and miserably. "T-the first time, you know," Belle Hop began her story, "it was just supposed to be some fun. I knew that's what it should have been."
  1505. > It matched her own experience. Heavy Hoof was pushy and perhaps a little manipulative, but he wasn't dishonest. He didn't try and hide what he wanted. He didn't lie about the relationship.
  1506. > "B-but... somehow," Belle Hop went on, trying to describe emotion with words. "Somehow it changed. I don't know why, but I... fell for him."
  1507. > She was blushing now, but at least she wasn't crying anymore. Maybe there was even a hint of a smile at the memory. "I know I shouldn't have. I knew he was only after one thing. But he's so... *forward*. I guess... it appealed to me because I was never like that."
  1508. "And you never told him?"
  1509. > The pegasus shook her head. "N-no! Of course not!" she said with a very frightened voice. "I knew he didn't want anything more serious. If I asked him for that, maybe he'd just run away from me."
  1510. > Her ears went down some more and she averted her eyes. Even her wings shuffled uncomfortably. "I guess I rather had an occasional..."
  1511. > The pony squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered as she said it: "... romp. Rather that than... nothing at all."
  1512. > It wasn't hard to see what it was doing to her. Everypony saw it, except Heavy Hoof. Or maybe he was ignoring it on purpose, so he didn't loose access to 'an easy lay' whenever he needed one?
  1513. > The latter thought made Celestia's blood boil. She would get to the bottom of it!
  1514. > Unfortunately, that would probably mean she'd have to break Belle Hop's heart. If the stallion was using her in that despicable, cold-hearted fashion, then Celestia would ensure he never came near her again.
  1515. > A broken heart could heal. Whatever Heavy Hoof was doing to the pegasus now, even unknowingly, couldn't.
  1516. > The alicorn prayed she was wrong. Maybe he really was just ignorant. None of the others had told him, Lake Frond knew that much.
  1517. > They didn't like to poke their snouts in the affairs of other ponies.
  1518. > But how to explain it all to Belle Hop?
  1519. > The Princess drew a deep breath. Sometimes being an alicorn was quite hard.
  1520. "Sometimes, love isn't meant to be, sweetie. I know it might hurt, but telling yourself a lie will only hurt more in the end. You understand?"
  1521. > Fresh tears were already pouring and the mare was about to start crying again. It looked like she had been keeping it all in, never willing to talk to anypony about it.
  1522. > It was a stroke of luck that she opened up to Celestia. Maybe it was the authority, or maybe it was the way her ponies saw her. Like a mother.
  1523. "We'll get to the bottom of this. Maybe Heavy Hoof just didn't realize it, okay?"
  1524. > The pegasus gave a sad nod.
  1525. > Celestia held her in silence for a few more minutes, then gave her a last nuzzle and gently freed herself.
  1526. "I'll go and speak with him."
  1527. > The mare was already shaking her head, her eyes wide and panicky. But Celestia was firm.
  1528. "Sweetheart, it is best you know now. Every minute longer will just make it worse in the end."
  1529. > The pegasus couldn't say no to that tone. Maybe it was for the best.
  1530. > Celestia embraced her again, briefly.
  1531. "Wait here. You can cry if you need to - nopony outside this room can hear you. I'll be back very soon, okay?"
  1532. > She felt Belle Hop nod against her neck, then she released her and slipped outside.
  1533. > The others were sitting around the coffee table, watching 'Tree Sap' as she exited the bathroom alone. She paused for a few moments to collect herself, then looked up, glaring.
  1534. > It made Heavy Hoof flinch when those eyes landed on him. And he backed away slightly as she advanced on him.
  1535. > Lake Frond and Rock Lichen looked at one another and Glowbug looked away. Even Glitter Dust seemed uncomfortable.
  1536. "Heavy Hoof. A word, please?"
  1537. > He knew it was something important. Of course he did! But it didn't appear that the stallion knew what she was about to say.
  1538. > It boded well. If he had knowingly misled Belle Hop, he would undoubtedly be more afraid.
  1539. > "Y-yes?" he mumbled.
  1540. "Tell me about Belle Hop."
  1541. > The stallion tried to look around Celestia, but the door to the bathroom was closed. He glanced at her face, then quickly lowered his eyes and gulped.
  1542. > "S-she's a friend."
  1543. "And?"
  1544. > He fidgeted and sagged under her wilting presence. Even looking like an earth pony, Celestia was still an alicorn and they all felt it keenly.
  1545. > "Well, some- uh, sometimes we," the stallion began, cautiously, "you know. It's just a bit of fun. I never forced her, I swear!"
  1546. > His statement rang true. Celestia believed him. Besides, it fit with her own experiences and also with what Lake Frond and Glitter Dust had said.
  1547. "You are friends, nothing more?"
  1548. > Again the poor stallion gulped. "Well..." he began, then drew a shuddering breath. "Good friends? W-who sometimes... you know."
  1549. > She waited, while the stallion began to shiver nervously. He really didn't seem to know what she wanted, but he was too afraid to ask.
  1550. "What if I told you, Heavy Hoof, that Belle Hop likes you?"
  1551. > He still didn't get it. Rock Lichen was about to say something, Celestia saw it from the corner of her eye, but a hoof in the stomach from his wife shut him right up.
  1552. > "I l-like her too," Heavy Hoof said uncertainly.
  1553. "You misunderstand."
  1554. > Now he was completely baffled. The stallion finally looked up at her face and spread his hooves in defeat. "Then what, uh, Tree Sap?"
  1555. > Even under stress he remembered the new name. Commendable, but neither here nor there.
  1556. > Celestia brought her face closer and lowered her voice. The others would still hear, but it gave the stallion that extra sense of privacy and secrecy.
  1557. "Belle Hop is deeply in love with you. Each time you 'pick her up', she's ecstatic. And then you go and chase Glitter Dust again, or Glowbug, or any other mare you see. It breaks her heart."
  1558. > The alicorn had never seen a pony's eyes go that wide. Another fraction of an inch and they would have popped right out of his head.
  1559. > His mouth moved, but no words came out. He tried again: "L-luh- love?!" it was barely a whisper.
  1560. "You did not know?"
  1561. > He shook his head, mutely. He tried to swear it, but his voice failed him again, so the stallion just put a hoof on his heart.
  1562. "Are you lying to me?"
  1563. > Heavy Hoof suddenly understood her fury. He cringed back and hurriedly shook his head again, more urgently. Almost frantically.
  1564. > She believed it. An alicorn didn't spend centuries dealing with negotiators, diplomats and petitioning subjects without getting a very good feel for when ponies were lying.
  1565. > It was the best possible outcome and Celestia relaxed a little. Maybe Belle Hop's heart wouldn't have to be dashed.
  1566. "Now that you know, what will you do about it?"
  1567. > All Heavy Hoof could do was give a slight whimper. He was still staring at the alicorn in shock.
  1568. "Well?"
  1569. > He found words: "Please, I had no idea! You have to believe me! I'd never-"
  1570. > She could almost read his thoughts. The stallion began to imagine how Belle Hop had felt when he simply thanked her for the sex and left. Had he talked about the others in front of her?
  1571. > "That would be monstrous!" the stallion exclaimed with horror. "Princess, you know I would never-" he shuddered and took a deep breath.
  1572. > "I swear I'm not like that!"
  1573. > The theatrics were a bit much, but there was honesty underneath it. Heavy Hoof was acting it up a little to avoid her rage, that much was clear to her.
  1574. > Now, as he watched the silent Princess, his ears folded down and he spread his hooves helplessly in the air.
  1575. > "What should I do?" he asked.
  1576. "That depends. Can you give Belle Hop what she needs? What she *deserves*? If not, it's kinder to break it off now."
  1577. > The pony swallowed a lump and looked at the bathroom door again. "C-can I talk with her first?"
  1578. > Good. Celestia nearly smiled. Perhaps, underneath his obsession, Heavy Hoof had a core of decency.
  1579. > She turned and slowly walked to the bathroom door.
  1580. "Come."
  1581. > After a moment of shock he followed her. She slipped inside first, but held the door for the stallion to follow. Then she closed it.
  1582. > The spell of silence was still there.
  1583. > Belle Hop wasn't crying, but it was very obvious she had been. The sight made Heavy Hoof stop just inside the door, while Celestia went to hug the mare again.
  1584. > She held her, almost protectively, while the stallion stared at them both.
  1585. "Talk."
  1586. > The command jerked him awake and he took a hesitant step closer. In her hooves, Celestia felt Belle Hop hold her breath in anticipation.
  1587. > "Belle," the stallion began, but his voice broke and he had to swallow again. "I had no idea. Why didn't you ever tell me?"
  1588. > The pegasus tensed and it looked like she would sob again. Celestia gave her a squeeze and answered for her.
  1589. "She was afraid you'd run away. You don't exactly inspire confidence, Heavy Hoof."
  1590. > He took another step forward and sat near the mares. His eyes were on Belle Hop and he almost didn't seem aware of 'Tree Sap'.
  1591. > "I wouldn't do that, Belle. I know I'm not the perfect stallion, but I'm not a monster, you know?"
  1592. > The mare closed her eyes, maybe to try and stem the flow of tears. She still didn't answer, but Celestia nodded at the stallion to continue.
  1593. > He sighed and looked down. "I'm not sure I know how to handle this, Belle. You know I'm messed up. But I always liked you and-" he mumbled, stringing together sentences as they were forming in his mind. He obviously didn't know exactly what he wanted to say.
  1594. > "Buck, I don't know what to say, Belle!" he swore. His voice made the poor pegasus flinch.
  1595. > Celestia leaned down and whispered in her ear. That seemed to help and the mare blinked, then asked in a very quiet voice: "C-can you lo-love me back?"
  1596. > The two just watched each other for a very long time. The alicorn was beginning to think that she would have to prod the stallion along again.
  1597. > But finally he spoke up. "I d-don't know."
  1598. > Belle Hop gave a sob before he could continue: "But I'd like to try, Belle."
  1599. > Something else was needed. Celestia added her own question:
  1600. "You'll give up chasing other mares?!"
  1601. > "Yes!"
  1602. "No more fooling around? No more Mr. Suave? If you can't see Belle, you'll keep it to yourself?!"
  1603. > "Yes! I swear!" Heavy Hoof said. Then he remembered and his face fell. "I can't control what the humans do to me. They m-make me watch..."
  1604. > Celestia felt Belle Hop nod against her chest.
  1605. "We know that. I will do everything I can to get you both home once I'm back in Equestria. I have friends among humans now. Can you hold on a little longer?"
  1606. > The stallion nodded to that. "Y-yes."
  1607. > His eyes were still on Belle Hop, who still didn't understand what was happening. But Celestia could feel how her poor heart was rattling.
  1608. > She carefully let the pegasus go and motioned to the stallion.
  1609. "You two need to talk."
  1610. > "Yes," Heavy Hoof said. He was about to take Belle Hop in his hooves, but the alicorn placed herself between them. She put her muzzle right to his ear and whispered. Belle Hop couldn't hear it.
  1611. "You are allowed to change your mind and say no, Heavy Hoof. Love can't be forced. But if you say yes and later break her heart, I will have horrible creatures straight from Tartarus come get you and drag you off. Guess which part of you they will cut off first? That's right. They will roast it and make you eat it, understand?"
  1612. > He whimpered in misery and his hooves went to his midriff, as if that could save his stallionhood from the monsters.
  1613. "Do what's right. And don't lie, even to yourself. Say 'no', if it's the truth, but never *ever* say 'yes' as a lie!"
  1614. > He managed a shaky mumble: "I prom-promise, Princess!"
  1615. > Then she stepped away and the stallion grabbed Belle Hop, as if hoping she would protect him from the vengeful alicorn.
  1616. > For her part, the pegasus clutched at the stallion and buried her face in his chest.
  1617. > Maybe they would make it work, Celestia decided. Or maybe they wouldn't.
  1618. > She left the bathroom, but kept the silencing magic. It would linger for about twenty minutes more, before fading.
  1619. > They might be happy, she thought. On the other hoof, they might discover that they don't fit together.
  1620. > But at least now they had a chance. With a bit of luck, both their hearts would mend. Even if they didn't stay together, it would be a lot better than the way they were both torturing themselves and each other.
  1621. > Her other friends looked at her, but didn't ask any questions.
  1622. > It was just as well. Celestia wouldn't have answered any.
  1623. >...
  1624. > Very soon it was time to leave. Celestia chatted with the others about inconsequential matters until the two ponies returned from the bathroom.
  1625. > She tried to see if they had done anything *beyond* talking, but it didn't seem so. Neither of them seemed winded or flustered.
  1626. > It looked like Belle Hop had done her best to erase any sign that she had been crying. Her cheeks were still damp, but nopony commented.
  1627. > She followed Heavy Hoof demurely and the two sat on the floor by the coffee table, side by side, with their flanks nearly touching.
  1628. > The mare looked at the circle of her friends, opened her mouth to speak, then her ears folded down and she changed her mind.
  1629. > Instead, Belle Hop blushed and looked at the carpet.
  1630. > Lake Frond came to her aid: "Don't worry Belle. We know."
  1631. > "What?!" she squeaked, echoed closely by the bewildered Heavy Hoof. They both stared at the bemused pony faces around them.
  1632. > "You all knew, except for me?!" the stallion gasped out. "Why did nopony say anything?!"
  1633. > Now it was the others' turn to be embarrassed.
  1634. > "Maybe we should have," Lake Frond admitted. "I guess we all had worries of our own. I'm sorry, the both of you."
  1635. > There was some silence, until Rock Lichen addressed the other stallion: "So, does this mean you're no longer chasing Glitter or Glowbug?"
  1636. > He waited a second to let it sink in, then added in a lower voice: "Or Lake?"
  1637. > All three mentioned mares, as well as Belle Hop, colored deeply. They couldn't meet each other's eyes after that, or Heavy Hoof's.
  1638. > The stallion in question glared a little at his friend, but then his shoulders slumped and he sighed.
  1639. > "Yes. I'm done with all that."
  1640. > His new marefriend smiled a little at that and clarified: "We'll... uh, we decided to try and make it work." As she said it, Belle Hop leaned a little into her coltfriend and nuzzled him.
  1641. > It was cute and Celestia nodded happily at both of them. She would be sure to write letters to them until she had a way to bring them both to Equestria. Or, if they didn't wish to go, at least get them basic pony rights.
  1642. > "Anyway, we should probably get going," Silent Brook said meaningfully. Celestia knew it was a cue for them to leave.
  1643. > It was getting late and despite his claim of how close by he lived, they had some distance travel on hoof.
  1644. > The alicorn stood up and went to give her friends hugs.
  1645. "I do not know when I'll leave, so each time might be a goodbye."
  1646. > She had said as much before. The ponies gratefully accepted an embrace each and said how much they would miss her. Celestia did the same.
  1647. > Until she came to Glowbug. Then she whispered, right into her ear, almost beyond hearing:
  1648. "Step out with me, we need to talk."
  1649. > The changeling controlled herself very well. She gave an almost imperceptible nod and stood up.
  1650. > "I think I'll walk you out. I could use a bit of air. It's stuffy in here," Glowbug explained. "Somepony tell Mrs. Turner if she asks."
  1651. > There was no comment, so Celestia guessed it wasn't an unusual request.
  1652. > The two mares followed Silent Brook out of the room and to the building entrance. There the alicorn paused to address her guide.
  1653. "Go ahead, I'll catch up. Just give me a minute, please."
  1654. > He was definitely curious, but the stallion didn't ask. He just mumbled something about 'secrecy' to himself and trotted off.
  1655. > Just to be sure, Celestia brought up a small bubble to keep their conversation private.
  1656. "I think you should tell them."
  1657. > It was blunt, but they didn't have much time.
  1658. > Glowbug frowned a little. "Why?"
  1659. > A valid question. The changeling seemed comfortable with the disguise, and she had told Celestia that she really felt more like 'Glowbug' the unicorn, than her old changeling self.
  1660. > But the lie still felt wrong.
  1661. "I just think they deserve to know. Please, consider it? I think you'll be surprised by their reaction."
  1662. > The mare pointed an accusing hoof at the alicorn. "*You* nearly blasted my head off!"
  1663. > Ugly as it was, her mud-colored fur at least hid the embarrassed blush.
  1664. "Sorry. But they've known you longer. They will listen."
  1665. > Why was this so important to the Princess? Why should she care what this one changeling did on Earth?
  1666. > Maybe it was what Glowbug had told her. Her friends liked her and their friendship and love was food she needed to survive. But *she* also liked them back! And somehow that made it different.
  1667. > 'More filling', the changeling had said.
  1668. > Celestia knew what ponies were like if they were being drained of emotion. She just had to think back to Shining Armor back to his wedding to Princess Cadence.
  1669. > Her friends didn't look like that. Glowbug could be spreading her feeding around - the thought still made Celestia a little uncomfortable - so that nopony noticed. But she didn't think so.
  1670. "When was the last time you... uh, 'fed'?"
  1671. > It was a completely unexpected question, but Glowbug thought about it and answered: "Dunno. A couple of weeks ago? I wouldn't call it that, though."
  1672. "What would you call it then?"
  1673. > "It's not like feeding. I guess..." she began, then paused and lifted a hoof up to scratch her muzzle in thought. "Lemme see. I made lemon cookies for the meeting, and Lake Frond said they were good. It was something like pride or something," the changeling explained thoughtfully. "That was when I felt it, anyway. Normally I don't even notice it anymore."
  1674. > Celestia repeated flatly:
  1675. "You don't... even notice it?"
  1676. > The other mare raised her face to the sky and groaned a little in exasperation. "Quit it with that tone, okay? I told you it's not like that! I don't *drain* my friends."
  1677. > She looked at Celestia with almost a kind of fire in her eyes. "I *wouldn't* do that to them, even if I was dying of hunger!"
  1678. > Maybe that was it, the alicorn thought?
  1679. > Giving love and friendship was somehow more filling than taking it? She would have to look into it some more when she was back in Equestria.
  1680. "Sorry. Just think about telling them the truth, okay?"
  1681. > "I'll think about it," the mare said with the slightest bit of tension in her voice.
  1682. > That was no way to treat a friend, Celestia realized. She reached around the unicorn and hugged her again.
  1683. "Please forgive an old, foolish mare. I'll write when I'm home."
  1684. > The changeling in her hooves relaxed. "It's fine. Be safe, okay? Maybe when we're free, I'll come visit you in Canterlot."
  1685. > It was a test. Glowbug wanted to see what Celestia thought of a changeling walking the streets of Canterlot.
  1686. > She didn't fall for it. The alicorn pulled back and smiled.
  1687. "I would like that. Of course you'd be an honored guest at the Castle."
  1688. > "In the dungeons, right?" the mare asked.
  1689. > They both giggled and the tension between them vanished.
  1690. "Take care. I have to go now."
  1691. > Celestia could see Silent Brook waiting patiently on the other side of the street. She let the silence bubble vanish and trotted up to him.
  1692. "Ready. Let's go."
  1693. > He just gave a nod and led the way back to the park.
  1694. >...
  1695. > They were nearly home when Silent Brook stopped and grabbed her. He pulled her down toward the ground.
  1696. > For the briefest moment Celestia considered using her magic to break free. She didn't know what had come over her friend, but if he had snapped and meant to hurt her for some reason, she would need to overpower him and try to get him back to his senses.
  1697. > But then Silent Brook whispered in her ear: "Shhh!"
  1698. > She followed his gaze and saw a black car parked before their house. More importantly, a couple of men were at the door, talking with Saul.
  1699. > "I don't like the look of that," the stallion said quietly. "Come! Now!"
  1700. > Celestia could just nod. She was worried by her friend's tone, so she followed him behind a corner.
  1701. > "I'll go check it out," he said, left her in hiding, and crawled away.
  1702. > She peeked around the building and focused her ears on the men. She had an idea.
  1703. > It was dangerous, but a bit of magic could help her hear. She looked around and made sure no one was around, then cast her spell.
  1704. > The voices became audible.
  1705. > Too late she remembered that Silent Brook hadn't really needed to risk himself, but he was already out of earshot.
  1706. > "... come the fuck back when you have a warrant, okay?" Saul was saying, angrily.
  1707. > He sounded upset and the man who answered him was a lot calmer. "Sir," he said, politely, but firmly, "we do have a warrant to search this house. Step away from the door, please."
  1708. > There was a faint whisper, which put Celestia in mind of a phone. Were the two people somehow on the phone at the same time they spoke with Saul? How? She could see no devices in their hands.
  1709. > "I'll fucking believe that when I see it!"
  1710. > When one of the humans lifted his hand, Celestia saw a bit of paper. "Here, I already showed it!" he insisted. "Let us in, please, otherwise we'll be forced to arrest you, sir!"
  1711. > Her blood went cold and Celestia took a step back. They had found her! There could be no doubt.
  1712. > It was bad! Her phone with Anonymous' and Miriam Adams' number was up in the room. As were her hoofguards and peytral. She didn't care so much about losing them, but they would give the humans undeniable evidence that she was there.
  1713. > And ammunition to go after her friends, both human and pony!
  1714. > Not to mention Saul. She didn't enjoy the idea of her new human friend to be tossed in a prison, or questioned about his involvement with her.
  1715. > But how could she resolve the situation? It was an impossible problem!
  1716. > The mare shivered and tried to keep from panicking. It would do her no good, anyway. The best thing to do now was wait for Silent Brook to come back.
  1717. > Maybe they could sneak around the back and he could fetch her things.
  1718. > The spell was still working and Celestia leaned forward to hear again.
  1719. > Saul was explaining something angrily: "-gives you the right to bother me in the middle of the night over some pony or something! Unbelievable!"
  1720. > The other human tried to calm him down, but Saul wouldn't stop.
  1721. > "I fought in a war, do you understand that, you slick bureaucratic piece of shit?!"
  1722. > Now he was yelling. In a moment, the men would make good on their threat and arrest him. Celestia couldn't have that.
  1723. > She didn't want to wait for Silent Brook to come back. She went looking for him.
  1724. > The mud color helped hide her and she dropped to her knees to be as invisible as possible. Then she crawled forward.
  1725. > Her stallion friend was hiding behind the empty car. He waved urgently when he saw her coming, but he couldn't raise his voice. She ignored his gestures and joined him.
  1726. > "Feds," he whispered. "Probably after you."
  1727. > Celestia thought about a sound bubble, but she didn't want to risk too much magic. The glow of it might attract attention.
  1728. "Yes. What do we do?"
  1729. > She tried very hard to keep the fear from her voice, but some bled through.
  1730. > The stallion gave it some thought. "We need to get your things from upstairs and then get you out of here. It's not safe anymore."
  1731. > Celestia agreed, but her ears lowered in misery. She hadn't expected to say bye to Silent Brook just yet. And it looked like she couldn't say goodbye to Saul at all.
  1732. > But she nodded anyway.
  1733. > They peered around the car, where Saul was beginning to shout and the men were preparing to tackle him.
  1734. > Silent Brook heaved a sigh. "I better go stop him, before they shoot him or something," he said.
  1735. > The mare held him back with a hoof, but the stallion wouldn't be deterred.
  1736. > "I have to. They're looking for a pony, I'll go and keep them busy. You go around the back. The door is probably closed, but you can magic it open, right?"
  1737. > Celestia nodded once.
  1738. > "Good. Sneak upstairs for your stuff, then leave out back."
  1739. > The mare swallowed a lump.
  1740. "Where do I go? What do I do?"
  1741. > Her friend hugged her briefly. "Call Anonymous. Or Miriam. They'll know what to do."
  1742. > She hoped so. Otherwise, it would mean flying to the portal and forcing her way back. A very messy affair.
  1743. > There wasn't much time left. The officer's voice sounded like he was about to lose his patience.
  1744. > She held Silent Brook for a moment longer to nuzzle him.
  1745. "Thank you. I'll write when I can."
  1746. > He nodded, then slipped away. His hoofsteps were louder than they should be, making all three humans shut up and look around.
  1747. > "I brought you your damn cigarettes, Saul. What the fuck is going on here?"
  1748. > Celestia didn't wait to see the rest. She crawled back the way she came, keeping low and ducking between the buildings as soon as she could. Then she stood and ran over the grass backyards as quickly as she could.
  1749. > Ditching her camouflage would enable her to fly, but the mare didn't want to do that. Even if she went back to 'Supple Branch', she would still be a pony the men knew. With her dyed fur, she might be able to pretend to be somepony else in an emergency.
  1750. > Mere minutes later she jumped the fence to Saul's backyard. Like Silent Brook had said, the door was locked, but a simple spell took care of that.
  1751. > She slid inside.
  1752. > There was still somewhat of a commotion at the front door, with Saul blocking the way.
  1753. > "It's not the right pony," one of the men was saying. "It should be blue or something. This one is orange. And a male. We're looking for a female."
  1754. > The other guy said: "Are you sure it's male? How can you tell?"
  1755. > The stallion barked a short laugh. "I can show you if you wanna make sure," he offered.
  1756. > "We should still check his papers," the other human said.
  1757. > It made Celestia freeze in her steps. Silent Brook had no papers, due to the way he arrived in the country! She couldn't let him get caught up in that. There was no telling what the people might do.
  1758. > They may even send him back to an auction! She couldn't let them break up Saul and Silent Brook. Not to mention April!
  1759. > But there wasn't a lot she could do. The mare nearly groaned with how helpless she felt at the point.
  1760. > Maybe the humans would do it for her. Otherwise, the only way she could solve it was through force. And she *didn't* want to do that.
  1761. > She decided to wait a tad longer.
  1762. > As she listened, the men began to argue. The first voice insisted that they only cared about the cyan mare - Celestia in disguise. That Silent Brook was unimportant. It gave her hope.
  1763. > Then Saul jumped in. "For fuck's sake, wait here a minute!" he grumbled and slammed the door in his face.
  1764. > The agents immediately forgot about the stallion and started knocking on the door again.
  1765. > "Sir?! Open this door immediately! Or we'll have to break it down!" they threatened.
  1766. > But Saul was going to his bedroom, which gave her a chance. Celestia went to meet him.
  1767. "Saul."
  1768. > The human stopped and looked wildly around. "What the fuck are you doing here? They're looking for you! Get outta here, damn it!"
  1769. > His concern warmed her heart.
  1770. "I have to take my things from upstairs. And I don't want Silent Brook to get in trouble for his missing papers."
  1771. > The man crouched down and put a hand in her mane. I was something he had never done before, but Celestia didn't object.
  1772. > "They won't. I have his papers."
  1773. "You do?!"
  1774. > This was something even the stallion didn't know.
  1775. > "Of course I do," Saul confirmed. "I'm not so stupid to have an unlicensed pony in the house, for fuck's sake."
  1776. > It was very good news. For a moment the mare wondered how he had gotten them, but then shrugged. The human bureaucracy was full of holes, it seemed.
  1777. > She gave the man a quick hug and a nuzzle. At first he froze, but then the arms went around her and patted her back.
  1778. "Thank you, Saul. I'll never forget this. I'll find a way to return the kindness, I swear!"
  1779. > After a moment she let him go and his hands slid away.
  1780. > "Don't mention it," he said gruffly.
  1781. > Here was another human who would be getting a polite but formal invitation to Equestria soon, Celestia decided. At least a dinner! And a day at the spa!
  1782. > And April too, of course!
  1783. > But now wasn't the time for this.
  1784. "Take care, Saul. Silent Brook needs you more than you think."
  1785. > She wondered why exactly she had said that. It was a spur of the moment thing, but it rang true.
  1786. > Whatever the stallion said, he needed Saul about as much as the human needed him. They were both damaged by their experiences. And they relied on each other to give themselves purpose.
  1787. > Hopefully she had done enough to get them on the path to healing.
  1788. > More knocking interrupted her as the men outside were apparently going frantic.
  1789. > "Hurry up!" Saul said and went into his bedroom to fetch Silent Brook's paperwork.
  1790. > The mare muffled her hoofsteps with a simple spell and ran up the stairs. She made sure to avoid the window and grabbed her bag.
  1791. > The phone was on Silent Brook's bed and the charger was in the wall - thankfully she had left it plugged in when they left for the pony meeting. That meant it was full of electricity now!
  1792. > It went in the saddlebags, those slid easily on her back and Celestia was done.
  1793. > She took a last look around the room to make sure she wasn't forgetting something.
  1794. > The hair dye!
  1795. > It was still in the bathroom! She made a slight detour, grabbed the bottles and shoved them in the bags.
  1796. > That was everything. She didn't bother about the toothbrush. Then she went down the stairs and paused just out of sight of the front door.
  1797. > It was open again and Saul was showing the humans the documents.
  1798. > "Wait, papers? Mine?! How do you have those?" Silent Brook was asking.
  1799. > Stupid, stupid, Celestia thought. Don't draw attention to them!
  1800. > But she couldn't do anything. The agent who had insisted on verifying the stallion's identity was reading the papers and the other was a few steps away, looking at the car.
  1801. > He was probably impatient to get going.
  1802. > Now or never, the mare thought, and slipped down the last few steps, through the hallway and into the living room. She left by the back door and pushed it closed.
  1803. > Then she ran for it.
  1804. > A couple of jumps saw her in a neighbor's backyard and from there she galloped through an open gate into another street.
  1805. > She kept to the grass until she was around the corner, because it muffled the hoofsteps somewhat.
  1806. > Where to go?
  1807. > Only one place came to mind. Celestia hoped her sense of orientation was up to the task and began to circle around.
  1808. > She relaxed a little once she entered the park where Silent Brook had taken her on a shortcut.
  1809. > There were fewer lights and she could hide out in the bushes if she really had to.
  1810. > The mud color would help, but she had to come up with something else before she slept. Like a hiding place, or a plan.
  1811. > With a weary sigh, the mare brought out her phone and put in the first number.
  1812. > She nearly called, but changed her mind. If the agents were this close on her tail, it was a definite possibility that they were watching Anonymous to see if she contacted him.
  1813. > She quickly changed the number and pushed the green button.
  1814. > "Hello?" came Miriam Adams' voice.
  1815. > The mare went straight to the point:
  1816. "Miriam, I have a problem. They found me here. I had to leave!"
  1817. > There was a long silence from Miriam on the phone. Celestia began to think that the D.A. had simply ended the call.
  1818. "Miriam?"
  1819. > "Still here," the woman said and the words filled the alicorn with relief. "Thinking."
  1820. > Celestia floated the plastic device beside her ear as she walked further into the park, away from the well-lit path.
  1821. > Finally, Miriam spoke up again: "Where are you now?"
  1822. "A park. Near Saul's house, but I don' think they can find me. It's dark and there's a lot of evergreen bushes where I can hide."
  1823. > "That's good. And who is after you?"
  1824. > Celestia didn't really know. She had assumed it was just 'the government', but Miriam's question made her think it might be a little more complicated.
  1825. "Some men. They didn't look like police. No uniforms and their car was just... regular. They were certainly asking Saul about me. He told me to run."
  1826. > Again there was silence.
  1827. > Even though Miriam couldn't see her, Celestia lowered her ears reflexively as she apologized:
  1828. "I'm sorry to spring this on you. I thought... maybe they're watching Anonymous in case I called him. I didn't know what else to do."
  1829. > The alicorn had been hoping that Miriam Adams would say it was alright, but the woman didn't. She really was pushing the woman too far. She swallowed a lump and tried to make her voice steady.
  1830. "If it's t-too much to ask, I'll understand. I'll call Anonymous."
  1831. > "No!" the woman replied quickly. "You were right in thinking he's probably being watched. I'll get a message to him tomorrow. Do you have anywhere to stay?"
  1832. > The mare looked around her. It wasn't even a forest. She was in the deepest, darkest part of the park she could find, and the lights from the path were still visible here and there through the bare branches.
  1833. > If she remained vigilant, she could probably wait until morning. But the disguise spell would be incredibly difficult to maintain by then.
  1834. > Still, Celestia didn't want to sound weak and whiny.
  1835. "I can wait here. I think I'll be alright. But I won't be able to keep my disguise much longer than until midmorning."
  1836. > "Okay, I understand," Miriam said. "I need to get off the phone so I can call some people. Hide somewhere and wait until I call you back, okay?"
  1837. > It was an immense relief that the woman was taking charge. Celestia still had her backup plan, but that was to be used in an emergency only.
  1838. "Yes. Thank you, Miriam!"
  1839. > The woman grunted something affirmative, then hung up.
  1840. > Alone once more, Celestia looked around for a better hiding place. Maybe one of the larger bushes would do, although the ground was soggy and cold.
  1841. > She sighed and looked around to select the largest shrub. Of course it had needles, but the mare hoped that at least it wasn't thorny inside.
  1842. > In the dark she couldn't tell what kind it was, so Celestia just went for it.
  1843. > It was a bit of a squeeze and the branches were quite thick, but the mare found a small hollow near the center. After she turned around a few times, it was almost tolerable.
  1844. > The foliage was just thick enough to hide her, while allowing her to see around pretty well.
  1845. > There was nothing else to do, so the pony curled up and lay down to wait. The ground wasn't too soggy, so her fur should protect her for a few hours. In a flash of inspiration, Celestia remembered her saddlebags and rooted around in one.
  1846. > Yes! Her scarf, the one she had enchanted to keep her warm on her walks with Anonymous! She had almost forgotten that she had packed it.
  1847. > She quickly put it around her neck and the magic warmed her up nicely.
  1848. > If it didn't rain, she could stay like that until morning. Perhaps longer. The trickiest part would be not falling asleep.
  1849. >...
  1850. > The phone began to ring loudly and it made Celestia jump up in fright. She had forgotten to silence it!
  1851. > It was pure luck that there was no one around. She hurriedly pulled it from her bag and answered it.
  1852. "Yes?"
  1853. > It was Miriam again and her voice made the mare sag in relief.
  1854. > "Okay, tell me where you are," the woman commanded.
  1855. > Celestia knew the address of Saul's house and she told the lawyer that. Then she explained how to get to the park.
  1856. > "Good, good. I think I know the area. I'll be there in an hour. I'll call you."
  1857. > She was about to hang up.
  1858. "Wait!"
  1859. > Celestia was lonely and frightened. Even with her magic scarf, the ground seemed to be sucking warmth from her.
  1860. > Another hour in the dark, trying to look in all directions at once, listening to every tiny sound, seemed dreadful.
  1861. > "Hmm?"
  1862. "W-what are you going to do?"
  1863. > One minute, Celestia decided. Just let her friend talk to her for a minute and then she could face another hour!
  1864. > "I'll come get you," Miriam answered. "I've got your papers ready, I can get you across the border, I think."
  1865. > Immediately the Princess thought about her friends.
  1866. "What about Lake Frond and Rock Lichen?"
  1867. > Miriam sighed. "You're thinking about them at a time like this?"
  1868. > The mare nodded before she remembered that the lady couldn't see her.
  1869. "Of course. I made them a promise."
  1870. > "Noble," the woman commented wryly. She appeared to think for a while longer. "Okay, how do we reach them?"
  1871. > It was sheer luck that Celestia had been at the pony meet up that night. Then again, it was about time for something to go her way!
  1872. "Glitter Dust will take them a cell phone. Like mine."
  1873. > "Okay, good. This is going to be risky as all hell. If we get caught, we'll both be doing prison time, understand?"
  1874. > Swallowing, Celestia gave a nod and then pressed her lips firmly together for a moment as she imagined what human jail might be like for a pony.
  1875. "I understand."
  1876. > Would she really risk everything for two of her subjects?
  1877. > It wasn't even a question. Of course she would!
  1878. > "Good. Once you can reach them, they'll escape and we'll meet them somewhere," Miriam explained. She was right. It did sound risky.
  1879. "Where will I wait? I can't keep the disguise, and as soon as I change, the hair dye will vanish."
  1880. > "Yeah, I know," the woman replied. "Here's what we do. You can't stay with me or Anonymous. They probably aren't watching me, but I'd rather not risk it. But my brother has a house about an hour away and he's on a ski trip in France. I have the key."
  1881. > A very resourceful woman. Plus it sounded a sight more comfortable than hiding in a forest somewhere.
  1882. "Miriam, I don't know how I will ever repay you..."
  1883. > "Hush. It's not done yet," the D.A. said, but Celestia could tell she was smiling. "Anyway, we'll pick up the other two, then we'll go on a road trip. We should be fine once we're across the state line."
  1884. > Celestia thought back to her arrival on Earth. She had gone to the auction house first, then to Anonymous, both had been long drives.
  1885. "How far is it?"
  1886. > "About a day and a half, maybe two. We'll go for as long as you can keep the disguise, then we'll take a motel room to rest," Miriam explained. "We can do this, Celly. Don't worry. Anything else?"
  1887. > Having a plan was incredibly comforting.
  1888. "No, thank you. I'll be here."
  1889. > The woman said her goodbyes and hung up. The mare settled down to wait.
  1891. > ~~~~
  1893. > "Okay, you can use the guest room. If you find anything edible in the fridge feel free. Otherwise I'll stop by after work tomorrow and bring you something," Miriam was explaining while she led Celestia into the house.
  1894. > It had been a good choice, the mare thought. It wasn't a solitary building like Anonymous had, but the hamlet - it couldn't really be called even a village - looked peaceful.
  1895. > Surely, if she kept herself out of sight, no one would suspect that an alicorn was temporarily living there.
  1896. > Meanwhile the house had all the amenities. Miriam had told her to make herself at home.
  1897. "C-can I use the bath?"
  1898. > It was a question far more important than mere food, after all.
  1899. > Laughing softly, her friend tousled her mane. "Yes. And good thing you reminded me. I'll just go and turn the heating up."
  1900. > Now that she thought about it, Celestia realized the house was a little chilly. It made sense - if the human wasn't home, why would he waste oil to keep the place warm?
  1901. > She knew about oil and how much it cost. Anonymous had explained.
  1902. "Thank you."
  1903. > Miriam went down the stairs, with the mare right on her heels. She fiddled with some buttons on the central heating, while Celestia waited nearby.
  1904. > Thanks to her human, Celestia was no longer afraid of the complicated array of pipes and machines. She merely flinched a little when the thing suddenly turned on, but the alicorn stood her ground.
  1905. > "There, that should do it. Come on, lets go fix up a bed for you," Miriam said and walked past her.
  1906. > Celestia watched the machine for a few more seconds. There was a dull roar as fire blazed inside, warming up the water in the pipes, as well as more water she could use for a bath later.
  1907. > Then she followed the woman back upstairs and into a small bedroom. It was surprisingly similar to the room Anonymous had given her and the mare felt her throat constrict a little with longing.
  1908. > What she wouldn't give to be back with her human - even if she had to sleep in her own bed, rather than his.
  1909. > Homesick? For Anonymous' house?
  1910. > Celestia nearly laughed at herself. How quickly she had gotten used to the place. As ugly as it looked from the outside, she came to appreciate it. Not because of the furniture, or the amenities - although having a steam room at hoof was really nice - but because of the human.
  1911. > She sighed sadly as she thought back on all the evenings watching his boring, silly game on the TV. The... pond, or pool, or whatever it was called didn't matter. What mattered was her head in Anonymous' lap and his hand on her ears. And the murmured conversation.
  1912. > In her long life before Anonymous, Celestia could count on her hooves the number of times she had been so relaxed.
  1913. > And, the thought warmed her, lately it had been getting even better.
  1914. > She recalled a Sunday morning, not too long ago, when they lay panting next to each other in bed and the human rested his hand on her belly.
  1915. > Tired and sweaty, but oh so happy in the afterglow of their love.
  1916. > A human first thing in the morning was doing wonders for her nerves and disposition! Perhaps she should get one for Luna as well.
  1917. > Luna, whom she would soon meet again.
  1918. > She had to remember that, however bleak and scary the future looked. It was only a hurdle - one she would defeat.
  1919. > And Anonymous had promised to join her in Canterlot, soon.
  1920. > Of course she would get there, and so would he.
  1921. > The mare realized she had rudely let Miriam make the bed all by herself, while the pony was reminiscing.
  1922. > "Don't worry, we'll get you home, sweetie," the lady said, misreading her expression. Celestia decided not to correct her.
  1923. > And the way Miriam patted her nose was pleasant.
  1924. "Thank you."
  1925. > It was time to say goodbye, at least for now. Celestia was sorry to see her friend leave. She was in a strange house, full of strange smells. There may or may not be food and despite Miriam's assurance, the real owner might return unexpectedly.
  1926. > But at least there were hot baths.
  1927. > "I'll call my guy from the car and get papers for your two friends. And I'll see you tomorrow when I bring you food."
  1928. > They embraced, briefly, then the woman left.
  1929. > Celestia looked around and wondered what to do.
  1930. > It was late - past midnight, but the strangeness and fear kept her wide awake. She was sure she couldn't sleep, not yet. Besides, she would make the bed dirty in her current state. The pony glanced down at her muddy hooves.
  1931. > She went to look for the bathroom so she could wash herself up. And tomorrow she would clean the house.
  1932. > The least she could do in return for his unwitting hospitality was to leave the place nicer than she found it.
  1933. > For tonight, though - perhaps she could flip through the channels on the TV and see if anything interested her.
  1934. >...
  1935. > However fascinating the show was, Celestia could hardly keep her eyes open after an hour. She didn't want to stop watching, but she felt sleep coming to claim her.
  1936. > Now that she had gotten used to the new place, the mare was exhausted. It was the effort of the spell she had held until she was safely in the house, combined with the emotional pony meet up, and coming to Saul's to find men waiting for her.
  1937. "Mmm, jus'... few mo' minutes."
  1938. > She murmured to herself, hoping that her own voice would wake her a little. There was no way she wanted to miss the next bit.
  1939. > The fast-talking human was about to show them how his marvellous machine turned different kinds of fruit into drinks! Celestia definitely wanted to see it.
  1940. > More than that, she wanted one!
  1941. > Maybe once she was back in Canterlot, she could get Mr. Plain or someone to bring her it.
  1942. > They kept saying how much cheaper they were selling it. The full price was daunting, but after all the reductions it seemed very reasonable.
  1943. > The alicorn could really use freshly squeezed orange juice in the mornings. Doing it by magic was just silly, now that she had seen how well this 'bullet' thing worked!
  1944. > Unfortunately she didn't get to see how a kiwi smoothie was made because the mare nodded off at that part.
  1945. >...
  1946. > There was a moment of discontinuity as Celestia found herself back in the Canterlot Castle kitchen. Why was squeezing fresh orange juice making her think of Miriam and Earth?
  1947. > That was all in the past, wasn't it?
  1948. > Perhaps a bout of nostalgia. She shook her head and poured three glasses. Then she dropped a sprig of mint in each and floated them over to the table.
  1949. > There was no reason to think of Earth, not now that Anonymous was in Equestria. She smiled at the seated human.
  1950. > As usual, her sister glanced from one to the other and smirked. True, Luna made sure to join them for breakfast for the sole reason of poking fun at them, but what the night-blue alicorn didn't realize was that Celestia liked to have breakfast with her sister despite the jokes.
  1951. > The smirking and the jabs were just a nice bonus. She enjoyed seeing Luna smile, even if it was at her expense.
  1952. > "Care thou to explain what We heard this morning, Sister?" she was asking, looking pointedly at the human.
  1953. > Celestia couldn't blame her. Anonymous was cute when he blushed. He didn't answer, of course.
  1954. > "Mayhap We should move Our room. Or ask the craftsponies to thicken the walls, hmm?"
  1955. "I'm very sorry, Luna. It wasn't our intention to wake you up."
  1956. > Her lack of reaction gave her sister pause, but she quickly recovered: "Thou should have recalled, Sister, that Our nights are filled with work. We help Our ponies through their dreams. It is quite distracting indeed - the sort of noises We hear."
  1957. > Celestia just laughed some more.
  1958. "Perhaps then, Sister, you should not sleep with your ear pressed to a glass against the wall, hmm?"
  1959. > It was only a guess, but it hit true. Luna colored, although it was difficult to spot with her night-blue fur.
  1960. > She opened and closed her mouth a few times, as if trying to come up with a retort. Then she sniffed haughtily and decided to ignore her.
  1961. > But Celestia couldn't help noticing how Luna gladly accepted a plate of pancakes. She nodded at her younger sister approvingly, then focused on the human.
  1962. > His stay among ponies was doing him a world of good, it was quite apparent. He smiled a lot more and he had stopped wearing those stuffy, boring suits for something more colorful.
  1963. > He noticed her looking and frowned in puzzlement.
  1964. "Anything special you would like to do today, Anonymous?"
  1965. > He thought about it. "Well, I should finish that history book you gave me. And then there's the official letter we have to write for Earth."
  1966. > She needed a few moments to remember. That was right - following her brief visit to Earth, there was a very angry letter from the humans, asking for an explanation. It came to the Castle right after her.
  1967. > Something about the timing didn't seem right. Anonymous came to Equestria a year after her. The letter should have been written a long time ago. The entire affair should have been concluded.
  1968. > It was a little strange how she couldn't put the events in their proper order, but who could blame her?
  1969. > The return had been quite tumultuous. There were parades and the adoration of her subjects. And a minor fallout with the human embassy over her absence. A happy reunion with her Sister.
  1970. > Busy, busy days.
  1971. > And to top it all, she'd had to work out a plan to have Anonymous join her. No wonder some of it had mixed up in her head. It was a very busy year.
  1972. > Maybe she should let it go for a day, to get her bearings. Just focus on herself and the human?
  1973. "How about, instead, we take a picnic in the Castle gardens?"
  1974. > It wasn't a suggestion Anonymous often accepted - even now, in this beautiful, happy land, he simply could not stop working. He said he couldn't stand being idle.
  1975. > One of these days she would have to put him in charge of something. Maybe the court of law, or her foreign policy. Or maybe both.
  1976. > Anonymous wasn't happy when he wasn't working.
  1977. > "Hmm," Luna said, breaking her concentration and making Celestia turn around, "why are thine dreams filled with little else than this human, Sister?"
  1978. > The light was different. It was no longer morning and the food on the table was gone. When she looked, Anonymous' chair was empty.
  1979. "No!"
  1980. >...
  1981. > She woke up with a gasp. The TV was still on, but Celestia paid it no mind. It had been so *real*!
  1982. > In her dream, this - the reality- seemed like nothing more than a memory.
  1983. > Now that she thought about it, in the dream she couldn't remember how exactly she had escaped Earth, but she had been so sure the memories were there! It was uncanny.
  1984. > And Luna!
  1985. > Her heart was racing as she remembered that grinning, mischievous face. It had been so good to see her, even if it was only a dream!
  1986. "Very soon, Sister."
  1987. > It was a promise. Whatever it took, Celestia would do it to get home. To see Luna again.
  1988. > She dragged herself to her hooves and fumbled with the remote until she managed to turn off the TV.
  1989. > She stumbled her way back to the guest bedroom. Maybe she would dream of her sister some more. It was nice to imagine that even now, across worlds, Princess Luna was looking in on her sister's dreams to make sure she was well.
  1991. > ~~~~
  1993. > They left the house around midnight. Celestia sat on the passenger seat of Miriam's car and looked at the dark, quiet building. She had spent only a few days there, so she wouldn't miss it much.
  1994. > Not like she would miss Anonymous' place.
  1995. > Now that she was actually leaving, the emotion flowing through her heart could only be described as 'bittersweet'. On the one hoof, it was a relief to be going home. The past weeks had made Celestia all too aware just how dangerous Earth could be for her.
  1996. > But on the other hoof, she had had some good times among the strange, bipedal creatures. Some *very* good times, she thought, as her thoughts turned to Anonymous.
  1997. > Yes, overall the alicorn would remember her time on Earth fondly. And who knew - perhaps, in the fullness of time, she would be able to visit again. With a gentle hoof and humans like Miriam and Saul, Maggie and Anonymous - *especially* Anonymous - there was no doubt in Celestia's mind that lasting peace could be achieved.
  1998. > She would miss her new human friends. And she would miss her new pony friends.
  1999. > The alicorn decided to spend more time with her subjects back home. Not as their ruler, or as their teacher, but simply as a pony. Just go out and mingle! Vanquish the perception of the wise, all-knowing, powerful - yet inapproachable - monarch.
  2000. > Only by living *among* her ponies would she learn their stories and get to know her people better.
  2001. > Celestia offered up a silent thank you to Glitter Dust. The pegasus' story wasn't a particularly tragic one, but it was one of the first she had seen on Earth. And her relationship with her humans was... adorable. No other word for it.
  2002. > Her struggles weren't the fight of a ruler trying to keep her people safe, nor were they heroic battles against the forces of darkness.
  2003. > Instead, Glitter Dust's problems were of the more everyday sort - getting into mischief, looking for something to stave off boredom and, yes, even trying to find a bit of happiness in a chaotic world.
  2004. > The alicorn hoped she and Douglas Wilder would find a way. Perhaps in time, they might even agree to live in Equestria. Celestia would like that. She liked the pegasus.
  2005. > She turned her thoughts to her other friends. Heavy Hoof and Belle Hop, who could now find solace in each other. Perhaps they would be happy, or perhaps not. But it was a story Celestia would follow with great interest. Them, too, she would try to bring home.
  2006. > Then there were Silent Brook and Glowbug.
  2007. > One a damaged pony, doing the best he could to build a life with a damaged human. She hoped he would keep seeing April. Even if it didn't end up in love, the two were good for each other. They deserved to remain friends.
  2008. > The other...
  2009. > The mare couldn't call Glowbug 'damaged', exactly. But she wasn't a changeling, not anymore. Celestia didn't know what that mare was, but she settled for 'friend'.
  2010. > It was unlikely that she would wish to come to Equestria, not when she probably couldn't rejoin the hive. But maybe the unicorn could have a happy life on Earth. It depended partly on Celestia and her success at influencing human laws and perception.
  2011. > "Penny for your thoughts?" Miriam asked and interrupted her musing.
  2012. "Huh? What does that mean?"
  2013. > The human explained: "It's a phrase. Means I'd like to know what you're thinking."
  2014. "Oh. Nothing much. I am thinking I will miss my friends."
  2015. > There wasn't an answer right away and the woman focused on driving. It was still dark and the road was winding, so Celestia didn't wish to disturb.
  2016. > She hadn't had a chance to try and operate one of these cars. It looked quite complex, but with Anonymous teaching her, the alicorn would have liked to experience it.
  2017. > No chance of that with Miriam, though. The D.A. had already done far more than Celestia would ever have expected. She wasn't about to ask for more. Instead, the mare left her in peace and went back to looking out through the window.
  2018. > "You said Mr. Plain will carry messages between you and the ponies?" the woman asked suddenly.
  2019. "Yes. There will be an arrangement so I can stay in touch with my friends on Earth."
  2020. > Miriam smiled at that. "That's good. If you remember, drop me a line sometime, okay?"
  2021. > Celestia laughed pleasantly at the misunderstanding.
  2022. "But - you are one of my friends, Miriam. You will hear from me regularly, I promise!"
  2023. > Now they both shared a chuckle. "Oh!" the D.A. said. "I'm flattered."
  2024. > The mare went on:
  2025. "Furthermore, if you can tear yourself away from your work, I will invite you to Canterlot Spa. On me, of course."
  2026. > "Oh my, that sounds delightful!"
  2027. > Celestia nodded happily.
  2028. "It is! And I would very much like you to meet my sister, Luna."
  2029. > "Right, you mentioned her," Miriam remembered. "Night blue, kinda stuffy, controls dreams?"
  2030. > The alicorn most certainly didn't remember saying that!
  2031. "Did I? Stuffy?!"
  2032. > "I might have read between the lines a little."
  2033. > It just went to show how perceptive the woman was. Once again, Celestia was very glad that Miriam was on her side.
  2034. "Well, she is a little 'formal', true, but once you get to know her, Luna is a very pleasant and kind pony."
  2035. > "I'll keep it in mind," the human promised. "Oh, there's the highway. You should call your friends, we'll be near their house in about an hour."
  2036. > Celestia focused her magic for a moment and brought her phone from the saddlebag on the back seat, along with a notepad she had borrowed from Miriam's brother's house. It was where she had written down the number for Lake Frond and Rock Lichen's secret phone.
  2037. > She typed it in, then lifted the device before her face. The human glanced at her briefly as she drove.
  2038. > "It's still weird how you can hear anything that far away," she commented.
  2039. "Ponies hear a lot better than humans. It is far too loud to press it against my ear, like you do."
  2040. > It rang a few times, then a whispered pony voice answered: "Yes?" Celestia recognized Lake Frond.
  2041. "It's me - Tree Sap. We're on the way. Can you get out in about an hour?"
  2042. > The mare on the other end of the line quickly caught her excitement. She whispered something unintelligible to Rock Lichen, then came back to the phone. There was new energy in her voice.
  2043. > "Yes, I think so! Andrew and Mary are sleeping. I can hear Andrew snoring. We'll have to be quiet, but it's okay. We are really doing this!"
  2044. "Of course! I will call again when we are nearby. Be ready."
  2045. > "Yes, of course, Prin- uh, Supple. Eep! Sorry! I mean Tree Sap, sorry!" the mare mumbled.
  2046. "It is fine."
  2047. > But there was a distinct note of worry in Lake Frond's voice now. "No, no it isn't! What if I slip up like that at the border? I could get us caught!"
  2048. > That was true, but Celestia preferred to encourage her ponies, rather than force them in line through anger. She kept her voice calm and soothing.
  2049. "Do not worry, Lake Frond. You will do fine. We are going home today."
  2050. > Her friend on the phone audibly gulped. "I'll- I'll get it right, I promise!"
  2051. > It made Celestia smile.
  2052. "Good. Get ready and wait for my call."
  2053. > She hung up and looked over to Miriam.
  2054. "They will be ready. We need to find a secluded place to get them in the car without witnesses."
  2055. > "Shouldn't be a problem. It's the middle of the night," the D.A. replied. "Do you want to go over the plan once more?"
  2056. "Yes please."
  2057. > The D.A. thought for several seconds to make sure she had it all straight in her head before explaining:
  2058. > "Okay, so we will pick up your two friends near where they live. Then I take you all to that motel near the highway. Anonymous should be there, waiting for us."
  2059. > She paused and looked at the mare. "You'll have to call him just before we pick up your friends, that will give him plenty of time."
  2060. "Of course."
  2061. > "Okay, he'll take my car and I'll take his, just in case his is on some kind of watch list. I also have all your papers here-"
  2062. > With that, the woman reached back and tapped at a slim, black briefcase with a finger. Celestia followed the gesture, just to make sure she knew where it was. The papers were important - without them, the ponies wouldn't be allowed through the border into Equestria.
  2063. > "He's documented as the owner for all three of you. Anyway, you'll drive for as long as you can hold your disguise, then stop at a motel to rest. You have more hair dye?"
  2064. > Celestia lifted the cans up from her saddlebags, making sure once more.
  2065. "Yes. Enough for two new coats."
  2066. > "Good. Once you're rested, you put on the disguise and drive to the border. He shows the papers, gets you through the portal, and I think you'll be able to take it from there?"
  2067. > The mare nodded happily. It sounded quite simple.
  2068. "Yes. Just - please, Miriam, make sure you do not end up in trouble because of this."
  2069. > The lawyer chuckled a little. "No worries. If it comes to the worst, I'll run to Equestria and you can grant me asylum."
  2070. > It was a joke, but Celestia would be more than happy to do just that.
  2071. "If you ever need it, it is yours, Miriam!"
  2072. > "Thanks, sweetie!"
  2073. > They drove in silence for a while, then Celestia opened her mouth again. She had asked before, but hadn't gotten a real answer.
  2074. "Miriam. Why are you doing all this? It is dangerous and I have no way to repay you."
  2075. > Silence.
  2076. "Miriam?"
  2077. > The woman sighed sadly. "Can I just say I disagree with slavery?"
  2078. "Well, of course. But you are breaking any number of laws and putting yourself and your family in danger. There has to be more to it than that."
  2079. > If their 'adventures' came to light, Celestia had no doubts that Miriam's brother would also have some stern questions to answer about an alicorn in his house, even if he didn't know about it.
  2080. > The woman reached out a hand and laid it gently on her withers. Then she brushed the fur a little with her fingers. It was a very comforting gesture.
  2081. > "Okay, I guess it's to do with why I became a lawyer in the first place," the woman began to explain.
  2082. > Celestia didn't interrupt. They had time and she didn't wish to pressure her friend. Miriam would tell the story at her own pace, and the alicorn would listen, attentively and patiently.
  2083. > "So, when I was young, I lived next door to this family. You might call them 'problematic'. The father was in and out of jail and the mother had to work two shifts to make ends meet. But the kid and me were friends."
  2084. > They were happier times, despite the troubles she mentioned, Celestia guessed from the way Miriam was smiling faintly.
  2085. > "Thing is, they were black. So because of who his father was, the cops suspected Dwayne - that was his name - of always doing something illegal."
  2086. > Memory was enough to make the woman sigh sadly. "It wasn't right. I *knew* my friend wasn't stealing or fighting, like they said. It was just because of prejudice. So I set out to help him."
  2087. "What did you do?"
  2088. > Now Miriam chuckled a little. "I was twelve, okay? I went to the library and got some books on law. And then I tried telling the cops what they were doing was illegal. I was sure it was!"
  2089. "Did it work?"
  2090. > "They just laughed at me. But I didn't stop. I wrote letters to the courthouse *and* the police chief. Never got any replies," the D.A. explained. "Then, one day, Dwayne was gone. Someone told me he was in prison."
  2091. > The woman sounded angry now and Celestia waited in silence.
  2092. > "Turns out, he really was stealing things. He and a few of his friends tried to rob a fast food place. I guess I just refused to see it because we were friends."
  2093. "I'm sorry, Miriam. I'm sure anypony could make that mistake."
  2094. > "Well," the human went on, without really hearing the mare, "I ended up thinking - how much of it was the cops' fault?"
  2095. > This was not something Celestia had expected.
  2096. "Pardon? You said he *was* stealing!"
  2097. > The hand went back to her withers and patted her. "Yeah, but try to imagine: he was just a regular kid, but everyone kept telling him that he's no good. That he'll end up like his father. Years and years of that, what would that do to someone?"
  2098. > Another sigh.
  2099. > "Sometimes I wonder if he didn't start doing it just *because* everyone was expecting it? Figured if he was forced into that role, he might as well do it. I wish I knew."
  2100. "Did you not ask him?"
  2101. > The woman shook her head. "No, after that my parents forbade me to talk to him. And when he got out of prison, they moved away. I lost track after that."
  2102. > Celestia gave it some thought. In a strange way, perhaps it made sense.
  2103. "Well, I am sure no one forced Dwayne to commit crimes, Miriam. That was his own decision."
  2104. > "Maybe," Miriam agreed, "but I kept thinking about it. The way society sees you can influence who you are, at least a little. Maybe that was all it took?"
  2105. > There was silence as Celestia considered this. Yes, the environment shaped ponies to a certain extent. But she had to believe in personal responsibility. Otherwise she would have to look for extenuating circumstances for ponies like Sombra. Or worse - creatures like Tirek or Chrysalis!
  2106. > Luckily, the human continued her story and broke her out of such thoughts.
  2107. > "Anyway, I guess I felt I could have done more. So I kept with the law books. And when time came to pick a career, I just went with it. I promised myself I'd do more in the future."
  2108. > There was a discrepancy there and Celestia pointed it out:
  2109. "But now you argue in court to put people *in* prison."
  2110. > It was enough to break the tension and Miriam laughed. "Yes, that's right! But I make sure they are guilty. I'm sure the chief of police curses me every day. I make them work extra hard, so there's no mistakes. No wrongful convictions."
  2111. > Celestia fully approved this approach.
  2112. "It is the right thing to do. But why ponies? Why slavery?"
  2113. > It didn't look like the woman had a definitive answer. She shrugged a little. "Because it is wrong. Does there have to be more? I didn't like it when it first started happening with ponies, and I don't like it now."
  2114. > She glanced at the mare and pursed her lips.
  2115. > "Some of your friends have made a good life for themselves. And maybe some of the owners aren't *as* bad. But it's still wrong."
  2116. "Thank you! There are not too many humans who think like that, Miriam. It means a lot."
  2117. > The human just gave a nod. "Do you have a plan for when you're back? I mean- I can't do much, but you can push to abolish pony slavery on Earth."
  2118. > Celestia grinned fiercely.
  2119. "I intend to do that. But I do not yet know how. I will have to think it over, once I'm back. Once all this excitement is over. It will help immensely to have Anonymous there with me."
  2120. > It seemed like this was news to Miriam. Her eyes bulged out a little and she stared at the pony for a few moments before returning her attention to the road.
  2121. > "What?! Anonymous is going to Equestria?" she asked, surprised.
  2122. "Yes. Did he not mention it?"
  2123. > Celestia didn't wish to talk about their personal relationship, so she came at it from another angle.
  2124. "I offered him a job in Canterlot and he accepted - human legal adviser."
  2125. > Unfortunately, the woman was still as perceptive as ever. She giggled a little. "Huh. Horse is just that good, is it?"
  2126. > Celestia was immensely grateful for the darkness and for her disguise, so that Miriam couldn't see her blush. She didn't answer, which just made Miriam laugh harder.
  2127. > "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
  2128. > The mare still didn't say anything. Until she thought up an appropriately scathing response.
  2129. "Well, if you'd like, I can introduce you to a nice stallion and you can see for yourself."
  2130. > They looked at each other, then they both burst out giggling. In a way, it was a relief that Miriam wasn't a prude about relationships between ponies and humans.
  2131. > After a few quiet moments, Celestia changed the topic.
  2132. "Tell me about your brother. You said he is in this place called 'France'? What is it like?"
  2133. > "Ho boy, this is going to be a long one," Miriam groaned.
  2134. "We have time."
  2136. > ~~~~
  2138. > Waiting for her friends with Miriam Adams was very exciting and Celestia felt her heart hammering madly.
  2139. > The woman had parked her car in a small, deserted alley between an apartment building and a convenience store. When she called and told Lake Frond, the mare assured Celestia that she knew where it was.
  2140. > It was lonely and dark in the middle of the night, with the stillness disturbed only by an occasional car. Each time it happened the alicorn held her breath until it passed.
  2141. > "Don't worry," Miriam told her, but the woman was sitting stiffly and watching the road carefully. It sounded almost as if she was trying to reassure herself as much as Celestia.
  2142. > The mare didn't answer and focused instead on the lighted neon sign in the distance. She couldn't read what it said, but it was the most colorful thing she could see.
  2143. > Then she heard hoofsteps. A pair of ponies!
  2144. > Celestia smiled with relief. The chances that another two ponies would be walking around *right there* and at this hour were zero. It had to be Lake Frond and Rock Lichen!
  2145. "I hear them!"
  2146. > Miriam didn't question her acute hearing and quickly got out of the car.
  2147. > A few moments later, Celestia saw two hesitant pony figures emerge from around a building. They stopped when they saw the the woman standing beside the vehicle.
  2148. > Celestia got out quickly and waved a hood.
  2149. "Over here!"
  2150. > She kept her voice low, certain that her friends would hear. They hurried forward and joined the alicorn by the car. Lake Frond gave Celestia a friendly hug while Rock Lichen stood nearby, carrying their meagre possessions in his saddlebags.
  2151. > "Let's go, let's go," the mare said urgently. "I think we got out without waking the humans up, but I'd rather not find out!"
  2152. > Celestia wholeheartedly agreed and so did Miriam Adams. "Good idea," the woman said as she came around the vehicle. She took the bags from the stallion and put them in the trunk. Meanwhile, Celestia opened the back door for the two to enter.
  2153. > Lake Frond leapt up to the seat, but her husband paused for a second to give Celestia a very brief nuzzle. "Thanks," he whispered, before following the mare into the car.
  2154. > Moments later, the alicorn was back in the front seat just as Miriam turned the engine on. The three ponies looked out the windows in silence while the woman steered them smoothly down the main street.
  2155. > Once they had put a few blocks between them and the meeting place, Celestia looked back. The couple was pressed awkwardly together because most of the seat was taken up by her own saddlebags and Miriam's briefcase.
  2156. "Oh, just push those down. Make yourselves comfortable."
  2157. > But the ponies didn't seem to mind cuddling on a single seat, holding each other and watching the street lamps with a mixture of fear and excitement.
  2158. > "Is it real?" the stallion asked after a while. Both he and Lake Frond seemed to be in a slight daze of disbelief.
  2159. > Miriam chuckled. "Sure is. You're not out of the woods yet but so far, so good, right?"
  2160. > The pair just nodded.
  2161. "We should meet up with Anonymous in half an hour. He will drive us from there."
  2162. > "Why so complicated?" Lake Frond asked.
  2163. > Celestia glanced at the woman to see if she would explain. The woman obliged: "I have to be at work tomorrow. Well, today, by now. I couldn't get two days off to drive you all the way to the border."
  2164. > "Oh. Okay," the mare replied meekly. She was looking at the floor.
  2165. "Don't worry. We are on our way home, and we will get there. I promise you this. Whatever it takes."
  2166. > But the stallion wasn't so certain. "How can you be sure?" he asked.
  2167. "I just am. I will do whatever it takes, Rock Lichen. I swear this."
  2168. > Both ponies looked up sharply. "B-but if it all goes wrong and you can get home, you should leave us behind, uh, Tree Sap," the mare complained. "We're not worth keeping you here."
  2169. > So selfless! Celestia beamed with pride.
  2170. "Do not worry. Everything will go fine."
  2171. > It worked and they believed her. The couple relaxed a little and they nodded in unison.
  2172. > The alicorn turned back to watch the road. It was still very dark and would remain like that for a while longer. That suited her just fine. It was easier to slip away from any eyes that might be watching.
  2173. > She heard Lake Frond and Rock Lichen push the bags away and shuffle into a more comfortable position.
  2174. "Please, rest. You probably haven't gotten much sleep tonight."
  2175. > They thanked her and promised they'd try. Then the car drove on in silence, with only the engine purring gently through the night.
  2176. >...
  2177. > Eventually they came to a stop in a seemingly abandoned parking lot. There were only a few vehicles parked and Celestia quickly spotted Anonymous' car. The welcome sight made her heart begin to beat faster.
  2178. > She looked to the back seat to wake up her friends with good news, but hesitated.
  2179. > It was just too special a sight to disturb in any way. Lake Frond was lying on her back with Rock Lichen sprawled over her. He had his head on her barrel and was grasping her around the flank with his forelegs.
  2180. > As Celestia watched, the stallion flicked an ear and lifted his head. She thought he might get up anyway, but the pony just yawned without opening his eyes. The alicorn guessed he didn't even fully wake up. Then, rather than just lying down again, he gave Lake Frond's muzzle a couple of licks.
  2181. > The mare brought her hooves up to absentmindedly pat her husband on his head and murmured something. Perhaps it was 'I love you', but slurred and sleepy it could have been anything.
  2182. > It was probably 'I love you', Celestia decided.
  2183. > Rock Lichen smiled in his sleep, laid his head back on her barrel, and they were still again.
  2184. > Celestia looked at Miriam, who was also watching the two with a big grin on her face. The woman put a finger on her lips - a sign the mare had learned meant 'quiet'. She wholeheartedly agreed.
  2185. > But she couldn't wait any longer. She opened the door as silently as possible and went to look for Anonymous.
  2186. > She found him sitting in his car, fiddling with his phone. He didn't notice her, until the pony reared up and placed her forehooves on the car door. The man jerked and gave her a strange look.
  2187. > He almost didn't recognize her, but then he mouthed the word 'Celestia?'
  2188. > She nodded with a mischievous grin and stepped back so he could open the door.
  2189. > In an instant she was up in his lap, nuzzling for all she was worth.
  2190. "You will never know how much I missed you!"
  2191. > The arms around her barrel were welcome, as was the quick, faint peck on her cheek. "I can imagine," her human replied.
  2192. > She didn't believe his blatant lie, but the mare let it slide. Instead, she pressed her head against his chest and sighed contentedly as his scent filled her mind. It would be very hard to give it up for a year, that much was clear.
  2193. > If only the moment could last forever. But the world wouldn't wait.
  2194. > She saw Miriam Adams standing nearby, pointedly not looking at them. Very discreet, but the woman didn't deserve to be kept waiting. Celestia gave Anonymous a quick lick on his face and pushed herself away.
  2195. "Come on, let's get going while it is dark."
  2196. > He was just as disappointed to let go as the alicorn, but she firmly suppressed her desire to kiss him and jumped out of the car.
  2197. > There would be time once they stopped to rest. Until then, they should keep moving, while she was still holding her disguise.
  2198. > She led her human to Miriam Adams and waited for them to exchange their keys and good wishes. Then Anonymous went to grab his travelling bag from one car and took it to the other.
  2199. > Celestia hurried to his side.
  2200. "Quiet, please. Lake Frond and Rock Lichen are sleeping. They are just too adorable to wake up."
  2201. > Anonymous nodded and peered in through the window with interest, while Celestia went to say goodbye to Miriam.
  2202. > The lady was looking at her with a mixture of happiness and sadness. The alicorn shared the feeling. She would miss her friend.
  2203. "I will write. You will get that invitation very soon, I promise."
  2204. > Miriam crouched and hugged her briefly. "I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. Good luck!"
  2205. "You too!"
  2206. > They remained embraced for a while, then they parted. Celestia smiled, bowed her head, and went to Anonymous who was waiting beside the car.
  2207. > He held a pair of blankets in his hand. "Here, if you'd like to cover them up?" he offered.
  2208. "How thoughtful!"
  2209. > Looking around to make sure no other humans were watching, Celestia levitated the cloth and took it with her into the car. It was dark and she was a lot harder to see with her dyed fur, but the telltale glow of her magic could attract unwanted attention.
  2210. > She looked at the back seat, but by now the pony couple had woken up. They looked at her sleepily, still cuddled together.
  2211. > "Wha's... happenin'?" Rock Lichen asked, though a small yawn interrupted him.
  2212. "We'll be on our way in a moment. We just got a new driver."
  2213. > With perfect timing, Anonymous sat on the driver's seat and closed the door. "Hello!"
  2214. > The stallion watched him a little worriedly, but only for a second. Then he smiled in recognition. "Hello, Mr. Anonymous! Thank you for doing this!"
  2215. > The human reached back to ruffle his mane a little and returned the grin. "Let's get you home, alright?"
  2216. > "Yes please!" said Lake Frond from under the stallion. She was still lounging comfortably on her back and was apparently unwilling to give up the warm place beneath Rock Lichen. Not that the stallion seemed to mind much.
  2217. > Celestia remembered the blankets, which were still held in her magical grip. The car wasn't cold, but she would enjoy the softness and Anonymous' smell.
  2218. > She levitated one to spread over her friends and kept the other for herself.
  2219. "Here, we have a long way to go. Sleep if you can."
  2220. > It was a pleasure watching the two snuggle down. Lake Frond grumbled a tiny bit because she had to turn around, but they were soon intertwined again, only this time with a blanket wrapped around them.
  2221. > It looked quite snug. Celestia wished she could do the same with Anonymous.
  2222. > If only he didn't have to drive...
  2223. > Well, she couldn't hug him, but the pony shuffled closer in her seat and reached a hoof over the gap to lay it on his thigh. A bit later his hand came down to squeeze it.
  2224. > Highway meant that one of Anonymous' arms was free, which was a nice bonus to the speed and the smooth ride.
  2225. > "How are you feeling? Okay with that spell?" Anonymous asked.
  2226. > Celestia tried to gauge how tired she was. It had been an exciting night so far, but not too strenuous.
  2227. "I think I can keep it up for about seven more hours. Maybe eight."
  2228. > Anonymous glanced at the clock, which was cleverly built into the dashboard. He calculated quickly. "Okay, so around nine, maybe nine thirty and then we start looking for a motel."
  2229. > The mare just nodded, even if the human wasn't watching her directly.
  2230. > "Good. That means we mostly drive at night, which is just as well. We might need to sleep again, depending on when we reach the border."
  2231. > That sounded even better!
  2232. "Oh! Yes, let's sleep two times, please?"
  2233. > The human just chuckled a little, but Celestia was sure he also liked the idea. Their... 'fun' might be limited with Lake Frond and Rock Lichen in the same room, but just sleeping in the same bed as Anonymous for two more nights sounded heavenly!
  2234. > "We'll see," he confirmed her thoughts. "The website said the border is open from seven to four."
  2235. > The alicorn tried to imagine the times in her mind. If they drove until nine, then slept for six hours...
  2236. "So we definitely will not make it tomorrow- uh, today."
  2237. > "No."
  2238. > They would start from their first hotel sometime in the afternoon. Celestia didn't think she would be able to keep the disguise spell going long beyond the next midnight.
  2239. "So yeah, we should look for someplace to spend the night and visit the border in the morning."
  2240. > "Good, so that's settled then," her human acknowledged. He glanced at her and smiled. "How have you been the past few weeks?"
  2241. > It was very sweet of Anonymous to ask and Celestia's mouth quirked up.
  2242. "You first. What have you been doing?"
  2243. > He shrugged, just like Celestia thought he would. "You know," Anonymous said, "same as usual. Work, some TV, then sleep. I got a maid to help me around the house, but it's just not the same."
  2244. > Celestia perked up her ears at that, then folded them back as her overactive imagination presented her with an unwelcome conclusion.
  2245. "She is not sleeping in your bed, is she?! Who is this 'maid'?!"
  2246. > Anonymous laughed a little. "Of course not!" he assured her. "That's absurd!"
  2247. > He had to pause a bit so he could finish chuckling. "I engaged a firm that does cleaning for offices, so it's not even the same person each day. Though most days it's Camila."
  2248. "Camila. First name basis, Anonymous?"
  2249. > He was on the defensive now! Of course Celestia didn't suspect her human of cheating on her, but she liked to see him a little flustered. He was cute when he was embarrassed.
  2250. > "No, it's just common courtesy. I don't go around sleeping with the help, okay Celly?"
  2251. > She prodded him in the belly with her hoof.
  2252. "Explain me, then!"
  2253. > Before she could jab him again the human grabbed her leg and placed it back on his thigh where it had rested before. "You're special."
  2254. > Despite how true that was, Celestia still liked hearing it. She had fought her entirely life not to let her status go to her head, but every once in a while she indulged a little.
  2255. > Call it 'Alicorn perks'.
  2256. "And don't you forget it!"
  2257. > She kept her face utterly serious when Anonymous glanced over. He didn't know if she meant it, or if she was joking. But he decided on the latter and gave her a hesitant smile.
  2258. > "Cocky, aren't we?"
  2259. > Celestia had been expecting that particular phrase and had the perfect answer ready.
  2260. "No, that's you. But only when I wriggle my rump."
  2261. > "Hey!"
  2262. > She giggled and after a moment Anonymous joined her. The alicorn leaned further to her right and laid her head on his shoulder.
  2263. > It was an uncomfortable position, suspended between the seats, but she could hold it for a minute. In return, Anonymous leaned his head against hers.
  2264. > They remained like that for a bit, but then the mare pulled away. She turned around to check on her friends, noting happily that Rock Lichen and Lake Frond were apparently asleep. They didn't seem to mind her antics in the slightest.
  2265. > She watched the two ponies for a short while and saw the stallion shift his head ever so slightly to lay more comfortably against the mare. Lake Frond, on the other hoof, shifted her face away so she could breathe a little more easily, making poor Rock Lichen seek her out again for a nuzzle.
  2266. > Celestia drew her gaze away forcefully. She could spend hours just watching their small movements as they lay together. Even in their sleep they constantly comforted each other and exchanged such small tokens of love.
  2267. > She wondered if she and Anonymous were doing the same when they slept together.
  2268. > Probably. The alicorn remembered waking up in the night sometimes and feeling around for the human with her wings, only to have him pat her reassuringly or pull her closer to him.
  2269. > The pony focused on the road again. She was glad of the darkness, but it would have been nice to see the landscape. The last time she had had a chance to look at this part of Earth was when Mr. Plain had been driving her to Anonymous.
  2270. > That brought up a lot of memories.
  2271. "I remember going the other way on this road. In the autumn."
  2272. > At least, the mare guessed it was the same road. It probably was, since it was the fastest way from Anonymous' city to the border.
  2273. > "Oh?" Anonymous asked politely. "Wanna tell me about it?"
  2274. "I was quite nervous. I didn't know what you would be like. Mr. Plain said you were kinda stiff and very professional. I remember being worried that you might press your attentions on me..."
  2275. > She blushed when she said it, even now.
  2276. > "And? Were you disappointed?" Anonymous asked with a strangely quiet voice. Celestia looked over and saw that he was keeping his eyes firmly on the road.
  2277. "Yes! By how long it took!"
  2278. > She giggled and the human joined in, after a fashion. He soon fell quiet again.
  2279. > "I still think it's not appropriate between a master and a slave."
  2280. > It made the alicorn sigh. She had explained that several times already!
  2281. "I was never *really* your slave, Anonymous. You just thought I was."
  2282. > "Exactly!" he confirmed. "I thought that's what it was, so of course I thought it wasn't appropriate."
  2283. "Well, you were over-thinking it. I'm glad you came around!"
  2284. > Now there was a pause, during which Anonymous sought out her hoof with his hand and squeezed it. "So am I, Celly. Slavery is bad, no matter how you twist it. I hope we can end it."
  2285. > Her ears folded again and the mare lowered her head.
  2286. "Me too. But let's not talk about that now, please?"
  2287. > They had precious few hours left together and it would not *do* to spend them worrying about depressing things.
  2288. > "Okay, you can tell me what you've been doing since we last saw each other," Anonymous suggested.
  2289. > That brought her smile back.
  2290. "Okay! I helped out Silent Brook and Saul, and then Heavy Hoof and Belle Hop. And I hope Glowbug, too."
  2291. > He had to stare at her for a moment, of course. "All that? Did you misunderstand the concept of 'laying low'?"
  2292. "No! I did all that *while* I was in hiding!"
  2293. > "Who's Saul?"
  2294. "Oh! Right! I must have mentioned it on the phone, haven't I? Or maybe Miriam told you about him? He's Silent Brook's... well, 'owner'"
  2295. > The mare lifted up her hooves to sign the quotes.
  2296. "I wouldn't call it that. He has Silent Brook's papers, but they don't act like master and slave."
  2297. > "What do they act like, then?"
  2298. > The alicorn thought it over. She didn't want to come outright and just tell him about how damaged the two were. She would have to lead up to it.
  2299. "Well, turns out they've been in a war together. Saul was in a place called 'Afghanistan' at the same time as some rich man from there bought Silent Brook for his kids."
  2300. > "Quite a coincidence," Anonymous commented, and Celestia bobbed her head to it.
  2301. "Yes! Silent Brook escaped and they chased him right to where Saul was stationed. They became friends and Saul... kind of 'adopted' him."
  2302. > Celestia was tempted to leave it there. Anonymous' smile was nice to see. But she had promised herself never to lie to her human again, not even by omission.
  2303. "Well, turns out Saul has a bad case of something called 'PTSD', and so does Silent Brook. They mostly yell at each other and then Saul drinks and smokes. His wife left him and took his daughter too."
  2304. > Anonymous was really getting into her story, at least judging by how his face fell at this latest news. Celestia hurried to give him some hope back.
  2305. "But it's better now. I got them to start talking, and April - that's the daughter - visits Silent Brook sometimes. I got into his dreams and I think I helped him. Now all he has to do is get Saul to agree to therapy."
  2306. > The human didn't seem too certain: "You sure he will? I read about types like that. Sometimes they refuse to admit anything's wrong."
  2307. "Yes, he will. That night when I had to run because some agents were at the house asking about me, Saul was stalling them and trying to get them to leave. He was protecting me."
  2308. > A hand found her hoof again and Anonymous gave her another squeeze. She was glad he did. Even the memory of that night was making her worry again. Those government guys or whoever, were too close on her tail.
  2309. "I told Saul he should get help if he wants to see his daughter again, and I think it worked. I mean - Silent Brook will have to remind him a few more times, but it *should* work. I'll write to him and if Saul doesn't listen, I'll invite them both to Canterlot and have a word with that human."
  2310. > "Ooh, from that tone, I wouldn't wanna be in his shoes!" Anonymous laughed.
  2311. "Indeed! I will have him explain to Luna about how he has nightmares."
  2312. > This part her human didn't quite understand. Celestia saw him frown as he glanced over.
  2313. > "Why Luna?" he asked.
  2314. > The mare prodded his thigh with a hoof, jokingly.
  2315. "I told you already - Luna watches over all dreams in Equestria to make sure ponies don't have nightmares. I bet she has seen worse than Saul dreams about."
  2316. > It was a sad thought, but likely true, much to her sorrow. Most ponies were nice folk and had pleasant dreams and simple nightmares. But every now and then there was somepony whose darkness went... deeper.
  2317. > She remembered how Sombra's dreams had affected Luna toward the end. She blamed herself for a long time after, thinking they should have been able to save him.
  2318. > Celestia had had to put her hoof down and forbid her younger sister to visit that pony's dreams again. Even so, a small part of him might have stuck with Luna, thus prompting Nightmare Moon to come out.
  2319. > She couldn't prove it, though. And it was immaterial now, after the Elements had banished that creature from her sister.
  2320. > Celestia drew a sigh and closed her eyes, thinking of Luna again.
  2321. > Anonymous must have thought she was getting caught in bad thoughts again - which wasn't entirely wrong - so he lightened up the mood:
  2322. > "Okay, good job, then. What about the others - you said Heavy Hoof and..."
  2323. "Belle Hop."
  2324. > "Yeah, Belle Hop," Anonymous repeated. "How did you help them?"
  2325. > This was indeed a better story and Celestia felt the smile creeping back. She perked up her ears and glanced back at the sleeping couple.
  2326. "Yes, it turns out Belle Hop had been pining over Heavy Hoof all this time, but he had absolutely no idea. She was madly in love with him and he just... took advantage whenever he couldn't get with another mare."
  2327. > "Ouch, that's sad," her humans said. He was about to ask, but Celestia answered preemptively.
  2328. "Not to worry. I am convinced he really didn't know. When I told him, he was very sorry and has promised to try with Belle Hop. He won't go chasing after other mares."
  2329. > "And if he does?"
  2330. > The alicorn grinned nastily.
  2331. "I have promised him a *dreadful* fate should he sin."
  2332. > Her human didn't look too pleased about that. "Celestia, that's coercion. You can't *make* someone love someone!"
  2333. "Oh, no no no! It's not that, Anonymous! I just made him promise he will be honest with Belle Hop. If he can't stick with her, he will break it off respectfully, rather than cheat on her. Yes it could end in heartbreak, but if he lies it would be so much worse."
  2334. > Anonymous visibly relaxed and smiled at her. "Ah, that's good. What did you threaten him with?"
  2335. > Again her nasty grin was back. She waited for a moment or two until she was sure she had her human's full attention.
  2336. "I said if he lied to Belle Hop, I would have demons from Tartarus drag him down there and roast his... well, 'thing'. And then make him eat it."
  2337. > "You can do that?!"
  2338. "Mhm. So think carefully before crossing me, Anonymous!"
  2339. > He placed a hand on his heart. "I swear I won't ever disobey, your Highness!"
  2340. > They burst out laughing, but Celestia suddenly stopped as she heard a strange sound behind her. She turned her head to find Lake Frond staring at her, wide-eyed.
  2341. "Oh. I didn't mean to wake you up."
  2342. > "It's f-fine," the mare mumbled. Then her face split into an approving grin. "It would serve Heavy Hoof right if he cheats on Belle Hop."
  2343. > Celestia just nodded while Lake Frond gave her husband a lick and closed her eyes again. The alicorn hadn't realized just how loud she had been. She lowered her voice.
  2344. "Now Glowbug was really simple. I just told her she should tell the others."
  2345. > Aware that the two behind her might be listening, Celestia didn't say any more. She was relieved to see that Anonymous also understood.
  2346. > "That would be for the best, yes," he commented.
  2347. "Yes. I promised I would write to her with advice, to make it easier."
  2348. > That wrapped up all her stories, except for the part when she ran from Saul's place and spent nearly a week in Miriam's brother's house. But that could wait. Celestia was curious.
  2349. "Now you. Tell me about people at work. Does Wendy miss me?"
  2350. > Her human chuckled at the memory. "Oh, like you wouldn't believe!"
  2351. "Okay, tell me, tell me!"
  2352. > Celestia reached over again to place her hoof on his thigh again. She had been worried about maintaining the spell for so long, but now she didn't think she would mind at all. Not if Anonymous chatted with her the whole way!
  2354. > ~~~~
  2356. > The motel room wasn't anything to brag about, but it was serviceable and the beds looked reasonably clean. There were even small, complimentary chocolates on the pillows, just like some pony hotels provided!
  2357. > Celestia watched as Lake Frond and Rock Lichen went around the small room, examining the empty wardrobes and drawers. It was a new thing for them and they were excited, despite their uncertainty about the future.
  2358. > She joined Anonymous on one of the beds and her human put an arm around her withers while they waited. His other hand lightly patted her chest fluff while the mare leaned her aching head on his shoulder.
  2359. "One more day, right?"
  2360. > "Yes. And you can stop with the disguise for today. Wait," he said and stood up. Celestia was sorry to have him leave, but the human just went to draw the curtains. "There," he told her.
  2361. > Meanwhile the other two ponies had finished their inspection of the room and took the bed opposite. They both looked expectantly at Anonymous to tell them what to do next.
  2362. > He shrugged a little. "I guess we rest for a few hours and then order some food in the afternoon?"
  2363. > Lake Frond and Rock Lichen had slept a little during the drive, but Celestia guessed it hadn't done very much good, not with the engine noise and the motion and other cars passing them by. They looked tired.
  2364. > The room was a touch chillier than they were used to - the alicorn assumed that the proprietors were saving on heating - but the blankets on the beds looked very thick and warm.
  2365. > Since the other two ponies were snuggling down under the blankets, she looked at her human instead.
  2366. "Do you wish to shower first, or should I?"
  2367. > Who knew what hardships the following days would bring? Celestia wasn't about to give up what might be her last chance to take a hot shower!
  2368. > "Go ahead," Anonymous said and reached instead for the TV remote. "Oh, you guys don't mind if I see what's on?"
  2369. > Two sets of eyes peeked at him from under the bed sheet and Rock Lichen answered: "No, go ahead!"
  2370. > The TV turned on and the noise gave Celestia an idea. She stood on the bed and reared up to grasp her human around his chest with her forelegs. That was enough for her to put her muzzle right next to his ear and whisper quietly:
  2371. "Wait till they are asleep and join me in the shower!"
  2372. > She winked at him and hurried away. She had remembered that rushing water could be used to cover up any 'unusual' sounds. And maybe the ponies would sleep through it, which would be even better.
  2373. > Still giggling a little to herself at Anonymous' expression, the mare closed the bathroom door and let the disguise spell go. It vanished with a flash of light and took with it the strain which had just been starting to develop into an insidious headache.
  2374. > The glow around her flickered a little as it burned up bits of dry dye. That was a deliberate part of the spell she had hastily worked in after her first experiments, otherwise she would end up standing in a cloud of paint.
  2375. > Which would settle in her white coat and take a lot of effort to wash out. Not to mention the mess it would make of the room.
  2376. > The pony heaved a sigh of relief then went to check on herself in the mirror.
  2377. > A little disheveled, mane a little untidy and with noticeable bags under her eyes. Yes, a few hours of sleep would do her a world of good. Anonymous too, of course.
  2378. > Driving for more than six hours couldn't have been easy!
  2379. > She turned her head this way and that, then smiled.
  2380. > Still very pretty. Of course the human wouldn't be able to resist. Her tail swished in anticipation and she stepped into the shower before she dripped on the floor.
  2381. > She had to remember that the other two ponies would easily smell anything she left behind. In the shower, with the water running over them and covered up by shampoo and soap, the scent would probably wash away.
  2382. > She used a simple spell to open the tap and began gently humming to herself as she waited for the water to turn hot. As soon as it was pleasant, the mare stepped in and began to wash her mane.
  2383. > Her invitation had worked even better than she had hoped! Mere five minutes later Anonymous came into the bathroom and she motioned him to join her under the water stream.
  2384. "Lake Frond and Rock Lichen asleep already?"
  2385. > If so, the two were more tired than they let on.
  2386. > But Anonymous just shrugged. "No, Lake - that's the mare, right? - she told me to go so I don't keep you waiting. I guess they heard you, or guessed what you said."
  2387. > The alicorn barely stifled an embarrassed 'eep'. She had spent so much time among humans that she herself was forgetting how sensitive pony ears were!
  2388. > But she should have guessed that those two wouldn't mind what she did with Anonymous in the shower. They didn't seem to care much about Heavy Hoof and his mistress, nor about Glitter Dust and Douglas Wilder.
  2389. > And they had never, ever mentioned anything about Celestia and Anonymous.
  2390. > Of course they would want her to have as much happiness as she could before being parted from the human. It was quite sweet of them!
  2391. > By the time she wrapped her mind around all that, Anonymous had stripped and was stepping into the cabin with her. It was a bit cramped, but neither of them minded.
  2392. > The mare turned and pressed her muzzle against Anonymous' lips just as his hands came around to caress her wings.
  2393. > A tiny whimper escaped her, but the roar of the water covered it nicely.
  2394. > Or maybe it didn't. Celestia was beyond caring. All she could feel at that moment was the warmth of Anonymous' mouth as she forced her way in, and the feel of fingers on her feathers.
  2395. > The latter sent a tingling sensation down her spine which made her swish the tail wildly, while the former made her legs nearly buckle under her.
  2396. > She had missed her human dearly, especially those magical fingers exploring every inch of her fur. It was strange how Anonymous didn't even need to apply much strength to turn her muscles to putty and her brain to jelly.
  2397. > She missed those endless mornings where they just lay on the bed in the soft afterglow of their love. The human idly slid his hands through her mane, and played with her ears.
  2398. > Her favourite was when his fingers traced little circles against her belly. It was entirely unlike anything she had experienced before. Such precise dexterity!
  2399. > It had been *weeks* since their last kiss and the mare put everything she had into this one. Before, in the car and with their friends nearby, Celestia had kept her emotion firmly under control. Now that has Anonymous alone, she let go of her restraint.
  2400. > She suddenly knew she *needed* him, and badly! The fact could not have escaped the man, and he wanted her just as much. His hands simply couldn't get enough of her wings!
  2401. > Maybe she would get him to preen her later!
  2402. "Mmmh!"
  2403. > The thought sent a fresh shiver down her spine and the alicorn withdrew her muzzle for a moment so she could take a lungful of air.
  2404. "I missed you!" she said in a breathless whisper.
  2405. > The words didn't do justice to the emotion. She tried again.
  2406. "I *missed* you!"
  2407. > That was slightly better, but the human didn't waste time with replying. In seconds, he put his arms around her neck and pulled her close again. Their tongues met and Celestia shut her eyes.
  2408. > She hooked a leg around the human and pulled him closer. She never wanted to let go. Only... she needed more than kissing!
  2409. > They parted hesitantly, with a definite promise of more to come. Both were breathing heavily as they stared at each other.
  2410. > A single glance downward was enough to tell Celestia that her human was looking forward to her just as much as she was to him. His stallionhood - *manhood*, she mentally corrected - was twitching in time with his heartbeat.
  2411. > She couldn't wait any longer. The mare clumsily turned around, stepping on Anonymous' foot and smacking her flailing wings against the glass in her hurry. The human didn't mind, even though it must have hurt.
  2412. > Anonymous knew exactly what to do. He placed his hand on her rump and guided her back. Instinctively, Celestia widened her stance and braced her hind legs. Her tail was already hitched up as high as it would go.
  2413. > She was expecting the human to prod at her entrance, which would make her push back. But instead she saw the light change and glanced back.
  2414. > Anonymous was getting on his knees. Her eyes widened in pleased surprise and she winked *hard* at the prospect. It was something new!
  2415. > She was still wondering what he would do and how, when Anonymous suddenly licked along her entire length. She couldn't prevent another wink even if she wanted to. His tongue had lightly brushed... *up there*!
  2416. > The gentle pressure vanished, but then came back, more insistent and forceful. She could feel his tongue *explore* and it was enough to...
  2417. "GAH!"
  2418. > It was good that they were in a shower, because a squirt of her fluid splashed her human's face and ran down his chest. It wasn't quite an orgasm, but not far from it.
  2419. > Something about the fact that she had splashed all over him made the feeling incredibly intense. Her winking, rhythmic now, became stronger and more frequent.
  2420. > Anonymous didn't seem to mind. He synchronized his licking to the twitches of her button, while his arm gripped around her thigh. His other hand slid up, past his face, and probed at her opening.
  2421. > The added touch of his fingers made Celestia groan softly and partially unfold her wings so they trailed on the floor. She didn't care. Her head was hanging down, too, and her mane hung over her eyes. Every now and then her horn lightly tapped against the wall, but the mare didn't mind that either.
  2422. > The fingers probing along her entrance and the tongue massaging her bits were the only things in her world. And then she felt a new touch!
  2423. > How many fingers did the human have?! His smallest digit probed up higher! Not penetrating, but definitely feeling around!
  2424. > It was quickly proving to be too much stimulation.
  2425. "Anon... ung- Anon, I'm gonna... gonna... already..."
  2426. > She couldn't even form a complete sentence anymore. It didn't matter - her human knew exactly what to do.
  2427. > Several of his fingers slid deep inside her and wriggled around. She involuntarily gripped them. She felt herself *grip* them! But then Anonymous did some kind of new magic with them. They explored places even Celestia didn't know she had!
  2428. > The sensation was unlike anything she could have imagined. She was trying to hold on, but then Anonymous - the meanie! - caught her winking button with his lips and suckled it.
  2429. > It was too much stimulation all at once. It bordered on pain, but the mare still pushed herself back with an urgent, desperate moan.
  2430. "GA-NHH- yesssss!"
  2431. > His efforts were rewarded with a stream of her essence against his face.
  2432. > She rode out the incredible, overwhelming orgasm and bit her lip to keep from actually screaming out.
  2433. > Anonymous seemed to be reading her mind. The moment she began to spasm, his fingers became still and his arm held her leg firmly. Without its support, the mare might have flopped down to the floor.
  2434. > They waited, with only occasional grunts from Celestia, as wave upon wave of her climax rolled over her body.
  2435. "Mmmpf! Ahh! Ngh!"
  2436. > Any movement of his fingers would have tipped the pleasure over into pain as her bits became extra sensitive during her climax, but Anonymous' hand remained motionless, letting her ride out the orgasm without hurting.
  2437. > A true gentlecolt!
  2438. > The grunts became gasps for air, then low moans as the feeling ebbed.
  2439. > Celestia lifted her head and looked behind. Anonymous was smiling at her and she managed a weak grin back at him. His fingers withdrew from her, followed by a dribble of fluid. Even that was enough to make the mare shudder again.
  2440. > Then, as if he had taken away her last support support, Celestia sat heavily down, suddenly exhausted beyond belief.
  2441. > "Liked it?" Anonymous asked, out of breath.
  2442. > All she could do was nod quietly. The mane still covered most of her face, plastered there by the running shower.
  2443. > Luckily the human still had some energy and he came to brush the wet strands from her muzzle and kiss her again. The mare quickly lapped up what remained of her fluids on his face, before it washed away.
  2444. > Then she looked down. He seemed even bigger, even harder than before!
  2445. "You- your turn..."
  2446. > But Anonymous guided her head back up and smiled at her. "How would you like it?"
  2447. > The pony thought for a few moments.
  2448. "I wanna... watch your face... when it happens."
  2449. > It was a very difficult request in the tight space, but Anonymous nodded and looked around. He quickly found a way.
  2450. > "Here, stand up. Face me."
  2451. > Somehow she did, even though her legs were shaking. Celestia didn't know what the man would do, but she trusted in his plan.
  2452. > Anonymous put his arms under her forelegs and grasped her barrel. Then he lifted her to her hind hooves. "Grab my shoulders," he commanded and the mare obeyed. It freed his hands so he could bring them around her rear legs and yank them from under her.
  2453. > Celestia squeaked in surprise, but she found her back pressed against the wall as the human pinned her there with his body. Anonymous paused to renew his grip, then shifted her slightly higher.
  2454. > It couldn't have been easy, but it was something new and Celestia wanted to experience it. She had never done it in that position. Maybe no pony ever had!
  2455. > She didn't want to stop Anonymous, however strenuous it looked.
  2456. > No stallion could do it like that. But a human could.
  2457. > The mere thought was enough to make her wink again. Strong human, tending to her every desire.
  2458. > "Can't do this for long," Anonymous gasped out. "Gotta be quick."
  2459. > Celestia nodded and gripped him with her forelegs to help as much as she was able. She felt herself shift again as her human positioned himself. Then he was prodding at her entrance.
  2460. "Yes. Pleasepleaseplease, yes!"
  2461. > She was babbling, but she didn't care. All she knew was that powerful human arms were holding her securely, with her back against the pleasantly cool wall, and that the object of her desire was poking right *at her*.
  2462. > Thankfully, Anonymous didn't delay. He lowered her a little and slid inside with a lustful sigh which she echoed.
  2463. > It was very different. Maybe because his hands were gripping her rump, or maybe because it took so much *effort* to do it.
  2464. > It wouldn't take her long to come again. Anonymous held her in place and began to thrust. In seconds she was moaning.
  2465. > Every now and then he had to stop, press her against the wall and renew his grip, before thrusting again. Each time Celestia took the time to gasp for air.
  2466. > Soon they were both panting and the mare wondered how much longer Anonymous could keep it up.
  2467. > She tried to encourage him.
  2468. "Yes! Yes! Just... a little..."
  2469. > A particularly powerful push made her grunt in surprise and interrupted her.
  2470. "Ye-ugh! ...more!"
  2471. > In a flash of inspiration, Celestia clenched up her insides around Anonymous, as if milking him. It was hard to tell, but she thought it made his eyes widen and his gasping quicken.
  2472. > He increased his pace with a manic, desperate urgency. Then, just when she was about to come for the second time, Anonymous slowed and pulled his face a few inches away from hers.
  2473. > She watched him closely, trying to commit every detail to memory. The way his eyes half-closed and his lips parted, with the tongue sticking out the corner. The expression almost of disbelief as he was nearing his peak.
  2474. > She smiled as his breath left him in a groan. It was happening.
  2475. > A final, powerful thrust pinned her against the wall, then she felt him twitch inside her. She felt him explode.
  2476. > It was enough to push her over the edge, too. She spasmed again and cried out together with her lover.
  2477. > But he couldn't hold her anymore. After only a few spurts, Anonymous shakily lowered her to the floor and slipped out, his arms and legs trembling with fatigue. She watched the last few, weak jets of white dribble from him as she slumped to the floor.
  2478. > It put her in the perfect position to quickly take him in her mouth.
  2479. > There wasn't much left, but she did the right thing judging from his loud moan.
  2480. > Salty and a bit tangy, that was what she thought first. Not unpleasant in the slightest. Too bad it was already over, Celestia thought, as she waited for her human to completely empty in her mouth.
  2481. > She would really have to try the advice from that magazine in the laundromat. She wanted another taste.
  2482. > Maybe at night, if Anonymous could be quiet. Or the next hotel, in the shower again!
  2483. > She started absentmindedly licking him clean, but then the human pulled free and knelt beside her. He hugged her and leaned his head against her neck.
  2484. > He was still panting and the mare laid a wing gently around his shoulders.
  2485. "Just relax. I will wash us."
  2486. > It was the least she could do, after that *performance*. Her human didn't say anything, but the pony knew he agreed. She levitated a bottle of shampoo and poured a bit of it on his hair. Then she closed the tap and began to lather his hair with a very precise, gentle levitation spell.
  2487. >...
  2488. > It was quite some time later that the alicorn and her human emerged from the bathroom. They sneaked over to the bed, hoping they wouldn't wake up the other two.
  2489. > They needn't have bothered. As soon as Anonymous sat, Lake Frond freed herself from her blanket and jumped down from the bed. She was soon followed by her husband.
  2490. > "Our turn!" the mare announced happily, and the pair trotted off to the bathroom. The stallion was limping a little, but Celestia didn't paid it much mind.
  2491. > She just watched them go, too tired to put two and two together.
  2492. > Or, rather, one and one. Until Anonymous pointed it out: "They didn't even pretend. Just went, both of them. And Rock seemed pretty excited, too."
  2493. > The alicorn suddenly realized what she had seen and blushed.
  2494. "Oh!"
  2495. > She didn't mind. How could she, after what she had just done with her human? Instead, she joined Anonymous on the bed and leaned against his side. For a moment she nuzzled him, then she kissed him on the cheek, and then licked his neck.
  2496. > As if she couldn't decide what to do. He couldn't follow her actions and she giggled at his expression.
  2497. "Sorry! I just want to do it all! I will have to go without you for a while, remember?"
  2498. > The human cupped her muzzle in his hand and led her to him for a very warm, passionate kiss.
  2499. > "We have until those two are done," he told her.
  2500. > That reminded her of the thought she had had in the shower.
  2501. "Preen my wings for me!"
  2502. > Anonymous had always been very interested in her feathers, even from before they were a couple. And she had always secretly liked it.
  2503. > Strange that she never thought to act on it, until now. Maybe the urgency of their departure was pushing her further, faster than she would go on her own?
  2504. > It was a sign of deep trust for a pony to let another fiddle with something as important as their wings. When that pony was Celestia, the act was even more exclusive.
  2505. > Even *Luna* didn't get that privilege.
  2506. > Not that she didn't trust her sister fully, but preening was a very... 'sensitive' experience and normally only shared between lovers, or between a mother and a very young foal, until he or she could do it for themself.
  2507. > "What?" Anonymous asked, stunned by the offer. He was aware of how important a step that was. She had let him explore her feathers in the past, gently, but always made sure he understood just what it meant for her.
  2508. > There was an important distinction between idly touching, like he had done in the shower, and actual preening!
  2509. "Yes! Come on, I'll guide you!"
  2510. > She turned her back to the human and fluffed out her wings a little. She knew the feathers were in a disarray, especially after the water and the wall and the... excitement. One or two were probably loose and ready to go.
  2511. > Anonymous examined the panorama of white before him. "Okay, now what? Hold on, let me get the light."
  2512. > Celestia flipped it on with magic before he could move and the human settled back down.
  2513. "Put your hand on the joint - like elbow, except in a wing. Don't worry, you can grip there."
  2514. > He did so, and the touch was enough to make her shudder a little. The pressure quickly vanished. "Oh, sorry! I didn't-"
  2515. "Hush! It's not you. I'm just not used to hands there. Try again."
  2516. > This time, the tremor was more subdued.
  2517. "Good, now pull it out a little, so the feathers spread out. Don't worry, it's not fragile."
  2518. > He was still overly cautious, but Celestia let the appendage go limp in his hand so he *had* to support it. That helped.
  2519. > "I see. So, what exactly should I do?" Anonymous asked quietly, still fascinated. He leaned closer to get a better look.
  2520. "It is easy, actually. See the big feathers right at the end? The ones that spread out to the side? They- ahh!"
  2521. > She wasn't expecting it, but the human traced a finger down one of them. It pulled away when she gasped, but then came back. It made her proud of his initiative.
  2522. > "Okay?"
  2523. "Yes, those are called 'primaries'. They're the most important for flight. Next to them, closer to the body are the secondaries, and then a few more groups. Got that?"
  2524. > "Primaries," the human repeated. "Okay. And secondaries." His finger shifted to the appropriate place, but this time the mare was ready for it and didn't react beyond a slight shiver of pleasure.
  2525. "Very good. Now, above them, there is another row. Smaller feathers, but they cover the gaps between the large ones. And there's more layers above those, each getting smaller and smaller."
  2526. > His finger moved, and this time the pony did gasp and jerked her wing a little. He let it go. "Sorry! What did I do wrong?"
  2527. > Celestia needed a second to get her breath back.
  2528. "Don't push your fingers *against* them! Never brush up! Always down, along the length from the quill to the tip, okay?"
  2529. > "Yes," Anonymous confirmed. He sounded contrite. "Sorry."
  2530. > The mare wanted to take the sting out of her words.
  2531. "I didn't mean to snap. I'm sorry, love. Just remember - they are very sensitive."
  2532. > She held out the wing again, and Anonymous took it. Then his finger ran the right way down her feathers.
  2533. "Better. Now, see how some of the primaries and secondaries are overlapping, or stuck together. And a few of them are twisted."
  2534. > He examined her for a few moments, then touched a few places. "Here, and here?"
  2535. > Celestia turned her head to look and nodded proudly.
  2536. "Exactly right. The goal here is to align them. Each feather should be able to move on its own, but they should form - a 'canopy', if you will. A surface."
  2537. > "Oh, that's all?" the human asked, relief obvious in his voice. He drew another finger down her wing.
  2538. "Almost. Sometimes there is a loose feather. We pull that one out, so that a new one can grow in its place. And, if the feathers are too dry, we apply a bit of oil. Although I do not usually need that."
  2539. > She was impressed how well the human was absorbing her lesson. He was nodding to himself and gently touching here and there. They were all the right spots. She let him explore for a moment to get more familiar.
  2540. > Looking up at her face, Anonymous asked: "Okay, how do we do that?"
  2541. "Simple. Carefully tug on each feather so it becomes unstuck, then slide down the barbs to align them. It will snap in place almost by itself, you'll see."
  2542. > He really was very gentle, Celestia had to admit that. And such remarkable, precise control in his fingers.
  2543. > With a bit of practice, a human could be a great time saver when it came to preening. She watched him work, mostly in silence, but guiding him sometimes. Until they came to the loose feather.
  2544. "Wait! Pull that one again. Do you feel how it moves?"
  2545. > He did so. The feather was a lot less sensitive than the others. It was ready to come out.
  2546. > "Yes?" Anonymous said and looked at her in question.
  2547. "Yank it out. Do not worry, it does not hurt."
  2548. > Again, Celestia was impressed. He trusted her word implicitly and he was not squeamish. The human grasped the offending feather firmly and pulled it out with a single, smooth movement. She barely felt it!
  2549. "Ah! Good. That's good!"
  2550. > The look of worry at her small exclamation was heartwarming, but the mare smiled.
  2551. "I am fine. It is a strange feeling, but it does not hurt."
  2552. > Anonymous examined the feather in his hand, turning it this way and that. "I'll keep this. To remember you by."
  2553. > It was a very romantic gesture!
  2554. "Aww, that is sweet, Anonymous. Should I take a lock of your hair in return?"
  2555. > They both chuckled a little, but then the man shrugged. "If you'd like."
  2556. > She suddenly decided to do exactly that. But they weren't finished yet with her wings.
  2557. "Okay, I think that is good. Now we do the exact same thing on the other wing. Try - I will not interfere, unless you are doing something wrong."
  2558. > She shifted to give Anonymous easier access to the other appendage, then brought her freshly preened wing around to her face and examined it.
  2559. > A bit amateurish - if she were doing it herself, she would not have been too pleased with the result. But a good job for someone who had never really seen pony wings up close.
  2560. > The alicorn smiled to herself. Anonymous would get plenty of chances to practice in the future, she was certain of it. For the moment, she folded it up. It would hurt his confidence if she went and corrected right after him. Besides, it felt a lot more comfortable than it had freshly out of shower.
  2561. > Meanwhile Anonymous grasped her other wing and began working. He tugged, and tucked and twisted. All with infinite care and a look of mixed fascination and determination.
  2562. > She committed his face to memory.
  2563. > While he was fiddling, the mare sighed and let herself relax. It was perhaps the safest she had yet felt on Earth.
  2564. > The excitement of this new thing they shared had prevented her from thinking about the future, but now that she calmed down, it was rearing its ugly head again.
  2565. "I am going to miss you *so* much, Anonymous. Will you remain faithful to me until we are together again?"
  2566. > "Will you?" he countered.
  2567. "Of course. Between whatever messes my sister had created with our international diplomacy, and working to bring you into Canterlot, and pushing for pony rights on Earth, I will probably be too tired to do anything beside eat and sleep."
  2568. > The man chuckled lightly. "Well, you should *bathe*. Diplomacy gets harder if the people don't want to be in the same room as you."
  2569. > She laughed, but it turned into a sigh. She would even miss his little jabs and jokes at her expense.
  2570. "Thank you, dear. I would not have thought of that myself."
  2571. > His hand came to pat her head and she leaned into it gratefully. Then he answered her question: "I promise, Celly. No carousing with women while you're gone. I'll cancel all my wild house parties."
  2572. > She sighed again with a mixture of pleasure and regret. The hours before they parted were few, but she would fill them with closeness and pillow-talk and - if fate was kind - another bout of lovemaking. Things to remember and cherish during the months in her cold, empty bed.
  2573. > Despite herself, a single tear slid down her muzzle. Anonymous saw it and understood.
  2574. > "It is just a year, Celly. You'll be fine. Like you said, you'll be so busy it will pass in a jiffie."
  2575. > The pony sniffed a little.
  2576. "You will visit!"
  2577. > It wasn't a request, or a wish. It was a command. No! A *Royal Decree*!
  2578. "Do you hear me, Anonymous? You will visit, at least one weekend every month! I do not care whom I will have to bribe, or threaten! I will make it happen, and *you* will make time for it!"
  2579. > He let her wing go for a moment and the pony stood up on the bed and turned to face him.
  2580. > Anonymous cupped her face with his hands and guided it closer. He kissed her nose and smiled.
  2581. > "I promise."
  2582. > That made it a lot easier to bear. She let her breath go and leaned forward, into Anonymous' chest with her head on his shoulder.
  2583. "I love you."
  2584. >...
  2585. > "Celly?"
  2586. > The voice intruded in her cozy dream, so Celestia ignored it. Nothing could be as important as the warmth and comfort!
  2587. > The only problem was that it just wouldn't go away.
  2588. > "Wake up, sweetie!"
  2589. > Anonymous!
  2590. > She recognized the voice. Besides, she had started to think. It was impossible to stay asleep. The mare opened one eye with some effort. The way her human was smiling woke her up.
  2591. "Whaa... 'zzit?"
  2592. > Anonymous laid a gentle palm on her cheek. It was even better than the dream and the pony smiled back.
  2593. > "You're drooling a little, sweetie," he pointed out.
  2594. > Her eyes tried to focus and she pulled her head away. She had been lying on Anonymous' arm and, indeed, there was a small puddle on his skin and the pillow under it.
  2595. "S'rry."
  2596. > Yawning, she laid her head down right beside the wet bit and closed her eyes again. A little drool wouldn't hurt anyone. But the human kept stroking her cheek with his thumb.
  2597. > "Come on," he said. "My arm is falling asleep."
  2598. > The mare wasn't about to relinquish it.
  2599. "Good. Sos 'm I."
  2600. > His laugh was pleasant and Celestia smiled as she snuggled down, back under the covers. When Anonymous pulled them off her again, her ears folded back in annoyance.
  2601. > "Aren't you hungry? Thirsty?"
  2602. > That sounded somewhat better. She opened her eyes again. After their busy night and the wonderful, if exhausting, time in the shower, she was feeling a little undernourished and quite parched.
  2603. > She smacked her lips a few times.
  2604. "Water, please."
  2605. > Unfortunately, that meant Anonymous had to withdraw his arm and leave her in the room. But it was okay, he left a big, enjoyable warm spot. She quickly slid into it and a small moan escaped her.
  2606. > There was a giggle from across the room and Celestia remembered she wasn't alone with her human. She lifted her head up to look.
  2607. "Oh. Sorry."
  2608. > Lake Frond watched from her bed. She was being sleep-hugged by a very happy-looking Rock Lichen. The two mares shared a smile.
  2609. > Celestia didn't remember when the couple had returned from their shower. It had been running for a while, *nearly* covering up the sounds they were making.
  2610. > The alicorn hadn't begrudged them their fun and simply ignored it and cuddled with Anonymous, who didn't seem to hear anything out of the ordinary. She hadn't told him.
  2611. > "Want me to do your mane?" the earth mare offered.
  2612. > Glancing down at herself, Celestia saw that she really was quite disheveled. But then again, so was Lake Frond.
  2613. "Want me to do yours?"
  2614. > Her face lit up and the mare nodded happily. "Ooooh, yes please!" she answered. She prodded her husband lightly with her muzzle and explained: "Rock usually does it, but he's not very good. It takes a mare's touch."
  2615. > The stallion muttered something, but didn't wake, even when Lake Frond slid from his grasp. He just flopped to his belly and sighed in disappointment.
  2616. > Celestia pushed the cover aside and sat up. Then she stretched a little and yawned again, extending all four hooves as far as they would go and fluffing out her wings.
  2617. > That got her blood flowing a bit better and lessened the stiffness she felt in her limbs.
  2618. > Lake Frond rummaged in the saddlebags by the foot of her bed where Rock had dropped them when they arrived. She got out a brush and, holding it in her mouth, jumped on the bed behind the alicorn.
  2619. > She spat it out for a moment. "Just relax. I haven't brushed a Princess yet, but I had plenty of practice on Rock!"
  2620. > Celestia obediently sat still as the mare brought the brush up. She began to drag it through the Royal Mane in long, even, gentle strokes. It was quite calming and the alicorn closed her eyes.
  2621. > Anonymous was soon back with several bottles of water and a few with soda. "Here we go. Some sugar to get us going. Would anyone like coffee?"
  2622. "Please!"
  2623. > She needed it, perhaps more than on any other day in her life. Although, Celestia thought guiltily, she felt like that every day when she stayed up late.
  2624. > Lake Frond dropped her brush for a moment to agree: "Yes, me too, please! And some for Rock, if you would be so kind?"
  2625. > The human nodded. "Of course. Here, have some water while I fetch," he offered and placed a couple of his bottles on the bed with the mares. He also put one next to the still-sleeping Rock Lichen.
  2626. > "Guess you really tired him out?" he commented.
  2627. > Celestia glanced back at Lake Frond just in time to see the mare blush a little. It was cute, but what she really wanted right at the moment was something to wet her tongue.
  2628. > The plastic bottle floated up in her magic and the cap unscrewed itself. She drank nearly half of it in one go.
  2629. > Then she offered it to Lake Frond, who grasped it between her hooves to drink.
  2630. > Before she took as swig she pointed the bottle at her husband and spoke up.
  2631. > "Oh, just prod him and he'll wake up," the mare said. "He's a sound sleeper."
  2632. > Anonymous did just that. He laid his hand on the stallion's shoulder and rocked him a few times. "Wake up, sleepy!" he cooed.
  2633. > The stallion shifted again, but all he did was grabbed the human's arm with both hooves and nuzzled it. Then he licked it.
  2634. > His eyes fluttered open when it wasn't what he was expecting and the stallion looked up at the grinning, human face.
  2635. > "Eep!" Rock Lichen said and quickly backed away. "Sorry! I thought you were-" he mumbled and looked around wildly for his mare. "Were... Lake?"
  2636. > When he spotted her with the Princess, the pony just stared. "When did you get up?!"
  2637. > Lake Frond just laughed at him a little. "As if you ever notice. If I didn't poke you out of bed each morning, Master would take a whip to your hide every day!"
  2638. > Celestia and Anonymous glanced at each other, a bit uncomfortable with the topic, but the other two just chuckled at it. The human excused himself and went to fetch coffee, while the stallion sat up and stretched.
  2639. > "What time is it?" Rock asked.
  2640. > The alicorn felt for the Sun, forgetting that she had promised herself not to do it again.
  2641. "A little past five in the afternoon. We should find something to eat and then get going."
  2642. > Lake Frond held the water bottle out for Celestia, who just floated it over to Rock. The stallion greedily emptied it.
  2643. > Well, he would be thirsty, the alicorn thought to herself. It had sounded as if he lost a lot of fluid last night.
  2644. > Before the thought could make her blush, Celestia focused on her wings. Just like she had feared, the bed was too soft and her cuddling with Anonymous had been a little too... enthusiastic.
  2645. > The feathers were, once again, in a disarray. But she really didn't have time to preen all over again.
  2646. > They would vanish when she changed to Supple Branch anyway. One more night, and then with luck when she turned back to her usual shape, she would be in Canterlot and she would have the time.
  2647. > Surely Luna would be able to hold all things together for just one more day, while Celestia rested from this tiring trip?
  2648. > "So, what's for breakfast?" Rock Lichen asked. "Mr. Anonymous said something about pizza.
  2649. > Both mares looked at him and Lake Frond spat out the brush. "Oh, I'd love pizza! When was the last time Master and Mistress ordered one? I can't even remember! Last year?"
  2650. > But the stallion corrected her: "No, I think the last time was when Mistress made it at home. Remember? I think it was just after the holidays."
  2651. "Uh, you do not have to call them that anymore, you know?"
  2652. > The ponies looked at her for a few seconds, then hesitantly nodded and blushed in embarrassment.
  2653. > "You're right. It's just habit, you know?" Lake Frond explained. "After saying it for a while, you start thinking it."
  2654. > She sounded a little sad. "It'll take some time to break out of it."
  2655. > Rock Lichen seemed to agree. "It'll pass. Besides," the stallion said slowly, "they weren't bad people. We didn't have it as bad as some others."
  2656. "Others?"
  2657. > He shook his head. "Before the laws. It was pretty bad for some back then. But then a few humans ended up in prison for mistreating ponies and it got better. But Ma- uh, Andrew Williams wasn't a bad sort."
  2658. > Celestia felt obliged to point out the important bit.
  2659. "They refused to let you have young. They threatened you..."
  2660. > She was immediately sorry, because being reminded of it made Lake Frond sigh sadly.
  2661. > "Yes," the mare said, "there was that. We were like pets to them. Sure, we weren't beaten or worked, but it was still humiliating."
  2662. > All three pairs of ears were flattened by sadness and the alicorn thought furiously for a way to brighten the mood.
  2663. > Luckily, Rock Lichen beat her to it and said: "Well, I liked your big white bow."
  2664. > "Come *oooon*! Will you let it go already?!" the mare called out with exasperation.
  2665. > No, Celestia changed her mind. She was *pretending* to be exasperated and tyring to hide the smile. It seemed Lake Frond liked being reminded of that particular event.
  2666. > "What?!" the stallion countered. "I did! It was cute."
  2667. "Bow?"
  2668. > Lake Frond drew a breath and focused on the Princess. "Yeah. On my birthday last year, Mary got me this huge, white bow to tie into my mane. And then they took photos to put on Facebook. It was humiliating."
  2669. > "The cake was good," Rock Lichen pointed out.
  2670. > "Yeah," his marefriend agreed at last, "the cake *was* good."
  2671. > He went on, a bit more quietly and a lot more earnestly: "You really did look good in it. Maybe it was a bit too big, but you should consider getting a smaller one in that color. It suited you."
  2672. > Celestia tried to imagine it. Yes, if she got a shade of white similar to her fur and tied it in her mane - which was rich and flowing - it would accentuate it nicely.
  2673. > "I'll think about it," Lake Frond said quietly.
  2674. > Then she looked back at the alicorn. "Okay, I think your mane is better. Want me to do the tail, too? Why aren't they flowing like they used to in Equestria? I saw you once, when my parents took me to Canterlot one year."
  2675. "Oh. I haven't thought about it, much, but I assume this is because there is not as much natural magic on Earth as there is back home."
  2676. > Lake Frond lifted a few strands and let them fall. "I think I like it better this way, to be honest. It looked a little too... flashy."
  2677. > Celestia chuckled at that. It was the first time anypony said that. There had been endless questions about how she made it all wavy and flowy, but nopony had remarked she should try and make it less so.
  2678. > She decided to try when she was back and see what the ponies thought of it. She had gotten rather used to the mane being a bit more 'obedient' on Earth.
  2679. > As for her tail, Celestia decided it wasn't too badly tangled. Besides, she would have to comb her mane and tail again anyway, after she dyed it. She picked up the brush in her magic and motioned the mare to face the other way.
  2680. "It is your turn."
  2681. > The pony hesitated for a moment, then shuffled until she was showing her back to Celestia. "Wow, brushed by a Princess. It's an honor!"
  2682. > The alicorn smiled as she began.
  2683. "Hush. You're making an old mare blush."
  2684. > Rock watched them for a while, but then he jumped from the bed and headed for the bathroom. With just them left in the room, Celestia leaned her muzzle closer and lowered her voice to a whisper.
  2685. "Did you two enjoy yourselves last night?"
  2686. > Lake Frond froze and the blush on her muzzle was obvious. She shared Celestia's affliction of having white fur, which made any embarrassment so clear to see.
  2687. > For that matter, the alicorn herself was a little red in the face, too.
  2688. > "It was... nice. Uhm... you?" the mare asked, her voice only slightly nervous. But then curiosity got the better of her and Lake Frond turned her head around to look. "What is a human... you know... 'like'?"
  2689. > Celestia thought back over the years and the encounters.
  2690. "Different. Not bad, just different."
  2691. > The way Lake Frond stared, wide-eyed, told the alicorn that she had never had the experience. That was good. It meant she had never been molested on Earth, which was quite a relief.
  2692. > "Oh," she answered, sounding a little disappointed at the lack of details. But then she brightened up. "It *sounded* fun."
  2693. > Despite her best efforts, Celestia couldn't keep her cheeks from glowing. She didn't answer. Luckily, her human came to the rescue as he walked through the door bearing a small tray with coffee cups. The aroma immediately filled the room.
  2694. > "Okay, brush later," Lake Frond said quickly and scooched forward to get hers. Anonymous obliged and held the cup so the mare could grasp it between her forehooves.
  2695. > Celestia took hers in a magical grip and brought it to her lips for a quick sip. It was burning hot, exactly what she needed.
  2696. > The room wasn't as cold as when they had arrived, but it was still a little chilly.
  2697. > Anonymous took his own coffee and left the last on one the other bed for the stallion. They sipped in silence, which was only broken by Rock Lichen when he joined them and murmured a heartfelt thank you to the human.
  2698. > Then Celestia spoke up.
  2699. "So, pizza?"
  2701. > ~~~~
  2703. > Almost exactly as they had predicted, the group came to their destination late at night. It was nearing midnight when they checked into yet another hotel room.
  2704. > This one had one big bed and a couch. There also weren't any chocolates on the pillows.
  2705. > Celestia hoped there was hot water, at least. Keeping up her disguise up for the second day in a row was getting quite exhausting. Luckily, she could get a full night's sleep and be ready again the next morning.
  2706. > The border was mere miles away now. She could sense its energy in the distance!
  2707. > While Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were getting settled on the couch, the alicorn laid down across Anonymous' knees on their bed.
  2708. "Tired?"
  2709. > He shrugged, then nodded. Yes, Celestia imagined. Driving looked about as tiring as her spell. It took constant focus which wore you down after a while.
  2710. > They had stopped several times to rest and once to eat, but the human still looked a little down.
  2711. > She knew why. If everything went well, this would be their last night together for quite a while. The mare heaved a sigh.
  2712. "Come, let's go and take a shower."
  2713. > That cheered him up a little. If she couldn't see Anonymous for the next month or two, then she would make him *remember* her. The pony had spent some quiet time in the car to recall, word for word, the article from the laundromat, and to think hard on how it applied to her and the human.
  2714. > She had some ideas to try. And, since it wasn't all that late, she would have the time to experiment with most of them.
  2715. > She was about to jump from the bed and drag the human to the bathroom, but Lake Frond beat her to it. The couple were headed there.
  2716. > "Our turn first, this time!" the mare said. Then she paused and looked worriedly at the alicorn. "Uh, if that's okay?"
  2717. > Celestia didn't have the heart to deny them. She had seen how crazy about each other the two were, even after years together. They could hardly keep their hooves to themselves in the car.
  2718. > Even Anonymous had to blush at some of the sounds from the back seat. For that matter, Celestia herself was worried that the two had stopped breathing at a few points!
  2719. > It was probably the prospect of freedom and the thought of raising a family, she guessed.
  2720. > Her heart sang to see such love among her subjects.
  2721. > And, since the bathroom was busy, she nudged her human in the ribs with her snout.
  2722. "Lie down."
  2723. > He seemed shocked. "What? Here?!"
  2724. > She laughed at his expression.
  2725. "So? They will be busy in the shower. We will hear it stop with enough warning. We can... 'warm up'."
  2726. > "But- you look like Supple Branch," he pointed out.
  2727. > The mare leaned her head to the side. She did.
  2728. "Why is that a problem?"
  2729. > He couldn't quite explain, but the human tried anyway: "Dunno. Feels slightly like cheating on you."
  2730. > It was quite sweet, the alicorn decided. And, in time, it could be useful to liven things up a little! She stepped down from the bed and winked.
  2731. "Let me slip into something more comfortable."
  2732. > It was a line she had heard on TV and so fitting! They both laughed at it as the glow enveloped her.
  2733. > The only problem was that Anonymous was still sitting up. After another prod, he complied and lay back. Celestia tugged at his shirt which he obediently removed.
  2734. > The best part was that with him like that, she could once again watch his face the whole time. She eagerly climbed on the bed and only remembered at the last moment to levitate a towel from her saddlebag.
  2735. > They would still need to sleep on those sheets afterward.
  2736. >...
  2737. > "Princess? Please wake up!"
  2738. > Again a whisper was rousing her from sleep!
  2739. > What was it with waking up the sleeping alicorn these days?!
  2740. > Celestia opened her eyes and groaned a little. She had barely fallen asleep! At least, she saw, Anonymous was still out. Good thing she had worn him out!
  2741. > Who then was calling her? All she could see was a pony-shaped shadow beside the bed. There was a faint light, coming from the bathroom.
  2742. "Lake Frond?"
  2743. > The mare sounded horrible. Like she had been crying. "Please. I need to talk to somepony!"
  2744. > Her desperate tone washed away every last vestige of tiredness. Her heart began to beat faster in fear as Celestia carefully slipped out of Anonymous' grasp.
  2745. > She paused to see if the human would wake up.
  2746. > He didn't.
  2747. > Lake Frond grasped her foreleg and tugged. "Please," she repeated.
  2748. > Celestia didn't speak, just followed the mare into the bathroom. There the distraught pony closed the door and looked up.
  2749. > Her face was a mess of tears.
  2750. "Lake Frond? What has happened? What is wrong?"
  2751. > But all the mare could do was begin crying again.
  2752. > It was a job for the Royal Chest Fluff. The alicorn simply grasped her friend and embraced her. After a few seconds she added her wings to separate out the big, bad world from the two of them.
  2753. > "I'm sorry," Lake Frond said tearfully. "I'm so sorry for this, Princess. I was stupid and I should have thought it through and I should have noticed but I was just so *stupid*!"
  2754. > The mare was babbling and Celestia pressed her more firmly against herself.
  2755. "Hush, sweetie. Start from the beginning. What is wrong?"
  2756. > Lake sniffed and wiped at her snout with her hoof. She couldn't meet Celestia's gaze.
  2757. > "S-some time ago," she explained, a little hesitantly and with her ears plastered all the way down, "when I de-decided I wanted a foal..."
  2758. > A chill ran down her spine and Celestia recalled a few of the more horrific stories she had heard whispered in the Canterlot Castle.
  2759. > Humans who didn't want their mares to become pregnant. Who treated them as pets. And had them-
  2760. > The alicorn shuddered at the mere thought.
  2761. > -spayed.
  2762. > Her own tears were threatening to begin flowing now.
  2763. "What did they do to you?"
  2764. > Lake Frond watched her in confusion for a moment, then her mouth opened and her eyes widened as she realized it.
  2765. > "OH! No, no! Nothing like that!" she said quickly. "I didn't mean to imply-"
  2766. > She stopped and lowered her eyes again. "I can't even do *this* right," she moaned.
  2767. > It wasn't that, then. She doubted she had ever felt such relief in her life, but her heart was still hammering and Celestia was still afraid.
  2768. "Do not worry. Go on, you can tell me. I will help, I promise."
  2769. > Now the other mare shut her eyes tightly and resumed her story: "I met t-this... pony on the Internet. He was an apprentice alchemist in a shop in Los Pegasus. A-and he made me this potion..."
  2770. > Again, Lake Frond fell silent, so Celestia asked a question to move the mare along.
  2771. "What kind of potion."
  2772. > "F-f-fertility p-potion."
  2773. > It didn't sound too problematic, but they were probably getting to that part. This time Celestia decided to tactfully wait for her friend to work up the courage on her own.
  2774. > Finally, Lake Frond took a breath and went on: "It was supposed to... b-bring my heat sooner, if it wasn't t-too far."
  2775. > Maybe the potion did something to her? Again, Celestia felt pity for the poor creature, but this time she didn't comment on it.
  2776. > "A-anyway, when you called us and said we were going," Lake Frond began, her voice full of shame and misery, "I..."
  2777. > She took a shuddering breath and Celestia hugged her more tightly again. She was keeping the wings around them and now quickly added a silence spell.
  2778. > "I drank it," the mare finished lamely. "I know it was a stupid, foolhardy, idiot thing to do, but I just..."
  2779. > She sobbed and bravely forced herself to continue. "I just got *so* excited, P-princess. I don't know what came over me. I drank it before we escaped."
  2780. "What happened?"
  2781. > The mare was silent, so Celestia asked again.
  2782. "Lake Frond? Did it work?"
  2783. > When she opened her mouth again, the words came out in a rush, as if she wanted to be rid of them as quickly as possible.
  2784. > "It was supposed to take a week! I swear, the pony said it would be a week until it took effect. And I thought - I thought that was just enough time to get home and then we could start *right away*!"
  2785. > She looked up imploringly at the alicorn. "Please, Princess! I swear I-"
  2786. > Swallowing, she tried again: "It was supposed to bring my heat a week from now. And Rock and me could try for a foal right away when we got home!"
  2787. > It was obvious the potion didn't work as expected. Celestia was starting to get a suspicion. Their over-eagerness in the car. The length of time they were in the shower, both the previous night and this one.
  2788. > But she didn't sigh in exasperation. The poor mare was distraught enough as it was.
  2789. > Instead, she made her voice gentle. She needed her ponies to trust her, not fear her. Lake Frond had done the right thing by telling her.
  2790. "It worked too fast?"
  2791. > The mare nodded silently.
  2792. "And now-"
  2793. > Another nod, but Lake Frond finished the sentence: "I'm pregnant."
  2794. > Of course the mare would know. Almost from the day it happened. It was probably last night, then, so she would be sensing it tonight.
  2795. "Does Rock Lichen know?"
  2796. > Now the pony shook her head and began sobbing again.
  2797. > "I'm just a stupid filly and I messed everything up. I'm sorry, Princess..."
  2798. > It wasn't *necessarily* a problem.
  2799. "It was a rash decision, yes, but I am not mad at you, Lake Frond."
  2800. > The ears perked up and an incredulous stare followed.
  2801. "No, I am not. You wanted what every mare wants naturally. I can't be angry if - in your excitement - you made a foolish decision. Many have done so before you."
  2802. > The poor pony just burst into tears again, but this time out of relief.
  2803. "Why does this worry you like this? Surely nothing will be seen for many months. It will not affect our crossing of the border."
  2804. > Lake Frond was shaking her head. It took her some time before she could speak.
  2805. > "I-if something went wrong... and I got sent back..." she began, but shuddered and fresh tears overwhelmed her.
  2806. > Celestia remembered the threat her owners had made.
  2807. "I will not let that happen. I swear this to you, Lake Frond. You will pass the border tomorrow into Equestria as a free mare. And your child will grow up there, free."
  2808. > "B-but, but," the mare blubbered, "if it goes wrong..."
  2809. > The alicorn nuzzled her poor, frightened friend.
  2810. "Sweetie, it will go smoothly. And even if the worst *did* come about - remember that I am an alicorn. I will get us home, no matter what it takes."
  2811. > It seemed to help, but she couldn't be sure. The mare just kept crying into the Royal Chest Fluff.
  2812. > Celestia held her gently and nuzzled her, but inside she was worried.
  2813. > With this knowledge, she *could not* let Lake Frond fall back into human hands. It was now impossible to go back.
  2814. > However badly things went at the border - and the mare still hoped they wouldn't - Lake Frond had to end up in Equestria. There was no more choice.
  2815. > She began searching her memory for battle spells. Awful things of huge destructive power. Evil magic. Things she had hoped never to use again.
  2816. > She began praying that she would not need them.
  2817. > That she would not have to start a war.
  2819. > ~~~~
  2821. > This time it wasn't a voice which woke Celestia, but rather an incessant, annoying ringing. It took her a moment to realize where it was coming from, but then she quickly nudged the human sleeping beside her.
  2822. "Anonymous. Your phone."
  2823. > He sighed and reached for the thing on his nightstand. He peered at the screen, but then sat bolt upright.
  2824. > "Miriam?" he asked and quickly put it against his ear. "Hello?"
  2825. > Celestia also lifted herself up. Of course she couldn't sleep through it.
  2826. > "Yes, Anonymous? Where are you? Did you get the ponies through yet?" the D.A. asked.
  2827. > Anonymous needed a few seconds to gather his thoughts. "N-no," he finally mumbled and looked at the mare beside him. "We're going in the morning. What time is it?"
  2828. > This time the alicorn stopped herself from feeling the Sun.
  2829. > Besides, Miriam answered the question: "Nearly five."
  2830. "The border does not open for another two hours."
  2831. > Her human just repeated the same thing, but Miriam had heard her. "Is that Celestia? Lemme talk to her."
  2832. > Anonymous held the phone out and touched the button which would make it louder. He didn't need to, not for her benefit. But Celestia guessed he also wanted to hear what Miriam had to say.
  2833. "I am here. What is wrong, Miriam?"
  2834. > There was a faint shuffle of cloth from the other room and the alicorn guessed they had woken up at least on of their friends. Probably the mare.
  2835. > "You need to go through *right now*! It would have been better if you went yesterday, but you need to go, *now*!"
  2836. > The emphasis worried her and Celestia shivered a little.
  2837. "Why? What is wrong?"
  2838. > Before answering, Miriam heaved a sigh. The little speaker in the phone distorted it somewhat, but exasperation came through unmasked.
  2839. > "Look, did your two friends tell their owners anything when they escaped?" the D.A. asked.
  2840. "No, I don't think so."
  2841. > At least, Celestia added to herself, they hadn't mentioned anything of the sort. She spotted Lake Frond looking around the door with wide, frightened eyes, and waved a hoof to call her silently inside.
  2842. > The mare walked to the bed tentatively.
  2843. "Wait just one second, Miriam," Celestia said and looked down at her friend. "Lake Frond, did you or Rock Lichen tell your humans about this?"
  2844. > The mare shook her head. "N-no, of course not! Why?"
  2845. > "Well, somehow they knew exactly where you were going. They called the police and the picture is probably already up at the border."
  2846. > The poor mare was shaking her head in horror. "No, t-that can't be!" she mumbled, as if trying to will it so.
  2847. > Celestia swallowed and her stomach sank. There was no way they could change their paperwork, even if they dyed both the ponies to change their color.
  2848. "What do we do?"
  2849. > She sounded defeated. They had come so far, through such hardship, only to be denied at the last step.
  2850. > "Hey, that's why I'm calling," Miriam said and she sounded optimistic. The alicorn imagined her mischievous smile. "There's a chance they didn't look at the wanted list yet, or maybe they hadn't printed it out."
  2851. > Her ears perked up and Celestia allowed herself a small measure of hope.
  2852. > "But you have to go RIGHT NOW, understand? They will certainly have it printed and on the wall by seven!" the woman admonished.
  2853. "B-but it's not even open yet!"
  2854. > Miriam sighed. "I know, I know. But- there's usually some guards posted. Go there, talk to them. Beg. Pay. Whatever it takes, just get through, okay?"
  2855. > Celestia was about to ask for more details, but she saw that Lake Frond wasn't listening anymore. The mare was sitting on her haunches with her forelegs wrapped around her belly.
  2856. > Fresh tears were flowing down her face and she was no doubt imagining what the humans would do if they recaptured her.
  2857. > Gathering her courage, Celestia very briefly hugged her human, then slipped out of the bed and laid a gentle wing around the devastated mare.
  2858. "Come, let us go and put on my dye. We have to hurry. Anonymous, you wake up Rock Lichen!"
  2859. > The man agreed and said a hurried goodbye and a thank you to Miriam. But just before he hung up, Celestia called out again.
  2860. "Miriam? How did you know this?"
  2861. > "My friend at the FBI called me as soon as the wanted list got out today. Go!"
  2862. > She squeaked her own thanks and led Lake Frond to the bathroom to get ready. She didn't need the mare to help her, but she didn't want to leave her alone. Busy, that was the key. Prevent her from thinking!
  2863. > She heard Anonymous get out of bed and begin dressing himself. He would have plenty of time. The hair dye took nearly half an hour and the alicorn just hoped it wouldn't be too late.
  2864. >...
  2865. > When she burst out of the bathroom with Lake Frond right behind, she saw a disturbing sight. Anonymous was sitting on the couch with his face in his hands, and Rock Lichen was huddled on the floor, sobbing.
  2866. > His marefriend quickly went to him. "Rock?" she asked worriedly, concern for herself momentarily forgotten. "Rock?! What's wrong? What happened?"
  2867. > It almost looked as if the stallion didn't want the hug. He wriggled free and admitted, amidst choking sobs: "It w-was m-me!"
  2868. > "What are you talking about?"
  2869. > He glanced up at Celestia. "Please, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think. Just go without us, they shouldn't bother you if we're not with you. And we'll go back to Master and Mistress. I'll say it was all my fault, okay?"
  2870. > Celestia didn't quite follow.
  2871. "What? Why? Why would you go back? How is it your fault, Rock Lichen?"
  2872. > He drew a deep breath and looked back to his wife, who was just staring at him in shock.
  2873. > "I-" he tried to say, but sobbed instead. "I wrote a note... f-for Mas-master!"
  2874. > The mare shrank away from the stallion. "Rock?" she asked with a fearful voice. It sounded as if she didn't really want to know, but couldn't stop the question: "What note?"
  2875. > He seemed to get a grip on himself and explained again: "Before we w-went. I wanted to say thank you to Master, so I left him a note. I said we wanted to raise a family and that I was g-grateful for his... k-kindness..." his voice trailed off at the end.
  2876. > Celestia understood.
  2877. "You essentially told them exactly where you are going."
  2878. > All Rock Lichen could do was nod.
  2879. > "I'm so, *so*, sorry, Pri-princess! I wasn't thinking. And now if you're with me and Lake, they probably won't let you through. We can't do that to you!"
  2880. > The alicorn put her head in her hooves, much like Anonymous was doing. For a moment she allowed herself to feel a sliver of anger. She pointed a trembling leg at the pair.
  2881. "Let me understand this. While *you* were drinking a fertility potion, *you* were writing a helpful little note to your slavers, telling them where you were going and why?"
  2882. > The stallion looked at his wife in fresh shock. "F-Fertility potion?!"
  2883. > She just nodded, but couldn't answer. Lake Frond was still staring at him with something close to betrayal.
  2884. "Yes. And it worked too fast. She is pregnant, Rock Lichen. She *can not* go back, do you understand?"
  2885. > The pony paled, his gray fur going nearly white. Anonymous also stared, but the human didn't say anything.
  2886. > "L-lake- I di- didn't..." the stallion mumbled, "I- I'm-"
  2887. > He couldn't form even a single sentence. Then he looked up at the Princess.
  2888. > "Please..." he whispered, knowing fully that it was futile. "Please help."
  2889. > It broke her heart. Of course Celestia couldn't say no, even after both their blunders. But it looked more and more like she would have to start a war with Earth over this. Her shoulders slumped.
  2890. "I will get you home. I promised."
  2891. > At least the ponies had the decency to look at the floor in embarrassment.
  2892. "But we have to hurry. Now!"
  2893. >...
  2894. > It was before six that the group arrived at the portal building. It looked like a small war zone, even though no battles have been fought over this scrap of land.
  2895. > Some of the nearby buildings were abandoned and a few had been demolished to make room for new construction.
  2896. > The portal had opened in a crossroads in the middle of a human city and it was sheer luck that no one was hurt.
  2897. > Had it destroyed a building, or - goodness forbid - hurt some humans, they would likely have seen it as an attack and diplomacy would have been all but impossible.
  2898. > As it was, Celestia remembered, both sides had scurried to put the situation under control. Chain link fences and guards were the first measures, quickly followed by my permanent walls as it became apparent that the phenomenon was going to last.
  2899. > It was still there, she could sense it. The gateway to her home was really close now. Celestia barely restrained herself from simply blowing a hole in the wall and running for it with her ponies.
  2900. > Instead, she entered the reception with her human and the couple. She remembered the place from her first trip through, but her pony friends were looking around nervously.
  2901. > It was likely quite a bit different than they remembered. If they had even been conscious when they were first brought through.
  2902. > In the years since the diplomatic relationships improved and the place was no longer a fortress, warding against an invasion, but simply a border crossing. Laws were enacted and procedures agreed upon.
  2903. > Men with guns had been gradually replaced by those with clipboards
  2904. > This way the humans could precisely control who came and went. They could enforce the trade agreements and prevent contraband from moving between the worlds.
  2905. > On her first trip through the bureaucratic machine Celestia had been impressed by the attention to detail and efficiency.
  2906. > Now she hoped the guards were lazy and inept.
  2907. > At long last! A fat, sleepy-looking man ambled over from somewhere in the back to answer Anonymous' persistent knocking. It seemed as if he was the only one watching the place at night, but the alicorn suspected there were a few more watchmen making their patrols.
  2908. > "Whatd'ya want?!" the guard bellowed. "Border opens in an hour!"
  2909. > But her human was prepared: he had a hundred dollar bill in his hand. "Please! I have a very important meeting and I need to drop these three off before that. Can't we do this now?"
  2910. > The fat man gave it some thought. His eyes followed the money closely.
  2911. > Anonymous reached into a pocket with his other hand and pulled out another bill. Now it was two hundred and the guard licked his lips.
  2912. > "Well, okay. You've got your papers?" he agreed, a little reluctantly.
  2913. > Celestia stepped up smartly to her human so he could pull the briefcase from her saddlebag.
  2914. > "Right here," Anonymous said. He gave the man his money together with the documents. "Thank you, Mr.?"
  2915. > The fat human grunted. "Bass," he said. "Just call me Walter."
  2916. > His years of dealing with all sorts of people came to Anonymous' aid. He smiled pleasantly and there was nothing in his expression except honest relief. "Anonymous," he said and shook the other man's hand. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, Walter. I should have been here last night, but I had a flat. You know how it is."
  2917. > Celestia was impressed by how well Anonymous could lie. But she didn't draw attention to it. The other two ponies were looking at the ground, as if hiding their faces would make them less noticeable.
  2918. > It wouldn't work. Humans went by fur and mane color, she knew. But she stayed near her friends and bumped her flank against Lake Frond's, to try and reassure her.
  2919. > They followed Walter Bass through some hallways and to the portal. She knew the way and what to expect, but the other two didn't. When they came to their destination, the ponies stared around in awe.
  2920. > Double doors opened into a a huge room. The ceiling would be lost in shadows, if there weren't neon light bulbs embedded in it. Walls were bare, except for a few splashes of red and yellow for the alarm lights and speakers.
  2921. > In the middle, raised slightly above the floor, was the portal.
  2922. > The hole between their worlds was over thirty feet high and nearly twenty wide. Her gazed followed it up and up, where it nearly vanished into the ceiling. It could easily fit even a large dragon.
  2923. > But right now, almost nothing could pass the barrier. The humans, in their ingenuity, constructed a metal frame for the portal and somehow locked it in place over the opening. Thick metal bars prevented passage.
  2924. > It opened, Celestia knew, but only at human command. She looked around, but couldn't see the hinges, or any other weak points. A sturdy and clever solution.
  2925. > Of course her magic could blast through it, but it would take a minute.
  2926. > "W-Why is it so big?" Lake Frond asked, awed.
  2927. > Twilight Sparkle had spent a lot of time theorizing why it the opening would be taller than it is wide. Her best guess before Celestia left had been 'something to do with gravity'.
  2928. > The portal itself was simply a hole, like a window. There wasn't a glowing edge, just a sharp line where the world changed, as if someone had cut an opening through canvas with a sharp knife.
  2929. > Of course, even Celestia understood that part of Twilight's explanation. It let everything through and that included light. And air.
  2930. > She became aware of a gentle breeze. It was coming from the portal and ruffling her mane. The alicorn closed her eyes and inhaled.
  2931. > Smiling, she felt her eyes moisten. Home. That was what it smelled like.
  2932. > Snow, and ponies, and countryside and, yes, even Everfree Forest in the distance.
  2933. > Home and family and her people. That was where she belonged.
  2934. > Celestia had never realized how much she had missed it all, until now. She had to close her eyes and turn her head away.
  2935. > She focused on a question to fight the nostalgia: Why was the air coming this way?
  2936. > Twilight had said it was a stroke of luck that they had similar atmospheres on their worlds, and similar pressure. Otherwise one world or the other would have been in serious trouble. But the balance fluctuated. Sometimes the air flowed from Equestria to Earth, and sometimes it went the other way.
  2937. > She heard Lake Frond sigh in happiness and opened her eyes to look. The mare was smiling faintly and leaning heavily against Rock Lichen, who didn't seem to mind supporting her.
  2938. > As her eyes slowly became used to the strange opening, she realized that the room on the other side was slightly brighter.
  2939. > Ah, yes! Due to the way the sisters controlled the Sun and the Moon, their mornings weren't always completely synchronized. It looked like Luna had begun this day a little earlier.
  2940. > Celestia dragged her eyes from the window into her own world and finished her inspection of the room. There wasn't too much: a small platform with steps which took you up to the hole itself, a few benches, some chairs and a table off to the side.
  2941. > That was where the guards sat during the day, the alicorn remembered.
  2942. > Right now, there was a pegasus in gold armor at one of the tables. Celestia didn't remember any ponies on the human side when she came through the first time. But one of the Equestrian royal guard was lounging in a chair made for a human, with two cups of coffee steaming beside him.
  2943. > The way he kept glancing guiltily at the portal told Celestia all she needed to know.
  2944. > His visits to earth weren't exactly 'official'. But he had probably sat on his side of the portal most nights, watching the human while the human watched him. They had probably started talking and found they had a lot in common.
  2945. > All guards, everywhere, had a lot in common.
  2946. > Besides, what was the harm of nipping across the room for a cup of coffee in the morning? They were both official guards, so rules for crossing over were a little relaxed.
  2947. > Nopony could begrudge them a bit of company and a warm beverage to help pass those long, quiet nights.
  2948. > It nearly made her smile. It proved that humans and ponies could be good friends, if they spent time together as equals.
  2949. > Most importantly, it boded well. Perhaps this Walter had come to like ponies and would let them through quickly and without looking at the documents too closely.
  2950. > It was to be hoped.
  2951. > Remembering him, Celestia looked at the human guard. He was reading the release forms with his brow furrowed, like many people to whom written word doesn't come too easily. Every now and then he glanced up at the ponies, as if to make sure what was written on the paper was correct.
  2952. > The four of them waited in uncomfortable silence, while the pegasus guard pretended he wasn't curious about them and fiddled with his coffee cup instead.
  2953. > Celestia searched her memory. If he was a royal guard from Canterlot, she should know him. But the golden helmet hid his features and the few patches of white fur and a splash of violet mane didn't tell her much.
  2954. > Once he spoke she would certainly remember the name. Both sisters made a point of knowing everypony who worked for them.
  2955. > "Hmm, please wait here," Walter said and walked to his little glass box with the papers. He closed the door behind him and sat down.
  2956. > Celestia looked at Anonymous, but he shrugged. "I don't know the procedures. Maybe he has to look up the document numbers or something. Or compare the stamp. I'm not sure."
  2957. > He fell silent as the pony guard approached.
  2958. > "Excuse me," the pegasus addressed Lake Frond, who had turned her face away. "Please look at me."
  2959. > The mare did so, if hesitantly. Rock Lichen took a step forward, as if to protect her.
  2960. > But the guard just sighed and lowered his head. "Coming here was a stupid idea," he said sadly.
  2961. "What? Why?"
  2962. > The pony just pointed to a nearby wall with a wing. There was a bulletin board with a few pieces of paper. And on top of them all...
  2963. > Lake Frond made a small whimper. It was unmistakably her and Rock Lichen's picture.
  2964. > They were too late.
  2965. > Celestia felt for her magic and prepared a few spells.
  2966. > "I wouldn't try anything if I were you," the guard said and finally the alicorn could put a name to the face and voice. Moonbeam. Originally from Canterlot city watch. She knew very little about him.
  2967. "Why?"
  2968. > Moonbeam shook his head. "First, there's cameras everywhere. Second, Walter has a gun. Third, any sign of trouble and he just has to push a button to lock down the entire place." The pony peered at the human in his little office. "Yep, he's probably already called the cops."
  2969. > He turned to walk back to the table and his cup. "If I were you, I'd make it easy on myself and go quietly. I'm sorry."
  2970. > His voice really did sound sincerely sad, but he also wasn't going to help them. Celestia wondered how many such cases he had seen. Hopefuls, so near their home soil, but turned away at the last step.
  2971. > Before Celestia could cast a spell to bring down the metal gate, Rock Lichen hurried after the pegasus guard and raised his hooves in supplication.
  2972. > "Please, please, sir! You gotta let us through! Please, you're a pony!"
  2973. > There was regret in his face, clear even under his helmet, but Moonbeam still shook his head. "Sorry. Nothing I can do. This is the human side. I am not even supposed to be here."
  2974. > But the stallion wouldn't give up. "Come on! Please, she's pregnant. And if she stays here, they will make her abort!"
  2975. > The pegasus let his head drop. He heaved a sigh. But he didn't look like he would say anything more.
  2976. > Celestia walked up to the two.
  2977. "I know your presence here is not official. You just came for a coffee. The human is your friend, right Moonbeam?"
  2978. > The guard gave a gasp and looked up sharply. "How do you know my name?!"
  2979. > The mare shook her head dismissively.
  2980. "You are friends. If you talked to him, he might let us through. Please try, for your fellow ponies. For a mother."
  2981. > Rock Lichen added: "Her name is Lake Frond. You're killing her baby if you let her fall back into human hands. And probably her, too."
  2982. > The poor guard pegasus swallowed uneasily. His eyes shifted from the stallion, to Celestia, and then to Lake Frond, who was just watching him imploringly. Tears were streaming down her face.
  2983. > Moonbeam swallowed again.
  2984. > Then he let out a deep sigh. "Buck," he swore quietly. "They'll have my hide for this. I hope it's worth it."
  2985. > He didn't wait for their thanks, but went to knock at Walter's office. The human looked up, then opened the door to let him in.
  2986. > There was a whispered conversation, while Rock Lichen walked back to his marefriend and smiled tentatively. They embraced, but Lake Frond didn't seem relieved.
  2987. > Celestia joined Anonymous where he was waiting. Her human patted her mane reassuringly.
  2988. > "Sorry. I can't be much use here," he said as the mare hugged his legs.
  2989. "You have done plenty, love. I hope Moonbeam can convince the human to let us go. Otherwise I will simply have to... make a way."
  2990. > He saw just how much she disliked the idea. "Here's hoping," he said quietly.
  2991. > They watched the argument in the glass office. Celestia caught a few words here and there.
  2992. > "... gotta let them go..." Moonbeam was saying fervently. She missed the next bit, but then he exclaimed a bit more loudly: "How many times have I asked for a favour, Walter?!"
  2993. > The human's reply was unintelligible, as was whatever the pony said to that.
  2994. > But then the next fragment from the pegasus made her smile: "... all my wife's lasagnas I've shared with you over the years?!"
  2995. > Of course. Food was the universal language. Unless it was meat, then it was a human-only dialect.
  2996. > She didn't hear much of Walter's reply to that, but she recognized 'fugitives', and 'police' and 'on their way'.
  2997. > It made her blood run cold. Were human authorities coming already? How long until they arrived?
  2998. > She looked at the hallway where they had entered the room. Walter had locked the door behind him. The alicorn quickly sought for a spell which would keep it locked, at least for a while. It would buy her the time she needed.
  2999. > The guards were coming back and the alicorn swallowed nervously. She flashed her human a faint smile, then took a step away to await the verdict.
  3000. > Walter spoke up. "You four are putting me in a real awkward position here, you know that?"
  3001. > Celestia allowed herself a sliver of hope.
  3002. > "I can't let you through," the human said.
  3003. > Moonbeam kicked him lightly in the shin.
  3004. > "What?" Walter exclaimed. "I can't! I already called it in!"
  3005. > Lake Frond started to sob uncontrollably and Rock Lichen did his best to console her. Both the human guard and the pegasus looked at the mare uncomfortably.
  3006. > "Look, if the cops come here and you're gone, I'm outta job. And probably jail time, too. I've got kids!"
  3007. > "C-Can't you say we es-escaped? Bucked you and r-ran for it?" Rock Lichen begged.
  3008. > "Cameras," Walter said and pointed. "There's cameras everywhere. You were on tape the minute you walked into the building. Sorry."
  3009. > Celestia looked at her friends in despair. Anonymous' face was clouded, Lake Frond was weeping and the stallion sat dejectedly on the floor, looking at his hooves with his ears flattened.
  3010. > She swallowed a lump and focused on her breathing. Of course her human knew what she would do. She had whispered this last, desperate plan to him in the car. He didn't like it, but there was no other way.
  3011. > Lake Frond *could not* stay in the human world!
  3012. > The stallion looked up shakily and met her eyes. The depths of despair she saw there pierced her heart.
  3013. > No, she would be destroying *three* lives, if she gave in now. Her lips pressed together and her resolve strengthened.
  3014. > The guard, sensing their despair, laid a hand on Moonbeam's withers in sympathy. He wasn't evil, Celestia knew. Just doing his job and providing for his family. He was sorry, but had little choice.
  3015. > She would try not to hurt him.
  3016. > The worst part...
  3017. > It almost physically hurt to imagine what would happen. An alicorn would reveal herself, on Earth. She would tear down the barrier between the worlds with frightful power.
  3018. > An unprovoked attack. That is how they would label it, and rightly so. They would see what just one of them can do. And the fear would start again.
  3019. > More guards. More walls. More hatred.
  3020. > She had come to know them - their history - well enough to guess. A full-scale attack on Equestria was possible.
  3021. > A war.
  3022. > The first war where an alicorn was the aggressor. Her name would certainly go down in Equestrian history.
  3023. > She felt the tears start flowing down her cheeks, but Celestia could not stop her thoughts reaching their inevitable conclusion.
  3024. > Both sides would endeavour to close the portal. That would be the only way to protect themselves.
  3025. > Whether they succeeded or not, one thing seemed certain.
  3026. > She would never see Anonymous again.
  3027. > The mare could hardly stand to look at his face, but couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off it.
  3028. > It was unfair!
  3029. > They had barely any time.
  3030. > Celestia mouthed to him the only word he could think of: 'Sorry'.
  3031. > He seemed resigned, but nodded anyway. Even now her human supported her.
  3032. > She glance to her pony friends. Lake Frond was still sobbing in misery, but Rock Lichen met her gaze. He was resigned. More than that, the alicorn saw. He was ready to lay his life down to ensure his wife and child get to safety.
  3033. > Celestia reached for the magic. It rushed into her and she lifted her head up proudly.
  3034. > At the very least, let the humans see a Princess, facing them down on their own world. Breaking open their trap and leaving, undaunted, unconquered!
  3035. > Moonbeam's mouth fell open. He didn't recognize her, but something about the stance was so familiar. Even the human guard drew back nervously from her glare.
  3036. > They both knew she was about to do something.
  3037. > Power built up and the alicorn shaped it into a first blow against the metal barrier. There was a slight tremor in the ground around her, making everyone step away further away from her.
  3038. > "I'll stay."
  3039. > Rock Lichen's pained whisper broke her concentration. She whirled around and the potential for her spell fled her body.
  3040. "What?!"
  3041. > The stallion stared at the human guard. "W-what exactly did you tell them? When y-you reported us."
  3042. > The man looked both relieved and slightly embarrassed, because he didn't know why he was relieved. "I just s-said I got fugitives h-here," he mumbled.
  3043. > "No details?" the stallion asked, more hopefully. "You didn't say mare and stallion?"
  3044. > Walter thought for a moment, then shook his head. "Just fugitives. Where are you going with this?"
  3045. > Rock Lichen hugged Lake Frond, who had frozen in fear and was now staring open-mouthed at her husband.
  3046. > "Tell them you misspoke out of nerves or something. That there was just me. I'll let them take me, so you don't get in trouble.
  3047. > For a second it looked like the fat human would agree. But then his face fell. "The cameras," he pointed out.
  3048. > Moonbeam snorted at that. "So what?! You can erase them, right? Isn't that what you've been doing for our little coffee each morning?"
  3049. > Four ponies and two humans observed each other for a while.
  3050. > Then Lake Frond whispered. "N-no." She drew a shuddering breath and repeated: "Please, Rock... no."
  3051. > He nuzzled her and spoke in a rush. He was desperately hoping she would convince him against the idea, yet at the same time knew she mustn't.
  3052. > "It's my fault, Lake. I left that stupid note. I don't care if they stick me in jail, as long as you and the foal are safe!"
  3053. > It could work. Celestia hated to admit it, but there was a chance there and it was better than starting a war. She looked imploringly at Anonymous.
  3054. > "I'll do what I can," he promised and the mare gratefully nuzzled his thigh.
  3055. "Lake Frond, it is the only way. We have to hurry. Anonymous will help Rock Lichen get out of jail. He'll get him away from Andrew, okay?"
  3056. > Her human knelt down beside the crying mare, who was now clinging urgently to her husband.
  3057. > Anonymous spoke more calmly than Celestia felt: "Sweetie, I promise I'll do all I can. We'll work something out and we'll get Rock back to you. But you have to go now. You know what will happen if you don't."
  3058. > That made her squeak and cling to her stallion even tighter.
  3059. > He returned the hug, but also began extricating himself. "Please, Lake. I want you and the little one to be safe. I'll find you someday, I promise!"
  3060. > They were both openly weeping now and Celestia took matters into her own hooves. She faced Walter.
  3061. "Please, let us through."
  3062. > The man heaved another sigh, then unhooked a large key chain from his belt. Moonbeam smiled and the alicorn knew he would do it. The tension left her shoulders.
  3063. > She went to Rock Lichen, gave him a brief hug, then gently pulled Lake Frond away from him.
  3064. "Come on, sweetie. We must go, now!"
  3065. > But the poor mare clung to her love. "Rock..." she choked out a sobbing response. It was all she could say.
  3066. > He gave her another kiss while the alicorn waited. There was always time for a kiss.
  3067. > "I'll come back to you, I promise," he said and forced a smile. "I love you."
  3068. > The mare tried to answer, but all she could do was sob miserably.
  3069. > Finally she released him and let Celestia pull her to the portal.
  3070. > Now that they were nearer, the Princess saw there was a smaller metal door inset in the larger one. It was big enough to admit a human or a pony. That was what Walter Bass had unlocked.
  3071. > He pulled it open and beckoned. "Come on. Get through before I change my mind. I still have to wipe the tapes!"
  3072. > There came a hammering from somewhere near the entrance.
  3073. > Anonymous was right there behind her. "Guess I'm not getting out. I'll probably share a jail cell with Rock," he joked.
  3074. > Celestia turned and reared up so she could hug him.
  3075. "I will help in any way I can! Please be safe. Call Miriam right now!"
  3076. > He promised and gently brushed her cheek with the palm of his hand.
  3077. > She wanted to kiss him. But she didn't.
  3078. > Moonbeam and Walter Bass were tense enough as it was. She didn't wish to push them further, lest they change their minds.
  3079. > She stepped through the gate and instantly regretted it.
  3080. > It was still possible this was the last time she saw the human.
  3081. > She should have taken that last kiss!
  3082. > The pegasus guard followed right on their hooves to usher them past the door and the human slammed the gate shut behind them with finality.
  3083. > "Go! Get out of sight! Get out of the building. They'll search it!" he told them, just as his phone began to ring. He hurried away.
  3084. > The pony guard took the lead. "This way. Come on."
  3085. > But before she moved, Celestia looked back through the metal bars. Anonymous was standing there and smiling faintly.
  3086. > She made herself return the smile. Hope! There was always hope!
  3087. > Her human waved, and she did the same, even though her vision was getting blurry.
  3088. > Then Celestia grasped Lake Frond and followed the stallion out of the portal room.
  3089. > "You probably cost me my job, as well as Walter his, you know?" Moonbeam said once they were out of the portal room.
  3090. > The alicorn had no time to grieve. Lake Frond still needed her. They weren't safe yet.
  3091. "What will happen to Anonymous and Rock Lichen?"
  3092. > The guard shrugged. "They'll stick them in jail for the day, then who knows. Fines, most likely. Depends if he's got a good lawyer."
  3093. > Celestia relaxed a little and even managed a small chuckle.
  3094. "He does. Believe me, he does!"
  3095. > "Don't know about the stallion. Walter and I didn't talk about that sort of thing much," he admitted.
  3096. > It made Lake Frond sob again, so Moonbeam quickly added: "Shouldn't be too bad. Don't worry. He'll be fine. Depends on his owner, I guess."
  3097. > Celestia nuzzled her grief-stricken friend, then gave the guard a faint smile.
  3098. "You have done a good thing today, Moonbeam."
  3099. > "That's the other thing," the stallion said. "How do you know my name?"
  3100. > She let her grin turn mysterious and winked at him in lieu of an answer.
  3101. > They were nearly outside the building and the corridors were getting noticeably brighter with sunlight. It looked like a lovely day, if still slightly cold.
  3102. > Despite having to leave her lover in unknown danger, Celestia was glad to be home.
  3103. > She was once again on Equestrian soil and that gave her fresh courage to face the day.
  3104. > They came to the main entrance and stepped outside. There was still snow everywhere, but the sun was rising and the air was so clear she could almost see Canterlot in the distance.
  3105. > It looked like an hour's flight, no more for an alicorn. But then she looked at Lake Frond.
  3106. > She could not leave her alone, not now. Two hours, if she carried the mare, Celestia calculated.
  3107. > There was just one problem. The stallion still had the saddlebags with his and Lake Frond's stuff. In their tearful goodbye, everything had stayed with him.
  3108. > That was probably a happy accident: it would look like he had meant to escape but failed to. Celestia just hoped the stallion and Anonymous would come up with a good reason why Lake Frond wasn't with them.
  3109. > She also prayed her human would find a good excuse for where 'Supple Branch' went.
  3110. > But then she thought about Miriam. Those were some of the most resourceful, smartest legal minds she knew. They would be fine, she told herself. They would also take care of Rock Lichen until Celestia found a way to bring him home.
  3111. > She had to believe it! It allowed her to relax a little and think.
  3112. > Celestia rummaged in her own bag. There was the scarf Anonymous had given her. It was still enchanted and she draped it gently around Lake Frond's neck.
  3113. > The guard took a few steps back. "How are you doing that?!" he asked as he watched the levitating piece of cloth.
  3114. "I am in disguise, Moonbeam. Here, let me show you."
  3115. > She took a few steps back and released her change spell. The light flashed around her.
  3116. > The pegasus gasped, his eyes widened, but then he smoothly fell into a bow.
  3117. > "P-Princess!?"
  3118. > She smiled as she approached and gently urged him upright with a wing.
  3119. "Thank you for all you did today. Please come see me in the Canterlot Castle at your earliest convenience. You will have a medal for this, Moonbeam!"
  3120. > He stood and managed a salute. "B-but why didn't you say immediately?!"
  3121. "Do you think Walter Bass would have let me go, if he knew who I was?"
  3122. > The pegasus looked away. "Good point. I think he would, but I guess you couldn't risk it."
  3123. "Exactly. Come, Lake Frond. Let us get to Canterlot so a doctor can have a look at you. And then we will find your parents."
  3124. > The mare looked up, then nodded.
  3125. > Getting separated from the stallion when she had spent years with him constantly by her side was a shock. She seemed numb for now.
  3126. > There would be more tears, Celestia knew. But for now, the mare was safe.
  3127. > She had gotten her home. And her child.
  3128. > It was enough for the moment. The husband could wait a little.
  3129. > Anonymous would also wait.
  3130. > She crouched down to let Lake Frond climb up on her back, but the mare didn't move.
  3131. "Come. We will fly, it is the fastest way. I will carry you."
  3132. > Lake Frond blushed a little at the prospect, but she obeyed and clambered up on her back. Then, with a nod at Moonbeam, who saluted, Celestia was away.
  3133. > Undoubtedly the humans would soon search the portal building on Equestrian side. But they wouldn't find anything.
  3134. > As she took flight, the Princess remembered how close they had come to a terrible war. Instead, through his selfless sacrifice, Rock Lichen had bought them their freedom.
  3135. > Celestia swore to herself she would fix that.
  3136. >...
  3137. > When Celestia landed in the Canterlot Castle courtyard she was feeling a little winded. All the days sitting in an office, or lounging on Anonymous' couch had taken their toll. She was out of shape.
  3138. > But she paid her aching muscles no mind. There were things to do!
  3139. > The guard and a few passers by were already gathering around her. Some of them were pointing and whispering excitedly to each other.
  3140. > One pegasus guard - a captain - was the first to approach her and take a deep bow. "Princess!" he said, voice full of relief. "You are back!"
  3141. > It felt good to be home and Celestia smiled at her people. She lowered herself so Lake Frond could slip from her back.
  3142. > The mare had turned inward as they flew and had stopped responding to the alicorn's questions. Celestia was a little worried about her.
  3143. > Losing her husband was starting to hit her hard and being in the center of all this attention probably wasn't helping.
  3144. > The alicorn looked at the captain and sought for a name.
  3145. "Yes. Thunder Clap, right? Please take some ponies and guide Lake Frond to the infirmary. Then make sure she has a warm meal and find her a room. I will check in on her as soon as I am done with Princess Luna."
  3146. > The mare clung to her and watched the pony faces around them with wary apprehension. She wasn't used to seeing so many of her own kind in one place anymore.
  3147. > Celestia gave her friend a hug and whispered in her ear.
  3148. "Don't worry, Lake Frond. I will find you very soon. Please - the doctor should see you and make sure your child is alright. You can trust captain Thunder Clap, I promise."
  3149. > And to the stallion, who was patiently waiting for her to finish, she said:
  3150. "See to it personally. Do not leave her side."
  3151. > He saluted smartly. "Yes, ma'am!"
  3152. > The captain didn't have to do much more than motion to a few ponies and they quickly gathered around. Lake Frond watched them nervously for a second, then looked at the alicorn.
  3153. > Celestia kept her encouraging smile and the mare finally allowed herself to be led away.
  3154. > When she was gone, the ponies around her, who had been watching the spectacle in quiet awe, began to clamor for her attention.
  3155. > Drawing herself up regally, Celestia made a short statement.
  3156. "Fellow ponies. Yes, I am back now. Please hold your questions until I have had a chance to freshen up and see Princess Luna. I will be holding court tomorrow and I promise to answer all your questions."
  3157. > It satisfied them a little, but immediately more questions burst out. Celestia gave them a pained smile and quickly moved through her guards.
  3158. > Loyally and obediently they formed a wall to hold back the crowd. The alicorn was proud of them.
  3159. > Just before she vanished through the door, Celestia turned and addressed one of the guard ponies.
  3160. "Princess Luna is in day court, I assume?"
  3161. > He shook his head and saluted, just in case. The stallion seemed a little nervous and the alicorn couldn't quite recall his name. He was obviously a new recruit.
  3162. > "No, ma'am," he answered, "Princess Luna is in her quarters. The day court has been abolished."
  3163. "Abolished?!"
  3164. > Celestia began to worry about her kingdom a little. She didn't say anything more, nor did she wait for the guard's response as she began to trot. She passed maids, who squeaked in surprise and dropped into curtsies or bowed. The castle seemed to be functioning, that much at least was good.
  3165. > There was no sign of damage or riots. But *abolishing* court? How were ponies supposed to bring their petitions to the crown?
  3166. > Celestia found the door. She considered knocking, but thought better of it and just magicked the door open and burst inside.
  3167. "Luna, what is the meaning of this 'abolishing court'?!"
  3168. > Her sister, who had been lounging on her bed, nearly tumbled off in surprise.
  3169. > "Sister!" she gasped. "Thou art returned!"
  3170. > The younger alicorn rushed forward and fell into her sister's hooves.
  3171. > Despite her worry, Celestia was glad and relieved to see her and returned the warm hug. For a moment she forgot the worry and simply enjoyed her sister's presence. Her fur was cool, as always, and her ethereal mane seemed to caress their faces.
  3172. > Celestia inhaled deeply and squeezed her sister harder. Until now she hadn't realized just how much she had missed Luna's scent. Lilies, and summer nights and mystery. Sweet and spicy and exciting.
  3173. > If only Anonymous could be there to share this moment. He would undoubtedly like her sister. She was also slightly stiff on the outside, but so warm and caring on the inside!
  3174. > "We hath," Luna began, but pulled her head away and averted her eyes as she blushed a little. "We hath missed thee."
  3175. > Celestia shed a few tears of joy and laughed pleasantly. "I missed you too, Sister. You have no idea how many nights I watched the Earth's moon and thought of you."
  3176. > "We are glad thee art safe," the night-blue alicorn admitted. Then she pulled out of their nuzzle and looked seriously at her sister.
  3177. > "Thy vacation - it went well?" she asked. There was a tiny glint of something in her eye and the slight mischievous smile gave Celestia pause.
  3178. > She didn't know what to make of it yet, so she answered truthfully.
  3179. "Yes. Although I had to depart in some hurry and I left a few... people behind. But I will rectify that as soon as I possibly can."
  3180. > Now Luna openly giggled. "Thou said 'people', not 'ponies', Sister. So there is a person who is not a pony?"
  3181. "Yes, there is."
  3182. > Celestia didn't know where her sister was leading with this. But whatever it was, Luna apparently let it go as she embraced her again.
  3183. > "We are most pleased that thy foolishness did not end poorly," she admitted quietly.
  3184. > Returning her hug in some confusion, Celestia decided to gently probe about the state of her kingdom.
  3185. "How were things at home while I was gone? I hope it was not too much trouble."
  3186. > Luna just sighed and her ears folded down. She looked out through the window and clearly avoided the question.
  3187. > "'tis a beautiful day. Let us take a stroll in the Castle Gardens and speak in fresh air, Sister."
  3188. > She could let it pass for a few moments later. However badly Luna had managed to mis-hoof the kingdom, they would fix it. Together.
  3189. > Besides, a walk sounded pleasant and Celestia stepped aside to let her sister pass, then fell into step behind her.
  3190. > The younger alicorn led her from the bedroom down the immaculate hallways. For some reason, Celestia expected to see signs of some slight damage or mischief.
  3191. > Perhaps a vase, smashed and swept under the rug. Or an empty space where a priceless picture should have been. At least a broken window, or two!
  3192. "Luna, tell me why you abolished court."
  3193. > The younger sister sighed and stomped her hoof in anger. "'twas no other choice, Sister! The ponies - Our subjects," she complained, a little petulantly, "such impossible requests! Such silly demands they made."
  3194. > The alicorn snorted angrily. "The petitions were most foolish, Sister. We hath no choice but to put a permanent stop to them."
  3195. > Celestia smiled to herself. It that was all the trouble Luna had wrought, then it was a small price to pay.
  3196. "Foolish sometimes, yes. But among all the chaff there are sometimes legitimate problems. You must learn to sift through all the unimportant requests and see the critical ones. Court shows you how your kingdom is breathing, Luna. It does not pay to ignore it."
  3197. > Her sister just shrugged. "They were foolish," she repeated, with only slight uncertainty in her voice. "And We see how Our subjects are doing from their dreams!"
  3198. "True, but they do not know you are listening to them. They lose faith in the Crown, Sister. We have always held court."
  3199. > "Then thee can reinstate it," Luna replied nonchalantly. She suddenly slowed and stopped, then looked at her sister a little guiltily.
  3200. > Celestia wondered what the slight tinge of crimson on her sister's muzzle meant. She looked around the corridor, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
  3201. "Why have we stopped?"
  3202. > Luna didn't answer, but kept her eyes firmly on Celestia's face. She had that grin again, insolent and expectant and barely holding back roaring laughter.
  3203. > It was a trick of some sort. Celestia suddenly realized that Luna had led her on a roundabout route to the gardens.
  3204. > There had to be something!
  3205. > She tried to remember how the hallway should have looked. There were the large windows. And the flower pots. The carpet seemed fine and the roof was whole.
  3206. > But then she spotted it. A portrait was missing!
  3207. > And in its place...
  3208. > Celestia gasped and rushed over to see it better.
  3209. "How did you get this!?"
  3210. > It was one of her pictures. One from the human world. It was completely impossible that she should have it, but Luna had not only acquired it somehow, but had it put into a golden frame and hung it on the wall in lieu of an older painting.
  3211. > There she was - Princess Celestia with a saddle and tack and a grinning child on her back. It was a good picture, too.
  3212. > Abigail Phillips, with her auburn locks and freckles and the mischievous smile, which nearly matched the one on the alicorn who was carrying her. She held her reins in one hand and was patting the pony with her other.
  3213. > Her eyes clearly shone with delight and Celestia obviously shared in it.
  3214. > The memory was a good one, but the image here was not!
  3215. > What would her people think?! To see their monarch in what could only be a demeaning position among humans!
  3216. "Luna! Ponies can see it! This cannot be here! What were you thinking?!"
  3217. > Her sister was giggling like crazy by now. "We hath found it amusing. We wished to share the mirth with our subjects. 'tis a picture to remember!"
  3218. "Take it down this instant!"
  3219. > A maid was coming down the hall and Celestia nearly flew up to hide the picture with her body. The castle staff had probably all seen it by now, so it would have been pointless.
  3220. > It was still quite an effort to stand by it, nonchalantly as the unicorn bowed to them and hurried away.
  3221. > As soon as they were alone, Luna burst into laughter again. "Ah, thy face, Sister! 'tis a sight to behold! Most amusing! Perhaps another portrait should be made and put on the walls!"
  3222. > Now Celestia was sure she was frowning. Seeing that her sister wouldn't do anything about it, the alicorn lifted the frame from the wall herself. But then she didn't know what to do with it and just felt foolish for letting Luna get to her like that.
  3223. > In her annoyance, the Princess focused more of her magic and the offending picture burst into flame. It was gone in seconds.
  3224. > But it just made Luna laugh harder.
  3225. "Happy now?"
  3226. > "Very! But fear not, Sister. There are many copies. The staff hath been instructed to replace the pictures if they 'get damaged'!" Luna said.
  3227. > Celestia sighed. She probably deserved a bit of teasing. She had left Luna with a lot of responsibility. Besides, perhaps seeing her like that would make her ponies a bit less reverential. Maybe they would treat her more like a mare, rather than a goddess.
  3228. > It had been an adorable picture. It was plain to see on her face that Celestia was carrying the child around because she wanted to. Because she enjoyed delighting them.
  3229. > Yes, her mind was already working. A few comments to some of the staff and the gossip would spread. The Kind Princess, yes! It could work!
  3230. > She turned resolutely away and began walking again, keeping her eyes firmly away from the occasional portrait on the wall.
  3231. > It would wait. She still wanted to see the gardens. The winter-blooming flowers were particularly beautiful to look at, especially with spring so near that some of those early bloomers were already budding.
  3232. > This time Luna followed her, still chuckling occasionally.
  3233. "What else has happened while I was gone? What of the griffins, or the minotaurs?"
  3234. > "There hath been delegations," the smaller alicorn said noncommittally, "but We dealt with them."
  3235. > The silence was broken only by their hoofsteps - muffled clinking of metal for Luna and hoof against carpet for Celestia. She suddenly remembered her saddlebags but she kept them on. She would pass by her chambers later and leave them there, to be sorted later.
  3236. > After a few steps her sister admitted some more: "Thou might, perhaps, have a few treaties to re-negotiate, Sister."
  3237. > Celestia rolled her eyes.
  3238. "What have you done?"
  3239. > "We might have," Luna said and swallowed nervously, "called the griffin ambassador a 'pompous, feather-brained buffoon'."
  3240. "I see."
  3241. > "And the minotaur was a..." Luna began, but had to search her memory. "A... 'goat-faced sheep wrangler'."
  3242. > Not too bad. Celestia had thought worse. Of course she hadn't said it, but a banquet and some careful stroking of feathers and patting of backs would set them straight. Perhaps the trade agreement would be slightly worse for ponies for a while, but she was certain she could get it back in time.
  3243. "Anything else?"
  3244. > Now the smaller alicorn stared at her for a few steps. "The human ambassador kept asking for thee, Sister. He became quite insistent in the past month."
  3245. > Around the time the human government discovered her presence on Earth, Celestia guessed. Of course he would try and confirm that she was missing.
  3246. > She hoped Luna hadn't bungled it up.
  3247. "What did you tell him?"
  3248. > Flapping a dismissive wing, Luna frowned and stuck out her tongue. "His incessant prattling hath gotten on Our nerves. We had him tossed in the dungeons."
  3249. > Celestia froze in shock.
  3250. "DUNGEONS?!"
  3251. > Luna looked back with a slightly puzzled frown. "What?! We hath left orders that he should be given leftovers after each dinner. And that his bucket shalt be changed twice per week!"
  3252. > She had said it as if it completely excused the fact that she had thrown the ambassador of the most important political faction in jail for absolutely no reason.
  3253. > Despite herself, Celestia whimpered and her ears dropped down.
  3254. > "Ah, that reminds Us, Sister," Luna went on. "Some letters hath arrived from the humans. Addressed to you, so We hath left them on thy bed."
  3255. > Again, Celestia fought back panic.
  3256. "I have to let him out! Apologize! This is bad, Luna! What were you thinking?!"
  3257. > Her sister shrugged. "We were thinking: 'This insignificant monkey is annoying Us! Away with him!'" she explained. "We hath said it to him, also. Thou should have seen his face!"
  3258. > The Princess of the Night giggled again and Celestia let her head slump.
  3259. > She couldn't deal with that right at the moment. Of course she would have to let the human out personally. She would have to bow and scrape and apologize. Beg forgiveness.
  3260. > Not today. Not after everything that had happened.
  3261. > One more night in the cell wouldn't significantly worsen his disposition, the alicorn decided.
  3262. "What else have you done?"
  3263. > Her sister gave it some thought and Celestia bit her lip in frustrated expectation. What other disaster was there?
  3264. > Maybe Luna had called the dragon princess an 'overgrown fire lizard'? Was invasion imminent?
  3265. > Or perhaps she had started the feud between earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns again?
  3266. > No, that was unlikely. Celestia had seen all three in the courtyard when she landed.
  3267. > "Nothing else. The kingdom is fine, Sister. Do not worry thyself."
  3268. > A small mercy. Celestia exhaled with relief.
  3269. > "Except..." Luna said, making her sister freeze mid-sag. "Cloudsdale *may* hath been caused to come crashing from the sky."
  3270. > Her mouth dropped open and Celestia had to replay the statement in her mind a few times.
  3271. "WHAT?! HOW?!"
  3272. > But her younger sister guffawed with laughter. "I small falsehood, Sister! But the look on thy face!"
  3273. > She nearly fell to the floor, doubled up with the giggles.
  3274. > It was a relief that the cloud city was unharmed, but for a moment Celestia really had believed it. She glared as Luna held her belly and tears streamed down her face.
  3275. > "Thou art too easy, Sister!" she gasped out.
  3276. > Celestia shook her head and rolled her eyes. Some ponies.
  3277. > But she wouldn't trade Luna for the world. After a few seconds, her mouth quirked up before she could suppress it.
  3278. > One of these days she would have to think up a small, funny revenge.
  3279. > For now, she was still glad to be home. And she was happy to see Luna in such high spirits.
  3280. > Now that there weren't any more ugly surprises, Celestia remembered to ask a question she had sometimes thought on Earth.
  3281. "Luna, have you ever found my dreams these past months?"
  3282. > Her sister wound down from her outburst and wiped away a few remaining tears. "Perhaps once or twice. We had scarcely any power in them. We could not resist thy portrayal."
  3283. "My portrayal? What does that mean?"
  3284. > Luna caught up and the sisters resumed their walk. "A dream is always controlled by the Dreamer, Sister. Even if one entereth the dream, one is subject to the Dreamer's whims. It taketh significant power and presence to fight that."
  3285. > She paused and waited for Celestia to nod that she understood. Then she resumed her explanation: "Over such distance as Earth is from Equestria, We hath very little power. Hardly any influence. It took all we had to speak a simple message."
  3286. > That bit made Celestia smile. She had *known* her sister was keeping an eye on her. Perhaps that was how she had learned about the children.
  3287. "So that is how you knew about the pictures. How did you get them?"
  3288. > Luna grinned in satisfaction at her own cleverness. "We sent off for Mr. Plain and offered him a few more gems to acquire them!"
  3289. "Ah."
  3290. > She bumped her flank against her sister's.
  3291. "I am still miffed about that, Luna. We will talk about it later. Shall we get lunch?"
  3292. > The Princess still wanted her stroll in the gardens, but now her stomach was really beginning to bother her. She had eaten nothing since last night, since before they had arrived in their hotel with Anonymous."
  3293. > As if thinking of him reminded Luna, the younger sister spoke up: "So, Sister. When does thy human lover join us?"
  3294. > Celestia nearly succeeded in holding back a small gasp.
  3295. "How do you know about that?!"
  3296. > Luna just chuckled. "Oh, please, Sister. Thy dreams art full of him! And some things thou dreameth about..." she said and blushed. "Perhaps thou hath found a use for humans, after all."
  3297. > She didn't have an answer for that, so the two simply continued toward the kitchens in uncomfortable silence.
  3298. > Celestia though back on Anonymous. She missed him already. Maybe the human ambassador should be more of a priority. She decided to see him today, right after her meal, a brief visit to the gardens to finish catching up with Luna, and after she checked up on Lake Frond.
  3299. > Perhaps she would also bake a cake. One so delicious that the human would have *no choice* but to forgive her. She recalled that the ambassador was a man who enjoyed his pastries. A personal apology cake, made by the Princess herself.
  3300. > It would still be quite an uphill struggle. Her ears went down and Celestia heaved a sigh.
  3301. > Of course Luna knew what was on her mind. She found her sister's withers and gently nuzzled her.
  3302. > "We art sorry," the younger alicorn admitted. "We acted hastily and irresponsibly. Perhaps We should learn more diplomacy. Thee deserveth vacations more often, Sister."
  3303. > Then, almost too quietly to hear, Luna added: "Running the kingdom is harder than it seems."
  3304. > Celestia leaned into her sibling and closed her eyes. She smiled gently.
  3305. "Whatever you saw in my dreams, I missed you, Sister. You were never far from my thoughts."
  3306. > "We know, Sister," Luna replied. "We know."
  3307. >...
  3308. > They had a late breakfast, further raising Celestia's appreciation of the castle cooking staff. They even made her muffins!
  3309. > Not as good as her own, but the thought was sweet.
  3310. > News of the Princess returned was spreading quickly. In exasperation at their intrusion, Luna had to command the guards to keep the mass of ponies at bay.
  3311. > Petitions, grievances, advice, even some of her own clerk ponies wanted Celestia to make decisions about their daily issues.
  3312. > She promised them all that she would hear them soon, before the guards herded them out of the dining room. Then Celestia sighed and cast a weary look at her younger sister.
  3313. "See what comes of abolishing court?"
  3314. > Luna had the decency to look contrite. "We art sorry, Sister."
  3315. "Not sorry enough! You will sit with me and help me deal with all of this!"
  3316. > All the younger alicorn could do was squeak in alarm. She was about to try and extricate herself, but Celestia would have none of it.
  3317. "No excuses! You caused this mess, *and* you said you wanted to learn better!"
  3318. > "Fine," Luna said, unenthusiastically.
  3319. > Celestia had another idea. They were finished with the food, so she stood up.
  3320. "Come with me."
  3321. > Luna also rose, but looked at her in slight puzzlement. "Where to?"
  3322. > The Princesses stopped at the door to the hallway and listened. There was silence. Either the ponies had given up and left for the day, or the guards had herded them out of the castle.
  3323. > They would be back in either case. It would be a very tiring couple of weeks.
  3324. > "Sister?" Luna asked again, "where art we going?"
  3325. "I will take you to see Lake Frond. You need to learn first-hoof that your actions have consequences. And the actions of a ruler even more so. Your foolishness does not only affect your life when you sit on that throne, Luna."
  3326. > Her sister didn't answer that, but she followed through the hallways.
  3327. > Celestia didn't know where captain Thunder Clap would have set up the mare, but it would have to be in the guest wing. She stopped in front of the two guards stationed there.
  3328. "Which room has Lake Frond - the mare from Earth?"
  3329. > The gaurdspony nearly lost grip on his spear and let it fall in his haste to point a hoof. "T-That way, P-Princess!"
  3330. > Celestia looked at her sister.
  3331. "Why are there so many new guards, Sister?"
  3332. > Luna shrugged. "The ponies insisted on seeing Us after we hath abolished court. More guards hath become necessary to keep them out."
  3333. > The older alicorn pressed her lips tightly together so she wouldn't yell at her sister in front of the two ponies. Instead, she went down the hall and stopped at the right door.
  3334. > She knocked, but didn't wait for the invitation before entering.
  3335. > As per her orders, Thunder Clap was sitting on a sofa, looking quite gallant and alert, while Lake Frond was curled up on the bed.
  3336. > The mare looked at the door with red-rimmed eyes. She had been crying.
  3337. > Celestia addressed the guard.
  3338. "You may go."
  3339. > He jumped upright, saluted smartly and left. Pure efficiency. If he was in charge of the new recruits, then they would be alright, at least.
  3340. > Right at the moment, though, Lake Frond was more important. Celestia climbed the bed and gave the mare a hug, which she gratefully accepted.
  3341. > She also spotted a plate of fruit and vegetables, with a half-empty bowl of what smelled like broccoli soup.
  3342. > It didn't look as if Lake Frond had touched any.
  3343. > The poor mare held on to her princess and began sobbing quietly. It was making Luna quite uncomfortable, but Celestia didn't mind that.
  3344. > The alicorn made her voice quiet and soft.
  3345. "Hey, sweetie. How are you holding up?"
  3346. > It didn't look like the mare would answer, but she sniffed and tried anyway: "I mi-miss him!"
  3347. > About what she had expected. Celestia motioned her sister closer.
  3348. "This is Princess Luna, Lake Frond. She can sometimes see into the dreams of ponies on Earth. And sometimes she can give them a message. She will try her hardest to make sure Rock Lichen is doing well."
  3349. > The mare turned hopeful eyes on the younger alicorn, who smiled uncertainly.
  3350. > "That is correct, uh, Lake Frond. Thy Princess of Dreams shalt do Her very best!"
  3351. > Lake nodded slightly, but then turned her face back to Celestia. "You said you would get him back!"
  3352. "Of course. I will do whatever it takes, I promise. But until then, Luna will make sure he is well."
  3353. > After another beckon the alicorn in question joined the two on the bed. She almost reached around them to join the hug, but changed her mind and blushed slightly.
  3354. > Instead, Luna looked at her older sister with a question: "Why art we here?" she asked quietly.
  3355. > Not as tactful as Celestia would have liked, but she had to start somewhere.
  3356. "Because I wanted you to meet Lake Frond. She is with child who will need its father. Yet the father had to remain behind on Earth. Do you see what is at stake?"
  3357. > The smaller alicorn swallowed as she stared at Lake Frond wide-eyed. "W-With child?" she murmured.
  3358. "Yes. I want you to help her find her parents. She will need the support of her family for this. You will also help me get her husband back from Earth."
  3359. > She didn't say out loud: 'Maybe that will teach you to treat diplomats a little more tactfully.' She didn't want Lake Frond to know there were any snags.
  3360. > The mare was a great help, even unwittingly. She turned a pleading, hopeful expression on Luna, who squirmed uncomfortably.
  3361. > "Please," the mare begged and reached her hooves out, "I have to g-get him back! Please, Princess! I'll do anything!"
  3362. > It nearly broke Luna's heart. She had nearly convinced herself that her mistakes had been minor and easily solved. She was starting to be annoyed with her big sister for making her 'learn her lesson'.
  3363. > Now she was faced with an innocent, who was suffering. Not because of her, granted. But if the Ambassador stomped home in anger, Luna would have been responsible for *keeping* them apart.
  3364. > There were no more reservations, the alicorn accepted the embrace and put her wings around the poor pony.
  3365. > She murmured something so quietly that Celestia couldn't make it out even as close as she was. But it made Lake Frond nod a few times and then sigh as she buried her face in Luna's chest.
  3366. > It was working, though. The mare seemed a little less upset, and the younger alicorn looked abashed. She mouthed to her sister without using her voice: 'I'm sorry.'
  3367. > I was rare for her to slip out of the Royal Canterlot voice, so Celestia knew it was sincere.
  3368. "Have you had breakfast, Lake Frond?"
  3369. > The pony in question looked at Celestia and shook her head. "Was-Wasn't hungry," she explained.
  3370. "You should. I have tasted the soup just now and it is delicious. I missed authentic pony food on Earth, you know?"
  3371. > That drew out a small smile, which Celestia took as a very good sign. She levitated the bowl over and heated it with a simple spell.
  3372. > Luna withdrew her wings from around Lake Frond so she could turn to the food. It floated tantalizingly close, right by her muzzle.
  3373. > The mare sniffed at it carefully, then licked up a tongueful.
  3374. > "It's good," she admitted and her stomach growled in welcome of the nutrients.
  3375. "You must make sure to eat properly, Lake Frond. For the child, if not for yourself."
  3376. > The mare nodded and put her hooves on her belly. She turned another pleading look on Celestia. "Will I s-see Rock before- before I..." she began, but didn't finish the question.
  3377. > But the Princess understood. Before her daughter was born.
  3378. "We will try to make it happen, you have my word, sweetie."
  3379. > At the mention of the birth, she remembered one more thing.
  3380. "Did the captain take you to the infirmary to see the doctor?"
  3381. > Lake Frond nodded and a small smile appeared on her lips. "Yes! But-" her ears flopped down in shame, "I didn't remember the doctor's name. She was a unicorn..."
  3382. > The ears came back up as she went on: "She said we are both healthy! But I have to go back in a couple of weeks to make sure."
  3383. "Of course. That is good news, Lake Frond. We are both very happy for you and Luna will try to give this news to Rock Lichen."
  3384. > The sisters looked at each other and the younger alicorn gave a slight nod.
  3385. "We will go see the human diplomat right away and begin arranging to have Rock Lichen back. Will you be okay by yourself for a bit?"
  3386. > The mare put on a brave face and nodded. Knowing that they were working on it seemed to help.
  3387. "There will be a guard outside your door at all times. If ever you need anything, or simply wish to talk, just knock and ask them to fetch me or Luna, okay? I will check on you again a little later."
  3388. > She levitated the bowl away just in time, because Lake Frond gave her another tight hug. "Thank you, Princess! For everything..."
  3389. "Please, it is 'Celestia' to you, Lake Frond. We have been through too much together."
  3390. > The mare smiled a little. "Thank you... Celestia."
  3391. > She accepted the bowl back and dunked her muzzle right in as the sisters left the room.
  3392. > Captain Thunder Clap was waiting for them outside. The guard was an absolute treasure!
  3393. "Please see to it that there is a pegasus at this door at all times. If Lake Frond requires anything at all, she is to have it."
  3394. > "Yes, ma'am!" he said and saluted. Then he looked down and added with a guilty look at Luna: "May I say, ma'am, it's a pleasure to have you back!"
  3395. > The younger alicorn looked away and blushed, but didn't comment.
  3396. "Thank you, captain. At ease."
  3397. > He saluted again, before relaxing. "I'll go find a guard. Will there be anything else?"
  3398. > She was about to dismiss him, but asked one more thing.
  3399. "Yes, which cell is the human ambassador in?"
  3400. > Even the guard was uncomfortable answering that, and Luna was determined not to meet either of their gazes. The younger alicorn inspected a nearby statue in minute detail, as if she had never seen it before.
  3401. > "Uh, we p-put him in the first cell on the h-higher level," Thunder Clap answered.
  3402. "Thank you."
  3403. > Celestia walked away and after a few moments Luna scurried to keep up with her. The fact that she had to ask where the prisoner was made the Princess think.
  3404. "We have too many dungeons. We have never needed them. I do not understand why so many were built into the castle."
  3405. > Luna was forced to agree: "Yes, Sister." She relaxed a little, hoping that Celestia wouldn't speak of Lake Frond and her mistakes.
  3406. "We will find a better use for them."
  3407. > "Yes, Sister."
  3408. > Celestia stopped someplace they were alone and turned to the other alicorn.
  3409. "What did you think of Lake Frond?"
  3410. > Luna looked abashed and averted her gaze again. "We art sorry. We did not think..."
  3411. "She is but one of our ponies on Earth. Many of them are in worse positions. Torn from their homes and families. Some of them are being beaten. *Beaten*, Luna!"
  3412. > Luna didn't like hearing it, but she didn't comment. Besides, Celestia had a small admission herself.
  3413. "My going there nearly jeopardized their situation. It was foolish, as you claimed, but not for the reasons you said."
  3414. > She waited to see if her sister would understand. Luna had spent a long time imprisoned, but she was not stupid. She saw the connection quickly.
  3415. > "Thou needs the humans to cooperate. What We hath done to the ambassador," she began, slowly and carefully, as if exploring a bad tooth, "may damage discussions beyond repair. We hath, in truth, hurt not *him*, but mainly our ponies."
  3416. > Celestia smiled proudly and laid a wing around her sibling's withers.
  3417. "Correct. Ponies like Lake Frond. She may not see her husband. We both made mistakes, so we will fix it together. For the sake of her child and all our subjects who are mistreated on Earth."
  3418. > "And for the sake of your human," Luna added absentmindedly.
  3419. > Now the older sister was the one to look away. She didn't answer and the alicorns simply stood side by side in silence for a minute.
  3420. > At last, Luna drew a deep breath. "Celestia," she said in a soft voice, quite unlike her normal speaking tone, "I'm sorry. I should not have treated Equestria as a game."
  3421. > When she turned her eyes on the older sister, they were beginning to fill up with tears.
  3422. > "What do we do?"
  3423. "We will fix it."
  3424. > "How?"
  3425. > Celestia wasn't quite sure herself. But she knew it would take a sincere apology from Luna, if the ambassador was to believe them at all. Even so, it was chancy. He might simply demand to leave, after which the ponies would have a political incident on their hooves.
  3426. > It all depended on his help and the Princess didn't like that fact too much.
  3427. > The sincere apology, at least, would not be a problem.
  3428. "Luna?"
  3429. > "Yes, Sister?"
  3430. "You will give the human your sincere, *heartfelt* apology and ask - no, *beg* - for his forgiveness."
  3431. > "Yes, Sister."
  3432. "Show me. Say to me what you will say to him."
  3433. > Luna almost argued, but one look at Celestia's face was enough to silence her. The alicorn exhaled, then turned her most pitiful look on her sister.
  3434. > "We art so-"
  3435. "No."
  3436. > Her younger sister tried again. "Thy imprison-"
  3437. "No!"
  3438. > Now Luna rolled her eyes. "Then what, Sister?!"
  3439. "Not the Royal Voice, Luna. Apologize like a pony, not like a Princess!"
  3440. > Her lips pursed in annoyance for a moment and Celestia had remind her.
  3441. "Or will you let your pride get in the way of Lake Frond's foal seeing their father?"
  3442. > That brought her ears down. Luna focused for a moment, then tried again: "I am sorry for wrongfully imprisoning you, Mr. Ambassador. Please forgive me."
  3443. > A good effort, Celestia decided, but it sounded a little rehearsed. She could work with it.
  3444. "Okay, here is what you will do. This is a trick called 'the Look'. I found it is particularly effective against humans, because they find us cute."
  3445. > Luna was intrigued. "Cute?" she asked.
  3446. > Celestia smiled.
  3447. "Yes, cute. Do not ask why, but it is something we can use. It is rather simple. Look at me. Now, ears down, eyes big and round. A bit more. Pout slightly. Look down, but not too far, just below my eyes. Good."
  3448. "Now the most important part. Tears. Your eyes have to be brimming with tears, like they were a moment ago."
  3449. > She had to remember that feeling and recapture it when faced with the human.
  3450. "Remember Rock Lichen and the child he might not see."
  3451. > It helped that Luna was a sensitive soul, however well she hid it. She placed her hoof against her chest and closed her eyes. "I am sorry," she whispered, losing the regal tone.
  3452. "Good, assume the look again. It works better if it is sincere."
  3453. > Celestia examined the attempt.
  3454. "Good. Slump your wings a little. Now sigh, as deeply as you can."
  3455. > It was perfect. Even after his mistreatment, the diplomat would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by it!
  3456. "Here is what we will do..."
  3457. >...
  3458. > At least the human had a window in his cell, for something to look at. Also, was sheer luck that there was glass in it, otherwise he might have frozen in the harsh weather.
  3459. > Yes, she remembered, they had those kinds of cells, too. Celestia was relieved the guards had been sensible than Luna, even if they hadn't protested like they should have.
  3460. > She waited for her sister to collect herself, then pushed the door open.
  3461. "Mr. Bennett?"
  3462. > The human looked up from his bed and raised his arms in supplication. "Please! Whatever I did, I'm sorry! Just let me out of here, please!"
  3463. > He sounded desperate. For an instant Celestia considered using it. Accepting his delusion that his stay in the cell was justified and reinforcing that belief. She could easily convince him that she was being merciful and was letting him out early.
  3464. > But the other humans would demand more proof. The truth would come to light, sooner or later.
  3465. > She stepped aside to let her sister enter the cell. The man pulled away from the smaller alicorn, who sat on the stone floor in the middle of the room.
  3466. > "Mr. Bennett?" she said with all her haughtiness and command gone. Her voice was gentle and broken, as if she had been crying. Her eyes were shiny.
  3467. > "I put you in here by mistake," Luna admitted, and a tear actually escaped and dropped to the floor. The Princess closed her eyes and swallowed a lump before she could continue.
  3468. > "It was unjust and foul. I came to seek forgiveness. I throw yourself on your mercy."
  3469. > The human didn't know what to make of it. He stared at the Princess incredulously, then shifted his eyes to Celestia.
  3470. > "What's going on?" he asked, legitimately confused. "Are you letting me out?"
  3471. > Celestia was silent, so the ambassador looked back at the younger alicorn.
  3472. > "You should never have been put here. Of course you are free to go, but I h-hope," Luna explained, then paused for another sigh.
  3473. > It was perhaps slightly too dramatic, but the human didn't notice.
  3474. > "I hope I c-can make this right..."
  3475. > The mare ended by keeping her eyes firmly on the floor and her ears completely down. The man just stared for quite some time. Then he looked at Celestia again.
  3476. > "Is she for real?!" he demanded.
  3477. "Of course, Mr. Bennett. Your imprisonment was unlawful. Please, come with us - I have prepared a room in the royal wing. You can shower and I will provide new clothes. There will also be a meal, if you are hungry."
  3478. > He probably was. The man was noticeably thinner than last Celestia remembered him. She hadn't had time to bake him a cake personally, but she would do that in the afternoon.
  3479. > The ambassador looked at Luna again, who was still staring at the floor. Every now and then, her shoulders slumped and she sighed in sincere regret.
  3480. > He didn't say anything, but the man hurried out before they could change their minds.
  3481. > Celestia didn't wait for her sister and led the human away.
  3482. > The man peered at the alicorn with narrowed eyes. "What were you playing at, Celestia? Where were you the past months?!"
  3483. > A version of the truth, that is what she had decided on.
  3484. "I had taken a vacation, Mr. Bennett. A small, hidden corner of Equestria, where I would not be disturbed. I have thought my sister capable of keeping things in hoof while I was gone. Evidently, I was wrong."
  3485. > "A vacation?!" he burst out. "They said you were on Earth!"
  3486. > Celestia didn't like lies. But she could not falter from her position in this.
  3487. "I assure you, Mr. Bennett, that was not the case. I have heard the same rumors. Perhaps it was suggested because not even my subjects knew the details about my absence?"
  3488. > The mare held her breath as she waited to see if the human would believe her. He was still frowning, but he didn't question further. Then he looked down on himself.
  3489. > "This is quite unacceptable, I hope you know that! I haven't reported to my bosses in a month! I might not have a job anymore!"
  3490. > She inclined her head and began slowly walking out of the dungeons. After a while Luna followed, but she didn't seem too comfortable. Celestia felt a touch of pity for her sister.
  3491. > The human hadn't accepted her apology and didn't seem to want anything to do with her.
  3492. "Mr. Ambassador, I have spoken about this with Luna. She will come by once you are refreshed to apologize again. You can take my word that she has been chastised."
  3493. > At this, the younger alicorn inclined her head. She kept her ears down and her eyes large and shimmering. The mare was a picture of contrition. She even fiddled a little with her hooves as she stepped from leg to leg nervously.
  3494. > The human watched her angrily. "Keep her away from me, you hear?! I made a reasonable request and she just had the guards drag me away!"
  3495. > Luna swallowed and lowered her gaze. "We art very remorseful, Mr. Bennett. 'twas a mistake and We regret any inconvenience." Her royal tone was back, but the ambassador was used to it and didn't comment.
  3496. > Before he could get any angrier Celestia laid a wing on his shoulder and steered him away from her sister.
  3497. > As they left, she glanced back and gave Luna a slight, sad smile.
  3498. > Her sister just nodded, obviously disappointed, even though this had been a very likely outcome which Celestia had warned her about.
  3499. > It would take more work to get into the human's good graces again.
  3500. > Luna watched them go. She knew Celestia would come tell her how it went. She hoped she hadn't ruined Lake Frond and Rock Lichen's chances. Or the chances of all the ponies still on Earth.
  3501. > Mostly, however, the younger alicorn was grateful that her older sister was taking care of the mess.
  3502. "This way, Mr. Ambassador."
  3503. > He seemed to put Luna out of his mind as Celestia lead him away. Instead, he was biting his fingernails, obviously worried. "What the fuck am I gonna tell my superiors about this?!" he swore.
  3504. > Celestia was ready for this, too. She gave the human her own version of the Look. A bit less remorseful, but nearly as effective.
  3505. "The truth might spark an international incident, Mr. Bennett. You would be entirely justified, but I beg you to consider all the suffering that would inflict on innocent ponies."
  3506. > He just grunted in acknowledgement.
  3507. "I am willing to make any reparations you require. And so is Luna. She will bring you your meals and run errands for you, if that is your wish, Mr. Bennett. Or I will. It was my mistake to leave her in charge while I was gone, after all."
  3508. > The man seemed to like the idea, but Celestia hoped he wouldn't actually demand it. Of course Luna had agreed when they had discussed it, but only as a last resort.
  3509. > After a few tense moments, Bennett sighed and his shoulders slumped.
  3510. > "Damn you, I still have to come up with some excuse for why I went silent!"
  3511. > The mare turned her face away and smiled a little. The Look always worked!
  3512. "I have thought about that."
  3513. > "And?"
  3514. "We will tell your leaders the truth - some of it, at least. That I was away. But we will not mention Luna's blunders. Instead, you will tell them that you have fallen ill over some rare, Equestrian illness and was bed-ridden for the month. Princess Luna was simply overburdened by leading the kingdom, so she failed to report your condition."
  3515. > The human looked at her for the longest time. "You are too clever by half, Celestia. I don't like it."
  3516. > Her ears flopped down.
  3517. > "But, I don't like the truth too much, either."
  3518. > She raised one ear in expectation.
  3519. > "Okay, okay, you can stop looking at me like that!" the human said and spread his arms apart, helplessly.
  3520. > "Let's not start a war. But you owe me, *big*, okay? Next time we negotiate a treaty, I expect no argument against my proposal, understand? Hell, next *three* times."
  3521. > He paused for thought. Celestia was pleased he would step down as ambassador. The next one might be less reasonable.
  3522. > "And - mark my words, Celestia - you or that crazy sister of yours just *look* at me funny, and I'll make you regret this!"
  3523. > It wasn't the best outcome, but a sight better than what she had feared. Celestia approached the human and gently hugged him.
  3524. > He stank after a month in that cell, but she ignored it. He was stiff for a moment, but the Royal Chestfluff worked on humans, too.
  3525. "I am very, very, sorry about this, Mr. Ambassador and so is my sister. I thank you. You are a good man."
  3526. > Once they parted, the human looked genuinely moved. "Well, it better not happen again!"
  3527. "You have my personal oath on that, Shawn Bennett."
  3528. > "Okay. Good. Fine. About that shower?"
  3529. > Celestia smiled. She might need one, as well, but her elation at getting off the hook helped her ignore the smell.
  3530. "Of course. These chambers are intended for visiting royalty - Princess Cadence, for example. They are yours whenever you are in Canterlot Castle. I will go to the kitchens and personally bake you an apology cake, to go with your lunch."
  3531. > The human had tasted her skill before and his stomach growled loudly.
  3532. "Would you like me to send somepony with an appetizer to your room beforehoof?"
  3533. > "Yes, please!"
  3534. > The alicorn bowed to her human guest.
  3535. "Right away. I will await you in the kitchen. I will oversee the meal myself to ensure it meets a proper standard. Then, after you have rested, and my sister has apologized again, we will speak about the letter to your government."
  3536. > The ambassador just grunted his confirmation, then entered the room she had given him and slammed the door shut in her face.
  3537. > As soon as he was out of sight and earshot, Celestia let out a relieved sigh and closed her eyes. Her rump hit the floor and her wings sagged.
  3538. > That could have turned out so much worse!
  3539. > Truly, her skill at diplomacy was legendary.
  3540. > She went to the kitchen. The guards in the royal wing stared in admiration as she passed them. One of them whispered: "Bucking well done!"
  3541. > He probably didn't intend for the Princess to hear, but she smiled at him and inclined her head.
  3542. "Thank you."
  3543. > It made him blush and Celestia giggled a little to herself as she went to see about Mr. Bennett's lunch.
  3544. >...
  3545. > The next morning Celestia made breakfast for both herself and Luna. She had missed cooking for her sister, even if Luna didn't say thank you every time.
  3546. > This time she failed to show gratitude her because the younger alicorn had something on her mind.
  3547. > "Sister?" she said the moment Celestia sat down beside her with two stacks of pancakes and a pitcher of syrup.
  3548. "'mm?"
  3549. > Celestia already had a piece in her mouth, but Luna didn't seem to mind her lack of manners. "Sister?" she repeated, which made the older alicorn swallow hurriedly.
  3550. "Yes?"
  3551. > Luna had to think about what she would say. She didn't look at Celestia. "I went into Lake Frond's dream."
  3552. > No royal accent, Celestia noticed. She examined her sister's face a little closer. Luna was thoughtful and a little worried, but she finally turned those cyan eyes to meet hers.
  3553. > There was fear and admiration in them.
  3554. > "You were willing to fight the humans. They did not understand what they were seeing and neither did Lake Frond, but you came so close..."
  3555. > Celestia wasn't exactly proud of that moment, but she stood by her decision.
  3556. "I could not let myself be captured. You understand that? And I would not leave my subjects behind."
  3557. > "Yet you left Rock Lichen behind. And all the others," the alicorn pointed out.
  3558. "For now. Starting a war would not help them and neither could I, if I were imprisoned on Earth."
  3559. > "I see," Luna said quietly and looked down at her plate. Her nose wrinkled a little at the delicious smell, but her eyes were staring through the food and off into the distance.
  3560. > "I nearly started a war, too. With the ambassador."
  3561. > The younger sister sounded shocked, almost stunned, as if it hadn't occurred to her until now.
  3562. > Celestia laid a gentle wing around Luna's withers.
  3563. "The important bit is that we did not, Sister. Come now. Eat."
  3564. > At her command, the Princess levitated a fork and knife and cut herself a small piece. She put it in her mouth without looking at it.
  3565. > Celestia giggled a little at her absent-minded sister.
  3566. "Syrup?"
  3567. > Reminded of it, Luna jerked out of her reverie. Her face scrunched up and she stuck her tongue out to try and examine the morsel. She went cross-eyed for a moment.
  3568. > "Aa!" she exclaimed and quickly swallowed. Then she picked up the pitcher and poured.
  3569. > "You usually put on whipped cream and fruit," she said accusingly. Maybe she blushed a little, but it was hard to tell.
  3570. "Just syrup today. We have to see to the human."
  3571. > Luna looked past her sister to the stove, where a pan was sizzling. She sniffed the air. "Eggs and toast?" she asked.
  3572. "Humans love that stuff in the morning."
  3573. > Well... Celestia had a sample size of one, but she didn't let that deter her. She was sure Bennett would appreciate it.
  3574. > "So much love," Luna went on suddenly.
  3575. "Hmm?"
  3576. > The younger alicorn blinked and smiled a little sheepishly. "Between Lake Frond and Rock Lichen," she explained. "I tried to find him on Earth, but I could not."
  3577. > The pony heaved a forlorn sigh. "I do hope he is well."
  3578. > Celestia, her own plate nearly forgotten, quickly shoved another syrup-soaked piece into her mouth and went to check on the stove. The eggs were nearly done and the bread was nice and brown. She levitated a couple of plates to her as she asked her question.
  3579. "Do you wish to take this to the human? I think you should apologize again, now that he has slept on it."
  3580. > Celestia saw Luna nod out of the corner of her eye. "Yes. I will do it."
  3581. > Her plates went on a small tray, along with a glass of juice. She levitated the whole thing up and her sister smoothly picked it out of her grasp.
  3582. "With his help, we might learn how Rock Lichen and Anonymous are doing. We can ensure they aren't hurt."
  3583. > He sister gave her a nod and left, but Celestia followed. She also wanted to see how the human was feeling, now that he had a shower, a comfortable bed and time to think.
  3584. "Oh, and Luna?"
  3585. > The alicorn paused and looked back with a slight frown. "Yes?" Celestia smiled at her.
  3586. "I like it when you talk like this."
  3587. > Her grin widened even as Luna looked modestly away. "We," she said pointedly with the Royal Canterlot Voice, "sometimes forget Ourselves!"
  3588. > It made Celestia roll her eyes in exasperation, but she kept her smile. Luna, it seemed, would always be Luna.
  3589. > "However," her sister said, gently, "I will try. At least when we are alone."
  3590. > They soon reached the right corridor and the suite Celestia had given the ambassador. Luna knocked with her hoof, although 'banged' might have been a better word.
  3591. > "What?! I'm up!" came a shout from inside and the Princess simply pushed the door open and entered.
  3592. > Not *entirely* tactful, but at least she knocked beforehoof, Celestia thought. She stepped closer, but waited just in the door.
  3593. > The human was sitting at the ornate writing desk and scribbling something on a piece of paper.
  3594. > "Just a second!" he said and finished a sentence. He looked back and his face darkened when he saw who it was.
  3595. > "You!" he spat.
  3596. > The alicorn before him let her ears fold down, but she stood there, determined to try and make it right.
  3597. > "We brought-" she began, but realized it was the wrong tone. Luna cleared her throat and looked back to her sister.
  3598. > Celestia gave her an encouraging nod and a smile.
  3599. > Luna spoke again, but this time her voice was gentler: "I brought you thy breakfast, Mr. Bennett," she explained and floated the tray to the table. As soon as the tray touched the surface, her magic went out.
  3600. > "We hope thee-" she began, but almost instantly corrected herself. "I hope you like it..."
  3601. > The human didn't know what to make of her. "What are you playing at, Luna?" he asked suspiciously.
  3602. > She gave him a nervous smile. "I just came to..." she said and stepped from one hoof to another. "Came to apologize again. We art-" she caught herself and quickly corrected: "I am sorry."
  3603. > The man sighed and put a hand over his eyes. "Fine. Just get out of here."
  3604. > Luna did so, but her head was held lower and her ears remained flattened. Celestia gave her a very quick, consoling nuzzle, then stepped out of her way. She whispered so the human wouldn't hear.
  3605. "Go and open the court. I will join you in a bit."
  3606. > She waited for her sister to nod before she stepped fully into the room and approached the human.
  3607. > "You put her up to this?" he asked and gestured to the tray.
  3608. "No. Well, the breakfast is from me. But Luna wanted to bring it and apologize."
  3609. > The human shrugged. He obviously didn't want to talk about his imprisonment, so Celestia let it drop. He was speaking with her, so the alicorn was hopeful he would warm up to her sister in time, as well.
  3610. > He watched her for a moment. "So, what do you want, Celestia?"
  3611. > She mare sat on her haunches and glanced at a small stack of papers on the human's desk.
  3612. "You said you will go and report today. I wished to tell you that our fastest pegasus-pulled coach is waiting for you, and to see if you needed anything else."
  3613. > Mr. Bennett closed his eyes and heaved a sigh. "What you mean to say, I think, is how sure I am I'll still have this job by the end of this day."
  3614. > Celestia didn't answer. She had helped the human write his report the previous day. She was sure they had explained his absence sufficiently, but the mare couldn't know for certain.
  3615. > "And another thing, tell me again about this D.A." the man asked. He shuffled the papers and scanned one of them. "Mrs. Adams?"
  3616. "What would you like to know?"
  3617. > The human searched her face for any clue, but Celestia had had long practice in keeping her expression unreadable.
  3618. > "First, how do you know about some random lawyer on the other side of the country? And two, what do you want with her?"
  3619. > Those were easy questions. She had thought long and carefully about what to say. She also hoped that the portal guard, Walter Bass, told the humans the right thing.
  3620. "A mare came home from earth. She was freed, but separated from her husband. He was supposed to follow soon after. This woman - Miriam Adams - the mare mentioned her, so I am hoping she can tell me more about the stallion."
  3621. > "Huh. Well informed about Earth, are you?" the man asked suspiciously. Undoubtedly he was thinking about the rumor that Celestia had been there herself.
  3622. > The alicorn couldn't be sure what the man believed, but she knew he would put forward the story she had given him, merely in the interest of self preservation.
  3623. > He wanted to keep his job - which was in itself surprising and very welcome - therefore he would keep from making himself look foolish.
  3624. > In his own words, spending a month in prison and crapping in a bucket looked bad on a resume.
  3625. > The mare smiled a little guiltily and changed the topic.
  3626. "I wish I had come home from my vacation a little sooner."
  3627. > The ambassador grimaced. "You and me both."
  3628. > That seemed to settle the thing. With luck, the letter she had written would reach Miriam. It was carefully crafted to look like she had never met the woman. Strictly formal and quite distant.
  3629. > Celestia knew that the D.A. would understand and reply in the same way. She would undoubtedly put news about Rock Lichen and Anonymous in her reply.
  3630. > "Here," Bennett said, breaking her train of thought, "look at this and tell me what you think." He held up a couple of pages and Celestia grasped them in a simple levitation spell.
  3631. > While she read, the human began eating his breakfast.
  3632. > Oh, that was another thing, Celestia remembered. He had lost some weight, which would lend credence to his 'illness' explanation.
  3633. > Despite the circumstance, it was good to see someone enjoy her cooking so. It reminded her of Anonymous.
  3635. > ~~~~
  3637. > A week had passed as the alicorn sisters began taking court again. There were too many petitions and it was with a heavy heart that Celestia had to send some of them away each evening, to return the next day.
  3638. > After a short dinner she usually closed herself into her study to try and find solutions for whichever requests she hadn't been able to immediately answer.
  3639. > There were also messages from the griffins and minotaurs she had to answer, as well as strongly-worded missives from some of the more influential mayors.
  3640. > Her life had become mostly paperwork as the Princess pulled strings, smoothed feathers and patted backs to get her realm back on the right political track.
  3641. > To her credit, Luna had taken an active interest. Part of it was likely guilt over her blunders, but Celestia was impressed despite that. The two ate most of their meals together and Luna asked a lot of questions.
  3642. > Whether she was absorbing anything Celestia explained remained to be seen. Over the next few weeks, the alicorn decided, she would gradually give her younger sister more and more authority to see how she handled it.
  3643. > In retrospect, that was what she should have done before leaving. But there was no changing the past.
  3644. >...
  3645. > "The human is back!" Luna said to her sister as she barged into her office. It was late and Celestia hadn't expected him at this time. Normally he slept on Earth if he left Equestria in the afternoon.
  3646. > Her ears perked up and the alicorn smiled in anticipation. Her letter to Miriam still had no reply. Perhaps that was why the human had hurried back! Maybe it was finally some good news!
  3647. > Celestia suspected that Mr. Bennett's bosses had taken time to search her polite, formal request for any hidden meaning. Then they probably did the same with the reply.
  3648. > It would be difficult to communicate, at least through official channels. The mare had sent out word to invite Mr. Plain to Canterlot, so she could have him smuggle the *other* letters.
  3649. > The ones she really wanted to write to both Miriam and Anonymous. Not to mention her pony friends.
  3650. > But even the auctioneer hadn't come yet.
  3651. > She rose from her desk and followed her sister out to the hallway.
  3652. "Where is he?"
  3653. > Luna led the way. "In his room. We went to apologize again. He refused," she admitted. It was really starting to wear on her, so Celestia paused to give her sister a hug.
  3654. "Do not worry, Luna. He will come around soon, you will see."
  3655. > The younger alicorn heaved a sigh, but she returned the nuzzle and straightened back up. "We hope."
  3656. > They walked in silence until they reached the door to what Celestia was starting to think of as 'the embassy'. The ambassador had accepted her offer to make it his permanent room and office.
  3657. > It was a small price to pay.
  3658. > She knocked and waited for the invitation before opening the door with her magic and walking inside.
  3659. > The man was unpacking his briefcase on his desk. "That was fast," he commented.
  3660. "I am anxious to hear about my subjects. Is there news?"
  3661. > He smiled a little. "Got a reply from your lawyer woman. Here."
  3662. > Celestia picked up the envelope and quickly opened it and unravelled the paper. It wasn't overly long.
  3663. > There was Miriam's name and the address of her office, and in place of the recipient was just 'Celestia'.
  3664. > She read quickly:
  3665. > 'RE: Pony named Rock Lichen'
  3666. > 'I was amazed to receive your letter as the pony in question, one Rock Lichen, is connected to a case I am currently investigating. He and his wife were stolen, or had escaped from their owners, and apparently became separated on the run.'
  3667. > 'I will not venture to guess how the mare has managed to return to Equestria, but the stallion was captured at the border together with a human accomplice. I assure you the pony is unharmed, but he is being held for questioning.'
  3668. > 'I am not at liberty to discuss the investigation as yet. I shall write to you again after it is concluded, so that we may explore options for his return.'
  3669. > 'Sincerely, Miriam'
  3670. > It wasn't the best possible news, but Celestia was pleased. The important part was that Rock Lichen was apparently safe and was being kept from his owners. Miriam didn't mention Anonymous, but he was probably in a similar situation.
  3671. > She hoped that at least they were together.
  3672. > Miriam also mentioned 'options for his return', which gave Celestia hope that there was no additional suspicion toward her friends for helping her escape.
  3673. > She read it again, just to make sure she hadn't missed an important clue.
  3674. > Meanwhile, Luna took a step toward the human, who was still watching her with some suspicion.
  3675. > "May I fetch you something, Mr. Ambassador?" the alicorn offered. "Refreshments after your journey?"
  3676. > The man thought it over. "Just coffee."
  3677. > Luna smiled pleasantly and hurried to get it. She was really going all out to make it up to the ambassador.
  3678. > "Well?" he asked when he was alone with Celestia again. "What's the word?"
  3679. > He probably knew what the letter said, but she decided to play the game.
  3680. "Apparently, the mare escaped illegally. Her husband was captured at the border. I am still not sure why this Mrs. Adams is investigating the case."
  3681. > "Ah, I believe I can answer that," Bennett said, only a touch smugly. "The owners are from Mrs. Adams' area, and she has some reputation with regards to ponies."
  3682. > Yes, Celestia thought, reputation she had helped earn! With a slight effort she suppressed her smile and showed Mr. Bennett only blank incomprehension.
  3683. "What sort of reputation?"
  3684. > The man liked knowing things others didn't. It was something Celestia had learned a long time ago and used whenever she could. It made him more amenable.
  3685. > "There was this big court case about pony cruelty or something. Mrs. Adams was the prosecutor on that case and managed to get the criminals in jail. It was all over the news, apparently."
  3686. "I think I like this woman. I will write her another letter to ask about it, if you wouldn't mind taking it to her?"
  3687. > The ambassador nodded. "Of course. Now for the other thing. I put your request in with the higher-ups. They'll think about it."
  3688. "Thank you."
  3689. > He wasn't done yet. "I shouldn't really tell you this, but full pony rights on Earth probably wont happen, not yet at least. But they are willing to hear you out."
  3690. > The mare smiled and inclined her head.
  3691. "I understand, Mr. Bennett. I was not expecting anything different. But I do wish to keep moving forward with this. *Someday* my ponies will be full citizens on your world, but we must keep our hoofsteps small."
  3692. > She was about to excuse herself, but Luna came back with two steaming cups. She levitated one to the table and kept the other for herself.
  3693. > "Just as you liketh it, Mr. Ambassador," she said, only slightly out of breath. "Might We- uh, might I join you?"
  3694. > Celestia noticed that there was no third cup for her. She shrugged a little, said goodbye and left.
  3695. > Her sister had taken the apology very seriously. She brought the human his breakfast, lunch and dinner each day, as well as a snack here and there. She made sure to meet him in the hallways whenever he ventured out, and if Mr. Bennett needed some errand ran, Luna was miraculously there to take care of it.
  3696. > The guilt of whatever she had seen in Lake Frond's dream must be stronger than Celestia guessed. She decided to have a little chat with her sister to make sure she wasn't taking it too badly.
  3697. > On the other hoof, the alicorn thought, Luna could simply be using the apology as an excuse to skip out on court as often as possible.
  3698. > She waited outside for her sister to finish her coffee and chat with the human.
  3699. > Mr. Bennett wasn't actively avoiding Luna or sending her away anymore, at least. He even exchanged a few polite words with her when they met.
  3700. > He was a long way from forgiving her, but Luna's insistence was beginning to pay off.
  3701. > This time, she came out of the room smiling a little.
  3702. "Success?"
  3703. > The younger alicorn squeaked in surprise at the sudden question. "Spying on Us?!" she demanded.
  3704. > Celestia laughed.
  3705. "No, I merely wished to talk. You have been quiet lately, Luna. You spend your meals with Mr. Bennett and we can't really speak during the court."
  3706. > Her sister began walking down the corridor and Celestia smoothly fell in step with her.
  3707. > "We hath thrown the human in prison for no good reason, Sister," Luna explained and her eyes shifted to Celestia for a moment. She gave her a rueful smile, then her voice relaxed back into her normal tone. "I wish to make it right."
  3708. "Commendable. Is it working?"
  3709. > She wouldn't meet her gaze anymore. Instead, Luna inspected the rows of pictures on the wall. Fortunately she had cancelled her order to the staff to keep replacing them with Celestia's photo. That would seriously undermine their lie to the ambassador.
  3710. > "Perhaps," the mare said quietly. "He no longer yells at me to leave."
  3711. > Her tail swished around and Luna stomped her hoof on the carpet. She set her jaw and stared into the distance. "He will forgive me, even if I have to tie him up!"
  3712. > A new thought entered Celestia's mind.
  3713. "Luna, have you been in my dreams? Since I came home?"
  3714. > There was no answer.
  3715. "Luna?"
  3716. > Her sister sighed and finally faced her sister again. "Humans are interesting, is that what you wish to hear!?" she asked.
  3717. "Interesting? Why him, though? With that 'jail' thing, he does not like you too much."
  3718. > Luna lowered her head and muttered something under her breath.
  3719. "What was that?"
  3720. > Again, the alicorn sighed in exasperation. She raised her face up to the roof and admitted, a tad more loudly: "... only human in Equestria..."
  3721. > Now it all fell into place. Her eagerness to see the man, her insistence on getting that forgiveness, even the way she smiled ingratiatingly when she saw him.
  3722. "Luna, are you trying to get Mr. Bennett to-"
  3723. > The younger Princess rounded up on her older sister, interrupting her: "You did it first!"
  3724. > Then, realizing what she had just admitted, Luna averted her face and tried to explain it away: "We merely wish to see what all the fuss is about."
  3725. > However amused Celestia was at this revelation, she had some reservations.
  3726. "Are you sure that is what you want? Maybe it only appeals to you because of novelty."
  3727. > Luna began to shake her head, but then she had to consider it. She trusted her sister enough to think about her words.
  3728. > "We do not know," she said quietly. "We wish to find out..."
  3729. > Celestia stepped closer and wrapped a wing around her sister. They nuzzled for a moment and Luna sighed into her sister's mane.
  3730. "Just be careful. Do not break your own heart over this. And try not to break his - we still have to negotiate for our ponies on Earth."
  3731. > She felt Luna nod against her neck.
  3732. "Remember, there are many humans. I can find you a more... amenable one, if you do not gain entry to Mr. Bennett's bed."
  3733. > There was no reply.
  3734. > Celestia had been about to go finish her paperwork, but changed her mind. Some quality time with her sister sounded much better. It would do them both good.
  3735. "Come, let's go take a stroll through the gardens. The stars are especially beautiful when the air is cold."
  3736. > Now she felt her sister smile.
  3738. > ~~~~
  3740. > It took some doing, but Celestia finally finished reading the massive pile of letters Luna had simply stuck in her room during her 'reign'.
  3741. > A lot of them were simple to answer - requests for funds, or help, or guards.
  3742. > She tried very hard not to be annoyed with her sister. She could have dealt with those easily in the same way Celestia herself did: give them to the palace staff to sort out.
  3743. > There were quite a number of letters from the human authorities. Run of the mill stuff at first, but then sounding increasingly agitated and demanding when there were no replies. The last few were a bit scary with all the threats if she didn't respond immediately.
  3744. > She was nearly done, but then Celestia came to a different one. It didn't look official, just a simple, white envelope with an inexpertly folded bit of paper.
  3745. > It was hoof-written and it looked like the person's - well, hand, the alicorn decided - must have been shaking a little.
  3746. > 'Please, I beg of you, at least tell me what has happened to Shawn! Why are you not answering my letters???'
  3747. > 'It's been three weeks!! Where is my husband???'
  3748. > There was no signature, but Celestia didn't need any. She swallowed a lump and opened another.
  3749. > 'Dir Sir or Madam, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Rita Bennett and I am writing to ask you about my husband, Shawn Bennett. He has not been in touch with me for over two weeks and I am starting to worry.'
  3750. > 'The embassy assures me that he is merely held up for an important negotiation, but I would feel a lot better if I had a confirmation from you as well.'
  3751. > 'Please remind Shawn that he should write and let me know when he is coming home. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Rita Bennett'
  3752. > That was probably her first letter, Celestia decided. She didn't open the others. It was easy to guess what they would contain.
  3753. > With a heavy heart, the alicorn stood up from her desk and went to look for the ambassador. It was late afternoon - shortly after court, but not yet time for dinner - so she headed for the royal wing. The human was usually in his room at this time.
  3754. > She knocked on his door and waited for the man to speak up before entering, as was polite.
  3755. > "What is it?" he asked and tugged a little on the sleeves of his shirt. Celestia saw that he had just changed it, probably with the one on his bed.
  3756. "I will send a maid to get that and wash it, Mr. Bennett."
  3757. > "Sure. Thanks. What was it you wanted?"
  3758. > The mare blushed a little and silently levitated the papers to the human. He picked them out of the air and read the top one.
  3759. > In moments his brow furrowed and his lips pressed together in a thin line. But the ambassador didn't say anything.
  3760. > He opened the other envelopes and examined those letters, too.
  3761. > Celestia shuffled a little on her hooves, but she didn't leave. It was best to face Mr. Bennett's anger head on.
  3762. > "My wife told me she wrote these. I was wondering where they ended up," the man said quietly. He walked to his desk and dropped the stack in a drawer. The torn envelopes he crumpled up and tossed into the paper bin.
  3763. "I have only now gotten through the stack of paperwork my sister left for me. I wished to apologize again, Mr. Bennett. I had not realized you were married."
  3764. > The alicorn decided to break the news she had been keeping as a surprise for the human.
  3765. "I know it will not repay what you have suffered, but Luna and I would like to invite you to a little picnic. You may also invite your wife, if you would like."
  3766. > The man leaned his head to the side and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Picnic? Why?"
  3767. > Celestia kept her smile in place.
  3768. "I have invited a famous griffin cook, who will prepare - I believe it's called 'barbecue'. You mentioned once that you miss it while you are in Equestria?"
  3769. > Celestia was amused at how wide his eyes bulged and how the man opened and shut his mouth a few times in shock.
  3770. > "Barbecue?!" he managed, at last. "Don't you know what that is?"
  3771. > The mare just nodded. She summoned all her powers of acting to keep her face smooth.
  3772. "Yes. Bits of meat, burned on a grill - usually charcoal. The cook assured me he would bring some... 'prime cuts'?"
  3773. > That hit its mark. Celestia was watching Mr. Bennett's face closely and his tongue touched his lips at the mention of 'prime cuts'.
  3774. > She didn't like the sound of the word 'cut' in there, but Luna had insisted. That mare really wanted to get closer to the ambassador.
  3775. > Oh, but he was married! How had she not thought about that before? Celestia mentally berated herself. Of course he was indifferent to her sister! Even if he would be willing to consider ponies - in that way - he still had a wife!
  3776. > Luna would have to look for her 'interesting experience' someplace else.
  3777. > "Okay, fine. I'll come. And I already squared it away with the missus, so it's fine," Bennett said, waking Celestia up from her thoughts.
  3778. "Oh. Of course."
  3779. > He was about to leave, but paused for another thought.
  3780. "I will arrange a nice bouquet of flowers for you to take to Mrs. Bennett. Along with a note of personal apology."
  3781. > "Yeah. Sure."
  3782. "Mr. Ambassador?"
  3783. > He had been getting thoughtful at the mention of flowers for his wife, but now the human looked up at the alicorn again. "Yes?"
  3784. "I did not expect you to forgive your treatment that quickly. N-not that I am ungrateful! I was just curious."
  3785. > He sighed. "I told you. Looks bad in front of my bosses if I let myself get thrown in a slammer!"
  3786. "There is more than that."
  3787. > The man simply stood and looked at her for a while. It didn't seem like he would say anything more and Celestia turned to leave.
  3788. > Just before she was out of the door, he spoke up: "It's because of this place."
  3789. > Celestia froze and looked back. Her tail swished and her muzzle scrunched up.
  3790. "This place?"
  3791. > The man spread his arms apart and sighed. "This country. *Your* country! Everyone is nice. It's refreshing after some of the places I've been."
  3792. > After seeing Earth first-hoof, Celestia could believe it.
  3793. "I see."
  3794. > But now that he had started to explain, the man went on in a hurry: "I mean- anywhere else I'd never believe Luna's apology, but coming from a pony it really meant something. I was going to tell my boss *everything* and to hell with you all, but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt."
  3795. > Celestia came back inside, a faint smile on her muzzle.
  3796. "I am very grateful you did, Mr. Bennett."
  3797. > "Despite that... the prison- I'd still rather work with you than some of the rulers on Earth."
  3798. > The mare closed her eyes and inclined her head in a small bow. When she looked up again the, human was fidgeting. His fingers seemed to play with one another and he bit his lip a little.
  3799. > "When is this barbecue?" he asked.
  3800. "The day after Winter wrap-up. This weekend. Consider it a little celebration of spring!"
  3801. >...
  3802. > Celestia was on her way to the dining hall. She was looking for her sister to tell her the bad news. There would be no getting in Mr. Bennett's bed, unfortunately.
  3803. > But she was not to worry. There were many humans on Earth, many of whom would be happy to meet a pony princess.
  3804. > She was thinking though the - admittedly short - list of human males she knew, when a guard stopped her.
  3805. > "Forgive me, Princess," he said with a small bow. "There is a visitor to see you. A human."
  3806. > She immediately guessed Mr. Plain and all thought of Luna and the Ambassador flew from her mind.
  3807. "Where?"
  3808. > The stallion - a navy blue pegasus - extended a wing. "The small meeting room. I've already asked for refreshments."
  3809. > The princess inclined her head.
  3810. "Good work. What is your name?"
  3811. > He was one of the new recruits and seemed a little shy around the alicorn. But he answered in a crisp, clear voice. "Glory Tail, ma'am. From Baltimare."
  3812. "Thank you for bringing me this news, Glory Tail from Baltimare."
  3813. > She didn't wait to hear the reply. Whatever news Mr. Plain had brought was too important to her.
  3814. > It took some effort not to gallop, but Celestia kept her pace at a brisk trot. She passed a few ponies in the halls, but none of them commented. These days, the Princess was often in a hurry.
  3815. > She burst into the room with the question already on her lips:
  3816. "Plain! Any news from my friends?!"
  3817. > The human already had a tray with a pot of his preferred tea. He was sipping from a cup and looking out the window at Canterlot. Whoever had brought the refreshment had been kind enough to include another up for the princess.
  3818. > Despite her impatience there was protocol to follow. She poured for herself and joined the human in admiring the view.
  3819. > The sun was fat and orange, low on the horizon and made the streets into a tapestry of gold and black.
  3820. > Her people were finishing up their business and many of them were gathering before the palace to see the Sister's ceremony. She had very little time, so the mare hurried things along.
  3821. "Well?"
  3822. > The man pointed to his open briefcase. There were several envelopes and Celestia felt her heart jump for joy.
  3823. > Her friends! Anonymous and Miriam and Glitter Dust. Hopefully, there was one from Glowbug and one from Silent Brook. And yes, even Heavy Hoof. She had been wondering how he and Belle Hop were doing.
  3824. > The one from Anonymous was the most important, so she opened that one first. She could read the others later.
  3825. > Seeing that she would be occupied for a while, Mr. Plain turned back to the window and raised his cup to his lips again.
  3826. > As Celestia opened the folded paper her heart felt like it was going crazy. She murmured impatiently to herself.
  3827. "Please, let it be good news, please!"
  3828. > Her eyes took in the lines of text.
  3829. > 'My dearest Celestia,' Anonymous had written.
  3830. > 'with Miriam's help I have managed to keep Rock Lichen with me. To facilitate this, I had to repay his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, his full price which, along with the fine for our soirée at the border puts me in an uncomfortable position financially.'
  3831. > The mare inhaled sharply at the news, but she kept reading.
  3832. > 'No matter. I am in the process of selling the house and concluding my affairs at work. Miriam is working on release papers for Rock Lichen, so if all goes well, we will both join you in about a month.'
  3833. > Now Celestia knew she had a dopey smile on her face, but she didn't care.
  3834. > One month! Already?
  3835. > She had prepared herself to wait alone for a year, at least. But now it was barely turning spring and Anonymous was already on his way.
  3836. > The pony felt a pang of regret that he had to uproot his life so quickly, but she would ensure he was welcome in her castle to make up for it.
  3837. > *Very* welcome.
  3838. > "Good news?" Mr. Plain asked. He had turned around and was looking at her expression.
  3839. > Celestia smiled wider.
  3840. "Yes! They are coming here, soon!"
  3841. > The auctioneer shrugged. "Good for you. I never would have thought it possible. Not Anonymous."
  3842. > She didn't reply, because the mare wanted to finish the letter.
  3843. > 'See you soon. Much love, Anonymous.'
  3844. > Simple, yet heartfelt.
  3845. > Celestia thought of Lake Frond. How happy would the mare be to hear this news? She had gone to live with her parents and the alicorn hadn't seen her in a while.
  3846. > She remembered the guard. Glory Tail from Baltimare. Yes, he would deliver her letter! With luck, the mare would come to Canterlot to wait for her husband and they could catch up.
  3847. > Right now, however, she was nearly late. Celestia grinned at the auctioneer.
  3848. "Please, make yourself at home. I will have a room arranged for you and I will have letters for you to take back in the morning."
  3849. > The man lifted up his cup, as if in a salute, but the alicorn was already leaving.
  3850. > She gave her instructions to the first guardspony she saw in the hall. Mr. Plain would be taken care of and Glory Tail would be at her door first thing in the morning.
  3851. > Things were looking up. So excited was the mare that she completely forgot about Luna and Bennett.
  3852. > Besides, there was the sun to lower and dinner to have after that! And yes, she would of course invite Mr. Plain to dine with them!
  3854. > ~~~~
  3856. > Celestia nearly pranced through the hallways toward her room. She had read the other letters from her friends after a hurried meal and very much liked what they had to say. It was mostly good news all around.
  3857. > Belle Hop and Heavy Hoof were seeing each other nearly every day. The mare surreptitiously forgot to mention how the stallion's owners were taking their relationship, but she made it clear that she, at least, was very happy.
  3858. > Peter and Deborah were probably supportive, otherwise they would not have let him see his pony sweetheart.
  3859. > Glowbug still hadn't told her friends the truth, but promised she would do so before long. Celestia wrote her back, offering to prepare a little speech for her to make it easier. After all, she had first-hoof experience in that area.
  3860. > As for Glitter Dust... she was being herself. The poorly-written letter, full of spelling errors and crossed-out words, rambled a little about how Maggie was getting her a new computer as a thank you for doing a good job at the store.
  3861. > The pegasus finished with an excited scribble that Douglas Wilder would be in town for something called 'the spring break' and she was looking forward to seeing him.
  3862. > Without her occasional visits with Heavy Hoof, the mare seemed pent up and eager. Celestia hoped she would take it easy on her human coltfriend.
  3863. > The one from Miriam said essentially the same thing as Anonymous, with an extra question if her offer of a spa day still stood.
  3864. > Celestia wrote her back with a promise and then prepared a second, colder letter to give Bennett as a formal invitation. The woman's work on pony-related issues was reason enough to justify Celestia wanting to meet with her.
  3865. > Only Silent Brook hadn't replied yet, but Mr. Plain assured her the stallion was alright and she would hear from him soon.
  3866. > With all the replies finished and sealed, the alicorn was in very good spirits. She went out to the balcony, ignoring the slight chill which still lingered in the air.
  3867. > The landscape was waking up. Early flowers were blooming and there was a definitive smell of spring in the air.
  3868. > What little snow remained would be melted by magic in the next few days. The few lingering clouds would be broken up and pushed aside by the weather teams.
  3869. > All was well in her world. Spring would come on schedule. It made Celestia smile.
  3870. > She stepped outside and inhaled, letting the last remnants of ice and snow fill her head. As she had told Silent Brook, these moments of natural change were to be enjoyed.
  3871. > Chill would give way to warmth. White to green. Overcast skies to boundless blue.
  3872. > Many of her subjects thought that summer was her favourite season, but it was not so. In fact, it was spring. Because everything changed in spring.
  3873. > Sluggish blood began flowing faster. Hearts began beating stronger. Plants and creatures woke up and brought forth new life.
  3874. > Everything bloomed.
  3875. > Anonymous was coming!
  3876. > Celestia spotted a shadow at the railing and approached.
  3877. > Luna didn't greet her as she joined her at the edge. The younger sister glanced at Celestia for a moment, then focused her eyes on the distant horizon again.
  3878. > They stood, side by side, in silence for a minute.
  3879. > "We saw that Mr. Plain had arrived," Luna commented in a near whisper.
  3880. "Yes. It was good news. Soon my friends will be able to come here."
  3881. > There was no reply and Celestia didn't dig for one. She knew her sister well enough to recognize her mood. Shoulders slightly slumped. Head held a little lower. Eyes unfocused and staring into the distance.
  3882. "What is on your mind, Sister?"
  3883. > Luna drew a deep breath, then slowly let it out. She looked at Celestia and her eyes glimmered in the faint moonlight. It almost looked as if...
  3884. "Why are you crying?"
  3885. > The younger sister blinked her eyes and shook her head, as if to dislodge the tears, but she remained silent.
  3886. > Celestia wanted to hug her and tell her it would be alright, but first she had to find out what was wrong. She made her voice as gentle as she could.
  3887. "Tell me."
  3888. > "Sister..." Luna began. "Sister, am I ugly?"
  3889. > Celestia didn't know how to answer for a second, but she quickly rallied.
  3890. "Of course not! Whatever gives you that idea?"
  3891. > Again, the younger alicorn sighed. She lowered her gaze to the floor and muttered: "We have been unsuccessful. The human spurns our advances. We are not as good looking as thee, Celestia. Nor as cute to humans!"
  3892. > Memory rushed back and the alicorn nearly giggled. It would have been disastrous, however funny Luna's misunderstanding was.
  3893. "Oh, I can answer that bit, Sister."
  3894. > Luna looked up, frowning and scrunching her muzzle when she saw Celestia's expression. "Do!" she said with a disdainful, imperious glare.
  3895. "The ambassador is married. Shawn Bennett already has a wife. And possibly children."
  3896. > All Luna could do for the moment was blink in confusion. Then she averted her eyes and swished her tail this way and that. Her ears went down and she scowled at the floor.
  3897. > "I see," she said in a low growl.
  3898. > For a moment Celestia was afraid her sister would grow angry and try to do something stupid. She *had* spent a lot of time and effort to get into the ambassador's good graces.
  3899. > From her point of view, Celestia thought it was working. The human had forgiven her for the whole 'jail' incident and even began speaking with Luna again. He was even polite!
  3900. > But he probably wouldn't give her what she sought.
  3901. "Why do you want this so much, Sister?"
  3902. > She wasn't expecting an answer, but Luna sighed and gave it anyway, as if admitting defeat.
  3903. > "We-" she began, but quickly corrected. "I want what you have. I have looked into Lake Frond's dream of her husband and into Rock Lichen's dream of his mare. I looked into your dreams of Anonymous."
  3904. > When she looked back up at her sister, Luna's eyes were brimming with tears. "I wish to taste love again."
  3905. > Celestia couldn't help herself. She embraced her sister with both her hooves and her wings, and nuzzled her. Luna gave a single sob, then brought herself under control again with a shuddering sigh.
  3906. > She was trembling a little.
  3907. "I will help you, Sister. Of course. Do you have your heart set on a human?"
  3908. > She pulled her face away to inspect the younger alicorn. It was very hard to tell, but Luna was blushing so strongly when she nodded, that Celestia practically felt the heat on her face.
  3909. > "Your dreams..." Luna whispered. "Are they real? Can humans... go-" she began but had to swallow before she could finish the sentence. "Go so many times in a night? For so long?!"
  3910. > Celestia had long since given up admonishing her sister to stay out of her dreams at night. Now she merely tolerated it. After all, the siblings shared nearly everything else. Why not dreams?
  3911. > Well, she certainly wouldn't share Anonymous, that much Celestia knew. But she couldn't begrudge her sister the experience.
  3912. "Yes. It really is... that good."
  3913. > Now Celestia was also blushing, except that on her muzzle it was that much more visible, even in the dim light.
  3914. > "Then yes," Luna said and hesitated for a second. "A human, please. At least once."
  3915. > Celestia jabbed her side with a wing and smirked.
  3916. "A big one?"
  3917. > Her sister shook her head. "No! We want a *good* one! A *kind* one! One who would listen!"
  3918. > It just made Celestia giggle harder. It was a way to relieve the awkwardness of what they were discussing. She couldn't resist another joke.
  3919. "Of course. One with a generous..."
  3920. > "Heart!" Luna finished, trying to get the word out before her sister could complete the thought. But it was too late. She had always been too late.
  3921. "... stallionhood."
  3922. > The night-blue alicorn growled under her breath and rolled her eyes. "You are impossible! We are going to bed!"
  3923. > She stood up and began walking away, placing her hooves down firmly, with finality. It could almost be called 'stomping'.
  3924. "Do not worry! I will find you a human to keep you company, soon!"
  3925. > Celestia almost regretted it. Perhaps she had gone a tad too far. But she saw her sister turn her head and stick out her tongue.
  3926. > It left Celestia smiling.
  3927. > Until she began thinking about the request.
  3928. > She knew a grand total of nine human males. And most of them were married or otherwise taken. Oh, and there were two of Sally's friends, but they were mere colts. Entirely unsuitable for a good few years yet.
  3929. > The mare remembered William White - or 'Will', as his young friends called him - and his comment about how pretty she was. She met him at young Sally's birthday party. The mare wonderd if Luna had a picture of him somewhere, together with all the photos Mr. Plain had gotten her.
  3930. > Even now Celestia hadn't been allowed to see them. It boded toward more teasing by her sister.
  3931. > Yes, young William White seemed to like ponies. What would he think if he saw Luna in all her glory?
  3932. > Outlined against a sky full of stars, with her mane floating on the slightest breeze. Her soft, Cyan eyes would be almost glowing with starlight and her muzzle would hold a gentle smile.
  3933. > Who could resist that?!
  3934. > If young William White met her sister before his heart hardened on Earth, he would make a doting and generous husband.
  3935. > Mr. Bennett had confirmed it! Equestria changed humans for the better!
  3936. > Maybe she should pick someone - a temporary human - to keep Luna amused for a few years, until that young one came of age.
  3937. > Now there was a thought. She wondered what his parents might say if they knew what she was scheming.
  3938. > No matter. She would consider it in the morning.
  3939. > Surely Anonymous would help her decide on a proper mate for her sister. He probably had many friends, right?
  3940. > Acquaintances, at least.
  3941. > The alicorn turned back to the sleeping city and let her body and mind relax.
  3942. > She breathed in the night air of Equestria. She had missed it so.
  3943. > It had been a good day and she was looking forward to her bed. Her thought, that soon it might not be so empty anymore, made it even better!
  3945. > ~~~~
  3947. > The Sun's light slowly ebbed from her mind as Celestia floated gently down to the courtyard. The Raising of the Sun ceremony always left her feeling bittersweet when it ended. The rush of power as it began was a counterpoint to the remorse as it left her again.
  3948. > On her left, Luna hung in the sky, motionless from her perspective, even though the sisters were gently descending.
  3949. > The sisters smiled at one another. As usual, their ceremony had been flawlessly executed.
  3950. > It took a lot less power than anypony imagined, if done properly, because the alicorns worked together in perfect harmony.
  3951. > The moon, as it slid down the sky, shed its energy, which Luna captured and sent her way. It was the magic of the night, starry skies and a blanket of darkness. Stillness and a gentle, cool breeze.
  3952. > It even smelled of her sister - or maybe Luna smelled of *it*.
  3953. > The scent always put Celestia in mind of lilies.
  3954. > She smoothly caught the energy and sent it to the sun. It rose and took the moon's place on the sky.
  3955. > After this initial push, the orb would follow its path to the west and then Celestia would lower it the rest of the way in the evening, again feeding the same power to her sister so she could lift up the moon.
  3956. > It was all about balance, which was what the ceremony really represented. It did ponies good to see their alicorns so synchronized, so *in tune*.
  3957. > Their hooves touched the ground at the same time and the sisters folded up their wings almost in unison.
  3958. > The crowd cheered.
  3959. > They cheered every time, but it was still incredibly rewarding to soak up their admiration and love.
  3960. > Celestia had missed this on Earth. Almost as much as she had missed Luna.
  3961. > There was a slight commotion at the edge of their raised platform, but the younger alicorn waved to the guards.
  3962. > Celestia didn't immediately understand what was happening. Two unicorns were pushing a black wheelchair up the steps.
  3963. > Glancing at her sister, Celestia stepped forward to greet them. It was obviously very important, whoever they were, if Luna herself had invited them up.
  3964. > She looked in the chair, where a thin, frail filly stared back at her with wonder in her large, shining eyes. She was bundled up in cloth against the morning chill, but she pulled the hood away to watch the alicorn in awe.
  3965. > Her condition nearly broke Celestia's heart. The poor filly had no mane and large patches of her fur were missing. There was a plastic tube attached to her thin foreleg, leading up to a clear bag of some fluid, which was hooked on the side of the chair.
  3966. > It was human medicine, which in itself was an unusual sight, even in Canterlot.
  3967. > The wheelchair stopped before her, with the parents standing nervously to either side. Luna stepped to the side so she could look both at the child and at her sister, then extended her wings.
  3968. > "Sister," she said gently, "of course you remember Morning Breeze?"
  3969. "Oh! Of course!"
  3970. > How could she not? The filly who had needed human medicine! Her contract with Mr. Plain!
  3971. > Young Morning Breeze with her devastating illness which even magic couldn't cure and her dam, Cobalt Shard. When they first met, the mare had been distraught. Now she was smiling.
  3972. > The husband, too, looked as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. His name was Salt Lick, the alicorn remembered.
  3973. > It took her less than a second to put names to faces, but then Celestia looked in anguish at the poor, ill child. She glanced at her sister, who gave her a slight smile and a nod.
  3974. > That, together with the expressions on the parents' faces was all she needed to know. Relieved, the alicorn sat on her haunches and leaned down.
  3975. "Hey, sweetie!"
  3976. > The little thing smiled up at her beatifically and lifted a hoof. Celestia came closer so the filly could touch her face.
  3977. > "I, uh, we don't k-know how to thank you, Princess," the mother said quietly, her voice, husky with emotion, breaking a little.
  3978. > When Celestia looked at her, she saw that tears were running freely down her muzzle.
  3979. "It has worked? The human treatment?"
  3980. > Both parents nodded. The mare went on: "The doctor says she will make a full recovery! They only let us take her home yesterday. We came to show you right away!"
  3981. > The mother was overwhelmed by relief and gratitude and almost collapsed forward to grasp at the Princess. Celestia caught her in a hug.
  3982. > She could feel the silence of the crowd as they drank all of this in. A few cameras clicked, bathing the group in bright flashes of light.
  3983. > Cobalt Shard in her hooves was weeping openly now and the stallion looked close to tears himself, but they were tears of joy.
  3984. > Luna, showing remarkable empathy, came to take the grateful pony from Celestia's hooves, even if it meant that the mare clung to her instead.
  3985. > This left Celestia free to look at the little unicorn filly who was watching her mother uneasily.
  3986. "Don't worry. Your mother is just happy you are well. How do you feel?"
  3987. > The filly gave this due consideration. "It still hurts," she admitted in her tiny voice. Her ears went down at the memory. Then she brightened up and smiled. "It's not as bad as before! The nice man in the hospital said I am going to be okay!"
  3988. > Celestia matched her smile. She sat on her haunches, reached her hooves into the wheelchair and lifted the too-light pony out. Her magic carefully unhooked the clear bag and kept it nearby, so the tube wouldn't pull out of her leg.
  3989. > She brought the filly to her chest for a hug. The alicorn knew she was grinning like an idiot, but she didn't much care.
  3990. > This, perhaps more than everything else she had achieved, made it worthwhile. All the trouble, all the fear. Even the heartbreak if Anonymous couldn't join her. Here was the justification.
  3991. > "Mommy said you made it so I could go to the hospital," the child whispered. "I didn't like it there."
  3992. "I am sorry."
  3993. > "They poked me with needles all the time and I was sick a lot," the pony complained, but then she nuzzled the Royal Chest Fluff and sighed happily. "I didn't really mind! The doctor brought me a lollipop every day and said I was a brave pony!"
  3994. > Her own tear slid down Celestia's muzzle and fell to the floor, unheeded. The bundle in her hooves shivered in the morning breeze and she quickly wrapped her back up in the blankets.
  3995. > As she was carefully laying her back in the wheelchair the alicorn whispered.
  3996. "Come, I will see if I can find you some ice cream inside."
  3997. > She gave the child a conspiratorial wink.
  3998. "There may even be some cake left!"
  3999. > The poor thing needed to gain back a lot of her weight. Celestia didn't know what the human treatment for this disease involved, but she looked too thin by half after it!
  4000. > The alicorn looked to the father, who was just watching his daughter closely and smiling. His and the mother's reactions told her that the news was good. The humans were confident the child would live and they even dismissed her from the hospital.
  4001. > Poor thing must have been in there almost from the day Celestia went to Earth. She deserved a bit of spoiling.
  4002. > No, a *whole lot* of spoiling!
  4003. > Luna had managed to disentangle herself from the grateful mare, so Celestia now addressed both parents.
  4004. "Cobalt Shard. Salt Lick. All three of you are most welcome to have breakfast with Luna and me."
  4005. > The ponies looked at each other, then nodded and bowed deeply.
  4006. > Before they could begin pushing the wheelchair away, Celestia levitated it to give the child a smoother ride. She walked to the castle and the crowd parted before her.
  4007. > Happy, joyous pony faces stared from every direction. A lot of the mares and quite a number of stallions had tears in their eyes.
  4008. > Celestia made a decision. She didn't know yet how she would do it, but she swore to herself she would find a way.
  4009. > She turned to address the crowd and lifted the wheelchair so she could put her wing around the filly.
  4010. "My ponies. Thanks to the humans, Morning Breeze will make a full recovery. They can cure some things even magic cannot! Already my sister Luna and I are working to make these wonders available to all, but now we shall try harder! Soon this hope will be granted, freely, to all ponies!"
  4011. > There was a cheer, but Celestia didn't wait it out. She led her guests inside, to the private dining room, barely aware of her steps.
  4012. > Her mind was already buzzing. Ponies in human schools and hospitals, learning from the humans, and vice-versa, of course. There were some things magic could do that humans could not.
  4013. > It would be a fair trade, between equal nations.
  4014. > The key was, Celestia realized now, not bringing all her ponies home, but putting *more* ponies on Earth!
  4015. > Not as slaves, or prisoners, but as valued friends and colleagues. In order to establish the worth of Equestria in human eyes, she would have to let her people go and prove themselves.
  4016. > Of course they would have to be protected under law.
  4017. > She needed Miriam! The woman would know where to begin. How to even lay down the groundwork for the legislature.
  4018. > Yes it would take a while, the alicorn realized that minds could not be changed this quickly, but Morning Breeze gave her new drive to make it happen. New conviction. New energy.
  4019. > Morning Breeze was an inspiration to the Princess.
  4020. > When she looked at the filly Celestia saw she had dozed off. She tucked the blankets more tightly around her small form.
  4021. > Luckily they were there. She carefully slid the chair up to the table. The parents went to check on their filly, Cobalt Shard fussing a little with the blankets and nuzzling Morning Breeze a little, before sitting down.
  4022. > They were both a little self-conscious with the alicorns there, so Celestia broke the ice:
  4023. "Might I offer you some tea while you wait? I will have the pancakes ready in a few minutes!"
  4024. > Two muzzles fell open in shock as the Princess levitated up a couple of pans and laid them on the stove.
  4025. > "Y-you will c-cook?!" the mare squeaked.
  4026. "Of course! I always make breakfast for myself and Luna. I would love to cook for all of us today!"
  4027. > The couple looked at one another in shock, but they didn't comment. They took their seats around the filly and tried to wait as patiently as they could.
  4028. > The stallion fidgeted a little, until Luna spoke up: "Salt Lick! You hath spent time in the human place, on Earth?"
  4029. > The pony gave a nervous nod.
  4030. > "Describe it to Us," the Princess demanded.
  4031. > The stallion stumbled over his description of the hotel room they had been given and the hospital where Morning Breeze had been treated.
  4032. > Celestia kept her ears trained on the discussion as she worked the stove and the pans.
  4033. "Excuse me. You said the doctors had you sign waivers before they would treat Morning Breeze. Do you perhaps have those forms still?"
  4034. > Cobalt bobbed her head up and down. "Yes! At home! I'll go get them straight away!"
  4035. > She had already stood up, but Celestia stepped closer and laid a calming wind on the mare's withers.
  4036. "Oh, there is no rush. I will be grateful to see them later."
  4037. > The pony sat back down a little hesitantly. There was a quiet squeak from the wheelchair and the filly looked around with curiosity.
  4038. > Celestia leaned closer and extended a wing toward the nearby shelves. They were loaded with all colors of jars.
  4039. "What flavor jam is your favorite, Morning Breeze?"
  4040. > It was delightful to see the child's look of wonder as she took in rows upon rows of sweet toppings.
  4041. > Morning Breeze turned her gaze one the alicorn, then blushed a little and looked down on her hooves.
  4042. > "Can I t-try them all?" she whispered.
  4043. > Her mother opened her mouth to admonish, but Celestia shook her head slightly and Cobalt Shard fell silent.
  4044. > The alicorn expertly levitated all the jars and brought them to the table to stack them up before the filly.
  4045. "Of course, sweetie. A spoonful of each!"
  4046. > There were far too many even if the spoon was exceedingly small, but Celestia wouldn't mind seeing the filly attempt it. Perhaps it was rather a lot of sugar, but it would do her good.
  4047. > She leaned closer and lowered her voice, as if to keep their conversation a secret from her parents.
  4048. "Afterwards you tell me which one is the best and you can take it home to have every day!"
  4049. > The Princess grinned widely and winked. In moments the child smiled back. She licked her lips expectantly.
  4050. > Just in time.
  4051. > The first pancake was ready and Celestia expertly flipped it onto a plate, which she laid gently on the table before the filly. She also brought a small spoon, a knife and a fork, which she passed to Cobalt Shard. Then the alicorn went back to the oven.
  4052. > Luna, watching all of this with a slight smile, faced the stallion again.
  4053. > "The humans treated you with respect, then? As they would another human?"
  4054. > Celestia focused on their conversation again as she poured fresh batter into the pan.
  4056. > ~~~~
  4058. > "You want what again?" Mr. Bennett asked, staring at Celestia. As if he hadn't only just read it on the paper.
  4059. > Celestia tried very hard to keep her tone neutral. She needed the ambassador's approval on her latest request.
  4060. "I need an assistant."
  4061. > The human gave her a deadpan stare. "Really. It just has to be a human, has it? You don't have ponies in the castle to handle it?"
  4062. > The mare smiled and ran with the joke.
  4063. "My ponies do not have hands, Mr. Bennett."
  4064. > He stared at her for a few seconds, during which the alicorn endeavoured to keep her face straight, but then they both chuckled at the same time.
  4065. > Celestia recovered first.
  4066. "Yes, I could fill the position with a pony, but I would like to extend the offer to a human. Tighten the diplomatic relationships, so to speak."
  4067. > "Why this, all of a sudden?" Bennett asked with just a touch of a frown. He was inspecting her face closely, suspicious of her motives, but at least he didn't reject the idea outright.
  4068. "To foster understanding and goodwill between our two peoples. To reduce the chance of such a misunderstanding as has happened to you. I also wish to learn more about human politics and diplomacy and I do not wish to burden you with silly questions. Perhaps someone just out of school?"
  4069. > The human snapped his fingers. "Like an intern or something?" he suggested.
  4070. > It would be perfect. A younger human, preferably male, who had dedicated themselves to school, so they would be less likely to be married.
  4071. "Exactly. As young as possible, so that they do not have preconceptions about ponies. In part, I also wish to see a human's reaction to us."
  4072. > That seemed to explain away Mr. Bennett's doubts. He shrugged. "Well, if you want, I'm sure something could be arranged. What do you need from me exactly?"
  4073. > It was decided and Celestia smiled a little. With any luck, Luna would meet a human for her little adventure. Plus, an extra pair of hands would come in... handy. Especially hands trained in diplomacy.
  4074. "I would appreciate your signature on this proposal and I would like to ask you to take it to your superiors for approval on my behalf."
  4075. > Now the human shrugged. "Sure, I can do that," he confirmed and took the paper from the air. Her levitation spell winked out so that Bennett could put the request down on his table and sign it.
  4076. "As soon as possible, if you could? Today?"
  4077. > His pen froze just above the paper and the man turned his head to look at her. "Why so impatient?"
  4078. > Celestia had an excuse ready. It wasn't a lie, because it was, in fact, true. It just wasn't the main reason.
  4079. "There is so much to do after my sister's... negligence. I have solved the critical problems and I think these remaining, minor details would be an excellent learning opportunity."
  4080. > "Yeah, I mean, okay," Bennett said and absentmindedly signed the form, "but... today?"
  4081. > Celestia wanted the new human in the castle as soon as she could get one. That would give her the maximum amount of time to coach her sister through wooing a human.
  4082. > Before Anonymous came and began asking uncomfortable questions. Luna and her human had to be solved before that!
  4083. "Please, Mr. Bennett? I have our fastest coach all ready and it will be waiting for you at the border tomorrow. I have also wrapped up some muffins for the journey. Still warm. I was hoping you could take a few to Mrs. Bennett, along with my apologies for your absence."
  4084. > That was usually a sure-fire way to convince the ambassador of nearly anything. She could see his mouth pucker up at the prospect of warm muffins. He was practically drooling just at the mention!
  4085. > Quite unlike Anonymous and so very easy to manipulate! Sometimes she wished Anonymous would be this malleable with sweets.
  4086. > That would probably have made him less fun. No, Celestia decided, she appreciated her human just as he was.
  4087. > Besides, teaching him the joy of pastries would be exciting! Especially now that he wouldn't be able escape her anymore!
  4088. > She waited for Mr. Bennett to convince himself into going. After a minute of indecision, she floated up the basket she had been holding out of sight in the hallway, and lifted the napkin from it.
  4089. > The smell wafted and did its insidious job.
  4090. > "Fine, okay. Yes, I'll do it right away, if you insist!" Bennett said as he picked out one of her special chocolate chip muffins with redcurrant filling.
  4091. > They were especially delightful and Celestia made a mental note to send a thank you to the little fruit shop.
  4092. > The earth mare there knew they were among her favorite delicacies and she made sure to send plenty of samples to the castle each spring, as soon as her greenhouse produced results.
  4093. > The way Mr. Bennett closed his eyes and moaned a little proved that he enjoyed them just as much as the Princess.
  4094. "Make sure you save at least one for your wife, Mr. Bennett!"
  4096. > ~~~~
  4098. > In a small way, Celestia envied her sister. Luna was sprawled across the comfortable divan, while she herself sat at the large desk in her office.
  4099. > She would rather they switched places, but the mare wanted to get over the paperwork.
  4100. > Luna had been improving, but her attention span still couldn't be entirely relied upon.
  4101. > "Please, Sister, tell Us that is all!" the younger alicorn moaned, leaning so far back over the leg rest that her head was upside down.
  4102. > Celestia decided not to torture her anymore.
  4103. "It is. We have seen to the important issues. I will finish up while you go and get ready for the picnic."
  4104. > This was very welcome news and Luna quickly stood, lest her sister change her mind.
  4105. > "Thank you! We think We shall shower beforehoof," she proclaimed.
  4106. "Oh, by the way. That new human arrives today, Luna. You might wish to be fashionably late."
  4107. > The younger sister didn't quite follow. She leaned her head sideways and narrowed her eyes. "Why?" she asked.
  4108. "That way I will introduce him to everypony else beforehoof. Your introduction will therefore stand out as unique. More memorable. You can make a better impression."
  4109. > Her sister smiled. "Good idea! We shall do so!"
  4110. > As Luna cleared out of the room, Celestia went back to the letter she had received that morning. The new human would arrive shortly before lunch.
  4111. > The pony glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly eleven. Not much longer now.
  4112. > She bent back down to her paperwork.
  4113. >...
  4114. > There was a quiet knock which Celestia, even with pony hearing, nearly missed. She called out absentmindedly and glanced up to see who it was.
  4115. > Her breath caught as she locked eyes with a stranger. A human stranger!
  4116. > He stepped inside and conscientiously closed the door behind him.
  4117. > Celestia put the document she had been holding to the side and examined the young man before her. She made an educated guess.
  4118. "Mr. Eli Grant?"
  4119. > He hesitated for a while before bowing. He was unaccustomed to the gesture, so it was a little shaky and stiff. "Yes, Your Highness," he mumbled.
  4120. "Oh, none of that, please. Celestia will do. Ma'am, if you must."
  4121. > He straightened up, but didn't quite meet her gaze. "Yes, uh, ma'am. Sorry."
  4122. > Celestia decided some direct action was required. This human seemed almost afraid of her. Perhaps it was whatever they had told him before sending him out, or maybe he was overawed by the fact that she was a Princess.
  4123. > The mare stood up and sidestepped the desk. Eli leaned out of the way and shuffled his feet backward, as if to give her room, but Celestia simply walked around the lad to inspect him from all sides.
  4124. > No ring, she noticed. It human terms that usually meant he was not married. That was good.
  4125. "Please, relax. Would you like some tea?"
  4126. > He had to clear his throat before he could make his voice work. It was a little squeaky, but the answer was clear and understandable: "No, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am."
  4127. > The pony rolled her eyes a little and grinned while she was still behind him where the human couldn't see.
  4128. > Luna might enjoy the reverent servility, but it wasn't what she *needed*.
  4129. > Passing around his other side, Celestia paused for a moment to inspect Eli Grant's face. She was somewhat familiar with human features after her time on Earth, after all.
  4130. > He certainly wasn't ugly. Maybe he was not exactly 'handsome' with his nose slightly too large for the rest, but he wasn't bad-looking. The eyes, in particular drew her in. Startlingly green, which was quite unusual among humans. He watched her very closely, nervous but interested. He was very intelligent, but lacked confidence.
  4131. > Perhaps Luna could help with that. They might even help each other grow.
  4132. > Other than that, Celestia couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Clean shaven, well groomed, and a black mane - hair, she corrected herself - with a tidy, short haircut.
  4133. > Under her scrutiny, the human swallowed and gripped his clothes with his hands, as if wanting to pull the jacket more tightly around himself.
  4134. > Long fingers, the mare noted. Perfect for belly rubs and ear scratches. She very nearly blushed at the thought.
  4135. > It was too long since she had seen Anonymous! She was starting to have improper thoughts!
  4136. > Putting it out of her mind, the alicorn came full circle and stood before Eli Grant.
  4137. "Do not be afraid, your work here will not be onerous. Not in the slightest!"
  4138. > Celestia wondered what the young man would think if he knew her plans for him. Well, not so much plans as hopes. Of course she would never force him.
  4139. "The note said you finished a Ph.D. in Politics at a school called Princeton?"
  4140. > He nodded, but then quickly cleared his throat to confirm: "Yes, ma'am! I majored in International Relations."
  4141. "Very good. How did you join the pony embassy? Or, rather, why?"
  4142. > The response sounded practiced. It had undoubtedly been a part of his briefing, but they hadn't had much time and it showed in his delivery of it.
  4143. > "I, uh, wanna foster improved relations between us and, um, ponies."
  4144. > Celestia giggled at the formulaic answer. She sat on her haunches and extended a hoof.
  4145. "I am very pleased to meet you, Mr. Grant. Would you like to know about your duties? It can wait until after the picnic."
  4146. > That was firmer ground and the human nodded as he shook. His grip was weak, but it was there. He wasn't *too* squeamish about touching her, at least. "Yes, please. Uh, picnic, ma'am?"
  4147. > Celestia levitated a few papers she had prepared as an example. She noted that Eli Grant watched the softly glowing aura with particular interest and awe. Of course he had been told about magic, but had apparently never seen it first-hoof.
  4148. "Take a look at these. They are petitions which arrived from my subjects. We get a lot of them on a daily basis and they have somewhat... piled up."
  4149. > He quickly scanned a few lines on each message. The first was a request for funds, the second was a small town's report on the amount of produce in storage and the third was a personal appeal from overeager parents for their pony to be accepted in the Canterlot city guard.
  4150. > When she saw that he had finished, Celestia explained.
  4151. "I wish for my sister, Luna, to become more familiar with the day-to-day running of the country. Perhaps you heard about my recent absence and the trouble it has caused?"
  4152. > He undoubtedly had, but the youth was somewhat unwilling to admit it. He was really worried about insulting her. "Uh, yes, there was something, ma'am..."
  4153. "So, I would like for you and Luna to work through the backlog of these. You will help her decide how to respond to each one. Consider it as furthering your practical education, hmm?"
  4154. > "B-but, ma'am, I don't know much about your internal affairs, or, or-"
  4155. > Celestia stood up again and went to the human's side. She wrapped a wing around his midriff and leaned her head against his shoulder.
  4156. "Hush. Relax, Eli Grant. I have already looked through them and taken care of all the urgent and problematic ones. These are run-of-the-mill requests which I normally let my staff resolve on their own."
  4157. > He froze at her touch, but didn't try to wriggle free. Celestia wasn't looking at his face, but she imagined a slightly puzzled expression and probably a blush.
  4158. > "Then why-" he began to ask, but the mare smoothly took up the answer before he could finish his sentence.
  4159. "They are meant to be a learning experience for both Luna and you, Eli Grant."
  4160. > "O-Oh."
  4161. "Furthermore, I specifically asked for someone right out of school. Do you wish to know why?"
  4162. > He actually began to tremble a little! Celestia worried what kind of stories he has heard. She hadn't meant to frighten him, so she released her wing-hold and pulled back a little showing the human her disarming, soft smile.
  4163. "Do not worry, Eli Grant. It is nothing nefarious. My sister and I would just like to pick your brain a little. We are very interested in what is being taught as Political Science on Earth and were hoping you could... take us through it."
  4164. > That didn't seem to help much. The lad still stood stiffly and watched the alicorn with a wide-eyed, confused expression.
  4165. > Celestia decided to move it along and return to the request at some later date. She went to the door.
  4166. "Come, let me show you to your room. The castle staff had taken your luggage there, so you can freshen up. The picnic will begin in a few hours and I will introduce you to Luna there."
  4167. > The human turned rigidly to follow her, but Celestia stopped purposefully in the door.
  4168. "Please, come this way."
  4169. > Her request got him to squeeze past her and the alicorn noted how he endeavoured not to touch her, even after her previous affection, which should have showed him it was alright.
  4170. > Her sister would have her work cut out for her.
  4171. > Luckily, Celestia was there to help. Something in Eli Grant's attitude reminded her strongly of Anonymous. She knew she could make the boy loosen up a little and begin to appreciate ponies on an entirely new level.
  4172. "Mr. Bennett will be there to answer any questions you might have about protocol, and you can always come to me for help, okay?"
  4173. > "Uh-huh," the lad said and nodded. He waited for the mare to take the lead then fell in step beside her.
  4174. "Tell me about yourself, Eli Grant. Where do you live? How are your parents? What do you think of Canterlot and the castle?"
  4175. >...
  4176. > The picnic was an instant hit! Celestia's choice of cook went over very well with the humans. Apparently the griffin knew all about meat and had indeed brought a very good selection.
  4177. > To her it all looked the same. Bits of flesh which he charred in heat, much like she had done occasionally for Anonymous.
  4178. > The cook was doing something complicated right now, which apparently included red wine and a lot of sizzling. Whatever the procedure was called, the two humans were practically fawning over it.
  4179. > Celestia couldn't help feeling a tiny bit jealous. She decided to ask the griffin for a few pointers, but before she could say anything the mare spotted a late arrival.
  4180. > Finally, Luna! Celestia had told her sister to be 'fashionably late', but she had begun to worry. Now she hurried to intercept her.
  4181. "Come, I will introduce you!"
  4182. > The younger alicorn examined the scene. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she caught the cloud of smoke which was now rolling from the grill, but she didn't comment upon it.
  4183. > She took in the younger human and her mouth quirked up in a little smile.
  4184. > "He will do nicely. Thank you, Sister," she complimented and Celestia barely caught the tremor in her voice. Luna was less sure of herself than she was pretending.
  4185. > Celestia lead her closer and smoothly stepped to the side, so that Eli Grant would have an unobstructed view of the young, dark, alicorn Princess.
  4186. "Mr. Grant - I would like you to meet my sister Luna."
  4187. > The mare in question drew herself up haughtily and her leg shot out with a speed which made the humans flinch. "We are pleased to meet you!" she said, rather too loudly.
  4188. > Celestia leaned closer to her and murmured:
  4189. "Less forceful, Sister. And try without the royal voice."
  4190. > Luna blushed a little, but the humans didn't seem to notice it on the night-blue fuzz around her muzzle. Her ears lowered partway and she managed a small smile. "Uh, forgive Us- I mean me! Forgive me."
  4191. > Eli looked at Mr. Bennett, who shrugged slightly, then took the proffered hoof in his hand. "Eli Grant," he said, "and the pleasure is mine."
  4192. > Celestia could see how stiffly her sister was standing and leaned toward her again. She whispered another instruction:
  4193. "Offer him a beverage!"
  4194. > Luna's ears went further down as she blindly obeyed the older alicorn. She pulled her leg away and kept the grin frozen across her muzzle.
  4195. > "Might We-" she began, but her eyes darted to Celestia and she corrected herself: "Uh, may I offer you a drink?"
  4196. > "Oh, no, thanks, I'm fine..." the human began and turned around to look at the nearby table with refreshments. It seemed like he would go and fetch it himself, so Celestia jumped in:
  4197. "One for me as well, if you would be so kind, Sister?"
  4198. > "Of course. It is no trouble, Mr. G-Grant," Luna insisted. She also looked at the other human. "You, Mr. Bennett?"
  4199. > The ambassador lifted up his hand, which already had a glass with a fair bit of wine left in it.
  4200. > Luna inclined her head politely and went to the table with the drinks. She busied herself with inexpertly pouring some wine in glasses.
  4201. > The humans watched her and Mr. Bennett leaned to his younger colleague. He probably thought he was being quiet, but he forgot how sensitive pony ears were. He also failed to notice Celestia approaching to stand right beside them.
  4202. > "Careful of that one," he murmured to Eli, "she's quite sharp when she gets impatient and it doesn't take much. Take it from me."
  4203. > Celestia rolled her eyes, but didn't comment. Her sister was already coming back with three glasses floating beside her. She held one out to the young human, the other to her sister, then raised her own.
  4204. > It had taken some tutoring, but Luna recited her toast flawlessly: "To shared future and new experiences!"
  4205. > All four of them lifted up their drinks and the glasses tinged as they met.
  4206. > The ice was broken. It was up to Luna now to take it from there. Celestia relaxed and wandered over to see what the griffin was doing.
  4207. > She was pleased to see that he had a few slices of bread with tomatoes on the fire for the ponies. And he was also frying up several hay-patties. The alicorn made a mental note to tip him handsomely afterward.
  4208. > "Sister, if you would?" Luna said suddenly right behind her and motioned with her head away from the humans a few times.
  4209. > Celestia followed her until they were out of earshot.
  4210. "What is wrong?"
  4211. > Luna looked furtively around to make sure nopony was listening, then gave her sister a wide-eyed, pleading look.
  4212. > "What do I say?!" she whispered urgently, glancing at the two humans who seemed to be in deep discussion.
  4213. > Celestia smiled at her sister and laid a wing around her withers. It seemed Luna would need more coaching.
  4214. "Ask about him, or about Earth. Are there no things you wish to know, Sister?"
  4215. > Luna gave this due thought. "I was wondering about that magical picture box you sometimes dream of..."
  4216. "It is called a 'TV'. Yes, ask about that. Offer to show him around the castle after the picnic. Or invite him to ice cream in Canterlot. No, wait. That last one might be too soon. Give it a few days."
  4217. > "Oh. Okay. Yes, that's good," Luna confirmed with a relieved grin. "Thank you, Sister!"
  4218. "He is not dangerous, Sister. Speak to him as you would speak to me. I will distract Mr. Bennett."
  4219. > The younger alicorn nodded. She looked over to the humans again and swallowed. Then she lifted her hoof to go back.
  4220. > Celestia held a wing in her way.
  4221. "Oh, and Luna? Please stay out of my dreams."
  4222. > Luna lowered her ears down and nodded. "Of course, Sister," she lied, as she had so many times before.
  4223. > Celestia just grinned to herself. She had long since given up on that part of their relationship.
  4224. > Her sister worked very hard each night to keep the dreams of Equestria tranquil. She deserved some leniency.
  4225. > Besides, Luna's courtship would be very interesting, and she would probably need quite a bit of help from her older sister. In a way, it was almost like looking into *her* dreams for a change!
  4227. > ~~~~
  4229. > Celestia was running late. She had had to entertain the minotaur negotiator far longer than she had hoped. That... *cow* would simply not take the hint to go to bed!
  4230. > The mare shook her head angrily as she hurried to the balcony. Perhaps it was time to have her sister and the new human sit in on one of the negotiations. Merely to learn, of course.
  4231. > After all, Eli Grant *did* say that his specialty at the school had been International Relations. He could explain to Luna what was happening.
  4232. > Yes, the mare decided. The two had had ample time to get acquainted over the past few days. Now it was time to learn something practical, too!
  4233. > Celestia met her sister out on the balcony in the chilly spring air. The two alicorns stood at the railing and looked over the quiet city. That was how late it was, Celestia thought. Everypony had already gone to sleep!
  4234. > Longing for her own bed, Celestia spoke first.
  4235. "How did it go?"
  4236. > Luna heaved a sigh. "It is no use, Sister. We speak for but a moment, then all is silent. I think he fears me."
  4237. > Her head drooped low and Celestia stepped closer to wrap a wing around her sister's barrel. She thought back on her own exploits with Anonymous.
  4238. "Have you tried offering a dinner together? Someplace out of the castle? A less formal setting?"
  4239. > Luna paused, then shook her head. "Not yet. Do you think it is time for that?"
  4240. "Perhaps. Take him to that place - whatever it is called now..."
  4241. > The shops and restaurants seemed to change so rapidly over the years that Celestia couldn't decide which name was the latest.
  4242. "You know. The Saddle Arabian one?"
  4243. > "Yes, I know of it," Luna confirmed, "Hummus Kitchen, I believe."
  4244. "That is it."
  4245. > Her sister stepped closer and gave Celestia a brief nuzzle. She was smiling again. "Thank you for all your advice, Sister."
  4246. > After a moment of closeness, the two alicorns returned to staring over the sleeping city.
  4247. > Celestia debated her other idea for a while before speaking it out loud.
  4248. "There is another thing you might try. Take a bath."
  4249. > The younger alicorn stepped away and looked at her older sister with a frown barely visible in the moonlight. "What will that achieve? Do I smell?!"
  4250. > She lifted a wing and sniffed her flank, but didn't detect anything out of the ordinary.
  4251. "No no, not that, Sister! I will send him to bring you some documents to read. He will enter the room where you are bathing."
  4252. > Luna still didn't understand. "What will that achieve?" she asked again.
  4253. "Humans are... squeamish about such things. He will see you in a different way. Perhaps more as a mare, and less as a Princess."
  4254. > Well, it had taken a few tries until Anonymous got over his embarrassment, but for Eli Grant embarrassment would be an improvement. The lad was too reverential by half!
  4255. > Like her sister had said: it was impossible to speak with him. Even Celestia didn't have much luck.
  4256. "When he tries to excuse himself and leave, keep the door closed with your magic. Order him to bring the papers to you. Pretend like you don't notice anything wrong, but make sure he comes right up close."
  4257. > Luna smiled a little and her eyes were nearly glowing now. Her tail swished around in excitement. "Yes, yes! I will do it!"
  4258. > Her grin faded and the younger alicorn looked into the distance. "Perhaps a few days after our restaurant. If things do not improve."
  4259. "Good. If you do, you must tell me how red in the face he gets!"
  4261. > ~~~~
  4263. > Celestia was walking toward her room with one of her pony clerks, going over some boring figures from the castle treasury. She was late to bed, yet again, but the alicorn wanted to have her urgent work concluded before Anonymous arrived.
  4264. > Once her human was there, she wanted to have time for him.
  4265. > Too bad Luna and Eli hadn't made all that much progress, she thought. It would have been enjoyable to see them come together, but Celestia knew she would focus on Anonymous first and foremost.
  4266. > She realized her clerk had stopped talking and looked up from the carpet just in time to see Eli Grant walking toward her, as if the thought had summoned him.
  4267. > The young human passed them and kept his rapid pace. It wasn't quite a run, but it didn't seem far from it.
  4268. > Both mares turned to look after him and Celestia even considered calling. But Eli Grant seemed in a hurry, so she let it pass.
  4269. > Instead, she excused herself, sent the clerk away, and went to see what had made the human rush so.
  4270. > She turned a corner and immediately understood. Luna's door was open.
  4271. > The alicorn knocked on the wooden door frame and entered, closing the door behind her.
  4272. > Luna was curled up on her bed.
  4273. "It did not go well?"
  4274. > She needn't have asked, especially after her sister pierced her with a furious glare. There were papers strewn around the bed.
  4275. > "We hath done *exactly* as you suggested, Sister!" Luna exclaimed. "All We achieved was to drive the human away!"
  4276. > Celestia climbed up on the sheets, completely ignoring the papers she crumpled, and tried to hug her sister. Luna batted her hooves away.
  4277. "Tell me what happened."
  4278. > The younger alicorn growled in frustration, but she obliged.
  4279. > "We asked the human to teach us this 'Political Science', just as you suggested!" Luna spat. Then her shoulders slumped and she averted her muzzle. There was a touch of red on her cheeks. Her voice went quiet and gentle. "I opened my wings - nonchalantly, as you said, so that he could look! It did nothing! As if I was not even here! As if he was not in the *royal bedchamber* with me!"
  4280. > Celestia tried the hug again and this time her sister accepted it. The distraught alicorn heaved a sigh and spoke into the Royal Chest Fluff.
  4281. > "I laid on my side - just like you said - and I gave him the Look!"
  4282. "What happened?"
  4283. > After a brief hesitation, Luna replied: "He asked what was wrong. I pouted - like you said - and asked if he would keep me company."
  4284. "And?"
  4285. > Luna pulled herself away and thumped the bed with a hoof, hard. "Nothing! He went red in the face and ran away with scarcely a goodbye! I think he knows what I want from him, yet he refuses to admit."
  4286. > Her royal accent was back. "We are going about it too fast! You, Sister, are pushing Us too fast!"
  4287. > Celestia felt guilty. It was true that she had been urging Luna toward the human. Was she really this impatient to see them both happy?
  4288. > After all, Anonymous had taken several months to grow close to her. And they had spent many evenings simply sitting on the couch and talking idly.
  4289. > The TV had provided an excellent distraction, something Luna didn't have at her disposal.
  4290. > Celestia folded her ears down in shame and lowered her head.
  4291. "Perhaps you are right, Sister. I am sorry."
  4292. > Luna glared for a moment longer, then her expression softened. She looked helplessly at the ceiling. "It is forgiven. What do We do now?"
  4293. > Celestia bopped her nose to her sister's and gently admonished her.
  4294. "Accent."
  4295. > "Sorry. What do I do now?" Luna corrected.
  4296. > The older Princess examined the papers they were sitting on. Distraction, that had been the key with Anonymous. Give the human something to focus his mind on, then talk idly with him.
  4297. > It had brought a feeling of closeness. It got them to know each other quite well.
  4298. "Focus on the work, and on what he is teaching you. Give both your minds something useful, interesting to do. Talking will come naturally, then."
  4299. > Luna levitated up a few papers, making her sister stand up and shuffle her hooves to free every page. She stacked them neatly on her desk.
  4300. > There was one more question Celestia had, an important one.
  4301. "Sister, do you like him?"
  4302. > Luna turned her face away, but then nodded. "Yes. He is smart and dedicated. He is much better looking than the ambassador. His teaching intrigues me." The next came out as barely a whisper: "I wish to know him more."
  4303. > It made Celestia smile.
  4304. "Good. Then it should be easy. Follow that wish and the rest will come in time. I promise. I am sorry for pushing you."
  4305. > "Patience," Luna said and focused on her hooves. Then she looked up with a slight smile. "Yes, I can do that. I can wait for something beautiful."
  4306. > Celestia gave her another hug, heart swelling with pride. This game of chasing the human was helping Luna in ways she did not even perceive, yet.
  4307. > A couple of months ago, her sister would have demanded everything, instantly. Now, she was happy to wait.
  4308. > Patience was an important skill in the political game.
  4309. > They sat in silence for a minute, then Celestia jumped from the bed and walked to the door. She paused before opening it.
  4310. > Game...
  4311. > That gave her an idea.
  4312. "Patience. Yes, Luna. Try to see it as a game, not a competition."
  4313. > She was nearly out in the hallway when Luna called after her: "Celestia? When did you become a matchmaker?"
  4314. > It just made the alicorn giggle.
  4315. "I learned many things on Earth."
  4316. > She closed the door and went to her own room.
  4317. > It was true that Luna hadn't made too much progress with Eli Grant, but they were getting along and spending a lot of time together. Something was bound to blossom forth eventually.
  4318. > Not to mention how much her sister was learning about politics. The young man was a good teacher and Luna a good student, even while she pursued other things than knowledge.
  4319. > Celestia was considering asking the pair to look over the new griffin treaties and give her their opinion.
  4320. > And she would definitely have them sit in on all future negotiations. Not only was Luna able to follow the discussion, she had even began making little comments and suggestions of her own.
  4321. > Her sister was beginning to see how a nation was made!
  4322. > Now that Celestia thought back, Eli Grant had looked immensely proud at Luna's contributions. Of course he had to know just how far she had come under his tutelage.
  4323. > That was bound to raise his self-esteem!
  4324. > It really was just a matter of patience now.
  4325. > Celestia crawled in her bed and pressed a pillow against her belly. Slightly longer than a week. That was how much longer she would have to sleep alone.
  4326. > It brought a smile to her lips.
  4328. > ~~~~
  4330. > The alicorns insisted that Eli Grant joined them for breakfast each day. Of course that meant they had to open the invitation to his mentor, Mr. Bennett as well, but luckily the old diplomat was a late sleeper and rarely came.
  4331. > Celestia decided to break the good news that day. The great, incredible, happy news!
  4332. "Mr. Grant. We will be getting a few more hands around the castle shortly. I have invited a certain Mr. Anonymous as a legal adviser. I do hope you will help him with any questions he might have about policy and treaties with our neighbors."
  4333. > Eli gave a nod. "Of course, ma'am."
  4334. > The title still made Luna giggle and she prodded him in the ribs with a wing. "Ma'am?" she asked with a grin. "Why so formal? Have we not shown you every hospitality?"
  4335. > The human looked at her and became still. He had been doing that lately, Celestia had noted. Getting lost in Luna's eyes.
  4336. > She wondered if that meant it was working.
  4337. > But then he snapped out of it. "It... just doesn't feel right, ma'am."
  4338. > Luna pushed him with a wing again, threatening to tip his chair over. The poor human had to grab the table with his hands to remain upright.
  4339. > "I told you before! Luna! Understand? Say it with me: Luu- naaah!"
  4340. > Celestia barely suppressed a laugh at her sister's antics. But it seemed to be working. The lad looked at the dark alicorn and repeated the name: "Luna. Yes, sorry."
  4341. > She liked the way he blushed and looked away. Yes, it was definitely working!
  4342. > Some more patience and her sister would have her human friend. Whether they would fall in love remained to be seen. But they would surely have a bit of fun.
  4343. > That reminded her. Celestia made a mental note to clear this with her sister again. Luna had to know what this was. Some fun, some fooling around, a few crazy nights.
  4344. > Hopefully a *lot* of crazy nights.
  4345. > It might never become more than that, though. The younger alicorn shouldn't get her hopes up.
  4346. > You couldn't force love.
  4347. > Celestia hoped it would happen anyway, once Eli Grant finally overcame his hurdle of seeing them as Princesses and simply saw them as... females.
  4348. > The species thing was probably slowing him down, too.
  4349. > Bringing the full plates to the table, Celestia laid them before the two and sat down with her own stack.
  4350. "Enjoy!"
  4351. > The human murmured a thank you, but didn't touch his food. He had gone rather thoughtful.
  4352. > It was the perfect opportunity. Celestia stared straight at Luna until she caught her eye, then inclined her head to the human in wordless suggestion.
  4353. > Her sister understood and levitated up a fork and knife. She quickly cut a little piece, making sure there was a bit of cream and a slice of pineapple, and floated it to Eli's face.
  4354. > "Here," she trilled, "you must try this. It is a special recipe."
  4355. > Of course the lad had eaten it all before, but he still obediently opened his mouth and let Luna feed him. Only then did he realize what he had just done, but it was too late.
  4356. > "Mmm," he mumbled and swallowed quickly. "Yes, very good."
  4357. "Thank you, Mr. Grant!"
  4358. > Luna didn't miss her opportunity. "Here, try some more!" she said, lifting up another forkful.
  4359. > Celestia decided to make a tactful retreat.
  4360. "Please excuse me. I feel like eating in the sun today. Canterlot in springtime is especially beautiful."
  4361. > She took her plate out to the balcony, focusing all her might to suppress a giggle.
  4362. > The two were adorable together.
  4363. > Celestia wondered if she and Anonymous also acted that way. What about Lake Frond and Rock Lichen?
  4364. > That reminded her. The mare was arriving with her parents later in the day. The Princess had to make sure their rooms were ready.
  4365. > Separate rooms for the mare and her parents, of course. She was probably missing Rock Lichen as much as Celestia herself was missing Anonymous.
  4366. > They would need some privacy that night.
  4367. > The mare chewed her pancake and considered giving the sun a little nudge to make it go up faster.
  4368. > Of course that would sow confusion among her subjects and achieve little else. It wouldn't make Lake Frond arrive any sooner. Nor Anonymous and Rock Lichen.
  4369. > One more day.
  4370. > She could get through one more day!
  4372. > ~~~~
  4374. > The big day finally came. Celestia hadn't gotten too much sleep, but she didn't mind that in the slightest. She felt full of energy and often found herself smiling for no particular reason.
  4375. > Even Luna remarked on it at breakfast: "You seem happy, Sister."
  4376. > She obviously knew whom Celestia was expecting that day and just wanted to tease a little. But it didn't work.
  4377. "Mm-hmm!"
  4378. > When Celestia said nothing more, her sister simply let it drop. The human - Eli Grant - watched the two mares for a while, then chose to ignore it, too.
  4379. > "When?" Luna asked after a while.
  4380. "Afternoon."
  4381. > Now the young diplomat posed his question: "Um, excuse me. What is happening this afternoon?"
  4382. > Luna was the one to answer: "My Sister will see her coltfriend again."
  4383. > "Oh!" the lad said and blushed a little. He didn't press the issue, but his embarrassment did make the younger alicorn chuckle.
  4384. > Celestia paid them no heed. She floated their rudimentary meals before the pair and took hers out to the balcony again. It was just eggs and toast, but it would do.
  4385. > She wasn't hungry anyway, but the mare forced herself to eat. If Anonymous missed her at least half as much as she missed him, it would be a very busy night. She would need her strength.
  4386. > While she ate, the Princess looked down at the castle courtyard. It seemed quite peaceful, except for a group of guard trainees out marching. It was quite hard work, what with the large bags of sand strapped to each pony's back.
  4387. > Endurance training, Celestia thought. Once upon a time she had enjoyed looking at the muscular, sweat-soaked flanks. It was a little guilty pleasure of hers, even if she would never have admitted it to anypony.
  4388. > But now, with his imminent return, all the mare could think of was Anonymous and *his* sweaty flanks.
  4389. > The pony idly wondered if she would keep picking humans to keep her company over the centuries ahead. Or maybe she would mix and match?
  4390. > Perhaps she would finally work up the nerve to try dragon?
  4391. > From the stories she had heard, that was *rough*.
  4392. > All such inappropriate thoughts flew from her mind as Celestia spotted a group of three ponies making their way to the castle gate.
  4393. > She recognized Lake Frond! She had sent word that they would be late, but at least they arrived before Anonymous and Rock Lichen.
  4394. > The alicorn rushed back into the small kitchen and put her plate on the table. Her sister had been whispering something in Eli Grant's ear and fell silent at the sudden intrusion.
  4395. > Neither of them spoke, so Celestia hurriedly explained before rushing off.
  4396. "Lake Frond arrived. I'll go see to the rooms!"
  4397. >...
  4398. > The mare whom Celestia led to a guest bedroom was an entirely different one from a few months ago.
  4399. > She reminded her strongly of the Lake Frond she had first met in the pony meeting group on Earth. With her constant, slightly mischievous smile and sparkling eyes and ready laugh.
  4400. > If Celestia didn't know the truth, she would have guessed that her friend had put on a bit of extra weight. She bulged, just a tiny bit.
  4401. > Even without that, the way Lake Frond kept stroking her belly with her hooves would have been a definite clue.
  4402. "So, how are you feeling?"
  4403. > The mare kept grinning and considered her answer for a while. "Happy," she said at last. "I'm good. They are really coming today? Already?"
  4404. "Yes!"
  4405. > Celestia barely contained her excitement, but Lake Frond had no reason to suppress her joy. The mare pranced a few steps and twirled around to stop in front of the alicorn.
  4406. > "Anyway, the doctor says I'm doing fine! The little one is okay!" Lake Frond explained, hopping backward on three legs for a few paces so she could feel her belly again.
  4407. "I am very happy to hear that, Lake Frond."
  4408. > They arrived to the door. "Uh, thanks for letting us all stay here, Princess," Lake Frond said.
  4409. "Oh, it was no trouble at all! And it is 'Celestia', remember?"
  4410. > "Uh, yeah. Thanks. And letting Mom and Dad tour the castle was very nice of you."
  4411. > The alicorn inclined her head in lieu of an answer.
  4412. "Come, I will ask for some tea to be brought and we can catch up. I have an hour before the court begins."
  4413. > The alicorn turned to look for somepony to take her message, but one of the guards stationed in that corridor was already saluting. He dashed off before she could even say thank you.
  4414. > "Wow," Lake Frond commented. "Uh, I'm sorry if it's a rude question, but why are there so many guards in the castle?"
  4415. > It wasn't one Celestia got very often. She ushered her friend inside and closed the door.
  4416. > "Are you afraid of attacks?" the mare followed up.
  4417. "No, it is not that, Lake Frond. Well, that is a small concern, but not the reason."
  4418. > Her friend sat on the carpet so she could spread her forelegs helplessly. "Then what?!" she asked.
  4419. "In truth? Mainly it is to let them feel useful. For some it is also training in discipline. Another part is helping ponies who wander in and get lost."
  4420. > "Oh," Lake Frond said, deflating a little. It didn't seem very noble or chivalrous and the mare understood why Celestia didn't want the guards to overhear.
  4421. "Don't worry! Most guards move on after a time. And having served in the Canterlot castle looks very good on a résumé. They get very good postings anywhere in Equestria they like."
  4422. > "Oh! I understand," her friend confirmed. "It's like - nothing usually happens, but then there are these stories. When the changelings attacked or Discord, or Tirek! Makes the guards look like heroes!"
  4423. "Well, I think standing still in a boring, empty hallway for hours on end is just as heroic, Lake Frond."
  4424. > The mares laughed a little and Lake jumped up on the bed to make herself more comfortable. Almost immediately she sprawled on her belly.
  4425. > She watched the Princess for a few seconds, then laid her head down on the pillow. "Thanks, by the way. For sending me those letters from Rock Lichen. I was so relieved he's with Anonymous, rather than Mary and Andrew."
  4426. "Yes, they were quite upset, I gather."
  4427. > Lake Frond's tail swished up and thumped on the sheets. "Oh, like you wouldn't *believe*. I think if they got their hands on him, they would have belted him. Or worse."
  4428. > Her voice went quiet as the mare imagined horrors the Williamses might inflict on her beloved.
  4429. "Hush. He is safe. There is no point in dwelling on such things. You know Anonymous makes sure he is well."
  4430. > "Yeah," the pony replied, cheering up. "How did he manage that, by the way?"
  4431. > Celestia was a little loath to say it, but she did anyway.
  4432. "He paid the Williamses a lot of money."
  4433. > Lake Frond was silent for a few seconds. "Oh," she said, her ears folding down and her voice flat. "I don't think I can ever repay something like that, but I'll try! We both will, I promise, Prin- uh, Celestia! We'll get jobs and- and-"
  4434. "Lake Frond."
  4435. > The alicorn said the words in a soft, gentle voice, but it stopped the mare in her tracks.
  4436. "Please do not concern yourself with it. Anonymous will lack for nothing in Canterlot. And if he ever wishes to return to Earth, I will help him. Besides, he is not as obsessed with money as most humans."
  4437. > There was silence, which Celestia tried to change into something more pleasant.
  4438. "Enough about Earth. Tell me of yourself and your foal. Do you know already if it will be a filly or a colt?"
  4439. > "Yes!" Lake Frond said. She raised up her head and smiled at the alicorn.
  4440. "Well?"
  4441. > "I'm not telling!"
  4442. > Now Celestia was *really* curious.
  4443. "Why not?!"
  4444. > Her grin widened and Lake Frond lowered her voice. "I'll tell Rock, first! You can listen in, if you want, but I want him to be the first to know! Well, beside the doctor..."
  4445. > It was a very reasonable - and sweet - wish, so Celestia just nodded.
  4446. "Of course. I will listen in! But-"
  4447. > The alicorn bit her lip a little as she failed to contain her burning curiosity.
  4448. "-perhaps just a hint?"
  4449. > Lake Frond rolled her eyes in exasperation. "How can I give you a hint without outright telling you?!"
  4450. "Try?"
  4451. > It took her some time to think it over, but then the mischievous grin was back. "All right," Lake Frond said quietly. "It's what we've both always wanted!"
  4452. > That was no help at all, but the reply was quite clever. Celestia finally mastered her nosy nature and let the matter slide. She laughed gently.
  4453. "Clever answer."
  4454. > Before she could try and dig any further, Lake Frond changed the topic: "So, what have I missed around here?"
  4455. "Well, I have managed to get the kingdom back in working order. We haven't started any wars with our neighbors, which is good. Oh, and Luna has a new human coltfriend!"
  4456. > "Oh, that's- wait, *what*?!" Lake Frond exclaimed. If she had had her tea already, she would have spit it out. "Human? From where?!"
  4457. > Celestia laughed at her expression.
  4458. "I asked for one to help with the clerical work. He is... like an assistant. Officially, he is here to improve human relations."
  4459. > The alicorn realized she might have said too much.
  4460. "Oh, please tell nopony this. I don't think the young human even knows yet! Luna has been very patient and careful with him."
  4461. > Lake Frond stared for a while longer, but then a grin slowly spread across her muzzle. She winked conspiratorially. "My lips are sealed, Princess. It sounds cute! Can I meet him?"
  4462. > They fell silent as somepony knocked on the door.
  4463. "Ah, that will be the tea! Have you had breakfast? I can ask for something."
  4464. > Lake Frond licked her lips while Celestia went to let in the maid with the tray.
  4465. > "M-maybe something small? We got up pretty early," the mare suggested tentatively, as if she didn't wish to impose.
  4466. > Celestia murmured a few words to the maid, who nodded, bowed and left. Then she went to pour two cups.
  4467. "It will be a few more minutes. Tell me - what did your parents say when they learned about... your condition. And Rock Lichen?"
  4469. > ~~~~
  4471. > The court that day was endless. It took every ounce of willpower for Celestia not to yell at her subjects to hurry it along. But there were just more and more of them!
  4472. > She wondered for a moment if maybe they had somehow heard, or intuited, that she was expecting an important visitor, and were conspiring to keep her busy.
  4473. > Then, suddenly, it didn't matter anymore. The mare found herself looking up at the large door to the court room.
  4474. > Right into his eyes.
  4475. > How had he sneaked up so stealthily? Celestia had to sit because her hind legs didn't seem to be obeying her anymore.
  4476. > The pony before her - she had already forgotten her grievance - stopped talking and followed her gaze.
  4477. > There was a lull in conversation as everypony in the room watched the new human. Even the guards, misreading her expression, moved in on Anonymous.
  4478. "No, w-wait."
  4479. > All faces turned to look at her. But she had the Duty. A few more minutes... Anonymous would understand.
  4480. > Luna placed a wing around her withers and put her muzzle right by her ear.
  4481. > "Go to him, Sister," the younger alicorn said. "I will conclude the court."
  4482. > Celestia turned disbelieving eyes on her sister, who just smiled back and winked. "Go," she repeated.
  4483. > Everypony was watching with deep interest now. Celestia made her unsteady way down the dais and toward her human. He was nervous, too. Meeting her was just as big for him, Celestia realized.
  4484. > For some reason, that warmed her heart and a dopey little smile crept on her muzzle.
  4485. > She didn't care who saw.
  4486. > Belatedly she spotted a very happy-looking Rock Lichen next to her human, but that also didn't matter.
  4487. > The alicorn stopped before the human. He stepped closer.
  4488. > Almost without her conscious control, her wings wrapped around and she pressed her muzzle against his cheek.
  4489. > She was dimly aware of the murmuring in the hall, until Luna raised her voice.
  4490. > "Attention!" her sister bellowed in her Canterlot Royal Voice. She pointed a hoof at the mare on the steps, who had been complaining to Celestia not a minute earlier. "Thou! Proceed!"
  4491. > The poor pony squeaked in alarm and huddled down. She began stammering an apology, but Celestia was no longer listening.
  4492. > There were still eyes on her, but she pushed the feeling aside.
  4493. > Once before she had avoided kissing Anonymous because of appearances. And she had come to deeply regret it.
  4494. > Not this time.
  4495. > Neither of them had spoken yet.
  4496. > Their lips met. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it didn't have to be. For now it was enough that they had found each other again.
  4497. > "Sister!" Luna's voice broke through the haze in Celestia's mind. "Sister!" the younger alicorn shouted again. "Please depart this room! Thou art causing a scene!"
  4498. > Celestia glanced to the throne and found Luna smiling gently. Many other faces also held grins.
  4499. > Her subjects understood. They weren't judging. They were happy to see her joy. Not to mention, they were incredibly curious.
  4500. > These were ponies, not humans. Love was not taboo, whatever its form. She had to remember this.
  4501. > Luna was right, however. While she was there, court was being disrupted. Celestia smiled at her human and whispered.
  4502. "Come, let us get out of here."
  4503. > He was only too happy to oblige, being even less comfortable than she was under all that scrutiny.
  4504. > She kept one wing around Anonymous, as if afraid of losing him again, and led him out to the hall. Of course some of the nosier ponies tried to follow, but her guards, with unspoken agreement, contained the crowd in the court room.
  4505. > One of them saluted, grinning, and pushed the door closed.
  4506. > Only then did Celestia remember to look for Rock Lichen. He had a reunion of his own.
  4507. > He had followed them out and the stallion looked far calmer and more patient than she imagined he felt. When he saw her looking, Rock Lichen grinned. "Afternoon, Princess," he said politely.
  4508. > There was a shout from the other end of the hall and Celestia looked just in time to see a white streak.
  4509. > Somepony had gone to tell Lake Frond, that was good. Now the mare ran for her husband and simply... leapt.
  4510. > Rock Lichen caught her, but both of them went tumbling to the floor. The mare ended up on top and simply began licking him. Her eyes were closed, ears flat and she was making short, whimpering noises in her throat. Her tail was swooshing around madly.
  4511. > She had no words, just her tongue. And Rock Lichen didn't mind in the slightest. He just held his wife and let her do whatever she wanted, smiling all the while.
  4512. > It almost felt wrong to watch, but Celestia did so anyway. Their joy complemented hers. She sat beside Anonymous, leaned her head on his shoulder and deeply inhaled his scent.
  4513. > She had missed that, too.
  4514. > "Hey, Celly. Missed me?" the human whispered.
  4515. "You smell nice."
  4516. > It was no kind of answer, but Anonymous accepted it and brushed her cheek with his hand. It made the mare sigh and close her eyes for a moment.
  4517. > At long last, Lake Frond got a hold of herself. She lifted her head to look at her husband, and, with her tongue still poking out, smiled.
  4518. > "Hey beautiful!" Rock Lichen said. He returned a lick, then grunted. "Urk- you're squeezing, love!"
  4519. > Both Celestia and Anonymous chuckled at that. Lake Frond went a little red in the face and relaxed her grip.
  4520. > "I missed you *so* much!" the mare whined. "I'm not letting go!"
  4521. > The stallion didn't seem interested in standing up either. Celestia wondered if she would have to send for ponies with a stretcher to get the two in their room. She decided to give them some more time.
  4522. > At least until the crowd of onlookers got unbearably large. For now, the few guards who had followed her out of the court room had the situation in hoof.
  4523. > "How are you? How is the foal?" Rock Lichen asked, a question he had probably been thinking for a while.
  4524. > The mare grinned, then looked up at the Princess. She winked. "We're both fine," she told her husband. "And I have something to tell you!"
  4525. > "Oh?" Rock Lichen asked, staring in her eyes as if mesmerised.
  4526. > "Yes!" Lake Frond squeaked. She bumped her nose against his and flicked her tail around. "Rock Lichen, we're going to have a filly!"
  4527. > The two just clasped one another and Celestia felt her own eyes fill with happy tears. After a moment they kissed.
  4528. > She followed their example and gave Anonymous a light peck on his cheek, too.
  4529. > At least that was how she started. The human moved to intercept her and turned it into a proper kiss. It simply went on, for ages.
  4530. > When Celestia surfaced again, Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were upright and watching her with big grins.
  4531. > She sought for words.
  4532. "Come, let us go someplace more comfortable."
  4533. > She looked around for a guard and spotted the perfect candidate.
  4534. "You, Glory Tail from Baltimare. Please ask the kitchens to send tea and muffins to the roof terrace."
  4535. > He bowed and flew away at speed. She looked to the other guards.
  4536. "Please see to it that we are not disturbed. Only Princess Luna is allowed to come."
  4537. > They all saluted and formed up behind the group.
  4538. > She needn't have ordered it. The crowd of passers-by didn't follow. They understood it would be intruding.
  4539. > Before Celestia could move, Rock Lichen took a step away from his mare.
  4540. > "Hold on, let me look at you," he said when the mare tried to follow.
  4541. > He stared for a while, then went and gently felt her barrel and belly with a hoof. He seemed overawed by the slight bump.
  4542. > "What?!" the mare demanded with a puzzled grin. She shifted her hooves and flicked her tail, suddenly self-conscious.
  4543. > "Just- you're beautiful, Lake Frond!"
  4544. > "Aww," she exclaimed and grabbed him again. At least this time they didn't fall over. They nuzzled for a moment, then Lake sighed. "Come on, we're holding up the hallway."
  4545. > Celestia stood up and - still keeping a wing on Anonymous - led them away. There was such a lot she wanted to ask and even more she wanted to say. And from the looks of him, her human was also bursting with questions.
  4546. > She remembered a crucial detail and glanced back at the guards, who were following at a respectable distance.
  4547. "Oh, if Lake Frond's parents come-"
  4548. > The alicorn didn't know how to finish that thought, so she glanced expectantly at the mare.
  4549. > "Kindly send them away and tell them I'll see them in a few hours," Lake Frond finished.
  4550. > She giggled a little at that, but neither Rock Lichen, nor Celestia, nor Anonymous minded her decision.
  4551. > The four of them shared a special bond. They all wanted to catch up without outside intrusion, at least for a while.
  4552. > There would be time for others later.
  4553. > "Oh! I just realized!" Rock Lichen said suddenly and stopped.
  4554. > They all looked, Lake Frond raising an ear and focusing it on him.
  4555. > "We need to get married - I hope your parents won't-" he mumbled to a stop when the mare laid a hoof on his muzzle.
  4556. > "Sweetie. We *are* married, remember?" she reminded him.
  4557. > His ears went down and Rock looked at the carpet. "Well, yes, but that was just us. It wasn't official or anything..."
  4558. > The mare laughed gently and sat on her haunches. She put both hooves on his face so she could turn it to face her. "Love, *us* is what matters."
  4559. > "Well, yes, but-"
  4560. > This time it was Celestia who interrupted him.
  4561. "Rock Lichen, you two are *more* married than any couple I've wed over the centuries. But if it makes you feel any better - I pronounce you husband and wife."
  4562. > The three of them laughed and after a moment even Rock Lichen joined in.
  4563. > "Don't you have to hear our vows first?" the stallion persisted.
  4564. > Celestia let Anonymous go for just a moment, so she could brush the feathers through Rock Lichen's mane.
  4565. "No, I do not have to. Because it is obvious to me you two care deeply about each other."
  4566. > She stopped and leaned her head to the side.
  4567. "However, if it is a wedding *party* you want - then I agree. You may organize a little something. You *should*, in fact. I will bake the wedding cake!"
  4568. > "That's settled then," Lake Frond said and pulled her husband upright. "Now let's go, or I won't tell you what color fur your filly will have!"
  4569. > The stallion gasped sharply. "You *know*? How?!"
  4570. > The mare just grinned. "They have magic for that now. The doctor said it was inspired by some human invention. It was complicated, but yes - I know."
  4571. > "Tell me tell me tell me!"
  4573. > ~~~~
  4575. > Shortly after they had finished the muffins Celestia became aware of Anonymous' stare. She idly brushed her muzzle with a hoof, afraid something might be on it.
  4576. "What?"
  4577. > "It's just-" he began and waved a hand to indicate her appearance. "All this!"
  4578. > Celestia frowned a little. She had looked in a mirror before court. She looked like she always looked.
  4579. "What do you mean?"
  4580. > "This," the human waved again. "The way you walk, the way you command. The crown, the golden vest, everything!"
  4581. > The alicorn smiled a little.
  4582. "You sound shocked. Did you not believe it before?"
  4583. > "I have, I have," the man said, "but maybe in some way I didn't *quite* know what it meant?"
  4584. > He had answered just a tad too quickly. She would have to tease him about it a little, later on. Right now, Celestia was still in the soft, warm glow of having him by her side again.
  4585. > When she didn't reply, Anonymous continued: "Guess you really are the Princess!"
  4586. > "Ahem!" came a voice which made them all look. Luna was striding to them, grinning. "There are *two* Princesses in Canterlot, I will have you know!"
  4587. > She hardly ever used the Royal Voice lately, Celestia had noticed. All the practice with Eli Grant was paying off.
  4588. > "Oh! Of course, I didn't mean- I'm sorry if I-" her human began apologizing, but Luna just laughed and held up a wing.
  4589. > "No need, Mr. Anonymous. We- uh, I am pleased to meet you."
  4590. > Celestia shuffled on the bench until she had her back pressed against her human, so that Luna could sit. She didn't mind the arrangement and neither did he. One arm came around her withers to pat her barrel and the mare brushed it with her muzzle.
  4591. > On the other side of the table, Lake Frond and Rock Lichen glanced up at the Princess, bowed their heads, but then went straight back to whispering to each other.
  4592. > It reminded Celestia of what she had been telling Anonymous before he started lavishing praise on her.
  4593. "Oh, I am *extremely* sorry about the house, Anonymous. Any way I can repay you, you have but to ask!"
  4594. > Before he could answer, Luna jumped it. "Half the treasury is mine, Sister. Keep that in mind, please."
  4595. > She looked the human up and down and very obviously licked her lips. "But perhaps we could come to some arrangement..."
  4596. "Luna!"
  4597. > Her indignant whisper quickly made the younger alicorn lower her ears in embarrassment. Celestia looked to see if Anonymous wasn't too offended, but the human was grinning. When their gazes met, he burst out laughing.
  4598. > "Sorry, Princess," he told Luna, "but I am a one-pony man."
  4599. > Just for that Celestia gave his face a lick. He was just as pleasantly salty as she remembered.
  4600. > The mare couldn't help herself and licked again, this time lower, on his neck.
  4601. > "Uh, perhaps we should order some food?" Anonymous suggested. "Or whatever we do here?"
  4602. > Celestia colored a little, but quickly collected her wits.
  4603. "I will go and send for something. Any wishes?"
  4604. > Shrugging, Anonymous pointed a finger at her. "Whatever you're having."
  4605. "Good. Hay stew it is."
  4606. > She slipped from under his arm and tried very hard not to laugh at his expression.
  4607. "Do not worry. It is vegetable stew and fresh bread and fried broccoli. I'll have your hay fries, if you do npt want them. And then marzipan cake for dessert."
  4608. > "Delicious," Anonymous commented.
  4609. > Celestia realized she would probably have to arrange for a supply of meat, just so she could offer Anonymous some variety.
  4610. > Of course she would! He had already given up so much in such a short time that the mare decided he would not have to give up absolutely everything! It was be the least she could do.
  4611. > Besides, the griffin cook had given her a few recipes she wanted to try, however gross they sounded.
  4612. > As Celestia walked to the entrance, she heard Anonymous say: "Celly spoke a lot about you, you know? She really missed you."
  4613. > She nearly smacked a hoof against her face. 'Celly'. If she didn't respond to that properly, she would never live it down!
  4614. > Even now, Luna began giggling at it.
  4615. > "Oh, did she? I didn't know - ahem - 'Celly' felt that way!"
  4616. > Oh no, even Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were chuckling!
  4617. > Celestia sighed and let it drop. She *had* wanted to become more approachable to her subjects. This would undoubtedly help, as would her earlier display in the court room.
  4618. > Perhaps, next winter, she might even get to join the fun in the snow! Yes, she would forgive 'Celly' in exchange for that!
  4619. > She quickly sent a guard to the kitchens and returned to the table. Of course Luna had that same smirk she had each time she learned an embarrassing detail about her older sister.
  4620. > "Hey, Celly," the younger alicorn said.
  4621. > Anonymous quickly caught on and patted Celestia on the flank. "Sorry," he whispered.
  4622. "I do not mind. It's much shorter than 'Princess Celestia'. I like it."
  4623. > That took the fun right out of it and Luna pouted a little.
  4624. "We shall have to think up a similar name for you, Sister. What does Eli Grant call you when you are alone?"
  4625. > Now her younger sister squeaked in alarm and looked away.
  4626. > So there *was* something! Celestia looked forward to finding out.
  4627. > She would find out!
  4628. > The alicorn squeezed herself back on the bench between her sister and Anonymous and leaned her back against the human again. The arm found its way around her neck and down. The fingers slid under the peytral.
  4629. > They played idly with the Royal Chest Fluff and Celestia groaned in comfort. The jealous look her sister gave her took the sting right out of 'Celly'.
  4630. "Do not worry, Sister. Soon, you too."
  4631. > Luna nodded, but didn't comment. She stopped frowning, however.
  4632. "After dinner, you have to attend the evening ceremony, Anonymous. If you did not believe me being a Princess, then you also didn't believe I can move the sun and moon. I will prove it to you."
  4633. > "Hey!" the human protested and tapped her nose with a finger. It made her scrunch up her muzzle and go cross eyed for a moment. "I believed you, I was just a little... unprepared."
  4634. "I shall enjoy seeing your face when you are 'unprepared' for the ceremony!"
  4635. > He sighed in mock-exasperation and went to bop her nose again, but Celestia just licked his finger and smiled.
  4636. "Love you."
  4637. > The nose bop changed to a cheek-brushing and the human whispered back: "Love you too."
  4639. > ~~~~
  4641. > At long last!
  4642. > Celestia had the human in her bed chambers. No more cold, empty bed! No more waking up in the middle of the night from a wonderful dream and feeling around with hooves for the warm body which wasn't there.
  4643. > Not to forget - finally some relief for the fire in her belly. She was a long way from her next heat, but she wanted *it* badly. She had missed it!
  4644. > And when the year turned and it became her time in the cycle again, Anonymous would be in for a ride of his life!
  4645. > The alicorn couldn't get her mind off such things. She felt a little guilty. Her human had been back less than a day and already she was focusing almost exclusively on what was in his pants.
  4646. > Was that good? Was it bad?
  4647. > She would decide later. At the moment, Celestia was lounging on her bed, waiting for the human to finish his evening ablutions.
  4648. > The Lowering of the Sun ceremony had been a big success. However much Anonymous had vowed he was ready to see it, he still couldn't keep that slack-jawed, open-mouthed, overawed look from his face. Even now, it still made Celestia chuckle a little every now and then.
  4649. > She supposed that seeing it done for the first time *would* be impressive. Especially if you had grown up in a world with no magic whatsoever.
  4650. > The man had cheered just as loudly as her subjects, and clapped his hands. At both of them. Even Luna was quite flattered by his enthusiasm, while the other two humans watched Anonymous with a slightly bemused expression.
  4651. > Their meeting had gone well, Celestia thought. The ambassador seemed to respect Anonymous' vast knowledge of the law and Anonymous likewise expressed his appreciation to have Mr. Bennett's skills to call upon when his new position might require them.
  4652. > Everyone seemed to be hitting it off.
  4653. > Even if they didn't, Celestia would still keep her human in the castle. She would put her hoof down, if she had to!
  4654. > After all, she was the Princess!
  4655. > The man in question came from the bathroom attached to the royal suite. He was wearing the bathrobe he had brought from Earth, much to the mare's dismay.
  4656. > She quickly brightened up. It was more exciting to wait! The reveal would come later.
  4657. "Hey."
  4658. > He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on her hoof. "So, here we are. New rooms, new country. New world, even."
  4659. > He seemed sombre. Celestia tried to imagine what it would be like to leave everything behind and go someplace she had not even seen. For love.
  4660. > She nuzzled the human.
  4661. "I really appreciate you joining me here, Anonymous. Please understand that."
  4662. > His grip tightened.
  4663. "You will lack for nothing. Whatever you wish, simply say and I will make it happen. And-"
  4664. > Her throat seized up and Celestia had to force herself to exhale before she could continue.
  4665. "If you ever wish to return to Earth, I will help you however I can. Pony money has no value in your world, but the crown does have some bargaining power."
  4666. > A tear slid down her face at the thought that Anonymous might grow bored with her and Equestria. He saw it and brushed it away with his thumb.
  4667. > "Hey, I only just got here. Let me see your kingdom before I decide I don't like it, okay?"
  4668. > She smiled and crawled forward to put her head in his lap.
  4669. > Then Celestia closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.
  4670. > The hand patted her neck, then travelled down, brushing her witheres and stopping in that precise spot between her wings. It applied a gentle pressure and the mare moaned.
  4671. > She remembered her burning need.
  4672. "Anonymous?"
  4673. > "Hmm?" he asked absentmindedly, concentrating on his hand which was travelling lower. It brushed her cutie mark and traced a warm line down her hind leg to the ankle.
  4674. > Celestia rolled a little to give her human better access. The wonderful touch came back up on the inside of her leg.
  4675. > She fought to remember what she wanted to ask.
  4676. "How.. h-how many times-"
  4677. > The mare was already breathing heavily.
  4678. "-can you go... tonight?"
  4679. > She absolutely didn't want to make the night end too soon!
  4680. > The human chuckled a little. "As many times as you make me, sweetie. You're the Princess, remember?"
  4681. > Celestia could stand it no longer. Her lips sought out his and she moaned again as the fingers finished their journey and fiddled with her teats.
  4682. > But then she froze at a sudden memory. She pulled her face away and smiled apologetically.
  4683. "J-Just a second..."
  4684. > She clambered out of the bed and examined the wall beside it. She frowned in silent calculation and turned around.
  4685. > Anonymous just watched her curiously.
  4686. > Then Celestia leaned on her forehooves and bucked the wall with all her might. She wasn't an earth pony, but it was still a powerful blow.
  4687. > It left the plaster cracked and two deep indents of her hooves imprinted in the wall.
  4688. > The human flinched and leaned away. At the same time, there came a muffled yelp from the other side of the wall, followed shortly by the sound of smashing glass.
  4689. > "What the-" Anonymous began, but Celestia hushed him.
  4690. > He fell silent and they listened as the neighboring door slammed open, followed by stomping hooves in the hallway.
  4691. > There was a very irate-sounding knocking and Celestia magicked the door open to admit a red-faced Luna.
  4692. > "What was the meaning of that?!" the younger alicorn demanded. "Why did you do that, Sister?! You made me smash my glass!"
  4693. > Celestia smiled pleasantly.
  4694. "Was this the glass you had been holding up to the wall and listening through, Sister?"
  4695. > Luna opened and shut her mouth a few times, then looked away. The red of annoyance in her cheeks was quickly replaced by a deeper crimson of embarrassment.
  4696. > She didn't need to admit it. Celestia knew and Luna knew she knew.
  4697. > "How?" was all she asked.
  4698. "I had a dream, once. Also, I know you quite well, Luna. Now, will I have to erect a soundless spell each night?"
  4699. > The younger alicorn looked at the floor with her ears folded all the way down.
  4700. > "No, Sister," she said in a quiet, defeated voice.
  4701. "Promise?"
  4702. > "Yes, Sister."
  4703. > Celestia didn't quite believe it. Luna had seemed contrite and sincere before and then had gone and 'forgotten' her promises mere weeks later.
  4704. > This time, it only had to last until she started having Eli Grant in her room for the nights. She was only curious, that was all. Celestia couldn't stay mad at her sister.
  4705. "Good night, Luna."
  4706. > "Yes. Uh- good night."
  4707. > The door closed a lot more gently than it had opened. The hoof steps went to the other room.
  4708. > Celestia heard the gentle tinkle of glass as Luna swept it up with her magic.
  4709. "Sorry about that."
  4710. > Anonymous just waved it away with his hand.
  4711. > "You two are quite close?" he asked as the mare returned to her bed, limping a little. Perhaps she had bucked a tad too hard.
  4712. "She is my sister. You must understand, Anonymous - everypony around us grows old and fades away. In the end, all we have is each other."
  4713. > "Aren't there four of you alicorns?"
  4714. > Celestia nodded a little and lay on her side.
  4715. "That is a recent thing. For the longest time, there was just myself and Luna. And then only myself for a while, until Luna returned."
  4716. > She groaned a little.
  4717. > "What is it?" the human asked with concern.
  4718. "Hoof. Kicked too hard."
  4719. > He shuffled away, taking his warm lap which Celestia had been using as a pillow. She tried to follow, but a gentle hand held her still.
  4720. > "Hold on," he told her and the mare went limp.
  4721. "What are you doing?"
  4722. > "Going to try something."
  4723. > His hand picked up one of her hind legs and carefully pulled it closer. The fingers gently pressed into the frog.
  4724. > Celestia gasped, then exhaled the air in a moan. The pressure intensified and all she could do was whimper as her mind started to dissolve in pleasure.
  4725. "Gold and riches and..."
  4726. > She had to focus hard to keep talking.
  4727. "Luxuries a-and, and, *gold*."
  4728. > "Hmm?" Anonymous asked and stopped rubbing. It allowed Celestia to get out a coherent thought.
  4729. "That's how I'll reward you for this! Please don't stop!"
  4730. > He chuckled and went right back to it.
  4731. > The mare closed her eyes with a small groan. Her head flopped back down and she whispered:
  4732. "I love you, Anonymous."

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf