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Off Duty, Xmas short (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:13:20
Expiry: Never

  1. > Princess Celestia, co-ruler and protector of her realm, keeper of the sun, guardian of the day and other such titles, lay on her back with all four legs in the air and tried not to shudder too much.
  2. "Haw-dew!" she commanded.
  3. > Her voice was muffled by a candy cane she was industriously melting with her tongue and which was poking out of her muzzle.
  4. > Fortunately the human, Anonymous, understood her request. His fingers dug strongly into the frog on her hind leg. It made her eyes nearly roll up in her skull and a dribble escaped her mouth.
  5. "Mmmphpmh!"
  6. > She gripped the cane with her teeth and stuck her tongue out to try and catch the escaping bit of sweetness, but it was too late. In a minute it would stick her mane to the bed, but Celestia didn't care.
  7. > It was a day when she had carefully arranged not to have to do anything at all. Perhaps she would take a bath, or maybe she would just lay there and have Anonymous bring her treats and, well, *treat* her...
  8. > -to a most relaxing and pleasurable day.
  9. > The human let her hoof go, which was sad, but then he placed his hands on her soft belly, which was good again. Celestia closed her eyes and gave the candy cone another suck.
  10. > Over the years Anonymous had learned exactly where she liked to be touched and how hard. She noticed he was staying away from the 'naughty' areas, which was just as well.
  11. > It'd be a shame to ruin a fantastic, relaxing massage by immediate exertion right after it.
  12. > Although, the mare thought, 'exertion' later in the day sounded positively delightfully. Oh, and a hot bath, right after it!
  13. > "So, Lake Frond coming to visit today with her family," Anonymous said.
  14. > Celestia opened her eyes. That was right! She had nearly forgotten! It would curtail her plans to be lazy, but that was okay. Having her good friend Lake Frond with her husband and filly over would be nothing short of a delight!
  15. > It has been several months since she'd even heard from the mare and over a year since she'd seen the husband and daughter!
  16. > Years went by too quickly, it would not do to waste these opportunities when they arrived.
  17. "That's right," the mare murmured, levitating the candy cone out of her mouth. "We'll have to do something together."
  18. > "Any wishes?"
  19. > The Princess thought for a minute, but then an idea occurred and a smile spread across her muzzle. It was perfect! Young Hazel Glow was the perfect age!
  20. "Yes! I have just the idea! Can you write a quick scroll for me?"
  21. > That meant Anonymous would have to remove his hands from her belly, but Celestia would perform this greatest of sacrifices for her friends. She couldn't quite prevent a forlorn sigh from escaping her, but she managed not to look mournfully after the human.
  22. > Pretty soon he was seated at the working table in her chambers and had a pen in his hand. Personally, Celestia preferred the elegance and tradition of a quill, but Anonymous was doing her a favor, so a pen would have to do.
  23. > "Ready," the human announced.
  24. "Okay, begin with: 'Dear Mrs. Cobalt Shard and Mr. Salt Lick,'" Celestia began narrating.
  25. > The pen flowed smoothly over the paper, but Celestia missed the familiar scritch and scratch of a quill. She waited until she judged Anonymous was nearly done with the line, then went on.
  26. "I do apologize for the suddeness and lateness of this note, but I would be extremely delighted if your family would grace myself and my sister Luna by joining our Heartswarming lunch."
  27. > Celestia turned her head and saw that Anonymous was frowning in both confusion and concentration. She giggled silently to himself. He'd understand soon enough. She concentrated on her words once again.
  28. "I was heartened to hear that your daughter is doing well and that her illness has not recurred, as you had feared. I am very much looking forward to meeting little Morning Breeze again!"
  29. > Perhaps the human would figure out her intentions now? Celestia sneaked another glance, but Anonymous still looked blank. She was being too subtle, most likely.
  30. "I hope this finds you in good health and Heartswarming spirit! All the best, Celestia. There. Bring this over, I will send it with magic, since it's on such a short notice."
  31. > The pen continued its journey for a few more seconds, then stopped. The room was silent as Anonymous watched how Celestia was smiling to herself.
  32. > "Okay, so what's the plan?" he asked at long last.
  33. "I am not telling!"
  34. > She waited just long enough for the human to open his mouth to ask again, then she interrupted him:
  35. "-for less than a kiss!"
  36. > It was perhaps a bit too cheesy, but Anonymous was smiling when he came over and sat on the bed again. Celestia's candy cane was floating just above her, but she moved it out of the way when the human leaned over.
  37. > She shut her eyes, all the better to focus on the warmth pressed against her lips.
  38. > He made it a long one, much to the mare's delight. Long and wet and slightly sloppy, just how she liked her kisses. Maybe a tiny bit of exertion before breakfast would be alright? Her tail swished around in anticipation.
  39. > "Tell me now?" Anonymous asked.
  40. "It is simple, Anonymous. You reminded me that Lake Frond and Rock Lichen's filly is five years old, which means Morning Breeze is nine. Both are the perfect age for..."
  41. > She paused for dramatic effect and to give the human a chance to figure it out. He didn't and just kept looking at her in puzzlement. "For?" he prompted.
  42. "Snowball fight!!"
  43. > The Princess wiggled in delight and kicked all four hooves in anticipation of the fun. She started giggling when she saw Anonymous' expression.
  44. "I command you to join as well!"
  45. > He rolled his eyes, but his mouth quirked up in a smile. "Fine, you're on! Just don't come complaining to me when I pelt you good!"
  46. > Celestia stuck her tongue out at him. More ideas were occurring.
  47. "We will invite Luna and Eli as well! Just to keep it fair, you will team up with Luna and I'll take Eli. There's bound to be some ponies already playing and we'll make teams! It's going to be so much fun!"
  48. > "You sure Luna will be up for it?"
  49. > Celestia froze for a split second, then her grin widened.
  50. "When I tell her she can throw snowballs in Eli's face for fun? You can bet on it!"
  51. > Anonymous was forced to agree and nodded his head.
  52. "First, however, I need a different service from you."
  53. > "Oh, what's that?"
  54. > Celestia didn't explain with words. She just pushed herself upright and stole a very passionate kiss from the man. He understood immediately and his arms wrapped around her neck.
  55. > She broke it off and panted a little. She could have sworn her breath came out as faint mist in the cool air.
  56. "Af-After the f-fight," the mare gasped, "we're taking a bath. Together. Except without buble bath this time."
  57. > "Why is that?"
  58. > Celestia smiled innocently and her tail swished in giddy anticipation.
  59. "It'll be more comfortable for you to breathe."
  60. > Judging by his shocked expression, He clearly didn't understand what she was getting at. He didn't even know how to answer that, or what question to ask.
  61. "Let me tell you about this spell Luna taught me..."

Something, at least (SPG)

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Break (SPG)

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Red Sky (SPG)

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Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

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Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

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