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Binyl Scratch-Do You Even Lift the Bass?

By NeighborVadim
Created: 2021-04-06 05:06:07
Expiry: Never

  1. "I really don't know why I decided to come with you guys, I hate clubbing".
  2. >"Come on, man, you never even try to enjoy yourself".
  3. >You really didn't intend on doing so tonight either.
  4. >As you and your buddies entered, they were already going after girls on the dance floor, and you went right over to the bar.
  5. >At least if you went to the bar across the street, you could be having yourself a stogie.
  6. "Sleeman, please".
  7. >As the barmaid popped the cap off your drink and handed it to you, you saw a massive muscular arm in the right corner of your vision.
  8. >'Drinking away your gains, bro?' is what you thought at first.
  9. >Then you heard the leviathan's voice.
  10. >"White Russian, make it snappy".
  11. >You weren't sure if it was the music that was distorting your hearing, but the voice sounded oddly feminine.
  12. >You looked to your right to see that it was indeed a woman.
  13. >Just about making an ass of yourself, you gasp at the sight of her, but thankfully the music was too loud for her to notice.
  14. >Quickly bringing your head forward again, you didn't want to get caught staring.
  15. >But, since this was unusual for you, you couldn't help but peek back at her a few times.
  16. >The shirt she was wearing was sleeveless, it looked like it was once a hoodie, underneath that was a black shirt that barely covered her chest, and the purple leggings seemed to struggle in hiding her massive thigh muscles.
  17. >Seems she was eager to show her body to the world, the same couldn't be said for her eyes, which she hid behind purple tinted sunglasses.
  18. >It wasn't too long until she noticed that you were mirin'.
  19. >"I'm guessing you like what you see here..."
  20. >As she said that, she flexed her massive arm.
  21. >Oh god, you were in for it now.
  22. "Erm, maybe I do..."
  23. >You'll admit, you sort of did.
  24. >Finishing off her drink, she let a bit of the white liquid trickle down the sides of her mouth.
  25. >Oh Christ, she's flirting with you.
  26. >Why couldn't she flirt with someone with confidence like one of your buddies on the dance floor?
  29. >After paying for her drink, she gestured for you to follow her to the dance floor.
  30. >Preferring to keep your neck not snapped, you decide to follow suit.
  31. >Not before paying for your beer, though, so scared and aroused you almost forgot to pay up.
  32. >You wouldn't have to worry about losing her in the crowd, at more than six feet tall and swole as a motherfucker, she was hard to miss.
  33. >Catching up to her, you ask her a couple of questions, with much difficulty since you were in a club.
  34. "So what's your name anyways?"
  35. >"Name's Vinyl, how about you man?"
  36. "You can just call me Anon".
  37. >"Aight, and what brings you here?"
  38. "Really just escorting my friends here, and you?"
  39. >"I DJ here, I just finished for the day".
  40. "And you're still here? Wouldn't you want to leave for the day to enjoy some peace and quiet?"
  41. >"Yea, ya'd think that, but I love the scene too much to leave the party early..."
  42. >Right after she said that, it seemed the rhythm of the song playing just sort of overtook her, like a current manipulating her massive body as it commanded.
  43. >A damn powerful force that seemed to be.
  44. >Meanwhile, you were trying to get into the motions of dancing.
  45. >You knew how to tango in salsa dance, you knew some basic ballet, but this?
  46. >There was absolutely no form or discipline to it, you had no idea what to do.
  47. >You tried to imitate what everyone else was doing, but you could only see an organized kind of chaos in the crowd.
  48. >Vinyl took notice at your distress, ran her massive arm across your back and pulled you towards her, grinding her pelvis into yours, bending her knees a bit in order to make that happen.
  49. >You put your hands just above her chest, not sure if you were trying to push yourself away from her or get a feel of her built body.
  50. >Fat chance doing the former, so the latter it was.
  51. >Meanwhile, your friends were at the bar looking for you.
  52. >I wasn't too long when they noticed that you were getting grinded by Vinyl.
  55. >"Hey look, ya boi's getting made into a bitch by that amazon chick!"
  56. >"Damn, brave mothafucka feelin' her up".
  57. >"Actually I think she's feeling him down".
  58. >[Huehuehue Intensifies]
  59. >Your three bros had their selves a good laugh, until one of them proposed a wager.
  60. >"Aight, betcha twenty dongs she's gonna rape him".
  61. >Your friends wouldn't be betting on your health and well being would they?
  62. >"You're on!"
  63. >If you had any idea that they made this bet at the time you would've disowned them.
  64. >Meanwhile, Vinyl was leading the dance.
  65. >Even if club dancing didn't have any rules on who led or followed, it was obvious that the giantess fondling you was leading this dance.
  66. >You couldn't help but run your hands across her body.
  67. >You could feel the ripples throughout her back, the smooth hardness of her lats, you didn't dare go any farther than that though.
  68. >She on the other hand, was exploring your body a little more liberally, even going so far as to give your bum a little squeeze.
  69. >Before you could gasp, she turned you around and started grinding you from behind.
  70. >You couldn't help but close your body up, as if anticipating that she was going to start digging beneath your clothes.
  71. >She ran her hand across your belly, and you put your hand over hers.
  72. >A big size difference between yours and hers, your forearms were like comparing a stick to a log.
  73. >Seconds later she was running that hand down to your crotch, though there was no doubt you were liking this (since your dick was a hard as her abs), you still couldn't help but close up your legs to protect your valuables.
  74. >A warm moisture was slithering up and down the side of your neck, followed by a nibble.
  75. >Oh no, hickies!"
  76. >She turned you around, slowly working up to your mouth, where her tongue would infiltrate.
  79. >Damn, even her tongue felt stronger than yours as your own tongue wrestled with it.
  80. >It seemed that as long as you were within her grasp, you no longer had free reign over your own body.
  81. >It was no use trying to force it out of your mouth, but the more it slithered about the more you liked it.
  82. >You soon found yourself falling into a trance, time seemed to move slowly, and all the sounds of the club were filtered out of your hearing.
  83. >You closed your eyes, all that seemed to matter was this kiss that, just seconds ago, you didn't want.
  84. >It was a strange yet wonderful sensation, but something wasn't right.
  85. >Seconds later, she ended the kiss and you snapped back into reality, and she left you panting and gasping for air.
  86. >Now you were probably blushing the whole time you were on the dance floor with her, but it probably wasn't noticeable under the darkness and the light show, but now she probably noticed that you were.
  87. >How did you know? Because you could see that you were blushing in the reflection in her glasses.
  88. >A thin red line cut through your face, you looked like a horny anime character.
  89. >"Hey, how about we take this to my boss' office?"
  90. >She isn't serious is she?
  91. "Umm, sure!"
  92. >Other than the fact that she could end your life just by blowing in your general direction, you weren't too sure what possessed you to say 'yes!'
  93. >That, and the fact that you answered so enthusiastically.
  94. >She responded with a smirk.
  95. >It was then the room started moving, while you weren't.
  96. "What the hell!"
  97. >It was then that you noticed that your feet weren't touching the floor.
  98. >You knew something wasn't right, she was manhandling you!
  99. "Umm, excuse me, Vinyl..."
  100. >"Yeah?"
  101. "Would you mind putting me down".
  102. >Though you couldn't see it, she was rolling her eyes at you, like what you requested was rather petty.
  103. >Nonetheless, she obliged.
  104. >She still held your hand going through the crowd though, coming out of there, she looked like a mother guiding an oversized toddler out of a crowded mall.
  105. >Well, it still wasn't as degrading as being manhandled.
  108. >Your friends took notice as Vinyl dragged you into a door marked 'employees only' in the back of the room.
  109. >"Sheeeeeit mane, he gon get raped!"
  110. >"Nah, brah, see all the lipstick on him, they were getting all lovey dovey out there, maybe she gonna show him a good time in there".
  111. >It's true, you didn't notice that your neck and shirt collar were stained with her blue lipstick.
  112. "Oh please tell me this washes off..."
  113. >"What, you don't like the memory?"
  114. >Actually, it's just that it was one of your favorite shirts, but still.
  115. >As you went down the hallway leading to the office, the music was reduced to low pitched booming of the bass.
  116. >You could tell Vinyl was enjoying the sound as she nodded her head to the beat.
  117. >She input a code into the lock and got the door open, holding it open to you as if to say 'ladies first'.
  118. >It's funny that you thought of it that way, because you felt just like a hot chick getting picked up from the bar, and now you were about to get banged.
  119. >Feminists would be jumping for joy to see that the roles were reversed.
  121. Realtalk: or they would be gathered outside my house, protesting my impossible body standards for women.
  123. >For the owner of such an establishment, it was quite modest.
  124. >It was windowless, had a single desk with a laptop computer on it...
  125. >A couple of pictures of the owner and his girlfriend...
  126. >Ceramic floor...
  127. >An office chair, and a black leather couch.
  128. "I hope you're not casting here, also, what if your boss finds out about this?"
  129. >"He won't, he won't be back for the next week".
  130. >Who manages the opening and closing then?
  131. >Meh, question for another time.
  132. >Vinyl took a seat on the couch, gesturing you to do the same.
  133. >Just as you were about to get seated next to her, she grabbed your ass before you could park it.
  134. >"Nuh-uh..."
  135. >She patted her lap, giving you the order to get seated there.
  136. >While still facing her, you placed your arse on her lap and your legs off to the side.
  137. >You felt like a lap dog, her little pet, doing this.
  140. >This may not have been your first sexual encounter, but there was nothing that could've prepared you for this.
  141. >Considering how new and strange this was for you, you may as well have been a virgin.
  142. >Being in the hands of this leviathan was pretty unnerving, to say the least.
  143. >She ran her fingers through your hair, then pulled your head towards her's to embrace you in a kiss.
  144. >Just before you could start getting intimate, you had one thing, to ask her.
  145. "mmm, wait, before we go further, would you mind taking off the glasses?"
  146. >"Wha?"
  147. "Come on, we only really know each other's names, can I at least look you in the eye if we're going to, well, go at it?"
  148. >She, almost mockingly, raises an eyebrow at this request.
  149. >But she does as you ask, and lifts her shades, revealing her piercing red eyes.
  150. "Wow".
  151. >"Happy now?"
  152. "Damn shame something so beautiful was kept hidden".
  153. >As cheesy as that sounded, it still managed to make her blush bashfully.
  154. >Tossing her glasses on the desk, she returned to making out with you.
  155. >Again, just before things got really hot and heavy, she stopped herself.
  156. >"Hold up, lemme put on some of my tunes".
  157. >You got up and stepped aside, and she went over to the laptop on the desk.
  158. >She browsed through the hundreds of playlists until she found one of her's.
  159. >"Now, where were we?"
  160. >Sitting sideways on the couch, you shot her a look, a small smile and a raise of the eyebrows that said, 'I'm defenseless, come and get me!'
  161. >Doing exactly that, she pounced and got on top of you, taking care not to crush you in blind lust.
  164. >Even though she stopped a foot above you, you still squeaked like a bitch.
  165. >Whatever bit of confidence you had a couple of seconds ago vanished.
  166. >She looked down at you while you covered your face, and wincing, thinking that you were going to die by swole slamming.
  167. >You lowered your hands, still covering the lower half of your face, seeing the lust in her bright red eyes.
  168. >She licked her lips, slowly sliding the tip of her tongue over her upper lip.
  169. >Most of her blue lipstick was smeared off, mostly onto you you.
  170. >She worked her hands, one by one, between yours, pushing each of your hands off to the sides, exposing your face.
  171. >What was happening here was the very definition of helplessness, she could do whatever she wished to you and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
  172. >But, of course, that's what made it exciting.
  173. >It was like the thrill of a gamble, betting ones reproductive health... their overall health, into this one game of sex.
  174. >She dug her hand behind your back and lifted your face up to hers.
  175. "Please, not too rough with me, just please... AH! ...ohmygod, aaaahhhhh, nnnnggghhh!"
  176. >Again she went for your neck to continue with the hickies, what was she, some sort of blue haired tiger?
  177. >She had you sounding like a girl who just experienced her first ever orgasm.
  178. >You pulled your body up against hers, wrapping your legs around her torso, pressing your chest against the softness of hers as her mouth was on it's way to yours.
  179. >The next thing you knew, you were sitting upright, longways on the couch, as Vinyl was getting ready to tear open your dress shirt.
  182. "Wait, wait!"
  183. >Abruptly stopping, she looked at you, a bit annoyed.
  184. "Let me..."
  185. >Slowly, and with a bit of feminine grace, you unbuttoned your shirt, so she wouldn't have to tear through it.
  186. >She slid her hand down your exposed chest and abs (well, you couldn't really call them abs, but you definitely didn't have a gut), stopping it just above your belt buckle.
  187. >She stared into your eyes, gave you a slight rise of an eyebrow and a smirk, silently commanding you to expose it all to her.
  188. >'I suppose I had a good run with my boys', you thought to yourself.
  189. >You began by undoing your belt, then unzipping your jeans in the same sultry fashion that you did your shirt.
  190. >Unzipped, you pulled your boxers down, your erect member popping out and exposing itself.
  191. >Revealing yourself to a person her size, you knew you weren't going to impress.
  192. >She grabbed your shaft, gripping it lightly so as not to hurt you, and stroked you up and down.
  193. >A moment later, she brought her hand down to your family jewels, caressing them like marbles in a bag (taking care not to move them about too much, of course).
  194. >All the while she was doing this, your breathing was getting heavier, and you weren't sure if you were going to have a heart attack or if your heart was going to burst out of your chest.
  195. >In your head, you were praying that she didn't make a wrong move and tear off or crush your genitals.
  196. >When she figured that you were prepped and hard enough, she grabbed you by your buttocks and lifted you up.
  197. >She brought your crotch up to the level of her face, and put her lips on the tip of your dick, licking it.
  198. >She pushed you the rest of the way into her mouth, you didn't have to do the work of thrusting as she was pushing you back and fourth.
  199. >Trying to keep balance, you grab her head, making sure not to pull her hair.
  200. >You adjusted your hands to lightly grip the sides of her face, as you did this, she looked up at you.
  201. >You stared into her eyes as she sucked you off, until you felt a prodding into your backside.
  204. >She began fingering your ass as she was blowing you.
  205. >Again, she had you moaning and squeaking like an orgasming bitch.
  206. >She was going in deep too, any farther than she was then she would be poking into your prostate.
  207. >It took every ounce of your being to keep yourself from cumming, even though you weren't too sure if she wanted you to finish now.
  208. >Thankfully, she took your dick out of her mouth and her fingers out of your ass then set you down.
  209. >Seems she wasn't done with you, good thing you didn't cum.
  210. >She got up, and started pulling down her leggings.
  211. >Halfway down her bulging thighs, she tore the leggings at the crotch, turning them into stockings.
  212. >Reaching back up her skirt, which was really just a fat belt on her, she began to pull down her panties.
  213. >Bringing them down to her knees, she sat back down, removed it off one of her legs, and let it dangle on the other as she outstretched it.
  214. >She then kicked it towards you, the lacy black undergarment landing on your bare shoulder.
  215. >Turning her body towards you, you were expecting her to expose a great big cave of a vagine to you.
  216. >Yet, what you saw was the tightest looking pussy you ever laid eyes on.
  217. >Opening her legs a little more, she ran her fingers on the sides of it.
  218. >"C'mere and get down on this, big guy".
  219. >You figured you'd better return the favor, she had given you the greatest head ever.
  220. >Crawling across the couch towards her, you were getting a little shaky again.
  221. >The best word to describe the feeling was, 'scaroused'.
  222. >Sure, you were going to eat some great pussy, but your head might get crushed in the middle of enjoying it.
  223. >Nonetheless, she gave you an order, and you had to carry it out.
  224. >You started by loosening her up by getting a couple of fingers in there, feeling out her interior.
  225. >She let out small moans as you went on, a moment later you figured it was time to get your face in there.
  228. >You put your hands on the insides of her thighs, as reassurance that she wouldn't close them on you and crush you.
  229. >Although, if she had a mind to do that, it would really make no difference what you did.
  230. >Getting down to her hairless slit, you started by sliding your tongue back and forth on the surface.
  231. >"Mmmmm, yeah....."
  232. >She was a little more sensitive than you thought.
  233. >You forced your tongue deeper inside, it was time for it to do some exploring.
  234. >Her breathing was getting noticeably heavier as you went on, evidently you were doing good.
  235. >"Yeah.... yeah! Mmmm, fuck yeah that's it! Right there!"
  236. >Your tongue was rubbing back and forth on her labia...
  237. >You wanted to make her squeal just like she made you do, now you knew how to make that happen.
  238. >Bringing your tongue upwards to the roof of her vagina, you continued just as she told you.
  239. >You slid it back and forth to the beat of the track that was playing, just to add to the experience for her.
  240. >You looked up to her face, she was already starting to break a sweat, and she was even drooling a bit.
  241. >When she looked down at you, you looked her in the eye, smiled and squinted.
  242. >You put all your effort onto the labia, starting by sucking on it, then giving it a nibble.
  243. >Vinyl threw her head back and screamed in pure ecstasy, you had her now.
  244. >What you didn't count on was it coming at such a surprise that she would close her legs.
  245. "AHH!"
  246. >Realizing what she did, her head shot back forward and she gasped, afraid that she might've hurt you.
  247. >"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I'm so sorry!"
  248. >You had jumped forward and turned your body sideways just before she completely closed them on you.
  249. >Seems you dodged a bullet, but you still needed a moment to catch the breath that she squeezed out of you.
  250. >"You alright?"
  251. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me".
  252. >You both needed a moment to catch your breath.
  255. >You were resting your head on her chest right between her breasts, with her hand resting on your back.
  256. >Your head rose and fell with each breath she took.
  257. >The two of you kept like this for a few minutes, until Vinyl decided to break the silence.
  258. >"I dunno about you, but I could use a drink".
  259. >You crawled off of her and she got up, she headed off to the mini fridge at the other side of the room.
  260. "Doesn't that belong to your boss?"
  261. >"Don't worry about it, I'll replace 'em, you wanna Smirnoff Ice? It's on me".
  262. "Sure".
  263. >She tossed you a bottle, and she walked back to the couch with hers.
  264. >As she walked back, you still couldn't help but admire her muscular body.
  265. >Her body was so well defined, that you could see every muscle, every detail in each, working to move her along.
  266. >Adding her sheer size to that, it was quite a sight to see.
  267. >She sat down, put her arm around you, and chugged down half her drink.
  268. >You barely got started on yours by the time she finished off hers.
  269. >When she was done, she looked down to you, your still erect penis specifically.
  270. >"Still rocking out with your cock out, 'eh?"
  271. >Damn, it's true, you hadn't bothered to pull up your pants.
  272. >"You wanna go all the way?"
  273. >Was what you did tonight not considered 'all the way'?
  274. >Then again, she was referring to you putting your dick in her.
  275. "Umm..."
  276. >The question caught you off guard a bit, again, you barely knew this person, yet you were already fucking each other.
  277. >"You don't have to keep going if you don't wanna..."
  278. >You thought about it for a moment, and you decided that you did indeed want to go further.
  279. >Reaching into your pocket, you were hoping to find that condom that you friend kept giving to you, but you kept turning it down since you didn't expect to use it.
  280. >Well, you know what they say, better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have one.
  281. >Finding one, you were already thanking your buddies.
  282. >You presented it to her to answer her question.
  285. >Thank the gods your friends always sneaked condoms into your pockets when you weren't looking.
  286. >Vinyl cracked a small smile at the answer you presented.
  287. >You chugged down the rest of your drink while Vinyl took the rubber and opened it for you.
  288. >As you set your empty bottle aside, she gave you a quick sucking before wrapping you up, just to make sure you were completely hard.
  289. >She lied back down on her back, legs spread out, awaiting your phallus.
  290. >You shuffled on back to her, back between her legs.
  291. >Grabbing her hand, you take a deep breath before inserting yourself into her.
  292. >Pushing up her skirt, which there wasn't much to push up, you now have her exposed.
  293. >You poke the entrance of her pussy, teasing her for a bit.
  294. >Not wanting to keep her waiting too long, you do the deed, slowly thrusting into her to start things off.
  295. >As you already knew, she was incredibly tight, but the feeling inside her was on a whole other level.
  296. >You could feel her contracting around you, making it feel even tighter.
  297. >This made you a bit nervous at first, were you going to lose your manhood in there?
  298. >You starting picking up the speed of your thrusts, at the moment, you were moaning a little louder than she was.
  299. >She let go of your hand in order to unzip her shirt and lift up her tattered undershirt, exposing her breasts to you.
  300. >You lunge forward and grab them with both hands, picking up speed in your thrusting.
  301. >As you continue to drive your little, rather scrawny body into her massive frame, she puts her hands over yours on her chest and wraps her legs around your body.
  302. >If you weren't using a condom, and she was trying to extort child support money out of you, the pullout game would be impossible.
  303. >You kept going at it, as hard and as quick as you could, though you were starting to get exhausted and you were going to cum soon.
  304. >"Ahhh, ahhhh, hnnnnnnnnng, fuck! I think I'm gonna cum!"
  305. >Well isn't that a wonderful coincidence?
  308. >Now you were giving it everything, trying to keep a fast rhythm.
  309. >You wanted to make a great finish to a great session of sex.
  310. >Sweat was dripping off your face, and you were panting heavily.
  311. >"Oh god, Anon, I think I'm coming... oh, ohh, AHHH!"
  312. >You were surprised you could make that happen.
  313. >Just as the two of you were about to reach your orgasm, as the two of you are about to reach that climax, Vinyl pulls you down and locks lips with you.
  314. >Time seemed to have stopped right then and there and kept you locked in a deep state of euphoria.
  315. >You weren't sure how long it lasted, but you wished it wouldn't stop.
  316. >As the two of you came, as you fell out of that trance, you collapsed on top of her.
  317. >You felt like a rag doll, in the hands of a sleeping child.
  318. >Vinyl moved you off to the side, between her and the back of the couch, keeping her arm around you.
  319. >You both took a moment to catch your breath, you especially since you were the one doing the work this time.
  320. >Vinyl went on to say the predictable thing (not to toot your own horn).
  321. >"Mmmm, that was amazing, Anon".
  322. "I was... going to... say... the same... to you...."
  323. >Evidently, you still hadn't caught your breath, but you still felt like you had to respond.
  324. >She chuckled at the response, then reached down to pull the full condom off your cock.
  325. >You were too exhausted to be afraid that she was going to tear off the boys, all you could do was say 'thanks'.
  326. >The two of you were laying there for a while, holding each other and cuddling.
  327. >Well, she was doing most of the holding, you were the one being held.
  328. >Barely an hour ago you were so afraid of being in reach of this woman.
  329. >But now, being held in her arms like this, you felt very safe.
  330. >You wouldn't say that she felt motherly to you (which is kinda creepy since you just fucked her)
  331. >Rather, she felt like a goddess to you, and you had made a big enough sacrifice to her that earned you her love and protection.
  334. >Meanwhile, your buddies were still at the bar, hitting on girls and speculating your fate.
  335. >"Shit man, he's been back there for a while now. Oh, and can I get a Pepsi here please!"
  336. >He yelled that second part over to the barmaid.
  337. >"Done drinking?"
  338. >"Yeah pretty much..."
  339. >"Wonder what's going on in there, what'ya think's happening to him?"
  340. >The barmaid returned with the soda your mate ordered.
  341. >"I think this might describe his status now..."
  342. >He turned the Pepsi can upside down so that it read 'isded'.
  343. >"You really think he got killed by Fifty Shades of Gains?"
  344. >"I got twenty bucks on it, remember?"
  345. >"Nah, brah, he gonna survive, but I don't think he'll be the same".
  346. >"Fuck the both 'a ya! He's gonna come out of there a real man!"
  347. >This argument was going to continue on until the end of the night.
  349. >Back in the office, you and Vinyl continued cuddling in the glory of the aftersex.
  350. >"Hey man, you want another drink? You sound like you can use one".
  351. >You lifted yourself off of her a bit, still feeling weak, and you replied.
  352. "Yeah, sure, allow me to go..."
  353. >You were already rolling yourself off of her, on your way to fetch a couple of Smirnoffs for you and Vinyl, but then she stopped you.
  354. >"Hold it right there, let me get 'em".
  355. >She sat you back down on the couch, and as she got up, she pulled her t-shirt and skirt back down.
  356. >As she did that, you pulled your pants back up, and you put your shirt back on.
  357. >She returned with your drink and sat down back next to you.
  358. "Oh, thank you".
  359. >The two of you clinked bottles, then you started chugging down the fruity vodka based drink, letting the liquid cool down your throat.
  360. >You must've had yourself a mini orgasm because she could hear you enjoying it.
  361. >"I knew the thirst was real!"
  362. >You put your head on her shoulder, going back to cuddling up against her.
  363. >She brought her arm behind your back and over your shoulder and brought you closer, your head resting against her breast.
  366. >You weren't sure how long you two stayed there, but it was long enough to get Vinyl worried when she asked the time.
  367. >"Hey, what time is it?"
  368. >She got up to look back at the computer screen, you forget what time it was, but it was pretty late, late enough for closing time.
  369. >"You need to haul ass outta here, I'll get this place cleaned up".
  370. >You buttoned up your shirt as fast as you could.
  371. >Apparently you were going too slow for her liking, and she grabbed you by the shirt and hauled you to the door.
  372. >"Don't bother with that, do that outside, just hurry, go!"
  373. >What, was she disposing of you already? Was she completely done with you?"
  374. "But Vinyl, when can we..."
  375. >"Well talk later, just hurry on out!"
  376. >Talk later? You didn't even get to ask for her number!
  377. >She shoved you out into the hallway, and ordered you to start making your way out.
  378. >"Get out before somebody sees you!"
  379. >Hearing her bark orders at you was pretty scary, her words just seemed to pierce through you like heavy caliber bullets, of course, anyone would be afraid of someone that size getting angry at them.
  380. >You came out the door you entered to see everyone leaving the club, one massive crowd funneling out the door.
  381. >In the case you shred a tear, you had a good place to hide your face for a moment.
  382. >Her forcing you out like that after banging you made you feel like a little whore.
  383. >Thankfully, you were able to suppress any tears you may have wanted to shed.
  384. >Heading back to your car, you managed to run into your friends on the street corner.
  385. >"Hey, there he is!"
  386. >"Told ya he'd survive".
  387. >You didn't notice the first guy handing off two tens to your other buddies.
  388. >"Aight, spill the beans, what happened in there?"
  389. >"Did you two do it? How was it?"
  390. >You looked up, not at them but elsewhere, blankly, then answered.
  391. "I... we did... It was... indescribable....."
  392. >Your friends stood there looking at each other.
  393. >"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
  394. "I don't know...."
  395. >"The fuck you mean you don't know? Did she rape you?"
  398. "I...I..."
  399. >"Listen, we're going over to McDee's to grab a bite to eat, maybe you wanna try to figure it out over a meal".
  400. >You thought about it for a moment, then responded.
  401. "No thanks, I'll.... I'll wait for you in the car...."
  402. >"Alright then...."
  403. >They still stood there while you walked to get to the car.
  404. >"I'm a hundred percent certain he was raped".
  405. >"Nah man, you see that piece of paper in his shirt pocket? I think he got her number!"
  406. >You managed to overhear that part of their argument, how did you not notice that slip of paper in your pocket?
  407. >How did Vinyl get that there so discreetly?
  408. >Your best friend was good for catching details like that.
  409. >Taking the paper out of your pocket, you saw that it was indeed a phone number.
  410. >As soon as you turned the corner, you reached into your pocket for your phone.
  411. >You tapped the screen of your phone with much haste, dialing the number anxiously.
  412. >A feeling of hopeful excitement overtook you, you were praying that this was indeed her number.
  413. "Come on, come on, pick up!"
  414. >"Hello?"
  415. >It was her voice, you were so relieved to hear it.
  416. "Vinyl, right?"
  417. >"Anon? Hey man, I'm a little busy at the moment".
  418. "I'm sorry, just making sure this number is yours".
  419. >"Hey, are you free next Friday?"
  420. "I should be, yes".
  421. >"Awesome! How about you come to my place that day?"
  422. "I'd love to, but where do you..."
  423. >"I'll fill you in on the details later, I gotta go".
  424. "Alright, I'll see you later".
  425. >"Bye!"
  426. >Well, it looks like you had a date.
  427. >As the call ended, you held your phone against your heart, your knees weakened and you found yourself collapsing against the side of your buddy's C-Class.
  428. "Ohhh..."
  429. >You moaned like a horny schoolgirl that just scored a date with her crush.
  430. >Seems you had a girlfriend now, or rather, you were the girlfriend.
  431. >At least, that's what observers would say.
  432. >You didn't care though, you'd fallen in love.
  436. >You didn't notice, but your mates had decided to follow you back to the car.
  437. >They had watched you get giddy as you spoke to Vinyl.
  438. >Your best friend, the one that had bet on you not getting raped, turned to the others with a shit eating grin on his face.
  439. >"Pay up you fucks!"
  440. >Perhaps you should start searching for better friends.
  442. >For the greater part of the week, your mind was occupied with what you should get her for the first date.
  443. >As everyone knows, only fuccbois show up to a date empty handed.
  444. >You decided to spend a couple of bucks at the jewelers.
  445. >Lady luck was smiling upon you again and you managed to find a gold necklace, complete with a silver musical note ornament with amethyst gemstones.
  446. >This would look perfect on her.
  447. >You also went ahead and bought a couple bottles of sparkling wine.
  449. >The day of the date came, and you arrived at the apartment complex.
  450. >It was pretty upscale, Vinyl's job must've been paying pretty well for her to afford this.
  451. >Either that, or she had a room mate with a good paying job.
  452. >You went to the intercom and rang her apartment number, a voice with a British accent answered.
  453. >"Ello?"
  454. "Umm, hello, is Vinyl Scratch there?"
  455. >"Ah, yes, you must be the bloke she was going on about, come on up".
  456. >You took the elevator to get to her floor, which was just about at the top.
  457. >Knocking on the door to her apartment, it was Octavia that answered, an old acquaintance of yours.
  458. >Unlike Vinyl, she wasn't abnormally muscular, just slender and graceful feminine features.
  459. "Octavia? I thought I recognized your voice".
  460. >"I can't say I was expecting to be seeing you again anytime soon".
  461. "How do you know Vinyl?"
  462. >"We've been friends for a long time".
  463. >While you were catching up, Vinyl came out of her bedroom.
  464. >"Hey Tavi, I see you've met Anon".
  465. >"Yes, a handsome bloke I must say".
  466. "Hey Vinyl, I brought you a gift".
  467. >"Aww, you shouldn't have".
  470. "Close your eyes for a moment".
  471. >You were holding the box behind your back, you brought it in front of you and set it on a nearby table.
  472. >Opening it up, you took the necklace out of the box.
  473. >You reached up and around Vinyl's neck, having some difficulty linking the ends of the chain around her thick neck.
  474. >With enough effort, you got it onto her.
  475. "Alright now, find a mirror, and take a look".
  476. >She stepped into the bathroom, and barely three seconds passed before she shrieked with joy.
  477. >She rushed back to you, which was a bit scary since, well, a large swoly person is coming after you, and you wanted to brace for impact.
  478. >You were scooped up by her muscled arms into a great big bear hug.
  479. >"Thank you! It's so beautiful!"
  480. "Mmmmfffff, don't mention it!"
  481. >She set you back down so as not to suffocate you.
  482. >It was a bit strange seeing such a large masculine body making such feminine movements, but, in the end, she was a girl who happened to be really big and muscular.
  483. >"Aww, I feel kinda bad now, this is probably a lot more expensive than what I got for you".
  484. "You got me something?"
  485. >"I did some asking around, and found out you liked cigars, so I went to my guy and got this for ya".
  486. >You followed her to her room and she presented you a Cohiba Churchill, Castro's favorite.
  487. >The only way you could respond was by jumping up to her and giving her a big kiss, wrapping your limbs around her like you were Winnie the Pooh climbing the Honey Tree.
  488. "Thank you so much! How much did this set you back?"
  489. >"Don't worry about it, we ready for this pub crawl?"
  490. "Whenever you are".
  491. >Octavia made a comment on her way back to her quarters.
  492. >"I know you can't exactly guarantee it, but please do make an effort to keep quiet this evening".
  493. >"Okay Tavi, I'll try. But you know how that goes, hehe".
  494. >"Oh believe me, I know, and I'm certain your new friend does as well..."
  495. >Octavia looked at you rather lewdly with that comment, and you couldn't help but blush.
  496. "Vinyl, did you... were you-"
  497. >She kissed and told, that much you knew already, but was Vinyl doing things with...
  498. >"C'mon Anon, let's get going".
  501. >Vinyl was dressed in a short sleeved dress shirt (which amazingly, wasn't tight on her), a pair of short shorts, a pair of sneakers and tube socks.
  502. >Looks like she wanted to show off her thunder thighs today.
  503. >And, of course, she was also wearing her signature sunglasses, even though it's almost night out.
  504. >You were dressed in a suit blazer, a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and dress shoes.
  505. >You'll admit, you looked kinda douchy, but you didn't want to be too formal.
  506. >The first place you decided on, an Irish pub, was only a short walk away.
  507. >On your way there, Vinyl asked you to jump up on her back and ride the rest of the way there.
  508. "Please don't, I feel tiny as it is..."
  509. >"Aww, come on!"
  510. >She made a pouty face at you, which was kinda cute.
  511. >You let out a sigh of frustration.
  512. "Fine".
  513. >You jump up, holding her by her traps and wrapping your legs around her.
  514. "Alright now, mush!"
  515. >She looked up at you, a bit annoyed.
  516. >'Come on, I didn't want to do this, I did it anyways, so appreciate it!' is what you thought to yourself.
  517. "...or go at your own pace, whatever works for you".
  518. >It wasn't too long before you made it to the pub.
  519. "Whoa there, mind if I get down now?"
  520. >She nodded in approval.
  521. >As you made your way over to the bar, going to the far end, you knew everyone was talking about you and her.
  522. >"Ya know, if she had Sarah Jessica Parker's face you could say he literally rode a horse here".
  523. >A few guys at a nearby table were having their selves a good laugh at that.
  524. "How do you deal with all the attention that you get?"
  525. >"Hey, when you look this good, you learn to not mind the haters".
  526. >She finished off that statement with a flex of the arm.
  527. >You gotta admire her confidence, this here is true body positivity.
  529. "Alright, put that gun away now, I think someone just called the cops".
  530. >She chuckled at your little compliment.
  531. >You took a look at what they had on tap.
  532. >She had herself a Guinness Draught, and you had a pint of Harp Lager.
  533. >"Cheers, big guy".
  534. >To be honest, you didn't really like it when she called you that, it almost sounded like she was mocking you.
  535. >Also, you weren't Bane, so you didn't deserve that title.
  536. >As you clinked glasses together, you took a little extra care to make sure you didn't smash them.
  537. >You took a nice big sip out of your drink, and set it down.
  538. >She, on the other hand, just finished chugging down hers.
  539. >"Another!"
  540. "Vinyl, this is not a race! And besides, that's not exactly the kind of beer to just chug down".
  541. >"Oh boy, this again..."
  542. >She went on how Octavia had the same gripes whenever they went out.
  543. "Come on, the evening's just begun, don't try getting drunk now".
  544. >But then again, the whole night she would be gulping down booze, by the quantities that would've left you staggering, in single gulps.
  545. >She was a big girl, she could hold her liquor well.
  546. >Hell, holding her liquor was an understatement, she could lift it.
  547. >Thankfully, money wasn't too tight for either of you, especially not for her since she would be insisting to be paying for you wherever you went.
  548. >"Hey, you wanna do a shot?"
  549. "Alright".
  550. >The two of you finished off with a shot of Jameson and went on your way.
  552. >The next place you went to was a sports bar.
  553. >Here the drinks were cheaper and less renowned, so you didn't mind her chugging them down.
  554. >While you were there, you wanted to check on the Canadiens, they were playing this evening.
  555. >They were just about to drop the puck.
  556. "Team's doing well this year, wish we could've had a season like this on the 100th anniversary".
  557. >"Hmph, pleb".
  558. "What, who do you follow?"
  559. "Bruins".
  560. >Had you been a more devout fan, you probably would've left her right then and there.
  562. >You asked to stay to at least watch the first period.
  563. >Not the best idea you've had, you managed to get into a fight with another hockey fan.
  564. >Mainly because you were cheering on your team and managed to tip over his drink in the process.
  565. "Ah, dammit, I'm sor-"
  566. >"You bitch!"
  567. >He socked you right into your left cheek, 'real appropriate response, m8!' is what you thought after getting knocked off your stool onto the floor.
  568. >Now he was getting ready to get on top of you and start pummeling your face into ground beef.
  569. >Vinyl wouldn't let that happen though.
  570. >Next thing you knew he was lifted off of you and tossed onto the other side of the room.
  572. >Another overreaction, great...
  573. >"What the fuck! Help!"
  574. >He wasn't going to get any help here, everyone had their phones out recording this shit.
  575. >Had either Vinyl or him been black, someone probably would've yelled 'WORLD STAR!'
  576. >Vinyl was stomping towards him, he was about to get smashed.
  577. >You didn't want to have to witness a murder, you went in to intervene.
  578. >Getting behind her, grabbing her by the waist, you tried to hold her back (lol), while telling her to stop.
  579. "Vinyl, stop! Whatever the hell you're about to do isn't worth it!"
  580. >You sprinted to get in front of her.
  581. "VINYL!"
  582. >Yelling right into her face got her out of her trance of blind rage.
  583. >"Oh my god, I...."
  584. "Come on now, let's get out of here".
  585. >You looked at the man she was about to kill.
  586. "I'm sorry about all this, I'll pay for your drink, then we'll go".
  587. >She was already outside by the time you were busy apologizing and paying for your drinks (in which she forgot to pay for hers, but the bartender was too freaked out to notice).
  588. >Going back outside with her, you were already on the way to a new watering hole.
  589. >On the way, you asked Vinyl a question.
  590. "Vinyl, you mind telling me what the hell all that was about?"
  591. >"Hey, someone attacked you, and I came to help you out".
  593. >You had a nagging feeling in the back of your head that there was a lot more to this than what she claims.
  594. >An overreaction like that is kinda red flaggish.
  595. >You managed to find a German bar along the way, perhaps you would talk it over pint of a nice pilsner or something.
  596. >And since you entered a German themed establishment, people started quietly making jokes along the lines of 'looks like Germany's gonna Anschluss Austria tonight!'
  597. >They were of course referring to you as Austria, cunts.
  598. >You sat down at the bar ordered your drinks.
  599. "Vinyl, are you alright?"
  600. >"Yea, yea, I'm cool".
  601. "You sure? I don't want you pulverizing anyone tonight, and I don't want you suddenly deciding to pummel me either".
  602. >...or suddenly deciding to eat you to sustain her gains.
  603. >"Oh, you're going to get pummeled tonight..."
  604. >She raised her eyebrows and smirked at you, ensuring that it was sexual innuendo and not a threat.
  605. >Your drinks arrived, she ordered a Krombacher and you had a Beck's.
  606. >Seeing her chug down such a rare drink got you flustered, to say the least.
  607. "Vinyl, you might be able to snap me in half like a toothpick, but I need to say you're starting to piss me off..."
  608. >"What now?"
  609. "Are you even tasting that? Are you actually enjoying that drink..."
  610. >Your little sperging out over beer that she's buying and drinking herself turned a few heads.
  611. >They're probably thinking, 'dayum, dis nigga dead now'.
  612. >Vinyl just sat there, mockingly smiling at you.
  613. >As you finished with your rant, you thought to yourself, 'what the fuck am I, autistic?'
  614. >Just let her enjoy her drink as she wants to you fucking sperglord.
  615. "Holy Christ, I am sorry, I don't know what came over..."
  616. >"Nah, nah, I got ya, I gotta drink a little more slowly, I gotcha".
  617. >She did exactly that, all while letting a little bit of the drink trickle out the sides of her mouth.
  618. >Her lips moistened with the liquid, she licked her lips in a sultry manner, slowly working her tongue across the top lip, then the bottom.
  619. >"Mmm, that's a good brew".
  620. >Please don't make me cum this early.
  622. >Her top was opened up a little bit, and you noticed a drop of beer slowly sliding down her neck and onto her chest, right down the middle between her breasts.
  623. >It was like a waterfall was closed off and and one last drop of water was making its way down the rock face.
  624. >Was it you or was it getting warmer in here?
  625. >Trying not to overload the stiffy you popped, you tried to get your mind onto something else.
  626. >Suddenly you were interested in trying her drink.
  627. "Umm, Vinyl, may I have a taste, if you don't mind?"
  628. >"Sure, just come closer and close your eyes..."
  629. >What was she doing now?
  630. >The next thing you knew, her arms were pulling you against her and your lips were connected with hers, with a liquid flowing from her mouth to yours.
  631. >'When I asked for a taste this wasn't what I had in mind', you thought.
  632. >As this alcoholic kiss ended, a strand of saliva was suspended like a bridge between your mouth and hers.
  633. >Like every time you got physical with each other, you were left in shock.
  634. "Vinyl..."
  635. >"Yea, man".
  636. "That was kinda gross, but fuck was that hot".
  637. >Again, you found yourself making out with her, her massive arms holding you snugly against her and her legs wrapped around you while she stayed seated on the bar stool.
  638. >You could here someone say something rude off at the back of the room.
  639. >"She and her bitch aught ta get a room".
  640. >Hearing that made Vinyl noticeably angry, but you were able to stop her before anything happened.
  641. "Vinyl, no, just leave it, you don't have to defend my honor or anything".
  642. >You payed the tab and off you went to another bar.
  643. >You had a couple of pints at an English pub, and shot the shit for a little while.
  646. "Okay, question, why did Octavia say..."
  647. >"That I was good in bed? Well, hehe..."
  648. >This had both you and your curiosity aroused.
  650. >Flash back several months before...
  652. >One weekend, both her and Octavia were at home in the apartment.
  653. >While Octavia was taking this time off to rest, as was prescribed by her physicians and psychologists, Vinyl was doing housework.
  654. >Why doctors were advising this for Octavia? Vinyl didn't say.
  655. >At the moment, Vinyl was loading up the dishwasher.
  656. >She hadn't noticed Octavia, dressed in nothing but a long t-shirt, panties and black socks, slowly and timidly making her way into the kitchen, possibly on her way to grab a drink.
  657. >Before Octavia could get near the fridge, she looked towards Vinyl, and before she knew it, she was gazing lustfully at her tight, well defined glutes.
  658. >At this point, Vinyl had already been on her workout and supplement program for well over a year, and had already made some significant gains.
  659. >Evidently, Octavia was liking the progress she made, as she continued to admire Vinyl's large, sculpted, vascular body.
  660. >As Vinyl shut the door to the dishwasher, she caught a glimpse of Octavia staring at her through the reflection.
  661. >After a couple of seconds, Octavia had saw that her friend had caught her staring.
  662. >She let out a light, yet noticeable, gasp and walked off in a rushed manner to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
  663. >As that happened, Vinyl turned around, and smiled in a smug, sexual manner at the bathroom.
  664. >Meanwhile, Octavia sat on the closed toilet seat, holding herself tightly, almost having herself a panic attack.
  665. >"What are you doing looking at her like that? She's your friend, you whore!"
  668. >She was in there for a few minutes, cursing herself for looking at her the way she did.
  669. >It felt like she was going to break down into tears at any moment, but she eventually she got a hold of her emotions.
  670. >"Okay, okay, you're okay, you're alright, no harm done..."
  671. >She opened the bathroom door, as she closed it, she hadn't known that Vinyl was hiding on the other side, leaning against the wall.
  672. >Octavia let out a small scream upon seeing her.
  673. >"Vinyl, please, I'm a little on edge at the moment... erm, what are you doing?"
  674. >Vinyl, towering over her friend, caressed her face, gently and sensually.
  675. >"I saw you mirin', don't lie to me now".
  676. >Now Tavi was getting a bit shaky, and was well on the verge of tears.
  677. >"I...I...I'm so sorry, I know I should never have looked at a dear friend in such a..."
  678. >"Tavi, Tavi, relax, you know I like the attention..."
  679. >The swoly woman continued to gaze lustfully into Octavia's eyes.
  680. >"Go on, cop a feel".
  681. >She slowly raised her hand up towards Vinyl's hard body, the first place she reached for was her arm.
  682. >Running her hand gently down her deltoid, then to her bicep, she began to blush.
  683. >Vinyl flexed her muscles as she did this, which made her a bit nervous.
  684. >"Don't be scared Tavi, I'm not gonna hurt ya".
  685. >Vinyl then grabbed her small, slender hand and guided it towards her abs.
  686. >"Go on, explore..."
  687. >Octavia's hands did just that, caressing her abdominal muscles as if she were reading braille.
  688. >"Close your eyes for a moment, let me me your guide".
  689. >Vinyl lightly grabbed her hand again, and stared guiding it into her pants.
  690. >As soon as Octavia felt the warm stickiness of her friend, she flinched, and pulled out.
  691. "Ahh, Vinyl, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
  692. >Before she could go on with her unnecessary apologies, Vinyl put two fingers over her mouth to shush her.
  695. >She then lifted the dainty girl's hand up, still dripping with her sticky fluids.
  696. >Running her fingers between hers, she caught some of the strands, and brought them up to her mouth, licking them off her own fingers.
  697. >"Hmm, not bad, want a taste?"
  698. >Octavia just stood there, in a bit of a state of shock.
  699. >"Close your eyes a moment".
  700. >Although she felt a bit fearful, she obliged.
  701. >"Just what is it you're doing, Vi-"
  702. >Her voice was stifled and her eyes shot back open when she saw that her mouth was being invaded by Vinyl's tongue.
  703. >Vinyl was still very much into the kiss, and although Octavia's mind was rejecting this so much, she couldn't bring herself to object.
  704. >But, soon enough, she was able to tell herself this was okay, and soon she got active in the kiss.
  705. >Octavia jumped up and wrapped her arms around Vinyl, securing herself in the kiss.
  706. >Vinyl grabbed her by her bottom to help her up, working her hands into her panties to cop a feel of her cheeks.
  707. >After a minute of passionate kissing, Vinyl pulled out of it.
  708. >"Hey, how about we take this to my bedroom?"
  709. >"Actually, erm... may we take it to mine".
  710. >Vinyl responded initially with a light smirk.
  711. >"You're the boss, 'Tavi".
  712. >And so, Vinyl carried her off to her room to make tender, sweet love.
  713. >Approaching the bed, she set Octavia atop the red velvet blanket.
  714. >Octavia still seemed a bit unsure about doing this, as she kept her body closed laying on the bed in a protective, yet submissive manner.
  715. >Vinyl placed one hand under her shirt and ran it up her soft, flat belly, exposing Octavia's body.
  716. >"I'm going to make you into a new woman".
  717. >It was then that Octavia's face started to get a bit red, and her breathing a bit heavy.
  720. >She pulled off her shirt for her, leaving her only in her purple bra, and black socks and panties.
  721. >Vinyl then took off hers, she was now ready to make her move.
  722. >As she hovered above Octavia, her slender, graceful friend closed herself up even tighter, until they both locked lips again.
  723. >Just like when you and Vinyl first did it, she opened right up and wrapped herself around Vinyl's massive, solid body.
  724. >Vinyl had a feeling that her friend was intimidated by her size, so she lifted her up, and went on the bottom.
  725. >The petite and slender Octavia rested atop Vinyl's large frame and continued the duel of tongues with her.
  726. >Vinyl put her hands on her lover's back to hold her tightly against her body, though one hand was frisking towards Octavia's nether regions.
  727. >Octavia, sensitive as she was, gasped and broke off the kiss as her friend's large hand intruded through the back of her panties and into her pink slit.
  728. >"Ahh, Aaaahhhhhhhhhh! Vinyl!"
  729. >As soon as she broke off the kiss, Vinyl went for her neck, giving her some light hickies, like a large cat attacking it's prey at the right moment.
  730. >"Oh, oh Vinyl!"
  731. >As her rhythm and speed intensified, Octavia screamed louder in ecstasy.
  732. >"Oh Vinyl, violate me! Ravage my body!"
  733. >'It'd be rude of me if I didn't', thought Vinyl.
  734. >Next thing, Octavia was pushed onto her back, while Vinyl removed her panties and tossed them aside.
  735. >Octavia could only lay there limp as Vinyl ate her out, her tongue stimulating every part inside her.
  736. >As she did this, Vinyl began to undo her own panties.
  737. >Being in such an awkward position, and wanting to surprise her with her next move, she went ahead and tore them right off.
  738. >As soon as she did that, she slid Octavia over to the other end of the bed.
  739. >"Ahh, Vinyl, why did you...?"
  740. >The next thing she saw was Vinyl opening up her womanhood, and reaching over to her.
  741. >"Vinyl, what is it that you are..."
  742. >Before she could ask her question, Vinyl had already grabbed her by her ankles and began to drag her back.
  743. >Octavia covered her mouth, anticipating what was about to happen.
  746. >Vinyl had driven her friend's thin paper cut into her own with such force that Octavia threw her head back like she had an orgasm.
  747. >The two were now scissoring with each other, except only one was a pair of scissors, and the other was a hedge trimmer.
  748. >Vinyl's massive legs clamping down pretty hard on Octavia's delicate little frame, but that didn't seem to be a problem as she kept demanding to be pulled harder into her.
  749. >"AAAHHH, AAHHH, OH VINYL, I think I'm...I'm-!
  750. >She didn't get to finish her sentence, but Vinyl could feel what happened.
  751. >A warm stickiness developed between the two of them, and Octavia fell limp like a ragdoll, panting on the other end of the bed.
  752. >Vinyl was feeling pretty tired herself, that was her cardio workout for the day it seemed.
  753. >She noticed that her friend was trying to work herself back up, but she was very weak and shaky trying to do it.
  754. >Vinyl reached over and dragged her over to herself.
  755. >She then reached around to wrap her muscular limbs around Octavia, and began to cuddle with her.
  756. >Octavia returned the gesture, shifting herself about so she could rest her head onto Vinyl's body.
  757. >"Umm, Vinyl..."
  758. >"Yea, 'Tavi, what is it?"
  759. >"I'm just so glad to have a friend like you..."
  760. >Vinyl nuzzled her face into her hair as a response.
  761. >"I feel the same with you".
  762. >"Vinyl, don't tell anyone I said this... It's not that I'm particularly embarrassed or ashamed to say so..."
  763. >"Octavia, we're best friends, you can share any secret with me".
  764. >Octavia hesitated a moment, then shared with her an inner feeling of her's.
  766. >You were never told about this part until much later in your lives.
  768. >"I love you".
  769. >Those words had struck Vinyl in such a way that her eyes began to tear up, and she held her tighter.
  770. >She tried to come up with an elaborate, more meaningful response, but what she said sufficed.
  771. >"I love you too, 'Tavi".
  772. >The two of them ended up falling asleep together, resting in each other's embrace.
  776. >Snapping back into the present, you found yourself with your legs crossed, trying to conceal your tent that had been pitched.
  777. >You weren't the only one turned on by her story, the bartender was still standing there in disbelief.
  778. >It's entirely possible that he may have creamed his pants.
  779. >Soon, it was time for you to get going.
  782. >Eventually you two ended up at a gay bar.
  783. "Whoa there Swolbraham Lincoln, what are we doing here?"
  784. >"I got some friends that work here and I wanna say hi. Also, this place is pretty nice, the drinks here taste like fuckin' house music!"
  785. >Whatever the hell that was supposed to taste like.
  786. "Vinyl, I don't need to be here, I'm not looking for a girlfriend, I've got you".
  787. >She yanked you in anyways.
  789. >You were thinking to yourself, 'who the hell needs gay pride parades when these are in business?'
  790. >Seriously, it was like a self contained pride parade that didn't go out and freak everyone out.
  791. >Of course Vinyl would be here, she was licking Octavia's carpet before she ever got to fondling you.
  792. >"You wanna come dance, Anon?"
  793. "No thank you, I'll be waiting for ya at the bar".
  794. >You'd rather not take part in any of whatever the hell's going on there.
  795. >Anyways, you may as well try the drinks while you're here.
  796. >Shortly into your second fruity gay drink, you ran into an old friend there...
  797. >"Anon?"
  798. >Oh fuck...
  799. "Braeburn, what the hell are you doing here?"
  800. >"I'm bi, remember?"
  801. "Since when were you a degenerate?"
  802. >"Hey, I'd rather not be here too, but I'm here with a girl, tryin' to get into her pants".
  803. "And she thinks you're into this kind of stuff?"
  804. >"Yep, and that's why she picked this outfit out for me".
  805. >He was dressed like a gay cowboy, although he was dressed a little conservatively for this place.
  806. "Funny, I'm here with my girlfriend".
  807. >"Where is she?"
  808. >You pointed towards the titan in the crowd.
  809. >"Oh my God, I thought that was a guy!"
  810. >Your thoughts exactly when you met her.
  811. >You and Brae got to talking about what you did since you graduated high school.
  812. >Meanwhile, Vinyl made her way over to the DJ booth, you knew it was her since the song changed to something she would play.
  813. >Eventually, Braeburn tried to cross a boundary with you.
  814. >"I think you're lookin' pretty good tonight, do you think Vinyl would mind if we..."
  815. >Was he seriously asking you to be his backup booty?
  816. "She definitely would mind, and I would too".
  817. >He looked you in the eye, and started singing".
  818. >"Mah mind, is tellin' me nooooo...."
  819. "Please don't".
  820. >But his faggotry wouldn't cease.
  822. >Oh lord.
  823. "Your body might be saying yes, but her's is tellin' ya to fuck off".
  825. >Braeburn turned around and was absolutely horrified.
  826. >Vinyl was right behind him, leaning on the bar, smugly staring him down.
  827. >"Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come between you..."
  828. "There's no need to squash him, Vinyl, he's a friend".
  829. >You looked back to Braeburn.
  830. "Please don't make her angry, she almost killed a man this evening".
  831. >"Ah don't doubt ya".
  832. >It was then his date came along.
  833. >"Is everything alright here?"
  834. >Looking to your left, you saw Rarity.
  835. >It surprised you to see that she was here with Braeburn.
  836. >"Don't you worry bout' a thing, Rare, just a little misunderstandin'".
  837. >"Ahh, that's a relief, I thought you might've been in danger."
  838. >Well, he kind of was...
  839. >She then sat on his lap and started French kissing him.
  840. >It seems Vinyl's implied threat is getting Braeburn laid tonight, good on him.
  841. "Vinyl, I'll be right back, I need to use the pisser".
  842. >"Go for it".
  843. >Most guys would call you insane for daring to use the bathroom in a gay bar, especially to use the urinal.
  844. >Hey, these people were gay, not hypersexual or anything.
  845. >The bathroom was empty, and you went on to the first stall.
  846. >As you finished with your piss, your sense of security was almost completely shattered when a giant hand grabbed your shoulder.
  847. >You gasped loudly (or quietly screamed, however you want to put it) as it turned you around, and you were relieved when you saw it was Vinyl.
  848. "Fucking hell, don't ever do that to me again!"
  849. >"Sorry dude".
  850. "What are you even doing in here?"
  851. >"It's a unisex bathroom ya dingus".
  852. >Oh, right.
  853. >"I was also bored of watching your fruity friend tongue kiss that bitch".
  854. >She scared you so much that you forgot to put your dong away and zip up, you just stood there against her covering your nads with your hands.
  855. >"Hey, you wanna have a quickie before we go?"
  856. >Sex in the bathroom of a gay bar, is there no end to her outlandish perverted desires?
  858. "Sex in a bathroom now, are we that uncivilized?"
  859. >"Come on, man, I just want you to get down on me".
  860. "Can't you wait until we get back to your place?"
  861. >She continued to stare at you while lewdly raising her eyebrows at you.
  862. >Again with the fucking eyebrows, fuck you Vinyl.
  863. "Okay, fine, but we need to be quiet, and we need to be quick".
  864. >The two of you rushed into a stall, and amazingly, both of you could fit into it comfortably.
  865. >She put the seat down on the pot, and sat down.
  866. >You started by giving her a lap dance and engaging in intense lip locking and tongue wrestling.
  867. >Before you got down, she undid your belt and pulled down your pants a bit.
  868. >That wasn't completely necessary, since you forgot to put your dick away after your piss.
  869. >She scooted her ass to the edge of the seat to accommodate you as you ate her pie.
  870. >You got to work pulling down her hot pants and panties, and chowed down, you knew the drill.
  871. >Had it not been for her moaning, anyone would've thought it was a scrawny twink dude blowing a bear, instead of your faggoty ass getting down on a brolic bitch.
  872. >She kicked off her shoe and drove it between your legs and below your cock.
  873. >She rubbed the soft, fuzzy woolen fabric back and forth on your shaft, wiggling her toes below the family jewels every so often.
  874. >It caused you to cease on the pussy job and beg her to stop.
  875. >If she cranked the jack(ed) in the box any longer, the weasel was going to go pop.
  876. >You grabbed onto her tree trunk of a leg, trying to stop the rubbing.
  877. "I'm gonna cum, please, stop!"
  878. >You must've looked like a horny dog humping its master's leg.
  879. >Thankfully for you, she did decide to stop, and you were left breathless and resting your head on her lap.
  880. >The two of you sat there for a while, she was petting and stroking your hair like you were her dog.
  881. >That was until they ran into the bathroom, and took up the next stall.
  883. >It was Braeburn and Rarity.
  884. >They had rushed in and slammed the door to the stall, anxious to get down to business.
  885. >You decided to listen in, at the moment, they were just kissing in there.
  886. >When that ceased...
  887. >"Take a seat darling..."
  888. >The next thing you heard was the shuffling of fabric, and the squishing and dripping of saliva.
  889. >You possibly even heard Rarity choking on his dick, it sounded like a really messy blowjob.
  890. >"Whoa now, take it easy".
  891. >"Oh my God, you taste so great!"
  892. >Careful not to bite him now.
  893. >Sounds like he ate a whole pineapple before his date began.
  894. >This was too much, even for Vinyl, so the two of you fucked off and went elsewhere.
  895. >All this heterosexual fornication at a gay bar, what the hell is this world coming to?
  896. >inb4 Plot twist: you were the only heterosexual couple in there, Rarity has a dick.
  897. >Plot twist: Sorry to disappoint you.
  898. >Plot twist: Braeburn has a pussy.
  899. >Plot twist: lol jk.
  900. Realtalk: I apologize for this heightened level of faggotry, resuming standard level faggotry.
  901. >At this point there must have been a significant amount of alcohol in both your systems.
  902. "I'm starting to get a little tipsy now, maybe we should hydrate ourselves a bit, and maybe get a little something to eat".
  903. >"That's probably a good idea".
  904. >You went to a nearby convenience store and got a couple bottles of Gatorade.
  905. >The two of you then headed over to a nearby bakery (yeah, there are some that open this late, some even 24/7) where you picked up a loaf of bread and shared it between yourselves.
  906. >Neither of you were sure if this was the correct way to offset drunkenness and prevent hangovers, but it seemed to work for now.
  907. >You also stopped somewhere and picked up a cup of coffee, just to make sure you're sobering back up.
  909. >Next stop, a karaoke bar.
  910. >Brilliant.
  911. "Must we?"
  912. >She nods her head.
  913. >You let out a sigh, dejected.
  914. "Very well then".
  915. >Walking through the door, you were already getting irritated.
  916. >Someone was on stage in the middle of a song, and their singing was so atrocious it was cringeworthy.
  917. >It was already giving you a headache.
  918. "How long do we plan on staying here?"
  919. >"Until you do a song".
  920. >Fuck.
  921. "You're joking".
  922. >"Hey man, ever since I met you, you've been a little too keen on keeping yourself in a shell".
  923. >You hate to admit it, but she was kinda right.
  924. >The day you met her, you weren't to keen on going out that night at all, let alone to go clubbing with your mates.
  925. >Imagine if you decided to just stay in the comfort of your own home that day, you would never have had the pleasure of meeting and sexing Vinyl Scratch.
  926. >"I also know you got some fire in ya, the fact you're able to be here with me today proves it".
  927. >Well, it does take a certain degree of bravery to get into her pants.
  928. >"Come on, help me help you".
  929. "You're a little too outgoing for your own good, you know that?"
  930. >"And you're a little too reclusive and submissive for yours".
  931. >Damn.
  932. "Very well, fine, I'll do your little exercise".
  933. >You sat there for about a half hour, waiting for the best moment to embarrass yourself.
  934. >Finally, you went for it.
  935. "Wish me luck".
  936. >She gave you a light slap on the arse as you got up to get to the stage.
  937. >Going through the song options, you decided you'd do one that's not in English, for extra cringe points.
  938. >Hell, there were people doing Chinese songs here (of course, karaoke bars were mostly an Asian thing).
  939. >You went through the songs, the Italian ones specifically (you were learning the language anyways).
  940. >One in particular jumped out at you.
  941. "No fucking way..."
  942. >You didn't even need to speak Italian to cringe at this.
  944. >As the song got started, you were visibly nervous.
  945. >One could make a reference to part of a certain song by a certain rapper to describe the situation that you might end up in, but that was a little cliché at this point.
  946. >Now came the fun part...
  947. "In un mondo splendido,
  948. Colorate e magico..."
  949. >You noticed Vinyl at the bar, you weren't sure if she was impressed or unpleasantly surprised, but it looked like she was saying 'wow'.
  950. "Il Sole fanno splendere,
  951. le piante fanno crescere, poi,
  952. la giola fanno acendere,
  953. se li conoscerai!"
  954. >Now this is where the cringe begins.
  955. "Vola e vai, my little pony!
  956. Se nuovi amici vorrai incontrare,
  957. prendi il volo, ascolta il cuore,
  958. ed ogni avventura potrai affrontare!
  959. "Vola e vai, my little pony!
  960. Realizza i tuoi sogni e non ti fermare!
  961. Non ti fermare!
  962. Non ti ferma-a-a-a-a-re!"
  963. >As you were singing, all the other drunks in the bar were cheering.
  964. >You figured they would cheer you whether you sang good or not, since they were cheering everyone else on.
  965. >However, as the song ended, you got a standing ovation.
  966. "Oh, thank Allah that's over"
  967. >You went on back to Vinyl, boy did she have a lot to say.
  968. >"Holy shit dude, I knew there was somethin' here!"
  969. >She was referring to your nuts, which she grabbed.
  970. >'Will you stop molesting me in public!'
  971. >As she did that, you cuddled up against her big hard body, like a scared child going to his mother, and went back into a shrink.
  972. "There, you happy now?"
  973. >"So, you speak Italian?"
  974. "Sì, io parlo un poco italiano".
  975. >"I should've figured, I love it when you speak it down here, though".
  976. >She started rubbing her crotch as she said that.
  977. >You pushed away from her just a bit to correct what she said.
  978. "Actually, the real saying is 'speak French in between my legs', which I can though. Je peux parle le français dans ton oulala".
  979. >"Mmm, no wonder you're so good".
  980. >Please Vinyl, save the dirty talk for later.
  981. >Shortly after you got out of that place with her, and not a minute too soon.
  983. >The last stop was a place that you enjoyed, one of your favorites actually.
  984. >You went over to the cigar lounge that was across the street from where Vinyl worked.
  985. >Amazingly she never went there.
  986. "How could you have never tried this place out? It's the best!"
  987. >"Hey man, I'm not a smoker".
  988. >As you entered, you found your favorite bartender working there.
  989. >"Hey, Anon!"
  990. >Yeah, you've been here quite a few times.
  991. >You reached across the bar to shake his hand, as you did every time you came.
  992. "How ya doin', mate".
  993. >"Can't complain, man, who's this you're with tonight?"
  994. "Care to introduce yourself?"
  995. >"The name's Vinyl Scratch".
  996. >She reached over to shake his hand as well, possibly a little too tight since the lad was visibly uncomfortable.
  997. >"Why do you seem familiar?"
  998. >"I work across the street".
  999. >"Ah, that's why".
  1000. >He's probably seen her every weekday as her shifts ended, even in a crowd she was hard to miss.
  1001. >"Care to see what's in the humidor?"
  1002. "Nah, I've got my own tonigh..."
  1003. >You tapped on your pockets, almost doing the Macarena as you were searching for the cigar Vinyl got you.
  1004. "Dammit! I think I left it at your place".
  1005. >"No worries, I'll buy you another..."
  1006. "No, no, I can pay for my own".
  1007. >"Come on, I wanna pay! Besides, you did get me this".
  1008. >She pointed to the chain you got her.
  1009. "Alright then, fine".
  1010. >Hey, when something's offered for free, you should take it.
  1011. >"Set me up with the old standby".
  1012. >"Romeo y Julieta? Got it".
  1013. >That was one of their cheaper brands.
  1014. >After taking the stogie out of it's test tube of a container, you ran it under your nose to get a good smell of it.
  1015. "That's some fine tobacco there, here, take a whiff".
  1016. >Vinyl leaned forward a bit and you ran it under her nose.
  1017. >"Nice scent to it".
  1018. "Wanna peace pipe this with me?"
  1019. >"You know what, sure, I guess I'll give it a try".
  1020. >One of the bar's servants approached you, asking whether you wanted to sit at the bar, or the lounge.
  1021. "Vinyl?"
  1022. >"Let's go to the lounge".
  1024. >You managed to find a nice private space in the back, neither of you want to be garnering attention for now.
  1025. >Vinyl sat down at one end of the couch, and you sat at the other.
  1026. >She reached down and grabbed your legs at the calves and set them over her lap.
  1027. >After doing that, she grabbed you by the shoulder to lean you in towards her, and you gave her a small kiss.
  1028. >She continued to lightly rub your thigh, in which her hand was able to wrap around more than halfway.
  1029. >As she fondled you, you took out your lighter and lit up.
  1030. >You took the cigar out of your mouth a few times and worked the butane jet stream in circles, trying to get an even burn.
  1031. >Puffing on it a few times, you blew a bit of smoke onto the burning end.
  1032. >Vinyl was watching your little ritual and thought it rather strange.
  1033. >"What's all this you're doing? Isn't this supposed to be just like lighting a big cigarette?"
  1034. >How dare she speak such blasphemy!
  1035. "Hey, I'm trying to get an even burn, and that takes a bit of effort".
  1036. >It wasn't often that it happened, but you got it just right this time.
  1037. "Care to take the first drag?"
  1038. >She grabbed the tobacco product from your hand, put her lips onto it, and took a puff.
  1039. >Taking it away from her mouth, she proceeded to puff out a flat cloud of smoke, then turned it into a smoke ring with her next puff.
  1040. >She said she doesn't smoke, how the hell did she know how to do that?
  1041. "Vinyl, I'm having a hard time believing that you don't smoke".
  1042. >"I used to smoke weed".
  1043. >You weren't surprised, since she's the kind of person that goes clubbing and raving.
  1044. >Hey, at least she didn't do smack, LSD, or anything like that.
  1045. >She then handed the cigar back to you.
  1047. "When and why did you stop?"
  1048. >"I stopped when I started liftin', I figured spending less on leafy greens would leave me more to invest in this meat market..."
  1049. >She flexed both her arms, letting you know what she meant by 'meat market'.
  1050. >"Ya know what I'm sayin'?"
  1051. "Yeah, yes, I see..."
  1052. >You closed your legs a little tighter to hide your emerging erection, that got you a bit aroused.
  1053. >Good thing too, the servant came back to take your orders for drinks.
  1054. >"I'll take a Rolling Rock".
  1055. "I'll have a Hoegaarden".
  1056. >Your saying that left Vinyl rather confused.
  1057. >"What did you just order?"
  1058. "Hoegaarden, it's a Belgian beer".
  1059. >"How do you spell that?"
  1060. >Spelling it out only made her more confused.
  1061. >"How's it pronounced?"
  1062. "Who-gar-den".
  1063. >"Damn, you seem to have a way with languages".
  1064. >And it seemed you were hellbent on killing your ability to speak at all, as you got to puffing on your cigar, inhaling the smoke.
  1065. >Vinyl caught what you were doing, seeing the smoke pour out of your nostrils.
  1066. >"You know, you're probably not supposed to inhale that".
  1067. "Are you going to lecture me on how to smoke like I did you on how to drink?"
  1068. >"Hey, this is different, this already isn't good for you, breathing that shit in is even worse".
  1069. "What are you, my doctor now? It's not like I intend on living very long anyways".
  1070. >That seemed to have struck a nerve with her.
  1071. >First thing, she took off her sunglasses and set them on the table.
  1072. >She grabbed the cigar from your hands, and leaned it into the ashtray on the table, still burning.
  1073. >Grabbing you by the lapels of your blazer, she dragged you closer until your face was in front of hers, and she stared into your eyes, into your soul, for a moment.
  1074. >'Ah, cripe, I've pissed her off now'.
  1075. >Next thing you knew, your face was in her bosom, and she was hugging you tightly.
  1076. >"Don't say things like that man, I want you to live!"
  1077. >Jeez, you didn't realize she cared about you this much...
  1080. >Now that you thought of it, your little philosophy on living life was kind of cunty.
  1081. >Because fuck whoever you might be leaving behind, right?
  1082. >Now you felt like an asshole.
  1083. >You now found yourself hugging her back, and feeling like you were about to cry.
  1084. "I'm sorry Vinyl, I just didn't..."
  1085. >Before you could start getting emotional, the servant returned with your drinks.
  1086. >You leaned back quickly and took your drink.
  1087. "Thank you".
  1088. >"Thanks".
  1089. >After that somewhat fruity moment you had, you reached for the stogie again and took another drag, just to feel masculine again.
  1090. >Again, you inhaled it.
  1091. >"What the hell did I just say, Anon?"
  1092. "Sorry, force of habit".
  1093. >You grabbed your mugs, clinked glasses, and took a drink.
  1094. >Shattering them wasn't an issue this time around, hers was plastic.
  1095. >Reaching to put your fishbowl of a mug back onto the table, you almost dropped it.
  1096. >Thankfully Vinyl was able to intervene.
  1097. "Thanks".
  1098. >You handed the cigar back to her, and she took a drag.
  1099. >Meanwhile, a bunch of guys were watching you two in the reflection of the window in front of you.
  1100. >"Is that guy dating Buck Angel?"
  1101. >Isn't that guy bald? Why the fuck would he ask that?
  1102. >Vinyl probably heard the comment, but paid no mind to it.
  1104. >You finished your drinks and you and the cigar was nothing more than a short stump now.
  1105. >"You ready to get going?"
  1106. "Not quite yet..."
  1107. >The servant came back to see if you wanted anything else.
  1108. "I'll have a dry martini..."
  1109. >"Gin or vodka?"
  1110. "Vodka, Russian Standard".
  1111. >"And you?"
  1112. >"I'll have what he's having".
  1113. >It wasn't too long until she came back with your drinks.
  1114. >Holding them up by the stems, raised your glasses.
  1115. >"To us?"
  1116. "To us".
  1117. >All night, whenever you clinked, you took care when doing so.
  1118. >For some reason, you didn't this time, and it cost you.
  1119. "Shit!"
  1120. >"Uh oh..."
  1121. >Your glass cracked a bit, and a couple of shards went into your drink.
  1122. >"Maybe we should get going now..."
  1123. "Good idea".
  1124. >You tossed the toothpick and olive aside and downed the vodka and vermouth, somehow forgetting about the glass in your drink.
  1125. "Oh God!"
  1126. >You spit out a couple of small pieces of glass.
  1127. "Euhhhhggg, I think I cut myself!"
  1128. >She downed her drink and you got going.
  1129. >You left a big tip at the bar, hoping they wouldn't be too pissed when they found out you broke one of their glasses.
  1130. >As you left the bar, your legs were feeling a bit weak, you didn't realize that you did a lot of walking today.
  1131. >"Hey man, wanna just take a cab? My place is pretty far".
  1133. >You were thinking to yourself, 'good lord we did a lot of walking'.
  1134. >It took you a little more than half an hour to get back to her apartment complex.
  1135. >When you arrived, she paid the fare and the tip.
  1136. >"Thanks man".
  1137. >"[Speaking in snackbaring accent]"
  1138. >The two of you got out, you didn't even get to take two steps before being swept off your feet.
  1139. "Whoa! What the..."
  1140. >"Don't worry, I got ya".
  1141. >As she said that, she snuggled your face with hers.
  1142. >She held you in her arms the entire way up.
  1143. >The two of you were kissing in the elevator until you reached her floor.
  1144. >As the doors opened, you could hear the distinct sound of passionate sex from down the hall.
  1145. >You'd think the walls would be soundproofed in an upscale place like this.
  1146. >"Ohh, ohh, ahh, yes, yes, ohmygodohmygod, yeah, yeah!"
  1147. >It sounded an awful lot like Rarity, did she live here too?
  1148. >"Yeah ya like that, ya like that, babe?"
  1149. >That was definitely Braeburn.
  1150. >Congrats on the sex ya fruity motherfucker.
  1151. >"Hey".
  1152. "What?"
  1153. >She made a motion with her hand, like she was holding a mouse up in the general of Rarity's room.
  1154. >"Click, click, downloading... Saving to this device..."
  1155. >As she said that last part, she poked your belly like you were the Pillsbury Dough boy.
  1156. >"You are going to be playing that sound back to me tonight".
  1157. >You gasped like a bitch.
  1158. >[Blushing Intensifies]
  1159. >She kissed you all the way back to her apartment down the hall.
  1160. >Opening the door, she yelled out to Octavia.
  1161. >"Hey 'Tavi, where you at?"
  1162. >She then found a note on the table.
  1163. Out to run an errand, back in 10 minutes.
  1164. >"Damn, hope she's alright..."
  1165. "Why wouldn't she be?"
  1166. >Vinyl was looking a little uneasy, which had you somewhat concerned.
  1167. >Until she found something to ease her mind a bit.
  1168. >"Hey, wanna check out my turntable setup?".
  1169. "Umm, okay".
  1171. >Although you were in there before, you didn't get a very thorough look at her room.
  1172. >As she set you down on her bed, you looked around.
  1173. >There was a poster here and there.
  1174. >She had a dresser, on top was a small collection of expensive looking headsets.
  1175. >At the end of the room she was starting up her computer and sound systems, easily several thousand dollars worth of tech and equipment.
  1176. >Complete with a keyboard (not the one that comes standard on every computer, you mean the piano kind) and turntable system.
  1177. >There was also a balcony outside with a great view and a lounge chair.
  1178. >You got up out the bed to take a look outside for a moment, until she called you over.
  1179. >"Hey Anon, check this out!"
  1180. >When you got there she got to showing you all the software she used to make her music, another couple thousand dollars right there.
  1181. >It even included a couple copies of Vocaloid synthesizers.
  1182. "What is this for?"
  1183. >"I add vocals to some of my songs, and I can't sing to save my life. Hey, maybe I could use your voice sometime, you're pretty good!"
  1184. >Was she referring to your little show back at the karaoke bar?
  1185. >You didn't think you were that good.
  1186. >She had you put on a set of headphones to listen to some of her works, which included all sorts of styles and sub-genres of electronica.
  1187. >You weren't the biggest fan of that type of music, but you could see why she appreciated it.
  1188. >"Lemme show you how this all works".
  1189. >She showed you the ins and outs of all this hardware and software.
  1190. >The most complex to you was the turntables.
  1191. >"Come on, give it a try".
  1192. >She started up a song and she wanted you to remix it, like you were DJing at a club.
  1193. >You were struggling with it, so she got behind you to assist, and intimately rubbed up against you as she did so.
  1194. >As you got to scratching one of the turntables, she put her hand over yours, guiding you, showing you how to do it right.
  1195. >She even helped you to drop your first bass.
  1197. >It wasn't too long until your little music lesson devolved into getting felt all over by the teacher.
  1198. >She ran one of her hands up your shirt and another down into your pants.
  1199. >As she rubbed your body and stroked your phallus, she started kissing you, starting from your shoulder and working up.
  1200. >You took your hands away from the turntables, and grabbed her forearms.
  1201. "Mmm, Vinyl, easy now, don't pop me before we even get into bed".
  1202. >"I think you ought to do as he says".
  1203. >Octavia was back, and she was standing at the door wearing a bath robe, holding three glasses of the bubbly you brought.
  1204. >"Starting already without me?"
  1205. >"Wouldn't dream of it, Tavi".
  1206. >What the Hell?
  1207. >You both went over to her and took a glass.
  1208. "We really shouldn't be drinking any more, we're sauced as it is".
  1209. >"One more couldn't hurt..."
  1210. >You raised your glasses, and drank.
  1211. >It probably wasn't such a great idea to bring wine when you had plans on going out drinking, but then again, you originally planned on drinking before going out.
  1212. >Well, what can you do.
  1213. >As you finished your drinks, it seemed you were going to get down to business.
  1214. >"You two make your selves comfortable, I'll be right back".
  1215. >She went off to use the bathroom.
  1216. >You sat down on the bed to wait for her.
  1217. >As you waited, you and Octavia decided to do some catching up.
  1218. "What've you been doing since grad?"
  1219. >"Attending university, music program, the obvious lot, and what about you?"
  1220. "Much of the same, trying to get into med school".
  1221. >Studying to be a doctor and still smoking the way you do? What a fuckboy.
  1222. "How do you know Vinyl anyways?"
  1223. >"She was one of my first friends when I first started attending school here".
  1224. >You both went to the same high school, from beginning to end, how did you not get to know Vinyl then?
  1225. >Octavia explained that you probably didn't recognize her, she wasn't always that big.
  1227. >"I'm so lucky to have had a friend like her, especially in my time of... distress...after graduation..."
  1228. >Before you could ask her to elaborate on that, Vinyl returned, dressed only in a bra and panties.
  1229. >"Tavi, why does Anon still got his clothes on?"
  1230. >"Oh my, how rude of me..."
  1231. >Octavia pushed you onto your back on the bed.
  1232. >As you made contact, you made the distinct sound of a body falling on a mattress, which most would refer to as a 'pomf'.
  1233. >You looked over towards the foot of the bed to see Vinyl walking towards you.
  1234. >She reached over and grabbed your legs, which were skinny tree branches compared to her arms, and dragged you across the bed towards her.
  1235. "What the Hell are you doing? What are YOU doing?"
  1236. >Vinyl got to undoing your belt and pants while Octavia sat you up and removed your suit jacket and shirt.
  1237. >When they tossed your clothes aside, leaving you only in undies and socks for the moment, you laid back down.
  1238. >With the two of them leaning over you, you imagined that this situation looked like what was depicted in a piece of WWII anti-Soviet propaganda, in which there were Russian troops 'liberating' a German woman from her fascist virginity.
  1239. >Well, except you weren't bleeding or crying.
  1240. >Then again, it's early yet.
  1241. >"Hey Tavi, cop a feel".
  1242. >She ran her dainty hand down your bare chest and down to your crotch, rubbing your shaft through your underpants.
  1243. >"My, he certainly feels virile".
  1244. >What the Hell was Vinyl doing to you, pimping you out?
  1245. >She removed her hand from your nether region to let Vinyl pull down your underpants, slowly exposing you.
  1246. >As she moved it down your legs, she grabbed your socks and pulled them off your feet.
  1247. >Tossing the rest of your clothing aside, she looked down at your now bare naked body.
  1248. >"You told me he knows his way around the womanhood".
  1249. >"Don't believe me? Give 'em a try!"
  1250. >Vinyl pressed her massive hand onto your chest to lie you flat on the bed.
  1251. >Octavia then disrobed, showing her slender and supple body, got up over you, then sat on your face.
  1252. >"Come on now, get working".
  1254. >Not wanting to disappoint, you got your tongue working up Octavia's snatch.
  1255. >She was tight, but soft, much more than Vinyl was.
  1256. >You felt it was strange, the way you were, more or less, forced down to that position.
  1257. >It was as if you were being made a mere toy to be played with between her and Octavia.
  1258. >Vinyl definitely had a point when she said you were too submissive for your own good.
  1259. >As you were eating out Tavi, Vinyl got her fingers inside you.
  1260. >"Come on, I know you can do better, make her scream!"
  1261. >She started thrusting her fingers back and forth, in and out of you, presumably to let you know how fast you should be going with Octavia.
  1262. >Vinyl had you moaning as she always did, but from under Octavia, it sounded more like whimpering.
  1263. >Meanwhile, Octavia couldn't hold in any longer, and you had her screaming just like Vinyl wanted you to.
  1264. >"Oh, ffffffff- yes, yes, oh yes, yes, YES!"
  1265. >As she said that, Vinyl pulled her towards her face for a kiss.
  1266. >She ended up collapsing down onto you, and you pushed her bottom out of your face to catch your breath.
  1267. >"My word, he's as good as you said".
  1268. >Vinyl got up for a moment to go fetch the condom from out of your pants.
  1269. >"Start prepping him for me, will you Tavi?"
  1270. >"Gladly".
  1271. >Octavia grabbed your peen and started stroking it.
  1272. >You remembered that she was a cellist, and you could feel it in her expert hands.
  1273. >She then got her face down to suck on you, getting you primed to penetrate Vinyl.
  1276. >Despite all the work you put in licking her, you still felt that you had to reciprocate the pleasure.
  1277. >Her vagina still staring you in your face, you got a couple of fingers into her.
  1278. >She worked her tongue around your head a little bit, you were lucky not to pop right there.
  1279. >As Vinyl came back, she lifted Octavia's head away from your shaft.
  1280. >A single strand of saliva lingered between the head of your penis and Octavia's mouth, stretching as her head was lifted up to Vinyl's.
  1281. >The two puckered up for a small kiss, almost romantic, then they turned their attention to you.
  1282. >Octavia says to Vinyl:
  1283. >"I can't believe I'm saying this, but seeing a boy this defenseless is, well, stimulating..."
  1284. >Does she have a >rape fantasy or something?
  1285. >Vinyl got to wrapping up your boy in the condom, then reaching over to pull you upright.
  1286. >"Hey Anon, lift up Tavi back to your face and get back in her".
  1287. >At this point, your learning of romance languages was becoming a bit of a burden.
  1288. >You got to eating Octavia out again, while she and Vinyl got locked in an Australian kiss.
  1289. >Things were getting a bit complicated now, seeing that you were now pleasuring two people at once.
  1290. >You soon got into the rhythm of things, thrusting into Vinyl and licking Octavia clean of her juices.
  1291. >It's funny, really, you once described Vinyl as a goddess.
  1292. >If she was a goddess, then this must have been the holy trinity.
  1293. >As Vinyl wrapped her stone-crushing legs around you, which still unnerved you, she saved you the energy of thrusting back and forth by doing it for you.
  1294. >Moments later, Octavia lifted herself out of her kiss with Vinyl.
  1295. >"Oh my god, Vinyl, I think I'm going to cum!"
  1296. >The feeling was mutual, as you tried to yell to Vinyl.
  1297. >"Mmm, mmm!"
  1298. >Vinyl pushed you in one last time into her, then locked you into place.
  1299. >"Come on Anon, finish her up!"
  1301. >You knew what you had to do, and you had to do it quick because you were running out of air.
  1302. >Octavia's thighs were locked around your head, suffocating you with her soft pussy.
  1303. >You sucked on her labia like it was a straw, that trick always worked.
  1304. >"AAAAHHHHH!"
  1305. >Next thing you knew, your face was sticky with her juices, and your head was free from the clutches of her thighs.
  1306. >From this point on, no matter who's legs they were, you'd always get nervous about getting your face down there.
  1307. >Vinyl got to letting you go as well.
  1308. >As she opened up her legs, you removed yourself from you and fell backwards onto the bed, already wearied, gasping for air.
  1309. >Octavia seemed to be in the same boat, as her elegant, fair, delicate little body rested atop the enormous and robust body of Vinyl.
  1310. >Looking at her, it must've been what you looked like when you collapse on top of her.
  1311. >Some time passed, it seems Octavia recovered before you did.
  1312. >She got up off of Vinyl to speak to her.
  1313. >"Do you think he's ready?"
  1314. >Ready for what exactly?
  1315. >Vinyl sat up, Octavia now sitting upright between her legs, still facing her.
  1316. >The tremendous woman looked down at her, shooting her an erotic look.
  1317. >She got up, and made her way to the dresser.
  1318. >"Keep him busy for a moment, will ya?"
  1319. >'Keep me busy for what, what's happening?'
  1320. >You tried to hide it, but your mind was racing trying to guess what was coming your way.
  1321. >TowelNeeded.jpg
  1322. >Octavia got on top of your chest, sat down, and began fingering herself, fondling her breast.
  1323. >She was still sticky from the number you did on her.
  1324. >Reaching down to get a sample of the liquids, she reached her hand down to your face to have you suck on them.
  1325. >Finally, Vinyl came back...
  1326. >When you saw what she came back with, you quietly gasped.
  1327. >A big, pink, dragon dildo strap on.
  1328. >"Oh, that looks like it might be a bit big.
  1329. >Too big.
  1330. >Did you even decide on a safe word?
  1333. >Vinyl stood at the end of the bed for a moment, stroking the big plastic butt toy.
  1334. "That's going into Octavia, right?"
  1335. >You were trying to get some sort of reassurance that your anus was going to stay more or less intact.
  1336. >The silence and lewd look that Vinyl gave you said otherwise.
  1337. >You were getting visibly nervous, you were getting sweaty and you started to tremble.
  1338. "Vinyl, please!"
  1339. >"Anon, relax yourself..."
  1340. >You definitely tried to.
  1341. >Octavia then moved herself off of you, and got behind you.
  1342. >"Let me help you".
  1343. >She lifted your torso upright, then got to massaging you.
  1344. >Her delicate hands and her soft touch was definitely doing the trick.
  1345. >You breathing slowed down, and your body loosened up.
  1346. >"Tavi..."
  1347. >Vinyl had commanded her over to suck on the plastic sex toy, getting it ready for you.
  1348. >As Octavia finished, she looked up to Vinyl.
  1349. >"All lubed up and ready..."
  1350. >And any feeling of comfort you had went right out the window.
  1351. >As soon as you heard the shuffling of bed sheets, when you heard her coming towards you, you panicked.
  1352. >You closed your legs and covered your face, yelling...
  1354. >"I didn't even poke you, ya dummy!"
  1355. >She said that in a loving and playful tone of voice.
  1356. >"Vinyl, maybe we shouldn't be doing this to him..."
  1357. >She had a bit of a guilty look on her face.
  1358. >It took every ounce of your being to get the words out, but you were able to say them.
  1359. "Keep going...."
  1360. >Octavia was definitely surprised to hear that from you.
  1361. >You just wanted to see that Vinyl would be pleased, if this is what it took, so be it.
  1362. >Despite your command, she still had to open you up manually.
  1363. >As the two of them stood above you, Vinyl started pushing your legs off to the sides, exposing your cock and, erm... boy pussy.
  1364. >Next, she pulled your hands away from your face and looked down at you, right in the eye.
  1365. >It was just like the first time you slept together, complete with the same fear and adrenaline.
  1367. >You gasp as as the sexual plaything prods into your virgin hole.
  1368. >Reaching over for a pillow, you bite into it, anticipating that this was going to hurt, a lot.
  1369. >Vinyl then reached for your forearms, as if she were grabbing the handles of a bicycle, and pulled you towards her.
  1370. >With her thrusting into you and pulling you towards her, the dildo made its way all the way inside you.
  1371. "Nnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg!"
  1372. >Next thing that happened, your head shot back and you took a chunk out of the pillow you were biting.
  1373. >Wrapping your legs around your waist, you were trying to keep still and not let her thrust in and out of you.
  1374. >Of course, that's like a baby deer trying to get out of the grasp of a bear.
  1375. >Which is pretty much what this situation looked like anyways.
  1376. >Before she got moving again, you were trying to take deep breaths, trying to ease your body to make it hurt less, but you couldn't stop you quick and shallow breathing.
  1377. >But, whether or not you were ready, she got into action.
  1378. >Back and forth, in and out, each thrust she made into you with the pseudo phallus sharply pained you in your insides.
  1379. >You looked up to Vinyl, and she looked back at you, salivating and blushing.
  1380. >It was likely that you were doing the same.
  1381. >As she started going harder and faster, you spit out the piece of pillow you tore off earlier, and started squealing like a virgin whore (as much of an oxymoron that is).
  1382. "Ahhh, ahhh, oh Vinyl... mmm, ohh, ohh, ah!"
  1383. >Octavia, meanwhile, was sitting off to the side of the bed, looking rather lonely.
  1384. >It wasn't too long before Vinyl noticed, and she brought her back into the fray.
  1385. >Holding her by the waist, she lowered her womanhood onto your rehardened shaft.
  1386. >"Mmm, yes!"
  1387. >She got herself into a reverse cowgirl position on you, then she enveloped Vinyl in a hug so she wouldn't fall off of you.
  1389. >Each time Vinyl thrust the sex toy into you Octavia would bounce up and down on you.
  1390. >Octavia was not being pleasured by you, even though it was you that was inside her.
  1391. >Vinyl was the one exerting the energy to get her pussy fucked by you.
  1392. >She was effectively pleasuring two people at once, while only driving something inside one of them.
  1393. >You were especially getting off from this, despite how much it was hurting.
  1394. >The herculean woman had driven the large fake member so far into you, that she was hitting your g-spot, right in the prostate.
  1395. >When your friend told you about the male g-spot being up there, or even men having a g-spot for that matter, you thought it was a load of shit.
  1396. >You felt it would be rather strange to admit it, but you were glad he was right.
  1397. >Vinyl was right, when she said that you were going to be screaming like Rarity was, earlier down the hall, she meant it.
  1398. >Pounding on your prostate so many times, you soon felt like you were going to find out what it was like for a woman to reach orgasm.
  1399. >Either that, or Vinyl was about to snap your spine, she was pull you so hard.
  1400. >You felt yourself throbbing inside Octavia, and she could feel it too.
  1401. "Ahh, I think I'm coming! I think I'm coming!"
  1402. >She lifted Octavia off of you and tore the condom off your dick.
  1403. >She also let go of your arms, which was a real relief on your back.
  1404. >Grabbing onto your sides, which her squeezing made it hurt a little more than it needed to, she was getting ready for the finishing blow.
  1405. "AAAAaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"
  1406. >One final drive into you was all it took for you to release yourself upon Vinyl and Octavia, making it snow on them.
  1407. >You released a lot of seed, but the two girls were able to catch the bulk of your sticky strands.
  1408. >As she pulled out of you, you went limp on the bed, as if she really did paralyze you.
  1409. >'Please tell me she didn't break my back...'
  1411. >You looked down to see Octavia licking your liquids off of Vinyl.
  1412. >She started at her abs, worked her tongue upwards, between her breasts, going up to her mouth to go French with her.
  1413. >In the middle of their osculating, it seemed they were swishing your seed between their mouths, as it was leaking.
  1414. >As their lips separated, a single strand of your semen was suspended between them, bridging their mouths before falling onto the bed.
  1415. >After that, they looked over to you.
  1416. "Boy, I really made a mess, didn't I?"
  1417. >"Nah man, that's my mess to clean up".
  1418. >Well, it sort of was, she did pull the rubber off ya.
  1419. >You scooted aside to give them some space.
  1420. >Vinyl got in the middle of you two and put her arms around both you and Octavia.
  1421. >She was a colossus holding her two silky skinned bitches close to her.
  1422. >You were the only one that was still sweating and breathing heavy at the moment.
  1423. >Octavia then noticed something strange as she looked towards the foot of the bed.
  1424. >"Anon, I thought you weren't a virgin..."
  1425. >What the hell?
  1426. "What are you talking about?"
  1427. >Octavia pointed to a spot on the bed, and there was blood.
  1428. >'Oh dear God....'
  1429. >Looking at your own crotch, you noticed that you were indeed bleeding.
  1430. >Your eyes were the size of dinner plates upon seeing that, your head becoming light, and your body weakening even more.
  1431. >Your blood pressure dropped at the realization that Vinyl, being so alpha in this relationship and making you into such a bitch that it looked like you grew a hymen, which she then proceeded to break.
  1432. >Growing so weak, you fainted.
  1433. >When you went out cold, Octavia smacked Vinyl atop her head.
  1434. >"I told you you shouldn't have done that for a first time..."
  1435. >Seems they discussed this before the date began.
  1436. >"This was hardly a first time".
  1437. >"Whatever, that was still too extreme!"
  1440. >Octavia nagged Vinyl for a little while like she was her wife, but you weren't conscious to hear any of it, thankfully.
  1441. >You were out cold for the next couple of hours, they really did a number on you.
  1442. >They soon fell asleep with you.
  1443. >When you woke up, it was still dark out, and your head was resting on Vinyl's bicep.
  1444. >Since she wasn't flexing, it was rather comfortable.
  1445. >Octavia was on the other side, in the same position that you were.
  1446. >She was holding your hand, which was resting atop Vinyl's solid belly.
  1447. >This felt a bit weird.
  1448. "Okay, Octavia, you can let go of me, I'm Vinyl's, not yours..."
  1449. >She was holding on rather tight, and you didn't know why.
  1450. >When you slipped your hand out of hers, you carefully lifted Vinyl's arm, and placed her hand over hers.
  1451. >It was rather scary looking at them, one wrong move going too quickly, then there goes Octavia's arm.
  1452. >You try not to think of that happening.
  1453. >Every movement you made getting yourself out of that bed hurt like hell, every bit of your body was sore.
  1454. >Walking was a whole other endeavor, as you struggled with each step.
  1455. >You went to the bathroom to clean yourself up, although it seems they did some of that for you.
  1456. >Still, you were leaking a bit, and it stung like a motherfucker.
  1457. >Reaching the bathroom, which felt like a long trek for you, you grabbed some toilet paper and used it to stop the bleeding.
  1458. "God, I hope she doesn't make me have to buy tampons".
  1459. >Keep bleedin', pussy!
  1460. >Getting back into Vinyl's room, you got your undies, t-shirt and pants back on.
  1461. >Seeing your cigar on Vinyl's desk, you decided you were going to head outside and have it.
  1464. >You opened and closed the sliding door to the balcony carefully so as not to wake the girls.
  1465. >Opening up the container to your gifted stogie, you saw that she forgot to cut it.
  1466. "Damn".
  1467. >Quickly and quietly, you went into the kitchen to find a knife to circumcise the end you would be puffing on.
  1468. >A bunch of containers atop their fridge caught your eye, and you decided to go take a look at them.
  1469. >Just as you thought, it was a bunch of protein powders, pre-workout drink mixes, and supplements.
  1470. >Half of her diet seemed to consist of bingo numbers, and this made you a bit nervous.
  1471. >It made you wonder if she was shortening her life using these potentially dangerous mixes of mystery chemicals.
  1472. >Going to and from the kitchen, you took a look at some of the pictures they had hanging on the walls.
  1473. >Seeing Vinyl in the pictures was like looking at before and after photos in a Bowflex commercial.
  1474. >Obviously, she wasn't always as brolic as she was now, hell, she had a regular feminine body once.
  1475. >You couldn't help but notice that in each of the pictures that had both Vinyl and Octavia in them, the bigger Vinyl got, the clingier she seemed to get to her friend.
  1476. >Perhaps you were just over analyzing things, but you still wondered: what was up with that?
  1477. >You got back outside as quietly as you went in, and lit up.
  1478. >Tobacco had a strange relaxing effect on you, already you were feeling some relief from your soreness.
  1479. >A moment later, you heard the door slide open, Vinyl was awake.
  1480. >"Hey Anon, you alright?"
  1481. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay..."
  1482. >"I didn't hurt you badly back there, did I?"
  1483. >Honestly, you were surprised that you were still able to walk.
  1484. "Don't worry about me, I'll be alright, just promise me you won't do that to me ever again..."
  1485. >She chuckles at you a bit, damned schadenfreude.
  1486. >"Beautiful night out, isn't it?"
  1487. >It could've been better, had you not been in the city you'd have been able to see the stars out in the clear sky.
  1488. "Any reason you're out here wearing just a shoelace?"
  1489. >"Hey, I like to show off. I put on the show, and whoever's watching gets off..."
  1490. >She flexed every muscle in her body, making herself look like a bag of smooth rocks.
  1491. >You looked over to one of the buildings across from this, and noticed someone staring this way.
  1492. >They shut their blinds as soon as you looked their way.
  1493. >Seems she had an admirer.
  1496. >She motioned for you to get up off the chair.
  1497. >Even hurting as you were, you did as she told you.
  1498. >As she got seated into the one seat, she pulled you back onto her lap.
  1499. >Getting seated, you rubbed your face against hers, like a kitten showing affection to its owner.
  1500. >The two of you said nothing for a little while, you just sat there, cuddling and being held.
  1501. >As you said before, it was like being in the arms of a deity.
  1502. >Vinyl broke the silence, asking you for a drag of your Cohiba.
  1503. "Close your eyes for a moment".
  1504. >Her eyelids shut, and you turned yourself around.
  1505. >As painful as it was for you, you crawled up until your face was in front of hers.
  1506. >You took a drag out of the cigar and held it in for a moment.
  1507. >When you put your face against hers, you opened up her lips with your tongue, and exhaled into her.
  1508. >An unhealthy mouth-to-mouth if there ever was one.
  1509. >Unlocking your lips from hers, her lips remained puckered for a moment while she held in your smokey breath.
  1510. >The smoke poured out of her nostrils, and onto her body, it looked like a thick fog flowing down a mountainside.
  1511. >"Mmm, spicy..."
  1512. >Of course, you would give her a proper drag of the stogie as well.
  1513. >You rolled back over, and lied back against her.
  1514. >At the moment, the silence was a little uneasy for you, since you had a question that needed answering.
  1515. >What was Octavia referring to earlier when she mentioned her 'time of distress'.
  1516. >It was a little while before you worked up the courage to inquire about it.
  1517. >When you did ask, her smile, was replaced with a look of anguish.
  1518. >You could even see that her eyes were starting to water up.
  1521. >You were told that she was raped.
  1522. "Oh my God, I... I had no idea".
  1523. >"I'll never forget, it was the day after prom when I saw her..."
  1524. >Tears were running down her eyes, yet you would never sense she was crying when she spoke.
  1525. >"We had first leased this place, when she came home that day, well, her dress was tattered, she had a black eye and half her face was swollen, she was trying to hide it by wearing her hair in front..."
  1526. >Sounded like this guy beat her too.
  1527. >"When she came in, she had gone into a shrink, she held this stance like she was trying to make herself smaller, as if she were ashamed..."
  1528. >As she told you the story, you looked back towards Octavia, and you were starting to tear up now.
  1529. >"I asked her what was wrong, she just stood there and stared at me for... hell, I don't know how long. Next thing I knew, she ran away into her room and cried".
  1530. >She did the obvious thing, of course, they reported it to the police, got medical and psychiatric help for Octavia...
  1531. "Who did that to her, anyways?"
  1532. >"One of her fellow Bongs, the scumbag was her date to the prom".
  1533. "I'm surprised she wasn't horrified to see me at the door, or to know that I was coming here".
  1534. >It was even stranger, knowing this, that she was so eager to engage in sex with you and Vinyl.
  1535. >If you remembered your psychology lessons correctly, women who have gotten raped by a man will often lose trust in men.
  1536. >"It's been a few years, she's recovered for the most part".
  1537. >That, and the fact that her leviathan bodyguard was here to keep you in line.
  1538. >That summer, they were supposed to be working to pay the rent, and save up some before heading off to college.
  1539. >Unfortunately, what Octavia had experienced rendered her unable to work for a couple of weeks, leaving Vinyl to have to work harder.
  1540. >"At that time, I was angry with myself, angry that I couldn't prevent that happening to her, angry that I was unable to help her after the fact, I felt... helpless..."
  1543. >At the time, she was trying to figure out ways to keep Octavia safe, how to keep another event like that from happening again.
  1544. >"Then I met Bulk Biceps".
  1545. >Snowflake? You knew him.
  1546. >Well, you knew who he was, you didn't really know him personally.
  1547. >As Vinyl went on, she explained how he took her under his wing, and trained her, to help her become stronger.
  1548. >If there was anyone that could preach and teach the word of the Swoly Bible, it was him.
  1549. >"I didn't seem to have any other options, so any free time I got, I went lifting with him".
  1550. "That must've been excruciating work, yet look at you now, how were you able to make it to this point?"
  1551. >"He helped me to adjust my diet, he put me on an exercise schedule, and I kept on it... Why I never quit, it's because I kept thinking of my friend..."
  1552. >This was some dedication.
  1553. >"As much as it hurt, whenever I felt like giving up, I keep thinking of Tavi, I kept saying to myself 'This is why I lift'".
  1554. >This explained so much, this was why she got aggressive when she thought you were in danger.
  1555. >She was highly protective of her friends and loved ones, which now included you.
  1556. "What ever happened to her rapist? Did they ever catch him, was he ever charged?"
  1557. >"The cops never found him, we think he fucked off back to Bongland before he could ever get charged..."
  1558. >As she said this, you noticed that she seemed to be holding you a bit tighter.
  1559. >"If I ever get my hands on that little fuck..."
  1560. >Her gaze was off into the city's horizon, she had no idea that she was venting her anger onto you.
  1561. "Vinyl, Vinyl! I can't breathe!"
  1562. >It appeared she didn't hear you, as she continued to squeeze the air out of you.
  1563. >You could hear your body cracking under the pressure of her body and arms.
  1564. "Vinyl! You're hurting me! VINYL!"
  1565. >At the rate she was going, it felt like she was going to crush you to death at any second.
  1568. >Your mind was racing and panicking now, and you were now shedding fearful tears.
  1569. >How were you going to get out of the clutches of the woman you loved?
  1570. >Out of breath, and unable to speak because you were being crushed, you had one last resort.
  1571. >You stuck her side with what you had left of your cigar.
  1572. >"OW!"
  1573. >That got her to let go of you.
  1574. >As she dropped you, you collapsed onto the floor, wheezing and coughing, struggling to get your breath back.
  1575. >As Vinyl snapped back into reality, she shuddered at the realization of what she almost did to you.
  1576. >"Oh shit! I'm sorry, I don't know why I..."
  1577. >During her frantic apologies to you, she reached over to you, wanting to comfort you.
  1578. >However, seeing her massive man-crushing arms coming your way, you curled up into a ball and cowered away from her.
  1579. >The goddess you loved so dearly had almost unleashed her wrath upon you.
  1580. >She gasped, and she seemed distressed, scared that you would disown her for hurting you like that.
  1581. >However, this was running in your mind:
  1582. >'No, NO! Don't you DARE become afraid of this woman, you love her!'
  1583. >You took one last drag out of the cigar that she gave you, just to feel somewhat manly again.
  1584. >It took a moment, but you had worked up the courage to face her again.
  1585. >You sat down on her lap, dusted yourself off a bit, then said to her:
  1586. "You mentioned to me that I need to work on my introvertedness?"
  1587. >You reminded her about her lesson for you at the karaoke bar.
  1588. "Well, Judge Shredd, you seem to have anger issues that need work".
  1589. >After you said that, she hugged you as softly and as tenderly as she could.
  1590. >The two of you were reassuring each other that you still loved her, and that she wouldn't hurt you again.
  1591. >"I guess we need to help each other..."
  1592. >If this was going to work, that was definitely the case.
  1595. >"Hey Anon..."
  1596. "Yeah?"
  1597. >"I was wondering, do you think that maybe you should, well, together... we should..."
  1598. >You knew exactly what she was about to propose to you, you've actually been entertaining the idea since you met.
  1599. "Start doing what I don't even?"
  1600. >Though she was taken back a bit by your response, you could see her eyes brightening up.
  1601. >"You mean... you want to?"
  1602. "I've actually given it a lot of thought, I mean, I would have to start sooner or later, besides, look at me! I'm weak and lanky by even normal people's standards".
  1603. >"Normal people?"
  1604. "Trust me, when I say it like that, I mean it in a good way, because what you have here..."
  1605. >You grabbed her thick, diamond cut arm, to show her what you're referring to.
  1606. " better than what us normal little plebians have".
  1607. >As you let go, she held up her arm where you left it, and flexed it a bit.
  1608. >"Alright, so we'll meet up with Bulk Biceps next week?"
  1609. >Thank the gods she said next week, you were going to need at least that long to recover from what she did to you tonight.
  1610. "Yea..."
  1611. >She smiled and scooped you up in a great big bear hug.
  1612. "Owowowowowowow!"
  1613. >"Oh, sorry".
  1614. >Another reason you needed to start lifting: to ensure you would survive getting physical with her.
  1615. >"We'll get you started the same way I did, start you off with some supps, some pre-workout, some juice..."
  1616. "Juice? What's that?"
  1617. >"'Roids, come on, you're a doctor, you should know that".
  1618. >You weren't a doctor yet, but of course you knew what steroids were, and how dangerous the stuff was.
  1619. "Steroids? You mean you're not..."
  1620. >"Natty? Come on, how many full housed chicks do you see running around?"
  1621. >That was obviously a rhetorical question, but you took a look around anyways.
  1622. "Vinyl, please tell me that you'll get off that stuff, if you aren't already. It's like you told me, I want you to live".
  1623. >She looked into your eyes, and after a long pause, she hugged you tighter, yet more tenderly.
  1624. "Just for you..."
  1626. >Well, the deal was sealed, you were both her boyfriend and her gym buddy.
  1627. >You were practically married to her now, but instead of being presented an engagement ring, she presented you a gym membership (well, her word that she's going to get you one anyways).
  1628. >Why was she the one proposing? Because she was still held the man's role in this relationship (and she'll probably keep it, it's not likely you'll get as big as her).
  1631. >You two ended up falling asleep out there, all nice and cuddly.
  1632. >Still, you ended up waking up before either of them.
  1633. >Lifting yourself off of Vinyl, you figured it was time to do something nice.
  1634. >You went into the kitchen, borrowed a pink and frilly apron which you assumed was Octavia's, and got to making breakfast.
  1635. >Taking a bit of a gamble, you used some of their food as ingredients for the dish you were making.
  1636. >Although it kind of worried you that you'd be pissing them off by using stuff they might be needing, but they should at least appreciate the thought and effort you were putting in.
  1637. >If anything, you'd just go out and shop for the stuff for them anyways, no biggie.
  1638. "Let's see, nous avons notre ananas, notre mélange d'épices, des sucre roux..."
  1639. >Whenever you got cooking, you always had to do it in French for some reason.
  1640. "...Du pain, des oeufs, du crème... ah, nous ne voulions pas à oublier le rhum!"
  1641. >What were you making anyways?
  1642. >Well, Ainsley Harriot was more than just a face that made you feel uncomfortable and violated, he was actually a fantastic chef.
  1643. >You were using a recipe of his that you learned, his toasted sandwich.
  1644. >Vinyl and Octavia got to wake up to the smell of rummy egg drenched pineapple sandwiches sizzling in the frying pan, and French press coffee.
  1645. >They came in together, and the first thing they saw was a prepared gourmet breakfast, and you now working on your own meal, singing something in French.
  1646. >You didn't notice they entered at first, but Vinyl soon made her presence known by walking up behind you, and pinching your bum cheek.
  1647. "Eeep!"
  1648. >Startled, you turned around in a single twitch to face her.
  1649. >"Mornin' cutie..."
  1650. >As always, you looked so small and effeminate compared to her, and it didn't help that you were wearing a girly apron.
  1653. "Oh, good morning Vinyl, go on and have a seat, breakfast is served!"
  1654. >The two girls took a seat, and you joined them soon after.
  1655. >"Glad to see that you're okay, after, well, last night".
  1656. "No need to worry about me, Octavia, now, bon appetit!"
  1657. >After her first bite into the meal you made, she turned to Vinyl and whispered to her.
  1658. >"Whatever you have to do, hold on to this one!"
  1659. >Seems she wanted you two to stay together (and that she enjoyed your cooking).
  1660. >She wasn't the only one.
  1661. >It was like you said earlier, you were her gym buddy now, that effectively meant that you were married.
  1662. >Come next week, you would be united in iron, and pumping it, with a swoly man overseeing the procession.
  1663. >When you entered this relationship, you knew there was an adventure awaiting you...
  1664. >And this adventure was going to mold you into a new man.
  1665. >Scratch that, it was going to make you a man!
  1666. >There will soon be a day when Vinyl will ask you, 'do you even lift the bass?'
  1667. >And one day, you will be able to answer, with conviction:
  1668. "Yes!"
  1670. END

First Impressions

by NeighborVadim

Degen Stories

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-A Frenchman's Sadism

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-Ruina Imperii

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-The Griffon Kingdoms Campaign

by NeighborVadim