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The Equestrian Front-A Frenchman's Sadism

By NeighborVadim
Created: 2021-04-06 05:43:14
Expiry: Never

  1. >WWIII has been raging for several months at this point.
  2. >The Euroreich has developed inter-dimensional travel, how they manage that: through the collective scientific finesse of Europa, led by the Germans.
  3. >Begin to scour other worlds for resources to fight against the Americans, the Russians and the Chinese.
  4. >Stumbling upon the world of the Ponies, diplomacy was attempted but relations soon deteriorate as the Allies obtain European technology and open up a new front in humanity's next great cataclysm.
  5. >Aggressive military campaign begins...
  8. Général de Corps Montoir
  9. Equestria Occupation Forces
  10. Grand Army of Europa-French Branch
  13. >You stand at the entrance of the windowless concrete room, hands behind your back, an armed guard to your left and right, cigarette dangling from your mouth.
  14. >A single dim light is at the center of the room, typical for a place where you intend on torturing someone.
  15. >Beneath that light, two soldiers, throwing punches into a small blue equine creature tied onto a chair.
  16. >"I'm...I'm sorry Anon. Please stop hitting me...
  17. >A shit-eating grin begins to form on your face, thinking that after hours of trying various torture techniques, ranging from water-boarding to putting your cigarettes out on her were finally going to pay off.
  18. >You would now find out where their leaders were hiding, and where the Americans were hiding their firepower.
  19. >We will all get Iron crosses for this!
  20. >"Please stop hitting me...Because you're wasting your time! I'll never talk!"
  21. >The grin you were about to make quickly turns into a scowl. You were reaching the extent of your patience.
  23. >As you yell this French profanity the cigarette flies out of your mouth onto the floor in front of you.
  24. >You yank the rifle out of the guard's hands to your left with the force of a thousand furious niggers and proceed to charge at the Pegasus in the seat, the two soldiers back away.
  25. >With the butt of the rifle you strike the rainbow maned Pegasus in the side of her head, toppling her over with the chair she was tied to.
  26. >You continue to strike into her side with the rifle, with the little horse letting out small yelps of pain with each strike of the butt stock.
  29. >As you stop pummeling the small pony's body, you stand above her, panting out of exhaustion from the wrath you unleashed on her.
  30. >Hmph, element of loyalty, she seemed to be living up to her title.
  31. >You notice that you managed to crack the polymer butt stock of the G3 rifle you used to bash in Rainbow Dash's torso.
  32. >You look up and see some rather fearful looks on the faces of your troops, they had never seen such a fit of rage from their commander.
  33. >Not that they saw you as some saint, but you were usually much more calm than this.
  34. >You hand the broken rifle back to the trooper you took it from and proceed to light another cigarette to calm your nerves (in typical French fashion).
  35. >As you turn around to look at Rainbow again, you give an order to your troops
  36. "Stand her back up, bring me a chair"
  37. >The troops obey, working quickly, even more so now that they'd rather not see you rage again.
  38. "Oh, and get a table in here while you're at it mes camarades".
  39. >While the four troops are busy getting you the things you requested, you look back at Rainbow Dash.
  40. >It doesn't seem like there's any broken bones, surprisingly.
  41. >You wouldn't think a creature like her would be so tough and resilient.
  42. >She looks so small, so young
  43. >So supple
  44. >so innocent
  45. >so helpless...
  46. >You were known in the Reich's military circles as being one of the most brutal when it came to prisoners, as you have demonstrated here.
  47. >You were also known as the horn dog of the top brass, the one who's always having to feed some of his prisoners his baguette, you'd probably have at least twenty children running about back in your world, had you let any of your victims live.
  48. >Hey, you were French, could anyone blame you?
  51. >Although, EOF regulations specifically state that there is to be no fornication with the locals (more specifically, "no benis in vagina :DDD").
  52. >Fuck you Spurdo.
  53. >No matter, you're a general, who would dare call you out?
  54. >Well, Generaloberst Hoth would, since he outranked you.
  55. >It wasn't very long before your troops brought you the things you asked for.
  56. "Ah parfait, now then, get me my good Cohiba cigarillos and a bottle of my good cognac, the VS 44, bring two glasses"
  57. >The troops leave to complete the task bestowed to them, only one would come back, though
  60. >Be the young lieutenant serving General Montoir
  61. >"Oh fuck, I think I know where this is going, should I tell someone?"
  62. >...
  63. >"you know what, I better not"
  64. >You proceeded to complete your task
  67. >You take one last drag of your last cigarette and blow the smoke into the unconscious face of Rainbow Dash.
  68. >She has a small coughing fit, from which then she regains her consciousness.
  69. >Just to be an asshole, you flick the butt of your spent cigarette into her face.
  70. "Arrrgh!"
  71. >She cringes a bit
  72. >You scoff at her reaction.
  73. "I apologize Dash, normally such techniques of... intelligence gathering... are much more effective, especially when dealing with the mongrels from my world..."
  74. >Rainbow Dash gives you a rather angry look, still quite defiant even in the face of death itself.
  79. >You set your cover (hat) aside on the table you have set up
  80. >Moments later, the lieutenant returns with your order.
  81. "Leave the bottle, I'll serve us myself. I will call if I need anything else."
  82. >The lieutenant salutes, and marches away.
  83. >Opening a new bottle of such a fine drink is just one of those things that brings you pleasure.
  84. >Pouring out the first glass, you slide it over to Rainbow.
  85. >As it stops in front of her, she gazes down in to the orangish liquid.
  86. >You pour your own, then light up a cigarillo.
  87. "Care for a smoke?"
  88. >"No thanks".
  89. >You notice a slight scrunching in her face, for some reason you found that adorable when ponies did that.
  90. "Suit yourself".
  91. >You then blow another puff of tobacco smoke into her face, clearly irritating her.
  92. "I must insist, though, you should really try the cognac, Hennessy VS 44, bottled specially in honor of my adversary's 44th president".
  93. >Rainbow Dash looks to both sides of the chair she's sitting on.
  94. "Oh how rude of me"
  95. >You go around the table to get to where Dash is sitting, you get behind her and undo your belt.
  96. >No, this is not where the >rape starts.
  97. >Working your way around her torso, you get the belt under her forward legs and work it in such a way where her wings will stay strapped down against the chair.
  101. >As you tighten the belt around Dash's torso and wings to re-secure her to the chair...
  102. >After you did that, you brought your face to the side of her's, with her not noticing.
  103. "Psst"
  104. >She turns her head to you.
  105. >You then immediately stick her right in the muzzle with your cigarillo butt.
  106. >"OW, DAMMIT!"
  107. "Pffft, ha ha ha! Oh how adorable you are when you're in pain!"
  108. >You nuzzle her as you say this.
  109. "To think that such a tough little creature like yourself would've gotten used to that already, ha ha ha!"
  112. >Be Lieutenant again.
  113. >The general has been in the interrogation room with the blue horse for some time.
  114. >Being the conscientious officer you were, you decided to check up on your commander.
  115. >As you make your way through the facility, the one thing that keeps one popping up in your mind is, "does the commander really intend on screwing this creature? Would the dear general desecrate the uniform he wears be committing such an act? ...No, he wouldn't!"
  116. >You peered inside to see what the situation was with the general, he was still torturing her, putting his cigarettes out on her.
  117. >"Jesus, what an asshole..."
  118. >This is what you thought to yourself, deep down you've always hated being part of the general's 'interrogations'.
  119. >Finally, he began to cuddle the little equine, something was telling you that things might just get hot and heavy.
  120. >"Oh my lord, he's going to...".
  121. >You had to get out of there.
  124. >After this rather arousingly sensual moment, you proceed to undo the rope that had secured her hooves to the chair.
  125. >You shouldn't have to worry about her undoing more rope, considering that she doesn't have fingers
  126. >"okay, so you and your goons have beaten me half to death, and now it seems you're trying to seduce me and get me drunk, is this some sort of sick 'good cop, bad cop' trick?"
  127. "I figure I should get what I want before I get what I need from you."
  128. >She figured she would take what little hospitality Anon offered, though she wasn't a fan of hard-stuff.
  129. >She figured she could piss off Anon a little more.
  133. "Please accept my apologies, I'm not particularly good at being nice and hospitable to others, especially those who I am at war with, and especially towards lesser beings."
  134. >She keeps her angry expression on her bruised and cut up face, clearly not at all amused.
  135. >She uses both her hooves to get a grip on the glass in front of her, and lifts the glass up to her mouth.
  136. >You take a deep drag of your cigarillo, the fine smoke pours out of your nostrils.
  137. >As you lift your own cognac glass to take a sip, you notice Rainbow Dash scrunching, with her glass already empty.
  138. >You chuckle to yourself.
  139. "Clearly you're not drinking that the right way, it's not some cheap American beer that you can just chug down."
  140. >You refill her glass
  141. >She gets a grip on it again, you stand by her.
  142. "This is to be enjoyed in small sips, take in the aromas, and let the liquid caress your palette. That way you get the full flavor of the..."
  143. >"PFFFWWWTTT"
  144. >The little Rainbow horse spits it in your face.
  145. >She sets down her glass and snickers a little bit.
  146. >You've just about had enough of her horse shit
  147. hue
  148. >You grab a handkerchief out of your coat pocket and wipe off the expensive drink that's been sprayed on your face.
  149. >You take one last sip of your own drink, making sure to leave a little bit left.
  150. >For a brief moment, you swirl the rest of the liquid around in your glass.
  151. >"CRASH"
  152. >You smashed the glass into her face with the condensed force of a Kebab's truck bomb.
  153. >She winces in pain as the alcohol seeps into her open wounds, stinging her.
  154. "I suppose that's what I should expect when I show any sort of kindness to a sauvage."
  158. >You had bashed her in the face so hard that you had knocked her back over onto the floor.
  159. >Your breathing was heavier as a result of your rage.
  160. >You put your boot onto Rainbow's chest. Making her own breathing even more difficult.
  161. "You're pissing me off Arc-en-ciel, tell us what we need to know NOW!"
  162. >"F-f-f-f-fff-FUCK YOU, SURRENDERMONKEY!"
  163. >She then proceeds to punch at the side of your leg, she seemed to be aimed for the goods.
  164. >Oh how much that enraged you to hear that, she's obviously been talking to Americans.
  165. >You then begin stomping into her chest, winding her on the first strike.
  166. >As you repeatedly drive your boot into her chest, she's unable to make any sort of audible sound as you are not letting her breathe.
  167. >You cease your pummeling to let Rainbow catch her breath.
  168. "Lets try this again, where are the princesses, and where are the Americans hiding their big guns?"
  169. >The answer she gives you is a bloody spit on your trousers.
  170. >"You got blood on my suit!" is what's running in your mind now.
  171. >You grab Dash and lift her over your head, chair and all, and toss her towards the wall like Donkey Kong.
  172. >She spins a good three times in the air before hitting the wall, striking with such force that the chair gets smashed and she is rendered unconscious.
  173. >As you're about to walk towards her, you take notice of something shiny. It's the stem of the cognac glass you smashed on her face, sharp at the end that shattered.
  174. >Ideas were brewing in your head.
  175. >You pick up the glass piece and walk over to an unconscious Rainbow Dash.
  176. >You crouch down at her crotch area, and gaze into her little blue pussy.
  177. >You just can't help but to get your leather gloved fingers in there and maybe steal yourself a little taste.
  178. >It seems she's quite sensitive as she lets out a little groan, you work the glass piece in before she gets a chance to regain consciousness.
  179. >Standing back up, you put your boot back onto her chest to weigh her down.
  181. >Reaching into your coat pocket, you take out your phone and get in contact with the lieutenant.
  182. "Obtiens mes clubs de golf!"
  183. >Looking back at Rainbow Dash, you pull your sidearm out of your holster.
  184. "Don't you fucking move, petit salope!"
  186. >Be lieutenant again.
  187. >"The general must be getting creative."
  188. >This is the first time in a long time that General Montoir has requested his golf clubs for anything, let alone for his infamous "interrogations".
  189. >Normally he would ask for his "toolbox", which has things in there like "The Cunt Grinder" (a belt sander with extra coarse sanding), "The deballinator" (a simple power drill), and, his personal favorite "LE BATON" ("The Stick").
  192. >The lieutenant arrives at the interrogation room with your clubs.
  193. >You don't really know why you brought them along, you kinda sucked at golf and weren't really a fan of the sport.
  194. "Eh' Lieutenant, regarder là!"
  195. >You point to Rainbow Dash's crotch.
  196. >The young officer's eyes go as wide as dinner plates.
  197. >You pick out a club from the bag.
  198. >You whisper to yourself as you take one out.
  199. "Hmm, yes, this will do nicely"
  200. >Now you got yourself positioned for a stroke.
  201. "Lieutenant, keep your foot on that other hoof there."
  202. >You keep one foot on her belly and put your other on her leg to keep her from closing up.
  203. "Now, mademoiselle Dash, give us the information we need, or else you will bleed every time you piss or cum for the rest of your life!"
  204. >The lieutenant is already cringing so hard that his face is about to implode on itself.
  205. >You bring the club down lightly and tap on the glass in Rainbow's pussy.
  206. "I am waiting."
  207. >This is the first time you have seen Rainbow actually scared.
  208. >Several seconds go by
  209. >Growing ever more impatient, you finally decide to do the deed.
  210. >You raise up the golf club...
  211. "FORE!"
  212. >*Whoosh...
  213. >*CRACK*
  216. >Rainbow lets out a loud, bloodcurdling screech of pain.
  217. >If she was a virgin, her hymen is now as good as broken.
  218. >Do horses even have hymens?
  220. >You and the lieutenant back away from the blue pone and let her wallow and sob in the puddle of her own tears and forced period blood.
  221. >The lieutenant's face has gone ghostly pale out of the horror he is witnessing.
  222. >He gags for a moment, then turns and walks away to vomit.
  223. >Meanwhile, you, being a sick, sadistic French motherfucker, laughed at this whole ordeal.
  224. >You walk over to the lieutenant, who's still coughing and gagging, tears are beginning to run down his face.
  225. >You put a hand on his shoulder and guide him towards the door.
  226. "Hehe, Monsieur, I think you've seen your fair share of horror for the day..."
  227. >Make that a lifetime.
  228. "...You're on leave low, c'est un ordre! You could use a break."
  229. >You both give each other a salute, then the lieutenant leaves you and Rainbow alone in the room.
  230. >You look back at Rainbow Dash, she is now balled up in a fetal position, shivering and still crying.
  231. >Oh you weren't done with her yet.
  232. >You walk back over to her, with your >rape face activated.
  233. >Now crouching down next to her.
  234. "Remember when I mentioned that I should get what I want before I get what I need from you?"
  235. >She looks at you with her fear stricken eyes.
  236. >You grab her by the neck, lift her up and pin her against the wall.
  237. >You then deliver a punch at a downward angle to dislocate her jaw.
  238. >You then go on to carry her little body and slam it on the table, her head facing you.
  243. >You begin to undo your zipper.
  244. >Originally you wanted to go right for her snatch, but considering that there's broken glass in there now...
  245. >You get your phallus out of your pants, now as hard as cold-forged steel.
  246. >Forcing yourself into Rainbow's mouth, you let out a sigh.
  247. "Ahhhhhh, mon dieu..."
  248. >With her jaw dislocated, she wouldn't be able to bite you, you had complete free reign over her.
  249. >That feeling of warm moisture around your cock just cannot be topped, you'd never get tired of it no matter how many times you've done it.
  250. >You start thrusting yourself back and fourth. You keep this up for a few minutes.
  251. >Looking into Rainbow Dash's bleeding pussy, you start to get more ideas.
  252. "You know, I was thinking that maybe I should call up a medic to help you with this little wound you have here. But I don't think this is something I can't handle."
  253. >Rainbow Dash tries to protest, but her voice is muffled by your expanded dong.
  254. >Your fingers begin to explore the inside of Rainbow's vagina, retrieving the glass pieces.
  255. >Rainbow Dash continues to silently scream as you perform this pseudo-surgery on her marehood.
  256. >Surprisingly there weren't that many small pieces in there, a little disappointing but you were satisfied with the damage you've done.
  257. >Now that you were confident that her hole was clear of glass shards, it was time to get yourself a mouthful.
  258. >Putting your mouth at her still bleeding cooter, you begin to move your tongue about inside.
  259. >Rainbow continues to cry silently, you are really getting your rocks off at her suffering.
  261. >This had to be the most brutal 69 of all times.
  262. >Your breathing gets heavier as you begin to reach climax.
  263. >Rainbow Dash continues to make small grunting noises each time you thrust into her.
  264. >Faster and faster, you continue to pump yourself into her, almost ready to cum.
  265. >You move your tongue about faster inside Dash's pussy, causing her excruciating pain and pleasure.
  266. >At last, your heart stops for a brief moment and you gasp for air as you unleash your seed into the little mare's mouth.
  267. >The feeling seemed to be mutual, for just seconds after, she came as well, and just as you promised her, she bled even more as she done so.
  268. >All that bloody marecum, squirt upon your face, it was glorious.
  269. >You collapse beside her on the table, and quickly light yourself another cigarillo.
  270. >The both of you lay there panting for some time.
  271. "I don't know about you, but I must say that I rather enjoyed that."
  272. >Rainbow Dash lets out a groan in response.
  273. >You get back up, and give her a good whack in her jaw to relocate it.
  274. >Not that she had anything else to say, she passed out soon after.
  275. >You start to clean up a little bit, removing any traces of >rape.
  276. >Reaching into your pocket for your phone, you call for a couple of guards and a medic to tend to Rainbow's wounds and take her back to her holding cell.
  277. >As you await their arrival, you take a seat and pet Rainbow's unconscious body.
  278. >You almost forgot one thing.
  279. >You wipe off the blood on your face, then run your bloodied hand through Dash's multicolored mane.
  280. "Oh Dashie, this was fun."
  281. >The assistance you ordered arrives shortly after.
  282. "Were not getting anything else out of her tonight, tend to her wounds and see to it she's put back in her cell."
  283. >"Oui commandant"
  284. >They carry her away.
  286. >Some time later, you've returned to your stateroom (an officer's quarters)
  287. >You've changed into more comfortable clothing that doesn't smell of expensive alcohol, your own semen and Rainbow's marecum.
  288. >You fix yourself another drink and light up a new cigarillo.
  289. >Hey, you're French, you enjoy your smokes.
  290. >You take a look into your records and look into the prisoner logs.
  291. >Skimming through each prisoner profile, you pondered to yourself, who was going to be your next source of marecum?
  292. >Or rather, who was going to be your next meal?
  294. FIN

First Impressions

by NeighborVadim

Degen Stories

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The Equestrian Front-A Frenchman's Sadism

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-Ruina Imperii

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The Equestrian Front-The Griffon Kingdoms Campaign

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