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The Equestrian Front-Ruina Imperii

By NeighborVadim
Created: 2021-04-06 06:03:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Général Montoir
  2. Equestria Occupation Forces
  3. Grand Army of Europa-Francia Branch (Armée de Terre)
  6. >May 7, 2038
  7. >It has been more than one year since the European campaign for diplomacy in this new world had turned aggressive.
  8. >It was this day that saw the official surrender of this land of brightly colored horses, and it's integration as Europa's first off-world territory.
  9. >After months of searching for the two that ruled this nation, you now had all the necessary signatories to make the surrender official.
  10. >Equestria's banner was taken down, which you saved as one of your own relics with the rest of your spoils of war.
  11. >The Stars and Swastika of the European Imperium waved proudly in its place.
  12. >Soldiers and officers from all branches of the Euroreich's Grand Army all stand at attention as the surrender treaty signing is underway.
  13. >Since the death of your superior, you were made supreme commander of the EOF.
  14. >You had also earned yourself your very own Iron Cross.
  15. >You chewed and puffed on a big, rare Cuban cigar, which you saved for a moment just like this, as you prepared your fountain pen to sign the treaty.
  16. >Meanwhile, before your very eyes, gods were signing into law that they and the rest of their countrymen become subservient to you and the Reich.
  17. >As they did this, their eyes shone bright with un-spilled tears.
  18. >Though this was merely symbolic, the two princesses felt humiliated and ashamed that were signing a document that would spell the subjugation of their people for a long time to come.
  19. >Twas a most glorious day for the Reich, and for yourself.
  20. >To think that it was able to happen so quickly was a complete accident.
  21. >You had little Rainbow Quick and her little orange friend to thank for that...
  23. >About two months earlier.
  25. >Meanwhile in the occupied capital city of Canterlot.
  26. >The European Expeditionary Forces had maintained control over the city for more than a month, but this was the first time you had ever gotten to set foot into it since the Grand Galloping Gala... that diplomatic stunt attempted by Celestia.
  27. >It would've been nice, had they not invited your enemies.
  28. >There were a few buildings still shrouded in scaffolding, with construction crews fixing whatever had gotten bombed.
  29. >Chinese and American vehicles still littered the streets, getting around was complicated.
  30. >You would give hell to whoever was in charge of the engineers later.
  31. >Meanwhile, you made your way right into the castle.
  32. >When you arrived, you marched right over to the throne room, gazing upon your newly achieved prize.
  33. >Celestia and Luna were no where to be found, something that had you stumped since taking the city.
  34. >Nonetheless, you were happy to be gazing upon your prize.
  35. "Ah mon dieu, c'est magnifique! This will make a fine headquarters, don't you think, Capitaine?"
  36. >Your most trusted officer (well, he's more like a servant than anything else) recently earned himself a promotion.
  37. >He deserved it, since you always had him taking on responsibilities that were beyond his rank.
  38. >He wouldn't be the only one earning one in the coming weeks.
  39. "Ingénieurs! Viens ici!"
  40. >You called for you engineers.
  41. "J'ai besoin un bureau ici pour Général Hoth."
  42. >You had given orders to your engineers to build a desk in front of the throne, for use by your superior, Generaloberst Niklas Hoth, a German General, a great hero with a well known name, and your superior.
  43. >Within a couple of hours, he would be arriving from Appleloosa, fresh from crushing an Allied offensive that was in the making.
  44. >The Russians seemed had made their presence known, you wondered how many more of them have arrived in this world.
  45. >Meanwhile, your mind had gone Kike-like for the moment, you needed to find the treasury.
  46. >Where do they keep the horse gold?
  47. >You would be scouring the castle until the German's arrival.
  49. >Later, you make you way to the airship docking port higher up on the mountain overlooking Canterlot, followed by a procession of Honor Guards from the Neu Waffen SS, to formally greet the German General.
  50. >Moments after arriving at the docking bay, you hear the rotors of an NH90 Helicopter, escorted by two Eurocopter Tigers.
  51. >General Hoth had arrived.
  52. >You struggle to keep your cover on your head as the helicopter blows the air around.
  53. >The German General, with his entire massive frame, stepped out of the helicopter with a slight struggle.
  54. >Hoth was a giant of a Germanic brute, standing well over one head above you, and every bit as strong as he looks.
  55. >The man could put a hole in your skull just by poking it.
  56. >You should see him in combat, he's no armchair General, he leads from the front, and you do not want to go hand-to-hand with him.
  57. >Unlike you, he was not a cowardly little cunt with a bully's personality that tortured defenseless prisoners and got their rocks off doing it.
  59. >Generaloberst Hoth approached you, the sight of this ubermensch of a man walking towards you was very intimidating and fear inducing.
  60. >Being a military man, and having seen much action yourself, you were trained to overcome these feelings, but you couldn't help but break a slight nervous sweat at the sight of him.
  61. >He was quite a jolly person though, a gentle giant if you will, just don't make him angry.
  62. >He stops a few feet in front of you, you and the Honor Guard procession proceed to offer a salute.
  63. "HEIL ENGEL"
  64. >You yell this out as you do the traditional Roman salute.
  65. >Hoth returns the salute.
  66. >"Rührt euch"
  67. >You stop your salute, the Honor Guard follows suit immediately after.
  68. >"I have to congratulate you on your swift taking of the Equestrian capital city, mein freund."
  69. "Feast your eyes on the prize..."
  70. >As both of you are walking forward away from the dock, making your way down the mountain towards the castle, Hoth takes a look around at the area that is Canterlot.
  71. >"I should also commend you on taking this place with little bloodshed, and keeping it mostly intact."
  72. >To be honest, there was much less resistance than anticipated.
  73. "You should see what I had my men set up for you in the castle."
  74. >"Can't wait to see it."
  76. >After a few minutes of walking back to the castle, Hoth admiring the scenery, and navigating the corridors of the Princess' Castle, you finally arrive to the throne room where you have prepared your commander's gift.
  77. "Feast your eyes, mon ami, I had my engineers prepare this for you to use as your new headquarters."
  78. >Generaloberst Hoth walks over the the throne/desk and examines the handiwork of your engineers.
  79. >The engineers didn't have to prepare a new seat for the big German man, considering that the one already there was designed to accommodate a horse's massive ass.
  80. >Hoth takes a seat, examines the desk even closer, going through all the drawers.
  81. >Meanwhile, you get him a glass and pour him some wine, from your personal reserve.
  82. >"Danke"
  83. "Well, commandant, tu aimes?"
  84. >"It is quite the work of art, worthy of such a brilliant commander such as yourself."
  85. "Pardon? But sir, this is for you though..."
  86. >"I unfortunately will not be able to use it, I'm rallying some troops for an operation in the 'Griffon Kingdoms'."
  87. "Sounds rather exciting, commandant."
  88. >"I will be heading there myself to engage in diplomacy, see if I can get these beasts on our side, by our observations and research, these creatures are very warlike..."
  89. "The capitaine and I encountered a griffin in our attack on Cloudsdale, it almost killed me..."
  90. >"Imagine if we started recruiting them, they'd be like our very own Gurkhas."
  91. "I'd keep my distance from them, if there's any sentient being that I fear the most in this world, it would have to be griffons."
  92. >Okay, maybe that wasn't entirely true, dragons posed an even bigger threat to your health.
  93. >You thought about the time you almost got gutted by that first one you encountered, and how the captain saved you from that beast.
  94. >He fought that purple eye-lined bitch hand-to-hand, that alone was worthy of an Iron Cross and a promotion (which he was far overdo for anyways).
  95. >Too bad it got away, you would've loved to have it's head as a trophy.
  96. "Oh, I also understand that much of the Griffon Kingdom's cities are situated in the mountains, I would like to recommend that you take the Capitaine with you. He has much experience in mountaineering."
  97. >"...If he would be willing to volunteer, I will gladly take him".
  99. >Seconds later, you hear a knocking on the double-doors to the throne room.
  100. "Entrer".
  101. >It was the Captain.
  102. "What is it Captitaine?"
  103. >"I've been informed that we may have captured someone rather important..."
  104. >This you had to see.
  105. "An equine?"
  106. >"Yes, and we've found some insignias and documents on her that are relating to the growing insurgency movement."
  107. >"Insurgency?"
  108. >You would be surprised if Niklas was unaware of the paramilitary activity, but you explained that situation to him anyways.
  109. "They've been doing their recruiting over hidden online networks, and they're probably receiving a lot of financial and material support from the Allies, and various private organizations".
  110. >These private organizations just happened to be PMCs, with the amount of personnel they had in service, it seemed mercenaries are getting cheaper and cheaper these days.
  111. >This is what Brussels informed you about some time ago, various groups were doing their recruiting over the deep web.
  112. >Often you'll find their operators with their own little insignias, the most common you've seen are those marked '/k/' and '/mlp/' who who were surprisingly competent.
  113. >However, they were mere paramilitaries, the majority of them just served as canon fodder.
  114. >Of course, Europe has done plenty of recruiting abroad, and got the same inconsistent quality of fighters.
  115. >Although, non-military fighters aligned to your cause tended to make up their weaknesses with zealousness.
  116. >Most probably took assignments here just to bully the locals, often they cause trouble throughout the occupied towns and cities, even harassing regular army units.
  117. >It was frustrating to deal with them, to be honest, you often wondered if they were worth the extra manpower.
  119. "Monsieur, I will investigate this new captive myself, please make yourself at home, have some more wine, take a look around, enjoy yourself, I'll send someone right away if you wish to have a guide".
  120. >"Not necessary, Kamarade, carry on".
  121. >You saluted your superior, then you ran off with the Captain back to the airship dock, where a helicopter would be waiting for you.
  123. >The journey to the Nouveau Bastille prison facility was difficult as always, navigation systems in and over the Everfree Forest were not reliable.
  124. >Your pilot finds the helipad of the facility, you look out your window and find the square patch that had been clear-cut to build the place.
  125. >Upon landing, several soldiers are already standing ready by the helipad to greet and escort you.
  126. >You turn to the administrator of the facility, Elis Bjorkstrom, a Swedish Colonel, who served as the warden.
  127. >When you approach him, he salutes you, and you salute back.
  128. "Where is this important new captive I've been hearing about, colonel?"
  129. >"She's sitting comfortably in the interrogation room..."
  130. >If she was sitting 'comfortably', she obviously wasn't in YOUR interrogation room.
  131. >"Anything she was carrying has been brought to your office".
  132. "I'll take a look at those first".
  133. >Arriving at your office, you find a saddle bag.
  134. >Before you got to work, you lit yourself a cigarette.
  135. >You rubbed your hands together, anticipating the information you would find in there.
  136. >You undid the buckles that held the bags closed, and dumped the contents onto your desk, shaking the bag vigorously.
  137. >Sifting through the contents, what you found was mostly letters, most of which were heavily censored (probably anticipating they would get intercepted).
  138. >You found one of /k/'s patches, it looked like the captive was working for them.
  139. >But let's not jump to conclusions now.
  140. >You found a few valuable items, like gems and crystals, and a little silver and ruby amulet.
  141. "Hmm, this is rather interesting".
  142. >You decided to pocket that item to examine later.
  145. >Reading through the letters and other documents, most of them seem to be personal messages with no real strategically valuable information.
  146. >You found some in several languages, including European languages.
  147. >As you thought, the mongrels did recruiting abroad.
  148. >You also found a certain letter written in Kanji and Hirigana, you couldn't read it.
  149. >Could this mean that the Aryans of the Far East wouldn't join your cause?
  150. >You would have to contact Brussels to be sure of that, they've been trying for months to get them to engage China and the United States.
  151. >You know, even though the European Parliament was in Brussels, it was still Berlin calling the shots (just to make things clear, although, everyone already knew that since the EU was founded).
  152. >They certainly had the naval might to do it effectively.
  153. >There seemed to be nothing interesting left to look at here, it was time to visit the new captive.
  155. >Making your way through the hallways of the prison facility, you eventually pass through a cell block.
  156. >Prisoners, ranging from local pones to militants from your world, notice you walking down the cell block.
  157. >The tapping of your boots on the hard concrete floors became the scariest sound for everyone unfortunate enough to be imprisoned here.
  158. >As each one of them sees you, they scurry towards the corners of their cells and curl up into fetal positions.
  159. >They all knew what happens when you interrogate someone personally, even after a trip to the infirmary, their wounds are never really healed.
  161. >You finally make it near the 'interrogation' room.
  162. >It was like any other used by civilian police agencies, except it was a bit roomier, and had some comfortable furniture (inb4 'black leather couch, huehuehue!')...
  163. >There was also some food and drinks to serve, like candies, water, soda, juice, some alcohol but not very much.
  164. >This was suggested by Hoth, he thought treating prisoners well would get them to cooperate.
  165. >You were surprised that a Germanic superman like him would even consider treating 'untermenschen' humanely, let alone the animals in this world.
  166. >Before you make it to the room to see the new prisoner, you hear laughing coming from the room.
  167. >You take a small peak inside, they're playing with a little orange filly with purple mane.
  168. >This is what they captured?
  169. >The guards and the Captain were throwing gummy bears into the air, which the young pegasus has been catching with her mouth and doing acrobatic tricks each time.
  170. >Its a damn good thing this place wasn't supplied with Haribo sugar free gummies, or else she would have shit all over them, depending on how many she's eaten.
  171. >You finally open the door completely, everyone but the filly goes silent, all personnel in the room rush to stand at attention in your presence.
  172. >"Hey, why'd you stop?"
  173. >It was only then she had noticed you entered the room.
  174. "À l'aise"
  175. >The guards and the Captain all sit back down, there's still an uneasiness in the air though.
  176. >As much as you tried kept things hidden, everyone at the facility was aware that you were doing terrible things to prisoners.
  177. >They were definitely worried for their new friend here.
  180. >"Hi! I'm Scootaloo, what's your name?"
  181. >She looked up at you with those big adorable eyes.
  182. "Not important now, would you mind telling me how you ended up here in a prison camp?"
  183. >"That's what this is? I thought this place was, well, I don't really know, they kept my head covered so I couldn't see".
  184. >You look to one of the guards.
  185. "Where was she when you found her?"
  186. >"In the middle of the Everfree, Sir".
  187. >You turn back to Scootaloo.
  188. "Would you mind telling me what you were doing here in the Everfree forest? C'est très dangeruex out there.
  189. >"What?"
  190. "It's really dangerous little one."
  191. >"Oh, well, I've lived here all my life, I know the way through it".
  192. "Mind telling me what you were doing?"
  193. >"Well, I just got a job in the local mail service, just while I'm not in school though".
  194. >It's true, since we took over their education system, we've made changes to their school year, and she was indeed on break at the moment.
  195. >Not only that, the mail service became invaluable for communications (for the time being), since the infrastructure for things like the internet simply didn't exist here.
  196. >"I think I've even made some deliveries for you guys!"
  197. "Even here at the prison?"
  198. >"Well, no, I didn't even know this place was here."
  199. >She then continued...
  200. >"Actually, maybe, I might have come here not knowing this was a prison."
  201. >Just as well, looking at it from the outside, one could think it was any kind of installation.
  202. "Are you aware of what you've been hauling?"
  203. >"Not really, I just know if it's something really important or valuable that needs to be delivered quick, it would be given to Derpy to deliver."
  204. "Derpy?"
  205. >"The gray pegasus with the blonde mane."
  206. >You knew of a horse that fit that description, the googly-eyed retarded one.
  207. >Would they really be trusting that thing to be delivering sensitive items?
  208. >Strangely enough, no one has seen that one in a while...
  210. >You figured now you were done questioning a naive child.
  211. "Could you excuse me for a moment s'il vous plait".
  212. "Capitane."
  213. >He followed you out the door.
  214. >You both walk out a fairly far distance in the hallway, so that people in the room wont hear your conversation.
  215. "What the hell is the meaning of this, is this a joke?"
  216. >"Don't look at me sir, the warden alerted me of this!"
  217. >You look back at the door and speed walked in a very pissed-off manner towards it.
  218. >You go back into the room, the warden is sitting down petting the little pegasus.
  219. "Monsieur directeur!"
  220. >He looks to you, and you motion for him to follow you.
  221. >You take him out into the hallway to give him hell.
  223. "Let me get this straight, you must have been well aware of General Hoth's planned visit to Canterlot today, and you felt it necessary to interrupt that visit for a fucking kid?"
  224. >"But sir, she was carrying..."
  225. "...Gifts and letters to friends and loved ones, you fuck head, nom de Dieu! This kid doesn't know shit about the enemy".
  226. >You begin to walk back to the interrogation room, still tearing the warden a new one.
  227. "I swear to God I will see to it your ass gets demoted for this, and if you do it again I will shoot you!"
  228. >Typical Swede, letting anything in.
  229. >You return to the room where Scootaloo was, she was entertaining the guards again.
  230. "Miss Scootaloo, I am so sorry for all of this, come with me to my office and we'll get your things back".
  231. >"Wow, thank you Mister... Uhh..."
  232. "Montoir".
  233. >"Thank you".
  234. "I'm also going to prepare a helicopter to take you home, I'd imagine that would be in Ponyville?"
  235. >"Yes, sir!"
  236. "Very well, come here".
  237. >She jumps into your arms and you begin to carry her to your office.
  238. >What you didn't know is that she had a relationship with one of the prisoners, and she would point it out along the way.
  240. >Walking by one of the cell blocks, some of the prisoners that notice you walking by look at Scootaloo, already they are scared for her.
  241. >She would soon give them reason to be...
  242. >You walk by the cell of a certain rainbow maned pegasus that you once performed one of your infamous interrogations on.
  243. >She was asleep, as she almost always is.
  244. >"Hey, it's Rainbow Dash!"
  245. >Her ear perked up upon hearing that, that certainly woke her up.
  246. "You know this one?"
  247. >"Yeah! She's only the fastest flyer and coolest pony in all of Equestria!"
  248. "I take it you know her personally?"
  249. >"Sure do! Umm... What's she doing here?"
  250. >Rainbow Dash tried to hide the fact that she was extremely horrified at the situation.
  251. "I'm going to need you to come with me Scoots, I'd like to engage in a private meeting with you and miss Dash over there".
  252. >You get in contact with the Captain, and order him to have your 'personal' interrogation room prepared.
  253. >Three guards, meanwhile, are taking Rainbow Dash out of her cell.
  254. >You are well ahead of them on your way to your torture chamber.
  255. >You arrive at the dimly lit, unpainted, concrete walled room.
  256. >The only thing that gave the room any color at all was dried blood spatter.
  257. >"Mister Montoir, this seems like a rather scary place to be holding a meeting..."
  261. >Moments later, the guards arrive with Rainbow Dash.
  262. >This is just perfect.
  263. "Oh, Dashie!"
  264. >She looks to you and gasps.
  265. >You drop Scootaloo and give her a good punt, like you were kicking an American pig skin.
  266. >The drop-kick you gave sends her flying into the wall on the other side of the room.
  267. >"Scoots, NO!"
  268. >She tries to charge at you but is held back by the guards.
  269. >You pick up the little filly again and slam her against the wall, she lets out a loud yelp as you do this.
  271. >As Scootaloo rolls back towards you give her a good stomp into her belly. She is now winded, and gasping for air.
  272. >You pick her up again and pull out your sidearm, a Manurhin MR 73 revolver, and put it at her head.
  273. "One of two things will happen today, either you tell me where your leaders are or SHE DIES!"
  274. >"NO!"
  275. >Scootaloo continued to whimper quietly, breathing became more difficult for her as your grip tightened.
  276. >You cocked the hammer back on your revolver, ready to fire.
  277. "Which will it be, mon cherie?"
  278. >You took the gun away from the filly's head and fired a round off into the ceiling.
  279. >BANG
  280. >Scoots screamed and her ears folded closed as you discharged the round, the guards flinched at the sight of all this.
  281. "TELL ME!"
  282. >"Alright, alright, I'll tell you, just don't hurt her!"
  283. >A shit-eating grin stretches across your face, your eye pupils dilating in mad satisfaction.
  284. >Placing the muzzle against Scootaloo's head again, you await the answers you've been waiting for.
  285. >"Okay, they're hiding in an abandoned castle that's actually right here in the Everfree forest!"
  286. >Provided that navigation and communications systems were often rendered useless upon entering this godforsaken forest, it sounded very plausible.
  287. >Not only that, even in all the research that we have done on this place since you entered, no one had never found any records of such a castle, that would make a great place to hide.
  288. "Capitaine, I hope you are getting all this, what are the coordinates to this place? And don't lie to me, we will keep you detained, and she will die if we don't find it!"
  290. >"It's... i-it's located just ten klicks south south of this place, you can't miss it!"
  291. "And the strength, what is located there in terms of military strength and firepower?"
  292. >"When I was there last, there were three battalions, one US, one Russian, one Chinese, with about a thousand irregulars..."
  293. >She seemed to know her military terminology pretty well.
  294. "Are there ponies fighting amongst them as well?"
  295. >"Yes, and by now there must be more than a brigade's worth of personnel built up there now, and I think they said something about 'scuds' being delivered."
  296. >You almost shat a brick after hearing that, if they're the newer ones that are actually made in Russia and not old broken crap that gets sold to filthy fucking shitskins or replicated by them, they could annihilate all our forces around Ponyville, Canterlot, hell they could even hit Manehattan if they wanted to.
  297. >Every bit of effort that went into gaining control of this land would go straight to hell.
  298. >This information could not have come at a better time.
  299. "Capitaine, inform my officers of the information we've just received, we need to mobilize immediately."
  300. >"Yes, sir".
  301. "We need to call upon some of our best for this..."
  302. >The formations on standby were as follows:
  303. >5th Infantry Regiment Aosta, and 7th Triarii Heavy Infantry from Italy
  304. >10th Armored Calvary Brigade from Poland.
  305. >2nd Régiment de Soutien Opérationnel
  306. >A few squads out of the 4th SS Airbourne Infantry Brigade were ready for immediate action.
  307. "We should act now while they're still unaware".
  308. "Bien sûr, now go, get the job done!".
  309. >He leaves the room to do just that.
  312. >You let Scootaloo go, she immediately runs over to Rainbow Dash.
  313. >Before she could reach her, the guards pull out their sidearms.
  314. "Hold it men, let Arc-en-ciel and little Scoots have their moment".
  315. >They unhand Rainbow Dash and she leaps forward to Scootaloo to embrace her.
  316. >"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash!"
  317. >"No, it's not your fault, you didn't know!"
  318. >Scootaloo continued to cry into Rainbow's bosom.
  319. >Rainbow Dash hugged her and tried to comfort her, while also shedding a few tears herself.
  320. "Hehehe, as much as I love to see your suffering, I think I will put an end to it..."
  321. >The two pegasi gasp as they watch you raise your gun back at them.
  322. >Less than half a second before pulling the trigger, a familiar massive bodied figure busted through the door, leaving cracks in the concrete behind it.
  323. >It was Generaloberst Hoth.
  324. >Now you shat a brick.
  325. >"Verdammt! What the hell is going on here!"
  326. >He turns to you, and looks you straight in the eye.
  327. >Holy crackwhore-fucking Christ was he ever pissed.
  328. >You turned your hand down to drop your gun, what followed was the loudest clacking of metal and concrete you would ever hear in your life.
  329. >Remember how intimidated you were just to see him walking towards you?
  330. >Now you knew he was angry, and it seems he's going to beat the piss out of you.
  331. >Never before had you ever felt this afraid.
  334. "Commandant, please, l-l-l-l-let me explain to you, I wasn't going to k-k-kill them! I have obtained invaluable information, our entire operation depends on..."
  335. >He grabs you by the lapels on the front of your uniform, and slams you into the wall, and your voice squeaks.
  336. >He holds you high up against the wall.
  337. >"I am having a hard time believing what the hell I just saw, what in the fuck are you doing to these pones?"
  338. >At this point you were too scared to speak, all you could do was squirm and cry in Hoth's giant fists.
  339. >He drives his massive fist into your belly, knocking the wind out of you
  340. >"Answer me... ANSWER ME YOU FOTZE!"
  341. >The big German man shakes you in the air for a few seconds and then tosses you aside, in which you fall and curl up into a fetal position.
  342. >He then glances over at the two pegasi who are holding each other and silently crying.
  343. >As he walks towards them, they hold each other even tighter, thinking that the Germanic behemoth was going to crush them.
  344. >They didn't know that he could be a very gentle man.
  345. >He ran his giant hand over Rainbow Dash's mane to comfort her.
  346. >"Let me see your little friend here."
  347. >She lifts her hooves and her wing to reveal Scootaloo, she winces and covers her face.
  348. >"Now, now, mein kleine, I won't hurt you".
  349. >He grabs the little filly and brings her to his torso, she seemed to take a liking to him as she buried her face into his chest.
  350. >After petting her and comforting her, he hands her over to one of the guards still in the room.
  351. >"Get this one some medical attention immediately!"
  352. >Without any hesitation whatsoever, they go off to complete their task.
  353. >The German General turns back to you, still crying in the fetal position.
  354. >You were a genuine bully and a coward, absolutely shameful.
  355. >"Care for the rainbow one too!"
  358. >Hoth walks over to you and crouches down.
  359. >"Get up, kamarade".
  360. >He puts his hand.
  361. >You curl up even tighter.
  362. >"Please, just get up, I'm not going to hurt you".
  363. >You turn slowly towards your commander, it was even scarier to be looking up at him while lying on the floor.
  364. >He puts out his hand, waiting for you to grab it.
  365. >You do so, and he helps you back up on you feet.
  366. >"I don't know what you thought you were going to achieve, but I suspect they weren't the first of your victims".
  367. "Sir, I have just saved our lives! I have saved the lives of our men!"
  368. >"Did you really have to go and try to kill those two, even after they gave you what you wanted?"
  369. >You really didn't but it would've been funny, to you anyways.
  370. >"I was getting ready to contact Berlin and see to it that you got promoted, but it's evident that you are not ready for such a responsibility..."
  371. >Now it was you that was pissed, but you kept your feelings about it hidden.
  372. >"Really, you deserved to be court martialed..."
  373. >By international law, you really should, most tribunals would probably demand you be executed.
  374. >"Good thing for you, you give me reasons not to reprimand you..."
  375. >You knew your shit.
  376. >"I will postpone your promotion for a later date, meanwhile, I'm going to get you help".
  377. >The hell he will.
  378. >"In the meantime..."
  379. >He grabs you once again by your collar.
  380. >"Pull this shit again, I'll forget the good work you've done".
  381. >He tosses you aside and leaves the room.
  382. >You collapse with your back against the wall.
  384. >Sitting there, hands covering your face, all you could think about is how emasculated and how belittled you felt.
  385. >It brought back the terrible memories from your childhood, all those things that shitskin of an adopted stepfather did to you...
  386. >It felt like you were re-living your fearful childhood all over again...
  388. >Not much later, the Captain returns.
  389. >For whatever reason, despite not being hurt, there is blood dripping from his face.
  390. >"A...A-A-Are you okay sir?"
  391. "Ouais, yes, don't worry about me... What the hell's up with you?".
  392. >"Whenever I'm terrified, I sweat blood for... whatever reason".
  393. >You get back up on your feet and brush yourself off.
  394. "Hoth?"
  395. >"Hoth".
  396. >You pick your cover up off the floor, dust it off, and place it back on your head.
  397. >"Sir, your forces are taking up positions around the Everfree Castle as we speak, are you ready?"
  398. "Almost... Capitaine, when do you ship out with Hoth to go kill catbirds?"
  399. >"In less than a week, sir".
  400. >You reach into your pocket with a cell phone, which you had made special for the most secure communications.
  401. "Now you listen here, and you listen closely, you are MY officer, MY orders take priority over all others, including Hoth's..."
  402. >"Sir?"
  403. "We are going to maintain steady communications, and General Hoth must not know, he must also not know that I will be deploying my own drones to the area".
  404. >"Yes, sir".
  405. "Good, I know you won't disappoint me".
  406. >Now with that out of the way, you could now focus on the task at hand...
  407. >You had an uprising to crush.
  408. >You had gods to capture.
  409. >You had pones to >Rape.
  410. >You had ass to kick.
  411. >It was time to attack Everfree Castle!
  413. >About an hour later.
  415. >You were in the commander's seat of an AMX-56 Leclerc.
  416. >Using this tank, you decided to grow a pair for once and scout ahead.
  417. >The little blue cunt wasn't lying when she told you where the castle was, peering through the bushes with the vehicle's optics, you could see it right before your very eyes.
  418. >Right in front of the ancient, decrepit structure, was a Russian built Topol-M ICBM launcher.
  419. "Mon Dieu, Sickle Bs!"
  420. >Off into the distance, away from the castle, you notice an inter-dimensional portal, inactive for the moment.
  421. >You wondered to yourself how many more they were getting ready to deliver.
  422. >But you still needed to find out more.
  423. >What you and your crew were about to do was incredibly risky, but it would be worth it.
  424. "Driver, move this char de combat out of the tree line!"
  425. >Still undetected, you now had an opportunity to send out a spy drone.
  426. "Sergeant, the bird!"
  427. >The trooper handed you a small device that closely resembled a bird, a remote control, and what seemed to be a set of VR goggles.
  428. >You popped the cupola open and set the bird drone on the roof, and quickly got it moving.
  429. "Sergeant, hurry, back up into the forest!"
  430. >Now back into concealment, you donned the goggles and flew the bird above the structure.
  431. >Now you could see that there was a lot more enemy activity, now that you could see through the holes of the collapsed roof.
  432. >You saw what looked like an American and Russian commander, following none other than...
  433. "Celestia and Luna..."
  434. >You had a massive hard-on for them since the conquest began, wanting nothing more than to have them captured.
  435. >The Nuovo Triarii heavy infantry would make up the bulk of the attack force, they would strike from the front.
  436. >Poland's Hussar units would strike quickly from the forests behind in LAVs.
  437. >Since the forest has cleared for the most part, and with less interference with navigation and communications systems, you could parachute the SS shock troops right into the castle.
  438. >Everything was set.
  439. >Suddenly, you see a streak of rainbow pass overhead and into the castle.
  440. "That idiot, he let her go!"
  441. >Now you had to act.
  442. >Operation: "Ruina Imperii", was now in motion.
  446. >Meanwhile, in the castle...
  448. >"Your highness, our informants in Canterlot and Ponyville have told us many times, they are too well reinforced and dug in for us to fight in both directly".
  449. >"это жаль, we have no choice but to annihilate one or the other if we are to liberate your kingdom..."
  450. >Celestia paced around the makeshift war room, trying to consider any options that didn't involve nuking another city.
  451. >"Princess, we are aware of what the фашисты did to Stalliongrad, and we know that you don't want that happening again..."
  452. >The American colonel, well aware of the nomenclature of Equestria's urban centers, thought to himself...
  453. >'Who the hell named these places, Carlos? Why is everything a pun here?'
  454. >Celestia continued to pace back and fourth, until Luna interjected.
  455. >"Sister, there is another option, our allies could continue to build their strength in the Crystal Empire, that place would be able to accommodate a much bigger force, an ideal place really".
  456. >"We may not have the time to wait for that, we've been pushing our luck as it is!"
  457. >Immediately after the American said that, Rainbow Dash and the Chinese commander ran into the war room.
  458. >"Rainbow Dash, you're alive!"
  459. >Celestia was overjoyed to see the Element of Loyalty still in good health.
  460. >"Gōngzhǔ, you've got to get out of here, they know where we are!"
  461. >"What, how?"
  462. >Rainbow Dash, guiltily, spoke up...
  463. >"It's... My fault..."
  464. >The three officers look to her with fear in their eyes.
  465. >"He beat her, he was going to kill her! I couldn't let him do that".
  466. >The American kneels down to listen in and question her.
  467. >"Who?"
  468. >"The French General, he tortured Scootaloo!"
  469. >Her eyes glistened with tears.
  470. >"If we can ever get any documented proof, we should expose his crimes."
  471. >"товарищ Принцесса, we need to get you out of here."
  472. >It was then the ground shook and debris fell.
  473. >Their ears rang from the sounds of exploding shells.
  474. >The attack had begun.
  477. >First priority was disabling the ICBM before the Allies could have a chance to arm it.
  478. "Don't use high explosive on that thing or we all go!"
  479. >The Italians came prepared with Panzerfaust 3s with EMP rounds.
  480. >A squad of five troops equipped with these weapons rushed out into the open, just short of crossing the drawbridge.
  481. >As they took aim, a shower of machine gun fire erupted from the towers of the castle.
  482. >One of the Italian troops goes down, discharging the launcher as he falls.
  483. "Put some fire onto those machine gun nests!"
  484. >Ariete main battle tanks, Freccia LAVs. and more infantry emerge from the forests and open fire, now it was habbening!
  485. >The remaining troops in the launcher squad unleash a volley of rockets onto the ICBM launcher.
  486. >The Topol got coated in what looked like a blanket of white lightening bolts, its systems were now fried.
  487. >Out of the forest from the north, Polish Rosomaks and humvees rush out into the fields.
  488. >As their vehicles get near the old fortress, Polish infantry pour out of them while still in motion and group up at the rear entrances.
  489. >Allied fighters, both military and paramilitary, rush outside to engage them.
  490. >Brutal close quarters and hand-to-hand fighting followed.
  492. >Many years ago, before the federalization and formation of the Euroreich, these match-ups would have been completely unimaginable...
  493. >Russians fighting Italians.
  494. >Poles fighting Chinese.
  495. >Americans fighting Frenchmen.
  496. >No one thought we would be fighting each other like this, let alone with ponies in the crossfire.
  498. >As everyone is busy kicking every imaginable type of shit out of each other, you give the order for the Neu SS to make their move.
  499. >C-160s fly low over the castle and drop the German special forces.
  500. >Several squads pour out of those aircraft like swarms of angry bees.
  501. >It seems it's all over for the Allies.
  502. >Or so you think anyways.
  506. >As the last plane closes in, a hidden Phalanx CIWS fires through the roof of the structure and downs the aircraft, disintegrating several German operators in the process.
  507. >The plane crashes into the forests to the north and wipes out half of the Hussars that were being held in reserve.
  508. "Clever bastards..."
  509. >In your excitement, you hadn't realized that the Allies may have been better prepared than you were expecting.
  511. >"We need to get these two to the lower levels, I'll take Celestia to the west end and one of you take Luna east!"
  512. >Celestia was getting ready to protest the American colonel's order until Luna intervened.
  513. >"Sister, they are after both of us, let us not convenience their search by clinging to each other".
  514. >The sun goddess, still very uneasy about this, went forward to embrace her sister in a farewell hug.
  515. >"Please stay safe, Luna."
  516. >Turning back to the American, she is now ready to depart to one of the safe rooms.
  517. >"Okay your highness, lets get a move... huh?"
  518. >A golden aura embraced his body and lifted him into the air, Celestia placed him onto her back.
  519. >Before she could take off, the US colonel had one more thing to say...
  520. >"Someone needs to start destroying documents".
  521. >"I stay!"
  522. >The Chinese commander volunteered for the job.
  523. >"I'll help!"
  524. >Rainbow Dash also volunteered.
  525. >As the enemy would get closer, more data and documents at offices set up deeper in the castle would be destroyed as well.
  526. >When Celestia and the American rode off, Luna lowered her rump for the Russian officer to mount her.
  527. >"Поехали, Луна!"
  529. >The Chinese officer called for some reinforcements to guard the war room, the PLA operators were to hold off the enemy until the papers and computers were destroyed.
  530. >Taking out a Zippo lighter and some gasoline, he poured it on a pile of papers on the table and lit it up.
  531. >"Uh, sir, that's not going to destroy this stuff quick enough, just wait a moment here..."
  532. >Flying off through the doors, she headed for the explosives stockpile just down the hallway.
  533. >She returns with several high explosive and incendiary charges.
  534. >"Now this is how you destroy stuff!"
  535. >Right after saying that, a hail of rifle rounds peppers the door behind the two, with the PLA troops firing back.
  536. >"Kuài diǎn! We must move!"
  537. >Working hastily, the Chinaman and pegasus rig the room and all its contents to explode and burn.
  538. >As the last of the charges are set and the detonator primed, a heavy caliber round bursts through the door and leaves a gaping hole in the wall behind, opening up a secret passageway.
  539. >What followed was the headless corpse of what used to be a PLA soldier, collapsing ass-first through the door.
  540. >The two jump behind the table and tip it over for cover.
  541. >Reaching into an inside pocket of his uniform, the Chinese commander takes out a camera.
  542. >"Do you know how to use this?"
  543. >"Yeah".
  544. >"Remember what the American told you, any injustice they do, expose it!"
  545. >The Neu SS operators are nearing the room, the Chinese commander feels it.
  546. >Stuffing the recording device into Rainbow's mouth, he grabs her and stuffs her through the hole in the wall.
  547. >Having the camera in her mouth, she is unable to cry out to the Chinaman as she fell.
  548. >The Germans stormed into the war room with guns trained on the PLA officer.
  549. >"Übergeben sie dokumente!"
  550. >"去你妈的!"
  552. >Following the shouting of this Mandarin profanity, he, the elite German operators, and everything in the room was incinerated.
  553. >Rainbow Dash could see the flames from the bottom of the shaft where she fell.
  554. >For a while, she curled up into a ball and wept for the poor Chinese man, though she didn't know him all that well.
  555. >She knew she couldn't stay much longer, if she was to do him justice, she would need to do just as she was commanded.
  556. >Trying to find a way back to either the American or Russian commanders would prove to be a challenge in this narrow labyrinth...
  558. >Meanwhile, the Italian troops in the north were getting ready to make their advance across the ravine, now that the German special forces slaughtered all the tower defenders from behind.
  559. >One Ariete and an infantry squad was making its way across a nearby stone bridge.
  560. >You tried to get in contact with the commander of that tank.
  561. "Don't use that, it could be rigged to collapse!"
  562. >Sure enough, it was.
  563. >More than four million Euros and about ten men, gone, in that instant.
  564. "Idiots! Do not use any of the established bridges, you will wait for the ingénieurs!"
  565. >They didn't have to wait long, about five EBG engineering vehicles equipped with bridging equipment had arrived.
  566. >It was about time the French unit entered the fray.
  567. >Within a few minutes, the Nuovo Triarii was rolling across the ravine.
  568. >The Hussars were still trading blows with the Allied troops behind the castle.
  569. >Allied troops began retreating back into the confines of the Everfree Castle, upon hearing that the European main force had arrived.
  570. >Your forces now had the enemy surrounded.
  571. >But it was still far from the end of this operation.
  573. >You were most pleased and surprised that you were able to maintain your position for so long without them so much as taking a shot at you.
  574. >Reminded you of your adolescence when you played a certain Belorussian game involving tanks.
  577. >You order your driver to take the AMX down to the rallying point at the front of the castle.
  578. >Upon arriving you dismount the vehicle to meet with the Italian commander.
  579. >He is already there briefing his subordinates on the situation.
  580. >You decide to wait until he was finished with his officers.
  581. >As they all headed off to do their duties, you decided to greet the Nuovo Romano.
  582. "Vous travaillez rapidement, just as I expected".
  583. >Commending him on his quick and (mostly) efficient handling of the situation, it seemed to have startled him.
  584. >In a rather clumsy manner, he turns to salute you.
  585. >"Ave Engel!"
  586. >You return the salute.
  587. "I take it that the Germans have cleared the middle and upper levels already?"
  588. >"Not even, this place is just so vast and so complex that they're still finding enemy squads dug in at various places".
  589. "Surely it must be safe to go into the entrance..."
  590. >"No, DON'T Do THAT!"
  591. >You feel a sharp pain, it felt like a mix between getting stabbed with a really dull knife and kicked in the chest by a [spoiler]horse.[/spoiler]
  592. >Falling down on your ass, the Italian Colonel grabs you by your shoulders and drags you behind the disabled ICBM.
  594. >You get your bearings shortly after that ordeal, troops are already showering the inside of the entrance with automatic fire hoping to hit the enemy marksman.
  595. >"Commandante, are you okay!"
  596. >Groaning, you finally find the strength to give a response.
  597. "mmmf, ouais, I'll be okay camarade".
  598. >You give him the order to continue the battle.
  599. >You look down at where you were hit...
  600. >Strange, not even your clothing was damaged.
  601. >Feeling over the pained area, you found you just might know what stopped that bullet.
  602. >Digging into your pocket, you find that amulet that you took out of Scootaloo's bag.
  603. >You think to yourself...
  604. "I don't think this is an ordinary amulet".
  606. >"Dammit!"
  607. >"What, you hit him didn't you?"
  608. >"Yeah, but I don't think he's dead, oh shit..."
  609. >"What is it? Uh oh...."
  610. >The /k/ommando and his spotter, a trooper of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, notice the European troops amassing at the entrance.
  611. >"Get your pony ass outta here, gogogogogogogo!"
  612. >Falling back, they just barely dodge the automatic fire.
  613. >It was time for them to start falling back anyways.
  614. >The insurgent dons a bayonet onto his nugget, just in case he has to skewer someone that gets too close.
  615. >Look at him, he thinks he's Simo Hayha.
  616. >After some time of navigating the corridors, they come across the hallway that lead to the main war room.
  617. >Mortified, they see all the bodies piled up, and the charred remains of what seemed to be the Chinese commander.
  618. >Not only that, it was crawling with fascist special forces operators.
  619. >"Shit, what do we do now?"
  620. >Looking back, he was scared for a moment to see his equine partner was no where to be seen.
  621. >"Over here!"
  622. >That was the most relieving thing he could have ever heard.
  623. >The pone found a hidden passageway, this damn place was full of them.
  624. >"Lead the way, horsey! Wait, hold on a moment".
  625. >Going near the end of the hallway where the Euro troops were amassing, he sets up a trip mine.
  626. >He sets up another trap at the opening of the secret passage.
  627. >"Now, let's go!"
  628. >After squeezing in, the sound of grinding stone indicates that it has been closed off.
  629. >A Polish trooper, just around the corner, heard the grinding stone, but arrived too late to see what it was.
  630. >His reaction was just what you'd expect...
  631. >"Kurwa..."
  633. >Elsewhere within the stone walls, Rainbow Dash is getting very frustrated.
  634. >She sighs to herself...
  635. >"You'd think that those two would've thought to put maps or something in here to help give directions in this place".
  636. >Grinding on to where ever she was going to end up that hopefully wasn't back into the hands of the enemy, she hears speaking on the other side of the wall.
  637. >"Vattene! Ora!"
  638. >That didn't sound friendly.
  639. >Finding a small hole in the wall, she decided to observe what was happening.
  640. >A grim sight, a squad of friendlies had surrendered, bodies and severed limbs were scattered about.
  641. >This isn't good.
  642. >Still peering through the hole, she saw one of her best friends among the captives.
  643. >"Applejack!"
  644. >In the line of defeated men with their hands above their heads, she was the last in it.
  645. >The two guidos decided that they were going to have a little bit of fun with her.
  646. >As Applejack went walking by them, one of them reaches over and snatched her hat off her head.
  647. >The one thing going through Rainbow's mind is this...
  648. >"No, you don't ever touch the hat!"
  649. >Visibly angered, Applejack fights and struggles with the two troops to get it back.
  650. >Rainbow Dash remembers she has the camera the Chinaman gave her, now would be a good time to use it.
  651. >Putting it on the video record setting, she aligns the lens with the hole.
  652. >After some time of playing 'fetchy fetchy, you no getty' with the hat, Applejack decides she's had enough and gives one of the two men a good bucking in the belly.
  653. >The soldier still standing gives her a hard whack in the head with the butt of his shotgun.
  654. >The other gets back up, visibly hurt and pissed off, comes back and kicks her onto her back.
  655. >He lifts his foot up like he's getting ready to stomp on her.
  656. >"Soldati! Muoviti!"
  657. >His leader ordered them out before he could do it.
  659. >It must have been an officer, she remembered hearing that they had a rule against (unnecessary) hurting of the locals.
  660. >Rainbow Dash remembered the mouthful she received from that French prick, who seemed to think he was above the rules.
  661. >She would just love to see him suffer the way she did...
  662. >After witnessing the brutalization of her friend, and tucking the camera under her wing, she trudged along through the narrow walls.
  663. >Shortly after hearing a nearby explosion, she runs into a couple of friendly face.
  664. >"Ahh!"
  665. >"Ahh!'
  666. >"Keep it quiet you stupid horses or they'll hear!"
  667. >Rainbow had run into the insurgent and the partner assigned to him.
  668. >A sigh of relief leaves Rainbow Dash.
  669. >"I'm just glad I found someone that isn't going to rape, torture or kill me".
  670. >"Knowing these Neo-Nazi pricks, I doubt it be in that particular order".
  671. >"Do you guys know where you're headed?"
  672. >The Guard pony speaks up.
  673. >"Well, I do, I don't about him".
  674. >"Piss off!"
  675. >They had to get moving quick before the enemy realized the fortress' secrets.
  676. >An explosion goes off fairly close.
  677. >The Pollack must have tripped the first mine.
  678. >"Let's get a move on!"
  680. >Back near the front entrance, after it was confirmed that those areas were clear, you have your engineers set up a small headquarters in what looks like an old old guestroom of some sort.
  681. >They worked quickly as always.
  682. >Technicians arrived shortly after to set up computers and a hologram projector.
  683. >With drones keeping constant surveillance of the area, you had both images on screens and a 3-D projection to view the situation.
  684. >You requested the presence of the Italian commander.
  685. "Can any of you get an estimate for a casualty count?"
  686. >"More than five hundred men are already dead sir, with about three times that amount wounded".
  687. "Whatever you need to do, get us reinforced".
  688. >"Si, commandante".
  689. >This operation was becoming costly, but at this point, after your months of searching, you didn't care if you had to sacrifice a million men.
  690. >You wanted the two damned Alicorns captured, and nothing was going to get in your way now.
  691. >Taking a seat, you light yourself a cigarette.
  692. >Your chest still hurts from the bullet you took.
  693. >Speaking of which, you wanted to examine the amulet that it hit.
  694. >Taking it out of your pocket, examined it closer, it was still perfectly intact.
  695. >Like you said before, it was no ordinary amulet, it wasn't a mere piece of jewelry like you originally thought.
  696. >There was a red aura emanating from it, it had to be magic.
  697. "I must learn how to use this!"
  698. >You quickly stuff it back into your breast pocket as a junior officer comes into the room.
  699. >"Sir, we have gotten a large number of prisoners and we don't have the logistical support to take all of them to the prison camp at the moment, what do we do with the rest?"
  700. "Hand them shovels and make them dig".
  702. >"Pieprzyć!"
  703. >Another Hussar came to the attention of the explosion of the trip mine that killed his comrade.
  704. >Noticing a crack in the wall, he goes to investigate, setting off the second trap.
  705. >The wall collapses and crushes everything below the waist of the Polish soldier.
  706. >"AAAHH, Pomocy!"
  707. >Rainbow Dash and the insurgent marksman team farther down hear the trap go off.
  708. >"Shit!"
  709. >Now it was double time, good thing the guard knew the way.
  710. >Rainbow Dash was growing impatient, having already spent almost two hours in these walls.
  711. >"How much longer?"
  712. >"It's a long way down to the dungeons, we may have to leave the walls to reach it".
  713. >She would be glad to get the hell out of the walls at this point.
  714. >They must have gotten down two or three floors by now.
  715. >Checking through a small opening, they see the coast is clear.
  716. >They squeeze out of the crack one by one.
  717. >"Knowing those fuggin' Nazis they're probably going to gas it any minute".
  718. >Running down the hallway they emerged from, they find a friendly cell, who almost shot them.
  719. >"Muzzle discipline you assholes!"
  720. >"Christ almighty you paras are careless, we thought you were a Euronazi!"
  721. >It was a small platoon of American marines, set up with the latest version of the 100+ year old Ma Deuce surrounded by sand bags.
  722. >"In a few minutes they're going to be rushing this place, these two need to get to the VIPs".
  723. >"Fair enough, come on in".
  724. >They all hop the sandbag wall one at a time.
  725. >"You two better get going, I'll stay here and hold the line with these guys".
  726. >"You sure you'll be able to hold off that many? They'll be here in a few minutes".
  727. >"Provided these guys lubed up the MG properly we'll do fine".
  728. >The insurgent and his partner shake hand and hoof, and then they're off.
  730. >Running through the lower corridors of the castle, the two pones encounter more and more of their comrades, getting lost surprisingly often and being redirected by friendlies.
  731. >"I thought you said you knew the way!"
  732. >Even though Rainbow Dash had been there a few times before, she still didn't memorize the layout, especially not this deep into the place.
  733. >"I...only really bothered to know the secret passages..."
  734. >Priorities, priorities, priorities...
  735. >As the two are standing there, several squads of Russian soldiers run by.
  736. >They look fresh, they probably just got equipped and ready to fight.
  737. >"I guess we're going wherever they aren't".
  738. >Seemed like a sound plan.
  739. >Passing more and more checkpoints and defensive nests, the dungeons were getting closer and closer.
  740. >Given the amount of personnel, armament, and supplies in here, one could expect the battle to last from a few days to a couple weeks.
  741. >It was going to the most brutal slugging fest any being on any world would ever witness.
  743. >Meanwhile, back at the surface, the first round of surrendered personnel were being rounded up in the fields next to the Everfree Castle.
  744. >The portal was disabled so the European forces could be sure that nothing would be able to strike them from behind.
  745. >Although, anyone coming through it would probably be in for a nasty surprise and get their selves wrecked before they had a chance to know what hit them.
  746. >Trucks were being loaded with prisoners, both human and equine.
  747. >With Applejack among them, she boards the last truck.
  748. >She is possibly the very last to board the prison bound vehicles, currently unaware of the bullet she just dodged.
  749. >As the trucks fill up, a the French officer supervising the operation orders the remaining prisoners to grab shovels and go into the far fields.
  750. >Applejack is confused.
  751. >"What, why're they makin' them dig?"
  752. >A Russian in the back speaks up...
  753. >"уничтожение, they are digging their graves".
  754. >Applejack was mortified to hear that, to say the least.
  757. >Getting ready for the big push, you amass your forces at the various entry points.
  758. >Sand bags and heavy machine guns are set up at each of these openings, there's no hope of escape for the Allies now.
  759. >You also made sure that no more tunnel rats would be hiding in the walls anymore, as you had them gassed.
  760. >Your reinforcements arrived, though you weren't supplied with what you were hoping.
  761. >At least half of the additional troops you were given were paramilitaries.
  762. >The worst kind at that, they were part of the "Right Wing Death Squads".
  763. "You have got to be kidding me, I asked for soldiers, not these idiots..."
  764. >It was then you got an idea.
  765. >Perhaps this wasn't all bad...
  766. >Before the commanders of the various units could give the orders to move forward, you give the order for them to hold their postitions.
  767. "Gentlemen, we aren't going to expend good soldiers just yet, we'll throw these overzealous idiots into the meat grinder first!"
  768. >You head out into the front fields to meet up with the militia commander.
  769. >Seeing his men all disorganized and improperly prepared to put up a proper fight was disgusting to say the least.
  770. >Most of them were either hicks from the Deep South of the US, Quebec Nationalists or rejects that couldn't get into the regular military.
  771. >They were chatting amongst each other, spewing out far-right and fascist slogans that they don't even really know meaning of.
  772. >At least they were really itching for the fight.
  773. "Commander you and your men have been given the most important mission, we need you to get into the lower levels of the castle and wipe out any enemies you see".
  774. >"My honor is true! I will fight and die if I must for the new Reich!"
  775. >Yeah, yeah, whatever...
  776. >In their disorderly fashion they swarmed down into the various staircases, most of them screaming out their 'battle cries' as they did so.
  777. "You see, the idea is to go in quietly and surprise them with your weapons!"
  778. >None of them heard you.
  779. >Well, good riddance anyways.
  781. >Suspecting that it was going to take a while to clear out the lower levels of this damned castle, you figured now it was time for your men to set up camp.
  782. >Wouldn't be too difficult to do that, there was plenty of room inside the castle to make living quarters.
  783. >You would be spending the next few nights in the guest room where your command center had been set up.
  784. >Trying to get a connection to the network, you searched for any digitized literature regarding the amulet that saved your life.
  785. >No luck, you would need to request a physical copy of anything that might seem useful.
  786. >Making a few calls to Canterlot and Ponyville, supply clerks informed you that the books you requested would be sent in the next supply shipment to your AO.
  787. >It would take a day or so for those to get here, provided the convoys were adequately protected against hidden fighters lurking the Everfree Forest.
  788. >Timberwolves and other aggressive fauna would also pose a big threat to those personnel and supplies.
  789. >You've had an incredibly long, stressful and exciting day, it was time for you to get some sleep.
  790. >You would be broadcasting a surrender appeal message to the enemy tomorrow, provided that the militia troops could get in deep enough to secure megaphones for them all to hear it.
  791. >You made yourself a makeshift bed behind your desk, you lied down and fluffed your pillow...
  792. >Before you could fall asleep, the loud cracking of automatic gunfire startled you and brought your heart rate up.
  793. >You go to look through a window, your troops were in the middle of a mass execution of prisoners.
  794. >Well, you weren't going to waste supplies on them, so you guess they had to do it tonight.
  795. >It was going to be a while before you got to sleep.
  800. >Meanwhile, in the eastern dungeons.
  802. >The Russian colonel is sitting in his headquarters with Princess Luna, sipping vodka, trying to get to sleep.
  803. >Of course he would be trying to drink himself to sleep.
  804. >"Commander, you really should be getting some sleep, is something troubling you?"
  805. >"I have my fallen comrades on my mind, our brave friends that we left to die... I feel that I am not deserving of a good night's rest, or to sleep again for that matter".
  806. >"They have made a very willing sacrifice for which I and my sister are most grateful for".
  807. >He let out a small sniffle, he was crying to himself at this point.
  808. >"But it seems their efforts will have been in vain, we have no way to escape, and so far we have no way to get help...
  809. >"Well, sir, it's like what you and your men say, victory or death".
  810. >"There won't be any victory or death for you, do you not remember they want you alive?".
  811. >The guilt hit her right where it hurt.
  812. >Noticing the tears builing up in her eyes, the Russian officer had to say something.
  813. >"Luna, listen to me, you and your sister have been good to us these past few months, you have given humanity a warm welcome to your world despite the horrendous first impression given by the Reich, well... all of us really, our race has been needing to redeem itself for the damages its done to your home".
  814. >The Moon Princess went fourth and grabbed the Russian to hug him, crying over his shoulder as she did it.
  815. >"You owe us nothing! I will surrender myself to them so that you may live!"
  816. >"Their brutality knows no boundaries, most of us will die or be tortured after they've come for you, it's best we die fighting and take as many of them with us as possible".
  819. >Over in the western dungeons, things were a little more frantic to say the least.
  820. >The American colonel was trying every possible method of getting contact with other units in the area, no signals were getting through this deep underground.
  821. >"Dammit,dammit,dammit,DAMMIT!"
  822. >The desperation was showing in him.
  823. >He was getting ready to break down into tears, he had not yet accepted his fate like the Russian did.
  824. >Well, it was not so much his fate, he knew he wasn't getting out of this battle alive, he just wasn't ready to admit defeat.
  825. >Celestia came to check up on the distressed officer.
  826. >As she arrived, the American colonel collapsed onto his knees, crying into the palms of his hands.
  827. >"I'm sorry your highness, we... no, I have failed you!"
  828. >He continued to grovel in front of the Princess.
  829. >The Princess tried to comfort him by bringing him up to her chest and embracing her in her wings.
  830. >"You and your men have done all they can, no one could have forseen this happening".
  831. >"But I did! Remember what I said, we had pushed our luck to it's limits!"
  832. >"And it was I who kept you from doing anything, they will capture my sister and I because of my indecisiveness".
  833. >The American buried his face into Celestia's chest for a moment longer.
  834. >Pushing himself away from her, he went to the radio to get in contact with the Russian commander, and advised him to be sure to give all his men one final briefing and one final feast before the upcoming battle.
  835. >Paramilitaries would be welcomed as well, as they were in the same boat as they were.
  838. >Farther down south, about two floors up, beyond the dungeons, one of many defensive nests has heard the first wave of enemies charging down the dark hallways to their positions.
  839. >One nest, manned by paramilitaries, was getting a little disorderly and was in a bit of a panic.
  840. >A couple of men were scrambling to get the machine gun loaded.
  841. >The machine gun in question was an old PM M1910, a Russian Maxim gun variant that was once gathering dust in a museum warehouse, that had found a new life in a future war.
  842. >As they were prepping the machine gun, and ammo checking their weapons, one of them is cowering behind an ammo crate.
  843. >Implying he was hiding, his big fat brony ass was clearly visible.
  844. >He was recruited out of Ponychan, so of course they would send guys like this.
  845. >Finally getting up, he starts running towards the wall of sandbags.
  846. >"I SURRENDER!"
  847. >The Green Beret that had overseen and trained this squad, grabbed the fatty before he could (try) to jump the sandbags.
  848. >"Get your stupid ass back here! They're gonna kill us anyways, we may as well die fighting!"
  849. >The first wave of enemies was getting ever closer, the fat manchild went to grab his shotgun.
  850. >A heavily modified Benelli M4, the most tacticool piece of crap you could imagine.
  851. >The fascist paramilitaries were getting ever closer, their war-cries getting even louder.
  852. >"On my command!"
  853. >About twenty seconds pass, they're in range now.
  854. >"Light 'em up!"
  855. >The guns of the defenders roar and mow down nearly one hundred of the fascist apologists immediately.
  856. >The enemy uses the bodies of their dead as cover and fire back.
  857. >Paramilitaries are screaming to each other...
  858. >"This is some Metro 2033 shit right here!"
  860. >They keep piling in for a good hour, but managed to overrun only one of the fortified positions.
  861. >This operation was becoming very costly for the attackers, with little achieved.
  862. >It would prove to be enough though, the message General Montoir had for them would be heard by everyone tomorrow.
  863. >Before everyone could get a chance to rest, comrades had arrived to relieve them...
  864. >"You are all needed back in the dungeons, the commanders need to speak to you".
  865. >The ones relieving them already, received the message, and their last meal.
  866. >Perhaps it wasn't the best idea, considering that alcohol was served and they were a bit tipsy, but if it was going to one of their last, they should enjoy it.
  867. >Amongst the thousands of operators walking towards the dungeons, Rainbow Dash and the Royal Guard trooper were among them.
  868. >"Is something going on?"
  869. >No one really seemed to know, guess they had to find out when they got there.
  870. >The dungeons had been converted to serve the needs of the fighting force defending the castle.
  871. >The first level was where the infirmaries were set up, and it was overflowed with wounded and dying people and ponies, most wouldn't survive the night.
  872. >The next level was dedicated to supply storage, about two weeks worth of weapons and ammo, food and drink, and medical supplies were being held here.
  873. >Finally, they made it to the command center, where the commanders were meeting to give their final speech.
  874. >"Guys, we've completed our mission, the documents were destroyed, the Chinese officer didn't survive".
  875. >"You did good, now you should go see Princess Celestia, she might have another mission for you, as for us, we're briefing the men on our last mission".
  876. >Theirs would begin in a few minutes.
  878. >The two pones decided that they were going to stay for the speech, having fought side by side together against the Reich, it would be a good gesture of respect.
  879. >Going to the intercom, the American officer begins to speak.
  881. Gentlemen, I will try keep this speech short for it will be repeated in several languages, and our time left is very limited, one would say we are living on 'borrowed time'.
  883. For many months, we have been fighting to mend the damages of those that have come before us and to atone for the destruction that has been spread by members of our race. We should be most thankful that the leaders of this land have been gracious enough to give us a second chance.
  885. The Princesses would also like you to know that they are most grateful for the efforts that we have taken into protecting them from the enemy, and they have already forgiven us for the crimes of our race.
  886. We are outnumbered, out gunned and there is little hope that help will arrive for us, we have no chance of escape, most of us are not going to survive this operation, and those that do will certainly not live well.
  887. The one thing we need all our valiant fighting men to know, both military and civilian, is that our efforts here in the coming days will not be in vain. The more of the enemy we can take with us, the easier the job our comrades stationed in the Crystal Empire will have.
  889. As any commander should, I am proud to have served and fought alongside all of you, and to our Equine allies, your leaders have accepted our apologies, but we can only hope that those that have suffered the most will do so as well.
  890. A great ancient military commander once said a couple of things, "Look onto your soldiers as if they were your own children, and they will follow you into the deepest depths of hell, even unto death", considering the places we've been together and where we are now, it comforts me greatly to see us engaged in this last great effort.
  892. He also said, "Throw your troops into positions from which there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight", seems we will be proving him right on that point as well, I certainly will.
  894. Enjoy your last moments, it has been an honor.
  896. >Walking away, the American seemed very calm, it seems he has finally come to terms with the circumstances.
  897. >Shortly after the repeating of the message in several languages, a song was played over the intercom.
  898. >The Red Army Choir's version of the Italian antifascist song, 'Bella Ciao'.
  899. >Seems it was dedicated to the non-military combatants.
  900. >That was followed by Johnny Cash's 'Won't Back Down'
  901. >Rainbow Dash went to Celestia, to see if there was a last mission for her to accomplish.
  904. >The pegasus had made it to Celestia's safe-house, unable to enter at the moment for it was locked for Celestia's protection.
  905. >"Princess! It's Rainbow Dash, open up!"
  906. >A golden aura shone through the crack in the middle of the door, all the various locks clanked and slide as they were being undone.
  907. >The double doors slowly open, revealing a saddened Princess.
  908. >"I'm guessing you heard the commander's speech?"
  909. >"I advised them to do it."
  910. >"Before they capture you, and kill off most of us, is there anything else you need me to do?"
  911. >She pondered for a moment, took a look around, then responded.
  912. >"I'll have to consult with the commanders, but I will give you your orders when the time comes".
  914. >Late the next morning, you finally decide to get your lazy French ass out of bed.
  915. >How in the hell did you ever make the rank of General with this attitude?
  916. >There is a knocking on the door.
  917. "It's open".
  918. >It was the Polish colonel...
  919. >"Komendant, will you deliver the surrender appeal?"
  920. "In a moment".
  921. >As he left, you did up your did up your tie and put on the blazer to your uniform.
  922. >Probably the only person that came in a dress uniform, you seem to think you're Sir Isaac Brock.
  923. >You light your first cigarette of the day as you leave your makeshift HQ.
  924. >You go out into the old throne room, where a podium and microphone has been set up for you.
  925. >Upon entering you turn to a junior officer, from the French engineering unit
  926. "Have those incompetent paramilitaries set up the speakers?"
  927. >"Oui monsieur".
  928. >At least they did something right.
  929. >You sat yourself down, turned on the mic, made sure it worked, then spoke.
  931. "Soldiers of the resistance, my most sincere congratulations do I bestow upon you, you have all fought well in the past day, even in the face of a surprise attack did you made us pay dearly for any progress we have made.
  933. However, it would be good for all of you, especially our fellow humans, to know that continuing this fight will only serve in ending your lives early, and we are well aware that there are many traitors fighting for you. My message to the traitors, surrender yourselves now and you will be sent home with no charges set against you..."
  935. >That was an outright lie, and you knew most of them knew that, but you still wanted to see if there was anyone stupid enough to take the bait.
  937. "...As for the rest of you, you will be detained for a short while, disarmed and sent home to your countries of origin, equines will get to return home and continue their lives as usual.
  939. Keep resisting us then this fight will continue for as long as the Princesses are not in our hands, we are going to give you one hour to respond."
  941. >The message was repeated in at least ten other languages.
  943. >Deep in the catacombs, hallways, even down as far as the dungeons, the ultimatum was heard.
  944. >Responses were pretty much all the same for everyone at every defensive point.
  945. >"He's pretty much saying the same shit our commanders told us".
  946. >"Except he's telling us to surrender".
  947. >"Clean your weapons, we have one hour".
  949. >After about thirty minutes of cleaning weapons, ammo-checking and replenishing, and sighting-in, what followed was the longest half-hour anyone would ever experience.
  950. >By this point, everyone down there had put on a gas mask, decay was already setting in on the bodies from the first wave.
  951. >They also suspected that the Europeans would also gas the place when they begin their attack.
  952. >Soldiers and insurgents alike kept their guns aimed down the hallways and corridors awaiting the arrival of the European troops.
  953. >Commanders and officers kept close eyes on their watches, counting down every second to their selves...
  955. >You took a look at your own pocket watch, two minutes and counting...
  956. >The soldiers of the Hussars and the Triarii took up positions at the hallways of the corridors that would lead to the eastern dungeons.
  957. >The Neu Waffen SS shock troops took positions that would lead them west, supported by another platoon of the Italian elite fighters.
  958. >Each of the fronts had one skilled Finnish marksman, armed with the new Lahti 20-34, chambered for the 20x102mm round (it was essentially a heavily modified and modernized version of the Lahti L-39, the biggest improvement being that it was capable of being fired freehand, though using the bi-pod was still recommended for best accuracy).
  959. >They carried standard armor-piercing rounds, incendiary and high-explosive rounds, and rounds loaded with special local materials known to have magical properties, this was to bring the god-princesses to heel.
  960. >These wouldn't kill the Princesses, but they would certainly knock them out for a while, long enough to place magic-disabling rings on their horns and ensure that they would be secured as captives.
  961. >As your troops were taking up the positions, engineering crews were hauling down 120mm canons.
  962. >These were the same guns that were used by all MBTs of the old NATO alliance, these were going to be loaded with Beehive anti-infantry rounds (giant shotgun shells) to clean out the corridors and hallways of Allied fighters if infantry wasn't enough.
  963. >Looking back at your watch, it was now one minute and counting.
  964. "Prepare yourselves, gentlemen, the battle resumes in one minute".
  966. >All Allied fighting personnel were counting down the minutes and seconds they had left of their lives (give or take a few minutes worth of combat).
  967. >The muzzles of the rifles of less experienced soldiers were shaking, fearing the coming onslaught.
  968. >30 seconds remaining.
  969. >The insurgent amongst the Marines gripped his old, Slavshit rifle ever tighter, aiming acutely into the darkness, hoping to get a sight of muzzle flash and shoot at it.
  970. >15 seconds.
  971. >Waiting for this wave of attackers felt almost like a survival mode in some FPS video game, though the fear of the situation was very real.
  972. >Everyone, at every fortified checkpoint, focuses their gaze towards the darkness of the hallways.
  973. >5 Seconds remaining until the ultimatum deal expires...
  974. >4...
  975. >3...
  976. >2...
  977. >1...
  980. >The Finnish marksman at the Eastern end fired first, the heavy caliber bullet left a gaping hole in the chest of the American on the Browning MG.
  981. >"HOLY FUCK"
  982. >The European troops were able to maintain accurate fire on the American position for they had night vision.
  983. >The staff sergeant leading this squad was already panicking.
  985. >The /k/ommando interjected...
  986. >"Hold on! Get someone back on the MG, I'm gonna rig this fucker!"
  987. >Grabbing several blocks of C4 plastic explosive and incendiary munitions, the remaining Marines of the platoon held the line.
  988. >One young private ran up next to the paramilitary to speak to him, firing his M-16 into the muzzle flashes in the dark as he did so...
  989. >"You almost done? We gotta get moving before we get over-".
  990. >Before he could finish his sentence, his head was blown clean off his shoulders and turned into a burst of colored rain.
  991. >The /k/ommando fell onto his back, mortified and stunned...
  992. >He finished off his job, he had synchronized several claymores and C4 bricks to explode once the enemy climbs over the sandbags.
  993. >The resulting explosion would then set off the incendiaries, coating the area in fire and denying the enemy access to the area as long as it burned.
  994. >"Let's get the hell outta here!"
  995. >Running a few feet away, the insurgent turns around to aim his rifle, just in time to notice a German trooper raising his own rifle at him.
  996. >The insurgent experienced the most satisfying feeling one can get while in battle...
  997. >The feeling of taking the first shot and having it hit your enemy.
  998. >A little too close for comfort for anyone.
  999. >The insurgent sprints away before he can work the bolt on his rifle.
  1000. >Catching up with the squad of Marines, he looks back one more time, and gets a glimpse of his handiwork.
  1001. >A flash of light followed by an inferno deep in the dark hallway, it was certainly a sight to behold.
  1003. >Amongst the sounds of gunfire and explosions pounding on your eardrums, you returned to your makeshift headquarters and lit yourself a cigarette to soothe the headache that followed.
  1004. >Puffing on your smoke, you look into the hologram of the area of operations with a bored look on your face...
  1005. "Not progressing as quickly as I was expecting, mais c'est bien à maintenant".
  1006. >Instead of sitting around with your foot in your dick, you remembered that you had other business to attend to.
  1007. >You got in contact with the Captain, who was probably with Gerneraloberst Hoth at the moment.
  1008. "Capitaine, capitaine, can you hear me!"
  1009. >"Loud and clear commander, I don't have much time to speak, General Hoth is gathering his troops..."
  1010. "Is he shipping out to the Griffon Kingdoms already?"
  1011. >"He has rescheduled the beginning of the expedition, we ship out tomorrow."
  1012. "I see, let me know when you get to your destination, and let me know what Hoth is doing."
  1013. >"Will do, sir."
  1014. "Fantastique, we'll speak again soon."
  1016. >Ending your call with the Captain, you contact one of your officers in occupied Canterlot.
  1017. >The call is answered in French, if you weren't mistaken it must have been a Belgian that answered.
  1018. >"Colonel DuMont, who is this speaking?"
  1019. "Général de Corps Montoir, I have an assignment for you..."
  1020. >"Whatever you need, monsieur."
  1021. "I'm going to need you to prepare two squadrons of my long-range drones, dispatch them in three days, I will send you the coordinates to where I will need them."
  1022. >"We're on it now, anything else, sir?"
  1023. "I will notify you if I need anything, thank you and good day."
  1024. >After ending the call, you request the presence of the other senior officers that have been leading this assault.
  1025. >You wished to meet with them to discuss the current situation, and to make one of them the acting general to lead the attack further for when you leave.
  1026. >It was a shame, you really wanted to capture the god-princesses yourself.
  1027. >But, if you wanted Hoth dead, you would need to oversee things personally.
  1029. >Though many of the guard posts in the western corridors were holding up well against the charging fascists, they would soon be facing complete slaughter at the hands of the operators of the 120mm canons.
  1030. >Several fortifications were already left lifeless with shredded up bodies, the result of the use of Beehive rounds.
  1031. >Anyone that was left rushed back to the support lines, with the enemy following close behind.
  1032. >The /k/ommando and the squad of Marines are approaching a nest manned primarily by Russians.
  1033. >"Everyone, hold up a moment!"
  1034. >The staff sergeant leading the squad grabbed a flare, lit it up, and tossed it into the darkness of the hall towards the Russian fortification.
  1035. >"продолжить."
  1036. >The Marines and the Insurgent ran towards the fortified position and jumped the sandbags, they found that this was much more heavily fortified and better equipped than theirs was.
  1037. >This guard station was manned by a small company, has two DShK machine gun emplacements, and a large searchlight to expose and blind any oncoming attackers.
  1038. >They also had three unicorn troopers from Celestia's Royal Guard, ready to deploy their magic when needed.
  1039. >It had to be well guarded, considering that most of the hallways funneled through to this position before branching off again.
  1040. >"Fine setup you've got here, comrades."
  1041. >"What happened at your station?"
  1042. >"We got overrun, but our civilian friend here assembled some explosives and found a way to hold them off for a little while".
  1043. >"We have new problem, western blockades will not hold for much longer, enemy will attack from there soon."
  1044. >"How much time would you say we have before they arrive?"
  1045. >"Less than thirty minute".
  1046. >"Plenty of time to prepare".
  1048. >They were pretty much spot-on with the timing, thirty minutes later, the Europeans were charging down the hallway only to be blinded and mowed down by the Russian .50cal Machine guns.
  1049. >As they were reloading, the unicorns of the Royal Guard went forward and provided magic shielding for the troops.
  1050. >The amassed German, French, Italian, and Polish troops were unable to penetrate their magic force fields with assault rifle and battle rifle fire.
  1051. >Before any one of them were able to come up with more substantial firepower like grenades, the shields were brought down and the MGs would roar again.
  1052. >The European troops fell back, the easy part of their assault was over.
  1054. >Back at HQ, you had gathered the three other commanders to discuss the current situation.
  1055. "Gentlemen I am glad you can make it, please consult this hologram for a moment, I am most impressed with the progress you made".
  1056. >"We are the best of Europa's Army, sir."
  1057. "While I do not doubt your abilities, the simple part of the task is long over, it will only get harder from here..."
  1058. >Utilizing the controls of the hologram's computer, you zoom into the chokepoint where all those hallways met.
  1059. "Many of our men were slaughtered here just a few minutes ago, and you should expect to see more like this from here on out".
  1060. >The Italian colonel rose up.
  1061. >"We are ready to give our very lives for this operation, commandante!"
  1062. >He seemed to be very eager to make up for his country's embarrassment in the last World War, it was bit adorable to be honest.
  1063. "Tomorrow morning I will be returning to Canterlot to attend to some important business, and since you've expressed the most enthusiasm, I would like to make you the acting general for this operation".
  1064. >"Sì, signore!"
  1065. >May the Gods bless his eager soul.
  1066. >"Très bien! Now, what do you plan to do to deal with this".
  1067. >You pointed back at the MG nest at the bottleneck of the hallways.
  1068. >"Our troops have reported that they're using some sort of magic force field, but we've got 120mm guns with anti-infantry rounds on their way there now, they won't be able to withstand that!"
  1069. >It seemed to be just plain luck that things were going this well, but he seemed competent enough.
  1071. >Everyone on both sides got a day's worth of rest and ample time to lick their wounds.
  1072. >Shortly after counting their losses, the Europeans got ready to mount their next attack.
  1073. >The French engineering crews fitted the heavy canons with large chicken plates to protect them from heavy caliber fire while operating.
  1074. >Slowly but surely, they wheeled the guns into firing positions, pointing the guns towards the defensive nest.
  1075. >The /k/ insurgent was the first one to wake up and notice them.
  1076. >"What in the... JESUS H. CHRIST! EVERYONE WAKE THE FUCK UP!"
  1077. >Why everyone went to sleep, that was completely unintended, someone was supposed to stay up and keep a look out.
  1078. >"They've got AT guns! Open fire!"
  1079. >A Russian junior officer butted in.
  1080. >"Wait! Let Guards use magic!"
  1081. >The unicorns jumped in front of the high stacked sandbags and activated their shields.
  1082. >"Tire les canons!"
  1083. >The guns discharge, all the metal fragments were either absorbed or deflected off the Guards' shields.
  1084. >"Recharger, continuer l'attaque!"
  1085. >Most behind the sandbags understood what they said, and they returned fire.
  1086. >"Ponies, duck!"
  1087. >A volley of Russian .50cal fire erupted from behind the sandbags.
  1088. >Other troops began lobbing grenades over towards the big guns, most would detonate before they would reach their intended targets, with the shrapnel bouncing off the chicken plates.
  1089. >The concussive blasts would still be deafening to the French operators.
  1090. >As one Russian soldier is mid-swing in his throw, his hand is taken off by a battle rifle round.
  1091. >"Черт!"
  1092. >In that same second, two other troops, one of them being on one of the MGs, got hot lead through their skulls.
  1093. >"Keep your heads down!"
  1094. >The unicorns used their magic to raise their shields again.
  1095. >The French troops operating the heavy canons reloaded and fired another volley of Beehive rounds, still not getting through the unicorns' shields.
  1096. >Celestia's troops were visibly starting to wear out, but the canon operators would surely run out of shells before they get through them.
  1099. >Back at the surface, the three other senior officers were seeing you out of the castle.
  1100. >You walked towards the Leclerc that you entered this battle with.
  1101. "Can I trust that you can accomplish this mission? I would prefer that it be done in a timely manner".
  1102. >"Vittoria o morte! We will get this job done, AVE!"
  1103. >He saluted you, and you returned it.
  1104. "Back to the battle all of you, the troops need you".
  1105. >Going back into your tank, you order your driver to drive you back to Canterlot, followed by a small convoy of LAVs.
  1106. >As a commander, the Italian really wasn't all that bright, just overly zealous and demanding of his troops.
  1107. >He was also a real glory hog and incredibly power hungry, a couple of reasons that he was able to make the rank of colonel.
  1108. >That, plus he is known to have a lot of underground contacts.
  1109. >Of course this Goomba would need to have that.
  1110. >You were probably just as big a glory hog power hungry as he was, hell, you were off to go kill your superior officer so you could take his place.
  1111. >You really weren't expecting him to capture the Sun and Moon horses before you returned.
  1112. >It was intentional to have someone less competent leading the mission, that way you still had a hope in hell of having the glory of capturing the Princesses yourself.
  1114. >After you left, command was left in the hands of the Italian colonel...
  1118. Colonnello Nero Vendetti
  1119. Equestria Occupation Forces
  1120. Grand Army of Europa-Italia Branch (Esercito Nuovo Romano)
  1122. >You watched the Frenchman's tank drive off over one of the bridges and into the thickness of the Everfree forest.
  1123. >As soon as they were out of sight, you turned to the two other commanders.
  1124. "Can I get a status report?"
  1125. >"Come with us to the Joint Operations Center the engineers set up and we'll consult the hologram".
  1126. >Evidently, the Princesses were still working their magic to see that the sun and moon went through their cycles.
  1127. >It was pretty late in the day, it must have been around 5:00 PM.
  1128. >This meant that a time was coming that no Italian would ever dream to miss...
  1129. "Before we get back to this little operation, let's eat!"
  1130. >This operation could hardly be called "little".
  1131. >"Sir, our troops are engaging with the enemy as we speak!"
  1132. "Just let them stay the course, they'll get the job done..."
  1133. >Heading down to the officer's mess line, you grab yourself a nice big helping of pasta.
  1134. >You return to the makeshift HQ where the hologram projector was.
  1135. >As you sit down and get ready to enjoy your meal, the two other colonels arrive and interrupt your meal before you could get started.
  1136. >"Sir, there is a problem..."
  1137. >The German is already working the controls to the computer to bring up the hologram and pointed out the stalemate at the choke-point.
  1138. >"The anti-infantry rounds are not penetrating those shields..."
  1139. "Use high-explosive, that'll blow them away and open it up".
  1140. >"But they don't have any..."
  1141. "THEN GET THEM SOME..."
  1142. >Raising up your arms as quickly as you did, you dropped your spaghetti.
  1143. >Your face became red with rage.
  1144. >Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself down a little bit.
  1145. "...get them some high explosive ammo, now..."
  1146. >The Pole and the German obliged.
  1148. >Back into the deeper reaches of the castle, the Allies and Axis troops are still kicking the hell out of each other.
  1149. >Axis reinforcements had arrived, with the high explosive shells that the canon operators needed.
  1150. >"Recharger!"
  1151. >Upon hearing that, the unicorns went back in front of the fortification, and worked their magic again.
  1152. >The crews working the guns aimed them towards their feet, hoping to blow them into the air.
  1153. >"TIRE!"
  1154. >The following explosion sent dismembered unicorns and sandbags flying into the air.
  1155. >The Guard in the middle was completely disintergrated, he never stood a chance.
  1156. >Both of the heavy machine guns were knocked over.
  1157. >One of the airbourne Guards fell onto one of the US troopers, the squad's medic.
  1158. >His head was resting on his chest, the soldier stared into the lifeless eyes of the deceased equine.
  1159. >Looking down the body of the equine corpse, all that remained was his torso, a single leg, and his insides were spilling out onto him.
  1160. >Breathing ever heavier, this was the point where his mind was completely shattered.
  1161. >Screaming, he was now breaking down into a panic attack.
  1162. >"Спешите! We need to retreat!"
  1163. >One of the guards managed to survive the blast, he was missing his two left legs.
  1164. >"Help, HELP!"
  1165. >The /k/ fighter went to his aide, grabbed his arm, and dragged him in the direction of the retreat, all while firing his sidearm at the advancing European forces.
  1166. >As the Allied troops are all scrambling to retreat, the 120mm canons were being reloaded with anti-infantry rounds.
  1167. >Firing another volley, half of them were shredded to pieces and killed instantly.
  1168. >Everyone else left was wounded and nearly immobilized.
  1169. >The /k/ommando fell over onto his back, the Pony he tried to rescue fell on top of him.
  1170. >Lifting his arm to fire back, he noticed that a bloody stump was all that remained of his hand.
  1171. >"Shit..."
  1172. >With a dying breath, the gold armored unicorn whispered his last words.
  1173. >"I'm sorry".
  1174. >Both of them could hear the enemy getting closer, their comrades were trying to get away, but to no avail.
  1175. >Everyone was getting slaughtered.
  1176. >"Wasn't expecting that, to be honest".
  1177. >The gray equine smiled at him, just before coughing up blood and collapsing on him.
  1178. >Looking around, the Europeans were killing off comrades mercilessly.
  1179. >One Russian soldier, both legs gone, was trying to crawl away.
  1180. >An Italian soldier when up behind him, and blasted a slug into the back of his head, as if putting down an animal.
  1181. >This was pretty much the same process they went through with everyone that was still alive in the unit.
  1182. >This was the fate that was to meet everyone else
  1183. >The insurgent got to watch all of this, before he got to stare down the barrel of a gun himself.
  1184. >At the very least, he got to see every /k/unt's wet dream come true.
  1185. >Americans and Russians fighting side by side, kicking ass.
  1187. >The Allies continued to retreat deeper into the depths of the castle, trying to consolidate their fire and manpower.
  1188. >The fighting had devolved even further and became some of the most brutal slugging fests imaginable.
  1189. >For the next week or so, this is how the fighting would continue on.
  1190. >Only the trenches of the First World War could have matched the carnage and brutality that was occurring in this castle.
  1191. >It's still early yet.
  1192. >A day later, the European forces had finally cleared the next level and were just above the dungeons.
  1193. >It did come at a rather high price though, more than 2000 troops were dead or wounded, almost 1000 paramilitaries dead, and four MBT guns were destroyed clearing the catacombs.
  1194. >Not to mention the one Ariete that fell into the cliff.
  1195. >These were some of the best men of Europa's army, you wanted to make sure their death wasn't in vain.
  1196. >As for the Allies, out of the 6000+ troops they began with, they had less than half of that left.
  1197. >They also lost a very expensive ICBM launcher.
  1198. "Ha ha! We've got them on the run, unless they can send a distress message from all the way down there, they are doomed!"
  1200. >Back at the American HQ, the commander was optimistically working the controls to all communications equipment.
  1201. >"Come on, come on..."
  1202. >A glimmer of hope arose for the stranded defenders.
  1203. >"Can you hear that, that over the radio?"
  1204. >The Princess was asleep.
  1205. >In all his excitement, grabbed Celestia's horn and vigorously shook her head to wake her up.
  1206. >"We've made contact! We might just get our asses saved after all!"
  1207. >All she could hear was static.
  1208. >"I... can't see what you're so enthusiastic about."
  1209. >"Listen closely..."
  1210. >A very faint, but audible beeping, could be heard among the static.
  1211. >"That's Morse code, they got our distress message!"
  1212. >Celestia had some fairly big questions about this whole operation.
  1213. >"Why is it we needed to send a message to them to get help, wouldn't anyone have noticed if they weren't hearing anything from us?"
  1214. >"There was a reason that we were here in the first place, because it was well hidden, second, we needed to maintain strict radio silence if we were going to stay hidden as long as we did".
  1215. >Both of them continued to listen in to the buzzing.
  1216. >"What are they saying?"
  1217. >"If I'm interpreting the codes right, they say that they'll be here in about four days."
  1218. >"We can only hope that we can hold on for that long".
  1219. >"We'll give 'em hell, or die trying".
  1220. >That little bit of new found hope would be enough to exponentially raise morale amongst the weary combatants.
  1222. >Meanwhile, at your own headquarters, you were already sipping wine in celebration of the victory that had not even come yet.
  1223. >The Polish colonel comes into the room.
  1224. "Ah, hello there mio amico, care for a glass?"
  1225. >"You do realize that we are not going to be reaching our objective anytime soon the way we are going."
  1226. >You continue to be arrogant.
  1227. "It's not like we are in any rush, no one is coming to rescue them anytime soon, we'll just wear them out until they inevitably give in".
  1228. >"You are going to expend more lives of our good men needlessly, this operation is getting costly, and if we take too long to accomplish this mission we may have to deal with any reinforcements they call striking us in our asses!"
  1229. "Stand down or I will have you shot!"
  1230. >"Sir, please hear me out on this..."
  1231. >He starts up the hologram projector and opens up the 3D model of the castle and all it's corridors.
  1232. >"You see here, our forces are practically right above the enemy..."
  1233. "Yes, and I made that happen..."
  1234. >Your arrogance was really starting to frustrate the Hussar commander, though he did a good job at hiding it.
  1235. >"Take a look here, we can drill holes into the floor and set explosives in there, when the charges go off the floor will crumble, and whatever falls will crush most of the enemy below, leaving an easy entrance to their headquarters".
  1236. "Seems like you're trying to get us killed, destroying the foundation of this place! It's old and crumbling as it is!"
  1237. >"Take a closer look, the floor here is not part of the support structure..."
  1238. >Apparently the Polish officer seemed to know quite a bit about structural engineering, you could barely understand half of what he was explaining.
  1239. >Like the rest of Europe, you really didn't give Poland enough credit.
  1240. "How long do you estimate it will take for us to complete our task once we put this plan in motion tomorrow?"
  1241. >"Because of the complexity of the dungeons, and how well they are supplied and defended, this will take two or three days to accomplish. The frontal attack you were planning would take more than a week".
  1242. "Might they suspect something if we let off our attack, even for just that long?"
  1243. >"I think they would, which is why we should continue the attack as a distraction while the engineers get to work."
  1244. "Looks like have a pleasant sorpresa for General Montoir when we return to Canterlot for debreifing, you did good".
  1246. >The Russian headquarters wasn't nearly as lively as the US one, considering the circumstances.
  1247. >Luna was rather concerned for the Russian colonel, since he was drinking a little more than usual.
  1248. >"Commander, is there a reason that you are, well... dulling your senses even more than usual?"
  1249. >He staggers over to her, holding a second glass.
  1250. >Seems for a second that he wasn't sure whether he was offering Luna a drink or if he was drinking both of them.
  1251. >He soon got his bearings though...
  1252. >"You may not have heard, but there is a little to be happy about this evening..."
  1253. >After he said that it occurred to the Moon Princess that it was time to raise the moon.
  1254. >The tipsy... well, drunk at this point, Russian explained the situation to her while she was working her magic.
  1255. >"It seems we may be save after all, the американка was able to make contact with other comrades, will take maybe four days to get here".
  1256. >"This little bit of hope will go a long way for our forces".
  1257. >He raises the second glass to her, and she grabs it with her magic.
  1258. >Taking a sip of the vodka in it, she just can't help but cringe.
  1259. >"Ugh, how are you able to drink this?"
  1260. >"Is what I wonder when I was young boy".
  1261. >"Well, you really shouldn't be celebrating too hard now, you still have troops depending on you that would be glad to know they might get out of here alive".
  1263. >Meanwhile, the French engineers and other European officers and soldiers were being briefed on the Polish commander's audacious plan.
  1264. >Tomorrow, the plan would go in motion.
  1267. >That next morning, the engineers, equipped with drilling equipment, got to work boreing through the ancient concrete floor.
  1268. >The drilling process also had to be repeated at least twenty times and in different sections to ensure that as much as possible would collapse.
  1269. >They had estimated that it was at least two meters thick, it would take a good two days to drill the twenty holes necessary with the equipment they were able to bring down.
  1270. >It wasn't necessary to dig all the way through, all they had to do was dig about halfway, stuff C4 down the hole, and detonate it.
  1271. >If the Pollack was right, the resulting explosions should collapse the floor and send the big concrete chunks down onto the unsuspecting troops below.
  1272. >As they were getting to work, other Euro troops were rushing by them, heading to the front line and resuming the battle.
  1273. >Bloodshed continued the same way it did like every day they spent there.
  1274. >Seeing all the mangled bodies being carried away back to the surface, the engineers were both glad and guilty that they didn't have to lead the rush into the meat grinder.
  1275. >On the second day of the operation, however, the Allies had made a bold and powerful push driving the European forces partway back through the floor above, where the engineers were working.
  1276. >A Russian platoon was able to set up a heavy machine gun during their push, using it to mow down half of the engineers.
  1277. >That would certainly complicate things.
  1278. >They were only able to hold that position for about a half-hour before retreating back downstairs into the dungeons.
  1279. >Slowly but surely, the sappers finished the hard part of the operation, ahead of schedule at that.
  1280. >Now came the dangerous part, setting the explosives and detonating them.
  1281. >Before any of that would be done, however, there was still one more surprise in store for the defenders...
  1283. >The gunfire and explosions were incredibly deafening to the US commander, making trying to find out what the hell is going on more difficult.
  1284. >"To anyone that can hear me, get me a Sitrep!"
  1285. >Finally, out of the static of the radio, a junior officer got on the horn.
  1286. >"Sir, it looks like they're going for another frontal assault, but, something doesn't seem right".
  1287. >"Clear the infirmary! Bring the sick and wounded as far away from the fighting as you can!"
  1288. >"On it".
  1289. >Troops and ponies alike start hauling and wheeling the casualties back deeper into the dungeons, most were in critical, unstable conditions and wouldn't even be able to survive that trip.
  1290. >Amongst the medical staff volunteers was Fluttershy, who was tending to a maimed Chinese officer.
  1291. >She was keeping one hoof on his belly to keep pressure on a particularly bad wound, keeping him from bleeding out and spilling out his organs.
  1292. "Come on, you're going to make it, please stay with me!"
  1293. >The young Chinese officer wheezed, trying to convey his own message...
  1294. >"Please...just let me... go, I.... I won't make it!"
  1295. >Having already watched countless others pass on before their times, she was nearing her emotional pain threshold.
  1296. >Her skin is much thicker than what most people would expect, but brutality of this magnitude can make anyone crack.
  1297. >However, since she has been a caretaker for so many years, she felt that she could have done much better, therefore putting blame on herself for losing them.
  1298. >Without her noticing, he finally died, and she continued on towards Celestia's stronghold.
  1299. >Lord knows how badly she'll break down when she finds out.
  1301. >Meanwhile, where the Europeans were entering, the officer that reported to the colonel noticed that they had a couple of tubes running into the hallway.
  1302. >"What in the hell?"
  1303. >Because everyone was wearing a gas-mask at this point, no one would notice that there was gas fumes in the air.
  1304. >A few minutes later, the Europeans retreated once more.
  1305. >Now, the habbening would happen.
  1307. >A loud boom could be heard from above, what followed were massive chunks of concrete falling from the ceiling.
  1308. >Each piece weighing from 1/4 to 1/2 ton, the young US officer watched soldiers and paramilitaries alike get crushed.
  1309. >He tried to help a man who got his leg smashed and stuck, the only thing he could do was try to cut him loose.
  1310. >As he took out his knife trying to cut off the person's leg, he looked up, and most likely saw his life flashing before his very eyes.
  1311. >It was a blast from the past, they had come with flamethrowers.
  1312. >The troops above were sticking the muzzles through the gaping holes of the ceiling, aiming down.
  1313. >When they pulled their triggers, the whole hallway burst into flames and incinerated everything and every one in the cloud of gas fumes.
  1314. >The man screamed and screamed as he was charred and burnt to a crisp, as did everyone else in the hallway that wasn't crushed.
  1316. >Back at your headquarters, all the commanders were watching the hologram, all, except for you, were rather disgusted at the sight.
  1317. >"I cannot say that I approve of the use of flamethrowers, sir".
  1318. "What difference does it make whether we shoot them or bake them? Let me tell you, this is quicker to execute!"
  1319. >"I am almost certain that would be against international law".
  1320. "Well I don't think that applies here, does it?"
  1321. >No one was too sure about that.
  1323. >Observing the possible routes, you seemed to have a good idea of where each of the Alicorns were.
  1324. "They were wise to keep them divided, but it will have been of little use".
  1325. >"Shall we send in the Finns?"
  1326. "Right away, and let General Montoir know that we'll have his prizes within the hour".
  1327. >The Maavoimat provided the best marksmen in the entire European Union, their magic loaded 20mm rounds would certainly do in the Equestrian gods for a while.
  1328. "Make sure they have the rings equipped, we'll need to disable their magic if we're going to detain them, capische?"
  1329. >"Kyllä herra!"
  1331. >It took a few minutes for the fires to subside, but when they did the European troops advanced quickly, the SS leading the attack getting to Celestia and the Hussars leading the charge towards Luna.
  1332. >The Italians followed the Poles to support them and the French went to support the Germans.
  1333. >Each of these fronts were supplemented with two Finnish snipers.
  1335. >"Any available personnel, fall back and fortify the stronghold now!"
  1336. >"If it's going to be that well defended then they'll know immediately where to look!"
  1337. >"Your highness, they must have figured out our whereabouts by now, all we can really do now is hold out until help arrives".
  1338. >That is, IF it arrives in time.
  1341. >Rainbow Dash was galloping back towards Celestia's safe-house, she didn't know what she was supposed to do at this point.
  1342. >Rushing by several machine gun nests, makeshift barriers, and jumping several sandbag walls, she had made it to the big double doors of Celestia's stronghold.
  1343. >Frantically knocking, she begged for any instruction that the Princess might be able to give her.
  1344. >A golden aura shone through the cracks of the door and the clanking of locks could be heard.
  1345. >"Hurry, get in here! The Princess is in trouble as it is!"
  1346. >"Princess Celestia, I don't know what to do, what are your orders?"
  1347. >"Colonel, get her the bag."
  1348. >He grabs a saddlebag, in it were several USB keys that contained heavily encrypted data regarding the locations of several artifacts and other resources that would prove to invaluable to the Allied war effort.
  1349. >For now, the EU forces didn't know where most of these were.
  1350. >Though, they did manage to intercept one of them, which was supposed to be delivered by Scootaloo.
  1351. >"You need to get these over to our forces in the Crystal Empire..."
  1352. >"You also need to gather your friends, Twilight should already have gathered the Elements of Harmony by now".
  1353. >Everyone would be screwed if the Reich got their hands on those.
  1354. >"Got it! Now, how do I get out of here now?"
  1355. >"Luna should still remember all the secrets of this castle, go see her".
  1356. >The only thing running through Rainbow's mind was how much she 'loved' that.
  1357. >"I won't let you down!"
  1358. >She rushed out so fast that she didn't give Celestia time to open the door all the way, with the Euros closing in, she knew she had to hurry.
  1360. >Over in the tunnels that lead to Luna's quarters, the European troops were already closing in, the mainly Russian force guarding it was fighting for their very lives now.
  1361. >Even though Russians had developed a reputation for their zealous persistence in combat, even they had lost much morale.
  1362. >One by one, they began to just collapse and give up under the pressure of combat, as if to say, "I give up".
  1363. >Some were even going as far as to come out of cover, walking towards the enemy, and getting their selves shot just so they can be put out of their misery (obviously, not without trying to take a few enemies with them).
  1364. >It certainly was a surreal sight.
  1366. >Luna and the Russian colonel had been informed that Rainbow Dash would be arriving in a few minutes.
  1367. >The Russian certainly wasn't very optimistic about her prospects of getting through all those enemy lines.
  1368. >"Just you watch, she's a fast one".
  1369. >Sure enough, she managed to get through the German and French lines, flying just above their heads, she flew by them before they had time to aim.
  1370. >Her closest call was getting to the junction, where the European forces had already set up machine guns to make sure no stragglers escaped.
  1371. >Going through the Italian and Polish lines, was the easiest part, since they were looking away from her.
  1372. >She managed to get most of them to fall flat down on their faces, confusing them as they got up making them easier targets.
  1373. >Panting, she got to the door of Luna's safe-house.
  1374. >"It's Rainbow Dash, let me in!"
  1375. >"Step aside, tell everyone to get down!"
  1376. >After they all hit the concrete, the massive doors opened up, and out came a bright blue and white beam of light.
  1377. >Going down the hall, it disintegrated every enemy soldier that was in its way.
  1378. >Definitely Luna's magic.
  1379. >It wouldn't be long before another wave of troops arrived, so she had to hurry.
  1382. >The enemy had finally closed in towards Celestia's headquarters, most of the troops guarding it had either died, been incapacitated, or simply gave up.
  1383. >The US commander was frantically trying to set up minigun in a last ditch effort to fight off the advancing EU troops.
  1384. >"Princess, do you mind if I say something, before I, well, die?"
  1385. >"What is it, colonel?"
  1386. >He spoke as he was working.
  1387. >"I would like to say I am sorry..."
  1388. >"Excuse me?"
  1389. >"On behalf of the human race, I wish to apologize for bringing our plague to your once pristine world... that being war..."
  1390. >Visibly angered by this statement, she cut him off before he could continue with his less-than-formal apology.
  1391. >"You think my country knows no war, colonel?"
  1392. >Hearing her with the angry tone of voice she used caused him to stop what he was doing.
  1393. >"We fought the griffins in the worst war Equestria has ever known! Hundreds died, HUNDREDS!"
  1394. >Before she could go on, they both heard a drilling sound, they were getting ready to stuff explosives into the holes and blow the door.
  1395. >Panicking, the colonel tried getting the heavy gun onto a tripod and loading it.
  1396. >The charges went off and the door crumbled before he could get it loaded.
  1397. >As they broke through, the American collapsed to the ground and covered his face, afraid of the brutal death that was to come.
  1398. >Hearing the popping of automatic fire, he continued to wince and cringe to himself.
  1399. >But why didn't this hurt? Did death really come that quickly for him?
  1400. >After the barrage ended, he looked up, and to his astonishment, Celestia was holding every one of the rounds fired in a shining, sparkling wall of golden light.
  1401. >The German and French troops looked upon this act of magic with awe, until finally returning to their senses.
  1402. >"Scheiße!"
  1403. >The Princess returned the lead projectiles faster than they had sent them.
  1404. >All that was in the way of this literal wall of lead dropped dead instantly.
  1407. >The colonel was still awestruck at what he just saw.
  1408. >Finally snapping back into reality, he stood back up.
  1409. >"Thanks for save, Your Highness".
  1410. >"You've done everything in your power to protect me and my sister, it was the very least I could do".
  1411. >Voices from down the hallway were getting closer.
  1412. >"Los geht's! ANGRIFF!"
  1413. >Finally getting the minigun loaded, and adding a battery to power it, the American tried lifting it, but to no avail.
  1414. >Even if he could lift it, he wouldn't be able to handle the recoil when firing it.
  1415. >Celestia used her magic to assist him, lifting the gun and the few thousand rounds of ammo it needed.
  1416. >"Your highness..."
  1417. >"There's no need to address a friend so formally all the time, Anon."
  1419. Funny, he never was addressed by any name.
  1421. >"Celestia, you said hundreds died in the wars you were faced with?"
  1422. >"Yes"
  1423. >He spun the six barrels of the minigun, ready to fire.
  1424. >"If you're lucky, you'll only have to witness the death of a few million, humans can kill one another at industrial scales".
  1425. >Walking forward, he would soon demonstrate this to her.
  1426. >As the first group of enemy troops would appeared, he shred them to bits with the 3000+ rounds per minute fire of this mechanical beast.
  1427. >Celestia worked her magic to put a shield around him, making him virtually bulletproof.
  1428. >This was just like TF2.
  1429. >If only his Russian counterpart could see him now.
  1430. >"Recule!"
  1431. >They had the European forces on the run, but this push would be short lived.
  1432. >Waiting in the shadows, was an elite Finnish marksman.
  1433. >That shield would be no match for the enchanted 20mm anti-material rounds that he had loaded.
  1436. >The heavy caliber round slammed into Anon's forehead, bursting into red light and sparkles.
  1437. >The force of the anti-material round sent the colonel flying back towards Celestia, flipping head over heels and landing on his belly.
  1438. >He tries to get himself back up, but faints almost immediately.
  1439. >"ANON!"
  1440. >Adjusting his sights, he fires another round to knock out the Princess.
  1441. >Striking right next to her horn, the burst of the magical substance sends her crown flying off down the hall, turning it into a heap of dented gold and a cracked gemstone.
  1442. >She collapses a couple feet away from the American, she uses whatever energy she has left to crawl towards him.
  1443. >"Anon, please....."
  1444. >She collapses right next to him, her head resting on his back.
  1445. >The Finnish sharpshooter walks up to his newly shot game, admiring his handiwork.
  1446. >"Sainpas..."
  1447. >The rest of the platoon comes along to take them away, place the magic disabling rings and chains on Celestia, and round up any other stragglers hanging around.
  1449. >The situation over at Luna's place is deteriorating quickly.
  1450. >Defenders of this stronghold have met a similar fate to those that defended the Sun Princess.
  1451. >"We must hold!"
  1452. >Luna removes a large brick from the wall, opening up an escape route for Rainbow Dash.
  1453. >"Remember your mission, Element of Loyalty".
  1454. >She bows down, and goes on her way.
  1455. >The Russian commander grabs a nearby PKP, attaches a box, pulls in the belt and chambers a round.
  1456. >"I am forever grateful to you and your men".
  1457. >Luna and the Russian braced their selves for the onslaught of Polish and Italian troops that were behind the door.
  1458. >"Приготовьтесь, they come".
  1461. >The Europeans went through the same process they did when breaching Celestia's safe-room.
  1462. >Their hearts raced as they awaited the European soldiers to charge in, the Russian especially since he was the one that was going to die.
  1463. >It was a matter of seconds before that door crumbled and all hell would break loose.
  1464. >As soon as the charges went off, the Russian commander sent out a volley of MG fire.
  1465. >"Ура, come and get me Суки!"
  1466. >Now was the time of Cheeki Breeki.
  1467. >Luna fired several beams from her horn, melting the flesh off several squads of enemy soldiers, leaving only blackened skeletons in puddles of a tar-like slime that was once their bodies.
  1468. >It looked like an extreme, fucked-up version of a kid with a magnifying glass and some plastic army men.
  1470. >The Russian had already expended one box of ammo and was getting ready to load another belt.
  1471. >"Луна, cover me!"
  1472. >She continued to hold them off, if she wasn't burning them to a crisp she was popping them like water balloons.
  1473. >Upon reloading, the Russian charged forward, firing as he went along, it was now apparent that he had a death wish.
  1474. >Luna advanced with him, hoping to keep him alive.
  1475. >He had already taken several rounds to his lower torso and his left arm, but he still refused to go down.
  1476. >Luna continued her fight by using her magic, and skewering enemy troops with her horn.
  1477. >The two of them together must have killed more than one hundred people in that few minutes of fighting, impressive considering that they were fighting some of Europe's best.
  1478. >The Russian officer ran in front of Luna to expend the last of his ammunition, that was when he lost his heart, literally.
  1481. >The other Finnish sniper had gone prone at the entrance of the dungeon, waiting for that perfect shot.
  1482. >He put the put the 20mm round through the heart of the Russian, killing him instantly.
  1483. >The round passed through his chest and struck Luna right in the forehead, hitting just short of her horn.
  1484. >Falling down, she tried to maintain her consciousness.
  1485. >A German trooper charged forward and gave her a good whack with the butt of his rifle and knocked her out.
  1486. >"Just like the Talvisota".
  1487. >"Inform the commander that we've got them".
  1488. >Luna is chained up, and brought up to the surface.
  1490. >Over the course of an hour, the defeated Allied resistance was marching out in droves and being rounded up in the fields outside the castle.
  1491. >Amongst the people and pones being rounded up was Fluttershy,
  1492. >Her hooves were bloodied from tending the wounded, tears dripped from her face the whole way as she made her way outside.
  1493. >Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had finally made it out of the cramped secret passage that she loathed so much.
  1494. >She took a look around, no enemy troops to be seen.
  1496. >Flying towards the front of the castle, she saw that they had managed to take the US colonel alive.
  1497. >They were trying to wake him up so they could interrogate him.
  1498. >She also saw the Russian, clearly dead, judging by the gaping hole in his chest.
  1499. >Looking down towards the fields, she saw the two Princesses being loaded up into large helicopters.
  1500. >She also saw Fluttershy, being guided by an Italian trooper to where others were digging.
  1501. >That wasn't good.
  1504. "Fantastico, we got an colonello alive!"
  1505. >"He took a pretty powerful blow to the head, he might be out for a good long while, he'd be lucky not to have his brain knocked loose".
  1506. "Get me some smelling salts".
  1507. >You take the package and tear it open, and impatiently shove it into his nose.
  1508. >His head jerks around violently for the moment, the amount you shoved in his face must have been really irritaing to his nostrils.
  1509. >Upon regaining consciousness, he woke up with a headache that surpassed that of any hangover or beating he's ever endured.
  1510. "Svegliati! Come on, wake up! We have questions for you".
  1511. >The American groans while opening his eyes, his vision clears and he sees the EU officers looking down at him and several guns trained on him.
  1512. "I'd like to first complement you and your troops for your valiant but futile resistance us..."
  1513. >The US commander maintains a 1000 yard stare at the Italian officer.
  1514. "...enough small talk, where can I find the rest of your comrades? I doubt that this is the only major stronghold you've built up".
  1515. >Keeping the 1000 yard, lifeless stare, he doesn't respond.
  1516. >Grabbing the smelling salts again, you shred it open and throw it in his face.
  1517. >"Arrgh!"
  1518. "Maybe that should wake you up, unless I need to offer you an espresso".
  1519. >They continued to beat and torture him, trying to get information out of him.
  1521. >Over in the fields, Fluttershy and all the other defeated combatants continued to dig.
  1522. >"Umm, excuse me, but why are we dig..."
  1523. >Many guns had discharged in a mass grave farther down, letting out a scared squeak, she got the idea".
  1524. >"Dig faster, puttana!"
  1525. >Whimpering silently to herself, she dug faster, her hooves were stained with blood and dirt.
  1526. >Rainbow Dash could only watch helplessly as her friend dug her grave.
  1527. >"Stop digging and look down".
  1528. >He pumped his shotgun and aimed at the back of her head.
  1529. >"Scusate"
  1532. >Next thing Flutters felt was about 200 pounds of WOP falling onto her back.
  1533. >Crawling out from under him, she turned him over to look at his face, and saw a blank stare with blood pouring down it.
  1534. >She screamed, and that's when chaos ensued.
  1535. >Muzzle flashes could be seen in the surrounded forests, Russian Spetznaz commandos had answered the distress signal.
  1536. >Everyone that was either digging or awaiting their executions bolted towards the forest, using this valuable opportunity to escape.
  1537. >Fluttershy ran faster than she had ever ran before, using her wings to generate thrust.
  1538. >She screamed and cried as she did so, ducking her head as she saw gunfire coming out of the bushes ahead of her.
  1539. >Praying that they were friendly, she jumped in towards them.
  1540. >Upon seeing her rescuers, she was now wishing she got shot...
  1541. >"Hey guys, we saved Flutter-butter! Bro-hoof!"
  1542. >Paramilitaries, and not just any civie-fighters... The filthiest, neckbeariest you could imagine.
  1543. >They retreated as soon as they felt they rescued enough pones, because fuck their fellow men.
  1545. >The US colonel, amidst the confusion, tried to run away towards the bridges the French engineers built, but was cut off before he could reach it.
  1546. >He tried to get around the castle, but there was no way he could even reach the castle itself in time, and it got blocked off as well.
  1547. "Seize him!"
  1548. >Cornered, there was only one direction he could go...
  1549. >Off the cliff.
  1550. >Rather to stay and suffer at the hands of the Euros, potentially giving away valuable secrets, he limped quickly towards the edge and jumped.
  1551. "Testa di cazzo!"
  1552. >The Russian special forces and supporting insurgents continued their attack, taking shots at you.
  1553. "Get to cover!"
  1554. >The German and Polish officers followed close behind you while you sprinted back into the Everfree Castle.
  1555. >The Pollack didn't make it, but to you, it was a good thing.
  1556. >Being a power hungry scumbag, you would be able to claim the credit for the battle plan he came up with.
  1557. "I am definitely getting promoted for this!"
  1559. >The rescue teams had arrived too little too late to save Equestria's leaders from enemy custody, but they had saved over a thousand lives today.
  1560. >They retreated with their rescued comrades before you could get reinforced.
  1561. >As the fighting subsided, you went over to the Polish colonel's corpse.
  1562. "Your death was not in vain, you've scored me an Iron Cross and a legitimate promotion to general!"
  1564. >Ever so thankful that her friend got away safely, Rainbow Dash got ready to fly away, but not before doing one more thing.
  1565. >"Wait, I've gotta get some photos of this!"
  1566. >Taking out the camera the late Chinese colonel gave her, she snapped pictures of the bodies being haphazardly being dumped into the mass graves that were dug and ones that were being covered.
  1567. >She was a little annoyed that she didn't get any pictures while they were actually doing the executions, or while they were shooting the disarmed prisoners while they were running...
  1568. >Nonetheless, she knew she would get more opportunities to record their crimes.
  1569. >Knowing she had a mission to complete, she flew away into the Everfree Forest.
  1570. >She managed to find Zecora's home along the way, a good thing too since she was tired and needed to spend the night somewhere before she could make her way to the Crystal Empire.
  1571. >She wasn't the only one that found it, though.
  1572. >Insurgents had set up a camp nearby, organized by none other than the fuckheads at /k/.
  1573. >They managed to strike a deal with Zecora, they defend her and help her with chores when she needs them to, and they get to use her land as a base of operations.
  1574. >At one half of their camp, guys in really short shorts were marching around with FALs singing "Sweet Banana" as they did so.
  1575. >At the other end, a bunch of guys were being idiots acting like an African militia, one of them was wearing a dress...
  1576. >"Is that one of Rarity's?"
  1577. >She didn't know how long Zecora was putting up with this, but better them than the Euronazis.
  1580. >At the bottom of the cliff, the American, still having a bit of life in him somehow, noticed two purple figures collecting gemstones from what looked like a big stone tree.
  1581. >One of them ran over to investigate.
  1582. >Seems he fell on top of an Ariete that fell down there about a week ago when the battle began, you'd think they'd come collect the scrap metal and electronics.
  1583. >At the very least, they collected the bodies that fell down there (which, for the sake of the troops' families, was more important).
  1584. >"Twilight, I found someone, he's still alive!"
  1585. >"Princesses... captured... get to, Crystal..."
  1586. >"He's saying something, hurry!"
  1587. >The other purple figured ran to him, it was Princess Twilight.
  1588. >"Oh no, it's colonel Anon!"
  1589. >Couging up blood, he attempted to repeat his message.
  1590. >"We failed... they have Princess... run away... RUN!"
  1591. >Those were his last words before he finally passed, his eyes breaking contact with Twilight's, stuck in a blank stare towards the ground.
  1592. >Putting her hoof over his face, she closed his eyes for him.
  1593. >"Twi, what do we do now?"
  1594. >"We need to get back to Cadence and rally the troops at the Crystal Empire, we need to make sure he and everyone else up there didn't die for nothing".
  1595. >A pink glow covered the colonel's body, he was lifted into the air and placed onto her back.
  1596. >"Twilight, are you sure we should bring him with us, isn't going to, well, rot?"
  1597. >"I'll worry about preserving him, for everything he's done he deserves a proper burial".
  1598. >So far he'd be the only one getting that until the war ends.
  1599. >They went on their way, it would be a long and treacherous journey back to the safety of the Crystal Empire.
  1600. >Twilight could only hope that all her friends were still okay.
  1602. To be Continued...

First Impressions

by NeighborVadim

Degen Stories

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-A Frenchman's Sadism

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-Ruina Imperii

by NeighborVadim

The Equestrian Front-The Griffon Kingdoms Campaign

by NeighborVadim