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Cutie pie (neet)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:14:16
Expiry: Never

  1. "Yeah?! We could've won if that *faggot* Teemo didn't feed the whole time!"
  2. > Floor Bored was shouting into her headpiece. She glared at the angry, red defeat screen. Her ears were pinned open by the headphones, otherwise they would have folded back in rage.
  3. "Well, fuck you too!"
  4. > She hooked a hoof under the headphones and flung them on the table in frustration.
  5. > The ears twitched as they were freed from their prison. The thing was like ear muffs and made her sweat in a horribly irritating way. And to top it off, her scalp itched where her mane had been pressed against it.
  6. > It didn't help her disposition.
  7. "Fucking idiots!"
  8. > Swearing helped, at least a little. It allowed the mare to push some of the blame for her discomfort to her unfortunate teammates. Yes, they were random strangers, but Floor didn't feel like blaming herself.
  9. > In truth, the itch would probably go away if she washed her mane, but that'd mean she would first have to do something about the shower. The stupid thing had clogged a month ago on an abundance of hair and the pony had just let it be.
  10. > It looked like too much effort. Besides, if she washed the sticky, greasy mess on her head, she would also have to do something about her tail. And the rest of her fur, probably.
  11. > All of it would just get filthy again the first time she slept in her bed. And she could smell the state of her sheets from here!
  12. > Most of it was her own, personal musk. Nothing wrong with that. Floor liked her own scent - it was something safe and familiar. But lately there had been a stink mingled in with it.
  13. > 'Garbage', she would call it, if she had to put a name to the smell. Probably a half-empty food container from a forgotten fast food delivery.
  14. > It was there - somewhere under all the mess around her bed, but Floor Bored couldn't motivate herself to go looking.
  15. > Maybe if it got worse she'd clean up a little.
  16. > That would also mean washing the sheets, but the pony wasn't entirely sure her washing machine even worked anymore.
  17. > If she *did* wash anything, it would be the sweater. The mare loved that thing! Soft and warm and safe. Other than the computer it was perhaps the only thing that was completely hers in the entire apartment.
  18. > The apartment!
  19. > Floor whimpered a little at the thought and scurried to close her game so she could look at the calendar.
  20. "Oh no! No no no, please!"
  21. > She moaned a little as the unwelcome memory surfaced. Then the pony wrapped her hooves around her belly and gently rocked to and fro on the chair.
  22. > It was too soon! She wasn't ready! Only a day or two ago, or so it seemed in her memory, she had promised Mr. Easton that she would look for a job. In truth, that had been last Thursday.
  23. > Her landlord wouldn't suffer her much longer without paying. Floor had nowhere to go.
  24. > It had all gone wrong. She was supposed to find her cutie mark on Earth! She had been so sure!
  25. > Computers and Internet and games and consoles - it had been love at first sight. Floor had known instantly that she wanted to make her life about these things. She went to Earth as soon as it was legally possible. The very moment she first saw the job advert on a board outside the vocation office in Canterlot.
  26. > It had been great! She had enjoyed it. For all of two weeks, until her first paycheck came.
  27. > To celebrate she bought herself a cheap computer.
  28. > The mare wasn't sure if she had slept through a night since. She persisted with her job, dozing off in the bathroom and working as slow as she could, until she mixed up a customer's order one too many times and her boss fired her.
  29. > No problem. Floor hadn't liked that shop anyway! She would look for a better, more meaningful work somewhere not retail.
  30. > She had promised her landlord she'd pay all the back rent after she found it.
  31. > How long ago had that been?
  32. > It all kinda blurred in her mind.
  33. > But now it was Thursday morning. Only a couple of hours before Mr. Easton came around. It would mean either rent or some proof that she was near employment.
  34. > Floor pulled up Google and put in 'computer jobs'. She even clicked through some of the first links, but all of it was useless.
  35. > Career advice. Guides on how to handle interviews. Even average salaries. Just no real jobs.
  36. > She quickly gave up, jumped down from her chair and went to the tiny kitchen. Maybe on a full stomach she would be more creative.
  37. > When was the last time she had eaten? There had been something yesterday... or was that two days ago?
  38. > In any case, the few things she had left in her fridge were spoiled or empty.
  39. > Floor went back to the main room in the little apartment and nudged aside the curtain. As always, the sun nearly blinded her. It was so much harsher here on Earth!
  40. > She pulled the window open and placed her forehooves on the ledge. She leaned out, careful about her balance, and reached her head to the side.
  41. > Yes! Her muzzle just brushed the neighbor's giant flower box and Floor strained a little further.
  42. > Her legs trembled with the effort, but she managed to wrap her tongue around a few stems. She pulled back, ignoring the soil which pattered from the roots to her carpet.
  43. > It wasn't much, but it would help for a while. Enough time to concentrate and look for work!
  44. > She munched on the tasteless, unfulfilling petals and made her way back to the computer. One look at the page of Google results and Floor lost heart.
  45. > No, she was too tired for that sort of thing. It was a stupid idea to look for work now, after being up all night with LoL.
  46. > Maybe she should tidy up a little instead, so that the place was more presentable when Mr. Easton came? That would demonstrably show him that she was making an effort.
  47. > The pile of trash around the bed seemed too daunting, so the mare went and checked on the bathroom first. Get her hooves in, warm up a little with something easier.
  48. > Not the toilet - she didn't want to touch *that*, not before she was sure she could take a shower right after.
  49. > She tried the bathtub and opened the tap to pour some water. It quickly began filling up and drained impossibly slowly. Still clogged.
  50. > Wasn't there a plunger somewhere around? Floor listlessly opened a few cupboards, but didn't see it.
  51. > Okay, the tub needed to drain before she could do any cleaning. Maybe her bed would be an easier start, then.
  52. > The mare dragged herself back, hooves scraping listlessly along the carpet. She was on the verge of giving up, but fear made her try a little harder.
  53. > She jumped on the bed and looked for a likely place to start. The sheets - there was no reason that the washing machine wouldn't work, right?
  54. > Pulling the sheets off the mattress was relatively easy. Soon she had them piled up before the bathroom door. After a minute's thought, she added her blanket. Best to clean it all at once.
  55. > Now for the pile - were there any trash bags around? The mare went to the kitchen to check, but a brief search of some drawers failed to produce any.
  56. > At that point, any plastic bag would do!
  57. > But Floor hadn't been to store in ages. No luck there.
  58. "Damn it, why does *everything* always go wrong!?"
  59. > There was a touch of hysteria in her voice. The time for her landlord was drawing ever nearer. He usually came at one P.M., which was - the pony checked her computer - some two hours away.
  60. > She could do it in two hours. Nip out to the store, ask politely for a few plastic bags, then back with plenty of time to spare.
  61. > In fact, she would probably be done very quickly and then she'd have to wait for Mr. Easton with nothing to do. She didn't enjoy that thought.
  62. > Maybe, Floor thought, a quick match of LoL to help her relax. She was always more social and outgoing after a nice game. More forceful. Sure of herself.
  63. > What could it take? Half an hour for a quick victory. Especially if she had a good team. There were one or two on her friend list.
  64. > Yeah, thirty minutes would be perfect! She would finish just as her landlord came in and thus *really* show him how much she was trying.
  65. > And she could lie about looking for work. It wasn't like she couldn't get a job at all. Once she had a bit of time and energy, finding a job would be *easy*.
  66. > She would look for jobs online and send a few inquiries over the weekend. Undoubtedly she'd have an interview or two next week. She would have to get the shower working and clean up a little.
  67. > The mare knew a lot about computers already, so finding work wouldn't be too difficult. She could work in a repair shop, although she would also take another retail job for a while, just to make ends meet.
  68. > Yeah, it would work out. She had a *Plan* now!
  69. > She could treat herself with a bit of idle time, conserve her energy!
  70. >...
  71. > The doorbell disturbed her second match and Floor squeaked in shock.
  72. "No! Not yet, not yet!"
  73. > She saw that it was a little past one. How?!
  74. "Guys, I gotta go! Sorry!"
  75. > She yelled it into the headset and pulled it off.
  76. > Floor looked over to her bed. It was still a mess, only there were no sheets on it now. The piles of trash were still there. And the smell seemed to be stronger.
  77. "Fuckfuckfuckfuck!"
  78. > She quickly rammed her head into the nearest pile. If she could get most of it under the bed and out of sight, maybe Mr. Easton wouldn't spot it!
  79. > Human noses were so much weaker than pony ones, after all.
  80. > The doorbell rang again and the pony let her head drop. It was useless. She had done the best she could, but the floor was still strewn with empty bottles, chips wrappers, tissue papers and pizza boxes.
  81. > Clothes were mixed in here and there, but the mare didn't own too many. Ponies didn't need that much clothing, what with their fur.
  82. > Now there was a hammering on her door: "Open up, Floor! I know you're in there!"
  83. > He sounded mad!
  84. "Shit!"
  85. > She swore quietly, then answered a bit more loudly:
  86. "COMING!"
  87. > The pony glanced at the sheets, still by the bathroom door, and tried to decide if she had time to put them back on the bed. Maybe they weren't quite as yellow-brown on the other side!
  88. > But she decided against it. When you were an earth pony with nothing more than hooves, fitting a sheet on the bed was a ten-minute job.
  89. > The mare dragged herself to the door, reared up and grasped the key with her mouth. A twist and it was unlocked.
  90. > The landlord burst in so quickly that the door nearly hit Floor on the muzzle. She scurried back and tried to smile.
  91. "Oh, hey Mr. Easton! How are y-you?"
  92. > The human took one glance around and she could immediately see the disgust on his face. It wouldn't go well and her heart sank.
  93. "P-please, I was in the middle of cleaning up. I got some job leads and I'm scheduled for s-some interviews next week!"
  94. > She lied quickly, hoping to placate the irate man.
  95. > "Yeah, sure. That's what you say every week, Floor. I'm getting sick of hearing your excuses," he barked back at the mare.
  96. > Floor whimpered a little.
  97. "It's true! Please, you gotta believe me! Just a bit longer and I'll have your money! I'll pay it back, all of it, I swear!"
  98. > Now the landlord barked a laugh: "Will you? Just like you were supposed to have it today? Remember what we talked about last Thursday?"
  99. > She did.
  100. "N-no."
  101. > And Mr. Easton knew she was lying. He looked around again. "Just look at all this shit! And it stinks in here! Fuck, Floor, can you give me one good reason I shouldn't just throw all this crap out and you with it?!"
  102. > She couldn't go back!
  103. > Floor Bored had said some very poignant words to her mother and father. They hadn't wanted her to go. But she knew it was her destiny!
  104. > In the end, her father had expressly forbidden it. And then threatened to disown his daughter if she disobeyed.
  105. > Floor might have shouted some very impolite things as she left.
  106. > She hadn't told her parents that she had already applied for a job. She didn't mentioned that she'd been accepted.
  107. > But that was all done through the pony vocations office in Canterlot. And she was a happy, energetic and polite filly back then.
  108. > Now, after all the time on Earth, she was a bitter and disillusioned mare.
  109. > But she still didn't want to go back! She had to make it work and then go and rub their muzzles in her success!
  110. > At the very least she had to find her cutie mark!
  111. "Please don't throw me out, Mr. Easton!"
  112. > She wailed it and held her hooves up in supplication. The mare wasn't above begging.
  113. "Please, I'll do anything! I'll pay extra! Just give me some more time!"
  114. > The landlord appeared to consider it. For a moment Floor hoped he would say yes. He had said yes the past few weeks!
  115. > She just had to appear earnest and pitiful!
  116. > But then his face darkened and Floor felt her ears fold down in misery. There was no mistaking that expression.
  117. > "I'm gonna need more than promises this time, Floor. You haven't paid a cent in a month now!"
  118. > She shook her head in terror.
  119. "B-but, my s-savings..."
  120. > "Are all gone, yeah, I get it. I really do. But I have to think about myself, too, you see? We're all in this mess! I have mortgages to pay and the bank is a lot less forgiving than me!"
  121. "Yes, Mr. Easton! But please, I don't have any more money! I gave you everything I had..."
  122. > She shuddered and tried very hard not to cry in front of the landlord.
  123. "I c-can't even afford f-food..."
  124. > His eyes strayed to the computer. It was a crappy, second-hand little thing and she had gotten it for cheap from the place she worked. It wasn't worth a whole lot, but it was her only source of joy lately.
  125. "Please, not that! I need it to... look for work!"
  126. > The mare hoped like hell it would be a good enough reason.
  127. > Mr. Easton crouched down and his face turned earnest. "Look, Floor. I'll be frank with you. I can't keep freeloaders. If you don't pay me something next week, you're out on your ass."
  128. > He said next week! Her ears perked up a little as sudden hope blossomed. But then she saw his expression and they went down again.
  129. > Please, anything but that!
  130. > The mare tried to speak, but nothing much came out. Her mouth opened and closed and her eyes went wide with fright. She backed away.
  131. "P-please..."
  132. > The human sighed. "It's this or the street, Floor. No freeloaders," Mr. Easton repeated.
  133. > She shook her head. The pony couldn't meet her landlord's face.
  134. "It- it's not r-right, Mr. Easton..."
  135. > Floor risked a glance. His face had hardened. "Who are you to tell me what's right and what isn't?!" the human demanded. His arms were on his hips, making the man look even bigger and more threatening. The mare swallowed a lump, but couldn't find her voice.
  136. > "What's not right, you little bitch, is me putting up with all the utilities and you not paying any rent. Or do you call that justice?"
  137. > She managed to shake her head. There was no argument. The human was right. But what he wanted - it filled her with revulsion.
  138. > It didn't help that she had done it for him the previous week. Her rump hit the floor, as if to protect it, and her hooves found her belly again.
  139. "I don't... wanna..."
  140. > She mumbled it, but it was loud enough. Mr. Easton sighed and took a step away, toward the door.
  141. > "Fine. Then grab your stuff or I'll toss it out the window. Come on!"
  142. > Her lip trembled as Floor tried not to cry.
  143. "Please I d-don't have anyplace to go!"
  144. > "Well, then you'll have to do me a favor, won't you? Go on, turn around!" the human demanded. He came forward again. His finger, up in the air, made a little circle.
  145. > "Turn around. It's the only thing you're good for!"
  146. > Floor choked back a sob and turned around on shaky legs. She couldn't do much more.
  147. > "Floor..." there was warning in his voice. The human was fed up with waiting.
  148. > It was an effort to twitch her tail out of the way.
  149. > It wouldn't be the first time, Floor consoled herself.
  150. > But that just made it worse.
  151. > She was a whore. She sold *it*, just for an extension on her debt! The mare closed her eyes and waited for it.
  152. > "No. Up on the bed," the human commanded, just like the previous time. Floor dragged herself forward and climbed awkwardly on the mattress.
  153. > That brought her to the perfect height so that the human didn't have to crouch down. He stood and stepped closer.
  154. > The mare kept her ears turned backward and heard him unzip his pants.
  155. > She could no longer hold back the tears, but she tried very hard not to sob, at least. Mr. Easton paused for a few seconds. A hand touched her flank and the mare flinched away.
  156. > "This or the street, Floor!" the landlord warned again.
  157. > It took an effort to bring her rump back and move her tail out of the way again.
  158. "Pl-please..."
  159. > It was barely a whisper and the human didn't hear it. Floor bit her lip as the hand returned to her rump.
  160. > "Fuck, you stink, you little whore!" the human commented. It was the final straw.
  161. > Floor began sobbing miserably. She tried to ignore what was happening, put her mind someplace else, but she couldn't help being aware.
  162. > The hands pulling her back. The... *thing*, poking at her. The spit for lubrication, because she certainly didn't have any of her own.
  163. > And then the thrust and the violation.
  164. > It was all she could do to keep upright. Her legs had sagged once, the last time, and Mr. Easton had slapped her, hard. He could do worse, she knew that. It was best not to try her luck.
  165. > She heard the wet, slurping sound as her body responded. And the slapping of his thighs against her fur.
  166. > There was nothing gentle about it. Mr. Easton wanted his fun, fast.
  167. > He had done it too quickly and the bit of spit wasn't nearly enough. It hurt, making her cry harder, as it rubbed her raw.
  168. > She did her best to keep it silent, even put a hoof in her mouth and bit on it.
  169. > Luckily it didn't last long. The human shuddered, pushed forward so hard that she nearly lost her balance and groaned.
  170. > He ground himself as deeply as he could. She was aware of the twitching and the warmth.
  171. > The disgusting, unwelcome warmth inside her.
  172. > A moment later he pulled out. There was nothing else around, so he picked up her sweater and wiped himself off.
  173. "No, not the s-sweater..."
  174. > She had no real strength and it came out as a hoarse whisper. The mare fell silent as Mr. Easton glared at her.
  175. > "Next time it's money or you're out, understand?! You're not good enough to justify all this trouble!"
  176. > All the mare could do was nod, before she lowered her face in shame. She listened to the man zip his pants back up and leave. The door slammed shut.
  177. > Only then could she let go.
  178. > Floor fell back on the mattress and began crying in earnest. She grabbed the sweater and held it to herself, completely oblivious of the stain which smeared into her fur.
  179. > Some of the shame inside her leaked down on the mattress, but the pony didn't care.
  180. > She would have showered, but it still didn't work. And she didn't want to touch any of it, get it on her hooves.
  181. > She didn't want to smell it, but there was no helping that.
  182. > Floor closed her eyes and sobbed until she fell into exhausted sleep.
  183. >...
  184. > Floor Bored woke up a little while later, but didn't feel like getting up. Why bother? The world wouldn't suck any less. She wouldn't have any more money and she wouldn't feel any cleaner.
  185. > Maybe a shower would have helped, but now was really not the time to clean her bathroom. The mare had other things on her mind.
  186. > The pony tried very hard not to think about what happened. She grasped her favourite sweater to her and hugged it to herself.
  187. > It meant she got a face-full of gross, but she just began licking it clean.
  188. > The taste of it nearly made her gag, but she persisted. It was one of the few things that were entirely hers in the apartment. Right then even her body felt like it didn't belong to Floor, but the sweater, with her smell permeating it, was comfortable.
  189. > After a few moments she began crying again. The mare looked at her computer. Games or the Internet would distract her, but she didn't want to get up.
  190. > Moving on with her life seemed impossible. She had done it once before, but now it was dawning on Floor hat this was what the future held.
  191. > *All* that the future held for her.
  192. > Week after week of crippling depression, interspersed by brief encounters where she 'paid her debts'.
  193. > She sobbed gently into the cloth until there was not a trace of Mr. Easton's scent left. Only then did the pony rise.
  194. > Floor dragged herself to the kitchen and looked up at the sink. It was human-sized, which meant she had to struggle on her hind legs to reach it at the best of times.
  195. > There wasn't a choice. She pushed a chair closer, climbed up and opened the tap. After a moment, she greedily began lapping up the cool water.
  196. > At least it washed the last of the taste from her mouth. The smell would take longer to fade, but she didn't mind anymore. It was already part of the background.
  197. > The mare tried to think about a job again. If she could get some money in, maybe she wouldn't have to do this anymore. Maybe she could get her life back on track.
  198. > But it was hopeless. Her coat was stained and sticky in places. Her mane was a greasy, tangled mess. There were bags under her eyes and a haunted expression in her face.
  199. > Even if she somehow landed an interview, no one would ever hire a pony like her. Not when so many better candidates presented themselves.
  200. > Retail was the only thing she could even remotely do, and customers wouldn't want an ugly, disheveled and bedraggled mare serving them.
  201. > It was a good thing there were no mirrors in the apartment, other than the one above the bathroom sink. It was made for a human, so Floor couldn't see herself in it.
  202. > A small mercy.
  203. > When she could drink no more, the pony shut the water off and jumped down from the chair. It was early evening.
  204. > There was nothing else to do. She walked slowly to her computer and poked at the mouse, which had been modified for a hoof.
  205. > The screen flickered to life. She read the words in a private chat window.
  206. > Her hooves went to her mouth and Floor began panting.
  207. "No no no no no, please, no!"
  208. > She muttered urgently and checked the headphones where they had landed. She had thrown them off and hit the mute button, like a thousand times before.
  209. > But she must have missed it today.
  210. > Her voice line had remained open!
  211. > And the messages proved it.
  212. > "Anonymous: fuck floorb, you ok?"
  213. > And then: "Anonymous: whats happening?!"
  214. > "Anonymous: shit this sounds bad!"
  215. > She almost didn't dare read on. There wasn't much left, but Floor was afraid of what it would say. The last thing the mare needed was for her few almost-friends to learn what a whore she was!
  216. > She covered her eyes with her hooves and whimpered. But after a while Floor couldn't stay away. She peeked.
  217. > "Anonymous: FUCK FLOOR! NO!"
  218. > She just whimpered. Then she looked at the icon.
  219. > Anonymous was offline. Of course, he worked nights.
  220. > There was still the last message. Undoubtedly telling her that it was over between them.
  221. > The mare made herself look.
  222. > "Anonymous: please, for the love of god, call me as soon as you see this!"
  223. > There was a phone number.
  224. > The pony sniffled and turned her head away. She didn't want to hear the human. What would she even say?
  225. > She didn't even have a phone!
  226. > Floor threw herself on her bed again and started sobbing once more. The stupid thing had cost her the last person she might have considered a friend. Or liked.
  227. > No chance for that now. No one would want to be friends with a pony who sold herself because she couldn't find a paying job. Her social life - what little she had of it - was over.
  228. > Even on Equestria, Floor Bored preferred being alone. Before the human world intruded with its wonderful technology, the mare had spent afternoons locked away in her room reading books and daydreaming.
  229. > Once she discovered Internet, games, cartoons and comics those had all but taken over her life. The filly had known she would make her career out of these wonders.
  230. > It didn't happen. All she did was alienate the last few friends who had stuck by her side. And then she had pushed away her parents.
  231. > There was no one else now.
  232. > She was still a pony and she wanted companionship. It was in their nature! Ponies were social creatures! But the longer she spent alone, the harder it was to talk with other people.
  233. > These Internet friends were a last-ditch effort. At least they liked the same kinds of things as her.
  234. > They probably didn't like whores.
  235. > She rolled around a little on her bed to find a spot that wasn't damp from her tears and sweat, then she covered her face with the sweater and tried to forget.
  236. > The world outside was wrong. It hurt and it treated her badly.
  237. > In here, surrounded by her own smell, warmed by her breath, it was safe. She wished she didn't have to move, ever.
  238. > Perhaps for the first time in weeks, Floor slept through the night.
  239. >...
  240. > A soft, irregular dinging noise woke her up. The mare blinked blearily and tried to make sense of it.
  241. > The computer! The chat was still open and now someone was messaging her.
  242. > She rolled off her bed and made her slow way to the computer. But motion reminded her of her bladder.
  243. > Floor sighed, hung her head and made a detour to the bathroom.
  244. > Even the toilet was uncomfortably high. They sold plastic blocks which would fit around the base of the porcelain thing for ponies to stand on, but she had never thought to buy them.
  245. > Maybe it would have been cleaner than lifting her rear as high as she could reach and going blindly.
  246. > No point now. There was no more money.
  247. > Most of it went into the toilet and Floor didn't mind some splashes around. Luckily there was only pee. At least the lack of food made this function a little easier.
  248. > Then came the part she absolutely hated.
  249. > The flush handle was up above the seat. She had to rear up, with her hooves on the porcelain to reach it.
  250. > It brought her in full view - and smell - of everything.
  251. > She did it anyway. It would just stink worse if she left it.
  252. > Then Floor went back to check on her computer. The sink was way to high up for any hoof-washing. Besides, she didn't intend to go anywhere, so what was the point?
  253. > The screen lit up, showing her Anonymous' conversation again.
  254. > The mare sighed and went to close it. But then she noticed there were new messages.
  255. > "Anonymous: shit, why didn't you call?! worried sick over here."
  256. "Huh. Yeah, right!"
  257. > The mare scoffed at the notion. Even her parents didn't worry about her, why would a stranger from the Internet? It wasn't as if she was useful for anything.
  258. > Other than a warm place to put a cock in.
  259. "That's probably what you're after."
  260. > Anonymous must have heard how easy it was and figured he'd get some pony for a few bucks. She knew just how horny he was.
  261. > The mare sighed in exasperation. She was thinking about it! With Anonymous, it probably wouldn't have been as bad!
  262. > At least she'd have something to show for it. A bit of money for food, maybe.
  263. > Her messenger dinged again: "Anonymous: id call the police, but i dunno where you live! floor please answer!"
  264. > The mare put her hooves on the modified keyboard. It took a while to type out anything longer, so she just said:
  265. "voice"
  266. > Then she put her headphones back and nudged the mute button to off.
  267. > The voice coming from the little speakers sounded... relieved.
  268. > "God damnit Floor, you okay?"
  269. > She didn't want to be reminded again, so she answered a little gruffly.
  270. "Yeah. Stop pestering me!"
  271. > But it didn't sound as if Anonymous would obey. "Did you call the police?"
  272. "No! Shut up about it!"
  273. > There was a moment of silence as the human processed this. The mare didn't want to talk about what had happened, because it threatened to make her cry again.
  274. > She would *not* cry in front of an Internet stranger!
  275. "Y-you wanna play s-something?"
  276. > Back to normal, that was the key. Forget it, move on. She would try and think up a solution later.
  277. > "Are you serious?! Floor, it sounded like the dude was *raping* you! CALL THE POLICE NOW!"
  278. > Maybe the cops would help. But maybe they wouldn't. Floor had read too many articles about how some humans treated ponies if they could get away with it.
  279. > It wouldn't surprise her in the slightest if the cops beat her for calling them on something so frivolous.
  280. > They would surely side with another human against her!
  281. > And even if they *did* believe her, what then? The only way it could end was them sending Floor back to her parents.
  282. > That was even worse.
  283. > Authorities were *completely* out of the question.
  284. "NO! NO COPS!"
  285. > She yelled and nearly removed the headpiece. The 'block' button was there, tantalizing. Anonymous knew nothing about her, so that would be the end of it.
  286. > But there had been real worry in his voice, which made the pony hesitate.
  287. > "Why?!" the human asked, completely stunned. "Floor, that was a crime! You gotta tell someone!"
  288. > Maybe, in his own strange way, Anonymous did care a little. But that only made her tear up again.
  289. "Shut the fuck up! Just shut up about it, Anonymous! FUCK, leave me alone!"
  290. > Please don't say it, the mare thought fervently. Please don't ask-
  291. > But Anonymous did, exactly what she was afraid of: "What will you do next week, then? You can't keep letting him do this to you, Floor! It's not right!"
  292. > She had opened her mouth to scream again, but it wouldn't come out. Floor heaved a sigh.
  293. "I don't know."
  294. > "Why won't you tell anyone? Why no cops?"
  295. > Maybe he would leave it if he knew the truth?
  296. "Because I have n-nowhere to go. At least I'm inside now, I don't wanna end up on the street!"
  297. > "What about your parents?" came the question.
  298. > She didn't want to explain her dysfunctional relationship with them. Floor looked for a lie.
  299. "They're dead. I'm alone. No family."
  300. > There was silence, then Anonymous spoke quietly: "Shit, I'm sorry Floor."
  301. "Yeah."
  302. > There was no more fight in her. What she needed was some distraction. Well, what she *really* needed was some food and then distraction.
  303. > But she had no more money. Maybe a few coins, lost in the trash around her bed, but probably not even a dollar.
  304. > You couldn't eat a meal for a dollar, maybe less.
  305. > She was about to suggest some games again, but the human spoke up first: "Shit, I can't let that happen anymore."
  306. > Anger flared up again. What business was it of his what happened to her?
  307. > Even *ponies* didn't care what happened to Floor Bored. Even Floor Bored soon wouldn't care!
  308. "Fucking drop it already!!"
  309. > But the human still wasn't listening. He thought for a moment, then: "You can move in with me."
  310. > It was such an unexpected thing that her mouth dropped open. Surely it was a cruel joke, or maybe her earlier guess had been right.
  311. > Now that he knew Floor would fuck for room, he could put her up on a couch for a week or two, until he tired of her.
  312. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Anonymous?! It's none of your business!!"
  313. > "Yes it is!" came the reply. "I thought we were friends, Floor. I wanna help."
  314. > The tear slipped from her eye and landed in a cold little splash on her leg. Now she *knew* it was a trick. Floor Bored, the eternal loser, had no friends.
  315. > But wouldn't it be nice to pretend? Just for a while? Imagine that somepony else actually did care what happened to her?
  316. > It was selfish and probably a mistake, but the mare really wanted to believe it. At least for a short time.
  317. "So what? Just move in? I don't have a job, remember? And no money either..."
  318. > She left it hanging in the air. The only way she could 'pay' for a room would be with her body.
  319. > Maybe it would be better than Mr. Easton. Her landlord still expected all the money. Maybe Anonymous would just take *her* and she wouldn't owe him anything more.
  320. > At least this way, it would be a choice of some sort.
  321. > "Don't care. We'll think about that later. You need to get out of there before that bastard comes back, Floor!"
  322. > At least he wasn't talking about police anymore.
  323. > The mare looked around her little, dirty apartment.
  324. > She wanted to be alone. She couldn't stand people! Living in the same apartment as her parents had been excruciating.
  325. > Like being smothered under an avalanche. Constant nagging, expectations, chores. The accusations and despair when she dropped out of school. As if she didn't feel bad enough herself!
  326. > They just had to rub it in, each and every day.
  327. > Floor just wanted to be left alone.
  328. > Maybe she could use this? Anonymous' shower probably worked. If she really buckled down and looked for work, maybe she could land it?
  329. > If the human would throw in some food, maybe if she sucked him off a couple of times...
  330. > Could she make it work? Give away her slit for a week or two and really look for a job?
  331. > She almost barked a laugh. It wasn't as if it would be any different here. Mr. Easton would come by each week and rape her some more. And she'd *still* owe him money.
  332. > Maybe doing it for Anonymous instead would at least give her a chance.
  333. > "Floor? You still there?" the human asked.
  334. "Yes."
  335. > It was a huge decision. Her hooves were shaking and her breath came in short, rapid pants.
  336. "I'll do it."
  337. > Silence. As if Anonymous couldn't believe it. "You will? Good. Give me your address."
  338. > Her ears twitched, wanting to fold down under the earphones. This would be the point of no return. She could still block the human and get on with her life, such as it was.
  339. > But if she told him, there would be no avoiding it. Anonymous knew her secret now. If he came and threatened to call the police, she would give him what he wanted.
  340. > She closed her eyes tightly shut and told him.
  341. > There was the sound of typing as the human put it in a map. Then silence as he examined it.
  342. > "It's quite far. Hold on a sec," Anon said and his microphone icon faded out.
  343. > He was off the chat and Floor felt her heart hammering.
  344. > She had been right! He didn't need to talk to her anymore. He would get in his car and drive over. And then he'll make her do it.
  345. > It was a mistake.
  346. > The mare sobbed a little in despair.
  347. > Then the sound came back. "Okay, I called in a sick day, I'll be there to pick you up tonight."
  348. "What?!"
  349. > The human sighed. "It's five hundred miles, Floor. It's gonna take a while to drive over there. And back. I'll be there tonight, get packed. If that bastard Easton comes back, call the cops, okay? Please!"
  350. > She couldn't quite process what was happening. Packed? Anonymous was really coming to get her?
  351. > Five hundred miles?!
  352. > It would take her away from everything she knew.
  353. > Maybe that was a good thing?
  354. > The mare sighed and hung her head. Maybe Anon would be more gentle when he used her. That was the important thing.
  355. "Okay."
  356. > "Good. Don't do anything stupid, okay? Just... stay put. I'll be there as soon as I can."
  357. "Okay..."
  358. > She watched his icon vanish from the voice chat. Then the mare pulled her headphones down and laid them on the table.
  359. > It was a complete mess. A disaster.
  360. > Her chest felt tight at the thought of meeting Anonymous. Or whatever his real name was.
  361. > They had spent some time playing games together. They shared jokes. Before that day, Floor thought she liked him.
  362. > Now? He was just another sleaze.
  363. > Maybe - the pony fervently hoped - he would at least keep his word. If she found a job and tried to get a place of her own, maybe Anonymous wouldn't stop her.
  364. > What was she thinking?! Of course he wouldn't try and keep her. She'd be lucky if whatever fun she could offer him lasted a week.
  365. > Job and a place of her own, that was the key. But she'd have to do it fast, otherwise the human would surely become bored with her, or disgusted.
  366. > Anonymous was a little like her. He didn't have much luck with the ladies, just as she hadn't had any with colts. Floor hoped an easy slit would be entertaining to him, at least for a week or two. Before the rest of her outweighed any pleasure he might derive from her bony hips.
  367. > It was a chance. And besides, she didn't have a choice now.
  368. > She would just have to take it.
  370. > ~~~~
  372. > Floor Bored was slouching in her chair when the messaging app dinged at her again. For the first few seconds she debated internally whether to look at all.
  373. > She was in that comfortable place where YouTube showed her random videos on auto-play and she didn't mind.
  374. > Brain completely shut down, that was the trick. No worries, no memories, no stress. Maybe if someone took the bait in her posts she would move, but only to shitpost some more.
  375. > Unfortunately the computer wouldn't leave her alone. It dinged again and the button flashed an annoying orange.
  376. "Fuck, just leave me alone you guys!"
  377. > She grumbled it out loud, as if whoever was bothering her could hear. But the damage was done and the mare sighed and reached for her mouse.
  378. > When she saw who it was, her blood froze in her veins.
  379. > She read the messages.
  380. > "Anonymous: im here."
  381. > "Anonymous: which floor u on? whats the name on the door?"
  382. > It was really happening.
  383. > During the afternoon, Floor had convinced herself that the human wouldn't be crazy enough to drive all the way over. That he was maybe joking, or that he changed his mind.
  384. > But now he was there, just outside.
  385. > She could ignore it. But something told her that the idiot would go knocking on each door until he found her. Or until one of the neighbors told him.
  386. > Floor really wasn't ready to meet anyone new. And especially someone from her 'online life'.
  387. > Anonymous would see how scrawny and disheveled she really looked. How ugly. And a blank flank on top of it all!
  388. > He would laugh at her!
  389. > The pony bit on her hoof nervously. The light was dim, but she could clearly see how her fur on her legs and belly was stained by old soda spills. And worse things.
  390. > There probably wasn't time to clean up, not now. She should have thought about it before.
  391. > It nearly made the mare cry. Why did she always put things aside until they were a big problem? Had she given it any thought at all, she could have washed at least a little in the kitchen sink.
  392. > Maybe she could make herself presentable at least? Why it should matter, Floor couldn't tell. After all, the human would only want one thing from her. She didn't need to be pretty for that.
  393. > But her heart was racing and she had to fight with her lungs to keep from panting. Faint whimpers escaped her as she thought about meeting someone she knew, but who was nevertheless a total stranger.
  394. > Another message showed up on her screen: "Anonymous: i know ur there floor. which apartment?!"
  395. > Her hooves shook as she operated the large, blocky keys and formed her message. It took some doing without fingers, but she had gotten quite good at it over the months.
  396. "second floor names easton"
  397. > Then she went to the door and put her ear against the wood. Maybe if she heard him coming, it wouldn't be so scary.
  398. > Floor also considered hiding, maybe under the bed, or in the small kitchen. But that would just make the wait nerve-racking and unbearable.
  399. > She swallowed and tried to wet her lips, but her tongue felt like a dry, lifeless lump of flesh. Even her ears trembled with apprehension. After a moment she sat down, because her legs didn't feel strong enough to support her.
  400. > Maybe she was this highly strung because she liked Anonymous? Or maybe it was because he knew what she was.
  401. > A worthless, filthy little whore.
  402. > She heard the automatic light on her floor a moment before she caught the sound of footsteps on the stairs.
  403. > Someone was coming! She wished she could see out the peephole, but it was far too late to go fetch a chair.
  404. > The human moved slowly down the hallway, most likely reading tags on doors. Then he stopped, mere inches from her!
  405. > Surely he heard her hammering heartbeat through the wood? Her limbs felt weak and Floor barely dared to breathe as she listened to the slight rustle of cloth.
  406. > Then came the knock. She nearly jumped back in surprise.
  407. > This was it. Her fate would be decided. She couldn't stand up, so the mare scooched back a little.
  408. "C-come..."
  409. > The 'in' was lost in a broken whisper as her voice failed her. The mare tried again.
  410. "Come in."
  411. > She sounded squeaky and out of breath, but it was audible enough.
  412. > The doorknob turned. Floor kept her gaze on the carpet before her. All she could see were the shoes. They were black with a red stripe.
  413. > "Floor?" the voice was a little different when it wasn't coming from her headphones, but still recognizable. It was undoubtedly Anonymous.
  414. > He was probably looking around in dismay at the mess. His nose was wrinkling from the stench.
  415. > The pony shrank in on herself. She tried to answer, but it took two attempts before she could make her voice work.
  416. "H-h-hi."
  417. > Floor tried to look up, but all she saw was a pair of legs and thighs before she returned her gaze down.
  418. > She felt the human kneel down before her. The hand on her head was a complete surprise and the mare squeaked in fright and flattened herself down against the floor. She was shivering badly.
  419. > "Oh! Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"
  420. > The pony forced herself to look.
  421. > Anonymous was more or less average. A bit pudgy around the belly and face, but not what she would call fat. He was also clean, something she couldn't say about herself.
  422. > She caught his smell. It was very different from hers. Shampoo and aftershave and deodorant. Probably a pleasant mixture to a human nose, but something quite overpowering to hers.
  423. > Floor wished she could wrap her muzzle in her sweater.
  424. > A second was all she could manage, before her eyes slid away from Anonymous' face. She stared a little to his side and tried to calm her breathing down.
  425. > The human waited for a moment, then carefully shuffled away. He sat down cross-legged on the floor, completely ignoring the dirt he would get on his nice, clean pants.
  426. > He watched her in silence for a moment. The mare felt something was expected from her. She made her muscles work and stood up, if a little shakily.
  427. "C-can I get you a glass of w-water?"
  428. > It was the polite thing to do. She couldn't offer snacks, but water still worked for now. And there was bound to be a clean glass somewhere.
  429. > She risked another glance and froze in shock. The human was smiling a little!
  430. > "Don't be afraid. I'm here to help, okay? Just take it easy," Anonymous assured her.
  431. > It sounded too nice to be true. Of course, Floor realized. He needed her to put out, so he was being polite to get her guard down.
  432. > There was a problem, though. However reprehensible his intentions, Floor found that she liked what she saw. She didn't know exactly what she had imagined during their games, but surely not this.
  433. > A skinny, acne-ridden youth, maybe. Someone around her age! Certainly not someone... handsome! His hair even matched hers in color!
  434. > He wasn't a scrawny teenager, Anonymous had to be in his late twenties. He was also calm and confident in a way Floor knew she could never be.
  435. > She wanted to trust him. To be able to rely on someone. To accept help.
  436. > The mare realized she was staring right at the human's chest. She was also starting to blush a little.
  437. > "Here, let's do this properly," he said and extended a hand. "I'm Anonymous."
  438. > She shrank away at first, but then recognized the gesture. She tentatively put a hoof forward and let the man grasp it.
  439. "F-floor Bor-bored."
  440. > It was a mumble at best, but Anonymous understood. "Nice to meet you," he said. Then he released her leg and returned his hand to his knee. "Good, now that's out of the way, yes I'd like some water very much."
  441. > She managed a nod and hurried away to the kitchen. There was no time to wash a glass, but she had a clean mug, which she filled with tap water and brought outside.
  442. > Her haste made her spill a little, but Anonymous didn't seem to mind. He was looking around the room, making Floor blush with embarrassment.
  443. > Luckily he didn't comment.
  444. "H-here."
  445. > She held the mug on an upturned hoof. The human took it and drained it quickly. Then he put it down beside himself.
  446. > "So, the plan is I help you pack up whatever you want to take, and then we get in the car and leave. That okay? We'll be at my place by morning."
  447. > She was given a choice?
  448. > Floor Bored looked around the apartment. It was hers, in a way! A place she knew and felt comfortable. At least while she was alone.
  449. > Anonymous wanted to take her far away into an entirely new place. Everything would be foreign. Even her life would no longer be in her hooves.
  450. > Fear clutched at her heart and the pony almost shook her head right there and then.
  451. > But then a stain on the mattress caught her eye. It was where Mr. Easton's... stuff had leaked out of her while she cried.
  452. > Six days and that would happen once more. And a week after that. And a week after that. For as long as her landlord derived pleasure from her.
  453. > She never wanted to go through that again. Maybe Anonymous would at least pretend it was her choice. It would make all the difference to the mare.
  454. > But her guest spotted her reluctance and put his hands together.
  455. > It was a curious gesture - he grabbed one palm with his other. Floor didn't know what to make of it, but somehow it was a little calming. As if he was holding his own hand. Maybe she imagined that kind of warm touch on her hoof?
  456. > "Look, I know it's a big decision. But I got an extra room you can have. No obligations. You can help with the expenses if you get a job, but we'll talk about that later. I just wanna get you out of this place and away from that bastard!"
  457. > At the mention of Mr. Easton, Anonymous' face darkened. He seemed very angry, enough so that Floor took a step back.
  458. > The human held out his hand toward her. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. Take as much time as you need, okay?"
  459. > The memories forced their way back. The demands. The violation. The helplessness.
  460. > Floor sniffed and bit back a sob. She turned away so the human wouldn't see her tears.
  461. > Anonymous moved so stealthily that she didn't even hear him. But suddenly the arms were around her.
  462. > The sudden touch made her squeak and squirm to get away, but the grip was too powerful.
  463. > It was happening! He would have his way with her right there and then! Maybe crying was what got him off!
  464. > No! The mare began panting as she fought to free herself. An earth pony should easily overpower any human, but she was weak from hunger and lack of sleep. Her hooves couldn't find purchase on the carpet. She couldn't buck the strong man holding her against himself!
  465. > Her back was pressed against the human so her legs kicked only the air.
  466. > She didn't want to be used again! Not against her will! It would break something precious in her, destroy it so completely that she would never recover! Mr. Easton had nearly done it, but Anonymous would finish it for sure!
  467. > Floor couldn't go on living after that.
  468. > There was only one thing left for her to do.
  469. > The pony made a snap decision. She went limp.
  470. "Yes! Yes! I want it. P-please. F-fuck me."
  471. > If she made herself believe it, maybe she could live with herself after.
  472. > The human was silent for a moment, undoubtedly considering her proposal.
  473. > "Shh, I'm not here for that. Easy. I'm a friend."
  474. > Celestia help her, Floor believed it! Maybe his demands would come later, but right now Anonymous was telling the truth.
  475. > It was just a hug! The knowledge choked the mare up, partly with relief and party with joy at such a simple, yet meaningful gesture.
  476. > The arms were around her barrel and her back was still pressed into Anonymous' chest. It was very warm. The scent enveloped her. She ignored the perfumes and chemicals and focused instead on the smell that was simply *Anonymous*. A tinge of his sweat, slightly sweet, a tiny bit musky.
  477. > She could get lost in it. In that instant, that smell said 'safety'.
  478. > Her breathing gradually slowed. Her legs went limp.
  479. > And the pony began to cry in earnest.
  480. >...
  481. > Floor Bored was barely aware when the human carried her to the bed and set her down. But she clung to his warmth and wouldn't let him go.
  482. > Later would come the shame and regret and the fear again, but for now the human smelled of safety. It was such an unusual feeling that the mare never wanted to let it go.
  483. > Only when Anonymous carefully covered her with the sweater did she unclench her hooves and grasp the fabric to her chest as tightly as she could.
  484. > There were no more tears. For now the pony was numb to it all.
  485. > "Okay, I'll go get some boxes. Can you start looking around what to take and what to leave behind?" he asked her.
  486. > Floor glanced around, understanding that she would soon leave the comforting, familiar room and never return. It was nearly enough to bring the tears back.
  487. > It helped that Anonymous' cologne filled every nook and made it less hers.
  488. > She slowly volunteered an opinion:
  489. "C-computer. Some clothes. I don't h-have much."
  490. > Her ears lowered in shameful admission. Even the cutlery and the dirty dishes belonged to Mr. Easton. The mare had bought a few sheets, but she didn't want to bring them.
  491. > She didn't need more reminders for Anonymous just how filthy all her things were.
  492. > He gave her a nod. "So no boxes. Okay, I'll get started on the computer then. Can you pile up your things somewhere? We'll just wrap it all in a sheet or something."
  493. "B-blanket."
  494. > "Huh?"
  495. > Floor pointed a hoof to her computer chair. The blanket wasn't hers - it had come with the bed, but having sat on it every day for so long meant it now smelled more like her than nearly anything else.
  496. "I'm t-taking the blanket."
  497. > It felt slightly like stealing, but Floor remembered what her landlord had done to her and decided she didn't care. She would take it.
  498. > Anonymous nodded and reached down to pat her head, but the mare dodged out of the way. The moment of closeness they had shared after her breakdown was over. She was starting to worry about the human again.
  499. > He didn't seem to mind her suspicion. After watching her silently for a few seconds, Anonymous went and shut her computer down. Then he began dismantling it.
  500. > Floor felt her insides clench. He was going to steal it! It wasn't worth much, but it was all she got. The only source of joy in her miserable world!
  501. "N-no! Don't take that, please!"
  502. > He stopped and turned around in surprise. "What? You want to leave it here?"
  503. > The mare rubbed her muzzle in exasperation. They were going away! Anonymous could carry the computer down the stairs a lot easier than she could.
  504. > Getting it up into the apartment had been a nightmare! Floor had to bring each part by itself all the way from the store.
  505. > But she was still wary about him touching it.
  506. "Let me. I'll d-do it."
  507. > She firmly got up and slid around the human, careful not to touch him. Then she took a cable in her mouth and tugged it out. They weren't screwed in, at least.
  508. > "Okay, but you're gonna let me help carry it, right?"
  509. > The offer made her flatten her ears. Why was she so conflicted? She obviously needed help, but at the same time she didn't want any!
  510. > There wasn't much choice. Maybe if she went along with him and made sure he didn't drive away with her stuff it would be alright? The mare closed her eyes and swallowed.
  511. "Fine."
  512. >...
  513. > It took them longer than her meagre possessions would suggest to get everything loaded into the trunk of Anonymous' car. That was mostly because Floor Bored didn't want to let the human out of her sight, so she followed him up and down the stairs each time.
  514. > But the human hadn't tried to steal her stuff and finally they closed the door to her apartment for the last time.
  515. > "So, what do you wanna do with the key?" the human asked.
  516. > Floor didn't really know.
  517. "Leave it in the lock, I guess?"
  518. > He did so and resolutely turned away. "Come on, let's get started. You can sleep in the car."
  519. > She wasn't quite sure about that, but the mare didn't answer. She followed Anon down the stairs and to the navy-blue sedan. It was already getting dark, but Floor didn't mind. It meant Anon wouldn't be able to look at her as closely.
  520. > They paused and the human leaned against the vehicle for a moment. She just stood there by the passenger side, waiting. Hooves didn't work all that well with the weird handles.
  521. > At long last, he came to open the door and the pony jumped up on the seat.
  522. > The car smelled of Anon without the overpowering cloud of cologne. It was actually kind of pleasant, so Floor stepped forward and gratefully buried her muzzle in the seat.
  523. > "Uh, a little room?"
  524. > With a slight, nervous squeak the mare shuffled back to her side. What had come over her?! She hadn't even realized that she had crossed over to the driver's seat! Floor looked away and out the window to hide the slight blush.
  525. > Maybe it was the fact that Anon had spent hours with her and still hadn't tried to rape her. Stuff like that really gave a mare confidence about a stallion.
  526. > Great. Even her own thoughts were being ironic now.
  527. > The engine spluttered a little and roared into life. Driving was an uncommon experience for Floor and she didn't like it too much. Partly because it was too noisy, and partly because she didn't like new places all that much.
  528. > There was no going back now. She glanced up as Anon turned the car from the parking lot and onto the road. Her window was just visible up on the building. She could see where the neighboring flower pots were lightly grazed.
  529. > Perhaps she had got out of there just in time?
  530. > At least there would be no more Mr. Easton. But instead of the landlord, there was now Anon.
  531. > She moved her head slowly and tried to get some surreptitious glances at the new human. At least, the mare thought, he was better looking than that old bastard.
  532. > Even thinking like that made her blush some more. But that was good. If she found Anon desirable, then it wouldn't be so bad when he decided to take his 'payment'. Maybe, if she really worked at it, she could even come to enjoy it.
  533. > For now, they drove in silence and Floor put it out of her mind. She wished she had a phone or a tablet for something to do, but she settled for staring out the window at all the lights sliding by.
  534. > Every now and then there was a well-lit billboard or a multicolored shop window, but mostly the houses were dark.
  535. > Normal people were already asleep. If she were back home, Floor would just be getting into some serious gaming around now.
  536. > All the best people came online at night, everypony knew that.
  537. > The car stopped for a red light and she sensed, more than saw, that Anon was looking at her. The mare glanced that way, met his eyes and hurriedly lowered her gaze. Examining the goods, no doubt.
  538. > "I don't think I've seen a pony with hair that black," the human commented.
  539. > She knew it! Appraising her, like a piece of meat!
  540. > Thank him for the compliment or ignore it? The anxiety was threatening to overwhelm her again. Floor never knew what to do in these situations!
  541. > People - and ponies, for that matter - never said what they meant. Talking with anyone was full of frustration as she tried to work out what they actually wanted to say!
  542. > It was so much easier online. There was more time, for one thing, and even if she said something stupid, no one knew who she was.
  543. > There was a way out this time and Floor grasped it.
  544. "It's called a m-mane."
  545. > "Oh," came the reply. To her relief, the light changed and Anon had to return his eyes to the road. "Well, it's cute."
  546. > An obvious lie. Floor Bored knew perfectly well how unsettling the black was. Most ponies had beautiful, colorful manes. Some were lucky enough to have more than one color! And hers was just... black.
  547. > It put ponies off. They didn't like to talk with her. And she would bet it was similar for humans.
  548. > Anon was just trying to soften her up so she would lift her tail more readily later. She returned her gaze to the window and refused to answer.
  549. > Luckily the human didn't press the point.
  550. >...
  551. > The drive dragged on. There were fewer and fewer lights out as they came to the interstate. The darkness was oddly restful and the gentle hum of the engine almost relaxing, once she had gotten used to it.
  552. > Floor found herself yawning and felt her eyelids grow heavy.
  553. > As crazy as the day had been, she still wasn't in immediate danger. The seat was soft and she was warm. Anon's smell was all around her, again evoking the feeling of safety.
  554. > She hadn't intended to sleep, but now it seemed inevitable. Even Anon noticed it.
  555. > "You can climb in the back seat. I put your blanket there. It's gonna be a few more hours," he explained.
  556. > His voice jerked her awake and Floor was about to deny that she was tired at all. But her blanket-
  557. > Something familiar in this upheaval would be welcome. Whatever tomorrow might bring, she would have to face it either way. Wouldn't it be best to be rested, rather than exhausted?
  558. > She could trust the human not to try anything while he was driving. And undoubtedly she would wake up when he stopped. Maybe she wouldn't even fall asleep, but Floor could at least rest her eyes.
  559. > The seat was a bit of an obstacle, but she managed to climb over it. Luckily the road was smooth and Anon didn't make any sudden movements with the car.
  560. > It was a lot more relaxing back there, too. It was darker and the mare didn't feel like the human was watching her every second. Her blanket was there, just as soft and warm as always.
  561. > She bundled herself up, laid down across the back seat and sighed.
  562. > "It's gonna get better, Floor. Don't worry," the human assured her. Undoubtedly she would soon learn the truth of that.
  563. > Oh, how she wished it wasn't a lie! A damsel in distress, rescued by a brave knight. Floor wanted it, even while she knew she didn't deserve anything of the sort.
  564. > Nice things happened to nice ponies. And that wasn't her.
  565. > She was snappy, demanding and selfish at the best of times. Earth was supposed to be her second chance, but all it had done was bring her lazy and indulgent side out.
  566. > No, kindness and understanding wasn't what Floor Bored could expect from the people around her. At best she might get a chance, if Anon kept his word.
  567. > She would use it. The mare vowed it to herself! No more slacking around on the computer all day. She would get her life in order, find a paying job and then she would escape from the human if he wouldn't let her leave.
  568. > With a few meals in her and a good night's sleep, no human could stop her!
  569. > Why hadn't she done that in her old apartment? She could have looked for work any day in the past month.
  570. > Bad habits, Floor decided. It had been too easy to put it off. Most of the time her life was pretty comfortable. She hadn't felt the need to do anything until the day rent was due.
  571. > And even that hadn't been too bad until a couple of weeks ago, when Mr. Easton gave her the 'new terms'. It used to be just a bit of yelling and some demands. Her promises that she would try had been enough.
  572. > Well, a change of scenery might do her good. Sleeping on a couch would mean she had no real privacy. And with Anon around, she wouldn't feel inclined to spend most of her time with games or shitposting.
  573. > This would be the kick in the rump she needed.
  574. > Yes, Floor could imagine it.
  575. > A week, maybe two and she would tell Anon that she is moving away. His free 'pony rides' would stop, and if he didn't like that, he could get his ass kicked.
  576. > She would pack up her computer and the few clothes and go. Just how Floor might carry it all by herself didn't matter. She would think of something.
  577. > Maybe a cart or a trolley she could borrow. That would be the easy part.
  578. > Thinking about it gave the pony hope and she smiled a little to herself.
  579. > Not much longer. Soon, her misery would be over. And she wouldn't make the same mistakes again.
  580. > Of course she would keep doing all the fun things! Games and image boards and cartoons. She could still do all that. She'd just have to work for a few hours each day to get money in.
  581. > This time it would be different! Maybe she would even find a better job - one that would actually interest her!
  582. > And then she might finally get her cutie mark and put her life back on track!
  583. > The sweet images helped lull Floor to sleep.
  584. >...
  585. > Despite her intentions, the mare was out cold by the time, early in the morning, when the two reached their destination.
  586. > She didn't wake up as they drove into a city, nor when the car came to a stop and shut off. She lifted her head a little and gave Anon's arm a friendly, sleepy lick as he patted her.
  587. > "Time to wake up," the human said. He sounded about as frowsy as Floor felt. She managed to open her eyes.
  588. > The drive had been comfortable. Dark and warm and enveloped mostly by her own smell. The mare wished it could go on for a while longer.
  589. > But now was time to see her new home. Hopefully Anon was also tired and wouldn't demand her 'services' right away.
  590. > It was quite an effort to drag herself to her hooves and stretch a little. The blanket slid off and Floor sighed as it took most of the warmth with it.
  591. > The air was chilly this early in the morning.
  592. > "Come on, let's get you settled in, then I need some serious sleep. I work tonight, remember? I'm beat after all that driving."
  593. > It was a relief, but the pony was still nervous. It would be a difficult and uncomfortable few weeks with her new roommate.
  594. "Okay."
  595. > She climbed off and yawned again. Then she grabbed the blanket and draped it over her back. That solved the cold air problem, but there was still all her stuff to carry.
  596. > The trunk opened and the human grabbed her computer. At that point, Floor believed she could trust the man to carry it. If he really did intend to steal it, this would have been the most convoluted plan ever.
  597. "Here, give me the clothes."
  598. > It was like watching some other mare. The Floor Bored inside was nervous and apprehensive, but her voice sounded calm and steady. The confident mare she portrayed was a result of her mind still waking up and looking forward to more sleep.
  599. > And spending that long in the car, embraced by Anon's scent, helped her relax around the human.
  600. > Very soon they were both loaded down with things. They climbed the stairs of a small apartment building up to the first floor, where the human fiddled with the key.
  601. > Floor followed him inside and looked around her new home.
  602. > It wasn't bad, she decided. Maybe it was the dark, but the place looked almost cozy.
  603. > The front door opened into a short hallway, which led right into the living room. Off to one side was an old, fraying couch in front of a TV. In the other direction was a kitchen.
  604. > She glanced back through the hallway and quickly identified the bathroom door because it was slightly ajar and she could see the tiles. It looked reasonably clean.
  605. > Cleaner than hers, of course, but that wasn't a good comparison. Strip club toilets were cleaner than her old apartment.
  606. > There were two more doors, both closed. One had to be Anon's bedroom, but Floor couldn't imagine what was the other. Maybe storage, or some kind of work room.
  607. > She headed for the couch. With luck it would fold open, otherwise she would just have to squeeze a little. It would do for a week or two.
  608. "Okay, I'm going to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow."
  609. > It still sounded way more confident than she felt. But maybe that was a good thing. Her brain was still slightly addled from the nap, which probably gave her an edge.
  610. > "Uh, where are you going?" the human asked.
  611. > Her ears flopped down. So much for the self-assurance. It looked like the human would want something right away.
  612. > The mare sighed and sat down to wait for the command. Of course - gas wasn't cheap. It was time to pay for it.
  613. > "Your room is this way."
  614. > The human pushed open the second door while Floor twirled around in surprise.
  615. "My r-room!?"
  616. > She saw a bit of dark carpet and an edge of a bed. It didn't seem possible.
  617. "I thought the c-couch..."
  618. > Anon just looked at her strangely. "I told you I have an extra room. You can use it for as long as you need it."
  619. > Yeah, now that he mentioned it, Floor remembered that the human had indeed said it. But she had been so fixated on how much worse her life would get that she automatically assumed she would lose all privacy too.
  620. > With her own room, the stay with Anon might not be quite as bad. She couldn't help feeling gratitude.
  621. "Thank you!"
  622. > She went forward and hugged his legs. Then the pony blushed a little.
  623. "I guess I forgot..."
  624. > Anon just chuckled and patted her on the head. "No worries. I'll go grab the rest of the stuff. You go ahead and sleep. Or put something on TV if you aren't tired."
  625. > He left and she poked her head into the room. It wasn't big, but there was everything she would need.
  626. > The bed was a little high, but she could just jump on it. There was a desk with a swiveling chair, both human sized. She was used to it, so that wasn't a problem.
  627. > Even a closet with some drawers for her few clothes.
  628. > It smelled foreign and strange, but there was the blanket. The mare was still wrapped in its bit of familiarity.
  629. > She jumped on the bed, opting to put her computer together later. She considered climbing under the covers, but decided rather to simply curl up against the pillow and cover herself with the blanket.
  630. > A few minutes later, she heard the human come back and put the rest of her computer down in the hall. He probably thought he was being sneaky as he poked his head through the door and looked for her, but her superior pony ears detected him easily.
  631. > "Good night, Floor. We'll talk later."
  632. > About the terms of her payment, no doubt. The mare sighed and pushed the thought away.
  633. > It would wait for her.
  634. > The pony couldn't sleep. It was a new building, full of strange sounds and smells. For a while she thought it was because of Anon walking around, but he eventually retreated to his room and still she lay there awake!
  635. > Maybe it was because she was thirsty? She hadn't gotten anything to drink since they left her place.
  636. > Floor groaned a little and dragged herself out of the bed. A moment's listening told her that Anon was sleeping - snoring softly. That helped.
  637. > The mare went to the kitchen and pushed a chair as quietly as she could to the sink. It took her a moment to find the tap and figure out which way to turn it for cold. Then she lapped at the water until she was sated.
  638. > It made her feel better and Floor gratefully returned to her room. A brief wrangling of the blanket saw her wrapped up comfortably once again.
  639. > This time she managed to drift off.
  640. >...
  641. > The sleeping pony was startled awake by a hand on her barrel. She jerked away from it with a small hiss, and scrambled away.
  642. > "Hey, sorry! Easy, I didn't mean to scare you!" Anon said quickly and pulled his hands to himself. Where he should have kept them!
  643. > The mare glared at him with wild eyes, breathing heavily. It took her some time to relax a little.
  644. "Don't *do* that! Ever heard of knocking?!"
  645. > The human looked sheepish. "Sorry. I'm kinda in a hurry."
  646. > She saw that the room was filled with light. The sun was setting outside her window.
  647. "Wait, I slept all day?!"
  648. > Anon grinned. "So did I. Don't worry about it. Get yourself something to eat. I'll hit the store on my way back. Any wishes?"
  649. > He had already stood up and was eyeing the door nervously. It seemed he really was in a hurry.
  650. > Floor looked around as she thought about food and her eyes landed on the bare desk. Where her computer would go.
  651. "Internet!"
  652. > "Oh, right! I don't think your computer has Wi-Fi. I'll get a card for you."
  653. > That was more important than mere food, actually. But Floor didn't say it. She was too aware of his scent. The perfumes were gone, except for a slight stink of soap. Anon had showered and possibly shaved, all somehow without waking her up.
  654. > Either he had very thick walls, or the pony had slept much more deeply than usual. Hopefully it was the former.
  655. > Why had she thought that?! Now wasn't the time to imagine Anon listening in on her masturbating!
  656. > She turned her face away to hide the blush.
  657. "T-thanks. What should I d-do?"
  658. > Hopefully it wouldn't be housework! She couldn't abide housework. 'Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease,' Floor thought fervently.
  659. > "Nothing, really. Check the fridge if you're hungry and just relax. You've been through hell. We'll talk when I'm back in the morning," the human said soothingly.
  660. > Why was he being so nice?! It didn't make sense. If he wanted her rump, he had the mare in the apartment and she owed him! It'd be a lot less effort for the man to just demand it, rather than coax it out of her.
  661. > She stayed silent, so as not to give him any ideas. No quickies before work.
  662. > "Anyway, see you then!" he said and left.
  663. > Floor listened until the footsteps faded even from hear hearing. Then she relaxed a little.
  664. > Why was it so confusing?! She wanted it from him and feared it, both at the same time! How was it possible to be turned on and utterly revolted, both at once?
  665. > And the mixture of trust and suspicion. When he talked with her, the mare felt she could believe this human. Her heart said he wouldn't hurt her.
  666. > But her brain said it was impossible. *Nopony* wanted to be friends with a filthy little whore like Floor Bored! No one could be that altruistic!
  667. > She kept trying to find Anon's ulterior motive, but all she could think up was sex.
  668. > Even her thoughts were illogical. The mare knew she wasn't cute, or desirable, or hot. Why would Anon want it, then?
  669. > He didn't seem like a loser. Good looking, with a place of his own and making decent money. He washed and groomed himself a lot better than Floor. And he was likable enough, Floor knew that from their time playing games together. He was a lot better at talking with people than she was!
  670. > In fact, he was probably constantly fending off girls!
  671. > It was a question she couldn't solve, not yet. For now, the mare decided to put it aside and make the best of the situation.
  672. > Now that the initial fright was over, she stretched luxuriously. The bed was much more comfortable than she was used to and she had slept quite well.
  673. > Memory of the past twenty-four hours came rushing back and the mare froze in shock. She wasn't at home anymore! It was Anon's apartment. It was just now sinking in!
  674. > A single, crazy, unthinking day earlier the pony had accepted to move in with this crazy human. And now she was here.
  675. > But Floor was refreshed and optimistic. Or would be - just as soon as she did something about the over-bright sun. She clambered out of the bed and stretched again until her back popped.
  676. > Then the mare made her way the to window and pulled the curtains shut. They were orange and bathed the room in a peculiar light, but it was much easier on the eyes. She was used to dark and this, Floor felt, was an acceptable compromise.
  677. > She couldn't help spotting the empty table. That was right! Her computer was still out in the hallway!
  678. > But there was something even more urgent to do. The water from earlier had returned with a vengeance and threatened to explode out of her.
  679. > As the grogginess of sleep faded away, the pressure in her bladder seemed to intensify.
  680. > Well, nothing for it. She had seen the bathroom when she and Anon first entered the flat. Luckily, what she needed was right across the hall. She had to rear up on her hind legs to reach the switch, but after months in the human world, Floor was used to that.
  681. > She hit the light and went in. Then the pony stopped.
  682. > All the smells hit her at once.
  683. > A tinge of the acrid cleaning detergents was the easiest to ignore. There was also the remnant of Anon's cologne and deodorant - the same ones which nearly suffocated her the last day. Diluted, like they were now, made them almost pleasant.
  684. > Floor couldn't help but remember those arms encircling her and helping her to shut out the world. It drew out a little whimper of desire. What she wouldn't give to have that, for real!
  685. > But mostly she smelled Anon. Just the human, without any extra adornments. It was a little musky, a little sweaty and very, very... masculine. And above it all - a faint scent of urine.
  686. "Eep!"
  687. > She tried to keep quiet. Floor hadn't been prepared for it, not in the slightest. Before she realized what was happening, she felt an involuntary twinge down low in her belly.
  688. > No, it was wrong! Not now, not this! She hadn't even decided if she liked Anon, how could she have the hots for him so quickly?!
  689. > The pony folded her ears down and closed her eyes, trying to push the images from her mind. It was the smell!
  690. > It somehow got hardwired straight to her groin, without the intervention of her brain! Which was impossible! Anon smelled nothing like a stallion and everything like a human! It shouldn't have this effect on her!
  691. > A tiny, little, sneaky thought said that this way, at least paying him would be easier. But the mare relentlessly crushed it.
  692. > She had dreamed for *years* about a shimmering white stallion. About romance, and love. And marriage! Life in Equestria. A family! Daydreams upon daydreams!
  693. > This, now, was just a base urge! It wasn't what she wanted at all!
  694. > And especially not after Mr. Easton!
  695. > The pony sat and put her head in her hooves.
  696. > She was seriously messed up in the brain. Barely a day after... what that bastard had done to her, and already she was fantasizing about it. With another human!
  697. > The shame of it made her sob uncontrollably. For a while, that was all she could do, but then her bladder made itself known again.
  698. > At long last Floor dragged herself to the toilet. It wasn't as tall as her old one, so she was able to sit on it more easily.
  699. > Suddenly she wanted nothing to do with Anon, or this new place. Maybe she should just leave everything and go?
  700. > There was no way to escape with her computer, but at least Floor Bored could get out with her life and what was left of her sanity.
  701. > Eat whatever she could from the kitchen, drink a little, then make a run for it?
  702. > If she went to a police station, maybe they would help her get in contact with a pony embassy nearby. Equestrians would surely help her get home.
  703. > And then she would have to explain to her parents how right they were. What a screwup she was. What had happened...
  704. > That brought out fresh tears and the pony fiercely shook her head.
  705. > Out of the question!
  706. > She would just have to deal with her stupid, confused body! And with her stupid human roommate!
  707. > Briskly finishing her business, the mare twisted around and flushed it. The handle was a little easier to operate with a hoof, so she didn't have to stand over the bowl.
  708. > Small blessings, right?
  709. > She jumped back down to the tiles and heaved a sigh. Maybe she should be trying to turn her life around, rather than wallow in misery and confusion? Floor looked at the shower, but shook her head. Not yet. Not today.
  710. > In her messed up state, she would probably end up masturbating to the scent in there.
  711. > Floor wondered what that would do to her mental health.
  712. > For now, she just got out of the bathroom as quickly as she could and slipped back into her room. At least that didn't smell too much of Anon.
  713. > The pony needed a distraction. Something else to do, unrelated with Anon, or with sex or with the future!
  714. > The computer! She had walked past it a few times, not really noticing out in the hallway. But it was hers. The only thing in the world which hadn't betrayed her yet.
  715. > With an effort of will, she wrenched her mind away from the despair which was creeping up on her. Think positive! None of that misery and self-loathing stuff anymore!
  716. > Floor went to check. She had pushed door closed behind her in an effort to escape the smell, but it was still ajar. She nudged it fully open with her muzzle. And there it was - her crappy machine, which was all she had. Nothing seemed to be missing at first glance.
  717. > It boded well for her stay there. At least Anon wasn't a thief! Floor managed a small smile and began to drag the pieces into the room to set them up on the desk.
  718. > Getting everything hooked up was a bit tricky. The mare had to climb on her chair and then onto the table, so she could reach all the connectors on the back side.
  719. > It still only took her ten minutes, even with having to plug most of the cables in with her mouth. She really *should* have a cutie mark for putting computers together! It wasn't fair!
  720. > Power was easy - the wall socket was right under the desk. A few moments later the pony pushed the button and the computer began to whir.
  721. > It was a tense couple of seconds as the mare waited to see if everything would work. But when the screen flickered to life she began to breathe again.
  722. > Good. It hadn't broken during the car ride.
  723. > Now all she needed was Internet. That was going to be tricky without Anon.
  724. > Floor Bored shrugged to herself and jumped down from the chair. The human had promised her Wi-Fi, but that wouldn't happen until he came from work. Probably next morning.
  725. > Her stomach growled and the mare frowned a little.
  726. > At least she could check the fridge by herself. She didn't need help to eat something. It was true that the food belonged to Anon, but he had said to go ahead.
  727. > In any case, he would get his payment later. With her newfound optimism, the pony didn't find the thought so onerous anymore. Maybe she was getting used to the idea.
  728. > And having met Anon, she was starting to think that it might actually be pleasurable. She had fantasized about it often enough. Not with a human, of course, but still...
  729. > She'd had a lot of time to imagine it while the other, prettier fillies were out doing it.
  730. > Besides, if her reaction to the bathroom was any indication, she wouldn't mind Anon on her back nearly as much as she had Mr. Easton. One good whiff of him, and...
  731. > But first - food. She hadn't eaten since the bit of foliage from the neighbor's window the other day, so the pony was famished.
  732. > She quickly made her way to the kitchen and inspected the cupboards, opening a few she could reach from the floor.
  733. > They were all just dishes and cutlery and cleaning supplies. Floor sighed with disappointment and wondered if Anon would be open to rearranging things a little. Even the fridge was too high for her!
  734. > The mare pushed a chair over and jumped on. She looked up, but the overhead cupboards were definitely out of reach. All she could do was rummage in the refrigerator.
  735. > It would do.
  736. > She opened it and stuck her head inside for an inspection.
  737. > The sight was strangely calming. Yes there was some food in there, but she could see a few bits of cheese which were starting to mold and an empty bottle of soda. Something in a bag that looked like carrots, which were obviously going bad.
  738. > Anon wasn't some obsessive neat freak. He also forgot stuff until it spoiled. It was good to know.
  739. > Floor didn't mind cleaning up her act a little, but it was a relief to see she wouldn't have to go to extremes. There had to be a happy middle between wading through trash and scrubbing the floor twice a day!
  740. > There was a plastic box with meat products and the mare kept well away from that. It stank mightily. She'd guess it was rotten, but to her all meat smelled like that. Not to mention it contaminated everything else nearby with the awful stink.
  741. > Luckily, there was a package of cheese slices which hadn't been opened yet. She also took out a bottle fruit yogurt to wash it down.
  742. > Briefly Floor considered cooking, but it seemed like a hassle when she didn't know where everything was.
  743. > A light snack would do for a start. After another glance around, she checked the bag with carrots again. One of them was still probably edible, so she picked that up too. She'd had worse.
  744. > Glancing speculatively up at the high table, the mare decided against it and took her treasures back to her room instead. She dropped the things on the desk, then went to fetch the blanket from her bed and draped it over the chair.
  745. > Soon, it would feel just like home.
  746. > Before she opened the cheese package, the mare clicked through her computer and found a cartoon.
  747. > She could have some fun even without being online. And she always preferred watching something while she ate.
  748. > The food was gone almost before she knew it and the pony settled back with a satisfied sigh.
  749. > All she had to do now was wait for Anon.
  750. > She had plenty of cartoons and a movie she had been meaning to see. Maybe it was a good time for it?
  751. >...
  752. > The day passed away, much more slowly than she was used to. Pretty soon Floor Bored was sick of shows and cartoons and movies couldn't capture her imagination anymore.
  753. > It was that peculiar state of boredom she knew so well. The kind where she didn't feel like doing anything at all.
  754. > In a way it was a relief that she couldn't get online. She knew she should start looking for a job, but the pony felt too lazy to really make an attempt. Not being able to do it was a perfectly valid excuse! It saved her from feeling guilty about it.
  755. > Much better to rest a little and go at it with a clear head, once she knew what Anon wanted from her.
  756. > Even if it was sex, it would still be better than Mr. Easton with his beer belly and stinking twig cock.
  757. > Floor told herself that, but it was still a bad thought. She explored anyway it with a kind of morbid fascination, like poking a dead animal with a stick.
  758. > Selling her ugly plot for room and board. At least it was *some* kind of work.
  759. > Maybe she would get a cutie mark in prostitution. At least it'd be *something*!
  760. > It wasn't a pleasant conclusion, but it was enough for now. She was still messed up, Floor Bored knew this, but she'd work through it on her own. In time.
  761. > So there it was. An empty apartment, a new roommate and an uncertain future.
  762. > Was it her second chance on Earth? Or a start of something horrible?
  763. > The mare walked out of her room and looked around. Her rudimentary breakfast had been quite some time ago, so she was hungry again. It was a familiar feeling, but now there was something she could do about it.
  764. > She passed the bathroom and glanced inside.
  765. > Maybe a shower, or just breakfast?
  766. > Nah, Floor decided. Water could wait. Maybe she could even delay it another day or two, so that her room stopped smelling of Anon's chemical detergent and fabric softener, and took on more of her personal aroma.
  767. > It would make her more at ease.
  768. > Besides, Anon probably didn't have any shampoo she could use. The human stuff nearly made her throw up. And imported pony stuff was expensive. Why did the people of Earth have to pump everything full of chemicals?!
  769. > Besides, she didn't mind her own smell and if Anon did, then maybe he wouldn't want 'paying the rent' that often. Or he'd buy her toiletries. A win-win for Floor.
  770. > That decided, the mare went to the kitchen. Again she had to push a chair closer so she could rummage in the fridge.
  771. > There was a carton of milk which didn't smell rotten. Presumably Anon also had cereal to go with it, somewhere. Floor gazed up at the overhead cupboards speculatively.
  772. > Maybe if she stood with one hoof on the chair backrest and the other on the counter...
  773. > It took a bit of balancing, but the pony managed it without falling. She could just reach high enough to open cupboards and peer inside.
  774. > Jackpot! Corn flakes!
  775. > A bit of effort later, she managed to nudge it over and topple the box to the floor. It broke open and spilled its crunchy yellow goodness, but Floor didn't mind.
  776. > The tiles in the kitchen looked clean enough to eat off. She jumped down and poked around until she found a likely-looking bowl. The few flakes which had ended up scattered around, she just licked up and crunched in her mouth. They were still delicious, even dry!
  777. > Then it was just a matter of pouring the cereal and the milk and finding a spoon. She left the box on the counter in case she wanted more later, and returned to her room.
  778. > The yogurt bottle and the plastic packaging from the cheese were still on her desk, so Floor just moved them aside. She'd clean it up later.
  779. > She was feeling happier now that she was alone. Anon had a job, which took him out of the apartment for hours each day, so this arrangement could work out quite nicely! She wouldn't have to give up *all* of her privacy.
  780. > The mare put on an episode of something she picked at random. It didn't really matter what, just so long as it was something to watch while she ate.
  781. > In a few minutes she would need to use the toilet again, which meant going *in there*. But she was sure she could handle it.
  782. > The smell had just surprised her the first time, that was all. It was too strong right after the human showered. She'd just have to use the bathroom before him in the future.
  783. > Shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth, the pony began to feel like life was livable again.
  785. >~~~~
  787. > The human was knocking on her door. "Floor? You in there?"
  788. > It woke her up and the pony disentangled herself from the blanket. She looked around blearily.
  789. > Even without Internet she had been on her computer well past midnight and had only dragged herself to the bed barely in time before she fell asleep on the chair.
  790. > Now it was day again and her room wasn't too bright. Thank you curtains!
  791. > And it sounded like Anon was back from his work.
  792. > It was probably time to pay the rent. The mare sighed and let her ears droop in misery.
  793. "Yeah, c-come in."
  794. > The door opened and her roommate entered, looking tired, but pleased with himself. He had a triangular piece of cardboard in his hand.
  795. > She scented the aroma immediately and perked up.
  796. "Pizza?! You got me pizza?"
  797. > Exhaustion didn't prevent Anon from smiling. "Yup. Here."
  798. > He was kind enough to drop it on the edge of the bed. She looked from the tantalising morsel up to his face. Again she tried to work out his motivation.
  799. > Was he just trying to butter her up? Why?
  800. > Too late Floor realized that her damnable ears were giving her away. The human frowned a little. "What? Something wrong? It's just plain cheese. I'll get something else next time if you tell me what you like."
  801. > Oh no, he was getting annoyed!
  802. "N-no, it's not th-that! It's fine!"
  803. > To prove her words, the mare chomped down. It was just as delicious as it smelled and she couldn't stop herself from gobbling it all in the space of a few seconds.
  804. > The human reached out a hand, but paused when she shrank away.
  805. > "Oh! Sorry, sorry! I don't mean to do it, but there's just-" he mumbled, but then he stopped and looked away. The hand fell back down.
  806. > Floor Bored stayed silent, unsure what to make of it.
  807. > "Anyway, I got you this as well," Anon said and pulled a small box from his pocket. Her eyes widened with pleased surprise.
  808. "Wi-Fi dongle?! Thanks!"
  809. > "You can install it yourself?" Anon asked. The mare nearly rolled her eyes. It was a USB dongle. Simplicity itself! There was also a piece of paper stuck to the box and it had a bunch of letters and numbers. The man saw her looking. "That's the password."
  810. "I can handle it."
  811. > It was a human phrase, but the pony liked it. It was just so much smoother than 'I've got it in hoof.'
  812. > "Good. I know I promised we'd talk, but I'm beat. You wouldn't mind too much if I just went to bed for a few hours?"
  813. > Still no demand. It was starting to worry Floor. She shook her head a little uncertainly.
  814. > Maybe it would be best just to get it over? At least then she'd know what to expect. But the pony was chickenshit and didn't have the guts. She'd try to avoid it for as long as she could and so she lowered her gaze and made herself look small.
  815. > "Oh, take the dishes to the sink. I'll wash them later," Anon said, spotting all the stuff on her desk. "And I've brought more food. Just take whatever you like."
  816. > Floor managed a nod.
  817. > The human stood there for a while in silence. After about a minute, the pony looked up fearfully. His face was serious and her ears went instantly flat.
  818. > Was he expecting her to offer? Should she join him in his bed? She wasn't going to suggest it, but Floor really didn't want to make Anon angry.
  819. > She was split with indecision. Maybe if she went into the bathroom again and took a good, long whiff it would be easier?
  820. > "Look, Floor," the human said at long last. The mare mentally prepared herself for the demand.
  821. > "You've been through some rough shit. I won't pretend I can imagine what it's like. So..." he began, then fell silent as he lost his train of thought.
  822. > After a few seconds the man went on: "Hell, I don't even know what to say. I guess what I mean is that if you need to talk about it, I'll be here, okay?"
  823. > Talk? Could it be that the human only wanted a bit of companionship? Or would he insist that she get a job and pay him money?
  824. > Maybe this wasn't about sex?
  825. > It'd make sense, Floor thought. Ugly piece of rump like hers, of course it wouldn't be appetizing to anyone, least of all a human.
  826. "T-talk?"
  827. > "Yeah," Anon said gently, "just talk. Whenever you like. About anything."
  828. "L-like what?"
  829. > He laughed a little and shrugged. "Don't know. Whatever. Or we could play some games, like we used to. Or watch movies. Just-" again he paused to collect his words. "Just take however long you need."
  830. > Yes, it would probably be money.
  831. "H-how much. Uh, cash. How m-much cash?"
  832. > The question confused him. "What? Cash for what?"
  833. > Floor pressed her lips together in annoyance. Now he was playing dumb, just to rile her!
  834. "How much for me l-living here?"
  835. > His face split into a grin with realization, then he laughed and waved his hand dismissively in the air. "Oh, don't worry about that. You don't owe me a thing. I make enough. Just focus on getting better, okay?"
  836. > It didn't make a lot of sense. In her experiences with humans, Floor had found that they always wanted something in return.
  837. > Even ponies, who were often lauded as altruistic and nice, had always wanted payment from someone like Floor. Maybe the pretty mares got stuff for free, but not her!
  838. > Still, there wasn't much to do about it. At least she could make the best of the situation and enjoy the amenities until she got 'the bill'.
  839. "Thanks."
  840. > Again she saw his hand twitch toward her, but the human stopped himself before petting her. Instead, he pointed at her blanket. "Do you want me to wash that?"
  841. > She clutched it tightly to her chest. The only familiar scent and he would soak it in that horrible chemical cocktail?!
  842. "NO! P-please, n-n..."
  843. > Her voice faltered, but it was enough. The man took a step away, surprised by her vehemence. "Okay, okay. No problem. We can leave it for a while. We'll talk about it another time."
  844. > He would insist! Floor had to fight to keep tears our of her eyes. He wanted her surrounded by foreign and weird smells. He didn't want her to have something familiar which smelled of her.
  845. > The human was marking her as his, no doubt about it.
  846. > Her next thought stunned the mare: Would it really be so bad?
  847. > If she could get a promise out of Anon that he'd keep her around forever and not just throw her on the street when he got tired.
  848. > How much would she suffer, really?
  849. > A cock up her a few times a week, yes. But that could be pleasant, if she had a minute or two to prepare herself. And on the other hoof - she would finally belong.
  850. > Maybe - once Anon got a human wife - she'd be allowed to stay with them. Not much more than a pet, but it would be a home and a purpose.
  851. > Which would be a lot more than what she had now!
  852. > Her mouth fell open, but the pony quickly caught herself.
  853. "G-good night!"
  854. > The human took the hint and left, while Floor sat there in silence and tried to wrap her mind around the idea.
  855. > She wouldn't have to worry about the rent. Or food. *Probably* Anon would make her clean the place, but from what she had seen, the human wasn't too hung up on 'neat'.
  856. > She could get away with sloppy work.
  857. > It was a possibility she had never imagined! Maybe - did she dare hope? - in time, as her frame filled out a little and if she found something useful to do with her horrible mane and tail...
  858. > And if she could find a pleasant perfume that didn't make her want to puke...
  859. > Perhaps the pony could bring herself from 'absolutely disgusting' to 'passable'? Maybe even 'acceptable'?
  860. > Was it possible to actually make Anon like her and then just keep clinging to him?
  861. > Of course he'd never love her, but maybe he could get used to her?
  862. > Floor didn't enjoy thinking about it. It would make her little more than a whore. But she was that already. And it would be a somewhat higher class of whore.
  863. > The pony made a tentative decision:
  864. "Let's call it p-plan B..."
  865. > If her job hunt failed utterly and she still couldn't find a cutie mark, she would consider it again.
  866. > And in the meantime, whatever Anon wanted from her, she'd just close her eyes, pretend it wasn't happening and endure. It'd be like payment. And the place was much nicer than Mr. Easton's little shithole. Plus this human included food and utilities in the price.
  867. > She swiveled her ears around when she heard Anon step into the shower. Moments later there was the splashing of water.
  868. > Why was it so different to imagine humans without clothes?! Her hoof crept toward her belly and the mare didn't realize what she was doing until the touch made her gasp a little.
  869. > Already there was a wet drop on the blanket. She jerked her foreleg away.
  870. > It was messed up! She was wrong in the head to even think about it. Doing it to the sound of her rapist showering!
  871. > Well, probable rapist. Or maybe should could think of him as a customer, instead. That made it sound a lot less bad.
  872. > Plus... on the other hoof, it would help with the awful smell of Anon's blankets and sheets. The chemical softeners and washing powders that tickled her nose and filled her head with disgust.
  873. > Her resolve weakened and the pony cried a little as her hoof crept back down there.
  874. >...
  875. > Floor Bored was in the middle of a video when the knock came again. She realized it was late afternoon, which probably meant the human had slept and woken up.
  876. > She didn't particularly want to speak with Anon, but she didn't want to antagonize him too much. It was his place, after all.
  877. "Come in."
  878. > Maybe he would take a hint from her headphones and leave her alone? She glanced back as the door opened, but there was no suck luck. The man just strode into the room and stopped behind her.
  879. > "Uh, it's a little stuffy in here," he commented. Despite her ears being covered, Floor heard him perfectly. Her gaze darted at the bed, where the damp patch was barely visible as it dried.
  880. > She couldn't think of anything to say. Instead, the human leaned over her and picked up the bowl and the yogurt bottle from her desk. "Here, lemme just take these."
  881. > The pony put her hooves protectively around the keyboard, but relaxed when she saw what he was after.
  882. > "So..." Anon said a little uncertainly.
  883. > Here it came! The demands! Floor lowered her eyes to the carpet and tried to prepare herself.
  884. > "You can use the bathroom, you know? Maybe take a shower and so on?" the man suggested. It wasn't what she had expected him to say, so the mare looked up in surprise.
  885. > It took her a second to switch the train of thought. Maybe he didn't like her smell and wanted her drenched in the awful, stinky crap he used?
  886. > The mare gulped and her eyes slid away from his face.
  887. "C-can't..."
  888. > "Huh? Why not?"
  889. "The sh-shampoo. Stinks of c-chemicals..."
  890. > She saw from the corner of her eye that Anon smiled in relief. "Oh, that! No problem, I'll go to a pony specialized store and get something better, okay? Need anything else? Toothbrush? Soap?"
  891. > Floor caught herself before shaking her head. She had found it was much easier to simply skip the constant brushing each night. Maybe her breath smelled bad, but who was there to care?
  892. > But she realized stuff like that was deeply disgusting to most other ponies and humans. She gave Anon a guilty nod.
  893. "Y-yes please..."
  894. > She glanced longingly at her screen, wishing that Anon would go away and leave her to it. She was *going* to look for a job, right after the playlist! Or, maybe she could start tomorrow after Anon was gone.
  895. > The pony just couldn't focus with the human in the apartment. She kept expecting him to barge into her room and rape her. How could anyone concentrate on finding a job with that threat hanging over them?!
  896. > She didn't say it out loud, though.
  897. > "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like dinner. Maybe some spaghetti and a movie?"
  898. > She wanted it! Oh, how tasty that sounded! Even her stomach growled a little as Floor imagined the noodley, steamy, tomato-ey, cheesy goodness!
  899. > The mare remembered that she had told Anon about her favourite type of food while they gamed in the past. She normally went for cup noodles, because they were just so easy to make. Of course, that was back when she still had some money.
  900. > But she was worried about the other part of his proposal. Movie. Watching of. On the couch. With Anon.
  901. > It sounded romantic. Just like she imagined from the few movies she'd seen.
  902. > The way it would always go was with the human filly and colt in question sitting on the couch, side by side. The movie was there to distract, so they didn't have to talk to each other. And then, slowly, the colt would put a leg - it was called an 'arm' for humans - around the filly.
  903. > Floor wasn't entirely sure how that was done. The filly would be very much aware of it happening. Maybe the trick was to pretend you hadn't noticed?
  904. > It would lead to nuzzling, of course. And then maybe kisses. And quite often... something else.
  905. > Anon was probably trying to do the same thing. Maybe he wanted to ease her in?
  906. > Perhaps being 'eased in' would be good? This way she could pretend the whole way that it was what she wanted.
  907. > Her expression must have said it all, because the human lost his smile. Floor's ears tried to fold down, but she still had the headphones. A small blessing, that.
  908. > Here it came! The demand! No more Mr. nice colt!
  909. > "Well, you don't have to watch a movie. I'll let you know when food's ready," Anon said.
  910. > The pony just stared, unsure if she had heard right.
  911. "Can I e-eat it here?"
  912. > Might as well push her luck as far as it would go. Put off contact for as long as she could.
  913. > Anon shrugged a little. "Sure. It'll be about half an hour. I'll knock."
  914. > Just like that the human left! Floor Bored stared after him in confusion. She wasn't entirely sure what had happened there.
  915. > The human offered her a nicer way to 'pay her debt', but she had refused. And instead of insisting, or just demanding it, he gave in.
  916. > And now he would even cook her a meal! Which she could eat by herself in her room. Without the prying human eyes watching her and making her uncomfortable.
  917. > And - she almost forgot - Anon would go and buy her pony toiletries!
  918. > Was it actually possible that the human was just nice to her?!
  919. > Well, if he was or wasn't, she would undoubtedly find out soon, for sure. Right now, she had another evening of not being molested. Then, later, Anon would leave for work, which meant she would be alone with her computer, which Floor liked just fine.
  920. > If she went to sleep before Anon returned, maybe he wouldn't bother her, and then he, himself, would be in bed.
  921. > With a bit of luck she could keep from talking with him for most of the day!
  922. > At least until she got settled in some more, or until Anon demanded some payment. But Floor was fine with the status quo lasting for as long as possible.
  923. > Just fine.
  925. >~~~~
  927. > It had been *days* and Anon hadn't pressured her. For anything.
  928. > Floor Bored wasn't quite certain how she felt about this.
  929. > On the one hoof, being left alone, having her meals prepared and no bills to pay was nice. It allowed her to really relax and catch up on a few games she had been meaning to look at.
  930. > She also watched a few cartoon series and read a little. All of life's little pleasures.
  931. > In a small way, the mare even began to put her life back together.
  932. > But on the other hoof, there had to be *something*. Sooner or later, Anon would want something from her. The uncertainty was making it hard to concentrate on anything productive.
  933. > She still hadn't started looking for work. Nor had she done anything much about her personal hygiene.
  934. > The latter was completely understandable. The mare was surrounded by new things and foreign smells. Until she was a little more sure about her room an the apartment in general, she wanted to hold on to her natural musk.
  935. > It was the only thing that was really familiar. Without it, Floor wasn't certain she would be able to sleep at all.
  936. > The human had asked her, several times, if she wanted him to wash her blanket, but the pony had staunchly refused.
  937. > In a while, she promised, with no real intention to keep her word. Eventually she *would* wash it herself, just... not yet.
  938. > She also managed to avoid Anon as much as possible. She arranged her sleep schedule to be out cold when he came from work, or when he was getting ready to go.
  939. > Each day he knocked and she hesitantly invited him in. But all he did was say hello and maybe clean up a plate or a bowl from her desk.
  940. > Floor was incredibly grateful for the privacy and she would have to thank her roommate. Once she figured out how exactly.
  941. > The strangest things of all was that they still sometimes played games together. If the human couldn't sleep when he came from work, or woke up earlier in the afternoon, he would occasionally log on, click her over chat and they would team up for a round or two.
  942. > It almost, *almost*, felt like the old times. Except now Anon was in the next room, rather than half a continent away.
  943. > Still, the pony knew it couldn't continue. Her room was more and more a mess, even she was aware of it. Her smell, while infinitely calming and comforting to her, would soon start bothering her roommate. Mr. Easton had even commented upon it and he only visited once a week to collect his rent.
  944. > She *would* have to clean up her act. She *would* have to look for employment. Start holding up her share of the load.
  945. > Either that, or she would have to lift her tail for Anon.
  946. > Right now, Floor couldn't quite decide between the two.
  947. > Not being molested for a week helped her disposition and she was nearly over what her bastard landlord had done.
  948. > Nearly.
  949. > She was probably fooling herself, but if the mare didn't think too hard about it, she felt fine. If she didn't remember, she was almost back to her old self.
  950. > Which meant she was fantasizing a lot. And with it came the 'hoofwork. The strange thing was that Anon had replaced the stallions she usually imagined.
  951. > She could normally keep from doing it while the human was in the apartment. But she went at it when he was gone.
  952. > And a few times while he was in the shower. Once - the mere memory made the mare blush vividly - she had sidled up to the bathroom door, which was ajar, and took a deep sniff through the crack.
  953. > She had done it before the human slathered all the shampoo on himself, so what she got most was a whiff of *him*. The 'male' scent.
  954. > It got her so worked up that she had to hurry back to her room and do it, right there and then.
  955. > Luckily, she could hardly ever stand to look her roommate into the eyes, otherwise her avoiding his gaze when he came to say bye a little later would have been really awkward.
  956. > And, even more fortunately, she had remembered to crack a window, so Anon hadn't smelled anything.
  957. > Human noses weren't as acute. He probably wouldn't be able to tell what she had been doing, but he might have noticed the strong odor of her... essences.
  958. > Maybe he would have stepped up his demands for her to clean up the room.
  959. > It wasn't something she wanted to risk.
  960. > And so, life for Floor Bored was slowly settling into the new routine. There was only one plight on her existence.
  961. > The toilet.
  962. > However hard she tried, she couldn't quite get used to the scent around it.
  963. > A few times she went just after Anon took his shower, hoping the soap and the perfume would mask it.
  964. > But it didn't. The only thing Floor could do was plop her ass on the seat as soon as she poked her muzzle in the room. That way she didn't leave puddles on the tiles.
  965. > She managed to convince Anon to keep the door to the bathroom always closed and the small window always cracked open, but it didn't help much.
  966. > If Floor wanted to shower, she would need nose plugs.
  967. > And the worst part of it was that she couldn't really talk to her roommate about it.
  968. > What was she supposed to say? 'The smell of your dick around the toilet really turns me on. What should we do about it?'
  969. > He'd either laugh, or demand her 'payment' right there and then.
  970. > She found a half-workable solution, but she wasn't entirely happy about it.
  971. > Plastic bottles. The orange juice Anon bought for her came in bottles with wider necks than the normal sort. They fitted her *almost* perfectly.
  972. > If she was careful, she didn't spill more than a drop or two. Then she screwed the cap back on, and stashed it under her bed.
  973. > The way things were going, she would only have to empty them about once a week, when Anon wasn't home of course.
  974. > And she could use the kitchen sink for it. If she poured enough water after... her stuff, there shouldn't be any mess or smell left, right?
  975. > It wasn't perfect, but it helped. It meant she didn't have to leave the room when her roommate was around and she didn't have to go crazy each time she went to take a piss.
  976. > Maybe if Anon scrubbed down the entire bathroom really good it wouldn't hit her so much. Or maybe if they finally started *doing it*, the urge would lessen. If she started sleeping in his bed, she could acclimate.
  977. > As it was, the bottles were the best she could do and Floor went with them.
  978. > Luckily, ever since that first day, the human *always* knocked and never barged into her room without an invitation.
  979. > He was really kinda sweet. Floor decided she liked him for it. Maybe, in time, she'd consider him a friend. Or more.
  980. > If his ultimate demands weren't too bad, of course. But for now Anon was acting like a true gentlecolt.
  981. > As she considered all this, Floor Bored was sprawled on her back on her bed, listening to some of her favourite music. The cord for her headphones was just long enough if she lay with her head toward the computer.
  982. > Like always, her blanket was under her, adding that extra touch of softness and 'home'.
  983. > It was nearly time for Anon to come in from work, so the mare had ended her gaming and was getting ready for bed.
  984. > Despite the loud music, she still heard the jingle of keys and the opening of the front door. And Anon's footsteps inside.
  985. > He was probably tired, like most days. He would use the toilet quickly, poke his head in to say hi, then go to bed.
  986. > She pulled the headset off in preparation.
  987. > Exactly as she had guessed. Footsteps into the bathroom. Splashing, which made her wink involuntarily and tuck her tail against herself to hide it.
  988. > Soon after that the flush, then more footsteps. A crinkle of a paper bag - that was unusual, but not overly so. Probably Anon had just bought some fresh produce.
  989. > He really did keep the fridge well stocked and Floor would have to find a way to say thanks for *that* too.
  990. > One of these days.
  991. > Then, yes of course, the knock.
  992. "Come in."
  993. > The door opened slowly and the pony saw that her roommate still had the bag in his hands. Did he bring her some fruit?
  994. > She was eating a lot more healthily than back when she lived by herself. Of course she kept asking for pizza and spaghetti and lasagna and other good stuff. More often than not Anon obliged and Floor was learning he was a really good cook.
  995. > But there was usually some fruit or veggies in the fridge for when she was alone. The mare didn't want to try her hoof at cooking at all, so she stuck with that. It was simpler than boiling or baking or frying or whatever you had to do.
  996. > But no, this time it wasn't fruit! The curiosity made Floor perk up her ears and lift her head to see better.
  997. > "Here, I know how much you love that sweater of yours, so I got you this to try on," the human said and pulled a piece of fabric from the bag.
  998. > It was black, which Floor approved. It matched her mane and tail. It looked like another sweater, but then she saw that it wasn't.
  999. > It was a-
  1000. "Hoodie?!"
  1001. > Suddenly, the pony itched to try it on. Anon saw her expression and unfolded it. Then he found the sleeves and held the fabric open for her.
  1002. > Floor happily slid her hooves inside. The human brushed against her fur as he pulled it over her head, but she didn't mind that. It wasn't an unsolicited touch, something else she had made very clear to the man.
  1003. > She shrugged a little and moved her legs around to shift the fabric, until it was-
  1004. "It fits! It's perfect! How?"
  1005. > The human laughed pleasantly. "Went to a pony specialized shop. You like it?"
  1006. > She couldn't help smiling brightly at the human. So *that* was why it was so comfortable. And now that she thought about it, the fabric didn't stink of human chemicals either! It was made by ponies, so obviously it was easy on the nose!
  1007. > She quickly reached up and pulled the hood over her head. It was like another little barrier between the ugly, uncomfortable, prying world and herself. The fabric was a little longer than strictly necessary, so it nicely shaded her eyes and face. It limited her view a little, but that made it even better!
  1008. "I love it! Thanks, Anon!"
  1009. > Before she really had time to think, she was hugging the human. And he hugged her right back!
  1010. > Like this, with her muzzle on his shoulder and the hood hiding her face, it was actually very pleasant.
  1011. > Maybe she could do it more often? His hair certainly smelled nice. The stink of shampoo was nearly gone, so it was mostly *him* that she was inhaling.
  1012. > And the arms around her made her feel safe.
  1013. > Of course! Anon took her from the horrible tortures of Mr. Easton, brought her to his place and was unfailingly kind and polite to her. He had more than enough justification for demanding some form of payment, but he hadn't yet.
  1014. > Right in that instant, the mare could almost believe he never would.
  1015. > She wondered if that was what it felt like to have a special somepony?
  1016. > The feeling passed and she pulled away, blushing a tiny bit and keeping her face turned down to the bed on which she was sitting.
  1017. > The hood meant that Anon couldn't see her expression, which was a nice plus.
  1018. > "Hmm," he said slowly.
  1019. > Floor froze. Was this it? A final gift to butter her up and now would come a gentle reminder that she owed him?
  1020. > Of course it would be gentle. The mare had worked hard to convince herself that even if Anon wanted things from her, he would ask. The demand would be implied.
  1021. > Such a gentlecolt.
  1022. "What?"
  1023. > She nearly squeaked the word out of fright.
  1024. > "I know it's been tough on you, Floor. The... stuff that happened. And moving all the way here and so on..."
  1025. > The human was hesitating, no doubt looking for nice enough words.
  1026. > Oh shit, oh shit, here it came!
  1027. > Was she glad? Or afraid?
  1028. > Did she want it? Or loathe it?!
  1029. > It took all her concentration and effort to keep herself from whimpering.
  1030. > "Look, now that you're a bit settled in, maybe you'd let me wash a few of your things?"
  1031. > She couldn't stop herself from looking up in dumbstruck astonishment.
  1032. "W-what?"
  1033. > It felt as if the required connection in her mind couldn't be made. What Anon was saying was so far removed from what she had been expecting that the pony couldn't immediately process it.
  1034. > "I know smell is important to you ponies, but... frankly, the room is getting a bit whiffy. I got all pony-approved washing powder and softener, how about I change your bedding and maybe wash your blanket and sweater?"
  1035. > So he *was* smelling it! With a little whimper, the mare quickly turned her face away to hide the blush.
  1036. > She should have guessed!
  1037. > Of course Anon knew what she was doing. He had just been too polite to say anything.
  1038. > The feeling of embarrassment at being called out fought with the warm appreciation for just how kind the human was.
  1039. > Such a gentlecolt!
  1040. "W-wash? B-bedding?"
  1041. > It was as lame as it got, but it was also the best Floor Bored could do at that point.
  1042. > "Yeah, I can do everything, you don't even need to worry. Bedding first, so you can sleep on your blanket while it dries, then the rest. What do you say?"
  1043. > If she kept insisting no, Floor felt, the human would gradually become less and less polite and more and more insistent.
  1044. > Maybe this was something she could give up, in return for everything Anon had done for her?
  1045. > He had selflessly taken an ugly, unappealing, damaged mare into his apartment, maybe the least she could do was not stink it up?
  1046. > It didn't smell bad to her, but Floor understood that humans didn't appreciate pony musk, or maybe not if it became this powerful.
  1047. "O-okay."
  1048. > "Great!" Anon exclaimed and laid a hand on her withers. It was okay because the fabric was in the way, but it still made the pony jerk a little, as if he had sent a bolt of electricity through her.
  1049. > What would it be like, Floor couldn't help thinking, if those fingers worked their way *into* her, instead.
  1050. > She shifted and quickly brought her tail against the part in question, trying to dam it up.
  1051. > "There's one more thing I've been meaning to talk to you about," the human went on. Luckily, he had removed his hand, so Floor could relax a little.
  1052. > Why was she reacting so strongly whenever the human touched her of his own volition?
  1053. > If she grabbed him, that was okay. But if Anon initiated the contact, that made it almost too intense to bear. Why?!
  1054. "Y-yes?"
  1055. > She dragged her mind back to his question and her forehooves wrapped themselves around her belly in fear. Was *this* finally it?
  1056. > "I got you the pony shampoo, okay? Think you could maybe take a shower one of these days?"
  1057. > It was worse! He had noticed her poor hygiene and now he was revolted!
  1058. > Floor Bored sagged into herself with shame and misery.
  1059. > The hoodie really was a blessing! All she had to do now was hold her sniffling inside until her roommate left.
  1060. "C-can't."
  1061. > Anon sighed in exasperation. "You keep saying that. But why not? What's wrong. Here, look at me," the human said and put two fingers under her chin.
  1062. > The resulting jolt from his touch made Floor quite unable to resist when he lifted up her face to look at it.
  1063. > He could undoubtedly see the beginnings of tears. And she couldn't hold back a sob.
  1064. > His voice went all quiet and gentle. "You can tell me, Floor. I promise I won't think less of you."
  1065. > Could she really?
  1066. > How do you explain to someone that you're unable to use his toilet and shower because smelling *him* makes you gush like a waterfall?!
  1067. > Maybe a half-truth would do.
  1068. "Smells. I c-can't stand it. I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry!"
  1069. > "What smells," the human asked, a little confused. "The chemicals?"
  1070. > She just shook her head.
  1071. > "Then what?"
  1072. > The mare closed her eyes tightly shut. His fingers on her chin were light, but for the life of her, Floor couldn't shake them off. As if they had sapped all strength from her.
  1073. "Y-you."
  1074. > There was silence, but she didn't dare look. Even humiliated as she was, her bits were going crazy. Her tail was the only thing keeping the dam from bursting. Even so she felt herself leaking as she winked, repeatedly.
  1075. > Each time it made her shudder a little. And grind herself against the base of her tail. She was hardly aware she was doing it.
  1076. > Anon was sure to feel that. Or see it. In a few moments, he'd smell it, too!
  1077. > She gathered up all her courage and willpower. If she gave in now and lifted her tail for him...
  1078. > Would the human take her? What if he really did think her too ugly to be attractive?
  1079. > She couldn't make up her mind. On the one hoof, Floor thought Anon would demand a quick and easy lay in return for his hospitality. Only it didn't seem neither easy, nor quick, the way he treated her.
  1080. > But on the other hoof, she was disgusting - especially to a human - so he would want her out there, earning a paycheck so he could turn at least a small profit before she 'escaped'.
  1081. > If she offered now, Floor didn't know which would be worse. Anon accepting, or refusing. The first would make her hate herself for confirming that she was a filthy little whore. The second would prove that she was beyond redemption where it came to coltfriends.
  1082. > She needed out! The pony was panting, partly in terror of what she would reveal to herself in the next few seconds, and partly from what was happening in her loins.
  1083. > She couldn't be around Anon, not now! Not until she could work it out in peace and quiet! And especially not because she was about to-
  1084. "Please, get out! Please, please, Anon, I can't-"
  1085. > She begged, honestly pleading. It wasn't an act. She was desperate for the human to leave before he saw and heard what he was doing to her!
  1086. "I c-can't... Not now. Just... Go!"
  1087. > Something of her urgency came across. But before he left, the human leaned his face right down to hers. His tiny eyes suddenly seemed huge, as if they could absorb her whole.
  1088. > "Okay, I'm sorry. I won't push it anymore. But please, Floor. I wanna help. Come and talk to me when you're ready, okay?"
  1089. > It wasn't really a nod, merely a suggestion of one. But it was enough. The human let her muzzle go. It had just been two fingers under her chin, but before they were gone, his thumb wiped away a tear.
  1090. > Then the human stood up, turned and walked quickly out of the room.
  1091. > The air shifted.
  1092. > The scent blew right into her nose.
  1093. > Sweat. And Anon himself. And perhaps the tiniest hint of urine. Maybe he missed a tiny droplet, or it had clung to him.
  1094. > It was too much. It overpowered her.
  1095. > All it took was for the mare to grind herself once more against her tail.
  1096. > It was like an explosion. And it completely soaked her blanket. And leaked through to the bed underneath.
  1097. > But the mare couldn't quite bring herself to care.
  1098. > She quickly put a hoof in her mouth and bit down.
  1099. > It took everything she had, but Floor managed to turn the cry into nothing more than a low moan.
  1100. > Then she began to cry.
  1101. > A single touch and a sniff was all it took. Her best hoofwork took *minutes*!
  1102. > What was this human doing to her?!
  1103. > And, maybe more importantly: *how*?!
  1104. > She couldn't think. Not just now.
  1105. > She folded down, pulling the hood into a small tent for her head. It shut the world away.
  1106. > The hoodie was a really wonderful, thoughtful, *beautiful* gift. And it had come from Anon.
  1107. > The nicest colt on either world.
  1108. > As her orgasm passed, leaving her drained and trembling, Floor began to cry softly into her blanket.
  1110. > ~~~~
  1112. > It still wasn't any easier to deal with Anon, so Floor Bored avoided it whenever she could. But maybe, in a small way, she was getting used to it.
  1113. > She said 'good morning' when he came from work and poked his head into her room to check up on the mare. He never bothered her for long, because Floor made sure she was still sleeping at that time.
  1114. > Maybe another faint greeting when she went to the kitchen later for breakfast. Sometimes the human didn't go to bed right away, so he made her an omelette or fried her an egg.
  1115. > She said 'thank you', then.
  1116. > Luckily Anon left her alone in the afternoon when he woke up. They often chatted, but only through the Internet and mostly while playing a game together.
  1117. > That part was easy. She didn't have to look at him.
  1118. > Looking at her roommate was giving her problems. Not because of the way she imagined him while... 'having her fun'. No, the pony accepted that as a fact of her new life.
  1119. > She was horny for the human and it was all kinds of messed up.
  1120. > No, her biggest issue was that she *still* hadn't started looking for work!
  1121. > Each day Floor promised herself it would be the last day of slacking around. But each day it was just one more time.
  1122. > Today it was too hot, tomorrow too humid.
  1123. > Or perhaps the latest episode of her favourite show came out, so she had to watch it, read the wiki, then go through all the posts on the discussion forums.
  1124. > *So many people* got it all wrong. It was practically her duty to correct them.
  1125. > Unfortunately, by the time arguments petered out, Floor was exhausted and it was late.
  1126. > Surely those debating skills she was developing would make it a snap to land a job, once she found a good one. So it wasn't exactly 'lost time'.
  1127. > Perhaps the only significant change in her routine was when Anon barged into her room one day and *demanded* that he wash her bedclothes. He said they were starting to really stink.
  1128. > That he smelled them from the living room.
  1129. > It was the whole point! How could the human not understand?!
  1130. > Floor needed things to smell of her, otherwise she was uneasy, irritable and had disturbing dreams at night!
  1131. > The human should have understood that *before* he invited her in!
  1132. > But he had gotten the special pony washing powder and softener, so what choice did she have but to accede?
  1133. > She tried to mumble a protest, but the fact that she couldn't stare the human in the eye as she did so took away most of her social ability.
  1134. > The pony had to sleep on her blanket that night with nothing to cover herself. It was cold and she wasn't used to the feel, so it took her far longer to fall asleep.
  1135. > Then, the next day, Anon brought the sheets back and put them on the bed.
  1136. > It wasn't quite the same, but at least it didn't stink of the humans' chemical perfume.
  1137. > Maybe it was tolerable, but Floor still decided she would wait with the shower for a few more days, until the new bedclothes took on some of her smell.
  1138. > Anon couldn't demand that she give up her identity, could he?
  1139. > Actually, he hadn't demanded anything from her so far and the mare didn't know where the boundaries lay.
  1140. > Sex was obviously out of the question. Too ugly, Floor supposed. Maybe Anon got 'naughty' with his human-mare coworkers in the bathrooms.
  1141. > The thought was hot, but saddening. He didn't need an old nag like her at home. Some crowbait pony.
  1142. > It made her feel even uglier.
  1143. > Was she starting to actually *want it*?!
  1144. > What a messed up little whore horse, Floor thought. a whorse? It sounded fitting.
  1145. > The hoodie was nice, though. She wore it most of the time now and liked it even more than her sweater.
  1146. > It was just a piece of cloth over her head, but it made her feel so safe!
  1147. > That was becoming the only way she could even leave her room. With her muzzle to the ground, Floor Bored could almost pretend that the world didn't really exist.
  1148. > That Anon didn't really exist.
  1149. > She was alternating between being scared of him and wanting him.
  1150. > Missing him when he was at work, and avoiding him at all costs when he was home.
  1151. > Did she mention that she was messed up in the head? That probably proved it.
  1152. >...
  1153. > It was an afternoon like any other. Floor was just getting into some serious gaming, idly hoping that Anon would wake up soon and join her for a match or two. Before he had to leave for work.
  1154. > Of course he would take a shower, which meant the *scent* would be all over the bathroom.
  1155. > As soon as he was gone, she could sneak in there for a good whiff and some quality time with her right hoof.
  1156. > And then back to games or shows.
  1157. > Or maybe, after she was all mellow and relaxed after... well, *after*, she could start on that job.
  1158. > Yeah, maybe.
  1159. > She had to be in the right mood for that, but perhaps today was the day.
  1160. > Her ear twitched as it caught the noise of her roommate rolling of his bed. By now she was familiar with his morning routine.
  1161. > Pad, pad, pad into the bathroom. Then the soft splashing in the toilet, which made her shudder and wink involuntarily.
  1162. > Flush, then the sink gurgling. Brush brush brush. Pony ears were sensitive and Floor was concentrating so hard that she could almost distinguish each individual bristle sliding across his teeth.
  1163. > Gargle, gargle, spit. A long, drawn out roar as he took a shower. Then back to his bedroom to put on more clothes.
  1164. > Anon walked around in his boxer shorts after he woke up. Yet another source of warmth between her legs.
  1165. > She couldn't wait for the human to be gone, so she could get on with it!
  1166. > It would be a couple of hours, but maybe she could sneak a quickie once Anon began watching TV and eating.
  1167. > The pillow would muffle her moans.
  1168. > But first he would come to her room - her ears swiveled as the followed the soft padding of his bare feet - and knock. There it was.
  1169. "C-come in."
  1170. > The door opened. Floor glanced back, but froze when she saw the human. Her heart seamed to leap into her throat and her breath caught.
  1171. > Why didn't he have a shirt on?! Why was this pink skin so hard to look at?!
  1172. > She quickly lowered her eyes, but it was futile. She was still aware. And now the mare was afraid.
  1173. > Anon had never done that before. While he did walk around scantily dressed, he had never come that way into her room...
  1174. "W- wa... whaa-"
  1175. > She tried to talk, but it didn't quite work. Floor swallowed and gave it another go.
  1176. "Sh-shirt?"
  1177. > The human took a step closer, making the pony bury her muzzle in her chest and letting the hoodie fall over her eyes.
  1178. > Maybe this was it?!
  1179. > Maybe it was time to 'pay'?
  1180. > She was terrified.
  1181. > Why then, was she creaming the blanket on her chair?!
  1182. > Another step closer and Floor couldn't hold back a whimper.
  1183. > "You realize why I'm here, right?" the human asked her slowly and deliberately.
  1184. > Her ears flattened even more and the mare desperately tried to keep herself from panting in terror.
  1185. > Or desire?
  1186. > Which was it?!
  1187. "N-n-n-"
  1188. > "I've had about enough of this, Floor. This is happening, *now*. I've been very patient, but enough is enough!" the human ranted.
  1189. > Any minute now his hands would come for her. Floor wondered how he would do it. Would the human simply pick her up, toss her on the bed, then hold her down?
  1190. > Or maybe he would sit down with the pony in his lap, so he could see the expressions she was making?
  1191. > No, no, bad thoughts! Floor pressed her hind legs closer together and tried to cover herself with the tail.
  1192. > The last thing Anon needed was encouragement!
  1193. > "Come on," he ordered. "Down from the chair. Now!"
  1194. > That was the third possibility. he would march her to his bedroom. An obedient little filly, obeying his every whim.
  1195. > Floor's legs shook so badly that she nearly fell from her seat. And then she thumped her head on the floor because there was no strength in her limbs.
  1196. > She should try and beg! The thought came and Floor grasped at it in desperation.
  1197. "P-plea.. please!"
  1198. > "Shut up. Come," came the cruel, heartless reply. The human walked away, sure in his knowledge that she would follow.
  1199. > What choice did she have? She could refuse to move, but then Anon would just pick her up and carry her. No way she could fight him off. The human was so much bigger than her!
  1200. > And, if she resisted too much, he might even beat her. Abused and beaten was worse than just abused. Not much so, but worse.
  1201. > The pony clopped quietly after the human and tried with all her might not to cry.
  1202. > It nearly worked. A teardrop here and there, but she kept herself mostly silent.
  1203. > Anon turned to the bathroom and the mare blinked in confusion. Surely he would have preferred her in the comfort of his room, his bed?
  1204. > Or maybe he had noticed what the smell was doing to her? It would make it easier.
  1205. > For both of them.
  1206. > The self-loathing and the hatred would come later, Floor Bored knew, but the act itself would be easier if she was driven mad by desire.
  1207. > Maybe it would be worth it.
  1208. > Besides, it wasn't as if she had any choice.
  1209. > For a moment, Floor considered running. But that would mean leaving the computer behind. And she wasn't sure her shaky legs could carry her any distance at all.
  1210. > And now it was too late. They entered the dreaded room and Anon pointed. "In!"
  1211. > She lifted her gaze to see the shower. Where Anon's scent still *wafted*. She was winking furiously now and it was only thanks to her tail that Anon didn't see.
  1212. > He would spot it soon enough.
  1213. > In desperation, the mare obeyed and hurried into the shower.
  1214. > Why would he take her there? It didn't make sense! There was hardly enough room!
  1215. > She was still grateful for the wall. The mare twirled around and pressed her rear against the tiles protectively.
  1216. > "Take the hoodie off!"
  1217. > This was the beginning of her nightmare, right there. Without that, she would be... *naked*.
  1218. > The mare let her rear slip down and wrapped her forelegs around her belly, as if that would help.
  1219. > As if she could prevent it.
  1220. > "Floor, I'm not kidding. Now! Or it will just get wet!"
  1221. > Sweet Celestia, just what did he intend to do with her?! That was a panicky thought.
  1222. > And right after it: Sweet Luna, just what did Anon have in mind for her? This was a lustful thought.
  1223. > 'Whore!' Floor called herself in the privacy of her own mind. It didn't help.
  1224. > "I'm waiting," the human insisted. But he didn't really wait. The hand came down and yanked on the hood. It made the mare squeak in fear, but Anon didn't seem to care.
  1225. > Another hand pulled her leg away and slid it out of the sleeve.
  1226. > Tears were streaming down her face and Floor stopped fighting it.
  1227. > This was it. The day her life in Anon's place would be defined.
  1228. > And she hadn't even begun looking for a job.
  1229. > It was as if she *wanted* to be a whore!
  1230. > Any minute now she would get a cutie mark with a stripper's pole and that would be that. Her destiny.
  1231. > At least she'd know.
  1232. > As all this ran through her head, Anon finished undressing her. Then his hand came down and lifted up her face.
  1233. > "Look, I'm not doing this to be mean, Floor. But I've had enough. We talked about this every day and you kept promising it!"
  1234. > She never had!
  1235. "N-n-no!"
  1236. > Not once had she promised Anon sex! But obviously he saw it that way.
  1237. > So he had just been waiting for the mare to do it on her own? That was twisted!
  1238. > And the human had seemed so nice! Bringing her fresh fruit most days, or pizza. Cooking for her.
  1239. > Even while they played games Anon acted so friendly!
  1240. > It broke her heart. She didn't even try to conceal her tears, or her gentle sobbing.
  1241. > "Hey, hey, don't cry," the human said. The monster probably wanted her to pretend that she enjoyed it!
  1242. > But there was nothing mean in his eyes. Floor barely managed a quick glance, but that was not the face of a tormentor.
  1243. > There was sympathy.
  1244. > Maybe Anon thought he was doing her a favor? With how ugly and undesirable she was, maybe he wanted to give her a...?!
  1245. > I would figure. Her rape would be a pity romp!
  1246. > "It's just a shower, Floor. Don't you wanna get clean? I know smells are important to you, but it's no longer a smell. It's an odor!"
  1247. > She watched the human.
  1248. > Neither of them blinked.
  1249. > It was the longest eye contact Floor had ever maintained, with anyone!
  1250. "Wh-what?"
  1251. > "A shower? You know? Water and then shampoo and all that? You kept promising you'd take one," Anon said accusingly.
  1252. > Did she?
  1253. "What?"
  1254. > The human nodded. "You said you didn't like the smell of normal shampoo, so I got you this pony kind. And then you needed a *different* shampoo for the mane. So I got you that, too. And then it was too hot. And then the fresh laundry was throwing you off."
  1255. > She vaguely remembered mumbling an excuse every time.
  1256. > Hold on, hold on, wait a second!
  1257. > Floor almost grunted with effort as she shifted her brain onto an entirely different track.
  1258. > The human wanted her to shower?! That was all?!
  1259. > It wasn't a rape?! Just a shower?
  1260. "S-shower?!"
  1261. > He gave her a single nod. "Yes. Don't look so scared, it's just water," the man said kindly. Then he sighed. "Look, I know it was bad, but you have to start getting back on your feet, okay?"
  1262. > He glanced down. "Or hooves. You can't let yourself turn into one of those weirdo shut-ins. Next thing you'll be pissing in bottles and talking to yourself."
  1263. > She didn't know what Anon really wanted for an answer, so Floor just nodded back at him. There wasn't an answer she even could give to that. Her thoughts went guiltily to the pile of bottles under her bed.
  1264. > "Good, good. I'll help you, if you want. Or I can go so you can have some privacy. Let me just get you some of the towels I washed with pony stuff..."
  1265. > She didn't remember moving them, but her forelegs were now around Anon's wrist.
  1266. "D-don't go."
  1267. > Her mind felt as if it was a piece of driftwood right now. If she let the human go, it would wash away and she might never get it back.
  1268. > The last of her sanity.
  1269. > Anon's scent was driving her crazy. His touch was like fire.
  1270. > But she didn't want it to stop.
  1271. "Please?"
  1272. > The human smiled to reassure her. Then he knelt right down to the floor.
  1273. > That brought his naked chest right at her eye level.
  1274. > Floor felt herself spurt a little against the tiles. It made her ears go all the way back, something Anon noticed.
  1275. > But he didn't seem to understand what had caused it.
  1276. > "I'm here, okay? It's just water and shampoo. I won't do anything you don't want me to do," he explained.
  1277. > Then he blushed a bit. "Sorry about dragging you here like that. I know it wasn't too nice, but I really didn't know what else to do."
  1278. > The mare just nodded.
  1279. "W-water?"
  1280. > She needed something to hide the globs of liquid pooling under her hind legs.
  1281. > Why was human chest doing this to her? It wasn't as if Anon had a particularly sexy chest! Not muscular, or tanned, like some she had seen in pictures.
  1282. > Just a bit flabby, milky white, slightly hairy.
  1283. > And nipples.
  1284. "Aah!"
  1285. > It was sheer luck that the water hit her at the same time as the realization. This way she could blame it on the temperature.
  1286. "Cold!"
  1287. > It was a squeak, but a believable one. Anon hurriedly turned the shower head away.
  1288. > "Sorry! Here, lemme set it."
  1289. > He let the water run against his wrist while he fiddled with the knobs. Soon it was warm and he put the shower head back on its stand.
  1290. > At least she had released his wrist. And now she was getting soaked, so a bit extra around her tail shouldn't matter.
  1291. > But just in case, she kept her eyes on the white plastic under her hooves.
  1292. > "So," Anon asked after a bit. "What now? Want some help with the shampoo?"
  1293. > Her horrified mind said no. But her pulsing groin said yes.
  1294. > She couldn't easily soap her own back, that much was true. Floor gulped and gave a slight nod.
  1295. "Jus- just mane and b-back, okay?"
  1296. > Boundaries! Besides, if Anon didn't go near her hind end, he had no chance of seeing!
  1297. > Floor wished there was an actual tub, rather than just a shower cabin. If she could sit in a couple of inches of water, it would be so much easier to hide what was happening back there.
  1298. > But the best she could do was keep her rump in a corner. Maybe it even made sense. Anon had said it himself: she had been through bad stuff and didn't trust anyone. Of course she would want to hide herself in a corner.
  1299. > He didn't bring it up, which was good.
  1300. > Instead, the human took the shampoo bottle, squeezed some into his hand, then slowly approached her.
  1301. > The pony realized it would mean a whole lot of touching. But what was the alternative now?
  1302. > She closed her eyes and tried to be still.
  1303. > Anon must have felt her muscles, rock hard and trembling with effort. "Relax," he cooed gently. "Just shampoo, nothing more. Just say 'stop' and it stops, okay?"
  1304. > Somehow, that helped.
  1305. > Yes, Floor believed him completely. If she said 'stop', Anon would take his hands off her immediately.
  1306. > The warm, wriggling, *wonderful* fingers!
  1307. > The touch made her gasp in delight. Each fingertip sent a wave of electricity down her spine. She felt as if every one of her hairs wanted to stand on end.
  1308. > Without conscious control, the mare pushed herself against the rubbing, massaging, kneading sensation.
  1309. "Mmmmmhmmm."
  1310. > It wasn't even really sexual! Just, somehow, Anon was making the knots in her muscles melt away.
  1311. > A minute of that and she was like putty in those hands. More than once Anon had to support her head with his palm so she wouldn't fall over.
  1312. > "Okay, Floor, don't fall asleep on me," he chided gently. But the pony didn't care.
  1313. > She kept her eyes firmly closed and tried to make sense of what was happening with her.
  1314. > There was still the smell. Especially now that Anon was working up a bit of a sweat. The spicy, exciting tinge of that, mixed with the scent that was just *him*, filled her head and made her feel...
  1315. > Something new. Strange.
  1316. > Calming?
  1317. > As if she finally belonged.
  1318. > Even the desperate need between her hind legs went quiet momentarily.
  1319. > If he promised to keep her forever and pet her every day, Floor would have signed over her soul to Anon right there and then.
  1320. > She let out a sad sigh when the hands went away, but she heard him pick up the second bottle.
  1321. > Mane!
  1322. > Floor wasn't about to take chances, so she kept her rear pressed against the floor, but she turned around to make it easier for Anon to reach her head.
  1323. > There it came, that careful, yet firm touch again.
  1324. > How did he *do* that? Each finger moved on its own, like an intricate dance!
  1325. > Ten little points of pressure and delight, running down her neck and back.
  1326. > And then the fingers themselves twirling around her mane, kneading the shampoo deep into it.
  1327. > By the end, she was drooling a little.
  1328. > And the burning need was back.
  1329. > The beautiful moment was over and now the smell filled her belly with fresh desire.
  1330. > Those fingers... they could keep sliding down her back. She would lift herself up. Then Anon would tease aside her tail.
  1331. "Eep!"
  1332. > The touch vanished instantly.
  1333. > "Sorry! Did I tug?" Anon asked worriedly.
  1334. > She shook her head. Even now her hoof was crawling down her belly and between...
  1335. "I c-can finish by my-myself!"
  1336. > She said it while she still had a smidgen of self control.
  1337. > "Okay. Yell if you need anything!"
  1338. > Obediently, like a true gentlecolt, Anon stood up and left. Floor glanced at him and understood why he had gone shirtless.
  1339. > The human was practically soaked. Even his sweatpants.
  1340. > On his way out, Anon picked up a towel and began rubbing himself dry.
  1341. > Then the door closed.
  1342. > Just to be sure, Floor pushed the tap open - luckily it was the lever kind, not the knob kind.
  1343. > It muffled the noise as she put her hoof right back down her belly and began working it.
  1344. > This orgasm would be a big one. Just to be sure, Floor put her other hoof into her mouth and bit it.
  1345. > She quickly lost her balance, but that was okay. She leaned her hot face against the cool tiles of the wall.
  1346. > Hopefully Anon wouldn't hear the occasional bump of her hoof against the plastic. Or the clop as her hing legs flailed. Or the odd moan she couldn't quite stifle.
  1347. > At that point, she didn't care too much.
  1348. > And she also didn't care about her smell, which was leaving down the drain.
  1349. > She needed this, more than ever before. Badly. Urgently.
  1350. > The pony pushed her hoof harder against her winking button and let her mind dissolve into unthinking pleasure.
  1351. >...
  1352. > When Floor Bored finally emerged from the bathroom her legs were trembling a little from the exertion. She was wrapped up in a large towel, with the hoodie in her mouth. She hadn't been able to dry off completely and didn't want to get it wet.
  1353. > The mare was about to go hide in her room, but ran into the human before she could slip out of sight.
  1354. > He was dressed for work, but he still knelt on the floor. She saw his pants were soaking up a puddle, which was already collecting under her, but Anon didn't seem to mind.
  1355. > She refused to meet his eyes and the cloth in her mouth gave her an excuse not to talk.
  1356. > "Feeling better?"
  1357. > The pony nodded, but still didn't say anything. Just being near Anon, smelling him, was enough to make her itch for round two with her hoof. She didn't trust her voice too much.
  1358. > "Look," he began slowly, "I'm sorry about earlier, okay? But I kept telling you and telling you and you didn't do anything. I guess it was just too much, alright?"
  1359. > There was a tiny flare of anger and her eyes roamed upward. Yeah, dragging her from her room and making her thing he was about to have his way with her had been pretty mean.
  1360. > But she still didn't say anything.
  1361. > Her silence made Anon sigh and look away. "I shouldn't have yelled," he admitted. "Forgive me?"
  1362. > Maybe she could get something out of the whole affair. And a small, treacherous part of her had to admit that she felt slightly better after the shower.
  1363. > Her mane and fur were wet, but they were no longer sticky. And her natural musk, soothing as it had been, was getting slightly too 'potent' even for her.
  1364. > No way in Hell she'd ever admit it out loud, though. The human had to pay!
  1365. > She tossed the hoodie and it landed right on her bed. She was a bit proud of that. Then she could finally talk:
  1366. "C-can you get me a pizza? On- Um, on your way b-back?"
  1367. > "Sure thing," the human agreed easily. "I'll get two. How about a movie night? Uh, or morning?"
  1368. > Floor almost fell right back into the same loop - was Anon proposing a movie just so he had an excuse to feel her up? Maybe he was hoping it would lead to something more?
  1369. > But she stopped herself. If he really wanted that, he could have had it. She had followed him meekly enough, no doubt Anon saw that.
  1370. > A stern, raised voice and Floor became a very compliant pony, free for the taking.
  1371. > No, Floor Bored thought now, he probably didn't want anything of the sort from her. He just wasn't interested in ponies.
  1372. > At least he wasn't interested in ponies like *her*. Maybe if one of the prettier, more popular fillies from her school had been in her situation, she would already be sleeping in Anon's bed and riding him every day.
  1373. "Why?"
  1374. > It slipped out before she could stop herself. But Floor really wanted to know what Anon intended.
  1375. > "What do you mean? It's just a movie," the human said and raised up his hands defensively.
  1376. > She'd had enough of the uncertainty. She was angry at herself for not really looking for a job. And she was angry at the constant fear that Anon would jump on her. Or - worse - demand it.
  1377. > The latter would make her hate herself a lot more. At least the former wouldn't be her choice. She wouldn't be complicit.
  1378. > Floor didn't know where exactly the growl started, but when it came out, guttural and angry, it made even Anon shuffle backward.
  1379. "What do you want from me, Anon!? WHAT?!"
  1380. > She was yelling, but Floor was beyond caring for the moment. The frustration, the mixed feelings, the constant worry, they just made her snap.
  1381. > "Hey, we don't have to watch a movie if you don't want it," Anon said worriedly. "Jeez, Floor, calm down-"
  1382. > But she didn't hear it.
  1383. "NO! Are you going to fuck me?! HUH?! Will I have to lift my tail for 'rent'?! Like Mr. Easton?!"
  1384. > Anon grimaced as if he had eaten something absolutely foul. He backed away further from her rage and hurriedly stood up.
  1385. > "Fuck, Floor! Of course not!" he said right back. "God dammit, is that what you thought?!"
  1386. > All she could do was nod. Now that it was out in the open between them, the mare was sorry she said anything. The shock of hearing her own voice like that worked through her brain.
  1387. > The look on his face said it all. Anon was repulsed by the very idea. He kept talking, so the pony focused on his words again.
  1388. > "... never gonna do *anything* like that to you, okay?! Floor, do you understand?"
  1389. > She didn't remember sitting down, but it didn't matter. She was about to cry again. The room and Anon blurred in her vision.
  1390. > "Look, I have to go, but we'll talk when I'm back," Anon said as he glanced at his wristwatch. "Just- fuck." He swore and drew a deep breath. "Okay, okay. Floor-"
  1391. > He waited until she glanced vaguely in the direction of his face.
  1392. > "Floor, I'm not gonna so much as touch you without your permission, okay? That's a promise!"
  1393. > With that, Anon stepped around her and left. Floor listened to his keys jingling against the door, then his footsteps fading down the stairs.
  1394. > Only then did she begin breathing again.
  1395. > That had been utterly *stupid*!
  1396. > A few more angry words and even Anon's kindness would run dry. She was surprised he hadn't simply thrown her out.
  1397. > But at least she had her answer now.
  1398. > Of course he didn't find her attractive. It had been the height of arrogance to presume otherwise.
  1399. > The human really was just that nice to let her stay with him for free. Not that she deserved a friend like that.
  1400. > She got up to her hooves and went inside her room. She had wanted to play something, or watch a few cartoons, but now she didn't feel like it anymore.
  1401. > He didn't even want to touch her. It made sense. He was probably remembering the matted, sticky, stinky creature from before the shower.
  1402. > Pulling herself up on the bed, Floor curled up in a ball of misery.
  1403. > Why had Anon asked to watch a movie together?
  1404. > There was only one explanation: it was a pity thing.
  1405. > He was so nice, and felt so bad for her, that he was going to pretend for a while, just to help her feel better.
  1406. > The mare buried her snout in the hoodie and tried not to sob.
  1408. > ~~~~
  1410. > Floor Bored woke up when her roommate came back from work. She lifted her head and swiveled her ears around, but then let her muzzle fall back down.
  1411. > What did it matter? Now that she had figured out that it was a pity date, she didn't know if she wanted to go through with the charade.
  1412. > And that was even if Anon still wanted to do it. After the way she had accused him in the evening, he might simply tell her to pack up and leave.
  1413. > She'd deserve it, too.
  1414. > The human walked past her room and she caught a glimpse through the door which was open a crack. He had boxes in his arms!
  1415. > And then the smell wafted in.
  1416. > Pizza?
  1417. > He really brought pizza?! The mare couldn't quite believe it.
  1418. > She quickly shrugged out of the towel and into the hoodie, then jumped from the bed. She went to the door and peered through the crack.
  1419. > Her ears told her that the human was moving things around the kitchen and living room. And her nose re-affirmed pizza.
  1420. > She was hungry. After Anon had left for work, Floor didn't take anything to eat. She had felt too miserable to really feel any hunger.
  1421. > But now, with the smell in her nose, Floor became very aware of her empty stomach.
  1422. > She couldn't stand it. The aroma was maddening. She nuzzled the door open and tried to walk as quietly as she could.
  1423. > Of course it was no use, not on the hardwood and not with her morning clumsiness. She froze as that first hoofstep rang out. And so did the human. Everything went quiet in the kitchen.
  1424. > The mare gritted her teeth and continued on to poke her head in the room. She saw two cardboard boxes on the coffee table, along with a couple of glasses and a bottle of orange juice.
  1425. > It looked like a setup for a couple of friends watching movies.
  1426. > So he still wanted to give her the pity date...
  1427. > Anon, fiddling around the fridge glanced over his shoulder. "Come in, make yourself comfortable," he said.
  1428. > Her ears instantly folded down and Floor did as she was told. A single hop brought her on the couch.
  1429. > The box was tantalizingly close. She wanted it. Her eyes went to the human, who was doing something unusually loud on the kitchen table, then back to the cardboard.
  1430. > Her mouth watered and the pony swallowed. She leaned closer and drew a deep breath.
  1431. > There was no stopping now. She lifted the lid and pulled out a piece.
  1432. > It was gone in seconds. Incredibly, the pizza was still hot and Floor felt the warmth spreading outward from her belly.
  1433. > Pure bliss.
  1434. > She almost didn't notice Anon as he returned with a bowl, full of ice cubes, which he tipped into their glasses. Then he poured the juice.
  1435. > "Go on, help yourself," he encouraged. The pony didn't have to be told twice. In moments, her second piece was in her hooves.
  1436. > This one she chewed more slowly, letting herself experience the melted, sticky, cheesy goodness.
  1437. > Maybe it was all a lie for her benefit, but at that particular point, Floor didn't care anymore.
  1438. > She felt the couch shift as Anon sat on the other end. He also reached for pizza and they ate in silence for a bit.
  1439. > Then he spoke up: "So, any particular movie you'd like to see?"
  1440. > It was heartwarming. He even let her have the pick!
  1441. > Floor Bored decided to play along. She could pretend, at least for a few hours. She could imagine that she was out on an actual, *real* date with a gentlecolt.
  1442. > And because he was such a gentlecolt, he wouldn't try to get under her tail. It was perfect.
  1443. > They would watch a movie, then...
  1444. > Well, Anon would probably go to bed and she would go back to her computer.
  1445. > In other words, no different than a regular day.
  1446. > But maybe this mare could pretend for a little while?
  1447. > Funny, Floor thought. He just had to say he wasn't going to rape her, and now she was falling for him.
  1448. > How little it took to win her over...
  1449. > She pushed the idea away.
  1450. "Ummm..."
  1451. > Instead, she tried to remember a good movie, something Anon might have. She thought back to their online chatting.
  1452. "How about..."
  1453. > He didn't have anime on DVD, of course. While he shared some of her favourites, they were all on his PC only. So she fell back to one she remembered Anon telling her about.
  1454. "Uh, maybe... X-Men. Th-the first one?"
  1455. > It didn't really matter what was on the screen. That was just distraction.
  1456. > The important part was that she felt *normal*, at least for a while.
  1457. > Normal fillies went to see movies with colts.
  1458. > The human agreed with her selection and went to find it. Meanwhile, Floor picked up her glass of juice and stuck her tongue in. She quickly hooked an ice cube with her tongue and pulled it into her mouth.
  1459. > Anon looked back when he heard her crunching it, then he grinned.
  1460. > It made her stop and blush.
  1461. > "There's more ice in the freezer if you'll want dessert later," he commented.
  1462. > The mare didn't reply as she put the glass back and reached for more pizza. It wasn't *weird* to munch up ice cubes from her drink! Everypony did it! Probably.
  1463. > She kept watching as Anon drew the curtains to shut out the morning sun, and returned to the couch while the movie was starting. Even when the action began, the mare still had her eyes on the human.
  1464. > He didn't seem aware of her attention, even when he looked away from the screen to reach for pizza.
  1465. > Floor was trying to make up her mind about him. She tried to imagine what it would be like - if he really was interested in her.
  1466. > He was nice, that much was obvious now. Not only had he taken her in - for no payment whatsoever - but he even went out of his way to make her feel a little bit more normal.
  1467. > And hard as she might, Floor couldn't think up a motive. If the human was playing a game with her, she couldn't, for the life of her, imagine what he would get out of it.
  1468. > She cleared her throat.
  1469. "I- I'll.. I'm gonna look for a job."
  1470. > Now the man glanced at her. "That's cool. What kinda job?"
  1471. > She let her face drop meekly.
  1472. "Uh, s-something with computers, I h-hope."
  1473. > "Great. Lemme know if you need any help," Anon replied and turned his face back to the TV.
  1474. > But it wasn't what she was getting it, not yet.
  1475. "So, you know... I'll be ab-able to pay rent..."
  1476. > "Oh. Well, if you feel you have to. It's not really a problem, I make enough money," he replied absentmindedly.
  1477. > She almost said yes to that. If she didn't have to worry about the demands her roommate might make of her, this kind of life was perfect. She did what she liked, never had to meet anypony and there was nothing much expected of her.
  1478. > A job would ruin that. Ruin her freedom.
  1479. > But she didn't like being dependent on anypony. Then again, on the other hoof, what was worse - taking charity from the human, or having to go to a job every day?
  1480. > Floor wished she could make up her mind.
  1481. > She went back to staring at Anon. Even in the dark, she kinda liked what she was seeing. Smooth, furless skin was weird, but by now the pony really wondered what it was like to nuzzle it. To be the small spoon and press her back against his belly. Then fall asleep with her head on his arm. It sounded so warm!
  1482. > Maybe if she kinda shuffled closer, she could end up lightly touching his hand? Anon had left it on the couch, quite near her. He had his fill of pizza for now and was just focusing on the movie.
  1483. > If she was really careful, he might not even notice.
  1484. > And his reaction would tell her just how gross he thought she was.
  1485. > Suddenly Floor Bored *had* to touch the human.
  1486. > She was already pretending it was a date, right? Well, fillies and colts on dates often hugged or nuzzled!
  1487. > The mare lay down, making sure she ended up an inch closer. Then she began to count. About two hundred seconds seemed reasonable.
  1488. > Then she sat up again and took a sip from her glass. And back down, once again a bit closer.
  1489. > She could almost feel the warmth of the hand on her muzzle. One more time. Again she counted out a few hundred seconds. But this time she pretended to fix her hoodie, before lowering herself down again.
  1490. > Success!
  1491. > Her cheek landed on Anon's hand.
  1492. > Unfortunately, the human quickly pulled it away and apologized: "Oh, sorry!"
  1493. > Floor wanted to tell him it was alright. But she was blushing heavily. She had gotten a noseful of his scent and it was doing something to her.
  1494. > She had masturbated to the Anon's smell after his shower so many times that even the faint whiff she got was making her hot and bothered.
  1495. > Her tail clamped down and the pony scooched away again.
  1496. > No wonder Anon was totally uninterested.
  1497. > She was so twisted up that she couldn't even share a pleasant moment together without thinking about her snatch.
  1498. > She couldn't hold back a sob.
  1499. > It was a mistake. Floor knew that immediately.
  1500. > Anon reached to the coffee table and pushed the button to stop the movie. But he didn't go and turn on the lights. The mare was grateful for that small mercy. It was nearly bright enough from outside despite the curtains, but maybe he couldn't see absolutely *everything*.
  1501. > "Hey... hey," Anon said in a soothing voice, "what's wrong?"
  1502. > She hid her face just in time, but was still painfully aware of the human watching her.
  1503. > At long last he sighed.
  1504. > "I guess we better have that talk, right?"
  1505. > No! That was something she absolutely didn't want! To be reminded of her stupid blunder last night!
  1506. > Anon saying no...
  1507. > Floor let out a whimper. She put a hoof on her mouth, but it was too late.
  1508. > It wouldn't stay inside. The dam burst.
  1509. > And the worst part was the she wasn't even sure why! She had *known* that she was ugly, unwanted.
  1510. > And anon confirming it was a relief, right?! It meant he wouldn't want her rump in return for a room and board!
  1511. > Why did it feel like her heart was breaking? How was the human doing that?!
  1512. > "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asked and his voice was full of concern.
  1513. > Floor just shook her head.
  1514. > But he wouldn't stay quiet. "Is it because of that bastard of your landlord?"
  1515. > She actually thought about what Anon said, but that wasn't it. Yes what Mr. Easton had done was horrible, but she wasn't crying over that. Not anymore, at least. She had gone through that the first week she lived with Anon. Now she was okay. Mostly.
  1516. > Again the mare shook her head.
  1517. "N-nuh-no."
  1518. > She flinched when his hand touched her mane, but she didn't pull away. A finger brushed her ear and his thumb smoothed the black hair out of her face.
  1519. > Floor looked up at the human, who was still watching her with concern.
  1520. > "You can tell me anything, okay?" he whispered.
  1521. > But the mare couldn't stand his kindness. Not when she had done nothing to deserve it.
  1522. > In a flash, she was on her hooves and ran back to her room. The door slammed behind her and she leapt up on the bed.
  1523. > "Floor?" Anon called after her, but she didn't answer. Yes, she heard him stand and walk over. She clearly heard him knock and repeat: "Floor? Can I come in?"
  1524. > She kept as quiet as she could, except for the low sobbing.
  1525. > But he wouldn't leave. "Floor," the human said, more quietly, "I really wanna help. But I can't if you don't talk to me."
  1526. > Floor just pulled the blanket over her head and put her hooves on her ears.
  1527. > All she wanted was for the human to leave her alone. She couldn't face him being all concerned and nice, not after all the horrible things she had imagined Anon would do to her.
  1528. > And she wished she had the guts to walk out. Anon deserved someone better living with him.
  1529. > Someone who could say two sentences to him without crying.
  1530. > Someone who didn't go sniff his shower and then work herself with her hoof almost into a stupor.
  1531. > Someone who wouldn't stash bottles of piss under her bed just because she was too lazy to leave her room.
  1532. > After a few minutes, the human left. Despite Floor holding her ears closed, she could clearly hear him go to his bed and lie down with a sigh.
  1533. > Good. She would be alone for a while. She needed to be alone.
  1534. > Her gaze drifted to the computer.
  1535. > What she really needed was to stop thinking.
  1536. > She didn't have booze, so games were the next best thing.
  1537. > And after that, once she had calmed down a little, she would try and sort out her emotions.
  1539. > ~~~~
  1541. > It was weekend. Which meant that running into Anon was practically unavoidable, since Floor didn't have any empty bottles left in her room *and* she was getting hungry.
  1542. > The smell of pizza, still lingering in the apartment didn't help. Worse that that was the persistent guilt and regret she felt for her failure.
  1543. > Yes, it was her failure! She had unfettered access to the human. She could at least have made a real friend, but she chose to spend her days in isolation and misery.
  1544. > Now Anon knew just how messed up she was.
  1545. > The mare could hear him, walking around the apartment and doing whatever he did on weekends. She was lying on her bed, trying to work up the courage to go say 'hi'.
  1546. > Games wouldn't help and nor would movies. She couldn't distract herself from her thoughts anymore.
  1547. > Floor Bored wrapped herself in the hoodie Anon had bought her and resolved herself to waiting out the weekend in her room.
  1548. > But then there came a knock. She had focused so hard on her misery that she hadn't heard the human approach!
  1549. "Go away!"
  1550. > This time he disobeyed. Floor wished she had something to throw to get him out of the room. But she didn't and Anon just came to sit beside her on the bed.
  1551. > Keeping her face turned to the wall, Floor tried to get his scent out of her head.
  1552. > "Talk to me, Floor," he said in that unbearably nice tone of voice.
  1553. "W-Why bother?!"
  1554. > She had her ears turned toward the human and clearly heard him sigh.
  1555. > "You're hurting. I wanna help, Floor," he said in a near whisper.
  1556. > The pony jerked when his hand came to rest on her withers, but she didn't shake it off. She didn't answer, either.
  1557. > "Look," Anon began, "I don't know what happened yesterday. But I think you should go see a psychiatrist. I can call the embassy and ask about it, if you'd-"
  1558. "NO!"
  1559. > The hand left her fur in shock at the force of her exclamation. But then it came back.
  1560. > Floor was secretly grateful. She wanted to enjoy the touch.
  1561. > But his suggestion was bad. If ponies at the Equestrian embassy heard about her situation, they would send her home in a flash.
  1562. > That meant facing her parents and their inevitable 'I told you so'. And the shame and guilt they would undoubtedly fill her with.
  1563. "Please. No doctors!"
  1564. > The human was silent for a while. His hand made little circles against her neck before sliding down to her barrel.
  1565. > Floor closed her eyes and tried to imagine, just for a minute, that she had a real friend. That the warmth she felt from Anon wasn't simply pity.
  1566. > "Then talk to me, sweetie. You can't go on like this," Anon pointed out. His hand patted her on the barrel.
  1567. > It was enough to make the mare begin to cry silently for the things she could not have. She didn't answer.
  1568. > Again, the human heaved a log sigh. "Okay, you know what? How about this. Come to the living room with me and I'll warm up the pizza. You don't have to talk, we'll just finish the movie."
  1569. > The mare imagined how bothered she would get again if she had to sit next to Anon and smell him for any length of time.
  1570. > She stubbornly shook her head. Her only hope at actually making a friend in the human was if he never found out just how twisted her mind was. What a whore she was!
  1571. > "Please?"
  1572. > It choked her up. He was trying to get her to open up and Floor couldn't figure out why.
  1573. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
  1574. > There was barely a pause before Anon answered. "Because it's what friends do."
  1575. > She twisted around to stare at the human, but she couldn't find any trace of sarcasm in his face. His features were entirely open and honest.
  1576. "F-Friends? Us?"
  1577. > Now he smiled and it nearly made her melt. "Of course. What did you think?"
  1578. > Fresh tears began to flow. The mare couldn't find the lie in Anon's words and she had listened for one, hard.
  1579. > Any faster and her heart would explode. She swallowed a lump which threatened to choke her.
  1580. "You w-wanna be fr-friends with me?"
  1581. > He was confused now, as if her question made no sense. "Sure," the human answered, his words slow and halting, "I thought we were?"
  1582. > He wet his lips and withdrew his hand from her flank. Floor looked at the spot where she still felt his lingering warmth.
  1583. > "Why do you think I got you from that place and let you stay here?" Anon asked and spread his arms a little. "That's what friends do!" he repeated.
  1584. > The pony sniffed and he put both hands on her face. His thumbs wiped away the tears and the human smiled a gentle smile.
  1585. > "I know you've had a rough time, but I think you should put it behind," Anon suggested. His fingers curled and he brushed them through the fuzz on his cheeks.
  1586. > Floor suddenly realized he was touching her and blushed an ugly pink. She averted her eyes, but couldn't bring herself to pull her head away from that gentle caress.
  1587. > "Okay, how about this," the human went on, completely oblivious of what he was doing to her. "Let's start over. Forget about last night, or the day before. Just a couple of pals, hanging out, watching a movie, eating leftover pizza. How about that?"
  1588. > She wanted it! Oh, how much she wanted that!
  1589. > To be a normal mare. To have friends and normal experiences. Her eyes sought out her computer.
  1590. > She could have conversations through chat. Text was easy. But a real conversation? Her ears folded down as she imagined sitting on the couch and interacting with this human for *hours*. Face to face.
  1591. > Her tail tucked itself more tightly against her rump. Could she make it?
  1592. > Leave her weirdness behind for a bit? She could masturbate over the memory after the movie...
  1593. "P-please."
  1594. > It was all she could say. The mare didn't meet her human's eyes.
  1595. > His hands left her face and Floor sighed, both in relief and in regret. But then the human leaned in, his nose almost touching hers.
  1596. > "Just a movie, I promise. Someday, when you're ready, we'll talk about whatever is bothering you, but that'll be later. Okay?"
  1597. > All she could do was nod. His face filled her vision and his scent wafted over her.
  1598. > It was a lot more pleasant than her unwashed musk.
  1599. > She wanted to be his!
  1600. > Perhaps accepting the friendship he was so determined to give was the first step?
  1601. > Floor wasn't worthy of it, but if he insisted maybe she shouldn't feel so guilty about it.
  1602. > The bed shifted as Anon stood up. "Take your time, okay? Bring the blanket, you know... if you need a familiar scent. I'll start the oven."
  1603. "Huh?"
  1604. > She almost couldn't understand. He intended to warm up their pizza in the actual oven?! Floor would have just slapped it in the microwave, herself. It was so much easier.
  1605. > But it would taste so much better this way, the mare knew.
  1606. > The human frowned a little at her exclamation, but then he explained again: "I'll warm up the pizza. Just go make yourself comfortable on the couch."
  1607. > Then he left and Floor watched him go.
  1608. > It wouldn't be easy to act normal for the entire movie, but she was determined.
  1609. > Anon selflessly gave his friendship, the least she could do was try and not spring anymore weirdness on him.
  1610. >...
  1611. > She made it! It was incredible, but by focusing entirely on the movie and the pizza, Floor had gone through the entire movie without wetting the couch!
  1612. > Just in case she had covered her spot with the blanket, but it hadn't been necessary. The mare felt a little proud of herself.
  1613. > It was only afternoon, yet it felt like weeks had passed since the morning.
  1614. > Floor looked at the human. He was sitting right at the end, pressed against the armrest to give her the most room he could. And she was curled up against her side.
  1615. > There was a lot of empty couch between them. She wished it wasn't so, but she couldn't trust herself with proximity, not yet.
  1616. > She would work up toward it!
  1617. > The pizza had been exactly as good as she had imagined and the pony licked at her hooves to catch any stray crumbs or bits of sauce.
  1618. > "Well, that was... nice," the human said. He hesitated, as if looking for a proper word there.
  1619. "Y-Yes."
  1620. > He glanced at her and Floor was glad that it was dark. The curtains were pulled and the lights were off. The only glow came from the screen, which was rolling with the end credits.
  1621. > "So, what now?" Anon asked.
  1622. > He wanted more?!
  1623. > For a split second Floor entertained the thought of the human leaning closer and kissing her.
  1624. > That was what fillies and colts did in the movies, wasn't it?
  1625. > But she quickly wrenched her mind back to the present and pushed her imagination back down.
  1626. > She was too luckily by half to have gotten this far. She really shouldn't push it!
  1627. > Lacking a good idea of what to say, the mare just repeated his last question back to him.
  1628. "What now?"
  1629. > Anon gave it some thought, then shrugged. "Dunno. Some vidya? Or we could go out for ice cream."
  1630. > The latter scared her. She hadn't been outside in weeks and the mare didn't know if she wanted it.
  1631. > Even at the best of times she saw the humans looking at her strangely. Maybe something in her posture screamed out to the world just who she was.
  1632. > A little pervert. Slut!
  1633. > All the humans and ponies she had met outside were silently judging her! She knew it.
  1634. > It was sheer politeness that nopony ever said anything, but she could imagine what they thought. Disgust, horror...
  1635. > Perhaps worst of all was the pity.
  1636. > Merely imagining it made her shudder. Anon saw it, too, and gave her a faint, uncertain smile.
  1637. > "How about a bit of gaming? We can do some 2v2, if you'd like. Or just play our own games," Anon suggested.
  1638. > It was a very welcome idea. Closed in her room, Floor wouldn't have to look at the human, or smell him.
  1639. > She could talk to him through chat for a while and playing something would distract her.
  1640. "Yeah, I'd l-like that."
  1641. > The human smiled and, after a fashion, so did she.
  1643. > ~~~~
  1645. > Floor Bored was falling for her roommate. There was no doubt anymore in her mind. He was sweet and charming and treated her like a friend.
  1646. > In a way, the mare was surprised how quickly she went from feeling like she didn't deserve it, to wanting it.
  1647. > It was selfish and would probably end in misery once Anon realized just how worthless and needy she was. A mare could dream, though, even if she didn't dare do anything about it.
  1648. > She was pathetic, really. Even after having decided that she wanted to try being Anon's friend - or possibly something more - she couldn't work up the courage to do something about it.
  1649. > Floor spent most of her time locked in her room and only ventured out when it was unavoidable. Or when Anon asked her.
  1650. > She liked to imagine that him cooking dinner and them eating it together was a date. And one of these days she would work up the nerve to sit a little closer on the couch when they watched a movie.
  1651. > Maybe she would even stammer through more than a couple of words when Anon spoke to her face to face.
  1652. > Why was it so much easier over the Internet?!
  1653. > Probably because she didn't smell him so much. She couldn't practically feel the heat radiating from his skin, or see the faint, slightly worried, smile on his face.
  1654. > She really was a loser, the mare thought. Any one of her friends would have been sharing Anon's bed long before now, and here was stupid little Floor Bored, who couldn't even look him in the face for five seconds straight.
  1655. > It was time to do something about it!
  1656. > The pony looked at the clock on her computer. Late morning. Anon had come from work about an hour ago, knocked on her door to say hi, then went to make himself breakfast.
  1657. > Floor was a little sad he hadn't brought her pizza this time, but she really couldn't ask for a treat every single day.
  1658. > She wondered if she should cook for him sometimes. She knew how to boil noodles and Anon had some instant sauce in the kitchen. Both the meat and the vegetable kinds.
  1659. > Okay, Floor decided. She would go out, say hello and sit with the human on his couch for a bit until he went to sleep, and she would make him dinner that evening before he went to work.
  1660. > Now was the time to become a fun, easygoing, *normal* mare. A roommate worth having!
  1661. > She gathered up her courage and gently opened her door. The fact that the handle was above her head irked a little, but the pony pushed the feeling aside.
  1662. > Her halting hoofsteps took her to the entrance of the living room, but she couldn't go any further.
  1663. > Anon was sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand and looking at her in shock.
  1664. > Yeah, even he couldn't believe she came out without being asked to. Floor looked down and tried to will her heart to slow down. It was hammering so much that she almost didn't hear the human speak.
  1665. > "Floor?" he asked, his voice careful and neutral. "Everything, uh, okay?"
  1666. > When had she become this pony? She hadn't always been afraid to poke her snout out of her room. True - she was never a party-loving mare, but at least she could go out and talk to ponies!
  1667. > Her legs felt as if they were made of lead as the mare took a step forward. Her hoof dragged on the hardwood and trembled as she laid it back down.
  1668. > She saw from the corner of her eye that Anon had placed his can on the coffee table and was getting up.
  1669. > Floor could barely force the words through her clenched teeth.
  1670. "No- no, I'm fine!"
  1671. > The human paused, but didn't sit back down. "What's wrong?" he asked and the concern in his voice nearly broke her heart. How miserable *did* she look?!
  1672. > A memory flashed across her mind and Floor realized she hadn't showered again since the last time Anon made her. She probably stank. Maybe coming out of her room had been a bad idea!
  1673. > All she would prove was that she was nasty and stupid! That she couldn't even take care of herself.
  1674. > Anon would have every right to call the pony embassy and ask them to take her away. She would deserve it, too!
  1675. > The mare whimpered a little and her rump hit the floor as her hind legs refused to bear her weight anymore.
  1676. > "Okay, that's enough of that," Anon said with finality and came around the table.
  1677. > Floor didn't dare look at his face. He would be livid with this loser horse living in his flat and eating his food.
  1678. > She wouldn't be the least bit surprised to feel a kick in her ribs and hear a demand to get out.
  1679. > Before she could stop it, Floor was crying silently. She felt, more than saw, the human standing over her. She waited for the verdict.
  1680. > Anon sat cross-legged on the floor, right in front of her. The pony could see his socks and sweatpants. More importantly, she could smell the faint tinge of his deodorant and sweat.
  1681. > If filled her head and she wanted to say 'I love you'. Only it would be stupid and Anon would laugh at her.
  1682. > Then she would die of embarrassment, so Floor kept her muzzle firmly shut.
  1683. > "Hey, c'mere," he said quietly. He sounded much calmer than Floor imagined he would be.
  1684. > The words didn't make any sense. She glanced up to see that Anon had his arms slightly outspread as if he wanted to hug her. She couldn't understand what he was doing.
  1685. > He didn't wait for long. Before Floor had the presence of mind to scoot away, the human leaned forward, grabbed her around the barrel and brought her in his lap.
  1686. > Floor froze in shock, every muscle locking up as she stared straight ahead over his shoulder.
  1687. > The hands released her and then travelled around to pat her back. Her muzzle was gently pressed into Anon's shoulder.
  1688. > "There, relax, I got you," he whispered right in her ear.
  1689. > Taking short, shallow breaths, Floor tried to make heads or tails about it. But the human kept talking.
  1690. > "I'm sorry I've been a bad friend, Floor," he confided, making the pony blink in confusion. *He* had been the bad friend?! It made less and less sense the further this thing went on.
  1691. > He wasn't finished yet: "You went through God knows what in that place and I just dumped you in a room here and left you alone. What you really needed was someone to talk to..."
  1692. > She had to set the record straight. She was a coward and a whore and a pathetic excuse for a pony, but Anon had sounded genuinely sad about his imagined failings.
  1693. "N-No."
  1694. > It came out as a hoarse squeak, so Floor tried again.
  1695. "No!"
  1696. > She wanted to pull away and run, but the arms around her wouldn't let go. The mare swallowed and tried very hard to keep all the emotion contained. It was threatening to burst out.
  1697. > The truth! She had to tell Anon the truth.
  1698. "I'm the b-bad one," Floor admitted. "C-Can't even look at y-you, in- inna face."
  1699. > The human wouldn't take it. She felt his head shake in denial. "That's completely understandable, sweetie. What Mr. Easton did-"
  1700. "FUCK MR. EASTON!"
  1701. > Even the mare herself didn't know where it was coming from. But she pushed herself away so she could stare Anon in the eye. She had to make him understand!
  1702. "I don't care about that b-bastard! I'm done- I'm through with t-that!"
  1703. > Anon didn't reply, just relaxed his arms a little so she wasn't being crushed.
  1704. > He was sad, Floor realized. For her. He thought she was still hung up over what had happened with that piece of shit landlord of hers.
  1705. > Was she?
  1706. > The helpless horror as she waited for his visit? The nights, trying to stop thinking about that grunting pig leaning on her back?
  1707. > Was that making her into this... this *recluse*?
  1708. > Preventing her from having something beautiful with Anon?!
  1709. > The mare choked up as she tried to keep the sob down, but she couldn't contain it all. Nor could she stop the tears.
  1710. > Before she knew what she was doing, Floor pushed her face right in Anon's shirt and wept. She was getting it wet and sticky with her tears and snot and tried to apologize:
  1711. "I- I'm s-sorry..."
  1712. > The arms were back around her and one hand patted her head. "Hush, it's not your fault, Floor. I'm sorry too. I should've been with you these past few weeks."
  1713. > The mare tried to shake her head and deny it, but she couldn't get her voice to work.
  1714. > Maybe it would all turn out alright in the end. Maybe Anon would understand that she was a mess. If she was very lucky, he might even give her a chance to get better.
  1715. > She had to learn it all again. How to take care of herself. How to interact with people. How to cook and have a job and go outside...
  1716. > One thing was more important, though.
  1717. "N-need... show-shower!"
  1718. > The human gave a small chuckle. Floor both heard and felt it in his chest. She nearly smiled, it was such a cute sound.
  1719. > "Yeah, sorry. I just came from work."
  1720. > She pulled her face away and tried to grin, but it wouldn't work.
  1721. "No, me..."
  1722. > "Oh," Anon said and watched her for a moment. "I wasn't going to say anything, but yeah. It wouldn't hurt."
  1723. > She didn't know what to do next. For that matter, Floor wasn't entirely certain what had even happened. *Something* had come out of her, but it wasn't anything she had been aware she even had in her.
  1724. > Luckily, the human knew what to say. "Wanna talk to me?" he asked and brushed a strand of her mane out of her face.
  1725. > Floor Bored nodded. But then her throat seized up. She couldn't tell him how weird she was. Not about her furious hoofing herself to his scent, nor the vague desire to sleep in his bed.
  1726. > Or how much she thought she loved him.
  1727. > The mare shook her head and averted her eyes.
  1728. "N-No."
  1729. > There was silence and the pony risked a glance. Anon's lips were pursed in thought and he had a slight frown.
  1730. > "You can't keep bottling it up, Floor," he said at long last. His hands were on her shoulders and gently squeezed. It reminded her that they were touching, quite a lot.
  1731. > It was doing things to her!
  1732. > Not now! Please, not now, Floor begged silently.
  1733. > Her heart went crazy again and she tried to wriggle free. She nearly made it, but Anon shifted his grip to her forelegs and held her in place.
  1734. > "Tell me what's bothering you!" he said with a firm voice and a serious look in his eye. He wasn't joking any longer.
  1735. > The mare was panting in fright and looking around wildly for an escape.
  1736. > She looked back at Anon when she heard him sigh. He was sad again. Because of her.
  1737. > Her heart went out to him. The human didn't deserve to worry so much about her.
  1738. "I'm sorry!"
  1739. > She tried to pull away again and took a few backward steps with her hind legs. Then she tried to free her forelegs so she could escape the human.
  1740. > They both looked down at the same time. At the little wet patch on Anon's pants. Right where she had been sitting.
  1741. > Her eyes went wide and Floor began to whimper in terror. She knew Anon understood what the damp spot meant.
  1742. > And now he would know just how sick and twisted she was. Whatever chances she might still have had, they were surely gone now.
  1743. > "So, that's what you were worried about?" the human asked silently.
  1744. > Floor didn't answer, but she was trembling badly and her breath came in short, sharp gasps between the whimpers.
  1745. > "And what, you're afraid I'll see and be disgusted or something? Kick you out?"
  1746. > He probably knew he was right by the way her ears went flat. She wasn't even looking at his face and the human was still reading her like a book!
  1747. > "Well, I don't mind," Anon said gently, still keeping a firm grip on her forelegs, even while Floor had no more strength in her to try and escape.
  1748. > "Floor, I don't know what's going on in there, but I still wanna help, okay?"
  1749. > It was enough to make the mare look up. She tried to wrap her mind around what was happening.
  1750. > Anon was seeing just how deranged, how *broken* she was and he didn't mind?! He wanted to help?
  1751. > Floor shook her head, but didn't resist when the human pulled her in his lap again. She leaked - she *felt* herself leak some more - and Anon doubtless knew it, too. But he didn't seem to care in the slightest.
  1752. > The arms went around her again and pressed her muzzle against his shoulder once more.
  1753. > "Just relax, okay? I'm not gonna stop being your friend because your body goes a little crazy, understand? It was a messed up situation and I don't know what it did to you, but I'm gonna get you better, Floor."
  1754. > There really wasn't anything left to hide.
  1755. > Flore gave in. She put her hooves around the human - as far as she could reach - and let her breath out in a sigh, before the sobbing started again.
  1756. > She couldn't understand him. She couldn't even begin to wrap her head around what had happened.
  1757. > But she knew Anon had seen her at her worst... and *accepted* her.
  1758. > The mare began to cry again, but this time from relief.
  1759. > She never wanted to let go of this human.
  1760. >...
  1761. > Floor Bored woke up with no real recollection of what had happened. She wasn't in her bed and her mind was blank.
  1762. > She remembered breaking down in front of Anon and she knew he had hugged her. She also recalled, all too vividly, the wet patch on his pants.
  1763. > Her wet patch.
  1764. > Yet, rather than being disgusted, the human had said it was alright and hugged her again. It changed things between them.
  1765. > Did it change things between them? Floor didn't know, but she remembered putting her hooves around Anon and swearing she would never let go.
  1766. > Yeah she probably didn't deserve someone that nice, but she wanted him anyway, so badly!
  1767. > After that... there was nothing. Until now. She was in a bed, which meant Anon had probably taken her to her room once she had fallen asleep.
  1768. > The mare tried to decide what time it was. The light was dim, but she could see a yellow glow in the hallway. Afternoon, she guessed.
  1769. > Except the orientation was wrong. If her bed was *here*, then the door to her room should be *over there*, not-
  1770. "Eep!"
  1771. > Floor realized she was in Anon's bed. The pony froze and her breath caught as she identified the warm surface she was lying on.
  1772. > It even moved up and down gently with his breathing!
  1773. > Not to mention that her hooves were still draped around Anon's torso, even if she wasn't consciously gripping.
  1774. > She wondered if she could sneak away.
  1775. > They hadn't *done* anything, had they?! She didn't feel as if anything had happened... down there. That was a relief. Surely she would have known, remembered *something*!
  1776. > Why was she in his bed?
  1777. > "Hey there," the human said in a tired voice.
  1778. > When Floor Bored turned her eyes, she saw him looking right at her. Even before her little gasp the mare folded down her ears and averted her eyes.
  1779. > She pushed at the bed with her forelegs with the intention of running out of his room and into her own, and never coming out again, ever.
  1780. > Unfortunately, Anon had one arm draped around her back and gently held her down. Floor couldn't bring herself to break that hold.
  1781. > "Hey, hey, relax. It's fine," the human assured her in a whisper.
  1782. > She had to know.
  1783. "W-Why... what happened?"
  1784. > "You wouldn't let go. I waited nearly an hour on the floor, but then you were asleep. And you still wouldn't let go!"
  1785. > Floor was already blushing, but Floor stopped struggling. The human didn't seem to want to release her and - the knowledge surprised her - she didn't want to go.
  1786. > She was pressed against Anon's chest and could clearly feel the slow, steady thump of his heart in there. The blanket was covering them both, creating a pocket of warmth and safety.
  1787. > Yeah, that was the right word. Floor was essentially surrounded by Anon's scent and all she felt was some strange, tranquil safety.
  1788. > Of course, the instant the embrace ended there would be hell to pay. Even now her muzzle colored as she imagined the awkward embarrassment.
  1789. > Once Anon remembered the wet patch it would be unbearable.
  1790. > Just now, however, she liked the closeness.
  1791. > The human was still waiting for a reply, Floor realized.
  1792. "S-Sorry."
  1793. > "Don't be. It looked like you needed it and I needed some sleep, so I brought you here. Hope that's okay. I didn't want to leave you alone."
  1794. > Floor managed a nod, but felt something more was called for.
  1795. "Yeah, it's f-fine."
  1796. > Anon lifted his other hand and picked up his cell phone from the bedside table. He examined the screen for a moment.
  1797. > "Five more minutes, then I have to get up. Work."
  1798. > She was at the same time relieved and saddened that this time would end so soon. It was... quite nice.
  1799. > Strangely enough, it wasn't even sexual. Just the two of them, touching bellies and sharing warmth. In that one, blissful moment, Floor understood she could trust Anon with absolutely anything.
  1800. > He'd had every chance to take advantage of her, in any way he might have liked. He could have made her work and earn him money. He could easily have demanded her to clean and cook for him, in return for the room.
  1801. > Yes, he could even have demanded sex as payment. But the human had done nothing of the sort. Her fears were unfounded. He really was just a good person. A true gentlecolt.
  1802. > Not to mention one who seemed to like her!
  1803. > That last bit was the one Floor had such difficulty wrapping her head around. Back home, colts shied away from her. She was too quiet, too thoughtful, too *odd* for them.
  1804. > There were plenty of fillies who liked normal things, like flowers and dancing and music and company. Floor Bored was a recluse and that drove everypony away.
  1805. > For a while she had hoped to be at least a 'practice mare', but even that had slipped into impossibility as she got older and all the colts she knew began to settle down.
  1806. > The pony closed her eyes and tried to imagine, at least for a minute or two, what it would be like to wake up every day like this. Pressed against Anon.
  1807. > Sometimes she would lie on her side, with the human draping his arm around her barrel and her rump pressing against his belly.
  1808. > Other times she might turn around and grip him with her hooves, just to make sure he couldn't leave unexpectedly.
  1809. > It would certainly be warm and... *safe*.
  1810. > She really wanted it! Was it even still possible? Probably not. Anon's taking the pony to his bed had been a spur of the moment thing and as soon he had some time to think it over, the human would realize just what a mess she was.
  1811. > A tear trickled down her snout and Floor tried to come up with a way to salvage their relationship. Whatever they could still have.
  1812. "An-Anon?"
  1813. > "Mmm?" the human murmured back, his voice faint. His eyes were closed and his breathing slow. Floor didn't want to wake him up, but she had to know.
  1814. "About... before..."
  1815. > Now Anon looked and his arm on her back twitched. He noticed the wet trail down her face and his other hand came to brush her cheek. "Hey, hey, what's wrong? Don't cry."
  1816. > The pony couldn't help it. She shook her head and squeezed her eyes tightly shut so she wouldn't have to look at his concerned look.
  1817. > A single sob escaped her, despite her best efforts. Her voice came out as a thin wail.
  1818. "'m... I'm a mess! F-Fucked up... whore!"
  1819. > Floor put her hooves over her face, but Anon gently pried them away. On the bedside table his phone's alarm went on, but he simply ignored it.
  1820. > "Don't say that, Floor," the human pleaded with her. "You're nothing of the sort, okay! It's all just that bastard who made you feel that way!"
  1821. "I th-thought you were going t-to do it too!"
  1822. > "Huh?"
  1823. "Just wanted me f-for... I'd have to raise my ta-tail for- in exchange for the room!"
  1824. > The human leaned up on his elbows and Floor slid from his chest. She curled up as much as she could under the blanket, but Anon resolutely pulled it away from her head.
  1825. > "Of course not!" he swore. "Floor, I'd never! I'm not like that!"
  1826. > He swung his legs over the edge and sat there, face in his hands. He absentmindedly turned off the alarm on his phone.
  1827. > Good job, Floor thought. Now he was horrified and disgusted. Way to drive him off!
  1828. > The pony reached out a shaking hoof and laid it on Anon's thigh.
  1829. "I'm sorry, Anon. I kn-know that now. I should've trusted you..."
  1830. > She quickly added:
  1831. "I t-trust you now!"
  1832. > His hand covered her hoof and gave it a slight squeeze. He looked at her and faked a smile. "Just so long as we're clear. Look, I really have to go to work, are you going to be okay on your own?"
  1833. > Floor nodded.
  1834. > "Wanna go back to your room?"
  1835. > The mare inhaled the scent. She was still partially covered by the blanket and it all smelled of *him*. She also felt his lingering warmth in the mattress. She thought about her cold, lonely bed.
  1836. > She shook her head, but lowered both her eyes and her ears in shame.
  1837. > "Okay, you can stay here tonight.
  1838. > Her ears perked up and Floor looked at Anon's face in surprise. It wasn't the answer she had been expecting.
  1839. > The human chuckled and cupped her muzzle with a hand. The thumb stroked the soft fur on her cheek. With his other hand Anon brushed her mane out of her face.
  1840. > Almost in a trance, Floor realized she didn't mind the touch. Not *his touch* and not like this. In fact, she liked it. She wanted more of it!
  1841. > The mare wondered if that was what affection felt like. Maybe that was why all the fillies around her went through all the silliness with makeup and dancing and dating - just to get this?
  1842. > If she had known how nice it felt, she would have also!
  1843. > Before she even realized what she was doing, Floor poked out her tongue and licked Anon's finger. She instantly froze in shock, but rather than pulling away in disgust, the human just laughed some more.
  1844. > "Okay, stay in my bed if it helps. There's leftover lasagna in the fridge if you get hungry. We'll talk more when I'm back, okay?"
  1845. > All Floor could do was nod.
  1846. > Anon stood up, rummaged in a drawer for fresh socks and underwear, and went to the bathroom to get ready.
  1847. > Just as he closed the door behind him, Floor Bored whispered after him:
  1848. "I love you!"
  1849. > But too quietly for him to hear, of course.
  1850. > Then she quickly settled back down while there was some warmth left.
  1851. > The pony wasn't entirely sure what had happened, or why, but she wanted to continue with it. Despite everything Anon learned about her, he didn't seem disgusted or revolted or angry.
  1852. > Just sympathetic, understanding and *nice*. So very nice.
  1853. > Maybe it was just what good friends did. Probably Floor was being stupid with her infatuation, but if there was any chance - any sliver of hope at all - that it could be real, she wanted it.
  1854. > She wanted to be a better pony. She hoped she could be.
  1855. > The mare shuffled around until she was lying on her back and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. She wondered how often Anon had lain there and looked at it.
  1856. > She was in his bed, after all. Her. Undesirable, ugly, unattractive Floor Bored, in Anon's bed.
  1857. > The shower started and the sound worked its insidious spell on her tortured mind. The association was too strong.
  1858. > Floor became *too* aware of Anon's scent around her. She shuddered and felt a trickle escape her. She quickly tried to dam it up with her hoof, but it was too late.
  1859. > The mare jumped from the bed and clamped her tail as tightly against herself as she could. She looked around wildly for any disposable cloth.
  1860. > Anon's sweatpants! She hadn't even realized he had taken them off, but there they were, on the floor. As quickly as she could, Floor bunched them up and pressed them against herself.
  1861. > Then she examined the bed. It was bad! A vivid, yellow drop, which would soon dry and leave a very visible patch.
  1862. > She couldn't let that happen!
  1863. > At her wits' end, unsure what to do, Floor panicked and tried to lick it up.
  1864. > It worked - saliva wouldn't show up on the white sheet after it dried, but there was a fatal flaw in her desperate plan.
  1865. > Her own smell and taste was bad enough, but the spot where she had shoved her muzzle was *exactly* where Anon's... *thing* pressed every night. She got a very good whiff.
  1866. > A small moan escaped her throat and Floor shuddered as she soaked her makeshift diaper. She pressed it more firmly against her backside and hobbled to her room on three legs.
  1867. > Perhaps the only blessing in the entire, messed up situation was that Anon was still in the shower, so he didn't hear her awkward, shuffling progress across the hall.
  1868. > Finally she pushed her door closed and slumped against it.
  1869. > Floor was on the verge of fresh tears. It had been nice! More than that, it had been *beautiful*! She had been so comfortable!
  1870. > Why did everything have to turn to sex sooner or later in her mind!? It wasn't like she'd ever really had it, not for real. What Mr. Easton had done didn't count, Floor Bored had decided.
  1871. > Yet another proof of how twisted she was. She wondered if she should tell Anon.
  1872. > It would be the honest thing to do. Tell him straight away just what she was like. Give him a chance to change his mind and send her away.
  1873. > Nopony could love a whore like her! If she ensnared - yeah, that was probably the right word for it - someone as nice as Anon, she might never forgive herself.
  1874. > Floor limped over to her bed and jumped up on her blanket. She pulled the soaked fabric of Anon's sweatpants away from her swollen, needy bits and pressed it against her muzzle.
  1875. > Mostly her own scent, but with enough of Anon to really get her flowing. She bit down on a clean part of the fabric to keep herself silent while her other hoof crept down between her hind legs.
  1876. > She didn't even notice the tears anymore. All she felt was the burning need.
  1878. > ~~~~
  1880. > At least Anon didn't ask why she was suddenly in her own room. That was a small blessing. He merely poked in his head to say bye, then left for work.
  1881. > Maybe he didn't notice the scent.
  1882. > Floor Bored sighed. He probably smelled it. His sweatpants, which she'd hidden under her bed with all the bottles, were soaked in it.
  1883. > She would try and wash them some time when Anon was gone from the flat.
  1884. > Just... not today. The mare didn't feel like getting up.
  1885. > Was Anon disgusted with her if he really had smelled what she'd done? He probably was. She doubted he would ever take her in his bed again.
  1886. > How did you even go about making that happen?! Floor barked a laugh and whispered to herself to taste the words:
  1887. "Hey, I re-really liked yesterday. M-Mind if I sleep here again?"
  1888. > Yeah, that was totally stupid and weird.
  1889. > She decided she would figure it out. Somehow, she'd try and make it work between them. Anon was too nice to lose.
  1890. > The first thing was to take care of herself. That meant a shower.
  1891. > Floor remembered that Anon had just been in there and blushed. She knew what would happen, but now she wanted it.
  1892. > Just once more, as a goodbye. Then she'd start being good. Being *normal*.
  1893. > As the pony leapt from her bed, she clamped her tail tightly down so she wouldn't leak on the way. She was already getting excited again.
  1894. >...
  1895. > It was a hard thing to do, but Floor Bored made herself stay in the living room that entire day. She watched movie after movie, waiting for the human to come back.
  1896. > Floor had a plan.
  1897. > She knew if she went to her room, it would just be games until the early hours of the morning, after which she'd either fall asleep in her chair, or manage to crawl to her bed.
  1898. > Anon would come from work, say hello, then go to his own bed.
  1899. > But if she was sleeping on the couch, maybe he'd stay up and chat with her a little. The fact that she had nothing to say was a problem, but if she watched some of his movies she'd perhaps think of something.
  1900. > People talked about movies, right?
  1901. > Besides, she wasn't sleepy, not yet. Not after spending the entire day cuddled with Anon. It was amazing just how restful that had been. Now that she thought about it, Floor couldn't imagine how she could ever nod off like that.
  1902. > Dead-tired, that was probably the key. That was what she hoped to be by the time the human came from work.
  1903. > Maybe if she was exhausted enough, she wouldn't cream herself when Anon joined her on the couch to eat.
  1904. > He always ate on the couch and watched something or other on the TV.
  1905. > That gave her an idea. The mare wondered if she should cook something. That would be the normal thing to do, right? Greet the human with a hot meal when he came home for a hard night's work.
  1906. > All she could do was boil noodles, but maybe that would be enough. Yes, Floor decided, she would do that.
  1907. > Somewhere around six A.M. she'd get started and it would be ready just as Anon walked in the door. He was *bound* to like her after that!
  1908. > The pony couldn't help smiling a little at the thought. She could do it, too! And then she would sit with him and talk a little over their dinner.
  1909. > She still didn't know what about and the movies weren't helping. Floor realized she hadn't been paying attention as her mind raced with hopes and plans and dreams.
  1910. > Now it was getting cold in the apartment and the mare shivered a little. She didn't bother pausing the high-octane action on the screen as she went to fetch her blanket.
  1911. > She glanced at the computer longingly. One or two games, or maybe a cartoon would pass the time quicker. Why not? She could still go to the couch after, right?
  1912. > The pony had promised herself she wouldn't. It was too risky. She wasn't tired *right now*, but it was still night.
  1913. > Better make it just a quick episode and a single match at most!
  1914. > Besides, The TV was on, so there was no way Floor would forget about her couch plans.
  1916. > ~~~~
  1918. > "Hey, Floor, why is the TV on full blast?" Anon was asking right behind her.
  1919. > The mare jerked awake and peeled her head from the keyboard. A line of drool connected her to the table, but she quickly wiped it with a foreleg.
  1920. "Mmhm?"
  1921. > The human sighed. "It stinks in here, open a window. And when was the last time you changed the bed sheets? Sheesh!"
  1922. > Before Floor Bored could remember what was happening, the human reached around her and slid the window open. The noise of the traffic outside became louder.
  1923. > The mare tried to get some coherent thought going.
  1924. "Bre- uh, breakfast. Gotta... mmm, gotta make noodles. Couch?"
  1925. > The human raised an eyebrow at her. "What?" he asked, bemused. "What are you going on about?"
  1926. > Floor rubbed her snout with a hoof and yawned. Maybe it was because she was sleepy, but she was a lot less nervous around the human. Even her voice sounded firmer, more confident.
  1927. "Sorry, I wanted to make you breakfast. Must've f-allen asleep."
  1928. > She gave Anon a sheepish grin and lowered her ears in embarrassment.
  1929. > Of course he couldn't resist smiling back and tousling her mane.
  1930. > "At least you took a shower. Good job," he praised. "Now, let's see about your sheets. I'm gonna do laundry today anyway."
  1931. > He picked up her pillow and began undoing the buttons to free the pillowcase. "What was that about breakfast?"
  1932. > Floor stretched out all four legs and yawned, nearly falling from the chair in the process.
  1933. "Oh, I w-wanted to cook."
  1934. > She was starting to feel nervous again. Now that she said it out loud, it sounded stupid. She couldn't really cook. Even something as easy as pasta would probably burn, or boil over, or whatever it was it did.
  1935. > About the only thing she could reliably make was Ramen and that was just pouring hot water in the plastic cup. Besides, Anon had none of that in the flat.
  1936. > "Oh?" he asked, freezing in the process of pulling the sheet from the bed so he could stare at her. "You sure? I wouldn't mind."
  1937. > Now her face was positively glowing and Floor focused her eyes on the sliver of light between the wall and the curtain. Sun was coming up and it looked like a nice day outside.
  1938. > The mare remembered she hadn't been out since she'd arrived at Anon's. She liked it that way, but it wasn't exactly 'normal' for a pony.
  1939. > The human went back to working on her bed while she thought up an answer.
  1940. > Maybe honesty? It would be easier than trying to explain why she had burned down the building with her lack of skill.
  1941. "Uh, but I don't r-really know... uh, h-how..."
  1942. > Her voice trailed off in a squeak.
  1943. "... cook."
  1944. > Anon dropped the sheets on the bed and went to pat her withers. "Don't worry, if you wanna try, I'll teach you. It's real easy."
  1945. > Celestia help her, it actually sounded nice! Housework and chores sounded *pleasant* if Anon would be doing them with her!
  1946. > Maybe that was why the other ponies did it?
  1947. > Before she knew it, Floor had a stupid little smile and nodded.
  1948. "Yes please!"
  1949. > Laughing, the human gave her shoulder a little squeeze, then went to pick up the cloth on the floor.
  1950. > Unfortunately that meant he had to bend down.
  1951. > "Huh? What's..." he said and reached under the bed.
  1952. > The mare froze, her breath caught and she felt as if someone had plunged her in a vat of acid.
  1953. > Immediately adrenaline pumped through her veins. She didn't have to see what Anon pulled from under the bed. None of the options were good.
  1954. > "Floor," the man said very carefully and straightened up with the yellow, dirty cloth pinched between two fingers. He didn't want to touch it too much.
  1955. > "Floor," he repeated and held out the offending item so she could see it. "What happened to my sweatpants? Did you do this?"
  1956. > Her throat constricted and the pony struggled to breathe through her nose. She put her hooves over her head, as if expecting a beating.
  1957. > Maybe she would get it, but what stung more was the disappointment in Anon's voice. Her own, too! Just when she had been having a halfway normal conversation with the human!
  1958. > He took a step closer and held the cloth right before her nose. The full force of her own smell assaulted her, along with a remnant of Anon's sweat.
  1959. > Floor whimpered a little, but she still refused to lift her head up.
  1960. > "Did you do what I think you did with this?" the human demanded. He sounded angry.
  1961. > She couldn't take it. With a sob, Floor Bored slid from the chair and bolted. She paused for a fraction of a second in the hallway and considered going outside. The front door was probably unlocked and Anon certainly couldn't catch her.
  1962. > But then what?
  1963. > She had no money, no friends and no place to go. If she was really lucky the pony embassy wouldn't be too far, but all they would do would be to send her home.
  1964. > That was definitely the worse fate!
  1965. > Choosing the lesser evil, the mare turned to the kitchen and ran, hooves ringing on the hardwood of the living room and then on the kitchen tiles.
  1966. > Of course Anon could find her, but Floor wasn't thinking more than a few seconds ahead. She just wanted to get away for now. And she was a champion of putting off the future.
  1967. > She ended up under the kitchen table. The table cloth hung over the edge, giving her at least an illusion of camouflage and safety.
  1968. > The human hadn't followed. Floor listened for a while, until she heard him sigh and sit on the bed.
  1969. > Then she curled up on the floor and tried very hard not to weep.
  1970. > Eventually he would come for her. He would undoubtedly be extremely mad. Maybe if she apologized...
  1971. > That was impossible, Floor knew that right away. She wouldn't be able to look Anon in the face, let alone speak with him.
  1972. > What he might do then, the mare couldn't fathom. Nothing good, most likely.
  1973. > Maybe *this* would finally be the last straw and he would toss her out.
  1974. > At least she wouldn't have to face him anymore if that happened.
  1975. > Despite her misery, Floor Bored kept her ears up and listened closely to what Anon was doing. There was some swearing as he loaded up the washing machine, but mostly he stayed quiet.
  1976. > The mare didn't know what to make of it, so she just waited for what would happen next. Strangely enough, she managed to keep herself from crying.
  1977. > The situation was far too scary for that. She knew very well that she had gone beyond bad. She shouldn't have kept putting off cleaning up the stash of bottles under her bed.
  1978. > Taking Anon's clothes to masturbate with was also the epitome of wrong. At the very least, she should have washed the sweatpants immediately.
  1979. > Once the machine began sloshing and whirring, the human came looking for her. Floor whimpered quietly when he entered the living room. All she could see were his legs, but the pony imagined her roommate was furious.
  1980. > Of course he found her in zero seconds flat. He came to the table and sat on the floor, so he could look at her.
  1981. > To her surprise, his expression was... sad.
  1982. > Floor couldn't help but stare. She waited for Anon to speak, but he was silent for long, uncomfortable seconds.
  1983. > "Damn it, Floor," he finally sighed, "what the hell was that? Care to tell me why there's bottles of piss under your bed?"
  1984. > All she could do was squeak gently and shake her head.
  1985. > "I know you're messed up from all that shit with Easton, but come on!" Anon growled, making the mare draw away in fear. "I was hoping you'd come and talk to me before it got this bad!"
  1986. > Floor averted her face and sagged a little more. She was already on her belly, but she found some way to lower her shoulders that extra bit.
  1987. > "Hey!" the human snapped and pointed an accusatory finger. "Just tell me this - why are you pissing in bottles? The fucking toilet is one door down, for Chrissake!"
  1988. > Despite how bad it all looked, Floor didn't like his tone in the slightest! She didn't *like* shoving bottles up her and filling them up. She didn't *enjoy* wiping up the inevitable spills, nor did she *relish* the idea of emptying them out someday.
  1989. > They would be all cold and stink extra hard!
  1990. "I *had* to!"
  1991. > Anon was taken aback. He spread his arms helplessly. "Fucking *why*?!" he demanded.
  1992. > It was probably all over, Floor thought. She might as well tell him the truth.
  1993. "C-Cause I can't s-stand th- the bathroom! The f-fucking smell!"
  1994. > She even smacked a hoof on the tiles to make her point.
  1995. > "Why didn't you say anything?! I could've cleaned it more often or something. Switched the detergent-"
  1996. "No."
  1997. > It was barely a whisper, but it stopped the human talking.
  1998. > Floor had to explain it this time. No stammering halfway through sentences so that Anon had to guess. She couldn't stand him guessing about this.
  1999. "Doesn't stink. Smells of- of you. And it drives me crazy!"
  2000. > Unconsciously, the mare crawled forward so she could glare at the human better. She hadn't *liked* what the scent was doing to her. Yes, it was physical pleasure, but it messed her up inside!
  2001. > "Crazy how?"
  2002. > The pony took a deep breath. Here it came. The admission.
  2003. > At least he couldn't possibly think any worse of her. Maybe that made it easier. Maybe that made it possible.
  2004. > Floor Bored squeezed her eyes shut and said the statement she would probably regret an instant later.
  2005. "Crazy ho-horny. J-Just a whiff and-"
  2006. > She let her breath go and sniffed.
  2007. "...can't help myself."
  2008. > Anon drew a sharp breath leaned back, as if suddenly afraid of her. His hands went to his mouth. "So that's why-"
  2009. "YES!"
  2010. > "-you took my pants and-"
  2011. "YES!"
  2012. > He finally fell silent.
  2013. "I r-remembered where I was. And- and your bed. I smelled..."
  2014. > They looked at each other for a while and Floor felt some kind of perverse pleasure to see the human blush like that.
  2015. > It helped that he was also embarrassed about it. At least she wouldn't suffer alone. She pushed it further:
  2016. "And I smell it every t-time I go in the shower!"
  2017. > "This sounds serious, Floor," the human said, at long last. "When did this start?"
  2018. > The mare tried to remember. She shrugged a little and hung her head.
  2019. "When I c-came here."
  2020. > Now *he* was the one looking contrite. "I'm sorry. C'mere," he invited and patted his lap.
  2021. > Much to her surprise, Floor realized she really did want a hug. But she knew what would happen, so she shook her head firmly.
  2022. "I-I won't... I'm gonna- no."
  2023. > Now the human had the audacity to smile. "It's fine. I don't mind."
  2024. > She just stared, until Anon repeated: "Come on. I don't mind, really. You can't help it. Maybe you need to start practicing until you can control it or something. I'll look it up."
  2025. > The pony had never, for a moment, imagined it could be a medical thing. She had always been a little too aware of her 'bits', ever since puberty. True- it had never been as bad as in Anon's apartment, but she juts put that down to the smells and herself becoming more depraved.
  2026. > Maybe the human was right? Did her urges go beyond Floor just being weird?
  2027. > She didn't move, so Anon just reached in and dragged her. She gasped, but didn't resist as she landed in that warm, welcome lap.
  2028. > She nuzzled against his chest, trying to enjoy it for as long as she could before her body ruined it.
  2029. > The arms encircled her and patted her back.
  2030. > "There's such a thing as nymphomania, Floor. It's a legitimate condition and I think you really should see a doctor about it."
  2031. > She shook her head against his shirt, but her heart wasn't in it, not anymore. If she really was sick, maybe a doctor could help. She didn't *want* to be like that.
  2032. > "Yes, Floor. No arguments. This is something we probably can't handle ourselves. I'll go with you, okay?"
  2033. > Something about the hug and the feeling of safety always made her walls break down. Tears were already starting to flow and Floor Bored couldn't hold back a sob.
  2034. > She felt herself being lifted with Anon's hand on her rump to support her. Strangely, it didn't excite her. It would probably come later - right at that moment she was still scared and shaken by her bottles being discovered.
  2035. > He had been angry at that, but way less than Floor had feared. Why was this damn human so nice and understanding?! It was completely unfair!
  2036. > She almost said 'I love you' in his ear, but her throat clamped up. No way Anon would believe it, not yet. She would have to work for it.
  2037. > They ended up on the couch and Anon peeled the pony away a little so he could examine her face.
  2038. > Floor blinked in the light and wiped a hoof on her mouth, spreading the snot around more evenly.
  2039. > The human smiled and wiped her clean with the sleeve of his shirt.
  2040. > She tried to stop it, but the pony was too slow.
  2041. "I- no, don't-"
  2042. > "Don't worry. I'll do another load of laundry before I go to work. I don't mind," Anon assured her.
  2043. > They just watched one another for a while.
  2044. > He was the first to speak up again: "Look, we have to do something about all of this. I probably should've done it sooner, but you seemed fine and I was tired from all the work and-"
  2045. > He fell silent and grinned. "Sorry. Just excuses. But here we are now. Wanna talk to me?"
  2046. > Out of habit Floor began to shake her head, but then she realized. There wasn't much more Anon didn't know. Maybe he hadn't guessed yet that she was falling for him, but it was surely just a matter of time.
  2047. > Maybe she should spill it and be done with it? No, Floor thought, it would be too pathetic. That wasn't as nasty a secret as her constant 'hoofwork' or the bottles. It could wait until she was a bit more certain.
  2048. > Aside from that last bit, the human knew her most embarrassing secrets now. And he *still* wasn't disgusted!
  2049. > Who even was this guy?!
  2050. > He took her silence as a no, so he went on by himself: "Okay, so let's make a few plans, right Floor?"
  2051. > She could do that much! The pony nodded slightly.
  2052. > "You're gonna empty out those bottles."
  2053. > Her ears flopped down with an almost audible snap. She didn't relish opening whatever was under her bed, nor did she enjoy the idea of tipping it out into the toilet. Not to mention what the combined smell would do to her.
  2054. > She didn't dare say no, however, so she just nodded miserably.
  2055. > "I'll get a few different kinds of detergent and we'll scrub the bathroom again, so the smell doesn't... bother you so much, okay?"
  2056. > This one was easier.
  2057. "Y-Yes."
  2058. > The human tapped his lips with a finger as he thought. "I'll put a stack of towels in your room, for... uh," he began and blushed a little, averting his eyes.
  2059. > "For when you need them," Anon finished lamely. "Just toss them in the laundry when you're done. Or, better yet, in the washing machine. You don't have to hide what you're doing, I won't think any less of you."
  2060. > She didn't really believe that last bit.
  2061. "B-But so many times a d-day..."
  2062. > Anon barked a laugh and bopped his finger on her snout. She didn't even mind it this time. "Ha! You should've seen me ages fourteen to twenty four!" he exclaimed and chuckled. "Floor, we all do it. Maybe you just need to get it out of your system?"
  2063. > The mare couldn't believe him. Get it out of her system?! She'd been trying to do that for the past few weeks and it wasn't helping! If anything, it was getting worse!
  2064. > She muttered back darkly:
  2065. "Maybe I just need monkey cock!"
  2066. > Luckily, Anon didn't quite catch it. "Hmm?"
  2067. "N-Nothing!"
  2068. > She didn't even know where that had come from. But when she thought the words to herself again, they made some sense. A good night's rutting might just set her straight.
  2069. > Every night's rutting!
  2070. > There - it was happening again, 'downstairs'! Floor whimpered and tried to stand up, but Anon held her down with one arm.
  2071. > "No, Floor. Just ignore it, okay?"
  2072. > She couldn't help staring. She was basically creaming against the human and he just sat there, watching her. With a blush and failing to meet her eyes, but still!
  2073. > Maybe they were both messed up, Floor thought. She drew a sigh and tried to stop thinking about it.
  2074. > Anon apparently had the same idea, because he quickly changed the topic: "Hey, I just realized you haven't left this place in weeks. How about we get out today? Grab something to eat, take a walk. You know..."
  2075. > She didn't like the idea one bit. Out with Anon would just mean everypony - and every human - would be looking at her. Seeing her *drip*. Judging her!
  2076. > The embarrassment she imagined helped keep her mind off her current urge, so that was good.
  2077. > She focused on the proposition again. Leave the apartment. Maybe, but she would have to work up a lot of courage, first.
  2078. "I-In the evening, okay? Dark..."
  2079. > "Okay, sure. No problem. We'll go down to the riverfront, pick up a couple ice creams. We can start with short walks."
  2080. "I'll wear my hood- hoodie."
  2081. > Anon shrugged a little. "Sure. It's a bit warm for it, but if it makes you more comfortable. Okay, I don't work tomorrow night, so I guess it's a date."
  2082. > The pony almost smiled.
  2083. "Yeah! D-Date!"
  2084. > She shuffled uncomfortably and looked down. So did the human.
  2085. > "Okay. Uh, I have to shower and then I'll go to bed. I'm tired," he said, a little uncertainly.
  2086. > For a moment Floor hoped he would invite her to cuddle again, but he said nothing of the sort. She didn't dare bring it up either.
  2087. "Yeah, okay. I'll- uh. Go to bed, too."
  2088. > His face went all stern for a moment. "I want those bottles emptied out by the time I get up, understand? And I want you using the toilet from now on! You're not gonna beat this if you don't face it head on, Floor."
  2089. > The pony slumped a little and heaved a sigh, but she nodded.
  2090. "Okay."
  2091. > "When I get up, I'll teach you how to cook. We'll start with something easy, like scrambled eggs."
  2092. > That sounded a lot better and her ears perked up. A normal thing they could do together! Floor really liked the idea.
  2093. "Yes. Thanks!"
  2094. > He watched her for a moment longer, until the mare blushed and looked away. "All good now? I forgive you about the pants, but please don't use my clothes like that again, okay? And if you have a problem, please come tell me. I'm sure they have... like toys or something."
  2095. > And down her ears went again. But Floor Bored nodded.
  2096. "I p-promise."
  2097. > "Great."
  2098. > The pony remembered something else.
  2099. "Uh, y-you're not gonna have, uh- breakfast?"
  2100. > The man shrugged. "Not hungry. I'll just go to bed."
  2101. > She couldn't really blame him. Seeing what she'd done under the bed would ruin anyone's appetite. She wasn't sure she was hungry herself. She definitely wouldn't be after she finished dealing with the bottles.
  2102. > Sweet Celestia, she wanted to take a shower already and she hadn't even *touched* them yet! She certainly would take one after!
  2103. > The human once again guessed her thoughts, but that probably wasn't too hard. She was blushing bright pink.
  2104. > "There's a massage setting on the shower head, you know? Actually, I wouldn't mind you using that if it meant you took showers more often."
  2105. > Her eyes widened in anticipation, but then she looked down and blushed some more as she leaked against Anon's pants again.
  2106. > "Don't take this the wrong way, but you could use more showers, Floor. Especially if you're gonna... well, you know. That often."
  2107. > She nodded. The shame was flaring up again and the pony tried to wriggle free. This time Anon didn't hold her down and she slipped from the couch. She didn't dare look at how big a wet spot she had left.
  2108. > Her tail was already clamped against her. Maybe, Floor thought, she should get Anon to buy her diapers. It would make it easier.
  2109. > She got out of there before actually bringing up the suggestion. But just as she was leaving the room, Floor heard cloth rustle and Anon sigh. She glanced back just in time to see that he had stuck his hand down the front of his sweatpants.
  2110. > His eyes were closed so he didn't see her look.
  2111. > She blushed more as she realized what was happening, but it was also a relief. So he *wasn't* made of stone!
  2112. > More than that - she had a chance with him!
  2113. > Floor smiled to herself as she went in the bathroom to fetch a towel. In a few moments, Anon would probably get in the shower and *do it*. She would be just a wall's width away from that.
  2114. > The knowledge was making her leak harder. She hurried her steps. They could be depraved together, and the best part was that Anon wouldn't hear her moaning his name!
  2115. > She could even imagine he was whispering her name as he did it, too!
  2116. > Wait, wait wait wait. Floor froze right outside her door. Maybe *that* was why he hadn't tossed her out even after today? Did Anon have the hots for her?!
  2117. > Did she dare hope? She certainly didn't have to guts to ask him.
  2118. > She'd have to watch how he acted and talked on their date. Maybe he'd give it away and she would find out something to help her.
  2119. > Floor found she was actually looking forward to that part. Not the other-people-staring-at-her bit, but the spending-time-with-anon bit!
  2120. > Was *that* why ponies dated?! It would explain so much!
  2122. > ~~~~
  2124. > Floor Bored stood on the threshold of the apartment, looking at the unfamiliar corridor and trying to control her breathing.
  2125. > She was trembling a little with nerves. Her entire world for the past month or so had consisted of being alone. She had even avoided Anon for most of that time.
  2126. > And now he was making her go out *in public*!
  2127. > Well, not exactly 'making her', but the human had been so insistent on their ice cream. Now that it was actually happening, Floor was no longer so sure she wanted it.
  2128. > She took a deep breath and felt the hood around her head. Without it, there would have been no way. With the hoodie, she was willing to try.
  2129. > Nopony could see her face in its shadow and she felt a little safer. Plus, it had been a gift from Anon. It smelled of the fabric softener he used.
  2130. > It would have been better if it smelled of *him*, but the mare didn't have an idea how to make that happen. With time, hopefully.
  2131. > "Take your time," the human said, patiently waiting outside the door with the key in his hand so he could lock up.
  2132. > Floor put an uncertain hoof outside and gingerly transferred her weight to it. The floor didn't burn her, nor did it fall away.
  2133. > Of course nothing was wrong with the ground, the mare chided herself. It was the people she was worried about.
  2134. > "They close at eleven, you know?"
  2135. > The jab actually helped. The mare gritted her teeth.
  2136. "Shut up!"
  2137. > She walked out of the apartment and even a few steps toward the stairs.
  2138. "Well, you coming?!"
  2139. > The human chuckled to himself and quickly locked their door before following her.
  2140. > It was lucky the building was empty. Hopefully, the streets would be, too. Floor had insisted on going as late as they could while still catching the small ice cream shop by the waterfront Anon had promised her.
  2141. > Supposedly, they had *the best* ice cream in the country. Despite herself, Floor was curious. The way Anon had described it, the stuff left a rainbow trail and sparkles in the air as you lifted the spoon.
  2142. > She very much doubted that. Not even Pinkie Pie could do that, or at least Floor Bored had never heard anything of the sort.
  2143. > Maybe Pinkie could do that. But certainly no human!
  2144. > She still agreed to go. Floor wanted Anon to like her and this was something he obviously wanted her to do. Therefore, she would do it, at great personal discomfort.
  2145. > They paused again at the main entrance to their building, but his time the mare didn't wait as long. She set her jaw and walked outside.
  2146. > It really was too warm for the hoodie, but she needed its protection more than she needed comfort. The pony glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief. The streets did look mostly empty.
  2147. > "No one is going to snatch you up," Anon volunteered.
  2148. "It's n-not that."
  2149. > She didn't really want to explain how the mere thought of people watching her made Floor squirm with anxiety. Of course, reason told her that people and ponies couldn't read her thoughts, but irrational fear defied reason.
  2150. > It felt as if anyone she would meet would immediately see the whore in her. And then they would stop to point and laugh. Some would even kick her or chase her away. Nopony liked a whore!
  2151. > No amount of telling herself it was just a senseless fear helped. Her heart was going a mile a minute and she was on the verge of hyperventilating.
  2152. > The human crouched down and put a hand on the hoodie, right where her ears were plastered tightly against her head.
  2153. > "Hey, relax. It's just a walk, okay? Want me to carry you?"
  2154. > That made it worse. Floor shivered.
  2155. "No! NO! What the fuck, they are already staring at me!"
  2156. > The human looked up and down the street. He even glanced up at the windows of the buildings around them.
  2157. > "Who is staring at you? There's no one out, Floor. Take it easy."
  2158. > She tried, but the mare shuffled closer to her human and tried to hide her face in his shirt.
  2159. "I dunno. Everypony! Everyone!"
  2160. > Anon hugged her briefly, then peeled her away. She stared hard at the pavement, but he just lifted up her chin with a finger.
  2161. > "Hey, relax, okay? People aren't looking at you. No one cares in this city. You'll be lucky they even notice you enough not to step on you. People don't care that much about others."
  2162. > She wanted to believe it, but she had proof to the contrary.
  2163. "You care..."
  2164. > The human grinned. "I'm different. Look, if you can't do this, we'll go back. Try again some other time I have a day off. Or a weekend, but it gets crowded."
  2165. > He patted her withers and stood up. "But I really think you should get over this. It's only going to get worse if you don't do something."
  2166. > Floor wanted to go back. Slip under the sheets on her bed and try to forget the world existed. Too bad Anon was right. She had avoided contact all her life, and it just ended up in a rut.
  2167. > She *needed* to change!
  2168. > There was a noise and the pony froze as she spotted someone coming their way. Unconsciously, she clamped her tail between her legs and shuffled closer to Anon, until she was pressing against his thighs.
  2169. > The mare held her breath as the pair of legs approached, passed them without stopping, then went on their way.
  2170. > She hadn't looked up to see who it was. Only when they were out of earshot did she breathe again.
  2171. > "See? Didn't even care enough to look at you. I'm telling you, at most you might get a few curious looks because you're a pony, but people are getting used to them by now."
  2172. "O-Okay. Okay, I got this. Which way?"
  2173. > The human leaned down to pat her head again. "Atta girl! This way. Tell me if it's too much and we'll go right back, okay?"
  2174. > The option helped. Having an escape route made it a little easier to follow Anon down the sidewalk.
  2175. > She needn't have asked, because Floor could smell the river. It was stale and stinky, but unmistakably moving water. She also heard distant music and laughter.
  2176. > It would be a very public thing, but she decided she believed Anon. People didn't give a shit.
  2177. > They hadn't given a shit when she asked them to step aside so she could mop in the computer store where she worked.
  2178. > And they certainly hadn't cared even a little about her and tried to push her around with their demands or complaints. They thought she would just roll over and give them refunds because she was a pony.
  2179. > Besides, if people here *did* notice her and laugh, she would kick Anon when they got back home for lying to her.
  2180. >...
  2181. > Again and again the human claimed the riverfront was essentially deserted, but to Floor's eyes it was crowded. Humans everywhere, laughing, talking - even singing drunkenly.
  2182. > It was like a wave of noise and confusion that washed over them like the tide. The mare kept her nose almost to the ground, but so far not a single cry of 'whore' had sounded.
  2183. > Maybe everypony really wasn't out to poke their snouts in her business and hate her. Perhaps, like Anon had said, they just wanted a bit of fun out with their friends.
  2184. > A few children exclaimed upon seeing her - the first time it happened it nearly gave Floor a heart attack - but their mothers or fathers took one look at Anon and pulled their kids away.
  2185. > She would have to thank him for the way he glared. Most unfriendly. Of course they didn't want their children anywhere near him!
  2186. > Other than them, here and there someone pointed out a pony to their friends, but no one approached her or talked to her.
  2187. > Each mention and each pointing finger was like a knife aimed her way, but Anon was always there with a comforting squeeze or a pat. She got through it.
  2188. > Maybe she would never be able to completely ignore such attention, but it did seem to be getting easier.
  2189. > "Okay, this is it," the human said at long last. They had been walking for less than fifteen minutes, but it seemed like an eternity to Floor Bored.
  2190. > He pulled out a chair for her and the mare tried to jump up. Unfortunately, her legs didn't work exactly right and she just bumped her muzzle on the seat, before slipping back down.
  2191. > She froze and waited for the laughter, which didn't come.
  2192. > "Here, lemme help," Anon said and efficiently lifted her up by her barrel. Still no one remarked on the clumsy mare.
  2193. > Floor blushed despite that and touched her hoodie with her hooves to make sure it was still mostly hiding her face.
  2194. > The human took the seat opposite her and plucked a bit of paper from a wooden block in the center of the table.
  2195. > "Here's the menu. See if anything looks good. It's on me, so don't worry about the price," he said, graciously.
  2196. > The mare nearly smiled. A true gentlecolt, that one.
  2197. > Strangely enough, despite being out with the human and him touching her a lot to get her attention or calm her, she wasn't the slightest bit aroused.
  2198. > Maybe the fear of being singled out was enough to overpower her urges?
  2199. > Small mercies.
  2200. > Right now, Floor Bored pushed it out of her mind again and tried to focus on the menu. There were pictures and outlandish names.
  2201. > She couldn't make sense of them, even the few she could read by the flickering light of the candle on the table.
  2202. > Raspberry Sorbet? Bordeaux Cherry? Sundae - well, she knew approximately what that last one was, but there were so many different *kinds*.
  2203. > Many of them looked delicious, in fact. She ignored the names and looked at the pictures.
  2204. > Hopelessly undecided, the pony looked up at her human.
  2205. "What are you having?"
  2206. > He grinned and shook his head. "Nope. You decide for yourself."
  2207. > Floor sighed and rubbed her nose with a hoof.
  2208. "It all looks good!"
  2209. > "Then we come here again. Whenever we can, until you've tried them all. Just make sure you remember which ones you had, otherwise you might make a mistake and have some twice."
  2210. > She... didn't hate the idea. Now that she had braved the crowds and the scornful eye of the public, Floor certainly felt up to the task.
  2211. > Not to mention that a candle-lit table by the river was incredibly romantic. That couldn't have been a coincidence, could it? Was Anon... 'wooing' her?!
  2212. > She really would have to do it a few more times to be sure. His face and tone gave nothing away.
  2213. > Floor put it out of her mind and studied the menu again.
  2214. > If this ice cream was as good as it looked in the picture, she would even brave the 'weekend crowd' for it.
  2215. "Okay, this one, I think. No! This one."
  2216. > She tapped the menu with her hoof and read the title.
  2217. "Banana Split? Yeah. Banana Split."
  2218. > The human looked at her strangely. "You sound as if you don't know what that is. Don't you have ice cream in Equestria?"
  2219. > Floor looked away to hide the blush.
  2220. "I never... w-went."
  2221. > "Why not?!"
  2222. > She hung her head and heaved a sigh. It wasn't something she enjoyed telling, but she answered anyway. It was Anon. If he hadn't laughed at her horniness, he probably wouldn't laugh at this.
  2223. "Popular fillies went there and I really didn't wanna meet them if I didn't have to. They made fun of me."
  2224. > "Why would they do that?" the human asked, staring in wide-eyed surprise.
  2225. > Surely she had mentioned it? At least over Internet chat, if not in person. But Floor gritted her teeth and said it again:
  2226. "I'm ugly. You know? All this?"
  2227. > She waved a hoof around her face to indicate her snout and mane.
  2228. > There was silence for a few moments. She waited for Anon to agree with her, but was saved by the waiter.
  2229. > Anon ordered first, but Floor didn't quite catch which of the Sundaes he wanted because she was working up the nerve to talk to the waiter.
  2230. > Any moment he would glance at her and expect her order. The mare swallowed and tried to make her throat work again.
  2231. > "And a Banana Split for the lady. Also two lemonades, that is fine, right Floor?" Anon said, making the mare gape at him.
  2232. > She barely remembered to answer:
  2233. "Y-Yes..."
  2234. > The waiter thanked them and left.
  2235. > Floor was immensely grateful to her human and flashed him a small smile.
  2236. "Thank you. Wait, 'lady'?!"
  2237. > Anon just waved it away and went on with their conversation as if they hadn't even been interrupted: "Anyway, whatever makes you say you're ugly? I think you're quite pretty."
  2238. > It was flattery! That was definitely flattery! Floor felt light-headed with giddiness. She couldn't remember the last time anypony flattered her!
  2239. > She blushed extra hard and was ever more grateful for the protective hoodie.
  2240. > Then the pony stammered out a reply:
  2241. "N-No, I'm n-not. B-But tha- uh, thank y-you."
  2242. > "Well, I disagree. And you're welcome."
  2243. > A bit more of that and the ice cream would melt from the heat coming off her face before she could eat it. The pony tried to change the topic.
  2244. "So, how was w-work?"
  2245. > The human looked strangely at her. "I didn't go to work today, remember? That's why we're here."
  2246. > Feeling stupid, Floor tried to salvage it.
  2247. "I k-know. I meant yesterday..."
  2248. > "Oh. The usual, you know? It's pretty quiet at nights, but the boss leaves these memos. Son of a bitch goes out of his way to print them out and put them on my desk. As if e-mail isn't good enough!"
  2249. "Yeah, that sucks."
  2250. > "And then they blocked most of the Internet on the computers, so I have to squint at my phone screen to check anything. Annoying. Let's not talk about work."
  2251. > Floor nodded. She didn't mind. The question had done what she had wanted it to, which was distract Anon from talking more about how pretty she was.
  2252. > It was too embarrassing to see him lie like that.
  2253. > He wasn't a bad liar, though. Floor had nearly believed him.
  2254. > Maybe this really was supposed to be a romantic thing?! Oh, if only she could work up the courage to ask Anon, but the mare knew that would never happen.
  2255. > She'd just have to work it out by herself.
  2256. > They fell silent as the waiter came back with their drinks. Floor saw with relief that they had straws, which would make it infinitely easier for her to drink it.
  2257. > She suspected her hooves would be shaking if she hadn't had them clamped between her thighs. She would have to bring them up to eat, but by then, the mare hoped, she might have them under control.
  2258. > Maybe no one would see if she simply dunked her muzzle in the ice cream. Floor Bored looked around. While she did see people at other tables and even a few walking past, no one seemed to be paying her much attention.
  2259. > She relaxed a little and began to believe Anon had been right. Nopony cared. Well, there weren't any ponies other than herself, but nohuman cared either.
  2260. > The mare flashed a nervous grin at her friend.
  2261. "I- uh. I still w-wanna learn to c-cook."
  2262. > "Oh, sure thing. We'll make something tomorrow morning. Something easy, I think."
  2263. > Floor supplied his original suggestion.
  2264. "S-Scrambled eggs?"
  2265. > "Yeah, good idea. That's real easy," Anon confirmed. "We'll see how it goes and take it from there. By the way, wanna watch a movie tonight when we get home? I'm not really sleepy."
  2266. > He wouldn't be, the mare thought to herself. His normal daily routine was turned around. Anon had gotten up only a few hours ago and would be awake through the night.
  2267. > She wondered if she could sneakily 'fall asleep' over his lap while they were watching a movie. What would he do?
  2268. > Would he let her stay? Or would he carry her to her bed and tuck her in?
  2269. > Both of those sounded heavenly, even if Floor would never have admitted that to him.
  2270. > "What?" Anon suddenly asked and probed at his face with his hands. "Something on my forehead?"
  2271. > Floor blinked and scrunched up her muzzle in confusion.
  2272. "W-What?"
  2273. > "You were staring. Thought I had something on my face."
  2274. > Again she blushed, but the pony managed to look away just in time. The hoodie was a godsend.
  2275. > That reminded her.
  2276. "Uh, I was w-wondering, if um... uh..."
  2277. > She rubbed the back of her head with a shaky hoof, trying to come up with a good way to ask.
  2278. > "Yes?" Anon asked quietly with an encouraging smile. "Just ask."
  2279. "If you'd, um... If you could get me another h-hoodie like t-this one?"
  2280. > She needed a backup hoodie in case anything happened to the one. Or in case her current one was in the laundry or something.
  2281. > "Oh. Sure, no problem. If you want, we can go together and you can pick out the color you like. Any anything else you need."
  2282. > Of course she'd have to work for it, but maybe that was a good thing. Floor *did* want to shape up for Anon.
  2283. "S-Sure."
  2284. > Their food arrived, much to the mare's gratitude. She could stop talking and eat. That would give her time to think of what to say next.
  2285. > It would also give her a chance to consider her strategy. In order to fall asleep in Anon's lap, she would have to be on it, or very near it.
  2286. > Blast, how did dating ponies achieve that without getting embarrassed?!
  2287. > It would take some plotting, that much was sure.
  2288. > The ice cream was delicious, though. Oh! That was something to talk about after their meal.
  2289. > Maybe Floor Bored was getting better at this 'interaction'!
  2291. > ~~~~
  2293. > There she was, on the couch with Anon, wrapped up in her stinky blanket - she knew this now, having had time out of the apartment to get her nose used to the fresh air again - and still no idea how to even approach him.
  2294. > Let alone get in his lap. Every now and then Floor Bored glanced at it and wondered if she should just do it.
  2295. > Anon would ask why, then she would blush because she couldn't really answer that. It would be an all-round disaster.
  2296. > At least, the pony thought, she was sitting closer this time. The human - bless his kind heart - took up his spot right at the edge, leaning against the armrest, but Floor sat a few inches closer.
  2297. > She was hoping he wouldn't notice. That was another answer she didn't have, should Anon ask.
  2298. > Why did it all have to be so complicated?!
  2299. > She was trying to get back into the movie when Anon reached for the remote and paused it.
  2300. > "Sorry," he apologized, "gotta take a leak."
  2301. > Floor had an idea as she watched him leave. As soon as the human was out of the room, she scooched a little closer toward the middle. With luck, Anon wouldn't even notice she had moved and the mare would have gained another few inches.
  2302. > It wasn't the *greatest* plan, but it was all she had.
  2303. > Also, it worked! Anon came back, took his seat and resumed the movie, all without saying anything. His hand, which came down to rest on the couch seat, nearly brushed her muzzle! She could practically feel the warmth of his skin.
  2304. > She'd have to work on it, but Floor was happy for now. Even so, her heart was beating rapidly again and she shuffled a little to pull her blanket under her rear, just in case.
  2305. > Maybe she shouldn't push it too quickly. Acclimate, right?
  2306. > Floor settled for inhaling Anon's scent and trying to suppress her urge to stick a hoof down between her legs. She wasn't even paying attention to the movie anymore.
  2307. > Her head lay down on the couch, her eyes were closed and she kept her breathing slow and regular.
  2308. > "Hey, sleepy already?" Anon asked suddenly.
  2309. "N-No!"
  2310. > Floor quickly lifted herself up on forelegs and stretched, which made her yawn, putting a lie to her claim.
  2311. > The human didn't seem to mind. His hand came up to stroke the fluff on her muzzle.
  2312. "Uh, why do you k-keep doing that?"
  2313. > Not that she wanted him to stop! It felt nice.
  2314. > "Mm?" the human looked up with a slight frown, "what do you mean?"
  2315. > He had taken his hand away, so Floor patted her face with a hoof.
  2316. "This. Petting and stroking and scratching. It's like I'm a c-cat."
  2317. > The admission was making her blush, but with luck Anon wouldn't see it in the gloom.
  2318. > "Oh, sorry! I don't really do it on purpose, you're just cute and I have to pet. I'll stop-"
  2319. "No!"
  2320. > He was trying to shuffle further away, but Floor hooked a leg around his thigh to keep him in place. She glanced down in surprise at her own boldness, but didn't take it away.
  2321. "D-Don't. It's ... nice. I was just wondering."
  2322. > "You sure? I don't wanna impose," Anon said uncertainly.
  2323. > This was her moment. Maybe her subconscious mind had found the way without Floor even being aware of it. She had no idea why she had asked the human that question, but now there was an opening.
  2324. > Before she could change her mind and chicken out, the mare pushed her head against Anon's shirt and nuzzled him.
  2325. "'s fine. Feels nice."
  2326. > Very hesitantly, the hand came back to scratch her ears. Floor firmly bit back the purr that threatened to come out of her throat.
  2327. > Anon spoke up, his words slow and uncertain. "I'm just asking 'cause you didn't seem too fond of it at first."
  2328. "Didn't know you w-well enough."
  2329. > All the touching was starting to do things to her and Floor was desperately trying to suppress them.
  2330. > It was just touching! Nothing sexual about it!
  2331. > Not yet, her twisted mind supplied.
  2332. > She wasn't looking at Anon's face, which was a small blessing. It meant he couldn't see her expression, or her blush.
  2333. > Strange how his shirt completely failed to burst into flames, though.
  2334. > At least Floor had her result now. She carefully hooked her other foreleg around Anon's thigh and laid her head down on his knee with a grateful sigh.
  2335. > It wasn't even slightly weird! His hand came down gently on her head to slowly twiddle her mane.
  2336. > Yeah, her blanket would probably be soaked soon, but that was alright. She would wash it the next day.
  2337. > Floor still couldn't focus on the movie, but she was no longer sleepy. Her ears were focused backward, on Anon, as she listened to his breathing.
  2338. > Each time he inhaled, his whole body moved a tiny bit. She was hyper-aware of that and of his heartbeat.
  2339. > The pony wondered if hers would sync up. Well, if she could calm down, it might.
  2340. > His leg under her chin was incredibly warm and the way his fingers brushed through her mane and massaged her neck was pure bliss.
  2341. > The human shifted a little and Floor was afraid he would push her off. He was probably too hot, she thought, covered by what was essentially a heated fur blanket.
  2342. > Nothing of the sort happened, though. He must have just moved into a more comfortable position.
  2343. > The mare let out a happy sigh and closed her eyes. The movie didn't even matter anymore. She was where she wanted to be and all was well in the world.
  2344. > Maybe she would even stop leaking after a while as she got used to the touch. That was the hope, anyway.
  2345. >...
  2346. > "Floor? You asleep?" Anon was asking and gently shaking the mare.
  2347. > The pony lifted her head and blinked. The movie was over - she saw the credits rolling up on the screen.
  2348. "Wha'?"
  2349. > Movement caused her to yawn again, which made her aware just how stiff her legs were. Floor stood up and stretched luxuriously.
  2350. "Sorry."
  2351. > She gave the human a sheepish smile and tried to remember what movie they had even watched.
  2352. "Was a good, uh, movie. It's just been a long day. Sorry."
  2353. > The human chuckled a little and patted her cheek. "No worries. Come on, let's get you to bed.
  2354. > Floor didn't entirely like that idea. Now that she was touching the human, she didn't want to stop. Next time she might not come up with an excuse. Or maybe it would be too bright and Anon would see her blushing. Or - the worst of all - she could be without her blanket and he would see what it was doing to her *bits*.
  2355. > "Okay, okay, I won't make you," Anon said with a grin.
  2356. > The pony realized she had folded down her ears in misery as she was thinking through the scenarios. The human must have misread her expression, but she didn't mind.
  2357. > Glancing down, the pony saw she was standing on Anon's leg with her forehooves. She hurriedly stepped down.
  2358. "Sorry! I didn't mean to!"
  2359. > "It's fine. You're not heavy," the human assured her, but the moment was over.
  2360. > She was no longer touching him and it would probably be weird of her to simply climb back in his lap. It made her sad, but then Floor yawned again.
  2361. > Maybe bed would really be a good idea right about now. She had made incredible progress that day - mostly thanks to Anon.
  2362. > Which reminded her: she hadn't even thanked him yet!
  2363. "Oh! A-And thanks! Uh, for the ice cream and... um, everything!"
  2364. > The human held up his hand, showing her the palm. "Eh, don't mention it. Nice to see you happy."
  2365. > There was nothing more to say or do. Their evening was over and Floor was already looking forward to their next 'date'.
  2366. > She folded up her blanket, careful to keep the wet spot on the inside, so Anon wouldn't see, or smell it.
  2367. > To her mild surprise, she was relatively dry... back there. Probably because she had slept through most of the whole her-lying-in-Anon's-lap thing.
  2368. "Um... good night!"
  2369. > "You too! Sleep well," the human wished her and picked up the remote.
  2370. > Floor wondered what else he would watch, but didn't stay to see. She had to go and think about everything that had happened between them. She still wasn't sure if it had been an actual *date*, or just two friends hanging out.
  2371. > Even having a friend like Anon was good, but the pony wanted more. She was probably being selfish, but Floor didn't care anymore.
  2372. > He was too nice not to be selfish about.
  2374. > ~~~~
  2376. "Mmm... wha'?"
  2377. > Floor Bored had to put some serious effort into opening her eyes that morning. The previous day, with them going out and the ice cream and the movie, had been incredibly exhausting.
  2378. > She hadn't even felt it, not until her head hit the pillow. Then the mare had been out like a light.
  2379. > Her blurry vision focused on Anon, who had come in to say good morning.
  2380. > "Nothing, just saying hi. You can go back to sleep."
  2381. > Floor wanted exactly that, but she made an effort.
  2382. "Wha' time izzit?"
  2383. > "Just past six. Going to bed, there's leftover spaghetti if you want them," the human explained.
  2384. "Mmmm..."
  2385. > He chuckled at her expression of unabridged bliss and gave her cheek a gentle pat.
  2386. > Floor didn't know why exactly, but she licked his palm before he could take his hand away. Just in time, too - she had the mother of all yawns right after that.
  2387. > "GAH! Holy shit, Floor!" Anon screeched and jumped away, waving his hand before his face.
  2388. > The mare needed a second to realize what had happened. She had exhaled her morning breath right in his face.
  2389. > Her ears folded down and she hurriedly pulled the blanket over her head. Too late.
  2390. > Anon came back and tapped on her barrel.
  2391. > "Floor, look at me," he demanded.
  2392. > She slowly lowered her camouflage, until her eyes were peering at him. She was fully awake now.
  2393. > "More, come on," Anon said and tugged at the cloth.
  2394. > She reluctantly lowered it a bit more, until her entire head was free. Floor didn't say anything, because she had a sinking feeling about where the human was headed.
  2395. > He motioned with his hand. "Open up," he demanded.
  2396. "No!"
  2397. > Floor Bored clamped her muzzle tightly shut and pulled the blanket back up. She knew she had serious problems, but didn't want to think about them.
  2398. > It was certainly too late now! The torture she would have to endure to get her teeth fixed would probably kill her, so it wasn't really worth it.
  2399. > With luck, the mare thought sometimes at night while she felt around with her tongue, her teeth would soon all fall out and then she wouldn't have these problems anymore. She could live on soft food!
  2400. > But now that Anon knew, he would undoubtedly make her go...
  2401. > "Floor, come on. I just wanna look."
  2402. "I'm fine!"
  2403. > He put his head in his hands and sighed. "Can't believe I didn't notice. You don't brush, do you? How long since you've seen a dentist? And all those sodas and sweets..."
  2404. > It sounded as if he was talking to himself, so Floor Bored didn't respond. Her breathing was faster, but she tried very hard to keep her face impassive.
  2405. "I'm fine! I swear, A-Anon!"
  2406. > "Dammit, Floor, I thought you were a grownup!" the human said, his whole face scrunching up with exasperation. He also pointed a finger.
  2407. > She didn't care for his tone one bit. Floor turned her face away and scowled at the wall. Her voice was almost a growl.
  2408. "I'm fine! None of your b-business!"
  2409. > Nice job. Now she was on the verge of tears, and only partly from indignation. She poked her tongue at the latest cavity and wondered why it didn't hurt.
  2410. > Teeth were supposed to hurt, right? But hers felt fine. That proved there was nothing wrong with them, didn't it?
  2411. > But she couldn't quite lie to herself. Pieces falling out every now and then were definitely a bad sign.
  2412. > The human waited for a while, then heaved a sigh. His hand brushed through her mane and his voice was quiet when he spoke again.
  2413. > "Floor, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just worried about you," Anon said. He sounded defeated.
  2414. > It damn near broke her stupid heart! Damn humans and their damned cute faces and whiny voices! Floor looked back at him.
  2415. "It'll hurt! And the drills and- and- it just sucks, okay? I don't wanna go to the dentist!"
  2416. > He didn't say anything, just kept looking at her with that sad, tear-filled, soulful gaze. It was really getting on her nerves.
  2417. "Besides, I'm fine!"
  2418. > "Show me," Anon asked her in a near whisper.
  2419. > Floor clamped her muzzle shut until her jaw began to hurt. She held her breath for a few moments, then blew it out through her nose. She really couldn't stand the silence and his intensive scrutiny.
  2420. > The pony closed her eyes and opened her mouth, dreading what the human would say.
  2421. > After a good ten seconds, she peeked at him.
  2422. > He put his hand on her cheek again and pushed her mouth closed with his thumb. He sighed again and shook his head. "I really think you should go, just for a quick check up."
  2423. > Floor Bored wanted to yell a 'no', but she didn't have the heart for it. Anon looked worried and that scared her. She quavered:
  2424. "It's n-not that b-b-bad, is it?"
  2425. > The way the human thought before answering told her just how bad it was.
  2426. > Finally he spoke quietly: "It's..." he began, but couldn't finish the sentence he had in mind. "Look, Floor, I think you should go see someone. I'll take you. I'll even go in with you, if you want."
  2427. > What else could she do? The mare nodded jerkily. Her eyes were already filling with tears. Yes she was afraid, but Floor really didn't want to disappoint Anon.
  2428. > "Hey, don't worry," he told her, cheering up a little bit and even flashing her a small smile. "They can fix that. And they have pain meds, so you don't feel a thing. It's just a bit annoying, that's all."
  2429. > She wanted to believe him. It really would lessen the terror if she could believe him.
  2430. "R-Really?"
  2431. > Now his smile widened and Anon brushed her mane again, pulling it out of her face. "Yeah, there's these new drugs, and fancy high speed drills, it's a piece of cake. I'm scared of going, too, but it's not so bad."
  2432. > Before she could control herself, Floor rose and hugged the human. She buried her muzzle in his shirt and concentrated on keeping her breathing steady.
  2433. > The best part, the mare decided, was when Anon put his arms around her as well and patted her back. That was lovely.
  2434. > "Don't worry, I'll find the best pony dentist in town, okay?" he promised her, but Floor didn't reply.
  2435. > Anon waited for a bit, then gently brushed the fur on her back. "Come on now, you gotta let me go. I need to get some sleep before work tonight."
  2436. > All Floor did was shake her head. She didn't want out of the hug, because the mare knew she would start thinking about *it* the instant she was alone.
  2437. > It would keep her awake and sick with worry for hours and hours. As long as she held on to Anon, she was distracted by his smell and his warmth and his strong, steady heartbeat in her ears.
  2438. > "I'll just pick you up and take you to bed again if you don't let go," Anon warned her.
  2439. > The pony chortled a laugh. Where was the threat in that?! If he wanted her to release him, the human would have to come up with something more dire.
  2440. > She still squeaked a little in alarm when the arms shifted to her rump and Anon simply lifted her up. She helped by gripping him more tightly with her forehooves.
  2441. "Eeep!"
  2442. > Out of the corner of her eye, Floor saw he was really taking her to his bedroom. She caught a glimpse of the hallway and then they were on the bed.
  2443. > She pulled her head back a little so she could look at the human. Was this it?
  2444. > Did she somehow, inadvertently give him the right kinds of signals or something and now they would have sex?
  2445. > Floor blushed and averted her eyes. She was nervous about it, but not unhappy.
  2446. > "Okay, you need to let go so I can change, Floor," the human told her.
  2447. > She obeyed and ended up sprawled across his bed. Somehow she failed to hear the word 'change'.
  2448. > It was really happening! The mare swallowed a lump and tried to remember how it went. She had seen a lot of human porn, so she had an approximate idea, but she didn't know what Anon liked and how.
  2449. > For the moment, the mare decided, she would lie on her back and wait for him to make the first move. She was looking up at the ceiling and listening to the rustle of cloth as the human undressed.
  2450. > Then the bed shifted and the springs creaked as he took his place beside her.
  2451. > "Move, lemme get the covers," he demanded.
  2452. > Floor obediently lifted up her rump so Anon could pull the cloth from under her.
  2453. > Covered up? It was pretty vanilla, but she didn't mind - not for the first time.
  2454. > After a bit of shuffling around, Anon was lying beside her. He sighed and tucked the blanket around them both.
  2455. > "Good night, Floor," he said with finality.
  2456. > The mare was dumbstruck.
  2457. "W-What?!"
  2458. > "Good night. I'm gonna sleep now. Try not to wake me when you get up."
  2459. > She turned to her side and looked. Yes, the human was in his pajama-clothes and settled comfortably on his side. His eyes were closed. He really hadn't meant to *do it*.
  2460. > Floor was both relieved and disappointed. Relieved because she hadn't said or done anything too stupid; and disappointed because it wouldn't happen. She had worked herself up for it, and all that would happen now was that she would mess up his bed.
  2461. "Uh.. An-Anon?"
  2462. > His eyes opened and the human looked at her. "Hmm?"
  2463. "I- uh, I n-need a t-towel..."
  2464. > "Oh?" Anon murmured, then stiffened as he realized what she meant. "Towel!? Now?"
  2465. > Floor just nodded, then came up with the next idea.
  2466. "Uh, actually, I'll g-get it. I n-need to... uh, p-pee."
  2467. > Anon sat up and shuffled aside to let her pass.
  2468. > She wondered if it would be too weird for her to come back to his bed afterward. Her head drooped a little lower at the thought.
  2469. > Yeah, she would get another few hours of sleep in her bed and then get up. The moment was gone.
  2470. > But before she could walk out, Anon called after her: "Floor?"
  2471. > She paused in the doorway and looked back.
  2472. > "Hurry back. It's kinda cold," he said and patted the bed.
  2473. > It nearly made her dizzy! An invitation to Anon's bed!
  2474. > She hurried off before he saw the stoplight-red of her face.
  2475. > What did it mean!? Was it a sign? Should she understand it?
  2476. > Did - when it came down to it - Anon just want to cuddle, or was he expecting something more?
  2477. > Why was all of this so confusing?
  2478. > Floor Bored wasn't even paying attention while she did her business and flushed. Maybe it was the preoccupation, or the way Anon had scrubbed the place clean, but the smell almost didn't register.
  2479. > She wiped herself as dry as she could with the toilet paper, then grabbed a fresh towel to take with her.
  2480. > The pony stood still for a while before leaving the bathroom as she worked up her courage. What was she supposed to do? Should she... kiss him?
  2481. > Would it be too weird?
  2482. > Floor heaved a sigh and let her head hang down miserably. Then she made her slow way back to his door.
  2483. > She thought again about just going back to her bed, but that could be disastrous. If Anon believed she didn't want him, he wouldn't ask her again, and the mare wasn't entirely sure she would ever have the guts to say it herself.
  2484. > Peering around the door frame, Floor sagged with relief. Anon was back in the bed and seemed to be asleep already.
  2485. > She would just curl up beside him with the towel strategically bundled up between her hind legs. It was just sleeping the same bed, no big deal.
  2486. > They had done it before!
  2487. > She walked as softly as she could, so that she wouldn't wake the human. He had been considerate enough to leave a space for her.
  2488. > As she crawled up on the bed, Anon murmured something but didn't seem to wake up. Floor froze and waited until he settled back down.
  2489. > She slid as close as she dared, wrapped the towel around herself and tried to get comfortable.
  2490. > "Mmm... night," Anon muttered in his sleep.
  2491. "G-Good, uh... good n-night."
  2492. > Her breath caught as his hand sought her out and tried to pull her closer, but the mare obliged and shuffled back until she was pressed against the human.
  2493. > Someday, Floor thought, she would like to try that without his pajamas, but this was enough for the moment.
  2494. > She smiled a little to herself. He *had* to want her, right? You didn't just... invite people to your bed if you didn't want them, at least slightly.
  2495. > That made a kind of sense!
  2496. > Anon liked her. It would *totally* happen between them. She could be patient for that!
  2497. > A hand slid up her barrel and patted her muzzle.
  2498. > She gave it a lick.
  2499. > No doubt some of the fillies from school - the more 'forward' ones - would already be sucking the human's... thing... by now, but Floor was happy just to cuddle.
  2500. > She wasn't in a hurry and this was already far more than she had dared to hope even a week ago. Plus, she had almost forgotten about the whole 'dentist' thing.
  2501. > Maybe, with Anon there, it really wouldn't be so bad!
  2502. > Also, also if she really wanted to kiss Anon, her breath shouldn't stink so much that it would knock him out.
  2503. > Now she *really* hoped Anon would keep his promise and make her go!
  2505. > ~~~~
  2507. > Anon sat on the driver's seat beside the miserable, distraught pony. He heaved a sigh, put his face in his palms and leaned his elbows on the steering wheel.
  2508. > "Come *on*, Floor. It's not going to be that bad, I promise!"
  2509. > He had been repeating it almost non-stop through the entire morning. It was getting on her nerves!
  2510. > Floor didn't even look at the human and he certainly couldn't see her expression through the hoodie. Maybe that was a good thing. Otherwise Anon would see how close she was to cracking.
  2511. > The mare didn't quite understand how he had done it. First he had talked her out of bed, then talked her down the stairs and talked her into the car.
  2512. > Right now, he was in the process of talking her into the doctor's office, after which he would probably talk her up on the chair.
  2513. > She *really* didn't want to do it, but Floor knew she would. With Anon there, she would brave the terrors of the dentist's office!
  2514. > "Look, let's go in for a look, right? They don't have to drill anything today. Besides," Anon said and put a hand on her withers, "maybe it's not that bad."
  2515. > The touch felt nice through the cloth.
  2516. > "Afterwards we'll go to the drive-thru for ice cream and Sprite!"
  2517. > Floor turned her head slightly to glance at his face. How did the idiot expect her to look forward to sweets later on with... *this* between her and them?!
  2518. > He saw her looking and grinned. "Pretty please? For me?"
  2519. "Aargh!"
  2520. > She couldn't stand that expression. Floor suspected Anon knew it too, which just made her angrier. She shrugged away from his touch and nearly kicked open the door.
  2521. "Fuuuuck, Anon!"
  2522. > He quickly climbed out of the car, as if afraid she might change her mind and get back in. A few moments later he was already at her side and closed the passenger door. Then, for good measure, he locked it.
  2523. > Floor was standing, but only just. Her legs were shaking and there was almost no strength in them. There was also a queasy feeling in her stomach and a nervous flick in her tail.
  2524. > Anger had fled just as quickly as it had come. Only fear was constant.
  2525. > Anon proved just how well he could read her by leaning down and placing his palm against her neck again. The touch gave her strength.
  2526. > She half expected him to offer to carry her, which might piss her off enough to walk on her own, but he didn't say it. That showed remarkable tact, Floor thought.
  2527. > "No hurry, we have some time still."
  2528. > Floor grasped at the last few straws before she fell into the gaping, sucking pit of sheer terror.
  2529. "It's j-just a check-up, right? Right?! Jus- just gonna look today..."
  2530. > The hand squeezed and the mare gratefully leaned into it.
  2531. > "Sure, just a quick checkup and then we make an appointment for some other time," Anon promised.
  2532. "L-Like in a few m-months or so?"
  2533. > He didn't answer, which was probably wise. The knowledge that she wouldn't get a drill near her face in a long time was the only thing holding Floor together. She gulped down some air and lifted a leg.
  2534. > It barely moved off the pavement, but she placed it resolutely forward.
  2535. > She didn't want to do this. She *didn't* want to do this! Her teeth were fine! She wasn't even using them all that much, so a hole or two were okay!
  2536. > Besides, Floor thought, she would be twenty-two soon, then just a few decades longer and she'd be in the clear teeth-wise.
  2537. > No one would comment on an old mare not having a full smile!
  2538. > Except... deep down she knew it wouldn't work out. She *had* to do this and maybe Anon was the push she needed.
  2539. "Y-You'll be in t-there with me, okay?"
  2540. > Another squeeze. Walking stooped over beside her couldn't have been comfortable and Floor Bored would appreciate it later. She'd appreciate the hell out of Anon. He just needed to help her along a little longer.
  2541. > "Of course, I'll hold your hoof and make sure the doctor doesn't go too crazy, okay?" the human promised.
  2542. > She loved him more than anything, just for that!
  2543. > Somehow they made it into the waiting room. It was still pretty early on a Saturday. Anon had called the clinic to make sure Floor wouldn't have to wait. The sound of someone else on the chair and the drill would probably drive her mad.
  2544. > A bell tinged and the receptionist looked up. She immediately beamed at the pony in her black hoodie.
  2545. > "Hi!" the young woman chirped. Her voice was so cheerful and so high that it almost hurt Floor's ears.
  2546. > "Yes, hi! We have an appointment for Floor Bored."
  2547. > The girl looked at her screen and nodded with her grin still in place. The mare envied her brilliant, flawless smile.
  2548. > It wasn't even as if Floor went around looking people in the teeth, but today she couldn't stop herself staring and comparing to her own.
  2549. > Her mouth clamped up tighter in shame and the pony let her head fall.
  2550. > "Oh, here it is. First appointment. Please have a seat," the lady said. "I'll go check if the doctor is ready for you."
  2551. > Floor looked at a low bench against a wall, then up at Anon's face. He shrugged but didn't move, so they just stood and waited. Sometimes they really understood each other.
  2552. > It wasn't long before the receptionist came back and held open a door. "Right this way, Miss Bored!"
  2553. > She pointed out a stack of magazines on the counter and looked Anon in the eye. "If you'd just sit and wait for a bit, Mr?"
  2554. > "Anonymous," her human supplied.
  2555. "Uh, I d-don't... um..."
  2556. > He remembered in time. "Actually," Anon said as the mare backed away from the indicated door against his legs, "I was wondering if I could go in with her. Floor is kinda shy, you see..."
  2557. > Her face burned with renewed shame, but the mare didn't add anything to correct what he said. She'd take shame if it meant having Anon there with her through the upcoming ordeal. But the pony could imagine the receptionist staring.
  2558. > Well, *at first* she would stare, but by now her mouth would probably be already twisted into a derisive sneer.
  2559. > Floor barely stifled a whimper.
  2560. > "Well..." the woman said, hesitating. She took a step back into the office - or was it called the operating room? "Hold on, I'll ask."
  2561. > Floor took the momentary privacy to look up at her human and hissed:
  2562. "I am *not* going in th-there alone!"
  2563. > "Yeah, don't worry. I'll insist. The website said they're nice here, so I don't think there should-"
  2564. > They were interrupted as the door opened again.
  2565. > "The doctor says it's okay. Please, come in."
  2566. > Floor Bored let out a breath she didn't remember taking. With that rock lifted from her heart, she could walk a bit more easily, but she made sure Anon was following before setting a single hoof inside the doctor's office.
  2567. > There it was. Her steps faltered.
  2568. > The chair.
  2569. > And next to it...
  2570. > The drills.
  2571. > Floor swallowed a lump and hoped she wouldn't throw up. Her stomach was queasy. despite having had no breakfast. For that matter, she also hoped her bladder wouldn't go. She didn't feel as much in control of her bodily functions as normally.
  2572. > Anon bumped into her rear, making her take a step forward, then the door closed behind them with a clanging, echoing finality.
  2573. > Floor Bored twirled around and aimed one of her best, pleading smiles at her human.
  2574. "No no no, p-please, let's... I'm fine, really! My t-teeth are f-fine!"
  2575. > The doctor was approaching them! She would have hidden behind Anon's legs, but there was no room - he had moved back against the closed door at her onslaught.
  2576. > The doctor crouched and the pony tensed, expecting to be grabbed right away. But he didn't touch her at all.
  2577. > "Hey there, little miss!" the human said in a pleasant voice. It was deeper than Anon's but a lot more melodic.
  2578. > He should've been a singer, not a dentist, Floor Bored thought!
  2579. > "How old are you?" he asked her.
  2580. > Anon sighed and murmured an answer instead of her: "She's twenty, doctor. Just very afraid, you understand?"
  2581. > At least shame displaced some of the fear, but Floor took back all the silent 'I love you's she had thought at Anon!
  2582. > He was making fun of her, talking as if she wasn't there! Joking - no *cavorting* - with the enemy!
  2583. > "Oh!" the doctor exclaimed. "A young lady, then. Come on, there's nothing to be afraid of."
  2584. > She didn't trust his fake kindness! But Floor had to admit, his tone was a little calming. The guy at least *sounded* as if he knew what he was doing. He was confident.
  2585. > "My name is Doctor Curtis."
  2586. > Floor glanced back and saw that he was holding out his hand. She swallowed another lump and made herself face him.
  2587. > Just a check-up. No drilling today, she repeated to herself. That was enough to allow her to place a shaky hoof in his palm.
  2588. > "Nice to meet you, Miss Floor," the human replied, even though she hadn't said anything. "Now if you'd care to sit?"
  2589. > Under her hoodie, Floor's ears went flat as she looked at the chair. But she nodded weakly and dragged her hooves to it.
  2590. > Too late she realized that there certainly wasn't enough strength in her legs to jump up.
  2591. > Anon saw it, too and simply lifted her. "Here, no need to lower it, doc!" He earned a small, silent 'I love you' back for that.
  2592. > "Okay, now if you could pull down that hoodie, dear?" the doctor demanded.
  2593. > Floor was definitely opposed to that motion, but Anon's hand found her hoof and squeezed. She sighed and nodded, before hooking the cloth with her free leg and freeing her head.
  2594. > "Oh my, such lovely hair!" Doctor Curtis exclaimed. "I don't know why you'd hide that! Just lie back, please."
  2595. > The compliment was an obvious psychological trick, but it worked, damn him! The mare even managed a small smile, before stretching out on the chair.
  2596. > Unfortunately it did nothing for her muzzle, which was still clenched so tightly that her jaw was starting to hurt.
  2597. > Anon brushed a finger on her cheek and opened his mouth to say something, but the doctor beat him to it.
  2598. > "Now, this isn't anything scary, Miss Floor. We'll just take a look, see what's going on. When was the last time you visited a dentist?"
  2599. "A c-c-couple o-of... of y-years."
  2600. > "That was back in Equestria, correct?" the human asked, but didn't even wait for her nod. "I don't suppose you brought your records with you?"
  2601. > She shook her head mutely.
  2602. > "That's okay. We'll do an X-ray then, just in case. You've left your insurance information with Arla?"
  2603. > Floor stared at Anon. He had never once mentioned any 'insurance'!
  2604. > "I'm paying for this, doc," her human said.
  2605. "W-What?!"
  2606. > "Hush, don't worry about it. We'll talk later," Anon explained.
  2607. > Floor wondered if he would even have told her if it hadn't come up. She had never once considered how much it might cost. If she had known, she would have used it as another argument against!
  2608. > Maybe that was why he hadn't said anything!
  2609. > Sneaking, conniving, tricky human!
  2610. > "That's fine, then," Dr. Curtis said and focused his attention on the pony again. "Now don't worry, Miss Floor. I've taken the tests and had my licence extended to treat ponies, so there's nothing to fear. Ready?"
  2611. > She shook her head violently.
  2612. > It just made the human laugh. Curses, even his baritone chuckle was pleasing! If he wouldn't be about to stick sharp instruments in her mouth, Floor would have liked him!
  2613. > "Now open up."
  2614. > The mare looked from the doctor to Anon. She gently tugged her leg he was holding and he squeezed it reassuringly.
  2615. > Then she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She mentally prepared herself for an incredulous, horrified gasp or an exclamation of dismay.
  2616. > When nothing happened, she opened one eye to look.
  2617. > The doctor was concentrating on her as he picked out a small mirror on a stick and something with a sharp, curved hook. She shivered as she imagined that in her mouth, but somehow kept her muzzle wide open.
  2618. > If she chickened out now she would never work up the nerve to go again, Floor knew. There was no other way. She had asked Anon if they could simply drug her out cold and do what they had to do, but the human had just told her not to be silly.
  2619. > The metal mirror went in first. It touched here and there, the instrument cold against her tongue as it moved it out of the way.
  2620. > The hook followed and Floor stiffened, waiting for the man to jab it in someplace.
  2621. > He scratched a tooth with it and the pony flinched. Her breath was speeding up and she was sure her rattling heart was physically moving the chair.
  2622. > Anon put his other hand on her belly and patted it.
  2623. > "Mhmm," the doctor murmured to himself, before tapping another tooth with his instrument.
  2624. > Floor made her ears unfold and focused them on him. She didn't want to miss him saying something important!
  2625. > "Relax, Miss Floor. Please stop biting my fingers," the man implored calmly.
  2626. > She realized she had been trying to close her mouth and Floor forced herself to relax her jaw.
  2627. > So far it wasn't nearly as painful as she had feared. The mirror moved around, the hook poked here and there, but there was no blinding agony, nor horrible drilling and grinding.
  2628. > She tried to focus on what the human was doing in there, but she couldn't picture just what this doctor found so damn interesting. She swiveled her eye to look at Anon, who smiled back at her encouragingly.
  2629. > Just as suddenly it was over.
  2630. > The doctor put his metal instruments away and began pulling off his gloves.
  2631. > Floor's heart and hopes rose. No gloves meant he was done, right?! She dared believe the horrible ordeal was over!
  2632. > "Please rinse," he instructed her.
  2633. > A plastic cup was filling with water beside the chair and Floor wriggled her hoof free from Anon's grip. She needed both to grasp the water and pour it into her mouth.
  2634. > She swirled it around a little, then spat into the convenient bowl.
  2635. > Then the doctor faced her and his face was serious. Floor felt her ears droop again.
  2636. > "First of all, don't worry. We can fix all that," he assured her. That was a bit of a relief. "Most of them are just small cavities, a few of them I think we can reconstruct with just composite. Maybe one root canal, but I'll have to check the X-ray for that."
  2637. > The mare gulped in fear. It all sounded complicated and - above all - painful.
  2638. > Doctor Curtis saw her expression and chuckled. "Don't worry, it sounds worse than it is. We'll give you anesthesia so you won't feel a thing, okay?"
  2639. > Then he simply looked at Anon, coming to understand that he would be the one to keep her appointments. "The receptionist will arrange a date for the X-ray and then schedule her first visit."
  2640. > "Sure thing. Thanks, doc!"
  2641. > She could scarcely believe it, but Floor Bored was free to go. In her overwhelming relief she even smiled at the doctor.
  2642. "T-Thank you!"
  2643. > He shook her hoof before the pony jumped from the chair and scurried out in the clear, free, non-dentist-filled air. She didn't even wait for her human. Anon went to discuss the calendar with the woman at the reception and joined Floor a few minutes later.
  2644. > "See?" he said, smiling widely. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
  2645. > Floor was a little embarrassed about her fear, but she still shook her head, admitting he was right.
  2646. "No."
  2647. > She resolved that next time would be easier. That human had said they had pain meds! He wasn't a bad sort. He didn't want to torment an innocent little filly, he was just doing his job!
  2648. > "So, wanna go for that ice cream now?"
  2649. > This was much better news. Floor clapped her forehooves together in excitement.
  2650. "Yes please!"
  2651. > They walked out to the car and she completely forgot to pull the hoodie back on her head.
  2652. >...
  2653. > "Go in or drive-thru?" Anon asked as he turned into the parking lot.
  2654. > The mere fact that he wanted *her* decision was a big deal for Floor Bored, so she gave it serious thought. She was still wearing her hoodie, albeit with the hood pulled down.
  2655. > Funny how she never even noticed that as they were leaving the dentist. She had been just so relieved to be out of the place.
  2656. > She could pull it up now and go into the restaurant with Anon. They'd sit at a table and have a snack.
  2657. > Floor could certainly do that, but she couldn't help thinking about all the people, staring at the pony. Maybe there would be some children, who would insist on asking her questions.
  2658. > Or, Celestia forbid, poke at her!
  2659. > Maybe a Saturday morning wasn't the best time to start going out in the public again.
  2660. > Would Anon be disappointed? Floor looked at the human, who had stopped the car out of the way to wait for her decision.
  2661. > He was trying to help, and integrating with society was a part of it, Floor knew. She didn't want to let her human down.
  2662. > The indecision made her ears lower pathetically.
  2663. > Floor took a deep breath and prepared to say 'inside'. It would be good for her. She was already reaching for the hood, but Anon spoke up first.
  2664. > "Let's take the drive-thru then. Baby steps, right?"
  2665. > The mare let her mouth fall open, but the suggestion was very welcome.
  2666. "Yes, please!"
  2667. > She couldn't help smiling a little as she let the hood drop back. She didn't feel like she needed it in the car.
  2668. > The human was getting to know her body language rather frighteningly well.
  2669. > There wasn't too big of a rush, so they came to the ordering window in less than a minute.
  2670. > "What'll you have?" Anon asked.
  2671. > Floor looked around, desperately searching for the menu or something until she spotted a colorful billboard. She couldn't get a clear view from behind Anon. In her enthusiasm, the pony just stepped on his leg to get herself in a better position.
  2672. "Uhhhh..."
  2673. > It was hard to pick, just like the other night. The employee was waiting, though, so the mare just chose at random.
  2674. "Flurry, with Oreos!"
  2675. > Her tail swished in anticipation of the cold, sweet, chocolate goodness. She accidentally hit Anon in the face with it, but he didn't seem to mind.
  2676. > His hand landed on her back for a quick pat, then he made his order: "Same for me, please!"
  2677. > The tinny, scratchy voice from the tiny speaker bid them to go forward, so they could pay and Floor stepped off her human so he could drive. She licked her lips, almost tasting the ice cream already. She didn't hear the number the cashier said.
  2678. > Anon shuffled a little on his seat as he dug out his wallet to pay, then they drove the last bit forward to pick-up.
  2679. > Floor Bored couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency of these humans. It took them less than three minutes from ordering to pulling up at the last window, and their treats were already prepared.
  2680. > Anon took them, thanked the teenager who had served them and held one cup out for Floor.
  2681. > She grasped it awkwardly with her hooves and just put it on the seat.
  2682. > That way she could hold it in place with her forelegs without having to balance awkwardly on her haunches. Her neck was still flexible enough for her muzzle to reach the cup and her tongue was plenty long so she didn't need the plastic spoon.
  2683. > Anon's cup went on the dashboard so he could drive the car.
  2684. > Too late Floor realized she had dug right in, which felt very impolite when her human couldn't follow suit.
  2685. "Uh, sorry. I'll wait!"
  2686. > She surreptitiously licked a bit of cream from her face and gave Anon as innocent a grin as she could manage. It probably looked sheepish, but Floor was still in a very good mood for having done something beneficial for herself.
  2687. > Well, Anon had made her go to the dentist, but it still felt nice, especially now that it was over! She was being responsible and grown-up! No doubt she'd be more appealing to her human now, too! A grown up mare like her!
  2688. > Fortunately, the pony didn't have to resist her ice cream too long, because Anon just pulled into an empty parking spot so they could eat.
  2689. > As soon as he reached for his own ice cream, Floor dunked her muzzle again and practically inhaled what was left of hers.
  2690. > She really would need to learn to eat more slowly, the mare thought as she cleaned out the cup with her tongue.
  2691. > "I should have gotten you two," Anon commented, making Floor blush a little.
  2692. "Sorry."
  2693. > He stuck his spoon in the cup to free his hand and patted her mane. "Don't worry about it. Was it good?"
  2694. > Her head bobbed up and down excitedly and Floor grinned. She remembered just in time:
  2695. "Thank you!"
  2696. > His hand got a lick, making Anon gasp a little at how cold her tongue was.
  2697. > "Heh, it's a good thing ponies don't get brain freeze. Or do they?"
  2698. "Brain what?"
  2699. > "You know," the human explained, after hurriedly eating a spoonful, "eat too much cold in one bite and your head hurts for a bit."
  2700. "OH, that! Yeah, I get that, but it has to be more than this little cup."
  2701. > She watched Anon with undisguised envy, because he still had ice cream to enjoy.
  2702. > "Here, we can share," he offered, like a real gentlecolt.
  2703. "R-Really?!"
  2704. > He was holding out the cup. Floor looked from it to his face and then back, licking her lips. She wanted it, Celestia knew!
  2705. > It wouldn't be strictly fair, but he *had* offered!
  2706. > In the end, the pony cautiously leaned forward and gave the treat the smallest lick she possibly could. It was enough to leave a taste on her tongue without really depriving Anon of his sweet.
  2707. > The human didn't comment as he spooned a bit more in his mouth. As he waited for it to melt without swallowing - a trick Floor decided she would learn, he waved the cup toward her again.
  2708. > The mare gave it another cautious lick, wondering why Anon wasn't grossed out by pony spit.
  2709. "Y-You sure it's okay?"
  2710. > The man nodded and swallowed. "Yeah, sure. This way you take your time and enjoy it."
  2711. > That was so very sweet and thoughtful! Floor almost said it, but changed her mind at the last moment and blushed instead.
  2712. > The pair alternated between taking licks and spoonfuls, until the cup was mostly empty. Somehow, Floor found, it really did taste better if she took it a bit at a time. Something she would have to experiment with the next time!
  2713. > There would definitely be a next time! She was already looking forward to it.
  2714. > "Here, wanna clean it out?" Anon offered, holding the empty cup toward her.
  2715. > He didn't have to tell her twice and Floor stuck her tongue in it. She froze as she felt the warmth of Anon's hand through the thin plastic.
  2716. > It made her blush, but she continued lapping up the melted cream, even if she couldn't quite meet the human's eyes.
  2717. > Once the sweetness was gone, Floor made sure to thoroughly explore the plastic with her tongue to find that last, errant bit of syrup, then pulled her muzzle away.
  2718. > Anon stuck the empty cup in the one still between her forelegs and said: "Could you take those two when we get home and throw them in the trash?"
  2719. > It was the least she could do! Floor nodded happily.
  2720. "Yeah yeah, sure! Thanks for the ice cream!"
  2721. > She reared up to give his face a lick, but the human turned his head at exactly the wrong moment. Her tongue landed right on his lips.
  2722. > Floor nearly squeaked in shock, but managed to silence it just in time. She did, however, blush deeply and turn her head away in a hurry.
  2723. "S-S-Sorry!"
  2724. > "It's f-fine!" Anon countered almost before she had said it. His voice was a little too high and shaky and Floor couldn't stop herself from taking a peek.
  2725. > Anon was blushing, too!
  2726. > Her eyes widened in realization. Maybe he *did* like her, but was just a bit shy about it? Should she make the first move?
  2727. > How did you even do that?!
  2728. > Luckily there was the car to drive, giving the human something to focus on and the mare an excuse to stare out the window, unseeing, so she could think it over.
  2729. > Was it even possible? She - Floor Bored - caught the eye of a lovely, kind and handsome colt like Anon? And not just as a convenient hole to put his... thing in, but as *actual* Floor Bored?
  2730. > Somepony he'd like to talk to and take out to dinner and ice cream and watch movies with? And play games with?
  2731. > They did like some of the same things, even if Anon preferred western cartoons and Floor appreciated anime more. She was big on MOBA, while the human enjoyed shooters, but they could certainly play both together.
  2732. > Floor realized she wouldn't even mind what they gamed or watched, as long as they had fun together.
  2733. > It wasn't an emotion she had ever thought she'd feel! Was this what 'like' felt? As in 'Anon liked her'?
  2734. > So what happened next?! Should she try and kiss him when they got home? Or should she wait for another such opportunity where food was involved.
  2735. > Would - the mere thought made the pony gasp - would Anon try and kiss *her*?!
  2736. > "You okay?" the human asked quietly, glancing over, but soon returning his eyes to the road.
  2737. "Y-Yes!"
  2738. > She couldn't help stumbling over her words and Floor silently cursed herself for this speech impediment she sometimes had.
  2739. > Of course the human didn't believe it. "You sure?"
  2740. "Yes!"
  2741. > He still wasn't quite convinced, but he didn't dig further, to Floor's relief. Instead, he reached over to pat her withers.
  2742. > "I'm proud of you today. I know how scary it was. But you'll see it's nothing horrible."
  2743. > Anon hadn't told her when the next visit was. Floor was hoping for *months*, but it was probably more like *weeks*. She didn't want to think about it, not when she had this natural high of ice cream with Anon.
  2744. "Y-Yeah, thanks."
  2745. > "Which reminds me," the human went on, "we need to stop at the pony store to get you some better toothpaste. You said mine was disgusting."
  2746. > Floor made a face and stuck out her tongue at the memory.
  2747. "It was like putting asphalt into my mouth."
  2748. > Anon chuckled a little, but the mare didn't mind too much. "It's mint, Floor," he told her again.
  2749. "That's what you say! To me it's asphalt!"
  2750. > That just made him laugh harder and Floor glared at the insensitive human.
  2751. > When he could finally speak again, he kept smiling at her, as if he couldn't see her scrunched up face. "Well, let's go and buy a pony-friendly one, but no more excuses after that, okay? No 'forgetting' to brush!"
  2752. > Her ears flopped down in shame and the pony sighed.
  2753. "Yes, Anon."
  2754. > "I'll remind you. We can do it together."
  2755. > Floor Bored turned the idea around in her mind. Why was it so attractive? It was just a... thing! A boring, useless thing she hadn't bothered too much with ever since her parents stopped making her.
  2756. > Perhaps that was the reason her teeth were in such a bad shape, but it was still just a chore!
  2757. > It shouldn't be something she looked forward to, should it? But that was exactly what Anon's promise made her do.
  2758. > A naughty thought occurred and Floor smiled a little.
  2759. "So you gonna hold me up to the sink?"
  2760. > She blushed heavily when she realized Anon was actually *considering* it! Floor opened her mouth to tell him no, but the human was faster.
  2761. > "If I have to," he said, not looking at her. "But I'll get a chair or something for you to stand on."
  2762. "Okay."
  2763. > It was proof of just how much she liked Anon that Floor wasn't even annoyed at all these changes and extra work she'd have to do. It was all for her own benefit, true, but the mare would balk at any such suggestion under normal circumstances.
  2764. > What *this* love? Allowing somepony else to change her life and not even minding it?
  2765. > Her ears folded down as Floor thought about what it would be like if Anon and her were really... *together*. That accidental kiss - that was what she was calling it! - wouldn't have had to be accidental.
  2766. > She could just kiss him whenever she wanted. And he her, of course.
  2767. > They'd cuddle in the same bed every night. Well, day, in Anon's case.
  2768. > Most important of all, the could do... other things.
  2769. > The mare shuffled and tried to surreptitiously put a tail under herself to keep the seat dry.
  2770. > She wanted to make all of that happen. What should she do to make it so?
  2771. > Ah, yes.
  2772. > She made her voice quiet and sad, because she felt that made it more meaningful. She kept her ears down and turned large, glistening, pony eyes on the human.
  2773. "Anon? Thank you. For everything."
  2775. >~~~~
  2777. > Talking to Anon became a little bit easier over the next few days. Floor was actually feeling rather proud of herself.
  2778. > She even ventured out of her room each evening to say bye to Anon before he left for work. And he came in her room each morning when he was back for a quick 'mane tousling'. At least that's what he called it.
  2779. > Floor didn't mind, even if it did make her blush like crazy.
  2780. > She didn't even care about waking up that early in the morning. She just took the tousling like a champ, squeaked her greeting and went back to sleep for another hour or two.
  2781. > Until the day her roommate was late.
  2782. > The pony woke up much later than usually and listened intently. The apartment was empty. She almost disbelieved her ears, but there could be no doubt.
  2783. > She turned around and tried to go back to sleep, but for some reason it didn't come. A glance at the crack between her curtains showed her that the sun was already up, yet still no human.
  2784. > The horrible thought made her sit bolt upright and gasp: Maybe Anon had gotten hurt?!
  2785. > Maybe he'd had an accident on the road!
  2786. > Her hooves flew to her mouth and Floor struggled to get her breathing under control. Anon couldn't get hurt!
  2787. > What would she do without him?!
  2788. > Already tears threatened to overcome her as her imagination worked overtime to paint the picture of the bleak, dim, horrible world without Anon in it.
  2789. "Please, Celestia, no!"
  2790. > Without even realizing it, Floor had all but convinced herself that her favorite human had been killed in a stupid, senseless traffic accident.
  2791. > And she hadn't even told him how much she loved him!
  2792. > Well, she told him plenty of times, but not once out loud. That scared her more than thoughts of what her future would be like.
  2793. > She tried to get a grip on her runaway imagination.
  2794. "Come on, Floor!" she growled at herself, "you don't know anything yet!"
  2795. > She couldn't stay in bed. The pony slipped down to the floor and went into the hallway. She looked at the empty, impassive front door. Then she glanced in Anon's bedroom. Her rump hit the floor and she heaved a sigh.
  2796. > No, she told herself firmly, Anon was fine. Maybe he just got held up with a late meeting.
  2797. > He had never been *this* late, though... What could have happened?
  2798. > Floor thought about what to do. She couldn't leave and go look for him - she wouldn't even know where to start. And supposing he came home while she was out? Then *he* would be worried and go looking for her.
  2799. > Driving around in his car and not paying attention to the road. Something might *really* happen to him then!
  2800. > He was fine, just running late. Floor had to believe that.
  2801. > Maybe she could watch a movie, or play a game? Amuse herself to make the time pass faster until Anon came home.
  2802. > The pony looked at the living room, where a part of the couch was just visible from her angle. No, she shook her head. TV without Anon just wouldn't be the same.
  2803. > She didn't feel much like games. Or eating.
  2804. > She drew a shuddering breath and stared at the front door, willing it to open and admit the only human she'd ever love.
  2805. > It was quiet and remained resolutely shut. It defied her!
  2806. > The mare huffed and turned her back on it, but that just made it worse. Now she had to twist her neck around to look at it.
  2807. > Out of sheer desperation and loneliness and fear the pony went into Anon's bedroom. At least there she was surrounded by his scent.
  2808. > She briefly debated going into the bathroom, but that felt wrong. Yes she could get excited and rub herself, but it didn't seem right. It would be disrespectful if anything really *had* happened to Anon.
  2809. > Someone would come and tell her, wouldn't they?
  2810. > Did anypony even know she was there?
  2811. > Well, some human would come to put Anon's things in order, right? She'd know then.
  2812. > The dark thoughts threatened to overwhelm her again and Floor went to sit beside the bed. Anon's scent calmed her nerves.
  2813. > She closed her eyes and imagined she heard the human snoring softly on the pillow.
  2814. > She only got to sleep in his bed *twice*, and nothing had happened. That alone blew her mind.
  2815. > Weren't fillies and colts meant to *do something* when they ended up in bed together?
  2816. > She had been too sad, or too tired, or too scared to try anything and Anon had been too polite.
  2817. > A real gentlecolt.
  2818. > She already missed him!
  2819. > The mare didn't think about what she was doing. She was up on his bed in a single leap and curled under his blanket a few seconds later.
  2820. > She stuck her nose right where the pillow met the sheet and inhaled as deeply as she could.
  2821. > At least now she felt close to the human, even if it was only an illusion.
  2822. > She sniffled a little, closed her eyes and tried to remember all the good times they'd shared. Floor just wished there had been more of them.
  2823. > She wasn't even aware of falling asleep.
  2824. >...
  2825. > "Floor?"
  2826. > The call woke her up and for a moment the mare didn't know where she was. It was incredibly warm and comfortable and she didn't want to leave.
  2827. > But the voice had sounded worried. There was also something she was supposed to remember.
  2828. > Her ears flew up.
  2829. "Anon!"
  2830. > "Huh? Where are you?" he asked and came out of her room. Too late the mare remembered she had simply invaded his bed and made herself at home. Her cheeks began to burn and she pulled the blanket back over her head.
  2831. "H-Here."
  2832. > The human came into his room. "Floor? Any reason why you're in my bed all of a sudden?" he asked, slowly and carefully. She could clearly imagine his face all scrunched up in confusion.
  2833. > It was cute, but she hoped he wouldn't be too angry with her.
  2834. "Ummm..."
  2835. > She really didn't have an answer, other than a flood of relief that he was fine.
  2836. > That reminded her:
  2837. "You are late! I was w-worried!"
  2838. > The bed depressed near her, springs squeaking gently in protest, and a hand landed on the blanket over her back. Floor imagined she felt its warmth even through the fabric.
  2839. > She wished she could nuzzle it, but with her cheeks nearly setting fire to the bed, she didn't dare show her face.
  2840. > "Floor," Anon repeated. "Why are you in my bed?"
  2841. > The mare remained quiet, but her thoughts went in a desperate circle. 'Pleasedontuncoverme, pleasedontuncoverme, ohpleaseohpleaseohplease."
  2842. > The cloth pulled back and she blinked in the sudden light, before sticking her face firmly into the bed sheet and doing the best she could with her forehooves.
  2843. "Eeep!"
  2844. > Out of the corner of her eye Floor saw Anon lift his hand and she stiffened in expectation of a slap. Worried about him or not, crawling up in Anon's bed had been completely indecent!
  2845. > The blow didn't land, but she still flinched when his fingers sought out an ear and scratched.
  2846. > "Hey, hey, don't be afraid Floor. I'm not mad. Just curious."
  2847. > The mare remembered her worry and her words spilled out:
  2848. "You weren't home and I w-woke up and you weren't here and I got worried and I went to stare at the front door, and then, and then..."
  2849. > She barely had time to gasp down a fresh breath of air. Floor knew that if she stopped, she'd never be able to finish it.
  2850. > Her hooves left her head and wrapped themselves around Anon's midriff. He was fine and nothing else really mattered.
  2851. "...thought you were dead or in a car accident or something and I got scared and sad and- and..."
  2852. > The human chuckled and clamped her muzzle shut with his free hand. "Oi, relax. I'm fine. I'm late because..."
  2853. > He fell silent and Floor risked a glance. The human was looking out his room and into hers. She followed his gaze but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
  2854. > "Here, let me go, I'll show you," the human said and pried her legs away.
  2855. > The mare was reluctant, but she relaxed her grip and watched the human leave. She kept her eyes on him as he went into her room, picked up a plastic bag and returned.
  2856. > It was a white bag with a logo she didn't know. She couldn't identify the smell coming from it, which made her extra curious.
  2857. > "Here, I got you this," the human said and pulled out a piece of black cloth.
  2858. > Her eyes went wide as she realized it was a hoodie.
  2859. "Hoodie?"
  2860. > "Well, I know I promised I'd take you to pick one out yourself, but things kept coming up. So today I decided to go and buy you one. We can still go and get another, if you'd like..."
  2861. > Floor almost wasn't listening. She spread the fabric on the bed beside her and looked at it in wonder. Black, just like the other one. It was even softer than the one she had. It looked a little smaller, too, so it would be more snug.
  2862. > "It's cashmere, supposedly. Hope you like it," the human finished as Floor turned it around.
  2863. > She read the letters printed on the belly.
  2864. "Q. T. Pi?"
  2865. > The last one was the mathematical symbol. It took Floor a moment to put it all together.
  2866. "Cutie pie?"
  2867. > The human gave a chuckle and shifted away. He couldn't quite meet her eyes. "We can take it back if you don't like it. It's on the front anyway, so no one will see it, most likely."
  2868. > He took a sigh. "They had to print it special, you know? They usually have writing on the back for pony clothes, so people can read it. Or on the sides."
  2869. > Floor looked up, her eyes glittering with tears of gratitude.
  2870. "Cutie pie," she repeated. "Wait, w-why did you want one with text... in f-front?"
  2871. > Now it was his turn to blush. He shook his head and held up a hand as if to hide his expression. "Nah, it's stupid. We'll go take it back and you can pick out another one."
  2872. > He was embarrassed about something! Floor knew that sheepish smile by now. She was curious.
  2873. > The mare stood up, put her forehooves on his leg and stuck her face right in his.
  2874. "Tell me! Tellme tellme tellme!"
  2875. > She even jumped a little to emphasize her demand.
  2876. > Anon took a deep breath. He still didn't look at her. At long last he answered, quietly and nervously: "I, well, I thought I don't wanna advertise that, you know? If,... uh, if it's on the belly, then only you and m-me know."
  2877. > Floor blinked. It took her three takes and repeating what he'd said under her breath to understand it completely.
  2878. > Then her eyes widened and she jumped off. Now she was blushing, too.
  2879. > Was this- did this mean they were dating?!
  2880. > The human was looking at her expectantly, with that nervous, fearful smile on his face.
  2881. "Uh, t-t-thank you!"
  2882. > She felt something more was called for.
  2883. "I l-love... it!"
  2884. > Her legs twitched as Floor thought about hugging and kissing the human, but she chickened out like usual. Instead she hung her head and sighed at her own cowardice. She had almost said it this time!
  2885. > Stupid, unobservant, thick human! He should realize what she was trying to squeak out and say it for her!
  2886. > Preferably in a way so she just had to nod!
  2887. > Her eyes fell on the hoodie again. 'Cutie pie.'
  2888. > She liked it! Especially the fact that the message was on her belly, so nopony would see it unless she wanted them to!
  2889. > That was a really clever and sweet gesture from the human.
  2890. > He interrupted her train of thought by yawning.
  2891. > "Ugh, sorry. It's been a long night. I think I'm going to go to sleep without breakfast."
  2892. > Floor shook her head as another idea struck her.
  2893. "Nuh-huh! I'm gonna make you something!"
  2894. > About the only thing she could 'cook' without incident was cereal, but it would do in a pinch. In her excitement, she pushed Anon down, right into the warm spot.
  2895. "Wait here! I'll be right b-back!"
  2896. > Before he could argue, the mare galloped away. Kitchen, fridge, bowl, milk! She pushed the chair around, nearly knocking it over in her hurry. She poured the yellow flakes, then milk, then a touch of sugar. She almost jumped down before remembering and adding a spoon.
  2897. > Her shuffle back to the room took extra long, because she had to hold the bowl in her forelegs and awkwardly balance on her hind hooves, but she made it without incident by sheer luck.
  2898. > The human was still where she left him. He hadn't even undressed!
  2899. > He smiled when she put the bowl in his hands.
  2900. "Uh, breakfast in bed?"
  2901. > He actually laughed at the little joke and the sound warmed Floor's heart. She sat on the floor to wait, so she could clear the dish away when he was done.
  2902. > "After this, we're brushing our teeth, remember?"
  2903. > The mare deflated a little. She had forgotten about that.
  2904. "Oh. Okay..."
  2905. > An outrageous idea popped up. It was so blatantly *wrong* that Floor just blurted it out before thinking.
  2906. "C-Can I sleep here for a bit? I l-like how so-soft it... eep! Is."
  2907. > She hadn't realized what she was saying until the sentence was nearly out. The spoon stopped moving and the mare didn't dare look up into Anon's face.
  2908. > She heard he was holding his breath.
  2909. > "Sure, I guess."
  2910. > It had worked!
  2911. > Her muzzle fell open in shock and her heart began to hammer wildly, nearly breaking her ribs.
  2912. "R-Really?!"
  2913. > "Yeah, sure. I'd like that."
  2914. > Was *this* it?!
  2915. > That easy?! Just go up to a colt you liked and ask to sleep in his bed?
  2916. > Floor clamped her muzzle shut so she wouldn't yell it out loud.
  2918. >...
  2919. > Floor Bored thanked her lucky stars that she had remembered to take a towel back to Anon's bed after they were done with the brushing.
  2920. > Cuddling with Anon - *voluntarily* - was an intense experience and she would certainly have left a mess were it not for the towel's protection.
  2921. > She'd have to find a better way, soon! Maybe some sort of panties with a hole for her tail, so she could put pads in. Like the ones she saw in TV commercials! That's what they were for, right?
  2922. > Those were all good problems, however. The mare had a small, nervous smile on her muzzle as she tried to relax. The human was asleep, but he was still holding her!
  2923. > One arm was under her head, like an impromptu pillow. Pressed against her ear like that, Floor could hear his slow and steady heartbeat.
  2924. > His other arm rested lightly across her side with the hand on her belly. Occasionally the human shifted and his palm brushed the soft fur down there.
  2925. > Sometimes a finger slid across her exposed flesh, sending a pleasant shiver up her spine and a fresh dribble down into the towel.
  2926. > Half and inch closer and Anon would be caressing her nipples! Floor bit her lip to keep from whimpering each time he moved.
  2927. > Having strange hands on her body was *exhilarating*! It was a stroke of luck that Anon didn't notice just how excited she got.
  2928. > If he did, Floor would have died of shame! They weren't even doing anything *sexual*, it was just the novelty and her overactive imagination!
  2929. > She would absolutely never fall asleep like that, the mare knew, but she still didn't move a muscle.
  2930. > The cuddle had to last as long as it could!
  2931. > The pony closed her eyes, took a deep, contented sigh and mouthed the words:
  2932. "I love you, Anon!"
  2933. > She didn't voice them, but hey- small hoofsteps, right?
  2934. > The human shifted again and Floor froze, afraid he might have heard her somehow! His hand on her belly travelled up, squeezed her more tightly against his chest, then went still.
  2935. > He obviously wasn't even aware he was doing it, but the gesture felt so nice that Floor felt obliged to repay it.
  2936. > Before she could talk herself out of it, the mare licked Anon's bare upper arm. It made him shiver a little, which was cute, so she did it again.
  2937. > The salt tasted nice and the mare kept going. It was a bit of a stretch, but she could just reach his forearm, where the little hairs tickled her tongue.
  2938. > It was interesting how humans had so little fur. Not that she was complaining! It just meant she'd have an easier time licking!
  2939. > Anon murmured something - probably that his arm was cold - and grabbed her muzzle with a hand.
  2940. "Eep! Sorry!"
  2941. > Floor hadn't realized she had woken him up!
  2942. > "Mmm... 'sokay," Anon muttered and used the corner of their cover to wipe his arm dry. Then he yawned and pulled the mare a bit closer.
  2943. > "Warm..." he said, which made Floor grin hugely. She pushed herself more tightly against his chest.
  2944. > She had no idea what time it was and the curtains in his room were completely closed. The mare hoped it was still early. She would be very sad when *this* ended.
  2945. > Of course she would try and get in Anon's bed every day!
  2946. > While she was plotting, the human let out a small snore. Good, her antics hadn't woken him up much. That was a relief.
  2947. > If he didn't get enough rest, Anon probably wouldn't want to share his bed again.
  2948. "S-Sweet dreams!" Floor whispered.
  2949. >...
  2950. > Floor Bored woke up with a small start. She quickly remembered where she was and stretched luxuriously.
  2951. > Anon's lap. It beat any other bed she'd ever had!
  2952. > She looked out across the hallway to her own room, trying to gauge how late in the day it was. The pony had never intended to fall asleep, but lying still in bed had taken its toll and here she was.
  2953. > Mid-day, Floor guessed, judging from the sliver of sunlight on her wall. She had to get up.
  2954. > Her belly was empty and her bladder was full, a most unfair combination! She could deal with the former, but not much longer with the latter.
  2955. > Floor shuffled to her back so she could look at the human, who was sound asleep.
  2956. "This better not be a one time thing!"
  2957. > She gave his arm a lick and slipped from his grasp. Anon mumbled something, but didn't open his eyes.
  2958. > The mare stretched as she walked away, then froze and came back. She blushed heavily and stuck a hoof under the cover to fish out the towel.
  2959. > It wasn't as bad as she'd feared, but still pretty embarrassing. She didn't want Anon to find it when he woke up. She checked to make sure he was still out cold.
  2960. "Eep!"
  2961. > "Mornin'," the human said, grinning.
  2962. > Floor quickly hid the offending piece of cloth behind her back.
  2963. > Anon reached out his hand to slide his fingers through her mane and push it out of her eyes. "Getting up?" he asked.
  2964. "P-Pee. Uh, gotta pee. Yeah."
  2965. > "Okay. Ice cream before work?"
  2966. "Yes!"
  2967. > Their visit to the ice cream shop had become like a little ritual. It was Floor Bored's way of getting to grips with crowds and Anon's way of helping her do that.
  2968. > Lately the weather had soured and the shop no longer had tables outside. They had to sit inside, but the mare didn't mind so much. There were fewer people getting ice cream now that it was cold.
  2969. > It would take a lot more work still, but with a friend like Anon, Floor was sure she could get over her aversion to social situations.
  2970. "Thanks, An-Anon!"
  2971. > He smiled, tousled her mane, then closed his eyes.
  2972. > As she quietly walked out, Floor Bored considered trying to sneak back into bed once she was done with the toilet and breakfast, but decided against it.
  2973. > She'd probably just wake Anon up a few more times unnecessarily and soak through another towel. Best if she waited until the next day.
  2974. > Small hoofsteps, right?
  2976. >~~~~
  2978. > Floor Bored stuck with her usual Sundae, while Anon just took a plain scoop of chocolate ice cream. She liked the way they prepared her new favourite thing, especially the biscuit tubes they stuck in it.
  2979. > She snagged one out of the ice cream and slowly crunched it up while Anon removed his jacket and sat down on the other chair.
  2980. > Flimsy humans and their easily-chilled skin! The superior pony race - herself - did just fine with nothing more than her fur and the hoodie with 'Q.T.Pi' written on her belly.
  2981. > Floor would never admit to Anon just how hard she had pressed her tail against her backside to keep her bits from freezing, though!
  2982. > It was probably funny that they still went for ice cream, even when the temperature outside was closing in on zero, but the shop was nice and warm and the treat was sugary and delicious.
  2983. > "Anyway," Anon started talking again, continuing his story from before, "of course John gets pissed cause his numbers don't add up. I told him to use a spreadsheet, but he insists on printing it all out and doing the sums by hand."
  2984. > Floor laughed dutifully, then stuck her tongue in her sundae glass for a fast lick.
  2985. "Maybe he doesn't know how?"
  2986. > Her human shook his head. "You serious? He knows enough to open the document and print it, but can't use a sum function?"
  2987. > The mare shrugged and swallowed her mouthful of rapidly-melting cream.
  2988. "You said he's old, right?"
  2989. > "Yeah," Anon replied, suddenly all thoughtful and quiet. "Like forty-five or something. But he's an accountant, so there's no excuse, not with the way everything runs on computers these days!"
  2990. > But the mare wasn't really listening. Anon's coworkers' antics didn't sound too interesting, except for the funny stories. A human not knowing how to use a computer was not one of those. It was sad.
  2991. > She changed the topic.
  2992. "C-Can I try yours?"
  2993. > Anon was used to it by now. The mare made the same request every single time, even if they were having the exact same thing. He shrugged and pushed his bowl closer.
  2994. > Floor could just barely reach it for a careful lick.
  2995. "Mmm."
  2996. > "Oh, I almost forgot, there's a store we should check out! It's a bit of a drive, but I hear they sell authentic Equestrian pastries. I wanna try," Anon proposed.
  2997. > The mare leaned her head to the side.
  2998. "Oh? Where'd you hear that?"
  2999. > The human shrugged and pulled his ice cream back. He stuck a spoon in it, completely oblivious of pony slobber. Maybe that was part of the appeal, Floor thought. She was fascinated by just how little he cared.
  3000. > It made her hopeful of kisses, one day.
  3001. > "Summer Breeze."
  3002. "Huh?"
  3003. > They stared at each other, until Anon blinked. "Oh, sorry! I forgot to tell you!" he said and slapped his head with his hand. "The coffee shop across the street from work has a pony barista now and she's usually on night shift."
  3004. > Floor froze in shock and fear while the human unconcernedly scooped up more ice cream. "We talk sometimes when I'm on break," Anon finished with his mouth full.
  3005. > He looked up to see why she was so silent and Floor made herself reply.
  3006. "Oh..."
  3007. > She did her best to keep her face neutral, but inside all she could think of was jealousy. It was completely stupid and there was no reason for it.
  3008. > Anon had said nothing except that he sometimes spoke with a mare, but Floor had had potential colts 'stolen' from her enough times by her more popular friends.
  3009. > The fact that she'd never made herself clear to them didn't count! She was working up her courage to ask them out and those hussies had no right to come barging in and taking whoever Floor had her eye on!
  3010. > "Hey, you okay?" Anon was asking as he put his spoon down and reached over to grip her hoof.
  3011. > It would happen that way again. This 'Summer Breeze', whoever she was, would find out what a wonderful guy Anon is and would butt in. She worked in a coffee shop, for Celestia's sake!
  3012. > She didn't even have to ask Anon out, he *came to her for coffee*! It was so completely, utterly unfair that Floor needed every ounce of her strength not to burst into tears right there.
  3013. "F-Fine."
  3014. > The human looked around, thinking someone had come and scared her, but they were nearly alone. His brow furrowed in confusion.
  3015. > "Come on, you can tell me. Wanna get out of here?"
  3016. > Floor couldn't answer, so she just nodded.
  3017. > She left her Sundae almost untouched and Anon left his chocolate ice cream. He dropped a bank note on the counter and told the girl to keep the change.
  3018. > Even now he was a gentlecolt, thinking about Floor first and everything else second! Not taking the change meant they got out faster.
  3019. > She couldn't lose him! Not Anon and not to some pony hussy in a coffee shop!
  3020. > If only she knew how.
  3021. > They hurried out of the suddenly hot and stuffy shop and into the chilly, refreshing night air. Floor filled her lungs with the cold air and pulled the hoodie up to hide her face.
  3022. > A few dozen paces away Anon stepped in front of her and crouched down. Floor tried to turn away, but he gripped her around the withers and held her in place.
  3023. > "Talk to me, Floor," he said simply.
  3024. "No..."
  3025. > One hand released her, but only so Anon could put his fingers under her muzzle and lift it up so he could see her face.
  3026. > "Floor," he repeated, a slight warning in his voice. "Please?"
  3027. "D-Don't leave m-me."
  3028. > He was taken aback, but didn't let her go. "What? Why would I ever do that?!" he exclaimed. His eyes narrowed and his lips pressed together into a line. He sounded hurt. "What makes you say that?"
  3029. > Floor couldn't face his disappointment, so she just shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut.
  3030. > Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Anon spoke again in a quieter voice: "I promise I won't, okay? Just tell me why you're suddenly afraid of that."
  3031. > The mare sat on her haunches, ignoring the way the pavement tried to suck all warmth from her body. Under the hoodie, her ears were pressed flat against her head.
  3032. > She tried to gather up the courage to tell this human how she really felt. It was the one thing she had never managed with a colt before.
  3033. > Would it make a difference? Summer Breeze was undoubtedly a pretty mare. Most mares were prettier than Floor Bored.
  3034. > She was also probably a lot more cheerful and chatty and likable. A better pony all around.
  3035. > Could she really blame Anon for making the obvious choice? He deserved to be happy, didn't he?
  3036. > The fingers were still under her muzzle and tipped her head further up.
  3037. > Floor opened her eyes in surprise and nearly squeaked in shock.
  3038. > Anon's nose bumped into hers as their lips met. Only for a second, but it was enough.
  3039. > It wasn't an accident.
  3040. > All her muscles locked up as the pony tried to process this. He had done it on purpose this time! Deliberately, consciously!
  3041. > Floor just stared in speechless surprise, unable to even begin to guess what the kiss had meant.
  3042. > "Not gonna leave you, sweetie," Anon said, smiled, then cupped her muzzle with both hands.
  3043. > "Come on, let's go home and get a hot cocoa in you before I leave for work."
  3044. > Floor grasped the one thing she did know.
  3045. "N-No, you'll be l-late."
  3046. > Even early as they had left the ice cream shop, Anon barely had time to leave her in the apartment and rush off to work.
  3047. > "Don't worry about that. I can be five minutes late, no one will mind," the human assured her.
  3048. > He stood up and took a step, then waited for her. "Come on," he said.
  3049. > Walking as if in a daze, Floor Bored followed.
  3050. > She still didn't know what had really happened, but she did know what she had to do.
  3051. "A-Anon..."
  3052. > He paused to look back at her. "Hmm?"
  3053. "I h-have... have to tell you s-something. When you're back from w-work."
  3054. > She stammered it out, but kept her eyes on the pavement.
  3055. > Still she hadn't *told* him, but at least she told him that she'd tell him, right? Now she had no choice but to follow through when he came from work. It gave her time to get her thoughts in order and come up with good words.
  3056. > He was obviously confused, with that blank look and half-grin, but the human decided not to press her further. He sensed how important it was to her and how hard it had been to say it.
  3057. > "Okay, we'll talk when I come home," he agreed.
  3058. > All Floor could do was nod. Anon resumed walking and she hurried after him.
  3059. > Even though she'd said nothing much, her heart was hammering like crazy.
  3060. > No more chickening out!
  3062. > ~~~~
  3064. > Floor Bored couldn't sit still in the apartment. She kept pacing up and down, not really seeing where she went. Her hooves rang on linoleum, hardwood and finally tiles.
  3065. > Only then did she realize where she was and turned on her tail to get out of the bathroom. She didn't need the reminder of Anon's scent.
  3066. > The mare was nervous. It would happen tonight, she was sure of it! The kiss had meant something!
  3067. > Anon liked her back and when she told him how she felt, they would embrace, and kiss and... then it would happen.
  3068. > Despite all those pony clop magazines *and* the human Internet, Floor wasn't ready. Her stomach was clenching up and her legs trembled if she stopped moving. She didn't know the first thing about what to do or how. Or *when*!
  3069. > The pony found herself in the living room. She looked at the TV and at the stack of DVDs on a shelf beside it.
  3070. > Yes! A movie would distract her enough to take her mind off the impending intimacy with Anon!
  3071. > She picked the Hobbit, part two. She'd seen it already, but at first glance it felt the most engrossing. She slid it into the player and climbed up on the couch.
  3072. > By the time the title screen rolled around, the mare was back to pacing, only this time she was walking around the living room.
  3073. > The movie was too loud! She couldn't even hear herself think!
  3074. > She went and paused it.
  3075. > Anon and her. An actual, *real* relationship.
  3076. > Maybe it was just a misunderstanding? Maybe the human had tried to nuzzle her and only ended up kissing her by mistake?
  3077. > Humans didn't nuzzle, not usually, but Anon was a very thoughtful colt and probably tried it to make the pony more comfortable. It sounded like the kind of effort he would go through!
  3078. > Yeah, yeah, that was probably it! The human saw how distressed she was when he told her about that Summer Breeze nag, and was just trying to calm Floor down.
  3079. > It was a relief. She didn't have to come up with the courage to tell Anon how she felt about him. She would! Of course she would!
  3080. > Eventually...
  3081. > Floor's face hit the side of the couch and she drew a shuddering breath.
  3082. > It wasn't fair.
  3083. > If she chickened out again, it would never happen. Sooner or later, that coffee shop pony would realize what a catch Anon was and she'd move in.
  3084. > The way her luck ran, Floor would probably end up on the street. Of course they wouldn't want her hanging around the place.
  3085. "I gotta tell him!"
  3086. > It was more whine than words and Floor suppressed a sob of despair.
  3087. "I gotta..."
  3088. >...
  3089. > By the time Anon came home that morning, the mare was a nervous wreck. She had tried to go to sleep, but ended up tossing and turning in her bed.
  3090. > She had given up, tried to watch the movie again, abandoned that and went back to her bedroom.
  3091. > For once, she didn't feel like playing games.
  3092. > At around four in the morning, she went to take a shower. If Anon really *did* want to sleep with her, she should at least clean herself up, right?
  3093. > More importantly, the business of washing and then drying her mane kept her occupied and now it was five.
  3094. > Not much longer.
  3095. > The pony waited in the hallway, trying to keep her breathing and her heart under control. After a few minutes, she rushed back into her room and dug through the desk drawer.
  3096. > There - a bottle of perfume Anon had bought for her. It was proper pony stuff, not the stinky chemical human crap!
  3097. > She sprayed a liberal dose around her ears. Then, after a thought, squirted a bit on her tail, too.
  3098. > Anon wouldn't try oral on her, would he?
  3099. > The thought both warmed her up and gave her the chills at the same time. Please, Celestia, no!
  3100. > Floor wouldn't know where to put her face. She'd make it weird, for sure!
  3101. > Smelling heavily of lavender, the mare went back to the hallway and sat on the floor.
  3102. > This time she lasted four minutes before giving a little gasp and running into Anon's bedroom.
  3103. > Would it be more appropriate to wait for him on his bed? That was supposed to be some kind of an invitation, right?!
  3104. > Floor tried to think of something to say.
  3105. "H-H-Hey, uh.. handsome?"
  3106. > No, that made her sound like a prostitute!
  3107. "Ugh! Um... Hi An-Anon!"
  3108. > That could work, if she could work the stutter out of her voice.
  3109. > Maybe something bolder?
  3110. "Would y-you like to, uh join me in b-bed?"
  3111. > Her face fell into her hooves and the mare sighed sadly. She *sucked* at this! No wonder no colt had wanted her!
  3112. > Maybe she could wear something! The idea had Floor nodding to herself and scurrying back to her room. Something... sexy!
  3113. > Taking off clothes was part of human foreplay, wasn't it? Maybe it could break the ice! She dug through her stuff, but all she came up with were her hoodies.
  3114. > Too late Floor realized she had no sexy clothes.
  3115. > Out of sheer desperation and anxiety, she ran back to Anon's room and looked through his drawers and wardrobes.
  3116. > Pants were impossible, shirts were far too large for her. Boxers would probably just make him laugh.
  3117. > She tried to put on one of his socks, but it wasn't the right sort. It barely covered her fetlock and slid down when she stood up.
  3118. > It was hopeless. Floor put everything back the way she found it and went back to her post at the front door.
  3119. > He would be home soon anyway.
  3120. >...
  3121. > Floor Bored held her breath when she heard the footsteps. She would know Anon's gait anywhere!
  3122. > Her tail swished around the floor and she smiled a nervous smile, despite the uncomfortable churning in her belly.
  3123. > She quickly ran her hooves through her mane, to get it in the best shape she could.
  3124. > The door opened.
  3125. > The mare took a breath to say it.
  3126. > She faltered and her ears lowered in shame.
  3127. > "Oh, hey. What are you doing up this early?" the human asked, his voice tinged with concern. He shuffled inside and locked the door behind him.
  3128. > Floor hung her head. Tears were threatening to overwhelm her and she didn't want Anon to see.
  3129. > "Here, I got this for you," he said and showed her a tube of paper.
  3130. > A loser like her didn't deserve presents, but Floor looked up anyway.
  3131. "W-What is it?"
  3132. > Anon unwrapped it a little to reveal a single rose flower. She smelled its fragrance.
  3133. "Oh, that's n-nice."
  3134. > Then it hit her.
  3135. > Rose!
  3136. > A romantic flower!
  3137. > Her eyes flew up to Anon's face. He was a bit embarrassed about it all, but smiling. "Hope you like it, Floor," he murmured.
  3138. > All she could do was stare, trying to process what the human was saying with his gift.
  3139. > His face darkened and the mare nearly panicked. He thought she didn't like his gift! She was blowing it!
  3140. > Before she could think about it some more, Floor quickly bit the flower bud from its stalk.
  3141. "Mmmm!"
  3142. > Her murmur of appreciation was just a tad forced as she quickly chewed and swallowed.
  3143. "T-Tasty!"
  3144. > Anon lifted up the empty stem and inspected it for a moment. His brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, you-" he began, then snorted in amusement. "Of course, yeah."
  3145. > Then he began laughing. Floor didn't know what was so funny, but the human had to sit right down on the floor.
  3146. > She grinned uneasily, hoping the joke wasn't on her. Or even if it was, she didn't mind. She just liked seeing Anon laugh.
  3147. > "Come here you goof!" the human gasped out and held out his arms.
  3148. > Floor still didn't understand what was so funny, but she walked forward into the offered embrace. Anon enveloped her and patted her barrel as his chuckling finally slowed.
  3149. > "I keep forgetting you're a pony, Floor," Anon said. "I'm glad you liked it. At least I don't need to look for a vase now."
  3150. > The mare just nodded. The words she had been burning to say were on the tip of her tongue.
  3151. > "Come on," he went on, "let me get out of work clothes and then we can talk."
  3152. > He didn't say anything, but Floor followed the human to his bedroom, where Anon sat on his bed and patted the space beside him.
  3153. > She jumped up and leaned against him. Anon pulled off his shoes, then stood up.
  3154. > "So, there was something you wanted to say," he asked as he began to fiddle with his belt.
  3155. > Clothes weren't a big things with ponies, but Floor still modestly averted her face to hide the blush. She'd spent enough time on Earth to have picked up some of the human taboos about undressing, as weird as that was.
  3156. > More importantly, this was her chance!
  3157. > She opened her mouth to say the words. Her throat constricted. All she could make was a faint croaking noise.
  3158. > Floor tried again.
  3159. "I l-l-l..."
  3160. > She nearly burst into tears at her failure. Anon didn't comment as he pulled on his pajamas.
  3161. > The mare took a deep breath and gave it all she could.
  3162. "I l-l-... -ove y-you."
  3163. > It wasn't really words, not chopped up and hiccuped the way she said them. But they were out. Floor held her breath and waited for the verdict.
  3164. > The human came to the bed and knelt on the floor so he would be at her height. His hand found her muzzle and gently turned it so she had to look at him.
  3165. > There was a small smile on his lips.
  3166. > "I know, Floor," he said softly. "I just had to be sure it was you, not the-" he stopped, but then made himself finish: "-things you've been through."
  3167. > The mare sniffed and blinked the tears from her eyes. Anon hadn't said whether he-
  3168. "D-Do you l-l-," she stammered, then changed the word to make it easier to say: "-like me?"
  3169. > Her grinned. "Ever since I met you. But you understand why I had to take it slow, right?"
  3170. > That seemed important to him. Floor nodded.
  3171. "I un-understand."
  3172. > She didn't quite, but she couldn't stand to see the fear and uncertainty in the human's face.
  3173. > Instead of replying, Anon leaned closer.
  3174. > Their lips locked. Floor stopped breathing.
  3175. > His hand came to cup her face and the other one snaked its way around her barrel.
  3176. > After a moment she moaned through her nose and put her hooves as far around the human as she could reach.
  3177. > Nothing much happened, just their lips touching. Maybe Anon sensed how crazy her heart was going and didn't want her to die from shock?
  3178. > Floor was grateful for that small mercy. She didn't want to pass away, not yet.
  3179. > When it ended, they were both out of breath.
  3180. > "You smell nice, Floor. Trying that perfume I got you?" Anon asked.
  3181. > She nodded and found a little grin on her muzzle.
  3182. > Floor knew what would come next. She had been thinking about it the whole night. But now she knew how to do it. She would very likely mess it up, but the human would be expecting it from her.
  3183. > Her hoof slid down Anon's chest and belly.
  3184. > His hand caught it.
  3185. > "Easy. There's no hurry, Floor," he said.
  3186. > How could this human read her like that?! How could he be this nice?!
  3187. > His face was impossibly close. Their noses were almost touching.
  3188. > She couldn't stand it any longer. Floor brought her muzzle closer, stealing another kiss.
  3189. > This one was shorter, because Anon climbed up on the bed and lay down. She joined him on the pillow, just looking at his human features in silence.
  3190. > His hand found her face again, gently stroking the fluff there.
  3191. > "I think I love you, Floor Bored."
  3192. > It made the whole world pink!
  3193. > Floor couldn't find her voice, but she whispered it fiercely:
  3194. "I love you too!"
  3195. > She licked the hand on her muzzle and giggled as the echo of her words faded away. Then she blushed. It was like a maelstrom of emotion!
  3196. > All four hooves were touching Anon now. She never wanted to let go. His hand slid behind her head and gently pulled her closer.
  3197. > Kisses. She liked kisses.
  3198. > She wasn't messing them up too badly. It would be perfectly fine with the mare to just keep doing that for the rest of the day.
  3199. > Anon's tongue touched her lips and she parted them in surprise. Floor almost pulled back, but the human held her in place.
  3200. > He pushed forward and her world exploded.
  3201. > Floor Bored really didn't know what to expect. She didn't want to mess it up somehow, so she just lay there, as still as she could, while Anon did everything.
  3202. > It didn't last. After about a minute the human pulled back and looked at her strangely.
  3203. > "Everything okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern.
  3204. > Floor knew her eyes were wide with surprise and she couldn't quite speak, so she just nodded.
  3205. > "Sorry," Anon said despite her wordless assurance, "I didn't mean to go that fast."
  3206. > Now the mare shook her head violently.
  3207. > "It's just that thing..."
  3208. > At the very least, his hands were still around her. Maybe she hadn't blown it completely, yet.
  3209. > "... with that Easton jerk..."
  3210. > The mere mention of the name mad Floor fold down her ears in unpleasant recollection. Her eyes quickly brimmed with tears and she sniffed.
  3211. > That shit was still ruining her life!
  3212. > Anon frantically apologized, even though he had done nothing wrong: "Oh, sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up!"
  3213. > He was about to let her go and slide away, something Floor absolutely did not want. She lunged forward and wrapped her legs around Anon's arm.
  3214. "Don't!"
  3215. > Luckily he stopped struggling and even put his hand back on her side. He examined her face for a while, looking for clues.
  3216. > "You gotta talk to me, sweetie," he murmured.
  3217. > She had to!
  3218. > Floor knew that very well, but didn't know what to say, or how to do it. She took a stab in the dark. It wasn't a pleasant thought and one she desperately pushed down each time it popped up.
  3219. "I k-know it's gross..."
  3220. > "What?" the human asked, surprised. "What do you mean? What is gross?"
  3221. > She closed her eyes so she didn't have to look at his bewildered expression. More importantly, she didn't want to see Anon's pity.
  3222. "He was m-my... f-first."
  3223. > The room went so quiet that Floor imagined she heard the echo of her rattling heart.
  3224. > Then the human smiled and put his hand back on her face. The thumb wiped away a tear.
  3225. > "I don't care about that, Floor," he assured her. "It wasn't real."
  3226. "But-"
  3227. > The finger moved to her lips and shut her up. "You didn't want it, so it doesn't count."
  3228. > His logic was completely bogus, but Floor wanted to believe it. She didn't answer, but her eyes betrayed the pleading - the yearning for it to be true.
  3229. > "I don't think it counts," Anon repeated, "so your first time will be whenever you want it, okay?"
  3230. > He hadn't released her muzzle, so Floor just nodded.
  3231. > "Do you want it?"
  3232. > Another nod, more vigorous. She shook off his hand.
  3233. "Yes!"
  3234. > "Then relax and do what feels right. We'll stop if you get uncomfortable, okay?"
  3235. > Floor looked away in embarrassment.
  3236. "I'll m-mess it up."
  3237. > That made Anon chuckle. He patted her barrel and wriggled his arm free from her grasp, so he could slip it under the pony.
  3238. > "You haven't yet. No way you can mess it up," the human assured her. "Come on, tell me what you'd like!"
  3239. > Her mind drew another blank, so Floor went with what she knew.
  3240. "A kiss..."
  3241. > Anon smiled and puled her closer and she didn't resist. He rolled to his back while keeping the mare pressed against his chest, so he ended up lying on top of him.
  3242. > Floor couldn't help feeling how she was lifted and lowered slightly with his every breath. She was also hyper-aware of his hands resting lightly against her sides and of her tail slipping down between his legs.
  3243. > There was no possible way they could be closer.
  3244. > "Well?"
  3245. > The pony remembered what she had asked and closed the distance between them. This time she was ready when Anon's tongue prodded at her.
  3246. > The sensation was like electricity and a small moan escaped from between her lips.
  3247. > He really was taking it slow, which gave her time to think and learn. Floor was grateful for that.
  3248. > She relaxed and their tongues touched. It made her gasp and pull away, only to see the human grinning insolently.
  3249. > "I'm winning!" he whispered.
  3250. > It was such an absurd thing to say in the circumstance that Floor couldn't help but giggle at the statement. Taking it a little less seriously definitely helped and she tried again.
  3251. > This time she was bolder and met Anon closer. She didn't know what to do, but Anon was apparently enjoying it a lot. His hands pressed against her sides and the fingers dug into her fur.
  3252. > That reminded Floor of what they were building up to. She'd dreamed of it so often and now it was happening!
  3253. > Kissing was *way* better than she had ever imagined. Suddenly she saw the appeal of other fillies doing it whenever they could!
  3254. > Almost without her volition, her tail lifted up and she winked, hard.
  3255. > It made her entire body lurch and her muzzle press against Anon's face. He met it with a moan of his own.
  3256. > She was soaked in an instant and began to drip down, right on Anon's pajama bottoms. Floor pulled her face away.
  3257. "S-Sorry! I- I'm... I'll- uh, t-towel!"
  3258. > Anon shook his head. "Don't care," he gasped out. He stole a small kiss, then his eyes lost their dreamy look and his face became serious.
  3259. > "You sure about this?" he asked.
  3260. > Floor nodded, but then spoke up, just to make it more certain.
  3261. "Yes. Please. Yes!"
  3262. > He shuffled a little to pull his pants down. Once Floor realized what he was doing, she winked again, which dripped more of her juice right on Anon's fingers.
  3263. > She was about to apologize, but the human brought the hand out and licked it clean with a grin.
  3264. "Ung!"
  3265. > She nearly came from that sight alone! Floor knew she wouldn't last very long. Her breath was coming in short gasps and her entire body shuddered at every Anon's touch.
  3266. "P-Please... I love you..."
  3267. > She slid off Anon's chest, lifted her rear as high as she could and looked at him pleadingly. Her tail was already out of the way and a bead of her juice ran down her leg. No way any colt could ignore that invitation, even from a mare as ugly as Floor Bored.
  3268. > But Anon shook his head. Now that he was in sight, the mare saw just how big he had gotten.
  3269. > Well, not the biggest she had seen in human porn and nothing like a pony, but none of that mattered. She wanted Anon specifically and she wanted him in her, right now!
  3270. "*Please!*"
  3271. > "On your back," the human commanded.
  3272. > Floor turned hesitantly.
  3273. "W-Why?"
  3274. > The way he smiled at her would make her legs collapse if she hadn't already been lying down. "I wanna look at your face."
  3275. > Luckily, he didn't waste time. As soon as Floor was on her back, Anon moved over her. He leaned on his hands and placed himself right between her hind legs. She imagined he was poking her with the tip.
  3276. > When she winked, she was sure.
  3277. > The human leaned down and caught her in another kiss. Floor reached up as far around him as she could and tried to pull him closer.
  3278. > He pushed and they both gasped in surprise.
  3279. > The sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Ready for it, *wanting it*, made all the difference in the world.
  3280. > Anon slid easily inside her. Their lips parted, so they could breathe.
  3281. "Oh, ye-hhnhg!"
  3282. > A shudder ran through her as the human began to withdraw. In desperation to keep him inside, Floor tried to hold Anon back with her hind legs. She was nearly frantic, because she didn't want it to be over yet.
  3283. > Not when she was that close!
  3284. > "Hey... relax," the human whispered in her ear.
  3285. > The mare obeyed and he pushed back, drawing a little squeak from her lips.
  3286. > This time she didn't fight as he moved. After a few thrusts, Floor tried to match his rhythm.
  3287. > Their lips met again and they shared their breath. It made her moan, right into Anon's mouth.
  3288. > He was still leaning on his elbows and his hands were free to find and caress her face. With all that stimulation, she knew she wouldn't last.
  3289. "I'm- oh!"
  3290. > She returned the kiss, then tried talking again.
  3291. "Almost... I'm-"
  3292. > It came almost without warning. As if a dam had released inside her.
  3293. > Floor felt her entire body spasm and her insides clench around Anon. It made him grunt in surprise, but she was beyond caring.
  3294. > Again and again she winked, soaking both the human and the bed sheet and not caring about it in the slightest.
  3295. > Floor found her voice, but all she could get out was a loud moan, one that had been building unconsciously almost from the day she came into Anon's place.
  3296. > Once she opened her eyes again, the human was smiling.
  3297. > "L-Liked it?" he asked.
  3298. > She replied by means of a kiss.
  3299. "Don't s-stop!"
  3300. > He obliged and the extra stimulation was nearly painful. She rode it out and soon felt herself building up to her second orgasm.
  3301. > She repeated, to make sure the human understood:
  3302. "Don't stop!"
  3303. > He concentrated so much on what he was doing that he forgot to kiss her. The pony didn't care, she just started to lick his face and neck instead.
  3304. > That seemed to be helping, so Floor kept at it. The urgency and force of his thrusts increased.
  3305. > Her lover was also close. That made it even better, but the mare hoped he wouldn't finish before her.
  3306. > A slight pang of embarrassment flashed through her mind at her selfishness, but it was quickly buried in pleasure as the tension inside her mounted up again.
  3307. "A-Almost... please- yes! I lov- ungh!"
  3308. > She had trouble forming words, but Anon understood anyway. He smiled and shared another kiss with her, even as he sped up some more.
  3309. > "Me too..." he gasped as they pulled apart. "Together?"
  3310. > She gave him a nod and closed her eyes, preparing for the moment.
  3311. > It wasn't far off. Anon grunted, his voice full of urgent desire, and pushed into her, really hard.
  3312. > It was enough to bring Floor over the edge and they cried out together.
  3313. > Finally Anon's arms gave out and he collapsed right on top of her. She welcomed the weight and put her hooves around him to keep him there.
  3314. > Again the waves of her climax rolled over, making her shudder and moan. This time she felt Anon twitch inside her, filling her with his heat.
  3315. > It made her own orgasm that much more intense and she focused downward, trying to milk the human for all he was worth.
  3316. > A forever of unthinking bliss later, they slowly surfaced.
  3317. > So, that was the *real* afterglow, Floor thought. It put a lie to all the times she had lain in her bed after working herself over with a hoof.
  3318. > The human was still lying on her and the mare smiled to herself. Exhausted, even though it hadn't lasted all that long.
  3319. > They both needed practice.
  3320. > In the meantime, she began licking the sweat from his cheek.
  3321. > She paused for a few seconds, to make sure he knew:
  3322. "I love you so much, Anon!"
  3323. > In a minute, they would part. Then they would have to clean up the mess they had made. Her rump and tail were soaked and so was the bed.
  3324. > But for now, they simply enjoyed being together.
  3325. >...
  3326. > When Floor Bored woke up, her tail felt as if it was glued to Anon's leg. She needed a moment to remember why that was so, but then she blushed a bright red color.
  3327. > She could almost believe it was only a dream, if it weren't for the smell.
  3328. > They had really done it!
  3329. > Sticky or not, she wriggled her rump against Anon's belly and the human obliged by pulling her closer and murmuring something she couldn't quite make out.
  3330. > More messy than even she had ever slept, it was nevertheless the most comfortable she had ever been in her entire life.
  3331. > Only one thing could make it better.
  3332. > Floor shuffled around until she was facing the human. That increased the distance between skin and fur - well, pajamas and fur - but gave her an unobstructed view of his face as he slept.
  3333. > After a moment's hesitation, she hooked his shirt on a hoof and pulled it up.
  3334. "Come on, take this off!"
  3335. > The human grumbled in annoyance, but eventually lifted his arms above his head and pulled the offending fabric off.
  3336. > Floor Bored scrunched up her muzzle in thought, then shrugged a little to herself and pushed her head right against Anon's chest.
  3337. > The arms quickly encircled her again.
  3338. > "Mmm- lov' ooo," he sighed.
  3339. > It was late afternoon, which meant the human would soon be getting up and going to work. Floor suddenly hated that.
  3340. > She wanted more time with him.
  3341. > Maybe he would make love to her again before he left?
  3342. > As Floor was thinking up a way to suggest it, Anon's hand slipped from her barrel and landed on her hoof. Almost unconsciously he took it and squeezed.
  3343. > In reply, she licked his bare chest.
  3344. > That woke the human up, but he wasn't complaining. He looked at the mare uncomprehendingly for a moment, then took in her blush, the awkward smile and the messed-up mane and put two and two together.
  3345. > "Uh, did we-" he began, but didn't say it outright,"-um, last night?"
  3346. "Yep."
  3347. > His hand left her hoof as Anon felt under the covers. "Jeez, we made quite a mess..."
  3348. > Floor folded her ears partly down and grinned. Her blush deepened. Maybe they should have cleaned up a little, rather than just scooched over to a dry part of the bed.
  3349. "Sorry."
  3350. > "No, no it's fine. I'll just stick everything in the washing machine and I have to shower before work anyway."
  3351. "I'll d-do it."
  3352. > Even Floor herself didn't know where the offer had come from, but she wanted to do nice things for Anon. If that meant laundry so that he didn't have to, she could live with it.
  3353. > "Really?"
  3354. "Mhm!"
  3355. > The hand sought out her muzzle and stroked the fluff there. "Thanks. Want me to grab you a pizza on my way back?"
  3356. > Her eyes lit up and her ears lifted to full attention.
  3357. "Yes please!"
  3358. > Anon couldn't help but laugh at her expression. He leaned closer and planted a kiss right on the tip of her nose.
  3359. "Uh..." Floor began and examined the ceiling in minute detail. "W-Wanna- um, wanna do it a-again?"
  3360. > He started to grin, but froze. "Oh God, we didn't use any protection!" he realized.
  3361. "Uh... s-should we?"
  3362. > Anon relaxed a little. "I... dunno? I suppose you can't get pregnant from a human?"
  3363. "Never heard about anything like that. Besides, I'm not in..."
  3364. > The thought made her warm all over in an instant.
  3365. " heat."
  3366. > She would be in the not-so-distant future. With her and Anon actually *dating*, that could prove to be quite an intense week.
  3367. > The last time she'd nearly rubbed her hoof off. She'd walked crooked for a few days!
  3368. > She glanced at Anon's twisted up face and guessed he was thinking something similar.
  3369. > "Uh, when do you-" he asked, but Floor answered so quickly he didn't even get a chance to finish his question.
  3370. "Not for a few months!"
  3371. > They both relaxed, but it was too late. Now that she was thinking about it, Floor was already beginning to leak again.
  3372. > She stuck out her hind hoof and sought out the right spot on Anon's body.
  3373. > He was completely rigid and the touch made him shudder.
  3374. > Before he could really object, Floor pushed Anon on his back and slid up on his chest. She ground herself right against *him*, which made the human groan.
  3375. > The pony quickly silenced him with a kiss, even as she began to make a puddle right on his belly. If anything, that drove him wilder.
  3376. > His hands were gripping her flanks, right where the cutie mark should be and his fingers dug into her fur.
  3377. > If he ground against her any harder, he would likely break his hip.
  3378. > He pushed her face away with a finger so he could gasp out his words: "Don't have a... a... condom!"
  3379. > Floor gave an exasperated little groan and rolled her eyes.
  3380. "Don't need one!"
  3381. > "But-"
  3382. > The mare lifted herself up on her forelegs, even as she kept the pressure on his member. The extra distance allowed her to focus on Anon's entire face.
  3383. "You got any diseases?" she asked.
  3384. > "N-No."
  3385. "Me neither. Done."
  3386. > It had been pure luck, Floor guessed, that the bastard Easton hadn't given her anything.
  3387. > The pony pushed the unwelcome thought aside and focused again on the human under her hooves. She slid back down, right into another kiss.
  3388. > He didn't resist anymore. When she pulled her rump away Anon's stallionhood pointed up and poked at just the right place.
  3389. > There was no turning back. Floor slid down with a happy little sigh.
  3390. > The nice thing about being on top, she managed to think before her mind dissolved, was that she could make it last as long as she wanted.
  3391. > Anon wasn't going anywhere until she was done with him!
  3393. > ~~~~
  3395. > The interesting thing about shower, Floor Bored mused... the most *interesting* thing about shower was how private it was supposed to be.
  3396. > She'd seen Anon naked - she'd *had* him twice, for Celestia's sake - and she was still skittish like a schoolfilly and embarrassed as all Hell to get in the shower with the human.
  3397. > Somehow, it felt way more naughty than sex with the human!
  3398. > The mare couldn't help winking as she stood in the water, each time dribbling a little of their mixed fluids.
  3399. > The shower was washing away the results of their lovemaking, both from the night before and from just a few minutes ago, but she could still smell it very clearly.
  3400. > At this rate, she would jump on Anon for the third time *and* use her hoof when he left. The very thought made her squeak and turn her glowing red face away.
  3401. > "Oh, sorry," the human murmured.
  3402. "W-Why?"
  3403. > "Didn't I step on your tail?" he asked and looked down. Floor kept her face averted.
  3404. "No..."
  3405. > "Oh."
  3406. > After a moment Anon went back to shampooing his hair. Sometimes the mare envied him, because he only had a small bit of it. She had her mane, plus all her fur, *plus* she didn't have hands to do it!
  3407. > "Want me to help you out?" the human offered.
  3408. > Well, she hadn't had hands *until now*.
  3409. "Yes!"
  3410. > The human knelt down so he could reach and picked up the bottle of pony shampoo he had gotten her. She sat on her haunches and faced away obediently.
  3411. > Floor couldn't for the life of her imagine why she used to hate the shower so much. True, it took time away from games or cartoons, but the warm water felt nice.
  3412. > And now-
  3413. > She gasped in shock and nearly flopped down as her legs went weak. Fingers digging into her back and neck were *bliss*!
  3414. > Anon's thighs were around her and Floor scooched back a little so she ended up pressing her rump right in his groin. She winked at the touch and was really glad the human couldn't see her expression.
  3415. > He had to add more shampoo to lather up her mane, then spread the foam around to her chest. As he massaged her belly fluff, the mare was pressed against his chest.
  3416. > Floor twisted her head around and stole a quick kiss.
  3417. "I love this. I l-love you."
  3418. > He just smiled and focused on his work.
  3419. > She was soaped up in record time and Anon turned the shower back on to rinse them both off.
  3420. > Yes! He didn't stand up! The human remained on his knees and hugging her as the hot water flowed around them.
  3421. > "Oh, I almost forgot, you've got a dentist's appointment day after tomorrow."
  3422. > Floor froze in shock. The beauty of the moment shattered.
  3423. "What?! Already?! But I've j-just b-b-been!"
  3424. > It was a good thing the arms were holding her, otherwise the mare would have sagged to the floor.
  3425. > "That was just the initial exam, Floor. Now we have to start fixing things. Relax, it won't be that bad, you'll see!"
  3426. > The pony shook her head. She'd really thought she had more time!
  3427. "C-Can't... uh, can't we re-reschedule?"
  3428. > "Sorry sweetie. Don't worry, I have a day off so I'll take you. I'll be there, okay?"
  3429. > That helped a bit, but Floor was still shivering, even with the hot water running through her fur.
  3430. > "And afterwards we'll go eat some ice cream, okay? Dentists always recommend ice cream after appointments," Anon went on, patting her wet mane and rocking her gently forward and back. His mouth was right near her ear and he was whispering barely above the rushing water.
  3431. > The mare swallowed and her ear hit the human on the lips as she folded it down.
  3432. "Yeah, b-but-"
  3433. > "Sorry Floor, it's for your own good," Anon said. He didn't sound particularly sorry. "Tell you what - we'll go out to eat ice cream and then, when we come home, I'll eat *you* out. Sounds fun?"
  3434. > In the grip of her imagination, Floor didn't quite get it. She was thinking about drills and metal rods in her mouth and horrible, unbearable pain.
  3435. "What? E-Eat out... w-what?!"
  3436. > The wheels turned and the thought clicked into place before the human had to repeat or explain himself.
  3437. "Oh... OH!"
  3438. > The pony whinnied in surprise. It wasn't something she'd ever expected anyone to do. It was gross.
  3439. > Wasn't it gross?
  3440. > True, the people in pornos did it, but that was just for show, wasn't it?
  3441. > She didn't want to put her lover through something like that.
  3442. "O-Oh, you d-don't have to..."
  3443. > He pressed her face more tightly against her head and nuzzled her ear open with his nose.
  3444. > "Oh, but I *want* to, Floor."
  3445. > All she could make in reply was a squeak. Anon's hand slid down her belly and between her legs. It touched her, making Floor wink furiously against his fingers.
  3446. > When he took his hand away he brought it right up to her muzzle.
  3447. > Floor had always rather liked the smell of her arousal, but she was weird. Surely nopony else-
  3448. > He stuck it in his mouth! The human actually licked his finger clean!
  3449. > Floor gaped and turned her head around to look at Anon's face.
  3450. > He just smiled at her.
  3451. > "Delicious," he commented.
  3452. > She had no reply. What could she possibly say?!
  3453. > "So, dentist's appointment? I'll be there to make sure the doctor is gentle with you, okay?"
  3454. > Floor nodded, still too numb to speak.
  3455. > She wondered if Anon could tell she was winking furiously and leaking all over the shower floor.
  3456. > Him sticking his mare-juice-coated fingers in his mouth had been *so hot*!
  3457. "I l-l-love y-you," she stuttered.
  3458. > "Love you too! Now let's get out. I have work to go to."
  3459. > Her ears fell flat at that news and Floor sighed in misery.
  3460. "H-Hurry back..."
  3461. > "Sure thing!"
  3462. > The human stood up, closed the water and opened the shower cabin. Warm air left and was quickly replaced with cold.
  3463. > He reached for the towels and gave one to her before stepping out of the shower to dry himself.
  3464. > Floor followed slowly, still in a daze and unsure what had really happened.
  3465. > She just knew she wanted her hoof worse than when she was in heat.
  3466. > Actually, she wanted *Anon*, but he was already late for work.
  3467. > She hoped the day would pass quickly!
  3469. > ~~~~
  3471. > Just like that Floor Bored found herself in the chair of horrors again. Only this time it was more then just a simple check up.
  3472. > Anon was there, but that didn't make it easier. Well, maybe slightly.
  3473. > Her legs were weak and she had barely managed to walk into the doctor's office from the car. Without her human holding her hoof, she would have fled after taking one glance of the doctor's metal spikes and drills and instruments.
  3474. > Her eyes sought out Anon, who smiled and squeezed her hoof reassuringly. "It's gonna be fine."
  3475. > The doctor finished fiddling with his computer and approached the chair.
  3476. > Floor tried to keep her breathing under control, but she was nearly hyperventilating already.
  3477. > "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing!" the dentist assured her.
  3478. > She knew he was lying, just from the size of the syringe in his hand. The needle looked sharp.
  3479. > "Open for me?" he implored.
  3480. > The mare swallowed a lump, then managed to part her lips slightly. She looked at the ceiling, just so she wouldn't have to see the horrible instruments the man was preparing to use on her poor, defenceless mouth!
  3481. > "You'll feel a slight sting as I apply the anesthetic," doctor Curtis warned her. True to his word, she did feel the needle poke her gums.
  3482. > Her breath caught, but all that happened was a slight tingle. Then it was over.
  3483. > "Okay, good," the doctor said, "let me know if it hurts and we'll add some more."
  3484. "O-O-Okay..."
  3485. > Floor managed a weak nod. Her heart was going crazy, but she had a handle on her breathing now.
  3486. > There was no going back. The human in the lab coat was taking the drill and fitting it with a metal bit. Anon still had her hoof.
  3487. > She wasn't getting out of this situation without having some dentistry done.
  3488. > Floor repeated to herself: it was a good thing. She needed this before it was too late. The Internet said bad teeth could lead to heart problems.
  3489. > A heart attack would probably hurt a lot more than the drill, right?
  3490. > She sought out Anon with her eyes. He was still there, sitting a bit uncomfortably to give the doctor room, but still keeping a firm hold on her hoof.
  3491. > She loved him more than anything in that moment. Going through this alone would have been nightmare, with Anon it was merely very bad.
  3492. > "Open," the doctor commanded.
  3493. > Floor obeyed and returned her eyes to the ceiling, but then focused on the light shining in her face, instead. It was pure white. She hadn't seen a an artificial lamp with pure white light before.
  3494. > Then the fingers were in her mouth, followed shortly by the drill.
  3495. > It spun up, letting out a frightening, high-pitched whine.
  3496. > All her muscles stiffened as it came in contact with her tooth.
  3497. > She braced herself for the blinding, agonizing pain.
  3499. > ~~~~
  3501. > "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"
  3502. > Floor didn't like Anon's smug little grin, but she was just so relieved to be out of that chair. Besides, her human was right. Sure it had stung a little every now and then. She had whimpered each time and the doctor had to add more anaesthesia twice, but it had been a lot less painful than she had feared.
  3503. > It wasn't an experience she'd care to repeat, thought.
  3504. > Except she would have to go through it. Seven or eight more times, the doctor said.
  3505. > Her next would be in a month, so at least Floor had some time to get over today's trauma.
  3506. > But Anon didn't let it go. "Come on," he went on, "admit it. It wasn't bad at all, I was watching you."
  3507. > She nearly hoofed him, but the human was driving and that would have been dangerous for them both.
  3508. "Humpf!"
  3509. > He laughed and reached over to pat her mane.
  3510. > Floor nearly dodged his hand, but grudgingly accepted. Anon's pats were... nice.
  3511. > "Let's go get some ice cream now. Drive-thru or the shop by the river?"
  3512. > It was so hard to decide! The river shop ice cream was much, much better, but they'd have to walk a short way and eat it there. Getting it with the car was just so convenient!
  3513. "Ummm..."
  3514. > "Both?"
  3515. "What?!"
  3516. > "Yeah, why not? You can't have lunch, the doctor said, but ice cream is okay. So let's get two!"
  3517. > The mare mulled it over. Anon's logic was sound. She liked how he was thinking.
  3518. "Okay!"
  3519. > Just in time - she saw the red-gold 'M' logo a few streets ahead.
  3520. > As Anon was working the car to turn into the parking lot, Floor explored her new filling with her tongue. It was a bit strange, but the doctor had made sure she could bite normally.
  3521. > He had insisted a lot on it, drilling a bit off the top again and again, long after the mare would have rather just called it 'good enough' and left.
  3522. > Despite it all, the mare felt amazing. A frightening, onerous task was behind her and she had done something beneficial for her health. It seemed as if a large rock had rolled off her back.
  3523. > Floor couldn't help smiling at the day.
  3524. > Plus, her mouth and tongue and half her face still felt numb. The doctor had probably given her too much of the painkiller needle, not that she was complaining. If he did that each time, she just might live through all the drillings.
  3525. > She gingerly felt around with her hoof and marvelled at the strange sensation. It was almost like touching another pony's face.
  3526. > It was different from touching Anon - Floor had had some practice with that lately and skin felt very different from fur.
  3527. > She liked it, though. The human was soft and almost hot to the touch. And she liked the taste of his sweat, especially just after they'd-
  3528. > Floor stopped that train of thought before it resulted in her leaving a puddle on the car seat. She looked around for something else to focus on and her eyes landed on the menu.
  3529. "Um, I'll have the Oreo one!"
  3530. > Her human didn't seem to agree. "Hmm, I don't think that's a good idea right now. There's too much... stuff in it. How about a plain one for now and something more fancy later at the shop?"
  3531. "Oh," Floor said, a little dejected.
  3532. > Her ears folded down, but she nodded.
  3533. "Okay."
  3534. > The human was probably right.
  3535. > "Hey, not so glum, sweetie. It'll leave more room for the good ice cream later, right?"
  3536. > That perked her back up a little.
  3537. "Oh! Yes!"
  3538. > She looked around while Anon ordered. There weren't too many humans, not on a workday morning.
  3539. > Work - that reminded her - Anon had work that evening. He was missing out on sleep just to help her get through her dentist's appointment.
  3540. > Such a gentlecolt!
  3541. "Uh, Anon?"
  3542. > He was just taking change back from the cashier, so he didn't look around. "Huh?" he asked, distracted.
  3543. > Floor needed him to see her.
  3544. "Anon."
  3545. > Putting the money away, the human turned. "What?"
  3546. > She made sure her ears were down in supplication and her mane partially covered her face. Floor knew how cute Anon found that look.
  3547. "Thanks. F-For everything. I dunno where-" she began, then sighed and forced herself to finish: "-where I'd be right now..."
  3548. > Dammit! She was already getting tears in her eyes.
  3549. "Just- thank you."
  3550. > "Aw, shucks, Floor. You're welcome, of course."
  3551. > There was more on her mind. Thinking of alternative ways her life might have turned out also made the mare think about the future.
  3552. "So... what happens next?"
  3553. > Anon pretended he didn't understand her serious tone. "Next we drive up to the next window and get our ice creams. See, as soon as that car in front of us moves-"
  3554. > This time she did hoof him in the arm. Unfortunately he was expecting it, so it didn't hurt nearly as much as it should have. He laughed while he rubbed the spot on his forearm.
  3555. "You know what I mean! I can't keep... *freeloading* off you forever!"
  3556. > The human let his breath out. "I don't know, Floor. I guess you could look for a job - I mean, if you wanted one. We'll talk about it."
  3557. > Mention of work reminded her of yet another painful fact. She twisted around on her seat to look at her empty flank.
  3558. "Yeah... job."
  3559. > The human was picking up their order, so he didn't notice. "Here," he said and held out a cup for her.
  3560. > Floor took it between her forehooves and took a tentative lick.
  3561. > "I dunno, Floor," Anon continued their conversation as he maneuvered the car back to the main street. "I think they have a help-wanted sign on that coffee shop, across the street from where I work. Remember?"
  3562. > The mare did and her ears went flat against her head. The one with the hussy unicorn! True, nothing had happened and the mare hadn't been able to steal Anon, but she was probably planning on it even now!
  3563. > It was what pretty mares did!
  3564. > How lucky that this one time, Floor had been quick enough to tell a colt how she really felt. Well, hinted at it, strongly.
  3565. > And Anon had been great enough to pick up on it.
  3566. "Yeah, I remember."
  3567. > He didn't notice her flat tone right now, though. Probably because he was focusing on the traffic. Even his ice cream was just sitting in the cup holder, slowly melting.
  3568. > "I'll go ask if they'd take you. Then at least you'd work with another pony, no?"
  3569. > It wasn't as if she'd been able to find a job for herself, Floor thought. Maybe it really was best to let Anon help her with that, too?
  3570. "Yeah, I guess..."
  3571. > "That way," the human went on, oblivious to her drooping ears and hanging head, "I'd come in and see you every day while you're working. You could ask for the night shift, so we'd have the same schedule."
  3572. > Floor brightened up a little at that. She'd replace that hussy and spend more time with Anon! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
  3573. > Except...
  3574. "I don't r-really know how to make coffee, though..."
  3575. > She didn't want to get stuck with a coffee-making cutie mark, either. At least not until Floor was *really* desperate.
  3576. > Her human glanced over, completely misunderstood her expression and scratched an ear. "Hey, don't worry! We'll check out the Internet. If you'd like, we can ask the girl at the ice cream shop for a few hints!"
  3577. > Anon had an answer for everything, it looked like. Floor relaxed a little and put her muzzle back into her ice cream.
  3578. > It would all work out somehow. She *knew* her cutie mark would be in computers or Internet or something like that. Doing a coffee gig for a short while couldn't change her destiny!
  3579. > The important thing was, now she had a coltfriend. She shared his bed every night - day, actually.
  3580. > Maybe, if this luck held, she could get her life back in order. The coffee thing just to fatten out her resume a little and then a proper job, something like she'd had when she first came to Earth.
  3581. > The Pony embassy had arranged that, though.
  3582. "Thanks, Anon. I dunno why you... picked me, but-"
  3583. > "Read the words," he replied, interrupting her.
  3584. "Huh?"
  3585. > He poked at her chest with his finger. "Read," he repeated.
  3586. > Floor looked down. She was wearing that hoodie he got her.
  3587. "Cutie pie? What's that got to do-"
  3588. > "That's why. Well, part of it, anyway."
  3589. > It took her embarrassingly long to put it all together, but then Floor blushed and had to look out the window for a bit.
  3590. "Flatterer!"
  3591. > Anon just laughed. "Is it working? Do I get some tail when we get home?"
  3592. > Well, there went the seat! Floor hurriedly shuffled and stretched the hoodie down under her rump. It was easier to wash than the car fabric.
  3593. > She didn't answer, but Floor suspected the human knew exactly what the question had done to her.
  3594. > As if she could say no to sex with Anon!
  3595. > They drove in silence for a bit, until the human broke it.
  3596. > "It was a joke, Floor. You need to learn a bit of humor."
  3597. "H-Humor?"
  3598. > "Yeah," he explained, "you could have said, for example, something like: Only if you say you love me!"
  3599. > Even Floor giggled at that. It was cute.
  3600. > "Okay, let's try that again. *Ahem* Do I get some tail when we get home?"
  3601. > The mare swallowed and blushed a vivid red.
  3602. "Uh, o-only if... if- um, you say you l-love me?"
  3603. > The human burst out laughing at how bad that had sounded.
  3604. > It would have stung, but Anon patted her just in time and said: "We'll work on it, Floor. I love you."
  3605. > That wiped the frown right off her muzzle and replaced it with a smile.
  3606. "I love you too!"
  3608. > ~~~~
  3610. > As Floor Bored walked up the stairs with Anon she was both eager and apprehensive about what was coming. Maybe it would have been better if the human hadn't even told her in advance.
  3611. > She glanced up at him, but quickly averted her eyes again. She swallowed a lump and tried to think about something else.
  3612. "Uh, i-ice cream was good..."
  3613. > "Always is," came the reply.
  3614. > The mare scrambled to keep the conversation going, but nothing came to mind.
  3615. "Yeah..."
  3616. > She stopped at the door while Anon unlocked it, then followed him inside. Her first destination was her room, to get out of the hoodie, and the next would be the shower.
  3617. > Clean, that was the thing. She had to *really* scrub herself for the next part. Without saying anything, the human turned to his bedroom and Floor looked after him for a few seconds.
  3618. > She just hoped her inexperience wouldn't show. Was she supposed to put her hooves on his head? Guide him?
  3619. > Floor wished she'd paid more attention when she watched porn.
  3620. > It occurred to the mare that she could probably call it off. Surely Anon would respect her wishes! She was curious, though. Floor really wanted to know what it felt like, at least once.
  3621. > She'd been leaking all the way from the coffee shop in anticipation. It sounded *so hot* in her head!
  3622. > The memory was enough to make her wink and she hurriedly dabbed at herself with the edge of the hoodie. It would definitely have to be washed.
  3623. > And she *really* needed a shower!
  3624. > She went out of her room and ran into Anon.
  3625. "Uh," she mumbled, "I'll just- um, j-just gonna... shower!"
  3626. > The pony would have slipped past him, but Anon laid a hand on her back. "Hold on," he said and Floor froze to the spot.
  3627. > She looked up at his insolent grin.
  3628. > "Don't," he said.
  3629. > Floor shook her head firmly.
  3630. "N-No, I r-really need it. I'm, uh... I've been..."
  3631. > How did you explain that you've been creaming for the past hour in expectation?
  3632. > His grin widened, making Floor's heart beat faster.
  3633. > "I know," he said.
  3634. "Eep!"
  3635. > She nearly ran back to her room, slammed the door shut and worked herself over with a hoof, but Anon's hand seemed to be pinning her down. It was resting on her lightly, but in her mind it was completely immovable and somehow rooted her legs to the ground.
  3636. > Floor snapped out of her imagination and shook her head.
  3637. "No, n-no, I'm... uh, I stink, Anon. I really t-think I should-"
  3638. > He crouched down and tilted her face to look at him. Her ears flattened.
  3639. > "Tell you what, let's just start slow and then, if you really have to, we'll take a shower together, okay?"
  3640. > Floor quickly closed her eyes, but it was too late. They both heard the almost-slap of her winking hard and the resulting dribble hitting the floor.
  3641. > Her face was so red that Floor didn't know how Anon's hand remained unscorched.
  3642. "I'll c-clean that up!"
  3643. > "Relax, it's fine. I'll grab a towel."
  3644. > She managed a nod, but didn't open her eyes. Anon's hand slid down her back and briefly squeezed her cutie mark area. It made her shudder with need.
  3645. > The human straightened up and Floor was free to go. She turned to his bedroom.
  3646. > "No, wait. The couch," Anon suggested.
  3647. > The mare just stared, wide-eyed.
  3648. "C-Couch?!"
  3649. > "Yeah, it's higher. I'll meet you there!" he said.
  3650. > It took her a while to figure out what he'd meant with 'higher', but then the image forced itself into her mind. She'd sit on the edge and Anon would kneel on the floor before her.
  3651. > A slight whimper escaped her and she hurried off. She was sure she left a trail of droplets all the way from the hallway to the living room and made a mental note to wipe them up later.
  3652. > Floor pressed her tail more firmly against herself and waited by the couch. A towel was definitely a good idea. Maybe two towels.
  3653. > Anon wasn't far behind her. He covered the cushions and said cheerfully: "There we go."
  3654. > She climbed up, gratefully planting her rump in the soft fabric, then looked expectantly at the human. She wondered how it would start.
  3655. > He went to sit beside her, making the mare frown a little in confusion, but she didn't comment.
  3656. > His hands came around her cheeks and he gently turned to face him. "Here, let me look at you for a moment," he said.
  3657. > Just like every time she knew she was being watched, Floor's ears went down. Her mane was covering a lot of her face, which was a small relief, but Anon gently brushed it aside.
  3658. > The gesture was somehow more intimate than sex and made the pony blush furiously.
  3659. > "Adorable," he said, making it worse. Floor tried to struggle free so she could look down, but Anon didn't let her.
  3660. > "Just a few seconds more," he murmured.
  3661. "W-Why?"
  3662. > He let her go, but got in a boop on her nose before she could avert her face. "Just because," he said, not really answering her. That was fine, it wasn't really a question.
  3663. > The mare sighed, wondering what to say next. She was hopeless at these things!
  3664. > Luckily, Anon knew what to do. He put both hands on her withers and leaned down. With Floor staring at her hooves, his kiss ended up on her mane.
  3665. > "Hey, look up," he whispered in her ear.
  3666. > She jerked her face up, obeying blindly, only to have the human lock lips with her.
  3667. > The worry melted away. Anon looked like he knew what he was doing, but even if he didn't, they'd learn together.
  3668. > There was nothing to be afraid of.
  3669. > Hadn't she dreamed about something like this all her life? Well, at least since she'd discovered how to play with herself.
  3670. > The kiss left her out of breath and winking furiously against the cloth. When they parted, she let out a wistful sigh.
  3671. > "No rush, okay?" Anon whispered to her.
  3672. > Floor nodded and spread her hooves so she could return the embrace. Anon's hands slid from around her shoulders down to her midriff. His fingers tickled her fur a little, but Floor didn't mind.
  3673. > She was focusing exclusively on the kiss and what she was doing with her tongue. She'd had some practice lately, especially in those incredibly comfortable moments in bed, when they were just falling asleep, but her technique was still clumsy and Anon ended up covered in slobber more often than not.
  3674. > He never seemed to care, though.
  3675. > As they kissed, he shifted his grip again, bringing one hand to her belly. It inched down almost painfully slowly, until Floor was moaning into his mouth with desire.
  3676. > A finger slid across a nipple and she shuddered and gripped the human around his chest more strongly. Even her hind hooves twitched.
  3677. > The human explored a bit further, circling and feeling his way downward. Floor was no longer worried about what would come, now she just needed it, badly.
  3678. "Please..." she breathed.
  3679. > Anon pulled away, looked at her face for a moment with his lips slightly parted, then slid from the couch.
  3680. > That brought his head low enough so he could plant a kiss on her barrel, right above her thundering heart.
  3681. > A bit hesitantly, Floor laid her hooves on his shoulders, but she made extra sure she wasn't pushing him down, however much she wanted to.
  3682. > It just felt like the wrong thing to do - like she would be forcing him, somehow.
  3683. > Luckily, she didn't have to. The next kiss went a bit lower and the one after that lower still.
  3684. > The hand moved out of the way and gripped her hind leg.
  3685. > His lips wrapped around her nipple and gently squeezed.
  3686. "Aa-ooh..."
  3687. > Her legs twitched as she winked and Anon felt the jerk. His grip tightened.
  3688. > She almost got her wits back, but then her human laid his wet, incredibly hot tongue against her flesh.
  3689. "AH!"
  3690. > She had to grip around his head to keep herself upright while Anon's tongue circled her nipple.
  3691. > The feeling went beyond anything she'd imagined, and he hadn't even started yet! Not *really* started!
  3692. "P-Please," she begged, "I- ah! I n-need it!"
  3693. > Rather than answering, Anon put a hand against her barrel and gave it a gentle push.
  3694. > Floor obeyed and lay back, exposing herself fully to the human.
  3695. > For a moment the thought returned and she flattened her ears in embarrassment. She probably stank to him - mare juice had a very potent, tangy smell.
  3696. > Anon didn't comment, just slid his fingers down her fur and prodded carefully at her button.
  3697. > That alone was nearly enough to push her over.
  3698. "Ohh!"
  3699. > He slid the digit further, slightly parting her lips while she winked, again and again.
  3700. > Then Anon glanced up over her body. She wasn't looking, but somehow she sensed it and opened her eyes.
  3701. > "Ready?" he asked in a low, husky voice.
  3702. > She nodded, then spoke up for emphasis.
  3703. "Yes! Oh, Celestia yes!"
  3704. > It came out barely as a whisper, but it was enough. The human grinned and lowered himself as Floor braced herself for the touch. His hand was still holding her hind leg and now he also grabbed the other.
  3705. > His lips meeting her folds felt like a bolt of electricity through her body. Floor gasped and shuddered. She would have kicked involuntarily if Anon hadn't had a good grip around her fetlocks.
  3706. > She wrapped her forelegs around herself and let her breath out in a throaty moan.
  3707. > So focused was she on her secret parts that the mare felt exactly what the human was doing. His tongue darted out and licked nearly the entire length of her opening.
  3708. > He paused before he came to her pulsing button, then just remained in place and let her winking bring them into contact.
  3709. > Each time she slapped against his tongue was like a small orgasm in itself.
  3710. > It left Floor panting and moaning and biting her lip to keep from crying out.
  3711. > The pressure went away and she was dimly aware that Anon was talking.
  3712. > "You okay? Want me to be more gentle?"
  3713. > The pony urgently shook her head, but she couldn't make her voice work. Her back arched as she tried to bring her pulsing bits in contact with her human again.
  3714. > He took the hint and dove back down. This time his tongue was no longer just a passive thing for Floor to rub against. He began licking, slowly at first, then more urgently. He moaned, echoing her slow cry of passion.
  3715. > Anon needed her just as much as she needed him. The knowledge arose and tipped her over.
  3716. > She tried to warn him.
  3717. "Ohhh! I'm- I'm gonna- gonna... AAH!"
  3718. > It was too late and she felt her insides contract and squirt out a generous amount of her juices.
  3719. > After the first spasm, Floor realized that Anon wasn't moving away. He kept his tongue pressed against her button, while the liquid flowed around his chin.
  3720. > It was the most intense orgasm she'd ever had. It went on forever and ever.
  3721. > Her world shrunk down until it contained only her bits and Anon's tongue against them.
  3722. > Slowly, her muscles unlocked and she brought her forehooves down, to pet her human. She wanted to kiss him, but he was out of reach. Plus, his mouth was busy.
  3723. > As her orgasm petered out, Anon licked her slowly and gently. It was almost painful with how sensitive she was, but Floor couldn't fight it even if she wanted to.
  3724. > She wondered if any of it went into his mouth and the thought was enough to make her spasm a few more times in the afterglow.
  3725. > It left her panting and sweating, despite the fact she'd been doing nothing but lie there the whole time.
  3726. > Anon wiped at his chin with one of the towels, then lifted himself a little.
  3727. > "That was easy," he said with that insolent grin she both hated and loved at the same time.
  3728. > Floor pushed herself up and sought out his lips.
  3729. > She could taste herself on his tongue, which was making her wink again.
  3730. "T-That," she gasped out, "was am-amazing..."
  3731. > Anon quirked an eyebrow up. "Was? It's not over yet."
  3732. > He stood up and pushed his pants down. The mare could see he was completely stiff already.
  3733. > The thought of him entering her nearly brought her to the second orgasm already.
  3734. "Oh..."
  3735. > She didn't have any words, but she spread her legs further apart by way of invitation. She slid back against the couch to give him room.
  3736. > He didn't need any more urging. The human lowered himself to her and smoothly slid himself inside. They were both getting good at that, unconsciously matching each other's body.
  3737. > "By the way," he panted, "you taste delicious!"
  3738. > That was enough to blank her mind and make her climax again. Her last thought was that he hadn't even really started yet.
  3739. > She would be *sore* the next day!
  3741. > ~~~~
  3743. > Floor Bored woke up in Anon's bed. She didn't quite remember how she had gotten there, which meant the human had probably carried her. She wasn't complaining.
  3744. > She stretched a little, luxuriating in the warmth and softness. Her movement made the human beside her yawn.
  3745. > When she opened her eyes, the pony saw it was late afternoon. She was adapting her sleeping schedule more and more to Anon's. That was probably a good thing, especially if they were going to work same shifts.
  3746. > She stuck her hoof down her belly and felt around.
  3747. > It definitely hadn't been a dream! Which meant that Anon had...
  3748. > Her face went hot and the mare was glad her human hadn't woken up yet-
  3749. > "Morning, sweetheart."
  3750. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..."
  3751. > She kept her face against the pillow. He was spooning her, so Anon probably couldn't see. That was a relief.
  3752. > He pulled her a little closer and put his mouth right by her folded ear. "You tasted delicious, by the way."
  3753. "Eep!"
  3754. > He chuckled while she put her hooves over her face.
  3755. "I can't believe we... you know!"
  3756. > His hand released her barrel and slid up to pat her cheek. "Yep. You liked it?"
  3757. > All the pony could do was nod.
  3758. > "Good," Anon said, "we'll do it again."
  3759. > She wondered if she should offer.
  3760. "Uh, do y-you want me to- uh..."
  3761. > Anon put his fingers around her muzzle and gently turned her head a little, so she could focus one eye on him. "Only if you want to," he said with a smile.
  3762. > Floor swallowed. Her hoof was still between her legs.
  3763. "Uh, I'm... I need a towel."
  3764. > Anon let her muzzle go and put his hand right on her hoof down there. He felt around, then poke a finger right in her-
  3765. "EEP!"
  3766. > Floor shuddered at the sudden touch and her legs twitched uncontrollably. At her sudden exclamation, Anon tried to move his hand away, but she held it down with her hoof.
  3767. > The finger wriggled, making her gasp.
  3768. > "We'll change the bedding," Anon said, somehow sounding as if he was out of breath. Floor couldn't blame him - she herself was already panting faster at the prospect.
  3769. "Yes..."
  3771. > ~~~~
  3773. > They didn't shower together, or else - as Anon said - they would never get done. Floor had never known that standing in hot water with another person could be so sexy. Or maybe it was just because it was Anon.
  3774. > Alone, she finished quickly, even with all the fluids 'back there', and toweled herself off.
  3775. > The human had work in less than an hour. They would have breakfast - well, whatever it was called if you woke up in the afternoon - and then she would be alone until he came back.
  3776. > She would miss her human, but at the same time the mare was happy she'd have time to get some gaming and cartoons done. She'd had much more *intense* things to do the past few days, but she longed for some simple entertainment now.
  3777. > As the pony made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't help reflecting on how much she had changed.
  3778. > Two months ago she would hide in her room with the door closed, waiting for the human to leave so she could get breakfast. Her worst fear was meeting him in the kitchen or the hall and having to say a few words.
  3779. > Now, she hurried so she could chat with Anon for a few minutes before he had to go.
  3780. > Did that mean she'd find it easier to talk with other ponies or humans? That would certainly help.
  3781. > She was still determined to get that job and prove to Anon she wasn't just freeloading.
  3782. > Funny, the mare thought, how she'd feared at the start that the human would use her in exchange for the room.
  3783. > Well, it was *technically* like that. Her hoof froze in midair as she was climbing up on the chair.
  3784. > "Something wrong?" Anon asked, but he wasn't really looking while he was checking his phone.
  3785. > Floor pulled herself up and sat. Was she selling herself for room and board? It didn't feel like it. Anon had never demanded it of her.
  3786. > She had to be sure.
  3787. "Anon?" she asked quietly.
  3788. > "Mm?"
  3789. "Y-You said... something about that job. The coffee shop..."
  3790. > "Yes?"
  3791. > Floor heaved a sigh, closed her eyes and took the plunge.
  3792. "Can you a-ask about it? I w-wanna help out. I wanna work."
  3793. > The human looked up from his phone and put the spoon he'd been holding for a while in his mouth. Floor saw that her own cereal was already in the bowl, but there was no milk yet.
  3794. > How thoughtful! He didn't want it to get soggy! She grabbed the carton and poured.
  3795. > "You don't have to do that if you don't want to," Anon said. He'd told her that before, but Floor shook her head.
  3796. "No, I wanna. I'll- It'll make me feel better, okay?"
  3797. > Anon shrugged and tilted his bowl to get the last few spoonfuls. "Sure thing. I'll ask. But didn't you say you wanna work with computers?"
  3798. > Floor nodded.
  3799. "Yes, but I'll look for that on my own."
  3800. > "You sure? I could probably help, you know? Put together a CV, help you write requests, and so on..."
  3801. > It was kind of him, but Floor wanted to do it on her own. Otherwise she'd always just be 'Anon's mare'. She shook her head.
  3802. "Thanks, but I feel I gotta do it myself, you know?"
  3803. > The human beamed at her and reached over to pat her mane. "Good girl!" he said. "Okay, I'll write an email to the owner of that coffee place and we'll see if there's a reply."
  3804. > He stood up and picked up his empty bowl.
  3805. "No, don't! I'll do that," Floor offered.
  3806. > Anon froze, then lowered the dish back to the table. "It's no problem, I still got a minute left," he told her.
  3807. > The mare folded down her ears and blushed a little.
  3808. "...ratheryoukissedme..."
  3809. > "Huh? I didn't quite catch that," he said and came closer.
  3810. > It would take her some more time to talk about such things without blushing, Floor thought. Luckily Anon wasn't complaining. He said it made her look cute.
  3811. > Now that she was thinking that, her throat constricted and her voice became even more squeaky. But Floor tried again, anyway.
  3812. "...saidIwannakiss!"
  3813. > The way his face split into a grin told her that he'd understood her perfectly the first time, but just liked seeing her blush.
  3814. "Ugh! Mean!"
  3815. > The just laughed and leaned down. Floor leaned up.
  3816. > She tasted cereal on his tongue, which for some reason made the mare smile. It also reminded her she was hungry.
  3817. > They pulled apart and Anon gave her mane another pat. "Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, if you're gonna sleep in my bed, put new sheets on, okay? I took them off but I didn't have time to put new ones on."
  3818. > The mare was happy to help.
  3819. "Okay!"
  3820. > The human walked off and Floor watched him go.
  3821. > Of course she would sleep in his bed! Where else could she be surrounded by his scent like that? The pony sighed happily.
  3822. > Yeah, things had certainly changed in her life.
  3823. > She was showering regularly and brushing every night. She was seeing a dentist and soon she would have a job again.
  3824. > And - most importantly - she had a coltfriend and she was having sex with him.
  3825. > That last part was insanely hard to wrap her mind around. But all she had to do was focus and she felt the soreness in her... well, in her *bits*.
  3826. > Her life was getting better and better!
  3828. > ~~~~
  3830. > Life was horrible.
  3831. > True to his word, Anon had sent an email to the owner of that little coffee and pastry shop near his work. The manager called her in for an interview two days later.
  3832. > Now, Floor had a job.
  3833. > One she utterly hated from the first moment she met her coworker.
  3834. > Petal Crush. Anon hadn't told her the name of the unicorn who ran the night shift. Well, originally she had just worked the night shift, but now she had Floor Bored as an assistant, so the nag was promoted to assistant manager!
  3835. > She was white, but a lot brighter white than Floor's own tan coat. The mane was - by her own self-centered words - 'Royal Purple'. Oh yes, the unicorn had made sure Floor knew the correct shade.
  3836. > She was also egotistical and inquisitive and demanding. While the shop's manager was with them, Petal had been all smiles and grace, but as soon as she was alone with Floor, the mask slipped.
  3837. > "*I* don't need an assistant for the night shift, Floorboard," the mare had hissed, glaring at poor Floor. "It was all that *human's* idea, so it seems I'm stuck with you!"
  3838. > The way she had said 'human' sent a shiver down her spine and made Floor instantly dislike her new boss.
  3839. > She swallowed a lump and tried to be friendly. She still had to work with the nag.
  3840. "I k-know, b-but-"
  3841. > "But what?" the unicorn interrupted her. "Listen, you blank flank, you're going to do *exactly* what I tell you, understand? I can't have you ruining my chances!"
  3842. > Floor hung her head. The 'blank flank' had stung, but she wasn't about to complain. She urgently sought something else to say.
  3843. "C-Chances of w-what?"
  3844. > "Humph!" Petal sneered and walked - gracefully - around the hunched down Floor. "I'm going to get into management. That's why I'm on Earth! So many opportunities! So much money to make!"
  3845. > Floor glanced up and saw that the mare was looking at the ceiling with a wistful, hungry look in her eyes.
  3846. > "I'm going all the way to the top, and I won't have you ruining my record, understand?!"
  3847. "Y-Yes, ma'am."
  3848. > "Good. As long as we understand each other. Now go and scrub the floors!"
  3849. > Floor was only too happy to scurry out of her sight. She found the broom closet, got a mop and a bucket ready, then went to work.
  3850. > She already hated her boss. Not that she dared complain. Petal Crush had the look of a mare who would hold a grudge for any criticism, valid or not.
  3851. > It wasn't the best, but Floor went on with mopping. Hopefully Anon would drop in soon and brighten her day. Well, night anyway.
  3853. > ~~~~
  3855. > The mare was sitting desolately on a chair behind the counter, trying not to think about how much her legs hurt, when her human walked in.
  3856. > There have been so many customers! Petal had said it was a 'slow' night, but Floor Bored couldn't really believe it. She had been cleaning tables, collecting and scrubbing dishes and picking up litter non-stop.
  3857. > They had a slight lull in activity around three and Floor was trying to get some of her energy back. She wasn't allowed near the equipment, so she couldn't make herself a cup of coffee and Petal had said no to her request.
  3858. > All the pony had been allowed was a glass of water, so she was doing her best to enjoy that. The working life was tough.
  3859. > It seemed a little easier now that Anon had sauntered in. Floor put the glass down and jumped from her chair to go meet him.
  3860. > They embraced, very briefly. She was going to kiss him, but the pony saw the expression on Petal's face and thought better of it.
  3861. "After w-work," she promised.
  3862. > "Good morning," the unicorn chirped, all happy and servile even while she gave Floor a brief glare.
  3863. > They hadn't really talked, so Floor hadn't told her new boss about Anon. The display of affection probably tipped her off, though.
  3864. > "What would you like, sir?" Petal asked with a big, fake smile. It was a good thing Anon wasn't the kind of human to fall for something like-
  3865. > He was totally falling for it!
  3866. > Her human - her *lover* - had this big, goofy grin on his muzzle as he came up to the counter. "Oh, just a coffee and a croissant, Petal," he said.
  3867. > Calling her by a part-name! That hurt. Especially a pony like Petal Crush.
  3868. > "Coming right up!" the hussy replied and busied herself with the machine. It was easy for her, with the magic and everything.
  3869. > Floor was left standing in the middle of the floor, looking at them both with hurt, unwelcome surprise.
  3870. > Yes Anon had told her he chatted with the coffee shop pony at times, but Floor had never imagined it was like this!
  3871. > At long last, she dragged herself closer so she could at least touch her human.
  3872. > "Floor, be a dear and go rinse out this," the unicorn said sweetly. She had never been so nice to her, not even in front of customers.
  3873. > This was all because of Anon, Floor Bored realized.
  3874. > Petal Crush was getting some kind of misguided revenge for her perceived threat.
  3875. "But-"
  3876. > "Floor," the nag said in a warning tone.
  3877. > Anon patted her head and smiled. "She sounds kinda strict, Floor. Better do what your boss says," he said, smiling.
  3878. > The mare reeled. She'd have thought her human would take her side in this! She stomped an irritable hoof and carefully picked up the bit of plastic Petal was holding in her magic.
  3879. > Floor hated the ground coffee tray. It was all the nasty, smelly, gross bits of coffee that got filtered out of the machine.
  3880. > Petal Crush knew very well that some of it always got in Floor's mouth. Maybe that was why she made her clean it out each time.
  3881. > Floor had lost count of how often the thing needed emptying and washing.
  3882. > The funny part was that it wasn't even a quarter full! But Petal insisted it had to be cleaned regularly for best-tasting coffee and Floor wasn't about to contradict her on her first night.
  3883. > She sagged and dragged her hooves to the small kitchen behind the swinging door. At the threshold she looked back at Anon, who was apparently already in animated discussion with the nag-horse.
  3884. > Floor wanted to cry.
  3886. > ~~~~
  3888. > They drove back in silence.
  3889. > Anon had waited for her outside the coffee shop while she finished up mopping the floor *again*.
  3890. > She gave in and let him hug her hello, but once they were in the car Floor turned away and fumed silently.
  3891. > "Everything okay?" the human asked, all innocent-like and carefree. As if he didn't know what he had done!
  3892. > She didn't answer.
  3893. > "Floor?"
  3894. > There was concern in his voice. It nearly made her forgive him, but the pony held out.
  3895. "Shut up!"
  3896. > The human chuckled. "That tough? Poor pony," he said, only the slightest tinge of condescension in his voice. Floor could just imagine his smirk.
  3897. > The human drew a breath and went on in a more serious tone: "You don't have to do it. If it's that bad, we'll just look for a better job. I thought - with another pony-"
  3898. "Shut up!"
  3899. > So she couldn't keep it in her hooves, that was what Anon thought about her? The slightest hurdle, a bad boss and she'd give up? Go back to being his little home whore, while he went around flirting with the likes of Petal Crush?!
  3900. > Just for *that* she would persevere! She'd show that old unicorn nag how an earth pony could work, and she'd show Anon she could take care of herself!
  3901. > Floor suddenly realized they were no longer driving. The car was still humming, but they were parked at a bus stop.
  3902. > Anon fiddled with the sticks, then let go of the steering wheel and turned to her.
  3903. > "Floor, something's wrong. Please talk to me."
  3904. > She hadn't intended to, but the words came bursting out. It was either open her mouth or let them break out through her chest.
  3905. "You were f-flirting with her!"
  3906. > "What?! No!" the human denied, shocked at the unexpected accusation.
  3907. > Floor pointed an accusing hoof.
  3908. "Yes you were! I had a good view from the k-kitchen! She sent me away so she could seduce you!"
  3909. > The mare breathed heavily, then went on before Anon could answer.
  3910. "And you fell for it!"
  3911. > She was very near tears and ducked away when the human reached his hand toward her.
  3912. > "That's not true, Floor. I was just being polite. Petal Crush is just a friendly pony, Floor."
  3913. > Her hoof fell and Floor Bored wrapped her forelegs around her barrel. Was Anon really that stupid?
  3914. "Are you really that stupid?!"
  3915. > Now he was the one frowning in distaste. "Floor, there's no call for-"
  3916. "She *acts* nice to the customers, but she's mean! I hate her! And now she's trying to seduce you just to be mean to me!"
  3917. > "Why would she be mean to you?" the human asked.
  3918. > It was a logical question, but Floor still rolled her eyes in exasperation.
  3919. "Because she thinks I'm after her job!"
  3920. > "But that's silly. You don't want her job," he said the obvious.
  3921. "YES! But she doesn't believe me! She had me mopping floors and washing dishes and cleaning tables and- and the coffee tray thing!"
  3922. > The mare stuck out her tongue in distaste as she remembered the foul stuff. The ground coffee got *everywhere* and it was all but impossible to get it out of her mouth. She'd swallowed a lot of it and it was making her sick.
  3923. > Anon reached again and this time she let him put a hand on her head. She allowed him that much, but when his fingers sought out an ear she flicked it in annoyance.
  3924. > "Floor," he said, "those are normal coffee shop things. It'll get easier, just push through it."
  3925. "She hates me," the pony muttered darkly.
  3926. > What Anon said made sense. She hadn't done anything *unusual* for a coffee shop. But she'd done all of the dirty work and Petal Crush had just sat there, pouring drinks, serving pastries and chatting pleasantly with the customers. It didn't seem fair.
  3927. > "Have a talk with her. She had to do all those things herself, remember? Maybe she's just relieved she has some help and gave you too much for your first day. I'm sure-"
  3928. > She was shaking her head and interrupted him when she couldn't listen to any more.
  3929. "No, she hates me! She's evil."
  3930. > The man sighed and put his hands back on the steering wheel. "All bosses seem that way, Floor," he said quietly. "Look, if it's too much, just say it. You don't *have* to work there."
  3931. > She just kept shaking her head.
  3932. "I'm not gonna quit!"
  3933. > "Floor..."
  3934. "I'm *not*!"
  3935. > She didn't know how to explain her conviction. It was unnatural. She hadn't felt anything like it before in her life.
  3936. "I quit everything else so far! Look where it got me! With that-"
  3937. > It still hurt to say the name, but Floor forced it out.
  3938. "-that Easton guy! I'm sticking with this until I get something better!"
  3939. > Floor wasn't looking at Anon, but she saw him shake his head out of the corner of her eye. He still didn't believe it!? She would show them all!
  3940. > Working in that horrible place would give her the motivation to search for a better job. Plus, it would let her keep an eye on little miss flirty and Anon.
  3941. "You like her."
  3942. > It sounded like an accusation.
  3943. > "Floor," Anon repeated. "She's the coffee shop girl. Pony. You're *supposed* to like them. That's their job. But it's nothing more."
  3944. "Nothing more?"
  3945. > He let go of the wheel and leaned toward her. Both his hands found her face and he turned her so she was forced to look at his face. He smiled gently.
  3946. > "It's not Petal Crush I think about when I get back to work, you know? In fact, mostly I'm not even thinking about her while I'm *talking* to her!"
  3947. "T-Then w-who?"
  3948. > "You, silly. I'm thinking how nice it will be to go back home to you."
  3949. > It melted her heart, but Floor wasn't quite ready to admit it. She sniffed, trying to keep the tears inside.
  3950. "B-But today, y-you said-"
  3951. > "I was joking a little, Floor," Anon said. "I didn't realize how much you hated the work. Sorry I left before you were done."
  3952. > In truth, Floor had completed her task before Anon had finished his coffee, but the mare couldn't go out and face him, not after seeing him grin like that at Petal damned Crush. She just waited at the kitchen door, peering through the crack until he left.
  3953. > The unicorn had berated her for taking that long.
  3954. > Anon was still holding her muzzle. Floor snapped her eyes back to his face and his patient, slow smile.
  3955. > "Sorry," he whispered.
  3956. > Somehow, Floor was sure he could read every thought she had. She pulled her muzzle free.
  3957. "It's fine."
  3958. > His hands, now empty, went down and gripped a hoof each. The position was probably very uncomfortable for him, but Anon didn't complain.
  3959. > "Let us get pizza on the way and celebrate. We'll watch a movie and then I'll give you a nice hoof rub. Would you like that?"
  3960. > She wanted to say no, but just mentioning it reminded Floor how much her legs hurt.
  3961. > Her hooves were killing her. She hung her head in defeat.
  3962. "Yes..."
  3963. > "And afterwards, maybe we'll have some fun?" the human offered. When she glanced at him, he poked his tongue out and wriggled it.
  3964. > Floor sighed, her will utterly obliterated. She couldn't fight that, not after having felt what it was like. The mare winked against the seat at the memory.
  3965. > Maybe it was alright. Yes he chatted and smiled politely at damned Petal damned Crush, but he took Floor Bored home and...
  3966. > She blushed heavily and it was only because of the dark that Anon didn't see. She leaned her head forward so her mane would help hide it, just to be sure.
  3967. > ... used his mouth on her.
  3968. > There. She finished the sentence in her head. It was enough to make her dribble a little, but her tail would hopefully soak most of it up.
  3969. > She'd need a shower after it anyway.
  3970. "Just- please don't smile at her like today. Please?"
  3971. > Anon let her hooves go and patted her withers before shuffling back to his seat. He worked the car and began driving again.
  3972. "Anon, please!"
  3973. > "Okay, I promise. No flirting with the coffee shop pony, got it."
  3974. > He was talking like it was a joke, but Floor believed him.
  3975. > Besides, she had the entire day of being pampered, then cuddled before she had to go back to that place and deal with that mare again.
  3976. > Too bad it was only Tuesday.
  3978. > ~~~~
  3980. > Floor Bored walked into her place of employment with her ears flat and head hanging low. She wasn't looking forward to the day.
  3981. > The only time Anon could get her the dentist's appointment was in the afternoon, right before her job. The pony would have been happy to skip either one, but her human had insisted she keep both.
  3982. > Now her face was numb, she couldn't talk very well and she was worried it would start to hurt when the anesthesia wore off.
  3983. > Not to mention Petal Crush would probably make fun of her.
  3984. > Speak of the devil...
  3985. > "Good, you're here."
  3986. > Floor kept her muzzle shut and went to walk to the store room. She figured if she just got to mopping, she might avoid speaking until the numbness wore off.
  3987. > "Uh, hello?" the unicorn demanded, her head on the side.
  3988. > There was no way around it.
  3989. "Hu-wow."
  3990. > Her boss blinked in surprise, then jumped from the stool behind the counter and went to inspect Floor.
  3991. > "Look at me," Petal commanded. "What's wrong with you?"
  3992. > She sounded as if Floor had some kind of horrible disease and she was worried it might be contagious.
  3993. "Dewfist."
  3994. > "What? I don't understand you!"
  3995. "DEM-fift! Fow my feefh?"
  3996. > Out of exasperation, Floor pointed her hoof at her face.
  3997. > Maybe asking for that much painkiller had been a stupid idea, especially since she'd known she'd have to work later, but Floor had been too afraid of the drill to risk it.
  3998. > Luckily Petal Crush worked it out. "You've had a dentist's appointment?" she asked, mouth quirking up into a nasty little grin.
  3999. "Yeph!"
  4000. > "Oh, well, now," the mare said with a touch more glee than was strictly necessary. "Such a shame. I thought I'd give you a chance at the counter today, but if you can't even talk... well."
  4001. > The sympathy was fake, as was the plan to give Floor an easier job that night.
  4002. > Floor Bored just sighed in defeat and turned to get the mop, but before she made more than two steps Petal was in her way.
  4003. > "Instead, I want you to sweep the floors. You got that?"
  4004. > Floor just nodded.
  4005. > "No no no," Petal said with a nasty little smile. "I want you to say it. What do you have to do?"
  4006. > Rolling her eyes, Floor sough for a way out.
  4007. "Moff the fwoows!"
  4008. > Petal didn't laugh, but she didn't move out of the way either. "No, that's not it," the mare said. "I said sweep. Say it back to me!"
  4009. "Cowe om!"
  4010. > "Say it!"
  4011. "UGH! Iw fweef the fwoow!"
  4012. > Petal Crush began giggling uncontrollably, so Floor just pushed her way past the mare and grabbed a broom. As soon as her medication wore off, she would give that nag a piece of her mind!
  4013. > Celestia, she hoped it would wear off by the time Anon came in. He had laughed a little in the car, on their way there. Floor wouldn't be able to stand him poking fun at her in front of Petal Crush.
  4014. > With her luck, the unicorn and the human would find it so funny they bonded over the experience.
  4015. > Could the day get any worse?
  4016. > Maybe the only bright spot was Anon's promise to show her a 'good time' when they came home. She'd been a brave pony, he'd said, and brave ponies got rewarded.
  4017. > By tongue.
  4018. > It sent a shiver running down her spine.
  4019. > Let Petal Crush have her insults and her nagging - the unicorn didn't have a coltfriend like Anon!
  4020. > That made Floor feel a lot better.
  4021. >...
  4022. > Her tooth throbbed a little, but to her immense relief that was all. The drug wore off after an hour and Petal Crush got bored of teasing her.
  4023. > The night was looking up. Any minute now Anon would be coming in for his break, which meant her shift was about halfway done. Four more hours, then it would be a quick stop for pizza and then they would go home and-
  4024. > Floor blushed just thinking about it.
  4025. > While she was trying to get the image out of her mind, the bell above the door dinged.
  4026. > It was Anon and the mare found herself smiling at him.
  4027. > "Hey, Floor!" he greeted. It would have been perfect, if he didn't immediately add: "Hi, Petal!"
  4028. > Floor Bored went to meet him and followed as he came to sit at the counter. She jumped up on the stool beside the human.
  4029. "Hi!"
  4030. > His hand came to her cheek and stroked the soft fur there. "Face feel better?" he asked.
  4031. "Yes! Thank you!"
  4032. > She caught Petal glaring at them, but it vanished the moment Anon looked at the unicorn. She was instantly all smiles and sunshine.
  4033. > "Evening, Mr. Anon!" the mare chirped in her fake pleased-to-see-you tone.
  4034. > Again the human bought it.
  4035. > "A ham sandwich and a coffee, please, Petal!" he ordered.
  4036. > The unicorn bobbed her head up and down. "Of course! Right away!"
  4037. > Too much syrup in that voice. How could Anon not notice how thickly she was pouring it on?
  4038. > "Oh, I'm very sorry, but could you go and fetch another bag of coffee, Floor?"
  4039. > It was always something! Each night when Anon came in, Floor couldn't spend more than about thirty seconds with her human before Petal sent her away.
  4040. > Anon still didn't believe her!
  4041. > Floor held on to the thought that it would be *her* going home with the human, not miss fake-sunshine with her fake happiness and her fake interest and fake smile! She slid from the chair, nuzzled Anon's calf and left.
  4042. > Getting the coffee was just a start of it. Next it would be emptying the filter, or putting croissants in the oven, or washing the glasses. Anything to keep her away while Anon was there.
  4043. > Surely Petal Crush had figured by now that she couldn't steal the human, and the only reason she was doing this to Floor was to be mean.
  4044. >...
  4045. > Finally it was quitting time. Floor was tired, but happy. The tooth pain went away, her work was done and now she was sipping a glass of water and waiting for Anon to come get her.
  4046. > As the morning drew nearer, Floor began to imagine the human taking her home and- well, their 'fun'. Even Petal's antics couldn't spoil her mood.
  4047. > The bell chimed and Floor grinned widely.
  4048. "Bye!" she yelled and jumped from the stool.
  4049. > The unicorn tried one last trick to be annoying: "Oh, Floor! Before you go, would you be so kind-"
  4050. "Nope! Bye!"
  4051. > She half expected her boss to yell angrily after her, but nothing came. Floor bumped her muzzle in Anon's calf.
  4052. "Let's go!"
  4053. > He obeyed, but before leaving Anon waved and called out: "Bye, Petal!"
  4054. > The reply was cut short by the door slamming shut.
  4055. > "So, where would you like to eat?" he asked Floor as they began walking to the car.
  4056. "Pizza to go! You promised!"
  4057. > He chuckled a little. "Yes, I did. Okay. Any plans for today?"
  4058. > Floor shook her head. After the human finished with her, they would be too tired for anything.
  4059. "Bed!"
  4060. > "Oh, yes. Good plan. I'm ready to fall over. It's been a long night."
  4061. > The mare trotted ahead and turned around, putting herself in Anon's path. He stopped and she reared up, catching him around the waist with her hooves.
  4062. "Not before we're done!" she trilled and gave him a wink.
  4063. > She reached up and the human obediently leaned down for a quick peck on her cheek. In return, she gave his face a lick.
  4064. > Her hooves clopped back to the sidewalk. Only then did Floor look around to see if anyone was watching. There was no one around at the early hour, but it had still been a rash decision!
  4065. > Anon didn't seem to mind. As they resumed their walk, he pulled out a phone. "Which pizza would you like?"
  4066. > Despite hardly venturing out of the apartment until recently, Floor knew several places near where they lived. Anon had brought her a treat quite often and she memorized the best ones. She gave it a bit of thought.
  4067. "Pete's! I'll have, um, the one with chili peppers!"
  4068. > "Good choice. I'll get the same!"
  4069. > He called the place and put in his order. By the time they drove to the apartment and parked, it would be ready for them to pick up.
  4070. > Fresh pizza, a hot shower, then bed time with the human.
  4071. > Life was good.
  4073. > ~~~~
  4075. "Oof!"
  4076. > Floor grunted as the human pressed her against the wall in the shower. Her breath was knocked out of her lungs.
  4077. > "You okay?" Anon gasped?
  4078. "Yeah yeah, keep going!"
  4079. > She didn't know how much more she could take, but she also didn't want to stop. Ever.
  4080. > Their pizza lay forgotten on the coffee table. The pair had barely taken one bite each, before they kissed, which lead to groping and then-
  4081. > The thought flew from Floor's mind as Anon slid her down to give himself easier access. She was ready for him.
  4082. > Oh, how was she ready for him!
  4083. > His tongue had been magic!
  4084. > Now he teased her legs further apart and prodded at her entrance. The mare shuddered in sweet anticipation.
  4085. > He didn't make her wait. Moving slowly, to give Floor time to adapt, Anon pushed his way in.
  4086. > All the way in. She made sure of that, squirming a little to get him deeper.
  4087. > It probably wasn't comfortable, standing against the wall like that and holding the mare in place, but the thought barely registered for her.
  4088. "Ah! Yessss..." she sighed.
  4089. > Anon's face was right at her ear and he let out a low moan. "I needed this," he whispered, barely audible above the rushing water.
  4090. > Floor smiled to herself as she waited for the human to move. It was completely out of her hooves.
  4091. > Sure, she could have pushed him away, but she didn't want to. She wanted to be entirely in his power.
  4092. > "Been thinking about- ugh! This all day!" he said while he pulled partway out and slammed back.
  4093. > It drew a faint squeak from the pony when Anon tightened his grip on her barrel. She wrapped her forelegs around his arms to help keep herself in place.
  4094. > He thrust again, making her gasp. Then again. And again.
  4095. > Her tongue lolled out as Floor panted.
  4096. > She felt his arms trembling with effort and realized the human wouldn't be able to hold her much longer.
  4097. "Anon," she pleaded urgently. "Anon! B-Bite my ear!"
  4098. > He paused for a moment, drawing a regretful whine from the mare and making her wink and squirm to keep the pleasure going.
  4099. > "What?!"
  4100. "Please! Please!"
  4101. > Floor groaned as the human resumed his pounding. It wouldn't take much more for her.
  4102. > Yes! His lips wrapped around her ear. She felt his teeth there, but it was barely a touch. Anon was worried about hurting her.
  4103. "Harder!"
  4104. > Yes! He obeyed. It wasn't really a bite, but she felt it clearly enough to push her over.
  4105. "Yes! Ahh!"
  4106. > Her hind legs kicked feebly as she came, hard. Her passage clenched up, nearly locking the human in place inside her.
  4107. > It wasn't quite enough to push him over, too, but it was having an effect. Anon released her ear and moaned with her as she milked him.
  4108. > He couldn't hold her anymore. She slipped from his grasp and the human slid out of her as they both folded down.
  4109. > She was dimly aware that Anon was holding her in his lap, breathing heavily, while she rode out her orgasm. Again.
  4110. > Floor's entire body twitched and spurt after spurt of her essence flowed out.
  4111. > Anon waited for her to finish. The knowledge made her smile. Such a gentlecolt!
  4112. > At long last, the pony heaved a sigh and closed her eyes. Her ear was pressed against Anon's chest and she heard his heart hammering away.
  4113. > He had really put in the effort!
  4114. > She needed to reward him.
  4115. > The human was already turning her around so he could continue. Floor wouldn't mind in the slightest to lie in the shower, but she had an idea.
  4116. "No..."
  4117. > Anon froze. He let her slip out of his grasp and then followed as she pushed him upright. He was kneeling, bringing him to perfect height.
  4118. "My turn..."
  4119. > She pushed her muzzle past his hands to his manhood. Before she had a taste, Floor looked up to see his expression.
  4120. > His pleased smile was all the encouragement she needed.
  4121. > She took him in her mouth without ceremony. Mostly she tasted herself, but there was a faint tang of what she assumed was pure Anon.
  4122. > It made sense - they hadn't managed to wash all that well before the human grabbed and kissed her.
  4123. > He twitched in her mouth! The head poked at her tongue and Floor licked it.
  4124. > Anon's gasp wasn't entirely pleasure and he jerked back. The mare followed it and tried again, much more gently.
  4125. > He was *really* sensitive there. Even a slight touch with the tip of her tongue made Anon moan.
  4126. > She tried sliding up and down, caressing his entire length with her lips. The result was encouraging. Anon's breath caught and he pushed his hips forward. His hands came to her head.
  4127. > He was guiding, not forcing. That was important.
  4128. > Floor redoubled her efforts. She bobbed her head more quickly and lightly played with the human with her tongue.
  4129. > Pretty soon Anon was gasping for breath and jerking this way and that uncontrollably. He was close, she could feel it.
  4130. > She was looking forward to tasting him.
  4131. > A moan escaped the human, followed quickly by another. His hands tried feebly to push her away, but Floor refused to budge. She wanted it in her mouth.
  4132. > "Floor!" Anon choked out between grunts. "I'm- 'ma... gonna!"
  4133. > He didn't have time to finish the sentiment. His member in Floor's mouth seemed to grow, as if it was engorging, then it twitched violently and spurted.
  4134. > The first bit went right down her throat and the mare swallowed reflexively. Then she put her tongue in the way.
  4135. > It was... salty. Mostly that. Hot. Slimy.
  4136. > Weird, but not entirely unpleasant. She thought she could get used to it, maybe even come to like the taste.
  4137. > Truthfully, even if it had been absolutely foul, she would still have swallowed it all. The important part of the entire thing was that Anon enjoyed it.
  4138. > Floor looked up, where the human was staring into the distance with a dazed, incredulous expression.
  4139. > She became aware that his hands were gripping her mane tightly. She smiled.
  4140. > When she was sure it was over, the pony slowly pulled away, making sure to lick Anon clean as she left.
  4141. > "That was... wow!" he commented.
  4142. "Yeah!"
  4143. > He released her mane and leaned down. Floor reared up and hooked her forelegs on his shoulders.
  4144. > They embraced for a long while, then they kissed.
  4145. > A bit of his taste was left on her tongue, but Anon didn't seem to mind.
  4146. > "I love you, Floor Bored," he admitted.
  4147. > Before she replied, the mare couldn't help but giggle. She realized they were in the shower, with hot water falling over them completely unheeded.
  4148. "I love you too."
  4149. > She gave the human a wet nuzzle.
  4150. "Again? In a bit?"
  4151. > Anon froze, then nodded against her fur.
  4152. > It was strange. Despite the previous day and the entire night's job, the mare wasn't even slightly tired.
  4153. "We should finish pizza first..."
  4154. > The human squeezed her tighter and chuckled.
  4155. > "Yeah."
  4157. > ~~~~
  4159. > Two weeks.
  4160. > That's how long it took before Floor absolutely hated everything about having a job. She wasn't even getting up early, and it was still hard to crawl out of bed!
  4161. > Anon did his best to comfort her, but the pony was considering going back to her neet lifestyle.
  4162. > Maybe being Anon's 'house mare' wouldn't be so bad? She was already sleeping with him!
  4163. > It was Friday, at least. On a whim, Floor chose her 'Cutie Pie' hoodie for the day. It would remind her of the human while she drudged for Petal Crush.
  4164. > She didn't feel like eating, but the mare still sat at the table with Anon.
  4165. > "What do you wanna do tonight?" he asked between mouthfuls.
  4166. "Dunno."
  4167. > Her ears were down and he probably understood her body language enough by now to tell she wasn't happy.
  4168. > "Wanna go grab an ice cream after work?"
  4169. > Floor heaved a sigh, dragging a hoof on the table in a little circle.
  4170. "I guess..."
  4171. > Anon crunched up more cereal, then tried again: "We've got time before we gotta go. Wanna have some fun?"
  4172. > Celestia curse it, the job looming before her made even that sound unpalatable! Floor nearly cried.
  4173. > Turning down sex, what had she become?!
  4174. > Yes it would feel good, but then she'd be stuck slowly 'leaking' through the night. Despite what Anon said, she wouldn't have time for a shower.
  4175. > Petal Crush would smell it and give her a hard time.
  4176. > Correction - *harder* time.
  4177. > It just wasn't worth it.
  4178. > Her head hit the table.
  4179. > "Hey," Anon said in a soft, quiet voice, "I know it's bad, but you get used to it. All the more reason to look for a better job, no?"
  4180. > Would it be any different if she worked with computers? Floor couldn't say. Maybe if she had her cutie mark. Supposedly that made a profession very fun and fulfilling.
  4181. "Let's just go."
  4182. > As soon as the words were out Floor regretted them. Anon wasn't even half done with his 'late afternoon breakfast', but he still pushed the bowl away and stood up.
  4183. "N-No, I mean you can finish."
  4184. > He shrugged and came around the table to put his arms gently around her withers. He nuzzled her from behind.
  4185. > Without the human, Floor would have given up a week ago. She gratefully licked his face.
  4186. > "I'm done. We'll clean it up later. Besides, if we get to work early, we can leave early."
  4187. "Really?"
  4188. > He squeezed her a little. "Dunno. But it's what I've been going with."
  4189. "Okay, let's go then. You sure you don't wanna..." Floor pointed at his bowl.
  4190. > The human let her go, which was a small tragedy, but the mare was feeling a little better.
  4191. > "Nah," he said. "I'll come in for a sandwich, we can talk a bit."
  4192. > Floor liked the sound of that. It almost made her smile a little.
  4193. > "Then on the weekend..."
  4194. > Her ears perked up with interest.
  4195. > Anon paused for dramatic effect, then raised up one arm and spoke operatically: "Vidya!"
  4196. "Oooooh. Please, Celestia, yes!"
  4197. > "Won't even cook. We'll order pizza. Remind me to get energy drinks, okay?"
  4198. > The world started to look a lot better with that idea. Floor definitely smiled now.
  4199. "Yes!"
  4200. > She followed the human to the hall and waited for him to put on his shoes. That and dressing up always took a while. Ponies definitely had an advantage there.
  4201. > The hoodie came over her face and Floor took a breath before going out and facing the world.
  4202. >...
  4203. > Twenty minutes early. A new low.
  4204. > The goodbye kiss with Anon in his car had been nice, but now the sour mood was coming back as Floor stared in through the glass door.
  4205. > She didn't enter yet - undoubtedly Petal Crush would send her doing menial, boring, meaningless tasks straight away and Floor wanted a few more seconds of sweet, sweet freedom.
  4206. > Where was the unicorn anyway? The shop was empty, but shouldn't there be someone at the counter?
  4207. > It wasn't possible that her nag of a boss was late!
  4208. > Floor laid a very gentle hoof on the door and gave it the smallest push. It moved.
  4209. > Unlocked.
  4210. > Maybe the unicorn was in the storeroom? With luck, Floor would get a minute or two to drink a glass of water before all the demands started. She pushed the door really gently to avoid ringing the bell above it.
  4211. > It made a soft ting, but not even a pony could have heard that from the back.
  4212. > Maybe she'd even have time to try making herself a cup of coffee, Floor thought. She didn't have any *formal* training, but she'd watched Petal Crush often enough to know how to use the machine.
  4213. > She made her way to the counter and jumped up on the chair. There was a pile of dirty cups in the sink - of course Petal Crush didn't wash them, not when she had Floor Bored to do it for her.
  4214. > The mare sighed and picked a fresh one from the cupboard.
  4215. > She slid it under one of the nozzles and reached for the handle to operate the machine.
  4216. > Her hoof froze in mid-air when she heard a muffled rattle from the back room.
  4217. > Aha! So the unicorn *was* in there!
  4218. > What could she be doing?
  4219. > Another noise came to her ears and Floor leaned her head to the side in confusion. It had sounded like a groan, or a cry.
  4220. > It hadn't been Petal Crush, not unless the unicorn had suddenly become a bass.
  4221. > Her coffee forgotten, Floor Bored went to investigate. Maybe her boss was having a quiet sit-down with some music or something?
  4222. > Floor made sure her hooves didn't ring against the tiles as she slowly approached the storeroom door. She slid up to the wood and put her ear against it.
  4223. > There it was again! A low, quiet growl almost. Just under it, Floor could hear a slurping noise. Ever now and then there was a hiss of air, as if somepony was sucking their breath through their nose.
  4224. > What in Tartarus was going on in there?!
  4225. > Floor swallowed a lump and looked at the handle.
  4226. > The door wasn't completely closed! She could see a line of light around the edge.
  4227. > Trembling a little in fear, she bumped the door with her muzzle so it slowly opened.
  4228. > The scene came into view, making Floor Bored step back.
  4229. > She recognized the store manager, leaning against a rack of shelves and with his pants around his ankles. Then there was Petal Crush, forehooves on a box of milk cartons so she could reach her muzzle around his-
  4230. "EEP!"
  4231. > There was a wet *shlick* as the unicorn pulled her mouth off Mr. Grillo and stared at Floor in absolute shock.
  4232. > "Fuck!" the man swore and tried to hurriedly pull on his pants. They got stuck and he turned away as he struggled, giving Floor an excellent view of his rump, and his hanging-
  4233. > The earth pony was taking hesitant steps back and hurriedly moved her eyes from the man's swinging sack, only to land on Petal's muzzle, which was covered in spittle and open in a shocked 'o'.
  4234. "I- I'm- I-" Floor stammered.
  4235. > Petal's horn lit up and slammed the door shut in her face.
  4236. > Her rump hit the floor, but only for a moment. The cool tiles brought her to a semblance of her senses and Floor ran for it. Her face was glowing red and her ears were flatter than they had ever been. It was a small blessing that her hood was still up.
  4237. > She ran for the front door and wrenched it open. The bell dinged loudly, but Floor didn't hear it. Her mind replayed that wet, slick sound of Petal's lips leaving Mr. Grillo's dick. It had sounded like a slurp!
  4238. > Once she was outside, Floor looked both ways down the street. She didn't know where to go. Anon was deep in some building and it was a long way to their home.
  4239. > She would have to speak with a receptionist, or a night guard if she wanted to see her human, something she really couldn't handle right now!
  4240. > The bell went off again as the door behind her opened and Floor twirled around.
  4241. > It was Petal Crush with a furious look on her muzzle.
  4242. > "INISIDE, NOW!" she hissed angrily. Her nostrils flared as she was trying not to pant.
  4243. > Maybe Floor should have run away, but the commanding tone got to her. She stepped past the unicorn back into the coffee shop.
  4244. > Petal closed and locked the door, then turned around the 'open' sign. "Come here!"
  4245. > What else could she do? Floor followed, feeling like she had done something monumentally bad.
  4246. > Her boss led her behind the counter, then turned to face her.
  4247. > Floor couldn't look her in the eyes and kept her gaze on the unicorn's hooves.
  4248. > "You didn't see *anything*, understand?!"
  4249. > That was unexpected enough to make Floor jerk her head up and blink in surprise.
  4250. "W-What?!"
  4251. > Petal glowered and bared her teeth. "One word, to *anyone* and you're done, understand?!"
  4252. > Floor could hardly believe her. The unicorn was threatening her. She obviously wanted to keep her relationship with the manager a secret. It looked like she was capable of murder to do so.
  4253. > Her legs began to tremble and Floor shuffled back.
  4254. "I'm- I'm not- I... dunno," she mumbled, lowering her eyes again.
  4255. > "Yeah, that's what I thought!"
  4256. > There was a noise as the bathroom door opened and Mr. Grillo walked past them without a word. Floor glanced back and saw the human was extremely red in his face.
  4257. > He rushed to the front door and tried to open it. After a futile attempt, he turned the key in the lock and then left.
  4258. > "Listen, you little snooping filly," the unicorn began as soon as the man was gone, "I'm gonna *get* that promotion at whatever cost, get it? Ruin this for me and I'll make sure you're sorry!"
  4259. > Again floor couldn't help but stare at the deranged mare.
  4260. "What?! Y-You sucked Mr. Grillo off for a *p-promotion*?!"
  4261. > Petal pointed a hoof at Floor, her glare deepening and her horn lighting up. It looked like an extremely menacing gesture. "I told you! I'm getting into corporate and I don't *care* what it takes!"
  4262. > Floor was dumbstruck. The unicorn was whoring herself out for advancement.
  4263. "But you're-" she began to say before she could stop herself.
  4264. > "SHUT UP!" Petal yelled before she could finish. "Whatever it takes!"
  4265. > The unicorn turned around and huffed. "I don't expect you to understand anything! But you'll keep your muzzle shut, or else!"
  4266. "Or e-else w-what?"
  4267. > Petal turned around again and the glow of her horn intensified. "I'll- I'll," the mare threatened, but couldn't think of anything real. "I'll think of something!" she finished, a bit lamely.
  4268. > Just one glance at the crazed look in her eyes was enough to convince Floor she was serious. Who knew what the deranged unicorn lunatic might be capable of.
  4269. > She hung her head.
  4270. "Y-Yes..."
  4271. > Petal let her lips spread in a derisive, humorless smile. "Good. Smart mare."
  4272. > Her boss pointed up at the sink. "You can get started on those. And then clean up the storeroom!"
  4273. > Floor couldn't believe her ears. All that and Petal was right back to treating her like dirt!
  4274. "I q-quit," she murmured, too quietly.
  4275. > "What?!"
  4276. > Floor cleared her throat and tried again.
  4277. "I quit!"
  4278. > No way she would stay there. Each time she looked at Petal Crush she'd see her muzzle wrapped around Mr. Grillo, sucking industriously.
  4279. > The mare had looked like she was enjoying it immensely, but she wasn't. Floor could tell. Petal Crush hadn't even been aroused - Floor would definitely have smelled that.
  4280. > She had had been in a situation like that herself, so Floor especially couldn't believe the unicorn would do it willingly!
  4281. > Petal Crush pressed her lips together into a thin line. It looked like she would yell. One of her eyelids twitched and Floor prepared herself to run away.
  4282. > Then, beginning with a little growl deep in her throat, the unicorn spat out the words: "Fine! But you're not getting paid!"
  4283. > Now it was Floor's turn to be flabbergasted.
  4284. "What?!"
  4285. > The unicorn looked smug. "You won't get paid this month! I can do that, you know?"
  4286. > Floor was near tears, but managed to hold on.
  4287. "That's n-not fair!"
  4288. > Her boss humphed and raised her muzzle at her. "Tough luck! Now get lost before I call the police!"
  4289. > It was a complete defeat. Floor bored hung her head and stood up.
  4290. > She didn't speak as she walked slowly down the length of the coffee shop and out to the street.
  4291. > There was no place for her to go. Home was too far to walk, Anon was busy working, even if the mare could work up her courage to go bother a security guard, and she had no money for a taxi or the subway.
  4292. > Turning toward Anon's building, the pony tried very hard to hold back her tears. It didn't work, so she was extra glad of the hoodie and the darkness, both of which hid her face.
  4293. > It would be a long night.
  4294. > She forgot that Anon would come out in a couple of hours and go buy a coffee and a sandwich from the shop.
  4296. > ~~~~
  4298. > Floor Bored sat among the trash cans in an ally, out of sight in case some human came past. She didn't want to be seen crying.
  4299. > She felt like shit. Spineless, worthless coward!
  4300. > Petal was in the wrong! The coffee place wasn't a large business, but the owner still probably didn't want his employees to be fucking in the storeroom! Most human places forbade that kind of thing.
  4301. > Floor remembered being told about it explicitly at her last job. It had stuck in her memory because the mere possibility had seemed so very unlikely.
  4302. > The mare had always been shy and now it came to bite her on the rump yet again. If Floor had a backbone, she would have told Petal to shove it and threatened to tell the boss. Anon had his email and the unicorn couldn't stop them!
  4303. > Either that whore of an unicorn would treat her better, or *she* would be the one fired. Floor could have made assistant manager, or something.
  4304. > All of that ran through her mind, over and over in an endless circle.
  4305. > She could go back, but in her heart of hearts Floor knew she wouldn't be able to stand up for herself. Petal would just laugh her out, or maybe yell some more.
  4306. > The fact that she wouldn't be paid for all the horrible, demeaning, back-wrenching work was the worst part.
  4307. > Floor didn't really wish to stay in that coffee shop, not long-term. She had just wanted to bring in some money, so she and Anon could afford something nice. Maybe a few days off, someplace quiet. Or a new computer, or a console. Something!
  4308. > Now she would just have to tell her human she'd failed and all the effort was for nothing.
  4309. > The mere thought of having to face Petal's derisive smirk made Floor flatten her ears and whimper quietly.
  4310. > She'd never get paid. The assistant manager, that jerk Mr. Grillo would back up the unicorn, of course. The owner would believe whatever lie they told about Floor.
  4311. > It stung. It really did!
  4312. > The mare shivered a little in the night's chill and huddled in her hoodie as best she could between the trash cans. It would be hours and hours until Anon finished working.
  4313. > Except...
  4314. > With a small squeak the pony jumped up to her hooves.
  4315. > His break!
  4316. > Anon would be going to that coffee shop for a sandwich and a hot drink!
  4317. > What kind of lies would the unicorn tell him?!
  4318. > Floor wasn't there, so Anon might even believe the hussy!
  4319. "No no no no!"
  4320. > Stupid, the mare mentally cursed herself as she broke into a gallop. Idiot, unthinking filly! She should have known Anon would be coming! She should have been waiting in front of his office!
  4321. > Better yet, she should have gone in and asked the security guard to call him!
  4322. > Spineless. That about summed up her entire life.
  4323. > Maybe it would really be best if she just faced the facts. Her place in life was sitting in a dark room, playing games and visiting bad boards, with an occasional rutting by whoever 'owned' her at the moment.
  4324. > Lift her tail like an obedient little mare whenever rent was due.
  4325. > Her cutie mark would probably turn out to be a dick slapping her in the face. At this point, it wouldn't even surprise Floor in the slightest.
  4326. > She pushed the thoughts aside as she ran, breath already burning in her lungs. Her legs were going to jelly and she didn't even feel her hooves anymore.
  4327. > How did she get this far out of shape?! Floor had never been a very athletic filly, but surely she could make it over half a mile without coughing up her lungs?
  4328. > She had to slow down. Luckily, the mare was nearly there.
  4329. "Please don't-" she choked out between gasps, "please don't be there!"
  4330. > Floor nearly slammed into the door, barely stopping herself in time. Her heart sank as she gulped down huge lungfuls of air and peered through the glass.
  4331. > Anon was inside. He was looking at the bar while that whore, Petal Crush, had her hoof on his hand, as if comforting him.
  4332. > Neither of them had noticed Floor panting just outside.
  4333. > Petal finished saying something, then leaned down and gave Anon's hand a lick.
  4334. > He was buying it!
  4335. > Floor whimpered a little and let her head fall. It was probably over. The unicorn was good at lying. She would explain Floor's absence and Anon would believe it. Even if she tried telling her human the truth, Anon would probably reject it.
  4336. > It was a completely irrational thought, but the hours she had spent in that cold, dark alley with her self-loathing and cowardice took their toll.
  4337. > Tears already streaming down her face, Floor pushed the door open. At least she would say goodbye to the human.
  4338. > Both Petal and Anon turned to look as the doorbell rang.
  4339. > "Floor!" the human said, voice overflowing with relief. The stool clattered as he pushed it away and ran to her.
  4340. > All the mare had time to do was notice how darkly Petal Crush was glaring at her, before being lifted up in a warm, solid embrace.
  4341. > "You had me worried sick! Petal said you attacked her and ran off!"
  4342. > It sounded about right. Floor closed her eyes and inhaled Anon's scent for probably the last time. Then she pulled her head back and sniffed.
  4343. "S-She's ly-lying," the mare sobbed.
  4344. > "I know," Anon said. "What I don't know is why? Where did you go?!"
  4345. > "You what?!" the unicorn barked.
  4346. "What?!"
  4347. > His hand sought out her muzzle and Floor leaned into the warmth. Her tears were still flowing, but now it was relief.
  4348. > She shouldn't have doubted the human. Anon had her back.
  4349. > He was a real friend, unlike the damned Petal Crush.
  4350. "I'm sorry!" she bawled.
  4351. > For the first few moments not even Floor understood why she was apologizing, but then she realized: she was sorry to have doubted Anon.
  4352. > "It's okay," he said, hesitating a little and glancing at Petal, who shrugged with a small, fake smile.
  4353. "I wanna go home."
  4354. > "We can't go home, Floor. I have to finish my shift!"
  4355. > The mare sobbed, then looked at the unicorn, who had gone back to glaring now that Anon was facing away again.
  4356. "I wanna go away from here," Floor corrected herself.
  4357. > Her limbs were trembling and Anon noticed it. Her ears were flat and her tail was pressed firmly between her legs. It nearly wrapped all the way up her belly.
  4358. > "Okay..." Anon said, slowly, as he thought. He looked out at the street, then down to the mare. "You can stay in my office while I finish my work."
  4359. > "Hey! Excuse me!" Petal's whiny voice broke their moment. "You should call the police!" the unicorn insisted. "That- that *mud pony* is dangerous!"
  4360. > It was too much. Floor growled deep in her throat, but Anon just lifted her up and she fell silent. Was he afraid she would attack Petal?
  4361. > She might!
  4362. > "I'll thank you to stay out of this!" Anon said testily. He turned around with the slightly shaking Floor Bored in his arms and stared the unicorn down. "Call the police if you want, but I'm going to get Floor's side of the story before I decide anything!"
  4363. > "But-"
  4364. > "Goodbye!" Anon interrupted the unicorn and resolutely walked away.
  4365. > The nag called after him, but he wasn't paying attention. Her "Wait!" was cut short by the door closing.
  4366. > Only then did Floor relax a little.
  4367. > "Wanna tell me what that was all about?" Anon asked.
  4368. > Floor did. Very much so. Telling somepony... *anypony* would feel great! It wouldn't be just her burden anymore.
  4369. > Anon would know what to do, how to handle it.
  4370. > The mare relaxed and snuggled closer against Anon's chest. She knew he wouldn't be able to carry her the whole way, but she would take what she could get.
  4371. > The gentle, rocking motion, his warmth, his *smell*, even his arms pressing on her rump and back were keeping the bad thoughts away.
  4372. > Floor took a deep breath and started telling him her story.
  4373. "W-When I came in, I was too early. And I f-found Petal Crush and Mr. Grillo... in the storeroom. Uh..."
  4374. > The mare paused for a moment, then swallowed a lump, closed her eyes an went for it.
  4375. "...she was s-sucking his... uh- sucking his... *cock*!"
  4377. > ~~~~
  4379. > Floor Bored was happy to be out of the cold and in the same room with Anon. His scent did wonders for her nerves.
  4380. > Too bad the human didn't feel the same way. He kept pacing up and down his office, muttering darkly to himself.
  4381. > She should have said it was fine. That he shouldn't worry. She'd get over it.
  4382. > It didn't quite work. Seeing Anon upset over what had happened to her made Floor feel safer, somehow. She liked that he took her seriously and that he believed her story over that jerk Petal Crush.
  4383. > "Fuck!" Anon swore and sat down at his computer. Floor lifted her head to see what he would do. "I'm gonna call the owner!"
  4384. > The mare basked in the warmth of his concern for a few more seconds, then heaved a sigh and finally put a stop to it. Making Anon go through all of this was incredibly selfish.
  4385. > Nopony was hurt and the few wages she lost didn't amount to all that much.
  4386. "No. It's fine."
  4387. > The human whirled around on his chair to stare at her. "Really?! You're okay with this?"
  4388. "No, but..." Floor began, then had to pause to get her thoughts in order.
  4389. "I don't wanna deal with it. Let's just forget about it."
  4390. > Anon watched her for long, uncomfortable seconds. His shoulders sagged and it looked like he would let the matter go.
  4391. > It was time for some more altruism and Floor felt a tinge of pride in herself.
  4392. "Nopony was hurt. I just don't wanna see that nag ever again, that's all."
  4393. > "You're right, it's the middle of the night," Anon said, making the pony stare in surprise. It wasn't what she had said! "I'll send an email, hopefully they'll call me in the morning."
  4394. "Anon, I don't-"
  4395. > "Hush," he interrupted her. "At the very least I'm making sure you get paid."
  4396. > He wheeled his chair closer and put a hand in her mane, deftly seeking out her ears. Floor leaned into the scratchies.
  4397. > She realized she really *could* let it go. She didn't care about Petal Crush. Anon believed her side of the story, which was what mattered to her the most.
  4398. > "I'm sorry," the human went on after his pause. "You said she was treating you badly, but I just assumed it was because you weren't used to working. I thought maybe it seemed that way to you."
  4399. > He shook his head. "I always thought she was nice."
  4400. "Yeah, to customers!"
  4401. > "I said I'm sorry," Anon repeated, thinking the pony had snapped at his insensitivity.
  4402. > Floor quickly gave his palm a lick to take the sting away.
  4403. "I'm glad you believe me now. I dunno what I'd do if you took *her* side."
  4404. > The man smiled and it really did brighten her day. Uh, night. "Never, Floor. We've been through too much. But I *am* gonna get you the money, just wait and see."
  4405. > She didn't really care about the money, but it would be fair. At least some kind of justice.
  4406. > "And then I'll help you look for a better job, okay? Cutie pie like you," he read the hoodie, "no problem. We'll get you any job you want."
  4407. "No!"
  4408. > The human froze. "Floor," he pleaded, "don't let a bad experience beat you-"
  4409. > The mare grunted in annoyance, mostly at herself. Why was she so bad at communicating?! The 'cutie pie' turned her head, that's what it was! It made it hard to think straight!
  4410. "No, I mean- I wanna look for a job myself. Please?"
  4411. > She didn't even know when she had decided, but it was there in her mind, a certainty.
  4412. > Floor *would* look for her life's calling and she would do it on her own. Well, as much on her own as it was possible while living in Anon's flat and eating his food.
  4413. > Sharing his bed, her treacherous thoughts supplied, making her blush a little.
  4414. > Luckily Anon didn't see in the dim light.
  4415. > He straightened up, but his hand kept scratching. "Well, I got your back if you need it."
  4416. "Thanks. That helps a lot."
  4417. > She smiled up at the human.
  4418. > Already that whorse of her ex-boss was fading from her memory. If Floor never saw Petal Crush again in her life, it would suit her just fine. Let the unicorn rut her way to some position in some human company if she wanted.
  4419. > She probably wouldn't stay with the coffee shop chain, it seemed far too small for the size of her ambition.
  4420. > Yeah, Petal damned Crush would probably make something of herself, but it wouldn't make her happy.
  4421. > At least on that front, Floor Bored was winning. She pulled away and licked Anon's hand again. The salt really was delicious, she thought.
  4422. "Go on. Do your job. I don't wanna get you fired, too."
  4423. > The human laughed at that and bopped her nose. "Don't worry. You okay there? Want a soda? Coffee? It's only from the machine, but it works in a pinch."
  4424. > She hadn't even realized it until Anon said it, but Floor was parched.
  4425. "Soda," she said.
  4426. > "Coming right up!" The human stood up, idly ruffled her mane and left the office.
  4427. > Floor laid her head down and sighed. It was nice that she didn't have to work, especially the boring, backbreaking, menial tasks Petal usually assigned her.
  4428. > Whatever new job she found, it would be with computers, the mare was certain of that. She imagined she could almost feel the shape of her eventual cutie mark.
  4429. > Unfortunately it would probably be a day job, and very likely wouldn't be anywhere near Anon's office. That was a loss, especially as they would see each other less with such conflicting schedules, but she knew they would make the time count.
  4430. > Yeah, the future could only get better for Floor Bored, now that she was free!
  4432. > ~~~~
  4434. > Floor Bored was having a bad couple of weeks. Staying at home all the time had just given her time to start gaming again. Most nights she sat in front of the computer, zoned out with a game or old anime episodes.
  4435. > She had stopped showering - what was the point? She hardly moved, which meant she didn't sweat.
  4436. > So far Anon hadn't remarked on it. The human was working extra hard lately and came home late and tired. Then in the evening, he usually left early.
  4437. > Most days they hardly even spoke. They spent the weekend sprawled on the couch, watching one inane show after another, before going to bed early.
  4438. > By the second Friday night, the mare knew she smelled bad, but didn't care too much. It was the same feeling she'd had the first time she lost her job. Which was weird, because she hadn't even been invested in this one.
  4439. > In fact, she had hated Petal Crush and the menial, tedious, boring things she had to do there.
  4440. > Why was it hitting her this hard?!
  4441. > Maybe it was useless to bother.
  4442. > She hadn't started looking for a new job, either. It'd just end the same. Some bitch or bastard coworker would screw her over, leaving the pony with nothing to show for her effort.
  4443. > At least Anon gave her room and board in exchange for rutting her.
  4444. > That was probably the last bit of joy in her drab world, Floor thought. The human was usually tired and their lovemaking was a fast, simple affair, but it was enough to get her off.
  4445. > It was still pleasurable, and she liked the cuddles that followed.
  4446. > That night, the mare lay sprawled on the bed, breathing heavily and enjoying the afterglow while it lasted. Anon was in the shower and she was waiting for him to come give her his perfunctory kiss before rushing off.
  4447. > After that it would be games, cartoons and maybe a nap. Perhaps she would order pizza again - the human had given her his credit card so she wouldn't have to cook.
  4448. > Floor wasn't feeling particularly hungry, but she knew it would come, later.
  4449. > There! The shower stopped and she listened to the patter of water droplets on tiles as Anon stepped out of the cabin. Then there was the swish of fabric and the soft scraping as he dried himself with a towel.
  4450. > The mare, lying on her back, turned a little so her head hung over the edge of the bed. That way she could see when Anon came in.
  4451. > Maybe she would catch a glimpse of his... thing... under his boxer shorts when he came to dress.
  4452. > She waited patiently as Anon finished with the towel and dropped it in the laundry basket. Then he rolled some deodorant on his skin. She didn't mind this too much. It wasn't particularly strong or chemical.
  4453. > They had chosen it together and Floored even smiled a little as she remembered their little adventure to the mall. She'd smelled maybe a hundred different perfumes and rub-on sticks and roll-on somethings.
  4454. > Her nose was physically hurting by the time they finished and she'd picked out an inoffensive scent.
  4455. > Such a gentlecolt, to take her sensitive snout into account. Maybe she should do more for him? At least, Floor thought, she should stop bringing him down with her mopiness.
  4456. > She briefly considered showering today.
  4457. > There he came, bare feet padding on the tiles in the hallway, then rubbing almost soundlessly on the bedroom carpet. Legs came into her view and, as the mare looked up, she saw that he wasn't wearing anything.
  4458. > She smiled at the sight. It was one of the highlights of her day.
  4459. > The human came to the bed and crouched down, bringing him exactly at her eye-height. Already, she saw, he was stiffening.
  4460. > Amazing how she could do that, just by looking and grinning.
  4461. > Before she could observe any more, Anon cupped her face and kissed her. It was upside-down, but still very nice.
  4462. "Hpfh!"
  4463. > When he pulled his lips away, the hands remained in her mane, thumbs gently brushing her muzzle.
  4464. "Love you."
  4465. > At least that had remained, even if everything else in her life sucked now.
  4466. > "Yeah, me too," Anon said, a little absentmindedly. It made the mare sigh sadly. No doubt he was already thinking about work.
  4467. > "Floor?" he said.
  4468. "Mmm?"
  4469. > He paused, hands freezing for a moment before resuming their brushing. "You know I love your, uh... musk," Anon began quietly. "It's... hot. But I think it's getting a bit much, you know?"
  4470. > Her muzzle scrunched up as Floor sniffed. She could smell it too, but it was just her. She'd taken a great comfort from her own scent in the past. It was familiar and safe.
  4471. "Uh-huh?"
  4472. > One hand withdrew so he could bop her nose with a finger. "Yeah. I know I haven't been around much lately, but could you, I dunno, shower one of these days?"
  4473. > The fact that she had been thinking about that very same thing helped, maybe.
  4474. "Okay."
  4475. > "Thanks!" He was about to get up, but paused so he could pat her belly. "Oh, and could you pull the sheets off the bed? I think we ought to wash them."
  4476. > Her ears folded down. Always it was more and more work!
  4477. "Fine."
  4478. > Of course Anon recognized her tone. The hands went around her muzzle again and he gave her another kiss, longer and deeper this time.
  4479. > "You know I appreciate it. Want me to bring you something for breakfast?"
  4480. > Floor didn't know why she said it, but it just came out.
  4481. "Pancakes."
  4482. > "Huh?"
  4483. > It surprised him and the mare nearly snickered, but the human recovered quickly. "Tell you what, I'll get the stuff and we can make pancakes ourselves, deal?"
  4484. > She could be a bit bitchy and demand he bring completely made pancakes with him. She could also demand they still be warm.
  4485. > No, it wasn't Anon's fault she was having a bad couple of weeks. The pony sighed.
  4486. "Yeah, I'd like that. Thank you."
  4487. > "Any maybe some ice cream for afterwards?"
  4488. > Now she smiled in genuine pleasure.
  4489. "Mmmm, yes."
  4490. > Another kiss. Floor turned her eyes up and saw that Anon was at full mast. She winked and crossed her hind legs so she wouldn't leak, before remembering she was going to change the sheets anyway.
  4491. "Quickie?" she offered breathlessly.
  4492. > When Anon didn't immediately answer, Floor lifted her head a little so she could look at his face. He wanted it, she could read that plainly, but the human was undecided.
  4493. > She was about to reach out her hoof and touch him - that would undoubtedly get him started - but Anon glanced at the clock and sighed.
  4494. > "Sorry, I really should get going. Just one more week and this crunch time should be over, okay?"
  4495. > She was a little disappointed, but it was good to know what to expect. It was a relief that Anon's workload was temporary.
  4496. > "Tonight, okay?" he whispered and grinned at her.
  4497. "Okay!"
  4498. > He kissed her once more, before releasing her face and standing up. Floor was sad to lose the warmth of his hands, not to mention the view, but she shrugged it off.
  4499. > Anon would be back. After a whole day pent up like that, he would be very horny when he saw her next. She could look forward to that.
  4500. > As he dressed, the human asked: "Any plans for the weekend?"
  4501. "No..."
  4502. > It was maybe a little sad, but these days Floor just wanted to be left alone. Well, except for a good romping and some cuddling, that was.
  4503. > "Movie? Then ice cream after on Saturday?"
  4504. > She didn't really want to go out in public, but maybe it would do her good.
  4505. "Okay."
  4506. > "Great!" Anon said while he shrugged into a shirt. Floor stole a glance and saw he was still bulging a little, even in his jeans. She got an idea.
  4507. > The mare flopped over to her belly and stood up. Then she turned away from the human. She waited while he selected a pullover, watching him from the corner of her eye.
  4508. > When he turned to look at her, the pony stretched luxuriously. She made sure to lift her rump as high up in the air she could. Tail aside, of course, so Anon could get a good look at what he was missing.
  4509. > She was moist, she knew, and the act itself was naughty enough to make her wink.
  4510. > The effect was all she could have hoped for. The human was staring, frozen to the spot. Floor smirked to herself, before turning slowly around.
  4511. > She heard Anon give a small, sad sigh, before jerking awake once more. He stepped closer and leaned down to give her a hug and a kiss.
  4512. > "Tonight," he promised in a husky voice, patting her back.
  4513. > She just licked his ear.
  4514. > "Ugh," the human nearly choked, spoiling the moment. "Floor, have you been brushing?"
  4515. > She turned her head away, blushing heavily. However hard she tried, the mare couldn't keep her ears upright. She had almost gotten away with conveniently 'forgetting', but she misjudged and breathed out at the wrong moment.
  4516. > Anon quickly had his answer. "That's it. Tonight we're doing it together. As soon as I come home, understand?"
  4517. > Her eyes lowered and Floor stared at the bed in contrition.
  4518. "Okay."
  4519. > "And tomorrow night, too. Floor, this is important," Anon insisted. His hand sought out her head and scratched behind a folded-down ear. "You'll have to keep visiting the dentist if you don't take care of your teeth, do you want that?"
  4520. > She shook her head slightly.
  4521. > "Good. Okay, I have to run. Have fun!"
  4522. > The mare nuzzled his hand before he took it away.
  4523. "Bye," she called after him.
  4524. > The man took two steps, then his phone binged. He fished it out of a pocket and examined what was wrong. Floor watched, curiously.
  4525. > "Huh," Anon said to himself, before looking back at the mare.
  4526. "What?"
  4527. > He seemed unsure if he wanted to tell her, but then gave in. "Got a reply - the thing with Petal Crush?"
  4528. "What?!"
  4529. > She hadn't expected the human to do anything! Sure, he'd promised, but that was just to calm her down that first night, wasn't it?
  4530. > Had Anon actually spoken with the owner about how Floor had been mistreated?
  4531. > "He says he looked at the CCTV footage. You were right. He said to come by and pick up your paycheck. You can also have Petal's job, if you want it."
  4532. > Floor Bored just stared at the human, blinking and gaping as she tried to process all of that.
  4533. "I'm- he's... what?!"
  4534. > "You wanna be the assistant manager of the coffee shop?"
  4535. > It sounded nice. 'Assistant manager'. The words had a good, solid, paycheck-y ring to them. Floor smiled at the prospect.
  4536. > In the end, she shook her head.
  4537. "Nah, don't wanna get a coffee-shop cutie mark."
  4538. > She would look for a more interesting job! This completely vindicated her!
  4539. > The offer made a world of difference. Plus she would get her money!
  4540. > "Okay, I had a feeling," Anon replied, grinning back at her goofy smile. "I'll tell him we'll come by Monday before work, okay?"
  4541. > The mare nodded.
  4542. > "Anyway, gotta run. Bye!"
  4543. "Anon!" she called after him.
  4544. > The human poked his head in the room again.
  4545. "Thanks! Really!"
  4546. > He didn't answer, but the smile she got was nice.
  4547. > Suddenly the apathy was evaporating. Floor wanted to be up and doing! She listened as her human got his boots on and grabbed his keys, already making plans in her head.
  4548. > When Anon was gone, Floor folded back down to the bed. She didn't feel like gaming anymore. at least not right away. The first thing she needed was a shower, and then something to eat.
  4549. > Then she would go on the Internet and look for interesting jobs. Maybe even get a LinkedIn thing started.
  4550. > She didn't have much to put on it, but every little bit helped. Making a nice profile would certainly help her case, wouldn't it?
  4551. > The mare shifted a little in excitement. She was full of manic, giddy energy. She had to do *something*, or she would burst!
  4552. > Her ears flew up as the pony remembered. Anon had just taken the shower. His smell would be all over it!
  4553. > Even the thought was enough to get her winking again. She slowly slid her hoof down between her legs and carefully touched.
  4554. > When was the last time she had done it?! By herself, that is!
  4555. > Ever since she and Anon had started having sex, she hadn't really felt the need. Suddenly, she wanted it bad.
  4556. > Her hoof almost felt strange, sending fresh waves of unaccustomed pleasure up and down her body.
  4557. > Shower first, she decided, hopping off the bed. A long, hot, luxurious one. She would put the shower head on the massage setting and use it on herself. It would feel *amazing*!
  4558. > That and her hoof!
  4559. > Giggling from the weird sense of guilt she felt about this, Floor hurried to the bathroom before she made a mess on the bed.
  4560. > Then she would get started. The mare vowed to herself she would send at least one job e-mail today!
  4561. > Also Anon's bed, she shouldn't forget about that part.
  4562. > And then - pancakes and ice cream!
  4563. > A tiny bit of house work would be worth it.
  4564. > No way she wouldn't be able to find a job *eventually*. Something fun. Something she liked doing. That was how you got your cutie mark, wasn't it?
  4565. > Besides, until that happened she would have games and pizza and sex, that was the life!
  4566. > She was living the dream, really, one that would keep getting better and better!
  4568. > ~~~~
  4570. > She had done it! By the time Anon returned from work, Floor Bored had sent out two emails with her CV, both for salespony positions in computer shops. She listed her work in the coffee place as a reference.
  4571. > It was time to be hopeful. The mare didn't really want to be stuck in a shop, but it was a way to get her hoof in the door.
  4572. > Floor was immensely proud of her accomplishment and sat up straight, chest inflated, on the couch as she waited for her human.
  4573. > She even made dinner!
  4574. > Well, she put potato chips in a bowl and poured apple juice, but it was a start!
  4575. > At long last there was the sound of a key in the lock.
  4576. "Finally!"
  4577. > Anon entered and poked his head in the living room. "Oh, what's all this?" he asked, taking in her expression and the coffee table with snacks.
  4578. > "Here," he said, without waiting for a reply and held out an envelope to the mare.
  4579. "What is it?"
  4580. > "Money. Went to see Mr. Strand - you know, with the coffee shop?"
  4581. "Yes!" she replied, impatiently.
  4582. > Of course she knew the name of her last boss, even if it hadn't come up much with her time under Petal's management.
  4583. > "Well, here's the pay you are owed, plus a little bit extra. He said to call him if you change your mind about that position. Said he needs someone with a level head in there and you look like it."
  4584. > Her chest nearly bursting with pride, Floor upended the envelope and let the crisp, fresh dollar bills spill over the coffee table.
  4585. > It looked like a lot of them, even if many of them were tens.
  4586. "I'm taking us out this weekend!"
  4587. > The human chuckled. "Fancy! You sure you wanna spend your first paycheck on me?"
  4588. > Floor leaned her head to the side and gave the human a Stare. He didn't get it.
  4589. "Really?" she asked pointedly.
  4590. > "Okay, okay, I get it," he said and came around to flop in the couch. Floor examined his face from up close. Anon was wrung out after his day, she could see the bags under his eyes and the... 'haggard' look. Yeah that was the word.
  4591. > She blushed a little when she remembered she was maybe to blame for that - at least partially. She had kept him up the previous morning, after all.
  4592. > "So, what about today?"
  4593. > The mare extended a hoof to show off the laden table.
  4594. "Snacks. Movie. Cuddles!"
  4595. > Her voice faltered a little as Anon yawned and looked doubtful. "I dunno, Floor, I'm pretty beat."
  4596. "Please? Just relax. If you start to fall asleep, I'll wake you and we'll go to bed, okay?"
  4597. > "Okay, fine," he gave in and slumped back. The mare gratefully took position across his lap. "So, what are we watching?" Anon asked.
  4598. "Man of Steel!"
  4599. > "Oh, a classic!" he exclaimed.
  4600. > The mare reached over to jab her hoof expertly at the remote and the intro sequence started playing. She settled down where Anon's lap was just getting warmed up.
  4601. > Too late she remembered she'd have preferred it without clothes, but even so it was nice. Anon's scent seeped strongly through his pants and the mare buried her muzzle in to get a good whiff.
  4602. > It tickled her in just the right way, but she suppressed the urge to stick her hoof down there. Time for that later.
  4603. > Or, maybe, that evening. She should let her human sleep sometimes, right?
  4604. > The pony grabbed some chips to distract herself. The salt was *so delicious*!
  4605. > "I didn't forget, by the way," Anon went on when he saw her.
  4606. "What?" Floor said swallowing hurriedly.
  4607. > "Before bed, we're brushing your teeth."
  4608. > It didn't ruin her mood, but the pony blushed. She was a grown mare, she could do it herself! Anon had no call treating her like a little filly!
  4609. "I can do it myself!"
  4610. > "Yeah, and we've seen how well that works," the human said, his tone making Floor pout a little in annoyance. "I'm doing it. Yeah it's embarrassing, but I'll keep doing it until I can trust you to do it yourself, okay? I didn't drop a thousand bucks on the dentist so I'd have to do it all over again in a year!"
  4611. > It sounded like they would have a fight. Floor didn't want that, especially not on this day.
  4612. > She took deep breaths and thought to herself: Anon was right. She needed to take care of herself, otherwise she'd end up toothless at thirty.
  4613. "You're right," she admitted in a small voice. "I'm sorry."
  4614. > "Good," the human said and focused on the movie again. He looked back after a second. "Pass me the chips, please?"
  4615. > This cheered her up. She'd prepared those!
  4616. > It wasn't really 'cooking', but Floor was going to work up to it. She had motivation, now! The pony deftly snagged the bowl with her hoof and expertly lifted it. Balance was easy - it came naturally to an earth pony, even with Anon rummaging in there.
  4617. > "Thanks!"
  4618. > The mare dropped the bowl next to the human on the couch where they could both reach it. For a while, the only sound was crunching as they both filled up on salt and grease, with traces of potato.
  4619. > There was a beep from Anon's phone in his pocket and he went to wipe his hand on his pants. Such a waste of all that delicious salt!
  4620. > Floor caught the hand in her hooves just in time and brought it to her muzzle.
  4621. > Anon didn't object as she licked his fingers clean of crumbs and oil and salt.
  4622. > Of course, right after that he still wiped his hand dry, but Floor didn't mind that. Saliva wasn't a precious, tasty resource!
  4623. > "Thanks," the human said, remembering his manners as he fished his phone out and looked at it.
  4624. "Well?"
  4625. > The mare was curious about whatever message the device would impart.
  4626. > "Good news!" the human said, scrolling a little to read it all. "Boss says I can take Monday off. Looks like crunch time is over!"
  4627. "Yay!"
  4628. > It was very exciting news. Floor glanced over the pile of money on the coffee table and tried to decide if it was enough for a weekend getaway someplace. Maybe if it wasn't too expensive.
  4629. > She'd check the Internet once she'd put Anon in bed, the pony decided. It'd be a nice surprise and a proper thank you for all his help!
  4630. "Lemme get you apple juice!" she offered.
  4631. > She was about to lick her hooves clean and wipe them on Anon's pants, but the human caught her around the ankle.
  4632. > "Return the favor?" he asked in a strange, quiet voice.
  4633. > When Floor looked up, Anon had this intent smile on his muzzle- face, she corrected herself. This hungry look she'd come recognize.
  4634. > At the same time she became aware that something was poking her through Anon's clothes.
  4635. > It looked like he wasn't as tired as she'd feared, after all! The mare winked in expectation and her face colored.
  4636. > The human slowly brought her hoof to his mouth.
  4637. > Floor's breathing quickened. She forgot about the movie and about the chips. She even forgot the apple juice.
  4638. > All she knew was the tongue on her frog and the sudden, intense fire in her *bits*.
  4639. "Oh, yes, please yes!" she gasped, her voice barely audible above her panting.
  4641. > ~~~~
  4643. > There she was, messy mane, sweaty flank and tongue lolling out a bit. She would have preferred to rest longer after their lovemaking, but Anon proclaimed he was about to fall asleep and commanded her to the bathroom.
  4644. > Floor looked at the mare in the mirror. Her human had found a tall, wooden stool just high enough for her to comfortably reach the sink, so the pony staring back at her was at human height.
  4645. > Was it really her? Despite the awkwardness of what they were about to do, Floor was smiling in her afterglow. She liked that Anon didn't put on fresh clothes. It made for quite a view!
  4646. > "Alright, let's see here," he murmured and picked up her under-used toothbrush. He wet it under the faucet and reached for the toothpaste.
  4647. "Really, I can do it myself," Floor tried again.
  4648. > The human pressed his hand against her muzzle. "Hush."
  4649. > She obeyed, but her ears folded down in embarrassment. "Open," came the command and she obediently let her jaw unclench.
  4650. > The human squirted some paste on the toothbrush, then held it before her face.
  4651. "Please, Anon?"
  4652. > Despite the pleasant warmth in her *bits* and the good ache in her muscles after what they had just done, Floor felt like a filly of seven.
  4653. > One who's been bad and was being disciplined by a parent. She didn't want to feel like Anon was her parent! That would make it too weird.
  4654. > "Think of it as punishment," the human said, making it worse.
  4655. Ugh!" the pony grunted in annoyance.
  4656. > "Next time you 'forget', we'll do it again, understand? Now open and let's get it over with."
  4657. > There was no talking him out of it, so Floor spread her chops once again. She squeezed her eyes shut so she wouldn't have to see their reflection in the mirror.
  4658. > Anon put a finger in her mouth and she reflexively licked it. There was still a bit of her juice on there and the pony squirmed at the weirdness of it all.
  4659. > "Hush!" Anon repeated and Floor became still.
  4660. > He stuck the brush in her mouth, turning it this way and that as he tried to work out the angle. Once he had it right, he began to scrape it, very carefully.
  4661. > "It's just as weird for me, you know?" Anon admitted.
  4662. "'haang hok!" the pony tried to say. 'Then stop!'
  4663. > The human didn't understand. He just pushed her tongue out of the way with his finger and continued. Floor's ears were as far back as they would go and her tail was wedged between her legs in shame.
  4664. > She focused on breathing through her nose and making sure the foam and saliva didn't slip down her throat and choke her.
  4665. > The human was methodical, if a little slow. The brush moved gradually around the inside, then switched to her upper teeth. He needed some time again to work out the angles and movement, but then continued.
  4666. > Despite the burning in her cheeks, Floor felt a little proud. Those fingers really were both precise and dexterous. She'd felt them many times *inside her* and still couldn't believe what they could do.
  4667. > The thought made her wink and shudder a little, which made the blush worse.
  4668. > "Still!" Anon commanded again and Floor did her best.
  4669. "'eeh gock 'aiw!" she said. 'It's not fair!'
  4670. > This time he understood and replied: "Maybe. Will you brush on your own from now on?"
  4671. "EHH!"
  4672. > "Then it's working," the human said with a touch of pride in his voice. Floor couldn't believe him.
  4673. > She opened her eyes just so she could glare.
  4674. > "Almost done."
  4675. > Anon switched his grip again, this time sticking the bristles between her teeth and her cheek. Maybe he was going faster than before, but the mare didn't mind that in the slightest. She tried to be as still as possible, so as to enable her human to get it over with quicker.
  4676. > At long last he pulled the brush out.
  4677. > "Rinse."
  4678. > Only too gladly did Floor lean down to lap up some water flowing from the faucet and swirl it around.
  4679. > She spat.
  4680. "That was humiliating! Don't ever do that again, okay?!"
  4681. > The human grinned and spread his arms. "Don't ever forget to brush again. Deal?"
  4682. > She glared at his offered hand, then grudgingly put her hoof in there.
  4683. "Fine," she grumbled.
  4684. > It was certainly effective. The mare had absolutely zero wish to repeat the experience.
  4685. > Anon made it a little better when he leaned down and gave her nose a small kiss. "Okay, now smile. I wanna see if I did a good job."
  4686. > Instead of obeying, she stuck her tongue out at him, but it just made the human chuckle.
  4687. > After a moment, the mare giggled too. Relief that it was over helped.
  4688. > "See, that wasn't so bad, was it? Nice smile, by the way," the human said.
  4689. > The compliment felt good.
  4690. > "Cutie pie, indeed!"
  4691. > Now she was blushing extra hard. Floor smacked the human on his shoulder with a hoof.
  4692. "Stop it."
  4693. > Secretly she hoped he never would, though. It felt exactly as nice as she had dreamed all those years.
  4694. > The human washed her brush and put it back. "There. I'm gonna take a shower, then bed. Will you join me?"
  4695. > The mare almost nodded, but then remembered her idea.
  4696. "I-In a bit."
  4697. > She wanted to look for some kind of two-day vacation for their Sunday and Monday. Preferably something that had a lot of night-time attractions, so they wouldn't have to change their sleep schedule too much.
  4698. > The human ruffled her mane and gave her nose another kiss. She loved those nose-kisses, too!
  4699. > "Okay. Sleep well, in case I don't wake up when you come. I'll see you tonight!"
  4700. > The pony nuzzled his hand, then hopped down from the stool and pushed it to the side while Anon went into the shower.
  4701. > She considered joining him, but Floor knew what would happen then. Anon was tired enough, she didn't want to wring him out even more.
  4702. > Instead, she went to the living room to look at her pay again, and to count it.
  4703. > She'd earned that money. It felt good to just hold it in her hooves and sniff at it.
  4704. > It was also the right thing to do, she decided, to spend it on Anon and herself. She owed her success to him, after all.
  4705. > The shower started and Floor smiled to herself. Maybe she would follow right after Anon, while his scent is still fresh. That way she'd get some extra fun without having to bother the man.
  4706. > She'd be ready for another round in the evening when they woke up, there wasn't much doubt about that. Floor Bored intended to grab every chance she could get. Anon was just too good for her to pass up, no matter how sore she was!
  4708. > ~~~~
  4710. > "Get up you lazy bum!" the voice shouted. It paused, then went on at a lower volume: "Bum? Uh, horse-bum? Bum-horse?"
  4711. > Floor Bored's ears flicked toward the source of the annoying sound, but she didn't open her eyes. It was imperative to hold on to these last moments of precious, delicious sleep.
  4712. > "Whatever," the speaker went on, "get up you lazy horse!"
  4713. > Finally, the pony stirred.
  4714. "Quit shouting, Anon! Five more minutes!"
  4715. > The human sat heavily on the side of the bed. It was easy for him, Floor thought. He'd just been at work, slacking off, while the mare had spent a horrible night worrying about this morning's interview and pacing the length of their apartment. She'd barely laid her head down before Anon burst in!
  4716. > "You said that ten minutes ago," the pesky human wouldn't leave her alone. He triumphantly pulled off the blanket. "Ha!"
  4717. > Sure, it was an annoyance, but Floor had fur and simply huddled in the warm spot on the mattress.
  4718. > Anon was not to be deterred. He put a hand on her shoulder and pushed, rolling the mare to her side and exposing her sensitive eyes to damned sunlight and her soft, unprotected belly to the harsh cold.
  4719. "GAH! BUUUCK, Anon!"
  4720. > His finger prodded right at her teats. His ice-cold finger.
  4721. "EEP!"
  4722. > She would have kicked the human, but Floor hesitated.
  4723. > For one, she didn't want to injure Anon, despite his boasts that he could 'take her'. No human could live through a right and proper bucking by an earth pony!
  4724. > And also, now that her mind had started working, the dreadful cocktail of excitement, anxiety and sheer gut-wrenching terror had crept back in.
  4725. "The interview!"
  4726. > Seeking comfort, even from her tormentor, Floor grasped the nearest arm with all four hooves and looked pleadingly up at Anon.
  4727. "Please! C-Can you call them and s-say I'm ill or something?"
  4728. > "No. You said you'd try that, and you made me promise to get you there, no matter what!" Anon replied smoothly.
  4729. > Blasted! She was too clever for her own good, smarty-horse!
  4730. > Floor whimpered and her ears went flat.
  4731. > It was the big day.
  4732. > The biggest.
  4733. > Coffee shop didn't count - that had just been a formality arranged by Anon, and she hadn't *really* wanted that job.
  4734. > This one was for real.
  4735. > Junior tech at a successful PC-servicing firm. Her dream job. Not like her old stint at that place where they just *happened* to sell computers alongside various other crap.
  4736. > A company that did computers only!
  4737. > Well, it was her dream starting job, anyway. She'd learn all that she could from her (possible) new coworkers, then try to get someplace even more interesting. Possibly in the same company, or maybe elsewhere.
  4738. > This place would be an awesome reference on her CV!
  4739. > All the other requests she'd sent were for cashier-type positions or, at best, phone support.
  4740. > That meant she'd have to work primarily with people. Customers.
  4741. > Floor *really* didn't want that, but perhaps it was the only way in for her, so she had sent the e-mails anyway.
  4742. > This particular response, however, had been a stab in the dark. The pony had had zero hope of landing the job. She'd just done it because it was easy - Floor already had her CV and the cover letter.
  4743. > It took her all of three minutes to change the names and resend the same thing yet again.
  4744. > Except... they wrote back almost immediately and said they wanted to meet her, despite her painful lack of experience.
  4745. > It was an opportunity of her lifetime. No, it was *the* opportunity of her lifetime!
  4746. > Nopony could blame Floor for being rightfully nervous.
  4747. "Mane! Tail! No no no, I'm a mess!" she realized, wrapping her hooves around her head in a vain attempt to shut out the world.
  4748. > "Relax, we have half an hour before we have to leave. I'll drive you."
  4749. "You will!?"
  4750. > The human chuckled, grabbed her legs and pried them away. "Sure. Now hurry and shower, I'll get you some cereal."
  4751. "No no no no, they'll never hire somepony like me! I don't even have a cutie mark! I'm just a- a- lazy horse."
  4752. > The human sighed and gave her another hug. "Don't think that," he cautioned the trembling mare.
  4753. > She was on the verge of tears, but the embrace and the soft voice helped.
  4754. > "Just give them the ol' big eyes and a smile. No human can resist it, okay?"
  4755. > Floor tried to decide if Anon was lying. One ear lifted up hopefully.
  4756. > He bopped her nose with a finger. "Don't forget the shirt. Cutie pie!"
  4757. > Just like every time before, the expression made her smile. Floor licked his finger and buried her muzzle in his shirt.
  4758. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
  4759. > She stopped babbling long enough to give the human a kiss, then ran off.
  4760. > It *Would Not Do* to be late for this meeting!
  4762. > ~~~~
  4764. > Floor Bored sat in a nice, cushy reception as she waited for the company manager to see her. Anon had come with her this far, but he probably wouldn't be able to accompany her to the interview as well.
  4765. > This wasn't the dentist's, after all. In deference to that fact, Floor had even opted to go without the hood on her head. It was still there, ready to be pulled up and a source of comfort, but she wasn't hiding her face in it.
  4766. > For now, the pony shifted her leg to bump again Anon's shin, just to reassure herself he was still there.
  4767. > Her forehooves were carefully cradling a plastic cup of water, in which she occasionally dipped her tongue.
  4768. > Floor wasn't really thirsty - it had just been something to do with herself. Plus, she wanted to prove both to herself and her potential employer that she could operate intricate machinery.
  4769. > The tap on the water cooler had been tricky, but the mare managed it without breaking anything and was feeling a bit proud of herself.
  4770. > "Floor Bored?" the receptionist asked and the mare nearly dropped her half-full plastic cup in shock.
  4771. "Y-Yes?"
  4772. > The lady smiled reassuringly. "Mr. Barlow will see you now."
  4773. "O-Oh. Yes!" Floor gulped and slid partly off her chair.
  4774. > She remembered too late about the plastic cup and looked wildly around for someplace to put it.
  4775. > In her panicky confusion, the mare was thinking about somehow balancing it on the rounded armrest of her chair, but before she had a chance to spill it Anon reached over and plucked it from her.
  4776. > "It's okay, go."
  4777. > She smiled up at the human in true gratitude and lowered herself to the floor.
  4778. "Thanks!"
  4779. > He reached to her for a very brief pat on her muzzle and she licked his palm. Then, lowering her ears in apprehension and taking a deep breath, the mare walked up to the reception.
  4780. > The lady had gotten up and held a door open. "In here," she said.
  4781. "T-Thank you!" came out as a squeak.
  4782. > With trembling legs, Floor stepped into the office, keeping her eyes modestly on the floor.
  4783. > The carpet changed from a dark blue in the lobby to a dark red in the office.
  4784. > She heard some papers being shuffled, but couldn't bring herself to look up.
  4785. > Just one more minute, Floor thought desperately. One minute to get used to the smells and sounds, and then she would look.
  4786. > It was to be denied her. "Floor Bored?" a pleasing baritone prompted.
  4787. > Her eyes snapped up. The manager she'd come to see was a little disheveled, middle-aged human with graying hair and a friendly, open face. He was slightly more rounded than Anon, but even the first glance told her he was a nice human.
  4788. > She instantly liked him.
  4789. "Y-Yes, Sir," she replied meekly.
  4790. > Liked, but still feared. The man possibly held her future in his hooves.
  4791. > Floor saw that the man was standing in front of his office desk. He had reached over the monitor to grab her papers, but in truth it looked as if he was busy with something else and the interview was just a momentary distraction.
  4792. > There was another table against a wall, but there were no chairs around it. Floor couldn't see what was on it, but she caught a glimpse of green and silver and gold.
  4793. > Was the human building a computer right there in his office?!
  4794. > It was so far from what she'd been expecting that the poor mare did a double-take while the human walked across the room and dragged a chair closer.
  4795. > "C'mere," he beckoned and patted the backrest. "Up, take a look at this."
  4796. > Her little speech the pony had prepared flew out of her mind as the meeting went off-script. There was nothing to do but go forward, lift up a hoof and stop it just before she could leave a dirty print on the cushion.
  4797. > Carpet was one thing, but standing on chairs was something most humans didn't like.
  4798. > Floor looked at 'Mr. Barlow', who nodded impatiently. "Yes yes, get up!" he urged.
  4799. > The pony clambered on the office chair, quickly sat on her haunches and looked over the table.
  4800. > Her breath caught.
  4801. > A whole computer was arrayed before her. Well, the guts of one, anyway. There were special cables that connected all the components, so that it could all function even while spread out like that.
  4802. > She'd only seen stuff like that on the Internet. Someday, Floor hoped, she would have a cool-looking battle station like that.
  4803. > Against the far wall was a blank monitor and off to a side was a keyboard.
  4804. > "Do you know what this is?" the human asked.
  4805. > Floor didn't, not at first. She hastily scanned the electronic components arrayed before her.
  4806. "Um, 'Pentium III'?" she hazarded.
  4807. > "Good. Familiar with it?"
  4808. > She could have lied and maybe kept fooling the human for a few minutes more, but her lack of experience would come out sooner or later.
  4809. > The mare gulped and lowered her eyes.
  4810. "N-No..."
  4811. > The man was uncomfortably close. Floor could almost feel the warmth of his hand on the backrest and clearly smelled his cologne.
  4812. > "How did you know, then?" he demanded.
  4813. > The pony pointed.
  4814. "It s-says so right th-there," she said meekly.
  4815. > "Hah. Good eye. And it's upside down."
  4816. > The mare blinked. Reading text upside down was only marginally harder than reading normal words. Certainly nothing to praise.
  4817. > The interview was going all wrong. Floor didn't know what the human expected of her and she was too nervous to ask. Doubtless she should do something to get it back on the right track, but for the life of her the pony didn't know what.
  4818. > Well, even if she knew, she would be too chickenshit to say anything.
  4819. > For now, Floor fell back to simply watching the contraption before her. Why was it all spread out on the table like that?
  4820. > It didn't *look* like one of those modding machines some people built for show.
  4821. > Of course she was too scared to ask!
  4822. > After a brief inspection of all the parts, the human shifted and leaned on the table with his hand next to the electronics. Floor dared glance up, right into his eyes.
  4823. > If her ears weren't already as flat as they would go, she would have lowered them further.
  4824. > "So, what do you think?" Mr. Barlow asked her.
  4825. "Umm..." Floor began, voice shaking badly and shoulders hunched.
  4826. > "Relax, I don't bite," he tried to reassure her.
  4827. > The smile was nice, Floor had to admit. The man didn't look scary, she was just terrified out of her wits because this particular human held the most important decision over Floor's future in his hand.
  4828. "Um, it's... nice?" she tried, "but- um, isn't the P3 like, r-really old?"
  4829. > Mr. Barlow chuckled. "That it is. It's a piece from our little museum. We have a good number of these old computers on display downstairs. I'll give you a tour if you like!"
  4830. > The pony scrunched up her muzzle in absolute confusion. To say that Mr. Barlow's behavior was mystifying would be the understatement of the century.
  4831. "Uh..."
  4832. > She had turned her eyes back down to the machine, but now a hand intruded in her vision. "Name's Glen Barlow, by the way," the human said.
  4833. > Floor carefully slid a hoof into his palm to shake. She opened her mouth to say her own name, but he beat her to it. "And you're Floor Bored. Amusing name."
  4834. > She blushed a little but didn't reply.
  4835. > The human let her go and went back to his desk, where he picked up her CV. It was only two pages, and that was with some generous padding, courtesy of Anon.
  4836. > "Never before had a job application from a pony," Mr. Barlow admitted. "I got curious, so I did some reading. Your, uh, talent is in computers?"
  4837. > The mare felt relieved, of all things. This was more like a proper interview. She had expected this particular question and practiced for it.
  4838. > She looked at the Pentium III again and considered jumping down from the chair and standing, but then she decided against it.
  4839. > Mr. Barlow had asked her up, after all. This brought her nearer his eye level and probably made it easier for him to talk to her.
  4840. "Um... no," Floor admitted. "B-But I'd like it to b-be!"
  4841. > She gave the human a pleading look Anon had her practice in front of a mirror.
  4842. > The man looked at her, then scanned something on his screen. "Ah yes, the- uh, the picture on your..."
  4843. > He indicated the general area of her rump.
  4844. "Cutie m-mark," the mare explained, lifting a shirt to show him how blank it was.
  4845. > "Exactly!" Mr. Barlow said, a little relieved that he didn't have to say 'rump'. "Now, the interesting part, you see," he went on smoothly, "a lot of computer stuff is very fine work. I mean, I heard some of you can use magic, but you didn't say anything like that in the CV."
  4846. > Her ears had been creeping up while the human was showing interest in ponies, but now they flopped again.
  4847. "I c-can't..."
  4848. > "And you wanna work with fine electronics?"
  4849. > Floor hung her head.
  4850. "Yes..."
  4851. > "How?!"
  4852. > She risked a glance and saw that the human had spread his arms in confusion. She swallowed and tried to explain.
  4853. "I c-can use tools, s-sir. P-pliers and screw-screwdrivers..."
  4854. > It wouldn't cut it. Floor now understood that the human had only called her in for an interview so he could see a pony in person.
  4855. > Mr. Barlow was slightly curious about her species, that was all.
  4856. > Floor tried very hard, but her eyes still filled with tears at the defeat.
  4857. "J-Just wanted a chance," she whispered sullenly. It was not meant to be heard.
  4858. > "Okay. See that P3?" Barlow said, pointing at the circuit boards in front of Floor. "Turn it on."
  4859. > The mare looked at the thing, but since it wasn't in a case, there wasn't an on switch.
  4860. > Maybe...
  4861. > She sought out the power unit and looked at the back, right next to the fan. There was a little switch there and it wasn't hard to flip, even for a pony.
  4862. > With luck, that would be enough.
  4863. > The fans before her jerked a little as electricity filled the dismantled computer, but it didn't turn on.
  4864. > Heart hammering, Floor tried not to panic. She glanced at Mr. Barlow, who was just looking at her. One hand was on his face, covering his mouth and the other was holding his elbow.
  4865. > For all intents and purposes, he looked deep in thought.
  4866. > There had to be way to turn it on, otherwise he wouldn't have asked her to, would he?
  4867. > Floor looked around the main board. She'd looked over some new models on the Internet. Well, she'd *drooled* over some of the newer gadgets.
  4868. > A few of them had power buttons right on the motherboard, for whatever reason. The mare desperately searched for one.
  4869. > Her ears lifted up with wild hope.
  4870. > Not this computer. It was too old.
  4871. > Very near panic, Floor tried to remember everything she knew about cases. How the buck did the power button even work?
  4872. > It had to plug in somewhere!
  4873. > There had to be a manual!
  4874. "Um,..." Floor began.
  4875. > Mr. Barlow stepped closer. "Yes?"
  4876. "C-Can I get a m-manual for, um-" she sought for the product number, "P3B-F?"
  4877. > If he gave her a few minutes to leaf through it, she might see where the power button connected to it.
  4878. "Oh, and a s-screwdriver?"
  4879. > It was probably bad form to ask that. Doubtless the human expected his technicians to know these things, but it was her last hope.
  4880. > Floor gave the human some more of her pleading look.
  4881. > "Ah, smart," Mr. Barlow said. "Don't wanna go poking at it blind. I like that. Except, there isn't a manual."
  4882. > Her ears fell down.
  4883. > "What you're looking for, I think, is this front panel connector here. First two pins are for the power button."
  4884. > He opened a drawer under the desk and took out a screwdriver.
  4885. > Floor thought rapidly. She was obviously on the right track, or the human wouldn't sound so pleased.
  4886. > A button just touched two wires together, right? She took the screwdriver in her mouth.
  4887. > Fine control was second nature to an earth pony. She lightly touched the pins.
  4888. > The monstrosity sprang into life.
  4889. > Floor nearly whooped for joy. She placed the screwdriver on the table and smiled widely.
  4890. > Despite her shallow, short breathing and her hammering heart, the mare was happy.
  4891. > She'd solved Mr. Barlow's riddle!
  4892. > Except - the computer started to beep. Something was obviously wrong.
  4893. > Another test? Or had she broken it?
  4894. > Floor's breath caught in her throat.
  4895. > "Good. Now for the next step," Mr. Barlow said and rubbed his hands together.
  4896. > Yes, it was the next question on this strange examination.
  4897. > Floor looked the electronic boards over and immediately noticed that the fans on one weren't spinning.
  4898. > She traced the cable with her eyes - it lead to the monitor.
  4899. > The other, flat cable lead to the motherboard.
  4900. > Normally, GPUs fitted right into the board, didn't they? The cable Mr. Barlow used could be defective, or maybe it just wasn't plugged in all the way.
  4901. > This was a piece of cake, if it was really that easy.
  4902. > Floor deftly flipped the switch on the power supply, waited for the computer to die completely, then checked the connections.
  4903. > She almost smirked when she felt that the one at the GPU was loose. It was a work of moments with her hooves and her natural earth pony precision to fit it properly.
  4904. > Then she flipped the power switch, picked up the screwdriver and touched the contacts again.
  4905. > The computer beeped - just one short beep, very muck like the one she had at home. The monitor flickered to life.
  4906. > 'No operating system'. That made sense, but before she tried installing anything, Floor looked at her interviewer.
  4907. "Um... w-what next?
  4908. > The human was smiling. "Impressive. Good eye for detail, critical thinking *and* it looks like you know something about computers after all."
  4909. > Floor forgot to breathe again as her ears crept up in incredulous hope.
  4910. "Does t-that m-m-mean..."
  4911. > "Yeah, I think we'll have you, Floor Bored!" Mr. Barlow said and extended his hand again.
  4912. > As if in a dream, Floor put her hoof in it.
  4913. > "I'll have HR send you the contract. Check it over and let me know if the pay is good for you. Then, I guess, we'll see you next month."
  4914. > The mare was smiling. However hard she tried to focus, she barely heard the human over the pounding of her heart.
  4915. > There was a silence and the pony forced herself back to the present.
  4916. "Thank you! Thank you *so much*, s-sir! I won't l-let you down, I p-promise!"
  4917. > She slid from the chair and just stood there, still trembling a little and almost unable to believe it had really happened.
  4918. > "Just Glen, okay? We aren't a big firm, so we can keep things informal."
  4919. > Floor wasn't quite ready for that step, yet.
  4920. "Thank you!"
  4921. > The interview was over, so the pony inclined her head in a bow and retreated to the door, walking backwards.
  4922. > She had to turn around to reach for the handle, but just as she was opening the door, Mr. Barlow called after her.
  4923. > "Oh, and Floor?"
  4924. > She stopped and looked back with apprehension.
  4925. > This better not have been a joke! She wouldn't be able to take it, not now. Her ears went completely flat in an instant.
  4926. > "You've never seen this sort of computer, but you fixed it in about thirty seconds flat. That's talent if ever I saw one. I'll be very curious to see how you do after a few months with us."
  4927. > He was back at his desk and sat down. "Have a good day!" he called, before apparently diving back into work.
  4928. > His keyboard clattered as he started to type.
  4929. > Floor let herself out and quietly shut the door in stunned silence.
  4930. > Nopony had ever complimented her *like that*. Certainly not about anything computer related.
  4931. > Even Anon never mentioned her skill, other than congratulating on some tricky victories in online games.
  4932. > The floor felt like she was walking on clouds. The large windows in the reception were solid light. The blue of the carpet was vivid and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, which the receptionist had on her desk.
  4933. > Floor Bored felt as if the world had been reborn, fresh and clean and full of potential. She felt like a new mare. Was this what elation felt like?
  4934. > The mare looked for Anon. Their eyes met.
  4935. > She took one step closer.
  4936. > There was a flash of light.
  4937. > The receptionist gasped.
  4938. > Almost not daring to do so, Floor turned her head to look.
  4939. > And there it was.
  4940. > On her flank.
  4941. > A stylized computer chip.
  4942. > A dam burst somewhere inside her and her eyes quickly overflowed. She was barely aware of Anon putting his arms around her.
  4943. > All she could do was stare at her beautiful, new cutie mark.
  4945. > ~~~~
  4947. > Floor Bored half-sat, half-lay on the couch with her back and head against Anon's belly. It was possibly the most comfortable she'd ever been.
  4948. > It wasn't even about the movie, not anymore. It was just a nice, relaxing Saturday evening together.
  4949. > What was left of pizza lay on the coffee table, along with a bottle of wine and some sparkling water.
  4950. > She wasn't really drunk, but a glass had helped her relax even more.
  4951. "Mmm, don't stop," she murmured.
  4952. > Anon's hand, which had been growing disappointingly lazy over the past few minutes took hold of her ear and began scratching with renewed vigor.
  4953. > "Sorry."
  4954. > She could hear the chuckle in his word, even if the human hadn't really laughed.
  4955. > For some reason, Anon found some of her requests incredibly funny.
  4956. > Suddenly Floor wanted to get to the bottom of it.
  4957. "Anon?"
  4958. > He moved his other hand from the couch and laid it carefully on her barrel, twiddling the chestfluff there. "Yes?"
  4959. "Why do you always laugh?"
  4960. > "Huh?"
  4961. "I mean... in b-bed..."
  4962. > Good thing he couldn't see her blush from back there. Pink cheeks were one of the things he usually chuckled at.
  4963. > She could practically hear him smirk!
  4964. "I *mean*, when I pull the covers over my head and put my muzzle against your belly. Yeesh!"
  4965. > To his credit, the human gave it serious consideration. "You mean when you curl up like a kitty because you're cold?"
  4966. "Yeah!" Floor said, ears lifting up in expectation.
  4967. > "And then you panic in the middle of the day and fight the blanket, and then you gasp for breath as if you're suffocating?"
  4968. "W-What?!" Floor barked out.
  4969. > She had never done that!
  4970. > He completely ignored her incredulous outrage and she felt him shrug. "It's cute. I guess I just like seeing you happy."
  4971. > Well, that took some of the sting away.
  4972. "Aww."
  4973. > The mare froze and turned her head up so she was staring Anon in the face, even if it was upside down.
  4974. "When do I gasp for breath?!"
  4975. > Now it was his turn to be incredulous. "You mean you don't remember it?!"
  4976. "No!"
  4977. > Again that little shrug. "Well, I guess you sleep through it then. It's still cute. The snuggling up part, I mean, not the flailing around part. One of these days you'll give me a black eye and then I'll have to explain to my boss that my girlfriend beat me up."
  4978. > Floor was okay with 'cute', but the rest of it brought her blush back on.
  4979. "Like you'd dare!"
  4980. > "Or what, you'll beat me up some more?"
  4981. > He was full-on laughing now and Floor nearly stuck a hoof in her mouth. She growled in exasperation, unable to even form words.
  4982. > She tried the worst threat she could think of.
  4983. "I'll go sleep in my room from now on!"
  4984. > It would have worked, if Anon didn't know she was bluffing. He chuckled some more at her pout. "Yeah, pull the other one. I'm thinking of getting a crowbar so I can get you off me when I'm trying to get up for work!"
  4985. > Floor opened her mouth to deny it, but the words brought back some faint memories of struggle. Her ears dropped and she averted her gaze.
  4986. "Ijustlikethewarmthokay?" she mumbled.
  4987. > Anon ruffled her mane as he laughed some more. Rather than going back to scratching her ear and belly, both hands landed on her muzzle where the fingers started to massage her cheeks.
  4988. > It made Floor groan with delight. She closed her eyes and let her mind dissolve a little. It also helped her forget the humiliation.
  4989. > "Oh, you like this, don't you?" Anon whispered, but at this point the mare couldn't even nod. The best she could do was moan in a different pitch.
  4990. > Then the human, still gently massaging, bless his heart, leaned down and put a light kiss on the tip of her nose.
  4991. > "I wish I could zone out like that," Anon said, a little wistfully.
  4992. > Floor made herself surface long enough to answer.
  4993. "M-Maybe it's a pony thing..."
  4994. > There was silence for a while, and then the human stopped his ministrations. Floor just barely kept herself from groaning in despair.
  4995. > "Pony thing. Cute."
  4996. > His fingers slid back down to grip around her waist while Floor wrestled her eyes open again. She turned her head as far up as it would go, until she saw her human's face. It was smiling.
  4997. > "Speaking of bed, it's also cute how," Anon said, but in a very quiet voice, "you keep making those little squeaks when we- you know!"
  4998. > There came the blush again. She tried to get him to shut up by means of a hind hoof applied to his shin, but Anon just gripped her tighter around the waist and twirled the fur there in little circles.
  4999. > "You're getting really good, by the way. Shows what practice does for you."
  5000. > However hard Floor folded her ears, she couldn't stop herself from hearing. It was one thing to have sex with Anon whenever possible, but quite another to discuss it so blatantly!
  5001. > Luckily, she remembered the thing she'd wanted to say for a while. Curse the monkey and his memory-erasing paws and his embarrassment-inducing words!
  5002. "Oh! Mr. Barlow says I'm doing well."
  5003. > "Oh?" Anon asked, falling for her bait and dropping the discussion of what Floor may or may not do in bed.
  5004. "Yeah! Says I'm learning very quickly. It's just... easy. All that tech stuff, it makes sense to me, you know? More than it did before!"
  5005. > He was curious, Floor could tell by the way his fingers stopped moving again as the human thought about his response.
  5006. > "I never really understood how it works," he admitted at last. "Do you just suddenly know all sorts of stuff about computers without having learned it or what?"
  5007. > Floor shook her head.
  5008. "No, silly. It's not like that!"
  5009. > The idea made *her* laugh a little, in turn.
  5010. "It's just- um-" she began, but paused as she sought an example.
  5011. > It really was harder to explain than she'd hoped. The pony turned around until she was on her belly and pushed herself higher so she could lean her head on Anon's chest and press her muzzle against his chin.
  5012. "Well, you know how you can tell me the backstory of every NPC in World of Warcraft?"
  5013. > Anon held up a hand. "Only vanilla! They made it-"
  5014. "Yeah, yeah, they made it bad afterwards," she interrupted to forestall a rant.
  5015. > Then she prodded him in the side with a hoof to get the man started again.
  5016. "Well, backstories, remember? Did you study them?"
  5017. > "No-" Anon said, but then paused. "Not really... I just read a lot about it."
  5018. "Exactly. It wasn't boring memorizing all that, right?"
  5019. > The shook his head quickly. "I didn't try to memorize it, it just kinda happened. It was interesting."
  5020. > The pony smiled widely.
  5021. "It's kinda like that! The guys in the Service Center tell me stuff, I read some on the Internet and it just kinda... sticks. I only have to see it one time and I know it forever. It's just all so bucking *interesting*!"
  5022. > She waved a hoof around a little to emphasize her point while she thought up an example.
  5023. "Like the other day, Zimmerman - he's one of the server techs - said how Intel keeps changing their server sockets just about every two months, so they can rake in more cash on the chipsets."
  5024. > Floor stood up on her hooves, stepping awkwardly on Anon's hand, but hastily moving her hoof away. She brought her face closer in her excitement.
  5025. "Well, I went and checked, and they *did* put out three different variations on the same design in less than two years! All the 2011's were the same exact thing, except with different pins, so you couldn't really upgrade just the processor!"
  5026. > Her tail swished around and Floor tapped Anon on the chest with a hoof for emphasis.
  5027. > He watched her with a slight grin, then said: "You're cute when you're all hyped up like that, you know?"
  5028. > Of course he wasn't paying any attention. Floor growled a little in her throat, but then just brought her face down for a quick kiss.
  5029. "Oh, just shut up!" she ordered as she pulled back again.
  5030. > She settled back down and put her head right above Anon's heart. It was comforting to hear it going.
  5031. > "Want me to pause the movie?" the human asked.
  5032. > Floor knew exactly what he meant. She could feel him against her belly through the fabric of his sweatpants.
  5033. > She thought about it, but shook her head.
  5034. "In... a bit," she promised. "Too comfy."
  5035. > Thinking about it made the 'bit' sooner, rather than later, but Floor decided she wanted to savor the anticipation, the expectation, for as long as she could.
  5036. > The pony sought for something to distract herself a little and prolong the delicious agony.
  5037. "I might go on a server job next week," she volunteered.
  5038. > "Oh, great!" Anon said, but there wasn't quite enough enthusiasm in his voice. He caught her glare. "That is good, isn't it?"
  5039. "Yes it is!"
  5040. > Finally he picked up on the cue and hugged her a little. "Well, I'm very proud of you," he said.
  5041. > "Remember back when you first came here? All you'd do was hide in your room."
  5042. > Floor pulled in air out through her nose in an attempt at a snort. She didn't like being reminded and her ears went down to show it.
  5043. "W-Why?"
  5044. > One hand let her flank go and a finger came to rest on her nose. She licked it absentmindedly.
  5045. > "See how things've changed? I'm proud of you, sweetie."
  5046. > They *have* changed! Floor just stared at the human as she thought back through the time she'd spent at Anon's.
  5047. > A few short months ago all she could think of was games and masturbation and feeling sorry for herself. The fewer people she saw, the happier she was.
  5048. > Now...
  5049. > Just yesterday she'd had to explain to some human that it wasn't okay to just unplug your computer from the wall when you were done using it. She'd said it calmly, with quiet authority and self-assurance.
  5050. > She had hardly stuttered and could even meet the guy's gaze for some of the time.
  5051. > In the end, he thanked her for the advice and left, satisfied with the repair. He didn't even seem to mind that she was a pony!
  5052. > Back then, it would have been unthinkable to the mare that she could ever interact with somepony so... *normally*!
  5053. > Anon interrupted her thoughts. "I think the shirt really helped."
  5054. > She knew which shirt he meant. She wore it every single time she could, even to work. It made the guys in the office laugh. Buck, sometimes it even made the customers laugh!
  5055. > She loved the 'Cutie pie' hoodie, but it wasn't solely to praise for her progress.
  5056. "Itwasyou" she murmured, blushing and lowering her ears.
  5057. > "What was that?"
  5058. > She snorted again at the smug bastard pretending he hadn't heard. He got a hoof-jab just for that!
  5059. "I *said* it was you, you jackass, not the shirt!"
  5060. > The human took it in stride and shrugged a little. His fingers played with the fur on her flanks, inching down to her cutie mark.
  5061. > "I didn't think you'd make it, there in the middle. I really thought I'd have to drag you to the pony embassy and- dunno, have a professional look at you or something..."
  5062. > She was about to thank Anon that he didn't, but the idiot couldn't shut up.
  5063. > "I mean, remember the thing with the bottles?"
  5064. > Floor groaned a little and closed her eyes in shame.
  5065. > It brought her mentally back to that moment - when she thought she'd lost everything. Anon, the flat, her future.
  5066. > Because of her fixation on Anon's scent in the bathroom and - she couldn't deny it - her laziness.
  5067. > The feeling of defeat rushed back.
  5068. > Hands cupped her muzzle and drew her nearer. Lips brushed her nose.
  5069. > "Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."
  5070. > Floor opened her tear-filled eyes.
  5071. > She was doing better, yes, but she wasn't out of the woods yet. Crowds still gave her pause. Talking with anypony about anything other than computers made her stutter and hang her head.
  5072. > She still needed the hoodie and Anon's scent in it.
  5073. "Y-Yeah, you shouldn't..."
  5074. > The human was extremely contrite. He encircled the shivering pony in his arms and cooed gently to her: "Please don't be mad, Floor. I'm really sorry. Please?"
  5075. > The mare tried to get a grip on herself. She made herself keep looking at the human and slowly let her breath out.
  5076. "Bring that up again and I'll kick you in the balls!" she growled.
  5077. > The human smiled in relief. "If I do, I'll *let* you."
  5078. > She looked over at the TV. She wasn't interested in the movie, not in the slightest. No distraction there. She needed one.
  5079. > More than that, she needed to prove to herself that she was a different mare. A *better* mare.
  5080. > Something old Floor would never do.
  5081. "I wanna go out!"
  5082. > "What?"
  5083. > Floor nodded, more to herself than to Anon.
  5084. "Yeah! Ice cream, let's go out for ice cream! Right now!"
  5085. > The human grinned, if a little hesitantly. "Sure thing! I'll get my jacket! Oh, and you're paying!"
  5086. > Floor jumped from the couch and stretched her legs a little.
  5087. "I'll get my hoodie! Fetch my wallet, will you?"
  5088. > Good thing her paycheck had arrived the previous day. Mr. Barlow had been most generous.
  5089. > It was also a good thing Anon had given her a wallet as a gift for landing the job, even if it was awkward for her to carry around. Maybe if she put it on a string around her neck.
  5090. > For now, the human could make himself useful and hold it for her.
  5091. > Floor Bored went to the front door and waited impatiently for Anon. She briefly considered lifting the hoodie over her head for that tiny extra bit of privacy outside.
  5092. > She shook her head and decided against it.
  5093. > Nah, this time she wanted to see a bit of the world, even if it meant the world also seeing a bit of her.
  5094. > After all, her shirt did say 'Cutie pie'.
  5095. > Maybe she was starting to believe it.
  5097. > ~~~~ END

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf