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Sequel to something (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:15:07
Expiry: Never

  1. > She stood still and tried not to think. It was getting easier and easier behind that horrible house in that awful place. Her rusty, metal collar was leashed to a decrepit old doghouse.
  2. > It weighed around her neck and threatened to drag her down, both physically and mentally. Or maybe the latter didn't matter anymore.
  3. > They had taken her glasses, so the entire world was a blur to her. Even the face of her tormentor was a nondescript smudge. She knew him more by his smell of booze and cigarettes and piss, than by how he looked.
  4. > Silver Spoon. Yes, that had once been her, but that innocent, little filly was long gone. She wasn't sure what remained of her.
  5. > The mare couldn't even cry about her lost home anymore. It was all fading into the distant past. All she knew of life right now was those few square yards of garden, the doghouse with its filthy pile of straw, the rope and the collar.
  6. > Spoon felt an uncomfortable pressure and she flicked her tail aside before simply releasing her bladder. It didn't matter.
  7. > At first she had tried to do her business behind the doghouse, as far as the rope would allow her. She even dug little holes to keep her living place from stinking too badly.
  8. > Now, she was used to the smell. She was utterly filthy and didn't even mind anymore. Her hooves were encrusted with gunk and her mane - once silvery white - was more brown than anything else.
  9. > None of those things mattered now. These days the most important concern was about her meals. The human came and tossed a bale of hay at her every now and then, but it was never enough. She was getting thinner and was keenly aware that she could not continue like that indefinitely.
  10. > Spoon hoped her Master would notice and feed her more. He didn't want her to starve to death, did he?!
  11. > Her ears perked up when she heard the sound of the car. She pictured a shaking, beaten up red truck in her mind, driving toward the house.
  12. > Master was coming home!
  13. > She had learned not to yell out or beg, but the pony still almost smiled. Maybe he would be in a good mood and bring her the hay! Maybe he would even come out and talk with her for a while.
  14. > Perhaps - her mouth watered at the thought - he would have an apple, or a carrot, or even an onion for her!
  15. > The car became louder as it came around the bend in the road and came to its rattling, groaning stop, out of her sight in front of the house. The mare listened carefully as the engine died and began to cool with little metal plinks.
  16. > She heard boots hitting the gravel, then the door slamming shut. And - yes! - there it was! A grunt as the human lifted up something big from the back.
  17. > He only ever brought one thing heavy enough to make him grumble like that. The pony began to drool in anticipation.
  18. > This time, she promised herself, she wouldn't eat it all at once, but rather spread it out over a day or two. It would make it easier to wait for the next one.
  19. > The block of dried grass smacked down on the veranda and the Master went inside.
  20. > She kept her ears focused on the house and listened intently as the human stomped about. Soon, she told herself to quell her impatience.
  21. > The Master had the same routine most days. He turned on his TV and opened a can of beer. He drank it quickly and fetched another mere minutes later.
  22. > The second one lasted about half an hour. Then he would see to his pony.
  23. > Her days were boring, with absolutely nothing happening except when the man came out of the house and walked resolutely toward her. Lately, the mare didn't even try to hide anymore.
  24. > His contact was becoming more and more welcome. Whatever else he did, his presence meant companionship for a while, something she both loathed and urgently desired.
  25. > She only knew him as 'Master'.
  26. > Some days he simply talked and drank strong liquor from a clear, glass bottle. Other times he had a cigarette in his hand and sucked on it as if he was drowning and that was his only source of air.
  27. > Rarely, he had an apple or a banana. Those times were the best because the pony often got a piece.
  28. > She had learned to be grateful to these small pleasures. Silver Spoon found what little happiness she could wherever it might come from.
  29. > Perhaps she would soon forget how to think at all. It would be easier then. She already lived like an animal, so nothing much would really change.
  30. > The front door opened and Spoon moved her head to follow the sound. There was another grunt as Master picked up her bale again.
  31. > In seconds she saw him as a blurry smudge, which came around the side of the house with that precious, delicious, golden blob on his shoulder.
  32. > She shuffled from one hoof to the other and licked her lips in giddy anticipation, never taking her eyes off it as if she was afraid it might vanish.
  33. > The human stopped just within the reach of her rope and heaved. The hay landed beside her and Spoon had her muzzle in it almost before it hit the ground.
  34. > She didn't thank him, but Master didn't mind that. He just watched her eat for a while.
  35. > Spoon paused for a moment to flash him a nervous smile, but then the smell and her grumbling stomach lured her head back down.
  36. > She heard the clink of metal as he fiddled with his pants. Her ears lowered in apprehension.
  37. > Yeah, some days she had to pay for her meal right away. She didn't stop eating, just widened her stance and flicked her tail out of the way.
  38. > The human knew what to do and she didn't have to help him. In fact, focusing exclusively on the food helped keep her mind off what was happening.
  39. > Neither of them had spoken yet, but the pony didn't mind that. What could she have said up to this point?
  40. > Besides, Master became more talkative after he finished. He was often in a good mood after his release! Maybe she could carefully ask for a treat!
  41. > He might come back later to use her again, but it would be worth it for an apple or an orange.
  42. > His hands came down on her back and Spoon instinctively stiffened her hind legs to take the weight. Her ears flicked back, but she just closed her eyes to try and dam up the tears.
  43. > She wondered how long until the humiliation of it stopped hurting. It was the last discomfort of her situation.
  44. > If she could get the human to feed her more often and get rid of that leftover pride, her life might become downright tolerable.
  45. >...
  46. > At least it didn't take long. She was still eating when the man wiped his hands on her fur and went to fetch his lawn chair. He collapsed into it, reached in his pocket for cigarettes and lit one.
  47. > Spoon snorted at the smell, but didn't complain.
  48. > "Another round of layoffs this week," the Master said.
  49. > She didn't look up, but she focused her ears on him. She didn't want the human to accuse her of ignoring him and belt her again.
  50. > "Probably gonna get another pay cut," he went on, then sighed. "Fucking owners."
  51. "I'm sorry."
  52. > It was her go-to response and seemed to work most of the time. Master didn't seem to hear as he pulled on his cigarette again.
  53. > He was in the process of tapping it against the chair to shake off the ash when the mare heard a new sound. An unusual one of tired rolling over gravel, but without an engine.
  54. > There was only one road and it lead to Master's house. Whatever was coming, it was headed for them.
  55. > The thought made Silver Spoon deeply uneasy.
  56. "Car, coming!"
  57. > While the Master stood up and walked a few steps to see around the house, Spoon gazed on the mud beneath her feet without really seeing it and focused her hearing. It wasn't a vehicle she was familiar with. It didn't rattle or groan or roar, but it was definitely a vehicle.
  58. > There was a quiet, high-pitched hum and the crunching of gravel. Spoon felt her heart beating faster and took an involuntary step backward. She was afraid of things she didn't understand.
  59. > The Master saw it before she could spot anything from her vantage point. "The hell?" he asked.
  60. > "Hold on. I'll go see what it is," he said.
  61. > Whatever it was, the thing came to a stop in the front yard. Her suspicion that it was a car of some sort was confirmed - Spoon could hear a door open and then slam shut.
  62. > Her eyes widened as she recognized clop of hooves on the dried mud. At least one pony! She frowned a little because she couldn't hear any human footsteps. And there had just been the one door.
  63. > Her owner glanced at her, then walked forward to meet whoever it was.
  64. > A pony! Spoon shuffled back uncertainly. She wasn't at all sure she wanted a pony to meet her like this!
  65. > She was finally coming to accept her lot in life, damn it! If the other pony had it better - and the mere fact that they were travelling around with their human made it obvious they had - Spoon would just get depressed again.
  66. > Already hating whoever it was, the mare turned, preparing to go hide in the doghouse. She wouldn't meet anyone if she could help it!
  67. > "Oh! Hi! Sorry to bother you unannounced, but I'd like to meet your pony!"
  68. > Spoon recognized the voice and her blood ran cold. Of all the mares she had never expected to see on Earth, this one was right at the bottom of the list.
  69. > Twilight Sparkle. She sounded *cheerful*!
  70. > What was the Princess doing here?! She said she came to see the pony - her! How had she known where to go?
  71. > Spoon wasn't ready to meet her. The mare slipped into the shoddy little doghouse and hid as best she could in the gloom against the far wall.
  72. > "Whaddya want?" the Master demanded. "Who are you? Since when are ponies allowed to walk around alone?!"
  73. > "Oh, sorry," the alicorn answered, still sounding chipper and happy. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I came here to see your pony."
  74. > "Who?"
  75. > This gave the Princess pause. "Twilight Sparkle? You know? The peace talks and all that? You must have heard-"
  76. > The mare was interrupted when Master spoke up, completely disinterested in her story. "We don't want any. Now just you get back in that fancy, electric car of yours and get the fuck off my property."
  77. > When Twilight answered, her tone reminded Silver Spoon strongly of her condescending little smile. "I'm sorry, sir, but that's not possible. You see, I'm here on official business and I *have* to see your pony."
  78. > Official business? As far as Silver Spoon knew, ponies were just slaves. Not even that, just livestock. But it would make sense that Twilight would find some sort of posting on the human world. She had always loved bureaucracy.
  79. > Her owner shared her scepticism. "Oh yeah? Well if anyone wants to do any official business at my house, they better send a human. With a warrant!"
  80. > He began to stomp off, but Twilight caught up in a flurry of hoofsteps. Silver Spoon couldn't see, but her owner stopped, so the alicorn must have blocked his path.
  81. > "I'm sure you wouldn't want that, Mr. Poulton. Look, I'm trying to be reasonable here. I just want to see the pony and make sure they are well, and then I'll be on my way," the mare said and her voice had iron undertones.
  82. > "Or maybe," Twilight went on with low menace in her voice which Spoon had never heard before, "you'd rather I call the sheriff and ask him to bring a warrant. I can do it, you know? But then I'm going to go and look into your finances. Yeah, I can do that too. I'm sure I'll find *something* the IRS would be very interested in!"
  83. > Spoon didn't understand what the threat was, exactly, but it seemed to work on the human. After a moment of silence, he relented. "Fine, damn it! This way."
  84. > No no no no! Spoon pressed herself against the wood. They were coming toward her! Any minute they would...
  85. > "Horse, get your ass out here!" the human commanded.
  86. > Her breath came in short, nervous pants, but Spoon obeyed. She peeked out through the opening, then hesitantly put a hoof outside.
  87. > Her eyes met Twilight's and Silver Spoon gasped. The Princess no longer had wings!
  88. > She snapped her gaze to the ground and froze, heart hammering and adrenaline making her tremble.
  89. > "OUT!" Master repeated, more loudly.
  90. > "Sir, there's no need-" the Princess of Friendship began, but the human's glare silenced her.
  91. > Spoon walked out of her hut on unsteady legs and stopped well before the two. She kept her eyes on the muddy ground, but she *felt* the Princess look her over.
  92. > "Sweet Celestia," Twilight whispered to herself so quietly that Master probably didn't hear, but Spoon did, just barely.
  93. > The alicorn addressed her next complaint to the human more loudly. "You're keeping her out here?! She's starving to death, not to mention the mess! Just look at her!"
  94. > Spoon cringed and folded her ears down. A quick glance showed her that Master's fists were bunching up. He was going to hit the Princess!
  95. > "Who are you to tell me how to keep my pony?!" he demanded angrily, but the purple mare was already ignoring him. She came over to Spoon, who was trying desperately not to cry.
  96. > The air was filled with tension and she didn't want any of it. All she had wanted out of today was a bit of company while Master drank and maybe a carrot...
  97. > "Here, let me look at you, poor thing. Silver Spoon, right? You were friends with the Crusaders."
  98. > Most of all, Silver Spoon *didn't* want to dredge up memories of those happier times.
  99. "N-N-No, pl-please..."
  100. > Twilight didn't seem to be listening. She nuzzled her and whispered right in her ear: "It's going to be alright. I'm going to take you away from here."
  101. > Unfortunately, the Master didn't like being ignored. He yelled: "HEY! Get away from my pony! You saw her, now leave!"
  102. > The anger behind the words made Spoon duck away and run to her doghouse to hide. It was useless to try and evade Master when he was angry, but she couldn't control the terror which moved her legs almost without her conscious control.
  103. > She heard Twilight Sparkle turn around and raise her voice, too: "Stop! You're scaring her!"
  104. > Spoon wasn't sure what would happen next, but whatever it was, it would probably turn out bad for her.
  105. > Even if Twilight managed to keep the human at bay, he would undoubtedly take his anger out on poor Silver Spoon once they were alone again.
  106. > She just wished this nosy and troublesome alicorn hadn't come! She was better off alone!
  107. > "I said leave, before I fetch my gun," the Master was shouting.
  108. > Twilight simply ignored him and came to the doghouse.
  109. > Spoon drew further in, against the far wall. She lay down on her belly and covered her head with her forelegs.
  110. "Please g-go away! I'm f-fine!"
  111. > But the alicorn wouldn't listen to her either. She just squeezed in, even when there wasn't enough room. Her muzzle scrunched up in disgust at the smell, but then she froze and sniffed again.
  112. > "Oh dear, did he just-" Twilight began and put a gentle hoof on Silver Spoon's withers. "You can tell me. I'll protect you from him. Does he... 'use' you?"
  113. > Refusing to answer, Spoon just shook her head, and tried to stop herself from crying. There was a sizzle and the dark inside of the doghouse was suddenly filled with yellow light.
  114. > It made Spoon flinch. She hadn't seen magic done in a long time. She closed her eyes, but they flew open when Twilight felt around her rump.
  115. > She wanted to bolt, but the alicorn was blocking the exit with her body. Her hoof came away wet from Spoon's privates and Twilight sniffed it.
  116. > "Oh no," she whispered to herself. "I'm so sorry."
  117. > It was all too much. Silver Spoon burst into tears. She hadn't wept openly in so long that she was almost surprised she still could.
  118. > But her wail turned into a scream when Twilight nearly flew backward out of the house with a yelp. A glimpse through the opening showed Spoon that Master had simply yanked the Princess out by her tail.
  119. > "GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!" he bellowed.
  120. > There was a sizzling flash of magic, followed by a pained yell. Spoon didn't see what happened, but she heard Twilight drop heavily on the ground and, moments later, Master smack painfully against the house.
  121. > It took the Princess a second to take a breath, but then she shouted right back at the human: "YOU DO NOT TOUCH ME! MONSTER!"
  122. > Twilight grunted, there was another swish of magic and a slap. The human cried out in pain again.
  123. > "Bastard! Piece of trash!" the alicorn spat at him. Another burst and another dull thud.
  124. > She would kill him! Spoon reacted before thinking. She ran out of the hut just in time to see the Master hanging upside down with purple magic around his leg. There were sparks coming from Twilight's horn and she looked furious.
  125. "Don't!"
  126. > The shout surprised the alicorn enough to drop the human. He landed on his side, leaning against the house. She couldn't see details, but there was definitely blood on his face!
  127. > Maybe he was dead! That fact scared her more than anything before! Other humans would come and blame her! They would beat her mercilessly and then probably just kill her outright.
  128. > No one wanted to buy a dangerous pony. Spoon began trembling and sat on the mud, her legs no longer able to support her.
  129. "Please, Celestia, n-no! You killed him! NO!"
  130. > "Hush," said Twilight and placed herself firmly between the terrified mare and the human. She wrapped her hooves around the distraught pony. "Sshhh, he's alive. I'm... sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
  131. > Spoon's breath came in brief, irregular bursts. She couldn't even imagine what Master would do to her when he woke up. He would probably kill her!
  132. > "Hey, look at me," Twilight said and Silver Spoon focused her wild eyes on the Princess. "There, you know who I am, right?"
  133. "P-Princess, Tw-Twilight!"
  134. > "Good, good. Relax. I'm sorry you had to see this. He is a bad human and he won't hurt you any more, okay? I'm taking you away. I'll keep you safe, do you understand?"
  135. > The world seemed to shrink until it was just the two of them in a bubble barely large enough for them both. The shaking was really noticeable now and Spoon struggled to control it.
  136. > "Silver Spoon, please look at me. I'm here to help. We'll be alright, I promise."
  137. > She was on the verge of panic, so Twilight took Spoon's hoof between both of hers and went on: "Can you focus on your breathing for me, please? Come on, deep breaths, through your nose. It'll help you feel better."
  138. > The mare did as commanded and clamped her muzzle shut to stop herself panting. After a moment, she let the air out and gulped down a fresh lungful.
  139. > "Good. You're safe now," Twilight said and smiled. "You trust me, right?"
  140. > Before answering, Silver Spoon looked again at her owner and their little bubble of peace burst. The fear rose up again, but the alicorn grabbed her head and forced the terrified mare to look away.
  141. > "He'll be fine," the Princess assured her.
  142. > Spoon focused on her breathing again. Twilight sounded so confident, so sure of herself.
  143. > She spoke with such authority. For a moment, Spoon felt again like the little filly caught sneaking into the Tree Library to gawk at the newest alicorn.
  144. > "It'll be fine," the Princess repeated and this time Spoon believed it. Twilight hugged her and the two nuzzled for a moment.
  145. > It had been so long since she felt a touch like this and Silver Spoon sighed into the alicorn's fragrant, soft mane.
  146. > There was no real choice. Her life with Master was over one way or another. The future with the Princess was uncertain, but the human would surely kill her out of anger when he came around.
  147. > And if he really was dead, the others would take her. No one wanted a pony who killed humans and they certainly wouldn't believe her story!
  148. > Another sizzle of magic made her metal collar burst apart and fall to the ground. Spoon watched it incredulously, then looked back up at the Princess.
  149. > Her horn was shorter than she remembered and... blunt?
  150. > What had happened to her? Spoon didn't ask, because the alicorn was already pulling her away.
  151. > Spoon followed, but froze at the edge where the rope would usually stop her.
  152. > Twilight nuzzled her and said: "You're free now. Will you come with me?"
  153. > Spoon took a hesitant step forward. She looked around at the backyard where she'd spent the past several years of her life. At the unmoving bulk of the human who had forced himself on her almost daily.
  154. > She made a decision and nodded.
  155. "Y-Yes."
  156. > Twilight led her away, walking slowly enough so that Silver Spoon could keep touching her at all times, as if she was afraid the alicorn might vanish into thin air.
  157. > They came to the front yard and the mare peered at the surroundings curiously. She hadn't seen it more than a couple of times, but that was no great loss. Even blurry as she saw things, the house was obviously beaten up and old. The paint was peeling and the windows were dirty.
  158. > She saw a sleek, silvery thing next to Master's red truck. It looked beautiful compared to the beaten up, rusty monstrosity.
  159. > Only then did Silver Spoon realize: Twilight Sparkle didn't have a human with her. She had driven the car alone. Was it hers? How was it possible?
  160. > It was too strange, so Spoon stopped thinking about it for now. She lowered her eyes to the ground and followed the purple mare to the strange car. A bit of magic pulled open the back door and she was nudged up.
  161. > She climbed reluctantly and froze when her hoof touched the seat. It was the softest thing she had ever felt and fresh tears welled up from her eyes.
  162. > "Come on," Twilight repeated again. "Up you go. I'll be right here with you, there's nothing to be afraid of."
  163. > Spoon obeyed and ended up standing uncertainly on the seat. Even in her blurry vision, she saw she was tracking mud - and other, more unsavory substances - right into the cushion.
  164. > "You can lie down, don't worry," Twilight said gently, seeing her reluctance. But she had to push on Spoon's rump to get her to at least sit.
  165. > The door slammed shut, almost making the mare stand up again, but Twilight climbed into the driver's seat before her and reached a hoof back to stroke her mane.
  166. > "We're good," she said with a small smile. "I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner, but you're safe now."
  167. > Her horn lit up, brighter than before and began to sizzle. Sparks flew off it again and it looked like it was causing Twilight some discomfort.
  168. > Spoon still didn't know what had happened to the Princess' horn, or her wings for that matter, but it looked like she could still use magic.
  169. > Something in the front beeped a few times, then Spoon heard that same electrical whir from before. The car began to move almost silently, with only the sound of gravel crunching under the tires.
  170. > She was surrounded by strangeness. Everything had happened so quickly. In less than fifteen minutes her life went from dull, unthinking routine to this unknown thing.
  171. > The pony turned her head to watch the house recede in the back. No, she decided, she wouldn't miss it. As afraid as she was of change, Silver Spoon decided to trust her one time friend and Princess.
  172. > "You can lie down and rest a little. We have a long drive and we'll have to stop somewhere so I can nap," Twilight sparkle said, focusing on the road ahead. "Keeping this up tends to give me a headache after a while.
  173. "Why are- who-"
  174. > Spoon swallowed and tried again:
  175. "How did you find me?"
  176. > The purple mare glanced back and flashed her a smile. "Later, okay? I have to concentrate on this. My horn still hasn't grown back fully and the magic is a little unpredictable. I'll tell you everything when we stop. Just rest."
  177. > No further answer seemed to be forthcoming. Spoon lay down and sighed. Then she remembered.
  178. "I d-didn't get to finish my bale..."
  180. > ~~~~
  182. > Silver Spoon watched the landscape slide past the window. She didn't know much about cars, but it looked complicated. Every now and then she sneaked a glance at Twilight Sparkle, who was operating the machine.
  183. > Her horn glowed continuously, sputtering and spitting out sparks every now and then.
  184. > The aura of her spells surrounded the black wheel in front of the alicorn. It winked on and off around various levers and buttons, but Spoon couldn't quite guess at their function.
  185. > She was trying to see how it worked, though. It occupied her mind and helped her not think about what had happened. Most importantly, it kept her from worrying about what the future might bring and what could happen to her.
  186. > Yes, she trusted the Princess of Friendship, but she also couldn't rid her mind of that image...
  187. > Even blurry as her vision was, Spoon had seen a hard edge in the purple mare. She would have killed the Master if Silver Spoon hadn't stopped her.
  188. > She was a little afraid of this strange, new Twilight Sparkle and kept a wary eye on her.
  189. > Eventually they came to a great, wide road with many other cars and the alicorn sighed and her magic winked out.
  190. > "There, Autopilot does most of the work now," Twilight explained. "I just have to keep an eye on it."
  191. > Spoon didn't understand, so she just nodded silently while the other mare rubbed her head with a hoof and groaned. She clearly wasn't feeling well.
  192. > They were moving a lot faster now, with the various metal poles and signs around the road whizzing past. On the other side of a low concrete barrier a multitude of cars sped in the other direction with frightening speed.
  193. > If the Princess wasn't fully in control, or - Celestia forbid - she fainted, it wouldn't end well for them.
  194. > Spoon tried to put it out of her mind and looked into the distance to try and calm her mind but then froze, staring. Even the mountains were noticeably inching past her window! She didn't need her glasses to see that!
  195. > She swallowed a lump and squinted, trying to make out Twilight's expression. She didn't want the alicorn to kill them both!
  196. "Are y-you okay?"
  197. > "Yeah, fine," Twilight assured her, "just starting to get a headache. I've been driving too long today, but I didn't want to leave you there any longer."
  198. > Spoon still wished the nosy alicorn hadn't come at all. She would be finishing the last of her hay and finding a soft spot of grass to lay in the sun. She wold be warm and comfortable, with her belly nice and full.
  199. > The Master had already used her, so she would probably be safe for the day.
  200. > Instead, she was hurtling along in this human contraption, possibly to her death, with a strange alicorn who apparently thought she knew what was best for everypony!
  201. > That, together with the fear and uncertainty she still felt about the future, made Silver Spoon grimace with distaste. She buried her muzzle in the soft seat and refused to engage with Twilight anymore.
  202. > The other mare had said she was fine. What did Spoon care if the stupid alicorn killed them both? At least her pain would stop. She tried very hard to believe it.
  203. > After a minute of silence, Twilight ventured, slowly and cautiously: "I'm really sorry we didn't find you sooner, Silver Spoon."
  204. > All the earth pony did was grunt noncommittally. She didn't even look up.
  205. > "It's just that the algorithm had a problem with your color and combined with the mud... I guess it identified you as a bag of cement or something, or a wheelbarrow. But don't worry, I fixed it so we shouldn't have that problem anymore in the future."
  206. > The alicorn sounded proud of whatever achievement she had just trotted out before Spoon.
  207. "Fine."
  208. > She didn't have anything else to say. Spoon knew that berating the Princess for 'saving' her would accomplish nothing. She'd just have to endure until she could figure out what this new life expected of her.
  209. > That raised an important question. Spoon asked it despite her annoyance.
  210. "Where are y-you taking m-me?"
  211. > "Oh," Twilight said with a dismissive wave of her hoof, "Don't worry. I'll drop you off at the Pony Society so the doctors can check you out. Once they confirm you're fine, I'll arrange with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to open a portal and get you home."
  212. > The purple mare made it sound so easy, so casual! The sudden flare of anger made Silver Spoon completely ignore the 'home' part.
  213. "I'm *not* f-fine!"
  214. > Spoon fought to keep her tears in check, but the way Twilight dismissed all her suffering was infuriating! A doctor check-up, as if that was all it took!
  215. > He - probably some bastard human, too - would take a look at her and give her a pill or a potion for her troubles, then pat her on the rump and declare her 'fine'.
  216. > Twilight turned her head to look back with a concerned little frown. Spoon met her stare this time. "I'm sorry, Silver Spoon. I misspoke. Of course it's not that easy to move past something like that..."
  217. > Spoon grunted again and averted her face.
  218. "What the fuck do you know about it?!"
  219. > She immediately regretted saying it, but it was out in the open now. Twilight gasped sharply and the earth mare was expecting a scathing reply.
  220. > Instead, when Twilight replied, her voice was quiet and sad.
  221. > "I know what it's like!" the alicorn said. "They did it to me, too. I came with my friends to start peace talks, but they just grabbed us."
  222. > Silver Spoon really didn't want to listen to Twilight Sparkle's story about her one night in prison before she valiantly wrested back all the diplomatic honors due herself and her friends.
  223. > Probably with a fancy speech, nothing more! The earth pony put her muzzle back down between her forelegs, hoping the alicorn would take a hint and shut up.
  224. > "Me and Rarity - they were afraid of our magic, so they... cut off our horns," Twilight admitted in a sombre voice. "I'm only now getting it back, but it's still weak and it hurts whenever I use it. That's why all the sparks."
  225. > Spoon gasped in unwelcome surprise and looked up. So *that* was what had happened to her horn! She was suddenly ashamed of her earlier thoughts.
  226. "I'm s-sorry."
  227. > The alicorn didn't seem to hear her. She sighed and went on: "The first human who bought me... Well, he liked the 'season one' me," she explained and then groaned. "It's a long story. Anyway he just chopped off my wings."
  228. > A little whimper escaped Spoon's lips at that. It was beyond horrifying! She couldn't even reply. What did you even say in a situation like this?
  229. > Silver Spoon didn't dare meet the Princess' gaze out of fear what she might see there. She tried to apologize, but all she could get out was another low whimper.
  230. > That was absolutely the worst thing she had ever heard and Spoon's throat constricted with grief. She could no longer contain the tears. It was too much, too soon. She couldn't hear any more.
  231. > She tried to choke out a plea.
  232. "No... please..."
  233. > Twilight didn't seem to hear. "Then they shoved us - all of us - in a brothel. We had ten, sometimes twenty men each, every day."
  234. "STOP! P-PLEASE!"
  235. > It ended up a shout, but Silver Spoon couldn't take it anymore. Her own fate had been bad enough, but what Twilight was saying just... hurt her inside. She didn't want to know any of it.
  236. > "Sorry. Anyway, it was bad. But there's hope now. Anonymous..." Twilight said, then sighed and fell silent. She seemed lost in thought. The mare smiled a little, but then it faded.
  237. > The alicorn was a better mare than her, if she could still think about hope after all that. Spoon sniffled and focused on her breathing.
  238. > She wished Twilight hadn't said anything. Spoon's fear of the future was even worse now that she heard the monstrosities humans were capable of. What if they were caught again and ended up with people like *that*?
  239. > At least Master had never really hurt her! A belting as punishment seemed like nothing, now!
  240. > Silver Spoon put her hooves over her head to try and shut out the bad thoughts, but her imagination kept going wild.
  241. > She wished Twilight had never told her any of it. She wished the alicorn had never come to save her!
  242. > They rode in the car in silence for a while, save for an occasional choked whimper from Spoon as she flipped between feeling sorry for the Princess and hating her for bringing all this fear and uncertainty in her life.
  243. > "I can't keep driving much longer," Twilight said at last. "My head is killing me. I'll find a place to stop for the night."
  244. >...
  245. > "This way, through here. Don't worry, there's no one around," Twilight whispered as she led Silver Spoon to their hotel room. Except that she'd called it a 'motel'.
  246. > From what the earth pony understood, it was a place to stay if you were travelling a longer distance with a car.
  247. > How the alicorn was so familiar and comfortable in the human world, Spoon didn't know, but she had little choice other than to trust the mare in this.
  248. > For that matter, Spoon didn't understand why the humans were letting Twilight get away with it! Or did she simply threaten everyone with her magic?
  249. > She ended up standing in the middle of a nice, tidy room with a two separate beds. She tried to keep her breathing under control.
  250. > Spoon couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a bed and had almost forgotten what it felt like. She wanted to touch it, but a single glance at her dirty hooves and mud-splattered coat made her stay put.
  251. > She had probably already tracked grime into the carpet under her hooves. The mare examined it carefully, but all her eyes saw was a red-brown blur and she couldn't make out any hoofprints. Of course, that didn't mean there weren't any, it was just her bad sight.
  252. > If she tried it, she would undoubtedly dirty the bed and then the humans would come and yell at them - maybe even punish them.
  253. > She didn't want to make Twilight Sparkle beat up anyone else.
  254. > "Come on, let's get you in the shower," the purple mare said firmly and nudged Spoon with her flank.
  255. > It made her take a sideways step, but then the she stopped. Uncertainty and fear filled her mind. She hadn't had a shower since... her first owner. The one who at least treated her like a person, even if he did buy her.
  256. "Sh-Shower?"
  257. > Spoon was already hating the idea. First a shower, then a soft bed, both would be enough to remind her of better times - when she had lived like a pony, not an animal. She didn't want a reminder, not if she would end up someplace like the doghouse again, or worse!
  258. > But Twilight was relentless. "Yeah, come on. Maybe I should have stopped sooner, but I wanted to put as many miles between us and that Poulton guy," Twilight explained. Then, seeing Spoon's blank stare, added: "Your 'master'? I lied to him about the warrant and the IRS."
  259. > Silver hadn't known his name, but she wondered if he was still alive, despite Twilight's words. She didn't want him *dead*. He hadn't been entirely unkind to her.
  260. > While she was thinking about him, Twilight nudged her all the way into the nice, clean, white bathroom. Already her hooves were leaving dirty smudges and Spoon would have drawn back, if the other mare wasn't blocking the door.
  261. > "Get you clean," the alicorn muttered, mainly to herself, "then bed. We have about ten more hours on the road tomorrow. OH!"
  262. > She gave a little gasp and looked around. "Food!" Twilight said and smiled. "Sorry, completely forgot. I'll order us something..."
  263. > Then she was gone, leaving Spoon to stare at the shapes around her. Everything was too tall for her, but she thought she recognized a sink and a toilet. The big cubicle against the far wall, with glass panes, was undoubtedly the shower, she thought.
  264. > It made her feel like a person again. Spoon squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to think about going back to the mud.
  265. > She didn't want to remember! She didn't want her life to change! Did she?
  266. > The pony had been used to her quiet, solitary existene, but now Twilight was talking to her and taking her to hotels, like she was someone! Like Silver Spoon mattered!
  267. > "There!" the alicorn said happily when she came back in the bathroom. She briefly hugged her friend and gave her a nuzzle.
  268. > She misread Spoon's dark glare. "Come on, inside you go! You'll feel better for a shower, you'll see!"
  269. > Spoon let herself be led into the glass box. The water started, but Twilight was holding the shower head in her magic and faced it away from them, so she could test the temperature with her leg.
  270. > It was soon warm enough and she aimed it at Silver Spoon.
  271. > She had felt rain sometimes, although the mare had usually hidden from it in her doghouse, but this was *warm* water. The sensation was so strange and at the same time so familiar that she couldn't stand it.
  272. > The pony focused on one of the few things she knew for certain.
  273. "I don't-"
  274. > She choked back a sob and tried again:
  275. "Don't want all t-this! Please, I just wanted my hay and m-maybe an apple!"
  276. > Gentle but firm hooves angled her head up. "There, there," Twilight murmured. "Close your eyes."
  277. > She hadn't needed to say, because Spoon was already squeezing them shut, hoping everything would go back to normal - that it was all just a really vivid dream.
  278. > Water splashed against her muzzle and ran down her mane. She instinctively shook her head to dislodge it from her ears.
  279. > The stream didn't stop, but it moved down her neck to wet the rest of her. Spoon tensed up as her back was soaked, but she opened her eyes to look.
  280. > Twilight was concentrating on the shower head, her horn glowing faintly and sparking every now and then.
  281. > "Hoof," the alicorn commanded and simply lifted Spoon's leg up before the earty pony could obey. She directed the shower at it, then looked around for a tool to clean it with.
  282. > "Hold on, I have a towel in my bags, it's extra if we mess up the motel ones," she muttered and the glass door slid open. Spoon hadn't even noticed it close earlier.
  283. > A white rectangle of cloth flew from the other room and the earth pony tried to wriggle free. Her escape was blocked by the shower door closing again.
  284. "N-n-no! No, it'll get d-dirty!"
  285. > "Hush, that doesn't matter," Twilight replied and simply bunched up the fabric and gently swiped it against the filth.
  286. > A solid piece of grime came loose and fell in the muddy stream of water with a small splash. Silver Spoon watched it dispassionately, as if it had nothing to do with her, until the feeling of water against the oversensitive frog made her gasp. It tickled in a way she hadn't felt in a long time!
  287. > It reminded her of running through dew-laden grass, and of that one time she got into a wrestling match with her pegasus classmate and he had tickled her there with a feather.
  288. > The sensation was threatening to overwhelm her, so Spoon focused on trying to remember his name.
  289. > 'Rumble'! It flooded back and the mare sniffed at the happy memory of better times.
  290. > She hoped he was safe.
  291. > "Other hoof now," Twilight commanded and Spoon obeyed mutely. The tickle of water nearly caught her off guard again.
  292. > Another splash and her leg was released. She put both forehooves down gingerly and tested her weight on them.
  293. > Standing felt strange, but the mare didn't have time to examine it, because the alicorn was already at her hind legs. By this time, Spoon knew what was expected of her and lifted one before she was told.
  294. > It was a relief, she decided at last. The dirt had been pressing uncomfortably against her frogs for a long time. She had kept clearing it out for a while at the start, but one day simply hadn't bothered anymore.
  295. > Now they were free and Spoon felt a lot more comfortable. It would just take some getting used to.
  296. > The hot water jet returned across her back to splash against her mane again.
  297. > At the same time, a small piece of black plastic floated up from a tray above them and Twilight examined it. This close, Spoon could see it was a tiny bottle.
  298. > "Oh, no no no, this won't do. Hold on, I have proper shampoo in my pack."
  299. > Again the glass slid open to admit a white and purple shape which the alicorn opened with a pop and turned around.
  300. > At the exact moment as the water stopped something chilly and gooey landed in her mane and Spoon twitched in fright.
  301. > "It's just shampoo, relax," Twilight assured her, but it didn't work.
  302. > The earth pony stood so still that her muscles were trembling with effort, as the other mare rubbed the stuff into the hair. There was too much touching! She didn't want all this contact!
  303. > The air began to smell of flowers - roses, Silver Spoon guessed - and the goop made a lot of foam. A glob of it dropped down and she saw it was mud-brown.
  304. > Maybe her mane would never be clean, which meant the pony wouldn't be allowed in the nice, white bed. That would probably be for the best.
  305. "Y-You don't h-have to, I'll just s-sleep outside..."
  306. > It was not yet cold and the nights were quite bearable with her fur.
  307. > "Don't be silly," Twilight assured her. "Just needs a couple of 'rinse and repeats'!"
  308. > The water started again and the alicorn angled it to wash the grime and soap out of Spoon's mane. Using her magic meant that her hooves were free and she scrubbed as best she could.
  309. > She wasn't too gentle and Spoon stood stock still, muscles locked in place as she waited for it to be over. She kept her eyes on the floor of the shower, where small stones and bits of grime flowed to the drain and vanished.
  310. > "Okay, let's try that again," the alicorn said and flashed her a smile when Spoon glanced up.
  311. > It went on for a while, the shampoo, the rubbing, then the shower head. After a few times, the earth mare thought the water wasn't that mucky anymore. Maybe, she decided, there was hope for her mane yet.
  312. > "Okay, I guess that's half the shampoo gone. We should do your tail while we still have some left," Twilight announced and immediately squeezed some of the goop down her rump.
  313. > Spoon pressed her tail against herself as tightly as she could, but the alicorn wouldn't be deterred.
  314. > Twilight simply picked up the strands of hair and rubbed them against each other between her hooves. She worked quickly and methodically, trying not to tug too much, but not being too gentle either.
  315. > She rinsed it out and repeated, wordlessly and mechanically.
  316. > Spoon just stood and endured, until Twilight came around to look her in the face.
  317. > "Silver?" she asked in a gentle, careful voice. "Can you wash yourself... down there?"
  318. > It reminded her of what her Master had done. What he had kept doing nearly every day he had owned her.
  319. > When she first got there, Silver Spoon had tried cleaning herself afterwards, but she could only do so much with spit and hoof. Plus, she hated the taste of it.
  320. > In the end, she had simply gotten used to the smell. It wasn't that powerful after it dried and she could usually brush most of it off against the grass. Lately she hadn't even bothered with that anymore.
  321. > Now Twilight had seen it and was disgusted. Her sour expression told Spoon just what the other pony thought of her. It wasn't *her* fault she had been used!
  322. > All the shame and embarrassment and disgust she had been working so hard to ignore, came flooding back and the mare began to sob uncontrollably.
  323. > She *wanted* it off her, right now! Spoon balanced awkwardly on three legs and stuck a hoof down her belly. After a single brush, a layer of caked-in grime came off.
  324. > It was all filth! Her own and that human's! That... bastard's!
  325. > He didn't even think enough of her to let the pony get clean after he fucked her! He could at least have hosed her down every now and then!
  326. > All she had been was a toy and someone to listen to his complaints.
  327. > The mare rubbed, but there didn't seem to be an end to the grime. After the caked stuff, there was the greasy, smelly layer. She scrubbed harder, ignoring the pain.
  328. > "Easy, easy, Silver," Twilight said, alarmed and worried. She put her hooves on her withers and pressed her cheek against Spoon's. "Don't hurt yourself. Gently."
  329. > The mare wasn't listening. She had her eyes closed and was biting back her sniffles. She attacked her private parts as if she was scrubbing years and years of degrading torture off herself.
  330. > Maybe, in a way, she was. Symbolically, at least.
  331. > Suddenly her hoof was yanked away and she opened her eyes to see Twilight's horn glowing. "I think that's enough," the alicorn said, not quite meeting her eyes. "Let me lather and rinse your tail and mane once more, then we will get you to bed and wait for food."
  332. > Silver Spoon let the breath she was holding go, and nodded without saying a word. Suddenly all she wanted was for the day to end.
  333. > Doubtless, she decided, it was just a tormented dream her vanishing mind drew up in a last, desperate attempt to keep her sane. Spoon wanted to believe that so much!
  334. > She would wake up to her bale of hay and her routine. All this would fade, just like every dream. She would be safe, back in her doghouse behind Master's house.
  335. > The mare barely felt Twilight's ministrations and almost didn't notice when the water stopped and the shower head was replaced in its holder above them.
  336. > Another towel floated to them and the alicorn wrapped it around her weeping friend. At least it muffled some of her sobs.
  337. > "Come on, I think we can brush tomorrow," Twilight said quietly once Spoon was reasonably dry, and led her out of the bathroom.
  338. > Silver glanced back and saw - through her blurry vision - that the shower was a mess of brown and black. Some of it was even splattered up the glass!
  339. > She was too exhausted to care. Let them come and punish them, as long as she got some sleep first. Besides, it was all just in her imagination anyway!
  340. > Twilight led her to the bed and pushed her up. Spoon tried to resist, still afraid she would mess up the sheets, but the alicorn was relentless.
  341. > "Up! No arguments!" she commanded and Spoon meekly obeyed.
  342. > She didn't object when the Princess wrapped a fresh towel around her mane and covered her up. She also didn't try to pull away from a quick nuzzle.
  343. > "Try and rest a little. Dinner will be here in about ten minutes. I'll shower after that and try to clean up that mess in the bathroom."
  344. "S-Sorry..."
  345. > A hoof plugged her muzzle. "Hush, no need for that. Feeling better?"
  346. > Silver Spoon focused on her body. Most of all, she felt strange. The bed was far too soft and it didn't prickle her hide like her pile of hay used to. The smell of Twilight's flowery shampoo - roses, Spoon thought again, and Lavender, and some others - was overpowering.
  347. > But she didn't feel grime... down there, which was a big improvement. Her hooves were free and her frogs were too sensitive after their captivity behind plugs of mud. The fabric tickled her and Spoon shuffled her legs to try and escape it.
  348. > In the end, she nodded to the smiling alicorn and closed her eyes.
  349. > All her senses screamed from all the strangeness, but exhaustion won out and Spoon drifted away.
  351. > ~~~~
  353. > Twilight Sparkle was quite relieved when she finally came back home. Driving with a sullen, depressed Silver Spoon had been an ordeal. She understood what the mare was going through, but that didn't make it any easier.
  354. > She'd tried talking to her, she'd tried music, even tried to get Spoon to sing along. But all her friend did was stare out the window.
  355. > Twilight had ignored a number of speed limit signs to get home sooner. It was a good thing no policeman had seen her.
  356. > She couldn't help but worry for the mare she vaguely remembered as a filly in Ponyville. Somehow it felt as if Spoon was angry with her, personally, for saving her out of that backwater, redneck hellhole. It didn't make any sense!
  357. > The alicorn should have dropped the mopey mare off at the Pony Society and let an expert take a look at her, but mere mention of that made Spoon tense up alarmingly. In the end Twilight decided to keep her friend at the apartment, at least for a few days.
  358. > She wanted to be sure Silver Spoon wouldn't try and do something stupid. Every pony reacted to their experiences in a different way and this one had been caught in a hopeless, degrading situation for far longer than anypony else Twilight knew of.
  359. > Her thoughts turned to Rainbow Dash, and how she hadn't been there for the pegasus. She had nearly lost one of her closest friends. She couldn't bear to hear that something similar had happened to Spoon because she 'abandoned' her with some strange humans at the Pony Society.
  360. > Anonymous would just have to understand.
  361. >...
  362. > Leading Silver Spoon by lightly touching her flank, Twilight entered the familiar place. It was still a bit of a mess - the alicorn dearly missed Spike to help out with housework, but she couldn't ask the dragon to stay on Earth when it meant he would have to hide most of the time.
  363. > Anon just wasn't as neat, or as organized, despite her best efforts to teach him.
  364. "We're back!"
  365. > She made her voice cheerful and happy, but she was dreading seeing her human again. She *had* left rather suddenly and only told Anonymous she was taking the car in a text message when she was already on the highway.
  366. > His reply had been colder than she expected: just a 'K'. And now, Twilight thought with a heavy heart, she would have to face the music.
  367. > She pushed Spoon into the living room and hugged her to steady both their nerves.
  368. "Here, make yourself comfortable, okay? I'll just to talk with Anon real fast and then we'll think about some dinner."
  369. > The alicorn glanced at the terrace door to make sure it was closed. The memory of Rarity galloping for the fence was too fresh in her mind and she didn't want to see Silver Spoon try the same.
  370. > It took everypony differently.
  371. > As usual, her friend didn't reply, but she did look around with some interest. She probably wasn't used to the inside anymore. In fact, it looked as if the earth mare wasn't used to many of the modern amenities.
  372. > The few tidbits Twilight had gleaned from Silver Spoon were horrifying. She had been kept like a dog in the backyard. She had been beaten for nothing more than ignoring the human's complaining.
  373. > That guilt flared up again. She *should* have found her a lot sooner. If only the mare hadn't been sold to a backward part of the country where the pony rights groups rarely ventured. It was pure chance that the satellite photo got marked as 'suspicious' prompting a manual review.
  374. > It was another reason to keep to program running, no matter what Anon said about rack space.
  375. > Twilight took a deep breath and went to look for the human. If he was home, he would be in the work room. Lately, he spent more and more time there, barely coming to the bedroom to sleep.
  376. > She missed their closeness from those heady, early days. They couldn't keep their hooves - or hands - off each other then.
  377. > Sometimes the alicorn wondered what had happened.
  378. > Taking a last glance at Silver Spoon to make sure she was okay, the Princess nudged the door open.
  379. > Anonymous barely glanced from his screen. "So you're back?" he asked, his voice far too calm for her liking.
  380. "Yes, I am. Look, I'm sorry I took the car like th-"
  381. > "It's fine."
  382. > It most certainly was not! Not with that tone of voice. Twilight let her ears drop down to match the way her heart sank. She didn't like how distant Anon was becoming.
  383. > She made herself walk forward and press her cheek against his thigh.
  384. > A finger scratched behind her ear, making the pony smile a little. Maybe it wasn't all lost, not yet.
  385. > She'd have to figure something out, and soon!
  386. "Look, I know it was sudden, but I really couldn't wait. I drove almost nonstop. Please tell me you understand?"
  387. > The scratching stopped as the human resumed his typing. Twilight glanced at the screen to see what he was doing.
  388. "Wait, why are you changing that? I said I'd work it out."
  389. > The human sighed and finally looked at her. He was frowning a little, just like when he examined a strange problem he couldn't quite understand.
  390. > Twilight nearly took a step back, but made herself keep touching him.
  391. > "Yes, you did. Two weeks ago," Anonymous accused. He lifted one hand to tap at his lips.
  392. > The alicorn blushed a little at the memory.
  393. "Yeah. Sorry about that, I just-"
  394. > Again Anon interrupted and finished her sentence for her: "Got distracted by the image ID stuff. Again."
  395. > She turned her head away. Her ears wouldn't go any lower, but they tried nonetheless.
  396. "Sorry."
  397. > Anonymous heaved a sigh and turned his chair to face her. He leaned down a little, so as to be nearer her height.
  398. > "Sorry doesn't cut it anymore," he said and Twilight couldn't help noticing he didn't use an endearing nickname.
  399. > "There's deadlines, you know? We have investors to pay back and a product still not ready for the market. I can't keep waiting on that magical pony code, so I'm reworking it. It's not as tight, but at least I can get it done in time, with luck."
  400. > The mare didn't know what to answer. It wasn't the first time Anon had to cover for her lack of focus, or her preoccupation with pony matters.
  401. > Annoyance flared up. Of course pony lives came first! Once upon a time Anonymous had understood that!
  402. > With no input from her, the human simply went on in that same flat tone: "If you want this thing to succeed, I'll need you to focus on it, Twilight. I can't keep pulling all-nighters to do the work you promised you'd do."
  403. > She was still looking for those perfect words of apology which would make it alright, just like in the old times when she had gotten into a fight with her friends.
  404. > Nothing came up. She didn't like that very much and hung her head in shame.
  405. > Her tail flicked around in annoyance and Twilight sat down to cover it. She was angry, partly with Anonymous and his demands and partly with her own failing to pull her share.
  406. > "Look," Anon said and drew a deep breath through his nose. "I get it. Just - please don't promise you'll work on it, okay? Just tell me you don't wanna help anymore and I'll find some other way."
  407. "I'll help."
  408. > What irked the most was that she had made that exact same promise several times before. But the ponies *came first*!
  409. > Why wouldn't the human understand that? What did it matter if the software was a month or two late?!
  410. > A month meant the difference between life and death in some of the rescue cases!
  411. > "Yeah. I don't buy it. Sorry," Anon answered and stood up.
  412. > It'd have to wait, Twilight decided. Silver Spoon was more important at the moment. She would fix their relationship after she saw the mare home.
  413. "I'll make it up to you. I swear."
  414. > The alicorn didn't like how tiny her voice was. It only served to make her more annoyed.
  415. "I brought her with me. Just a couple of days."
  416. > "Who is it?"
  417. "Silver Spoon. She's in real bad shape, I didn't want to leave her alone at the Society."
  418. > The human just shrugged, before looking down at his computer screen. "It's getting late. Let's order something, then I have to get back to this. I just hope I can get it stable enough by tomorrow."
  419. > Twilight let her head drop down and sighed.
  420. "I'll do it. Let's have a nice dinner, make sure Spoon is okay. Then you get some sleep and I'll finish it. I can get it to work in time, I swear."
  421. > Anonymous gave it some thought. His lips pursed as he considered it. At long last, he spread his arms and let them fall.
  422. > "Fine," he said, "let's go meet this guest."
  423. > The alicorn didn't like leaving things hanging like that, but Silver Spoon came first. After that she would have that long talk with Anon, get him to see things from her point of view and then everything would be fine. Things would go back to normal.
  424. > She'd even make more of an effort to help him with the projects, the mare swore to herself, when she saw how much the human was swaying on his feet.
  425. "Okay. She's a bit nervous around men, so just keep your distance and try not to scare her, okay?"
  426. > He gave her a nod and Twilight led the way back into the living room.
  427. > Her friend was standing exactly where she had left her, but twirled around when she heard their footsteps.
  428. > Upon seeing the human, Silver Spoon froze in fear. Twilight hurried to her side.
  429. "Don't worry, sweetie, this is Anon. He's really nice, I swear. You can trust him, okay?"
  430. > The mare didn't answer, but the human gave his best, most winning smile and waved a little.
  431. > "Hello, silver Spoon," he said with as soft a voice as he could make it. "Twilight and me were just about to go sit outside and have some dinner. Would you like to join us?"
  432. > The word dinner did the trick and Spoon licked her lips with clear longing in her eyes.
  433. "Yeah, there's a nice view of the sunset from the terrace, come on!"
  434. > She put a hoof around Spoon and gently led her to the sliding door. A brief burst of her erratic magic pushed it open.
  435. > The human followed them at a distance, but Spoon still kept glancing back nervously.
  436. > She paused when her hooves hit the rough concrete tiles outside, then folded her ears back and carefully sniffed the air for danger.
  437. > It was uncanny just how much Spoon behaved like an animal. Twilight hoped she would snap out of it, now that she was sleeping in a bed and talking with people again. Keep her engaged, that was probably the trick.
  438. > She definitely shouldn't go to the Pony Society, where she would be alone most of the time.
  439. "This way, you can take my chair. There's a pool, if you'd like to take a dip. It's nice and warm, just let me know so I can bring you a towel, okay?"
  440. > Spoon didn't seem to hear it, so the alicorn simply pushed her up on the lawn chair.
  441. "Oh, that reminds me!" she said and faced Anon. "Is there any hay left in the pantry? She can't take the rich stuff yet."
  442. > Their pizza the night before had ended up in disaster. Unused to the grease and cheese as she was, Silver Spoon couldn't hold it down. It had taken Twilight ages to reassure her friend that she wouldn't be punished for throwing up on the floor.
  443. > Lacking any other ideas, she had ordered a light salad with no dressing, which Spoon had been able to keep down, if barely.
  444. > "A-An apple?" the mare prompted quietly. "P-Please? If it's n-not too much b-bother."
  445. > Twilight put her forehooves on the armrest so she could give Spoon a friendly nuzzle.
  446. "Of course not! Anything you'd like. It'll take some time for your stomach to get used to proper food again, so don't worry a single bit about being sick, okay?"
  447. > Anonymous went to fetch the requested foodstuffs. He was still a nice guy and Twilight loved him a whole lot. She felt another pang of guilt for the troubles they were having.
  448. > She sat down on the still-warm tiles, next to Spoon's chair, and kept a hoof on her friend until the human returned.
  449. > He approached slowly, holding out a nice, green apple to mollify the skittish mare.
  450. > It worked and Silver didn't try to hide. When the treat was close enough, she carefully reached out her muzzle and took it with her mouth.
  451. > The apple crunched as she simply bit it in half and began to chew. The other part fell down between her forelegs, unheeded as the mare closed her eyes in bliss.
  452. > "I'll get the hay. There's a bit left, but you'll have to order more tomorrow," Anon explained.
  453. > Twilight nodded to him, then climbed up next to Spoon, who hunched over her apple protectively. Before the alicorn could say anything, Spoon lowered her head and took the remaining piece in her mouth.
  454. > "Don't worry, it's all yours. There's more, if you'd like them, but that might not be the best idea. Baby steps, remember?"
  455. > Spoon looked at her with infinite regret, but then sighed and nodded. "Y-Yes, Twilight."
  456. > The anger was gone, at least for now, but the alicorn didn't like that it was replaced by fear and uncertainty. She nuzzled the other mare and put a leg around her barrel.
  457. "You're absolutely safe here, Silver Spoon, I swear. Anonymous is the guy who sold his company to save me and my friends. He really is the nicest human and no one else can get to us here."
  458. > She was relieved to see that her friend believed it and even gave a slight nod. It made Twilight hope that Spoon would be alright in the end.
  459. > Just a few days with herself and Anon to make sure the mare was doing better, then she would send her home to her parents.
  460. > The alicorn spotted her human standing at the terrace door with a plate in his hands. It was piled high with hay and Twilight nearly chuckled when she saw a slice of lemon on the side.
  461. > So thoughtful!
  462. "Your dinner's here. Hay for tonight, to help settle your stomach, then I'll make you a nice, light salad for breakfast tomorrow, okay? Maybe an egg or a bit of cheese. We'll take it slow."
  463. > Suddenly Spoon's eyes were brimming with tears. "C-Cheese? For m-me?" she squeaked with incredulous gratitude.
  464. > It felt nice and Twilight smiled.
  465. "Of course. And maybe a small piece of chocolate if you feel up for it later. I bet we can have you enjoying ice cream again within a week!"
  466. > The earth mare sighed in imagined culinary heaven and leaned against her savior.
  467. > Twilight nodded to Anon, who was still waiting for her signal. He approached and the alicorn smoothly grabbed the plate from his hand with her magic.
  468. > Spoon looked like she would need a couple of minutes to come to grips with her new situation, so Twilight just put the plate on the chair before the mare and leaned back to wait.
  469. > Anon took the other chair, a short distance away. His face had softened when he saw the state Silver Spoon was in, but now the frown was back.
  470. > "We'll have to talk about the car," he said with a warning in his voice.
  471. > It made her ears droop again and Twilight cringed a little. Of course there was that. She was supposed to ask his permission before taking the roadster.
  472. > She always believed it was hers to use if she needed! She hadn't really asked in *months*.
  473. > True - she only used the car to visit the Pony Society or a press conference nearby. Or when she went to the stores. Taking it halfway across America was obviously different.
  474. > Be that as it may, she still didn't like Anon's tone!
  475. "Later, okay?"
  476. > She inclined her head toward Spoon, who was now sniffing curiously at the plate.
  477. > The human lifted up his hand to show her his palm in a reconciliatory gesture. "Yeah, later," he agreed.
  478. > Maybe she was blowing it all out of proportion, but the mare couldn't stop thinking about how lonely her nights had been recently.
  479. > Even before she left to fetch Silver Spoon, Anon came to bed tired and got up early - before she had a chance to really wake up.
  480. > Thinking about it now, she *needed* him. That closeness between them, as they bathed in the afterglow and all was right in the world.
  481. > She smiled at the human and slowly winked.
  482. "Care for a drink, Sir?"
  483. > His mouth quirked up! She definitely saw it! Twilight didn't even wait for his nod before jumping down from the seat.
  484. > Spoon glanced up, but didn't seem to mind while she had her muzzle stuck in the plate.
  485. > As Twilight passed her human, she made sure to flick his leg with her tail. That *always* got him going!
  486. > She would take him to the bedroom for a quickie, then let him sleep it off as she finished his code. That would *definitely* help the tension between them.
  487. > It would be a long night, so the alicorn took a can of energy drink for herself and a bottle of beer for Anon.
  489. > ~~~~
  491. > Silver Spoon seemed to be doing a little better. With her belly full, the mare was downright biddable! A lot of it was probably exhaustion - the worst was still to come, Twilight expected.
  492. > For now, she led the poor pony to their couch while Anon went to fetch bed things.
  493. > "N-No, I'll," Spoon protested feebly, "I c-can sleep outs-side."
  494. "Don't be silly. The couch is yours. Just let me know if there's anything else you need."
  495. > Saying it out loud reminded Twilight.
  496. "OH! Toothbrush. I'm sure I have a spare!"
  497. > Spoon just stared blankly at her, as if the alicorn was crazy. It forcibly reminded Twilight that her friend hadn't had even the most basic amenities. She went to hug the bewildered pony.
  498. "Don't worry, it can wait a few more days. Just make yourself comfortable!"
  499. > Anon came from the bathroom with a sheet in his arms and Spoon smoothly sidestepped to put Twilight between herself and the human. She was wary of him and didn't let him out of her sight.
  500. > When Twilight put her leg around her friend, Silver Spoon was trembling.
  501. "Don't worry," she whispered.
  502. > If Anon heard the words, he didn't acknowledge them while he finished spreading the bed sheet.
  503. > "I'll get you a pillow," he said and left them alone.
  504. > As soon as he was out of the room, Spoon heaved a relieved sigh and noticeably relaxed.
  505. > It wasn't perfect, Twilight thought, but at least the mare wasn't throwing tantrums or actively screaming. She was actually in a better shape than her other friends when they first came into Anon's care.
  506. "Up you go."
  507. > She nudged Silver Spoon up on the couch. The mare obeyed, but then Twilight had to push on her rump to get her to lie down.
  508. "Just relax, you're perfectly safe here. The toilet is over there and you can take anything from the fridge if you're thirsty or hungry, okay?"
  509. > Again Spoon just watched her silently. Twilight decided her friend had understood.
  510. > She waited for Anon to bring a pillow and a blanket, both of which she lifted in her magic and floated over to the couch, so that that the human didn't need to approach. No sense in needlessly upsetting the pony.
  511. > Spoon was soon tucked in and Twilight gave her a nuzzle.
  512. "Good night. Just yell if you need anything, okay? I'll be in the next room."
  513. > At last there was a nod! It was an encouraging sign and the alicorn smiled. She waited a few more seconds to give Silver Spoon a chance to thank her, but the mare just closed her eyes.
  514. > Shrugging a little to herself, Twilight left her and went to finish her own evening ablutions. It gave her a few minutes to think.
  515. > The mare briefly thought about a shower, but she felt too lazy for one. A quick splash of water and the towel, then a quick brushing.
  516. > She wondered if she'd have to teach Silver Spoon how to brush again. Then the alicorn shook her head with a small grin.
  517. > Spoon was still a pony; no doubt she'd remember it all. They just needed to be patient with her.
  518. > Examining the result in the mirror, Twilight sighed and left. The mane could use more brushing, but she was going to bed anyway, so there was no point.
  519. > She turned the light off and paused as she passed the living room to look in and make sure her guest was okay.
  520. > There was no sound and it took Twilight a few moments to catch Spoon's slow, steady breathing. It was hard to tell in the gloom, but she thought she also saw a glimmer of reflected light in her eyes as the mare watched her back.
  521. "Good night!"
  522. > There was no reply, but Twilight didn't wait for one anyway. She went to the bedroom, where Anon was already sprawled in the bed.
  523. > Her hoofsteps faltered for a moment as the alicorn took it all in. The pillows...
  524. > She blinked away an unwelcome tear at the sight. Their pillows were each on their own side of the bed.
  525. > Once upon a time they had slept curled up together, or cuddling, or spooning. Lately it had felt colder, almost mechanical, and each of them just wanted to be left alone to rest as much as they could.
  526. > How come she hadn't realized it sooner?!
  527. > Well, it would change tonight!
  528. > Twilight made herself smile. The lamp on the nightstand gave just enough light for Anon to see it as the pony jumped up on the bed.
  529. > She went to nuzzle him, but a hand on her muzzle prevented her.
  530. > "Now, about the car," the human began and Twilight nearly groaned in exasperation.
  531. "Shut up."
  532. > He did so, but it wouldn't last too long. The alicorn sought for appropriate words.
  533. "Listen, I'm sorry. I swear we'll talk about it, okay? But I missed you and I wanna enjoy this moment right now. Please?"
  534. > He watched her face closely, then took his hand away. "Fine," he said, giving in to that pleading pony look.
  535. "Put it back."
  536. > "Huh?" he blinked in confusion.
  537. "Your hand. Put it back."
  538. > The human frowned a little, but he obeyed, if a little hesitantly. The fingers came to rest lightly over her muzzle again.
  539. > Twilight closed her eyes and inhaled the air through them. It was a nice blend of the comfortable room, the fabric softener she used, a mixture of both their sweat from the sheets and the scent that was just *him*.
  540. > It used to make her feel so safe. She wanted that again, so she nuzzled into the hand and filled her lungs once more.
  541. "I missed you *so* much."
  542. > She didn't have to look to see his bemused, slightly questioning look. "Twilight, you've only been gone two days."
  543. "It's not about that!"
  544. > "Then what is it a-" the human tried to ask, but she interrupted.
  545. "Hush and let me enjoy this!"
  546. > He did fall silent and the mare licked the hand on her muzzle. It drew back in surprise, but she was ready for it. Nothing else was in her way and she quickly pushed forward and reached his face.
  547. > Their lips met and she hooked her legs on his shoulders, just like she used to do.
  548. > Maybe that was all it took - a few days away to make her understand she still loved him a whole lot?
  549. > Had it done the same for him?
  550. > Twilight tensed up as she forced her way in past his lips. There was no defense against her assault.
  551. > A palm coming to rest on her withers and another on her flank filled her with welcome warmth.
  552. > It was still there, the spark! It would take some work, but they could rekindle it!
  553. > "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
  554. > The mare realized her eyes were leaking, but it was from joy. She pulled away a little and smiled.
  555. "Just happy to see you."
  556. > She pressed a hoof carefully against his chest and felt his pulse against her frog. It was nice.
  557. "Please don't stop."
  558. > The hands slid up to her cheeks and cupped her face. The human smiled a little. "My, you're affectionate today. You really did miss me!"
  559. > Was it too soon? Would it sound wrong?
  560. > Twilight went for it anyway.
  561. "I love you."
  562. > She waited with held breath until Anon returned it: "Love you too, Twiley."
  563. > That alone was enough to make her practically melt in his arms. Her hind hoof expertly snagged his pajamas and pushed them resolutely down.
  564. > The human grunted as he was freed from the restraint of the fabric.
  565. "You don't know h-how much I- *AH*!"
  566. > One hand wriggled its way between their bellies to play... down there, interrupting her sentence.
  567. "...needed this!" she finished lamely.
  568. > How she loved those fingers!
  569. > There was no more time for thought. The pony pushed her face down again to lock their lips together and shuffled her body in position on the human.
  570. > She didn't even need to warm him up, he was ready for her and she for him. She slid down and accepted him with a small gasp, which Anon echoed.
  571. > The arms came around her and held her firmly in place. They couldn't stop her shuddering as the human eased himself fully inside.
  572. "Mmm-oooh!"
  573. > She had to pull her face away to breathe for a few moments, but that just gave Twilight the perfect view of her lover's face.
  574. > His eyes were closed and there was that slight frown of concentration, as the human focused on doing the job well.
  575. > Which he was, there could be no doubt. If the way she bit her lip didn't tell him, then the wink would. It was on the border between pleasurable and painful, and made the pony shudder in delight.
  576. > Focusing a little, she lifted herself slightly, then slammed right back down. Both of them gasped at that and Twilight put her hooves around Anon's chest, as far as she could reach.
  577. > She didn't need to hold herself in place, but it was automatic, a counter point to how tightly he was holding her around the barrel.
  578. > They waited for a few seconds, each wanting the moment to stretch just a bit longer. The mare smiled a little. How synced up they were!
  579. > Just before the feeling passed, Anon continued. He withdrew, letting a dribble of her essence leak out, then thrust again with a squishy, wet slap.
  580. "AAH!"
  581. > He didn't have to ask if she was okay. Well, he couldn't anyway, as she sought his face again to renew the kiss. It was imprecise and sloppy, but oh so enthusiastic.
  582. > Anon didn't mind his entire face being slobbered, but he was focusing on his motion. The fingers dug into her sides as he held her in place and really put his everything in the rhythmic thrusting.
  583. > She loved these times she was on top, Twilight remembered. Anon wasn't the biggest, but this angle allowed him to hit some places she hadn't even known she had.
  584. > Her reply was a generous amount of fluid. Too late she imagined putting down a towel.
  585. > The idea flew from her mind as Anon's increasing speed began to bring on-
  586. "Oh- I'm- ah! I'm gonna-"
  587. > "Let it happen!" the human ordered and kissed her into silence. He also slowed down, allowing Twilight to enjoy every second of the building tension.
  588. > When it finally came, she pulled her face away.
  589. "Yes, yesyesyes!"
  590. > There was barely time to gasp down another lungful.
  591. "Iloveyou! Iloveyou! YES!"
  592. > She slammed down on Anon as hard as she could and gripped him tightly with her legs. He took the hint and put his arms around her. Everything was still, except for her insides, which felt like they were writhing and spasming in waves of unthinking pleasure.
  593. > She overflowed around his member but Twilight was beyond caring about the sheet.
  594. > How the human could stay so still as she rode out her climax was beyond the mare. It must be torture, but Anon knew how sensitive she was for a few dozen seconds after an orgasm and simply let her enjoy it without overstimulating her.
  595. > Her muscles were rigid as she spasmed, but then melted into jelly and the pony flopped down, breathing heavily.
  596. "That..."
  597. > She couldn't even say it. Anon put his lips against hers again to silence her, but Twilight pulled away before she suffocated.
  598. > "Ready?" he asked after a few more seconds.
  599. > She nodded, but then changed her mind.
  600. "Wait! I want it pony-style!"
  601. > For some reason it was his favourite and Twilight wanted to do something nice for her human. He grinned and released her.
  602. > As predicted, when he pulled out it was followed by a stream of juices.
  603. > Twilight struggled to stand up while Anon positioned himself behind her.
  604. > He gently lifted her tail out of the way, making her wink again in anticipation. Why was that particular thing so suggestive?!
  605. > Anon's manhood prodded at her entrance, then he moved his hands to her rump for support and Twilight stopped trying to analyse it.
  606. > She stood stock still, an obedient little mare for her human. He wanted to do this part himself, she knew. But she also wanted *him*.
  607. "Come on, please! Gimme! Gimme!"
  608. > She didn't need to beg for long and her plea ended in a choking gasp as the human pushed forward. Skin met fur with a soft slap.
  609. > Then he began in earnest. Twilight couldn't stay completely still and rocked back and forth to counter Anon's thrusts. Each time they met with a resounding smack, followed by a light whimper.
  610. > After a while, the mare didn't know if it was she who was squeaking, or Anon. It didn't matter.
  611. > She felt it rising up again and tried to warn the human:
  612. "Al- oh! most... Anon! Ah!"
  613. > His hands were gripping her flanks, pulling her back as the human grunted in acknowledgment.
  614. > "Me too!" he choked out and increased his pace. "Oh, Twilight!" he moaned breathlessly.
  615. > She timed it just right and they yelled out their pleasure together, just as the human pushed hard against her for the final thrust.
  616. > She felt him twitching - a nice counterpoint to her own spasming.
  617. > It wasn't her favourite way, because it took conscious effort to remain standing, but Twilight wasn't complaining. She focused instead on milking her lover as dry as she could.
  618. > After a while, Anon gingerly pulled out and patted her back. It was the signal and Twilight gratefully folded down.
  619. > The human landed beside her.
  620. > It took a while for her panting to subside, but it took Anon longer. That was a small point of pride.
  621. "You're... out of... shape."
  622. > The way she gasped the words out made the human chuckle. He gently pushed her to her side and wriggled a hand under her.
  623. > "So are you."
  624. > The pony wondered how he had managed to get his voice steadier than hers so fast, but put it out of her mind. It wasn't important.
  625. > What was important was the way he was hugging her. They were both sweaty and the sheets were wet, but Anon held her firmly against his belly with one hand, while the other played with the fluff on her chest.
  626. > His nose was pressed in her mane. Twilight didn't imagine it smelled all that nice, but the human didn't seem to mind.
  627. > He also didn't care about the mess they'd made. Her *entire* tail was sticky when she tried to flick it!
  628. "I'll change... the sheets. In a minute."
  629. > "Hush," he chided. "Five minutes, then we'll both get up. I got work to finish."
  630. > The mare shook her head. She'd made a promise and it was time to start keeping them.
  631. "I said I'll do it. Get some sleep."
  632. > She didn't quite catch what Anon murmured, but it sounded grateful. Her heart sang. This was how they would start mending their problems!
  633. > In that moment, nothing was impossible. The mere fact of what they had done - and how passionately - proved to her that there was still something there.
  634. > The pony smiled to herself. She was getting better at making Anon moan her name!
  635. > Five minutes, she thought to herself, then she would get up, bring fresh sheets for the bed, then she would go and work on that program Anon had been struggling with earlier.
  636. > The alicorn had no doubt she could have it licked in a few hours, after which she would crawl into the warm, welcoming embrace waiting for her in bed.
  637. > Then, the next day, she would take Silver Spoon to see a doctor at the Pony Society and...
  638. > She caught herself nearly dozing off! It wouldn't do!
  639. > Afterglow or not, endorphins or not, she had to keep her promise!
  640. > A small snore from behind told her that Anon had already succumbed. Luckily she'd had a Red Bull after dinner, so she was fine for a while yet.
  641. > Twilight shuffled her rump back, pressing it more firmly into Anon's lap. He shifted his grip and pulled her closer.
  642. > "Mmmm, love... ooo," the human mumbled in his dreams.
  643. > It made her smile.
  644. > Just one more minute, Twilight thought and closed her eyes.
  646. > ~~~~
  648. > The blaring of the alarm on Anon's phone woke her up. Twilight hated that thing. It woke her up from whatever nice dream she was having and made it impossible to fall back asleep.
  649. > Even if Anon left the bed, once the mare was aware that was it.
  650. > Sometimes she wished she could nap like Rainbow Dash.
  651. > Except this time it was even worse! It made Anon stir and pull his arms away from her. The warmth, which had been wrapped around her like a cocoon, was replaced by chilly sheets.
  652. "Ugh!"
  653. > She blinked her eyes open and tried to think. Did she have something important to do?
  654. > It felt like it, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it.
  655. > Meanwhile the human sat up, groaned and stretched with a small yawn. "I need a shower," he said.
  656. > That reminded the alicorn. She had to bring new sheets because of the mess they made last night. Hopefully the mattress was okay!
  657. > The thought was like a bucket of ice cubes, poured right down her back. The sheets were supposed to be changed last night!
  658. > She had fallen asleep!
  659. > Then the other thought hit. Anon's project!
  660. > Twilight couldn't stop a small whimper escaping her throat. It made the human pause and turn around to look at her.
  661. > She saw his face darken. "Don't tell me you fell asleep..."
  662. "I'm sorry! Anon, I'm so sorry!"
  663. > Twilight kicked the sheets away from herself and sprang upright.
  664. "I'll go do it right away! I can do it quick, I promise. It'll be ready before you leave!"
  665. > He just shook his head sadly and put his hand on his face. "Dammit, Twilight, you always do this. Don't bother, I'll finish it myself!"
  666. > The alicorn was on the verge of tears again. She reached out and put her hooves around Anon's waist, then buried her muzzle in his side.
  667. "I didn't mean to! I really wanted to do it, you have to believe me!"
  668. > There was no reply.
  669. "Please don't do this, Anon!"
  670. > "Do what? Cover for you? Call Peter and have him delay the launch again?"
  671. > The alicorn shook her head.
  672. "No! Don't shut me out! I'm sorry. I messed up. Don't just say it's fine and do it yourself. Yell! Hit me! Anything!"
  673. > It would be better if he showed some anger. But Anon just sucked it up and worked overtime to finish her part of the work. He never expressed his anger, just let it simmer someplace she couldn't see it.
  674. > "Go and see to your rescue," the human said, far too calmly for her liking. "I'll sort out the work. And then we'll talk about the car."
  675. > Her ears were already as low as they went, but now Twilight wished she could fold them down ever more tightly so she wouldn't have to listen to that resigned, defeated tone.
  676. > It pissed her off! If Anon would yell, at least she'd know how he felt. This way, he was just pushing her away.
  677. > Pulling his pillow over to his side of the bed. Wanted nothing more to do with her.
  678. > It was a thorn, right through her heart, and it most certainly wasn't nice!
  679. "Fuck the car!"
  680. > "Twilight, I-" Anon began, but rubbed his forehead and let his breath out through his nose. "Well, you're not allowed to drive it anymore."
  681. "Fine!"
  682. > "Fine," he said and pulled her legs away so he could stand. "I'll go and finish the work. Please don't bother me with your pony stuff today."
  683. > That quickly boiled her blood.
  684. "'Pony stuff'?!"
  685. > He didn't answer, just stomped out of the room and into his home office.
  686. > The mare sniffed and tried to stop her tears. There it was again.
  687. > Yes she bucked up, but Anon had no call to simply ignore her and do the job! It wasn't healthy for him to just keep it all to himself.
  688. > She went to follow him, but stopped in the living room. Silver Spoon was pressing herself into the far corner, watching her with wide-eyed fear.
  689. > They had been rather loud, Twilight realized. No doubt the mare was scared out of her wits.
  690. "Oh, hey... I'm sorry about the yelling. Please don't be afraid!"
  691. > At least her guest didn't run away when she approached her. But Spoon kept her eyes on Twilight without blinking.
  692. "It's okay, it's okay," Twilight lied. "Come on, let's get you some breakfast.
  693. > The alicorn looked at the work room, which was now closed, and sighed. She couldn't do both! It nearly broke her heart, but Silver Spoon needed her more.
  694. > Her and Anon's relationship had been getting steadily worse over the past months, maybe even years.
  695. > She'd just have to hope it would last another few days until she saw Spoon safely home. Then she would focus on the human.
  696. > The alicorn made herself smile. Her people had to take precedence, even Anon should understand that.
  697. "Anything special you'd like? We have lettuce and tomatoes and I think there's some carrots left. Oh, that reminds me - I have to order more hay."
  698. > Silver Spoon watched the alicorn with her eyes narrowed in a mixture of fear and suspicion, but the mention of food helped.
  699. > The mare shuffled on her hooves and licked her lips a little.
  700. > Twilight briefly nuzzled her, then nudged her forward.
  701. "Come on, you probably need to use the bathroom. It's this way."
  702. > Silver Spoon allowed herself to be led.
  703. >...
  704. > Twilight put her frustration with Anon aside so she could focus on preparing breakfast for herself and Silver Spoon. Unfortunately the salad was easy and left her with too much time to think.
  705. > Just who did the human think he was?!
  706. > She had promised him that she'd do the work, if only he could wait a couple of hours. It wasn't as if the delay meant much, they still had to do the full round of integration tests before even thinking about a release.
  707. > The alicorn didn't notice that she was slamming the knife into the cutting board with rather more force than was warranted. It was making Silver Spoon cringe away in fear.
  708. "Ugh!"
  709. > She put the blade away and took a deep breath to calm down. Then Twilight looked at the pans hanging from hooks on the wall. She had promised Spoon an egg, but maybe that would be too rich.
  710. > The salad already had lettuce, carrot and tomato. Her guest might just handle those.
  711. > Yeah, it was best to wait with cooked food. Perhaps in the evening...
  712. > But she still floated over a bottle of olive oil and carefully filled a spoon. It would enhance the flavor more subtly and make it a little easier to digest.
  713. > When it was ready, the alicorn divided it into two bowls and took them to the table. Her friend was sitting on a chair, which was an improvement, even if she didn't look too comfortable.
  714. "Here we go. I hope it's not too much. Tell me if you feel ill, okay? There's a bit of hay left."
  715. > Silver Spoon watched her fearfully, then nodded. She examined her bowl and her face lit up when she smelled what was in it.
  716. > It warmed Twilight's heart to see the mare's gratitude, and some of the morning's tension melted away. Of course she was doing a good and important thing, even Anon couldn't fail to see that in the end.
  717. > She'd apologize, they'd have make-up sex and everything would go back to normal. Twilight promised herself she would work extra hard on Anon's projects to win back his trust.
  718. > The Princess used a fork, but Spoon just dunked her muzzle in the bowl and munched. It was a minor point and Twilight decided to wait with table etiquette until her friend had more meat on her bones.
  719. > The earth mare was finished in what seemed like seconds, then she sat back, fidgeting and looking around. Twilight hadn't even taken three forkfuls.
  720. > She still hadn't said very much about her time with that Poulton guy, or what had happened to her before. In fact, Spoon seemed fine today, if a little quiet and aloof.
  721. > The silence was starting to worry Twilight, but she didn't want to rush anything.
  722. > She had expected more anguish. Tears were healthy after an ordeal like that.
  723. > Maybe Doctor Bailey, back at the Society would know what to do next.
  724. > That reminded her. Twilight looked down at her own, full bowl. Then she studied Spoon's face.
  725. "Feeling okay?"
  726. > Her ears lowered in apprehension, but Silver Spoon answered anyway: "Yes, Twilight."
  727. "Here, you can finish mine, if you feel up to it. I need to talk with Anonymous, I'll be right back."
  728. > She pushed the bowl over to the earth mare, who stuck her face in it with a delighted little gasp.
  729. > Twilight left her to it and went to Anon's work room. It was closed, but she just gripped the door handle in her magic and pushed it open.
  730. > She slipped inside, but then stopped as she saw the human busily typing. He was smashing the keys angrily with that annoyed frown on his face he had whenever the code wouldn't do what he wanted.
  731. > Twilight remembered that she had told him not to worry about it. That she would do it. Her ears folded down in shame.
  732. > Okay, maybe Anon had a right to be annoyed with her, but he certainly could have phrased it better!
  733. > She cleared her throat.
  734. "I'm sorry."
  735. > He stopped typing and glanced at her. What scared Twilight the most was that she couldn't quite read his expression.
  736. "I... have to take Silver Spoon to see the doctor."
  737. > "Fine," Anon said curtly, "go."
  738. > The alicorn nearly groaned, but she stopped herself in time.
  739. "Can- uh, may I take the car, please?"
  740. > "No," he said and went back to his computer. Twilight waited in case there was more, but Anon gave the impression that he had said all he needed to say.
  741. "Just... no? Come on, I can't take Spoon on the subway in her state! Please, I'll finish the work. I'll make it up to you, I promise!"
  742. > This time he didn't even glance over. "Oh, just like you promised the last ten times?" he asked, still with that calm, fed-up voice that Twilight hated so much.
  743. > She honestly would have preferred him yelling at her at that point!
  744. > The human suddenly stopped typing and spun around on his chair to face her. The mare nearly took a step back. She quickly changed her mind. Maybe she really didn't want to see Anon truly angry.
  745. > "Look, I don't care about the work, Twilight!" Anon said and put his face in his hands. "What I hate is you constantly promising stuff then not doing it. If you don't wanna help with the company, that's fine! I got programmers, they can handle it! Just don't promise it, okay?"
  746. > The pony was grimacing, because Anon was telling the truth and it rankled. She *had* casually told him that she'd do this or that before, then forgotten about it when an emergency came up at the Pony Society.
  747. > Twilight hadn't realized Anon was keeping count.
  748. > She made herself take a step forward. Then another. She didn't stop until she was right before the human, where she sat on her haunches.
  749. "I know, I know, I'm sorry, okay! Why didn't you just remind me?!"
  750. > The human looked up in disbelief. "Remind you?!" he asked, shocked.
  751. "Yes! Tell me I promised to do this or that and I'll do it, okay?"
  752. > He watched her for a few incredibly long seconds. "Twilight, I'm not your boss," Anon said finally. "You don't work *for* me, you're supposed to work *with* me. You own half the company, remember?!"
  753. > The human sighed, then continued: "You don't have to work. You're still making money just sitting there doing nothing!"
  754. "Nothing?! You think I do nothing?!"
  755. > Now she had had enough. Had Anon forgotten what it was all about?! Didn't he remember sacrificing everything to save her and her friends?
  756. "I put in ten hours most days at the Pony Society, Anon! Is that nothing? *And* I do the groceries and laundry around here, or is that also nothing?"
  757. > He was about to apologize, but Twilight was too mad to let him. She stomped a hoof.
  758. "I don't skip work because I'm *lazy*, Anon! I drove nearly four days straight to get Silver Spoon here. I fell asleep, okay? It wasn't intentional!"
  759. > She didn't add that he had been holding her so tenderly that she hadn't had the heart to wriggle out of it. That his embrace had reminded her of all the reasons she loved him.
  760. > Twilight didn't say that last part, but it brought tears to her eyes.
  761. "Please, Anon!"
  762. > She was very nearly sobbing.
  763. "I'll try harder, I swear. Of course I want to help with the company!"
  764. > The mare put a hoof on Anon's knee to make sure she had his attention.
  765. > "Well, you have a funny way of showing it."
  766. > They both knew it had been a mistake. Twilight gasped and drew back in horror.
  767. > Anon's face scrunched up in regret as soon as he realized what he had said.
  768. > "Twilight, I didn't mean-" he started, but the mare answered from the heart without the intervention of her brain.
  769. "How dare you?! HOW DARE YOU!"
  770. > She drew a shuddering breath and turned around with an angry flick of her tail.
  771. "I'm going! Have fun with your project, Anon!"
  772. > Then she stomped out.
  774. > ~~~~
  776. > Silver Spoon didn't know what all that noise had been about. She also didn't like Twilight Sparkle's expression when the alicorn came from the human's room.
  777. > She was hiding under the table and hoping the Princess wouldn't direct her anger at the poor earth mare.
  778. > Twilight didn't see her immediately. She slammed the door shut with her magic and then hung her head in sadness. It took her a few seconds to collect herself.
  779. > "Silver? Where- oh. Sorry," the alicorn said, abashed. "I didn't want you to see-"
  780. > She stopped herself and heaved a sigh instead. "Come on," she said, cheering up a little, "let's go."
  781. > Spoon swallowed and thought about staying inside. She didn't like the prospect of going out into the bustling, confusing human world again and meeting new people, or - Celestia forbid! - ponies.
  782. > But she remembered how the human had spoken to the Princess and made a decision.
  783. "O-Okay."
  784. > Her legs were trembling, but Twilight didn't seem to notice it. The alicorn was already fiddling with her phone, which began to beep with a long, low tone.
  785. > Spoon knew a bit about phones - her Master had sometimes used his while he was sitting in his lawn chair beside the pony. She didn't know how they worked, but the mare understood the basic principle.
  786. > Curiosity got the better of her and she wondered whom the Princess was calling. Almost against her will, an ear lifted up to better catch the sound.
  787. > There was a click and a crackle, then a strange woman's voice came out of the box.
  788. > "Hello?"
  789. > Twilight relaxed and even smiled a little. "Hey! Zoe! Uh, sorry to bother you, but do you think you could give me a lift to the Pony Society and back?"
  790. > "Yeah, sure. Anon out of the house or something?"
  791. > There was only the slightest hesitation before Twilight answered the question: "Y-Yeah! Business meeting. Listen, I got a rescue and I need to take her to see the doc, otherwise I wouldn't trouble you."
  792. > The woman laughed a little. "Oh, it's no trouble! Another one? You're good - I thought there weren't any more in the country. Who'd you get?"
  793. > Twilight looked up at her friend, which made Silver Spoon quickly fold her ears down. They were talking about her, which was making the mare blush. She didn't like it too much, but she also didn't like to bother the Princess when she was in this foul mood.
  794. > "Silver Spoon," Twilight said.
  795. > "Oh! Wow!" the woman exclaimed. "Yeah, I'll be right over. Five minutes!"
  796. > Twilight promised Zoe that they would wait in the garage, then the phone gave a small beep and she floated it away.
  797. > Spoon followed the object with her eyes as it dropped neatly into the alicorn's saddle bag, which then rose up into the air.
  798. > "Come on," the Princess said and deftly lowered the bags across her rump.
  799. > Spoon didn't want them to go. She was very uneasy in the new place, but at least she had spent a bit of time in the apartment and was getting used to the smell. She even began to recognize some of the furniture from the blurry background. She didn't relish the thought of going away this soon.
  800. > She also didn't want to stay alone with the angry human. She had heard what Anon had done to the alicorn the night before!
  801. > That was probably Twilight's job, Spoon decided. It made it a bit easier to deal with the Princess, knowing they were essentially in the same mess. The only difference was that Twilight wasn't chained up and could even leave the apartment.
  802. > Silver Spoon didn't want to find out if the human would expect the same from *her* if his purple mare was away, so she followed Twilight out to the elevator.
  803. > It looked like the Princess had plans for her in her busy, human-filled world.
  804. >...
  805. > "Hey there, sweetheart!" the new woman was saying, but Spoon didn't want any of it. She smelled of cigarettes and slightly old clothes. Her face was a blur, although Spoon thought there was a smile on her lips.
  806. > She tried to hide behind Twilight Sparkle, but the alicorn sidestepped smoothly.
  807. > "Don't worry, Silver. Zoe is a good friend, you can trust her."
  808. > Spoon didn't. She looked around and considered bolting for freedom. Except she knew what would happen then. Probably she'd get a worse Master again and the mare really didn't want to find out what *he* would do.
  809. > She still cringed back and thankfully the human didn't try to touch her any more.
  810. > "Skittish," Zoe commented and gave a shrug. "Well, let's get going then."
  811. > Her car was green - there wasn't much more Spoon's eyes could tell her. Twilight opened a door for them in the back and beckoned with her hoof.
  812. > "In you go!" she said.
  813. > There wasn't much choice, so Spoon climbed up and curled up on the seat. She waited for the alicorn to join her, but the door slammed shut, nearly making her panic.
  814. > She thought Twilight was giving her to this scary new human, until the alicorn jumped up to the front seat.
  815. > It was enough to remind her...
  816. > She didn't want to remember!
  817. > That beaten up, rattling truck. The human, stinking of alcohol and sweat and sour clothes, climbing up into the driver's seat.
  818. > She had a collar, which he had tied to a handle near the roof so that she wouldn't escape.
  819. > Silver Spoon didn't remember much about the drive - they had just taken her glasses and she hadn't yet learned to cope without them. Mostly she remembered the smells.
  820. > Cigarette smoke and stale beer and a hint of piss. The seat smelled of old carpet and engine oil and gasoline.
  821. > She remembered asking him a question.
  822. "W-Where are y-you taking me?"
  823. > She hurt all over from the beatings. No one liked an escapee. The human reached back with his hand and Soon tried to shuffle out of the way of the blow.
  824. > He didn't mean to strike her, but in her fear she hadn't recognized the comforting pat for what it was. She bit him.
  825. > Her blunt teeth didn't do much damage, but the human swerved the car, swore and swatted her muzzle painfully.
  826. > "Bitch! I'll teach you!" he roared. He flailed his arm around a few more times and landed another good blow on her head before the mare managed to curl up out of the way.
  827. > The man swore again. "They said you were fucking trained!"
  828. > Spoon wasn't listening anymore as she cried over the unfairness of it all.
  829. > "Silver Spoon?"
  830. > This wasn't Master's voice. Strong hooves held her down as she flailed. Silver opened her eyes, blinked a few times and tried to focus.
  831. > It was Twilight Sparkle. That was right! They were in Zoe's car and taking her... somewhere.
  832. > She still drew back from the alicorn.
  833. > "Relax, you're okay," the purple mare said, her voice filled with worry and fear. They were moving and the woman had to watch the road, but she glanced back every now and then.
  834. > "You okay back there?" Zoe asked. "Should I pull over? Need help?"
  835. > Twilight watched the distraught earth pony for a few more seconds, then answered: "We're fine. Probably a bad memory or something. I was afraid of something like this. Keep going, please."
  836. > Spoon put her hooves over her head and tried to shut out the world. She was panting and shivering. She had been so *sure* she was back with Master again.
  837. > He punished her for that bite. Oh, how had he punished her!
  838. > Maybe, she had thought sometimes, had she not bitten him, she might have been allowed to live in the house.
  839. > He'd still use her, but it would have been more comfortable. Maybe she could even get some freedoms, like Twilight had!
  840. > It wasn't fair!
  841. "J-Just a mis-misunderstanding! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear!"
  842. > She was sobbing while Twilight stood awkwardly between the seats and kept a hoof around her withers.
  843. > "It's okay, Silver!" she said urgently, "you didn't do anything wrong, don't worry. You're with friends!"
  844. > Spoon focused on the present with all her might and drew as deep a breath as she could. She held it for a moment and tried to push the memory of Master's car out of her mind.
  845. > It wasn't easy - Zoe's battered old thing sounded and smelled almost exactly like the Master's truck. But Twilight kept murmuring that she was okay and that helped.
  846. "I'm- I don't k-know..." she said and sniffed, "it w-was an accident!"
  847. > "Okay, um," Twilight began uncertainly, "no one is blaming you, Silver. Just relax, okay? Look at me."
  848. > Spoon obeyed. The purple face was close enough that she could make out details. The Princess was scared and concerned for her. She wouldn't send her to a bad place, would she?
  849. > An alicorn was always a friend, Spoon had been taught that all her life. She could always trust an alicorn!
  850. > That also helped a little. She began to calm down while Twilight climbed over and joined her on the seat.
  851. > "I'll ride here with her, Zoe. I didn't realize how bad it was," she told the human. Then she pulled Spoon a bit closer into a hug. "Here, lean against me. I got you, Silver. It's gonna be okay."
  852. > The memory receded, much to Spoon's gratitude. She didn't relish reliving that first beating. And the... thing Master did after it.
  853. > Her..
  854. > She sobbed and pressed her muzzle in the purple fur.
  855. > Her first time.
  856. > Hooves, stronger than hers, held her. Voice, clearer than hers whispered: "There, there. Cry it all out, sweetie. I'm here for you."
  857. > A presence, wiser than her, enveloped Spoon.
  858. > Maybe she could feel safe there. The alicorn really did wish her well.
  859. > The tears that flowed weren't so much loss as they were relief.
  861. >~~~~
  863. > The thing Twilight Sparkle called 'The Pony Society' was a big building. At least that was Silver Spoon's first impression.
  864. > It was in the middle of the city, as far as the mare could tell. Skyscrapers, apartment blocks and stores spread in all directions with no end in sight. It was more than a little intimidating and Spoon was happy to follow the alicorn and the human, Zoe, inside.
  865. > The reception room was mostly empty, except for a pony behind the desk. For a moment Silver Spoon could nearly believe she was back in Equestria. Everything looked so *normal*!
  866. > Then she saw the differences. The chairs were narrower than the usual pony benches and the counter was taller than it should have been. The ceiling was too high and the occasional picture on the wall was above pony eye height.
  867. > Spoon stayed back while Twilight approached the desk with the sure gait of someone very familiar with the place. Zoe smoothly fell in step with her.
  868. > "Hi, Snow," the alicorn greeted warmly, causing the mare at the desk to smile in return. "Can you call Dr. Bailey's cell and tell him we're here? I'll go to his office."
  869. > The receptionist bobbed her head up and down happily. "Of course, Twilight," she said. Then she looked at Spoon with undisguised curiosity.
  870. > The alicorn followed her gaze. When she saw that Spoon was still at the entrance, Twilight beckoned with a hoof.
  871. > "Come in," she invited. "This is White Snow. White Snow - Silver Spoon."
  872. > Meeting new ponies was a little easier than humans, but Spoon still didn't like it much. She almost felt as if this White Snow was judging her.
  873. > Her mouth pressing together into a thin line, Spoon obeyed the Princess and went forward. She didn't meet the new mare's eyes.
  874. > She wouldn't be that happy and upbeat if *she* had spent a few years chained in a backyard!
  875. > Luckily Twilight didn't notice the sour expression because she was distracted by their human driver.
  876. > "I'll go check on a few people, find me when you're ready to go back, okay?" Zoe said and reached down to pat Twilight's mane.
  877. > The alicorn didn't mind! She even leaned into the touch a little, which made Spoon forget White Snow for a moment and just stare.
  878. > "Yeah, have fun!" the Princess said and looked around for her ward. "Come on, it's this way."
  879. > Spoon glanced again at the receptionist, who was staring at them silently. The details of her face were lost in a blur, but her coat was pure white and the mane was a pleasing dark blue. The combination tickled her memory, but there was no time to reflect on it.
  880. > A door led to a hallway with green-gray paint on the walls. Spoon didn't like it much, but Twilight set off and she had to follow. It was either that or stay alone in this strange place.
  881. > Pretty soon she smelled the unmistakable smell of sanitizer and antiseptic. Her hoofsteps faltered and she began to lag behind the unicorn.
  882. > She moved in a world of blurry, blocky shapes, nearly all of them taller than she was. Even the chairs and benches seemed to loom over her.
  883. > The ceiling was lost in the mist and only the occasional light proved its existence.
  884. > Up ahead a human voice was speaking loudly, accompanied by unintelligible murmuring from a phone speaker.
  885. > Spoon didn't want to go further, but the alicorn noticed and came back to give her a quick nuzzle.
  886. > "Don't worry, that's Dr. Bailey. He's really nice," Twilight said. "Do you need a minute?"
  887. "Y-Yes."
  888. > The princess sat on her haunches beside her and Spoon followed suit. She hadn't always been this afraid of new things, but she had never really liked hospitals. She wished she could be back at Twilight's place - at least that was starting to smell familiar.
  889. > The human in the next room stopped talking and there was a creak of the chair as he leaned back. The Princess brought her muzzle closer.
  890. > "Come on, it's just a quick check-up, okay?"
  891. > Spoon drew a deep breath. She had to be brave for Twilight.
  892. "Ok-Okay."
  893. > Her legs trembled a little but held her weight as the two went to the door. It was ajar, so Twilight just pushed it open with a hoof.
  894. > "Hello, Doctor!" she said.
  895. > A wheel squeaked as the man stood up and pushed the office chair back. "Twilight! Good to see you, gal! Come on in!"
  896. > Spoon peered around the door frame and tried to make out the items in the room. There was a desk with a lamp on it, some filing cabinets and - there could be no mistaking it, even with her eyesight - an examination table.
  897. > All gleaming chrome surfaces and metal bars.
  898. > The mare gulped loudly and would have backed out if Twilight hadn't put a leg around her withers and pulled her nearer.
  899. > "This is Silver Spoon."
  900. > The human came forward, completely oblivious of Spoon's trepidation, it seemed. "Ah, the rescue!" he boomed. His voice filled the room and the mare in question flattened her ears against the sound.
  901. > The man crouched down and reached out. Spoon closed her eyes in fear, but instead of the hit she was expecting there was just the light pressure of a finger behind her ear.
  902. > "A bit skittish, aren't we?" the doctor chuckled. "Don't worry, lass, I don't bite."
  903. > He stood up and went to the table. "Please, kindly step this way, little miss."
  904. > Spoon already had her face buried in Twilight's chest fluff. She felt like that was the only safe place in the world right now.
  905. > "Trust me. He's a good guy," the alicorn whispered. "We just have to make sure you're okay."
  906. > After a moment Spoon got a grip on herself and nodded. She pulled her head back.
  907. "Yes, Twilight."
  908. > The mare looked up at the blur that was the human and tried to see his features. The hair was graying and he was smiling, he was wearing a white lab coat, but there wasn't much more that she could tell. Spoon lifted her muzzle and sniffed, instead.
  909. > Some kind of herbal soap, coffee, slightly musty clothes and human. Those were the smells she picked out under the ever-present antiseptic.
  910. > "Sorry, Dr. Bailey. She's a little afraid of humans," the princess explained, but the human just waved it away with his hand.
  911. > "Completely understandable. Take your time, little miss Spoon!"
  912. > Maybe being spoken to like she was a child helped. It reminded Silver Spoon slightly of Doctor Horse in Ponyville general. He had always been nice to her when she was still a filly.
  913. > She drew a deep breath and straightened up.
  914. "I'm r-ready."
  915. > Despite the bold proclamation, Spoon was very glad that Twilight stayed near her as they approached the dreaded metal table. She looked at the shiny surface and realized that the thing was at pony height.
  916. > The doctor was still waiting patiently. When Spoon looked at Twilight, the alicorn nodded at her in encouragement.
  917. > Spoon reared up and placed her forehooves on the cold surface. It took her a few tries to hook a hind leg on the edge, but then she easily pulled herself up.
  918. > She swallowed a lump and addressed the human:
  919. "I'm ready, doc- doctor."
  920. > He reached out again and this time the mare only flinched slightly as he laid a careful hand on her head.
  921. > "I'll rise the table up a little, that okay sweetie?" he asked her. "Not as young as I used to be. Back's just about ready to quit on me."
  922. > She nodded and the human fiddled with one corner of the cable. There was a mechanical whirring noise and the surface under her hooves lurched and began to rise.
  923. > Spoon squeaked in alarm and nearly fled, but Twilight reared up for a quick nuzzle.
  924. > Very soon she was high above the floor and quite near the human's inquisitive eyes. Her tail pressed itself between her legs even without her conscious control.
  925. > "Hmm," the doctor said, but it sounded like he was mostly talking to himself. "Earth mare, gray coat, white- no wait."
  926. > He stepped around and turned an overhead lamp to shine on the pony. "Ah, I suppose that is where you got your name, miss Silver?"
  927. > She didn't answer because the man wasn't really listening. "A bit on the light side, but nothing too bad."
  928. > He hands were back on her face, but this time he wasn't scratching her ear. The fingers pulled a little at her brow so the man could look into her eyes. Then he gently pried an ear open to examine that as well.
  929. > Now that it was happening, it wasn't so much scary as it was uncomfortable and embarrassing. Spoon felt slightly like an animal at the vet's, but she clenched her jaw shut and tried to endure.
  930. > "No mites, lice or fleas. Ears are clean. Open your mouth for me, please, and say ah!"
  931. > As soon as he released her ear, it folded back down, but Spoon did as the human commanded.
  932. "Ah."
  933. > He reached to his desk and took a brown wooden stick. "Again please, longer."
  934. "Aaaaaah!"
  935. > The bit of wood went in her mouth and pushed her tongue down. It was very much like what Doctor Horse had done, but Spoon still couldn't stop a tremble in her legs.
  936. > The stick clattered as Dr. Bailey dropped it on the side of the table. He put a finger in her mouth, completely unafraid that she might bite him, and pulled her lip away so he could look at her teeth.
  937. > "Very good," he commented and let her go.
  938. > Spoon nearly jumped down after that ordeal, but made herself stand still. The human dug out a stethoscope from a drawer and put it in his ears. "Sorry if this is a bit cold, lass" he warned her, then pressed it against her side.
  939. > The pony sidestepped away from the touch, but he just put his other hand on her barrel to keep her in place. "Good, now just breathe deeply for me, alright?"
  940. > Spoon obeyed, feeling the little disc of metal slide this way and that on her chest and even down to her belly.
  941. > "Good, good, you're doing fine, little miss," the doctor commented.
  942. > Spoon's mouth almost quirked up for a fraction of a second at the praise. For some reason, she suddenly really wanted this human to say she was being good.
  943. > "Now," the doctor began and paused to look for words. "I'd like to take a sample of your blood. Are you afraid of needles, little miss?"
  944. > She was, but Spoon swallowed and shook her head.
  945. > The human took a piece of rubber hose and tied it around her forearm. It was a bit tight, but not uncomfortable. Next he unscrewed a flask and poured a bit of alcohol on a gauze. It stung her nose and Spoon snorted to clear it out.
  946. > It was cold when it touched her skin as the human thoroughly rubbed the inside of her leg.
  947. > Then he took a needle. For once the mare was glad she couldn't see clearly. The point was too fine for her eyes and she almost managed to convince herself it wasn't really there.
  948. > "Just close your eyes, lass. I'll count to three, okay?"
  949. > She obeyed.
  950. > "One," Dr. Bailey said slowly. "Two. Three."
  951. > Spoon hardly felt the sting, but she kept her eyes closed and tried to think of something else. Anything.
  952. > Maybe Twilight would give her an apple for being a good girl! That was something to look forward to. Maybe even another salad like that morning.
  953. > "There we go, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" the human announced.
  954. "N-no, doctor."
  955. > He put the vial away and wrapped a bandage around her leg to keep the gauze in place. "Leave that for at least fifteen minutes," he instructed as he untied the rubber band.
  956. > It sounded as if they were done and Spoon breathed a sigh of relief. She was getting ready to jump from the table, even as high as it was, but the doctor laid a hand on her back.
  957. > "Just one more thing, little miss," he said softly. His voice was suddenly quiet and very different from before, but Spoon didn't immediately pick up on it.
  958. > She straightened up and resigned herself to another test. Besides, the worst was probably behind her, she guessed.
  959. > "A little help, Twilight?" the human asked and the alicorn obediently lifted up her forelegs.
  960. > To Silver Spoon's surprise, the doctor simply picked Twilight up and put her on the metal table in one smooth, practiced movement.
  961. > The Princess gave her a very uncomfortable-looking smile. "Okay, just relax. It's just a test."
  962. > As the glow sprang up around Twilight's horn Spoon's heart began to race. She tried to move away from the alicorn, but the human stopped her with a palm on her rump.
  963. "W-W-What are you d-doing?" she asked them both.
  964. > "Look at me," Twilight commanded and Silver's eyes snapped to the mare. The glow spread, making her limbs feel heavier. She found she couldn't move her legs.
  965. > "Please hurry, Doc," the alicorn implored.
  966. > Behind Spoon there was a snap of rubber gloves and she tried to look back. Twilight kept her head still.
  967. > "Relax," the Princess said, smiling, "it's just an exam. Look at me, Silver Spoon!"
  968. > She brought her face closer and nuzzled her cheek. "You trust me, right?"
  969. > Spoon swallowed a lump. She was scared out of her wits, but she did trust the alicorn. She nodded.
  970. > "Close your eyes. Don't think about it. It's a standard test, we've all had it."
  971. > A hand yanked away her tail and the mare squeaked in surprise.
  972. "No no no, don't, w-what are- no!"
  973. > The human's finger poked here and there, uncomfortable in the rubber glove. It went inside, making the mare gasp.
  974. "P-Please, n-not again! Please!"
  975. > Twilight was there and put her legs around Spoon. "You're okay, relax," the alicorn said, but Spoon just began to sob into the black and violet mane.
  976. > "Try not to think about it, Silver. It's just a medical exam," the Princess urged her.
  977. > How could she not? The human was getting really familiar with her most private parts. It didn't help that her body reacted without her control. The finger was quickly coated in juice.
  978. > She wasn't scared anymore because embarrassment masked everything else. Spoon turned her ears back so she could at least listen to what the human was doing.
  979. > "Good," he murmured. "Just a moment longer."
  980. > She felt the touch of cold metal for a second, then a prod of something soft she couldn't quite identify.
  981. > The human withdrew his offending hand and released her tail, which snapped back to its place. A moment later he began to remove his gloves.
  982. > Spoon was left bewildered and ashamed and shivering from fear. It was a good thing that Twilight was still here.
  983. > "I know what you went through and I'm really sorry, but we have to do this. I need to make sure you're okay after what that bastard did to you," the Princess explained in a quiet, contrite voice.
  984. > The magic around her faded and Spoon found she could move again. Her rump hit the metal table for the extra protection that would give it.
  985. > "I'm really sorry about this, Silver," the alicorn went on. She was still hugging her. "It's over now. We're done."
  986. > When the doctor came around to pet her, Spoon flinched away and twisted herself free from the mare holding her. She glared balefully at the human.
  987. "S-Stay away from m-me!"
  988. > "Aw, I'm sorry, lass," he said, back to his customary jovial and booming voice. "I don't think you'd have agreed to that voluntarily, not after what you've been through."
  989. > His hand went to his lab coat pocket and he brought out something in vivid red paper. He unwrapped it and held it toward her nose.
  990. > "Here, you've been a very good girl, miss Spoon," he said, as if he was making a peace offering.
  991. > She sniffed it gingerly and found mostly sugar with the aroma of strawberry. It was a lollipop.
  992. > The human kept it steady while Spoon tried to see his face. It was a blur, but she didn't think he had any more trickery in him.
  993. > She carefully took it into her mouth.
  994. > It was an explosion of flavor and the mare nearly let it drop between her lips. While she sat there, stunned, the doctor tousled her mane and chuckled.
  995. > "There's a good lass. Anyway, you're healthy, unless the blood work shows something."
  996. > Twilight was the one to remember: "Oh, Dr. Bailey! Silver used to wear glasses in Ponyville."
  997. > That gave the human some pause. "Glasses?" he repeated. He looked around, picked up a magazine from his table and held it in the air.
  998. > "Can you read the title, miss Spoon?" he asked.
  999. > Silver tried to focus on it.
  1000. "N-No," she said, sadly.
  1001. > He brought it closer, enough to distinguish a human figure on the front, but not the words.
  1002. "Still n-no, s-sorry."
  1003. > "You don't have to be sorry, lass," the human assured her and moved the colorful bit of paper closer yet. "Now?"
  1004. > Spoon squinted and tried to form words from the misshapen blobs.
  1005. "Uh, Am- er- American... Journal?"
  1006. > She leaned her head a bit closer. That helped.
  1007. "Of- of, uh... something m-medicine?"
  1008. > "Preventative medicine, yes," the human said. "My, that's not good at all."
  1009. > The pony hung her head, but Twilight nuzzled her and whispered. "Not your fault."
  1010. > As he went back to his desk to drop the magazine, Dr. Bailey rubbed his chin in thought. "Well, I'll see if I can get an optometrist in here, but I don't think there's any who specializes in ponies. We'll see what we can do."
  1011. > "Thank you, doctor," the alicorn said, then turned to Silver Spoon. "Come on, you're all done. Let's get you home."
  1012. > That was a very welcome thought. The mare was pretty shaken up by the intrusive exam and still partly in shock. The lollipop in her mouth and the impromptu eye exam had served to distract her a little.
  1013. > Knowing that it had been a proper medical procedure also helped, but Spoon still felt violated. They *could* have asked first!
  1014. > She was quite mad at Twilight Sparkle, too, but the alicorn was the only one she knew in this place, so Spoon didn't want to risk alienating her. She could wait to tell her off until they were back at Twilight's apartment.
  1015. > "Here, let me lower the table," the human offered and hit a switch somewhere on the side. The surface descended with its electrical whir.
  1016. > Spoon jumped off as soon as she felt the floor was near enough. She didn't want to be at the doctor's mercy for a minute longer than necessary, so she was only too glad to follow Twilight out of the office.
  1017. > "We'll be in touch, doctor," the alicorn said and waved a hoof. "Thanks!"
  1018. > The human sat back in his chair, making it creak alarmingly, and waved back. "Stay safe, Twilight!"
  1019. > "Okay, home. Let's go and find Zoe. What would you like for lunch?"
  1020. > Spoon thought about it. The purple nag wasn't off the hook for tricking her like that, not by a long shot! For Celestia's sake, she had held her down so the human could poke around her privates!
  1021. > But the offer of a meal went a long way. Spoon's glare softened a little.
  1022. "Uh, tomatoes? P-Please?"
  1023. > "Sure thing! I'll ask Zoe to drive by the market and pick some up for us!" Twilight said, completely oblivious of her friend's annoyance. "Come on, it's this way!"
  1024. > Silver Spoon drew a deep breath and tried to put the experience behind her. She was still in shock - it had all happened so quickly!
  1025. > She hoped she could keep it together at least until they were home.
  1026. > Twilight should have asked! Alicorn or not, she had no right to treat Silver Spoon like an animal at the vet's!
  1028. > ~~~~
  1030. > Twilight had to consciously force herself not to drag her hooves as she came back to the apartment. The truth of the matter was that she didn't have any idea where else to go.
  1031. > Stupid jerk Anon or not, that was where she lived and where she could best take care of Silver Spoon.
  1032. > There was also another matter.
  1033. "Zoe?"
  1034. > The human had kindly helped her bring up the groceries, so that Twilight could keep an eye on her other guest. She felt some resentment from Silver, but that was probably because of the unexpected and uncomfortable exam.
  1035. > The mare would get over it.
  1036. > "Hmm?" the woman asked, already in the kitchen and putting away the things.
  1037. > Twilight glanced at Anon's door. She heard his muffled music and relaxed a little. She hadn't announced Zoe's visit and she didn't want her to see that she and Anon were having difficulties.
  1038. "I hate to ask you this, but could you do me another favour?"
  1039. > The woman crouched down with a grin and patted her head. Sometimes it felt a bit intrusive, but Twilight had gotten used to it. Ponies were just naturally cute to humans. They couldn't resist touching.
  1040. > "Anything, sweetie!"
  1041. "Can you be at the portal site tonight at midnight? Rainbow Dash is coming for a visit and I don't think-"
  1042. > She caught herself just in time and smoothly corrected:
  1043. "I think Anon needs the car or something. Um, it will be in the shop! Yeah, that's it."
  1044. > If Zoe was suspicious of the correction her face didn't show it. Twilight relaxed a little and poured on some of that reliable pony charm.
  1045. "Please? I'll make it up to you!"
  1046. > Zoe patted her mane again and smiled. "Of course! I'll be happy to help. Do you want me to take... uh, Silver home?"
  1047. > It was tempting. It would get the damaged mare out of her hooves, but Twilight had made a promise to herself to make Spoon better before sending her home. She firmly shook her head.
  1048. "Not just yet. I need a few more days with her to make sure. She can go back with Dash."
  1049. > The woman stood up. "Sure thing. Anyway, I gotta run," she said and began walking. She stopped when she found the other pony hiding behind the couch and leaned down.
  1050. > "It's been nice to meet you, Silver Spoon!" she said, but when she saw how nervous the mare was, she quickly finished with a simple "Bye!" and left her alone.
  1051. > Twilight joined her friend as they watched the human go, then she sighed. She didn't like lying to her friends.
  1052. > "Why d-didn't you t-tell me?" Spoon demanded suddenly.
  1053. "What? What do you mean?"
  1054. > The mare stomped a hoof angrily. It was a bit comical because she still had the plastic stick in her mouth, even though the lollipop was long gone.
  1055. > "That... t-thing! The- the exam!"
  1056. "Oh, sorry about that," Twilight replied absentmindedly.
  1057. > She was looking at Anon's door, thinking about what to say. She needed to hold their relationship together at least until Rainbow Dash and Silver Spoon were gone.
  1058. > Then she would focus on *him* and do everything she had to do to make it alright again.
  1059. > "He s-stuck his f-fingers in..." Spoon began as her eyes brimmed with tears. "In... me," she finished quietly.
  1060. "It's a standard exam, Silver. We've all had it."
  1061. > But the mare still wasn't done. Again she stomped and even took a step closer. "It was a human! One of *them*-" she tried to say, but her throat choked up at the next word. "D-Did *that* to me. Every day!"
  1062. > At long last the message came through to the alicorn. She gasped a little as the full realization hit her.
  1063. > She was so preoccupied with Anon that it was making her hurt her friends! She had been in the same boat once upon a time.
  1064. > Would Twilight herself agree to a 'simple medical exam' after she'd come from the brothel?
  1065. > She had held Silver Spoon down!
  1066. "Oh! Sweet Celestia..."
  1067. > Her head swam and Twilight tried to find good words - any words - to make it right. She tried to hug Spoon, but didn't persist when the other mare pulled away.
  1068. "I'm *so* sorry! I didn't even think..."
  1069. > "No, you didn't!" Spoon spat.
  1070. > Her anger was fully justified. Twilight understood why her guest was resentful. Her ears lowered in contrition.
  1071. "Silver, I promise you - no, I *swear* - I'll never do anything like that again, okay? I'm sorry."
  1072. > Her friend still didn't reply. Silver's chest was heaving and she was trying to keep the tears inside. She huffed and turned away from the alicorn to go lie on the couch.
  1073. > Twilight followed her around and gave her a nuzzle, even if the mare was completely ignoring her.
  1074. "I'm sorry. I'll go make us lunch."
  1075. >...
  1076. > There was no change from Anon's room throughout the uncomfortable, silent meal.
  1077. > Twilight let her guest have her own portion of tomato salad while she thought about what to do next.
  1078. > She kept screwing up. First Anon, then Silver Spoon. Soon everypony would hate her.
  1079. > It couldn't be allowed to go on! Twilight decided to make some plans. It was her solace - the alicorn had always made plans in times of stress.
  1080. > Mostly they just served to calm her nerves, because things had a tendency to happen differently than she imagined, but planning had always been *her thing*.
  1081. > Luckily, some plans were simple.
  1082. "We'll try a bit of bread and some fried eggs tonight, okay?"
  1083. > Silver still wasn't exactly on speaking terms with her, but the meal had helped.
  1084. > "Yes," the mare said curtly, before dunking her muzzle back into the bowl.
  1085. > Twilight was happy to see she didn't inhale her food anymore, but rather took some time to chew and appreciate it. A sign of progress.
  1086. > In a way, even Silver's outburst of anger against Twilight's treatment of her in the doctor's office was progress. She was standing up for herself, starting to think about her own wishes and feelings.
  1087. > It would be encouraging if it didn't make the mare shut herself away.
  1088. > Still, Twilight wasn't too worried. Judging by her reaction to the lollipop and the tomato salad, she could be won over by treats. A good dinner and some soft talking on the terrace in starlight should bring her around again.
  1089. > Maybe if she heard about Twilight's own experiences at the hands of the humans. She should also tell her that Dr. Bailey did the same exam on all the mares associated with the Pony Society. Including Twilight Sparkle herself.
  1090. > She could even get one of her assistants at the society on the phone to confirm it. White Snow or Wingtip were happy with their position and the work the Society was doing.
  1091. > Right at that moment, however, Anon was the greater concern. Twilight had an idea and smiled at her guest.
  1092. "You'll be okay on your own for a little bit? I have to go talk with Anonymous."
  1093. > Silver Spoon gave a single nod and the alicorn slipped back into the kitchen.
  1094. > She quickly threw together a sandwich - two pieces of bread, a bit of lettuce, a slice of tomato, cheese.
  1095. > Even bacon. Twilight didn't like the ingredient, but Anon enjoyed it so she put up with the smell. She had a simple enough spell to heat it up until it was brown and crispy, just the way the human preferred it.
  1096. > It took less than a minute to prepare the whole thing, but the alicorn was quite pleased with the result.
  1097. > She took the plate in her magical grip and went to knock on Anon's door. There wasn't an answer, so she just pushed in.
  1098. > The human was slumped over the table with his face in his hands. Obviously whatever he was working on wasn't going too well.
  1099. > The mare felt a pang of guilt. She should have done that bit last night. Her way of thinking often found solutions where Anon was stumped.
  1100. "H-Hey..."
  1101. > He glanced over, then went right back to staring at the code.
  1102. > Twilight approached and slid the plate on the desk, right next to his hand.
  1103. "You should eat something."
  1104. > "Not hungry."
  1105. > Her lips pressed together and her ears lowered. Anon was in a difficult mood and she'd have to tread carefully not to piss him off even more.
  1106. > The pony made herself smile and pressed her cheek against his leg.
  1107. "Come on. Let me up, I'll take a look at it while you eat."
  1108. > She failed to add: 'just like the old times'.
  1109. > He still didn't touch the sandwich. "Don't you have a rescue to save?"
  1110. > The dismissive way he said it really stung, but Twilight swallowed her retort and kept her voice light and gentle.
  1111. "Silver can look after herself for a bit. Come on, I wanna help."
  1112. > The human drew a weary breath. "Twilight, you can't help. Not anymore. We have to ship it and I can't deliver the specs. It's too late."
  1113. "Which specs?"
  1114. > He raised his arms in exasperation. "Any of them!" he replied sharply. "It's over budget, over-CPU and over-memory! You promised me pony algorithms to take care of it all!"
  1115. > She took an involuntary step backward and swallowed. She *had* promised a lot more work than she had actually put in.
  1116. "I'm sorry."
  1117. > She was saying that a lot lately.
  1118. "But t-they needed me at the P-Pony So-"
  1119. > "The fucking Society, over and over. That's your go-to excuse!" Anon spat back. "Twilight, I promised Peter the stuff you promised me. God knows what he'll have to spin to sell this."
  1120. "We'll, we'll m-make a p-patch," she stammered.
  1121. > "Yeah, patch! Do you think the reviewers will kindly wait for that? Or maybe they'll test it again and retract their original articles?"
  1122. > Now *she* was almost in tears.
  1123. "I'm doing m-my best..."
  1124. > Anon sighed again and put his hands back on the keyboard. "Just- leave me alone so I can try and salvage this."
  1125. > The mare sniffed and brought herself closer again, so she could try and calm her human down. He was panicky about the product because he cared about the quality of their work. She could totally understand that.
  1126. > One slip-up wouldn't be the end of the world! She'd learned that. Maybe Anon could learn it, too!
  1127. "Please, Anon. At least have the sandwich and rest for a bit. I'll help, I promise!"
  1128. > He glared back with such anger that Twilight flinched.
  1129. > "Fuck the sandwich and fuck you, and fuck all your promises!"
  1130. > Her hoof flew to her mouth. The human had never spoken to her like that before!
  1131. > It went straight to her heart.
  1132. "S-Say you're sorry! Now! Say it, Anon!"
  1133. > The tears were flowing unimpeded now. He had said it in the heat of the moment. He hadn't meant it! That had to be it!
  1134. > Twilight couldn't bear Anon meaning those words!
  1135. > "Just... go away," the human muttered. He wouldn't meet her eyes.
  1136. > She tried to do her best! She'd always done her duty, both to her people and to Anonymous!
  1137. > He had to understand that she was an alicorn first and a pony second!
  1138. > The mare needed time to think. She couldn't stand to be in the apartment another minute!
  1139. > She ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. She saw Silver Spoon cringing in a corner at all the yelling, but couldn't find it in her heart to go comfort her frightened friend.
  1140. > Away. That was her only thought. Twilight ran to the lift, pressed the button with her magic, then groaned and took the stairs.
  1141. > The door slammed shut behind her as she fled.
  1143. > ~~~~
  1145. > Things went back to being quiet. After a while Silver Spoon found her legs and came back to the couch. Twilight had said she could use it, so the mare climbed up.
  1146. > Every now and then the memory of that angry, human voice made her shiver slightly. No wonder Twilight had run away!
  1147. > Spoon didn't want to be trapped in the place with that human, but maybe if she kept quiet he wouldn't notice her, at least until Twilight came back and apologized.
  1148. > She'd eaten and drank, so the pony didn't need anything else for a while. She'd had a lot of practice at waiting.
  1149. > After a few minutes, Spoon stood up to stretch her legs. She wasn't used to this much lying or sitting. She walked over to the carpet, which she could imagine felt like grass, and went to look out the terrace door.
  1150. > She'd always enjoyed watching the sky and she could see a lot of it from here. A few buildings were in the way, but Spoon just ignored those and stared blankly at the shapes in the clouds.
  1151. > It was almost... peaceful. Her fear of the human receded as her thoughts melted away.
  1152. > Her mind went blank and the mare fell back into her accustomed stupor as she waited for something to happen or for her next meal.
  1153. > She lifted her tail out of the way and relaxed. Urine splashed against the carpet, splattering her hind legs and hooves a little.
  1154. > Years of habit made the reflex fully automatic and she didn't even realize she was doing it.
  1155. > The mare waited until the last few drops slid down, then sighed and put her tail back. She barely noticed the smell. She didn't even step out of the puddle.
  1156. > A smile played across her muzzle as she imagined the tomato salad again. Twilight had sprinkled some salt over it and even added a touch of vinegar.
  1157. > It had been a welcome feast and Spoon licked her lips in memory. Then she thought about breakfast. She could almost taste the carrots.
  1158. > "What the hell?!"
  1159. > The words brought her out of her reverie and Silver whinnied in alarm. The human was standing in the door, glaring. At least she assumed he was glaring. He had sounded like it.
  1160. > He was coming for her! Twilight wasn't there and Anonymous needed another pony to yell at, or beat.
  1161. > Or rape.
  1162. > The mare backed up into the corner, slid down to her belly and tried to make herself as small as she could.
  1163. > There was no way for her to stop the whimpering.
  1164. > "No don't-" the human shouted and held out a hand. He let it drop and sighed. "You smeared it all over the wall." His voice sounded defeated and resigned.
  1165. > Spoon didn't understand what he meant because she was trying very hard to control her breathing. She looked for a way out, but Anon was standing in the only door, other than the terrace.
  1166. > Maybe she could break the glass with a hoof, but she'd looked over the metal railing the previous night and knew there was a tremendous drop. She'd never survive it.
  1167. > The man advanced and his eyes shifted to the carpet where the pony had been standing.
  1168. > Spoon followed his gaze.
  1169. > Realization hit her and she gasped in shock and terror as she understood why Anon was angry.
  1170. "No! I d-d-didn't mean- I'm s-sorry!"
  1171. > When she spoke Anon turned to look at her. He was closer and she could almost make out his features. His mouth was pressed in a thin line and Spoon drew herself further into her corner at his expression.
  1172. > "You pissed on the rug!" the human accused, pointing a finger at her.
  1173. > Spoon flinched from the digit.
  1174. > "Fuck!" he swore, "I can't believe this. Where's Twilight?"
  1175. > He looked around, then raised his voice: "Twilight! Get your purple ass in here!"
  1176. > Of course there was no reply. Spoon almost said that the alicorn had left, but fear kept her muzzle clamped shut.
  1177. > "TWILIGHT!" Anon roared and the sudden noise turned Spoon's spine to ice. She lost the last bit of control.
  1178. > In the silence after the yell they both heard the tiny trickle.
  1179. > The human whirled around. "AGAIN!?"
  1180. > Spoon buried her muzzle in her forelegs and cried. She sobbed and hiccuped and sniffed, abandoning all attempts to control her terror.
  1181. > He would beat her mercilessly. She'd ruined his nice carpet!
  1182. > The old Master had been right to keep her chained outside. She was nothing more than a filthy animal, whatever Twilight said!
  1183. > The human took a step closer and Spoon pushed back, grinding herself against the wall. She began to apologize.
  1184. "Sorry sorry I'm sorry- didn't- please no, sorry Master!"
  1185. > Her words devolved into terrified babbling.
  1186. > Spoon dared a glimpse, but quickly shut her eyes again when she saw that the human had knelt before her.
  1187. > Her skin crawled as the mare imagined those strong arms grabbing her.
  1188. > After a moment, they did!
  1189. > Spoon went limp.
  1190. > She hoped it would be at least be over quickly.
  1191. > She waited for the first punch or slap, but it didn't come.
  1192. > The hands pulled her up and laid her against the human's chest.
  1193. > The fingers stroked her mane.
  1194. > The voice spoke.
  1195. > "Hey, sweetheart. I'm sorry for yelling. It's okay. It's okay."
  1196. > It was a gentle whisper, so unlike anything Spoon had been expecting that she blinked her eyes open in surprise.
  1197. > The human was smiling at her.
  1198. > Spoon didn't understand what had changed or why, but Anon looked as if he cared about her. All the anger was gone from his voice and his face. She tried to use his sudden mood shift.
  1199. "I s-swear Master I didn't m-mean to-"
  1200. > "Don't worry, it's fine," Anon said, interrupting her with a pat on her muzzle. He was rocking her gently to and fro.
  1201. > The beating wasn't coming. It didn't quite fit into her mind. Spoon couldn't understand what the human was doing and why.
  1202. > Maybe he would punish her later, but the mare had no control over that. She wasn't being hurt at the moment and that was what mattered.
  1203. > Spoon concentrated on that fact. The relief washed away some of the fear and her muscles relaxed, making the pony almost melt into Anon's lap.
  1204. > As the tension left her body, Silver Spoon began to weep in earnest. She buried her nose in Anon's shirt to muffle her sobbing.
  1205. > "Come on, let's get you cleaned up and put a hot cocoa in you."
  1206. > She was lifted and carried, but the mare didn't much care at that point. She was exhausted from all the strangeness and fear of the last few days. She was afraid of this strange human, but she craved more of this gentle touch.
  1207. > It had lacked from her life for too long.
  1208. > She couldn't even begin to guess why the human wasn't mad at her for soiling his home, but she also didn't have any energy left to fight his grip.
  1209. > "I shouldn't have yelled," Anon said. "Forgive me?"
  1210. > Completely bewildered, Silver Spoon nodded at him, which earned her a smile.
  1211. > It was all too strange. She'd figure it out later. Right now, the human was carrying her somewhere.
  1212. > At this point, the mare wouldn't mind if he took her to his bed, as long as he was kind and gentle with her.
  1213. >...
  1214. > After he'd put Silver Spoon in the bathtub and filled it to a couple of inches, Anonymous sat on the edge and felt nostalgic.
  1215. > True, this one wasn't as bad as Twilight when he'd first brought her home, but the fact that merely yelling had caused her to pee herself proved that Silver Spoon was quite damaged.
  1216. > He was sorry about shouting and tried to make up for it.
  1217. "It's okay, nothing to be afraid of."
  1218. > The pony glanced at him, gave a half-nod and returned her gaze to her hooves.
  1219. "You can wash yourself, right?"
  1220. > Again she looked and gave that halfhearted bob of her head.
  1221. > Anonymous sighed and picked up the shower head.
  1222. "Here, I'll help with your back."
  1223. > He picked up one of Twilight's shampoos at random and showed it to the mare. She read it - he could see her eyes move. At least she wasn't catatonic.
  1224. "Blueberry, that okay?"
  1225. > She shrugged.
  1226. > There was nothing for it. Anonymous turned the water on, made sure it was nice and warm, then angled the stream over Spoon's back. He was careful not to get it on her head or in her eyes.
  1227. > Luckily, he had some experience. Twilight had needed a lot of help after her friends had gone and before she could use her magic reliably.
  1228. > He became aware he was smiling at the memory of those evenings. A lathering would turn into a massage, which would sometimes become a hoof rub. Or something else.
  1229. > Maybe it was a good thing Spoon wasn't looking, or else she'd see the blush.
  1230. > Different times. Different pony.
  1231. > And a different Twilight.
  1232. > He sighed at the memory, then wrenched his mind to the job at hand. The mare was quickly lathered up. Perhaps he used rather a lot of shampoo, but there was no such thing as too much foam.
  1233. > Silver Spoon ended up looking more like a sheep than a pony, which made him chuckle when he thought of the comparison.
  1234. > The mare turned her head sharply and looked at the human with suspicion.
  1235. > He tried to wave it off.
  1236. "Sorry. Just realized you look like a sheep."
  1237. > There was a mirror on the nearby cabinet and Anon grabbed it to show Spoon. He guessed at the angle, then moved it in a little circle so she could catch the whole picture.
  1238. > "Yeah..."
  1239. > Was there a hint of a smile on her muzzle? Even if he had imagined it, Spoon seemed to relax which was definitely encouraging.
  1240. > The moment passed and Anon turned the water back on. The foam washed off, leaving just that gray-silver coat underneath.
  1241. > Maybe it was just him, but he liked purple more.
  1242. > When she was completely soaked, Anon ran a hand down her back and over her flank to catch any leftover shampoo or lather.
  1243. "There we go. You can take it from here?"
  1244. > He wasn't about to fiddle with her bits. With Twilight and Rarity, there had been no real choice, not after the brothel. Luckily she came to her senses soon enough to help with the others.
  1245. > "Y-Yes," the mare in the tub said hesitantly.
  1246. "Do you need me here?"
  1247. > He could see she was trying to work out the right answer, which meant she didn't, really, but wasn't sure how he'd take it.
  1248. > Either way, he knew what she wanted.
  1249. "I'll go and clean up the living room. Yell if you need anything, okay?"
  1250. > She relaxed a tiny bit and gave that half-nod of hers again. At the mention of the living room, her ears folded down in fear and misery.
  1251. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble for that. Just- try not to do it again, okay? We have a toilet."
  1252. > The gentle chiding in that lecturing tone had been a good choice. Silver Spoon gave him a full nod and looked around the bathroom until she saw the toilets. A regular one, next to a Japanese-style, squatting one.
  1253. > The latter was a lot easier to use for ponies.
  1254. > Anon stood up and waited a few moments to make sure Spoon was alright. She watched him, still a little wary, but at least not panicking or cringing.
  1255. > He cautiously reached over to pat her mane before remembering.
  1256. "Oh, you'll need a towel!"
  1257. > There were several large ones stashed under the sink. Twilight preferred those, because - as she said - there was such a lot of fur and mane to dry. He picked out a pink one and laid it on the edge of the bath tub.
  1258. "There you go."
  1259. > He was going out when the pony cleared her throat. The human looked back.
  1260. > "T-Thank you, Master."
  1261. "No, not master. Just Anon is fine. You're a free pony now."
  1262. > Her face lit up at those news, even while she didn't quite believe it yet. There was a small smile on her muzzle.
  1263. > It warmed his heart and Anon remembered all the reasons why he had risked everything to save Twilight and her friends.
  1264. > Maybe he'd been too harsh on her? Of course saving lives was a lot more important than some software.
  1265. > She still failed to keep her promises, though. That mare had a bit more apologizing to do before she was in the clear.
  1266. > Realizing that Spoon was still watching him, Anon remembered himself and stepped out. He closed the door behind him, then went to the broom closet for cleaning supplies.
  1267. > There was probably some liquid or something he could pour over the rug and maybe something for the wall. If everything else failed, he'd throw the carpet out on the terrace and mop up the linoleum under it.
  1268. > Of course Twilight would hear about it. Some of the residual goodwill evaporated as the human surveyed the smelly, unpleasant job before him.
  1269. > Oh yes, that purple little miss-avoiding-responsibility would get a talking to!
  1270. > Which reminded him...
  1271. > Anon put the empty bucket down in the kitchen, left the mop and the spray bottle beside it, and went to look for his phone. He had to at least make sure Twilight was alright.
  1272. > He dialed and a heard her phone ringing nearby a moment later. It was in the saddlebag just at the front door.
  1273. > She'd left without her phone, despite countless warnings.
  1274. > The human sighed and hung up.
  1275. "Stupid..." he whispered to himself.
  1276. > Hopefully, she'd be back soon. Now that he'd spent a few minutes with Silver Spoon, Anon was almost ready to apologize. He had to do it before he was up another night working and became all cranky again.
  1277. > He watched the saddle bags for a few seconds, then stuck his phone in his pocket and went back to kitchen. There was a rug to clean, preferably before Spoon finished her bath. Anon didn't want the mare to see and be reminded of it.
  1278. > With luck, the bottle he'd found in the cleaning supplies might even mask the smell.
  1280. > ~~~~
  1282. > Silver Spoon was still in the bathroom by the time Anon had finished, so he went to check on her. He stopped at the door and politely knocked.
  1283. > The sound of knuckles on wood caused the pony to jump by the sound of sloshing water and the barely audible gasp.
  1284. "It's okay, just me. Can I come in?"
  1285. > The reply was hesitant and barely audible: "Y-Yes..."
  1286. > A few years ago it would have been unthinkable to simply walk in the bathroom with someone in it, but Twilight had slowly convinced Anon that it wasn't a big deal for ponies.
  1287. > They were naked pretty much all of the time, after all.
  1288. > Silver Spoon didn't seem in the least bit embarrassed. She was standing more or less exactly where he'd left her. Anon had to wonder if she'd even cleaned herself up.
  1289. > She must have done.
  1290. > Just in case Anon decided to at least give her a good rinse.
  1291. "Here, let me help you with the shower and then let's get you out of there."
  1292. > He sat back down on the edge of the tub and turned the water on. When the stream hit Spoon's flank, the mare let out a faint sigh. Only after she relaxed did Anon see just how tense she had been.
  1293. > Out of curiosity, he put his free hand in the water.
  1294. "Why didn't you call when the water went cold?"
  1295. > The mare just lowered her ears in lieu of an answer.
  1296. > Anon understood and let it drop. Silver Spoon wasn't about to bother the human for anything.
  1297. > He wanted to hug the frightened creature and tell her everything would be okay, but doing that could make it worse. Spoon need to get used to humans gradually.
  1298. > Instead, he turned the water a bit more to the 'warm' side and let the pony enjoy the hot shower for a while.
  1299. > The towel was ready and then he'd make her a cocoa drink. She could have that, right? Twilight had said Spoon needed some time before her stomach could handle regular food again, but a bit of milk and cocoa was probably fine.
  1300. > He finished with her tail and shut the water off. Then he pulled the plug to drain the tub. Spoon shuffled uneasily from the noise the drain made, but relaxed once she realized what it was.
  1301. > Even before all the water was gone, Anon draped the towel over the pony and began to rub. She didn't seem to mind, but neither did Spoon particularly enjoy the impromptu massage.
  1302. "Hoof."
  1303. > The mare obediently lifted a foreleg, so Anon could dry the fetlock. She gave a small gasp when he brushed the fabric against the frog.
  1304. "Sorry."
  1305. > She shook her head, as if to say she didn't mind, but said nothing.
  1306. "Other."
  1307. > Same motion, same reaction.
  1308. > Anon didn't know why, but Spoon seemed very sensitive or ticklish there. Well, even more sensitive than Twilight.
  1309. > Then again, maybe the alicorn was particularly *insensitive*. He didn't have any reference, just what he'd observed with his lover.
  1310. > He put it out of his mind and dried the rest of her. By now he was quite used to pony anatomy and could towel off a pony's rump and tail without thinking too much and making it weird.
  1311. > When he was done, the fabric was practically soaked. He dropped it on the floor and grabbed a fresh towel to wrap up the mare.
  1312. > It was getting quite chilly in the apartment and the heating hadn't been turned on yet.
  1313. "Come on, let's get you a hot drink."
  1314. > Spoon clambered out of the tub and slowly lowered herself to the tiles with faint clicks of her hooves. She made sure to keep the towel on her back and looked up at the human for his next instruction.
  1315. "This way."
  1316. > He led her to the living room, but realized that Spoon had stopped in the doorway. She was staring at the cleaning supplies he'd stashed in the corner.
  1317. > "I'm- I'm-" she stuttered, taking a small step backward, "s-s-sorry..."
  1318. > Anon made sure to smile.
  1319. "Don't worry about it. Come on, up on the couch."
  1320. > Her ears fell flat and the mare dragged herself forward. She kept glancing at the bit of the carpet before the terrace door and at the corner where she ran when Anon found her earlier.
  1321. > That was not the association Anon wanted, so he patted the couch to catch Spoon's attention. She looked at his hand, then at his face, before climbing up.
  1322. > She sat stiffly, as if waiting for something to happen.
  1323. "Wanna watch some cartoons or something?"
  1324. > The mare just sat on her haunches and stared at him blankly. She was starting to shiver a little, so Anon reached over and pulled the towel more closely around her. He saw the blanket Twilight had given her guest to sleep.
  1325. "Oh, here, let me cover you up."
  1326. > He brought the fabric over the mare and tucked it around the sitting pony.
  1327. > "B-But how a-are you..." the pony began to ask, but fell silent when he looked. Her eyes went down to her hooves and her ears lowered.
  1328. "How am I what?"
  1329. > She gulped and risked a glance, before continuing her question. "G-Going t-to use m-me...
  1330. > His mouth gaped and for a moment all Anon could do was stare. She had expected him to-
  1331. "Oh, no no, sweetie. I'm not going to- do that."
  1332. > The mare dared another glance, as if trying to read the lie in his face.
  1333. "I promise. You're safe here."
  1334. > She relaxed somewhat, but kept watching him closely.
  1335. > What Silver Spoon needed most of all, Anon decided, was something to take her mind off her last owner. He reached for the remote and found the Disney Channel. It was Twilight's favourite, so he hoped it would have a similar effect on Spoon as well.
  1336. > When the screen lit up, the pony turned to stare at it.
  1337. "Look," Anon said and put a hand on her withers, "no one is going to hurt you here. I thought I'd get you a hot cocoa and we could watch a cartoon until Twilight is back. Is that okay?"
  1338. > Silver Spoon tore her eyes away from the colorful screen to look at Anon.
  1339. > "O-Okay," she managed.
  1340. > Anon grabbed a pillow and slid it next to the pony.
  1341. "Here, lie down and relax. I'll get our drinks."
  1342. > She watched him for a while, then obediently laid her head down. He gave her mane one more pat and got up.
  1343. "I'll be right back!"
  1345. > ~~~~
  1347. > When was the last time he had sat on the couch with Twilight, sipping hot chocolate and watching a movie? Anonymous couldn't quite remember.
  1348. > They had been so busy lately - him with the opening of the new company and keeping it afloat, her with the rescue and all the politics she'd been doing.
  1349. > He watched Silver Spoon more than he watched the cartoon, as she squinted at the TV. As large as it was, she had quite some trouble seeing the details, but she enjoyed the light-hearted chatter and music.
  1350. > Once she'd gotten her hot drink, the mare finally leaned back, if only so she could grip it with her forelegs and hold it against her barrel.
  1351. > Anon sat near her and made sure she was bundled up in both towel and blanket.
  1352. "Is it too sweet for you? You'll tell me if you feel ill, right?"
  1353. > Despite how adorable the pony looked, he couldn't help but remember Twilight's caution that Spoon had to get used to rich food slowly.
  1354. > He hadn't found any cocoa, so he used chocolate powder and milk.
  1355. > On the other hand, the cleaning supplies were still in the room, if Spoon couldn't keep the sugar down. It would have been worth it, just to see that delighted smile as she stuck her muzzle in the mug and smelled what was in it.
  1356. > She even licked his hand in gratitude!
  1357. > He should be getting back to work, but Silver Spoon was starting to lean against him and even through two layers of cloth she was nice and warm. She looked too comfortable to disturb.
  1358. > The mug was empty, so Anon took it from her lap and put it on the coffee table. She gave a sad little sigh when it was gone, but he sternly resisted the urge to fetch her another.
  1359. > That much sugar would *definitely* make her ill.
  1360. > Instead, he wedged a pillow against the armrest and leaned back. The longer he spent with the mare, even just sitting in silence, the more she seemed to relax.
  1361. > Maybe it was time for Silver Spoon to see that most humans weren't horrible. That probably did a lot more good than fixing the code.
  1362. > It was already late, it could wait a bit more. Meanwhile, a rest might help him get new ideas.
  1363. > Twilight still wasn't home, which was a little worrying. He considered calling the Pony Society and asking about her - or maybe Zoe would know something - but Anon decided against it.
  1364. > She was an alicorn and had her magic back. There wasn't a lot that could happen to her now.
  1365. > Something else Twilight had told him tickled his memory, but he couldn't recall. No doubt he'd remember in time.
  1366. > Meanwhile, Silver Spoon seemed to be getting tired. She was still sitting on her haunches, but the way her head swayed showed she was just about to fall asleep.
  1367. "Hey, you can lie down. I'll turn it off and leave you alone if you wanna sleep."
  1368. > She shook her head and stubbornly kept her eyes on the screen. It was understandable, really. The current movie wasn't even half over and despite her eyesight, Silver was easily able to keep up with the plot just by listening to the speech and peering at the blurry shapes.
  1369. "Then lie down, at least, before you fall off the couch."
  1370. > She obeyed and stretched out right across him. Maybe she was too sleepy to notice, or he was making some incredible progress, but it was a heartwarming show of trust.
  1371. > Anon put his hand on her mane and the pony drew a deep, contented sigh.
  1372. > Just until the movie ended, he decided. Then he'd turn the TV off, tuck Silver Spoon in and go to bed.
  1373. > The software would still be there in the morning, and maybe so would Twilight. He could really use her help.
  1374. > It had been stupid not to accept it when she offered.
  1375. > The delays were making him irritable.
  1376. > Anon wondered if he could order a bouquet of flowers for his alicorn, by way of apology.
  1377. > He didn't realize when sleep finally claimed him.
  1379. > ~~~~
  1381. > "Anon?! What is going on here?"
  1382. > The voice brought him back to the surface. Oh, good, Twilight was back.
  1383. > He was hugging her already, but her voice was coming from some distance away. That was strange. Also, she was struggling to get out of his grip.
  1384. > He opened his eyes and looked right into Silver Spoon's.
  1385. > Somehow she had ended up sprawled across his chest. The blanket and the towel were on the floor and the two had been cuddling for warmth.
  1386. > He lifted himself up and the mare slid from his chest and retreated to the far side of the couch. She stuck her face in the cushion and put her hooves over her head.
  1387. > Maybe she was whimpering a little, but the fabric muffled it and Anon didn't have time to make sure.
  1388. > "Uh, maybe we should go and come back a little later..." a new person said.
  1389. > He jumped up in surprise. He'd recognize that voice anywhere.
  1390. "Rainbow Dash?!"
  1391. > The cyan pegasus was standing in the living room doorway with Zoe just behind her. The pair couldn't quite meet his eyes.
  1392. > "Well?!"
  1393. > He spun around again. Twilight was across the coffee table, glaring.
  1394. > Anon became acutely aware of three important things.
  1395. > His face was cold and wet, almost as if someone had been licking it enthusiastically for the past few minutes.
  1396. > There was a damp patch on his shirt, right around his belly and pants.
  1397. > He could also smell a very poignant smell in the air. He had come to know it very well over the years he had lived with Twilight.
  1398. > Mare. Specifically, 'excited' mare.
  1399. > He looked at Silver Spoon, who gave a squeak and shuddered, as if his glance had been a slap.
  1400. > She had crawled up onto his belly during the night, undoubtedly to share his warmth. Anon wouldn't be surprised if the mare wasn't even fully aware of it, sleepy as she had been.
  1401. > Then... he had undoubtedly murmured stuff. Twilight had often told him he talked in his sleep. He held her, squeezed her and quite possibly...
  1402. > Another look at Silver Spoon's face confirmed it.
  1403. > Kissed her.
  1404. > No wonder Twilight looked bewildered and hurt. Her stance was wide, her chest was heaving and her ears were flat.
  1405. > "Anon?" she said, giving him a look that damn nearly broke his heart.
  1406. "It's not- we didn't-" he answered quickly, then put a hand on his face. "It's not what you think!"
  1407. > The alicorn shot him a look of pure disbelief and stormed out, Dash and Zoe smoothly making room for her.
  1408. > "Twilight, wait," the pegasus called after her friend. The bedroom door slammed shut and Dash glared at the human.
  1409. > "What did you do?!" she demanded.
  1410. > He spread his arms.
  1411. "Nothing, I swear!"
  1412. > Meanwhile, Silver Spoon was starting to weep openly. She couldn't help feeling that she was guilty of something and was expecting swift and merciless punishment any moment.
  1413. > Zoe went to her and knelt by the couch. "It's okay, sweetheart, it's not your fault," she murmured, holding the poor mare around her withers.
  1414. > Anon didn't know where to go and what to do. Twilight! He needed to explain!
  1415. > He went toward the bedroom, but Rainbow Dash blocked his path.
  1416. > "I think you should tell me what's going on, Anon," she said.
  1417. > Something had been trying to grab his attention and the human finally realized.
  1418. "You can walk?!"
  1419. > "Yeah. Now focus! Why do you smell of- of... mare?"
  1420. "It's- Well, it's a long story."
  1421. > "I got time."
  1422. >...
  1423. > Sitting on his lawn chair on the terrace, Anonymous finished telling his side of the story to Rainbow Dash. Aside from a couple of questions, the mare almost never interrupted.
  1424. "So yeah, it's kind of a mess..."
  1425. > The pony sighed. "No kiddin'." She looked back to the open door and focused her ears on it. "Sounds like Silver Spoon stopped crying, at least," she told the human.
  1426. "Thank God you and Zoe came along."
  1427. > He patted his shirt, even though it was now a different one.
  1428. "What the hell was that even about?"
  1429. > "Dunno. Maybe she's in heat? Mares get funny when they're in heat," the pegasus explained.
  1430. > At this point, Anonymous was prepared to believe anything.
  1431. > He wrenched his mind back to the problem at hand.
  1432. "So, about Twilight... I should go and explain."
  1433. > Dash jumped from the chair before he could move. "Hold on. Lemme go talk to her first."
  1434. > Just like that he was left alone with his thoughts and the view.
  1435. > The sun was almost at its peak, but the autumn chill was already in the air so Anon pulled the jacket more tightly around himself.
  1436. > He glanced at his phone, chose to ignore all the emails, then put it back in the pocket.
  1437. > The project could wait. Peter Hepburn, his head of marketing, would figure something out. The guy was a genius at his field, which was why he had hired him.
  1438. > Twilight was more important right now.
  1439. > He was trying to figure out what exactly had gone wrong when the door slid open and the woman came out.
  1440. > "Beer?" she offered and Anon gladly accepted one of the cans.
  1441. > They cracked them open in unison.
  1442. "Spoon doing okay?"
  1443. > "Yeah. She was a bit shaken over the whole thing, but she's better now. I gave her a couple tomatoes, it's past breakfast anyway."
  1444. > He asked the question he'd been pondering.
  1445. "Why did she- um, what was that all about? Is she in heat or something?"
  1446. > Anon couldn't keep a slight tinge of red from his face, but Zoe wasn't looking as she took out a cigarette and lit it.
  1447. > "No, don't be stupid," she replied, but offered no further explanation.
  1448. "Then what?!"
  1449. > When she faced him, Anon was suddenly sorry he had asked. The woman had an intense, burning gaze and clearly didn't want to talk about it. But she did, anyway.
  1450. > "You gotta remember she was tied up in a yard and.. well, *raped* every day of her life for years. I guess it's part adaptation and part Stockholm, but can you blame a mare for getting excited when she's finally shown a gentle hand?"
  1451. > Anon, face aflame, kept his eyes on the floor tiles.
  1452. "I u-understand..."
  1453. > "For chrissake, while she was in that bastard's backyard, one of Silver Spoon's biggest wishes was for him to take her inside when he... raped her. At least do it in a bed, you know?"
  1454. > Zoe paused and Anon saw how her hands were bunching in fists. She took another, angry drag at the cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Damn, if I got my hands on that guy..." she growled.
  1455. > She didn't need to finish the threat.
  1456. > Anon didn't want the woman to dig out the info from Twilight and get herself in serious legal trouble for assault.
  1457. "So, what do we do about Silver?"
  1458. > She stared at him, almost unseeing for a while, before she relaxed and stuck the smoke in her mouth for another pull. "Treat her normal, okay? Don't bring it up. She needs time to process it all. And have a shoulder handy if she needs a cry and Twilight isn't there."
  1459. "Are you sure that's a good-"
  1460. > "Yes, dammit!" the young woman barked and nearly jumped up from her chair. "Show her that humans - men - can be nice, and if she has more... accidents, just ignore it, got it?"
  1461. > Anon raised up his hands, palms out.
  1462. "Okay, okay!" he said hurriedly. "It's Twilight I'm worried about, anyway."
  1463. > Zoe sighed sadly. "Well, I'm not getting mixed up in that. Twilight is a friend. So are you, kinda."
  1464. > Grinning a little, Anon tried to keep sarcasm mostly out of his voice.
  1465. "Gee, thanks."
  1466. > It made Zoe smile, too and took some of the tension out of the air. "Anyway, just sit down and talk with her. You can do that, right?"
  1467. > He just hoped the mare would be willing to talk. Maybe Rainbow Dash would be able to help.
  1468. "Yeah. I'll do that, thanks."
  1469. > The woman took another pull on her cigarette as they watched the distant horizon in silence.
  1470. >...
  1471. > When the rainbow-maned pegasus came out to find Anon, Zoe quickly excused herself and went to check up on Silver Spoon. She really didn't want to hear any personal stuff that was happening between the man and his mare.
  1472. > Dash didn't have much of a choice, though. She sat in the chair Zoe had just vacated and her head slumped.
  1473. > "She's..." Dash began, but fell silent, lost in thought.
  1474. "Yes?"
  1475. > She tried again: "Twilight is... I dunno. Different somehow. Maybe she's been away from home for too long. Away from her friends."
  1476. > Anon blinked at that.
  1477. "Well, I thought I was her-"
  1478. > "That's different!" the mare interrupted and waved a dismissive hoof. "You're her,... her coltfriend?"
  1479. > Her muzzle scrunched up as she tried to find a different word. "Um, humanfriend? Manfriend? Whatever, you know what I mean."
  1480. > She collected herself and went on. "Anyway, you and her - it's different. Back in Ponyville, we used to talk it out when one of us messed up. Well, *eventually* we'd talk it out. Here, I think she doesn't have anyone like that to talk to."
  1481. > Anon opened his mouth to say it again, but the pegasus glared and went on before he could.
  1482. > "Yeah, I know what you're gonna say," she told him, "but it's different. I dunno how to explain it. It's like-"
  1483. > She spread out her forelegs and shrugged. "We kept her grounded. Showed her what was important, like. Like, for example, sometimes she'd get so obsessed with studying this or that she nearly forgot to eat."
  1484. > The mare had a slight smile at the memory of those better times. "So Pinkie and me would come along and drag her out to the lake or something. Get her out of her head, sorta."
  1485. > Her roundabout, half-baked explanation made a certain kind of sense to Anon.
  1486. "Yeah, I think I know what you mean. She's thrown herself in this Pony Society work and hardly does anything else. And I've been busy so I haven't had much time to do something fun, lately."
  1487. > Dash pointed a hoof. "Yeah, that's it! You're both working all the time. You need to go out and have some fun."
  1488. > The human swore to himself he'd do just that. But there was one important thing he needed to sort out first.
  1489. "About this thing with Silver Spoon..."
  1490. > Dash shrugged. "I told her what happened, but you better go and apologize, just in case."
  1491. > It wasn't entirely fair, but Anon didn't mind.
  1492. "Will she see me now?"
  1493. > The mare leaned her head to the side in thought. "Dunno, but you should definitely try it."
  1494. > As he stood up, Anon put a hand on Rainbow's withers and gave her a squeeze.
  1495. "Thanks, Dash. I'm glad you're walking again."
  1496. > Her chest puffed out a little. "Not just walking! I can fly, too! Go on, I'll show you later."
  1497. > He would really like to see the pegasus fly in person, but she was right. Twilight was more important.
  1498. "Okay, I'll hold you to that. Grab a beer from the fridge if you want, or something to eat. Make yourself at home, you know that."
  1499. > She nodded and was already laying back, an expert in 'chillaxing'.
  1500. > Anon tried not to look when he passed the couch in the living room, but he caught Silver Spoon's gaze. She shied away and blushed, but at least she wasn't as afraid of him. Zoe was with her, cutting slices from an apple and feeding them to the mare.
  1501. > Anon didn't linger and soon ended up at the bedroom door. He knocked.
  1502. "It's me. Can I come in?"
  1503. > There was no reply, so he just opened it and went inside.
  1504. > Twilight Sparkle was on the bed, lying on her belly and facing away from the door. She was aware of him, judging by the way her ears swiveled to track him.
  1505. > She still said nothing, so Anon went and sat on the edge of the bed. He wanted to stroke her fur, but didn't. Not until he could gauge her mood.
  1506. "Look, I'm sorry about-"
  1507. > "Not your fault," she interrupted. It was encouraging and Anon felt a little relieved. Again he considered touching her, but decided to wait a little longer.
  1508. > "I jumped to conclusions," Twilight continued and sighed. "I smelled... *it* and I thought you-"
  1509. > She sniffed and finally turned her face. She had been crying, but wasn't at the moment. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, however.
  1510. > Anon finally laid a careful hand on her side.
  1511. "You know I'd never, Twilight. You know me."
  1512. > She gave a nod, then put her muzzle in the bed, as if to hide her face again. "You were... e-excited, too..."
  1513. > The human blushed a vivid red as he remembered.
  1514. "Not on purpose!" he explained hurriedly. "Just morning, you know."
  1515. > She nodded into the blanket, and spoke, the fabric muffling her voice a little. "When I smelled it I just thought-"
  1516. > She was caught in a loop of bad thoughts. Anon slid a bit closer, put one hand under her barrel, the other against her back and pulled the alicorn into his lap.
  1517. "Hey, it's okay. It was a mistake and we're all really sorry. Nothing happened, that's the important bit."
  1518. > "I didn't know she'd-" Twilight said, almost failing to notice she was now being hugged. Her muzzle sought out Anon's chest, though and her breath was warm even through the fabric.
  1519. > "That she'd... pee on the floor. I did show her the toilet..."
  1520. > Anon thought he understood it.
  1521. "I think it was just out of habit. She's been doing it like that for years, remember? Probably got thoughtful and didn't even notice she was doing it. Don't worry, I gave her a bath and a cup of hot chocolate."
  1522. > The alicorn looked up, her eyes glimmering in the faint light that made it through the drawn curtains.
  1523. > "B-Bath? I haven't had a bath in... forever."
  1524. > That look on her, ears laid flat, tangled mane, shiny, wet eyes - it was too much. Anon gently kissed the tip of her nose.
  1525. "But of course, Your Highness. I shall draw a bath for you tonight, I swear!"
  1526. > Her mouth quirked up in a grin and she nearly chuckled. "What about Silver?"
  1527. > The human shrugged.
  1528. "I'll give her some cartoons to watch. She likes the Disney Channel, it looked like."
  1529. > He planted another little kiss, this time on her cheek.
  1530. "Then maybe a hoof rub after the bath?"
  1531. > He didn't mention that he got the idea from helping Silver Spoon wash.
  1532. > "Anon, Dash and Silver will be sleeping right in the next room!" she whispered.
  1533. "So?"
  1534. > She nearly said yes, but then she jerked a little, as if waking up and pushed herself away. He let her go.
  1535. > "You said some things..." she told him in a quiet, accusing tone. She didn't meet his gaze anymore. "To me. Earlier."
  1536. "I- I'm sorry."
  1537. > The alicorn heaved a sad sigh. "It really hurt, Anon. You didn't apologize."
  1538. "I'm apologizing now."
  1539. > Twilight shook her head. "It's not the same. I'm sorry, too."
  1540. > The human spread his hands.
  1541. "Come on, Twilight. What more do you want me to say? I was overworked and stressed. You *did* promise to help, remember?"
  1542. > Already her eyes were narrowing and her mouth was pressing together in a thin line. They were about to have another row and it would probably be their last.
  1543. > Twilight would likely leave with Rainbow Dash and Silver Spoon. There'd be nothing left for her on Earth.
  1544. > Or - worse - she'd move to the Pony Society and keep working with them. She'd be so near and yet so impossibly far away.
  1545. "I t-think I should go. We shouldn't talk like this."
  1546. > One glance at her face was enough. Fresh tears were streaming down her muzzle.
  1547. "Please, Twilight? I swear I didn't really mean it."
  1548. > She turned her head away. "I'll think about it. I just need some time..."
  1549. > The human stood up and, facing the mare, took a step back toward the door.
  1550. "We can get through this, Twilight."
  1551. > "I said I'll try!" she snapped, then covered her mouth with a hoof in shock. "Sorry!"
  1552. "I love you," Anon said before ducking out of the room.
  1553. > After the door had shut, the mare sighed and said, quietly: "I love you too."
  1554. > Then she put her head back down on the pillow.
  1555. >...
  1556. > He nearly tripped over Rainbow Dash outside the door. Anon was about to ask the mare what she was doing there, but the pony put a wing feather over her lips and motioned with a hoof.
  1557. > Anon followed her back out, where she slid the terrace door shut, just in case.
  1558. "You were eavesdropping?" he accused her.
  1559. > "Well, maybe a little. She *is* my friend, you know? A girl's gotta look out for her friends!"
  1560. > The human didn't have the energy to argue. He went to sit back down in the lawn chair, to think some more, but the cyan pegasus followed and took the other one.
  1561. > "For what it's worth, I think she'll come around," Dash offered.
  1562. > Anon looked up hopefully.
  1563. "You think so?"
  1564. > "Yep. Just let her think it over, get her some flowers and chocolate, say you're sorry a couple more times and bam! Happy Twilight."
  1565. > It was probably a bit harder than she made it out, but Dash was speaking a lot of sense. She reached over and put a hoof on his knee.
  1566. > "Don't worry," she repeated. "I'll talk to her some more. You guys are *perfect* for each other!"
  1567. > That was high praise from the loyal pegasus.
  1568. "Thanks..."
  1569. > He didn't want to talk about it any more, not until he'd had a change to think it all over. Instead, Anonymous decided to ask about Dash herself, instead.
  1570. "So, you said you can walk and fly again?"
  1571. > She grinned proudly and spread her wings to show him. "Yeah! Took a lot of magic. Celestia herself had to help, but they did it. I mean- I'm not as fast as I used to be..."
  1572. > The mare was looking down and rubbing her neck with a hoof, as if embarrassed to admit it.
  1573. > "But I'm getting there. It's just a matter of practice, you know? Get back in shape."
  1574. > That reminded Anon of another question.
  1575. "You think they could do the same for Twilight's wings?"
  1576. > The pegasus shrugged. "Maybe? I guess? But she'll have to go to Canterlot for that, no way I'm letting another Princess going to Earth!"
  1577. > Her protectiveness was endearing and Anon smiled a little.
  1578. "Good call. But Twilight is making a difference. Ponies might soon have human rights, as silly as that sounds."
  1579. > "Good. But still, you know?" Dash said, uncomfortably.
  1580. "I understand."
  1581. > "So, I was wondering," the mare went on, changing the subject and still not looking at the human. "Could I borrow your laptop or something? I need to use Skype for a bit."
  1582. > It wasn't a request he had been expecting, but Anon shrugged.
  1583. "Sure. I have a spare in the office. I'll grab it. You'll be sleeping here, right?"
  1584. > The mare nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Anon! You're the best."
  1585. > She didn't volunteer any details, so he decided to ask.
  1586. "Why do you need Skype?"
  1587. > She flashed him a grin and blushed a little, before replying. "I gotta message that guy - Tommy. The one you took me hang-gliding with, remember?"
  1588. "Oh, yeah, of course."
  1589. > She suddenly jumped forward to give Anon a hug. "Thanks again for that, by the way."
  1590. > He patted her back, careful not to touch the wings. Twilight had once told him how sensitive those were on a pegasus.
  1591. "Don't mention it. Least I could do."
  1592. > She let him go and went back to her chair. "So, I gotta get in touch with Tommy again, say thank you. I promised him I'd show him some moves if I'm ever back on Earth and I can fly again."
  1593. > It was heartwarming and Anon knew he had a goofy, silly smile on his face.
  1594. "That's sweet."
  1595. > "Yeah..."
  1596. "I'll get you that laptop right away. You remember your Skype password?"
  1597. > The pegasus nodded. "Of course! I'm awesome!"
  1598. > Anon laughed at that, feeling cheered up. If Dash was there to help for a few days, there was no chance in hell Twilight would keep her grudge and leave him. It'd take a lot of work and he'd have to take extra care with her in the future, but they could get through it.
  1599. > He was sure of it.
  1600. > Rainbow Dash being back on her hooves somehow filled everyone around her with optimism.
  1602. > ~~~~
  1604. > Anon was still mulling things over, long after Zoe had left. Twilight stayed locked in their room and he was starting to consider sleeping on the couch. Or on one of those inflatable beds.
  1605. > Better yet, he could simply pull another all-nighter. Now that the deadline had passed, the work was slightly less urgent, but it still had to get done.
  1606. > Rainbow Dash was busy on the laptop he'd loaned her, completely ignoring the fact that Silver Spoon was cuddled up against her watching the Disney channel.
  1607. > Every now and then the pegasus giggled or exclaimed. She spent most of the time hunting down keys with a stylus held in her teeth. Of course her voice-input should still work, but the mare obviously wanted a bit of privacy in her conversation with Tommy. That, at least, seemed to be going well.
  1608. > Anon considered leaving the ponies to it and going to try and speak with Twilight again. Maybe she'd had a chance to calm down and think things through. Perhaps, he mused, he should go out and grab those flowers and chocolate Dash had mentioned.
  1609. > "Hey, Anon?" the pegasus asked suddenly. She looked up from her screen and maybe it was a trick of the light, but Dash looked like she was blushing a little.
  1610. > Silver Spoon also lifted her head at the sudden words.
  1611. "Yeah?"
  1612. > "Twilight says she's not allowed to take the car, uh - could you make an exception just for tonight?" Rainbow Dash asked, not quite meeting his eyes and rubbing her neck with a hoof.
  1613. "When did she tell you that?"
  1614. > Rainbow looked at her screen, as if to confirm it: "Just now. We're on Skype."
  1615. "Oh. Did she tell you why?"
  1616. > "Nope."
  1617. > It was supposed to be a punishment, But Anon changed his mind. Maybe it would be like an olive branch or something. There still had to be consequences, but Twilight had probably learned that.
  1618. "Tell her if she apologizes for taking it, she can have it back.
  1619. > The rainbow-maned pegasus looked at the screen again, then at the stylus between her forelegs. "You know - why don't you go tell her yourself. I'm not getting involved in this."
  1620. > He *had* been thinking about just that, so Anon got up and went to the bedroom door, while Dash bent her head back down and took the stylus in her mouth again.
  1621. > Silver Spoon watched him leave.
  1622. > Anon paused to knock on the door and waited for the faint "Come in!" before entering.
  1623. > Twilight was lying on the bed with the computer on her outstretched forelegs before her. Her horn sputtered as she finished typing.
  1624. "Hey."
  1625. > She tore her gaze from the screen for long enough to turn red-rimmed eyes on Anon, before looking away again.
  1626. > "Hey," she said, very quietly and without making further eye-contact.
  1627. > Anon sat on the edge of the bed.
  1628. "Catching up with Rainbow Dash?" he prompted.
  1629. > "Yes."
  1630. "She was asking me about the car..."
  1631. > Twilight still didn't turn her head, but she had closed the lid of her computer. "Mhm," she intoned.
  1632. "I said you can take it. Just-"
  1633. > The human exhaled. He wasn't being unreasonable by requesting an apology for taking the car across the country like that, he knew that! But now that he came to ask her for it, he felt as if he was being obtuse and petty.
  1634. > So instead, he said what he should have said the first time.
  1635. "I was worried. Twilight, you drove across the country. What if something had happened? What if police stopped you someplace they hadn't heard of you?"
  1636. > That got her attention and the mare glared at him. "I'm not exactly defenseless, you know?!"
  1637. "Then they add 'assault' to the charges!"
  1638. > He had his hands on his head already, surprised that Twilight, of all people, hadn't thought about consequences to her actions.
  1639. "I can't believe I'm having to explain this to you-"
  1640. > "Well, I can't either!" she snapped, interrupting him. They glared at one another, then the human let out a sad sigh.
  1641. "What happened to us?"
  1642. > How quickly her eyes filled up with tears. How well he could see the subtle shake in her shoulders as she tried not to cry.
  1643. > Anon slipped from the bed and knelt on the floor. He lifted the laptop from Twilight's forelegs and put it to the side. Then grabbed a hoof in both hands.
  1644. "I'm sorry."
  1645. > She sniffed, once, before burying her muzzle in the bed sheet. The shaking was more pronounced now.
  1646. > Seeing Twilight like that was breaking his heart. Anon let her hoof go and put a hand in her mane, carefully stroking an ear.
  1647. > She didn't react, but neither did she pull away or push his hand off. That was encouraging.
  1648. "I'm not mad, you know? I've thought about it some. I've been too caught up in my work, so we didn't talk as much as we should have."
  1649. > The mare lifted her head up to look at the human. Tears were flowing unimpeded now. She still didn't say anything, but her horn lit up and her laptop opened. She turned it so Anon could read.
  1650. > He let her go so he could adjust the screen.
  1651. > Chat messages from Rainbow Dash, in particular the last one.
  1652. > It read: 'Apologize or I'll slap you!'
  1653. "Heh," Anon chuckled, just once.
  1654. > He couldn't help himself and, to his relief, Twilight half-smiled too. She pushed the computer away before the human could read any more.
  1655. > "I should have told you before I went to get Silver," the mare admitted, looking down at her hooves.
  1656. > It wasn't exactly an apology.
  1657. "Yeah, you should have."
  1658. > The pony looked up and blinked. She studied his expression and her ears went up and focused on the human.
  1659. "And?"
  1660. > The ears instantly flopped. "Sorry," she said, a little blush appearing on her muzzle.
  1661. "Good. You can have the car back, but you have to tell me before you go that far again, okay?"
  1662. > Twilight heaved a sigh and hung her head a little. "Okay," she said, then glanced up sharply and defiantly. "There wasn't a scratch on it, you know?!"
  1663. > Anon shook his head sadly and put his hand back on her cheek.
  1664. "It's not the car I was worried about, stupid. It's you."
  1665. > "O-Oh."
  1666. > It seemed Twilight didn't have an answer for that. Her head would have slipped down to the bed sheet again, but Anon shifted his grip until he was supporting her muzzle.
  1667. "When you sent me the message where you're going, do you think my first thought was 'She'll wreck the car'?"
  1668. > He felt her twitch, as if the pony wanted to nod, but she stopped herself in time. Her eyes overflowed again and she blinked the tears away, trying hard not to sniffle and failing.
  1669. "What I really thought was 'Oh no, Twilight could get hurt or in trouble!'"
  1670. > "I'm sorry," she repeated, in a whisper.
  1671. "Yeah, me too. Feel better now?"
  1672. > This time it definitely was a nod.
  1673. "Good. Do you want the car to take Rainbow to meet her friend?"
  1674. > A panicky look crossed Twilight's face and she jerked her head free to stare at the door. Anon knew her well enough to see she didn't want to go face her friends like that. It was also the reason they were talking through Skype, rather than in person.
  1675. "I'll drive her, don't worry. Stay here and rest. We'll talk more when I'm back."
  1676. > The relief in her eyes was worth the hassle. Anon grinned.
  1677. "Want me to bring pizza?"
  1678. > Again, the mare nearly smiled at the thought, but she did nod again.
  1679. > Anon stood up and took a step before Twilight called out: "Anon..."
  1680. > He stopped and turned.
  1681. "Yes?"
  1682. > "Y-Yesterday, you said..." she began, but fell silent and exhaled. "The f- thing..."
  1683. > Anon went right back and knelt down again. His hand sought out a hoof.
  1684. "I didn't mean it. And I'm sorry. It was just the stress."
  1685. > The pony really wanted to believe it. Maybe words weren't quite enough anymore and he needed to show her somehow. Anon leaned closer and touched his nose to hers.
  1686. "I love you," he whispered.
  1687. > Maybe it was an accident, but Twilight shifted her head and he slipped. Their lips met for a long and warm and comfortable kiss.
  1688. > She probably meant to do it, because she didn't pull away.
  1689. > He put his arms around her withers.
  1690. > It went on for a while.
  1691. > At long last they parted, both out of breath.
  1692. "It will never happen again, I promise. Please don't leave."
  1693. > "If it does," Twilight growled, "I'll break your legs. And *then* I'll leave."
  1694. > Her voice was low and menacing, but there was a twist in her mouth that could almost be a wry grin. More importantly, the sparkle was back in her eyes.
  1695. "Good. I'll be back when I can, with pizza. Should I also grab some for Silver Spoon?"
  1696. > The alicorn frowned a little and leaned her head to the side in thought. "Hmm. Maybe just cheese and tomato? If she can't keep it down I'll clean it up."
  1697. "Okay. Calzone for you?"
  1698. > "Yes please. No meat."
  1699. "Of course."
  1700. > Anon patted her head again and left the room. He felt like skipping.
  1701. > It was going to be alright!
  1702. > When he came into the living room, Rainbow Dash looked up, then her face slowly split into a grin as she read his expression.
  1703. > "Went well?" she asked, despite knowing the answer already.
  1704. "Yup. Thanks."
  1705. > The pegasus held out a hoof and Anon bumped it. They had never done it before, but it seemed like an appropriate gesture. "Remember I got your back, okay? Now, about the car?"
  1706. > The human took the key out of his pocket and showed them to the mare.
  1707. "Twilight has her car privileges again, but I'll take you tonight. She- uh, she needs a minute."
  1708. > He noticed that Silver Spoon was also staring at him, not completely understanding what was going on, but knowing it was good. She smiled faintly when he looked her way.
  1709. "I'm getting you a pizza too, Silver."
  1710. > The mare looked a little unsure, but very eager to try. Her grin widened.
  1711. > "Oh! I wanna pizza too!" Rainbow piped in, already licking her lips in anticipation. She closed the laptop and put it on the coffee table, before sliding down and making her way to the entrance. "Come on!"
  1712. > Anon obeyed.
  1713. "Tell you what, I'll take you and Tommy out for pizza and then I'll take the ones for me and Twilight and Silver to go. That okay?"
  1714. > The pegasus looked away and shuffled a little on her hooves. "Y-Yeah, about that..."
  1715. "What?"
  1716. > Dash took a deep breath and let it out before she answered. "I was kinda hoping, y'know... Maybe... If it's okay with you-"
  1717. "Come on, spill it!"
  1718. > "I thought I'd stay the night. At Tommy's. He's got a couch, it's alright. Just some... uh, catching up to do."
  1719. > Anon had a pretty good idea what the 'catching up' meant, but he didn't comment.
  1720. "Make sure you're safe, okay?"
  1721. > "Mhm!" the pegasus said and nodded eagerly. "Uh, could you just, like- um, leave me at his place? We can order pizza, right?"
  1722. "Sure thing."
  1723. > Rainbow Dash relaxed as the uncomfortable questioning was over. The elevator came and they both stepped inside. Anon pushed the button for the basement.
  1724. > It was probably a mean thing to do, but he was in a good mood and couldn't help himself.
  1725. "Isn't Tommy married, by the way?"
  1726. > The pegasus spun around, wings a little spread and a glare on her muzzle. "NO! No! What's wrong you with you?! I'm not like that!"
  1727. > The human began to laugh, but Dash didn't find it so funny. She grumbled and kicked him in the shin. It hurt a lot, but Anon kept laughing, mostly out of relief.
  1728. > He had really thought he'd lost Twilight. He still might, but now there was a chance. He wondered if the cook at the pizza place could be convinced to put roses in Twilight's Calzone. Would that even taste good?
  1730. > ~~~~
  1732. > Twilight woke up alone in the bed. That was especially hard because she was surrounded by Anon's scent.
  1733. > She briefly wondered where he had ended up sleeping, before thinking of the couch and - by extension - the nearly forgotten Silver Spoon.
  1734. > Surely he wouldn't!
  1735. > Not after the heartfelt and sincere apology he had given her!
  1736. > The pony saw that the outside was still quite dark. It was too early to wake up, but she couldn't possibly sleep anymore, not with *those* thoughts in her head!
  1737. > She jumped from the bed and, legs leaden with fear, gingerly went to look for the human. She was very afraid what she would find.
  1738. > Anon was snoring slightly and it was coming from the living room. Her gut wrenched and her blood ran cold as Twilight forced herself to go look.
  1739. > As she poked her head around the doorway, the mare bit her lip to keep herself from whimpering nervously. When she saw them, however, Twilight nearly sagged with relief.
  1740. > Silver Spoon was curled up on the couch, head stuck under a pillow - probably to escape the snore, the alicorn guessed. Anon was on an inflatable bed in the opposite corner, sprawled on his back and barely covered with a blanket.
  1741. > It was quite chilly and the human was shivering a little in his sleep, but it obviously wasn't cold enough to wake him up.
  1742. > Twilight lowered her head and gulped down a few lungfuls of air. She hadn't even been aware she was holding her breath.
  1743. > The pillow moved and Silver Spoon peered from under it. She didn't say anything, but her glare conveyed enough for Twilight to guess. She went to brush her muzzle against Silver's.
  1744. "Sorry, he does that sometimes." she whispered. "It's still night, go to the bedroom. It's quiet there and the bed should still be warm."
  1745. > Silver looked uncertain and opened her mouth to ask, but Twilight smiled and spoke right over it.
  1746. "It's fine. Go."
  1747. > The earth mare gave a little shrug and climbed from the couch. Her hooves made very faint thuds as she lowered herself to the carpeted floor. She glanced at the sleeping human, then at Twilight, before leaving the room.
  1748. > A hoofstep rang on the hardwood in the hallway, but Silver paused and adjusted her step. Twilight could hardly hear her move after that, except for a slight noise as she pushed the door closed.
  1749. > She seemed to be doing well, Twilight thought. She blushed a little from guilt. So engrossed had she been with Anon that she'd spent hardly any time with the rescued mare. Silver probably needed somepony to talk to and the nearest alicorn had been busy all this time.
  1750. > It wasn't very hospitable. Hell, it wasn't very *pony-like* either, for that matter!
  1751. > She'd have to make time for Spoon. The mare hadn't done nearly enough crying for what she'd been through. It would look pretty bad if Silver Spoon fell to pieces the moment she set hoof back in Equestria.
  1752. > Plus - Twilight faintly remembered an email the previous day - she had to take her guest back to the Pony Society to have her eye exam. With luck, they'd be able to make her a pair glasses before she left with Rainbow Dash.
  1753. > Human ones would be lighter and thinner than what they could make in Equestria.
  1754. > So much to do...
  1755. > There was one debt she had to pay even sooner than that, though. Twilight glanced at Anon, then turned and followed Silver Spoon to the bedroom.
  1756. > She knocked, just once, before pushing the door open and poking her head in. The mare was already wrapped up in the bed, but she lifted her head at the noise.
  1757. "Sorry. Just need my laptop. Good night!"
  1758. > Twilight focused her broken horn on the object and lifted it smoothly from the bed and brought it closer. Here and there the magic surged, but she had always been good at it and it took her barely any effort to compensate.
  1759. > With the item in tow, Twilight once again closed the bedroom door and returned to the living room.
  1760. > She was definitely feeling the chill. Thankfully, Anon should be quite warm. So addicting - human skin.
  1761. > The mare put the computer beside the air mattress and carefully placed a hoof on the fabric. It was very bouncy. At her touch, Anon stopped snoring, but didn't wake up.
  1762. > Twilight lowered her head and nuzzled her way under the cover beside the human. He obligingly made room, just like so many times before. She was sure he still hadn't woken up fully.
  1763. > An arm slid the blanket over them both, while his other hand found her mane for a pat.
  1764. > "Mm, y're cold..." the human muttered, but rather than push her away, Anon grabbed the alicorn around her barrel and drew her closer against his chest.
  1765. > It wasn't the same with pajamas, but it was still nice and warm and heavenly. Twilight smiled to herself.
  1766. > Of course she couldn't say goodbye to that.
  1767. > She managed to turn her head until her muzzle was right in Anon's face, so she could steal a kiss. The human returned the peck, but still didn't open his eyes.
  1768. "I'm sorry," Twilight whispered.
  1769. > She was, the mare realized. Jumping to conclusions about Anon and Silver the other day! She trusted the man, for Celestia's sake! Even if she *had* smelled Silver's arousal, Twilight should have known Anon wouldn't let her do something stupid!
  1770. > And she had nearly done it again just now. Yes they were sleeping in the same room, but Anon *did* have an air bed. The living room had enough floor space for it - that's where she'd helped the human set up temporary beds for all her friends back then!
  1771. > "'s okay," the human murmured back, squeezing her tighter.
  1772. > Twilight knew she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, but she could so something useful with her time. She wriggled her rump right up against Anon's belly - it made him shiver a little because her fur had gotten cold, but he slid his hand down her side, paused on the cutie mark, then wrapped his fingers around a hind leg.
  1773. > She felt him jerk awake.
  1774. > Twilight tensed up, expecting a cold command to get out of his bed. He'd have every right, after all.
  1775. > But the hand around her ankle didn't move. The arm she was using as a pillow was still there.
  1776. > "This means you forgive me?" Anon asked quietly.
  1777. > The mare turned her head again, heart racing, and sought for proper words. It was dark, but she was sure Anon could see the gleam of her eyes. He'd remarked upon it so often before.
  1778. > Her ears folded down and Twilight touched her nose to his.
  1779. "I-" she began, but stopped to swallow. "I forgive you for yelling at me and saying... those things. The f- thing."
  1780. > She couldn't say it out loud. The alicorn had no problem with swearing - she'd learned that rather quickly in the human world - but she couldn't bring herself to say what Anon had said to her. Or think it, for that matter.
  1781. > She fell silent and watched the human imploringly while she tried to come up with her own apology.
  1782. > "And the rest? With Silver Spoon and the car, and the company and all that?" he prompted.
  1783. > Twilight shook her head, but then quickly spoke to explain herself.
  1784. "I don't... those were my fault. If anything, *I* should say sorry!"
  1785. > They just looked a each other for a short while, as Twilight scrambled for words.
  1786. > Anon broke the silence. "I forgive you," he said.
  1787. > It choked her up. She hadn't even really apologized! Tears welled up in her eyes and the alicorn pushed her face against Anon's neck for a desperate nuzzle.
  1788. > Now that it was done, the words came overflowing.
  1789. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Anon, I acted like a total..."
  1790. > He put a finger on her muzzle before she could say the word. "It's fine," he whispered.
  1791. > Then Anon seemed to realize where they were. "Should we, uh, go to bed? Don't wanna wake up Silver."
  1792. > The alicorn grinned.
  1793. "You already have," she explained. "Snoring."
  1794. > Anon returned her smile, but his was a lot more sheepish. "Oh," he said, deflating a little. Then he raised his voice: "Sorry, Silver."
  1795. > Twilight shook her head, nearly giggling in amusement.
  1796. "She's in our bed. I sent her so she could get some sleep. We're fine here, no?"
  1797. > The human shrugged. "If you say so." He pulled her closer and patted her back, careful to avoid the stumps. "Good night, Twilight."
  1798. > While she was shuffling around so he could properly spoon her, Twilight heaved a sigh. Things were going to be okay. She focused on the computer, but froze before turning it on.
  1799. "Uh, would it bother you if I used my laptop? Can't sleep..."
  1800. > Anon slid his hand down her side again, making the mare shiver in pleasure.
  1801. "Mmm, that's nice."
  1802. > "It's okay. Just keep it quiet if you watch something," Anon murmured, already sinking back into sleep.
  1803. > That part wouldn't be a problem. Twilight turned the computer on and focused. Typing with her horn the way it was took a lot out of her, but it was faster than voice to text, especially once she'd learned where all the keys were. It was also quieter.
  1804. > She loaded up Anon's project and skimmed through it.
  1805. > It was tricky. She saw why the human was having problems with it.
  1806. > The mare didn't know if she could solve them, but she wanted to give it a try. She decided to start with the more difficult-looking issues.
  1807. > She didn't like to brag, but she was better at it than the human. Something about studying magic for as long as she had, translated particularly well into programming for some reason.
  1809. > ~~~~
  1811. "Mmm, five more minutes!"
  1812. > Twilight Sparkle stretched a little, giving the hand which was rubbing her belly better access to the soft fur down there.
  1813. > It was one of her favourite ways to wake up, so the pony liked to prolong the process.
  1814. > The fingers travelled up to her muzzle, gently scratching all the way. When they were near enough, she gave them a lick, which turned into a yawn.
  1815. > "Mornin'."
  1816. > She blinked her eyes open and smiled back.
  1817. "Hello you."
  1818. > Memory returned and the pony glanced at the laptop beside her. How far had she gotten? Was her work even any good? Her horn lit up so she could check, but Anon put his fingers behind her ear and the magic winked out under their ministrations.
  1819. "Ohhh! Mmmm!" she groaned in pleasure.
  1820. > "Slept well?" the human asked.
  1821. > It was all Twilight could do to nod. Her hind hoof kicked feebly and uncontrollably under the unrelenting assault on her ears. She let herself enjoy it for a minute, then batted the hand away.
  1822. "Gimme a second. I need to check something."
  1823. > Anon obliged and put his hand on her belly again, twirling the fur in small circles. That was still nice, but she could focus through it.
  1824. > Twilight regained control over her horn and turned the laptop on.
  1825. > "That interesting? What were you watching?" the human asked, propping himself up on an elbow to look.
  1826. > The mare shook her head.
  1827. "Nothing. Here, this is probably awful, but maybe we can salvage some bits..."
  1828. > The screen came to life and they both stared at the result. She felt the human freeze as he held his breath.
  1829. > "Wait," he asked slowly, "is this-"
  1830. "Yep. I know I keep promising, so I- hmm..."
  1831. > She had to peer at the code to make out what she had been doing. Memory trickled back.
  1832. "Offload that, but only above sixteen-K. Then I used..."
  1833. > Twilight blinked at the symbols and realized what was missing.
  1834. "Um, keep scratching please?"
  1835. > Anon laughed and obeyed. His fingers went back to work on her belly and the mare shivered, pressing her rump more tightly against the human's soft middle.
  1836. "Yeah, I guess I started with A-star, but then it became..." she explained, waving a hoof vaguely in the direction of the screen, "... this."
  1837. > They both studied her product.
  1838. > "Huh. Weird. Does it work?"
  1839. > She shrugged.
  1840. "Dunno. Probably? Should be a bit faster, if it does. I hope that helps."
  1841. > They were late with the software and Twilight blushed guiltily. She had promised to take a look weeks ago!
  1842. > Anon gently patted her belly, then leaned his face closer and kissed her cheek. "It does. I'm sure it's brilliant, like always."
  1843. > It made her smile a little. It sounded like all was forgiven, although the mare was worried about the future.
  1844. "I think we-"
  1845. > "We should-"
  1846. > The stopped and Anon chuckled nervously. "You first."
  1847. > Twilight gulped down a breath and her hears folded down flat.
  1848. "We need to talk more. You get obsessed with work and I get... um, 'too focused' on the Pony Society. I don't want us fighting like that ever again!"
  1849. > "Yeah, I have a few ideas..."
  1850. > She shuffled herself to her back so she could look the human in the eye.
  1851. "Tell me."
  1852. > He wasn't quite ready and his gaze slid away.
  1853. "Come on! Pleeeease?"
  1854. > She even prodded his chest with a hoof.
  1855. > "Fine. What do you say we reserve one day just for... uh, 'us'? Maybe Sunday or something like that. No matter what work we have, either the company or Pony Society, we put it aside?"
  1856. > Twilight opened her mouth to argue that her friends might need her help even on a Sunday, but she paused.
  1857. > Wasn't it exactly those kinds of thoughts that had led her to nearly breaking up with Anon?
  1858. "That's good. But..."
  1859. > She didn't know quite how to put it. If they only interacted one day out of every seven, that would be very lonely.
  1860. > Anon guessed her thoughts and put the palm of his hand against her cheek. "Don't worry, we're still together always, this is just for those times when I have crunch time or you have your politics and rescue stuff."
  1861. > He looked for a better way to put it, then smiled. "It's a minimum, Twilight, not a maximum."
  1862. > In lieu of an answer, she just kissed him.
  1863. "Deal."
  1864. > She stretched out, sliding her hind legs between Anon's and wrapping a hoof around his shoulders. She would have said something, but a yawn took over.
  1865. "Breakfast?" she asked when it was over.
  1866. > Anon needed a few seconds to answer - her yawn had infected him as well.
  1867. > "I'll cook if you can run the tests on this-" he waved his hand toward the screen.
  1868. "Deal."
  1869. > He kissed her cheek and stood up. Twilight was sad to have lost his warmth against her back, but Anon kindly wrapped the blanket around her to keep her snug and toasty. He walked to the kitchen, silently at first, then his bare feet audibly padded on the floor tiles.
  1870. > "What'd you like?" he asked through the open door.
  1871. > The mare smacked her lips in thought.
  1872. "Any mango left? With cranberry juice and... um..."
  1873. > Even without the human looking at her, she blushed a little at the odd request.
  1874. "Hard boiled egg? With a *lot* of salt!"
  1875. > "'kay! What about Silver?"
  1876. > The alicorn shrugged to herself.
  1877. "Just go ask her?"
  1878. > She concentrated on the code. Of course there were a few issues still to iron out. She had fallen asleep in the middle of writing it, after all. But she remembered the solution she'd come up with during the night.
  1879. > Hardly aware that she was doing it, the pony kept her ears turned toward the hallway door, following the sound of Anon's footsteps to the bedroom. She heard him open the door and quietly ask Silver Seed about breakfast.
  1880. > The mare briefly answered, so quietly that Twilight couldn't hear. Anon confirmed it and was about to close the door when Silver Spoon called, a bit more loudly: "Um, Mas- uh, Mr. Anon?"
  1881. > She slipped up with the 'master', but she corrected herself. Twilight smiled with pride.
  1882. > A few days in a proper bed - or couch, as the case may be - with civilized food and people who treated you like a person, could do wonders.
  1883. > "Yes?" Anon asked as Silver Spoon obviously hesitated. The mare murmured something inaudible.
  1884. > The human went into the bedroom. "Say again?" he prompted.
  1885. > Again Spoon murmured something Twilight didn't catch.
  1886. > "W-What?!"
  1887. > More quiet talking. His exclamation made Twilight very curious, but it didn't sound angry or panicky, so she didn't want to get out of the warm blanket. Her human would tell her in a moment, no doubt.
  1888. > "Yes, that's fine. Just- uh, just drop it in the bathroom. Don't worry about it."
  1889. > Twilight listened to footsteps as the human went back to the kitchen.
  1890. "What was that?"
  1891. > Rather than shouting out the answer, Anon came to her and crouched beside the laptop. His face was serious. When he spoke up, his voice was quiet. "Uh, Silver Spoon had a little accident in the bed."
  1892. > Twilight's ears folded down instantly.
  1893. "Oh no, she peed in her sleep?"
  1894. > Anon shook his head. "Not... exactly."
  1895. "Then what?"
  1896. > She was fearing the worst, but then Twilight noticed how red in the face her human was. She remembered the previous day and how... 'excited' the mare had been while sleeping on the human.
  1897. "Oh."
  1898. > "I guess it was the smell. We *did*-" Anon answered, his blush deepening. "Well, you know what we did in the bed."
  1899. > The alicorn nodded. She wasn't entirely sure how to deal with Silver's accident, so she tried to imagine herself in that same situation.
  1900. "Well, it happens. You did well. Don't make a big deal out of it. I'll wash the sheets."
  1901. > Anon nodded and straightened up. "I'll get the breakfast started."
  1902. "I'll go help Silver..."
  1903. > She pushed the laptop closed and regretfully tossed the blanket aside. Despite the embarrassment of her guest... well, soiling herself, Twilight was in a good mood. Waking up with Anon hugging her tended to do that.
  1904. > Besides, doing something as normal as washing laundry should help Silver Spoon with her recovery. Oh, and she still had to tell the mare about the eye exam!
  1905. > She also had to call Tommy's number, which Rainbow Dash had reluctantly given her, to ask about her pegasus friend.
  1906. > So much to do. She needed a list! Luckily there was a notepad on her bedside table, exactly where she was going.
  1907. > Twilight hummed gently to herself as she went to check up on Silver Spoon.
  1908. > Scratch that! Silver was number two on the list. The first item was to make the list.
  1910. > ~~~~
  1912. > Twilight stared at the short, cryptic message Rainbow Dash had left her on Skype: 'Meet us where we went flying the last time'.
  1913. > Luckily Anon remembered where that was, so that only left the problem of Silver Spoon. The alicorn pushed her laptop closed and gave it some thought.
  1914. "Maybe we can ask Zoe?"
  1915. > The human thought about it while he chewed his piece of bread with jam.
  1916. > "I'm here," the mare in question murmured, but Twilight wasn't paying any attention.
  1917. "Well, we have that eye exam later today, maybe Silver could wait at the Pony Society?"
  1918. > Anon furrowed his brow. "You sure? Wasn't there something the last time?" he prompted.
  1919. > Twilight remembered she hadn't really told her human about the misunderstanding. He was still right, but the alicorn couldn't think of a better idea.
  1920. > "Um, excuse-" the earth mare said again, but Twilight was already talking over her.
  1921. "She could wait at the reception, or my office. I'm sure Wingtip or White Snow would get her some lunch and look after her."
  1922. > "I'M RIGHT HERE!"
  1923. > Both Anon and Twilight stared at Silver, as if seeing her for the first time. The mare's chest was heaving and she was glaring. Her forelegs were above her head, as if trying to make herself more visible.
  1924. > "Don't-" she said and lowered her hooves. "Don't t-talk about me l-like I'm a child!"
  1925. > Twilight's ears flattened and Anon's would have also, if he could do that. They glanced at each other and the alicorn gave their guest a guilty grin.
  1926. "You're absolutely right. I'm sorry Silver."
  1927. > The mare calmed down. She looked back at Twilight and the human with a hopeful expression. "I'd l-like to come with."
  1928. > Anon shrugged when Twilight gave him a questioning glance. Come to think of it, a day out, doing something fun would be good for Silver Spoon. The mare had spent most of her time in Anon's apartment, so much that it was becoming just like another prison.
  1929. > The alicorn looked out the window to gauge the weather.
  1930. "Sure," she said slowly, "that could work. I'll lend you some clothes, it'll be windy up there."
  1931. > Silver Spoon brightened up considerably. She stuck her muzzle back in her bowl, but it was empty. Anon jumped to his feet.
  1932. > "Here, let's get you some more. It sounds like it'll be a busy day. Dunno if there's a lunch place near where we're going."
  1933. "I'll make sandwiches!"
  1934. > The mere mention was enough to make Silver lick her lips in appreciation. When Anon placed another bowl of tomatoes before her, she dunked her head right in, munching happily.
  1935. > She lifted her head again at the soft thud as the human put the salt shaker by her hoof. Silver looked at it in confusion, then transferred her gaze up to Anon's face.
  1936. > "For the eggs," he told her.
  1937. > The mare stared at her food before realizing what he meant. "Oh!" she gasped and clumsily picked the shaker up between her forehooves.
  1938. > She nearly dropped it in, but managed to keep her grip long enough to sprinkle salt liberally over her food.
  1939. > "T-Thank you," she said meekly as she put it back down. Rather than replying, the human patted her mane, which made the mare start.
  1940. > Twilight was about to jump to her side, but Silver just took a long breath and gave them both a nervous smile.
  1941. > The alicorn was proud.
  1942. "Okay, sandwiches!" she said and went to rummage in the fridge.
  1944. > ~~~~
  1946. > As Anon merged the car onto the highway, Twilight was looking up their destination. Neither of them knew exactly where the 'take off' point was, but luckily Anon still had his old emails.
  1947. > Tommy had sent him a map reference that first time they took Rainbow flying.
  1948. > "Okay, looks like we're going west," the alicorn proclaimed and pointed at the screen.
  1949. > Anon looked at it and nodded.
  1950. "Yeah, I remember that much. First, we're stopping for sodas. It's not a real road trip without Cola."
  1951. > The mare clopped her forehooves together happily. "Yes please!"
  1952. > She turned around to look at Silver Spoon, who was sitting in the back. The earth pony couldn't see all that well, but she had insisted her eyes were good enough to enjoy the drive anyway.
  1953. > Twilight suddenly had an idea. "Oh! Is it warm enough for the roof?!"
  1954. > Anon obediently lowered his window and stuck out his hand.
  1955. "I dunno. Sun's up, but it's kinda chilly."
  1956. > "Please? We'll dress up warm!" the alicorn begged. "Besides, it's early. It'll get hotter!"
  1957. > Silver looked from one to the other in confusion. She didn't understand what they were talking about and Twilight didn't want to spoil the surprise. The alicorn was smiling.
  1958. > "You'll see, it's great!"
  1959. > Anon sighed and gave in.
  1960. "Okay, next gas station. Wrap up warm while I get our Cokes."
  1961. > "Yay!" the alicorn nearly giggled with delight. Her enthusiasm was infectious and Silver also smiled, if a little uncertainly.
  1962. > True to his word, Anon pulled over soon and got out of the car. Twilight lit up her horn and reached for the handle to join him, but he stuck his head back in.
  1963. "Relax, I'll get it."
  1964. > He walked around the car and opened the trunk. Twilight had packed everything they could possibly need and then some more. Anon pulled out two sweaters and took them back to the ponies.
  1965. > Twilight grabbed the purple one, which left Silver stuck with the ugly green thing. She didn't complain, though.
  1966. > "Put it on!" the alicorn urged and the earth mare obeyed. She didn't seem too sure about it, but she dutifully stuck her head in the fabric and scrambled at it with her hooves.
  1967. > She struggled for a bit, but then Anon leaned into the car again and helped her pull it down.
  1968. > "T-Thanks," Silver said.
  1969. "There. I'll be back in a sec."
  1970. > It was a matter of minutes to get in the gas station and grab three cokes. Anon wondered briefly if Silver Spoon could have this much sugar yet, but went with it anyway.
  1971. > The mare had been doing fine lately, she'd even had a bit of pizza the other night.
  1972. > He paid for the drinks and took them back to the car. Twilight took care of her own, now that she had her magic back, but Silver Spoon couldn't open the tap with her hooves, so he did it for her.
  1973. "Here you go," he said cheerfully.
  1974. > The pony took it gingerly between her forelegs and sniffed it.
  1975. > Twilight, who had downed half of her own can already, offered some advice: "It tickles a bit on your tongue, but it's good. We'll need the sugar today!"
  1976. > "Oh. Okay," Silver replied and took a very careful slurp. She kept it in her mouth for a while, then swallowed.
  1977. > Both the human and the alicorn watched her intently, until she giggled. "It tickles!" Silver said, delighted. She quickly took another sip, while Anon and Twilight grinned at each other.
  1978. > Having had her first taste and found she liked it, Silver finished the drink almost in a single gulp, then sat bolt upright and felt around her belly with a hoof.
  1979. > "Uhh," she said, alarmed. "I don't- it's-"
  1980. > Her words were cut off by a small burp, which made the alicorn laugh. Anon tried to hide it, but he couldn't help chuckling a little.
  1981. > "Sorry! I didn't mean-"
  1982. > She failed to get the full sentence out before burping again.
  1983. > Twilight was squealing with laughter.
  1984. "Don't worry, it's just Coke. It always does that if you drink it that fast."
  1985. > The poor, embarrassed mare lowered her ears. "Sorry."
  1986. > Anon reached back to pat her.
  1987. "Don't apologize. Was it good?"
  1988. > "Mhm!" the pony nodded.
  1989. "Good. Now here's the next bit."
  1990. > Twilight poked her human with a hoof, looking around wide-eyed. "Anon!" she said urgently. "Anon!"
  1991. "Hmm?"
  1992. > "I think this is *exactly* where we did this *exact* same thing with Rainbow Dash!"
  1993. > The human froze with his finger on the button.
  1994. "Huh. I guess you're right. Well, we were going to the same place and this is the last gas stop for a while. Makes sense."
  1995. > He pushed the button.
  1996. > As the roof clicked and something began to whir behind the seat, Silver jumped and looked around fearfully.
  1997. > "It's okay," Twilight reassured her.
  1998. > Silver's fear slowly turned to wonder as the cover above her head slid away. She suddenly realized why she had to wear the sweater.
  1999. > "Oh!" she said, touching the garment with a hoof.
  2000. > "Yep!" Twilight confirmed, noticing her gesture. She also lit up her horn to buckle the earth mare down. "Here, you better wear a seat belt now."
  2001. > Silver poked at the belt across her barrel, but didn't fight it.
  2002. "Okay, here we go."
  2003. > Before Anon could drive off, his phone rang. He fished it out of a pocket and put it against his ear.
  2004. "Hello?"
  2005. > Both Twilight and Silver Spoon heard the faint voice from the speaker. "Hey, dude! Put Twilight on, please!"
  2006. > Anon held out the phone to the alicorn, who picked it up with her magic and held it in front of her face. "Hey Rainbow Dash! We're on our way!"
  2007. > The mare listened intently, then looked at the human. "How long until we're there?" she asked, knowing he couldn't hear Rainbow unless he had the device right against his ear.
  2008. "Um, an hour I think."
  2009. > "An hour," Twilight repeated. "Mhm! Okay! I'll tell him."
  2010. > She hung up and returned the phone back to Anon, who slid it in his pocket. He pushed a few buttons on the dashboard and began to drive.
  2011. > "Rainbow Dash says they're parked a bit away from the top."
  2012. > "Cool!" Anon said and drove off.
  2013. > The rushing air as they rejoined the highway was making the mare speak louder. "She says it's a good picnic place, nice and private! She says to call her if we don't find it!"
  2014. > Anon pointed at the screen on the dashboard.
  2015. "Okay! You can check on the map!"
  2016. > The alicorn looked at the navigation and fiddled a little with the controls. "I think I see it," she said, only a slight tinge of doubt in her voice. "A dead end, just before the takeoff parking lot. Looks like trees, too!"
  2017. "Good!"
  2018. > "Oh! We'll be there in fifty minutes, it says!"
  2019. > The human shrugged.
  2020. "Just means Dash and Tommy won't have to wait for us as long!"
  2021. > "That's true!"
  2022. "Now shut up and enjoy the ride!"
  2023. > Twilight looked back to make sure Silver Spoon was okay, but the earth pony was smiling as the wind whipped her mane around. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to be enjoying herself.
  2024. > "It's great, isn't it, Silver?" the alicorn asked anyway.
  2025. > "..." the mare replied, a little too quietly to be heard above the wind.
  2026. > "What?!"
  2027. > "Yes!"
  2029. > ~~~~
  2031. > The drive went even smoother than the GPS had predicted. Anon turned off the asphalt road mere forty-five minutes later.
  2032. > "It should be the first left," Twilight told him, studying the map again.
  2033. "'kay."
  2034. > He followed the dirt track for a while, then pointed at a patch of forest.
  2035. "Up there?"
  2036. > Twilight looked, then inspected the screen. "I think so. I think that's Tommy's car. It's got a hang glider on the roof anyway."
  2037. > It was their best guess and the human deftly manoeuvred the vehicle up the road. They slid to a gentle, almost soundless halt right behind the parked car.
  2038. "Yep, that's Rainbow. Why is her wing sticking out the window?"
  2039. > Anon felt something was wrong, but couldn't put his finger on it. He got out of his seat and Twilight followed right after him.
  2040. "Uh..."
  2041. > The other car was rocking gently. The wing tip, which stuck out the passenger window, was flapping erratically. The other wing was thumping against the roof inside.
  2042. > "Anon?" the alicorn asked in a low, worried voice.
  2043. > When he looked at her, Twilight was very red in the face. "I think we should go," she said.
  2044. "What?! Why?"
  2045. > Before she could stop him, the human took a step forward and saw the whole picture.
  2046. > Tommy was sitting in the passenger seat and the pegasus was in his lap, facing him. His hands were around her waist and helped guide Rainbow up and down. Their lips were locked together. Her forehooves were on his shoulders.
  2047. > This close, Anon could hear the low grunting from the human and the high-pitched moans of the mare.
  2048. > He couldn't stop watching.
  2049. > Twilight was right. They had to go, as quietly as they could. Luckily, his Tesla would make no sound. Then they'd call Tommy's phone from the bend to give the pair time to clean up.
  2050. > It would save them all quite a bit of embarrassment.
  2051. > The decision was taken from him when Silver Spoon yelled out: "What's going on?!"
  2052. > There was a shout from the other car and a lot of rapid shuffling. Rainbow Dash ended up on the driver's seat, before glaring through the rear window.
  2053. > "What the hell you guys!?" she shouted when she saw who it was. "You said one hour!"
  2054. > Twilight replied before Anon could get his thoughts together: "We're, um, early!"
  2055. > "No shit!"
  2056. > The alicorn kicked her human in the shin. "Turn around!"
  2057. > When Anon glanced down he saw that Twilight was facing the other way.
  2058. "Oh!"
  2059. > He spun around, looking back at his car and glad of it. The last thing he had seen was Tommy hurriedly pulling on his pants.
  2060. > Silver Spoon was craning her neck and trying to unbuckle her seat belt with hooves. "What's wrong?!" the mare asked again.
  2061. "It's fine. They were just- um, Rainbow and Tommy-" he tried, but words failed him so he looked at the alicorn. "Twilight?"
  2062. > The mare opened and shut her mouth a few times. "Nothing!" she squeaked. "It's fine. Here, lemme help you with that!"
  2063. > She went to free Silver Spoon from the seat belt.
  2064. > Anon kept himself resolutely turned away, all until Rainbow Dash jumped out of the other car and slammed the door shut. She walked into his view and he couldn't help noticing the messy, tangled mane and tail, and the way she was blushing.
  2065. > Not to mention the smell in the air. Even he could pick up on it!
  2066. > "Jeez, you coulda given a mare some warning, Anon!" she chided.
  2067. "Sorry!"
  2068. > "Ugh. It's my fault anyway. I thought we had enough time so I talked Tommy into it."
  2069. "Please shut up."
  2070. > The pegasus looked at how red Anon was in the face and chuckled. Seeing him discomforted seemed to make her feel better about the whole thing.
  2071. > "It's nothing bad, Anon. Just some... fun," the mare said softly and brushed a wing nonchalantly against his thigh.
  2072. > To Anon's immense relief, Twilight and Silver Spoon joined them and the two friends embraced.
  2073. > "You stink, Rainbow Dash," the alicorn pointed out. "Here, have some wet wipes."
  2074. > "Thanks."
  2075. > The cyan mare went behind a bush to clean herself as best she could, while Twilight - taking the situation in hoof - walked over to Tommy's car.
  2076. > "Hello!" she called pleasantly and motioned for Anon to follow.
  2077. > He did so, scrambling for something unrelated to say.
  2078. "Yeah, hi. The weather should be good, I think. Lots of wind, that's good, right?"
  2079. > "Yeah," Tommy confirmed, even if it wasn't entirely true. Then he swallowed and spoke quickly. "Listen, about Dash. She-"
  2080. > "You have nothing to explain," Twilight jumped in before he could finish his sentence. "She's an adult and so are you. Let's just forget about it, okay?"
  2081. > The human seemed relieved. "Yeah. Thanks. You're right."
  2082. > Finally, he came out of the car, just as the pegasus in question was returning from the bush.
  2083. > "Amazing how she can walk again," he remarked. "After the last time I saw her - well, it didn't look good, you know?"
  2084. "Yeah. Magic."
  2085. > The pegasus thrust our her chest with pride. "So, Tommy, ready to learn a few new tricks?"
  2086. > They were all grateful to move on, especially him. "Oh, sure! Looking forward to seeing you fly!"
  2087. > "Yep! I'm still the best, just need a bit more practice to get back in shape!" the mare boasted.
  2088. > "Well, I brought the harness too, if you need a rest," Tommy offered as he went to the trunk of his car and opened it. It didn't lift fully, because his hang glider was on the roof and sticking out quite a bit, but it opened enough for him to reach in there and pull out a bundle of straps and belts.
  2089. > "Pffft!" Rainbow blew a raspberry. "I don't need that anymore!"
  2090. > Her refusal was a bit insensitive.
  2091. "Come on, for old times' sake?"
  2092. > That gave the pegasus pause. "Maybe, later. If I get tired."
  2093. > Another idea occurred to Anon.
  2094. "How about you take Twilight up for a spin? Or even Silver, if she'd like? I'll pay for them!"
  2095. > Tommy held up his hand at the mention of payment. "No charge. I'll be happy to take them up."
  2096. > The alicorn was staring, dumbfounded. "Really?! Fly? Me?" It was weird how she hadn't thought of it herself.
  2097. "Yeah. How about you, Silver?"
  2098. > The mare wasn't sure. She examined the bundled up glider and the ropes and belts Tommy was still holding. "I-Is it s-safe?" she asked, nervously.
  2099. > The pegasus went to her and put a wing around the mare. "Don't you worry for a second, Silver! If that numbskull lets you fall, I'll catch you, okay?"
  2100. > The earth mare swallowed. "O-Okay," she said softly. She wasn't sure she wanted to try, but Twilight's obvious excitement made her curious. The alicorn was prancing a little with joy.
  2101. > "That's, uh, Tommy's h-hang glider?" Silver asked, looking at the long, thin bundle.
  2102. > The pegasus slapped her hooves together in anticipation. "Oh boy! C'mere, we're gonna put it together. You can help!"
  2103. > Tommy led the two mares away, but Twilight didn't follow them. Instead she went to sit on her haunches beside Anon and leaned her head against his thigh as they watched them.
  2104. > "They looked like they were having fun... In the car," she commented.
  2105. > It just made him blush all over again.
  2106. "Yeah."
  2107. > "Feels nice to see Dash this happy."
  2108. "Same."
  2109. > "Thanks for taking us, Anon. And Silver, too. It was sweet."
  2110. "Don't mention it."
  2111. > The pair watched the others as they unfolded the metal framework.
  2112. > "Ahem," Twilight cleared her throat pointedly.
  2113. > Anon looked down, right into her waiting smile.
  2114. "What?"
  2115. > The alicorn rolled her eyes and sighed. "Get down here so I can kiss you, stupid!"
  2116. "Oh."
  2118. > ~~~~
  2120. > Silver Spoon really wished she had her glasses. Squinting at the sky was starting to make her head hurt.
  2121. > For their first flight Tommy and Rainbow Dash went up alone. The other three sat on the grass near the top of the hill and watched.
  2122. > Anon had a black box in his hands - he'd called it a 'walkie' - through which they could hear what Tommy was saying. The way Silver understood his explanation it was kind of like a phone.
  2123. > She sat a few steps away from the alicorn and her human, who were at least as busy hugging each other as they were watching the two in the air.
  2124. > There were some other fliers up there and Spoon quickly lost Tommy's glider. She still watched, occasionally catching a blurry glimpse of blue wings and rainbow mane.
  2125. > More importantly, she listened, keeping one ear turned toward Anon's walkie at all times.
  2126. > Every now and then she heard Rainbow Dash, cheering or urging the human to go faster and higher. The pegasus must have flown right up to the glider for her voice to come through that clearly.
  2127. "What are they doing now?" Spoon asked after an excited yell from the human.
  2128. > Twilight was the one to answer. "I'm not exactly sure. Looked like a spiral?"
  2129. > The walkie caught a whoosh of Rainbow's wing and a clink of metal. Then Tommie yelled out: "Hey, let go of the bar!"
  2130. > Rainbow Dash laughed, quite near the walkie on Tommy's glider. "Relax. You trust me, right?"
  2131. > "Yes."
  2132. > Twilight gave a gasp and stuck her muzzle right against the box. "Dash, what are you doing!?"
  2133. > The pegasus' voice could hardly be heard above rushing wind: "Getting up some speed!"
  2134. > At the same time, Tommy yelled: "You're crazy!" He sounded panicky.
  2135. > Spoon's heart leapt into her throat as she tried to see which of the dark blobs were her two friends.
  2136. "What's happening?!"
  2137. > Before anypony could answer her, Rainbow yelled again: "WOOOOO!"
  2138. > After a moment Tommy joined in her whoop.
  2139. "Tell me!"
  2140. > Rather than answering, Anon commented: "I didn't know a glider could *do* that!"
  2141. > Twilight shook her head. "It can't! It shouldn't!"
  2142. > The alicorn leaned closer to the walkie. "Rainbow Dash!" she shouted, her voice a definite warning.
  2143. > The pegasus just laughed, but Tommy answered: "It's okay! We're climbing back up. Nice job spotting that thermal, Dash!"
  2144. > Silver Spoon squinted at the lowest blob in the sky until her eyes watered, and thought she saw a speck of blue right beside it. It looked like it was circling and gaining height.
  2145. > "Okay, now you try it yourself!" the pegasus yelled.
  2146. > The cyan and rainbow dot detached itself and hung motionless in the air, while the glider swooped down again.
  2147. > Tommy yelled again, but there was no more fear. After a few moments the pegasus dropped after it.
  2148. > Silver didn't know exactly what he was doing, but she thought the contraption was tumbling through the air uncontrollably. Her breath caught.
  2149. > "I can't watch!" Twilight said, but immediately put a lie to her words by staring right at the glider.
  2150. "H-He's not gonna do that when, um, when we're up there, r-right?"
  2151. > The alicorn growled menacingly. "I'll tar and feather that mare if he tries it!" She put her muzzle at the walkie and repeated, louder: "You hear that Tommy?! I know you care about what happens to Rainbow Dash!"
  2152. > The flying human just laughed.
  2153. > "Well, I *will*!" Twilight muttered darkly.
  2154. > Silver tried to find Tommy and Dash in the sky again, but gave up. She really needed her glasses back. Instead, she focused on the pair beside her.
  2155. > She could see well enough how Anon held his arms loosely around Twilight. He was sitting with his legs spread and the alicorn was leaning against his chest. Every now and then she nuzzled him.
  2156. > Something was really there and Silver couldn't help feeling a little angry. If a human like *him* had found her, she could have been happy, too!
  2157. "I wanna stay," she blurted out without thinking.
  2158. > "What?" Anon asked.
  2159. "W-With you... two."
  2160. > She knew how she was blushing under their combined stare.
  2161. > "Silver," the alicorn said kindly, "I don't think that's a good idea. You have friends back home. Family-"
  2162. "So do you."
  2163. > "Yes," the mare conceded, "but I'm needed here."
  2164. > Why had she asked it? Silver couldn't understand her own reasoning, but she was afraid of returning to Ponyville. They would stare at her. Word would get around.
  2165. > They would look at her as if she were a little human whore. Or worse: they would pity her.
  2166. > How could she ever look any of her friends in the eye? Absolutely nopony would understand what she had gone through!
  2167. "I c-can't go h-home."
  2168. > She became aware that her muzzle was wet.
  2169. > Twilight twisted herself free from Anon and came to put her hooves around the mare.
  2170. > "Don't cry. What's wrong? Sure you can go home, sweetie. Your parents miss you and so do all your friends."
  2171. > She didn't understand. For Twilight, the memory of her nightmare was too far in the past. For Silver it was still fresh.
  2172. > The alicorn had found new purpose on Earth. She had a life and people who loved and accepted her.
  2173. > Just a thought of telling Diamond Tiara about what that human had done to her, twisted Silver's stomach in knots.
  2174. > She shook her head violently.
  2175. "Wanna s-stay..."
  2176. > A hoof gently lifted her face up, but Silver couldn't meet Twilight's gaze.
  2177. > "No, sweetheart. You're just nervous because it will be another change. It will be fine, you'll see! You'll meet your little friends again and you'll go to high school and-"
  2178. "No!"
  2179. > That was probably where her classmates were by now, yeah. High school, having the time of their lives. Chasing colts, going to parties... bucking like rabbits.
  2180. > How could she fit in with them? A human toy. She was more animal than pony!
  2181. > The mare pushed Twilight away. The alicorn *couldn't* understand!
  2182. > "Here, let me try," Anon said by her side. Silver hadn't been aware he had moved. "Take the walkie. Once they land, you'll need to drive Tommy's car to go pick them up - it has the roof carriage for the glider."
  2183. > "Okay," the alicorn said, hurt and confused that Silver refused to talk to her. "Where will you go?"
  2184. > "Dunno," Anon replied. "Just a walk."
  2185. > He gave her the keys and the talking device, then laid a careful hand on Silver's back.
  2186. > "Come on, let's go someplace quiet and talk."
  2187. > She didn't know why exactly she obeyed him. The mare got to her unsteady legs and plodded after the man, keeping her gaze on the ground and her ears flat. She knew Twilight watched them go, but Silver didn't want to see it.
  2188. > He led her to the cars and opened the passenger side for her. She shook her head.
  2189. "I'll get d-dirt on the seat."
  2190. > "Up," the human commanded, completely disregarding her comment.
  2191. > Silver took a breath and jumped on. Only then did the question pop in her mind.
  2192. "Where are y-you taking me?"
  2193. > The human still hadn't closed the car door. "Nowhere," he answered. "Just thought the seat might be more comfortable."
  2194. > It was true. The extra height brought her nearly to face-level for the human, if he leaned down a little. It was easier to talk to him.
  2195. > "So," he began.
  2196. > Silver didn't have anything to say to him.
  2197. > "I think I know how you feel. Going back to your old friends and neighbors. Everyone looking at you, judging. 'Maybe she wanted it', they'd think. 'Maybe the little hussy liked the humans'."
  2198. > Anon paused, staring at the dumbstruck mare. "Sounds familiar?"
  2199. "H-How d-did you-?"
  2200. > He sighed. "Twilight went through the exact same thing. It was fine until she got her magic back, but then I asked her if she'd like to visit Equestria, at least. See her old friends. Family. You know."
  2201. "What h-happened?"
  2202. > "Totally freaked out. Said something like, let's see... 'What will they think of me?' You gotta understand - she'd lost her wings and her horn. She was stuck in a brothel with her friends, that was pretty bad. Especially because she blames herself every now and then. She has these... moments."
  2203. "But nopony could blame her!"
  2204. > "Really?" the human asked, raising an eyebrow. "It was her idea, you know? To go to Earth and try to get ponies back. She can't help but think it was her fault she and her friends got caught. At least sometimes she does."
  2205. > Silver hadn't known that. Twilight had told her about their mission, but the alicorn had made it sound as if it had been an order from Celestia or something.
  2206. "Well-"
  2207. > "Then there's me. Twilight thought if she went back, they would point at her and call her a collaborator. A human whore. Awful things."
  2208. "She isn't-"
  2209. > He wouldn't even let her finish a sentence. Anon put his hand on her mane and scratched an ear. "You probably think they'll do the same to you?"
  2210. > The mare nodded, then lowered her gaze.
  2211. > "Not gonna lie. Some might. But not your friends. Not anyone who cares about you."
  2212. > She wasn't quite convinced, however much sense the human was talking.
  2213. > "You have a life back home," Anon continued. "That's something you can't really have here."
  2214. "W-What about Wingtip and White Snow?"
  2215. > She listed the two mares she knew about in the Pony Society. They worked in the building, even earned a wage. She'd met White Snow at the reception that day Twilight had taken her to see the doctor.
  2216. > The mare had seemed quite happy with her place in the world.
  2217. > "They're..." Anon began, but had to pause for thought. "They're kind of an exception. Their first owner is a good guy."
  2218. > Silver spat out the words before she'd thought them through:
  2219. "You mean he rapes them gently?!"
  2220. > Her hooves flew to her mouth in horror.
  2221. "Sorry!"
  2222. > But Anon just laughed. "Actually, I think it's the other way around. It took them more than a year to convince the guy to let them sleep in his bed. And then about six more months before he even touched them. Twilight said they were going crazy with need."
  2223. > It didn't make sense. Surely there was only one reason a human wanted a pony. Anon and Twilight were doing it, and so were Dash and Tommy. Her previous Master. All this talk of brothels...
  2224. "Why did he b-buy them then?"
  2225. > "Here, scooch over," Anon said and Silver obeyed. He sat down beside her. The seat was a little cramped, but she didn't mind leaning against the human's warmth.
  2226. > Silver felt she could trust him.
  2227. > "He bought those two for the same reason I did everything in my power to get Twilight and her friends. I spoke with the man a few times. He couldn't just let them suffer. Luckily, he got them at one of the first auctions, before there was a ton of demand, so he could afford both."
  2228. > The human sighed and absentmindedly slid a hand down her mane. "Still had to mortgage his house, but they're helping him pay it off by working at the Society."
  2229. > She didn't know what to say to that. If it was true, that was pure kindness. Twilight had told her something very similar about Anon and her, so maybe he was telling the truth about this other human as well?
  2230. > After a minute of silence, he continued: "You know, when Twilight found a way to send the ponies back, White Snow and Wingtip refused. They said they're happy on Earth. There were one or two others, that I know of, like that."
  2231. "Why are you telling me all this?"
  2232. > "I'm telling you there's good humans around, but they're rare to find. It's too risky. I think you should go home."
  2233. > It was back to that and Silver shook her head.
  2234. "C-Can't I stay with y-you?"
  2235. > He put his arm around her for a brief hug. The mare closed her eyes and nuzzled into his side. She'd have to let Anon have her, but she could take that.
  2236. > From him she'd take it.
  2237. > He was a nice human. She trusted him.
  2238. > "Sorry, Spoon. Got my hands full with work and Twilight. I don't think she's the sharing sort. Besides, I love that mare. It wouldn't be fair to you."
  2239. "H-How about somepony else? Uh, somehuman... someone else?"
  2240. > He shook his head. "I wouldn't risk it. Too many weirdos and psychos. Well-balanced humans don't actively seek out ponies to own, you know?"
  2241. "You did..."
  2242. > He ignored her remark. "Hey," he said and tipped her face up with a finger under her chin, "it'll be fine. I know meeting your old friends can seem scary after what you've been through, but Rainbow Dash will go with you. She'll make sure you're fine, okay?"
  2243. > Silver hadn't thought of it like that. Dash had been through a similar ordeal as herself and she was a hero in Equestria.
  2244. > Maybe, if the pegasus helped, Silver could face the ponies of Ponyville.
  2245. > It didn't seem as if Anon would budge on this and Twilight had sounded pretty vehement too. They would bundle her off to Equestria whether Silver liked it or not.
  2246. > Her ears drooped down and the mare heaved a sigh.
  2247. "Fine."
  2248. > "Hey," Anon said cheerfully, "we still got a few days. I don't think Dash is in a hurry to leave. We can have a bit of fun, no?"
  2249. > The mare managed a faint smile.
  2250. > "Tell you what - once you get your glasses I'll drive us to the sea side. Roof down, speeding along the highway, wind in your hair. Uh, mane. We'll sit on the beach and have some ice cream, just us."
  2251. > When he put it like that, the trip *did* sound like a lot of fun. Her smile widened.
  2252. "I'd l-like that."
  2253. > "Great! Oh-" the human paused and Silver realized he was looking out of the car. She followed his gaze and recognized the purple blob as Twilight Sparkle.
  2254. > "They landed," the alicorn said. "Can you drive, please? It's probably stick. I don't like stick. Oh, are you two done talking?"
  2255. > Anon looked at Silver, who gave a slight nod.
  2256. > "I guess so. Okay, let's get our two stunt masters so you can have a turn."
  2257. > Silver was relieved that it would be alicorn on the glider first. It gave her more time to get used to the idea.
  2258. > As the human helped her down from the seat, he cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. "Think about what I said."
  2259. "Okay. I w-will."
  2260. > "Good girl. You can sit in the front this time! Twilight can share the back seat with Tommy and Dash. Maybe they'll keep their hands off each other that way."
  2261. > "We can but hope!" the alicorn said, waiting by the other car.
  2262. > Anon chuckled at that.
  2264. > ~~~~
  2266. > Silver Spoon stood stock still while Tommy was putting the harness on her. The straps were just cloth, but the material was similar to the seat belts in Anon's car.
  2267. > It looked sturdy enough and it had carried Twilight Sparkle with no problems. The alicorn was heavier, too.
  2268. > Shrugging a little to try and shift the belts into more comfortable positions, Silver glanced up to see what the human was doing.
  2269. > The glider's wings stretched to either side above her, a canopy of yet another type of dark fabric.
  2270. > "There we go," Tommy proclaimed as he clicked a metal ring somewhere above the mare. "You're all set."
  2271. "O-Okay."
  2272. > Her legs were trembling and Silver wasn't sure she could run. She'd seen Twilight do it and it had looked complicated. The pony was supposed to run beside the human, matching his steps, until the glider began to lift.
  2273. > Then - Silver wasn't quite sure because the two had been some distance away by then - it seemed to simply lift Twilight up into the air while Tommy continued running for a while longer.
  2274. > A few more steps and they were in the air.
  2275. > "So, here's what you do," the human said, snapping Silver's thoughts back to the present. "We'll go to the take off ramp and wait until the wind is just right. I'll tell you when."
  2276. > Silver gave him a preemptive nod.
  2277. > "When I say, we'll run down the hill. Try to match my speed, okay?"
  2278. "Y-Yes."
  2279. > The man put a hand on her head and smiled, his teeth a white blur in the middle of the pink which was his face. Again Silver wished she had her glasses.
  2280. > "Don't worry, you'll do fine. Anyway, the glider will catch some wind and it's gonna try to lift you up. But don't just hang your weight on it, understand? Keep running for as long as you can reach the ground."
  2281. > It was starting to sound more and more dangerous by the minute. The mare regretted saying yes to all of this, but it was probably too late to back out. Her ears lowered as she looked at the few dark splotches already in the air.
  2282. > "Once we're up," Tommy went on, as if he hadn't noticed her trepidation, "grab the bar." He tapped at the metal rod in front of her. There was some kind of foam wrapped around it, presumably to give the human a better grip. It wouldn't matter much for her.
  2283. > "Lock your ankles around it," Twilight jumped in helpfully.
  2284. > "Yeah, do that," Tommy confirmed. "I'll take us away and up, so just hold on to it and relax, okay?"
  2285. > A small whimper escaped her, but Silver managed to squeak out an affirmative.
  2286. > Purple legs hugged her. "Don't worry, it's fun. You'll see!"
  2287. > Silver gave Twilight a nod, even though she wasn't quite sure she believed her.
  2288. > Meanwhile the human clipped himself to the glider as well, then grabbed the bars to either side of her. Together with the bottom one they formed a triangle.
  2289. > "Come on, just walk beside," he said.
  2290. > Silver made sure to keep up and tried not to let the harness tug her. Once or twice she missed a step and the fabric pulled her along, but the mare didn't complain.
  2291. > They stopped at the top of the ramp. It was just a patch of short grass which got steeper as it led down. It looked like a long way to fall.
  2292. > Tommy's hand brushed her mane again. "Don't worry, it's fine!" he assured her.
  2293. > Silver flashed him a nervous smile.
  2294. > This was it.
  2295. > "Ready?"
  2296. > The first time she opened her mouth nothing came out, so the mare tried again with more force.
  2297. "Yes!"
  2298. > "That's the spirit. Okay, let's go!"
  2299. > It went by in a blur. The human lifted his metal contraption and took a step. Silver followed, concentrating on placing her hooves. It would be disastrous to trip and fall, she knew that much!
  2300. > A hoof step, then another. They came faster and faster until she was at an easy canter. The harness hugged her barrel and pulled up with unexpected force.
  2301. > She remembered Tommy's instructions and tried to keep her hooves on the ground. A few more steps and she was hanging from the ropes and could barely reach the grass.
  2302. > The mare still tried to push it away, concentrating on that so much that she almost didn't realize they were airborne. Her legs dangled and the ground was moving away.
  2303. > Her heart leapt into her throat and Silver squeezed her eyes shut in terror.
  2304. > All she could hear was the rushing wind.
  2305. > "Okay, grab the bar!" the human beside her yelled.
  2306. > It sounded important.
  2307. "Okay!"
  2308. > She had to look in order to find the metal rod. Then the mare lifted up her forelegs and hooked them on the rubbery surface.
  2309. > It made her feel a little better. She was still hanging from a rope, but it *felt* like she was holding on.
  2310. > The harness bit into her skin under her armpits, but it wasn't too bad.
  2311. > She focused on the human. He was pressing against her side as they dangled from the glider and Silver was keenly aware of the touch. She concentrated on it. As long as Tommy was there she was fine. He knew what to do.
  2312. > Only then did she look around.
  2313. > The ground was impossibly far away.
  2314. > Was that how pegasi felt? She wasn't sure she liked it.
  2315. > Instead, Silver looked at the horizon. At least that was still in the same place and about as far away as always.
  2316. > She couldn't see any details and perhaps that helped. It was also good that they flew straight, without any bumps or twists like the human had done when he was alone. Even with her eyesight - perhaps because of it - those had looked terrifying.
  2317. > "All good?"
  2318. > She opened her mouth, but the rushing wind pushed the air down her throat and the mare swallowed. For a moment it was impossible to breathe, but she turned her muzzle away and took a welcome breath.
  2319. "Yes!" she lied.
  2320. > "Let's do a little turn. We'll circle around this spot, okay?"
  2321. > She didn't understand why the human was asking her, so Silver just nodded at him.
  2322. > The world leaned to the side! She whimpered, but the wind snatched it away and Tommy didn't hear.
  2323. > Her grip on the bar redoubled even as Silver's stomach lurched uncomfortably.
  2324. > Pegasi could keep it!
  2325. > Their circle brought the hillside back in sight and the mare just stared at how far they had gone. She couldn't make out people. She couldn't even see where they had taken off!
  2326. > The landscape continued to slide as the glider flew in a large, slow spiral.
  2327. > Mind racing, Silver remembered that was how they gained height.
  2328. > Strangely, though, she wasn't any more afraid. They were quite far up and more wouldn't make much of a difference.
  2329. > "It'll take a few minutes. Just relax and enjoy the view!"
  2330. > Silver tried to obey. She watched as faint, blurry landmarks passed her vision. Hillside, sky, distant mountains, sun, fields and what she thought was a city in the distance.
  2331. > It was almost peaceful once she had gotten used to the rushing air. The harness seemed to be holding her weight so her grip on the bar relaxed.
  2332. > "Okay, I think that's enough," Tommy told her. He pressed against her side as he moved the bar and Silver remembered Twilight explaining this to her. They pushed or pulled the bar to steer, but in fact they were moving themselves. Their shifting weight was what made the glider turn.
  2333. > "Okay, now you try it."
  2334. > Silver whimpered in panic again and looked, wide-eyed, at the human.
  2335. > He smiled encouragingly. "Don't be afraid. I'll make sure we're okay!"
  2336. > It was best just to do what he said and get it over with. Maybe they would get down faster if she obeyed?
  2337. > The mare gave him a nod.
  2338. > "Okay, first: pull on the bar - just a little!"
  2339. > She did so, but almost immediately pushed it back when the glider tilted downward and the rushing air sped up.
  2340. > "Don't worry, you can go more!"
  2341. > Silver swallowed and tried again, this time holding it for a while longer. The wind streaming past made her eyes water.
  2342. > She let it go and felt an explanation was necessary.
  2343. "I t-think that's enough..."
  2344. > "What?!"
  2345. "Enough!"
  2346. > "Okay, that's how you go faster. Now push it away!"
  2347. > This one was easier. As the mare obeyed, the glider's nose tilted up and they slowed down. She liked this better and held it away from her for a while.
  2348. > "That's enough. Don't slow down too much, or we'll stall," Tommy warned her.
  2349. > Silver quickly let the bar return to where it wanted to be.
  2350. "S-Sorry!"
  2351. > He just laughed and patted her head. It was kind of the human that he let them just float for a while so the mare could gather her wits.
  2352. > "You're a natural. Let's try steering! Push it to the left!"
  2353. > Silver did so, but the reaction of the glider wasn't what she'd expected. It tilted in the opposite direction!
  2354. > The mare squeaked an alarm and would have yanked the bar back, but Tommy held it in place. "Don't worry, it's fine! You're doing fine!" he yelled.
  2355. > After an agonizing few moments he let it return.
  2356. > Silver knew what he would say next so she did it before he asked, just to get it over with. She brought the bar to the right, turning their flying machine until it faced the fields.
  2357. > "Very nice! You got it, girl!"
  2358. > There was a flash of pride and the mare managed a small smile.
  2359. > She was getting used to the noise and the wind and the height. In a way, it was like the car with its roof down.
  2360. > Scary as it was, having control over where the glider went and how fast helped a lot.
  2361. > Tommy released one hand from the bar and pointed off into the distance. "Can you see the church on that hill over there?"
  2362. > Silver squinted. There was a white blob in the distance.
  2363. "Yes!"
  2364. > "Take us above it, let's check it out from close by!"
  2365. > It looked like quite a distance. Silver was about to ask the human about it, but then realized what this meant.
  2366. > They'd fly in a straight line for a while, which meant no crazy acrobatics or loops or spirals. And, presumably, their way back would also be quite peaceful.
  2367. > The mare was fine with straight and peaceful!
  2368. "Okay!"
  2369. > She thought for a moment, then pushed the bar to the right.
  2370. > "'Atta girl!"
  2371. > This time she found herself genuinely smiling.
  2372. > As they began their gentle glide, Silver wondered why Rainbow Dash wasn't flying with them, showing off her skills.
  2373. > Maybe the pegasus was tired? She *had* said it would take her more time to get her usual strength and endurance back.
  2374. > Whatever it was, she was grateful that boastful, competitive mare wasn't there.
  2375. > Who knew what Tommy would do with Dash urging him on.
  2376. >...
  2377. > Silver Spoon was sitting under the glider on a grassy field, letting Tommy idly scratch her ears when the other three found them.
  2378. > The landing had been scary and her heart was still beating faster as she remembered how the ground had rushed up to them. They were going way too fast and she was sure they would crash, but somehow Tommy kept the glider flowing just above the grass for what seemed like ages.
  2379. > Until they slowed right down. Then, at the last posible second, he yelled "Push!"
  2380. > She had obeyed, kicking the bar away from her as hard as she could. The glider tipped up crazily and stopped in the air.
  2381. > There was a moment of uncertainty, then they settled smoothly down into the grass. She wasn't ready and her hind legs folded, but other than smacking her rump on the ground a little there was no damage.
  2382. > Now that it was over, Silver was slightly proud of herself.
  2383. > She still wasn't sure she liked flying, but it had been an interesting experience. Now that it was over, she was very glad she had done it.
  2384. > The pony leaned over to nuzzle her human pilot.
  2385. "Thanks."
  2386. > Just in time, too! Twilight and Rainbow both rushed at her and nearly tackled her to the ground.
  2387. > "How was it?! How was it?!" the alicorn demanded.
  2388. > Meanwhile, Dash puffed out her chest and held up a hoof, waiting for a bump.
  2389. > Silver gave the pegasus what she wanted. "'atta girl!" Dash said, "you should've been a pegasus!"
  2390. > It was most certainly exaggeration, possibly one Twilight had demanded of her friend, but it still felt like high praise.
  2391. > Silver smiled back and tried to answer them both.
  2392. "It was f-fine! Uh, thanks!"
  2393. > "You gotta tell me all about it!" the alicorn insisted. She had found a notebook somewhere and held a pencil in her magical grip, ready to take notes. "You went up on a thermal, then just went straight... someplace!"
  2394. > Silver looked at the humans for help, but none was to be had. Tommy had a slight smirk and Anon was trying hard not to laugh.
  2395. > "Don't mind her," Dash said, pushing Twilight away. "Did you do a loop? Barrel roll? Spiral flop? Go on, tell me!"
  2396. > Even the names sounded scary. Silver looked at Tommy in alarm, but the human winked at her.
  2397. "No, n-none of that."
  2398. > Dash deflated a little. "Well, it *was* only your first flight. Yeah, taking it easy, getting to know your abilities. Smart. I like it! Next time I'll come with, show you a trick or two!"
  2399. > First flight?!
  2400. > Seeing her expression, the pegasus paused. "There is gonna be a next time, isn't there?"
  2401. > Surely Dash didn't expect her to go up there again?
  2402. > Only...
  2403. > Now that she came to think of it, the entire ordeal hadn't been as scary as she had feared.
  2404. > Maybe, if Silver had her glasses, she could try again.
  2405. > Just to see the view, of course!
  2406. > It wasn't as if she liked flying!
  2407. "M-Maybe..."
  2408. > "Come on, let's get the glider packed. We gotta get back for your eye exam," Anon interjected.
  2409. > Silver grasped the life line he had tossed her.
  2410. "Yes, of course!"
  2411. > She stood up, noticing how her legs were still trembling a little. The muscles in her forelegs hurt from gripping the bar so hard and the mare carefully stretched.
  2412. > "Oh, by the way," Tommy said.
  2413. "Huh?"
  2414. > He tapped at a small, plastic box which was affixed to one of the bars above her.
  2415. > "I turned the Go Pro to record your face. I'll send Twilight the footage."
  2416. "M-My face?!"
  2417. > "Yeah. You were grinning most of the way back from that church, did you know that?"
  2418. > Silver shook her head mutely.
  2419. > "You'll see, then. It was cute."
  2420. > Twilight danced a little jig with her hooves. "Oh, that's *perfect*! I can study how earth ponies take to flying, this will be great data! Thanks!"
  2421. > The mare was suddenly hugging the human, all until Dash tapped a purple flank.
  2422. > "Okay, okay, that's enough. Break it up," the pegasus said.
  2423. > She really liked Tommy and wasn't about to share. Twilight was the same with Anon.
  2424. > Yeah, Silver thought, *some* humans were okay.
  2426. > ~~~~
  2428. > Twilight Sparkle leaned against her pegasus friend in the back seat of Anon's car. The roof was down, despite the chill in the air and the two mares were wrapped in a blanket.
  2429. > It wouldn't be her personal choice to drive like that, but Silver Spoon was in the front seat, more excited and animated than she'd ever seen her before. The alicorn hadn't had the heart to say no.
  2430. > Spoon was still explaining to Anon how her flight had been.
  2431. > The weird part was that Rainbow Dash insisted she rides in their car, leaving Tommy alone. After the morning's display, Twilight would have thought the two couldn't wait for some privacy.
  2432. > The pegasus assured them her human would pick her up from Anon's directly and they would continue exactly where they left off.
  2433. > What Rainbow Dash didn't say, but Twilight read between the lines, was that she wanted to talk to her friend.
  2434. > Alone was impossible right at the moment, but Dash seemed okay with Anon and Silver listening in.
  2435. > The only problem was, now she was just sitting quietly and looking at the darkening landscape sliding past them.
  2436. "That was nice," Twilight said to try and get the conversation going.
  2437. > "Yeah. Wings are still better, but Tommy handles that thing like a pro. I hope we can go flying again before I leave."
  2438. "When are you leaving?"
  2439. > Dash heaved a sigh and glanced at Twilight. Then she shuffled so her purple friend was resting more comfortably against her.
  2440. > "Depends..." she said uncertainly. Her head hit the seat and Dash focused her eyes on the high clouds up there. "You need to come with."
  2441. "What?! No!"
  2442. > Before she could go on, Rainbow slid a wing around Twilight. "Come on, Twi! We need you back home."
  2443. > There was a pause. The alicorn saw Silver sitting perfectly still, but there was a telltale ear turned toward the two in the back seat. The mare was listening intently, but trying to pretend she wasn't.
  2444. > Anon probably too, but his ears didn't swivel so it was harder to tell.
  2445. "Why do you need me?"
  2446. > "Well, *I* don't," Rainbow began. It sounded as if she'd had this conversation before with somepony else. She fell silent, then hastily corrected herself: "I wouldn't *mind* seeing you more often, of course. I miss us hanging out, y'know?"
  2447. "Then why?"
  2448. > The wing holding Twilight tensed around her barrel.
  2449. > "It's the others," the pegasus said at long last. "They aren't doing so well, Twilight."
  2450. > With a small start the alicorn realized she hadn't even thought much about her friends in a long while. Life on Earth was just *so busy*!
  2451. > As if knowing exactly what she was doing, Rainbow waited for the guilt to really set in before talking again.
  2452. > "AJ is mostly fine, I guess. But we're really worried about Fluttershy. I dunno what to do, Twi! We need your help."
  2453. "Fluttershy?! What's wrong with Fluttershy?!"
  2454. > The alicorn pushed herself away and put her hooves on Rainbow's shoulders, as if to shake her until she answered, but the pegasus just looked away and heaved a sad sigh. "She's not the same."
  2455. > Dash barked a mirthless laugh. "None of us are, not really. But I think she got the worst of it."
  2456. "Tell me!"
  2457. > Rainbow turned big, solemn eyes on Twilight and just watched for a few seconds. Before the alicorn could demand an answer again, she spoke:
  2458. > "She doesn't have any animals, did you know that? She lives alone and chases them away when they come near. Says she can't be trusted with them."
  2459. > It didn't sound good. Twilight's breath caught and her ears folded flat against her head.
  2460. "But that's her cutie mark! It's what Fluttershy *does*!"
  2461. > "Yeah!" Dash snapped right back. "You see why we're worried?! I dunno what to do, Twilight. Fluttershy is my friend and I can't stand seeing her like that!"
  2462. > The pegasus lowered her gaze. Her shoulders sagged and her wing slipped away from Twilight.
  2463. > "I thought... maybe if you talked with her..."
  2464. "I..."
  2465. > Twilight couldn't get the words past the lump in her throat. She swallowed and tried again.
  2466. "I... can't..."
  2467. > Rainbow snapped her head back up. "Didn't you hear what I said!? We *need* you Twilight! You gotta come home!"
  2468. > The alicorn looked at her human in the driver's seat. After a moment, Dash followed her gaze. She guessed what her friend was thinking.
  2469. > "I don't think Princess Luna would allow that, like ever."
  2470. > "It's okay," Anon spoke up suddenly. "I understand. It sounds serious, Twilight. I think you should go."
  2471. > She was flabbergasted. Anon was supposed to beg her to stay! It would make it so much easier!
  2472. "W-What," the mare said weakly, "if they d-don't let me come back?"
  2473. > They drove in silence for a while. Rainbow was avoiding her eyes, as was Silver Spoon. Anon probably too, but he had to drive, so Twilight forgave him.
  2474. > At long last, her human replied: "I think Fluttershy should come first, Twiley. She needs you way more than I do."
  2475. > She tried glaring at him, but her vision blurred as her eyes filled with tears. She didn't answer, just struggled free from Rainbow's grasp.
  2476. > The wind on her fur was chilly, but Twilight didn't care. She crawled to the far side of the back seat and curled up by herself.
  2477. > She pushed her muzzle against the fabric and drew breath through her nose. Even here the car smelled of Anon.
  2478. "What about how much I need you?!" she whispered too quietly for anyone else to hear.
  2479. > Her hypocritical brain reminded her that she had been thinking of leaving mere days earlier, but the alicorn pushed that thought down.
  2480. > She was already shivering, but determined to stick it out.
  2481. > A warm, feathery body covered hers, followed by the blanket around them both.
  2482. > "I'm sorry," Rainbow whispered. "Just- please, think about it?"
  2483. > Twilight sniffed, but managed a nod.
  2484. "I'll think about it."
  2485. > They drove in silence for a while, but now that she had started to think about home, Twilight couldn't stop. She heaved a sigh and gave in.
  2486. "What about the o-others?"
  2487. > There was no reply for a while, as if Rainbow was looking for the best way to say it.
  2488. "Tell me!"
  2489. > "Fine," the mare replied. "Rares and Spike are okay, I think. They get into these fights, but they usually make up."
  2490. "Rarity and Spike?!"
  2491. > "Oh. I guess you didn't know," Rainbow said meekly and looked away. She would have slipped back to her seat, but Twilight grabbed her.
  2492. "Go on!"
  2493. > The pegasus didn't struggle. "Well, they got together. *Finally*, if you ask me. Those two have had moon-eyes for each other ever since we got back, y'know?"
  2494. > Twilight didn't. The few paragraphs she had gotten from either Rarity or Spike had sounded very curt and professional. The dragon was keeping her castle in order and the unicorn was working to keep her fashion business afloat.
  2495. "Neither of them said anything in the letters!"
  2496. > "Well," Dash said and rubbed her muzzle with a hoof, "maybe Spike didn't want you to know because..."
  2497. > The pegasus spread her forelegs hopelessly as she failed to think of a reason.
  2498. "I see," Twilight said, even though she didn't, really.
  2499. > She'd write them a letter and ask, she decided. No way Spike would blatantly lie to her, would he?
  2500. > Dash kept talking, if only to avoid the uncomfortable silence. "Well, Rarity's been... the whole thing was hard on her. I guess Spike was just there when it mattered."
  2501. "Well... good for him!"
  2502. > She was happy for her little helper, Twilight realized. She had watched his hopeless crush on Rarity for ages, hoping the dragon would do something about it. Hearing that he finally had was heartwarming.
  2503. "And the others? Pinkie? You?"
  2504. > "I'm fine!" Dash replied, much too quickly for it to be true. Twilight decided she would ask about it in her letters to Spike and Rarity.
  2505. > The pegasus quickly moved on. "Pinkie- it's kinda hard to tell with her. Most of the time she's her usual self. You know. Like she has some weird magical powers."
  2506. > Remembering the hyperactive and physical-law-defying mare brought a smile to Twilight's muzzle.
  2507. > "Except..."
  2508. > Here it came. Her ears flopped and Twilight steeled herself for what would come next.
  2509. > "She's... I think she's drinking, Twilight," Dash finished lamely. "I asked AJ if we should do something, but she said to mind my own business. I'm a little worried about both of them."
  2510. > It all sounded like an absolute mess.
  2511. > Maybe she really *should* go home and help sort it out?
  2512. > Twilight looked at her human and her heart sank. She had just gotten over a very rocky patch with Anon herself. Leaving could be disastrous. Not to mention the possibility that she wouldn't be allowed to return!
  2513. > Surely Celestia and Luna wouldn't forbid her, would they?
  2514. > "I'm sorry. I didn't want to spring all of that on you, Twi, honest!" Dash said plaintively. Her wing went back around the alicorn and the two snuggled together against the chill. "I just didn't know what else to do!"
  2515. > Twilight couldn't find any good words to say. Luckily, the human broke the silence.
  2516. > "I'm pulling over at the next gas station. It's too cold - we're putting the roof back on."
  2517. > "Y-Yes, that- that's a good idea," Silver Spoon agreed, her voice awash with relief.
  2519. > ~~~~
  2521. > Twilight still gave Dash a tight and warm hug before seeing the pegasus away. As promised, Tommy came to pick her up from Anon's apartment.
  2522. > The pegasus swore she'd be back the next day so they could talk some more.
  2523. > It suited Twilight just fine. She needed time to think.
  2524. > Silver Spoon and Anon caught her mood, too. The earth mare was squinting at the TV and the human went to check on his project. Their project, Twilight corrected herself silently.
  2525. > Lacking anything else to do, the alicorn picked up her laptop and joined her friend on the couch.
  2526. "Hey, let's go through these frames, okay?"
  2527. > "Okay," the pony said, perking up.
  2528. > Her eye exam had gone well and the optometrist promised to hurry up with her new lenses. At the same time, the woman had given Twilight a number for... a guy.
  2529. > There wasn't a technical name for what he did, not yet. He specialized in 3D printing prosthetics for animals and would be able to make specialized frames for Silver Spoon.
  2530. > Of course she had called him and set up an appointment. She was to bring Silver in for measurements the very next morning, but before that they could pick out the color and general shape.
  2531. > He'd sent her a link to a gallery of regular - human - glasses' frames and told the mare to pick out the ones they liked. He would design and print similar ones for Silver.
  2532. > It would cost them, but Twilight had her own savings and could easily cover the price, so she didn't even need to ask Anonymous.
  2533. "Here we go."
  2534. > She turned the laptop so that Spoon could see the pictures. The mare squinted at the screen and Twilight blushed a bit in embarrassment.
  2535. "Oh, sorry! Let me zoom in a little!"
  2536. > After doing just that and letting the mare almost touch her nose to the screen, Silver could make out enough detail.
  2537. > They slowly scrolled down the page.
  2538. > "Hmm," Spoon said and Twilight paused at the pair they were looking at. "Uh, can you go back up?" she asked.
  2539. "Sure!"
  2540. > She obeyed, horn flickering a tiny bit, until Spoon said: "Stop!"
  2541. "Black ones?"
  2542. > "Mhm!" the mare answered. She pointed a hoof to further emphasize her choice. "Those ones!"
  2543. "Okay. Let me send the link to Greg - Dr. Bailey said they'll send the lenses to him directly, so the glasses should be ready in a couple of days."
  2544. > Spoon had already heard all that, but she still gave a delighted little gasp and wrapped her hooves around Twilight.
  2545. > "Thank you! Thank you!" she trilled. "You don't know how much that means to me!"
  2546. "It was nothing!"
  2547. > Twilight paused and thought about what she had just said.
  2548. "Well, it wasn't *nothing*... Um, I'm happy to help?"
  2549. > They both giggled. Spoon leaned against her while the alicorn finished the email for Greg, the 'prosthetics guy'.
  2550. > When she was done, she closed the laptop lid and levitated it to the coffee table. Her friend was already watching the TV again.
  2551. > Disney channel.
  2552. > Twilight couldn't help smiling when she remembered just how much it had helped Fluttershy cope those first few weeks.
  2553. > The stories were beautiful and made you forget for a while how ugly the world was.
  2554. > She still didn't know if she would return to Equestria or not, but at the very least she would send back a laptop, some solar cells and a selection of Disney movies for Fluttershy. Maybe that would help her put the tragedy behind and embrace her woodland friends once more.
  2555. > The alicorn sighed sadly and slipped from under Silver Spoon. Before she left, she gave her a quick nuzzle which the mare gratefully returned.
  2556. > She was doing very well, Twilight thought as she went to look for her human.
  2557. >...
  2558. > It was so much like the old times that the alicorn had trouble keeping her eyes dry. She was sitting in Anon's lap, while he fiddled with the computer. His arms were around her so he could reach the keyboard and the tiny movements as he typed brushed her sides.
  2559. > Every now and then he moved a hand to her belly for a quick scratch or a pat. Sometimes he rubbed his chin against her head.
  2560. > "Fine," he answered at long last, "I don't want you to go."
  2561. > She had been pleading for him to say it, but now that it was out Twilight didn't like it.
  2562. > Her heart sank and she let out the breath she had been holding.
  2563. > "I still think your friends should come first."
  2564. > He was making too much sense.
  2565. "I know..."
  2566. > The six of them relied on each other in times of hardship. It sounded like her friends were suffering and needed their alicorn.
  2567. "What if they don't let me come back?"
  2568. > She felt Anon stiffen and his breath caught. He recovered quickly, but his hands still went around her barrel, as if to keep hold of her.
  2569. > It was endearing.
  2570. > When he spoke, Anon's voice was the slow, measured tone of someone who is repeating a mantra they don't really believe, but nonetheless wish to be true.
  2571. > "They won't keep you away. There are still diplomatic talks. The work you do here..."
  2572. "Yeah."
  2573. > Twilight wasn't convinced. One look at her jagged horn and the stubs where her wings should be and Celestia might have a change of heart.
  2574. > She herself would feel the same way if one of her friends returned from a mission in such a state.
  2575. "What if they don't?"
  2576. > "They will!" he replied too quickly. He really wanted to believe it. Perhaps Anon *had* to believe it.
  2577. > For that matter, so did she. If Twilight really left, it would only be if she was sure she'd be allowed to return.
  2578. "I'll- I'll send a letter to Princess Celestia..."
  2579. > The human nodded, his chin rubbing against her mane. "Good. Do that. I'm sure it will be fine, Celestia sounds like a reasonable person."
  2580. > She was, Twilight thought.
  2581. > Well, at least she *had* been. Who knew what the war and enslavement of her ponies had done to the royal sisters?
  2582. > It must have hurt!
  2583. > Enough that they would lie in a letter to her?
  2584. > Dared she risk it?
  2585. "I just-" Twilight groaned and put her hooves around he head. "I just don't *know*!"
  2586. > "Well, it's not like we have much choice," Anon commented.
  2587. "What do you mean?!"
  2588. > He gently patted her barrel while Twilight twisted her neck around to see his face. "You have a responsibility. They're your friends *and* your people. Isn't that what you kept telling me?"
  2589. > Her ears flopped down with some contrition. The human was right.
  2590. "Yeah, but..."
  2591. > He finished her sentence for her: "Not when it comes to me?"
  2592. > Twilight couldn't look at him, but she managed a nod.
  2593. > "It doesn't work that way, Twiley."
  2594. > She knew that, but wished she didn't. Tears were already streaming down her face. The code they had been looking at was forgotten.
  2595. "Please, Anon..."
  2596. > His hands around her tightened and the mare was very grateful for that. He didn't answer.
  2597. "Don't make me go!"
  2598. > There was a definite whine to her voice. A pleading from the heart.
  2599. > Anon sighed. "I'm not gonna make you go, Twiley," he said, too calm by half. Twilight nearly growled at him. If she was about to cry, so should Anon!
  2600. > "It's your decision," he said. "I'll support you whatever you decide."
  2601. > The pony sniffed. It wasn't fair!
  2602. "It's not fair!"
  2603. > She couldn't choose between her friends and her coltfriend! It was too cruel.
  2604. > At the same time, she knew how she had to decide. Maybe it had been decided even before Dash finished talking in the car.
  2605. > The mare twisted around so she could look at her human's face.
  2606. "I'm coming back! I *swear* I'm coming back!"
  2607. > Anon smiled and she suddenly believed herself.
  2608. > The Princesses wouldn't be that unreasonable. They wouldn't stand in the way of her happiness. Twilight could trust Celestia.
  2609. > Her friends needed her. She had to defeat this fear and go to them.
  2610. "Will you... wait for me?"
  2611. > His hand came to her face and his thumb wiped away a tear. The human leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose.
  2612. > "I promise."
  2614. > ~~~~
  2616. > Anonymous sat outside on the terrace with Twilight Sparkle in his lap, catching perhaps the last beautiful morning of the autumn. They hadn't done that lately and now, with the threat of her leaving, he wanted to seize every opportunity.
  2617. > The mare was comfortable and warm in his lap, pressing down on his thigh a tiny bit, but he didn't mind. If his leg fell asleep, he would shift a little, no big problem.
  2618. > Meanwhile, Twilight's mane was tickling his face a little, but he didn't care about that either. He tried to commit the smell to memory. Rose shampoo. It was extremely faint - pony stuff.
  2619. > The mare assured him it was quite fragrant to a pony's sensitive nose.
  2620. > She shivered and he hugged her a bit tighter.
  2621. "Want me to get a blanket?"
  2622. > The pony seemed to wake up from staring at the sunrise and turned those violet eyes on him. He couldn't help it and kissed her nose.
  2623. > Twilight just giggled and squirmed a little to get as much warmth from him as she could. "N-No, I'm f-fine," she lied.
  2624. > Anon didn't argue. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt. It would definitely be only a few, though. Her nose had been icy cold on his lips.
  2625. "So you're going then?"
  2626. > She squeezed her eyes shut and her breath caught for a moment.
  2627. > "Yes," she breathed out in a whisper. "I think I have to."
  2628. > He wanted to say no. Plead for the alicorn to stay.
  2629. > That would have been extremely selfish and not really fair to her. She'd had a hell of a time deciding as it was.
  2630. > Poor mare hadn't slept a wink all night and it showed. There were bags under her eyes and a slump in her shoulders.
  2631. "You're doing the right thing."
  2632. > Her mouth pursed and she was about to argue again. Anonymous knew it would be another fruitless circle of sorrow, regret and worry.
  2633. > Instead he kissed her, lightly, barely brushing the lips.
  2634. "Hush."
  2635. > The pony heaved a sigh and leaned her head right against his face. As if he was a head rest!
  2636. > Anon didn't really mind. It gave him another noseful of her scent.
  2637. > "Rainbow Dash keeps saying Luna won't allow you in Equestria. Won't allow *any* human, even those who helped us."
  2638. > It was a bit closed-minded, but Anon could understand it. After all, the Princesses saw in what state most of her subjects came back.
  2639. > Maybe that was why Twilight had insisted lately to rehabilitate the ponies at least a little before sending them home.
  2640. "Makes sense."
  2641. > "No, it doesn't!" the mare said firmly. She even glared a little at her human. A hoof jabbed him right in the chest.
  2642. > "You're different! And so is everyone at the Pony Society!"
  2643. > She sighed, lowered her ears and stared off into the distance, unseeing. Her jaw was set in an expression which Anon had come to call 'fierce determination'. "I'll change their minds!" the little pony vowed.
  2644. > He didn't particularly care about visiting their magical land. Another thing worried the human far more.
  2645. "Just make sure you come back, okay?"
  2646. > Her face softened and hung her head, lightly brushing Anon's nose on its way down. Then she gave him a brave smile.
  2647. > "I promised. I'm gonna come back, even if I have to escape!"
  2648. > It was good to hear. Escaping would be impossible, but Anon didn't bring that up. It took two or three alicorns to open a portal to Earth and Twilight wasn't even back to her full strength yet.
  2649. > He could believe her determination, however.
  2650. > "I still think you should be allowed to visit!" Twilight continued her thought from before. "We can't have a diplomatic relationship with Earth if we don't allow people to visit!"
  2651. > Anon couldn't help but chuckle at her stubbornness. He planted another light kiss on her nose.
  2652. "In time, sweetheart. I just want my squeeze back."
  2653. > Twilight broke into a slight grin. "Aw, are you gonna miss me?"
  2654. > His arms pressed her a bit more tightly against his chest.
  2655. "Yes."
  2656. > She shuffled herself down, closer to his warmth, and laid her head on his chest. "Me too," she confided, barely a whisper.
  2657. > Her horn was right near his face. Twilight was always careful not to poke him - Anon guessed it came naturally to a unicorn - but he very rarely had a chance to look at it in detail.
  2658. > Most of the times had been when she was sleeping in his arms on a morning.
  2659. > The tip was still blunt, but it was starting to round out. Maybe through wear, he thought.
  2660. > He freed one arm from the mare and brought it up to carefully feel around the edge. It still surprised him how warm it was. For some reason, he kept expecting it would be like cold bone.
  2661. > It was a living part of Twilight.
  2662. > "I wish you- ah! wouldn't!" the mare gasped.
  2663. > Anon quickly took his hand away.
  2664. "Sorry, I forgot."
  2665. > She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes. "Yeah, right."
  2666. "Seriously!"
  2667. > The mare rolled her eyes and let it drop. "I'm just saying, do that tonight - when we're alone. See what happens!"
  2668. "Alone? What about Silver Spoon?" he asked, a bit surprised.
  2669. > Twilight bumped her muzzle in Anon's chin. "I meant besides her. She doesn't mind."
  2670. > He wasn't too sure about it. True, the earth pony had never ever so much as mentioned their sleeping arrangements, or what she had probably heard from the bedroom, but that was because she was timid and frightened from her past experiences.
  2671. > For that matter, aside from slight embarrassment whenever she mentioned the pegasus and her human, Silver Spoon never even brought up Rainbow Dash and Tommy's little liaison.
  2672. > Anon looked at Twilight expression and quickly changed his mind. They've done it a few times and Spoon seemed okay. She'd survive a few more nights.
  2673. "Maybe," he promised, making the mare grin in anticipation.
  2674. > "Speaking of whom, we should probably go inside."
  2675. > The alicorn was quite noticeably shivering so the human readily agreed.
  2676. "Sure. I'll carry you."
  2677. > As he lifted the pony up, Anon couldn't help thinking back on those first few days. Manhandling the mares out of his car and up to the apartment had been murder on his back and muscles. Who knew it would only take a bit of practice and he'd be able to carry Twilight from room to room without feeling like he was going to die.
  2678. > She was only too happy to accept his offer, but she helped by hooking her hooves on his shoulders and gripping around his midriff with her hind legs. Her muzzle pressed against his neck.
  2679. > "Thanks."
  2680. > Used to it or not, carrying Twilight was still quite tiring. Anon was glad when he could sit her down on the couch beside Silver Spoon, who was watching yet another cartoon.
  2681. > He glanced at the screen. It looked like Beauty and the Beast this time.
  2682. "Haven't you seen that one already?"
  2683. > The mare looked up at him, then shrugged. She had a smile on her muzzle, probably because of the musical number. "Yeah. I like it."
  2684. > "Your glasses should get here before lunch. Then you can *really* watch it, Silver," Twilight said, a definite note of excitement in her voice.
  2685. > Spoon barely reacted. "Mhm," she said.
  2686. > Anon guessed she was 'excited-out'. The two had been to visit the 3D printing guy the previous day and couldn't stop talking about it well into the evening. It had been a joy to see them both so animated.
  2687. > The earth mare because of her experiences, which she was finally putting behind her, and Twilight because it kept her from worrying about the future for a few hours.
  2688. > The alicorn was afraid she might not be able to return, whatever she claimed. Maybe she was even trying to convince herself.
  2689. > "I asked Greg to send it with UPS," Twilight explained.
  2690. > Silver Spoon knew exactly what was expected of her. "Thank you," she trilled and took her eyes off the TV just long enough to give Twilight a nuzzle.
  2691. > A quiet grumble could be heard and Anon made an educated guess.
  2692. "Breakfast?"
  2693. > Two pony voices chorused out at the same time: "Yes please!"
  2694. > The mares looked at one another, then giggled a little.
  2695. "Any wishes?"
  2696. > They both gave it some thought, but Twilight decided first. "Toast for me, and a bit of that salty butter? Oh, and a tomato, if we have any!"
  2697. > She licked her lips in anticipation while Spoon lifted herself up, eyes almost glowing with anticipation. "Yes! Me too, please!"
  2698. > Anon couldn't help himself. He ruffled Silver's mane and leaned down to give Twilight a quick peck.
  2699. "Coming right up!"
  2700. > Both mares were already engrossed in the cartoon.
  2702. > ~~~~
  2704. > At long last the door bell rang. Silver Spoon was the first to react and she sprang up from the couch cushion and looked incredulously to the hallway, ears pointed and muzzle scrunched up in deep concentration.
  2705. > Twilight smoothly slipped from her side and went to answer it. Now that the time came, Silver was too nervous to join her friend.
  2706. > Would the glasses turn out okay? Would she even be able to see anything? Doctor Bailey had assured her that they could make perfect lenses for her eyes, but the mare was a bit skeptical.
  2707. > She remembered her first pair of glasses in Equestria. The pony in the hospital had her try many different ones until she could decide which pair gave her best vision.
  2708. > The humans, on the other hoof, just had her look into a machine with a tiny picture of a house on some hills, then they shone a light into her eyes and inspected them from uncomfortably close.
  2709. > Lady doctor had been friendly and seemed quite competent, so Spoon hadn't pressed the issue. She just hoped the glasses would work, at least a little.
  2710. > If they weren't as good as her old pair, she could always get new ones in Equestria, the mare thought. There wouldn't be time to send these back and wait for the humans to make a better pair.
  2711. > "Well, here goes," the human said. He had joined them on the couch to watch cartoons, but Spoon had nearly forgotten about him. She ducked her head down and flashed Anon a guilty smile.
  2712. > She didn't even know why it had to be guilty, exactly.
  2713. > Even while she was looking at the man, Spoon kept her ears turned towards the hallway. Twilight had exchanged some pleasantries with the delivery human - who seemed a bit surprised to find a pony answering the door, but still had her sign something before giving her the package.
  2714. > The alicorn was coming back!
  2715. > Her nerves got the better of her and Silver slipped from the couch. She was about to go meet Twilight, but the mare was already entering the room, a small, brown package in her magical grip.
  2716. > Spoon shuffled her hooves nervously as she waited.
  2717. > Once Twilight came near enough, she floated the box to Spoon, who squinted at the colorful label. She thought she could make out the largest word: 'Anonymous'.
  2718. > It made sense - they had sent the glasses to the human's address.
  2719. > "Here, let me help you open it," Twilight offered and pulled the parcel away again. Spoon sat on her haunches, swishing her tail a few times impatiently before she realized what she was doing and stopped it.
  2720. > Even Anon leaned closer to see better. His hand went to Spoon's head, but the pony didn't mind the gentle touch.
  2721. > She grinned nervously while Twilight carefully unraveled the package. It contained an elongated, rounded lump.
  2722. > The mare stared at it in surprise. Not at all what she had been expecting. Spoon brought her muzzle closer for a better look.
  2723. > It was dark blue and shiny, with some wording on one side which she couldn't read.
  2724. "Huh?"
  2725. > Silver was about to ask Twilight, but fell silent when the alicorn opened the box. That's what it was, the pony realized. A strangely-shaped box, padded on the inside with some beige fabric.
  2726. > Also in there were-
  2727. > She hadn't expected them to look so sleek! Silver gave a small gasp as the glasses lifted up and unfolded in Twilight's magic.
  2728. > The frames were similar to the ones she had chosen with the alicorn, black and curly and shiny. The lenses were... strange.
  2729. > Her old Equestrian glasses had been quite thick and heavy. These looked like thin pieces of plastic. Surely that was wrong?
  2730. > "Here, try them on," the alicorn said encouragingly.
  2731. > Spoon grabbed the frame from the air with her forehooves, gingerly and carefully. They were so light!
  2732. > Slightest pressure and they might snap!
  2733. "Uh..."
  2734. > Spotting her unease, Anon took his palm from her mane and held it open near her muzzle.
  2735. > "May I?" he asked.
  2736. > Spoon smiled with relief and lifted the glasses to his hand. Fingers would be helpful in this case, she thought.
  2737. > The man turned the glasses this way and that to inspect them. Neither he nor Twilight remarked on how light and thin they were.
  2738. > "Stay still for a second," the human murmured and tipped her muzzle up with his free hand.
  2739. > Silver let herself be moved, then froze as Anon slid the frames around her head. They hooked behind her ears and settled down lightly over her eyes.
  2740. > They really weren't heavy. The frames hugged her face perfectly.
  2741. > The lenses...
  2742. > The mare blinked in surprise and focused on Anon's face.
  2743. > She could see every detail.
  2744. > Her mouth fell open as she watched, each tiny hair perfectly visible. He hadn't shaved in a few days, the mare guessed.
  2745. > She couldn't help spotting slight wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, or the glint of light on his teeth as he grinned.
  2746. > "Now now," the human said, barely holding back his laughter, "might wanna look at something better for your first time."
  2747. > She remembered herself enough to snap her muzzle shut. The mare was already blushing a little and lowering her gaze, but a hand caught her.
  2748. > "Nah, the floor isn't too interesting either. Come here," Anon said.
  2749. > She got to unsteady hooves and looked around the room.
  2750. > Everything was there!
  2751. > It was impossible! She had never seen this clearly, not even with her old glasses. She hadn't even known it was *possible* to see like this!
  2752. > Every line crisp and sharp. The grain of wooden furniture, exquisitely defined. The creases in the fabric of the couch!
  2753. > She glanced at the TV and couldn't stop a small gasp. The characters, the colors, so beautifully delineated! She could make out their faces!
  2754. > Twilight bumped her flank a little to move her along and Silver took a few hesitant hoofsteps.
  2755. > They led her out to the terrace, where she stopped again to look at the neighboring buildings.
  2756. > She could see the clothes hanging from a line. She could see the *floral pattern* on one of the shirts!
  2757. > The windows, perfect squares of dark on white. She could see *inside* the rooms. There - a family sitting down for lunch. Over here, a man with his television.
  2758. > She very nearly saw what he was watching.
  2759. "H-How...?"
  2760. > "Come here," Anon said, ignoring her comment. He was standing by the railing with his hand on a chair, smiling. She saw that clearly now, even all the way over there.
  2761. > The mare took another look around, then walked up to the human.
  2762. > "Jump up here. It's a nice view."
  2763. > Spoon lifted herself up and looked over the fence.
  2764. > Her breath caught in her throat.
  2765. > In moments she was overwhelmed by all the detail spread before her. The streets right beneath them were as clear as if they sat right in her hoof! The rest of the city stretched into the distance, and there - a long way off - she saw hillsides. Brown and green and a few splotches of red and yellow. Autumn trees, she thought.
  2766. > Spoon let her eyes wander, drinking it all in. The cars on the roads, the people walking around, the shops and signs and posters - even the gratings on sewers - it was all there for her to see!
  2767. > Twilight joined her on the chair. The alicorn had a big grin on her muzzle.
  2768. > "So, are they working?"
  2769. > Spoon opened and closed her mouth a few times as she sought for a big enough answer. Then she gave up and just threw her hooves around her friend.
  2770. "YES!"
  2772. > ~~~~
  2774. > Silver Spoon had to go back for a check-up, to make sure the glasses were right for her. At the same time Twilight needed to wrap up some business at the Pony Society, so the mares drove together.
  2775. > Now that she could see, Silver watched the alicorn operating the car with great curiosity. She didn't understand what all the buttons and levers were for, but she saw the telltale purple glow around them.
  2776. > The machine was clearly made for humans, but Twilight made it look effortless even for a pony. Unicorn, anyway. There was no way Spoon could reach the pedals under the seat and at the same time see what was happening on the road.
  2777. > She sought for something to say.
  2778. "Uh, it was nice of Mr. Anonymous to let us have the car."
  2779. > "Yeah," Twilight replied, "shame about the weather though."
  2780. > It took Silver a moment to realize what the alicorn had meant. It was overcast and chilly, definitely smelling of winter. That meant they could not drive without the roof.
  2781. > She would have enjoyed that, and hoped to experience at least once more before going to Equestria.
  2782. > All in all, Silver thought, she would remember Anonymous and Earth fondly.
  2783. > No, that wasn't right. The mare scrunched up her muzzle in confusion. It felt as if there were two different worlds here. One she had experienced on that chain in that backyard, and a completely different Earth she had seen since Twilight freed her.
  2784. > Was it even possible? Was there just one world behind both of those sets of memories?
  2785. > "What's wrong?" Twilight asked, noticing her drooping ears and distant, unseeing look.
  2786. "Uh? Oh! Nothing," the pony replied.
  2787. > She couldn't quite make sense of it. On the one hoof, there were humans like Anonymous and Zoe and Tommy and Greg. Yes, even Dr. Bailey, in his own way. On the other hoof, there were people like her old Master.
  2788. > True, there were ponies in Equestria who were kind and selfless and friendly, and there were some who were selfish and greedy and mean, but there had never been *this* much of a divide.
  2789. > It was as if the humans who were bad, were *really* bad, while the good ones were *really* good!
  2790. > "Want me to put on some music? It's only half an hour in this traffic though," Twilight asked, still glancing occasionally at Silver with a slightly worried expression on her muzzle.
  2791. "No, I'm fine," she answered.
  2792. > Maybe going home wouldn't be so bad? She would see her friends again, and her family. Maybe they didn't need to know about the darker parts of her stay on Earth. Silver could always choose to only talk about Anonymous and the Pony Society.
  2793. > She could brag a little about her flying with Tommy, especially in front of her pegasi friends.
  2794. > That is - if they would still be her friends. She hadn't seen any of them in years. Maybe a few were already married, or off to one of the big cities.
  2795. > Silver pushed the worry down and tried to focus on the here and now. She looked into the distance and saw a bit of sunlight poking through the clouds and shining on a distant hilltop.
  2796. > The orb was already setting. No doubt by the time they came back it would be night. Another day gone.
  2797. > It reminded her of Anonymous' promise and she sighed.
  2798. "Twilight?"
  2799. > "Hmm?"
  2800. "Do you think Mr. Anonymous will take me to the seaside like he promised?"
  2801. > The alicorn reached over to put a hoof against her side. "Hey, if he doesn't, I'll make him, alright? We can stay another couple of days."
  2802. > It sounded like Twilight was looking for any excuse to delay her return. Silver thought she understood. From what Rainbow Dash had said, Luna would not allow a human in Equestria, not even one of the good ones. Maybe she wouldn't even let Twilight return!
  2803. > Hopefully, the pegasus was wrong - at least that was what Twilight had whispered to Spoon.
  2804. > It had been a strange night, that. The alicorn couldn't sleep and had slipped away from Anonymous. She came to curl up with Spoon and brought two hot cocoa drinks for them.
  2805. > They had talked a little before falling asleep. Twilight was really worried she was leaving her human behind forever.
  2806. > Silver Spoon doubted that. Maybe Luna did not allow humans, but Celestia wouldn't make Twilight stay, not if it meant heartbreak. Plus, the alicorn had Cadence on her side, too.
  2807. > Surely the Princess of Love could ensure Twilight's reunion with the man?
  2808. > There really was something there, Spoon thought. The way they had fought the first few days she knew them had given her an entirely wrong idea. Now that they had put it behind them, the couple was clearly devoted to each other.
  2809. > Sometimes Silver tried to imagine what she herself would be like if she had met a human like that, rather than her old Master.
  2810. > Maybe someone like Wingtip and White Snow's owner? She hadn't spoken with those two very much, having only seen them for a few minutes each at the Pony Society, but those two were happy on Earth.
  2811. > Well, 'owner' was the wrong word there. It had started like that, on paper at least, but that was an entirely incorrect description.
  2812. > Their human - Silver didn't remember the name - treated the two mares as his close friends. She knew they were lovers, even if they didn't speak about it, but it was the respect between them Silver liked most of all.
  2813. > It really did take all sorts...
  2814. > She heaved a wistful sigh and focused on the buildings around them. Maybe she was starting to recognize a few, which meant they weren't too far from the Pony Society.
  2815. > A motion on the edge of her vision made Silver look. Twilight had turned her head and was smiling. "It's gonna be fine," the alicorn said. "I'm sure your parents and friends miss you a whole bunch!"
  2816. > Silver smiled back. If nothing else, the Princess of Friendship was optimistic. Silver hoped the pony doctors could do something about her wings while she was in Equestria. She knew how much Twilight missed them, especially after seeing Rainbow Dash again.
  2817. >...
  2818. > "Okay, so I talked with Anon and he set up something with the finance department so they'll keep the donations coming," Twilight was saying to a smartly-dressed young man as they walked down the corridor.
  2819. > He made a note, then said: "Sure thing, miss Twilight."
  2820. > Silver wasn't quite sure, but he seemed like a clerk. Maybe someone who would take over some of the running of the Pony Society after the alicorn was gone.
  2821. > It was strange - Silver would have guessed Zoe would be in charge, but that didn't seem to be the case.
  2822. > She almost asked about it, but the stranger made the mare clamp her muzzle shut. He probably wasn't a bad guy, but Silver was wary of new people, at least until she got to know them a little better.
  2823. > "Okay, then there's the remodeling of the doctors' offices?" the human asked.
  2824. > "Right!" Twilight confirmed, "not really remodeling, just replacing the wall tiles in two of the rooms. I mean - we don't use them much anymore, but I like to be prepared."
  2825. > The man made another few notes.
  2826. > They turned down a familiar corridor and Twilight looked at Silver. "Here we are. Will you be okay on your own?"
  2827. > Silver nodded, but didn't say anything. She glanced up briefly at the human and her ears went flat.
  2828. > "Okay," the alicorn said, pretending she didn't notice her nerves. Silver was a little glad of that.
  2829. > "We'll finish the list and we'll meet at the reception, okay? Just wait for me if I'm late!"
  2830. > Another nod, then Silver watched them walk on. The mare was already giving further instructions to her human employee.
  2831. > "Make sure the new ad runs in the southwest. Try to get it on prime time, but that's not a priority, it's more important it runs at least until spring..."
  2832. > The voices faded as the two of them turned a corner and Silver stopped listening. She looked up at Dr. Bailey's door and swallowed.
  2833. > She had forgiven the doctor his *intrusion* the first time she saw him, but the mare was still uneasy around the man. She sighed and knocked her hoof on the wood. It gave a little way and began to swing open.
  2834. > "Come in!"
  2835. > Silver pushed the door with her muzzle and walked into the office. The human was already getting up from the chair.
  2836. > "Miss Silver! Always a pleasure!" he boomed.
  2837. > The mare made herself smile a little.
  2838. "H-Hello."
  2839. > He was just a doctor, doing doctor things, she assured herself. That... *thing* had been just a misunderstanding. Both he and Twilight had apologized profusely and the human had done absolutely nothing untoward whenever she had subsequently visited.
  2840. > Now he came to crouch down before her and inspected her face. It made her blush a little until she realized it was the glasses he was interested in.
  2841. > "My, my, very nice!" he praised. "Picked them out yourself?"
  2842. > The mare gave a slight nod. She relaxed a little and her tail stopped pressing so tightly against her backside.
  2843. > "May I?" Dr. Bailey asked.
  2844. > Another slight nod.
  2845. > Silver stood perfectly still while the human gently slid the glasses from her eyes. She couldn't stop a slight sigh as the world around her blurred again.
  2846. > He turned the frames around in his hands a few times, 'hmm-ing' to himself. He experimentally tried to bend a piece.
  2847. > "Very nice," he repeated. "Isn't it amazing what technology can do?"
  2848. > The mare realized, with some surprise, that the human hadn't really seen anything like this before. True, Twilight had said that '3D printing' was recent invention, but Silver hadn't know it was *this* new.
  2849. > For some reason that made the mare feel proud of herself. She had more experience with this thing than some humans!
  2850. > "And they fit you perfectly?"
  2851. > Now the pony nodded happily.
  2852. "Yes! We went to see this human, um... Greg, and he measured my head."
  2853. > The human brushed a lock of mane out of her eyes and slid the glasses around her temples again. Silver paused so she would be as still as possible while he did that.
  2854. "It took just over a day!"
  2855. > The doctor beamed. "Impressive! And how are the lenses?"
  2856. > She smiled wider.
  2857. "I can see perfectly! Everything is so much clearer!"
  2858. > The human stood up and went to the metal table. It was already near the floor, Silver noticed.
  2859. > "Step on this for me, please?"
  2860. > The mare didn't even pause before smoothly walking over and jumping on the platform. She continued talking while the human pushed a button to make it rise.
  2861. "They're even better than my old glasses, and I don't understand how that's possible! When I was little, Mom took me to Canterlot and I had to try on *dozens* of glasses until I found ones that made me see better."
  2862. > The machine stopped when she was nearly at eye-level for the doctor. He laughed at her story and patted her mane. "Yeah, don't ask me exactly how it all works, but the machines we had you stick your nose into measured precisely what's wrong with your eyes. Some very clever people could then calculate the shape of the lens to fix it. Different for each eye."
  2863. "That's amazing!"
  2864. > She even thought she understood the explanation!
  2865. > "Okay, let's see here," the human said, picking up a clipboard. It was back to business, it sounded like, and Silver focused on him again.
  2866. > "Any redness in the eyes? Sore or dry feeling? Gritty, like there's sand stuck under your eyelids?"
  2867. > It was a little alarming that such things could happen, but Spoon was glad none of it had. She shook her head.
  2868. "N-Nothing like that, Doctor!"
  2869. > "Okay, good," he said, then glanced at the paper again. "Double vision? Headache?"
  2870. "No."
  2871. > "If anything like that starts to happen, ..." the human began, then stopped. He barked a laugh. "Well, normally I'd say come see me again, but that's gonna be hard to do."
  2872. > Silver remembered she was going home. She still had mixed feelings about that.
  2873. "Yeah..."
  2874. > "Well, I don't think there will be any problems, but if you notice anything like that, stop using the glasses and go see, um, medical ponies? Whatever you have for doctors back home."
  2875. > The pony nodded obediently.
  2876. "Yes, Doctor."
  2877. > He put the clipboard down and focused on the mare again. "Keep still," he commanded as he leaned closer.
  2878. > For a while he peered uncomfortably into her eyes, sometimes shining a small light at her. Silver endured, but her tail crept further between her legs.
  2879. > At long last, the man exhaled and pulled away. "There we go. All set."
  2880. > He pushed the button to lower her and his hand went to his pocket. Silver knew what to expect and smiled as Dr. Bailey pulled out a lollipop.
  2881. "Thank you!"
  2882. > He unwrapped it and held it before her muzzle for her, then ruffled her mane. "Now go on out of here and have some fun on Earth before you leave, okay?"
  2883. > She was only too happy to oblige. She nearly left, but Silver stopped in the doorway and looked back. She had to move the sweet to the side of her mouth so she could talk.
  2884. "Uh, Doctor?"
  2885. > He was already on his way back to his chair, but stopped to glance at her.
  2886. "Thanks..."
  2887. > He just smiled and waved as she left.
  2888. >...
  2889. > When Silver Spoon made her way to the reception, Twilight was not there yet. A human she didn't know sat behind the desk, fiddling with his computer.
  2890. > With her new glasses, the mare could clearly see he was playing that card thing Twilight had shown her one day.
  2891. > More importantly, there was Zoe, pacing up and down the room. When the door swung shut, the woman spun around.
  2892. > "Oh! Where's Twilight?" she asked and came closer. There was urgency in her voice and she fiddled a little with her fingers.
  2893. "Um, she said she'd meet me h-here," Silver admitted.
  2894. > "Damn. Okay, I guess you'll do. Come here!"
  2895. > Her ears instantly folding flat, Silver looked at the receptionist for help.
  2896. "B-But Twilight s-said..."
  2897. > "You!" Zoe went on, completely ignoring the mare. She was staring at the guy behind the desk. "Yes you. Tell Twilight to find us in the guest rooms, second floor!"
  2898. > The human squeaked something affirmative at her commanding tone.
  2899. "I, I- don't t-think..."
  2900. > Silver was backing away, lollipop nearly dropping from her muzzle, but Zoe sighed and crouched down.
  2901. > "Come on, Spoon! I need your help! It's for a pony."
  2902. > Only now did Silver realize that Zoe was distressed. Her hands were shaking a little and she had a haunted look in her eyes.
  2903. "W-What's wrong?"
  2904. > Somehow the woman knew Silver would follow, so she straightened up and led the way. The mare fell in step.
  2905. > "Bad. We got a rescue, really out of the way place. Worst I've seen. Even worse than you."
  2906. > Silver swallowed a very heavy lump and tried to keep her breathing under control. She didn't know if she could face this.
  2907. "I'm- I don't know what I can-"
  2908. > "Listen, you're it, right now. I can't wait for Twilight, dammit. The others are either out for dinner or their shift doesn't start for some hours."
  2909. > Silver was about to suggest Wingtip or White Snow or one of the other few ponies who helped around and whose names she didn't know, but she bit the words back and hurried after the woman.
  2910. > Her resolve stiffened a little. They needed her, that should have been enough from the start!
  2911. "What's w-wrong?"
  2912. > "She's freaking out about humans. I dunno what they did to her there, but I guess it was pretty bad. I was scared she'd have a heart attack. We had to literally drag her from the truck, kicking and screaming. I ordered everyone out of the room before she bashed her brain out on the chair or something!"
  2913. > It sounded really bad.
  2914. > Zoe wasn't done yet. "Well, she's in the room now, but she's filthy, starving. Looks like she has fleas, who knows what else. We need to calm her down, get some food in her and have the doctor examine her, understand?"
  2915. > Silver nodded, then remembered the woman couldn't see.
  2916. "Y-Yes."
  2917. > "I'm hoping seeing another pony will help. Try and talk some sense in her, but if you can't, we'll have to sedate her before she gives herself an aneurysm or something."
  2918. > Silver's ears couldn't go any flatter and her legs were trembling at the idea. She had completely forgotten about the sweet she was still holding in her mouth.
  2919. > "It's gonna be a tough one," Zoe went on as the two practically raced up the stairs. "I'll give you a pill, try to get her to take it. It'll calm her down some. If it doesn't work - well, she already kicked Mark pretty bad, so we're gonna need you to hold her down."
  2920. "W-Why me?!"
  2921. > "She might let you get close enough." Zoe sighed. "Dammit, I should've expected this! Should've given her a sedative as soon as we found her, but for a while there it looked like she'd cooperate."
  2922. > Silver feared to imagine what awful things the pony must have experienced to fear humans that much.
  2923. "What will you do next?"
  2924. > Zoe chuckled humorlessly. "All-pony care, until she feels better. Good thing there's some left, now that Twilight is leaving. God, I hope she makes it back soon. Seeing an alicorn helps, you know?"
  2925. > Silver Spoon gave a nod. She remembered taking some comfort in that herself.
  2926. > They were at the door and the mare couldn't help hearing what was happening inside. Several humans stood in the hallway, looking concerned.
  2927. > There was the sound of panicked panting, interspersed with whinnies and crying. It made her blood run cold.
  2928. > Spoon looked for any help among the humans, but none seemed to be forthcoming. She saw a bruise on someone's forearm and guessed that was 'Mark'.
  2929. > Zoe put a hand on her withers. "Hold on."
  2930. > When she looked up at the human, Zoe went on: "My bag is in there. It should have a bottle of pills - Valium it says on the label. Try to get her to take one, okay? Hell, give her two!"
  2931. > Silver nodded and the woman patted her rump. "Good luck. I'll send Twilight in as soon as she gets here."
  2932. > She moved the lollipop to the other side of her mouth without even realizing what she was doing, then took a deep breath and stepped forward. Zoe waited for her nod before grabbing the door handle and pushing the door ajar.
  2933. "H-Here goes..."
  2934. > What she really wanted to do was freak out and run away from there.
  2935. > What Spoon ended up doing was putting on a slight smile and stepping into the room.
  2936. > Silver Spoon found herself in a plain but comfortable room. She hadn't seen the inside of the bedrooms Pony Society provided for their temporary guests before, so she looked around with interest.
  2937. > It wasn't bad. There was a carpet, a sturdy wooden bed, some drawers and a wardrobe, all carefully adjusted for pony height. Unfortunately that meant the ceiling was a bit too high, but that didn't seem too problematic.
  2938. > There was a writing desk with a short, cushioned stool and a window to the street with thick, purple curtains which could be used to keep out all light.
  2939. > Other than that, there wasn't much else. There was no decoration on the walls and the table was empty. The pony probably didn't have any luggage, Spoon thought.
  2940. > Which brought her to the creature. Her examination of the room took mere seconds, but it had seemed longer. Now it was time to face...
  2941. > A mare, that much she knew. She saw it was a pegasus, but her fur was a mess. Once it had been myrtle or maybe pine, but now it was caked with filth. The mane, dark blue, from what Spoon could see, with a lighter streak, was overflowing and dragging on the floor.
  2942. > She only saw her for a few seconds, as the poor, bedraggled creature peered from around the bed. She quickly ducked back with a barely audible gasp.
  2943. > Spoon gulped and tried to make her heart slow down a little.
  2944. "Uh, h-hi?"
  2945. > She shouldn't be in that situation! What did you even say?!
  2946. > The mare sighed and took a hesitant step forward. The pegasus, whoever it was, jumped and bumped something against the bed hard enough to move it slightly.
  2947. > Freezing to the spot, Spoon tried to decide what she did to startle her.
  2948. > She soon had her answer, when a particularly loud car passed by in the street below them. The window was kipped! Almost at every unexpected sound the pegasus whimpered or squealed in fright.
  2949. > The poor thing was out of her mind most likely. Spoon tried to imagine it.
  2950. > What if these humans had come for her, back behind that house? She would probably have fought against what would probably look like a foalnapping. She saw some rope on the floor and it looked chewed.
  2951. > Had the idiots tied the mare up before tossing her into a van and driving for Celestia knew how long? No wonder she was scared out of her wits!
  2952. > Now that anger took the place of fear, Spoon resolutely walked to the window, reared up and pushed it closed. She had to hook her leg around the handle to turn it, but the noise from outside muted noticeably.
  2953. "There, is that better?" she asked.
  2954. > The pegasus was watching her with wide, fearful eyes. From this angle Spoon could see that the mare had freed one wing, but the other was still bound with rope.
  2955. > She made sure not to betray her annoyance, other than with a slight pursing of her lips, and carefully approached.
  2956. "It's okay. I'm a friend."
  2957. > The pony wasn't crying anymore, at least. She watched the newcomer warily, huddling into the corner between the bed and the wall.
  2958. "Here, let me untie those ropes."
  2959. > If she understood, the new mare didn't show it. A few more steps brought Spoon close enough to notice the smell. She had sensed it immediately when she had entered, but only now did she realize it was coming from the mare.
  2960. > Well no wonder, considering the state she was in!
  2961. > She made it all the way to the pegasus, who tensed up. She was ready to buck, but had apparently decided to give Spoon the benefit of the doubt, probably because she was another pony rather than a human.
  2962. > It could have gone a lot better, if only Zoe and her idiot friends had a pony with them when they first found this mare!
  2963. "What's your name?"
  2964. > She made her voice cheerful and gentle and as quiet as she could, so as to relax the mare. She reached, slowly, for the rope on her wing.
  2965. > Amazingly, the pegasus let her near enough, even if she did cover her face with her hooves. It was sheer luck that the humans had thought to use a knot which could easily be undone by teeth.
  2966. > One good pull and the wing was freed.
  2967. "There, that's better," Spoon said with a smile. "I'm Silver Spoon. It's nice to meet you!"
  2968. > At long last the stranger found her tongue.
  2969. > "No no no, please, please! I'm sorry!" she bawled, shrinking away from Silver and hiding behind her wings.
  2970. > She couldn't help seeing how ragged they were, with large gaps between the frazzled feathers. Spoon wasn't an expert, but the pegasus probably couldn't fly in that state.
  2971. > At least she didn't seem to have fleas, like Zoe had said. That was a small blessing. On the other hoof, she was extremely thin, with each rib clearly visible under her skin.
  2972. "It's okay, it's okay! You're safe here!"
  2973. > Suddenly, with almost no warning, the pony jumped and grabbed Spoon around her waist, pushing her up on her haunches. Her muzzle buried into Spoon's chest and the pegasus kept begging.
  2974. > "Please, I'll be g-good!" she whined, "don't let th- the humans..."
  2975. > Silver rallied quickly and put her hooves around the distraught mare, patting gently.
  2976. "Hey, you're safe here. It's o-okay!"
  2977. > She really didn't know what to do, so she just let the new mare hold on to her.
  2978. > The door opened and the pegasus twitched violently. Her whimpering became louder. "No no no, no more! Please!"
  2979. > She still wasn't making any sense at all, but at least she wasn't trying to run. Spoon was apparently giving her at least some comfort.
  2980. > The pony was about to yell at Zoe, or whatever human had come in, to get out of the room, but when she saw it was Twilight, Spoon relaxed.
  2981. > Finally somepony who knew what to do!
  2982. > The purple alicorn joined the two and laid a careful hoof on the distraught pegasus.
  2983. > "Hi!" she said, smiling widely. She had undoubtedly heard the mare's words. "No one is going to hurt you anymore, I promise, okay?"
  2984. > It didn't seem as if the pegasus believed it, but at least she didn't shy away from Twilight's touch. Her eyes seemed locked on the alicorn and even her ears came up so as not to miss a single word.
  2985. > "Don't worry. You're with ponies now and you're safe. I promise!"
  2986. > Twilight looked meaningfully at Silver and lowered her voice. "Just hold her, I'll be back right away!"
  2987. > She didn't go far. Silver watched as Twilight went and rummaged in a duffel bag near the door. Only then did she remember Zoe's words. The pills!
  2988. > Twilight dug out the bottle with her magic and came back, pulling out two small, cyan tablets.
  2989. > She sat on the floor beside the new mare. They still didn't know her name. "Here, give her to me," she said and carefully lifted the pony from Spoon to herself.
  2990. > It was a relief and Silver breathed out a sigh.
  2991. > Twilight nuzzled the pegasus who didn't seem to mind which fluffy chest she was crying into. For the longest time, they just waited and watched the poor thing weep, before the alicorn very gently lifted her a little.
  2992. > "Hey sweetie. Can you open your mouth? I'll give you some medicine to help you feel better, okay?"
  2993. > It shouldn't have worked, but something in the tone almost had Silver parting her lips too. The pegasus managed a slight nod and opened her muzzle.
  2994. > Twilight deposited both pills and smiled encouragingly. "That's good, sweetie. Now swallow for me."
  2995. > The mare did as instructed. As a reward, the alicorn let her bury her face in her chest once again.
  2996. > "Sorry," Twilight said in a whisper to Spoon. "I don't know what Zoe was thinking, she should never have sent you in here."
  2997. > There was smoldering anger in those violet eyes and Silver nearly flinched from fear before she realized it was directed at the human, not her.
  2998. "I t-tried to tell her..."
  2999. > "I know, I know. You did good. Thanks."
  3000. > The praise made her smile and her heart swelled with pride.
  3001. "What do we do now?"
  3002. > Twilight looked down at the pegasus hugging her and her muzzle scrunched up in silent calculation. "Twenty minutes before the pills start working. I'll stay with her and take it from here. You can go and get a shower, if you'd like."
  3003. > She thought for a bit longer, then the alicorn went on. "Have Zoe send Wingtip as soon as she comes in to take over. She's good at this sort of thing. Then I'll have a word with Zoe and then we can go, okay?"
  3004. > The calm, knowing and authoritative tone helped immensely. They seemed to be helping the pegasus too, despite her probably not understanding a single word Twilight was saying.
  3005. > Right now, the mare seemed relieved that she was under pony care.
  3006. "Okay..."
  3007. > The feeling of relief she felt made Spoon feel guilty as she walked out of the room. She shouldn't be so squeamish about helping her own people!
  3008. > The hallway was empty, except for Zoe, who was sitting on the floor.
  3009. > "Well?" she asked.
  3010. "Y-You shouldn't have s-sent me in..."
  3011. > The woman grinned, but Silver could also see a slight blush. "Sorry. You did fine, though! We had to act fast before she hurt herself, you know?"
  3012. > Spoon sighed. Who was she to argue? She had done some good, even if it was just closing the window and providing a shoulder for the pegasus to weep on.
  3013. > A good cry was exactly what she needed.
  3014. > Whatever that pony had gone through, Silver didn't want to imagine.
  3015. "Twilight said to send in Wingtip as soon as she comes in. Uh, c-can you tell me where the showers are?"
  3016. > Zoe pointed a finger and, when Spoon followed it with her eyes, she saw an open door and a white-tiled room.
  3017. > "Bathroom and showers," the lady explained.
  3018. > Spoon considered whether she would rather wait until she was home, but some of the filth had rubbed into her coat. The pegasus had also slobbered a little in her crying and the fur was uncomfortably sticky.
  3019. > The mare decided to just get it over with. That way her coat would have time to dry out completely and she could get into bed as soon as they came home.
  3020. > No doubt Twilight would do the same.
  3021. >...
  3022. > "You're a moron, do you know that?!" Twilight was yelling in her office.
  3023. > Spoon felt like she was intruding, but the alicorn had assured her it was fine. She wasn't going to let her out of her sight again, even while she chewed out Zoe.
  3024. > The woman was bent nearly double as she sat in the low chair before Twilight's table.
  3025. > "I gave you *specific* instructions! You were to take Wingtip with you when you went to pick up the new mare - Mist Lotus!" the alicorn went on, glancing down at her paper to get the name. "What were you *thinking*?!"
  3026. > "Didn't wanna leave her there a minute longer than necces-"
  3027. > Twilight put her muzzle in her hooves, making Zoe fall silent and lower her eyes shamefully.
  3028. > "She had been there for *six* years! She could have taken two more hours!"
  3029. > The pony heaved a sigh and forcibly relaxed. She stopped shouting. "Look, Zoe. Imagine it from her perspective. She was tied up and beaten - regularly - and made to work. It went on and on, with no end in sight."
  3030. > It was making Spoon's eyes fill with tears when she inadvertently visualized what Twilight was saying.
  3031. > "Years. And it was always humans. Then, suddenly one day a bunch of strangers show up, grab her, *tie her up*, for Celestia's sake! You tied her up!"
  3032. > "Sorry," Zoe mumbled.
  3033. > "Anyway, then you throw her in the van and drive her, rattling and noisy for an hour! No wonder she freaked out!"
  3034. > The woman looked up defiantly and tried to defend herself. "Well, Wingtip called and said she would be late..."
  3035. > Twilight rubbed her muzzle with a hoof in exasperation. "Then you wait for her! These kind of rescues - a *pony* makes first contact, understand?!"
  3036. > "Yes."
  3037. > The alicorn heaved a deep, soulful sigh. "I need you to supervise ops, Zoe. I was hoping you could do it."
  3038. > "I can!"
  3039. > As if she didn't hear her, Twilight just kept talking. "I'm having Thom manage finances and staffing, but I need you to keep your head while you're out in the field, Zoe."
  3040. > The woman stood up, followed closely by the alicorn. "I can do it, Twi! This was a fuckup, but we got her out."
  3041. > "Yeah," Twilight countered, "she nearly broke her wings trying to get out of the rope. And then you sent Silver in - no training, no experience - barely rescued herself!"
  3042. > Now it was Zoe's turn to sigh with exasperation. "Fuck, I told you already! Mist was banging on the wall, I was worried she'd hurt herself. Wingtip wasn't there, and neither were you!"
  3043. "Uh, s-she was afraid of the t-traffic. Um, in the s-street. The, uh... noise."
  3044. > They both looked at Spoon, who swallowed nervously and explained.
  3045. "The window was, uh, open."
  3046. > They watched in silence for a moment, then Zoe spoke up: "We have to get Bailey to check her out, right now!"
  3047. > "No, absolutely not!" Twilight refused. "Wingtip is in charge of Misty Lotus. She goes to see Bailey when Wingtip says so!"
  3048. > "What if she has something?"
  3049. > Twilight banged a hoof on the table. "She didn't look like she was on death's door! She'll make it another day, Zoe! It's up to Wingtip to decide!"
  3050. > "Fine."
  3051. > All fight seemed to have gone from the human. Despite the tense atmosphere, Spoon was impressed. Twilight really was in charge.
  3052. > Just as she thought that, however, the alicorn came from behind the desk and hugged Zoe around her knees.
  3053. > "I know you mean well, Zoe. I trust you with my life, you know that. But I need you to keep your wits when I'm gone, okay?"
  3054. > The lady put her hand in Twilight's mane and breathed out a breath she had been holding. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, Twi."
  3055. > "You were lucky Silver Spoon kept her head."
  3056. > They both looked at her and Spoon blushed a little.
  3057. > "Heh!" Zoe chuckled. "I knew she was a champ. I never doubted her for a second!"
  3058. "Um..."
  3059. > "So, can you do it?" the alicorn asked, her voice filled with concern. She pulled her face away and looked up at the human with big, soulful eyes. "I'd rather you ask Wingtip if you're not sure how to handle a pony than make a mess like today. Please, Zoe, this isn't about pride, it's about helping ponies."
  3060. > The woman nodded. "Yeah, I promise Twi."
  3061. > Smiling, the mare let her go. "Good. I'll be back as soon as I can, but it could be a couple of months. Keep it together."
  3062. > "Will do, chief!"
  3063. > They parted and the alicorn smiled at Spoon. "Come on, I'll grab a quick shower and then we can go home."
  3064. > It was about time. Glancing at the clock, Silver saw it was past nine.
  3065. > Twilight followed her gaze and called after Zoe, who was already out the door.
  3066. > "Zoe! Can you get Spoon a hot cocoa while she waits?"
  3067. > The woman saluted. "Sure thing, boss!"
  3068. > It made the alicorn roll her eyes, but she smiled at the antics.
  3069. > "Goof," the alicorn muttered to herself, just loud enough for Spoon to hear. "Come on, let's go to the reception. Snow should be already be at the reception, so at least you'll have some company."
  3071. > ~~~~
  3073. > At long last Twilight Sparkle came home. The day should have ended *hours* ago, but all the commotion with Mist Lotus and Silver Spoon had made it drag on and on.
  3074. > Now she was cold and hungry and tired. She could fix two of those, so the pony decided to skip dinner and go straight to bed. Hopefully Anonymous would join her soon.
  3075. > Speaking of her pony friend, Spoon looked quite worn out as well.
  3076. "You did well with Mist Lotus. Now get some sleep."
  3077. > The earth pony gave her a halfhearted nod and dragged her hooves to the living room. Twilight waited until she heard the mare drop her glasses on the coffee table and climb up under the blankets.
  3078. > She walked to the work room and found that Anon wasn't there. The alicorn furrowed her brow and went to poke her snout in the bedroom.
  3079. > There it was - his breathing, coming from the bed. It was a most welcome surprise and she hurried to climb in, brain already melting in anticipation of warm cuddles.
  3080. > Anon was still awake - she saw the glimmer of his eyes even before he kindly lifted up the cover like a gentlecolt.
  3081. "Hi!"
  3082. > "Work?" he asked, then yawned as he patted the mattress. "C'mere."
  3083. > Twilight was only too happy to oblige. She slid into the welcoming warmth and stretched out her legs to find her human.
  3084. > "GAH!"
  3085. > Belatedly, she realized two important facts.
  3086. > One, Anon was sleeping naked.
  3087. > Two, her hooves were absolutely *icy*.
  3088. > The poor human drew a sharp breath which hissed between his teeth while his whole body jerked away in unwelcome surprise.
  3089. > Twilight quickly withdrew her limbs, ears flattening and muzzle scrunching in a mix between contrition and amusement. She managed not to giggle, barely.
  3090. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't realize!"
  3091. > His hands sought her out and wrapped around her ankles. Then, to her bewilderment, Anon pulled her closer and firmly placed her hooves against his chest. "Come back!" he said with determination.
  3092. > The mare very hesitantly pushed her hind legs forward again, laying them against his belly. He hissed softly at the icy touch, so she pulled back.
  3093. > "No, it's fine!" the human insisted and tightened his grip on her forelegs.
  3094. > Twilight didn't argue. She put the hooves back, pressing against his skin until she touched him with the sensitive frogs.
  3095. > Anon was almost glowing with heat. The breath she had been holding left her in a mix between a groan and a sigh. One hand let her go and slid up to pat her side.
  3096. "Ohhhhh," she moaned, "yesssss."
  3097. > As his fingers massaged some warmth into her flesh, Twilight thought she saw Anon smiling.
  3098. "I love you *so* much!"
  3099. > "I know," he whispered back and wriggled his other hand underneath her barrel. Twilight lifted herself up, only too eager to let him. "C'mere!" he urged.
  3100. > There was more?!
  3101. > She scooched a bit closer, but Anon simply hugged her and turned to his back. She ended up lying on top of him.
  3102. > So much of that delightfully warm skin was touching her! She luxuriated in the feeling, but then the human shifted again and her concentration broke.
  3103. "Oh!"
  3104. > He was pressing against her bare, cold teats. She could feel his... well, his *length* like a red-hot rod. Even as Twilight concentrated, it twitched against her.
  3105. > She stopped thinking and pressed her muzzle against his face. Even his *tongue* was hot in her mouth! Another luxurious moan escaped her.
  3106. "Yes, please, Celestia, yes!"
  3107. > The mare was already shuffling higher so she could let the human enter, but he held her down. "Relax," Anon said with a small smile, "take it slow."
  3108. > She was about to argue, but then he lifted his head for another kiss and dug his fingers in her sides and began a simple, impromptu massage.
  3109. "Mmmph!"
  3110. > It wasn't much of a sentence, but Anon knew what she meant. Don't stop! Don't *ever* stop!
  3111. > In moments she was practically melting against the human. He could do whatever he wanted to her and she would welcome it.
  3112. > Unfortunately, she couldn't be patient. Her tail was so high it was pushing the cover up. She wanted it, despite what Anon had said. Twilight broke the kiss off for a moment.
  3113. "Please," she moaned.
  3114. > Moments later their lips were locked once more. She tried to lift herself once again, but Anon still held her down.
  3115. > It didn't make sense! They both wanted it! She could feel him grinding and twitching against her teats! Release was *so close*! Why would Anon not take it? Why prolong the agony?
  3116. "Come on!" she said and pushed her belly against him.
  3117. > It worked!
  3118. > "How?" the human gasped between kisses.
  3119. > She knew exactly how she wanted it. Maybe it was selfish, but she was tired. Twilight slid from the human and settled beside him on her belly, hind legs fully outstretched and forelegs stuck under the pillow.
  3120. "Like this!"
  3121. > Anon didn't need more guidance than that. He turned and straddled her. Then he laid down on her, bringing his hot skin in full contact with her back.
  3122. > It was a bit uncomfortable on her stumps, but Anon was holding himself up on his elbows and Twilight was beyond caring, especially when he put his face right down beside her cheek.
  3123. > He gave her small kisses all over her muzzle while the mare shuddered and moaned. She could feel the heat of his manhood, so close! When she winked, she touched his tip.
  3124. > It made both of them grunt with desire.
  3125. "Yes!"
  3126. > He didn't torture her any longer. When he pushed, the stiff, *hot* intrusion blanked Twilight's mind of all thought. She surfaced after a moment and found that she was letting out short, sharp squeals as Anon thrust.
  3127. > Already her backside and the bed were soaked, but neither of them cared. Anon's thighs hit with a wet slap against her rear each time he pushed and his... length made a quiet slurp when he pulled back.
  3128. > He wasn't holding back, thrusting into her with desperate, burning need. One she fully matched. In moments it would be enough to-
  3129. "Oh! Fff-"
  3130. > His mouth was right by her head so Twilight could feel each gasp and pant. Now his lips sought out her ear and gave her a slight nibble.
  3131. "-uuuuuck!"
  3132. > She clenched so violently that she nearly lifted herself off the bed. Anon didn't immediately realize she'd orgasmed, so he slammed into her again.
  3133. > That *really* made her squeal and the human froze.
  3134. > "Sorry!" he whispered, remembering how sensitive she was while she climaxed.
  3135. > She tried to say it was fine, but the waves of pleasure that crashed over her made it impossible to talk.
  3136. "Mppft! Bugh!" she mumbled.
  3137. > She might have drooled on the pillow, but Twilight didn't care. All she could focus on was herself spasming around Anon's motionless length inside her.
  3138. > He nibbled on her ear again.
  3139. "Aahh!"
  3140. > She shuddered violently once more, but Anon was still pinning her down. Something about being held like that made it so much more *intense*! It was so liberating to relinquish all control, sometimes.
  3141. > Twilight sucked down lungfuls of sweet, sweet air, trying to control the random twitches of her limbs as the glow from her bits spread through her whole body.
  3142. "Okay, okay. I'm okay," she managed.
  3143. > That was what Anon had been waiting for. He began moving again.
  3144. "You c-can... you can finish."
  3145. > "He paused and chuckled softly, right in her ear. "Oh, not for a while, love," he whispered.
  3146. > All Twilight could do was groan in response.
  3147. > Tired or not, it would be a long night. It was no use complaining. It was out of her hooves.
  3148. > Sometimes she liked it that way.
  3149. > As the human pushed hard into her, the mare couldn't hold back a squeak.
  3150. "I l-love - ah! - you..."
  3151. > Already she was building up again. Something about the position - the angle, his hot breath on her mane, his lips on her ear, even his arms pressing against her sides - made it so damn hot!
  3152. > Anon lifted himself and placed his palms on her back. Desperate to retain his warmth, Twilight followed, raising her barrel as much as she could on trembling forelegs. Her back was sweat-soaked already and quickly chilled in the night air.
  3153. "N-No!"
  3154. > The human slowed at her exclamation. "What is it?" he asked, not even slightly out of breath.
  3155. > It wasn't fair! Damned human bed-stamina! She could trot circles around him after Anon had given up in exhaustion, but right here Twilight was a shivering, drooling, *sweating* puddle of a pony before the human was even winded!
  3156. "Kiss!"
  3157. > Yes! The human leaned down again, elbows around her barrel and hands on her muzzle. His chest was delightfully hot against her fur. She wrapped her hooves around his arms to keep them there.
  3158. > "Like this?"
  3159. "Yes!"
  3160. > The kisses began landing again and Twilight closed her eyes with a happy giggle.
  3161. > Anon began to thrust again.
  3162. > "Love you too," he replied.
  3163. "Mmmm!"
  3164. > Twilight tried to commit every sensation, every sound and smell to memory. She would need it all to get her through the cold, lonely months away from Anon.
  3165. > The mare suddenly realized she needed to see his face!
  3166. "Wait, stop!"
  3167. > Again, obediently, Anon froze. "Hmm?"
  3168. "I wanna turn!"
  3169. > He lifted up and allowed her to wriggle onto her back. That way she could watch his expression. She could kiss him back properly. She could wrap her hooves around him.
  3170. > Their combined scent hit her squarely in the nose and Twilight winked, lust taking hold once again.
  3171. "Come on, come on, hurry!"
  3172. > She waved her seeking hooves in the air until Anon lowered himself against her. She smiled and licked his cheek.
  3173. > He poked, barely missing her entrance and making her shudder with renewed desire. He aligned himself and tried again.
  3174. > This time he found his mark at the exact time his lips found hers.
  3175. > He slid completely inside, making her both wink and moan at the same time. His mouth muffled it a little as they shared their breath.
  3176. > Already, she was close to her second orgasm. Her mind started to dissolve again and a jumbled thought arose that she wanted to milk the human for all he was worth.
  3177. > She didn't need sleep! She needed Anon inside her.
  3179. > ~~~~
  3181. > Silver Spoon couldn't help feeling that breakfast was a little subdued. She glanced from Twilight to Anon, who both seemed completely wrung out. Each nuzzled their cup of coffee as if their lives depended on it.
  3182. > No wonder. She had heard them in the night.
  3183. > The mare thought she understood - soon they would part and not see each other for a while. They had to make the most of it, of course. She couldn't begrudge them.
  3184. > She just wished she didn't have to listen to the resulting sounds. Even now she blushed a little when she remembered some of the things Twilight had unknowingly shouted out.
  3185. > At least, Spoon thought, she *hoped* it was unknowingly!
  3186. > "So!" the human broke the silence. "Looks like a sunny day, you two up for a drive?"
  3187. > Her ears perked up and Spoon drew a breath in expectation. Her tail swished as she partly stood up on the chair, eager to change the topic of her thoughts.
  3188. "Yes please!"
  3189. > Maybe Twilight had reminded the human like she promised?
  3190. > The alicorn in question managed a tired smile. "I can nap on the back seat, right?"
  3191. > Anon chuckled at that. "Fine, but you're driving back, deal?"
  3192. > He held out his hand, as if to shake on it, but Twilight just licked his palm. "Deal," she said.
  3193. > It was happening! A drive down the highway in Anon's amazing, roofless car, on what looked like a beautiful, sunny, warm autumn day, to see a different side of Earth on an ocean beach.
  3194. > Spoon could hardly contain her excitement. She glanced through the window at the clear, blue sky and clapped her hooves together in anticipation.
  3195. > "Let's finish breakfast, first," Twilight suggested.
  3196. "Oh. Okay," Silver said and deflated a little.
  3197. > The alicorn had already dunked her muzzle in a cup of coffee and was slurping it up messily.
  3198. > "Pig," Anon commented with a smile on his face.
  3199. > Rather than replying, Twilight just feebly hit his arm with a hoof, making him chuckle.
  3200. > Then he looked at Spoon. "Coffee?" he offered, picking up the kettle.
  3201. > Silver bobbed her head up and down.
  3202. "Yes please!"
  3203. > An empty mug was already set for her and Anon filled it up. She hooked a leg around it and pulled it closer, relishing in the warmth. After another glance at Twilight, Spoon followed suit and stuck her muzzle in there.
  3204. > It was slightly bitter, but she didn't complain. What with listening to the couple the whole night, Spoon could use something to wake her up, too.
  3205. > "More toast?" the human offered.
  3206. > Both ponies lifted up their heads. Spoon's hoof went to her belly.
  3207. > A few weeks ago, she would have stuffed herself as full as she could, not knowing where or when her next meal might be coming from, but now she didn't want to feel too bloated in the car.
  3208. "Nuh-huh," she shook her head.
  3209. > She plunged back down to get some more coffee. It was uncomfortably hot, but she persevered and lapped it up.
  3210. > For the last few drops she lifted it up and let it drain into her mouth.
  3211. > Only then did she notice that Twilight had her eyes closed and was leaning heavily against her own mug.
  3212. > Anon noticed it too.
  3213. > "Oh," he said, smiling a little. "Somepony is sleepy."
  3214. > He carefully lifted up Twilight's head and brought a napkin with his other hand to wipe her muzzle clean.
  3215. > The alicorn didn't even open her eyes. "Mmmh, fankoo..." she cooed and licked his finger.
  3216. > "Don't worry, I'll clean up," the human said dryly. As if he had any choice!
  3217. > Still there was no response, other than a faint "'kay" from the mare.
  3218. > The human looked helplessly at Spoon. "Do me a favor and take her to the couch while I do the dishes?"
  3219. > She was only too happy to help.
  3220. "Yeah, sure!"
  3221. > Spoon slid from the chair and went to stand beside Twilight. She was about to reach up to pull the mare down, but Anon simply lifted the alicorn and deposited her on Silver's back.
  3222. > Luckily, Twilight instinctively hugged her friend, making her a lot easier to carry. Not that it would have been a problem.
  3223. > Spoon was an earth pony and proud of it. She could easily balance a comatose alicorn on her back. Besides, Twilight wasn't as big as Celestia or Luna yet.
  3224. > She made her careful way to the couch while Anon started clearing the table.
  3225. > A few moments later, both mares were under the blankets together. Spoon considered taking the glasses off, but thought better of it. The TV was still on, showing some sort of animal show Anon had shown her.
  3226. > She wanted to see a bit more of human television before she had to leave it behind.
  3227. > Beside her, Twilight snorted, murmured something and wrapped her hooves around Spoon's foreleg.
  3228. > Not for the first time, Silver tried to imagine just what Anon had done to the poor mare. Her own reluctant experiences were brief, however degrading. Her old Master never lasted more than two minutes.
  3229. > It hadn't even been enough to make Spoon finish, even if she wanted to. In a way, the pony was glad of that. Taking pleasure from her torment would make her complicit. It would mean her acceptance, she felt.
  3230. > It would be wrong.
  3231. > She was a little jealous of Twilight for her freedom to enjoy it so much with Anon.
  3232. > Her nose wrinkled as she caught a whiff of the other mare.
  3233. "You," she said with a certain amount of nastiness, "need a shower before we go."
  3234. > She wasn't sure Twilight heard or understood what she'd said, but the alicorn did give a most satisfyingly mournful moan.
  3235. > There was a clank from the kitchen as Anon stacked plates back into the cupboards and Twilight's ear twitched toward the sound.
  3236. > The alicorn sighed and murmured: "Love... you..."
  3237. > It made Spoon lower her ears.
  3238. "I wonder what that's like," she whispered wistfully.
  3239. > "'s nice," Twilight answered, more than half asleep. The alicorn was looking at her through half-lidded eyes, but not really seeing. "Y'should try it."
  3240. > Spoon made a little growl in her throat and jabbed the other mare in the flank.
  3241. "Stop that!"
  3242. > Twilight woke up fully and realized what she was saying. A hoof flew to her mouth. "I'm sorry!"
  3243. "Forget it."
  3244. > She became aware of the smell again. The apartment was full of it, but this close to Twilight it was really noticeable.
  3245. "Go and shower!"
  3246. > "Yeah, you're probably right," the alicorn admitted. She stretched with another little yawn before slipping from the couch and walking slowly toward the bathroom.
  3247. > Spoon watched her go, then shook her head and forcibly pushed the bad thoughts away.
  3248. > Earth wasn't fair, but she couldn't hold it against Twilight. That pony had gone through worse.
  3249. > At least Spoon only ever got used by one human...
  3250. > Twilight never told her any details, but Rainbow Dash had been quite open about their experiences in the brothel.
  3251. > Suddenly, Silver was ashamed of her thoughts.
  3252. > She couldn't begrudge Twilight any scrap of happiness she had found since that hellish time. Perhaps in time, Silver herself would find something real, too.
  3253. > Real love. If it could happen anywhere, it would be in Equestria.
  3254. > Suddenly the mare was very much looking forward to going home. Earth was too confusing.
  3256. > ~~~~
  3258. > Twilight Sparkle lay on the back seat of Anon's car, with her head in Rainbow Dash's lap. She was grateful for that. She was also happy that there was a blanket covering them to alleviate the wind as they drove with the roof down.
  3259. > She didn't mind in the slightest that Silver Spoon was in the front seat, grinning like a filly and sometimes waving her hooves around to catch the breeze.
  3260. > She also didn't mind that Rainbow helpfully - and kindly - held out a wing to shield Twilight's face from the worst gusts of wind.
  3261. "Mmmm," she moaned as the pegasus leaned down to give her a quick nuzzle.
  3262. > "Yeah, anyway, thanks for taking me with. Tommy had to work today so I was basically doing nothing. I was gonna call, but you beat me to it," Dash said.
  3263. > "No problem. The more the merrier, right?" came Anon's reply.
  3264. > Twilight knew she looked adorable, nestling against her friend like that. She saw Spoon glancing back with a dopey smile on her muzzle every now and then. She didn't mind that.
  3265. > It was nice to see the mare this happy and animated. A visit to the beach was just what they all needed.
  3266. > She just hoped the seaside would be a bit warmer than the highway.
  3267. > "Anyway, Twilight," Dash went on, "I wanna stay. At least for a while."
  3268. "What?!"
  3269. > Her eyes flew open and the alicorn stared at her friend, who was now blushing, of all things!
  3270. "Why?"
  3271. > She felt she knew the answer, or at least the shape of it, but she wanted to hear it from Dash as well.
  3272. > "Well, Tommy," the pegasus admitted, looking off into the distance as if ashamed to face her friend. "I wanna see where it goes."
  3273. > Maybe it was good news? Twilight got an idea. If Dash was left on Earth, there was no way Luna could forbid her to return, was there? She'd have to come back for an Element of Harmony, no matter how ready the night-princess was to abandon her other ponies in lieu of her favorites.
  3274. > That was incredibly selfish and now it was Twilight's turn to blush. Earth could be dangerous, too. At least she should make sure Dash really wanted it, before leaving her in a bad situation at the first opportunity.
  3275. "Are you sure?"
  3276. > The pegasus took it the wrong way, judging from her glare. The wing folded back and Twilight was exposed to the full onslaught of the chilly wind. She shuddered a bit and huddled closer to her friend.
  3277. > "Look," Rainbow said, deflating a little. "Back home - it's..."
  3278. > She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes. "I'm not doing too well."
  3279. "You never said," Twilight replied carefully.
  3280. > She was instantly fully awake. Dash had explained the trouble her other friends were going through, but she never said much about herself. The pegasus had made it sound as if she was perfectly fine and only the others needed her.
  3281. > Twilight had suspected that wasn't exactly true, but hadn't pushed Dash on the topic yet.
  3282. > "Yeah - I mean I'm better off than Fluttershy or Pinkie, but... it took a toll, y'know?"
  3283. "I'm sorry. Wanna tell me about it?"
  3284. > It didn't seem at first that she would get an answer. The pegasus' muzzle clamped shut and her eyes went to the horizon again.
  3285. > Twilight saw that Anon was turning the music down, so as to make it easier for the two mares to talk.
  3286. > Also, no doubt, to enable him to eavesdrop.
  3287. > She didn't blame him. Much.
  3288. "Rainbow?"
  3289. > Her friend let out another sad sigh. "I... sleep around," she admitted, then quickly corrected: "Not that that's a problem, of course! I just-"
  3290. > Her voice faltered and Twilight waited for a bit to see if she would continue. Then she gently prodded again.
  3291. "You just what?" she asked quietly.
  3292. > "I dunno, I'm not a shrink," Dash said. "I *think* I just wanna feel like I'm in control. It just sorta happened."
  3293. > There was a story there, Twilight could feel it, even if she couldn't tell what it was about, really. She shifted a little to rub her muzzle in Rainbow's belly fluff and her friend laid a careful hoof on Twilight's head, as if patting her.
  3294. "You know you can tell me anything, right? I won't judge."
  3295. > The pegasus looked miserable. "There's not a lot to tell, really," she confessed. "I was at this bar. I had a bit to drink, but I was totally fine. This... pegasus hit on me."
  3296. > Her ears lowering in fear, Twilight swallowed a lump.
  3297. "Did he-" she tried to say it, but couldn't get it out.
  3298. > "No, nothing like that!" Rainbow answered even before the question was fully formed. "I-" she gulped and looked down, ears flattening and face bland and emotionless. "I said yes. We went to his place and I left in the morning - without waking him up."
  3299. > It wasn't exactly a love story, but Twilight could understand urges. Well, she could understand them *now* that she had lived with Anon for a while.
  3300. "That doesn't sound-"
  3301. > "Just a bit of harmless fun, nothing bad," the pegasus said, interrupting her again. "We were both adults..."
  3302. > There was more to the story, but the alicorn didn't push. It looked like Rainbow really needed to get it off her chest and she didn't even seem to care that Anon and Silver Spoon were listening in.
  3303. > After a few moments' silence, the pegasus went on: "I did it a few more times. Y'know, it was just a bit of fun. Nothing more. Sometimes their place, but usually mine."
  3304. > They still hadn't come to the bad part.
  3305. "That doesn't sound too bad," Twilight managed to say the full sentence this time.
  3306. > "It isn't!" Dash insisted, waving her hooves for emphasis. But then her face crumbled and she sniffed. "At least I didn't think it was."
  3307. > Her friend needed a hug, so Twilight pulled herself up and wrapped her forelegs around the pony. Rainbow was shivering a little, so she reached for her magic and brought the warm blanket back up around them.
  3308. > She had to concentrate through her slight headache to keep it in place, but that was okay. Dash was important.
  3309. "It's okay, Rainbow Dash. You can tell me."
  3310. > "Twi-" the pegasus began, but her voice cracked and she paused for a moment to collect herself. "I felt like *them*. L-Like one of our... clients. In that place."
  3311. > Before Twilight could reply, Dash went on: "I was *using* them. I mean, it was *easy*. I'm *the* Rainbow Dash!" She brought her hoof down on the seat for emphasis each time.
  3312. > Tears were streaking down her muzzle and the mare sniffed again. Without looking, Twilight opened the front glove compartment and brought out some paper tissues she had stashed there.
  3313. "Blow," she commanded very gently.
  3314. > Dash obeyed, then went on with her story. "The only difference is I'm not paying them. But I take them home and then I send them away in the morning. And I feel like crap. It feels good while we're doing it, but then it feels awful!"
  3315. > Twilight tried to imagine, but as bad as Rainbow made it sound, she didn't see a huge problem with the arrangement. Undoubtedly the stallions knew what they were getting into.
  3316. "You're not *making* them do anything, Dash. It's just some harmless fun, lots of mares do it."
  3317. > "Yeah, but it's *me*, Twi!" Rainbow blurted out. "It's not right what I'm doing. It doesn't feel right! I don't wanna live my life this way! Pretending to be asleep so they'd leave in the morning!"
  3318. > Twilight couldn't exactly put her hoof on the issue.
  3319. "Well, why don't you just stop?"
  3320. > Dash growled low in her throat. "It doesn't work that way, Twilight! You don't know what it's like!"
  3321. > She didn't want the pegasus defensive. Twilight lowered her ears and squeezed her friend tighter.
  3322. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," she apologized.
  3323. > It worked and Dash gradually relaxed. "You don't understand," she repeated quietly.
  3324. "Then please tell me. I want to understand."
  3325. > For a moment, Rainbow just looked at her, probably trying to decide. In the end she sighed and went on: "I can't stay home. I can't be alone, okay? I start thinking about... *it* and then I get miserable. That's why I started going to bars."
  3326. > Twilight chose to remain silent.
  3327. > "Going home by myself terrifies me! I know what the stallions want and I give it to them, just so they'd go home with me. I dunno- it's easier, I guess."
  3328. > The pony sniffed and hung her head. Her voice was broken and quiet. "But I still feel alone afterwards."
  3329. "Is that why you want to live with Tommy?" the alicorn guessed.
  3330. > "Mhm!" the pegasus nodded and gratefully accepted the tissue again to wipe her face. "I didn't realize it until I was with him. It's different. I think-"
  3331. > She sniffed and her ears lifted up hopefully. "I think this is real, Twilight. More real than all those stallions."
  3332. > Maybe the human was helping Rainbow, Twilight thought. It wouldn't be the first one. She'd met a few like that in the Pony Society. Some of them had remarkable empathy.
  3333. "Well, then I say stay with him. You deserve to be happy, Dash."
  3334. > Again her face clouded up and the pegasus blinked away fresh tears. "There's more..." she whispered miserably.
  3335. "Oh. Want to tell me?"
  3336. > She needn't have asked. Dash only paused to gather herself before continuing her sad story.
  3337. > "I thought about it," the mare said, very tentatively, folding her ears back down and looking at Twilight from the corner of her eye. "I think I want foals."
  3338. "You wh-"
  3339. > "Not right *now*!" Dash interrupted. "Someday. Only- I shouldn't wait too long. We don't all have infinite time..."
  3340. > For some reason, Twilight felt a little guilty. Becoming an alicorn hadn't been her choice, exactly, and she'd failed to consider what that meant. She'd outlive all her friends.
  3341. > Suddenly she felt very sad, for herself and for Princess Celestia. Luna. Cadence. They all had to watch loved ones die. The fact that most of them had lived full, rich lives wasn't that much of a consolation when you buried them.
  3342. > It also made her think of Anonymous. Twilight sought him out with her eyes. She'd see him grow old and pass away, while she herself would stay young and vibrant.
  3343. > It would hurt like hell....
  3344. > The mare forcefully brought herself back to the present. One problem at a time.
  3345. "If you're with Tommy-"
  3346. > The pegasus jumped in again and finished the thought: "He can't give me foals. Which means I'll have to break it off with him..."
  3347. "Yeah. That."
  3348. > "I know all that, but I still wanna do it. I think he wants kids someday, too. We both know it can't be with each other."
  3349. > Dash slammed a hoof on the seat. "We just wanna be happy for a while, damn it!" she cursed. "Is that too much to ask? Just a few mo-months..."
  3350. > Twilight renewed her hug and gave Rainbow a nuzzle, completely ignoring the fact that her friend's face was covered in tears and snot, which she was now smearing on herself.
  3351. "It's not too much to ask, Rainbow," she assured her.
  3352. > The alicorn glanced at her own human again. Anonymous couldn't give her foals either, nor could she give him children. They hadn't really talked about it. Life had been too busy. There was time.
  3353. > Suddenly Twilight felt as if the clock was running out. She caught a meaningful glance from the human and knew they would discuss this in the night, when they were alone.
  3354. > Rainbow's words had made him think, as well.
  3355. > If Anon wanted children, Twilight would not stand in his way. Her heart would break, but she'd heal. She'd have time to heal.
  3356. > Maybe, she thought, they could adopt. A pony and a human child, she thought. It would be a middle way, maybe one that could also work for Rainbow?
  3357. > The mare in her arms returned the hug, bringing Twilight back to the present.
  3358. "How about adopting?" she said, both for Dash and for Anon.
  3359. > "A-Adopting?"
  3360. "Yeah, there's foals who desperately need parents in the Canterlot Orphanage. I bet there's human children, too. Besides, who wouldn't want *the* Rainbow Dash for a mom?"
  3361. > That brought out a smile. "M-Maybe," the pegasus said and there was a tiny flicker of hope in her eyes.
  3362. "I mean, it's still up to Tommy, but it's an idea. And there's stuff humans can do. Artificial insemination and so on."
  3363. > Now Dash was incredulous. "There is?!"
  3364. "Sure! I mean, it wouldn't be *Tommy's* foal, but you'd carry and birth it. It'd be your family, you just gotta make sure your human is on board with it."
  3365. > Again, the alicorn looked to see Anon's reaction. She couldn't quite read his expression from the back seat, but he seemed thoughtful from what little she saw in the mirror.
  3366. > It could be a solution for them, too.
  3367. "In the end it comes down to love, Dash. I'm sure Cadence would say the same thing. You'll have time to talk it all out with Tommy and decide, okay?"
  3368. > The pegasus managed a small smile.
  3369. > "Thanks - talking about it helps, I guess. I just wanted to know I'm not a monster."
  3370. "Why would you think that?!"
  3371. > Dash drew a deep breath. "It feels like I'm leading Tommy on. We never talked about it - not really. He just mentioned one time he'd like a family. I thought I couldn't ever give him that."
  3372. "You can if you both want to. Take as much time as you need. Talk it over with him. If you both know what to expect, there will be no hurt feelings if it has to end, right?"
  3373. > "Yeah," the pegasus said, brightening up a little bit. "If we both agree it's just some fun for a while, we won't *really* fall in love!"
  3374. > Twilight doubted that, but she wasn't about to correct her friend. She and Tommy deserved any happiness they could find. Maybe it would be all the more precious if they knew it would end someday.
  3375. > The alicorn looked at her own lover again, trying very hard not to let her tears start flowing. If she got lost down that lane of thought, she would be miserable all day.
  3376. > Twilight needed to be cheerful for her friend. Talking all of this out was difficult enough for the pegasus as it was.
  3377. > Whatever happened, she would stand by Rainbow's side and make sure she and Tommy remained friends afterwards. It was the least she could do.
  3378. > She would make travel between worlds possible. Humans would visit Equestria and ponies would visit Earth. Her friends - all of them - would stay in touch.
  3379. > Twilight promised it to herself.
  3380. > Besides, the mare thought with a slight smile, she wanted to see Zoe's reaction to the spires of Canterlot!
  3381. > After a silence, Dash asked, almost bashfully: "I need a job."
  3382. "What? Why? I'll give you money!"
  3383. > The pegasus shook her head. "It's not about money. Twilight, Tommy took some days off work to be with me, but he'll have to go back. I don't wanna mope around his house and wait. I wanna do something to help. Earn my keep, y'know?"
  3384. > That gave Twilight an idea which might work out very well.
  3385. "Okay, I can set you up at the Pony Society. You'd get wages and all. We always need more helping hooves, especially now that I'll be gone for a while."
  3386. > "You'd do that?"
  3387. > The gratitude was heartwarming.
  3388. "Of course! What are friends for?"
  3389. > She thought for a moment, remembering the incident with Zoe and Misty Lotus the previous day.
  3390. "It's a big help for frightened ponies when they're rescued and brought to this strange, new place. It helps when they see me there."
  3391. > She grinned and nudged the pegasus with a hoof.
  3392. "I'm sure it'll help just as much to meet the Element of Loyalty instead!"
  3393. > Now Dash was smiling, as well. "Yeah, I can do that!"
  3394. > Twilight was about to add that somepony needed to keep Zoe in check, but now that she came to think on it, the two would just feed off each other. No doubt they'd get into all sorts of trouble.
  3395. > She'd have to warn Legal about it and make sure White Snow knew to keep an eye on the pair. The way those two thought, it wouldn't surprise Twilight in the slightest if she heard about them breaking into places and foalnapping ponies left and right.
  3396. > With a slight blush the mare remembered she was guilty of the same. Her gaze strayed to Spoon and she blushed harder.
  3397. > It was sheer luck that human - Spoon's owner - hadn't gone to the authorities. They'd be able to trace Anon's car easily.
  3398. > That man could have caused them all a lot of trouble if he wanted. Maybe he was scared enough not to try.
  3399. > "Yeah. Thanks, Twi. You're a real friend."
  3400. "So are you!"
  3401. > They embraced again, then the alicorn groaned a little.
  3402. "Can I lie down again, please? My head is killing me!"
  3403. > Dash pushed her down and tucked the blanket around Twilight again. "Yeah, sure. Rough night?"
  3404. > When the alicorn glanced at Anon, she saw he was blushing a little.
  3405. "Very."
  3406. > "When are you leaving?"
  3407. > The sudden and unwelcome topic made Twilight jerk a little, but Dash patted her with a wing. It hadn't been a mean question, just a practical one.
  3408. "Day after tomorrow. I've already sent a letter to Celestia."
  3409. > The alicorn hugged herself in worry and, agian, the slight shift must have told Rainbow Dash all she needed to know about how she felt. The pegasus patted her gently through the blanket.
  3410. > "I'll go through with you and talk to Luna. I'll tell her Earth is okay. She's bound to believe me."
  3411. > It filled Twilight with gratitude. Her friend would risk being trapped in Equestria if the Princesses didn't let them return through the portal. It was a brave thing Dash was promising to do for her.
  3412. "Thanks. That means a lot."
  3413. > Rainbow wiped her muzzle one last time, then dropped the tissue to the floor. It rolled under the seat and Twilight scrunched up her muzzle.
  3414. "Uh, could you get that, please? Otherwise it'll be stuck down there forever."
  3415. > "Oh! Sorry, I wasn't thinking!" Dash apologized. She leaned down and deftly hooked a wing under the seat to pick up the ball of tissue paper. She held it out and gave Twilight a questioning look.
  3416. "Just pass it to Anon, please."
  3417. > The human obediently picked it from the mare and dropped it in the ashtray in the front. At least that had a *chance* of being emptied in the near future.
  3418. "Thanks. Sorry," Twilight apologized for bothering her friends with these menial details at a time like this.
  3419. > "Nah, it's fine," Dash assured her. The pegasus looked very much cheered up. "Thanks for the talk," she said.
  3420. "Sure, anytime."
  3421. > The two sighed almost in unison, happy that a difficult path had been safely navigated. Twilight was sure even Spoon and Anon felt better for having heard all that.
  3422. > Then, as if Rainbow was switching a mental gear, she slapped her hooves together in anticipation. "Now, about this beach. Anon, it'll be warm enough for a swim, right?"
  3423. > The human chuckled, relieved at her happy tone. "Maybe. The sea should still be relatively warm. I wouldn't risk it, but you're adventurous. I'm sure Tommy will take good care of you if you catch a cold!"
  3424. > Dash stuck out her tongue, making both Twilight and Spoon laugh in amusement. She held it for a moment, then joined in the laugh.
  3425. > "As if!" the pegasus said boastfully, puffing out her chest and flexing her wings. "We pegasi don't catch colds! Twilight, you'll swim with me, right?"
  3426. > The alicorn just groaned and huddled under her blanket.
  3427. > "Silver?" Dash tried, tentatively.
  3428. > The earth mare was game. "Sure! I'd love to!" she said. "And then we'll have ice cream!"
  3429. > "That's the spirit!"
  3430. > Twilight just rolled her eyes. Swimming or not, it would be a nice day out. She looked at the sky and found it completely clear. Unblemished.
  3431. > She swore to herself to have more such moments with Anon. As many as she could fit in a lifetime.
  3432. > The human deserved to be remembered like this. She also promised herself she would smile each time she thought of Anonymous in the long years ahead.
  3433. > It took an effort, but she pushed the thought out of her mind. They were still young and the world was fresh. She would spend the winter in Equestria, then return to a beautiful Earth spring.
  3434. > A thought occurred.
  3435. "Anon?"
  3436. > "Hmm?"
  3437. "Will you take me camping in spring? We haven't had a vacation this year, we deserve one. *You* deserve one!"
  3438. > "I'll come with!" Dash exclaimed.
  3439. > "Well, in *that* case, I can't say no, can I?"
  3440. > Twilight was thinking a bit further and shivered a little in excitement at her idea.
  3441. "I'll try and get the whole gang. Hey, m-maybe we can go camping in Equestria!?"
  3442. > Dash matched her wide-eyed, hopeful stare. "Oooh, that'd be *awesome*!" the pegasus exclaimed. "You think you can talk Princess Luna into it?"
  3443. "I'll try!" Twilight promised. "Oh, *how* I'll try!"
  3444. > With that prospect in her mind, Twilight suddenly felt very much like swimming, no matter how could it would be.
  3445. > She lifted her muzzle and sniffed.
  3446. "I smell salt!"
  3447. > The other two mares quickly did the same.
  3448. > Rainbow Dash lifted up her hooves and whooped as Anon sped up.
  3450. > ~~~~
  3452. > Twilight found herself staring with a small, wistful smile on her muzzle as she watched Rainbow Dash and Silver Spoon with their antics.
  3453. > "SQUEEEEEE!" *SPLASH*! The earth mare dropped into the ocean like a stone. Already there were a few onlookers nearby, some pointing, others laughing.
  3454. > After a moment Spoon surfaced and spat out sea water. "Again! Again!" she urged.
  3455. > Dash was only too happy to oblige. She swooped down and hooked her legs around Spoon's barrel. It looked almost effortless the way she lifted the heavy earth pony high up into the air.
  3456. > "Higher!" Spoon demanded, but her pegasus friend knew when it was enough. They hovered for a moment, then-
  3457. > "EEEEEEEE!" *SPLASH*!
  3458. > The spray reached all the way to where Twilight and Anon were sitting on the sand.
  3459. > "Huh, you ponies just make your own fun, don't you?" the human asked.
  3460. "Yeah. We should have done this sooner, just look at them!"
  3461. > The pair were positively glowing with joy. Spoon paused in her yelling barely long enough not to swallow seawater, but began to whoop the moment she breached the surface. Even Dash was giggling like crazy at the mare's antics.
  3462. > The pegasus had taken a few beautiful dives herself, treating the onlookers to a few loops and twirls before the inevitable splash.
  3463. > Her performance even drew a smattering of applause, something which made Dash beam with pride and strut a little in the air.
  3464. > Speaking of the mare, Dash beckoned to Twilight and flew a little closer. "Come on, Twilight! It's fun! I'll give you a lift!"
  3465. > The alicorn was undecided. On the one hoof, it *did* look like a lot of fun, especially judging from the way Spoon squealed with delight the whole way down. On the other hoof, the alicorn could clearly see it was cold.
  3466. > Both Spoon and Dash tried to keep their teeth from chattering, focusing instead on the fun, but the ocean water looked absolutely freezing.
  3467. > Even the few drops that landed on her from their mighty splashing felt like ice cubes in her fur.
  3468. "Ummm..."
  3469. > "Come *on*," Dash said, spreading her hooves wide in exasperation.
  3470. > Twilight looked at Anon, who shrugged a little. "Too chilly for me," he said, but then prodded her in the barrel with a finger, "but you go ahead."
  3471. > It was enough. Slowly, apprehensively, Twilight got to her hooves, making Dash pump her foreleg in triumph. "Come on, I'll give you a lift!" The pegasus offered.
  3472. > She almost declined it, but Twilight looked at the water and changed her mind. If she tried to walk slowly into that, the cold would make her quit long before it even reached her soft, unprotected belly. Dropping in without a choice was perhaps the only way to get in.
  3473. > Both Dash and Spoon had known this and even the sturdy earth mare didn't try to get herself wet before asking the pegasus to lift her up and drop her in the ocean.
  3474. > Maybe it was a leftover from her hang-gliding, Twilight thought. Perhaps Silver Spoon was developing a new hobby?
  3475. >She'd try to prod her towards it back in Equestria. It would give her something new to do and talk about with friends, and it would take her mind off what had happened to her on Earth.
  3476. > Twilight couldn't stifle a small gasp when Dash grabbed her. The pegasus was soaking wet and the places her legs wrapped around Twilight's barrel felt like pure ice. She tried to wriggle free.
  3477. "On second thought-" she tried to excuse herself, but Dash was already beating her wings.
  3478. > In a few seconds they were in the air. "Too late!" the pegasus said, her voice holding perhaps just a touch of glee.
  3479. > Twilight swallowed a lump, but she couldn't prevent her ears from going flat against her mane.
  3480. > Suddenly she was falling.
  3481. "Oh, noooooooo-"
  3482. > Water enveloped her... no, buck that, *FREEZING ICE* enveloped her! There was nothing but the cold!
  3483. > She kicked urgently and poked her head up above the surface.
  3484. "EEEEEEEEEP!"
  3485. > Both Dash and Spoon giggled at her erratic flailing, as Twilight sought for the ground. She saw a blurry yellow of the beach to the side and turned that way.
  3486. > Even her wing stumps wriggled as she tried to make herself faster. Her breath seemed to come as a series of gasps, followed by squeals as the ice around her chest seemed to push all air out of her lungs.
  3487. > Finally! A hoof touched sand. Twilight flailed a little more, dunking her head unceremoniously under the surface before she found purchase and pulled herself upright.
  3488. "B-B-BUCK!" she swore.
  3489. > The other two seemed to be dying of laughter. Even Anon was chuckling!
  3490. > The alicorn got her human in her sights and advanced with revenge in her heart.
  3491. "I'll s-s-show y-y-ou!"
  3492. > She sped up, jerkily, as her muscles twinged and shuddered in an effort to get her warm. She would give the human a nice, big, and - above all - *wet* hug. Then he'd learn about laughing at her misfortune!
  3493. > Anon realized, too late, what she was planning and threw his arms up. They wouldn't help. Twilight had a determined grin on her muzzle as she stumbled towards him.
  3494. > Just before she reached the human, blue legs wrapped around her barrel from behind and lifted her up again.
  3495. > The worst that insolent human got were a few drops. Even that made him gasp, but it wasn't nearly enough for Twilight.
  3496. "LET ME DOWN! I'll- I'll- UGH! Let go of me!"
  3497. > She struggled, but the hooves around her were iron. Already they were up in the air, above the water.
  3498. "Oh, no no no no no!" Twilight begged.
  3499. > She twisted around, trying to grab Rainbow and hold on to her, but the pegasus had already let go.
  3501. > It wasn't as bad this time around, but Twilight still spat out a lot of water when she surfaced. She was shivering so badly it was interfering with her swimming!
  3502. "RAINBOW DASH!"
  3503. > The pegasus roared with laughter.
  3504. > Twilight blinked her eyes clear and looked for the cyan trickster and for Anon. She'd show them both! Her horn lit up as she readied a simple levitation spell.
  3505. > She tried to grab Dash first, but it missed. The pegasus was already dropping.
  3506. "Wait! Gah-" Twilight choked as the splash got her right in the muzzle.
  3507. > Again she had water in her mouth and eyes. The mare shook her head to clear it, then looked for her mischievous friend.
  3508. > Dash surfaced next to her, giggling excitedly. "Ooof, cold cold cold cold!" she choked out amidst peals of laughter.
  3509. > Anon forgotten, Twilight let her magic wink out. She did, however, keep glaring at her friend.
  3510. > "Hah!" Dash commented, "the look on your muzzle! Priceless!"
  3511. > Undoubtedly if she wasn't busy swimming, the pegasus would be slapping her thighs as she laughed, like the ruffian she was!
  3512. "I'll sh-show you!"
  3513. > She didn't need magic for that. Twilight just kicked herself higher and brought her hooves down. In the water, Dash wasn't fast enough to dodge and couldn't fight an alicorn's weight pressing on her shoulders.
  3514. > She went below the water with a most satisfying little squeak.
  3515. > Twilight held her friend down for a good solid five seconds, then let go. She didn't want to drown the mare, just teach her a lesson!
  3516. > The rainbow mane popped up from the water, eyes twinkling with joy.
  3517. > "Oh yeah?!" Dash sputtered. "Well, take this!"
  3518. > Before she could react, Twilight got a mouthful of water as Rainbow splashed her. She quickly spat it out and reached for the pegasus again, but Dash was already out of hoof's reach.
  3519. "Come back here, you!" Twilight called angrily.
  3520. > She kicked for all she was worth in pursuit, but Dash was using her wings underwater and there was no way to catch her.
  3521. > It was hopeless, but then Twilight spotted Silver Spoon, treading water and giggling at their antics.
  3522. > She would do! Nopony laughed liked that at a Princess!
  3523. > Too late the earth mare realized what Twilight was planning and got dunked with a beautiful little yelp.
  3524. > Triumphant, Twilight turned back to the shore. It wasn't *that* cold, not when she'd been in it for a while and gotten used to it, but she was shivering and her teeth were clattering.
  3525. > She made it all of two paces before something grabbed around her hind legs and dragged her down.
  3526. "EE-*URK*!"
  3527. > She swallowed a mouthful of seawater before fighting her way back to the surface. Silver Spoon came up just in front of her, but was already speeding away.
  3528. "HEY!" Twilight yelled after the escaping pony.
  3529. > The alicorn set off in pursuit. Spoon didn't have wings which would give her an unfair advantage. She'd get her and dunk her *good*!
  3530. > The mare glanced back, saw Twilight coming for her and yelped. Somehow she sped up!
  3531. > Twilight stared in shock, but only for a moment. She pushed herself after the mare, faster.
  3532. > She simply *had* to dunk her again!
  3533. > It was no use. Cursed earth pony strength! Spoon's legs were a blur under the water and the mare was easily outpacing Twilight.
  3534. > Looking around for some help, Twilight saw that Dash was already airborne again.
  3535. "Rainbow! Get her!"
  3536. > Her pegasus friend saluted and swooshed her wings. No earth pony couldn't outrun a pegasus even on land, and she certainly couldn't outswim one!
  3537. > Spoon gave another squeak when she saw Dash flying for her. It would be over in a moment.
  3538. > Twilight already opened her mouth to cheer, but it died on her lips as Spoon suddenly vanished, dipping under the water.
  3539. > It made Rainbow Dash miss and the pegasus splashed heavily, yelling in unwelcome surprise.
  3540. > Moments later, Spoon bobbed her head up again, stuck out her tongue at the both of them, and sped off.
  3541. > She soon reached the beach and, breathing heavily, came to flop beside the human wearing a triumphant expression on her muzzle.
  3542. > She had won!
  3543. > Twilight kicked her hooves again and caught up to the pegasus. With unspoken agreement, Dash extended a hind leg, which Twilight hooked with her wrist.
  3544. > A couple strong wing beats brought them in reach of the ground.
  3545. "Thanks," Twilight murmured as the two pulled themselves out of the ocean.
  3546. > She wasn't mad. The swim had been *invigorating*, yeah, that was a good word for it!
  3547. > Rainbow's antics, while entirely uncouth, seemed funnier now that they were out of the freezing water. Even Spoon had handled herself very well, Twilight had to admit that.
  3548. > The earth pony had managed to evade both an alicorn and a pegasus, which was an impressive feat.
  3549. > Maybe she wouldn't have if Twilight had remembered to use her magic in time, but she hadn't even thought about it in the spur of the moment.
  3550. > All that had been on her mind was the chase and the dunk.
  3551. > Both mares fell into the sand right next to Silver Spoon, lungs straining for air.
  3552. "That-" Twilight managed to say.
  3553. > "-was fun!" Rainbow Dash finished for her.
  3554. "Yeah."
  3555. > A moment later Anon draped a large towel over them. Twilight licked his hand in gratitude.
  3556. "Hold on..."
  3557. > She finally remembered that she had magic and cast a very simple spell. The air which was caught under the towel heated up.
  3558. > "Oooooh," Dash moaned, followed closely by a luxurious sigh from Spoon as steam billowed around them.
  3559. > Even Twilight herself breathed out in relief. Refreshing was one thing, but she didn't want them to catch colds, whatever Rainbow Dash said about pegasi and their fluff.
  3560. > At this rate, the three would be dry in a couple of minutes, after which there was just the matter of brushing sand out of their fur.
  3561. "Next time we do this," Twilight said softly, "in summer, okay?"
  3562. > Her friends nodded their agreement.
  3563. > "Yes please," Spoon said, then paused. "There will be a next time, right?"
  3564. > Twilight wasn't too sure, but she was still determined to try.
  3565. "Yes," she said, hoping she hadn't just lied.
  3566. > The earth pony looked at Anon and grinned. "I'll come visit sometime!" she promised.
  3567. > She closed her eyes when the human put a hand in her wet mane. He didn't seem to mind the cold as he scratched her ears.
  3568. > "I'll hold you to that," he said, grinning as well. For a moment his eyes flickered to Twilight, as if wanting to make sure.
  3569. > She gave him a slight shrug and a nod. She would try her best.
  3570. > "So," the human went on, "would anyone like some ice cream?"
  3571. > The mere thought was enough for Twilight's tongue to loll out in anticipation.
  3572. > "Yes! Me me!" Spoon replied before the other two.
  3573. > "Yes please!" Dash said, only a second behind the earth mare.
  3574. > Twilight herself just smiled and nodded at the human.
  3575. "You're a sweetheart, Anon. Thanks."
  3576. > He went to their luggage and dug out his wallet. "Okay, I'll be right back," he said and looked into the distance where a stand was still selling frozen treats even this late in Autumn.
  3577. "We'll wait here," Twilight promised.
  3578. > She didn't have to. No way would anypony want to leave the warmth spell, not until she was *really* dry.
  3579. > She glanced around, but the few humans who had gathered to watch their antics had already dispersed. Here and there some people were taking walks on the beach, but even if anyone tried to bother them, Twilight had her magic and wasn't afraid to use it.
  3580. > With her warmth spell in place, the sun felt positively radiant on her exposed fur. She closed her eyes and heaved a sigh.
  3581. "I'm really glad we came here, guys."
  3582. > "Same," came the reply from Dash.
  3583. > Spoon wiggled closer and put a hoof around Twilight's midriff. "Mhm," the earth mare confirmed.
  3584. > Yes, the alicorn thought, ice cream would make the moment perfect. That and putting her head in Anon's warm lap and having him brush her mane with his fingers.
  3585. "Mmmm."
  3587. > ~~~~
  3589. > Twilight Sparkle went through some of her code with Anon while Spoon watched a cartoon. All three of them were comfortably sprawled on the couch with the alicorn sandwiched between her two friends.
  3590. > Rainbow Dash was already at Tommy's, undoubtedly 'catching up' with him after her day of fun.
  3591. > She peered at the screen on the coffee table and levitated a stylus to point it out.
  3592. "This here is... um-" she began and paused.
  3593. > So much had happened in the past few days that Twilight had trouble remembering.
  3594. "-something to do with indexing, I think."
  3595. > They both stared at it. At long last Anon nodded. "Yeah, I think I get it. I'll play around with it some, see what it does."
  3596. > Grateful that she didn't have to explain any more, the mare gave her human a lick on his arm, before reading on.
  3597. "Not sure what I was thinking *there*, maybe you should toss it and do it yourself. Might be easier than trying to fix it."
  3598. > "Will do."
  3599. > They sat in silence for a moment as the alicorn sought for more changes. One file caught her eye.
  3600. "Oh, this is a good one!"
  3601. > Anon peered at it. "Why order this structure like that?"
  3602. > Her chest expanded a little with pride.
  3603. "Because," Twilight said boastfully, "that way it fits in CPU cache and *aligns*! That makes it super fast!"
  3604. > The human chuckled at her joy. "True, but not everyone has the same kind of processor, Twilight."
  3605. > She should have remembered that, but in her enthusiasm at having figured it out the mare hadn't thought through the problem entirely.
  3606. "Well, it's still good! Just wrap it in a condition. You should be able to use a similar approach for other hardware!"
  3607. > "Sure thing," Anon answered and ruffled her mane.
  3608. > She leaned against his hand, ignoring the slight tugging. The hair was quite messy from their tumbling about in the sea and on the beach. She needed a shower, bad. It was a shame she was so comfortable, though.
  3609. > "Okay, I think that's all I needed. You didn't really have to do all this, you know?"
  3610. > She glared at the human and tried to lower the pitch of her voice to match his:
  3611. "You're not helping, Twilight! You promise but you don't deliver! You should do more for the company, Twilight! The software is late, Twi-"
  3612. > A finger blocked her muzzle and she fell silent. Anon was laughing. "I do *not* sound like that!"
  3613. "Do too!"
  3614. > He sighed and leaned his head down against her cheek. It was nice. When was the last time they'd just sat like that and enjoyed each other's company?
  3615. > "Hey," the human said at last, "remember when we started the company and all my old employees just got up and walked out of the old one?"
  3616. > The alicorn giggled at the memory.
  3617. "Man, legal had a field trip with all the lawsuits coming in from Sam. He was furious!"
  3618. > Anon held up a finger. "We weren't doing anything wrong. We didn't contact them, remember? I was very clear on that. They just read it in the paper, quit their jobs and came to us."
  3619. > She poked a hoof in his stomach, gently.
  3620. "Because *you're* a good boss."
  3621. > The human wasn't so sure. "Nah, I don't think that was it," he said slowly. "I think they just wanted to work with *the* Twilight Sparkle, y'know?"
  3622. > It made her blush a little.
  3623. "Quit that!" she chided, but her heart wasn't really in it.
  3624. > "It's true! Putting your face on the logo was a brilliant move!"
  3625. "Well, Mr. Smarty Pants, if that's true, they should all leave when I'm gone, right?"
  3626. > They were forced to remember that she was going away and it hit them hard. Both sighed sadly.
  3627. "I'm sorry."
  3628. > Hands cupped her muzzle and a kiss landed on her nose. Anon had gotten good at not stabbing out his eyes on her horn, but Twilight turned her face anyway. The motion was unconscious by now.
  3629. > "You're coming back, remember? Think of it as a vacation. You need one."
  3630. > He twirled his finger in her mane. "Just look at this. Twilight, you're a mess!"
  3631. > Silver Spoon chuckled at that, even though she was apparently engrossed in Disney.
  3632. > The alicorn growled a little in her throat, but she was grinning a moment later.
  3633. "Speak for yourself!"
  3634. > "Listen, I'm sorry," Anon began.
  3635. "Damn right you are!"
  3636. > "No," he shook his head, "not about that. I'm sorry I got so obsessed with the work. We're doing fine, I shouldn't have pushed you to put in so much effort. We hired some brilliant talent, we should leave some work for them."
  3637. > This time Twilight put her hoof on his face and turned him to look at her.
  3638. "It's okay. I *should* have taken more of an interest. I take plenty of funding out of our company..."
  3639. > "Yeah," Anon replied and fell silent for a moment with a faraway look in his eyes. "Hey, remember the guy at the bank when we went to get a loan?"
  3640. > She chuckled at the image of the incredulous young man in an expensive suit.
  3641. "I still think you should've just put your name on all the paperwork."
  3642. > Anon was already shaking his head. "Out of the question. More than half the code was yours at that point. It wouldn't be fair."
  3643. "Yeah, but all the complications and the paperwork..."
  3644. > "Well, now there's a precedent. Ponies can legally own businesses on Earth. I think it was worth it."
  3645. > That had been a nice victory for pony rights. It made their situation even more confusing - Twilight glanced at Silver Spoon who was a living testament to that fact - but it also brought them closer to having equal rights as humans.
  3646. "I'm eternally grateful," she said with a thoughtful smile.
  3647. > They were silent for a bit and Twilight tried to follow the plot of Spoon's cartoon. She couldn't remember watching that one, but she recognized it anyway.
  3648. "Beauty and the Beast?"
  3649. > "Uh-huh!" the earth pony nodded. "It's nice! Especially now I can see it!"
  3650. > That reminded Twilight.
  3651. "Next time we go swimming, you should leave your glasses in the bags, okay?"
  3652. > Spoon shrugged. "But then I wouldn't see!" she pointed out. "They're fine! Dr. Bailey said they have the measurements on- uh..."
  3653. > The pony thought for a moment, "on file. They can make a new pair easy!"
  3654. "Okay. Maybe we should've gotten you another to take home, though?"
  3655. > Twilight couldn't believe she'd forgotten about that.
  3656. > Her friend didn't seem too upset, but the alicorn was very disappointed in herself. She was supposed to be good at organizing!
  3657. "Anon?"
  3658. > "Hmm?" he replied, apparently engrossed in the cartoon.
  3659. "I'll have Dr. Bailey and Greg put together another pair of glasses for Spoon, okay? Can you go pick them up and send them to me in Equestria?"
  3660. > "Okay," he agreed, then did a double take. "Wait, how am I supposed to get them to you?!"
  3661. > Twilight remembered she hadn't talked with Anon about it yet and nearly hoofed herself in the face. She was forgetting stuff left and right!
  3662. "Oh, that's right! I forgot to tell you!"
  3663. > Despite the lapse, the alicorn smiled at herself proudly.
  3664. "I worked out a spell which will send you a letter, *and* bring it back after an hour!"
  3665. > She pushed herself upright so she could turn and stare the human right in his face.
  3666. "That way we can stay in touch!"
  3667. > Anon scratched his chin. "Good idea. Nice job."
  3668. "So, just put the glasses in the envelope and they should return to me."
  3669. > He tugged lightly on her foreleg and the mare accepted his hug. "That's great, sweetheart," Anon said. "I'll get a printer - you said you can't read my handwriting."
  3670. "Yeah, you do that! I'll send a letter every week, just like I did when Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville for the first time!"
  3671. > The man nodded happily. "Yeah, I remember that. 'Dear Princess Celestia - today I learned-'"
  3672. > She silenced him with a brief kiss.
  3673. "You don't have to rub it in! I know you watched the cartoons!"
  3674. > That word seemed to get through to Silver Spoon. "Cartoons?" the pony asked. "What cartoons?"
  3675. > Twilight realized she'd never explained the strange anomaly between Earth and Equestria. She wasn't sure she wanted to do it now, so she disentangled herself from Anon and put her hooves on Spoon's withers.
  3676. "I swear I'll tell you all about it when we're home, okay?"
  3677. > Spoon looked at her strangely, but accepted the promise. "Okay." She went back to watching Disney.
  3678. > When Twilight glanced back, Anon had the 'smuggest', snarkiest little smirk on his face. She just stuck her tongue out at him.
  3679. > They both chuckled and Twilight leaned into his hug again. She laid an ear directly over his heart.
  3680. > It was important she commit it to memory, the alicorn realized. She would miss it so!
  3681. "One more night," she whispered.
  3682. > "Yeah."
  3683. "Then one more day..."
  3684. > "Yeah."
  3685. > Spoon looked at them and piped up with a question: "Uh, should we do something tomorrow? Together? Like, um," the earth pony gave it some thought, "a going-away party?"
  3686. > Twilight and Anon looked at each other.
  3687. "Yeah, maybe?"
  3688. > The human snapped his fingers. "I know! Let's go to that club we went on our first official date!"
  3689. > Gasping at the idea, Twilight hugged her human tightly.
  3690. "Yes! Yes, please! Let's!" she begged.
  3691. > She turned to Silver Spoon with a big grin.
  3692. "You'll love it! They're really nice to ponies. The music is good. They make delicious salad. We'll go dancing!"
  3693. > Soon, her friend was smiling back just as widely.
  3694. "I'll give you one of my dresses!"
  3695. > Anon was forgotten for a moment as the mares embraced.
  3696. "It's going to be so great!"
  3698. > ~~~~
  3700. > Silver Spoon could hardly believe her eyes. Maybe her new glasses were playing tricks on her?
  3701. > She was too shocked to pull them off and check.
  3702. > Princess Twilight was wearing... a dress.
  3703. > A beautiful... no, gorgeous dress!
  3704. > Spoon hadn't imagined it was possible for the nerdy Princess to look so beautiful. Her outfit wasn't overly extravagant or anything, but had a subtle and reserved design, which nevertheless worked well on the alicorn.
  3705. > The bodice was a deep, navy blue, which complimented her dark mane nicely, and it hugged her figure like a lover's embrace. Just watching it was making Spoon herself feel a little warm!
  3706. > A thin stripe with shades of pink ran down her belly, reminiscent of the stripe in her mane.
  3707. > There was a lavender band around her barrel which separated the form-fitting bodice from the pleated skirt covering her flank, and the skirt itself was a similar shade of midnight, only it was translucent to let her cutie mark shine through the dainty fabric.
  3708. > Spoon had to do a double take... the skirt sparkled and shimmered whenever Twilight moved!
  3709. > It was so alluring... she simply had to feel that fabric! She slowly stepped forward and brushed the skirt lightly with her hoof, tracing the lace around the edges.
  3710. > Twilight's tail twitched awkwardly and Silver suddenly jerked her hoof back. She was being awfully intimate with her Princess!
  3711. > Blushing furiously, she moved her gaze up to the alicorn's neck, where a beautiful white gold clasp held a pink crystal star against her chest, almost a perfect replica of her cutie mark.
  3712. > Then Spoon glanced down and a gasp escaped her. How in Equestria had Twilight found glittering silver hoofguards... on *Earth*?!
  3713. > The ensemble would have cost a fortune in Equestria, never mind here on earth! She didn't even dare think how much Twilight had to spend to get human fashionistas to work their magic on a pony.
  3714. > "You like it?" Twilight asked, a little uncertainly. She clearly wasn't used to wearing it, but enjoyed the effect it had.
  3715. > It probably drove Anon crazy, right? It ought to. No stallion could stay cool seeing all that.
  3716. > Remembering a crucial detail, Spoon surreptitiously looked at Twilight's back.
  3717. > The bodice was full - there were no slits for wings. She couldn't see the bulges where she knew the stubs were, which meant that wearing the thing was probably quite uncomfortable for the alicorn.
  3718. > Twilight didn't show anything on her muzzle, though.
  3719. > In a way it was a testament to how much she loved Anon - she didn't want to remind him about what she'd lost, even while she must constantly be aware of it under the cloth.
  3720. "I love it!"
  3721. > "Thanks. A little gift from Suri," the alicorn remarked, but Silver Spoon didn't recognize the name. "Most dresses I have are from her, except for the jewelry," the mare lifted up a leg, "and the hoofguards."
  3722. "It's beautiful," Spoon confirmed again.
  3723. > "Come on, let's get you dressed up as well!" Twilight invited and led the way to the bedroom.
  3724. "What? No no, y-you don't have to!"
  3725. > Whatever beautiful dress Twilight had would just be wasted on a plain mare like Silver Spoon.
  3726. > "Well, I want to!" the alicorn called from the door. Lowering her ears and her head, Silver followed her.
  3727. > She hadn't been inside Anon and Twilight's bedroom before, so the mare took the opportunity to look around. Aside from a large bed and a window with white curtains, there wasn't a whole lot to see.
  3728. > It really was just a room for sleeping in. The large wardrobe and drawers against a wall were probably filled with Anon's things, Spoon thought. The human wore clothes all the time, so it made sense he would need a lot of them.
  3729. > Off to the side was a smaller closet which Twilight was now opening.
  3730. > There wasn't all that much in it, but a golden coronet caught Spoon's eye. It was the one she'd seen Princess Twilight wear on formal occasions in Equestria. She had brought it with her to Earth, of course, but from the story about how they were captured, Silver knew the humans had stolen and sold it.
  3731. > It must have been quite tricky to track it down and get it back, but it was right and proper that the diadem was back with its real owner.
  3732. > Twilight also looked at it for a moment, then her horn lit up and the circlet of gold and gems floated to her head.
  3733. > "Too much?" she asked, giving Spoon a faint, embarrassed grin.
  3734. "No! It suits you! Brings the dress together, you know?"
  3735. > Twilight let out a barely-concealed sigh of relief, then turned to examine herself in a small mirror, which was built into the inner side of the wardrobe's door.
  3736. > "Okay, let's see if there's something in here for you," Twilight said, casting her eye over the gowns arrayed before them.
  3737. > Spoon shook her head again, but didn't say anything this time.
  3738. > Twilight pulled each outfit out with her magic and examined their color, until she settled on a very light blue one.
  3739. > It wasn't nearly as fancy as the one she was wearing, but it was the only one that could even remotely match Silver Spoon's color without making her look garish.
  3740. > "Let's try this one on! I think it will go with your fur!"
  3741. > The earth pony was a little relieved to accept. Compared with the alicorn, she would look downright plain while still probably the prettiest she had been in her entire life. The blue dress was simple, but only when compared to Twilight's attire.
  3742. > Without the alicorn, it would be the envy of all her friends back in Ponyville.
  3743. > Besides, this - trying on dresses - made her feel like a *real* pony more than anything else she'd done with Twilight Sparkle so far.
  3744. > She reached out to touch the fabric and hummed to herself in delight.
  3745. > Not as fancy, but every bit as finely made as Twilight's dress! As the cloth moved in the light, she could see there were small sequins on the corset which made it glitter.
  3746. "Wow," she gasped, "are you s-sure I can borrow it? No, I couldn't... can I?"
  3747. > Twilight shook her head with a mischievous grin. "No no no. I'm not letting you borrow a dress."
  3748. > Silver's ears flopped in disappointment. Served her right for getting her hopes up and letting the alicorn play a mean trick on her! The mare hung her head.
  3749. > Then Twilight giggled and lifted up her chin with a careful bit of magic. "I'm *giving you a dress!"
  3750. > Her hoof flew to her mouth as Spoon tried - unsuccessfully - to stifle an excited little squeak.
  3751. > She grabbed and hugged Twilight, who got the blue dress away just in time so it didn't get rumpled.
  3752. "Thank you!"
  3753. > "We still have to try it," the alicorn pointed out. "If it doesn't fit, or if it doesn't look good on you, we'll try the others, okay?"
  3754. > Spoon nodded happily. Trying on dresses sounded nearly as fun as the party afterwards. She didn't even need to put the blue dress on to know it would be amazing, but now she was curious how she'd look in some of the other ones.
  3755. > It'd be a rare glimpse of herself in something really fancy!
  3756. > "Here, let me help you. We only have an hour before Dash comes here, you know? We have to find her something to wear, too!"
  3757. > Twilight's wardrobe would really be stretched to its limits with this night, it sounded like!
  3759. > ~~~~
  3761. > As she herself had predicted, Spoon had decided to stick with the light blue, glittery dress. Rainbow Dash ended up having little choice but to accept a pink, frilly affair, mainly because it was open at the back and thus could accommodate her wings.
  3762. > It was strange - the pegasus had grumbled enough about the slim pickings to make Spoon think she'd rather go without a dress, but still ended up taking it from Twilight and putting it on.
  3763. > Dash scowled a bit when she thought the others were looking, but then Silver saw her checking herself out in the hallway mirror before they left.
  3764. > She had been smiling at the reflection!
  3765. > When she saw her looking, Dash blushed a little. The dress went very nicely with the pink on her muzzle.
  3766. > It probably didn't help that Tommy chuckled when he first saw it, making the pegasus glare at him angrily. Only after much apologizing and complimenting her in the car did the mare decide to forgive her human.
  3767. > Spoon had opted to ride with them, mainly so Twilight and Anon could have a few more minutes alone. With the departure this near, the emotion lay heavily in the air between them and it had felt almost wrong to intrude.
  3768. > At long last they arrived to the place. It was an unassuming building, like most human structures Spoon had seen, but the glowing sign on the front proclaimed it to be the "Tulip Lounge".
  3769. > Despite the door being closed and with them out on the street, Spoon could hear a low, steady rhythm coming seemingly from the ground itself.
  3770. > She was at the same time a little apprehensive and thrilled. She hadn't been to many such parties, even back in Ponyville.
  3771. > Going to a club had sounded like a lot of fun back at the apartment, but now the pony wasn't quite as sure anymore.
  3772. > "Come on, let's go in!" Twilight urged, taking the lead.
  3773. > Anon followed easily, but Tommy seemed a little uncertain suddenly. Rainbow Dash saw it in time and bumped his rear with her head. "Go on, git!" she ordered.
  3774. > It got the man moving the two fell in step behind the alicorn and Anon. Silver Spoon stood still for a few more moments, until she realized she was being left alone in the street and hurried after her friends.
  3775. > The mare paused right before the entrance and took a deep breath to steady her nerves.
  3776. > There was a black-shirted human at the door, smoking a cigarette and looking dispassionately at the group. If he was shocked to see ponies, he didn't show it. He pulled the smoking stick out of his mouth and gave Anon a slight nod, before opening the door for them.
  3777. > The music almost *jumped* at them, upbeat and lively and full of exotic strangeness. For a moment it felt like a physical thing and Spoon shied away from the entrance.
  3778. > The human took in the ponies and Spoon found herself blushing and averting her eyes. Luckily, Twilight ushered her inside and they became absolutely enveloped by the music.
  3779. > It was dark, but the stairs were decorated with glowing strips, so Spoon easily found her way down and into the club proper.
  3780. > She licked her lips a little and tried to will her heart to beat a little slower as she took in the room.
  3781. > Dim, if not as dark as the stairway, was the first impression. Then the music swelled and lights flickered with the beat, red and blue and yellow. A slight mist of smoke hung in the air, making the place look as if it was filled with liquid color.
  3782. > There were a number of humans in there, some sitting at tables around the edge, others in the middle, dancing.
  3783. > Spoon guessed there was a crystal ball somewhere in a corner, because the walls were full of tiny white dots of light.
  3784. > As she watched, the pattern shifted and spun, making the mare gasp. For a moment all she could do was stare as the dots changed to little stars, then circles, and changed color from white to red and then cyan. They, too, seemed to be following the rhythm.
  3785. > She would have watched the magical, dancing lights some more, but Dash nudged her from behind and turned her toward a booth in a corner, where Twilight and Anon were just sitting down.
  3786. "Oh. Sorry!"
  3787. > She had to talk a little louder for the pegasus to understand her, but despite the volume it wasn't uncomfortable once she got used to it a little.
  3788. > Maybe that was why Twilight and Anon had chosen the place?
  3789. > Spoon joined the couple at the table and gratefully sat down. With her senses on the verge of overloading, the mare was happy to just rest for a moment and take it all in.
  3790. > She looked at the humans on the dancing floor and tried to see if there was any order in their gyrations. At first glance it seemed like little more than rhythmical flailing, but maybe it was just because she wasn't familiar with human dance moves. For that matter, she wasn't too practiced in pony ones either!
  3791. > "I'll get us some drinks!" Twilight offered and jumped from her seat. At the same time, Dash nudged Spoon again, making her shift further along so the pegasus and Tommy would fit in the booth.
  3792. > Anon watched his mare go, then turned back. "So, what do you think?" he asked.
  3793. "I l-like it!"
  3794. > Dash nodded in agreement, but Tommy seemed less sure. "I don't do this sort of thing a lot anymore," he confided.
  3795. > "Me neither," Anon replied, "but the girls wanted to go. Who are we to say no?"
  3796. > Both men laughed a little at that, even if it was nervous laughter.
  3797. > Dash nuzzled up against her human. "Relax," she said softly, but it was still a command, "have a drink or two and you'll feel better!"
  3798. > "Yes, ma'am!" Tommy said, ripping off a very smart salute.
  3799. > Dash hoofed him in the ribs, but she was grinning.
  3800. > Spoon shook her head and went back to watching the dancers.
  3801. > Would she like a dance? The pony couldn't quite decide. This latest song *was* making her hind hoof tap at the floor, but then again - who would she dance with?
  3802. > It would be extremely rude to try and butt in with Anon or Tommy. She wasn't at all sure about dancing with any other human and there were no ponies except for them.
  3803. > Maybe she would just sit and have a few drinks while watching her friends have fun.
  3804. > Going out was an experience in itself. Perhaps she should take it slow, the pony decided.
  3805. > Twilight came back with five large glasses floating in her magical grip behind her. They all landed on the table. "I got us all the same thing," she explained.
  3806. > Spoon looked at the strange drink. The stem reminded her a little of a champagne glass, but the top was incredibly wide with a piece of lemon stuck in the rim. There were ice cubes floating in it and the glass itself seemed to have been sprinkled with white crystals.
  3807. > Maybe it was sugar?
  3808. "What is it?" she asked.
  3809. > "It's called a 'margarita'," Twilight explained. "Tastes like orange and lime!"
  3810. > Ah, so what she had thought of as lemon was probably a lime, Spoon mentally corrected herself. She grasped the glass carefully with her hooves and stuck her tongue in the liquid.
  3811. > Orange and lime was probably right, but the alcohol burned! The mare withdrew and coughed a little in surprise.
  3812. > "Too strong?" Dash asked, taking her own and sipping it without any sign of discomfort.
  3813. > The way her pegasus friend nonchalantly drank the thing spurred Spoon on.
  3814. "No! Just wasn't ready for it!"
  3815. > She picked it up again and took a determined swallow. It was still a little sharp, but now she tasted salt on the rim. The unexpected flavor made the mare draw back, and then lick the glass appreciatively without sipping.
  3816. > This particular cocktail was just full of surprises, wasn't it?
  3817. > The salt definitely helped, because after a few moments Spoon smacked her lips and smiled at the exquisite blend that hit her tongue.
  3818. "Not bad! What's in it?"
  3819. > Twilight knew, of course. "It's called 'tequila'! And then there's some orange liquor thing, I forget the name! Oh, and also lime juice."
  3820. > Correction, Twilight almost knew.
  3821. "I think I like it!"
  3822. > The purple mare grinned at that. "I'll get you another when you're done with that one!"
  3823. > As if impatient to get a fresh glass, Spoon took a longer sip. The fumes seemed to go straight up her nose and into her brain, making her sputter a little.
  3824. > "Easy, girl," Rainbow Dash said, but she laughed anyway. "We got time."
  3825. > Despite her words of caution, the pegasus tipped her own glass back and emptied it, then licked it all around with an appreciative hum. She even nudged Tommy with her elbow and the human kindly slid his drink to her.
  3826. > "Nah," Dash said in a quiet, husky voice. She had probably meant it just for him, but Silver was sitting right beside the mare and couldn't help hearing. "I just want the salt!"
  3827. > The pony slowly turned the glass around, sliding her tongue on the edge while keeping her eyes firmly on his. Then she pushed it back to her human, who was staring in shock at the very suggestive act.
  3828. > Spoon glanced at Twilight to see what the alicorn thought of that lewd display, but she didn't seem to mind. She was saying something right in Anon's ear.
  3829. > There was nothing for it. Silver Spoon lifted up her glass again and drained it.
  3830. > She wasn't used to drink, so it worked fast. Perhaps she should have eaten something before they left home, but she hadn't felt hungry. Nerves.
  3831. > Already, her head felt a bit lighter. Maybe that was why she wasn't quite as scandalized by Rainbow Dash's antics. In fact, it was cute, the way the pegasus leaned against her human.
  3832. > Twilight noticed their empty glasses. "Shall I get another?" she asked.
  3833. > Rainbow nodded, so the alicorn tilted up her own drink and finished it, then looked at Anon, who had hardly touched his cocktail.
  3834. > "I'm fine," the human said, but the mare just scoffed and magicked the glass to her own muzzle. The margarita was gone in a single gulp.
  3835. > "There!" Twilight said, wiping at her mouth with a hoof. "Be right back!"
  3836. > They all watched how she swung her hips as she walked. Spoon could only imagine what that did to Anon. It was doing something to *her*, for Celestia's sake!
  3837. > Dresses like that should be illegal!
  3838. > "Hey," Dash asked, right in Spoon's ear, "when did Twilight get *hot*?"
  3839. "D-Dunno...", Spoon managed to reply.
  3840. > She was blushing, she knew that, but luckily the pegasus didn't draw attention to it.
  3841. > They all watched the dance floor, where people were winding down. The song was ending.
  3842. > In the momentary silence, Dash twisted around so she could see Tommy right in the face.
  3843. > "We're gonna dance, right?" she demanded.
  3844. > The human wasn't entirely certain. "Uh-"
  3845. > "Come on. Have a few more drinks to relax, then we're dancing. I didn't come here and wear this-" the mare lifted a leg to show off the pink fabric, "-not to dance!"
  3846. > Luckily Twilight came back with fresh cocktails. The same again, Spoon was happy to see. She knew what it tasted like so she wouldn't embarrass herself this time.
  3847. > Dash licked both hers and Tommy's glass again, claiming it was the salt, but Spoon suspected it was the way her human blushed while he watched.
  3848. > Her own margarita tasted markedly better this time around. Spoon sipped it rather more slowly, enjoying the lime and orange flavor.
  3849. > She wondered what other sort of drinks they had here. Perhaps she would be able to try some more.
  3850. > Except...
  3851. "Twilight? When do we have to leave?"
  3852. > The alicorn leaned her head to the side, as if sizing Spoon up. "Anytime after midnight. Don't worry, we have some time still..."
  3853. > She glanced at Anon, who seemed as if he was about to say something, but changed his mind. Instead, he placed his palm against Twilight's muzzle and the mare closed her eyes.
  3854. > "Buck that for a game of soldiers," Dash blurted out. "I love this song. I wanna dance!"
  3855. > She tossed back her cocktail. As soon as her glass was down, she poked Tommy with a hoof. "Come on, drink!"
  3856. > The human's eyes bulged out most amusingly. "D-Dance?!" he said in an uncharacteristically high voice.
  3857. > Luckily, Twilight knew exactly what the problem was. The human was uncomfortable about being seen with a pony, doing intimate things in public. Especially if said pony was wearing that tight, pink dress. Some humans were shy like that.
  3858. > "Don't worry," the alicorn said, "we'll lead." She slipped out of the seat and pulled Anon's hand along with her magic.
  3859. > It only took Dash a bit more prodding to get Tommy out as well. "Keep an eye on the table, okay?" the pegasus told Silver Spoon.
  3860. "Y-Yes!" she promised.
  3861. > In a way, the mare was relieved to stay behind and watch her friends for a bit. She knew exactly how Tommy felt. All those eyes on her. Almost unconsciously, Spoon's hooves went around her midriff.
  3862. > There was no outrage - the people already on the dance floor simply made room for the newcomers. Maybe there were a few curious stares, but no one commented.
  3863. > Spoon realized they were busy having their own fun. Maybe that was why Twilight had called it a "pony friendly" club?
  3864. > She watched closely what Twilight and Dash were doing. It didn't seem too complicated, just a little jig with their hooves, with their humans doing... human things.
  3865. > Then, when the music sped up, Dash balanced on her hind hooves, Tommy grabbed her foreleg and she twirled around him. Seeing that, Twilight did the same. They were both laughing.
  3866. > It did look kinda fun.
  3867. > The two pulled free, high-hoofed each other and came back, but to the wrong human!
  3868. > Spoon giggled as she watched their confusion, but Twilight firmly prodded Tommy's hands with her hooves and he grabbed them. Beside her, Anon was more experienced and easily locked arms with Dash, so they could step together.
  3869. > The alicorn spun a few times, her translucent dress flying out in a circle around her, before dropping down to the floor.
  3870. > She danced to Anon and Tommy got Rainbow Dash back just as the song was ending.
  3871. > The man seemed to have gotten over his embarrassment. He stood easily while they waited for more music.
  3872. > It begun with a deep, insidious rhythm. The beat started off slow and seemed to enter Spoon's belly from the floor, through her hind legs. It bypassed her brain and went directly to her muscles, making her tap in time with the music.
  3873. > It also looked to be doing something to Twilight, who started to take small hoofsteps and swing her rear with the drum. Her hoofguards glittered under her skirt as a moving spotlight passed her.
  3874. > Her tail followed to motion, clearly visible through the translucent fabric.
  3875. > For a moment it looked like she was sweeping the floor, but then the song *really* started and she jumped to her hind hooves again.
  3876. > Spoon giggled to herself, then finished her second margarita. She was feeling a lot better already, tapping the floor more certainly and nodding her head in time with the beat. Maybe the room was spinning a tiny bit, but it was just because of the light show, right?
  3877. > Even if she didn't get to dance herself, watching her friends' antics was both cute and funny at the same time.
  3878. >...
  3879. > The couples lasted for two more songs, before they came back to the table, laughing. Twilight and the men were obviously out of breath, but Dash seemed to be shuffling in place.
  3880. > The pegasus' eyes landed on Spoon.
  3881. > "Come on! Your turn!" Dash proclaimed.
  3882. > Silver gasped in shock.
  3883. "Me!? B-But I'm a mare!" she pointed out.
  3884. > "So am I! Come on!"
  3885. > Spoon looked at Twilight for help, but the alicorn just grinned. "Hey!" she told Silver, "that first song - with the drums? It's called 'Unicorn Bounce'!"
  3886. > Twilight shrugged a little when she saw Spoon's puzzled expression. "Just thought that was interesting," she said.
  3887. > "Come! On!" Dash insisted, tugging her leg once more.
  3888. > Maybe it was the drink, but Spoon slid from her chair, took a moment to catch her balance and followed the pegasus to the dance floor.
  3889. > Many of the humans watched her and the mare wanted to slink back to the table. Fortunately - or maybe unfortunately - Rainbow Dash was holding her with a wing.
  3890. "W-What do I do?"
  3891. > Dash blinked. "You don't know how to dance?!"
  3892. "Not with a m-mare!"
  3893. > Rolling her eyes, the pegasus put her hooves on Spoon's withers. "Just do what I do!"
  3894. > She kept her hold and began to sway her rump, quickly catching the rhythm.
  3895. > Spoon did the same, but in her case it looked more like awkward shuffling from one hoof to the other. Luckily, nopony could see how clumsy she was under the dress. It wasn't transparent like Twilight's.
  3896. > Rainbow smiled at her. "There you go. Now twirl! Throw your hooves up!"
  3897. > Feeling rather more courageous, Spoon pushed herself up to her hind legs. Luckily, Dash switched moved her grip to Spoon's barrel and steadied her, or else she would have tipped over.
  3898. > Once she had her balance back, Spoon hooked a foreleg around Rainbow's and they began to spin around each other. She focused on her partner's face, so as not to get dizzy.
  3899. > The rainbow mane was streaming behind the pegasus, shining and coloring the the air almost as much as the lights.
  3900. > Spoon saw her own dress around her foreleg, sequins glittering like small diamonds. They must have looked dazzling together!
  3901. > It was a lovely moment and the mare laughed. With someone as beautiful as Rainbow Dash, maybe she wouldn't even need colts? The thought made strange fireworks go off inside her head.
  3902. > She almost fell again when they stopped, but caught the floor with all four hooves. It took Silver Spoon a moment for the room to stop spinning.
  3903. > "May I?" came a voice behind her.
  3904. > The mare turned to find a young human staring at her with a very wide smile. She looked at Rainbow, who flashed her a grin and nodded.
  3905. > "I'll get the others!" the pegasus said and ran away. That left Spoon alone with the stranger.
  3906. > Well, not really alone - other people were dancing around them - but it certainly felt like it.
  3907. "Oh. Okay."
  3908. > The song was ending and she looked bashfully at the floor as she waited. The young man had shiny, black shoes, but the mare couldn't see much more.
  3909. > Next up was a slow song, gentle and sensuous. Something for lovers.
  3910. > Spoon tried to back away.
  3911. "A-Actually, I'm-"
  3912. > She didn't get far because Dash was already back and blocking her way. "Relax," the pegasus urged, "enjoy yourself. Last night on Earth, remember?"
  3913. > The pony swallowed and risked a glance up at the human. He was still smiling, but now he held his hand open for her hoof.
  3914. > Spoon didn't know what to do, so she looked at Twilight.
  3915. > She and Anon were already swaying gently. The alicorn had her wrists hooked on Anon's shoulders and her barrel pressed against his chest. Her head came just to the right height to lean against his neck. She was stretched out, but it didn't look uncomfortable, not with the human supporting her.
  3916. > For his part, Anon had put his hands around the bodice of Twilight's dress, holding her waist.
  3917. > When Spoon looked, Dash was doing the same with Tommy, except she was also hugging the human back with her wings.
  3918. > Trembling a little, Silver Spoon considered running away and hiding at their table. Surely she could make up some excuse.
  3919. > She looked back to the unnamed human waiting for her and made a decision.
  3920. > Last night on Earth, right?
  3921. > A bit unsteadily, the pony got to her hind legs again. A strong hand caught her hoof and lead it up to the colt's - man's - shoulder.
  3922. > She tried to touch as little as she could, but it was impossible not to press her chest against the human. Luckily there were both her dress and his shirt between them.
  3923. > The hands came to her barrel and Spoon could feel their warmth even through the corset.
  3924. > She did not, however, lean her head against the human's neck. She didn't even know him, for Celestia's sake!
  3925. > This kind of dancing was completely inappropriate!
  3926. > One song, the mare promised herself, then she would make an excuse. It would be rude to leave *now*, when they'd just started, but the mare would get out of there at the earliest opportunity!
  3927. > Her ears lowered until they were nearly hidden in her mane and the pony concentrated on her hooves. At least the dance was slow, so she had time to think about her steps.
  3928. > After a bit, Spoon thought she wasn't trembling quite as much. Maybe it was the alcohol, but her heart was slowing down, if only a little, and her ears were almost ready to come back up.
  3929. > Then-
  3930. > Her body reacted automatically. The pony barely had time to register what was happening. The human had shifted his hands from her barrel to the small of her back. They pressed exactly where Master's hands pressed just before he-
  3931. > Spoon whimpered quietly and opened her mouth to say no. The unwelcome touch made her lunge forward.
  3932. > The human misread her intention. Their lips met and his tongue quickly forced itself into Spoon's mouth.
  3933. > She tasted liquor and cigarettes.
  3934. > It was already too late. Having been trained over many years, her body responded without her conscious control. She winked, hard, and a dribble of lubricant squirted down her hind leg.
  3935. > Silver Spoon was back in that field. The stinking, drunk human was behind her, unbuckling his pants. In moments he would-
  3936. > Eyes filling with tears, the pony finally managed to jerk herself away. Her hoof connected with the invasive human's belly and he doubled up, wheezing.
  3937. > The mare watched him for a moment, then turned and ran.
  3938. > There wasn't anyplace to go, but their table seemed the safest choice. Spoon ran under it and tried to press herself against the wall. She folded up to make herself as small as possible and put her hooves over her eyes and ears to try and shut out the sound.
  3939. > She still trickled a little of her essence and the mare clamped her tail firmly down.
  3940. > A short eternity later, Twilight spoke up right next to her: "Silver Spoon? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
  3941. > The mare just shook her head, unable to answer as she burst in tears.
  3942. > Twilight's nose wrinkled as she caught the scent.
  3943. > "Silver?" she asked, more slowly and quietly this time.
  3944. "Go away!"
  3945. > The alicorn didn't listen. She squeezed herself further under the table until her muzzle was almost touching Spoon. "Talk to me, please?"
  3946. > Daring a peek, Spoon saw that everyone had clustered around the table. There was Dash with a concerned look in her eyes. Anon and Tommy were both crouching down, and there-
  3947. > Spoon squeaked in alarm and quickly covered her eyes again. The human who had touched her like that! His shoes were right next to the other two.
  3948. "G-GO AWAY!" the mare said more loudly.
  3949. > "I didn't do anything, I swear! We were just dancing and-" he tried to defend himself, but Anon stood up and forcefully turned the stranger away from the table.
  3950. > "It's okay, let's just go get some drinks and you can tell me, okay?"
  3951. > He led him away and Spoon relaxed a little as she listened to their fading footsteps.
  3952. > Dash crammed herself under the table as well. "Did he do anything? Spoon, if he touched you I'll kick him into next week!"
  3953. > The pony shook her head, then froze. Well, he *did* touch her.
  3954. "Y-Yes..."
  3955. > "Where did he grab you?" Twilight asked softly.
  3956. "M-My b-back..."
  3957. > Both the pegasus and the alicorn blinked, then they looked at one another. They also both very obviously sniffed the air. Her arousal was very clear, certainty to ponies, if not the humans.
  3958. > "Your back? What's that got to do with anything?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, leaning her head to the side in confusion. "That's just how this dance works!"
  3959. > Twilight Sparkle understood faster and bumped her flank against her friend's, shutting her up.
  3960. "You don't understand!" Spoon wailed.
  3961. > She looked at the pegasus through tear-filled eyes. Dash's insensitivity helped her turn some of the misery into pure anger.
  3962. "H-He... he *used* me like that! Every bucking day! M-Master!"
  3963. > Still the pegasus couldn't simply let it lie. "So?! We were in the same situation, remember?!"
  3964. "It's *not* the same!"
  3965. > "Rainbow, just-" Twilight tried to bundle her irate pegasus friend away, but Dash just pushed past the alicorn.
  3966. > "No, I wanna hear this! Tell me, Silver Spoon, how was it not the same, then? If anything, we had it worse! We had *dozens* of men every day, capisce?"
  3967. "YEAH?! How long were you in there?!" Spoon demanded, getting to her hooves so quickly she accidentally bumped her head on the underside of the table.
  3968. > Rainbow Dash didn't answer, but she was frowning. It was an unwelcome memory for all of them.
  3969. "Lemme guess: a couple of months?! Try year in and year out-"
  3970. > The pony sniffed as the mix of dullness, shame and terror of those days flooded back in a tide of darkness.
  3971. "Year after year," she repeated, "day in, day out, with a metal collar on a *bucking* chain like a dog!"
  3972. > She still wasn't done. The mare nearly snarled at her friends.
  3973. "Lying in your own shit! Th- the stink! Freezing in winter and boiling in summer! Like an *animal*! And that- human- that *monster*!"
  3974. > Twilight finally remembered her magic and simply pushed the pegasus back, so it was only her and Spoon under the table.
  3975. > "I know, sweetie, I'm sorry. I wish I had found you sooner, I really do."
  3976. > But Silver Spoon wasn't done. She had to get it off her chest.
  3977. "He always put his hands on my back, just l-like that! And then he- he *fucking* r- rap-" she choked out, but then her throat constricted and she couldn't utter the word.
  3978. > The darkness ebbed a little and Spoon just ended up weeping silently into her hooves.
  3979. > The alicorn knew all too well. She'd heard it more than a few times. She reached her hooves around Spoon's neck and pulled the distraught mare closer. "I know, it's just a learned reaction. I understand. And so does Rainbow Dash, right?"
  3980. > The pegasus had sat back on her haunches and was staring straight ahead. Her ears were half-lowered and trembling a little.
  3981. > What Spoon had told them was obviously hitting Dash pretty hard.
  3982. > Twilight had to repeat herself to jolt the pegasus out of whatever dark place her mind had gone to: "Right, Rainbow Dash?!"
  3983. > "Oh! Yeah..." the pony finally answered, but in a low voice and with her muzzle pointing down. A teardrop slid from Rainbow's face and fell. "Buck... Silver. I didn't know."
  3984. > The cyan mare had closed her eyes shut so she wouldn't have to meet Spoon's eyes. "I'll, uh, I'll get us some more drinks..." she choked out and fled.
  3985. > Tommy called after the pegasus, but when Dash didn't reply he followed.
  3986. > "Would you like to come out and sit at the table?" Twilight offered, grasping for any bit of normalcy in the face of the Tartarus pit they'd just seen.
  3987. > Ears still flat against her skull, Spoon nodded and wiped her muzzle with a sleeve. She didn't notice the wet patch she left on the fabric.
  3988. > "Come on then. No more dancing, okay? Unless you feel like it?" the alicorn looked a question at the mare. "Anon will dance with you if you like, right? You know you can trust Anon completely."
  3989. > The last thing Spoon wanted was another embarrassment on the dance floor. She shook her head firmly.
  3990. "No."
  3991. > "Okay, then a couple more drinks to help you forget?"
  3992. > That sounded better, but the mare doubted she'd ever forget.
  3993. "Yes, p-please," she muttered.
  3994. > "Okay, let's get you up on the seat."
  3995. > It was easier because there was nopony but them at their table. Spoon allowed the Princess to gently tug her from under the table and pull her up on the cushioned sofa. She slid right into the corner, still huddling in on herself.
  3996. "I'm sorry," she blubbered.
  3997. > Her friend raised an eyebrow in lieu of asking.
  3998. "I'm s-sorry for ruining y-your night..." Spoon finished.
  3999. > "Nonsense!" Twilight said firmly and scooched right next to the mare so she could wrap a hoof around her. "You didn't ruin anything, Silver Spoon."
  4000. > She went on: "If anypony should be sorry, it's me. I shouldn't have let Dash drag you away like that, and I certainly shouldn't have left you to dance with a stranger. The humans here-"
  4001. > Twilight fell silent and her ears lowered. "The reason this is a 'pony friendly' place is because we sometimes bring ponies from the society here to unwind a little and relax. Some humans come here so they can try picking up a mare."
  4002. > All Spoon could do was stare at her friend.
  4003. > "It's true. Apparently, some humans find use irresistibly cute," the alicorn said with a goofy smile. "Some rescues - well, they have self-esteem issues and it really helps to be admired. I mean- once they're ready, of course."
  4004. > The unspoken implication was that Silver Spoon obviously hadn't been ready for that step. She still wanted to get to the bottom of it.
  4005. "So- you let humans *buck* mares to raise their self esteem. After what they've been though?!"
  4006. > Her own situation probably wasn't an isolated case, Spoon knew. Her story happened over and over to most mares stuck on Earth.
  4007. > "No, of course not! Nothing like that!" Twilight said, horrified at the suggestion. "We bring them here with a nice dress, maybe some makeup. We have a few drinks. Maybe a human here and there tells them they look nice - maybe they have a dance or two, nothing more!"
  4008. > Even now the alicorn smiled a little at the memory. "Me, or White Snow or whoever is in charge keeps a close eye on them. Even the bouncer - the human you saw outside - knows what's happening and keeps an eye on everypony so nothing bad happens!"
  4009. > It mollified Spoon somewhat. It *did* sound just like a lovely evening having fun. After all, she had been looking forward to it herself! Maybe she just wasn't ready for a slow dance with a human, yet.
  4010. > Would it actually help, Spoon thought? Or was Twilight just speaking horseradish?
  4011. > If she'd had a few more weeks to get used to Earth - to forget about Master.
  4012. > The alicorn would get a few of them together - mares who shared her experiences. They'd dress up and style their manes and put on makeup and giggle at each other, unused to seeing each other like that.
  4013. > Buck, unused to seeing *themselves* like that!
  4014. > They'd come here, with the music and the dancing lights and the smoke and drinks. They'd watch the humans having casual, simple fun.
  4015. > Perhaps a cute human colt would compliment their dresses, or manes. Before his inappropriate touch, the young human *had* had a lovely smile for her...
  4016. > It might raise her self-esteem. It would make her feel more like a mare and less like an... object.
  4017. > Spoon decided to give the alicorn the benefit of the doubt.
  4018. > Besides, Rainbow Dash returned with both their men carrying drinks and interrupted her flow of thoughts.
  4019. > They placed them own on the table and Spoon looked at the glasses curiously. It was a full, tall glass this time and the liquid inside was orange. Well, it started as deep brown at the bottom and gradually changed into light orange at the top.
  4020. > She couldn't understand how it stayed that way, but it looked amazing.
  4021. "W-What is this?" she asked.
  4022. > "It's called a tequila sunrise!" Twilight explained. "Same liquor as margarita, but with orange juice this time."
  4023. > There were straws in the drinks and Spoon put her muzzle on hers. She took a careful suck. The alcohol seemed even more potent than before, but the taste was sweeter.
  4024. > "You like it?" Rainbow Dash asked, still having a slightly embarrassed grin on her muzzle. "Listen, Silver, I'm sorry about-"
  4025. "It'sh okay," she said firmly, not quite looking the pegasus in the eyes.
  4026. > It was time to put it behind her. She still felt damp *down there*, but it was drying up. Hopefully, if anyone spotted the small puddle on the dance floor, they'd just think someone had spilled a sticky drink.
  4027. > The last thing the mare wanted was for everypony to notice her 'accident'.
  4028. > "Okay, let's go back to having some fun, then?" Twilight suggested. "If you're sure, Spoon. Or I can take you out and we'll wait in the car?"
  4029. > She didn't want to ruin Twilight's evening even further. Spoon firmly shook her muzzle, making the room spin again before her eyes. That's right. She had forgotten just how much she had to drink already.
  4030. > In desperation, the mare took another pull on the straw, gulping the sweet liquor greedily.
  4031. "I'll, ah'll, uh, 'll be- um, be fine," she slurred.
  4032. > "Okay, if you're sure," Twilight said, taking her word for it. "But the moment you feel uncomfortable, you tell me, okay? I'll have you out of here right away!"
  4033. "Okay, t-thanshk."
  4034. > Now the alicorn leaned closer and her smile widened. "If you'd like a dance, Anon will be happy to oblige, okay? But only if you feel like it!"
  4035. > Spoon glanced at the human, who grinned at her. She blushed and looked back at her glass.
  4036. > Maybe she should - if only to prove to herself she could dance with a colt without getting wet. She *needed* to put all that bullshit with her old Master behind her!
  4037. > Perhaps, if she had a few more 'tequila sunsets'?
  4038. "M-Maybe la- la- uh...," she said, searching for the word, "later!"
  4039. > "Good!" Rainbow Dash replied, happy that it was settled. The pegasus pulled her glass to herself, wrapped her lips around the straw and sucked until it was empty. Then she bumped Tommy's glass toward him.
  4040. > "Drink it," she ordered. "We're dancing some more!"
  4041. > The human took the cocktail in his hand and sipped a little.
  4042. > Rainbow's hoof slammed on the table. "I said *drink*!"
  4043. > Poor human nearly choked as he tried to obey, making the pegasus giggle at his misfortune. Once he was done, Tommy almost visibly swayed, even sitting down.
  4044. > Spoon pointed a hoof and chuckled herself. The room was really spinning around her now, but that didn't matter. Everything felt a little better.
  4045. > "Good, now come here!" Dash demanded, already pulling the unfortunate man back to the dancing floor.
  4046. > Twilight watched them go, shaking her head a little in dismay, but she had a smile on her muzzle.
  4047. > "That mare..." the alicorn muttered to herself.
  4048. > Anon put his hand back on her cheek. "Let her have fun. She looks like she needs it. Besides, she's got Tommy to keep an eye on her."
  4049. > "Well, not if she gets him completely drunk!" Twilight countered.
  4050. > Her human seemed to agree. "Right. I'll get us a couple of waters for the next round, let us wind down a bit."
  4051. > The Princess nodded. "Good idea. Then-" she looked up at the human and batted her eyelashes. "perhaps another dance?"
  4052. > "Yes, ma'am!"
  4053. > "But let's wait for Dash to come back. I don't want to leave Spoon alone."
  4054. > Anon nodded in acquiescence.
  4055. > At long last, Spoon's heart stopped hammering. She looked at the dance floor, trying to see the human who touched her, but he was nowhere to be found.
  4056. > Maybe he left? The thought helped her calm down. It wasn't his fault, she knew that. But her reaction, the *speed* with which she had creamed herself scared the mare. Just a touch and *bam* - wet mare.
  4057. > When she put it like that, the thought made her giggle again. Only for a moment, as the fear took hold once again.
  4058. > Could she ever go back to enjoying a colt's presence, without smelling like a complete whore the instant he touched her?
  4059. > Was it maybe just hands? Would hooves be okay? Or maybe it was colts and she wouldn't mind mares. After all, Twilight touched her all the time and nothing happened.
  4060. > Then again, the alicorn had never placed her hooves right there, on the small of Spoon's back.
  4061. > How did one go about figuring all that out?!
  4062. > Maybe the cure was to bed one - on purpose? So she felt in control?
  4063. > Was that what Twilight had done? What Rainbow Dash had done?
  4064. > By her story, Rarity had done the same with Spike, the moment she came home.
  4065. > The image of that purple, scaly rump on top of pristine, white, gems-cutie-marked plot threatened to lead to another 'accident'.
  4066. > With a small groan, the mare put her lips back on the straw and sucked deeply at her drink. She felt she really needed it right now.
  4067. > Forget.
  4068. > Enjoy herself.
  4069. > Drink herself into a stupor, just this once.
  4070. > She wanted to dance with Anon, damn it!
  4071. > Her eyes were filling with hot, bitter tears again.
  4072. > Why didn't Silver Spoon deserve a bit of happiness?! Why did it all have to be tainted?!
  4073. "T-twii- uh, Twile?" she forced out her muzzle. It wasn't obeying her anymore.
  4074. > "Yes?"
  4075. "A- ah, unn- 'nother!"
  4076. > She pushed the empty glass toward the alicorn, but it snagged on something and tipped over. Her friend looked at her with concern.
  4077. > "Are you sure?"
  4078. "YESH!"
  4079. > The alicorn looked at the human, who shrugged. "Something lighter, okay?" the pony said. Anon nodded in understanding and walked away.
  4080. > "Only if you have some water first, right Silver Spoon?"
  4081. > That sounded doable. She would need the little filly's room in a minute anyway, so a bit of water wouldn't hurt.
  4082. "F-Fi- faa- 'kay."
  4083. > Spoon saw that she'd spilled a bit of tequila sunrise. She put her head down on the table, let her tongue fall out of her muzzle and tried to lap it up.
  4084. > No sense wasting it.
  4085. > Now, where was that human with her drink?!
  4087. > ~~~~
  4089. > Twilight Sparkle couldn't forget the rushing clock, but the night was not over yet.
  4090. > After Silver Spoon's little episode was over, the party mostly resumed, at least for Rainbow Dash.
  4091. > The pegasus had chugged down her water in one go just so she could go back to boozing with almost no interruption. She seemed determined to kill herself via alcohol-poisoning before morning.
  4092. > Then she dragged Tommy out to the dance floor and only let him come back when the man was on the verge of collapse.
  4093. > After that, she pulled at Anon's hand until he took her for a spin.
  4094. > Even Twilight had to jump in and dance with the mare for a couple of songs, if only to give her human a moment's respite!
  4095. > Damn, that pegasus could *go*!
  4096. > At first Twilight was a little worried about leaving Silver alone, but by the time she returned to their table, completely out of breath and sweating through her dress, the earth pony was happy.
  4097. > Dash just grabbed Tommy and dragged him off yet again. Twilight almost felt bad for the human, but he *was* smiling.
  4098. > Spoon was grinning too, as she greeted Twilight "Ohi, Twi- Two- um, Twe-eah- Twelve!"
  4099. > Her muzzle scrunched up in thought and the pony tapped a hoof on the table as she searched her memory. "Nono s'no right... Twiley! Dasit! Hi!"
  4100. "How much did you give her to drink?"
  4101. > Anon motioned with his hand at a couple of large empty glasses, making Twilight sigh with resignation.
  4102. "Please tell me one of those was water?" she begged.
  4103. > "Sorry. She took mine when she finished her own, I didn't even notice until it was too late!"
  4104. "And she drank it through a straw?! Anon-"
  4105. > The human held up a hand. "That's a myth, Twilight. Drinking through a straw doesn't make you more drunk, you know?"
  4106. > Spoon tried to turn her ears toward Twilight, but only one was upright and swiveled madly while the other was hanging down loosely. She also seemed to have a hard time focusing her eyes.
  4107. > "Relasss, Twiley!" the pony urged and beckoned with a hoof. "Com- come 'ere, c'mere c'mere! Wanna- uh, wanna hug!"
  4108. > Anon obediently slid away from Spoon letting Twilight take his spot. After a couple of false starts, the pony managed to get her unsteady hooves around the alicorn and buried her muzzle in the violet mane.
  4109. "Please get her some more water." Twilight asked Anonymous, who stood up without objections. "Good human."
  4110. > He suppressed a laugh and turned to leave.
  4111. "Oh, one more glass for me, please?"
  4112. > They were all pleasantly buzzed, even her, but it was time to start coming down from it. By her count, Twilight thought Tommy hadn't drunk as much as the rest of them and could drive, but the mare wanted to be sober enough to help.
  4113. > If all else failed, she would rent a taxi, but she really didn't want to show portal places to more humans than absolutely necessary.
  4114. > Meanwhile there was her friend to take care of.
  4115. > Maybe happy-drunk Silver Spoon was better than crying-drunk Silver Spoon?
  4116. > There would be hell to pay later, but by that time Twilight hoped to be in the Canterlot Palace with the full Royal Medical wing at her disposal. The finest unicorn doctors with plenty of practice treating hungover royalty.
  4117. > Spoon jerked and gripped her around the barrel, then pulled her face away and blinked. There was drool in Twilight's mane, but the alicorn didn't mind at this point.
  4118. "Silver? Can you understand me? How many hooves am I holding up?"
  4119. > The pony peered at the uplifted appendage and her eyes crossed as she tried to focus on it.
  4120. > "T-Two? Uh, wha'? Nono, wait," Spoon mumbled and pushed Twilight's hoof away on her second attempt. "Wanna, wanna- y'know. Fing. Wiff you. Uhhhh..."
  4121. > Twilight waited patiently for her friend to get her thoughts in order.
  4122. > "Talk! Ya, dasit!"
  4123. "What do you want to talk about?"
  4124. > Again the scrunching, the faraway look, and the tapping of the hoof on the table. "Ummmmm..."
  4125. > The mare brightened up. "O'ya! Yayaya, um, we's goin' home, 'kay?"
  4126. > For some reason, the prospect seemed to worry Spoon.
  4127. "Of course. I promised I'd get you home, Silver Spoon. We're going home tonight," Twilight reassured the mare.
  4128. > "Yeah no, s'not dat!" Spoon shook her head and leaned in really close. The smell of alcohol on her breath became overpowering and Twilight almost felt herself getting dizzier.
  4129. > She discreetly reached up and aimed Spoon's mouth away from herself.
  4130. > "S'not dat," the mare repeated, closing her eyes so she could concentrate better. "Uhhhhh, when we's home, right? 'kay? Um, parents..."
  4131. > Spoon circled her hoof around as she sought for more words, "parents, um, fr'ens. Y'know, ponies..."
  4132. "Yes?"
  4133. > "Don tellem- don't 'ellem 'bout hoomin, 'kay?"
  4134. "Don't tell them about which human?"
  4135. > Spoon nodded, happy that Twilight was agreeing with her. "Y'know, hoomin... Master hoomin!"
  4136. > The alicorn still didn't understand, and by this time Anon was back with two glass of chilled water. Twilight focused her unsteady magic and moved a straw from one of the tequila sunrise glasses to one of the waters.
  4137. > Her human went around the table and sat on Spoon's other side, while Twilight slid the glass closer, laid her hooves carefully around Spoon's head and gently turned her so her muzzle was poking at the straw.
  4138. > Spoon would have fallen, but Anon was ready for that and steadied her with a hand on her barrel. Twilight saw it was strictly above waist, which was probably safe.
  4139. > The mare automatically put her lips around the plastic straw and sucked greedily. She didn't seem to notice it wasn't alcohol, nor did she notice the human holding her.
  4140. > Maybe the ice water even made her a bit more coherent. Once she'd had her fill and burped, the mare looked at Twilight again.
  4141. > "Don't tellem 'bout, uh, buckin' th' Master, 'kay? Don' wanna be- wanna be... whore."
  4142. > Just like that Spoon was near tears again and Twilight brought her into a hug.
  4143. "Hey, don't cry. Of course I won't tell anypony what happened on Earth, I promise, okay? That wasn't your fault, Silver Spoon. You're not a w- you're not, okay?"
  4144. > Spoon didn't fight the nuzzle. "Pr'mise?" she choked out along with a bit more drool.
  4145. "I swear!"
  4146. > The mare immediately relaxed in her hooves. "'kay- 'kay, fankoo. You'z, um- youssa good friend, 'kay?"
  4147. "Of course sweetheart. Anon, take her for a moment, I'll go find the other two and we should probably leave. Fresh air will help."
  4148. > "Here, pass her over," Anon said, holding his arms spread a little. Twilight carefully lifted Spoon away from herself and the mare instinctively clung to the human instead.
  4149. "Can you carry her out? I don't think she can walk."
  4150. > Anon gave a nod. "It's fine. Get Dash and Tommy, I'll meet you out by the cars."
  4151. > The alicorn stood on the seat and leaned over to give the sweetest human a light peck on his lips.
  4152. "Thanks!"
  4153. >...
  4154. > About five minutes after giving the barman her credit card, Twilight joined the group out by Tommy's car. It was the bigger one and they could easily squeeze to fit.
  4155. > Anon was holding Silver Spoon, who sounded as if she was hiccuping, while Rainbow Dash stood beside Tommy with her head hanging low.
  4156. "We ready?"
  4157. > The humans nodded and the pegasus looked up, grimacing a little. "Just- just a second, okay?"
  4158. > Dash looked like she was going to throw up.
  4159. > After how much she'd drunk and the dance moves she pulled out of her rump, Twilight wasn't in the least bit surprised.
  4160. > As for Twilight herself, the night air was already doing her good.
  4161. > She was perfectly steady on her hooves and only slightly dizzy. In an emergency, she thought she could even drive with no real danger.
  4162. > The alicorn looked at Tommy.
  4163. "Can you drive? We'll call a taxi if you aren't sure."
  4164. > The man nodded and grinned. "I stopped drinking nearly two hours ago and I didn't have that much. I'm fine."
  4165. > Dash went to nuzzle her human, even if it was only his thigh. "Good man," she complimented. "I'm glad at least *one* of us kept their head."
  4166. "I'm fine too, you know?" Twilight pointed out.
  4167. > Before her friend could answer, there was a groan and a retch from Silver Spoon. "Uh oh," Anon had time to say, before the pony lost control of her stomach.
  4168. > Twilight jumped away just in time as the mess splashed on the street. In moments, Anon lowered Spoon down to the sidewalk and held her in place while the poor mare vomited. Somehow he even managed to pull her mane out of the way.
  4169. > Spoon would undoubtedly be grateful for that the next morning.
  4170. > It seemed to go on for quite a while and Twilight was both impressed and horrified at just how much Spoon had in herself.
  4171. > At long last the flow ebbed and the pony was left holding her belly and weeping. Twilight levitated a handkerchief from Anon's pocket and used it to wipe Spoon's muzzle.
  4172. > "That's actually good," Dash commented. "Better she let it out, otherwise it'd just make her worse."
  4173. > Spoon didn't seem to agree, all she could manage was a weak grunt, before she started sobbing again.
  4174. > When it was clear she was done, Anon lifted her up into his lap again, ignoring the stray bits of regurgitated booze he was smearing on his shirt. "Door?" he said.
  4175. "Oh! Sorry!"
  4176. > Twilight opened the car for him so the human could sit inside. He got spoon comfortable on the back seat, with her head in his lap. "Hush," he cooed gently to the stricken mare, "you're okay now. Get some rest."
  4177. > Dash was staring at the puddle in the street and Twilight thought she would follow suit, but the pegasus pulled herself together and prodded Tommy with her muzzle. "Come on, let's get out of here."
  4178. > Twilight glanced around, but there were no humans to see them. She also wanted to leave before anyone saw them.
  4179. > Not that making a mess on a public street was illegal, exactly, but it was certainly frowned upon.
  4180. > She hoped it would rain soon. Already it smelled bad and she didn't want to imagine what it would be like the next day.
  4181. > Then again, it probably wasn't an unusual occurrence outside of the club.
  4182. > Tommy got in the driver's seat and Twilight joined him up front, so she could help if needed. Dash was happy to curl up on the backseat with her head resting on Spoon's unresisting flank.
  4183. > The alicorn glanced back, where Anon gave her a smile and a thumbs up, before putting his fingers back around Spoon's ear and resuming his scratching.
  4184. > Good, it looked like the mare was asleep. Maybe she'd stay that way until they were through the portal.
  4186. > ~~~~
  4188. > Twilight had been a little worried about driving to the portal site. She had picked a place where the walls between worlds were thin, and which was also conveniently located up some abandoned dirt road in some backwater, where few humans ventured.
  4189. > It was sheer luck that Tommy had gone easy on the booze and could drive, but it was still probably borderline illegal. The alicorn had considered her taxi idea when they started moving, but by then it would have been a real hassle to stop.
  4190. > Besides, she was there to assist Tommy. Not that she was sober, but surely another set of eyes would help? Tipsy or not, the mare would definitely notice if he started to swerve or anything.
  4191. > It was the middle of the night and after the highway they encountered zero traffic on the road, so that was good. It meant she was able to relax a little.
  4192. > Her head was starting to hurt now that Twilight was coming down from her strong buzz and focusing on the road to help Tommy wasn't making it any better.
  4193. > Once she got to Equestria, she would just sleep for a day!
  4194. > Although, despite their bad timing, their night out had turned out very nice. Dash might regret it a little by morning and Spoon definitely would, but maybe they'd remember the fun they had, not the sick.
  4195. > Everypony had needed to unwind. After the hangover passed they would all feel better for it. They have been out *together* and that was what mattered most.
  4196. > Despite her throbbing head, Twilight smiled at the memory of twirling around Anon on that dance floor.
  4197. > Then she blushed when she remembered some of the suggestive dances she'd had with Rainbow Dash.
  4198. > She nearly missed their stop.
  4199. "Just up- ugh, up there," she pointed out for Tommy.
  4200. > He turned into a field and the alicorn put her hoof on his shoulder.
  4201. "That's enough. Ground gets soggy, y- y'wanna be able get out."
  4202. > She blinked. That last sentence didn't seem right, but she was beyond caring.
  4203. > "Still feeling it?" the human asked.
  4204. "W-Who, me?"
  4205. > Twilight looked at him to see if maybe Tommy was talking to Rainbow Dash, but the pegasus was sprawled on her back with her head against Anon's thigh, snoring softly. She was even trying to use Silver's dress as a makeshift blanket.
  4206. > Her human caught her gaze and grinned.
  4207. > Interesting how Spoon had flipped out when someone touched her during a dance, but didn't mind Anon's embrace now. He was holding her steady against his chest on the bumpy road.
  4208. > She was out cold and Anon was making sure she didn't throw up again and choke.
  4209. > Maybe Twilight should have stopped the mare drinking that much, but Spoon had really needed it. Morning would be miserable for her, but that was the price you paid.
  4210. > The alicorn decided she would stay by Spoon's side until she woke up. Headache, plus a strange place, might freak her out again even if she was surrounded by ponies, rather than humans.
  4211. > Tommy turned the car off and sighed. "Well, I guess this is it?"
  4212. > Twilight gave him a nod and snagged the door latch on her second try.
  4213. "Yeah, g-gonna call the portal..." she said and stepped out.
  4214. > The man watched her as nothing happened for a while. The mare just stood there, completely still and lost in thought.
  4215. "Just- uh, just gimme a minute."
  4216. > She went around the car and opened Anon's door for him. He didn't seem to be in a particular hurry to get out, especially with Silver Spoon sleeping in his embrace with her head on his shoulder.
  4217. > A prom queen and her coltfriend, Twilight thought as she took in Spoon's stained, rumpled, but still beautiful dress.
  4218. "Cute."
  4219. > Her human liberated one hand and reached out to pat his mare. She gratefully nuzzled into his palm, cherishing these last moments.
  4220. > "You're coming back, right?" Anon asked, voice a little strained.
  4221. "I promise," she said in a faint whisper.
  4222. > Twilight wanted to climb up in his lap and give the human a big, sloppy kiss. She wanted to hold him for a while yet and hear him whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
  4223. > The spot was taken by Silver Spoon.
  4224. > Even now, the Princess did not have the heart to toss her out, not when waking up probably meant the worst hangover of her life for the young mare.
  4225. > The alicorn contented herself with pressing her muzzle against Anon's shirt.
  4226. > It soaked up the tears she hadn't even been aware of.
  4227. "I'm s-sorry," she mumbled desperately, "maybe I shouldn't-"
  4228. > She fought to get the words to line up properly.
  4229. "I c-can send Spoon through... maybe the others will be f-fine."
  4230. > Now that she had started to think about it, Twilight tried to come up with different answers.
  4231. "I'll- I'll send them letters. I'll give them advice. M-Maybe-"
  4232. > Her speech was hurried and desperate, trying to convince herself of a lie. It all stopped when Anon put a finger over her lips.
  4233. > "No, Twilight," the human said quietly. His eyes shone in the faint light. Twilight realized he was also fighting back tears. "You have to. It's only for a while, okay?"
  4234. > Yes, but what if it wasn't?
  4235. > She would stop at nothing to return, but without the other alicorn Princesses helping, there was no way Twilight could manage a portal on her own, not with her horn the way it was.
  4236. > They could keep her in Equestria if they wanted.
  4237. > It would take careful hoofwork.
  4238. > Twilight wasn't convinced she would succeed and Anon knew that. They were both pretending for each other's sake.
  4239. "Please-" she mewled.
  4240. > He shifted Spoon to his other side so he could lean down enough to kiss her. The gentle touch was enough to unleash a torrent of her tears.
  4241. > "Don't think about getting stuck," Anon said, guessing her thoughts, "think about helping your friends. I'll wait until you come back. I have faith in you, Twilight."
  4242. > She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She closed it and sniffed.
  4243. > "Go and get the portal open. We've kept them waiting long enough, no?"
  4244. > Twilight wanted to object. It would never be long enough when it came to her and Anon.
  4245. "O-Okay..."
  4246. > Ears flat, the mare pulled herself away and went back around the car. Tommy was still standing there, apparently looking at the distant horizon.
  4247. > Before he could see her, Twilight gathered up her courage and put on a brave little smile. She *would* come back! She had to believe it!
  4248. > She willed herself to believe it!
  4249. > "Take your time," Tommy said. He had probably overheard everything, but Twilight didn't mind.
  4250. > Behind her, Anon was shuffling around in the car. He carefully gathered the sleeping pony in his lap and extricated them both from the vehicle.
  4251. > Silver Spoon didn't wake up, aside from murmuring something indistinct and snuggling closer to the warm human.
  4252. > It was adorable, really, and helped to dispel some of Twilight's sadness.
  4253. "That's cute!"
  4254. > She even managed a slight chuckle.
  4255. > Her pegasus friend turned on the seat, thumping a wing against the glass. They waited, but Dash just resumed her snoring.
  4256. > "I'll get her safely home, don't worry. I didn't drink that much," Tommy assured them.
  4257. "Good thinking. Thanks."
  4258. > The alicorn walked away from her friends and concentrated. Tipsy or not, the spell came easily. A 'beacon' she had called it - providing a good target for the alicorn Princesses to bridge the worlds.
  4259. > Despite all the practice and Twilight's research into the spell, it still took three of them to travel between worlds. It was tiring, so they did it very rarely. In addition, the alicorn didn't wish for their ability to cross over to become public knowledge.
  4260. > Her horn blazed, lighting the abandoned field in purple.
  4261. > It was beautiful, in a way.
  4262. > Anon murmured something back at the car, but the pony didn't quite catch it above the hum of her magic. Whatever it was, he brought Silver Spoon closer, then stopped to watch the light show.
  4263. > Twilight wondered briefly why he didn't put Spoon down - the grass was quite soft and the mare was drunk enough that she wouldn't mind a slight chill. She was about to ask, but then Tommy darted forward and placed a thick blanket down.
  4264. > Anon sat on it with the knocked-out Silver Spoon still in his arms.
  4265. > They waited for the Princesses to sense their message and open a hole to Equestria.
  4266. > Now that it was cast, maintaining her beacon wasn't too difficult. Twilight went to Anon and brushed her muzzle against his face in silent goodbye.
  4267. > His hand found her ear and gently rubbed it, but he closed his eyes against the shine from her horn.
  4268. > Of course she was doing the right thing. Of course they would meet again - perhaps on a night just like today in this exact field!
  4269. "So, I guess-" the mare said and paused as her voice failed her again.
  4270. > "This is goodbye... for a while."
  4271. "Yes."
  4272. > She was about to say something more meaningful, but she felt a response to her spell and turned to look. The Princesses must have been waiting for the signal to respond this quickly.
  4273. "It's coming!"
  4274. > A bright green spot of light appeared a few dozen paces away, swirling and expanding like liquid. It stopped when it was about human-sized and just sat there, shimmering.
  4275. > "Didn't Rainbow Dash promise she'd go talk to the Princesses on your behalf?" Anon asked.
  4276. > Twilight looked at the car, where Tommy was leaning against the metal and watching the proceedings curiously.
  4277. > Now that the time came, she didn't want to risk her friend also getting stuck. At least Twilight herself had known she'd part from Anon.
  4278. "J-Just let her sleep."
  4279. > Anon understood, even if Twilight didn't say it out loud. His lips pressed together and his grip on Spoon tightened.
  4280. "I'll come back. I swear," the pony whispered, right in his ear.
  4281. > Before pulling away, she gave him a light kiss.
  4282. > It made Spoon mumble a little as Twilight's mane tickled her, but she still didn't wake up.
  4283. > The kiss wasn't enough, so Twilight threw her hooves around Anon and brought her lips to his again, properly. She was still wearing the dress - she hadn't wanted to stop anywhere to take it off.
  4284. > For that matter, Silver Spoon, crushed a little between them, was still in her cyan outfit and Dash still had her pink one.
  4285. > It was enough to make her smile a little at the thought: Ragtag group, indeed!
  4286. > The dresses were wrinkled and stained, testimony of a night well spent.
  4287. > In a way, Twilight was glad she could look pretty for her human. It would be a good memory for him.
  4288. "Wait for me, okay?"
  4289. > She had more tears in her eyes and couldn't force her hooves to release the human and he seemed determined to hold on to her, too.
  4290. > Twilight knew full well how difficult it was to maintain the portal, but she couldn't bring herself to hurry.
  4291. > "I promise," the human said back and let her go.
  4292. > Her vision was blurry, but she felt Anons' hands - one in her mane and one on her cheek, wiping away her tears with a thumb.
  4293. > "I love you." Anon was choked up.
  4294. > "Are you then coming or not, Twilight Sparkle?"
  4295. > The clear, loud voice made Twilight gasp in surprise. She let Anon go and twirled around to gape.
  4296. "P-Princess Luna?!"
  4297. > "Good," the night-blue alicorn exclaimed, walking slowly and regally towards them. "I was worried you had forgotten us!"
  4298. > From the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Anon staring. She guessed the other human was doing the same.
  4299. > Neither of them had seen a full-grown alicorn, despite the cartoons. In fact, those didn't do Luna justice.
  4300. > Her fur almost gleamed as it reflected and scattered the light from the portal, and her mane, flowing majestically behind the Princess, sparkled with its own light. It was like a window into another place - another night sky of purest black with glittering diamonds for stars.
  4301. > Her horn was blazing white, making it a bit had to see her face.
  4302. > The alicorn wasn't extravagantly dressed. She just had her simple peytral and the silver hoofguards.
  4303. > Her eyes, large, cyan and faintly glowing, seemed to draw everypony into their bottomless depths.
  4304. > Then Luna wrinkled her nose.
  4305. > "You have been drinking, Twilight Sparkle. You stink of liquor!"
  4306. > It was impossible to tell whether Luna was upset at this fact or not. Twilight averted her eyes and rubbed one leg with the other.
  4307. "We- uh, we wanted to say goodbye. We went out..."
  4308. > Luna didn't seem to listen. Instead, the tall alicorn leaned down to bring her face closer to Anon. He swayed back a little under her scrutiny.
  4309. > "Anonymous, I assume? Stand."
  4310. > Twilight rushed to her lover's side and took the sleeping pony from his arms. Despite all the talking, Spoon didn't seem to be waking up, but she did mumble a protest as the warm human body was removed from her.
  4311. > Anon stood up, coming properly face to face with Luna.
  4312. > As the two regarded each other, Twilight held her breath. She didn't know what was going to happen.
  4313. > At long last, the Princess took a step back, lowered her head, just slightly, and closed her eyes for a moment. A tiny bend in her knee could almost be regarded as a curtsy. Twilight's mouth fell open.
  4314. > "Equestria owes you a debt, human," Luna proclaimed loudly and precisely, her voice almost echoing as if they were standing in a grand hall, rather than an open field.
  4315. > "Tonight this debt increases as you return Twilight Sparkle to us," Luna said, booming.
  4316. > "But-" Anon began saying until Twilight interrupted him.
  4317. "I'm not staying in Equestria, Princess Luna," she blurted out.
  4318. > The cyan eyes shifted to her, but Luna's expression didn't change.
  4319. > "Explain."
  4320. > Twilight gulped and felt her ears flopping down despite her attempts to keep a neutral, self-assured expression. She carefully lowered Spoon to the blanket and straightened up.
  4321. "I'm only visiting Equestria. I will return to Earth once I make sure my friends are okay."
  4322. > The tall pony snorted in displeasure. "Out of the question!"
  4323. > She pierced Twilight with a glare and used her most commanding voice. "Fetch Rainbow Dash and let us leave!"
  4324. > There was a slam as the car door closed and the pegasus in question stepped from behind the vehicle. There were saddlebags on her back, but they weren't tied down properly.
  4325. > "I'm staying, Princess Luna!" Dash said as she walked right up next to her friend.
  4326. > Somehow she sounded a lot more certain than Twilight had.
  4327. > "Why didn't you wake me?!" the pegasus hissed.
  4328. "Sorry."
  4329. > "You also forgot these," she said, lifting up Twilight's luggage with a hoof.
  4330. "No, I didn't. But thanks," Twilight replied as Dash draped the bags across her back.
  4331. > All they contained were some books, and her laptop. Good thing she'd gotten curious one day and spent a productive afternoon learning how to recharge the batteries with magic. It was surprisingly difficult, but not beyond her strength, even with a damaged horn.
  4332. > They faced Luna together and the alicorn glanced from one to the other in surprise.
  4333. > "What is this?" she demanded, glaring angrily at the human.
  4334. > Anon just spread his arms.
  4335. "Can you give us a minute?" Twilight asked him.
  4336. > The human shrugged and walked back to the car.
  4337. > Once he was out of earshot, Twilight gathered her courage and stared at the Princess.
  4338. "Luna- you said it yourself: Equestria owes Anonymous a debt."
  4339. > Her eyes widened and the Royal Sister almost took a step back. "Surely you do not propose to repay him with- *yourself*?!"
  4340. > Luna seemed horrified. "Is that why you could not come? Twilight, the whims of one human, however helpful he had been, cannot demand this sacrifice of you!"
  4341. > Twilight nearly hoofed herself in the muzzle.
  4342. "No! You misunderstand, Princess Luna!" she said hurriedly.
  4343. > She had to stem this flow of wrong ideas Luna was forming!
  4344. "It is not like that, Princess. I-" Twilight paused to sigh and look back at her human, "I love him."
  4345. > They waited in silence as Luna thought it over.
  4346. > "Where is your place in all of this, Rainbow Dash?" she demanded.
  4347. > The pegasus stood her ground. "I'm... unhappy in Equestria," she answered, pausing just a bit before the admission. "I'm- I think Tommy can help me. Uh, help me get past it."
  4348. > Luna glanced up at the two men. "That is the other human?"
  4349. "Yes."
  4350. > Again the long pause as the alicorn thought. Twilight searched her mind for something else to say. Surely she could convince the Princess that these humans were okay?!
  4351. "Princess-"
  4352. > "Quiet," Luna said, a lot more softly than her previous tone. "I wish you had told me that sooner, Twilight Sparkle. Your letters had left much to be desired lately."
  4353. > Twilight lowered her eyes and blushed a little.
  4354. "I know, I'm sorry. I was- busy," she fibbed.
  4355. > In truth, she hadn't written as much as she should have because Twilight had been afraid. She might let slip her plan to return to Earth, which would cause Luna to preemptively decide against it.
  4356. > There would be no budging the stubborn alicorn from her position if she held it for any length of time. This - surprise - was their only chance. Luna coming face to face with the two humans would probably also help, an unexpected blessing.
  4357. > "You speak of love," Luna went on, "yet - are these brutes even capable of such a thing?"
  4358. > Dash gasped a little, but Twilight waved at her and the pegasus settled down with a visible effort.
  4359. "Princess, remember that Anonymous sold off his livelihood to save me and my friends. He risked everything. Surely such a selfless act proves his mettle?"
  4360. > "Perhaps," Luna said. "Wait here."
  4361. > The alicorn walked forward and Twilight used the brief lull in questioning to check on Silver Spoon. The mare was shivering a little and seemed to be waking up.
  4362. > At her touch, Spoon opened her eyes.
  4363. > "Ungh, T-Twilight?" she mumbled and put her hooves over her head. "I don't feel so good."
  4364. "Hush, sweetheart. You've had too much to drink. We'll be in Equestria soon and I'll get you into a nice, warm bed, okay?"
  4365. > The earth pony seemed to take comfort from the words and the voice. She nodded and pushed her head into Twilight's lap. "'kay."
  4366. > Then the alicorn looked around at what Luna was doing. The Princess stood before the two humans, saying something quietly enough that it couldn't be overheard, even by pony ears. Every now and then one or the other of the humans nodded.
  4367. > Twilight glanced at Dash, who caught her look and shrugged. Neither of them knew what Luna was up to.
  4368. > Her hooves itched to go and see what was happening, but the Princess had said 'stay', so Twilight waited, if a little impatiently.
  4369. > The two humans and the alicorn discussed something for a few minutes, then Luna and Anon walked back. Tommy stayed with the car.
  4370. > "What the buck was that all about?" Dash asked, but then covered her muzzle with a wing. "Sorry."
  4371. > Luna stopped before stepping on the blanket. "Promise it before Twilight Sparkle," she prompted.
  4372. > Anon shrugged a little and stared at the purple mare. "I promise I'll let Twilight return to Equestria whenever she wishes."
  4373. > Her mouth fell open, but before Twilight could speak, Luna opened her muzzle: "Good. I will allow you to return to Earth, Twilight Sparkle. I will also allow Rainbow Dash to stay behind."
  4374. > The two mares shared a small, incredulous smile.
  4375. "You will?!" Twilight gasped.
  4376. > Dash controlled herself a little better, but her relief could still be seen in her face.
  4377. "Thank you."
  4378. > Even Anon was grinning.
  4379. > "Perhaps," Luna went on, looking off into the distance, "some humans may be trusted. Perhaps there is hope - as you claim in your letters - that peace may yet be achieved."
  4380. > Twilight suddenly understood why was it usually Celestia who replied to her and sometimes Cadence, but never Luna.
  4381. > The Night Princess still harbored a deep and abiding distrust towards all of human kind. Celestia wisely did not let any of that animosity spill over and worry Twilight in what was still a diplomatic mission.
  4382. > "We shall discuss it back home. Now hurry up - the spell is difficult to maintain."
  4383. "Of course, Princess!"
  4384. > Twilight let Silver Spoon down and jumped at her human. Anon caught her with hands on her barrel and she embraced him around his waist, dancing a little on her hind hooves to stay upright.
  4385. "I promised I'd be back, didn't I?" she said, giddy with relief and joy.
  4386. > One hand moved to her mane and gave her a pat. "Never doubted you," he lied.
  4387. > They both laughed.
  4388. > Silver Spoon, bereft of a warm body to cuddle yet again, gave a slight groan.
  4389. "Sorry!"
  4390. > Twilight pushed herself as high as she could and Anon leaned down. It was just a simple peck, but it would not do to leave without a goodbye kiss.
  4391. "I'll write!" she promised.
  4392. > They parted and Twilight went to pick up Silver. Her levitation was still a little unsteady, but it was good enough for her to pick the mare up and sling her over her back.
  4393. > The dress was probably beyond saving, but that didn't matter. No doubt Rarity would insist on making her a new one.
  4394. > She was going to see her friends again!
  4395. > That quickened her steps and made Twilight grin with excitement. She had missed them so! It would be good to catch up, especially without fear of being trapped away from Anon!
  4396. > Carefully balancing Spoon on her back, Twilight set off toward the portal. She paused after a few steps and looked at Luna, who was still standing in place and looking at Rainbow Dash.
  4397. > "Yes, just one more thing," the Princess said.
  4398. > What else could there be?!
  4399. > "Rainbow Dash," Luna said, slowly and carefully, "that is not a color I thought you would ever wear."
  4400. > Briefly the pegasus' cheeks matched her dress. "Well, yeah, um-" she sputtered, "it was the only one that fit, okay? Besides, nopony knows me on Earth!"
  4401. > The poor mare was looking at the grass between her forehooves, so she didn't see Luna smile.
  4402. > "It suits you," the alicorn said simply.
  4403. > The blush grew more pronounced. "It's Twilight's! I was just borrowing it!"
  4404. > Twilight couldn't help joining in.
  4405. "You can keep it. It's a gift, Dash!"
  4406. > Luna couldn't contain it any longer. She snorted and it turned into chortled laughter.
  4407. > It drew a gasp from the pegasus when she realized they were both poking fun at her. She stomped an angry hoof. "You two! Well-" she began, but couldn't come up with a good retort. "Don't you have a portal to go through?!"
  4408. > Twilight raised a hoof and waved.
  4409. "Bye, Rainbow Dash. Make sure Anon doesn't do anything stupid, okay?"
  4410. > "Yeah. Bye!"
  4411. > Finally Princess Luna turned away and walked with a slow, easy gait toward the portal. Twilight followed her, but glanced back.
  4412. > She didn't think Dash was aware that anypony was looking, because the pegasus spread out her skirt with a hoof and looked at it thoughtfully.
  4413. > Of course she liked the dress, even if it was pink! She just didn't want to admit it!
  4414. > Twilight hoped Dash would find more occasions to wear it during her time on Earth. When she sent him letters, she would order Anon to take the couple out sometimes!
  4415. > The pony kept looking back as they approached the portal and stopped. Then she glanced at Luna, who gave her an encouraging nod.
  4416. > "It will be good to have you back, Twilight Sparkle," the Princess said.
  4417. "For a while."
  4418. > "Yes," Luna confirmed, only a tad flatly, "for a while."
  4419. > It was an important moment, spoiled just slightly by Silver Spoon giving a loud snore on her back. Twilight grinned. Maybe getting smashed and then waking up in Equestria would give Silver a clean break from Earth.
  4420. > Maybe that was what she needed?
  4421. > One thing was certain.
  4422. "I promised I'd get you home, Silver Spoon. Here we go."
  4423. > They stepped through.
  4425. > ~~~~~~~~~~
  4426. > ~~~~~~~~~~
  4428. > EPILOGUE
  4430. > November 14th
  4431. > My dearest Anonymous,
  4432. >
  4433. > things are well here in Equestria, although I must admit I haven't quite yet settled in. There have been so many reunions and old friends to catch up!
  4434. > In particular, I must have spent the entire first day just talking with Cadence and my brother. So much has happened and more than once we ended up silently hugging.
  4435. > To think I might not have come home! (Thank you for talking me into it!)
  4436. > Princesses Celestia and Luna are also well, though I almost can't believe how much they have changed. Celestia in particular looks older, somehow. More tired.
  4437. > That makes it doubly important that I come back to Earth and foster good diplomatic relations. It really does pain my heart to see my old mentor worry so for her ponies lost on Earth.
  4438. > Still, I think me coming home really did help. I do not mind saying that it was a tearful reunion and I could have sworn a huge load was removed from Celestia's shoulders.
  4439. > We haven't yet had time to speak much, as I must first ensure that Silver Spoon is well and back with her parents, but I'm certain we will spend a lot of time together during my stay here.
  4440. > She wasn't too happy about my intention to leave once things are back in order, but she understands the necessity and I believe she will not try and talk me out of it.
  4441. >
  4442. > Silver Spoon is waking up so I must finish here. I'll send this after we've had dinner!
  4443. >
  4444. >
  4445. > Love and kisses,
  4446. > Twilight Sparkle
  4447. > P.S.: The spell I prepared which would let you send me a letter back in the same envelope seems to be giving me some trouble. This one won't return (I'm sorry!) but I'll have it worked out by the time I send you my next letter, promise!
  4448. >
  4449. > ~~~~
  4450. >
  4451. > November 15th
  4452. > Anonymous, my love,
  4453. >
  4454. > I got word today from Spike that my friends will board the morning train to Canterlot tomorrow in order to come see me. I wish I had a camera with me so I could send you a selfie. I'm sure you'd get a good laugh if you saw the smile on my muzzle at those news!
  4455. > I was starting to worry, but it's just the post here. Other than magical mail, it takes a few days to get anywhere. I guess I got spoiled on e-mail and instant messages.
  4456. >
  4457. > As for Silver Spoon, she is doing as well as could be expected. She was absolutely miserable that first morning, despite the best Canterlot doctors trying to cure her hangover. I think my chatting with Cadence beside her bad made it worse, but I didn't want to leave that pony alone even for a second.
  4458. > After the physical part of her malady was over, her fears from when she was drunk came back. Silver Spoon is worried what her friends and family might think of her, but both myself and Princess Cadence assured her it would be alright.
  4459. > How could anypony blame her for being foal-napped and kept chained up?! I told her I'd be right by her side when we went to meet everypony and that seems to have helped.
  4460. > That reminds me - I have to send a letter to Silver Spoon's parents and kind of prepare them. Silver is very fragile at the moment and will need a gentle and careful hoof to get better. Remember: her entire world has changed twice now in less than a month!
  4461. >
  4462. >
  4463. > All my love,
  4464. > Twilight Sparkle
  4465. >
  4466. > P.S.: Sending a message is *really* hard from this side! I don't understand why! Cadence offered to help with this one, but I don't think I'll manage one per day, not if I want to do anything else. Please, please, don't be disappointed, but I promise I'll write as often as I can, okay?
  4467. > P.P.S.: Still no luck with the return spell, and Cadence doesn't have any ideas either. I'm sure I'll have it worked out soon!
  4468. >
  4469. > ~~~~
  4470. >
  4471. > November 19th
  4472. > My love,
  4473. >
  4474. > I saw my friends, but only for a few hours on the train ride to Ponyville. They were so happy to see me and I was overjoyed to be with them again. I think we all cried a little - well, except for Applejack, but she cries on the inside so that's fine.
  4475. > Spike was with them too. I can't believe how much he's grown!
  4476. > Oh! I'll get somepony to take a photo of us, so I can show you!
  4477. > Anyway, he was really worried about coming back to be my assistant, but I said it's okay and he should stay with Rarity.
  4478. > They are very much in love, I can see that. I really hope they can work out their problems! They seem happy together, so I don't think it'll be hard.
  4479. >
  4480. > The others...
  4481. > Applejack was almost her old self. I didn't really speak all that much with her, but she seemed alright.
  4482. >
  4483. > Pinkie Pie is really difficult to read sometimes. She seemed cheerful and happy and promised to throw me a proper 'coming home' party in the next few days.
  4484. > I did see her take a few pulls from her flask and that worries me a little. I'll see what else I can find out when I go meet her at the Sugarcube Corner.
  4485. >
  4486. > Fluttershy kept mostly to herself, and I couldn't help noticing she was a little disheveled. She also lost some weight. Aside from Pinkie, her I'm most worried about. If what Rainbow Dash says is true and she has no more animals in her cottage, that's a very bad sign. I think I'll visit her first once I'm settled in.
  4487. > I didn't get to speak with her at all and she rushed off as soon as the train stopped. Said she was busy.
  4488. > Oh, I'm staying with Mr. and Mrs. Cake until I can get the Castle in order. (Long story, another day, okay?)
  4489. >
  4490. > I'll write again soon!
  4491. >
  4492. > All the love,
  4493. > Twilight Sparkle
  4494. >
  4495. > ~~~~
  4496. >
  4497. > November 26th
  4498. > My sweetest Anonymous,
  4499. >
  4500. > I'm so sorry I didn't write until now, but the letter sending spell makes my head hurt the whole day! I think it's my horn - even if it were fully healed, it's still a hard spell. The portal takes three alicorns, remember? For some reason it's easier sending stuff from Earth to Equestria...
  4501. >
  4502. > I've been back in my Castle in Ponyville for a few days now. I haven't seen much of my friends, except in passing. I'm really worried about them, it feels as if they are avoiding me now that the novelty of my return is over.
  4503. > At least I've seen Silver Spoon a few times. She's with her family now and I think she's doing well.
  4504. >
  4505. > Oh, right, the Castle.
  4506. > I've barely managed to clean the place up a little and get things back in order. It was almost starting to look like the Castle of the Two Sisters, I don't mind saying!
  4507. > Both Celestia and Cadence have assured me I will have their full support should I need anything at all.
  4508. >
  4509. > So, I ran into Starlight Glimmer and... well, she's married now. Can you guess to whom?
  4510. > Yep. Sunburst. (Who didn't see that coming a mile off?)
  4511. > I only heard the rough story: After me and my friends didn't come back from Earth for a while she went to see him to try and find a way to contact us. She ended up staying in the Crystal Empire for a long time and... Well, one thing led to another, I guess.
  4512. >
  4513. > She lives in Ponyville now with Sunburst and their daughter and she's doing what she can for our friends. She couldn't 'fix' their problems, but I'm still glad she was there for them. I'll have to find a way to thank her...
  4514. >
  4515. > Always yours,
  4516. > Twilight Sparkle
  4517. >
  4518. > P.S.: That stupid return spell just won't work! I've asked Starlight to take a look - she's always been good with magic.
  4519. >
  4520. > ~~~~
  4521. >
  4522. > December 2nd
  4523. > My love,
  4524. >
  4525. > I'm sorry about not sending anything sooner, but there's just been so much happening. I wrote a little something each night, but then I was too exhausted to send it, so I scrapped it the next day and wrote something else.
  4526. > This week I've been in Canterlot nearly every day, meeting with Celestia and Cadence, mainly about human diplomacy.
  4527. > In fact, the only Princess I haven't seen very much is Luna. I'm a little worried she might change her mind about letting me return, so I've decided to try and get her alone tomorrow so we can have a good, long chat. I'm sure seeing that I'm still myself and that I am well will help ease her mind about Earth (and about you).
  4528. >
  4529. > And so we come to myself.
  4530. > I'm not sure what to write here, Anonymous. I miss you, but you know that. Do you miss me too?
  4531. > I think nights are the hardest, because I've gotten so used to sleeping with your warmth. I can't help feeling cold in the bed all by myself.
  4532. > Please know that I think of you every spare moment and, despite my happiness at seeing all my friends again, can't wait for the day I can come back.
  4533. > Even Cadence saw it in me. At one point I began staring out the window - the view in Canterlot reminded me a bit of the view from our apartment - and Cadence had to nudge me to bring me back.
  4534. > She asked: "You really miss your human, don't you?" and all I could do was start crying. Poor Cadence thought it was something she said and apologized profusely.
  4535. > I'm just glad nopony else was in the room at the time.
  4536. > I'll stop now because I'm making myself sad again. Just - please know I miss you very much and I love you, okay?
  4537. >
  4538. >
  4539. > Yours faithfully,
  4540. > Twilight Sparkle
  4541. >
  4542. > ~~~~~
  4543. >
  4544. > December 7th
  4545. > Dearest, sweetest Anonymous!
  4546. >
  4547. > I should have done this way sooner, but it was just one damn thing after another. I went to see Fluttershy.
  4548. >
  4549. > Sweet, gentle, beautiful Fluttershy.
  4550. > I went to her cottage and I could hardly recognize the place! The chicken coop was empty and broken. The nests were unravelled, burrows collapsed, beehives quiet.
  4551. > The only word I could think was 'desolation'. Her house-tree looks neglected and in dire need of repairs.
  4552. > Fluttershy herself, from what I hear, spends most of her time inside, doing who knows what. Sometimes the others can get her out - like when they came to greet me - but she never speaks and rarely stays longer than a few minutes.
  4553. > Even that time she excused herself and ran off the moment the train stopped in Ponyville.
  4554. >
  4555. > When I went to see her yesterday, I had to knock for a good five minutes before Fluttershy opened the door. Then it took a while to convince her to let me in.
  4556. > Let me tell you: being in Fluttershy's cottage with no animals around is... spooky. It was surreal.
  4557. > I don't think she cleans much, there was dust everywhere and it stank. I didn't want to be pushy, not before I knew all that was going on, but I think one of the first things I'll do will be to give her house a good airing, wash all the cloth and then just spend the afternoon dusting.
  4558. > I'm sure she'll feel better for a bit of sunlight and fresh air.
  4559. > I carefully asked her about the animals and it turns out Rainbow Dash had the wrong idea. It isn't that Fluttershy is afraid of hurting her furry little friends, but she couldn't help snapping at them in irritation all the time. They left her.
  4560. >
  4561. > Anonymous, Fluttershy needs me.
  4562. > Twilight Sparkle
  4563. >
  4564. > ~~~~~
  4565. >
  4566. > December 10th
  4567. >
  4568. > I spent most of the past few days with Fluttershy. Maybe me being around is helping? I'm not sure. She hardly speaks to me and I have a feeling she'd rather I stopped visiting.
  4569. >
  4570. > There's one thing that gives me hope, though. Remember Angel Bunny, that maniacal, psychotic ball of fur? (We all thought that, not just me.)
  4571. > Turns out he's stayed with Fluttershy when all her other animal friends fled. I hardly recognized him. I didn't see him the first day, but he's making meals for her and doing his best to keep her spirits up.
  4572. > I don't think I've seen anypony as devoted as that bunny. Most of the time he sits on her shoulder and brushes her hair. Even when she snaps at him, Angel just looks sad for a moment, then bounces right back and goes to nuzzle her until Fluttershy calms down.
  4573. > It's... Amazing is what it is!
  4574. > You never would have thought that little pest had so much kindness in him! I guess we all misjudged him. Despite his constant tantrums, the bunny really loves his Fluttershy. I'm starting to think that without him, she'd have gone completely to pieces by now.
  4575. >
  4576. > Anyway, just thought I'd share that. There's hope and sunshine even when the sky is heavy with clouds. Maybe between us, me and Angel can get Fluttershy back on her hooves.
  4577. >
  4578. > Yours,
  4579. > Twilight Sparkle
  4580. > P.S.: Sunburst is sending this one. He thinks he's worked out the return spell for my letters and wants to try it. Put your reply in the envelope. It'll come back after an hour. Sunburst says you should keep an eye on it and have some water ready - there is a minor chance it might burst into flames rather than return.
  4581. > Just... be careful, okay?
  4582. >
  4583. > ~~~~
  4584. >
  4585. > December 15th
  4586. > My love Anonymous,
  4587. >
  4588. > I can't believe it's been a whole month.
  4589. > It is not getting any easier to be away, I thought you should know that. The days pass quickly with all the things I have to do and catch up on, but the nights mostly leave me sleepless and lonely.
  4590. > Even when I manage to fall asleep, I reach out a hoof to find you and that wakes me up again when there's nothing beside me.
  4591. > Please tell me that you, at least, are doing better!
  4592. > I wish I could come back already, but my friends really need me!
  4593. >
  4594. > On Tuesday I went to see Applejack.
  4595. > Out of the four of them, I'd say AJ is having the easiest time. She wasn't on Earth for long and didn't share our experiences, except perhaps in spirit. Also, her work on the Apple Farm keeps her busy at day and tired at night.
  4596. > Her wounds have healed nicely and she has the use of both her eyes, no doubt thanks to the work of the Canterlot Castle Medical Wing. She has a couple of scars, but they should fade in time.
  4597. > Her biggest 'wound', I think, is that she was safe at home while the rest of us were stuck in... that place. I think she feels guilty, but it's hard to tell. You know how Applejack is with her emotions.
  4598. > I don't know yet if I can fix that, but I will speak with the others and see if we can convince AJ it wasn't her fault what happened to us and that we don't blame her.
  4599. >
  4600. > I also talked with Big Mac and Apple Bloom and they both feel their sister is doing well. I said I was sorry I didn't come visit sooner, but they completely understood that I had to check on Fluttershy first.
  4601. >
  4602. > Still your little pony,
  4603. > Twilight Sparkle
  4604. > P.S.: The reply didn't come through. I hope it didn't explode!
  4605. >
  4606. > ~~~~
  4607. >
  4608. > December 22nd
  4609. > I miss you!
  4610. >
  4611. > It'll soon be Heartswarming Eve and that is a time for family and loved ones. I got reminded of that today...
  4612. >
  4613. > Rarity and Spike are still together, which is good.
  4614. > You know, I almost couldn't believe Rainbow Dash when she told me, but it's true. They didn't go into detail how it happened, but Pinkie tells me Spike was a huge help and emotional support right after they returned. He moved in with Rarity almost from the start.
  4615. > At first it was just to help her around the house and provide a shoulder to cry on, but I hear it wasn't too long before the 'shoulder' turned into them sleeping in the same bed.
  4616. > In a way, I'm happy they found each other. It must have been hard for Spike to see the girls come home, while I remained on Earth. He was stuck in the castle alone, where all he saw around himself were reminders that I was gone.
  4617. > Even Starlight Glimmer had gone by that point, remember?
  4618. > Their relationship may have arisen rather quickly, maybe before they were both ready for it, and so it sometimes ends up with shouting and anger. I'll see if I can do anything for them.
  4619. > I think they make a good couple, even if one is a pony and the other a dragon (like I have room to talk). It would be a shame to see them both end up hurt.
  4620. > Hopefully, all it would take is for them to start talking about the issues they are having. I know Spike is still completely infatuated with Rarity and I believe she also loves him deeply.
  4621. > Maybe I'll speak with Cadence and ask for her advice, if I can't help them solve it on my own.
  4622. >
  4623. > I almost forgot to say the last time: your letter didn't make it back to me. I hope it didn't burn like we feared! I'll keep trying, I promise! I need to hear from you. I miss you *so badly*!
  4624. >
  4625. > With a loving kiss,
  4626. > Twilight Sparkle
  4627. >
  4628. > ~~~~
  4629. >
  4630. > December 24th
  4631. >
  4632. > It's a strain, but I really, really wanted to send you a letter on Heartswarming/Christmas Eve.
  4633. > The Cakes have invited me over for dinner and I said yes. I think sitting alone in that big, empty Castle would drive me insane with loneliness. (Have I said I miss you?)
  4634. >
  4635. > I also got to spend some time with Pinkie Pie. That mare remains to be an enigma wrapped in a mystery. She seemed completely normal when we met around Ponyville, but I couldn't help noticing how she kept taking swigs from a flask when she thought nopony was looking.
  4636. > I'm afraid Rainbow Dash is right and Pinkie is hitting the bottle rather hard. I think I can understand why, too.
  4637. > She came back home and had to fall back into her old role of entertainer and friend to the whole of Ponyville. Maybe she found she laughs a little easier if she's a bit tipsy.
  4638. > I think the habit just got out of hoof.
  4639. > She hides it well, and even drunk off her rocker Pinkie doesn't seem much different than her old, hyperactive self (you know Pinkie), so nopony noticed until it was too late.
  4640. > I wish our other friends had sat her down and talked to her about her problem, but I guess I can't blame them - not with all the other issues they are dealing with themselves.
  4641. > What scares me the most is when I asked Pinkie about the flask, she scowled at me! I've never seen her look like that! She just said: "Mind your own business!" and left the room.
  4642. >
  4643. > I really, really hope we're not too late. I'll see if I can get the others together so we can do an intervention and remind Pinkie how much we love her and care for her. I think she's been drinking nearly from the time she came back, so getting off the stuff will be hard - but I'll stay by her side every step of the way!
  4644. >
  4645. >
  4646. > Merry Christmas, my love,
  4647. > Twilight Sparkle
  4648. >
  4649. > ~~~~
  4650. >
  4651. > January 2nd
  4652. > My beloved Anonymous,
  4653. >
  4654. > I'm sorry I didn't write sooner. Sending two letters so close one after another really took it out of me. I had a headache almost until yesterday... Seriously, it's worse than being hung over!
  4655. > There really isn't any excuse, but please know that I think of you every minute I'm alone.
  4656. >
  4657. > I spent some time with Silver Spoon at her home. Did I tell you about her homecoming?
  4658. > Just as I predicted, her family were overjoyed to have her back and for the first ten minutes her mother just held her tightly and showered her with kisses. She was crying the whole time and so was Silver Spoon.
  4659. > Even my eyes were wet to see all that joy!
  4660. > Oh! Word has spread that she was coming home (I suspect Pinkie) and as I was leaving Silver Spoon's house there were already some of her old friends out front with a big sign that said 'Welcome back, Silver Spoon, we missed you!'. It was really heartwarming.
  4661. > How in Tartarus did I forget to write about that until now?!
  4662. >
  4663. > Anyway, I promised Silver Spoon I'll go with her to school tomorrow, so she doesn't have to face all her friends on her own. She has a lot of catching up to do, so she'll spend a few afternoons every week with me for private tutoring.
  4664. > This will also give me a chance to see how she is doing and if she's adapting well to life back in Equestria.
  4665. >
  4666. > Some of her old friends have been visiting her and I think they are all looking forward to having her with them again. Silver Spoon won't have to fear rejection, at least.
  4667. >
  4668. >
  4669. > All the love in my heart,
  4670. > Twilight Sparkle
  4671. > P.S.: Sunburst has been working on my return spell and thinks he has it figured out. He's helping send this. Please try to reply via the envelope again tonight!
  4672. >
  4673. > ~~~~
  4674. >
  4675. > January 3rd
  4676. > My beautiful human!
  4677. >
  4678. > It came! It came back! I got your letter!!
  4679. > Well, I got bits of it. I guess we haven't solved the 'exploding' problem yet, but at least this time it exploded *after* it had returned to Equestria.
  4680. >
  4681. > Most of your letter is charred, but I have an intact corner (left bottom one), which says:
  4682. > 'Company is-
  4683. > 'your work still-'
  4684. > 'holidays have been lone-'
  4685. > 'I love you very much, Twi-'
  4686. > And then there's the signature! Oh, please, please send the same letter again, so I can see if my guess of what those last lines say is correct! It's like a little puzzle game!
  4687. >
  4688. > As for myself, all the work and friends keep me busy. I find myself adjusting to life here in Ponyville more quickly than I'd feared, which is good, but I still miss you every night.
  4689. > In particular (please don't laugh), I miss your fingers. It's a strange thing, isn't it? I thought it was strange, anyway.
  4690. > Not so much the kisses (I miss those too!), and... well, 'other things'... but fingers in particular.
  4691. > I keep trying to scratch my ear with magic, just so I can remember those quiet times I was working on some code, sitting in your lap and you'd just idly massage my ears - that was the best!
  4692. > It's not the same and that usually makes me sad.
  4693. > When I'm back, I'll sit in your lap for a *week* and you'll just poke and tickle and scratch until your hands are numb, got it mister?!
  4694. > Anyway, I should stop thinking about it before I make myself sad again (too late).
  4695. > I love you with all my heart, please don't ever forget that!
  4696. >
  4697. > With lots of kisses,
  4698. > Twilight Sparkle
  4699. >
  4700. > P.S.: Rarity said to thank you for saving us. She feels she hadn't made it clear enough while she was on Earth.
  4701. >
  4702. > ~~~
  4703. >
  4704. > January 11th
  4705. > My love Anonymous,
  4706. >
  4707. > holy crap (pardon the expression), but that hurt like hell! I shouldn't have sent another letter so soon after the last one. I spent nearly two days in bed! I was just so excited to get *something* back!
  4708. >
  4709. > Maybe it wasn't all bad, though.
  4710. > Fluttershy came to see me! Somehow she got word that I was ill and brought me some tea!
  4711. > I think she's getting better, I really do. It felt so nice to hear that timid, gentle hooftap on the door (you can always tell when it's Fluttershy knocking).
  4712. > I never thought I'd say this, but I was even glad to see Angel bunny!
  4713. > Anyway, her coat was freshly brushed, her mane was washed and she brought me a basket of fruit and flowers, all delicious.
  4714. > I spoke with her about the others and she agrees we should do something for Pinkie Pie. I think the way to help Fluttershy heal will be to have her help others. She's always been the kindest of us and we need to get her to remember that!
  4715. >
  4716. > Then there's her woodland friends. I'm determined I'll go and look for them (even if it's winter), and try to convince some of them to come back. We need to get Fluttershy's hopes up and I think her furry little critters have the best chance at achieving that.
  4717. >
  4718. > Well, one hoofstep at a time. It's Fluttershy, so remind me not to push her too hard, or she'll just snap and we'll be at the beginning again.
  4719. >
  4720. > Anyway, a couple more breakthroughs like this and I'll be home soon!
  4721. >
  4722. > I got your letter intact this time! Thank you, thank you! I must have read it a hundred times while I was in bed, it's just so good to finally hear from you! Just one thing: quit it with the work stuff and tell me how Rainbow Dash and Tommy are doing! And more about yourself, please!
  4723. >
  4724. > Very much excited,
  4725. > Twilight Sparkle
  4726. >
  4727. > ~~~~
  4728. >
  4729. > January 14th
  4730. > Dear Anonymous,
  4731. >
  4732. > I was so excited about Fluttershy the last time that I forgot to answer your letter properly. Sorry!
  4733. > Anyway, I was wondering if you could drop by the Pony Society one of these days when White Snow is in. Ask her if everything's okay and if she'd like to send me a message.
  4734. > I'm a bit worried about leaving Rainbow Dash and Zoe together, who knows what those two might get it in their heads to do. Of course saving ponies is really important, but not if the police comes to shut us down!
  4735. > I *think* Snow can keep them in hoof, but I'd like to make sure, okay?
  4736. >
  4737. > About the project, I'm glad to hear the testing is going okay. Tell Peter thanks for putting up with my delays. Oh, and thank you for covering for me. I promise I'll make it up to you, one way or another as soon as I'm back.
  4738. >
  4739. > I also love the idea of inviting Dash and Tommy over for an evening. Maybe not board games, but get some cider and a pack of cards! Just make sure she doesn't have too much. You can also try a movie night, but let Rainbow Dash pick the movie, otherwise she'll just get bored and fret the whole evening.
  4740. >
  4741. > Nothing much new here. I've been writing down everything I know about Earth's politics and media for Princess Celestia, so we can come up with strategies to get ponies equal rights over there.
  4742. > I haven't seen my friends all that much, but I'm going for lunch at Rarity's tomorrow - I'll let you know how it turns out!
  4743. >
  4744. > Being *extra* fluffy for you!
  4745. > Twilight Sparkle
  4746. >
  4747. > P.S.: Oh, I nearly forgot! I'm meeting with the head unicorn of Canterlot Medical soon, so they can see what can be done about my wings. With luck, next time you see me will be as a full and proper Alicorn again! Please keep your fingers crossed for me! (I would, but I don't have any fingers.)
  4748. >
  4749. > ~~~~
  4750. >
  4751. > January 18th
  4752. > My love,
  4753. >
  4754. > I've been trying to write you a letter for days, but I just didn't know what to put in it.
  4755. > Some days are just... worse than others, you know? Rarity and Spike the other day...
  4756. > Buck, I just can't get it out of my mind! Can't stop thinking about it, replaying it over and over in my head. Maybe I could have done it differently, said something.
  4757. > I didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late. Spike asked me if I needed a claw to help me clean up the castle. Just when I was about to say no, I've got it in hoof, Rarity said quietly how she wished *their* house was a bit tidier.
  4758. > Spike asked what she meant about that and-
  4759. > They just exploded.
  4760. > Anonymous, I don't think I've ever seen anypony fight like that. It was as if they were completely different people!
  4761. > I almost expected them to start hitting one another.
  4762. > Maybe that would have been better? In the end Spike yelled at Rarity what she does all those times she is taking care of her shops in Canterlot and Manehattan. He basically accused her of cheating on him!
  4763. > It hurt her - Celestia how it hurt. I could see it on her face! She just told him quietly to leave.
  4764. >
  4765. > I tried to go after him, but Spike just took off and flew away. Then I tried to go back to comfort Rarity, but she slammed the door in my face.
  4766. >
  4767. > I don't know what to do. Dash told me they fight, but I never imagined *this*!
  4768. > I don't know where Spike is. I don't think he came home yet. I went into the Everfree forest looking for him, but I couldn't find anything.
  4769. > Pinkie says he'll come back, apologize and then they'll buck and get over it.
  4770. > I think I'll write to Cadence next. I don't know how to fix this. Can I even fix it? Should I?! I need her advice.
  4771. >
  4772. > Twilight Sparkle
  4773. >
  4774. > P.S.: I love you...
  4775. >
  4776. > ~~~~
  4777. >
  4778. > January 26th
  4779. > My favourite human,
  4780. >
  4781. > Spike and Rarity are back, but they didn't want to talk to me the past week, so I don't know much more than that. I wrote to Cadence and she's coming over in a couple of days.
  4782. > I hope we can do something...
  4783. >
  4784. > Thanks for the concern in your last letter. I promise I'll give it to them to read, if they start speaking to me again. The news from White Snow is a little suspicious though. Or, I should rather say, lack of news.
  4785. > Please, if you can, get Rainbow alone and ask her seriously if she and Zoe are planning anything stupid. She could never lie to my face and I'm hope she can't lie to yours either.
  4786. >
  4787. > Meanwhile, I've been to Canterlot and they gave me this foul, disgusting, awful, FOUL potion to swallow. At first it did nothing, but I guess it just takes a while for it to work.
  4788. > I woke up with wings today!
  4789. > I know!
  4790. > Well, to be completely honest, they're just tiny 'winglets' right now, but they're there! The unicorn from Canterlot Medical told me they'll be fully grown in about two weeks.
  4791. > What he *didn't* tell me is how much it would itch! I think I'm developing a facial tick as I struggle not to roll on my back and rub against the floor.
  4792. > The doctor said I have to be careful, which means sleeping strictly on my stomach. Luckily I have a spell to keep me that way, but boy am I sore each morning.
  4793. > What I wouldn't give for a nice, relaxing, massage with fingers right now. I dream about it every night. Celestia, I miss you, Anonymous!
  4794. > I'm starting to think wings aren't worth all this squirming, itching, bucking misery...
  4795. >
  4796. > Honestly, if it weren't for you, I'd have gone back and told them to reverse the spell. I want you to see my wings, so I'll try to make it.
  4797. >
  4798. > You owe me big!
  4799. > Twilight Sparkle
  4800. >
  4801. > ~~~~
  4802. >
  4803. > January 27th
  4804. > Good news, my love!
  4805. >
  4806. > Remember when I told you how me and Fluttershy talked about having an intervention for Pinkie Pie? Well, it took the tiniest bit of convincing, but I got Fluttershy to agree. Applejack and Rarity were there, too, and so was Spike.
  4807. > It was the whole gang (except for Rainbow Dash)!
  4808. > Anyway, we got Mr. and Mrs. Cake to let us in her room and we waited for her.
  4809. > She didn't like that *one bit*, I can tell you. If it weren't for Applejack's quick reflexes, I think Pinkie would have run away.
  4810. > Applejack held her still long enough for me to plead for her to listen.
  4811. > She almost didn't, but I reminded Pinkie about what we've been through. The adventures, the Elements of Harmony... Earth.
  4812. > Each of our friends had a little something to say - how we're worried about her. The drink is changing who she is. Not to mention what it's doing to her health.
  4813. > Pinkie was just sitting and scowling through it all, as if she didn't want to be there at all. I really thought we wouldn't be able to break through to her.
  4814. > I was on the verge of giving up when Fluttershy started to cry. Not bawl, or scream. She just sobbed quietly, as if she didn't even want anypony to see.
  4815. > That did it. Hell, it got through to all of us. I swear I even saw Applejack shed a few tears. I don't mind saying I joined right in.
  4816. > Then it was like a dam had burst inside Pinkie Pie. It all came pouring out. I don't remember a whole lot, but I know we were all hugging and talking for the longest time.
  4817. >
  4818. > Pinkie promised she'd kick the booze. It's going to be ugly, but one of us will be with her all the time. It's my turn tomorrow.
  4819. >
  4820. > She can do it. I have to believe that!
  4821. >
  4822. > I'll tell you how it goes.
  4823. > Twilight Sparkle
  4824. >
  4825. > ~~~
  4826. >
  4827. > February 3rd
  4828. > Sweetheart,
  4829. >
  4830. > I have more good news today! I've been going to the Everfree forest almost every day and today I finally hit jackpot!
  4831. > Harry the bear was up already. I guess he couldn't sleep or got hungry during his hibernation, so I found him at the frozen stream, catching fish.
  4832. > I can't talk to the animals like Fluttershy, but I think they can still understand me. I just came up to Harry and told him about what our friend is going through.
  4833. > Maybe he understood me? When I asked him if he'd consider going to visit Fluttershy, I could swear he nodded!
  4834. >
  4835. > That would be absolutely amazing! I think Fluttershy is doing a lot better, now that we've been hanging out. Seeing her furry friends again could be just the thing she needs!
  4836. > I also think I saw some of the birds in the nearby trees when I went to visit and help her clean her cottage. I'll ask Applejack if she knows who took in Fluttershy's chickens and see if they'll give them back.
  4837. >
  4838. > I'm so happy! First Pinkie Pie agreeing to stop the booze and now Harry going to visit Fluttershy!
  4839. >
  4840. > Thanks for the photo, by the way! It's good to know it won't get ruined in the return spell. It's a good one with Rainbow Dash.
  4841. > I hope you didn't give her too much to drink. It's weird she'd just fall asleep like that on your couch.
  4842. > Actually, come to think of that, maybe it's not too weird. She spent a lot of time there when we rescued her. I bet she feels safe there.
  4843. >
  4844. > Hmm, do you think we could give her that couch, if she decides to stay with Tommy? The way you describe them gives me a feeling she might not want to leave. It's really heartwarming.
  4845. >
  4846. > Thank you for the wonderful news!
  4847. >
  4848. > Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,
  4849. > Twilight Sparkle
  4850. >
  4851. > ~~~
  4852. >
  4853. > February 9th
  4854. > My love,
  4855. >
  4856. > I know my letter is late, but I've just had a bad week, okay? First it's Pinkie Pie - I know how important it is to stay with her and keep her spirits up, but it's *so* hard.
  4857. > She keeps asking for 'just a sip', one last time. I read up on addiction and this is normal, but the things she says...
  4858. > And that's not even the worst of it!
  4859. >
  4860. > I found out today that Applejack has been lying to me. Well, maybe not lying but keeping the truth to herself.
  4861. > Her wounds - they shot at her when she escaped from the slavers, remember? Well, her bones never properly healed, it seems. She's been in agony this whole time!
  4862. > Can you imagine what it feels like if your bone breaks and then it isn't set properly and it heals wrong? And *then* you go and buck apples all day long?
  4863. >
  4864. > Well, I can't. When I asked AJ why she didn't go see a doctor about it, she said she *deserves it*.
  4865. >
  4866. > Of all the stupid, hare-brained, idiotic... GAR
  4867. > (Sorry, I poked a hole in the paper there. It's just so frustrating!)
  4868. >
  4869. > Apparently, AJ considers this some kind of punishment for having escaped Earth without us. As if somehow her being in pain while she works will make it up to us - remember, she told nopony about this so it's not even-
  4870. > Even if we *were* the kind of self-centered, vindictive jerks she is making us out to be, this 'punishment' *still* wouldn't serve any purpose if we didn't know about it!
  4871. > How bucking hard is it to understand she's putting herself through weeks and weeks of misery each summer for no good reason?! And no, some self-percieved 'honor' crap in her head doesn't count!
  4872. >
  4873. > I really don't know what to do about that mare. I'm sorry I'm not more cheerful today.
  4874. >
  4875. > Twilight Sparkle
  4876. P.S.: I need to have a word with the medicorn who treated AJ when she came from Earth.
  4877. > February 13th
  4878. > My lovely human,
  4879. >
  4880. > It's been tough going, with Pinkie on the one hoof and AJ on the other hoof and visiting Silver Spoon on the third hoof and these growing, itching, feathery... *wings* on the fourth hoof!
  4881. >
  4882. > So, I'm taking an evening off. No Equestria tonight. No silly self-abusing friends. No rehabilitation.
  4883. > Just you and me, okay? I wanna feel like I did when I was worrying about something or other and you came to sit next to me and put your arms around me and I just felt safe.
  4884. >
  4885. > This will sound strange, but I'm sending this letter with a really big return envelope - can you put one of your sweaters in it? Don't wash it, please.
  4886. > I just... need your scent for one night. Please, love?
  4887. >
  4888. > First of all, I'm happy at least one of my friends is getting better. The way you describe Rainbow Dash makes me hope she'll be fine. The fact she'd stuck with one stallion for all this time is a really good sign.
  4889. >
  4890. > Second of all, you don't spring something like that on a mare! How *dare* you! You know how busy I am over here!
  4891. > Why did you send me code printouts?! I can already tell you that I won't get much sleep tonight! Jeez, Anon, way to go!
  4892. > I need all my focus for my friends and you send me over a programming riddle.
  4893. >
  4894. > *Thanks!*
  4895. > (I actually mean that. I love the distraction and this looks very interesting. I'll work on it and send you what I come up with.)
  4896. > Just one thing: It's my company, too. Don't you *DARE* announce a new product until we've talked about it. IN PERSON!
  4897. >
  4898. > I dunno - do a v2 of something we're already selling. It can wait till I'm back.
  4899. > (You wanted me to take a more proactive role, well here it is!)
  4900. >
  4901. > Your little pony,
  4902. > Twilight Sparkle
  4903. > P.S.: Tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves day. I'll try to sleep through it so I don't think of how lonely I feel.
  4904. >
  4905. > ~~~~
  4906. >
  4907. > February 19th
  4908. > Hey Anonymous!
  4909. >
  4910. > I know it took me a while since my last letter, but I've just been so busy. Rarity has her hooves full with Spike and Applejack is being stubborn and doesn't want to talk to me ever since my 'rant'.
  4911. > By the way, do I rant? I don't rant! Okay?
  4912. >
  4913. > So it's just been me and Fluttershy to keep an eye on Pinkie Pie. It's not pretty and we're both running ourselves ragged.
  4914. > I'd ask Mr. and Mrs. Cake, but they have the shop to keep an eye on, as well as the children. I'm grateful that Mrs. Cake helps with cooking and washing for Pinkie.
  4915. >
  4916. > As for Pinkie herself...
  4917. > It's not pretty, you know? I mean, I remember all the shit we've seen on Earth, but this is different. I read about it, but it's different seeing it in person.
  4918. >
  4919. > Then there were convulsions and delirium. It was like Pinkie remembered all our adventures from before Earth, but they went wrong.
  4920. > Anonymous - sometimes she screamed as if something was ripping her apart. There was no reasoning with her.
  4921. >
  4922. > Then, there's the times she gets violent. That's bad. She gave Fluttershy a black eye. It usually happens at night, when it's dark, so now we're keeping a candle lit all the time.
  4923. > I took over most of the nights with Pinkie, because I can protect myself with magic. Fluttershy can't.
  4924. >
  4925. > To be honest, I'm tempted to teleport Pinkie to Canterlot Medical. Having her friends help her out is nice and all, but sometimes I feel like me and Fluttershy are way, *way* out of our depth.
  4926. >
  4927. > This last day Pinkie started begging us to just kill her. This may sound strange, but I think it's a good sign. For a few days there she was either unconscious or completely out of it.
  4928. > At least now she recognizes ponies in the room with her. I hope we're over the worst of it. About time, too. I haven't slept properly in a week!
  4929. >
  4930. > Tired, but I still love you!
  4931. > Twilight Sparkle
  4932. >
  4933. > ~~~~
  4934. >
  4935. > February 23rd
  4936. > Hi Anonymous,
  4937. >
  4938. > I'm so full...
  4939. > Tonight Silver Spoon's mother invited me to dinner to show her thanks for saving her little filly.
  4940. > She makes an *amazing* bean sprout casserolle. I talked her into giving me the recipe, so I'll make it for you when I'm back. It's seriously good!
  4941. >
  4942. > Anyway, Silver is doing well. She asked me to say hi and tell you thanks. I've been seeing her here and there for catch-up lessons and I think her education, at least, is back on track.
  4943. > She also tells me that the nightmares have all but stopped. No doubt Princess Luna had a hoof in that, but I'm sure being at home with her parents and her friends helped a lot.
  4944. >
  4945. > Speaking of friends - after that initial gratitude to have her back, Silver became a bit of a loner. She visits her friend, Diamond Tiara every now and then, but mostly she avoids socializing.
  4946. > I think her experiences are so far outside of what ponies her age know that she literally has nothing to talk about. I'll see if I can help her along.
  4947. > The mare needs to connect more. (Shut up, that's not hypocritical coming from me, okay?!)
  4948. >
  4949. > One thing gives me hope, though. Silver Spoon smiles every time I meet her. She has such a beautiful smile.
  4950. > Oh! Do me a favor, okay? Grab some Disney art and send it back with the next letter. Posters, if you can, so Silver can decorate her room. I'd like her to remember the nice things about Earth, so that she can put the bad ones behind her.
  4951. > Also, it will give her something to talk about with her friends.
  4952. >
  4953. > Maybe I should have brought my laptop...
  4954. > And some solar cells.
  4955. > And maybe some DVDs for Silver Spoon.
  4956. > (I know I can't trust myself not to spend all my free time on it, but still...)
  4957. >
  4958. > Maybe next time I visit?
  4959. >
  4960. > Ob, by the way, got my wings back!!
  4961. > Twilight Sparkle
  4962. >
  4963. > ~~~~
  4964. >
  4965. > February 27th
  4966. > Hey sweetheart!
  4967. >
  4968. > I'm happy today, in case you can't tell! I've been over at Fluttershy's cottage for tea and the place is looking more lively.
  4969. > A couple of squirrels, a few chickens, maybe a mouse. A few birds.
  4970. >
  4971. > And an entirely new pony. I don't know what caused that change (well, I'd like to think I helped). Maybe having to take care of Pinkie Pie reminded Fluttershy how important friends were and how good it felt to help them?
  4972. >
  4973. > Oh, before I forget - Pinkie is doing better. She still has bad days, but they're getting more and more rare. We've started leaving her alone when she sleeps.
  4974. > Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Cake are right in the next room in case something were to happen. There's also absolutely zero alcohol in the house and I went around all the shops and told everypony not to sell Pinkie any, no matter how much she begs.
  4975. >
  4976. > It's amazing how much support Pinkie has. Makes sense, considering everypony in the town considers her a friend.
  4977. > I think she's going to make it, but it was touch and go for a while there.
  4978. >
  4979. > (You see why I'm so happy yet? Well, what about this, then:)
  4980. >
  4981. > I went for dinner at Applejack's. She kept staring suspiciously at me, probably worrying I'll tell her again to see a doctor. It was tough, but I didn't do that.
  4982. > Then, when I was leaving, she walked me to the edge of the town and pretty much said she'll do it!
  4983. >
  4984. > Well, what she *really* said was 'I'll think about it'. That's basically a yes, right?
  4985. >
  4986. > I know, I know. Silly 'Twiggles', don't get your hopes up and all that. But it's hard to stay calm, not when it's about my friends and how well we're all doing!
  4987. > Oooh, that's another thing! It wasn't much, but I flew a few yards! This alicorn's back, baby!
  4988. >
  4989. > If you tell Rainbow Dash, make sure to record her face, okay? I wanna see that look!
  4990. >
  4991. > Sealed with a loving kiss,
  4992. > Twilight Sparkle
  4993. > P.S.: I'm sending you back some code. Run it and send me the printout, okay? I wanna check something.
  4994. >
  4995. > ~~~~
  4996. >
  4997. > March 1st
  4998. > Soon, my love,
  4999. >
  5000. > I'm finally having an effect, I think. The girls are seeing each other almost every day, even without me asking. Maybe it's because they're worried about Pinkie Pie, but it's still progress.
  5001. > Pinkie herself is doing better, but it'll be some time before she is her old self again. I think the depression is mostly over, but she still has these moments. It's hard to describe.
  5002. >
  5003. > Rarity and Spike...
  5004. > I don't know what to say. They spoke with Cadence about their problems. I guess that was easier than talking to me because they don't know her as well. She can be more impartial, I think.
  5005. > I asked Cadence how they're doing, but she won't tell me. Says it's not her place and I should speak with my friends directly.
  5006. >
  5007. > She's right, it's not really my business. I probably meddled too much already, so that's it. I guess their happiness is in their hooves - or claws, as it may be.
  5008. > At least I did what I set out to do. They're talking about their problems, not ignoring them.
  5009. >
  5010. > I'm still not too sure about AJ, so I think I'll spend a few days at the Apple Farm and see if she'll keep her promise to see a doctor about her old injuries.
  5011. > I'll write how it goes.
  5012. >
  5013. > Finally, there's Fluttershy. I saved the best news for last. She's doing a whole lot better. If you don't know her too well, you'd say she was back to her old, happy self.
  5014. > I do know her well and I see it in her eyes. She won't ever be free of what happened, but nor will any of us. Our experiences have left their mark on everypony and I guess it's something we'll keep inside for as long as we live.
  5015. > The important part, however, is that we share it all - the good and the bad.
  5016. > I think seeing Pinkie go through Tartarus, was the breakthrough Fluttershy needed.
  5017. > She knows she has friends to turn to.
  5018. >
  5019. > We all do.
  5020. >
  5021. > I didn't think I'd say it this soon, but maybe I can start thinking of coming home, to you.
  5022. >
  5023. > I miss you, but maybe not much longer,
  5024. > Twilight Sparkle
  5025. >
  5026. > ~~~~
  5027. >
  5028. > March 5th
  5029. > Sweet, sweet Anonymous,
  5030. >
  5031. > I'm writing this from Princess Celestia's waiting room. I'm meeting with her and Princess Luna in a few minutes to discuss my return to Earth.
  5032. > I know it's not quite time yet, but I wanted to get started on the planning, since we will have to bring Cadence in.
  5033. > (Well, if it came to that, I could probably help them open the portal, but with my horn the way it is, I'm not sure what would happen. It's hard to balance alicorn magic as it is, and mine isn't all that stable yet.)
  5034. > I hope Princess Luna doesn't change her mind about letting me go back! Cross your fingers, okay? I really mean it this time.
  5035. > Anyway, I think both Cadence and Celestia are on my side, so I think we'll be fine.
  5036. >
  5037. > Did I mention you kinda impressed Princess Luna when she met you? Let's hope she remembers. For my part, I wrote down a lot about Earth politics and civilization, as well as my efforts to bring ponies some basic rights.
  5038. > Even if Luna doesn't, Celestia understands how important that work is, so I think she'll side with me.
  5039. >
  5040. > My friends.
  5041. > I'll be sad to go, of course, but we'll set a precedent with this and I'll be able to visit without fear of getting trapped here. I'll also ask the Princesses to let *them* visit *us* on Earth - although I'll wait with that one until I'm back.
  5042. > No sense in pushing my luck.
  5043. >
  5044. > They all understand that I have to leave, but it's still sad. We're none of us out of the dark place entirely, but I think they have a chance now. Most importantly, I reminded them that they have each other.
  5045. >
  5046. > I also made sure somepony I can trust (Cadence) will keep an eye on them. She'll visit as time permits and chat with them for a bit. I taught her the letter-sending spell, so we'll stay in touch.
  5047. >
  5048. > A few loose ends to wrap up, but I'm hopeful we'll see each other before the end of March.
  5049. >
  5050. > Lots of love!
  5051. > Twilight Sparkle
  5052. > P.S.: I *need* it. Badly. When I have the date you'll take a few days off work, got it?
  5053. >
  5054. > ~~~~
  5055. >
  5056. > March 7th
  5057. > My love,
  5058. >
  5059. > now that it's so close, I don't know what to think. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something. Like there's a ton of stuff I've left unfinished.
  5060. > I'm saying goodbye to my friends.
  5061. > It gives me a strange feeling in my heart. It's different this time - the last time we parted it was in a bit of a hurry, remember? The portal and the Pony Society and all that.
  5062. > Now it feels like I'm abandoning them, especially when I wake up at night.
  5063. >
  5064. > I keep telling myself that I'll visit. I'll write. I'll stay in touch. I've taught both Rarity and Starlight Glimmer the letter spell, and there's also Cadence. If all else fails, I'll write to Celestia and ask her to send somepony to check up on my friends.
  5065. > None of it helps, not when I'm lying in my bed at night, awake and I just can't stop the tears.
  5066. >
  5067. > I love these ponies, Anon. (Don't you dare ask me if I love them more than you! Don't!)
  5068. > They still need me, but I've been away too long and I miss you too much.
  5069. >
  5070. > I'm rambling. Sorry.
  5071. > Anyway, I'm determined I'm coming home, soon. I have to visit each of my friends alone, and then all of them together. If everything seems fine I'll start planning.
  5072. > Oh, I almost forgot to say: Luna is reluctant, but between Celestia and me, we got her to keep her promise about letting me go back to Earth. I'll have to send her at least two letters per week, or she's coming to fetch me back, but I think I can do that, no problem.
  5073. >
  5074. > Of course I'm happy I'll see you again, but it's just... bittersweet. I hope Celestia will convince Luna to lift this ban on humans in Equestria. This would be so much easier if you could visit me, just for a weekend.
  5075. >
  5076. > A filly can dream...
  5077. >
  5078. > I'm sorry I haven't really been replying to your letters, but there's a lot on my mind. A lot to do, still.
  5079. >
  5080. > Your sweetest,
  5081. > Twilight Sparkle
  5082. > P.S.: I'll answer your questions in person.
  5083. >
  5084. > ~~~
  5085. >
  5086. > March 15th
  5087. > I'm so sorry!
  5088. >
  5089. > I know I haven't written in over a week, but I've just had so much to do! Please forgive me?
  5090. > I'll give you a hoofrub when I'm home, okay?
  5091. > (Apologies are so much easier in person. I can't use 'cute' in a letter...)
  5092. >
  5093. > Well, good news and bad, my sweet, wonderful Anon. Kinda bittersweet, really.
  5094. > I'm coming home.
  5095. > Even writing these words is enough to get my heart racing with excitement and joy. But at the same time I'm a little sad and worried.
  5096. > It's my friends.
  5097. >
  5098. > I believe they will be okay. I have to. Especially now that I've reminded them they have each other. They'll make it, okay? No argument.
  5099. > I know they'll work out their problems and I'll tell you why.
  5100. > Pinkie has the support of the whole town. Now that ponies know she had a problem- how in Equestria have they not noticed before?!
  5101. > Well, now that they know, they'll help her in any way they can. Once I told Mrs. Cake that Pinkie was doing better, she had visitors over every day. Ponies bringing her flowers and gifts and sweets.
  5102. > Her smile tells me she is really enjoying all the attention. I believe her when she says she doesn't need the drink anymore, but I also know she is still hurting.
  5103. > I've charged Spike and Rarity with keeping an eye on her so she doesn't fall into the same hole again.
  5104. >
  5105. > Speaking of Spike and Rarity, I've put them on a 'letter homework' - almost like I had when I had to send Celestia a letter with what I've learned. Except they will be writing to Cadence instead and telling her what they've done and learned about their relationship that week.
  5106. > If she doesn't get a letter, she'll come visit to make sure they're fine.
  5107. > I thought about asking AJ or Fluttershy to look in on them, but I can't have my friends meddling in each other's relationships - I don't think they'd stay friends for long, despite how strong our bond is.
  5108. > Cadence is far enough 'outside' so she can take do it, and she is the Princess of Love as well.
  5109. >
  5110. > Fluttershy is doing a lot better - I think she made the most progress of all. The trick there was to make her feel needed again.
  5111. > While she's *nearly* her old self, I'm also the most worried about her. You know Fluttershy - she doesn't always let on what she's feeling, or she doesn't always say it clearly and loudly enough.
  5112. > For that reason I've invited her to visit us - like a short vacation. Maybe seeing Earth in a new light will help, like it did with Silver Spoon. I'm guessing, but at least it'll give me a chance to catch up with her and see how she is doing.
  5113. >
  5114. > AJ still doesn't give much away, but I cornered Big Mac and he told me his sister has been meeting with Doctor Horse. He doesn't know what about, but I hope it's to finally get her injuries looked at.
  5115. > I also saw Apple Bloom and instructed her to keep me informed through Starlight Glimmer's letters. If that stubborn mule of a mare won't get treatment, I'll go back and *drag* her there, understand?!
  5116. >
  5117. > Other than that, I've been meeting with Celestia when I could. I'll fly to Canterlot and spend the next few days with her and Luna to discuss Earth. They want assurances that it's safe for me and Rainbow Dash, and plans on what I'll do if things go wrong.
  5118. > (Luna's actual words were 'if the manure pile hits the windmill', but I didn't want to write that down here.)
  5119. > Wait. Oops ;)
  5120. > If everything goes as planned, Celestia, Luna and Cadence will open a portal for me at midnight on the night of 19th. I'll return to the same place I left, because that one is apparently the easiest to 'hit' with the spell.
  5121. >
  5122. > Here's what I need you to do:
  5123. > Dress warmly - it's spring, but the nights can still be chilly! I also want you to bring Rainbow Dash, at the very least. Luna promised they won't make her go back, but she wants to see her and make sure she's well.
  5124. >
  5125. > Oh, and bring pizza. This hay stuff we have in Equestria is good, but I miss 'human pizza'. Oh, and a Pepsi.
  5126. > (Weird the things you crave when you can't have them for a while.)
  5127. >
  5128. >
  5129. > I can't wait to see you again, my love. I *really* can't. It's been way too long and a mare has needs.
  5130. > As soon as we're home...
  5131. > Well, I think you can guess what I'll do as soon as we get home. Be sure to tell the guys at the office you'll take the next day off, so they don't worry.
  5132. > Oh, and a warning: if you don't turn your phone off that night, I'll fry it! I swear to Celestia.
  5133. >
  5134. > You're mine until I say you're done, got it mister?!
  5135. >
  5136. > Love and kisses!
  5137. > Twilight Sparkle
  5138. > P.S.: I'll still use the return spell on this one - let me know how happy you are that I'm coming home!
  5139. > P.P.S.: Enclosed is a picture I painstakingly took and developed myself because it's not the kind of thing I want my friends to see. It's just for you. You know, to get you started...
  5140. > P.P.P.S.: I'm serious! If you show this to anyone, I'll... I'll think up something really mean to do to you!

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf