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Rosa, part 3 (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:17:09
Expiry: Never

  2. > You're starting to get worried as the sun begins to set over the distant fields and there is still no sign of your pegasus friend.
  3. > She had you hide in what looks like an abandoned shed a short distance from White Pigeon, while she went to buy a couple of black suits. All the better to hide when you break into the government pony-napping facility tonight.
  4. > In a few more minutes, you decide, you'll go out and try looking for her. People didn't care about ponies too much so no one should really notice you. Maybe she got held up in the town for some reason and forgot the time?
  5. > Sky Light had promised she'd be back by sunset and that time is running out.
  6. "Ugh!"
  7. > Finally you can't stand it anymore and leave the shadowy interior of the barn. The door is nearly disintegrated and you push it carefully so it doesn't fall apart.
  8. > You emerge into the orange and red hues of the setting sun, blinking in the strong light.
  9. > It takes you a minute to scan the horizon towards the town, but you don't see a welcome flying speck which would grow into your pegasus friend.
  10. > You sit down to wait out the remainder of the day. The evening is quite warm, so you don't need your uniform and the last rays of the sun feel pleasant on your coat.
  11. > Lacking anything else to do, you inspect the run-down barn. It must have been part of someone's property, but you can't see any houses nearby, nor any ruins where a house might have been.
  12. > Weird that someone would just build a hay barn out in the middle of nowhere, you think, without even any fields around.
  13. > The building itself is near to falling apart. Whoever owns it apparently has no interest in maintaining it. There's several tiles missing in the roof and you can see a lot of cracking and splintering in the wooden boards that make up the outside.
  14. > Come to think of it, the place probably isn't very safe to stay inside. It was away from the main road and apparently abandoned, so it made for a good hiding place, but you certainly wouldn't want to spend more than maybe a few days in it.
  15. > For a moment you try and imagine what it would take to fix it up enough to be livable for the long term. Maybe with several more ponies you could shore up some of the cracked supports and replace some of the broken boards.
  16. > Sky Light and Paolo working together could probably fix the roof - if you could find some wooden planks somewhere. Then it'd just take some glue or something to patch up the smaller holes in the walls.
  17. > The door would have to be completely replaced, of course, but maybe you could reuse the hinges from the current one. Then the place might be quite livable.
  18. > The only problem you can imagine is that this scary government facility is less than five miles away. That might be a drawback, yeah.
  19. > You chuckle to yourself and shake your head. Even if you had a few more ponies, they probably wouldn't want to stay in a run-down place in the middle of nowhere. How would you even get food?
  20. > As you turn your gaze back towards the city your breath catches. The shape you see in the air definitely isn't a bird and it's heading right for you. You smile involuntarily and stand up, hardly able to keep your hooves still.
  21. > Sky Light is on her way back! It's a huge relief.
  22. > In minutes you can recognize the pegasus and a short while later she lands beside you, a puzzled grin on her muzzle when she spots your expression.
  23. > "Um, you drunk again, or what?" she asks.
  24. "No!" you shake your head. "Just happy to see you. I was getting a bit worried."
  25. > The mare looks at the sunset, which is almost completely over. There's a bit of pink still visible, but the orb of the sun is below the horizon. "Yeah, I guess I'm a bit late, but I said I'd be here, didn't I?"
  26. > You nod and go give the pegasus a very brief nuzzle.
  27. "You did."
  28. > "Okay, so I got us some clothes," the pony explains and opens her bulging saddlebags. She draws out four large, black sweaters and two smaller bundles which you can't quite make out.
  29. > You watch to see what else she has, but it seems that's it.
  30. "Well?"
  31. > Sky Light gives you a puzzled look. "Well what? This is it."
  32. "Um, it's just sweaters. For humans."
  33. > The mare nods happily. "Exactly! Put one on - well - normally and the other on your hind legs, upside down. Your tail can go out the neck hole since it's black, but I'll tie mine up. Orange shows too well."
  34. > You start to get the picture.
  35. "Oh, I get it! We wear two sweaters so they join in the middle!"
  36. > "Exactly!" Sky Light confirms. "Tie them around your waist with this sash..."
  37. > She rummages in the bags again and brings out two thin strips of black cloth. She drops it all on the pile and shrugs off her bags so she can start getting ready. "I also got these-" she picks up the smaller piece and unfolds it to reveal a black ski mask.
  38. "I didn't even know you could buy those! Aren't they just used in movies for like robbing the bank?"
  39. > "Where do you think they got the idea?" Sky Light asks, giggling a little. "They're a bit big, but I hope we can make them work."
  40. > She pulls one of the big sweaters over her head. It ends up hanging almost to the ground and covers most of her rump. Sky Light really did get large ones, it seems.
  41. > "See? Like this," she explains, then lies on her back to get the other sweater on her hind legs. She curls the tail up against her belly, so it doesn't poke out and grunts a little as she pulls the cloth as high up her barrel as it would reach.
  42. > The two pieces of clothing overlap in the middle, but that's okay - it just takes one sash to tie them on. Then Sky Light stands up and makes a few experimental steps.
  43. > "A bit weird, but it works! How do I look? Hold on, lemme get my mask on!"
  44. > You have to admit it's a good disguise. After she hides her mane under the mask, there's just a bit of gray neck visible between the sweater and the mask. A few dozen paces away she would be pretty much invisible in dark.
  45. "Very good, actually," you admit, starting to smile at the unusual sight.
  46. > Something else catches your eye and your grin fades.
  47. "Um, you can't use your wings like this."
  48. > "Ugh, damn it!" Sky Light swears, "I knew I forgot something. Here, give me a hoof..."
  49. > She unties the belt and pulls the sweaters apart until she can free her wings. "Here, just tie the bottom one back, under my wings."
  50. > You help while the mare stands still. The effect is not as good as before, but her wings are as gray as her fur so it's not too bad. If she folds them up they hardly show.
  51. "Yeah, this could work."
  52. > "Okay, now you."
  53. > It's easier because you only have four appendages, so Sky Light's original idea applies perfectly to you. Dark purple fur should be pretty invisible on the bits that show, you hope, and your tail is black so you don't have to stuff it in the bottom sweater.
  54. > The pegasus helps you with the sash and then you try walking. The cloth feels weird, even though you're used to wearing things. It chafes in some places and it feels too lose in others, but you can live with it.
  55. > You try an experimental trot and find that it doesn't slow you down at all.
  56. > "Okay, now the mask," Sky Light commands.
  57. > Pulling it over your muzzle you find that it's pressing against your nose. It was never designed for the shape of a pony's head, but the material is stretchy and it covers most of you. The eye holes are a bit misplaced, so the thing restricts your vision somewhat.
  58. "I dunno..."
  59. > "It looks fine," Sky Light assures you. "Okay, time to get going I guess. Tim said we should circle around and come in from the south. This way..."
  60. > The pegasus sets off and you fall in step behind her. It will only be for a couple of hours, you tell yourself.
  62. > ~~~~
  64. > This is it. The gate was just where Tim said it would be. How he knew about it you can't begin to guess, but it looks like a much better option than the main entrance.
  65. > You and Sky Light skirted around there, observing from the bushes, and it was a horror-show. Well lit, sliding iron chain fence and several guards constantly patrolling around.
  66. > There was even a small guard house. You couldn't tell at the distance, but Sky Light assured you that there is a human posted inside and what looks like security monitors.
  67. > No way you are getting in there.
  68. > Of course, for the pegasus it wouldn't be a problem to just fly over the wall anywhere at all, but this back opening lets you see inside so you don't have to fly blind.
  69. > You've been watching it for an hour and it looks like there's two guards who periodically make their rounds through the area.
  70. > "So, we'll wait for the guy to come around, then we have twenty minutes or so before the next one shows up," Sky Light estimates.
  71. > Nodding your agreement you try to get your heart to calm down a little. It's rattling so loudly that it must sound like a drumbeat, even to humans' insensitive ears.
  72. > "You doing okay?" the pegasus asks.
  73. > All you can manage is a nod and a grin, which probably looks nervous as all hell. Maybe she can't see through the ski mask.
  74. > Your friend goes back to peering through the chain link fence. The guards patrol on the inside, so you just have to duck behind the wall to be hidden from view.
  75. > There also aren't too many lights, so both you and the pegasus can huddle in a shadow and be fairly certain you can't be seen.
  76. > Sky Light's feathers rustle as she ducks behind the concrete and she reaches out a hoof, as if to steady you. "Okay, here he comes now."
  77. > You focus your ears and listen to the heavy footsteps of the human soldier. There's a lump in your throat and you desperately try to swallow it. Despite your attempts you can't get your heart to calm down.
  78. > Probably all the adrenaline. Your hooves don't seem to be quite obeying you and your muscles keep jerking uncontrollably. It's a good thing Sky Light will be doing the flying, because you're not too sure you could manage to so much as walk in a straight line at the moment.
  79. > You need to calm down, or you won't be any use inside. Out of desperation you close your eyes and focus on taking deep, slow breaths.
  80. > The human approaches the door and stops, looking out for a few moments. You see his pool of light slide around, seeking, then it goes away and the man starts walking again. The footsteps are receding.
  81. > "Ready?" the pegasus asks, laying a hoof on your shoulder. You welcome the touch and it helps calm you down somewhat.
  82. "Y-Y-Yes..."
  83. > Your friend sticks her head out again, carefully looking past the gate. "We can hide between those sheds, I think. Then we plan our next move, okay?"
  84. > This time all you can do is nod.
  85. > "Okay, here we go!"
  86. > You go limp as Sky Light puts her hooves around your barrel, already flapping her wings. You feel her lift you up a little and you reach trembling legs as far up as you can to hold on to the pegasus.
  87. > Her wings start to beat faster and Sky Light's hooves dig into your barrel. You're lifted until you're standing on your hind legs.
  88. > The mare grunts a little and puts some more effort into her flapping. As if by magic the ground falls away and you find yourself dangling completely from the pegasus' grasp.
  89. > It's a disconcerting feeling, the way the ground falls away from you and tilts crazily. Your stomach lurckes crazily and you're happy you haven't had dinner.
  90. > It's all you can do to strangle a squeak. It occurs to you that it might have been a good idea to practice before now, if only so you'd know what to expect. Too late now.
  91. > For the moment you close your eyes and try to pretend you're just floating in water. It's not easy, but it's your only hope.
  92. > All you hear is Sky Light's powerful wing strokes, which make you bob slightly up and down.
  93. > You wonder how high up you are, but don't dare look. Earth ponies were never meant to fly!
  94. > Suddenly, unexpectedly, your hind legs hit something and you can't stop a frightened squeak.
  95. > "Ground! Just the ground!" Sky Light hisses. She must have noticed you weren't looking.
  96. > Your eyes open wide and you're floating just above the ground inside the wall. You let your legs down and touch the concrete.
  97. > Sky Light lowers, but your limbs don't hold you and you just fold to the ground when she releases you. A moment later she lands beside you with four barely audible clicks, then you feel her hoof on your back.
  98. > "You okay?"
  99. > It's a bit of a struggle to get to your hooves, but you manage to stand, even if you are shivering a little. You turn wide, terrified eyes on the mare and she smiles a little.
  100. > "Don't worry, it takes everyone differently the first time they fly. We probably should have practiced before now, though..."
  101. > Her stating what you were just thinking feels so familiar that you can't help but smile a little.
  102. "Yeah, we s-should ha-have."
  103. > The mare puts her wing over you and brushes her muzzle against your neck. "Take it easy, we have plenty of time," she whispers. "Let's give it a minute and then we'll go hide behind those boxes."
  104. > You follow her pointing hoof and see a haphazard stack of empty boxes and round, spool-looking things. They look like they used to have wire wrapped on them, now that you think about it.
  105. > It looks abandoned, so it's a safe bet the humans won't check it out too closely. Maybe you can even find a place to sleep through the day, if you can't find a way inside the facility tonight.
  106. > That part might be a problem. There's entirely too many guards. You've been hoping the people went home in the evening and left the place empty, except for the ponies.
  107. > Sky Light had been expecting a couple of guards and maybe a security guy with cameras, but even she looks uneasy at the sight of armed soldiers.
  108. > You're suddenly not sure that breaking into this place is a good idea, but you've come this far and if you stopped now you'd never forgive yourself.
  109. > At the very least you have to try.
  110. "Um, if- if we have you, you can f-fly us out, right?" you whisper to the pegasus.
  111. > Sky Light looks thoughtful for a moment, then nods. "Sure."
  112. > It's not as reassuring as you'd hoped, but it would have to do.
  113. > You force your legs into obedience and start walking for the hiding place behind the stack of old boxes. Sky Light follows right after and soon you're both as concealed as you can be.
  114. > You're really grateful to Tim for suggesting black clothes.
  115. > "Let's wait until the other guy goes past, then we can scout out what's where," Sky Light suggests and you nod gratefully. It would give you a few more minutes to get yourself together.
  116. > You concentrate on your breathing while your friend keeps watch for the patrol. It takes almost fifteen minutes, give or take. An eternity to your adrenaline-sloshed brain.
  117. > By the time you finally hear footsteps you're fidgeting nervously but Sky lays a wing across your back and you force yourself to stillness.
  118. > This guard doesn't shine his light through the gate like his colleague, but just stares out for a few seconds before moving on.
  119. > Soon everything is quiet once again.
  120. > "Okay, go," Sky Light commands and you swallow the rest of your fear. Maribelle needs you.
  121. > You haven't really imagined how the ponies in this place are kept, but you tentatively thought it might be in some sheds, or maybe in a warehouse-like building with cages. There's only one place that looks remotely big enough.
  122. > There are a number of windows, all of them dark.
  123. "Over t-there?"
  124. > Sky Light takes a look, then grins at you. "Just what I was thinking. No door on this side, follow me."
  125. > You try to crouch and walk at the same time, but after few steps you realize it won't work. It's too strenuous and you'll be panting like bellows in a few minutes. Instead, you walk normally, but take extra care when placing down your hooves to minimize the noise.
  126. > Sky Light goes in front, her steps barely audible even to you. Your heart lifts a little - you're both very quiet and besides, the humans don't have that good a hearing.
  127. > You're also both wearing black and staying out of the lights, so even if a guard happened to glance your way he probably wouldn't see a thing. You've got this!
  128. > A few steps in you realize you're pressing your ears flat and it's making it harder to hear what's happening around you.
  129. > It takes an effort of will to force them upright and you start scanning for noise. You're about to tell Sky to do the same, but notice that the mare keeps constantly swiveling her ears around. Smart.
  130. > The storage sheds run out and there's a patch of open concrete in front of you. It doesn't look good, but it's the only way forward.
  131. > Sky Light stops and holds out a wing so you wouldn't walk past her.
  132. > "Let's wait here a minute and see if there's any patrols!"
  133. > You give her a nod and lie flat on your belly to make your shape as small as possible.
  134. > Several long minutes later the pegasus visibly relaxes. "I think it's safe. I don't see any cameras, you?"
  135. > You forgot about that detail and almost hoof yourself in the muzzle. Stupid! Now you hurriedly scan the walls, in particular up near the roof, for anything that might look like a camera.
  136. "N-No," you venture.
  137. > "Okay, good. Wait here, I'll go and have a look. I'll give you a signal."
  138. > You wait, as ordered, but all the pegasus is doing is shuffling around a little.
  139. "What are you doing?"
  140. > Rather than replying, the mare holds up a foreleg. You see that she's pulled the sweater's sleeves completely over her hoof, but you don't understand why. As you open your mouth to ask she seems done and trots forward.
  141. > Her steps are completely silent.
  142. > That's clever! You quickly do the same, pulling the sleeves over each of your hooves so you'll be ready to follow at a moment's notice.
  143. > You watch closely as Sky Light runs up to the building and presses herself against the side. Then she carefully peeks around the corner. Realizing you've been holding your breath you force it out just as the pegasus looks back and beckons with a hoof.
  144. > This is the signal. You make a dash for it, nearly tripping on the sweater but saving yourself at the last second. Your hoofsteps are muffled, but you still hear them clearly and you nearly stumble in fear.
  145. > No cry of outrage rings out and you make it to the pegasus undetected.
  146. > "Follow me!" she hisses as soon as you're close enough and dashes around the corner. You don't question her decision and just follow close on her heels.
  147. > She leads you to a dark and lonely parking lot, with a few cars still parked in it. Belonging to the guards, you guess.
  148. > There's a back entrance from the lot into the building and it doesn't look guarded. Sky Light heads for it, but you already see a problem.
  149. "Sky!"
  150. > She doesn't hear you, so you hurry after her.
  151. "Sky! There's a keypad! We can't get in this way!"
  152. > You catch up to the pegasus just as she reaches the door.
  153. > Too late you hear the lock click. Both of you freeze in terror as the door opens, spilling light from a hallway into the night.
  154. > There's a man in a white lab coat and with a thoroughly shocked expression as he looks at two black-clad ponies standing in front of him.
  155. > "Back the way we came!" the pegasus snaps and dashes away, wings beating for extra speed.
  156. > Unfortunately you're frozen to the ground. It feels like slow motion as the man opens his mouth.
  157. > "Hey! Stop!" he shouts at the top of his voice. "Help!"
  158. > There are answering shouts from around the corner and you hear running footsteps. Still you can't move.
  159. > It has gone wrong so quickly! There was nothing you could have done!
  160. > It's just not fair!
  161. > They're going to catch you!
  162. "No no no!"
  163. > You finally wake up and try to sort out your legs. As you twirl around you step on one of the sleeves, which trips you up and you hit your muzzle on the concrete.
  164. > "Stop! Freeze!" the scientist guy yells, but you're not going to listen. You're scrambling to your hooves when you belatedly realize the soldiers are almost on you.
  165. > This is what you have been training for. You brace your forelegs on the ground, twist your body and strike out with your hind hooves. At least they won't take you without a fight!
  166. > Back at the van you've been able to kick the wood exactly where you aimed, every time.
  167. > Unfortunately, the wood never dodged out of the way.
  168. > You flop to your belly with a painful grunt and moments later the soldier lands on you, pinning you down.
  169. > He's too heavy to shift, especially as you don't have your legs under you. You still scrabble, trying to wriggle free.
  170. "Nooo! Please! Noo!" you gasp.
  171. > The other guard is almost there, too. If he joins his friend, there will be no more hope, even with your earth pony strength.
  172. > You try and get some leverage with a hoof, but then something whooshes past you and you hear a dull thud.
  173. > The weight lifts from your back.
  174. > "What the fuck, Rosa! I said run!"
  175. > It's Sky Light and you've never been happier to see the mare. Tears are streaming from your eyes as you scurry to your hooves.
  176. > The pegasus grunts and you look back to see the scientist guy with his arms around her. He has pinned one of her wings down and she's slapping his face with the other.
  177. > You rush at the human and, lacking any other good options, bite his leg as hard as you can. He yells and lets Sky go, but not before giving you a good blow on the nose with his fist.
  178. > For several seconds the world swims around you and your ears ring with the hit. You almost fall, but manage to stay upright by spreading your stance.
  179. > "Come on!" Sky Light yells again and butts you with her head. You take a step, and then another.
  180. > The other guard is suddenly standing in front of you, his weapon raised. His friend, the one Sky hit, is picking himself up, swearing.
  181. > "Don't move..." the one ahead says, so calmly that it makes your blood run cold.
  182. > "Take them alive!" the scientist gasps out, voice choked up with pain. You feel a tiny bit of pride for biting him that hard.
  183. > You turn your head to keep an eye on the second soldier just in time to see him twirl a length of rope around his hands. Where did he even get that?!
  184. "Rope! Behind us!" you warn.
  185. > Sky Light turns to look, which is a mistake the guy in front of you immediately jumps on. He rushes forward, his rifle already swinging towards you with the butt end. You realize he's going to use it like a club or something, but it's too late to dodge it completely. It smacks painfully against your jaw and all you can see is stars and flashing lights for a moment.
  186. > Despite the pain you kick out blindly with a foreleg and your hoof connects. It's not a particularly strong blow, but you feel something crunch with a sickening pop.
  187. > The human screams out in pain and falls away from you.
  188. > Your sudden attack also gives the other guard pause and he holds back, watching your and Sky's hind legs with a newfound respect.
  189. > It's time to get out of there, and fast! You already hear alarms going and more people running toward the commotion.
  190. "Let's go! Quick, before more come!"
  191. > "Yeah!" Sky Light confirms, but there's a low bang at the same time as she speaks. The mare suddenly cries out in pain and falls to the floor.
  192. "SKY!"
  193. > You don't know what's wrong with her. That wasn't a gunshot! You catch a glimpse of two glittering wires, going from the pegasus' flank to-
  194. > With an inwards groan you realize you haven't been paying attention to what the scientist has been doing. He is holding a gun-shaped object in his hands and that's where the wires lead.
  195. > A stun gun.
  196. > You almost try to yank the needles out of Sky's skin with your teeth, but remember in time that it would just shock you.
  197. "No! Fuck! FUCK!"
  198. > You try to think of another way to free the pegasus, who's jerking violently and staring at you with a fixed horrified, expression. She can't even scream properly anymore.
  199. > That was your second mistake. Focusing on Sky and her assailant has given the remaining guard his opening. You hear his footstep, but it's too late and all you have time for is to open your mouth to scream, before the butt of his rifle slams into your head.
  200. > Everything goes black.
  202. > ~~~~
  204. > Consciousness comes slowly, as if you're afraid of what you'll find when you wake up. At first you're only dimly aware of being in a room and lying on a bed. There are some indistinct noises in the background.
  205. > It almost feels like any other morning, waking up in your dorm at the Pony School. Everything feels fine and you desperately try to cling to that feeling.
  206. > You become aware that your head hurts and reach up a hoof groggily to feel. There's a noticeable bump on the side.
  207. > On its way down your hoof encounters another anomaly and you bring both forelegs up to touch it.
  208. > There is a collar around your neck. It's quite snug, but it's not choking you.
  209. > Memory comes rushing back and you sit bolt upright with a gasp. They got you!
  210. > Where are you? Now that you can focus your eyes, you take a fearful look around, expecting either medical-torture horrors or an outright execution cell.
  211. > Instead, you're sitting on a rudimentary bed in a mostly empty, concrete room. There aren't any windows, but there is a flourescent light above which shines too brightly and harshly for comfort. The walls are off-white and there are beige tiles on the floor.
  212. > Turning around, you see a toilet affixed to the wall next to a sink. There is no mirror. Your gaze slides further along the room until you spot the door to your... cell. That's the best word for it, really. A prison cell.
  213. > The opening is just metal bars looking into an equally brightly lit corridor. It looks like a section of the bars can swing open, making a simple door.
  214. > Overall your situation is better than you'd feared, but it's still a secret government prison in a facility apparently dealing with problematic ponies.
  215. > Your foreleg itches and you reach to scratch it, but your hoof encounters hard plastic. You lift the trembling limb up and look at it in horror.
  216. > It's wrapped in a bit of bandage which holds a weird plastic shape affixed to the inner side your leg. It doesn't take a genius. It's an IV.
  217. > Have they already injected you with chemicals? You almost feel like your skin is writhing as you imagine horrible, unpleasant poison-death.
  218. > You realize you're panting and force your mouth shut. If they wanted to kill you, even with chemicals, they wouldn't have put an IV in your leg. They'd just inject you and get it over with.
  219. > A fresh terror comes up. Are they going to experiment on you?! The IV will allow them easier access to put things in your blood.
  220. "Please no!" you moan.
  221. > For a moment you contemplate simply ripping the bandage and the little plastic thing out of your leg, but you can't bring yourself to touch it. Visions of spraying blood flicker through your imagination and you hurriedly hide the IV from your sight.
  222. > Instead, you jump from the bed and cautiously approach the barred opening. The hallway beyond seems deserted, but you hear some indistinct, echoing conversation.
  223. > The wall opposite your room is just blank and white. The floor is made from slightly dirty beige tiles - the same ones as inside the cell.
  224. > Easier to clean, you guess.
  225. > Until now you tried not to think about it, but you can't keep it away any longer. Sky Light is no longer with you.
  226. > The realization makes you whimper and stick your muzzle right up against the bars, trying to see more of this place. Maybe she's in a different cell.
  227. "Sky Light! Are you out there?"
  228. > There's no answer, except for your own echo.
  229. "Please, someone! I'm sorry!" you venture.
  230. > You listen for a moment, but the human voices are gone. Maybe they heard you and are coming to investigate. Maybe they will tell you what happened to Sky!
  231. "Hello! Please, I just have to know! Tell me where Sky Light is! PLEASE!"
  232. > Yes! Footsteps approaching from the side. You press your face against the bars and try to see.
  233. > The person quickly comes into view. She looks quite young and very slim, although it's hard to tell under her plain white lab coat. Her hair is tied up in a bun and she's wearing glasses.
  234. > Startlingly blue eyes almost pierce you and you can't help but shrink away in fear.
  235. "I'm sorry," you mumble, hoping the woman won't be too mad about the noise you were making.
  236. > "Rose-ah," she says, voice strangely melodious. You were expecting something clipped and harsh.
  237. > You swallow a lump.
  238. "A-Actually it- it's um, pronounced... Rosa."
  239. > "Ah," the woman nods to herself, "it did seem a bit funny written down."
  240. > Not knowing what to say to that, you stay silent for the moment. The woman keeps looking at you and you feel your ears fold down under her scrutiny.
  241. > At long last she speaks again: "You can call me Dr. Mason." She reaches in her pocket and produces a metal key. You're suddenly very afraid and take a few involuntary steps back while she's unlocking your cell.
  242. > "No sudden moves, okay?" the woman warns you. She puts the key back and takes out a small, black box. "This is the remote for your collar, understand?"
  243. > Your hoof goes back to your neck and it takes you a few moments to understand.
  244. "A s-shock col-collar?!"
  245. > "Just a precaution. If you promise you'll behave we'll never need it."
  246. > You gulp, acutely aware of the band around your neck. You're not going to fight them anymore, so you quickly nod.
  247. "I p-promise!"
  248. > This time the lady smiles. You note she still keeps the fob in her hand as she opens the door and steps into your cell. You shrink away from her, but Dr. Mason just walks past you and sits on your bed.
  249. > "The pegasus that was with you, who is she? We don't have records of her."
  250. "Sky Light! Is she okay?! What have you done with her?!"
  251. > Without even realizing you've advanced on the woman and now she holds the remote up, as if to remind you. You take a step back.
  252. > The woman thinks for a few moments, as if unsure how much to tell you. "Sky Light," she repeats, mostly to herself. "She's fine. For now."
  253. "Please, I'll do anything. She doesn't have to be mixed in this, just let her go!"
  254. > After all, it was your own stupid idea that got you both into this mess.
  255. > Dr. Mason doesn't answer, which worries you a little.
  256. "I'm sorry," you say and sigh. "I'm really sorry!"
  257. > The full magnitude of your situation is starting to weigh down on you. This is the place they would have sent you when you got your cutie mark, the place you were most afraid of going.
  258. > They test on ponies in this facility and then kill them. Whatever life you have left, it won't be pleasant.
  259. > The woman is no longer important as tears fill your vision and you start weeping uncontrollably.
  260. > You hardly even feel the doctor put her hand in your mane.
  262. > ~~~~
  264. > You don't know how much later it is. Your fear has run away with you and all you could think for a while was that you don't want to die yet.
  265. > Right now there's something pressing against your muzzle, so you open your eyes. Dr. Mason is holding a glass of water. She must have left and fetched it while you were unaware, curled around your fear on the bed.
  266. > "Drink this. You'll feel better," she says and her voice is full of concern.
  267. > You want to trust this woman. You want to throw yourself on her mercy.
  268. "Please, we didn't mean anything bad. I just wanted to see my friend again!"
  269. > Maybe if you're pathetic enough she'll take pity, so you turn your wet eyes on the woman and slightly lift your ears.
  270. "Just let us go - please? We'll go away and we'll never bother you again!"
  271. > The woman really seems to feel your pain. She wipes away some snot from your muzzle with her hand. "Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry but I can't do that. Don't worry, you'll be safe here, okay?"
  272. > You almost believe her and lower your eyes to the floor, but you see the bit of plastic sticking from your leg.
  273. "No I won't," you mutter darkly. "You experiment on ponies here."
  274. > This time the woman laughs pleasantly. "Oh, whatever gave you that idea?!"
  275. > You just lift your leg wordlessly so she can see the IV.
  276. > "Oh, that's just so we can take blood samples without sticking you with needles all the time."
  277. "Why do you need so many blood samples?"
  278. > You're starting to get angry and defensive and a tiny part of your brain is sounding a warning not to anger the doctor. Luckily, she just shrugs a little.
  279. > "You do want to know what's wrong with you, don't you?" she asks innocently.
  280. "Wrong with me?! What's wrong with me?!"
  281. > The human seems sad and she puts her hand in your mane again to scratch an ear. "Don't worry, we'll find out what happened. I'll tell you everything after you rest a little. Here, drink."
  282. > She pushes the glass of water against your muzzle again and you can't help smelling something strange. Your eyes narrow.
  283. "What's in it?"
  284. > "Clever girl," the woman praises. "It's just a little something to help you relax. I promise I'll answer your questions tomorrow."
  285. > You look around your cell, but there are no clocks.
  286. "What time is it?"
  287. > The woman checks her wristwatch. "Almost five in the afternoon, sweetie. They hit you pretty hard when they caught you."
  288. > She looks amenable enough, and she hasn't yelled or hit you once. Maybe you can be nice to her, if she's nice to you. You should never trust anyone in this place, that much you know, but you're allowed to get along with them.
  289. > You take the glass with your hooves and drink it. It tastes a bit chemical, but you force it down.
  290. > This makes the woman smile broadly and she plucks the empty glass from you and sets it on the floor. "Very good. We're going to get along nicely, you and I."
  291. > Maybe you can push your luck a little more.
  292. "Where is Sky Light. I want to speak with her," you beg.
  293. > "Soon, sweetie. Your friend will be fine. We're not monsters here, despite what you might have heard."
  294. > It looks like that will be it for now. Whatever drug Dr. Mason has given you is already taking effect and you feel a bit drowsy. You blink your eyes slowly and she pats the bed.
  295. > "Lie down, relax," she commands and you reluctantly obey and curl up on the sheets. A low growl reminds you how empty your stomach is.
  296. "I'm... hungry," you admit.
  297. > The woman smiles some more. She seems incredibly friendly, despite how wary you are of her. "I'll bring you a little something if you promise to cooperate and answer my questions."
  298. > Is there even any choice? You give a single, defeated nod.
  299. > You're rewarded by a friendly pat on your head. "Good girl!"
  300. >...
  301. > About ten minutes later the woman is back with a tray. There's nothing special on it, but it's still a welcome sight and your ears perk up when you smell food. There's a simple bowl of oatmeal, an apple and a banana.
  302. > Dr. Mason puts the tray on your bed. There's no spoon, but you don't really mind and just dunk your muzzle into the bowl. It's pleasantly warm and you detect just a hint of sugar.
  303. > "Now, can you tell me again why you were trying to break in here?" the doctor asks.
  304. > You lift your head and swallow your current mouthful. A bit of the oatmeal drips from your chin back into the bowl.
  305. "I w-wanted to, um-"
  306. > Is it a good idea to tell her you were about to break one of your friends out?
  307. "-see my friend who was taken here."
  308. > "Oh? What is your friend's name?"
  309. "M-Maribelle. She's from the s-same school as me."
  310. > There's no recognition and your ears lower. Were you stupid for even trying to come here? Maybe there are more facilities and Maribelle isn't even at this one?
  311. > Then why would the dream-voice tell you to come here?
  312. > You decide to keep the dream-voice secret at all costs.
  313. > "Hmm, Maribelle. I will check if she's here. If you're good, maybe you'll be allowed to see her."
  314. > You just nod and go back to the oatmeal. Now that you'd gotten a taste your stomach is demanding more. You hadn't eaten since lunch the previous day, because you'd been too nervous in the evening.
  315. > The woman seems thoughtful for a moment, then she asks: "Have you gone into heat since you were out of the School?"
  316. > This question almost makes you choke on your meal.
  317. "W-W" you splutter, then cough as some oatmeal almost goes down the wrong way. "What?!"
  318. > "Heat. Do you know what heat is? Estrus?" the woman clarifies.
  319. > You shake your head.
  320. "I know. I h-haven't! Why are you asking me this?"
  321. > "Hmm," is all the woman replies, despite your worried stare. "Curious."
  322. "Why?!"
  323. > It's as if she's not listening to you. You almost put your hoof on her, but change your mind. Instead you go back to slurp up some more oatmeal while it's still warm.
  324. > "We'll do some tests. When did you get your cutie mark?"
  325. "Um," you swallow quickly again, "At the Boone's house, before I- before..."
  326. > You swallow and consider lying, but she must already know, right? She seems to be very well informed about you, considering that heat question. She knew you'd had it once in the School.
  327. > Maybe they sent her your records when they caught you?
  328. "-before I ran away," you finish. "I don't know the date."
  329. > "I see. Well, *that* should not have happened. We'll try and find out why it did, okay?" the woman tells you. "How are you feeling otherwise? Headaches, nausea, muscle cramps?"
  330. "N-N-None of that."
  331. > "Good, that's good. Hopefully we can learn why this happens-" the woman pats your cutie mark, "so we can help other ponies."
  332. > You stare at the woman in shock.
  333. "You're making it so ponies don't get cutie marks?! Why?"
  334. > There's no real answer, but the doctor smiles a little. "All in good time, Rosa. Finish your fruit."
  335. > For a second you consider refusing. The things Dr. Mason is telling you are bewildering and scary and you don't really want to be a part of it.
  336. > Then again, what would you really achieve by that? With an inward sigh you bite into the apple.
  337. > The fact that Dr. Mason is patting your back isn't helping your self esteem, but it's a bit calming nonetheless.
  338. > With how hungry you were, the apple is gone in seconds and you start peeling the banana. It's a knack with hooves, but you'd learned how to do it in the School's mess hall.
  339. > You leave the empty peel on the tray while you swallow the last of the fruit. Your belly still isn't too happy, but it feels a lot better already.
  340. > The doctor picks up the tray and stands up. You're almost sad to see her go, because then you'll be alone in this scary place.
  341. "W-What should I do?" you ask her.
  342. > The woman chuckles pleasantly and pats your head. "Aw, you really are helpful, just like your instructor noted in your file. Just rest, sweetheart. We'll talk more tomorrow."
  343. > You're disgusted at the little pang of pride you feel at those words.
  344. "Okay, Doc-Doctor Mason."
  345. > "Since you're such a good girl, you can call me Eliza when we're alone, okay?"
  346. "Okay... thank you."
  347. > She tousles your mane quickly and then goes to the door. While she's locking it with one hand, she looks back in and smiles at you. "Remember, Rosa - you're helping all ponies by helping us. Take pride in that."
  348. > You just nod at her and the woman leaves. You hear her footsteps receding for a while, then a door closes and all is quiet.
  349. > Strange how you haven't heard any other sounds. Are you alone in this place? You think about going to the bars and calling out. Maybe some other ponies will answer you. There has to be more cells in this hallway, hasn't there?
  350. > The building wasn't all that big to let them have a single pony per corridor.
  351. > You're not going to shout out, at least not yet. If it's only five in the afternoon you should wait until night before trying anything.
  352. > Maybe that's why the other ponies are silent - they don't want to draw attention to themselves. Your gaze is pulled back to the IV on your foreleg.
  353. > The woman does seem friendly enough, but you should never forget where you are. This is the place ponies go when they get their cutie marks, and no one ever hears from them after.
  354. > With a sinking feeling you start thinking you're not getting out of here alive. There's no way for you to open the door, and even if there was, no way to get out of the building undetected.
  355. > The reason you weren't simply shot the last night was because the scientist guy told the guards to keep you and Sky alive. Next time you might not be so lucky.
  356. > You desperately want to see you friend. The mere thought is enough to make you sob miserably.
  357. > It doesn't help that you'll have to pee soon.
  358. > You pick up the sheet from the bed and pull it over your head. Maybe you can pretend everything is fine, at least for a few minutes.
  359. > If you believe hard enough, maybe you can convince yourself you're just sleeping in the bed at the Basilius house and Sky Light is right there next to you. If you move, she'll grumble at you for waking her up, so you have to stay perfectly still.
  360. > The world will feel a lot nicer if you can bring yourself to believe that fantasy.
  361. > Maybe you can dream about that, rather than what horrors wait for you in this place.
  363. > ~~~~
  365. > You wake up to the same harsh, glaring light in your cell. You can't tell how long you've been sleeping, but the feeling in your mouth is dreadful.
  366. > Maybe Dr. Mason will let you have a toothbrush? All your belongings are gone and you'd forgotten to ask yesterday.
  367. > For that matter, you wonder if she could turn your lights off at night. It took you forever to fall asleep and that was only after you'd pulled the blanket over your head.
  368. > You do the best you can for your mouth with just gargling water, then go back to your bed. It's very unlikely you'll sleep any more, which means you just have to wait.
  369. > If only you had something to read. Or do. Anything.
  370. > Are they trying to break your spirit through boredom?
  371. > You realize you'd forgotten about your plan to try calling out for anyone else in the same corridor last night. It could be something constructive to do.
  372. > Making your way to the cell door, you think about what to say and how. It's probably still early in the morning, so the humans aren't around yet. At least - that's what you're hoping.
  373. > You clear your throat and venture:
  374. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"
  375. > It's not a shout, but it should still be loud enough for anyone nearby to hear you.
  376. > About a minute later there still isn't any reply.
  377. "Please," you try again, "I just want to talk to someone!"
  378. > You lean your head against the bars so that one of your ears is poking out. You swivel it this way and that, trying to catch any sound at all.
  379. "Anyone? Sky Light? Dr. Mason?"
  380. > Maybe you really are the only pony in this hallway. It's probably very early in the morning, so the doctor won't be in for hours!
  381. > You groan and lie down on the floor beside the bars. There's nothing to see out there, but you'll know a little sooner if anyone comes.
  382. > Nothing to do. It's quickly driving you insane.
  383. > You sniff, unable to hold your tears inside much longer. At this point, you'd welcome Dr. Mason, even if she scares you. Any company would be better than this.
  384. > When was the last time you were really alone? Have you ever been really alone at all?
  385. > At the School you always had your roommates, and your classmates, and the teachers, if no one else was around. Then, you were alone for a day when you ran away, but you were doing something, so you didn't have time to think about it.
  386. > Ever since you'd been almost inseparable from Sky Light.
  387. > Except now she's gone. You don't know if she's alive, or dead, or hurt. You don't know if she's scared or alone.
  388. > Well, she probably is scared, but knowing that doesn't make it any better.
  389. > You hope she can ever forgive you.
  390. "I'm so sorry," you whisper to no one in particular.
  391. > This can't go on for much longer, not if you like you sanity. You need something to do, even if it is stupid. You get up and walk back to your bed. For a moment you consider getting in and trying to sleep some more, but it's not going to happen. You're fully awake.
  392. > Instead you make it, smoothing down the sheets and fluffing the pillow until everything looks absolutely pristine.
  393. > After that, you take several sips of water from the sink. No one has told you if the water here is okay to drink, but you do it anyway.
  394. > It helps a little to fill your empty stomach. That reminds you of another pressing need.
  395. > You look at the cell door and then at the toilet. It's just mounted to the wall, in plain sight. If anyone walks past, they will see exactly what you're doing.
  396. > Yes, your roommates have sometimes been in the bathroom while you did your business, or vice versa, but that was entirely different. You trust those mares with your life.
  397. > On the other hand, you'll be bound to hear anyone coming from a long way away, if Dr. Mason was any indication yesterday.
  398. > With a sigh you lift yourself and sit on the toilet.
  399. >...
  400. > You end up walking in circles around your room out of sheer boredom and desperation for what feels like hours, before a new noise catches your attention.
  401. > You rush to the cell door and try to see outside. There's footsteps approaching and you feel your treacherous tail wave around in excitement.
  402. > Pretty soon Dr. Mason comes into view and you immediately relax. Maybe you even smile at her a little - it's hard to tell.
  403. > "Oh my, up bright and early are we?" she asks with pleasant surprise in her voice.
  404. "I don't know what time it is! I couldn't sleep."
  405. > The woman doesn't comment on your predicament as she crouches in front of your cell to bring her face closer to yours.
  406. > She lowers her voice a little bit, as if imparting a secret. "I'd like to do a few tests today, Rosa. Will you behave?"
  407. > Being let out of your prison sounds good, even if it is for medical tests. You quickly nod at the woman.
  408. "I promise!"
  409. > "Good! Now, this isn't because I don't trust you, okay? It's just a precaution, but you need to wear this," Dr. Mason says and pulls some bits of leather from her lab coat pocket.
  410. > You can't immediately make sense of what she has - it looks almost like a collar, except that you already have one. Realization slowly dawns.
  411. "A bridle?!" you gasp indignantly. "I'm not a horse!"
  412. > Eliza gives you an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, but you did bite Dr. Ruth. It's just for now, okay? I'm sure if you behave well I'll be able to convince them you don't need it."
  413. > Your ears are as low as they would go, but you still nod. Even that would be better than pacing up and down your cell, alone, for hours.
  414. > The woman gives you a brilliant smile and reaches her hand through the bars. You stand still while she slips the leather contraption over your head. A bit pokes at your lips.
  415. > "Open," the doctor commands.
  416. > You do so, reluctantly, blushing and avoiding her eyes. The piece of metal slips into your mouth while the doctor tightens the bridle.
  417. "'eesh 'eeshm faa'," you try to tell her.
  418. > Your disfigured speech seems quite funny to the doctor and your embarrassed look changes to a glare. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Don't talk, okay? You are to be quiet while we do the tests and we'll chat afterwards. Just nod."
  419. > For a long moment you consider refusing. Why make their lives easier? They experiment on ponies in this place!
  420. > Would the doctor shock you with the collar to get you to obey? You examine her face and are forced to admit that yes, she would.
  421. > You swallow a lump and nod, ears flat and tail curling up between your hind legs. She might act pleasant, but you don't trust this woman a single bit.
  422. > "Good girl," she praises and for some reason the words suddenly feel dirty.
  423. > Dr. Mason stands up and opens your cell door. "Come on, follow me," she invites, but she discreetly puts her hand in her pocket. Of course she's holding the remote to your collar in case you try to escape or attack her, but at least she's trying to be discreet about it.
  424. > You trudge out of the cell with your head hanging low.
  425. > "This way."
  426. > The doctor sets off and you follow close behind her, already dreading what new horrors the day will bring.
  427. > Yet, at the same time, you're more afraid of being left alone in your cell. Doing something - anything - has to be better, right?!
  428. > You hadn't asked Dr. Mason if today's tests will hurt. Now you wish you had.
  429. >...
  430. > Dr. Mason leads you into a perfectly normal-looking examination room. You'd seen one just like it back at the School and then again at the free clinic where Sky Light took you during your 'spayed scare'.
  431. > There is a chair next to a stainless steel table and the doctor pats the backrest. "Up," she orders.
  432. > You obediently clamber up on the examination table and then stand still, uncomfortable with the combination of height and exposure. You really want to ask Dr. Mason what she's going to do, but the bit in your mouth would make that an exercise in futility.
  433. > Besides, she said you should stay quiet and it sounded like she meant it.
  434. > Your ears track the woman as she walks around, opening drawers and gathering whatever equipment she will need. While you wait it's all you can do to control your breathing.
  435. > Finally the woman seems ready and pushes a cart with a monitor over to the table. There's a tray of medical implements and you hurriedly scan it for anything sharp or pointy.
  436. > "Okay, be a good girl now and stand still," Dr. Mason murmurs to you, picking up a glass tube. It's a thermometer but you're not sure how you'll take it with the bridle on your muzzle.
  437. > You don't have to wonder for long. Dr. Mason steps behind you, grabs your tail in a firm hand and-
  438. "Eeempf!"
  439. > You want to twirl around and your tail wants to clamp down, but the woman keeps an almost painful grip. "Hush now, sweetheart. Don't crush it or you'll cut yourself."
  440. > The warning works and you make yourself stand still and lift your tail away, instead. This way of taking your temperature is utterly demeaning and the woman should have at least warned you!
  441. > She is ignoring your glare as she comes back around, already putting a stethoscope in her ears. "Deep, regular breaths," she commands.
  442. > There's nothing to it but obey. You keep frowning at the wall in front of you. More than once you almost flick your tail in annoyance, but remember the thermometer in time and force yourself to stillness.
  443. > "Cough for me, please."
  444. > You do your best with the bridle and the woman seems satisfied. She takes the metal pad away from your barrel and lets the instrument fall back around her neck. Then she picks up the next tool.
  445. > It's the thing they use to look in your ears - you know its function, but not its name.
  446. > "Ears up, please," Dr. Mason instructs.
  447. > When you don't comply in time, she simply grips one with her fingers and lifts it enough so that she can work. It takes a concentrated effort of will for you to relax and not jerk your head away.
  448. > If you refuse, it will just result in a struggle which she would win. You can't help being constantly aware of your collar and of the remote in her pocket.
  449. > "Mmm, good. Let's see here..." the woman mutters to herself and goes back to your rear. You tense up in expectation of another humiliating thing, but all the doctor does is pluck the thermometer out of you.
  450. > Your tail goes down to hide you immediately, but the woman doesn't seem to care anymore. She examines the instrument under the light.
  451. > "All good here. Now, let's get a blood sample," she tells you.
  452. > Knowing in advance makes all the difference! This ordeal would have been a ton nicer if she just told you what she was about to do! You almost stomp a hoof in frustration at being unable to tell her that.
  453. > Perhaps Dr. Mason noticed your fidgeting, because she pats your side. "Stay still. We don't want you to pull out your IV, do we?"
  454. > Again you imagine unstoppable fountains of blood and swallow a lump. You make yourself stand as still as you can.
  455. > At least there's no needle this time. The doctor just affixes a vial to the bit of plastic on your leg and it quickly starts filling with red.
  456. > You're not too comfortable at the sight of blood, but you've done this kind of thing quite a few times now so you just bear it in silence.
  457. > "Very good," Dr. Mason tells you while she's labeling the vial and putting it in a rack on a nearby desk. "One of these days we'll have to do a pap smear and take a look in there to make sure there's no problems."
  458. > You don't know what that is and you raise your eyebrows at the doctor. She guesses what you want to ask and smiles pleasantly.
  459. > "Don't worry, it's just a routine test on your, hmm, 'lady parts'."
  460. > Your eyes bulge out and the woman chuckles pleasantly before giving you a friendly pat on the mane. "It doesn't hurt, I promise."
  461. > That's still not too comforting, but you already know you can't avoid it. The good news is that it's not happening now, so you'll have more time to mentally prepare yourself.
  462. > "Have you been sexually active?" Dr. Mason asks.
  463. > You quickly and emphatically shake your head no. You can't tell if this pleases or disappoints the woman. Or maybe she just doesn't care either way.
  464. > She gives you a final pat on your neck, then reaches over to turn on the computer screen on her cart. It lights soundlessly and shows some kind of diagnostic screen you can't make heads or tails of.
  465. > There's a handle on the side and you remember Dr. Haggar's ultrasound. This looks different, but maybe it's the same sort of thing? It would figure that secret government facilities have better gear than free clinics.
  466. > Except Dr. Mason runs the plastic paddle over your neck, first on one side and then on the other. You don't see anything change on the screen and she frowns a little.
  467. > "Hmm." The woman taps a few buttons on the screen and then tries the paddle on you again.
  468. > This time there's a beep about halfway down your neck. The screen shows some message in blinking red.
  469. > It doesn't look good. Whatever this device was meant to measure, it looks like your numbers aren't okay. You start getting worried.
  470. > "Well, that *would* explain it," Dr. Mason says. "I told them they should have swapped it, but does anyone ever listen to me?"
  471. > You have zero clue what she's talking about. Maybe her equipment is malfunctioning and her boss or whoever refuses to fix it?
  472. > When she looks back to you, you give her another eyebrows-raised questioning look. The woman grins and ruffles your mane.
  473. > "Nothing you need to worry about, little Rosa."
  474. > At that moment the door to the examination room opens and another human walks in. You let out a muffled 'eep' when you recognize him.
  475. > The scientist you bit the other night. He immediately spots you and his face goes an ugly, dark shade of red.
  476. > "You!" he mutters and it sounds almost like a swear.
  477. > His reaction causes no end of amusement to Dr. Mason and you're suddenly very glad the woman is standing between the guy and yourself.
  478. > "Now now, Charlie, no reason to hold a grudge. Rosa is very sorry about biting you, aren't you, Rosa?"
  479. > You're willing to promise anything to placate the man. You have a worrisome feeling he might try and get some revenge when Dr. Mason isn't around, so you give him your best 'sorry pony' look and nod to the lady doctor's statement.
  480. > The man just grunts and goes on to take a clipboard from a drawer in what you assume is his desk. On his way back he glances at the monitor and pauses.
  481. > "This from her?" he asks curtly.
  482. > Dr. Mason nods and steps away so he can see better. "It's bust. We'll have to get it out of her and send it to tech for analysis."
  483. > 'Take it out of you?!' You make an involuntary whimper and Dr. Mason realizes you're there. She smiles at you in what she probably thinks is a reassuring way, but it doesn't quite work.
  484. > "Nothing to worry about, Rosa," she tells you, stroking your mane.
  485. "Mmgph! 'aay womf 'oo 'ew ee?!" you demand.
  486. > The doctor just raises a finger. "Ah, ah," she cautions, "remember what we said about talking?"
  487. > Your ears flop down and you heave a long-suffering sigh. You even go as far as to lightly stomp a hoof, but you don't try talking anymore.
  488. > Hopefully she'll take the bridle off later and you'll be able to ask your questions. Hopefully, she'll even answer them.
  489. > Dr. Mason puts her hands on the chair beside the examination table. "Come on, down you go. Let's get you a shower and some breakfast. We'll talk after."
  490. > All three of those things you like, so your ears perk up, which makes the woman smile pleasantly.
  491. > "See? We're not monsters here, Rosa, we really aren't. I'll explain everything and then I'll let you decide."
  492. > You highly doubt that, but the woman seems sincere. Maybe - just maybe - whatever this decision is won't be too bad. You obediently clamber off the examination table, making sure to keep Dr. Mason between you and Charlie at all times.
  493. > He casts an occasional glare your way, but otherwise he's busy fiddling with the computer screen and whatever mysterious problem it has.
  494. > Only too happy to get out of his sigh, you follow Dr. Mason back into the corridor. She leads you down some passages and through some doors in a confusing labyrinth of offices.
  495. > The weird part is that you don't see any cells, nor any other ponies. You'd have imagined there would be more, especially as this particular facility seems very well equipped to deal with your kind.
  496. > You mind is ablaze with all the questions, but all you can do at the moment is quietly follow the lady doctor.
  497. > She passes some people on the way and greets them in an absentminded, disinterested way. A few of them look at you, but no one pays you much attention. You're grateful for that - the bridle is still making you blush with embarrassment.
  498. > Eventually you end up in a tiled room that smells strongly of chlorine and soap. There are some shower-like fixtures on one of the walls and a large drain in the floor under it. You look around for a curtain or a glass pane, but there's nothing.
  499. > "In you go," Dr. Mason says, motioning with her hand.
  500. > You look at her and then tap the bridle with a hoof and grunt. She leans down to scratch your ear. "Sorry, sweetheart. It'll have to stay for now. I'll talk with the people tomorrow and see if we can dispense of it. You've been a very good girl, so far."
  501. > The 'so far' worries you a bit, but you are determined to act nice - for as long as Dr. Mason keeps acting nice, at least. You give the woman a resigned nod and shuffle under the shower.
  502. > You're wondering if she'll wash you herself - like that won't be completely awkward and totally inappropriate - but the woman just takes a bottle of some kind of soap from a cabinet on the wall and places it on the floor beside you.
  503. > She reaches for the doorknob and you're relieved. At least you'll get to wash yourself in privacy. "You can handle things from here, right?" the doctor asks and you nod emphatically.
  504. "Mpmhpmm!" you confirm.
  505. > "Good. Knock on the door when you're ready to get out."
  506. > Too late you realize that she hadn't left you any towels, but the woman is already out of the room. You look around to see if you can find anything, but the room is pretty bare.
  507. > It's not a big deal. Maybe Dr. Mason will bring you a towel when you're done and if it comes to the worst you can always dry out naturally. It won't be you who has to mop up all the floors!
  508. > For now, you're going to enjoy some hot water, bridle and collar or no!
  510. > ~~~~
  512. > You got a quick lettuce and tomato sandwich for breakfast and then it was away for more tests. The number of people in the facility increased as the day went on and a sneaky, shameful part of you was a bit glad for the bridle so you didn't have to talk to anyone.
  513. > Dr. Mason took you to get an X-Ray and then an ultrasound. Then she took you to a kindly old doctor whose name you didn't catch who examined your teeth and proclaimed you 'good'.
  514. > You hoped you'll get to see him again. He seemed genuinely nice, but you were whisked away before you could really get to know him.
  515. > At length Dr. Mason brought you to the same examination room as in the morning - hers, you supposed. She had you climb up on the metal table again.
  516. > The lady doctor plucked a few hairs from your cutie mark, then you had to test your eyesight.
  517. > This last part meant the bridle came off, but Dr. Mason warned you not to try to talk, other than answering her questions and reading from the eye chart.
  518. > As soon as that was done the leather thing went back on.
  519. > You were starting to feel pretty fed up with all the testing and poking, but none of it was particularly horrible. Maybe they were saving that for the afternoon?
  520. > At long last Dr. Mason declared it was time for lunch and your belly growled as if on cue. She took you back to your cell and finally removed your bridle.
  521. > As soon as the wretched thing is off your face you shake your head and work the stiffness out of your jaw muscles. You hadn't even realized how hard you'd been biting on it.
  522. > You open your mouth to ask the first question, but the doctor puts her finger on your lips and you fall silent. She is massaging your scalp with her other hand, so you decide to obey for now.
  523. > "So, here's what we'll do. You shouldn't technically be allowed to join other ponies - quarantine and so on - so I can't let you take your lunch in the mess hall, but I'll bring you lunch in here, okay?"
  524. > The mention of other ponies gets your ears up quickly. It sounds as if you'll eventually be allowed to see them!
  525. > Something else feels more urgent and you gently push Dr. Mason's finger away.
  526. "Um, Eliza," you try to sound as casual and friendly as you can, "what was all that about something breaking and taking *it* out of me. What is 'it'?"
  527. > She purses her lips for a minute in thought, then shrugs a little to herself. "Well, don't be alarmed, but there is a tiny microchip implanted in you-"
  528. > The woman pats somewhere along your neck. "About here. It's so small you can't even feel it."
  529. "Microchip?!" you gasp, suddenly imagining you can feel a bit of metal poking you under your skin.
  530. > You reach up with both hooves to feel it, but there's nothing to detect.
  531. > "You won't be able to feel it, Rosa. It's very small."
  532. > You remember the second part of your question.
  533. "It's broken?! What's it gonna do to me? What *should* it do to me?!"
  534. > You're starting to pant and the doctor puts her hand in your mane to try and calm you down. "Relax," she says in a soothing voice, "it's harmless. You've had it for all your life and it hasn't done anything bad to you, right?"
  535. > Some wheels turn in your head and you push away from the woman.
  536. "Is that why I'm not going into heat?!" you demand. "Why I only got one cutie mark instead of two?!"
  537. > At least Dr. Mason doesn't try to follow you or keep her hold. You don't want her to touch you right now and she seems to sense it. "The first part is how it was supposed to work," she explains.
  538. > "They are designed to slowly release hormones into your blood - it's like a kind of contraception. If you were chosen to mate, it would simply be disabled and you'd be back to normal in a month."
  539. > You watch this woman with mounting horror, hooves going up to your neck as if you're going to rip the crazy little thing out.
  540. > Dr. Mason doesn't seem perturbed as she keeps explaining. "That part must still be working. It would explain why you didn't go into heat. That one time back in your School was a fluke and we ran a full diagnostic."
  541. "I don't remember any of that!" you say, aghast.
  542. > "Your school vet - Doctor Patterson - scanned the chip when he checked you after your heat and sent us the files. It seemed fine. I said it should be replaced, but your instructor didn't want to subject you to surgery if it wasn't strictly necessary."
  543. > You start feeling sick to your stomach. You had no idea. Does this mean-
  544. "Do all the ponies in the school have this chip!?"
  545. > Dr. Mason smiles. "Of course. You're all part of an experiment. That's where the second function of the implant comes in. You see, ever since people decided that cutie marks are scary, we've been looking for a way to suppress them."
  546. > Twisting your neck to look at your flank gives you a minute you desperately need to calm down before you try bucking this woman right in her smug face. You take several deep breaths. Fighting her will just get you killed.
  547. "Why?" you sob.
  548. > "Because people are afraid. Because, despite their fear, they still want to employ ponies. This way you can help people without having to worry about what kind of cutie mark you get, or if it's good or bad. It's better for everyone."
  549. > Yes, on paper it *sounds* nice, but something deep in your soul is horrified at the idea. Was this the reason you were taught that cutie marks are bad your whole life?
  550. > You now know that isn't true, but if they'd told you about this chip back in the School you would have taken it in stride, you think.
  551. > Tears fill your vision and you curl up on your bed. Suddenly you're not hungry anymore. Playing around with ponies' fate is nothing short of barbaric!
  552. "I didn't want this!" you choke out. "I hate this!"
  553. > Dr. Mason's hand is in your mane again, but you don't slap it away. "There there, I know it's a lot to take in, Rosa, but try to understand. We do this because we want you to have a happy, fulfilling life. You can't have that if that thing-" the woman pokes your flank, "is telling you to do something else."
  554. > She pauses for a moment, then goes on: "How would you feel if your cutie mark told you to kill people. Or other ponies? I've seen both and it's not very nice. Both of them went crazy in the end."
  555. > It makes a kind of twisted, logical sense. You feel there's an obvious, glaring flaw in it, but you can't, for the life of you, find it right now. You remain silent.
  556. > "Just think it over, okay? The chips are very safe, even if they fail like yours sometimes. Ponies - and humans - are better off with them than without. And soon, every pony in the world will have one and we'll all be much better off."
  557. > You don't want to hear any more.
  558. "Please, just stop," you moan.
  559. > "Don't you want lunch? Aren't you hungry?" the woman prompts.
  560. > Despite your stomach saying otherwise you firmly shake your head.
  561. "Just leave me alone, please!"
  562. > Dr. Mason heaves a sad sigh and stands up. "I'll let you think about this and I'll come see you before I leave, okay? This really is important for you to understand."
  563. > You ignore what she said and turn your teary eyes on the standing woman.
  564. "What will you do to me now?"
  565. > The doctor smiles, almost gently. "Don't worry, we'll get the broken chip out of you. There's no way to reverse a cutie mark, so you'll be stuck with it. The most important thing is that we figure out why the chip failed so we can fix it for other ponies."
  566. "And then? What happens then?!"
  567. > This makes Dr. Mason thoughtful, but finally she answers: "Your specific cutue mark doesn't look like one of the bad ones. We'll see if we can find you work aligned with your talent. But that depends."
  568. "On what?!"
  569. > "On whether you can learn to accept the way things are or not."
  570. "And if I can't?"
  571. > The doctor leans forward and lifts your muzzle, gently, with a hand. "We won't give up so easily, okay? Give it time. I'm sure you'll understand someday."
  572. > You very much doubt it, but you don't say it out loud. Something tells you that failing to fully embrace their twisted ideology will mean your death.
  573. > Maybe you'll have to pretend? That would be your best chance to get out of this place alive, even you end up a slave.
  574. > Slave, doing what your cutie mark represents is a lot better than a defiant corpse.
  575. > You shouldn't fake it too quickly though, or Dr. Mason would be bound to suspect you. You slip your muzzle out of Dr. Mason's grasp and look at the floor.
  576. "I'll- I'll think about it..." you mutter darkly.
  577. > "Good girl!"
  578. > You don't watch the doctor leave.
  580. > ~~~~
  582. > It's mostly back to boredom, except now it's underlined by misery. How thoroughly have the humans been controlling your entire life? Can you even trust your thoughts anymore?
  583. > Who even are you, really?
  584. > You keep feeling your neck, but you don't sense anything unusual. This chip seems really stealthy. You wonder if a regular doctor would even see it.
  585. > Maybe with an X-Ray? Too bad Dr. Haggar didn't do one of those when you came in with Sky Light. Unfortunately they are kinda expensive, you understand, so they only do them when necessary.
  586. > Dr. Mason said they'll take the broken chip out of you. Will they put a new one in, you wonder? Would there even be any point to it?
  587. > More importantly, if you ask her and she answers, can you believe her?
  588. > Can you ever believe a human again?
  589. > Well, that one is a no-brainer. You'd believe Dr. Haggar, Pavo, Mrs. Basilius, Richie, even Terry, after a fashion - there's a ton of trustworthy people out there.
  590. > It's just the School staff and the scientists at this facility that you really shouldn't trust. As a bonus, they are the ones who have your fate in their hands. Irony.
  591. > Is that even irony? You don't remember that English lecture too well, so you might be guessing a bit there.
  592. > You toss around to lie on your other side with a huff. The light is still too bright and it's seriously annoying, so you pull the blanket over your head.
  593. > It's not helping that you're very hungry from missing lunch. Last night's dinner wasn't quite filling enough and today's breakfast was a stop-gap measure at best. You were really looking forward to some solid food.
  594. > Maybe it's time to swallow your pride a little bit? You still have to live, even in this place.
  595. > You already know you're beaten, so why delay? Defeated, hooves dragging on the tiles, you make your way to the bars. You lean your forehead against the cool metal for a while.
  596. > Here goes.
  597. "Um, Dr. Mason? I'd like some lunch now..."
  598. > Of course it's too quiet for anyone to hear, especially a human, but your cheeks are already burning with embarrassment. A grumble in your stomach prods you to greater volume.
  599. "Anyone?! Please, I'm hungry!"
  600. > You freeze in the act of yelling when a new thought rises up. Is your unusual appetite the fault of your broken, hormone-releasing microchip? Like a side effect?
  601. > Maybe you should tell Dr. Mason. If it's starting to mess with you like that, you want it gone as soon as possible. The thought of some device going haywire inside your body makes your belly clench into a painful knot.
  602. "Help! Someone!"
  603. > A door opens and footsteps approach. You immediately recognize it's not Dr. Mason, so you step away from the bars, worried. What will this human be like? Will they be annoyed at the noise you were making?
  604. > It's a middle-aged man and you scan his face for signs of anger. Fortunately, he just looks vaguely curious. "Yes?" he asks in a pleasing, deep baritone. You kinda like this guy on first impression, so you smile tentatively.
  605. "Um, I'm h-hungry," you say.
  606. > The man reaches for the wall and lifts a clipboard which was hanging there. You hadn't even seen it when Dr. Mason took you out earlier. He inspects whatever is written there.
  607. > "Sorry, says here you're under quarantine for the week. Dr. Mason is your attending, didn't she feed you?"
  608. > You swallow and try to decide just how much truth to tell the guy.
  609. "Um- she left before she got around t-to it."
  610. > His expression unreadable, the man hangs the clipboard back and turns to leave. You open your mouth to call him back and plead some more, but he sighs before you can get a word out.
  611. > "I'll see what I can do."
  612. > You smile brightly at the human and your tail swishes around excitedly.
  613. "Thank you!"
  614. > As he walks away you go and sit right at the bars so you'll see him the moment he comes back into view. Hopefully he won't be stingy, you really need a solid meal in your belly.
  615. > The world will look a lot better after a solid meal.
  616. >...
  617. > You lick the last few breadcrumbs from the tray and then notice there are some more on the sheet. Maybe eating on your bed wasn't the greatest idea, but you don't really have a table.
  618. > Not unless you close the lid on the toilet, but that's just gross.
  619. > No problem, you lean down and lick up the crumbs from the bed sheet too. Lunch had been vegetable stew, with two pieces of bread and a cup of pudding. The memory on its own is enough to get you salivating again, and you poke your nose in the cup for that last bit of aroma.
  620. > Despite having done this a few times already, you lick it clean yet again, imagining you can taste the last traces of delicious chocolate goop.
  621. > It wasn't as much as you *wanted* to eat, but it was enough. Willpower, remember? Even if the chip on your neck is making you extra hungry, you have to control yourself. You're stronger than some malfunctioning electronics.
  622. > You were a bit sad the new doctor guy didn't stick around to chat with you while you ate. He seemed pleasant enough, but you can't really complain if he has other obligations.
  623. > It's going to go back to boring in a minute, but just this second you almost feel fine. Well, except for the whole being captured and not knowing your future thing. Oh, and the 'your entire life was a lie' thing. That one kinda sucks, too.
  624. > It feels like you haven't finished agonizing and crying over that one just yet. It'll probably come after you in the night.
  625. > Maybe you'll get a nightmare. Maybe you'll see your weird night time visitor again. The way you're remembering it, the voice almost seems friendly in retrospect.
  626. > You burp quietly and then freeze when you hear another human approaching your cell. You listen to the footsteps for a moment and then your ears fold down.
  627. > It's Dr. Mason.
  628. > She stops at the bars in front of your cell and watches you for a moment. "So you were hungry after all?" she asks, a small, amused smile on her lips.
  629. > You drop your gaze to the floor.
  630. "Yes..." you answer demurely.
  631. > "Ready to talk to me again?"
  632. > Almost you say no, but then you think about the long, boring, mind-numbing afternoon stretching before you and change your mind.
  633. "Y-Yes."
  634. > "I looked up this Maribelle you mentioned, you know?"
  635. > This makes you sit bolt upright and perk your ears up so as not to miss anything.
  636. "Is she okay?! Where is she?! Please tell me!"
  637. > It's a bit frustrating the way Dr. Mason takes her time to unlock your cell, come in and then lock it after herself. She approaches the bed and looks at the tray with a raised eyebrow.
  638. > There's plenty of room for her to sit and you scooch away, hoping she'll get the message.
  639. > Instead, the woman chuckles a little. "I'll have to have a word with Brad - he just brought you empty bowls it looks like."
  640. > You're about to explain how hungry you were, but you spot Dr. Mason's lips quirking upwards. She's making a joke.
  641. "Yeah."
  642. > There's not much humor in it, but you give a dutiful chuckle anyway. Finally Dr. Mason sits down.
  643. "How is Maribelle?! Can I see her? Please!"
  644. > The woman doesn't waste any more time in answering your questions. "Don't worry, your friend is fine. She got here only a couple of months ago because she got her cutie mark."
  645. "I know that! Can I see her?" you ask impatiently.
  646. > Dr. Mason puts her hand in your mane and you don't fight the touch. You're just too anxious about Maribelle. You plan to come see her worked, even if it didn't go the way you imagined it!
  647. > Knowing that makes you a tiny bit happier.
  648. > "Soon, don't worry," the doctor tells you, gently scratching an ear. "You have to stay in quarantine for a few more days, okay? You don't want to bring some unknown germs to the ponies here and have them get sick, do you?"
  649. > It makes a lot of sense, but the waiting is going to kill you. You heave a sigh and lower your muzzle sadly.
  650. "I know..."
  651. > "Good girl. So, I've scheduled your surgery for tomorrow morning. We'll get that broken chip out of you and see what happened."
  652. "W-Will you put a- a n-new one in?" you stammer.
  653. > The woman chuckles a bit. "No, what would be the point? You already have your cutie mark, so it wouldn't do much for you."
  654. "What about the- um, contraception thing?"
  655. > The woman looks at you for a long while, then shrugs a little. "There's other ways to deal with that. We'll see."
  656. > Her words feel a tiny bit ominous, but they remind you of a potential other side effect.
  657. "Um, lately I've been really hungry. Is that b-because of the chip?"
  658. > This time Eliza sounds genuinely amused as she laughs. "Oh, you're just too precious, Rosa. Tell me, what was your normal day like back at the School?"
  659. > You can't see where she's going with it, but it must be building up to an answer, right? The woman isn't *that* random.
  660. "Well, I mostly went to school and studied..."
  661. > "Physical exercise?"
  662. "Uh, only in gym class. Well, sometimes we played tag or hide and seek."
  663. > The lady doctor nods a little, giving you an encouraging smile. "Okay, and what have you been doing recently?"
  664. > You don't really want to implicate Pavo, or his family, or Tim, or their company. You try to form your story so you don't mention them.
  665. "I- um, lived on the streets with Sky Light. We went mooching a lot. Then I guess we were just," you think furiously how to explain it, "um, hitchhiking over here."
  666. > She doesn't pick up on your omission, which is a tiny bit relaxing. "So, a lot more active, no? No wonder your appetite picked up. It's perfectly normal."
  667. > That's a piece of some good news, at least. You relax a tiny bit and return to your original question.
  668. "Maribelle is okay? What about her chip?"
  669. > Dr. Mason keeps scratching behind your ear. You still don't trust the woman, but that does feel kinda nice. "We got it analyzed and there's a fix being worked on, so the rest of your friends at School don't have to go through the same thing. I wonder if yours will exhibit the same issue."
  670. > You wisely keep silent about your friends 'having to go through the same thing'. If you ever get a chance, you'd like to take all their chips out and finally let them experience their destiny.
  671. > Not that you'd done much with yours so far. You glance back at your flank and sigh. Hopefully it's going to turn out alright in the end.
  672. > The woman watches you, then gives your barrel a quick pat. "You'll see her soon, Rosa. You'll be happy here, I'm sure of it. I know it's bewildering at first, but it'll all make sense in the end."
  673. > You don't ask 'what if it doesn't'. She might tell you the alternative and you're sure you don't want to hear that. Best just to pretend.
  674. > Heaving a sad, weary sigh, you give the woman a flat-eared nod.
  675. "I guess..."
  676. > "So, you should get some rest. It's a small operation you have tomorrow, but we'll still have to put you under general anesthesia."
  677. > Oh no, she's going to leave you and you'll be bored out of your mind for the rest of the day!
  678. 'Um, c-can I get a book or s-something?" you plead.
  679. > You focus a hopeful, wide-eyed expression on the doctor.
  680. "Please? There's nothing to- to do here."
  681. > The woman smiles some more. "I'll see what I can find, Rosa. Your behavior has been exemplary, so I think we can make some concessions."
  682. > The smile you give her is only half-forced, which disgusts you a tiny bit. Even knowing everything you know, you still want to please people. Hypocrite.
  683. > Sky Light would be so disappointed in you.
  684. "Is Sky L-Light okay?"
  685. > "She's doing fine. Dr. Barton will give her a checkup and then we'll probably let you two meet- if you promise to behave?"
  686. "I promise!"
  687. > You'd be willing to say and agree to anything if it meant getting to see the pegasus and being able to tell her how sorry you are.
  688. "What will happen to her after?"
  689. > Dr. Mason looks thoughtful for the moment, then shrugs. "Well, she's a bit old to be educated. I guess, if she's good, we'll give her a job here at the facility. I'm sure we can find something fo her to do."
  690. > There's a moment's silence, then: "Rosa?"
  691. "Yes?"
  692. > "I'll be counting on you to tell Sky Light to behave, okay? You have to convince her this is for the best. If she keeps fighting us I won't be able to do anything. They'll put her down."
  693. > Your gut does a sommersault at this and your eyes quickly fill up with tears. You start shaking your head.
  694. "Please," you breathe, "why can't you just let her go? It wasn't her fault!"
  695. > "Don't worry, Rosa. It's not a decision we make lightly. We'll give you every opportunity to make her see reason. She can have a much better life here than on the streets. She'll have a place to stay, a warm bed, food, medical care. You'll both be fine, see?"
  696. > If you could believe the woman, your and Sky Light's fates don't seem entirely bad. Well, other than being a prisoner or a slave for as long as you live. There is that.
  697. > Maybe an opportunity will arise for you two to get away. Once you have the humans' trust. You'll have to stay determined and keep your eyes open. After all, you and Sky Light came this far, haven't you?
  698. > The most important thing to do is for both of you to stay alive. You have to make Sky Light understand that - she has to pretend, like you!
  699. > Thinking that way is helping you keep the bad thoughts away and you give Dr. Mason another weak smile.
  700. "Okay. Um, thank you... Eliza."
  701. > She gives you another pat and stands up. "I'll go find you a book then. Oh, and I can take this away," she says, picking up the tray. There's nothing you can really say to that, so you just nod and remain sitting on your bed.
  702. > Hopefully she'll find you an interesting read so you don't die of boredom before bedtime.
  703. "Oh! Dr. Mason?" you squeak just as the woman is locking the door.
  704. > "Hmm?" she asks, pausing.
  705. > You point a hoof upwards.
  706. "C-Can you turn down the lights at night? It's hard to sleep..."
  707. > She gives you a wide smile. "I'll see what I can do, sweetheart."
  708. > With that, she's gone.
  710. > ~~~~
  712. > Your heart pounds with both joy and terror as Dr. Mason leads you down a different corridor. This one is on the second floor of the facility and you are on the first. You know that now because you'd taken an elevator and saw the numbers.
  713. > The woman is bringing you to see Sky Light and you're desperately trying to control your breathing. Your throat is dry and your legs tremble a bit.
  714. > Will she be mad at you? After all, it's completely your fault you're both stuck in here. Have they beaten her, or starved her?
  715. > Maybe the pegasus will hate you now and you'll be all alone and miserable in this scary place. Is that what the humans want? It would probably make you easier to control.
  716. > Suddenly you no longer have any time to guess and fear, because you're there. Dr. Mason stops in front of a cell and you come to stand beside her, heart hammering so loudly that even the woman can probably hear it.
  717. > There is Sky Light, sitting upright on a bed in a cell very much like yours. Her ears are perked up in surprise and, upon seeing you, her face breaks out in a relieved grin.
  718. > She's not mad, at least not so much that she hates you now! Relief floods through your body and you almost fall to the floor as you sit.
  719. > "No no no," the pegasus shakes her head. She runs right up to the bars and sticks her hooves through. "C'mere!"
  720. > You're only too happy to press yourself against the bars as well, so the mare can hug you as best she can. She even somehow managed to give you a small nuzzle.
  721. > It all lasts just for a moment and then the pegasus releases you. Hugging through metal bars is uncomfortable, but it still did wonders to calm you down. You're probably grinning like an idiot, but you're just so relieved that she's okay.
  722. > The mare glances briefly at the doctor, then decides to ignore her. "How are you? How are they treating you?" she asks.
  723. "I'm fine!" you assure her. "How about you? Have they- um. You know, after they caught us?"
  724. > Sky Light is good at guessing what you're saying and she shakes her head. "No, they haven't beaten me, Rosa. It's just really, *really* boring. Sometimes I think regular beatings would be kinder."
  725. > The mare chuckles and even Dr. Mason gives a short laugh. The woman interjects at this point: "If Rosa vouches that you'll behave, I might be able to get you a radio or some books."
  726. The pegasus lights up at this news. "Thanks. That'd be something. So, when will you let us go?"
  727. > Your face falls and Sky Light's expression darkens as well. "I see," she says, needing no answer other than what she can read in your eyes.
  728. > You have to explain it to her! Except you can't trust yourself not to give something away. Casting an imploring look at the doctor you make your ears go flat and eyes go extra large and wet.
  729. "Um, could we talk alone for a minute, Eliza?" you plead.
  730. > The woman seems a bit uncertain, looking from you to the bewildered pegasus and back several times. Finally she shrugs a little. "I'll be just down the hall."
  731. > She walks away and you wait until she is around the corner. Then you lean right against the bars again and motion to Sky to do the same.
  732. > It would be stupid to assume there's no microphones. The entire place is probably thoroughly bugged, at least the pony living areas. Hopefully whatever surveillance the humans have isn't sensitive enough for your whisper.
  733. "We're in danger," you tell the pegasus. "They can't let us go because this place has to stay a secret."
  734. > "Okay," Sky Light answers," makes sense. So why haven't they just killed us?"
  735. > You twist yourself around so that she can see a small plaster on a patch of bald skin on the back of your neck. It makes the mare gasp.
  736. > "What the fuck is that?!" she hisses.
  737. "Microchip. That's why I didn't go into heat. They put them in at birth. All ponies at my School have one."
  738. > "That's barbaric!"
  739. "They're supposed to prevent cutie marks, too, but I guess sometimes they break or something. Mine kinda half-broke so they took it out. This-" you pat your neck near the plaster, "is where they took it out."
  740. > Sky Light is silent for a while, but then she shakes her head angrily. You haven't seen that expression on the normally carefree pegasus yet. Perhaps the closest was the time you got angry at her and told her you were leaving.
  741. > "Fuck," she says at last in a defeated tone of voice. "That's fucked up."
  742. > You reach your hoof through the bars and she hugs it to herself. It's comforting and you simply enjoy her touch for a while.
  743. > "So what will they do to you now?" the mare asks.
  744. > You're still not sure if you can believe Dr. Mason, but it's the best answer you've got for the moment.
  745. "Indoctrinate me, I guess. I'm supposed to think these microchips are a good thing. If they believe me, they'll find me a job for my talent."
  746. > "What about me?"
  747. > You shake your head sadly.
  748. "Dr. Mason said you're too old to teach. If you behave they'll give you a job in this place, but you won't be allowed to leave."
  749. > Her lips purse and she's about to swear again, but you reach your other hoof through the bars and urgently grab her leg.
  750. "Listen to me! Pretend, okay?!" you say as quickly as you can in as quiet a whisper as you can manage." That's what I'm doing. They'll kill you if they think you'll fight them. Please, Sky."
  751. > She sneers at you. "I'd rather die than kowtow to these fuckers!"
  752. "We can't escape if we're dead!"
  753. > She stares at you, so you go on quickly before she stops listening to you.
  754. "I wanted to come find Maribelle, right? Well, it worked, we're here. And now I wanna escape and I won't stop until that happens too! They just need to let us go outside for a minute and we'll be out of here! Just- fucking pretend, Sky! For me."
  755. > The mare seems undecided, but then her ears sag and you relax a little. You've won.
  756. > "Oh fine. We'll try this crazy plan. At least, if we try to escape and they catch us again, they'll probably just kills us, right?"
  757. > Her thought is morbid and you start to shake your head, but then catch a tiny smile on Sky's lips. You grin back at her.
  758. "That's right. If we'd rather die than serve we can't really lose."
  759. > The mare gives you a solemn nod. "Okay, so what's the plan?"
  760. > Now it's time for you to look embarrassed and blush a little.
  761. "Don't have one, yet. Just keep our eyes open, I guess. Pretend you're coming around to the idea, but not too quickly or it'll be suspicious. I'll try and come talk with you often, but I dunno if they will let me. Maybe if they think I'm helping change your mind."
  762. > An idea occurs to you and you smile in anticipation.
  763. "Oh! Pretend like you almost believe them after my visit, but then go back to resisting, so it looks like I'm convincing you!"
  764. > Sky Light's grin quickly matches yours. "I like it. Devious little Rosa. These humans are gonna be sorry they messed with you."
  765. > The praise somehow reminds you of the reason you're here and your ears splay in misery. You look Sky Light square in the face and sigh.
  766. "Look, we got caught because of me. I'm sorry."
  767. > The mare just watches you for a moment, then smiles faintly. "I wanted to come along. We both made plans, so I guess we both failed about the same."
  768. "Yeah, but I-"
  769. > "Hush. I'm supposed to be the older one here. That's how responsibility works, you know? Then again, I guess if I was responsible I wouldn't live on the street..."
  770. > You don't quite understand where she's going with this, but you keep your legs through the bars so the pegasus has something to hug.
  771. "They'll let me see the other ponies here soon. I'll see Maribelle."
  772. > Sky Light manages a weak smile. "Well, you're right. Your plan did work."
  773. > Again you lower your voice to a whisper.
  774. "The next one will work, too! Just- don't give up, okay? Remember what I told you!"
  775. > You don't dare say anything more because you spot Dr. Mason coming back. Sky Light can't see her yet, but she can read your expression and releases your leg. "Ahem. Yeah," the pegasus says a bit more loudly, "I'll think about it okay? I don't like any of this, but I trust you, Rosa."
  776. > Almost spoiling her lie you catch yourself a moment before asking her what she's talking about. You flash the mare a quick smile, then look up at the woman.
  777. "Um, thank you for letting us talk, Eliza," you tell her. "It really means a lot."
  778. > The lady leans down to pat your head. "No problem, sweetheart. Ready to go back?"
  779. > You stand up, wave a hoof at Sky Light and walk after the woman. If you plead and beg and resist she'll definitely never bring you again.
  780. "Could I come visit Sky Light sometimes, Dr. Mason?"
  781. > "I think that can be arranged. Don't worry, Rosa, your friend won't be in that cell forever, just like you won't. Everything will turn out alright in the end, believe me."
  782. > You nod as happily as you can manage while the woman leads you back to your cell. She had promised you lunch and then you have to do more tests. Or the same tests again with a few new ones.
  783. > One of them involves you running on a treadmill for as long as you can. It sounds unpleasant, but at the same time some physical exercise should do you good. Hopefully you can keep that in mind when you're panting and sweaty.
  784. > She also wants to do something called an 'MRI'. You feel like you should know what the abbreviation means, but you forgot. Something medical, you know that much.
  785. > At least the day won't be boring, you think to yourself.
  787. > ~~~~
  789. > This time you're quite happy and relieved to get your mysterious star-filled dream. Once again you're standing on a soft, warm surface and there are no walls in sight, only the night sky.
  790. > The place is absolutely quiet and you turn around in a circle, looking for whatever creature had been visiting you.
  791. "Hello? I made it to White Pigeon," you tell it.
  792. > There's no answer, which makes you worry a little.
  793. "What do I do now?"
  794. > Having nothing better to look at, you turn your eyes upwards and gaze at the night sky. It's full of stars and it feels absolutely, infinitely vast. Is it Earth's sky?
  795. > That's silly - of course it's Earth's sky. Either that or a complete fabrication. You hadn't seen any other skies for your subconsciousness to draw upon.
  796. > It's still nice to pretend like maybe it's Equestrian sky. You wonder if you'll ever see it for real.
  797. > Probably not.
  798. > There's no moon this time and somehow that makes you feel a little more lonely.
  799. > "Rosa..." comes a whisper, apparently from all around you. It's hard to tell, but you think it's the same voice as all the times before.
  800. "Yes! I'm at White Pigeon. What should I do now?"
  801. > Maybe it really is a figment of your subconsciousness, but it hasn't lied to you yet. The White Pigeon thing was nothing short of amazing, but perhaps you'd heard the words spoken somewhere in the School and hadn't remembered.
  802. > There's got to be a rational explanation, right? That's what Mr. Danhauer, your old Maths and Physics teacher, always said. Everything has to have an explanation.
  803. > You wonder what that man would say if confronted with magic. You only have stories, but back in Equestria a certain kind of pony - unicorns - could use magic.
  804. > Suddenly you realize that the voice hasn't said anything else.
  805. > It's been getting weaker all the time. You wonder what that means. It probably isn't coming from anywhere in this facility, then. It's as good as proven.
  806. > If anything, the mysterious dream person would be getting stronger as you came nearer, no?
  807. > Maybe it's coming from your School, then.
  808. "Hello?" you prompt.
  809. > "You will... meet a pony," the unseen speaker says, again coming from all directions. "Her name- Starla."
  810. "Okay?"
  811. > You try to think back and remember if you'd ever heard of a pony called 'Starla' back at the School. It has got to be coming from some hidden, forgotten memory, right?
  812. > Actually, no, you don't know where it's coming from. The most logical explanation is that the voice is somehow your subconscious mind trying to tell you something, but it could also be something else. Something mystical.
  813. > "Tell her-" the creature says, but the words fade before you can catch them.
  814. "Yes?"
  815. > "Tell her eighteen sixty one. Remember."
  816. > You try to make sense of the number, then lean your head to the side.
  817. "American Civil War? Why? What does that mean?"
  818. > The creature, whatever it is, ignores you. "Up."
  819. > For a moment you don't understand what it means, but then you lift your head and look at the stars. A bright, larger-than-life, full moon hangs in the night sky.
  820. > It's weird that you can still see all the stars, though. You remember reading somewhere that the full moon is so bright that most stars become invisible.
  821. "Moon?"
  822. > "Tell... Starla eighteen sixty one. It will lead her to the moon. Remember."
  823. > You shrug a little to yourself. The first explanation is starting to look like the true one. Your poor mind, with all the upheaval of the past few days, is finally going insane.
  824. > Dreams are the first place where you're noticing it. It's mixing up Mr. Danhauer's lessons on Astronomy with Mr. Marston's history and dragging along a name of a pony you'd probably seen written down somewhere.
  825. > Is it even worth asking more questions? It was pretty faint.
  826. "I'll remember," you assure the invisible speaker.
  827. > There's no reply and the place seems empty once more. The moon is still there, but its glow doesn't show you what you're standing on. It's as if the floor is absorbing the light.
  828. > It's still quite warm and soft, so you curl up and go back to sleep. It's a lot easier than under the lamp in your cell, even if Dr. Mason managed to turn it down a little bit.
  829. > You'll have an exciting day tomorrow, you remember. You're finally going to meet the other ponies in this place.
  830. > You'll finally see Maribelle again.
  831. > The thought is enough to make you smile as you fall asleep in this strange dreamscape.
  833. > ~~~~
  835. > You're still faintly remembering the strange dream while Dr. Mason is taking you to your new room and you shake your head slightly to try and dislodge it.
  836. > There's more important things to think about. For example, you weren't even slightly sad to leave the cell behind.
  837. > Your possessions, consisting of your toothbrush, your toothpaste and the book Dr. Mason has gotten you, are being carried for you by the woman, so your hooves are free for walking.
  838. > It's also nice that you don't have to wear the bridle anymore. Apparently the higher-ups have decided you're not dangerous after all, which is good news.
  839. > The lift takes you up to the third floor and you hold your breath as the door slides open. You don't know what you were expecting, but it's just another corridor.
  840. > "This way," Dr. Mason says and sets off towards a metal door in the distance. You hurry to keep up with her long strides.
  841. > She stops at the end of the hallway and punches in a number on a keypad on the wall. There's a beep and a mechanical click and Dr. Mason pushes the door open. You peer around her legs at the room beyond.
  842. > It's got carpet, which is a very welcoming sight. You also see some cushions in a rough circle in one corner around a low table, suitable for ponies. There isn't anyone in, which worries you a little bit.
  843. > The doctor doesn't seem concerned and holds the door open for you. "In you get," she murmurs needlessly because your nervous legs can't stop moving and you're right on her heels.
  844. > Once inside you take a proper look around. One of the walls has a series of unmarked doors and not much else, so you ignore it. On the other side is a toilet, a bathroom and a shower - you can see the signs above their respective doors.
  845. > The rest of the room is rather plain. There are a few closets along the side and what looks like an abandoned game of Monopoly in the floor. It looks like four people were playing it, but the pieces lay apparently forgotten.
  846. > You also see a small but well-stocked bookshelf and you smile a little. Plenty of material for how long you intend to stay here.
  847. > The most important thing, however, are the voices. They are muffled and coming from a wider door opposite the entrance. The sign says 'kitchen' and you realize that the ponies must be having breakfast.
  848. > It makes sense, Dr. Mason has told you that you'll be eating with the others today.
  849. > She doesn't go to the source of the voices, though, but rather leads you to the plain wall with nondescript doors. "Come, this way," the woman calls you. "Let's get you moved in."
  850. > You cast a glance at the kitchen, itching to go and introduce yourself. Knowing that Maribelle is in there almost physically hurts, but you push the feeling down and follow Dr. Mason.
  851. > She takes you to the fourth door down and opens it. There are two beds inside with a locker each, a small table with a chair and, you're happy to see, a light switch.
  852. > Seems like you'll have a roommate. One of the beds looks quite pristine, but the other has obviously been slept in and then made hurriedly.
  853. "Um, this is nice," you comment.
  854. > A surreptitious glance shows you that there is a lock on the door, but it can only be operated from outside. You'll still be a prisoner, but there's worse places.
  855. > Dr. Mason puts your toothbrush and the book on you bed and then pats it. "Up," she commands and you clamber on and sit down. This makes it easier for her to talk to you face to face. The woman is smiling.
  856. > "So, I can trust you to behave yourself and not frighten the other ponies?"
  857. "Frighten?"
  858. > The woman runs her fingers through your mane and you lean into her touch. Trust her or not, it still feels nice. "Don't tell them things which will worry them, okay? Rumors about this place."
  859. > You're not sure what exactly she means, but you shrug and nod.
  860. "Okay."
  861. > "I pulled some strings to get you a good roommate, so don't disappoint me, okay? Be good, or I'll have you moved to solitary."
  862. > At this threat your ears lower and you quickly agree.
  863. "I promise."
  864. > "Good girl," the doctor praises.
  865. "Um, who's my roommate?" you ask her.
  866. > Now the woman smiles mysteriously. "You'll see. Just remember - this can be a very nice place if you do what you're told and learn what you're taught. You'll see."
  867. > She gestures vaguely. "Maybe someday Sky Light can join you up here if she can learn to be as good as you."
  868. "I told her. She said she'll try, but I don't think she really believed me. Maybe if I talked with her some more..."
  869. > The woman nods and you almost pump your hoof. Some more acting like that and you'll have these humans all fooled!
  870. > "Okay, you're probably hungry, but here are some ground rules: You're to be in your room before nine in the evening. Someone will come check on you and lock the doors, so make sure you use the toilet before that, or you'll just have to hold it until morning."
  871. > This sounds important and you nod solemnly to the woman.
  872. "Okay."
  873. > "The ponies will explain how meals work, but make sure you finish breakfast before eight in the morning. If someone needs you for a test or a lesson you'll have to go do it, fed or not, understand?"
  874. "Yes."
  875. > The fingers pause on your ear and give it a little scratch. "Most of the time you'll be working with me. You'll tell me if you need anything and I'll see if we can provide it for you."
  876. > It's about what you've been expecting, so you just nod and smile at the woman.
  877. > "Good. The other ponies know how things work, so just follow them. If you have any questions, ask me, deal?"
  878. "Deal! Thank you, Eliza!"
  879. > She stands up and goes to the door. You follow right on her heels, impatient and excited to finally meet your old roommate.
  880. > "Now go and introduce yourself. You can have your breakfast in peace. I've scheduled your psych evaluation for after lunch. I'll come fetch you when it's time and then we'll discuss your future. Have fun!"
  881. > The doctor doesn't wait for your reply, even though you thank her again and say goodbye. She leaves through the same door, typing in the number again to unlock it and you hear some automatic mechanism lock it when it closes behind her.
  882. > This is what you've been working towards all this time. Maribelle!
  883. > You walk to the kitchen door and stop, wondering how to do it. Should you knock, or would it be better to just walk in and greet everyone?
  884. > For that matter, you don't even know how many ponies there are! You hear a voice you don't know talking at length, but that doesn't tell you how many listeners there are.
  885. > You take a deep breath and shake your head a little. They're ponies! They'll be happy to see a new face! Maribelle is in there!
  886. > Heart aflutter, legs trembling a little and your breath stuck in your throat, you reach up, push the door open and step inside.
  887. > Whoever it was that was talking falls silent as three sets of eyes focus on the newcomer. You only see one mare, though.
  888. > "R-Rosa?!"
  889. > The chair clatters as the mare kicks it back and rushes at you. Already there are tears in your eyes and you're smiling so widely that your muzzle is cramping up.
  890. > Her mane - violet, but lighter than your coat - is a little longer than the last time you saw her. Her indigo coat looks well-kept. Then you find yourself caught in her beautiful eyes and everything else fades.
  891. > Back when you were moved into Maribelle's dorm room was the first time you'd heard of the color: umber. You'd called them brown and the mare, with a patient smile, corrected you. It reminded you so much about the way you were with your name that you immediately felt a kinship with Maribelle.
  892. > Time returns to normal as she slams into your barrel and you both fall to the floor.
  893. > "Oh my God, ROSA!" the pony squeals in delight. "It's *so* good to see you, Rosa!"
  894. > You can't say anything because you're laughing.
  895. > Now that Maribelle - sweet, smart, kind Maribelle - is back, there's nothing you can't do if you put your minds to it. With her and Sky Light at your side you'll get out of this place before you know it.
  896. "I m-missed you too," you stammer.
  897. > The pony is lying on top of you and alternating between nuzzling your cheek and pulling back to stare at you incredulously.
  898. > At long last the wheels click and her smile falters. "They said you ran away," Maribelle explains. "How did you end up here?!"
  899. > You take a deep breath and lift both yourself and your friend upright. You catch a glimpse of the other two ponies, but they don't matter just now. You're holding on to your roommate until further notice and it feels like she's not going to let you go either.
  900. > That's just fine by you.
  901. "It's a long story."
  902. > "Tell me everything!"
  903. "Well, they assigned me to work for this family - the Boones..."
  905. > ~~~~
  907. > After a heavily abridged version of your story, Maribelle insisted she make you breakfast personally, so you sat down at the table while she went to the stove to cook.
  908. > You see that all the appliances are smaller and lower to the floor, so they can be comfortably used by ponies. Even the pots have big, rubbery handles so they're easy to grab with your teeth.
  909. > Looks like the kitchen is make for pony use, which means that they cook for themselves here. It's a nice touch and you like the place a tiny bit more.
  910. > While you're sitting at the table you look at the other two residents. One of them is a pink earth mare with a really clashing, bright cyan mane.
  911. > You feel a bit sorry for her with those colors, but she seems good natured. The other, an earth colt, is yellow with a gray mane. He doesn't look old, so it seems like it's just his natural color.
  912. > Flashing both of them a friendly smile, you introduce yourself.
  913. "My n-name is Rosa..."
  914. > They seem slightly bemused and glance at each other. They could probably guess since Maribelle had called you by your name, but it's still polite to make a proper introduction.
  915. "Um, I was Maribelle's roommate at the Pony School."
  916. > The colt is the first to stir and he reaches out a hoof for you to shake. "Samwise, but these two call me 'Speedy'," he explains, indicating the mares.
  917. > Then you look expectantly at the pink mare. "Starla," she says in a neutral voice.
  918. > You feel like you've been slapped. You stare at the pony, mouth hanging open, until she grins nervously and pats her muzzle.
  919. > "What?! Is there something on my face?"
  920. > Shaking your head, you manage to get yourself under control. The dream voice had specifically told you to give this mare a message. You wonder if you should tell her right now.
  921. > Maybe she's your new roommate? It feels like the humans would keep boys and girls separated, so it's either that or-
  922. > Your eyes go wide in shock.
  923. "Maribelle, which room are you in?"
  924. > She looks away from the pot she's heating up. "Number four," she answers. "Why?"
  925. "We're roommates!!"
  926. > You could hug Dr. Mason right now. She made it so you're in the room with your old friend. Maybe she really does care?
  927. > Maribelle seems to echo your delight and squees excitedly. She leaves her cooking long enough to come give you another tight hug. "This is so great! Just like old times!"
  928. > You just nod, unable to find proper words.
  929. > "Good for you," the colt comments. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a Maths tutor in ten minutes so I better get my notebook."
  930. > He slips from the chair and leaves the small kitchen, giving you a friendly grin on his way out. You kinda like him, but it's just a first impression. Hopefully you'll get to talk to him a bit more later, so you can see what he's like.
  931. > Starla, however, just keeps watching you with a bemused expression. Finally, she twirls a hoof in the air. "Show me this half-cutie mark you got. I heard about it, but I've never seen anything like that."
  932. > You remember you haven't gotten a good look at Maribelle's cutie mark, and the colt is already gone. It would make sense that all the ponies here have them, since that's probably the reason they were brought to the facility in the first place.
  933. > Starla herself has a magic wand. Maybe she's good with magic tricks or something? You slip off the chair to show her your sides and she watches with a great deal of interest.
  934. > "Weird. Do you know why you only got the one?"
  935. "Dr. Mason said the implant malfunctioned in a weird way."
  936. > You show her the bald patch with the plaster, but the mare doesn't reply to that. She just keeps looking thoughtfully at you and her face doesn't give out what she's thinking.
  937. > In fact, the mare is a bit odd, but you can't really put a finger on it. Or rather, you can't put a hoof on it. You decide to give her time and chat with her before you make up your mind you don't like her.
  938. > After all, the dream-voice told you about her specifically. You wonder what that means.
  939. > It'll wait for later, because right at the moment Maribelle seems to be done and she slides a plate before you. At first glance it looks like it's just full of milk, but you give the spoon a stir and things float up.
  940. > It's some kind of grain porridge, but with raisins and some corn flakes mixed in. The mare watches you with a faint smile as you put it in your mouth.
  941. "It's good!" you comment.
  942. > A bit of milk dribbles down your chin and Maribelle chuckles. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Rosa," she chides, but she likes the praise, you can tell. Giving her a big smile, you go at your meal with gusto.
  943. > "So, what's on your schedule for today?" Maribelle asks Starla while you shovel the goop in your mouth as quickly as you can. That first taste reminded you that you hadn't eaten since last night.
  944. > "Hmm," Starla gives the question some thought. "Dunno, really. They haven't told me yet. I guess I'll do my homework in History and Literature."
  945. > Maribelle nods approvingly. "I still don't get it how you can be so good at stuff like Science and Physics, but so bad at History."
  946. > The mare shrugs dismissively. "Guess it just doesn't suit me."
  947. > "Nonsense," Maribelle counters. "I'll help you study in the evening, okay? Rosa can help too, she's always been good in school."
  948. > You just give the two a nod and swallow your mouthful before answering.
  949. "Oh, sure. I'll help, too!"
  950. > The pink mare smiles a little. "Thanks, I really appreciate it."
  951. > Almost you tell her about the dream voice, but then you glance at Maribelle and change your mind. You decide to talk with your friend first. Maybe she'll be able to tell you if you can trust Starla with this information or not. They seem to know each other pretty well.
  952. > "You?" Starla asks.
  953. > Maribelle doesn't have to think. "Got Engineering with Mr. Roberts in an hour."
  954. > She seems excited.
  955. "Engineering? Why?" you blurt out.
  956. > The mare slips from her chair and shows you her side. On her flank is a picture of railroad, which makes you stare in shock.
  957. "Railroad?!"
  958. > The mare blushes and folds her ears down. "Well, yeah."
  959. "How?! Why?!"
  960. > She shrugs a little. "It's a long story."
  961. "I'm not going anywhere! I'm free until lunch."
  962. > Maribelle glances at the clock on a nearby wall, then smiles. "Okay, the short version for now and I'll tell you more after lunch."
  963. > While she's getting ready to tell her story you spoon the last few bits in your mouth and then go to lick the dish clean. Before you can really get into it, Starla grabs the pot and pours you some more with a slight smirk.
  964. > You just flash her a guilty grin, but don't complain and quickly reach for your spoon again.
  965. > "Anyway, Frankie - you remember him? He was a year younger than us."
  966. > It takes a moment to bring the name of the colt to mind, but you can't quite put a face to it. You still nod.
  967. > Maribelle shrugs as she continues. "He somehow got the password for the Internet on the school's computer and he told me it. He showed me this thing called a you tube."
  968. > You'd heard about it from Taylor at the Internet cafe, so you give your friend a smile.
  969. "Yeah, it's mostly about cat videos, right?"
  970. > Both Starla and Maribelle laugh at this. "No, silly. It's got all sorts of stuff on it," your friend explains. "For some reason it showed me this video of a guy and his model railroad set. The thing was really impressive. It took up a whole room and there were stations and mountains and lakes. You should have seen it!"
  971. > Now that she's talking, Maribelle's eyes are wide and full of wonder. "I guess it was love at first sight. I mean, I knew what trains were, but the way he set up all these intersections and crossings and junctions. Dunno, I really liked watching it. The little model trains going around... There were even puffs of smoke from the locomotives!"
  972. > The mare shakes her head, but she's still smiling. "I snuck down to the computer lab whenever I had some free time. The teachers thought I was looking up stuff for my classes on the approved sites, but I was secretly watching train videos. Then - before I knew what was happening, I had this on my flank."
  973. > She taps the cutie mark and sighs. "I was terrified at first, but Dr. Barton, my attending, set up an engineering class, so now I'm learning all about how trains work and stuff. He says if I'm good I might get to work on one someday. Like a train conductor or something."
  974. > It sounds like she really loves the idea. It throws a wrench in your plans to settle down somewhere with Maribelle, but if you have to you'll set up world's first garden on a train!
  975. > Might be difficult to fulfill her talent if you escape, though. It makes you worry, but you push it aside for now. You can figure something out later.
  976. > Maybe you won't even have to escape, if the people really are as nice as it seems. The place still gives you the creeps, but maybe you're just prejudiced from the stuff you'd heard?
  977. > Sky Light wouldn't like it, though.
  978. > This could be bad - you might have to leave one of your friends.
  979. > "What's wrong?" Maribelle asks and you realize she had stopped talking and both her and Starla are watching you with some concern.
  980. "Oh. Nothing. Just a bit scared of this place still, I guess," you tell them truthfully.
  981. > You put your muzzle in the plate again to hide for a moment and get a chance to compose yourself.
  982. > It probably won't be easy, but maybe you can figure something out. After all, didn't Sky Light tell you about that earth pony with a compass cutie mark who became a trucker? Aiden, that was it.
  983. > Maybe Maribelle could sort of 'unofficially' help some human who drives a train for a living. If she has a cutie mark in it, she'll undoubtedly be good at it. All she'd needs is a chance, maybe in some quiet, out of the way area where people don't mind where you came from?
  984. > Having even so rudimentary a plan cheers you up and you smile at your old friend again.
  985. > "Sheesh, they must have starved you in quarantine," Maribelle comments. "They told us another pony is coming, but I never for the life of me imagined it was you, Rosa!"
  986. > Her expression grows solemn. "I never thought I'd hear from you again. From any of you. How were the others after- after I left?"
  987. > You remember the heartbreak, but you still keep your smile.
  988. "They were good last time I heard. They seemed happy. They sent me photos, back when I was still with the Boone's."
  989. > By now they must have heard you were missing. Would the teachers have told them that you also got your cutie mark, or would they just say you'd escaped.
  990. > What must they think of you, if that's all they know?
  991. > You wonder if there is any way at all to somehow send them a message. You decide you'll try asking Dr. Mason, but you don't have much hope for that. After all, no one ever heard back from a pony who got their cutie mark.
  992. > The weird part is you can't figure out why exactly. What would be the harm? They can't be this paranoid about secrecy here, can they?
  993. > If you absolutely had to guess, it's probably so you all stayed afraid of cutie marks for whatever reason. Maybe the implants work better if you're scared of getting one?
  994. > "Well, I'll get started on my homework," Starla says. "Nice chatting with you, Rosa. We'll talk more later."
  995. > You remember the problems with her classes Maribelle had mentioned.
  996. "Want me to help?"
  997. > The mare shakes her head. "Thanks for the offer, but I'd like to try my hoof at it by myself, first."
  998. > Maribelle looks up at the clock again. "I better get ready for Mr. Roberts."
  999. > It feels like you haven't really gotten a chance to catch up, but you don't mind. There'll be plenty of time, especially since Maribelle is your roommate again. You slip from the chair and give her a big hug.
  1000. > "You won't get bored here by yourself, right?" she asks.
  1001. "No. I'll wash the dishes and tidy up a little. I'm used to it!"
  1002. > This cheers both mares up a little bit. "Aw, that's so kind of you!" Maribelle praises and your heart flutters in joy. She always knew just what to say to motivate you. "There's also books if you like, or a movie. They got us a nice selection of DVDs. The TV is in the last closet near the window, just keep the volume down so you don't bother Starla while she's studying."
  1003. > That's some more good news. Now you really wish Sky Light will be able to join you up here soon. You have to tell her what it's like and then maybe she can start pretending she believes the humans and get moved to this place, rather than that prison cell on the second floor.
  1004. > Both mares file out of the kitchen and you collect the empty dishes from the table and take them to the sink. It's so much easier to work if it's lower to the floor!
  1005. > The joy at seeing your old friend and possibly making a few new ones fills your heart and you start humming happily.
  1006. > Starla freezes in the door and looks back at you, which makes your song falter.
  1007. "What?"
  1008. > She shakes her head a little and forces a smile. "Nice song. Where is it from?"
  1009. > You shrug.
  1010. "Dunno. I've known it since forever. Probably something I saw on TV someday."
  1011. > "Oh." If anything, the mare seems a bit disappointed. You don't know why and it doesn't feel like the right time to ask because she leaves the kitchen and gently shuts the door behind herself.
  1012. > You go back to humming as you start washing the dishes.
  1014. > ~~~~
  1016. > The facility's psychiatrist finally finished asking you silly and embarrassing questions - if you'd ever been in love with a colt, really!? Personal!
  1017. > You tried to contain both your impatience and annoyance, but some of it might have shown through there at the end. Luckily the man didn't seem to pick up on it. Maybe he was just bad at ready pony expressions or their body language, but you're grateful for that anyway.
  1018. > It'd be a disaster if Dr. Mason got a bad report of your behavior the first day you're finally back with your friend Maribelle.
  1019. > Anyway, you made it through that and one of the scientists took you back to the pony dorm. It reminds you so strongly about School that you subconsciously find yourself falling back into old ways of thinking.
  1020. > You consider the days ahead not in terms of escaping from a government facility, but rather in terms of assignments, lessons, homework and chatting with your friends. It's really easy to see why Maribelle and the other two seem quite happy here.
  1021. > None of that for you, though. You'll stay determined and escape at the earliest opportunity. Maybe living on the streets with Sky Light and Terry and even Velvet's gang has made you more aware of being a prisoner.
  1022. > Whatever the reason, you know you'll have to broach the subject very carefully to Maribelle, or she will dig her heels in and refuse to believe you. Actually, that might happen anyway.
  1023. > The mare has everything she wants here - a relatively large amount of freedom, engineering lessons in line with her special talent, friends, and a prospect of a useful future.
  1024. > You'll have to handle her very carefully. You decide you'll start with the good parts, namely yours and Sky Light's adventures on the road to this place. You can tell Maribelle about the time you stopped to swim, or about the interesting foods you got to taste.
  1025. > Then there's Richie and Pavo and Mrs. Basilius, all good and interesting people who took you in like you were part of the family. You can tell your roommate about Richie's collection of 'trucker pony' pictures and how happy most of them looked in the shots.
  1026. > Most importantly, you have to tell Maribelle all about Sky Light and her happy-go-lucky, carefree spirit. The way she ambled around the city, knowing practically everyone and everything.
  1027. > You have to tell your friend about Taylor, or 'Mario' as Sky Light calls him, and his story of how he met his girlfriend. That was almost like a romantic comedy, right?
  1028. > All these positive thoughts are making you grin widely and keep humming your song as you walk around the ponies' living room and tidy up a little here and there. That's the way Maribelle finds you when a human leads her in.
  1029. > You don't see who it was, but you guess it was Dr. Barton, her attending - something.
  1030. > It's weird how you'd heard the short title, "attending", but never heard the other part. It's probably something like "attending physician", you figure.
  1031. > The mare says goodbye to the man, then the door closes. There's no sign of Starla or Speedy, so you focus your entire smile on Maribelle.
  1032. "Hello!"
  1033. > You finish putting away the second-to-last cushion as the mare approaches you, returning your grin. "Someone's in a good mood today. Had fun?"
  1034. "Mhm!" you tell her.
  1035. > No use telling Maribelle how annoyed you were with the psych exam, right? It's in the past anyway. She walks to the pile of cushions you'd made and flops right across them. You don't mind, even if you did spend nearly half an hour stacking them up this neatly.
  1036. > You move the last pillow over and sit on it.
  1037. "So, how was your class?"
  1038. > The mare smiles and her ears perk up. Her swishing tail nearly slaps you in the muzzle and you move your pillow closer to her head. "Amazing!" she says. "I mean, at first we just studied diagrams, but then Mr. Roberts showed me this simulator."
  1039. > Maribelle lifts a hoof as if trying to belay your questions while she explains. "I mean, this one was just on a computer, but he said they had a real, life-size simulator back at the company."
  1040. > The mare turns to her side and reaches up a hoof. You understand the gesture and move closer yet, so she can stroke your flank.
  1041. > "It's got hydraulics and everything, so you really feel like you're in an actual train. He said he'll ask Dr. Barton if I might be allowed to go see it. I need to train on that if I wanna pass my locomotive engineer exams..."
  1042. > You're really happy for the mare, but all this is making you harder to tell her about running away. If you ruin this chance for her Maribelle would be heartbroken. She might never forgive you.
  1043. > It'd be horrible if you had to leave this facility without your friend. She was the whole reason you came here.
  1044. > Well, knowing she was happy and doing something she loves would be something, you guess.
  1045. > "Rosa? You look preoccupied," Maribelle points out.
  1046. "Uh? Oh, no! No, I'm fine. Just- thinking."
  1047. > "I know it's boring if you're not a gear head," the mare giggles.
  1048. "No, it's not that, it's-"
  1049. > "So I'll shut up and you can tell me about what you've been up to, Rosa! You must have seen some interesting stuff out on the run. Was it scary?"
  1050. > You smile at the mare and shrug a little.
  1051. "Uh, sometimes?" you offer.
  1052. > Maribelle giggles at the answer and shifts over to make room for you, then she pats the cushions with a hoof. You lie down beside her and she puts her foreleg around your barrel. It's surprisingly comfortable.
  1053. > "You gotta give me more than that, girl! Did you meet any nice colts?"
  1054. > This time you blush, but you can't keep your treacherous muzzle shut.
  1055. "Well, one back at school..."
  1056. > You fall silent as Maribelle 'squees' excitedly. "Yes! Let's start with that! Tell me *everything*!"
  1057. > That's the mare you remember and you start grinning widely as you think back on your escapades in the colts' room.
  1058. "Soon after, um, you left, the colts across the hall got their hooves on an iPad..."
  1060. > ~~~~
  1062. > You volunteered to do the dishes again after dinner, which was quite well received. Even Starla smiled a little at not having to do it, since it would normally be her turn.
  1063. > The colt retired to your cushion-bed to read a little and Maribelle went to get a shower, so you're alone with the strange, color-clashing mare. You've decided to tell her about your dream after your roommate said you could trust her.
  1064. > The only problem now is how to start that particular conversation. You scrub in silence for a while, then stop to look back at the pony.
  1065. "So, Starla? I know this is going to sound weird..." you begin.
  1066. > "Hmm? Oh, I've heard weird, believe me. I'm no stranger to weird," she says absent-mindedly.
  1067. > It bodes well for what you're about to tell her, but you still give it some more thought.
  1068. "Well, I've been having these dreams lately..."
  1069. > The mare perks up a little and you get the feeling she's paying very close attention to whatever you're going to tell her.
  1070. > It's a little bit encouraging. Maybe she won't dismiss it out of hand - hoof - immediately.
  1071. "One of them told me to come to White Pigeon, even before I'd even heard the name. Well, maybe I've read it somewhere at the School or overheard someone talking, but I didn't know it."
  1072. > It had sounded strange even in your head and you wait for the mare to start laughing. Instead, she just keeps looking at you with her eyebrows raised.
  1073. > "Okay?"
  1074. "I sometimes think it's just my subconscious trying to tell me about clues or something, but so far it's been pretty accurate. I dunno what it's really about. It could be ghosts or something."
  1075. > Surely *now* she'll chuckle and tell you that you're imagining things? All the pony does is smile faintly with that expectant expression on her muzzle.
  1076. "So, last night... or was it two nights ago? Anyway, it told me to give you a message. Specifically. By name."
  1077. > "You're right, that does sound weird," Starla replies, but there's still no derision or disbelief on her face. You decide to just get it over with.
  1078. "It said to tell you the year Civil War started and that's how you can find the moon."
  1079. > The change was surprising and you stopped washing just so you could watch the mare. She froze, her ears folded down as if afraid and her eyes went wide.
  1080. > "Find the moon? Are those the exact words?"
  1081. "Yes!" you confirm, relieved that she's at least willing to listen.
  1082. > "Okay, so what was the message?"
  1083. "Just a number - year when the US Civil war started."
  1084. > The pony rolls her eyes a little and you blush in shame at having to even brought it up, but she holds up a hoof. "Remind me, what was the year?"
  1085. > That's right, Maribelle had said Starla is having troubles in History and Literature classes.
  1086. "Eighteen sixty-one."
  1087. > "Eighteen sixty-one," the mare repeats, then a few more times under her breath. She's committing the number to memory, it looks like.
  1088. "So you believe me?"
  1089. > Starla catches your worried expression and slips from her chair to come give you a brief hug. "Oh, of course I believe you. That message sounds very specific, I don't think you would have made it up. You didn't know my name until today, right?"
  1090. > You nod, relief flooding through your insides.
  1091. "Yeah! I thought m-maybe I'd heard it somewhere in the School or something, but I don't think you were at the Pony School."
  1092. > This time she shakes her head, smiling gently. "No, I wasn't. I came here from- elsewhere."
  1093. > You caught the tiny pause, but you don't push it. Everyone is entitled to their secrets and you're not about to judge Starla if she doesn't want to tell you where she came from just yet.
  1094. > "And you're sure about the message? 'Find the moon', that's exactly what it said?" she asks again, as if making absolutely sure. "Wait, how did your dream say it? Was there like writing, or a voice, or someone talking to you? Some mysterious pony?"
  1095. > You shake your head.
  1096. "No pony. Just a voice - it c-came from everywhere at once. It was really dark and there were stars."
  1097. > "Stars?"
  1098. "Yeah, stars and sometimes a full moon. Is that important?"
  1099. > The mare gives you another hug, but now she's smiling widely. "It's more important than you think! Thank you so much for telling me this!"
  1100. > You immediately see that the message means something to her and now you're insatiably curious.
  1101. "What does it mean? Why the US Civil war year? Does that have some significance?"
  1102. > She murmurs: "More than you'll ever know," but then realizes she'd said it out loud and blushes. "Sorry. Yes, it's very significant."
  1103. "Will you tell me why?"
  1104. > Now the pony is thoughtful. She seems pained, but determined. "Not... yet. Please, can you trust me for a couple of days? I'll... think about it and if this is what I think it is, I'll tell you then, okay?"
  1105. > She leans her head to the side and gives you a long, piercing look. "You said you had another friend in one of the cells here? A pegasus?"
  1106. "Yeah, Sky Light. We- um, we were caught trying to break into this place."
  1107. > "Why were you trying to break into this place?"
  1108. "I was- um, h-hoping I could get M-Maribelle out..." you admit.
  1109. > Instead of outrage you'd been expecting, Starla just smiles. "Noble, if a little... unwise. Okay, please don't tell anything about your dreams to any human, okay? Wait, did you ever tell anyone?"
  1110. > You quickly think back through your adventures.
  1111. "I guess Terry knows - he probably heard me and Sky Light talking about it-"
  1112. > "Who's Terry?" Starla demands. Apparently she hadn't been listening to your story that morning very closely.
  1113. "Just this homeless man we used to live with. Well, Sky Light and him lived in this broken down van and I, uh, kinda joined them. He's okay. I trust him. He wouldn't come near here anyway."
  1114. > This relaxes the mare somewhat, but she still seems faintly uneasy. "Okay, promise me you won't tell anyone else here. Did you tell Maribelle?"
  1115. > You give a slight nod and Starla sighs a tiny bit. "Okay, fine. I think we can trust her. Speedy?"
  1116. > This time you shake your head.
  1117. > "Good. Let's keep it this way. Make sure Maribelle doesn't tell him, okay? If this all pans out, I'll tell you all the truth, otherwise it'd just worry you."
  1118. > The way Starla talks makes you very suspicious and you swallow a nervous lump.
  1119. "It sounds kinda shady and dangerous," you point out.
  1120. > The mare lowers her ears and gives you another quick hug. "It is. I'm sorry, Rosa, please just trust me for a little while? It's very important!"
  1121. > You think it over, but there's nothing really to decide. You'd chosen to trust your dream-voice when you didn't mention it to Dr. Mason. You give the mare a slow nod.
  1122. "I promise."
  1123. > "Great! Now I have to go and thing some stuff over. I'll be in my room if you remember anything else you have to tell me."
  1124. "Deal!"
  1125. > As the mare leaves you turn back to the remaining dishes and get back to work. Tomorrow sounds like it will be busy - Dr. Mason had told you to skip breakfast because she'll be taking your blood for some more tests. She also said you'll need to have the 'sex and foals' talk, which is making you a bit nervous.
  1126. > They won't outright forbid you to have them, right? Well, you don't want foals *right now* - there's too much happening and you're not sure where you'll end up, but you want the *option* someday.
  1127. > You're scared Dr. Mason will have you spayed or something. If you seriously suspect that, you're bucking her in her face and jumping out the window. You'd rather take your chances with gravity than lose that part of yourself.
  1128. > One scare like that had been enough!
  1129. > Hopefully whatever Dr. Mason has to tell you is just because you no longer have that chip to regulate your hormones.
  1130. > A slight gasp escapes you. Does that mean you'll be going into heat soon? Is that what the doctor wants to warn you about? So you watch out of symptoms and tell her when they start?
  1131. > You don't want to make any indecent proposals to Speedy, nor get yourself- well, 'in that way', not here and not now.
  1132. > Hopefully that's all it is. The woman is looking out for your best interest and for your comfort.
  1133. > Yeah, the woman has been nice, if a little odd. At the very least you can trust her to tell you what's going to happen. She hasn't answered all your questions, but she has told you about important stuff like the implant and your operation.
  1134. > After that blood test, Dr. Mason has promised to give you a replacement breakfast. You hope it's more pudding. For some reason you really, really crave pudding today.
  1135. > Black, chocolate, slightly warm, gooey. Just thinking about it sends a shiver down your spine and you shudder.
  1136. "Mmmm!"
  1137. > You wipe down the last plate and leave it to dry the rest of the way on the counter, then you go look for Maribelle. She made you promise to tell her more anecdotes from your time with the Boones and you're kinda looking forward to that.
  1138. > It's certain your friend will love Lillian just as much as you do.
  1139. > That reminds you. You have to ask Dr. Mason if there's news about the little girl.
  1140. > Maybe they have found her. That would make tomorrow a very good day.
  1141. > You force your mind to be optimistic. Of course they found her. She was probably hiding out with some elderly couple who doesn't watch the news somewhere beyond the suburbs.
  1142. > The little girl watched you leave and went the same way when she ran away. Someone was bound to see her wandering the woods and now they're keeping her safe.
  1143. > It's very far fetched, but there it is. You need to believe it, or you'll break down crying again.
  1144. > Just believe it, Rosa! Dr. Mason will confirm it tomorrow and then you'll really be happy!
  1145. > You start humming as you make your way to your room and Speedy looks up from his book to give you a faint little smile.
  1146. > "I like that song," he says.
  1147. > Giving him a nod, you keep humming and go look for your friend.
  1149. > ~~~~
  1151. > Your name is Rosa and you're a bit worried about what's about to happen. Dr. Mason had you sit on a chair in her examination office and has now gone to lock the door. It doesn't bode well, but the woman hadn't done anything particularly horrible to you yet, so you try to control your breathing.
  1152. > No way you can keep your ears upright, though. She has never locked the door, not even that time she shoved a thermometer right up... well, up there.
  1153. > "So," the lady intones as she comes to take her own seat across the desk from you.
  1154. "Is e-everything okay?" you prompt.
  1155. > "Here," she says and takes a box from her drawer to place it up where you can see it.
  1156. > It's an oblong shape with four little compartments. You're curious about it, but at the same time nervous. You wonder what it is.
  1157. > The woman pushes it over across the desk. "Can you open those boxes?" she asks you.
  1158. "Um, okay..."
  1159. > It's a bit tricky with hooves, but you're very precise and manage to lift one of the covers with a tiny click. There's a bunch of pills in there.
  1160. "Uh, what is this?"
  1161. > The woman seems proud. "Good. Not all ponies can manage this, but you'll have to learn how to use it."
  1162. > She hadn't answered your question, so you just wait until she does. Meanwhile you open another flap to find more pills. The compartments in the box are labeled with numbers from one to four.
  1163. "I d-don't understand."
  1164. > The woman reaches over to give your mane a pat, then takes the box in her hands. She closes both latches and shakes it, making the pills inside rattle like one of those Mexican instruments. Rattles, you think they're called.
  1165. > "So, here's the long and the short of it, Rosa. Now that you no longer have a chip to control your hormones, you'll have to do it yourself. I'll make sure you take these while you're with us, but eventually we'll probably find you a position somewhere and you'll have to take care of it yourself."
  1166. "H-Hormones?" you squeak.
  1167. > "Yes. You're to take one of these every Monday morning. You'll start today with number one. Next week is number two, and so on. Three, then four, than back to one. Got that?"
  1168. > You nod, but you're still not sure what it's all for.
  1169. "Why?"
  1170. > "This will make it so you don't go into heat. The chip used to do that, but that's gone now and we won't be putting a new one in, okay?"
  1171. "You wont?"
  1172. > Dr. Mason smiles. "No, Rosa. This way is a lot safer and easier. I think we can trust you to be diligent about this, right?"
  1173. > That's a lot of faith the woman is placing in you and you wonder what the consequences are for not obeying and letting yourself go into heat. You decide not to ask. It's probably not nice, judging from how casually the woman spoke about 'putting Sky Light down'.
  1174. > She's waiting for your answer.
  1175. "Um, yes, of course," you promise.
  1176. > It's not as bad as you'd feared, though. A part of you had been worried they'd do something more... permanent, to stop you from going into heat - or at least having foals. You've been afraid of that, actually.
  1177. > You hadn't even mentioned it to Maribelle.
  1178. > Pills are great in comparison. You can just stop taking them when you escape! The news allows you to give the doctor a faint smile.
  1179. > She opens the first box and takes out a pill. They're so small that they'll be tricky to manage with hooves, but it's only one per week, after all.
  1180. > "This is the first one, okay? You might feel some mild side effects because we're switching you from the implant to pills. Tell me if you have headaches or stomach cramps or nausea or anything like that, okay?"
  1181. "Yes, Dr. Mason."
  1182. > She kindly holds it out and you lick it from her fingers. The pill itself tastes a bit bitter, but you get it down, even without water.
  1183. > The woman smiles at you. "Good girl!" she praises.
  1184. > A moment later she stands and picks up the box. "I'll hold this for you. There's another thing I need you to do for me today and then you'll meet with Brad to see where your education left off."
  1185. "Okay. What is that?" you ask the woman and slip from your chair.
  1186. > "This way. Your pegasus friend has been asking about you and we need to show her that you're being treated well. You need to explain to her that life isn't so bad here, okay?"
  1187. > In a lot of ways it wouldn't even be a lie. You can tell Sky Light how the ponies are treated and you probably won't even need to ask Dr. Mason to leave you two alone.
  1188. > Besides, you get to see your friend again! You miss the mischievous mare and her ready smile and she no doubt she misses you.
  1189. > Hopefully they really had given her a radio or a book or something, so she isn't going crazy from boredom.
  1190. "I'll tell her the truth."
  1191. > "Very good. I really do hope we can convince her to listen. Once she understands that she can have a good life here, it will all be a lot better."
  1192. > Your ears fold down a little.
  1193. "You're not going to let her go?"
  1194. > "Sorry, sweetheart. Perhaps someday, if she really behaves. There's a lot of secrecy about this place and the people in charge would like to keep it that way. Everyone working here has signed a very comprehensive NDA."
  1195. > She continues as she leads you down the hall to the elevator: "Once we send you away, you'll have to do the same."
  1196. "Oh. Okay."
  1197. > You're really starting to wonder why these important bigwig humans are so paranoid about this place, or why their research is so important.
  1198. > Surely they aren't hoping that these microchips can someday make all ponies cutie-mark-less?
  1199. > It would be impossible, for one. You've seen there are free ponies living out there and they'll keep having foals. If Sky Light's truck stop gang is any proof, they'll all eventually get cutie marks, even if it is a little later in life than they used to in Equestria.
  1200. > You don't say any of that out loud, though. Dr. Mason is nice, but you still don't quite trust her.
  1201. > "Oh, by the way," the woman asks, "how are your wounds feeling?"
  1202. > That reminds you and you look down at your leg, where a bare patch of skin and a small circle of band-aid still reminds you of the IV.
  1203. > It's been gone for a day now, but you imagine that your leg still itches sometimes. You can't really see the other patch on your neck, but you feel it with your hoof and it's not even sore anymore.
  1204. "They feel fine," you confirm.
  1205. > "Very good. Let me know if it starts hurting again. We don't want any complications, right?"
  1206. "No. Thank you."
  1207. > She steps into the elevator and you follow. You watch the woman closely as she presses the button for the floor. It doesn't seem like the elevator needs any kind of security card or code.
  1208. > There are a few doors around the place with keypads next to them - the one for the ponies' room is one and the one outside you remember from your failed break-in attempt.
  1209. > There might be others, especially for the rooms where they keep medicine or weapons or whatever dangerous things there might be in this place.
  1210. > You stop thinking about escape, though, because you're going to see Sky Light. A new thought occurs.
  1211. "Um, Dr. Mason?"
  1212. > "Yes, Rosa?"
  1213. "Could I spend some time with Sky Light today? I'd be okay if you locked us into her cell for an hour or so..."
  1214. > The woman seems thoughtful, but then she shrugs a little and nods. "Seeing how good you've been, I don't think that would be a problem."
  1215. > The news makes you smile widely.
  1216. "Thank you!"
  1217. > "Who knows, if she hears about how nice you ponies have it up there on third, she might be more inclined to listen. Maybe we can soon put her up with the rest of you, would you like that?"
  1218. "Yes!" you exclaim.
  1219. > The woman pauses in her walking to reach down and scratch your ear. "Well, then just be sure to tell her about what we do and how you all are being treated. I'm sure the others would like another friend, no?"
  1220. > It would be totally amazing if you could introduce Sky Light to Maribelle! You have a fresh bounce in your step as the two of you start walking again.
  1221. > You already recognize Sky Light's corridor and your smile widens.
  1222. "That would be so nice!"
  1223. > Finally you're there and Dr. Mason is reaching into her pocket for the key. The pegasus had probably heard you two approach, because she's sitting upright on her bed.
  1224. > "Rosa!" the mare exclaims and jumps down to the floor. She is about to rush to the bars, but then pauses when she sees the woman unlocking her cell door. "Um, what's happening?"
  1225. "I'll spend some time with you!" you explain.
  1226. > Dr. Mason opens the door, but you see that her hand goes right in her pocket for the remote. It reminds you that you still have the band of electric pain on your neck if you make the wrong move.
  1227. > Sky Light has one too, but she doesn't realize what the woman is doing.
  1228. > You try to give the doctor your friendliest, most disarming smile, but still quickly step inside so she can close the door behind you.
  1229. > The pegasus wastes no time in scooping you up in a full, winged hug. "Hi Rosa!" she whispers right in your ear, "how are you?"
  1230. "I'm good! I found Maribelle! I'll tell you all about it!"
  1231. > "Now you two behave and I'll be along in an hour or so to pick you up, Rosa!" the doctor tells you.
  1232. > You hardly hear her, but you still manage a nod and a smile in her direction.
  1233. "Okay! Thanks, um, Eliza!"
  1234. > Just like that she's gone and you're alone with your old friend Sky Light once more. If you don't look at the bars, or the harsh, blank walls, you can almost imagine you're still free with her, somewhere in the city.
  1235. "How have you been? Are they feeding you well?"
  1236. > "Come here, come here!" the pegasus urges and pulls you towards her bed. "Up! Sit!"
  1237. > You obey, a little bemused, and she rummages under her pillow to produce a chocolate bar. "I saved this for you!" the pegasus exclaims.
  1238. "Ooh!"
  1239. > Despite how well fed you are now that you and the other ponies take turns cooking, you still begin to salivate at the thought of chocolatey, sugary goodness.
  1240. > It was probably a treat for Sky Light by one of the doctors - possibly for good behavior, or just a small bribe. You'd feel like a glutton if you ate it, but the pegasus *did* offer.
  1241. > A compromise, then?
  1242. "We'll each have half?" you propose.
  1243. > "Deal! Here, you start. Tell me everything that's happened to you, okay?"
  1244. > You bite the wrapper and tear it apart, then snap the bar in two approximately equal pieces. One goes right into your mouth and the other one you hold out for your friend.
  1245. > She doesn't argue and takes it. It's not a big bar, so it only takes you a few moments to chew and swallow. Sky Light is doing the same.
  1246. > Taking a deep breath you begin your story about how you met Maribelle and your other - well, dorm mates, you suppose.
  1247. "They have this place for ponies up on the top floor..."
  1249. > ~~~~
  1251. > You're singing a pleasant song about sunshine while frying some batter in a pan for lunch. There was a jar of fruit jam in one of the cupboards and it immediately made you think of pancakes.
  1252. > Hopefully the other ponies join you soon, while these are still hot!
  1253. > It's a bit of a knack, but after some eight or so tries you finally manage to flip a pancake and catch it in the pan again. A few fell on the floor and you've quietly tossed them, and several landed weirdly and got all squashed - you'll eat those ones so your friends don't have to.
  1254. > You turn around to deposit the disc to a growing stack on the table and see Starla looking into the kitchen, mane a bit frazzled, eyes a bit dull and still yawning a little.
  1255. > She shuffles all the way inside and sits on one of the chairs. Meanwhile you put the pan back on the oven and smile brightly at the mare.
  1256. "Tough day?" you ask.
  1257. > She shakes her head, but can't answer just yet due to another yawn forcing its way out. At this rate you'll start feeling sleepy, too.
  1258. > "Tough night," the mare says, voice a bit hoarse and cracking. "I'll be fine. Thanks for the grub, by the way."
  1259. "Oh, no problem! Help yourself!"
  1260. > You grab a clean plate and go place it before the mare, so she has someplace to prepare her pancakes.
  1261. > Has she really been sleeping until noon? You wonder why none of the humans seem to mind. Why was she this tired, though?
  1262. > Come to think of it, the mare had been absent from breakfast, but none of the others had commented on it. Earlier you'd assumed she'd eaten and left already on some test or class.
  1263. > From their lack of reaction you guess she often misses breakfast, though. You wonder why.
  1264. "Couldn't sleep at night?"
  1265. > She pauses in the process of spreading jam on her pancake and gives you a slightly suspicious look. "Y-Yeah," she mumbles slowly, "uh, bad dreams."
  1266. > That would make sense. For a moment you want to ask if she's had a traumatic experience or something, but think better of it. Instead you think of another question.
  1267. "So, how did you end up here?"
  1268. > The mare considers this question too, then shrugs. "Is that important?"
  1269. "Just curious."
  1270. > You really are. Starla looks like she's in her forties, though it's sometimes hard to tell with some ponies. Surely she hadn't gotten her cutie mark this late, has she?
  1271. > Best guess is that she was caught nearby or perhaps trying to break in, like you and Sky Light.
  1272. "Are you training for a career or something? Like, um, magic tricks?"
  1273. > Her ears twitch at the word 'magic', but then the mare smiles. "Yeah, s-something like that."
  1274. "That's cool. Can you show me any?"
  1275. > "Any what?" Starla looks blank.
  1276. > She must really be tired to be this slow on the uptake. It's kinda endearing and you giggle a little bit.
  1277. "Sorry. Magic tricks. Can you show me some?"
  1278. > The mare looks at the ceiling, then at her plate before answering. "I guess. Maybe tomorrow? I'm not really feeling all that well today."
  1279. > Maybe she's ill and that's why she's so sleepy? You hope you won't catch it, whatever it is. It'd would be impolite to ask, so you keep your opinion to yourself.
  1280. > Anyhow, you finish the last pancake, flipping it and catching it in the pan expertly, then you turn off the stove. The stack seems high enough.
  1281. > You *really* hope Maribelle and Speedy come along, otherwise you just *know* you'll end up eating most of the pancakes yourself.
  1282. > Stuffing yourself like a little piggy, even after promising you wouldn't do that anymore. Maybe you'd subconsciously wanted to make more so you could indulge?
  1283. > It's not a pleasant thought. You don't want your brain working against you.
  1284. > Besides, you being over-hungry was all the malfunctioning chip. Yeah, that's right! Soon your hormones will get back in order and you'll go back to normal.
  1285. > At least Starla is there, so you won't stuff yourself *completely* silly.
  1286. > "Mm, these are really good," the mare comments, making you smile.
  1287. "Thank you!"
  1288. > She returns the grin and you can see the sugar is doing her good. She looks a bit more perky already. "Yeah, they'd go amazing with some whipped cream."
  1289. "Sorry, none in the fridge. I checked."
  1290. > That makes her frown sadly, but only for a moment. "Well, put it on the list and the guys will get it for us."
  1291. "Huh? List? What guys?" you ask her.
  1292. > She points a hoof to the refrigerator. Weird how you'd opened it several times but never spotted a pad of paper stuck to the front of it, along with a pencil on a piece of string.
  1293. "Oh, that."
  1294. > "Write down whatever you need. Every Friday one of the attendings takes the list and we get the stuff on Monday."
  1295. > That sounds like a sweet arrangement, actually.
  1296. "Anything we want?"
  1297. > The mare catches your look and chuckles softly. "Within reason, Rosa. Whipped cream should be fine, though."
  1298. > Your tail swishes excitedly when you go and check the list for whatever is already on it. It looks like your dorm mates have already written down the essentials - flour, milk, eggs, toothpaste...
  1299. > Feeling only a tiny bit guilty you pencil in 'whipped cream' and then after that 'a bag of chips'. You're craving potato chips for some reason. Too bad they won't get here for a couple more days.
  1300. "There. Thanks for telling me!"
  1301. > "No problem."
  1302. > You go to sit down, but the door opens and both Maribelle and Speedy walk in together. Both have their noses up in the air. "Smells delish," the mare comments.
  1303. "I made enough for everyone!" you tell her. "Come on!"
  1304. > The two happily seat themselves and you bring them an empty plate each. They don't waste time in taking pancakes and reaching for the jam.
  1305. "Oh, you can leave those weird ones for me. I wanted to learn how to flip them and- it took me a few tries."
  1306. > Speedy shrugs and clumsily folds the misshapen pancake into a rough roll. "Nah, it's fine. I like them a bit thicker, actually. This is great!"
  1307. > Maribelle has a good one, so you take another of your clumsy experiments for yourself.
  1308. > "Thanks for cooking. Although pancakes a more of a snack than lunch..." the always-practical mare comments, making you blush a little.
  1309. "I felt like doing something special. We can have stew or stir fry for dinner. I checked and we should use up some of the vegetables before they spoil."
  1310. > Maribelle gives you an approving nod. "Okay, I can get behind that. Don't overdo on sugar, Rosa. It's not good for you."
  1311. > The fact seems to make Starla a bit sad, but the older mare doesn't comment.
  1312. "So, what's up for the rest of the day?"
  1313. > They all give this some thought, but Maribelle is the first to answer. "I'd like to study my manual for a bit. Mr. Roberts said he could get me in the simulator this weekend and I wanna wow him!"
  1314. > That's commendable, but it means she'll probably want peace and quiet, so you won't have your friend to talk to. You look hopefully to Speedy, who shrugs.
  1315. > "I don't have anything planned," he tells you. "We could play a board game or two. Starla?"
  1316. > The mare has been staring at her plate for the past few minutes and now she jerks awake, ears lifting up. "Huh?"
  1317. > "Wanna play some board games?" the stallion asks her.
  1318. > She smiles a little at the idea. "Yeah, sure. Oh wait, I have classes at three. I guess I'll play one or two games."
  1319. "Sounds like fun!"
  1320. > You yourself don't have anything else. Brad - Dr. Barton - has asked you some questions about the various subjects you'd been taking at your old School and has promised you to come up with an itinerary to finish your education and get you a high school diploma.
  1321. > After that, he says, you should be good to work almost anywhere. The higher-ups in the facility would find you a spot where you can use your natural talent to the maximum extent possible.
  1322. > Except- you shake your head. You shouldn't be falling into the allure of this place! You still plan to run away with Sky Light and, hopefully, Maribelle. You should take care never to get complacent.
  1323. > Maybe having Sky Light up here with you will keep you on the tips of your hooves. She's agreed to start acting 'convinced' from now, so that the doctors will think she's coming around to their way of looking at things and finally take her out of that prison cell.
  1324. > The pegasus has agreed that living up in the dorm sounds a damn sight more comfortable than a cell. Plus it would make it a lot easier for you two to plot your escape.
  1325. > You're looking forward to Sky Light meeting the others! Hopefully it won't be much longer.
  1326. > Finishing your pancake, you wash it down with some orange juice then stand to pick up the plate after yourself. A hoof lands on your foreleg and you look up into Maribelle's smiling face.
  1327. > "You go and have some fun. I'll wash up."
  1328. "Are you sure? Your studying..." you ask her.
  1329. > She shrugs. "It's fine, there's plenty of time. Just go. Thanks for cooking, Rosa!"
  1330. > The mare gives you a tight hug, which you accept gladly, then she picks up your plate and glass and puts them in the sink. A moment later Speedy also stands up and Maribelle goes to collect his dishes, too.
  1331. > "So, what'd you wanna play?" the colt asks.
  1332. > You don't even know what games they have up here, so you shrug.
  1333. "You pick."
  1334. > "Okay! Monopoly!"
  1335. > It sounds fun, even though you'd never seen the actual point of collecting wealth for no other sake than to 'win' some game. You still enjoy imagining what it would be like to have so much land and money that you can build hotels all over the place.
  1336. > Can ponies even own land on Earth? Come to think of it, you don't really know. Are you just a second-class citizen? For that matter, are you *even* a citizen?
  1337. > You push the unpleasant thoughts to the side and walk out of the kitchen to the cushion-corner where Speedy is already setting up the board.
  1338. > Just as you're leaving, you hear Starla push her chair away and yawn again. Instead of following you, the mare goes to the stove. "I'll just make a coffee and then I'll join you, okay?"
  1339. > She looks like she really needs it.
  1340. "Okay! I'll have Speedy wait."
  1342. > ~~~~
  1344. > You stretch a little and rub your head on your very warm 'pillow'. You're lying sideways on the bed, on your back and with your hind legs dangling down from the edge.
  1345. > It's Maribelle's bed and she's in it too, resting on her side and studying her engineering book. It's amazing how she can even read like this. She has half-opened the book and stood it beside the pillow, but her head is resting normally.
  1346. > The text is at a ninety-degree angle, but the mare seems to have no trouble scanning the lines down to up. This was all so you could use her belly as a makeshift pillow while you stare at the ceiling, trying to think about nothing in particular.
  1347. > Every now and then, your friend brushes the frog of her forehoof against your shoulder, as if making sure you're still there, before awkwardly turning a page.
  1348. "You sure you can study like this?"
  1349. > "It's fine, Rosa. It's relaxing. I know most of this by heart anyway by now," Maribelle assures you.
  1350. > The best part of it is that by angling your ear backwards, you can lay it against her belly and hear her heartbeat. It's muffled, because you're not lying on her barrel, but you still hear it well enough. It reminds you that she's here and she's alive, and so are you.
  1351. > "Are you comfortable?" she follows up.
  1352. "Mhm!"
  1353. > Speedy and Starla are still arguing about their Monopoly game. You'd lost early on and went to your and Maribelle's room to see how she's doing. You got her a glass of water and an apple from the fridge and then you opted to keep her company while she studied.
  1354. > When you came in she was lying on her belly, but she flopped to her side and patted the bed next to her with a smile. "Just like old times, eh?"
  1355. > It's true, you and your old roommates often leaned on each other when you were resting, but none of you had ever tried studying like this. It makes sense here - the bedrooms do not have desks and the common room is a bit loud at the moment.
  1356. > If those two don't stop arguing about imaginary money you'll go out and ask them to keep it down so your friend can study in quiet.
  1357. > Still, they don't seem to be bothering Maribelle all that much. You guess she's used to their antics. The strongest reaction you saw out of her was an occasional ear flick at a particularly loud exclamation.
  1358. "Are those two always like that?" you ask.
  1359. > "Yep. That game does something weird to them, I dunno why. It's not like it's even real money. Speedy in particular likes to cheat and Starla hates that."
  1360. > You can't really blame Speedy and Starla if they get passionate about a game, but there has to be a line between 'getting into it' and 'having a needless argument'. Something other comes to mind.
  1361. "Why do we call him Speedy?"
  1362. > His real name - well, the ones humans gave him - is Samwise.
  1363. > "Amm," Maribelle begins, looking at the ceiling as she thinks. You shouldn't bother her while she's trying to study, but an occasional diversion shouldn't cause any harm, right?
  1364. > "Well, he's always preferred that ever since he came in. At least that's what Starla says."
  1365. "When did he come?"
  1366. > You feel the mare shift under your head as she shrugs. "Dunno. He was here before I was. They both were. I guess I never thought to ask him why Speedy. We can ask at dinner!"
  1367. > The word 'dinner' makes your belly grumble a bit and you put your hooves over it as you try to keep it quiet.
  1368. > "Just lemme finish this chapter and then we'll go look what we can make for dinner. You said stir fry, right?"
  1369. > You nod, which Maribelle can undoubtedly feel.
  1370. "Yes. Those carrots looked a bit iffy and I'm not sure about the onion. Does onion ever spoil?"
  1371. > "Good question. Shouldn't *you* know about that?"
  1372. > That reminds you of the picture on your flank, but you really don't have an answer.
  1373. "Hey, I just grow them! Whatever happens after is no longer my problem."
  1374. > You both giggle at that and Maribelle stretches out her hind legs, before pulling them in and practically curling around you. She nuzzles your side, then gives your fur a warm lick.
  1375. > "Sorry, I thought you'd know," she says, then yawns. "Come on, let's get dinner started."
  1376. "What about the chapter?"
  1377. > The mare just prods the book so it folds up and falls down. "I'll read it after dinner. I mostly know it anyway. Can't have you starving, Rosa. Let's go."
  1378. > You're a bit sad you're losing your warm resting spot, but your belly won't be ignored and so you slip from the bed. Your legs wobble for a moment, but you stretch out and then you're fine.
  1379. > The pair outside are still at it when you emerge from the room and approach. The board looks like a complete mess of houses, hotels and colorful paper money.
  1380. > "No way! That hotel was on Marvin Gardens! I saw you move it to Pacific, you cheater!" Starla is saying heatedly and pointing.
  1381. > "Did not!" the colt counters. "You just remember wrong! It's not my fault you can't remember where things are!"
  1382. > The pink mare drags a hoof over her face in exasperation. "You always cheat, Speedy! You start losing and then you cheat when you think I'm not looking! Well, I *was* looking this time, I just pretended I was counting my money!"
  1383. > The colt growls low in his throat and you decide to step in before it comes to blows.
  1384. "Guys, it's just a game. Sheesh, let it go. Does it really matter who wins?"
  1385. > They both answer at the same time. "YES!"
  1386. > You decide to try a different track.
  1387. "Speedy, um- I was wondering why you want us to call you Speedy rather than Samwise."
  1388. > "Oh!" the pony says, his train of thought immediately derailed. "Didn't I tell you already?"
  1389. "No."
  1390. > You sit on the carpet and look at him expectantly. Behind you Maribelle is going for the kitchen, no doubt to get dinner started. You're very grateful for that.
  1391. > "Well, that was the superhero name of Green Arrow's sidekick!"
  1392. "Who what where?"
  1393. > Starla rolls her eyes. "Comic books, Rosa. He's talking about comic books. He took the name of some character from a comic book."
  1394. "Okay, why?"
  1395. > Speedy directs a very brief glare at the mare, but then smiles back at you. "Well, my Own- um, the guy I lived with was a big DC collector and I got to read comics whenever I wanted. Well, except for the mint condition ones."
  1396. > The pony chuckles a little bit. "Actually, that's where I learned to read! Anyway, I always liked the Green Arrow ones, so I guess the name just kinda stuck in my head. Then I got this-"
  1397. > He taps at his flank and you crane your head to look. The colt has an old-fashioned-looking camera on his flank. He catches you looking and his grin turns sheepish. "Photography."
  1398. "How did you get to photography from comic books?"
  1399. > Speedy's face lights up at your interest, but Starla has already heard it all and stands up. "I'll go help Maribelle with dinner," the mare says and leaves you two alone.
  1400. > "I guess it's because comics show one frame at a time - like someone is taking photographs at exactly the right moments."
  1401. "And adding speech bubbles to them?"
  1402. > The pony shrugs a bit. "Well, okay. But I ended up looking at each picture of the comic and trying to imagine where the camera would have to be, and the light - where the shadows would fall and so on... I got my hooves on my master's camera one day and made a few pictures and then this appeared."
  1403. "So he sent you here?" you ask.
  1404. > "Not directly. He took me to a vet to find out what had happened and why, then the vet put it in the computer and a week later some guys showed up at the house to take me here. They said they'll help me find a job in photography."
  1405. > It doesn't sound too bad, but there's a bit of sadness in there. Despite slipping up and calling him 'master', Speedy obviously liked his human and misses him.
  1406. "So you're training for that now?"
  1407. > "Mhm! They adjusted a curriculum from some photography college. It's really interesting. All about the different kinds of lenses and light and composition..."
  1408. > His eyes are almost glowing with enthusiasm now that he has someone new to tell these things. You sit down, smiling faintly as he goes on about filters and the development process.
  1409. > You saw that in a movie, you think. They do some weird, chemical stuff to photographs in a red room and then the pictures appear. You don't really know why bother, because digital seems so much easier, but if it makes Speedy happy, you're happy he gets to do it.
  1410. "Come on, let's go see if the other two need help in the kitchen and you can tell me more about it."
  1411. > It's not like you'll remember most of it, but if it makes Speedy happy to explain, then the least you can do is listen and smile and nod.
  1412. > Naming himself after a comic book hero - that's a first. It's a tiny bit funny, but you can't really judge. After all, if you wanted to change your name, what would you even pick?
  1413. > Actually, that one is easy. Sky Light had already said: Morning Dew.
  1414. > You wonder if you should. All the other ponies seem to change their names when they get their cutie marks.
  1415. > Maybe if you got two of them. Your case might be different because you only got one.
  1416. > You lead the colt to the kitchen while he's babbling about fixers and washing and darkrooms. You have to hold the door for him, otherwise you're worried he'll smack right into it.
  1417. > It's nice to see him happy, so you don't mind the torrent of words.
  1418. > Still, strange how different ponies can be. Maribelle is also excited about her train stuff, but she never talked your ear off about it. Well, not yet. Maybe you should ask her sometime and see what happens.
  1419. > Then again, you'd never felt a particular urge to talk to people about gardening, but that might just be because you haven't really started studying it yet. Not properly.
  1420. > Maybe if you start getting some real education in that field you'll want to discuss it with everyone.
  1421. > If that is so, you almost feel sorry for Sky Light.
  1422. > You take your seat after you see both Starla and Maribelle expertly chopping, slicing and moving pots around. All you'd do there would be to get in the way.
  1423. > "Garlic?" Maribelle asks, giving you a quick glance before focusing on her knife again.
  1424. "Huh?"
  1425. > "You want garlic in the stir fry?"
  1426. "Oh, yes. That's fine."
  1427. > It will give you a bit of a bad breath, but it's dinner and you can go brush right after, so that should be fine. The more important thing you just realized is that there are knives in the kitchen.
  1428. > Maybe you should take one when you try to escape, to defend yourself with.
  1429. > Except... no. You haven't the faintest clue how to use a knife in a fight and all it would do for you is get you shot immediately.
  1430. > Even if it came down to stabbing a human in order to get away, you're not too sure you could do it. A kick is one thing, but sticking a bit of sharp metal into someone's body - that makes you shudder.
  1431. > You realize you've stopped listening to Speedy and give him an apologetic smile.
  1432. "Sorry. I guess it's all a bit too technical for me. I kinda zoned out."
  1433. > The colt seems a tiny bit hurt, but he quickly smiles again. "It's okay. It's boring for most people who don't work in the field."
  1434. "It sounds really interesting, but I don't know what any of those chemicals are."
  1435. > He smiles gratefully and nods. "Yeah, I guess. It took me a while to learn all this stuff."
  1436. "Do you have a camera here?"
  1437. > This time he shakes his head and his ears lower sadly. A moment later he brightens up. "I could ask Wade if I can borrow the one from his office! Do you want me to make a few photos of you?"
  1438. > That actually sounds like fun! Especially if you end up having to leave Maribelle behind, you'd love to have a few photos of her and you together to remember her by!
  1439. "Oooh, I'd love that! Could you? I'd really like some photos of me and Maribelle!"
  1440. > It only takes you a moment, but you add so quickly that he probably never even noticed the pause:
  1441. "And maybe some with you and Starla! You know, the gang of third floor?"
  1442. > This makes Starla chuckle. "I like that," she says. "Gang of third floor. Sounds like we're a pack of misfits and outlaws, no?"
  1443. > You don't quite see it, but you guess it could be interpreted that way.
  1444. "I guess. Please try to get the camera, Speedy!"
  1445. > "I will, I will!" he assures you.
  1446. > Then Maribelle tosses the first bunch of vegetables in the wok and pleasant smells fill the room. You lift up your muzzle and inhale deeply.
  1447. "That's gonna be so good!"
  1449. > ~~~~
  1451. > You're lying in your bed with a pleasantly full stomach and a very welcome warm glow of pride making you smile.
  1452. > There was plenty of stir fry for dinner and *you didn't eat all of it*! It's quite an achievement and gives you hope that you can control your overeating if you really try.
  1453. > Some of it was even left over and Maribelle put it in the fridge. She said you could heat it up in the microwave for breakfast, which sounds both convenient and delicious.
  1454. > The mare in question is sleeping on the other bed. She had decided to skip her studying and rather get some more rest. It's a bit of a shame because you wanted to talk to her a bit more, but the mare wants to be well rested for her simulator trip.
  1455. > Going out of the facility! You have to admit that's exciting. You wonder if they'll ever trust you enough to let you do the same.
  1456. > You glance over at the sleeping mare. She's lying on her belly, all four legs akimbo and her ears splayed as she dreams whatever dream future train engineers dream.
  1457. > The hoof nearest you is poking from under her blanket and you see it twitch every now and then. Probably turning knobs and pulling levers in her sleep, you assume. It's cute.
  1458. > You turn on your side so you face the wall. Maybe that way you can get some sleep. These rooms up here also have the annoying light on the ceiling, but it's turned down at night, so you can ignore it as long as you're not staring directly at it.
  1459. > There's a soft snort from Maribelle and she shuffles a little. It's a very pleasant reminder that your friend is near you and you close your eyes.
  1460. >...
  1461. > You wake up some hours later, although you don't know how late, or early, it might be. You yawn sleepily and wonder what had woken you up.
  1462. > It's not hunger, nor do you need to pee. Dr. Mason's warning to go before bed had sounded serious and you strictly obeyed it. You're good until morning on that front.
  1463. > Maybe it was just one of those things. Sometimes you wake up from a dream and don't really know why. You switch to your other side, heave a sigh and close your eyes again.
  1464. > Then you hear a distinct hoofstep and your eyes fly open.
  1465. > It sounded like it came from outside the room! That doesn't make any sense, the ponies are locked in their bedrooms. One of the doctors comes up each night to make sure you're in and lock it up!
  1466. > No pony should be outside in the middle of the night. It's impossible!
  1467. > You quietly slip from your bed, both so that you don't wake up Maribelle or alert whoever is sneaking around outside.
  1468. > Tip-toeing - or is it 'tip-hoofing'? - you make your quiet way to the door. It's a solid block of wood with no windows, which is a shame. You can't see through it, so you just lean an ear against the surface and hold your breath.
  1469. > There's nothing for a while, but then you hear a faint clop again. You stifle a small gasp. There *is* someone out there! A pony!
  1470. > Did someone break in without getting caught?
  1471. > You consider calling out, but you're a bit afraid of whoever it is. Also, you don't want to wake up Maribelle before her important day tomorrow, so you decide to just listen for a while.
  1472. > Now that you know what to focus on you definitely hear a pony walking around there. The carpet muffles their hoofsteps, but you still hear the faint thuds as they walk.
  1473. > Who could it be and what are they doing out there?! You try to guess where they are and what they're looking at.
  1474. > The sounds get fainter as whoever it is walks to the big metal door to the corridor. Have they managed to break through that somehow?
  1475. > More importantly, why hadn't you heard anything before now? If a muffled hoofstep woke you up, somepony forcing the main door should have done that, too!
  1476. > There's a pause, and then the intruder pony sighs. "Hmm..." they say and you cover your muzzle with your hoof.
  1477. > That's Starla's voice! You're certain you recognize it! Again you consider calling out, but you're curious to hear what she'll do.
  1478. > You're so sorry you can't see past the door!
  1479. > She doesn't make any more noise, but you hear four quiet beeps and then the electric buzz of the electric door lock.
  1480. > The hinges are silent, but you imagine you hear the swoosh of the metal door opening.
  1481. > There's a louder hoofstep as Starla steps on the tiles outside the room, You tense up, waiting for the next one, but she probably realized it and is now stepping much more lightly.
  1482. > The last thing you hear is a faint click as the metal door closes again.
  1483. > It's a lot to take in.
  1484. > First of all, now you know why Starla was so tired! She sneaks out at night to do God knows what. Is she some kind of a spy or something?!
  1485. > More than that, Starla has some way to walk around the facility at night, by herself. If you can guess how, or make her tell you, you'll have much better chances of breaking out.
  1486. > You wonder if whatever Starla has could get you into Sky Light's cell. That's unlikely, but you'll still try.
  1487. > Finally, there's the question of whether you tell the mare anything or not. That time you told her about the dream and the year-
  1488. > Your brain nearly derails itself as the gears click together. The number! It wasn't a year, it was a code for one of those doors!
  1489. > Was it the code you just heard the mare use, for the ponies' dorm room? Or is the information you got from a dream something more sinister?
  1490. > You wonder if you can discreetly test the code tomorrow. It could be a big risk if any of the staff are standing in the corridor. Maybe it would be better to ask Starla about it.
  1491. > After all, she has promised to tell you all about it in a few days. Maybe you can enlist her help. If the code you gave her is valuable, she would owe you, after all.
  1492. > All the suspicion and guessing is making your head spin and you feel like you're about to burst. This is huge.
  1493. > For a moment you look at Maribelle and think about waking her up. You could tell her all about the dream and Starla and the code. Maybe your old roommate can help you make heads or tails about this whole thing.
  1494. > For now you decide not to tell Maribelle anything. Whatever you said would just worry her and put her in trouble if you or Starla are found out. She'll be safest if she knows nothing.
  1495. > You'll tell her about your plan once you're sure you can get out and once you have Sky Light's help up here. Not before.
  1496. > It's still a lot to take in and think over, so you return to your bed, climb up and lie down on top of the blanket. You won't be able to sleep anytime soon anyway. The best you can do now is think about what you've seen and try to remember all Starla has said and done.
  1497. > You need more information. Mostly, you need to know if you can trust the mare.
  1498. > Of course that happens to be the most difficult question to answer about anyone.
  1499. > Another thought: you shouldn't fall asleep again. Starla was sure to return to her room and you want to hear her. Maybe she'll give you more inadvertent clues, or let something slip.
  1500. > If nothing else, you'll know how long she has been gone, which will tell you how far she has roamed the facility.
  1501. > Damn it, you really want to know what she's doing! Tonight wasn't the first night, you're willing to bet. She was certainly out yesterday. That's why she was nearly falling over at lunch.
  1502. > She's undoubtedly sneaked around the place before that, too!
  1503. > You need to know if the code from your dream works on the ponies' door! If you knew that, you'd know whether Starla has left the dorm before yesterday. She was very happy that you told her the number.
  1504. > That's probably because she's been looking for it for a while. What does the number open!?
  1505. > You groan a little and cover your face with your forelegs. This is one confusing place! You wonder if you'll ever get to the bottom of this mystery.
  1506. > If the choice comes down between running away with your friends or finding out what Starla is up to, you'll choose the former. Without hesitation.
  1507. > But you really, *really* want to know!
  1508. >...
  1509. > It feels like it will be morning soon. Maribelle had started shuffling around a bit more, though she's still fast asleep. You checked.
  1510. > Maybe another hour or so and the humans will come to wake you up. One of the attendings, most likely. You wonder where Starla is and what is keeping her. She's cutting it quite close.
  1511. > A new sound catches your ear and you recognize it as the electrical buzz of the lock. Despite not knowing what the mare was up to, you breathe a sigh of relief.
  1512. > Whatever her intentions, Starla seems like a good pony and you don't want her to be in trouble.
  1513. > You hold you breath as you listen on. There's a faint sound of a hoof landing incautiously on the carpet. Yep, definitely Starla.
  1514. > Quickly, before you miss it, you slip out of the bed and tip-hoof your way to the door. You soon have an ear pressed against it and are holding your breath to hear better.
  1515. > You want to know how she goes in her room and out. Does she have a key or something? That still doesn't sound possible - the keyholes on the inside are bolted with a metal plate.
  1516. > There's absolutely nothing for a short while, then you hear the faint squeak of a hinge. She's opening the door!
  1517. > Maybe she has left it open when she went out, although that would be risky if a human came to check in on the dorm in the night. Not that you remember that ever happening, but you might have slept through it and besides you hadn't been up here all that long.
  1518. > Starla's door shuts closed - now you're absolutely sure it's her because the sound is definitely coming from the very next door. Speedy's room is on the other side of yours.
  1519. > You almost pull your ear away, but then you catch a faint click. That was probably the lock.
  1520. > It seems Starla somehow has a key for her room and a way to unlock it from the inside. Maybe she somehow pried the metal plate away and then stuck it back so it looks okay to the humans.
  1521. > It's the only explanation. You have to ask her and see if the key will also work on your door.
  1522. > "Rosa?"
  1523. > You let out a squeak and turn around to see Maribelle staring at you blearily. She rubs her eyes with her forelegs and yawns. "What are you doing up so early?"
  1524. > Hoping like hell Starla isn't eavesdropping, you walk over to the mare and talk quietly.
  1525. "Couldn't sleep. I need to use the toilet."
  1526. > It's not even a complete lie. You do have to go, but it can wait another hour or so until the humans come and let you out.
  1527. > "Sorry, you'll just have to wait. If you can't, I won't blame you if you wet the bed."
  1528. > The very idea is enough to make you blush and you can't quite meet Maribelle's eye.
  1529. "I'll hold it."
  1530. > "Good. Come on, let's try and get some more sleep. What time is it?"
  1531. > There are no clocks in the ponies' rooms, so you shrug. "Dunno, another hour until morning, I guess?"
  1532. > "That's nice. Come on."
  1533. > She is holding up her blanket for you and you gratefully crawl into her embrace. It's incredibly warm and just so pleasant.
  1534. > Now that Starla's nighttime adventure is done, you no longer have to wait up so you close your eyes and relax. One more hour of sleep is better than none.
  1535. > You're out within minutes, nuzzling Maribelle's leg which is holding you against her barrel.
  1537. > ~~~~
  1539. > More blood samples, another visit with the psychiatrist and another talk with Brad - Dr. Barton - to arrange a few tests for your skills in Maths and English, make the morning pass quickly.
  1540. > It's nearly eleven by the time you make it back to the dorm and Maribelle is already gone. You hope she's having fun with her train toy.
  1541. > Speedy is also out, getting tested on a treadmill from what you understood the stallion's explanation. You don't know why he has to do that regularly and you forgot to ask him. There's presumably a complicated medical reason.
  1542. > Starla is still in her room, sleeping off her night escapades. It's really strange how she never has classes or tests in the morning.
  1543. > You look at the kitchen door and consider getting a snack. Almost unconsciously your hoof goes to your belly. You had skipped breakfast, but Dr. Mason has given you a big sandwich after taking your blood. Maybe it isn't the greatest idea to stuff yourself so soon after that.
  1544. > That leaves just one thing to do. It would have been wiser to talk to Maribelle first, but she's not here and you want answers. You stride toward Starla's room with determination.
  1545. > It's much like yours, with two beds and not much else in the way of furnishing. The mare is sprawled across one bed and the other seems untouched. You don't want to mess it up, so you sit on your haunches right on the floor, near the mare's head.
  1546. "Ahem," you say, trying to wake her up.
  1547. > There's less of a result than you were expecting. Starla just goes on sleeping like nothing has happened. She doesn't even flick an ear!
  1548. "Wake up!"
  1549. > Still nothing. You roll your eyes in annoyance and prod the lazy thing with a hoof. That, at least, provokes a response, even if it isn't the one you were hoping for. Starla smacks her lips and turns away from you. A moment later she's breathing the heavy breaths of deep sleep.
  1550. > You can't stop a growl deep in your throat and this time you stand up and put both hooves on the mare so you can turn her back to face you.
  1551. "Sheesh, wake up already!"
  1552. > Finally! Her eyes open and she blinks a few times, failing to recognize you. "Huh, Twi- uh?"
  1553. > She frowns a little bit before giving you a worried smile. "Rosa? Is, um, something wrong? Why did you wake-" she can't finish the question because a huge yawn stops her.
  1554. > It's very infectious and you open your muzzle too. After all, you hadn't gotten much more sleep tonight than she did.
  1555. "We need to talk," you say firmly.
  1556. > "Okay?"
  1557. > You hadn't expected her to volunteer anything, but she sounds even less helpful than you'd feared.
  1558. "I heard you sneaking around tonight. I think it's time you tell me what that number from my dream was all about. What are you doing, Starla?"
  1559. > She studies your face for quite some time. You're about to repeat your question when she finally sighs, closing her eyes.
  1560. > "Can I trust you?"
  1561. > It's not a question you'd been expecting! It was more important whether you could trust her, not the other way around. Still, you can kinda see her point. She can't know that you won't immediately run off to tell some human.
  1562. "If I wanted to give you away, I would have done it already. I just want to know what you're up to. You promised you'd tell me!"
  1563. > Well, she hadn't exactly promised, but a tiny little white lie won't hurt here.
  1564. > Again that long pause, as if Starla is making up her mind what to tell you. "You said your friend is in a prison cell in this place, right? Gray pegasus, orange mane, cutie mark is a four-leaf clover?"
  1565. "That's her! How do you know?!"
  1566. > You're certain you hadn't told your friends what Sky Light looks like. You might have mentioned she's a pegasus, but nothing beyond that. Certainly not her cutie mark. The only way Starla could know is-
  1567. "You've seen her!"
  1568. > "Mhm. Last night, I went to check. We talked for a bit. She seemed trustworthy," Starla explains, as if it is the most natural thing in the world.
  1569. "How did you get to her?"
  1570. > You'd really like to know so maybe you can visit her yourself, unsupervised and for a longer period of time. Unfortunately Starla is already shaking her head. "Sorry, I would advise against that. There's cameras and all sorts of stuff around her area. You'll just give yourself away and then the humans will figure out we have the code to the door."
  1571. "Was that the number my dream sent you?" you demand.
  1572. > The mare shakes her head some more. "No. I've had that for a while now. Yours was- something else."
  1573. > It seems she doesn't quite trust you enough to say more. You wonder what kind of a terrible secret she has. It must be way worse, since you could land her in very nasty trouble just with what she's already told you.
  1574. "So how do *you* get past the cameras and everything?"
  1575. > Again she simply watches you for a long time, then hear ears fall and she sighs. "I'm probably going to regret this. Sky Light did say you can be quite stupid sometimes. Promise you won't tell anypony. Not even your roommate, okay? Or any human, for that matter."
  1576. > You're already keeping secrets from Maribelle, is one more really that significant? If you can advance your plans and find a way to escape, you'll tell her everything. If not, it won't really hurt her in any way.
  1577. "I promise."
  1578. > "That song you sometimes hum, where did you hear it. Please try to remember."
  1579. > You don't understand what that has to do with it, but you still search your memory, despite having tried and failed so many times already.
  1580. "I honestly don't know. I've just always known it, as long as I can remember. Maybe I heard it in the nursery, or the kindergarten. I don't remember most of that stuff..."
  1581. > Starla purses her lips, then holds out her hoof. "Okay. Swear you won't tell anyone my secret. Pony lives depend on it! Swear on your mother."
  1582. > Now it's your turn to lower your ears and look down.
  1583. "I never knew my mother. They separate us at birth..."
  1584. > You're both quiet for a very long time, then Starla lowers her leg and heaves a sigh. "Wait here," she says and slips off the bed. You watch her walk to the door of her room and look out. She spends a quiet minute listening, then she comes back.
  1585. > Strange that she didn't close the door, but then you realize she'll be better able to hear humans entering this way. Smart mare.
  1586. > "Okay, first of all, Starla isn't my real name. I'm not a prisoner here," she explains, then pauses and shakes her head. "Actually, I am, but on purpose. I'm a spy."
  1587. > This admission gets your heart beating faster and you feel your legs start to tremble in excitement. If Starla - or whatever her real name is - is just collecting secrets from the humans, she must have a way out and possibly friends.
  1588. "W-Who are you working w-with?" you stammer.
  1589. > "Does the name 'Cadence' mean anything to you?"
  1590. "N-No."
  1591. > The mare gives you another long look, then explains: "It's a group of pony resistance here on Earth. We hide in the wilderness and keep moving. About six months ago we heard about this place and I got myself caught breaking in, just like you. Except I did it on purpose."
  1592. > That was a small jab, but you don't even mind at this point. It all sounds like some action-movie stuff!
  1593. "Can y-you help me and Sky Light get out?!"
  1594. > "Maybe... I do owe you one."
  1595. "Owe me one for what?"
  1596. > The mare smiles for the first time since you woke her up. "You told me the code to- well, to something really important. I'd never have gotten it otherwise, so... thanks."
  1597. "You're, um, welcome?" you quaver.
  1598. > Starla puts a comforting hoof on your withers. "Of course, you had help, but still- thanks. Anyway, what do you want to know?"
  1599. > The main thing you want from Starla is a way out of this place for you, Sky Light and Maribelle, if she will come. Except now that she's dangled a taste of all this spy and resistance stuff before you, there's no way you're going away until you know more.
  1600. "What's with the resistance? Why?"
  1601. > Starla shrugs a little bit. "Does there have to be a reason other than ponies are in slavery? We're trying to free as many as we can and take them back home."
  1602. "B-Back home?"
  1603. > "Equestria. Where ponies belong. Do you know anything about it?"
  1604. > You stare at the mare with your mouth open for a while. That's too much information all at once and you don't know if you can even process it all. Overwhelmed, you focus on one thing at a time. She had asked you a question.
  1605. "Not r-really. I thought it was gone, or destroyed or something. I thought we were refugees."
  1606. > "Lies."
  1607. "Why would they lie?!"
  1608. > Starla rolls her eyes a little. "So you're easier to control. You don't question. You don't long for a home if you think it no longer exists. There are probably other reasons."
  1609. > Is she right? Would the ponies on Earth revolt if they knew they had a homeland where they weren't subservient to humans? Where they could have jobs and houses and money, and live among equals?
  1610. > What about all the free ponies? You don't know what they were taught and you never thought to ask. Maybe Velvet and Bluegrass and Butch all knew Equestria still exists, but they like it better here on Earth? If they don't, why doesn't the resistance get *them* home?
  1611. > You file all that to think about later. There's something else that's been hanging over your head for a long time and just maybe Starla will finally have an answer.
  1612. "What about all this cutie mark stuff and the implants and the research they're doing here. Why go to all that trouble when there's thousands of ponies out there?"
  1613. > The mare takes a moment to formulate her answer, then gives a little shrug. "I'm not too sure about most of that stuff. You really ought to ask Cadence about it. This place was the first I heard about these implants."
  1614. "Will I get to meet this 'Cadence'? Who is she?"
  1615. > Starla has a short internal debate what to tell you, then just answers simply: "She leads the resistance here on Earth. If anypony knows, it'll be her. Anyway, from what I understand, this place is a fluke. It doesn't exist, officially."
  1616. "What do you mean?"
  1617. > The mare waves a hoof vaguely. "It was one crazy, paranoid politician who got elected on promises to control ponies. He managed to be annoying or convincing enough to get some money and then he put his crazy, fanatic friends in charge of this operation. I think I know why they're letting it continue, but I won't say until I'm sure."
  1618. > That doesn't answer anything much and just raises further questions. You open your mouth to ask them, but Starla forestalls them.
  1619. > "Look, just think of it this way: some humans got a lot of money from the budget to try and find a way to control cutie marks. Back when it all started there were a few... bad cases, so the public was all for it."
  1620. > She walks around you and climbs up on her bed once again while she talks. "Interest has died down, but if what I think is right, they don't dare shut this down, so the government - the current government - just keeps this place around because it's easier and cheaper than it would be to stop."
  1621. > Well, you have seen people act crazy, so it's not too far fetched. Mr. Boone was a good example. You wonder if he was the politician whom Starla mentioned, but you don't ask. It doesn't really matter.
  1622. > It sucks to know that your entire life, the school, even the lives your friends are building *here*, are just part of some crazy experiment to breed cutie-mark-less ponies. It's not going to work, you know that now.
  1623. "So who are you really?" you ask, changing the subject before you get too depressed.
  1624. > "Well, obviously I'm in disguise, otherwise I'd be in some serious trouble."
  1625. > You're guessing mane-dye, though you can't imagine how she would keep getting it. Humans would be sure to get suspicious if she put hair-dye on the shopping list.
  1626. > It's a tiny relief that Starla isn't stuck with this horrible, clashing color, though.
  1627. "So what's your real name?"
  1628. > The mare looks around and turns an ear to the door, making sure that no one is there. Despite being certain that you two are alone, she still leans closer and whispers: "Promise you won't tell? We'd both get thrown in prison or even killed if they found out."
  1629. > You gulp, suddenly afraid that she is some sort of criminal or outlaw. Clever of her to hide right under the humans' noses, but also risky beyond belief.
  1630. > Anyway, you're committed, so you just nod.
  1631. > "My real name is Starlight Glimmer."
  1632. > You almost laugh. She made 'Starla' out of 'Starlight' and dropped the other part of her name. Surely if the humans were looking for her they wouldn't be so stupid as to fall for that.
  1633. > Starla - or Starlight - catches your look and gives you a crooked grin. "What? I'm bad at names, okay?"
  1634. > It sounds like a very pony name. An Equestrian pony name, which would make sense if she's part of the rebellion which, presumably, came from there.
  1635. > Equestria still exists. Ponies still live there.
  1636. > Once again the thought blows your mind.
  1637. "Um, that's a- a- lovely name."
  1638. > By now the mare is starting to fidget and her ear keeps twitching towards the door. You'd been talking for a while and the chance that some human will walk in grows by the minute. You should stop soon.
  1639. > Besides, you really need to go in your own room and think all of this over.
  1640. "Will you tell me how you get around this place at night?"
  1641. > She shrugs, but then shakes her head. "Sorry, it's too dangerous for you to know. Soon, okay? I have something really important to do tonight, then-"
  1642. > She freezes and her eyes narrow as she gives you an appraising look. "Hmm, how strong are you? You're an earth pony, so I'd guess the answer is 'very', right?"
  1643. > This is another unexpected question and it makes you frown a little.
  1644. "Yeah, I guess? I mean, I'm a lot stronger than Sky Light if that's what you're asking."
  1645. > "Maybe I could use your help. Listen, my work will be done soon. In a couple of days now that I have that code. If you help me- um, do what I need to do, I'll take you and Sky Light with me when I go. My friends will be coming for me."
  1646. > She gives you a bright smile. "The resistance could use a couple of resourceful mares like you two. Or, failing that, we'll send you to Equestria."
  1647. > It sounds like exactly what you'd been hoping for! Except for one thing.
  1648. "Can we bring Maribelle?"
  1649. > For a moment Starla has a pained expression before she wipes it away. It makes you heart sink. "I'm not sure she-" the mare begins, then sighs and folds her ears down. "Look, I'm sorry Rosa, but some ponies really buy into what the humans are selling here. I'm worried if you tell her any of this, she'll run right for a human to blab everything. I don't think we can bring her out, not yet. Not without her fighting us every step of the way."
  1650. > You're about to argue and plead, eyes already brimming with tears, but Starla silences you with a hoof on your muzzle. "Tell you what. Our agents can track where Maribelle ends up. We'll find her once she's out of this place. It'll be a lot easier to get her away then, okay?"
  1651. > It's not what you want to hear. You don't want to be parted from your friend yet again. You think back on your own promise to yourself - you'll leave Maribelle here if you genuinely think she'd be happier.
  1652. > The moment has come, but do you have the strength to do it?
  1653. > You have to think about it.
  1654. > "Promise you won't tell her anything!" Starla demands.
  1655. > It's one of the hardest things you'd ever had to do, but you do it anyway. It's for all your sakes.
  1656. "I p-promise."
  1657. > You don't say goodbye to the mare, just leave her room as quickly as you can. You run to your bed and jump up on it, then you pull the cover over your head.
  1658. > Somehow, deep down, you'd always known you'll have to leave one of your friends here. Maybe knowing that Maribelle is happy and doing what she loves is enough.
  1659. > Maybe, like Starla says, you can approach her in a few years, once she has completed her training and has a fulfilling job and tell her the truth.
  1660. > Does Equestria have trains? You forgot to ask.
  1661. > If it does, you can promise Maribelle that she'll continue doing what she was meant to do, except in a better place. A place for ponies.
  1662. > It'll just have to be enough, but you still can't stop yourself from crying silently. You just hope no human finds you like that.
  1663. > If they do, you'll just tell them you'd eaten something spoiled and weren't feeling well. You're getting good at lying to your friends, after all. Perhaps it's time to try out that particular talent on people who actually deserve it.
  1665. > ~~~~
  1667. > By the time Speedy comes in for lunch you're still reeling from all Starla had told you. Luckily, it's easy to excuse yourself by saying you're not feeling too well. Strange how you're not particularly hungry.
  1668. > Pony resistance. Spies, hiding out in forests. Infiltrating human facilities and rescuing mistreated ponies. It all sounds completely crazy.
  1669. > Is Starla just making it all up? As a joke, or maybe she has some mental condition?
  1670. > No, you believed her when she told you. Besides, she knew what Sky Light looks like and you're pretty sure you never told anyone up here.
  1671. > She *might* have heard it from a human, but you can't imagine the mare gossiping with one of the doctors about what a pony *looks* like. They might gossip if Sky Light was causing them a lot of problems, but not about her appearance.
  1672. > You snap out of your thoughts, which have been running in a circle and not getting anywhere anyway, when you hear a pony walk into the room. You open your eyes and see Speedy, with a slight blush and a bowl of something in an upturned hoof.
  1673. > "It's stew. I don't really know how to make anything else. Well, except for a sandwich. Oh, and toast. I can make toast."
  1674. > You watch the poor colt babble for a few more moments, then smile and hold out a hoof. He is somewhat relieved to hand you the meal, as if he had been nervous about bringing it.
  1675. > Maybe Starla made him, you think. The mare seemed friendly, if just a tad knowing and a teensy bit condescending. You suppose she has a right to condescend a little, considering the difference in years.
  1676. > You wonder if it would be incredibly rude to ask her.
  1677. "Um, Speedy? Do you know how old Starla is?"
  1678. > Luckily, there's a better way. You sit up straight so you can place the bowl before you. There's a spoon, but you're not going to bother with that.
  1679. > The colt is fiddling a bit with his hooves, so you pat the bed next to you and he hesitantly climbs on.
  1680. > "Well, I asked her once," he admits, muzzle going pink. It's very obvious on his natural, light yellow coat. "She said it was none of my business."
  1681. > That's a shame, but you guess Starla doesn't *have* to disclose anything, especially something as personal as that.
  1682. > Speedy gives you a crooked smile. "Later on, she said she's 'about forty-ish?'" The way he spoke makes you chortle a bit, almost making you spit out your mouthful. The colt did a good impression of the mare!
  1683. "That's good! Can you do Maribelle?"
  1684. > Some light entertainment with your lunch would be a welcome distraction!
  1685. > Speedy blushes some more, but he thinks for a moment then forces a big grin. "Ohmigosh, check out this actuator mechanism on this- uh, locomotive. Didya ever see engineering like this?!"
  1686. > It's not a very good impression - much worse than his attempt at Starla, but you still laugh. It's making him relax a little bit around you, which is good. You don't feel as if you'd gotten to speak with this particular pony all that much.
  1687. > Except now you have your mouth full again and you must keep it above the bowl because a bit of stew is dripping from your chin.
  1688. > Eating with spoons is a lot less messy. You suddenly realize that Speedy is watching and you freeze for a moment, unable to meet his gaze. He must think you're totally uncivilized!
  1689. "Um, could you get me a napkin or a towel, please?" you quaver.
  1690. > "Oh, sure! No problem!" the helpful colt exclaims and rushes off. Sky Light had rubbed off on you too much, it seems. Before you had spent all that time with the pegasus you'd never have thought to eat directly from the bowl.
  1691. > You decide you'll make it a point to improve your habits. No need to get sloppy just because you're living on the street - or whatever.
  1692. > Speedy is back very soon, giving credibility to his chosen name, and you wipe your muzzle thoroughly.
  1693. "I guess that's what spoons are for," you try to lighten the mood.
  1694. > You immediately want to slap your face. Way to bring attention to your uncivilized manners! Luckily, the colt doesn't seem to read anything into it and just titters a little. "It helps!" he points out.
  1695. > He's easy company and you like him. You wonder what Sky Light would make of him. She'd probably roll her eyes and go something like: 'Great, now I got two of you...'
  1696. > Remembering how gruff the pegasus can act is making you smile.
  1697. "Um, thanks. F-For bringing me this."
  1698. > The colt gives you a nod. "No problem! You said you weren't feeling well, so I thought I'd try anyway. I mean- if it was belly-problems, then you obviously wouldn't wanna eat, but if it's most other things you would still get hungry and just might not be feeling like going to the kitchen and sitting at the table and- and..."
  1699. > He falls silent and takes a deep breath. "I mean, you're welcome," he concludes.
  1700. > In some ways he reminds you a little of Paolo, except the pegasus back at the school was a bit more confident. Well, until you'd shown some interest in him. Then he clamped up just like Speedy is doing right now.
  1701. > You suddenly realize the colt probably likes you. It's sweet, but you really, *really* can't get into anything like that.
  1702. > Hopefully if you don't encourage him, it won't go any further. That probably means you have to stop talking now. You invent quickly.
  1703. "Ugh, I'm gonna smell of this stew for the rest of the day and it's gonna drive me crazy. I think I'll take a shower."
  1704. > Speedy audibly sniffs, but of course he can't tell whether the smell is coming from the bowl or from you. It wasn't a complete fabrication, anyway. Even if it won't smell, which it probably will, your fur feels sticky.
  1705. > "Oh. Okay," the colt says, thinking you were expecting an answer.
  1706. "Thank you for cooking - um, you and Starla can leave the dishes in the sink and I'll do them later."
  1707. > The swallows and nods, but then opens his mouth to ask, hesitantly: "Um, are you doing s-something later?"
  1708. > Dr. Mason hadn't told you anything, so you'd just been planning on reading a book or something until Maribelle returned. Then she would probably have a ton of stories about her train simulator.
  1709. > You never thought you'd see the day, but you're interested in hearing about that. It sounds fascinating, the way your friend talks about it. Maybe it's just Maribelle's enthusiasm rubbing off on you, but you suddenly want to know more about trains.
  1710. > Meanwhile you have to let Speedy down gently. You think about the problem for a moment and then find the perfect solution.
  1711. "We could play a board game or something. Can you ask Starla if she wants in while I'm in the shower?"
  1712. > He was obviously hoping for some alone time with you, because his ears lower in disappointment. You're a bit sad to do this to him, but it's kinder than outright telling him he's barking up the wrong tree.
  1713. > "Oh. Okay, I'll ask her," he promises and you know he will.
  1714. > The next step is very hard, but you have to do it. You play completely casual, pretending like you hadn't noticed his infatuation and wishes and disappointment.
  1715. "Thanks! Great! I'll see you in a bit!"
  1716. > He tries to help out, but you firmly pick up the bowl and, hobbling on three legs, take it to the kitchen where Starla is sitting at the table and still eating.
  1717. "Game later?" you ask her.
  1718. > She watches you for a few seconds, then shrugs. "Might as well. My lesson got canceled cause the guy got a stomach bug."
  1719. > That works out, then. You'll play whatever silly game Speedy and Starla pick until Maribelle comes, then you'll listen to her stories about the simulator. That will be your afternoon, it seems.
  1720. > Tomorrow - you don't know anything yet, but maybe Dr. Mason will come in later today to tell you. She said she was looking into getting a small indoor garden set up so you can practice.
  1721. > That excites you, but at the same time you don't really want to get started, because you'll just have to abandon anything you do there.
  1722. > Now that Starla has taken you into her confidence, at least partially, you have no doubt you'll be escaping soon.
  1723. > The only question that remains is 'how'.
  1724. > That reminds you - if you see Dr. Mason you have to ask her if you can visit Sky Light again. You need to confirm Starla's story about visiting your friend and make sure she's on board with an escape plan.
  1725. > On top of that, you just miss her and want to spend some time talking again. That's also a legitimate reason.
  1726. > You try and come up with a way to ask Dr. Mason while you wait for the shower water to get warm.
  1727. > It has to come up all the way from the basement, Maribelle told you, so it takes a while before hot water makes it all the way up.
  1728. > She really is an engineer, it looks like. You hope she has a very happy and productive life on Earth.
  1729. > You don't even remember when tears have started to drip from your muzzle. You're going to miss your friend.
  1730. > Please, please, let there be a way to get her to Equestria in a few months' time when she's out of this place!
  1731. > Please.
  1733. > ~~~~
  1735. > It's really hard to keep something this big from Maribelle, but you just told her you weren't feeling too well and that seemed to cover it.
  1736. > She came back sooner than you expected, too, saving you from a very strange board game you could hardly follow. Something with spaceships which both Speedy and Starla seemed to enjoy quite a lot.
  1737. > For that matter, they hardly ever argued, so you find it weird that they play Monopoly at all, if it's so controversial.
  1738. > Anyway, the previous night and the day's excitement have left you completely drained and you keep nodding off while Maribelle is excitedly explaining about her train simulator.
  1739. > When it happens for the fifth or sixth time the mare carefully lifts up your muzzle and gives you a smile. "Aw, you really aren't doing too well, Rosa. Go on, get some rest. I'll tell you tomorrow."
  1740. > You feebly shake your head and open your eyes with some effort.
  1741. "N' s' fine..."
  1742. > It's just so warm and comfortable in your friend's bed with her flank pressing against yours and her blanket draped over you both. She has a book propped against the pillow so she could show you some of the train cabin pictures she saw, but you don't remember any of them.
  1743. > The mare nudges you with a hoof and pulls the blanket off, exposing your back to the chill.
  1744. > At least you imagine it as a chill.
  1745. > "Hush! Go! Toilet, teeth, wash, bed, okay?" your friend commands. She sounds serious, so you drag yourself out of bed, grumbling a little.
  1746. "It was so warm..."
  1747. > Maribelle reaches out to pat your withers. "You'll get warm in your own bed, too."
  1748. "Nuh-huh," you shake your head, "never gonna get warm again. I'm gonna die of hypothermia and it'll all be your fault!"
  1749. > You both giggle and the joke helps you wake up a little. You don't need much to get through your evening routine and Maribelle is probably right. You could use a good night's sleep.
  1750. > Maybe tomorrow it will be easier to understand Starla's - or Starlight's - story. That mare is still not telling you everything, but you feel like maybe she trusts you, at least to an extent.
  1751. > With what she said you could probably get her into quite some trouble, if you were so inclined.
  1752. > Speaking of the mare, you find her in the bathroom, staring in a mirror. There's a hint of a wince on her muzzle as she examines herself.
  1753. "I'm glad that's not your natural color."
  1754. > She glances over, then turns back to the mirror. "I *know*, right?!"
  1755. > You're curious now, so you join her in looking at both your reflections.
  1756. "What *is* your natural color?"
  1757. > The pony sighs sadly and her ears lower. "This," she says and lifts it up a little, "is just a streak. The rest of it is purple with another light purple streak."
  1758. > You try to imagine it and yes, it does sound a lot better than this. You wonder why she didn't choose a different color, one that was easier on the eyes.
  1759. "Why did you make it all the same color as the streak?"
  1760. > "I don't know," the mare complains. "I guess it sounded simpler. I obviously didn't think it through and by the time I realized how awful it was, I was already in here and there was no changing it."
  1761. > That brings you to another question.
  1762. "How do you keep it colored? Don't you have to retouch the roots every once in a while?"
  1763. > Starla immediately clamps up and looks around to see if anyone else is listening. You've both already said too much if that's the case, which is why she has a slightly worried look.
  1764. "No one was near when I came in, don't worry."
  1765. > Maybe that helps. The pony relaxes a bit and reaches for her toothbrush on a shelf near the sink.
  1766. "So, how do you color it?"
  1767. > The main reason you wanna know is curiosity, but you could also use a similar method if you had to disguise yourself or Sky Light. It's not just you being nosy, really!
  1768. > "You have to keep this a secret, Rosa, understand?"
  1769. > Your heartbeat picks up as you're about to be told another important secret and you give the pony a serious nod.
  1770. > She sighs, then whispers to you so quietly you almost don't hear it: "Magic."
  1771. "Ma-mmphf!"
  1772. > You almost said it out loud and it was a good thing that Starla plugged your noise-hole with a hoof. "Ssssh!" she hisses.
  1773. "Sorry! Magic?!" you repeat in a whisper.
  1774. > She just nods, but that's not nearly enough for you.
  1775. "You mean, actual, serious, not-trickery *magic*, magic?!"
  1776. > "Yup. I'm actually pretty good at it."
  1777. > What she's saying is out of this world. Yes there were rumors about a certain type of pony - a unicorn - who could do actual magic, but you aren't even fully convinced they really exist.
  1778. > Even if they do, you wonder how Starla had gotten her hooves on some of their actual magic. How do you even carry magic around?! You step closer with an eager smile.
  1779. "How does it work?! Where is it? Can I see? I never saw any *actual* magic!"
  1780. > The enthusiasm makes Starla giggle a little, but she answers some of your questions: "Relax. All ponies have natural magic, but only unicorns can use it like you're probably thinking. You need a horn to use that kind of magic."
  1781. > What she's implying is staggering and your legs start to tremble in both excitement and fear.
  1782. "Are y-y-you an," you begin, but have to gulp before you can finish, "-an unicorn?!"
  1783. > Starla just gives you a slight nod. "Guilty, I guess."
  1784. "But you don't have a horn!"
  1785. > "Sssh!" she has to remind you, yet again. In your excitement your voice tends to get louder and louder.
  1786. "Sorry!"
  1787. > "Of course I don't walk around with a horn, that would be incredibly stupid. It's a disguise! Humans are okay with ponies and most of them don't care about cutie marks, but seeing a unicorn around tends to cause a panic."
  1788. "Why?"
  1789. > This one is a harder question to answer and Starla takes a moment to think it over. "I'm not sure when it all began, but- Look, how much do you know about cutie marks?"
  1790. "Not much," you answer truthfully.
  1791. > "Okay, so in some cases, the cutie mark is determined for a pony at birth. I'm not entirely sure how it happens, but sometimes the parents get- well, a sort of a hunch, so they usually end up giving the pony a name that matches their special talent. On the other hoof..."
  1792. > Again, the mare pauses a little bit to organize her thoughts. It's plain to see that she's never tried to explain these things, but she is somewhat knowledgeable.
  1793. > "Okay, so the other times, when the cutie mark isn't determined in advance, it's kinda shaped by the environment. For example, somepony might grow up with a blacksmith father and watch him work, and that would influence them to- to get interested in that. So when the time comes, their cutie mark is related to that interest."
  1794. > You nod, following so far. All feeling of being tired is gone and your mind is buzzing with new adrenaline. There will be a price to pay later, you know, but it will be worth it.
  1795. "Okay?"
  1796. > "So, for ponies who find their cutie mark through interests and upbringing and so on- well, that's usually the stronger power. It could be anything and it's shaped by the way they grow up."
  1797. > You suddenly remember Sky Light telling you something very similar.
  1798. "Oh, I think I heard about that! I didn't know that some cutie marks are determined in advance, but Sky Light told me that, um, happy lives lead to good cutie marks and tragic ones can give ponies a bad cutie mark."
  1799. > Starla nods, but a little doubtfully. "Y-Yeees," she replies, dragging the word out, "kinda. It's a very simplistic explanation, but let's say it's close enough. The cutie mark in these cases comes from the things a pony loves, but it can also be the other way around - it can come from something somepony hates strongly enough."
  1800. > She shudders a bit at some internal memory. "There's been a few like that even in Equestria and they are really *really* bad! I guess it's more common on Earth."
  1801. > That confirms some things you already knew and it gives you some fresh things to think about. You try and make the next connection yourself.
  1802. "So, unicorn, plus a bad cutie mark is-"
  1803. > "Bad news," Starla finishes for you. "Some unicorns can get very powerful. Imagine being able to blow up an entire building with a thought. They don't need explosives or guns or any weapon. Heh, they *are* the weapon. No wonder humans got scared, they don't have any defense against that."
  1804. > She sees your worried expression and gives you a brief hug. "In Equestria there was always defense against that. Even if a hero - or heroes - didn't step forward, there was always a Princess around to sort things out."
  1805. > You open your mouth to ask about that, but Starla smiles patiently and prods you towards the shower cabin. "Enough questions now, you're almost falling over. Wash up and go to bed, Rosa. I'll tell you more when we get out!"
  1806. > She sticks the toothbrush she had been holding all this time, in her mouth.
  1807. > It sounds like your escape will be soon. Should you tell Maribelle anything tonight?
  1808. > The mare catches your expression and shakes her head, smile slipping away. She has to remove the brush to speak. "Don't tell anypony, okay? Look, I have to go check something tonight. If everything goes smoothly, we're breaking out the next day, got that?"
  1809. > You nod wordlessly, then freeze and let your ears sag. You've somehow decided to leave Maribelle behind. She is happy here and getting the education and the opportunity she deserves.
  1810. > Starla is probably right about that. If you told Maribelle what you're planning, she would undoubtedly go to a human. She'd think she's doing you a favor.
  1811. > You'll just have to make your goodbye the night you leave, when she can't stop you, then come back for her in a few months or maybe a year.
  1812. > Once she's been exposed to the outside world the mare might see things differently. Oh, that reminds you!
  1813. "Just one more question, really quick!" you plead. "Are there trains or something like that in Equestria?"
  1814. > Starla blinks a few times in confusion, then her face clears up. Again she has to remove the toothbrush to anser. "Oh! You mean for your friend! Yeah, of course! There's steam trains and all kinds of machinery. That's a good idea, actually,"
  1815. > The mare seems a bit excited. "If she gets an engineering education here on Earth, she might bring some new ideas to Equestria. Good thinking!"
  1816. "So we'll come back for her?"
  1817. > You can see that Starla isn't too certain, but she still gives you a nod. "Yeah, sure! I'll talk with Cadence."
  1818. "How will we find her?"
  1819. > "Don't worry about that."
  1820. > Opening your mouth to ask again just makes you yawn, despite your excitement. Starla is probably right. You need a shower and then bed. You have to be well rested for tomorrow, if you're breaking out in the night.
  1821. > In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a few naps during the day. You can say you're still not feeling perfectly well and have some quiet time in your room.
  1822. > Hopefully Dr. Mason or Dr. Barton or anyone else doesn't need too much of your time.
  1823. "Thanks- um, for trusting me."
  1824. > Starla gives you another short hug. "Mmm-phmm!" she mumbles around the toothbrush.
  1825. > You idly wonder why you and not Speedy or Maribelle, but you forget all about that when you start the water. A shower is going to feel pretty nice. So will bed.
  1826. > It's going to suck to have to say goodbye to Maribelle, but at least this time you'll both know the other is doing something important to them. More than that, you'll know that Maribelle will be happy in her new job.
  1827. > Even further, you know it won't be forever. Even if Starla wasn't too convinced you'll be able to find Maribelle again after a year or so, you just won't give up. You found her once, you can do it again!
  1828. > Those thoughts all flee when you step under the hot shower and let it dissolve your mind in unthinking comfort.
  1830. > ~~~~
  1832. > It's finally time to do it. Knowing that you have to doesn't make it any easier, though. Starla had told you to be ready tonight. You need to tell Maribelle. You're not going to just disappear on her.
  1833. > Luckily she put your strange mood down to continued tummy problems. She went to sleep but told you to wake her up if you weren't feeling well.
  1834. > She was always so kind...
  1835. > You're sitting on your haunches right beside her bed, ears hanging down and heart heavy. It wouldn't be fair to just run away without telling Maribelle. She would worry so much.
  1836. > Well, she will probably still worry, but at least she'll know why you've gone.
  1837. > Taking a deep breath, you gently put a hoof on Maribelle's sleeping form.
  1838. "Um, Maribelle?" you whisper.
  1839. > There aren't any humans around, but you still want to be careful.
  1840. > Unlike Starla, your friend isn't a heavy sleeper and opens her eyes immediately. "Mmm? Rosa?" she asks, then sits upright. "Everything okay? Does it hurt?"
  1841. > You shake your head, but you understand how she could have gotten that impression from your expression.
  1842. "No, this is... something else."
  1843. > Maribelle is obviously worried, but she keeps it under control and taps her bed instead. "Come on, you'll be more comfortable up here."
  1844. > She waits for you to obey, then puts a very warm hoof on your shoulder. "Take your time."
  1845. > It makes you smile faintly. This mare is so nice!
  1846. "I'm, uh-" you try, but fail to find the words. "Maribelle, I have to-"
  1847. > Your muzzle clamps shut and all you can get out is a faint whimper. By now your friend is getting really scared, even though she's still putting up a brave face for your sake.
  1848. > "I won't be mad, I promise," she says and it damn near breaks your heart.
  1849. "I have to go."
  1850. > "Aw, I'm so sorry Rosa," Maribelle immediately commiserates. "They have us locked in here until morning. If you can't hold it, just- um, take the sheet off the bed and-"
  1851. "No, not 'go' like that," you correct, horrified.
  1852. > She really wouldn't mind sleeping in a room that smelled of pee all night? No doubt she'd even offer to share her bed, since yours would have no sheets on it. What an angel!
  1853. > It makes it a little harder, because you know you'll make her sad with what you are going say. Your eyes are already filling with tears.
  1854. > Maribelle frowns a little in confusion. "Then go like what?"
  1855. "I h-have to l-leave!" you blurt out.
  1856. > "Oh no! Are they sending you away? Maybe I can talk with Dr. Barton and-"
  1857. > This time you plug her mouth with a hoof to silence her erratic guesses. You sniffle, but gather your courage and continue your explanation.
  1858. "No, I'm running away. I'm s-sorry!"
  1859. > The mare stares at you in shock for a while. Then she pushes your hoof away. "How?! Why?!"
  1860. > You can't tell her too much about Starla, so you'll just have to improvise.
  1861. "It doesn't matter. I have a way. I'm getting Sky Light and we're getting out of here."
  1862. > Her other question goes unanswered and Maribelle repeats it, with a touch of anger in her eyes. "Why?!"
  1863. > You heave a sigh and lean against her. At least she doesn't push you away.
  1864. "I don't like it here. I don't wanna be a human slave, Maribelle. Maybe it's because I've been out there- free."
  1865. > "You'll be a fugitive," Maribelle points out.
  1866. "Well, maybe. If I go far enough I'll be safe."
  1867. > You're thinking about Equestria, but you don't tell her that.
  1868. > "That's the stupidest, most hare-brained thing you ever-"
  1869. > A half-choked sob stops the pony in her tracks and her eyes narrow. "Why are you crying?"
  1870. > It's impossible to stop the tide now and your hot tears drip down from your muzzle.
  1871. "B-Because I'll- I'll m-muuuh," you wail.
  1872. > Maribelle puts a hoof around you, but she doesn't say anything.
  1873. "I'll miss youuuuu!"
  1874. > Her expression softens, anger momentarily forgotten. She doesn't give up, though. "Rosa, I know it's all strange and scary here, but it's not so bad, I promise," Maribelle pleads, getting a bit teary-eyed herself.
  1875. > "They're treating us nice and they'll even give us jobs for our cutie marks. Just- please, Rosa, just hold out a bit longer, it'll get better!"
  1876. > She puts both hooves on you and turns you around to face her. You can't meet her eyes, so you stare fixedly at her left ear.
  1877. > "I didn't even know you hated it here. Why didn't you tell me?! I thought you were happy..."
  1878. > You sniff and wipe some snot away with your foreleg.
  1879. "I am- I was. I d-don't know how I can explain this..."
  1880. > The mare kindly waits for you to try.
  1881. "I-"
  1882. > What can you even say?
  1883. "This is too important. I'm s-sorry, Maribelle, I just can't!" you whimper miserably.
  1884. > There's silence for a moment, then your friend says: "I see."
  1885. > The tone of quiet anger and frustration doesn't escape you and you feel wretched. At least you should be able to give her some kind of reason! You decide to tell her some of the truth.
  1886. "I h-have a way of going to Equestria. I have to go! It's where ponies belong. I was h-hoping, m-m-maybe, you..."
  1887. > You give her your most hopeful look, but all that does is deepen Maribelle's glare. "That's baloney, Rosa! Equestria is a myth! Even if if ever existed, it doesn't anymore! Even if it *did*, we can't go there!"
  1888. > She growls a little. "Is it that pegasus? Is she filling your head with these crazy ideas?! I'll tell Dr. Barton and they'll-"
  1889. "No!" you cry out. "Please!"
  1890. > She falls silent, but only because your face is now a mess of tears and you're sobbing quietly.
  1891. > "You really believe all that, don't you?"
  1892. > All you can do is nod.
  1893. > The mare heaves a long-suffering sigh. "Can I talk you out of this craziness?"
  1894. > This time you shake your head.
  1895. > Maribelle pulls you against her, completely ignoring your messy face, and you gratefully bury your nuzzle in her fur. You take a very deep breath and try your hardest to commit her scent to memory. She is doing the same, it feels like.
  1896. > "I don't like this. I really don't, Rosa, but if it's that important to you, I guess I can't stop you."
  1897. "I'm s-sorry..."
  1898. > You enjoy her embrace for long minutes, then Maribelle lets out her breath and asks: "Will I ever see you again?"
  1899. > Pushing away so you can look her in the eye, you try to smile. "If Equestria really exists, I'll come back and tell you. Then we can go together. They have trains, you know? They could use a skilled engineer!"
  1900. > There's an indefinable moment of longing in her eyes and you feel a bit more cheerful. She really does like the idea. If you confirm to her that Equestria exists - that you'd seen it with your own eyes - she would follow you.
  1901. > This time, though, Maribelle shakes her head. "That's just dreams, Rosa. What will you do when you can't get there. Or even if you get there and it's gone?"
  1902. > That has always been an outside chance.
  1903. "I'll come back."
  1904. > Maribelle is already shaking her head. "No, that would be a terminally stupid idea, you little idiot," she whispers. "The humans will put you down if they catch you after you escape. Promise me you'll stay away from this place, Rosa!"
  1905. > You gulp in sudden fear.
  1906. "I p-p-promise," you stammer.
  1907. > "Good. Just keep yourself safe. Don't worry about me."
  1908. "H-How about- when you have a job somewhere, on a train. What if I find you then?"
  1909. > Maribelle gives it some thought, but then she shrugs. "Rosa, I don't have the faintest idea what my life is going to be like. It's crazy to try and make plans now."
  1910. > You open your muzzle to argue, but she holds up a hoof. "Okay, listen. *If* I end up working on a train, and *if* I don't have constant oversight of these people, and *if* it's safe - then I'd like to see you again."
  1911. > A big smile spreads your mouth and the mare rolls her eyes. "I said *if*, Rosa! If you manage to find me, I dunno, a year or two down the line, leave me a small message or something, just to let me know you're there, but don't show yourself, okay?"
  1912. > She's thinking quickly now, making plans, despite her words that she shouldn't. "If it's safe for you to approach me, I'll give you a sign too."
  1913. > The mare sags a little and sighs. "This is so hard to plan. Just- find me and keep your eyes open and let me know you're there when it's safe, okay? We'll figure something out."
  1914. "And then I'll take you to Equestria. It's there, it really is!" you tell her.
  1915. > "Okay. Fine. Go see for yourself, just promise me you won't get your fool self killed, okay?"
  1916. > You give the mare a nod and hug her again.
  1917. "I swear!"
  1918. > She pats your back with her hooves and lets you rest against her barrel for a bit longer. You close your eyes and listen to her heartbeat.
  1919. "Please," you whisper, eyes filling up with tears again, "please be happy, Maribelle. I want you to have a happy life."
  1920. > She grunts and squeezes you extra hard for a moment. "I was hoping we could do that together, Rosa."
  1921. > There's longing in her voice and you feel like a monster for dashing that dream. There's no choice! You have to try and find Equestria. Starla sounded so *sure*! If you can get both of you there - all three, including Sky Light - you'll be much happier, you just know it.
  1922. > You open you mouth to tell her that, but then change your mind. She doesn't believe it and it might just make her angry again. It's best to part like this - sad, but hopeful.
  1923. > After a minute or two, Maribelle lets you go and then looks at the door. "So, how are you getting out?"
  1924. > You don't want to give Starla away, so you lie by omission.
  1925. "A friend is busting me out."
  1926. > "Sky Light?! How did she get out of her cell?"
  1927. "Please- If I tell you, you'll just get in more trouble. It's best you don't know, Maribelle."
  1928. > She gives a wry chuckle. "Yeah, like they won't interrogate me at all if I say I don't know anything."
  1929. > That's a thought that hadn't occurred to you yet. What if the humans decide Maribelle is complicit?
  1930. > She sees your terrified expression and gives you a small smile. "Oh, so *now* you're getting worried?"
  1931. "Come with me?" you plead.
  1932. > The pony thinks about it for a moment, she really does! But then she shakes her head sadly. "Rosa, I'm happy here. I'm doing what I love and I actually like the attendings and the teachers. It's not a bad life, even if I'll never really be a citizen."
  1933. > Your ears fold down in sorrow again, but Maribelle carefully lifts one up with a hoof. "Just tell me this - whether you find Equestria or not, will you be happier out there than you are in here?"
  1934. > You think back on your time on the streets with Sky Light. It wasn't an easy life, but - you suddenly realize - you did kinda like it. Maybe enough to understand why Sky Light doesn't want to live indoors with a family.
  1935. > Well, not exactly undertand, but now you believe that there could be an actual reason. Being homeless gives you a certain, undefinable freedom.
  1936. "Yes," you say with finality, "even if I don't find Equestria I'll be happier out there."
  1937. > "Then that's good enough for me. I'll be fine here. They'll ask me questions and I'll tell them I was sleeping when you left and I don't know how you did it, and that will be the end of it. Trust me, I'll be fine."
  1938. > You can't talk her out of coming and you can't stay, so you will just have to make yourself believe her.
  1939. "Okay."
  1940. > "So what now? We wait for your mysterious friend to let you out?"
  1941. > You nod at the mare.
  1942. > She gives it some thought, then shrugs a little to herself and lies down. "C'mere," she says and pats the pillow next to her head. You gladly join her and the pony pulls the blanket over the both of you.
  1943. > "Since you'll be gone soon," Maribelle declares, "I'll just have to hug you for the next two years right now."
  1944. > You don't have a single problem with that plan and happily accept her hooves around your barrel. For good measure, you press your muzzle in her fluff.
  1945. > "So, Speedy has a crush on you. Did you notice that? He's going to be so sad when you're gone."
  1946. > The bit of gossip makes you chuckle softly.
  1947. "Yeah," you reply, voice a little muffled. "It was kinda obvious."
  1948. > "I hope you let him down gently..."
  1949. > Chatting about unimportant matters with Maribelle is the best way to spend the final few hours with the mare. It's how you want to remember her.
  1950. > She's ignoring the fact that you will leave and pretending everything is normal, just to help you relax and rest up before your stressful escape.
  1951. > Maribelle is just such a sweetheart!
  1952. > You let the tears flow freely, even while you're smiling at your conversation.
  1953. "I actually just kinda ignored it..."
  1955. > ~~~~
  1957. > You're still Rosa and you have good news and bad news.
  1958. > The good news is that you'd cried yourself out, so your face is dry and Starla won't have to see your indecision.
  1959. > The bad news is that she has just knocked on the door, waking both your and Maribelle out of a pleasant, cuddly stupor.
  1960. "I g-guess it's t-time," you mumble.
  1961. > Your friend gives you one of her finest Looks. "You really have to go?" she asks.
  1962. > All you can do is nod, ears splayed and trying hard not to start weeping again.
  1963. > "Please be safe, Rosa."
  1964. "Yeah, y-you too."
  1965. > You give Maribelle one last quick hug, then slip out of the bed. You try to put on a defiant expression for Starla. She mustn't know how much you doubt yourself, or she might decide you're too risky and leave you here.
  1966. "I'm r-ready..."
  1967. > The door unlocks and swings open. There is no one standing outside. You swallow a lump, cast one look back at Maribelle, who gives you a brave smile you know she isn't feeling, and then you step outside.
  1968. > "Close the door," comes a voice from the shadows.
  1969. > You obey and look for the disguised unicorn with wide, unblinking eyes. You wonder if she'll still have her disguise.
  1970. > Probably. You're not out of the woods yet and she would be in less trouble if she were just an earth pony sneaking around, rather than a dangerous unicorn.
  1971. > "Okay, come on," the mare says, stepping up next to you. Now that you'd had a moment to adjust, you can see quite well from the faint moonlight coming from the windows.
  1972. > In particular, you notice a crude little bag made from sheets which Starla has slung over her shoulder. You wonder what's in it.
  1973. > Starla leads you to the big iron door which leads out of the pony dorm and into the rest of the facility. You swallow and try to keep your legs from trembling.
  1974. > "Okay," she pauses to give you some last minute instructions. "Keep quiet, follow me and do what I say without question, understand?"
  1975. > You nod, but then you feel that's not enough so you add your voice:
  1976. "I p-promise."
  1977. > "Good."
  1978. > The mare looks up at the keypad next to the door. You wonder what magic looks like and watch the mare closely.
  1979. > There's no apparent change, but something catches your eye and you see a very faint, turquoise glow surround the keys. They beep faintly as the mare types in the code, then there's a click and a whir as the door unlocks.
  1980. > Starla pushes it just a bit, so it opens a tiny crack. You go to help her, but she holds up a hoof. "Hold on!"
  1981. > You freeze.
  1982. > Nothing happens for a moment, then the mare smiles proudly. "Okay, we can go now."
  1983. > She opens the door all the way and walks outside. Her hooves ring faintly on the tiles and she slows down. "I always forget how loud this is..." the mare mutters to herself. "Tread lightly," she tells you.
  1984. > It takes effort to place your hooves down softly enough not to make them ring out, but you manage an acceptable speed while keeping the noise down.
  1985. "W-Why did we have to wait?" you ask her.
  1986. > "Security camera in the hall. I disabled it with magic."
  1987. > That's a clever trick and, once again, a reminder of how badly you would have failed if you tried escaping on your own.
  1988. > Except... Starla has been going out a lot lately, wouldn't the humans be suspicious if cameras died every night?
  1989. "Don't they come investigate if the camera suddenly goes off?"
  1990. > "They haven't yet, at least not during the night. I saw some technicians looking at it the other day. They probably just think it's a faulty system. I only keep it out for a minute while I'm walking past."
  1991. > You guess the humans have no reason to be suspicious, since they probably can't imagine they have a hidden unicorn in the facility. Anyway, if they suspected anything, they would have interrogated the lot of you already, you guess.
  1992. > Starla takes you to the elevator and pushes the button to call it. She closes her eyes and concentrates for a moment, then whispers: "The camera is back."
  1993. > It wasn't really super critical for you to know, but you still appreciate the warning.
  1994. "Okay."
  1995. > The elevator door slides open almost silently and you both walk carefully inside. Then the unicorn pushes the button for the first floor. That is where Sky Light is being kept, so you guess you're going to pick up the pegasus first, then whatever Starla needs your help with.
  1996. > You wholeheartedly approve. This sneaking around is making your heart pound like crazy and you're trembling all over. Having your close and trusted friend with you will be very welcome.
  1997. > In moments the elevator stops and the door opens. You recognize the hallway and almost rush eagerly out, but Starla puts a leg in your way. "Cameras, remember?!" she hisses.
  1998. "Oh. Sorry!" you whisper back.
  1999. > She stands still for a moment, then she starts walking with that same careful gait for hooves on tiles.
  2000. > You wait a moment longer if she has further instructions, but when she says nothing you quietly follow.
  2001. > It's not far to Sky Light's cell, but it feels like it's taking ages. Every now and then you or Starla place a hoof down too quickly and a very faint clop rings out. You both freeze in place each time, but nothing happens.
  2002. > If you'd thought ahead, you would have taken your sheet, ripped it apart and wrapped your hooves in the fabric. It would have made sneaking around so much easier.
  2003. > Nevertheless, you're soon at the right cell and Sky Light is already at the bars, waiting. She grins widely when she sees you.
  2004. > "Rosa!" she whispers, keeping her voice low, "Starlight said it's tonight but I don't think I believed it until now!"
  2005. > The other mare just grins. "Okay, stand back, I'll open the cell."
  2006. > Her magical glow appears around the lock and there's a definite click as it opens. The bars swing inward and Sky Light sneaks around them.
  2007. > You're amazed at her skill, both for whispering and for how quietly she can place her hooves and you open your muzzle to tell her so, but the mare guesses what you're about to say and gives you a proud smirk.
  2008. > "I heard you sneaking over," she explains in a quiet voice. "I guess we're being quiet in case any humans are still around?"
  2009. > "Bingo," Starla says. Starlight, rather. You should take Sky Light's example and start using the unicorn's proper name.
  2010. > "This way."
  2011. > You bump your shoulder against Sky Light in lieu of a hug, just to let her know you're there and to further convince yourself that she is here for you, then you set out after the unicorn. She's going back to the lift.
  2012. > In minutes you're in the small room again and this time Starlight pushes one of the buttons for the sub-basement. Your stomach clenches when you realize you're going underground.
  2013. > A moment later you remember that you could have taken Sky Light's blanket to muffle your hoofsteps. Too late now.
  2014. > Underground feels very worrying. The most dangerous experiments are probably kept there. You wonder if Starlight was looking for a weapon for her resistance, or something even more dangerous.
  2015. > She needed somepony very strong to carry it out, but she hadn't told you what it was. No matter, you're an earth pony, you can do it.
  2016. > It's a small price to pay for freedom - yours and Sky Lights.
  2017. > The elevator ride feels a lot longer, but finally it stops. The door starts to open, but Starlight jams a button to keep it shut.
  2018. > "A few cameras up ahead," she says.
  2019. > You wonder how she had done this the first time, when she was going blind.
  2020. "How did you know the first time you came here? You couldn't have seen it."
  2021. > She's concentrating on her spell, you think, but she's still able to answer: "Sensing spell. A friend of mine came up with a way to detect complicated electronics."
  2022. > The mare gives a soft chuckle. "This place is a mess of electronics, but I learned how to recognize cameras and motion sensors. That's basically all I needed anyway."
  2023. > It's clever. She lets out a breath and relaxes. "There, that's all of them. I might not have time to mask each of them when we're escaping, so I just fried them. They'll notice pretty soon, but I hope to be out of here before that."
  2024. > It's happening! The big heist or whatever! You're going to help Starlight steal something big and important from the humans, then you'll make your escape.
  2025. > There's no going back now!
  2026. > Noticing how fast your breath is getting, Sky Light drapes a wing over you. "Relax, we got this," she whispers.
  2027. > You give the mare a very grateful smile and manage to slow down your panting. The elevator door opens to reveal... another hallway.
  2028. > Humans really love their corridors, you guess.
  2029. > Starla starts walking a bit more quickly now, apparently not caring about the noise her hooves make. You follow, still trying to place your legs softly, but also not wanting to fall behind.
  2030. > A few turns bring you to a different-looking door. It's made from shiny metal and there are some danger symbols around it. There's also a clipboard with signatures and a plaque with tiny text above it.
  2031. > You don't have time to try and read it, because Starlight beams at you. "Thanks for that code, by the way. This is where we use it!"
  2032. > There is a keypad on the wall and the turquoise magic envelops it briefly. There are four beeps and then a whir of machinery.
  2033. > The door splits in the middle and each section slides smoothly into the wall. You can see it was a thick one and you make the connection.
  2034. "Oh, it was too thick to cut with magic or something?"
  2035. > The unicorn shakes her head. "No, not exactly..." she explains. "This room is coated with something that blocks all magic. I don't know how it works."
  2036. > Once the door is open enough, Starla steps in and flicks the light switch. The sudden brightness nearly blinds you, but you blink until you can see again and then you can't hold in a soft gasp.
  2037. > There is a metal... table or something in the middle of the room and strapped to it - a pony.
  2038. > She is a unicorn, navy-blue and with a very long, sharp looking horn. There's no mistaking it.
  2039. > You realize she is also somewhat taller than any pony you know, although it's hard to judge with her lying on her side.
  2040. > Chains are binding her legs and there's an IV drip going into a vein. When you see it your leg itches where yours had been and you scratch without looking.
  2041. > The pony is apparently asleep and doesn't wake up at the light. She looks peaceful enough, despite the heavy chains.
  2042. > "Here. It took some finding to get this," Starlight says and takes her makeshift bag off. She upends it and a key tings on the floor. "Unlock those chains, I'll get the IV out."
  2043. > You're happy to do that, because you are way too squeamish to fiddle with a needle in someone's leg. You grab the metallic key in your mouth and rear up to start with the hind legs, while Starla works on the IV.
  2044. > Something catches your eye and the key drops from your nerveless mouth.
  2045. "She's a-" you say, stunned. "Both h-horn and wings!"
  2046. > "An alicorn," Starla confirms. "You understand why it's critical to get her free now?"
  2047. > You recall some of the legends surrounding this mythical type of pony. Except she's not mythical - she's lying on the table right in front of you.
  2048. > They could move the sun and the stars and make hurricanes just by flapping their wings. They lived forever and nothing could ever kill them.
  2049. > You don't know how much of it is true, but this pony on the table is an *alicorn*!
  2050. > A faint clink wakes you up from your astonished staring and you see that Sky Light had taken the key and unlocked the shackles on the alicorn's hind legs.
  2051. > Meanwhile, Starlight had dropped the IV tube on the floor and iss unwrapping the bandage around the alicorn's leg to get the plastic bit out. That's the potentially bloody part, so you look away.
  2052. > The sleeping pony's mane catches your eye. It looks like it's glittering with small sequins and moving around of its own accord. You've never seen hair like that!
  2053. > Her tail is similar, long and flowing and glittery.
  2054. "W-What's her name?" you mumble.
  2055. > Starlight seems about done with the bandage. She doesn't answer because she's gently pulling out a very sharp looking needle from the alicorn's leg with her mouth. There's hardly any blood, but she starts wrapping the bandage back anyway.
  2056. > Then the unicorn spits out the piece of plastic. "Princess Luna. I think she reached out to you in your dreams and told you the code."
  2057. "What?! Why? H-How?!"
  2058. > "That's what she does," Starlight explains, then steps aside for Sky Light to unlock the shackles on Luna's forelegs. "She can walk the dreamland and make sure ponies don't have nightmares. She used to watch over us every night in Equestria. What I don't understand is - why you?"
  2059. > Starla comes up right close and examines your astonished face closely. "What's so special about you, Rosa? Luna was able to tell Cadence - that's *Princess* Cadence, by the way - where she was being held. They came up with the plan for me to be 'captured', but then Luna stopped showing up in Cadence's dreams."
  2060. > The chains rattle as they fall off and Sky Light drops the key next to them. "What now?" she asks, all businesslike. You realize the pegasus is eager to get out of this place. You agree with her. As long as you're here, you're still in danger.
  2061. > In either case, you understand now what Starlight needs you to carry, so you step beside the table and look to the pegasus. "Help me get her on my back. You'll have to help balance her."
  2062. > While you're both carefully handling the alicorn, Starlight continues explaining: "I've been trying to get the code to this door for weeks! Upstairs was easy, humans keep coming and going and it was just a matter of watching what they typed in. That obviously wouldn't work down here."
  2063. "I don't know why Luna showed up in my dreams! I've been having them for a few months, but they stopped just after I came here."
  2064. > Some faint memory stirs.
  2065. "It felt like they were getting weaker. Maybe she couldn't reach Cadence anymore? Maybe it's harder to reach some ponies?"
  2066. > It's not completely convincing, but you don't have a better explanation.
  2067. > "Yeah, maybe," Starlight says. "She'll be able to tell us later anyway. Let's get out of here."
  2068. > Sky Light smiles at the news. "I wholeheartedly agree!"
  2069. > You feel a tiny bit better, too. Just sneak out the corridor, up the elevator and out the front door. Now there's three of you *and* you have a unicorn, so the guards shouldn't be a problem.
  2070. > It was strange that the alicorn hadn't yet woken up, but you guess she's drugged or something. Maybe that's what was in the IV. You take a few experimental steps to test the balance. Sky Light watches you with an expert eye and comes to your side. "I'll help support her over here," she says.
  2071. > Between you and Sky, you're able to easily carry Princess Luna. Her tail and hind hooves are dragging on the floor, but at least her wings have remained folded up. Her forelegs drape over your shoulders and with the pegasus helping, she isn't in danger of falling off.
  2072. > "I'll help too once we get out of here and my magic works again," Starlight explains.
  2073. > You follow the unicorn back to the hallway and wait as she pokes her head out and looks for danger. A moment later she waves a hoof and leaves.
  2074. > This time it's impossible to keep your hoofsteps quiet, even though you're trying. The mare ahead of you is in a hurry and you're having a hard enough time to keep up as it is.
  2075. > Without Sky Light this would have been a whole lot harder. You'd still have done it, of course.
  2076. > Rescuing an *alicorn* right from the humans! Heroic, even if you do say so yourself.
  2077. > In minutes you're back at the elevator. Getting all of you inside is a bit harder, but Starlight uses her magic to move Luna's tail and hind legs and you manage to bunch up enough so that the door can close.
  2078. > Then the unicorn presses the ground floor button and you become aware of just how fast your heart is going. Freedom is so close you can practically taste it!
  2079. > Starlight turns to you with a big smile. "Thanks, Rosa! This wouldn't have been possible without you!"
  2080. > On your other side, Sky Light is also grinning, but she looks uneasy. "Let's wait with the back-slapping until we're actually out," the pegasus hisses back.
  2081. > The elevator comes to a stop and the door opens.
  2082. > Your heart sinks. All three of you freeze.
  2083. > A harsh light is shining in your muzzle, coming from a powerful flashlight, held by one of the soldiers waiting for you.
  2084. > Terror nearly makes you lose control of your bladder, but you manage to hold it at the last possible second.
  2085. > You're caught. It's over.
  2086. > So close, yet so impossibly far!
  2087. > You want to cry, but you're too scared for that. They'll kill you - all three of you - and Luna will probably go back on that table, pumped full of drugs and with who knows what kinds of experiments performed on her!
  2088. > They have guns, so even if you try and fight your way out it will just mean you'll die faster.
  2089. > You catch Starlight's eyes as all this flashes through your mind in an instant. She leans closer and whispers urgently: "Pretend to go along. When I give the signal, fight!"
  2090. > Already your breathing is quickening and all your muscles are tensing up. You don't know if you'll be any use fighting, not in the face of *guns*!
  2091. > The unicorn winks and you feel Sky Light's hoof touch your flank.
  2092. > "Okay, come out of the elevator, *slowly*," one of the men says.
  2093. > Starlight is the first to react. She turns around and walks forward, head low and ears hanging down, the perfect picture of misery. You have never seen any pony so defeated.
  2094. > If she hadn't told you to expect her signal, you'd think she has completely given up.
  2095. > You take your inspiration from her and follow, looking at the floor. You don't even have to fake your fear and tears are already dripping from your muzzle.
  2096. > Behind you, Sky Light heaves a sigh and follows, still supporting Luna on your back.
  2097. > "So, what was the plan here?" a human demands and two of the soldiers step aside to admit him. Your heart sinks even lower.
  2098. > Dr. Simmons. He has special reason for hating your guts. You stay silent, hoping he won't remember that you bit him. Maybe he'll focus on the rescued alicorn, instead.
  2099. > "I g-guess you saw the cameras go out, d-downstairs?" Starlight says miserably.
  2100. > The human grins, smirking at his own cleverness. "Oh, that was a definite clue, Starla. I don't know how you did that, but I'll find out - trust me."
  2101. > The unicorn sags a little more. "No, the real reason," Dr. Simmons goes on, "is simply that you're stupid."
  2102. "W-What?"
  2103. > He chuckles a little to himself. "You didn't think we'd have your dorm thoroughly bugged? You assumed we were complacent and stupid and, well, turns out it goes the other way. Oh, I'll admit it-"
  2104. > The man turns around and paces around while the soldiers relax a little. Their guns lower, but only slightly and they all still have their fingers on the triggers.
  2105. > "I'll give you that one, Starla. We were really confused by the cameras going out - and always in the same pattern, too. Starting and ending with the one just outside the dorm. We didn't have a clue what was really going on, until you two-"
  2106. > Now the man points at you and then at Starlight, "- started talking about your big escape plan right in the dorm. That was kinda stupid, wasn't it?"
  2107. > You can sense how angry the unicorn is, but you don't know if she's upset with the man, herself or you.
  2108. > "S-So, what happens now?" Starlight asks.
  2109. > The man rubs his hands together in delight, looking specifically at you. "Now, my little pony, we play a fun little game called 'interrogate the criminal'. Oh, I was so looking forward to this, Rosa."
  2110. > The mention of your name makes you whimper. Of course he remembers and of course he is still holding his grudge.
  2111. > "Except this time, your precious Dr. Mason won't be able to save you. You're going to tell me how you knew that we have an alicorn here and then you're going to tell me where the rest of your friends are."
  2112. > You don't say anything. You don't know any of that, but he probably isn't going to believe it. He's just going to torture you for revenge!
  2113. > It makes your stomach queasy and maybe you would have thrown up if dinner hadn't been so long ago.
  2114. > "You and you, take the alicorn back down and secure her. Stay in the room. I've called Dr. Barton to hook up the sedative again, he'll be here in thirty minutes," Dr. Simmons commands.
  2115. > Then he points at the other two soldiers. "You two are with me. We're going to lock up these- scum!"
  2116. > The word almost feels like a whip and you twitch.
  2117. > You stay perfectly still while the two soldiers he had indicated release their weapons and reach down to grab Luna. In that moment Starlight lifts up her head. "Close your eyes!" she commands.
  2118. > Just barely in time you manage to shut your eyelids, but you still see the incredibly bright flash of light come from the unicorn and you feel the thump in your chest. There are a couple of thuds and then Starlight yells: "Come on!"
  2119. > You look, head ringing from the bang and the flash. The soldiers are sprawled on the floor, struggling feebly. Dr. Simmons is lying on his belly, groaning.
  2120. > You whimper and run after the unicorn, Sky Light easily keeping pace and holding Luna so she doesn't slip off your back.
  2121. > "STOP!" comes a shout behind you and you tense up, waiting for the sound of gunfire and the feeling of bullets piercing your flesh.
  2122. > Somewhere outside, an alarm siren starts to wail. That was fast!
  2123. > There's a click behind you and then an incredibly loud rattle of gunfire. You hear the whiz of bullets, but none of them hit you.
  2124. > Risking a glance behind, you nearly stumble and fall. There's a lavender surface floating just behind you. As you watch, the soldier fires his gun again, but his face is slack with amazement.
  2125. > The bullet makes a tiny ripple in the light as it ricochets off.
  2126. > "I can't keep this up very long," Starlight says urgently. I have an idea!"
  2127. > The other soldiers are also staring at the display of magic and you can see Dr. Simmons screaming in rage: "She's an unicorn! GET THEM!"
  2128. > Already there are running footsteps outside and you know the building will be surrounded soon. There's no way out and even Starlight's spells can't stop the bullets forever.
  2129. > "This is so risky, but we don't have a choice!" the unicorn yells. "I won't be able to walk after this, you'll have to drag me!"
  2130. > You're shaking your head, but she's not looking.
  2131. "Wait, don't-"
  2132. > The rest of the words are wrenched from your throat as the entire universe does a somersault. Your gut lurches and you realize you're upside down and falling!
  2133. > "Oh, shiiiiit!" Sky Light says, twisting in the air and opening her wings with a loud flap. "Grab the branches, Rosa!"
  2134. > Before you can really register what the pegasus is saying, a piece of wood slaps you right in the muzzle and you instinctively try to latch on to it. There's crashing and breaking wood beside you as Starlight plummets through the branches.
  2135. > You're unable to keep hold of Luna and the alicorn slips from you, accompanied with more cracking wood.
  2136. > Not that your death grip helps any - the twig you're holding snaps and you meet another one, a few feet lower. The impact hurts less this time, but it drives all air from your lungs and you can't grab it.
  2137. > Several more smack you from all sides and then you thump heavily on the ground, which makes you see stars and hurts *a lot*. All the air is driven from your lungs.
  2138. > You've probably broken some bones, you think.
  2139. > Next to you Sky Light lands heavily with a grunt and you manage to lift your head enough to see if she's okay.
  2140. > The pegasus is holding Starlight and they both seem pretty battered. To your other side there is the immovable form of Luna. You freeze, afraid, but then see that she's still breathing.
  2141. > Maybe the unconscious alicorn had the best 'ride' down the tree, you think. Didn't drunk people always land softly?
  2142. > Anyway, you're able to fill your lungs again and the pain is receding. You gently feel around your barrel with a hoof, but nothing feels really broken. A brief inspection of your legs confirms that and you sag with relief.
  2143. "What the *FUCK* was that?!" you demand.
  2144. > Starlight is barely able to open her eyes. "Teleportation spell... really hard on Earth. C-Can't... aim."
  2145. > So she moved you around with magic and you ended up somewhere in the air?! It was pure luck you didn't appear higher up! You all nearly died as it was!
  2146. > Or what if you had popped in under the ground?! It's too horrible to imagine. You can't believe the unicorn would be so reckless.
  2147. "Fuck!" you swear again, "Fucking fuck! We could have died!"
  2148. > "I know..." the unicorn gasps and manages a weak smile. "Only way."
  2149. > She tries to get to her hooves, but her legs don't seem to be able to hold her up. "Have to... run. Only couple of miles..."
  2150. > Sky Light is the most present from all of you. She points a hoof. "We'll talk about it later, Rosa! Check that Luna is okay and get her over your back again! I'll help Starlight! Let's move, people!"
  2151. > Your friend is right. You're not out of the woods yet.
  2152. > A small, desperate, crazy chuckle escapes your muzzle at the pun. No time to laugh now, even though you want to.
  2153. > If the humans catch you now, it will *really* get bad. Hopefully they will need some time to get organized. Maybe they don't have a chopper, but it would still be a very good idea to hoof it as quickly as you can.
  2154. > You go and check on the alicorn. Nothing *seems* broken, but you won't really know until she wakes up.
  2155. > Strangely enough, all the commotion and noise and this fall hadn't woken her. The poor thing must have some pretty strong stuff in her blood.
  2156. > Her wings are unfolded and you reach down to close them, but then you pause. You don't know how wings really work and you'd be liable to snap something.
  2157. "Sky Light! Come here!"
  2158. > The mare walks over, leaving the unicorn to sit leaning against the tree trunk. "What's up?"
  2159. > You point to the fallen alicorn.
  2160. "C-Can you check her wings? And fold them? I'm afraid I'll hurt her..."
  2161. > "Oh, good point," the mare says and bends over the sleeping pony. "Hmm."
  2162. > She straightens out each wing in turn and prods here and there, before pushing it in at the front and folding it neatly up. Yeah, you wouldn't have known how to do that.
  2163. > You never really examined how pegasus wings worked.
  2164. > "There, nothing is broken, thank God," Sky Light says. While she's at it, she straightens each leg in turn and feels them with her hooves. "Legs okay, too. I guess she landed softly, like a drunk."
  2165. "I was thinking the same thing," you admit.
  2166. > "Okay, come here, I'll help you get her on."
  2167. > You walk over and together with the pegasus you're able to sling Luna over your back again.
  2168. > Meanwhile, Starlight looks a little better, but her head is still lolling. It almost looks like she's exhausted beyond reason!
  2169. > The mare tries to stand, but Sky Light wouldn't have any of it and offers her back instead.
  2170. > The unicorn doesn't complain, she just struggles up across the pegasus and grips her around the neck.
  2171. > "Okay, which way?" Sky Light asks.
  2172. > Starlight looks around, frowning as she thinks, then points a hoof. "That way. Let's get as far as we can and then hide somewhere before morning. After I sleep I'll be able to send a message to Cadence and they'll come get us."
  2173. > "Good. Come, Rosa."
  2174. > Sky Light starts walking and you follow. It's a bit easier because you don't have to be quiet, but it still takes a lot of concentration to keep the alicorn stable on your back.
  2175. > Besides, you're too confused and weirded out and afraid to really talk. You'll need time to even completely understand what has happened, let alone get over it.
  2176. > The thing you know, right at the moment, is that you're alive, you have your best friend with you, a powerful unicorn *and* a Princess of Equestria.
  2177. > You've escaped - probably - from the secret government facility and you're going to meet the pony resistance on Earth, who are going to help you get to Equestria.
  2178. > What even is your life at this point?!
  2180. > ~~~~
  2182. > You might be an earth pony, but carrying an alicorn on your back through a damp forest is hard work!
  2183. > It's getting bright and it would be a good idea to hide and lay low.
  2184. > On the other hand, all that walking has left your brain free for thinking. You finally understand the sequence of events which brought you here.
  2185. > You'd talked it over with Sky Light some, explaining how the pony dorm on the third floor worked, and she agrees. Discussing anything important anywhere in the facility was a stupid idea.
  2186. > For some reason she doesn't bring up that time she was plotting to escape with you right there in her cell. That was probably bugged too.
  2187. > The main problem, you both agree, was that the humans were clever. They didn't nab you right that moment, but left you with a false sense of security so that you'd uncover more subterfuge among the resident ponies.
  2188. > It was exactly what had happened, which makes you feel quite stupid. Starlight was doing fine on her own - Dr. Simmons had admitted as much. They knew something was going on, but they didn't know which pony, nor how she or he was doing it.
  2189. > Then came along little rebel Rosa, a title which stings even though it was you who came up with it in your own head, and started blabbing out loud about escape.
  2190. > The fact that Starlight told you all those secrets means that at least you weren't the only one with a false sense of security.
  2191. > Perhaps the only redeeming fact was that the humans never expected there was a unicorn in their facility, so Starlight's magic took them by surprise.
  2192. "Why didn't they just coat the entire place in that anti-magic thing they used for Luna?"
  2193. > Starlight, looking better, but still not quite able to walk without Sky Light helping her, gives it some thought. "I guess," she says, "it's rare or expensive, or both, so they only used the bare minimum. It's not like they were expecting a unicorn in camouflage."
  2194. > That makes sense and it was certainly lucky. Besides, those guns would have easily taken you down if Starlight hadn't had a 'shield' ready. That's what she called it.
  2195. > Magic looked like very useful stuff, except for that crazy dangerous teleport.
  2196. "Well, I still don't like how you nearly killed us..."
  2197. > The mare gives a slight chuckle. "Would you have preferred to be captured and, um, 'interrogated'?"
  2198. "Maybe there was another way?"
  2199. > The mare groans. "Rosa, reinforcements were already coming. The first thing they'd do would be to separate us. Yeah, I could have gotten myself out, but that'd lose us any chance to get Luna out of there. We were only able to do it because she told us how through dreams."
  2200. > You both glance back at the alicorn, who is still completely out of it.
  2201. > "I don't think she could do it again. I dunno what they were doing to her in there, but it didn't look nice."
  2202. > This time you're forced to agree. You experienced first hand how your dreams got weaker and weaker. The last few times Luna hadn't even been able to wake you up, so you'd just waited in the dream for it to fade on its own.
  2203. "I guess... but you still nearly killed us!" you say back, trying to stay at least a bit angry.
  2204. > Anger is keeping you warm, or at least preventing you from feeling cold and tired.
  2205. > "Sorry. I said I was sorry!" Starlight replies, starting to get annoyed as well. "I told you teleportation is different on Earth than it is on Equestria! Not to mention that I'm out of practice *and* I had to move all of us. That's not easy, you know?"
  2206. > Yeah, you can kinda see that. She almost knocked herself out completely with that spell and she said now all but the easiest of spells were beyond her for a while. Good thing you had Sky Light, who had been able to ease Starlight's fall.
  2207. > No such luck for you, but you're an earth pony so you could slow your tumble through the tree by grabbing branches. Luna wasn't in real danger, Starlight said, because alicorns are notoriously tough, physically. It sounded like these mythical god-ponies had all the powers from all three pony races.
  2208. > You glance back, still amazed that you're seeing an actual, honest-to-god *alicorn*!
  2209. > You might have doubted they were even real, but now you're certain.
  2210. > Every aching bone and muscle is telling you just how real Luna is.
  2211. > She is still asleep, but you can feel her breathing, so she's alive at least. She looks tall and you think she would easily tower over you if she could stand, but at the same time her body looks thin and somehow... frail.
  2212. > Maybe they weren't feeding her right and she lost some weight.
  2213. > Silver lining, right? A bit heavier and you'd probably have died of exhaustion by now.
  2214. > "Okay, I think we should stop and hide," Starlight says and you welcome the proclamation.
  2215. > Despite your aches and exhaustion, you make sure you lay Luna down carefully on some soft grass, then you arrange her legs so she's not cutting off circulation in her limbs.
  2216. > After that you sit beside her and just... watch.
  2217. > Yeah, you can believe she is royalty. You just have to look at the lines of her muzzle and that horn. You haven't seen a unicorn, but that thing looks scary. It's easy to believe humans are afraid of it, even if you don't think about the impossible things it can do.
  2218. > You'd seen some incredible magic just today and you still almost can't believe it.
  2219. > "It's gonna get warm when the sun comes up," Sky Light observes. "We should find somewhere in shade so we don't get heatstroke. Especially her with that black fur."
  2220. "It's not black," you point out. "It's dark blue."
  2221. > You can't see that now, but you remember it from the room where she was being held.
  2222. > "Oh."
  2223. > Starlight is sitting a short distance away where the pegasus had left her, but now she walks over on unsteady legs and leans down to look closely at Luna's face. "I don't know what they did to her. Hopefully it wears off."
  2224. > Then she goes on in a firmer tone of voice: "Sky is right. Rosa, can you look for some sturdy branches? If we get some vines maybe we can make a sling, so it's easier to carry her in case she doesn't wake up."
  2225. > The unicorn looks to the pegasus next. "And Sky, can you fly around in a circle and look for water, or a cave. Even some food, if you can see anything. Otherwise we'll just have to graze."
  2226. > You start chuckling suddenly as you remember Sky Light's words from what feels like a lifetime ago.
  2227. > "What?" both of them say as they look at you. They're probably worrying you'd gone crazy.
  2228. "Remember when you told me I'd get lost in the woods and starve to death, Sky? Well, here we are!"
  2229. > She looks blank for a moment, then she starts laughing too. Starlight glances from one to the other, clearly confused at your private joke.
  2230. > Slowly you and your friend wind down, then you wipe away a tear and stand up. "I'll go look for those branches."
  2231. > "Good, make sure you don't get lost. If you're not back in an hour, Sky will have to go look for you and I'd like to avoid her flying around too much. Who knows what the humans will send after us."
  2232. > It makes sense, but you look around and wonder how you're supposed to keep from getting lost.
  2233. > "Kick a tree every now and then so it leaves a mark," Sky Light suggests. "That way you can find your way back."
  2234. "Good idea!"
  2235. > There's no fear of the pegasus getting lost, you notice. Maybe they have much better orientation. Probably a necessity, given how far and fast they can fly. Like a homing pigeon or something.
  2236. > Another thing pops up in your head.
  2237. "Will you stay in disguise all this time, Starla-light?"
  2238. > "Oh, I almost forgot. Yeah, I guess I can drop that now. It'll make my mane harder to see from the sky. I just need another couple of hours before I can remove a spell that complex."
  2239. > That seems to settle everything and you set off in look for suitable branches to make a crude sling.
  2240. > Having another pony help you carry Luna would be a good idea, especially once muscle fatigue catches up with you. Who knows how much further you'll have to walk?
  2241. >...
  2242. > You come back with four long, sturdy sticks. You don't know how to make rope out of vines, so you have simply taken the thinner ends in your mouth and are dragging them across the forest.
  2243. > Navigating that way is a bit harder, but you followed Sky's advice and scored grooves in the bark of trees, so you know which way to go.
  2244. > You return to the small clearing, where Starlight has apparently piled up a lot of grass and leaves under a thick canopy of tree leaves. Luna is still sleeping in the shade on that rudimentary bed, by the looks of it and the unicorn - this time in her real colors, is sitting beside her.
  2245. > You have to admit, purple looks a lot better on her mane and the cyan streak complements it nicely.
  2246. > Strangely, though, her horn is somewhat smaller and more stubby than Luna's. You don't have any comparison other than one alicorn and one unicorn, so you don't know if Luna's horn is oversized, or Starlight's smaller than average.
  2247. > You drag your burden near them and then go sit beside the two, breathing heavily.
  2248. > Water would be nice around now, but you don't see Sky Light anywhere.
  2249. "Um, Sky Light back yet?"
  2250. > Starlight gives you a brief smile. "Yes, there's a stream about four miles out. She went to look for a way to bring us some of that water."
  2251. > You approve - hiking another four miles to get a drink sounds tiring. If Sky Light can find a way to bring the water to you, that'd be great.
  2252. "How is, um, Luna?"
  2253. > It feels a bit weird to call the near-mythical pony by a simple name like that.
  2254. > "I'm not sure. She looks okay, but she isn't waking up. Maybe Cadence will know something."
  2255. > You settle on the grass beside the two and begin watching for Sky Light. Hopefully the pegasus won't be spotted.
  2256. >...
  2257. > About half an hour later you hear Sky Light fly in and look up just in time to see her land with a metal bucket hanging from her muzzle. The sight is so unexpected that you just gape for a while.
  2258. > "Where did you get that?!" Starlight asks before you can gather your wits.
  2259. > Sky sets the thing down and then grins her crooked, mischievous grin. "Farm, about ten miles out. Stole it."
  2260. > You give a little gasp while Starlight says: "Are you stupid?! We're trying not to be seen!"
  2261. > This time you tend to agree with the unicorn.
  2262. > Sky just shrugs. "Relax, no one saw me. Even if they did, so what? I flew in from another direction and I left a totally different way and then I circled here in the forest. No way anyone could follow me!"
  2263. > She seems certain and you relax somewhat. It's not like you can change anything, anyway. The water is welcome, too. You get up and go to the bucket to take a drink.
  2264. > There's plenty of it and the liquid is clear and cold, which goes a long way to slake your thirst and make you feel a lot better about life in general.
  2265. "Thanks," you tell the pegasus, who smiles back.
  2266. > You've drank nearly a quarter, so there's enough left over for Starlight and for later, so that Sky doesn't need to fly around any more in full daylight.
  2267. > The unicorn, scowling a little, nevertheless joins you and drinks from the bucket. While she's slurping up the water you look at Luna.
  2268. "We should give her some, too," you say.
  2269. > The alicorn had been on an IV drip, but you wonder when was the last time she had any actual water. For all you know, she might be dying of thirst and unable to do anything, being unconscious.
  2270. > How to get her to drink anything might be tricky, though.
  2271. > "Good idea," Starlight confirms. "Come, you can help me."
  2272. > You follow the unicorn and she motions you closer to the sleeping mare. "Hold her head upright and open her muzzle. I'll handle the bucket."
  2273. > Maybe it's a good thing you've carried Luna all this way, because at least now you're not squeamish about touching an alicorn. You easily lift Luna's head and very gently part her mouth.
  2274. > Starlight brings the bucket over, her aura enveloping it.
  2275. "Slowly now," you tell her.
  2276. > She nods and lets the tiniest dribble of water pour out. It wets Luna's muzzle, but doesn't do much more.
  2277. "Hold on... Sky, come help me hold her!"
  2278. > The pegasus obliges. She supports the alicorn from the other side, leaving your hooves free to manage Luna's mouth more precisely.
  2279. "Okay, try again."
  2280. > This time Starlight is able to dribble a bit of water past the alicorn's lips. You let her get just a few drops, then pull her away.
  2281. > Thankfully, Luna swallows automatically. It's an encouraging result.
  2282. "Okay, again."
  2283. > Bit by bit you get a few mouthfuls down the sleeping Princess, after which you lay her back on the bed of leaves and grass.
  2284. > The bucket is nearly empty, but there's some left if any of you need it. Then you look at the sky and gauge that it's nearing noon.
  2285. > Starlight follows your gaze and nods to herself. "Let's catch a nap. I'll stay up for as long as I can to keep watch, then I'll wake Sky to take my place."
  2286. > It's a very sensible precaution. You want to hear helicopters or search parties as soon as possible.
  2287. "I guess I'll take the third watch. We move as soon as it's dark again?"
  2288. > "Yes."
  2289. > You're ready to just curl up and fall asleep anywhere, but Sky Light goes to gather up some more leaves and extends Luna's 'bed'.
  2290. > "Come, just like old times, right?" the pegasus invites.
  2291. > She must have missed cuddling with someone while she was in that cell! Besides, even a rudimentary bed sounds a lot better than just ground, so you happily join her.
  2292. > You end up stretched out right next to the alicorn, with Sky opting to take what little space there's left and use your belly as her pillow. That's perfectly fine with you.
  2293. > For a while you're not sure you'll be able to sleep, but after lying still for a minute your eyes start to close.
  2294. > The bed isn't the most comfortable you'd ever been in, but with how tired you are it will do just fine.
  2295. >...
  2296. > You wake up when the sun pokes through the canopy right in your eyes. Annoyed, you turn your head slightly and look around you.
  2297. > Sky Light is gone from your side, but you see Starlight Glimmer nearby, leaning against the tree and apparently out cold.
  2298. > For a moment you worry that she's fallen asleep on her watch, but then you spot your pegasus friend walk into your field of view. She's apparently taking her guard duty quite seriously, patrolling like that.
  2299. > That makes you feel safer and you turn to your other side in order to give your ribs time to rest from where a boulder has been pressing against them. Funny, you hadn't even felt it when you lay down.
  2300. > You look at Luna before going back to sleep and freeze.
  2301. > Her eyes are open and she's looking directly at you. It's not just a new state of unconsciousness, though. You can see her shift her gaze around your muzzle.
  2302. > "We escaped?" she whispers, voice barely audible enough for you to catch.
  2303. > You nod with a rustle of leaves under your head.
  2304. > "Good."
  2305. > The alicorn closes her eyes, but you keep staring, heart hammering. She's awake! Or at least she was, briefly. Maybe that means she will be alright?
  2306. > She didn't seem confused or scared about her surroundings. Has she been aware all this time and simply unable to move? Just what kind of drugs did the humans give her?!
  2307. > You hope she didn't mind you marehandling her to get her to drink.
  2308. "G-Good night, um, P-Princess."
  2309. > Maybe you're just imagining it, but you think there's a very faint smile on her muzzle.
  2310. > You can't help but smile right back.
  2311. > Everything was going to be okay. You can trust this pony with more than your life.
  2312. > On a whim, you shuffle a bit closer and put a leg lightly around the alicorn. It's not cold, but after months - if not longer - in human captivity, you feel she would appreciate some pony contact.
  2313. > Shortly after that you fall back asleep, still smiling.
  2315. > ~~~~
  2317. > When you wake up, groggy, uncomfortable and yawning, the first thing you notice is that Luna is no longer lying beside you. That's right! You saw her wake up briefly during the day!
  2318. > The drug must be wearing off. You glance around and see, in the light of the afternoon sun, both Sky Light and Starlight Glimmer sitting nearby and whispering something with the alicorn.
  2319. > You wonder why the pegasus hadn't woken you up for your turn at guarding them.
  2320. "Hey, wasn't it supposed to me my turn after yours?" you ask.
  2321. > Three muzzles turn to you, all of them slightly surprised to see you upright.
  2322. "What?"
  2323. > Sky Light walks over to give you a pat on your head with a wing. "Don't worry, I wasn't sleepy yet, so there was no point in waking you. Then these two were up and chatting, so it seems we'll be moving again soon anyway."
  2324. > "Yeah, you looked like you needed sleep," Starlight adds to that, looking at you like you're some kind of a child. You don't particularly like that look.
  2325. > Even Luna has a slightly condescending expression on her muzzle. "I have had enough sleep in the past few months."
  2326. > You join their crude circle and sit on your haunches. Even those few steps remind you of how sore your muscles are and you stretch out your forelegs above your head.
  2327. > The motion makes you yawn and the others politely wait before continuing their conversation.
  2328. > "Whatever they put in me," Luna goes back to saying, "my magic ebbed over a matter of weeks. I suspect it will take a similar amount of time for it to return."
  2329. > Starlight is nodding understandingly and you decide to try and participate in the discussion.
  2330. "Was that why my, uh, dreams were getting weaker?"
  2331. > "Indeed," the alicorn confirms, the condescending smile now replaced with a touch of pride.
  2332. "Why me, though? Why did you visit my dream?"
  2333. > This makes Luna frown a little bit. "I am not sure. Out of all the ponies in the world, you were the easiest to reach and near here. Perhaps it was your desire to save your friend, or perhaps there is something else that is special about you. No doubt we will see in time."
  2334. > Being called 'special' has a certain thrill to it. You can't help but push your chest out slightly in pride.
  2335. > "Anyway," Starlight returns the conversation back on track, "I nearly blew out my horn with that teleport. I can do basic stuff, like levitation and fire and such, but not too much more for now."
  2336. > Sky Light seems a little worried. "How much longer until you can call for help?"
  2337. > The unicorn gives it some thought. "Maybe four or six hours? I don't want to try before that, or the headache will make me completely useless if we need to move fast. Any sign of pursuit?"
  2338. > "No," the pegasus answers. "I guess they didn't see which way we teleported. It might take them some time to find the trail. I haven't seen any helicopters."
  2339. "W-What about drones?" you add nervously.
  2340. > "Huh?"
  2341. "Drones? Like in the movies?"
  2342. > Sky Light looks at you blankly, but Starlight seems to understand. "Oh yes," the mare says, "they are like small helicopters without pilots. I saw some kids playing with one a few months back."
  2343. "Yeah, exactly!"
  2344. > The pegasus seems a bit worried, but she puts on a brave face. "Didn't see any of those either. We walked miles and miles, maybe we're safe. For now, at least."
  2345. > "I don't think anywhere is really safe. I'll feel better when we find Cadence and the troops," the unicorn points out.
  2346. "Troops?"
  2347. > Luna fields this one, facing you and very slightly spreading her wings. You remember an old story from the dorm - the alicorns were supposedly battle-leaders. Seeing the fierce, dark mare like this makes you believe it.
  2348. > "Of course. A Princess of Equestria would not walk enemy lands without escort. No doubt she has a contingent of her Crystal Guards, as well as the Royal Guard my sister would likely have made her take. We will be safe when we meet with them."
  2349. > "I'll try after dark," Starlight says. Without really thinking about it, you glance at the sun and estimate it's still afternoon. Full dark would be some four or five hours from now.
  2350. > That seems to be it for the discussion, but you still have more questions.
  2351. "Um, L-Luna? Sorry, I don't know how to, uh, how to address you properly."
  2352. > The alicorn gives you another smile, but this time it is gentle and welcoming. "Luna will do, but if you insist on protocol, 'Princess Luna' is succinct and proper."
  2353. "Okay, um, P-Princess Luna. Why did the humans have you in there?"
  2354. > The alicorn averts her gaze and you imagine you saw a tiny bit of a blush. "I was- negligent and allowed myself to be captured in a skirmish."
  2355. "Yeah, but what were they doing with you? Why not just, um- k-kill you?"
  2356. > This actually makes her think for a minute, but then she shrugs. "There could be a number of reasons. They sought to glean from me some understanding of alicorn magic and - quite likely - how to defend from it. They might also have been planning on using me as a bargaining tool against my sister."
  2357. > That would make the most sense.
  2358. "I'm glad we got you out."
  2359. > "As am I."
  2360. > Sky Light breaks the ensuing silence. "So, what can we do for food? I'm not sure about this grazing stuff. I mean, what plants are even safe to eat?"
  2361. > Luna looks around at the surrounding foliage, then shrugs. "The vegetation on Earth is different than on Equestria. I would not risk it, unless our situation becomes urgent."
  2362. > "Have the humans fed you at all?" Sky Light asks, her voice tinged with concern.
  2363. > The alicorn shrugs again. "Sometimes, but worry not. We alicorns are sturdy. We can do much, with little."
  2364. > The pegasus seems a little disappointed at this. "I mean, it wouldn't be a huge problem for me to fly to some town or village and-"
  2365. "No."
  2366. > She was about to say 'steal some food', you just know it. For one, it would be immoral and for two, you're not that desperate yet. If you can bear your grumbling, empty belly, so can Sky Light.
  2367. > "I thought we'd get help from the resistance soon after we escaped," Starlight admits, "so I didn't think to pack some food. I guess that was stupid."
  2368. "I didn't think of it either."
  2369. > The pegasus also adds her opinion: "Well, *I* was in a cell."
  2370. > "We'll live through this night and by then I expect we will have met up with the resistance," Luna says firmly. You guess that's the decision.
  2371. > As an alicorn and a Princess, her word is probably law. She certainly sounds as if she's used to being obeyed without question.
  2372. > Starlight shrugs a little and stands up. "In that case, I guess we can go towards that stream and drink, at least. One direction is as good as any other."
  2373. > The pegasus reluctantly agrees to this. "Fine, it's this way," she says, perhaps a bit too testily but no one complains. She sets off and the rest of you follow.
  2374. > Starlight seems rested enough from her ordeal that she can walk unaided and you, as an earth pony, will manage without too much trouble. Perhaps the one with most difficulty will be Luna.
  2375. > After all, she has probably spent months immobile on that table, so she might be weaker than she looks.
  2376. > Her height is intimidating, but you can't help noticing how her ribs are showing through her skin. Just in case, you fall in step next to her, so you're close if she needs any help.
  2377. > You'd already carried her this far, a little further would be no problem.
  2378. > "What news of the world?" Luna asks you once you'd all settled into the routine of walking.
  2379. "Um, I don't know a whole lot. I didn't read too many newspapers after-" you swallow a lump, "-Lillian."
  2380. > "Oh, the girl. I remember," the alicorn says. "She has not been found?"
  2381. > All you can do is shake your head sadly. Maybe she has and you just haven't heard about it yet. It's a better thought than the alternative.
  2382. > "I am sorry," Luna says quietly.
  2383. "Thank you."
  2384. > "Perhaps she will yet be found. It pays to be optimistic about these things until there is a reason not to."
  2385. "Yeah, m-maybe."
  2386. > "Tell me of your time with her. I only caught glimpses from your dreams."
  2387. > You're not yet completely sure how you feel about someone just watching you dream, but if Starlight can be believed, Luna has been doing this for centuries.
  2388. > Maybe remembering the good times will make it easier to deal with this oppressive, painful uncertainty.
  2389. > You begin your story with how you first met the girl. Luna's slight smile doesn't escape you and it lightens your heart a little.
  2391. > ~~~~
  2393. > At long last it's time! Starlight Glimmer announced she was well enough to send a message to the pony resistance and now you are all sitting in a clearing, waiting for her magic.
  2394. > You're curious what it will look like. You'd seen her horn glow a few times before, when she moved things or made some light for you to see where you were walking, but this is going to be serious magic.
  2395. > Luna doesn't seem all that interested, you notice. Probably because she is a unicorn herself - well, an alicorn, but she can also do magic - and she has probably seen things like this so many times that it has become mundane.
  2396. > You and Sky Light, however, are staring. Good thing Starlight doesn't get nervous with all that scrutiny.
  2397. > The unicorn takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. A moment later her horn springs to life, first with a dim, turquoise glow, which then brightens.
  2398. > Pretty soon you can't look at it directly, so you glance over at Sky Light instead. The pegasus apparently had the same idea and your gazes meet. You both smile.
  2399. > Starlight's glow continues for a while longer, then suddenly winks out and the mare sags. For a moment it looks like she will fold down to the forest floor, but she manages to remain sitting.
  2400. > Sky is the first to react and goes to offer support.
  2401. > "There, that should do it," Starlight announces, giving you all a weak smile.
  2402. > You see Luna nod slightly in approval, but she doesn't otherwise comment.
  2403. "So, now what happens?"
  2404. > "We stay put and Cadence will come to us. I'll take a few hours, I think."
  2405. "Why a few hours?"
  2406. > If all these questions are annoying the unicorn, she doesn't show it. "Because," Starlight explains patiently, "a pegasus scout has to fly all the way over here."
  2407. "Why a-"
  2408. > This time Luna chuckles in amusement at your apparently insatiable curiosity. You blush a little and look to the Princess to apologize, but she just answers your question instead of Starlight.
  2409. > "The reason, Rosa, is twofold. On the one hoof, Cadence has to be sure that Starlight Glimmer has not been compromised and is not under human control. That is why a scout will find us first and observe before showing him- or herself."
  2410. > That makes sense and you see Sky Light nodding slightly in agreement. If the pegasus was curious, she could have asked herself before you made yourself look like a nosypony!
  2411. > "On the other hoof, opening a Bore with any kind of precision requires a focus. The scout will bring a magical item - something we call a Beacon - upon which Cadence can focus."
  2412. > It sounds complicated, but you don't think you're supposed to fully understand. You'd only learned that magic was real some twenty-four hours ago, after all!
  2413. "Oh."
  2414. > "Do not worry, they will find us and then we shall see."
  2415. > "See what?" Sky Light asks.
  2416. > Luna shrugs a little. "See what to do next," she explains.
  2417. > The pegasus comes over to you and drapes a wing across your shoulders. "Next," Sky continues, "me and Rosa will go back and look for Terry. He's probably worried about us. What do you say, Rosa? The ponies at the truck stop, Arda Karim, Mario - you know the gang."
  2418. > You look uncertain, so the mare's voice takes on an urgent tone and she squeezes you tighter with her wing. "You found what you wanted, right? Maribelle, you said she was okay. Once she's got her job, we'll look for her and go visit, right?!"
  2419. > It feels almost as if she's pleading with you.
  2420. "I- I don't- Sky..." you whimper, suddenly undecided.
  2421. > Earth is where all your friends live. You are still hopeful you'll find Paolo someday and you do wish to see the gang at the truck stop again.
  2422. > You're suddenly torn between wanting to stay with the familiar and wanting to see Equestria - the real home of pony kind.
  2423. > Starlight is looking at you and the pegasus strangely, as if she doesn't quite understand what you two are talking about. Of all the people, it is Princess Luna who comes to your aid.
  2424. > The alicorn places a hoof with surprising finesse on your back. "Worry not, Rosa," she says, kindly. "There will yet be time to decide. This is not something you can answer right now."
  2425. > "Decide what?" Sky Light asks, "what is she talking about?!"
  2426. > You turn an already tear-filled expression on your friend.
  2427. "I thought we would go to Equestria together."
  2428. > "What?!"
  2429. > Sky Light nearly topples you, so quickly does she jump away, as if afraid she might catch the same kind of insanity that plagues you. "Rosa, that's- Equestria isn't real!"
  2430. > Starlight opens her muzzle to respond, but it is Luna who answers again.
  2431. > "Equestria is much diminished by the war, Sky Light, but I assure you that it still exists. My sister and her pupil, Princess Twilight Sparkle, have kept control and protected what could be protected. In time, Equestria will undoubtedly be rebuilt to its former glory."
  2432. > Sky Light keeps opening and shutting her muzzle, as if thinking up arguments to that claim and then realizing they're no good.
  2433. > "I don't know- I have a lot of friends on Earth..." the pegasus mumbles and for a moment your heart lifts. She might come! She sounds open to the idea!
  2434. > You're about to go hug her and try convincing her again, but Luna places a wing in your way and then delicately lifts Sky Light's muzzle with a gentle hoof.
  2435. > "Just as Rosa's decision cannot be made here and now, yours cannot either. Think it over. In time, your friends might be able to join you there. I do not know the full extent of my sister's plan, but I do know she will welcome back all ponies who wish to come."
  2436. > "Some of my friends are human..." Sky Light says quietly.
  2437. > You feel like this will be the problem point, but to your surprise, Luna just shrugs. "There are some humans already living in Equestria," the alicorn says. "If their heart is pure, your friends will be allowed."
  2438. > Sky Light looks up at the Princess and for a moment you catch a glimpse of hope. She shakes her head free of it and just answers curtly: "I'll think about it."
  2439. > That seems to be it and Luna goes on to discuss something with Starlight which you don't even try to overhear. Instead, you come over and hive the pegasus a hug.
  2440. "Like she said, neither of us has to decide now. Let's meet up with this Cadence and the resistance, maybe someone there will be able to tell us more about what Equestria is like. *Then* we decide, okay?"
  2441. > "Yeah, good thinking, Rosa."
  2442. > You release the mare and look around for a comfortable place to lie. There's not a lot of choice, but you spot a bit of clean-looking grass and walk there.
  2443. > Starlight had said it might be a couple of hours. You're perfectly fine with waiting. After all this unexpected exercise, your legs are killing you.
  2444. > Not that you'd admit it to any of your friends - you have the pride of all earth ponies to uphold, after all.
  2445. > After a minute or so, Sky Light comes closer. "Room for one more?" she asks.
  2446. > You shuffle aside and the pegasus flops down beside. "Good thinking. Who knows how much further we'll have to walk."
  2447. > That's right, you remember. The mare had spent most of the time walking as well, something she probably isn't used to. She's a pegasus so her first choice would be to fly any significant distance.
  2448. > Unfortunately, Starlight didn't want to take unnecessary risks, so Sky Light had only been allowed short flights to look for water or danger up ahead.
  2450. > ~~~~
  2452. > The forest floor isn't all that comfortable, but the combination of exhaustion and Sky Light's warm body pressing against your side have enabled you to sleep for a while.
  2453. > Nothing much has changed by the time you wake up, except that it is nearing dawn and your ribs hurt from the deceptively hard ground. You could have sworn it felt a lot softer when you first lay down.
  2454. > Now you get up and stretch out each leg in turn. Starlight Glimmer is leaning against a tree trunk, apparently asleep, and Princess Luna is standing some distance away with her wings half-spread.
  2455. > You walk over to the alicorn, curious about what she's doing. She can probably hear your approach, but doesn't react.
  2456. > When you reach the mare you can see her eyes are closed and her head is held proudly upright. It feels as if you're intruding on something.
  2457. > "Speak."
  2458. > The command comes out of nowhere and almost makes you jump a little in surprise.
  2459. "Oh! H-Hi! Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
  2460. > You fall silent when the mare opens her eyes and gives you a bright smile. "You were meaning to ask a question," she tells you.
  2461. "I was just wondering, um, Princess, w-what are you doing?"
  2462. > The smile stays put. "Enjoying my freedom."
  2463. "Oh."
  2464. > It does make a kind of sense. You don't know how long exactly Luna had been trapped, but it was several months at least. You open your muzzle to say you're sorry about her misfortune, but Luna's head snaps up and she stares out among the still-dark trees.
  2465. > "We are being watched," she says.
  2466. > The proclamation makes your skin crawl and you inch closer to the alicorn even while you stare wildly around.
  2467. "W-Where?!"
  2468. > "I am not sure. It isn't a threat."
  2469. > Despite her assurance, you don't feel any better. Who knows what might be lurking in this forest. A twig cracks off to your left and you spin around to face it.
  2470. > There's a shadow under the trees! You can see it, but you can't tell what it is!
  2471. > Princess Luna speaks up before you can work up the nerve to ask who is there: "Zephyr Gale, it is good to see you again."
  2472. > The creature steps forward and resolves into a pony. The reason you couldn't see anything is quickly apparent: he - a proud, stoic pegasus stallion - has a dark uniform that covers most of his otherwise white fur. His mane looks black in this light, but that's a rare color for ponies and you suspect it's just dark. Maybe navy blue or violet.
  2473. > Walking up until he's standing right in front of the alicorn, the pegasus drops into a smooth bow. "Princess Luna, it is good to see you are free."
  2474. > You look from the newcomer to the alicorn in surprise.
  2475. "You two k-know each other?!"
  2476. > The stallion gives you a shocked stare at the way you're addressing Luna, but the alicorn doesn't even bat an eyelash. "Indeed, Rosa. I make it a point to personally know all the ponies under my command."
  2477. > The pegasus soldier clears his throat pointedly, but doesn't say anything.
  2478. > "Forgive me," Luna continues smoothly, as if nothing had happened. "Princess Cadence's command."
  2479. > "Come," the alicorn invites and turns back to the others, who have woken up at all the noise and are looking warily at the newcomer. "I can't offer you refreshments, but we do have water."
  2480. > Sky Light had kept her bucket and made sure to fill it before you all settled down to sleep.
  2481. > Following, Zephyr Gale inclines his head. "Thank you, Princess."
  2482. > "You already know Starlight Glimmer, sergeant, you've just met Rosa, and that over there is Sky Light."
  2483. > The mare in question just waves a hoof silently.
  2484. > "Actually, it's captain now, ma'am!"
  2485. > "Congratulations, captain."
  2486. > Much of this has gone above your head, but you recognize military talk when you hear it. The pony is a soldier for the resistance. He is probably the scout Starlight had mentioned.
  2487. > You go and sit beside Sky Light while the stallion takes a sip of water. "Captain," your friend says to herself softly, her eyes never leaving his well-toned, lithe body.
  2488. > Shaking your head a little in amusement, you nudge her in the ribs.
  2489. "Not now," you hiss.
  2490. > "What?" the mare says with an innocent smile.
  2491. > "Report, soldier," Luna commands after the pegasus has drank his fill.
  2492. > He glances over at you and Sky Light, but doesn't comment on your presence. You feel he'd prefer if you didn't overhear, but he doesn't want to disobey an order.
  2493. > "The resistance is hiding in a national park, two-fifty northeast. Princess Cadence remains in command. After your-"
  2494. > The next word seems to be giving him some issue and Zephyr pauses. Luckily Luna comes to his aid: "My capture."
  2495. > "Ma'am," the pony confirms, bowing again. "We are holding strong and moving camp each month to avoid detection."
  2496. > Luna nods to herself in satisfaction, then asks: "How many ponies have you gotten home in the time I was... gone?"
  2497. > Now the pegasus shifts uncomfortably and lowers his gaze. "Uh, none, ma'am."
  2498. > "None?!"
  2499. > He gulps in fear and stammers out an explanation: "Princess Cadence has decided our first priority was to reacquire yourself, Princess. We have been focusing all resources on that goal."
  2500. > Even in the dim light you can tell that Luna is worried by this news. "This doesn't sound like Cadence," she says, but mostly to herself and the soldier doesn't reply. "Why did you not tell me this, Starlight Glimmer?"
  2501. > The unicorn also shifts uncomfortably. She stands her ground and answers simply: "I was focused on bringing you back, Princess. Cadence should be the one to fully brief you."
  2502. > If she was satisfied with the answer Luna didn't show it. Instead she turns her attention back to the pegasus. "You have assured yourself that I am real, Zephyr Gale?"
  2503. > "I have, Princess."
  2504. > "Undoubtedly you have a Beacon about your person. Activate it so that Cadence might find us. I, for one, could use a hot meal and something other than ground to sleep on."
  2505. > "Of course, ma'am!"
  2506. > You watch closely as the soldier fishes inside his jacket and brings out a small, golden pendant on a piece of string. He presses it between his hooves for a few seconds, then lets it fall.
  2507. > "Shouldn't be more than a few minutes, ma'am."
  2508. > Luna just nods and comes to stand before you and Sky Light. She is watching the pegasus in particular. "Both of you should come with, so that the humans do not find you around here. From there, we can send you on to Equestria or bring you near a human city if that is your decision."
  2509. > The pegasus guard looks up in confusion, clearly unsure why the Princess is giving you this choice, but he doesn't speak up. His gaze meets that of Sky Light, coming the other way and he hurriedly looks away. You think he's blushing, but it's hard to see in the dim light.
  2510. "I- haven't decided yet," you admit. "I'd like to come with and, um, talk with a few ponies."
  2511. > "Very well," Luna says, then transfers her gaze back to your pegasus friend.
  2512. > "I guess I should come too, if only to keep this filly out of trouble!"
  2513. > You almost groan in exasperation, but both Luna and Starlight chuckle a bit, so you let it pass.
  2514. > Everything seems to have been said, so you sit back down to wait. Zephyr Gale walks over, his eyes, slightly narrowed with curiosity, focusing on Sky Light.
  2515. > As soon as he's near enough, the stallion sits on his haunches and tries to look as nonchalant as possible.
  2516. > "Hi," Sky Light greets him with a wide grin on her muzzle.
  2517. > "Zephyr Gale, at your service," he replies and gives a little bow. Not nearly as deep as the one he'd given Luna, you can't help noticing.
  2518. > Your friend looks flattered by the gesture, but you don't think anypony else can tell. You can barely see it yourself in the tiny shifting of her wings and the slight parting of her mouth.
  2519. > "You do realize both those things mean 'wind', right?" the mare asks. You suddenly realize she's correct.
  2520. > The captain barks a laugh. "They do! Overeager but unimaginative parents, I'm afraid."
  2521. > "And how old are you, *captain* Gale?"
  2522. > "Twenty-eight!" comes the immediate reply.
  2523. > You can see the contemplative look in Sky's eyes and so you decide to get up and out of their way. She had that same look when she was telling you about Bluegrass' flank. You hope she won't cause the gallant pegasus too much trouble, but it's probably already too late for him.
  2524. > As you're leaving, the mare goes on the offensive: "Married? Marefriend?"
  2525. > You hurry your steps so you wouldn't have to hear any more.
  2526. > Instead you join Luna and Starlight, who are sitting next to each other and watching the stars. They are probably discussing something important, but you have no place else to be, so you just sit nearby and listen.
  2527. > "Nothing?" Starlight asks.
  2528. > Luna shakes her head. "No. They are different stars, different sky. Perhaps whatever the humans put in me also suppresses my alicorn gifts..."
  2529. > The mare shrugs a little. "My dream walking had faded too, remember?"
  2530. > "What if it doesn't come back?" the unicorn asks.
  2531. > "It will," Luna says. "I doubt the humans have a means to suppress magic forever. Magic is a living force, you should know that more than anypony, Starlight Glimmer. It will find a way."
  2532. > "Besides," the alicorn says with finality, "Celestia can handle both the sun and the moon - she has done so for a thousand years during my captivity."
  2533. "T-Thousand years?!" you can't help squeaking out in surprise.
  2534. > The two seem to notice you for the first time and Luna turns slightly to accommodate you into the conversation. She seems surprised by your outburst, but Starlight explains: "Ponies on Earth are not taught History. Well, except for human history."
  2535. > "Ah. No doubt you will rectify this in time, Rosa," the alicorn tells you, but then she gives you at least a quick explanation: "A long time ago I became evil and my sister had to trap me on the moon. It took me a thousand years to escape, during which time Celestia controlled both the Sun and the Moon."
  2536. "Controlled as in-?"
  2537. > "Raised the former in the morning and the latter in the evening. Controlled."
  2538. > Another thing stands out in what she'd just said.
  2539. "E-Evil?!"
  2540. > The alicorn gives you a small smile. "Worry not. The Elements of Harmony purged the darkness from within me when I returned."
  2541. > It's all too much to take in. Most of it sounds like fairy tales, but you don't want to appear too much of an idiot, so you manage to keep your muzzle shut.
  2542. > Hopefully someone at the resistance camp or whatever they had would be willing to tell you some of this 'common knowledge'.
  2543. > "Ah, I believe the way is opening," Luna proclaims.
  2544. > You turn around to follow her gaze and see Zephyr Gale with a faintly glowing, humming pendant around his neck. Sky Light is watching it in surprise while the soldier quickly pulls it over his head and tosses it away.
  2545. > Just before you can ask why he's throwing it you get your answer. A... hole opens up where it has landed.
  2546. > There's no other word for it. Just a black hole, which grows to little more than Luna's height. It stops, then pulses for a moment and the darkness inside resolves to reveal another pony.
  2547. > She's pink, with a horn nearly as long and pointed as Luna's. You lean to the side so you can see down her body. Yes, she has wings.
  2548. > Princess Cadence, probably.
  2549. > The mare in the hole smiles widely when she sees Luna and rushes forward to throw herself into a hug.
  2550. > "Auntie! I was so worried!"
  2551. > The two embrace for a few moments, then Cadence parts from - you assume - her aunt and beckons with a hoof. "Come through, quickly. There is food and shelter!"
  2552. > Both of those sound very welcome and you shuffle your hooves impatiently.
  2553. > Of course Luna should go through first, with Cadence right behind her. Then it's Starlight Glimmer.
  2554. > You're surprised to see that Zephyr is hanging back and ushering Sky Light through, but you're not complaining. At least that way you can be sure you won't be left behind. You join your pegasus friend and you both steps through the opening.
  2555. > It's a tiny bit disappointing. You'd been expecting a flash of light, or something. A tingling sensation, at least! Nothing of the sort happens. It feels like any other step you'd taken, except that this one was hundreds of miles long.
  2556. > Once you're through, Sky Light turns around to wait for the captain, but he stays firmly on the other side.
  2557. > "You're not coming?!" the mare asks, voice full of worry. She lifts a leg to go through again and stay with the stallion, but he holds up a hoof.
  2558. > "No. I have to fly the long way and bring the Beacon back. I'll be fine. Four hours! I'll hurry, for you!"
  2559. > Despite his meaningful wink, Sky's ears go flat with sorrow and you almost roll your eyes again.
  2560. > This mare sometimes.
  2561. > Sky Light kisses the frog of her hoof and holds it out to the soldier. This time he really *does* blush a vivid red.
  2562. > For that matter, you're at the same time mortified and a bit charmed yourself and your muzzle probably matches the captain's!
  2563. > Luckily, all Zephyr can do is wave and then the hole closes. You turn around and see Cadence, her horn shining with a light blue aura. As you watch, the glow winks out.
  2564. > She's looking at Sky Light with a faint little smile on her muzzle.
  2565. > "I see you've met captain Zephyr," she comments.
  2566. > Sky is still staring at where the portal has been, wings drooping a little, so you take it upon yourself to answer.
  2567. "Y-Yes, Princess Cadence!"
  2568. > You remember what Zephyr had done when meeting Luna and drop into a bow. The alicorn doesn't say anything until you've come back up. "Don't worry, he is one of my best. He will make it back safely."
  2569. > The mare smirked a little! You're willing to bet on it! She has seen exactly what was happening between Sky Light and the captain and she *approves*!
  2570. > "Come, breakfast is being served and then I will arrange a tent for you two to rest. Equestria owes you its gratitude for your help in rescuing Princess Luna."
  2571. > Again you're reminded about your growling stomach and you nudge Sky Light to get her to move.
  2572. > As the Princess turns around you catch a glimpse of her cutie mark. It looks like a blue heart. You wonder what that means.
  2573. > Luna's has been fairly straightforward and Starlight is good with magic, obviously, her mark reflecting her name.
  2574. > A heart, though - does that mean Cadence can see into ponies' hearts or something? Is she a good judge of character?
  2575. > It would explain how she had been able to figure out Sky Light that quickly.
  2576. > The day has been long and hard and full of bewilderment.
  2577. "God, I just want to eat something and then sleep for a week..."
  2578. > "Yeah, same. Let's go see what they're cooking and then bunk up somewhere."
  2579. "Princess Cadence said she'd get us a tent," you explain, unsure if Sky Light had heard.
  2580. > "Sweet!"
  2581. > You see the campsite a few dozen steps away. Of course it made sense they would open their holes through space some distance away, so that ponies don't walk in by mistake.
  2582. > It looks quite cheerful, with a fire burning in the center and the tents set up around it. You can even see a few larger ones, with tables inside. There are a number of ponies walking around, some carrying things and others just rushing hither and tither.
  2583. > Chaos, but organized chaos, you decide. Everything you'd expect from military.
  2584. > You hurry to catch up with Cadence.
  2585. > Luna and Starlight are already gone from sight, which makes you feel a bit apprehensive.
  2586. > It's a good thing Sky Light is there. Ponies or not, you're wary of all the strangers.
  2587. > Luckily Cadence pauses near the fire and waits for you. "This way," she says and heads for one of the larger tents. You can see a few ponies sitting inside, eating. That's right, it'll be time for breakfast soon.
  2588. > A quick glance around shows you that stars are already vanishing as the sky fills with light.
  2589. > Then the smell of something fried hits you right in the muzzle and your mouth starts filling up with saliva in expectation.
  2590. > As long as they feed you and give you a soft place to sleep, you're okay with strange ponies.
  2592. > ~~~~
  2594. > Your name is still Rosa, but this time you're actually kinda proud of yourself.
  2595. > Breakfast is over and you *didn't* stuff yourself silly, despite no one controlling how much you ate! Now that's progress!
  2596. > The camp's cooking wasn't exactly the greatest, but they had a type of hard bread which was delicious while it was hot and there was butter and jam. You and Sky Light even got a cup of coffee each!
  2597. > Okay, so the pegasus was zoned out a little and didn't seem hungry, so you gave her an inquisitive look and she pushed her own plate to you as well.
  2598. > Now that the deed is done you don't feel too good about that. Your friend was probably hungry, she just didn't quite realize it. You should have insisted she finish her own food.
  2599. > You open your muzzle to apologize, but Sky Light speaks up first, not noticing you were about to say something.
  2600. > "Rosa, do you believe in love at first sight?" she asks.
  2601. > It's such an unexpected thing that you just gape for a few seconds, before grabbing two and two and wrestling them together.
  2602. "Oh! The captain? You? *Really?!*"
  2603. > She doesn't seem to notice your incredulous tone, nor the fact that you didn't really answer. Sky Light is still staring through the open door flap at the forest and now she heaves a sigh.
  2604. > "I dunno," she answers the question she imagines you asked. "There's something about that stallion. And I'm not saying it's just looks, though he *is* kinda cute, especially in that camouflage uniform."
  2605. > This isn't words you've expected to hear from the pragmatic, sometimes cynical pegasus.
  2606. "Are you in *love*?!" you gasp.
  2607. > At long last your friend looks at you and blinks in confusion when she sees your face. "Huh? No. Um, yes. Wait! Maybe?" she completely fails to explain herself. "I don't know *what* this is, Rosa, but Zephyr is a really sweet colt, even if he plays this tough captain type."
  2608. "You've only met him once for a few minutes!"
  2609. > "So?" Sky Light bursts out, giving you a rather hard look. "Why not? Sometimes you just know, you know?"
  2610. > The mare points a hoof and gives you a knowing smile. "I knew about you in the first minute too! I knew we'd be friends!"
  2611. > You shrug a little to yourself. Why not, indeed? If Sky Light can find a bit of happiness in this crazy world, why wouldn't she? The captain is probably young enough to be her son almost, but does that really matter?
  2612. > Forcing yourself to smile, you decide to be supportive. Your friend needs you and she *had* just given you her entire breakfast.
  2613. "Okay, okay. I'm just saying to think it over and not rush into things," you assure her.
  2614. > You hadn't even noticed how Sky's feathers have bristled, but you do notice now that they settle back. Funny, you didn't even know pegasi can do that.
  2615. "Just tell me this: are you sure this isn't just... physical?"
  2616. > "It isn't!" the mare almost snaps back at you. A moment later she is sorry and looks away. "Well, maybe a little, but I still think he's a sweet guy!"
  2617. > It's cute, you decide. Sky Light with a crush on some poor, hapless colt is cute. Captain Zephyr doesn't even realize what's about to hit him.
  2618. > You stretch out your legs and a yawn takes over before you can fight it off. Sky Light sees and grins at you.
  2619. > "Yeah, maybe you're right. Zephyr said he'll need a few hours to fly over, we can go take a nap."
  2620. "Pfft, nap! I'm going to sleep!"
  2621. > The pegasus glances around the tent where the tables are slowly filling up as ponies come in to start their day. "I don't see Cadence or Starlight anywhere. Or Luna for that matter. They said they'd get us a tent..."
  2622. > That is worrying and you wonder how you're supposed to go about finding one of them. In the end you shrug a little to yourself and slip from your chair.
  2623. "Let's go out and ask someone."
  2624. > You take the lead and Sky Light follows close on your hooves until you both emerge into daylight, blinking. It hadn't seemed that bright from inside the eating tent, but it looks like the sun will be up pretty soon.
  2625. > A group of ponies are standing a short distance away, all of them wearing dark green uniforms. They look very attentive, so you don't like the idea of bothering them.
  2626. > Instead you wave to another mare who is strolling almost leisurely through towards the mess hall. She has a similar, dark green uniform, but she doesn't seem to be concentrating as fiercely as the other bunch.
  2627. "Um, excuse me! We're looking for, uh, Princess Cadence!"
  2628. > "That tent," the mare replies curtly and points a hoof. You take a good look at what she's showing you so you can find it, then turn back to say thank you.
  2629. > She is already walking away, so you don't bother.
  2630. > Sky Light grins at you and shrugs, then heads that way. You wonder if you should knock, then you try to come up with a way to actually do that, but the pegasus just brushes the flap aside and slips inside.
  2631. > You follow, feeling a tiny bit guilty for just barging in.
  2632. > There's a desk inside and a unicorn, shuffling some papers with his magic, but no sign of the Princess. He looks up, but quickly dismisses you as unimportant.
  2633. > Strange that they aren't worrying about unknown ponies walking around. Maybe they just really trust the guards around the camp to keep unwanted people out?
  2634. "Um, we're looking for Princess Cadence," you tell him, the title rolling more smoothly off your tongue with practice.
  2635. > "Medical tent. She's seeing to Princess Luna," the unicorn says.
  2636. > Sky Light steps closer and forces a smile. She's starting to get annoyed by being sent here and there. "Which way would that be?" she asks and you doubt anyone except you would notice that her voice is a bit testy and her smile a bit forced.
  2637. > "Turn left when you get out, it's the largest tent, you can't miss it," comes the smooth reply.
  2638. "Thanks!"
  2639. > You follow your pegasus friend out and see that the pony was right. It really isn't very inconspicuous. Sky Light sets a brisk walk and you hurry your own steps so you don't lag behind.
  2640. > A few moments later you both stop as if frozen to the ground.
  2641. > "Tell me I didn't just see-" Sky Light says quietly.
  2642. "I know, I saw it too!"
  2643. > "Why would one of them walk around here? He didn't look like a prisoner!"
  2644. > You'd both seen a human exit the medical tent, then head down between two rows of tents and out of your sight.
  2645. > Like Sky Light said, he really didn't seem like a prisoner. If anything, the man looked just like a regular guy. If you saw him in the street you wouldn't even notice, most likely.
  2646. > The other ponies don't seem to be perturbed, not even the guards, so you swallow and try to make your voice light.
  2647. "Maybe he's helping out or something?"
  2648. > Sky Light visibly relaxes and then gives you a slight smile. "Yeah, probably. I guess I just wasn't expecting to see humans in a freaking pony resistance camp!"
  2649. > She starts walking again and you follow. That would be another question to ask Cadence.
  2650. > Once again there is no obvious way to knock, so you just follow your friend inside. You immediately relax when you see the familiar pink unicorn on a chair, looking like she is half-sleeping.
  2651. > For a moment you feel like the inside of this tent is a lot smaller than the outside, but then you realize it's split into two distinct 'rooms' by a cloth wall down the middle. The part you're in looks like a regular office with a filing cabinet and a writing desk.
  2652. "Hi Starlight!" you greet.
  2653. > The mare in question jerks up, then blinks a few times before she can work out what is happening. "Oh, it's you," she says finally. "How was breakfast?"
  2654. > "Good," Sky Light lies. You know for a fact she hadn't even tasted the food! You aren't going to bring it up, though, still feeling a bit guilty for tricking the mare out of her meal.
  2655. "Yeah, Princess, um, Cadence said there'd be a tent."
  2656. > Starlight nods a little as she remembers. "Yeah, she did. Hold on, I'll ask."
  2657. > You're grateful that she will be the one to disturb whatever important work the Princesses are up to and not yourself. Despite that, you still watch with some curiosity as the mare goes to a slit in the fabric 'wall' and pulls it aside with her magic.
  2658. > You look at Sky Light just as she glances your way with her eyebrows raised and eyes wide in surprise at what you see.
  2659. > There's a hospital-type bed in that room, which isn't too weird, especially considering that this is called the 'medical tent'.
  2660. > The strange part is that there is a black woman in a white lab coat standing beside and apparently talking with Luna. She's referring to a clipboard in her hand and explaining something, while Cadence sits on her haunches at the foot of the bed.
  2661. > It looks like the resistance has a human doctor, for some reason. You're really starting to get curious about how things work here and what is what, but it doesn't seem like a good time to go bother either of the alicorns.
  2662. > They both look your way when Starlight clears her throat and speaks up: "They need a tent to sleep. Sorry for disturbing."
  2663. > Cadence gives all three of you a smile, but you can see her heart isn't really in it. The Princess looks a bit worried and tired, now that you can observe her in daylight streaming in from a window cut into the far 'wall'.
  2664. > "Oh, yes, that's right. I almost forgot, sorry," the Princess apologizes. "Thirty-five is empty right now and it has two cots. Can you take them to Supplies and get them some blankets, Starlight?"
  2665. > The unicorn nods and lets the cloth flap slide shut. She walks past you to the main 'door' and then looks back. "Come, I'll show you," she invites.
  2666. > Both you and Sky Light follow her out and neither of you speaks up. You both understand it would be rude to ask about the human doctor when she's on the other side of a cloth wall and can probably hear everything.
  2667. > It'll have to wait a little bit. Right now, the past few, hard days are catching up to you and you're about ready to fall into a bed.
  2668. > Any bed. Even 'cot' sounded delightful.
  2669. > "Okay, let's get you some basic necessities," Starlight announces. "I'm guessing a couple of blankets, some sheets, toothbrushes, a towel each."
  2670. "Yeah, that'd be perfect!"
  2671. > Sky Light doesn't say anything. She doesn't need a toothbrush, something you still have to help her change, but now is not the time.
  2672. > "Okay, I know the quartermaster and none of that should be a problem. If you need anything else, just ask around. Most ponies here are quite friendly."
  2673. "Um, what about the humans?"
  2674. > Starlight looks at you strangely. "Humans?"
  2675. "There's some humans here..." you point out, in case she didn't understand.
  2676. > She blinks, then her face splits into a grin. "Oh, you mean Dr. Marley? She's alright. Good medic!"
  2677. > "There was also another guy who came out of that tent just before we came in," Sky Light explains.
  2678. > The unicorn thinks for a moment. "I think his name is Gottlieb or something like that. Karsten Gottlieb. From Australia or some such."
  2679. > You can't quite reconcile 'Australia' and 'Gottlieb', so you make an educated guess.
  2680. "You mean Austria?"
  2681. > Starlight shrugs. "Yeah, one of those."
  2682. > It makes you giggle and even Sky Light chuckles, but the unicorn doesn't seem even slightly perturbed. "I'm just not good at human geography," she explains with a small shrug.
  2683. > You can't really fault her. She'd gone to school in Equestria, after all, probably before they even knew Earth existed.
  2684. "Are there any other humans working with the resistance? How did that even happen?!"
  2685. > The mare leans her head to one side as she thinks about it. "One or two more, unless there were a few fresh ones while I was gone. There's Ethan - a computer hacker. He helped a lot when I was preparing to get into that secret facility. Then there's this girl who helps in the kitchen, I don't remember her name, really. Before you ask, there's also a griffin helping out, but he's out on patrol right now or you'd have seen him in the mess hall."
  2686. > You glance at Sky Light once more and she just gives you her 'I don't know' expression.
  2687. "Why are they helping the pony resistance?" you ask.
  2688. > "That you'll have to ask them directly," Starlight says with finality and stops. "We're here. Let's get you those necessities and then I suggest you get some sleep. I'm probably gonna do the same."
  2689. > The mare is right. You don't have to worry about any of the members of this group - after all, their main goal is to help ponies on Earth. You're probably as safe as you'd ever been in your life, especially with two alicorns thrown in the mix.
  2690. > That thought still feels surreal, but you push it down. You'll deal with it after a good sleep.
  2691. > Suddenly that can't come quickly enough, so you gladly follow the unicorn into a plain-looking tent where there's presumably a quartermaster. Hopefully you can grab the stuff and get yourself to bed before long.
  2692. > Everything will probably make a lot more sense after some shut-eye.
  2694. > ~~~~
  2696. > You wake up to quiet murmuring behind you. For a few seconds you consider just ignoring it and trying to get more sleep, but then you wonder what it could be.
  2697. > The tent was supposed to be for you and Sky Light only!
  2698. > It takes a concentrated effort to roll to your back and have a look. The scene you see makes you wonder if you're dreaming or something. Sky Light is sitting on her cot and chatting quietly with... Zephyr Gale?
  2699. > You didn't recognize him at first because he isn't wearing his uniform, but that's definitely the captain. They don't seem to realize you'd woken up.
  2700. > "... well yeah, two sisters," the stallion is explaining. "They stayed at home with Mom and Dad and I went to Canterlot to join the guard."
  2701. > "Wow, that is *so* interesting," Sky Light simpers. There really isn't another word for it, not the way she's batting her eyelashes and smiling coyly.
  2702. > It takes all of your concentration not to burst out laughing.
  2703. > "You said the city is built on a cloud?" your pegasus friend asks and now her voice is full of awe.
  2704. > Zephyr is only too happy to explain: "Yeah, sure is! Well, on a few clouds, but they're all kinda joined together."
  2705. > "B-But you can't walk on clouds! They're just water vapor!" Sky Light complains.
  2706. > The stallion's wings rustle a little as he laughs. "Ever tried it?" he asks.
  2707. > This makes Sky Light lean her head to the side and stare. "Well, n-no?" she admits. "But it just stands to reason! No way a cloud could hold my weight!"
  2708. > For some reason, the captain finds all of this incredibly funny and he puts a hoof carefully on Sky's shoulder.
  2709. > "Oh my," Zephyr is finally able to say, "you've seen magic, right? Well, we got tons of that in Equestria. Walking on clouds is actually pretty unremarkable."
  2710. > Sky is completely bewildered by all of this and looks around for inspiration. That's when she notices you looking at them and starts. "Oh! Did we wake you up, Rosa?"
  2711. "Yeah, kinda," you say, but you're smiling at them.
  2712. > The captain pony stands up and starts backing toward the tent door. "Uh, I didn't mean to wake you, sorry about that..."
  2713. > "It's okay."
  2714. "It's okay."
  2715. > You both answer at the same time, then Sky Light chuckles a little. "See? Rosa doesn't mind."
  2716. > The stallion is still shaking his head uncertainly. "No, no, you've had a tough couple of days, you really need to rest."
  2717. > "Actually," Sky Light replies, giving you a pointed look, "I could use a bite to eat first. How about we grab lunch and talk some more?"
  2718. > The captain rubs the back of his head with a hoof and looks everywhere except at Sky Light. "Um, sure? I mean, if you're hungry. Yeah, I could do... um, lunch."
  2719. > You're wondering if Sky Light is making him flustered on purpose, but then you remember her comment and the reason she's hungry. Suddenly you can't look at the mare either, just like the hapless captain.
  2720. > Fortunately, Sky Light comes over to give you a brief nuzzle. "It's okay," she tells you. "Go back to sleep. I'll just be... around."
  2721. > Shrugging a little to yourself, you nod at the pegasus and then curl up again on the cot.
  2722. "You two have fun," you tell her.
  2723. > Your blanket has slipped off, but you just leave it there. It's warm in the tent and it's bound to get warmer as the day goes on. A quick glance at the tent flap as the two pegasi leave tells you that it's still early afternoon.
  2724. > The night-time escapades have knocked your sleeping schedule completely out of whack, it seems.
  2725. > Maybe going back to sleep isn't the best idea. You should instead stay up until sunset and then go to bed at a normal hour. The nap has done a lot to refresh you and now you're feeling a bit hungry anyway.
  2726. > Thirty minutes, you decide. A short extension of your nap and then you'll go look for some lunch.
  2727. > Besides, you think Sky Light wouldn't appreciate you butting in on her private time with the captain.
  2728. > Heh. Private time with the captain. You wonder if there's a pun in there somewhere, but then a yawn forcefully blanks your mind.
  2729. > Thirty minutes....
  2731. > ~~~~
  2733. > You had a brilliant idea during lunch. The camp was a busy place and all the ponies seemed very driven as they went about their tasks.
  2734. > In some ways, it reminded you of the School, except stricter and with fewer humans. In either case, it felt weird that you didn't have anything to do, so you went to offer your help in the camp's makeshift kitchen.
  2735. > It was amazing how happy the cooking staff were for something as simple as washing dishes after the meal. It was worth the effort just for their reaction and it gave you a nice, warm feeling of pride.
  2736. > Not to mention that you now know several ponies and one human by name and, as an added little bonus, they let you take some fruit for yourself and Sky Light in a simple canvas bag.
  2737. > You have a feeling about what the mare is probably doing with the captain and if you're right, she's going to need some sugar after it.
  2738. > On second thought, you duck back into the kitchen tent and grab a plastic bottle of water. Sky Light will probably thank you.
  2739. > Armed with both of those you make your cautious way back to the tent you'd been given. You pause before the entrance and focus your ears. There's no moaning or grunting or - the thought makes you grimace - wet, slapping sounds, but that doesn't mean anything. They might just be catching their breath.
  2740. > Well, now or never, you think to yourself and push your way inside. It takes a few seconds for your eyes to see well enough in the gloom and then you relax.
  2741. > Sky Light is on her cot, snoring softly, but there's no sign of the captain. It's still pretty obvious they'd been there, though. The pegasus' bed looks a little more... 'trampled' than you remember and the mare herself is somewhat disheveled.
  2742. > There's also the smell. One good whiff of that and you quickly retreat back to the tent flap and pull it open to let some fresh air in. The sudden light wakes up Sky Light and she blinks at you a few times before recognition makes her smile.
  2743. > "Oh, hi, Rosa," she whispers, her voice barely above a sigh.
  2744. "I guess Zephyr has duties?"
  2745. > "Mhm!" the mare nods happily. "Damn that's a fine rump on that stallion. Mmm-mm!"
  2746. > Maybe she can't see your blush against the bright outside? It's the only explanation, because she just keeps going: "Man, can he *go*!"
  2747. "Yeah, f-fine, I got you some-"
  2748. > She just talks right over you, as if she hadn't heard: "I should have tried military a long time ago, these colts have *discipline*! Oh, and that tongue!"
  2750. > That finally gets Sky Light's attention and she falls silent. Thankfully. "What? I'm just saying!"
  2751. "I didn't want to know all that!"
  2752. > The pegasus shrugs a little and chuckles to herself. The air has finally cleared enough and you step all the way inside once more. Then you slip your bag off and lay it next to your friend.
  2753. > She doesn't seem to notice it. "I'm sure captain Zephyr Gale has a few nice friends, Rosa. I can hook you up if you like!"
  2754. "Thanks, but no..." you reply, face absolutely burning.
  2755. > "Still holding out for that colt from the School? Yeah, I can respect that. Colts like determination in a mare."
  2756. "God, just shut up and listen! I got you water and some fruit!"
  2757. > You're instantly sorry for snapping at her, but Sky Light takes it in stride and just laughs at your outburst. Luckily, she doesn't say anything more and goes to rummage in the bag you brought.
  2758. > She lifts up a slightly wrinkled apple and immediately bites off half of it. "S'good," she comments, of course with her mouth full.
  2759. > Shaking your head to yourself slightly, you give your bed a longing glance. It's been a long couple of days and the nap from earlier barely took the edge off.
  2760. > No. Sundown, you'd decided. It was your only hope of getting your sleep rhythm back into whack. In the face of your determination, you take a risk and go and sit on the edge of your bed.
  2761. "You should drink something."
  2762. > Sky Light rummages in your bag again and brings out a plastic bottle. You recognize the shape of Coca-Cola, but the label has been peeled off and now it's just water.
  2763. > The pegasus doesn't comment as she unscrews the cap and lifts the thing up to her muzzle, gripping with both her forehooves. She doesn't put it back down until it's half-empty.
  2764. > "Thanks, I really needed that," the mare says with a smile. Then she holds the bottle out for you.
  2765. > You aren't particularly thirsty, but you take a swig anyway and then hand it back for Sky Light to finish.
  2766. > "So, what's the plan?" the pegasus finally asks.
  2767. "Plan?"
  2768. > "Yeah, what are we doing?"
  2769. > You open your mouth to answer, but realize you have no idea.
  2770. "I honestly don't know. I guess we go and talk to some ponies about Equestria? I still think I wanna go there..."
  2771. > Sky Light is easy to read, the way her ears fold down and she frowns. "So you don't wanna go traveling with me then?"
  2772. > You almost groan in frustration. Why is this so hard for her to grasp?!
  2773. "Of course I do!" you say forcefully. "Look, Sky, if you ask me to stay, I'll stay! We've been through too much..."
  2774. > The mare gives you an appraising look. "Yeah, I guess we have."
  2775. > She didn't contradict so you continue with a bit more hope.
  2776. "What I'd really like is for us to go bum around Equestria. Just imagine - a place run by ponies!"
  2777. > "Doubt it's that much different from Earth, though."
  2778. "That's why we need to go and ask about it! Get some first-hand testimony or something."
  2779. > The mare holds up her hooves and closes her eyes. "Okay, okay. Let's not fight about this. I'll go with you and talk to ponies, alright? Just promise me you haven't decided yet. If we're deciding, let's give all options a fair try!"
  2780. > That one is a no-brainer. Despite the allure of the mythical Equestria, you haven't had that bad of a time with Sky Light and her large circle of friends and acquaintances in the city.
  2781. "I promise."
  2782. > An idea occurs and you smile a little at the mare, who is suddenly looking at you with deep suspicion.
  2783. > "What?!" she asks cautiously.
  2784. "Don't you wanna have a place of your own someday? Don't get me wrong, sleeping in a broken down van is fun and all, but a little house out in the country?"
  2785. > She thinks she understands where you're going and crosses her forelegs. "'m perfectly happy in the city," she mutters darkly.
  2786. "Oh yeah? What if Mr. Captain pony would like to settle down somewhere in Equestria?"
  2787. > It hits home and Sky Light's ears fold down immediately. The moment it's out of your mouth you're already sorry.
  2788. > You quickly rush over and put your hooves around the mare.
  2789. "Sorry, that wasn't cool."
  2790. > The mare heaves a deep sigh, then relents and gives you a nuzzle. "No, it wasn't. I hate that you're right, though."
  2791. "I'm what?!"
  2792. > "Right," Sky Light repeats and shrugs you off. "It's something I'll have to think about."
  2793. > You just stare as she talks, mostly to herself: "I know I've only known him for a day, but- I don't know Rosa," Sky Light says, her voice at the same time sad and full of wonder, "I think there's really something there."
  2794. > She gives half of a chuckle, then pushes herself away so she can stare right in your eyes. "I used to laugh about all that 'lovey-dovey' mushy stuff, but now? I just don't know."
  2795. > Her head hangs and the pegasus stares at her hooves. "I feel good when I'm with Zephyr. Safe. Like somepony actually gives a crap about me."
  2796. "I always-"
  2797. > She interrupts you with a careful hoof on your muzzle and a smile. "I know, I know. You're a good friend, Rosa. But Zephyr is... more. Nothing against you, understand? It's just..."
  2798. > The mare mutters something too quickly for you to hear.
  2799. "What?"
  2800. > This time the whisper is a tiny bit louder: "I think I'm in love."
  2801. > Most of all, this is incredibly cute. You can't help grinning like an idiot.
  2802. "Aww."
  2803. > You put your hooves around the mare again and she doesn't fight it. Instead, she leans her head against your withers and hugs you right back.
  2804. > "Plus," Sky Light goes on, right into your ear, "he's *really* good in bed. Like, the best I'd ever had."
  2805. "Sky Light... no."
  2806. > This mare sometimes...
  2808. > ~~~~
  2810. > You've really lucked out this time. Pretty soon after fetching Sky Light out of your tent you ran into a couple of very friendly ponies and now they are telling you what life was like in Equestria.
  2811. > The pristine, almost albino white pegasus is Snow Dove and her friend, a grumpy earth pony is Almond Hooves.
  2812. > You're probably never getting used to Equestrian names, but they don't seem to mind you fumbling a little over them. In the end you just settled on 'Snow' and 'Almond', which they seem okay with.
  2813. > There's a strange thing about that, though.
  2814. "Oh, by the way, does everyone in Equestria always use the full name?"
  2815. > The pair blink at look at each other, then Snow speaks up: "What do you mean?"
  2816. > You point a hoof at her.
  2817. "Well, I'm just calling you 'Snow', but Almond always calls you 'Snow Dove'. Is it, um, rude to shorten a pony's name?"
  2818. > The mare giggles a bit. "Oh, heavens no! I guess it's just habit, but nopony will mind if you shorten it. For example, back in Ponyville where I lived, there's this earth pony farmer called 'Applejack', but most of her friends just call her 'AJ'."
  2819. "Huh. Okay. Just let me know if I say something impolite, okay? I don't know any of this stuff!"
  2820. > The mare reaches over the table and puts her hoof on yours. "You're doing fine, Rosa. Just relax. We're just ponies, right?"
  2821. > You glance over at Sky Light, who seems to be looking at the tent's entrance a lot. You're guessing Zephyr will come off duty soon.
  2822. "So, the town is actually called 'Ponyville'?" you ask.
  2823. > "Sure thing!" Almond answers.
  2824. "Isn't that, um, a little on the nose?"
  2825. > They both blink at you, then look at each other. "Uh, what do you mean, Rosa?" Snow asks.
  2826. "Well," you're suddenly embarrassed to be talking this way about their home, "all these places have very pony-themed names, don't you think? Canterlot, Baltimare, Ponyville..."
  2827. > "Humans do the same thing," Almond points out. "I heard of places named after actual people: Jacksonville, Lincoln, Hamilton..."
  2828. > You can't really argue that, so you just shrug a little and nod.
  2829. "Okay, I guess it just sounds weird because I know absolutely nothing about Equestria."
  2830. > Snow starts smiling at your words. "It's a beautiful place, Rosa. That's part of the reason we're here. We wanna bring as many ponies back as we can."
  2831. > "At least that *used* to be the plan," Almond grumbles a little and Sky Light suddenly snaps around.
  2832. > "Huh?" your pegasus friend says, "what's that supposed to mean?"
  2833. > Both Snow and Almond look sad for a moment, but the mare recovers faster. She forces a smile back on her muzzle. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be right back on that now Princess Luna is back."
  2834. > It's not really an answer, but Sky Light looks at the entrance again and you guess that's it from her for the moment. You think about pursuing the question some more, but it's making your new friends visibly uncomfortable.
  2835. > "You were the ones that broke the Princess out, right?" Almost asks, effectively changing the topic.
  2836. "Mhm! Well, It was mostly Starlight Glimmer, but me and Sky Helped!"
  2837. > "Cool, that's cool. Thanks!"
  2838. > That seems to settle it for now, so you go back to your long list of questions.
  2839. "So, what's like living in Equestria? Are there jobs, or do you all just share stuff, or what?"
  2840. > From the few tidbits you'd heard before today you had in mind something like the old socialism from Mr. Marston's history lectures.
  2841. > "We have jobs," Snow assures you. "You can do whatever your cutie mark is and nopony will stop you. Or you can do something else and keep that as a hobby. And of course ponies help each other if there's trouble, it's just the neighborly thing to do!"
  2842. > You twist your neck around to glance at your cutie mark and smile a little. You'd be able to get a job gardening *and* you'd probably get paid for it.
  2843. > It really is sounding better and better.
  2844. "How about you, Sky?" you ask, completely absent-mindedly.
  2845. > "Huh? What?" the pegasus asks, looking back in confusion.
  2846. "What'd you do for a job if we went to Equestria?"
  2847. > Her cutie mark is a four-leaf clover and she told you it means she's good at games of chance. You take a wild stab at it and address your question to Snow.
  2848. "Are there, uh, like jobs for people who play casinos all day?"
  2849. > Almond starts laughing, but Snow is able to control herself, aside from an occasional chortle. "Well, it depends on your definition of 'job', but in Sky's case?"
  2850. > Snow Dove cranes over the table to take another look at Sky's flank, then frowns a little in thought. "I guess something like a commentator on those big, important poker games? Maybe play a tournament or two every now and then? She could definitely get a job running blackjack tables or something in Los Pegasus, I think."
  2851. > This seems more interesting than watching the entrance and Sky Light starts paying some serious attention. "You guys have actual casinos in Equestria then?"
  2852. > "Sure! But I think the odds of winning are a bit better than on Earth," Almond says.
  2853. > "Sweet!"
  2854. > It feels like your friend might slowly come around, as long as you didn't push her and let her arrive at the conclusion by herself. You just hope you'll have enough time.
  2855. > You're about to ask your next question, but Sky Light turns around and gives a very small gasp. You follow her gaze and see that her coltfriend has just come in.
  2856. > Before you can even say hello, Snow and Almond jump from the bench they were sitting on and salute.
  2857. > "At ease," the captain says, even while he's returning the salute. "None of us are on duty at the moment."
  2858. > Your two new friends quickly relax and go back to sitting, while Zephyr Gale walks over to give Sky Light a very affectionate nuzzle.
  2859. > "Hey sugarcube," he says softly.
  2860. > You can already see Almond rolling his eyes a little and Snow watching with a kind of eager fascination. Her little smile tells you exactly how cute she finds the scene, but the mare won't say anything in front of her superior officer.
  2861. > "I see you met Rosa and Sky Light," Zephyr goes on after his hug. He sits right beside his marefriend and casually drapes a wing around her. For her part, Sky is just leaning heavily against the colt.
  2862. > She really is smitten, judging from that absent smile on her muzzle.
  2863. "So, um, Zephyr," you begin, wondering if you should have said 'captain', "I was wondering if there's something I could help with?"
  2864. > "Hmm?"
  2865. > He seems just as out of it all as Sky Light. Those two almost forget that the world exists when they're together. You idly wonder if you'd feel the same way about Paolo.
  2866. > Seeing that there won't be any help from him, you redirect your question to Snow.
  2867. "I hate just sitting around and doing nothing. I'm sure I can help out. I did the dishes in the kitchen after lunch, but maybe there's something more useful?"
  2868. > The mare looks thoughtful as she considers it. "I guess you can always go ask Princess Cadence?"
  2869. > Almond is shaking his head, but Snow places a hoof on his shoulder and he stops. "She always had more of an 'open-door' policy. I'm sure she'd be happy to find you something to do."
  2870. > Despite Almond's obvious misgivings, you can still see his approving nod.
  2871. "I think I'll go do that. These two are kinda out of it for the next couple of hours, it seems."
  2872. > You indicate the couple next to you, who have their heads together and are whispering something even you can't overhear. They don't even notice you talking about them.
  2873. > "Yeah, and we should go check our gear before going on duty. It's been nice meeting you, Rosa! Hope we can talk again later!"
  2874. > You smile back at the pegasus.
  2875. "I'd like that! Thanks!"
  2876. > The pair pick up their trays and take them back to the kitchen. You hadn't gotten dinner yet because it felt a little early in the day for that. Despite your slight jealously at watching them eat, you didn't cave and remained steadfast!
  2877. > That self-control stuff really is a snap once you put your mind to it!
  2878. > Just one thing left to do.
  2879. "Um, Sky?"
  2880. > She doesn't respond, so you prod her with a hoof.
  2881. "Hellooo? Sky?!"
  2882. > Finally she tears herself away from looking in the captain's eyes and turns her befuddled smile on you instead.
  2883. > "Oh, Rosa! Hi! Did- um, did you want something?"
  2884. "I'll go talk with Cadence. Are you going to need the tent?" you ask.
  2885. > "The tent?" your pegasus friend tries to understand what the words mean, then her face clears up. "Oh, yeahyeahyeah! Tent! We'll, um, be there. No privacy in the barracks."
  2886. > You have a pretty good idea what they'll be doing. It might be beneficial to stay away from the tent until you're sure the captain is gone.
  2887. > Hopefully Cadence really has something for you to do.
  2888. "Well, see you around, I guess."
  2889. > There's no answer, Sky Light has already gone back to smiling demurely at the stallion, her ears partially lowered and her tail swishing around excitedly.
  2890. > It's at the same time funny and scary how hard this is hitting her. You're starting to believe that love at first sight really does exist.
  2891. > You don't bother the couple anymore and just take your leave, humming your little happy song as you go.
  2892. > Once outside, you fumble a few notes as you you almost bump into a squad of ponies marching past, but you pick it back up and add a bit more of your voice.
  2893. "La la, la la la..."
  2894. > "Nice song!" someone comments from your side and you turn to look, falling silent.
  2895. > It's the unicorn from Cadence's tent - the one with the paperwork.
  2896. "Oh, hi, um-" you quaver.
  2897. > "Mystic Comet, at your service," he introduces himself with a slight bow of his head.
  2898. > It's still light enough outside so you can take a better look at him than the gloom of the tent from this morning had allowed.
  2899. > You gasp a little.
  2900. "Oh my gosh!" you can't help saying as you stare. "Your coat!"
  2901. > The unicorn, an older one, you feel, chuckles a little. "Never met a Crystal Pony, right?"
  2902. > You wordlessly shake your head. His coat - emerald and a bit faded - is absolutely *sparkling* in the setting sun! His mane is gray, which you don't know if it's his natural color or a sign of age and he has an equally gray beard.
  2903. > Whichever it is, it doesn't keep your gaze like his coat does. It's glittering and shining and sparkling all at the same time.
  2904. "That's amazing! It's so beautiful! And the sparkle! Wow!"
  2905. > "Why thank you, young lass!" he laughs. "You sure know how to make an old pony feel young again, don't you?"
  2906. > The comment makes you blush and you finally tear your eyes away. That seems to remind the unicorn about what he's been asking.
  2907. > "Anyway, that song you were singing - do you know what it is?"
  2908. > You shake your head and explain once more:
  2909. "I don't know where it's from. I've just always known it."
  2910. > The pony scratches his bear with a hoof. "Hmm, I could *swear* I heard it before. Sing it again?"
  2911. > It takes some concentration and you're very self-conscious, but you give it a try anyway.
  2912. > "Hmm. I think I heard it back in the Crystal Empire, but I don't know where."
  2913. > You shrug a little and try to find an explanation.
  2914. "Maybe it's just one of those little tunes that pop up everywhere? It's not really complicated."
  2915. > The old stallion concedes. "Yeah, maybe. Anyway, thanks for the compliment!"
  2916. > He's about to walk away, but you call after him.
  2917. "Wait, um, Mystic Comet!"
  2918. > Something told you that a full name would be more appropriate for an older pony. He pauses and looks back.
  2919. "I'm looking for Princess Cadence."
  2920. > "Still?" he asks, then bursts out laughing before you can explain. "Just a joke, lass. I daresay she's in her tent with Princess Luna. Don't be shy, just go in and ask what you must."
  2921. > He comes back and lowers his voice. "It's been a hard couple of months on the Princess, but she's always been a very open and kind ruler."
  2922. > You smile back in gratitude and nod your head.
  2923. "Thanks!"
  2924. > He gives you another small bow and then walks into the mess tent. Probably going to fetch his dinner, you assume.
  2925. > You take a look around to get your bearings, then head for the large tent which belongs to Cadence.
  2926. > The unicorn is something like her bookkeeper, you guess, judging from the paperwork he was shuffling this morning, so if he said it was okay to just go see her, then you can probably do that.
  2927. > The thought is encouraging and you pick up your pace a little.
  2929. > ~~~~
  2931. > Again you hesitate in front of the correct tent. It still feels wrong to simply barge in on people without even knocking. Except you can't really knock on fabric.
  2932. > In the end you just shrug yourself and push the flap aside. Similar to the medical one, this tent is also divided into two sections by a fabric wall. The Princesses you're looking for are in the inner section and the small 'antechamber' is completely empty.
  2933. > You walk forward to enter the other room, but pause when Luna raises her voice.
  2934. > "-can't go on like this!" she says and there's definite anger in her voice. Your hoof falls back down and you start backing away, but then Cadence shouts back and you freeze.
  2935. > "Well, excuse me, Luna, but you weren't here! You don't know what it was like!"
  2936. > Maybe you should say something, or go in there to make them realize they have an audience, but the cold fury you feel in Cadence's tone roots you to the spot. Your ears flatten, but you can't keep from listening.
  2937. > "If my sister found out-"
  2938. > "Celestia isn't here! She *wasn't* there, either! You've no right to use her name to try and change my mind!" Cadence snaps back even before Luna can finish her sentence. "I've had to make some pretty bad decisions, Luna!"
  2939. > The other Princess groans and you hear a hoofstep. "Still, Cadence, this is beyond the pale! It's so far outside the pale you can't even see the fence anymore!"
  2940. > "It's nothing *they* wouldn't do! You've seen what happened! Don't tell me it doesn't make you angry!"
  2941. > You don't know what 'them' Cadence is talking about, but she seems to hate 'them' very much. You hope that 'them' doesn't include you as your heartbeat pounds in your ears.
  2942. > Luna takes a deep breath, but her voice is still tense with distaste. "Yes, it does! But what you're doing is wrong, Cadence! The only reason you were allowed to come here is to save ponies-"
  2943. > "I *am* saving ponies," the pink alicorn snaps, again interrupting. "I'm saving ponies from ever having to deal with all this crap! Don't think it isn't costing me!"
  2944. > There's a silence and you relax a bit, thinking the shouting match might be over. Just as you're about to quietly leave, Luna raises her voice again: "Is it? Is it really?! The way I'm seeing things, it all just looks like revenge, Cadence."
  2945. > "It's nothing they don't deserve," comes the sullen, muttered reply.
  2946. > Again Luna sighs and there's another hoofstep - you guess she's stepped closer to Cadence. "Maybe so, but we don't deal in revenge, Cadence!"
  2947. > Cadence barks a laugh, but there's no joy in it. "Tell that to the families who've lost-"
  2948. > "Revenge isn't the way!" This time it was Luna who interrupted. She goes on: "We are not them, Cadence. We! Are! Not! Them!"
  2949. > "Well, I'm *me* and I'll do this the way I see fit! Celestia put me in charge, remember?!"
  2950. > Luna also raises her voice some more and you consider putting your hooves over your ears. "Only because she was afraid I'd lose my cool and take it too far! If she saw you now, knew what you were planning-"
  2951. > "Buck. Off!" Cadence says back, slowly and deliberately. "We're doing this *my* way. If you don't like it, you can run back to your precious sister!"
  2952. > There's no reply for a while, then Cadence keeps going: "Seriously, Luna, stop living in your bucking sister's bucking shadow! Think for yourself for once!"
  2953. > It would be the perfect time to sneak away, but your legs feel rooted to the ground and you can't move. You're scared for your life that you'd make a sound and the two would find you spying.
  2954. > "I still don't like this," says Luna in a defeated tone of voice. You guess that comment about her sister's shadow really hit home. "Don't hurt civilians, Cadence."
  2955. > "They stopped being civilians when they took jobs to supply the military!"
  2956. > Luna gives an exasperated groan and you can clearly imagine her rolling her eyes. "That's the condition, Cadence! One civilian injury and I'm dragging your rump back to Celestia and we're letting her deal with saving ponies on Earth any way she sees fit!"
  2957. > There's more silence and then finally Cadence says: "Okay! Fine! We're just trying to keep them from resupplying so they move out of the area! It shouldn't be that hard."
  2958. > "Then what do we do? We need to go back to the original plan, Cadence."
  2959. > More silence, until Cadence answers: "I'll have Ethan look around. What about this School you told me about? They're experimenting with cutie marks?"
  2960. > They're talking about you! You barely suppress a squeak of surprise, but now your ears are focused on the conversation. It's getting harder to hear as the mares stop yelling.
  2961. > Luna says: "I'm able to get back into Dreamscape. I'll try to find more of their dreams and see what is really happening there."
  2962. > "You still can't enter human dreams?"
  2963. > "No," Luna answers, her voice low and defeated. "I think our minds work differently in some way. I can't feel the dreams even of sympathetic humans. Even the ones in this very camp."
  2964. > There's a rustle of feathers and you imagine Cadence has gone to hug the other Princess. Her next words confirm it: "Don't beat yourself up, Luna. See if you can get anything from the ponies at that School and we'll try to find a way to help them all."
  2965. > "After that we're leaving," Luna says. "I don't like what this place is doing to do, Cadence. You've changed, and I don't think it's for the better."
  2966. > It was the wrong thing to say because hooves clatter as Cadence presumably jumps away and her voice is angry again: "Of course I've changed! How could I not change after-"
  2967. > Her voice chokes off and you feel a sense of dread over what she almost said. Something bad happened to her, maybe?
  2968. > "You should go back, Cadence. Flurry Heart needs you. She can't be raised by her aunt alone, the young mare needs her mother. Now more than ever, when she's coming into her own as an alicorn."
  2969. > "I know, I know," Cadence says with a sigh. "I want to go back, Luna, I really do."
  2970. > They are quiet for a bit, then Cadence speaks up again, even as she starts walking away. "Let's save those ponies at this School and then we'll leave, okay? I promise."
  2971. > "You promised before," Luna points out and the hoofsteps stop.
  2972. > There's an angry stomp and Cadence raises her voice again: "I know I did! This is different!"
  2973. > There's no further reply and the hoofsteps continue. You remember that you've been eavesdropping and jump a little as the flap pulls aside. Contrary to what you thought, it's Princess Luna who is leaving and she freezes when she spots you.
  2974. > "Rosa?" the mare says.
  2975. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to- I just wanted to ask- and then I was here and you were- and Cadence- I'M SORRY!"
  2976. > What do alicorns do to spies? The two had sounded pretty angry and you're very worried that they might toss you in prison for spying on them. Or worse.
  2977. > "Relax, it is okay," Luna assures you. She gives you a small smile, but you see Cadence frowning at you from behind her back. That stare makes you shrink back a little.
  2978. > "Walk with me," Luna says and holds the front entrance open for you with a wing. You're only too glad to duck outside.
  2979. > After a few steps, where you have to hurry to keep up with Luna, she speaks: "What did you want to ask?"
  2980. > It feels like ages ago and you have to work to bring it to mind. It seems so trivial after the fight you'd heard. You still do your best to answer the Princess.
  2981. "I wanted to ask if t-there was something I c-could do to help," you explain. "A-Around the camp, I m-mean."
  2982. > "Commendable," Luna praises. "What sort of work can you do?"
  2983. > You think fast over your past experiences and manage to make your voice steadier than you feel.
  2984. "I'm good with, um, problematic children. Well, it's what I trained for. My cutie mark is in gardening. But I can do anything, really, if someone shows me! I helped with dishes in the kitchen."
  2985. > Maybe if you make yourself useful, Luna will protect you from Cadence's certain wrath. The alicorn takes this in and thinks it over, while you plod after her in silence.
  2986. > You keep glancing back, expecting to see pink horned-and-winged revenge bearing down on you.
  2987. > "For now I will take you to the quartermaster. He often needs help with cataloguing and bookkeeping. I'll make enquiries as to what you can do after that."
  2988. "T-Thank you, Princess."
  2989. > You're relieved. Cadence scares you a lot, especially after what you'd just heard, but you have complete faith in Luna. She really is the older and wiser of the two.
  2990. > "Tomorrow I will ask you to tell me what you can of your School, Rosa."
  2991. "Of c-course!" you hurriedly promise.
  2992. > "Have you decided whether you wish to find a place for yourself on Earth, or whether you would like to go to Equestria?"
  2993. > Your ears fold down in shame.
  2994. "I h-haven't," you tell her.
  2995. > It's almost true. You'd like to go, but you won't abandon Sky Light. Maybe if all the ponies in this resistance go home, she will want to go with captain Zephyr.
  2996. > "There still is no hurry, but please do think about it. I feel we might not be on Earth much longer. After that, it will not be easy to travel from one place to the other."
  2997. "Okay, P-Princess."
  2998. > "Good. We're here. Tell Caramel Walnut, the quartermaster, that I sent you to help her."
  2999. "Okay."
  3000. > Again the Princess lifts up the tent flap with her wing and you slip inside, much relieved that there hasn't been more of a retribution for your eavesdropping.
  3001. > It might still come from Cadence later, but you feel safer now that Luna is looking after you.
  3002. > Your thought that barging into places without knocking is a bad idea is very much confirmed. The only problem now is *how* to knock? Maybe if you stomp your hooves loudly, you'd alert the ponies inside tents that you're outside?
  3003. > Or maybe you should call out before you enter. You'll have to think about it and perhaps see what other people do.
  3004. > For now you can hide out in the quartermaster's tent so that Princess Cadence doesn't find you. Hopefully she'll stop being angry or forget about you by tomorrow.
  3006. > ~~~~
  3008. > Working is a good cure for excessive hunger, you find. By the time Walnut tells you to stop for the day it's already dark out and you've nearly missed dinner.
  3009. > You flash the quartermaster mare a grateful smile, then make a dash for the mess hall, hoping you'll get anything this late. There might be nothing left!
  3010. > There's no sign of your new friends, Snow Dove and Almond Hooves, nor can you spot Sky and her captain anywhere.
  3011. > Hopefully they're done with... whatever they were doing in your tent by now. As soon as you get some food you'd also like to try sleeping for a bit. The day had been better, but you're still feeling the effects of your crazy escape from the human facility.
  3012. > Starlight assured you that this pony camp is a long distance away from there and the humans have zero chance of finding you. The magic of these 'Bores', you guess. If they can move ponies to Equestria and back, halfway across the country shouldn't be a problem.
  3013. > You make it to the mess tent, where you spot the human, Lin Lei gathering trays from the empty tables.
  3014. "Oh! Hi! Am I too late to get something?!" you ask in a worried voice.
  3015. > The girl - she can't be more than twenty - gives you a quick wave as she balances her stack of trays in one hand. "Hi Rosa. Just go in the back, I think there's some mushroom stroganoff left."
  3016. > That sounds amazing and dash onwards, ducking and weaving around the tables until your push through the tent flap into the kitchen area.
  3017. > This place has a more solid-looking wooden floor so the appliances don't sink into the ground. You wonder briefly how they move all of this when they break camp, but the thought is driven from your mind as you take in the smell.
  3018. > One of the pony cooks gives you a wave and you squeak a hurried greeting, before fetching a bowl and filling it to the brim.
  3019. > You'd done a lot of work, so you deserve a hearty meal! No one can tell you otherwise!
  3020. > Even before you go out to eat, you stick a spoonful in your mouth. It makes you moan a little in delight.
  3021. "I'll come back to, mmhmm," you mumble around your mouthful, "to... um, help with the dishes!"
  3022. > "Mighty nice of you," the cream-colored mare replies, but you're already on your way out.
  3023. > You take the nearest table, plop your metal bowl down and start... well, 'shoveling' is the best word here. You hardly have time to chew before you stick yet another spoonful in your mouth.
  3024. > Good thing Sky Light isn't here to see this, or she might have some choice words to say. Or maybe she'd just laugh. The pegasus found your eating habits quite funny at times.
  3025. > All too soon the bowl is empty. You could go and fetch another one, you think wistfully, but that'd be greedy and you'd feel sorry for yourself the whole night as you nursed your overfull stomach.
  3026. > It'll have to be enough, but you still drop the spoon, shove your muzzle in the bowl and give it a thorough licking. It'll make it easier to wash later, you tell yourself even as you blush a little.
  3027. > You hardly notice that Lin Lei has sat down opposite you. "So, had a good day?" she asks conversationally.
  3028. "Mhm! Well, except when I walked in on Princess Luna and Cadence's argument..."
  3029. > The woman looks sad for a moment. "Yeah, I was afraid that'd happen now that Luna is back. They were... tense even before Luna got kidnapped."
  3030. "How did that happen, by the way? She has magic and all, I can't imagine how some humans can just kidnap her."
  3031. > Lin looks around to see if there's anyone from the military part of the camp nearby, but the mess tent is deserted. It's getting late, but you don't mind sitting for a few minutes.
  3032. > "I only heard rumors, but apparently Luna and some ponies were sitting under one of those cellphone towers so Ethan could tap into some government records, but they got found out."
  3033. > You remember the name. Starlight Glimmer had said he was their 'hacker', which sounded very useful and only slightly like something from a movie. Maybe you'll get to meet this mysterious computer-wizard one of these days.
  3034. > "Anyway, Luna stayed behind to let the others escape and they shot her with tranquilizer darts. That's what some of the Crystal ponies said who were with her. She ordered them all to leave. Cadence was furious."
  3035. "Why?"
  3036. > Lin shrugs a bit, "I guess cause a Princess of Equestria is more important than some soldiers?"
  3037. > Yeah, that would make a strategic kind of sense. Something tells you, though, that Luna doesn't see it that way.
  3038. "Is that why Princess Cadence was so angry?"
  3039. > The girl shakes her head. "No, I think that started before. Some of the Crystal Ponies said she was a very good ruler back then. Princess of Love, too. Not that you'd know it now."
  3040. "Ooooh! So that's why- Sky Light- and her cutie mark!"
  3041. > Suddenly the things you'd seen that night she brought you to the camp with a Bore make sense. She saw already that Sky Light and Zephyr Gale were matching up and she was happy for them.
  3042. > It's still hard to reconcile the harsh, angry mare from today with a title like 'Princess of Love'.
  3043. "What happened to her?"
  3044. > Lin shrugs. "The war, probably."
  3045. > That immediately brings another question to your mind.
  3046. "How did it all start?"
  3047. > Again the girl has no answer. "Sorry, you'll have to ask some of the older ponies. Good luck, though. I never got a straight answer."
  3048. > Shame, but it was still worth a shot. You slide from the bench and pick up the bowl in your mouth. You don't have to tell Lin Lei what you're doing - she understands.
  3049. > "Well, I guess I'll turn in. See you tomorrow, Rosa."
  3050. "Mmphmh!"
  3051. > Rather than saying it, you give the girl a wave with your hoof before ducking into the kitchen area.
  3052. > The cook, Cheery Roll, just gives you an approving nod as you take your dish to the stack already waiting in a large, metal sink.
  3053. > It looks like a good half-hour job and then you'll maybe get some reward again. Possibly a piece of fruit or two, or maybe a bit of chocolate.
  3054. > That sounds good and you go at your task with a smile on your muzzle, humming your little song.
  3056. > ~~~~
  3058. > You take the long way back to your tent, past the showers. It's not that you really need one, but hot water feels nice. Hopefully there's some left.
  3059. > The ponies have constructed a very crude wooden hut and stuck solar collectors on the roof. Those work fine most of the time, but someone told you that if the day isn't sunny enough, the water is additionally heated by magic.
  3060. > Since there's no power in the middle of the forest, even the pumps that fill up the metal tank under the ceiling work on magic.
  3061. > As for the plumbing... The hut itself is built with a raised floor. There's no plumbing in the middle of the forest, of course, but a trench has been dug under the floor, leading some distance away behind the cabin until the ground started to slope down.
  3062. > It's not the best idea, but you guess it's fine for just water and soap. The latrines, of course, are just simple outhouses with deep pits dug under them. You really hate using them because of the smell, but you don't have the option of being picky when the need arises.
  3063. > There are two shower stalls, both empty. It's getting dark, so you hit the light switch on the wall. There is no electricity, so the bulb must work by magic.
  3064. > Yet another proof that these ponies come from an entirely different world. Magic, to them, seems so *mundane*. It's just there to make things work, like electricity is for you.
  3065. > Maybe you get used to it in time. It was probably similar to how people felt when electric power just came out and it was this new, almost magical force to make light and heat.
  3066. > Anyway, the place is empty, which is just as well. You don't mind sharing a bathroom with another pony, but you hardly know anyone here. Not to mention the fact that the camp has humans.
  3067. > Showering with one of them next to you sounds weird in your head. Yes, you'd done that at the facility with Dr. Mason just a door's thickness away, but that was different. She wasn't naked.
  3068. > Unfortunately, whatever these ponies are using to heat their showers seems to need recharging or something, because the water lukewarm at best. You make it a very quick shower, shivering a little while you lather up your mane.
  3069. > Rather than luxuriating, like you'd imagined in your head on your way here, you just get it over with and gratefully dry off with a towel from a shelf on the wall.
  3070. > You leave it in the large hamper, wondering briefly who washes it and thinking about going to offer your help. Laundry isn't hard and you don't mind keeping busy while you wait.
  3071. > The thought makes you freeze.
  3072. > Wait for what?
  3073. > You and Sky Light are both free of the facility. You've seen Maribelle and she's happy, so that's your 'mission' finished. The only question now is whether you go back to some human city to live on the streets with Sky, or do you both go to Equestria and try to find a life for yourselves there.
  3074. > That's it. You're waiting until you and Sky have both decided. You'd lost track of that goal for a second there.
  3075. > Smiling a little to yourself, you slip out of the shower hut and head for your tent. Hopefully Sky Light and Zephyr Gale are done by now, but even if not, you don't think they can ruin your good mood.
  3076. > In fact, you're happy for them to have found each other in this crazy world!
  3077. > As you walk through the camp you make sure to greet ponies you meet, even if you don't know them yet by name. It costs nothing to be polite.
  3078. > Some of them greet you back, while others just wave a hoof or a wing. You get a good number of pleasant smiles and several strange looks, too.
  3079. > Not to mention, now that you're paying attention you can't help seeing more crystal ponies around. It takes the light to strike them in just the right way, but now that you know what to look for, you can spot it.
  3080. > That is probably Cadence's personal guard from the Crystal Empire, you think to yourself, at the same time wondering at these exotic names and feeling a bit proud of yourself for knowing it all already.
  3081. > Finally you reach your tent and pause in front of it. You won't mind Zephyr being there, but you draw the line at walking in on them *doing it*.
  3082. > Luckily, there are no untoward sounds coming from inside, so you shrug a little to yourself and slip in.
  3083. > Sky Light lifts herself up from her cot, but then lies down when she sees it's you.
  3084. > "Oh, hi Rosa. Where were you? I've been looking all over."
  3085. "Have you really? Weren't you too busy with Captain Zephyr?"
  3086. > The mare flashes you a slightly guilty grin. "Well, he had some briefing, so I went looking for you."
  3087. "Well, here I am," you tell her cheerfully.
  3088. > The mare sighs a little, but she's still smiling. You can see even in the dark inside of the tent. "Well, it's a bit late *now*. Where were you all day?"
  3089. > That's right, you haven't told Sky yet! You go and sit on your cot so you can rest your hooves.
  3090. "You're not going to believe this, but I walked in on Cadence and Luna *arguing*! They don't really get along, it seems."
  3091. > "Yeah, Zephyr told me something like that," Sky Light says with much less of surprise than you'd have liked. "They disagree on how they should be doing this. The plan was to rescue ponies who need it the most, then let Celestia deal with the rest diplomatically."
  3092. "Did he tell you how the war even started?"
  3093. > "No," Sky shakes her head, "and I asked, too. Weird how they don't wanna talk about it. You?"
  3094. "I asked Lin Lei, but she doesn't know either."
  3095. > "Who's Lin Lei?"
  3096. "Lin Lei Song. She's chinese. Helps in the kitchen."
  3097. > The mare brightens up. "Oh yeah, I've seen her around the place. Thought she was kinda young to mix with these- um."
  3098. > You politely wait for her to find the right word. "Rebels? No, that's not it. They aren't trying to overthrow the government. Resistance isn't right, either - it's not their country."
  3099. > The pegasus lifts herself up on her elbows and looks at you with a slightly worried look. "I think they're just invaders, Rosa."
  3100. > You're forced to agree.
  3101. "Well, *technically*, yes, but they're freeing enslaved ponies, so that's okay."
  3102. > "If you say so..."
  3103. > She sounds uncertain and you open your muzzle to explain some more, but then catch a faint smile on her muzzle, so you shut up. She was probably hoping to pull off some kind of joke.
  3104. > Getting you all riled up explaining to her how what these ponies are doing is right, only for her to say she agrees and have a perverse kind of laugh about it.
  3105. > Time for a new topic.
  3106. "So, did you talk about Equestria with Zephyr?"
  3107. > "Kinda. Well, not really. He told me about this cloud city some more. They have something like the Olympic games, except it's more... pony sports."
  3108. "Pony sports?"
  3109. > "Like running, or flying... relay races. Ice archery."
  3110. > That last one makes you gape.
  3111. "Ice archery?! How does that work?"
  3112. > Sky Light shrugs a little before turning to her side so she faces you while you talk. "Dunno, really. I guess it's like archery, but they shoot at ice? I might not have been paying attention on that one. I was... b-busy."
  3113. > You can imagine a few options of what she was doing instead, but elect not to bring it up.
  3114. "So, you really like the Captain, don't you?"
  3115. > Now Sky Light's eyes turn dreamy and she gets this far-away look in her face. She is also smiling a lot. "Yeah..."
  3116. "Even though he's young enough-"
  3117. > "Yeah, I know," the mare interrupts you. "To be my son. I dunno about that, Rosa, but *fuck* am I in love. I don't know why or how it happened. It's one of those 'eyes meeting across a crowded room' things when we met."
  3118. "We were in a forest," you point out.
  3119. > "Fine, 'eyes meeting across a crowded forest', then."
  3120. "It wasn't really-"
  3121. > Her pillow suddenly slams you in the muzzle and you let out a surprised squeak. You hadn't even seen Sky Light move!
  3122. > "Oh, shut up," she says, laughing. "You know what I mean."
  3123. > You pass the pillow back and lay down on your cot. It's getting late and you're going to enjoy sleep soon.
  3124. > For a few moments it's quiet, then Sky Light speaks up: "Rosa?"
  3125. "Mm?"
  3126. > "You still wanna go to Equestria?"
  3127. > This makes your breath catch and your heart speed up. Is she about to change her mind? It'll take careful hoof work.
  3128. "I think so, but I haven't decided yet. W-Why?"
  3129. > The mare heaves a sigh. "I'm thinking about the future."
  3130. "Future with Zephyr?" you prompt.
  3131. > "Mhm," Sky confirms. She's looking into the distance again. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm hoping he'll pop the question."
  3132. > That sounds way too fast.
  3133. "Isn't that a little fast?"
  3134. > The pegasus looks at you and she seems... worried?
  3135. > "I guess," she admits. "I suddenly can't imagine ever being with anypony else again."
  3136. "Any-pony?"
  3137. > She chuckles a little. "See?! I'm starting to talk like him even. That's how they say it in Equestria, since- you know, everyone is ponies. Everypony. It has a certain... ring to it."
  3138. > You think it over and even mouth the word to yourself a few times. It feels strange, but it sounds like something you could get used to.
  3139. "Still, marriage? Don't you think you should get to know him a bit better?"
  3140. > "I got to know him pretty well over the last few days."
  3141. "What about the rest of him?" you burst out before you can stop yourself.
  3142. > This actually makes the pegasus gasp in shock. "What?!" she says, stunned, "A sex pun? Who are you and what have you done with Rosa?!"
  3143. > You both giggle at the old joke, then Sky Light breaks the silence again. "I just can't stop thinking about it. If he asks me, I'll say yes. Heh. Never thought I'd get married in my life, but now I'm hoping for it."
  3144. "How about you ask him? Why should a colt always have to do the asking?"
  3145. > "Hmm."
  3146. > The mare seems thoughtful. "Yeah, that could work. Thanks, Rosa."
  3147. > You wonder briefly about what you'd just done, but truth be told, Zephyr Gale looked quite happy when he was around Sky Light. Maybe love - real love - didn't know about stuff like age difference, or background, or even dental hygiene.
  3148. > Which reminds you...
  3149. "Well, if you're gonna start kissing him a lot, you'd better also start brushing your teeth, okay? Otherwise that's just gross."
  3150. > She doesn't even argue, which is further proof how smitten Sky Light is. "I guess," she says at last.
  3151. > This stallion could be very good for Sky Light. Of all the things which would make her settle down, this is the least likely, but you're not arguing.
  3152. "So, you'll think about coming to Equestria with Zephyr? Get a nice little cloud-house together. Maybe raise some foals?"
  3153. > This finally snaps your friend out of her daydream. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" she yells, "I said I'd like to marry the guy, *maybe*, if he asks nicely. Who said anything about foals?!"
  3154. "'Maybe'?!" you ask, grinning, "you sounded pretty certain a minute ago."
  3155. > "Well, then shut up about foals at least. I haven't told-" the mare says, then lets out a sigh. "I haven't told him about-"
  3156. > In an instant you're out of your cot and have your hooves around the poor pegasus.
  3157. "Hush, it's okay. I'm sorry. You tell him when you're ready and I'm sure it'll be fine."
  3158. > "He's gonna think I'm a mon-monster," Sky Light chokes out. "B-But I can't just keep it a secret, not from him!"
  3159. > She grabs you and stares into your eyes. "What am I gonna do, Rosa?!"
  3160. > There's no easy answers. It's true - Zephyr might react badly to hearing about Sky Light's shady past.
  3161. "Well, if he really does love you, he'll get over it. If you want I can be with you when you tell him."
  3162. > You imagine the colt reacting with disgust and it makes you growl low in your throat.
  3163. "If he says the wrong thing I'll kick him in the face!"
  3164. > Sky Light leans her muzzle against yours. "Thanks, Rosa. You're a real friend."
  3165. "So, you'll tell him? Before he pops the question?"
  3166. > Her ears go flat and Sky closes her eyes, but she finally nods. "I guess."
  3167. > You give her midriff a squeeze.
  3168. "It can wait a few more days so you know each other better. Luna said they'll be going home soon, but there's still time."
  3169. > "Thanks," the pegasus says, "I'll keep that in mind."
  3170. > You don't want to let her go. Leaving the mare alone with her thoughts, especially after your stupid comment about foals doesn't seem right.
  3171. "Um. mind if I just cuddle for tonight? It's kind of chilly out here."
  3172. > "Yeah, the nights aren't all that warm in this place," Sky Light confirms and lifts up her blanket to let you under it.
  3173. "Where are we, anyway?"
  3174. > You haven't thought to ask yet, but apparently Sky Light knows, because she grins knowingly. "Zephyr told me. We're somewhere in Alaska."
  3175. > That'd explain the forest, you guess, and the chill. It'd also explain why there are no human settlements nearby. It's a good place to hide, especially if Cadence is using her Bores to travel.
  3176. > There probably isn't a way for humans to track the resistance ponies through magical portals.
  3177. > Maybe they were getting close, though. That'd explain the 'supply civilians' the alicorn wants to stop with her next military action. It would also be why Luna said they might all be leaving for Equestria soon.
  3178. > There probably aren't many such places where a group of ponies could hide a military base for long.
  3179. > For that matter, you wonder how they're hiding from helicopters and satellites and such stuff. Maybe you can ask Zephyr the next time you see him, or Snow or Almond.
  3180. > It's probaby magic, though.
  3181. > For now, you have a cuddle-buddy and you're starting to get sleepy with those warm wings around you.
  3182. "Sweet dreams," you tell the mare.
  3183. > "You too. Thanks, Rosa."
  3184. "Mm', welcome."
  3186. > ~~~~
  3188. > You wake up when Sky Light's hind leg pushes into your belly. It's not a kick, but it tickles and you shuffle out of the way. A moment later her muzzle presses against yours.
  3189. > Apologetic nuzzle, you think, and sleepily return it.
  3190. > The tongue podding at your lips catches you by surprise.
  3191. > Instantly you realize that Sky Light is hugging you from behind!
  3192. "EEP!"
  3193. > You kick with all your strength and then clamber over your pegasus friend to get away from whoever is attacking you. Sky Light shoots up with a yell, her opening wings smacking you in the muzzle.
  3194. > There's just a shadow where someone was trying to...
  3195. > Kiss you?!
  3196. > Well, they're whimpering on the ground beside Sky Light's cot and you don't think they're going to be a danger any more.
  3197. > "What happened?!" Sky asks, seeking you out with her hooves. "Rosa, are you okay? Wait, who's that on the floor?"
  3198. > Your attacker swears and you relax a tiny bit. They're an equestrian pony. No one else would use 'Buck' and 'Luna' as swear words. Furthermore, you recognize the Captain's voice.
  3199. > Sky Light realizes it, too. "Zephyr?!" she asks, worried. "What the hell is going on?"
  3200. > At long last the stallion manages to find his flashlight and turns it on. It blinds you until he points it at the roof to light the whole tent. Then he extends a trembling, accusing hoof.
  3201. > "She kicked me!" he accuses, wings going out a bit, just like Sky is doing. You recognize it as a very pegasus gesture and it means he's either angry or scared. "What the buck is Rosa doing in your bed?!"
  3202. "Well, *he* tried to kiss me!" you counter.
  3203. > Sky Light looks shocked and turns her pointedly questioning look to the Captain, who starts sputtering.
  3204. > "Um, I-I- uh, I t-thought it was y-you!" he managed to choke out.
  3205. > You suddenly realize that Sky Light is amused by this. She's doing a good job of hiding her smile, but you can see the corners of her mouth twitch. She has already folded her wings back down when she saw there was no real danger.
  3206. > "The reason Rosa is in my bed," the mare says far too calmly, "is because I was feeling lonely and- um, sad last night and she was keeping me company."
  3207. > There was a short pause there and you wonder if Zephyr noticed it too. He rubs his muzzle where a large welt is already forming and his wings settle back down as well. "Sad? Why were you sad?" he asks.
  3208. > You hold your breath. Surely Sky isn't going to spill it all right now, in the middle of the night?
  3209. > "Um, I'll tell you some other time, okay? Just- don't worry. I'm fine."
  3210. > The stallion isn't quite buying it and he walks over to look at Sky more closely. "You can tell me, you know? Whatever it is. I wanna hear it. I wanna help!"
  3211. > Some tension goes out of the mare, but she still shakes her head. "Soon. Please don't push me on this, it's important."
  3212. > For a moment it looks as if Zephyr would do exactly that, but then he blinks and smiles. "Okay, okay. I trust you to tell me when I need to know."
  3213. > This finally lets Sky Light relax completely and she beams at the colt. "Thanks, sweetums. So, care to tell me why you're sneaking into my tent in the middle of the night?"
  3214. > This causes Zephyr to glance at you and blush. "I was, uhm, hoping I'd get to see you before, uh, we leave on the mission."
  3215. > "Mission?"
  3216. "Mission?" you say at exactly the same time as Sky Light.
  3217. > "Yeah," the Captain replies and his ears fold down in sorrow. "Sorry about the short notice, I just got thrown out of my bed by Princess Cadence. My squad is gearing up and I wanted to come and tell you, so you won't worry when I don't show up tomorrow."
  3218. > "Aww, how sweet," Sky Light says, but her smile is more than a little worried. "What sort of mission?"
  3219. > "Sorry, classified."
  3220. > You wonder if it has anything to do with the argument you heard between the two alicorns, but you don't bring it up now.
  3221. > Before Sky Light can ask some more, Zephyr holds up a preemptive hoof. "It's... routine. We've done this sort of thing before. It's gonna be fine, trust me."
  3222. > "Oh. J-Just be safe, okay?" your friend implores.
  3223. > "I promise."
  3224. > They look at each other, then Sky Light brings her muzzle right up to your ear. "Rosa, can you do me a solid?"
  3225. "Mm?"
  3226. > "Could you, um, give us twenty minutes?"
  3227. > She was whispering, but apparently the Captain has good hearing. He asks: "Twenty minutes? Why twenty min-"
  3228. > He blushes as realization hits and Sky Light chuckles at his expression.
  3229. "Sure, no problem," you tell them both.
  3230. > In an instant you get off Sky Light's cot and make your way around the colt. "I'll just use the latrines and maybe take a walk around. You two, um h-have fun."
  3231. > You glance back to see Sky Light holding open her blanket for the captain, who is still standing beside, looking uncertain. "Um," he says, "I should check on - uh, check..."
  3232. > Giggling softly you give his rump a very light kick with your hind leg as you walk past. That almost launches him into Sky Light's hooves. You don't stick around to see the result.
  3233. > A quick glance to the sky tells you that it's still hours until dawn. This mission is starting at a really inhumane hour. You wonder why that is.
  3234. > Maybe Cadence wants the cover of darkness?
  3235. > You turn a corner and see a group of ponies standing around the Princess' tent. There aren't any lights, but you think you recognize Snow and Almond in the group.
  3236. > Walking closer you wave a hoof and the pair lift theirs in greeting, confirming your guess. For a moment you consider going over and telling them their captain will be... 'indisposed' for about half an hour, but think better of it.
  3237. > They seem busy with checking their gear and trotting in place or stretching their wings. You even see a glow of some unicorn's horn.
  3238. > Hopefully Zephyr Gale will be done quickly and join them before they get impatient and go looking for him. Some of them know which tent their Captain likes to spend his time in.
  3239. > In any case, it's not your problem. If Sky Light and Zephyr Gale take too long in each other's company, they deserve to be rudely interrupted.
  3240. > They're cutting into your sleeping time, after all.
  3241. > Chuckling a little to yourself when you imagine the whole squad of ponies walking in on them, you keep walking around the waiting group and toward the latrines.
  3242. > You weren't lying when you said you needed to go.
  3243. > After that maybe you'll go check the kitchen tent and see if there's a late-night snack you could get.
  3244. > Hopefully Sky Light will remember to air the tent out after she and her coltfriend... are done. You still want to catch a few more hours of sleep.
  3246. > ~~~~
  3248. > You're just coming back from the latrines when you see a very tall, dark shape standing near the central fire pit. It's cold and dark at nights, despite the thick tree cover above, so that it can't be accidentally seen from a high-flying airplane.
  3249. > It's not hard to see who the pony is. Princess Luna.
  3250. > For a moment you debate internally whether to go and ask her your question, but then you decide to do it. She's always been nice and understanding and you feel safe around her.
  3251. > She also seems lost in thought, so it seems neighborly to go and chat with her for a while. You step up beside her and see that she's looking up, into the night sky - or what little is visible from this vantage point.
  3252. > You wonder briefly if she has some strange, alicorn insight into the night sky, even on Earth.
  3253. "Um, penny for your thoughts?" you ask as a way of breaking the ice.
  3254. > The mare glances down at you, then goes back to staring at the stars. She seems somber. You also note that she doesn't reply immediately, so you wait next to her.
  3255. > If it were Cadence, you'd probably be fidgeting. That is, if you even stuck around. With Luna, however, there's this companionable silence which you kinda like.
  3256. > Finally, the mare shakes her head a little and offers you a slight smile. "That is a human expression, is it not?"
  3257. "Mhm."
  3258. > "I have noticed you use a lot of their speech. Like when you say 'in hand', rather than 'in hoof', or when you say 'everyone', rather than 'everypony'."
  3259. "'Everyone' works better if there's people other than ponies, right?"
  3260. > She gives this some thought. "It is rather more succinct than 'everycreature', but I prefer pony expressions, myself."
  3261. "Fair enough."
  3262. > There's more silence and you try to see some night sky through the foliage. You're still working up the courage to broach your question when Luna turns to face you properly.
  3263. > "You could not sleep, Rosa?" she asks. "I may be able to help with that."
  3264. "No, it's not that. Um, Sky Light and Zephyr Gale are, um, in the tent."
  3265. > "Of course."
  3266. > That actually brings you right to your point.
  3267. "Um, Princess?"
  3268. > "Ask."
  3269. > Perceptive, but maybe all alicorns are like that.
  3270. "Princess Cadence's - well, I guess you could call it 'superpower' - she can force ponies to fall in love?"
  3271. > If the dark alicorn is surprised by your statement, she doesn't show it in the slightest. Centuries of learning to control her expression, you guess.
  3272. > "Not in so many words," Luna replies, speaking softly so it wouldn't carry. "She may *enhance* the feeling, but it must be there to begin with."
  3273. "So, uh, Sky and Zephyr would have-"
  3274. > She interrupts you with a faint smile on her muzzle: "Yes, they would have. However, I think Cadence might have hastened the process somewhat."
  3275. "Oh. I see."
  3276. > "It's perfectly natural. I forget you didn't grow up in Equestria, where such a thing is commonplace. Cadence has often used her alicorn power to reignite the spark where it was in danger of going out, or hastened it where it was blooming slowly."
  3277. "It's just that-" you begin and sigh, unwilling to cast doubt on Luna's co-princess.
  3278. > She senses your reluctance and tips your muzzle up with a surprisingly strong wing feather. "Do not be afraid, ask your question."
  3279. > It's really comforting just how approachable this alicorn is. From what little you'd heard from the other Equestrian ponies, her sister is even nicer. You hope you'll be able to meet her, someday.
  3280. > By all accounts, meeting Celestia leaves a permanent impression on a pony and fills them with confidence about the future. You wonder if that's what humans feel when they worship God.
  3281. > You haven't been overly religious yourself, but seeing someone - some*pony* - literally raising the sun might do it.
  3282. > Taking a deep breath, you try and voice your concern.
  3283. "I feel like I hardly know Sky Light lately. All she does is spend time with Zephyr Gale. They're always whispering, or giggling together, or... well, you know."
  3284. > "Have you ever been in love?"
  3285. "N-No," you hurry to say. "I kinda liked this one colt at the school, but I got sent away before I could be sure."
  3286. > Luna nods a little. "Sometimes love is slow, Rosa. Other times it is fast. Neither is less meaningful than the other. Perhaps you will see him again and then you will know."
  3287. "Yeah, I h-hope so."
  3288. > "To answer your question," the alicorn goes on, "Your friend is still the same, but perhaps her outlook on life has changed. Would you say she is happier now?"
  3289. > You're forced to admit that much. Different or not, you'd never seen Sky Light smile this much and she hasn't been exactly 'glum' before.
  3290. "I think so."
  3291. > "Then, perhaps this is for the best. Sometimes, love can be a beneficial thing. Even now, I would trust Cadence to know when to push and how much. Matters of the heart are her specialty, even after-"
  3292. > The alicorn falls silent and heaves a sad sigh. You want to ask her what she meant, but you feel it would be inappropriate, so you keep your muzzle shut.
  3293. "It might help her decide to come to Equestria, so that's good. And I think she'll start living more healthily," you admit.
  3294. > "Then it is for the better."
  3295. > You make yourself smile a little and the alicorn leans a surprisingly gentle wing against your cheek. For some reason, it feels warm, despite it being just a few feathers and you close your eyes.
  3296. > Almost involuntarily it makes you think of Paolo, caressing you like that, which in turn makes your heart beat faster. You can't get the image of his mischievous smile out of your mind.
  3297. > There's another matter weighing on you, though.
  3298. "Um, do you know what this secret mission is all about? I don't like it..."
  3299. > Luna gives about half of a chuckle. "It is a military thing, as Cadence would put it. Unfortunately, I could not dissuade her from it."
  3300. "Why is she attacking a supply convoy?" you ask, guessing.
  3301. > It's apparently a good guess, because Luna blinks in surprise before her expression clears up. "So you have heard more than I thought. Please keep this to yourself, okay?"
  3302. "I p-promise!"
  3303. > "We are not exactly... welcome in this land. The humans consider us a war band, so they are looking. We can keep them away with spells, but they are getting uncomfortably close."
  3304. > It's about what you had imagined, but now it's confirmed. You're part of an insurgent group and that makes you deeply uncomfortable.
  3305. > Luna takes a step, but pauses to look back at you. "Walk with me. They have a body of men in the area, but since the forest is quite thick they cannot resupply by air, not entirely. That is why they have sent a convoy of ground carriages to bring them food and other necessities."
  3306. "Trucks," you explain, proud of your intimate knowledge of the process.
  3307. > "Indeed," Luna agrees. "Cadence is hoping that by preventing, or at least delaying their supply mission, she will force them to retreat to a more... civilized area. That will buy us time to pack this camp and leave."
  3308. > It makes sense, except for...
  3309. "Why don't we just leave?"
  3310. > For a few steps the alicorn says nothing. Then she murmurs, almost too quietly for you to hear: "That is what I have also asked and haven't gotten a good answer."
  3311. > No help there, it seems. Still, it's good to know that Cadence is planning to leave. Hopefully you and Sky Light will go with them back to Equestria.
  3312. > There's one more thing you'd really like to know and you're sure Luna has the information. The question is only if she'll trust you enough to tell you.
  3313. "Why do they hunt us? Why all the hate and the fighting? Is it just because they captured ponies and made them - *us* - into servants?"
  3314. > The alicorn doesn't slow down and she doesn't reply at first. You open your muzzle to apologize for what was probably an impertinent question, somehow, but then she speaks.
  3315. > "When our worlds first met, the humans did not know of us. They only saw a new land, ready for taking - colonization. A number of them passed through the first, natural Bores and created settlements on pony land."
  3316. > This feels like an important bit of history.
  3317. "Um, how long ago was that?" you ask.
  3318. > Luna has to think about the answer, calculating mentally. "Some, I think, eighteen or twenty years ago. Anyway, our first few meetings weren't on the best of terms. I understand there was some violence - from both sides."
  3319. > You keep walking in silence while the alicorn organizes her thoughts and decides how to best tell her story.
  3320. > "I'm unsure why the diplomacy failed, but suddenly there was fighting. We have magic, but humans have guns - and a lot of skill in the act of war. There were... losses."
  3321. "Oh."
  3322. > The alicorn smiles sadly at you, more to put you at your ease than at any particular memory, you feel. "Seeing what was happening, some of our subjects became restless. Angry. My sister has always thought of them as terrorists, but even her condemnation would not placate the human leaders."
  3323. > There was a moment's silence and when you look up you see that Luna's ears are splayed and she's staring at the sky again. Her steps slow and you stop beside her.
  3324. > "They took it too far. I will not tell you of the tragedies, but things escalated quickly. At long last, the Bores were closed, but humans were caught in Equestria and ponies were left on Earth. Celestia has worked to broker peace ever since, but it has been slow going and Cadence is not helping."
  3325. "Why was, um Princess Cadence allowed to come here, then?"
  3326. > Luna shrugs a little. "We have recently reopened the Bores and some of the stories that came back were - chilling. Celestia never could stand to see her ponies suffer, so she agreed to a rescue operation. I volunteered to lead it, but it seems my sister trusted Cadence more."
  3327. "I... see."
  3328. > It's a lot to think about, so you secretly hope Luna is done for the moment. You decide you'll ask her again in the future, if you get a chance, but a lot of what she is saying makes sense.
  3329. "Um, thank you for telling me, P-Princess," you say.
  3330. > She shrugs a little. "It's mostly history now. Hopefully whatever Cadence does - or did, while I was gone - won't antagonize the humans further. Despite all that's happened, I know my sister still desires peace."
  3331. "I hope so, too."
  3332. > You see that you've made it back to the command tent, where the group of soldier ponies are gone. That probably means that Sky Light is alone in the tent again. Alone and probably needing company.
  3333. > Maybe Luna needs it too, but if she's going in with Princess Cadence, you'd rather return to your friend and your bed.
  3334. "I'll, um, I think I'll go back to sleep now," you quaver.
  3335. > Luna just gives you a smile and a nod, but there's something sad in it. Maybe she misses her sister. On a whim you step closer and brush your muzzle against Luna's flank, as high as you can reach.
  3336. > A moment later her wing settles around you. "I will get you to Equestria, Rosa," the alicorn promises. "I will bring you home."
  3337. > The tall pony has to lower her head a little, but you give her a grateful nuzzle when she does.
  3338. "Thank you. And, um, good night!"
  3339. > "Sleep well."
  3340. > She releases you and you walk briskly back to the tent.
  3342. > ~~~~
  3344. > A few - too few! - hours later, you wake up groggy and starving. On the next cot you can hear Sky Light snoring softly. She'd been essentially passed out when you came back after your talk with Luna.
  3345. > The smell wasn't too bad, but the couple had used one of Sky's blankets to clean up and it was now tossed in the corner. The pegasus will have to take that to the laundry herself, because you're certainly not touching it.
  3346. > Other than that, there's almost no mess to speak of. Maybe it was because Captain Zephyr was in a hurry.
  3347. > You twist to your back and stretch out all four legs in the air, making your own blanket slip aside. It's warm enough, so you don't particularly mind. The movement makes you yawn and arch your back, before flopping back down.
  3348. > Then you roll over and off your cot, shaking your head in a vain attempt to untangle it at least a little. Caramel had given you a brush, but you're starting to see the appeal of those military-style short manes.
  3349. > You pause for a few more seconds to stretch out your neck and turn your head this way and that, before stepping over to Sky Light and giving her a prod with your muzzle.
  3350. "Morning!"
  3351. > Her snoring stops and the mare opens one eye. "Already?" she asks, then immediately yawns.
  3352. > It's contagious and you join in before you can stop yourself.
  3353. "Y-Y- aaah."
  3354. > The pegasus mare blinks a few times, then gives you a sad little smile. "I hope Zephyr's mission is going well," she says.
  3355. "Really?" you exclaim. "First thought when you wake up is about him?"
  3356. > "No," Sky counters, "my first thought was: 'Damn, is it morning already?' My *second* thought was about Zephyr."
  3357. > You roll your eyes a little bit, but you're not angry. It's actually cute.
  3358. "Oh. Well, that's okay then."
  3359. > Giving her another nudge with your nose you stomp your hooves a little.
  3360. "Come on. Breakfast."
  3361. > She starts moving! The mare stretches out, almost exactly like you have done, except Sky Light adds her wings to the routine. Then she yawns again and rolls over. "Okay, fine, fine. I'm coming. There's coffee, right?"
  3362. > You remember seeing a bag in the kitchen, but you don't think you've seen anyone drink it.
  3363. "Dunno. I'll ask, just for you, 'kay?" you offer.
  3364. > It entices the mare enough to stand up and you immediately grimace at the state of that pony. Her mane- you decide not to think about it. Then her tail- well, best not to mention it. Her wings look like they've been through a paper shredder.
  3365. > Her fur, in places where it's not sticky, looks somehow *tangled* and you don't even know how that's possible.
  3366. > Then there's her face. Now that you look closely, it seems as if she has blown her nose in a handkerchief and then wiped it on her muzzle.
  3367. > Sky Light notices you staring and blushes. "Yeah, um, Zephyr is... enthusiastic when it comes to kissing."
  3368. > You're not sure that's saliva, but you won't bring it up, ever.
  3369. "Shower. Right now!"
  3370. > The pegasus lowers her ears and looks down at her hooves. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll meet you in the kitchen?"
  3371. "I'll try and get a coffee going."
  3372. > "Thanks, Rosa. You're a lifesaver."
  3373. > She wisely doesn't try to give you a hug as you step aside and then follow her out of the tent. There aren't too many ponies around, but she still quickens her step.
  3374. > That mare...
  3375. > Not to mention: That stallion...
  3376. > Now that the initial shock has passed, they feel appropriate together. Granted, you don't know Zephyr that well, but you do know Sky Light and she could use some of his discipline.
  3377. > For his part, you guess Zephyr likes a bit of snark every now and then. You'd heard him laughing at Sky's sarcastic jokes often enough.
  3378. > They also seem to be enjoying each other... physically. In fact, you're almost a little jealous, even though you try to bury that thought when it comes up.
  3379. > There's a strange little tingle in your body when you think about - finally - getting a nice colt like Paolo into your bed. You're really getting curious about what that actually feels like.
  3380. > You know it's supposed to be extremely pleasurable and if your urgent experiments that time you got into heat are any indication, the real thing will probably blow your mind.
  3381. > Soon, you hope. Get yourself to Equestria and then you'll have a chance to really live your life.
  3382. > Shame about Paolo.
  3383. > On a whim, as you walk to the mess tent, you decide to bring the topic up with Princess Luna. Maybe she'll be able, somehow, to get the colt out of the School and with you to Equestria.
  3384. > He probably wouldn't resist, especially if you swayed your hips a little at him.
  3385. > You suddenly notice that your tail is hitching up and force it modestly back down. No need to become as loose as Sky Light used to be. You can keep your tail down for a while longer.
  3386. > Good thing there aren't many ponies around who could see your blush, though.
  3388. > ~~~~
  3390. > It's already late morning by the time you get out of the mess tent. The delay came from you once again volunteering to help with the dishes and Sky Light insisting she tag along.
  3391. > The mare was more of a nuisance than help, but you liked seeing her this engaged and helpful, so you let her 'assist'.
  3392. > She didn't break anything, but that was mostly because the dishes were made of metal, rather than porcelain. Otherwise you'd have a larger mess on your hooves.
  3393. > Come to think of it, you'd pay good money to see Sky Light trying to do these common household tasks when - if - she really settles down with Zephyr Gale.
  3394. > "Those damn things are impossible to hold," the klutzy pegasus is complaining as you finally walk outside and into the bustle of the pony camp.
  3395. "It's not that bad," you counter. "It just takes practice."
  3396. > "Hah," is all your friend deigns to comment before changing the subject: "So, what's next?"
  3397. > You like having your friend back, even if it is only during Captain Zephyr's mission. Sometimes you miss those easygoing mornings on the street with Sky, when she led you around the town she knows so well.
  3398. > Just the pair of you against the world. It had truly been a simpler time.
  3399. > Hopefully you can get something like that back, once you're in Equestria. A simple life, preferably working on a garden somewhere and selling your produce.
  3400. > Almond had told you about how some pony towns have an outdoor market area, where anyone can set up a stall and sell their produce.
  3401. > It... doesn't sound half bad, actually.
  3402. > Right at the moment, however, Sky Light is looking at you quizzically.
  3403. "Sorry, I was just thinking about... something," you explain.
  3404. > She's still expecting a proper answer, so you scramble to think up something interesting.
  3405. "Well, we could go see Doctor Marley and chat for a bit."
  3406. > The pegasus doesn't seem enthused by the idea. She's not a huge fan of doctors and possibly hates them even more after the facility. Which reminds you.
  3407. "Oh, by the way, did they give you any kind of check-up back in that place?"
  3408. > The answer is 'yes', you can see that immediately from the way Sky lowers her ears, but you still politely wait for her to reply.
  3409. > "If you can call it a checkup..." she says miserably.
  3410. "Oh no! What happened?!"
  3411. > The mare heaves a sigh and slumps a little. "A bunch of stupid tests. Poking me with needles every day, some crazy thing with wires where I had to run on a treadmill, just a whole lot of nonsense human shit, really."
  3412. > What she describes doesn't seem any worse than the tests you'd had to go through yourself, but you elect not to say that out loud.
  3413. "I'm sorry. Was it very painful?"
  3414. > At least Sky Light shakes her head. "Not painful, just... stupid and pointless."
  3415. > You don't really have an answer for that, so you discard the idea to visit the doctor and look for something else.
  3416. "Anyway, we could go and look in on Luna, make sure she's doing okay, you know?"
  3417. > This perks the pegasus up. You could tell she was just as shocked as you were to find out that alicorns are real, but she hadn't had many chances to speak with either Princess.
  3418. > Not the way she was always wrapped up in Zephyr's wings, at least.
  3419. > "Hmm, actually I have some things to ask her..." Sky Light says tentatively. Her tone of voice suggests that she'd like to go, but for some reason wants you to convince her some more. It makes you roll your eyes.
  3420. "Well, let's just drop in for a quick chat. I mean, if she's busy, we'll just say hello and leave, right?"
  3421. > The pegasus nods. "Yeah, we don't wanna impose."
  3422. > You turn toward what you'd gotten to calling 'the command tent' and lead your friend there. Hopefully Cadence won't be in, you think.
  3423. > It's not all that far and you're soon standing in front of that flap again, debating internally how to knock. This time Sky Light takes matters into her own hooves and just pushes inside.
  3424. > Walking right on her heels, you both pause for a moment to let your eyes adjust to the gloom. A familiar voice sounds: "Oh, if it isn't the polite Miss Rosa!"
  3425. > It's the crystal pony, Mystic Comet, and you give him a bright smile.
  3426. "Hello! Um, are Princesses Luna and Cadence in?"
  3427. > The stallion shakes his head. "Princess Cadence is at a strategy meeting with her commanders. Princess Luna is in - you can just enter if you'd like."
  3428. > It's good news and your smile widens.
  3429. "Thank you, Mr. Comet!"
  3430. > This time you take the lead and walk to the 'door' in the fabric partition. Guessing that Luna must have heard you come in and your discussion with the bookkeeper pony, you nudge the cloth aside with your head and look in.
  3431. > The alicorn in question is lying on her belly on a foldable, iron camp bed. There's a book floating in the air, but the Princess isn't looking at it.
  3432. > "Oh. Hello. Is there something I might help you with?" she asks, taking in yourself and the pegasus right behind you.
  3433. > You enter fully and hold the flap open for Sky Light, who seems just a tiny bit reluctant. It's probably nerves - she hadn't spoken with Luna all that much and is probably awed by the sight of that pointy horn.
  3434. "No, nothing important, Princess," you reply once you're both inside. "We just wanted to come over and talk. Um, is this a bad time? We don't wanna be a nuisance..."
  3435. > Luna's mouth twitches into a half-smile, before she lowers the book and extends a wing to point at a couple of chairs. "Please, sit. Would you like some tea?"
  3436. > You shake your head and see Sky Light doing the same. You've both just come from the mess tent, where you'd had your fill.
  3437. > That settled, the alicorn waits for you both to get comfortable, before asking: "So, is there anything in particular you wished to talk about?"
  3438. > Now you glance pointedly at Sky Light, who blushes a little, but keeps eye contact with Luna. "A-Actually," the pegasus says, "I was wondering what would happen to me if- well, if I decided to immigrate."
  3439. > Your heart swells at the news, but you manage to keep your expression neutral.
  3440. > The alicorn gives the matter some thought, then asks: "I don't think I understand the question - what do you fear might happen to you?"
  3441. > Sky Light shrugs a little. "I mean, is there some immigration process? Paperwork? I heard when people immigrate to the U.S., they have to pass tests for language and history. I don't know anything about Equestria..."
  3442. > Luna brightens up. "Oh, nothing like that, don't worry. There is - as they say - a 'crash course' in Equestrian history and culture, as well as several seminars on Equestria's finance, etiquette, citizenship. Those are all strictly voluntary, of course."
  3443. "Oh, that sounds useful!" you add, already wishing to attend them all.
  3444. > "Does that answer your question?" Luna goes on, still looking at Sky Light.
  3445. > The mare nods a little, but then stops. "Well, yeah, kinda. How about jobs? I'm not sure I could do stuff like weather patrol - things like that."
  3446. > Rather than answering immediately, Luna stands up and walks over to the mare, who suddenly looks apprehensive. The alicorn brings her muzzle very close, then speaks softly: "Only if that is what you wish, Sky Light. For as long as you wish. Else, a stipend will be offered from the Royal Coffers. Equestria will take care of its own."
  3447. > For some reason, that statement fills your eyes with tears of pride. You feel obliged to jump in.
  3448. "I'd like to work with plants. It's my cutie mark and I haven't gotten a chance to, not really. Could I get a job like that somehwere?"
  3449. > Luna laughs, a very melodic sound you can't help but notice. "I shall personally recommend you to the Canterlot Castle gardening staff."
  3450. > The promise makes you shiver in delight and you can't keep your hooves still. Even Sky Light smiles at your eager anticipation.
  3451. > So that is it - you guess you've now both decided to go. It's a huge relief, but you also find an unexpected pang of sadness.
  3452. > You'll never get to see your friends again. Bluegrass and Pepper and Velvet. Yes, even Butch, after a fashion. Terry, though you're still a bit intimidated by the quiet man. Mario at the coffee shop.
  3453. > Pavo Basilius and his family. You think you'll miss them most of all, but then your thoughts slide back to the School.
  3454. > Your room mates, Iskra, sweet Felicity, Valentina and Amethyst.
  3455. > Paolo.
  3456. > Maybe, like Luna said, there will be some kind of peace and you can visit them - or they you. Maybe, in time, they will be able to join you in Equestria.
  3457. > You open your mouth to ask the alicorn, but she spots your expression and gives you a very reassuring smile, so you opt to keep your concerns to yourself for now.
  3458. > Sky Light had had enough trouble deciding already, you don't want to pile more uncertainty on top of that.
  3459. > The Princess is about to explain more, but there's a thump from the other section of the tent and then scurrying hooves. A disheveled, wild-eyed pony almost crashes through the door flap.
  3460. > "Princess L-Luna!" he gasps, somewhat out of breath. "You have to come quick! There's- they've- it's all gone wrong!"
  3461. > The poor stallion is near tears and your stomach instantly clenches up into a cold, small ball of terror.
  3462. > You look at Sky Light and see that she looks just as scared. There's only one thing he could be talking about - Zephyr's mission.
  3463. > Luna doesn't waste time by asking question. "Show me!" she commands and the pony gives a nod before running away.
  3464. > The Princess is gone a moment later, then Sky Light says: "Zephyr! Please let him be alright!" and rushes out after the alicorn.
  3465. > What else can you do? You jump from your chair and follow them, trying not to imagine all the horrible things that might have happened to the strange, night time mission.
  3467. > ~~~~
  3469. > Even while you're running after Luna and Sky Light you see that the ponies in the camp are worried. More than one look near tears and quite a number are very angry.
  3470. > You belly clenches up tighter with each step, but you push forward despite it.
  3471. > Suddenly you're there. At first all you can see is the blood, dark stains of it against the green of the uniforms. Snow Dove has a particularly vibrant smear of it across her muzzle.
  3472. > There's Dr. Marley, furiously bandaging a pony on the ground while Karsten is holding - you gasp - Almond's leg against a piece of wood.
  3473. > "Get that splinted!" the doctor is shouting. "Who else is hurt?!"
  3474. > Sky Light had stopped just at the edge of the spectating crowd but Princess Luna strides purposefully forward.
  3475. > "What happened?!" the alicorn demands, her voice clear and carrying enough to hush the worried ponies around you.
  3476. > One of the soldiers steps forward. "A-Ambush, Princess! It was like they knew when we were coming. They shot at us! They got..."
  3477. > He can't continue and lowers his gaze to the ground, but he doesn't have to say any more. Luna is already taking charge.
  3478. > "You!" the alicorn points at random. "Fetch Princess Cadence. You and you, whoever isn't wounded, get them out of here! The rest of you get some stretchers so we can move the injured to the medic tent!"
  3479. > It's a huge relief and you see it echoed in the muzzles around you as ponies move with new purpose. The ponies Luna had pointed out rush off on their tasks and several others join the ring around the scene and start pushing the crowd away.
  3480. > You and Sky Light are being jostled, but you stand your ground, going shoulder to shoulder with the earth pony trying to push you.
  3481. > "Wait!" Sky Light shouts, "Zephyr is in there! Is he okay? ZEPHYR!"
  3482. > Luckily the shout catches Luna's attention and you wave frantically. "Let them through," she says to the crowd control ponies and they step aside to let you and the pegasus pass.
  3483. "What hap-happened?!" you gasp out, still unable to take your eyes off Snow Dove and her bloody hoofprint.
  3484. > The mare comes over and throws both hooves and wings around you. "I'm so sorry, Rosa, it happened so fast! There wasn't anything we could do!"
  3485. > She's openly sobbing now and you return the hug. "It was all I could do to grab the Captain and drag him away, and then we were running back..."
  3486. > You open your muzzle to ask, trembling all over, but Sky Light's anguished wail answers your question.
  3487. > Neither of you had spotted the shrouded forms on the ground until now. One of the soldiers had pulled the cloth away for Luna to see.
  3488. > Before any of them can react, Sky Light is lying across the unmoving form of the Captain.
  3489. > "Please no no no, please!" she begs no one in particular. "Zephyr, wake up! Please wake up!"
  3490. > She is starting to shake the dead stallion and you free yourself from the sobbing Snow Dove. Your friend needs you more.
  3491. > Both you and Luna reach Sky at the same time, but you're slightly faster and throw your hooves around the pegasus.
  3492. "I'm so s-sorry!" you mumble, knowing that whatever you say won't be enough.
  3493. > "Why him?!" Sky Light wails and lets her dead lover fall back. Instead, she clutches you with blood-drenched hooves, but you don't mind. Her muzzle presses against your barrel and you just hold the weeping pony in place.
  3494. > She seems inconsolable, but you don't blame her. "I knew something would go wrong! I knew it!" Sky Light says and you pat her back as gently as you can. "Why him..." the mare demands of you, "why did he have to die?!"
  3495. > You don't have an answer and neither does Luna. The alicorn is looking at you and Sky with a sadness you haven't seen in her eyes before. She lays a wing over Sky's back, but doesn't speak.
  3496. > There's a fresh commotion behind you, but you don't look. You recognize Cadence's voice, demanding to know what has happened. The pink alicorn isn't someone you want to meet right now, so you're glad when Luna removes her wing and faces the other Princess.
  3497. > "See now what you have wrought?" Luna asks quietly.
  3498. > Cadence looks at the bodies, then at Sky, who is now wailing wordlessly into your fur. You keep your gaze steady as your eyes meet, but the Princess doesn't even flinch.
  3499. > Instead, she looks at Luna. "We are at war, Luna. There are sometimes casualties-"
  3500. > The hoof slap catches Cadence completely by surprise and she lifts up a leg to ward off another blow. It doesn't come, despite how furious Luna is.
  3501. > "This is madness! You're mad!" the Princess hisses. "I will not have you disrespect the fallen!"
  3502. > Ignoring her, Cadence simply walks around the older Princess and sits on her haunches next to you and Sky. She seems remorseful, so you guess that's something.
  3503. > "Listen, Sky Light - I'm sorry it happened this way. You must believe me that I don't want my ponies to die."
  3504. > Sky finally peels her muzzle away from your chest fluff and glares at the alicorn. She struggles to free herself and you let the pegasus go.
  3505. > "You bitch!" Sky Light says in a broken voice, making some of the ponies around gasp softly. "You sent them out there to die! It's your fault!"
  3506. > The mare would have kicked the Princess, but you had enough presence of mind to grab her again and restrain her.
  3507. "No, don't Sky. She's not worth it..."
  3508. > For a moment Princess Cadence has a crazed look in her eyes and you shrink back in fear. You don't know what she is going to do, but you feel it's going to be bad.
  3509. > You open your muzzle to warn Luna, but Cadence's light-blue magic wraps around Sky Light before you can speak.
  3510. "No, wait! She didn't mean-"
  3511. > Luna takes a step forward, but Cadence puts her wing in the way. "I'll help," the pink Princess says and the other alicorn hesitates.
  3512. > Her horn blazes brighter and the pool of light around Sky Light intensifies. It feels like a solid force when you try to reach your hoof to the surprised pegasus.
  3513. "Stop!"
  3514. > Luna pushes past Cadence's wing and steps in front of the crazy Princess. "Quit it, Cadence. Not even your power can ease this wound! Let her go."
  3515. > Cadence grins triumphantly, but she's concentrating hard and doesn't answer at first. It only takes a few more seconds, then the magic winks out and you rush forward to grasp Sky Light once more.
  3516. > The pegasus seems stunned. "What did you do to me?!" she demands.
  3517. > "Luna is right," Cadence answers, her tone once again kind and gentle. "I cannot bring back the dead, nor can I ease the pain they leave behind. My power lies in Love and you loved Zephyr very much."
  3518. > Sky Light manages a weak nod. You can see she is forcing herself not to look at the Captain, or she would go to pieces all over again.
  3519. > "You have lain with him not that long ago. I can't bring *him* back," Cadence goes on, "but I can give you something of his..."
  3520. > "Oh no," Luna whispers, going visibly pale.
  3521. > You clutch Sky Light closer against yourself.
  3522. > "What?!" the pegasus asks in a trembling whisper.
  3523. > "I brought your heat on early - it was only a few months away. Then I helped you conceive. It is within my domain, Sky Light. In eleven months you will have Zephyr Gale's daughter."
  3524. > "WHAT?!" the pegasus shouts and grabs her belly with her hooves.
  3525. > You're suddenly horrified by that pink and purple maniac and want nothing more to do with her.
  3526. > "This is insanity, Cadence," Luna says, advancing on the other Princess. "You've gone completely mad!"
  3527. > "Take it back! Take it back!" Sky begs. "I can't- not like- I can't!"
  3528. > Cadence shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Sky Light, but life, once begun, is sacred in Equestria. I've ensured the pregnancy will go well and after you've grieved, you will be glad to have at least some part of Zephyr Gale with you."
  3529. "That's sick! You're a monster!" you snap, pointing an accusing hoof.
  3530. > Luna nods, even though she doesn't look at you. "Rosa is right, Cadence. You've gone beyond reason. I hereby relieve you of command and-"
  3531. > "Oh no you won't!" the other alicorn shouts and her horn lights up to defend herself, but Luna is faster.
  3532. > There's a - you can only call it a 'flash' - of darkness. For a moment everything goes pitch black, like the dead of night. When light returns to the world, Cadence is on the ground, but you see that her chest is moving.
  3533. > "She will sleep for thirty-six hours," Luna proclaims calmly. She turns to some of the soldiers, who are looking at the scene with deep unease. "Begin packing up the camp. We return to Equestria today."
  3534. > Then the Princess points out a couple of stallions. "Take Princess Cadence to her tent and place her on a bed. When we're back in Canterlot I will put her before my Sister. Celestia will decide what to do with her."
  3535. > The orders given and the ponies scurrying about their tasks, Luna comes to you and Sky Light, who has started sobbing once more.
  3536. > "I can't be pregnant! I won't be," the pegasus is saying. "Not again! I'll just fuck it up again! Oh God, Zephyr is dead!"
  3537. > It seems too much misery for one pony to hold, but there's not much you can do except hug her and stroke her back.
  3538. > Luna sits down beside you and sighs. Her ears are lowered. "I'm sorry about this, the both of you. You will be made welcome in Canterlot, I promise. If there's anything else I may do..."
  3539. > Another sigh. "Please ask."
  3540. "T-Thank you, P-Princess. I know it wasn't your fault," you tell Luna.
  3541. > "Except it was," the alicorn says. "I saw that Cadence was unstable. I didn't agree with this mission of hers. I should have relieved her of command right there and then, and taken us all back, but I didn't. For that I'm sorry."
  3542. > Sky Light is still weeping into your fur. You don't know what else to do, but then you get an idea.
  3543. > It has always helped you when you were feeling sad. This is on an entirely different level, of course, but you'll try anything at this point.
  3544. > Softly, hesitantly, you start humming your tune right in Sky Light's ear. Maybe it will remind her of a happier time, back in the city.
  3545. > You finish what little of the melody you know and start over, when Luna speaks up. "Where did you learn that song, Rosa?"
  3546. "I don't know," you tell her, "I've just always known it."
  3547. > The alicorn has an intent look on her muzzle. "I have heard that song before. Only a few ponies ever sang it and I knew the mare who first came up with it."
  3548. "Who?!"
  3549. > Despite the tragedy, you're intensely curious. That melody has been with you for as long as you can remember, through times both sad and happy. Maybe you'll find out where it came from.
  3550. > "Yes, I should have seen it earlier. You have her eyes, Rosa. You have kind eyes."
  3551. > Luna was smiling, but it was bittersweet. Like remembering something nice, tainted by something bad.
  3552. > You open your mouth to ask, but she begins talking before you can say anything.
  3553. > "You probably have never heard of the Elements of Harmony, correct? There are six ponies with wondrous magic. Five of them live in Equestria, but one was taken to Earth."
  3554. > Luna looks over at Cadence, who was being loaded on a stretcher by a couple of earth ponies.
  3555. > "In fact, part of the reason we were here was to look for her. I believe she is- or was your mother."
  3556. > Your heart jumps up into your throat and you hug Sky Light more tightly against your barrel.
  3557. "M-M-My m-mother?!"
  3558. > "Have you ever met your mother?" Luna asks.
  3559. > You shake your head.
  3560. > "Do you know if she lives?"
  3561. "I think she's alive! Instructor Martha said she was, once when I asked! I think she's somewhere in the School!"
  3562. > The alicorn looks excited, almost eager. "If that is so, then I propose we get her out."
  3563. > You're too stunned to completely grasp what Luna is saying.
  3564. "G-Get her out?"
  3565. > The alicorn leans down to press her muzzle against yours. "We will speak of it later. See to Sky Light. She will need you, now more than ever." Then the mare stands up and goes to leave.
  3566. > An old question rises up, burning through your mind.
  3567. "Wait, Luna! W-Who is my mother?!" you ask.
  3568. > The Princess turns back and gives you a smile. "Your mother's name, Rosa, is Fluttershy. She is the Element of Kindness and, I am proud to say, one of my closest friends."
  3569. > A bit more quietly, she goes on: "Perhaps that is why I was able to reach your dreams after all the others were gone. Yes. Some of her spirit is undoubtedly in you."
  3570. > The mare smiles at you. "You have kind eyes, Rosa. Her eyes."
  3571. > As your vision blurs you feel the Princess pat you on your back with a wing. "Don't worry, we will find her and free her, this I promise you."
  3572. > The alicorn lets out a breath and repeats: "We will bring Fluttershy home."
  3574. > ~~~~
  3576. > Your name is, surprisingly, still Rosa and you don't know how to even feel. Except pissed off. Oh, and bewildered. Also scared.
  3577. > You guess you do know how to feel, after all, but that doesn't make it any easier.
  3578. > Sky Light has cried herself out on your cot. That had been some quick thinking on your part when you remembered what she'd been doing on her own bed just a few hours ago.
  3579. > Rubbing her muzzle in that smell, and the memory it undoubtedly invoked, would have been too cruel, so you left the weeping pony outside for just a few seconds while you hurriedly bundled up her bedclothes and blankets into a ball
  3580. > The whole thing you then tossed at some random passerby and told him to take it to laundry.
  3581. > There probably won't be laundry for very long, but that doesn't matter in the slightest. The inside of the tent was thus cleaned up as best as possible under the circumstances and you finally brought Sky Light inside and laid her down on your bed.
  3582. > It took her some two hours of incoherent mumbling, weeping, anger, and downright begging before she cried herself out and fell into a somewhat uneasy, troubled sleep.
  3583. > You don't know if she's having nightmares or happy dreams, but every now and then she moves and mumbles something. She also won't release you, but that's fine. You don't want to go anywhere, not when your friend needs you like this.
  3584. > Maybe your presence is making it a little better.
  3585. > On the other hand - *hoof* - it has given you some time to think.
  3586. > You know a name now. Fluttershy. A very Equestrian sounding name, but it's all you have to go on. Oh, and her being this 'Element of Kindness', whatever that means. It sounds important, but you haven't heard any of the camp ponies mention it even once.
  3587. > Maybe it's a historical thing?
  3588. > Princess Luna said she had been captured, although not how exactly. Then, apparently not long after, Fluttershy must have ended up in the School where she- well, *had* you.
  3589. > It's a futile effort, but you still try to imagine what she looks like. Luna had said you have your mother's eyes, so that part is easy.
  3590. > What would be her coat color, though? Kindness. Maybe something loving and welcoming, then, like pink or some shade of red? Well, probably not red, that looks too much like blood.
  3591. > You shudder at the memory of Snow Dove absolutely covered in Captain Zep-
  3592. > No! You stomp out that thought ruthlessly before you start crying again and wake up Sky Light.
  3593. > How about white? Snow Dove is one of the friendliest ponies you know, so maybe your mother is also a shade of white? You won't know for sure until you ask, but you settle on that for now.
  3594. > Moving on, what would be the cutie mark for kindness? A hug? How do you stylize a hug? You completely fail at imagining it. Maybe it would be easier if you'd grown up with the stuff, but you're drawing all kinds of a blank right now.
  3595. > Anyway, whatever her shape and color, you're absolutely certain you love Fluttershy dearly. She sang to you when you were just a baby and the song had been so powerful and heartfelt that it has stayed with you all your life.
  3596. > Whenever you were sad, you just hummed that and it felt like you were a little bit less alone. As if your mother had been there, sharing the sadness and supporting you, unseen, but still somehow present.
  3597. > More than that. Whenever you were happy and full of joy, you sang the song and your mother was there to share in that, too!
  3598. > Now that you look back in retrospect it feels like she's been by your side all your life, through that simple piece of music. You remember it, but don't sing it out loud.
  3599. > Despite the tragedy you'd just witnessed, somehow you feel it's all going to be alright.
  3600. > "Rosa?" Sky Light says in a hoarse whisper.
  3601. > You shuffle around so you're looking at her and the sight almost makes you flinch. Her eyes are pinpricks of terror and she's trembling a little.
  3602. "I'm here," you tell her the obvious, because it needs telling.
  3603. > "I can't go through with this," the pegasus murmurs. She lets go of you for a moment to place her hooves over her belly. "I c-can't, I can't, not again!"
  3604. > Without any better ideas you just give her a nuzzle and try to comfort her as best you can.
  3605. "It'll be okay! It's going to work out."
  3606. > The mare refuses to believe it and shakes her head vehemently. "I'll fuck it up again," she claims, "I'm not- I can't do this! I'm not ready! Not like this!"
  3607. > You swallow and hesitantly say:
  3608. "W-What about, um, ad-adoption?"
  3609. > Sky blinks in confusion, then her muzzle scrunches up in a grimace. She hates the idea, you can tell, but at the same time it's like a lifeline. At the very least it gets her thinking about the future.
  3610. > "No," she says finally and her ears fold down. "No, I couldn't."
  3611. > The pegasus closes her eyes and heaves a prolonged, shuddering breath. You wait until she opens her eyes again and gives you a piercing stare.
  3612. > "You gotta help me, Rosa," she pleads.
  3613. "Of course I'll help! Sky, I'm with you! I'll help with anything you need."
  3614. > It's not exactly clear how you can help with her being pregnant, but even if she needs waiting on hand and foot - hoof and... hoof, you guess? - you'll do it.
  3615. > The mare takes her hooves off her belly and puts them on your shoulders, as if making sure you're real. "You gotta keep me good, okay? I can't hit the bottle again. I'll want to. Once this-"
  3616. > Her eyes fill up and she sniffs, but Sky Light pushes bravely onward: "Once h-his death really hits home, I'll want to. God, how I'll want to!"
  3617. "I won't let you!" you promise, horrified.
  3618. > "It fucking hurts, Rosa, but it's gonna get a whole lot worse. I don't think I even really believe he's gone yet. I guess I'm in shock or s-something..."
  3619. > Whatever else she was going to say is lost in a fresh wail.
  3620. > "Oh God, he can't be gone! Please, my Zephyr, you can't be dead!"
  3621. > After that she devolves into wordless crying again, so you just hold her and wait for it to pass. It takes a while, but then the mare is lucid and scared again.
  3622. > "Please don't let me k-kill this one, t-too," she begs. "Rosa, I'm gonna fuck it up, I know it!"
  3623. > She needs to stop thinking about the bad, you decide. An idea occurs, risky, but you don't know what else to do.
  3624. "It's gonna be fine. What are you going to name your and Zephyr's daughter?"
  3625. > This shuts the pegasus up and her eyes bulge out in shock. She opens and closes her mouth a few times. "N-Name?"
  3626. > You force a smile.
  3627. "Yeah! Sky, you're gonna have a daughter. Cadence said so. She's a... b-bitch, but she's probably right about that. So, what'll you name her?"
  3628. > Sky Light looks into the distance for a while. You guess your tactic is working, because she doesn't seem like she'll burst into tears again.
  3629. > At long last her face lights up and she even manages a small, tentative smile. "I know," she proclaims. "I'll call her 'Iris'."
  3630. > You also can't help but grin.
  3631. "Like the flower?"
  3632. > "Mhm!"
  3633. > Sky's face crumples again and you can see she's thinking about her first child, also named after a flower. You urgently put your hooves around the pony and squeeze.
  3634. "It's a beautiful name! And you're gonna make a great mom, Sky Light!"
  3635. > "H-How do you know that?!"
  3636. "Well, you took good care of me, didn't you? I'm still alive, aren't I?"
  3637. > She seems uncertain, but at least she's thinking about it. "I g-guess?" she finally admits. "Haven't been that good of an influence, though..."
  3638. "What do you mean?"
  3639. > Sky rolls her eyes a little, but counts out the things anyway: "Well, one, I got you involved with drug smuggling. Two, I helped you break into a secret government place. Three, we're now involved with a resistance group. Anything else?"
  3640. > You're about to say no, but Sky has more: "Oh yeah, I took you on a road trip across the country with a trucker. We could have been killed or worse!"
  3641. > This time you shake your head emphatically.
  3642. "Nuh-huh, not with Pavo Basilius. You're a good judge of character and know who to trust."
  3643. > Finally the mare has no more answers, so you press your advantage some more.
  3644. "Anyway, I wouldn't have made it without you, Sky. That's how I know you'll do great, okay? Besides, we're going to Equestria and Luna said they'll take care of us!"
  3645. > Of all things, Sky light looks a bit doubtful, but she doesn't argue. She can tell you believe Luna, even if Sky herself doesn't absolutely trust the alicorn. Maybe that's good enough for her.
  3646. > It looks like the worst is over, so you might be able to go and tend to your bodily needs.
  3647. "Listen, I need to go pee and then I need to go see Princess Luna about- something..."
  3648. > "About your mother?"
  3649. "Yes."
  3650. > "That's... something, I guess. I h-hope you can get her out."
  3651. "With Luna we will," you say, confidently.
  3652. > Sky just gives you a nod, once again lost in her own thoughts. She seems a bit calmer now, but the dam might burst again any minute and you really should be there for her.
  3653. > Except that you're about to explode.
  3654. "Look, I *really* need to go, okay? I'll talk with Luna for five minutes, just so I know what the plan is, and then I'll grab us something to eat, okay?"
  3655. > "I'm not hungry."
  3656. > You sigh and extricate yourself from the hug.
  3657. "You gotta eat, Sky. It's important. I know you don't feel like it, but I'll bring us something good and we'll eat together, right?"
  3658. > The mare doesn't look at you. "I guess..."
  3659. > It's probably the best you're going to get. You'll just have to feed her, by force if necessary. You lean down to give her a nuzzle, which she reluctantly returns.
  3660. "I'll be right back!"
  3661. > You don't get a reply, so you just leave, hurrying for the latrines.
  3663. > ~~~~
  3665. > The camp is an entirely different place now, it seems. It has never been exactly 'lazy', but the place is now bustling with activity. Everywhere you look you see ponies taking down tents or packing up various strange equipment onto carts.
  3666. > You even see the griffin in the distance for the first time. You haven't spotted him until now, although you haven't actually really gone out of your way and looked for him.
  3667. > Another mythical creature and you're a bit curious about him, but that beak looks vicious and those claws look sharp and you've just had a big upheaval so you leave it for another time.
  3668. > A couple of ponies in dark green uniforms march smartly past you, their backs positively loaded with what look like blankets and towels. You don't recognize either of them, but they seem familiar. Maybe from Zephyr's command?
  3669. > You shake your head sadly and head onward. The smell of the latrines greets you before the sight, but you're used to it by now and just take shallow breaths as you approach.
  3670. > It doesn't take a long time in any case and you're soon hurrying away, this time heading for the command tent.
  3671. > You see Princess Luna outside, giving some orders and generally directing the action. She doesn't see you approach, so you just stop at the edge of the crowd and wait until she's not busy.
  3672. > Pretty soon everyone - *everypony* - had run off with instructions and the Princess beckons you over.
  3673. > "How is your friend?" she asks as soon as you're close enough so she doesn't have to shout.
  3674. "I think she'll be fine, but someone should be with her all the time."
  3675. > Luna shakes her head sadly. "It is never easy losing a loved one."
  3676. > It sounds as if she speaks from experience and you suddenly remember that she's hundreds and hundreds of years old. She must have had friends, maybe even lovers, who all died during the course of her long life.
  3677. > Being an alicorn princess suddenly doesn't seem so much as a gift as it does a curse. You shove the thought away to consider later.
  3678. "It's not just that," you tell her, "it's also the whole... pregnancy thing."
  3679. > Luna's brow furrows a little. "Is that not cause for joy? Granted, the circumstances are not ideal..."
  3680. "No, you don't understand. She was pregnant once before..."
  3681. > You look around in case anyone is listening, then still lower your voice, just in case. You're about to tell Sky Light's secret, after all, but it doesn't feel like betrayal when you're telling it to Luna.
  3682. > It would still be a good thing to make sure.
  3683. "Don't tell anyone, okay? I don't think Sky Light wants people to know."
  3684. > Luna holds up a hoof to silence you, then she lifts up the tent flap with a wing. "Come in. It sounds as if this should be discussed in private."
  3685. > You follow her through both doors into the inner part of the tent. The Princess closes the fabric behind you, then her horn glows briefly. You look around, but nothing has moved.
  3686. > "I have put a spell around us to dampen all sound. Nopony will hear what is said in here."
  3687. > That sounds like a useful trick.
  3688. > "You may speak now. I promise to keep your and Sky Light's secrets."
  3689. > You believe her promise a hundred percent.
  3690. "Well, she was pregnant once before, but she ran away and got scared and ended up drinking until..."
  3691. > You close your eyes but it's too late and a few tears escape.
  3692. "Well, she lost the child. And now this. Can you understand?"
  3693. > Luna is silent for a long while and you can't read any emotion on her muzzle. She is quite good at keeping her expression neutral.
  3694. > "I see," the alicorn says at last. "This is... troubling news. What do you propose we do?"
  3695. > You shrug a little, allowing yourself a teensy bit of pride at being asked for opinion by this powerful mare.
  3696. "I guess we never leave her alone and make sure she doesn't do it again. She pretty much asked me to keep an eye on her and make sure."
  3697. > Another idea occurs.
  3698. "While we're gone to, um, save my mother. Do you think Snow Dove could watch over Sky Light? They both lost Zephyr and at least Sky already knows Snow Dove."
  3699. > "Good idea. I will give the orders. What else?"
  3700. > There's nothing else that you can think of, so you just shrug again.
  3701. "Just keep her comfortable, I guess. Make sure she eats. Stuff like that. I'll stay with her in Equestria, if that's possible?"
  3702. > You see no reason why the ponies in Equestria would try and separate you from Sky Light, but you'll feel better if you make sure.
  3703. > "Of course, I will personally ensure this is so."
  3704. > It all finally catches up with you and you sit down heavily. The tears are flowing uncontrolled now.
  3705. "I didn't r-really know h-him, you know? Zephry. But I know he was making Sky Light ha-"
  3706. > You can't hold back a sob, but you try and finish your sentence anyway.
  3707. "-ha- happy."
  3708. > A wing is draped around your withers and you're pulled against a warm, navy-blue flank. You'd nuzzle it, but you'd just smear tears and grime on it.
  3709. > Noticing your concern, Luna grunts and simply pulls you with her wing until you're smooshed against her side. You press your muzzle against her barrel gratefully.
  3710. "T-Thanks..."
  3711. > "You're in no condition for a covert operation, and yet we cannot do this without you, Rosa. I will give you as long as I can, but you must focus. Fluttershy is more important than you can ever imagine."
  3712. "Why?"
  3713. > Luna takes a few seconds, possibly to think about what to say. When she finally speaks, her voice is gentle, quiet.
  3714. > "When the war started we thought it was the fault of someone in charge. That the men - the regular humans - were just being forced into it. There used to be a very powerful weapon..."
  3715. > She falls silent and shakes her head. "No, not exactly a weapon. You might call it a 'defense'. The Elements of Harmony wielded powerful magic against some of our most terrifying foes."
  3716. > It feels like she is expecting something from you, but you don't know what.
  3717. "Uh-huh?" you prompt.
  3718. > "To our surprise, when Twilight and her friends wielded their power against the human commander in Equestria, nothing happened. It took us some time to understand."
  3719. > There's another pause, but you don't mind. You've closed your eyes and are pressing your ear against Luna's chest, listening to the slow, steady and powerful heartbeat within.
  3720. > The alicorn goes on: "The Elements work by eliminating evil where they find it. They didn't do anything against the humans because, unlike Cadence thinks, they are not inherently evil. At least not in a way that the Elements would recognize."
  3721. "I could have told you that..."
  3722. > Yes, there are some quite bad people on Earth, but most humans you've met aren't evil, not really. Not like in the movies and cartoons. Misguided, selfish, greedy, yes. Evil, no.
  3723. > Your comment makes Luna chuckle and her wing tightens around you. "Well, the next time we face a dilemma like this I will be sure to seek the council of the yet-unborn. Thank you, Rosa."
  3724. > You can't help but laugh a little with her and for a while the world doesn't seem quite as dark.
  3725. > "In any case, the attempt was not received well and the humans captured Fluttershy. Without her, the rest of the Elements do not work."
  3726. "B-But you said they won't work against humans!" you point out.
  3727. > "True," Luna admits, "but there are other threats. The Elements might be needed, so we have to reunite them. That would be reason enough, even if-"
  3728. > She falls silent with a small sigh.
  3729. "Even if what?"
  3730. > The alicorn releases you and you look up into her smiling face. "Even if Fluttershy and the others weren't my close friends. Either of those reasons is enough to save her, don't you think?"
  3731. > You nod emphatically.
  3732. > Now Luna's expression grows somber. "That is why I must ask you to do a difficult thing, Rosa," he says.
  3733. > Somehow you know what she'll say, but you still wait for her to say it.
  3734. > "I will need you to put this sadness aside, at least for a while, and join the mission to save her. You know the place and the people in it. You are our best chance to avoid a fight which would undoubtedly result in more needless death. Can you do it?"
  3735. > You look deep inside and give it some thought. Can you put Zephyr's death and Sky Light's tragedy aside for a few hours? Can you focus on the mission and forget about the larger world around it?
  3736. > For Fluttershy?
  3737. > For your mother?
  3738. > You don't remember frowning, but you suddenly realize your muzzle is scrunched up in fierce determination.
  3739. "I can do it!" you say firmly. "I'll help."
  3740. > Luna smiles proudly at you. "Good. We have some hours yet while Crescent Flitter flies to the school with the Beacon. I suggest you eat and spend more time with your friend."
  3741. > After you nod, the princess continues: "I will send Snow Dove to keep an eye on Sky Light while you're gone. I propose we leave tonight, after the camp is torn down and as soon as the Beacon is in place."
  3742. "Yeah, that's f-fine. Um, thanks."
  3743. > "No, Rosa. Thank you."
  3744. > Luna lights up her horn once more and you look around again to see what moved. Then you remember her spell against eavesdropping. She probably undid it or something.
  3745. > You give her a nod, then slip out of the room. There's no one in the outer section, which is a small relief. Your eyes are still wet and you could use a few minutes to dry them.
  3746. > Hopefully the walk to the kitchen tent will be long enough. Then you'll grab two portions of whatever is ready and hurry back to Sky Light.
  3747. > Little more than half a day and then you'll be sneaking into another human place yet again. Except this time without Sky Light by your side.
  3748. > At least, you think, you might get a proper uniform rather than two black sweaters tied around your belly.
  3749. > That mental image makes you chuckle for some reason. It had been a good idea, but it looked comical as all hell. You enjoy a short laugh, even if it is at your own expense. You sorely need it right now.
  3751. > ~~~~
  3753. > You never really thought you'd see the place again, but here you are now.
  3754. > A very uneasy and somewhat worried Rosa, standing in front of the dark and quiet dorm building at the Pony School.
  3755. > Crescent Flitter had managed to fly an incredible distance with the Beacon so that Princess Luna was able to open a Bore right to the School. It's no wonder the stallion is dripping sweat, but what's weird is that he doesn't seem completely exhausted.
  3756. > Weird pegasus military training, you expect.
  3757. > You glance up at the windows where you yourself used to sleep, not that long ago. You wish you could go and say hello to your friends, but you can't. You're here for a much more important reason.
  3758. > Getting your mother out of this place and back to Equestria.
  3759. > It's a good thing you have help. There's Luna, of course, and Starlight Glimmer, both of whom you know and trust. Besides Crescent Flitter, there's also Almond Hooves from Zephyr's old command and two other ponies, Misty Glow and Sapphire Lightning, whom you've met briefly at the resistance camp but don't know too well. They are both unicorns and you're pretty sure they're a couple.
  3760. > The alicorn is standing next to you, observing the dorm building for a while before turning back to give some orders.
  3761. > "Starlight, you have experience with surveillance. See if you can find the night guard's office and disable the cameras. Meanwhile, Almond Hooves, you scout out the area and let us know if any humans we are not aware of are patrolling around."
  3762. > You swallow a lump and wait for the Princess to glance at you.
  3763. "C-Can I help?" you mumble.
  3764. > "Of course. You can tell us where we should start looking."
  3765. > Her question is unexpected and your ears flop.
  3766. "I d-dunno," you admit. "I've never seen more than the dorms and the classrooms."
  3767. > Luna gives you an encouraging smile. "In that case, we know where not to look."
  3768. > She goes back to observing the School and you turn to follow her gaze. She is staring at a solitary lit window on the ground floor of the administration building. You wonder which one of the teachers or staff could be up this late.
  3769. > Maybe they're grading some test answers, or finishing up the paperwork for the day. You don't have a clock, but it is certainly past nine, otherwise some windows on the dorm building would be lit.
  3770. > "Perhaps we can ask for directions..." Luna says quietly, mostly to herself.
  3771. "What do you mean?"
  3772. > She is still looking at the lit window, but now she addresses the soldier ponies. "Sapphire Lightning and Misty Glow, you can teleport into that room, correct?"
  3773. > The unicorns don't hesitate before saying: "Yes, ma'am!"
  3774. > "Good," Luna replies. "As soon as Starlight is done with the cameras, you will do so and capture any humans within."
  3775. "Are you g-going to, um, k-kill them?" you stutter nervously.
  3776. > "Of course not," Luna says and the two unicorns look shocked at the suggestion. "Tie them up, prevent them from raising an alarm. Then we will simply ask them some questions."
  3777. > The pegasus, Crescent Flitter raises his voice, if a little hesitantly: "What if they refuse to answer, Princess?"
  3778. > Luna smiles and the look on her muzzle chills you a little. "I can be very... persuasive. Call it a remnant of the Nightmare."
  3779. > "Understood, ma'am."
  3780. > You don't exactly like what the alicorn is suggesting, but you're trying to do something very important and if Luna has to put the fear of, well 'alicorn', into them, it will be a necessary thing.
  3781. > She's not going to torture them, you're certain of that much. Cadence might have, but Luna won't. Intimidation would be the worst of it.
  3782. > Things go quiet again as you all go back to waiting for Starlight. Very soon you find your eyes wandering back to the dorm building. You seek out Paolo's window and imagine that you see a slight flicker of light.
  3783. > They are probably watching a movie on their iPad or something. What wouldn't you give to be able to go up there now and snuggle down next to the pegasus colt and watch something romantic with him.
  3784. > Luna catches your expression, because she steps closer and whispers: "Something on your mind, Rosa?"
  3785. > You shake your head.
  3786. "N-Nothing."
  3787. > Unfortunately she has spotted the blush and grins knowingly. "Ah, that colt you like."
  3788. "What?! How do you know that?!"
  3789. > Luna rolls her eyes, but her smile widens. "I can walk dreams, little Rosa. Do not worry, my ponies' secrets are quite safe with me."
  3790. > You can't remember your dreams all too precisely. Hopefully you hadn't been doing anything too embarrassing.
  3791. > As you're trying to come up with a different topic you get an idea and your breath catches.
  3792. "Um, Princess? C-Could we, maybe, um, rescue some po-ponies from the School?"
  3793. > Luna gives this some consideration. "I have thought about this, yes," she finally says and your heart swells with hope until you sense the 'but' coming.
  3794. > "But," the alicorn continues, "from what you have told me, most ponies in this place are firmly convinced that the humans are doing a good thing. They would be liable to call for help when they see us."
  3795. > That sounds depressingly true. A few months ago you would have done the same if you found some strangers walking the halls at night or breaking into your room.
  3796. > Still, you're not quite ready to let go of your hope.
  3797. "M-Maybe just my old r-roommates and, uh, those colts? They trust me, I could convince them to come..."
  3798. > Luna is silent for a while and you get another idea.
  3799. "There are also some ponies who work as servants. Some of them are old enough to remember Equestria."
  3800. > "You said there is only a single guard here each night, correct?"
  3801. "Yes!"
  3802. > The alicorn paces a little as she thinks about your proposal. Finally she speaks: "We will find Fluttershy first, then we will see. If we are not detected, and if we know where to look, I will consider it."
  3803. > It's not a yes, but now there's a chance you might get Paolo out of the School and to Equestria with you. It almost makes you prance, but you force your hooves to remain still.
  3804. > After another minute of waiting you hear rustling and look just in time to see Starlight Glimmer coming back across the grass.
  3805. > "All clear," the unicorn announces. "Their cameras won't work and I used a stun ray on the guard. I don't think there's any other human in this place."
  3806. > Luna shakes her head. "There is at least one more, I think, but they will not be a problem. Sapphire Lightning and Misty Glow, you are on. We will follow as soon as Almond Hooves is back."
  3807. > The two unicorns bow their heads for a second, then walk off at a brisk, if quiet pace.
  3808. > Starlight watches them go. "Should I go and help?"
  3809. > "No," Luna replies, "If anything goes wrong they will need us and I would like to keep the element of surprise."
  3810. > The unicorn seems a bit doubtful, but she doesn't say anything. You go back to waiting in quiet, but your gaze keeps getting drawn to the window where you imagine you see the flickering light of the iPad screen.
  3811. > Starlight joins you. "What are you looking at?" she asks softly.
  3812. "I think those colts are still awake and watching movies on an iPad."
  3813. > The unicorn stares at the building for a while, but you don't think she sees anything. She doesn't know which window to look at and the glow is quite dim. For that matter, you might be imagining it.
  3814. > "Cute," she finally says and turns back to Princess Luna.
  3815. > A moment later there's a fresh rustle and Almond Hooves walks up. "All clear," the stallion reports.
  3816. > "Good. Let's go after Sapphire Lightning and Misty Glow," Luna commands and you fall in step behind her while the other three ponies flank you.
  3817. > It's happening. A part of you can't really believe it and thinks this is just a dream.
  3818. > The Princess leads the ragtag group to the Administrative building with the lit window. You try and keep your heart from hammering, but it's useless as you press against the wall.
  3819. > There shouldn't be any more humans at the School, right? You look around and see that Starlight Glimmer is right beside you.
  3820. "There's no more humans, right?"
  3821. > "How should I know?!" the mare hisses back. "You're the one who used to live here!"
  3822. > You force yourself to calm down and think. You haven't been too adventurous in your years at the School, but you've spoken with ponies who were. Bits and pieces, but over time they've built up a whole picture.
  3823. "Yeah, yeah, you're right," you whisper, "just the night guard and whoever that is. I guess working late and catching up with their paperwork."
  3824. > Luna spends a few moments listening, then her horn lights up and she opens the window. She doesn't hesitate and sticks her head up to have a look.
  3825. > Right after that she visibly relaxes and looks around at the rest of her troop. "It's safe. Come on," she says and jumps.
  3826. > It's easy for her and Crescent Flitter. All it takes for pegasi is a single flap of their wings to clear the windowsill and land inside.
  3827. > You're in the process of crouching to try and jump, but Starlight pushes a hoof on your back. "Hold on, I'll help."
  3828. > Magic wraps up around your barrel and you barely suppress a squeak as you're lifted right off your hooves and floated gently into the room. You see Almond Hooves following closely behind, but he seems used to it.
  3829. > It beats flying, at least. You're never letting a pegasus carry you around, unless your life absolutely depends on it. Even then you'll give it some thought.
  3830. > Shortly after you and Almond land beside Luna you see Starlight following, wrapped up in her own magical glow.
  3831. > You didn't know she could do that. Isn't it physically impossible to pick yourself up? Looks like magic doesn't obey any of the usual rules, though.
  3832. > After watching the unicorn land, you take a look around the room. It seems like a perfectly ordinary office. You might even have been in it already, in what seems like a past life.
  3833. > You can't tell whose it is, not without going out in the hallway and looking at the door tag.
  3834. > Misty Glow is standing in the door connecting two offices together and waving you in. "We've got her," she tells Luna. "No struggle. Sapphire is holding her in place, ma'am."
  3835. > Luna glances around to make sure you're all there, then walks to see the prisoner. Her gait changes mid step and suddenly she's this haughty, regal, stern Princess going to survey her kingdom.
  3836. > It's bound to make the human think twice before lying to her!
  3837. > You're not sure if you want to go see, especially since you might know this person, but at the same time you have to. Ears folded down, you follow the Princess into the other room.
  3838. > When you spot who it is, tied up with thick bands of magic in a chair, you can't hold back a little gasp.
  3839. > Instructor Martha's eyes widen even more when she sees you. "Mmmpphh?!" she tries to exclaim, despite the cord of magic blocking her mouth.
  3840. "In-Instructor M-Martha?!" you squeak.
  3841. > Luna looks at you, but she doesn't seem particularly surprised. The other ponies do, but only until they remember you spent most of your life in this place. It would make sense that you knew whoever it was.
  3842. > "If we allow you to speak, will you promise not to scream?" the Princess asks. After a moment's thought, the Instructor nods.
  3843. > "Do it," the alicorn commands and after a few seconds the magic around the woman's face vanishes.
  3844. > She gapes for a bit longer, then repeats: "Is zat you, Rosa? What are you doing with zese..."
  3845. > Catching Luna's eyes, the Instructor wisely doesn't finish her sentence.
  3846. "It's- I'm not- Um, we're not going to hurt anyone!"
  3847. > Your reassurance doesn't help, but luckily Luna sees your discomfort and steps in. "If you answer my questions, we will do what we came here to do and then we will be on our way, I promise. You'll never see any of us again."
  3848. > Martha's lips press together and you think she's about to curse, or shout. You see Sapphire tense up, ready to plug the human's mouth at a moment's notice.
  3849. > The instructor takes a deep breath, then asks in a low growl: "What do you want?"
  3850. > Without beating around the bush, Luna simply asks her question. "We know you have a breeding program here. We'll take the ponies home."
  3851. > It doesn't look like the Instructor is going to help at all, so you step around the alicorn and give Martha a pleading look.
  3852. "Please help, Instructor. We just want to take those ponies. M-My mother..."
  3853. > Success! Her face softening as she watches you, Martha slumps a little. "We thought you were dead, Rosa," she says softly.
  3854. > It's surprising, especially since you remember Dr. Mason telling you that they'd gotten your records from the School. That seemed to imply that she told the School they had you.
  3855. "B-But I was in that facility where they, um, with the implants and all that. Didn't they tell you they had me?"
  3856. > The woman shakes her head. "Not me, Rosa. Maybe Freely knew, but no one told me."
  3857. "Just tell us where my mother is, please? We'll get her, and-" you look up at Luna and correct: "We'll get the ponies and go. No one will be hurt."
  3858. > "Any more than they already were," Starlight Glimmer mutters, drawing a slightly irritated look from Luna.
  3859. > Martha watches you without acknowledging the unicorn's words. Then she almost half-smiles. "You were always ze favorite, do you know zat?"
  3860. "M-Me?"
  3861. > She doesn't answer, but goes on regardless: "You probably know who your mother is, correct?"
  3862. > All you can do is nod.
  3863. > "Ze... nursery is in ze basement," comes the answer and you're sure Luna also detected a slight hesitation. "Ze mares are kept near zere. Seeing zis," Martha explains, glancing at the glowing ropes around her body, "you probably don't need ze keys."
  3864. > "No, we do not. Thank you," Luna confirms.
  3865. > You all look at each other for a few seconds, then the human asks: "What will you do to me?"
  3866. > Swallowing, you turn your pleading look on the alicorn now. The humans here have lied to you, yes, but Instructor Martha has always been nice. The Princess gives you a smile before replying.
  3867. > "Sapphire Lightning will leave this binding spell in place. I'm sorry, but we'll have to muffle you again. It will dissipate by morning and you'll be free."
  3868. > It's a relief and you relax a little.
  3869. > "I see," Instructor Martha says, clearly unhappy with the prospect, but not really in a position to do anything about it.
  3870. "I'm sorry, we just want the ponies..." you try to soften the blow.
  3871. > Luna turns to leave the office, but pauses and looks back. "Will you tell me what you were trying to do here?"
  3872. > It takes the Instructor a long time to consider the question. Finally, she speaks: "We were trying to integrate ze pony skills into ze human society."
  3873. > There's a flash of anger in Luna's eyes, but she's controlling herself pretty well. "Through slavery?!" she asks, voice only slightly clipped. "Forced breeding? Indoctrination?!"
  3874. > Martha just glares, refusing to say anything more as the Princess and the Instructor stare at each other.
  3875. > At long last it is the alicorn who breaks the silence. "Gag her again, Sapphire, and set your spell. We're going."
  3876. > Before the stallion could obey, Martha speaks up, looking directly at you: "Rosa! Your friends are worried about you! Give zis foolishness up and you can come home!"
  3877. > Luna holds up a hoof for Sapphire to wait and watches you. Surely she's not giving you a choice, is she?
  3878. > You swallow and your ears fold down when you think about your former roommates, sleeping peacefully about two hundred yards from where you stand.
  3879. "I c-can't," you whimper, "they n-need me. Sky Light needs me! Her f-foal..."
  3880. > As if completely ignoring your words, Martha keeps going. "Nothing bad will happen, I promise zis! You can come home and resume your studies!"
  3881. > Wordlessly, you turn around to show her your flank and your cutie mark.
  3882. > "So it is true," the woman says. "We can still come to some kind of arrangement, Rosa! Don't be stupid! I'll let you visit your mother!"
  3883. > How Martha is expecting you to talk Luna out of taking Fluttershy home you don't know. Maybe the human just sees this as her last, desperate chance.
  3884. > You walk up closer to the Instructor and lay a hoof on her knee.
  3885. "You've always been nice to me, Instructor. To us. Will you tell my friends what has happened?"
  3886. > Her face changes quickly from pleading, to surprise, then to an angry frown. "You know I cannot do zis, Rosa! I would be fired!"
  3887. > You shake your head.
  3888. "I'm sorry. I have to save my mother."
  3889. > Luna gives a nod to Sapphire and before Instructor Martha can say another word, her mouth is bound again. She makes a few angry grunts and struggles a little, but there is no way to escape the magic.
  3890. > After a few moments Sapphire's horn winks out. "There, it will last until sunrise," he proclaims.
  3891. > "Good. Let us go," Luna commands and you follow her to the door. A very brief flicker of her magic opens the lock and the Princess leads her ragtag band into the corridor.
  3892. > Once you judge you're far enough from the Instructor so she can't overhear, you speak up.
  3893. "Um, P-Princess?"
  3894. > Luna slows her gait, but doesn't stop as she looks at you. "Hmm?"
  3895. "C-Can I go and say bye to my friends? I c-can sneak up so no one will see me..."
  3896. > Your tears are falling, unheeded. You can't be this near and just leave them! You have to tell them that there's hope, that someday you'll be back and they can go to Equestria with you.
  3897. > A dark blue wing feather tips your muzzle up and you look into Luna's gently smiling face.
  3898. > "Starlight Glimmer," she says and the unicorn jerks her head up. "Go with Rosa and make sure she is okay. We'll find the cells and free the ponies. It will take me some time to prepare the Bore, but be back within thirty minutes."
  3899. "Y-Yes, Princess! I promise!"
  3900. > You almost can't believe she's allowing this, but you're not about to complain. Hurrying away before she can change her mind, you're barely aware that Starlight is going with you.
  3901. > The unicorn doesn't seem annoyed or anything for having to babysit you, but you still feel like you should clear the air.
  3902. "I can't go without at least saying goodbye."
  3903. > "I understand. Come on, I can unlock the main door. You know where the room is, right?"
  3904. "Of course!"
  3905. > A few more steps take you out of the administrative building and you lead the way to the dorms.
  3906. "Thank you."
  3907. > ***
  3908. > Your heart is racing when you lift up a hoof to knock on your old dorm room. You hesitate and look at Starlight Glimmer, who just smiles back reassuringly.
  3909. > Time to get it over with. Swallowing a lump and folding your ears back, you give the wood a few gentle taps.
  3910. > Nothing happens for a bit, so you tap it again. Finally a voice from the inside asks: "W-Who is it?"
  3911. > It's Iskra and you breathe a sigh of relief. It has always been a fear that the girls might have been moved to another room, but now you're sure they haven't.
  3912. > There is a soft thud as one of your friends slips from her bed to go check, but you're faster and push down on the door handle with a shaking hoof.
  3913. > The lights on the hallway are dim, but it's enough to see into the room. It was Iskra who got up to check the door, but three other pairs of eyes watch you from their beds.
  3914. > You step inside and push the door closed before they can react. Hopefully they won't scream. Starlight doesn't move to stop you, so you guess she's okay with waiting outside for a bit.
  3915. > "R-R-Rosa?!" the pegasus is the first to speak.
  3916. "Um... hi?"
  3917. > It's not very original, but you don't have time for anything else as Iskra practically jumps at you. You catch her and let her topple you to the floor. The other three scramble out of their beds and rush over as well.
  3918. > "Rosa?! Where did you come from? How!?"
  3919. > "I thought we'd never see you again!"
  3920. > "They said that-"
  3921. > You end up laughing with relief as the girls simply pile up on top of you, some hugging, others nuzzling and one of them prodding with her hooves as if to make sure you are real.
  3922. "I missed you guys so much!" you say, eyes already filling up with tears of joy.
  3923. > They don't seem to have heard you and you return the little kisses and nuzzles you're getting for long minutes, until the pressure vanishes and the ponies back off.
  3924. > It was Valentina who pulled Amethyst and Iskra off and Felicity stepped aside of her own accord.
  3925. > "What are you doing here?" Valentina asks. "No one told us you're coming back. They said you ran away after you- um, got your cutie mark."
  3926. > Iskra is reminded and jumps a little in place: "Yeah yeah, can I see it? I wanna see it! What is it?"
  3927. > Before you can turn around there's a click. Felicity has gone to the writing desk and turned on the small lamp there. It's enough illumination and they all stare at your flank.
  3928. > "So, you didn't get it?" Amethyst asks, making you realize.
  3929. "Oh, it's on the other side."
  3930. > You turn around and the girls gasp almost in unison. "B-But aren't you supposed to get two?" Felicity asks, poking your flank with a hoof.
  3931. "Normally yes," you say, only a touch smugly because of your recent expertise, "but I'm a special case."
  3932. > "How so?"
  3933. > You think back on the facility and the revelation about chips. Should you even tell them?
  3934. > What you really want to do is bring them all with you to Equestria, but would they want to go?
  3935. > You don't have time to argue them into it and you don't want your last thirty minutes with these mares to be angry ones.
  3936. > Inventing rapidly, you make up a small lie:
  3937. "I- don't really know. Luna explained it, but I couldn't follow..."
  3938. > "Who's Luna?" Valentina asks, forgetting the cutie mark for a moment.
  3939. > You'll have to tell them at least something, so you sit down and let your ears fold.
  3940. "Um, I have to tell you guys something. I decided to go find Maribelle after I ran away... and, well..."
  3941. >***
  3942. > Mindful of your time limit, you wrap up the story within a few minutes. Several times Iskra opens her mouth as if to ask something, but closes it and shuffles nervously instead.
  3943. > In a way you're grateful that she isn't interrupting and making it longer, but it almost seems like she is afraid to ask. You don't want your friends to be afraid of you.
  3944. "Go on, Iskra," you tell the mare and smile.
  3945. > "Um, It's- we're- uh..." she stumbles over her words.
  3946. > Amethyst rolls her eyes and speaks instead: "Lillian is here."
  3947. > Your eyes bulge out like someone punched you in the gut.
  3948. "L-L-L-Lillian?!"
  3949. > Felicity misinterprets your question and starts explaining. "You know, that girl on your assignment? You sent us a letter with her."
  3950. > You shake your head urgently, while you try and complete at least one coherent thought.
  3951. "Lillian?! HERE?! HOW??"
  3952. > The ponies look around nervously and Amethyst puts a hoof on your muzzle. "Ssh," she hisses, "it's the middle of the night."
  3953. "I have to see her! Where is she?" you demand urgently, but in a whisper.
  3954. > "Iskra, go get the hatch open. I'll explain and then we'll follow," Amethyst says, taking charge again.
  3955. > Even as the pegasus heads for the door, Felicity grips your around your barrel again. "I'm so happy you're back, Rosa," she says. "Paolo was really sad when you went, you know that?"
  3956. > At the same time Valentina speaks up: "So you're saying Equestria is real? That's - just wow. I guess I never really believed the old ponies."
  3957. > The door opens and Iskra gives a small gasp as she backs away from it. "Um, there's a- a-"
  3958. > Too late you remember Starlight Glimmer and struggle out of Felicity's hug.
  3959. "She's with me! She's with me! That's Starlight Glimmer, she's helping!"
  3960. > Now that the first shock has passed, your roommates stare at the unicorn with curiosity and wonder.
  3961. > "She's a- a- unicorn," Iskra states the obvious.
  3962. > Meanwhile Felicity takes a step forward. "Can she do magic?"
  3963. > "Well, I can talk, you know? You can ask me directly!" Starlight says, but she's smiling to take the sting out of the words.
  3964. > You scramble to introduce everybody.
  3965. "Okay, so here's my old roommates, Iskra, Valentina, Amethyst and Felicity. Girls, this is Starlight Glimmer. She's a- friend."
  3966. > You paused for a split second because you didn't know exactly what to say there, but 'friend' seems appropriate.
  3967. > "Nice to meet you," Starlight says, nodding at the gang. "So, you ready to go?"
  3968. "No! Lillian is here and I don't understand how or why. I have to go see her!"
  3969. > "Lillian? Lillian, Lillian," Starlight murmurs as she thinks, trying to remember where she's heard the name.
  3970. "The girl I've been telling you about! The one who went missing!"
  3971. > "OH! Lillian?" the unicorn gasps in surprise. "What, here?! How?!"
  3972. "That's what I wanna know!"
  3973. > Amethyst takes charge again: "Okay, Iskra, go open the hatch and lower the ladder. I'll explain."
  3974. > On your side, Felicity raises a hoof. "Um, want me to fetch Paolo so you can say goodbye?"
  3975. > "Goodbye?!" the other girls exclaim in surprise.
  3976. > Felicity looks blankly at them. "Rosa said she's going to Equestria, weren't you listening?"
  3977. > Iskra rushes back and grip you around the withers, eyes already filling up with tears. "You can't go, Rosa! We just got you back!"
  3978. > You sigh, ears lowering and eyes going damp as well.
  3979. "Sorry, but I can't stay. The humans are looking for me and I've got a cutie mark, remember? They'll never let me stay and I'd rather go to Equestria than back to that facility."
  3980. > The pegasus sniffles in your ear, but luckily Amethyst peels her off. "Hatch! Now!" she orders, gently but forcefully. Iskra nods and scurries away.
  3981. > "So, want me to get Paolo? "Felicity repeats her question.
  3982. > You swallow a lump. Will you be able to look the colt in his face and then leave him? What if you fall for him like Sky Light fell for Zephyr Gale? Could you bear going away?
  3983. > Despite your misgivings, you nod.
  3984. "P-Please."
  3985. > Felicity rushes off, then Amethyst takes a deep breath and starts to explain. You force yourself to listen.
  3986. > "So, about two weeks after you were gone, I was coming late from helping in the kitchen and someone called me from the bushes," the mare says. "I went to look and it was Lillian. Well, I didn't know who it was at first, but she told me."
  3987. > The mare gives a soft chuckle. "I knew she wasn't supposed to be there and I would have gone to one of the teachers or Instructors, but the girl said she was looking for you."
  3988. "Looking for me? The entire city was looking for her! How did she get here?"
  3989. > Amethyst smiles, almost proudly. "She got the address from the letter we sent back and she took a taxi. Resourceful girl."
  3990. "Yeah..."
  3991. > Even you can't help feeling a touch of pride.
  3992. "The taxi driver didn't just take her home or call the police?"
  3993. > Amethyst shakes her head. "Lillian somehow talked him into dropping her near here. She told him she's meeting her mother and apparently he believed it. Anyway, she didn't wanna go home. She begged us to hide her while she waits for you."
  3994. "How did she know I was coming back here?"
  3995. > "I don't think she knew, but she really hoped. Anyway, staying with us must've seemed better than going home, I guess."
  3996. "So now you're hiding her?!"
  3997. > Amethyst's ears fold down and she lowers her gaze. She knows as well as you do how wrong this is, but she can't help it.
  3998. > "She knows you, Rosa. We all missed you, so I guess I made the first mistake when I hid her. Paolo came up with the attic, actually. And then it was too late. What was I supposed to tell Instructor Becky? 'Um, sorry ma'am, but we've been hiding this little girl in the attic and we're only telling you now?'"
  3999. > Yeah, you imagine it would sound pretty bad.
  4000. "So what was your plan?"
  4001. > Again, the mare blushes and looks away. "Didn't have one," she admits. "I guess I never really thought about it."
  4002. > "She's fine!" Valentina insists. "We bring her food from the mess hall and whenever one of us has time we go and talk to her. Paolo got her a notebook and some crayons, and Iskra snuck her up some books, so she's not bored."
  4003. "What about clothes? What about showers? You can't have a little girl living in the attic! God, what about a toilet?!"
  4004. > This time Amethyst looks proud. "Well, we sneak her down every few nights to have a shower, and we got her an old pot to use, um, for... you know. One of us goes to empty it every morning before anyone wakes up!"
  4005. > Felicity adds: "We've been washing her clothes in the shower. It's not really that much work."
  4006. > You keep shaking your head. The ponies' plan is at the same time brilliant and utterly, completely stupid. You need to do something about it before you leave, otherwise it might end very badly for all of them, especially Lillian.
  4007. "Guys, this can't go on!"
  4008. > For the first time since they started explaining, Starlight Glimmer speaks up: "Rosa is right. You'll get into no end of trouble. Besides, what if the girl gets hurt or ill or something? An attic is not a place for a foal!"
  4009. > Two abashed muzzles glance at you, then point firmly at the floor. No one corrects Starlight's terminology.
  4010. "Okay, here's what we'll do," you say, making rapid plans.
  4011. > You fall silent for a few seconds while you think ahead, then nod to yourself.
  4012. "We'll sneak her down, right now. She *has* to go home to her family, even if they're not good people. Sorry, but she has to! We'll get her out of the School and send her into a police station. They'll get her home."
  4013. > "But what about her parents? She said she ran away because they beat you, Rosa! She said they beat her brother, too!" Amethyst points out.
  4014. "Well, she'll tell that to the police and you can bet they won't dare do it ever again. I'll tell Lillian what to say and she'll get Child Protective Services on her side. She'll be fine and her brother-"
  4015. > You swallow and lower your ears as you remember your own failure with the boy.
  4016. "I hope he'll be fine, too."
  4017. > "R-Rosa?" comes a new voice from the door and you spin around to see Paolo, staring wide-eyed. Beside the colt Felicity is grinning widely.
  4018. "Um, h-hey, you..."
  4019. > He takes a tentative step forward and you decide to just go for it. You grab the colt and give him all the nuzzles.
  4020. "I missed you! I really, really missed you! I thought about you every day, Paolo!"
  4021. > He's a bit stiff at first, but then he returns your urgent nuzzles. "I missed you too! I was so worried! Where have you been?!"
  4022. > The colt doesn't seem concerned about Starlight in the slightest.
  4023. "It's a really long story," you tell him and pull away.
  4024. > Already your tears are spilling over and Paolo looks concerned. He opens his mouth to ask about it, but you shut him up with a kiss.
  4025. > You don't know what you're doing, but you've sneaked some glances at Sky Light and Zephyr, so you press your lips to the colt's and just... hold him there.
  4026. > He's surprisingly warm and soft. You decide you like kissing.
  4027. > "Awww!" one of the girls murmurs just as you pull away.
  4028. "I'm so sorry I have to do this, but I'm leaving tonight. I'm going to Equestria with my mother, Paolo. B-But I'll be back! I promise! I'll come back for all of you, okay?!"
  4029. > The pegasus seems stunned by the kiss and just gapes for a while, before getting a happy, blissful smile on his muzzle. Sadly, it lasts only until your words reach his mind.
  4030. > "L-Leaving?!" he says miserably, ears drooping. "Please don't go. I l- I really like you, Rosa."
  4031. "I'm sorry but I can't! I'm a fugitive, the humans are looking for me. I have to go!"
  4032. > Paolo sniffles, but then he looks up with fresh determination. "Take me with you."
  4033. "What?!"
  4034. > "Take me with you. I'd rather go with you to Equestria than stay behind... again."
  4035. > His voice is so sad. You look over to Starlight Glimmer, who gives you a slight shrug.
  4036. "W-We can ask Princess Luna..." you propose, heart filling up with crazy, impossible hope.
  4037. > You look around at all your other friends, who seem troubled.
  4038. "M-Maybe I can ask her-"
  4039. > Amethyst speaks up: "Um, thanks, Rosa, but I'm not sure. All we heard about Equestria are rumors and stories. I kinda like it here. Instructor Martha said I'll be getting my assignment soon and I'm really looking forward to it."
  4040. > Felicity pipes up: "Yeah. We're all graduating in a few months. I'm not sure I wanna throw that all work away."
  4041. > It's about what you and Luna imagined would happen, but at least they don't seem inclined to go tattle on you.
  4042. "Y-You won't tell the Instructors that I was here, will you?"
  4043. > Amethyst rolls her eyes. "Of course not, silly! We'd get into no ends of trouble for not calling for help!"
  4044. "Yeah. Thanks."
  4045. > "Come on now," Amethyst goes on and stands. "Iskra is probably done, let's go see Lillian."
  4046. > You release the colt and follow the mare. You're a quite pleased when Paolo follows very close on your heels, his muzzle brushing against your flank every now and then.
  4047. > It's comforting to have him there and his gentle touches send pleasant shivers up your spine.

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf