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Rosa, part 4 (SPG)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 18:17:55
Expiry: Never

  2. > When you emerge up the slightly scary ladder you're faced with an impossible sight.
  3. "Lillian!"
  4. > The girl is sitting up on a pile of blankets, blinking in the unexpected light. Iskra must have woken her up and she is staring at you uncomprehending for a while.
  5. > Your ex-roommates haven't lied, it really does look like the girl has everything she needs to keep her comfortable. There's a selection of plushy toys on her makeshift bed and a pile of papers with some crayons scattered around them on the floor.
  6. > There's a small chair and an old bedside table, although right now it holds a mirror and a comb. There's even a clothesline stretched between two wooden beams with several pairs of socks drying on it.
  7. > Basic lighting is provided by a lone bulb hanging on its own wire from somewhere above. Hoepfully your roomants haven't been messing with electricty, but if they have, it seems to be working.
  8. > The scene would be cute if you hadn't been so horribly worried for so long.
  9. > Lillian gasps, then squeals: "Rosa!" and rushes you.
  10. > Her smell is still familiar and you close your eyes as the child hugs you for all she's worth. You lean your muzzle on her shoulder and just soak in her presence for a while.
  11. > "I'm so glad you're okay!"
  12. "Yeah, me too, sweetie. Me too."
  13. > In a minute you'll have to tell her she needs to go home, but for now you can just hold her and make yourself believe she is alright. You hadn't realized it, but when the search petered out you'd kinda lost hope.
  14. > Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.
  15. > You snort a little in amusement. All this time she's been living on smuggled food in your old school, hidden away by your old roommates.
  16. > Honestly, you'd never seen it coming!
  17. "God, you gave us all such a scare, Lillian," you chide gently.
  18. > She's crying already, but they are tears of joy. "I know, I know, I'm sorry! I couldn't stay when you ran away! I wish I went with you!"
  19. > That would have been extremely awkward, not to mention dangerous, but you don't tell her that.
  20. > Finally, with a heavy heart, you peel yourself away and give her as serious look as you can through your tear-filled eyes.
  21. "Lillian, you have to go home..."
  22. > She's already shaking her head, so you sigh and lean your head on her chest for another few seconds.
  23. "Sweetie, this isn't a good place for a little girl. I'm sorry, but you can't live like this."
  24. > Lillian is about to say something, or start crying, but you hush her with a gentle hoof on her cheek.
  25. "Please, trust me?"
  26. > That gives her pause. The last time you saw her, Lillian was afraid of you. It's heartwarming to see this change and makes your job a little easier.
  27. > "I don't wanna go back," the child murmurs quietly.
  28. "I know, sweetie, but your parents are worried sick. *I* was worried sick when I heard you were gone. They'll be nicer from now on, believe me."
  29. > She wants to. A part of her doesn't want to live in an attic her entire life, you can see that.
  30. > Felicity is standing quietly behind you and you give her a surrpetitious kick with your hind leg.
  31. > "Ah!" the mare jerks in surprise, but quickly catches on. "Um, Rosa is right, Lillian. We'll all get in *so* much trouble if they find you here. Y-You need to go back home."
  32. > The child is sniffling now, but you think she'll agree. You grab her again and press your muzzle against her face once more.
  33. "I know it's not easy, but don't you miss your mother? Can you imagine how sad she was when you went missing?"
  34. > You purposefully don't bring up her father.
  35. > "T-They said you were a bad pony!" Lillian explains. "They called you an ingrate and a b-b-"
  36. > She can't quite say the next word, so she whispers it instead. "-bitch."
  37. "I'm sorry. They just didn't understand. About me and the cutie marks."
  38. > You look around for a temporary distraction to give the girl some time to process it all. It's a bit of a stretch, but you manage to snag one of the papers with a hoof.
  39. "Did you draw this?"
  40. > The crude picture shows a green surface with what look like flowers and a simple representation of a pony. It's violet with a black mane.
  41. "Aw, this is a lovely picture!"
  42. > This gets Lillian smiling a little and she reaches over for more papers. "I also drew one with both of us together!"
  43. > She shows you a picture which, with some imagination, shows you and the girl sitting on a bed with a book.
  44. > It's a very nice memory and you return the smile.
  45. "I love it!"
  46. > Solemntly, the girl holds it out to you. "Y-You can have it if you want..."
  47. > You have to let her go so you can grasp the sheet of paper, but you never stop smiling.
  48. "Aw, thank you! That's so sweet!"
  49. > Encouraged, Lillian brings out more pictures. A few of them show your roomates, including a remarkably good attempt at Iskra with her wings outstretched.
  50. > The girl blushes a little as she admits: "Valentina helped me with that one."
  51. "It's very good!"
  52. > "Um, should I give it to her?" Lillian asks, growing sad once again. "T-To remember me by?"
  53. > She's accepting it! She'll agree to go home!
  54. "I think that's a very nice thing to do," you confirm.
  55. > "Can I say goodbye to the ponies?"
  56. > You'll have to take her down past the others, so that's a no-brainer. You glance at Felicity, who is watching this whole scene, and she gives you a slight nod.
  57. > There isn't much room in here, so Iskra is standing on the ladder and the other three are on the corridor below, keeping watch.
  58. > Your time is running out. Luna had said thirty minutes and it's probably already over. You need to hurry back.
  59. > She probably wouldn't leave without you and Starlight, but you don't want to risk it.
  60. > Just one thing left to do. You try and invent a plan on the spot. You can't leave the school with Lillian, not without risking being seen, or worse. You'll have to bring the humans here.
  61. > There are probably phones in the administration building...
  62. "Lillian, please listen to me very carefully. Some nice men from the police will come get you and they'll make sure you're okay, you understand? You can trust the police."
  63. > You don't even know which direction the Boone house is, let alone how far. You don't have a snowball's chance in Hell to get the girl safely there and you don't want to take a taxi or something.
  64. > A different plan is starting to form. It's not the greatest, but it's the best you can come up with.
  65. "You have to tell them what happened at home, okay? Tell them about Mr.- about your dad and what he did to Benjamin. They'll find someone to help, okay? They'll talk to him and he won't do it again."
  66. > Lillian nods, despite the fresh tears in her eyes.
  67. > "Please don't tell anyone we hid you!" Felicity squeaks suddenly.
  68. > You immediately have misgivings about leaving them all behind. If Lillian mentions it to Mr. or Mrs. Boone, they might be vindictive. Who knows what would happen to your roommates then.
  69. > She might not want to tell them, but the grownups might trick her, or force her somehow, or something. You hadn't even thought about that until now, but it makes your gut clench in fear.
  70. "M-Maybe you should all come with me," you suggest, looking at Felicity.
  71. > She looks worried and undecided.
  72. "Please. I'll be so worried if you don't!"
  73. > She licks her lips, then her ears fold down. "I'll ask t-the others..." she says.
  74. > It's encouraging and a little worrying at the same time. It'll mean more ponies to take with you, but you don't think Luna will object.
  75. "Okay, let's get down from here. There's phones in the admin building, we'll call 911 before we go."
  76. > It might be risky, so you'll have to make sure it's the last thing you do before you step through the Bore and Luna closes it after you.
  77. > This 'mission' is getting more and more complicated by the minute.
  78. "Come on, I'll help you down the stairs," you tell Lillian.
  80. > ~~~~
  82. > As you lead your ragtag group back down the dark, quiet stairs and past all those ponies' rooms, you can't help feeling a little uncomfortable.
  83. > Your gut tells you that you should be rounding up all of them and taking them to Equestria, but you don't think Luna would be too happy about that. She was right and a lot of the ponies might panic, or fight you. It could turn out very bad.
  84. > All it would take is for one pegasus to run away and call the police or something.
  85. > Still, it feels wrong to have a way to freedom and just leave them all here. Then again, when you think back on your time in the School you never felt particularly trapped.
  86. > At worst you were sometimes a little anxious about your future, but that was mainly because you didn't have too much of a say in it. It's probably a matter of perspective.
  87. > Living outside, with Sky Light and her friends, had shown you just how restrictive the School is, but before you experienced that you hadn't known.
  88. > Just like your roommates don't know. They look very uneasy about the idea of leaving behind everything they'd ever known in exchange for some unknown, dubious idea of 'freedom'.
  89. > Would it be fair to put all the ponies in the dorm through that? Especially the younger ones, who might feel quite shocked and displaced. Perhaps it *was* kinder to leave them somewhere familiar.
  90. > Besides, Luna promised you'd come back for Maribelle, maybe you can get more of them out then. She was also very confident in her sister's diplomatic ability, but you can't help quietly thinking that it's been decades since the whole thing started and ponies and humans were still apparently at war.
  91. > "What's wrong?" Paolo asks suddenly, as you step out of the building into full moonlight.
  92. > That's another problem right there. You want to be with the colt, you *really* do, but you're worried it'll distract you too much from Sky Light.
  93. > Your pegasus friends needs you, badly, and you simply have to be there for her until she gives birth, at least.
  94. > Probably you'll help her after that, too. Babysitting, or cleaning up, or cooking. Things you're good at and Sky Light probably isn't.
  95. > Until then, she will need you on her side one hundred percent.
  96. "Paolo, can I be honest with you?"
  97. > Your tone and the way you're avoiding his gaze immediately lowers his ears and you feel sad for the poor colt. He's just agreed to give up everything he knows, all his friends, to go with you.
  98. > "Y-Yes?" he asks nervously.
  99. > Starlight Glimmer notices you talking with Paolo and she gently ushers the other ponies and the girl toward the administrative building, giving you a bit of privacy and some time.
  100. > You take a deep breath and close your eyes.
  101. "I- We'll have to wait a bit. F-For 'us', y-you know?"
  102. > "Huh? Why?"
  103. > You sit down and give the colt as tight a hug as you dare without breaking his bones.
  104. "Sky Light - she's a friend. Some... things happened and she lost her, um, coltfriend and now she's pregnant. I *really* need to be there for her. She's had a tough life."
  105. > "Oh," Paolo says, but then he brightens up a bit. "B-But we'll be together, right? I mean, after... after- you know?"
  106. "Oh! Yes! I t-think I'd like that."
  107. > "We can still see each other while, uh, while we wait, right?" the colt asks.
  108. "I guess so. I don't see why not," you reply, unsure where he's going with it.
  109. > He gives you a relieved smile and somehow it makes you feel better. "Well, then it's just like we're dating, isn't it? I'll come visit and we'll go out for drinks and, um, dinner. And- well, someday..."
  110. > The thought he has is making him blush furiously. He shifts his body to hide something from you and when you realize what it probably is, you blush as well.
  111. > Hopefully he'll stop... 'dangling' before Lillian sees.
  112. > You realize that your tail is hitched up and force it down. Both your muzzles must look like a couple of embers by now, but you forcefully push the thought out of your mind and stand up.
  113. > There's just one thing you have to do before you go. You lean in and give the colt a quick kiss, right on the muzzle.
  114. "Thanks for thinking straight, Paolo. I dunno why I was imagining I'd never see you for a year until Sky Light has her baby."
  115. > He grins with realief. "Yeah, sure! We'll go on dates. We probably shouldn't, um, rush things anyway..."
  116. > He doesn't really believe that and neither do you. You've already decided you want this colt. It'll be Hell to wait for it, but you can do it. You waited this long.
  117. "Let's get back with the others. Luna has probably gotten everyone in the basement out, so she'll be opening the Bore soon. We have to watch Lillian until we're ready to go."
  118. > Paolo thrusts his chest out. "I'll keep her company!" he offers. "I've spent a lot of time with her! She's a good kid."
  119. > That would actually work pretty well. The colt won't be there to distract you when you meet your mother and Lillian would be safe with Paolo and your roommates.
  120. > You give the pegasus a happy smile and throw your hooves around him again.
  121. "Thank you!"
  122. > As a little extra reward, you give his muzzle another kiss which makes his tail swish and his ears flatten. "W-Welcome," he mumbles.
  123. > You both hasten your steps to catch up with the rest of the group. One of the empty offices should have a comfy chair for Lillian and a phone. There should also be some water for her to drink while she waits, and the toilets were nearby.
  124. > Using a chamber pot must have been embarrassing and uncomfortable, you imagine.
  125. > Then - then...
  126. > You don't even know what to think. Your legs feel numb, as if you have no nerves in them as you walk, thinking about what you'll say to Fluttershy and what she might say to you.
  127. > Will you even feel anything for her after all this time? What if she's just another pony and you don't have a real connection?
  128. > What if she doesn't like you?!
  129. > You're not aware of it, but your ears go flat and your tail tucks up almost against your belly out of worry.
  131. > ~~~~
  133. > You left Lillian with Starlight Glimmer and the others in an empty office. There was a little kitchen nearby and Amethyst quickly busied herself with making tea for all of them. That was a good idea and hopefully it would calm Lillian's nerves.
  134. > Meanwhile you follow the hallway, wondering how you are supposed to find the way down, when you spot Sapphire Lightning standing guard.
  135. "Oh, is it this way?"
  136. > The unicorn nods and steps aside. It's a nondescript door in a part of the building where ponies aren't allowed. A tiny part of you feels a little guilty, but you push it down.
  137. > Beyond the door is a stairway and you head for the basement. Already you can hear some voices, but you can't make out the words. Now that it's so close you're incredibly nervous and your steps falter.
  138. > It takes a concentrated effort of will to put one hoof in front of the other.
  139. > You barely register your surroundings, so focused are you on the sound of voices up ahead. There's a hallway with more doors and fluorescent lights buzzing overhead. The walls are white and the floor is just linoleum.
  140. > You've been expecting something like a dungeon, but it looks just like any other office building. In fact, it reminds you a bit of that military facility.
  141. > "... wait for them, and then I will begin opening a Bore." Luna finishes saying.
  142. > Then a new voice speaks: "We never expected to see you again, Princess. How did you know to find us?"
  143. > It's a stallion and you think it sounds familiar. Maybe one of the cleaning staff?
  144. > Luna answers: "It was actually Rosa. She told us where to find you all. She was a student here before she ran away."
  145. > "Oooh," some other mare answers, "I remember. Mind you, there was nothing but rumors, but I was glad to hear she got away. I'll have to thank her properly when she comes."
  146. > By now you've completely stopped moving just outside the door. You cowardly stay hidden just out of sight so you can listen some more.
  147. > Another mare speaks up, her voice melodic and gentle. It makes something flutter in your heart: "Oh, I simply can't wait! Martha has told me a little about her, but I wasn't allowed to see her."
  148. > She sounds both excited and sad at the same time. You have no doubt who she is, and fresh tears flow down your muzzle, unheeded.
  149. > You've heard that voice before, but you didn't remember until now. That was the voice that sang to you, the one you were always trying to immitate in your own singing.
  150. > Mother.
  151. > Stepping around the door, you open your muzzle to say something, but all that comes out is a soft sob.
  152. > "Oh, there she is. Rosa, come meet Fluttershy!" Luna says, but falls silent when she sees your expression. There is a group of ponies around a couch in the middle of the room and they part to open a path.
  153. > Fluttershy is a soft, yellow color. You'd imagined wrong, but that's okay. She's even more beautiful this way.
  154. > She really does have your eyes. It's like looking into a tinted mirror.
  155. > A pink mane flows down, obscuring part of her face as if she's always hiding from the world a little.
  156. > It can't hide the smile. There's love in it and it shines through. Boy does it shine through!
  157. > Even before she speaks you start moving.
  158. > "Morning Dew!"
  159. > Fluttershy holds her hooves open and you slam against her barrel a bit too hard. You'd taken a leap and she deftly caught you.
  160. > Everything is okay with the world. You close your eyes and press your muzzle against that wonderful pegasus fluff. For a while, no one speaks.
  161. > You're dimly aware of a tongue licking away your tears and hooves keeping you firmly in place. All you can do is weep and hold on.
  162. > Then she starts humming. The melody is so much more refined and detailed! All you have remembered was a faint echo, but this is the real thing.
  163. > You let the sound wash over you and take you someplace else. Someplace safe.
  164. > Home.
  165. > It's not some*where*, it's some*one*.
  166. >...
  167. > At long last you're able to relax your grip, just a tad, so you can look at Fluttershy.
  168. > There's a gray hair here and there on her muzzle and a few wrinkles around her eyebrows. The smile is still young and vibrant, though. The joy, dancing in her eyes still beautiful.
  169. > "There you are," she says. "I missed you too, my little filly!"
  170. > What do you even say in this situation?!
  171. > Ah, of course.
  172. "I love you mom!"
  173. > Your reward is seeing that smile widen and getting another quick nuzzle. "I love you too, Morning Dew! I never thought I'd see you again!"
  174. "W-Why are you calling me Morning Dew? That's what Instructor Martha..."
  175. > You fall silent at the implication and Fluttershy nods. "Yes, that's what I named you and I asked her to keep it, but she said she couldn't give you an Equestrian name."
  176. "So she called me 'Morning Dew', but in her language!" you finish.
  177. > "Yes. She's always been nice to me and I asked her to make sure you're okay."
  178. > Luna finally speaks up and you remember that there are other ponies here. A lot of them have wet eyes and a few of the older mares are pressing tissues to their muzzles.
  179. > "I apologize for cutting this short, Fluttershy, but we should leave as soon as we can. Are there any other ponies kept down here?"
  180. > One of the stallions steps up to answer instead: "Just us. They have us clean and- I'm not sure I understand it completely, something about keeping the mares' spirits up."
  181. > A different mare explains: "They keep an eye our children and tell us how they're doing. Before that, a few of the mares... well, it was bad."
  182. > She doesn't want to say anything more and you're grateful for that. Her words seemed ominous and you probably don't want to know the details.
  183. > "All the ponies in the School came from your four?" Luna asks.
  184. > The same mare shakes her head. "No, Princess. They don't want to kill us. We each only have two or three foals in the School. Some of the students are orphans, but most of them are given up for adoption by humans who won't let their... servants raise a foal."
  185. > You can see the alicorn's mouth tighten, but she keeps her anger in check. "I will bring this news to Celestia. In fact, you will explain it to her personally. She will need to step up her diplomacy, or else I will take more direct action!"
  186. > Another of the older mares raises a hoof: "Um, P-Princess? Could we get our children when we leave? I can't leave them behind..."
  187. > Now the Princess looks incredibly sad.
  188. > "I'm very sorry, Minty, but it is too risky and the time is running out. I will open a Bore and we must leave. It's imperative that we reunite Fluttershy with the other Elements. Equestria needs the Elements of Harmony!"
  189. > The lime-green mare, Minty, looks like she's about to argue, but then she closes her mouth and nods.
  190. > She refuses to look at Luna and you see some of the other ponies giving the alicorn a sad or angry stare.
  191. > That reminds you of the situation upstairs.
  192. "Um, Princess? Lillian was here at the School."
  193. > Luna twirls around, eyes wide in surprise. "The girl?! How? Why?!"
  194. "She ran away and came here to look for me. I told her about my roommates and she sought them out and they hid her in the attic. We have to get her home."
  195. > Already the alicorn is shaking her head, but you forestall her refusal:
  196. "I a-actually have a plan, Princess," you tell her.
  197. > She stops and watches you for a moment. You're aware of Fluttershy's hooves tightening comfortingly around your midriff and her muzzle nuzzling your neck.
  198. > "Tell me."
  199. "Just b-before we leave, we can call 911 and tell them to come here. The police will get Lillian home. It will take them some time, so we'll have... um, time to leave."
  200. > The Princess considers your proposal, but you're not done yet.
  201. "A-Actually, there's one more thing..."
  202. > "More?"
  203. > You swallow a lump and wonder how you can broach the subject when Fluttershy puts her muzzle right in your ear and whishers: "It's okay, sweetheart, I got you."
  204. > It's absolutely incredible how much that helps! You're able to look Luna firmly in the eye and tell her.
  205. "We have to take my roommates with us. They were helping Lillian. We can't expect a young girl to lie about it and they'd all get into very serious trouble. M-Maybe even k-k-killed. They're waiting upstairs with Lillian."
  206. > Shockingly, Luna inclines her head. "Very well. Since they are already here, we will take them."
  207. > Some of the other ponies start clamoring to get their kids as well, but Luna repeats her arguments about the danger and the lack of time. More sullen looks are cast your way and you can't meet any of their gazes.
  208. > You'd have whimpered and ran away at all the hostility, were it not for Fluttershy's hooves around you.
  209. > She senses you trembling a little and adds her wings to the full hug.
  210. > The feathers are even softer than her fluff! You sigh in comfort and close your eyes, cocooned against the harsh world.
  211. > "Very well," Luna finally says, right above you. You look and see her fierce, determined expression. "I will begin preparing the Bore here. It will be open in five minutes. Rosa, go and call that ninety-one police, or whatever it is, then bring your friends here. I will wait for you."
  212. > You look at Fluttershy and feel incredibly sad that you have to get out of her lap, but you take a deep breath and push yourself away and down from the couch.
  213. > "I'll also wait for you, Morning Dew. I'm not leaving without you."
  214. > Another weird thought strikes you.
  215. "Um, mom, did you have any... do I have... Um..."
  216. > Luckily, she understands and gives you a smile. "Yes, you have a younger brother and a sister, sweetheart. Lacey is a pegasus, like me and she has my mane. Then there's also Maven, but he is not taking classes yet. Martha showed me pictures, but they were both..."
  217. > A lone sob wracks Fluttershy's body and you quickly rear up and put your hooves around her for emotional support. One of the other mares finishes for the pegasus: "-taken away before she could even meet them. That's why they only have human names."
  218. "B-But we're leaving them behind? Why am I so special?!"
  219. > It really doesn't sound fair. Somewhere up in that dorm building are a younger filly and a colt. You probably even know them, at least casually!
  220. > Now that's a completely weird thought.
  221. > Fluttershy slips from the couch and drapes a wing around your withers. "I love both of them, but Princess Luna is right. We need to put the Elements back together. Equestria is more important, t-than me..."
  222. > Her eyes are filling up with tears, but the mare is determined. Gentle or not, there's a hidden core of strength in Fluttershy, one that you haven't seen even in Cadence's camp. Maybe Sky Light comes close and possibly Luna, but in your mind Fluttershy outshines them both.
  223. > "We'll come back for them, Luna promised," your mother continues, making herself believe it. "At least you're here now."
  224. "Why am I special?" you repeat. "Why did you name me and not them?"
  225. > "You were born two weeks too early, Morning Dew," Fluttershy tells you. "The humans weren't expecting it, so I got to hold you and sing to you all night before they came and took you away. You'll always be my special little filly!"
  226. > You can't stand it and throw your hooves around Fluttershy for another quick hug. Luna is already casting her Bore spell, so you don't have a lot of time, but you're taking a moment for a hug!
  227. > Fluttershy nuzzles you urgently, but then lets you go. "You should go get your friends now," she says. "I'll wait here."
  228. > You give Fluttershy a nod and head to the door. Of course you look back every few steps and she never stops smiling encouragingly at you.
  230. > ~~~~
  232. > Having to leave Lillian in the office was sad, but there was no real choice. The girl had a cup of hot cocoa, which was an amazing find by Valentina. She probably wouldn't get too bored while she waited for the police.
  233. > Then you called 911 and just told them that Lillian Boone was at the Pony School and to come quick. The lady on the other end of the line promised that cop cars and an ambulance would be there in five minutes.
  234. > That meant you only had time for a very quick hug and goodbye with the girl, before leading your roommates down to the basement.
  235. > As they promised, Luna and Fluttershy are waiting for you next to the weird, dark hole in space that is the Bore. As usual, you can't see through it, but you've done this a few times and know you'll just walk through it without feeling anything.
  236. > Fluttershy rushes forward to hug you as soon as you enter the room, while your other friends hang around, some watching you with a sweet little smile, others staring at the Bore in apprehension.
  237. > "It is perfectly safe," Luna assures them, having noticed their unease.
  238. "Yeah, I've been through several times, there's really nothing to it."
  239. > The Princess focuses her gaze on you. "You have succeeded? The girl will go home?"
  240. "Yes," you nod, "the police are on their way. We should go."
  241. > Reminding them makes your roommates move. Luckily, there's Starlight Glimmer, who leads them through the Bore by example. When they see the unicorn just walk through, the rest of them follow.
  242. > Everyone except Paolo. He stops next to you and watches your mother with curiosity.
  243. > "Um, h-hi!" he squeaks. "Nice to m-meet you!"
  244. > Fluttershy releases you from the hug and gives the colt a friendly smile. "Hello! What's your name? I'm Fluttershy."
  245. > "Paolo..."
  246. > "Oh, that's a beautiful name! Just like the city in- um, S-South America?" Fluttershy guesses, but she's not too certain.
  247. > A faint glimmer of memory from Mrs. Isaac's Geography class stirs in your mind.
  248. "It's in Brazil, I think."
  249. > Weird how you'd never connected 'Paolo' with 'Sao Paulo'. Maybe whichever human decided the colt's name was a fan, or had recently come back from a foreign vacation, or maybe even was from there.
  250. > In any case, all this talk is making Paolo blush a little and it's very cute, so you go and give him a quick nuzzle.
  251. "I also think it's a nice name," you whisper to him.
  252. > "I think we should go now," Fluttershy says, seeing Luna's impatient, worried expression. You see it too and agree.
  253. > Your mother takes the lead and you walk right behind her, with the colt by your side. Every other step your flank brushes against Paolo's, but you don't mind in the slightest. It's so good to know he's there.
  254. > Fluttershy doesn't hesitate at the Bore and you don't stop either. Paolo falters for a moment, but you smile at him encouragingly as you vanish through, and he hurries to follow.
  255. > You emerge into the resistance camp, but it's completely transformed. All the tents are gone and so are most of the ponies. There's a few guards still standing around, mostly because Sky Light had absolutely refused to go to Equestria until you were back.
  256. > The older ponies you'd saved are standing in a group nearby, looking around in wonder. You see a few of them whispering to one another, but none of them approach when you come through.
  257. > There are very clear signs everywhere that a camp had been in this place for a while, but that doesn't matter. Even if the humans find it, there is nothing they can do to follow.
  258. > Starlight and Luna have been very sure that Bores can only be opened by alicorns. Even if the humans have a unicorn hidden away somewhere, they wouldn't be able to get to Equestria.
  259. > It takes you a few seconds to adjust to the darkness once you're through. There is a torch burning nearby, but it's nowhere near as bright as the room in the School's basement.
  260. > You rejoin your roommates and give out a few nuzzles, while behind you Luna emerges from the circular opening and closes it behind her. Only then do you breathe a sigh of relief.
  261. > Made it. All of you.
  262. > Most importantly, you now have your mother with you, *and* Paolo. If it wasn't for Sky Light's tragedy, it would have been the happiest day of your life.
  263. > Speaking of which, the mare is coming over with a big, relieved smile on her muzzle. You wave at her, but she just walks right up and gives you a tight hug.
  264. > "I'm so relieved you made it, Rosa!" she tells you.
  265. > "Okay, listen everypony," Luna says in a louder voice, interrupting your and Sky Light's reunion. "I will rest for a minute, then I am opening a Bore to Equestria. That will take about ten minutes. We're leaving Earth."
  266. > There's a cheer, mostly from the guard ponies, but Starlight joins in and after a moment so does Paolo.
  267. > A Bore needs a Beacon, you've learned that. Luckily, there is a permanent Beacon installed at someplace called 'Canterlot', which Luna can use to get home at any time. She told you that when you asked before the mission.
  268. > She also said that the Beacon will be shut off once all four alicorns are back in Equestria. It makes sense - the humans are clever and may yet find a way to get there, so it wouldn't be a good idea to help them when it's not necessary, even if it is unlikely.
  269. "So," you say, unsure what to do for the next few minutes. "I guess I should make introductions?"
  270. > You wave to get your roommates' attention.
  271. "Everyone, this is Fluttershy. My m-mother..."
  272. > Still unable to quite believe it, or say it and keep your eyes dry. Fluttershy notices immediately and drapes a wing around you, even as Sky Light lays a reassuring hoof on your leg.
  273. > "H-Hi! Nice to meet you!" Iskra replies. Following her example, the other girls say something similar.
  274. > "I think I know all of you," Fluttershy explains. "Martha showed me some pictures when she told me about Morning Dew. Um..."
  275. > The pegasus scrunches her muzzle up in thought, then ventures: "Iskra, right? And um, Felicity, and Valentina and Amethyst? Maribelle was the one who got her cutie mark."
  276. > After a short pause, she adds: "Oh, and Paolo, of course."
  277. > Fluttershy looks down and her ears splay out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you out."
  278. > The ponies seemed a bit stunned, but all you can feel is pride. "I don't know you, though," your mother goes on, looking at Sky Light.
  279. "Oh, this is Sky Light. She's a friend- actually, *best friend*. Without her I probably wouldn't have survived on the streets."
  280. > The compliment is making the mare blush a bit and she tries to wave it away, but Fluttershy just grips her around the midriff. "Thank you for keeping my Morning Dew safe!"
  281. > "Wait, what?" Sky sputters. "Morning Dew?! That's what I was calling her- well, when I remembered to. She said that's what her name means!"
  282. > You chuckle a little to yourself, but Fluttershy is faster to explain: "Oh, of course! That's what I named my filly and Martha was nice enough to keep it, even if she did translate it."
  283. > A thought occurs and you gape in shock.
  284. "Iskra is also a word in Instructor Martha's language! Did she name her, too?"
  285. > Fluttershy looks a bit sad, but nods. "Yes, but that wasn't a translation. Sorry. As far as I know, you're the only one who weren't taken away... immediately. The only one with a... pony name."
  286. > Your ears go flat. For a moment you had hoped Iskra was perhaps your half-sister, or at least the daughter of one of the other mares from the School. Well, she might still be, or perhaps one of your other roommates. That would be very nice, but the chances are slim. None of the older mares seem to have recognized any of your friends.
  287. > "That's alright," Amethyst volunteers. "I kinda like my name. I don't mind that a human came up with it."
  288. > The other girls chirp their agreement and even Paolo shrugs a little. He wouldn't care whatever you called him, you feel.
  289. > Speaking of the colt, Sky Light is circling him and giving him a very appraising look. "Very nice," the mare comments, prodding his rump with a hoof and making the poor guy jump in surprise.
  290. > "Nice, firm flank. Well toned."
  291. > Before Paolo can scamper away, Sky expertly grabs one of his wings and pulls it up. Paolo snaps it back with a squeak a second later, but the mare still smiles to herself in approval. "Good flight muscles. You really got yourself a good one, Rosa. I mean, Dew."
  292. > Both you and Paolo blush heavily and can't quite meet each other's eyes.
  293. > Unfortunately, Sky doesn't seem to notice. She probably wouldn't stop even if she did see your discomfort. "Well worth waiting for, yeah! I'd have some of that myself, if I wasn't..."
  294. > She sits back on her haunches and puts her hooves over her belly with something between a sad sigh and a sob.
  295. > You forget your embarrassment and rush over to grip her around the barrel.
  296. "It's okay, it's okay! I'm not leaving you. I'm sticking around until your daughter is born, okay? Probably even after that. Paolo will wait."
  297. > Sky Light blinks in confusion. "Wait? Why would he wait?"
  298. > The colt also speaks up, as if in your defense: "I don't mind waiting, Mrs- uh, Mrs. Light."
  299. > Sky shakes her head. "Don't be stupid, you two can- be together. I'll be fine."
  300. "No, Sky. I promised I'll help you through this and I will. I'll wait."
  301. > The mare rolls her eyes and lets out a very exasperated sigh. "Okay, but you guys can still see each other. You're not going to watch me twenty-four seven, are you? Because I'll hoof you in the face if you try to do that! I'm not an invalid!"
  302. > This sounds very different from the broken-down, crying Sky Light back in the tent, but you don't point it out.
  303. "I'll... see. My promise to you is the more important thing, Sky. Maybe Paolo and me can, um, date."
  304. > "'Atta girl!"
  305. > You look over to the colt and he gives you a hopeful nod. "I'd l-like that," he confirms, but then hurriedly adds: "I wouldn't mind waiting. I really like you, Rosa. I can wait."
  306. > It looks like it'll be a complicated relationship, especially now that you have your mother back as well, but you'll manage somehow.
  307. > Thinking of Fluttershy makes you look at what she thinks about it all. She seems happy enough, watching you and Sky and Paolo, smiling.
  308. "Uh, M-Mom?" you say, the word still feeling incredibly weird. "You'll stay with us, right? I just found you, I wanna c-catch up."
  309. > "Aw," Fluttershy says and comes to give you an incredibly reassuring nuzzle. "Don't worry, I'm not letting my filly go that easily. I used to have a cottage in Ponyville, but I don't think that's still there. I guess we'll find someplace else to live."
  310. > "No need," Luna suddenly interjects. You haven't even realized she was listening, but since she's standing only a few paces away you guess she couldn't help overhearing.
  311. > Everyone looks at the alicorn and she explains: "Equestria will take care of its own. The crown will provide you all places to live. I will personally ensure that you three, Sky Light and Rosa and Fluttershy, remain together."
  312. > The alicorn gives this some thought, then clarifies: "In the same house, if at all possible. I cannot promise the same for the rest of your friends, but they, too, will not be very far, trust me."
  313. > That's one worry taken care of and it does make you feel a bit more optimistic about the future. You noticed that Luna didn't propose to put you and Paolo in the same house, which is probably for the best.
  314. > If you lived together, you might neglect your promise to Sky Light. Maybe it's best to only see him often, but not all the time.
  315. > Luna's years and years of wisdom really show, you think.
  316. > It's not going to be easy to integrate into a whole new culture, but with Fluttershy by your side and Sky Light to take care of and Paolo to look forward to, you can handle it. You allow yourself to feel optimistic.
  317. > The mission, even though it was touch and go for a while there, had been a success. You wish you could have gotten more ponies out - all of them, in fact - but you have your roommates and your mother, which is enough for now.
  318. > "I will begin. Everypony, gather up. We're going home," Luna announces and her horn lights up.
  319. > A few more minutes and you'll leave Earth. You're suddenly very grateful for Fluttershy's wing around you.
  321. > ~~~~
  323. > You emerge from the Bore into a brightly lit courtyard. After the gloomy forest it's quite a shock and you shield your eyes. You can't see, but it feels like they have some reflectors pointed right at the spot before the hole.
  324. > The others, who have gone before you, are milling about in confusion, also blinded in the sudden light. You push Sky Light's rump out of the way and make some room so that Luna and Fluttershy can come through.
  325. > Just in time, too. Had you delayed a second longer, the alicorn would have trod on you.
  326. > "Ugh, what's with the light show?" Luna asks, voice tinged with slight annoyance. She'd told you to expect a welcome, but apparently she hadn't meant this.
  327. > "Fluttershy!"
  328. > You hear the cry from the side and peer in that direction. Luckily your eyes are getting adjusted to the brightness and you can make out a group of ponies. In the front is a purple unicorn, her color quite similar to yours, except a bit darker.
  329. > At her side another unicorn, this one white with a lovely set of purple curls. On the other side you can spot two earth ponies - a pink one with a mane that reminds you strongly of cotton candy, and an orange one with a cowboy hat.
  330. > That last seems completely ludicrous. You'd never seen a pony with a hat before, so you can't help but stare for a moment.
  331. > Floating right above the group is a blue - no, cyan - pegasus. They seem to be together and the cry for Fluttershy had come from one of them.
  332. > Maybe those are the Elements of Harmony Luna had told you about? Fluttershy's friends? They sure look happy enough.
  333. > You don't have time for further speculation, because the Bore closes behind you and another voice rings out: "It makes my heart sing to have you back, Sister."
  334. > Now *that's* a royal voice. There's no mistaking it, even if you'd never met her, the impossibly tall, unbelievably beautiful white alicorn has to be Celestia.
  335. > Luna also cries out: "Sister!" and rushes forward so they can embrace. You don't pay them much attention because a pink and cyan blur nearly topple you as the two ponies practically tackle Fluttershy. Her other friends aren't quite as fast, but you still step aside to make room.
  336. > "It's been *so* long!" the lavender unicorn exclaims as she passes you. Unicorn?
  337. > You do a double take when you spot her wings, neatly folded at her sides. She's also an alicorn, you just hadn't seen it until now.
  338. > From up close, you can see that she's a bit taller than her friends, but not as tall as Luna, or even Cadence.
  339. > No time to speculate further, because all five mares end up in a big pile right on top of Fluttershy. For a moment you're worried they'll suffocate her, but you hear your mother's relieved giggling.
  340. > All six of them start talking at once. No so much to say anything, but just to talk and make each other know they're there.
  341. > "Oh my gosh, I never thought we'd see you again..."
  342. > "What happened? You have to tell us everything!"
  343. > "... have you back, darling!"
  344. > "Spike wanted to come too, but Flurry Heart needed..."
  345. > And in the middle of all that, just the sound of Fluttershy, laughing in relief.
  346. > It's a happy reunion and you just watch, when a wing drapes around your back. You glance that way and see Sky Light, grinning.
  347. "What?"
  348. > "It's cute."
  349. "Yeah?"
  350. > "They look like they'll be a while. Wanna go find something to eat?"
  351. > You can't believe she's thinking about food at a time like this, but then your stomach reminds you that you also haven't had anything solid since early afternoon.
  352. > Looking around for someone to ask, you see that the two Princesses are whispering something to each other, apparently oblivious to the world. No help there.
  353. > Starlight Glimmer is sitting next to Fluttershy's happy reunion, muzzle split into an almost disbelieving grin. They are her friends, too, you remember. She told you once.
  354. > No doubt they'll want to welcome her back as well, as soon as they are done with Fluttershy.
  355. > Around the courtyard, which is what this place looks like, there's a few solid-looking guards in beautiful, polished gold armor. A few of them are smiling faintly, but most of them are presenting a facade of stoic professionalism.
  356. > On the other side of the two sisters you see the ponies you'd rescued being led away. Iskra and Valentina are already going, but Amethyst and Felicity are looking at you uncertainly. You wave at them.
  357. "Um, it looks like I'll be a while. Maybe you should go with the others? I'll find you in the morning, I promise!"
  358. > It's not a nice thing to do, especially since it was you who had talked them into coming to Equestria, but you feel they'll be safe in this place and you excpect you'll have your hooves completely full with everything.
  359. > That solves one problem, but it still doesn't get Sky Light any closer to a meal. You're forced to admit defeat, so you turn back to the mare and let your ears fold down.
  360. "Sorry, I don't know who to ask!"
  361. > She is about to reply, but Celestia speaks up. "Before you all go, please allow me to welcome you back to Equestria. Those of you-" here she looks pointedly at you and Sky Light, "-who have been born on Earth, I bid you welcome to our fair land."
  362. > It really does sound like she means it. With her ruling Equestria, it should be a pretty good place to live. There's more, though.
  363. > "Please, all of you, come this way. You will be given rooms in the Castle for a few days, until something more... permanent can be found."
  364. > "Can we also get some dinner?" Sky Light asks, her voice ringing out loudly across the silent courtyard.
  365. > You nearly slap your muzzle with a hoof at her unthinking rashness. Hopefully, Celestia won't get annoyed at the clear lack of etiquette.
  366. > On the contrary, it seems the Princess finds the question amusing. "Oh, where *are* my manners," she asks rhetorically, then looks around for someone.
  367. > "Captain, please go down to the kitchens and have something simple delivered to our guests' rooms. Some of the staff should still be there. Tell them it is a personal request of mine."
  368. > One of the armored pegasi rushes off and Celestia looks back at Sky Light. "If there's anything else," the Princess offers, "please just ask. You are guests here, and you will be afforded every courtesy."
  369. > You don't see if Sky Light had any other requests, because in that moment Fluttershy takes your foreleg and turns you around. She's smiling and all of her friends are staring at you with various expressions of incredulity, interest or expectation.
  370. > The combined attention makes you blush and lower your eyes and ears.
  371. > "Girls, this is Morning Dew, my first daughter."
  372. > Their reactions are... varied. The cyan pegasus just shrugs a little to herself, giving you a somewhat bemused smile. The pink one is staring at you like you'd just sprouted two heads.
  373. > The alicorn seems shocked speechless. The orange one gives you another appraising gaze, then nods at you politely.
  374. > The white unicorn is the first one to speak. She approaches and peers very closely at your face.
  375. > "Oh my, she has your eyes, Fluttershy. And *such* a beautiful mane! I could do *wonders* with black!"
  376. > Ice broken, they all giggle and the orange one in the cowboy hat speaks up: "Welcome to Equestria, Mornin' Dew. Ah'm sure y'all will like it 'ere."
  377. > "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, I gotta throw you a welcome party! Are you really Fluttershy's daughter?! How old are you? Were you also a prisoner on Earth? Was it boring? It must have been boring! I have to throw you all the birthday parties you missed!"
  378. > Is the pink mare... vibrating in place?! She seems a bit blurry and puts you in mind of nothing so much as a rocket, about to take off.
  379. > She doesn't even stop talking! "Quick, what's your favorite flavor of cake? And your second favorite! And you third favorite! And your fourth favorite! And-"
  380. > Luckily, the lavender alicorn grabs her friend and plugs her muzzle with a well-placed hoof. It feels like she has had to do this a lot over the years.
  381. > "Don't mind Pinkie, she gets like this sometimes," she excuses her over-excited friend.
  382. > There's a choked-off sound behind you and you remember that Sky Light is standing right there. She has seen it all and now she's trying to keep from laughing. Luckily, the mares - your mother's friends - don't seem to mind.
  383. > Even better, Fluttershy comes over and sits right beside you. This frees her hooves for a very welcome hug.
  384. > Everything is so new, so strange, but she knows exactly what to do and where to go. Even though you've only known her for a few hours, you feel safer, more confident with her here.
  385. > "Come on, the girls have a room in the castle, you can stay with us," Fluttershy invites.
  386. > You remember your other friends.
  387. "Um, w-what about Sky Light and Paolo? I promised I'd stay near them."
  388. > "Hmm, the room next to ours is free, they can take that," the purple alicorn says.
  389. > Fluttershy nods to that. "Good idea, Twilight. Are you sure Princess Celestia won't mind?"
  390. > Twilight - she must be the alicorn - shakes her head. "Princess Celestia, no. I'm more worried about what Iron Tail will say, but I'll go down tomorrow morning and explain. I'm sure it will be fine."
  391. "Who's Iron Tail?" you ask.
  392. > The white unicorn answers you, while the cyan pegasus and the cowboy-hat-pony start walking off. "Iron Tail runs Canterlot Castle, dear. Yes, Princess Celestia is in charge, but it's Mrs. Iron Tail, the Housekeeper, who has the last word when it comes to the Castle. Trust me, you *don't* want to cross her."
  393. > It sounds ominous and you shrink back in worry.
  394. > "Don't frighten the poor girl, Rarity," the alicorn chides gently. "Iron Tail isn't as bad as all that! You should meet her mother, Steel Gaze. She's retired now, but she was the Housekeeper when I was a filly. Now *that's* a mare you don't wanna cross!"
  395. > All of them giggle a little and start moving. You look around to make sure Paolo and Sky Light are following, then fall in step next to Fluttershy.
  396. > It sounds like a big, confusing world, with many things you'll have to learn. It's a daunting prospect, but you're determined to somehow fit in. You don't really have a choice.
  397. > Sky Light and her daughter need you to fit in.
  398. > "Okay, so it's been almost twenty years," Twilight says. "We've got a *lot* of catching up to do, Fluttershy. I almost can't believe you're here!"
  399. > "Yeah, me neither," your mother replies, looking around wistfully. "Has it really been that long?"
  400. > The alicorn heaves a sigh and you notice her ears droop. "I blamed myself for the longest time, you know? I kept thinking: what if I'd been faster? What if I made sure you were all with me before I closed the Bore? What if we went to rescue you before the humans escaped to Earth?"
  401. > "It wasn't your fault!" Fluttershy says, her voice full of concern for her friend. "I should have kept up!"
  402. > "I wanted to go back! We all did, but Princess Celestia said it was too dangerous!" Pinkie adds.
  403. > Fluttershy pauses so she can hug each of them in turn. "I never blamed any of you! Besides, I'm back now, and so is Morning Dew!"
  404. > Suddenly, she looks sad, almost on the verge of tears. "I'm back..." she whispers.
  405. > "What's wrong?" Twilight asks, stopping so she can peer more closely at Fluttershy's face.
  406. > Rarity also steps in, giving your mother a hug. "Come on, you can tell us, darling!"
  407. > "It's just-" Fluttershy begins miserably, then looks up at you. "I had two more foals after Morning Dew, and they're still on Earth! I l-left them behind..."
  408. > Everyone is silent for a while, not sure what to say to that. Eventually you decide to speak up, repeating what Luna had told you.
  409. "Um, Princess Luna said that Princess Celestia will get them back. Everyone from the School. Now that she knows- well, when we tell her what's been happening, she'll get them all back."
  410. > "Hmm," Twilight says, a little doubtfully until Rarity gives her a surreptitious kick on the hind leg. "Oh, I mean, sure! Yeah, Princess Celestia is the best diplomat you can imagine. If anypony can get them back, it's her!"
  411. > "Certainly!" Rarity adds, satisfied with the result. "We'll talk about it in the morning and I'm *sure* we'll find a solution! You'll see!"
  412. > It seems to be working and Fluttershy even manages a small smile. "I j-just have to believe I'll see them again..."
  413. > "Of course you will, silly!" Pinkie adds happily. "And when they're back, I'll throw them all the birthday parties they missed!"
  414. > That gets them all laughing and you can't help but join in. It's hard to stay pessimistic with these mares.
  415. > "Come on, let's get you some dinner and then bed. We'll talk some more after that, okay?" Twilight proposes.
  416. > "Damn right!" Sky Light adds beside you. They all seem to notice her for the first time.
  417. > Twilight frowns for a moment, then remembers: "Sky Light, right? Um, welcome to Equestria."
  418. > "Applejack already said that!" Pinkie hisses, trying to whisper but ending up loud enough for everyone to hear.
  419. > Again, no one knows what exactly to say.
  420. > "So, let's get to our rooms," Rarity suggests.
  421. > There's a whoosh and two sets of thuds as Princess Luna lands nearby. "Ah, it is good I found all of you together," she exclaims. "Twilight Sparkle, Rosa and Sky Light - my sister asks all of you to join us in the Grand Hall after breakfast tomorrow. She wishes to hear your stories."
  422. > "Of course, Princess," Twilight replies smoothly.
  423. "Yeah, of course!" you add, needlessly.
  424. > Sky Light just nods.
  425. > "Um, what about me?" Paolo asks, a bit awed to be speaking to an actual alicorn, but still managing to keep his voice somewhat steady.
  426. > "You come too," Luna says. "We will have to decide how to proceed, now that Cadence is-"
  427. > The Princess catches herself and shakes her head, but not before Twilight asks plaintively: "Is auntie Cadence really going to prison? I'm sure she didn't mean to-"
  428. > "Not now, Twilight," Luna says wearily. "We'll discuss that tomorrow."
  429. > "B-But-"
  430. > "Tomorrow!"
  431. > It was definitely a command and Twilight knows it too. Her ears fold down and she lowers her head. "Okay. I understand, Princess."
  432. > You guess there's a hierarchy between the alicorns, too. Twilight is taking orders from Luna and you wouldn't be surprised if they both obeyed Celestia.
  433. > "I will see you at breakfast," Luna says. Then, without waiting for a reply, she leaps into the air, flaps her wings and soars away.
  434. > No one speaks as Twilight starts walking again, leading the way to a large door. You look back at the brightly-lit courtyard, but all the ponies have dispersed except for a few guards.
  435. > Suddenly, all you want to do is sleep. You don't even want dinner. It can wait until you wake up.
  436. > Things will make more sense in the morning. You can't hold back a yawn.
  437. > Fluttershy notices it and steps closer to your side. "Come on, let's get you to bed," she says quietly.
  438. > All you can do is nod and smile.
  440. > ~~~~
  442. > Breakfast goes by in a bit of a blur, but there is coffee for which you are very grateful. Fluttershy and her friends ended up talking in whispers long into the night, with you dozing curled up next to her.
  443. > As comforting as it was to sleep nestled against the pegasus, she kept moving slightly and waking you up. Her voice, though quiet and melodious, has kept you just on this side of dreams.
  444. > You didn't mind either of those, of course. Soaking up Fluttershy's presence felt really good, especially after missing it for the past seventeen years.
  445. > The result, however, is that you're a bit sleepy this morning, which is precisely why they invented coffee.
  446. > There's also another problem, but it will go away in time, you suspect. The beds in this castle are way softer than you're used to, especially after the pony resistance camp, so you slept weird and now your neck feels stiff. It should get better once you start moving about.
  447. > Around you are your mother's friends, still chatting amicably. You don't think they've slept at all, but they all seem chipper and fully awake. Maybe it's the air or something in the food that gives ponies in Equestria their boundless energy.
  448. > The pancakes are good, though. Maybe everyone here is on a permanent sugar high?
  449. > You feel someone pat you on the back, but before you can turn around Sky Light lands in the seat next to you. She gives you a bright, early morning smile and you return it in kind.
  450. > "Slept well?" she asks.
  451. "Oh yes. Well, kinda. Well... I rested anyway," you try to explain.
  452. > On your other side Fluttershy picks up on the clues and gives you a quick apologetic nuzzle. "Oh, I hope we didn't keep you up all night, Morning Dew! I'm so sorry! We should have gone in the other room!"
  453. > You shake your head and put your hooves around the mare.
  454. "It's fine! Don't worry, it was very relaxing! I can always sleep tonight, right?"
  455. > She's about to answer you, but Twilight, who is sitting across the table, has another question and Fluttershy has to concentrate on her reply. You shrug a little and dig into the pancakes once more.
  456. "Where's Paolo?"
  457. > Sky Light shrugs. "Dunno, he was still sleeping on the couch when I left the room."
  458. "Will he know where to go?"
  459. > "I didn't. I asked a guard and he showed me the way. They're very polite here. Just like..."
  460. > She doesn't say his name, but she's certainly thinking it. The way her ears flop is unmistakable. You lean over to give her a brief hug, wincing only a little at the pang in your neck.
  461. "It's okay. I'm here for you."
  462. > The pegasus returns your hug. "Thanks, Rosa. It really means a lot..." she replies, voice thick and rich with emotion.
  463. > You haven't seen the end of it, you're sure. Maybe she's only keeping it together because of all the excitement and strangeness, but as soon as things settle down she'll lose it.
  464. > It's especially important that you stay near her at all times. You have to make this clear to Luna and, by proxy, Celestia. Whatever houses or something she arranges for the ponies from earth, you have to be in the same house as Sky Light, even if that means Fluttershy can't live with you.
  465. > There'll be plenty of time to catch up with your mom after Sky's daughter is born. As soon as that happens, you know, your pegasus friend won't have any more doubts.
  466. > At least that's what the books and movies have told you. You really hope that it's true.
  467. "Here, lemme get you some pancakes. You'll like them. They use too much sugar here, so I know they'll be right up your alley."
  468. > Sky Light murmurs a quiet thank you as you fetch an empty plate and pile it up. After a brief moment of indecision, she goes for the warm, thick chocolate syrup and pours a generous dose. A moment later you let her be in her own personal, gooey, sugary piece of heaven.
  469. > There's still no sign of Paolo. Hopefully he doesn't sleep right through breakfast. Just to be sure, you go fetch yet another plate and put a few pancakes on it for him. The castle staff, whatever it's called, probably won't mind if you take some food to the room, right?
  470. > You hurriedly finish your own meal and then stand up. Twilight notices and waves a hoof to get your attention.
  471. > "You're leaving?"
  472. "Just gonna go freshen up and take some breakfast to Paolo," you explain.
  473. > "Okay, good. Celestia wants us in the Grand Hall in about half an hour."
  474. "Okay, which way is that?"
  475. > Twilight glances around, trying to think up some easy to remember directions, but then she shrugs to herself and says: "Maybe it'll be easier if you just ask somepony. Anypony will be able to direct you."
  476. "Okay, I'll do that. Thanks!"
  477. > You're never getting used to them using 'anypony' in lieu of 'anyone' and similar. Well, maybe in time. It does have a certain ring to it. It reminds you who you are and where you are.
  478. > You give Fluttershy another nuzzle and she returns it absentmindedly while telling some story to the cowboy-mare. Applejack, yeah, that was her name. With all the conversation you'd overheard last night, you feel like you know them pretty well by now.
  479. > Fluttershy is explaining something about Instructor Martha, by the sound of it, so you don't disturb her. Instead, you lean closer to Sky Light.
  480. "I'll just take some of these to Paolo. I'll meet you in this Grand Hall, okay? Just stick with Fluttershy and you'll be okay."
  481. > Sky Light gives you a mouth-full nod and a grunt, which you take as affirmative. She's desperate to say something more. Something inappropriate, judging by the glint in her eye, but she can't swallow fast enough and you're not sticking around to hear it.
  482. "Tell me later," you say with a short laugh as you leave.
  484. > ~~~~
  486. > The Grand Hall is appropriately named. There's a dais with two thrones on it, not looming, but... 'presiding' over the large room. The floor is covered by a rich, red carpet down the middle and much of the place is adorned in gold.
  487. > There are stained-glass windows, depicting what you assume are important scenes from Equestria's history. There's even one or two with Twilight and her friends, including your mother. That makes you especially proud. Your mom is like a hero or something!
  488. > Luna had told you as much, but to see it immortalized in stained glass is a completely different thing.
  489. > You're flanked by Sky Light and Paolo on either side, all of you sitting on very soft cushions on the floor. The Elements of Harmony, which includes Fluttershy, are similarly seated nearby.
  490. > Perhaps most surprisingly, Luna and Celestia are right down there with all of you. The thrones are unoccupied.
  491. > It *does* make them seem a lot more approachable. When you first saw the room and its layout, you almost felt like you were going on some kind of trial, but now it seems more like a friendly chat.
  492. > Starlight Glimmer is explaining her side of the story about your escape from the facility. Luna had been there, but pretty zoned out so she doesn't remember a whole lot.
  493. > Every now and then the unicorn looks to you for confirmation and you voice your assent, or add a minor point.
  494. > After that it's Fluttershy's turn to describe what her captivity looked like and you pay close attention, mentally bracing yourself for some unpleasant moments.
  495. > "Um," the pegasus begins a bit shyly, now that she's the center of attention. "It wasn't all that bad, actually."
  496. > "What?!" Twilight nearly jumps up from her seat. "Fluttershy, they kept you prisoner and- and..."
  497. > She can't quite utter the next word, but you know what she wants to say. At length, she lowers her voice to a near whisper: "-used you!"
  498. > Fluttershy looks directly at you and you quickly go to her. She will probably need a hug to get through this, so you preemptively put your hooves around her and get a grateful nuzzle in return.
  499. > "Yes, that is true," your mother speaks, "but they weren't too mean about it."
  500. > This information makes Twilight almost growl in frustration. "Not too mean?! Fluttershy, you're talking about r-"
  501. > "Yes, I know!" Fluttershy interrupts her friend. "I'm not stupid, Twilight, I know what it was! I'm just saying that it wasn't the worst! I know s-some mares had it much worse than I did!"
  502. > She takes a slow, deliberate breath and continues: "They put me in a nice room. I couldn't leave, but it was a lot better than a cage. I had TV and books, and every day someone would come and chat with me!"
  503. > This next bit makes Fluttershy tense up and you increase your hug. "I got to meet h-him. You know, the stallion. I actually kinda liked him. It was the same one each time, too, so that wasn't so bad!"
  504. > "Who was it?" Luna asks gently.
  505. > "His name is Cloud Bank, a pegasus from Manehattan. I don't know what happened to him. He stopped v-visiting before my youngest daughter was born and I haven't- they haven't made me... not since."
  506. > There's silence for a while, until Fluttershy takes a deep breath and goes on: "Maybe the worst part of it was that I couldn't see my children. But at least they told me about them and showed me pictures. I knew they were alright!"
  507. > Twilight, her face a mask of contrition, walks over and adds her hooves on top your yours. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I didn't mean it like that."
  508. "S-So, what do we d-do now?" you ask, looking at Luna. "We're going to save them all, right?"
  509. > Celestia looks sad and Luna seems downright uncomfortable. They look at each other, unsure how to answer it, but then it's the older sister who speaks up.
  510. > "I will certainly do my best, Morning Dew. Maybe there is yet a chance to bring my ponies back home."
  511. > She casts a very stern gaze at the younger alicorn. "What I would really like to know, Luna, is why didn't you bring them all home when you were already there?!"
  512. > Luna looks ashamed of herself, lowering her ears and hanging her head. "I'm sorry, I made a judgment call-"
  513. > "Your judgment?!" Celestia asks pointedly.
  514. > "I know, perhaps I should have-"
  515. > Again, the older alicorn interrupts: "What you *should* have done, Luna, was to come home as soon as you were rescued. We could have made a plan together. You know I would have helped!"
  516. > "Yes, but Princess Cadence-"
  517. > When Luna drops the name, everyone in the room looks over, focusing their ears.
  518. > Celestia actually looks furious. "Princess Cadence went so far beyond my instructions to her that she went completely off the map! I had no idea how bad she'd gotten!"
  519. > Twilight clears her throats and speaks up: "What will happen to her?"
  520. > Celestia heaves a sad sigh. "She will spend some time in the dungeons, until she can be reasoned with. I expect I will forgive her... eventually."
  521. > "After all, she has lost her husband in the war," Luna adds a mitigating circumstance.
  522. > "That may be so, but her behavior was entirely unbefitting a Princess of Equestria! A Princess of Love, no less! She has done untold damage my diplomatic endeavours! I should have guessed when the humans refused to even speak with me!"
  523. > Celestia isn't angry anymore, but she also isn't far off. You wouldn't want to see her really angry, and especially not with you. Even now you can't help but cringe away a little.
  524. > "She risked another war with her reckless attacks on humans! Had I known, I would have dragged her back personally! Tartarus, I might have let the humans have her!"
  525. > Luna is trying to win back some favor, so she adds: "I knew she was mad. I should have brought her back sooner. I'm sorry. She got really bad after I was c-captured."
  526. > "As for you," Celestia continues, making the younger Princess flinch in shock. "This attack - no, do not give me that look, it is exactly how the humans will describe it - this attack was ill-advised. Don't you think they will take precautions now? You only had a single security guard to deal with, do you think there won't be more, now?"
  527. > "I- I-" Luna stammers and it's unsettling to see the normally calm and self-assured alicorn this flustered.
  528. > "Had you come to me in the first place," Celestia said, "I would have sent more ponies. Tartarus, I would have gone with! We could have brought back all of those ponies!"
  529. > You feel a certain kinship and loyalty to Luna, so despite your misgivings, you try and lessen Celestia's anger. You clear your throat and all eyes in the room stare at you.
  530. "Um, I- uh. Um," you jibber for a moment until you can get your tongue under control. "Most of the p-ponies in the School wouldn't come. They would be afraid of s-strangers."
  531. > Celestia does seem a bit mollified, but she still sniffs. "Well, we would have dragged them off, kicking and screaming if need be!"
  532. > Luna grasps the reason you'd given her, as slim as it is: "It would have taken a lot more ponies, and there might have been a panic. If a single pegasus got away, they would have called the humans on us. I thought it wisest not to take too many risks and only bring out Fluttershy. Equestria needs the Elements."
  533. > Her reasoning is sound and Celestia can't find a flaw in it, not right away. You dare breathe a sigh of relief.
  534. > "You still should have consulted me!" the older alicorn mutters. "I would have been relieved to know you are well, too."
  535. > It seems like her anger is gone and you feel everyone around you relax a little. Fluttershy looks at you and gives you a grateful smile. You hadn't let her go even for a second this whole time.
  536. > "I'm very happy to have you back, Luna," Celestia says much more softly. "I'm happy to have all of you here. Of course I will do everything I can to get the rest of the ponies, but there are so many who have been born on Earth that it might not be possible."
  537. > "We'll do it together, Sister," Luna offers.
  538. > They embrace and you feel a certain warm confidence in your heart. Those two, if they aren't fighting, can do anything. It might take some time, but they'll figure something out.
  539. > "Very well. Now you- Morning Dew. You've lived in this School and you've seen a lot of their world. Tell me what ponies face on Earth. Tell me your story," Celestia asks you directly.
  540. > Now that she's focusing on you, you can't help but blush a little and lower your ears. Fluttershy struggles out of your grasp and then clasps you to her barrel instead.
  541. > "My turn," she says with a smile.
  542. "Well, um, I know about the School, but if you wanna know what it's really like for ponies on Earth, you should ask Sky Light. She's seen a lot!"
  543. > "I intend to," Celestia assures you, making the pegasus in question squirm a little bit beside you. "Tell me of the school, first."
  544. > You think back on the earliest thing you can remember.
  545. "Well, there's the nursery," you begin. "It's where foals stay until they're about six and can start taking their classes. It's just a playroom, with a few older ponies and usually one of the Instructors. They did give us a lot of toys."
  546. > It wasn't an unhappy time and you smile faintly as you remember the friendships you've made there.
  547. "After that, they put us in dorm rooms of about five or six, usually with one of the older students to help out, and we started going to classes..."
  549. > ~~~~
  551. > The house is nice. Like, really nice! Better than you had any right to expect, considering they just gave it to you and Sky Light.
  552. > It is a bit 'squished' between a greengrocer's and another home in the lower levels of Canterlot, just a short walk from the edge.
  553. > The city is built right up on the mountain! These Equestrian ponies are completely bonkers, but you gotta admit the view is spectacular. Of course you can't see it from any of your windows, but you can walk to the edge and lean on the wall and just look over the landscape.
  554. > How different it is from Earth, though! No drab, gray, blocky cities, no boring asphalt roads going everywhere, no cars or planes in the sky.
  555. > Well, there's an occasional zeppelin of all things, and there are trains, but most of the traffic is on foot - or rather, on hoof. There are a few carts being pulled around and the richest ponies can afford a flying carriage, but there's nowhere nearly as much traffic as the humans produce.
  556. > Everything seems a lot more relaxed. Laid back, almost. One of these days, after you settle in, you plan to check out that little restaurant right on the edge of the city, where you can have a fruit cup and just watch the land far below.
  557. > For now, you're still busy getting everything in order in the house. Celestia, or rather one of her staff, had shown you to the house and given you a bag of gold coins, but you didn't get much more than that.
  558. > Luckily Fluttershy and her friends were there, only too eager to help you get the essentials: bed sheets, pillows, blankets, crockery, toiletries, food.
  559. > Despite it being gold, the money you got was barely enough. Hopefully what Starlight had said is right and you'll get another in a couple of days. 'Government stipend', she'd called it. Every pony, newly arrived from Earth gets one for as long as they need it.
  560. > Your roommates are in a similar situation, though you haven't seen much of them in the last few days. Settling in, just like you and Sky Light, you assume. Amethyst and Iskra are living together a few blocks from your place, then there's Valentina and Felicity, each in her own tiny apartment across the hall in a larger building.
  561. > Paolo is still in the Castle, for the time being, while the government ponies try to find him a place.
  562. > It seems like Canterlot is *the* place to be and everyone wants to live there. Space is a scarce resource and without Celestia commanding it, none of you would have been able to stay there.
  563. > You wouldn't have minded living in one of the smaller settlements, but the Princesses still want you to meet with them regularly and tell them everything you can remember about the human world.
  564. > In return, you're learning a bit of the history between the two peoples. Partly thanks to Cadence and her petty revenge, but mostly due to some horror which has happened early in the war, the humans are disinclined to any kind of diplomacy Celestia is trying.
  565. > You don't know what exactly happened. You asked, but neither sister had been willing to speak on it. You tried getting the information from Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle, but they weren't forthcoming either. All the ponies seem determined to forget it had ever happened.
  566. > Really weird. You will get to the bottom of it, even if it takes years.
  567. > Still, it's not that important. Hopefully the diplomacy efforts will yield more fruit now that Cadence is no longer wreaking havoc on Earth. It didn't surprise you in the slightest that the revenge-driven alicorn had been lying in her reports to Celestia, especially after Luna was captured.
  568. > You can't imagine how she could have gotten that bad, but Twilight told you that Cadence went a little bit crazy after her husband - Twilight's own brother - had been killed early in the war. He left the Princess alone with her unborn daughter.
  569. > Maybe Celestia is right and Cadence would come to her senses. Flurry Heart is a few years older than you, but you could tell she really misses her mother.
  570. >...
  571. > You had time to mull all that over on your way back from the general store down the street. You have some more of what Sky Light calls 'posh stuff'. It's just a few essential oils, some scented candles, bubble bath and a bit of makeup. You might have splurged a little on perfume for yourself, but it had smelled so alluring and you're meeting Paolo for dinner in a couple of days!
  572. > You're bound to get some more of those 'bits' as they're called soon, right? They wouldn't just let you starve, would they?
  573. > Nah, the ponies in Equestria are really nice and you can't help but think the world of Celestia and Luna. You're going to be fine.
  574. > As always, you take a few seconds to pause in front of the house and enjoy a good look. It still feels unreal that the place is yours. Well, 'yours'. You've been given it on loan, but until someone says otherwise, you can use it as your own.
  575. > It looks a bit cramped from the outside, pressed against the two neighboring houses as it is. There's barely enough room for a door and a window on the ground floor and two windows on the first floor.
  576. > After a brief discussion, you let Sky Light have that room. She enjoys sitting on her bed and just watching the street. All those ponies going about their business. She says it really helps her believe she's no longer on Earth.
  577. > Your room is in the back and the two windows there look into a back alley. It's not as busy, but that's okay. You can always sit with Sky Light if you feel like watching your neighbors.
  578. > Surprisingly, the top floor includes a bathroom just large enough for a bath tub. You're anxious to try it out. You haven't had a bath - a proper, hot soak - ever since you were in the nursery and the Instructors washed you because you were too young to shower by yourself.
  579. > The ground floor has a small kitchen with a table that can barely sit three ponies, and a tiny but comfortable reading room. Fluttershy is sleeping on the couch there for the time being.
  580. > You offered her the room upstairs, but the pegasus insisted you take it. Then you told her she could sleep in bed with you and Fluttershy said she'd consider it. She does, sometimes.
  581. > It's really nice to cuddle up with someone.
  582. > Some days she goes with her friends back to where she used to live. 'Ponyville', it's called and you couldn't help having a good chuckle about that when you first heard it discussed. It seems these Equestrians really like reminding themselves that they're ponies!
  583. > The good news is that Fluttershy's old cottage is still standing. The bad news is that all the animals have left when she didn't return and the place is in dire need of repairs.
  584. > You can see that your mother would like to move back there and you haven't decided yet if you'll go with her, or stay with Sky Light, or maybe even find a place of your own with Paolo.
  585. > The half-cutie mark you've gotten is still making you wish for a gardening job and Luna has made good on her promise. You're going to meet with the Canterlot Castle head groundskeeper, a certain Mr. Green Hoof, to talk about possible employment.
  586. > If you land that job, you'll be inclined to stay in Canterlot. You thought you'd feel more sad at the prospect of being separated from Fluttershy once more, but somehow it's different.
  587. > Maybe it's because you'll know where she is, you'll know she's happy and doing what she loves and you'll be able to visit her - and she you - whenever you wanted.
  588. > Anyway, that's still months away. You're not taking any job until Sky Light has her daughter. She really needs you.
  589. > The mare is completely lost in this strange world, not least because all her experience up to now has been about surviving on the streets of Earth. As you had foreseen, she has frequent breakdowns and spends a lot of the time just crying.
  590. > There's not a lot you can do for her, except be there and offer your shoulder as support. Fluttershy also helps, but it was you who made the promise so it's not fair to let your mother carry that burden.
  591. > Maybe Sky Light is doing a bit better? It's hard to tell this soon, but the other day you caught her chatting amicably with the greengrocer next door. He even gave her a fresh carrot, which actually brought a smile to the mare's face.
  592. > You have to invite him and his wife over to dinner someday. You'd never had neighbors before, not proper ones, and you want to do it right.
  593. >...
  594. > As soon as the front door closes, you let the bag slip from your back and thud on the wooden floor. You'll put the things away in a minute, first you want to go and check on Sky Light.
  595. > The mare is probably in her room again, staring out the window.
  596. "Hey! I'm home!" you shout out to give her a heads up.
  597. > There's no reply, so you just make your way up the twisty staircase. It always catches you by surprise how quickly you get to the top.
  598. > The rooms are sized for ponies, which still feels a bit claustrophobic after being used to human-height ceiling all your life.
  599. > There is a very tiny hallway on the top of the stairs with a small cupboard in the middle. Fluttershy put a vase with some flowers in it and they always make you smile when you smell the fragrance. You turn to your left and give the door a gentle knock.
  600. "Sky Light?"
  601. > "Come in," comes the reply.
  602. > You push it open and squeeze into the small room. There's a bed, a writing desk and a simple wardrobe, currently empty. Rarity has offered on multiple occasions to take Sky Light out clothes-shopping, but the pegasus has refused so far.
  603. > She's sitting on the bed and looking out the window, as you surmised. You would have seen her, had you really looked at the house when you approached, rather than be lost in memories.
  604. > Her ears turn towards you, but she doesn't glance in your direction, so you just jump up on the bed and put your hooves around her.
  605. "How are you doing?"
  606. > "You know," the mare says, keeping her voice carefully level. She puts a surreptitious hoof on her belly, but you don't draw attention to it.
  607. "Well," you say, looking for a way to distract her, "I got us some scented bubble bath and some fragrant candles. We can have a hot bath tonight, okay?"
  608. > Her muzzle twitches up into a half-smile for a few seconds and you know you'd hit jackpot. You suspect Sky Light had even fewer chances for a good soak than yourself.
  609. "Yeah, a foamy bubble bath, nowhere to rush, just... relaxing. You can go first!"
  610. > "Mmmm, sounds nice," the pegasus says.
  611. "After that, I got still some of Fluttershy's casserole. I'll just heat that up."
  612. > Sky Light nods. "Yeah, it was delicious!" After a few seconds' thought, she adds: "Where is Fluttershy?"
  613. "She had to go oversee the repairs on her cottage. She said she'll sleep in Twilight's castle and come back tomorrow for lunch."
  614. > "Oh. Okay."
  615. "I thought we'd take a walk to the edge in the morning. There's this place I wanna try, Rainbow Dash said they do a 'mean sundae' and the view is 'awesome'. Whaddya say?"
  616. > The mare shrugs, then gives you a tentative nod. "Yeah, I'd like that."
  617. > It's good progress. You have to get her out of the house as often as you can, but only when she's comfortable with it. You don't want Sky Light to end up like some kind of a shut-in.
  618. > "Gonna invite your coltfriend?"
  619. "Wha- Paolo isn't my coltfriend!"
  620. > This actually makes her giggle. "Don't lie to yourself, Rosa. Look, I appreciate all you're trying to do, but maybe I'd just like to have a quiet evening every once in a while. Alone. How about you send Fluttershy off to have some fun with her friends, and then you take Paolo out to dinner?"
  621. > You gotta admit that it does sound nice.
  622. "Okay, yeah. Maybe. He has asked me out. Okay, day after tomorrow, deal?"
  623. > "I won't mind if you bring him back, okay? Even if you're... ahem, loud."
  624. > There comes the blush. It seems whenever Sky Light talks about you and Paolo she ends up embarrassing you. Will you ever get used to it, you wonder?
  625. > You don't complain because it makes the mare smile and puts some of her old twinkle back in her eyes. That's worth a bit of embarrassment.
  626. "No, that'll wait. We're just dating, okay? Fine, yes, he *is* my coltfriend, but we're just dating *at least* until Iris is born."
  627. > The name makes Sky Light sigh and grip herself around the belly again. You know exactly what she's thinking.
  628. "Don't worry, she'll be very happy here. You're gonna be a great mom and she'll love it in Equestria. Much better than Earth, you'll see."
  629. > "You think s-so?" the pegasus asks plaintively. "About me being a- a mom?"
  630. "Sure! You basically brought me up on the street and look how I turned out!"
  631. > She can't help but laugh out loud at that. "Yeah, a smart ass who got mixed up with the wrong crowd! We broke into a government place, remember?"
  632. "Maybe, but it brought us here and gave us this sweet flat!"
  633. > She has no counter to that. "Okay, fine," she says, then looks for a way to change the topic. "So, what do you wanna do until dinner?"
  634. > It's a rare opportunity, so you think fast.
  635. "How about we take a walk around the city? Maybe go pay a visit to Rarity's boutique, try on a few dresses? We'll be back early so we can take a bath!"
  636. > "Hmm," Sky Light is a bit uncertain, but then she brightens up. "Is there an ice cream place near that? I think I'm craving pistachio ice cream."
  637. "We'll find one!"
  638. > You're about to jump down from the bed, but Sky Light hugs you quickly before you can do that. "Thanks. I don't think I've said that yet, but thank you Rosa."
  639. > The embrace lingers on for a few moments and you give her back a few pats.
  640. "You're welcome, Sky."
  642. > ~~~~
  644. > It has been a good evening. You're settling into this new life as well as could be expected and Sky Light seems to be doing much better.
  645. > So well, in fact, that you'd accepted Paolo's shy, tentative invitation to dinner. He took you to a place with a funny name where you ordered pasta in a tomato and basil sauce. Quite delicious, actually.
  646. > Then you went for a walk around the city. It's still weird to see no humans around, only ponies. You're probably not getting used to that anytime soon.
  647. > The date ended once you reached your front door. The colt watched you nervously for a minute while you patiently waited for him to do what should traditionally be done when dropping off the girl at her house.
  648. > At last he worked up his courage and gave you a quick peck on the muzzle.
  649. > A part of you wanted to invite him in and try a *real* kiss, but you thought better of it. The date had been fun and you're already looking forward to the next one. No sense in rushing ahead, especially with Sky Light depending on you.
  650. > She'll need you more and more as it gets harder for her to move around and do things for herself. True, there is Fluttershy, but she's busy rebuilding her own life and you can't expect her to take over your promise to Sky Light.
  651. > Your mother still spends most of the nights at your place and you really enjoy those quiet evenings, when you're sitting on the couch with her and she's telling you about her life and adventures, both before she was taken to Earth and after.
  652. > Her adventures from before are a lot more interesting, though.
  653. > Once or twice you've even fallen asleep in the middle of the story, only to wake up in the morning, covered with a blanket and Fluttershy bringing a cup of cocoa or some oatmeal.
  654. > She's away tonight, so it'll just be you and Sky. Just like the old times.
  655. > You wonder how Terry is doing and if he's worried about the pegasus. Of course that gets you thinking about the truck stop gang and all the other people you've met in that crazy life.
  656. > Shaking your head to clear it of the sad thoughts, you push the door open and head inside. To your surprise, Sky Light is downstairs for a change. She's sitting at the kitchen table.
  657. > Maybe she made herself something to eat?
  658. > When you see what she has your blood freezes and your breath stalls.
  659. > There's a bottle of wine, open. The cork is lying beside it and you can vividly see the few red drops of wine on the tablecloth.
  660. > A half-full glass is sitting in front of Sky Light and she is staring at it, motionless.
  661. "Please tell me you didn't!"
  662. > The mare doesn't look at you, nor does she move anything other than her mouth. "I wanted to..." Her foreleg curls around the glass.
  663. > You rush forward and slap the drink away from her hoof. Sky Light twitches as the glass shatters against the cupboard.
  664. "How much did you drink!? How much?! Tell me Sky!"
  665. > She needs to go to a doctor, fast! Your mind starts racing as you try and remember how. There are no telephones. You'll have to make a run for it and you'll carry Sky Light on your back if you have to!
  666. > The mare is looking at you, blinking slowly, as if in a daze. You can see tears running down her muzzle, making your stomach clench into a tiny ball.
  667. > "I d-didn't... I didn't," she says shakily.
  668. > You take a closer look at the bottle and see that she's right. There's hardly any missing - about half a glass, you estimate.
  669. > The mare grips your foreleg and gives you a panicked look. "I w-wanted it," she whines. "God, how I wanted it, Rosa! I t-thought a s-s-sip couldn't hu-hurt!"
  670. > She breaks out in sobs and you bring both legs around her.
  671. > "It wouldn't s-stop at a sip! I knew it wouldn't!" the pony bawls against your barrel. "But I wanted to, so badly! I w-wanted to feel normal for an hour!"
  672. > You glare at the bottle as if all this is its fault. Where did she even get it?! You know for a fact there is nothing alcoholic in the house.
  673. "Where did you get it?"
  674. > Sky Light shakes her head, as if it doesn't matter. It probably doesn't, but you need to talk and this question is better than 'are you fucking insane?'
  675. "Come on, tell me."
  676. > "Shop down the street. I said it was for when we get guests. I didn't have any money, but I said you'd bring it tomorrow and they let me have it."
  677. > You almost growl a little to yourself. You know the shopkeeper there and he knows you. You'd bought enough necessities there over the weeks. You'll go and have a word with them, make sure they understand never to give Sky Light any booze.
  678. > For that matter, you should seek out all the stores and bars and pubs and restaurants near the house and make sure they understand. They'll probably look at you like you're crazy, but you have to do something.
  679. > You know you can't really stop Sky Light if she puts her mind to it, but you have to try *something*.
  680. > Maybe you could cuff her to the bed or something.
  681. "You didn't have any?" you ask, just to confirm.
  682. > Or perhaps you could start by trusting her. Yes, she went and bought herself booze. She opened the bottle and poured it. But she didn't drink it. That has to count for something, right?
  683. > Sky Light shakes her head again. "I k-knew what it would do. Maybe not one glass, but it'd n-never be just one glass... I knew what'd happen."
  684. > It's happened before, but you don't say that out loud. Sky Light is already thinking it, no need to make it worse.
  685. > What Sky Light needs is support, nor anger and accusation. It's a struggle, but you swallow down the fear and the fury and let relief fill your voice instead.
  686. "Well, I'm proud of you. You gave me a fucking scare, but I'm proud of you."
  687. > The mare pushes away and stares at you as if you're crazy. "You what?! After this?!"
  688. "Yes. Okay, so you fucked up and nearly gave in, fine. I'm disappointed."
  689. > She narrows her eyes and you sigh.
  690. "Okay, fine, I'm a bit mad."
  691. > You boop her nose with yours.
  692. "You didn't actually go through with it, did you? You resisted until I came home. Way I see it, you knew it'd be a mistake and you didn't do it."
  693. > She looks doubtful, but one of her ears lifts up, as if she wants to hear more. You invent hurriedly.
  694. "We all have moments of weakness, Sky. It's not wrong to feel depressed or hopeless. But you didn't do it and that's what counts."
  695. > "I s-still want it," Sky whispers, letting her gaze fall to the floor. "Take it away, please?"
  696. "I will, I will. Look, I won't leave you alone again. That was my mistake..."
  697. > Suddenly the pegasus looks panicked. "No no no, that's not what I meant! I don't need you to babysit me!"
  698. > You both look at the bottle.
  699. "Really?"
  700. > The mare groans in frustration and kicks one of the table legs, making the bottle rattle and nearly fall over. "Fuck! I don't know. I'm just a screw up. Just a junkie, what do I know?!"
  701. > You let her go, but only for long enough to reach over and put the cork back in the bottle.
  702. "Sky, listen to me. You're not 'just a junkie'. You're not *just* anything, okay? You saw me through those streets and you've been the best friend I could have wanted!"
  703. > She's not looking at you, but you see fresh tears start to flow. For that matter, your eyes are getting quite wet as well. Maybe you haven't really told Sky what she meant to you?
  704. > You grip her hoof between yours.
  705. "You're just about the most amazing pony I've ever met. Actually, make that 'person'. I'm including humans in that."
  706. > The pegasus barks a short laugh. "Yeah, what about Fluttershy?"
  707. > You roll your eyes, but join in with a quiet giggle.
  708. "Well, okay. Fine. Fluttershy is amazing, too. But she's my mom and you're my best friend. It's different."
  709. > "I won't do it again," Sky Light says suddenly. "I swear, no more booze, no more drugs... as if I even knew how to get hold of them here."
  710. > She stares at you and for a second it almost looks like she's angry. "This fucking place is just so damn *wholesome*! Everyone is polite, the streets are clean. Do you know how many types of alcohol they have?"
  711. > You shake your head.
  712. > "Three! There's this rose wine, there's a few kinds of cider and there's mead. That's it! I fucking hate wine, but it was all I could find!"
  713. > You don't really understand why she is angry. Is she seriously complaining that Equestria is *too nice*?!
  714. "Well, look at it this way: It's going to be a good place for Iris to grow up, isn't it? You'll be able to send her out to play with the other kids and you won't have to worry that anything would happen."
  715. > The pegasus gives you a long, slow look. She blinks a few times. "I g-guess?" she finally admits.
  716. "I know you miss Earth, but give this place a chance, okay? You're not alone here. You got me."
  717. > "Yeah, until that colt of yours takes you away..."
  718. "Not gonna! Whatever happens between Paolo and me, I'll stay your friend, okay? That's a promise."
  719. > Sky Light starts chuckling a little and you wait impatiently until she tells you why.
  720. > Finally she opens her muzzle: "So you'll be like a kind of aunt to Iris?"
  721. > The thought is so strange that you can't help but laugh with her.
  722. "Sure. An honorary aunt, that could work. *After* she is born, I'll take you out and we'll go have a drink, okay? One drink. We can do it sometimes, nothing wrong with kicking back and enjoying life. Until then, if you get the urge, just - I dunno, make yourself a hot bath instead. You like those, right?"
  723. > The soak you had both enjoyed the other day had been almost a transformative experience for the pegasus. Even now her eyes go all vacant and dreamy.
  724. > "Mmmmm."
  725. "In fact, all our bills are being paid by the government. Why don't you take advantage of that and go have another soak right now?"
  726. > A slow smile spreads across her muzzle and Sky nods. "Y-Yeah, that actually sounds good."
  727. > You release her hoof as she slips from the chair. Luckily the smashed glass is on the other side. You open the broom closet behind you and pull out a mouth-held brush-and-dustpan set. You'll have to make sure to get all the shards.
  728. > They won't hurt your hooves, other than scratching them and making it annoying to sleep when the edges snag on the blankets, but you might sit on your haunches when you're cooking and cut yourself.
  729. > You also have to mop up the wine you spilled and then probably go over it with the cleaning fluid a couple of times so there's no smell left.
  730. > That still leaves the question about what to do with the wine. You don't want it in the house and you'd feel kinda bad for tossing out a full bottle. You're certainly not going to drink it yourself.
  731. > An idea pops in your mind. Didn't Citrus Blush and her coltfriend have some kind of an anniversary just the other day? You don't know if this wine is a good vintage, or whatever it's called, but maybe she'd like it.
  732. > It's only a couple of doors down the street. You can tell her that Sky Light bought it by mistake, which is true enough anyway.
  733. > *Then* you'll clean up the mess. You really want this thing out of the house before you do anything else.
  734. > You wait quietly until you hear the water start to splash into the tub upstairs, then you hook the wine with your fetlock and hobble to the door on three legs.
  735. > Maybe it can make some ponies happy. That's a much better job for it than bring fresh tragedy to Sky Light.
  737. > ~~~~
  739. > Sky Light was sleeping in, so you risked taking the morning off. In any case, she had been doing a lot better after that wine incident. She'd be okay for a few hours, especially with both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the house.
  740. > The two were catching up, talking about old times before the Bores and all the Earth-craziness. You were curious to hear more about it, but at the same time it felt a bit wrong to intrude, so you took the opportunity to go out and visit with your own friends.
  741. > Out of your old roommates, only Valentina and Felicity were at home and you invited both out for some ice cream.
  742. > Now you're sitting in one of the less busy streets in lower Canterlot, trying and failing to enjoy the delicious cup slowly. You barely have time to talk between spoonfuls.
  743. > It's just fruit and whipped cream and ice cream, no way it should taste like that!
  744. > "So, how are you and Paolo doing?" Valentina asks, trying to conceal a tiny little blush.
  745. "Mmmph?" you ask, then swallow and repeat: "Huh? We're not- um, we're just dating, okay?"
  746. > Amethyst is the only one of the two who believes you, it looks like. Well, she's the one who isn't smirking knowingly. "A-Actually," she says, "I'm thinking about asking this guy out."
  747. > "What guy?!" Valentina asks, gaping a little in shock. "You never said there was a guy!"
  748. > Now it's Amethyst's turn to blush. "Oh, this guy. You know, lives in 1-B. Ground floor. Um, he has that bow and arrow cutie mark?"
  749. "Okay, tell!"
  750. > Valentina suddenly brightens up. "Oooh, the crystal pony?! Yeah, he's cool, even if he is a bit older!"
  751. "Crystal pony?!"
  752. > Amethyst rolls her eyes. "He has a name, you two! And age doesn't come into it."
  753. > After a short pause, Valentina prods the other mare with a hoof. "Well, what is it then?"
  754. > Her blush deepening, Amethyst lets her gaze fall to the ground. "Crystal Arrow."
  755. > None of you know what to say for a while, then Amethyst speaks up and breaks the silence: "Anyway, I'm thinking of asking him out. He doesn't have a fillyfriend. Never married, either! He moved to Canterlot for a job."
  756. > You lean over and place a hoof on her knee.
  757. "I think that's a good idea. You go for it, see what happens."
  758. > The mare flashes you a grateful smile and goes back to sipping on her milkshake.
  759. > "You know," Valentina speaks up after a while, "sometimes I almost can't believe it's real. I mean look at it!"
  760. > She gestures expansively to indicate the street, the castle above you and the lands beyond. "It's effing Equestria, Rosa! There's magic and unicorns and alicorn Princesses and a whole effing country of ponies!"
  761. "Yeah, it does feel like a dream sometimes..."
  762. > "And what's with these names?!" Valentina goes on. "I mean, seriously. Ponyville?! Las Pegasus? Canterlot?! Pony much?!"
  763. > All three of you giggle, having noticed the same thing.
  764. "Well, I guess they just like reminding themselves who they are. Nothing wrong with that."
  765. > Amethyst shrugs a little. "Yeah, makes sense."
  766. "Anyway, we're here now, gotta make the best of it. By the way, how are the others doing? I tried to get all of you together, but Iskra and Felicity weren't home."
  767. > "Oh, Iskra is probably still up at the hospital-" Valentina begins.
  768. "Hospital?!" you interrupt. "What's wrong?! What happened?!"
  769. > The mare waves a dismissive hoof. "Oh, nothing to worry about, Rosa. We're just getting these implants removed so we can get our cutie marks and all that. Iskra went yesterday and they said she'd have to stay twenty-four hours for observation. I think Felicity went with to keep her company."
  770. > "Yeah, I'm going on Friday," Amethyst adds. "I wonder what kind of a cutie mark I'll get!"
  771. > You relax. They should have told you, but you have to admit that you haven't seen a whole lot of your roommates ever since you moved in with Sky Light. The pegasus takes a lot of concentration and what little time you had left you spent with Fluttershy.
  772. "I wonder if Paolo is going to do it as well. He didn't say..."
  773. > Maybe he hadn't arranged a date yet, otherwise you're sure he would have told you on your date. You'll have to ask him.
  774. > "You know, I was talking with some mares in the grocery store," Valentina says, "they said not having a cutie mark makes me look like a filly. I'm thinking of not getting the implant removed, at least for a few years."
  775. > Both she and Amethyst giggle, but you look at your own flank instead.
  776. "Dunno, having this thing is pretty cool. Shows me what I always wanted to do, even if I didn't know it."
  777. > "Yeah, weird how you only got one. Are you getting the other, do you know?"
  778. > You shake your head. Dr. Mason had told you as much and the unicorn doctor who checked you out that first day pretty much confirmed it.
  779. "I don't think so. I don't mind, though. Maybe-" you answer, remembering what Valentina said, "I can use this."
  780. > "Use it how?"
  781. "Well, I need to get a dress that only covers one flank. I'm sure Rarity can think something up. Then I wear it so I show either the blank side or the cutie-mark side, depending if I wanna look younger or not!"
  782. > They both burst out laughing and you join them after a few seconds.
  783. > "Way to go, Rosa!" Valentina comments when she is able. "Best of both worlds, right?"
  784. "Yeah!"
  785. > You put the last spoonful of fruit in your mouth and look down at your empty cup regretfully.
  786. "We have to do this again. This stuff is delicious!"
  787. > "I'll ask Iskra when she comes visit. She promised she'll come tell me as soon as she gets out of the hospital. When are you free, Rosa?"
  788. "I- dunno. Sky Light has it pretty rough. There's good days and bad days, you know? Maybe in the evening one day. If I leave her soaking in the tub she usually stays there for hours."
  789. > "Cool! Bring Paolo, too!" Amethyst says.
  790. > Valentina adds: "Yeah, and Fluttershy, if you can. I wouldn't mind meeting her again, she seems nice."
  791. "Yeah, I'll ask them. A nice reunion, right?"
  792. > "Yeah!"
  793. > You look around for a waiter and grab your purse so you can pay. The government stipend arrived and you have a lot more left over now that you didn't have to buy the essentials again.
  794. > Amethyst sees what you're doing and puts a hoof over yours. "Leave it, I'll get it. You can pay next time, okay?"
  795. > It doesn't matter a whole lot, so you don't argue and put your money back.
  796. "Thanks."
  797. > All three of you stand up and Amethyst starts counting out some bits. The waiter arrives with perfect timing to take the money and say a polite goodbye.
  798. > You didn't do this kind of thing a lot on Earth so you can't really compare the service, but it *feels* like everyone is a lot friendlier here.
  799. > You follow your friends to the end of the street, where your roommates split off. They pause for quick hugs and nuzzles.
  800. "It's been great catching up, guys! I'll let you know when we can do it again, just as soon as I figure out how to use the post."
  801. > "Yeah, same! You should ask Paolo, though," Amethyst suggests.
  802. "Why?"
  803. > "He was training for postal work back on Earth, no? Well, he said he'd like to do the same thing here. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already gone and talked with ponies at the Post Office, or the Royal Mail or whatever it's called."
  804. > That actually makes sense. You hadn't spoken with him all that much back at the School, but you knew for a fact that he was excited about being a messenger-pony. He'd get to fly a lot and see all kinds of landscape and places, he'd said.
  805. "Good idea. I'll ask him when I see him."
  806. > With luck, he'd come around in the next day or two for coffee and you can bring it up. Also the question about his implant and cutie mark.
  807. > Right now, however, you have to go and check on Sky Light. She has probably woken up already. Maybe you can bring her some of that pistachio ice cream she loves so much?
  808. > It's not that far out of your way from here.
  809. "Well, have a good day, girls!"
  810. > "You too, Rosa!"
  811. > Picking up your pace, you start humming your happy song as you canter towards home.
  813. > ~~~~
  815. > You're greeted by a pleasant sight when you get back to your street. There's Sky Light, sitting on the doorstep and apparently in an animated discussion with the greengrocer.
  816. > She's eating an orange, or maybe a grapefruit and you get the feeling she didn't have to pay for this one either. These equestrian ponies are very friendly and generous.
  817. > They spot you approaching and Sky Light waves. "Hi Rosa!"
  818. > You can't help but smile at her apparent good mood.
  819. "Hi. Slept well? Want me to make some breakfast?" you offer.
  820. > The pegasus shakes her head no. "Thanks, Mr. Cinnamon gave me this grapefruit, so I'm good."
  821. > You give the greengrocer a polite nod and join your friend on the doorstep. It's a nice day and it's not yet too hot outside, so it's pleasant to just sit.
  822. > "So, what are you doing today? I wanna do something!" Sky Light suggests.
  823. "Um, any ideas?"
  824. > "Actually..."
  825. > She's avoiding your gaze, so whatever she wants might be embarrassing or complicated. You give her a nudge anyway.
  826. "Just spill it."
  827. > Her ears fold down and Sky casts a nervous glance at Lemon Cinnamon, before clearing her throat and suggesting: "Well, Rarity is taking Fluttershy to the spa. I was wondering if m-maybe we could go, too?"
  828. "You mean like join them?"
  829. > Sky Light bobs her head. "Yeah! I mean, if it isn't imposing. Or we could go separately."
  830. > She has fallen in love with taking hot baths, so a spa day might be just what she needs. The only problem is that you're not too sure what that entails. It might be a good idea to have a guide or something, at least the first time you try it.
  831. "I'll ask Fluttershy, okay?"
  832. > The pegasus cheers up immediately. "Okay! Thanks!"
  833. > All three of you wait in companionable silence, until it becomes a bit awkward and Mr. Cinnamon clears his throat. "Well, I should get back to work. Nice meeting you."
  834. > He gives you both a nod and ducks back into his shop. There are no customers in there at the moment, but there's probably stuff to do anyway.
  835. "Um, Fluttershy home?" you ask.
  836. > "She went to get some groceries," Sky Light explains. Seeing your uneasy look, she rolls her eyes. "I'm fine. I'm not falling off the wagon again, Rosa."
  837. > You have to admit that she has been doing much better lately. Well, as far as you can tell. There's one thing you've been thinking about, but you don't know how to broach the subject with Sky.
  838. > She hates doctors and she'll probably hate this too.
  839. "Um, Sky? I'd like to suggest something, okay?"
  840. > Almost immediately the pegasus looks apprehensive. Her ears fold down and her wings rustle as she nervously shuffles. "Y-Yeah?"
  841. "Hear me out before you make up your mind, okay? I'm not saying you should do it, it's just a suggestion."
  842. > "Okay?"
  843. > You take a deep breath and try to ease her into the idea.
  844. "There's all sorts of doctors there in the Canterlot Hospital, right? They're good at what they do. Hell, they have cutie marks to prove it."
  845. > The mare is watching you nervously. When you pause to think, she asks: "What are you getting at, Rosa?"
  846. "Look, I'm just saying- maybe you- *we*! Maybe *we* should go and, you know, j-just have a chat with one of them."
  847. > "We're not hurt, though."
  848. "I know, I know. I didn't mean... that kind of doctor."
  849. > The mare is staring at you blankly, so you take a deep breath and just blurt it out, damn the consequences.
  850. "A psychiatrist! Maybe we should go and talk to-"
  851. > "What?!" Sky Light jumps up. "Rosa, I'm *fine*! I don't need a shrink! I'm not a loon. Jeez!"
  852. "Will you hear me out?"
  853. > For a moment the mare just bristles, but then she heaves a sigh and sits back down. "Fine. I'll listen."
  854. > You try and put into words something you barely understand yourself.
  855. "Look, psychiatrists aren't just for crazy people, okay? The thing I'm saying," you quaver, "what I mean is- Well, they deal with stuff like that. You losing Zephyr, both of us coming to a whole new world."
  856. > You hate yourself for saying it, but you have to add:
  857. "You d-drinking..."
  858. > The glare you get is completely deserved, but you still feel it needed to be said. Sky Light remains silent, though, so you try and think up some more explanation.
  859. "Look, they deal with stuff like that. I'm not saying we should go into therapy, but maybe we just visit one and talk a little. Worst thing, we just waste a couple of hours, but we might get some advice on how to deal with... everything!"
  860. > Now that you've started, your mind is running like quicksilver and new ideas are popping up.
  861. "All we're doing is just getting a consultation, Sky. Hell, we don't even need to listen to any advice, but it can't hurt to have it."
  862. > You grip your friend around her withers before she can say no.
  863. "I mean, what you've gone through. Zephyr, and your daughter and what Cadence did. I don't even know how to talk to you about it, Sky! But I know you need to talk about it, otherwise it'll eat you up inside!"
  864. > Still nothing.
  865. "Please just think it over? All I'm asking is for us to go in there and talk to someone- some*pony*. It's not like it's even medical, really. It's just getting some advice."
  866. > Finally you release your friend. You can't get your ears up and you're struggling to control your breathing as you await her reply.
  867. > Sky Light looks all around before finally settling her eyes on you. She's grimacing, but then she lets her breath out in a long hiss.
  868. > "Okay, fine," she says quietly.
  869. "What?! Really?!" you gasp. "I m-mean, that's great!"
  870. > "Just a talk, okay? If I don't like them or what they're asking, I leave."
  871. "Yeah, of course! Just a talk and we'll see what kind of advice they give us!"
  872. > You relax and so does Sky Light. It mustn't have been easy to accept even this much. Maybe it shows just how much she's progressed. You can't help but smile proudly at the pegasus.
  873. "Hold on a second!" you tell her on the spur of the moment.
  874. > Sky just watches as you rush into the house. You have some note paper and a pen in the kitchen, so you can jot down what groceries you need, but now you write a different message.
  875. > 'Went with Sky to that place on the edge for lunch. Come meet us! Please leave this note up!'
  876. > You rummage in a drawer for a pin, then rush back outside. You put the note up on the door, where the pegasus silently reads it.
  877. > "Place on the edge?" she asks.
  878. "Yeah! I'm taking you out for lunch. You'll love it! It's right on the edge, so you can see pretty much all of Equestria. You can go stretch your wings while we wait for food."
  879. > The mare starts to smile at the prospect. She hasn't really been too far out of the house since you arrived in Canterlot and maybe it's time for her to start exploring this new land.
  880. > "Why that stuff about leaving the note up?"
  881. > You're rather proud of your thinking, so you grin happily.
  882. "It's for Fluttershy, but maybe Paolo will come visit later, too."
  883. > "Ooooh," Sky Light exclaims. "That's clever!"
  884. > You just nod, graciously accepting her compliment. You already have your bag with money, so you're all set.
  885. > "How are you two doing, by the way?"
  886. "We just had the one date! Nothing happened!"
  887. > "Shame," Sky comments. "Did he at least kiss you?"
  888. "Y-Yeah."
  889. > "Good. Maybe the boy has some manners. Now, if you want my advice..."
  890. > She looks at you questioningly, but you just shrug. You get a feeling she'll tell you no matter what you say.
  891. > "Well, colts are just like hardwood. Remember that."
  892. "What?! Why hardwood?!"
  893. > The mare smirks and your ears automatically flatten even as your muzzle starts to blush. You're aware of it even without a mirror.
  894. > "Well, just like a colt, if you lay the hardwood floor down *really well* the first time, you can then walk all over it for the next twenty years."
  895. > The mare chortles with laughter and you recognize it as one of her crude jokes. It's not even one of her worst, so you chuckle dutifully.
  896. "Yeah, funny."
  897. > "Well, there's a grain of truth in it, Rosa. If you want, I can give you some tips."
  898. "Please don't."
  899. > She just keeps laughing as you walk. It's a blessing there were no other ponies nearby to have overheard.
  901. > ~~~~
  903. > In the end you decided to visit the spa alone with Sky Light. Fluttershy and Rarity probably needed some quiet time to catch up and it felt wrong to butt in. You can invite both of them and Sky *and* possibly Paolo some other time.
  904. > That means it's just you and your pegasus friend in what Equestrian ponies call a 'steam room', but you know as a sauna.
  905. > Whatever the name, it's fantastically hot and sweat is just pouring off you. Not unpleasant, though, especially with a nice, refreshing, cool bath right after it to wash off.
  906. > Sky Light is sprawled on the wooden bench beside you, lying on her back and occasionally moaning a little.
  907. "That good?"
  908. > The mare doesn't even open her eyes as she nods. "Fuck yeah. I seriously love this. Thanks again for taking me!"
  909. "You're welcome," you giggle.
  910. > At some point in the past you've stopped minding Sky's language, but now you're starting to notice again. Maybe because Equestrian ponies don't swear at all.
  911. "Try to take it easy on the f-word, 'kay? They don't use that kind of language around here."
  912. > "Yeah, okay. Sorry."
  913. > That was surprisingly easy. You start to wonder...
  914. "So, I was thinking about going to see the dentist, make sure everything is okay in there..." you begin, very tentatively.
  915. > "Okay?"
  916. "Well, I thought you might wanna join me, have them take a look at you."
  917. > "Dunno, maybe."
  918. > Sky Light sounded a tiny bit defensive, but at least it wasn't a flat-out refusal. You wonder if she'll remember this once you're out of the sauna.
  919. "Anyway, they got magic. Mr. Cinnamon told me they have this spell so you can't feel anything. Even better than nitrous the humans use."
  920. > This time Sky Light opens her eyes and gives you a bit of a frown. "Fine, I said I'll go, okay?"
  921. > That was... unexpected. You have to know what changed.
  922. "Okay, great. Um, mind me asking why the change of heart?"
  923. > Hopefully you didn't just remind her why she hates all doctors.
  924. > Sky Light heaves a deep sigh, lazily rolling over to her side and holding up a wing in the air. You keep your eyes on it as she starts to fan it slowly from side to side.
  925. > She isn't doing it to keep cool, so you guess she's just trying to soak up more heat from the air.
  926. > "I- I dunno," the mare finally answers you. "Guess I have to keep myself healthy for the baby, right? Don't wanna go and drop dead on Iris when she's like seven."
  927. "Yeah, that would suck pretty badly," you agree.
  928. > "So, *maybe* I could stand those medical loons take a look. Every now and then."
  929. "That's probably a smart idea."
  930. > A droplet of sweat drips from your chin to the wood between your hind legs. You can see it starting to glisten with accumulated sweat.
  931. "Maybe it's time to get out of here? The pony at the reception said no more than thirty minutes if you're pregnant."
  932. > This time there's a sad sigh, but Sky Light does start rolling to her hooves. "Aww, already?"
  933. > You take another look at the hourglass on the wall. You remembered to turn it over when you went in and now the sand is just at the twenty-five mark.
  934. "Well, there's a minute or two left, but maybe we shouldn't risk it."
  935. > Sky digs her fore hooves in the floor and arches up her back, much like a cat. She holds the pose for a few seconds, then groans and straightens up. "How soon until we can do it again?"
  936. > She obviously paid zero attention to the receptionist!
  937. "At least an hour."
  938. > "Okay, so what's next?"
  939. > This next few parts you're really curious about, so you smile in anticipation.
  940. "Quick bath to cool off, then massage."
  941. > The pegasus looks a bit skeptical. "Massage?" she asks, ears splaying out with unease.
  942. "Give it a try. If you don't like it, you can always tell them to stop and go back to the bath, right?"
  943. > This eases some of her doubt. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
  944. > You open the sauna door and step out. You half expected clouds of steam to billow out around you, but there's nothing like that.
  945. > The air outside is noticeably chilly, though. You make a bee line for the small, round pool in the corner and slip gratefully inside.
  946. > After the heat, the water feels merely lukewarm, but it's warmer than the air. Sky Light joins you with a small splash.
  947. > "You know, we should do this more often. A lot more often."
  948. "Yeah, but it's pricey. We get money from the government, but at most I think we can do it once a month."
  949. > The pegasus looks immensely disappointed. "Well, how about I get a job, then?"
  950. "Any thoughts on what?"
  951. > Sky twists a little to look at her cutie mark. "No casinos in Canterlot, at least no legal ones that I could find. I think I'd like to try dealing blackjack, or running a roulette table, or something like that."
  952. > That is quite unexpected and you can't help but gape.
  953. "Wait, I thought you wanted to *play* those, not run them!" you point out.
  954. > "Yeah, normally I would. I get pretty lucky sometimes," Sky Light begins. You can already feel the 'but' coming up. "Buut..."
  955. > The mare flips to her back and strokes her belly with both hooves. "Well, with Iris on the way, I don't wanna rely on luck. I'd rather do a steady job. I don't wanna mooch off the government forever."
  956. > You open your mouth to mention her mooching off people while she lived on the street, but then you remember some of those hot, grueling afternoons with hardly any money at the end to show for it.
  957. > That had been hard work, even if it doesn't seem so at first glance. Even worse, the pay was never reliable.
  958. "Yeah, I think I get it. Want me to ask Celestia about it next time I see her? Maybe they could open a small casino, or maybe one of the fancy hotels would put in a blackjack table for their rich guests?"
  959. > Sky Light brightens up. "You'd do that for me?!"
  960. > She's making you blush again, but this time in a good way. You pat her side with a hoof and give the mare a smile.
  961. "Sure! I'll tell you if I get an answer!"
  962. > Out of the corner of your eye you see a couple of ponies in white garb standing around the door and chatting in an easygoing manner. You guess it's the masseuses.
  963. "I think that's our cue," you tell Sky.
  964. > The pegasus follows your gaze and her ears splay again. "Okay, let's give that a try..."
  965. > You climb out of the little pool and grab one of the towels nearby to dry yourself, or at least make an attempt. It takes a lot of time and effort with all the fur. Humans have it so easy!
  966. > The two ponies come over when you give them a friendly wave. They have contrasting colors which take some getting used to. Blue with a pink mane and pink with a blue mane.
  967. > "Hi!" they say almost in unison, but then only the pink one continues: "I'm Aloe and this is Lotus and we'll take good care of you today!"
  968. > You can't quite place their accent, but they definitely talk differently from the ponies in Canterlot. It's faint, but it's there.
  969. "Hmm, did you move here from elsewhere?" you ask, mainly to make some conversation while you follow the two to some massage beds.
  970. > "Oh yes!" the other one answers - Lotus, you remember. "Once we saved up enough bits, we sold the spa in Ponyville and opened one here in Canterlot!"
  971. > It doesn't answer the question you have, but you shrug a little to yourself and drop the subject. One thing still sticks out.
  972. "Um, forgive me if it's a rude questions, b-but if you own this place, why do you still do massages yourselves? Don't you employ people for that?"
  973. > At first you're a bit worried that you'd offended them, but the pair laughs pleasantly and Aloe waves a dismissive hoof. "Normally yes, dear, but we always provide the personal touch for special guests!"
  974. > Now it's Sky Light's turn to gape. "Special guests?! Us?!"
  975. > Her incredulity makes Aloe giggle a little. "Of course! Mrs. Rarity is our best customer and she asked to take very special care of you! You're Mrs. Fluttershy's daughter, correct?"
  976. "Y-Yeah?"
  977. > Sky Light gives you a grateful smile, but you shake your head a little. When you had mentioned to your mother that you're taking your friend to the spa you didn't intend for her to use her influence to get you better service.
  978. > It's still very nice of her, so you won't complain.
  979. > "Up here, please."
  980. > You follow Aloe's direction and lie on your belly on the massage bed. There's a hole cut out for your muzzle, which is incredibly comfortable. It means you can't see what the spa pony is doing, but she seems very competent.
  981. > Sky Light copies your position on the next table. You're just barely able to see her from the corner of your eye and you see her wings shuffling uneasily.
  982. > "Please to be relaxing your wings," Lotus tells her. "We take good care of them, promise!"
  983. > The pegasus lets out a sigh, but she stops struggling and lets the pony guide her wings to rest lightly on the massage table.
  984. > They're about to start. You're still wondering what exactly they'll do and how it will feel when a pair of hooves presses gently, but firmly, in your back.
  985. > "Just relax, dear!" Aloe murmurs to you. "You are in good hooves now!"
  986. > You believe her, too. The pressure increases and the hooves start to move.
  987. "Mmmpmmphphpph!"
  988. > You don't care that a bit of drool escaped. Well, maybe you would care if you could think, but your brain must have thrown a cog because the entire world goes away and all you're aware of are the hooves kneading your back.
  989. > Off to one side you're dimly aware of a prolonged, heartfelt moan.
  990. > Sounds like someone is torturing Sky Light, but she's on her own. You're not getting up from this table, ever!
  992. > ~~~~
  994. > You wonder who could be knocking on your door this late in the afternoon. You'd just been upstairs, pushing your bed around to get it out of the way of direct sunlight in the mornings.
  995. > It wasn't such a problem for most of the summer, mainly because you'd been up every day bright and early, but these days you like to sleep in a little and the glare wakes you up before you're ready.
  996. > Are you getting lazy?
  997. > You shake your head at the thought. Sky Light needs your company throughout the day and so the only time you can study the books Princess Twilight had loaned you is in the evening. Makes sense that you'd sleep in, especially since Sky Light has turned out to be somewhat of a late riser.
  998. > Shaking your head to clear it of stray thoughts you open the front door.
  999. "Twilight?"
  1000. > You hadn't seen the youngest Princess too often since Fluttershy moved out, so this visit certainly is a surprise.
  1001. > She steps in when you move out of the way and gives you a nervous grin. "Um, sorry for barging in unexpected," she says, "but- well. You see, it's about..."
  1002. > The way she can't quite bring herself to say it fills you with low-key dread.
  1003. "Y-Yes?"
  1004. > Twilight lets out her breath and her ears fold down. "Can you and Sky Light come visit Cadence please?" she blurts out.
  1005. "What?!"
  1006. > She sits on her haunches, which reminds you about being a courteous host.
  1007. "Sorry. Let's go and sit down. Would you like some tea or coffee or something?"
  1008. > Twilight flashes you a grateful smile as she stands up. "Coffee, please," she tells you. You give her a nod as she goes to the reading room. While you're fiddling with the stove and a pot of water you hear the couch springs twang and then silence.
  1009. > It takes the water a few minutes to boil, during which time you go and stand in the doorway between the kitchen and the reading room. As you'd predicted, Twilight is on the couch and looking your way with a slightly nervous tremor in her splayed ears.
  1010. "Why do you want us to go see that- Cadence?" you ask, remembering just in time that she's Twilight's sister in law.
  1011. > "Um, well. She's been asking. Princess Celestia said she could have visitors this month - well, other than me and her, so she asked to see you and Sky Light. Well, Sky Light in particular."
  1012. "Okay, but why?"
  1013. > "She-" Twilight begins, but falls silent with a faraway look in her eyes. "I don't- I don't know," she finally admits.
  1014. > You hear the water boiling behind you, so you have to leave your guest and finish the coffee, which takes all of five minutes. Then you hurriedly pile up the necessities on a tray and slip it on your back. There's sugar, milk, two cups, anything else?
  1015. > It'll just have to do. You rejoin the alicorn and deftly transfer the tray to the aptly named coffee table. Before you can start pouring, Twilight grabs the pot in her magic and does it for you.
  1016. "Thanks. So, what should I tell Sky Light?"
  1017. > Twilight doesn't answer until she has stirred some sugar in her drink, then she takes a sip to buy herself more time to think. Eventually she shrugs a little. "Maybe the truth? Look, it can't hurt to just go and talk with Cadence, can it?"
  1018. > You replay your conversation back in your head and notice that not once has Twilight used the honorific 'Princess' when she mentioned her sister in law. Well, that in itself wouldn't be all that weird, but she almost always used the term when mentioning Celestia or Luna.
  1019. > Curious, but you don't bring it up. Instead, you finish making your own coffee, which Twilight had kindly poured for you. A lot of milk and a bit less sugar than the alicorn is how you like it.
  1020. > Then you take a sip.
  1021. "When?" you ask, simply.
  1022. > "Tomorrow morning," Twilight replies with a relieved smile. She is convinced you'll go, you guess. Is she right? What will Sky say to it?
  1023. "Hold on, I'll go ask Sky."
  1024. > The alicorn gives you a nod, then looks around for something to occupy herself with while she waits. As you're walking out you see her magical glow envelop one of the books she loaned you and float it toward her.
  1025. > That probably gives you several hours, if you need them. A glance out the kitchen window shows you that the sun is about ready to set. That's okay, you wouldn't mind Twilight sleeping on the couch.
  1026. > She's no Fluttershy, but you've spent enough time with all her friends to trust them completely. It takes you a few moments to remember that you'd done the laundry just the other day, so you should have extra sheets and blankets.
  1027. > For now, however, you climb the stairs and go to knock on Sky's door.
  1028. > "Come in!" comes a few seconds later.
  1029. > You do so, unable to keep a smile off your muzzle when you see the pegasus sprawled on her back. She's starting to get quite large around the belly, which makes her look a bit comical.
  1030. > "Time for dinner already?" the mare asks.
  1031. "No, sorry. Listen, Twilight came. She, um, she wants us to go and visit Cadence tomorrow. Celestia is allowing her visitors now."
  1032. > Sky stares at you and for once you can't tell what she's thinking. Your ears automatically fold down.
  1033. "I can tell her no. It's not a problem if you don't wanna."
  1034. > "Yes," the pegasus says. "I think I'd like to speak with... her."
  1035. > You don't know what exactly to make of it. Maybe Sky just wants to yell at Cadence or something. That would be perfectly alright in your book. The more troubling question is what Cadence wants to tell Sky. She has asked for her specifically.
  1036. "Okay. If she starts going on about anything stupid, we just walk out, right?"
  1037. > Sky Light nods, but then raises up a leg to correct. "Not before I give that bitch a piece of my mind."
  1038. > It's going to be a very interesting, possibly unpleasant morning. You'll be up all night thinking about it. The realization makes you groan a little.
  1039. > "What? what did you think of?" Sky asks, voice tinged with concern.
  1040. "Nothing. I just realized I probably won't be able to sleep because of this."
  1041. > The pegasus leans over to give you a nice hug. "Don't let her do that to you," she murmurs. "Wanna sleep here, with me? I need to hug a pillow anyway, so it might as well be you."
  1042. > That brings you back, in particular to your time with the Basilius family. Having a pegasus to cuddle does sound rather nice.
  1043. "Actually... yes, please!" you answer enthusiastically, but then remember your guest. "Hold on, I'll go tell Twilight she can take my bed."
  1044. > As you slip to the floor Sky Light stands up. "I'll come with. I haven't seen Twilight in ages."
  1045. > You make your way back to the reading room where Twilight already has her nose buried in the book. It's weird. She must have read it already, but she still seems completely absorbed in the text.
  1046. "Um," you say and clear your throat to get her attention. "It's getting kinda late. You can sleep here if you like, Twilight."
  1047. > The alicorn blinks in surprise, having completely forgotten where she is and that you exist. "Oh!" she says, glancing around to peer out the window. "I guess you're right, but it's not a problem. I'll just fly over to the Castle. Princess Celestia has a room set aside for me."
  1048. > There it was. 'Princess Celestia'. Not 'Celestia', however well the two knew and liked each other.
  1049. "Well, it's no problem if you stay. I'm making lasagna - actually, I was just about to put it in the oven when you knocked. You can take my bed, too."
  1050. > You could swear the Princess drools a bit before she gets it under control. Her eyes widen a little. "L-Lasagna?" she asks. You file the information away in case you ever need it later. You have found one of her favorites!
  1051. > Again Twilight looks out the window and licks her lips. "Actually, it *is* getting a bit late. Maybe I can stay. But I won't toss you out of your bed, the couch is fine."
  1052. > Sky Light pipes up as she makes her way there and hops on. "You won't be. Rosa will be keeping me company tonight, so her bed is free."
  1053. > The alicorn looks from the pegasus to you, then her ears fold down and she blushes. "Oh. OH! I hadn't- I didn't- you..."
  1054. > She stutters to silence while you look at her in surprise, then continues: "I didn't realize you two where..." she finishes, pointing a hoof between you and Sky.
  1055. > Realization dawns.
  1056. "OH! NO, WE AREN'T!" you inadvertently raise your voice.
  1057. > Sky Light just laughs her ass off while you sputter and try to explain.
  1058. "We're not together! Well, we're living together, but we're not... um, fillyfriends!"
  1059. > Feeling like something more is required, you add:
  1060. "I have a coltfriend! You met Paolo, right?!"
  1061. > Twilight matches your shade of red and nods. "Yeah, yeah, of course. Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking!"
  1062. > You both stare around the room while Sky Light winds down. She has to wipe away a tear with her fetlock. "Oh wow, that was great. Rosa is right, we're not together, Princess. I mean-" she gives you an appraising look that threatens to make your cheeks burst into flame, "I wouldn't mind some of that, certainly, but Rosa has Paolo and that's also fine."
  1063. > You need to get out of the room before you start a fire.
  1064. "I'll go put the lasagna in the oven!" you squeak and make your escape while Sky is chuckling.
  1066. > ~~~~
  1068. > You, Rosa, feel very uneasy walking down that particular staircase in the Canterlot castle. It feels cramped and dark and oppressive, even though it's actually quite wide and well lit.
  1069. > Probably it's what you know is down that way: jail cells.
  1070. > That's the word you're using, even if 'dungeon' is trying to barge into your thoughts instead. Which is funny, because this place looks about the same as the rest of the castle.
  1071. > It helps a lot that Celestia and Twilight are with you. Even if you put all the preconceptions about dungeons aside, you don't think you could have gone and faced Cadence on your own, even if she is behind bars.
  1072. > "Just down here," Celestia announces as you reach a floor. There is a row of heavy-looking doors down one side of the corridor and a couple of guards stationed at a nearby table.
  1073. > The guards, they are both pegasi, jump up and salute with their wings.
  1074. > Twilight looks imploringly up at Celestia, who gives her a slight nod and clears her throat. "If you could give us some privacy, gentlecolts?"
  1075. > The two don't hesitate for even a second. "Yes, ma'am!" one of them says and they hurry the way you came. You see they left two cups of tea and a sandwich, all half-finished. The loyalty Celestia commands in her ponies really is impressive.
  1076. > "I will wait here," Celestia tells Twilight and stops near the guards' table. The younger alicorn is clearly nervous about proceeding alone, but she swallows a lump, nods to herself and looks to you. "Okay, let's go see her."
  1077. > You follow as quietly as you can manage, aware of your thundering heartbeat and trembling limbs.
  1078. > Why is this such a big deal?!
  1079. > The answer arrives almost immediately: It's a big deal, because it's important to Sky Light. The pegasus has her fiercely determined expression on her muzzle, but you can see the signs. Her hooves drag just a little, her wings rustle uneasily and her ears are folded down. She might be shaking a bit as well, but you can't tell while she's walking.
  1080. > It takes you *years* to reach the cell door. There's a tiny, barred window at face height, but you don't see Cadence in it. Maybe she changed her mind and doesn't wish to speak with you after all?
  1081. > Twilight levitates a key from under her wing. She must have been gripping it there, you think. It enters the lock with the faintest of clicks and then turns with a loud clang. The door swings open and you crane your neck to peer inside.
  1082. > The cell is just as you'd imagined it. A narrow cot, a chair with a table and a prisoner. It reminds you strongly of where you were kept at the facility for the first few nights, except for the manacles.
  1083. > There's a big, strong-looking iron ring built into the far wall and a chain loops through it, binding all four of Cadence's hooves to the wall. There's also some kind of a contraption on her back, you guess to keep her wings bound.
  1084. > Finally, there's a shiny metal ring on her horn. You hadn't thought about that, but it makes sense. You can't have prisoners who can use magic, or she would simply teleport out.
  1085. > The only thing missing when you mentally compare the cell to the one you were in, is the toilet. A surreptitious glance reveals a bucket in a corner behind the bed.
  1086. > You make a mental note never to break the law so you don't have to end up like this. It's horrid.
  1087. > Cadence herself is... haggard. No other word would do her justice. She is filthy, her mane is a tangled, dirty mess and what you can see of her wings is nothing short of abysmal. She blinks at the open door, squinting so she can see against the light.
  1088. > Clearly even an alicorn gets no special treatment in the Canterlot jail. Celestia must have been really angry.
  1089. > The most striking thing you see are the clear traces of tears down Cadence's muzzle. Has she been crying? A cold, angry part of you asks: 'Has she cried over what she has done, or over the conditions in her cell?'
  1090. > Cadence seems fixated on Twilight, but she manages to tear her eyes away to look at you and Sky Light. She gives you the tiniest of smiles. "Thank you so much for coming to see me," she says, voice thick with relief, as if a huge burden had been lifted from her back.
  1091. > "We're listening. What did you want to say?" Sky Light goes straight to the point.
  1092. > Cadence immediately folds her ears and lowers her gaze to the floor. "I guess," she murmurs, "I guess I wanted to apologize."
  1093. > This is encouraging, especially when you spot fresh tears in the alicorn's eyes. You aren't too sure you can believe Cadence, so you look to Twilight to see what she is thinking.
  1094. > Not much help. The younger alicorn looks on the brink of weeping herself. You remember that they're related and have been friends for a long time.
  1095. > You flinch when Cadence suddenly looks at you, but she doesn't say anything, so you remain silent as well. This is between her and Sky Light. You're just there for emotional support, if your friend should need it. Remembering that, you take a step closer so your flank brushes lightly against Sky Light's.
  1096. > "What you did was-" the pegasus begins.
  1097. > Cadence squeezes her eyes shut and interrupts before Sky could finish: "-monstrous. I know."
  1098. > Finally Twilight speaks up: "Cadence, why did you do all those things?! It's not like you!"
  1099. > The other alicorn shrugs a little. "I'm- not sure. Maybe Earth changed me, or maybe it was because of Shining..."
  1100. > That name makes her sniff, barely holding back a sob. You remember it was her late husband's name and can't help wincing a little in sympathy.
  1101. > "Or maybe the Elements didn't purge the shadow out of me, not completely," Cadence finishes.
  1102. > Mention of the Elements, which includes your mother, makes you speak up.
  1103. "What are you talking about? What shadow?"
  1104. > Twilight looks at you with a calculating expression, but before she can decide what to tell you, Cadence groans and says: "They deserve to know the truth, Twilight. It doesn't make what I did any better, but maybe it'll help at least a bit."
  1105. > Twilight hangs her head and sighs. "I guess," she agrees, then looks at Cadence. "You tell them."
  1106. > You're barely aware of Sky's wing wrapping around your back as she pulls you closer. You give her a grateful nuzzle in return.
  1107. > "Well, you know we alicorns get certain... powers," Cadence says quietly. "Well, there's also danger in it. You know the story of Nightmare Moon, right?"
  1108. > Both you and Sky Light nod. It's a well-known legend among equestrian ponies so you'd heard it often, despite it having happened more than twenty years ago.
  1109. > Fluttershy had been there, too, and your chest swells a bit with pride.
  1110. > "That is what can happen to us, if we are not careful. It has happened twice, so far. Nightmare Moon and..."
  1111. > Twilight heaves a sad sigh in the momentary silence.
  1112. "And?" you ask, thinking that Cadence might have trouble saying it.
  1113. > "And me," she finishes.
  1114. > Another sob escapes her and she sits on her haunches. Chains jingle as she wipes her muzzle as best she can with manacled legs.
  1115. > Twilight murmurs softly while you wait for the older alicorn to pull herself together. "When she found out Shining was dead, Cadence turned into 'Hate Heart'. She..."
  1116. > "I went on a rampage," Cadence finishes. "I went to the human world and- I'm not proud of what I did."
  1117. > "That wasn't you!" Twilight says forcefully. "It wasn't Luna when it was Nightmare Moon and it wasn't you when it was Hate Heart!"
  1118. "So that's why the Elements went after her?" you make a guess.
  1119. > "Exactly," Cadence confirms. "Only the Elements are powerful enough to purge that kind of shadow from an alicorn. The official story was that the Elements were being used on the humans."
  1120. "W-Why?!"
  1121. > You really don't understand why they would lie about something like that.
  1122. > Twilight answers that one: "Celestia didn't want a panic. There was a war and she didn't want the ponies thinking their leaders could just turn into monsters. Anyway, the Elements didn't work."
  1123. > "It worked with Luna! It should have worked with you as well!" Twilight bursts out suddenly. She looks like she wants to give Cadence a hug, but has been given specific instructions by Celestia.
  1124. > "Yes, but maybe my pain simply went too deep."
  1125. > Sky Light groans a little. "Well, whatever your excuse, you sent Zephyr out to die!"
  1126. > There's silence after that accusation. Cadence is the first to speak, her voice quiet and gentle and her eyes downcast. "I know. I'm sorry..."
  1127. > "Sorry is not enough!" Sky spits and takes a step closer. To your surprise, Cadence actually cringes back. "I loved him and you sent him out and he died! Luna said it was a bad idea but you did it anyway!"
  1128. > Tears are streaming freely down Sky's cheecks now, but she doesn't seem to care. They drip, spattering the floor, unheeded.
  1129. > "I can't ever say how sorry I am-" Cadence begins, but the pegasus is having none of it.
  1130. > "Well, *fuck you*, Princess. I hope you rot in here forever!"
  1131. > Before the manacled alicorn can respond, Sky twists around and stomps out of the room. Both you and Twilight watch her in shock.
  1132. "I s-should go after her," you tell Cadence.
  1133. > The princess nods, unable to look directly at you. "Please-" she whispers, "tell her I'm sorry."
  1134. > You're on your way out, but you pause because Cadence doesn't stop talking yet. "I'll be here for a long time. M-Maybe someday she can forgive- you can both forgive m-me."
  1135. > She really does look miserable, disheveled as she is and in the middle of the cell's squalor. You heave a sigh and lower your ears.
  1136. "Maybe. I'll see what I can do, but don't count on it being fast. Zephyr was the love of her live."
  1137. > "I know," Cadence almost wails. "*Believe me,* I know!"
  1138. > You remember her cutie mark and special talent. She probably does know, at that.
  1139. "I'll go after her," you say by way of explanation and walk out of sight.
  1140. > You expected Twilight to talk some more with her friend, but she is right on your heels and closes the door behind herself. A moment later she locks it and returns the key under her wing.
  1141. > Sky Light hadn't made it far. She's sobbing gently near the guards' table, with Celestia draping a wing across her back. Neither of them is speaking, but you're grateful for the alicorn's silent support.
  1142. > You walk up to your friend on her other side and throw a hoof around her withers.
  1143. "She really does mean it, I think."
  1144. > That was both to Sky and Celestia, who is the one that answers. "I know, but what Cadence did is-"
  1145. > The Princess pauses, then shakes her head. "Not unforgivable, but let us call it 'a long time in forgiving'. She will stay in that cell until I am fully convinced there is no more darkness in her."
  1146. "What will happen to the Crystal Empire?" you ask.
  1147. > Twilight joins the three of you, but doesn't speak up, so it's Celestia who answers once more: "For now, it is being ruled by a Regent. In time, I expect, it will pass to Flurry Heart."
  1148. "So Cadence won't get it back?"
  1149. > "I do not think so, at least not directly. Flurry might want her mother as an advisor, but I will make sure she is nothing more. Do not worry about that, Morning Dew. In time, Cadence will find her place again."
  1150. > You shake your head, trying to wrap your mind around the severity of the punishment.
  1151. "Well, I don't want to be *that* guy, but she *has* lost her husband..."
  1152. > Celestia points to the other Princess. "Twilight lost her brother, but she didn't turn to the Shadow for vengeance."
  1153. > The alicorn sighs and lifts her wing from Sky Light's back so she can drape it on yours. "I am also sorry. I believed Cadence fully healed after the Elements were used on her. Had I seen the signs, I would not have put her in charge on Earth."
  1154. "It's okay," you tell her, unable to be mad at the well-intentioned, if overworked ruler.
  1155. > "Come, you can have breakfast with me and Luna today," Celestia offers. "I am making pancakes."
  1156. > That finally gets Sky Light to stir. She heaves a forlorn sigh, then stands up. "Thanks," she says quietly.
  1157. > It will take more healing, but maybe, once Iris is born, the pegasus might forgive Cadence. You feel it would be best for everyone.
  1158. > Keeping hatred and resentment in her heart probably wouldn't end well.
  1159. > As you rise up from the dungeons up into the rest of the castle, you can't help feeling like your spirit is lifting too. The place seems a lot more airy and somehow brighter.
  1160. > All of you are probably feeling it, you suspect. It's confirmed when Sky Light asks quietly: "What kind of pancakes?"
  1162. > ~~~~
  1164. > You wave a hoof in goodbye to your coworkers and make your way to the dressing room which also serves as a tool shed. It's impossible not to smile as you strip out of your overalls.
  1165. > Working Celestia's gardens and her hedge maze and the floral clock is rewarding on any day, especially when you see ponies strolling around in wide-eyed wonder and with those grins on their muzzles.
  1166. > Of course the grounds were open to the general populace. Just a year ago, when Earth was still fresh in your mind, that would have felt wrong. Now it makes perfect sense.
  1167. > Why lock beauty away so that only a privileged elite can see it?
  1168. > It has to be beautiful, now more than ever. You're doing your bit to help.
  1169. > Celestia has finally managed to convince the humans that Cadence's actions weren't intentional, nor sanctioned.
  1170. > They are sending a delegation to meet with her and it is very important that everything looks perfect.
  1171. > Any human diplomat having a stroll through the palace gardens would find only the best Equestria had to offer. Okay, so maybe it isn't *the* most important bit, but it is yours and you have done your absolute best!
  1172. > Depending on how these talks pan out it might lead to freeing more ponies. Perhaps your other friends from the School or maybe even Maribelle.
  1173. > It hadn't taken more than a few weeks of talking with Celestia to become fervently convinced that the only possible future lay in friendship. Both sides have done wrong. Both sides have suffered. The way forward was through forgiveness.
  1174. > That last thought makes you a little sad. Cadence is still locked up in the same dungeon where you first visited her. She is clearly languishing, but both Celestia and Luna seem determined to keep her there.
  1175. > It's nowhere near your place to speak up, but you're starting to think that you should go and have a word with them. Plead a little on Cadence's behalf.
  1176. > She should be imprisoned, you agree with that part, but perhaps she could finally be given some basic comforts. Like a shower and a proper toilet for start.
  1177. > Shaking your head to clear it of the sad thoughts, you hang your overalls in your locker and head out. There's such a lot to do, even outside of your job.
  1178. > First you have to meet up with Paolo at the Post Office. He got off work before you, but he will be waiting there like always. Such a good colt!
  1179. > After that, you and him are meeting up with Sky Light back at the house. She'll take Iris and you'll all go to that restaurant on the edge for dinner.
  1180. > You're planning the Thing tonight and even without thinking about it directly your heart starts going crazy. Doing somersaults or something. It's a piece of luck your ribs don't break.
  1181. > Knowing what you're going to say makes you whinny a little in delight and do a quick little prance. One of the passing high-society unicorns shakes her head in dismay, but you just keep smiling and the lady shrugs to herself before continuing into the gardens proper.
  1182. > Telling Paolo your news will be the best thing ever!
  1183. > Then, to top everything off, Fluttershy is coming to visit! The Elements are going to be there for the diplomacy, so your mother is arriving tomorrow morning on the first train!
  1184. > Granted, she'll have to go straight to the Castle, but you're still meeting her and the rest of the gang on the train station. Then, after the talks are done, she will stay around for a day or two so you can catch up.
  1185. > Is this the best week of your life or what?!
  1186. > Your pace quickens as you turn down the main street. Paolo is waiting at the Post Office!
  1187. >...
  1188. > Paolo is standing in front of the Post Office, just like you were expecting. He's chatting idly with one of his coworkers, but he must have been keeping a close eye on the street, because the second you come into view he gives you an enthusiastic wave.
  1189. > He finishes his conversation while you hurry towards the colt. You don't speak as you meet, opting instead to give him a kiss. It still makes you blush, even though you've been kissing in public for months now.
  1190. > When you reluctantly withdraw, you lean your muzzle against his neck and sigh in contentment.
  1191. "Missed you!"
  1192. > "You too!"
  1193. "Love you!"
  1194. > "Love you too!"
  1195. > You can't help noticing how firm the colt is. Oh, he can be soft - you'd had countless cuddle sessions on the couch to prove that, but flying for the Post Office has really gone a long way to define Paolo's muscles.
  1196. > It was Sky Light who put the idea in your head that time when she first met Paolo in the resistance camp, and you can't help admiring his flank each time you see him.
  1197. > It's a very good flank, though.
  1198. > "So, we still on for dinner?" the colt asks, interrupting your unashamed staring.
  1199. "Wha-? Oh! Yeah, we're picking Sky Light and Iris up at the house, then I have a reservation. I got us a table right at the edge!"
  1200. > You're still not all that comfortable with heights, but you know both pegasi will appreciate it. Well, all three of them. It's a bit hard to tell with Iris, but you think she likes looking out over the city wall at the vast panorama under Canterlot.
  1201. > "Great!"
  1202. > Your treacherous mouth nearly blabs the surprise right there and then, but you manage to rein it in at the last second.
  1203. "Come on, I've been digging up weeds the whole day and I'm starving!"
  1204. > He takes the lead, chuckling as if you'd said something funny, and you fall in step with the pegasus.
  1206. > ~~~~
  1208. > Your salad was absolutely delicious! It always is, but maybe the big news you're sitting on today has helped. For that matter, Paolo's omelette was pretty good, too. Of course he let you taste it, just like you let him taste your salad.
  1209. > From the look on Sky Light's muzzle her vegetable stew isn't bad either. Plus she has pancakes coming right after.
  1210. > You remember those weird few days when you both lived with Pavo Basilius and his family. You couldn't stop eating for some reason. Whereas now...
  1211. > Yes, you'd given pancakes a thought, but decided against them. Now you're only *slightly* regretting your decision.
  1212. > It doesn't matter. You have something much sweeter to look forward to. Just thinking about it brings a fresh smile to your muzzle.
  1213. > "You're in a good mood," Sky Light comments, pointing with her spoon.
  1214. "Yep."
  1215. > Her eyes narrow in suspicion. "Why?" she asks.
  1216. > Is this a good time? Should be, right? Both you and Paolo have finished eating and Sky seems to be on her last mouthful.
  1217. "Well, I've been thinking..." you begin.
  1218. > Somehow the colt senses this is about him and is staring at you with undisguised curiosity. There's a faint smile playing across his lips, but other than that you can't tell what he's thinking.
  1219. > Does he know?! Has he guessed?!
  1220. > You shake your head and plunge on.
  1221. "Paolo, I was thinking..."
  1222. > His ears perk up even more and you don't even know how that is possible. He was at full-perk already! Must be some of that mythical Post Office training.
  1223. "I think it's time you move in!" you blurt out.
  1224. > The colt blinks a few times, dumbfounded, as if unable to quite grasp what you're saying.
  1225. > You keep your smile up and to your eternal gratitude, Sky Light doesn't make an inopportune comment at this point. She wants to, you can tell, but she doesn't.
  1226. > "You mean..." Paolo tries to wrap his mind around the concept.
  1227. "Yeah! Move in with me and Sky Light!"
  1228. > "About time..." Sky mutters under her breath, but not quite low enough.
  1229. > "Wow! Oh. Um- yes, of course! I mean- wow!" the colt falls all over his words. It's cute and you give his nose a little kiss.
  1230. > Something occurs to him and his ears splay out. "Um, do you want me to sleep on the couch?" he asks timidly. "I mean, it's okay! I don't mind, the couch is okay."
  1231. > This time Sky Light actually groans. "Oh, give the puppy a bone, Rosa," she tells you firmly. "Better yet, take *his* bone, won't you? It's been over a year, you stupid girl. It's a wonder he even stayed with you this long, considering all the fine filly flank in this town!"
  1232. > Paolo is blushing at what the mare is implying, but so are you.
  1233. "Not on the couch," you say, focusing on simply answering Paolo's question. "My bed is wide enough, right? I mean, it's not a big room, but we can make do for a while."
  1234. > "F-For a w-while?" Paolo squeaks.
  1235. > You give Sky Light a faint smile, wondering how she'll take it. You've been meaning to tell her, but never quite worked up the courage. Well, seems like it's now or never.
  1236. "Well, yeah. I guess we'll move somewhere - I mean, in a few months, once Iris is-"
  1237. > Sky puts a hoof on your leg and smiles gently. "It's fine, Rosa. It really is."
  1238. > She holds up her hooves to forestall your reply. "I mean, you're welcome to stay for as long as you want, *of course* you are. But I don't have a right to your life, girl. Iris and me will be fine..."
  1239. > The mare holds your gaze for a moment, then her muzzle splits into a grin. "... as long as you promise to visit! Often!"
  1240. "Oh! Of course! I was thinking about looking for a place near there anyway. I like the neighborhood. So I can babysit and all, you know?"
  1241. > Paolo looks from you to Sky, then back, then at Sky again. "You're talking about me- *us* moving somewhere together?! Like, just us?! Alone?! You and me?!"
  1242. > His befuddlement makes Sky Light chuckle. "Try to keep up, sweetie," she tells him.
  1243. > You throw your hooves around the colt, give him a quick peck on his ear, and sigh.
  1244. "Yeah. Move in with Sky and me until I can get it all sorted, then a place of our own. We both have jobs, we can afford it, too."
  1245. > "That... actually sounds really good!" Paolo says, looking off into a distance and undoubtedly imagining it, just like you have for the past week. "I don't mind staying with both of you, either."
  1246. > "Aw, such a sweet gentlecolt," Sky Light comments, reaching over the table to pat him lightly on the head.
  1247. > Luckily, Iris wakes up in that moment which means Sky is completely occupied for a few minutes, making sure her daughter is okay and doesn't need anything.
  1248. > Just like you'd predicted, she makes a great mother, if a bit fussy at times.
  1249. > Instead, you turn in your seat so you're facing Paolo.
  1250. "How about day after tomorrow?"
  1251. > "Huh?"
  1252. "I'm meeting Fluttershy tonight and they have that diplomatic visit from Earth tomorrow. We'll probably do something together tomorrow night and she might sleep over. You can move in day after tomorrow."
  1253. > "Y-Yeah, sure. That works."
  1254. > You shuffle along your seat until you can lean completely against the colt. He's still as warm as ever and his wing wrapping automatically around you feels divine, as Rarity would put it.
  1255. "You know, I'm happy the way things turned out for us, but I can't help thinking about everyone we left behind in the School. I wonder what Adonai is doing, and Jon. Even Martin, actually."
  1256. > Paolo gives this some thought, then shrugs, his feathers rustling against your side. "Dunno," he says. "I guess they're fine. We never considered ourselves slaves, right?"
  1257. "I still hope Celestia can work something out."
  1258. > Before Paolo can reassure you, Sky Light pokes your side with a wing feather. "Drop it, Rosa. You can stop working, okay?"
  1259. "What do you mean?"
  1260. > The mare extends a wing to show off the panorama to her side. "Look out there. It's Equestria. We made it. Let Celestia deal with the rest, you can relax and live your life now."
  1261. > She pauses for a moment to pick Iris up from the baby carriage and place her in her lap. The filly aims a very thoughtful look at you for a few seconds, before losing interest and turning to gaze out across the land.
  1262. > Sky Light continues: "You don't have to be responsible for everyone, Rosa. You got me out, you helped me with Iris. We're both happy. You can stop working now."
  1263. "B-But, I have a job..." you say doubtfully, unsure what she's getting at.
  1264. > It makes the mare laugh. "You'll understand someday. Just- take it easy and enjoy your colt over there, right?"
  1265. > That's right! In another couple of days he'll be moving in and sleeping in the same bed! You wonder what it'll feel like. What *that* will feel like.
  1266. > You've wanted it, badly. A few times you'd nearly given in. Then there was the heat. Good thing Sky Light spotted the symptoms and kept you locked up, otherwise you would have done something you'd regret.
  1267. > Even so, you think your right hoof is never going to forgive you.
  1268. > Now?
  1269. > It's time. Sky is right. Iris is born and they are both doing fine. She's still seeing the Canterlot Medical's therapist once a month and she often cooks for the neighbors these days. She's made friends here and she's made a life.
  1270. > She has even found a job. Well, part of one. Turns out one of the fancier hotels in Canterlot has a roulette table and Sky is a natural for running it. They've promised to keep a spot for her until Iris is old enough for day care.
  1271. > You've fulfilled your promise to her and now you can finally be with Paolo. Thinking of him, you're intimately aware of each small breath the colt takes, each slight movement and tremor.
  1272. > A quick glance around shows you that no one else is near. Sky Light can't see through the wooden table. Before you can think about it some more and chicken out, you grab Paolo's hoof with yours and drag it into your lap.
  1273. > You place it against your belly, then push it down until you can grip it with your thighs.
  1274. > He manages to hold back a surprised squeak, but his eyes widen in alarm. You smile and give him a wink and after a few seconds he returns your grin.
  1275. > It's going to be very long two days...
  1277. > ~~~~
  1279. > You haven't made any dinner plans, which is a good thing because Fluttershy invited you and Sky Light to the Castle. Celestia and Luna are still in meetings with the human delegation, so they haven't joined you.
  1280. > It's just some of the Elements, the ones who didn't have to leave on some business or other.
  1281. > You've finished the soup and the main course. You don't know what it's called, except that there are potatoes in it and it was a little spicy. Now you're having cake.
  1282. > Fluttershy is sitting beside you, daintily nibbling on a bit of rose petal salad. Across the table are Rarity, who would never miss an invitation to the Castle, and Twilight Sparkle with Flurry Heart.
  1283. > You don't know a lot about the youngest alicorn, but she looks a bit bored and sad. She's probably thinking about her mother in the cells somewhere below you.
  1284. > "So, the humans demanded that Cadence be turned over to them," Twilight is commenting, making Flurry's ears droop even further.
  1285. > "Auntie Celestia and auntie Luna aren't going to d-do it, will they?" the young alicorn asks in a fearful, trembling voice.
  1286. > "No, of course not!" Rarity assures her. "Those brutes just want to execute her!"
  1287. > All of you shudder at the thought and Flurry actually gives a tiny squeak.
  1288. > Luckily Twilight notices and gives the young mare a wing-hug. "Don't worry, we're not letting that happen."
  1289. > "B-But what if they refuse to t-talk if they don't get..." Flurry asks, unable to even finish the sentence.
  1290. > Fluttershy smiles across the table. "Oh, don't you worry about that. Now that they're talking, Celestia will have them eating out of the frog of her hoof in no time, you'll see! They didn't say 'no' outright."
  1291. "Yeah, if anyone can do it, it's Celestia!" you confirm.
  1292. > Flurry is about to ask another question when the door behind you opens. You twist your neck around to see Luna.
  1293. > They must be finished. Hopefully they made some good progress.
  1294. > "M-Mom?!" Flurry whispers and you spin around again.
  1295. > Cadence is standing behind Luna, still bound up in her chains. Her head is hung low, but when she hears her daughter's voice she looks up, stunned.
  1296. > "Do not tell Celestia this," Luna says as she shuts the door behind them, "but I think Cadence deserves a good meal before she goes back."
  1297. > Flurry is already rushing across the floor to her mother, but she digs her hooves in at the last second and stops just short. You can't see her face, but her ears go all the way flat and her tail tucks up against her belly.
  1298. > "Y-You're not giving her to the humans?!" the young alicorn asks. "Please don't, please, auntie Luna!"
  1299. > The Princess touches Flurry's cheek with a careful hoof. "Don't worry," she says quietly, but loud enough for you all to hear. "Sister hasn't even considered it. She only brought Cadence up so the humans could see she was really being punished."
  1300. > "Mom!" Flurry chokes out and falls on the pink alicorn, who catches her with a jingle of chains.
  1301. > For a moment they just stand, embraced, but then you hear Cadence sobbing. "Oh, I'm so sorry, my beautiful Flurry! I never should have left you!"
  1302. > "Go, eat. I should not keep you here too long," Luna says, but she's smiling a little at the sight.
  1303. > "I s-shouldn't," Cadence says, despite eyeing the table and licking her lips in anticipation. "The food in the dungeon will be even more horrid after this..."
  1304. > Luna gives her a pat on the back, completely uncaring of the grime. "Well, perhaps that part of your punishment will soon be over, Cadence. I will see if I can persuade Celestia to at least give you a room up here."
  1305. > Something clicks in your mind and you gasp. You cover your muzzle with your hooves, but it's too late. Everyone looks at you.
  1306. > "What is it?" Fluttershy asks.
  1307. "D-Did Celestia just keep Cadence in the cells so she could show the humans how she was being punished?! Was it part of her plan?!"
  1308. > Everyone seems stunned by the accusation, but you could swear a tiny smile flashes across Luna's muzzle before she wipes it away.
  1309. > "I don't care," Cadence says. "Even if that was her plan, I fully deserve this."
  1310. > Flurry is shaking her head even while holding on to her mother. "Mom, no..."
  1311. > Cadence pats her muzzle with a wing feather to silence her, then sighs. "No, sweetheart, I did some very bad things. Don't worry, this isn't forever."
  1312. > Seeing that Cadence still isn't decided and then noticing how thin she is around the belly spurs you to get up.
  1313. > You stand and grab a fresh plate from the end of the table. You quickly pile it up with the - what was it again? - Saddle Arabian potato dish.
  1314. "Come on, at least have dinner with us."
  1315. > She's undecided, but you see a drop of drool escape from Cadence's mouth. Finally her ears fold back and she looks at the floor. "M-Maybe just a little something," she gives in.
  1316. > You purposefully put the plate right next to your seat. Burned bridges are there to be mended, after all.
  1317. "Here, sit with me, Cadence."
  1318. > She does so, followed closely by Flurry Heart who pushes another chair to her mother's other side. She isn't speaking, but tears are streaming freely down her muzzle.
  1319. > You don't think she's had many opportunities to see her mother since- well, since she was born. She must feel even worse than you did before you found Fluttershy.
  1320. > At least you didn't know that your mother purposefully abandoned you for the sake of revenge.
  1321. > Cadence eats quickly, if a little clumsily. Being an alicorn means she hadn't had much practice with her hooves, but her daughter is attentive and helps out with a napkin whenever her mother spills something on herself.
  1322. > They seem... if not exactly happy, then 'content'. Hopefully they'll mend, with time.
  1323. > Seeing that alicorns live practically forever, they'll certainly have a chance to, you think.
  1324. "For what it's worth," You tell Cadence, "Sky Light is very happy with Iris."
  1325. > The alicorn freezes and turns her head to look at you.
  1326. "Doesn't make what you did right, but I guess it turned out okay. I hope that helps."
  1327. > Cadence nods slowly, then sniffs. "Please tell Sky Light how sorry I am. I'd like to say it in person, if she will see me."
  1328. "I'll tell her and I'll ask."
  1329. > "Thank you."
  1330. > Across the table, you see Twilight give you an approving smile and a nod. On your other side, Fluttershy lays her hoof on your side in support.
  1331. > It feels promising. Clearing things up with Cadence and then with all of Earth.
  1332. > Maybe you'll get to see your friends again before you die. Maribelle. Your other friends in the School. Velvet, Bluegrass and Pepper, the 'Truck Stop Gang'.
  1333. > Pavo and his family, Lillian. Arda and 'Mario'. Even Terry.
  1334. > Hopefully you aren't entirely done with Earth yet.
  1335. > "How has Auntie Twilight been treating you?" Cadence softly asks her daughter.
  1336. > The title makes Twilight giggle a little and after a moment Flurry chuckles too. "She's fine, just a bit... you know."
  1337. > "Just a bit what, darling?" Rarity asks, grinning.
  1338. > "You know... bookish..."
  1339. > Everyone at the table laughs at that, but then Twilight raises an admonitory hoof. "Life can't all be flying around with colts, young mare!"
  1340. > Another bout of laughter.
  1341. > Cadence heaves a sigh. "I should be with you, sweetheart. There are some things a young mare should learn from her mother, not from an aunt."
  1342. > "Actually, Twilight has been really nice. She's not too mean or strict or anything!" Flurry points out helpfully.
  1343. > "That's what I'm worried about, dear."
  1344. > Again, everyone laughs at this.
  1345. > They're going to be fine, someday. Celestia was right. Cadence can be completely rehabilitated, even if it takes years.
  1346. > Whether she'll earn back Celestia's trust is another matter, but you're kinda leaning towards 'yes'. After all, Luna did.
  1348. > ~~~~
  1350. > Your old roommates are already waiting for you at the railroad station as you're seeing Fluttershy and her friends off. You'd given your mother a warm hug, waved to Flurry Heart and Twilight and watched until the train was out of sight.
  1351. > "Now that right there is sweet," Amethyst comments. "Isn't that sweet?"
  1352. > The others murmur their agreement, which makes you a bit self-conscious. Maybe it's not the politest thing to do, rubbing the fact that your mom is in Equestria with you in their muzzles.
  1353. > After all, your roommates' parents are still somewhere on Earth and it's a long shot if they'll ever see them again.
  1354. > Well... maybe. After what Fluttershy and her friends and Celestia did over the past couple of days the chances of some kind of agreement with Earth went from 'completely impossible' to merely 'out of the question'.
  1355. > It's an improvement and Celestia has promised she'll keep working on it in the press release she sent out once the human diplomats have left.
  1356. > Another piece of good news is that she relented to Luna and Twilight's pleading and agreed to move Cadence from a cell to a suite in the Castle proper.
  1357. > She'll still be wing-bound and horn-ringed, but the manacles would be replaced by a spell on her room so she can't leave. She'll also be allowed visitors for two hours every week.
  1358. > It's not so much about Cadence, but Flurry will be able to start working things out with her mother who had been absent for most of her teenage years.
  1359. > Sky Light agrees with you. She's still quite pissed about the alicorn, but you think having Iris really is really helping. She said she would *think* about going to see Cadence again. Promising.
  1360. > You shake your head clear of those thoughts and turn back to your friends.
  1361. "So, where to?"
  1362. > The crystal pony at Amethyst's side offers a tentative suggestion: "Uh, if I may... how about that new place? Um, the 'Cupcake Nook'?"
  1363. > You're not completely sure what the colt and Amethyst have together, especially since you sometimes see him with Valentina. Hopefully he isn't lying to one or the other.
  1364. > To be completely honest, what with one thing and another, you hadn't spent nearly as much time with your friends as you should have. All of them are getting jobs and a few of them are seeing someone, from what you could gather.
  1365. > For the moment, only Crystal Arrow is with the group since he lives in the same building as Amethyst and Valentina. Felicity and Iskra are on their own today.
  1366. "Actually, I could go for a cupcake. Do they make those blueberry ones?"
  1367. > "Oh yes, if we're lucky we'll get some straight from the oven!" Iskra exclaims, jumping up and down a little and fluttering her wings in excitement.
  1368. "Sweet! I'll take a couple home for Sky!"
  1369. > As you start walking, Felicity falls in step with you and asks: "Paolo isn't with you?"
  1370. > It's a bit stating the obvious, but you interpret it as a question.
  1371. "Oh no. He has to work things out with his landlady. He's moving out."
  1372. > "Moving out?!" Amethyst gapes. "Moving where?! You guys haven't broken up, have you?"
  1373. > You giggle at her sorrowful expression and at Iskra's thoughtful one. Yeah, Iskra would be all over *your* pegasus if you broke up.
  1374. "Nothing like that. He's moving in with me."
  1375. > Before you can make two more steps Valentina spins around and hugs you, right in the middle of the street. A bell rings and a carriage has to make its way around you.
  1376. > The pony pulling it gives you an annoyed look, but doesn't say anything.
  1377. > "So, how was it? Do tell!" Amethyst asks with a grin that reminds you a lot of Sky Light's. You can't help noticing how she sidesteps and bumps her flank against Crystal Arrow's.
  1378. > Okay, so it's Amethyst and the colt. So that must mean he and Valentina are just friends. Good to know.
  1379. "Well, we haven't- you know. Not yet. We were waiting until we move in together."
  1380. > All the girls giggle at that.
  1381. > "You're too old fashioned, Rosa," Felicity comments.
  1382. > At the same time Valentina gives you a wink. "Girl, you don't know what you're missing! Oh boy, you're in for a sweet time! Well, maybe. Hopefully Paolo knows what to do."
  1383. > She walks over to Crystal and hooks a leg around the stallion. "Want me to have this lump give Paolo a few tips?"
  1384. > The two kiss and you blink in confusion.
  1385. > Wait, so it's *Valentina* and Crystal Arrow. But why would Amethyst bump flanks with him earlier? An accident?
  1386. > You shake your head and point an accusing hoof.
  1387. "Okay, okay. First of all, what the hell is happening with you three? I can't work it out."
  1388. > The crystal pony looks from you to Amethyst and then to Valentina, arching an eyebrow in confusion.
  1389. "Which one of you is with him? Because right now, you're giving me kind of mixed signals here."
  1390. > "Rosa," Amethyst says softly while Valentina does her best to keep herself from outright laughing. "Rosa, I thought you knew! We both are."
  1391. > Well, that's... uh.
  1392. > They're b-both...
  1393. "What?"
  1394. > Both mares hug the colt, each from one side, except that Valentina is now chortling into his mane. Even Amethyst is having a hard time to contain her giggles.
  1395. > "It's called a herd, Rosa. Well, they don't do it all that much around here, but it's gotten popular again in the Crystal Empire. There's more mares than stallions, we have to get it where we can, right?"
  1396. > She gives Crystal Arrow a very passionate kiss which ends with a good nuzzle. "It's not a problem, is it? You're not some kind of a prude, are you?"
  1397. > Felicity shrugs, looking strangely at you. "She might be, guys. She hasn't even *done* it with Paolo and they've been together a year!"
  1398. > "Poor boy!" Iskra whines. "I wish I'd known, I could go and help him out."
  1399. "What?! NO!"
  1400. > "You sure?" the pegasus goes on. "We could, y'know, share him a bit. He has plenty of feathers to go around. Whaddya say, Rosa?"
  1401. > You need to take a deep breath before you start shouting and say something stupid and lose all your friends in the next five minutes. You put your hooves over your face to get a moment's privacy, then exhale.
  1402. "First of all: Iskra - no..."
  1403. > She looks so downcast and your eyes are drawn to Crystal Arrow, who certainly doesn't mind being nuzzled by two mares at the same time. He probably doesn't mind being... well, 'looked after' by two mares, either.
  1404. > Cheeks blushing, you revise your statement.
  1405. "Look, this is all a bit of a shock right now, okay? I'm not saying 'no, never', just- give me a time to figure things out with Paolo and me, okay?"
  1406. > Your pegasus friend looks like she's on the verge of tears, but that last bit makes her brighten up some.
  1407. "I'm not saying yes either, Iskra! If you find yourself a nice colt, then go for it, okay? I'm saying 'maybe'. Someday. *Maybe*!"
  1408. > Her smile vanishes and her ears splay out, but the mare nods. "Okay, I understand. I won't count on it, promise."
  1409. > That one sorted out, at least hopefully, you turn your gaze to the happy couple- or is it a happy 'triple'?
  1410. "I'm happy for you guys, really. It was just unexpected. Gimme a minute or two to get used to the idea. I mean, as long as you all agree, there shouldn't be a problem, right?"
  1411. > "That's right," Amethyst says firmly. It feels as if she's challenging you to condemn what they're doing, so you make sure to keep your expression carefully blank.
  1412. "Okay. Now that's settled, all I need is for Felicity to tell me she's seeing a dragon or a griffin or something like that."
  1413. > Five perfectly impassive muzzles look back at you.
  1414. "Oh, for crying out loud..."
  1415. > "It's not official or anything, okay?" Felicity says. "I've just gone on a couple of dates."
  1416. "Okay, so which one is it? Dragon or griffin?"
  1417. > You almost stop the next question from popping out, but it forces its way past your lips before you can bite it back.
  1418. "Are dragons or griffins even - you know... 'compatible'? Down there?"
  1419. > She giggles and shakes her head. "Dunno. Actually she's a zebra."
  1420. > That's a bit less exotic than you feared, but you make sure not to show fresh shock on your muzzle at 'she'.
  1421. "Well, I'm happy for you. Everyone should be happy."
  1422. > A very scary thought pops into your head and you gasp and cover your mouth with your hooves.
  1423. "Girls, I need you to promise me something, okay?"
  1424. > They look strangely at you, but after a moment all four of them relax and Amethyst speaks for all of them: "Of course, Rosa. Anything for you."
  1425. "Promise me you will *not*, *ever* tell Sky Light about herds, *ever*! At least while me and Paolo are living there!"
  1426. > If that mare found out about this sort of thing you think you'd be looking for a separate apartment with Paolo within the hour.
  1427. > Just imagine. She'd probably come knocking on your bedroom when she heard you two. She'd probably offer to help.
  1428. > Oh. That reminds you of something you completely forgot.
  1429. > Of course Sky Light will hear it all. Your walls might as well be made out of paper.
  1430. > Well, you grind your teeth together in determination, you're still doing it. You've waited long enough!
  1431. > You'll just have to endure Sky's little jokes the next morning.
  1432. > It won't be so bad.
  1433. > You heave a sigh.
  1434. "This cupcake place, do they serve alcohol? I think I need a drink..."
  1435. > Is it just you or are all your friends starting to sound like Sky Light?
  1437. > ~~~~
  1439. > You hum your - or rather Fluttershy's - song as you put down the bowls of oatmeal. It's nothing special, but it's simple to make and quite satisfying.
  1440. > The colt - *your* colt - is still blinking a little groggily behind the table.
  1441. > "Thanks," he murmurs as you join him on the seat next to his.
  1442. "So, got anything planned today?"
  1443. > "Work, I guess," Paolo admits, then stretches out his wings and yawns. "You?"
  1444. "Same. We're doing the Autumn Arrangement for the flowerpots out at the main entrance today."
  1445. > "Sounds like fun."
  1446. "It is! River Stone has been using some kind of spell to make sunflowers grow faster and she thinks they're Celestia's favorite, so we'll put them *everywhere*."
  1447. > The misconception still makes you giggle. You wonder again if you should have told your unicorn boss, but you think better of it. She has so much fun with her little projects and Celestia doesn't mind.
  1448. > "Wait, aren't sunflowers her favorite then?" Paolo asks, still a bit asleep so he probably isn't quite following.
  1449. "Nope. It's moonflowers."
  1450. > "Huh."
  1451. "She told me. She came to like them after- well, after she had to banish Luna to the moon. She said they reminded her of Luna. Well, of who she *was*, not the Nightmare she became."
  1452. > The colt stretches out his forelegs, too. "I guess that makes sense."
  1453. "Don't tell anyone. It's not really a secret, but I think Celestia enjoys having something that isn't so... public, you know?"
  1454. > "Mhm," Paolo promises, already chewing industriously.
  1455. > You also take a spoonful, but you aren't particularly hungry this morning. Just a memory of last night is enough to drive all thoughts of food from your mind.
  1456. > No wonder he's so sleepy.
  1457. > Strange that *you* aren't.
  1458. > You can't stand it. You want to touch the colt some more, so you lean over and throw your hooves around his withers.
  1459. "I loved last night," you whisper in his ear.
  1460. > His ear folds down, flicking you on the nose which makes you giggle.
  1461. "Let's do it again tonight."
  1462. > He still doesn't get the idea, so you poke him in the ribs and the colt finally turns his head.
  1463. > You give him a kiss, silencing anything he might have wanted to say.
  1464. > When you're done, he just keeps grinning with an unfocused, faraway look.
  1465. "What is it?"
  1466. > He finally looks at you and his smile widens. "Just realized we're really here. Equestria. Together."
  1467. "Of course! Where else?"
  1468. > It was a rhetorical question so it's just as well Paolo doesn't try to answer. Instead, he touches his nose to yours and asks: "Did I ever tell you I love you?"
  1469. > He could stand to do it more often, but you don't say that.
  1470. "Not yet today."
  1471. > "Sorry."
  1472. "I love you too."
  1474. THE END

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf