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Floor Chasing Love (NEET)

By awf
Created: 2020-10-29 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-21 10:48:42
Expiry: Never

  1. > Floor Bored lay on her bed and tried very hard not to weep. She was determined to hold on to her anger, no matter what. It was better than the black depression which was threatening to encroach upon her heart.
  2. > She was totally in the right, anyway!
  3. > Taku and her had had a fight. A bad one.
  4. > In fact, they probably weren't friends anymore.
  5. > They'd known each other since before school, when their parents got together for some autumn festival or something like that.
  6. > The two fillies, both shy around strangers, both quiet and introspective, found that they shared a common interest in comic books.
  7. > They'd spent the whole night talking.
  8. > Floor's parents had been so happy to see their filly socializing that they happily arranged more play-dates for the two. And thus a deep and abiding friendship had blossomed forth.
  9. > When Taku was bullied because of her glasses, it had been Floor's shoulder she'd cried on.
  10. > When Floor didn't get a prom date, it was Taku and her game console that distracted her for the night.
  11. > Each other were the only ponies they could talk to.
  12. > Well, not anymore.
  13. > Floor gripped her pillow and pressed it against herself. Some nights she pretended it was a strong and friendly stallion, but now she wished it was Taku.
  14. > Except... no.
  15. > She hated Taku now!
  16. > The hussy had no right! Come into Floor's home and try to change her!
  17. > She was perfectly happy to stay inside, play games, browse the Internet and never, ever go out!
  18. > Who was Taku to demand Floor accompany her shopping? Saying it'd be good for her!
  19. > Bah!
  20. > How had the fight even started?
  21. > The last thing Floor wanted to do was go through it again in her mind, but she already knew she was doomed to do exactly that until she fell asleep from exhaustion.
  22. > It wasn't fair!
  23. > She'd only joked about Taku becoming a normie! There had been absolutely no calling to take it so seriously.
  24. > Out of the two of them, Taku had always been slightly more outgoing, slightly less nervous. She was just a bit more likeable. She knew what to say and when.
  25. > In fact, Floor had suspected for some time that Taku was... *dating*!
  26. > It had all come out tonight.
  27. > She *was* seeing some colt! It wasn't fair to Floor. As if their friendship, their promises to each other meant nothing!
  28. > In desperation, the mare bit the corner of her pillow. Her eyes ended up on the desk with her computer.
  29. > The sight just brought more tears. Taku had said she should move it to the living room. That she should stop obsessing about the message boards.
  30. > That she should open the curtains and let in some fresh air.
  31. > Clean up the place!
  32. > Floor's eyes fell on the myriad plastic bottles and cans littering her desk. Then she looked at the floor, which was covered with more trash.
  33. > Fast food wrappers, pizza boxes, tissue papers.
  34. > Well, it was a bit of a mess, but it was *her* mess! Taku had no call to say it stank!
  35. > She had only realized it stank because she washed up for her dates, that... that *hussy*!
  36. > It wasn't fair.
  37. > Floor wanted a special somepony too. But Equestria's population was deeply unfair to mares, with so few stallions to go around. They were spoiled for choice, so naturally they simply weren't interested in someone like Floor Bored.
  38. > Pale yellow, with a messy, greasy black mane. And then her startlingly green eyes, just... spoiling the whole image further. They were too unexpected, green.
  39. > Nopony expected *green* eyes on a plain mare like her!
  40. > Maybe she could have pulled off brown, but not emerald!
  41. > She'd long ago decided that all that work - make up and dresses and acting like she was interested - it was too much work for an uncertain chance of even meeting somepony.
  42. > Besides, colts were so shallow it was almost physically painful to hear them talking with the pretty mares.
  43. > Floor had overheard some conversations while she still went to school and the memory was nearly enough to turn her stomach even now.
  44. > Just cliches and platitudes all around. Fake, forced giggles. Pretending they were interested in one another.
  45. > Then a quick hop into the girl's bathroom and a bang.
  46. > Not to mention all the drama and crying when the stallion in question bucked a prettier mare. What in Tartarus did they expect would happen?!
  47. > True love was a lie!
  48. > To see Taku, her oldest and, well, only friend, fall for the same garbage was distressing.
  49. > She'd even had her mane styled!
  50. > Floor almost couldn't believe how fast it had happened.
  51. > Only a couple of weeks ago, Taku - her old, normal self - had come to visit, bringing their favorite takeout and several bottles of fizzy drinks.
  52. > They'd stayed up until sunrise, playing all their old classics on her Ponystation and laughing at the shitty graphics.
  53. > Then...
  54. > Nothing. As if Taku had vanished from Internet. Floor left her message after message, asking if she'd like to play something together, or come over and watch movie... anything really.
  55. > Yesterday there'd been a curt reply that she'd be over and she had big news.
  56. > Then...
  57. > A new mare came to Floor's door. At least that's what she'd assumed when she opened it. She could hardly recognize her friend.
  58. > Clean, smelling of some fancy perfume and with her mane styled. And - this is where Floor knew something was terribly wrong - wearing a skimpy, scandalizing little dress.
  59. > Calling it a 'dress' was generous. It was just a few pieces of lace in strategic places, not so much to conceal, but to suggest what was beneath.
  60. > How could she have helped herself? Floor had burst out laughing, thinking it was some kind of early Fool's Day joke.
  61. > Then she'd opened her stupid trap - the memory of the words rang so clear in her mind: "What are you, going on a date or something?"
  62. > It had been filled with all the scorn and distrust Floor had felt for those popular, pretty mares in school.
  63. > She had meant it as a joke! The way Taku's muzzle scrunched up, you'd think Floor had insulted her favorite anime or something!
  64. > 'So what if I am?' the traitor blurted out.
  65. > While Floor stood, shocked, with her muzzle hanging open, Taku had launched into her tirade - about cleaning herself up. Going out more.
  66. > Seeing some ponies.
  67. > That last one told Floor all she needed to know. Taku was pushing her to make more friends, so that she herself could focus on her hussying. She didn't want to have a guilty conscience about abandoning her oldest, truest friend!
  68. > What did she expect?!
  69. > For Floor to just say: 'I'm happy for you? Now go and lie and pretend and bag yourself a stallion just so you can fake how happy you are?'
  70. > If her friend had been after sex, that Floor could understand. Mares had needs. For her part, she had always slightly hoped Taku would make a move on her. That would save her having to meet anypony new, which was an experience Floor intensely disliked and feared.
  71. > If her friend didn't want that, Floor would have understood. It Taku had dressed up and went out to get a quick roll in the hay, that would've been fine.
  72. > Well, Floor would be a bit jealous if Taku had actually pulled it off, but she wouldn't have hated her for it.
  73. > But Taku went on about love and companionship and starting a family and all that movie romance horseshit!
  74. > It was almost as if she'd been brainwashed.
  75. > That was exactly what she'd said to Taku.
  76. > Maybe that had been a mistake. After that her friend went back to lecturing about how she should change.
  77. > As if she didn't know perfectly well how Floor loathed to go out and be gawked at by all those stupid ponies!
  78. > For Luna's sake, she had trouble ordering food! It took her *hours* to work up the nerve (and the hunger). She could only do it over the Internet, and when the delivery-pony came, she kept her eyes on the floor, proffered the cash, grabbed her food and quickly slammed the door shut.
  79. > It always made her heart race and her throat constrict. She made sure she had the exact amount ready, just so she didn't have to wait for them to count out the change, or accidentally touch hooves.
  80. > One time, her order hadn't arrived.
  81. > Floor had rather gone hungry that evening than call the delivery place and ask about it.
  82. > Taku knew all that!
  83. > How could she just waltz right in and tell Floor it was *easy* to go out and meet ponies!
  84. > How could she lie so blatantly to her face and tell her that colts were *interesting* to talk to!
  85. > No, Floor had been perfectly within her right to yell Taku out of her place.
  86. > And the things her once-friend had called her were unnecessary and cruel!
  87. > She never wanted to see her ugly muzzle ever again!
  88. "Please.... stop!"
  89. > Floor meant it for herself. She wanted to stop thinking, stop reliving those horrible words.
  90. > She put her hooves on her head and thought what it would be like to just squeeze and end it all.
  91. > Maybe Taku would find the mess.
  92. > And a note. Telling her just how much of a bitch she was.
  93. > Then she'd spend her life being sorry about it!
  94. > The pillow was already soaked from her tears and Floor pushed it away. It was clammy and cold against her muzzle, reminding her all to clearly that she was crying, however hard she was trying not to.
  95. > The mare looked at her computer, whirring away doing nothing. She longed to go and lose herself in a brainless game, or in the senseless stupidity of the message boards.
  96. > She could take her frustration and anger out on some jerks on the Internet. They'd deserve it too, with their hopeful posts about soulmates and other such crap.
  97. > Even in the darkness Floor sneered at the idea.
  98. > Sappy horseshit to keep the idiot masses happy and chasing after some rainbow dream.
  99. > It was just chemicals, but the idiots didn't see that.
  100. > She loved pointing it out - anonymously, of course.
  101. > Somehow, tonight, she didn't feel like it.
  102. > Her thoughts kept going back to her slamming the door in Taku's face after she'd thrown her out.
  103. > The look of sheer betrayal on her muzzle...
  104. > Floor groaned and buried her face in the soggy pillow, then pulled the blanket over her head.
  105. "Bucking... stop!"
  107. > ~~~~
  109. > Now it was morning. Floor hadn't slept a whole lot because her brain kept waking her up with memories of her fight with Taku. It was awful.
  110. > She snoozed a few times here and there, but never more than about ten minutes.
  111. > As soon as a sliver of gray peeked from behind her curtains the mare crawled off her bed in exasperation, giving up on the night.
  112. > Up even before dawn. A new low.
  113. > She heaved a sigh and went to the kitchen to look for some food. There wasn't any, but Floor went to check anyway.
  114. > More pizza boxes, more plastic noodle cups - some with pungent odor wafting from them.
  115. > Maybe she *should* clean up a little, but that would mean work and - worse - going out to the street with garbage bags.
  116. > Taku had been kind enough to drop off some trash each time she left from their game night. Floor guessed she'd have to make other arrangements now.
  117. > Maybe she could sneak out every now and then at three in the morning when most normal ponies were asleep.
  118. > The one thing she did *not* want was anypony poking their muzzles into what kind of trash Floor was throwing out. It was none of their business!
  119. > She didn't want them to see how disgusting some of the things were. There were actually mushrooms growing from some of the mold in the oldest of food containers.
  120. > Anyway, it would be a problem for another day. Floor shook her head in dismissal and went to check the fridge.
  121. > It didn't close properly, so it wasn't really cold inside - just lukewarm. Why did she even bother with it?
  122. > The mare took stock. A bit of moldy cheese, a few brown leaves of lettuce and some gross paste dripping down the shelves - that had probably once been a tomato.
  123. > She also found a carton of milk, but didn't dare open it for fear of what would be inside.
  124. > Best to leave it alone and toss it out once she figured out her trash situation.
  125. > In short, there was nothing of use. Floor considered ordering something, but it was too early in the day for any place to be open.
  126. > Turning her back on the messy kitchen in disgust, the mare went to the bathroom instead. She backed up to the toilet and let go, not caring much about her aim. Some of it splashed around, but the floor was dirty anyway.
  127. > The mare breathed through her mouth while she was in there.
  128. > And that was her whole morning routine. She'd exhausted her entire 'to-do' list for the day, so that just meant she could go on her computer and slack off.
  129. > Maybe it would distract her from thinking about Taku.
  130. > Floor jabbed at the mouse to wake her screen up and quickly scanned the most recent threads on ponechan.
  131. > It was time to get down to the business of shitposting.
  132. >...
  133. > Her plan worked even better than she'd hoped. The hours ticked by and Floor was entirely consumed by giving the best, most scathing remarks and the funniest reaction images she had.
  134. > The rage was invigorating. To think that she could make a pony lose their cool just by typing out a few well-placed words gave floor a real feeling of power over all those idiots.
  135. > It was all anonymous, but she preferred it that way. Maybe that was the only way she could interact with ponies, ever? If they didn't see or hear or smell her, nor know who she really was.
  136. > Loud knocking woke her up from intense concentration. Floor made a vaguely interrogative noise in her throat and looked around.
  137. > This was unusual. She hadn't ordered anything and nopony had reason to visit her, ever!
  138. > Who could it be?
  139. > Floor decided to ignore it. They'll give up and go away.
  140. > She went back to the comment and tried to remember what she was going to write.
  141. > Stupid visitor with their stupid knocking and making her lose her stupid place!
  142. > The mare grumbled quietly to herself.
  143. > Not ten seconds later, the knocking sounded again, more insistent this time.
  144. > Her ears flattened and Floor glanced at the open door from her room. Surely they couldn't know she was inside?
  145. > A voice sounded: "Floor Bored! We know you're in. Please open the door!"
  146. > She didn't recognize the pony speaking. She didn't want them!
  147. "G-Go away!"
  148. > That had been a mistake and Floor knew it as soon as the words left her muzzle. It just made them knock even harder.
  149. > "We just wanna talk," the pony called out. "Just let us in, please? We're friends!"
  150. > Floor very much doubted that. Nopony wanted to be her friend, not even the one friend she'd had - Taku.
  151. > It was probably some weirdo Celestians, trying to give her pamphlets about their sun-goddess.
  152. > She already hated their guts.
  153. > The ponechan forgotten, Floor slid from her chair and made her careful, soundless way to the living room.
  154. > Her hooves expertly found their spots between cans and chips wrappers so she didn't make any noise at all. There was no way they heard her come to the front door.
  155. > The mare walked right up to the wood and carefully leaned her ear on it.
  156. > There were two ponies outside, talking. The one who had been shouting said: "I'm sure this is it. It's the only friendship problem we could find, no? The pony downstairs said they'd been fighting yesterday and that it sounded bad."
  157. > There was another voice, silky smooth and gentle like a summer breeze. It almost sounded like Floor's own when she had to talk to a strange pony.
  158. > "M-Maybe we shouldn't bother her if she doesn't want us to, Twilight. We can come back later..."
  159. > Wait. Floor froze. 'Twilight'?! Surely not!
  160. > She removed her ear from the door and put her eye on the peephole.
  161. > Holy shit, holy shit! It was *her*!!
  162. > Princess Twilight Sparkle! At her door!
  163. > This wasn't happening. Floor had trouble talking to the shopkeeper down the block, and here was actual *bucking* Princess Sparkle on her door, talking about some sort of friendship problem!
  164. > She must mean Taku!
  165. > The thought made Floor gasp in shock.
  166. > "Floor Bored?" Twilight repeated hopefully. "Please just let us in! We're here to help!"
  167. > Her head was still spinning by the 'princess thing' and Floor slid down and curled up. She couldn't process the news right away.
  168. > "That's it, I'm opening the door," Twilight said.
  169. > Her friend didn't seem to agree: "I don't think we s-should, Twilight..."
  170. > It was no use. The knob made a sound as it was turned and the door bumped against Floor's flank as it started to open.
  171. > She couldn't deal with this. Floor put her hooves on her head and whimpered, trying to make the world go away.
  172. > All she wanted was to be left alone!
  173. > Too late. The dam was already bursting and tears were starting to flow down her muzzle.
  175. > ~~~~
  177. > The two unwelcome guests were in her apartment. In her actual living room! Floor didn't know what to say.
  178. > Her mind blanked and all she could get out was a quiet whimper as she tried desperately to pretend it wasn't happening.
  179. > "Oh.." Fluttershy said when she saw the state of things.
  180. > It wasn't hard to guess what she was thinking. What a mess. Disgusting.
  181. > Whoever lived there must be an awful slob and a horrible pony.
  182. > Floor almost wished they'd turn around in disgust and leave. It would save her from having to speak with them!
  183. > She sniffed, trying desperately to choke back sobs. Maybe they wouldn't find her behind the door.
  184. > No such luck. Twilight - *Princess* Twilight - had already come around. "Oh my gosh, are you okay? I didn't know you were back there. Did I hit you?
  185. > Maybe it was a good thing they thought she was crying because the swinging door smacked her on the muzzle? It certainly beat the alternative.
  186. > Unfortunately that meant Floor had to stop now, or else they'd start wondering what was really happening.
  187. "I'm f-f-fine!" the mare managed to choke out.
  188. > She waved feebly with a hoof that was none too steady.
  189. "You can g-go now..."
  190. > "Come on, let me see. I hope it isn't too bad!" Twilight said, sounding almost frantic with worry. "I didn't mean to push the door so hard, I'm really sorry!"
  191. > Something enveloped Floor's leg and pried it away from her muzzle. All she could see was a purple blur, but it wasn't hard to guess. Twilight was using magic to look.
  192. > "Hmm," the alicorn said to herself. "There isn't a bruise. Come on, let me help you up."
  193. > She looked around for a soft place to take Floor, but couldn't see any surface that was clean. Her muzzle wrinkled in disgust and Floor blushed in embarrassment.
  194. "Just go..." she whispered.
  195. > The Princess didn't hear, but Fluttershy was paying closer attention.
  196. > "Um, Twilight? I think she doesn't want us to be here."
  197. > The magic winked out as the alicorn looked at her in surprise. "What? Why not? We're just here to help!"
  198. > Now that she was free, Floor did her best to curl up into an impenetrable little ball. She almost succeeded in convincing herself that it wasn't a hoof which touched her side, but an empty can of soda.
  199. > "Floor, right? Floor Bored?" Twilight asked.
  200. > They knew her name!
  201. > Well, of course they did. Floor didn't know how they knew, but she remembered they were calling it out even while they were knocking at the door.
  202. > "Uh..."
  203. > Even Twilight, the Princess of Friendship didn't know what to say. Probably stunned by the mess and the smell, now that she'd had a moment to take it all in.
  204. > "I don't really know where to begin," she said, sounding determined once more. "We need to clean this place up before we get started on the friendship problem."
  205. > The mare clapped her hooves together. "I know! I'll go ask some of the ponies to lend a hoof! Nothing like pulling together to mend some fences, right?"
  206. > The mere thought of strangers trampling all over her apartment nearly sent Floor into a panic.
  207. "NO!" she squeaked, uncurling just enough to see the two intruders.
  208. > She wanted to run away and lock herself in her room, but these mares would probably just barge in.
  209. > They would see it all.
  210. > The filthly magazines all over the floor. The tissues and towels. Dirty sheets. Fast food boxes.
  211. > Her toys!!
  212. > Had she put them away? Lately Floor had just been leaving them on the bed. No use in hiding them when nopony went into her room but herself!
  213. "M-mph!" she tried to say, but her muzzle was clamped shut by terror.
  214. > All she really managed to do was spray a bit of saliva over herself in her rush to say no.
  215. > Meanwhile, the yellow one was wandering around, inspecting everything. She had gone into the bathroom, but hurriedly walked back out, foreleg held against her nose.
  216. > It was pure luck that Twilight didn't see it, but then it was only a matter of time before the alicorn went to check for herself.
  217. > All the effort of not crying was making dots of light swim in Floor's vision and she opened her mouth to take a breath.
  218. > A thin wail escaped her.
  219. > Once it had begun, there was no stopping it. She was bawling. No other word for it.
  220. "GO AWAY," she blurted out.
  221. > Before the two unwelcome guests could respond, the mare shot up and ran for it. She dodged into her room and slammed the door shut.
  222. > It was a temporary solution, but so were all the others.
  223. > Her hooves shook as she turned the key and leaned against the wood, panting.
  224. > Maybe, if she didn't let them in, they would leave. She just had to hold out.
  225. > It was her only hope.
  226. > She wished Taku was there.
  228. > ~~~~
  230. > As Floor tried to get her breathing under control, she pressed her ear against the bedroom door to try and guess what the two were doing.
  231. > There was silence for a long while, then Twilight spoke up in a suddenly uncertain tone of voice: "Um, what just happened?"
  232. > A very faint hoofstep approached the bedroom and Floor tensed up. It was probably Fluttershy - the Princess stomped around as if she owned the place.
  233. > Her suspicion was confirmed when the pegasus spoke up right on the other side of the door. "Was it something you said maybe?"
  234. > "I don't think so," Twilight countered. "I just said we'd get some neighbors over to help clean this place up."
  235. > The mere mention of having more ponies looking at her mess - at *herself* - made Floor whimper quietly.
  236. > "I think that was it," Fluttershy said, right outside. Floor bit down on a hoof nervously.
  237. > "What?"
  238. > Fluttershy moved away again, much to Floor Bored's relief. "I don't think she likes strangers," the yellow one said. "She's really shy, Twilight."
  239. > Floor found herself nodding in agreement. Yes! She didn't like company. They should go and leave her alone!
  240. > "Ooooh," Twilight said knowingly. Even without seeing her, Floor imagined the alicorn grinning in understanding. "So *that's* why the map sent you along! It all makes sense now!"
  241. > "What should we do now?"
  242. "Go away," Floor whispered. Of course they didn't hear it.
  243. > "Well, I guess we wait until Floor Bored decides to talk to us."
  244. > There was a rattle of soda cans, then Twilight spoke again. "Come, I used a cleaning spell on the couch. It should be safe to sit on."
  245. > The way she said it brougth fresh tears to Floor's eyes. It wasn't fair! It wasn't her fault she never had any real time to do housework. What was the point of it anyway? Nopony visited.
  246. > Nopony except Taku, and even she wouldn't be visiting anymore.
  247. > The combination of these nosy, obnoxious busyponies and the realization that Taku would never be visiting again was too much for Floor. She pushed herself away from the bedroom door - it was locked, anyway - and threw herself on the bed.
  248. > She pulled a pillow over her head to muffle her sobs as best she could.
  249. > Maybe if she stayed under there long enough, the unwelcome guests would be gone and things would go back to normal.
  250. > She could hope.
  252. > ~~~
  254. > Floor didn't know how she had managed to fall asleep, but a knock on her bedroom door startled her awake.
  255. > "Um," Fluttershy said from the other side, "we made some vegetable stew. Would you like to have some?"
  256. > The mare was incredulous. How could the pair make *anything* out of the mess in her kitchen was beyond her. Unless they went out and bought stuff.
  257. > There was still a pile of dishes in the sink, with some on the bottom actually growing some kind of fungus. Floor had been very uneasy about trying to pry all that apart.
  258. > "Floor?" came another prompt when she hadn't answered in a while.
  259. > She looked around and Floor's eyes landed on a small pile of toys on the edge of the bed. There was no way anypony could be allowed to see that!
  260. > It would make her die of shame!
  261. > Panicking, she threw her blanket over it and ran to the bedroom door, slamming against it when she didn't slow down in time.
  262. "NO!" she yelled.
  263. > "You d-don't have to come out," Fluttershy said. "I'll just leave it out here, okay? You should eat something."
  264. > A strange smell tickled her nose and Floor inhaled. It was coming from the gap under the door. It really was mouth-watering.
  265. > Maybe it wouldn't hurt to accept the food. After all, she might have to stay in the room for some time and she didn't have any provisions, aside from a few crumbs of chips left over in some of the bags.
  266. > She swallowed in fear and tried to get her voice working.
  267. "P-Promise you'll g-go away?"
  268. > "I promise," Fluttershy said and Floor believed her. The pegasus put a plate down with an unmistakable clink, then walked away.
  269. > Floor stuck her ear against the wood, trying to decide if the intruder really was walking away, or just stomping her hooves to make it seem so.
  270. > After a few seconds she heard Twilight from the living room: "Did she take it?"
  271. > "I don't know," Fluttershy answered, "it'll take some time before she trusts us."
  272. > The pegasus was back with the Princess and Floor relaxed a little, but then Fluttershy exclaimed urgently: "Don't go look!"
  273. > Tensing up, Floor waited for the sound of alicorn hooves on the floor, but there was none. She guessed Twilight was obeying.
  274. > Maybe she could risk it. There was no chance they could barge in if she just opened the door a crack and pulled the food in.
  275. > Now that the smell had had time to work its insidious magic, the mare was positively drooling and her stomach was growling in complaint.
  276. > She remembered she hadn't eaten in a long while.
  277. > "Okay," Twilight said with some finality, making Floor freeze in the process of reaching for the key. "We'll *have* to clean the bathroom, if we plan on staying any longer."
  278. > The words reminded her - there was some pressure in her own bladder. Luckily, Floor had a solution for that.
  279. > She looked at the floor around her computer table. Yes, several plastic bottles. She could stay in her room for a a lot longer. At least until she needed to go number two.
  280. > "Are you sure it's our place?" Fluttershy asked. "We already did the dishes without asking..."
  281. > The alicorn growled a little. "Are you crazy?! That was a biohazard! It's a good thing the health inspection didn't come around here, I'm sure somepony complained about the smell."
  282. > Fluttershy didn't give up: "Yes, but what if she prefers it that way?"
  283. > "Prefers it that way!?" Twilight repeated incredulous. "Who in Equestria would prefer to live in this... this *filth*?!"
  284. > Her words struck true and Floor winced. They were right. She was a degenerate. Unsuitable to live among civilized ponies.
  285. > If only she had the guts to end it.
  286. > "Hush!" Fluttershy said, "you'll hurt her feelings!"
  287. > Too late, Floor thought. Not that it took very much. There was such a lot of material.
  288. > Twilight heaved an exasperated sigh. "Look, Fluttershy, this-" there was a pause and Floor imagined the alicorn was swinging a leg to encompass the living room, "-this isn't normal! It's our duty to help this Floor Bored. I thought we were only here for a friendship problem, but this is worse. She's..."
  289. "Broken..." Floor whispered to herself.
  290. > Tears dripped from her muzzle and suddenly she wasn't hungry anymore. Her hoof - still on its way to unlock the door - fell.
  291. > "Twilight Sparkle!" Fluttershy said, this time with a touch of anger in her voice. "Not everyone is an obsessive neat freak like you! Sometimes I have my hooves full with a sick animal and don't have time to clean up - do you think any less of me then?!"
  292. > There was a pause, then the Princess said quietly: "No. Of course not. But this-"
  293. > The yellow pegasus interrupted her. "Is a problem, yes! But we're not going to be able to help Floor at all if she doesn't trust us! So be nice, okay?"
  294. > There was no use, but Floor appreciated the concern.
  295. > Had they met in different circumstance, she would probably have quite liked Fluttershy.
  296. > At least that one understood what it felt like when you were nervous to speak with anypony. Twilight obviously didn't.
  297. > Despite her stomach complaining, Floor dragged herself back to bed and put the pillow over her head.
  298. > She hoped she'd fall asleep again, so she didn't have to listen to this horrible conversation anymore.
  299. > As for the food they offered her... well, they could shove it!
  300. > It was none of their business how she chose to live her life! What right did those two have to come and lecture her about cleanliness?!
  301. > They were acting just like Taku!
  302. > It was getting easier to think that name. This time there was hardly a pang in her heart when Floor said it to herself.
  303. > She experimentally lifted the pillow a little and swiveled her ear so it faced the door.
  304. > Her 'guests' were still talking loudly.
  305. > "Okay, if you know what you're doing, then you stay here. I'll go and see if I can find the other one. Surely somepony in this building knows her name!" Twilight was saying.
  306. > "Good. I'll see you later then," Fluttershy confirmed.
  307. > Then there were hoofsteps and the sound of her front door opening and closing.
  308. > Was it true? Floor lifted up her other ear just to be sure.
  309. > Had the overbearing Princess Twilight left?
  310. > If it was just Fluttershy, maybe Floor could convince her she was fine and send her away.
  311. > The pegasus *had* sounded kind and understanding.
  312. > As Floor Bored tried to work up the courage to face her remaining guest, her eyes landed on an empty bottle.
  313. > Well, it was as good a time as any. Better to do it before she *really* had to go - it was a lot easier to control the stream this way. Less spillage.
  314. > She listened for a bit longer, until she heard the couch springs squeak, so she knew Fluttershy was still in the living room and wouldn't hear her.
  315. > Then Floor slid from the bed and reached for the bottle.
  316. > She'd have to go out when the other need became too pressing, but she had some time still.
  317. > The bedroom was safe. Fluttershy wouldn't let Twilight just break in.
  318. > It would be fine, even if they stayed over night. Floor had her computer and headphones, so she could shut out the world and do what she loved.
  319. > They were *bound* to be gone by next morning!
  320. > Most ponies gave up on Floor Bored after a day.
  322. > ~~~~
  324. > Alone in her flat with one of the famous Elements of Harmony.
  325. > Maybe, Floor Bored thought, it should have had more of an effect, but for now she was just relieved that the loud, pushy Princess Twilight was gone.
  326. > For her part, Fluttershy seemed to just quietly sit in her living room, but Floor heard her walking up and down sometimes.
  327. > She was also picking up trash, which made Floor lower her ears and blush with embarrassment whenever she realized it was happening, even if the pegasus couldn't see her in her room.
  328. > There was nothing else for her to do, so Floor went to her computer and put on headphones, determined to ignore the unwelcome reality that was now her life.
  329. > The online world was a good place to get lost in while she waited to be left alone once more. And if the yellow-quiet wanted to clean up the place, that was fine with Floor, as long as she didn't expect a 'thank you' after.
  330. > She jabbed at the mouse and the familiar puke-green of ponechat greeted her. It was time to get down to the business of rustling jimmies!
  331. > Floor opened up her playlist, but just as she hovered her mouse cursor over 'play' there was a knock on the door.
  332. > Jumping a little, the mare failed to suppress a small gasp. She quickly closed the browser windows, then immediately felt stupid about it.
  333. > She wasn't a filly anymore, and the pony out there wasn't her Mom to catch her looking up something embarrassing.
  334. > "Um. Hello?" the pegasus said, barely loud enough for Floor to hear it.
  335. > "Would you like to, uh, come out and talk for a minute? Y-You don't have to. It's just if you'd like some company."
  336. > Floor realized she was holding her breath and slowly let it out. She kept her muzzle firmly shut, hoping the nag will take a hint and leave her alone.
  337. > "There's still some yummy, delicious stew left if you want any!" Fluttershy tried to tempt her with her gentle, singsong voice. "Oh, won't you please have a little bit?"
  338. > Her nose suddenly picked up the smell and Floor's mouth watered. The sneak! Fluttershy had heated some up and brought it to her door, undoubtedly to try and lure her out into a trap!
  339. > It *did* smell delicious, though...
  340. "L-Leave it outside!"
  341. > She could almost see the smug, self-satisfied grin on Fluttershy's muzzle when her low ploy worked!
  342. > "Okay!"
  343. "Go in the k-kitchen!" Floor demanded.
  344. > It was best to be sure.
  345. > Not even Rainbow Dash would be able to catch her out if she had to start from the kitchen! The thought made Floor pause. Would they sic the obnoxious loudmouth pegasus on her, if Fluttershy failed to produce results?
  346. > That would be a nightmare!
  347. > "Okay! I'm leaving now. Just- um, please think about coming out and chatting for a bit. We're all friends here, okay? We're just worried about you!"
  348. > It sounded sweet and innocent and for a moment Floor nearly believed it really was just a friendly offer.
  349. > Then she remembered Princess Twilight and the disdain in her voice as she commented on the state of the apartment. Her muzzle scrunched up in distaste.
  350. > *She* didn't go to other ponies' houses and comment on a bit of dirt or a few empty cans they might have been too busy to clean up!
  351. > Floor slid from her chair and carefully inched her way to the door. She leaned her ear on the wood and listened closely.
  352. > True to her word, Fluttershy really was going away. The hoofsteps went to the living room, and then clicked on the tiles in her kitchen.
  353. > Maybe the yellow pegasus could be trusted to keep her promises, then. Floor put a hoof on the key and turned it very carefully.
  354. > It hardly made a noise. Then, heart beating in her ears, Floor gently opened the door a crack.
  355. > The hallway was empty and the bowl was sitting outside her door, steaming. There was a spoon next to it.
  356. > She didn't recall having spoons in the apartment and wondered where Fluttershy might have found one.
  357. > Floor usually just licked up whatever goop she had ordered straight from its carton or plastic cup. Besides, she mostly ate pizza or noodles or simple stuff like that.
  358. > She reached out for the bowl, snagged it with a hoof and very gently pulled it closer, trying not to spill it.
  359. > Once it was in reach she grabbed it with her forelegs and brought it into the room. She lowered it quickly on the carpet, not caring that she spilled a bit in her hurry to slam the door shut and turn the key again.
  360. > Only then did she breathe again. Floor gasped for air and collapsed down against the door. Safe. Fluttershy hadn't tried anything.
  361. > That was a relief and her opinion of the yellow mare rose a bit. Maybe, just *maybe* that one could be trusted to understand what it was like, living alone with no friends because she couldn't open her muzzle in front of anypony.
  362. > She'd read about the Equestria's favorite heroes in the Cosmoponitan magazine online and by all accounts Fluttershy sounded a bit like herself.
  363. > Shy, quiet and liked to live in seclusion. She also preferred the company of animals to ponies.
  364. > Floor idly wondered if she'd ever done it with any of her animal friends, but then nearly slapped herself in the muzzle.
  365. > That right there was why she didn't have any friends!
  366. > Anyway, she was safe in her room and so was her prize. The stew had been filling her nose and making her mouth water even without her consciously being aware of it.
  367. > She took the spoon out and licked it experimentally.
  368. > It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. Floor stuck the spoon in her mouth and sucked on it greedily. Then she simply tossed it aside and lifted up the bowl itself.
  369. > Screw being polite, she was *hungry*!
  370. > She almost drank the broth, pausing only momentarily to chew the bigger pieces before they could choke her. Even when the bowl was empty she didn't stop, but started licking it clean.
  371. > It didn't take too long, but when Floor was done the empty dish slid from her hooves and she let out a small, satisfied sigh.
  372. > She would have loved some more, but even so it was absolutely amazing!
  373. > Without even thinking about it, her tongue darted out to lick her muzzle and nose clean of the leftover goodness.
  374. > Only then did she move again. Her eyes went to a splatter of stew she had spilled in her haste earlier and - hating herself, but doing it anyway - Floor lowered her muzzle and licked it off the carpet.
  375. > The dust and grime spoiled the taste somewhat, but she didn't mind. She'd eaten worse.
  376. > As she lay there, belly pleasantly warm and the gnawing hunger gone for the moment, Floor just listened, trying to catch what Fluttershy was doing.
  377. > After about a minute there were hoofsteps approaching and Floor tensed up. Her 'guest' might ask for something in return for the delicious stew, but it was too late. The stuff was already inside Floor's stomach and she wasn't going to give it back.
  378. > Feeling smugly satisfied, Floor stuck out her tongue at Fluttershy's imagined expression at the news.
  379. > The hoofsteps stopped outside her room and Floor slowly shuffled away. Surely the pegasus wouldn't knock the door down?
  380. > There was silence for a while, until finally her guest cleared her throat. "Um. Floor Bored?"
  381. > She didn't answer.
  382. > "I know you're listening. I was just, uh, wondering if, um, you'd like to talk or anything?"
  383. > Still nothing, but the mare was persistent and didn't let it deter her. "I understand, I really do. Some days you just don't want to see anypony, but if you just give it a chance, I think you'd-"
  384. "No!"
  385. > That shut her up, but only for a few seconds.
  386. > Yellow-quiet gave a little sad sigh, then tried another tact: "Won't you pleeeeease come out and talk? I have some more of the stew if you want?"
  387. > Tempting, but Floor could resist, now that she wasn't starving anymore.
  388. "No."
  389. > "Well - can I come in?"
  390. "NO!"
  391. > Again Floor looked at her bed, where her toys were covered with a flimsy blanket. Not to mention the telltale scent.
  392. > For that matter, Fluttershy was probably smelling it from outside, but there wasn't anything she could do about that *now*. Letting her come in was unthinkable.
  393. > "I really think you should talk to me," the pegasus said, perhaps with a touch of impatience in her voice.
  394. > Her next words were quieter, but nearer the door, as if Fluttershy was pressing her head against the wood as she talked.
  395. > "Please, Floor Bored. I'm worried about you. I understand you're ashamed about the mess, but I promise I won't hold it against you."
  396. > She was pleading!
  397. > Floor could hardly believe her ears!
  398. > Fluttershy - the Element of Kindness, was leaning on her door and begging for her to come out and talk.
  399. > Maybe it was all just a weird dream? She bit her leg, but it really stung.
  400. > Not a dream, then.
  401. > Another thought occurred. When Twilight came back, she would probably be very impatient. The alicorn might decide just to burst into the room with her magic and pull Floor out by force.
  402. > Maybe they wanted to move her out of the apartment?! The Princess would drag a struggling Floor Bored through the streets to some unemployment office or another government apartment.
  403. > Everypony would watch her, judge her. Probably whisper about who is this filthy, stinky mare being evicted.
  404. > A small whimper escaped her.
  405. > There was suddenly a new edge to Fluttershy's pleading. "Oh, I don't know how you got that way, but I'd really like to help, Floor. Please, won't you come out?"
  406. > Maybe she could strike a deal!
  407. > Her mind was filled with crazy, irrational fear and Floor was ready to reach for any straws she could get her hooves on.
  408. "P-Promise you'll l-leave me alone!?"
  409. > "Um. What do you mean?"
  410. "Promise Princess T-Twilight won't drag me out of the ap-apartment?!"
  411. > This made the pegasus gasp in horror. "Oh, goodness no! Of course not! We'd never!"
  412. > Floor trusted her guest and relaxed a bit.
  413. "J-Just you?" she prompted.
  414. > Luckily, Fluttershy understood. "Just me, I promise. I'll tell Twilight to leave us alone for a while, okay?"
  415. > That was good.
  416. > This was the longest conversation Floor had had with somepony who wasn't Taku. She could deal with Fluttershy.
  417. > Good, kind, sweet Fluttershy. She would respect her privacy and wouldn't try to change her.
  418. > She won't judge her. She promised!
  419. "Okay, I'll... I'll..."
  420. > Now that she went to say it, her tongue didn't seem to work right, but Floor forced it out anyway.
  421. "I'll c-come out," she finished almost in a croak.
  422. > She got up on trembling legs and looked at the door. It was intimidating and she swallowed a lump in her throat.
  423. > "Okay. I'll wait on the couch in the living room. You can go back to your room if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"
  424. > That was a relief. Floor waited for the hoofsteps to fade away, and then for the couch springs to squeak when the pegasus climbed on.
  425. > Only then did she gingerly touch the key as if it would burn her.
  426. > It was only metal and didn't bite her like she was half expecting.
  427. > Floor turned it around, then reached for the handle. It was a big moment and she didn't know she could do it.
  428. > Maybe her legs would collapse under her, or she would faint. It seemed possible the way her heart was thumping and rattling in her ribcage.
  429. > She opened the door.
  430. > Nothing happened.
  431. > After what seemed like forever, but was in fact only about ten seconds, Floor Bored stepped out of her room.
  432. > She stared at her new apartment. The trash was gone. There were a couple of large, plastic bags in a corner, but the floor was free from refuse.
  433. > There were stains here and there, not to mention the musty smell which had been disturbed by the mares digging through stuff, but for the first time in what seemed like years Floor could see her carpet.
  434. > It was dark blue.
  435. > She risked a glance up and saw the pegasus watching her with a small, gentle smile and with her hooves hooked on the couch armrest.
  436. > "That's okay. I won't bite, I promise!"
  437. > Floor nearly lost her courage, but that would just make her problems worse. If she didn't go through with this, Fluttershy would just tell Princess Twilight, who would undoubtedly take over. That *could not* be allowed to happen, whatever it took!
  438. > She lifted a nerveless leg and put it down again, slightly forward of where it had been.
  439. > That got her back into motion and, eyes focused exclusively on the floor, she made her way to the couch.
  440. > Fluttershy was sitting on one half of it, so Floor went to the other - as far away as it was possible.
  441. > It took her four tries to get a hoof up on the cushion and then another three to clamber up.
  442. > Then she tried to control her breathing, but the harder she fought to keep it regular, the more she felt like she was suffocating.
  443. > She was near panic when Fluttershy spoke again.
  444. > "I'll get us a snack, okay? You just wait here and get comfortable..."
  445. > The pegasus leapt lightly from the couch and, humming a melody, went to the kitchen.
  446. > It was a very welcome respite and Floor gasped for breath. She couldn't get enough, even as she gulped air like she was drowning.
  447. > She saw that the two visitors had cleaned and opened her window and Floor looked out. She could see the dimming, evening sky and an edge of the neighboring roof. She focused on those, almost to the exclusion of everything else.
  448. > The scent wafting in with the breeze was strange and Floor didn't know if she liked it. There was a hint of something interesting in it and her nose wrinkled as she tried to place it.
  449. > Maybe that was why she didn't jump when Fluttershy came back. She did look around at the faint clink, as the yellow pegasus placed a plate on the coffee table, but she didn't panic.
  450. > It was just some cookies.
  451. > "Only store-bought, I'm sorry. I don't think you have the stuff to bake them, but I will go get some groceries tomorrow, okay?"
  452. "Ok-Okay..."
  453. > Her guest was smiling and pushed the plate closer to Floor.
  454. > They did look nice, despite what Fluttershy said, and the stew had left the mare just a tad hungry.
  455. > Floor reached out for a cookie, expecting to have something grab her leg at any moment and - she didn't know, tie her up maybe?
  456. > Despite how nice Fluttershy was acting, Floor hadn't quite abandoned the 'they-want-to-drag-me-through-the-street' idea.
  457. > Nothing happened and she brought a plain, round cookie to her muzzle. She bit into it.
  458. > Sweet and crunchy. Your basic cookie.
  459. > It was still good and before she realized it, Floor was reaching for another.
  460. > Only after she had crammed that in her mouth as well did she glance up, but the pegasus was still just sitting there, smiling.
  461. > Remembering some faint, long-ago attempts by her mother to teach her some manners, Floor nudged the plate back and made a vaguely interrogative grunt.
  462. > Fluttershy's smile widened and she took a cookie for herself. She didn't bite into it immediately, but rather asked: "So, tell me about yourself."
  463. > Floor's ears dropped immediately and she let out a small whimper.
  464. > It had been a trap, alright...
  466. >...
  468. > It took Floor Bored a few seconds before she could breathe again. The mere thought about this nosy yellow pegasus prodding into her life choices was enough to lock all her muscles up and clamp her muzzle shut.
  469. > Her panicked expression was not lost on Fluttershy, who also lowered her ears and blushed. "Oh! I didn't mean it l-like that," she assured her. "I was just asking out of politeness, you don't have to answer, of course!"
  470. > Floor sagged. She was pathetic, really. She couldn't even have a two minute conversation with another pony.
  471. > It took all she had not to simply run away and lock herself in her room once more.
  472. > She fixated her gaze on the buildings across the street she could see out the window.
  473. > There was a slight shuffling sound and Floor realized her guest had scooched a bit closer. At this range, she imagined she could almost feel Fluttershy's warm breath on her fur.
  474. > She definitely smelled something nice and faint. Some kind of floral shampoo, she guessed. Or maybe it was Fluttershy's own personal scent - it would certainly fit her.
  475. > When was the last time she washed her mane? Really washed, not just shook it out and wiped it with a bit of cloth?
  476. > "Here, I'll start," the pegasus said, more quietly. "I'm from Cloudsdale, but I live in Ponyville now. I really like animals and- um... music and... singing."
  477. "I know," Floor managed.
  478. > She risked a glance, but the pegasus was just smiling. "Oh. I guess most of it was in the newspapers..."
  479. > In fact, definitive facts on the humblest member of the so-called 'mane six' were quite hard to find. There was one quick interview from a Grand Galloping Gala and a few second-hoof accounts from her friends, most of it in the gossip-iest magazines imaginable.
  480. > In fact, most of what Floor thought she knew about Fluttershy was from the message boards, where somepony claimed they knew her personally just about every week.
  481. > There were other stories on some even shadier sites, but Floor Bored was *not* about to mention those to the pegasus.
  482. "Uh, y-yes. That was it," she said quickly to allay suspicion.
  483. > "Okay, now it's your turn," the pegasus offered with a smile.
  484. > Floor began breathing more rapidly and wrapped her forelegs around herself, as if that would help.
  485. > Seeing her distress, Fluttershy shuffled a bit closer again. Her smell seemed to fill the air with its sweetness. Her cyan eyes became all of Floor's world.
  486. > "Here, let's start with something easy," the pegasus prompted. "What's your favourite color?"
  487. "M-M-M, uh, b-black."
  488. > She couldn't keep the stutter out of her words, no matter how hard she tried. In fact, trying seemed to make it worse.
  489. > "Oh, like your mane?" Fluttershy asked. "It's lovely, actually."
  490. > That had to be a lie! It was an oily, smelly, tangled crow's nest even at the best of times!
  491. > A small whimper escaped Floor when she remembered that she'd accidentally plopped her head down in one of her little 'messes' just the other day. She'd had her fun, then just fell into exhausted sleep on top of it all.
  492. > She didn't smell it, but only because she was used to it.
  493. > No wonder her two unwelcome guests had opened a window!
  494. "I'm- I'll just- uh, I have to go," she mumbled.
  495. > That made Fluttershy sad and the hurt look in her eyes nearly broke Floor's heart. She squeaked again as her breathing got faster and she shrunk away from the pegasus.
  496. > "Um- okay," her guest agreed. "What kind of cookies do you like? I think I'll go to the store and get some groceries so I can bake some, okay?"
  497. > It was possibly the nicest thing anypony had ever offered to do for her, so Floor blurted out the answer.
  498. "Cinnamon!"
  499. > "Oh, that sounds delightful!"
  500. > Her eyes were drawn down, where Fluttershy had placed a hoof on Floor's leg. The touch felt like a bolt of electricity and she jerked herself away. That caused her to fall over the armrest and land on her head with a painful thump.
  501. > When had the pegasus come that close? It was all Floor's dazed mind could think at the moment.
  502. > "Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" he guest said and rushed to her side. Floor felt strong hooves pick her up so she was looking in that cyan gaze once more. "Are you okay?"
  503. "M-fine," she managed.
  504. > Not even Taku had ever touched her this much. At most it had been a slap on the back or a high-hoof when they beat a level or something.
  505. > It was too much. Foreign fur pressed against her was too confusing. No matter if she'd dreamed about it nearly every night of her life, now that it was happening Floor didn't know how to handle it.
  506. > Should she return the hug?
  507. > S-Should she kiss Fluttershy?
  508. > Uh oh. That was the wrong thought to have.
  509. > Floor twisted out of the pegasus' grip and scuttled away.
  510. "I- I can't..."
  511. > She folded her ears down flat, pressed her tail between her legs and ran for it. In moments she was back in her room, panting and shivering.
  512. > What had even happened?
  513. > Did- did Fluttershy *fancy* her?
  514. > The pegasus had been leaning so close on the couch. And then the touch, right on her leg. Floor could still feel the shape of the hoofprint, as if it had been burned in.
  515. > Fluttershy helping her up had been the closest thing to a hug Floor could remember.
  516. > It had been... nice. Except that with her broken and twisted mind, she immediately went to a very inappropriate place.
  517. > Now that she forced herself to relax and think, it was obvious. The pegasus was just helping her up. She had been worried about her.
  518. > Ponies touched each other. Correction - *other* ponies touched *other* ponies. It didn't meant they wanted to buck immediately.
  519. > Even if sometimes it did, they wouldn't want Floor Bored.
  520. > Fluttershy was probably just being friendly.
  521. "Stupid, stupid," Floor muttered and slammed her forehead against the wall.
  522. > All this social crap was just so confusing!
  523. > Well, at least she had gotten a couple of cookies out of it. That should last her until the next morning.
  524. > She also had her trusty bottles for the other need.
  525. > With luck she wouldn't have to face Fluttershy - face her own dismal failure - again.
  526. > She and Twilight Sparkle would figure out they can't help and just go. That would be best for everypony.
  527. > Floor didn't even realize when she'd started to silently cry.
  528. > Leave her alone, so she can grow old and die... alone.
  530. > ~~~~
  532. > For the first time in her life, Floor Boored didn't want to check the message boards. She had looked at the computer for the longest time, but then turned away.
  533. > She could find no enjoyment in the online world, or in games, *or* in cartoons, while her mind raced, replaying her moments with Fluttershy.
  534. > Maybe she shouldn't have run away. Maybe Fluttershy really *had* been comming on to her. If Floor had but held out a bit longer, they might have actually done it.
  535. > Once that thought became unbearable, Floor went to her bed and hid under the blanket. She bit down on a pillow to muffle the sound and got to work.
  536. > Surely once she got it out of her system, she would be able to think clearly once more. Enjoy herself on the computer.
  537. > As Floor reached for her favourite rubber toy, she kept one ear uncovered to listen for the pegasus. Earlier her guest had spent some time bustling around the kitchen, but now there was just nothing.
  538. > Sudden doubt assailed Floor as she imagined the quiet pegasus sitting right outside her door with her ears open. She quietly put the toy down and slid from the bed.
  539. > It took some effort to stay completely silent, but she made it to the door and leaned an ear against the wood.
  540. > Still nothing. After a few minutes of intense listening, Floor carefully slid the key out of the lock and put her eye to it.
  541. > There was nothing.
  542. > Maybe Fluttershy had anticipated the move and was lying on the floor, out of sight?
  543. > Floor lowered her head right to the dirty carpet and tried to peer through the crack under the door.
  544. > She could see some light, so that probably meant the pony wasn't hiding there. Maybe the pegasus was extra tricky and hovered up above the keyhole?
  545. > Surely her wings would make noise, wouldn't they?
  546. > As she looked longingly at her bed and the collection of toys, Floor bit down nervously on a hoof.
  547. > Why did those two busybodies have to come?! She had been perfectly happy on her own!
  548. > All she wanted out of life was for ponies to leave her alone!
  549. > A small, frustrated squeak escaped her before the mare could bite it back. She froze as she waited for Fluttershy to say something just outside her door.
  550. > Still nothing.
  551. "Bucking... crap," she whispered to herself.
  552. > Should she go out and check? It was her apartment, after all. Floor had every right to demand Fluttershy leave her alone.
  553. > Except that would mean talking to the pegasus, who might then say no. And what would she do then?
  554. > Run away and make a fool out of herself, that's what!
  555. > Floor nearly started banging her forehead on the wall again, but remembered in time how much noise that would make.
  556. > She whimpered and bit harder on her hoof. It was painful, both on her teeth and her hoof, but at least it distracted her for a moment.
  557. > There was a sound from the living room! Floor Bored froze and lifted up an ear to hear better.
  558. > Hooves on carpet, coming closer! At least that meant Fluttershy hadn't been listening at her door.
  559. > "Um, Floor Bored?" came the voice from the hall.
  560. > She didn't answer.
  561. > "I'll just be going out before the stores close and get us some dinner, okay? Is there anything you'd like?"
  562. > The largest emotion she felt was relief. The nosy, intrusive, judging guest would go away and Floor would have the apartment to herself! She could finally work over the itch between her legs.
  563. > It was now over a day since the last time she pleasured herself and Floor was feeling the burn. Especially after that quick hug.
  564. > She realized Fluttershy was waiting for an answer.
  565. "Soda!" she blurted out.
  566. > "Oh. Okay."
  567. > The hoofsteps receeded, then the front door opened and closed.
  568. > Floor waited for another minute to make sure it wasn't a trick, before she remembered her window overlooked the building's entrance.
  569. > She rushed there and pulled it open. The curtains got in the way and she just impatiently pawed them aside and poked her head out.
  570. > The sky was nearly dark already, but she could see a distinctly yellow and pink shape trotting happily away.
  571. > Finally, she was alone!
  572. > Floor ran back to the bed, jumped up and stuck a hoof between her hind legs. She really needed this!
  573. > Her other foreleg was already reaching for the toy.
  575. > ~~~~
  577. > Floor was sprawled over her bed, blissed out on the much-needed afterglow when something woke her up.
  578. > It was a sound she almost heard and one she didn't like.
  579. > A voice.
  580. > Suddenly worried, the mare jumped up and ran to her window, which she flung open.
  581. > At first she breathed out in relief, but then she spotted them. A yellow and a purple rump, vanishing into the building.
  582. > She *thought* she'd heard Twilight Sparkle with her loud, overly-friendly voice down in the street below!
  583. > In minutes they would come up!
  584. > With mounting horror, Floor took stock of her room and herself. The smell, now that she became aware of it, was pervading everything. Her rear was wet and sticky and so were her bed sheets. One of her toys had fallen to the carpet and two others were on her pillow.
  585. > She had *needed* it - especially after the day she'd had, but now there was all this evidence to get rid of.
  586. > The bed and the toys were easy - if she locked and barricaded the door those two nosy nags wouldn't be able to come in.
  587. > Except...
  588. > Twilight was an alicorn, and a powerful one at that! Floor lifted up a leg and bit into her hoof to stifle the whimper. Of course the Princess could just barge in if she wanted to!
  589. > After all, that was exactly what she had done with Floor's apartment, wasn't it?
  590. > Besides, the pair wouldn't even need to come in to know what she was doing. The smell was unmistakable!
  591. > In a desperate, vain attempt to clear the air, Floor pushed the window open further and tugged on the curtains to get them out of the way.
  592. > In her haste she pulled too hard and ripped out the metal rings which held the fabric to the bar above her window. It all came crashing down over her head and the pony flailed frantically to free herself.
  593. > He wild struggling sent her stumbling against her computer chair, which toppled over right into some bottles. There was a crash and the sound of breaking glass.
  594. > That's right, she'd had a few beers some weeks ago, when Taku brought them from the store.
  595. > Floor landed right on her muzzle and froze, trying to feel if any shards have pierced her hide. Was she bleeding?
  596. > Would that be so bad?
  597. > Nothing hurt, so the mare rolled herself away and struggled to free her hooves from the curtain. At long last she unwrapped it from her head and examined the damage to her room.
  598. > It was a mess, even more so than usually. Plus now there was glass everywhere. She'd *have* to clean that up, unless she wanted to cut up her frogs when she accidentally walked on it at night.
  599. > Her muzzle fell. Ugly, talent-less *and* klutzy. It just kept getting better. Oh, and not to forget deviant.
  600. > Gross. Smelly.
  601. > The adjectives piled up and Floor started to cry again.
  602. > She hadn't asked for the two busyponies to come bother her. It was their fault she messed up her room!
  603. > In a flash of anger, the pony kicked a beer bottle which was mostly intact. It careened away and smashed against her computer chair.
  604. > "What was that?!"
  605. > Her unwelcome guests were already in the apartment! Of course they'd just let themselves in!
  606. > There were hurried hoofsteps and then somepony tried her bedroom door. Floor's heart skipped a beat as she expected it to open, but luckily she had remembered to lock it.
  607. > "Floor Bored? Are you okay? Open up!"
  608. > That was stupid Princess nosy Twilight... *stupid* intrusive Sparkle!
  609. > The fact that she couldn't think up a new swear just there showed just how shaken Floor was.
  610. "Go a-away!" she managed, but it was a wail rather than a command.
  611. > "I heard something break! Are you okay in there?"
  612. > No, she wasn't okay! She would probably never be okay, but Floor didn't want those two poking their nosy snouts in her life!
  613. "YES!"
  614. > As if the Princess ever listened to somepony like Floor Bored. As she watched with mounting horror, she saw the key glow purple for a moment and turn. Then the door opened.
  615. > The stupid alicorn walked in, muzzle scrunched up with concern. "We just want... to..."
  616. > Her voice trailed off when she took in the scene. One earth pony, wrapped up in a ripped curtain. Glass shards all over the floor, mingled with empty pizza boxes, fast food wrappers, plastic cups.
  617. > Bed literally soaked with... juices.
  618. > Twin gasps from her uninvited guests told Floor exactly when they spotted the worst item. A still-wet, glistening rubber... thing. Right there, on the floor in the middle of the room. Impossible to miss.
  619. > "Oh..." was all that damned Twilight blasted Sparkle could say to that. She was suddenly walking backwards. There was no hair nor feather of Fluttershy to be seen, but Floor heard hurried hoofsteps to the living room.
  620. > All she wanted to do was curl up and die, but Floor wrenched her eyes up until she saw Twilight's face.
  621. > It was red. Very red. The alicorn wouldn't meet her gaze and kept staring right at the dildo beside the bed.
  622. > She probably hadn't even seen the two on her pillow yet!
  623. > Floor Bored opened her mouth to explain, to say something - *anything* - but all that came out was a strangled yelp.
  624. > Her vision blurred and she let her muzzle fall back down. Her hooves were still holding the curtain, which the poor earth pony drew over her head.
  625. > "Um, I'll... uh-" the alicorn stuttered, lost for words. "Why don't I- uh, give you a minute to..."
  626. > Floor Bored sniffed and opened her mouth to yell. What came out was a broken, heartfelt plea, infused by the loneliness and sorrow of years.
  627. "Please... just go."
  628. > The quiet words cut through the air like a knife. Twilight shuffled her hooves and retreated a few more steps back to the door. "O-kay," she said, voice still very uncertain. "I'll... I'll just go."
  629. > The door slammed shut and the hoofsteps retreated.
  630. > Floor tried to keep her sobbing quiet so she could hear what they said about her, but her two guests didn't talk. The couch squeaked, then there was silence.
  632. > ~~~~
  634. > It took her half an hour to stop weeping, but Floor felt her cheeks were still burning with shame. There had been nothing else from her uninvited guests.
  635. > Until now.
  636. > Twilight raised her voice: "Okay, okay, you're right. Fine. I'll come check tomorrow."
  637. > Four hooves landed on the living room carpet and then a pony left.
  638. > Just one of them. Based on what she'd said, Floor guessed it was Twilight. That left her alone with Fluttershy. Was that better?
  639. > The yellow pegasus was nice and understanding, but now she'd seen what Floor got up to in her room. She was probably grossed out.
  640. > Before, there had been a chance for Floor and her to be friends, now there surely wasn't.
  641. > Nopony wanted to be friends with *this*.
  642. > She almost began crying once more, but another set of quiet, hesitating hoofsteps approached her room and Floor froze in terror.
  643. > She hadn't even moved yet from her spot so the door was still unlocked. She remembered this, but a moment too late.
  644. > She lifted the curtain from her head, but Fluttershy was already standing in the room.
  645. "Eeep!"
  646. > The yellow pegasus walked closer, stepping daintily over the large horse cock on the carpet. She glanced at the two still on the bed, but didn't comment upon them.
  647. > She made her way around the glass shards until she was standing beside Floor Bored, who was hiding her face under the torn curtain again.
  648. > Her breath came in rapid pants as the other mare drew near. When a hoof touched her back, Floor yelped and tried to squeeze herself into a smaller ball.
  649. > "Don't worry, I won't judge you."
  650. > Floor very much doubted that, but she couldn't say anything. She wouldn't be able to speak right then even if her life depended on it.
  651. > The touch on her back became a leg around her barrel, which pulled her up.
  652. > "Come on, let's get you out of here and cleaned up. Here."
  653. > A wing feather pulled the fabric off Floor's head and a hoof pushed something brown against her nose.
  654. > When she inhaled, Floor smelled chocolate and sugar. She opened her mouth almost without conscious effort and bit down on a chocolate muffin.
  655. > "There, that's a good pony," the gentle voice praised her while she was being led out of the room.
  656. > At this point, Floor didn't care where they were taking her. She'd embarrassed herself to the maximum extent possible. There was no coming back from this. She'd be lucky if she could ever look in the mirror again, let alone at another pony's face.
  657. > Even at the best of times Floor found it basically impossible to speak with ponies. Now they'd seen her deepest, darkest, most disgusting secret. She had no doubt that Twilight would gossip about it until all her neighbors knew.
  658. > That didn't matter, though. With luck, Fluttershy was escorting her to the nearest noose and that would be the end of it.
  659. > At least she had to go out on a good hoof. Floor swallowed her last meal and tried to speak.
  660. "I'm s-sorry..." she managed.
  661. > "Hush, let's get you to the couch and then we'll see if you're okay. Oh, I hope you haven't cut yourself on all that glass!"
  662. > Floor was losing her grip on what was happening, but she allowed the firm, yet gentle pony to lead her and lay her down on the couch. She kept the curtain wrapped around her body and Fluttershy didn't seem inclined to take it away.
  663. > The pegasus poked around Floor's hooves for a bit, then quickly examined her face for cuts or bruises.
  664. > "Okay, I think you're fine," the mare explained her findings. Her nose wrinkled and she blushed again, which reminded Floor of the pervading smell.
  665. > "Um," Fluttershy said, not quite looking her in the face, "would you like to take a shower maybe?"
  666. > Floor Bored was almost beyond caring at that point. So they wanted her washed and looking nice for the hanging. That was fair. It would make her corpse easier to deal with.
  667. "Ok- okay."
  668. > "I'll get started on your room, okay?"
  669. > A brief panic flared up as Floor remembered the mess in her room and the toys laying around, but then she remembered Fluttershy had just seen it all.
  670. > This was surely her lowest point.
  671. > Yet, the yellow pegasus wasn't grossed out or yelling.
  672. > Shamed out of her wits, forced to interact with these ponies and completely bewildered by Fluttershy's unreasonable reaction to it all, Floor started sobbing again.
  673. > This time hooves picked up her head and made her look-
  674. > -into icy blue oblivion.
  675. > "That's enough of that, okay?" the pegasus said with unaccustomed iron in her voice. Floor's muzzle clamped shut and her ears folded down. She nodded.
  676. > Fluttershy took a breath and, not letting Floor pull free from the gaze, went on: "Shower, right now! And then we'll have dinner. Got that, miss?!"
  677. > All she could manage at first was a weak nod in the face of that stare. Fluttershy was expecting more, so Floor swallowed and opened her muzzle.
  678. "Y-Yes...," she squeaked.
  679. > "Good. Now go!"
  680. > The best word to use here was 'fled'. Floor Bored *fled* the pegasus and ran right to her disgusting bathroom like a filly who's been scolded.
  681. > However grimy and gross the tub was, she would shower, like Fluttershy had ordered.
  682. > Disobeying that voice was unthinkable, but the pony paused at the threshold to try and get her thoughts in order.
  683. > She found sobbing was impossible, just like Fluttershy had commanded, but tears still flowed down Floor's cheeks. She was probably in shock, she thought. The weirdness of the situation, the embarrassment of being found like that, even the destruction of her room - it all added up.
  684. > She would have a major breakdown soon, she could feel it working up her gut. It was just that, right now, she couldn't get the image of Fluttershy's intense, blue-eyed stare out of her mind.
  685. > It felt like the yellow pegasus was standing just behind Floor and tapping her hoof impatiently until she did what she was told.
  686. > Floor took a deep breath and pushed the bathroom door open.
  688. > ~~~~
  690. > The place was... Floor sought for words.
  691. > Unrecognizable is what it was! For a while all the pony could do was stare around.
  692. > When had they even had time to clean it all up?! The toilet was now white, rather than off-yellow she remembered. It wasn't 'encrusted' anymore!
  693. > Somepony had done their best with the floor tiles, although there was a still a bit of grime here and there in the corners.
  694. > The shower curtain was missing, but that was probably for the best. It had started growing plants the last time Floor had checked. The tub itself was once again pristine.
  695. > The mare realized she was choking and let her breath out. Then she inhaled.
  696. > Faint tinges of unspeakable odors remained, but overall there was a fresh, lemony scent which permeated the room. Where did the two even find any cleaning liquids or deodorizers for that matter?
  697. > Had they bought all these supplies? Out of their own pocket?
  698. > More importantly, *when* had Fluttershy and Twilight had time to do all this? It didn't make any sense!
  699. > Floor stared at the scene, dumbstruck for a few minutes before she remembered herself and her shame. She stepped fully inside and shut the door.
  700. > Well, they probably started cleaning up ahead of time in preparation for giving the flat to somepony else. It made sense - Twilight and Fluttershy wanted to stay comfortable and clean while they did whatever they were going to do to Floor.
  701. > Once they bundled her out somewhere they would have less to do.
  702. > Efficient with their time. Yes, that sounded exactly like what the magazine articles said about Twilight Sparkle.
  703. > They probably wouldn't have to wait too much longer anyway. A few more days of them judging her and Floor would undoubtedly just simply off herself. Spare them the trouble of sticking her in some institution, or a smaller, nastier apartment.
  704. > For the moment, the least she could do was clean herself. No amount of scrubbing would erase what her guests had seen, but she was determined to try!
  705. > Floor stepped into the tub and reached for the tap to get the water started. In that moment the sniffles came and her vision blurred.
  706. > How pathetic was she? Pleasuring herself with those toys *the moment* her guests stepped out for a minute. And then trashing her room, trying to hide the evidence.
  707. > Would they gossip?!
  708. > A small whimper escaped Floor and she bit down on a hoof to keep silent.
  709. > Of course they would! Within a day, everypony in her building will know. They'll point and whisper: 'There goes that nasty Floor Bored, did you *hear* what she does to herself? Disgusting!'
  710. > She could already imagine the kid's rhymes: 'Stinky Floor, kinky whore!'
  711. > Well, maybe not that, at least not the youngest children, but they'd be sure to come up with something equally embarrassing and a bit more PG.
  712. > It was a good thing Floor rarely went outside.
  713. > Sniffling, the pony forced herself to keep going with the task on hoof. She turned the water on, not even caring it was chilly. She let it run over herself until she was good and soaked. Then she waited until most of the grime had washed away from her coat.
  714. > She gave her back and rump a few halfhearted rubs with a hoof, then gave up and turned the water off.
  715. > Dripping, the mare stepped out of the tub and shook herself. She didn't have any towels, so that was it for now. She'd dry out naturally.
  716. > Just as Floor was reaching for the door handle, she spotted something.
  717. > A pile of folded cloth on her defunct washing machine.
  718. > Towels. New ones.
  719. > So they *had* been to a store!
  720. > Shrugging a little, the mare grabbed the top towel and dried herself as best she could. The white fabric came away yellow and brown, but that was okay. It got some more filth out of her coat.
  721. > She let it drop on the tiles, where it would soak up some of the runoff water, then looked at the door again.
  722. > Was Fluttershy waiting on the other side?
  723. > Maybe the pegasus was out, or doing something else. With luck, Floor might be able to sneak back into her room and block the door somehow.
  724. > She leaned an ear to the wood and listened. There was nothing for a while, then a rustle of feathers and a plink from a couch spring.
  725. > Good, her 'guest' was sitting in the living room. The couch faced her broken TV, away from the kitchen and the bathroom. If she was really quiet, Floor could probably sneak past.
  726. > She gently placed a hoof on the handle and swallowed. Her heart was hammering and all attempts to still it were in vain.
  727. > Her leg shook as she forced it down as slowly as she dared.
  728. "Pleasedontsqueakpleasedontsqueak!"
  729. > There was the faintest of clicks and the door swung slowly open. Thank Celestia, the hinges took mercy on Floor and stayed silent.
  730. > Ears flattened, the mare gulped again and gently placed a hoof down on the carpet.
  731. > She concentrated on each leg individually as she moved them, slowly and gently. It was a laborious, careful and, above all, sluggish way to walk, but she couldn't risk Fluttershy hearing.
  732. > The yellow pegasus seemed engrossed with something out the window. For a moment curiosity got the better of Floor and she leaned her head to try and see around the couch.
  733. > Just some birds on the neighboring roof. Oh, that was correct, wasn't it? Weirdo pegasus and her love of animals!
  734. > Floor felt a bit more confident now that she knew Fluttershy was focusing on something else and dared move a tiny bit faster.
  735. > She made her way behind the couch, nearly choking to death as she tried to control her breathing.
  736. > Only a few more steps, then she could dash for the room.
  737. > "Oh, you're done!"
  738. > The simple statement turned Floor's blood to ice.
  739. "Eep!"
  740. > The pegasus was getting down from the couch. Now was the time to run!
  741. > Damned legs betrayed her and Floor felt as if she was glued to the spot. She was trembling, but could neither flee nor turn her head to face her tormentor.
  742. > "I didn't want to intrude on your privacy so I didn't start on your room yet. I thought we could do it together?"
  743. > What?! Now the nags wanted Floor to help clean up her place so they could give it to some other loser pony?!
  744. > She didn't say anything, because Fluttershy was *right there*, standing above her.
  745. > "Um, Floor Bored?"
  746. > It took all her strength, but the mare wrenched her gaze up to meet her unwelcome guest's eyes.
  747. > "Did you use the shampoo? I, um, don't mean any offense, but... uh, there's still some..."
  748. > Floor just whimpered in lieu of an answer.
  749. > Gentle hooves wrapped around her withers and pulled her closer. The hug was warm, more than anything else. The heat of it seemed to pierce her skin and concentrate in her insides.
  750. > In her depressed solitude, Floor had often tried to simulate being touched by another pony, but she'd never imagined just how *warm* it would be.
  751. > "It's okay, I'm not mad. M-Maybe you're just out of, um, practice?"
  752. > Freshly showered and still they found her disgusting! Floor sniffled in misery.
  753. > Except - why was Fluttershy hugging her? She wanted to push her off, the physical constant was too weird. She wasn't used to it.
  754. > It was making her mind go blank.
  755. > She wanted it to stop, *now*!
  756. > She never wanted it to stop!
  757. > A hoof tilted Floor's muzzle up, but luckily she couldn't see Fluttershy's expression. There was just a blur.
  758. > "Oh, I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm sorry!"
  759. > The hug tightened. Floor lifted a trembling leg and put it, very carefully, on Fluttershy.
  760. > It even felt warm through the hoof!
  761. "M-m-m muuuh..." she blubbered.
  762. > "There, there! I'll help you, okay? Let's get you back in the shower."
  763. > There was one defiant thought left. Floor had to voice it.
  764. "Bl- uhh," she tried, then sniffed. "Whuh- wh... WHY?"
  765. > The pony holding her up froze. "Um, pardon?"
  766. > Floor gathered her strength once more.
  767. "W-Why? So... nice... to me."
  768. > It was still a blur through her tears, but Floor thought Fluttershy smiled. "Oh! Well, that's what friends do!"
  769. > That didn't compute.
  770. "Muh- muh... fren'?"
  771. > Somehow the pegasus understood perfectly. "Why, of course I'm your friend, Floor! I'm here to help!"
  772. > She couldn't fit the concept in her mind. The pegasus had used words 'your friend' and 'Floor' in the same sentence, which just didn't make sense.
  773. > She was freed from the hug, but instead a wing was draped over her back. "Here, just follow me and we'll get you cleaned up in no time! Properly cleaned up, I mean!"
  774. > Floor felt a tug and just gave in. She let her hooves walk, even as she tried to process what had just happened.
  775. > It was probably a trick - that was the lonely and suspicious part of her brain - but even that didn't matter.
  776. > She could pretend for a while that she had an actual friend. One who wasn't disgusted to touch her.
  777. > She wondered if she should try and kiss Fluttershy.
  778. > Nah, she'd *never* work up the nerve to do that.
  780. > ~~~~
  782. > Floor Bored was gently ushered back in her bathtub.
  783. > "There," Fluttershy said and reached for something. She brought up a large bottle of 'Coat&Mane' and pushed it into Floor's hooves. "Use that, this time. Okay?"
  784. > She was being nice, but there was a note of command in that voice. Floor managed a weak nod.
  785. > "Good. Yell if you need anything, okay?"
  786. > Again Floor bobbed her head up and down. She relaxed a tiny bit. For a while she had assumed Fluttershy would get in the shower with her.
  787. > How would that even work? The mere thought was enough to get her blush going, but luckily the pegasus was already leaving so she didn't see.
  788. > Despite all the 'lesbo bath' threads Floor had read on pone-chan she knew she wouldn't have the nerve to go through with it.
  789. > It had worked so well in her imagination, especially while she was - well - hoofing herself, but faced with the possibility of really having somepony with her in the bathtub, made her unable to think and act.
  790. > Only thing on her mind was how ugly and unattractive she was. Whoever saw her with a wet mane stuck to her muzzle and fur plastered to her thin frame would probably puke. Black on beige, yuck.
  791. > The shampoo bottle slipped from her nerveless grip and clattered on the bottom. The noise brought her partially back to her senses.
  792. > All she had to do was clean herself. No sexy times with the pegasus, which was a huge relief.
  793. > Floor heaved a sigh and turned on the tap. As instructed by Fluttershy, she squeezed a generous portion of flower-scented goop on her head and rubbed it in.
  794. > The first time around there wasn't much lather, but Floor washed it out and did it again. The effort paid off and she was soon dripping foam everywhere. There was enough to completely cover her coat and tail.
  795. > That was what Fluttershy had said. Just to be safe, the mare massaged everything she could reach once more.
  796. > Luckily she'd worked herself sore with her toys earlier, so touching herself all over didn't make her horny again. Of course she wouldn't have *done it*, not with the pegasus probably listening at the door, but it was best that the temptation never arose.
  797. > Floor opened the tap on full-blast and turned around a few times to rinse herself off in the spray.
  798. > This time the runoff water was perfectly clear. She enjoyed the heat for a few more moments, then shut it off and jumped out -
  799. > - only to immediately slip and bonk her head against the washbasin.
  800. "OW!"
  801. > She grabbed her head, whimpering at the pain. For a moment she'd seen all the stars of the night sky on the inside of her eyelids.
  802. > There were hoofsteps from the couch to the bathroom and then a careful knocking. "Um, are you okay in there? I heard a thump..."
  803. "I'm okay!" Floor groaned.
  804. > Despite her lie, Fluttershy simply opened the door and came in. She took in the scene - Floor Bored sitting in a puddle of water and holding her head - and made a deduction.
  805. > "Aww, did you slip and hit your head?"
  806. > Floor nodded and whimpered again as the movement brought on a new flash of pain.
  807. > "Don't worry, I'm here to help," the pegasus assured her. She picked up a fresh towel and put it around Floor's withers. "Here, I'll help you get dry. Does it hurt very badly?"
  808. > Another nod.
  809. > Thankfully the pain was a good distraction against improper thoughts while having somepony else's hooves rub her down. The situation was not even slightly sexy, so Floor didn't embarrass herself, even when Fluttershy wiped her rump.
  810. > "Okay, stand up, please."
  811. > Floor did her best and - to her amazement - found that her head didn't split open. The sharp pain was gone, replaced with nothing more than a dull ache and she was able to release her noggin so she could stand. Her mishap would leave a nice lump, but no permanent damage, it seemed.
  812. > She waited while the pegasus wiped her belly and tail, spreading her stance a little to keep her balance. The job was quick and professional, reminding Floor that Fluttershy often cared for other creatures. There was silence after and it felt like something was expected of her.
  813. "Um... t-thank you..."
  814. > Fluttershy dropped the wet towel and grabbed another one. This one she simply wrapped around Floor's mane and piled it up on her head. "You're very welcome," she replied. "How's your head?"
  815. "It's better," Floor assured her.
  816. > She followed the pegasus out of the bathroom, but Floor paused and glanced back to see just how much of a mess she'd made.
  817. > Yep, the tiles were covered in water, there was foam on the walls and three dirty towels. She remembered why she'd stopped showering. It was just *so much work*.
  818. > The pegasus led her into the living room, then stopped and turned to face Floor.
  819. > "Um, I'd like to clean your room, is that okay?"
  820. > The question was enough to make the poor mare squeak in alarm. Nopony was allowed in her room, or they'd see her...
  821. > She realized Fluttershy had already seen it all, and so had Princess Twilight Sparkle herself! The heat coming from her muzzle would have fried an egg.
  822. > The pegasus easily guessed what she was thinking. "Okay, how about this," she began, also a bit pink in her face and not quite meeting Floor's gaze. "You go in and, um... put your things away, okay? And then I'll come in and we'll clean up all the glass and the bottles and the cartons and the cans..."
  823. > She fell silent before she listed all the garbage which had accumulated there. It didn't help Floor with her blush in the slightest, except that it went from one type of embarrassment to another.
  824. "O-Okay...", she managed.
  825. > "And then I'll change the sheets on your bed. Actually, Twilight said she was going to bring a whole new mattress and pillows."
  826. > Yeah, because of all the times she'd... 'leaked' into it. Floor hung her head.
  827. > "Yeah..." Fluttershy said.
  828. > They sat in silence, each mare looking at the carpet. The pegasus was the first to heave a sigh and lift her muzzle up. "So, the... um, the toys?"
  829. > Floor sniffed and dragged herself up to her hooves.
  830. > She'd long feared somepony might see what she got up to, but she'd never suspected it would be this soon. She had hoped she'd grow out of her depravity and throw all the toys away before... well, before *this* happened.
  831. > Or maybe she'd meet a nice colt online and then she wouldn't *need* her toys anymore. It was perfectly acceptable to do those things with another pony, after all.
  832. > Here she was, though - her shame out in the open.
  833. > At least, she thought, Fluttershy wouldn't watch her pick up the slick, bendy dildos and cram them in a wardrobe somewhere. That was a slight plus.
  834. > The pegasus really was a kind pony, that much the tabloids had got right. She was quite easy to be around.
  835. > Her room was just as they left it, of course. Floor carefully stepped around the glass shards. Without the curtains the place was no longer perpetually dark, so she could see the full extent of the damage.
  836. > There were big stains in the carpet, each a silent testimony to a lonely night. The bed sheet had once been red, but was now almost white in places. When was the last time she'd changed it?
  837. > For that matter, had she *ever* changed her bedclothes since moving in? Was that the original sheet the social worker ponies had put there?!
  838. > It had just been so much effort. Besides, the stink didn't even bother her, most of the time, especially in her afterglow. Many times she'd simply fallen asleep on her desk, anyway.
  839. > In one corner, cans and pizza cartons were stacked shoulder-high. Elsewhere, they just made small piles, quite a few of them smelling very badly and some growing suspicious-looking mold. She didn't go near them if she could help it.
  840. > The computer chair was mostly okay, except for a patina on the seat, but the keyboard and mouse were *brown* with years of grime. Now that she saw them in daylight, Floor wasn't sure she wanted to touch them ever again! It was a wonder she hadn't contracted the pony plague.
  841. > Why had she kept putting cleaning off again and again? Was she really that lazy?
  842. > Floor heaved a sigh and picked up the dildo from the floor. It twisted in her grip and almost slipped, but she'd had a lot of practice and deftly shut it into a nearby wardrobe. Then she went to get the one on her bed.
  843. > When she accidentally inhaled the mixture of her freshest smell with the old, dry stuff from before, her stomach nearly turned. Surely she hadn't been desensitized to *that*?!
  844. > Her eyes strayed to the open window. Then to her freshly washed flank. She could smell the shampoo.
  845. > Maybe she just never had a 'reference smell' for how bad her room had gotten?
  846. > She used to sleep on that thing?!
  847. > Floor hurriedly picked up the toy and tossed it in with the other one. She was about to scurry out and tell Fluttershy she was done, but remembered just in time and reached under her bed for her magazines, most of them sticky with dry cum.
  848. > They also went in the wardrobe.
  849. > Anything else?
  850. "Hmmm."
  851. > "All done?" the voice from the door startled her and Floor jumped in fright.
  852. "Eep!"
  853. > Fluttershy had the decency to look embarrassed. "Oh. Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!"
  854. > Shivering a little, Floor let her ears flop down and nodded, not meeting the pegasus' eyes.
  855. "I'm d-done," she mumbled.
  856. > The other mare came in, pointedly not looking around at the mess. That made it worse, but Floor just kept her head down in quiet shame. She was offered a plastic bag, which she took uncertainly.
  857. > "Okay, you start over there with the cans and the boxes, and I'll sweep up the glass," came the command.
  858. > Floor silently started picking up trash into the bag while Fluttershy went to fetch a brush and a dustpan.
  859. > The job was simple enough, if utterly monotonous.
  860. > It was exactly as boring as she'd always imagined, but at least now she didn't have to do it alone.
  861. > They had seen it all - Floor Bored at her worst - so there wasn't anything to hide. In her imagination, Floor had always felt *mortified* when she thought about letting anypony see her room, but now that it had happened she was just... numb.
  862. > Maybe that was better than a panic attack? Or maybe she'd bonked her head hard enough to permanently damage her brain? That'd work, too. It was better than a panic attack.
  863. > She briefly remembered that she was helping the two mares clean the apartment for somepony else, but she kept going anyway. Maybe, if she was helpful, they wouldn't stick her someplace absolutely horrible?
  864. > Hopefully it would be somewhere nopony knew her...
  866. > ~~~~
  868. > At long last the job was done. The carpet was as clean as brushing could make it, there were no signs of trash anywhere, and even her desk was mostly free of clutter.
  869. > They hadn't touched the bed, nor had Fluttershy looked in any of the wardrobes or drawers, probably out of fear she might find more sex toys beside the huge rubber dildos.
  870. > There wasn't any worse, thank Celestia. It had been nerve-racking enough to order those toys. Floor had waited on her window until she saw the delivery pony with the boxes, then ran to her door and left the money on her mat along with a note, claiming she had to run out urgently and to just leave the stuff in front of her door.
  871. > Luckily, the delivery pony simply signed the form himself and left. She'd left a big tip to make sure that was so.
  872. > It had taken *months* of saving up and planning, and it had still been a horrifying experience as she waited, pressed against the other side of the door.
  873. > Floor had no desire to repeat it and was dreading the day her toys would stop being 'fun' and she'd have to think about new ones.
  874. > Imaginig what the delivery pony would think of her if she ordered some of the more extreme items kept Floor awake entire nights.
  875. > The memory was enough to make her curl up into a small ball, shut her eyes and put her hooves over her ears. Of course Fluttershy couldn't read her thoughts, but the red muzzle might betray what was going on in there.
  876. > "Oh! Are you okay?" came the worried question. Hoofsteps approached her and a wing was laid across her back. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to clean with that head wound!"
  877. > That was her way out! Floor grasped for it in desperation.
  878. "Y-Yes... ow..." she managed.
  879. > It wasn't very convincing, but Fluttershy seemed to buy it. "Come on, let's get you to bed."
  880. > She eased the pony up and then draped a wing around her withers to half-guide, half-drag her to the living room.
  881. "Where are w-we going?" Floor asked, suddenly afraid Fluttershy was leading her outside.
  882. > Surely she wouldn't take her to a hospital?! All those strange ponies and smells, the chemicals, the doctors poking at her from all directions.
  883. > She whimpered and nearly lost control of her bladder.
  884. > "Oh my, it's worse than I thought," Fluttershy commented. "Come on, just a few more steps!"
  885. > Floor was pushed against the couch.
  886. > "Up you go - here, let me help you!"
  887. > Powerful hooves grabbed her around the barrel and lifted her up. Fluttershy was surprisingly strong for how frail she looked.
  888. > Not looked, Floor realized. Acted.
  889. > The pegasus acted nice and friendly and shy, and somehow that made everypony think she was weak and frail.
  890. > In moments Floor was bundled up on the couch with one blanket folded up to serve as her pillow and another covering her up to her muzzle.
  891. > They didn't smell like hers, so she guessed her two guests have gotten them from the store along with the towels.
  892. > "There, all nice and cozy! I'll make us a hot cup of cocoa, alright? And then we can take an early night. Twilight won't be back until tomorrow morning and we can finish your room then with her magic!"
  893. > Floor didn't much like the news, but at least it gave her a night without the Princess' prying eyes and embarrassed stares.
  894. > An idea occurred.
  895. "Um- uh... w-where-" she began, but swallowed a lump as a horrible suspicion rose up. "Um, where'll y-you sleep?"
  896. > Fluttershy's smile didn't budge. "It's a big couch. I think we'll be fine for one night."
  897. > Floor froze in panic.
  898. > She'd *never* slept in a room with anypony else. She was an only child and had had her own room ever since she could remember.
  899. > Not only that, she would be *sharing* a bed with another pony. What if she had a dream and kicked them?
  900. > What if she talked in her sleep?
  901. > Yes, Fluttershy had seen her toys, but there were even *more* embarrassing secrets locked away. Some of the websites Floor frequented...
  902. "Eeep!"
  903. > A wing patted her side. "Don't worry, it'll be fine! Think of it as a sleepover, okay?"
  904. > Floor had never had a sleepover! Even Taku never stayed the night!
  905. > The pegasus still wasn't done: "We'll chat a little and drink our cocoa, and then in the morning we can help with each other's manes! It'll be so much fun!"
  906. > Floor Bored twitched the blanket up over her face and shut her eyes. Maybe if she wished hard enough, the happy, nosy, pushy mare would go away.
  907. > It worked!
  908. > Hoofsteps!
  909. > Floor's heart began to beat faster in sweet anticipation until she realized Fluttershy was only going to the kitchen.
  910. > She let out a very quiet, very miserable moan and put her hooves over her ears so she wouldn't hear any more.
  911. > All she wanted was to be left alone. Now those two had come in and they were changing everything!
  912. > They hadn't even asked Floor if she wanted help!
  913. > It was just so unfair!
  914. > She just wanted everypony to leave her alone.
  916. > ~~~~
  918. > The worst moment in her life came. Floor Bored was biting into her leg as she tried not to whimper.
  919. > The couch springs squeaked and the surface shifted as Fluttershy climbed on.
  920. > It was too much. Floor jerked away and pushed the blanket off herself.
  921. "It- it's f-fine! I'll..."
  922. > She swallowed, keeping her eyes firmly on the bit of couch between her forehooves, even if she was facing away from the pegasus.
  923. "I'll go to my room!" she finished with a desperate squeak.
  924. > "Oh, you don't have to do that, there's plenty of space!" Fluttershy insisted and patted the couch. "Just lie down and go to sleep. It's going to be fine!"
  925. > Floor shook her head, but her resolve was already weakening under the pegasus' cheerful assurance.
  926. "Uhh... I'll j-just go to m-my room..."
  927. > She didn't really have an argument here, but maybe low key stubborn insistence would pay off?
  928. > Her guest put a careful hoof on her back. "It's no bother, I promise," she said in her trademark gentle voice. "Your bed isn't fit for sleeping, remember?"
  929. > How could she disobey? Floor scowled at the wall, since she couldn't bring herself to look at Fluttershy. Her ears tried to press more tightly against her head.
  930. "S'got the f-floor," she mumbled.
  931. > That actually made the nag chuckle! "Don't be silly," Fluttershy replied lightly. "Look, just lie down and make yourself comfortable. I promise, you won't even know I'm here!"
  932. > There was no talking her out of it! Floor gave in and slid all the way to the opposite armrest. She curled down into as small a ball as possible and accepted the fact she wouldn't sleep at all that night.
  933. > "See? That wasn't so hard. Here, let me cover you up with a blanket!"
  934. > No no no no, Floor thought furiously to herself. Why wouldn't the stupid pegasus stay on her side?!
  935. > Of course Fluttershy didn't hear her internal monologue. She stood up and grabbed the blanket Floor had thrown off. With an expert move she tossed it over the squirming earth pony and tucked it in around her.
  936. > "There, all nice and snug. There's no pillows, so you can have this. I'll be fine!"
  937. > She generously pushed the folded up bit of cloth closer. When Floor refused to move, Fluttershy simply lifted her head up and slid the impromptu pillow underneath.
  938. > It happened so fast that Floor didn't have time to be outraged or shocked at the unwelcome touch.
  939. > Then the pegasus turned around a few times and lay down, right in the middle. She wasn't even all the way on her side!
  940. > Floor watched with despair. This close she could clearly smell Fluttershy's shampoo. It was driving her crazy, knowing that another pony was in touching distance!
  941. > She didn't like ponies in her personal space. Well, except for Taku and that only when they were playing games!
  942. > Sadly, she was too chickenshit to say anything. She'd just have to suffer through the unwanted closeness until Fluttershy either left, or she and Twilight kicked Floor out of the apartment.
  943. > It would be a miserable few days. Hopefully it wouldn't turn into weeks, at least.
  944. > "Good night, Floor!"
  945. > She didn't want to reply, she really didn't.
  946. "N-Night!" Floor said, hating herself.
  947. > There was a rustle as the pegasus shuffled into a more comfortable position, then she sighed and became still.
  948. > Hopefully she wouldn't snore. The last time Floor had heard snoring was from her father when he used to fall asleep on the couch before the TV, and she still hated it, more than a decade later.
  949. > "Um, Floor? Are you sleeping?" came a whisper.
  950. > Just ignore her, Floor thought.
  951. "No..."
  952. > Damn it!
  953. > "Me neither," the yellow nag said the obvious. "Um, mind if I ask you a question?"
  954. > She very much did! If Floor was going to suffer sleepless nights, at least she wanted to do it in silence. Having to tolerate Fluttershy this close was enough, she begged silently not to have to talk to her, too.
  955. "No."
  956. > Floor very nearly hoofed herself in the face in exasperation. Of course Fluttershy didn't get the hint from her tone of voice and just believed the word itself.
  957. > "How come you, um, live alone? Are your parents- uh... are they... around?"
  958. > Oh yes, this was absolutely perfect. Floor nearly growled angrily. The poor mare doesn't have a cutie mark, is she even old enough to be away from her mother?
  959. "I'm t-twenty three!" she snapped.
  960. > The pegasus was silent for a moment. Probably taken aback, Floor thought. "Oh. Sorry. I just thought- Never mind!"
  961. > It was a small mercy she didn't say it out loud, but Floor could almost hear her unwelcome guest thinking it.
  962. > Blank flank!
  963. > At least it sounded like that was the end of it. She could go back to skulking in peace, or maybe imagining what it would be like if she had the guts to tell Fluttershy to get lost.
  964. > That'd be so sweet! Floor would be like 'get the hell out of my flat' and Fluttershy would just whimper and run for it.
  965. > "Um, Floor?"
  966. > Not this again...
  967. > At least this time she managed to keep silent, but the pegasus refused to take notice. "Why did you and Taku - that's your friend, right? - why did you two fight?"
  968. > The absolute unfairness of it all really hurt and Floor tried very hard not to start sniffling.
  969. > Just thinking that she, Floor, was stuck in her own apartment with a nosy, intrusive, personal-space-ignoring stranger trying to sleep uncomfortably close to her on the couch, while that traitor Taku was probably straddling her colt-friend right this moment.
  970. > What did that even feel like? With a real, live colt, who moved by himself, instead of a dead piece of plastic?
  971. > She managed to prevent the sobbing, but she couldn't hold back her tears.
  972. > "Floor?" came the prompt when she didn't reply in a while. "It's just- it has to be bad, otherwise the map wouldn't have called us here. I hope Twilight can find your friend and we can get all this sorted out..."
  973. > How do you keep being friends with some whore of a horse who you know goes home to her loving, bucking colt-friend after playing a few games with you, Floor thought?
  974. > At least before that, they'd been the same!
  975. > Now, though - Taku probably only visited her out of pity!
  976. > It should have been Floor Bored, instead!
  977. > What wouldn't she do to meet somepony nice.
  978. > Well, a treasonous thought supplied, she wouldn't bathe, or clean up, or go out. But other than that... anything? As long as it didn't involve changing her lifestyle in any way.
  979. > Even her own mind was working against her!
  980. > And now the stupid pegasus was moving closer. "Floor? Are you asleep already?" she whispered in what Fluttershy probably thought was a quiet voice.
  981. > Their noses almost touched before Floor could jerk away. There wasn't much light, but the pegasus saw.
  982. > "What's wrong?"
  983. > Her voice was full of concern and pity, which just made it worse. This time, Floor couldn't stop a sniffle.
  984. > Before she could react, Fluttershy was hugging her. "Oh, I'm *so* sorry! I didn't mean to upset you, honest! Twilight and me are going to get your and Taku to make up, okay?"
  985. > Floor shook her head and tried to wriggle free, but that hug was iron. "There, there," Fluttershy was saying, "just let it all out. You can talk to me, okay?"
  986. > It took some effort, but she finally escaped. After a bit of hoof-flailing Fluttershy finally got the message and released her.
  987. > The poor earth pony thumped painfully on the floor as she almost jumped out of the couch. She scrambled up to her hooves, trembling.
  988. "Y-You- j-just stay away from me!" she stuttered angrily.
  989. > She didn't need pity! She had enough of her own!
  990. > While the yellow nag stared in shock, Floor grabbed a blanket, galloped to her room and slammed the door shut.
  991. > Then she leaned on the wood and slid down to the floor.
  992. > She'd rather sleep on the thin, hard rug than be questioned some more by that nosy, smug, pitying, yellow... whore!
  993. > At least Fluttershy hadn't followed. That was good.
  994. > She wanted to be left alone. She wasn't even sleepy anymore.
  995. > Floor went to her computer chair, tossed the blanket over it and jumped up. She needed to stop thinking and the easiest way to do that was Internet.
  996. > She jabbed the mouse with a hoof and the screen sprang to life, waiting exactly where she'd left off.
  997. > Her only true friend.
  999. > ~~~~
  1001. > It took some time, but Floor Bored managed to forget her current problems and get lost in the anonymous world of the Internet.
  1002. > She was aware enough of her predicament that she stayed firmly away from the porn sections, but she threw herself into her usual habit of trolling and shitposting with vigour.
  1003. > No one, anonymous or not, was safe from her scathing, insightful remarks. She was actually quite proud of herself. All the nasty things she wanted to say to that nosy Fluttershy she could instead say to strangers on the message boards.
  1004. > Maybe that helped a little.
  1005. > She laid her head down on the desk to rest for a bit and woke up in a puddle of drool to full daylight blazing in through her window.
  1006. "Huh?!"
  1007. > Panicking, the pony looked at her door, but it was still closed like she left it. There was no sign that her unwelcome guest had tried to get in.
  1008. > There was a new problem developing. Floor's hooves slid down her belly and she shifted uncomfortably. She had to *go*.
  1009. > It didn't make sense - she'd hardly eaten or drank the previous day, but there was no denying nature. She'd have to go out of her room and use the bathroom.
  1010. > That meant walking by the couch where *she* would be waiting.
  1011. > In her desperation, Floor looked around for a bottle. Of course there were none. They'd cleaned up pretty well the previous day.
  1012. > She was beaten.
  1013. > Head hanging low, ears flattened, Floor made her way to the door and paused. Already she was slightly shuffling from hoof to hoof as she tried to control her bladder.
  1014. > At long last she heaved a long-suffering sigh and pulled the knob.
  1015. > All was quiet out there.
  1016. > Maybe the yellow nag was still asleep?
  1017. > Worth a shot!
  1018. > The plain, tan mare snuck out of her room as quietly as she could. She tip-hoofed past the couch and into the bathroom without any outcry.
  1019. > Ninja-stealth!
  1020. > Feeling a little proud of herself, Floor carefully shut the door, then let out the breath she had been holding.
  1021. > Victory!
  1022. > On the plus side, the place was cleaner than it had been in years. Going to the toilet actually wasn't disgusting this time.
  1023. > Floor even looked speculatively at the bathtub, wondering if she should shower again. She'd never even considered it usually, but something about living without all the filth and garbage was making her conscious of her own fur.
  1024. > Maybe it wouldn't be *too* much effort to keep it clean.
  1025. > Well, at least relatively clean.
  1026. > She'd shower the minute she started to smell, Floor vowed.
  1027. > In the meantime, she had to sneak back to her room, preferably without waking up her pushy new flatmate.
  1028. > There was also the problem of food and drink. The pony looked at the faucet, trying to decide if she was thirsty enough to drink water.
  1029. > She hadn't had plain water ever since that weekend when she forgot to stock up on soda and nearly died of thirst. Floor didn't relish the idea of having to drink that plain, disgusting water again.
  1030. > Maybe she could make a slight detour through the kitchen, grab some supplies. If she was going to be stuck in her room, she might as well enjoy it, right?
  1031. > She reached very carefully and pulled the bathroom door open. There was no sign of Fluttershy.
  1032. > Head held low, Floor made her way into the kitchen and examined the contents of the fridge.
  1033. > Jackpot! There was something colorful and fizzy and she quickly snatched it. On the shelf she also found a bag of tomatoes, which she took a bit more hesitantly.
  1034. > Floor preferred something fried, or noodles, not fresh vegetables. However, she wasn't in a position to be picky, so the mare slung her prize across her back.
  1035. > She could pretend it was like ramen with a lot of sauce, right?
  1036. > Luckily there was still a packet of that plastic toast-cheese. The one where you hardly tasted the difference between the actual cheese and the foil in which the slices were wrapped. Floor preferred to buy those because they kept indefinitely, unlike real cheese.
  1037. > It would reinforce her 'strong-pasta' illusion, so the pony picked the packet up in her mouth.
  1038. > She pushed the fridge closed with her rump and walked out of the kitchen with her bounty. Her hoofstep faltered.
  1039. > Fluttershy was up. The yellow pegasus was sitting up on the couch and looking with a slightly embarrassed smile.
  1040. > "Um, good morning?" she offered, as if it was up for debate.
  1041. > Her ears instantly folded down and Floor lowered her gaze to the ground.
  1042. "-mmmpmhm," she mumbled vaguely.
  1043. > The pegasus cleared her throat. "Want me to- um, would you like some breakfast?"
  1044. > Breakfast meant sitting around the table and talking, right? That's what Floor remembered back from living with her family. She firmly shook her head.
  1045. "mmmf-mmf!" she said vehemently.
  1046. > It looked like she would get her way, but then Fluttershy slid from the couch and walked over. "Well, I *insist*," she said firmly. "Here, let me take those."
  1047. > Floor was relieved of her burdens in short order and the pegasus was taking them back to the kitchen. She opened her mouth to complain, but shut it again.
  1048. > What would she even say?
  1049. > 'I'd prefer to eat alone in my room?'
  1050. > Yeah, that sounded very un-pony-like. Fluttershy would probably just refuse to believe it. Or worse - laugh in her face!
  1051. > Her stomach growling, Floor resigned herself to another day of hunger. If she focused really hard on some game or something, maybe she wouldn't feel it so much.
  1052. > Unfortunately, Fluttershy heard. "Oh, don't worry! I'll be done in a minute, just go sit on the couch."
  1053. > Her guest was already making a lot of noise. This was her chance to slip away.
  1054. > Yet...
  1055. > Something made Floor pause.
  1056. > Maybe she could stand to sit around the table and eat for a few minutes. Her hoof went to her belly, where the hunger was already making her nauseous and weak. It almost physically hurt.
  1057. > Sighing in defeat, the pony went to the couch and climbed up, making sure she didn't touch Fluttershy's pillow or blanket.
  1058. > With luck, the nag would take the hint and bring the food there. That way at least they wouldn't have to look at one another while they ate.
  1059. > Floor began to realize with a sinking feeling that she was slowly starting to accept this intrusive presence in her flat.
  1060. > She nearly cried.
  1061. > It meant she'd have to live her life from now with somepony always watching and listening.
  1062. > Already it was unbearable!
  1064. > ~~~~
  1066. > This time it was pancakes. Floor Bored watched them dubiously, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with them.
  1067. > The yellow nag brought them over, jumped up on the couch and simply put a plate in Floor's lap. "Here you go! And here's the jam!"
  1068. > She put a jar of it on the couch between them, so they wouldn't have to stretch across to the coffee table.
  1069. > It looked like she would have to go first, so Floor took a deep breath, picked up the spoon and scooped a lump on her plate. She wasn't really in the mood to spread it evently, so she just dropped her utensil back in the jar and folded the pancake in half.
  1070. > A slight push with her hoof squeezed the jam all over nicely, anyway.
  1071. "What?!"
  1072. > She hadn't even taken a bite yet, but the pegasus was looking - staring! - with the weirdest little smile. Was there something else on her muzzle?
  1073. > Floor felt round her face with her other hoof, but couldn't find anything.
  1074. "Whaaaat?!"
  1075. > Giggling, Fluttershy pointed to Floor's plate. "That! I've never seen anypony spread jam like that!"
  1076. > Ears lowering, Floor blushed heavily and dropped her gaze.
  1077. "'s how I like them," she muttered.
  1078. > "Let me try!"
  1079. > Fluttershy splattered half a spoonfull of jam on her own pancake and folded it up, just like she'd seen Floor do. Then she pressed on it, but all she did was rupture the thing and squeeze the goop out on her plate.
  1080. > The mare was quite stupid, wasn't she? Floor heaved a sigh.
  1081. "No, you have to push it from the fold to the rim..." she explained.
  1082. > To make the pegasus understand better, she placed her hoof on her own pancake again and demonstrated with exaggerated motion.
  1083. "See? So it spreads out. And you have to use more!"
  1084. > Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically and pushed her plate with her ruined snack in Floor's hoves. "Okay! Let me get another, I'll be right back!"
  1085. > Before the earth mare could really complain, her guest was already in the kitchen, busily loading another plate. She ran back and took a flying leap on the couch. At least that's what it felt like.
  1086. > It was nothing short of a miracle that she hadn't smashed the plate or sent the pancake flying.
  1087. "Hey!"
  1088. > "Sorry!"
  1089. > Giving it another try, Fluttershy slopped more jam on her pristine dish, then looked at Floor. "Like this?"
  1090. "Yes," she replied, examining it carefully.
  1091. > Then the pegasus held a hoof just above the pancake. "Like this?"
  1092. > It was so easy! What was she, a total klutz? Floor rolled her eyes.
  1093. "Yes..." she said, exasperated.
  1094. > Fluttershy didn't notice her tone, of course. In some ways, the pegasus was the thickest pony she'd ever met.
  1095. > Watching carefully in case she did anything stupid, Floor saw that this time Fluttershy was using a lot less force and it was much better controlled.
  1096. > She was actually learning it! Floor nearly smiled.
  1097. "That's it. Now just push it out to the rim in all directions."
  1098. > In moments it was done and her guest lifted up the folded pancake for a taste. "It's good!" she exclaimed, as if surprised to find it so. "Here, try it!"
  1099. > Completely ignoring that Floor still had two plates in her hooves and her own food, Fluttershy shoved hers towards the hapless mare's mouth.
  1100. > It was either open or have jam smeared all over her face. Floor didn't fancy a shower so soon after the last one, so she accepted the pancake.
  1101. > She didn't even have time to think how gross it was that Fluttershy had taken a bite out of it just seconds prior.
  1102. > Then, all she could think about was the taste. Maybe it was the hunger, but this thing was the sweetest, most delicious morsel she'd ever eaten.
  1103. > The jam was made from prunes, which came as a very nice surprise. With the orange color Floor had assumed it was something like peach.
  1104. "Mmmm... 'ff 'ood!" she said with her mouth full.
  1105. > She relaxed some more when Fluttershy removed the plate from her face and started eating her own damn food. That pony was too pushy by half!
  1106. > Now that she'd had a taste, Floor put the smushed, failed pancake on the coffee table and focused on her own once more. Having eaten something warm and sweet seemed to make her hunger even worse.
  1107. > She devoured it in about a minute flat. At seventy seconds she was looking at Fluttershy's failed experiment. Then she looked at the pegasus, who was slowly munching on hers with every sign of enjoment.
  1108. > Floor was only undecided for a few moments, then she leaned forward and switched the plates. She had to add more jam, of course - Fluttershy's first dosage was woefully inadequate for the sugar-hyped neet mare, but that was easy to do. The jar and the spoon were still there.
  1109. > She didn't bother with neatness anymore as she grabbed the sticky, gooey mess and simply shoved all of it in her mouth at once.
  1110. > It was really hard to chew, but it was incredibly good!
  1111. > A low, almost squeaking sound made her look. Fluttershy was staring again, giggling.
  1112. > Floor tried to swallow hurriedly, but there wasn't enough room in her mouth and a bit of it slipped out, right down her chest and belly.
  1113. > She panicked and tried to snatch it, but all she did in her clumsy haste was grind it into the couch.
  1114. > Fluttershy was full-on laughing by now.
  1115. > Ears flat, muzzle red with shame and her fluff sticky with jam and drool, Floor managed to swallow her mouthful through heroic effort. She searched her brain for something to say, some excuse to make her look a little less bad.
  1116. "I- didn't, um I didn't..." she tried, but couldn't find anything. "Um... sorry."
  1117. > Fluttershy leaned closer and put a wing around the embarrassed mare, careful not to smear any jam in her feathers. "It's fine. Don't worry!"
  1118. > In desperation Floor focused on the one thing she knew.
  1119. "The couch..."
  1120. > "It's going to be fine!" Fluttershy assured her. "Want me to get you another pancake?"
  1121. > She was still a bit hungry, but Floor firmly shook her head.
  1122. > "A glass of water?"
  1123. > This time she nodded. Fluttershy slid her half-finished plate on the coffee table and bustled off. Only then did Floor realize it had been rude of her to make her guest get up before she was done eating. She could have gotten the glass herself!
  1124. > Well, Fluttershy *had* offered.
  1125. > It was all just so confusing!
  1126. > Before she could work her way through the meager rules of behaviour her mother had vainly tried to teach her, the pegasus was back with two glasses. She had brought herself one as well. She also laid a napkin in Floor's lap.
  1127. > That made it better and eased Floor's conscience a little.
  1128. "Um, thank you," she said.
  1129. > "You're very welcome."
  1130. > She drank about half of it while Fluttershy settled back on the couch and grabbed her plate once more. While the pegasus was finishing her meal, Floor did the best she could with the napkin.
  1131. > It still left her fur a little sticky, but that'd just have to wait for her next shower. The couch had a small, wet mark left, but it would probably fade.
  1132. > Not like it was the first stain, either. At least this time it was jam and not... some other fluid.
  1133. > Bad thought! Luckily Fluttershy wasn't looking at Floor's radiant, glowing muzzle.
  1134. > "So, feeling any better?" the mare asked, sneakily.
  1135. "Yes!"
  1136. > The reply was a bit too quick so Floor looked for something to add.
  1137. "Uh, yes! I'm o-okay..."
  1138. > "That's nice!" the pegasus exclaimed. "Twilight said she should be back today and then we can get your bed in order!"
  1139. > Throw out the mattress, Floor thought. Because it was soaked with her fluids. Everypony in the street will know exactly what she had been doing on there. They would smell it.
  1140. > Her blush threatened to set fire to the couch.
  1141. > "Maybe she'll also have some news about your friend. Um- do you maybe know where she lives?"
  1142. > It wasn't a question she had been expecting, but Floor nodded anyway.
  1143. "Yeah, she lives at... um. She..."
  1144. > With horror she realized she forgot. Taku had probably told her, but she didn't remember.
  1145. > She had never needed it, what with Taku always coming to visit her and never the other way around!
  1146. > It was official - she was the worst friend. Floor didn't meet Fluttershy's eyes.
  1147. > Well, she almost never looked her guest in the face, but now she *extra* didn't look her in the face.
  1148. > The damned perceptive pegasus quickly figured it out and put her wing around Floor's withers once more. "That's okay. Twilight is good at finding ponies, don't worry."
  1149. > Floor forbore to comment.
  1150. > "Hey!" Fluttershy said lightly. "Wanna do something fun today?"
  1151. > Actually, yes, Floor would. Unfortunately, anything she considered fun would be very inappropriate to do with the pegasus.
  1152. > Well, unless she *started* it!
  1153. > The thought didn't help with her blush.
  1154. > "How about we go to the park?"
  1155. > This one broke through and Floor gasped.
  1156. "P-P-Park?!" she whispered in terror.
  1157. > Too many ponies! Young couples, having picnics. Mothers with foals. Young colts and fillies playing! Businessponies having lunch!
  1158. > Too crowded, too noisy, too confusing.
  1159. > She was shaking her head, but it looked like the pegasus wouldn't take no for an answer. "Come on, it will be fun! We can get some ice cream and maybe feed the ducks in the pond!"
  1160. > Were there ducks in the pond?
  1161. > Was there even a pond? Floor realized she'd never been to the nearby park. She knew it was there, but at most she hurried past it on her way to the convenience store, muzzle pointed firmly at the pavement and hurrying to get back home as quickly as possible.
  1162. "I d-d-don't-"
  1163. > "Okay, how about this:" Fluttershy wen't on, undeterred. "We'll just go and toss one hoof-full of seeds to the pigeons and then we'll come right back, okay? In the meantime Twilight will fix your bed."
  1164. > That one gave her a bit of a pause. Not having to be there when the alicorn tossed the soiled mattress out *might* be worth a quick trip to the park.
  1165. > Nopony would think it was hers, then! They might get strange ideas about what the Princess gets up to when she's alone, but that was no fur off Floor's muzzle!
  1166. "'kay..."
  1167. > The word came out so quietly that Fluttershy didn't hear it. "Pardon?"
  1168. "Okay..."
  1169. >...
  1170. > Well, there she was. Out of her apartment and out of her comfort zone. Floor Bored had put on her thickest, blackest, hoodiest hoodie, all the better to hide her expression from the world.
  1171. > That was somewhat of a mistake, especially in nice, sunny weather like they had, but the mare would suffer any discomfort if it meant ponies couldn't see her face.
  1172. > She had tried her best to weasel out it, but Fluttershy was a pro at giving her a sad, soulful gaze and those big, shiny, pleading eyes.
  1173. > They left the building, Floor keeping her eyes firmly on the paving and looking up just barely enough to see Fluttershy's hooves ahead of her. Above all, she wished for the thing to pass quickly and without meeting anypony.
  1174. > For a while she recognized the streets - it was her usual route to the store whenever she absolutely, positively had to go - but after a while they made a wrong turn and the mare risked glancing up to see where they were.
  1175. > She thought she could make her way back if she had to. They were getting to the park, but from a different direction she usually saw it. Luckily, the lake was unmistakable, even if the children's playground on this side was unfamiliar.
  1176. > The pegasus led her from the pavement to a gravel path and then on grass. Several ponies passed them, but they didn't pay Floor any mind, for which she was eternally grateful.
  1177. > She was already regretting the hoodie, which seemed to be burning red hot with the sun beating on it, but the mare still kept her hood up.
  1178. > "Okay, this looks like a lovely place!" Fluttershy said and stopped so suddenly Floor nearly walked into her.
  1179. > She risked a brief glance and saw they were close to the water by a walking path. Too public! The mare tried to shrink back further into her hoodie.
  1180. > There was a tap of a hoof on wood and Floor lifted the cloth slightly higher to see a park bench.
  1181. > "Come on! Let's sit here for a minute!" came the bright, cheerful suggestion.
  1182. > Floor herself didn't like the thought very much, but she wasn't going to speak up, not with other ponies practically on top of them!
  1183. > Just from the corner of her hoodie she could see a mare with two children chasing around her, a family out on their stroll and a pair of lovers, apparently oblivious to anything except each other.
  1184. > As she looked further around the park, Floor nearly whimpered. Almost every patch of green was covered by blankets and ponies having lunch. It was like rush hour!
  1185. "Here?" she whimpered. "In the m-middle?"
  1186. > "Middle of what?"
  1187. "Crowd!"
  1188. > Fluttershy made a big show of glancing around, then shrugged a little with her wings. "There are *some* ponies out on a picnic, but six isn't a crowd."
  1189. > That couldn't be right. The place was covered with picnic blankets!
  1190. > Except this time, when Floor looked around, there was just the one for the mare and her two foals. Everypony else was just walking around.
  1191. > Fluttershy tapped the wood again and gave her a friendly, encouraging smile. It seemed like there was no way out of it. On the other hoof, the backrest would hide her, at least a little. It was the best, unless...
  1192. > For a moment Floor considered bolting for home, but she realized with horror that she didn't have her key. The pegasus had been the last one out and she locked it, then dropped the key in her saddlebag.
  1193. > Sitting in the corridor in front of her apartment would be better than this, but only marginally so. There was also the risk that Twilight Sparkle was back in the flat, changing her bed.
  1194. > Floor *really* didn't want to go near that entire scene. Defeated, she sighed and sat on the sun-heated wood.
  1195. > She was already sweating, but she'd be damned if she removed the hoodie. It was her only grip on sanity at this point, shielding her from all the stares.
  1196. > "Well, isn't this nice?" Fluttershy asked cheerfully. She rummaged in her bag and brought out a couple of apples. "Here!"
  1197. > She was holding one out.
  1198. > Floor was about to shake her head no, but paused when an idea struck her. If she nibbled it very slowly, the apple would obscure her face from unwelcome looks. She took the fruit and held it up to her muzzle.
  1199. > After a minute or so her nose wrinkled. She could scent the juices from Fluttershy's apple and it *did* smell delicious. Maybe just a little bite.
  1200. > She nibbled at it and the sugary taste helped her relax a teensy bit.
  1201. > "You can probably take that sweater off, it's quite warm," the pegasus suggested.
  1202. > Floor nearly choked on a piece of apple, but hurriedly shook her head.
  1203. "N-N-No."
  1204. > She waited for the outrage, but Fluttershy just smiled and went back to watching the water. A group of ducks were floating peacefully some distance from the shore.
  1205. > From a corner of her eye Floor saw the pegasus wave, after which - Floor blinked, not quite believing her eyes - one of the ducks waved back with a wing. They all turned and began swimming closer.
  1206. > So the magazines were true? Fluttershy had some weird, mystical power over animals?
  1207. > Interested despite the uncomfortable situation, the earth pony took another bite from her apple and watched closely.
  1208. > Her pegasus friend slipped from the seat and walked across the path to the water's edge. "Hello, feathery friends!" she greeted in that gentle, singsong voice. "How is the water today?"
  1209. > The ducks quacked at some length and gestured with a wing. It made Fluttershy giggle. "Thank you, but maybe some other time. It's a bit too chilly for us ponies!"
  1210. > The head duck - that's what Floor decided to call it - shrugged and quacked.
  1211. > "I'll certainly keep that in mind!" Fluttershy said, then sat on her rump and rummaged in her bag. "Would you like some bread?"
  1212. > There was what Floor could only describe as an affirmative quack and the pegasus began tearing pieces from a loaf and tossing them out.
  1213. > To be completely honest, the way the ducks scarfed down their treat in a hurry was amusing and Floor found herself smiling.
  1214. > The pegasus didn't give them the entire loaf. She seemed to instinctively know when the ducks were full and slipped the rest of it back into her bag.
  1215. > For their part, the birds quacked a thank you and waved as they turned back towards the middle of the lake.
  1216. > "You're welcome!" Fluttershy said after them. "Feel free to visit if you're ever near Ponyville!"
  1217. > Floor suddenly realized that her friend's antics had drawn a crowd of onlookers. Several of them had stopped on the path to watch the spectacle, young and old alike.
  1218. > She even heard some whispers of "Fluttershy!" and "Element of Harmony!"
  1219. > The only piece of luck was that they didn't yet associate the off-white, blank-flanked mare on the bench with the famous pegasus. Being in the middle of all that attention would fry her insides, Floor felt. She shrank back, already trembling at the thought that Fluttershy would soon rejoin her at the bench, with the huge crowd following.
  1220. > Crowd?
  1221. > Floor shook her head and squinted at the ponies again. There were just a few, actually.
  1222. > That was still a crowd to her. The mare struggled to keep her breathing under control.
  1223. > The only piece of luck was that Fluttershy didn't come right back. Now that the ducks had gone, one of the ponies came forward with a piece of paper and asked the pegasus for an autograph. While she was doing that, the others waved her goodbye and went back to whatever they had been doing.
  1224. > The danger was over and Floor began to relax a little. There would be no media spectacle, it seemed. No pressing crowds. No laughter at her embarrassingly blank flank.
  1225. > She shuffled a little and tried to pull her hoodie lower, so it would cover her blankness.
  1226. > Maybe she should have taken the longer coat...
  1227. > "Another apple?"
  1228. "Huh? O-Oh. No thanks!"
  1229. > Floor still had her unfinished fruit in hoof and she lifted it up to show Fluttershy. She took another nibble to prove her point and the other mare left her thankfully alone.
  1230. > The scene went quiet and they both relaxed a little. After a while Floor was even able to look around. Everypony was ignoring the Element of Harmony and her unsightly companion, which was good. Just what she had wished for.
  1231. > It would be better if they were alone, but there was no chance of that, not in the park and not at this hour.
  1232. > A squeal of delight caught her ears and Floor looked around for the source. The two foals from the picnic mare and the three from the strolling family had met up and were playing.
  1233. > She could never understand how ponies got along this quickly, even when they didn't know each other. In less than a minute they were running around, giggling and yelling happily.
  1234. > Floor watched them enviously, wistfully. Maybe it was easier to watch the fillies and colts because she had more in common with them, than with the grownups? Like lack of a cutie mark, for starters.
  1235. > She saw a colt chase after several of his newfound friends with a certain amount of jealousy. Nopony had chased after *her*, even in a game of tag. Well, she had usually kept herself away from the other kids that age, even when she was their age. They had always been too rowdy and loud for the quiet, shy mare.
  1236. > Well, *now* she wished a colt would chase her. Those fillies didn't know how lucky they were.
  1237. > Uh oh! One of them - a pink earth pony - tripped and rolled to a stop. The colt - a nice gray pegasus - didn't stop in time and landed right on top of her. They both tumbled a little and he ended up lying on top of her. They watched each other, stunned for a moment, then the colt yelled: "You're it!"
  1238. > They both ended up giggling, but the filly quickly climbed to her hooves and sat on her rump. "Okay, count of ten!" she proposed.
  1239. > The young stallion turned and sprinted away, right towards Floor, who was still watching with interest.
  1240. > "One, two, three..." came the voice of the filly, making the colt speed up. He leapt and flapped his wings to clear her bench, making the poor mare flinch as the pony sailed above her.
  1241. > She thought she spotted something which made her breath catch.
  1242. > Floor twirled around to keep her eyes on the colt as he landed and circled back, towards the other group who were all waiting a safe distance away for the pink one to finish her count and set off after them.
  1243. > Now she was sure. The colt was swinging a little bit *too much*... down there.
  1244. > Even as Floor watched the problem went away and the colt laughed, engrossed in the game once more.
  1245. > It must have gotten slightly out of hoof when he had landed on top of his friend there on the grass. Maybe he caught her scent and - being squat in the middle of puberty - couldn't quite help himself.
  1246. > Floor couldn't stop her imagination in time.
  1247. > What if that pretty little stud pinned *her* down in a game of tag? Then it would be *her* smell that made him... well, 'rise'.
  1248. > Maybe she wouldn't let him go - after all, the game *was* to catch ponies.
  1249. > Their eyes would meet and he would bring that cute, firm muzzle closer. His eyes would be big, surprised and expectant.
  1250. > 'What about all the ponies watching?' Floor's sneaky subconsciousness supplied. It made her blush and she quickly lowered her face before anypony could see.
  1251. > They'd just... go away. Yeah, in her fantasies the background simply faded away every time. It didn't matter. They'd be alone.
  1252. > Then - the pegasus colt would lower himself. He would find her willing...
  1253. "EEP!"
  1254. > A hoof touched her and Floor jumped up. She was ready to buck whoever was trying to grab her and run for it. Nopony could prove what she had just been thinking about!
  1255. > "It's just me! Sorry for startling you!"
  1256. > The hoof belonged to Fluttershy, who was done with her snack. The pegasus was smiling as she held out a bottle. "Would you like some water?"
  1257. > Floor relaxed a bit. Nopony had caught her thinking about... that. They couldn't know. Her face had been hidden by the hoodie, for which the mare was immensely grateful.
  1258. > Except now she had a different problem.
  1259. > Her glimpse of that colt's - well, of that colt - combined with her little fantasy had ignited the too-familiar spark between her hind legs. It had been *days* since she had done it and every touch of the warm, wooden bench, every wisp of wind was making it worse. Driving her on.
  1260. > What she wanted, right now, were her toys and some privacy. It would feel *so* amazing.
  1261. > She was out in public! Ponies were staring at her! The thought was like a cold shower. The mare slid from the bench before she left a stain in the wood and looked imploringly at the pegasus.
  1262. "C-Can we go? Please?" she begged.
  1263. > Fluttershy was undecided, but just for a moment. Then she saw Floor's pleading expression and gave in. "Okay!"
  1264. > Relief flooded the mare as they started to move. She had caught herself just in time to prevent... 'a spill' and they were outside, which should alleviate the smell, but she didn't want to take any chances. It took some concentration to keep her tail modestly down.
  1265. > Her yellow friend set off down the walking path and Floor gratefully followed.
  1266. > "Excuse me! Miss Fluttershy!" came a voice behind them.
  1267. > Floor froze to the spot while the pegasus turned around. "Yes?"
  1268. > It was going to be about her, there was no doubt. The mare would complain about Floor ogling her poor son and then word would spread and some police ponies would come from somewhere and they would stick the unfortunate mare in prison.
  1269. > Why was the lady calling for Fluttershy, though?
  1270. > Hoofsteps approached from behind - a grownup and several younger ponies. Floor nearly whimpered and clamped her tail tightly against herself to conceal the evidence. She turned around to hide it from view.
  1271. > It wasn't the colt she had watched, nor the pink filly. This time it was a lime-green pegasus who already had her cutie mark and a smaller, orange pegasus colt. The lady who had called was probably their mother, judging by her wing draped around the younger mare.
  1272. > Floor dared to hope this wasn't about her. These three hadn't even been in the park until just now.
  1273. > "I'm sorry to bother you, miss," the newcomer went on, "but could you sign my daughter's poster of the Elements? We heard you were here so she rushed to get it and we just barely caught you!"
  1274. > The explanation fitted the facts. Floor saw how the young mare's chest was heaving and how her wings were trembling with both excitement and exhaustion. The colt watched the yellow hero pony with wide, curious eyes but didn't say anything.
  1275. > Fluttershy smiled pleasantly and came forward. "Oh, no problem at all! I would be happy to!"
  1276. > The mother kept explaining while her daughter proffered the slightly crumpled poster. "Petal Hearts is such a sweet filly," she said and hugged the pony in question, who blushed. "She wants to be just like you when she grows up, isn't that right sweetie?"
  1277. > The young mare gave a shy grin, blushed and nodded.
  1278. > Fluttershy waved a modest hoof. "Oh, I'm nothing special, really. I was just in the right place at the right time when Twilight Sparkle went to rescue Princess Celestia from Nightmare Moon, and- well, things just happened one after another. It was really my friends who did most of the work!"
  1279. > They really liked her modesty. For that matter, so did Floor Bored, except she wasn't about to fawn over Fluttershy quite this hard.
  1280. > She looked from the daughter to the little brother, who had apparently switched his curiosity from the Element of Harmony to this other pony, hidden in a black hood. He took a tentative step forward and lifted up his muzzle, sniffing.
  1281. > Floor swallowed. The wind had died down and her shame would soon be apparent to everypony. She shuffled her hooves, trying to surreptitiously cross her hind legs.
  1282. > Now that it was on her mind, she couldn't get it out! She kept her eyes firmly on the ground before her, but the heat in her nether regions was growing.
  1283. > The young colt stepped into her field of view, looking at her with curiosity in his big, shining eyes. His nose was wriggling as he sniffed and his muzzle was scrunching up in confusion.
  1284. > Floor wondered if he would- If she should say hi. Would it be weird for her to say hi? Maybe- maybe she could invite him for video games someday?
  1285. > She nearly hoofed herself in the face. 'He's half your age! What the buck is wrong with you?'
  1286. > Very near tears, the mare took a few steps back and tried to discreetly fan the scent away with her tail.
  1287. > To her immense relief, Fluttershy was done. "It was nice meeting you too, Petal Hearts!" she said and turned to leave. The mother called and the colt forgot all about the strange, hooded pony and went to rejoin his family.
  1288. > It had been a close call and all four of her legs were trembling. Her heart was hammering and Floor became aware of her sweat, pouring from her back down the inside of her hoodie.
  1289. > "I think you really should take that sweater off," Fluttershy commented, making poor Floor Bored whimper in fright. What had she guessed? What had she smelled?!
  1290. > Fluttershy paid her no mind. "You look a little flustered, Floor Bored. It *is* a very warm day."
  1291. > The blush could be mistaken for heat! That was her salvation and Floor grasped it with all four hooves.
  1292. "YES! H-Hot. It's hot! B-Because of my hoodie! Hot..."
  1293. > Her hasty admission just made Fluttershy giggle. "Yes. You should take it off and then you won't be as hot."
  1294. > Floor wasn't ready to do that, but she had to give in to keep the lie going. She reached up one hoof and pulled the hood down.
  1295. > "Isn't that better?"
  1296. "Y-Y-Yes..."
  1297. > She gulped and gathered her courage.
  1298. "Can we g-go home? Is T-Twilight..." she tried to ask.
  1299. > "Oh, probably. I saw her coming with the mattress when we were leaving. She's probably done by now," Fluttershy told her.
  1300. > It was a relief. Soon, very soon, this outside nightmare would be over.
  1301. > Floor felt like crying.
  1302. > Fluttershy took her out for a stroll in the park and to feed some ducks, but all she could do...
  1303. > She forced the thought to its conclusion. Ogle a young colt, have gross fantasies about him and probably mentally scar another one, with his mother *right there*.
  1304. > Maybe an institution or a prison would be an appropriate place for her after all.
  1305. > She was disgusting.
  1306. > The mare kept her muzzle down so Fluttershy wouldn't see the tears.
  1308. > ~~~~
  1310. > Safety at last! Floor Bored rushed into her apartment, nearly slamming the door shut in Fluttershy's face. She didn't wait around for the pegasus to start asking embarrassing questions, but rather hurried to the bathroom with a muffled excuse of needing to pee.
  1311. > She kicked the door closed and leaned on it for good measure, before letting out her breath in relief. All she needed was a minute or two alone to try and make sense of what had happened.
  1312. > "Oh, hello, Floor Bored!"
  1313. > The mare in question went stiff, ears going flat and tail tucking up between her legs. She turned her head slowly, afraid of what she'd see.
  1314. > Of course it had to be. It was her luck, after all.
  1315. > Damned stupid purple alicorn with her stupid sponge floating beside her and the stupid spray bottle!
  1316. > Even in her own bathroom she couldn't get a bit of privacy! The two were working together to keep Floor under control.
  1317. > She wouldn't give them the satisfaction! The pony bit her lip to keep from crying.
  1318. > "Everything okay? Do you need to use the bathroom?"
  1319. > Floor managed a nod, but it was too late. The alicorn had put her cleaning supplies down and was coming over, an expression of worry on her muzzle. An obviously fake one, Floor knew.
  1320. > "Did something happen while you were out with Fluttershy?" the nosy nag went on.
  1321. "N-NO!"
  1322. > The Princess froze for a moment and sniffed the air. Her expression went from worry, to confusion, then shock. She was painfully easy to read, even from the corner of her eyes since Floor couldn't look at her directly.
  1323. > "I'm- uh, I'm gonna... gonna go. Call if you need anything, okay?!" Twilight said hurriedly and pushed past Floor Bored, nearly toppling her in her haste.
  1324. > Floor began to relax, but then heard the Princess' muffled voice outside. Oh no! She was going to go tell Fluttershy what she had smelled and then the pegasus would think back on their last encounter and put two and two together.
  1325. > Then, surely, she'd be tossed in jail for having those kinds of thoughts about colts!
  1326. > Floor barely managed to suppress a whimper. She leaned her ear to the door and tried to catch what the two were saying.
  1327. > "Fluttershy, did something happen at the park?" the alicorn asked, right on cue.
  1328. > It took the other mare a few moments to think about the answer. "No, not really. Why do you ask?"
  1329. > Here it came! Floor bit down on her hoof to keep from whimpering.
  1330. > The pause dragged on, no doubt while Twilight considered how to put it. "Floor seems a little shaken. Did somepony bother her, or something?"
  1331. > Shaken?! Was that what Princesses called it? It wasn't an expression Floor had ever heard for creaming oneself.
  1332. > "No, it was actually quite nice. There were some very friendly ducks and somepony wanted my autograph!" Fluttershy explained happily.
  1333. > There it came. In a moment, the pegasus would mention how closely Floor had been watching the colts at play, and then the Princess would get angry and come hammer on the bathroom door.
  1334. "No, please..." the mare whispered.
  1335. > "Strange," Twilight Sparkle said, "I could have sworn she was really upset by something. That mare is *hard* to read sometimes. It almost smelled like..."
  1336. > Twilight didn't finish the thought. After a pause she concluded: "Never mind. Everything was okay then?"
  1337. > Their dialogue went off Floor's internal script she had prepared and her mouth gaped open. She kept listening.
  1338. > Fluttershy sounded frightened: "Upset? Gosh, I'm sorry Twilight! Maybe I should have been paying closer attention..."
  1339. > No, don't play closer attention to Floor Bored, the mare in question thought fervently.
  1340. > "Well, that one is a mystery. Anyway, I changed the bed," Twilight explained, "and I got you some groceries."
  1341. > "Have you found her friend yet?" came Fluttershy's question.
  1342. "Taku!" Floor gasped, but luckily not loud enough so they'd hear.
  1343. > She suddenly remembered the pegasus telling her about that. Twilight Sparkle was looking for Taku, supposedly to make the two friends again.
  1344. > It wasn't going to happen. The anger flared back and Floor scowled at the bathroom tiles. That hussy, good-for-nothing ex-friend of hers could stay lost! She didn't have to come back to rub Floor's muzzle in her lucky break some more!
  1345. > That was all it was! A piece of luck! She managed to find the one colt stupid enough to go out with someone like Taku. It could just as easily have happened to Floor!
  1346. > "I did..." Twilight said, but then fell silent for some reason.
  1347. > Floor heard a hoofstep as the alicorn stepped closer to the pegasus. There was some whispering she couldn't quite catch.
  1348. > "Honeymoon?!" breathed Fluttershy in absolute shock.
  1349. > Floor's mouth gaped open. They were getting married?! Did Taku let the colt knock her up, so he would have to stay with her? At least that was the only explanation she could think of.
  1350. > Twilight hushed her friend. "Fluttershy!"
  1351. > There was more urgent whispering, then a quiet "Sorry!" from the yellow mare.
  1352. > "Anyway, I have to go see Cadence - can you keep things in hoof around here?" the Princess asked.
  1353. > 'Please say no,' Floor wished. Maybe if Fluttershy said no, they would both leave!
  1354. > "I'll manage!" the pegasus said proudly.
  1355. > She just couldn't get a break! Floor sagged to the tiles and stopped listening. The pair would just keep nagging her, day and night, until she completely broke down.
  1356. > Maybe they were trying to drive her loco, so they could legally move her to an insane asylum? That would get her off their hooves and let them have the apartment!
  1357. > Well, it wouldn't take a whole lot. Already Floor itched *all over*. It had been *days* since she was able to pleasure herself. She missed her message boards and - if not exactly friends - ponies she knew on there. Only by nicknames, of course, but she still missed them.
  1358. > Especially the ones who got riled up so easily. Floor missed laughing at their angry, hurt, all-caps replies to even the simplest and most obvious trolling.
  1359. > She even missed her Ramen, for Celestia's sake! Pancakes have been good, but Floor wanted some good, solid food in her belly.
  1360. > The front door closed and she assumed the purple one had gone. It was a bit better, but it still left Floor unable to do all the things she really enjoyed.
  1361. > Life was suffering.
  1362. > There was a sudden knock on the bathroom door, making Floor squeak in alarm and jump up. Moments later Fluttershy's voice followed: "Are you okay in there, um, Floor Bored?"
  1363. > They just couldn't leave her alone, even for a few minutes!
  1364. "Go away!"
  1365. > The nag just completely ignored her! "What would you like for lunch?" she asked instead.
  1366. "Nothing! Go away!"
  1367. > "Okay. I'll think of something. You come out when you're good and ready, okay?"
  1368. > It didn't help that Fluttershy was being so reasonable. Floor wanted to hate the pegasus, at least as much as she hated that purple jerk, but she couldn't find it in her heart.
  1369. > She didn't really need the toilet, but she had to keep up appearances, so Floor flushed it before going out. She didn't want Fluttershy to suspect she had been eavesdropping.
  1370. > Speaking of the pegasus, she was waiting in the living room. "So, lunch?" she asked.
  1371. > It *had* been some time since breakfast. Floor was torn between hunger and a burning desire to be alone for five Celestia-damned minutes.
  1372. "C-Can I eat it in my room?" she tried, even though it was hopeless.
  1373. > Fluttershy considered this, but then smiled. "Sure! I'll bring another chair from the kitchen-"
  1374. "Alone?"
  1375. > The mare looked surprised, but she recovered quickly. "Oh. Well, I... guess?"
  1376. > Maybe the yellow one was alright. She actually *listened* to Floor, unlike her bossy Princess friend, who just overruled everypony and did what she pleased.
  1377. > "What would you like?" Fluttershy asked, fortunately breaking Floor's angry chain of thought.
  1378. "Ramen?" she tried.
  1379. > It didn't seem that the pegasus knew what that was. She opened her mouth to ask, but then brightened up. "Oh, that's those noodles in cups, right? Um-"
  1380. > She looked uneasy. Of course every normal pony would be disgusted by the idea. The Ramen people made their bits off antisocial losers like Floor, who liked their food to require as little effort and as much salt as possible.
  1381. > Fluttershy flashed a guilty grin. "How about instead I make us some actual pasta? It's kind of the same thing, right?"
  1382. > Floor gave up. Of course she wouldn't get what she wanted, not unless she did it herself. Unfortunately, the way Fluttershy saw things, she was 'helping', so she would insist on cooking.
  1383. "Fine..."
  1384. > It wasn't really, but Floor had already said more things face to face today than she had in the entire month before that. Not even Taku took that much conversation, even when they were still friends.
  1385. > She was drained, both from the incessant social interactions as well as the tumult in the park. She needed to feel *normal*, at least for an hour.
  1386. > Without saying anything else, she firmly strode to her room and forcefully shut the door, then took stock of what the purple one had done.
  1387. > The mattress was definitely new, as were the sheets on it. Anger momentarily forgotten, Floor went to examine it.
  1388. > She inhaled that special, fresh-from-the-store smell and her ears splayed back. Not that she'd ever admit it, but the bed looked a lot more pleasant to sleep in, now.
  1389. > She jumped up and bounced experimentally for a moment. It was softer than her old one, yet at the same time quite firm.
  1390. > How nice would it be to lay a pretty, hunky colt down there and just... go to town on him.
  1391. > Not that she had any idea whatsoever how it would feel, but Floor liked to dream. Yeah, she'd break the bed in *properly*! All she needed was a colt to give her the time of the day.
  1392. > Her head lowered and the mare heaved a sad sigh.
  1393. "I just need a break..." she said sadly.
  1394. > She slipped back to the floor and looked longingly at the bed she knew would never contain more than herself and her toys.
  1395. > Her breath caught when she spotted a muddy smear, right in the middle of a pristine, white sheet.
  1396. "Buck! No no no, I didn't mean- BUCK!"
  1397. > Floor didn't have the faintest idea what to do. In desperation she spat on her clean hoof and tried to rub the filth out.
  1398. > Naturally, all she did was make the stain larger. It made her want to cry.
  1399. > Two minutes and her new bed was already filthy. The story of her life. Everything Floor touched turned to shit.
  1400. > There were some fresh, new blankets folded up on the side of the bed, so she took one, spread it out and covered the stain.
  1401. > At least the other two didn't have to see. At least not right away.
  1402. > Then, sniffling a little, Floor Bored went to her computer. The bed sheet was a good metaphor for her life, yes. Anything nice and pure she touched became dirty, even when she didn't mean it.
  1403. > The park was another example. A *normal* mare would have gone out with Fluttershy and had a lovely walk. She'd talk with the ducks - which was cute, now that Floor had a moment to think about it - and she'd enjoy the fresh air and exercise.
  1404. > Floor Bored, on the other hoof, could only think about going back and how everypony was looking at her. Until she saw some underage colts, after which all she could think was...
  1405. > Filth.
  1406. > Pathetic and disgusting!
  1407. > She had wanted to get on the computer and look through the message boards, but now she didn't want to. Instead, Floor went to a corner and curled up as tightly as she could. She didn't deserve the bed.
  1408. > A small part of her mind noticed that there were new curtains on the window and wondered when Twilight had had time to do that, but the thought got lost in the sea of self-pity and shame.
  1409. > She laid her head down and covered it with her hooves.
  1410. > All she wanted out of life was for everypony to leave her alone in her apartment.
  1411. > Well, that and maybe a nice colt who visited every now and then.
  1412. > The sure knowledge that she didn't deserve even that much wasn't helping her mood.
  1413. > Floor tried to cry as quietly as possible.
  1415. > ~~~~
  1417. > She was doing an awful lot of crying lately. It was surely Fluttershy and Twilight's fault, but for some reason Floor Bored couldn't blame the pegasus. She focused her anger on the alicorn, then.
  1418. > This whole thing was probably her idea. Fluttershy had just been bullied to go along with it, much like Floor. They were kindred spirits, really.
  1419. > Maybe that was why, when Fluttershy knocked on the bedroom door, Floor just said "Come in", rather than "Go away".
  1420. > Too late she realized she was huddling in a corner and sprang up, but by that time the pegasus was already inside, watching with surprise.
  1421. > "Floor Bored?" came the inevitable question. "Is everything okay?"
  1422. > The pony held a bowl balanced expertly on a wing. The aroma of pasta and tomato sauce filled the room and made Floor's mouth water.
  1423. 'Fine!" she squeaked.
  1424. > That seemed to be enough for Fluttershy and she dropped the food on the computer desk. She looked around, then gave Floor a faint smile. "There you go. Um. I'll go out for a bit, is that okay?"
  1425. > Finally! Relief!
  1426. > Floor nodded quickly, fearful that the pegasus might change her mind.
  1427. "Yes!"
  1428. > "I'll stop by the market on my way back - would you like anything?"
  1429. > This time the earth pony shook her head.
  1430. > Backing out of the room, still smiling, Fluttershy went on: "I'll be back before it's dark, okay? You just relax and then we'll have dinner!"
  1431. > A rare, happy mood struck her and Floor smiled back.
  1432. "T-Thank you."
  1433. > "Um, bye!"
  1434. > She didn't close the door behind her, so Floor could hear hoofsteps clearly as Fluttershy walked to the front door and left.
  1435. > At long last Floor could heave a sigh of relief.
  1436. > She went to the computer chair and practically jumped up in it. Finally alone!
  1437. > The purple nag would be cross if she found out about this blessed self-time, but Fluttershy was a good friend and knew when to give a pony her privacy!
  1438. > Her nose, which seemed to have a mind of its own, turned Floor's head to the bowl. There was a spoon stuck in it. She took the dish in both hooves and brought it closer.
  1439. > There was even melted cheese on top!
  1440. > In that moment, if Fluttershy asked, Floor would agree to marry her.
  1441. > She nudged the mouse to wake her computer up, then rapidly found one of her favourite shows. She'd seen the episode a thousand times, but it was still good.
  1442. > The intro music started and Floor absentmindedly put the spoon in her mouth, eyes glued to the screen.
  1443. "Mmm, oh wow!"
  1444. > She couldn't help exclaiming. It was good. Like *really* good! The noodles were the perfect amount of firm, but not crunchy. The sauce was fresh, with bits of real tomatoes and- was that basil?!
  1445. > The cheese...
  1446. > What brand was it? This was never a plastic-wrapped cheese slice such as Floor usually bought because they never spoiled. This was *actual* cheese, actually grated on top.
  1447. > One spoonful was enough to make Floor want to take a picture and show her internet friends what she was eating. She didn't have a phone, nor a webcam, so it wasn't possible, but for maybe the first time in her life, Floor understood why a pony would want to do that.
  1448. > She took another spoonful, then put the bowl back so she could type.
  1449. 'Guys you won't believe this amazing pasta I'm eating!'
  1450. > She gave it some thought, then - muzzle turning nice and pink - added below:
  1451. 'My marefriend made it for me!'
  1452. > Her hoof hovered over the mouse button for several seconds. It was a lie, of course, but nopony would know. The boards were anonymous.
  1453. > Despite that fact, Floor closed her eyes when she clicked. If she didn't see it, then no crime had been committed, right?
  1454. > She didn't wait for replies, but closed the thread and switched back to her cartoon.
  1455. > Then she picked up the bowl again and lifted another spoonful.
  1456. > Yeah, that Fluttershy was a treasure. Floor *had* to tell her how good the food was!
  1457. > She hadn't noticed it with the pancakes as much, because she almost never had pancakes. This, though...
  1458. > Floor considered herself somewhat of an expert on Ramen. This meal blew even the finest cup noodles clear out of the sky.
  1459. > She was hardly aware of chewing, so quickly did the mare gobble it down. Soon, too soon, her spoon scraped the bottom of the bowl.
  1460. > Undeterred, she dropped the utensil on the desk and just stuck her muzzle in there to get the last bits of sauce.
  1461. > She licked the dish until it was clean, then placed it beside the spoon.
  1462. > It didn't look right. Her room was neat and tidy now, after her and Fluttershy's concentrated effort the previous day. It felt wrong to start littering again so soon.
  1463. > Ears folding down, Floor Bored heaved a sigh and slipped from her chair. She gathered up the bowl and the spoon and took them to the kitchen.
  1464. > She wasn't going to wash them - there was no point for a single dish, but at least she could leave it in the sink.
  1465. > Then, after a few more plates and forks and stuff piled up, she could wash it all.
  1466. > There. The mare felt a tiny bit proud of herself. One could stay lazy and *still* keep her place at least in some kind of order.
  1467. > Floor made her way to the kitchen, then stopped in the threshold to lift up her muzzle and smell. The aroma was still in the air and she took a few lungfuls until she started to drool.
  1468. > A piece of paper on the counter caught her eye.
  1469. > 'Dear Floor Bored. There's more pasta in the pot if you want it. Just leave the dishes in the sink, I will wash them later. Fluttershy.'
  1470. >...
  1471. > Just like that, Floor Bored was in love.
  1473. > ~~~~
  1475. > Floor Bored made it all the way through two more bowls and thirty minutes before her mind started wandering. She resisted for a while, but then gave in to daydreaming.
  1476. > Her computer, forgotten, displayed the first half of a post she was writing as a reply. Someone had called her gay for having a marefriend and Floor had been trying to explain just how stupid they were.
  1477. > It didn't matter right now. In her mind's eye, Floor imagined what would happen when Fluttershy came home. Yes, that's how she'd think of it. Her apartment would be the pegasus' home - at least after a while.
  1478. > Once she'd moved all her stuff in, of course.
  1479. > 'I'm home!', Fluttershy would say in that quiet, seductive voice. The mere memory was enough to send a shiver down Floor's spine and she lightly bit her lip.
  1480. "Mmm, hi..." she murmured, blushing even now as she imagined talking to anypony else.
  1481. > No, even in her daydream Floor wasn't good with words. Instead she skipped ahead a little. The two of them would be on the couch, maybe watching something inconsequential on TV, or perhaps they'd be eating some of Fluttershy's amazing pasta.
  1482. > Maybe both. Floor made a mental note to save up for a TV someday. It would save her from having to talk as much.
  1483. > She would reach over to grab the salt from the coffee table- wait, scratch that. Not the salt, she would reach for the grated cheese. Her leg would bump against Fluttershy's thigh.
  1484. "Mmph- oops," Floor sighed, grinning.
  1485. > The pegasus would look over, but then blush and bashfully avert her gaze. Shy mares were *so hot*!
  1486. > Already Floor was getting uncomfortably damp. She reached a hoof out for her dirty rag to at least somewhat protect the chair, but of course it wasn't there anymore.
  1487. > Sighing in exasperation, she opened her eyes and slipped to the floor. The sacrifices she made for love...
  1488. > Luckily, nipping into the the bathroom for a fresh towel was the work of a few moments and it didn't interrupt the scene in her mind. Then Floor folded the cloth up and placed it on the chair. Double layer should be enough.
  1489. > She climbed back on and shut her eyes. Where was she?
  1490. > Oh! Shy, bashful pegasus, with that adorable little blush on her muzzle. She would try to hide it, but her body would tell Floor the truth. The slight unfurling of wings and the way she crossed her hind legs.
  1491. > Having a very nervous, shy partner, Floor thought, would help with her own insecurities. Even in her daydream she couldn't always get past herself.
  1492. > Then...
  1493. > She'd leave the grated cheese and instead lay her hoof on Fluttershy's thigh. Nothing too sensual, just a touch to let her know she was there. Then she'd say...
  1494. "I really like your pasta..." Floor murmured for real.
  1495. > Another, brilliant thought struck her and she added, biting her lip once more:
  1496. "Almost as m-much as I l-like you!"
  1497. > It had sounded better in her head, but the mare rolled with it. Her pegasus marefriend would gasp a little and turn those beautiful, cyan eyes on her. They'd reach all the way into Floor Bored's heart and she'd smile.
  1498. > With barely any conscious control her hoof would slide up and in, getting dangerously close to Fluttershy's...
  1499. > Her... *self*.
  1500. "Ahhh," Floor sighed, touching herself in the exact spot she would touch her marefriend.
  1501. > Then Fluttershy's lips would part slightly and her eyes would close, but not all the way. She'd be peeking out.
  1502. > All Floor would need to do was lean closer-
  1503. > Wait, the bowl with pasta was still in her hooves. Fluttershy's too. Floor nearly grunted in annoyance.
  1504. > Pasta didn't matter! She had put it down on the couch earlier, yeah, that was it!
  1505. > Now, back to...
  1506. > Floor opened her mouth and gingerly poked out her tongue. It wouldn't do! In a flash of inspiration she lifted up her foreleg, bent the ankle an stuck her tongue in the crack.
  1507. > Was it like kissing somepony? She couldn't say, since Floor had absolutely no frame of reference. She explored her own fur with her tongue while her other hoof finished its journey.
  1508. > 'Oh yes,' the Fluttershy in Floor's mind said, out of breath. Her wings would be fully extended now and twitching.
  1509. > The thought alone was enough to make her wink and Floor was ready for that. Her hot button prodded at the frog of her hoof, making her shiver in pleasure.
  1510. "Mmmph!" she said, saliva trickling down her leg as she furiously attacked her fetlock with her tongue.
  1511. > She started to rub herself in a slow circle, closing her eyes so she could give in to the imagination.
  1512. "You l-like that, hmm?" she asked nopony in particular, taking her mouth away from her leg for just long enough to mumble it.
  1513. > In her mind's eye, Floor saw Fluttershy returning the kiss with her eyes closed and a rapt, ecstatic expression on her face. They were both a bit red in the muzzle, but now it was passion, rather than embarrassment.
  1514. > The mare opened her eyes, both in imagination and in real life. Her wall wasn't all that interesting, so she closed them again. In her daydream the kiss ended and the pegasus smiled back at her.
  1515. > She tried to think of something sultry or seductive to say, but nothing came to mind, so Floor just imagined gently pushing her marefriend down on the couch and lowering herself between Fluttershy's hind legs.
  1516. > It was easy to imagine that her own hot, musky smell was actually coming from Fluttershy. By now her hoof was slick with juices and Floor lifted it up to her muzzle and gave it a tentative lick.
  1517. > She hadn't usually liked her own smell and taste, but now it was delicious. Her eyes flared open in shock.
  1518. > Was it because *now* it was clean, or was it because she was imagining the pegasus? Either way, even if it tasted foul, she'd still do this for Fluttershy. That was how much she loved her!
  1519. > Right now, however, her loins were screaming out for more attention. Floor wished she was still nimble enough to reach herself with her muzzle - that would have been amazing and the pony was sorry she'd missed the opportunity when she was younger.
  1520. > Her hoof would have to do, but she used her other one so she could keep the smell near her nose. It made the illusion more real.
  1521. > In her fantasy, Fluttershy moaned and arched her back when Floor laid her tongue on her. Questions flitted through her mind before she could stop them. What would it feel like? Would it be smooth or hairy? Warm? Would she feel Fluttershy's fluid trickling out?
  1522. > What shape would her button be?
  1523. > She pushed them out of her thoughts and focused rather on her hoofwork. A small grunt escaped her, which she quickly imagined came from the imaginary Fluttershy.
  1524. > The pegasus wouldwould wrap her hind legs around Floor's neck and squeeze - lightly of course. Her wings would flop uselessly on the couch. Then, as Floor pushed her muzzle deeper, the grunts would change to 'eeps' of pleasure.
  1525. > She'd go slow at start - letting her lover get used to her tongue *in there*. Too bad Floor's juice-and-saliva-soaked frog didn't have an opening, so Floor couldn't demonstrate it to herself. She settled for giving her hoof long, slow licks.
  1526. > It would drive Fluttershy wild! The mere thought was enough to bring Floor to the brink. She paused, leaving the hoof in place between her legs but not moving. Each flick of her button, rubbing itself against the frog, made her shiver and squeak.
  1527. > She could feel her rapid heartbeat through her tongue on her hoof.
  1528. > Would she feel Fluttershy's heartbeat too? Through her... *bits*?
  1529. > Denied an orgasm, the imaginary pegasus begged with short, strangled sentences and moans. 'Please... so close...'
  1530. "Please," Floor repeated out loud. "Please, Floor! J-Just a bit more!"
  1531. > She imagined wrapping her lips around Fluttershy's winking opening and driving her tongue inside and at the same time started to rub herself furiously again.
  1532. "Mmmmhhhyeeeeees!" she gasped, pulling her hoof away from her muzzle and sticking it down there with the other one.
  1533. > It didn't make much of a difference, but there was something more for Floor to grasp with her thighs. It wouldn't be long now. Her tongue lolled out and her breath came in short, urgent gasps.
  1534. > She was coming. Fluttershy in her imagination was coming too.
  1535. > The pony had a brief instant of clarity left when she wondered if the pegasus would be a squirter, before the dam burst and all thought was driven from her mind.
  1536. > Her whole body strained up from the chair and her breath caught, except for a low, guttural grunt. Her elaborate fantasy of Fluttershy broke apart and there was just the orgasm left.
  1537. > Floor kept her hooves in place, pressing against her most sensitive spot and unwilling to move until the waves of pleasure receded. Until her hind legs stopped twitching.
  1538. > At long last she gasped for breath.
  1539. "Aaah!" she managed. "Wow..."
  1540. > It had been mind-blowing. Floor was used to orgasms - most days she had at least one or two - but this was something else.
  1541. > She couldn't say whether it was because of the involuntary restraint she'd been forced to show over the past few days, or if it was thinking about Fluttershy that made it *this* powerful.
  1542. > As an experiment, she brought a juice-soaked hoof up to her muzzle and gave it a tentative lick. It didn't taste as sweet as a few moments ago.
  1543. > Maybe it really was because she was thinking of Fluttershy?!
  1544. > Was that what 'true love' did to you?
  1545. > Her ears lowered when Floor realized just how much she'd been missing out. Suddenly her toys in the closet didn't have any appeal anymore.
  1546. > She wanted Fluttershy!
  1547. > Except - now that she was coming down from the high of arousal and need, Floor realized just how silly her little daydream had been.
  1548. > However much of a crush she might have on the sweet, gentle pegasus, there was no way in Tartarus Fluttershy would ever return the feelings.
  1549. > It made her want to cry.
  1550. > She became aware of a draft on her nether regions, which where splattered with her... 'essence', as well as on her foreleg, which she had soaked with her spit during her kissing fantasy. It was time to clean up.
  1551. > Floor haphazardly wiped herself down with the towel, ignoring that it was quite damp from her efforts. She slipped from the chair and did the best she could, as far as she could reach.
  1552. > Her tail was a mess, but that didn't matter. It would dry out.
  1553. > The pony bundled up the messy cloth and made a step towards her bedroom door. Then she stopped.
  1554. > Why bother?
  1555. "Is it so m-much to ask?!" the mare demanded out loud, angrily.
  1556. > She tossed the towel in a corner and went instead to her bed. She pulled the blanket off and saw the muddy stain.
  1557. > Good - it didn't matter if she made it more filthy.
  1558. > Dragging herself onto the mattress, Floor buried her muzzle in the pillow and finally let the sobs overtake her.
  1559. > They were a mixture of shame at what she had just done, crushing loneliness, despair and the infinitely sad knowledge that however hard she tried, even if she became the most outgoing and happy pony ever, the mare she loved would never return her feelings.
  1560. > Fluttershy probably didn't go 'that way', *and* she was an Element of Harmony, as well as the cutest, sweetest pony around. She could probably have any stallion - or mare - she wanted just by looking at them.
  1561. > Somepony as plain, as ugly, and as messy as Floor would be downright revolting.
  1562. > Besides, Fluttershy had seen Floor's toys. She knew what the filthy neet got up to in her free time. No way there was a chance with her.
  1563. > Floor should have been used to it, but it still stung. She tried to keep herself from full-on crying for a while, but then gave up and let the tears come.
  1564. > Behind her, on the computer screen, responses to her 'marefriend' comments kept rolling in...
  1566. > ~~~~
  1568. > She must have fallen asleep because the next thing Floor Bored remembered was someone knocking on her bedroom door and her face being stuck to the pillow.
  1569. > The damned thing was far too soft and entirely unsuitable for how much the mare had drooled.
  1570. "Wha?"
  1571. > The noise stopped, which was good. Maybe she could get some more sleep. She wasn't sad in dreams.
  1572. > "Here, I brought you- oh..." said Princess Twilight as she opened the door.
  1573. > Full realization hit Floor in an icy, sobering instant. The alicorn had caught her - again - in a compromising position.
  1574. "GET OUT!" she yelled, partly from shame, but mostly out of anger.
  1575. > The stupid nag really needed to stop barging into other ponies' rooms!
  1576. > Her tail! Actually, her entire rear was a disaster area! Floor jumped from the bed and ran for the bathroom, escape being the only thing on her mind. She overturned the chair and bumped the computer table, making the monitor wobble dangerously, but she didn't slow down to check.
  1577. > She was slamming the bathroom door closed and trying to catch her breath in record time. Only then did she pause to think.
  1578. "Argh!" the poor pony growled. "Bucking stupid, nosy... bucking... NAG!"
  1579. > Realizing how loud she was, Floor quickly covered her mouth with a hoof. Hopefully Twilight hadn't heard.
  1580. > The only piece of luck was that Fluttershy wasn't around to see her shame... again.
  1581. > What time was it, anyway? Floor looked out the window, where the final rays of the setting sun were just winking out.
  1582. > She'd slept for most of the afternoon. That'd explain the stickiness around her muzzle and the bleary vision. The pony twisted as much as she could to inspect her rump.
  1583. > Yeah, it was a disaster zone. Her only consolation was that everything had happened so quickly that maybe Twilight couldn't see just how bad it was.
  1584. > Yes, she had... done it, but they had to understand that a mare has needs! If the purple nag couldn't get that through her thick, horned skull, then she was even more of a nitwit and a bookhorse than the magazines said.
  1585. > Floor was calming down which showed just how far she'd come in the past few days of constantly being watched and nagged. Before this intrusion into her life, she'd be a nervous wreck *for days* if somepony found her after some hoofplay.
  1586. > Now she was just annoyed. Maybe you could get used to practically anything, she guessed. Still didn't make it nice, though.
  1587. > With an exasperated sigh, Floor climbed into her bath tub and started the water. Might as well give her rump and her tail a wash before Fluttershy came.
  1588. > For the tiniest moment a treacherous thought supplied that it was her own fault. She could have washed herself and cleaned up her room *before* any of her unwelcome guests came back.
  1589. > In fact, it could have been Fluttershy who found her! The mere thought was enough to make Floor freeze and whimper in terror.
  1590. > She shook her head. No, Fluttershy was more polite and wouldn't just barge in!
  1591. > It would have been so much better if that purple nag stopped coming altogether and only Fluttershy stayed around. Maybe the pegasus would be interested in playing some games together sometimes.
  1592. > Forget Taku, Floor wanted a new friend. A better friend!
  1593. > Perhaps, in time, something else could happen.
  1594. > She remembered her little fantasy from earlier and blushed. It was a good thing nopony was in the bathroom with her to see.
  1595. > Yeah, that probably wasn't going to happen. Floor forced herself to think realistically. A well-known, well-liked celebrity like Fluttershy would never stoop so low as to be special someponies with a loser like Floor.
  1596. > She could visit from time to time, though.
  1597. > Floor heaved a sad sigh and listlessly reached for the shampoo bottle. She'd be willing to keep the place clean and even shower every now and then if she had Fluttershy's visits to look forward to.
  1598. > Just so long as that purple nag kept away.
  1599. > Floor purposefully didn't think the name, as if snubbing the alicorn in her mind would make her leave.
  1600. > Best to get the showering over, then look for some dinner. There was no more pasta - she'd polished off everything Fluttershy had cooked for her, but there was surely something in the fridge. If not, she could make herself some Ramen, if there was any left.
  1601. > It wasn't as good, but it was still decent, solid food with a lot of salt, just the way Floor liked it.
  1602. > The thought that Twilight might cook anything never even crossed her mind. It didn't seem like something a Princess would do, and certainly not for somepony like Floor.
  1603. > About the best thing she could hope for, the mare thought as she rinsed her mane, was that the purple nag would be embarrassed enough to just go and leave her alone.
  1604. > Humble wishes, right?
  1606. > ~~~~
  1608. > Of course damn Twilight damn Sparkle was waiting for Floor right in the middle of the living room. She had a troubled look around her muzzle and couldn't quite meet Floor's eyes when the pony emerged from the bathroom.
  1609. > She froze, except for her ears which instantly flattened.
  1610. "Wh-What?" she mumbled, both scared and annoyed.
  1611. > Twilight finally dragged her gaze up, but she winced when her eyes met Floor's. The direct stare was enough to make Floor blush and hurriedly look down.
  1612. > "We, uh- we need to talk, Floor Bored," the Princess said quietly.
  1613. > Gulping, the mare gathered her courage and briefly glanced up in a show of defiance. Well, 'defiance' by her standards.
  1614. "I'm t-tired, and-" she began.
  1615. > "It will only take a minute," came the interruption. It was true what they said, Floor thought to herself. Alicorns never actually listened to anypony, which showed just how aloof and egotistical they were. They had all the time in the world, after all, they could take a minute to liten to their subjects!
  1616. > She didn't say it out loud, of course. Instead, Floor sat on her haunches and waited for the verdict. It would probably be about her masturbation. She'd gotten that talk often enough from her mother before she moved out.
  1617. > Shameful, disgusting, something only a loser would do, why can't you find a nice colt, etcetera. Floor thought it all before the Princess could say it. That way, it would soften the hurt. It had always worked with her mom.
  1618. > The alicorn gulped audibly, then spoke up in a very subdued and shaky voice: "Floor Bored - d-do you have um..."
  1619. > She swallowed again and tried to start over: "Are you in..."
  1620. > It wasn't working and it didn't sound like Floor had expected. She looked up in shock at the nervous, blushing, embarrassed alicorn. What the buck was wrong with her? Didn't she even know how to berate a loser, blank-flank filly for being disgusting?!
  1621. > Twilight took another breath and gave it another shot: "Do you have a crush on- um... on Flutter-Fluttershy?"
  1622. > Her stutter was worse than Floor's!
  1623. > The question hit like a physical blow and the shocked earth pony leapt up to her hooves and backed away, as if Twilight was threatening her. She tried, and failed, to keep her muzzle from going all pink and hot.
  1624. "What?! NO! N-No!" she lied.
  1625. > It was painfully transparent and the Princess saw right through it. You didn't need to have special alicorn powers for that. Twilight stood up and approached, carefully, like one would a wild animal.
  1626. > "Look, I'm-" she began and stopped again. The famous Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle was having trouble talking. If it weren't for the subject matter, Floor would be laughing.
  1627. > "I'm not judging, Floor Bored," the alicorn managed. She made another step closer and Floor backed off until her back was pressed against the wall. "I'm j-just concerned," she added.
  1628. > Floor was trying to work her rump right through the plaster, but it was unfortunately unyielding. She had nowhere to go and she couldn't lie convincingly to save her life. She tried stalling for a minute.
  1629. "Where- h-how did you-?"
  1630. > Now it was Twilight's turn to blush and look away. "Your computer came on when you bumped it. I- I shouldn't have started reading," she admitted.
  1631. > Spying?! Invasion of her privacy! The indignant anger washed away some of her embarrassment.
  1632. "What?! You were reading my..." Floor began, but didn't say it. She knew the reputation those message boards had.
  1633. > "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," the Princess admitted. "B-But... Fluttershy?!"
  1634. > At least, Floor remembered with a bit of gratitude, she hadn't actually said 'Fluttershy' on the boards. That would have been incredibly stupid. Twilight must have worked it out from her boasting about getting her 'marefriend' to cook and clean for her.
  1635. > Well, there was one thing she could try.
  1636. "S-Sorry..."
  1637. > "Sorry?!" Twilight said, her eyes narrowing and her muzzle scrunching up. "Floor Bored, you can't just go around proclaiming somepony is your special somepony without them even knowing about it! It's not okay to lie about... s-stuff like that!"
  1638. > She pushed her nose closer, making Floor gulp in fear. "I smelled your room, too. You really have to stop doing that- it's not healthy!"
  1639. > There it came. At long last Twilight had found the right words. Now she was on firmer ground and Floor embraced her sullen resentment like an old and familiar friend that it was.
  1640. "'s none of your b'sness," she muttered darkly.
  1641. > "No, it's not," Twilight admitted, "but we're just trying to help, Floor Bored."
  1642. "Din't ask f'r it..."
  1643. > At least the alicorn withdrew a little and allowed the mare some breathing space. Floor was already huddling down protectively, hiding her muzzle and tucking her tail tightly against herself. She made herself as small as she physically could.
  1644. > She didn't look as Twilight walked up and down the living room. "We have to do something about that," she said, mostly to herself. Then she looked back at the mare again. "Floor, are you lonely?!"
  1645. > Floor nearly rolled her eyes. What gave it away?! Her eschewing all company? Living in filth? Subsiding on Ramen and moldy cheese? Masturbating until it hurt?
  1646. > She didn't ask any of the pointed sarcastic questions which popped into her mind. She didn't want an angry and insulted alicorn on her hooves. Who knew what Twilight might do if she got really mad.
  1647. > "Okay, okay... we can fix this," the Princess went back to talking to herself. She was trotting up and down the room again, apparently deep in thought. "I need to make a list. No, first I have to talk to Rarity- she'll have some ideas..."
  1648. > Floor didn't understand half of what Twilight muttered to herself. It looked like the yelling part was over, so she raised her trembling voice.
  1649. "C-Can I g-go now?"
  1650. > Twilight looked over, wide-eyed. She almost seemed surprised to see Floor. "Oh. Yes - um, clean up the t-towel," she instructed, blushing again, "and change the sheets on the bed. I'll wash those-" She paused and shook her head. "Or maybe I'll just burn them."
  1651. > It wasn't funny, even if Twilight forced a little laugh. She had dismissed Floor, who happily slunk away. She was relieved. The tongue lashing from her mother used to be a lot worse. Twilight needed more practice.
  1652. > She hadn't even called Floor a hussy, nor a whorse, nor did she tell her she'd spend the rest of her life alone if she didn't shape up and get a cutie mark.
  1653. > Floor wasn't about to give her pointers, though.
  1654. > She just wished Fluttershy would be back, soon. Things made a lot more sense when the pegasus was around. Maybe - Floor explored an unfamiliar feeling - she could actually *talk* with Fluttershy.
  1655. > It would be the first pony in her life that Floor could really talk to. She didn't know what to make of it. Half the time she wanted Fluttershy to just hug her with a wing and provide a soft, warm shoulder to cry on, the other half she wanted to stick her muzzle down Fluttershy's belly and see what she tasted like.
  1656. > One thing was certain, though. She wanted the pushy, nosy alicorn out of her apartment!
  1657. > Not that she'd ever tell her directly.
  1658. > Maybe she could kind of mention it to Fluttershy and hope the pegasus would understand and ask her Princess friend to leave and stay away.
  1660. > ~~~
  1662. > The dreaded moment came too soon. Floor was hiding in her room while the Princess did whatever she was doing in the rest of the apartment. It was starting to get quite late and Floor was hoping Fluttershy wouldn't come tonight.
  1663. > That'd give her one more night of pretending everything was fine.
  1664. > No such luck. Around eleven at night there was a gentle, apologetic knock on the door followed by Fluttershy greeting the alicorn quietly.
  1665. > Floor immediately jumped from her chair and went to the door so she could lean her ear on it. The other ear folded down and the mare stuck her hoof in her mouth to bite it nervously.
  1666. > "Fluttershy!" Twilight said, "thank goodness you came. Listen, we need to talk... about Floor."
  1667. "No, please," the pony whimpered to herself.
  1668. > The pegasus made a surprised squeak and Floor could just imagine the cute scrunch of her muzzle. "Oh?" she asked.
  1669. > "Yeah, I don't know how to say this..."
  1670. > Twilight paused, probably to find a delicate way of spilling Floor's most embarrassing secret, then said in a lower voice: "Come here on the couch. I think you should sit down."
  1671. > What followed was a mixture of murmuring and whispering, which drove Floor Bored mad because she couldn't hear what they were saying.
  1672. > There were a few intelligible bits here and there, like when Twilight exclaimed: "No, you're not understanding me, Fluttershy! She has a-"
  1673. > Every word Floor understood felt like a slap in the muzzle. Fluttershy gave a gasp and asked: "You mean like- mpfhp, mmfph?"
  1674. > That last bit sounded as if somepony had stuck a hoof over her mouth. "Yes! Just keep it down!" Twilight Sparkle said, probably the culprit.
  1675. > Floor's hoof was starting to hurt from how hard she was biting it. She didn't want whatever was happening in her living room, but she didn't have nearly enough guts to go out and stop it.
  1676. > At least Twilight could have let Floor tell the pegasus herself! Who knew what horrible lies she was feeding her!
  1677. > Her ear twitched as she caught some more of the conversation: "... don't know what to do." That was Twilight. Then Fluttershy said: "I'm sure it's not that bad, Twilight. Maybe we should just..."
  1678. "Just what?!" Floor whimpered. "DO WHAT?"
  1679. > She plugged her mouth with a hoof, worried they might have heard her. There was silence from the other room and she imagined the two getting up and walking over to her bedroom, muzzles grim and annoyed at her eavesdropping.
  1680. > The fear of it was almost enough to let loose her bladder, but Floor managed to hold on through sheer force of will.
  1681. > "Okay, so we'll take her to mmph, hmmph and maybe she'll ffmpmh hmgmf," the alicorn said indistinctly.
  1682. > Floor groaned in exasperation. Of course the most important parts of that were muffled. Take here to see whom and have her do what?!
  1683. > It occurred to the mare that she wasn't doing herself any favors by eavesdropping and trying to understand a half-heard conversation, but they were talking about her and she just had to know.
  1684. > Maybe if she opened the door?
  1685. > Why didn't she think of that before?!
  1686. > Floor reached up for the door handle, but froze when the couch springs squeaked and Twilight spoke up: "Yeah, that's a good idea! I'll go see Rarity and have her..."
  1687. > The end of that sentence was lost to Floor Bored until Fluttershy replied. "Okay! I'll see you tomorrow night, Twilight. Don't worry, I have everything in hoof here. Floor Bored just needs somepony to listen to her, I'm sure we'll be fine!"
  1688. > The Princess' reply sounded doubtful: "Yeah, I guess. Just- be careful, okay?"
  1689. > Careful? Why careful!?
  1690. > Floor wouldn't hurt Fluttershy, ever, even if she had the guts to face her now.
  1691. > The front door shut and she was left alone in her apartment with the pony she had the biggest crush on since Wind Shear in elementary school.
  1692. > Weird that the colt was a pegasus as well. Maybe Floor had a thing for pegasi ponies?
  1693. > She didn't have time to consider it because her guest was coming over!
  1694. "Oh no no no no!" she moaned and backed away from the door.
  1695. > There was no way to escape, except jumping out of the window, which would just land her in Twilight's hooves with her luck. Lacking any good options, Floor went to hide behind her bed. Most of her rump and her entire tail were sticking out, but she wasn't well known for her rational thinking.
  1696. > A knock came at the door, followed by Fluttershy's voice. "Um, Floor Bored? Can we talk?"
  1697. > Maybe if she ignored her the pegasus would go away? Floor clamped her muzzle firmly shut.
  1698. > "I'm coming in," her guest proclaimed, nearly making the mare growl in frustration. No boundaries, no privacy, no consideration for others!
  1699. > She couldn't help liking Fluttershy despite that...
  1700. > "Oh!" the pegasus exclaimed when she saw Floor, shivering, with her head stuck behind the bed. "I'm sure there's no need for all that, Floor Bored. Come out and let's talk like grown mares, okay?"
  1701. "Nuh-huh!"
  1702. > There was silence as Fluttershy contemplated her next move. "Look, I'm not mad or anything, honest! Actually..." she paused for a few seconds. "It's kind of flattering."
  1703. > Floor's jaw hit the carpet.
  1704. "W-What?!"
  1705. > "Yeah! Everypony fawns over us because we're the Elements of Harmony, but um... well, it's just that everypony would much rather talk to Rarity, or Twilight Sparkle, or Rainbow Dash. They're the famous ones!"
  1706. > Rather than resentment for being in her friends' shadow, Fluttershy sounded a bit relieved. She sighed and went on. "Sometimes," she enunciated carefully, "it's nice to know somepony likes me, too!"
  1707. > The admission made her giggle and Floor couldn't stop herself from looking. The pegasus was blushing a little.
  1708. "I- um. Uh. We- I- You..." she managed.
  1709. > Was there a chance?! Could they - someday - be together? The sliver of hope that sprang into being in Floor's heart almost physically hurt.
  1710. > The question must have shown up on her muzzle, because the pegasus smiled brightly and turned even more pink. "Well, I'm very flattered, Floor Bored, but- um. I don't think I'm..."
  1711. > She couldn't even finish that sentence, but she didn't have to. Floor understood and her ears flopped instantly. She had quite a fight on her hooves to keep the tears away for the moment.
  1712. > Fluttershy didn't like mares. It figured. Just her luck. The *one* pony in all her life who liked her, at least a tiny bit, and she was the wrong gender.
  1713. "Okay..."
  1714. > "Don't worry! Twilight will get you a nice dress from Rarity and then we'll go out to meet some new ponies. Um- I'm sure there'll be somepony you like!"
  1715. > That sounded possible, but the real issue was that absolutely nopony would ever like Floor. She didn't say it, though.
  1716. "Okay."
  1717. > Her ears went even flatter as she realized another problem. She didn't *want* anypony else. She only loved Fluttershy. Without her, she'd just stay alone forever and ever. It wasn't like she'd been expecting anything else out of her life, really.
  1718. > It was just a foolish, idiot hope she'd entertained for a few moments. Served her right for daring! Way to go, breaking your own heart, Floor Bored!
  1719. > This time Fluttershy misread her expression and came closer to lay a wing around her withers. "Don't worry! Twilight and me will go with you so you won't have to be scared or nervous, okay? You'll see - most ponies are very nice. I'm sure you'll like them!"
  1720. > All Floor could do was heave a sad sigh. The endless sorrow helped her not care as much.
  1721. "I'd like to be alone now," she said solemnly and shrugged off Fluttershy's wing-hug.
  1722. > She didn't want the pegasus to touch her. It only served to remind her what she couldn't have.
  1723. > Luckily the mare was kind and sweet and didn't argue. "Okay. I'll be in the living room if- if you need to talk."
  1724. > Floor didn't answer and Fluttershy walked away. She even politely shut the door behind herself, letting the poor mare wallow in her solitary misery.
  1727. > ~~~~
  1730. > Floor Bored didn't like the idea at all.
  1731. > Well, that wasn't true. She was fascinated by the end result, she just didn't like the process of getting there.
  1732. > Quickly - too quickly - a package came for Fluttershy and it contained two dresses. A beautiful, snug-fitting green affair for the pegasus and something a bit more loose in red for the earth pony.
  1733. > It was because Rarity, their fashionista friend, didn't know Floor's exact measurements, so she made a dress based on Twilight's description and with enough elasticity to cover a few possible variations.
  1734. > A dress made by the legendary Element of Harmony? It would be every filly's dream, but Floor was too preoccupied with what it meant.
  1735. > She'd have to put it on, then go out *in public*! Probably to some bar, or pub, or maybe even disco, where she'd be expected to mingle with other ponies and make small talk.
  1736. > Just thinking about it was enough to give her the jitters.
  1737. > "It looks lovely! Why don't you try it on?" Fluttershy was saying, while Floor slowly backed away with her ears pressed flat against her head.
  1738. "N-No, no, that's f-fine..." she mumbled.
  1739. > "Come on, it'll be fun!"
  1740. > Floor gulped and tried to focus her mind. Think of the end result. Maybe, if she went through this rigamarole with one of Rarity's dresses, some colt might be sufficiently impressed with her apparel to ignore the mare wearing it.
  1741. > Maybe she could bring him home- what about the pegasus? Was it possible Fluttershy would understand and stay out a while longer? Yeah, Floor decided to imagine it that way. Her... date and she would have the apartment to themselves.
  1742. > Anyway, she had dreamed about it for ages. She imagined every way it might go. A nice, cute little colt, sometimes. Or maybe it'd be a strong and confident stallion, who knew exactly what he wanted from her.
  1743. > How many times had Floor rubbed herself down, imagining what they'd do?
  1744. > Funny thing - they were always gone by morning, even in her imagination. A one night stand, never anything more. Even the times she had cuddled up with a pillow, the imaginary colt would be gone from her thoughts by the time she woke up.
  1745. > Thinking about the sex made her wish it. If she forgot about all the terrors leading up to it, she was excited about the idea, which was made possible by the dress.
  1746. > Except...
  1747. > She didn't want that, not anymore. What Floor wanted was to be with Fluttershy. Her vision blurred and she hung her head to hide it from the pegasus. Why couldn't she accept her?
  1748. > That not-being-into-mares thing was just an excuse! The tabloids have been full of speculation about Fluttershy - the most reclusive and quiet of the Elements. All sorts of rumors flew around, at least *some* of them were bound to be true.
  1749. > That manure about not liking mares was just to spare Floor's feelings. It made sense - who'd want to date a complete nut job loser like her? Especially after Fluttershy had seen her toys and had the chance to imagine what Floor might get up to with them.
  1750. > Before she realized what was happening, there were soft wings around her withers. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pressure you, Floor Bored," Fluttershy was saying. "You don't have to try the dress if you don't want to."
  1751. > Floor looked up and blinked away the tears. This close she could see every hair on Fluttershy's muzzle. She could smell her intoxicating scent. A hint of vanilla and lilac this time, pure bliss. She could feel every individual feather laid against her.
  1752. > How easy was it to fall in love with this kind, gentle creature? How quickly could she get lost in those blue eyes?
  1753. > It'd just end up hurting all the more, so Floor pushed away.
  1754. "Let me go," she grumbled, even while weeping in disappointment internally.
  1755. > "Okay, you just take all the time you want, Floor Bored. When you're ready, we'll go out dancing, okay? It'll be fun! You might even meet somepony nice!"
  1756. > It was like rubbing salt into the wound! Floor couldn't hold back an angry growl and she pushed past the pegasus and stomped off to her room. Luckily Fluttershy didn't follow.
  1757. > Once inside, she slammed the door shut and threw herself on the bed. She didn't want the object of her desire to hear, so she pressed her muzzle into a pillow for a good cry. World was so unfair!
  1758. > All she wanted out of life was to be left alone to her fantasies and toys and her message boards and games. Then *those two* had to barge in and turn everything around.
  1759. > Then, stupid beautiful damned adorable Fluttershy had to be so great and nice that Floor actually fell head over hooves for her.
  1760. > She'd never pluck up the courage to tell her, of course, but the stupid nosy nag Twilight *Princess* Sparkle had to find out, almost causing Floor to die from embarrassment.
  1761. > Then Fluttershy shot her down.
  1762. > She had done it gently - "I don't like mares that way" - but it was still a huge letdown. Maybe her being so nice about it made it worse?
  1763. > Now, on top of everything, they were pressuring her to go out *among ponies* and try to pick up some colt! As if there could be anypony as wonderful as Fluttershy out there!
  1764. > It was a big stupid mess. They got her hopes up and then dashed them again. Floor hated the pair of nosy nags for it.
  1765. > Except she couldn't hate Fluttershy. She was... she was *mildly annoyed* with her!
  1766. > Ha! That'd show her. If Floor could ever find the courage to tell her.
  1767. > Damn, she was pathetic. Maybe it was a good thing Fluttershy said no. What would she even have done if she said yes?
  1768. > Blush and mumble and run away to masturbate, most likely.
  1769. "Please, just kill me now," Floor wailed into the pillow.
  1771. > ~~~~
  1773. > It took hours, but finally there were no more tears, just numb acceptance. Her life sucked, but hey - what else was new? Everypony was just out to mess with her and then drop her on the ground when she wasn't funny anymore. She was Equestria's cheap laugh. The butt of every joke.
  1774. > An antisocial pony.
  1775. > At least back when she was still friends with Taku, there had been two of them. She didn't feel like a *total* freak.
  1776. > Whatever. Life was suffering and Floor had long ago come to terms with it. The trick now was to keep jerks like Fluttershy from getting her hopes up, ever again.
  1777. > Fine, she'd let them drag her out, however awkward and painful it would be. Maybe standing next to Princess *Actual* Twilight and Element of Harmony *Herself* Fluttershy would even make somepony overlook her... well, looks.
  1778. > She might at least get a quick romp out of it, which would be one of her lifelong fantasies fulfilled anyway. It would be hot and she'd finally know what it feels like to be stuffed by actual stallion, rather than plastic toy.
  1779. > Floor lifted her head and one ear, muzzle scrunching in concentration.
  1780. > That wouldn't be *too* bad, right?
  1781. > Besides, she was getting hungry. She had gotten used to eating breakfast and that day the package had thrown a wrench into that. It was nearly noon and her belly was making its presence known by means of low growls and grumbles.
  1782. > With a long-suffering sigh, Floor slid off the bed and stood up on somewhat unsteady legs. She glanced at the computer and considered playing a game for a bit, but then decided against it. Somehow, those weren't as distracting lately as they used to be.
  1783. > She made her way back to the living room, muzzle pointed firmly at the floor and hoofsteps dragging.
  1784. > "Hi! Had a good nap?" Fluttershy asked.
  1785. "Huh? W-What?! What n-nap?"
  1786. > The pegasus at least had the decency to look embarrassed. "Um, I went to check if you're alright, but you looked like you were napping, so I didn't wake you up. I hope that's alright..."
  1787. > How?! Floor hadn't even heard the other mare approach, much less open the door.
  1788. > These sneaky pegasi - it was like they walked on clouds all the time!
  1789. "'s fine..."
  1790. > Floor finished her trek to the couch and climbed on. She stared out the window and began working up the courage to ask Fluttershy for some food.
  1791. > To her amazement, the pegasus figured it out by herself! "Oh my, you must be starving!" the mare exclaimed. "I completely forgot about breakfast when the mailpony brought us the dresses! Why didn't you say?"
  1792. > There were no good answers she could give, so Floor kept her muzzle shut.
  1793. > "You just relax for a minute and I'll whip us up something nice, okay?" Fluttershy offered.
  1794. "O-Okay."
  1795. > She was gone in a rush of hoofsteps and moments later Floor could hear pots clanking in the kitchen.
  1796. > That yellow mare was simply... dreamy.
  1797. > Floor sternly resisted the urge to fantasize about her some more - the stain on the couch would be extremely hard to explain. Wallowing in her hungry misery would be fulfilling enough, for now.
  1798. > She didn't notice when Fluttershy poked her head out of the kitchen, so Floor nearly jumped at the question: "So, have you decided if you want to go out tonight?"
  1799. "Eep!"
  1800. > "Sorry!"
  1801. > Floor couldn't stay mad, though. She gave it serious thought.
  1802. > Maybe getting rutted silly - if Fluttershy and Twilight really could achieve that for somepony like Floor - would give her a confidence boost?
  1803. > Was that, perhaps, all the secret there was? Her old whore classmates - maybe they just got lucky that one time, before colts got really picky - and got a good romping, and it somehow made them able to talk to ponies and flirt with stallions?
  1804. > She'd never thought about it that way, but what other explanation was there?
  1805. > Maybe then she would have the confidence to *actually* talk to Fluttershy and show her who Floor Bored really was?
  1806. > Of all the ponies she knew, that one might be capable of looking past her bland and ugly exterior to the romantic inside. Floor just had to grow some courage to show her.
  1807. > Besides, nopony wanted an inexperienced virgin like Floor. If she got a bit skill under her tail she might be able to convince Fluttershy to give her a try. Once she did and found out what an amazing lover Floor Bored was, she wouldn't be able to resist.
  1808. > Floor was sure she was a great lover, if only somepony would give her a chance.
  1809. > Yeah, this going out - if she didn't have a heart attack from all the anxiety and ponies invading her personal space - could be good.
  1810. > Swallowing a lump, Floor realized she'd just decided to let Fluttershy and Twilight take her out to meet ponies.
  1811. > It was going to be horrible, she already knew that. Away from her apartment, its familiar scent, her computer and toys. Surrounded by strangers, all of them looking at her and judging.
  1812. > PErhaps she could hide behind the other two until everypony lost interest.
  1813. > Then... maybe she could pick a nice, timid colt - someone almost as embarrassed about the whole thing as she was. Those sometimes went to bars, right? She could get lucky and get a first-timer like her.
  1814. > With somepony like that, Floor wouldn't feel *too much* of a loser, maybe. At least her lack of experience wouldn't be painfully and immediately obvious.
  1815. > In any case, as soon as she got him back in her bedroom, it'd be fine. She'd turn off the lights, so her looks out of the dress wouldn't be a problem. It was nice and clean now, too - an inadvertent benefit of the two nags bursting into her life.
  1816. > They'd have a good romp and then he'd leave. Of course he would. That's what 'one night stand' meant.
  1817. > Could she go through with it?
  1818. > In her imagination these quick ruttings were always so incredibly hot, but now that it was a real possibility Floor was nervous. She just realized that whoever she brought home would be another pony.
  1819. > She'd have to talk with him. Smell him. Let him touch her.
  1820. > Thankfully Fluttershy came back then and interrupted that chain of thought. The pegasus was carrying two plates and the smell arrived before her.
  1821. > Omelettes. Filled with vegetables, it smelled like, and with a generous portion of salt. Floor's mouth watered and she brightened up.
  1822. > She opened her mouth to...
  1823. > Then she shut it even before the thought had fully formed. She had been about to ask Fluttershy out on a date, rather than just accept the mare's invitation to go with her and Twilight.
  1824. > The pegasus would have just had to shoot her down again and it would have been super embarrassing. Floor bit back her words and kept her eyes on the plate she was passed.
  1825. > Food first, bar later, rutting - hopefully - after that and *then* she would approach Fluttershy with significantly more confidence.
  1826. > Yeah, that plan could work.
  1827. > It couldn't hurt to smooth the way, though. Floor tried to smile, but it was probably super fake.
  1828. "This sm-smells so good..."
  1829. > Fluttershy beamed back and it seemed to light the entire room. Floor nearly wept.
  1830. > She *had* to get better - learn to talk with ponies, stop being so weird, become more sure of herself.
  1831. > Only then would she be worthy of somepony like Fluttershy!
  1832. > "Thank you! It's actually very simple to make," the pegasus explained.
  1833. > This was the big moment. Floor stared at her food and swallowed a lump and gathered her courage.
  1834. "I'll go out," she mumbled.
  1835. > Thankfully Fluttershy heard so she didn't make Floor repeat herself. "Oh, that's swell! It's going to be so much fun, you'll see!"
  1836. > The pegasus put her own plate down and nearly jumped from the couch, then thought better of it. "Want to try on the dress after we are done eating?"
  1837. "Y-Yes..."
  1838. > Floor could almost feel Fluttershy's excited smile. It was hard to stay angry with that next to her.
  1839. > Tartarus, maybe one of Rarity's dresses could make even her look almost half-decent?
  1840. > It was worth the shot!
  1842. > ~~~~
  1844. > It was finally there. The moment of truth.
  1845. > The dress was on her, for better or worse, and Floor Bored couldn't help thinking 'worse'. Maybe the fact that Princess Twilight 'I look good in any dress' Sparkle was with her helped a little, but it was still a fact that Floor just looked silly.
  1846. > The dress was supposed to reveal, yet conceal, at least that's what Fluttershy had said, but all it did was show off how fat Floor's rump was.
  1847. > It was a miracle that nopony seemed to notice her as the three of them walked into a place she had sworn never to put a hoof in. A dancing bar.
  1848. > Ponies around her were having a load of fun, but all Floor could think about was how chafing and ill-fitting her getup felt. If any colt found it appealing it would be a miracle in itself.
  1849. > They made their way to the bar and sat down. Twilight ordered them drinks, mildly alcoholic ones. It was a relief and Floor gulped her own down hungrily. Too bad there wasn't much of an effect, at least not immediately.
  1850. > The barpony was nice enough to immediately refill it, but that was probably because Twilight Sparkle was right there.
  1851. > While she waited for the booz to start working, Floor surreptitiously glanced around the crowd, which had stopped whatever they were doing to stare at the celebrities in their midst.
  1852. > "Hello, everypony," the Princess said, "don't mind us, please. We're just out to have a bit of fun!"
  1853. > To Floor's immense astonishment it seemed to work and everypony went back to dancing and talking quietly. That suited her just fine.
  1854. > At least Fluttershy seemed like a kindred spirit, the way she avoided gazes and focused almost exclusively on her glass. "I'm not a huge fan of things like this," the pegasus vouchsafed to Floor, who blinked in surprise.
  1855. "B-But you're *famous*!"
  1856. > "Yeah, it's not as great as it sounds," Fluttershy replied and downed her drink.
  1857. > Floor followed her example and asked the bartender for a refill of something stronger than the cider Twilight had ordered. Red wine ought to loosen her up a bit, right?
  1858. > Once that was down and starting to work its seductive magic, she could finally take a good look around at the bar. The pair of busybodies had dragged her all the way to Baltimare and into the Equestria-famous 'Prancing Pony'.
  1859. > It was supposed to be *the* place to meet young ponies of all backgrounds and interests. Maybe there would even be a colt fresh from high school who wouldn't mind a bit of plain, cutie-mark-less, awkward flank.
  1860. > Just thinking about it was making Floor blush, so she dunked her muzzle in the wine once more.
  1861. > On Fluttershy's other side some interested colts were already talking up Princess Twilight, no doubt hoping to get some royal tail.
  1862. > It was the one thing the tabloids were silent on. Love life of the Princesses seemed somehow off-limits.
  1863. "Um, so w-what do I d-do?" Floor asked.
  1864. > Her plaintive tone made Fluttershy giggle in the cutest way. "Oh, I don't think we're supposed to do anything!" she answered, with a noticeable blush. "Just, um, have some fun, I guess?"
  1865. > Floor shrugged to herself and emptied her glass. Alcohol meant impaired judgment, her best bet to land some nice colt to give her a good confidence boost. She glanced around for candidates and spotted several looking in their direction. They were staring at the Elements, but maybe they'd settle for a mare who was *with* Princess Twilight and Fluttershy?
  1866. > She tried to imagine taking each one in turn home - provided she could somehow afford the coach all the way there - but the eager, hungry looks on their muzzles were a definite turn-off.
  1867. > They all seemed to know what they were doing much better than poor, inexperienced Floor.
  1868. > She sighed and waved for the barpony to refill her glass yet again. What the hay, the Princess was paying anyway.
  1869. > It went down quite smoothly.
  1870. > "Um, maybe you should slow down," Fluttershy said quietly, "there's plenty of time, Floor Bored."
  1871. > The earth mare knew bad advice when she heard it. It wasn't a time for moderation - now was the moment to embrace alcohol-fueled bad judgement. She gulped down half of her glass, then plucked together her courage.
  1872. "H-Hi!" she said to to nearest, likely looking colt at the bar.
  1873. > He seemed pretty young, so maybe he wouldn't mind settling for third prize.
  1874. > It worked! He came closer with a fixed stare on Twilight and a weird little smile on his muzzle. "Hello! Are you friends with the Princess? Um- could you introduce us?"
  1875. > It was a snub, but by now Floor was starting to feel quite a bit tipsy and didn't mind. She had taken the precaution of not eating before they came, so the drink was working quickly.
  1876. > The mare had gotten drunk by herself a few times, just to see what it felt like, so she recognized the symptoms. She was starting to feel dizzy and the room was getting... swirly and out of focus.
  1877. > Everyhing was nice and funny and nopony was giving her weird looks. It wasn't too bad. If only she could stay like that forever, it would make her life a lot easier.
  1878. > She forced a smile and poured the rest of her glass of wine down her throat before answering.
  1879. "Yes! I am!"
  1880. > The colt walked right up, eagerly looking at Twilight Sparkle. "Uh, introduce us?" he repeated.
  1881. > Of course this one had to be star-struck, but Floor didn't mind. He looked a bit too old and experienced for her taste anyway. She reached over to prod the alicorn with a hoof.
  1882. "Um, Twi-Twilight? This is uh..."
  1883. > She blinked at the colt, who quickly took up the initiative. "Grape Burst, uh- your Majesty!"
  1884. > The alicorn took it all in good grace and giggled pleasantly. Floor was instantly jealous of her easygoing tone. "No 'Majesty', please! I'm just Twilight Sparkle!"
  1885. > Now it was the colt's turn to blush. "Oh, sorry!" he almost squeaked. "I didn't mean..."
  1886. > He fell silent and the Princess smoothly picked up the slack: "I'm Twilight Sparkle, this here is Fluttershy and over there is my friend Floor Bored!"
  1887. > The stallion gave the other two the most perfunctory of glances, before returning his full, undivided attention to the alicorn. "Um, nice to meet you!" he said, not really interested in anypony except Princess Twilight.
  1888. > Now that the ice was broken, he simply walked around Floor and Fluttershy to sit at the bar next to the Princess. "Is it true you vanquished an Ursa Major that one time?!"
  1889. > The alicorn had the decency to blush modestly. "Oh, that was just an Ursa Minor, actually. You see, these two colts wanted to see Trixie vanquish one, so they went..."
  1890. > Floor Bored stopped listening and looked down, ears drooping. Of course nopony was interested in her, except as a way to meet the Princess.
  1891. > A hoof on her withers made her look up into Fluttershy's cyan gaze. "Don't worry, it often happens like this," the pegasus explained.
  1892. > Shrugging to herself, Floor reached for her glass, which had miraculously gotten full again, and took a gulp.
  1893. > When she looked up it was right into the muzzle of a blushing colt. "Um, h-hi!" he said quietly and nervously, not meeting her gaze.
  1894. > This seemed a lot more hopeful and Floor even managed a small smile. This could be the one.
  1895. > The pony didn't seem a day over eighteen and his blush said he was just as nervous about the whole thing as she was.
  1896. > Also the fact that he was speaking to her, rather than one of her chaperones was very encouraging. Well, if he didn't immediately ask to be introduced to the Elements of Harmony, that was.
  1897. "Hi?" she managed.
  1898. > The colt went even more crimson, if that was possible. It was hard to tell because his coat was naturally purple - a bit darker shade than Twilight, but excellent for concealing his blush.
  1899. > His red mane almost completely hid his features. Floor felt an instant kinship - she also used her mane to hide her muzzle out in public like that!
  1900. > "Sooo," he asked, drawing out the syllable as he looked down on his hooves, "what's your n-name?"
  1901. > This was encouraging, but also scary. Floor grasped for her glass and finished it, even if some of it splashed around her muzzle in her haste and nerves. She ended up licking it and trying to collect her wits.
  1902. "Hi..."
  1903. > Was this it? The colt who would take her... virginity?
  1904. > Floor tried to imagine it. That muzzle, scrunched up in concentration and pleasure above her. The blush of exertion would go nice with that mane.
  1905. > He was an earth pony, so she wouldn't be able to play with his wings, but that was okay. She wasn't picky by this point in her life.
  1906. > "Yeah, you said," the colt replied and giggled. "I'm Peppermint!" he introduced himself and held out both hooves for Floor.
  1907. > She carefully laid her own in there, getting it right on her second attempt.
  1908. "Floor. Um, Floor B-Bored."
  1909. > He shook, but then let her free and went back to staring at the bar. "Tha's... interesting name," he muttered.
  1910. > Maybe the fact that he was as embarrassed as her helped and Floor was able to relax a bit.
  1911. "So, whaddya do?"
  1912. > She tried to make heads and tails of his cutie mark - it was four stars in a rough square - but nothing came to mind.
  1913. > This seemed to be firmer ground and Peppermint grinned happily. Some of his awkwardness went away. "I help out at the Royal Observatory here in Baltimare! It's super interesting! Um- actually..."
  1914. > He lowered his voice and leaned a bit closer, letting Floor smell his faintly beer-scented breath. It wasn't bad. She could get used to it.
  1915. > The unfamiliar sensation almost made her lose track of what the colt was saying: "I hope someday I can be a full astronomer! I mean- after I finish college, of course."
  1916. > He beamed at her and Floor realized something was expected of her. She didn't have a good answer so she averted her gaze and tried not to blush. Maybe the alcohol was making her reckless, but she suddenly wanted him to know the full truth.
  1917. "I just life- uh li... live at home and um, thing... play, yeah, thatssit! Play video g-games a lot..."
  1918. > She was expecting Peppermint to politely excuse himself and try his luck with Fluttershy or Twilight, but his response wasn't something she'd been expecting, even in her lightly addled state.
  1919. > "Oh cool!" the colt said, impressed. "Are you like in E-Sports or something?!"
  1920. > Floor could see him surreptitiously look at her flank, but the blank spot was hidden by her dress. Suddenly the mare was immensely grateful to Rarity for thinking ahead.
  1921. "N-Not... e'ssactly. I just do it fer,... fer f-fun..."
  1922. > "That sounds amazing! Hey, do you play Pony Crusade?"
  1923. > This was firmer ground and Floor even smiled a little.
  1924. "Bah, 's for pussy- pussies! Pussy game. Nah nah nah, 's all, um, aboot Hooves and Things now!"
  1925. > "Hooves and Crowns," Peppermint guessed, "yeah, I've heard of that, but I didn't try it yet. Is it any good?"
  1926. > For some reason Fluttershy was grinning, but Floor didn't pay it any mind. There was a colt who needed schooling on proper games to play and she was certainly up to the task. Just in case, she emptied her glass again for that extra bit of courage.
  1927. "Wazzit? Uh, y-you kiddin'? 's like the, um, *the* em-thing to play! Em em oh, yeah. Everypony in it! Um, checkit- check it out, this on-one time..."
  1928. >...
  1929. > Floor Bored wasn't entirely sure how they'd ended up back home. It was half an hour by express pegasus coach and only royalty got to use that.
  1930. > Huh, maybe that explained why Princess Twilight and Fluttershy were there too, but even they didn't matter right now.
  1931. > The colt - Floor had to think to recall the name through her alcohol-fueled craze - Peppermint, simply couldn't take his hooves off her.
  1932. > It actually felt kinda nice. The weirdest part was that he hadn't even run away when Floor burst into tears after two minutes of cuddling at the bar.
  1933. > This was a nice one. Maybe that's why Twilight had agreed to take them all home in her royal carriage.
  1934. > Yeah, that was probably how they came here. It didn't matter, Floor led her guest to her bedroom and carefully shut the door after her.
  1935. > She was swaying on her hooves a lot and her stomach felt queasy, but she was at the same time incredibly elated and completely terrified.
  1936. > It was happening!
  1937. > She couldn't believe this was going to seriously happen! There was a colt in her room and he was super into her.
  1938. > He took a look around - Floor suspected he was way less drunk than she was, but that was okay. *She* needed the courage, not him.
  1939. > "Um, yeah, th-this is nice," he commented, looking at her computer desk because it was almost the only piece of furniture. Floor couldn't help but notice how he avoided glancing at the bed.
  1940. > It was really happening!
  1941. > What was she supposed to do now? The mare tried to think through her fog of booze. Oh, right! She walked up and sat right in front of Peppermint. Then she tapped the floor a few times, giggling at his confused expression.
  1942. > Finally he got it and plonked his rump there, within hoof-reach.
  1943. > How did this go, again? Floor had practiced on the pillow, but kissing a *real* colt suddenly seemed a lot different.
  1944. > Well, nothing for it. Her buzz was already slipping away and she knew she wouldn't dare do anything like this if she was sober. Floor leaned forward and opened her mouth.
  1945. > She nearly tipped over, but Peppermint caught her and their muzzles bumped together.
  1946. "Ow! I'm sor-mmhph!"
  1947. > Her apology was cut short when their lips touched. Driven by misguided comments on her message boards, Floor tried to stick her tongue into the colt's mouth.
  1948. > It worked after a moment's resistance and she explored, curiously.
  1949. > What did it taste like? The mare had to concentrate above her own hammering heart and crippling anxiety.
  1950. > A bit like beer and a touch of wine she'd shared with Peppermint and - nothing in particular. Just warm and wet.
  1951. "Mmmphp..."
  1952. > She had to pull away or risk suffocating and Floor did so with a slight gasp.
  1953. > Realization hit her. She'd just kissed someone!
  1954. > Had it been... good?
  1955. > She looked at Peppermint and tried to gauge his reaction. He seemed a bit shocked, of all things.
  1956. > Suddenly Floor was very self-conscious. This couldn't really be happening, could it? Surely there was no colt stupid, or drunk enough to come to her room and kiss her, was there?
  1957. "Um..."
  1958. > She ended up staring at her hooves and trying to fight back the blush.
  1959. > "It's okay," Peppermint whispered and laid a hoof on her withers. Floor nearly shrugged away, but she made herself stay still. "Come on, let's get on the bed!"
  1960. > The poor mare needed a few attempts to clamber up, and it wasn't just from the alcohol. In fact, the fog was quickly clearing from her mind as the magnitude of what was about to happen started to hit.
  1961. "Mmm'kay..." she breathed out and let herself be lifted the rest of the way.
  1962. > Now that it was beginning, the colt also looked a bit more certain. A quick glance showed Floor that he was already at half mast. It just made her anxiety worse.
  1963. > What if she sucked at it? What if she said something stupid? The pony very nearly started biting her hoof.
  1964. > "Let's, uh g-get you out of t-this," Peppermint murmured and tugged randomly at the dress.
  1965. > Of course! The clothes! Floor had nearly forgotten about them. She tried to struggle out of them, but all she managed to do in her haste was pull them up over her head and get stuck.
  1966. > She struggled for a bit, but her stomach lurched and Floor had to bite down to keep herself from being sick.
  1967. "Umpgh!"
  1968. > "O-Oh! I'll h-help!" Peppermint said. She felt him grab the dress in his mouth and tug.
  1969. > Pretty soon her head was free and the mare flailed her forelegs until the cloth dropped to the floor. She was breathing heavily and her muzzle was very pink with embarrassment. It was pure luck Peppermint didn't seem to notice.
  1970. > "Uh- no cutie mark?" he asked, drawing back in apprehension a bit. "A-Aren't you... I mean, you look-"
  1971. > Almost without her conscious control Floor's tail tried to hide her flank.
  1972. "I'm t-twenty-three!" she squeaked.
  1973. > "Uhh... I'm not s-sure..."
  1974. > Before he could change his mind and ruin the moment Floor reached for his member with her hooves. A quick rub and a lick would get him past his inhibitions, right?
  1975. > Except she misjudged how firmly she gripped him and the poor colt yelped in pain.
  1976. "Sorry!"
  1977. > Peppermint pulled free and sat right on the other edge of the bed, ears folded flat and his... thing hidden by his tail.
  1978. > What did it *take*?! Floor nearly growled in frustration. She finally had a willing colt in her bed. They were both drunk. It had been going so well!
  1979. > She never should have taken off the dress! Now Peppermint saw her blank shame - he also probably noticed how fat and ugly she was - no wonder he lost any desire to... to *do* her.
  1980. > The mare crawled away to the opposite side of the bed and curled up into as small a ball as she could. She tried desperately not to cry, but it wouldn't be stopped.
  1981. > Story of her life.
  1982. > "I'm sorry, are you okay?"
  1983. > At least Peppermint had the decency to look concerned. Maybe that made it worse - he was pitying her!
  1984. "B-Buuuh!" Floor wailed miserably.
  1985. > She sobbed when she tried to take another breath and after that there was no way to prevent the waterworks.
  1986. "I'm path-et-het-iiiic!"
  1987. > Her loud crying wasn't winning the colt over, but by this point she didn't much care. It wasn't going to happen.
  1988. > She'd barely worked herself up for it when she was drunk and that was now passing quickly. She'd never grow enough courage to try again, even if Twilight and Fluttershy took her out a million times!
  1989. > It was pointless. She'd die alone, with nopony except her toys.
  1990. > She barely felt the hoof on her shoulder.
  1991. "I'm ju-just a loo-hoo-hoo-ser!"
  1992. > Maybe the colt replied, but she didn't hear him above her own sobbing.
  1993. "Can't ev-even get a date! Twe-twenty three and not even a cu-cutie maaaark!"
  1994. > By now Peppermint was fully hugging her, although Floor couldn't help noticing he only touched her side and flank, and he kept him - well *himself* - carefully pointed away.
  1995. > "Hey, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it..." the colt murmured, right near her ear. "I didn't know you were- I mean you just looked like you were-"
  1996. > He groaned: "Argh!"
  1997. > Floor just shook her head in despair.
  1998. > "We can still... I mean, if you want we can wait and maybe try again later?"
  1999. > Was it even possible?! Floor opened one eye to look at the colt in disbelief. Why would he even want to stick his hoof in the mess that was Floor Bored?
  2000. > A faint hope blossomed in her heart.
  2001. "Am, am I y-your... f-first?" she prompted.
  2002. > Peppermint blushed and looked away, but he shook his head slightly. "Um... no-"
  2003. > She didn't even wait for him to finish but kicked him with her hind legs. Floor didn't know exactly why, but she was disgusted for some reason. She didn't want him touching her anymore.
  2004. > The poor colt flew with a prolonged squeak in an arc and then thumped on the floor with a painful "Oomph!"
  2005. "Just go!" she yelled.
  2006. > "What the buck is the matter with-"
  2007. "GET OUT!"
  2008. > She was curled up on her pillow and tried to show as little of her body as possible, as she yelled.
  2010. > "Jeez, alright. You're messed up!" Peppermint spat and stomped to the door. He took one look back, opened his muzzle as if he would say something else, but then he just left.
  2011. > Floor went back to weeping.
  2013. > ~~~~
  2015. > It was some time later that Floor's bedroom door opened very softly and Fluttershy walked in.
  2016. > She would have gone completely unnoticed, but by now Floor Bored was lying on her side and staring at the empty room. She was trying not to think, but there were zero distractions and the thoughts came unbidden.
  2017. > "Loser," was what they said.
  2018. > Why had she reacted that way? Why should it matter if Peppermint had been with other mares before? She didn't care about that!
  2019. > Except she did.
  2020. > "Floor Bored? Are you okay?"
  2021. > This time the question came from outside her head and Floor suddenly realized - again - that Fluttershy was in the room with her.
  2022. "Huh?" she asked numbly.
  2023. > "Peppermint, um, said you kicked him."
  2024. > That was right, Floor had sent him flying off the bed.
  2025. "Yeah?"
  2026. > "Um," Fluttershy began, but paused, unsure what to say. "Twilight has already left and it's kinda late. I set him up on the couch until tomorrow, is that okay?"
  2027. > Floor didn't really care at that point, so she just slightly shrugged. Luckily the pegasus understood the gesture.
  2028. > "That means I'll have to take your bed..."
  2029. > This made no sense at all. If Peppermint was on the couch and Fluttershy was in her bed, where did that leave Floor Bored? Was she supposed to sleep on the floor or something?
  2030. "What- where am- I don't un-understand."
  2031. > It didn't help that she felt nauseated from the booze, nor that her head was starting to hurt now that she was coming down from her high.
  2032. > "We can share. It'll be fine," Fluttershy said with a hopeful smile. "And, um, maybe we can talk about what happened?"
  2033. > Floor considered this for a while, then shrugged. She wasn't going to talk to Fluttershy about her shame, but the pegasus was free to chatter if that's what she wanted.
  2034. > Apparently her 'guest' took it as a yes and climbed up on the mattress. "It's wide enough for us both," she commented and simply folded down on the side of the bed.
  2035. > It was *not* how Floor had imagined the night would go. Instead of some random colt who was supposed to give her a quick shag and a confidence boost, here was Fluttershy - the cause of all these problems.
  2036. > Lying in her bed. So close, and yet so impossibly far.
  2037. > It made Floor's eyes water all over again and she sniffled before she could stop herself.
  2038. > She clamped her muzzle shut, but she had to breathe. No one could suffocate themselves just by refusing to breathe. Unfortunately she started sobbing again as her entire life of being worthless caught up with the mare.
  2039. > Her vision blurred and she hid her face under a foreleg. What she wanted to do was apologize to Fluttershy, because the pegasus wouldn't get much sleep, but even that was beyond her.
  2040. > The best she could make was blubbering, wailing noises.
  2041. > "There, there," came Fluttershy's quiet, soothing voice. "It's going to be alright."
  2042. > Floor jerked in surprise as hooves picked her up and pressed her against a warm, soft, fluffy chest, but she quietened down when wings wrapped around her barrel.
  2043. > She was messing Fluttershy's coat up with her tears and snot, but even when Floor tried to pull away there was no escape. For how carefully and gently Fluttershy moved she was incredibly strong.
  2044. > The question came again: "Want to tell me what *really* happened?"
  2045. > Floor gave this some thought. What was even the point? She looked up at the pegasus to say no and maybe get her to release her.
  2046. > Her smile was so beautiful. "Please?"
  2047. > The refusal died on Floor's lips.
  2048. "H-He saw my b-b-blank f-flank," she stuttered.
  2049. > "Oh, I'm so sorry! He seemed such a nice colt in the bar..."
  2050. > Now that the dam was broken, the words would not be stopped.
  2051. "He s-said I was too young! And- and then he said how many mares he's been with already!"
  2052. > It wasn't entirely true, but Floor was in the iron grip of self-pity and couldn't be budged out of it.
  2053. > Fluttershy gasped at that. "He didn't!" she whispered. "I'm going to go out there and give him a piece of my mind right now!"
  2054. > She was about to let her go, but now Floor didn't want to be alone. She'd started thinking about the rejection - that's what it was, plain and simple - and she couldn't stand to go through that again.
  2055. "Please..." she breathed, barely audibly. "Don't go."
  2056. > The hug around her barrel tightened and the wings rustled as Fluttershy renewed her grip. "Okay, I won't. I'm sorry... about everything."
  2057. "W-Wh-What? Why?"
  2058. > Now it was the pegasus' turn to heave a sad sigh. "This was all my fault. Well, actually, it was Twilight's idea, but I knew I should have said no. You can't find true love by getting drunk..."
  2059. > Well, that much was plenty obvious even to Floor Bored. Besides, she hadn't wanted any kind of love except the physical.
  2060. > "Twilight said you didn't need love- well *actual* love," Fluttershy went on, almost echoing Floor's thoughts, "she just said you needed-"
  2061. > Floor looked up when the other mare fell silent an saw - to her amazement - that Fluttershy was blushing.
  2062. "What?"
  2063. > The pegasus flattened her ears and looked away. "She said you needed a good rutting. I'm sorry, I should have put my hoof down..."
  2064. > It actually felt good, Floor realized with a start. Fluttershy was blameless in this whole ordeal. It was her nosy, pushy, Princess 'I-Know-What's-Best-For-Everypony' Twilight 'I'm-So-Smart' Sparkle's fault!
  2065. > Of course it wasn't going to work. Even if Peppermint didn't mind her blank flank, or her ugliness, or her poor, dirty apartment, Floor would certainly have messed it up somehow.
  2066. > It would have been even worse if he changed his mind once he was cock-deep in her. Then she'd get a whole bunch of regrets as well as a rejection.
  2067. > Well, *additional* regrets.
  2068. "It's not your fault?" Floor said with wonder in her voice.
  2069. > Fluttershy didn't catch her inflection and shook her head modestly. "It is. I should have known better. You don't need a- well, a-" the pegasus lowered her voice for the next few words, "a mindless rut. What you need is a friend. A real one."
  2070. > That was exactly it! Somepony to see her point of view! To give her a bit of moral support and encouragement!
  2071. > Somepony like Fluttershy.
  2072. > Floor inhaled deeply and the light, airy, feathery scent went right into her head. No, scratch that, right into her *heart*.
  2073. "I l-love you..."
  2074. > She froze when she realized she'd said it out loud, but then Floor relaxed. Fluttershy had seen her at her worst and she still came to keep her company.
  2075. > Two hours ago the pegasus and her idiot alicorn friend had brought Floor and her would-be lover to her home, so she'd feel more comfortable.
  2076. > An hour and a half ago they saw - and probably heard - her kick the aforementioned lover out of her bed.
  2077. > Whatever lies Peppermint had told them Floor couldn't imagine, but even after all that, Fluttershy came in her room, got in her bed and was now hugging her. She would *keep* hugging her until morning.
  2078. > Yeah, she loved that mare and suddenly Floor didn't mind saying it out loud. Maybe she'd blown the embarrassment fuse in her head, but it felt kinda good to finally let it all out.
  2079. "You're s-so pretty and nice and-and... kind."
  2080. > Actually, she could feel *some* embarrassment. Floor didn't dare peek at Fluttershy's face.
  2081. > The good thing was that the hug was still going. If the pegasus was horribly disgusted or anything she would have let go, right?
  2082. > "I'm flattered, Floor Bored, but-"
  2083. > Here it came - the knife in her heart once again. Floor tensed all her muscles and held her breath.
  2084. > "-let's not talk about that right now, okay?"
  2085. > Floor went limp. She knew full well that Fluttershy was trying to spare her feelings. Putting her rejection off until morning was just the pegasus being her sweet, kind self. She was letting Floor pretend, for a while.
  2086. > She could dream they were lovers. She'd wake up in the night and Fluttershy would be there, warm and soft.
  2087. > Did the pegasus snore? Even if she did, Floor knew it would be adorable.
  2088. > A wing came away, exposing her side to the cool, night air, but it returned quickly with the blanket.
  2089. > "Let's just have a nice sleep and then we'll have a good, long talk in the morning, okay? Once Twilight sends Peppermint away."
  2090. "Tell him- I'm sorry."
  2091. > This made Fluttershy giggle a bit. "Um, that's exactly what he said, you know?"
  2092. > Floor lifted up her head and stared at the pegasus.
  2093. "Huh?!"
  2094. > "Well, actually he said you were mean. At first. But then I made him a bed on the couch and he said he was sorry it didn't work out."
  2095. > Had she overreacted?
  2096. > It took incredible effort, but Floor stopped herself from going down that circular, twisting, self-blaming path again.
  2097. > All the jerk had to do was, well *do* her. Surely that wasn't hard for a stallion?!
  2098. > Floor huffed angrily and put her head down again. Fluttershy's chest fluff tickled her nose, but she just let it. Anything to remind her that the mare of her desire was really in her bed.
  2099. > Fluttershy - actually in her *actual* bed! Comforting her after being dumped.
  2100. > She'd laugh about it, if only it wasn't so sad she'd probably start to cry again.
  2101. > For all of one second Floor entertained the idea that maybe Peppermint could be salvaged. He knew a bit about video games and he didn't seem the wrong sort. Maybe it was just the booze, but Floor thought she kinda liked talking with him.
  2102. > Except - she'd seen his half-erect... thing, just when they were about to do it. No, she'd never be able to look him in the muzzle. You usually needed some of looking into other ponies' muzzles to build relationships, didn't you?
  2103. > No, looking into whatever colt gave her her 'confidence boost' in the morning was never part of the plan. Floor had one hell of an imagination, but it couldn't manage that.
  2104. > Peppermint was out of the question. Her only chance would be to get nearly dead-hammered once again and she didn't think Fluttershy would let it happen a second time.
  2105. > No, it was best for this particular colt to just leave so she would never see him again.
  2106. > Floor Bored sniffed and wiped the remnants of her tears away. It wasn't okay - it probably never would be, but for a few hours, at least, she had Fluttershy.
  2107. > She could pretend. She was good at pretending.
  2108. > "Don't worry, I'll stay here," the pegasus assured her. "Good night."
  2109. > The weirdest part of it was - this wasn't sexual. Not in the slightest.
  2110. > Floor had imagined thousands - maybe millions - of times what it would be like to have another pony, *any* pony in her bed, and each time it was about sex.
  2111. > Right now she was just happy to have Fluttershy's warmth and the sounds of her soft breathing and the light touch of feathers on her side.
  2112. > She realized something.
  2113. "Um, the light is s-still on."
  2114. > Her pegasus friend giggled softly. "I know. Want me to get it?"
  2115. > No! Floor didn't say it, but she hurriedly grasped for the other mare and held her firmly. It just made Fluttershy laugh some more.
  2116. > Did anypony ever tell that mare how musical her laughter was?
  2117. > "Well, do you want to get it?" she asked.
  2118. > This sounded a bit better.
  2119. "P-Please don't go any-anywhere?" she prompted, fearful that Fluttershy might just make a break for it the moment she was free.
  2120. > "I promise."
  2121. > Floor believed her. She extricated herself and hurried to the wall by the door, then she slapped the switch, plunging the room into pitch blackness.
  2122. > It didn't matter, she knew her way around and found the bed within seconds.
  2123. > Fluttershy was holding the blanket up and Floor gratefully slipped under it again.
  2124. > The hooves - so warm and soft! - and the wings - blessed wings! - came back. It almost made Floor purr in delight.
  2125. > It was probably some strange Fluttershy Element-of-Harmony magic, but she did feel a little better, even if her head and belly were killing her.
  2126. > She'd pay for her boozing the next morning.
  2127. > That seemed fitting. There had to be a price, even for just a few hours of happiness with Fluttershy.
  2128. > Floor was so grateful to the pegasus for letting her have that. So easily could she have shot her down a few minutes ago, but she hadn't.
  2129. > Maybe Fluttershy knew how much it meant to Floor to be able to pretend, just for a little bit.
  2130. > With luck - if she didn't die of alcohol poisoning - she'd still be able to look the mare in the muzzle the next day, too!
  2132. > ~~~~
  2134. > Morning was... bad. More than once Floor Bored had to rush out of bed and gallop for the bathroom, where she was noisily sick. On her most recent trip when she was going back, she heard a faint groan from the couch.
  2135. > That was right! Peppermint was still there and he'd had nearly as much to drink as her.
  2136. > She felt a little better knowing that he was also suffering, even if he hadn't been sick. Yet.
  2137. > Right at the moment, though, Floor had absolutely zero desire to see the colt, so she hurried back to the room and into Fluttershy's waiting, sleepy embrace.
  2138. > It was weird.
  2139. > Well, weird but nice. Strange how her imagination almost never considered this aspect of being in a relationship. It had usually been about sex, then falling asleep, exhausted, in somepony's embrace.
  2140. > Whenever her imagination touched upon the subject of next morning, it usually included more sex.
  2141. > Was she too focused on that?
  2142. > Thinking about it was dangerous territory, now that her head was starting to clear up and the pit of horrors that was her stomach was getting less... horrible.
  2143. > Instead, Floor gave the pegasus a careful nuzzle and got a sleepy lick in return.
  2144. > Was this love? It was like an entirely new level of... well *sex*! It was so nice the mare couldn't even begin putting it in words.
  2145. > The weirdest part was that she hadn't even *done* it with Fluttershy. It was just the two of them sleeping in the same bed and huddling for warmth and comfort. She knew it wasn't real, but it felt amazing.
  2146. > Floor never wanted to let go.
  2147. > Was it even possible to win the pegasus over? Fluttershy had said she wasn't into mares, but - come on, if internet videos taught her anything, it was that *all* mares were into mares.
  2148. > They just had to be the right ones, no?
  2149. > I was weird how mares in college managed to get any studying done, or stay awake for their classes when they had so many pretty mares in their dorm rooms.
  2150. > Uh oh... wrong line of thought once again.
  2151. > So anyway, Fluttershy was nice. Remembering that this was probably a one-time thing was making Floor sad again. She heaved a sigh and wished like Tartarus the night would never end.
  2152. > Not that there was much hope of that - it was already getting bright outside.
  2153. > The sigh finally woke up her pegasus... roommate. It was a painful thought, but Floor forced it through.
  2154. > 'Don't get your hopes up you idiot,' she thought to herself.
  2155. > "Mmmm. Mornin'," the pegasus murmured. "Sleep well?"
  2156. > Despite the mess in her belly and the sharp pain just behind her eyeballs, Floor nodded.
  2157. "Yes. Um, thanks..."
  2158. > Strange how she could still look Fluttershy in the muzzle. Maybe that's how you knew you really loved somepony? If it had been Peppermint, for example after they'd done it the last night, Floor would probably be hiding under a blanket until he left.
  2159. > Just imagining it was making her cringe up inside.
  2160. "P-Peppermint is s-still there," she said, now that she had remembered the colt one cmore.
  2161. > "Oh. That's right! I'll make you both breakfast and hopefully by then Twilight will be back to take him home!"
  2162. > That was right - it was Saturday, so probably no classes. It made sense that most ponies hit the bars on a Friday evening.
  2163. > The prospect of eating together made Floor look down and flatten her ears.
  2164. "Um can I just s-stay in here?"
  2165. > Fluttershy looked like she was about to ask why, but then she realized and laid a comforting wing on the poor earth mare's wither. "It's okay, I understand. I'll bring you something."
  2166. > Then she left, shaking out her mane as she walked out of the room and sending a fresh wave of scent Floor's way.
  2167. > How did she keep that pleasant floral-shampoo smell for that long? It had to be some deep Element-of-Harmony magic, right?
  2168. > It really started to hurt then, as Floor Bored realized she couldn't have Fluttershy. Her one night of pretending was over. It was as close as she'd ever get to any kind of romantic relationship.
  2169. > From here on it would just be her - hopefully alone - masturbating and existing. Until... until she didn't.
  2170. > It was kinda depressing when she thought about it that way. What was even the point?
  2171. > For that matter, what were Twilight and Fluttershy even really doing there?! Weren't they supposed to bring Taku and her back together?
  2172. > Well, that wasn't happening, so why were they sticking around? Floor wondered if she'd ever have the guts to ask the pegasus directly.
  2173. > About the only piece of good news right then was that Twilight would be gone while she took the colt home. Hopefully that would be for the rest of the day. In fact, if the idiot, nosy, pushy alicorn never showed up again it would suit Floor just fine.
  2174. > Sounds caught her ear and she scurried over to the door to listen. The pegasus and her coltfriend-wannabe were talking.
  2175. > "Don't worry, it's fine. Twilight will be back soon and we'll get you home, don't worry," Fluttershy assured the colt.
  2176. > "Oh. Okay. Um, thanks for the breakfast. These are really good."
  2177. > Floor didn't have to see to imagine Fluttershy's little smile. "You're welcome. I'll take these to Floor Bored and- you'll be alright?"
  2178. > Uh oh, that sounded like real concern in Fluttershy's voice. Wouldn't it be ironic if that little Peppermint jerk managed to snag the pegasus? Floor sighed and put her hooves around her belly. Sometimes her imagination was downright mean to her.
  2179. > Just imagining that was making her stomach cramp up in unpleasant knots. Fresh tears leaked out of her eyes.
  2180. > She heard hoofsteps on the way and quickly turned around, pretending she was making the bed. She didn't want the pegasus to see her crying yet again.
  2181. > The door opened and Floor risked a glance back. Fluttershy had a plate in her mouth, stacked high with pancakes and chocolate syrup and what looked like whipped cream. Delicious, most likely, but Floor wasn't hungry in the slightest.
  2182. "On- on the d-desk, p-please" she mumbled.
  2183. > There was a faint clink. "Um, would you like to talk?"
  2184. > Floor just shook her head.
  2185. > "Oh. Okay, we can do that later."
  2186. > The pony jerked her head side to side again, more firmly.
  2187. > "We really should-"
  2188. "J-Just go..."
  2189. > Floor fluffed the pillow and put it back in its place, then started straightening out the blanket. It looked like her pretending to make the bed turned into really doing it. That was fine, though. It gave her hooves something to do and provided her a reason to keep looking away.
  2190. > "I'm sorry... We really made a mess of this whole thing," Fluttershy said sadly. The pegasus sounded like she was on the verge of tears herself and it made Floor's ears lift up in surprise.
  2191. > "All we were supposed to do was solve a friendship problem, and now-" Fluttershy began, but didn't finish the sentence. She heaved a sigh, took a step closer and whispered. "I'm sorry, Floor Bored."
  2192. > Then she was gone.
  2193. > Floor couldn't make heads nor tails of this latest thing. She looked around at her room, which was cleaner than it had been in *years*. She thought to her bathroom, more white than she'd ever seen it. The fridge, which no longer had rotting food in it but instead sported a healthy selection of vegetable and fruit.
  2194. > The trash was gone from the floor and there was sunlight filtering in through the clean windows. If she didn't know better, she'd say a *normal* pony lived here.
  2195. > Wasn't this better? Wasn't it what she had always secretly wished for? To just be normal?
  2196. > Maybe if she started living like one, she'd be able to talk to ponies like a normal mare someday?
  2197. > It was just that cooking, cleaning, grooming, all that stuff was incredibly tedious and annoying. Deep down Floor knew she'd stop doing it the moment her guests left her for good.
  2198. > Yeah, there was no way she'd turn normal, not without some serious magic or something.
  2199. > Shame Princess Twilight didn't seem willing to do that for her. It would have actually made the nag useful!
  2200. > Then there was the Talk looming over her. The one where Fluttershy - yet again - gently let Floor down and told her she didn't want to be fillyfriends with her.
  2201. > The one which broke her heart all over again.
  2202. > Floor wondered if she could put it off indefinitely. She already knew, didn't she?! No need to push the knife all the way in and twist it on top of that.
  2203. > She'll just have to ask Fluttershy to leave, for good. It'd be best for everypony that way.
  2204. > It wasn't much, but at least it was a plan.
  2205. > Ask Fluttershy and her nag friend to leave. Put her hoof down - the thought of that made her heart beat faster and her ears fold down, but Floor was determined. Then get back to the way she used to live and try to forget the past few weeks even happened.
  2206. > Those two were incredibly cruel to try dangling a chance at a normal life in front of her. It was probably just some sick experiment for Princess 'Nerdy' Twilight 'I'm-a-Scientist!' Sparkle! Something with seeing how far you could push a mare with no hope and no future and seeing when she broke.
  2207. > Well, Floor Bored was done breaking for the Princess! Any hope she'd felt had been nothing but a filthy, cruel lie. She'd forget all about it and go back to imagining coltfriends and having fun with her toys. That was enough, right?
  2208. > It *had* to be!
  2210. > ~~~~
  2212. > "Uh, Floor Bored?" came the muffled voice of a certain yellow pegasus from outside the bedroom door. "Can you let me in for a minute?"
  2213. > Floor didn't really want to, but it was Fluttershy so she slipped down from the bed and went to the door.
  2214. "I just wanna be al-alone!" she said in what she hoped was a forceful voice.
  2215. > "It's important..."
  2216. > It always was. With a long-suffering sigh Floor unlocked the door and opened it. Even annoyed, the sight of that slightly smiling yellow muzzle put butterflies in her stomach.
  2217. > Flutterflies. Floor nearly giggled as she stepped aside to let the mare enter, but she forced her face to stillness. She was mad at them both. Well, mostly at Twilight, but, yeah, both of them.
  2218. > The pegasus waited until the door was closed, then her smile slipped and her expression grew sadder. It damn near broke Floor's heart!
  2219. "W-What?"
  2220. > Fluttershy hung her head while she spoke so that her mane covered most of her features. "I'm sorry but I'll have to go to Ponyville today. Um, there's a *small* emergency and both Twilight and me are needed."
  2221. > The first feeling Floor felt was one of relief. Finally she'd get some privacy to do all the pent-up things she'd been denied lately. A chance to cook some Ramen, play some games and - most importantly - work herself over with her hoof and the toys until she was a drooling, shivering mess.
  2222. > It was all the mare could do not to let her smile show. It would probably make the pegasus suspicious. She might even cancel her plans!
  2223. "Okay?"
  2224. > "We'll take Twilight's carriage, um, so-" Fluttershy went on, "-so we can't use it to send Peppermint home. Um, there's a train in the afternoon..."
  2225. > Realization hit her and Floor began to shake her head in horror.
  2226. "No no no, p-please... I can't!" she begged.
  2227. > The pegasus murmured to herself almost below hearing: "I'm so sorry for this, Floor."
  2228. > Then she turned her stare on the squirming mare. It was a deep, hypnotic well of oblivion and Floor couldn't break the contact off. The look went right into her brain and did strange things in there.
  2229. > "You can, Floor Bored! All you have to do is keep that pony company for a few hours, then see him to the train stop. He doesn't know this city."
  2230. > Floor went to shake her head, but found herself nodding instead. She tried again, but all she did was nod harder.
  2231. "O-Okay," she firmly declined.
  2232. > Her eyes crossed when she tried to look at what was wrong with her own muzzle. She had meant to say she wouldn't do it!
  2233. "I'll do it!"
  2234. > The pegasus smiled and suddenly Floor was not as sure. Maybe all the embarrassment would be worth it for that smile. She didn't have to see the colt ever again, after all.
  2235. > Besides, he *had* seemed pretty nice last night. They even got talking about video games. Maybe she could show him a few. At least it'd mean she didn't have to look him in the muzzle.
  2236. > The mare realized what she'd just decided to do and groaned inwardly. How in sweet Tartarus did Fluttershy *do* that?!
  2237. > Well the smile was worth it, though. Even better - Fluttershy stepped forward and gave her a very pleasant hug. "I know you'll do the right thing, Floor. You're a good pony."
  2238. > This time Floor's nod was intentional.
  2239. > "Twilight and me will be back tomorrow morning, okay? Um- we'll talk. About everything. And, um, Twilight said she had news about your friend, Taku, so maybe we can finally solve this whole mess."
  2240. > It wasn't fair to dump that on her at the same time as Peppermint, so Floor simply refused to think about it. If these two jokers thought she'd forgive Taku for the way that entitled mare had acted, they had another think coming!
  2241. > It'll wait. Peppermint was the bigger problem right now.
  2242. > Floor swallowed a huge lump and turned her ears towards the bedroom door. There was no sound from outside. Presumably the colt was still sitting on her living room couch.
  2243. > "I have to run now, okay? You'll take Peppermint to the train at four, right?"
  2244. "Y-Yeah..."
  2245. > The pegasus walked out and Floor started after her. She had more questions! How did you begin a conversation with somepony you *nearly* had sex with?!
  2246. > It was too late. The yellow mare said a quick and simple goodbye to the colt and then she was gone. All that was left was the colt looking after the pegasus and Floor Bored in the hallway, staring at him.
  2247. > Here goes nothing, she thought and took a very firm, loud step forward.
  2248. > Peppermint looked to the source of the noise and then instantly went red in the muzzle. His ears folded down so hard Floor imagined she heard a snap.
  2249. > "Oh... It's you," he said in a strangled voice.
  2250. "Y-Yeah..."
  2251. > Her heart was going crazy in her chest. Maybe she was having a heart attack? It would save her from all the awkward! Except it didn't hurt. Just her luck.
  2252. > She opened her muzzle and said the first thing at the top of her mind.
  2253. "Igotvideogameswannaplaysome?!"
  2254. > At exactly the same time Peppermint also spoke: "I'msorryaboutlastnight!"
  2255. > They both stared at each other, muzzles open in shock, ears splayed and faces blushing.
  2256. "Um, you first!" Floor squeaked.
  2257. > "Go ahead!" Peppermint offered at exactly the same time.
  2258. > Again they stared at each other.
  2259. > The colt was the first one to burst out laughing.
  2260. > At first Floor was confused, but then she proffered a weak smile herself. Somehow it was a little bit funny and she even gave a small chuckle.
  2261. > The colt markedly relaxed and the mare wished she could do the same, but the exchange had only served to drive home just how incredibly awkward it was to speak with ponies.
  2262. > Now he was watching her with raised ears and an expectant smile. Something was expected of her and Floor took a deep breath. A brilliant idea struck her and she nearly sagged with relief.
  2263. "L-L-Let's uh, forget about the-" she swallowed a nervous lump, "the, the last n-night, okay?"
  2264. > He smiled a bit more. "Sure!" he said, but then his face fell. "Um, I'm sorry about all that. I was being stupid..."
  2265. > Looking at the floor, the colt went on in a very tiny voice. "You're, um, you're cool and I just- I just overreacted."
  2266. > Now that he had started, Peppermint looked like he was going to finish no matter what it took. He was completely red in the muzzle and staring fixedly at his hooves.
  2267. > Wait, Floor thought, was he just as nervous about this whole thing as she was?! Was that even possible?
  2268. > "They keep t-telling us - at the school - you know... About, um..." This prompted a hopeful look that Floor might know what he was getting at, but her blank expression made him sigh. "No means no? You know? Stuff like that?"
  2269. > The mare tried to put it together, but came up empty. She shook her head slightly. Seeing him squirm was putting her at her ease, at least a little bit.
  2270. > "Um, about s-s-sex!" Peppermint blurted out, though not without difficulty at that particular word. "L-Like, um, how we're not supposed to, you know, if- if the f-filly hasn't got a cutie m-mark."
  2271. > Finally a light came on in Floor's head.
  2272. "Ooooh," she said, despite the heavy blush. "There's rules for that?!"
  2273. > She twisted her neck to look at her barren rump in surprise. That would mean that even if colts *wanted* to do her, which was basically impossible in itself, they *couldn't*.
  2274. > It was completely unfair!
  2275. "I'm t-twenty-three!"
  2276. > Peppermint squirmed under her glare and kept his muzzle pointed firmly down. His ears were flat and he was hunching his shoulders, as if afraid she might hit him.
  2277. > When the silence between them dragged on for too long, he coughed and spoke hurriedly: "I know! I know! It's just a stupid rule! I'm sorry! I'm sure it doesn't, um, apply to y-you..."
  2278. > That mollified her somewhat. Maybe his reluctance the last night wasn't because he didn't like her, but because he thought he'd be in legal trouble?
  2279. > The thought sent a fresh wave of butterflies into her belly. Was it possible that a colt actually l-liked her? Well, he had been drunk, but still!
  2280. > Her heart was going crazy as Floor opened her muzzle slowly to ask Peppermint if he really did like her.
  2281. > Unfortunately, her hesitation sent the wrong message and the poor colt blurted out: "You're right! Let's d-drop it, okay? I s-said I was sorry!"
  2282. > For an agonizing moment she wanted to correct him, but then Floor just heaved a sigh and nodded.
  2283. "Yeah. Let's drop it."
  2284. > This really helped Peppermint relax and he even managed a tentative smile. "Um, so what were you trying to say earlier?" he prompted.
  2285. > He was obviously a lot better at talking to ponies than her, so the mare was perfectly happy to let him take the lead in this conversation. It was just answering questions, really. Nothing to be scared about.
  2286. > She was still sweating a little and she felt like the butterflies in her belly might try come out her mouth soon. If it all became too much she'd excuse herself and run to the bathroom. Peppermint would just think she had to pee or something.
  2287. > Having an escape route planned did help and Floor managed to unclench her jaw for long enough to answer.
  2288. "I wa-wanted to ask if- if you wanna, um, maybe play s-some video games?"
  2289. > Peppermint lit up like a Heartswarming tree. "That'd be awesome!" he trilled. "Can you show me Hooves and Crowns?"
  2290. > He actually remembered the game she liked?! Because of the booze Floor wasn't sure she had really told him last night, but she'd gone over their conversation many times in her mind's embarrassed eye and was fairly certain they did talk about that.
  2291. "Y-Yeah!" she said, cheering up. "Come on!"
  2292. > She stood up and led the way to her bedroom. At one point her step faltered when she realized she was taking a colt to her bedroom, but she firmly made herself continue. It was just about video games, the furthest thing from sex possible.
  2293. > She opted to just think about Peppermint the same way she thought about Taku. A *friend* coming over to play some games.
  2294. > Even that was enough to give her a curious, warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest. Did she really make a friend?
  2295. > Or, at least a start of one?
  2297. > ~~~~
  2299. "No! Stomp! Use 'Stomp'!" Floor was yelling, almost bouncing in her seat.
  2300. > The nincompoop, Peppermint, was doing it all wrong! She pointed a hoof at the screen.
  2301. "See?! When the Frogling starts casting a spell you use 'Stomp' to stun him!"
  2302. > The poor colt was pressing buttons randomly in his panic. "I'm trying!" he moaned. "It's too fast!"
  2303. > Floor put her face in her hooves.
  2304. "Ugh, these are the easiest enemies in the game. You're just bad at it!"
  2305. > Moments later they were greeted by the now all too familiar death screen. The colt sighed and his ears drooped further down. "I'm sorry..." he began, but fell silent when Floor stood up on her chair.
  2306. "Move over, I'll show you again!"
  2307. > She all but climbed over the hapless colt in her rush to reach the keyboard. He moved away just in time before she simply sat in his lap.
  2308. "Now watch closely!" the mare commanded.
  2309. > It took her about a minute to reach the nefarious Frogling King where it had taken Peppermint over ten just to navigate the rudimentary maze. The mare smiled derisively. He was a total scrub!
  2310. > She was quickly in the final room.
  2311. "Are you watching?!"
  2312. > He would need to pay close attention to her moves if he wanted any hope to win. Peppermint leaned closer to get a better view. That meant he had to put his hoof on Floor's chair, right between her hind legs.
  2313. > She became instantly, painfully aware of how he was gently brushing against the fur on her inner thighs. It drove all thoughts of the game from her mind.
  2314. > What did she do in this situation? Was she supposed to ignore it? Or maybe she should squeeze his hoof with her legs and then he'd look at her, and their eyes would meet and then she'd kiss him...
  2315. > Hopefully he couldn't see her blush as the mare started coughing. She desperately tried to focus on the game again.
  2316. "See? Um- so... Well, when he's, um, casting, you-"
  2317. > She pressed the button a fraction of a second too late and the Frogling's attack hit her.
  2318. > Peppermint made a choking sound deep in his throat and Floor was almost afraid to look at him. He was trying very hard not to chortle. Normally she'd be furious at him for making fun at her, but right at the moment all she could feel was his leg *right there.* She could feel the heat of it on her teats!
  2319. > Her second chance came up and this time the mare was ready. Instinct took over and she managed to interrupt the colorful monster's attack. After that it was trivial - the Frogling was dead in about two more hits.
  2320. "See?! Like that!" she rallied.
  2321. > Thankfully, the colt withdrew back to his own chair. He was a bit pink in the muzzle as he obviously, and desperately, tried not to laugh. "I see," he squeaked. "What was that first time?"
  2322. "I just lost my concentration!"
  2323. > "Oh?"
  2324. > The question was a bit too innocent and Floor growled under her breath.
  2325. "Don't make me buck you across the room again!"
  2326. > She quickly though of a plausible lie and grinned victoriously.
  2327. "Besides, I only missed that 'cause you stood on my tail!"
  2328. > They both looked at her chair, where the dark blue fabric between her legs was entirely devoid of tail.
  2329. "Well, um," Floor sputtered, "I m-moved it, obviously. Thanks for ruining my concentration!"
  2330. > Peppermint's smile slipped away and he lowered his ears. "Gosh, I'm sorry. I wasn't even aware of doing it. Sorry."
  2331. > Mollified, Floor managed a weak smile.
  2332. "Good," she mumbled," just as long as you know why I missed."
  2333. > To save some face and distract herself from the all too vivid memory of the colt nearly touching her... *bits*, Floor hurriedly pushed some buttons.
  2334. "Here, let me show you what a *real* fight looks like!"
  2335. > It worked and the colt's eyes went back to the screen. Luckily, this time, he didn't lean as close.
  2336. > Floor couldn't decide if she was glad of that or disappointed.
  2337. > The first part of the new level was so deeply ingrained that she could let her hooves play without much conscious thought. It gave her time to think.
  2338. > Did she want anything with this pony? She had wanted him bad last night, but she'd been quite drunk at the time. Now that she was sober...
  2339. > Floor sneaked a glance at Peppermint, who was sitting at attention and watching the game with rapt curiosity. He was a complete noob, but he was interested in gaming. More than that, he seemed to like her, despite all the awkwardness and, yes, despite the blank flank.
  2340. > Then again, he'd gotten laid plenty before and was obviously no stranger with mares. He seemed like he had many friends and an active social life. Would he get bored if Floor just wanted to stay inside and play games every time?
  2341. > Unlike herself, he was also quite good looking, his purple coat a bit glossy and well groomed. Floor surreptitiously looked lower and barely contained a gasp. It looked like Peppermint even got regular hooficures!
  2342. > Further up, his mane was nicely styled, not just haphazardly brushed and left to do what it wanted like Floor's.
  2343. > Perhaps the most important thing was that the colt was attending college - Floor glanced again at his astronomy cutie mark - and he had plans for his life. Whereas the mare was just a loser with no future and no hope.
  2344. > At best she could look forward to a quick lay and then Peppermint would probably ignore her.
  2345. > Then again, it would be more than she had now. Maybe it would be enough? At least then she could tell the world - and herself - that she wasn't a virgin.
  2346. > The poor mare was so undecided that she almost died to the simplest minion. She noticed how Peppermint's lips quirked, but he looked at her expression and wisely forbore from making a comment.
  2347. "My hoof slipped," Floor said in tones of low menace.
  2348. > "Oh. Yeah, sure! I saw that. Um, it happens to everypony!" the colt hurriedly confirmed her lie.
  2349. > He didn't seem like a bad sort, though.
  2350. > Floor gave up on the whole mess and put it out of her mind. They were playing games, later on they'll have some lunch and then she'll show him where the train station is. That would be it.
  2351. > A *pleasant* experience - Floor made herself think that word - and then she'd go on with her life. She could still get some good hoofwork done later in the evening. She would be alone until the next day at least, Fluttershy had said.
  2352. > The mare brightened up. She'd get to play with herself and her toys after a week of nothing, which was bound to feel *absolutely amazing*. In fact, she nearly started winking and gushing just thinking about it.
  2353. > A safer topic...
  2354. > She'd be able to make herself Ramen with plenty of ground cheese. How kind of Princess Twilight to stock her fridge. Mostly it was veggies and fruit, but there were occasional goodies in there, too.
  2355. > After that, maybe a movie or a few of her cartoons. She'd try to stay up as late as possible. If she was still sleeping by the time Fluttershy and Twilight came back they probably wouldn't bother her.
  2356. > All in all, the day was turning out quite nice, indeed!
  2357. > Maybe her sudden good mood was what made her put her hoof on Peppermint's side to get his attention.
  2358. "Okay, now watch this bit! I can do it with one hoof!"
  2359. > She didn't notice that the colt leaned into her touch as he shifted to get a better view.
  2360. "Watching?"
  2361. > "Yes!" Peppermint confirmed. He was staring at the screen with something approaching amazement. "Oh wow! I didn't know you could do that!"
  2362. > The mare realized she was touching him and hurriedly pulled her hoof away. She pretended to scratch her nose to cover up her moment of embarrassment.
  2363. "Oh yeah, there's tons of tricks like that in this game. You should come over sometimes and I'll show you!"
  2364. > She almost squeaked when she realized what she'd said. Her suddenly nerveless hoof fumbled on the keys and her character fell into a pit. Strangely enough, the colt didn't seem amused by that.
  2365. > Instead, he turned his face to Floors with his mouth open in a little 'o' of surprise. It vanished almost before she could see it and he smiled. "A-Actually, um..."
  2366. > Her ears flopped. He was going to politely decline. The only reason he was humoring her was because he had nothing better to do. He'd been out for a quick, one night rut yesterday and now he was waiting to go home.
  2367. > "-I'd like that," Peppermint finished and one of Floor's ears shot back up incredulously. "I dunno how often I can, with my classes and the part time job, but- yeah. Maybe?"
  2368. > Was he even for real? He didn't get laid last night, she'd bucked him right in the face and he was still nice to her? Wanted to meet again for video games even if he didn't have to?!
  2369. > Floor swallowed the butterflies which were trying to pour out of her mouth and tried another little test:
  2370. "Um, m-maybe- I mean, when I'm not, uh, b-busy," the mare began lamely, "I could maybe visit sometimes, too?"
  2371. > Peppermint's smile seemed to brighten the room. "Yeah, I'd like that! Maybe I can bring you to the observatory and show you what *I'm* good at for a change, eh?"
  2372. > He chuckled at the feeble joke and Floor joined in out of sheer nerves.
  2373. > Going to the observatory and looking at stars? That was a no-nonsense, one hundred percent a romantic date in her book!
  2374. > She was starting to feel faint and her vision began to swam, probably because her heartbeat was somewhere in the high triple digits and she was panting.
  2375. > "Are you okay?"
  2376. > The mare grasped for the first excuse that came to mind.
  2377. "Need to pee!" she squeaked and slid from the chair.
  2378. > Her legs refused to hold her and she bonked her muzzle on the floor, but then she picked herself up and ran for it.
  2379. > "Uh, Floor Bored?" Peppermint asked when she was almost out the door. The question stopped her dead in her tracks and the mare looked back with trepidation.
  2380. "Y-Y-Yes?"
  2381. > "I'll start making lunch if that's okay. What are we having?"
  2382. > For a moment she couldn't understand his sentence and had to run it through her mind several times. He was offering to cook, too?
  2383. > The smile came up without her conscious control.
  2384. "R-Ramen!" she yelped. "Gotta go!"
  2385. > She thought she saw the colt grin in anticipation at the meal, but Floor couldn't be sure because of how quickly she had left. She felt like she was running on clouds. He was nice, he was interested in her - not just for sex, but *her* - and he wanted to meet again. *And* he wanted to cook for her.
  2386. > Was this really happening? Floor paused and gave her foreleg a quick bite.
  2387. "Ow!"
  2388. > It wasn't a dream!
  2389. > Maybe it was a chance? Could this be her lucky break, like Taku had?
  2390. > Was she in love?!
  2392. > ~~~~
  2394. > Now that they were no longer playing games the awkward came back in force. Floor Bored and Peppermint sat across the table from each other, occasionally glancing at one another but mostly keeping their eyes fixed on their plates.
  2395. > The food wasn't bad, Floor had to admit. There was a subtle skill in making good Ramen that most ponies didn't grasp. It was obvious that the college-colt had had experience.
  2396. > Even the cheese, which wasn't a cheap, pre-ground powder she normally bought, wasn't bad. There was some extra work grinding it, but Floor decided it was worth the effort. Fresh Parmesan had a certain charm, especially when paired with Ramen like that.
  2397. "Mm, 's good," she said for the third time.
  2398. > Peppermint gave her another nervous smile. "Um, t-thanks. It's just Ramen. It isn't exactly hard to make..."
  2399. > He was modest, too. Floor Bored decided she liked modesty in a colt.
  2400. "It's hard to make *right*," she countered, rather proud of having come up with the phrase.
  2401. > "Thanks."
  2402. > Back to silence they went, glancing cross the table every now and then whey they didn't suspect the other one was watching.
  2403. > At length Peppermint cleared his throat. "Ahem. Um, Floor?" he called to get her attention. She looked up, flattened her ears in the face of his scrutiny, then returned her gaze to her food.
  2404. "Y-Yes?" she managed.
  2405. > The colt sounded uncertain, but now it would look silly not to ask his question. "D'you- do you have any brothers or sisters?"
  2406. > She looked back up in surprise.
  2407. "Why?" she asked suspiciously.
  2408. > Peppermint blushed and quickly lowered his gaze. "Just curious!" he whimpered. "Wanna know more ab-about, um... you," he muttered by way of explanation.
  2409. > Nopony had ever wanted to know about Floor Bored and she didn't have a faintest idea how to respond. Finally it occurred to her to just answer the question.
  2410. "No. Just me and Mom and Dad."
  2411. > "Cool, cool," the colt replied, grateful to have gotten over it.
  2412. > On second thought, Floor started to doubt that there could be anything between them. They had very little to talk about, everything was awkward and embarrassing and she kept looking for hidden meaning in anything the colt said.
  2413. > Maybe a one night rut would have been the best thing.
  2414. > A treacherous thought supplied that there was still time. They were alone and it was a few hours yet before the train left.
  2415. > She looked up to propose it, but the words died in her mouth. How did you even say it?!
  2416. > 'Hey, wanna go for a quick buck?' - no.
  2417. > 'Listen, I'm kinda bored, wanna hit this?' - nah.
  2418. > 'So, the train doesn't leave for a couple of hours, maybe we could pass the time...' - probably not.
  2419. > 'I want that dick inside me, now!' - sweet Celestia, no!
  2420. > The mare became aware she was blushing again, so she lowered her muzzle practically into her plate and ate as quickly as she could. Maybe they could go back to playing games until it was time to go. She had very nearly relaxed around Peppermint while they were doing that.
  2421. > Perhaps she could build on it. A friendship could be based just on one activity, right?
  2422. "Wannagoplay-" she began.
  2423. > "How about we take a walk-" Peppermint said, interrupting her.
  2424. > That was a much better idea and Floor immediately latched onto it.
  2425. "Yes! Let's go for a walk!"
  2426. > She jumped from her chair, picked up her half-eaten plate of Ramen and dropped it on the counter.
  2427. "I'll finish it l-later!" she offered by way of explanation.
  2428. > Peppermint didn't comment. His dish was empty so he put it in the sink and poured some water over it so it'd be easier to wash later.
  2429. > Meanwhile the mare was starting to realize that she'd have to go out in public again, but maybe that was less embarrassing than sitting around the apartment and looking at Peppermint and trying to keep her thoughts away from his... 'between-legs'.
  2430. > She ran back to her room, rummaged in the closet and pulled on her black hoodie. It made her feel a lot safer immediately and she dared Peppermint to comment upon it by means of a glare.
  2431. > The colt wisely decided to remain silent.
  2432. "OK, let's go," Floor said, reaching for the door handle to go out of her apartment and pausing. "Where are we going?"
  2433. > Peppermint leaned his head to one side as he thought about it. It was a cute gesture and Floor smiled, safe in the knowledge that he couldn't see inside her hood.
  2434. > "Dunno? Is there a park? Or maybe we could get some ice cream somewhere?" Peppermint asked hopefully.
  2435. > That sounded like a good idea actually and Floor nodded.
  2436. "You're paying?" she tried.
  2437. > He took it as a command and just smiled back. "Deal. Let me just get my bag..."
  2438. > It was there on the couch and Peppermint didn't need more than a few seconds to slip it on his back.
  2439. > Floor Bored let him go out first and locked the door behind them. No neighbor was likely to try going into her apartment, the mare knew, but it was best to be certain.
  2440. "I didn't know you had a bag with you," she commented as she joined him on the stairs.
  2441. > "I gotta keep my money and ID somewhere..."
  2442. "I guess."
  2443. > The weird thing was that Floor didn't remember Peppermint having a bag on the way over. She had probably missed it when she was drunk out of her skull.
  2444. > As they emerged on the street Floor paused for a moment and looked around. She'd never admit it, not in a million years, but she didn't know where the train station was.
  2445. > She'd never needed it! It was bound to be somewhere in the crowded town center, though, right? There had to be signs and stuff!
  2446. "Um, t-this way," she said in a steadier voice than she had expected.
  2447. > Peppermint fell in step beside her, looking around with curiosity. "It's a nice, um, town. I kinda like it."
  2448. > She also took a glance around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.
  2449. "I guess?" she quavered.
  2450. > "It's not as- um, as crowded as Baltimare," the colt elaborated. "I kinda like not being jostled with each step."
  2451. > That was her favourite thing, too! Floor found a tiny smile on her muzzle. Maybe they didn't need to have exactly the same interests to work as a couple.
  2452. > The word 'couple' made her blush and the mare silently thanked her hoodie again. It made it so much easier to talk to ponies!
  2453. "It's a-around there-" she pointed out, "the ice c-cream, I mean."
  2454. > She saw the cheerful little shop every time on her way from the grocery store she frequented, but had only plucked up the courage to go in and order something once or twice.
  2455. > Her usual shopping was done in silence, with only an occasional, squeaked 'thank you' to the cashier as she grabbed her change and ran for it.
  2456. > Her step faltered when Floor realized she was having an actual conversation with another pony. It hardly even occurred to her - all she could focus on was the embarrassment and the awkward silences, but she'd been talking with Peppermint for a large part of the day.
  2457. > Well, for a given value of 'talking'. Interacting was a better word.
  2458. > Maybe she could handle doing something like this for a few hours every now and then - especially if video games were involved.
  2459. > Was that what it meant to have a friend? That was essentially what she and Taku had.
  2460. > "Okay, so what would you like?" Peppermint asked, intruding on her thoughts.
  2461. > Floor shook her head and looked up at the sign next to the door. She picked out the most colorful item and pointed.
  2462. "Um, that?"
  2463. > "Triple-fruit swirl with extra sprinkles," Peppermint read. "I think I'll have that too. Take a seat, I'll be right out!"
  2464. > Was it just her, or did the colt seem more at ease lately? What if he was completely opposite than her?! Uneasy and awkward when they were alone, but friendly and outgoing in the public.
  2465. > Didn't somepony once tell her that opposites attract?
  2466. > Floor looked around for a good place to sit. The shop had a few tables for its patrons, but most of them were empty. The mare picked one right against the wall and sat where she could see everypony and no one could sneak up on her from behind.
  2467. > About two minutes later Peppermint came back with a tray in his mouth which he carefully lowered on the table.
  2468. > It had two cups, although 'cups' wasn't the right word. They were made from the same waffle material as the ice cream cones. Floor watched them curiously.
  2469. > Peppermint grabbed his then slid the tray to her.
  2470. > It smelled like sugary water with an aroma of lemon and strawberry and peach. She hardly ever had ice cream, but Floor did like it. It was just ordering it that usually unnerved her.
  2471. > Having a colt get it for her was a nice bonus, actually.
  2472. > She bit into the frozen goop. Of course it was full of sugar, but that was delightful.
  2473. > The mare looked up when she heard crunching. Surely Peppermint hadn't eaten it yet?!
  2474. > No, the little blasphemer was nibbling on his 'cup' even before it was empty. He was going to crack it and spill his ice cream!
  2475. "No!" Floor warned him, then quickly swallowed her mouthful. "Don't do it like that!"
  2476. > Peppermint froze with his tongue hanging out. A few bits of of the wafer still stuck there. "Mmh?" he made an inquisitive noise.
  2477. "You're supposed to eat the ice cream first and *then* the cone!"
  2478. > The colt looked down at his cup with bite marks around the edge. He pulled his tongue back and crunched up the morsel before replying. "Oh? Why is that? I like to mix them a little..."
  2479. > Floor shook her head in dismay.
  2480. "That's just... weird."
  2481. > Her statement made the other pony giggle for some reason. When Floor looked up, he lowered her muzzle, his eyes fixed on hers, and took another bite.
  2482. > As she had predicted, the structure of the cup couldn't handle that and split. Melted ice cream began its gushing escape.
  2483. > "Uh oh!" Peppermint said and quickly started licking the leak. Before long he was forced to gulp down all his ice cream in one or two bites, with predictable results.
  2484. > He put his hooves on his head and moaned. "Ow! Brain freeze!"
  2485. > Floor watched in silent commiseration until the attack passed. Then Peppermint examined the damage and found that, despite his efforts, some ice cream had leaked on the table. More importantly, he was now completely out.
  2486. > "Aw, man!" he whined.
  2487. > His downcast, droopy-eared, miserable expression was too much and Floor Bored burst out laughing. Her hoof slammed on the table a couple of times and tears leaked from her eyes.
  2488. > She couldn't tell why it was so funny, but it felt nice to be proven right.
  2489. "See? Told you!"
  2490. > The colt just heaved a sigh, but he was smiling at her antics. "Yeah. I guess this cup thing is different from the cones we have in Baltimare..."
  2491. > On a spur of the moment Floor pushed her own ice cream forward a little.
  2492. "You can have some of mine," she said magnanimously.
  2493. > Peppermint's face lit up and he didn't waste time before digging in with his spoon.
  2494. "Hey, I said 'some'!" Floor complained.
  2495. > He grinned back. "Sorry. It's just so good!"
  2496. > She was forced to agree there, but she still scooped up a spoonfull and put it in her mouth, before waving again.
  2497. "O'ay, juff a 'eetle 'ore!" she offered.
  2498. > Amazingly Peppermint understood her full-mouth speech and helped himself to a few more spoonfulls.
  2499. > Between the two of them, they emptied the cup in a few quick minutes, then sat back and sighed because it was gone.
  2500. > When Floor picked up the cup and started crunching it between her teeth Peppermint realized he still had his. "That's right!" he said and bonked his head lightly with a hoof. In moments he was chewing too.
  2501. > As soon as she was done, Floor looked around to see if there was any more, then she sat back. The ice cream had been delicious, just like she remembered it from those rare few times she'd mustered up the courage to come get it.
  2502. > It was even better fresh - by the time she usually brought it home it had already melted.
  2503. > "You always wear that hoodie when you go out?" Peppermint asked.
  2504. > It reminded Floor about her shame and nerves and the beautiful moment came crashing down. She looked at the ground again.
  2505. "Y-Yes," she quavered.
  2506. > "It looks good on you."
  2507. > That was probably a lie, but when the mare looked up all she could see was a faint, honest-looking smile.
  2508. "T-Thanks..."
  2509. > Peppermint looked around for a clock, but there was none. He heaved a sign and stood up. "I guess we should keep going? I still have to buy tickets."
  2510. > Floor nodded with relief. Walking side by side meant she didn't have to let him look at her face that much. It was an improvement because she didn't have to keep such a tight control over her expression.
  2511. "It's this way," she said uncertainly and set off.
  2512. > A few moments later she heard Peppermint's hooves walking beside her.
  2514. > ~~~~
  2516. > The two ponies sat side by side on a bench at the train station. The place was mostly empty, but there were a few travellers hanging around, waiting. Floor was glad to note that they kept their distance.
  2517. > She didn't know what to talk about, now that she and Peppermint were about to say goodbye. A part of her - rather a large part - was relieved that it would soon be over.
  2518. > Then again, he was a nice colt and he did like video games and, most importantly, he seemed to like *her*.
  2519. > That was some masturbation-fuel right there!
  2520. > Again, the mare was glad she had that hoodie, or her blush would be open for all the world to see.
  2521. > She was really torn about this colt. Her imagination had started working as they sat side by side, flanks nearly touching, and the mare was imagining what might have been if Peppermint came back home with her.
  2522. > They could maybe get some drinks to loosen up and try... again. This time he knew who she was and how old, so he wouldn't say a stupid thing like last night.
  2523. > Would that ruin whatever budding friendship they were building? Could she even be somepony's friend and lover at the same time?
  2524. > The message boards seemed to agree that this was impossible. Except for mares. Of course two mares could be friends and lovers, just not a mare and a stallion.
  2525. > "So, I guess that's the train?" Peppermint said.
  2526. > Floor suddenly became aware of a low rumbling noise which had been growing louder. She looked along the tracks and saw a faint light in the distance.
  2527. "I guess."
  2528. > Peppermint slid from the bench and stood in front of the mare. The fact that his head was at the perfect height for a quick kiss didn't escape Floor. She wondered if she should do it.
  2529. > It would probably turn out weird. Yes, the colt liked her, but as a friend! He pretty much said so, didn't he?
  2530. > Then why was he standing still with that faint, bemused smile and looking hopeful.
  2531. > There went her pulse again. Floor hoped he couldn't hear the rattle of her heartbeat. Unfortunately she couldn't do much about the blush.
  2532. > "You're a cool filly, Floor," Peppermint suddenly broke the silence. "I'll add you on PonyNet and we can maybe play together sometimes?"
  2533. > That would be a very good way to stay in touch. Floor found it much easier to talk to ponies online, through chat. She nodded happily.
  2534. "Yes please! Um, do you know the name?"
  2535. > "I looked at it when you were showing me Hooves and Crowns," Peppermint admitted and his ears splayed a bit. "I wouldn't have used it unless you said it was okay, though."
  2536. "You can u-use it!"
  2537. > "Cool! Maybe we can, um, meet sometime then?"
  2538. > Again her head bobbed up and down excitedly.
  2539. "I'll try!"
  2540. > Floor wondered if Fluttershy could get Twilight to loan her the carriage. If not, then she'd just have to save her bits until she had enough for a return train ticket. The prices she'd read off the list at the ticket office weren't *too* horrible.
  2541. > This reminded her: Peppermint was probably from a rich family. He didn't even flinch at the cost, nor did he complain about buying them both ice cream. If she waved her tail just right, she might net herself a rich colt, as well as handsome.
  2542. > Again the color crept up her muzzle and Floor shook her head to dislodge the improper thoughts.
  2543. > "Well... I guess this is goodbye for now?" Peppermint said, hesitating a little as the train stopped behind him and the door opened.
  2544. > He only had a few seconds to get on there, and he was risking it just to take a last look at her. It was *so* romantic!
  2545. > Before Floor could tell him to go, the colt dashed forward, reared up on the bench and gave her muzzle a quick peck.
  2546. > It made her squeak in alarm, but Peppermint leaned closer yet to whisper in her ear. "I really like you! I never met a mare like you!"
  2547. > Then, in a flurry of hooves he was gone. Floor just stood and gaped in shock, trying to piece together what had just happened.
  2548. > So had it actually *been* a date?! Nopony told her! She wished ponies told her these things!
  2549. > Peppermint could have said! She looked at the windows to give him a glare, but when she saw him waving, her muzzle split into a smile despite her efforts.
  2550. > A date! A *date* date!
  2551. > It hadn't even been that hard! Only a tiny bit awkward, but she could do that again!
  2552. > She had to start saving bits for that train ticket! Luckily Twilight had filled her fridge, so the next unemployment check could give her a trip to have another...
  2553. > The mare shuddered at the very thought - *date* with Peppermint.
  2554. > Floor slid down from the bench onto her unsteady hooves and looked at the retreating train in the distance. For the first time since she could remember, she was happy and outside. Those two were usually mutually exclusive.
  2555. > She let out a pleased little snort and set off to go home.
  2556. > There was still that big, nice, empty apartment and her toys in the closet. She'd think of Peppermint when she used them!
  2557. > It was going to be an amazing evening!
  2559. > ~~~~
  2561. > Floor Bored slammed the door shut as she ran into her apartment. She paused for just a moment so she could catch her breath, then she went and collapsed in the couch.
  2562. > Had it really happened?!
  2563. > A colt had kissed her goodbye. *Her*! Floor Bored! *Kissed*! A colt!
  2564. > Her thoughts ran in circles. What happened next? Peppermint had said he'd add her on PonyNet and then they'd chat. She was at the same time anxious for that and afraid of it.
  2565. > What did you even say in a situation like this?!
  2566. > One thing was certain: Floor was far too pent up and jittery to think straight. As soon as she had her breath back, the mare slid from the couch and yanked her hoodie off.
  2567. > She left it right there on the floor and made a beeline for her room. The toys were in the closet and all she had to do was think about that kiss...
  2568. > Well, more a brush of their muzzles, but she totally counted it as a kiss! A colt had kissed her and it was totally consensual and everything!
  2569. > It was enough to get her all tingly down there! The pony smacked her muzzle against her computer chair in her hurry, but she didn't even feel the pain.
  2570. > A moment later she had her favourite toy in hoof and jumped on the bed with it. This time she wouldn't even need any lubricant! Her body was making plenty of it already.
  2571. > She lined up the rubber horse cock, gripped it expertly with her hind legs, then pushed.
  2572. "Oooooh, b-b-buck yeah!"
  2573. > It was enough just to lie there, impaled, for a minute or two. She winked around the toy, each twitch sending a fresh wave of pleasure up her body.
  2574. > Maybe it was the abstinence, or maybe it was the lingering scent of a colt in her room, but she didn't even have to move. The pressure built up, the mare panted, and she came.
  2575. > The dildo slipped from her nerveless hooves and fell to the bed, but she was clenching it tightly with her insides as she writhed, so it remained firmly inside of her.
  2576. > Its solid length almost felt alive, pressing back against her involuntary contractions. The orgasm went on and on.
  2577. > When it finally ended, Floor was left panting and sweaty, but not yet satisfied.
  2578. "M-More!" she gasped.
  2579. > It was an effort to grip the horse cock with her hind hooves again, but she'd had a lot of practice over the years. Floor pulled it almost out, then rammed it back in.
  2580. "Ngh!"
  2581. > The sensation was indescribable. If this was what it felt like after a week of not doing it, maybe it was worth it. Floor groped with her forehooves and tried to push the thing deeper.
  2582. > Her passage finally relaxed a bit and the dammed-up liquids spurted out. Floor was beyond caring. She could do the laundry later to hide the evidence.
  2583. > More of her fluids leaked as she pulled the cock out once more, but she didn't even notice how they were soaking into her tail. All her concentration was on the thing inside her.
  2584. > Again she shoved it roughly against her, producing another moan and a squeak of surprise.
  2585. > It wouldn't take a whole lot more to-
  2586. > With urgent, irresistible need, Floor yanked the dildo almost all the way out, then jammed it back in. This time she didn't pause before doing it again, and again.
  2587. "Yes, yes, mmph-"
  2588. > She couldn't stay quiet, but she firmly bit her tongue to keep from screaming out loud.
  2589. > As soon as the pony got into the rhythm of her thrusting, she closed her eyes and brought up a memory of Peppermint.
  2590. > For some reason it was one from their ice cream shop when, in his haste, the colt had smeared some of the frozen goop on his muzzle. He went to lick it off and Floor couldn't help seeing how long and nimble his tongue was.
  2591. > She imagined it playing across her *bits*, even while she kept shoving the rubber toy in there as quickly as she was able.
  2592. "Y-Yeah," she gasped, "buuuck!"
  2593. > Her thoughts flickered back to the previous evening. Even in her drunken haze, Floor clearly remembered Peppermint's... 'length' dangling down. He had been standing just above her.
  2594. > It wasn't a big jump to imagine that scene a few seconds later, when the stallion was on her and pushing, *thrusting*.
  2595. > The mare tried to say 'yes', but it came out with some pooled spittle as a garbled mess of a word. She was beyond caring and just slammed her dildo inside one last time, pushing her over the edge.
  2596. > Her back arched, her hooves slipped from the toy, twitching uncontrollably, and her winking made audible slaps and spurts. Floor didn't even breathe while the ecstasy lasted.
  2597. > It seemed to go on forever and ever.
  2598. > At long last she slumped and drew an urgent breath. She felt something was required of her.
  2599. "Mmmbphf!"
  2600. > It sounded about right and Floor nodded to herself with a tiny smile. Abstinence was *amazing*!
  2601. > She'd have to move soon and get started on cleaning the sheets. Despite her best efforts, thoughts of Fluttershy and Twilight sparkle forced their way into her mind and the mare grimaced.
  2602. > Not even in the throes of passion was she safe from those two busymares.
  2603. > The pony heaved a long-suffering sigh and went to pull her toy out of her self. She gripped it, but then froze.
  2604. > Removing it would release all the dammed-up fluids.
  2605. > Heh, dam-fluids, Floor thought with a slight chuckle.
  2606. > Maybe she should leave it in and just, kinda, shuffle into the shower. That'd be a lot easier to clean than her bed and the carpets.
  2607. > The mare cast a speculative eye over her pillow. An idea occurred.
  2608. > She quickly stripped the pillowcase from it, then wrapped the cloth as best she could around her most problematic areas. That allowed her to slide off the bed and catch any stray drops which made it past the horse cock.
  2609. > It'd do. A quick glance showed Floor, to her relief, that the bed wasn't too bad. Her tail had soaked up most of the 'overflow' and it didn't look as if anything had seeped into the mattress.
  2610. > Smiling a little to herself, Floor began her careful, shuffling walk. Immediately she felt the tingle again.
  2611. > There was something incredibly arousing about walking around with a dildo still shoved up her.
  2612. "S-Shower," she breathed out, "in the tub!"
  2613. > Floor could make any mess she wanted there without worry. It'd just wash off.
  2614. > Yeah, the night was far from over! Time to take her party to the shower!
  2616. > ~~~~
  2618. > Floor Bored was just toweling herself off, trying to ignore the ache in most of her muscles, when she heard a faint ding. It was a sound she knew, but definitely not a familiar one.
  2619. > A message on her computer!
  2620. > The thought of what it might be sent her heart into instant overdrive and made her hooves shake as she simply dropped the towel and ran.
  2621. "Please, please, please!"
  2622. > Even Floor herself didn't know what she was pleading for, or why, or with whom. All she knew was that there was fresh adrenaline coursing through her veins.
  2623. > She made it to her room with only a slight bump on her muzzle when she misjudged her speed around the corner and threw herself on the computer chair.
  2624. > The screen took bucking *ages* to come on.
  2625. > There it was. For a few seconds, the mare could only stare at the chat window, almost unwilling to believe that it was really happening.
  2626. > It was from 'pepperpone' and contained a simple message: 'Hi, Floor!'
  2627. > What did you even reply to that? The mare started typing something and erased it a couple of times, until she settled on: 'hi'.
  2628. "Ugh, why is this so hard?!" she grumbled.
  2629. > Talking over text was supposed to be easier than in person! Why were her hooves shaking so badly she had trouble pressing the keys?!
  2630. > She waited for the reply, which took another forever.
  2631. > "Just came back to the dorm. I had fun today!"
  2632. > Floor Bored didn't have the faintest idea of what to say to that, but it felt like something was expected of her. She tried sounding it out loud in the hopes it would help with inspiration.
  2633. "Yeah, me too!"
  2634. > "We should do it again sometime!" Peppermint wrote back, followed by a winky-face.
  2635. > They had agreed to much the same, but seeing it written plainly like that still made Floor's heart skip a bit.
  2636. "Yes!"
  2637. > She had to put her hooves down and grip the edges of her chair to keep them from trembling too much and pushing accidental buttons.
  2638. > The next message from the colt was coming in: "Um, I wanted to say sorry again for last night. I shouldn't of freaked out."
  2639. > She wasn't even mad about that anymore. Peppermint had explained his mistake and it made sense. Not to mention that he bought her ice cream and took her out on a date.
  2640. > True, it would have been *nice* if Floor *knew* she was being taken out on a date, but it still counted!
  2641. > She'd fight anypony who said otherwise!
  2642. "It's fine!"
  2643. > By this point the mare wasn't even aware that she was saying it out loud as she was typing.
  2644. > "So..."
  2645. > He had run out of things to say! It was her turn to do something and Floor froze up in terror. She had a minute at most before Peppermint realized she was actually very boring and uninteresting and then he'd break it off!
  2646. > A small whimper escaped her and the mare blurted out the first thing she could think of.
  2648. > She had accidentally hit the Caps Lock key, but it was too late now to take it away.
  2649. "Sorry, caps!"
  2650. > Nothing happened for a while and Floor's ears folded down.
  2651. > At long last the reply came and the pony took her hoof out of her mouth. She didn't look if there were bite marks, but it felt like there might be.
  2652. > Even as she was bracing herself for a polite refusal, the message came in: "Sure, gimme twenty to get dinner and then I'm in!"
  2653. > Floor blinked at the screen, uncomprehending. She had to read the message four times to convince herself Peppermint wasn't declining. Then she squealed with joy.
  2654. "Yes yes yes yesyesyes!"
  2655. > She jumped from the chair and pranced a short, improvised jig in her room. A ding woke her up from her reverie and she scrambled to get back on the computer.
  2656. > It said: "Tell me which game to install so it downloads while I'm eating."
  2657. > Another tough question, but the colt had been interested in her game, even if it was a little beyond his skill level. No matter, with her helping him they should be fine.
  2658. "Hooves and Crowns!"
  2659. > The mare realized it might have been more polite to let him choose and she started typing that out, but Peppermint just replied: "'kay! Back in twenty!"
  2660. > Did this count as a virtual date?!
  2661. > Was it even possible? Second date already?
  2662. > Floor leaned back in her chair and forced herself to breathe more slowly and deeply. She was close to passing out if she didn't do anything to stop her panting.
  2663. > It worked, after a fashion, and the mare settled down to wait yet another forever until Peppermint was back at his computer. She knew off-hoof that she wouldn't be able to do anything else, so she just sat back and stared, unblinking, at the chat window.
  2664. > Her night was shaping up well. If no major blunders happened and Peppermint wasn't bored of her in a few hours, it would legitimately be perhaps the best day of her life.
  2665. > An ice cream date with a cute colt, which ended in a kiss. Followed by a thoroughly enjoyable, abstinence-fueled *rutting* session. The fact that it was just a toy and not a real stallion barely registered. Floor counted it anyway.
  2666. > Then her currently favourite game with the same colt, in what could loosely be called a virtual date and, to top it off, no nosy Twilight Sparkle or Fluttershy to boss her around and poke their snouts where they didn't belong.
  2667. > Well, Fluttershy was kinda okay, Floor admitted to herself. In fact, she rather liked that mare.
  2668. > It was hard not to, actually. The pegasus was just so damn *bucking* likeable.
  2669. > Best of all, now that she had Peppermint, Floor Bored was no longer pining after the pegasus she couldn't have. Everything was going *perfectly*, for once in her life.
  2670. > That made her worry a bit that something really bad was about to happen, but the mare pushed that tiny, cynical voice down and simply let herself smile at the screen.
  2671. > He should be back soon, right? After all, it's already been... Floor groaned quietly. Almost a full minute.
  2672. > She sagged back in her chair and settled in for the long wait.
  2674. > ~~~~
  2676. > "And then! And then Geezer tried to drink it, but he didn't realize the bottle had been sitting there for a week!"
  2677. > Floor Bored chortled with laughter, the game momentarily forgotten. Peppermint was just explaining yet another funny anecdote from his dorm room, which he shared with two other colts.
  2678. > His stories were incredibly funny and at the same time a huge relief for the mare. All she had to do was listen and Peppermint did most of the talking.
  2679. > Chatting to colts was *easy*! She had been a little unsure about going over to voice, because typing gave her an excuse to think about what she was saying, but now she was glad they'd done it.
  2680. > Peppermint was just... fun!
  2681. "Why didn't anypony toss it out?"
  2682. > "Dunno, I guess we just kinda forgot," he explained, barely holding back laughter. "It wasn't even any good to begin with, Sunny took one swig and then just left it there."
  2683. > They both laughed some more, then Floor realized something and just asked, hardly even thinking about it:
  2684. "Why do you call them 'Geezer' and 'Sunny'?"
  2685. > There was a moment of silence and the mare cringed, fearing she'd done something wrong. She was about to apologize when Peppermint answered: "Oh, it's just nicknames, you know?"
  2686. "Nicknames? Like on PonyNet?"
  2687. > "No," the colt explained, "I mean: Geezer's real name is 'Stargazer', but we all just call him 'Geezer'."
  2688. > That probably made some kind of sense to the colts, but Floor wasn't about to try and grasp the logic behind it. She didn't mind.
  2689. > In fact, it felt almost as if those two were her friends, too, despite never having met them. Hearing about their antics and misadventures just felt *so* inclusive the way Peppermint spoke.
  2690. > The colt wasn't done yet and the Floor wrenched her focus back. "Then there's Sunny. His actual name is 'Crescent Sun', but... you know."
  2691. "That's an, um, unusual name."
  2692. > "Oh yeah! I forgot you don't know the story. His parents met during a solar eclipse! They were both watching it, you know, with smoked glass and so on. It was love at first sight and when she got pregnant, his Mom suggested the name and there you have it. Crescent Sun."
  2693. "Huh, sounds... cute," Floor commented.
  2694. > It was too mushy by half, but a part of her did find the story a little bit romantic. The story made another question pop up.
  2695. "So, what do they call you?"
  2696. > There was silence for a while. Then: "Nah, it's silly. Just coltish nicknames, y'know? Let's get back in the game."
  2697. > Despite herself, Floor bounced a little in her seat, a slow smile playing across her muzzle.
  2698. "Tell me! Come on, tell me!"
  2699. > The colt on the other end of the line heaved a sigh, then murmured almost too quietly for her to hear: "Sneezy. You know, because 'pepper'. I don't know how that even makes sense."
  2700. > Floor couldn't help giggling. It did make a kind of weird, illogical kind of sense, but what was really funny was the way she imagined Peppermint squirming.
  2701. > It felt really good to know that other ponies got embarrassed too!
  2702. "Sorry. It's funny."
  2703. > "Yeah," Peppermint said. "Come on, thirty minutes more and then I have to sleep. I got classes tomorrow."
  2704. > The mare looked at the clock and nodded to herself. It was already past bedtime for normal ponies - the ones who had jobs or school or a social life.
  2705. > Funny how the time had just flown past.
  2706. "Okay. Wanna try the dungeon again?"
  2707. > Her new friend gave it some thought. "Actually, can we visit the ruins again? Those were nice and easy."
  2708. > That zone was for foals, but to her mild surprise Floor didn't mind too much. Celestia knew the colt needed more practice. He was just *so* clumsy with the controls!
  2709. "Okay, fine, but we're doing something harder tomorrow!"
  2710. > Too late she realized how that might sound. Unfortunately, Peppermint seized on the opportunity. "So, like, um, a virtual date?"
  2711. > Immediately she was blushing and looking away from the screen, even though they weren't using cameras to chat. All she could make was a vague, affirmative-sounding noise.
  2712. > This time *he* had said it. That made it double-official!
  2713. > Floor still didn't know how it had happened, but they were apparently dating. What she really wanted to ask was if Peppermint often went to bars to pick up drunk mares and how she would know she was different.
  2714. > Maybe he did this with all of them - a bit of flirting, a couple of dates, probably ending in bed, then moving on to the next one when he got bored.
  2715. > Was she, Floor wanted to know, just a temporary fling, or would this thing between them last any real time?
  2716. > The biggest problem was that she didn't even know herself what she wanted. On the one hoof, she'd dreamed of some hot, steamy, rutting for as long as she could remember, but on the other hoof, just spending time with Peppermint was fun.
  2717. > She wouldn't mind having an actual, honest-to-Luna friend!
  2718. > It all flashed through her mind and Floor tried to come up with a way to ask the colt, but her mouth wouldn't work. She needed to think it over some more, maybe slowly work up to the question.
  2719. > With luck, Peppermint would spill it, or at least hint at the answer by himself and she wouldn't even have to say anything.
  2720. > Floor became painfully aware that the voice line had gone completely silent again. Her breathing quickened and her ears folded down. If she didn't say anything real soon, Peppermint would think she was weird.
  2721. > The problem was that her mind was completely blank about conversation topics. She was liable to blurt out something embarrassing or personal or weird.
  2722. > In fact, she barely suppressed a whimper. It had been a nice evening and she was going to ruin it in the next five minutes. Maybe she should escape and try again tomorrow?
  2723. > That would give her some time to think about what to say.
  2724. "A-Actually, um..."
  2725. > "Hmm?"
  2726. "It's getting k-kinda late!"
  2727. > It took incredible effort to keep her voice level and at least somewhat steady, but Floor managed it, mostly through luck.
  2728. > "Yeah," Peppermint said slowly. "I guess you're right. Let's try this again tomorrow."
  2729. "Y-Yeah! Um, bye!" the mare squeaked.
  2730. > Her hoof hovered over the button to end the voice chat. As soon as Peppermint said 'bye' she'd press it and then she could let herself breathe. Hopefully he'd do it soon, or her lungs would burst.
  2731. > "Um, thanks, Floor. This was fun. Good night!"
  2732. > She didn't risk replying and just ended the call. Then she tapped out, with shaking hooves: "Night!"
  2733. > Relief flooded through her. It had been a close thing, but she had managed to act normal, or at least as normal as she was likely to get.
  2734. > It was pure luck she hadn't realized it sooner or - Floor shuddered at the thought - while Peppermint was with her in person. He'd be bound to pick up on it!
  2735. > Her ears and her head slumped and the mare just crawled to bed, not even interested enough to keep playing her game alone. Maybe a couple of one-night-stands would be the best way to go. Celestia knew she'd buck up anything more serious sooner or later.
  2736. > Get a few good ruttings out of Peppermint and then - at least she wouldn't be a virgin loser anymore, just a regular one.
  2737. > The pony pulled her blanket over her head, ignoring the fact that the light was still on, and buried her muzzle in the pillow. That was right, there wasn't a pillowcase, but Floor was beyond caring.
  2738. > At least she wouldn't be a virgin loser anymore, she repeated in her mind, trying to convince herself it would be better.
  2739. > Maybe even that was hoping for too much. She'd already bucked up one chance to get a rut, and they were both drunk! Who was to say she wouldn't just freak out, or do something even stupider if they ever went for round two?
  2740. > It was easy with the toy. The rubber horse cock didn't look at her, nor did it judge. She didn't have to think about what it was thinking.
  2741. > Maybe if she got drunk again the next time she saw Peppermint. She should at least get one good rutting, right?
  2742. > Didn't everypony deserve at least one good rutting in their lives?!
  2744. > ~~~~
  2746. > Floor Bored woke up when somepony was gently shaking her. She blinked her eyes, but the blanket over her head impeded all vision.
  2747. "Wha'?" she managed.
  2748. > She remembered her own thoughts from the previous day and barely stifled a sob. It was all going wrong even before it had begun!
  2749. > "Sorry, I just wanted to know if you'd like some breakfast," came the voice. It wasn't difficult to recognize.
  2750. > Fluttershy. It looked as if her persistent 'guests' were back. Well, one of them, at least.
  2751. "Wha' time izzit?" Floor asked, mainly for something to say.
  2752. > "Almost noon."
  2753. > Yeah, that sounded about right. Her mouth felt like it was full of mud and her bones ached where she'd been lying on them. Floor put her hooves on the mattress and lifted herself up without particular ceremony. The blanket slid off.
  2754. > For some reason the pegasus was blushing, something which was clearly visible on her yellow coat. "Um," Fluttershy said, "there's a- well... Uh, in the bath tub?"
  2755. > Floor suddenly remembered her little 'fun' during shower. She'd just left it in the bathroom when she heard her computer ding its sound for a new message!
  2756. "Eep!"
  2757. > She grabbed for a blanket and tried to cover herself up again, but Fluttershy had anticipated that and held it down with a surprisingly strong hoof.
  2758. > "It's okay, Floor Bored," the pegasus said exceedingly gently. "It's... natural. J-Just go and put it away, there's nothing to be ashamed of, really!"
  2759. > In a way, Fluttershy was right. She'd already seen it all, so why even get embarrassed anymore? It wasn't like she had any secrets left from her invasive house guest.
  2760. > The mare slumped and slid from the bed, ears, head, tail - all hanging limply.
  2761. "Fine."
  2762. > "I'll go and get some lunch started, okay?"
  2763. "Fine."
  2764. > Fluttershy went first and left the miserable NEET drag her hooves to the bathroom at her own pace.
  2765. > She needed to use the toilet anyway.
  2766. > Floor ignored the clanging of a pot in the kitchen and went straight for her destination. Sure enough, there it was.
  2767. > A very long, black horse cock, right in the bathtub for all to see. It wasn't exactly hard to put together what the mare had been doing with it.
  2768. > She couldn't even look at it. Such a stupid mistake to leave it there. She *knew* Fluttershy, and possibly Twilight Sparkle, would be coming back the next day!
  2769. > At this rate she was starting to get used to all the embarrassment. Floor idly wondered if that's how normal ponies felt. Maybe they were all just as ashamed as she was all the time, but simply ignored it?
  2770. > Maybe it was what you had to do to get a coltfriend?
  2771. > Maybe she could ask Peppermint about it?
  2772. > Shaking her head, Floor finished her business, then grabbed her own used towel from the floor and wrapped up the... 'item' in the tub. She slung it over her back and started the long walk of shame back to her room.
  2773. > The only consolation was that Fluttershy wasn't looking.
  2774. > Crap, she forgot to pee, too.
  2776. > ~~~~
  2778. > "So, I wanted to apologize, Floor Bored," the pegasus was saying over lunch.
  2779. > It was nothing special, just some boiled vegetables and mashed potatoes. Floor hardly tasted and only ate so she wouldn't hurt Fluttershy's feelings.
  2780. "Hmm? W-Why?!" she demanded.
  2781. > These ponies kept saying the most inane, unexpected things.
  2782. > A quick glance - all she dared to take - showed Floor that the pegasus was looking forlornly in her plate and pushing her food around just as listlessly as she herself.
  2783. > "It's because of, um, two nights ago," Fluttershy tried to explain. "It was wrong of me and Twilight to try and take you out and make you meet ponies. I told Twilight it was a bad idea, but she insisted."
  2784. > Now the mare looked up, eyes almost glistening with tears. "I'm very sorry. I should have insisted."
  2785. > Fluttershy was sorry for trying to get her laid?! The very idea left Floor gaping.
  2786. "What?!"
  2787. > "You can't force ponies to like you, or become your friend. You'll do it when you're good and ready and not a moment sooner!" Fluttershy went on, apparently oblivious to the look Floor was giving her.
  2788. > They stared at each other for a moment, then the pegasus smiled. "Well, I'll be your friend, if you still want it, Floor Bored."
  2789. > The mare just blinked a few times in confusion.
  2790. "Ok-Okay?" she ventured.
  2791. > It made Fluttershy's smile widen. "And just to show you how sorry I am, I will take you out for dinner tonight, alright? It's the least I can do!"
  2792. > The hopeful, pleading look Fluttershy was giving her made it impossible to say no, even if Floor would rather have stayed home and played video games.
  2793. > Maybe a dinner with this particular pony wouldn't be too bad? After all, Fluttershy had come closer than anyone else in Floor's life to understanding how she felt.
  2794. "Okay?"
  2795. > "Splendid! I'll pick a nice, quiet place and we'll just have some fun, okay?"
  2796. "Um, s-sure?"
  2797. > What else could she even say?!
  2798. > A sliver of hope blossomed forth in Floor's heart. Was this just some dinner between two friends, or was the pegasus saying that there was a chance for... something more?
  2799. > Was it a romantic-type dinner, or just going somewhere else to eat food? Suddenly it was very important for Floor to know.
  2800. > Of course she couldn't ask, not after the talk Fluttershy had had with her the other day. About just being friends.
  2801. > Still - was the pegasus changing her mind?! Was she giving Floor Bored a try?
  2802. > The pressure was too much.
  2803. "I'm- I have to- uh, I'll just-" she mumbled as she slid from her chair.
  2804. > Her lunch, the one Fluttershy had cooked for them, was left almost untouched. If this hurt the mare's feelings, Floor didn't spot it.
  2805. "Sorry!"
  2806. > She hurried to her room, heart beating so loudly that she hardly heard her own hoofsteps.
  2807. > Was there a chance to have something with Fluttershy? Nothing... sexual, Floor Bored was surprised to find. What she wanted from the pegasus was just to- be there.
  2808. > Somepony who understood, who knew her deepest secrets and didn't mind.
  2809. > Did that mean she'd given up on Peppermint already? She hadn't fouled that one up, *yet*. It was bound to happen, but maybe she could get a good rutting out of it before it did.
  2810. > It was all just too much. Floor jumped up on her bed, wrapped the blanket around herself and put her face right back in her pillow.
  2811. > Why did it all have to be so complicated? Why couldn't ponies just tell her if they liked her, rather than hinting at it.
  2812. > Floor never picked up on those hints! It was completely unfair.
  2813. > There was only one thing to do.
  2814. > She'd have to get a bit drunk - nothing too excessive, just a little tipsy to loosen her up - and then she'd have to just come out and ask Fluttershy.
  2815. > Luckily she had an entire afternoon to rehearse the question in her mind and work up the nerve to actually do it.
  2816. > Maybe it would be enough?
  2817. > Floor groaned a little to herself.
  2818. > Maybe she'd need a bit more than 'tipsy' for that one...
  2820. > ~~~~
  2822. > Having no better ideas, Floor Bored had opted to wear the same dress Fluttershy and Twilight had brought her. The rules around fashion were too complex and she was probably doing something wrong, which didn't help her confidence in the slightest.
  2823. > If it were entirely up to her, Floor would have chosen her hoodie instead, but she had a faint inkling that that might be rude to Fluttershy.
  2824. > On the other hoof, what would the pegasus think about her choice of the dress? Would it seem as if Floor was coming on to her, or would she find her lack of understanding funny?
  2825. > The most infuriating part was that Fluttershy hadn't given her a single sign, neither of approval, nor disapproval, when Floor emerged from her room! The poor mare stood there, trembling, with a forced grin frozen on her muzzle while the pegasus just smiled pleasantly and led the way out of the apartment.
  2826. > At the moment they were already sitting in an upscale restaurant whose name Floor had forgotten about two seconds after reading the sign. The waiter had taken their order: two potato salads.
  2827. > Actually it had been Fluttershy who had picked and Floor who just barely squeaked "Same for me!" when the stoic and bored-looking unicorn glanced her way.
  2828. > She did the exact same thing when Fluttershy ordered sparkling water.
  2829. > Two stemmed glasses were sitting on the table, Floor's already empty. It had been something to do with her mouth so she didn't have to make up conversation.
  2830. > "Oh, you should order another glass if you're thirsty, Floor Bored," the pegasus said when she noticed the discrepancy.
  2831. "O-Okay."
  2832. > When she didn't make any move, Fluttershy nodded encouragingly and said: "Just wave the waiter over."
  2833. "I'm n-not thirsty!"
  2834. > Her rapid change of mind made the pegasus chuckle, but she looked around and extended a wing when she spotted their serving pony. He finished returning the change to an elderly couple and trotted over.
  2835. > "My friend would like another glass-" Fluttershy began, then fell silent and turned her attention to Floor. "Same again? You can get something else, if you'd like."
  2836. > There was only one solution to her problem and Floor grasped for it urgently.
  2837. "Wine! P-Please! Um, if it- it's okay?"
  2838. > The waiter's expression didn't change, for which Floor was slightly grateful. He waited for a second or two, in case she would say anything else, then asked in a very bored tone of voice: "White wine or red wine, miss?"
  2839. > Floor gave Fluttershy a panicked look, but the pegasus just nodded with a small grin.
  2840. "W-White!"
  2841. > "Very good, miss," the unicorn said and left to fetch her drink.
  2842. > Alcohol would loosen her up! It was her only hope of making it through the evening without having a heart attack. Floor watched the stallion leave, willing him with her eyes to walk faster.
  2843. > When she looked back, it was right into Fluttershy's open, cyan gaze. Her first instinct was to duck her head, but something in the back of her mind told Floor to keep it, just for a second.
  2844. > It worked! The pegasus smiled pleasantly and looked around. "This is a nice place, isn't it?" she asked.
  2845. "Yes."
  2846. > She didn't know what else to add, so she waited for Fluttershy to continue with whatever she was getting at. It took a bit more time before the pegasus looked back.
  2847. > "How are you feeling? We haven't had much chance to talk lately, Floor Bored. Are you alright?"
  2848. "F-Fine!"
  2849. > Again she felt like there was something more expected of her, but Floor couldn't for the life of her imagine what.
  2850. > "Have you heard back from Peppermint? I do hope he got home safely..."
  2851. > Floor's head bobbed up and down of its own volition.
  2852. "He did! We, um, we played some games. He-"
  2853. > She fell silent as the waiter returned to place two more glasses on their table. He didn't say anything, which was just as well.
  2854. > The wine proved a useful diversion and Floor grasped her glass urgently. Her impulse was to toss it back and ignore the taste, hoping that it would take effect as soon as possible and make the world a little easier to bear.
  2855. > Her hooves froze in the process and Floor looked over to what Fluttershy was doing. The pegasus, apparently oblivious to Floor's presence, gave the wine a gentle sniff, then lifted up the glass for the tiniest, daintiest sip.
  2856. > Fluttershy probably knew more about table manners than Floor ever would, so she opted to copy the pegasus.
  2857. > The wine smelled of...
  2858. > Floor didn't really have a reference. It smelled like wine, she supposed. Slightly sour and full of delicious, vital alcohol. Maybe there was a hint of some flower in it, but she couldn't identify which.
  2859. > Fighting the urge to simply toss back the entire contents, Floor instead tipped the glass carefully up and took barely a mouthful. She didn't know what you were supposed to do with it, so she just kept it on her tongue for a few seconds, then swallowed.
  2860. > The smell of that flower grew stronger and the mare was finally able to hazard a guess.
  2861. "Um, it tastes like, uh, l-lemon? A b-bit, I mean. Lemon f-flowers, I mean."
  2862. > "Mhm!" Fluttershy confirmed. "It's nice. Um, not exactly lemon, more citrus-y."
  2863. > They looked at each other and then the pegasus giggle. "Look at us, pretending like we know anything about fine wine! Rarity would have an aneurysm!"
  2864. > The name reminded Floor of the dress she was wearing. She wasn't a big fan of dresses, but this one did hide some of her more obvious flaws. The pony swallowed a lump and lowered her ears.
  2865. "Uh, c-can you say thank you to Miss Rarity. F-For the dress, I mean."
  2866. > "I already have, but if you'd like we can go visit her and you can tell her yourself?"
  2867. > That would include traveling. A momentary pang of longing echoed through Floor's heart, but then she imagined sitting in a crowded train for hours on end, jostled by strange ponies and probably beset by some children.
  2868. > Doubtless they would poke fun of her! 'Blank flank!' 'Loser!'
  2869. > The image was vivid enough to make Floor shudder, which caused Fluttershy to perk up her ears in alarm.
  2870. > "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
  2871. "It's f-fine."
  2872. > "Floor Bored?"
  2873. > She looked up and gaped in shock. Of all things, Fluttershy looked contrite, with her ears all folded down and her eyes seemingly on the verge of tears.
  2874. > The pegasus heaved a sigh. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," she explained. "I just thought you should go out and meet more ponies. You know, I used to be very, um, shy myself..."
  2875. > Floor had heard rumors, but what Fluttershy considered 'shy' was still several steps above what Floor would even think about doing.
  2876. > Fluttershy had never let garbage pile up in her room because she was too scared to go out to the trash can. She didn't spend two months pooping standing up before she worked up the nerve to buy a new toilet seat at the supermarket.
  2877. > She didn't eat rotten vegetables and moldy cheese for a week because the new cashier had smiled at her and Floor had been too nervous to go buy any fresh food.
  2878. > Well, at least she'd cleaned up her fridge a little during that catastrophe, even if she had been violently ill a few times.
  2879. > All these thoughts passed while Floor was looking at Fluttershy's muzzle, unseeing.
  2880. > Come to think of it, she would never ever have the nerve to go out and eat in a restaurant. Maybe whatever the pegasus was doing was actually helping?
  2881. > "Anyway," Fluttershy went on, "I wanted to tell you that Twilight has managed to track down your friend, Taku."
  2882. > The name made Floor's ears fold down. She didn't want to see her hussy ex-friend again. Coming over and rubbing her incredible luck with a colt right in Floor's muzzle! The nerve!
  2883. > Fluttershy noticed her expression, but misinterpreted it. "Oh, don't worry! She should be back from her honeymoon in a few weeks and then Twilight and me will help you two make up, okay?"
  2884. > Floor wanted to tell Fluttershy, firmly, that she didn't want anything at all to do with Taku ever again, but decided against it. Her shoulders slumped and she sighed.
  2885. "Fine..."
  2886. > Luckily the waiter came back with their food, which gave her some time to think.
  2888. > ~~~~
  2890. > Wine was nothing short of a miracle. A couple of glasses and the world... dulled a little. Everypony was still staring at Floor, all the time, but at least she didn't care as much.
  2891. > Let them stare.
  2892. > The important thing was Fluttershy and the story the pegasus was telling about a time she and her friends went to wake up a sleeping dragon.
  2893. > It was both scary and exciting. The way Fluttershy described their journey, it was an epic one. Perhaps worthy of a movie trilogy or something.
  2894. > There were endless chasms, avalanches and danger. The mountain seemed to be taller than the moon and the dragon approximately twice the size of Equestria.
  2895. > Floor stared with her mouth open as Fluttershy explained how the dragon hurt her friends and she got angry and yelled at it.
  2896. > Apparently an angry Fluttershy was too much for the dragon, who then winged it away as fast as he could.
  2897. > The pegasus finished, which reminded Floor how hard she was staring. She closed her mouth with a click and took refuge in what was left in her glass.
  2898. "Um. Oh, yeah. Wo-Wow. That- that was r-really summin'!"
  2899. > "Well," Fluttershy said with a slight blush, "I *did* have my friends wi- wiff me!"
  2900. > Floor blinked in confusion. Surely Fluttershy wasn't also drunk, was she? Her vision blurred a little, but she could swear she saw the other mare swaying!
  2901. > She looked at the bottle - now empty - and tried to estimate how much each of them had drunk.
  2902. > Let's see... A glass each to start with. Then Floor had another, which she tossed back like water and then another. By that time, Fluttershy finished hers and poured again for both of them.
  2903. > Then the story began and Floor slowed down a little, but Fluttershy had had to wet her tongue several times. Round up to three or so glasses for the pegasus.
  2904. > They laughed at the part where Rarity tried to steal the dragon's hoard, clinked their glasses and emptied them.
  2905. > Yeah, it all made sense. They'd drank about three quarters of the bottle, each. No wonder they were tipsy!
  2906. > Floor grinned, proud of her accurate calculation.
  2907. "Y-Your, you... um, yer drunk!" she accused.
  2908. > The words made Fluttershy giggle, but she just shrugged. "Maybe," she said, slurring only a tiny bit less than Floor, "but it's fun to get a- uh, little tiny every again and now."
  2909. > Something about that sentence didn't quite make sense, but Floor Bored got the gist of it.
  2910. "Y-Yeah."
  2911. > She became aware that the waiter was standing beside the table, looking expectant.
  2912. "Oh, hey, um... you!" Floor greeted him and tried for a hoofbump.
  2913. > Somehow she missed and nearly fell from her seat. The unicorn sighed and rolled his eyes, then turned to look at Fluttershy.
  2914. > "Will there be anything else, miss?" he asked.
  2915. > "Huh?" Fluttershy blinked and steadied herself with both hooves on the table. "Oh, sorry. No, I good we're think! Can you just, um... bring us, uh. Thing. With all little numbers on it?"
  2916. > "The bill?" he asked.
  2917. > "Yeah, dassit!"
  2918. > He gave another huge sigh and wandered away. Both mares looked after him for a while, then glanced at each other and giggled.
  2919. > "That cold needs a nap, bad!" Fluttershy said. "Diddy, did, uh, did'ya hear 'im yawnin'?"
  2920. > Oh, so *that's* what that was!
  2921. "Yeah!"
  2922. > Fluttershy fumbled for her bag, which she had dropped on the floor next to her chair, and picked out a number of coins. She stared at them for a while, calculating silently, then shrugged and added a few more to the pile on the table.
  2923. > It looked about correct, Floor guessed. She had absolutely no experience in dining out, but that pile of money looked like 'a lot', and she'd always known having a dinner in a nice restaurant cost a lot. So that was good, then.
  2924. > The unicorn came back, a slip of paper floating beside him. He offered it to Fluttershy, but she missed her grip on it.
  2925. > "Why don't I just put it in your bag, miss?" the stallion offered, very kindly. He was a nice and polite colt, which made Floor like him a lot.
  2926. > Maybe if he bought her another of those wines, or a beer, she'd take him to bed.
  2927. > She opened her mouth to say it, but the contents of her stomach threatened to come out, so she hurriedly shut it and swallowed.
  2928. > No sense in ruining their beautiful carpet, she'd just have to hold her muzzle until they were outside.
  2929. > Meanwhile the cute, friendly colt had finished counting Fluttershy's money. He gave her a thoughtful look, then returned a couple of coins back to the table. "Your change, miss," he informed her.
  2930. > The pegasus just grinned at it all for a while, then looked over to Floor. "Um, we s-should go home."
  2931. "Yea- urk!" Floor agreed.
  2932. > She had nearly forgotten about her stomach and caught it just in time. The waiter looked incredibly worried for her health, but Floor just smiled gratefully at him and slipped from the chair.
  2933. > It took careful concentration on all four hooves to keep her upright, but the mare managed. After some calculation, she even figured out how to walk again by carefully moving each leg in turn.
  2934. > Not particularly fast, but it would get her home eventually. She was aware of some whispering around her, but didn't pay it any mind. They were probably just impressed at how drunk she was and still managing to walk!
  2935. > Luckily, Fluttershy was at her side and offered some support with her warm, yellow flank. It was welcome and by leaning on her occasionally, Floor could manage a good turn of speed.
  2936. > "Come on, let's get you home. I shouldn't, uh, done the thing. Shouldn't... have..."
  2937. "Eaten s-sho much?"
  2938. > "No, iz not that," Fluttershy shook her head, then froze for a moment until her vision cleared again. "'s the other thing. Umm..."
  2939. > The pegasus focused on walking them out of the place, hiccuping quietly every now and then. The fresh air would do them good.
  2940. > It really worked! Floor didn't feel like throwing up anymore by the time they made it down the street and turned the correct way to her apartment. Something was still bothering her, though.
  2941. > The pony stopped and sat heavily on her haunches. Her hind legs folded up and she landed on her rump instead with a faint 'oof'.
  2942. > "You okay?" Fluttershy asked, turning to look at Floor with concern.
  2943. "Too mash what? Y'said too mash. Wha' wazzit?"
  2944. > Fluttershy gave it some thought, muzzle scrunching up in concentration. Then she brightened up.
  2945. > "Drunk!" she said. "We, um, wined too much drunk!"
  2946. > It made sense. It would explain why her head was spinning like that and why she wasn't all that stable on her hooves.
  2947. > She liked it, though. It put the scaredy, anxious, worried part of her to sleep and let some of the rest of 'Floor' shine through. It gave her courage.
  2948. > The mare smiled.
  2949. "Um, the... fankoo, 'shy! Wazza good night."
  2950. > The pegasus took the compliment and leaned in to give her a quick nuzzle. Except that Floor moved at the last possible second and their lips met.
  2951. > It was nice.
  2952. > Fluttershy was very soft and warm. After a few seconds, Floor put her hooves around the pegasus to keep her still and closed her eyes to better focus on the moment.
  2953. > There was still a bit of that citrus wine on Fluttershy's tongue.
  2954. > It was nice.
  2956. > ~~~~
  2958. > When Floor Bored woke up she immediately regretted it. Again.
  2959. > Hadn't she sworn off drinking after the last time? She opened her mouth to yawn, which elicited a pained whimper, followed by her nearly choking as she smelled her own breath.
  2960. > Yuck!
  2961. > What even happened last night?!
  2962. > She froze, staring at the ceiling as the memory crept back. She hadn't *really* kissed Fluttershy out on the street, had she? Maybe that had been a part of her confused dream.
  2963. > A cursory glance around the dim room proved that Floor was in her own bed and alone. Certainly if anything had happened, at least she would have woken up with the pegasus. Right?
  2964. > Not knowing was killing her. Despite the personal discomfort, Floor rolled out of her bed and landed on shaky legs. She panted for a minute to get her breath back after this heroic endeavor.
  2965. > The dizzy spell passed and the pony made her way to the bedroom door. More memories returned.
  2966. > Had she really thrown up into a trash can just outside? The taste in her mouth confirmed it and Floor grimaced, hoping the garbage collector wouldn't know who it was from.
  2967. > Finding a thing like that was bound to ruin somepony's day and Floor didn't want their certain revenge.
  2968. > Okay, so she'd been kissing Fluttershy for a while-
  2969. > Sweet Celestia, she *had* kissed Fluttershy!!
  2970. > Floor shut her eyes on reflex and froze up. More of the mystery unraveled now that she was focusing on it. She'd kissed Fluttershy and the other mare didn't fight her! Actually, now that she replayed the fuzzy and disjointed memories, Floor was certain she felt Fluttershy put her hooves around her.
  2971. > She then tugged at the pegasus' fetlock to get her moving back home. The kiss had awoken a very real, burning need down in her belly. The flush on Fluttershy's muzzle said she felt it too.
  2972. > They stumbled their way, pausing occasionally to kiss again, until they nearly reached their building.
  2973. > The wine enacted its revenge then and Floor felt her stomach turn. She remembered looking around wildly for a toilet, or at least a bucket. She spotted the trash can and it was that or the street.
  2974. > After that, everything went dark.
  2975. > Oh, there was one more thing. Despite all her practice with the pillow and her hoof, kissing - actual kissing - was a lot messier and Fluttershy ended up with a good amount of slobber on her muzzle.
  2976. > The mare didn't seem to mind, but in her effort to make it better Floor started urgently licking the pegasus clean. It had ended up like a 'whole-face-kiss'.
  2977. > No wonder Fluttershy was put off. If that hadn't done it, the puking surely did. She must have dragged Floor up the stairs and put her to bed.
  2978. > Nothing happened. Floor focused on her lower region and confirmed it. Surely, if they had *done* it, she'd feel something today. She could always tell the next morning if she'd had an orgasm the previous night.
  2979. > Her ears folded down. Still a virgin. Still a loser.
  2980. > Both of them were drunk! It wasn't fair! Everypony got laid when they got drunk! It was almost like a law or something! Surely there was something in the Equestrian Constitution!
  2981. > She felt like crying as she stood just before her bedroom door. Was there even any point in going out? At best Fluttershy would pretend nothing happened, at worst she'd be upset and hate her.
  2982. > No, actually, at worst she'd be disgusted. No one likes a messy, hoovesy, kissy drunk.
  2983. > Unfortunately staying in her room wasn't an option. She needed to pee, *bad*, and there were no bottles around anymore. She would have to go out and face the music.
  2984. > Floor took a deep breath and opened her door.
  2986. > ~~~~
  2988. > After a fortunately uninterrupted toilet visit, Floor Bored found Fluttershy busying herself in the kitchen, humming while cooking a simple breakfast of toast and what smelled like muffins.
  2989. > She confirmed it with a single glance at the table which was already set. Fluttershy *had* made muffins.
  2990. "Um, h-how long have you been u-up?" Floor managed. "How don't you have a- a hangover?"
  2991. > The pegasus smiled pleasantly. "Oh, only about an hour or so," she answered the first part.
  2992. > Floor's head was pounding and she felt like she was about to vomit. She had to know the other mare's secret.
  2993. "And the- um, the hangover?"
  2994. > The pegasus danced closer, which sent an unexpected tingle down Floor's belly. She tentatively sniffed the air and caught the faintest suggestion of Fluttershy's floral shampoo.
  2995. > It was intoxicating and the poor, smitten mare found herself leaning closer to get a better whiff.
  2996. > "It's a secret my friend Pinkie Pie told me. Promise you won't tell anypony?"
  2997. "Mm- mhm."
  2998. > She closed her eyes and let her ears droop as she drank in Fluttershy's presence. Was it love?
  2999. > Floor had never before felt like that, so she figured that must be it.
  3000. > "Drink plenty of water before sleep and the hangover the next morning won't be nearly as severe," the pegasus whispered. "I guess you didn't hear me last night when I put you to bed. Didn't you see the glass of water on your nightstand?"
  3001. > Blushing and lowering her head, Floor was forced to admit that she hadn't.
  3002. "N-No..." she said.
  3003. > There was one more, very important question to answer. They had kissed. Floor was sure of it! Did that mean they were fillyfriends now? Or, rather, marefriends?
  3004. > Her heart threatened to beat right out of her chest and her mouth was suddenly dry. Her stomach did a few somersaults, which didn't help with her nausea.
  3005. "Um, ab-about l-last n-n-night," Floor began to stutter.
  3006. > Fluttershy gave her a blank expression. "Hmm?"
  3007. "We, um... we- we... Weee-"
  3008. > Her rump hit the floor with a thump and the mare sniffled. She couldn't even ask the question, now that she was sober. What she *should* do was simply grab Fluttershy, who was so tantalizingly close, and kiss her again.
  3009. > Except she'd probably run away. Her mouth still tasted foul and her breath was probably horrendous, Floor realized. On top of that, she was far too chickenshit to actually do it. Just imagining it in her mind, feeling the shape of it, was making her legs tremble violently.
  3010. > The best she could manage was to choke out a single, squeaked word, before her treacherous body completely failed her.
  3011. "K-Kiss!"
  3012. > Fluttershy froze and an expression of pure panic filled her face for a second, before she got a grip on herself. "Oh, you remember that..." she said quietly.
  3013. > All Floor could do was nod and silently beg the other mare to make a move.
  3014. > Pleasepleasepleaseplease...
  3015. > "Look, we were both pretty drunk..."
  3016. > Already tears were falling like gentle rain. Floor tensed up to run away and hide in her room forever and ever, but a hoof around her withers held her still.
  3017. > "I'll be honest with you, Floor Bored," Fluttershy said in a careful, clipped voice. "When I thought about, um, l-love, I never really thought about- you know. Mares."
  3018. > The pegasus heaved a sigh and brought her muzzle closer. Floor was frozen in trepidation, but she still inhaled deeply, hoping to at least savor Fluttershy's presence as long as it lasted.
  3019. > "Last night- I really was not expecting that."
  3020. > It felt like something was expected of her. Floor wanted to argue, beg, plead. Anything that would make Fluttershy love her back, but all that came out of her throat was a strangled croak. She sucked at this.
  3021. > No wonder she'd never been able to find a coltfriend.
  3022. "P-Ple-Please..." she managed.
  3023. > "Let me finish," the pegasus chided gently. "I didn't expect it and I certainly didn't expect I would, um, l-like you back. It's all just so confusing!"
  3024. > Like her back!? Floor Bored stiffened and her ears perked up. Did she hear it correctly? Fluttershy wasn't shutting her down, she actually liked her!
  3025. > Her! Floor Bored!
  3026. > The other mare signed and wrapped her hooves and wings around Floor. It was such a warm and soft embrace that her tears started flowing again and she buried her muzzle in Fluttershy's fluff.
  3027. > After a short while she was pushed away, very gently, and held at hoof's length. Fluttershy was looking at her with a serious, concentrated frown.
  3028. > Even her frown was cute, Floor couldn't help but think.
  3029. > "Look, I can't promise anything, but I really will think about it, okay? I don't know if I'm into mares, but after last night... well, I'm willing to consider it."
  3030. > It wasn't totally off the table! Sure, it wasn't a yes, but Floor had been expecting to have her heart completely shattered and then stomped, like it had been every time she dared venture out and talk to a pony.
  3031. > It was a chance.
  3032. > She couldn't help grinning like an idiot.
  3033. > "That's better," Fluttershy said, returning her smile. "You have a lovely smile, did anypony ever tell you that?"
  3034. > Floor mutely shook her head. She couldn't take her eyes off the pegasus now.
  3035. > "Well, let's have a lovely breakfast and then- I'm sorry, but I have to go run a few errands. You will be okay on your own?"
  3036. > This time Floor nodded emphatically. With all the emotional upheaval of the past couple of days, she really did need a few hours just to play some games and watch an episode or two of her favorite series and just- be herself.
  3037. > She needed to think and she did that best when she was otherwise occupied.
  3038. > All the great secrets of life could be figured out while you were slaying monsters in Hooves and Crowns, exactly because it was so mindless.
  3039. > It gave her something to do, kept her from getting completely bored, but left her free to think big, slow thoughts.
  3040. > She had to make some changes in her life to be worthy of Fluttershy and earn her love!
  3041. > The pegasus squeezed her in another brief hug, patted her back, then let her go. "Alright. Let's get some food and water in you. I'm sure your hangover will feel better."
  3043. > ~~~~
  3045. > Freedom and games, it looked like it would be a good afternoon. What was even better was that Fluttershy would 'think about it'. Of course it wouldn't work out, but being 'thought about' was a very new thing for the lonely little neet.
  3046. > Best not to get her hopes up, Floor Bored thought, but it was hard to resist. She couldn't help smiling a little as she glanced over the message boards.
  3047. > All those lonely, angry losers on there. She very nearly wasn't one of them anymore!
  3048. > There was a faint ding from her headsets and Floor looked at the flashing box on her screen. Peppermint!
  3049. > The day just kept getting better! Freedom, games and a friend to play them with!
  3050. "Hi!!" she chirped happily even before she settled the headphones on her ears.
  3051. > "-seem to be in a happy mood!" Peppermint replied.
  3052. "Mhm! Finally got everypony out of my flat so now I can do whatever I want!"
  3053. > Which hopefully included some hot hoofplay to thoughts of Fluttershy later on, but Floor didn't say that part out loud. Peppermint didn't need to know.
  3054. > "Sounds good! I hardly get any privacy in this place. Hopefully I can get my own place when I finish college."
  3055. > Floor didn't reply, blushing a little in embarrassment as she thought about her government-handout hole in the wall.
  3056. > "Anyway, wanna play some games?"
  3057. > It meant she wouldn't be *entirely* alone, but for some reason Floor didn't mind. Not when it was Peppermint. The colt was so hopelessly bad at every game they tried that she couldn't help laughing and feeling superior.
  3058. > Maybe that's what friends were for. Real friends, not like T-
  3059. > Not like *some* ponies.
  3060. "Yeah, sure! For a bit, anyway!"
  3061. > Almost before the words left her mouth there was another ding and an invitation started flashing on her screen. Pony Kart. A filly's game, but it would do as a warm up for the wimpy colt.
  3062. > "Yeah, an hour or so. I got some homework to finish but I wanted to wait till you got up."
  3063. "Oh? Why?"
  3064. > There was silence and Floor could vividly imagine the colt blushing and splaying his ears. "Um, no r-reason. You're just good at games, that's all."
  3065. > Floor thought she heard a faint, sad sigh from the other end of the line, but it might just have been microphone interference.
  3066. "Thanks! Okay, let's wipe the track with some butt!!"
  3067. >...
  3068. > The homework kept getting put off, as did Floor's planned masturbation session, but she didn't mind. Fluttershy had said she'd be back by nightfall, but it was still bright outside so there was probably plenty of time.
  3069. > Their game was winding down and despite the fact that Floor and Peppermint were on the losing team, thanks in large part to the colt's ineptitude, the mare was in a good mood.
  3070. > She decided to try some small talk, something she'd never been any good at.
  3071. "Um, so... uh, what sort of homework do you have to do?"
  3072. > She nearly hoofed herself in the muzzle. Way to remind him, stupid!
  3073. > "Ummm," Peppermint said, trying to focus on his game and failing. Seconds later there was the message about his death on the screen. Floor sighed.
  3074. "Wow, you really suck at this. You should come over more often so I can tutor you," she told him.
  3075. > They both chuckled, but then there was silence on the line.
  3076. "Peppermint?"
  3077. > "Uh, would you mind that? I mean, if I visited. S-Sometimes? To play games, I mean?"
  3078. > Would she? It would cut into her alone time, but if she knew when he was coming in advance, she could stand it. Especially if Peppermint paid for ice cream.
  3079. "Um, maybe?"
  3080. > "Sorry, it's silly. It's just-" he started, but then fell silent and sighed again.
  3081. > Floor had a feeling he was about to say something important and found herself holding her breath. She let it out.
  3082. > After a few more uncomfortable seconds, Peppermint chuckled. "Never mind. Yeah, I'll see if- if I have time. You know, from my college."
  3083. > The way he said it made Floor both relieved and sad at the same time.
  3084. "Oh. Yeah, sure, if you wanna."
  3085. > The game was lost and the rest of Floor and Peppermint's team professed their disappointment and left. The mare herself just sat on her chair, looking at the defeat screen and thinking. She saw that Peppermint was still there, too.
  3086. > Why would visiting her to play games be such a big deal? They played often enough over the Internet.
  3087. > Her thoughts went back to the date she had with Peppermint. It had ended with a kiss.
  3088. > She didn't want to go any further with the colt, not until she knew if Fluttershy liked her, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have options?
  3089. "Um, Peppermint?"
  3090. > "Yeah, still here."
  3091. > Her tongue wanted to tie up in a knot and her hooves fiddled with each other. Floor couldn't even look at the screen, because it felt too much like looking at the colt.
  3092. "Y-You can v-visit..."
  3093. > He let out a breath she didn't know he was holding and there was a lot of relief in his voice. "Okay! Um, I'll let you know when!"
  3094. > It wasn't wrong, was it?
  3095. > Before she could decide, the colt answered the question Floor had nearly forgotten she'd asked: "It's maths homework. Um, you asked before."
  3096. "I was never really good at maths..."
  3097. > "It's not all that hard, just takes some practice. I kinda need it for astronomy."
  3098. > That made sense, Floor decided, but it also wasn't particularly interesting.
  3099. "That's nice."
  3100. > The mare instantly cursed herself. Her statement sounded flat, vain and incredibly bored. She wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprised if Peppermint just made an excuse and left. She'd done it to somepony who said that to her in that tone.
  3101. "Um, y-yeah! I mean, maths is great and all, I've just never been any good at it."
  3102. > "I can show you a bit if you like? It'd be like a trade, you know? I suck at games, you're not good at math..."
  3103. > He wasn't disappointed or offended!
  3104. > In a wave of relief that flooded Floor Bored she would have agreed to anything.
  3105. "Yeah! Let's do that!! Um, when?"
  3106. > Peppermint giggled at her enthusiasm. "Okay, okay, I'll see if I can get a train ticket next weekend, okay? Saturday?"
  3107. "Sure!"
  3108. > She finally closed the lost match and found herself back in the lobby with the colt. Her heart was hammering with all the emotional upheaval and Floor suddenly didn't feel like playing any more games. All she wanted was to watch one of her series, an episode she had seen before, so she switch put her mind to 'off' for a bit.
  3109. "Um, I think I'm gonna-"
  3110. > Before she could finish the sentence Peppermint asked: "So, did anything fun yesterday? You weren't on."
  3111. > Floor rubbed her muzzle with a hoof. Maybe it was still relief from before, or perhaps she was more tired than she thought, or maybe she was just incredibly dense.
  3112. "Me and Fluttershy got out and got drunk."
  3113. > "Oooh, mares' night out!" Peppermint said. "Any- uh- anything happen?"
  3114. "We just kissed."
  3115. > "Oh." Suddenly the colt's voice was flat and emotionless. "I didn't-"
  3116. > He coughed nervously. "I thought- Um, anyway, I think I'll get started on my homework."
  3117. > There was a moment's silence and then Floor opened her mouth to ask him what was wrong. Peppermint beat her to it: "Thanks for the games. I guess I'll see you."
  3118. > The voice line dropped and the mare was left staring at the screen and wondering what had happened.
  3119. > All she did was tell Peppermint about her night out with Fluttershy. Why would it be such a big deal? The colt wasn't old-fashioned and he wouldn't mind two mares being together, would he?
  3120. > Maybe he realized how late he was on that homework. Just to be sure, Floor clicked into the chat box and typed: 'Hey, everything okay?'
  3121. > She waited a long time for the reply. Peppermint typed several times, but he must have erased it all. Each minute that passed made the mare breathe a little faster and worry a little more.
  3122. > At long last there was his answer: 'yeah fine'
  3123. > It still felt wrong, but Floor decided to take Peppermint's word for it. It was probably just the homework.
  3124. > She was about to ask, but he went offline.
  3125. > The mare shrugged a little to herself and looked out the window. The sun was setting, so she should probably expect Fluttershy back soon. Too late for a good masturbation session.
  3126. > With a sad, long-suffering sigh, Floor clicked out of her game and opened her video folder. It would be fine as long as it wasn't something too obviously pornographic. She didn't feel like constantly paying attention to the front door so Fluttershy wouldn't catch her by surprise in the act.
  3128. > ~~~~
  3130. > "Hey! I got you a croissant!" Fluttershy called from the front door. "Oh, and I have some good news finally!"
  3131. > Floor looked up from her screen but the pegasus was in the living room. She yanked her headphones off and slipped from the chair.
  3132. > Maybe it was late enough to go to bed. Now that the neet wasn't chugging energy drinks and sodas for every meal she found herself getting tired at what most ponies would consider a 'decent hour'.
  3133. "Um, t-thanks."
  3134. > The pastry wasn't very fresh, because it was probably baked that morning, but Floor had forgotten to eat so it was quite welcome.
  3135. "What's the news?" Floor asked with her mouth full.
  3136. > "Taku is coming back from her honeymoon next week. She answered Twilight's letter!"
  3137. "Oh..."
  3138. > Floor's ears flopped hard and the croissant in her mouth turned to ash. She had absolutely no desire to see Taku.
  3139. > "That means we can get you two to talk it out and make up and then we can finally get out of your mane!"
  3140. > Fluttershy said it as if it was a good thing! What about *them*?! Did the kiss mean nothing at all?
  3141. > The pegasus misinterpreted Floor's expression and came to hug her. "Oh, don't be afraid, I'll be with you. It will go well, you'll see!"
  3142. "B-But..."
  3143. > Well, that was probably her answer. No pegasus mare lover, not for Floor Bored. She might have known.
  3144. > In a way she had known all along, but the hope had been insidious and managed to fester deep in her heart. That'll teach her to hope ever again!
  3145. > Fluttershy gave her one last squeeze then released her. "It's all going to be fine, I promise."
  3146. "B-But-"
  3147. > Unfortunately the mare wasn't really listening anymore. She'd brought a bag of groceries and went to put them in the fridge and cupboards.
  3148. > Floor sighed and turned dejectedly away. She wanted to cry, but she also didn't want to do it in front of Fluttershy.
  3149. > Bucking pegasi and their bucking emotional roller coaster! Not to mention they'll bring her muzzle to muzzle with bucking Taku, with whom she bucking didn't want to speak ever again!
  3150. > The world sucked. She might have gotten used to it by now, if she wasn't an irredeemable optimist.
  3151. > Floor Bored dragged her hooves back to her bedroom, where she glanced at the computer. Too bad Peppermint still wasn't back. He was better at that socializing thing than her, if only marginally.
  3152. > Maybe this whole mess with Princess Sparkle and Fluttershy and Taku would at least result in Floor being left with a friend. Or, if not a friend, perhaps an acquaintance. One who played games with her and maybe sometimes visited for ice cream.
  3153. > Maybe it had been worth it for that, but it sure didn't feel like it. Floor slammed her door shut, crawled up on her bed and simply fell over. She ended up staring at the wall, but that was okay.
  3154. > It was a little dirty in places but otherwise ultimately boring. Story of her life.
  3155. > To top it off, she even lost all desire to masturbate. It didn't seem worth the effort.
  3156. > Those two meddling jerks took her only pleasure away from her!
  3157. "I bucking h-hate you!" Floor whispered to herself.
  3158. > Except she immediately shook her head. Jerk or not, she couldn't really hate Fluttershy. It was all that Twilight Sparkle's fault! She should have just left Floor alone.
  3159. > She might have been wallowing in her own filth and garbage, but at least she'd been happy, in some small way.
  3160. > Was it so much to ask just to be left alone till her early grave?
  3161. > It could still happen. She had to suffer through that meeting with Taku and then pretend like they made up. Then, once Fluttershy and Twilight were gone, she could go back to never speaking with her ex-friend again.
  3162. > Yeah, that sounded like a plan.
  3163. > Maybe once she was alone again she could watch a ton of porn and her physical desire would come back. It wasn't the first time Floor had been depressed, although it was the first time her depression made her not want to pleasure herself.
  3164. > Probably just a weird side effect.
  3165. > The mare closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
  3167. > "So, you see, this is *good* news!" Twilight Sparkle was saying as she sat across the table from Floor Bored. It was a good thing, too, so the Princess couldn't see Floor fiddling with her hooves.
  3168. > Not to mention that Twilight was lying, and blatantly! It didn't seem like a wise move to bring that up, so Floor just remained silent. She just thought it very hard. It wasn't good news at all!
  3169. > "One more week and then Taku will be back and we can get you two talking and this whole friendship problem will be sorted!" Twilight finished triumphantly.
  3170. > Fluttershy tried to put in a word edgewise: "Um, I don't think that's really the-"
  3171. > Twilight didn't even seem to notice. "Yep! One more week and you can come home, Fluttershy, and take care of your animals once again! Have I said that we've all been pitching in? We've all been pitching in!"
  3172. > Floor risked a glance at the alicorn and thought she looked... nervous?
  3173. > "That's all well and good, Twilight," Fluttershy began again, "but I don't think Floor Bored really-"
  3174. > "Splendid!" the Princess exclaimed and jumped from the chair. "I mean, we've done everything we could here, right? The place is now clean, there's a new mattress, soap... everything! Here, some money to fill up the fridge. Yep, we've done all we could!"
  3175. > Twilight tossed a pouch of coins on the table and the pointed look she cast at Floor made the mare think something was expected of her, but the earth pony just looked down at her hooves and lowered her ears.
  3176. > "Anyway, I have to see Princess Cadence tomorrow and the train leaves in twenty minutes. You two have fun!" Twilight said, backing away from the kitchen table toward the door.
  3177. > "Okay, Twilight! Bye!"
  3178. > The door slammed shut perhaps a tad too forcefully and both remaining mares watched it in confusion.
  3179. > "I wonder if everything is okay back home like Twilight made it seem. What if they *can't* cope without me? M-Maybe I should go back."
  3180. "N-No!"
  3181. > It came out barely a squeak, but there was a world of emotion behind Floor's single, stuttered word. Fluttershy looked over, but didn't immediately reply.
  3182. "Please?"
  3183. > Why was she begging the pegasus to stay? Floor didn't quite understand it. All she really wanted was for everypony to leave her alone and stop interfering with her life! Fluttershy finally getting out of her mane would mean exactly that!
  3184. > At the same time, not seeing that friendly, smiling, yellow muzzle each morning would feel like a knife stab in the heart.
  3185. > The past week had been absolutely horrible. Floor went through the motions, but only because it was unthinkable to disappoint Fluttershy. Sweet, gentle Fluttershy.
  3186. > She chewed her food and swallowed it, not because she was hungry, but because Fluttershy had cooked for her. She showered, not because she wanted to be clean, but because of Fluttershy's question about it.
  3187. > To make it all worse, Peppermint had stopped playing games with her. The colt had been really cryptic and uncommunicative, but the best reason Floor could imagine for it was that the exams were near and he was too busy studying.
  3188. > She wanted to hope Peppermint would come back to being her online friend afterwards, but she'd learned long ago never to be optimistic.
  3189. > At least once Fluttershy left she would be alone to play with her toys. Lately she couldn't even do that out of fear that the pegasus would hear, or smell it on her the next morning.
  3190. > That is, if she even still wanted to. She hadn't really felt the desire this past week. It was probably just the forced close quarters messing with her head.
  3191. > Once she was alone again, everything would go back to normal.
  3192. > Why was she asking Fluttershy to stay, then?
  3193. > "You want me to stay?" Fluttershy asked, waking Floor Bored out of her reverie.
  3194. "I- I-" she tried to answer, but no words came out.
  3195. > Her ears went completely flat and she buried her muzzle in her hooves on the table.
  3196. "-dunno."
  3197. > It was obvious now that Fluttershy simply wasn't into mares. Or, to be more precise, she wasn't into mares like Floor Bored. The kissing had just been a result of drink.
  3198. > Floor contemplated one night what it would be like if she kept Fluttershy drunk for the rest of her life, but then she started imagining just how short that might be and changed her mind.
  3199. > The noble thing would be to simply let her go. That's what heroes in her cartoons always did when there was a tragic romance.
  3200. > Fluttershy seemed to be thinking it over. "I guess I could stay a day or two longer, but you've been doing so well, Floor Bored. I don't think you need me any longer."
  3201. > The mare picked up Twilight's untouched cup of tea and put it in the sink while behind her Floor mouthed the words: "I need you."
  3202. > Of course she was too chickenshit to say them out loud.
  3203. "I... guess," she concluded lamely.
  3204. > "Don't be worried about that whole Taku thing, okay? I'll be right here and everything will work out perfectly, you'll see! I promise you'll be friends again!"
  3205. > That was an entirely different bowl of worms, Floor thought. Fluttershy didn't realize what the real problem was and maybe it was best that way. A story character would fake some happiness and sent the gentle mare away with a smile, letting her think she'd done a good job.
  3206. > Except then she'd have to make sure Fluttershy never really found out the truth. It'd take some acting, especially if the pegasus wanted to visit her sometimes, but Floor had been practicing for most of her life.
  3207. > Every 'Fine, Mom!' or 'I just want some time alone' had been an act. She could keep Fluttershy convinced she was doing better if it came to that, Floor was sure of it.
  3208. > There should really be some kind of a medal for her sacrifice, really.
  3209. > Shaking her head a little, Floor slid from the kitchen chair and went back to her room. Sometimes games could distract her for a while. Maybe Peppermint would even be on.
  3210. > The mare closed her door and crawled listlessly into her chair. She looked at the screen, but none of the games or movies really appealed to her. She thought about checking the boards, but even baiting ponies into arguments had lost its appeal.
  3211. > Floor just leaned back in her chair, looked at the ceiling and heaved a sigh. A couple of hours to kill and then she could try to get some sleep again. It probably wouldn't work, but at least it was a tangible goal she could work toward and didn't take any real effort.
  3212. > After some minutes of staring into space she'd had enough of it all and tried the computer again. She hovered her mouse pointer over 'Hooves and Crowns'. She almost clicked it, but then remembered she had nothing fun left to do on her current characters. There was just that big slog right before the end.
  3213. > She moved it over to 'Pony Crusade', but quickly shook her head. That one was for pussies like Peppermint. She only had it installed because the colt had asked her to play with him.
  3214. > Her sob turned into a hiccup and her vision blurred, but Floor still saw well enough to be able to drag that pussy game into the trash bin.
  3215. > Stupid Peppermint and his stupid exams, and most importantly, *stupid* Peppermint for getting her hopes up that she might have finally gotten a real friend!
  3216. > It probably wasn't even exams like he claimed! It was probably just another marefriend he'd met in some bar in Baltimare!
  3217. "Why would he lie about that?!" Floor demanded from the empty room.
  3218. > Maybe it was meant to spare her feelings? Normal ponies sometimes did stupid things like that and Floor couldn't always understand what the point was.
  3219. > She wiped her eyes with a fetlock and looked at 'Hooves and Crowns' once more. Even boring slog was better than being alone with her thoughts.
  3220. > She almost clicked it this time when she saw an icon turn from gray to green.
  3221. > The pony on the other side wasn't one she even knew, but she had all of Peppermint's roommates on there. They'd played together a few times, even though they never really clicked. Not like her and Peppermint.
  3222. > At least until last week. That's when his supposed 'exams' suddenly started.
  3223. > Her muzzle twisted into a snarl and Floor bashed her mouse so hard that it nearly broke as she clicked on 'Geezer'.
  3224. > Her fit of anger was over in an instant and a cold ball of fear settled in the pit of her stomach. She typed with trembling hooves.
  3225. 'hey does sneezy have a fillyfriend?'
  3226. > There was nothing for the longest time and Floor let out another sigh. Of course, they would ignore her as well. Story of her life.
  3227. > Her muzzle hit the desk and Floor resigned herself to wait out the remaining time until dinner.
  3228. > She had Geezer's window selected, so there wasn't a ding when he replied. It was nearly ten minutes later that the mare finally lifted up her head and looked blearily at the screen.
  3229. > 'no why u ask'
  3230. > Her heart thumped almost painfully and she inspected the clock. Geezer had replied within the minute and she hadn't said anything back. No wonder they all thought she was weird, even if Peppermint denied it.
  3231. > Now her stomach was doing somersaults. Geezer was still green and wasn't playing a game, so Floor ventured a bit forward.
  3232. 'exams? havent seen him in awhile'
  3233. > This time she waited for a minute and the pony on the other side replied: 'dunno hes been weird lately...'
  3234. > That fit with her theory of a secret marefriend. It was strange that Peppermint wouldn't even want his roommates to know about her, but not inconceivable to Floor. Colts were weird.
  3235. 'oh. any ideas why?'
  3236. > Again, there was nothing for a while, then Geezer finally managed to type: 'dunno. how come you dunno either?'
  3237. 'what u mean?'
  3238. > How was Floor supposed to know what was wrong with Peppermint better than his actual roommates?
  3239. > 'ur his FF no?'
  3240. "Eep!"
  3241. > Those few letters on her screen made Floor both hot and cold at the same time. She blushed and then felt silly for doing so when nopony could see her. Her belly clenched up in a ball of nerves and she could hardly type:
  3242. 'waht makes u say that?!'
  3243. > This reply took so long that Floor nearly bit her hoof off out of sheer nervousness. Surely Peppermint's roommates couldn't be so deluded as to think they were together, could they?
  3244. > Maybe Peppermint didn't want to deal with their jokes or snickering or whatever and was keeping his distance because of *that*? It was exactly what Floor imagined herself doing if she had annoying roommates.
  3245. > At long last she had Geezer's answer in several lines of text: 'well u 2 spend so much time together playing games. i just thought ur... you know, an item?'
  3246. 'did peppermint say anything?!'
  3247. > 'well, he said he kissed u on the train station.'
  3248. "EEEP!"
  3249. > He was telling his roommates about *that*?! None of them ever mentioned it, even when they played together on voice chat! Were they all laughing behind her back? Worse, were they teasing Peppermint because he'd settled for a loser like Floor?
  3250. > Floor just stared at the screen, reading the words over and over, as if she could make them say something else if she read them enough times.
  3251. > After some time Geezer wrote again: 'u still there?'
  3252. > It took an effort of will, but Floor wanted to find out more, so she forced her shaking hooves to type.
  3253. 'yes'
  3254. > 'is it true?'
  3255. > This was the big one, wasn't it? Floor was about to say 'no', but something made her pause. A few seconds later Geezer sent another message: 'hold on hes back ill ask'
  3256. 'no!'
  3257. > There was no reply for a while and Floor could almost imagine the awkward conversation as Geezer - Stargazer - was asking Peppermint if that weird, old, loser mare they sometimes gamed with was his fillyfriend.
  3258. > She couldn't even look at the screen for fear of what ridicule Geezer would spout next after Peppermint told him off. It took her almost a full minute before she dared a peek.
  3259. > 'he says ur with fluttershy,' Geezer had sent, but he was still typing. 'you mean *the* fluttershy? whoa!'
  3260. > Peppermint thought she and Fluttershy were a thing?! Where did that dumb colt get that idea?!
  3261. > Something clicked in Floor's mind and she suddenly realized why he'd been avoiding her. The hints to his roommates that they were together, his willingness to play Hooves and Crowns even if he totally sucked at it, all his rambling stories about his studies, it all made sense now.
  3262. > The kiss.
  3263. > How stupid could she had been?! Peppermint wanted to take it further and then she'd just gone and told him she'd kissed Fluttershy when they got drunk. No wonder he drew the wrong conclusion.
  3264. > Floor physically hoofed herself right in the face and groaned.
  3265. 'can u put him on pls?'
  3266. > There was nothing for a while and Floor waited with her hoof covering her muzzle and her ears twitching from hopeful upright to miserable flattened as scenario after scenario ran through her mind.
  3267. > He'd say no and she would have blown her only chance at love.
  3268. > No, she'd clear the misunderstanding up and he'd move in with her.
  3269. > Actually, maybe she'd move in with him, especially if he had a good job.
  3270. > Scratch that, he would probably ask about it and Floor would completely fail at explaining and Peppermint would kill himself out of depression.
  3271. > Maybe not if she killed herself first, though.
  3272. > At long last Geezer replied: 'he says he doesnt wanna talk'
  3273. > Floor closed her eyes and sobbed miserably. That had also been a possibility, yes. He could refuse to ever speak with her again.
  3274. > Out of the corner of her eye she saw the next message from Geezer: 'your really dating fluttershy?! element of harmony fluttershy?!'
  3275. > She just ignored it and slid from her chair. She couldn't look at the screen, not when she knew that Peppermint was at the same time so close and yet so unreachably far away.
  3276. > Why was she even taking it this hard?
  3277. > Was it just desperation? Her first and only chance at a relationship? It didn't feel like desperation.
  3278. > Well, actually it did, but that wasn't all of it. She genuinely liked Peppermint, even if he didn't know any of the shows she watched and he sucked at games. There was something nervous and... cute about the colt.
  3279. > That unexpected kiss at the train station really had rocked her world, even if it was quick. That had been the first time any pony wanted to kiss her.
  3280. > Except now it was all gone, because she'd said something stupid and didn't understand how Peppermint would feel. Maybe he really was better off without her.
  3281. > Floor tossed herself on the bed, put a pillow over her head and tried to keep her weeping quiet enough so that Fluttershy wouldn't hear.
  3283. > ~~~~
  3285. > It was no better in the morning. She'd tried talking with Peppermint a few times, but there had been no reply. The colt remained steadfastly offline. His roommates didn't answer either, winking out one by one as the night dragged on.
  3286. > Floor's need to make Peppermint understand that he had simply misunderstood her relationship with Fluttershy drove her into a near frenzy. Of course, the fact that it was Fluttershy who didn't want a relationship didn't matter there.
  3287. > The result was the same, so what was the difference between Floor wanting something with the yellow pegasus and being refused, or not wanting it in the first place?
  3288. > She wouldn't get it either way.
  3289. > Her sleep-addled brain was making Floor think in the same few circles over and over with no resolution in sight.
  3290. > It was barely dawn by the time the mare dragged herself to the kitchen for a soda. Fluttershy was still asleep on the couch and Floor didn't wake her up.
  3291. > She grabbed a fresh bottle and took it to the table to sit down for a minute. She was sick of her room and wanted to look at something else for a few minutes before being closed in it again.
  3292. > The soda made a quiet hiss as Floor opened it with her teeth. She lifted it up to her lips and took a long gulp.
  3293. > Her eyes landed on the bag in the middle of the table. It was open and a few coins had spilled out.
  3294. > It was grocery money, brought by Twilight Sparkle on her visit the previous day.
  3295. > An idea popped up, so unbelievably stupid that Floor's breath caught and her eyes bulged out.
  3296. "N-No..." she whispered in horror.
  3297. > Shaking her head did nothing to dislodge it and neither did closing her eyes so she wouldn't see the money.
  3298. > It looked like a lot of bits.
  3299. > Enough for a train ticket.
  3300. "No, stop it!"
  3301. > Floor was warning herself not to do it. It was the craziest idea of her life and it would very likely get her killed, or worse.
  3302. > The mare looked around and strained her ears, but Fluttershy was still sleeping and nothing else was moving in the building.
  3303. > If she hurried, she could get to the train station without having to meet ponies in the streets. Every second she delayed lost her some of that privacy.
  3304. > Her legs trembled violently as Floor reached for the bag.
  3305. > She wasn't dressed! She froze and carefully withdrew her hoof. Hoodie! It was back in her room, still on the floor where Fluttershy had tossed it when she'd dragged her to bed after their night of drinking.
  3306. > Moving exceedingly slowly to make no sound, Floor slid from the chair and walked carefully back through the living room. Fluttershy was still asleep. She could see her face and her eyes were closed.
  3307. > It took minutes for Floor to make her silent way and find the garment. It stank a little of her puke, but she didn't mind that at all as she slid it over her head.
  3308. > Immediately the world became a little easier to bear, shut away behind a layer of fabric.
  3309. > The journey back to the kitchen took just as long. At one point Fluttershy moved with a rustle of cloth and Floor froze to the spot, but the pegasus didn't wake up and simply curled up into a more comfortable position.
  3310. > Floor stayed still for a minute before her rattling heart slowed down enough so she could move again. She finished her trek to the kitchen and carefully collected the money pouch.
  3311. > It jingled a little as she dropped the spilled coins into it and then jangled as she stuffed it all into a pocket on her hoodie. It was barely big enough and it noticeably bulged out.
  3312. > She didn't have any better ideas, other than carrying it in her mouth, so Floor just left it like it was and started her slow way to the front door.
  3313. > This was the most dangerous part of the trip. It went right past the couch.
  3314. > Floor nearly whimpered in terror when she saw that Fluttershy's muzzle was pointing in her direction. She almost made a break for it, but saw that her roommate had her eyes closed and was smiling a little, probably in a nice dream.
  3315. > It was a skill born out of necessity, but Floor found she was good at moving silently. She placed each hoof carefully and only moved one at a time. Of course, it was easier now that the floor wasn't covered with trash.
  3316. > This time there were no unexpected surprises from Fluttershy and pretty soon Floor Bored was at the door. It wasn't locked, so all it took was careful hoofwork as she silently opened it.
  3317. > She looked back, but the pegasus was still asleep and still smiling. It was actually kinda cute and Floor's heart lurched in desire. She'd want nothing more than to cuddle up with that, but it was not to be.
  3318. > If her mission worked, she might instead get Peppermint. Maybe. Someday, when he was done with college.
  3319. > Best to keep it realistic, Floor thought. She'd at least get a friend to sometimes play games with. That would be worth something too, right?
  3320. > She couldn't stop herself from hoping, though.
  3321. > The door closed with a very faint click and Floor dared to breathe a sigh of relief. Almost safe. She pulled the hood further over her muzzle, bit her lip, and prepared herself to face the big, bad world.
  3322. > She surely had enough money for a train ticket to Baltimare. Then - the mare swallowed a lump - she'd have to ask for directions to the college campus.
  3323. > If Peppermint wouldn't listen to her over chat, she'd just have to go and tell him in person.
  3324. > It was her last, desperate chance.
  3325. > It was *bound* to work!
  3326. > It was going to fail miserably!
  3327. "Buck..."
  3329. > ~~~~
  3331. > Heart thundering until she couldn't hear anything else, Floor Bored made her way to the relative safety of the train station.
  3332. > Strange how everything seemed a lot more sinister at night, how everypony she met seemed like a potential thief or a murderer. Or worse yet, how they all thought *she* was the thief!
  3333. > The streets have been all but empty at first, lulling the mare into a false sense of security. She thought for a while that she could do this with no problems!
  3334. > After all, she'd made it home from the train station - alone! - that time Peppermint left from his visit. Granted, she had been in shock over his unexpected kiss, but surely the ponies in the streets hadn't looked at her differently?
  3335. > Maybe they had? Most ponies had a way of telling what she was feeling just by looking at her, a strangely unnerving talent for someone like Floor.
  3336. > At least the inside of the train station wasn't as crowded. There was a solitary mare sitting on the uncomfortable wooden seat, elbow propped up on the armrest and head leaning on her hoof. She was more than half asleep and Floor could relax a little.
  3337. > The pony at the counter, who had glanced up at her entry, was already bending down over some paperwork or something.
  3338. > They didn't care enough about her to poke into why she was running away.
  3339. > Why did it feel like running away?
  3340. > She hadn't told Fluttershy she was leaving and the poor, yellow pegasus would probably worry. The thought made Floor's cheeks color in a sudden flash of guilt. Maybe she should have left a note at least.
  3341. > Except, that ran the risk of Fluttershy spotting it too soon and coming down to the station to get her, which would cause a big, embarrassing scene and everypony would laugh at the little, silly filly who wanted to run away from home.
  3342. "I'm bucking twenty-three!" Floor murmured to herself.
  3343. > It didn't help, of course. She felt like a young child when she had to deal with anypony who had their life figured out better than her. Maybe it had something to do with her lack of a cutie mark, but it still wasn't fair!
  3344. > She was *afraid* of what the teenager cashier at her grocery store thought about her, for Celestia's sake! She got tongue-tied and sweaty just by paying for her purchase!
  3345. > Well, her current mission was one of love and that trumped everything, right? Floor swallowed a lump and approached the sales desk.
  3346. > She stood there for long minutes, waiting for the stallion to notice her. She opened her muzzle to speak up several times, but then thought about how weird it was that she'd been standing there for so long.
  3347. > She was about to sneak away and try again later when the cashier looked up in surprise. For an instant Floor wanted to look at the nearby bulletin board and pretend like she was just casually standing there, but she was too late.
  3348. > "Yes?" the pony asked.
  3349. > He moved his hoof aside and Floor saw that he was solving a crossword. It made her fume inside. He'd been ignoring his job - his *duty* - so he could play games on his work time!?
  3350. > Of course she didn't say any of that. The moment she opened her mouth, the anger vanished and took all her self-assurance with it. Her ears almost audibly snapped down under her hoodie.
  3351. "I'd... l-l-like a ticket... p-please," she murmured, barely loud enough for anypony to hear.
  3352. > "Eh? Speak up!"
  3353. "A tic-ticket..."
  3354. > The stallion rolled his eyes a little as they both waited for what would happen next. Floor was having a hard time controlling her breathing, lest she start panting, so it had to be the cashier pony.
  3355. > "Well? Where are you going then?" he asked, voice definitely tinged with annoyance. His glare deepened and Floor could meet his gaze even less than before.
  3356. "Baltimare... p-please."
  3357. > With a soft grunt the stallion punched some things into his register, which clacked for a bit and spit out a slip of paper. He expertly tore it off and slid it across the counter to Floor.
  3358. > His hoof didn't leave it and he said: "That'll be forty-three bits."
  3359. > It was more than Floor had expected, but she had enough money with Twilight's unsuspecting contribution. The pouch jingled softly as she opened it and rummaged inside.
  3360. > Several times she lost count and had to start over, until, out of desperation, she just poured the money on the desk.
  3361. > The cashier was judging her, she could tell! He was about to smirk and ask her if she even knew how to count, and then he would laugh and Floor would run home, crying. There was only one way out of it.
  3362. "Um, k-keep the change!" she squeaked and pushed the pile of bits away.
  3363. > There was a lot more than forty-three bits there, but right at the moment Floor was willing to trade any amount of money just to be able to get out of that situation.
  3364. > The cashier sighed and his face softened. "Okay, lessee here," he murmured. His hooves moved deftly and with skill borne of long practice handling money. He picked out ten five-bit pieces and pushed the rest back to Floor.
  3365. > "Here."
  3366. "B-B-But-"
  3367. > "Let's not go crazy with tips, miss," the cashier said firmly and slid the ticket toward Floor.
  3368. > It felt like another insult and Floor had to bite down on her tongue to keep from saying something even more embarrassing. She fumbled with the coins until they were all back in the pouch, then she stuffed it back in her pocket.
  3369. > She picked up the ticket in her mouth and then backed away, relieved that the cashier pony had gone back to his crossword.
  3370. > There was just one problem left. Floor had tried to look at the train schedule posted on a wall, but she couldn't make heads nor tails of it. There was a bunch of different symbols and times, none of which made any real sense.
  3371. > Only one thing to do, however much she hated it. The mare twisted her head so she could stick the ticket in her free pocket, then looked at the cashier again with her ears completely flat.
  3372. "Um... wh-when does the train..."
  3373. > Luckily she didn't have to finish the sentence. The stallion looked up again. "Platform four in twenty minutes."
  3374. > Floor was about to turn tail and flee, but something Fluttershy had told her once rose up in her mind.
  3375. "T-Thanks!" she stuttered before walking slowly to the door.
  3376. > The mare on the seat was now completely asleep, which suited Floor just fine. Hopefully there wouldn't be ponies to look at her outside, either. Maybe the train won't be crowded either. It was very early, after all.
  3377. > The platform was empty, much to her relief. She was even able to sit on one of the metal chairs. There was nothing else to do but wait.
  3378. > Peppermint better appreciate what she was doing for him! For *them*!
  3379. >...
  3380. > An indeterminate time later the train pulled into the station. Floor tried to peer inside the wagons to get a feel for how full they were and to pick the emptiest. To her relief, some ponies came off and there was nopony else who wanted to get on.
  3381. > The mare made her choice and then, heart hammering, stepped aboard. She looked into the wagon and several ponies stared back. They seemed bored and didn't keep their eyes on her for long, but it was still too much.
  3382. > Floor looked the other way and saw a small hallway between the compartments. There was the door to the toilet, which was easy to identify by smell, and what looked like a closet. It had a lock on it.
  3383. > More importantly, there were no ponies there, so Floor slipped inside. The space wasn't large and there was a window opposite the toilet door and she simply sat on her haunches next to it.
  3384. > Hopefully nopony would need to use the facilities and she'd have the place entirely to herself. If she ignored the smell it actually wasn't all that bad!
  3385. > She cheered up a little at the prospect of privacy on the train. She could keep looking outside and that way she probably wouldn't even know if anyone came and stared at her. If she didn't see their disgusted or pitying glances it was almost as if they didn't happen, right?
  3386. > A short while later the train lurched and started to pick up speed. Despite herself, Floor looked out at the other platforms where ponies were starting to gather.
  3387. > It looked like she got away just in time.
  3388. > Another train pulled into the station opposite the platform and it was much more full than hers. A piece of good luck that she was on this one.
  3389. > Floor watched until the last wagon slid out of sight and then she simply stared at the buildings and streets they were passing.
  3390. > The city was definitely waking up and there were a number of ponies outside. Once again Floor thanked her lucky stars that she got to the station before the morning rush.
  3391. > Baltimare might be just as crowded, but that was some hours in the future and Floor decided not to think about it until she absolutely had to.
  3392. > There was just one thing she regretted. She didn't have a phone or a handheld video game, which meant that she had nothing much to do except wait. Looking at scenery was fine for now, but soon she'd get bored - true to her name.
  3393. > With a heavy sigh, the mare prepared herself to suffer through the train ride.
  3395. > ~~~~
  3397. > Early morning gradually turned into full day with Floor looking out the window in a kind of daze. She was ready for the ride to be over, even if that meant she'd have to face the crowded streets of Baltimare.
  3398. > The strange fact that there wasn't a city anywhere on the horizon yet was starting to get the mare worried. She had no idea how long the ride took, but surely it was about far enough already, wasn't it?
  3399. > Unfortunately the only time she'd been to Baltimare before was in Twilight's flying carriage and Floor suspected that thing flew a lot faster than the train. She didn't remember the way back, but the flight to Baltimare had taken about an hour.
  3400. > Was it four times faster than a train?
  3401. > The door to her between-compartment opened, making Floor jump in surprise and then press closer against the window. Hopefully whoever it was just wanted the bathroom and wouldn't bother her.
  3402. > "Miss?"
  3403. > Or not...
  3404. > "I need to see your ticket, Miss."
  3405. > Floor turned and came face to face with the conductor pony in his dark green uniform and the funny-looking hat.
  3406. "Oh..."
  3407. > It took the mare a panicked second to remember that her ticket was in her hoodie pocket. She rummaged in it, crumpling it a little as she jerkily drew it out.
  3408. > The conductor pony was about to clip it with those strange tongs he wore on a small chain around his neck, but then he frowned.
  3409. > "Baltimare?!" he exclaimed. "Miss, this train doesn't go to Baltimare!"
  3410. > Floor Bored swayed a little, despite the fact that she was sitting. The bottom seemed to drop out from beneath her and her mouth went completely dry.
  3411. > She shook her head. The conductor had to be wrong. She couldn't be on the wrong train, halfway across Equestria by now. She had done exactly what the cashier pony had told her!
  3412. "N-N-No..."
  3413. > "Where did you get on? Which train did you take?"
  3414. > Floor swallowed a lump and looked down at her hooves. It took her several tries to make her voice work.
  3415. "N-Neigh- Neighara."
  3416. > There was an exasperated sigh and she saw the conductor pony point his hoof out the window. "You didn't notice that the train left west instead of east?"
  3417. > All she was capable of at this point was to slightly shake her head. She was about to start crying, which she definitely didn't want to do. If she started to sob, the other passengers would probably come out to watch the spectacle of a grown mare weeping.
  3418. > Floor seized on her very last hope: anger.
  3419. "They said p-platform four," she muttered darkly.
  3420. > "Miss... Four Left or Four Right?"
  3421. "W-What?!"
  3422. > The conductor pony sat down in front of her. For an instant she was afraid he was going to try and hug her, and she tensed, but the dreaded touch never came. She was both relieved and sorry about that. A hug might have been nice.
  3423. > "Miss- what's your name?"
  3424. "Floor B-Bored."
  3425. > "Floor. This train left from platform Four Right, nonstop overnight to Vanhoover. What you probably wanted was Four Left, which goes to Baltimare and Fillydelphia."
  3426. > It made sense and Floor deeply resented the cashier pony who hadn't told her exactly which train to go on. If he'd said 'Four Left', she would have paid more attention!
  3427. "Nopony said l-left..."
  3428. > Again the conductor sighed. "You didn't look at the sign? It had the destination written on it. I mean, yours would have said Fillydelphia, but you'd have figured out that Vanhoover was in the wrong direction, wouldn't you?"
  3429. > Floor didn't answer that. She redoubled her concentration in examining her hooves and hunched up her shoulders. She suppressed the first sniffle, but couldn't bite back the second.
  3430. > "Whoa now, no need to cry, miss. Floor. It's an honest mistake," the conductor said, suddenly sounding afraid of her. "Tell you what, I won't charge you for the trip this way. That way you can just get a ticket back to Neihgara and you'll be set, okay?"
  3431. > It sounded like it could work and Floor allowed herself a glimmer of hope. There was just one problem.
  3432. "What if I- m-miss- wrong train again?" she stammered out.
  3433. > This time the other pony did touch her and Floor nearly jumped. It was just a gentle pat on her shoulder, but it made her ears want to press down into her skull. The dock of her tail was starting to hurt from how hard she was holding it against herself, too.
  3434. > "Look, Vanhoover is the end of the line and this same train goes there and back. We'll stop for two hours to load up more coal and water, so it's plenty of time for you to buy a ticket."
  3435. > There was a moment's silence as Floor processed this, but before she could reply the conductor suddenly asked: "How old are you, miss?"
  3436. > The mare drew back from him.
  3437. "T-Twenty... three."
  3438. > "Oh."
  3439. > He seemed taken aback, but Floor wasn't about to look at his face to make sure. She waited in uncomfortable silence for what would happen next.
  3440. > "Okay, wanna go get a real seat? We're still about two hours from Vanhoover."
  3441. "M'fine here..."
  3442. > "Well, okay. I'll come by again when were pulling in the station, how's that sound?"
  3443. > Something was expected of her and Floor grasped for the first thing that came to mind.
  3444. "Thank y-you."
  3445. > That seemed to clinch it and the conductor left her. She listened to the door opening, then sliding shut. At long last she was alone again and she could stop biting back on her tears so hard.
  3446. > She started sniffling as she turned back to the window.
  3447. > Fine specimen she was! Can't even get on a train to another city without getting hopelessly lost.
  3448. > This return trip would eat into her bits and Floor started worrying what would happen if she didn't have enough.
  3449. > What if she couldn't even get back home? She hadn't told anyone where she was going.
  3450. > Was this the day she finally became homeless?
  3451. > The mere thought was enough to make Floor whimper. Living on the street for everypony to look at her was the fuel of nightmares.
  3452. > Not to mention that she'd never been in Vanhoover, so who knew how strange the ponies there were? She'd not only be a weird, talentless freak, but also an outsider. A double failure!
  3453. > She didn't even notice how her snot smeared on the window where she was pressing her muzzle.
  3455. > ~~~~
  3457. > The train let out a long whistle as it pulled into the Vanhoover station, whatever it was called. The sound woke Floor out of her introspective misery.
  3458. > Some traveller she was! All she had to do was get a single ticket from Neighara to Baltimare, hop on a train, and go there. Yet here she was, having failed in the most spectacular way possible and ending up on the entirely wrong side of Equestria. How do you even miss a city by that much?!
  3459. > Well, actually, the mare thought, failing spectacularly would probably mean somehow falling off the train and getting sliced in two under the wheels. She shook her head to dislodge the disturbing image and looked around to see if it was safe to get off the train. She wanted to wait for all the other passengers to leave, so nopony saw her shame.
  3460. > The compartment behind her was emptying out and the young mare looked out the window to see if they were dispersing on the platform.
  3461. > Her breath caught. The window was smeared with mucus!
  3462. "Oh, buck buck buck buck..." she whimpered.
  3463. > She didn't have any cloth with her except for her hoodie and she was *not* taking that off! Panting in her near-panic, Floor stretched toward the middle of the train and looked both ways.
  3464. > Oh no, the conductor pony was making his way over! No doubt he was coming to make sure she left the train!
  3465. > Floor crossed her hind legs, worrying that she might soil herself in panic. Suddenly her mind latched on an idea. It was a desperate one, but the only one she could come up with at the moment.
  3466. > She started to lick the window clean. Surely the conductor wouldn't be able to tell if it was a little damp. Much better than having to explain why there was her snot all over the window!
  3467. > The first lick went down almost okay, but then the taste hit her and Floor almost gagged. Snot, mixed with the bitter tang of whatever they used to clean the windows, with an aftertaste of metal and rubber.
  3468. > She couldn't swallow, it was too disgusting. Problem was, she couldn't stop now. There was a definitive lick-mark on the window, so now the conductor would see that not only had she smeared mucus all over it, she then tried to lick it off. The worst of both worlds!
  3469. > Whimpering softly to herself, Floor didn't know what else to do but keep going. She tried to ignore her sense of taste as she kept licking, collecting the muck in her mouth. She could spit it out as soon as she was off the train.
  3470. > Her grunts and squeaks became more urgent when she heard the neighboring compartment's door slide open and the conductor's hoofsteps approaching.
  3471. > Quickly, the mare pulled away and inspected her hoofwork. It definitely looked wet, but there was no sign of snot. An improvement. Maybe he'd think it was just condensation from her breathing, or something.
  3472. > "There we are, miss, final stop," the pony said conversationally as he came into the carriage. Floor didn't look at him, glad that the hoodie hid her ears. They were pinned as far back as they could go, a certain sign that something was wrong.
  3473. > "Miss?"
  3474. > The foul mess in her mouth wanted out and her stomach twisted. Floor almost spilled her guts right there and then. She risked a quick glance back, but the conductor pony was blocking her exit.
  3475. > The toilet!
  3476. "Mmmph!"
  3477. > Floor Bored dashed into the stinky little compartment, slammed the door shut and aimed her head at the hole.
  3478. "Blerrgh! Yeaghh!"
  3479. > The mix of mucus and saliva sprayed out of her mouth, followed closely by the contents of her stomach. There wasn't much since she'd skipped breakfast, but it burned when it came up.
  3480. > The mare heaved for a few more seconds, then sat on her haunches, panting. There came a knock on the door. "You alright, miss?"
  3481. > What to tell him? The truth, or at least a part of it, was the only way.
  3482. "I... was s-sick. S-Sorry!" Floor explained.
  3483. > There was a pause. "Sick? Once we were stopped?"
  3484. "I- uh, I ate something b-bad."
  3485. > It was marginally easier to talk with the conductor when she couldn't see his questioning, doubting eyes on her. Floor got up and backed away from the toilet. She thanked her lucky star that nearly all of the mess went in it. She yanked on the chain, but nothing happened.
  3486. "It won't- won't flush!"
  3487. > "Yeah, sorry miss. It's broken."
  3488. > That would explain the smell during the entire train ride and the fact that nopony came to use this particular toilet.
  3489. "I'm sorry!"
  3490. > The conductor sighed. "It's fine, miss. Are you okay? Just come out, please. I need to sign off on the empty train before it's taken for... cleaning and repairs."
  3491. > Floor felt like he'd added the 'cleaning' part especially because of her mess. It was still better than him having seen the snot-smeared window, or her trying to lick it off.
  3492. > Ponies got sick sometimes, didn't they? Anypony could eat something bad and throw up, couldn't they? She wasn't *uniquely* disgusting, was she?
  3493. > The mare took a deep breath and opened the door. It wasn't locked and she felt a pang of gratitude for the conductor pony. He could have barged in at any point, but respected her privacy.
  3494. > Once she was out again, he looked around her, but seemed to relax when he didn't see a huge mess. "Look, don't worry about it, miss. I came to tell you that we're in Vanhoover. You can go buy your return ticket and the train back will leave in a couple of hours."
  3495. > Floor was about to just nod, but remembered a lesson Fluttershy had been trying to teach her. Use words as well as gestures, if you can.
  3496. "T-Thanks. I'll d-do that," she mumbled.
  3497. > "And miss?" the conductor went on as he stepped aside to let her pass. "Make sure to ask on which platform and when the train will depart, okay? I don't want you ending up in Appleloosa or something!"
  3498. > The stallion chuckled as if he'd told a joke, but Floor nodded earnestly. Was she any better than a foal for having to have these basic things pointed out to her? No wonder she didn't have a cutie mark!
  3499. > The young mare blushed heavily and took a tentative step towards freedom.
  3500. "I'll ask!" she squeaked and ran for it.
  3502. > ~~~~
  3504. > Thank Celestia, waiting on the platform for the right train was just boring. After buying her ticket, Floor had mustered up enough courage to get a bottle of soda, primarily to wash the awful taste out of her mouth but also because she was getting thirsty.
  3505. > For that matter, she was also hungry, now that her stomach had calmed down after her earlier episode, but that could wait. Floor was used to going hungry, although usually it was because she was binge-watching some show, or engrossed in some game.
  3506. > Sometimes it was simply because her neet check hadn't arrived on time. Anyway, the sugar in her beverage would be enough energy to see her back home.
  3507. > Except she wasn't going home.
  3508. > The encounter with the conductor, however mortifying, had emboldened the mare and she purchased a ticket all the way to Baltimare.
  3509. > She'd suffered too much to give up on her plan! Floor would see her coltfriend and make up with him, or die trying.
  3510. > She wished she hadn't thought that last part.
  3511. "I'm gonna do it..." the mare mumbled quietly to herself.
  3512. > She glanced up at the clock. It was nearly noon and made her sigh in misery. Another hour to go on this boring station and then nearly seven hours on the train! That's what the ticket pony had said.
  3513. > Arrival in Baltimare was scheduled for eight thirty at night.
  3514. > The silver lining in that, Floor Bored thought, was that the streets of Baltimare would probably be empty.
  3515. > Oh, and there was a greater chance she'd catch Peppermint at home. She hadn't thought about this sooner, but this quiet, empty station was giving her time to consider her plan from all angles.
  3516. > Had she arrived in Baltimare as planned, on the first train, the colt would probably still be in the middle of his classes. She'd have to wait in front of his dorm building, or maybe at his dorm room, where college ponies would see her and wonder why this loser, cutie-mark-less, old mare was sneaking around the place.
  3517. > Maybe they'd even call the police on her!
  3518. > The mare heaved a sigh, this time of relief. Her unexpected delay had probably saved her from some prison time, or at least from having to explain to the police why she was loitering around a student dorm building.
  3519. > Again she glanced at the clock, but the hands hadn't even moved since the last time she looked.
  3520. "Oh come on, for buck's sake!"
  3521. >...
  3522. > At long last the train she was after pulled into the station. Some ponies went off and Floor waited until the thing was empty.
  3523. > She thought about taking a seat this time, but with her luck some noisy, talkative, inquisitive pony might take the seat next to her and then she'd have to make smalltalk for the entire seven hour ride.
  3524. > No, her lucky discovery of the little compartment next to the toilet was a godsend. Nopony would bother her and she could simply sit on the floor.
  3525. > The flow of ponies slowed and finally stopped. There was still twenty minutes before the train was due to depart, but the mare wasn't about to risk it and she climbed aboard. She found her little cubbyhole and plonked her rump next to the window.
  3526. > Seven more hours and the nightmare would be almost over. Baltimare and, more importantly, Peppermint! True love.
  3527. > Sex.
  3528. > The stray thought made Floor squeak in alarm and she blushed as she looked around if anyone saw her. Luckily the train was still empty.
  3529. > She slowly settled back down and returned to staring through the window. The station was filling up, no doubt because for some ponies work or school was ending and they were going home. Hopefully not too many would take the same train as her.
  3530. > A noise from behind made her look, but it was just another pony in a conductor's uniform, looking a bit startled to have found her there.
  3531. > "Ma'am?" the conductor - a beige-colored unicorn mare - asked. "There's seats free, if you'd-"
  3532. "I'm fine here!" Floor said, a bit too quickly.
  3533. > She didn't mean to cut the other mare off, but she was worried of being ordered to move.
  3534. > "Okay, that's fine. I'll come past once we're moving for your ticket."
  3535. > That reminded her of the other conductor and Floor swallowed a lump.
  3536. "This- T-This is the train to, um, Baltimare?"
  3537. > The conductor pony nodded and smiled. "That's right, ma'am. We should be leaving in about fifteen minutes."
  3538. > It was a huge relief and Floor actually managed a small smile.
  3539. "Thanks."
  3540. > The unicorn left her alone as she went on, probably to check for stowaways or something like that. Ponies used to stowaway on trains, right?
  3541. > Whatever it was, the important bit was that she was alone. Floor leaned her head against the window, careful not to let her nose or mouth touch it. She didn't want a repeat performance of earlier.
  3543. > ~~~~
  3545. > The train ride had been uneventful, which was both a blessing and a curse to Floor Bored. On the one hoof, nopony had bothered her, except for a few fellow travellers who had to use the toilet in her compartment.
  3546. > She pointedly avoided their gaze, opting instead to keep looking through the window, but they were giving her odd stares, Floor just knew it. Each time she shrank a little more into her hoodie.
  3547. > Weird, asocial mare, they must have been thinking, sitting by herself in the passage between two train carriages, smelling the none-too-sanitary toilets the entire trip.
  3548. > The only good thing was that they usually just went to do their business and then hurried back to their seats, not even attempting to speak with Floor.
  3549. > Those few tense moments were interspersed through a very boring afternoon, though. Floor could only stare at the scenery sliding slowly past for so many hours before her brain felt like it was going to dribble out of her ears.
  3550. > By the end there, she was about ready to jump from the moving train, just to get away from the monotony. She did *not* like being alone with her thoughts without any form of entertainment to mask the self-deprecation.
  3551. > What if Peppermint didn't want to see her? She had some bits left, but the unintentional detour had wiped out her supply. She'd be lucky if it was enough to get back home.
  3552. > With her luck, the trains probably didn't run at night, so she'd be stuck wandering the sleeping Baltimare, or lounging around on the train station until the next day. Both were nightmarish scenarios for Floor.
  3553. > Come to think of it, Peppermint was sure to send her away. What did she even have to offer? No cutie mark, no social skills, no job. She was too fat, smelly and greasy. Doubtless a fine-looking colt like him could have any mare he wanted.
  3554. > It was going to fail. Several times during her ride Floor had convinced herself that it would be better to just turn around in Baltimare and go home. Maybe she could even catch the last train back.
  3555. > Surely Fluttershy and Twilight would forgive her for stealing those bits, right? Even if they didn't, what could they do to her that they hadn't already? Floor Bored had had enough practice being berated by her mother and father, a little more wouldn't be so bad.
  3556. > Then came the moments of clarity, when the young mare remembered how hard she'd laughed at one of Peppermint's jokes while they were playing some game. He'd always been bad at those, but that never did hamstring his enthusiasm.
  3557. > He was just pleasant to be around. What is more, until that Fluttershy-kiss-thing, he'd often asked her to play a game or chat, not the other way around. Surely that had to mean he was at least slightly interested, no?
  3558. > Maybe, if she explained that there was nothing between herself and the yellow pegasus, and the kiss had only happened in alcohol, he'd understand and take her back, right?
  3559. > Perhaps, Floor dared to hope in those optimistic moments, he'd even let her sleep the night on his couch or something. Tartarus, at this point she'd take the floor, just so long as it wasn't outside.
  3560. > She'd go home the next day, but her relationship with the colt would be mended. They could start again.
  3561. > This time she'd work harder on smalltalk. She'd get interested in some of his studies or work. She'd listen, like a normal mare. It might take time, but eventually they'd fall in love, right?
  3562. > Would she have to get rid of her toys and her massive collection of porn clips on her computer? Floor's chest tightened as she imagined saying bye to what she'd considered her only friends, her only solace in the world.
  3563. > Normal mares didn't schlick all the time, but rather saved it all up for when they saw their coltfriends. Was she willing to make that sacrifice?
  3564. > It was a right damned mess and by the time the train pulled into the Baltimare station, Floor didn't know what to do. At first she didn't even realize they had arrived, thinking it was just one more short stop on their never-ending journey.
  3565. > Then she noticed a bunch of ponies passing on the other side of her passage door, getting off the train. She looked through the window and saw the station name on the opposite wall.
  3566. > Baltimare.
  3567. > It was time to make up her mind, but Floor decided to put it off for a bit longer. She couldn't be expected to think in this tiny, bland room which was slowly driving her insane with boredom.
  3568. > Then again, she also couldn't leave, not while there was a veritable tide of ponies disembarking. She'd just have to wait until the train emptied out some more.
  3569. > The young mare glanced at the clock on the Baltimare station. It was eight forty-five. The train was running late, pretty much the perfect analogy for her life.
  3570. > At long last the noise died down and the last few stragglers made it down the steps to the platform. Floor considered waiting a few more minutes for the station to empty out, but she suddenly got worried that the train might move - pull into a service area or something. If that happened, she'd be stuck on there until morning.
  3571. > The passage was empty and Floor pushed the door open. The steps were clear of ponies, as was the immediate platform which she could see. There were a few late-night travellers sitting on benches on other platforms, but hers was emptying out.
  3572. > Floor would never admit it, but getting off that oppressive train and the boring ride lifted her spirits a little. Being able to stretch her legs and breathe the non-stale air which didn't smell of toilet were a definitive plus.
  3573. "So, now what?"
  3574. > She'd muttered it to herself quietly because she really didn't want anypony to answer her.
  3575. "This is stupid, I should just go h-home..."
  3576. > Floor glanced at the ticket office, but saw a line of ponies waiting. That decided her. No way was she going to stand in a line with other ponies, if she could avoid it. She could go and at least see where Peppermint lived. Maybe, by the time she got there, she'd gather enough courage to at least say hi.
  3577. > She folded down her ears and headed out of the station. The biggest problem with her impromptu plan was that she had absolutely no idea which way to go. Baltimare was a big city and the dorm building could be practically anywhere.
  3578. > There was no way around it - she'd have to ask somepony.
  3579. > Not the ticket office, though. Too many ponies with a couple of fillies playing. She didn't particularly care for being jostled and having to listen to their yelling up close.
  3580. > Maybe the information desk. Floor recognized the blue 'i' sign near the exit and headed that way. The best thing about it was that there was no line and the desk pony was alone. That meant she only had to deal with one stranger near her personal space.
  3581. > Besides, the employee wouldn't think less of her for asking. Surely ponies asked for directions all the time, right? No way everypony just knew where to go automatically?
  3582. > Although she wouldn't put it past them. Floor often felt like she didn't know half the stuff she should. Perhaps everypony else was born with some memory from their past life or something, helping them know what to do and where to go.
  3583. > Before she knew it, her hooves had brought her to the information desk and a bored-looking, beige mare was glancing at her over the top of her half-moon spectacles.
  3584. > She reminded Floor of the strict librarian at school, which didn't do her mindset any favors. The young mare froze under that gaze.
  3585. > "May I help you, ma'am?"
  3586. > That was right, Floor remembered. The mare was there to help her, not the other way around. Nothing was really expected of her. She wasn't late with returning her books, nor was she trying to ask if they had whatever she needed for a book assignment.
  3587. "Um, c-can you tell me, um, wh-where the dorms are?"
  3588. > The desk pony leaned her head to one side as she gave Floor a curious look. "Dorms? Do you have an address, ma'am?"
  3589. > Floor didn't, which was another flaw in her plan. She was about to admit defeat and join the line for the tickets, but the mare sighed and went on: "Do you mean the university dorms?"
  3590. > Yes! Peppermint was enrolled in the university, so it'd make sense he lived on the campus. He'd also often referred to his friends as 'roommates', which further confirmed it.
  3591. "Y-Yes!"
  3592. > "It's not far, dear," the older mare said, not unkindly. She'd given up on the "ma'am" when she spotted Floor Bored's lack of a cutie mark.
  3593. > Her expression changed to puzzlement for a moment and Floor could plainly see her thoughts: This filly looks too old not to have a cutie mark, I wonder what's wrong with her?
  3594. > Floor shuffled her hooves, but the moment passed and the information pony went on: "Turn right when you get out of the station on the main street," she said, pointing a hoof at the exit Floor should take. "Keep going until the road starts climbing, then look for a big, orange building with bell towers. There should be somepony at the reception."
  3595. > The rush of gratitude and relief almost made Floor blurt out her thanks and run away, but she knew herself well enough to realize that if she did so, she wouldn't remember the instructions at all.
  3596. > She swallowed and forced herself to repeat the instructions back to the desk pony.
  3597. "R-Right on the main street, um... until it starts rising. B-Big building with bell towers," she ventured.
  3598. > "That's right, dear," the mare said, smiling. "If you don't find it, come back and I'll explain again."
  3599. > Her tone was a bit too condescending and Floor decided she'd never come back and ask, even if she was hopelessly lost. She'd sooner wave down a cab and pay for a ride there, even if that meant she couldn't get back home.
  3600. "Thanks..."
  3601. > She didn't look back as she exited the building.
  3603. > ~~~~
  3605. > Of course it had to start raining the minute Floor Bored stepped out of the train station. Everything else had gone wrong that day, why not getting her soaked as well?
  3606. > For the first few minutes her hoodie protected her barrel and head, but soon it felt like the cold damp was crawling up her body from her exposed rump.
  3607. > The mare just hunched her shoulders and kept plodding along, resigned to her fate. With any luck she'd catch the flu and die. At least that would end her suffering existence.
  3608. > She was so caught up in her little personal ball of misery that Floor Bored almost didn't notice the street inclining up. She stopped and looked around for the university.
  3609. > Of course it had to be almost pitch black because of the rain. All the buildings looked like dark shadows, no chance to tell which was orange.
  3610. > She turned her head up to inspect the skyline, hoping she'd spot the bell towers that information pony had mentioned.
  3611. > The building on her left might fit the bill, so Floor headed that way, wondering how to find that reception.
  3612. > Luckily - her one, single, solitary piece of luck that entire day - the entrance was right on the street and the inside was lit with a gentle, yellow light. It looked incredibly inviting.
  3613. > She stopped at the glass door and inspected the place, wondering if that could be it. Maybe it was just a hotel or something?
  3614. > A particularly large splat of water hit her rump, making the mare squeak in alarm and shudder all over.
  3615. > Buck it, she thought to herself. If it isn't, maybe they'll be able to tell her where to go.
  3616. > There was a younger colt at the counter, reading what looked like a comic book at first glance. That gave Floor hope that she was at the right place. She pushed the door and stepped in, grateful for the momentary respite from the chilly rain.
  3617. > The colt looked up, then blinked. "Um, can I help you?"
  3618. "This the college dorm?" Floor said, thoroughly fed up with absolutely everything.
  3619. > "Yes. Who are you?"
  3620. > It wasn't a question Floor really wanted to answer and she was getting angry. Everything had conspired to keep her from this and she'd persevered. This colt wouldn't stop her now!
  3621. "I'm a friend of Peppermint's. Purple coat, red mane. Works at the Observatory. Where's his room?"
  3622. > Not even Floor knew where the tone was coming from. She felt cold and tired and empty, no way did she have that voice of quiet command within her! Yet there it came, steady and self-assured, enough so that the colt just nodded and went to flip through another book.
  3623. > The mare used the momentary respite to look around the room. It was decorated with wooden wall panels and a slightly threadbare green rug. She was leaving a puddle, but Floor didn't really care.
  3624. > There were a couple of soft-looking armchairs around a coffee table and a glass-paneled closet with what looked like trophies. Typical college, Floor imagined.
  3625. > "Miss? Do you want me to call Peppermint down?" the colt at the counter asked.
  3626. "Huh? No, just tell me where, I'll go."
  3627. > He looked uneasy for a moment, then sighed and picked up a pen. "W-We have to log all vi-visitors, miss."
  3628. "Floor Bored."
  3629. > He scribbled in his book and then gave her an uneasy smile. Floor felt like he wasn't supposed to just let her in without escort, but he was going to do it anyway. It had been the way she'd acted.
  3630. > When she realized it, Floor's hind legs stepped closer together and her tail tried to brush her belly. She averted her gaze from the colt, hoping like hell he wouldn't ask any more questions.
  3631. > If he did, she'd sure betray herself and let him know she didn't really know what she was doing.
  3632. > Luckily, the pony just pointed to the inner door. "Um, second floor," he said, "room two-oh-five."
  3633. > Not trusting her voice, Floor just gave him a nod and walked off. Her heart was hammering so much she wondered why the glass cabinets weren't rattling with the echo.
  3634. > Somehow she kept moving each hoof in front of the other until the door closed behind her and the mare sat heavily down.
  3635. "B-B-Buck..."
  3636. > It was only a whisper, but Floor still froze and caught her breath, praying the colt hadn't heard it. When there was no outcry, she got back on her unsteady legs and looked up the staircase.
  3637. > She heard noises from up above, ponies talking and laughing, and Floor nearly hoofed herself in the muzzle. Of course there would be others in the dorm, that's what the name implied. She'd have to walk past ponies on her way to the room.
  3638. > For a moment the mare looked back and wondered if she could get out without the colt asking uncomfortable questions, but then she shook her head. Outside was just cold and wet and she didn't want any of that.
  3639. > Peppermint would just have to put up with her for the night.
  3640. > Sighing, she ascended the stairs to the first floor. She paused when she reached the corridor because there were two ponies apparently chasing each other down the hall. They didn't see her, but Floor still waited until they went in a room.
  3641. > One of them had a towel in his mouth and had been slapping the other one on the rump.
  3642. > Just stupid student pony hijinks, Floor decided and headed up the next flight of stairs.
  3643. > The second floor hallway seemed deserted, but she heard loud talking and music coming from some of the rooms. A pony could come out at any time.
  3644. > Her realization quickened her steps and Floor hurried to the correct door. Luckily there were signs next to each wooden rectangle, stating the room number and the names of the occupants.
  3645. > Two-oh-five really did have Peppermint's name on it and Floor lifted a hoof to knock.
  3646. > She paused, thinking yet again if she might be able to sneak out and go home. Now that her goal was so near, she didn't know if she had the guts to go through with it.
  3647. > After all, she'd only seen Peppermint in person once, and that time they nearly-
  3648. "Eep!"
  3649. > The fact that they'd both been drunk didn't help. She remembered it all too well.
  3650. > Her decision was plucked from her hooves when the door opened and a young mare nearly ran into her. She jumped back with a slight gasp of surprise, then glanced at Floor's upraised hoof.
  3651. > "Oh. Sorry. Geezer, you got a visitor!"
  3652. > Floor slowly let her hoof fall down. The new mare stepped aside in an obvious invitation to enter and Floor did so.
  3653. > It looked like a normal apartment. Somehow she'd never been able to imagine what these dorm rooms looked like, but it was just a small living room with a TV and kitchen appliances on the other side like an afterthought. She saw three doors leading out, two of them open. One was a bathroom and the other looked like a regular bedroom.
  3654. > An earth pony came out of the open bedroom, staring in surprise at Floor Bored. "Huh? Who are you?" he asked.
  3655. > Floor instantly recognized him, despite never having met the colt. The fact that the other mare had named him 'Geezer' was also a clue, but his light blue coat and gray/white striped mane combination rang a bell.
  3656. "Um, G-Geezer?"
  3657. > He gave a slight nod, looking at the other mare in question. "Yes?"
  3658. "I'm... I'm- F-Floor, uh, Bored," she managed to get out, looking down at the linoleum floor where she was already making a puddle.
  3659. > The colt gave a gasp. "Sweet Celestia, don't you live like in Neighara or something? What the buck are you doing all the way here?!"
  3660. > When he put it like that her quest seemed to unravel and Floor realized just how stupid it was. She folded down until she was lying on the floor, trying and failing to keep from sniffling. She was hardly aware of the other mare closing the dorm room.
  3661. > "Whoa, take it easy. What's wrong?! What happened?" Geezer asked, walking closer.
  3662. > Floor tried to explain herself, but all that came out were some fragments.
  3663. "Pep-Pepper-mint... s-sorry!" she choked out. "Came t-to apolo-apologize!"
  3664. > "Well..." Geezer didn't know what to say, but then his expression cleared up as he found a solution. "Well, Sneezy is up at the observatory tonight, he won't get back until past midnight. You m-might wanna try tomorrow, around ten or so?"
  3665. > The young mare was suddenly at Floor Bored's side and had a gentle hoof around the miserable mare's withers. "Geezer! Don't be mean! Can't you see she's wet and freezing?!"
  3666. > Floor tried to resist, but the mare lifted her up into a proper hug. "Here she's come on a mission of love," the unknown mare went on, "and you're turning her away!"
  3667. > This drove the colt off balance and he just blinked in surprise. "What?! Um... what?!"
  3668. > The mare was dragging Floor to the bathroom. "Here, sweetheart. Let's get you a nice hot shower and then a hot cup of cocoa, right? You can wait for Sneezy, okay?"
  3669. > All Floor could do was nod at her kindness. She had expected yelling and confusion, and she wasn't ready to deal with those. What she hadn't seen coming was somepony being nice to her after showing up like she had. It turned out she was even less prepared for that.
  3670. > Her thoughts just shut down at the younger mare's authoritative voice. She knew what she was doing. It was going to be all right.
  3671. "T-Thanks," she managed. "'m Floor... Wha'z your name?"
  3672. > The mare gave her a bright smile. "My name is Electric Sky. Nice to meet you, Floor."
  3673. > Now that she was face to face with her new friend, Floor saw that she was a unicorn. Her color reminded her of Fluttershy, except for the mane which was blue, rather than pink.
  3674. > For some reason that made Floor sad. A pegasus was just so soft to cuddle!
  3675. > "Anyway, you take a nice, long shower, okay? I'll get the hot cocoa started for you and then we'll wait for Sneezy- um, Peppermint."
  3676. > All Floor could do was nod as Electric Sky closed the bathroom door and left her with some much-needed privacy.
  3678. > ~~~~
  3680. > It was probably past midnight. It felt like past midnight, even though Floor wasn't exactly in a good mindset to judge. She was sitting on the closed toilet, head leaning on her hooves and trying desperately not to fall asleep.
  3681. > The others seemed to have given up asking if she wanted to come out, but she couldn't be sure. Electric Sky was a unicorn, which meant she could open the door pretty easily if she wanted to.
  3682. > It had all been too much for poor, overwhelmed Floor Bored. She finally made it to Peppermint's dorm, only to find that he wasn't there and she would have to deal with his roommates instead.
  3683. > Sunny's arrival also didn't help. The ponies apparently didn't realize just how well the sound of their voices carried through the air vent. Floor listened to every word of them talking about her.
  3684. > The consensus, at least between the colts, was that she was crazy. Silly old autistic mare, traipsing across half of Equestria just to come say sorry to Peppermint, rather than just apologizing online like a normal pony.
  3685. > "He refused to answer!" Floor screamed inside, barely suppressing an annoyed grunt. Peppermint didn't listen on chat and he refused to pick up his phone that one time Floor even had the guts to call him.
  3686. > She wasn't about to try again, not after the way he ignored her and sent the call to voice mail!
  3687. > Okay, so maybe Electric Sky wasn't entirely bad, but the other two clearly thought she was weird.
  3688. > There was a knock at the door and Floor's muzzle slipped from her hoof, nearly making her fall off the toilet.
  3689. > "You okay in there?" It was one of the colts and Floor didn't recognize his voice right away.
  3690. "Y-Yes! Leave me alone!"
  3691. > There was a pause and then Geezer went on: "It's just- I'd like to wash up and use the toilet, you know?"
  3692. > Floor Bored didn't answer. She didn't know how. Coming out would mean them looking at her, judging her. It was unthinkable.
  3693. > "Your hot cocoa got cold, but I'll make you a fresh cup!" Electric Sky added.
  3694. > It wasn't fair! Floor remembered that she hadn't eaten anything the whole day, except for that bit of mucus from the window, which probably didn't count.
  3695. > For that matter, she hadn't drunk anything either, which was now making her head ache.
  3696. > That was fine. She could deal with headache, just not with other ponies.
  3697. > "Floor?" it was Electric Sky again, "you can't keep hiding forever. Come out and we'll talk, okay?"
  3698. > The mare was right. Sooner or later she'd get fed up with waiting and unlock the door with her magic. Then she'd probably drag Floor out by her tail, much to everypony's amusement and her everlasting shame.
  3699. > Maybe there was a way to leave the bathroom on her own terms? At the very least, she could buy a few more minutes.
  3700. "I h-haven't showered, y-yet," she admitted, blushing even with nopony to see her.
  3701. > "That's fine, dear. We can wait a few more minutes!"
  3702. > Electric Sky's voice sounded cheerful, but strained, as if she was forcing herself to smile. After a few seconds, the other two colts chorused: "Yeah, we'll wait."
  3703. > "You know what? I'm coming in. I'll help, okay? Don't panic!"
  3704. > Floor shrank back on the toilet, but it was too late. There was the magical glow around the keyhole and the click of the lock. She wanted to hide, but there was nowhere in the tiny room where she could do that.
  3705. > A faint whimper escaped her throat, but then Electric Sky was in the bathroom with a tiny smile on her muzzle. "See? It's just us mares, okay?"
  3706. > It took one glance at Floor's downcast, flat-eared, wide-eyed expression for the unicorn mare's face to soften. "Aw, I know it's hard, sweetie. It's gonna be fine, okay?"
  3707. > In that moment Floor realized that Electric Sky, a mare in college and several years younger than her, was treating her like a little filly. Even worse, it was working!
  3708. > Her muzzle went beet red and Floor practically leaped from the toilet.
  3709. "I'm fine! I can do it myself!"
  3710. > The younger mare blinked at the sudden change of tone and leaned her head to one side, but the smile soon came back. "Well, if you're sure..."
  3711. "Yes!"
  3712. > Electric Sky still walked closer, making Floor shrink away uncertainly. The unicorn looked around the shower stall and picked up one of the plastic bottles. "Here, I guess this one isn't as bad."
  3713. > She showed Floor what looked like one of those five-in-one coat products. It was making Sky giggle. "Colts, right? The most important thing is that it's easy. I guess it'll do in a pinch."
  3714. > Floor accepted the bottle in her unresisting hooves, but she was already thinking ahead. Now that her new friend was in the room with her, it wasn't so bad. Electric Sky understood and she didn't judge, at least not anyway Floor could see.
  3715. > The colts outside were another matter.
  3716. > It must have shown on her muzzle, because Sky draped a hoof around Floor's withers. "Don't you worry about them, okay? Tell you what, I'll send them away and stay with you, make sure they don't bother you, deal?"
  3717. > That sounded like her best chance to avoid awkward confrontations and explanations and Floor even managed a tiny, relieved smile.
  3718. "O-Okay."
  3719. > "If you want, I'll help you talk to Peppermint, okay? I know he can be difficult sometimes and us mares have to stick together, right?"
  3720. > Embarrassment of why she came warred with relief in Floor's mind. She didn't want to commit herself just yet, so she tried for a weak shrug.
  3721. > "You're right, we'll talk about it later. Now, you sure you'll be fine on your own?"
  3722. > All Floor could do was nod urgently. The other mare gave her another brief squeeze, then turned to go.
  3723. > Floor was in the process of breathing out a sigh of relief, when Sky paused at the door and looked back. "Ten minutes, okay? I'll get your hot cocoa warm, but don't take too long or it'll get cold again."
  3724. "Okay," Floor murmured, not looking up as the door closed.
  3725. > It seemed she had no choice. The last bit of defense against the world - her hoodie, would have to go. She sighed and pulled it up over her head. Her nose wrinkled at the smell. The fabric seemed to have soaked up all the train toilet smells, not to mention a slight sour scent from being improperly dried after the rain.
  3726. > No way she could wear that to meet Peppermint, or he'd just send her away in disgust. Of course she'd have to stand there in front of the colt, buck naked.
  3727. > One problem at a time, though.
  3728. > She stepped in the shower and slid the curtain closed. It was the most privacy she'd felt that entire day. At least that part wasn't too bad, the mare thought to herself.
  3729. > The handle turned with a squeak and the water started to run. It was cold at first, of course and Floor pressed herself against the far wall to get out of its way.
  3730. > It only took a few seconds, though, and when she gingerly felt it with an outstretched leg the shower was nice and pleasant.
  3731. > She took another look at the bottle. Five in one: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, repair gel and gloss. Maybe the colts weren't as stupid, because this seemed a lot easier than using five different products.
  3732. > Surely it was better than just plain shampoo Floor used herself.
  3733. > Strange that Twilight and Fluttershy hadn't commented on it. Maybe they were letting her get used to living in a clean apartment before teaching her how to properly clean herself as well?
  3734. > Whatever the reason, this was something Floor knew how to do. She stepped fully under the stream of hot water and closed her eyes.
  3735. > All she wanted was for the day to end already and to get in bed and sleep. Tough chance for that, but a mare could wish, right?
  3737. > ~~~~
  3739. > Of course there had to be another complication after her shower. Floor Bored stepped out, dripping water all over the bathroom tiles, then realized she didn't know where the towels were.
  3740. > She opened a few cupboards randomly, but there was no sign of a clean towel. There was one hanging on a hook by the sink, but that one had actual muddy hoof prints on it. Floor wasn't about to undo all that hard work of showering the second she came out.
  3741. > How did these colts clean themselves if they didn't have a towel!?
  3742. > It was hopeless. The universe was arrayed against her. This was probably the punishment for all that masturbation which she'd been low key dreading all her life. Surely there had to be a price for feeling good, right?
  3743. > There was no other choice, really. Floor opened the bathroom door, hoping like hell it was just Electric Sky out there and not, to pick a pony completely at random, Peppermint. She could deal with the nice mare.
  3744. > Luck! The unicorn was sitting on the couch, apparently watching TV, but when she saw the motion of the bathroom door, she looked over. At first her expression was confused, but then realization dawned and the mare grinned.
  3745. > "No towel, right?" She sighed and stood up. "The colts each keep their own, so they don't wash somepony else's laundry by mistake. Want me to get you one?"
  3746. > All Floor had to do was nod and Electric Sky darted into one of the rooms. Seconds later she came out with a folded up towel in her magical grip.
  3747. > Floor held out her hoof for it, but the other mare just draped it around her withers. She froze in shock as Sky's magical grip began massaging her coat and mane. It wasn't the touching, although in normal circumstances that would've made her tense up just as much.
  3748. > The towel smelled like Peppermint! Floor closed her eyes and surreptitiously pressed some of the fabric to her nose. She inhaled deeply and it almost physically hurt.
  3749. > She'd forgotten how nice the colt smelled. The last time she was close enough to take in his scent like this was when... he'd kissed her.
  3750. > Fresh tears were threatening to overwhelm her, but luckily her face was still wet from the shower so nopony would see. Small blessings.
  3751. > Meanwhile Electric Sky was working on her hind legs and tail, which was just as well. The further away the unicorn stayed from her face, the less chance she'd see her expression.
  3752. > "There, all done. Well, as much as it's possible with a towel. You'll have to dry out naturally for a bit, Floor."
  3753. > She wondered idly what she should do now, but Sky nudged her and Floor began to walk. It was mechanical and she didn't much care where she was going. Her muzzle hit something soft and she realized it was the couch.
  3754. > "Up you get," the other mare said cheerfully and gave her rump a pat.
  3755. > Floor sat on the cushion, making sure to keep the towel between herself and the couch, and looked around. She was still in the student dorm apartment, but aside from herself and Electric Sky there was nopony around.
  3756. "W-Where- um," Floor began, but had to clear her throat. "Where-"
  3757. > "I sent Geezer and Sunny off to bed and Sneezy is still at the observatory. He won't be back for at least another hour."
  3758. > That gave her some precious time to get her thoughts in order and her emotions under control. Floor drew a deep breath and a new, tantalizing smell tickled her nose. A cup of something brown and sugary was floating in front of her muzzle.
  3759. > "Here, drink this. It'll help," Sky urged.
  3760. > She didn't have to ask twice. Floor gripped the cup between her forehooves, letting the warmth of it seep into her frogs, then took a tentative sip. It was just as sweet as it smelled and it made her stomach grumble loudly.
  3761. > "Oh wow, you must be starving! Here, let me make you a sandwich!"
  3762. "'s fine."
  3763. > "You sure? I know it's late, but the colts usually have some lettuce or a tomato in the fridge. Or maybe some cup noodles."
  3764. > That last one made Floor perk up her ears, but she firmly shook her head. She wasn't going to have Electric Sky cook Peppermint's food for her. That sounded all kinds of weird.
  3765. > She could take a day of fasting!
  3766. "I said it's fine!"
  3767. > The other mare shrugged to herself and climbed on the couch next to Floor. She was smiling faintly. "Okay, in that case. Tell me why you came here again?"
  3768. > Her question sent chills running down Floor's spine. She really didn't want to get into all the details of her miserable failure of a train ride. She'd already blurted out why she came, but maybe it didn't need to go any further than that.
  3769. "Came to ap-apologize," she admitted.
  3770. > "Yeah? The way I see it, Sneezy should be apologizing to you!"
  3771. > This left Floor stunned speechless. All she could do was stare at the other mare, who giggled and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Yeah! You obviously care about him, why else would you come all this way. You wouldn't have to if he just listened!"
  3772. > It made a kind of perverted sense, if you didn't know what Floor Bored had done to cause all this. Her ears folded down and she stared into her half-empty cup of hot cocoa.
  3773. "B-But I- I cheated. On P-Peppermint!"
  3774. > This shut the unicorn up, but she recovered quickly: "Oh yeah, who did you buck?" she asked plainly.
  3775. > This made Floor blush as she remembered wanting to sleep with Fluttershy, so she quickly shook her head.
  3776. "Din't- didn't buck... I just- when we were drunk- um, I kissed Flut-Fluttershy."
  3777. > Now Electric Sky's mouth fell open and her eyebrows climbed up. "Wait, Fluttershy?! You mean *the* Fluttershy?! Element of Harmony Fluttershy?! Yellow pegasus? Pink mane? Kinda quiet? *That* Fluttershy?"
  3778. > Her confusion was almost funny and Floor found herself smiling, just a little. She nodded.
  3779. > "Oh, filly, that wasn't cheating! That was just a kiss. And besides, it was *bucking* Fluttershy! She's so damn hot!"
  3780. > When Floor Bored glanced at her unicorn friend she saw that the mare had a faraway look and was biting her lower lip. "Filly, *I'd* kiss that, given half a chance and I don't even swing that way!"
  3781. > Her expression became stern and her ears lowered as the next thought arrived. "I'll kick the crap out of Sneezy! His fillyfriend grabs a once-in-a-lifetime chance to give Fluttershy a bit of a peck-"
  3782. "'s a proper kiss," Floor muttered, unwilling to diminish what the two had shared, even if they'd both been drunk.
  3783. > "Okay, his fillyfriend just happens to kiss another mare - some stallions would give anything to see that, mind you - and he stops talking with you?! What in Tartarus is wrong with that colt?!"
  3784. > It felt immensely gratifying to have Electric Sky on her side and Floor found herself nodding to her words. She was right! Mare on mare was totally hot! Stallions paid good money to see that on the Internet!
  3785. > So what if she'd kissed Fluttershy a little? She was in love with Peppermint and the dumb colt should just be glad of it!
  3786. > Except it wasn't just kissing, Floor remembered. If Fluttershy had given her half a chance she'd go further. She'd try and date that sweet, yellow pegasus.
  3787. > She'd been ready to simply discard Peppermint like he was a nobody. Maybe he did have a right to be offended.
  3788. > Sky's foreleg was suddenly around her withers and the mare nuzzled her. "Listen- I'll talk with that dumb colt for you and make it clear to him just how stupid he's being, okay? I promise he'll come crawling on his belly to apologize!"
  3789. > Floor shook her head, already horrified about what Peppermint would think about her siccing Sky on him.
  3790. "No! No! It's fine! P-Please."
  3791. > The unicorn subsided a little. She saw that Floor's cup was empty and gently pulled it out of her grasp with her magic. It floated over to the sink and was neatly deposited and promptly forgotten.
  3792. > "Okay, fine, if you insist."
  3793. > That was a relief and Floor Bored closed her eyes. The day finally caught up with her and not even adrenaline could keep her up. The hot cocoa did its sneaky magic and she slumped a little before catching herself.
  3794. > "Oh wow, you're nearly falling over," Sky observed. "Tell you what, why don't you take Sneezy's bed until he comes. Get a quick nap, so you can face him rested, okay?"
  3795. > It sounded wrong and Floor was about to decline, but then she caught another whiff of the stallion from the towel. His bed would be absolutely *soaked* in his smell.
  3796. > She wanted it. Maybe she could pretend they were actually together and she was waiting for him in his bed.
  3797. > It was wrong and it would probably backfire spectacularly, but Floor wanted it, so she nodded.
  3798. > She accepted Sky's hoof helping her up from the couch and followed the other mare into her - hopefully - coltfriend's room.
  3799. > There was his computer, turned off. A few shelves of books. A writing desk. Some wardrobes.
  3800. > Floor paid it no mind, because she saw her goal and object of desire. His bed.
  3801. > Sky had already lifted up the blanket with her magic and Floor gratefully flopped down on her side. The covers nestled down around her and she was *surrounded* by his scent.
  3802. > In almost made her cry again, but she managed to hold on while Electric Sky patted her side. "Okay, you get some rest and I'll come wake you when Sneezy is back, okay?"
  3803. > Floor just nodded and the other mare left.
  3804. > At long last she could let tears flow.
  3805. > Whether they were happy tears, for finally being in a colt's bed, or sad tears because their relationship would surely end in an hour when he came home, Floor didn't know. They were just tears and she was too tired to care.
  3806. > Something about Peppermint's scent was lulling her to sleep. With all her heart she wished she could do this every night.
  3807. > Yeah, she'd give up her manga and her dildos and her terabytes of porn for this. She'd be a normal mare and do normal mare stuff, if only she'd be allowed to sleep in Peppermint's bed each night.
  3808. "Please..."
  3810. > ~~~~
  3812. > Floor Bored woke up when something stepped on her leg and tugged her blanket away. She panicked and kicked, eliciting a yelp from her assailant. A moment later there was a thud from beside the bed.
  3813. > "What the-?"
  3814. > Peppermint! She would recognize his voice anywhere. The room was still dark and he'd just tried to get in bed with her!
  3815. > It was time to run away while it was still-
  3816. > Too late, the colt had found the light switch and flicked it on. They both blinked at one another in the harsh glare of the dorm light bulb.
  3817. > "F-Floor?!"
  3818. > It made no sense. Her new unicorn friend had promised she'd stop the colt before he came in the room and wake her up!
  3819. "Where's Electric Sky?!"
  3820. > The question was so unexpected that Peppermint answered out of sheer shock. "What? Her? She's sleeping on the couch for some reason. Floor, what in bucking Tartarus are you doing here?!"
  3821. > It explained how the colt got in unannounced, but now he was wanting answers and Floor wasn't sure she was able to give them.
  3822. > She'd gone over her apology a million times in her head on that stupid train ride, but now it was all going wrong. He was staring at her in surprise which would soon turn to suspicion and hate, and she couldn't find any useful words.
  3823. "Apologize!" she squeaked, latching onto the most important word.
  3824. > "What?! I'm not apologizing for stepping on you in my own bucking bed, Floor! How did you get here?!"
  3825. > He misunderstood and the mare urgently shook her head.
  3826. "No! I apo-apologize!"
  3827. > The idea occurred to Floor to grab the blankets and pull them over her head and never ever come out until she died of starvation, or dehydration or something. Then it wouldn't be her problem anymore.
  3828. > "You two just relax, okay?" Electric Sky said from the door, yawning and with her mane a mess. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. Sorry, Floor."
  3829. > The colt whirled to the other mare, which was a relief since he'd stopped staring at Floor. "You are in on this?! Sky, what the buck is going on in here? I come home from the observatory and there's bucking Floor Bored in my bed!"
  3830. > Her hoof came out of nowhere and caught both Peppermint and Floor off guard. He lifted up his leg to protect himself, muzzle already opening to yell something else, but Sky took the advantage of his momentary silence.
  3831. > "Now you listen to me, Sneezy, and you listen good!" the mare practically growled. "This nice mare has been trying to apologize to you for ages - Celestia knows why, because the way I see it, she has nothing to apologize for."
  3832. > "That's not-"
  3833. > "Shut it!" Sky yelled and lifted up her hoof again, which actually made Peppermint cringe back in fear.
  3834. > All Floor could do at this point was stare, open-mouthed. It was a relief that she didn't have to talk to Peppermint herself, but at the same time she knew Sky was only digging her hole deeper.
  3835. "Um..."
  3836. > They both ignored her and the unicorn mare went on: "So anyway, she came all this way to see you in person. If that isn't love, I dunno what is."
  3837. > Finally the colt looked around to stare at Floor again, and she blushed and looked down at her hooves. "Floor?" Peppermint asked. "Is this true? Did you come to- apologize?"
  3838. > She didn't have to say anything, just nod, which was a relief.
  3839. > "Well," Peppermint went on, voice souring once more, "I dunno why. I thought you were with Fluttershy now and I-"
  3840. > Another slap sounded across the room and this time the colt actually jumped away.
  3841. "No, don't..." Floor said weakly, but it was too late.
  3842. > "Hit me one more time and I'm going to the house mistress!" Peppermint growled. "You can get tossed out of school for stuff like that!"
  3843. > "I don't care," Electric Sky countered, but she didn't make a move towards Peppermint again. "You go to Floor Bored and listen to what she has to say, or I'll do more than slap you, understand?!"
  3844. > The colt heaved a long-suffering sigh, then muttered "mares" under his breath. When he looked up, he was glaring and his muzzle was set in a grimace. "Okay, fine, I'll listen. Just get the Tartarus out of my room, Sky!"
  3845. > Electric Sky nodded happily and waved to Floor bored before stepping out and shutting the door behind her.
  3846. > This was worse than before. The idiot unicorn had hit Peppermint and told him some stupid things which just made him more angry. Any chance Floor might have had with him was now surely gone.
  3847. > She didn't see a way around it. She'd have to apologize, but not for what she'd done. She'd have to say sorry for what Electric Sky had said and done, then drag herself out of the dorm and...
  3848. > What then? She didn't have any real money left, so she'd probably have to beg the bits off somepony to get a ticket back home. It would suck, utterly and completely, but there was no other choice.
  3849. > She tried very hard not to sniffle as she slid from the bed and sat on her haunches right on the floor, but a few faint sobs escaped her.
  3850. > Peppermint took a step closer. "Okay, relax, it's fine," he said in what might have been a slightly softer voice than what he'd used on Electric Sky.
  3851. "S-Sorry," Floor burst out, no longer trying to hold back tears.
  3852. > Now it was all she could do to keep herself from curling up in a small ball and bawling her eyes out. That would've been a scene for Peppermint's roommates. The entire dorm would probably hear about it within the day and everypony would be laughing at her.
  3853. > Another step and the colt was right next to her. Despite her misery, Floor couldn't keep herself from drawing in his scent. All it did was drive home what she now wouldn't ever have.
  3854. > "Aw, jeez Floor, don't cry," the colt said, all self-assurance gone and his voice wrought with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to yell."
  3855. > All she could do was shake her head. It wasn't his fault. She was a total screwup, who couldn't even come and apologize like a normal mare.
  3856. "Sorry!"
  3857. > It seemed like it was all she could say.
  3858. > Gradually Floor became aware that Peppermint had put his hooves around her. She froze, shock stopping the deluge for a moment at least.
  3859. > "Look, I didn't mean to yell. I was just surprised to find you here, you know?"
  3860. > The colt almost sounded apologetic! He was reasonable. Maybe she could at least say her piece before leaving and thus salvage a teensy, tiny bit of her dignity.
  3861. "I'm so-sorry, about Flut-Fluttershy," she stammered.
  3862. > Something more was expected, judging from Peppermint's silence.
  3863. "I'm not her- I'm not with her."
  3864. > "Oh."
  3865. > Floor Bored racked her brain for the rest of the message she'd planned out on the train. There was one more important bit.
  3866. "Didn't mean to k-kiss her! We were both drunk and I'm sorry!"
  3867. > Still nothing. The waiting and uncertainty was killing her and Floor struggled free from Peppermint's grasp so she could face him.
  3868. "W-Well?! Say something!"
  3869. > He wasn't meeting her gaze and now that he wasn't holding her anymore his hooves played with one another. Floor had to do a double take, because Peppermint's ears were lowered in a definite sign of shame.
  3870. > She'd expected anger and maybe grudging acceptance, not this.
  3871. > The colt drew a shuddering breath, glanced up at Floor's face then quickly returned his gaze down to the carpet. "Look, Floor-" he began, but stopped to sigh again.
  3872. > "It was stupid to just ignore you online, okay? I'm sorry about that."
  3873. > Now it was her turn to look down and not know where to put her hooves. When she dared steal a brief glance, she saw that Peppermint was still doing the same.
  3874. > Surely he wasn't feeling as awkward about this as she was? The colt had always been the more certain of the two, the braver, the more suave!
  3875. "'s okay..."
  3876. > This got him to look up and he smiled, even if it was just a frightened, nervous little grin. "Thanks. Um. Sorry I yelled earlier. Electric Sky is right..."
  3877. > His words weren't fitting into Floor's mental picture no matter how she twisted them. There was one possibility, but it was both remote and utterly weird. It was impossible, but she'd already made just about the biggest fool she could have out of herself, so a little more surely wouldn't hurt.
  3878. > Well, it wouldn't hurt *too much*.
  3879. "I wan-wanna," she began, but her throat went dry.
  3880. > She coughed at the sudden scratch, then struggled to take a breath as her larynx constricted. Her belly was full of butterflies and for the moment Floor was glad she hadn't eaten anything that day, because otherwise she'd be in danger of throwing it all back now.
  3881. "wanna be- y'know. Be with y-you."
  3882. > She almost didn't hear her voice over the sound of her rattling, thundering heartbeat. She also didn't dare look at Peppermint's face, because she probably wouldn't be able to deal with his disgust and outrage.
  3883. > There was just one thing left to do and Floor stood up on shaky, trembling legs.
  3884. "S-Sorry. I'll just go."
  3885. > Before she could turn around Peppermint took a step closer and grabbed her around her barrel with his forelegs. She squeaked at the sudden, strong grip, but didn't try to break free.
  3886. > Finally she dared lift her eyes, to see what the colt was doing and met his gaze. He was really close. She could see the flecks of darker purple in his pink irises.
  3887. > All thought left her when she realized their lips were pressed together.
  3888. "H'wha'?" she tried to say.
  3889. > The words died in her mouth as the colt pressed his muzzle even more tightly against hers.
  3890. > Realization hit and the room felt like it shifted from under her hooves. Peppermint was kissing her. It was good that he held her, because the treacherous earthquake, or whatever it was would have toppled Floor.
  3891. > This way she could just lean against the colt for support.
  3892. > It wasn't her first ever kiss, Floor found herself thinking, but it was the first *real* one. Not drunk, or playful, or that little unexpected peck on her muzzle when she had seen Peppermint off at the station.
  3893. > A real, honest-to-Celestia, proper kiss.
  3894. > What should she do? Weren't they supposed to stick their tongues into the other's mouth? How did you do that? Peppermint wasn't doing it. Was she supposed to start?!
  3895. > Floor began to panic and beat her hoof lightly against Peppermint's side. He immediately released her and it felt like all the warmth in the world went with him. Floor shivered in the sudden cold.
  3896. > "Sorry!" the colt said, sounding like he was near panic himself. "I didn't mean to do it! I thought you said- and I- I thought y-you wanted it," Peppermint babbled.
  3897. > Floor could just blink at him, Still reeling from the sudden shock of it.
  3898. > "I always mess this up, I'm sorry!"
  3899. "Do it again," she whispered.
  3900. > She was freezing and the only source of warmth in the world was Peppermint. She needed his embrace back, or she would surely die of hypothermia.
  3901. "P-please?"
  3902. > The colt stopped with his mouth open and looked her up and down. "You sure?"
  3903. > Floor just nodded and spread her hooves. This time Peppermint approached more slowly and put his forelegs around her barrel gingerly, as if afraid of hurting her.
  3904. > Sighing, the mare grabbed him instead and pressed him against herself. That welcome, life-giving warmth was back and she looked into his eyes again.
  3905. > His irises were wide open, maybe from the dim light, or from shock. It felt like Floor was staring straight into his soul.
  3906. > She realized he was probably doing the same to her and nearly panicked, but that gaze held her better than any hypnotist.
  3907. > It didn't matter for long. Peppermint's muzzle brushed against hers, so gently it tickled. She didn't have her hooves free to scratch, so the only way was to push forward and press her lips against the colt's.
  3908. > His eyes closed and, following her example, Floor did the same. In the darkness there was just his warmth and his scent and the touch of his nose against hers.
  3909. > Almost without knowing why, Floor tilted her head so they could be that tiny bit closer.
  3910. > She felt his tongue prod at her lips and her breath caught. It was time to stop fighting, she vaguely remembered thinking. She let her jaw unclench and her lips part, allowing the colt inside.
  3911. > Then, strangely, she became aware of his heartbeat. It was almost like something tapping against her own chest.
  3912. > He was just as scared and nervous as she!
  3913. > The realization gave her confidence and Floor prodded at his tongue with her own. The sudden touch made Peppermint gasp a little and he drew air from her lungs.
  3914. > She couldn't help it - her grip around him tightened and she moaned a little.
  3915. > It suddenly made sense why all those ponies spent so much time kissing out in the park.
  3916. > She could get lost in this and if she never had to surface it would suit her just fine.
  3917. > Eventually she realized that their tongue-jousting match was over and Peppermint was pulling away. She didn't release him yet, but opened her eyes and saw that he was smiling, even if it was faint and nervous.
  3918. "I- I think I like that," she murmured.
  3919. > "Yeah, me too. Um, so now what?"
  3920. > His scent smacked her full in the muzzle suddenly and Floor realized where she was. In a colt's room, with his bed, and she was holding him. They'd just kissed and she wanted to do it again.
  3921. > The weirdest thing was that she didn't want anything more, at least not right then. Every time when she'd fantasized about something like this she knew it had to end up with sex.
  3922. > This time, not so much. She was sure Peppermint felt the same way. Their bellies were pressed together and he if were thinking about sex she'd surely know it. She'd feel him against her.
  3923. "Um... kiss some more? On- on the b-bed?"
  3924. > The colt looked around as if realizing where he was for the first time. "Okay. Um, you wanna sleep over?"
  3925. > It was like a dream come true, actually. For the first time in the past several days Floor found herself smiling, for real.
  3926. "Yes p-please!"
  3927. > She would have to let him go, but only for a few seconds until they both got in the bed. Then she'd be surrounded by his scent again and, more importantly, by Peppermint.
  3928. > "You smell nice, by the way. You got the same kind of shampoo as me!"
  3929. > Floor Bored was certain she didn't, but then she remembered the evening.
  3930. "Oh... um, Electric Sky let me, um, use your shower. S-She gave me your shampoo."
  3931. > The colt giggled at that as he shifted over to make room for her in the bed. "Well, I like how you smell!"
  3932. > This made her grin come back and Floor nodded happily.
  3933. "I like how you smell, too!"
  3934. > She hurried to get under the covers and put her hooves around the colt one more time. She wanted to try kissing some more and this time she wanted to poke her tongue in *his* mouth.
  3935. > Judging by the way Peppermint pulled her closer, he was thinking approximately the same thing.
  3936. "B-Buck... please don't let this be just a d-dream!"
  3938. > ~~~~
  3940. > The realization of where she was and what she was doing hit Floor Bored in the face all at once. This was Peppermint's bed, and that was his tongue intruding into her mouth.
  3941. > She almost got embarrassed when she realized she had the 'stale milk breath' from her cocoa drink earlier, but then Floor remembered Peppermint had been kissing her for a while and not once remarked upon it.
  3942. > For that matter, she could faintly taste the pizza and soda he had for dinner, probably up at that observatory where he worked part time.
  3943. > Something about that thought was incredibly hot and Floor felt a tingle begin deep down in her belly.
  3944. > Her breathing quickened as she realized what was happening; what was going to happen soon. Hopefully.
  3945. > She was suddenly nervous. True, she had showered earlier, but it had been a quick and imprecise affair and Floor hadn't paid a lot of attention to her 'under-the-tail' region. Sex had seemed so very unlikely that she hadn't even thought about getting clean.
  3946. > Now there was real danger Peppermint would notice just how filthy she was and be disgusted. This could end even before it began.
  3947. > A small whimper escaped the young mare and she pulled away.
  3948. > "Floor? What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
  3949. > She shook her head. Maybe if she stopped now they'd go to sleep and wouldn't do it. Then she could sneak out of bed early in the morning and get a proper shower.
  3950. > Except... she wanted it. She'd dreamed of this for so long and now it was within hoof's reach and Floor needed to do it.
  3951. > Maybe she wasn't as dirty as all that? Maybe he wouldn't go down on her and so wouldn't smell it?
  3952. > Peppermint ran his hoof down her side and the touch sent electricity up her spine and right into the sex center of her brain. That was a thing, right?
  3953. > A low moan escaped her and the wave of red-hot need overruled all thinking. Floor was hardly aware of reaching down between them with her hoof and finding- well, *him*.
  3954. > It was just a bulge at this point, but the colt gasped and something stirred down there, under her frog.
  3955. "Please," she begged.
  3956. > In response Peppermint brought his lips to hers again and invaded once more, chasing her with reckless abandon. His tongue wrapped around hers and the sensation made Floor gasp, drawing air from his lungs to fill her own.
  3957. > It was so hot! Already she was practically gushing and soaking both their tails. The tails! As Floor realized they were entwined she shuddered and groaned again. It was as if Peppermint wanted to touch as much of her as possible.
  3958. > He was responding to her fondling incredibly quickly. Already she couldn't fit her hoof over him anymore and had to stroke up and down to feel it all.
  3959. > His... d-dick.
  3960. > The shape was somewhat familiar from her toys at home, but the texture was completely different. This wasn't rubber, it was living, feeling flesh.
  3961. > The thought nearly scrambled Floor's brain.
  3962. > Suddenly Peppermint ground against her and pressed... *it* into her belly. She felt the shaft nestle between her teats and the young mare pushed forward as well, sandwiching the colt's member between them.
  3963. > It just made him grind more urgently and let out low, urgent squeaks.
  3964. > This was so much better when she wasn't drunk! Somehow, magically, the shame about her gross body and unwashed slit was completely submerged beneath raw, urgent greed. Floor wanted that thing inside her and every second waiting was agony.
  3965. "Do it! D-Do it!" she urged.
  3966. > The colt pulled away, gasping for breath. The room was dark, but Floor saw the faint outline of his face and the glint of his eyes. He didn't reply, but Peppermint positioned himself lower, so he could reach her entrance.
  3967. > His forehooves pressed against either side of her barrel and Floor wrapped her hind legs around his flanks.
  3968. > For one, dreadful, horrifying instant Floor remembered the last time they were like this, both drunk, in her bed. She'd fouled it up. No, wait- Peppermint had messed that one up by remarking on the lack of her cutie mark.
  3969. > She wasn't about to let him make the same mistake again!
  3970. "Come on!"
  3971. > She wiggled her rump, smearing some of her hot juices on his tip. This made the colt groan lustfully and jerk forward. He missed, but the pressure against her thigh was absolutely maddening with its promise of what could have happened instead.
  3972. > The young mare repositioned herself and scrabbled at Peppermint with her hooves, trying to pull him forward. This time he went slower and hit his mark.
  3973. > Floor slid apart easily, thanks to her long practice with the dildos. The feeling was at the same time familiar and utterly alien. All she could think in that moment was how warm Peppermint was inside her.
  3974. > He kept going and Floor's gasp turned into a moan. She arched her back and clutched at her coltfriend with all her strength, both with her hooves and with her insides. Even if he wanted to stop, Peppermint was trapped in her and she wasn't about to let him go. Not until she milked him dry.
  3975. "Yesssss-"
  3976. > "Oh Celestia!" he finally responded. He jerked his hips forward until they met hers and he was fully hilted inside her.
  3977. > This was it! She was doing it. Not a virgin anymore, there could be no doubt. The knowledge made something inside Floor flutter and she changed her grip from Peppermint's barrel to his head.
  3978. > She pulled him down mercilessly and kissed him, trying to put all the years of loneliness and longing and desire into that one kiss. She flapped her tongue against his teeth, vainly trying to find purchase in there, something else she could hug or squeeze.
  3979. > "Nnngh!" It was all the colt could utter, but at least he kept enough presence of mind to pull himself back, sliding almost completely out of her.
  3980. > When she felt him withdraw, Floor moaned in sudden panic and tried to grip Peppermint around his barrel again to get him back. She needn't have worried- as soon as he was far enough out, he slammed back in with a wet, squelching slap.
  3981. > The pleasure went up to eleven and Floor fell back, no longer able to think about the kiss. Her tongue lolled out and she trembled violently.
  3982. > There was only one certainty in her life and she said it without thinking.
  3983. "More... gonna c-cum!"
  3984. > Perhaps that knowledge did something to Peppermint, because he obliged, faster this time. He pulled about halfway out and then pushed so strongly that the force of it moved Floor back on the bed and against the headrest.
  3985. > She didn't mind, as long as Peppermint's cock was buried as deep as it could reach inside her.
  3986. > He wasn't as big as her dildos, Floor realized, but he was so much better! He kept going without her prompting and the mare let her hooves fall to the bed, no longer afraid he would leave.
  3987. > She braced herself against the bed as her coltfriend pounded into her. Once, twice, then the pressure inside her belly suddenly built up.
  3988. "Shit, I'm gonna-" she gasped to warn him.
  3989. > She felt herself squeezing around Peppermint, as if milking his stallionhood. She knew the feeling, but with the soft, pliant, warm flesh inside her it was a hundred times better than with dead, stiff rubber.
  3990. > The colt grunted again and she felt his tip expand. Floor couldn't believe how fast it happened. He flared and stopped pumping as his cock anchored itself inside her.
  3991. > Floor was confused for a second, but then she realized what was happening. This was something her toys couldn't mimick and it drove her wild. He was about to fill her up! His member was inflating so it couldn't be pulled out by accident. It lined up his-
  3992. > Vaguely remembered anatomy lesson from school skittered across Floor's mind and was lost to the red mist of pleasure. All she remembered was that the flaring would align him directly with her womb.
  3993. > That feeling pushed her over the edge and she couldn't keep her muzzle closed.
  3994. "YES! OH YES!"
  3995. > The words got mangled after that and she just let out a wordless roar of a moan, followed immediately after by Peppermint's own.
  3996. > His seed was even warmer than his dick, but the thought was distant, secondary to wave after wave of pleasure as Floor contracted around him. She couldn't prevent herself from farting as all of her insides shifted and clenched around her orgasm.
  3997. > Her back arched and the mare tried to push Peppermint even deeper.
  3998. > It just kept coming, pump after long pump, filling her up until she felt like a balloon. It felt like gallons, and the heat of it, the warmth, spread even deeper into her.
  3999. > Until that moment Floor hadn't been aware of her womb, but now that it was filling with Peppermint's seed she felt it distinctly, conscious of how it squeezed and tried to suck it all in.
  4000. > She agreed with it, unwilling to let even a single drop spill out.
  4001. > The colt gave one last, shuddering cry and a jerk of his hips, then collapsed on top of her, laying his face against Floor's barrel. She put her hooves around him and held him close, riding out her orgasm.
  4002. > It was warm. That was the prevailing thought. Floor felt warmed, both outside and inside and it was a delicious feeling. Even Peppermint's breath on her face was hot.
  4003. > The mare didn't have to stretch her neck a lot to reach him with her tongue. She began to lick his muzzle, drawing tiny little squeaks of pleasure from the colt as she did so.
  4004. > Soon - too soon - his stallionhood began to soften and shrink. The bulge of his flare went down and as his cock shortened until it slowly pulled out of her.
  4005. > Floor tried to grip him by squeezing her thighs together, but he was far too slick with their combined juices.
  4006. > "B-Buck, that was amazing..."
  4007. "Yeah."
  4008. > She thought for a moment, then grinned.
  4009. "I wanna do it again!"
  4010. > Peppermint gave something between a groan and a chuckle and then kissed her lightly on the mouth. "In a bit, okay? I need to recuperate. Give me five minutes and then we'll go again."
  4011. > The thought of doing it all over recaptured some of the warm feeling, but the most important was the sensation of his seed still inside her.
  4012. > Some of it was leaking out, but the majority was staying put and - incredibly - remaining just as warm as it had been.
  4013. "Uh, I... m-might have messed up the b-bed," Floor admitted.
  4014. > Peppermint just shrugged. "Don't worry. We'll change the sheets after."
  4015. > That was a simple and effective solution and Floor stopped worrying how her fluids were soaking into the fabric and their tails. The afterglow was the important part and she lay back, staring at the ceiling and revelled in it.
  4016. "Sorry I f-farted."
  4017. > Again the colt chuckled. "That's normal. Lots of mares fart when they come. It's kinda hot. Shows me I'm doing a good job, you know?"
  4018. > Floor nodded, relieved, and tightened her hug around Peppermint's barrel.
  4019. "It was amazing. I- um..."
  4020. > The next word seemed to catch in her throat, but Floor concentrated and pushed it out.
  4021. "I l-love you."
  4022. > There was silence and her ears folded down as the young mare realized she might have ruined everything with that stupid statement. She held her breath as Peppermint pushed away and stared at her face.
  4023. > She was unable to meet his gaze and already her eyes were filling with tears.
  4024. > "I think I love you too, Floor."
  4025. > Floor was a bit iffy about the 'think' in there, but she decided to take what she could get. Maybe Peppermint just needed time. Her romantic manga did say colts were a little afraid of commitment.
  4026. > She could wait for him and right at that moment she felt too much relief that she hadn't bucked it all up.
  4027. "W-Was I good? Did I do it, um, r-right?" she asked.
  4028. > Peppermint smiled and nodded before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You did it perfectly, Floor, don't worry. Was it good for you too?"
  4029. > She squeezed him more tightly and nodded against his muzzle. She couldn't think of any words to say. None seemed big enough for the feeling.
  4030. > An idea occurred and it caused a twitch down between her legs.
  4031. "Turn around... I wanna be on top this time!"
  4032. > Even before he could realistically react Floor pushed the colt to one side He obliged easily and ended up on his back.
  4033. > The problem she hadn't foreseen was that as soon as she was upright, the contents of her love passage began to leak out, but Peppermint had said they'd change the sheets so it was fine.
  4034. > She climbed on top of the colt and brought her slit down right against his bulge. Some of his own seed dribbled down, eliciting a soft, low moan from the colt.
  4035. > Seeing his reaction, Floor rubbed herself against him and there was an immediate result. She felt the first stir of his cock against her.
  4036. > It seemed like that was all the rest he needed, which was just as well. It was all the time Floor was willing to give him.
  4037. > "Um, just a heads up," Peppermint said in a whisper, "so soon after- well, it's gonna take a lot longer."
  4038. > Floor Bored blinked in surprise. He'd said it as if it was a bad thing. She just smiled at the thought and felt herself wink, her hot button pressing against Peppermint's rapidly growing shaft.
  4039. "Perfect..."
  4040. > She leaned down and planted her lips against his to stop him from saying more stupid stuff. Right at that moment she wanted his disk inside her passage, not his words inside her ears.
  4041. > He could talk gently to her later, when she was drifting off to sleep.
  4042. > There was just one important thing left to say before she forgot. Floor reluctantly broke the kiss off, but she made it up to Peppermint by starting to rub herself against his length.
  4043. "Um... I'm glad I came, but you shouldn't have ignored me in chat! We c-could've done this ages ago!"
  4044. > Peppermint's ears lowered even as his eyes were trying to roll up in their sockets in pleasure. "So-Sorry," he mumbled.
  4045. "I'm sorry about Fluttershy, too."
  4046. > All the colt did was grunt an affirmation, which Floor decided to take as forgiveness. He was as hard as the first time and it was time to move on. It was time for round two.
  4048. > ~~~~
  4050. > Floor Bored froze as her brain caught up to what she was doing. There she was, not only in a colt's bed, but actually straddling him and lining herself up.
  4051. > Surely this wasn't a dream? She lifted a foreleg and gave herself a nip on the fetlock.
  4052. > "Uh, why did you stop?" Peppermint asked. His face was dark, but Floor imagined she saw his concern.
  4053. "It's fine."
  4054. > Not a dream. She was really about to do it. Heck, she'd already done it. Maybe it had been easier to just lie on her back and let Peppermint do all the work, but the ice had been broken.
  4055. > As she lowered herself a little Floor felt Peppermint's... well, *member* brush her. The cock tip pressed against entrance, only narrowly missing its mark. Her breath caught and she considered stopping.
  4056. > She didn't know what she was doing. She'd never done in that way. Her toys had always been too rubbery to stay upright for her to do it in this position.
  4057. > Fortunately her body had a mind of its own and the sheer heat of Peppermint's dick on her lower lips made her wink in expectation. Her clit, slightly enlarged from excitement, brushed the flat head of his cock.
  4058. > Both of them gasped in sudden pleasure and Floor almost involuntarily pushed down. Her aim still wasn't perfect, but they were both slick with their combined fluids and Peppermint slid smoothly inside.
  4059. > There was a moment of stretching as her flesh was pried apart to admit the stiff rod between Peppermint's legs, then he was embedded in her depths and filling her up in ways no mere toy ever could.
  4060. > "Mmmmmph!"
  4061. "Sweet Luna yes!"
  4062. > There really was nothing to it. Her body knew what to do somewhere in the depths of her subconscious mind, all that was required of Floor was to enjoy herself. She wiggled her rump a little and slid all the way down until her buttocks were pressed firmly against Peppermint's thighs.
  4063. > He was impossibly deep inside her and the sensation of being slightly stretched and stuffed full of dick was driving Floor crazy. She leaned down in the spur of the moment and planted a sloppy, slobbery kiss on the colt's muzzle. He was trembling and straining his hips to push a little further, so his mind wasn't in it and all she got in return was an absentminded lick.
  4064. > Then Floor placed forehooves against Peppermint's barrel and lifted herself. He slid so very smoothly and the slight bump of his flare rubbed against all the right spots. The combined effect was making her drip her hot juice all over his belly.
  4065. "Buck, buck this feels good!" she gasped.
  4066. > Even in the darkness she saw him grin and she bent as she slammed down once more. Their lips connected and this time Peppermint focused on the kiss a little better. Not that he had much say in it.
  4067. > Floor practically invaded his mouth, trying to wrestle his tongue into total submission. He fought back, but she realized she had the upper hoof when she ground her hips and Peppermint stiffened, focus shifting elsewhere.
  4068. > The victory didn't last because she had to breathe and Floor pulled away to get some fresh air in her lungs.
  4069. > Peppermint grunted and bucked his hips, but she was pinning him down. "P-Please," he murmured fervently, "keep going!"
  4070. > That was right, she was in control and she set the pace, Floor remembered. For a moment she considered waiting a bit longer, just to prove it, but the need burned in her as well and she couldn't stop herself.
  4071. > She began in earnest, lifting herself up with her hind legs and letting herself fall back down. Her forelegs remained on Peppermint's chest to keep her balanced.
  4072. > Each withdrawal created an emptiness inside her and Floor's passage tightened to try and keep the wonderful cock in place. When she came down, it felt as if the head was penetrating her anew and sending a jolt of electricity directly through her spine into the pleasure center of her brain.
  4073. > She wasn't going to last much longer, especially after her recent abstinence. A sudden fear gripped Floor and she slowed down.
  4074. > "Don't stop!" Peppermint begged, eyes closed and mouth agape as he concentrated on the feeling around his member.
  4075. "Sorry! I'm..."
  4076. > She had to swallow a lump and fight down a sudden bout of anxiety. That unwelcome voice came back. What a loser! He was hilted inside her and she still couldn't talk about it like a normal mare.
  4077. > Floor wrestled the voice down and steeled her resolve.
  4078. "I'm gonna be too fast. I feels too good!"
  4079. > He'd be disappointed, but at least she wasn't lying. Floor lowered her gaze and waited for the verdict.
  4080. > Peppermint put a hoof against her side and she looked up. Was he smiling again? "It's fine," he whispered back between shallow pants. "Go ahead, do it."
  4081. "Y-You don't mind? You're not going to- um, are you?"
  4082. > He shook his head and gripped her with his other hoof as well. When he tugged she obediently bent down until their noses were almost touching. "We're not done yet," he whispered. "Do it like this. I wanna watch you!"
  4083. "Ungh!"
  4084. > How could it be this hot?! He wasn't even talking dirty to her, not really. All Peppermint had said was that she shouldn't feel bad about her early orgasm. In any case, there was no stopping it now.
  4085. > This new angle, with their chests pressed together and Floor's tits rubbing against Peppermint's belly, made it harder to thrust, but she ground her hips and it was enough to move his dick in and out a little.
  4086. > More importantly, it pressed his shaft against her clit, sending entirely new waves of pleasure through her body.
  4087. "Yes! Yes! Oh! Ungh!"
  4088. > Her gasping devolved into wordless grunts as her peak loomed before her. She embraced it and slammed down one final time. Her forelegs went around Peppermint and her hind legs twitched uselessly as the pressure built up.
  4089. > It burst suddenly, making her jerk with the intensity of that first spasm.
  4090. "B- buuh..."
  4091. > Floor hadn't intended to speak, but her mouth was open and some inarticulate sounds came out, along with a bit of spittle as her climax shook her entire being. If anything it was even more intense than the first time.
  4092. > There was so much happening it was hard to even be aware of it all. All the muscles in her abdomen tightened and her passage squeezed Peppermint's stallion cock in a vice-like grip. Her limbs locked in place and she crushed the colt against her.
  4093. > She winked, again and again, in rhythm with her orgasm and each pleasurable contraction squirted some liquid down Peppermint's balls. Even her tail hitched further up with each jolt.
  4094. > It felt like it lasted for a long time and Floor was seriously out of breath when it abated. She fell down, relaxing, melting into her coltfriend's waiting hooves, but her insides still twitched feebly.
  4095. > He shifted and the slight movement pushed his dick a tiny bit further, which made her gasp and clench one last time.
  4096. "Shit... Wow. Buck!"
  4097. > She didn't know what to say. What even were the correct words for this situation?
  4098. > "Okay, my turn!" Peppermint announced.
  4099. > Floor shook her head feebly. Her muscles, never particularly fit, were turning to water after that performance. She couldn't keep going.
  4100. "Too... tired..."
  4101. > "That's fine. Come on, turn around. Lie on your belly."
  4102. > It sounded as if Peppermint had a plan and Floor was curious to see what it was. She realized that the cock inside her was still pleasurable.
  4103. > Usually, with her toys, she stopped as soon as she came, but now she wanted more. She forced her aching muscles into obedience and lifted herself up.
  4104. > Peppermint slipped out of her and slapped wetly against his belly. A veritable deluge followed and the warm spill on his groin made the colt inhale sharply through his nose.
  4105. "Sorry!"
  4106. > "We'll shower after, don't worry!"
  4107. > He pushed at her and Floor remembered what he wanted. She turned on her belly and looked back over her shoulder to see what he was doing.
  4108. > Peppermint prodded her legs a little further apart, then settled his weight on her back.
  4109. "Buck yes!"
  4110. > The position woke up something primal in Floor. That was how ponies had done it for *ages*. The pressure of a stallion on her croup was suddenly making her wink some more. Fresh lubrication began to dribble out of her already wet pussy in expectation of being filled once more.
  4111. > The colt didn't waste time. His tip prodded her buttock, then realigned and nestled against her tail hole. Floor bit her lip, suddenly worried that he would try and shove it up her ass.
  4112. > True, she'd done it to herself a few times, just to feel what it was like, but she wasn't ready for it now.
  4113. "N-No, w-wait!" she squeaked.
  4114. > It was unnecessary, though. Peppermint withdrew even before she spoke up and the pressure came against her vulva. He still froze when her plea registered. "You okay?"
  4115. > Floor nodded her head impatiently.
  4116. "Yeah, go ahead. It's fine!"
  4117. > He didn't hesitate any longer. The pressure increased, then her opening parted once more and Peppermint embedded himself. It was different this time, the slightly irregular shape of his cock-head rubbing different places than before.
  4118. > In moments he had hilted and his muzzle came to rest against her neck. She wondered if he'd lick her, or give her small kisses, but she wasn't expecting the slight nip.
  4119. "Gnh!"
  4120. > Pure bliss. The bite told her body that she was his. The stallion was on her back and holding her in place with his teeth. He controlled everything and he was going to keep thrusting into her passage until he was satisfied.
  4121. > The powerlessness, his control, the way he began to pump in earnest; it all combined into a cocktail of potent euphoria.
  4122. > All Floor felt able to do was let out small grunts and squeaks in time with Peppermint's thrusts. In mere moments she came again, although the orgasm was weaker than before. She moaned out loud, but didn't otherwise move.
  4123. > She loved the fact that he didn't even slow down as she was climaxing. The contrast between her spasming marehood and the implacable cock spreading her apart again and again was delightful. Her moans of pleasure seemed to shake the entire room.
  4124. > Peppermint nuzzled her mane away from her ear and put his lips right next to it. "I'm almost there," he growled.
  4125. "Do it!"
  4126. > His thrusting was getting jerkier but also faster. More urgent. He grunted, low, deep in his throat.
  4127. > Suddenly Floor realized that his cock was changing. The tip was flaring out, putting new pressure in her depths.
  4128. > She'd never felt anything like it before. Her toys could never do that. It took a real, flesh and blood stallion. From this position, pony-style, it felt even more right than her first time earlier.
  4129. > The movements of Peppermint's hips were becoming shallow and he just kept pushing deeper and deeper into her canal. It wouldn't be much longer now.
  4130. > Floor was holding her breath, but she let it out in a window-rattling moan when she felt that flare lock into place. It fit a very particular spot in her own anatomy and ensured that he was lined up perfectly.
  4131. > There was a moment of stillness, then the colt's hips bucked forward and he came.
  4132. > Weird, Floor had time to think, how she could feel the heat of his seed so clearly as it spurted inside her.
  4133. > Suddenly, unexpectedly, the feeling pushed her over the edge once more. She cried out and lifted her head to try and steal a kiss from him, but Peppermint took hold of her neck between his teeth again and simply kept her in place as he filled her up.
  4134. > It was going directly into her womb!
  4135. > For one, dreadful moment Floor imagined the consequences, but she quickly relaxed as her thoughts caught up.
  4136. > She was months off from her heat. It was safe.
  4137. > The feeling was passing, though, her euphoria fading even if Peppermint's warmth remained inside her.
  4138. > She slumped down and opened her mouth wide to catch her breath while the stallion grunted a few times and pushed inside her. He soon emptied himself completely and the flare receded, along with his hold on her neck.
  4139. > Finally he was able to pull himself out and flop to the bed beside her.
  4140. > "Celestia! That was- Floor..."
  4141. "Mhm."
  4142. > She turned to her side and spread her hooves, wanting nothing more than to be held while Peppermint's thick seed slowly spread its warmth through her body. He brought his muzzle closer for a quick kiss, but avoided her hooves.
  4143. > "We need to change the sheets, remember? We should probably shower, too."
  4144. > That would mean going outside and seeing other ponies - his roommates. The anxiety came back with the realization of just how loud they'd been and Floor shrank into herself.
  4145. > At least give her until morning!
  4146. "M-Maybe, j-just a towel for now?!" she pleaded in a voice which was none too steady.
  4147. > Peppermint looked at the door and his ears wilted. He'd obviously realized the same thing. "I g-guess it can wait till the morning," he said.
  4148. > He went to his wardrobe and rummaged inside until he found two towels. He tossed one to Floor and quickly wiped himself with the other. Shortly after he was back in the wardrobe.
  4149. > "Get the sheets off, okay? Oh, and the blanket. I have a spare, I think."
  4150. > Floor went to the door and hit the light switch. It made her blink in the sudden, harsh brightness, but it would make their task a lot easier. Her eyes went to the bed and she blushed heavily.
  4151. > Their fluids were mostly colorless, or white, but there was a bit of yellow in there. Surely she hadn't peed herself?
  4152. > It was hard to tell. In the excitement all the sensations had mixed together and she wasn't sure what her body had done.
  4153. > Peppermint finally found what he was looking for and took a folded piece of white linen out of the wardrobe. His eyes also went to the bed and he blushed and lowered his ears.
  4154. > Floor felt as if something was expected of her.
  4155. "I'm sorry about- about your-"
  4156. > The colt shook his head. "It's okay. It's normal. Come on, let's change the sheets and then we should be fine."
  4157. > Gratitude. He didn't draw attention to the fact that she might have soiled herself in the heat of passion. Just for that Floor could love him. There was more, though. Much more.
  4158. > The first pony who genuinely liked her enough to kiss her. Well, not just kiss, but...
  4159. > She smiled a little to herself. Would her anxiety with social stuff get better now? She was no longer a virgin, even if she might still be a cutiemark-less loser.
  4160. > Maybe. She shrugged to herself. It would be good if this did boost her confidence, but even if not, she had a coltfriend now and that was all that mattered.
  4161. > He was standing on the other side of the bed, looking at her expectantly and Floor remembered what she was supposed to be doing.
  4162. > Her ears splayed in sudden embarrassment and she hurriedly grabbed the edge of the sheet in her teeth.
  4163. > They yanked it off the mattress and dumped it on the floor with the soiled blanket.
  4164. "Sorry, uh, sorry about all the laundry."
  4165. > "I said it's fine. It was worth it," Peppermint replied. He tossed the fresh linen over the bed and Floor helped tuck it under the mattress on her side.
  4166. > Pretty soon the bed was pristine once more. A bit had leaked through the sheet, but Peppermint didn't seem to mind so neither did Floor. Those things were made to be used, after all.
  4167. > He added the new blanket on top of it all, then went back to the towel to finish drying himself off. Floor followed his example and thoroughly wiped herself from the waist down.
  4168. > Amazing just how much fluid there was. Even now she could feel an occasional drip down her leg. It would make quite a mess by morning, so Floor bunched up the towel and pressed it between her hind legs.
  4169. > The colt looked at her with a question in his eyes, but didn't ask it out loud.
  4170. "L-Leaking," she explained, unable to meet his gaze.
  4171. > It was his turn to blush. "Sorry."
  4172. "It's fine. I, um, I really liked all that."
  4173. > Even now there was a twitch in her tail, as if it wanted to lift.
  4174. "D-D'you think we could- uh... in the morning? Again?"
  4175. > A smile spread across Peppermint's face. "I'd love that, actually." His hind hooves shuffled and Floor realized he had also felt a twitch of excitement just by thinking about it.
  4176. > She climbed in the bed, all the while making sure her towel was in place. It'd probably get kicked around as they slept, but she could at least try.
  4177. > Moments later Peppermint followed and she flopped down on her side and opened her forelegs to accept him into a hug.
  4178. > He gladly obliged and entwined his forelegs with hers. They lay there, nose to nose.
  4179. > "Um, we forgot the light," he remarked.
  4180. > It was true.
  4181. "You're closer," Floor pointed out.
  4182. > His mouth quirked up in a smile, but Peppermint didn't complain and slid out of the bed once more. He flipped the light off and hurried back to bed.
  4183. > Once more they embraced and Floor closed her eyes with a slow sigh.
  4184. "I'm glad I came."
  4185. > "Yeah, me too. Good night, Floor."
  4188. > ~~~~
  4190. > There was a moment of panic when Floor Bored first opened her eyes and realized she wasn't in her bed. Everything around her was strange. Unexpected smells, unfamiliar light, even the sheets felt weird against her fur.
  4191. > Even worse, she suddenly became aware of heat against her back.
  4192. > If she weren't so damn comfortable she'd have jumped out of bed. As it was, she lifted her head and looked around the strange room. Her eyes landed on a bit of purple fur. Somepony was gripping her from behind.
  4193. > Just like that memory came crashing back and Floor's breath snagged in her throat. It hadn't been a dream. She shifted her hind leg and immediately felt the telltale soreness in her private region.
  4194. > She really had done it.
  4195. > Sex.
  4196. > That crazy, wonderful, scary, elusive, beautiful thing. So that was what it felt like.
  4197. > Maybe the other ponies weren't completely crazy for putting themselves in all those awkward social situations, especially if *this* was the reward.
  4198. > More importantly, Peppermint was holding her, spooning her from behind and Floor decided that was an absolutely magical way to wake up.
  4199. > She snuggled back down, content to wait out the morning even if she wasn't feeling sleepy anymore. She pressed her nose against Peppermint's fetlock and sighed.
  4200. > Stuff would undoubtedly go wrong and Floor wasn't sure if she could ever look the colt in the eye, not after what they had done, but for the moment she was content.
  4201. > Almost.
  4202. > A strange scent tickled her nose, familiar mixed with new and exhilarating. She sought it out with her muzzle and found a slightly crusted patch of fur on Peppermint's foreleg.
  4203. > Her mare juices, that was part of it, but also something more.
  4204. "Ungh!"
  4205. > Her tail wanted to flag up when she realized what the other thing must be. Dried sperm. A drop must have ended up on his foreleg when he'd dried himself and it smelled absolutely intoxicating.
  4206. > Floor couldn't help herself and began to lick the spot.
  4207. > "Mmmmm," the colt groaned. He shifted and his hind hooves sought, then wrapped around her legs. The hug around her barrel tightened and Peppermint's breath tickled the back of Floor Bored's neck.
  4208. > The colt pushed his hips forward and something poked her rump.
  4209. > He was hard.
  4210. > Morning wood, Floor decided. Maybe he was dreaming about what they had done? It sent a thrill through her, knowing she'd caused him to get hard.
  4211. > While she smiled to herself Peppermint moaned again and bucked his hips, driving the tip of his stiff member between Floor and the bed. His grunt ended and the pressure vanished. "Ow..."
  4212. > It probably wasn't pleasant, Floor knew. Stallions' members were notoriously sensitive, at least that's what she had read. Maybe, soon, she'd have a chance to find out for herself.
  4213. > The thought made her smile and she carefully rolled to her back. Peppermint was awake, but blinking in the light and apparently having trouble focusing on her.
  4214. "Uh, morning?" she offered, uncertain what she should say in this situation.
  4215. > "Hi- yo-eeah!"
  4216. > His yawn was cute and Floor's smile widened. Peppermint didn't seem sorry, nor was he trying to get away from her. Obviously she hadn't bungled things up too badly the previous night. It was encouraging, but her ears still folded down and a blush forced its way on her muzzle.
  4217. "Sleep- um, slept well?"
  4218. > She felt, more than saw, the colt nod. "Oh, yeah. What time is it?"
  4219. > There was no clock in sight so Floor just shrugged.
  4220. > "Last night was... um, fun," Peppermint commented.
  4221. "Was- was I- Was it good?"
  4222. > This time he punctuated his words with a kiss on her cheek. "You were amazing, actually."
  4223. > The praise made her all warm and tingly inside.
  4224. "It- uh, it was... my-" she began and swallowed a nervous lump. "Itwasmyfirsttime!" she blurted out.
  4225. > Peppermint just shrugged a little. "I know. Um, you said. The other day, that you haven't yet, you know. Uh, was it good for you too?"
  4226. > Despite the heavy blush Floor nodded enthusiastically. She tried to come up with a suave way of saying it, but every attempt felt more ridiculous than the last, so in the end she just bit her lip and went for it:
  4227. "I wanna do it again."
  4228. > She risked a glance and saw that Peppermint was grinning. "Me too!" he said in a sudden whisper.
  4229. > Before she could ask how they should do it, the colt rolled on top of her. He'd ended up a little lower, so his muzzle was pressed into her chest, but that allowed him to hug her around the waist.
  4230. > She waited for him to climb up higher and prod at her entrance once more, but to her surprise and sudden fear Peppermint shifted a little lower. His lips pried apart the fur on her belly and he planted an extremely warm kiss there.
  4231. "Wha- oh! What are you- mmnf! Wait..."
  4232. > Floor was suddenly acutely aware of how long it's been since she'd washed down there, *properly*. Especially after the last night's activities she was none too fresh.
  4233. > Peppermint stopped his kisses and looked up with a slight frown of concern. "Everything okay?"
  4234. "I'm not... and we- last night. Um, I should shower first..."
  4235. > He blinked in confusion at her fragmented explanation. "I didn't quite catch that. What's wrong?"
  4236. "I'm not exactly... fresh..."
  4237. > Weird how it wasn't quite as embarrassing to say as she'd feared. Then again, Peppermint had been in places she hadn't even realized she got. Maybe she didn't need to be quite as shy around him?
  4238. > If he found her gross, he'd probably have slipped out of the room and then hid until she left, right? It's what she would have done, especially if she were more... *normal*, like him. If she could find coltfriends and had a reason to be picky.
  4239. > He'd said something but it was so weird that Floor's brain refused to process it.
  4240. "What?!"
  4241. > "I said I don't mind," Peppermint repeated. "It's just you. It smells and tastes like you and right now that's pretty good."
  4242. > He was really going to do it!
  4243. > Floor's breathing quickened and she gripped the sheets beside her in expectation. She'd read this was one of the most intense feelings a mare could ever experience.
  4244. > Luckily Peppermint took her silence as assent and went back down. His snout brushed the soft fur on her belly and his breath played across her nipples.
  4245. "Nnnng!" she moaned, already feeling herself getting wet.
  4246. > The warmth was beginning to spread through her belly just as Peppermint found his mark. His head was between her hind legs and he looked up at her from there.
  4247. > It was damn near enough to make her come right there and then. Already her breath was coming in short pants.
  4248. > Still looking right at her, Peppermint lowered his mouth and she saw his tongue poke out before it was out of sight behind her mounds.
  4249. > She tensed in expectation and then something very hot and wet gently enveloped her lower lips. It felt as if he'd put his whole mouth on her pussy, but then he dragged his tongue upward and the sensation refined.
  4250. > He was licking her labia, careful to avoid the sensitive clit with his rough tongue.
  4251. "Aaaahhh!"
  4252. > She tried to buck her hips, but Peppermint wrapped his forelegs around her thighs to keep her down. He put his tongue back, but this time he let it pry apart her folds to explore a little deeper.
  4253. > It felt as if her clit was smacking him on the nose as she winked, but he didn't seem to mind. His tongue - that wonderful, warm wetness, dragged up again, sliding easily between her very wet lips and briefly cupping her clit in the gentlest of touches.
  4254. > *WHAM WHAM WHAM*
  4255. > The whole room seemed to shake and Peppermint's tongue vanished instantly. Floor squeaked in alarm and sat bolt upright, ready to jump out the window to escape this new danger.
  4256. > She realized somepony had knocked on the door when it came again.
  4257. > *WHAM WHAM WHAM* "Hey, you two still alive in there?!"
  4258. > It was Electric Sky and Floor remembered only then that there were other ponies in the apartment.
  4259. "Eeep!"
  4260. > She realized they must have heard her moaning when Peppermint started to lick her and was mortified. It was hard enough to face *him*, let alone other, strange ponies.
  4261. > Geezer and Sunny were probably out there, listening as well!
  4262. > There was nothing else to do but grab the blanket, yank it off surprised Peppermint and pull it over her head. Floor curled up in a small ball and resolved never to show her muzzle in public again.
  4263. > "Hey! Whoa! It's okay!" her coltfriend said, but it was useless. To top it all off, Floor felt the twitches of her neglected bits as they yearned for release. She'd been so close, too! She crossed her hind legs to hide her winking as best she could.
  4264. > "Come out and get some pancakes, okay?!" Electric Sky yelled.
  4265. > Peppermint heaved a sigh and placed a hoof on the bundle that was Floor Bored. "Tell you what," he offered. "I'll go out and clear the air a little. I need a shower anyway, okay? You can stay here for a bit longer."
  4266. "'m never coming out!"
  4267. > "Nah, you'll be fine. I'll tell them not to tease, okay?"
  4268. "Nuh-uh! Stayin' here!"
  4269. > She was holding the blanket firmly, but Peppermint was somehow able to snag it and yank it away from her face. She was about to yell at him to go and leave her to die in peace- well, in mortification anyway, but he nuzzled her hoof aside and met her lips with his.
  4270. > This time he didn't push his tongue at her, but it was still a nice kiss. "It's gonna be fine. Just follow my lead. They've all been in this situation before, remember? It's happened to practically everypony!"
  4271. "N-Not m-me!"
  4272. > "I guess this is it, then? Look, they're good ponies and they like you. We've played Hooves and Crowns with Geezer and Sneezy and you said Electric Sky was nice to you yesterday."
  4273. "Y-Yes..."
  4274. > "They're just friends. I'll explain and we'll skip the joking. You'll be fine. We'll have some breakfast - Sky makes the most amazing pancakes, by the way - and then we'll talk and decide what to do."
  4275. > His ears lowered a little. "When do you have to leave? When is your train back?"
  4276. > This reminded Floor that she had no money. What little she had left was...
  4277. "My hoodie!"
  4278. > "Huh?"
  4279. "I left it in the bathroom! My money is in there?"
  4280. > Peppermint shrugged. "Nopony would steal it, don't worry. Anyway, when's your train back?"
  4281. > She shook her head urgently as she tried to explain.
  4282. "I don't- don't have the ticket yet! I have to buy it. Except..."
  4283. > Her blunder the previous day came back to haunt her and Floor looked away. She felt like pulling the blanket back over her face, but Peppermint was standing on it.
  4284. > "Except?"
  4285. "I w-went on the wrong train, and, and it took most of my money to get back. I- I dunno if I have enough..."
  4286. > The colt just chuckled. "Okay, okay," he said, "that's easy. I'll give you the rest."
  4287. > For some reason that felt even more demeaning than being dragged out where everypony knew what Peppermint had been doing between her legs. Floor shook her head firmly.
  4288. "No gonna beg," she muttered.
  4289. > She may be living on government handouts, but she wouldn't start her first, and only, relationship by taking money from her coltfriend. That'd just make her a cheap whore, which suddenly sounded even worse than a loser virgin.
  4290. > "Okay, then how about I loan it to you, and you can pay me back when I come to visit. How's that?"
  4291. > It sounded reasonable.
  4292. "A loan. Okay."
  4293. > "Good. So... I'll go shower and you can go next, and then we'll have pancakes, deal?"
  4294. > What else could she do? Peppermint brought things out of her Floor didn't even know were in there. She nodded, even if her ears were splayed and her gaze kept sliding away from the colt.
  4295. > She was rewarded by a quick kiss. "Great. Oh! I g-guess it's official now? We're, um, special someponies?"
  4296. > That simple phrase made her feel all warm inside once more, reminding her of the sensation of Peppermint's hot seed deep inside her core. Her next nod was a little less uncertain.
  4297. > There was just one thing she had to know.
  4298. "I guess... but why?"
  4299. > Peppermint blinked in confusion and looked at the floor beside the bed, at the pile of dirty sheets. "Uh, you do remember what we did last night, don't you?"
  4300. > She was already shaking her head, annoyance mingling with anxiety. Annoyance at herself for not being able to put better words to her concern.
  4301. "No, I mean- why me? I'm just a- a..."
  4302. > "A really interesting mare. Um," it was Peppermint's turn to blush and glance away, but he wrenched his eyes back and even managed a crooked smile. "You're, you're not like anypony I ever met, ac-actually."
  4303. "Really?!"
  4304. > His grin became more confident and he nodded. "Sure! Remember how we met? You were with Princess Twilight and Fluttershy. You're like, the best at computer games out of all the ponies I know. And..."
  4305. > He fell silent and cleared his throat. He shook his head as he decided not to say the last part and stood on the bed as he went to step down. Floor's hoof shot out and caught his fetlock.
  4306. "What were you gonna say?"
  4307. > "It's nothing."
  4308. "Say it!"
  4309. > "It's silly."
  4310. "SAY! IT!"
  4311. > His purple coat was now entirely red, but Peppermint heaved a sigh and muttered so quietly Floor had to strain to hear him: "I was- was your first. That's really special to me..."
  4312. > Her first thought was that she was just a loser virgin mare, but then the second thought to pop into Floor Bored's mind was that it was no longer true.
  4313. > She had a coltfriend now.
  4314. > If the ponies outside were going to laugh at her for that- well, screw them! Sex felt too good to give it up.
  4315. > Heck, Peppermint's hugs and kisses felt too good to give them up! Knowing somepony cared what happened to her felt too good as well! She'd always wanted this, but now that Floor had had a taste she never wanted to go without again!
  4316. > "Anyway, I'll go shower. I'll come get you when it's your turn."
  4317. "Okay."
  4318. > As he left she spotted Electric Sky's face in the other room, but the other mare just gave her a very suggestive grin and a wink before Peppermint shut the door.
  4319. > For a wonder, Floor didn't even feel like hiding under the blanket anymore.
  4321. > ~~~~
  4323. > Eventually there was no more time to hide. She had to go out and face the music, which was making Floor Bored's limbs tremble and her ears plaster themselves to her head. It was pure luck Peppermint hadn't noticed anything yet because he was busy drying himself with a towel, but the moment he looked over at her he'd know something was wrong.
  4324. > No, she shook her head. Peppermint understood how she felt. He wouldn't make fun of her.
  4325. > Still, she had to get out of the room sooner or later. Her bladder was on the point of bursting and her stomach was decidedly empty. Her coltfriend had let in a delightful smell of fresh pancake and she wanted some of that.
  4326. > If only there weren't so many ponies at the table. She caught a glimpse of Geezer, which meant Sunny was there as well. She also heard Electric Sky laughing uproariously.
  4327. > Floor swallowed a very big lump in her throat and took a tentative step to the door. She still hesitated, but at least the bladder problem could no longer be delayed. She closed her eyes and tried mentally prepare herself. She murmured what she was going to say as practice.
  4328. "Er, h-hi, ba-bathroom..."
  4329. > Even in rehearsal she flunked.
  4330. > "What was that?" asked Peppermint right by her side. She couldn't face him, not with the way her face all but burst into flames. It was pure luck that the colt was more interested in food. He stepped past her pulled the door open.
  4331. > A sudden inspiration struck as Floor spotted her chance. She followed Peppermint, but hurried to the bathroom door before they noticed her.
  4332. > She nearly stumbled when Electric Sky raised her voice: "Mornin' Floor!"
  4333. > All that came out of her mouth was a strangled squeak, but luckily she was nearly there and it only took two more paces to reach the blessed sanctuary of the bathroom. Floor sat on her haunches and leaned against the door as she waited for her thundering heart to slow down and her hooves stop shaking.
  4334. > There was another pang in her belly and she hurried over to the toilet. Some things had to happen first, even before anxiety attacks.
  4335. > That only took a minute and she felt a little calmer by the routine action and the lack of pressure. She took a deep breath and stepped in the shower. This next bit was also becoming somewhat of a routine with her.
  4336. > It still felt strange to wash herself, with water, *nearly* every day, but Floor was forced to admit that her coat felt a lot less sticky and gross after it. Her mane was also a lot silkier and could actually be controlled a little bit, compared to what she had been used to before.
  4337. > Her thoughts slid away as Floor gave herself up to the warmth. She should start washing herself, but the heat felt too nice and needed to be enjoyed for a bit. As a slight concession to getting stuff done, she opened her mouth and let some water trickle in, then she sloshed it around a little and spat it out.
  4338. > A few minutes later she shut the shower off and grabbed Peppermint's shampoo bottle again. She was starting to really like the smell and the ease of use. Multiple products in one was just such a time saver!
  4339. > Lathering herself up was the work of a few minutes, then she could enjoy the beautiful, glorious warmth of the shower for a while longer as she rinsed herself off.
  4340. > Sadly, all nice things had to end and Floor finally stopped shortly after.
  4341. > She steeled herself to face the taunts and jabs she knew would be coming, despite what Peppermint had promised her. It was just the way of other ponies to see how much they could embarrass her.
  4342. > At least now she was clean and the evidence of her night's activities was gone. It'd just have to do. She'd have to survive these ponies for a little while until she and Peppermint had eaten.
  4343. > They were supposed to be their friends, she reminded herself. It was an unfamiliar word, but there it was. Floor Bored had some actual friends. M-Maybe.
  4344. > Once more she realized there were no usable towels in the bathroom and hung her head. Another small faux pas. She'd have to either walk past them dripping wet and leaving a mess on their floor, or ask somepony to fetch a towel.
  4345. > Floor shook as much water as she could in the shower, then stepped out and approached the dreaded door.
  4346. > There was a knock and she couldn't contain a terrified squeak.
  4347. "Eep!"
  4348. > "Sorry," came the muffled voice of Electric Sky. "Can I come in?"
  4349. > Facing them one at a time was a tiny bit better, so Floor nodded. Then she realized her unicorn friend couldn't see and a blush crept up her face.
  4350. "Y-Yes."
  4351. > Sky squeezed into the small room and pushed a fresh towel in Floor Bored's hooves. "Here, thought you might need this."
  4352. "H-How did you..." Floor tried to ask, but her voice trailed off as she scented a lovely lavender scent from the fabric.
  4353. > "I saw you forgot to bring one, *again*, so I went and fetched one of mine."
  4354. "Why one of yours?"
  4355. > Electric Sky grinned and leaned a little closer. "I wouldn't expect a self-respecting mare to use the colts' towels. Did you *see* how they do laundry?! Ugh, those things are barely fit as dish rags, maybe not even that!"
  4356. > There was some truth in her words and Floor couldn't help contrasting just how soft, fragrant and *luxurious* Sky's towel was compared to Peppermint's. Both were better than her feeble attempts at laundry, but this one made drying herself downright delightful.
  4357. > She began rubbing her mane dry, happy with the way the towel's fresh scent mingled with the shampoo in her mane.
  4358. > Weirdly enough, Sky wrinkled her nose. "I'm just sorry I wasn't fast enough to get you some proper shampoo as well."
  4359. "It's f-fine," Floor mumbled through the fabric.
  4360. > She soon moved past her mane and began awkwardly dragging the cloth down her belly, but Electric Sky noticed and her magic enveloped the towel. "Here, let me help," she offered.
  4361. > It was much faster going and the unicorn was quite adept with her telekinesis. Floor stood still and waited.
  4362. > "Sooo?" Electric Sky intoned after a minute of silence.
  4363. "Mm?"
  4364. > The mare gave her a very salacious wink. "Come on, don't leave a filly hanging! How was it?!"
  4365. "Oh- Oh. Umm..."
  4366. > Floor didn't even try to hide the blush, but she also couldn't make herself talk. Not about something like this!
  4367. > Sky was visibly disappointed, though she didn't stop her careful drying of Floor's legs. "Oh come on. It's just us mares. No harm in a bit of gossip, is there? I promise I won't tell Peppermint, if that makes you feel any better. Was he good? Was he big? Did he make you- um, you know? Finish?"
  4368. "Um. I d-don't- It was- Uh. I don't kno- know."
  4369. > Electric Sky quirked an eyebrow and the towel stopped, still wrapped around one of Floor's hind legs. "Don't tell me you don't know what an orgasm feels like!"
  4370. > Floor shook her head, but she couldn't say anything. She knew how red her muzzle must be and it was a wonder Electric Sky's fur wasn't singing and turning black.
  4371. > "Then what's the- oh. OH! Oh wow. Was it your first time?!"
  4372. "Meep!"
  4373. > Floor pulled her head down and tried to withdraw into herself some more. Her gaze fixed itself firmly on her forehooves and her ears would end up inside her brain if she pressed them down any harder.
  4374. > Suddenly the towel wrapped around herself, followed closely by Electric Sky's hooves. "Oh, I'm *so* sorry, Floor. I had no idea! I didn't mean to embarrass you. Although it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Sometimes I wish I could have my first time again."
  4375. > Floor tried to speak, to ask the other mare to shut up, but all that came out was a mixture between a croak and a squeak.
  4376. > "Okay, okay, I hear you," Sky went on as if she'd understood perfectly. She nudged Floor's face up with a gentle hoof and gave her a brilliant smile.
  4377. > Weird, Floor thought to herself, that Sky was several years younger than her, but in this moment she felt more like an older, experienced sister. It wasn't all bad, when she considered it for a moment.
  4378. > "Look, no digging, okay? I hope someday you'll tell me more about it. I've always been curious about that colt, but apparently I'm not his type. That's cool. I'm glad you're back together. He's a good colt."
  4379. > All Floor could answer to that was a slight nod.
  4380. > "Just tell me this one thing and then I'll stop and we can get some breakfast, okay?" Sky offered. She didn't wait for Floor's reply and just asked her question: "Was it good for you?"
  4381. > Another nod, because there was no way in Tartarus she could speak.
  4382. > Sky gave a single, approving nod. "That's good. Don't be afraid to make your coltfriend do things properly, right? Although, what I saw when I knocked looked good. Just keep that up."
  4383. > Perhaps the only blessing in this entire conversation was that Floor was so mortified she couldn't get aroused even if she wanted to. The earlier interruption just before she came would have left her feeling on edge and leaking all over the place, but thanks to Sky that wouldn't be a problem now.
  4384. > The unicorn opened the door and Floor wrapped the towel more closely around herself. "Come on, let's go and get some grub. The pancakes are my mom's recipe, hope you like them. I can also make toast if you don't."
  4385. "Th-They'll be f-fine," Floor mumbled.
  4386. > She followed Sky out of the bathroom and took a quick glance around the kitchen. All three colts were looking in her direction so Floor quickly lowered her gaze and tried to pretend they weren't.
  4387. > It took her several tries to clamber up on the chair and she left the towel wrapped around her withers. She also suddenly remembered she hadn't seen her hoodie in the bathroom and nearly panicked.
  4388. "Um, my hoodie! It's got my- my bits in it!"
  4389. > "It's on the couch," Geezer said and pointed a hoof. It really was, Floor saw. Her trusty black hoodie, spread across the armrest. "I think you'll have to wash it. Got kinda wet last night and... well, your money is still in there, don't worry."
  4390. > Floor gave him a slight nod of thanks, but then Electric Sky was sliding a plate before her which was an excellent excuse not to talk with ponies. She focused entirely on the food and found that, despite her mortified embarrassment and the emotional upheaval of the past few days, she was starving.
  4391. > Maybe they followed her lead, but the others took more food and dug in as well. There was no conversation for a bit, but then Electric Sky said: "So, Peppermint. Had a good night?"
  4392. > He distinctly blushed, but it didn't seem to impede him as much as it had Floor earlier. The colt shrugged and swallowed his mouthful. "It was fun."
  4393. > "You did make sure," Sky went on as she aimed another wink at Floor, "that your fillyfriend was satisfied, right?"
  4394. > Peppermint glared a little at the too-forward mare. "It's not really any of your business."
  4395. > Sky spread her hooves in a gesture of innocence, then sighed. "Just us mares looking out for one another."
  4396. > "Well, quit it," Peppermint went on. "Floor doesn't like to talk about these things and neither do I."
  4397. > He was still blushing and the other ponies around the table saw it. In particular Geezer and Sunny seemed very interested in what Peppermint was saying. Electric Sky, on the other hoof, suddenly looked disinterested.
  4398. > "Don't mind him, boys," she announced with a wry little smile. "He can't tell us because his tongue is probably sore! I know because earlier, when I went into their room, his muzzle was- well, he was up to his eyeballs inside-"
  4399. "Eep!"
  4400. > A hoof slammed the table, making Electric Sky shut up to Floor's everlasting gratitude. Peppermint was grinding his teeth and his ears were folded back. "That's enough! Stop teasing Floor!"
  4401. > Sky gave an exasperated sigh. "Ugh, fine. I was teasing you, not Floor. Sheesh."
  4402. > "Come on, let's just have breakfast," Geezer suggested in a conciliatory tone. "Sky, just drop it. We all know what you get up to, but some of us don't like to talk about it all the time."
  4403. > The mare pouted a little, but she settled back. A moment later she leaned closer to Floor and whispered: "Sorry. I get carried away. I know I can be a pain in the flank. Still friends?"
  4404. > What else was there to do? Floor nodded, which made the other mare smile widely and focus on her food once again.
  4405. > Things went back to slightly uncomfortable silence, but Floor couldn't get Sky's words out of her mind. 'Up to his eyes inside her.' Surely that was just exaggeration? What would it actually feel like if Peppermint shoved his entire muzzle in there?
  4406. > It'd probably hurt, Floor decided, but it'd be super hot. Maybe when he visited her...
  4407. > She wrenched her thoughts back to the present. The sugar was nice and the pancakes tasted wonderful. She finished the last one, then looked around for something to drink.
  4408. > Before she could even ask, Electric Sky floated over a glass of what looked like apple juice. It was freezing cold, just how Floor liked it and she swallowed it basically in a single gulp.
  4409. > Sky giggled at that and simply brought the whole carton. "Here, pour yourself as much as you want."
  4410. "T-Thanks."
  4411. > Their conversation seemed to break the ice and Geezer cleared his throat. "So, um, Peppermint, any plans for the weekend?"
  4412. > Peppermint bit his lip and glanced at Floor Bored. His ears splayed out, then he found his voice. "I think I'll visit Floor. Y'know, take a train up to Neighara. Besides, I've wanted to see the Falls someday, so might as well, right?"
  4413. > Sky rolled her eyes and pinched his ear with her magic. "You don't need an excuse to go see your fillyfriend, you ninny. You just go. And have fun!"
  4414. > Peppermint glared for a moment as he rubbed his ear, but then looked at Floor again and his smile came back. "Um, that is if you have time?"
  4415. "Yeah! Sure!"
  4416. > She felt enthusiastic about having him over! They'd get away from these nosey and gossiping roommates and they'd have plenty of time to do all the things Floor wanted to try. It was going to be amazing!
  4417. > Except. She remembered that Fluttershy was still there.
  4418. > Okay, so maybe marathon sex sessions were out of the question, but at least she could spend some quality time with Peppermint. Maybe they could get ice cream again. Maybe Fluttershy would leave them along for a while.
  4419. > "Oh! You said Fluttershy and Princess Twilight spend a lot of time there, right?" Sunny suddenly burst out and Floor wondered if he could read her thoughts. The colt waited for Peppermint's nod, then asked: "D'you think you could get me their autographs? I got a poster of the Elements and I wanna get all their autographs on it! Um, Floor?"
  4420. > She glanced at Sunny, but lowered her eyes when their gazes met. It was enough and he continued his question: "Do you think, um, Princess Twilight would be able to- um, only if it's not an inconvenience, right? D'you think he could get her friends to all sign it?"
  4421. > He seemed quite star-struck, Floor thought to herself. Weird how she wasn't, not anymore. Twilight was just nosy and pushy and annoying, and Fluttershy was like a friend.
  4422. > A pony really could get used to everything.
  4423. > "Thanks!" Sunny concluded and practically jumped from his chair. "I'll go get it right away so you don't forget. Um, I'll wrap it up in one of my canvas tubes, that okay?"
  4424. > Tube?
  4425. "Um, wh-what's one of those?"
  4426. > The colt was already backing away to his and Geezer's room. "Hold on, I'll show you. It'll be faster."
  4427. > He vanished from view and they heard him rummaging around and muttering to himself. A short while later he came back with...
  4428. > It was like a duffel bag, but longer and shaped like a tube. There was a strap to put it around a pony's neck so it would rest securely on their back. "See?" Sunny asked. "It's usually meant for a painting canvas. I got a few of them, so you can use this one. Just- um, please get it back to me eventually, right?"
  4429. "Okay."
  4430. > Something else occurred to Floor.
  4431. "Um, painting? Y-You paint?"
  4432. > Electric Sky chuckled at that. "He's trying, Floor. It's just weird, random squiggles most of the time."
  4433. > Sunny's ears splayed and he looked at the mare in annoyance. "It's abstract art, not that you'd know anything about it. You know, for a Canterlot unicorn you really don't know a lot about culture, Sky."
  4434. > The mare shrugged. "Didn't come to study culture. Came to study engineering."
  4435. > Both Sunny and Geezer sighed and rolled their eyes. They were obviously used to Electric Sky and knew how to ignore her jabs.
  4436. > "Anyway, I guess we're done," Peppermint said with some finality. His male friends looked vaguely disappointed and glanced at Floor, but they didn't say anything. She could tell they were curious about her, but she didn't feel up to any serious talking.
  4437. > They'd chatted a little online during their games anyway, so those two probably knew her better than most ponies except for Taku and maybe Fluttershy.
  4438. > Strangely, Electric Sky didn't protest. She got up and started gathering the used plates and cutlery. "I'll wash up," she offered, earning herself a grateful smile from all three colts. The dishes floated to the sink and the mare turned to Floor who was just getting off her chair.
  4439. > "Anyway, it's been nice meeting you, Floor Bored. Drop by sometimes," she told her. She took a step closer and brought her muzzle right next to her ear so she could whisper. "I'll give you some pointers so you can keep that piece of flank entertained. You don't want him to get bored of you, right?"
  4440. > It was a losing battle for Floor to keep her blush away. She certainly couldn't talk, but she didn't need to because Sky wasn't finished yet: "You're a cool mare, Floor. See you around!"
  4441. > Those last two sentences were loud enough for everypony to hear and Sky went to see to the dishes after. The other two colts waved a quick goodbye while Peppermint went to grab Floor's hoodie. She busied herself with putting Sunny's canvas tube settled on her back.
  4442. > When Peppermint came back he looked worried. "Uh, I don't think you can wear this, Floor."
  4443. > He was right and she could smell the slightly sour smell of clothing which hadn't been washed and dried properly.
  4444. "It's got my bits in it..."
  4445. > He fished out the hoof-full of coins and looked a them, at a loss of what to do. Luckily Sunny spoke up. "There's a pocket on the canvas tube. You can use that."
  4446. > Floor nodded, but Peppermint was faster and came over to unzip and put the bits in. Then he held up the hoodie.
  4447. > "I'll wash that for you," Electric Sky offered. "That'll give you a reason to visit!"
  4448. "N-No, that's fine, you really don't have to-"
  4449. > "Nah, it's fine. I'll do my own laundry today anyway. Call it an apology for poking fun at you earlier."
  4450. > It looked like the mare wouldn't be argued out of it. Floor sighed and looked longingly at her protective hoodie. She'd feel absolutely naked on her way back.
  4451. > At least for the first part of it Peppermint would be with her. She knew about that almost-hidey-hole on the train, so that'd work out.
  4452. > She'd just have to somehow make it from the train station to her apartment back in Neighara. It couldn't be helped.
  4453. > "Well, let's go. I'll show you around a little and we can grab some ice cream before the train leaves. We got like two hours or something. I checked on the 'Net," Peppermint explained.
  4454. > Floor was only too grateful to duck out of the dorm to the relative solitude of the hallway. It was just her and Peppermint. She could deal with just him. She actually liked Peppermint and, against all odds, he seemed to like her.
  4455. > Coltfriend.
  4456. > The mere thought was enough to evoke a strange, fuzzy feeling in her chest. Floor couldn't help it and stepped closer to give Peppermint a friendly nuzzle.
  4457. "Thanks," she murmured.
  4458. > "What for?"
  4459. > She shrugged and a smile tugged at her lips.
  4460. "Just thanks- um, in general. Generic thanks."
  4461. > The colt shrugged to himself, then flicked an ear and pointed. "It's this way."
  4463. > ~~~~
  4465. > Eventually they made it to the train station, which for some reason looked much brighter and airier than Floor Bored remembered. That was probably because the last time she'd seen the place was at night while it was raining.
  4466. > Now it was day and the sun was pouring in through the large windows in the roof. There were more ponies in the place, but it was easier to bear, especially when she was able to focus almost exclusively on Peppermint.
  4467. > They'd had ice cream and it had nicely complemented the pancakes from earlier, but all the sugar was making Floor a bit jittery and slightly euphoric. On second thought maybe that was from the fact that she had an actual, honest-to-Celestia coltfriend now.
  4468. > Even standing in the line for the tickets didn't seem that much of a problem. She didn't have her hoodie and still felt as if only *some* of the ponies around stared at her, and not with disgust this time.
  4469. > It was a definitive improvement.
  4470. > They made it to the counter and Floor realized that despite her good mood and the change in her life, she st ill couldn't talk to ponies. Her mouth opened and no sound came out the first time she tried.
  4471. > The cashier raised an eyebrow and his thick, black moustache jerked as if he were suppressing a sneer at her confusion. Of course that didn't help.
  4472. "Neigh..."
  4473. > An ear cocked toward her and the stallion's muzzle scrunched up as he thought she was making fun of him. Even Peppermint looked strangely at her and Floor felt her muzzle grow hot. Hotter.
  4474. > She looked away from the cashier and forced the rest of it out.
  4475. "-ghara! Neighara! P-P-Please."
  4476. > "Oh."
  4477. > There was some clacking as the pony typed out a ticket and Floor slipped her canvas tube off to get at the bits. Her hooves shook a little so it took her an embarrassingly long time to fetch her money. She missed the price the cashier pony had quoted, but she remembered just in time to look at the register where the number was showing.
  4478. > She didn't have enough.
  4479. > Her gut wrenched and Floor counted the bits in her hooves again to make sure. Of course there weren't magically more at the second counting. She'd known it wouldn't be enough since yesterday, but she'd pushed the thought away whenever it popped up.
  4480. > There was nothing for it.
  4481. > Face burning, throat constricting in shame, tears threatening to burst forth, she turned a pleading expression on Peppermint.
  4482. > "Oh. Oh! Right!" the colt said and reached for his small, stylish bag. There was a clink as he took out some bits and dropped them on the counter.
  4483. > It was the most embarrassing moment of her entire life, having to beg money off her coltfriend in front of all those ponies.
  4484. > "Told you you should let me buy that ice cream," Peppermint commented casually.
  4485. "Huh?"
  4486. > He stared right at her and went on: "You didn't withdraw enough for ice cream *and* the ticket, Floor. You need to pay more attention in Math class!"
  4487. > She didn't understand what he was going on about and remained frozen as she tried to make heads or tails of this new, strange custom. Peppermint leaned in to give her a quick peck on her cheek and murmured: "Play along! Say yes."
  4488. > It still didn't make any sense, but Peppermint obviously knew what he was doing so Floor lowered her ears and nodded.
  4489. "That- That's right. Um. Yes."
  4490. > She dropped her own money on the counter as well and the cashier pony scooped it all up. The register dinged and the ticket printed out. He tore it off and slid it back to her. "Have a nice trip," he said with a finality to his voice.
  4491. > Floor and Peppermint left the line and let the next pony step forward. She waited until they were out of earshot and then she whispered her question.
  4492. "What the- the buck was that all about?"
  4493. > Peppermint shrugged and a faint smile appeared on his lips. "I didn't want you to be embarrassed. So you didn't have enough money, it happens to everypony."
  4494. > He looked away and rubbed one foreleg with his other one. "B-Besides, you told me about that this morning and I forgot. I should have given you the bits sooner."
  4495. "I don't like- don't wanna beg."
  4496. > Except that was a lie. She'd told herself she wouldn't beg Peppermint for anything, but as soon as she was on the spot she was totally read to beg. Typical little hypocrite, she told herself.
  4497. > Maybe her expression was too obvious, becase it made Peppermint roll his eyes, but his voice remained calm and patient. "You didn't beg. I offered. Besides, it's a loan. You can pay me back by buying ice cream when I come to visit."
  4498. > There was a trend developing and Floor almost smiled.
  4499. "Uh, so is that our thing now? Ice cream?"
  4500. > "It's a good thing," Peppermint replied. He licked his lips and his eyes slid down to his forehooves. "I like ice cream."
  4501. "Yeah, me too."
  4502. > He looked back up, smiling once more. "So let's make it a tradition. Each time we meet- um, no. Actually, each time we see each other after some time apart we'll have ice cream, deal?"
  4503. > That sounded like a fun tradition. Floor couldn't help grinning to herself. She was starting a tradition with her coltfriend. A little inside joke. Something just for the two of them!
  4504. "Yeah!"
  4505. > "Anyway, I think that's your train, but we've got fifteen minutes before it leaves."
  4506. > Floor glanced at the thing and then sought out the board with the station name above it. It did indeed say 'Neighara'. She wasn't about to make that mistake again.
  4507. > The second part of Peppermint's message came through her suddenly Floor didn't want to go.
  4508. "I'll m-miss you."
  4509. > She pushed closer and nuzzled against the colt's neck as she tried to drink in as much of his presence as she could. They'd only had one night, but she could already tell that she'd be lonely in her empty bed back home.
  4510. > Peppermint sighed, but he returned her nuzzle and even drew her into a tight hug. "I'll visit for the weekend, okay? I probably won't be able to visit every weekend, since I have to spend some time with my parents, but I'll definitely visit this weekend, okay?"
  4511. > She nodded, rubbing her muzzle against his ear. She was really growing to like the smell of his shampoo.
  4512. "What's your shampoo called?" she asked suddenly.
  4513. > "Huh?"
  4514. "Just tell me!"
  4515. > "It's Mane&Withers, why? Um, the mint one." He paused for a moment, then pulled away and gave her a sheepish grin. "It was a joke from Geezer. Peppermint, see? Mint shampoo. But I kinda liked it so I kept buying it."
  4516. > He looked extra curious at her sudden choice of topic. "Why?"
  4517. "I wanna get the same one. It'll remind me of you."
  4518. > "Aw, that's romantic."
  4519. > She blushed and had to look away, but a tiny smile tugged at her lips. Maybe romantic wasn't too bad, in small doses. She needed something more before leaving, though.
  4520. "Come on."
  4521. > She tugged at Peppermint's hoof and he followed, albeit uncertainly. "I can't go with you, Floor-"
  4522. "Hush!"
  4523. > He didn't protest anymore as she dragged him up the steps and into the cabin. She turned right, into the small compartment next to the toilet, which was becoming so very familiar to her.
  4524. > "Floor, what are we- mphmf!"
  4525. > Her urgent, desperate kiss cut him off and Peppermint closed his eyes. He stopped trying to tug himself free and practically melted in her hooves.
  4526. "Just a few minutes. It's private, um here."
  4527. > She waited for the verdict as the colt looked around, then shrugged to himself. "Ponies don't mind if we kiss in public, Floor."
  4528. "I d-do!"
  4529. > "Oh. Okay then," he said and looked around until he spotted the big station clock. "Gotta keep an eye on the time, or I really will be going with you."
  4530. > For a moment Floor considered it. It'd certainly be nice and it'd make her trip from the train station to her apartment a lot more pleasant.
  4531. > That'd be incredibly selfish and short-sighted, though, and it'd probably mean Peppermint wouldn't be able to visit for the weekend. He was rich - at least compared to her - but not *that* rich.
  4532. "I know," she admitted with her ears laid flat.
  4533. > Before he could waste any more precious time with talking she locked her lips with his once more. Their tongues played, but it all remained mostly tame. She didn't want to cream the floor of the wagon and then have to explain the smell to the conductor.
  4534. > So far, she was managing to keep it at bay. Weird how Prench kissing wasn't this huge, erotic affair Floor had always imagined. It was about being close to him, tasting him, smelling him, touching him.
  4535. > Floor Bored closed her eyes and focused on all her other senses. Her technique was already improving, she noticed. Peppermint's muzzle wouldn't be covered in her slobber this time.
  4536. > Luckily he'd just laughed it off and wiped himself dry, rather than made a big deal out of her inexperience.
  4537. > Soon, too soon it was time to go. Peppermint gave her a quick, final peck on her cheek then trotted off. She watched him go and kept her eyes on the colt as he sat on his haunches on the station and waved.
  4538. > It was just starting to get awkward when the train jerked and began to move. She kept waving her hoof until he slowly slid out of view.
  4539. > That was it. For now, at least.
  4540. > Her trip, which had started out like such a disaster, had an incredible conclusion.
  4541. > She wasn't sure if it was real, but there was still a pleasant warmth in her private bits which convinced her it was true.
  4542. > Floor Bored wasn't a virgin anymore and it felt good. Her first time had been a lot less romantic than she'd imagined. It had been clumsy and embarrassing, but it had also been incredibly hot and so very pleasurable.
  4543. > She settled down to wait out the train ride and leaned her head against the window. She closed her eyes and thought back to the previous night.
  4545. > ~~~~
  4547. > Perhaps they had given up and gone, Floor Bored thought as she sat in front of her own apartment. Except- that'd mean the door would be locked. Where would they even leave the key?
  4548. > She reached out her hoof to open once more, but changed her mind and gave the wood a quiet, timid knock.
  4549. > On the one hoof she didn't want them to hear it and answer, since it'd save her from having to explain where she'd gone. It'd save her the embarrassment of having to face Fluttershy and seeing her disappointment.
  4550. > On the other hoof it'd mean she had no place to go and she'd have to sleep on the street. Or worse, in the hallway of the building where everypony knew about her.
  4551. > Such horrible choices. Couldn't she have just stayed with Peppermint in his dorm room? He didn't have a roommate and they only needed one bed, after all!
  4552. > No, she'd go inside and explain, Floor thought to herself and tried to get back some of that confidence she'd felt on the train. It had been important that she see Peppermint and Fluttershy was asleep.
  4553. > Why hadn't she left a note?
  4554. > Hurry! That was it! The train was leaving pretty soon and she didn't have time.
  4555. > Except it was a lie, but maybe it was one the other two would believe?
  4556. > There really wasn't any choice. Floor would just have to muddle through it somehow. Good thing she had all that practice from getting yelled at by her mother. It prepared her for this next round of berating and disappointment.
  4557. > She let her foreleg fall and it clopped loudly against the door.
  4558. > There was still that hope, or maybe fear, that they weren't in her apartment anymore.
  4559. > "Who is it?" came Fluttershy's voice together with the sound of her hooves on the hardwood. Weird how it brought both relief and fresh fear to Floor's tortured soul.
  4560. > The door opened and that gentle yellow muzzle peered out. "Oh my! Floor!"
  4561. > Before Floor could start her explanation the door flung open and she found herself simply picked up in strong hooves. That was just as well, her carefully prepared words had flown out of her mind at the first sight of Fluttershy.
  4562. > She was hardly aware that the pegasus had simply dragged her inside and closed the door behind them. The yelling would start just as soon as her mother-like guest had assured herself that Floor was unhurt. She'd seen the pattern before.
  4563. > There it came, she thought to herself with a kind of grim satisfaction. Fluttershy held her out at hooves' length and peered closely at her face.
  4564. > "What happened? Are you okay?! You look horrible! Did somepony... did something happen?"
  4565. > Oh, so it was still the 'worry' stage. Floor opened her mouth to reassure the frightened pegasus, but of course her voice didn't work. She blushed and looked down.
  4566. "S'rry."
  4567. > Of course it didn't satisfy and Fluttershy prodded her toward the couch. "Here, come. Sit. Um, would you like a cup of hot cocoa? You're safe now, I promise!"
  4568. > Strangely enough Floor believed it. She was about to burst into tears and beg forgiveness, but her traitorous stomach made a loud complaint at the mention of hot cocoa.
  4569. > The pancakes and ice cream had been hours ago and Floor had neither the money nor the inclination to get herself something to eat in public.
  4570. > "Gosh, it sounds like you're starving, Floor. I'll make us a quick sandwich, okay? Just to tide us over and then I'll get started on dinner!"
  4571. > She was about to run off to the kitchen, but she nuzzled Floor's side to prod her up on the couch and waited until she was settled down. "Look, whatever happened- it wasn't your fault, okay? We'll talk about it. I'll be right back!"
  4572. "W-Wait, it- it didn't..."
  4573. > Had Fluttershy assumed Floor had been foalnapped or something? How could she have jumped to such a conclusion? Surely Floor didn't look *that* bedraggled, did she?
  4574. > A quick glance down proved that maybe she did. She hadn't brushed her mane after her shower so it just hung around loosely. It had been getting into her eyes, but Floor was so used to that she had hardly noticed.
  4575. > Her tail was a tangle as well, but possibly not quite as bad. Her coat was clean, but her hasty and unfocused job in the shower that morning hadn't done it any favors.
  4576. > With mounting horror Floor realized she looked just like a mare who had been foalnapped, raped, then shoved in a shower to wash herself off before being sent home. It must be breaking Fluttershy's heart, she thought to herself!
  4577. > She didn't think about what to say, or how, but Floor knew she had to set the record straight. She slid from the couch and ran to the kitchen.
  4578. "I wasn't r-raped!" she barked even before she came there.
  4579. > Fluttershy looked around in shock, a slice of lettuce in her mouth which she had been in the process of laying across the bread. There was an open mayo bottle on the counter as well and it warmed Floor's heart.
  4580. > The pegasus didn't enjoy mayo herself, but she had remembered Floor's preference and was making her a truly delicious sandwich.
  4581. "I w-w-wasn't- n-nothing happened!"
  4582. > Except that wasn't true and she turned beet red as soon as it was out of her mouth. Her gaze slid away from Fluttershy's startled expression and landed squarely on her own forehooves.
  4583. "No po- Nopony forced me..."
  4584. > "Floor Bored," Fluttershy asked slowly and carefully. Floor hadn't even seen when she'd placed her slice of lettuce down. She heard a hoofstep and then wings rested lightly against her shoulders. "What happened? Where did you go? You were gone nearly two days!"
  4585. > This was it. The moment of truth. Floor just had to admit that she'd run away to see her coltfriend like a dumb schoolfilly in heat. Fluttershy could stop worrying and then she'd go on with the regularly scheduled programme of yelling at her. Things would be normal.
  4586. "I- I- um, I-" she mumbled, grasping for words which still eluded her.
  4587. > "Take your time."
  4588. > Floor swallowed a lump and tried to look up at Fluttershy's face, to gauge how angry she was, but of course her anxiety got the best of her again and the most she could do was stare at the pegasus' hooves.
  4589. "Went- I went to see, um Pepper- Peppermint."
  4590. > It wasn't a sentence. It was barely even a mumble, but she managed to get it out and Fluttershy understood. "You went to visit Peppermint? Oh, so *that's* why you took the bits. Twilight and me just guessed you had gone out for groceries and, um... well, that's not important right now."
  4591. "I'm sorry I spent it all. W-Wrong train. I ended up in- in Vanhoover."
  4592. > "Oh my!"
  4593. > It was getting easier now that she was talking and Floor managed to wrench her gaze all the way up to Fluttershy's knees. Progress!
  4594. "We, uh, we weren't talking. Because I did- did something stupid. I'm sorry! I had to go see him!"
  4595. > The words were starting to rush out, tumbling all over themselves in her haste to get it off her barrel.
  4596. "I f-found him and- and Electric Sky, and I showered because he was working late. No, actually it was raining. He was working late too! Um, I was tired and Electric Sky said it was okay..."
  4597. > To her credit, Fluttershy wasn't interrupting with questions and simply waited to hear the whole story before she'd try and make sense of it.
  4598. "We- we- we- Um, ..."
  4599. > Fortunately her blush told that part of the story and Floor decided to skip it.
  4600. "We made up and, and now I'm back."
  4601. > "It sounds like quite an adventure," Fluttershy said at last.
  4602. > Floor couldn't help herself and looked up at her face in shock. Surely she hadn't gotten anything coherent out of that mess, had she?!
  4603. "Y-You understand?!"
  4604. > This time the other mare smiled and her wings around Floor's shoulder's tightened. "Well, I'm glad you made up with Peppermint. I didn't catch some of it, but it sounds like you went and did something hard to make up with him. I'm proud of you."
  4605. > That earned Fluttershy a slack-jawed stare of incredulity.
  4606. "You're not mad? I spent all the money!"
  4607. > Fluttershy gave a slight shrug, which on a pegasus was a really expressive gesture. "It's just bits. It's not important. Besides, that was Twilight's money."
  4608. > Floor paled in sudden fear. If Twilight accused her of stealing that could be bad. She was like- the government or something!
  4609. > Her expression made her friend chuckle. "Relax, Twilight won't mind either. That money was for you. I'm glad it came in useful!"
  4610. > It'd take some time to absorb that message, so Floor just shook her head to clear it and went back to staring.
  4611. "You're not mad?" she repeated.
  4612. > Fluttershy's muzzle scrunched and for a moment Floor thought she'd finally start yelling. "Well, it wasn't the *nicest* thing to just leave without telling anypony. We were really worried! Twilight had the Royal Guard searching the whole Neighara for you!"
  4613. > Just like that Floor felt weak at the knees and she would have fallen over if Fluttershy wasn't supporting her. She felt light-headed and a part of her wanted to just give in to that feeling and let the world slide away from her for a while.
  4614. > The Royal Guard?!
  4615. > She was in so much trouble for making Twilight waste their time! She'd be lucky if she avoided prison time. Ha! Maybe prison would be the best outcome and she should worry about simply being executed for treason or something!
  4616. "Oh, no... no no no, I didn't mean- It's not my fault!"
  4617. > Except it was. She had very purposefully and deliberately sneaked out while Fluttershy was sleeping.
  4618. "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"
  4619. > "Hush, it's okay. They'll be relieved to find out you're okay. Now, Twilight will probably be... um, annoyed, but she won't stay mad, okay? I promise I won't let her yell at you."
  4620. > Flut- Fluttershy would *protect* her from Twilight's well-deserved yelling?! What was even happening? Maybe hearing that she'd caused all this ruckus had given Floor a stroke and now she heard different words?
  4621. "I don't understand."
  4622. > "You're not in trouble," Fluttershy repeated slowly, eyebrows rising with fresh concern. "Yes it wasn't nice to just run off, but you're a grown mare. Just, um, don't do it again, okay? Ponies worry about you."
  4623. "You're not mad?!"
  4624. > She kept saying that, but the concept didn't make sense. She'd done something stupid and she'd freely admitted her mistake. Surely now was the time for yelling and telling her she was worthless and could do nothing right.
  4625. > Fluttershy smiled. "I think I'll have a word with your parents one of these days," she said, then swooped closer and gathered Floor up in a hug. "No, I'm not mad. I'm slightly *miffed* you didn't tell me, but you said you were sorry and I forgive you. Now let me finish making our sandwiches and we'll talk about your adventure, okay?"
  4626. > What else could she do? A part of Floor was still waiting for that inevitable yelling and anger and it'd take her some time to fully understand it wasn't coming. Fluttershy and Twilight were weird, but she wasn't complaining. They weren't going to tear her a new one for her little jaunt.
  4627. > No, but maybe Peppermint would if she asked him nicely.
  4628. "Eep!"
  4629. > Fluttershy was looking at her in concern again, so Floor tried the best smile she knew how to make.
  4630. "N-Nothing! I'm fine! Um, thanks for the sandwich!"
  4631. > Luckily it was already done and she could cover up her sudden embarrassment by grabbing the plate in her teeth and taking it to the living room. She could use the excuse of eating to forestall more questions from Fluttershy, at least until she had worked through this latest shock.
  4632. > No yelling.
  4633. > It was kind of nice, actually.
  4634. > At least until Twilight came back and found out what had happened. That was probably it. Fluttershy didn't have to yell because she knew Twilight would do it for both of them.
  4635. > That was probably it.
  4636. > The world made sense once more. Floor could enjoy a brief respite and a delicious cheese and lettuce sandwich before going through that.
  4638. > ~~~~
  4640. > It had started out about as bad as Floor Bored had expected. Twilight experienced a moment of relief when she found out everything was okay, but then her expression had darkened and the Princess kinda lost it.
  4641. > "-most hare-brained, idiotic, stupid- GAH!"
  4642. > She was pacing up and down Floor Bored's living room, apparently fuming. Floor couldn't quite tell because she kept her eyes on her own forehooves and so she didn't see Twilight's expression.
  4643. > All of it was deserved, though. The Princess wasn't saying anything which wasn't true.
  4644. > Floor risked a sideways glance at Fluttershy, who seemed stunned at her friend's outburst. Their gazes met and the pegasus set her expression into lines of firm disapproval.
  4645. > That was all completely expected. Fluttershy should have been angry from the start, but maybe she'd forgotten and it had taken Twilight Sparkle's ranting to remind her.
  4646. > "Traipsing across half of Equestria like a- like a-" the Princess continued as she paced back toward them.
  4647. > Fluttershy moved with surprising speed and stepped in front of her friend. She stopped Twilight's pacing with a hoof on her chest. "That's enough, Twilight," she said.
  4648. > Her friend's jaw dropped down. "What?!"
  4649. "What?!"
  4650. > Floor Bored glanced between the two mares, confused why Fluttershy wasn't joining in the yelling and berating. It's what her dad had always done when her mother had her little lectures, as she called them.
  4651. > "I said that's enough. This isn't helping anypony," Fluttershy repeated. "*Maybe* it wasn't the best idea to take a train ride to an unfamiliar city, and yes, I agree Floor Bored should have told us so we wouldn't worry, but she's not a filly, Twilight."
  4652. > "She's- What?!" Twilight Sparkle repeated, apparently more than a little surprised by the gentle Fluttershy's sudden intensity. "But she r-ran away!"
  4653. > "No," Fluttershy said with exaggerated patience, "she went to see her coltfriend."
  4654. > The yelling had been so familiar that Floor Bored had almost started to relax, but now everything was weird once more. She risked a glance up from her forehooves and saw that the two Elements of Harmony were facing each other. Was Fluttershy *bristling*?!
  4655. > "Your yelling isn't helping anypony, Twilight."
  4656. > The Princess opened and shut her mouth a few times, then shook her head as if to dislodge an unpleasant thought. "It isn't?" was all she managed to say.
  4657. > Fluttershy shook her head and walked over to Floor, where she sat beside her and draped a wing around her back. She leaned a little closer and whispered: "Say you're sorry now!"
  4658. > It took a second or two for her words to register and Floor to realize she meant her.
  4659. "Oh! I'm, uh, I'm sorry."
  4660. > The apology was only a little bit lame, but it made Twilight blink and look from one to the other. She settled down and sat on her haunches as well. "Oh. Well, we were worried. Just- just tell somepony next time you wanna go somewhere, okay?"
  4661. "Okay."
  4662. > "Good. I'm- uh, I'm glad that's all settled then."
  4663. > Twilight didn't know where to go from there, but luckily Fluttershy had everything in hoof. There was a small, secret smile on her muzzle as she prompted: "You said you have news for Floor Bored, Twilight."
  4664. > Oh!" the Princess exclaimed, all her anger apparently forgotten in that instant judging from the way she started to grin. "Your friend Taku is back, Floor Bored. She's coming over tomorrow and we can sort this out!"
  4665. > Floor wasn't quite listening because she was staring at Fluttershy with her jaw hanging loose. Was the quiet and demure pegasus *in control* of the situation? How in Tartarus did that happen?!
  4666. > Twilight had been angry and now she'd apparently just forgotten all about it. *How* did Fluttershy take the reins of their conversation that smoothly?! Would she teach this trick to Floor?
  4667. > Finally Twilight's message registered and Floor Bored jumped up to her hooves.
  4668. "Wha-? Taku?! Here? Visit? N-Now?!" she mumbled.
  4669. > "Tomorrow," Twilight repeated. She saw the look of pure terror in Floor's eyes and came closer so she could put her wing over Fluttershy's around her withers. "She's coming over tomorrow and you don't have to worry about a single thing, okay? We'll be here to help out."
  4670. > "Besides," Fluttershy continued smoothly, "you and Taku are friends, right? It'll just be a visit from a friend."
  4671. > Maybe it helped a little, but Floor Bored still shrank down into herself. At least this time she didn't cover her head with her forelegs, but it was a close run thing.
  4672. "I c-cant!"
  4673. > "It's going to be fine," Fluttershy murmured again, this time right into her ear. "You can ask her about her honeymoon and then you can tell her about Peppermint, right? That's something you two have in common now."
  4674. > That sudden realization felt like a bolt of lightning which went through Floor Bored's body and fried every nerve. She would have slumped to the floor were the other two not keeping her upright.
  4675. > Was it true?
  4676. > That whole mess with Taku had started because she'd cleaned herself up, gone out and found a loving coltfriend. She acted all high and mighty, implying that Floor should do the same. Not just that, Taku had somehow made it sound that she had become a better pony than Floor Bored.
  4677. > B-But, Floor thought to herself, hadn't she just done the exact same thing? Sure, it had taken some assistance from Princess Twilight and Fluttershy, of all ponies, but-
  4678. > She had cleaned herself up, gone out, and now she had a coltfriend. Peppermint, he was her coltfriend, wasn't he?
  4679. > The two concepts were strangely similar, but they just wouldn't go together. Floor started to pant as she wrestled them toward each other in her mind.
  4680. > Taku had a coltfriend. Well, a husband now, but it was basically the same thing. Floor had a coltfriend.
  4681. > Neither of them was a lonely loser virgin shut-in anymore.
  4682. "I- um. I- She- um, what?!"
  4683. > Her absolute confusion made Twilight Sparkle giggle and she winked at her friend. "Oh dear, I think you just broke her brain, Fluttershy."
  4684. > "I'm sorry, but it's true," the pegasus replied. Floor let herself be tugged up to her hooves and led to the couch. She was hardly even aware of falling into it. She stared at the ceiling, but didn't really see it.
  4685. > The things she got angry about - the reasons she had hated Taku - well, now Floor had the same thing. Should she hate herself? She shook her head at the thought. No! Peppermint was wonderful. Sure, it had barely happened and it was all still so fresh in her mind, but it was beautiful.
  4686. > She wasn't giving it up, not for anything.
  4687. > So, why should she hate Taku for doing the same thing? The only difference was that her friend had come to the conclusion first and she'd done it by herself.
  4688. > They really had a lot to talk about. Maybe Floor really did owe her friend an apology. Was that how it was supposed to go?
  4689. > Fluttershy was pulling away, but Floor shot out a hoof and caught her.
  4690. "Y-You'll be there with me? Please?"
  4691. > The pegasus laughed and came back to give her one of her patented wing-hugs. "Of course, Floor Bored. It'll be nice, trust me."
  4692. > That didn't sound right, but Floor wasn't about to argue. She returned her stare to the ceiling as her thoughts began to run in the same circle again.
  4693. > She'd done exactly the same thing she hated Taku for doing...
  4695. > ~~~~
  4697. > Having Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle there didn't help at all! It was the most awkward affair Floor had ever been a part of and it even beat having to face Peppermint's roommates after their night of passion!
  4698. > She had hoped being in her home would help, but it didn't not really. She felt like a stranger in a strange place, even if she was sitting at her own kitchen table. Taku, her once friend looked like somepony Floor Bored didn't know.
  4699. > There was something different about her and no amount of sneaking glances could pinpoint exactly what it was. It felt as if there was some new, indefinable quality around the other mare, like an aura of mystery and knowledge.
  4700. > "So, uhm-"
  4701. "Yeah..."
  4702. > Both of them were pretty busy staring at the tabletop while Twilight and Fluttershy sat to one side with glassy eyes and frozen, almost manic grins on their muzzles.
  4703. > Floor couldn't help but feel a little betrayed. The pegasus had promised she'd be there for her. Sure she was present, physically, but she wasn't helping in the least!
  4704. > The silence dragged on and Floor did the only thing she could think of: she cleared her throat. The sound was too loud in the eerily quiet room and her ears flattened some more when everypony looked at her.
  4705. > She had to say *something*! Anything!
  4706. "Howwasyourwedding?!"
  4707. > Taku leaned her head to one side as she tried to parse the words out of that mumble. "Come- Come again?"
  4708. "Wed-ding!"
  4709. > "Oh," her ex-friend relaxed a little bit. "It was actually quite, um, very beautiful. We- we decided to keep it small, so it was basically just the families and, uh... friends."
  4710. > Floor risked another glance and blinked in surprise. Did Taku seem sad for some reason? She'd thought a mare's wedding was supposed to be a happy affair!
  4711. > If she was regretting getting married that'd be great! It'd prove that Floor had been right so the onus would be on Taku to apologize! Floor's ears crept up in expectation and she very nearly relaxed a little bit.
  4712. > Finally the other mare opened her mouth. "I'd hoped... hoped you'd be there, um Floor."
  4713. > Never mind then, Taku was sad because her best friend hadn't attended. Well, that sucked even worse and Floor fought hard to keep her eyes from starting to leak. She didn't like the way Taku made her feel like the worst friend ever and she shrank further into her chair, hoping it'd simply swallow her and take her away from this stupid situation.
  4714. > Princess Twilight spoke up suddenly as she tried to get the conversation going once more and maybe distract them all from Floor Bored's failings: "When did you say your- um, Peppermint is coming to visit, Floor?"
  4715. > It worked and Taku was distracted from applying that guilt. She looked at the Princess with some surprise. "Your- *her* Peppermint? Who's Peppermint?"
  4716. > Fluttershy took the mantle of answering and for the first time since their meeting began Floor Bored was happy she was there. "Um, Peppermint is a colt Floor Bored met. He's coming for a visit today."
  4717. > Weird how that didn't even fill her with joy anymore, Floor thought in the privacy of her own mind. She used to be ecstatic about the idea, but now all she wanted was to stop this charade.
  4718. > "Oh, that's cool!" Taku said and shifted in her seat to lean closer. "Like a coltfriend, or..." she asked but left the end of that sentence unspoken.
  4719. "Y-Yes."
  4720. > Taku smiled for the first time since she came and reached across the table. "Hoof bump?" she asked.
  4721. > It'd be extremely rude to leave her hanging, so Floor extended a foreleg and gently touched her friend's.
  4722. > "Way to go, filly! I told you you could do it!"
  4723. > That was probably false praise, just an attempt to get back into her good graces and it made Floor's lips press together with distaste. She tried to keep the sneer out of her expression, but only mostly succeeded.
  4724. > Luckily Taku didn't seem to notice. "See? I said getting a coltfriend is a good thing. That's all I tried to tell you that time- um, the last time."
  4725. > That was such a blatant lie that Floor couldn't help growling low in her throat. She raised her eyes and gave her once-friend the best glare she could muster.
  4726. "You di-didn't!" she spat. "You just- you were just showing off- gloating!"
  4727. > "Floor, I didn't mean-"
  4728. "No! You were smug! You came to tell me you were better than me, just because you got somepony!"
  4729. > Her angry tirade was making Taku lean back and fold her ears down in dismay. "Floor, I'm really sorry if it came across that way, I didn't mean it to sound like that!"
  4730. > She took a deep breath and forcibly calmed herself. "All I wanted was to tell you how nice it felt! Besides, we always talked about colts, I thought you'd like some first-hoof experience!"
  4731. > It was a likely story, but Floor clearly remembered the shame, the smug satisfaction on Taku's muzzle, the infuriating, condescending tone when she told her she should try it someday.
  4732. > As if Taku didn't know about her anxiety when she talked to ponies! As if Taku hadn't just recently shared that very same thing!
  4733. > There was no forgiveness for that. Floor couldn't look her friend in the eye, but she lifted up her gaze up to Taku's forehooves at least. It was the best she could do.
  4734. "Just go! I- I got new friends now. Better friends!"
  4735. > Maybe it was just her imagination, but Taku paled. She opened her mouth to speak, but the two other ponies were faster and yammered right over each other.
  4736. > "Girls, there's no need to-" Twilight began.
  4737. > At the same time Fluttershy said: "Now, let's not say something we're going to-"
  4738. > They both blushed and fell silent.
  4739. > "Sorry, you go ahead," the Princess offered.
  4740. > "No, no, it's fine, you first," Fluttershy countered.
  4741. > Taku took the moment of confusion to make her point:
  4742. > "Come on, Floor, I said I was sorry. We can talk this out. We've been friends forever, let's not throw all that-"
  4743. "No."
  4744. > The mare reached over and tried to catch Floor's forehoof, but Floor pulled back just in time. "Please," Taku went on, "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it to sound like that!"
  4745. > Floor cast a look at Twilight who gave her a smile and an encouraging nod. She was obviously meant to forgive her friend and then things would go back to normal.
  4746. "No!"
  4747. > Fluttershy's hurt look went straight into Floor Bored's heart and she cringed from it. Maybe holding a grudge wasn't the best thing to-
  4748. > "Fine!" Taku suddenly blurted out. Before anypony could react, she slid her chair away and got to her hooves. "If you wanna be like that, fine!" she repeated and headed for the door.
  4749. > Twilight was up and by her side in an instant. "Come on, let's not do anything hasty-" she began, but Taku just pushed her away with a hoof.
  4750. > "I guess I'll see you around. Maybe. Bye!"
  4751. > She slammed the door shut behind her and the three remaining mares looked at one another.
  4752. > "Um, what just happened?" Fluttershy asked.
  4753. > Unfortunately Twilight was already rounding up on Floor and her expression was seriously annoyed. "All you had to say was 'sorry'!"
  4754. > Floor cringed away from that terrible expression, but luckily Fluttershy was suddenly in front of her. "Don't you start, too, Twilight! I suggest we take a break and think on what happened, and *then* we'll talk about what to do next!"
  4755. > The Princess lowered her head and heaved a sigh. "I guess you're right. It'll just take some more work."
  4756. "I'll b-be in my room!" Floor blurted out.
  4757. > She hurried away before the other two could change their minds. She felt a bit better when she thought about talking with Peppermint, but then realized he wouldn't be online because he was probably already on the train.
  4758. > Well, maybe his visit would make the day slightly less awful.
  4759. > A pony could hope.
  4761. > ~~~~
  4763. > Floor Bored didn't much like the idea, but she couldn't wiggle out of this obligation. Somepony had to go to the train station and wait for Peppermint. He'd visited her before, but he'd said he didn't remember exactly where her place was.
  4764. > It would have been a perfect job to hoof over to that Princess "Helpful" Sparkle, but the meeting with Taku had gone so badly that Twilight was out trying to mend fences with Taku once more.
  4765. > Fluttershy offered to go, but Floor couldn't stand being alone for a second longer than she absolutely had to.
  4766. > She was grateful that Fluttershy volunteered to go with her. Having a pony she knew and trusted by her side helped because she didn't have to focus on the weird looks the passers by were giving her.
  4767. > The two made it to the station with plenty of time to spare and sat on one of the less-broken benches on the platform.
  4768. > "So, you like this colt?" Fluttershy said. She'd been quiet the whole time, but of course it couldn't last. Such an insulting question, too!
  4769. > Floor's ears were already folded, but they twitched as they tried to go flatter.
  4770. "Yes."
  4771. > Fluttershy watched her for a few seconds, then went on: "He seemed like a nice colt."
  4772. "He is!"
  4773. > "You shouldn't let him pressure you into-"
  4774. "Jeez!" Floor snapped. "He didn't, okay? It was just- I wanted it!"
  4775. > She couldn't meet the other mare's gaze, nor could Floor keep the red out of her muzzle. She shook her head and forced a deep, calm breath into her lungs. She didn't want Peppermint to see her embarrassed and cringing like this!
  4776. > Unfortunately, Fluttershy seemed completely oblivious to the distress she was causing her friend. "That's good. Um, Floor? I'm really happy you found somepony, even if the thing with... well, with your friend Taku didn't work out."
  4777. > The memory of just what a disaster that morning had been still stung and Floor lowered her voice to a mutter.
  4778. "Don't need her. Got better friends now!"
  4779. > "You shouldn't turn your back on a friend, even if they say some hurtful things. Besides, she apologized."
  4780. "No!"
  4781. > "Yes she did."
  4782. "Not that!" Floor shook her head. "She thinks she's right, but she's not! She's stubborn that way!"
  4783. > Was that a faint little smile on Fluttershy's muzzle, caught from the corner of Floor Bored's eye?! She was about to ask, but then she heard a distant whistle.
  4784. > The train was coming! He was nearly there!
  4785. > The excitement was too much and Floor slipped from the seat and cantered over to the edge of the platform so she could look for the coming train. She saw the cloud of steam in the distance and heard the metallic grinding of its wheels.
  4786. > Not much longer now!
  4787. > Despite how obtuse and annoying Fluttershy was being, Floor couldn't keep a smile off her muzzle. She watched the big metal machine pull into the station and took an involuntary step back as it whooshed past her.
  4788. > There was a squeal of tortured metal and the whole monstrosity began to slow down.
  4789. > Even as the windows flew by Floor peered into them and tried to catch sight of her coltfriend.
  4790. > A coltfriend who was coming to visit! He was nearly there! She'd take him home and-
  4791. > Floor's ears fell for a moment when she remembered that Fluttershy would be there. She looked back at the mare, who gave her a smile and a wave of her hoof.
  4792. > No hanky-panky with Fluttershy in the apartment. If she heard the couple going at it Floor would die of shame!
  4793. > It would still be nice to see him!
  4794. > The train finally stopped and all the doors opened with a hiss of compressed air. Babbling ponies pushed their way off, nudging Floor in all directions and nearly carrying her off before she found her hooves and pushed against the crowd.
  4795. > Of course the wagon right in front of her emptied with no sign of her coltfriend. The chances against that were- well, maybe Peppermint would be able to calculate them. He was math-smart like that.
  4796. > The near-stampede of ponies thinned out and Floor was finally able to look up and down the platform. She quickly spotted that signature purple coat and red mane combo. He noticed her and headed over, muzzle splitting into a grin.
  4797. > "Hey!" he called when he was within earshot, "Thanks for coming out to meet me!"
  4798. > Floor didn't even remember her rump hitting the ground as she sat in her haunches and threw her eager, grateful hooves around the colt.
  4799. > He brushed his muzzle against hers and planted a tiny kiss right by her ear. Then he spotted the other mare. "Oh, hello again Ms. Fluttershy!"
  4800. > Luckily the pegasus didn't go for a hug, she just waved and replied: "Oh, there's no need to be so formal. Um, Fluttershy is fine."
  4801. > "Oka- mmph!"
  4802. > His word was interrupted because Floor couldn't stand it any longer and stole a kiss. She instantly became aware of ponies staring at her and broke it off, but she didn't *entirely* regret doing it.
  4803. > It was what special someponies did, right?
  4804. > To her immense gratitude Fluttershy didn't comment on the indecent act, though the mare did look away and studied the benches with a deep and abiding interest.
  4805. "Let's- let's go home!" Floor managed.
  4806. > Peppermint released her and she stood on legs that were only slightly shaky. Luckily Fluttershy took the lead, which at least meant that particular pony wasn't watching and judging her closely.
  4807. > Her coltfriend suddenly fell back with a small gasp. "Oh, I almost forgot!" he exclaimed and began to rummage in his bags. "Sky washed this for you and gave me to bring it."
  4808. > He pulled out her trusty old hoodie and held it out. Floor snatched it to herself, marvelling at just how nice it felt to have it back. It was her favourite piece of clothing and had kept strangers' eyes off her whenever she had to go outside.
  4809. > The one she wore wasn't nearly as good, even though it was practically the same thing. Maybe it was a mental thing.
  4810. > More importantly, her newly-washed hoodie smelled beautifully of some kind of flower. Floor couldn't identify it from the scent, but she found she really liked it.
  4811. "H-hold on!"
  4812. > There was no time like the present and she began to wiggle out of her current hoodie. She quickly pulled it over her head and let it fall on the ground, unheeded. Then she hurried to get in her new hoodie because she felt entirely too naked without any clothing.
  4813. > Other ponies seemed fine not wearing anything, but the trip back from Peppermint's without her trusty hoodie had been nightmarish for Floor.
  4814. > She sighed a sigh of relief once she was clothed again and had the hood pulled up. She shrugged her shoulders and shifted her hooves, then smiled to herself. Electric Sky had been right, properly washing a piece of clothing just made it *so much* softer!
  4815. > Floor went to pick up her discarded hoodie, but it was gone. She glanced around in near panic, but saw that Peppermint was pushing it into his pack.
  4816. "Oh, you didn't have to- I could have-"
  4817. > "It's fine," he reassured her. I got bags."
  4818. "Oh. Thanks."
  4819. > Up ahead Fluttershy had realized she was alone and stopped. She was looking back with a strangely bemused expression. Her eyebrow rose when she caught Floor's gaze and her lips spread in a faint smile, but the pegasus didn't comment.
  4820. "Okay, let's go."
  4821. > The day was turning out a lot nicer than it had began and Floor nearly forgot the earlier anger over Taku's recalcitrance. She had Peppermint there and she didn't care what that hussy thought!
  4822. > "Huh," Peppermint said, "why are you sticking your tongue out?"
  4823. > Floor hadn't even realized she was doing it and quickly pulled it back.
  4824. "It's no-nothing."
  4825. > Her flat tone gave it away and Peppermint frowned at her. "Are you sure? You can tell me, you know. Is it something I did? Or said?"
  4826. "It's not you."
  4827. > He relaxed a little and angled his gait a little closer so he could bump his flank against hers. "Okay, tell me anyway!"
  4828. "Ugh."
  4829. > Floor tried to be annoyed by his probing, but the secret truth was that she kind of liked his concern. She walked a few steps in silence to figure out where to even begin.
  4830. "Okay, so, um, so- this time Taku came over and she was like- I dunno. Different."
  4831. > "Mhm?"
  4832. "Like, she'd cleaned up and was wearing makeup and perfume. I mean, like she was a hussy, okay?"
  4833. > They'd caught up to Fluttershy who stared in shock at the word. It made Floor Bored suddenly ashamed for calling her once-best-friend like that.
  4834. "Um, sorry," she went on. "I ju- just didn't like it."
  4835. > "Okay, so what made her change?" Peppermint asked. Floor didn't remember telling him about Taku, but he didn't ask who she was. Maybe she'd mentioned it at some point, or maybe he'd deduced they were friends? It didn't matter for the story anyway.
  4836. "Well, so *she* just starts saying all these things about how I gotta clean up and go out there and how nice it is to have a coltfriend and all this nonsense-"
  4837. > Floor Bored's step faltered when she realized just what she was saying and to whom. She stared hard at her forehooves and blushed furiously as she tried to think up a way to put her words in a better light.
  4838. "I didn't mean- oh, Celestia..."
  4839. > Peppermint just chuckled and pushed his muzzle in to rub the sensitive fluff on her cheek. "It's fine, I know you don't mean me. I agree that the general term is overrated."
  4840. > She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm of his fur on hers.
  4841. "Thanks. I'm sorry."
  4842. > "It's fine. So she made you feel bad for being alone? That doesn't sound very nice."
  4843. "I know, right?! She was a real jerk about it!"
  4844. > Peppermint nodded in agreement. "So you told her off?"
  4845. "Yeah! I told her to get lost and don't come back!"
  4846. > The colt suddenly gasped and looked at Fluttershy. His eyes strayed to her cutie mark and he pointed a hoof. "OH! So *that's* why those two! Oh wow! I read about these friendship missions of theirs, but I never thought I'd see one!"
  4847. > He turned back to Floor and grinned like a little maniac. "You're a friendship mission! Oh wow! That's amazing!"
  4848. "'s not what 's cracked up to be," Floor muttered under her breath.
  4849. > Luckily neither pony heard it.
  4850. > "So you came to help Floor Bored end her fight with her friend Taku?" Peppermint asked, as if he hadn't already figured it out.
  4851. > "Mhm!" Fluttershy replied with a proud smile. "We nearly did it this morning, but- um. Let's just say there's more work to be done there."
  4852. > Peppermint's gaze switched to Floor, who lowered her ears and sighed.
  4853. "She's still a jerk!"
  4854. > "Well, you gotta keep trying," he said. "It's the friggin' Elements of Harmony, Floor! They say they can't go home until they complete their friendship mission!"
  4855. > He looked at Fluttershy again. "How long...?"
  4856. > "Almost a month," she answered, then held up a hoof to forestall his amazement. "Taku was on her honeymoon, so it took Princess Twilight some time to find her."
  4857. > Peppermint nodded to himself again and threw a foreleg around Floor's withers. "Okay, I'll help. It sounds like this is a serious friendship problem." He directed another question at Fluttershy: "Can you get Taku back, maybe tomorrow?"
  4858. > The pegasus shrugged, then nodded. "Twilight went to speak with her. I guess she'll tell us what to do next."
  4859. > "Okay, okay," Peppermint went on, all business-like. "I'll help. We can work this out. Um, how about a double date? Maybe if you meet her special somepony it'll be easier to see what she, well, sees in him?"
  4860. "M-Maybe..."
  4861. > "It's a date. We need to have one of those anyway!"
  4862. > That statement made her blush with both embarrassment and delight. Floor groaned inwardly. Would having a coltfriend always make her feel this way? Confused, mostly?
  4863. > Would that be a whole lot different than what she normally felt when going outside?
  4864. "Fine."
  4865. > "Cool! Let's go home and you can tell me more about Taku!"
  4866. > Floor Bored sighed and gave in. She stood up and followed Peppermint, who was now walking in step with Fluttershy and making plans for their double date.
  4867. > Maybe colts were both a blessing and a curse?
  4868. > She did like the sex, though.
  4870. > ~~~~
  4872. "So, um. Well, this is the, um, living room. 'Cept doesn't have a TV. It, uh, broke."
  4873. > Floor Bored really didn't know how to welcome ponies into her flat. It didn't help that Fluttershy and Twilight had simply barged in and made themselves at home. Taku, back when she still visited, usually just came in with no fuss.
  4874. > Peppermint was a different problem, though. Vaguely-remembered lessons made Floor certain she had to do something, so she settled on the easiest thing she could think of. She would give the colt a tour.
  4875. "And then, over there, that's the- the, um, kitchen. The bath-mmph-"
  4876. > He shut her up by the simple expedient of pushing his muzzle against hers. It wasn't quite a kiss, but it also wasn't quite not. It was quite effective though.
  4877. > Peppermint chuckled when he pulled away from a confused Floor Bored a second later. "Relax, I know. I've been here before, remember?" he said.
  4878. "Oh. Right."
  4879. > He expertly tugged at a strap with his teeth to release it, then shrugged his pack on the floor beside the couch. "I guess I'm sleeping here?"
  4880. > Floor Bored's ears fell immediately. She'd been hoping they'd at least share a bed, even if anything sexy might be out of the question with Fluttershy nearby. Then again, she had absolutely no idea what was appropriate or not.
  4881. > She'd just have to go with Peppermint's judgement. Maybe you weren't supposed to sleep in the same bed unless you had sex? It'd be just the kind of social rule she didn't know because nopony had thought it worth telling her.
  4882. "Oh. Okay," she replied, not quite able to keep the disappointment from her voice.
  4883. > "Actually, I'll take the couch," Fluttershy said as she walked back from the kitchen. "I'm used to it by now. I'm sorry, but you two will just have to share!"
  4884. > That was weird, because Fluttershy didn't *sound* sorry. Floor looked from her to Peppermint and then back, aware that something deeper was going on but unable to put her hoof on it.
  4885. > The colt shrugged, but a faint smile tugged at his lips. "Well, I guess we can bunk up. That okay with you, Floor?"
  4886. "Buh? Wha-? Oh, yeah. That's fine."
  4887. > Both Peppermint and Fluttershy chuckled at her confusion, but before Floor could get angry at their secretive attitude the mare turned to leave. "There's some casserole left if you're hungry, Peppermint," she offered. "Twilight should be back soon and then we'll plan this, um, date."
  4888. > The colt brightened up and started to follow Fluttershy, but he looked back to Floor. "Will you have some too?"
  4889. > She wasn't really hungry, but there was a kind of invitation in his look and his voice and Floor couldn't say no.
  4890. "Maybe just a li- just a little."
  4891. > "Cool!" he remarked and ducked in the kitchen after Fluttershy. He kept talking, though. "I guess it's gonna be like a triple date or something? Me and Floor, uh, Taku and her husband, and you and Princess Twilight? Well, not that last one, but close, right?"
  4892. > It already sounded incredibly socially awkward, but Floor pushed it from her thoughts and put in that overflowing compartment in her mind labelled 'to deal with later'. She'd think about the stuff in there. Someday she would!
  4893. > Alternatively, things would ambush her and she'd be forced to confront them, whichever came first.
  4894. > She made her way to the kitchen and quickly took her favourite chair, the one which had its back to the wall. Peppermint sat down to her side and Fluttershy was already bringing over plates. "So, do you two have any plans for today?" she asked when her mouth was free.
  4895. > "Not really. It's all still kinda new, so I thought, maybe," Peppermint began and looked at Floor with a slightly worried expression. "I thought we could talk a bit?"
  4896. > Why would he be worried about that? Floor shrugged to herself, then gave him a nod which seemed to go a long way toward relaxing him.
  4897. > "Maybe we could go get ice cream after this and you can show me that park you mentioned?"
  4898. > Going out in the public again so soon didn't sit well with Floor, but on the other hoof she couldn't think of a single thing to do with Peppermint which wasn't sex.
  4899. > Her ears went flat and she swallowed a lump, but she nodded and tried to make her voice work.
  4900. "Y-Y-Yeah..."
  4901. > Peppermint frowned a little, then went on: "Or maybe you could show me Hooves and Crowns again. I tried it on my own, but I got stuck in that marsh."
  4902. > This was an infinitely better proposition and Floor brightened up immediately.
  4903. "Yeah!"
  4904. > Suddenly she noticed that her plate had been filled with still-warm casserole. There was a bowl with salad next to it and she wondered when Fluttershy had found time to make it.
  4905. > The mare was sitting down at the other end of the table with her own food and seemed to be fully engrossed in her dish.
  4906. > Floor almost cringed when she suddenly realized that she'd be expected to cook like that for Peppermint. She couldn't remember if that was only after they married, or while they were dating too.
  4907. > That is, if they married. Hearing about Taku had soured her on the concept a little.
  4908. "I can't cook l-like that!" she blurted out suddenly.
  4909. > "Mmph?" Peppermint was only able to make a vaguely interrogative noise due to his mouth already being full.
  4910. "I'm just bad at it, okay?! I can make Ramen and that's about it!"
  4911. > He looked down at his plate and a sudden light of realization bloomed in his eyes. "Oh! That! Don't worry, I'm not really that old-fashioned!"
  4912. "Old-fashioned?"
  4913. > Peppermint leaned closer to put a hoof on her shoulder and the warmth of his touch spread through her entire body. "Well, I dunno who you've been talking to, Floor, but I'm not a big fan of the 'mare has to stay at home and cook' thing. Besides, I don't mind living off Ramen and pizza."
  4914. > Fluttershy gave a slight grunt at those words, but when they both looked at her she just shook her head an went back to eating.
  4915. "You aren't? You don't?"
  4916. > He shook his head again. "Look, whatever you think you have to do- well, you don't. We'll figure it out, okay? These things are like a conversation."
  4917. > The way he said 'these things' made Floor's heart sink a little.
  4918. "You- you've done this before? Uh, living with a marefriend?"
  4919. > His ears flattened and the colt looked down, but he didn't lie to her: "Yeah. Didn't work out."
  4920. "What- what if we- if we don't... either?"
  4921. > He didn't have an answer to that, but Fluttershy stepped in with a very firm and authoritative voice: "Nothing is certain, Floor Bored, but isn't it worth trying anyway? L-Like, in your computer games! There's always a chance of losing, but isn't trying itself a worthwhile experience?"
  4922. > The analogy was stupid and Floor couldn't for the life of her imagine losing a match online being on anything near the same level as breaking up with her only coltfriend, but she didn't want to mean to the kind pegasus.
  4923. "I guess?"
  4924. > "The best you can do," Fluttershy went on, as if she hadn't paused for Floor's reply, "is give it your best shot, okay? Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn't, but you gotta act like it will."
  4925. > Peppermint was nodding, as if this was some kind of extremely wise advice. Maybe it even was, for all Floor knew. She was a total newbie at this, much like Peppermint at basically every game ever made.
  4926. > He lowered his voice to show it was only meant for Floor, even though Fluttershy could probably hear him quite clearly: "I want it to work. I, um, I really like you, Floor."
  4927. > She scrambled for words to reply, but only the cliché came to mind.
  4928. "I, uh, really like you too!"
  4929. > They all focused on their meal for a while, much to Floor Bored's relief. She didn't have to talk, or think about relationships for the entire duration. She very nearly relaxed and even laughed when Peppermint told them about how he'd gone to fetch Floor's hoodie from Electric Sky.
  4930. > Soon the food was finished and Fluttershy got up to collect the dishes. Peppermint looked around, then his eyes settled on Floor.
  4931. > "Wanna go play the game for a bit, or would you like ice cream first?"
  4932. > The former would be fun, the latter would be a chore, she guessed. True, the last few times she'd gone out for ice cream with Peppermint had turned out alright, but that just meant she was due for a truly miserable time.
  4933. > She couldn't predict what would happen, maybe a herd of foals who'd make fun of her for not having a cutie mark, or perhaps a bunch of old ponies would somehow figure out she was sleeping with Peppermint and would stare at her judgingly.
  4934. > Something would go badly. She steeled herself for it and picked.
  4935. "Ice cream."
  4936. > Best to get it over first, then she could enjoy the rest of the day with Peppermint in her room.
  4937. > "You're paying this time, remember?" the colt reminded her.
  4938. "Oh. Right."
  4939. > She didn't mind that so much, but her money-
  4940. > Floor blinked in surprise when she realized she hadn't gotten the welfare check yet. It was probably in her post box down in the lobby!
  4941. > Of course! Her two uninvited guests at least had the decency to buy all the groceries while they were there, so Floor really hadn't needed to spend any bits. Even her train trip had been paid by Princess Sparkle.
  4942. > Right now might be the most money she'd ever owned, actually.
  4943. "I'll get my bits! I'll be right back!" she said and trotted to her room.
  4944. > Maybe there was some silver lining to those mares' forced invasion of her home. She'd be able to afford some nice things, maybe even another train ticket to visit Peppermint again.
  4945. > At least she already knew his roommates. Maybe it'd be less awkward as time went on?
  4946. > The bag with her bits was in her desk drawer, among all the other clutter in there. Floor grabbed it with her mouth and hurried back, but nearly ran into Peppermint in the hallway.
  4947. > Her surprised squeak made her drop the pouch and the bits went rolling around the floor.
  4948. > "Whoops! Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized profusely. "I was just taking my bags to your room! Um, if that's okay?"
  4949. > She had been about to apologize herself, but now that he had done it she just shook her head.
  4950. "It's fine. Put them in, I have to pick up these bits!"
  4951. > Luckily most of the money had stayed in the bag, so she just righted it and started picking up coins with her teeth. They were thick, which made them easier to handle and pretty soon she had them all gathered up once more.
  4952. > Floor was about to draw the pouch closed again, but Peppermint nuzzled her head away to drop two bits in. "A couple rolled back into the room," he explained.
  4953. > The firm, yet gentle touch against her nose reminded her and she suddenly wanted a taste.
  4954. "K-Kiss..."
  4955. > It came out as a breath, more than anything else, but Peppermint understood. He glanced over her shoulder to make sure Fluttershy wasn't spying on them, then eagerly pushed his mouth back to hers.
  4956. > Floor closed her eyes and felt herself relax. It was everything she remembered and more. Warm, slightly wet, tasting of Fluttershy's casserole, but mostly just of Peppermint.
  4957. > Their tongues played together for a short while, but then he withdrew. She was about to complain, but all Peppermint wanted to do was shuffle closer and put his hooves around her. Then he lips were back and she moaned a little into the renewed kiss.
  4958. > Her own forehooves went to Peppermint's chest and she felt around, exploring as best she could through touch. He wasn't exactly muscular, but there was a solid feel to the colt- or rather, she corrected, the stallion.
  4959. > She felt she could lean against him and he'd easily support her weight. That thought made her nearly melt into his hooves for some reason.
  4960. > It was a lot later that Peppermint's tongue withdrew from her and Floor realized her tail was being held nearly vertically upright. She forced it down, but didn't otherwise move. She liked being held.
  4961. > "Ready to go?" he asked.
  4962. "No, but we might as well."
  4963. > He grinned and helped her up to her hooves before picking up her pouch with bits and holding it out to her. As she took it their lips brushed again and sent a thrill down her spine.
  4964. > Fluttershy or not, she was going to buck this colt's brains out when night came! She didn't care what anypony thought! They'd just have to be quiet, that was all.
  4965. > Her muzzle was already turning red - well, even more red than it already was - so Floor covered it up by stuffing the bag into a pocket on her hoodie. Then she glanced back to make sure her tail was decent, and walked back to the living room.
  4966. > It sounded like Fluttershy was still busy with the dishes, which was great. She probably hadn't noticed the couple taking such a long time to get ready.
  4967. "Um, we're going out for ice cream!" she said loudly.
  4968. > "Okay! Have fun!" came Fluttershy's reply.
  4969. > Floor was ready to leave, but Peppermint had more to say: "Would you like us to bring you back some?"
  4970. > "Oh! Pistachio, if they have it! Um, vanilla if not. If it's not too much trouble."
  4971. > Floor shrugged a little to herself while Peppermint promised they would, then led him out of the apartment. She started to pat her pockets for her key out of sheer habit, but then remembered she didn't need it this time. Fluttershy would stay at the flat.
  4972. "It's this way."
  4973. > She was pointing to the stairs down and realized that it probably looked stupid. Peppermint would be able to figure that much out on his own.
  4974. > He chuckled as he nudged her rump with his nose. "Go on, lead the way."
  4976. > ~~~~
  4978. > Having Peppermint there at their double date might have helped a little, but the whole thing was even worse than meeting Taku the previous day in her home. Floor Bored had absolutely no idea what to say, where to look, what to do with her hooves and, in general, how to even live.
  4979. > Meanwhile Taku's coltfriend- well, husband, Floor mentally corrected herself, chatted away amiably with everypony. He seemed most fascinated in Fluttershy and Twilight and kept sneaking glances at them when he thought they weren't looking.
  4980. > He also spent some time discussing some sportsball or something with Peppermint, which actually sent chills down Floor's spine. She'd never considered her coltfriend might like sports. They'd never talked about it.
  4981. > Luckily he didn't sound like a complete fanatic about it, but she couldn't help but wonder what else he liked or thought and she didn't know. What kind of a marefriend was she if she didn't even know his hobbies and interests?
  4982. > He certainly knew hers! Well, not that it was particularly hard.
  4983. > Crap! Floor Bored realized he'd just asked her a question. Dazzler, she'd remembered that much, but didn't know whether that was his name or just a nickname Taku used.
  4984. "Uh, what? Sorry, I..." she said, but just let the end of the sentence hang.
  4985. > "Oh, I was just wondering if you follow buckball at all?"
  4986. "Oh. Um, y-yeah!"
  4987. > It was a lie and Floor didn't even really know why she'd blurted it out. She caught Peppermint's weird look with that strange mixture of disbelief and excitement. If she stuck to her lie he'd insist on talking about it with her and it'd be boring and she'd have to keep on pretending.
  4988. > Floor Bored suddenly realized it wasn't worth it and her ears fell.
  4989. "Actually- no. I dunno why I said that."
  4990. > The entire table laughed and she began to blush in embarrassment, but Peppermint leaned over to give her a nuzzle and whisper in her ear: "I don't mind. I'm not a super huge fan either, I just watch the occasional game."
  4991. > This was enough of a distraction to somewhat calm her while the other ponies stopped tittering. Dazzler was the first to speak: "Maybe just trying to seem cool in front of your coltfriend?"
  4992. > That prompted another round of giggles and Floor noticed that Peppermint's muzzle went red, too.
  4993. > They were saved by Twilight who was holding a glass up to her muzzle and tried to catch an ice cube with her tongue. Her loud slurping ended all other sound at their table. She noticed their attention and put it down. "Whaff?!" she asked. "I wike ife and iss hot in hewe!"
  4994. > Yeah, her mouth was full of ice and the way it made her talk prompted more good-natured laughter.
  4995. > She was, in turn, rescued by Fluttershy who changed the topic: "So, um, you two went to Saddle Arabia for your honeymoon?"
  4996. > "Mhm!" Taku confirmed.
  4997. > "Why?"
  4998. > The newlyweds looked at each other and something unspoken passed between them. They obviously decided that Taku should answer that one, because she spoke. "Well, we wanted something exotic, you know? Something out of the ordinary. I had some bits saved and Dazzler just got a good job, so we thought- why not?"
  4999. > Twilight seemed a tiny bit sour about that and muttered under her breath: "Just made you bucking impossible to find."
  5000. > She realized it had been loud enough to hear and went pale as her ears splayed. "Um, I didn't mean that."
  5001. > Taku chortled, but Dazzler kept enough presence of mind, or perhaps he was still in awe of the Princess, and waved a dismissive hoof. "No need to apologize, Princess. I guess we really did kinda vanish."
  5002. > Any reply was forestalled for a bit while the waiter pony brought the plates with their meal. A mixture of aromas spread and Floor realized she was actually quite hungry.
  5003. > Her ice cream with Peppermint was quite distant and she'd opted not to eat anything else when they came back home and Twilight informed them the date would happen that night, instead of the next.
  5004. > She eyed her quiche, filled to the brim with melted cheese and Brussels sprouts, and licked her lips in anticipation.
  5005. > "Oh wow, that looks really good!" Peppermint commented, his own eyes also glued to her dish. He looked like he was regretting his simple daisy salad. "Can I have a taste?"
  5006. > Floor's greedy hunger almost made her say no, but the pleading look he gave her really was heart-rending.
  5007. "Fine, but I get a bite of yours too!"
  5008. > "Deal!"
  5009. > He nudged his bowl closer to her and stuck his fork in her quiche before she could change her mind. A distressingly large piece was rapidly poached and stuffed in his mouth before she could object.
  5010. > The colt made small, moaning sounds as he chewed, then carefully licked every crumb and every bit of juice from his muzzle. "Oh damn, I wonder if it's too late to change my order?"
  5011. > Taku started laughing, which nearly made her spray her mouthful of mashed potatoes out across the table. She managed to stop it, but her chortling went on for a while and proved to be infectious. Soon everypony was laughing.
  5012. > "I was just asking," Peppermint said defensively, but he was smiling too.
  5013. > Floor didn't take any more chances and jealously pulled her dish closer so he couldn't get at it. She stuck her own fork in and put a piece in her mouth.
  5014. > It made her moan a little, too, and she attacked the rest of her pastry with reckless abandon.
  5015. > At least conversation had stopped for a while as they all ate, which relieved some of the social pressure on her. She even had time to take a better look at Dazzler while he was busy with his dish.
  5016. > He was quite statuesque, she thought, tall, with a slender neck and the refined features of a Canterlot unicorn. His horn, she thought, was slightly longer than average and protruded a significant distance out of his well-groomed black mane.
  5017. > It wasn't usual to see a pony with black mane and until now Floor had only known of herself.
  5018. > His coat was a light, airy blue and he matched it quite well with a cyan vest. A bit snobby, Floor thought, but the color combination worked well, as far as she could tell. If he wanted to be extra hot on this already warm evening, that was his problem.
  5019. > She hadn't seen his cutie mark, mostly because she'd been staring at her own forehooves while they were introduced and then they sat which put the table between them.
  5020. > On the other hoof, if she couldn't see his cutie mark, then he probably couldn't see her lack of one. Silver lining and that.
  5021. > Floor was idly thinking that when she felt a nudge at her side and nearly squeaked. Peppermint had caught her staring at another stallion! He'd be jealous!
  5022. > She already had an apology on her lips but the colt pushed his bowl closer and whispered: "You better take some now, or there won't be any left!"
  5023. > That was right! He'd promised her some of his dinner in exchange for that chunk of quiche he'd stolen. Floor sagged a little in relief, then poked her fork in the salad and put in her mouth.
  5024. > It was good, but decidedly un-greasy and un-cheesy.
  5025. "It's good," she commented.
  5026. > "I still wish I took your advice and went for that, instead," he replied, nodding his muzzle at her plate.
  5027. "I didn't- um, you didn't ask for advice."
  5028. > "No, but I wish I had."
  5029. > Floor knew exactly what he was doing. This was a textbook guilt trip. Even more annoying, it was working! She sighed and pushed her plate closer.
  5030. "Wanna share?"
  5031. > The colt brightened up and flashed her a beautiful smile. Suddenly Floor didn't care how tall and slender and pretty the unicorn across the table looked. She had something better right next to her.
  5032. "But I get half of your salad!"
  5033. > "Sure!"
  5034. > Floor was about to try and explain their sudden merger with something about mixing it up, but she noticed that Dazzler and Taku were also sharing their meal. Fluttershy and Twilight weren't, but that was probably because they weren't a couple.
  5035. > That had been a funny misunderstanding earlier, Floor remembered with a small smile. Seeing that he and Taku were together, as were Peppermint and Floor, Dazzler had assumed that the Princess and her pegasus companion were also an item.
  5036. > He'd obviously struggled with the thought and danced around the topic, until things got too weird and Taku nudged him with a hoof and told him to spill it.
  5037. > It had been nice to see Twilight 'the unshakable' Princess 'stoic' of Friendship completely red in her muzzle. Just the memory of it could keep Floor warm on a cold night, she thought.
  5038. > "Here, you got a little something..." Peppermint murmured and gave her muzzle a quick lick. "Bit of dandelion leaf," he explained.
  5039. > She shrugged and tried to keep the blush down, but secretly she enjoyed the affection and the fussing.
  5040. > Maybe there was something to it, after all. Maybe she didn't have to stay mad at Taku. Though the other mare could have put it a bit more gently that time!
  5041. > As if her friend felt her stare, or heard her thought, she looked across the table at Floor and her mouth twitched in a near smile.
  5042. > "So, you're still the top player on Hooves and Crowns?"
  5043. "Um... dunno. I haven't looked recently."
  5044. > This made both Taku and Peppermint widen their eyes.
  5045. > "Top player?!" the colt asked.
  5046. > At the same time Taku went: "Oh wow, so you really are in love, aren't you?"
  5047. > She was probably the color of ripe cherry by now, but Floor managed a small nod. It didn't help when Fluttershy sighed for joy. "Aw, that's so cute!"
  5048. > Twilight Sparkle shushed her, but the Princess was grinning too.
  5049. > Peppermint wasn't deterred, though. "You're the top player?!"
  5050. "M-Maybe," Floor admitted. "I think I was for a while. It's not really important."
  5051. > "Oh wow," he went on, completely disregarding her modesty, "that's like a celebrity or something! You gotta check the rankings when we're back, now I wanna know!"
  5052. "Okay, fine. When we're back!"
  5053. > For a moment Floor thought she caught a hint of jealousy from Taku, but it passed and she decided she'd only imagined it. Her friend didn't have anything to be envious about, especially with that unicorn by her side.
  5054. > Should she apologize for yelling and throwing her out? Floor barely suppressed a grimace. No, if anypony it was Taku who had to apologize. Although- she did miss her friend.
  5055. > Maybe nopony had to apologize? They'd both-
  5056. > Wait! Taku already had apologized!
  5057. > So things could go back to normal. Well, as much as they could. They both had coltfriends now, which wasn't something Floor had expected to happen. She supposed she had Twilight and Fluttershy to thank for that.
  5058. > Then again, they had just barged into her life and made changes, so if anything they owed her. She'd consider them even.
  5059. > All that was neatly settled then, so she went back to what little was left of her food. Apparently Peppermint hadn't stopped when she grew thoughtful.
  5060. > She was still hungry and even with half of his salad it probably wouldn't be quite enough.
  5061. "Um, anypony wanna go for ice cream after this?"
  5063. > ~~~~
  5065. > Floor Bored didn't recognize this part of the city, but Twilight and Fluttershy obviously knew where to go. Maybe that was slightly embarrassing, the way they showed her up, but the day had been long and complicated and Floor just couldn't find it in herself to care.
  5066. > She stood in the middle of an arched wooden bridge, with Taku by her side as they both stared into the water below. Every now and then a leaf or a petal floated by, but otherwise the water was clear.
  5067. > It was getting dark, though, and they could no longer see the rocks on the bottom. To their left and right there were the first glimmers of candles and lanterns turning on. There were still ponies around and the night was pretty warm, filled with soft conversation and occasional laughter.
  5068. > Floor lifted her head up and looked behind her, but Peppermint and Dazzler were still in deep conversation. A little way away she could see Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, already surrounded by ponies eager to meet them.
  5069. > It was a rare moment of peace, even if they were outside. Floor pressed her nose against her foreleg and inhaled the comforting scent of her hoodie. It still held some of that floral smell deep in the fabric.
  5070. > She'd have to get Peppermint to ask Electric Sky what she washed it with. Also, how.
  5071. > "It's a nice night out," Taku commented.
  5072. "Mhm."
  5073. > Floor went back to staring over the wooden railing at the dark water. The lamps reflected in its surface, but the ripples made them dance and distort. There was a clop of a hoof on wood and Taku shifted closer until their flanks brushed.
  5074. > "Peppermint seems nice."
  5075. "Yeah."
  5076. > Some more silence before her friend went on: "I'm happy for you."
  5077. "Yeah, me too."
  5078. > It was a vague answer and Taku picked up on it immediately. "Are you happy for you, too, or are you happy for me?"
  5079. > She always did this sort of thing, but this time it wasn't as annoying for some reason.
  5080. "Can't it be both?"
  5081. > The other mare laughed then and the movement made her brush against Floor once again. "Sure, why not." She was silent for a bit, but then she caught Floor's gaze in the watery reflection. Her features were nearly invisible in the shadow of her hoodie, but somehow Taku was able to find her eyes.
  5082. > "By the way, how is he?"
  5083. "Huh?"
  5084. > "In bed."
  5085. > Floor's breathing stopped for a second and she almost turned away at the unexpected shift in the conversation. How did you even answer that? Did normal ponies talk about that sort of thing?
  5086. "F-Fine!"
  5087. > Taku's hoof encircled her and Floor was pressed against her friend briefly. Luckily they both knew she didn't like too much physical contact, so the hug was quickly over. "That's good. It was about time, too!"
  5088. "What do you mean?"
  5089. > Taku shifted away and sat on her haunches so she could look at Floor directly, rather than through their reflection. She waited until Floor did the same, then she smiled. "You're a pretty mare, if you remember to wash up."
  5090. > That was an indirect jab at how she never used to shower and Floor's ears laid down in sudden hurt. Taku saw and held up a hoof.
  5091. > "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Let's just say... I love what you've done with your mane!"
  5092. > It sounded better, even though it was probably the exact same thing. Floor reached up and grabbed it with her fetlock, as if to make sure she knew what Taku was talking about.
  5093. > "Seriously, it was just a matter of time. I mean, raven-dark mane? It's just so cool! Everypony has this bucking rainbow on their heads. I was always kinda jealous, you know?"
  5094. "M-mmh- wha-?"
  5095. > Taku sighed with the beginning of her exasperation. "Ugh, just take the bucking compliment, will you?"
  5096. "Thanks?"
  5097. > That seemed to do it and Taku laughed while Floor tried to work through her confusion. She'd never heard her friend talk like that and she sneaked a few glances at her face to see if this was some kind of a joke.
  5098. > After a moment Taku shrugged to herself and looked around the park, at the stands and pavilions and all their colorful lights. "I guess we should head back," she finally said.
  5099. > Floor just nodded to that. She was tired, confused, needed to pee, and couldn't wait to be out of the public eye.
  5100. > "Mind if I come for a visit someday? Just me, though. I've missed gaming with you, Floor. I guess we should talk some more, too. I'm sorry how it turned out, you know?"
  5101. "Me too. Um, yeah. When?"
  5102. > Taku leaned her head to one side and thought for a few seconds. "How's Thursday night? Dazzler is visiting his Mom, so I'll be free from Thursday till Monday. We can catch up. You know? Order some pizza, talk trash about colts, teach a few newbs a lesson. Like the old times!"
  5103. > It sounded incredibly fun and Floor found herself nodding vigorously. Already a smile was forcing its way on her muzzle. There was still tension between them and she couldn't help but be aware of it, but maybe with time it'd go away.
  5104. "Yeah! I'd like that!" she said.
  5105. > "Good! I'll be there!" Taku promised and lunged forward to give her another hug. It was odd, since they'd hardly ever touched before, but after all that's happened, after Peppermint and living with Fluttershy, it actually felt kinda nice.
  5106. > They lingered in the embrace for a short while, then Taku pulled away and stood.
  5107. > "Well, it's been great! We have to do this again, too! Double dates are kinda nice."
  5108. "Y-Yeah."
  5109. > Something else was on the tip of Floor's tongue. Part of her didn't want to say it, but she also didn't want to hold a grudge forever.
  5110. "I'm sorry too. Um, for the things I said."
  5111. > Taku smiled and opened her mouth to reply, but before she could do that-
  5112. > Suddenly they became aware of gasps nearby and both mares turned that way to see. Twilight and Fluttershy were still in the middle of a small crowd, but now the ponies were shuffling away to leave an empty circle around them.
  5113. > Floor quickly saw why - both of their cutie marks were glowing, pulsing with light and... doing something. She didn't have a good way of describing it except- animation? It was like their cutie marks moved!
  5114. > "What in the buck?!" Taku murmured as she went closer to see better. Floor followed, just as curious.
  5115. > The mares in question looked around at their rumps, then at each other. They seemed stunned for a few seconds, but then smiles took over their faces and they high-hoofed. "Yes!" Twilight hissed and pumped her foreleg. "We did it!"
  5116. > "Excuse me. Coming through," Taku was saying as she pushed through the crowd of milling ponies. Floor made sure to stay right beside, or else she feared she'd be trampled in the confusion.
  5117. > They soon broke through and Fluttershy was the first to spot them. She rushed over and threw her hooves around both of them.
  5118. > Her sudden approach made the press of ponies vanish as the onlookers stepped aside. They were still worried about the sudden magical glow, but Floor saw from Fluttershy's expression that whatever was happening was good.
  5119. > "Congratulations, you two!" the pegasus trilled. "You did it! You're friends again, right?"
  5120. > Taku caught Floor Bored's eye and raised an eyebrow in confusion. Then she shrugged and replied: "I guess? Why?"
  5121. > "This is the sign," Twilight explained as she came closer as well, "that you've worked out your problems. Our friendship mission is over!"
  5122. > More Elements of Harmony weirdness, Floor thought. She remembered a vague description about a castle and a table which was actually a map, and how it somehow sent Twilight and Fluttershy to her.
  5123. > Did this-
  5124. > Floor gasped in shock. Did it mean they'd leave?! She was at the same time happy about that and afraid. What would she do in her flat completely alone? Would she even know what to do with herself?
  5125. > "Oh. Well, I guess that's good. Um, congratulations?" Taku said, but her voice was uncertain and halting.
  5126. > Twilight didn't seem to notice her tone and just bobbed her head happily. "Yes! Thanks! This is amazing! Another successful friendship mission. I told you we'd get through to them eventually!"
  5127. > That last bit was meant for Fluttershy, who barked a laugh. "You did, did you? That was what *I* said, Twilight! I said we needed to trust the map and keep trying! *You* wanted to give up and go home!"
  5128. > The Princess was actually embarrassed and rubbed a foreleg with her hoof as her eyes sought anything else to look at except them, or Fluttershy. "Um, maybe I was too hasty. I probably didn't mean it, anyway!"
  5129. > "A little room please?!" a new voice intruded and Dazzler pushed his way into the ring followed closely by Peppermint. "What's happening?" he asked.
  5130. > Twilight was only too happy to explain and began her friendship mission story squarely in the middle and then plunged headfirst toward the beginning.
  5131. > It would take some time to sort out and Fluttershy used that chance to give both Taku and Floor Bored a big, proud smile.
  5132. > Having Fluttershy proud of her felt incredibly good.
  5133. > "Don't let Twilight fool you, we both believed in you all the time, okay? I knew you could do it and I'm so proud of you!"
  5134. > At long last she let them out of her surprisingly strong hug, then sat on her haunches. "I guess-" she began, smile slipping away and ears splaying out. "I guess we'll move out now. Will you be okay?"
  5135. > The question was directed at Floor and when she tried to answer she found a lump in her throat which she had to swallow.
  5136. "I t-think so," she murmured.
  5137. > "You'll do great, okay? Peppermint is gonna visit and I'm sure Taku will too!"
  5138. > It wasn't a question, but Taku answered it anyway: "Sure I will! Whenever I can, okay? And maybe sometimes you can visit me, right?"
  5139. "M-Maybe."
  5140. > "It's going to be fine. I promise I'll drop in for coffee sometimes, okay?" Fluttershy promised. It would be quite an inconvenience for her, living all the way in Ponyville, but Floor suddenly realized that if Fluttershy promised it, she would do it, difficulties be damned.
  5141. > She suddenly found her eyes filled with tears and tried to blink them away.
  5142. "Thanks!"
  5143. > While she was wondering if it would be appropriate to give the pegasus another hug, Fluttershy took the matters into her own hooves and wrapped Floor up once more. Except this time she added her wings too and it felt amazing.
  5144. > A small part of Floor wondered what it would have been like if they'd fallen in love, instead of she and Peppermint, but she glanced at her coltfriend with his charmingly befuddled expression at whatever Twilight was saying, and she knew she wouldn't change it.
  5145. > He was good.
  5146. > They were good together.
  5147. > She was even willing to try and turn her life around. Maybe it would even work.
  5148. > He'd support her every step.
  5149. > Floor suddenly found that her own hooves were around Fluttershy and she gave the pegasus a squeeze too.
  5150. > "We'll sleep over tonight, since it's late, then we'll talk tomorrow okay? We don't have to rush off immediately, right?"
  5151. > That was a relief. She'd get one more day with Fluttershy to get to grips with the fact that the kind, beautiful pegasus would leave soon.
  5152. "Thank you..."
  5153. > Somehow Fluttershy understood that this wasn't a thank you for staying another day. It was gratitude for all she'd done in the past.
  5154. > Nopony had stood by her so steadfastly, not even her own parents. Fluttershy's voice was a bit choked and heavy when she answered: "You're very welcome."
  5155. > They parted then, but it wasn't yet the final parting. For now, Floor clung to that knowledge.
  5156. > "We better go and save those two before their heads explode," Fluttershy said as she looked over to where Twilight was just starting to lecture.
  5157. "Heh! Yeah."
  5159. > ~~~~
  5161. > So there it was. The morning.
  5162. > Fluttershy had a couple of surprisingly large bags around her sides and Floor could hardly wrap her mind around it.
  5163. "When did you bring all this stuff?"
  5164. > The other mare turned her head to look back, then shrugged with her wings. "I guess it just piled up, little by little? I mean- I *was* kinda living here for a while."
  5165. "Yeah..."
  5166. > Her head wanted to droop down, but a feather tickled Floor's chin and she looked up. There was the faintest outline of a smile on Fluttershy's face, but even that looked somewhat melancholy.
  5167. > "I'll write, okay? Uh, and I promise I'll visit sometimes."
  5168. > It was no use, Floor's eyes were starting to fill up with moisture and she just knew she was going to lose it and bawl in a few more seconds.
  5169. > She was saved by the door opening and Twilight Sparkle walking in. "You ready, Fluttershy?"
  5170. > The wing snapped back and Fluttershy's ears twitched as if they wanted to fold down and she stopped them by an effort of will. "Almost. Won't you say bye?"
  5171. > "Oh, right!" the Princess remembered. She came closer, sat on her haunches and put her hoof out for a bump or something. "It's been- well, I'm glad we were able to help, Floor Bored."
  5172. > What else could she do? She'd never really liked the nosy and pushy Princess of Friendship, but she *had* helped introduce her to Peppermint, and she *had* fixed Floor's friendship with Taku. She supposed she owed the alicorn some gratitude, even if she didn't like her methods.
  5173. > Floor was about to say something along those lines, but Twilight suddenly sighed and moved forward. Her hooves went around the shocked Floor Bored and gave her a very strong squeeze.
  5174. > "Look, I know I might have been a little, um, *insistent* sometimes," Twilight began, but Fluttershy loudly cleared her throat and she corrected: "Okay, a lot... insistent."
  5175. > "Pushy," Fluttershy corrected under her breath, but just loud enough for everypony to hear.
  5176. > "Okay, okay," Twilight said, exasperation creeping into her voice, "pushy. Happy now? Anyway, I'm sorry about that, but you gotta admit that it worked."
  5177. > Surely she wasn't expecting thanks for *that*, was she? Floor was about to say so, but Twilight just went on: "What I'm trying to say, Floor Bored, is that I'm proud of you."
  5178. > The pressure released and the Princess pulled away so she could peer into Floor's eyes from uncomfortably close. There was no way Floor could keep that gaze and she didn't even try, letting her eyes fall down to her forehooves.
  5179. > "I mean it. You did well. I know it can't have been easy for you."
  5180. > Floor mumbled something so unintelligible that she didn't even know herself what she'd said. Luckily Twilight took it the right way and smiled. "Remember, you can always write me if you have more questions about friendship, okay?"
  5181. > This time a nod was enough and the Princess lost interest. She turned to Fluttershy and eyed the heavy bags on her friend's back. "Want some help with those? I could take one."
  5182. > Fluttershy shook her head firmly. "No, that'd make me unbalanced while flying. You'd have to take both, but that's not fair either. I'm fine. It's my stuff anyway."
  5183. > That seemed to clinch it and Twilight shrugged to herself as she dismissed the whole thing from her mind. She apparently wasn't about to argue, even if it would be chivalrous in the circumstances.
  5184. > "Well... bye!" Fluttershy said to Floor and followed her friend out. The door shut behind them with the telltale purple glow around the handle, and then Floor heard their hoofsteps receding down the hallway.
  5185. > So that was it.
  5186. > She hung her head and took a deep breath. Despite all the upheaval and awkwardness and near-terminal shame at times, she'd miss that pegasus. Fluttershy was sweet and easy to live with. Well, now that it was over she'd been easy to live with.
  5187. > On the plus side, Floor was finally alone again.
  5188. > Well, not entirely. She'd nearly forgotten about her other guest. Peppermint would have to leave later, but he had the ticket for the very last train of the day so they had plenty of time left.
  5189. > She hurried back to her bedroom, tail already flagging as she recalled the way his morning wood had poked her in the back. They hadn't dared do anything the previous night after all, especially with both Fluttershy and Princess Sparkle on her couch, but now they were alone!
  5190. > Suddenly Floor wasn't as sad at the parting. She almost skidded around the corner and her tail whipped against the door frame as she hurried into her bedroom and all but leapt on the bed. The new mattress withstood her landing, but it did jostle Peppermint and wake him up.
  5191. > He blinked in the light, opened his mouth to say something, but had to yawn before a single sound made it out. Floor didn't wait for him to gather his wits and just straddled him. Her hooves went to either side of his head and she leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose even while he was still yawning.
  5192. > "Ah! Morning!" he finally managed, but didn't get any further before she caught his lips. She dragged her tongue across his teeth and marvelled at how warm he was, both the inside of his mouth and his belly where she was sitting.
  5193. "Finally!" she gasped when she paused for breath.
  5194. > "They're gone?"
  5195. "Yes!"
  5196. > Peppermint was starting to respond to her touch and his hooves went to Floor's sides. He slid them down to rest them on her flanks and jerked his hips up as his stallionhood was starting to wake up as well.
  5197. > It couldn't be too soon for Floor. She was already grinding her hips and probably leaving wet marks on his belly, but that just made the whole thing hotter. She'd probably never get used to having a warm, living, squirming stallion under her, which suited Floor just fine.
  5198. > She never *wanted* to get used to this feeling.
  5199. > Their tongues wrestled for a few more seconds, then she felt something very stiff prod her buttocks. He was ready and when she pulled away she heard and felt his shallow, urgent panting.
  5200. "Do it. Doitdoitdoitdoit... come on!"
  5201. > She adjusted herself and tried to push down, but she missed and Peppermint just slid between her teats and his own belly. It still made both of them groan.
  5202. > "Jeez, slow down. You in heat or something?"
  5203. "No! I just want it!"
  5204. > He didn't argue and pulled back to line himself up again. His earlier miss got him nice and lubed up, so it shouldn't-
  5205. > Floor pressed down again and this time her folds parted easily and welcomed Peppermint. She was stretched impossibly wide, but she loved every second of it and couldn't keep back a loud moan, which was echoed by the stallion under her.
  5206. > He bucked, probably involuntarily, and nearly hilted himself on the first thrust. He stayed there, not because he wanted to take it slow, but because Floor was pushing down with all her weight and there was no room for Peppermint to withdraw.
  5207. > It looked like some kind of exquisite torture by his facial expressions and the way his member twitched inside her. Maybe one of these days she'd let him squirm a little, but Floor needed it too badly and pushed herself up.
  5208. > This time their moans complemented each other in lustful harmony, punctuated by the loud slap as she slammed back down.
  5209. > "Oh, buck yes..."
  5210. > She wanted to reply, but all that came out was a mixture between a blubber and a yelp. Floor sought out his lips once more as she began to ride Peppermint in earnest. Kisses meant she didn't have to try and talk. She was bad at sexy talk.
  5211. > Rhythmic, liquid slapping sound filled the room among grunts and subdued moans as Floor began to work herself on the deliciously hard stallion cock embedded inside her.
  5212. > It wouldn't be long before she came. Well, before she came the first time. There'd be more after that.
  5213. > She pulled away from the kiss so she could gulp down huge lungfuls of air. Her muscles already burned, but Floor wasn't about to stop until she got her release. She did slow down a little.
  5214. > The first sign that something was wrong came when Peppermint stiffened. Floor's immediate thought was dismay that he was already about to climax, leaving her dry until he recovered. She slammed down even more urgently, trying to get herself off before it happened.
  5215. > She heard the faint eep and realized there was another pony in the room with them. A flash of yellow and pink.
  5216. > Fluttershy!
  5217. > Floor Bored gave a loud squeak and almost jumped off Peppermint, which pulled his entire length our of her with a wet schlick and a small pop. The bump against her clit proved too much.
  5218. > She'd been trying to make herself come and now it was inevitable. Even as Floor scrambled to pull the blanket over herself she felt herself release and her legs jerked out of her control. She spasmed and winked even as squirt after squirt of her most intimate fluids gushed out, all over Peppermint's legs.
  5219. > Perhaps the only piece of luck was that Fluttershy had immediately covered her eyes with her wing, but not before she had seen entirely too much.
  5220. > "Sorry! I'm sorry! I should have knocked!" the distraught pegasus whimpered.
  5221. "Why are you back?! You left! What are you doing back here?!" Floor shouted back.
  5222. > Meanwhile Peppermint finally found the edge of the blanket and pulled it over them, hiding both his large, stiff, glistening cock and the last few twitches of Floor's orgasm. The fabric rustled and shifted as they twitched with their interrupted passion.
  5223. > "I forgot my towel!" Fluttershy moaned. She peered through her feathers, but by then both of the young lovers were covered and she lowered her wing. "It's there on the floor!"
  5224. > It was true. Floor remembered the hurried shower before their triple date the previous day. She'd worn the towel to dry her mane and then left it on her bedroom floor. Fluttershy must have missed it when she was packing and only remembered after she left.
  5225. "Okay! Okay! Take it and go, *please*!"
  5226. > She couldn't meet Fluttershy's eyes. Tartarus, she couldn't even look at the pegasus, not if she wanted her sheets unburned by her glowing face. She heard hoofsteps, a quick rustle of cloth, then more shuffling steps as Fluttershy retreated.
  5227. > Her voice came from the door: "I'm *so* sorry! I didn't mean to barge in like that, and I-"
  5228. "Just go!"
  5229. > There was a quiet 'eep' and then the sound of retreating hoofsteps. Shortly after the front door slammed.
  5230. > "You didn't lock the front door..." Peppermint moaned.
  5231. "I know! I'll go do it now!"
  5232. > A touch on her thigh stopped her before she could get up and she looked at her coltfriend who was regarding her with a very intense expression. He used his other hoof to throw the blanket off them.
  5233. > "Let's finish first," he said huskily and blushed, no doubt in the memory of what had just happened.
  5234. > It sent a wave of fresh fire down Floor Bored's spine and into her mare bits. She winked and her hind legs twitched.
  5235. "Okay. Okay. C'mere!"
  5236. > She rolled on her back and tugged at Peppermint, who was only too glad to get on top of her. He bent down and kissed her, then pulled away and giggled.
  5237. "What?"
  5238. > "You do realize that Fluttershy, the Element of Harmony, just walked in on us, um, doing it?"
  5239. "Shut up and buck me while I'm still in the mood!"
  5240. > She couldn't help biting her lip, though. The thought of Fluttershy having seen her with Peppermint's dick completely inside her was strangely exhilarating, even as it was embarrassing.
  5241. > Floor shuddered as her coltfriend prodded at her entrance again and she promptly forgot about voyeur-pegasi. They didn't matter. Even Taku didn't matter at the moment. All that mattered was the colt in her arms, his hooves around her, his tongue on her muzzle and his member in her.
  5242. > A part of her wondered if she'd have gotten over her anxiety in talking with other ponies if she knew how good this felt.
  5243. > Floor Bored shook her head, mainly in answer to herself. Even if she would, it'd mean she wouldn't have met Peppermint. She didn't want to lose that.
  5244. > She realized she loved that colt. And he loved her back, clearly evident from the slow, gentle way he thrust. Their tongues met again, but only for a moment, because they both needed to breathe.
  5245. "Oh, buck yes..."
  5248. > END

Something, at least (SPG)

by awf

Break (SPG)

by awf

Red Sky (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 1 (SPG)

by awf

Off Duty, part 2 (SPG)

by awf