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Weekend for Rarity (Rarity x Anon)

By RealDash
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2022-01-23 08:00:47
Expiry: Never

  1. Weekend For Rarity
  3. >You are Anonymous.
  4. >That's all you know about yourself.
  5. >Oh wait, you're also dating Rarity, one of the most popular girls at Canterlot High.
  6. >You both share a taste for peculiar fashion senses. Even if they're not the exact same, she loves you for your own interpretations.
  7. >You occasionally wear her latest tuxedos as a guinea pig, and sometimes she'll dress up to look like an edgy tomboy that would put even Rainbow Dash to shame.
  8. >Anyway, after a few weeks of getting to know each other, you asked her to prom.
  9. >To your surprise, she said yes, and after that special night, the two of you were inseparable.
  10. >One thing you learned about Rarity that same night—she is a freak in the sheets in the absolute best way.
  11. >Dirty talk here, a nibble of the neck and ear there, maybe she'll lock you in with her legs while you're pumping away into her.
  12. >You've never cum so fucking hard in your life before you met her, and now you spend nearly half the week draining yourself into her backside.
  13. >And SHE'S the one who initiates it always.
  14. >That's Rarity for you, she takes what she wants.
  15. >And you are abso-fucking-lutely fine with that.
  16. >Plus she is a total cinnamon roll sometimes, so it's cute to see her get all flustered and concerned whenever she feels she's too rough.
  17. >She's such a sweetheart.
  18. >But as your relationship went on, you noticed Rarity's tendency to initiate sex started to become a bit more...
  19. >... casual.
  20. >How so?
  21. >Well in the sense that she could be having a conversation at you when she's over at your house, and next thing you know, your dick is in her mouth, all the while she's still talking about dresses whenever she comes up for air.
  22. >You could be fingering her, and the next fashion idea is on her mind while she's shooting stars.
  23. >Sex has become such a normal part of your relationship, it's just expected.
  24. >Normally that would be boring to most couples.
  25. >But it's just hot for you.
  26. >Seriously.
  28. -----------
  30. >Be Anon... still.
  31. >It's Saturday afternoon, and your parents are out of town until Sunday night, so you have the whole house to yourself until tomorrow.
  32. >You texted Rarity earlier asking if she wanted to come over and hang out for a while.
  33. >[I'm busy with a couple customers at the shop, but as soon as I'm done, I'll be over! <3]
  34. >That was three hours ago, and it's getting close to 6PM.
  35. >You'd passed out on your bed during that time, occasionally checking your phone for a new message and browsing Reddit.
  36. >You woke up to the sound of knocking at the front door and nearly fell off the bed.
  37. >Groggily peering out your bedroom window, you were able to see a faint snippet of Rarity's dress moving about in the breeze by the door-step.
  38. >"Anon? Are you home?" you heard her silky voice call out to you.
  39. >It's cheesy as fuck, but it genuinely does sound smooth in your head.
  40. "Coming!" you shout before letting out a yawn as you make your way out of your bedroom and into the living room.
  41. >After taking a second to unlock it, you pull open the front door to reveal your girlfriend standing before you, sporting a sleek blue skirt and a white tank-top-looking shirt.
  42. >Her face seemed initially worried, but as soon as your eyes met hers, her frown curved into a smile.
  43. >"Darling!" she exclaimed as she went up to you and brought you into a hug, which you gladly accepted. "Hey~"
  44. "Hey, Rares," you say back as you embrace her, the warmth of her body contrasting against the cool summer breeze.
  45. >You quickly let her in and closed the door behind you, locking it again.
  46. >"I'm so sorry it took me so long, sweetie," she apologized as she started to take off her shoes. "When I texted you, it was just two customers. Then it became four then eight, and this whole party of people from a fraternity came in looking for dresses and tuxedos and it all just got so—"
  47. "Hey hey hey, Rarity. It's okay, I promise."
  48. >You had to stop her from getting too carried away.
  49. "I'm not mad. I know how busy it gets there, trust me."
  50. >"I know, I know... but still, it was no excuse to make such a promise and not fill you in afterwards."
  51. "Well, when you don't text back after a while, you're either sleeping or working."
  52. >Rarity snorted a laugh, but her mouth scrunched up into a nervous look.
  53. >"And you're sure you're not upset, darling?"
  54. >You answer her with a quick kiss on the lips. You could hear her inhale quickly, then let out a gentle breath as she relaxed.
  55. >After a few moments, you pulled away.
  58. "I'm sure. Plus, I've been napping since your last text, so the wait was pretty short for me."
  59. >Rarity giggled behind her hand, before bending back down to remove her socks and place them into her shoes.
  60. >"Then I hope you had a wonderful nap."
  61. >You gave her a smile and held her close, hands on her hips.
  62. "It's only wonderful when you're huddled up with me. Otherwise, it's... acceptable."
  63. >Rarity rolled her eyes and laughed through her nose again.
  64. >"Well, I'm here now, darling~"
  65. "You wanna chill here in the living room, or go back to my bedroom?"
  66. >"Ummm..." she hummed, looking between the living room and the hallway that led to your bedroom.
  67. >You practically had the whole house to yourselves, but comfort first.
  68. >"Why don't we head back to your bedroom?" she came to an answer. "Forgive me, but the living room couch is a bit... stiff."
  69. "Oh my god, thank you!" you said almost too quickly. "I knew I wasn't the only one who was thinking that. My mom kept telling me there was nothing wrong, but it's like sitting on a wooden bench sometimes."
  70. >"I agree. My back is still feeling a bit sore from last week. I think there might be a loose spring on the left side."
  71. "That thing's like twenty years old anyway," you state. "It was from my mom's college roommate, and my mom's too stubborn to give up old stuff."
  72. >"Well, perhaps I could have Applejack take a look, fix it up for her? Think of it as an early birthday present."
  73. >You chuckled.
  74. "I don't think this is something AJ can fix... but I've said that fifty times already and she's proved me wrong every single time, so... sure, let her go nuts. But let me make sure my mom's cool with it first."
  75. >"Of course, darling," Rarity promises, holding your hand in hers and brushing her thumb across the back. "I'd hate to upset your mother in any way, especially for a personal antique. No matter how..."
  76. >She briefly turned around to glance at your family couch, dirtied and slightly worn.
  77. >"... unique it is."
  78. >You squeezed her hand back gently, laughing quietly as you opened the door to your bedroom.
  79. >Letting Rarity inside first—like the McLover you were—you shut the door behind you and locked it.
  80. >Even if your parents were out of town, it'd become a habit by now, ESPECIALLY if Rarity was over.
  81. >You didn't want them walking in on your girlfriend riding your face or Anon Jr. glazing hers.
  82. >That would NOT be a fun family dinner.
  85. >Rarity sat on the edge of your bed, then let out a yawn as she stretched her arms and legs as far as they could go.
  86. >She stretched her legs in just a way to give you a nice shot of her panties.
  87. >Frilly blue.
  88. >Nice.
  89. >But it didn't seem to be intentional, as she then pulled herself onto your bed and laid herself out in a delicate manner.
  90. >Turning to you, she gave you a soft smile and patted an open space next to her.
  91. >"Come lay with me, sweetie."
  92. >She didn't have to tell you twice.
  93. >Shoes already off, you walked over to the bed and carefully hopped in, laying right next to your cute little fashionista.
  94. >"Mmh... why not take off your jacket?"
  95. >Good point. You only wore it because it was cold in the house earlier.
  96. >You awkwardly remove your jacket while still laying down, while Rarity tries to help you out.
  97. >After a couple moments of your hands getting stuck in the sleeves, you were able to free your body from the thick jacket and threw it towards the closet.
  98. >Too lazy, too comfy.
  99. >"Much better," Rarity said sweetly as she reached over for a quick kiss.
  100. >You returned it without hesitation, but soon it turned into a short makeout session as the two of you laid on your sides.
  101. >She gripped your shirt while you cupped her ass through her dress.
  102. >Rarity let out a moan into your mouth while you chuckled into hers.
  103. >But as quick as it started, the session was over, with Rarity gently pushing herself away to catch her breath.
  104. >She definitely enjoyed it, but she seemed... off.
  105. >"Sorry," she shuddered, her hands resting on your chest. "I just..."
  106. >She didn't finish the sentence.
  107. "Hey," you whispered back. "You okay?"
  108. >"Yeah... yes, of course. It's just..."
  109. >She sighed.
  110. >"Today was a long day. That's all."
  111. >Rarity buried her face into your shoulder.
  112. >You could actually feel her face contorting into a pout.
  113. "You wanna talk about it?"
  114. >"Mm-hmm."
  117. >She knew you were okay with her rambling on about her day, whether it was the best day of her life, or the worst.
  118. >You didn't care, you weren't going to let her bottle that shit up.
  119. >Working at the Boutique looked like a goddamn nightmare.
  120. >You weren't going to try to convince Rarity to work somewhere less stressful—because you've tried before and failed—but you weren't going to pretend she didn't want to claw her eyes out after work.
  121. >After a few seconds, Rarity pulled her face out of your shoulder and bundled herself up next to you, resting a hand on your stomach and her head on your chest.
  122. >She let out a sigh through her nose and started to rub her hand up and down your belly.
  123. >That felt good, really.
  124. >But when Rarity started talking, you listened.
  125. >"Well," she began, "like I said earlier, a group of members from a fraternity came in right after I texted you about the two customers. Those two customers were easy to manage, a few final checks and they were off with their new clothes."
  126. >Rarity's hand slowed down, brushing in slower but bigger strokes across your belly, relaxing you even further.
  127. >You responded by reaching up and brushing her hair with your fingers, giving her head a little scratch.
  128. >She moaned in bliss, but continued her story.
  129. >"Their dresses were amazing, and if I remember correctly, they were planned for a wedding. I wasn't able to design them from the ground up, but I WAS able to add the finishing touches on them. They were so lovely by the time I was done with them."
  130. >As you got enveloped into her story, you still were well aware of Rarity's hand on your belly... which was now moving down closer to your waist.
  131. >She brushed your waist lazily with a finger before continuing down, resting right over the zipper of your pants.
  132. >"Is it okay...?" you heard her whisper quietly.
  135. "Yeah yeah yeah," you answer in the same hushed manner, the feeling of what's happening already getting you excited down there.
  136. >Even as you started to unzip your pants and dig your way through your boxers, you were still focused on Rarity's story.
  137. >And as soon as your big-yet-flaccid cock came out, Rarity continued it.
  138. >But not before she held your hand for a moment, then whispered a very faint 'thank you.'
  139. >She always did that before a handjob, and you found it just so damn adorable, you don't know why.
  140. >After a second of anticipation, Rarity slid her hand onto your shaft and brushed it up and down.
  141. >Fuck, her hands were so silky smooth; now you know why she uses lotion so much.
  142. >Finally, after some light teasing, she took your dick into her warm, soft grasp and began to pump you.
  143. >And then continued to talk as if it wasn't happening.
  144. >The other twelve customers that came in weren't much trouble, either. Well, except for the last of that bunch. He seemed to have been in a rather "correct" mood."
  145. "Mmh... How so?" you ask before letting out a slight shudder.
  146. >"He seemed to be very peculiar about the way his commission was to be designed. A patch here, a frill on the edge of the dress... and given the size of the dress, I assumed it was for perhaps his daughter or a friend's daughter. I didn't think to ask. But he sent us his email, so we'll have plenty of time between today and Wednesday to make sure everything was to his liking."
  147. Rarity nuzzled herself closer into you.
  148. >"In any case, he wasn't that awful. He just seemed to be in a bit of a rush. I'm sure he'll have a much cooler head on Monday."
  149. >Rarity snorts, stopping her jerking for just a second before continuing.
  150. >"Now the frat boys..." she started, "... the frat boys were dreadful. I don't think I've ever met a group of boys so rambunctious and careless before in my life."
  151. "Mmnh..." you grunt-moan and swallow your saliva before you can speak up again. "What were they doing?"
  152. >"Oh dear... where do I begin?"
  155. >Her pace increased very little, but she was quickly getting into the rhythm, fluffing up your penis as she went.
  156. >It didn't take long before you were at full-mast, your foreskin covering and uncovering your head with every jerk.
  157. >A drop of precum emerged from the tip, dripping down until Rarity's moving hand lathered it up and down.
  158. >"Well, I suppose I should start with the youngest one there, eighteen. I think his name was Rushing Geyser, but he just wanted to be called Guy. He was... honestly the least annoying out of all of them. I was able to do his measurements in less than a minute, determine his weight and figure, and have him fitted for a tuxedo in less than ten minutes. He wasn't really annoying, per say. Just... awkward. He was making some rather tasteless jokes. But given that the others mirrored that later on, I'd say that he was pressured into saying them to me. He even tipped me twenty dollars at the end. It was clear to me he didn't want to be there and was sorry for causing any trouble."
  159. >While one hand jerked your cock, you could feel Rarity's other hand reach up and touch your hair, her fingers running through it in a way similar to what you did earlier to her.
  160. >The feeling alone sent a chill through your body.
  161. >Rarity giggled at your reaction, but didn't do anything else, instead continuing to run her hand through your hair.
  162. >You sighed in pleasure, relaxing your body and sinking into the bed while Rarity pampered you both sensually and sexually.
  163. "W... What about the other guys?"
  164. >Rarity adjusted her hand on your cock and continued to jerk in a faster motion, prompting a groan from you again.
  165. >"Ugh, don't even me started on those ruffians. The next one on the list, Star Band, was a fraternity manager, according to him. He didn't want one of the many tuxedos in the Boutiques, but wanted his own custom design. I don't mind it, as custom designs are more than welcome. But... umm... "
  168. >Rarity pulled her other hand away from your hair and reached behind her to grab her phone from the space of bed behind her.
  169. >She opened her phone and started to look through the recent photos in her gallery, all without stopping the handjob even for a second.
  170. >Rarity's a multitasker, what can you do?
  171. >Taking a quick glimpse at her phone screen, you couldn't help but notice one picture in particular: a dick pic you sent her last Monday right before bed as a tease.
  172. >And wouldn't you know it, it was sitting in a folder called "porn."
  173. >How succinct.
  174. >And kinda hot.
  175. >And cute.
  176. >"Ah! Here it is," she says with a hint of relief in her tone as she presses her finger on a specific picture, then proceeds to hold the phone up for you to see. "That's what he requested."
  177. >You took a moment to adjust your eyes to look at the screen and momentarily ignore—to no avail—the increasingly smooth grip of Rarity's hand.
  178. >The tuxedo was anime.
  179. >Sorry, let's rephrase that.
  180. >The tuxedo was covered in fucking anime images, from girls ahegao'ing to showing off their schoolgirl bodies, it was a rather—how would Rarity put it?—interesting design choice.
  181. >Did you say interesting?
  182. >You meant cringe.
  183. "Huh."
  184. >That was all you could say, but Rarity seemed to agree with you in the same way.
  185. >"It was the strangest request out of all of them," Rarity stated as she turned off her phone and went back to focusing her attention to your cock. "That being said, I've seen far worse. And since it wasn't necessarily 'sexual' in any explicit manner, otherwise my parents would've kicked them out."
  186. "But they... mmh... they were still fine with you essentially making a hentai tux?"
  187. >"As long as it wasn't explicitly sexual, of course. And I didn't exactly... mind... stitching and sewing out the initial design. It was just silly. And maybe a bit degenerative."
  188. "Says Rarity, as she casually jerks me off," you say with a shit-eating grin.
  189. >Rarity looked up at you, rolled her eyes, and told you to 'hush'.
  190. >It doesn't stop you from apologizing regardless and giving her a quick peck between the strands of her hair.
  191. >She responds with a little hum and a firmer squeeze of your cock as she picks up the pace, now jerking you twice a second.
  192. >The feeling along was enough to give you goosebumps, and Rarity could sense it.
  193. >"I'm not going too fast, am I, sweetie?" she whispers to you.
  194. "No, it's okay," you whisper back. "Go as fast as you want."
  195. >"Okay."
  196. >She didn't increase her pace any further, already going fast enough to make you feel good and not on the edge at the same time.
  197. >This was the kind of fun you enjoyed. No rush, no urgency. Just there.
  198. >You raised your hand up to her head and slowly stroked between her air, causing her to shiver and hum blissfully.
  199. "You were saying?"
  202. >Knowing she stopped talking and was becoming far too invested in current goings-on, Rarity cleared her throat.
  203. >"A-Anyway... I took enough pictures of the design Mr. Band put out for me, then set them aside for later. Two other frat boys seemed to share similar interests, so I took pictures of their designs too. I believe it was the same poses, but different girls. Overall, the majority of the frat boys were... manageable. Odd requests, but easy to work with."
  204. >You could hardly see her face from this angle—as she looked back down to focus on your shaft—but you could see enough of it contorting into an annoyed grimace.
  205. >"Then came the last three," she stated, her tone turning into annoyance. "The Committee leader, the Vice-President, and the President."
  206. "A fraternity has a committee?"
  207. >"I asked them that exact same question," Rarity replied. "According to the Leader, they wanted everything that went on at their fraternity to be more "democratic.""
  208. "Mmh... wouldn't they have based it on popular vote then?"
  209. >"I was about to ask the same thing to them. But by then, I just wanted to get the whole thing over with as quickly as possible."
  212. >Rarity's grip and pace on your cock quickened, and immediately that prior balance was lost.
  213. >You grunted, letting a sigh escape through your nose while Rarity seemed none the wiser.
  214. >"They. Were. Awful. The VP and CL kept their cool for the first few minutes, but then they started to get rowdy. Running around, chasing each other, 'practicing' football tosses in an open area of the boutique and STILL managing to nearly knock down some of the displays. It was like watching kids playing tag at the playground... if the playground was a clothing store with several-hundred dollar dresses."
  215. "F-Football?"
  216. >"Oh yes. Ball and everything, tossing it back and forth while just missing the ceiling."
  217. >Rarity let out a frustrated snort, subconsciously increasing her jerking pace and sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
  218. >You stretched out your legs out of habit, and the pleasure increased just a bit more. At this rate, you were gonna cum soon.
  219. >And yet you still kept listening, while she kept talking.
  222. >"I don't think I've ever seen a rambunctious couple of college boys act so carelessly in such a delicate place," Rarity said, a hint of growing frustration in her voice, as she let out another snort.
  223. >She bundled closer to you, resting her head again on your chest and looking straight to your cock.
  224. >You brushed her hair in an attempt to keep her calm—as well as slow the assault on your dick, as welcome as it was.
  225. >It was really hard to focus like this.
  226. >But Rarity didn't stop.
  227. >"But nothing... -N O T H I N G-... came close to what I experienced with their President. He was the most absolute careless, egotistical, perverted, holier-than-thou ruffian I've ever had the displeasure of meeting."
  228. >Your cock let out another spurt of precum as your focus on the story started to fade.
  229. >Rarity's grip strengthened, holding onto it for dear life in a way you didn't want her to let go.
  230. >She only went faster too, but as if she hadn't realized it.
  231. >Fuck, you were starting to feel it.
  232. "Rare... hey..."
  233. >But your girlfriend was far too enveloped in her own building rage to notice you trying to get her attention.
  234. >So she kept jerking you off and getting herself angry.
  235. >"Not only did he not actually have a desire for a tuxedo or any sort of clothing in the entire boutique, wasting my and any potential others' time... and not only did he make passive remarks about my "slutty" dress that would "look better on the floor"...
  236. >"But he had the -N E R V E- to try and get me into bed! Do you know what he said to me? He said, without any hesitation or thought in that feeble brain of his, he wanted to "show me how a real college boy does it." He wanted nothing more than to have his way with me in the comfort of my own home and make me feel like some worthless toy!"
  237. >Faster and faster she went, angrier and angrier she became.
  238. >Your breathing became erratic as you felt yourself grow closer to orgasm, your head slamming back into your pillow and your eyes glued to the ceiling.
  239. >Your legs were stretched out as far as they can go, and your mind was going into overdrive.
  240. >One of your hands rested lightly on her head between her hair, and the other rested on her waist underneath her shirt.
  241. >Her skin was so soft, yet she was sporting goosebumps, no doubt out of anger.
  242. >And she still kept going.
  245. >"So you know what I said to him?"
  246. "W... What...?" you nearly mumble.
  247. >Almost there... so fucking close...
  248. >"I told him... 'Listen here, you uncouth little peacock. If you ever decide to make such an offer to me again, or even attempt to touch me, I'll have you reported to the authorities for harassment, kicked out of your little fraternity with you and your ruffian buddies, and -I- will have my dear boyfriend come over and wipe that smug little grin off your face so hard, you'll forget how to smile.'
  249. >"'Oh... and did I mention that I'm still in high school?'"
  250. >With a heavy shudder, you cum.
  251. >A massive spurt of semen escapes from your cock, shooting up into the air and raining back down, landing almost perfectly on Rarity's cheek, spreading outward onto her face.
  252. >Another several spurts erupt from your tip and make a mess all over your pants, your shirt, and Rarity's still moving hand and arm.
  253. >A loud shlicking sound fills the room as Rarity's hand slides up and down your cock, using your cum as lubricant.
  254. >Rarity let out her own small shudder as the first spurt hit her in the face, and she let out a sigh almost out of realization.
  255. >Your head sunk back hard into your pillow, and your eyes were shut tight; you actually had to stop gritting your teeth, otherwise you were sure they'd break if they clenched this hard.
  256. >That in mind, you resorted to letting out loud moans and sighs, sucking in breaths as quickly as you were letting them out.
  257. >Your vision legitimately went hazy and you were sure you even went cross-eyed for a moment; your brain was way too into it right now.
  258. >Your hands started moving, massaging Rarity's head and her waist, letting her know in a way she did a good job.
  261. >Rarity let out a small moan-like 'mmh' as your final few cum shots covered her hand.
  262. >Her grip on your cock loosened just a bit, and she started to slow down—which was honestly a good thing, because you really wanted to think again.
  263. >Your breathing slowed and relaxed as best as you could make it.
  264. >With a few occasional shudders, you came back to reality, your orgasm subsided, and you felt just so fucking comfortable right now, you could fall asleep at any moment.
  265. >"You okay?" Rarity asked you softly.
  266. You sighed with content.
  267. "Yeah... you?"
  268. >"Mm-hmm."
  269. >Finally, Rarity released your dick from her grip, and after a few seconds it flopped down, coated with droplets of semen.
  270. >You watched Rarity inspect the cum on her hand. You completely covered it.
  271. >Some of it accumulated around her thumb and nearly fell onto your shirt, but Rarity was quick to move forward and lick it up.
  272. >So you watched for a moment as your girlfriend cleaned off her hand with her tongue, lapping it around her thumb, her other fingers, the sides of her hand, and most of all her palm, then moved down to her arm and cleaned it off too, until there wasn't a drop left to waste.
  273. >You freed your hand from Rarity's waist and brought it up to her cheek, where you scooped up whatever you could of your cum from her face with your pointer and middle fingers and delicately brought it up to her mouth.
  274. >You couldn't see her face well from this angle, but you could see her cheek shaping to indicate a smile.
  275. >Immediately after, your fingers were enveloped in Rarity's mouth, her tongue feeling warm and slimy, yet so inviting.
  276. >If you didn't just cum, you'd be hard as a rock again right now.
  279. >You used your other hand to continue scratching her head.
  280. >Rarity moaned and hummed again in between your fingers, leaning her head into your touch and even attempting to giggle as you touched a particular spot between the ears, where she was really sensitive.
  281. >In some cases, it was a really good way to make her orgasms that much better.
  282. >After another minute of finger sucking, Rarity released your now wet but clean fingers from her mouth and went about licking up whatever cum she could from your shirt and pants.
  283. >Some of it was already stained enough into your clothes to make it impossible to suck out.
  284. >Her gentle assault on your belly area tickled, making you laugh softly.
  285. "Rarity, stop," you say with laughter, "that—"
  286. >You sucked in a gasp as Rarity, without warning, shoved your softened cock into her mouth.
  287. >Not to blow you, but to clean it off as she'd done in the past after a handjob.
  288. >Fuck, it felt really good, you weren't gonna lie.
  289. >Her tongue swirled around your shaft with genuine skill, digging any potential cum out of every nook and cranny she could find.
  290. >You weren't gonna cum from this, but you didn't mind.
  291. >Eventually though, Rarity pulled her mouth away from your cock, not a single trace of semen left behind.
  292. >She'd gotten up a bit and turned in a way that you could see her face.
  293. >She was observing your cock attentively, searching if for anything she might've missed.
  294. >But you knew Rarity.
  295. >She doesn't leave anything behind.
  296. >Satisfied, she leaned up to your cock and gave it a gentle peck on the tip.
  297. >"There you go," she whispered.
  300. "Thank you," you whispered back as you began putting away your softened cock and zipped your pants back up.
  301. >"I suppose I got a little... carried away?"
  302. "Hey," you said softly as you reached out to hold her hand. "I didn't mind it. You seemed pretty pissed about that whole thing, and I didn't wanna hold you back, you know?"
  303. >"I know, but still, if I'd been too rough on your or hurt you in any way accidentally because I was too busy talking about some jerks, I'd—"
  304. "You won't hurt me, Rare. Okay? And if you do, I'll always stop you before it gets to that point. I wouldn't do something if you weren't comfortable with it."
  305. >Rarity sighed, almost as if she wasn't 100% certain you were telling the truth.
  306. >But after being with her for so long, she knew she had no reason to doubt you
  307. >"Okay, sweetie," she said a moment later as she smiled warmly at you.
  308. >With a smile of your own, you reached over to her and gently smooched her forehead.
  309. >She giggled lightly and tapped you on the arm.
  310. >"Now then," she said as she moved her way over to the edge of the bed, "you don't mind if I use your restroom, do you? I need to reapply my makeup."
  311. "Yeah, go ahead, take your time," you reply as you also move to get out of bed, your legs slightly weak after all the stretching. "I'm gonna go throw these in the washer then hop into some new clothes."
  312. >"Okay," Rarity said with a sheepish giggle as she eyed your clothes up and down, before she walked over to your bathroom, disappearing behind the closed door.
  313. >Her response made you look down at your clothes, and only now you could see just how much you really came, and how much Rarity was unable to lick up.
  314. >That's the consequence of saving your sessions till the next time you're alone with her, but it's all the more worth it when she's with you.
  315. >You both impress her AND have a reason to take your clothes off.
  316. >Not really, but masturbating really doesn't do it for you much anymore.
  319. >You're quick to take off your shirt and pants on the way to the hallway.
  320. >You decide for a moment about whether or not to take off your boxers, but ultimately you decide you'll just be hopping in the shower as soon as Rarity's finished with her makeup.
  321. >Completely nude, you head out into the hallway carrying your discarded clothing, as well as a few other sets of dirty clothes you picked up on the way out, and head into the laundry room.
  322. >Relieved that the washer was empty, you throw your dirty clothes into it, dump a good amount of detergent inside, set all the options, and press START.
  323. >You then made your way back to your bedroom and grabbed a towel from your closet, then wrapped it around your body.
  324. >Just seconds later, Rarity emerged from the bathroom, only to be greeted by your covered form.
  325. >"Well, that was fast," was the first thing she said, impressed by how quickly you got yourself ready.
  326. "Mommas didn't raise no turtle," you responded with a stupid grin, but it was enough to make Rarity giggle.
  327. >"So you're hopping into the shower then?"
  328. "Yeah. That way, I can be all nice and clean for ya."
  329. >"Oh, you flatterer, you."
  330. >You head over to the bathroom and pass by her.
  331. >Before you head in, you reach over to her and whisper in her ear.
  332. "If you had some extra clothes, I'd ask you to join me."
  333. >That got her blushing.
  334. >She cleared her throat, flustered.
  335. >"Well... maybe the next time you come over, we could arrange that? Or the next time your family's away?"
  336. "Deal."
  339. >You lean in and kiss her deeply, savoring the taste of her lips.
  340. >A fresh coat of strawberry lipstick was the first thing you noticed.
  341. >You had to pull yourself away from her or you'd never leave.
  342. >And honestly, you were sure both of you would've been fine with that.
  343. "Give me ten minutes, and I'm all yours again."
  344. >"Okay," she says with a smile as she retreats to your bed, while you head into the bathroom.
  345. >The latter of which reeked of Rarity's favorite perfume.
  346. >Not the bad kind of reek, though.
  347. >This one, you could smell for days, it was that intoxicating.
  348. >With a few twists of a knob, the shower came to life.
  349. >You threw the towel over the rack by the door and hopped into the tub.
  350. >Warm water immediately soaked you and sent shivers up and down your body.
  351. >While you were lathering your body with soap and your hair with shampoo, you started to have a much clearer head.
  352. >And that wasn't a pun.
  353. >That was one of few problems you had with the whole "casual sex" portion of your relationship.
  354. >You didn't mind it when it happened, not at all.
  355. >But unfortunately, you had a habit of letting your dick take over rational thought.
  356. >And now that your dick was drained for the time being, you were thinking.
  357. >And Rarity just told you she was catcalled at work today.
  360. >Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time it's happened.
  361. >This used to be a frequent thing with her even before you started dating her.
  362. >Guys would come up to her, give her a few sleazy compliments, then try to convince her to sleep with them.
  363. >She'd gotten so used to the attempts over the last couple years that it more so annoyed her than disgusted her.
  364. >In her own words, "Now it was just pathetic."
  365. >You'll admit, you wanted to pull a similar cheesy gimmick with her at the start just to gauge her reaction, but after enough time with her, you genuinely didn't want to fuck things up.
  366. >She was a great friend, and you didn't want to lose her.
  367. >And now that she's your girlfriend, fucking up like that is the absolute last thing you want.
  368. >But still, you're not letting this go.
  369. >After today, you're gonna pay that sleazy dick President a visit.
  370. >There's only one college in the immediate area of Canterlot, so you're not gonna have to look far.
  371. >After a few minutes of aggressive washing, you washed off your body and hair, then shut off the water.
  372. >You got chilly from the cool air seeping in, so you grabbed your towel and dried yourself off as quickly as possible.
  373. >You stepped out of the tub and glanced at the time on your phone.
  374. >Only 10 minutes, not too long.
  377. >With your towel wrapped around your waist, you made way for the door.
  378. >As soon as you opened it up, you got a gust of cool air slamming against you.
  379. >You shivered but braved through it as you entered your bedroom.
  380. >Rarity was laying on your bed, seemingly on the verge of falling asleep, only for her eyes to open a few seconds later in a lazy fashion.
  381. >"Mmmrhh...?" she mumbled groggily. "Annnhnn...?"
  382. >She let out a little squeak of a yawn and rubbed her eyes.
  383. >God, how can she be so cute?
  384. "Hey," you whispered to her as you walked over to the bed in nothing but the towel. "I'm just getting dressed. You go back to sleep, okay?"
  385. >"Noooooo... thhsst's ruuuude..."
  386. >Rarity playfully and sleepily punched your shoulder.
  387. >You only responded by kissing her on the forehead, planting your lips there for a few extra seconds, then pulling away.
  388. "You've earned it, alright? You've had a long day. I'll be right here if you need anything, okay?"
  389. >Rarity whimpered, but didn't protest any further.
  390. >"Ohhhkyyy..."
  391. >You just wanted to snuggle up with her forever, goddamn.
  392. >But you can do that in a minute.
  393. >With a quick boop of her nose, you got back up from the bed and walked over to your closet.
  394. >You took off your towel and placed it on the nearby dresser drawer for now, leaving yourself fully in the nude.
  395. >Whether Rarity wanted to stay up to watch was entirely her choice.
  398. >It didn't take long to pick out a quick set of clothes; nothing too crazy, and nothing to plain.
  399. >You might say Rarity's influenced your tastes a bit.
  400. >You first put on your socks and then your boxers—the ones with an easier opening—then proceeded to don your choice of weekend clothing: an AC/DC T-Shirt and a pair of black shorts.
  401. >Who know Rarity was into that kind of music too?
  402. >Once you were fully clothed, you did a quick look-over in the mirror to see if you were missing anything.
  403. >You were one fine bastard.
  404. >With a stretch of your arms and a quick wipe of your face, you grabbed your towel and went back into the bathroom to hang it over the door rack again.
  405. >You then returned to the bedroom and made your way to the bed.
  406. >Rarity had fallen totally asleep, if her gentle snores gave it away.
  407. >The sight was enough to make you yawn.
  408. >With no further delay, you carefully hopped into bed and pressed yourself right up against Rarity from behind.
  409. >She let out an unsteady sigh, but relaxed once she felt your arms wrap around her waist.
  410. >With a sigh of your own, you closed your eyes and quickly felt yourself fall asleep.
  413. -----
  416. >Sleeping felt literally like a blink to you.
  417. >The next thing you knew, you were waking up and stretching your once more tense limbs.
  418. >You didn't know how long you were sleeping for, but you guessed no more than three hours.
  419. >You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and sure enough, you were right.
  420. >It was now 9:27 PM, and Rarity didn't come over till around 5:50.
  421. >Speaking of...
  422. >You turned back in the darkness and reached out to where Rarity had been laying when you passed out.
  423. >But she wasn't there, not even laying near the wall.
  424. "Rrrityy?" you mumbled as you slowly woke yourself up.
  425. >You reached outward behind you to turn on your lamp.
  426. >Because of the dark, it took a few moments for you to find the switch and pull it down.
  427. >The room lit up in an orange hue, giving you a full view of the bed.
  428. >Rarity was gone.
  429. >You looked over to the bathroom, but the door was open and the light off.
  430. >You had a feeling she didn't leave, though.
  431. >So you pressed your hand against the spot where she laid.
  432. >Still warm.
  433. >Time for a favorite game of yours, Find The Marshmallow.
  434. >Stepping out of bed, you made your way out of the bedroom and into the dimly lit hall.
  435. >You checked the living room, but the television was off and the couch was empty.
  436. >Then again, when have any guests ever sat on that thing?
  437. >You walked into the kitchen, only to feel a breeze of cool air.
  438. >Sure enough, over at the refrigerator, there stood Rarity, downing a glass of cold, refreshing water.
  439. >She turned to face you, only to be momentarily startled and nearly dropped her cup.
  440. >Rarity swallowed her drink and cleared her throat.
  441. >"A-Anon, I didn't see you there."
  442. "Sorry, Rare," you apologized with a chuckling hum. "Didn't mean to scare you."
  443. >You headed over to the partially open cupboard hosting the cups and grabbed one of your own, then went over to the fridge to fix a drink of your own.
  444. >"Did I wake you up?" Rarity asked sheepishly.
  445. >You shook your head.
  446. "Nah. Just woke up. You?"
  447. >"A few minutes ago. I was getting pretty thirsty and supposed I could grab some water, if it wasn't too much trouble."
  448. "Not at all," you answer with a smile. "Don't be afraid to ask for anything whenever you're here, okay?"
  449. >It definitely explained why she hadn't asked for much in the past.
  450. >Now you felt bad.
  453. >"Well... I suppose I am a... little bit hungry too...?"
  454. "Sure! What're you craving?"
  455. >"Um..."
  456. >You didn't want to pressure her into choosing, but you could easily tell she was trying to think of something small.
  457. >You couldn't blame her, because you did the exact same thing at her place.
  458. >"Maybe a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"
  459. >Part of you wasn't expecting that, but you aren't complaining.
  460. "Got it, babe."
  461. >Giving her a quick peck on the forehead, you rummaged through your cupboards to pick out the necessary ingredients.
  462. >It's a PB&J, does it really get more complicated than that?
  463. >While you got the plates and the food ready, you chatted Rarity up a bit.
  464. "You know... I started reading up on some culinary books a few months ago."
  465. >"Really...?" Rarity asked, her attention caught.
  466. "Yeah! Maybe next time you come over or when I stop by your place, I could... maybe, make something fancy for you? If that's okay?"
  467. >Rarity gave you a sheepish smile and blushed.
  468. >"Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt."
  469. >Deep down, you knew you hit her soft spot for fancy foods, and were already planning out the best dishes for you and her for next time.
  470. >But for tonight, the two of you settle for peanut butter and jelly.
  471. >Crust for you, crustless for Rarity.
  472. >You present her precariously cut meal in front of her and give a goofy little bow.
  473. >Rarity rolls her eyes in a playful manner before thanking you with a kiss on the cheek.
  474. >You sit next to her and begin to dig into your own sandwiches, savoring the taste with every bite.
  475. >While your guard is down, Rarity grabs your hand and holds it in her own.
  476. >You give her a gentle squeeze and continue to eat.
  477. >But as you eat, it doesn't take long for Rarity's hand to leave yours and begin to wander around your lap.
  478. >Yep... even when eating.
  479. >Part of you would be interested in something like this during lunch at school or in the library, but the last thing you want is to get both of you in trouble.
  480. >You clear your throat and take another bite.
  481. "So, what time are you heading home?"
  482. >It was an actual question, as most times when she visits, she usually goes home before the 10PM curfew her parents set for her.
  483. >Rarity's wandering hand proceeds to rub her hand up and down the area of your shaft, which is really trying its hardest to ignore the attention, but is quickly failing.
  484. >"Well... I was thinking... maybe I could stay the night here? With you?"
  485. >Boner likey, but first things first.
  487. "What about your parents?"
  488. >"I told them I was going to be staying the night over at Sunset Shimmer's house for a sleepover with the girls."
  489. "But didn't you not bring clothes?"
  490. >"I can always tell them I was in such a rush, I forgot to pack my things. In any case, as long as I... 'freshen up' before I leave tomorrow, I don't think they'll have the slightest hint I was here."
  491. >Rarity ran a finger up the now-visible length of your shaft and let out a sneaky little giggle.
  492. "W-Wait."
  493. >You lightly shoved her hand away and immediately began to look around.
  494. >Of course, your moms weren't home, but your house had plenty of windows.
  495. >And you checked to make sure all of them were properly blinded.
  496. >I don't think your wacky neighbor Dilbert Sunbeam wants to watch two high schoolers dicking around—literally.
  497. >After a few moments of making sure every window was closed and shuttered, you returned to the table, only to find Rarity looking at you confusedly.
  498. >"Are you alright, sweetie? Is something wrong?"
  499. >Oh yeah.
  500. >Probably should've let her in on that whole thing.
  501. >Luckily, your quick mouth filled her in, and Rarity seemed to recoil slightly.
  502. >"Ooooohhh... that would've been embarrassing."
  503. >Hell yeah.
  504. >With an apology and a little peck on the nose, you sat back down next to Rarity and continued to eat your sandwiches, holding her hand again in your own.
  505. >Sex can wait.
  506. >Food is forever.
  509. ------
  511. >After a few minutes of gentle chewing noises and brief conversation, the two of you finished your sandwiches and put your dishes in the sink.
  512. >You'll wash them in the morning before your parents get home, anyway.
  513. >After you cleaned up the kitchen area and left it as spotless as you could, you and Rarity returned to your bedroom and hopped back into your bed.
  514. >A quick glance at your phone told you it was already 10PM.
  515. >It really didn't feel like it, and you were pretty bummed a few of those hours were spent snoozing away.
  516. >But at least Rarity was sleeping with you.
  517. >You turned on the TV in your room and flipped through some of the channels, while Rarity texted her parents to let them know she was "staying at Sunset's."
  518. >But that meant she had to update Sunset about the situation too, just to make it a bit more believable.
  519. >You didn't talk to Sunset much, but she was someone you knew you could trust.
  520. >After a couple minutes of browsing through channels, you were able to land on one particular show that caught your eye.
  521. >It was a fashion show that was very unique in that there was absolutely no dialogue, no snappy cuts, no dramatic camera movements...
  522. >It showed the dress or tuxedo or suit for the specific episode, and the process of making that suit.
  523. >It was very to the point, like watching a basic YouTube tutorial where some dipshit wasn't asking you to subscribe every five fucking seconds.
  524. >You can still remember how frustrated Rarity was the last time that happened.
  525. >So finding this show for her was better than any birthday or holiday gift she could ever ask for.
  526. "Hey Rarity~" you sang playfully, "look what's on~"
  527. >Rarity looked up from her phone and turned to gaze at the television.
  528. >As soon as she realize what she was looking at, she—
  529. >"Eeee!"
  530. >—squealed like a fucking bat.
  531. >Yes, she does that.
  532. >Yes, it's cute as shit, fuck you.
  533. >Rarity clutched you in her arms and proceeded to cuddle you as she glued her eyes to the television in anticipation of the episode.
  534. >This one in particular was about a dress whose fashion originated in the Himalneighyas sometime in the 1800s.
  535. >It had a real sense of Asian and Victorian hybridized culture, and you had to admit it looked really awesome.
  536. >Not to mention, Rarity's been fawning over such a fashion sense for the last few months, even going so far as to claim she'll be wearing something like it on her wedding day.
  537. >And you really hope she doesn't make one anytime soon.
  538. >Because you wouldn't be able to keep your eyes off her.
  539. >Or your hands.
  542. >The two of you lay in silence as you watched the beginning process of designing the dress.
  543. >It was always such a complicated process, and you weren't really interested in the physical side of designing.
  544. >But it was always so mesmerizing to watch.
  545. >As the minutes passed, Rarity gradually turned so that her body was facing the television, and you were pressed up against her from behind with your arms around her waist.
  546. >Sometimes they would lightly glide across her belly, giving her goosebumps and maybe letting out an occasional giggle.
  547. >But she was far too focused on her fashion show to even notice the majority of it.
  548. >Twenty minutes into the show, and still not a single word was uttered in the episode.
  549. >The only indication there was sound was the ambient music playing in the background, and the snipping of scissors or humming of a sewing machine.
  550. >It was like ASMR except it didn't suck.
  551. >Every once in a while, Rarity would get your attention to point out the various techniques and bits of fabric that made the overall design.
  552. >Yes, very intriguing.
  553. >That wasn't sarcasm, either.
  554. >You weren't on the same "fawning over fashion" level as Rarity all the time, but you could still appreciate some damn fine craftsmanship.
  555. >Speaking of fine craftsmanship, your attention throughout the episode became more and more focused on Rarity.
  556. >At the start, you were lightly rubbing her belly.
  557. >Half an hour into this episode, you were now letting your hands drift over wherever Rarity was comfortable with.
  558. >Without breaking contact from the TV, she'd give your leg a light squeeze to let you know it was okay, and if she ever got uncomfortable, it was a light two taps.
  559. >Luckily, for the both of you, there was never a reason to tap unless it was parents coming home or someone was about to walk in.
  560. >But tonight, you and Rarity were all alone.
  561. >No taps.
  562. >Just squeezes.
  563. >Squish that leg.
  566. >One of your hands traced down Rarity's side, nestling itself under her shirt and gently gripping her love handles.
  567. >There was just the right amount to make you unf.
  568. >You could feel Rarity's skin form goosebumps, but she otherwise didn't look or move away from the television.
  569. >With only her squeezing as confirmation, you moved your hand further down, groping her firm, yet plump ass through her skirt.
  570. >She shivered and reached down to where your hand had been, only to pull her skirt up to reveal her panties and white cheeks to you.
  571. >How could any man not get hard from looking at that?
  572. >You gently massaged her flanks, occasionally running your hand underneath her panties to tease her as you circled it ever so closer to her pussy.
  573. >Your other hand rested on her chest, sitting snug between her perky breasts, but only to feel her heartbeat.
  574. >It was beating pretty fast, but your girlfriend was still doing a good job focusing on the TV and probably taking some mental notes.
  575. >Let's see how quickly you can throw her off.
  576. >Without anymore bit of teasing, you took your hand and slid it into the front of her panties, using your fingers to gently part her thighs, and your middle finger to slide—
  577. >"A-Aahhh...~~~"
  578. >Well, that did it.
  579. >You only reached her clit, and it was enough to break her concentration for just a moment.
  580. >But you weren't too rough with her, only gently rubbing around the base and over it.
  581. >Rarity let out a muffled sigh of pleasure, goosebumps forming all over her body.
  582. >The region between her breasts her bumpy yet still so soft to the touch.
  583. >Rarity's feet, just a bit smaller than yours, intertwined with your own, pushing back against them, while her body instinctively leaned back into you.
  584. >It made adjusting her clothes a bit just a little bit more difficult, but all the more rewarding in the—
  585. >You stopped and turned your head to look at the window next to your bed.
  586. >Blinded with blackout curtains and not a pixel of the outside world in sight.
  587. >"Anon?" Rarity whispered. "What's wr—"
  588. >No longer paranoid about being caught, you slipped your middle finger into Rarity's slit.
  589. >She stopped only to let out a cracked moan, squeezing your thigh in the process.
  590. >You weren't sure if that was approval or just accidental, but she wasn't stopping you.
  591. >With your other hand, you lifted up her shirt and took her bra with it, letting her breasts flop out of their confinement.
  592. >Rarity moaned and squeaked as your fingers massaged her hardened nipples, or whenever your other finger would massage her G-Spot.
  593. >Her toes would flex and curl every time you hit a spot she liked.
  594. >And boy, did she have a lot of spots.
  597. >Rarity's voice died to a whisper, shuddering and sighing as you continued to finger her.
  598. >"A-Anon..." she sighed as she began to buck her hips against your hand.
  599. >By now, she was hardly focusing on the television and was instead trying to keep her eyes open.
  600. >You were too focused on Rarity, but you knew the dress was in the stages of being sewn together, as you could hear the sewing machine being turned on and used.
  601. >You were probably coming on forty minutes now.
  602. >Your hands were giving Rarity all the attention her body craved, your one hand playing with her breasts in any way it could, while your other was fingerfucking your girlfriend, somewhat trying to keep in rhythm with the sewing machine.
  603. >Rarity's moans were nothing more than heavy sighs and pants, as if she was trying to keep her voice down.
  604. >There were times where the two of you got busy when either your or her parents were still about, and she would attempt to keep herself quiet.
  605. >It'd become a habit at this point, and while it was really hot to hear her like this, you still felt bad.
  606. "Hey," you whispered into her ear, "you don't have to hold it back, you know? You can scream if you want."
  607. >At first, Rarity seemed to resist against the offer.
  608. >But you weren't giving her much of an opportunity to do so.
  609. >The desperation built inside her moans, growing further and further, until finally...
  610. >"A-Aah! Mmmh! Ahh!"
  611. >Rarity started to moan and whimper loudly, her eyes fluttering as focus on the show had been entirely lost by now.
  612. >One of her legs wrapped around both of yours—or at least tried to—spreading her thighs apart and giving you better access in the process.
  613. >Your finger was no longer going in and out frantically, but was quickly rubbing her G-Spot without mercy, while your thumb was giving her clit similar treatment.
  614. >Rarity's body was tensing up from the pleasure, and you knew she was gonna cum soon.
  615. >By now, you were hard as a goddamn diamond, and your dick was trying hard to get loose from your shorts.
  616. >It pressed against Rarity's backside, and you were sure you could spray all over her back like this even while clothed.
  617. >Luckily for you, Rarity was able to reach behind and grab the rim of your shorts.
  618. >Being careful to mind your shaft, she pulled down, taking your shorts and underwear with it.
  619. >Your cock flopped out of its prison and found itself planted in between Rarity's plump ass cheeks.
  620. >You adjusted yourself so you remained hot-dogged but facing upward towards her back.
  621. >She pulled her panties down as best as she could, leaving you to touch nothing but skin.
  622. >Rarity's ass was covered in goosebumps, which to you made it all the more hotter.
  624. >Keeping your pace going with your fingers and her breasts, you started to thrust yourself up and down Rarity's ass, the softness making it extremely easy.
  625. >Rarity's breathing was becoming labored and ragged, a sign that she was getting close.
  626. >With her no longer focusing on the show at all at this point, you took the situation into your own hands.
  627. >Without warning, you forced Rarity onto her stomach, while you rested yourself firmly on top, continuing your assault on her pussy and letting your cock go to town between her cheeks.
  628. >Rarity always loved it when you got rough with her, though she didn't always like to admit it because she said it made her feel "unlady-like."
  629. >But when things got rough, she never wanted it to stop.
  630. >Rarity's panties remained on around her legs, her skirt bunched up and pushed up every time you thrusted forward.
  631. >You let out a few moans of pleasure, while Rarity was moaning profusely, degraded into heavy sighs with some squeaks to boot.
  632. >Her body was shaking beneath you, and you weren't sure if she was just overwhelmed with sensations, or she was just cumming and neither of you realized it.
  633. >"F-Fuck me~"
  634. >Your cock throbbed just hearing that.
  635. >Not stopping the pace, you leaned in to her ear.
  636. "How?" you whispered with a sultry growl.
  637. >Rarity gave you a weak tap on your hip, a sign she wanted you to get off.
  638. >Obeying, you pulled your fingers out of her and lifted yourself off Rarity and laid down beside her, but not before getting a quick glance at her from above.
  639. >She already looked a mess, her ass cheeks slightly wet from pre-cum, and an area of the bed near her pussy was slightly damp.
  640. >Eh, you didn't mind, you'll wash the sheets tomorrow.
  641. >Laying down next to Rarity, you instinctively started to stroke yourself to keep yourself hard, while Rarity tried catching her breath, lifting a hand to brush it between her hair.
  642. >She needed a moment, and you weren't gonna rush her.
  643. >Rarity got up on all fours and let out a little stretch, puffing her rear outward and letting her skirt slip away, causing her round ass to be exposed to the air.
  644. >You focused on this intently as you jerked yourself off.
  645. >Rarity noticed and let out an embarrassed, but flattered giggle, strained as it was.
  648. >"Don't cum yet, darling," she said as she begun removing her panties and readying herself to climb on top of you, moving your hands away and stopping your fap session.
  649. "Sorry," you apologized, "you just look really cute like this."
  650. >"Hmm," she giggled again, maintaining a blush.
  651. >Rarity climbed over you, quickly adjusting herself so she sat just over your cock.
  652. >She was still fully dressed, skirt and all, but she was completely bare beneath that dress.
  653. >Her tits were hanging out again, this time over the top of her shirt, and still just as hard as before.
  654. >"Do you have a condom?" she asked you.
  655. >Oh yeah, condoms.
  656. >Without moving Rarity, you leaned over to your nightstand and rummaged through the drawers, but after a few moments you were unable to find anything.
  657. >Man, the two of you really do go through these things like candy.
  658. "Damn," you say in disappointment, "guess I gotta go buy some more."
  659. >"It's okay, sweetie," Rarity cooed reassuringly as she rubbed your chest through your shirt slowly. "Just be sure you don't finish inside... okay?"
  660. >You smiled, caressing her hips sensually.
  661. "Of course. But you might have to take your shirt off for that."
  662. >Rarity took a second to interpret that, but when she did, her face turned red and she smiled shyly, but sultry all the same.
  663. >"Okay then..."
  664. >Rarity grabbed your cock with one of her hands, still incredibly soft, and jerked it slowly a couple times, mostly to fluff you up a bit, but also to tease you.
  665. >Once you were at full mast, she balanced herself on her knees, resting them each beside you, and lifted herself up.
  666. >Her pussy was hovering over you for a second as she carefully adjusted herself.
  667. >One of the first times you two had sex, she miscalculated by a few centimeters and nearly pushed you into her urethra.
  668. >That was a painful experience a gal doesn't forget.
  669. >Ever.
  672. >But it didn't take her long to find the right opening.
  673. >She was wet enough that you didn't need any other lubricant, and gently Rarity started to lower herself onto your hard cock.
  674. >Rarity tried to hold in her moan, but halfway in she let out a heavy sigh of pleasure, her body shaking and her legs quivering.
  675. >After a few moments, you bottomed out inside of her, pelvis to pelvis, both of which were completely concealed by her skirt and its length—which to you only made it that much hotter.
  676. >She was still incredibly tight even after all this time, and it was a surprise you didn't just explode inside her already.
  677. >But you listened to her carefully and did your best not to cum inside her, even if you really wanted to.
  678. >You opted to let Rarity relax for a moment to adjust herself, but the girl didn't waste any time in getting busy.
  679. >As soon as you bottomed out, she was already bouncing on your lap, and the room was filling with an audible, repetitive slapping noise accompanied by a wet slickness to it.
  680. >You loosely held onto Rarity's hips, but she was doing most of the work.
  681. >Her hands rested on your stomach as your girlfriend hopped up and down on your cock, taking you up and down with her.
  682. >The bed around you shook, but didn't really creak all that much, which was a godsend when alone.
  683. >You'd hear the bits inside the bed shift and adjust to allow soft "transitions" with every thrust.
  684. >Rarity let out a ragged moan as your cock rubbed against her G-Spot, throwing her rhythm off for a moment.
  685. >Taking control for a second, you gripped Rarity's hips much harder and planted your feet on the bed.
  686. >You then thrust up, penetrating Rarity while keeping her in place.
  687. >"A-Ah!" she gasped as you started to piston your way into her.
  688. >Your shorts, which had been bundled at your ankles, began to affect your stance, so you stopped for a moment and quickly kicked them off the bed along with your underwear before continuing to pound Rarity upward.
  689. >Rarity's hands moved themselves back to rest on your thighs.
  690. >She gripped them tightly to keep herself balanced while you fucked her.
  691. >All to the comfy sound of a piano playing on the televi—
  692. >'Hi tHeRe! Do yOu sUfFeR FrOm eReCtIlE DySfUnCtIoN?'
  693. ...
  694. >...
  695. >The two of you couldn't help but laugh.
  698. >You quickly put a stop to it though before it could completely ruin the mood.
  699. >Grabbing your remote from the nightstand, you shut the TV off, then reached over—adding in a couple thrusts to Rarity's welcome surprise—and turned on your lamp, but adjusted it to a very low setting, enough to see what you were doing at least.
  700. >With nothing left to distract you, you went straight back to fucking.
  701. >Rarity's soft giggle from the interruption quickly transitioned into soft moans once more.
  702. >Her voice bounced along with her, you noticed.
  703. >When she squeaked from the pleasure, you saw her grab a fistful of her hair, only to let go and continue resting her hands in various places around you.
  704. "Fuck..."
  705. >Your hips started to get sore from this position, and you began to slow down.
  706. >Rarity noticed right away and she asked if you wanted her to take over.
  707. "No, I... mmh... got it. Get on the bed?"
  708. >Knowing what you meant, Rarity nodded and immediately began to pull herself off you.
  709. >She crawled onto the bed and lay on all fours, while you got behind her.
  710. >Her ass was massive from this angle.
  711. >God, what fucking luck, motherf—
  712. >With enough to position yourself safely, you wasted no more time and pushed yourself into Rarity, holding her hips for leverage.
  713. >Rarity squealed with lustful glee as you entered her forcefully, and a loud slap of connecting skin echoed.
  714. >And again.
  715. >And again.
  716. >And again.
  717. >In this position, you weren't as tired, and cramping up was next to impossible.
  718. >And you had so much to grab and thrust and play with.
  719. >No wonder everybody loved doggystyle!
  720. >Rarity struggled to keep herself balanced on her hands, trying to keep them gripped to the bedsheets, but inevitably she decided on resting on her elbows.
  721. >Even as the speed you were fucking her, the bed hardly made a creek, but it was bumping into the wall and shifting so much that it was obvious what you were up to to anyone outside.
  722. >But right now, you didn't give a fuck.
  723. >You could feel Rarity's walls contract around you, trying to milk you for a moment, before they relaxed only to do it again a few seconds later.
  724. >Rarity whined and sighed as you pounded her from behind.
  725. >She grabbed one of your pillows and laid it beneath her, allowing her to have some kind of leverage beyond her hands or elbows.
  726. >While you fucked her, you ran one of your hands around one of her ass cheeks, then further up under her shirt to caress her back.
  727. >You were surprised to notice her bra was still on after all this.
  728. >You fiddled with the strap for a few seconds before you could hear an audible click.
  729. >Rarity mumbled incoherently before being able to talk.
  730. >"A-Are you cumming?" she moaned.
  731. "Not yet," you grunted. "You?"
  732. >"Y-Yesssss...!"
  735. >Not a moment later, you could feel her pussy contract again, followed by a flood of liquid coating your pelvis with each thrust.
  736. >Rarity shuddered and her body shook as she rode through an orgasm.
  737. >You knew this wasn't her first one though.
  738. >She probably came at least a couple times before now.
  739. >Nonetheless, you kept pounding her, not relenting even for a moment.
  740. >She wasn't complaining, though.
  741. -BZZZT- /// -BZZZT-
  742. >Rarity's phone began to buzz just beside her.
  743. >She hesitated to grab it at first, but a few seconds later proceeded to open it up.
  744. >It took a moment to actually do that.
  745. >What with you making her bounce back and forth and melting her brain at the same time, but you slowed down enough to give her some breathing room.
  746. "Who is it?" you asked with audible pants.
  747. >"S-Sunset," she answered. "She's asking me what I'm doing right now."
  748. "Well, uh..." You smirked sheepishly and looked at Rarity's ass. "Got any excuses?"
  749. >A couple hanging out alone can only do so much safely before it gets sticky.
  750. >With a curious hum—followed by a brief moan—Rarity hummed again, this time with a devious tone to it.
  751. >You couldn't see her face from here, but you knew she was smirking.
  752. >And it sure as hell wasn't innocent.
  753. >Instead of Rarity replying to Sunset, she turned on her camera.
  754. >With a press of a button, the front facing camera was activated.
  755. >Rarity then held her phone up in a way that concealed your faces, but not any of the action going on.
  756. >"Keep going," Rarity instructed.
  757. "Well, aren't you kinky?" you teased her as you resumed your previous fucking pace.
  758. >Rarity then pressed the red button on her phone, and the next twenty seconds of you fucking her was recorded all for Sunset Shimmer's viewing pleasure.
  759. >Rarity let out a few moans here and there so it wasn't entirely silent, but that was only because you were rubbing against her G-Spot again for a few angled thrusts.
  760. >After twenty seconds, she stopped recording and added some text while you slowed down.
  761. >[We were watching TV... at first...]
  762. >She then hit send and slammed her phone back down onto the bed, buried her face into a pillow, and let out a shivering moan as you resumed your pace.
  763. >To be honest though, this wasn't the first time you and Rarity sent your sexcapades to your circle of friends.
  764. >Last time, Rarity sent a video of her sucking you off to Rainbow Dash.
  765. >According to Rarity, Rainbow needed some "advice" for a date and didn't want to risk getting caught with 'blowjob instructions' in her browser history.
  766. >Which is completely understandab—nnngh...
  769. "Fuck," you moaned, "I'm getting close."
  770. >Almost on command, Rarity rushed to pull her shirt off, along with her bra that had slid down to her stomach without the strap.
  771. >She threw the discarded clothing onto the floor by the bed.
  772. >Feeling your orgasm approaching, you quickly pulled yourself out of Rarity and let your cock rest between her ass cheeks, then began to jerk yourself off.
  773. >Rarity quickly grabbed her phone, which was still on, and turned the camera back on.
  774. >She pointed it in the same way towards you and started to record again
  775. >"Come on, sweetie..." she beckoned in a soft tone, "you can do it~"
  776. >She wiggled her hips, letting her butt jiggle around your aching cock and steady, jerky hand.
  777. >You were almost there, just a few more jerks and...
  778. >"Cum for me~"
  779. >Those words were enough to push you over the edge.
  780. >You let out a strained but heavy sigh as your cock began to spurt all over Rarity, with the first small shot spraying between her ass.
  781. >The second shot, however, hit her back and reached almost to her neck.
  782. >The next few spurts, while not as powerful as the second one, were still enough to coat her back in a visible amount of your cum.
  783. >"There you go..." Rarity encouraged as your remaining cum shots rested in between her ass.
  784. >You slid your now cum-coated cock up and down her ass, soaking her crack with your and her juices.
  785. >Rarity mentions through a giggle that it tickles, just as she ends the recording, no longer than a minute.
  786. >A solid minute of you cumming on Rarity's ass and back.
  787. >Every guy in school is already jealous of you.
  788. >[<3 <3 <3]
  789. >Once she finishes the text, Rarity sends the video to Sunset and turns off her phone screen.
  790. >You'd barely noticed because you were busy catching your own breath and trying not to fall off the bed.
  791. >"Are you okay?" Rarity asked.
  792. "Mm-hmm," you answered slowly, pulling yourself away from Rarity's ass.
  793. >If you could, you'd keep your dick there forever.
  794. >You let out a sigh as you begin to lay on your back.
  795. >You hear Rarity moving about in front of you, but your eyes are hooked to the ceiling for the moment.
  796. >At least until you feel Rarity's hand touching your somewhat-hard dick.
  797. >As soon as you glance down though, her cock is already in your mouth, slurping up and down as she sucks up every ounce of pussy juice or cum she can get.
  798. >You also notice she's holding her phone in her other hand.
  799. >You roll your eyes playfully, lay back again and let her do her magic for a bit.
  800. >Once she finishes cleaning you up, you hear her texting something again before sending her message.
  801. "What did she say?" you weakly ask out of curiosity.
  802. >You push yourself up as Rarity holds her phone screen up in front of you, allowing you to see the conversation going back the last few minutes when she posted the first video.
  803. >[o_o oh wow I thought you guys were just watching tv or something]
  804. >[nvm just saw your text at the bottom]
  805. >[fuck that's a lot]
  806. >[you're thirsty as hell, girl]
  807. >(A lady has needs~)
  810. >After that was the video she just took of her sucking you off, with the caption "Cleaning up" at the bottom.
  811. >Right below that was a still picture of Rarity smiling next to your dick, with a caption that said, "All clean <3".
  812. >Sunset's only response—at least for right now—was a thumbs up and a blushing emoji.
  813. >With your dick cleaned and softened up, you weakly pulled your pants back up and glanced over to Rarity.
  814. >She was drenched in your cum, covering her neck to ass.
  815. >She reached behind with a finger and scooped up the largest globs that formed, then placed it in her mouth.
  816. >Rarity sighed as she cleaned her finger tip to base, then pulled her finger out and reached back for seconds and thirds.
  817. >Even when she cleaned most of it off, she was still too pretty sticky and sweaty to just put her clothes back on.
  818. >"I think I need a shower, after all," she admitted slowly. "I know I don't have another pair of clothes, but..."
  819. >You smiled and patted her hip.
  820. "Go ahead," you assured her. "I'll wash your clothes tonight. Just grab whatever from my closet when you're done, okay?"
  821. >Rarity nodded and smiled.
  822. >"Thank you, sweetie."
  823. >She leaned in to give you a quick kiss, but it ultimately resulted in you kissing for more than a few seconds.
  824. >As soon as she pulled away, she hopped off your bed and you watched as her naked form walked in a "graceful" manner to your bathroom and shut the door behind her.
  825. >You laid in bed for a minute, only getting up once you heard the shower start running.
  826. >It took you another minute to find all of Rarity's clothes; apparently she threw her shirt and bra a lot further than you thought.
  827. >Her skirt was laying by your pillows; you didn't even see her take it off.
  828. >She must've removed it while she was giving you a tongue bath.
  829. >And you were laying on her panties, so those were the first thing you found.
  830. >Once all her clothes were collected, you removed all of your own clothing and once again walked into the hallway with nothing on.
  833. >You entered the laundry room and began prepping the washer, only to find your clothes from earlier still inside.
  834. >You set the new clothes on top of the washer and began transferring the wet clothes from the washer to the dryer, then placed your and Rarity's clothes into the washer.
  835. >Her clothes weren't the kind that would fade or mix with others, so you were able to put them in no problem, and turned on the washer followed by the dryer.
  836. >When you got back to the bedroom, you could hear the shower shut off from the bathroom and decided to get yourself ready for your own shower again.
  837. >You picked out a set of clothes for yourself from the closet and set them on the nearby dresser.
  838. >There was an extra towel sitting in a small pile on one of the closet shelves, so you grabbed it and wrapped it around yourself just as Rarity came out of the bathroom, sporting her own towel covering everything but her shoulders and legs.
  839. >Her hair hanging straight down...
  840. >Goddamn, you were never gonna stop loving that.
  841. >"I left it nice and hot for you in there," Rarity said taking note of your towel.
  842. "Aww, thank you."
  843. >You leaned into her for a quick kiss, to which Rarity giggled and returned.
  844. >It lasted for a couple seconds this time.
  845. >"Any clothing, you said?"
  846. >You nodded.
  847. "Whatever you're comfortable putting on. I'll put your clothes in the dryer once I get out and get them ready for the morning, okay?"
  848. >"Okay," Rarity said with a cute smile.
  849. >While she rummaged through your closet, you went into the bathroom to get ready for your own shower.
  850. >There wasn't anything in that closet anyway that you didn't want Rarity to see.
  851. >Unless she likes looking through a dirty hamper, that is.
  852. >You hopped into the shower quickly and was greeted instantly by hot water, just as Rarity promised.
  853. >You were in and out in five minutes max.
  854. >After a quick shower, you stepped out and dried yourself off.
  855. >Only to realize you forgot your new clothes in the bedroom.
  856. >Again.
  857. >Oh well.
  858. >Hanging your towel over the door rack, you stepped out of the bathroom fully naked.
  859. >You saw Rarity laying in your bed again, this time texting on her phone, at least until she heard the door open and saw you walk in.
  860. >"Ooh la la," she cooed as she put her phone down for a moment, "a new fashion trend?"
  861. "Only if you want it to be," you answered with a quick wink.
  862. >Rarity scoffed playfully and went back to texting, presumably to Sunset.
  863. >You grabbed the clothes from your dresser and began putting them on.
  864. >Like before, you checked yourself in the mirror to make sure you weren't missing anything.
  865. >Sweat pants, short sleeve shirt, socks, boxers...
  866. >Nope, you were good.
  867. >You turned around and made your way over to the bed, only to see what Rarity had picked out for her choice of clothes.
  868. >Short sleeve shirt, check.
  869. >...
  870. >Yep, she was bottomless.
  871. >The little upskirt from this angle confirmed that right away.
  872. >Guess she didn't want to wear your boxers.
  873. >That's alright, you can work with this later.
  876. >You got into your bed and laid yourself right next to Rarity, on your side with the warmth of the lamp beaming behind you.
  877. >Rarity instinctively snuggled up next to you but otherwise kept texting.
  878. >You glanced at her phone and sure enough, it was Sunset she was talking to.
  879. >She'd been updating Sunset on the whole situation at the boutique earlier today.
  880. >Just remembering it got you frowning again, and you nuzzled Rarity affectionately to show her you cared.
  881. >And it was like Sunset read your mind.
  882. >[well I'm glad you have someone like Anon to help you out.]
  883. >(Oh, we helped each other plenty. <3)
  884. >[lol, did u jerk him off too]
  885. >(maybe... ;))
  886. >[oh o_o]
  887. >You and Rarity giggled out loud.
  888. >She and Sunset continued to text each other for a few minutes before you heard the sound of a ding in the hallway, followed by a beep.
  889. >Excusing yourself, you made your way to the laundry room and began to remove your now dry clothing from the dryer and placed it on top, then loaded the wet clothing inside.
  890. >Once the dryer was set, you grabbed the dry clothes and brought them back into the bedroom.
  891. >You opened the dresser and placed them inside as neatly as you could.
  892. >You'll grab Rarity's clothes in the morning.
  893. >As you got back into bed, Rarity and Sunset texted goodnight to one another.
  894. >By now, it was almost midnight, which was the perfect time to finally start getting tired.
  895. >Rarity yawned, then you yawned after her.
  896. >"Do you think Sew The Line is still on at this hour?"
  897. >That was a good question, actually.
  898. >You knew it was on pretty late, but weren't sure about LATE late.
  899. >So you grabbed the remote and turned the TV back on, and it was still on the same channel.
  900. >And indeed, a new episode of Sew The Line was just getting ready to start.
  901. >Get it?
  904. >Rarity let out another squeal of excitement and snuggled up to you while the show went through its basic introduction.
  905. >However, it seemed to be a rerun of the episode that played earlier.
  906. >You didn't mind, though.
  907. >You two DID get kind of... busy near the end.
  908. >With Rarity in your hold, you turned off the lamp and laid in your bed with the only source of light being the television.
  909. >As calm and relaxing as it was, sometimes it could be a little boring.
  910. >But it was nice to watch a dress be made from start to finish without ads or annoying cunts talking through the entire goddamn process.
  911. >It was succinct, and you were just fine with that.
  912. >An hour later, they showed the finished dress from all possible angles, the actual time it took to make this—as most episodes are usually scaled down in time for TV purposes—and then let the credits roll.
  913. >You had to admit, that was a pretty sweet dress.
  914. "Think you could make one better?" you asked Rarity.
  915. >No response.
  916. "Rarity?"
  917. >You looked down to your chest, only to find Rarity passed out and snoring hard, something you didn't notice until just now.
  918. >With a snort and a chuckle, you leaned down and kissed Rarity between the strands of her hair like before.
  919. "Goodnight, sweetie," you whispered to her, hoping her dreams would carry it along to her.
  920. >After briefly adjusting your position in bed, you kept Rarity in your arms and laid fully back with your head sinking into the pillows.
  921. >With a sigh, you closed your eyes and felt yourself drift off to sleep.
  924. -------------
  926. >The sound of chirping birds was the first thing you heard to wake you up.
  927. >You stretched out your legs and moved your body.
  928. >A crack in your back was heard, and you sunk back into the bed.
  929. >The bedroom was still pretty dark thanks to the blackout curtains, but there was just enough of an opening to allow a sliver of sunlight to shine through on you.
  930. >You winced and lazily lifted your foot up against it in an effort to shut out the light for a little while longer.
  931. >But all your moving and lazy kicking ended up waking Rarity, who mumbled and brushed her face accidentally against your chest.
  932. >"Mmmh..."
  933. >Once you gave up your effort, you laid your feet back down on the bed, to which Rarity's intertwined with yours.
  934. >She lifted her head up from your chest and rubbed her eyes with a hand.
  935. >A cool breeze ran through the room and made the both of you shiver for a moment.
  936. >"Annnhnn...?" she mumbled before opening her mouth in a yawn.
  937. "Hey... good morning~"
  938. >"Was that you...?"
  939. "Yeah..." you answered sheepishly. "Sorry. I was trying to close the blinds."
  940. >"Hmm?"
  941. >Rarity tiredly turned around to look at your curtains blocking out nearly all sunlight.
  942. >"Oh! When did you buy these? I haven't noticed these before."
  943. "I spent some of my allowance on these right after school on Friday. The old ones were falling apart and I always wanted to see what blackout curtains were like."
  944. >Now more awake, Rarity looked all around your bedroom, which was still pretty dark and moody with an occasional hint of light.
  945. >You both turned to look at the clock, reading as just past 8AM.
  946. >Rarity hummed with a look of astonishment, then giggled a moment later.
  947. >"Well then, I can definitely see the appeal."
  950. >The two of you embraced each other and locked lips, caressing Rarity's shoulders while she massaged your stomach.
  951. >You moaned into her mouth as she touched your lap.
  952. >She pulled away to let out a lazy giggle.
  953. >"Morning wood?"
  954. >You nodded and chuckled.
  955. >"You want me to help with it?"
  956. "I mean, if you want, I don't mind."
  957. >You didn't mind morning sex, honestly, but only as long as she was fully awake rather than groggy.
  958. >However, whether she was fully awake or half, Rarity didn't mind making your "problem" go away.
  959. >Her currently pulling down your sweat pants might've given it away—at least a little.
  960. >You helped her and lifted your hips off the bed, allowing you to slide your pants and boxers down to your knees with ease.
  961. >As soon as it was free, your hardened morning wood sprung free from its confinement.
  962. >"What do you want me to do this time?" Rarity asked in a hushed whisper.
  963. >She'd ask you sometimes what you were wanting the most in that moment, in case anything felt stale.
  964. >And you haven't really had the chance to use her mouth properly yet this weekend...
  965. "You comfy with a blowjob?"
  966. >"Mm-hmm," she nodded.
  967. >Rarity licked her lips with anticipation, then leaned her head down from your chest to your shaft.
  968. >She opened her mouth and brought her tongue forward.
  969. >Her warm breath made you throb before she even touched you.
  970. >But you still weren't prepared for her tongue to begin lapping around the head of your cock.
  971. >She hadn't done that in a while, but she definitely remembered just how sensitive your head could be when she wanted your best reactions.
  972. >You don't mind her doing it more often.
  973. >You let out a relaxed sigh as Rarity teased your dick, either sucking on the head or giving it kisses from tip to base like last night.
  974. >On occasion you glanced at her and then to the ceiling, then back to her.
  975. >After a couple minutes of teasing, you heard her begin typing on her phone and looked down, only to see her giving Sunset a good morning text.
  976. >It was just a wholesome conversation, greeting her like good friends should always greet each other every morn—aaaaaand she's turning on her camera again.
  977. >What's she gonna do this tiOH FUCK~
  978. >Without warning, Rarity took damn near your whole shaft into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat just a few centimeters away from the base.
  979. >You started coughing as your spit went down the wrong pipe, but started moaning when you could.
  980. >The whole time, Rarity was recording with the face camera, no doubt ready to give Sunset a view.
  981. >After a moment of stillness, Rarity began bobbing her head up and down on your shaft, sucking up any slob she left behind.
  984. >She reached her left hand out for either of your own hands.
  985. >You grabbed it with your own left hand and gave it a squeeze to let Rarity know she was doing a good job.
  986. >At the same time, Rarity was busy adding text to her newest video.
  987. >[Breakfast in bed, what a gentleman~]
  988. >That was what you could make out.
  989. >Rarity pulled her hand away from yours in order to better balance herself on the bed as she took you into her mouth.
  990. >She hovered over your lap in a precarious position as to not put weight on you, all while blowing and now jerking you with her hand.
  991. >Here, Rarity was a complete 180 from how she was laying just a couple minutes ago, with her feet now resting by your head.
  992. >Taking your right hand, you trailed a finger up and down her left leg softly and slowly.
  993. >Rarity gasped—or tried to gasp with cock in her mouth—emitting a hum that ran through your shaft and made you shiver with joy.
  994. >After a few quick jerks followed by some 'deep' licks, Rarity removed her hand from your dick and reached down to grab the hem of her shirt.
  995. >She pulled them up, and you quickly remembered that was the ONLY thing she was wearing.
  996. >And now you had her plump ass facing you once again.
  997. >Hey, you weren't complaining.
  998. >Your right hand reached out and slowly ran its way across Rarity's round ass cheeks, lightly tapping on them here and there but no spanking.
  999. >Her body sported goosebumps again and she let out a muffled giggle that vibrated your dick again.
  1000. >The sound of slurping was the only sound you heard in the room beyond the digital clacking of her phone.
  1001. >You couldn't see the conversation anymore from the way Rarity held her phone, but you could pretty much imagine what they were talking about.
  1002. >While Rarity was distracted with her morning gossip, you traced one of your fingers around her slit, causing her to gasp and mess up her text.
  1003. >At the same time, she sent it without having any chance to change it.
  1004. >With an 'oh ha ha' look on her face, she showed you her phone screen.
  1005. >[The dress from last night's episode was very oversweetness.]
  1006. >You stifled a laugh with your free hand, only to let out another moan as Rarity deep-throats you suddenly, before continuing her previous bobbing.
  1007. >It got to the point where you were starting to thrust in rhythm with her, but not so much to make much difference.
  1008. >Your right hand trailed back around Rarity's pussy; your pointer finger and thumb massaged the folds of her slit, emitting a soft whine from her.
  1011. >You waited a few seconds until she was just wet enough, and then you slipped your pointer and middle fingers into her dripping entrance.
  1012. >Once they were deep enough, you pulled them almost entirely out, then pushed them back in, getting into a similar rhythm as her bobbing, which seemed to turn her on only more.
  1013. >Using your other hand, you reached out and gently pet her head for a minute, trying to ignore the throbbing in your cock.
  1014. "You like it when I finger you?" you whispered to her in a growl.
  1015. >"Mm-hmm..." she answered weakly.
  1016. >You dug your fingers deeper and began to quickly massage her G-Spot, eliciting a muffled scream and sigh.
  1017. "What about now?"
  1018. >Even with your dick in her mouth, she was still trying her best to answer.
  1019. >"M-Mm-hmm!"
  1020. >Without warning, you smacked her left ass cheek.
  1021. >The sound zipped around the room like a whip.
  1022. >Rarity gasped through cock, and she stopped bobbing her head for just a moment.
  1023. >She stared forward towards the door and was very still.
  1024. >And judging from the extra hint of wetness from her pussy, you already knew why.
  1025. >She liked getting spanked.
  1026. >You'd never spanked her before.
  1027. >But something was telling you that you were gonna be doing that a whole lot more from now on.
  1028. >While she was standing still in what must've been arousal and embarrassment, you took the opportunity and started to thrust into her mouth, earning a shudder from Rarity who moved her head very little.
  1029. >That just made you thrust harder, as if like a punishment for her.
  1030. >But you knew this was anything but a punishment for Rarity.
  1031. >She even tried to record herself again, but she was so overwhelmed already that she gave up on even trying to hold up the phone.
  1032. >So you did it for her.
  1033. >You grabbed her phone, turned on the camera, and began recording.
  1034. "Look at me," you ordered Rarity, but she didn't seem to hear you that time.
  1035. >You spanked her again, much harder, enough to give her ass a red hand mark.
  1036. "Look at me."
  1037. >This time your voice was louder, but you maintained a deep growl to it.
  1038. >Rarity eyed you with a submissive look, her face red with pure confused but acceptable arousal.
  1039. >Her head was as still as it could be while you shoved your cock in and out of her, taking in the sensation of her tongue and overall warmth.
  1040. >Your fingers were giving her G-Spot a deep scratching.
  1041. >She was whining plenty by now, unable to keep herself quiet.
  1042. >Her legs and arms were shaking, the latter threatening to give up on her.
  1043. >Still, you didn't stop, and she didn't want you to.
  1046. "You like it when I fuck your mouth?" you asked her. "You like it when I do this to you? Make you feel like a toy? Are you gonna cum for me?"
  1047. >She really struggled to give an answer, but she was able to mutter an "mm-hmm" for you.
  1048. "Then cum for me. Come on, you can do it."
  1049. >Just a reminder that you aren't the best at dirty talk.
  1050. >But you still try regardless, and to a point, it's effective.
  1051. >Though that might be your fingers doing most of the work.
  1052. >You spank her harder.
  1053. "Cum for me."
  1054. >Rarity tries to say something, but it's drowned out by your thrusting and her moaning.
  1055. >Not giving her a chance to speak, you spank her much, much harder.
  1056. "I said cum for me."
  1057. >Moments later you feel her walls begin to tighten around your fingers, and she let out a muffled wail of pleasure as her orgasm hit her.
  1058. >Her right leg twitched and her toes curled, while more juices flowed from her pussy, but it was never a squirt.
  1059. >She gripped your shirt tightly, and her right hand stayed planted firmly on the bed between your legs, but her head was much lower, making it easier to fuck her mouth this way.
  1060. >It didn't take long for you to start feeling it.
  1061. "I'm gonna cum," you tell her. "You ready, Rare? You ready for me to cum in your mouth?"
  1062. >Even in a daze, she hummed in affirmation.
  1063. >You'd almost forgotten you were still recording her.
  1064. >You held the phone up and focused solely on Rarity and the facefucking she was currently taking.
  1065. >You could feel your dick begin to throb and the head of it begin to flare, prompting you to thrust harder, but you were careful not to hurt Rarity this way.
  1066. >"Glk glk glk," Rarity moaned repeatedly.
  1067. >You kept your fingers planted firmly in her pussy and rubbed her G-Spot.
  1068. >Every time she had even a moment, she sucked in a heavy breath through her nose, only to moan again with her warm breath covering your shaft.
  1069. >Your thrusts started to falter both from your hips cramping and your approaching orgasm.
  1070. >It got to the point where you had no choice but to stop, leaving Rarity confused as she weakly eyed you from the side.
  1071. "Cramp," you sighed sheepishly. "You still want my cum? Work for it."
  1072. >Her face was still red from her orgasm and your assault on her mouth, and she looked tired herself, but she was a lady.
  1073. >And a lady doesn't leave a gentlemen waiting, right?
  1074. >With newfound strength, Rarity grabbed your shaft with her left hand and started to bob her head quickly up and down.
  1075. >Your breaths grew shaky, and you instinctively started to stretch your legs out, increasing the pleasure tenfold.
  1076. >The phone camera was focused solely on Rarity and her skills front and center.
  1077. >Off screen, you continued to play with her insides, and the look on her face signaled she was gonna cum again.
  1078. >And so were you.
  1079. "I'm gonna cum," you whispered to Rarity as the sensation built up. "You gonna cum for me again?"
  1080. >She whimpered a yes.
  1081. "Cum for me, come on. Cum for me..."
  1082. >She sucked you faster.
  1083. >You rubbed her deeper.
  1086. >As soon as her walls clenched around you again, and she started squealing with reckless abandon, you couldn't hold yourself back.
  1087. "Good girl—"
  1088. >With a heavy sigh, you started to cum in Rarity's mouth, with the first spurt bursting out and into the back of her throat.
  1089. >It caught Rarity by surprise, but she took it like a champ and immediately began to swallow it, along with the second, third, and fourth spurts that came out.
  1090. >You felt your cock throb several times, but not all of them were cum shots.
  1091. >Rarity continued to suck, but was much slower while you were cumming.
  1092. >It made the experience that much more amazing.
  1093. >You massaged her G-Spot slowly as she came down from her own orgasm, a bit of a 'good job' gesture for her, before pulling your drenched fingers out of her pussy.
  1094. >After several seconds, your orgasm subsided, and Rarity let out a satisfied sigh, as did you.
  1095. >A few seconds after that, she started to bob again, already eager to clean you up.
  1096. "Good girl~"
  1097. >You say before finally pressing the 'stop recording' button on the video.
  1098. >The video was immediately saved to her gallery, but you were able to make edits of it.
  1099. "What should I write?" you ask, unsure of what to type.
  1100. >"Mmm, mm-mmm mmm," she mumbled and held out her hand towards you.
  1101. >Which was likely Blowjob for "Let me see."
  1102. >You handed her the phone and while she continued to clean you off, you lifted her legs and grabbed two handfuls of her booty.
  1103. >With enough strength, you lifted her onto your chest in a 69 position.
  1104. >You learned forward and began to lick her pussy, trying your best to return the favor and clean her off too.
  1105. >Rarity gasped and moaned on your dick, but otherwise didn't protest or make you stop.
  1106. >She instead leaned further back onto you, wanting you to go deeper.
  1107. >You cleaned her pussy with your tongue, giving her clit the occasional lapping tease, but once it seemed clean enough, you started to lick off any juices clinging to her thighs and parts of her ass.
  1108. >She giggled, no doubt it felt ticklish to her.
  1109. >Up ahead, you heard her clacking on her digital keyboard, followed by a whoosh, indicating she sent the video to Sunset.
  1112. >A whopping 3 minutes of you fucking Rarity's throat and painting it with cum, with the text saying [He had morning wood... ^-^;]
  1113. >Probably the second-longest video you two have recorded besides the Blowjob Tutorial for Rainbow Dash.
  1114. >It didn't take long for you to completely lick clean Rarity's backside, leaving it as fresh as a daisy.
  1115. >You gave her slit a kiss and patted her on the butt.
  1116. >Immediately after, she did the same to your cock and started pulling your shorts back up—with your help, of course.
  1117. >With little strength, Rarity lifts herself off you and turns around to face you, pulling her shirt down over her ass.
  1118. >She cuddled up beside you and sighed in bliss.
  1119. "Thank you," you said to her sweetly. "You okay? I wasn't too rough with you, was I?"
  1120. >"Actually... not at all," she answered hesitantly, but in a curious manner. "I've just... it's been a while since I've been "used" like that."
  1121. "Is that... bad?"
  1122. >Rarity blushed and shook her head.
  1123. >"No. In fact... I think I liked it... a lot more than I was expecting."
  1124. "And the spanking...?"
  1125. >Her eyes lit up as she looked into yours.
  1126. >"Darling, you can spank me whenever you want."
  1127. >U-Unf.
  1128. "Whatever you want, Princess."
  1129. >You smiled sweetly at her and nuzzled her nose, to which she returned the gesture with a giggle.
  1130. >It didn't take long for you to start kissing her, her lips just being so intoxicating.
  1131. >You didn't care that she had a mouthful of cock just moments ago.
  1132. >She's more than earned kissy-time.
  1133. >Your lips mashed together with hers softly yet so desperately.
  1134. >Her hands sat around your waist, while yours gradually travelled down her body until they found themselves back at her butt.
  1135. >You smirked through the kiss.
  1136. SMACK!
  1137. >"Yowp!" Rarity shrieked as you spanked her ass through the shirt.
  1138. >At first, you thought you'd gone a bit far despite her suggestion.
  1139. >But a moment later, she started giggling and playfully smacking your shoulder.
  1140. >"Enjoying your privilege already?" she teased as she went back in for another kiss.
  1141. >Throughout your kiss-turned-makeout-session, you smiled.
  1142. "Well, you DID say whenever..."
  1143. >"Oh shush, you."
  1144. >You gave her a wink and continued to kiss her.
  1145. >It lasted for another minute before the two of you finally pulled away, but deep down neither of you wanted to do that.
  1146. >You stayed huddled in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth of her body against your own.
  1147. >You both stayed that way for no more than twenty minutes, just basking in the afterglow and enjoying the stillness.
  1148. >But eventually, the day was gonna have to begin.
  1149. "So," you sighed, "what do you wanna do today?"
  1150. >"What time do your parents get home?"
  1151. "Not until 7, at the earliest. Why? You got an idea?"
  1152. >"Oh... maybe just a few..."
  1154. -------------
  1156. >Those few ideas consisted of laying in bed, cuddling together, and watching episodes of Sew The Line for hours.
  1157. >You both lasted two episodes before you went back to sleep.
  1158. >The two of you awoke close to 1PM, only getting up to go into the kitchen and make some lunch.
  1159. >No culinary showing off today.
  1160. >Rarity was actually craving more PB&J.
  1161. >Worked for you.
  1162. >No one can resist PB&J.
  1163. >After a healthy snack and a glass of cold milk to wash it down, it was back to the bedroom for a solid hour of making out and dry humping.
  1164. >Of course, with Rarity wearing nothing underneath that shirt, it didn't take long for dry humping to turn into actual fucking.
  1165. >It was the same routine, with her clothes ending up on the floor and you finishing on her back.
  1166. >The two of you showered together, but there was no sex to be had in there, otherwise your dick would probably fall off.
  1167. >But there was plenty of kissing involved, at least.
  1168. >Once the two of you got out and dried off, you nudely made your way to the laundry room and grabbed both sets of dry clothing.
  1169. >Rarity delicately clothed herself, starting with her panties and working her way up.
  1170. >She checked herself in the mirror and she looked just as fine and cute as she did yesterday.
  1171. >You got your clothes on much quicker, but still did your best to look appropriate for your girl.
  1172. "How do I look?" you asked Rarity for her opinion.
  1173. >"As dashing as ever," she said, not a hint of a lie in her voice.
  1174. >Rarity was sometimes cheesy, but you loved cheesy.
  1175. >You gave her a peck on the lips and went over to the bed to check your phone.
  1176. >It was inching close to 4:30PM.
  1177. >Rarity's parents wanted her to be home by 5 to watch over Sweetie Belle while they went out for their anniversary.
  1178. >Normally, Rarity didn't really want to, but this was the only occasion she was totally fine with.
  1179. >You walked Rarity to the door and waited patiently as she put her socks and shoes on.
  1180. >"There we go," Rarity said to herself as her shoes were strapped properly.
  1181. >She stood up and turned to face you, hands in hands.
  1182. >"I know I've already said it before, but... thank you for listening to me rant yesterday about those frat boys."
  1183. "Hey," you said gently, "never be afraid to talk to me about your problems, either on the phone or in person."
  1186. >Rarity sighed.
  1187. >"I wish I could stay a little bit longer. I admire your mothers, I really do. But being alone with you is just so comforting."
  1188. "Well... my parents are planning another out-of-town trip in a few weeks for Spring Break. That's a solid week of no parents at home. Wink wink?"
  1189. >You awkwardly winked twice, earning a giggle from her.
  1190. >"I'll put it on my calendar," she whispered in a sultry tone before kissing you on the cheek.
  1191. >Your heart jumped in your chest, and judging by her lip bite, so did hers.
  1192. >She leaned into you and the two of you touched lips again, embracing each other in another of many tender kisses today.
  1193. >Pulling away from her lips was always the worst feeling, even if you had no choice.
  1194. "I love you, Rarity."
  1195. >She looked into your eyes and smiled with a slight tremble in her body.
  1196. >"And I love you, Anon."
  1197. >You brushed your thumbs against the palms of her hands.
  1198. "I should probably let you go now," you said, realizing the two of you stood there in growing awkward silence for a few seconds.
  1199. >She chuckled.
  1200. >"I'll text you when I get home, okay?"
  1201. "Okay," you replied with a smile.
  1202. >You pulled away from her hands and walked over to the door.
  1203. >You unlocked the hatch and pulled the door open to a decently warm breeze compared to yesterday.
  1204. >Stepping aside, you allowed Rarity to walk past you, but not before she gave you another quick kiss on the lips.
  1205. >Your heart always fluttered when she did that.
  1206. >"Bye," she said softly with a smile.
  1207. "Bye," you said back, doing the same.
  1208. >Finally, Rarity turned away and walked down the steps of your front porch.
  1209. >As she walked away, she turned around and gave you a wave goodbye
  1210. >You waved back in the same fashion, never taking the smile off your face.
  1211. >You watched her make her way to the sidewalk before you finally closed the door, and even then you watched her walk down the sidewalk until you couldn't see her no more.
  1212. >You locked the door once more and turned around, looking at a now empty living room.
  1213. >Man, it always sucked when Rarity left.
  1214. >Even if you were gonna see her again at school tomorrow AND text her as soon as she gets home, being physically alone just felt dull nowadays.
  1215. >You took a whiff of the air in the living room and already you felt lonely.
  1216. >Like, you could just smell her and—
  1217. >Wait.
  1219. >Oh yeah.
  1220. >You can smell her.
  1221. >And the sex.
  1222. >All of it.
  1225. >Instead of lounging about, you were now on a mission to clean the house for the next two hours.
  1226. >Cleaning the dishes was easy, a quick wash and load it all in the dishwasher.
  1227. >You grabbed your pillows and juice-and-cum stained sheets and threw them into the washer.
  1228. >While that ran, you grabbed Febreeze and sprayed your bedroom until it smelled like nothing but cinnamon and strawberries.
  1229. >Around 5PM, you threw your sheets and pillows into the dryer and let it run.
  1230. >Soon after that, Rarity sent you a text letting you know she made it home, and the two of you chatted while you cleaned.
  1231. >[My parents believed me <3]
  1232. [Nice. Where are they going tonight?]
  1233. >[Cliffside Carnegie, downtown. That's where they went on their first date.]
  1234. [Aww]
  1235. >You tried to take Rarity to a fancy restaurant on your first date with her, but by the time you could put forth a reservation, they were already full.
  1236. >So you tried to find something equally as good but were forced to settle for a place Meloniqué on the edge of town.
  1237. >It was not as fancy as they promised, and there were a lot of kids running around screaming their head off, like a slightly richer Chuck E. Cheese that not even the richest patrons wanted to attend.
  1238. >You were mortified and embarrassed that you put Rarity through that.
  1239. >But she knew and understood that you really tried your best to give her a good time.
  1240. >And for the second date, you did just that.
  1241. >[What are you up to right now?]
  1242. [Just cleaning up ;)]
  1243. >[Oh my ;)]
  1244. >It took rereading it to realize how it sounded.
  1245. [Not like that ^-^; I'm washing the sheets and cleaning the house before my parents get home]
  1246. >[Oh! I guess we went a bit overboard.]
  1247. [Nah, I'm okay with it. You?]
  1248. >[Always~ I just don't want you getting into trouble]
  1249. [I probably wouldn't get in trouble. It would probably just be very awkward...]
  1250. >[I... can imagine ><]
  1251. >Though, it would be kind of entertaining to watch your two moms try to explain safe sex to you.
  1252. [How's Sweetie Belle?]
  1253. >[A pain, but... she's still doing good. She had a math test on Friday and passed! She always had trouble in that subject. <3]
  1254. [Sweet! Did she get help from Twilight?]
  1255. >[Actually... I helped her. I'm not a fan of math like Twilight, but I know a thing or two about solving formulas~]
  1256. [Aww, such a great sister, aren't ya~]
  1257. >[I suppose <3]
  1260. >You and Rarity talked about anything interesting that came to mind, while you also focused on finishing your cleansing.
  1261. >Around 6PM, you took out your sheets and pillows and brought them back to your bedroom and began preparing your bed.
  1262. >After everything was placed and tucked in, you flopped onto your bed and sighed heavily as the warmth seeped into your body.
  1263. >That was the best part of cleaning the sheets.
  1264. >After a few minutes of lazing on the bed, you did one more quick run through of the house.
  1265. >There was not a trace of Rarity having been here at all this weekend.
  1266. >Not a plate or capsule of lipstick to be seen.
  1267. >Just in time to get a message from one of your moms, Jane Doe.
  1268. >(We'll be back in twenty minutes! You craving pizza?)
  1269. >Oh, that's right, it's Sunday!
  1270. [Sure!]
  1271. >So you went back to your bedroom and stayed in bed until your parents got home.
  1272. >You sent Rarity a couple texts asking how babysitting Sweetie was going for her.
  1273. >She sent a pic back of a painting Sweetie Belle had made.
  1274. >Of you.
  1275. [Awwww~]
  1276. >Twenty minutes later, you heard the sound of your front door unlocking.
  1277. >You turned off your phone and went into the living room to be greeted by your mothers, with your other mother, Melodic Rover, holding a box of fresh pizza.
  1278. >"Hi, sweetie!" your mother Jane said to you with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
  1279. >Most kids would be embarrassed by a gesture, but it was pretty comforting getting it from your mom.
  1280. "Hey, moms," you replied to both of them. "How was your weekend?"
  1281. >"It was pretty great," Mel replied. "We came across a herd of deer that ate our lunch yesterday, which wasn't very fun. But we were able to feed them cheese, so it worked out."
  1282. >"How about you? How was your weekend?"
  1283. >Let's see...
  1284. >Hung out with Rarity, check.
  1285. >Made out with Rarity, check.
  1286. >Fucked Rarity, check.
  1287. >Discovered a new kink for Rarity, check.
  1288. >Came on Rarity multiple times, check.
  1289. >Showered with Rarity, check.
  1290. >Snuggled the shit out of Rarity, absolutely check.
  1291. >You looked at your mothers and smirked.
  1292. "Eh, it was alright."
  1295. -------------
  1298. Wednesday Afternoon, Three Days Later...
  1300. >It was another successful day at the Canterlot University Frat House.
  1301. >Another day of partying, drinking, and screwing to the top.
  1302. >The President of the frat group, Spark Fester, was enjoying another chug of beer as his fellow frat brothers played a game of beer pong.
  1303. >The Vice President kept losing, enough that he quit and walked off.
  1304. >Pansy.
  1305. *DING DONG*
  1306. >The front door bell rang throughout the house.
  1307. >"Aww man, that's not the Dean, is it?" Spark asked aloud to no one in particular.
  1308. >He got up from the couch and made his way over to the front door.
  1309. >He opened it only to find nobody standing there, but when he looked down, there were six boxes of fresh pizza sitting at the doorstep.
  1310. >On the top box was a note.
  1311. >"What the?" Spark said as he reached down and grabbed the note.
  1312. >~~On the house, boys! Enjoy! -Dean Velvet~~
  1313. >"Aww, sweet! Yo, guys! Dean bought us a bunch of pizza!"
  1314. >Cheers were heard throughout the frat house as Spark grabbed the boxes of pizza, went inside, and shut the door.
  1315. >...
  1316. >...
  1317. >...
  1319. >The cheers just moments ago turned to feminine screams and squeals of horror.
  1320. >And not too far away, laying in the bushes and out of sight, was you—laughing your ass off.
  1321. >You know what they say...
  1322. >Lust stings.
  1325. -END

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