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Zecora and Anon [WIP]

By bago
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-23 05:51:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Zecora and Anon
  2. I'm a lazy sumbitch so who knows when I'll ever finish this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. ----
  5. >Be Anonymous.
  6. >Be completely spent after yet another long day at work.
  7. >You barely manage to muster up enough strength just to steady the key in your hand and turn the knob into your home, letting the door swing closed behind you.
  8. >You wonder how many people they're going to have to lay off before it's your turn.
  9. >You even wonder how much longer it'll take for this overtime to kill you.
  10. >You're not sure which one will happen first but you're starting to think death is the better option here.
  11. >If it weren't for the fact that you needed the money to pay for your little one-room apartment you would've quit a long time ago and found something that actually interested you in the slightest.
  12. >You drop your laptop bag near the door and half-heartedly shamble into your room managing to kick each shoe off one at a time.
  13. >You have no idea where the second one went but that's a problem for future you.
  14. >As you enter into your room you see the target in sight, your ever welcoming bed and blanket just asking for your presence.
  15. >You summon up your last reserves of strength to perform the hardest part of your nightly routine.
  16. >The undressing.
  17. -
  18. >The pants are first as they're the easiest part of the equation.
  19. >You grab your phone from your pocket and give your pants a slight push, sighing gratefully when they fall past your ankles without a fight.
  20. >Kicking them off into a dark corner of the room you continue the torturous process.
  21. >Halfway there, the only thing left is the shirt.
  22. >You're not sure what you look like while trying to take your shirt off, but you can only hope that the fight looks less embarrassing than it feels.
  23. >With one last grunt of effort you finally free yourself of the damned thing, tossing it blissfully as far away from you as possible.
  24. >In your boxers and t-shirt you stand triumphant.
  25. >You haphazardly set your phone on the nightstand not even bothering to plug it in.
  26. >You can only hope that future Anon will forgive you for yet another problem he has to deal with in the morning.
  27. >Collapsing into bed, you gladly accept the heavenly comfort of your blankets and settle into your superior sleeping position; one leg hanging out of the blanket.
  28. >Finally comfortable you allow your poor eyelids to rest.
  29. -
  30. >Closing your eyes you feel yourself falling. No not falling asleep, but actually falling.
  31. >Your eyes shoot open at the sudden motion as you flail your arms in a vain attempt to grab anything as you fall back through your own bed.
  32. >If Wes Craven has taught you anything it's that falling into your own bed usually has a messy ending.
  33. "Not like this Freddy not like thi-!"
  34. *THUNK*
  35. >Had your skull not just collided with something cold and hard you would've finished your plea to the knife-glove wielding dream killer. But you figure that even he would have to understand the sudden interruption on account that you are blacking out.
  36. >Heh, looks like you got your wish after all.
  37. -
  38. >Ok maybe not blacking out... yet. You're definitely slipping in and out of consciousness but you've managed to take in some aspects of whatever this place is just by looking around.
  39. >For one thing, you're outside... you think. It's pretty dark but if you squint just right you can just barely see some far off specs of light.
  40. >You tried blinking them away to see if maybe you were just hallucinating but they haven't budged.
  41. >Another thing that's also weirding you out is that you can still see into your room... well the ceiling of it at least
  42. >You try to focus your vision more but the harder you squint the fuzzier everything gets, it looks like all that straining finally caught up to you.
  43. >You never were the most religious person and you're not sure who or what'll greet you when you wake up but whatever it is owes you one hell of an explanation.
  44. -
  45. >Darkness.
  46. >That's the first thing you become aware of... that's kinda just all there is actually.
  47. >Just an endless void of nothing.
  48. >It's not scary or anything it just feels... neutral would be the best way to describe it.
  49. >Seeing that you've never died before you're really unsure about what the hell is going on.
  50. >You've heard the stories about the so-called "light at the end of the tunnel" being what to expect, but you couldn't really consider anything that lead up to this being par for the course now could you.
  51. >Oh yeah, you still have to ask about that when whatever it is that's in charge of this place gets here.
  52. >Actually now that you think about it, where exactly is 'here'? You weren't the best person in life but you highly doubted that you were in hell, at least not the biblical version of fire and brimstone.
  53. >This also didn't seem anything like heaven at all either, no fluffy clouds to walk on, no pearly gateway, no cherubim to greet you... actually, you're kinda happy about that one, the last thing you want to see approaching you right now is a flying four-headed biblical abomination yelling "do not be afraid!"
  54. >Man Sunday school was weird.
  55. -
  56. >Ok now this is ridiculous and frankly just downright unprofessional for afterlife standards, just how long have you been floating here?
  57. >You weren't so keen about that whole cherubim thing twenty minutes ago but at least that would've been a change of scenery, albeit a slightly terrifying one.
  58. >You know come it think of it this kind of reminds you of that one scene from Spy Kids.
  59. >Goddamnit is all your brainpower devoted to breathing and movie knowledge... well with the whole death thing factoring in you guess it's just all parts movie knowledge up there now. Huh? Who knew those middle-of-the-night TV Trope sessions would pay of-AGH!
  63. >SOMETHING THAT IS...surprisingly soft?
  64. -

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