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Rainbow Dash Adultery

By bago
Created: 2021-04-23 06:32:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon!?"
  2. >You freeze, still half inside Derpy and still with your arm wrapped around her leg.
  3. "U-Uh.. Hey, Dashie!"
  4. >"What the fuck is this!?"
  5. >She storms into the room, ripping off the head of her wonderbolt suit and pushing you aggressively so you fall onto your back.
  6. >The grey pegasus quickly hovers up and away from the bed, blushing and trying to hide herself away.
  7. >"Oh, so I'm gone for one hour and you're fucking some other mare in our bed!? What the fuck is your problem, Anon?"
  8. "Look... we just got a little carried away."
  9. >You reach out to comfort her but she's having none of it, swiping your arm away.
  10. >"I'll say! Is this what you're always doing while I'm out? I'm not good enough or something?"
  11. "No! I love you, it's just..."
  12. >"Just what? Strangely enough, Anon, when you love somepony you usually don't go and fuck somepony else behind their back."
  13. >She holds her hoof against her brow and sighs, still shaking with anger.
  14. >"You know what? I'm done."
  15. "Wait.. what?"
  16. >"We're through! You can just go fuck little miss retard over there. Y'know, you were really lucky, Anon. I actually loved you, and some of the things I let you do to me... you're gonna have a hard time finding anypony else who'll do that shit. Now get out of my fucking house."
  17. "Where will I go?"
  18. >"Not my problem."
  19. "I can't even get back to ground level without-"
  20. >"Not. My. Fucking. Problem."
  21. >Her face is practically pressed up against yours, nostrils flaring and eyes fixed with indignation.
  22. >You can tell she means it.
  23. >Leaving the room, you glance back one more time. This is really it. You can't say it's not your fault, but you also can't say you don't miss her already.

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