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Fluttershy Butt Crush

By bago
Created: 2021-04-23 06:35:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon! How did you... get this?"
  2. "I have my sources."
  3. >Fluttershy looks down at the piece of incriminating evidence and then back up at you.
  4. >"I-If anypony found out about this... I could never show my face in Ponyville again."
  5. "That would be a shame."
  6. >"You're going to... destroy this, right? R-Right?"
  7. >Her eyes beg, two puppy dog pools that tear up slightly at the sides.
  8. "Of course, but there's something I want from you first."
  9. >"Oh, anything! D-Do you want some advice on pet grooming? Or... maybe I could help you paint a wall or something? I-I'm not that good at it, but I'd be happy to help with whatever you want."
  10. >You smirk, watching her as she innocently waits for your answer.
  11. >Without saying a word, you head over to one of the small faux trees she has in her cottage, picking up one of the small red squirrels that sits on it and bringing it over to her.
  12. >"Oh... you want Mr. Nutsy? Well, I have grown rather fond of him, but I guess I could give him to you."
  13. "Oh no. I don't want you to give him to me."
  14. >You place the squirrel down on the floor and it stops, looking around and twitching its nose.
  15. >"Oh! Um... well, what would you like, Anon?"
  16. "I'd like you to sit on him."
  17. >Her eyes enlarge.
  18. >"What? ...but... I might hurt him."
  19. "Guess we'll see."
  20. >"Anon, I can't do that! A-Anything else!"
  21. "Well... I guess if you don't care, I could go give this to the foal free press. I'm sure a lot of ponies would be interested to read about it."
  22. >"Wait! I..."
  23. >She trails off, looking down at the squirrel and releasing a surrendering sigh.
  24. >"Fine."
  25. >She turns, hefty cheeks raised up just above the creature.
  26. >The squirrel turns to look as she gently eases her rump down on top of him. He squeaks in protest.
  27. >"Sorry, little guy."
  28. "You call that a sit? Go ahead and get yourself comfy."
  29. >Fluttershy looks at you once more with pleading eyes, but she can see you’re not yielding. She has no choice.
  30. >She shuffles her backside over the squirrel, feeling its limbs bend awkwardly and hearing it squeal as it tries to wriggle free.
  31. “Come on, now, Fluttershy. I can see you’re putting your weight on your front hooves.”
  32. >”Anon, I can’t..”
  33. >She stops, and starts crying.
  34. >”Please, Anon...”
  35. “It’s up to you. Do this, or have your reputation ruined forever.”
  36. >Still sniffling and sobbing she leans all her weight back, her plushy cheeks spreading out and enveloping the squirrel beneath them.
  37. >That’s when she hears it: a sinewy snap.
  38. >The creature starts flailing wildly, crying out in pain but unable to shift away from the Fluttershy’s plot.
  39. >Hearing it in pain only causes the Pegasus to tear up more, begging you to let her stop.
  40. >Your intentions are far from that though, as you whip your dick from your pants and start jerking off.
  41. “Sit on it again. Harder this time.”
  42. >You watch as she weeps, timidly raising her plot up again, freeing the squirrel for just a moment.
  43. >It comes back down, heavier than before.
  44. >Another wet crack. The squirrel’s panicked screams seem to amplify tenfold.
  45. >Fluttershy can feel its shape has shifted unnaturally below her; broken limbs sliding over shards of broken bone and flesh.
  46. “Little guy seems pretty hurt. Might wanna put him out of his misery.”
  47. >Fluttershy sobs into her hooves, unable to even comprehend what she’s doing.
  48. >”Why are you making me do this, Anon?”
  49. >The only response she gets is the constant smacking of your fist gliding up and down your shaft.
  50. >Fluttershy has to tell herself she’s doing something merciful as once more she brings her rump up above the half-mutilated animal.
  51. >With even more force it comes thudding down, blood splattering over her yellow coat as its head splits, eyes bulging unnaturally and body immediately limp.
  52. >Fluttershy continues to cry and sniffle. She’s a murderer.
  53. >To make matters worse for her she turns right as you climax, sending a few strands of cum over her ass, dripping down onto the shattered corpse of the creature.
  54. >”Anon... you’re a monster.”
  55. “Really? I’m not the one going around killing animals with my ass.”
  56. >You laugh, tearing up the evidence in front of Fluttershy and leaving.
  57. >Guess she really didn’t want ponies knowing about those tail extensions.

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