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Wholesome Luna Bath

By bago
Created: 2021-04-23 06:42:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >”Anon! I require more bubbles!”
  2. “Luna, I’ve already used a third of the bottl-“
  3. >”More!”
  4. >She splish-splashes the water with her hooves as you give in and pour more of the mixture into the water.
  5. >She watches, fascinated, as a foamy layer of bubbles forms around her.
  6. >The mare relaxes against the bathroom wall, letting the steam from the bath water rise around her effervescently.
  7. >You grab for the bar of soap and lather up her coat.
  8. >She sits quietly as you do so, lifting her head so you can get to her neck.
  9. >With your fingers you rub the soap in, her coat is now sticky and half-white.
  10. >At first with gentle splashes you wash the soap away, watching it melt down her body as she becomes cleaner.
  11. >The princess dunks her head under the water and reappears, donning a beard of bubbles.
  12. >”Look, Anonymous! I’m Starswirl the bearded!”
  13. “Okay, well, would Starswirl like his mane washed?”
  14. >She responds with immediate enthusiasm; spinning around with a splosh so you have access to the back of her head and her mane.
  15. >You take the little empty cup from the side of the bathtub and fill it, letting it drizzle down into her mane and wet it thoroughly.
  16. >She coos softly, relaxing deeper into the water as you rub in the shampoo, feeling her sparkly mane run through your fingers.
  17. >As you wash it off she finds herself sleepy; utterly relaxed by the hot water gently trickling down across her scalp and over her shoulders.
  18. >Once the shampoo is washed out and her mane is nice and clean, she crawls out, letting you towel her off as she drips water on the bathroom floor.
  19. >”I’m feeling tired all of a sudden.”
  20. “Hm. Just in time for bed.”
  21. >She giggles and canters ahead towards her room, leaving you to trail behind.
  22. >You find she’s wrapped in her towel, already beneath the covers and waiting for some snuggles.
  23. >As you slide into bed beside her she sinks into you immediately; a warm, cuddly horse whose hooves tightly pull you close.
  24. >Your fingers tickle over her still-damp hair, her breathing beginning to slow.
  25. >She sighs contentedly as you rub her all over, a soft, tender massage.
  26. >It only takes a minute for her to fall asleep completely.
  27. “Luna?”
  28. >She doesn’t respond; head dropped on your chest and hooves still wrapped around you.
  29. >With a smile you reach to turn out the light.

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