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Scootaloo Prom Night

By bago
Created: 2021-04-23 06:45:14
Expiry: Never

  1. "Okay. Sure you've got everything?"
  2. >"Yes, Anon. Of course. It's just a silly old prom."
  3. "Well, it's a big night for you."
  4. >"Hardly."
  5. >Scootaloo sulks. turning away from you.
  6. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  7. >"Nopony asked me to go with them."
  8. "Ah."
  9. >"I mean... Sweetie Belle's going with Featherweight! Apple Bloom's going with Applejack, which I guess is a little more embarrassing than going with nopony at all, but still!"
  10. "It's no big deal. I'm sure you and Apple Bloom can hang out. It's just about having a good time. You know, I didn't even go to my prom back on earth."
  11. >"You didn't!?"
  12. "Nope. I was like you, I guess... didn't really end up with anyone to go with, and, well..."
  13. >You stop yourself and smile. This is about her, not you.
  14. >"I guess it's okay. I just hope Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon aren't too mean about it. Are... you sure about this dress? It's a little itchy!"
  15. >The filly twists uncomfortably and tries to stretch out her wings.
  16. "It's good. You look beautiful in it."
  17. >She blushes and looks up at you.
  18. >"You think so, Anon?"
  19. >You give her a confident nod and lean in to accommodate as she reaches for a hug.
  20. >"Before I know it I'll be moving onto a whole new school."
  21. "It's gonna be a little harder, but I think you'll enjoy it."
  22. >You ruffle her mane and she giggles.
  23. "It's crazy how fast you grow up. Before I know it you'll be out the door."
  24. >"Oh, don't say that! You think I'd ever leave you, Anon?"
  25. "That's what they all say."
  26. >"C'mon, quit it! You're gonna make me teary-eyed. Bad enough I'm turning up at prom without a colt. Last thing I need is to show up crying."
  27. >The two of you share a laugh.
  28. "Think you're ready to go?"
  29. >"Wait! One last thing."
  30. >The filly disappears upstairs, and after a few moments returns with something around her neck.
  31. >"This is something my mom gave me. I didn't really know her long, but I remember her saying when she was a filly she wore this to her prom."
  32. >It's a small brooch that looks pretty old, but goes perfectly with Scootaloo's eyes.
  33. >"Ok! Ready!"
  34. >With a triumphant nod you open the door and she gallops outside.
  35. "Jeez. It's a little cold out here tonight. Aren't summer nights supposed to be warm?"
  36. >Scootaloo shrugs.
  37. >"Rainbow Dash must be taking a break tonight. You know what cold weather means, though?"
  38. >You climb into the carriage that's waiting to take you, but before you can ask her what, she leaps onto you, wrapping her hooves around you.
  39. >"Lots of hugs, of course!"
  40. >The carriage departs for the Ponyville schoolhouse.

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