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Celestia and Luna Forced Clowns

By bago
Created: 2021-04-23 06:48:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Turn us back this instant, Discord."
  2. >"Oh, but you two look so... so... funny!"
  3. >Luna stretched awkwardly, unable to remove the clown outfit that had appeared on her and finding her sister was in the same position.
  4. >"Come now, Celestia, what good is a clown without a smile?"
  5. >With a snap of Discord's claw, Celestia found herself precariously balancing on top of a unicycle, letting out unsettled gasps as she wobbled backwards and forwards.
  6. >Luna, deciding she had no choice but to abandon her unflinching demeanour, made a fruitless attempt to dash towards the portal back to her realm.
  7. >"Uh uh uh."
  8. >She found she was right back where she started, next to her sister who was blushing, unable to climb down from the unicycle and only just about managing to stay balanced on top of it.
  9. >With another snap of Discord's claw Luna found she was tossing three red balls between her hooves, struggling to keep them in the air. She tried to just let them fall, but she couldn't.
  10. >"Oh, perfect! Go ahead, put on a show!"
  11. >The draconequus materialized a lawn chair and reclined back into it, pulling a box of popcorn from nowhere and watched as the princesses performed their tasks, faces awkward and embarrassed and bodies writhing uncomfortably in the costumes.
  12. >"Oh, bravo! What skill!"
  13. >"Just... STOP, Discord. This isn't funny anymore."
  14. >"Oh, I don't know, Luna, I'd say it's pretty funny from where I'm sitting."
  15. >They panted and moaned, Celestia cycling around her sister in a circle and unable to break out of this action.
  16. >"You know, it's rather interesting that neither of you - two of the most powerful ponies in Equestria - is able to do a single thing about this. Then, you are in my realm. Things tend to be a little topsy turvy here."
  17. >With another snap both princesses were thrown to the floor, unicycle and juggling balls gone.
  18. >"Okay. You've had your fun now-"
  19. >"Oh, my, would you look at that? Whoever left that banana peel on the floor? Why, somepony could hurt themselves!"
  20. >He glared intently at Celestia, watching her blush.
  21. >"Discord, I'm-
  22. >"-being serious? So am I."
  23. >She paused, unable to find any further words.
  24. >Feeling her dignity vanish, the princess stepped forward onto the banana peel and let herself fall over backwards.
  25. >"Oh! Oh, you're too much, really!"
  26. >She landed on the floor, grunting and filled with shame.
  27. >She averted her gaze as she stood up, willingly performing a little humiliating dance and letting herself slip over again.
  28. >"Oh, don't you worry, Luna, I have just the thing for you."
  29. >A pie appeared in Celestia's hoof.
  30. >"Here's how the bit's gonna go, girls. Celestia - I want you to tell some uproarious joke, and Luna - I want you to pretend to not get it. That's your cue to let her have it!" He motioned her to throw the pie.
  31. >"I... what joke?"
  32. >Discord could see by the sunken look on her face Celestia's will had all but broken.
  33. >"Oh, you can come up with something, I'm sure. Just mine into that rich well of wit you have."
  34. >She straightened up, feeling about as low and humiliated as she could.
  35. >"A... a horse walks into a bar..."
  36. >"Oh, go on!"
  37. >"The... the barman says... look, I can't do this, Discord, please can yo-"
  38. >"Go. On."
  39. >Celestia sighed. She felt an anxious quiver in the back of her throat.
  40. >"The barman says "Hey." The horse replies... "Yes, please."
  41. >Discord burst out with laughter.
  42. >"Oh, You really are a card, Celestia! Have you considered going into the clown business now your tenure as ruler is coming to an end? Oh, you look just adorable in that getup."
  43. >He gave her clown nose a squeeze and watched her blush even harder.
  44. >"Your turn." He looked at Luna, who had become equally as reserved and embarrassed.
  45. >"I... don't get it."
  46. >Celestia gave her princess an apologetic look and then threw the pie into her face, watching it slide down and leave a mask of cream behind.
  47. >"That's... what we do to people around here with... no sense of humor!"
  48. >Almost on the verge of shame-fuelled tears, Celestia forced herself to dance.
  49. >"Oh, bravo! Bravo!"
  50. >"Now can you let us go... please?"
  51. >"Oh, just as I was starting to think you two were fun!"

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