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Dash Reassures Anon

By bago
Created: 2021-04-23 06:48:52
Expiry: Never

  1. >"..and then, right at the last minute, I pulled an inverted triple backglide and finished the course in record time! You should have seen the look on Spitfire's face!"
  2. >Rainbow Dash goes quiet, peering over at you.
  3. >"Uh... you doing okay, Anon?"
  4. "Sorry. I guess I've just been thinking about things back home."
  5. >"Ah. Getting a little homesick, huh?"
  6. >The pegasus stands over you and sinks down gently onto your chest, using her hoof to play with tufts of your hair.
  7. >"I'm not awesome enough for you or something?" She teases.
  8. "It's not that. It's just dawned on me I'm not exactly going to see my family or friends again. Or... anything. I don't even know if the world is still turning out there, but I'm never gonna see it again."
  9. >"Well, when you got here you told me you didn't exactly have too many friends back home. Remember? Me and Twilight made it our mission to give you some. I guess you could say that's when I... fell for you, Anon... b-but don't go telling anypony else that. I know it sounds all cheesy."
  10. "Sure, but my family... I mean, for all the fights we had, I still love them. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye."
  11. >Dash pouts. While she can't directly relate to your situation, she can understand how you feel.
  12. >"That's pretty rough, Anon. I guess Equestria is never gonna compare to your world, but... if it makes you feel any better, I'm really glad you're here."
  13. "Yeah?"
  14. >"Of course! You really care about me, Anon! You listen to all my stories and watch all my new moves and techniques... you help me work out, I help you work out... you even.."
  15. >She clears her throat, seemingly about to cry, and blushes.
  16. >"...go to the spa with me. You like to give me massages and belly rubs, and let me tell you all about my day, even when it's super boring... you really make me feel valued, Anon. It's just nice knowing I have someone who... loves me."
  17. >You see there are tears collecting in the corners of her eyes.
  18. >Even if she hides it from her friends, Dash is such a big softy when it's just you and her together.
  19. >"Sorry. I know I'm being all mushy, but... I just really like having you here, Anon. I would hate it if you left me."
  20. >She settles her head down into your neck and cries a little to herself.
  21. >You rub her mane reassuringly.
  22. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
  23. >"I know. Sorry... I don't know why I'm getting like this, Anon. I just love you so much."
  24. >She plants her lips onto yours and kisses you, letting her tongue meet with yours.
  25. >"You make everything worth it, Anon. If anypony gives me a bit of a hard time at the academy, or if I'm having a friendship problem, I just think of you."
  26. >You share a warm smile for a few silent moments.
  27. "Thanks. That does make me feel a little better. To be honest, you probably appreciate my love more than most people back home did."
  28. >She nods.
  29. >"Besides, did they ever have cider as good as Applejack's back home? That kinda makes this place worth living in alone, right?"
  30. >She wipes a tear from her eye and laughs.
  31. "Anyway... about this record time."

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