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Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum

By X-Roads
Created: 2021-04-28 02:09:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >Twilight walks around with bottle of cum, trying to make it last through the day lest she start going into withdrawal.
  3. >She staggers through town in an erotic daze.
  4. >Dash, fresh from a workout, swoops down and grabs her bottle thinking it's energy drink.
  5. >Takes a big swig and then nearly pukes.
  6. >"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"
  7. >"That's disgusting! What did you put in this, Twi?"
  10. Part 1:
  11. >"Nonononono this can't be! Rainbow! What have you done!?"
  12. >The whole bottle lies spilled before her.
  13. "I'm sorry ....? But I really think I did you a favour with throwing that away. I think it was off or something."
  14. >Twilight grabs Rainbows head with her hooves and pulls her close.
  15. >"You don't understand! I need this! Without it I can't possible go through the day!"
  16. >Rainbow pushes Twilight away, sending her onto her butt.
  17. "Look ... I'm sorry. Was this some kind of medicine or what?"
  18. >"...."
  19. >The purple unicorn does not respond. She slowly rocks back and forth, her head in her hooves.
  20. "Twi?"
  21. >"...."
  22. "Twilight?"
  23. >Rainbow taps her on the shoulder.
  24. >This brings her back to reality.
  25. >"I have to find Anon! Have you seen him?"
  26. "Ehh, why Anon? Does he make this stuff?"
  27. >"Yeah, yeah he makes this stuff. Have you seen him!?"
  28. "I don't think you should drink this... It makes you act stra-"
  30. >Rainbow backs up. Totally in disbelief of Twilight sudden outbreak.
  32. "Yes...", she meekly states.
  33. >"Good.... So where is he?"
  34. "We worked out together. He should be at home by now ... you know showering and stuff."
  35. >She's on the edge of tears now.
  36. >Twilight sees that she fucked up and pulls her in a hug.
  37. >"Sorry for yelling at you Rainbow. I'm just a bit stressed right now. No hard feelings okay?"
  38. "Yeah ... no hard feelings."
  39. >Twilight breaks the hug.
  40. >"I'm off to Anon's now, okay? I will talk to you later"
  41. "Ok. Later Twi!"
  42. >There she goes.
  44. >You are Rainbow, and something strange just happened.
  45. >Your good friend Twilight just totally threw a tantrum about some horrible juice you spilled.
  46. >She seemed so .... desperate.
  47. >And now she's off to find Anon. It seems she got this stuff from him.
  48. >You inspect the liquid that was so important to Twilight a bit closer.
  49. >It's white and viscous and it tasted kinda salty and bitter, that you can tell.
  50. >The smell reminded you of something... For some reason it brings back memories of your first coltfriend.
  51. >You dip a hoof in it.
  52. "...."
  53. "Yep its slimy. But what could it be?"
  54. >You retract your hoof. A thin string of the liquid drops to the ground.
  55. "Eww !"
  56. >Another flashback to your first coltfriend.
  57. >Could it be ... !?
  58. >No .... Why would Twilight carry around something like that ?
  59. >It's probably some weird human drink Anon made and she agreed to test it.
  60. >You remember that he once tried to brew "bears".
  61. >Yeah, sometimes he's a bit strange.
  62. >Nevertheless, Twilight's behaviour still bugs you, since she acted like she needs this stuff to live.
  63. >You probably should try to find out more.
  64. >So you decide to spy on her a bit.
  65. >Just to be safe that Anon is not secretly drugging and possibly harming her.
  66. >You know he would never do something like that but like you said before sometimes he tends to be a bit strange.
  67. >So to Anon's it is.
  68. >"Hey ! Are you planning to clean that up !? You can't just leave it there !"
  69. >Oh nice, it's fucking BonBon.
  70. >Okay first you clean up, then you spy on Anon and Twilight.
  72. >You are still skittles
  73. >And you finally cleaned Ponyville's town-square from the broken bottle and its spilled contents.
  74. >You made sure to take the rags you used from BonBon's stall while she wasn't looking.
  75. >Fucking bitch. Since her break up with Lyra she is unbearable.
  76. >Anyways, now that you are finished here and can finally spy on your favourite purple friend.
  77. >Anon's house isn't all too far away, so you shouldn’t have missed much of whatever is going on.
  78. >After a short walk your target is in sight and you engage spy mode.
  79. >Which basically is just you crouching and trying not to make too much noise.... But eh, still counts.
  80. >Your wings lift you off the ground and you silently fly over to Anon's living room window where you suspect the two will be.
  81. >You peek inside and yes, your suspicion was right.
  82. "Yes!", you whisper and pump your hoof.
  83. "Operation "mystery liquid" is a go!"
  84. >"Huh did you hear that Twilight?"
  85. >Oh fuck ! Hide !
  86. >You quickly duck and hope that Anon didn’t see you.
  87. >"No Anon, I didn’t hear a thing. Now please don't try to change the subject every few seconds! This is important!"
  88. >That's definitively Twilight, you would recognize her voice anywhere and anytime.
  89. >"Mhh... I could have sworn I heard something...."
  90. >Phew.
  91. >That was close.
  92. >You slowly creep your head up to the window again.
  93. >Time to find out what's going on.
  95. >You are now Anon.
  96. >Equestria's first and only human.
  97. >Your friend Twilight is visiting, and under normal circumstances you would be delighted.
  98. >But these are no normal circumstances.
  99. >Ever since Pinkie's last party your little purple friend here is .... Well, she is addicted to your cum.
  100. >It was a strange night. Twilight drank far more than she could handle and you offered to walk her home.
  101. >She accepted and after you arrived at her treebrary, she insisted that you come inside so that she can reward you.
  102. >You didn't think too much of it, since you two were close friends for quite some time... But oh boy were you wrong.
  103. >Once you were inside she slung you on the couch with her freakish magical abilities, removed your pants and began to suck you off.
  104. >You didn't really fight it. You were pretty buzzed yourself and just let it happen.
  105. >And honestly it was the best blowjob of your life.
  106. >Dem horse tongues man. Like a big wet hand that wraps around your dick.
  107. >In the end, you came full force in her mouth and she swallowed it all.
  108. >And well... that's how it happened.
  109. >You can't explain how she became addicted to your cum and Twilight herself only had some assumptions.
  110. >She assumed it's probably some weird interaction between her magical pony body and your non-magical bodily fluid.
  111. >And now here you are.
  112. >Sitting on your favourite chair, wearing your favourite pants while your favourite girl... or mare stands before you begging for your cum.
  113. >It would be like a dream come true if it wasn’t for the bizarreness of the situation.
  115. >"So Anon ...."
  116. >You snap back to reality.
  117. >"Will you help me out?"
  118. "Well..."
  119. >She walks over to the chair opposite of you and plants her plot on it.
  120. >"Its not like I'm hurting you! So what’s the big deal?"
  121. >Her tone has gotten angrier. Looks like she really needed her fix.
  122. >Yeah that's something you can write in your résumé.
  123. >"Once made a small colourful, magical equine addicted to my ejaculate."
  124. >She looks at you with pleading eyes.
  125. >Oh no ... Please not the eyes.
  126. "I-I know... But what happened to the sample I gave you? The one you wanted to analyse so you can create something that will cure your addiction?"
  127. >"I've already told you, Rainbow broke it!"
  128. >She smashes one of her front hooves on the table. Your favourite cup falls over and rolls towards the edge.
  129. "No! Cuppy!"
  130. >Luckily you can grab Cuppy before he falls to his doom.
  131. >"Anon ! Please take this serious !"
  132. >You put Cuppy back on the table and give him a quick pat.
  133. "I am taking this serious !"
  134. >She leans forward. Staring right into your eyes.
  135. >"So will you help me?"
  136. >Her face grew softer.
  137. >"Please. I'm not sure If I can make it with out another .... you did you call it?"
  138. "Fix?"
  139. >"Yeah... That's it... Ugly word."
  140. “Mhm..."
  141. >It really hurts you to see your best friend like this.
  142. >You don't want to feed her addiction but ...
  143. "I'll help you Twilight."
  144. >"Really ?!"
  145. "Yes ... but..."
  146. >"But what?"
  147. "I took me quite some time and to fill that bottle... I don’t think that there's much left in me."
  149. >She grins and her eyes light up.
  150. >Uh-Oh that is never a good sign.
  151. >"Don't worry Anon! I know a spell that increases body fluid production!"
  152. "I'm not sure if I want you to zap purple beams at lil'Anon here....And why do you even know such a spell?"
  153. >Her face turns crimson. It's almost the same colour as Big Mac's coat.
  154. >"Uh well ...."
  155. >She fiddles with her hooves and avoids your eyes.
  156. "Fetish?"
  157. >"Fetish."
  158. >Awkward but sexy.
  159. >"And yeah ... it's safe. I've tested it before...."
  160. "O-Okay.... "
  161. >She hops off her chair and walks over to you.
  162. >You feel a slight tug at your pants.
  163. >"Shall we begin...?"
  164. >She blushes again.
  165. "With what?"
  166. >A bit confused, Twilight looks at you.
  167. >"You know ... I can't suck you off with your pants on."
  168. >Oh... OH !
  169. >Now it's your time to blush.
  170. "I-I thought that was kind of a one-time I assumed you just wanted another well... bottle"
  171. >"I can't wait that long! It'll be faster if I get it myself. Also...”
  172. >She looks away, her cheeks turning pink again.
  173. >"I kinda hoped that it wouldn't be a one time thing... But let's discuss this later, okay?"
  174. "O-Okay..."
  175. >"..."
  176. "..."
  177. >"Off with your pants then!"
  178. >You feel another tug, this time far more stronger.
  179. "Wait!", you blurt out.
  180. >"What is it this time!?"
  181. >Her voice sounds annoyed and desperate.
  182. >You get up from your chair and pick the lavender unicorn up. Holding her like you would a small child.
  183. >"H-Hey !"
  184. >Looking directly into her eyes you say:
  185. "Lets take it somewhere more private, shall we?
  186. >She blushes again
  187. >"Y-Yeah, of course.."
  189. >You are Rainbow Dash again.
  190. >And you can't believe what you just witnessed.
  191. >Your first suggestion was right. It really was Anon's cum. And your friend Twilight is addicted to it.
  192. >Kinky.
  193. >The whole conversation between them was sad and a bit moving to be honest, but it also... Turned you on.
  194. >Something about your friend's desperation just pushes the right buttons for you.
  195. >Your hoof found its way more than once to your now dripping marehood.
  196. >Luckily Anon's house is in the outer parts of Ponyville, so nopony saw you.
  197. >Wait!? Whats happening now?
  198. >He's picking her up ...
  199. >... and carrying her to his bedroom!?
  200. >Now things are starting to get interesting.
  201. >Up to Anon's bedroom window you go!
  203. >You are Anon again.
  204. >And you carry your desperate friend up to your bedroom.
  205. >Her tail is twitching like crazy, looks like she really needs it.
  206. >Also you notice a strange musky smell.
  207. >*Drip*
  208. >*splash*
  209. >Oh... Yeah, she really is excited.
  210. >You increase your speed, now taking two stairs per step and reach your bedroom door in almost no time.
  211. >You open it and gently put Twilight down on your bed.
  212. "I'll be right back. Just taking some precautions, okay?"
  213. >She nods, not taking her eyes off you.
  214. >You should close the window and shut the curtains, so that nobody can hear, or even worse, see you.
  215. >Damn nosy ponies... They just don't care about privacy.
  216. >And better be safe, than sorry.
  217. >Mama FemAnon did not raise a fool.
  218. >Mama FemAnon did not raise a horsefucker either though... Oh well.
  219. >You close the window and shut the curtains just like you intended to do.
  220. >Huh?
  221. >You could have sworn you heard a muffled voice.
  222. >Sounded like "Duck or Buck" or something similar.
  223. >You shrug it off and turn to Twilight again.
  224. >She's looking at you with her big purple eyes, half-lidded and full of lust and desire.
  225. >U-Unf
  226. >She opens her mouth.
  227. >"Are you ready now? Please don't let me wait any longer."
  228. >Her voice sounds husky and needy.
  229. "Y-Yes."
  230. >You walk over to your bed and lay down besides her.
  231. "So..."
  232. >"So."
  233. >She positions herself right next to your crotch area. Her horn is already glowing faintly.
  234. >"I will take your pants off now... Then I will cast the spell, okay? I promise it won't hurt."
  235. >You nod and she smiles in respond.
  237. >Twilight undoes your pants with her magic and pulls them down.
  238. >Your little soldier is already standing at half mast.
  239. >Twilight is licking her lips.
  240. >"Yes."
  241. >She now focuses her magic on your underpants, trying to remove them to.
  242. >Just before she can succeed you interrupt her.
  243. "Hey Twi. Just one more thing before you begin."
  244. >She turns her attention from your dick to you.
  245. >You quickly cup one of her cheeks in your left hand and pull her face to yours.
  246. >Your lips meet hers and her eyes shoot open.
  247. >Looks like you surprised her.
  248. >But she quickly relaxes and closes her eyes. She's enjoying it.
  249. >The kiss lasted what seemed like an eternity. It was far more beautiful than you have ever imagined.
  250. >When Twilight breaks the kiss she suckles at your lower lip for a moment.
  251. >She inhales deeply a few times, looks like she was out of breath, before giving you another quick peck on the lips.
  252. >"Hehe yeah... That was one of the things I wanted to discuss later", she says smiling.
  253. >"But..."
  254. "Yes?"
  255. >”No more interruptions now, 'kay?"
  256. >You chuckle.
  257. “Yeah, yeah. No more interruptions now, promise.”
  258. >"Pinkie promise?"
  259. >You chuckle once again, and put one hand over your right eye.
  260. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
  261. >Her smile grows wider.
  262. >"That will do...."
  263. >She puts another quick peck on your lips, this time with a little tongue..
  264. >"Now back to business."
  266. >Her attention shifts again to lil'Anon.
  267. >This time she wastes no time and pulls your underwear right off your legs.
  268. >Your dick now stands fully erect. The kiss certainly helped with that.
  269. >Twilights eyes her prize. Her breathing becomes fast and shallow.
  270. >"Y-Yes, finally."
  271. >Her horn gleams brighter and you feel a warm feeling in your lower abdomen.
  272. >Your balls feel suddenly so full. Not painfully so, but not exactly pleasant either. You fight to suppress a groan.
  273. >Satisfied with the result she stands up and lies down again between your legs.
  274. >Burying her muzzle in your testicles she takes a deep whiff.
  275. >"That's the stuff... You shouldn't shower after workout more often ... I like it."
  276. >That almost felt too good, you can only nod in response.
  277. >"Hehe that good? Just you wait."
  278. >She takes a big lap up from your testicles to the tip of your penis.
  279. >Her tongue dances around your shaft, as if she's trying to memorize every vein on it.
  280. >"I love the form ... It's so different than a stallions dick. Makes it so much easier to take it into my mouth."
  281. >She puts the tip into her mouth and quickly bobs her head down and up, sucking on your glans before releasing your penis once again.
  282. >"Also you last so much longer... I can finally enjoy myself."
  283. >She smiles and looks directly into your eyes before going down again.
  284. >You feel your hand moving towards her head. Looks like she wants you to guide her.
  285. >You are not one to refuse a lady her wish. So you gently push her head down.
  287. >Soon you are balls deep into her mouth.
  288. >And oh boy does it feel good. Far better than you remember.
  289. >Her tongue wraps around your dick like a warm slippery worm. Coiling up and down your shaft.
  290. >You are not sure how long you can endure such a treatment.
  291. >Feeling that you slowly use your focus, Twilight redirects her magic to a place where it can have more fun.
  292. >Directly to your balls.
  293. >She's massaging in a way that you can't describe.
  294. >Like a thousand tiny hands pressing, tugging and caressing at once.
  295. >You let out a loud moan.
  296. >Twilight chuckles into your cock and begins to slowly bobbing up and down on it.
  297. >The combined feeling is heavenly. You start to thrust your hips matching her pace
  298. >"Mmphhff"
  299. >The speed of her bobbing increases and her tongue wraps tighter around your dick.
  300. >You let out another loud moan and put your hand on her head again.
  301. "T-Twilight..."
  302. >She locks her eyes with yours. God this is so hot.
  303. >Her horn lights up again and the feeling on your balls intensifies tenfold.
  304. >Now you are sure that you can't hold out much longer.
  305. "I'm cumming soon Twi ..."
  306. >Taking this as her cue she increases her speed once again. Now she's fully milking your cock.
  307. "Twi ! "
  308. >You press her head down one last time and let loose.
  309. >Spurt after spurt you shot your sticky cum down her throat.
  310. >She swallows it all, never loosing eye contact with you.
  311. >You are not sure how much you came or how long but Twilights spell surely did its work.
  313. >You remove your hand from her head. You feel... drained.
  314. >Twilight is still sucking on your tip and massaging the rest of your dick with her magic. Seems like she tries to get every drop out of it.
  315. >Finally satisfied she removes her mouth from your cock with a loud *plop* and smacks her lips.
  316. >She has a goofy grin on her face. Looks like your semen did its job.
  317. >You gently pick her up and cradle her in your right arm. She lies her head in the crook of your neck.
  318. >"That hit the spot...."
  319. >You chuckle.
  320. "I aim to please."
  321. >She moans softly.
  322. "Are you feeling better now?"
  323. >"Mhhmm. Yes. Thanks Anon."
  324. "Want to stay like that for a while?"
  325. >She nods.
  326. >"Yes please. I'm feeling pretty drowsy right now."
  327. "Okay."
  328. >You peck her forehead and begin to gently pet her mane and head.
  329. >It's softer than you ever imagined. Like silk made out of kittens.
  330. >Twilight leans into your touch
  331. >"This feels nice ... You should do this more often."
  332. >You smile.
  333. "Whatever you want Twi."
  334. >She raises her head and kisses you. This time not a kiss of lust but one gentle, loving one.
  335. >Twilight breaks the kiss and those big lavender eyes of her stare into yours again.
  336. >"You know ... "
  337. >Her cheeks burn up again.
  338. >"About that thing I wanted to discuss with you."
  339. >You put a finger on her lips, smiling.
  340. "I know Twilight."
  341. >Embracing her into a big hug you whisper into her ear.
  342. "I know what you want to say, and I think I feel the same way."
  343. >She pulls her head back a bit and then presses it against yours.
  344. >"You do?"
  346. "Yeah ... but..."
  347. >"W-What ?" she looks a bit crestfallen.
  348. >Gently stroking her cheek you pull her a bit closer.
  349. "We kinda rushed into this whole ... thing. You know with the addiction stuff and what not?"
  350. >She nods, still having a worried look on her face.
  351. "So I kinda want to start over. Building a relationship takes time. Especially a strange one like ours."
  352. >You boop her on the nose. She smiles again.
  353. >"I...I understand. So what’s your plan then?"
  354. >Running your fingers through her mane you think for a bit.
  355. "First..."
  356. >Another boop.
  357. "I want you to find a cure for your addiction."
  358. >She giggles.
  359. >"I will need another sample for this."
  360. "I think I can help you with that."
  361. >"And then?"
  362. >You lift her up a bit.
  363. "Then... How about a date?"
  364. >Twilight's smile grows wider.
  365. >"I think I can live with that."
  366. "Then it's settled."
  367. >You pull her in for another kiss.
  370. Part 2:
  372. >You are still Anon.
  373. >And you just woke up from a nap with your new marefriend... Well soon to be marefriend, Twilight.
  374. >She's still sleeping peacefully in your arms, with a content smile on her face.
  375. >D'aww.
  376. >You wonder how long you two slept...
  377. >Mmhh its only five in the afternoon. Should be fine to stay like this for a while more.
  378. >Gently running a hand through her mane you think for a bit about this whole situation.
  379. >You certainly like her.
  380. >She was pretty much the first pony who accepted you, after your arrival in Equestria.
  381. >Which you don't really remember any more.
  382. >Anyway … Twilight was always there for you when you needed her.
  383. >She introduced you to her circle of friends. Helped you settle in Ponyville. Explained how to act around other ponies, since your dark humour tends to scare and intimidate the villagers.
  384. >Heh... She even wrote a small guide book for this. Just for you.
  385. >It's still one of your most prized possessions with a special place on your book shelf.
  386. >Twilights stirs in her sleep and lets out a cute little yawn.
  387. >Heart status: muh.
  388. >But …
  389. >Is it really love?
  390. >You will see.
  391. >First things first, Twilight has to find a cure for her addiction.
  392. >Even if she will be your marefriend, which meant she would have an infinite supply of your cum, you doubt that this would be healthy lifestyle.
  393. >Hopefully she will find one.
  394. >The thought of you being a “drug dealer” really bugs you.
  395. >You don't want her to suffer.
  397. >Another stir from Twilight.
  398. >”Mhhmmhh”
  399. >She smacks her lips.
  400. >Looks like she's awake.
  401. >”Mhh.. An.. Anon?”
  402. “Morning sleepyhead. Slept well?”
  403. >You ruffle her mane which rewards you with a giggle..
  404. >”Never better. You are really comfy, you know?”
  405. “Glad to hear that.”
  406. >She stretches her legs before snuggling closer to you.
  407. >”What time is it?”
  408. “A quarter past five. You have to be somewhere?”
  409. >Shaking her head she puts her head on your chest, locking eyes with you.
  410. >”Not really.... I wanted to create the cure today, so I cancelled every other appointment.”
  411. “What about Spike?”
  412. >”He's at Applejack's. Helping her watch the Crusaders.”
  413. “That’s nice of him.”
  414. >Giggling she nuzzles your chest.
  415. >”Sweetie Belle forced him.”
  416. “Poor lad. Must be hard to grow up in a nearly female only environment as a boy.”
  417. >”That's why I'm glad that you are here. He really needs a male role model.”
  418. >You pick her up and lay her on your torso.
  419. “But he's not the only one who needs me, is he?”
  420. >She blushes furiously and paws your chest.
  421. “Awww!”
  422. >This pony just earned herself a big squeeze.
  423. >”Eeep!”
  424. >Mmmh? A squeaky pony? Could be a coincidence...
  425. >You squeeze her again.
  426. >”Eeeep ! A-Anon stop!”
  427. >You chuckle.
  428. “Sorry. Just testing a theory of mine.”
  429. >”What kind of theory would that be?”
  430. “If ponies squeak when I squeeze them. And it looks like I'm right.”
  431. >”Oh Anon ….”
  433. >Smiling, she leans forward and plants a kiss on your lips.
  434. >Soft and hesitant at first, but then with a bit more force and confidence.
  435. >She pries your lips open and you let her enter your mouth.
  436. >Kissing a pony sure is different.
  437. >Her tongue is much broader and longer than yours but not as flexible.
  438. >She fights for dominance but you are not willing to give to her so easily.
  439. >Putting a hand on the back of her head, you begin to scratch the back of her head, which rewards you with several muffled moans.
  440. >Your tongues intertwine one last time and she breaks the kiss.
  441. >Awww... you wanted more.
  442. >She's a bit out of breath but you can't blame her. This kiss was pretty intense.
  443. >”You know ….”
  444. >The lavender unicorn looks at you with half-lidded eyes.
  445. “Mmmhhh?”
  446. >”I have a theory or two, I want to test myself ...”
  447. >Now you are intrigued.
  448. “And these would be?”
  449. >Her cheeks turn crimson again.
  450. >”If ….”
  451. >Twilight presses her crotch into yours.
  452. >”...the “treatment” works vaginally too...”
  453. >A stray hoof draws small circles on your chest.
  454. >”...or...”
  455. >You gulp.
  456. >”...anally.”
  457. >She licks her lips.
  458. >Oh boy …Looks like you will get more.
  460. „T-Twi …?
  461. >She tilts her head sideways.
  462. „Isn't this a bit soon... Not that I would mind but...”
  463. >”Hmm? What do you mean, Anon?”
  464. >You cup her cheek in your hand and run a thumb over the soft fur there.
  465. >It feels silken.
  466. “We pretty much just confessed that we like each other a few hours ago, it was under some pretty strange circumstances I admit, but...”
  467. >She leans into your touch.
  468. >”But?”
  469. “But this seems a bit rushed, don't you think?”
  470. >She smiles.
  471. >Phew... She's not angry at you for rejecting her. That was your greatest fear right now.
  472. >”I understand, Anon.”
  473. >Giving one of your fingers a little kiss, Twilight pulls herself closer to your face and rubs your cheek with hers.
  474. >”If you wanna take things slow, I'm fine with that.”
  475. >She nuzzles your face.
  476. >”Its just ...”
  477. “Do you need … you know... another fix?”
  478. >She shakes her head.
  479. >”No.... Please do not use this word any more... I hate it.”
  480. >Putting your hands to good use, you start to scratch behind her ears.
  481. >She coos.
  482. “What is it, Twi?”
  483. >”O-One moment please... do not stop... Ohhh....”
  484. >One of her hind legs start twitching.
  485. >Is she a dog?
  486. >It's cute, so you don't mind. Even if her movements are dangerously close to your genitals.
  487. >”How could I ever live without your hands before?”
  488. “Oh, Twi.”
  489. >You never really thought about that, but hands are really something special.
  490. >Especially for ponies.
  491. “What did you want to tell me Twilight?”
  492. >”Oh.. Oh yes... It's just...I'm...”
  493. “Mhhhm?”
  494. >Her cheeks burn up.
  495. >”I'm really horny right now.”
  496. >She buries her face in the crook of your neck, trying to hide her embarrassment.
  497. >D'awww
  498. “It's okay, Twilight.”
  499. >You lift her up.
  500. >”Huh?”
  501. “Just relax and let me work my magic.”
  502. >”M-Magic? But you do-”
  503. >Gently putting her down on her back, you position yourself above her.
  504. >”Anon !”
  505. “Shhh...”
  506. >You kiss her.
  507. “Relax and enjoy.”
  508. >She gulps.
  509. >”O-Ok.”
  511. >You are now Dwight Likes Sparkles and currently, your new soon to be colt... or boyfriend Anon is on top of you.
  512. >By Celestia just like in your fantasies.
  513. >And several erotic short stories you wrote....
  514. >You wonder what he is going to do.
  515. >Thousands of possible scenarios are playing out in your head right now.
  516. >Each one hotter than the last, even if most of them are null and void since he said he wanted to take things slow.
  517. >His form towers over yours, a thin and devious grin growing on his lips.
  518. >You feel so vulnerable right now... So weak, so helpless... And...
  519. >You've never been wetter than this very moment.
  520. >He flashes his canines.
  521. >Uhh... you have to correct yourself. Now you've never been wetter than ever before.
  522. >One of his hands cups your left cheek while the other starts rubbing the tips of your ears.
  523. >It slowly works it's way down to the base and then gently runs in small circles towards your horn.
  524. >Words cannot describe how good this feels
  525. >You close your eyes and let a soft moan escape your mouth.
  526. >”Say Twilight...”
  527. “Mmhhh...?” is the only answer right now your brain manages to form.
  528. >”I always wondered...”
  529. >His fingers now arrived at your horn, tracing it's base almost teasingly slow.
  530. “Oohhh...”
  531. >A chuckle.
  532. >”Nevermind.”
  533. >You feel his lips on yours and you lean into the kiss.
  534. >Anon's tongue runs across your lower lip, demanding entrance.
  535. >Opening your mouth a little, your own tongue finds its way to his.
  536. >Slow and gentle at first, the dance begins.
  537. >Your tongues intertwine and snake around each other.
  538. >This is bliss.
  540. >And you want more.
  541. >You lock your forelegs around his neck and pull him closer.
  542. >Exploring every inch of his mouth, your tongue finally finds what it was looking for.
  543. >His canines.
  544. >Oh by Celestia, you love them. You don't know why, they are sharp and pointy and dangerous and…
  545. >Yeah, you exactly know why.
  546. >Every time your tongue runs over the little serrations on his teeth an electric shock runs through your body.
  547. >The feeling of vulnerability intensifies and you love it.
  548. >You cannot suppress your moans any more.
  549. >His fingers still runs around your horn, it drives you crazy.
  550. >Out of breath, you break the kiss. Not that you wanted to but …
  551. “A-Anon... please...”
  552. >He smiles understandingly and kisses you another time before moving his head south.
  553. >His hand begins to slowly rub your horn while the other runs across your neck, down to your chest and belly.
  554. >Oh yes...
  555. >Kisses are planted along your jawline, then down your neck before reaching the sensitive flesh of your stomach.
  556. >Anon increases the speed on your horn and you moan loudly.
  557. >His free hand crawls up your chest again, fondling the soft fur there before reaching up to your face and cupping your jowl in it.
  558. >His thumb runs across your lips.
  559. >You let it enter your mouth and begin to suckle on it.
  560. >Never have you felt so good … so desired, so loved.
  561. >He kisses further down until you feel him near your teats.
  562. “Yes...”
  563. >You put your hooves on his head.
  564. >Feeling his hot breath on your mammaries escalates your lust into new highs. He's teasing you and you love it.
  565. >He licks around your right teat before blowing on the trail of saliva his tongue left.
  566. >You shudder.
  567. >Anon removes his thumb from your mouth, runs his now free hand down your body and puts it on your other breast.
  568. >He starts to gradually kneading and massaging it, before taking its nipple into his fingers and gently twisting it.
  569. >Simultaneously he takes her twin into his mouth and carefully scrapes his teeth against it.
  570. >You inhale sharply and throw your head back into the pillows.
  571. >His other hand cannot reach your horn any more, but you couldn't care less right now.
  572. >This... This is it.
  573. >The sharp teeth on your delicate skin... The feeling of being at somebodies mercy.
  574. >No not just at the mercy of somebody... at the mercy of an apex predator.
  575. >Your apex predator.
  576. >He would never hurt you, but he could if he wanted.
  577. >Just the thought of this pushes you nearer to the edge.
  578. “Aahhh.. Anon.....”
  579. >The sucking sensation on your teat increases and this time you feel a gentle bite on its nipple.
  580. “Ohhh.. yes... yes! B...”
  581. >He stops for a moment, locking eyes with you.
  582. “B-Bite me again!”
  583. >Flicking the nipple with his tongue, he gnaws on it another time.
  584. “Oh Celestia, yes...”, you hiss.
  585. >The kneading and twisting on your other breast intensifies in strength, his fingers now tugging and pinching it's nipple.
  586. >A familiar pressure builds up in your loins, begging to be released.
  588. >You can't believe it.
  589. >Your climax is so close and he never even touched your marehood.
  590. >Did you die?
  591. >Are you in heaven now?
  592. >Did you deserve this?
  593. >You feel his unoccupied hand running down your side to your right hind leg.
  594. >Grabbing your hoof, he gently presses his thumb into it's frog.
  595. “Aaach..!”
  596. >Another bolt of pleasure rocks your body.
  597. >This is so new to you. Never have you experienced such a treatment from a male before.
  598. >His thumb is rubbing your frog in small circles, making you squirm from side to side.
  599. >Your front hooves are still firmly planted upon his head, trying to force him further down.
  600. >Finally he complies.
  601. >But not before giving you another nibble.
  602. “Yaaahh Anon!”, you scream.
  603. >So close.. you are so close.
  604. >Anon's keeping you on the edge of salvation.
  605. >Releasing your nipple from his lips, he leans back, now kneeling before you.
  606. >Your front hooves slide off his head.
  607. >Taking your other hind leg with his free hand he gives it the same treatment.
  608. “Aahhh... “, your tongue lolls out. Your breathing becomes faster and shallower.
  609. >He kisses your ankle, and pulls you a bit closer.
  610. >Another kiss, this time on your hock and another pull.
  611. >Scraping his teeth against your inner thigh he pulls one last time.
  612. >Your flanks and marehood are now right in front of his face.
  613. >You inhale sharply.
  614. >Your lower back is leaning onto his chest and your upper back and head are still laying comfortably on his bed.
  615. >He's looking into your eyes.
  617. “Anon...”
  618. >”Twilight.”
  619. >Lowering his face against your marehood, he traces the outlines of it with his tongue.
  620. “Mhmmhh... Aaahh..”
  621. >Your juices run freely down your body, dripping down onto the cloth beneath.
  622. >You are winking rapidly now, your clit pushing out more and more of your lubrication.
  623. >Waiting for your pearl to pop out off it's hood, he takes it into his mouth and sucks on it.
  624. >You let out a loud moan and try to lock your hind legs behind his neck, but they are still in his strong hands and still caressing your sensitive hooves.
  625. >Your body rocks and squirms trying to find outlet for your ecstasy,
  626. >He's taking big laps now up and down your lower lips, gently flicking your clit whenever it pops out.
  627. “Hah ...A-An... ! Anon !”
  628. >The pressure is nearly unbearable now... soon it will be over.
  629. >He feels it too.
  630. >Pressing his mouth against your entrance and let his tongue explore it.
  631. >The feeling of his tongue squirming around your most sensible areas is too much.
  632. “Anon !”, you cry out one last time before the mind shattering orgasm rocks through your body.
  633. >You feel like your whole body is melting into a puddle of pure bliss.
  634. >Your vagina contracts and spasms heavily, gushing out torrent after torrent of your own cum, which Anon laps up greedily..
  635. >Anon' tongue continues to writhe inside you as your body tries to milk it for its seed that isn't there.
  636. >After what seemed like an eternity your body finally relaxes and your breathing becomes steadier and slower again.
  638. >Anon withdraws his face from your marehood and gently lays you back down.
  639. >Your mind is dazed and your muscles refuse to move.
  640. >But you don't mind.
  641. >Feeling the bed shift on your right side, you try to turn towards the source of the weight but to no avail.
  642. >You giggle.
  643. >Something grabs you by your shoulders and pulls you closer to it.
  644. >It turns you on your side and you can now see who it is.
  645. >Hey it was Anon, who knew?
  646. >You giggle again.
  647. “Hey Anon...”
  648. >You paw his chest with your hoof.
  649. >He closes his eyes and smiles.
  650. >”Hey Twi.”
  651. >Embracing your body with his strong arms he nuzzles his face against yours and plants a small kiss on your forehead.
  652. >”Well? Did you enjoy it?”
  653. >You lock your hooves behind is neck and pull him in for a kiss.
  654. >After a few moments you break it.
  655. >”Huh that good?”
  656. “Hey that's my line!”you chuckle. “ And … yeah. Anon you were wonderful.... Never...”
  657. >A tear run down your cheek.
  658. >”Mhhmm Twi? Is everything all right?”
  659. >He strokes your cheek, catching the tear with his finger.
  660. >You nod.
  661. “Yes.. It's just.”, you sniff. “Never have I been treated with so much care and love. It was like a dream!”
  662. >”Sshhh...”
  663. >He presses your body closer to his.
  664. >”Only the best for my favourite mare.”
  665. >His fingers gently run through the highlights of your mane. Smoothing and straightening out your serious case of bedhead.
  666. >If he keeps this up, you are in serious danger of dozing off.
  668. >”Say Twilight...”
  669. >Opening one of your eyes, you look at him.
  670. “Hhmm?”
  671. >”I don't know about you, but I could do with a bath right now. Interested?”
  672. >You smile and give his nose a quick kiss.
  673. “Of course.”
  675. >You are Anon again.
  676. >And by the looks of it, you just rocked Twilight's world.
  677. >She's laying in your arms, her face sporting a small satisfied smile.
  678. >D'awww.
  679. “Okay Twi. I'm going to to prepare our bath now. Just stay here and relax a bit more.”
  680. >You give her a small peck on her forehead.
  681. >A nod. Heh that will have to suffice as an answer.
  682. >Retrieving your arms from her body, you take care not to disturb Twilight too much.
  683. >You rise from your bed and stretch your limbs a bit.
  684. >After a few satisfying pops, you let your eyes wander through the room, in search for your underwear.
  685. >It's your house, but these ponies have no sense for privacy.
  686. >Especially Pinkie. She tends to show up in impossible places at the most inconvenient of times.
  687. >Just like last week where the pink menace literally materialized in your fridge.
  688. >She gave you the milk you wanted to grab and walked out of your home, acting as if nothing had happened.
  689. >Needless to say you were confused and a bit scared.
  690. >Anyway... where are they?
  691. >Oh...
  692. >Twilight slung them on top of your floor lamp.
  693. >Grabbing and putting them on, you open your bedroom door and quietly close it behind yo
  694. >Huh?
  695. >Why is the floor wet?
  696. >You kneel down to inspect it.
  697. >A wet spot on your carpet... could be from Twilight.
  698. >She was pretty excited before.
  699. >But why is your flashlight lying on the floor?
  700. >Picking it up, you immediately drop it again.
  701. “Eww!”
  702. >It was sticky as hell.
  704. >You take your shirt off so you can use it as a glove and bring the flashlight close to your face.
  705. >...
  706. >Smells like Twilight's brand of juice.
  707. >But not exactly the same. It's a bit muskier and sharper... Not as lovely as hers.
  708. >This confuses you greatly.
  709. >Did someone break into your house to molest your everyday items?
  710. >While you were doing kinky things with the local librarian?
  711. >What really bugs you is the fact that you found it right next to your bedroom door.
  712. >You hope your assumption will prove itself wrong as you look through the keyhole...
  713. >Shit.
  714. >Perfect view into your bedroom and more importantly to your bed.
  715. >A shudder runs down your spine and you slide down to the floor.
  716. “Fuck. This is sick.”
  717. >How much did she see? And far more importantly …
  718. >How much of the earlier conversation, you had with Twilight did she hear?
  719. >Oh god what if she told everyone that the little mare, who is currently sleeping on your bed is addicted to your cum?
  720. >Panic begins to well up in you.
  721. >You possibly ruined Twilight's reputation.
  722. >On the edge of tears you fall onto your back, when you see something out of the corner of your eye.
  723. “What in the...”
  724. >You reach for it.
  725. >A small blue feather. You recognize this particular shade of cyan.
  726. “...”
  727. >At least you know the pervert.
  728. >Somewhat relieved you get up again and inspect the feather closer.
  729. >What she did was wrong and angers you greatly, but at least Twilight's reputation is safe.
  730. >Rainbow would never do something this cruel to one of her closest friends.
  732. >Putting the flashlight back into the drawer you make a mental note to clean it later.
  733. >You turn the feather in your hand.
  734. >It shimmers faintly in the light.
  735. “Hmmm...”
  736. >Should you tell Twilight?
  737. >What would happen if you do?
  738. >Walking over to your bathroom you ponder about the pro's and con's of telling her.
  739. >She tends to overreact a bit sometimes, and that could prevent her from finding a cure.
  740. >But you would hiding a pretty saucy bit of information from her.
  741. >Mmhh.
  742. >What kind of bath additive you should use?
  743. >Bubbly or not bubbly. That is the question.
  744. >You decide on the bubbly one.
  745. >Captain Donkey's brand bubble bath.
  746. >Or how you like to call it: Ass Foam.
  747. >This cracks you up every time.
  748. >Oh yeah you are totally an adult.
  749. >But there are more important things at hand.
  750. >Drawing the water for the bath you watch it slowly filling the tub.
  751. >You still don't have an answer...
  752. >Maybe Captain Donkey can help you.
  753. >You stare at the drawn portrait of the captain.
  754. >Of course not. He can't even safe his own ass in the series.
  755. >Putting the bottle back on the shelf you start to look for some other stuff you might need.
  756. >Your luffa sponge, some candles for atmosphere and …
  757. >Ah there it is.
  758. >A brush you got from Rarity last year.
  759. >”For when you find that special mare, darling.” She said with a sly wink.
  760. >This brings a smile to your face.
  761. >Indeed you might have found that special mare.
  762. >You put the things next to the tub.
  763. >It's almost full now.
  764. >You turn the faucet off.
  765. >Still no answer.
  766. >What to do... What to do...
  768. >Lighting the candles and arranging them in a somewhat romantic manner, you leave the bathroom to get Twilight.
  769. >Your hand is already on the door handle when your gaze fell upon the feather, which rested on the cupboard.
  770. >You sigh.
  771. >It would probably be for the best if you tell her.
  772. >But after the bath.
  773. >There's no need to ruin it.
  774. >Slowly opening the door you take a peek inside.
  775. >She's still sleeping, the blanket wrapped around her hind legs.
  776. >Awww is she drooling?
  777. >You quietly sneak up on her.
  778. >Her belly is defenceless...
  779. >Target acquired.
  780. >Launching raspberry in 3...
  781. >2...
  782. >1...
  783. “Pffffffthblblblbl!”
  784. >”Nyahahahaha”
  785. >She jolts up and breaks into a giant giggle fit.
  786. >”Ahh-Ahaha A-Anon ! Sto- Stop !”
  787. >You endure the assault of her marshmallow hooves and continue your relentless attack.
  788. >Pleeheheheeassseeee.... An-Anon!”
  789. >You remove your face from her tummy.
  790. >She's out of breath but already calming down a bit..
  791. >”Ehehehehe...”
  792. >How cute. Hearing her laugh always makes your heart jump with joy.
  793. >You sit down.
  794. “Bath's ready, cutie.”
  795. >This makes her blush.
  796. >”T-Thanks.”
  797. >Twilight spins herself around and steps towards you.
  798. >A small kiss is planted on your cheek.
  799. >”This is for always being so nice.”
  800. >Now you feel yourself blush.
  801. >She giggles and hops off the bed.
  802. >A bit dumbfounded you can only stare at her.
  803. >”Race ya to the bath!”
  804. >And off she goes.
  805. >This mare man.
  807. >Following the purple unicorn to the bathroom, you find her already sitting next to the tub, waiting patiently.
  808. >”First~”, she states with a smile.
  809. >”What did I win?”
  810. “A bath with Equestria's only human!”
  811. >”Just what I always wanted~”
  812. >She takes a look through the room.
  813. >”Mhhmm. So romantic. Do you do this for every girl you know?”
  814. >You kneel down and gently stroke her cheek.
  815. “Only for those who are worth it.
  816. >Her face turns a shade darker and she puts her hooves on your shoulders.
  817. >Pulling you in, she locks lips with you.
  818. >You open your mouth and let your tongue roam free. Soon finding hers.
  819. >Just like before she runs her tongue across your teeth, focusing especially on the canines.
  820. >Every time Twilight makes contact with them, she lets out a soft moan.
  821. >Breaking the kiss you stare into her beautiful purple orbs.
  822. >You move one hand to her firm plot and lift her up. Using the other hand to stabilize her back.
  823. >”Whoa~”
  824. “May I?”
  825. >She nods.
  826. >Slowly lowering her towards the water, you stop right before the surface, allowing her to dip a hoof in it.
  827. “Is it okay?”
  828. >Another nod.
  829. >”It's perfect. Just like you.”
  830. >Smiling you remove your hand from her flank and she gracefully enters the warm bath.
  831. >Its just deep enough to cover her body up to the withers
  832. >”Ahhhh~ Wonderful.”
  833. >She slides over to one end of the tub and looks at you with expecting eyes.
  834. >Oh yeah. You still have your boxers on.
  835. >Dispatching of them, her gaze wanders lower.
  836. >”Oohhhhh... Someone's happy to see me~”
  838. >Lil'Anon is standing at half-mast.
  839. >You chuckle.
  840. “I can't help it. Not with such a beautiful mare right in front of me.”
  841. >She splashes some water at you.
  842. >”Oh you~.”
  843. >With the elegance of a hippo, you manage to dodge her water-based attack.
  844. >Lowering her upper body into the water, she bats her eyelashes at you.
  845. >”Come in already. I'm starting to feel lonely here.”
  846. >Not one to refuse a lady her wish, you join her.
  847. >It's a bit cramped, so you gently lift Twilight up by her shoulders and pull her onto your chest.
  848. >Ahhh heaven … your name is legroom.
  849. >Petting her mane you two just lay there for a while, enjoying each others company.
  850. >You grab the luffa and some shampoo and begin to rub Twilight's back with it.
  851. >Your other hand follows the sponge, massaging her muscles in small circles.
  852. >She purrs.
  853. “Didn't know ponies can do that.”
  854. >”Me neither...”
  855. >You chuckle.
  856. >Running your hands further down Twilight's back you reach her tail.
  857. >The hair there is still a bit sticky and glued together from her love juices.
  858. >You put the luffa away and squirt some shampoo in your hand.
  859. >Gently working the soap into Twilight's tail, tugging it a bit as you reach some particular tough clumps of hair.
  860. >”Ooohhh...”
  861. >Hmm? Does she like this?
  862. >You give it another soft tug.
  863. >”Mhhmmaah...”
  864. >Indeed she does.
  865. >This pony is full of sexy secrets.
  866. >Twilight raises her head from your neck and nuzzles your cheek.
  867. >”You know, if you keep this up...”
  868. >She presses her crotch into yours.
  869. >...we might end up dirty again~”
  871. >You gulp.
  872. >Like a friend of yours once said: “The south will rise again!”
  873. >And indeed it does.
  874. >You feel your erection slowly scraping against Twilight's lower lips, as it increases in size.
  875. >She inhales sharply and stares at you with half lidded eyes.
  876. >”Looks like you don't mind too much either”
  877. >Twilight moves her muzzle next to your ear. You can feel her hot breath on it.
  878. >”Me neither.”, she whispers.
  879. >Giving your earlobe a quick and gentle nibble, she begins to grind her marehood on your boner. Lubricating it with her juices.
  880. >The feeling of her soft lips on your penis is heavenly. Every time she reaches the tip, you can feel her clit popping out, trying to guide your shaft in.
  881. “T-Twi...! Wai-”
  882. >”Shhh....”
  883. >Her hooves embrace your neck.
  884. >”I know. Trust me.”
  885. >You whisper a soft “OK” into her ear and return the embrace.
  886. >She gradually increases the pace of her grinding, her breathing getting faster and shallower.
  887. >”Ah... Anon.”
  888. “Twilight.”
  889. >You let your hands wander down her back to her flanks.
  890. >She liked your teeth... you wonder if she would like this.
  891. >Curling your fingers up into claws, you run them through the fur over her cutie marks. Your nails gently scratching the skin beneath.
  892. >”Aachhh.... Yessssss~”, she hisses.
  893. >Twilight's head jolts back, exposing her slender neck.
  894. >You waste no time and place your mouth in the crook of it. Sucking on the delicate flesh before carefully sinking your teeth in it.
  895. >”Mmaahhh... Yes … Ravage me, Anon! Make me yours!”
  897. >Her horn starts to gleam in a faint purple shimmer.
  898. >A familiar feeling returns to your testicles.
  899. >Is she casting the spell again?
  900. >Ughh...Yes.
  901. >Out of reflex you bite her again, this time with more force.
  902. >She howls. Did you hurt her?
  903. >You remove your mouth from her neck.
  904. >The instant you do this, she locks lips with you.
  905. >Her tongue wrestling with yours, fighting for dominance.
  906. >You move one hand further down her plot, slowly approaching her honey pot. Your other hand still clawing her cutie mark.
  907. >Twilight moans into your mouth.
  908. >Knowing what she wants you retreat your tongue.
  909. >Soon enough you can feel her tongue running across your teeth, drawing small circles around your canines once it reaches them.
  910. >You trace her marehood with your fingers, coating them with the nectar it pushes out.
  911. >Once they are lubricated enough, you decide to test the waters a bit.
  912. >You move your hand to Twilight's black ring and gently insert one finger in it.
  913. >Her eyes shoot open and she breaks the kiss.
  914. >Was this too much?
  915. >”A..Another...”
  916. >Pushing your index finger in too, you to make come hither motions inside her.
  917. >She lets out a loud moan, and intensifies her grinding. Putting her full body weight on your dick.
  918. >”Yes. Yes. YES!”
  919. >Her horn lights up again, focusing her magic on your balls.
  920. >You groan and feel the end coming soon.
  922. “Twi... I'm...”
  923. >Twilight presses her face against yours and stares directly into your eyes.
  924. >”Me too...”
  925. >She moans and her hips increase the speed of their movement.
  926. >Her eyes take a pleading look.
  927. >”Please...”, she whispers.
  928. >”Inside me.”
  929. >You wanted to take things slow. But...
  930. >Screw it.
  931. >She wants this.
  932. >You want this.
  933. >Leaning forward you kiss her deeply and begin to move your hips in unison with hers.
  934. >The pressure in your loins grows stronger.
  935. >Twilight's amethyst eyes have nearly rolled up into her head, tears forming and falling down her cheeks.
  936. >Just as you were about to cum, you lift Twilight's lower body slightly up and slide into her rapidly winking marehood.
  937. >The feeling is... unbelievable.
  938. >Her pussy clamps down on you. Milking your cock in with strong sucking motions.
  939. >This is too much.
  940. >With an animal like grunt you let loose. Painting her insides white with your seed.
  941. >Twilight cries out and her whole body shudders as her own orgasm ripples through her body.
  942. >”Yaaaaaaaahhhhhhh”
  943. >You are still ejaculating, overfilling her tight cunt as your cum sloshes out of it.
  944. >After what seemed like an eternity, your climax subsides.
  945. >Panting heavily, Twilight collapses on top of you.
  946. >Her face sporting a satisfied smile and her eyes dazed from lust.
  947. >You cradle Twilight in your arm and the two of you enjoy the afterglow.
  948. >The water is lukewarm by now, but you couldn't care less.
  949. >You were far too happy for that.
  951. >Looking up from your chest, Twilight breaks the silence.
  952. >”You were wonderful. Thank you...”
  953. >You scratch her ears and plant a kiss on the base of her horn, which makes her coo.
  954. “You were wonderful too, Twi. But you don't need to thank me.”
  955. >”No! I do!” She blurts out.
  956. >She locks eyes with you. An ashamed and somewhat worried look on her face.
  957. >”I knew that you wanted to wait... but I still kinda forced you into … putting it in.”
  958. >She hides her face in her hooves.
  959. >”I'm so sorry! I ruined everything!”
  960. “Twi I-”
  961. >”No please let me finish...”
  962. >You see tears starting to form in her eyes.
  963. >”When you said you were close, I felt this burning desire in my brain to have your seed inside me... I tried to fight it but...”
  964. >She sniffs.
  965. >”It just kept getting stronger... It was so horrible. I wanted to respect your wish but I … couldn't.”
  966. >”So I gave in...”
  967. >You pet her mane in an attempt to calm her down a bit.
  968. >”As soon as you released inside me.. I felt this incredible feeling of joy and satisfaction... far more intensive as when you ate me out. Not that this wasn't wonderful too but...”
  969. >Putting a finger on her lips, you pull her closer.
  970. “I understand. You think it was the addiction?”
  971. >She nods.
  972. >”Mmhmm... and I don't want this. I want to feel like this just by being with you... not from a stupid forced chemical reaction in my brain.”
  973. >Twilight is fully crying now.
  974. >Fuck... Poor girl.
  975. >You rock her in your arms, humming a lullaby from your childhood.
  977. >After a while she calmed down a bit.
  978. >Gently lifting her chin up, you lock eyes with her.
  979. “Twi.”
  980. >You stroke her cheek.
  981. “This whole situation might be a bit crazy and confusing, but I'm sure that you will find a cure in no time”
  982. >A smile begins to form on her face.
  983. >Sniffing she wipes a tear from her eye.
  984. >You pull her in for a hug. Running a hand through her lower mane.
  985. “We will go through this together. I will stand by your side and be there for you, no matter what.”
  986. >You feel something wet hit your shoulder.
  987. >She's crying again, but this time those are tears of relief and joy and not of bitterness.
  988. >”T-Thank you Anon... I don't deserve you.”
  989. “You deserve far better. But I will stay with you as long as you want me.”
  990. >Her grip on your neck tightens.
  991. “And to motivate you a bit more...”
  992. >Twilight leans her head back a bit.
  993. “...once you finish finding the cure. I will take you on a date that you will never forget.”
  994. >”Promise?”
  995. “Pinkie promise.”
  996. >Her face is still puffy but the smile on it grows wider.
  997. >She rubs her cheek against yours and whispers into your ear:
  998. >”I love you, Anon. I really do”
  1000. >That somewhat took you by surprise.
  1001. >Not that you didn’t suspect it but... still.
  1002. >Myriads of thoughts run through your head in this very moment.
  1003. >Do you love her too?
  1004. >...
  1005. >You don't know.
  1006. >Sometimes you wish life came with instructions.
  1007. >Twilight stares expectingly at you.
  1008. >But what if...
  1009. >Yeah.
  1010. >Maybe this time, thinking isn't the right course of action.
  1011. >You always considered yourself a rational person.
  1012. >But love is not rational. You can't think through love.
  1013. >No.
  1014. >You just let it happen.
  1015. >For once you let your heart decide.
  1016. >Pecking her muzzle, you embrace her again. Softly breathing the following words into her ear:
  1017. “I love you too, Twi.”
  1018. >She tears up again, Small droplets falling into the water beneath her eyes, making quiet splash noises.
  1019. >The two of you lay there for a while more.
  1020. >Contented with the fact that you finally found each other.
  1050. Part 3
  1052. >Still be Anon.
  1053. >And you are currently brushing Twilights mane.
  1054. >If your friends could see you now, you wouldn’t hear the end of it.
  1055. >Sometimes you miss your old life on earth.
  1056. >You sigh.
  1057. >Better not delve for too long in old memories...
  1058. >The lavender unicorn has her eyes closed and hums a soft song that you recognize from somewhere.
  1059. >Making the finishing stroke, you put the brush aside and run your hand over her silken hair to smoothen some stray strands out.
  1060. >Satisfied with your work, you rise from your kneeling position.
  1061. “All finished, Twi.”
  1062. >She turns her head around and beams a smile at you that could melt glaciers.
  1063. >”Thanks Anon.”
  1064. “No biggie. Everything for my favourite little pony.”
  1065. >Aww, she's blushing.
  1066. >How can one pony be so cute?
  1067. >You feel tempted to ruffle her mane, but that would probably ruin your handiwork.
  1068. >So you just kneel down again and give her a quick kiss between the eyes.
  1069. >This rewards you with a giggle and another blush.
  1070. >”A-Anon stop!”
  1071. “Sorry, can't do. You are just too cute!”
  1072. >Twilight breaks into a giggle fit as you shower her face with kisses, pretending to dodge.
  1073. >Just as you launched your finishing blow, a devastating kiss on the tip of her horn, she grabs your face with her hooves and pulls you close.
  1074. >Should have expected this...
  1075. >Defeated by one perfectly executed counter attack, you give in and let her enjoy her victory.
  1076. >Her tongue pries your lips open and you surrender to it.
  1077. >You shudder as she claims her prize.
  1078. >War is cruel.
  1080. >After a few seconds she breaks the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips.
  1081. >”That was nice.”
  1082. “Indeed it was.”
  1083. >She locks her hooves behind your neck and hugs you tightly.
  1084. >”Do you even know how happy you made me today?”
  1085. >You chuckle and return the embrace.
  1086. “A bit I assume?”
  1087. >”Unbelievably.”
  1088. >She nuzzles your neck, her mane tickling your nose. It smells like lavender with a hint of vanilla.
  1089. >”I'm afraid that I will wake up any minute now, realizing it was only a dream.”
  1090. “Believe me, you aren't dreaming.”
  1091. >Gently giving the tip of her ear a slight nibble you feel her shiver.
  1092. “See?”
  1093. >She snickers.
  1094. >Oh this mare.
  1095. >You get up again, slowly lifting her up from the floor.
  1096. >She's now dangling from your neck like a necklace.
  1097. >Her snickering intensifies.
  1098. “Necklaces don't giggle.”
  1099. >You boop her on the muzzle.
  1100. “So be quiet or everyone will see through your disguise.”
  1101. >”Oh, Anon.”
  1102. >Twilight leans her head forward in an attempt to rub noses, but she can't quite reach.
  1103. >You shake your head. Silly pony.
  1104. “Let me meet you halfway.”
  1105. >Lowering your head you were not prepared for what she had planned.
  1106. >Instead of rubbing her nose against yours she gives you a big lick from your chin up to the bridge of your nose.
  1107. >She instantly lets go of your neck and lands gracefully on her four hooves.
  1108. >”Got ya!”
  1109. >A bit dumbfounded you can only stare at Twilight as she runs down the stairs to your living room.
  1110. >Her cuteness will be the end of you.
  1112. >Following her down the companionway you find Twilight curled up on your couch, her muzzle buried in a book and her tail swishing happily from side to side.
  1113. >Eh, trying to act as if nothing happened?
  1114. >Two can play that game.
  1115. “Hey Twilight! What are you doing here?”
  1116. >She looks up from her book and smiles.
  1117. >”Just reading one of your books.”
  1118. >You sit down besides her.
  1119. “Without asking me first?”, you say making a pouting face.
  1120. >Another giggle.
  1121. >”Of course. That's what I do. Breaking into houses of extraterrestrials to steal their knowledge!”
  1122. >She smiles at you.
  1123. >”But say ...”
  1124. “Hmm?”
  1125. >”Why is your face so wet?”
  1126. >You shrug.
  1127. “Crazy story.”
  1128. >Twilight closes the book.
  1129. >”Do tell!”
  1130. >Chuckling you pull her on your lap.
  1131. “Some crazy purple mare just licked my face and ran away! Can you believe it?!”
  1132. >She laughs.
  1133. >”She sounds like a fun pony to hang out with!”
  1134. “Indeed she is.”
  1135. >You start to softly stroke her neck. Her fur is even softer than before the bath.
  1136. “I wouldn't like to miss any moment I spent with her.”
  1137. >Twilight lifts her up a bit using her front hooves and nuzzles your chest.
  1138. >”Oh Anon...”
  1139. >*grumble*
  1140. >Her cheeks burn up.
  1141. >”S-Sorry...”
  1142. “Don't be.” you say, smiling.
  1143. “Are you hungry?”
  1144. >She nods.
  1145. >”Mhmmm. We were quite... active today, so I'm a bit famished.”
  1146. >You kiss her forehead.
  1147. “Okay. Just stay here and read your book. I'm sure I can fix something up for us two.”
  1148. >Gently lifting her up from your lap and placing her back on the couch, you kneel down
  1149. >She puckers her lips.
  1150. >Oh silly pony, you really thought that I would forget my revenge?
  1151. >Quickly you give her horn a big lick and run to your kitchen.
  1152. “Got ya!”
  1154. >You rummage through your cupboards trying to find something she would like.
  1155. >Eh you should really go buy groceries soon.
  1156. >You open the fridge hoping to find something there.
  1157. “Hmm. Spinach, onions, eggs... Can ponies eat eggs?”
  1158. >You think you saw Rarity eating an omelette before, so it should be okay.
  1159. >An omelette is actually not a bad idea... Easy to cook and tasty.
  1160. >Grabbing the ingredients, you put them on the table and turn your attention back to the fridge.
  1161. “Where is it … I know I bought some yesterday.”
  1162. >There it is.
  1163. >Grade A Sweet Apple Acres cheese.
  1164. >Fresh from Molly... the talking cow.
  1165. >Learning that even the cattle is sentient was quite a shock for you.
  1166. >Not for the fact that they can talk but more for the realization that you will never have a juicy steak again.
  1167. >You miss meat.
  1168. >Sighing you close the fridge.
  1169. >Opening the drawer you grab your best knife and begin to chop the veggies.
  1170. >You were just about to grate the cheese when a knock on your door interrupted you.
  1171. >Who could this be?
  1172. >”Anon! Someone is at the door!”, Twilight yells from the living room.
  1173. “Heard it, mom!”
  1174. >A muffled giggle can be heard.
  1175. >You walk over to the front door and open it.
  1176. >Huh no ones there?
  1177. >”Hello miphta!”
  1178. >You look down.
  1179. >Oh a filly.
  1180. “Hello to you too.”
  1181. >She has a curly red mane and is sporting a fillyscout uniform.
  1182. >”Would you like to buy sthome of our cookiesth? They are freth from the oven, and we usth the revenuesth from the thales to build a home for losth animalsth!”
  1184. >Oh god her lisp...
  1185. >”We have raisthin thurpristh, chocolate chipth, lemon crème and thin mintsth.”
  1186. “Sin mints?”
  1187. >”No thin minths!”
  1188. >Ok...
  1189. >She looks expectingly at you.
  1190. >Better buy something before she starts talking again.
  1191. >And it's for a good cause, so why not?
  1192. >”I-I will take one box of the chocolate cookies and one of the mints, please.”
  1193. >She walks over to her pull wagon and grabs two boxes out of it.
  1194. >With her mouth.... eww non-Twilight pony saliva.
  1195. >”Here you go mitshta! That will be stheven bisths!”
  1196. >Seven bits?! You could eat like a king at the local burger joint for this amount.
  1197. >Groaning you fish the bits out of your pocket and hand them over to her.
  1198. >The red maned filly takes the money and puts it in her saddle bag.
  1199. >”Thanksth!”
  1200. >She beams a smile at you.
  1201. >”Altho theresth sthomething on your door!”
  1202. >Huh?
  1203. >She is right. A letter sticks to it.
  1204. >”Bye mistha!”
  1205. “Bye...”
  1206. >There she goes.
  1207. >Cute little filly even if her lisp somewhat irritated you.
  1208. >You pull the message off your door and close it..
  1209. >No sender but a waxen seal on the envelope. Looks like the one the local guards use.
  1210. >Breaking the seal you take a look at the letter inside.
  1211. >...
  1212. >You can't believe it.
  1213. >Rainbow Dash got herself arrested.
  1214. >Somepony saw her entering your house through a window and called the guards.
  1215. >They also wanted you to come by as soon as possible, so things can be settled.
  1216. >Their visiting hours end at nine.
  1217. >You take a look at the clock.
  1218. >Quarter past seven.
  1219. >Hmm you could make it if you wanted... even if you prepare dinner first.
  1220. >But some thinking time alone would do her no harm.
  1221. >Maybe she learns something out of it.
  1222. >Like not spying on your best friends having intimate moments.
  1223. >Also you are pretty sure that prison rape is not a thing in equestria, so she should be fine.
  1225. >”Who was it Anon?”
  1226. >You fold the letter and slide it into your pocket.
  1227. “Oh just a fillyscout.”
  1228. >Hearing that her head jolts up, nearly knocking the book out of her hooves.
  1229. >”Really?! Did you buy cookies?”
  1230. >This pony man.
  1231. >You walk over to Twilight and present her the two boxes.
  1232. >Of course you wiped them before.
  1233. >The foals these days... you never know where their mouths have been.
  1234. >”Ohhhh.... Chocolate chip and mints!”
  1235. >Her eyes grow wide and she licks her lips.
  1236. >”Can... Can I have some?”
  1237. >You ruffle her mane.
  1238. “Of course. But don't spoil your appetite, dinner is ready soon.”
  1239. >”Yeah I won't … dad.” she says, rolling her eyes.
  1240. >She grabs the boxes out of your hand with her magic and immediately rips one open,
  1241. >A cookie rises from it's cardboardy home and floats into her mouth.
  1242. >”Oh by Celestia these are sooooo good...”
  1243. >You watch as several of its brother find the same fate in rapid succession.
  1244. >To be honest you are impressed that a pony can eat so much in so little time.
  1245. >Twilight finally notices that you are still looking and the realization that her new boyfriend just witnessed her pig out hits her.
  1246. >In an instant her cheeks are on fire and her pupils narrow.
  1247. >”Oh... I... Uh...”
  1248. >She hides her face behind the book.
  1249. >”Y-You should better check on the food. Don't want it to burn... hehehe....”
  1250. “I haven't even started yet. I just chopped the vegetables.”
  1251. >”T-Then... check if they are still there! They tend to run away from time to time.”
  1252. >You kneel down to face Twilight. Well her book, to be exact.
  1253. “Are fleeing vegetables a thing here in equestria?”
  1254. >”Yes! Yes they are! So you should really go check on them!”
  1255. >Chuckling, you stand up.
  1256. “Okay then. Lets hope they are still on my kitchen table.”
  1257. >”Mhhmmm.”
  1258. >You make your way to the kitchen, stopping at the corridor that connects it to your living room.
  1259. “And Twi...”
  1260. >She peeks up from her book.
  1261. “ looked really cute eating like that.”
  1262. >Quickly she ducks behind it again.
  1263. >”T-Thanks...”
  1265. >Where were you...
  1266. >Ah, yes. You wanted to grate the cheese.
  1267. >Grabbing the grater you begin.
  1268. >The letter reminded you that you still didn’t tell Twilight about Rainbow.
  1269. >But she is so happy right now...
  1270. >You don't want to see her crying again like before.
  1271. “Mmhh...”
  1272. >Is this enough? Some more would do no harm.
  1273. >How would this affect their friendship?
  1274. >You didn't think about that before.
  1275. >Aren't they part of the elements of harmony?
  1276. >Would they still work if Twilight isn't befriended with Rainbow Dash any more?
  1277. >Fuck. The rabbit hole goes deeper than you thought.
  1278. >Not only is their friendship at stake, but the safety of equestria.
  1279. “Owww!”
  1280. >You cut yourself. Good job.
  1281. >It's not terribly deep but still bleeding like hell.
  1282. “Shit...”
  1283. >At least the cheese is grated.
  1284. >The clopping of hooves on wood can be heard.
  1285. >Twilight storms through the corridor into your kitchen.
  1286. >”Anon! Is everything alright? I heard you scream!”
  1287. “Yeah... I was just lost in thought and cut myself on the grater.”
  1288. >”Let me see!”
  1289. “Really Twi, it's just a small cut. It nearly st- Whoa!”
  1290. >She pulls you down with her magic.
  1291. >Inspecting your finger, the worried look on her face fades.
  1292. >”You're right. Thank goodness.”
  1293. >Her horn starts to gleam faintly and she closes her eyes.
  1294. >Uggh. Your finger suddenly feels hot, like you dipped it in boiling water.
  1295. “Twi... what are you doing?”
  1296. >”Shh. Just a small healing spell.”
  1297. >You nod and let Twilight do her magic.
  1298. >After a few seconds the cut closed itself and the hot feeling in your finger subsides.
  1299. >Checking your newly healed finger out, you whistle.
  1300. “Wow... Didn't know unicorns could do that. Really impressive.”
  1301. >Twilight sits down on her haunches and beams you a smile.
  1302. >”Yeah. As long as the wound isn't to deep or is bleeding too much, healing spells work. But they are really difficult to cast and even harder to maintain. Also we aren't quite finished yet...”
  1303. “What do you mean? My finger is perfectly fine.”
  1304. >She shakes her head.
  1305. >”Show it to me once more, please.”
  1306. >Complying you put your finger in front of her face.
  1307. >She gives it a small kiss.
  1308. >”Now it's healed!”
  1309. >D'aww.
  1310. >You kneel down and hug her.
  1311. “Thanks Twi, you are the best.”
  1312. >”Everything for my favourite human.” she says, returning your embrace.
  1313. “If you're gonna keep being so cute then I might need a healing spell for my heart.”
  1314. >She laughs.
  1315. >”So should I stop?”
  1316. >You lean your head back a bit and rub your nose against hers.
  1317. “Don't you dare!”
  1319. >Enjoying the hug for a moment more, you break the silence,
  1320. “I'm going to finish preparing dinner now, okay?”
  1321. >She lets her hooves slide off your neck as you get up.
  1322. >”Okay.”
  1323. “It will be ready soon. You can go back reading again if you want.”
  1324. >Shaking her head. she climbs on a chair and plants her plot on it.
  1325. >”I will stay here, if it doesn't bother you too much.”
  1326. >You smile.
  1327. “Of course not.”
  1328. >Putting the grated cheese aside, you take a bowl out of your cupboard and start cracking the eggs into it.
  1329. >”What are you making?”
  1330. “Veggie Omelette.” you say reaching for the whisk.
  1331. “I hope you like this, if not I can fix something else for you. A vegetable stir or something, providing the remaining greens are still there and not on the run already.”
  1332. >She blushes and looks away.
  1333. >”Hehe... about that...”
  1334. >You ruffle her mane a bit.
  1335. “Don't worry about it. Like I said before, you looked really cute.”
  1336. >The blush on her cheeks grows brighter.
  1337. “So...omelette is fine with you?”
  1338. >”Yep!” she chirps.
  1339. “Okay then.”
  1340. >You whisk the eggs and once you are satisfied with the consistency, you add the chopped vegetables.
  1341. >She puts a hoof on the table and rests her head on it.
  1342. >”Say Anon...”
  1343. “Hmm?”
  1344. >”Is something the matter? You said you were lost in thought before. Must be something pretty significant, if you are so engrossed in it that you cut yourself.”
  1345. >Fuck. She can read you like a book.
  1346. >Laying the beater aside, you grab a pan and oil it up.
  1347. “No... not really. Don't bother with it, Twi.”
  1348. >”But I want to bother with it! You are important to me!”
  1349. >Her voice sounds troubled... She really does care for you, doesn't she?
  1350. “...”
  1351. >You turn the gas on, and place the pan on the hob.
  1352. >It begins to sizzle.
  1353. >”Please Anon...”
  1354. >You turn your head around.
  1355. >Twilight reaches her hoof out to you.
  1356. >Her face takes a concerned look, her eyes staring directly into yours.
  1357. >” can talk to me.”
  1358. >Grabbing her hoof with both of your hands, you bow down a bit to face her.
  1359. >Your thumbs strokes the soft fur of her appendage.
  1360. “I know Twi...”
  1361. >This is it.
  1362. >Either you lie to Twilight or tell her the truth.
  1363. >What will it be?
  1365. >You decide to tell Twilight the truth.
  1366. >It wouldn't be right to hide this from her.
  1367. >Taking a deep breath you fish the letter out of your pocket.
  1368. “You see... something strange happened today, but...
  1369. >You hand it to her.
  1370. “ better read it yourself.”
  1371. >She gives you a quizzical look and takes the message with her magic.
  1372. >Unfolding it she begins to read.
  1373. >”Hmm...”
  1374. >She lets out a hearty laugh.
  1375. >”What?! Rainbow got herself arrested for breaking into your house?”
  1376. >You nod.
  1377. >”And this was it what bothered you so much?”
  1378. >Her hoof wipes a tear away.
  1379. >”It says their visiting hours end at nine, so we can go there after dinner and get her out.”
  1380. >You ponder for a bit if you shouldn't just leave it there.
  1381. >No.
  1382. >She deserves the truth.
  1383. “There's more to it, Twi.”
  1384. >Your grip on her hoof tightens.
  1385. >”What do you mean? Did she steal something?”
  1386. >Yeah … she did steal something.
  1387. >Your trust for her.
  1388. >You shake your head.
  1389. “No. But she did something wrong.”
  1390. >The look on Twilight's face gets more confused.
  1391. >”What did she do then? She didn't break Cuppy, didn't she? I swear if she did, I will-”
  1392. >You put a finger on her lips.
  1393. >Oh man this mare.
  1394. >You chuckle.
  1395. >An idea came to your head that could possibly defuse this whole situation a bit.
  1396. “No she didn't break Cuppy either.”
  1397. >Why not let Rainbow confess to her?
  1398. >They know each other for so long now, surely Twilight would take the news better if she heard it from Dash herself.
  1399. >Moving your hand from her lips to her jowl, you caress the coat there.
  1400. “She should better tell you herself.”
  1401. >She leans into your touch.
  1402. >”O-Ok?”
  1403. “I promise it's nothing life-threatening.”
  1404. >”Pinkie promise?”
  1405. “Wouldn't that be my third one today?”
  1406. >This elicits a giggle from her.
  1407. >”Yep! Better not break any of them! Uhh...”
  1408. “What is it, Twi?”
  1409. >Her eyes are fixated on something behind you.
  1410. >”A-Anon! The pan!”
  1411. >You yank your head around.
  1412. >Oh fuck the oil is burning!
  1413. >Quickly grabbing a nearby towel you throw it over the burning pan.
  1414. >Please, please don't catch fire too.
  1415. >The towel ignites.
  1416. >Fuck you too, god.
  1417. >Well you can't hold this against him, you broke several of his commandments and rules today.
  1418. >“Anon, out of the way!”
  1419. >A purple beam flies towards you.
  1420. >Swiftly you jump out of its way.
  1421. >The beam hits the pan and a bubble begins to form around it.
  1422. >After a few seconds the orb collapses and the fire is extinguished.
  1423. >”Phew.”
  1424. >She faces you.
  1425. >”Everything ok, Anon? Are you hurt?”
  1426. >Stepping closer to the now smoking pan you shake your head.
  1427. “No everything alright. Thanks Twilight.”
  1428. >She laughs.
  1429. >”You're welcome. Don't want my new coltfriend's house to burn down, do I?”
  1430. >As soon as she realized what she just said her cheeks burn up, almost as bright as the fire before.
  1431. >”Ah .. Ah. Uh..”
  1432. >With speed that would rival Rainbow's you pick Twilight up and kiss her deeply.
  1433. >Her eyes shoot open, this took her by surprise.
  1434. >You break the kiss and look into her beautiful amethyst orbs
  1435. “Now I will have to do something special for my new marefriend, since she saved my house eh?”
  1436. >She presses her face into your chest, small droplets falling from her eyes.
  1438. >Twilight looks up to you. Her eyes glistening and a smile on her face.
  1439. >”Thanks...”
  1440. >You press her body a bit tighter to yours.
  1441. >”Thanks for saying that … you don't know how much this means to me.”
  1442. >Petting her mane, you gently put her back on the floor.
  1443. “It means a lot to me too, Twi.”
  1444. >Her hooves lock around your neck and she nuzzles your cheek.
  1445. >”I know I already said that today... but you make me unbelievable happy.”
  1446. >A kiss is planted on it.
  1447. >”And I love you.”
  1448. >You return the embrace.
  1449. ”I love you too, Twi.”
  1450. >”Say it again.”
  1451. “I love you.”
  1452. >”Mmhhh...”
  1453. >A few moments pass and she breaks the hug. Her face full of joy and content.
  1454. >Seeing her like this makes butterflies flutter around your stomach.
  1455. >You get up and inspect the pan.
  1456. >It has a somewhat large, smouldering hole in it.
  1457. >You sigh
  1458. “We might have a small problem at hand, Twi...”
  1459. >”At hoof.” she corrects you, giggling.
  1460. >Right.
  1461. “This was my only pan.”
  1462. >”Aww... really?”
  1463. >You nod.
  1464. “Sadly, yes.”
  1465. >She looks crestfallen.
  1466. “Don't be sad. I don't like it when you are sad.”
  1467. >Her lips form a smile.
  1468. >Much better.
  1469. “How about I get us a few hayburgers and some fries? And then we cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together. How does that sound?”
  1470. >”Wonderful!” she chirps.
  1471. >You pat Twilight softly on her head.
  1472. “Then it's settled. I will just get my jacket and be on my way then.”
  1473. >”But what about Rainbow?”
  1474. >Oh yeah. She's still in pony prison.
  1475. “First thing tomorrow morning, we will go and bail her out, okay?”
  1476. >”Are you sure?”
  1477. >You nod.
  1478. “I am. She will be fine. Let's make tonight about us.”
  1479. >Hearing this, her smile grows wider
  1480. >”Okay. If you say she will be fine, I trust you.”
  1481. >It feels nice to hear that...
  1482. >You kneel down and give her a quick peck on the horn.
  1483. >”Uuhhaa...”
  1484. >She shudders.
  1485. >Oh right, erogenous zone.
  1486. “I will be on my way then. You decide on what you want to watch, while I'm away. You know where my movies are?”
  1487. >”Y-Yes.”
  1488. >You chuckle.
  1489. “See you soon, Twi!”
  1490. >”B-Bye...”
  1491. >Looks like you literally hit a nerve.
  1492. >You grab your jacket and your bit bag and exit your home.
  1494. >You are Twilight Sparkle and you are still sitting in Anon's kitchen.
  1495. >Wow... that kiss rippled from your horntip through your whole body.
  1496. >Perhaps you can ask him later to do it again...
  1497. >Would he be comfortable to take it into his mouth?
  1498. >By Celestia...this would be so hot...
  1499. >Only thinking about it gets you goin, since it always was a fantasy of yours.
  1500. >But your former coltfriends, as few as they may be, weren't pleased when you asked them to do it.
  1501. >Silver Lining even laughed at you and asked if he looked like a colt cuddler.
  1502. >He said other things too, but you don't want to remember them.
  1503. >...
  1504. >Stallions can be assholes.
  1505. >”You should be grateful that I even put up with a boring librarian like you!”
  1506. >You shake your head and suppress some tears.
  1507. >No.
  1508. >Anon is different.
  1509. >Even if he wouldn't like to do it, he wouldn't insult you like that.
  1510. >He is nice.
  1511. >He cares for you.
  1512. >Regaining your composure, you get up and grab the pan and the bowl with the whisked eggs, using your magic.
  1513. >The pan is beyond rescuing, but Anon and you could still eat the eggs tomorrow morning.
  1514. >So you put the pan into the fridge and throw the mix away.
  1515. >Wait, what?
  1516. “Ponyfeathers...”
  1517. >Calm down, Sparkles.
  1518. >This was in the past.
  1519. >What's important now is the present.
  1520. >And the future... your future with Anon.
  1521. >You inhale and exhale deeply a few times, your hoof following your breathing.
  1522. >Just like Cadence taught you.
  1523. “Ok... all better now.”
  1524. >You wrap the grated cheese in some foil and lay it in the fridge.
  1525. >The pan joins the eggs in the thrash can.
  1527. >Somewhat satisfied with your cleaning, you leave the kitchen and enter Anon's living room.
  1528. >He said that you should pick a movie while he was away.
  1529. >You still don't understand how a whole film fits onto such a small disk.
  1530. >To be honest you don't understand most of the stuff that came with Anon, when he arrived in equestria.
  1531. >Like his magic picture box he called television.
  1532. >...
  1533. >Ah his arrival, what a magical and strange day.
  1534. >Anon claims that he doesn't remember it any more.
  1535. >Fluttershy found him near the edge of the Whitetail forest, covered with burns and his stuff scattered around him.
  1536. >He was unconscious for nearly a week.
  1537. >Fascinated by the strange bipedal alien the very first moment you saw him, you stayed by his side until he woke up.
  1538. >Even against the advice of your friends.
  1539. >You wanted to know more about him.
  1540. >...
  1541. >Anyways.
  1542. >His “electronics”, how he likes to call them. didn't work without electricity.
  1543. >But you managed to get them working again with a fusion crystal, that you charged with a lightning spell.
  1544. >He was so happy when you showed him the crystal and explained what it was for.
  1545. >Maybe a bit too happy since he grabbed it with his bare hands and nearly electrocuted himself.
  1546. >You giggle.
  1547. >After some care and burn ointment, he found a way to hook them up to the fusion crystal which now safely floats in a grounding bubble, behind his TV.
  1548. >You turn your head around and scan the shelf with his movies.
  1549. “Hmmm...”
  1550. >You've seen a few of them... most were action flicks and animation, he called “ahnimeh”.
  1551. >One day you found strange one with naked female humans on them.
  1552. >Of course you were intrigued and asked him if you could watch these.
  1553. >Anon's reaction was so cute.
  1554. >He grabbed them out of your magical grip and his face became beet-red.
  1555. >Maybe you can watch them now, since you are more or less an item now?
  1556. >You giggle again.
  1557. >A particular night-blue box catches your interest and you magic it from the shelf.
  1558. “The last Unicorn...”
  1559. >This sounds interesting.
  1560. >He never said anything about unicorns on his world.
  1561. >Reading the text on the back, you decide that this would be the right film for tonight.
  1563. >You put the Deeveedee next to the television and think what else you could need.
  1564. >Maybe a blanket?
  1565. >It is quite warm today but...
  1566. “Cuddling isn't the same without a blanket!” you state.
  1567. >Humming a happy tune, you walk to Anon's cabinet and pull a blanket out of it.
  1568. >You lay it neatly folded on the couch.
  1569. “Hmm what else...”
  1570. >There are still cookies left, even after your snack attack, so you won't need any other snacks.
  1571. >An idea comes to your mind.
  1572. >Maybe some wine?
  1573. >Sharing a bottle of wine and watching a movie together, while the two of you cuddle under a blanket.
  1574. >It's so romantic, you could squee.
  1575. >So you do.
  1576. >Now you just have to hope, Anon has a bottle in his house.
  1577. >After a short search through his kitchen you finally find one, hidden behind a box of cornflakes.
  1578. >You blow the dust from the label.
  1579. “Uhh.”
  1580. >Quite a fancy one at that.
  1581. “Domaine Romanêigh.”
  1582. >Sounds expensive... like something Rarity would buy.
  1583. “I will just ask him if its OK to drink this.” you say to yourself.
  1584. >Floating the bottle back to the living room, you put it on the coffee-table, along with two glasses.
  1585. >Perfect.
  1586. >You would light some candles, but you don't know where Anon keeps them.
  1587. >But this should do nicely.
  1588. >Did you forget something?
  1589. >No, you don't think so.
  1590. >You climb on the sofa and take a look at the clock.
  1591. >Anon should be back any minute now.
  1592. ”Aaahhh! I can't wait!”
  1593. >This is going to be the best night of your life.
  1594. >Somehow this sounds familiar.
  1596. >Fifteen more minutes pass.
  1597. >The hayburger restaurant isn't too far away from his house... he should be back by now.
  1598. >You start to worry, your hooves nervously pawing the soft fabric of the couch..
  1599. >What if something happened to him?
  1600. >Ponyville is a safe town, isn’t it?
  1601. >Nothing does ever happen here...
  1602. “Aargh! This place is a magnet for disasters!”
  1603. >Panic begins to well up in your stomach.
  1604. >And the proximity of the Everfree forest doesn't make it better.
  1605. >All kinds of dark and bloodthirsty creatures leave their bone ridden caves at night, in search for prey.
  1606. >Nononono... stop agitating yourself!
  1607. >Everything will be fine.
  1608. >You are sure of that.
  1609. >The clocks strikes eight.
  1610. “If he isn't here in five minutes, I start looking for him!”
  1611. >Just as you finished your sentence, the front door opens and Anon enters through it.
  1612. >Carrying two large paper bags under his arms.
  1613. >You jump off the couch and run towards him.
  1614. “Anon!”
  1615. >He puts the bags on the cupboard next to the door and kneels down, his arms open.
  1616. >You leap into his embrace.
  1617. >Feeling him so close and smelling his scent again, calms you down instantly.
  1618. “You're back...”
  1619. >”Twi... what’s the matter? Did something happen?”
  1620. >His hand slowly runs through your mane.
  1621. “Mmhhh...”
  1622. >You look up into his eyes and shake your head.
  1623. “N-No.. I was just worried that something happened to you... You were away for so long!”
  1624. >He kisses your forehead.
  1625. >”Sorry Twilight. I just had to wait in line. Some crazy blue unicorn mare didn't stop yelling at the poor clerk, demanding a “great and plentiful” refill. And she didn't leave, until she got it. She even wanted to talk to the manager.”
  1626. >This elicits a laugh from you.
  1627. “Yeah. I know her. She can be quite troublesome.”
  1628. >You rest your head on his shoulder.
  1629. “I'm just glad you're back.”
  1630. >”Hey Twi.”
  1631. “Yes?”
  1632. >”Don't work yourself up so much, okay? It's not good for you.”
  1633. >Anon boops you on the muzzle.
  1634. >”I'm really touched that you care for me, but don't fill your cute little head with dark thoughts.”
  1635. >He presses you closer to his chest.
  1636. >”I rather see you smiling when I come home.”
  1637. >You can feel tears start to form in your eyes.
  1638. “I-I won't...”
  1639. >He and you enjoy the embrace for a few moments more.
  1640. >Anon breaks it and wipes a tear from your face, stroking your cheek..
  1641. >”Wanna eat something now? I brought your favourite!” he says, beaming you a smile.
  1642. >You return the smile and nod.
  1644. >Now sitting at the kitchen table, Anon spreads the food on it.
  1645. >Four hayburgers with haybacon and cheese, along with two bags of fries.
  1646. >And is this...
  1647. >It is!
  1648. >Your favourite!
  1649. >The Hayonator! With onions, lettuce, tomatoes and three different kinds of cheese.
  1650. >The smell invades your nostrils and your mouth begins to water.
  1651. >You can almost taste the secret sauce.
  1652. >A shudder runs down your spine.
  1653. >Anon chuckles and pulls two soda cans out of the bag.
  1654. >Putting one next to you, he sits down again.
  1655. >He claps his hands together.
  1656. >“Let's begin then! Before it gets cold.”
  1657. >This snaps you back to reality and you shoot him a quick nod.
  1658. >”Bon appêtit!”
  1659. ”Bon appêtit!”
  1660. >You pull the hayonator to you and float it out if its box.
  1661. >Oh Celestia yes... It's been so long since you had one of these.
  1662. >It's so big, so fatty, so unhealthy… so perfect.
  1663. >You are tempted to devour it as fast as you can. But...
  1664. >Anon is directly looking at you, a smile on his face.
  1665. >So you just take a small bite. Chewing carefully.
  1666. >Don't want to embarrass yourself in front of him again.
  1667. >This time there will be no vegetables to save your sorry flank.
  1668. >The taste washes over your tongue like wave of greasy bliss.
  1669. >Everything blends together perfectly, The haypatty, the veggies and of course the secret sauce.
  1670. >It gives just the perfect hint of spiciness to the composition.
  1671. “So good...” you moan.
  1672. >He giggles.
  1673. >”Glad to hear that.”
  1674. >He takes a bite out of his own burger.
  1675. >”You know, normally I don't like hay. But when it's deep-fried and put in a bun, with some sauce and lettuce, it's actually pretty tasty.”
  1676. >You swallow.
  1677. “Did you have hayburgers on your planet too?”
  1678. >”Yep. But we didn't use hay for the patties.”
  1679. >He winces, as if he said something wrong.
  1681. “What did your people use then? I can't think of anything better than deep-fried hay.”
  1682. >You smile and take another bite, slightly bigger this time.
  1683. >Contenance Sparkle.
  1684. >”Eh you see... How do I put this. You know Molly, right?”
  1685. “The cow? Yes. She is quite nice. Always lends out books about birdwatching.”
  1686. >You take a sip of your soda.
  1687. “Why? Are they made out of milk or cheese?”
  1688. >Anon winces again. His fingers nervously twitching.
  1689. >”No... They are made out of … Molly.”
  1690. >Oh.
  1691. “Oh.”
  1692. >You know that Anon used to eat meat back on his planet, his canines are proof of this, but...
  1693. >Does it bother you?
  1694. >No. Not really.
  1695. >Consuming the flesh of other living beings is a taboo in equestria.
  1696. >Gryphon’s are... tolerated. But still their eating habits are frowned upon.
  1697. >But it's not his fault that he is a carnivore, or strictly speaking, an omnivore.
  1698. >You put your hoof on his hand to reassure him..
  1699. “It's okay. I'm not bothered by it.”
  1700. >He seems relieved.
  1701. >”Thanks Twi. I know this is frowned upon here. Some ponies already gave me the stink-eye when they saw my teeth.”
  1702. “You should know best, that I'm quite glad you have these.”
  1703. >Anon chuckles.
  1704. >”Yeah you're right. Pretty kinky for a pony to have a biting fetish.”
  1705. >Your cheeks burn up.
  1706. “Y-Yeah it's quite rare... and I didn't even know that I had it before … today.”
  1707. >Fiddling with your hooves you take another bite out of your burger.
  1708. >He mockingly throws his arms up in shock.
  1709. >“Oh the humanity! I corrupted the innocent librarian with my dangerous teeth and nails! What would your parents think?!”
  1710. >You shake your head, but you can't suppress to laugh at his silliness.
  1711. “Firstly it's: “Oh the equinity!” and secondly...”
  1712. >”You ponies and your horse puns.” he says, finishing his first burger.
  1713. “I'm sure that my parents won't think that you are planning on eating me any time soon, once they get to know you and see how nice you are.”
  1714. >”Oh but I am planning on eating you.”
  1715. >His lips form a devious grin.
  1716. “W-What?”
  1717. >”Out, that is.”
  1718. >He gives you a wink.
  1719. “Oh you!”
  1720. >You grab a few fries and throw them at him.
  1722. >After a few relentless potato-based artillery strikes, you cease your fire.
  1723. >Laughing you two shake hooves and hands respectively.
  1724. >Peace returned to the kitchen soon after.
  1725. >”Let's finish our food, ok? It starting to get cold already.”
  1726. >You nod and get down to business.
  1727. >Aww. It's really a bit cold.
  1728. >And if you keep eating at this slow speed, the rest of the burgers will be ice cold by then too.
  1729. >Maybe you can slowly increase your pace without him noticing.
  1730. >He seems pretty engrossed with his food...
  1731. >Okay then.
  1732. >You take a few quick bites and check if he saw something.
  1733. >No. His eyes are still on his food.
  1734. >Perfect.
  1735. >He reaches for his can and you seize the opportunity.
  1736. >With three more bites, the hayonator is no more.
  1737. >Victory at all levels.
  1738. >At least you thought so... Anon is staring at you, his can in his hand and a grin on his face.
  1739. >”Got. Ya. “
  1740. >He points at you.
  1741. >“I knew, I just had to wait.”
  1742. >You can feel your face getting hotter.
  1743. “Uh...I...”
  1744. >Anon leans forward and ruffles your mane.
  1745. >Just like he did countless other times this day.
  1746. >”Twi, really. You don't have to be embarrassed around me. Just be you, okay?”
  1747. >Wow. You really don't deserve him.
  1748. >”I will even cast the first stone.”
  1749. >He grabs another burger, along with a handful of fries and shoves all of it into his mouth.
  1750. >”Phsee?”
  1751. >He swallows hard.
  1752. >”Phew. This one was pretty dry.”
  1753. >How could you be so lucky?
  1754. >Pushing the two remaining burgers towards you, he smiles reassuringly.
  1755. >”Come on.”
  1756. >This goes completely against everything you know.
  1757. >All your books, and Rarity, told you to act as proper as possible around the stallion you wanted to woo.
  1758. >But Anon is different, isn't he? He isn't even a stallion.
  1759. >Hesitating you levitate the food to your face.
  1760. >”Come on.”
  1761. >You close your eyes.
  1762. >Screw it.
  1763. >With five big chomps, you devour the greasy treats. Splattering ketchup and lettuce all over the table.
  1764. >”Woohoo! Go Twilight!” Anon cheers.
  1765. >After a few seconds of chewing, you swallow.
  1766. >They really were a bit dry.
  1767. >Gulping the rest of your soda down, you open your eyes again.
  1768. >Only to see Anon, smiling softly
  1769. >”See? Wasn't that hard, was it?”
  1770. >You shake your head.
  1771. “No...”
  1772. >His hand reaches forward again to scratch behind your ear.
  1773. >You coo.
  1774. >”Don't distort yourself around me. I won't think any less of you, just because you enjoy your food a bit too much.”
  1775. >The hot feeling in your cheeks returns.
  1776. >Shyly you look at the floor.
  1777. “T-Thanks....It's just that...with my former colt-....”
  1778. >”Mmhhh?”
  1779. >You don't feel quite ready to talk with Anon about your former experiences with stallions.
  1780. “Let's talk about that some other time, okay?”
  1781. >”Whenever you are ready”
  1782. >You smile at him.
  1783. >He gets up and begins to collect the wrappers and bags, throwing them into the trash can.
  1784. >”Did you already decide on what movie you want to watch?”
  1785. “Yes. I put it next to the teevee.”
  1786. >”Wonderful.”
  1787. >Grabbing a wet towel he wipes the table with it.
  1788. >”I will just clean up here a bit. How about you already cuddle up on the couch? I will join you in a few.”
  1789. >You hop of your chair and walk over to nuzzle his leg.
  1790. “Thanks for everything.”
  1791. >Anon kneels down and cups your chin in his hand.
  1792. >Gently he plants a kiss on your lips.
  1793. >Your mouth opens to let his tongue enter.
  1794. >Slowly it teases your own tongue out, inviting it to dance.
  1797. >You are now purple, cute and horned again.
  1798. >And you are sitting on Anon's sofa, the blanket draped across your shoulders, waiting for him.
  1799. >To kill some time, you rearrange the items on the coffee-table.
  1800. >You are so absorbed in your readjustments that you didn't notice Anon sneaking into living room.
  1801. >The bottle goes there and … perfect.
  1802. >All of a sudden something pokes into your sides and you whinny in surprise.
  1803. “Neeiiighhaaa!”
  1804. >Jolting you head around you see Anon with a goofy smirk on his face.
  1805. >”Did... Did you just whinny?”
  1806. “No.. I didn't.” you say embarrassed, the pillows suddenly becoming very interesting.
  1807. >”Aww, come on.”
  1808. >He leaps over the backrest and plops down next to you.
  1809. “Whoa!”
  1810. >Pulling you onto his lap, he begins to lazily rub your back.
  1811. >”Don't be embarrassed. I thought it sounded very cute. In fact almost everything you do is adorable.”
  1812. >Don't blush... don't blush...
  1813. >Its no use. You can already feel it creeping up your face.
  1814. >He chuckles and leans down to plant a kiss on your muzzle.
  1815. >”So what movie did you choose?”
  1816. >You float it over to Anon.
  1817. “The last Unicorn.”
  1818. >He grabs it out of your magical grip.
  1819. >”Good choice I've seen it countless times as a child.”
  1820. >You look up to him.
  1821. “If you don't want to watch it, we surely will find something else.”
  1822. >”Nah. It's alright. It's been a while since I've watched this bitter-sweet piece of animation.”
  1823. >Huh bitter-sweet?
  1824. “There are sad cartoons?”
  1825. >He nods.
  1826. >”Yeah. Quite a few, at least on earth. If you are still interested in this genre after tonight, we can watch Grave of the Fireflies next time. That's a real tear-jerker.”
  1827. >You lean your head onto his stomach.
  1828. “The title alone sounds already really sad.”
  1829. >”Mmhhmm... it's fuc... really depressing.”
  1830. “What's it about?”
  1831. >He strokes your cheek.
  1832. >”Mostly showing the atrocities of war from the perspective of a child.”
  1833. “Ohh...”
  1834. >Anon told you a bit about his world, but never went too deep into its history.
  1835. >You only know that there were many wars.
  1836. >Something that is almost completely unknown to Equestria.
  1837. >Grabbing the remote, he boops you on the muzzle to get your attention.
  1838. >”Mind putting the dvd in and turning the tv on?” he says, smiling.
  1839. “Of course not.”
  1841. >Anon pulls the blanket over your two bodies, tucking you both in nice and comfy.
  1842. >Snuggling closer to his chest, he presses something on the remote to skip the advertisements.
  1843. >With a quick spell you turn the lights off.
  1844. >Now it's perfect.
  1845. >He scratches behind your ear and whispers a soft “Thank you” into it.
  1846. >Just as you were to ask him about the wine, he reaches forward and uncorks it.
  1847. >Filling the two glasses about one third of their height, he hands you one.
  1848. >You grab it with your magic and clink glasses with him.
  1849. >”To us.”
  1850. >Your cheeks burn up again.
  1851. “To us.”
  1852. >Taking a small sip of the wine, you take your time to relish the taste of it on your tongue.
  1853. >Yeah.
  1854. >It's good.
  1855. >You are not a connoisseur like Rarity.
  1856. >Smiling you give him a nod to show that you like it.
  1857. >He returns the smile and starts the movie.
  1859. >The movie begins with two humans, who appear to be hunters, riding through a forest.
  1860. >Are these horses on what they ride on?
  1861. >Anon never told you that humans do this.
  1862. >You open your mouth.
  1863. >”Before you ask, yes they are riding on horses. And no I'm not going to ride you, at least not outside of my bedroom.”
  1864. >He winks at you.
  1865. “O-Ok” you stammer out, taking another sip to hide your blush.
  1866. >You focus your attention back to the movie.
  1867. >The two humans are arguing with each other. One states that a unicorn must be nearby since the forest here seems magical, while the other is sceptical and claims that there are no more unicorns left in the world.
  1868. >Interesting.
  1869. >They leave the clearing and the camera shifts to a white mare.
  1870. “Wow...”
  1871. >She looks so different from you... her muzzle is much longer, as well as her legs.
  1872. >Her eyes are a beautiful blue colour, like sapphires, and her mane is light blue.
  1873. >It reminds you a lot of freshly fallen snow.
  1874. >She is also a lot broader than you, barrel-wise, but still breathtakingly gorgeous.
  1875. >”That's the classical human depiction of a unicorn.” you hear Anon whispering.
  1876. >A butterfly approaches the unicorn and she asks him if he has ever seen another unicorn.
  1877. >He tells her that a fiery Red Bull has taken them all away and flies away singing.
  1878. “Oh no...”
  1879. >Anon presses you closer to him, his hand idly running over the coat on your shoulder.
  1880. >Hesitant the unicorn decides to leave the forest she calls home and search for her kin.
  1882. >The next few scenes show her running through the beautiful drawn landscape.
  1883. >You are engrossed by the quality of the animation and art.
  1884. >Worlds better than what they produce here in equestria, where cartoons are merely a thing for foals.
  1885. >She comes to a series of farmlands where a old farmer tries to tame her.
  1886. >Apparently he does not recognize her as an unicorn, since he cannot see her horn, which angers her greatly.
  1887. >You float your glass over to your lips and drink from it.
  1888. >It's nearly empty now, so you fill it again.
  1889. >Oh looks like you missed a bit.
  1890. >She's sleeping now and what seems like a caravan comes along, led by an ugly old hag.
  1891. >”Mommy Fortuna.” Anon whispers.
  1892. >”She's a witch.”
  1893. >To be honest you could tell, but you wonder what she's going to do.
  1894. >The witch talks to her hunchbacked henchman and puts a spell on the white unicorn to keep her sleeping.
  1895. >Then they put her in a cage.
  1896. “H-How mean!”
  1897. >Be careful Sparkles. The alcohol is already making an impact on you.
  1898. >Anon chuckles.
  1899. >His hand runs down your spine, massaging around it in small circles.
  1900. >Aahh... feels heavenly.
  1901. >You shudder a bit.
  1902. >In the next scene the lackey, who's called Ruhk, shows a group of spectators what the caravan has to offer.
  1903. >Introducing them one by one to the witches abominations.
  1904. “Uggh...”
  1905. >Those are some really horrible things.
  1906. >Lastly he shows them the unicorn, who has a fake horn on her head so the group can actually see it.
  1907. >You feel sorry for her and take another sip.
  1909. >A thin human male with brown hair and a pretty big nose, dressed in a blue robe and hat approaches her.
  1910. “Hah! He looks like you dressed as Trixie!” you state, giggling.
  1911. >He pouts.
  1912. >”My nose is not /that/ big... And who is Trixie?”
  1913. “She's the mare you met, who demanded the great and plentiful refill.”
  1914. >”Ah I see. I'll give you that.”
  1915. >Snickering again you stretch your fore-legs over his thighs and turn your attention back to the movie.
  1916. >It feels nice being so close to him.
  1917. >Apparently the thin one's name is Schmendrick, and he can see her real horn.
  1918. “Is he a magician?”
  1919. >Anon nods.
  1920. >Uhhh... magic humans.
  1921. >Lets drink to that!
  1922. >He asks the unicorn to point out the other creatures, and she reveals their true form to him
  1923. >But the creepy bird thing is seemingly also a magical being.
  1924. >It's name is Ceaeno.
  1925. >Schmendrick uses his magic to free the mare who in return frees all the poor animals.
  1926. >Even the harpy.
  1927. >Who promptly attacks the unicorn.
  1928. “Zap her!” you yell.
  1929. >Anon gives you light pat on the head.
  1930. >”She can't use magic like you, Twi.”
  1931. “But she's an unicorn!”
  1932. >”Yeah but a non-equestrian unicorn.”
  1933. >A bit in disbelief, you nod.
  1934. >Fortuna comes outside to investigate the commotion, along with her lackey and Ceaeno turns her attention from the unicorn to them.
  1935. >You wince and press your body closer to his, as she brutally kills both of them.
  1936. >Another thing you would never see in an equestrian cartoon...
  1937. >Schmendrick and the white mare seize the opportunity and escape.
  1938. >You see the witch one last time as she states, that the harpy will always know that she got caged by her.
  1940. >The next scenes show Schmendrick accompanying the pearl-coloured mare in her quest to find the other unicorns and he tells her what he knows about the Red Bull.
  1941. >It's owned by king Haggard, though his very existence is shrouded in mystery.
  1942. >Now its really getting interesting.
  1943. >You wonder if something romantic between them will happen.
  1944. >Just like with you and Anon..
  1945. >He takes a drink and you clink glasses again with him.
  1946. >The clopping of hooves can be heard.
  1947. >Something is happening.
  1948. >A group of very dangerous looking humans rides down the road.
  1949. >The unicorn manages to hide in time but they capture poor Schmendrick.
  1950. “He's going to be fine, or...?”
  1951. >Anon pets your mane instead of answering your question.
  1952. >They take him back to their camp where he meets their leader, Captain Cully, and his maid Molly.
  1953. >In an desperate attempt to escape, Schmendrick casts a powerful illusion spell.
  1954. >Summoning a green clothed man and his followers.
  1955. >”That's Robin Hood, a famous legendary thief. He steals from the rich and gives it to the poor.”
  1956. “How nice of him!”
  1957. >You lift your glass.
  1958. “To Robin Hood!”
  1959. >”To Robin Hood!” Anon says, chuckling.
  1960. >Taking a rather big gulp, you feel a hiccup incoming but you successfully manage to suppress it.
  1961. >Intimidated by Schmendrick's magic, Captain Cully catches him again and ties the magician to a nearby tree.
  1962. >He tries to free himself with magic, but accidentally brings the tree to life.
  1963. “Ohhh...”
  1964. >The tree is rather well endowed, breast-wise.
  1965. >You giggle like a schoolfilly.
  1966. >She falls in love with Schmendrick and nearly smothers him to death with her assets.
  1967. >Luckily the unicorn arrives in time and saves him with her own magic.
  1968. “Shee! She can do magic too!”
  1969. >”I never said that she doesn't have magic. But she can't shoot laser beams out of her horn.”
  1970. “For what ish magic good if you can't shhood lasers...” you say wiggling one hoof to emphasize your point.
  1971. >He laughs and ruffles your mane.
  1972. >”Getting a little buzzed here, eh?”
  1973. “Am not...”
  1974. >You turn your attention back to the film.
  1975. >The bandit's captains maid joins the scene.
  1976. >Apparently she can see the unicorn for what she really is too, and begins to cry.
  1977. >She curses the mare for coming to her as an old woman rather than a young maid.
  1978. >That’s sad...
  1979. >A few tears start to form in your eyes.
  1981. >Molly joins the group in their quest, much to the disapproval of Schmendrick.
  1982. >The party continues their journey.
  1983. >You are still fascinated by how beautiful the unicorn mare is, despite her different form.
  1984. >She's only a drawing...but still...
  1985. >Why can't you be like her?
  1986. >The glass finds it's way back to your lips.
  1987. >Urgh.. it's empty.
  1988. >Floating the bottle over to you, Anon grabs it mid-flight.
  1989. “H-Hey!”
  1990. >”Don't you think, you should slow down a bit?” he says, with a concerned look on his face.
  1991. “I can handle myshelf! Itsh not like that I have to go shomewhere else today.”
  1992. >You point a hoof towards the door.
  1993. “Alsho I don't get the chance to just relax and drink a bit often... with Shpike always home and shuch things.”
  1994. >He sighs.
  1995. >”I guess you're right. But please don't overdo it, okay?”
  1996. >You nod and beam him a smile.
  1997. >He fills your glass again.
  1998. “Thanks Anon.”
  1999. >”No problem, Twi.”
  2000. >Turning on your side, your head resting on his lap, you shift your attention to the TV again.
  2001. >A castle is now in sight of the group.
  2002. “Ish this Haggards castle?”
  2003. >”Yep.”
  2004. >Suddenly they are attacked by the Red Bull, who ignores the two humans and attempts to herd the unicorn towards the castle.
  2005. “No...”
  2006. >Urged by Molly to do something, Schmendrick uses a great deal of magic to transform the unicorn into a human girl.
  2007. >The bull is confused by her new form and retreats.
  2008. >Wow...
  2009. >Even her human form is gorgeous.
  2010. >Skin pale as the moon and hair golden as the sun.
  2011. >Are all human females so pretty?
  2012. >The maid and the unicorn are equally upset about the magicians decision to turn her mortal.
  2013. >”I can feel this body dying all around me.” the now transformed mare cries.
  2014. “Poor filly...”
  2015. >Anon puts a hand on your hoof and squeezes it, running his thumb over the thin fur there.
  2016. >Nevertheless they continue to the dreary castle and are welcomed into Haggard's decrepit hall.
  2018. >They intoduce themselves as Haggard's new magician and cook, accompanied by the Lady Amalthea.
  2019. >Fitting name for such a beautiful creature.
  2020. >Haggard is intrigued by Schmendrick's potential to please him, so he dismisses his current mage, who's name is Mabruk.
  2021. >Mabruk laughs at him and tells the king the he just let walk doom right through his front door.
  2022. >King Haggard as well as his adopted son, Lir, show interest in Amalthea.
  2023. >And who could blame them?
  2024. >Her beauty is so dazzling, that any male would fall for her
  2025. >Unlike yours.
  2026. >Another gulp of wine flows down your throat.
  2027. >But she ignores their advances and spends her days wandering through the castle.
  2028. >Slowly forgetting what she really is and what she is here for.
  2029. >This brings memories of your first encounter with discord back.
  2030. >Your friends too forgot who they really were...
  2031. >These were dark days.
  2032. >...
  2033. >Schmendrick and Molly realize that they are losing time and that Amalthea is becoming more and more human.
  2034. >So they do their best to discover where the lair of the Red Bull is, while still keeping the king entertained, so he doesn’t grow suspicious.
  2035. >In the next scene Molly finally finds out that the lair is located at the base of an old clock, from a cat that only speaks in riddles; while Amalthea and Lir fall in love with each other.
  2036. >You groan.
  2037. >You hoped that Schmendrick would be her love interest.
  2038. >Anon continues to pet your side as he silently sips from his wine.
  2039. >Haggard suspects her of her true nature.
  2040. >Apparently he once saw a unicorn and it gave him such joy that he sought to keep it for himself.
  2041. >So he commissioned the Red Bull to gather up all the unicorns of the world and drive them into the sea below his castle, so that he may look upon them every day.
  2042. “Bastard!” you state angrily.
  2044. >”He will get what he deserves, Twi.”
  2045. >You groan again and Anon looks at you.
  2046. >”Is something the matter, Twi? You seem tense.”
  2047. “N-No... maybe it'sh the alcohol.” you murmur, avoiding his eyes.
  2048. >Rising your glass again, you take another sip of the dark red liquid in it.
  2049. >He stays silent, but you can still feel his gaze on you.
  2050. >The maid tells Schmendrick that she knows where the Bull's lair is and thy gather Amalthea and head to the old clock in the main hall.
  2051. >Uh... is this a crowned skeleton across the clock?
  2052. >Creepy.
  2053. >And it speaks too?
  2054. >Even creepier.
  2055. >It laughs at their failed attempts to open the lair.
  2056. >The cat told Molly before that she should get a bottle of wine but she couldn't find one, so she just filled a bottle with water.
  2057. >Schmendrick feigns turning the water into wine and this peaks the skeleton's interest.
  2058. >It offers them the secret to enter the beast's lair in trade for the “wine”; now an empty bottle.
  2059. >They agree and hand over the glass vessel.
  2060. >The skeleton tells them that they just need to walk right through the clock, before gulping down the invisible liquid.
  2061. >At least your wine is real, and you decide to utilize this fact right now.
  2062. >Anon stopped his petting, seems he is too engrossed in the movie.
  2063. >So you gently poke him with your horn and he starts rubbing your back again.
  2064. >Ahhh.. nice.
  2065. >However, when he catches sight of Amalthea, he recognizes her as an unicorn and cries out to Haggard.
  2066. >The king runs down the hall and swings his sword at Schmendrick, just as Molly and the transformed mare enter the realm between the clock and the lair.
  2067. >The magician follows quickly and Haggard destroys the portal.
  2069. >The kings adopted son follows them too, as they search the lair for an exit.
  2070. >Schmendrick explains to him the whole situation, but he doesn't care who or what Amalthea is, he loves her anyway.
  2071. >Aww... how cute.
  2072. >Inspired by his words, Amalthea claims that she wants to remain human and die with him.
  2073. >But much to your surprise the prince objects.
  2074. >”I know when things should happen, and what should happen is that Amalthea continues her quest and save the unicorns. Even if that means that she must become one again. Unable to return my love.” Lyr states, a determined look on his face.
  2075. >You hear Anon quietly repeating his words.
  2076. >Somehow this makes you smile.
  2077. >Suddenly the Red Bull appears and recognizes the pale lady for what she really is.
  2078. >Schmendrick manages to transform her back into an unicorn and she leads the Bull out of its lair, onto the beach.
  2079. >With the magician unable to do anything, Lir steps forward but is trampled by the bull.
  2080. “No!” you scream out.
  2081. >Anon presses you closer to him.
  2082. >Enraged the unicorn turns to face the bull.
  2083. >It's intimidated by her sudden fierceness and is pushed back into the sea, where a large wave appears.
  2084. >Hundreds of unicorns emerge out of the foam.
  2085. >Your can only watch in awe, mouth agape.
  2086. >They envelope the Bull in sea water before storming the beach, towards the castle.
  2087. >Releasing it from it's rocky base.
  2088. >Haggard tumbles to his death into the sea.
  2089. >”I knew you were the last!” he shouts, before the waters engulfs him.
  2091. „Sherves him right... ashhole...“
  2092. >Anon chuckles.
  2093. >Feeling that the movie is nearing it's end, you decide that your wine should share the same fate.
  2094. >So you gulp the rest down.
  2095. >Maybe a bit too fast .... your head starts spinning.
  2096. >Well it spins faster than before.
  2097. >Now you really have to concentrate on the movie if you want to know how it ends.
  2098. >Amalthea returns to Molly and Schmendrick and revives Lir with her magic, before saying her farewells and departs.
  2099. >No... this can't end like this.
  2100. >Didn't she at least retain some of her feelings and emotions?
  2101. >The remaining trio returns to the countryside where Lir says his goodbyes, before leaving to find his own way.
  2102. >Schmendrick asks Molly to go with him and she agrees.
  2103. >They set up a camp and go to sleep.
  2104. >You thought this was the end but much to your relief the unicorn returns.
  2105. >She expresses her thanks to Schmendrick, even if she is the first unicorn to feel the sting of mortality and the pain of regret,
  2106. >He apologizes but she tells him that she also learned love, and that thanks to him there are unicorns in the world again.
  2107. >For that, she is grateful even if she must feel regret for leaving.
  2108. >The film ends with her returning to her forest as Molly and Schmendrick look on after her.
  2109. >The last Unicorn.
  2110. >Wow... that was just …
  2111. >You wipe a tear from your eye.
  2113. >The credits roll and you flick the lights back on.
  2114. >But the TV's power button won't stand still..
  2115. “Uggh...”
  2116. >Come on, you stupid thing!
  2117. >You manage to focus your magic into a thin beam and hit it with it.
  2118. >At last the screen goes black.
  2119. “Hah! Lashers, what would I do without shem?!”
  2120. >Snickering Anon pulls you onto his lap again.
  2121. >”Yeah, but be careful Twi. It's the only one I have.”
  2122. “What are you? The Lasher police?” you say, trying to look stern.
  2123. >Apparently this didn't work, since he laughs again.
  2124. >”Oh Twilight...”
  2125. >He runs his hand through your mane.
  2126. >”But say...”
  2127. >You lean into his touch.
  2128. >”Did you like the movie?”
  2129. >Like? You bucking loved it.
  2130. >You roll onto your back to face him.
  2131. “It wash the best movie I ever shaw in my life!”
  2132. >Pointing a hoof at his face, you continue.
  2133. “Everything was jusht sho beat- … byut- …
  2134. >”Beautiful”
  2135. “Yeah ecshactly!”
  2136. >Feeling that you are not being pet, you grab one of his hands and put it on your belly.
  2137. >Chuckling, he complies and begins to rub it.
  2138. “Ahhh... nishe. Where wash I?”
  2139. >”You just wanted to tell me what you liked about the movie.”
  2140. “Right! Everyshing wash perfect!”
  2141. >”What was your favourite part?”
  2142. >You think for a bit, scratching your chin.
  2143. >Wait how do you do that with a hoof?!
  2144. >Moving it closer to your face to inspect it, Anon snaps his fingers.
  2145. >”Twi, focus.”
  2146. “Ah right. Shorry. I shink the part where all the unicornsh emerged from the shea! It wash just so epic to look at!”
  2147. >To emphasize your point, you begin to re-enact the scene with your hooves.
  2148. >You even try to make cool sea and battle noises.
  2149. >Anon's smile grows wider and wider.
  2150. “Ah yesh! And of courshe the animatshion and the art itshelf. Everything was sho pretty, especially the unicorn.”
  2151. >Oh yeah Amalthea, the beautiful and desirable...
  2152. >Your hooves come back down and all the joy and excitement you just felt, fade.
  2153. >You grow silent, your head turned away from him.
  2154. >And with that, his smile is gone too.
  2155. >”Twilight? Does something bother you?”
  2156. >He cups your cheek, and moves your face gently to meet your eyes.
  2157. >”You were just so happy and excited a second ago and now...”
  2158. “Anon...” you interrupt him.
  2159. “Can I ashk you a question?”
  2160. >”Of course”
  2161. >You take a deep breath.
  2162. “Do you think I'm pretty?”
  2164. >“Twi...”
  2165. >Anon lifts you up and places you back on his lap again, so that you properly sit on your haunches.
  2166. >Your face directly opposite of his.
  2167. >His hands hold both your front hooves, lightly squeezing them.
  2168. >”Of course I think you are pretty. Why would you think otherwise?”
  2169. “What if I told you, shat you are the very firsht po- pershon to tell me sho?”
  2170. >”Then I wouldn't believe it.” he says, a soft smile on his face.
  2171. “It's true shough...”
  2172. >He opens his mouth again but you shush him.
  2173. “Anon...”
  2174. >He nods.
  2175. “I'm now going to tell you shomeshing that I never told anypony before.”
  2176. >You take another deep breath.
  2177. “Remember when I told you shat I never have been treated wiff sho much care and love before today?”
  2178. >Another nod.
  2179. >Your eyes begin to water.
  2180. “Shats because my other coltfriendsh didn't give two fucks about me.”
  2181. >Bad memories begin to flood your brain and the tears now run freely down your cheeks.
  2182. >Anon leans forward to hug you, but you block him.
  2183. “N-No! * hic * Pleashe listen... before I'm * hic * too worked up to finish...”
  2184. >You wipe your muzzle with a hoof and continue.
  2185. “Before you, I had two … No shree other coltfriendsh.”
  2186. >Three faces appear before your inner eye and you shake your head to make them go away.
  2187. “The firsht one wash only a high-school romance, shough. I think hish name was Comet Flash or shomething. We just kissed.. nothing sherious. But he broke up wiff me after two weeks... dunno why.”
  2188. >”That must have hit you pretty hard...”
  2189. “Nah... I mean I wash shad for a while, but I didn't love him.”
  2190. >He was nice. You still wonder why he ended your relationship.
  2191. “My shecond relationship was wiff a shtudy colleague back when I lived in the princess’s cashtle. Hish name was Astral Breeze... he shtudied magic too.”
  2192. >Your head droops.
  2193. “We inshtantly hit off. He wash smart, cute and even shared shome of my intereshts...we were happy for a few weeksh... but...”
  2194. >”But?”
  2195. “He pushed me too shleep with him. I didn't feel ready at the time and I told him shat. And he got really angry...”
  2196. >His words resonate in your head.
  2197. “He called me a shtuck up bitch and shat I should be thankful shat he * hic * even showed interesht in a boring and ugly pony like me.”
  2198. >More and more tears begin to flow.
  2199. “Shat was too much for me. I yelled something at him and he just laughed...Shocked I ran back to my room... I didn't * hic * leave it for a week.”
  2200. >Anon squeezes your hooves firmer.
  2201. “Later I found out from a maid, shat he never really liked me... he jusht wanted my body...”
  2202. >Wiping your muzzle again, you take a deep breath and go on.
  2203. “I...I lost trust in shtallions after that … at leasht until he showed up...”
  2204. >Just thinking of him brings back visions of pain and despair.
  2205. >You bury your head in his chest to hide your tears.
  2206. >He embraces you. His hands rubbing your back.
  2207. >For a while you just cry into his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
  2209. >”Twilight...”
  2210. >You look up from his chest.
  2211. >”If you want to stop, it's okay. I don't want-”
  2212. “No... I want to tell you shis.” you interrupt him.
  2213. >He presses you closer to him, his hand massaging your withers.
  2214. >It helps you calm down a bit.
  2215. >Floating a napkin over to blow your nose, you continue.
  2216. “H-His name wash Silver Lining. I met him shortly after I moved to Ponyville. He ushed to have a shmall shop here. Selling magic parchment, quillsh and ink.”
  2217. >You throw the napkin on the coffee-table
  2218. “I bought all my stuff shat I needed for writing spellsh there... Almosht everyday I came by and each time we talked for a bit more before I left.”
  2219. >Anon nods.
  2220. “He was alwaysh soh nice to me, even gave me shmall presents from time to time. Weeks passed and our talks became flirtier... and one day he ashked me out. I wash overjoyed shat such a handshome and nice stallion showed interest in me, espeshially after shis whole thing with Astral Breeze.”
  2221. >How could you be so naive?
  2222. “So of courshe, I shaid yesh.”
  2223. >Tears start to form in your eyes again.
  2224. “Everything wash jusht perfect... He took me on romantic dates and made me feel speshial. I wash finally able trust a shtallion again, or at least I thought sho.”
  2225. >You take another deep breath.
  2226. “It wash after our sixth or seventh date, he walked me home like every other time, when he ashked me if I want to shpend the night with him...”
  2227. >Memories of this awful night begin to well up in your head.
  2228. “I wash hesitant at firsht... but I gave in, since I thought shat I finally found somepony who I can trust... who ish right for me.”
  2229. >You lock your hooves around your boyfriends neck, just to feel him closer.
  2230. “I led him up to my room, nervoush but alsho happy. We made out for a bit. I felt so loved and deshired... when I felt ready I told him shat this was my first time.”
  2231. >The recollection becomes clearer.
  2232. “He kissed me again and shaid that he would be gentle, but...”
  2233. >Your whole body begins to tremble.
  2235. “Hish fashe took on a weird and hungry expreshion... he shaid that I should turn around. I wash a bit scared, and what not, but in the end I complied. Then...”
  2236. >The trembling gets harder and tears flow down your cheek again. You hold him tighter.
  2237. “He mounted me and pushed himshelf in. Without warning me or even caring if I wash ready.”
  2238. >The events of this terrible night play out before your inner eye. Chipping away your will to go on.
  2239. “I screamed and begged him to go slower, but he ignored me and jusht kept going at hish pace...It wash sho incredible painful...”
  2240. >You see Anon opening his mouth but no words come out. You only feel his embrace getting stronger.
  2241. “After what felt like an eternity, he finished inside me and dismounted. He shaid shat he had something to do in the morning and left me there. Confused, shcared and in terrible pain.”
  2242. >Every detail plays out as clearly in your head as the movie you watched before.
  2243. >But you have come so far.
  2244. >It feels nice to finally talk about it. It hurts too. But in a good way.
  2245. “The next day he vishited me and apologized... it wash only the alcohol, he shaid. And I stupid thing believed him.”
  2246. >”Twi... I-”
  2247. >You shush him again.
  2248. “I'm almost finished... bear with me.”
  2249. >Your voice has lost all emotion.
  2250. >You feel him nod against your shoulder.
  2251. “Thingsh just got worshe from there. He showed me the cold shoulder more and more, until he jusht showed up to shleep with me. And one day...”
  2252. >Your stomach cramps up. But you ignore the pain.
  2253. “I confronted him. Told him what I felt and more importantly how I felt. I wasn't prepared for hish reaction.”
  2254. >Pausing for a bit to gather will and strength, you continue.
  2255. “He hit me. Screamed at me what an usheless whorse I am and that I should be thanking him for even putting up with me in the firsht place.”
  2256. >The cramps subside.
  2257. “He jusht continued to shout at me, and when he pushed me around I charged up a spell to fight him off. But the shight of my glowing horn made him even angrier and he hit me again.”
  2258. >You lean back a bit and point at a scar on your muzzle.
  2259. “Luckily Rainbow Dash happened to be nearby and heard the commotion in my house. She charged through the window and knocked him off me.”
  2260. >Anon is trembling now as well. His face full of mixed emotions.
  2261. “She beat him pretty much to a pulp and turned him in afterwards. I never shaw him again.”
  2262. >He looks into your eyes.
  2263. >”A-And you never talked about this?”
  2264. >You shake your head.
  2265. >”Why?”
  2266. “I wash sho ashamed and scared what others might think.”
  2267. >Anon presses you closer to him and buries his face in your neck.
  2268. >It's getting wet.
  2269. >Is he crying?
  2270. >”Twilight... I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that.”
  2271. >He moves his head back again. His eyes red and wet streaks on his cheeks.
  2272. >”You are an incredibly beautiful and smart mare. And I promise to make you feel like this everyday.”
  2273. >Your eyes tear up again and you rest your head on his shoulder, pressing him as close to you as your hooves allow.
  2274. >For a few moments, the two of you just sat there in each others embrace, crying.
  2275. >Knowing that the one you held, truly cared about you.
  2276. >And that sometimes the darkest of nights bring the most glorious of dawns.
  2278. End Part 4.
  2280. >You are still Twilight Sparkle.
  2281. >And you just woke up laying on your boyfriends chest, after a night of mixed emotions.
  2282. >Who is still sleeping, his breathing soft and steady.
  2283. >He looks cute like this.
  2284. >You continue looking at him and begin to think for a bit.
  2285. >Mostly about what happened last night.
  2286. >...
  2287. >Was pouring out your heart really a good idea?
  2288. >So soon after he said that you were his marefriend now?
  2289. >You sigh.
  2290. >Stupid alcohol, it makes you do dumb things.
  2291. >Hopefully you didn't fuck up again.
  2292. “Arrchh...!”
  2293. >Your stomach suddenly cramps up.
  2294. >In an attempt to soothe the pain, you turn on your side and hold it with all your might.
  2295. >Slowly rubbing it, but it doesn't work.
  2296. “Hhnnggrrr....”
  2297. >At last the pain subsides.
  2298. >By Celestia... that was bad.
  2299. >Last night you had a similar cramp, but not as intense as this one.
  2300. >You wonder if this is the addiction getting stronger or just the aftermaths of your excessive drinking.
  2301. >Excessive at least for your standards.
  2302. >Honestly you are a light weight when it comes to that.
  2303. >If its not the latter, you really have to find a cure really quick before it gets worse.
  2304. >You look at the clock.
  2305. >It's half past eight... more than 12 hours have passed since your last... fix.
  2306. >Urgh this word.
  2307. >Another cramp bodes itself.
  2308. >!
  2309. >This one is even stronger.
  2310. >Like one thousand hot needles piercing your stomach.
  2311. >Tears shoot into your eyes and your mouth gapes open, but no sound comes out.
  2312. “Errnnnnngghh...”
  2313. >Your whole body trembles as the agony reaches it's peak.
  2314. >”T-Twi...?”
  2315. >The instant Anon sees you holding yourself in terrible pain, he shoots up and cradles you in his arms.
  2316. >”Twilight! What is wrong?!”
  2317. “Anonngggh....”
  2318. >”I-I will get help!”
  2319. >You hold a hoof up.
  2320. “N...No wait... achh... Don't move...”
  2321. >He presses your body closer to him, slowly petting your mane.
  2322. >His gaze never leaving you.
  2323. >This... This helps.
  2324. >After a few minutes your muscles relax again.
  2325. >Exhausted and out of breath you melt into his embrace.
  2326. >”Is the pain gone?” he whispers.
  2327. >You nod, that is all you can manage to do right now.
  2328. >”Should I carry you to the hospital?”
  2329. “No... “
  2330. >”Are you sure?”
  2331. “Mhhmm. Just stay with me like that for a while.”
  2332. >Your voice is barely a whisper.
  2333. >You bury your muzzle into his chest, inhaling his masculine scent.
  2334. >It makes you feel safe and protected, but also fills your mind with more primal thoughts.
  2335. >They quickly completely override any other cogitations.
  2336. >The desire to have his seed inside you grows stronger and stronger.
  2337. >And every time you try to fight it, another cramp wells up.
  2338. >Defeated, you look up.
  2339. “Anon...”
  2340. >He wipes a streak from your mane out of your face, so he can look into your eyes.
  2341. >Beaming you a soft and caring smile.
  2342. >”Yes Twilight?”
  2343. “I need you.”
  2345. >A blush creeps on his face.
  2346. >How cute.
  2347. >But cute is not what you want.
  2348. >You lift yourself up, putting your hooves on his shoulders.
  2349. >The sudden shift of weight forces him back onto the sofa.
  2350. >”T-Twi!”
  2351. >Hastily you lock lips with him.
  2352. >Prying them open with your tongue.
  2353. >You waste no time and run it across his teeth, a shudder running down your spine every time you feel their little serrations.
  2354. >Anon grabs your lower mane and gently tugs at it.
  2355. >Your tail shoots up, swishing from side to side.
  2356. >Spreading the aura of your arousal through the room.
  2357. >His tongue blocks yours whenever it tries to reach his canines. He's teasing you...
  2358. >And it's making you hotter every second.
  2359. >You lean more into the kiss, intertwining your tongue with his.
  2360. >Letting them dance and snake around each other.
  2361. >Finally his retreats and you seize the opportunity instantly.
  2362. >Your tongue draws small circles around Anon's canines, relishing their sharpness on it.
  2363. >The vulnerability you felt yesterday returns.
  2364. >And you love it.
  2365. >Out of breath he breaks the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips.
  2366. >You slam your hips down, grinding your marehood on the bulge on his pants, soiling it with your nectar.
  2367. >”Wow... so assertive today, aren't we?”
  2368. >He grins, one hand clawing down your back
  2369. ”Mmmahhhh...” you hiss, biting your lower lip.
  2370. >”I'm intrigued, go on.”
  2371. >Oh he wants you in control?
  2372. >Like he has a choice in this matter.
  2374. >You yank his clothes off with your magic, not caring if they rip or not.
  2375. >Fist his shirt and then his pants.
  2376. >Now laying naked, safe for his boxers, under you. You eye your prize.
  2377. >His fur-less form drives you wild.
  2378. >It's so unnatural, so bizarre... so incredible hot.
  2379. >And its yours. All of it.
  2380. >Beginning with his jawline you pepper kisses down his neck.
  2381. >Only stopping to suck and nip a bit on the delicate skin there.
  2382. >He moans and starts rubbing your ears with one hand while the other still scratches your back.
  2383. >Driving it's nails into your skin.
  2384. >You go down further.
  2385. >His bare chest lies before your eyes.
  2386. >You can taste the salt on it as you lick across his rib cage.
  2387. >Anon must have been sweating with you on top of him.
  2388. >Greedily you lap all of the precious mineral up, sending surges of pleasure through your nerves and hazing your brain with it's effect.
  2389. >When you reach his nipples he inhales sharply.
  2390. >Curious you give it a little gnaw.
  2391. >”Aahh Twi...”
  2392. >Repeating this with his other nipple before you lick down his belly, twirling the few hairs there with your tongue.
  2393. >You take the rim of his underwear in your mouth and slowly pull it down.
  2394. >Enjoying every moment of it as you reveal more and more of his penis, that you desire so much right now.
  2395. >It pops out from it's linen den.
  2396. >Scraping against your chin and muzzle before standing in front of you in all its glory.
  2397. >A thin stream of it's own lubrication already running down on it.
  2398. >Your mouth begins to water and you lick your lips.
  2400. >You bring your muzzle to his balls, inhaling their musky scent.
  2401. “Y-Yes...”
  2402. >Reaching your tongue out, you draw circles around each of them, before taking one into your mouth and gently suck on it.
  2403. >”Twilight... ahhh.”
  2404. >Finally he makes some noise too, he was so silent yesterday.
  2405. >Let's see if you can get him to scream your name
  2406. >Putting your hooves on either side of his pulsating cock, you begin to slowly masturbate him.
  2407. >His testicle is still in your mouth.
  2408. >Your tongue flicking and caressing it.
  2409. >He lets out a loud moan and throws his head into the pillow.
  2410. >You let go of his nut and lick up his shaft. .
  2411. >Once you reach it's tip you let your tongue swirl around it.
  2412. >Your hooves increase their pace and switch from simply rubbing his dick to massaging it.
  2413. >Squeezing it at the base and gradually increasing the pressure the further up they go on it.
  2414. >This rewards you with another moan from your boyfriend.
  2415. >You take his glans into your mouth and suck on it, while your tongue dances around on it's very tip.
  2416. >His hand presses down on the back of your head.
  2417. >Complying you begin bob up and down on his cock, following the movement of your hooves.
  2418. >”Twilight!”
  2419. >Feeling his body tense up, you prepare yourself for your prize.
  2420. >You move your lips back up again to his glans.
  2421. >Sucking hard on it while you milk his shaft at a rapid speed.
  2422. >With a grunt, he thrusts his hips upwards as his climax washes over him.
  2423. >Shooting several long squirts of his hot cum into your mouth.
  2424. >You continue milking his cock for every drop of it until nothing comes out any more.
  2425. >With a soft “plop” you let it slide out of your mouth.
  2426. >You relish the sweet, bitter and salty tang of his seed on your tongue for a moment before swallowing it all with a big gulp.
  2427. >A warm feeling begins to spread through your body.
  2428. >He looks at you.
  2429. >Smiling, you return his gaze and show him the insides of your mouth..
  2430. “All gone.”
  2432. >You crawl up Anon's chest and lay down on it.
  2433. >Your muzzle underneath his chin and your eyes locked with his.
  2434. >His penis lies between your hind legs, slowly brushing against your lower lips as it shrinks.
  2435. “Mmhhh...”
  2436. >He reaches one hand out to pet your mane.
  2437. >”Wow... Twilight... this was absolutely wonderful.”
  2438. >You peck him on the lips.
  2439. “You're welcome, Anon.”
  2440. > For a while you enjoy the closeness to your boyfriends naked body.
  2441. >The heat it radiates sinking into you.
  2442. >His fingers move to your ear, scratching behind it.
  2443. >You let out a content sigh.
  2444. >”How are you feeling?”
  2445. “Much better.”
  2446. >”Glad to hear that. Cramps gone too?”
  2447. >Nodding, you turn your head around a bit to give him better access to your other ear.
  2448. “Yes but... It was strange however.”
  2449. >”How?”
  2450. “They stopped coming once I began to pleasure you...”
  2451. >”That's strange indeed.”
  2452. “Exactly. I don't understand it... Also you saw how I acted before?”
  2453. >”Yep. Pretty dominant. To be honest I liked it.”
  2454. >You playfully swat a hoof at him.
  2455. “I will keep this in mind, but that's not what I meant.”
  2456. >”What did you mean then?”
  2457. “Once I swallowed your cum, all this assertiveness and dominance I felt was gone. Instantly. I think it's a side effect of the addiction, but that doesn’t make sense.”
  2458. >His face takes a confused look.
  2459. >”Why? It makes sense in my head.”
  2460. >You shake your head.
  2461. “No. This is the behaviour of a parasite not the symptoms of an addiction...”
  2462. >A shudder runs down your spine.
  2463. >”Creepy.”
  2464. “Yes it is... This is why I don't want to think about it right now. Also...”
  2465. >But it gave you an idea...
  2466. >You will have to look something up later.
  2467. >Leaning down he plants a kiss on the base of your horn.
  2468. “Ohhh...”
  2469. >”Also?”
  2470. >You giggle.
  2471. “I could go for a second round. Or to be exact, round one in my case and two in yours.”
  2472. >He lifts you up by your shoulders, a wide grin on his face.
  2473. >”Trying to trick me into doing morning exercises, eh?”
  2474. >You kiss his nose.
  2475. “Somepony has to do it. And if not me, who else?”
  2477. >”I guess you're right.”
  2478. “I'm always right!” you chirp.
  2479. >Chuckling he boops you on the nose
  2480. >”But how about we take this upstairs? The streets are starting to get busy, and unless you want to give them a life show...”
  2481. >You take a look at the window.
  2482. >He's right a few ponies are already walking around.
  2483. “Not really. But you have to carry me!”
  2484. >”Of course, my princess.”
  2485. >You blush.
  2486. “Oh my...”
  2487. >Cradling you in his arms, he gets up and carries you up the stairs.
  2488. >All the while nibbling on the tips of your ears.
  2489. >A few soft moans escape your mouth.
  2490. >He reaches for the bedroom door's handle and struggles a bit with opening it.
  2491. “Let me help you.”
  2492. >You push it open with your magic.
  2493. >”Thanks.”
  2494. “No problem, could you set me down please?.”
  2495. >”Why? We aren't even at my bed yet. Or is the floor enough for you?” he says with a grin on his face.
  2496. >Your blush returns.
  2497. “N-No! I just want to use the bathroom!”
  2498. >You need to do some preparations.
  2499. >”Okay then, but I would have continued to nibble on your ears on the way there.”
  2500. >He kneels down and allows you to get your hooves on the floor.
  2501. “Thanks. I will be right back!”
  2502. >You give him a quick peck on the lips and walk into the bathroom.
  2503. >”If you take too long, I will start without you!”
  2504. “As if!”
  2505. >You close the door and lock it.
  2506. >For what you are going to do now, you need absolute privacy.
  2507. >You hope you can remember and apply what this book Rarity gave you said...
  2508. >Your gaze falls on the toilet.
  2509. >But first things first
  2510. >...
  2512. >Finally...
  2513. >It took some work and altering of the spell you used, but you feel clean now.
  2514. >So clean...
  2515. >Also you walk kind of funny now.
  2516. >You exit the bathroom and “walk” over to Anon.
  2517. >He's already lying on the bed, arms crossed behind his head and humming a song.
  2518. >Once he sees you his grin starts to grow wider.
  2519. >And wider...
  2520. >With every step you make.
  2521. >Until he cannot suppress to laugh any more.
  2522. >You pout.
  2523. “What's so funny?!”
  2524. >He points at you.
  2525. >”Your walk! It's like you have something stuck back there!”
  2526. >Not any more, but he doesn't have to know that.
  2527. >”Care telling me why?”
  2528. >Your cheeks burn up again.
  2529. >Quick, Sparkle! Think!
  2530. “I...I fell off the … the toilet?”
  2531. >Wonderful. Just wonderful.
  2532. >You can tell from his face that he is trying hard not to start laughing again.
  2533. >”Okay... Come let me help you.”
  2534. >He leans forward and picks you up.
  2535. >Then he gently lays you besides him and turns on his side, facing you.
  2536. >A warm smile on his lips.
  2537. >One hand lazily running down your neck and barrel.
  2538. >”So tell me, Twilight.”
  2539. “Yes?”
  2540. >”Is there anything special you want me to do?”
  2541. “You don't have to...”
  2542. >He shushes you.
  2543. >”But I want to. Yesterday you saved my kitchen from burning down, remember?”
  2544. >You nod.
  2545. >There is something... but can you really ask him to do that?
  2546. >You look at your hooves, trying to avoid his eyes.
  2547. “Ehhm...”
  2548. >His fingers reach your cutie mark and begin to trace the outlines of the five smaller stars.
  2549. >”Don't be shy.” he breathes into your ear.
  2550. >You shudder.
  2551. “Okay... but you don't have to do it, if you don't want to... to be honest it is kinda weird.”
  2552. >”I'm weird too, just look at me!” he says, chuckling
  2553. >Here goes nothing.
  2554. “Would you...”
  2555. >The heat in your cheeks intensifies.
  2556. ”...suckonmyhornplease!”
  2558. >”Twi?”
  2559. >You look up.
  2560. >”Could you repeat that? You talked a bit too fast for me.”
  2561. “Uhh...”
  2562. >”Come on, I promise I won't laugh at you. It can't be that weird.”
  2563. “Okay...”
  2564. >You gulp and muster some courage.
  2565. “Would you suck on my horn please? It has always been a fantasy of mine...”
  2566. >His face takes a somewhat baffled look.
  2567. >Your head droops again.
  2568. “Like I said … If you don't want to, you do-”
  2569. >He puts a finger on your lips.
  2570. >”I never said that I wouldn't do it, I was just kind of surprised that this is all.”
  2571. >What?
  2572. “Really?”
  2573. >Anon nods.
  2574. >”Yeah. I always thought this was a normal thing for you guys.”
  2575. “No... not really. Many stallions think it's... well gay.”
  2576. >He laughs.
  2577. >”Oh man... that's childish! And it isn't strange when a mare does it?”
  2578. >You shake your head.
  2579. ”Stallion horn's aren't normally that sensitive. You know, with theirs being longer, the nerves are spread further. So they don't bother with it.”
  2580. >Another laugh.
  2581. >”Yeah they have other things that can be sucked, don't they?” he says, shooting you a wink.
  2582. >You blush again.
  2583. >”So it's mostly a mare thing?”
  2584. >You nod.
  2585. >”Okay then. Anything special I have to be mindful of?”
  2586. “Not really... just don't stab yourself on it.”
  2587. >”I will try not to. Another thing...”
  2588. >His hand runs up your barrel, brushing your neck and jaw, before reaching the base of your horn.
  2589. >One finger slowly following it's torsion.
  2590. “Mhhmmm.... y-yes?”
  2591. >”Does anything... you know come out of it when you cum? Like sparks or something?”
  2592. >Oh you totally forget about that!
  2593. >It has been so long since your last hornstubation session...
  2594. “If I can control it, no. But even if not, it's harmless. But you shouldn't swallow it.”
  2595. >”Oh, is this a challenge?”
  2596. >You snicker.
  2597. “If you want your stomach to glow for a few days, sure!”
  2598. >”Fair enough.”
  2599. >Anon removes his hand from your horn.
  2600. >Aww...
  2601. >He gets up and sits down again, cross-legged and leaning against the wall.
  2602. >You get picked up by him and carefully put back down again on his calves.
  2603. “Oh!”
  2604. >Your back propped against his belly, your head resting directly underneath his chin.
  2605. >”Comfy?”
  2606. “Y-Yes.”
  2607. >”Don't be tense. Just relax!”
  2608. “I-I know! I's just that this has always been a fantasy of mine and now it's coming true! I'm just so excited!” you chirp, unable to contain your excitement.
  2609. >”Oh, is that so? Lets hope then, that I'm any good at it.”
  2610. “I'm sure you are!”
  2611. >”Okay then Twi... enjoy. This is for you.”
  2612. >Your heart rate increases in anticipation and you close your eyes.
  2614. >Anon grabs your horn with his right hand and begins to slowly rub it.
  2615. >Immediately magic begins to channel through it's spiral.
  2616. >While the other runs across your chest, fondling the soft fur there before going down further to your belly.
  2617. >Massaging it in small circular movements before moving to your teats.
  2618. >Gently kneading them in alternation.
  2619. “Yah.. Anon...”
  2620. >You can feel him removing his hand from your horn. It's now creeping down your right side to your flank.
  2621. >Scratching your cutie mark with it's nails.
  2622. >Your prey animal instincts kick in and your brain is filled with thoughts of imminent danger and flight.
  2623. >But your perverted mind converts them almost instantly into lust.
  2624. “Mmmaaahh... Yes, tear me up!” you throatily moan
  2625. >He drives his fingers deeper into your flesh.
  2626. “Ach!”
  2627. >His tongue is tracing the base of your horn, sending jolts of electricity through your nerves.
  2628. >You don't know on which sensation to concentrate.
  2629. >Everything is just so intense right now.
  2630. >So Anon makes that decision for you.
  2631. >He claws down your flank to your thigh, until he reaches your hoof.
  2632. >Carefully taking it in his hand in advance of pressing two fingers into it's frog.
  2633. >Your whole body tenses up as wave of pleasure rocks through it, your pupils narrow and you scream out.
  2634. “Mmmooaahh ! Anon!”
  2635. >You want to kiss him so badly.
  2636. >To feel his sharp teeth on your tongue...
  2637. >To feel your brain begging you to run away...
  2638. >Yes...
  2639. >You grab his face with your front hooves and pull him down to you.
  2640. >Planting a greedy kiss on his lips.
  2641. >This time there is no teasing, no tongue in your way.
  2642. >He knows what you want and he gives you it willingly and without thinking.
  2643. >And you love him for this and so much more.
  2644. >Your tongue makes contact with his teeth and hastily runs over their sharp edges.
  2645. >Risking to run itself raw on the serrations there.
  2646. >But you couldn't care less.
  2647. >He gently takes a nipple into his fingers and twists it and the pressure his fingers exert on your frog increases.
  2648. >You moan into his mouth.
  2649. >The tension in your loins is getting higher and higher as you probe his canines.
  2650. >Breaking the kiss you look into his eyes.
  2651. >Small flames are dancing in them.
  2652. >Radiating warmth.
  2653. “I love you.”
  2654. >”I love you too, Twilight.”
  2655. >You kiss him again, this time far more gently.
  2656. >Intertwining your tongue with his in a sensual dance.
  2658. >Your hooves slide off his face as he breaks the kiss.
  2659. >He licks up your muzzle to your horn.
  2660. >Tracing it's spiral with his tongue before taking the tip into his mouth.
  2661. “Aaaahhh...”
  2662. >The feeling of his flexible muscle on the sensitive velvet skin of your horn drives you wild.
  2663. >It's far better than you have ever imagined or whatever description you read in your romantic novels.
  2664. >It feels like you channel a powerful spell through it, but with out the mental exertion and far hotter temperature-wise.
  2665. >To be honest you can't really describe it, so you don't try to.
  2666. >You just relish every second of it.
  2667. >Letting out a soft moan when ever his tongue swirls around the upper torsions of it.
  2668. >Your back arches back and forth.
  2669. >You feel his hand retreating from your teats.
  2670. >Only to go down further.
  2671. >Slowly rubbing over the lips of your marehood as it begins to wink faster and faster.
  2672. >Pushing out your nectar on his calves.
  2673. “Aahh... Anon.. “
  2674. >He spreads your vagina and inserts two fingers into it.
  2675. >They slide in and out of you in unison with the winking your clit.
  2676. >Ever so slightly brushing against it.
  2677. >Your breathing becomes shallower and faster.
  2678. >His lips tighten around your horn and slide down on it.
  2679. >The hot feeling in it intensifies tenfold.
  2680. >Your pussy clamps down on Anon's fingers, aggravating their escape out of it.
  2681. >But they are not hindered by it and they increase their pace.
  2682. >You feel them probe for something inside you.
  2683. >Agreeing on the spot, they press down on it. Rubbing and kneading it hard.
  2684. “Arrchhhhhh! Yes...yes...YES!”
  2685. >Your vision becomes blurry and your hips begin to move on their own.
  2686. >You grab Anon by his face and force him down further on your horn.
  2687. >He sucks harder on it, his tongue coiling up and down on it's spiral.
  2688. “Anon!” you cry out.
  2689. >The combined feeling of you riding his fingers, the pressure on your g-spot and Anon sucking your horn like a big popsicle is almost too much to bear.
  2690. >But you try to endure it as long as you can.
  2691. >Your hoof is freed from the grip of his hand and it runs up your thigh to your dripping marehood
  2692. >Collecting some of your juices before it slowly wanders down to your black ring.
  2693. >Gently poking and teasing it. Demanding entrance.
  2694. “Yes! More!”
  2695. >They wreathe inside you and do erratic motions against your walls there.
  2696. >It drives you even wilder.
  2697. >You would squirm and rock your body around if you could, but it's firmly locked in place.
  2698. >So you only have one outlet for the accrued ecstasy in your body left.
  2699. >Feeling your orgasm coming, Anon increases his efforts on and in your body.
  2700. >With one final thrust of his fingers he pushes you over the edge.
  2701. >You see stars as several cataclysmic waves of pleasure surge through your body.
  2702. >Your vagina clenches down, milking his fingers for seed that it will never get.
  2703. >The energy that build up in your horn releases itself in an array of colourful sparks.
  2704. >Not being able to control the untamed magic, it materializes into a thick goo.
  2705. “Mmaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!”
  2706. >Several gushes of your cum are pushed out your marehood, splashing against his legs and the cloth beneath.
  2707. >After a small eternity your climax subsides and your muscles relax again, allowing Anon to slip his fingers out of your body.
  2708. >Exhausted and out of breath you collapse against your boyfriends chest.
  2709. >He locks his arms around your barrel, pressing you gently against him.
  2710. >You enjoy the afterglow in his embrace while you catch your breath again.
  2712. “Haahaaa... Anon. You were incredible.”
  2713. >”Mmhhm.”
  2714. >Hmm?
  2715. >You look up to him.
  2716. >Oh my.
  2717. >His cheeks are full of your magicum.
  2718. >And judging by the look on his face, he is pondering if he should swallow it or not.
  2719. “Don't swallo-”
  2720. >Too late, you hear him gulp.
  2721. >Your eyes follow the faint glow as it travels his oesophagus down to his stomach.
  2722. >It settles there, giving his belly a warm and soft purple gleam
  2723. “You didn’t have to... but thanks.”
  2724. >Seeing him swallow it, fulfilled your fantasy completely.
  2725. >You beam him a smile.
  2726. >He wipes his mouth.
  2727. >”No problem, Twi. Like I said, only the best for my marefriend and best friend.”
  2728. >The Flutter.. eh butterflies flutter in your stomach around again.
  2729. “Oh you~”
  2730. >You grab his arms and snuggle into them.
  2731. >”Didn't taste too bad, actually.”
  2732. “Really? What did it taste like?”
  2733. >He looks into a corner.
  2734. >”Hmm... hard to describe. Like tangerines and mmhh... limes? It reminded me of a soda I had back on earth once.”
  2735. >Soda?
  2736. >You never tasted your own magicum...
  2737. “Let me taste.”
  2738. >”Hmm-?”
  2739. >Reaching your neck out, you kiss him.
  2740. >Your tongue searching for residues of your magic, gathering it from his tongue and teeth.
  2741. >And indeed, it does taste like tangerines and limes.
  2742. >Pony biology can be so weird some times.
  2743. >Something pokes your buttock.
  2744. >You break the kiss and look down.
  2745. “Oh~ Looks like you don't want to leave the bed any time soon~”
  2746. >Anon laughs and fondles your chest.
  2747. >”I can't help it. Pleasuring you gets me going like nothing else.”
  2748. >His voice took a sultry tone.
  2749. “If we aren't careful we may fall into a vicious cycle~”
  2750. >”Spending an eternity making love to you? I don't think, I would mind.”
  2751. >He nibbles on your ear and his hand moves south again.
  2752. “Ach... This feels nice... but how about we do something more... invasive~?”
  2753. >”I like your train of thought, tell me more.”
  2754. >You free yourself from Anons grip and hop off his lap
  2755. >You lower your upper body into the mattress and rise your hindquarters.
  2756. >Slowly your tail raises, presenting your goods to your boyfriend.
  2757. >Looking over your shoulder, you shoot him a sultry look.
  2758. “Today and prior to that in the tub, you gave a very special place of mine some attention...”
  2759. >Gently flicking his face with your tail, you continue.
  2760. “And I liked it very much...”
  2761. >He gulps.
  2762. >His eyes fixated on your quivering ponut.
  2763. >”You mean...?”
  2764. “Yes~ I may not be able to give you my maidenhood any more, as much as I would like to, but...”
  2765. >You tense it up.
  2766. “This place is still pure. And I want it to be yours.”
  2768. >He gropes your butt, cupping one cheek in his hand.
  2769. >”I-I'm honoured.... But are you sure about this? I don't want to hurt you.”
  2770. >His voice is shaky.
  2771. >If you ever had doubts if this would be his secret fantasy, they are gone now.
  2772. “I know you won't. I trust you Anon.”
  2773. >”O-Ok...”
  2774. >His fingers begin to trace the outlines of your rectum.
  2775. >You inhale and moan softly.
  2776. “But please be gentle. I... I only experimented a bit with it before...”
  2777. >”Of course Twi...”
  2778. >His fingers are still slick with your nectar, he gently inserts two of them.
  2779. >Giving you a sort of full sensation.
  2780. >”I'm going to stretch you a little, okay? So it won't hurt.”
  2781. “Okay...”
  2782. >”Just relax.”
  2783. >You nod and feel his fingers parting.
  2784. >Ever so slowly stretching the muscularly ring of your forbidden sanctum.
  2785. >To be honest the other motion he did before felt far better, but you want do this for him
  2786. >You really try to relax your anus, but your body refuses to as it struggles against this unnatural act..
  2787. >It starts to hurt a little now as he stretches it even further.
  2788. “Anon... argh...”
  2789. >You bite into the blanket.
  2790. >His fingers connect again.
  2791. >”Twi we can stop, if it hurts too much.”
  2792. “No... go on.”
  2793. >Anon has been so good to you, he deserves this.
  2794. “If it's too much, I will tell you...”
  2795. >”Okay.”
  2796. >Anon moves his other hand to your marehood.
  2797. >Rubbing and stroking it's lips.
  2798. >The sudden surge of lust helps you forget the pain and relax your body.
  2799. >Your black ring loosens up too and he begins to slowly separate his fingers again.
  2800. >Managing greater progress than before.
  2801. >It even starts to feel good now.
  2802. “Mmmaahh... mmmhaaa...”
  2803. >He inserts his thumb into you and spreads it with the rest of his appendages in a triangular manner.
  2804. >The full feeling grows stronger.
  2805. >You begin to wink.
  2806. >If this are only three of his fingers, you wonder what the real thing will feel like.
  2807. >”Still feeling okay, Twi?”
  2808. “Yah... it doesn't hurt any more.”
  2809. >”Good. A little bit more and you should be ready.”
  2810. “I-I can't wait.”
  2811. >You really can't.
  2812. >He repeats his previous motion a few times until there is almost no resistance any more.
  2813. >With a soft plop he removes his fingers.
  2814. >You can feel your rectum contract itself.
  2815. “Ahh!”
  2816. >As you look over your shoulder again, you see Anon's stiff penis twitching in anticipation.
  2817. >”This should be enough... but we have no lube Twi.”
  2818. >He looks a bit crestfallen. How cute.
  2819. >A blush creeps on your face.
  2820. “I already took care of it... in the bathroom. So don't worry.”
  2821. >”Oh you sly thing. Always thinking of everything.” he says, a grin on his lips.
  2822. >You giggle
  2823. “Of course.”
  2824. >He positions himself behind you, his hands on your hips and his cock pressing against your body's only exit.
  2825. >”Are you ready Twilight?”
  2826. “Y-Yes... but could you do just one more thing?”
  2827. >”Certainly”
  2828. “Kiss me.”
  2830. >You reach your neck back as far as it allows and Anon meets you half way.
  2831. >Pressing his lips onto yours.
  2832. >Your tongue takes one last impression of his canines before your lips part again.
  2833. “Okay... I'm ready.”
  2834. >”I love you Twi.”
  2835. “Love you too...”
  2836. >The pressure on your ponut increases.
  2837. >Slowly the tip of his penis creeps into it.
  2838. >You shut your eyes tight, as it stretches your ring again.
  2839. >It feels strange...
  2840. >But luckily there is almost no pain.
  2841. >Instead of moving on his own now, Anon gently pulls your hips back.
  2842. >Allowing you more control over the penetration.
  2843. >You can feel his glans being engulfed by your rectum.
  2844. “Ahh...”
  2845. >Slow and steady your boyfriend pulls you towards him inch by inch until he is half-way in.
  2846. >The fullness returns accordingly.
  2847. >”Everything okay Twi? Does it hurt?”
  2848. >You shake your head.
  2849. “No... just let me accustom to it a bit before you go further.”
  2850. >He caresses your marehood again, his thumb on your clit.
  2851. >Pressing down on it whenever it pops out.
  2852. >The pleasure makes your rectal tunnel contract around his dick.
  2853. “Haa....Haa...”
  2854. >This actually feels good.
  2855. “I'm good now... Go on. I want to feel you all the way.”
  2856. >You grip the blanket as he pushes himself in further.
  2857. “Uuuhh...”
  2858. >After a few seconds more, he is hilted inside you.
  2859. >You feel so full.
  2860. >Anon moans.
  2861. “L-Like it?”
  2862. >”Yeah.. it feels incredible.”
  2863. >You giggle.
  2864. “You can move now, if you want. It should be fine.”
  2865. >”Okay. I'm going to start slow.”
  2866. >Gripping on the blanket with your hooves, you prepare yourself.
  2867. >He pulls out slowly as far as the tip.
  2868. >Then gently thrust back in.
  2869. >The full feeling leaves and goes with his cock.
  2870. >It feels unnatural using an exit as an entrance...
  2871. >But somehow exactly this unnatural feeling enhances the pleasure.
  2872. “Achh... mmhaa...”
  2873. >He keeps this pace and one hand claws from your hips up to your lower mane.
  2874. >Setting your nerves aflame.
  2875. >Your brain sends you several mixed signals of danger and lust.
  2876. >Anon grips your mane and tugs it.
  2877. >It sends a jolt of electricity through your body.
  2878. “Harder!” you scream out.
  2879. >He tugs harder at it, yanking your head back.
  2880. >At the same time he increases the speed of his thrusts.
  2881. >Your tongue lolls out and your eyes roll up.
  2882. “Ah! Ah! Yes!”
  2883. >The whole sensation of him fucking your ass starts to overwhelm you.
  2884. >It's so primal... but yet so incredibly hot.
  2885. >You're making noises you didn't even know existed.
  2886. “Faster! Ravage me, Anon! RAVAGE ME!”
  2887. >His cock slides in and out of you faster and faster.
  2888. >He lets his index and middle fingers glide inside your marehood and fucks it with the same pace as your ponut.
  2889. >You are writhing and shaking in ecstasy as your pleasure escalates into new highs.
  2890. >Your first orgasm rocks your body and you scream out.
  2891. “Yaachch! Anon!”
  2892. >The walls of your vagina clench down on his fingers, pushing squirts of your nectar past them.
  2893. >Anon just keeps going.
  2894. >Sending another surge of lust and pleasure through your nerves every time he hilts.
  2895. >The first climax didn't even subside as the second one hits you like a bomb.
  2896. >Your eyes rolled completely back now and you are unable to form any words.
  2897. “Aachh... Arh...”
  2898. >Garnering every available bit of willpower and concentration you achieve to cast the body fluid spell on Anon.
  2899. >You want to be filled up by his cum.
  2900. >He grunts and increases his pace once more.
  2901. >Another peak surges trough you and completely hazes your mind with lust.
  2902. “Yaaahhhhhhhhhhh!”
  2903. >Anon yanks harder on your mane and pulls his hips back one last time.
  2904. >With this final thrust, you feel his cock twitching like crazy and hear him cry out.
  2905. >His whole body shudders as he releases a flood of his seed into your ass, pushing you over the edge the fourth time.
  2906. >The warm feeling you get when he cums inside you returns tenfold.
  2907. >Spreading through your body like a wildfire.
  2908. >A minute passes before his dick stops spurting out cum.
  2909. >Anon lets go of your mane and your head collapses onto the mattress.
  2910. >Slowly he lets his penis slide out of your rectum.
  2911. >With any other support gone, your body follows the same fate as your head.
  2912. >You fall onto your side, breathing heavily.
  2913. >A thick stream of his semen flowing out of you.
  2914. >Anon lays besides you and pulls you close to him.
  2915. >This...
  2916. >This was mind blowing.
  2918. >He idly strokes your side.
  2919. >You want to say something, but the only sound that comes out of your mouth are giggles.
  2920. >Is this what it feels like to be fucked silly?
  2921. >Yeah... you could get used to that.
  2922. >Your fur is damp from sweat and your muscles are still jittering from the exhaustion.
  2923. >Anon plants a kiss on the back of your head.
  2924. >”Twi? Are you alive?”
  2925. “Ehehehe...”
  2926. >The stupid grin on your face doesn't go away.
  2927. >But at least your mental capabilities are returning gradually.
  2928. >You manage to turn yourself around to face him.
  2929. >Looking into the eyes of the one you love.
  2930. “Hey stud...”
  2931. >”Hey mare.”
  2932. >He beams you a smile.
  2933. >You throw your fore hooves around his neck and nuzzle his chest.
  2934. “You were absolutely wonderful.”
  2935. >”I couldn't have done it without you.” he says, chuckling.
  2936. “Oh you~. No but really. This was the best... well... fuck of my life.”
  2937. >Your cheeks burn up.
  2938. >”That good?”
  2939. “Come on, you know that's my line! And yes... I came four times!”
  2940. >Now it's his turn to blush.
  2941. >”Really?”
  2942. >You nod.
  2943. “Really. Like I said before: Stud.”
  2944. >You shoot him a wink and kiss his nose.
  2945. >His embrace tightens.
  2946. >”Oh wow.”
  2947. >Giggling you snuggle into it.
  2948. >For a few minutes the two of you just lie there in silence.
  2949. >Just enjoying each others warmth as the afterglow slowly fades.
  2950. >You let out a content sigh.
  2951. “What time is it?”
  2952. >He takes a look at the clock.
  2953. >”Hmm... it's nearly ten.”
  2954. “We really should go to the guardhouse soon and bail out Rainbow.”
  2955. >”Yeah you're right. But it's so nice right now.”
  2956. >Anon pulls you onto his chest, lazily petting your mane and scratching your ears.
  2957. >”How about we cuddle for a bit more, then we shower and get breakfast somewhere. And after that we free the Dash.”
  2958. >He accentuates the word “Dash” by making a silly “swoosh” noise.
  2959. >You laugh.
  2960. “Can we go to Sugarcube Corner?”
  2961. >”Whatever you want, Twi.”
  2962. >His hand runs down your back.
  2963. >”Whatever you want.”
  2965. End Part 5
  2967. >You are still Twilight Sparkle and you just had a nice and relaxing shower with your boyfriend.
  2968. >Sadly no kinky stuff happened there, but Anon helped you wash your mane.
  2969. >He even brushed it for you afterwards and gave you a quick backrub.
  2970. >Which felt incredibly nice. Hands are really better suited for it than hooves or even magic.
  2971. >At the moment you are lying on his bed reading a book, while he searches his dresser for a shirt that will cover up his glowing belly.
  2972. >That you gave him.
  2973. >Anon tries out shirt after shirt, but none of them is dark or thick enough to stop your magicum from shining through.
  2974. >Putting on a red one he turns around.
  2975. >”How is this one, Twi?”
  2976. >You look up from your book.
  2977. “Hmm... still shining through. Don't you have any black shirts? I know you used to own a few.”
  2978. >Sighing he shakes his head.
  2979. >”Sadly no. Rarity threw all of them away after she made me new clothing.”
  2980. >He puts a hand on his forehead and poses in a dramatic manner.
  2981. >”Darling! I can't let you walk around looking like … this! What would the other ponies think if they saw these gruesome “tunics” combined with something I made?! My business would be ruined in no time!”
  2982. >You giggle.
  2983. “Yeah that sounds like her.”
  2984. >An idea came to your mind.
  2985. “Hmm... how about I try to cast a spell on them? I know a few to darken parchments. I'm sure they would work on linen too.”
  2986. >Anon shrugs.
  2987. >”I'm fine with that, but don't tell Rarity. She would kill both of us, if she knew I let you meddle with her masterpieces.”
  2988. >You raise an eyebrow.
  2989. “Meddle?”
  2990. >He falls on his knees.
  2991. >”I meant altering them with your mastery of the arcane arts, oh wise and beautiful unicorn.”
  2992. >Snickering you motion him to stand up again.
  2993. “That sounds better.”
  2994. >”So I just stand still and you shoot lasers at me again?”
  2995. “Yep! But this time it's not a laser, only a basic arcana.”
  2996. >”Meaning?”
  2997. “Horn glows. Shirt glows. Shirt changes colour.”
  2998. >He chuckles and spreads his arms.
  2999. >”Thanks.”
  3000. “But don't worry. I'm working on a laser version for all of my spells.”
  3001. >”Good to know. Now come on. Sugarcube Corner only has breakfast till eleven.”
  3002. >Oh he's right.
  3003. >You really don't want to miss out on their delicious breakfast muffins.
  3004. >Closing your eyes you let some magic flow through your horn and concentrate it on Anon's shirt.
  3005. >Some Aqshy, a little bit of Dhar and maybe a very small amount of Chamon.
  3006. >No... It would lighten it up again. Scrap Chamon.
  3007. >Satisfied with the right mixture of the magic winds, you release the spell.
  3008. >In nearly an instant it changes colour from a bright red to an dark bordeaux red.
  3009. >And indeed it now covers up the glow completely.
  3010. >Anon whistles.
  3011. >”Impressive. Thanks Twi!”
  3012. “No problem. That will be 75 bits, please.”
  3013. >You beam him a smile and reach a hoof out.
  3014. >He takes it in his hand and kisses it.
  3015. >”Will this suffice as payment?”
  3016. >Your cheeks flush.
  3017. “Yes, it will.”
  3018. >Letting go of it again, he ruffles your mane.
  3019. >”Wonderful! Now let's better get going, before they close up on us!”
  3020. >You nod and hop off the bed.
  3022. >Now in his living room, you put the book back on it's shelf and follow Anon to the door.
  3023. >You make a mental note to finish it some time later, it was really exciting, if a bit dark.
  3024. >And you should probably ask what a metro 2033 is.
  3025. >Anon grabs some of his stuff and opens the door.
  3026. >Sunlight shines through the open portal.
  3027. >The sudden glimpse of the outside world reminded you of something.
  3028. >You and him are together now... but should you tell anypony yet?
  3029. “Ehrm Anon? Could you close the door again please?”
  3030. >”Why? Aren't you hungry any more?”
  3031. “I am... but I want to ask you something.”
  3032. >He closes the door and walks over to you.
  3033. >”What is it, Twi?”
  3034. >You fiddle with your hooves.
  3035. “How do we go about... us?”
  3036. >His face takes a confused look.
  3037. >”What do you mean?”
  3038. “Telling other ponies about our relationship.”
  3039. >”Oh. Do you want to tell your friends?”
  3040. “I-I don't know. To be honest, I'm a little bit scared of what they might think.”
  3041. >Oh buck! This came out so wrong!
  3042. >His expression changes from confused to shocked.
  3043. >He opens his mouth but you manage to shush him with a hoof.
  3044. “Nonononono! I know what you are thinking, but that's not what I meant. I'm not ashamed of you!”
  3045. >”What did you mean then?”
  3046. “It's just that they always get a bit... overenthusiastic when I meet someone. And with my current predicament, the risk is too high that they may find out. And this would be a bit awkward, to say at least.”
  3047. >For some reason he winces.
  3048. >”Yeah that makes sense. So you want to keep this a secret until you find a cure?”
  3049. >You nod.
  3050. “Exactly.”
  3051. >”Okay then. I'm fine with that.”
  3052. >His voice sounded... sad?
  3053. >Oh no...
  3054. >He avoids your eyes...
  3055. >Grabbing him by his face you plant a kiss on his lips.
  3056. >No tongue. Just a gentle kiss between lovers.
  3057. >After a few seconds you break it and he is able to look into your eyes again.
  3058. >The small flames from before returned.
  3059. “Never forget that I love you, Anon. I might be difficult some times or say things the wrong way, but you make me so unbelievable happy and I would never intentionally hurt you.”
  3060. >You throw your hooves around his neck in a tight embrace and whisper into his ear.
  3061. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
  3062. >Anon relaxes visibly.
  3063. >He returns the hug and presses you closer to his chest.
  3064. >”Thanks, Twi. I was just a bit flustered, I guess. I love you too.”
  3065. >Relishing the closeness to your boyfriend for a moment more, you break the embrace.
  3066. >His face bearing now a content smile.
  3067. >Which spreads to your lips like a fire.
  3068. >Anon opens the door for you.
  3069. >”Let's go then. I don't know about you but I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.”
  3070. “What?”
  3071. >”Just a human proverb.”
  3072. >Giggling you brush his legs with your tail.
  3073. “You already did that, remember?”
  3074. >As you trot through the door, you catch a glimpse of him blushing.
  3075. >It's fun to flatter him for a change.
  3077. >The sun shines warmly on your coat and a soft breeze blows through your mane.
  3078. >You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling.
  3079. >It's refreshing and clears your mind.
  3080. >Not that it needed clearing right now, you are happy.
  3081. >But a little bit more happiness cannot hurt, can it?
  3082. “Ahh... such a lovely day, isn't it?”
  3083. >”It sure is. Makes me want to praise the sun.”
  3084. “Really? Princess Celestia would love to hear that.”
  3085. >He chuckles.
  3086. >”I bet she would.”
  3087. >You begin to make your way to Sucarcube Corner.
  3088. >It's not terribly far away but still quite a walk from Anon's house.
  3089. >Ponyvilles streets are pretty busy at this time of the day.
  3090. >Ponies setting up stands, rolling carts to the local market or just chatting with each other.
  3091. >It's so nice here. You wouldn't want to leave this place even if somepony offered you one million bits.
  3092. >Some ponies wave at you as you pass them. But most of them just ignore you.
  3093. >You are glad for that, since you don't want to bring any unneeded attention to Anon and you.
  3094. >Even if interspecies relationships are somewhat common nowadays, it's still a rare sight in the more rural parts of Equestria.
  3095. >It's more of a “city” thing and especially old-fashioned or conservative ponies see it as an act against nature.
  3096. >Ponyville is relatively liberal, you think, but still there are some individuals that would probably unleash hell on you, if they heard of your relationship.
  3097. >Like Desert Rose and her brothers Desert Storm and Sand Lion.
  3098. >They never liked Anon..
  3099. >You glance at him.
  3100. >He has a content smile on his face and looks like he is lost in his own thoughts.
  3101. >So you delve deeper in yours.
  3102. >Remembering his first few weeks here.
  3103. >They were... Well... Difficult...
  3104. >Nopony really liked him.
  3105. >They just saw Anon as a dangerous predator which has to be expelled out of the town.
  3106. >Princess Celestia told you to just let him try fit in, and you did that for a while.
  3107. >But you couldn't watch this misery for very long.
  3108. >Stalls were closed upon his arrival, mothers hid their foals from him and they even sent him threatening letters.
  3109. >You were shocked, to say at least.
  3110. >How could those friendly towns-ponies who were so nice and inviting to you, be so harsh and cruel to him?
  3111. >You breathed fire and brimstone and decided to take things into your own hoofs.
  3112. >After he got discharged from the hospital you offered him to live with you until he could afford his own home.
  3113. >You introduced them to your circle of friends, who were relatively nice to him.
  3114. >But you are pretty sure that Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack just played along at the beginning, to not hurt your feelings.
  3115. >They were pretty cautious around Anon.
  3116. >Rainbow always followed him when he visited Fluttershy to help her out for a few bits.
  3117. >”He is up to no good! I tell you that!”
  3118. >Hard to believe she is one of his best friends today.
  3119. >You sigh.
  3120. >Strange how things can change.
  3121. >Applejack and Rarity just made sure that he didn't get anywhere near their sisters.
  3122. >The only member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who regularly visited him was Scootaloo.
  3123. >She had almost the same strange fascination with him like you.
  3124. >Maybe it was because of the fact the he didn't have any family like her, but you are not sure.
  3125. >Anon was happy enough about the company and quickly made friends with Scoots
  3126. >And once she told Applebloom and Sweetie Belle how nice and friendly he actually is, their older sisters grew warmer towards him too.
  3127. >Pinkie Pie was never a problem, as well as Fluttershy.
  3128. >Fluttershy just saw him as a fascinating animal and Pinkie Pie... well she is just friends with anypony.
  3129. >Anyways...
  3130. >You also helped him find a job at the local workshop, where his hands made him invaluable for fiddling with smaller contraptions.
  3131. >To be honest they were a bit intimidated by Anon when they first saw him, but you made clear that they either hire him or several expensive unicorns with that special talent.
  3132. >They went with him.
  3133. >The other towns-ponies took a bit longer to fully accept him.
  3134. >But it certainly helped that he was seen regularly with members of the elements of harmony.
  3135. >So they started to trust him too.
  3136. >And now... Just look at him.
  3137. >Walking around Ponyville like he never belonged anywhere else.
  3138. >Your smile grows wider.
  3139. >”We're here, Twi.”
  3140. >You snap back to reality.
  3141. >Oh indeed. Sucarcube Corner is right in front of you.
  3142. >The scent of sweet, baked treats escaping from it.
  3143. “Let's go in then!”
  3145. >The bell chimes as you enter the bakery.
  3146. >Your nostrils are instantly filled with the same sweet and warm smell that you sensed before.
  3147. >You shudder a bit in anticipation of the delicious, baked goods you are about to devour.
  3148. >Well first you have to find a table... considering the time it's quite full here.
  3149. >A nice, romantic one at the windows would be good... where Anon and you are a little bit separated from the rest.
  3150. >You take a look through the room and spot Pinkie Pie behind the counter.
  3151. >She's serving a customer right now but as soon as sees you, her face lights up.
  3152. >Abandoning the poor pony, who just wanted to pay, in an instant, leaving only a pink blur and a flustered Ms. Cake behind.
  3153. >It's a mystery how she keeps this job...
  3154. >In a matter of femtoseconds she stands in front of you, taking a deep breath.
  3155. >Here it comes... Pinkies greetings can be quite loud and irritating.
  3156. >”Heya Twilight and Nonny!”
  3157. >Huh? How anticlimactic.
  3158. >Her face bears a wide grin and she's bouncing on the spot.
  3159. >You once tried to harness her boundless energy to use it to power various devices and maybe help her get calmer.
  3160. >It didn't end well...
  3161. >So you stopped bothering and just accepted Pinkie's bubbly self.
  3162. “Good morning Pinkie.”
  3163. >”Morning Ponk's, how's it going?”
  3164. >”Super, thanks! How are my two bestest bipedal and purple friends on this fantastic morning?”
  3165. >”Just swell, thanks.”
  3166. >Anon pats her head.
  3167. >You just nod and return her smile.
  3168. >”Do want to eat something? We still have breakfast!”
  3169. >Oh thank Celestia, you could kill for a breakfast muffin.
  3170. >”Actually that's why we are here. But it looks like every table is occupied at the moment.” Anon answers.
  3171. >Pinkie puts herself on her hind legs to ruffle Anon's hair.
  3172. >”Don't worry about that. Let auntie Pinkie handle this.”
  3173. >Before your boyfriend could ask what she meant by it, Pinkie is already on her way to one of window tables.
  3174. >”This one just got free!”
  3175. >She slams two menus on it.
  3176. >”Isn't this right, Thunderlane?”
  3177. >The stallions face loses all colour. Impressive, considering his coat is black.
  3178. >”B-But I'm still eating, Pinkie!” he stammers.
  3179. >”Ms. Pie.”
  3180. >She shoots him an angry glare.
  3181. >”Yes! Sorry, Ms. Pie! I will be on my way instantaneously!”
  3182. >Thunderlane gobbles the remainder of his muffins down and dashes out of the bakery.
  3183. >While Pinkie wipes the table, you and your boyfriend share a confused look.
  3184. >Anon just shrugs.
  3185. >”All set! Come here, Nonny and Twilight!”
  3186. >You walk over to her and sit down on the bench.
  3187. >”What was that all about?” Anon asks the pink mare.
  3188. >She stares into a corner, focusing a specific spot.
  3189. >”Oh... he knows what he did. He knows...”
  3190. “Who... are you talking to, Pinkie?”
  3191. >She turns back to Anon and you.
  3192. >”Oh just the reader.” she says, grinning from ear to ear.
  3193. “W-What?”
  3194. >”Don't worry about it. Anyway, isn't this a bit close?”
  3195. >Huh?
  3196. >Oh buck she is right! You are basically sitting on Anon's lap!
  3197. >The temperature in your cheeks sky-rockets and you scoot over a bit.
  3198. >Quickly grabbing one of the menus, you hide behind it.
  3199. “Ahahaha... we were still just a bit confused! Yeah...”
  3200. >Pinkie just giggles.
  3201. >”Okay then! What can I bring you to drink?”
  3202. >”I will get a coffee please...”
  3203. >”Black?”
  3204. >”Yes.”
  3205. >”Wonderful. And you Twi?
  3206. “G-Green Tea please... and a glass of water.”
  3207. >”Good choice! I will get your drinks, while you two~ decide on what to eat.”
  3208. >You really don't like how she emphasized the words “you two”.
  3209. >Slowly raising from behind your laminated walls, you take a peek.
  3210. >Is she waving at the corner...?
  3211. >Suddenly she yanks her head around and winks at you.
  3212. >!
  3213. >Quick! To the menu cave!
  3214. >Does she suspect something?
  3215. >Everything is possible with this mare...
  3217. >You motion Anon to come closer.
  3218. “I think she's on to us!”
  3219. >”Yeah I think so too... Did you see her winking at us? She knows!”
  3220. “Or it could just be Pinkie being Pinkie... She does weird stuff all the time. “
  3221. >Anon nods.
  3222. >”Like talking to imaginary readers... What was that about?”
  3223. >You shrug.
  3224. “I don't know... Last week she complained that someone in the sky denied her wish for more balloons...”
  3225. >”Really?”
  3226. “Yep. But far more importantly... what do we do now?”
  3227. >He scratches his chin.
  3228. >”Hmm... how about we just talk to her? If she really knows, it's too late already anyway.”
  3229. >That could work.
  3230. “Yeah you're probably right... I just wonder how she found out.”
  3231. >Maybe it's your scent?
  3232. >You take a few deep whiffs of your coat.
  3233. >No this isn't it. Most of Anon's scent washed itself off in the shower, so you don't smell like him more than usual.
  3234. >Oh no... could it be?
  3235. >Lifting your butt a bit, you look at the spot you are sitting.
  3236. >Phew... you are not leaking either.
  3237. >Now that would be awkward. Dripping his cum all through Ponyville...
  3238. >But also kinda hot.
  3239. >”What are you doing Twi?”
  3240. “N-Nothing... just checking something.”
  3241. >”Okay... So do you want to talk to her, or should I?”
  3242. >You shake your head.
  3243. “I will do it.”
  3244. >”Why are you whispering? Can I join? I'm really good at whispering!”
  3245. >Suddenly Pinkie Pie stands besides you, balancing a tray with your drinks on her head.
  3246. “Whoa!
  3247. >”Wha!”
  3248. >”Oh did I startle you? Sorry about that. But look! I got your beverages!” Pinkie states, giggling.
  3249. >How can she be this sneaky? Normally she makes more noise than a band of parasprites!
  3250. >She sets the tray on the table.
  3251. >”One coffee #000000.”
  3252. >”What?”
  3253. >”Black.”
  3254. >”Yeah right... Thanks Ponks.”
  3255. >Anon mouthes the word “how”.
  3256. >”No biggie. And one blue plus yellow tea and of course your water.
  3257. “Thank you, Pinkie.”
  3258. >She smiles and nods.
  3259. >You grab the cup with your magic and take a small sip.
  3260. >It's warm and soothing... and helps you think.
  3261. >How do you go about this... Just tell her or-
  3262. >”So... Do you now want to talk with me, how the two of you are a thing now?”
  3263. >In shock, you spurt the tea in your mouth all over Pinkie.
  3264. >Her rules of nature breaking mane just absorbs it with a quiet “slurp” noise.
  3265. “W-What?! How?!”
  3266. >Pinkie's giggling intensifies and she points at her head.
  3267. >”My Pinkie sense! Yesterday I had a combo that I didn't have in a while. Two leg twitches, one ear flop and three tail wiggles!”
  3268. >”And that means?” Anon asks confused.
  3269. >”That one of my closest friends found someone special! And with Applejack busy watching the Crusaders, Rainbow Dash in prison-”
  3270. >”You knew that too? How?!”
  3271. >”Another combo. Knee itch, three ear flops and two sneezes.”
  3272. >Anon waves her off.
  3273. >”Okay.. go on.”
  3274. >”Will do! Where was I … Ah yes! With Rainbow in prison and Rarity and Fluttershy at the weekly, nightly spa frenzy, that only left Twilight! And since our purple friend here came with you, I put one and one together.”
  3276. >You sigh and massage your temples.
  3277. >This mare... Once again she completely foiled your plans with her heathen powers.
  3278. >Well the cat is out of the sack now...
  3279. “Yeah Pinkie... Anon and I are together now.”
  3280. >She squees.
  3281. >Her whole body tenses up... That can only mean one thing.
  3282. >She's going to explode in a weird fashion and loudly going to congratulate you!
  3283. >In front of everypony!
  3284. “Anon quick!”
  3285. >With a speed that would rival Rainbow Dash, Anon grabs her by the muzzle and holds it closed.
  3286. >”Pinkie no! Calm down. Please.”
  3287. >His tone is serious but friendly, and Pinkie stops her antics immediately.
  3288. >”I'm going to release your muzzle now. Don't start yelling or something, listen to us first. Okay?”
  3289. >She nods.
  3290. >”Okay then.”
  3291. >Anon frees her muzzle from his grip.
  3292. “Listen Pinkie. I and Anon want to keep our relationship a secret for a while.”
  3293. >Leaning her head sideways, you can hear the gears grinding in it. Which could be entirely possible, considering that this is Pinkie you are talking about.
  3294. >”But why? I am so happy for you, that I want to throw you a “Twilight and Anon are a couple now!” party, and a week after that your “Happy One-weekisary!”.”
  3295. “I know, and I find this incredibly sweet of you but try to understand us.”
  3296. >”Understand what?”
  3297. >Oh yeah she doesn't know. At least she doesn't have a combo for “a friend of mine is addicted to the cum of another friend of mine”.
  3298. >Yet...
  3299. >Oh buck what are you going to tell her?
  3300. >You throw a pleading look to your boyfriend.
  3301. >He smiles. Looks he got something.
  3302. >”We just want to see if it works out, Ponk. With us being totally different species from totally different worlds.”
  3303. >Oh... Yes that works. Some times the simpler solutions to something just elude you.
  3304. >Pinkie wiggles her eyebrows, a sly grin on her lips.
  3305. >”Oh I see... You first want to check if the two of you are “compatible” or not.”
  3306. >Your cheeks burn up again and Anon's share the same fate.
  3307. “Nonono! It's not like that! We-”
  3308. >She shoves a hoof in your mouth. It tastes like... sweet dough?
  3309. >”Twilight, it's okay. I'm just messing with you. Your secret is safe with me. I'm not Rarity. Only on every sixth Saturday.”
  3310. “Phwat?”
  3311. >”Oops, sorry.”
  3312. >Giggling she retrieves her hoof from your orifice and wipes it on Anon's jacket.
  3313. >”Hey!”
  3314. >”Oh come on! I'm pretty sure you are already used to her saliva!”
  3315. >Defeated, he crosses his arms and mumbles something.
  3316. >At least she won't tell anypony.
  3317. “Thanks Pinkie. That means a lot to us.”
  3318. >”No problemo amigos! I will even Pinkie promise, so you guys don't have to worry about anything!”
  3319. >From somewhere out of her tail she materializes a cupcake and recites the sacred words.
  3320. >”Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!“
  3321. >She seals the pact by slamming the cupcake in her face... which also is being slowly absorbed into her mane.
  3322. >What kinds of eldritch abominations live there?!
  3323. >Maybe her mane is the real Pinkie Pie and the body is just a decoy to protect it...
  3324. >You shake the thought off.
  3325. “Thanks again...”
  3326. >”Yeah thank you, Pinkie. We will make sure to tell you first when we announce it, so you have all the time you need to plan our party.”
  3327. >Anon beams her a smile.
  3328. >”Awww! Thanks!”
  3329. >Squeeing, she pulls you both in for a big hug, which you happily return.
  3330. >Pinkie breaks it after a few seconds and looks at you expectingly.
  3331. >”So.”
  3332. >”So?”
  3333. “So?”
  3334. >”What do you want to eat, of course! You silly fillies!”
  3335. >Oh right the actual reason you are here.
  3336. “We didn’t really think about that, to be honest.”
  3337. >”Yeah, We were occupied with figuring you out.”
  3338. >Pinkie giggles and takes one of the menus.
  3339. >”Let me see real quick if we still serve this...”
  3340. >”Serve what?”
  3341. >She shushes him.
  3342. >”Ah there we go! The love-bird special! Two stacks of heart-shaped pancakes with whipped cream and strawberry syrup on a plate decorated with fresh fruit and chocolate mousse!”
  3343. >That sounds delicious... but also very attention-grabbing.
  3344. “We don't want to bring any attention to us. Did you forgot already?”
  3345. >She shakes her head.
  3346. >”But not if I divide it on two plates and make normal pancakes instead of the heart-shaped ones!”
  3347. >Sometimes you underestimate her intellect.
  3348. “Oh, okay then. What do you think, Anon? It sounds really good...”
  3349. >”If you want it, we will take it!” he says, smiling.
  3350. >”Awww! How adorable! Isn't he a sweetheart!”
  3351. >Pinkie is rolling on the floor, hugging herself...
  3352. >Anon helps her up again, before anypony sees.
  3353. >”Wonderful! One super secret love-bird special coming up!”
  3354. >She hugs you once more before she takes her leave.
  3355. >You both sigh.
  3357. >”Phew... that went better than expected.”
  3358. “I wasn't worried about her telling, just about her reaction upon hearing it. But thanks to you and your quick hands everything turned out nicely.”
  3359. >He wiggles his fingers in front of your face.
  3360. >”Those little guys here saved me more than once from a sticky situation.
  3361. “They were in a sticky situation before~”
  3362. >His blush returns.
  3363. >Strike two!
  3364. >Chuckling, he dusts his shirt off.
  3365. >”I'll give you that. Anyhow...”
  3366. “Hmm?”
  3367. >”Do you already have a few ideas on how to create a cure? Maybe an addiction annihilating laser?”
  3368. >You giggle.
  3369. “That would be nice, but however I think magic alone won't solve the problem... Alchemy would be a better take on it.”
  3370. >”Alchemy? Do you want to brew a healing potion? I think I have some Bruiseweed and Briarthorne lying around. But you will have to provide your own Crystal Vial.”
  3371. >He's grinning like crazy... probably one of his human references again.
  3372. “Ehehe... yeah something like a healing potion. I thought of mixing “your stuff” with some magireactant metals and crystals, and see if anything reacts with. If my first theory is right and it is because of it's non-magical state, than giving it magic properties would create a sort of antidote ”
  3373. >Anon leans back a bit, looks like he is in thought.
  3374. >”But that wouldn't take care of the future, if you catch my drift.”
  3375. “I know. But I could work on something for you on this basis. For the meantime I would just take the solution I created, so my head stays clear.”
  3376. >Nodding. he rests his head on his hand.
  3377. >”Yeah... but what do we do, if you can't find anything? I mean I could just keep giving you “my stuff”, but I doubt that's healthy on the long run. It already got stronger once, from what I can tell.”
  3378. >Anon's right...
  3379. >You really will have to concentrate every available second of free time on this.
  3380. “If this really happens, I still have my other theory...”
  3381. >”What's your other theory?”
  3382. “It's only an assumption. Sorry but I won't tell you, before I did more research on it.”
  3383. >If this theory of yours really comes true, you are in a lot of trouble and possibly pain.
  3384. >Celestia please... let it be a normal addiction.
  3385. >He sees your distress and puts a hand over your hoof, gently stroking it.
  3386. >”I understand. You probably have your reasons for not telling me. But just know, I'm there for you.”
  3387. >A soft and gentle smile is on his lips.
  3388. >It really makes you feel bad for not telling him. But it's better this way.
  3389. >No need to unnecessarily frighten your boyfriend.
  3390. >”Awww! He's holding your hoof!” Pinkie suddenly whisper-yells.
  3391. “Whaaah!”
  3392. >You startle in your seat.
  3393. >”Hah! I saw her coming.”
  3394. >Pinkie giggles and sets the tray on the table.
  3395. >”One neatly divided, disguised love-bird special! Tadaa! I even put extra cherries on yours Twilight!”
  3396. >Slowly you regain your composure.
  3397. “Heh... thanks Pinkie. I appreciate it. But why, if I may ask?”
  3398. >She moves her muzzle to your ear.
  3399. >”They are good for your joints.”
  3400. >If her eyebrows would wiggle any faster, you are sure you could use them to propel a small piston.
  3401. >Blushing, you gently shove her off.
  3402. “T-Thanks.”
  3403. >”You're welcome! Now enjoy your meal...”
  3404. >She moves in closer again.
  3405. >” birds!”
  3406. >Turning on the spot, she bounces away. Snickering every few bounces.
  3407. >Your hoof hits your face hard.
  3408. >”She only means well, Twi.”
  3409. “I know, Anon. I know...”
  3410. >He boops you and your muzzle scrunches up in return..
  3411. >Something that finds Anon incredibly cute for some reason.
  3412. >It's a completely normal reaction to something like booping. You really don't get it why it's supposed to be adorable.
  3413. >”Now let's dig in , before it gets cold!”
  3414. >You nod and smile at him.
  3415. >Grabbing the fork and knife with your magic, you start eating.
  3416. >Slow and controlled of course. It's one thing if Anon sees you pig out, but another if the whole town observes it.
  3417. >He sees your attempt and self-control and just chuckles.
  3418. >It's really good, like almost everything here in Sugarcube Corner.
  3419. >The pancakes are fluffy, the strawberry syrup complements them perfectly and the fruit is fresh.
  3420. >You make a mental note to look up if cherries are good for your joints.
  3421. >Oh and the chocolate mousse... If you could replace your bed with it you would do it.
  3422. >So light and fluffy.... just delicious.
  3423. >Halfway through your first pancake you notice something.
  3424. >Are there big letters lightly burned in your pancake?
  3425. >Looks like an “A”.
  3426. >You take a look at Anon's stack.
  3427. >Who is happily eating away at it.
  3428. >And indeed there is something on his too. Could be a “T” and a “W”, but you are not sure since it's already half eaten.
  3429. >Carefully that nopony watches you, you quickly scroll through your pancakes.
  3430. >”A”
  3431. >”N”
  3432. >”O”
  3433. >”N”
  3434. >”!”
  3435. >Oh Celestia please...
  3436. >Pinkie Pie, the queen of cheesy romances.
  3437. >Your hoof finds it's way to your forehead again.
  3438. >”Something the matter, Twi?”
  3439. “Take a quick look through your pancakes please, and you will understand.”
  3440. >”Huh? Okay.”
  3441. >”TW” Anon states.
  3442. >”IL”
  3443. >”IG”
  3444. >”HT”
  3445. >”!”
  3446. >His face lights up.
  3447. >”Hey, it spells your name! How sweet of her. Is there my name on yours too?”
  3448. >You nod.
  3449. >”Aww. It's like we are in a cheesy romance flick.”
  3450. >Laughing, he begins eating again.
  3451. >You just sigh.
  3452. >Is this now expecting you everyday? And that's just Pinkie...
  3453. >But to be honest, it is kinda cute.
  3454. >It's nice to have friends who care and are happy for you.
  3455. “Yeah, you are right.”
  3456. >”In 65% of all cases, I'm always right.”
  3457. >He points his fork at you.
  3458. “Oh you.”
  3459. >You start eating again too, before it gets cold.
  3460. >And cold pancakes tend to be hard and chewy.
  3461. >The rest of the breakfast is spent in relative silence.
  3462. >Just a few bits of small talk here and there, since everything important is already discussed.
  3463. >Something is still on your mind, though.
  3464. >What did Rainbow Dash do in Anon's house?
  3465. >He said that it was nothing grave.
  3466. >Eh... you will find out soon enough.
  3467. >The last piece of your pancakes is picked up by your fork and brought to your mouth.
  3468. >Relishing the taste of it, one last time before you swallow, you put the cutlery down.
  3469. “Ahhh.... that hit the spot.”
  3470. >You pat you belly a few times. Something you have seen in one of Anon's movies, and were curious if it does something.
  3471. >Your conclusion to that was a definitive “No”, but it feels nice nevertheless.
  3472. >Anon stretches his arms and nods.
  3473. >”Mmhhmm. The food here is really something special.”
  3474. >Picking a few bits of food out of his teeth he continues.
  3475. >You told him many times that such a behaviour is rude, but his canines are far too fascinating to look at, so you don't interrupt him.
  3476. >Stupid fetish.
  3477. >”Wanna pay up and bail out Rainbow?”
  3478. “Yep!” you chirp.
  3479. >”Wonderful. I will see if I can get a hold of Pinkie.”
  3480. >”You called?.”
  3481. “Ahh!”
  3482. >For the third time today Pinkie manages to startle you.
  3483. >She just materialized behind Anon and now rests her bodyweight on his shoulders.
  3484. >He sits there motionless, in a state of shock.
  3485. >”So... did you like them?! Did you find the special surprise on them?”
  3486. >”Which dark god's did I anger...” Anon murmurs.
  3487. >”Tzeentch!”
  3488. >”W-What?”
  3489. >”Praised be his unmatched intellect!” Pinkie cheers.
  3490. >”Are you serious right now?”
  3491. >His voice sounds seriously frightened... what is going on?
  3492. >”Nah. I read it in one of your books! So you want to pony up?”
  3493. >”Y-Yes please.”
  3494. >She hops off his shoulders.
  3495. >”Wonderful. Just lemme total this …”
  3496. >From Celestia knows where, she pulls out a notepad and pen.
  3497. >”Coffee, Tea, Water and the spy-special... carry the four... multiply by point two... minus the “you are friends with Pinkie Pie” bonus.... That will be 18 bits please!”
  3498. >Yeah... this bonus is a real thing. The cakes had to raise the prices to accommodate that, since everypony is friends with Pinkie.
  3499. >Shaking his head, Anon pulls out the bits from his pocket and hands them her.
  3500. >”Thanks!” she chirps.
  3501. >With one swift swoop of her hoof, she grabs the money and stashes it away in her mane.
  3502. >”Have a nice day! And greet Rainbow from me!”
  3503. >”You too, Ponks.”
  3504. >There she goes... a bounce in her step and acting as nothing especially weird just happened.
  3505. >Anon visibly relaxes once she leaves.
  3506. “Thanks for paying. You didn't have to do that.”
  3507. >He waves you off.
  3508. >”It was my pleasure. Just do something for me, okay?”
  3509. “Of course.”
  3510. >”Remind me to never get on her bad side.”
  3511. “Okay...”
  3513. >You leave the bakery and begin your walk to the guardhouse.
  3514. >It's on the outer edge of inner Ponyville, so it's quite near.
  3515. >Most of the time it's cells are not in use, since Equestria has a fairly low crime-rate outside of the bigger cities like Manehatten or Trottingham.
  3516. >But this time one of your best friends sits inside one of them.
  3517. >Not for the first time to be honest.
  3518. >Rainbow tends to get in trouble a lot, especially when she drinks.
  3519. >You sigh.
  3520. >”Everything alright, Twi?”
  3521. “Yes. Just thinking about Rainbow.”
  3522. >He chuckles.
  3523. >”Yeah she will surely be a bit pissed after we left her waiting for a whole night.”
  3524. “Probably.”
  3525. >You look up to him.
  3526. “And she really did nothing terrible at your house?”
  3527. >”I didn't say it wasn't terrible, but she didn't do anything life-threateningly bad or something like that. But, you will find out soon enough. Don't worry about it.”
  3528. >Anon beams you a smile and pats you on the mane.
  3529. “Okay.”
  3530. >Argh! You want to know! What did she do?!
  3531. >Grumbling, you try to find out yourself.
  3532. >Anon's house didn't looked rummaged through or something similar. And he claims that nothing was stolen... Cuppy is also still intact.
  3533. >Did she try to blackmail him maybe?
  3534. >No... Rainbow wouldn't do that. At least not to somepony she likes.
  3535. >Hmm... what else could it be?
  3536. >Your boyfriend is still alive, so that eliminates murder. Or...
  3537. >Quickly you scan his body with a magic flash.
  3538. >Nope. His heart is still beating. So she didn't kill Anon and resurrect him afterwards with some kind of dark art.
  3539. >Also you just remembered that this happened in one of the novels you wrote.
  3540. >Maybe you should stop thinking so much and just wait for it.
  3541. >It's not like you will have to wait for much longer.
  3542. >Doesn't change the fact that this gnaws on your mind like a sort of brain tick.
  3543. >To clear your head, you look through the streets.
  3544. >Nothing much happening. Just a few ponies walking around or window-shopping.
  3545. >Hey isn't this Applejack? You would recognize that hat anywhere.
  3546. “Anon, could you wait here really quick? I want to ask Applejack how Spike is doing.”
  3547. >He gives you a thumps up.
  3548. >”Of course.”
  3549. “Thanks!”
  3550. >You run over to the orange mare.
  3551. “Hey Applejack!”
  3552. >She turns towards you.
  3553. >”Howdy thar' Twi! How's it going?”
  3554. “Going good, thank you! I just wanted to ask how Spike is doing.”
  3555. >Applejack laughs throatily.
  3556. >”Aw he's fine! A bit tired, since he had to play maid all night long, but he's still alive.”
  3557. >Good to hear that... but Anon must really teach him some day to stand up for himself.
  3558. >You're afraid that Sweetie Belle exploits him.
  3559. “Wonderful. Could you just send him over when the sleepover is over. I would pick him up myself, but I'm in a bit of a hurry today.”
  3560. >She nods.
  3561. >”Will do. Rarity comes ta pick up Sweetie and Scoots at around two anyway. Ahm sure she won't mind bringing him home.”
  3562. “Thank you, Applejack.”
  3563. >”Aww, don't worry about it.”
  3564. >You give her a quick hug and make your farewell.
  3565. >This is perfect. Even if bailing out Rainbow would take over an hour, you still have enough time to collect a sample from Anon.
  3566. >Which would prove itself very difficult with Spike around. Nosy little dragon.
  3567. >You trot over to your boyfriend, who is currently pony-watching.
  3568. >Once he sees you, he meets you half-way.
  3569. >”So how is the poor lad?”
  3570. “He's fine. Rarity will walk him home later.”
  3571. >”How convenient.”
  3572. “It is! So we will have some free time after this whole ordeal~”
  3573. >You shoot him a wink.
  3574. >”For science, I assume?”
  3575. “Yep!” you chirp.
  3576. >”Okay then. I will look forward to it.”
  3577. >Quickly nuzzling his leg when nopony is looking, you continue your journey.
  3579. >After a more few minutes you reach the guardhouse.
  3580. >You never particularly liked it. It's grey, ugly and radiates an aura of strictness.
  3581. >But maybe that's intentional, so nopony wants to get locked up there.
  3582. “So here we are...”
  3583. >Anon nods.
  3584. >”Mhm. Nervous?”
  3585. “A little bit. Let's get this over with.”
  3586. >He holds the door open for you and you walk in.
  3587. >The air is stale and dry. A few guardsponies are playing cards, their armour and weapons lie besides them.
  3588. >Is this supposed to be the high-praised discipline of the equestrian soldiers? There is not much to do in Ponyville for them, that is true... but at least they could try to look busy.
  3589. >The reception isn't even occupied....
  3590. >Finally somepony notices you and walks over.
  3591. >”Greetings, citizens. How may I help you?”
  3592. >Your boyfriend pulls the notice out of his pocket and shows it him.
  3593. >”We are here for a friend of ours. She got arrested yesterday.”
  3594. >The guard takes the letter and gives it a quick read-over.
  3595. >”Ah yes. Rainbow Dash. She broke into your house yesterday.”
  3596. >”I know. We are here to get her out. It was a giant misunderstanding. She probably just looked for her towel or something after our workout.”
  3597. >”Okay. So nothing was stolen? Because we got a report here that says she has a drug habit.”
  3598. >”No everything is still where it belongs. And the drug thing is a lie. She is as clean as a fresh washed tablecloth.”
  3599. >”I see. Well she is ready to go then. Just a little thing before we get her.”
  3600. >”And that would be?”
  3601. >The guard winces.
  3602. >”There was a small... incident last night. Her cell needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Also she “broke” one of our flashlights.”
  3603. >Anon's palm hits his forehead.
  3604. >You wonder what she did … hopefully nothing happened to her.
  3605. >”I... I understand. How much?”
  3606. “Anon? What did she do?”
  3607. >He pats you on the head.
  3608. >”You don't have to know... Believe me. It's better this way.”
  3609. “Okay...”
  3610. >Strange. You hope that she didn't do what you are thinking... but it is entirely possible. Rainbow is know to act impulsive and without thinking.
  3611. >”About 45 bits.”
  3612. >Sighing Anon opens his bit bag and fishes out four golden coins and five bronze ones.
  3613. >”Here you go...”
  3614. >”Thank you, sir.”
  3615. >He stashes the money away and grabs the cell-keys.
  3616. >”I will get her. Please feel free to sit down while you wait.”
  3617. >”Actually, can I talk to her real quick?”
  3618. >The stallion nods.
  3619. >”Of course. Follow me.”
  3620. “Anon, what are you doing?”
  3621. >”I just want to clarify something with her.”
  3622. “Alright.”
  3623. >”I will be right back”
  3624. >He strokes your mane and follows the guard.
  3626. >You are Anon now and you're following the guard to Rainbow's cell.
  3627. >He leads you through a long, grey hallway before he opens another door which contains all the cells
  3628. >Most of them are empty, except for one.
  3629. >It really is a peaceful town, so you didn't expect anything else.
  3630. >”Here we are. I assume you want to talk with her alone?”
  3631. >You sigh.
  3632. “Yes, please.”
  3633. >”Just call me again when you are ready to leave.”
  3634. >You nod and the guard leaves you alone with Rainbow, closing the door behind him.
  3635. >There she sits. Shivering on her little wooden bench.
  3636. “Hey Rainbow.”
  3637. >You grab yourself a chair and sit down on it in front of her cell.
  3638. >”H-Hey Anon! What's up?”
  3639. >Hmm? No complaining about leaving her here for a whole night? She must know, that you know what happened last night.
  3640. “Not much. How was your night here?”
  3641. >She giggles hysterically.
  3642. >”Pretty... interesting.”
  3643. “Anything you want to tell me?”
  3644. >The tone of your voice is neutral and soft. Which makes it quite difficult for her to read your emotions. A small thing you learned from your time here.
  3645. >Eh...I...You see...” she stammers.
  3646. >Suddenly she jolts forward, grabbing the bars of her cell.
  3647. >Typical Rainbow Dash... She does something the fast way or never.
  3648. >”I'm sorry, Anon! It was so boring here and I didn't know what to do! So I did what I do every time when I'm bored with nothing to do!”
  3649. >You raise your eyebrow. That gal really needs more hobbies besides napping and workout.
  3650. “So you masturbated and ruined the cell with your... efforts?”
  3651. >Her face gets crimson.
  3652. >”Ah.. Eh.. Yeah. Sorry...”
  3653. >She sits down on her haunches.
  3654. >”I'm really sorry! I promise that I will pay you back! Double!”
  3655. >Looking at you with puppy eyes, she fiddles with her hooves.
  3656. >Oh man why are these creatures so cute...
  3657. >You sigh again.
  3658. “Okay. But the normal amount will suffice. I know that you don't have much money.”
  3659. >Hearing that, she visibly relaxes.
  3660. >”Thanks Anon! You are the best!” she chirps.
  3661. >She lets go of the bars and does a little victory twirl. Something Rainbow always does when things went better than she expected.
  3662. >”So can we leave this terrible place now? Come on! Get the guard!”
  3663. >You shake your head.
  3664. “No.”
  3665. >Her face takes a shocked expression.
  3666. >”Huh? Why not? Are you still mad at me? I already said that I'm sorry and that I will pay you back!”
  3667. “Isn't there something else you want to tell me?”
  3668. >She winces.
  3669. >”Uhm... no?”
  3670. “Don't take me for an idiot, Rainbow.”
  3671. >”I-I'm not! Eh....”
  3672. >Not being able to hold eye contact with you any more, she stares into a corner.
  3673. >Nervously pawing the ground.
  3674. >”Ach... buck.”
  3675. “Exactly.”
  3677. >You are now a certain purple unicorn again and you are waiting for Anon to finish his talk with Rainbow.
  3678. >Does it have something to do with what she did in Anon's house, you wonder?
  3679. >Or what happened last night in her cell?
  3680. >This whole situation starts to make you nervous.
  3681. >Maybe everything is more serious than he wanted to admit...
  3682. >Deciding to distract yourself a bit you take another look through the room.
  3683. >The rest of the guards returned to their game of cards. So nothing to see here.
  3684. >They are not really paying attention to you, so maybe you could take a look through your file...
  3685. >You wonder what it says about you
  3686. >The file cabinet is just over there...
  3687. >No, Sparkle! Keep your curiosity under control.
  3688. >Your mother always said that idle hooves are Discord's playthings, so you grab a magazine and begin to read it.
  3689. >Ergh... Old celebrity news from Canterlot.
  3690. >Prince Blue Blood's scandalous vacation! Find out how many brothels he visited on page 9!
  3691. >Is Fleur de Lis in reality a stallion? More on page 14!
  3692. >Rarity already told you all that, and much more.
  3693. >Sometimes such gossip can be quite fun, but you are not really interested in it usually.
  3694. >Bored you put the magazine down and scan the rest of the stack..
  3695. >Nothing but gossip and fishing journals.
  3696. >But at the bottom of the stack you find something peculiar.
  3697. >Is this?
  3698. >It is!
  3699. >An issue of playcolt.
  3700. >Quickly checking if the guards are still occupied with their game, you pick it up and turn your back on them.
  3701. >Nopony must know...
  3702. >Some mare called “Milky Way” is the cover filly and apparently her assets are the biggest thing in our galaxy.
  3703. >What could that mean?
  3704. >You open the centerfold and... oh my.
  3705. >Every ounce of your blood finds it's way to your cheeks.
  3706. >How by Celestia's beard can teats grow that big?
  3707. >They are like massive blobs of flesh! Stallions can't find these appealing, can they?
  3708. >Flicking through the magazine, you see more pictures of her in seductive poses.
  3709. >One in particular catches your interest.
  3710. >She's standing with her front hooves propped against a barn, hind legs spread wide and tail raised, wearing spotted stockings.
  3711. >Her marehood is glistening from her arousal and her giant teats hanging down like two bells.
  3712. >This is kind of sexy... especially the lingerie.
  3713. >Maybe Rarity can make something like this for you? You are sure Anon would like it...
  3714. >Stockings and perhaps a nice see-through corset with matching panties? All in black or a dark purple... that would surely look good on you.
  3715. >You wonder how much that would cost...
  3716. >”Reading it for the articles?”
  3717. “Whaa!”
  3718. >Startled from the sudden noise, you accidentally send the magazine flying.
  3719. >Anon catches it and takes a look at the cover.
  3720. >”Her assets are the biggest thing in our galaxy... Interesting. Are they?”
  3721. >He grins at you with naked spite.
  3722. “Y-Yes. Indeed. The article made it more than clear that this is true.”
  3723. >Embarrassed you fiddle with your hooves, staring at the ground.
  3724. >”Okay then.” he says, chuckling
  3725. >Sitting down besides you, he puts the erotic magazine back on the stack.
  3726. “So how was your talk with Rainbow? Is she allowed to go yet?”
  3727. >”It went pretty good. She apologized and feels very bad about what she has done. And yes, she is free to go. But she wants to talk with you first.”
  3728. “O-Okay. About what happened in your house?”
  3729. >He nods.
  3730. >”Yep. She is waiting in that room over there. Just go in whenever you feel ready.”
  3731. “Okay...”
  3732. >You take a few deep breaths and hop off the chair.
  3733. ”Let's get this over with.”
  3734. >Finally you will find out what she has done.
  3735. >You walk over to the door and put a hoof on its handle.
  3736. >With a quiet creak it opens and you step into the room.
  3738. >It's a small room with two chairs and a table. Looks like it's made for interrogations.
  3739. >Rainbow is already sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for you.
  3740. >Once she sees you standing in the door frame, she waves.
  3741. >”H-Hey Twilight.”
  3742. “Hello, Rainbow.”
  3743. >You close the door and sit down opposite of her.
  3744. “Anon said, you wanted to tell me something?”
  3745. >She nervously shifts around in her seat.
  3746. >”Yeah...”
  3747. “Just tell me. It can't be this bad.”
  3748. >Hoping to reassure Rainbow a bit, you beam her a smile
  3749. >”Uhm okay... Where to begin with this... You know why I had to spend the night here?”
  3750. “Yes. You broke into Anon's house, looking for your towel and got caught. Also you did something else in there, what Anon wouldn't tell me.
  3751. >”That is true... except for the towel part. I was there for that one thing Anon wouldn't tell you...”
  3752. “And that would be?”
  3753. >This is it!
  3754. >”Ehm... Yeah... This might shock you a bit, but...”
  3755. >Shock? What could it be?
  3756. >”Remember yesterday? The strange bottle I spilt and you got all mad and desperate about?”
  3757. >You nod.
  3758. >”After you told me that you have to find Anon, I got curious and kinda followed you...”
  3759. >W-What?
  3760. “Y-You followed me?!”
  3761. >She winces at your sudden snap.
  3762. >Panic begins to well up in you. What exactly did she hear?!
  3763. >”Y.Yes.”
  3764. “What did you hear?! Tell me!”
  3765. >”I just wanted to know why you needed Anon for that strange stuff... so I spied on you through a window.”
  3766. >What? No!
  3767. “So you know?”
  3768. >”Yeah... But I promise I won't tell anypony! Anon told me already that you are working on a cure...”
  3769. >Yes... This is certainly shocking. Your friend knows that you are addicted to Anon's semen.
  3770. >Terrific. Just terrific.
  3771. >You begin to feel sick.
  3772. >At least she won't tell anypony... That's relieving, but still so bucking embarrassing.
  3773. “T-Thanks...”
  3774. >”But that's not all...”
  3775. >Huh?
  3776. >She breaks eye contact with you.
  3777. “What do you mean “that's not all”?”
  3778. >It gets worse?
  3779. >Her mouth opens, but no words come out.
  3780. “Just tell me Rainbow.”
  3781. >Your voice is jittery now.
  3782. >Wait... if she spied on the whole conversation between Anon and you, you already know where this is going.
  3783. >Buck.
  3784. “Or don't.”
  3785. >She looks at you with a confused expression on her face.
  3786. >”Huh?”
  3787. >You get on your four hooves and walk around the table.
  3788. >Your gaze locked on Rainbow.
  3789. “Just answer me on question.”
  3790. >”Of course.”
  3791. “Did you listen to our whole conversation?”
  3792. >She blushes and looks away.
  3793. >”Y-Yeah...”
  3794. >That's what you thought.
  3795. >And explains why Anon wouldn't tell you what she was doing in his house.
  3796. >Buck.
  3797. >”I'm sorry... I was just so * hic * curious...”
  3798. >Her eyes begin to tear up and she sobs silently.
  3799. >Many different kinds of emotions go through your head right now.
  3800. >Disgust.
  3801. >Shock.
  3802. >Confusion.
  3803. >Betrayal.
  3804. >But strangely no anger.
  3805. >Why?
  3806. >You continue to watch her crying.
  3807. >”I-I'm so sorry....”
  3808. >You don't see a weird pervert who watched you participating in an very intimate moment of yours.
  3809. >No.
  3810. >You see a friend who did something very stupid and is sorry for it.
  3811. >A friend who saved you from something very evil, when you were unable to save yourself.
  3812. >Without hesitation or concern for her own safety or future consequences.
  3813. >Slowly you approach her.
  3814. >”You must h- * hic * hate me now!”
  3815. >Rainbow's tears are flowing freely now.
  3816. >Much to her surprise, you pull her into a hug.
  3817. >She tenses up at first, but then accepts the embrace.
  3818. >Weeping into your chest.
  3819. “No. I don't hate you.”
  3820. >Confused, she looks up.
  3821. >”W-What? But I * hic * I-”
  3822. >You shush her.
  3823. “You did something very stupid and thoughtless, yes. I won't say that I'm not disgusted or shocked by it, but everypony makes mistakes.”
  3824. >Pulling her closer, you gently start to stroke her back.
  3825. “I've made one too, many moons ago. And you saved me from it.”
  3826. >She calms down a bit.
  3827. “I never really thanked you for what you have done on this day.”
  3828. >You tighten your embrace.
  3829. “Thank you. Thank you for being there for me, and for being my friend. I forgive you.”
  3830. >Hearing that, she starts crying again..
  3831. >Her head buried in the fur of your chest.
  3832. >You can hear her thanking you between sobs.
  3834. End Part 6
  3836. >After a while, she finally calms down from her crying.
  3837. >You release her from your hug and smile at her.
  3838. >Wiping a few tears from her face, Rainbow returns it.
  3839. >”Thank you, Twilight.”
  3840. “No need to thank me, Rainbow.”
  3841. >She shakes her head.
  3842. >”No, really. I did something that not many ponies would easily forgive me for, but you did.”
  3843. “Aww, come on. Nopony can stay angry at the Dash!”
  3844. >Rainbow giggles.
  3845. >”Yeah, you're right...”
  3846. “But say, Rainbow...”
  3847. >”Hmm?”
  3848. “Why did you do it? It can't be just mere curiosity. That isn't like you... there is more behind it, isn’t, it?”
  3849. >Shyly she avoids your eyes. A slight blush on her face.
  3850. >Does she?
  3851. >”Ehm...”
  3852. “Don't be shy. We are friends. You can tell me anything.”
  3853. >”I kinda...”
  3854. “Yes?”
  3855. >”IkindahavethehotsforAnon.”
  3856. >Oh. Yeah... you suspected something like that.
  3857. >”But I knew that you were interested in him, so I never made any advances...”
  3858. >What?
  3859. “Y-You knew?”
  3860. >She giggles again.
  3861. >”Of course, Twi. It was so always spent so much time with him. Not to speak of the ways you look at him when you think nopony is watching...”
  3862. “You found my romantic stories about him, didn't you?”
  3863. >”That too.”
  3864. >Meh. You need better hiding places for them.
  3865. >”But now that he has you, my chances of getting a roll in the hay with him are non-existent...”
  3866. >Her shoulders droop.
  3867. >Aww... poor Dash. But it's not like you can do much about it.
  3868. >He is with you now.
  3869. “I'm sorry, Rainbow.”
  3870. >You put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her, but she waves it off.
  3871. >”Nah. It's alright. I will just stick to spying on you two from time to time.”
  3872. “R-Rainbow!”
  3873. >She playfully shoves you.
  3874. >”Aww, come on! I was just joking. I learned my lesson. Spending a night here gave me some time to think.”
  3875. “Glad to hear that.”
  3876. >That only leaves one question now.
  3877. >You are not sure if you really want to know this, but your curiosity gets the better of you.
  3878. “Say Rainbow...”
  3879. >”Hmm?”
  3880. “Why did Anon have to pay 45 bits for cleaning your cell?”
  3881. >She winces. That's a bad omen.
  3882. >”Uhm... you see... I got really bored at night, since they don't have books here, and...”
  3883. >You shush her.
  3884. >The night she told you drunkenly what she does when she is bored with nothing to do is still etched in your mind. Every dirty and disgusting detail.
  3885. >She either throws balls of clouds at ponies, reads a book, takes a nap or...
  3886. >Furiously masturbates herself into a blissful coma.
  3887. >And since there are neither books nor clouds here and she probably napped a few times...
  3888. >You shudder.
  3889. “Okay. I understand.”
  3890. >”You do?”
  3891. “Yeah. I do. Let's not get into details please.”
  3892. >Rainbow blushes and giggles.
  3893. >”Hehe okay. And I will pay him back, don't worry.”
  3894. >That's what you wanted to ask next.
  3895. “Wonderful. So you wanna leave this place now?”
  3896. >She nods.
  3897. >”Yep! I can't wait to stretch my wings and feel the wind in my mane again!”
  3898. “And hopefully take a bath... Sorry Rainbow, but you reek of sweat and... other fluids.”
  3899. >Taking a whiff at her fur, her muzzle scrunches up.
  3900. >”Eww... yeah you are right.”
  3901. >Her face takes a devious look and she spreads her front-legs.
  3902. >Rainbow closes in for another hug, but you manage to dodge it.
  3903. >”Come here! I wanna hug you one last time before I leave!”
  3904. “No! Get away from me!”
  3905. >”But I want to thank you properly for forgiving me!”
  3906. >You run to the door to escape the stinky pony, but it's no use. She is Rainbow Dash after all.
  3907. >With one giant leap, she catches you in her fore-arms and pulls you close.
  3908. >Pressing her face into your mane and generally rubbing herself all over you.
  3909. “Noooooooo! You stink!”
  3910. >”This is what friendship smells like! Get used to it!”
  3911. “I don't wanna be your friend any more!”
  3912. >”Aww... you are just saying that. Just give in and let it happen.”
  3913. >Defeated, you hold your breath and endure it.
  3915. >Rainbow finally released you from her smelly embrace and gave her farewells to Anon and you.
  3916. >You are now sitting on a bench outside of the guardhouse and enjoy the fresh air. Imbibing it in a desperate attempt to get Dash's stink out of your nose.
  3917. >And thankfully, it slowly but surely works...
  3918. >Anon is sitting besides you and idly rubs your back.
  3919. >”I'm glad that this is over now.”
  3920. “Me too.”
  3921. >”I was honestly a bit worried how you would react. But looks like you took the news pretty well.”
  3922. >You shrug and lean into his touch.
  3923. >Ahh... so nice and relaxing. You have to remind him to do this more often.
  3924. >Maybe he could do this professionally? In the spa? You are sure he would be booked out all the time.
  3925. “I didn't see any reason not to forgive her. She was really sorry and she is a good friend. So staying angry at her wouldn't have achieved anything but a sad Dash. And I don't like seeing any of my friends sad or depressed.”
  3926. >He chuckles
  3927. >”Yeah. I can understand that. I don't like seeing you sad either, or the others for that matter too. We have that in common.”
  3928. >You just nod and enjoy his attention for a bit more in silence.
  3929. >Now you have to find a cure...
  3930. >And that will be a quite difficult and costly endeavour. The metals and crystal you will have to use are rare and must be imported from all over equestria.
  3931. >You could ask Princess Celestia for a bit more money, but then you would have to think of an excuse why you need it.
  3932. >Maybe for some rare spell components? Shellfly stingers or Bloodwart roots? No... these are used for dark magic. They are fairly expensive, but very attention-grabbing.
  3933. >She would ask you some very uncomfortable questions...
  3934. >Better would be something you need for an elemental summoning... Like Salamander cores, arcane dust and a soul stone or two. That could work...
  3935. >But if you asked for that, she would send you the actual materials and no money, since everything is available at the royal arcanum.
  3936. >Hmm...
  3937. >You could sell some of it, though... And actually a new elemental minion would be handy too.
  3938. >The last one laughed at you and exploded, after you told him to clean your room.
  3939. >Looks like even bound elementals have some free will left, even if its just used for suicide.
  3940. >Poor Dusty. You always liked him... or her, or it. Or whatever elementals can be.
  3941. >You sigh.
  3942. >No... Lying to her is a bad idea. That's unbecoming for her protégée. You will have to swallow the bitter pill and pay it out of your own pocket.
  3943. >The clocktower strikes.
  3944. >It's already one in the afternoon.
  3945. >Spike will be coming home soon, and you should really be there when he arrives. Or he will stuff his belly with ice cream again.
  3946. >You also need to get a sample from Anon, without your nosy little dragon walking around the library.
  3947. >There doesn't need another showering incident to happen... You had a hard time explaining him what you did with the shower head.
  3948. >Extreme cleaning won't save your face this time.. or perhaps it will? He's still too young to understand anything sexual.
  3949. >You hope... The day you have to explain him dragon and pony sexuality is the one you dread.
  3950. >Anyway... you are wasting time. Better get going.
  3951. “Let's go, Anon.”
  3952. >”Okay.”
  3953. >He stretches a bit and helps you off the bench.
  3954. >Such a gentlecolt...
  3955. >You take a last look at the guardhouse and begin your walk home.
  3957. >Ponyville's streets are as busy, if not busier, as a few hours ago.
  3958. >No wonder. Everypony uses their lunch break to buy a few groceries or get a snack from the numerous stands and shops.
  3959. >Luckily the breakfast you had at Sugarcube Corner was quite filling, so you are not hungry.
  3960. >You take a few glances at some stalls to see if you need anything.
  3961. >Roseluck is selling some extraordinary beautiful and tasty looking roses today. The daisies don't look too bad either.
  3962. >But too many flowers are not good for you. Your stomach learned that the hard way.
  3963. >You pass a few more stalls until you reach a wooden cart.
  3964. >Looks like a travelling merchant. The old unicorn stallion, who currently spreads his goods on a holey carpet, is apparently it's owner.
  3965. >Huh?
  3966. >Are this...?
  3967. >They are!
  3968. >You trot over to him, leaving a confused Anon behind.
  3969. >Spell books! Lots of them!
  3970. >One by one, you eye the dusty tomes.
  3971. >Most of them you already own... but two particular old looking books catch your eye.
  3972. >”Pyromancy: The art of setting things on fire. By Gleaming Ruby.” and “Unknown realms of the arcane. By Angri Stormtalon.”
  3973. >Especially the last one is fascinating, since Angri was one of the few non-unicorn magicians that ever existed.
  3974. >Gryphons have a different approach and grasp on magic It's far more primal and shamanistic. So it really would be interesting to try out a few spells.
  3975. >Maybe his famous lightning storm incantation is in there? Would come in handy for next nightmare night.
  3976. >The book about pyromancy is just rare. In older times it was a recognized school of combat magic,
  3977. even if spell miscasts had the tendency to explode the caster into burning pony-confetti.
  3978. >Today it's banned from being taught, probably for that very reason.
  3979. >Nevertheless you want them! They would give your collection a serious boost in rarity and worth.
  3980. >”Good day, young filly. See something you like?” the old stallion says.
  3981. “A good day to you too, sir! Yes, I do. How much are these two tomes?”
  3982. >You point at the books you want.
  3983. >”Oh, you have an interest in old magic? Let me check that real quick... they are quite rare.”
  3984. >He pulls out a yellowed parchment and squints his eyes.
  3985. >”Ehm... I need to get my glasses out of the cart... Can't read without them any more.”
  3986. “Okay!” you chirp.
  3987. >You are barely able to stand still. The last time you were this excited to buy something, was when you bought the components for Dusty.
  3988. >Poor thing...
  3989. >Anon kneels down besides you, laughing at your excitement and poking your barrel to get your attention.
  3990. >”So what are these?” he asks you.
  3991. “Spell books!”
  3992. >”About lasers?”
  3993. >You giggle.
  3994. “Maybe there is a fire laser in the pyromancy one!”
  3995. >He whistles.
  3996. >”Uhh... A fire laser. Can't live without one!”
  3997. “Indeed!”
  3998. >The stallion returns from his cart and puts the glasses on his muzzle.
  3999. >He looks at the parchment again, but then notices Anon. His face taking a surprised look.
  4000. >”I have seen many strange creatures in my life as a merchant, but something like you is new even to me. What are you? A furless Ungor?”
  4001. >Your boyfriend chuckles and nods.
  4002. >”Exactly. Rare genetic disease.”
  4003. >”I see... so where are they... Ah there! Gleaming Ruby's work costs thirty six bits and Angri's ninety. If you buy both, I would sell them to you for one hundred and fifteen.
  4004. >One hundred and fifteen bits?! That is expensive... But you want them and you might never get the chance again to bring them into your possession.
  4005. >Sighing, you summon your small bottomless bag. Well it's not bottomless, but it has more store room than a normal bag it's size.
  4006. >The stallion makes an impressed sound.
  4007. >You open it and look at it's contents... Doesn't look too bad. Sixteen gold coins and about twelve silver and several bronze ones.
  4008. >Roughly two hundred and thirty bits.
  4009. >Affording the books would be no problem if you didn't need to rebuy the materials for your experiments too.
  4010. >Not to speak of groceries and other daily life stuff...
  4011. >Disappointed and a bit crestfallen, you close and banish it into the ethereal realm again.
  4012. “Looks like I can't afford it... at least not now. How long will you be in town?”
  4013. >He scratches his chin.
  4014. >”Hmm... not too long. Maybe till tomorrow. If ponies don't buy something, I starve. I hope you understand.”
  4015. >You nod.
  4016. >”But.”
  4017. >Your ears perk up.
  4018. “Yes?”
  4019. >”I saw your excellent use of magic before. Not too many ponies bother with creating a bottomless bag any more, or other similar arcane tricks.”
  4020. >The stallion sighs.
  4021. >”Sometimes I miss the old days... Anyways. I'm willing to sell you the tomes for only eighty bits, since you have such a great interest in old magic.”
  4022. “Really?”
  4023. >”Yes. I would be a stupid old pony, to smother the flame that is your potential.”
  4024. >A blush creeps on your face.
  4025. “T-Thanks.”
  4026. >With new-found excitement, you re-summon your bag and take the money out of it.
  4027. >Even if the materials cost seventy bits or more, you would still have enough to ensure food for Spike and you.
  4028. >He grabs the coins out of your magical grip, stashes them away and wraps your two newly acquired books in tissue paper.
  4029. >”Here you go, young filly. Have fun with them.”
  4030. “Thanks! I will!” you chirp.
  4031. >You take the tomes, but you notice that you have no saddle bags on today. And carrying them on your back or teleporting them home would be too dangerous.
  4032. “Could you carry them?” you ask Anon.
  4033. >”Of course.”
  4034. >Anon takes the wrapped package and tucks it under his shoulder.
  4035. “Thank you. But be careful with it.”
  4036. >He does a little bow which elicits a giggle from you.
  4037. >And from the old stallion too.
  4038. >Your blush returns full force.
  4039. “Oh nononono! That is not what it looks like!” you stammer
  4040. >”Don't worry. I haven't seen anything. Take care you two.”
  4041. >Phew...He isn't one of those ultra conservative ponies. That could have ended pretty badly otherwise.
  4042. >You make your farewells and were just about to continue your walk home, when the stallion calls you back.
  4043. >With no words spoken, he hands you a thin booklet and vanishes into his cart.
  4044. >A bit confused you take a look at it.
  4045. >”Differences: How to make an interspecies relationship work.”
  4046. >Huh?
  4047. >Curious you open it. A greyed out photograph sticks on the inside.
  4048. >It shows a younger version of the stallion kissing the cheek of a gryphoness. A quite pretty one at that.
  4049. >How cute... A tear rolls down your cheek.
  4050. “Thank you, Sir.”
  4051. >You wipe it away and return to your boyfriend.
  4053. >The rest of the walk home happened without any other shopping sprees.
  4054. >You made a few mental notes about some stalls that sell cheap gemstones and other stuff Spike likes.
  4055. >He earned himself a treat after playing butler for the Cutiemark Crusaders the whole night.
  4056. >Strangely Anon didn't ask about the booklet the old stallion gave you.
  4057. >Maybe he just assumed it's another spell book. As impressed he is sometimes from the effects of magic, he isn't particularly interested in it.
  4058. >Most non-magical creatures aren't, and why should they? Most spell books are a boring read if you can't use the spells in them anyway.
  4059. >But that's perhaps a good thing. It gives you some time to read it secret and maybe surprise him one time.
  4060. >You would really like that.
  4061. >After a good ten minutes, the two of you finally reached your library.
  4062. >And just in time. It's already a quarter to two.
  4063. >Spike will be home soon, and you still have to get a sample from Anon and get the more rare gems from their hiding places.
  4064. >The little dragon would surely devour them if he knew where you store them.
  4065. >And he always tries to spy on you...
  4066. >You open the door and hold it open for Anon, who thanks you with a pat on your head.
  4067. >After he walked in you follow him, and close the door behind you.
  4068. >”Where should I put your books?”
  4069. “Just take them with you upstairs.”
  4070. >”Upstairs? What are we going to do upstairs, Miss Sparkle?”
  4071. >He throws is arms up in mocked confusion.
  4072. >Slowly approaching Anon, you brush his legs with your tail as you pass him.
  4073. “Science, Mister Mous. Science.”
  4074. >You grab a small vial from a shelf and walk up the stairs. Swaying your hips as seductively as possible.
  4075. >Shooting him a sultry look and a wink once you reached the top.
  4076. >With what part of your body you winked, you keep a secret.
  4077. >He gulps and loosens his collar.
  4078. >Looks like you are getting better at flattering him.
  4079. >You vanish into your room and hop on your bed.
  4080. >Listening to his footsteps as you wait.
  4082. >Anon enters your room, puts the books on a table and sits down beside you.
  4083. >Idly running a hand along your back.
  4084. “Mmhhmm~”
  4085. >”So what kind of science you want to conduct, Miss Sparkle?”
  4086. >You giggle and put your hooves on his shoulders.
  4087. “The best kind of science, Mister Mous. Sexy science.”
  4088. >He raises an eyebrow.
  4089. >”That's the kind of science I can get behind.”
  4090. >One hoof travels down his chest, drawing small circles on it.
  4091. “Sadly there will be no “getting behind”. We don't have much time... We may have to stick to testing your knowledge now and experiment later. How does a quick oral exam sound to you?”
  4092. >Your lips form a seductive smile. He liked your assertiveness before, let's try that again.
  4093. >”An Oral exam? But Miss Sparkle, I didn't have time to learn... I don’t know If I can pass such a test. And I don't want to disappoint you.”
  4094. >His hand found it's way to your flanks. Cupping their cheeks and fondling them.
  4095. “Mister Mous... I'm sure you will do fine. You are my top student.”
  4096. >”I am?”
  4097. >You nod and lean your head in closer. His hot breath mixing with yours.
  4098. “You are... And I want your knowledge now. So be a good student and listen to your teacher, will you?”
  4099. >”Of course, Miss Sparkle.”
  4100. “Wonderful. Such eagerness must be rewarded.”
  4101. >You press your mouth on his and shift more bodyweight on his shoulders, pushing him down.
  4102. >The kiss is a hungry one. No time is spent on a prelude. His tongue meets yours almost instantly.
  4103. >It intertwines with and dances around yours in a passionate dance.
  4104. >But he knows what you want and quickly retrieves it again, letting you invade his mouth.
  4105. >While your tongue hastily runs along his teeth to his canines, you can feel his caressing the underside of yours with short flicks and brushes.
  4106. >More than one shudder runs down your spine as you probe the pointy ends of his teeth.
  4107. >His fingers creep towards your already wet marehood, tracing it's outlines.
  4108. >Slow but steady your arousal increases.
  4109. >You wish you had more time...
  4110. >One last time you let yourself feel the small serrations on his teeth before you break the kiss.
  4111. >Gazing into his eyes.
  4112. “You passed the first past of your test, Mister Mous. Congratulations.”
  4113. >”Thank you, Miss Sparkle. And what comes now? The oral exam?”
  4114. >You shake your head and press your hips down, forcing two of his fingers inside you..
  4115. “Mmnaach~ I changed my plan.”
  4116. >Slowly you begin to ride them.
  4117. “We... mmha~ will just take the time for our experiment, Mister Mous.”
  4118. >”You are sure that is a good idea, Miss Sparkle? Not that I complain, but...”
  4119. >You shush him with a hoof and check the time.
  4120. >Five to two. Rarity will be here in about ten to fifteen minutes.
  4121. “Yes~ We will just skip the preparations and go straight to it.”
  4122. >He scrapes his teeth along your neck, making you shudder.
  4123. >”But I really like the preparations, Miss Sparkle. Won't this affect my grades?”
  4124. “N-Nonnngh... No... It won't. But disagreeing with your teacher will, Mister Mous. And you don't want that, do you?”
  4125. >”Of course not. I have plans for my future.”
  4126. >His faces takes a worried look. Which arouses you even more.
  4127. >You can hear your nectar dripping on his pants.
  4128. >In mocked shock you turn your head around and look at the mess. His crotch area and some of your bedding are soaked in your juices.
  4129. “Mister Mous! You wear casual attire in the laboratory?”
  4130. >”I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle. I forgot my lab coat.”
  4131. >He shoots you a cocky grin, which you return with a stern look.
  4132. “That won't do, Mister Mous. That won't do. Remove them at once!”
  4134. “Yes, Miss Sparkle!”
  4135. >You lift your hips a bit, to give him access to his pants.
  4136. >Almost teasingly slow he unbuckles them and slides them down to his knees.
  4137. >His raging erection twitching and wiggling like crazy in his boxers.
  4138. “Your underwear too!”
  4139. >Your tone is strict and dominant. Hopefully you play your part as a lab teacher well.
  4140. >Nodding, he begins to remove them too. You watch as they go down, gradually exposing his member.
  4141. >Finally it breaks free and flicks against your lower lips with a satisfying smack.
  4142. “Hnngach... nice. You really are a good student, Mister Mous. So eager to learn~”
  4143. >A furious blush is on his face. He must really enjoy that you are in charge.
  4144. >Basically telling what he has to do and what not.
  4145. >It gives you little kick too, but to be honest you like it more when he takes the reins.
  4146. >Kinky in context with the fact that he is a human... Maybe you should get yourself a nice, sexy saddle and a bridle.
  4147. >What can you say? You like to be spoiled, especially in the hay.
  4148. >Anyway... back to the important things.
  4149. “Are you ready, Mister Mous?”
  4150. >”Yes, Miss Sparkle.”
  4151. >His voice is all shaky … how cute.
  4152. “Wonderful. Remember Mr. Mous, you only have one attempt at this. Everything has to go smoothly from start to finish, do you understand?”
  4153. >”Y-Yeah, I do..”
  4154. >You tap your hoof a few time on his chest and shoot him a somewhat annoyed look.
  4155. >”Miss Sparkle...”
  4156. >His cock twitches again... Oh Celestia, he really does enjoy your dominance.
  4157. >Perhaps you will do this more often than you previously thought... His whole shy and timid behaviour turns you on.
  4158. >Your marehood is already dripping and he did only play with it a bit.
  4159. >But enough time wasted... This has to be over before Rarity arrives.
  4160. >Something tells that this won't problem... You giggle internally and slowly lower your hips, prodding your entrance, but not actually letting it enter.
  4161. >You want to see how far he bends...
  4162. “The grade you will receive here will determine if you pass this year or not. So do your best and more importantly do everything I tell you.”
  4163. >A twinkle appears in his eyes.
  4164. >”Of course, Miss Sparkle! I will be on my best behaviour.”
  4165. >Your lips form a soft smile.
  4166. “Perfect! That’s what I wanted to hear... now you only have to ask me to begin this experiment...”
  4167. >Please say it... You never realized before that you wanted something like this, but you do!
  4168. >What deprived fetishes that human gave you... First the predator thing and now this.
  4169. >And you are fully okay with that.
  4170. >You can clearly see that he is fighting with himself. That must be new for Anon too.
  4171. >Hopefully you didn't overdo it with your last sentence.
  4172. >A few seconds pass and still no answer... Maybe you should just release him from your teasing and start...
  4173. >”Please... Miss Sparkle...”
  4174. >Uh what was that?
  4175. “Yes, Mister Mous?”
  4176. >”Fuck me!”
  4177. >You make an impressed sound, even if you wanted to keep the “professional atmosphere” a bit longer.
  4178. >But hearing this phrase from him... Wow.
  4179. “Even using the proper terms! Nicely done. That gives bonus points.”
  4180. >You give him a quick kiss, suckling on his lower lip for a bit before breaking it and softly whispering the words: “I love you”.
  4181. >He immediately locks lips with you again, forcing his tongue inside you. You'll let this slip~
  4182. >With one swift movement you impale yourself on his hard cock. Enjoying the sudden full feeling it gives you.
  4183. “Mmhhh!”
  4184. >Yeah... that's it. His whole length filling you out is heaven. You can even feel his heartbeat as it jolts and wiggles against your inner walls.
  4185. >For a moment you stay in this position, just letting your muscles do all the work. Massaging and caressing it with subtle yet strong, pulsating motions.
  4186. >His grasp on your flanks increases in strength, the fingers on them shaking and boring deeper.
  4187. >Strange. Do you hurt him maybe?
  4188. >You abandon his lips, a thin string of saliva connecting the two of you. You love when that happens.
  4189. “Is something wrong, Mister Mous?”
  4190. >”N-No... It just feels so different.”
  4191. >Different from what?
  4192. >Oh right... This is the first time he actually penetrates your marehood. Aside from the short time yesterday in the tub.
  4193. >Is your vagina really that different from a human mare's?
  4194. >You could ask him... and you wouldn't even break the roleplay.
  4195. >Your gaze fixates on his.
  4196. “Share your observations with me. Compare them with previous experiences in similar environments.”
  4197. >Oh boy... that sounded cringy. But it will do.
  4198. >But you really should give him something to compare... so you let your muscles clench down on him.
  4199. >His whole body tenses up... Did he just shudder?
  4200. >”Mmha! It's... It's far warmer and tighter than I'm used to...”
  4201. >Oh really~ That’s good to hear.
  4202. >”And your massaging Twi-”
  4203. “Miss Sparkle! But tell me about it.”
  4204. >You let your muscles roll over his cock.
  4205. >”Yes! Miss Hnnah... Sparkle. It feels incredible! I don't know how long I can keep this experiment up, Miss Sparkle!”
  4206. >That good? Well he already exceeded every other stallion in terms of stamina, so it doesn't matter if he cums a bit sooner this time.
  4207. >As long as you cum too~
  4208. “It's quite all right, Mister Mous. I like your different form too~”
  4209. >You move your hips upwards and quickly slam them down again.
  4210. “It slides in and out so easily~ Mmhaa.... Rubbing all the right spots~”
  4211. >Gradually you begin to ride him.
  4212. “I'm sure you will pass this test. Try to earn a few bonus points by using your hands correctly~”
  4213. >He nods and claws with one hand across your right flank, sending lust through your nerves like bolts of electricity.
  4214. “Yesssssss...” you hiss
  4215. >The vulnerability and feeling of danger returns... but not as strong as you would like it.
  4216. >You press your hips down on his pelvic bone every time he hilts against your lips, rubbing your clit over it before going up again.
  4217. “Yes.. mmhaaa... My neck, Mister Mous...“
  4218. >”Y-Yeah...”
  4219. >His free hand scratches along your barrel and neck to your chin, gently lifting your head.
  4220. >Exposing your neck... and all the defenceless and important blood vessel it contains.
  4221. >From the corner of your eye, you see his mouth open. Flashing his sharp and pointy canines as he lowers them towards your neck
  4222. >Your brain is screaming in panic and begging you to cover your neck.
  4223. >Yes... this is what you want to feel.
  4224. >But you ignore your mind's pleas and cry out in ecstasy when his teeth make contact with the sensitive flesh.
  4225. >His fangs sink into your skin, poking through it at your most precious arteries and veins.
  4226. >Your eyes shoot open and your heart rate increases rapidly. Adrenaline and other hormones are released, preparing your body for an escape you will deny it.
  4227. >You feel so endangered and threatened right now that you nearly can't handle it. Walking the thin line between going insane in fear and loosing yourself in ecstasy.
  4228. >And you love every bucking bit of it.
  4229. “Hnnngaaahh! YES! Tear me up! Harder!”
  4230. >You broke the roleplay, but you couldn't care less.
  4231. >His teeth increase the pressure and your hips their pace.
  4232. >Slamming more and more violently into his, producing loud and wet noises with every impact.
  4233. >Conceivably your spell from today morning still has some effect, the magicum in his belly should kept it sustained with magic.
  4234. >So you don't need to concentrate and can just give into the pleasure.
  4235. >Anon begins to move in unison with you, matching your rhythm perfectly.
  4236. >Grinding into your cunt whenever he fully entered you. Setting your clit on fire.
  4237. >He moans into your neck, gently nibbling and gnawing on the skin in his mouth, dangerously close to the vessels that ensure your life.
  4238. >Yes this it... If he wanted he could just rip you open and kill you... but you know he won't.
  4239. >Just the possibility of it and the desperate begging of your instincts to find a safe place, makes it oh so hotter.
  4240. >Trust is such a nice thing...
  4241. >The pressure in your loins is now practically unbearable, urging to be released.
  4242. >Hopefully he is close too, since you certainly are.
  4243. >You cease your movements and let him take over, in attempt to synchronize your climaxes.
  4244. “Mmhaa... Cum! Inside me!”
  4245. >His cock slides in and out of your marehood, bringing you closer to the edge with every thrust.
  4246. >Which is clenching down hard on him, to assure his release inside.
  4247. >With one additional thrust it's all over.
  4248. >Your marehood contracts one last time, clasping around his cock and milking it fiercely.
  4249. >His whole body tenses up and his teeth sink deeper into your flesh. You can feel them pierce the skin, drawing a small trickle of blood.
  4250. >It hurts, yes... but it intensifies your orgasm tenfold and then some.
  4251. >Anon's dick twitches inside you, as good as it can in the vice that is your vagina, and shoots out spurt after spurt of his hot, thick seed.
  4252. >It splashes against your womb and paints it white. A few dashes force themselves out, as he begins to overfill you. Splattering, mixed with your juices, against his thighs.
  4253. >Your eyes roll back into their sockets and you let out an almost banshee like scream.
  4254. “YAAAHHHHH!”
  4255. >The mind-shattering climax washes over your body like flood. Kindling a wildfire that spreads through it, setting every nerve aflame.
  4256. >Your body spasms and rocks on his as it hits you again and again like a chariot.
  4257. >Finally it subsides and you collapse onto your boyfriends chest. Against the tightly pressed walls of your marehood you can feels his penis shrink, and eventually slide out.
  4258. >Gathering every last bit of strength, you manage to clutch it tightly shut... you need what's inside.
  4259. >You breath heavily, inhaling the scent of his sweat as you enjoy the intense afterglow of your orgasm.
  4260. >His teeth leave your neck and you hear him gasp.
  4261. >”F-Fuck!”
  4262. >Oh... He must have noticed the blood.
  4263. >”Twilight are you alright? Did I hurt you? I swear that was not my intention...”
  4264. >Sluggishly you move one hoof to his mouth, sealing it with it.
  4265. >His face is full of worry. It makes your heart flutter. Nice that he cares so much about you.
  4266. >But now isn't the time to talk.
  4267. “It's okay.... and don't forget, it's still Ms. Sparkle...”
  4268. >”But I-”
  4269. “Don't worry. I know... but stop blabbering now and just hold me.”
  4270. >He locks his arms around your barrel and lazily rubs your back.
  4271. >”Of course... Miss Sparkle.”
  4272. >Full of content, you enjoy the closeness to him for the few moments you can.
  4273. >Rarity will be here soon...
  4275. >Not even a minute passes before you have to heave yourself up again.
  4276. >Every part of you would have liked to enjoy this longer, but time is running.
  4277. >You gaze into his eyes and beam him a smile.
  4278. >He still looks pretty worried.
  4279. “It's all right. You didn't hurt me.”
  4280. >“But I made you bleed...”
  4281. >Indeed he did, but the bleeding already subsided. It was just a small cut anyway.
  4282. “Don't worry about it any more. It happened. And to be honest, I liked your more aggressive biting quite a bit... just be careful not to break the skin next time. Or else everypony will think I'm dating a vampire.”
  4283. >You end your sentence with a high pitched giggle and... there it is again. The smile you love so much.
  4284. >You plant a quick kiss on it.
  4285. >Connecting your lips for a brief moment of time.
  4286. >Wonderful. All his worries gone. Now you have to clean up here a little.
  4287. >Especially the bed is a mess. Full of your and Anon's juices.
  4288. >And you still have to... well transfer his cum into the vial, before it adopts any magical properties.
  4289. >The spell itself won't give it any, but your bodily fluids surely will, given enough time.
  4290. >You don't want to have to filter it too... ridding anything of magical energy is a major pain in the flank.
  4291. >Liquids in particular...
  4292. “Could you please put clean sheets on the bed, and open a window? I have something to do in the bathroom...”
  4293. >It's awkward enough to do it alone, no need in having an observer.
  4294. >Smiling, he ruffles your mane. Making it even more bedheady than it already was.
  4295. >”Will do. They are in the closet over there, I assume?”
  4296. “Yep.”
  4297. >”Okay. But you will have to get off me, if you want me to do this.”
  4298. >You giggle and let yourself fall on your side.
  4299. “Pomf!”
  4300. >It was not the most elegant way, but the funniest.
  4301. >”Silly pony.”
  4302. >He gets up and pulls his boxers and pants up again.
  4303. >”Eww... I'm all sticky with pony juices!”
  4304. “There are your juices mixed in too... If we had more time, I would offer you a shower together... but for now, you will just have to endure it.”
  4305. >That reminds you to give yourself a quick wash over down there... Rarity has an eye and a nose for such things.
  4306. >Anon should have one too... Not that she wants nuzzles him as a greeting and smells your arousal on his crotch.
  4307. “But you can use the bathroom after I'm finished. There should be some spare wash clothes and towels somewhere in the closet. Feel free to help yourself. But not the green ones! Those are Spike's.”
  4308. >”Yes, mother.”
  4309. >You hop off your bed, take the vial and walk quite stiffly over to your bathroom.
  4310. >Please don't let him see this...
  4311. >”Pfft...”
  4312. >Buck...
  4313. “Don't laugh, or you will never make me walk like that again.”
  4314. >He pouts.
  4315. >”But Miss Sparkle... What about our experiments?”
  4316. “Oh stop it, you~”
  4317. >You enter the bath and close the door behind you.
  4318. >So... how are you going to do this?
  4320. >First things first, you put the vial on the floor and open it.
  4321. >Probably the best way to tackle this, would be to straddle over it and let the semen slowly flow into it.
  4322. >You sigh. That’s the second time today that you have to clean an orifice... but both times were worth it.
  4323. >Here goes nothing.
  4324. >You spread your hind-legs, position the entrance of your marehood above the opening and let your muscles gradually relax.
  4325. “Ahh....”
  4326. >A thin whitish rivulet begins to run out of you. Filling the small bottle bit by bit.
  4327. >After a few seconds it's nearly full, but there is still quite a lot left in you.
  4328. >And it's too late to close to floodgates now... Eh, you can just wipe it up afterwards.
  4329. >So you just let the rest that is inside you overflow the bottle.
  4330. >Watching as more and more of Anon's seed leaks out of you, overfilling the glass vessel and running down on it to soil the tiles underneath it
  4331. >You feel so kinky right now~ If your parent's would know what you are doing right now... Oh my~
  4332. >Finally the last bit of his cum leaves your body, dripping into a puddle next to the vial.
  4333. >Yeah... you didn't care much for accuracy any more once it was full.
  4334. “Phew...”
  4335. >That was hot in it's own way...
  4336. >The bottle is completely filled. Carefully, you close it again, some of the precious semen sloshing out of it.
  4337. >Quickly you catch it with your tongue.
  4338. >You shudder when the sweet and salty taste hits your tongue.
  4339. “Mmhhh~”
  4340. >Maybe you should do this with the rest too?
  4341. >It would save you toilet paper... And you don't want to let it go to waste.
  4342. >Yeah~
  4343. >Giggling you put the vial aside and lean your head down.
  4344. >Now that's kinky~ You ponder if you shouldn't get Anon to let him watch... he surely would like it.
  4345. >But no... this is just for you.
  4346. >Your dirty little secret.
  4347. >Your tongue reaches out, dipping it's tip into the small pool of Anon's cum.
  4348. >Ahh... it's still warm~
  4349. >You let your tongue swirl around in it a bit, before lapping it up with long, greedy strokes.
  4350. >In a matter of no time, you collected all of it in your mouth, relishing Anon's and your combined aroma before swallowing it.
  4351. >The unnatural feeling of satisfaction fills your body once more.
  4352. >You wouldn't mind the addiction if it wasn't for it's withdrawal effects. Somehow it makes your whole relationship with the human so much more special.
  4353. “Uuuuhhhhh~”
  4354. >You feel a bit dizzy as you approach your sink and soak a wash cloth with water.
  4355. >Better use some soap too, you are really sticky down there.
  4356. >After your loins are sufficiently clean, you brush your teeth real quick and rinse your mouth out.
  4357. >As much as you like the taste of his seed, it's scent is quite strong. Everypony would smell it immediately, especially your white, dressmaking friend.
  4358. >With that done too, you grab the vial and exit to bathroom to see if Anon is finished also.
  4359. >Ah, nice. Your bed is freshly made and the windows are open to air the stench out.
  4360. >But where is Anon?
  4362. >You stroll a bit aimlessly around your treebrary in search for your boyfriend.
  4363. “Anon?”
  4364. >But he is nowhere to be found... Hmm...
  4365. >Walking down the stairs to the living room, you can hear the running of water.
  4366. >Oh... He is probably in the guest bath. You sometimes totally forget that you have one, since you don't invite other ponies over very often.
  4367. >Well, while he is washing himself, you could get some of the materials you need out of their hiding places.
  4368. >But first you cast a preservation spell on the bottle, to keep the cum inside fresh and warm.
  4369. >It's more of a time slowing spell for very confided spaces, called Slowga, but it does it's job better than a normal conservation arcana.
  4370. >Since they tend to rather quickly lose their power if you don't sustain them at all times.
  4371. >Anyways...
  4372. >You open the closet which contains gems and other precious metals that Spike isn't interested in eating.
  4373. >For now, at least. When he hits puberty, you will have to hide the Crimson Heartdrops. They induce powerful, sexual lucid dreams, when eaten or grounded up and snorted.
  4374. >You tested them once and oh Celestia was it ever beautiful, but you nearly didn't wake up.
  4375. >Alchemy is a very dangerous field to tread in.
  4376. >Hmm... what will you need. You really should have made some kind of list... Improvisation was never your strong side.
  4377. >Dark and Fel iron is always a good bet... A bit of Khorium can't hurt too. It's costly, but most of the time it wields some kind of result... Pyrite? Nah... too dangerous.
  4378. >But Ocean Sapphires on the other hoof... you could mix them with the Pyrite to negate it's explosive properties without watering down it's effects.
  4379. >Good idea, Sparkle.
  4380. >How you never got an A+ in Alchemy is a mystery to you. Probably because the professor was a stallionist and didn't like mares.
  4381. >Now when you think about it, she always preached about the rights of stallions and never taught that much alchemy...
  4382. >You shrug and grab the stuff you need with your magic and spread it on a nearby table.
  4383. >After a bit of assorting and rearranging, you let it through on the nod.
  4384. >Perfect. You take a look at the clock.
  4385. >Ten past two. Where the hay is Rarity?
  4386. >Maybe she forgot the time in a chat with Applejack. That is entirely possible.
  4387. >If you knew that she would be tardy, you could have done more stuff with Anon.
  4388. >Meh... but now you have enough spare time to think what you need from your hidden cabinet.
  4389. >Or how you like to call it: “The closet of forbidden things”.
  4390. >Because it also encloses some of your smut, drawn and written.
  4391. >You pull out specific books in a certain order and the secret compartment opens with a click.
  4392. >Totally worth the 250 bits you paid for it.
  4393. >Suddenly you hear a whistle behind you.
  4394. >”Uhh... impressive. What do you keep in there?”
  4395. >Wonderful, just in time.
  4396. “All the stuff that Spike isn't allowed to get in his claws. Like rare gemstones and metals.”
  4397. >”And you are sure this isn't just your secret drug laboratory?”
  4398. >You giggle.
  4399. “Nah. But some herbs have a nice effect if you would smoke them. Like this one.”
  4400. >You pull out a jar with a orange flower in it.
  4401. “That's a Phoenix Down. Strong hallucinogenic, but also very dangerous to your lungs. And this...”
  4402. >Putting the jar back on it's place, you take another out.
  4403. >It contains a bright yellow fern.
  4404. “This fern is called “Sun Ray” you can surely tell why.”
  4405. >”Yeah it looks like one... really pretty. What are it's effects?”
  4406. “Let's just say it makes you more eager.”
  4407. >He chuckles.
  4408. >”Okay, I understand. Any other interesting plants?”
  4409. >You nod.
  4410. “Lots. Wanna know more about them?”
  4411. >Teaching him is fun. You could do this all day.
  4412. >”Sure. But shouldn't Rarity already be here?”
  4413. “She probably lost herself in a chat, don't worry.”
  4414. >”Okay then. Let me get a chair.”
  4416. >Half an hour passes and you taught Anon about all kinds of plants, gems and metals.
  4417. >Being very careful not to reveal your smut corner... one day you will show him and perhaps indulge in some of the fantasies you created.
  4418. >He was especially interested in herbs that can be used as a drug or medicine. So you concentrated your lessons on them.
  4419. >Maybe you will order some Crownroot from the royal herbary, invite Anon over and have a nice evening with him.
  4420. >Your former colleagues said that sex on Crownroot is like sex while in estrus... hot, messy and incredibly satisfying.
  4421. >Normal sex with him is already all that, so you really wonder how the drug would improve on this.
  4422. >Anyways... You and him got a bit worried that the white mare still didn't show up and so Anon left to go look for her.
  4423. >You are now alone with nothing to do, since everything you need from your secret closet is already on the table.
  4424. >Various elemental ores, as catalysts, and some painfully expensive gems...
  4425. >Especially the Psitanium, a bright pink stone, will rip a hole in your bottomless bag, when you have to order it again.
  4426. >If you wanted you could start your experimentation right now...but you really don't. That can wait until Spike has gone to bed.
  4427. >Not that he asks awkward questions about what's in the vial and why you mix it with glowing things.
  4428. >What to do... what to do...
  4429. >Ah you know! You could read a bit in your new spell books.
  4430. >Giddy as a school filly who just got candy, you trot up the stairs to your room and grab the two tomes.
  4431. >Gently floating them over to your bed, you throw your self after them.
  4432. >Landing with a soft thud on the fluffy blanket.
  4433. “Pomf!”
  4434. >You love that word. Something you learned from the small comic books, Anon calls mangas.
  4435. >The art style used in them is really weird, but the stories are generally funny and some times even exciting.
  4436. >So with which one should you start?
  4437. >Gleaming Ruby's pyromancy or Angri Stormtalon's incantations...
  4438. >Hmm...
  4439. “Eeny, meeny, miny, moof,”
  4440. “Catch Pinkie by the hoof,”
  4441. “If she hollers, let her go,”
  4442. “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.”
  4443. >Your hoof lands on the book about pyromancy.
  4444. >Works every time and for every hard decision.
  4446. End Part 7
  4448. >You are now Anon and you just left your marefriend's home to go look for Rarity.
  4449. >She was supposed to drop off Spike a while ago and you two got a bit worried.
  4450. >Ponyville is not a very dangerous town, but still some times an accident happens.
  4451. >Just last week a pony was nearly slain by an ice box that fell out of the sky...
  4452. >The mail mare who was responsible for this mishap just didn't know what went wrong. According to her everything was properly secured and fastened.
  4453. >Anyways...
  4454. >What’s a good place to start your search?
  4455. >You could go to Sweet Apple Acres... that would be your best bet. So you start walking in the generally direction of it.
  4456. >Twilight is probably right and the white mare just forgot the time in a chat. The newest issue of “Canterlot's juiciest scandals” just got out, so there is plenty of stuff to talk about.
  4457. >Even if Applejack is not interested in gossip that won't stop Rarity from endlessly babbling about it.
  4458. >You know more about Hoity Toity's gay escapades than you ever wanted... Especially the detailed report on his trip to Zebrica is forever etched into your mind.
  4459. >No amount of straight sex will ever remove that image.
  4460. >Ah yes... sex. Finally you have some too again. And with a mare you really care for and love too, which makes it oh so better.
  4461. >To be honest you couldn't be happier right now.
  4462. >Most ponies are real friendly, but none showed any romantic interest towards you. It's not that you didn't try to make a deeper emotional connection to somepony, but almost every attempt was seen as a joke or immediately blocked off by some bullshit.
  4463. >You originally decided to give the small colourful equines a chance after a particularly depressing hearts and hooves day.
  4464. >Looking at all those happy couples made some pretty dark thoughts pop up in your mind...
  4465. >Initially you were a bit disgusted at the thought of dating a pony or even see them as anything else but a friend.
  4466. >Your brain kept telling you that they were mere animals... but that quickly changed after you caught yourself staring at Applejack's flanks for a bit too long, a bit too often.
  4467. >The first pony you asked out was Roseluck, who always got a little touchy when you went out for a few drinks.
  4468. >You tried to... well “make the moves” on her but she shoved some roses into your mouth, from god knows where, and opted for flight. She avoided you for a week after that.
  4469. >At least the flowers tasted somewhat good. You made a nice salad for Twilight out of them...
  4470. >Why did you never ask her out to begin with?
  4471. >Sometimes you can be really dense...
  4472. >Her drunken blowjob was the first time somepony gave you any “attention”... and even then you thought that was just because of her inebriated state.
  4473. >Your palm hits your forehead with a loud smack.
  4474. >How can one human being be so fucking blind?
  4475. >You sigh and wave the ponies off who ask if everything is alright.
  4476. >But luckily it bloomed into something really lovely.
  4477. >A smile forms on your lips.
  4478. >Now that you think about it, she is everything you always wanted in a girl.
  4479. >Smart, funny, a bit awkward, cute...
  4480. >Oh god, is she ever cute. You mean every pony is cute in his or her own way, but she won the cuteness jackpot.
  4481. >And of course she is unbelievable beautiful too...
  4482. >You will do everything in your might to make this work, despite your differences.
  4483. >Yeah.
  4484. >Huh? Your eyes catch the glimpse of a pearl-white flank vanishing into a side street.
  4485. >There aren't too many white ponies in Ponyville, so that certainly could be her.
  4486. >Better step it up a notch before your dressmaking friend is over the hills and far away.
  4488. >In a matter of seconds you managed to catch up to your supposed friend and unfortunately bumped right into her.
  4489. >Looks like she didn't make it too far into the street...
  4490. “Umpf... sorry Rar... Oh.”
  4491. >That isn't Rarity. It's the blonde mare with blue eyes and the strange cutie mark.
  4492. >It's a heart. But it always looks like she painted over that thing with pink paint.
  4493. >What kind of special talent is “heart” anyway? Can she use the power of love to instill caring, passion and sympathy into ponies? Or talk to animals, like Fluttershy?
  4494. “Sorry, for bumping into you. I confused you with somepony else that I'm looking for.”
  4495. >You get off your ass and dust your clothes off a bit.
  4496. “Is everything alright? Did I hurt you?”
  4497. >Her face is full of disgust and repulse... Like you just killed her whole family or something.
  4498. >What was her name again... Aryanne? Yeah, you think that's it.
  4499. “Aryanne?”
  4500. >She neither gave you an answer yet, nor moved an inch. Perhaps she is in shock?
  4501. >So you reach an arm out to give her a little poke, but she instantly flinches away from it.
  4502. >”You do not touch me, you filthy ap-... I mean... Nein, you did not hurt me. Zanks for asking.”
  4503. “Okay. Glad to hear that...”
  4504. >Did she just insult you?
  4505. >Aryanne back up and shoots you an angry glare.
  4506. >”Take mehr care in Zukunft!”
  4507. “Uh, I will.”
  4508. >Is she speaking german?
  4509. >You know a few words, so maybe that will calm her down.
  4510. “Uhm... Es tut mich wirklich leid. Es wird ehrm... nicht mehr vorkommen?”
  4511. >Hopefully you didn't insult her family right now. She looks like the type of pony who would have no problem with bucking your face in.
  4512. >But much to your relief, her form visibly relaxes and a smile appears on her lips.
  4513. >”Kein Problem! And it's “mir” and not “mich”.”
  4514. “Thanks.”
  4515. >She sits down on her haunches, looking at you with curiosity.
  4516. >”Where dit you learn to zpeak germane? Aren't you a dirty immi-... an alien?”
  4517. >Dirty immigrant eh?
  4518. “Ehm yeah. But my world has a similar country and language to yours.”
  4519. >Her face lights up.
  4520. >”Really?! Tell me about meine Kameraden from another world!”
  4521. >Meine Kameraden? Does she cover up a swastika under that painted cutie mark of hers?
  4522. “Sure, but I'm in a hurry right now. Maybe some other time?”
  4523. >All the excitement leaves her face.
  4524. >”Och menno... but okay.”
  4525. >She pulls out a small card out of her saddlebags.
  4526. >”Juzt write me a letter whenever you are free! Zen we can talk about zem over zome tea.”
  4527. >The blonde mare beams at you.
  4528. >You take the card and put it into your pocket.
  4529. “Will do.”
  4530. >”Wunderbar! I will not detain you any longer zen. Auf Wiedersehen!”
  4531. >She closes her bags and takes her leave with a cute, little wave.
  4532. “Bye.”
  4533. >Seems like you made a new friend today. She's a bit strange, but who isn't.
  4534. >You take a look at the card she gave you.
  4535. “Fräulein Aryanne's pesticides. We have an Endlösung for every pest!”
  4536. >Under that is her address and tele-crystal frequency.
  4537. >Yeah... why not.
  4539. >Back to your search for the other Arya... you mean white mare.
  4540. >Aryanne seemed nice enough. And as long as she doesn't look for an Endlösung for you, you have nothing against the idea of telling her something about your world.
  4541. >But you will leave out some bits. Not that she starts thinking that Equestria needs a holocaust or two.
  4542. >It has enough non-pony races that more than one wouldn't pose a problem.
  4543. >Anyways...
  4544. >You are back on the road again that leads to Sweet Apple Acres.
  4545. >Not too many ponies decided to open their shops or set up their stalls there, since it's not as frequented as the main streets or the market place.
  4546. >Nevertheless they manage somehow.
  4547. >Mostly due to the exotic inventory they are allowed to sell here.
  4548. >A year ago or so, Mayor Mare thought it was a good idea to ban the selling of weapons, spell and alchemy materials or other similar dangerous stuff in the inner parts of the city.
  4549. >Probably to give Ponyville a better image and attract more tourists, after all those crazy things happened.
  4550. >You don't know, neither you care, if it worked or not.
  4551. >”Yo, Anon!” a deep voice yells.
  4552. >Huh?
  4553. >Hey, it's Kirron Swiftwalker! You didn't know he was in town again.
  4554. >It can't hurt to talk with him for a bit. There's got to be time for that.
  4555. “Heya, Kirron! How is my favourite walking steak?”
  4556. >Kirron is a travelling, minotaur weapon smith with steel-grey fur and white horns.
  4557. >You first met him last summer, when you strolled aimlessly through the town with nothing to do and the sight of his weapons caught your eye.
  4558. >Medieval weapons always fascinated you, but on earth it was nearly impossible to get your hands on a well crafted one. At least not without money, that you didn't have.
  4559. >He instantly saw your interest and began to talk shop with you.
  4560. >After an hour, he closed shop and offered you to drink a few minotauren beers with him.
  4561. >Of course you couldn't reject such an offer, and a small barrel and many dirty jokes later, the two of you became friends.
  4562. >Ever since, you try to spend some time with him whenever he visits Ponyville.
  4563. >”Haha! Mighty fine, my friend! How did life treat you?”
  4564. >He extends his fist towards you.
  4565. >You let your own collide with his.
  4566. “Not too bad, Kirron. Not too bad. How is business?”
  4567. >Oww... His fist is rock-hard... Like always.
  4568. >The minotaur snorts and pulls out a giant bag of bits out of his cart.
  4569. >”Look for yourself! The guards in Maneton bought five sets of spears off me!”
  4570. >You whistle.
  4571. “Maneton? Is this the frontier town near the badlands, you told me about last time?”
  4572. >Kirron nods and throws the bag back into the cart. It hits the wood with a loud metallic clank.
  4573. >So much money...
  4574. >”Exactly. The bugs are kicking out against them again. But with my quality weapons, there is no chance that they will get one hoof wide of ground! To hell with them!”
  4575. >You chuckle.
  4576. “Yep. I don't doubt that. Got anything new?”
  4577. >”Always! Look at this baby! My newest creation!”
  4578. >From under his stall he pulls out a gigantic sword. Easily as long as you are high with a silver, beautiful crested blade.
  4579. >It shines in the sun like quicksilver
  4580. “Wow... Impressive, Kirron. What is the blade made out of?”
  4581. >”Gryphonian Truemithril. Pretty fucking expensive, but worth every bit. Do you want to hold it?”
  4582. >Do you?
  4583. “Of course!”
  4584. >He hands you the sword and you carefully take it's handle into your hand.
  4585. >As soon as his grip leaves it, you can feel the full weight of the weapon.
  4586. >Yeah... it's heavy. Easily twenty five pounds. But it's forged in such a way that a minotaur could wield it one handed with no problems.
  4587. >You have to use two hands, but still are able to swing it around with almost no effort.
  4588. “Beautiful.”
  4589. >The minotaur laughs.
  4590. >You let a hand run over the smooth material of the blade and admire the ornaments on it.
  4591. >They show several minotaurs fighting a giant dragon. Each minotaur has ruby eyes and the dragon's scales are emeralds embedded into the blade.
  4592. “Did you make the ornaments too?”
  4593. >”No. Not with those podgy fingers of mine. A unicorn jeweller in Canterlot I know, did that for me.”
  4594. “Still very beautiful. I like it.”
  4595. >”Thanks, friend. Sadly this blade is not for sale.”
  4596. >Not that you would be able to afford it any time soon... or ever, but still you wonder why.
  4597. “Why not?”
  4598. >His voice loses some of it's excitement.
  4599. >”My chieftain found his end in the claws of a dragon last winter... of course not before he ripped that scaly fucker several new ones. I forged this blade to honour his death.”
  4600. “I'm sorry to hear that. It will do more than nicely. At least I would be honoured to have something like that as a burial object.”
  4601. >He laughs again.
  4602. >”I sure hope so! Nearly died making this thing!”
  4603. >Kirron points to a rather nasty looking scar on his right shoulder.
  4604. >”Made my fucking hammer burst into thousand pieces when I tried to forge it. Seems like mithril is not exactly friends with any non-magical metal.”
  4605. “Eww... That looks like it hurt.”
  4606. >”Sure did! But my momma didn't raise a crybaby! Anyways...”
  4607. “Yeah?”
  4608. >You hand him the sword back.
  4609. >”How about I tell you all about my new adventures over a few beers? My cart is full of barrels that need to be emptied!”
  4610. >Oh god are you tempted... but you still need to find Rarity.
  4611. “Certainly... but unfortunately I have other stuff to do right now...”
  4612. >He gently shoves you. As gently as a minotaur can be.
  4613. >”Come on! It can't be more important than old Kirron here!”
  4614. “Umpft... Sadly yes. I have to to find Rarity for Twilight.”
  4615. >His eyebrows raise.
  4616. >”Don't let yourself get pushed around by mares, mate! Wait... did you say Rarity?”
  4617. “Yes.”
  4618. >”Is that the white mare with the tight flanks and legs that would drive any bull crazy?”
  4619. >You wouldn't describe her like that, but yeah...
  4620. “Exactly”
  4621. >He lets out a bellowed laughter.
  4622. >”I saw her! Like an hour ago!”
  4623. >What?
  4624. “Really? An hour?”
  4625. >”Yeah. She had a cute little filly and purple dragon in tow. So I kept my compliments about her sexy buns as quiet as possible, but still loud enough that she could hear them.”
  4626. >Snorting, he stashes the sword away again.
  4627. >”The white bombshell basically told me to fuck off, and dragged the two kids away the way you came from. But don't worry. Nopony can resist Kirron's charm! She will warm up to me one day.”
  4628. >That's not what you are worried about...
  4629. >If she was here an hour ago, and Kirron's stall is roughly fifteen minutes away from Twi's library...
  4630. >Oh shit.
  4631. >She could have easily heard something and brought the two minors away from the pool of frivolities that was your marefriend's home at the time...
  4632. >Twilight isn't particularly quiet in bed.
  4633. >Fuck. Maybe you can still save this.
  4634. “And you are sure she went this way?”
  4635. >He nods.
  4636. >”Of course! I couldn't take my eyes off her ass.”
  4637. >Makes sense. But that's bad news for you.
  4638. “Okay then, Kirron. I've gotta go now, but I will catch you later. Maybe I have some free time tonight. Then we can drink and bring each other up to date.”
  4639. >”Sounds good..”
  4640. >You extend your fist for another, manly human-minotaur fistbump.
  4641. >And as always, you regret it immediately.
  4642. “Until later, mate. Don't get yourself caught, selling daggers to colts again!”
  4643. >”Hey! They looked like adults to me. And if somepony can hold a knife large enough to gut a dirty gemdigger, they are mature enough in my book.
  4644. >You chuckle. Typical Kirron.
  4645. “Whatever you say. Take care.”
  4646. >”Take care too, friend. Don't forget about ol' Kirron!”
  4648. >So back to Twilight it is...
  4649. >As bad as it sounds, you kinda hope that Twilight will be busy tonight, so you can have some bro-time with your bovine, warrior-friend.
  4650. >It has been a long time since you did anything remotely manly here in Ponyville...
  4651. >You have a few stallion friends, like Big Mac, Thunderlane and Davenport.
  4652. >They are all nice enough, but much, much tamer compared to your guy-friends back on earth.
  4653. >Big Mac is a very introvert stallion, but can hold his liquor on the rare occasions he has time to go out.
  4654. >Thunderlane always wants to play board games.
  4655. >And boring ones at that. Not the cool stuff Twilight's brother plays with his friends.
  4656. >When he visited his sister last year, you had the chance to play a quick game with him and it was pretty interesting.
  4657. >Sadly he lives in Canterlot and you can't afford a train ticket every week.
  4658. >And Davenport... You are pretty sure he is gay and just your friend to see some extraterrestrial junk.
  4659. >So you avoid his fishy invitations to “test” sofas all of the time.
  4660. >Meh...
  4661. >Even most of your drinking buddies are mares, who were a bit baffled by the fact that a stallion is interested in bar crawling and getting drunk.
  4662. >That is all considered mare-stuff here in Equestria.
  4663. >Oh well... the reversed gender roles.
  4664. >They are not exactly reversed, but more shifted towards the female population.
  4665. >Since it outnumbers the male by roughly a factor of three.
  4666. >So the mares have to do most of the work, if they want a stallion for some fun or a relationship.
  4667. >Which probably led to the progression of the mares becoming the more outgoing and wilder gender.
  4668. >Kinda interesting to be honest.
  4669. >Anyways... here you are.
  4670. >Your marefriend's home.
  4671. >No talk about gossip can be heard so she isn't inside.
  4672. >Where to go now? Rarity's boutique?
  4673. >That is where she would most likely be... but knowing her, she wouldn't want two kids running around in her house, while she has work to do.
  4674. >Maybe Sugarcube Corner then? You could do for something sweet right now.
  4675. >Twilight surely too. A rhubarb, strawberry cupcake or one of Pinkie's famous Banana Kaboom's
  4676. >Which actually explode. In your mouth. With the force of four bananas!
  4677. >At least that is how Pinkie advertises them. You never had one.
  4678. >You like your food without explosives, thank you very much.
  4679. >Hmmm...
  4680. >Yeah, lets go to the bakery first. You can still go to the boutique afterwards if Rarity isn't there.
  4682. >After a short walk, you arrived at Sugarcube Corner.
  4683. >And sure enough, there she sits. Sipping on a coffee and reading a magazine.
  4684. >Spike and Sweetie Belle sitting beside her, happily eating away on their own treats.
  4685. >Okay, here goes nothing.
  4686. >Hopefully she just bought the two kids cake and not tried to preserve their innocence...
  4687. >You gulp and approach the small group.
  4688. “Hey Rares.”
  4689. >Rarity notices you and beams you a smile. Spike and Sweetie Belle wave at you,
  4690. >”Good afternoon, darling. Fancy meeting you here!”
  4691. >”Hi Anon!” the children chime together.
  4692. “Hi Spike and Sweetie. How are you two? Was the sleepover nice?”
  4693. >The white filly nods furiously, while Spike seems to experience some sort of war flashback.
  4694. >You can only imagine what kinds of girly horrors he must have witnessed.
  4695. >”Mhm! We told scary stories all night, and had a tea party, and dressed up Spike! You won't believe how cute he looked!”
  4696. >”I'm not cute! I'm a boy!” he retorts.
  4697. >Rarity giggles and strokes his head fins.
  4698. >”Aww poor Spikey-Wikey... But even boys are allowed to be cute from time to time. And I saw the dress, Sweetie chose for you. It was just fabulous~”
  4699. >The purple dragon blushes and crosses his arms.
  4700. >”But I don't wanna be fabulous...” he grumbles.
  4701. >You chuckle and pull a chair out for you.
  4702. >Stupid far too small pony chairs. Your ass has barely enough space to fit on it.
  4703. “You go, Spike. Fight for your bal-”
  4704. >Rarity shoots you a glare that could kill.
  4705. “Bal.. Bas... Basic rights. Yeah.”
  4706. >That was close.
  4707. >The last time you accidentally said a “bad” word around Sweetie. The white mare decided to make the seams of your work-pants extra weak.
  4708. >If your co workers ever wondered what you might look like under those pants... well they know now.
  4709. >”Tell me, Anon. How are you? It has been such a long time since we had time to just chat.”
  4710. >”Yeah! You never show up in the boutique any more...” Sweetie Belle says.
  4711. >You ruffle the filly's mane which elicits a cute laugh from her.
  4712. “Sorry, Sweetie. Just had my hands full of work. My boss got so many orders, that I had to do over time. But luckily he gave me the week off.”
  4713. >”So I assume you are quite fine then?”
  4714. “Yep. Thanks for asking.”
  4715. >”Wonderful. Are you here for a quick afternoon snack too?”
  4716. “Yes and no. Actually I'm here for you, Rares.”
  4717. >Rarity pouts.
  4718. >”If you would please stop using that awful nickname please. It sounds... so common. I don't like it.”
  4719. “Of course, Rarity.”
  4720. >She giggles.
  4721. >”That's better. And if I may ask... Exactly why are you here for me? Are you finally falling for my grace and beauty?” she says, while swiping a stray strand of hair out of her face.
  4722. >Ever since Rarity caught you staring at Applejack's flanks, she started teasing you.
  4723. >You know she only does it for the fun of it. But it can be very embarrassing, especially in public places.
  4724. >On a picnic last autumn, she “accidentally” let her tail invade your shorts all day... of course she kept it out of the “danger zones” but still made sure you felt it.
  4725. >She wallowed in your embarrassment and your attempts to hide your growing boner underneath a pillow.
  4726. >But she always made clear afterwards that she shows no real interest in you and apologized with a shirt or a pair of socks or two.
  4727. >Yeah... mares, man. If you would have tried that shit back on earth you would still be sitting in prison now. Life is just unfair...
  4728. >Sweetie Belle giggles and Spike shoots you the exact same look that Rarity gave you a few moments ago.
  4729. >He and his crush on her... It's endearing but also somewhat sad. Knowing that Rarity will never return his feelings.
  4730. >At least she doesn't tease him the same way as she does with you Spike probably wishes she would do that, but he also doesn't know that it's better this way.
  4731. >No need to bring his hopes up just to shoot them down again. And she luckily knows that.
  4732. >Poor lad.
  4733. “Sorry, Rarity. But I still didn't fall for your charms.”
  4734. >”Oh, so you are into stallions then?”
  4735. >W-What?!
  4736. “N-No! I'm not into stallions... but that's not the point. Twilight sent me because you were supposed to drop off Spike a while ago. And since she was busy with experiments, she asked me to find you.”
  4737. >The white mare can barely stifle a laugh when she hears the word “experiments”
  4738. >Uh-oh...
  4739. >She takes another sip of her coffee, apparently enjoying the taste of it greatly, judging by the way she hums.
  4740. >With a quiet clank, her cup meets the saucer.
  4741. >”Spike, Sweetie Belle?”
  4742. >They look at her.
  4743. >”Yes?”
  4744. >”Did you like your cakes?”
  4745. >”Of course!” Sweetie Belle chirps.
  4746. >”Yes, thank you Rarity.” Spike answers.
  4747. >”Marvellous. Would you now please be so kindly to leave Anonymous and me alone for a short while? We have some adult things to discuss.”
  4748. >Sweetie Belle's face lights up.
  4749. >”Like the stuff that minotaur told you? About your crisp buns? Was that adult stuff too?” she asks.
  4750. >Rarity's face flushes.
  4751. >”Sweetie! Don't mention that ruffian here! And no...that was not “adult” stuff, that was just rude! Also I'm afraid it's the boring kind of adult talk.”
  4752. >”Aww... Can you at least tell me which buns he meant? We didn't carry any bread around.”
  4753. >How cute.
  4754. >”Maybe later, Sweetie. Now please go play. But somewhere I can see you two!”
  4755. >”Okay.” the two kids say in unison.
  4756. >They leave the table and you give Spike a quick high-five as he passes you.
  4757. >No hard feelings shall exist between you and your dragon bro.
  4758. >Rarity made sure that they were out of hearing range, before opening her mouth again.
  4759. >”So... you want to know why I brought Spike here, and not home first?”
  4760. “Exactly.”
  4761. >Her lips form a sly smile.
  4762. >That is never a good sign...
  4763. >”Well... I had a good reason for that~”
  4764. >You gulp.
  4766. “And that reason would be?”
  4767. >Maybe Sweetie just wanted cake and Spike tagged along so he could spend more time with Rarity.
  4768. >Hopefully.
  4769. >She lifts her cup and lets the brown liquid swirl around in it.
  4770. >Fucking tease...
  4771. >”Well...”
  4772. “Well?”
  4773. >”I heard her scream.”
  4774. >Terrific. Maybe if you play along, you can still save this.
  4775. “Scream? And you didn't think that you she might needed help?”
  4776. >The white mare giggles.
  4777. >”No, Anonymous. I'm pretty sure she didn't need my help back there~ She sounded juuuuust fine~”
  4778. “W-What do you mean?”
  4779. >She playfully swats a hoof at you.
  4780. >”Oh Anonymous~ Don't be silly! It wasn't a scream of pain. Or well, maybe it was... But it was the kind of scream that only a gently, yet firm lash of a whip can elicit from a mare. Or perhaps a bite~?”
  4781. >You always knew that she was into such things... it just fits her somehow.
  4782. >But now be careful, young Anon. One wrong word and you will spill the beans to her.
  4783. “So you think, she had “company”?”
  4784. >Giggling, she nods.
  4785. >”Exactly!”
  4786. >The chances are good that she doesn't suspect you to be the company.
  4787. >Just play your cards right, and everything will be fine.
  4788. >Hopefully.
  4789. >You smile a forced smile... just play along.
  4790. “That's nice for her! Then you brought Spike here, to not intrude into her little liaison?”
  4791. >”Absolutely. That would be rude, and also a bit disturbing for my Spikey Wikey to see what is basically his mother in... well, action.”
  4792. >She rests her face on her hooves.
  4793. >”Now the only remaining question is, who the lucky stallion was. Judging from what I heard, he must be quite gifted.”
  4794. >Uhh... normally you avoid talks like that. But that would be suspicious.
  4795. >So you have to swallow the bitter pill and carry on.
  4796. “Got any ideas who it could be?”
  4797. >”Hmm... actually yes~”
  4798. >Her eyes are fixated on you. Hopefully only for the reason that you are her conversation partner.
  4799. >”Twilight doesn't have many male friends... so the circle of suspects is pretty small.”
  4800. >The cup levitates towards her mouth and she takes a sip from it.
  4801. >”First there would be Time Turner.”
  4802. “The clock maker?”
  4803. >”Mhm. He is a very polite and genuine stallion. Unfortunately, I know from reliable sources that he is gay.”
  4804. >Really? You didn't know that.
  4805. “So that excludes him.”
  4806. >”You are smarter than you look, darling~.”
  4807. >Rude. But you will let it slip.
  4808. >”Then there is Big Mac. But you know him.”
  4809. “Yeah. Pretty unlikely.”
  4810. >Rarity shoves the saucer away from her. The cup is empty.
  4811. >”Sadly yes. Sometimes I worry for him. So introverted... a gentle giant, but completely incapable of retaining a relationship.”
  4812. >She sighs.
  4813. >”Even Cheerilee got fed up after a while... and she is a very patient mare.”
  4814. “But sex doesn't necessarily need a relationship. Maybe they just had fun together.”
  4815. >Alone the thought of Twilight being with another stallion... or male makes you sick in the stomach.
  4816. >Strange how things can change... a few weeks ago you wouldn't have cared.
  4817. >So much...
  4818. >The white mare shakes her head.
  4819. >”You are right. But I know Twilight for long enough to safely say that she isn't a mare to just “have fun” without at least some kind of romantic base. She is a hopeless romantic, waiting for a prince to swipe her off her hooves... Just like me when I was younger but...”
  4820. >Her eyes gaze into the air besides you. The expression on her face changed from a giddy to a neutral one.
  4821. >”... that’s not the point.”
  4822. >Looks like she has her own problems with that issue. Even a beautiful mare like Rarity, who probably has more suitors than anyone of her friends had her fair share of problems with relationships.
  4823. >Maybe this fact makes it even harder for her.
  4824. >You put a hand on her shoulder and beam her a reassuring smile.
  4825. >”Sorry for tracking off...”
  4826. “No problem, Rarity. If you want to talk about it some time, I'm there for you.”
  4827. >She returns it and blushes slightly.
  4828. >”Thank you, Anonymous. You are a good friend, but another time.”
  4829. “Okay. So what are your other suppositions?”
  4830. >”Well there are two more. One is the local paediatrician, Quick Fix. They were always good friends and used to go to the same college. But he is married and I highly doubt that he would cheat on his wife.”
  4831. >She giggles.
  4832. >”The scandal would be outrageous if that ever would come out.
  4833. “Heh. You're right. Then that only leaves...?”
  4834. >She fixates you again. A sly grin on her lips and a twinkle in her eyes.
  4835. >”You~ My dear friend, Anonymous.”
  4836. >Danger! Will Robinson! Danger!
  4837. “M-Me! Don't be silly, Rarity. I'm not even a pony!”
  4838. >”That didn't stop Twilight from befriending you. I don't see the problem there. And since your arrival here on Equestria you two are practically inseparable. From the simple beginnings of her asking you about your home world, to the movie nights you now have every week.”
  4839. >Rarity leans her head towards you, batting her eyelashes.
  4840. >”She even cancelled our spa dates from time to time, just to do some silly thing with you. How did she call it? Playing Segahr Gemini?”
  4841. “Sega Genesis...”
  4842. >”Yes~ That was it.”
  4843. >You are now walking on very thin ice.
  4844. “But I still think that you are being ridiculous. I mea-”
  4845. >Rarity shushes you.
  4846. >”Oh Anon~ I find it endearing that you played along all the time. But you forgot one simple detail in your cunning plan.”
  4847. >You snort.
  4848. “And that would be?”
  4849. >”You live a good quarter hour away from her.”
  4850. >Fuck! She is right... how could your forget that?
  4851. >”Why would she have invited you, just after her plaything left? Only to sent you out, to go look for me? That seems rather silly, don't you think?”
  4852. >It's over... She knows. She knew all along and set a trap for you.
  4853. >And of course you run into it like an idiot.
  4854. “Ehm... I...”
  4855. >You wish you had a beverage or something else to busy your hands.
  4856. >Without any distractions they just grip the fabric of your pants tightly.
  4857. >”Anonymous darling, please.”
  4858. >Her hooves finds it's way to your hand. Gently squeezing it. How hooves are capable of that will always be a mystery to you.
  4859. >”It's okay. I'm happy for you and Twilight. You two danced around each other for so long now... it was bound to happen sooner or later. And you are perfect for each other, believe me.”
  4860. >You look at her. She is bearing a smile, full of kindness and understanding.
  4861. >”But just tell me one thing.”
  4862. “Yes?”
  4863. >”Do you love her? You are not just in for the physical intimacy?”
  4864. >W-What? Of course not!
  4865. “N-No! I love her!”
  4866. >”That's all I wanted to hear. I just don't want anypony to hurt her...”
  4867. >Your lips form their own smile.
  4868. “Me neither, Rarity. Me neither.”
  4870. >Her smile grows wider.
  4871. >”Wonderful... To be honest I was a bit worried.”
  4872. “Really? Why that?”
  4873. >”Twilight has awful luck when it comes to stallions. I can't speak for her relationships before she came to Ponyville, but I know about the few she had here.”
  4874. >Didn't Twilight say that she never told about anypony about Silver Lining?
  4875. “She told me a bit about them...”
  4876. >She leans her head sidewards like a confused or curious dog.
  4877. >”She did?“
  4878. “Yeah... mostly about her relationships in Canterlot.”
  4879. >Rarity doesn't have to know everything, yet.
  4880. >”She never wanted to talk about them with me. Looks like she really trusts you... that's nice.”
  4881. >Her face takes the same crestfallen look as before, but she quickly shakes it off and continues.
  4882. >”Do you want to know about her former ties here?”
  4883. >Do you? Honestly, yes. But...
  4884. “I think, I want to wait until she feels ready enough to tell me herself.”
  4885. >Rarity giggles.
  4886. >”Such a gentlecolt~ If Twilight didn't snatch you away, I would woo you myself~”
  4887. >She rest her head on her hooves again.
  4888. >”Just so you know... I'm open for many things~”
  4889. >You back up. Well as good as your chair allows.
  4890. “R-Rarity please!”
  4891. >Laughing, she sticks her tongue out.
  4892. >”Oh darling~ I'm merely joking. Don't worry. I won't interfere in your every so curly relationship with our beloved librarian. But...”
  4893. “But what?”
  4894. >”Do tell me, how it happened. I mean you are together now, aren't you?”
  4895. “Y-Yes. Since yesterday, pretty much.”
  4896. >”Oh my~ A couple for such a short time and already making her scream like a wild animal. Like I said, you must be gifted~”
  4897. >Your cheeks burn up.
  4898. >God... you hate conversations like that.
  4899. “Uhm... Thanks?”
  4900. >She gets uncomfortably close.
  4901. >”If you two ever decide to... well, try a Ménage à trois. Do think of me please~”
  4902. >A what now? She can't possibly mean what you are thinking right now.
  4903. >Just nod and ignore.
  4904. “Yeah... of course.”
  4905. >”Wonderful~ Now tell me how you came together. And leave no dirty detail out~”
  4906. >Rarity winks at you.
  4907. “Well...”
  4908. >You gave her a quick run down of the last two days. Without the kinky details of course. Much to her dismay, but that's none of her concern.
  4909. >Also you simply can't talk about such things to anyone but Kirron.
  4910. >And even than you have to be incredibly drunk.
  4911. >...
  4912. >”So you confessed to each other in the tub? How unbelievably romantic! I can imagine it so clearly! Dimmed candle light... a soft and quiet melody playing in the background... two lovers on top of each other, gazing into their eyes.”
  4913. >She grabs her face by the cheeks and squees.
  4914. >You nod.
  4915. “Yes... you nailed it pretty well... Still I can't believe that everything happened so fast, though...”
  4916. >She waves you off.
  4917. >”Some things are just meant to happen.”
  4918. “Maybe. But don't you think it's a bit rushed? I mean we skipped a few steps.”
  4919. >”Now don't be foalish, Anonymous. How long do you know Twilight now?”
  4920. “Since I arrived here in Equestria... So about two and a half years. I think.”
  4921. >The white unicorn makes a few strange motions with her fore legs. Gesticulating just doesn't work with hooves.
  4922. >”See?”
  4923. “See what?”
  4924. >”Don't play dumb! You didn't skip a few steps, you stretched them out!”
  4925. >Rarity has a point there.
  4926. “You think so?”
  4927. >”Absolutely. But now we go round in circles, don't you think?”
  4928. “Yeah.”
  4929. >She beckons the waitress over.
  4930. >Which strangely isn't Pinkie. Looks like her shift is already over.
  4931. >”I'd like to pay, please.”
  4932. >”Of course. That will be 12 bits, please.” the waitress replies
  4933. >Rarity hoofs her the money over.
  4934. >”Thank you. Have a nice day.”
  4935. >The cream coloured mare does a little bow and vanishes into the bakery again.
  4936. >”I'm incredibly sorry darling, but I have to go now. A terrible large order from Trottingham came in yesterday and I'm already behind.”
  4937. “No problem, Rarity. It was nice talking to you.”
  4938. >She beams you a smile.
  4939. >”Likewise. Sweetie! We are going home! Say Goodbye to Spike.”
  4940. >”OKAY!” the filly yells.
  4941. >”Tchk. Always so loud... Anyways. Visit me some time. Then we can talk more about you and Twilight. I might even have a few tips on how to treat a mare well~”
  4942. “Will do. And Rarity...”
  4943. >”Yes, darling?”
  4944. “Could you keep what I told you a secret? We first want to see if it works out, before we make it official.”
  4945. >Along with some other reasons.
  4946. >”I don't see any reasons why it shouldn't work, but don't worry. I won't say a word.”
  4947. >That's relieving to hear. Especially from a gossipy mare like Rarity.
  4948. “Thank you.”
  4949. >”Don't mention it. Now come. Spike and Sweetie are waiting.”
  4951. >After another quick farewell to Rarity and Sweetie Belle, you and Spike are now on your way home.
  4952. >The little dragon is awfully quiet.
  4953. >If he had pockets, you are sure he would put his claws in them.
  4954. >That gives you an idea for his next birthday present. A cool, black leather jacket.
  4955. >All boys love leather jackets. The only problem is where to get the leather...
  4956. >Maybe Kirron can get his hands on it. You should ask him later.
  4957. “Spike? Is everything alright? You didn't say a word since we left Sugarcube Corner.”
  4958. >He looks up to you and smiles and obviously forced smile.
  4959. >”Yeah... just tired.”
  4960. >And his head droops again.
  4961. “Come on. There's more to it.”
  4962. >His mouth opens and judging by the look on his face, he ponders about what to say.
  4963. >You give him a little shove.
  4964. “You know, that you can tell me everything. You are my lil' bro after all, aren't you?”
  4965. >Now the smile on his lips is genuine.
  4966. >“Yeah.”
  4967. ”So what is it? Did Sweetie Belle give you the needle?”
  4968. >He shakes his head.
  4969. >”No. She was as nice as always. It's just...”
  4970. “Hmm?”
  4971. >”What did you and Rarity talk about?”
  4972. >Oh, it's about his crush again.
  4973. “We talked about Twilight, among other things.”
  4974. >His ear fins? Yeah, you are pretty sure that is the right term. Anyway... they perk up.
  4975. >”So it wasn't about... you know... you and her?”
  4976. >You chuckle.
  4977. “No. Don't worry. I'm not interested in Rarity.”
  4978. >But she is interested in you. At least in a physical way... You don't know what to think about that.
  4979. >”Really? Phew...”
  4980. >Spike sighs and visibly relaxes.
  4981. >”I thought, because she mentioned “adult things”, it was about... well.”
  4982. >You lean down and pat his head.
  4983. “Nah. It was really the boring kind of “adult talk”. I would be an idiot to to go after the girl of my bro.”
  4984. >He laughs.
  4985. >”You sure would be! Nopony messes with the “Spikster”!”
  4986. >The Spikster? Really?
  4987. >Well, your self given name at his age was “The Nonnynator”, so who are you to judge.
  4988. >You make a mental note to hide this piece of your past from Pinkie Pie.
  4989. >She would never stop calling you that.
  4990. >But still. His crush on Rarity will only end badly.
  4991. >Maybe you should talk about it with Spike? You could convince him to shift his attention to Sweetie Belle.
  4992. >She is basically a mini Rarity. And what's more important, she is roughly the same age as him.
  4993. >Also she always tries to spend time with Spike, at least from what you saw and heard.
  4994. >Or you could let him learn it the hard way.
  4995. >Like you had to.
  4996. >Hmm...
  4997. >But let's first see if you can get anything out of him. If not, you will talk to Twilight about that issue later.
  4998. “So how was the sleep over?”
  4999. >He makes a “so-so” gesture with his claw.
  5000. >One of the many gestures you taught him.
  5001. >”Eh... the beginning was nice, when they were all busy with chatting or tea parties. But once that was over, they started to include me in their stupid girl games.”
  5002. “Ah yes. Sweetie dressed you up.”
  5003. >You stifle a laugh.
  5004. >”Please don't mention it again! It was awful...”
  5005. >That's a good opportunity to get a little insight into his brain.
  5006. “So what do you think about the fillies? They are pretty cute, aren't they?”
  5007. >You feel like a paedophile right now... that came out so creepily.
  5008. >Spike gives you a questioning look.
  5009. >”What do you mean, Anon?”
  5010. “I mean if you like one of them...”
  5011. >”One of them? Like... love?”
  5012. >He shudders.
  5013. >”Nah... Girls are icky.”
  5014. “Rarity is also a girl. Do you think she is icky too?”
  5015. >There it is again. His attempt at looking fierce and angry.
  5016. >”Rarity is not a girl, she is a lady! Who does lady things! Not stupid girls stuff.”
  5017. >Aha.
  5018. “But Sweetie Belle seems pretty interested in you. She drags you along all the time, to do crusading together and what not.”
  5019. >He blushes. Or what the dragon equivalent of blushing is.
  5020. >You think his scales just changed colour.
  5021. >”So you think, she likes me?”
  5022. >You nod.
  5023. “Mhm. Looks like it. Why else would she spend so much time with you?”
  5024. >”Oh wow...”
  5025. “Do you like her too?”
  5026. >He fiddles with his claws.
  5027. >”I don't know... I only know that I like Rarity.”
  5028. “Maybe you should give Sweetie a chance then? You never know where it might lead to.”
  5029. >Spike doesn't answer. Seems like he is lost in thought.
  5030. >Come on... Come on... Don't make yourself unhappy, pal.
  5031. >If you were twelve years old, and were interested in ponies at this age, you would totally go for Sweetie Belle.
  5032. >Chances are, that she will turn out like Rarity. Only easier to clean.
  5033. >...
  5034. >That somehow sounded a hell of a lot creepier.
  5035. >”Yeah... maybe you are right, Anon. Sweetie is pretty cute... and funny. From time to time at least.”
  5036. >Strike!
  5037. >”But you don't just try to get me away from Rarity, do you?”
  5038. >What?
  5039. “Of course not. Like I said, I'm not interested in her.”
  5040. >”Good. But I will keep an eye on you.”
  5041. >You throw your arms up in defence.
  5042. “I won't dare to cross the mighty dragon's path.”
  5043. >He laughs.
  5044. >”You better not. Or I will burn your house down. It would take me a while, but I could do it.”
  5045. “Yeah, yeah. So what's your plan?”
  5046. >”My plan to do what?”
  5047. >You bop his shoulder.
  5048. “Your plan to woo Sweetie, you dolt.”
  5049. >His cheek scales change colour again.
  5050. >”Ah yeah... I don't know yet.”
  5051. “If you need any help, you can talk to me. I know a thing or two about wom- Eh, mares.”
  5052. >”And still, I've yet to see you with one.”
  5053. >He shoots you a cocky grin.
  5054. >Aww bro... That burn was sick.
  5055. >You are so proud of him. Finally your secret teachings in the art of rectifying are starting to yield fruits.
  5056. “Heh.”
  5057. >”Heh.”
  5058. “You know, you should start running now, before I decide to pay you back.”
  5059. >Spike snickers.
  5060. >”I know. Just wanted to say something else.”
  5061. “And that would be?”
  5062. >”Thanks, Anon. For always being there for and looking after me.”
  5063. >Aww... that makes your heart melt.
  5064. “No problem. That's the job of a big brother.”
  5065. >He gives your leg a hug, beams you a short smile and then runs off.
  5066. >”You will never catch me!”
  5067. “We will see about that!”
  5068. >Life is good at the moment. With some small deductions, yes. But still you are happier than ever.
  5069. >A mare that loves you from all her heart and two “adopted” siblings that do the same.
  5070. >Spike and Scootaloo.
  5071. >Hehe yeah. Life is good.
  5072. >And with that being said, you take up the chase.
  5073. >No amount of heartwarming will save him from the assault of pokes he has to endure once you catch him.
  5074. >So wills it the codex of brothers.
  5076. >The small, purple dragon is surprisingly fast on his sorry excuses for legs.
  5077. >But you won't let him escape from his well earned punishment.
  5078. >Only 75% of the local population is faster than you, and you are not willing to Spike become part of this majority.
  5079. “You can't run nor hide from me! Give up!”
  5080. >”Never!”
  5081. >He breathes fire on the ground behind him, setting it aflame.
  5082. >Pulling out the dirty tricks now, eh?
  5083. >With the reflexes of a young god, you manage to jump over the burning patch of earth.
  5084. “Ah! Hot!”
  5085. >Your hear Spike laughing.
  5086. >Just you wait... After you poked him into submission, you will apply cold water to the burned area.
  5087. >Justice now, pain later!
  5088. >Your strides get longer and faster. Only a few metres are separating you from Spike now.
  5089. >You can smell his fear and see the distress on his face.
  5090. >Time for the finishing pounce!
  5091. “Here's Nonny!”
  5092. >”Where's Nonny?”
  5093. >What?
  5094. >Suddenly you get knocked to the ground by a pink blur.
  5095. “Umpf!”
  5096. >”There is Nonny!”
  5097. >Pinkie Pie is sitting on your chest. A wide grin on her face and her tail waggling from side to side like a dog.
  5098. >Fuck! And you were so close! So close!
  5099. >Now you know how most super villains must feel.
  5100. >”Hah! I found you!” Pinkie states.
  5101. >You shove her head out of your field of view, only to see Spike doing that stupid victory dance he learned from Rainbow Dash.
  5102. >This is far from over!
  5103. >Pinkie moves into your vision again.
  5104. >”Nonny!”
  5105. >You sigh.
  5106. “Yes, Pinkie?”
  5107. >She pulls a small bag out of her saddlebags.
  5108. >”You forgot the Banana Kaboom, you wanted to buy for Twilight!”
  5109. >How? Seriously, how?!
  5110. >A bit baffled , you take the package out of her mouth.
  5111. >”There is also a Triple Chocolate muffin in there! Your favourite!”
  5112. “Uh... Thanks, Ponks. How did you kn-”
  5113. >The pink menace shushes you with a hoof.
  5114. >"The minds of gods are not for mortals to know or to judge. Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play."
  5115. >Her grin grows to unnatural proportions.
  5116. >”Praised be he, who controls fate. And be thankful for not interfering with yours.”
  5117. >Now that's seriously creepy. She can't learned all that from your cheesy Warhammer novels.
  5118. >Which you don't even remember ever loaning to her.
  5119. “Pinkie... please say you are joking.”
  5120. >”Curiosity begets knowledge, knowledge begets curiosity. Only great Tzeentch sates both."
  5121. >She begins to laugh hysterically and grabs you by your collar.
  5122. >Even Spike is a bit intimidated now.
  5123. >But she suddenly stops her crazy fit and smiles at you.
  5124. >”Of course I'm just joking.”
  5125. >Thank god...
  5126. >She hops off your chest and helps you up.
  5127. >”There you go, Nonny!”
  5128. “T-Thank you.”
  5129. >You are still a bit shaky from this... event.
  5130. “But how did you know I forgot the sweets? And how did you even know that I wanted some in the first place?”
  5131. >Pinkie giggles.
  5132. >”Oh you know. My Pinkie sense!”
  5133. >She points at her tail and ears.
  5134. >”Two tail wiggles, one ear flop and two burps are a clear sign, that a good friend of mine forgot to buy cakes for...”
  5135. >She beckons you to kneel down, so she can whisper into your ear.
  5136. >”...his or hers very special somepony!”
  5137. >Giggling she shoves you away.
  5138. “Oh okay...”
  5139. >Just accept it and go on...
  5140. “But still...”
  5141. >Brain to Anon: Stop! I can't handle this shit today!
  5142. “That whole Tzeentch stuff is pretty creepy. Please, stop with that.”
  5143. >”Aww come on! I'm just messing with you. I'm not really a cultist of the dark gods!”
  5144. >Hopefully. You wouldn't be surprised if she turned into a pink horror one day.
  5145. >”Or am I...”
  5146. >She sits down on her haunches, and rubs her chin. Is she seriously pondering about that?
  5147. >Shaking her head, she gets up again.
  5148. >”Nah.. But I will be on my way then. Mr. Cake asked me to foalsit the twins this evening. Looks like he is getting some fun tonight!”
  5149. >Too much information!
  5150. “Ehm... Nice for him?”
  5151. >She gigglesnorts and nods.
  5152. >”Yeppers! Anyway. Enjoy your sweets, Nonny! I will see you around!”
  5153. “Bye, Ponks.”
  5154. >Whistling some song, she bounces away. Only stopping, to wave into the sky... and blow a kiss to it.
  5155. >Yeah... that happened too.
  5156. >You will never be able to fully understand her, and maybe it's better this way.
  5157. >Especially for your mental health.
  5158. >Spike dares to approach you again.
  5159. >”Uhm...?”
  5160. “Exactly. Let's just forget that ever happened, okay?”
  5161. >”Okay.”
  5163. >For the rest of the walk home, you and Spike agreed on a ceasefire.
  5164. >Well... you see it as more of a surrender than a ceasefire, since Spike didn't really put up a fight.
  5165. >Humanity always wins.
  5166. >The clocktower strikes four times.
  5167. >Wow. It has gotten late. Hopefully Twilight isn't worrying herself to death again.
  5168. >You really hate it when she does that.
  5169. >Like yesterday where she assumed some horrible monster got you... Why would she even think of such a scenario?
  5170. >Man...
  5171. >”Anon?”
  5172. >That snaps you back into reality.
  5173. “Yes, Spike?”
  5174. >He looks a bit troubled.
  5175. >”And you are sure about Sweetie? Do you really think that she might like me?”
  5176. “Yeah. From what I saw she seems pretty into you. How often in the, lets say last month, has she asked you to do something with her?”
  5177. >Spike thinks for a bit.
  5178. >”Nearly every day.”
  5179. “And how often only with her alone? Without Applebloom and Scootaloo?”
  5180. >“A dozen times or so...”
  5181. >You clap your hands together.
  5182. “There you have it! If she wouldn't have a crush on you, why else would she do it?”
  5183. >”Oh... yeah that makes sense. But...”
  5184. “But what?”
  5185. >”I still don't know if I like her. With Rarity... I just saw her and knew that she was the mare I wanted.”
  5186. >You sigh.
  5187. “Look, Spike. I'm going to be honest with you.”
  5188. >That is going to be hard for him, but you don't want to see his heart being shattered into thousand pieces.
  5189. “How old are you?”
  5190. >”Twelve.”
  5191. “And how old is Rarity?”
  5192. >“Twenty eight...”
  5193. >Spike's head droops.
  5194. >You can see how his hopes and dreams burst like bubbles in the wind.
  5195. >Seems like he always knew that this is a major problem, but never wanted to realize that.
  5196. >Poor lad... You kneel down and put a hand on his shoulder., gently squeezing it.
  5197. >Bro-talk needs to be done at eye level.
  5198. “You can see, why it would never work?”
  5199. >A tear rolls down his cheek.
  5200. >”Yeah...”
  5201. “Come here.”
  5202. >You pull the purple dragon... no, your little brother into a hug.
  5203. >Idly rubbing his back while he sniffles into your chest.
  5204. >After a short moment, you give him some space to breath and wipe a tear from his face.
  5205. “You know why I'm telling you all that?”
  5206. >Hesitantly, he nods.
  5207. >”Because you don't want to see me getting hurt?”
  5208. “Exactly. What kind of big brother I would be, if I would let that allow to happen?”
  5209. >Spike smiles, and you return the smile.
  5210. >”Thanks, Anon. But it still hurts...”
  5211. >You ruffle his head scales.
  5212. “I know. And it will for a while. But in the long term it's better for you. I hope you understand that.”
  5213. >”Probably...”
  5214. “You will, believe me. Just give it some time.”
  5215. >”Okay.”
  5216. “And if you ever want to talk about that again, just come to me okay?”
  5217. >His smile grows a bit wider.
  5218. >”I will. Thanks, Bro.”
  5219. >You present your fist and he bumps his into yours.
  5220. “Okay then. Let's go home now. Twilight is surely worrying her cute, little head off.”
  5221. >Spikes eyebrow raises.
  5222. >”Her what now?”
  5223. >Oh fuck. You misspoke yourself.
  5224. “Ehrm... I mean...”
  5225. >He shoots you that cocky grin again.
  5226. >”Buy me a huge scoop of ice cream with gem sprinkles and I might forget about that.”
  5227. >Only kids can go from sadness to blackmailing their siblings in mere seconds.
  5228. >Admirable, but somewhat evil.
  5229. ”Deal...”
  5230. >You shake hands with him.
  5231. >”Always a pleasure to do business with you.”
  5232. “Likewise.”
  5234. >So to the ice cream parlour it is.
  5235. “Lead the way, Spike. I don't know which ice cream parlour has gem sprinkles.”
  5236. >”Only Sucarcube Corner stocks them.”
  5237. >You sigh.
  5238. >Wonderful. You just came from there. For the second time this day, you have to retrace your steps.
  5239. “Okay then. Let's go.”
  5240. >Spike waves you off.
  5241. >”Nah. Not today. Twilight will rip my cute, little head off if I eat ice cream before dinner.”
  5242. >He shoots you that shit eating grin again.
  5243. >”But you owe me!”
  5244. “Yeah, yeah. Now come on. Before I do horrible things to your cute, little face.”
  5245. >”Excuse me?!” a random mare states shocked.
  5246. >Oh, it's not a random mare, it's BonBon.
  5247. “It's not what you think!”
  5248. >”Sure...”
  5249. >She makes a gesture with her hoof that you interpret as “I will keep an eye on you!” and then trots off.
  5250. >Wonderful... Now Ponyville's grumpiest mare thinks that you are a child molester
  5251. >Spike can barely hold in his laughter.
  5252. >At least he's happy now and not sad any more. That's a good thing.
  5253. >You flick his nose...
  5254. >”Oww!”
  5255. >... and continue on your way.
  5256. >”Hey! Wait for me!”
  5257. >He catches up to you and tugs at your pants.
  5258. >You look down to the little dragon.
  5259. “Hmm?”
  5260. >”I wanted to ask you something before we get home.”
  5261. “Sure thing. Spit it out.”
  5262. >Aww yeah. More bro-talk.
  5263. >Spike fiddles with his claws.
  5264. >”You really think that Sweetie is interested in me?”
  5265. >Looks like he needs some more confirmation. Nothing easier than that.
  5266. “Tell me Spike.”
  5267. >”Hmm?”
  5268. “When you went crusading with the Crusaders, did you notice something strange? In Applebloom's or Scoot's behaviour for example?”
  5269. >Scratching his chin, he thinks for a bit.
  5270. >”Actually... yes.”
  5271. >He snips his fingers.
  5272. >”Every time when we had to split into groups to do something, Applebloom always chose Scootaloo as her partner.”
  5273. “See?”
  5274. >”See what?”
  5275. >Eh... he is almost as dense as you.
  5276. “Even Sweeties best friend's are in it!”
  5277. >His face takes a surprised look.
  5278. >”Oh!”
  5279. “Yeah, exactly. They wanted to make sure that you two have your alone time. Sweetie surely asked them to do that.”
  5280. >”That makes sense... I think.”
  5281. “It does, believe me. Now tell me...
  5282. >How do you ask him that without it sounding creepy as fuck.
  5283. “And what... uhm... did you and Sweetie do when you were alone?”
  5284. >Meh... could have worded it better, you must admit.
  5285. >”What, what, what?!” you hear a shrill voice shrieking.
  5286. >Oh fuck it's BonBon again. Did she follow you?
  5287. “It's still not what you think! I'm trying to have a conversation with my friend here, so please stop following me around!”
  5288. >She growls and gives you the evil eye for a few seconds, before finally walking away.
  5289. >But stopping every few metres to look over her withers.
  5290. >Bitch...
  5291. >You can now understand why Rainbow hates her.
  5292. >”What was that about?” Spike asks.
  5293. “Don't bother with it.”
  5294. >He shrugs.
  5295. >”Okay. We did nothing interesting. Just walking around and chatting. One time she brought a cake and we ate it in the park.”
  5296. “Like a ...?
  5297. >You do beckoning motions with your hands.
  5298. >Spike just looks confused at you.
  5299. “D....”
  5300. >”D...?”
  5301. >Gesturing intensifies.
  5302. “Da...”
  5303. >”Da...?”
  5304. >Your palm hits your face.
  5305. “Like a date, you goofus!”
  5306. >”What?! That was a date?”
  5307. “Maybe not an official one, but technically it was a date.”
  5308. >He blushes and crosses his arms.
  5309. >”Wow... Girls are confusing, bro.”
  5310. >You pat his head.
  5311. “They sure are. But that's what it makes them interesting. Untangling the coil of secrets that is your marefriend is very enticing.”
  5312. >You could elaborate on that, but he will see for himself.
  5313. >”Heh. Maybe. But it's not that you could speak from experience, eh?”
  5314. >If his grin could get any cockier, you are sure it would need it's own censor bar.
  5315. “Two burns on one day? Mate, you are a harsh one. Still good job with the reaction time. You are getting better at thinking of these on the spot.”
  5316. >”Hehe thanks. I had a good teacher.”
  5317. >Aww....
  5318. >Spike looks to the ground.
  5319. >”But I still don't know if I like her the same way as she likes me.”
  5320. “Perhaps you will, perhaps you won't. You just have to give her a chance and see if you feel the same way. ”
  5321. >”You are right...”
  5322. “I'm your big bro, I'm always right. But more importantly, did you enjoy your “dates” with Sweetie?
  5323. >”I think so.”
  5324. “Yes or no, Spike.”
  5325. >A little bit of pressure to open his eyes can't hurt.
  5326. >He winces, but nods.
  5327. >”Yes.”
  5328. “And I assume you looked forward to the next one? At least sometimes?”
  5329. >“Yeah... One night, I had trouble sleeping because I was so excited...”
  5330. “Methinks the fire lizard harbors some feelings for the squeaky one.”
  5331. >You try to channel your best Gollum, but it just came out weird.
  5332. >The look on Spike's face is confirmation for that.
  5333. >”Dude...”
  5334. “Okay I stop. But seriously, for me it looks like you at least like her a bit.”
  5335. >And that most likely his crush on Rarity made him blind for these feelings, but you don't tell him that.
  5336. >”You think so?”
  5337. “Yep. But like I said, give her a chance and you will see.”
  5338. >Spike looks at you for a moment and nods.
  5339. >”Okay. I will do that. Thanks, Anon!”
  5340. “That's my bro! Give me five.”
  5341. >And thus the pact was sealed by the sound of a claw and a hand slapping together.
  5342. >Just in time, since you are standing before Twilight's treebrary.
  5343. >You better knock, so that you don't surprise her while she's experimenting with your cum.
  5344. >That's something you don't want having to explain to Spike.
  5345. >So you knock and wait.
  5347. >You are now a lavender unicorn again.
  5348. >And you just finished skimming your two newly acquired books when you hear somepony knocking on the front door.
  5349. >Who could that be? Anon usually doesn't knock, he just comes in and yells that he is here.
  5350. >You stash the spell books away and make your way down the stairs.
  5351. >Another set of knocks.
  5352. “I'm coming! Hold your horses!”
  5353. >Nopony has any patience any more...
  5354. >You open the door with your magic and much to your surprise it's Anon and Spike.
  5355. “Oh, hi guys! Why did you knock?
  5356. >”Hi Twilight.” Spike says as he passes you.
  5357. “How was the sleep over? Nice?”
  5358. >”Eh it was okay. Some things happened that I'm not all too proud of.”
  5359. “Huh?”
  5360. >Anon chuckles.
  5361. >”I will tell you later.”
  5362. >He strokes your mane and you lean into his touch.
  5363. >Ahh... it only has been an hour or so, but you missed him immensely.
  5364. >Suddenly Spike turns around and you remove your head from his hand in an instant.
  5365. >Hopefully he didn't see anything.
  5366. >”No, please do not tell her. Geez, I suffered enough embarrassment for one day...”
  5367. >”Hehe, okay. I won't then.”
  5368. >”Thanks... I'm going to take a nap before dinner. I'm tired as hell.”
  5369. “Spike! Language!”
  5370. >”Sorry.”
  5371. >The little dragon walks up the stairs and your hear the door to his room closing.
  5372. >You sigh.
  5373. “Anon, please do not teach him such words.”
  5374. >”He just picks them up, Sorry Twi.”
  5375. “No harm done... just take care what you say around him.”
  5376. >”I will.”
  5377. >Something in his expression tells you that he won't, but that’s okay.
  5378. >Spike won't grow up as one of those rude colts who swears and drink cider all day, not with him as his “brother”. But that doesn't matter now...
  5379. >What really matters is that you are alone now~
  5380. >You get on your hind legs and pull him closer to you by his collar.
  5381. >”Whoa. Twi-”
  5382. >No time for words now. Only passion~
  5383. >Hastily you lock lips with him.
  5384. >No tongue, for now. You want to enjoy the feeling of his lips on yours.
  5385. >His hands find their way to the back of your head and your withers.
  5386. >Scratching your skin in a heavenly manner.
  5387. >You moan into his mouth and let your tongue against his lips.
  5388. >Soon enough he opens them and his tongue meets yours.
  5389. >They dance and snake around each other in a wistful dance.
  5390. >It may only has been an hour but it felt like an eternity.
  5391. >You lean more into the kiss, sealing your mouths once more.
  5392. >He blocks the access to his teeth, which makes you want to feel their sharpness oh so more.
  5393. >But every attempt to trick his tongue is null, so you settle with what you can get. His tongue.
  5394. >It's much more dexterous than your own, allowing it to caress yours from every side and angle.
  5395. >And that works too~
  5396. >You wonder if Spike is asleep yet... maybe there is time for more.
  5397. >But before you could even think of your next step, you hear his door open again.
  5398. >Shoot!
  5399. >Hesitantly, you break the kiss.
  5400. >A thin string of saliva connecting you with Anon.
  5401. >Anon gazes into your eyes for a moment before mouthing the words “maybe later”.
  5402. >You nod and regain your composure by straightening your mane out and wiping your lips.
  5403. “Am I blushing?” you whisper?
  5404. >”A bit.”
  5405. >Anon walks to one of the book shelves, pulls a book out of it and pretends to read.
  5406. >Good idea, you should look busy too.
  5407. >So you trot towards your table and rearrange the materials on it.
  5408. >It really hurts you to destroy your perfectly organized experiment set-up, but it has to be done.
  5409. >Spike scuffles down the stairway.
  5410. >”Just getting some water...” he says.
  5411. “Okay, you know where the glasses are.”
  5412. >Oh by Celestia that was a stupid thing to say. A simple “Yes” or “Okay” would have done the same job.
  5413. >That just grabbed his attention...
  5414. >”Yes?”
  5415. >You turn your head around so he doesn't see his face.
  5416. >His eyebrow raises.
  5417. >”You are red as a tomato, Twi. Are you sick?”
  5418. “No. no! Must be the heat in here” you blurt out.
  5419. >Buck! Contain your hay, Sparkle!
  5420. >”Ehrm... okay.”
  5421. >Spike looks at you, and then at Anon before looking back at you again.
  5422. >A giant grin appears on his face and he vanishes giggling into the kitchen.
  5423. >Does he suspect something? You hope not.
  5424. >You continue fiddling with various bottles and jars, in an attempt to let time pass by faster.
  5425. >The running of water can be heard and soon after he returns with a glass of water.
  5426. >”Okay then. I have my glass of water and will leave you two alone~”
  5427. >And with that said he runs up the stairs and disappears into his room again
  5428. >Buck!
  5429. “A-Anon?”
  5430. >”Yes, Twi?”
  5431. “I think he might be onto us.”
  5432. >”I'm afraid so too...”
  5434. >You quickly establish order on your table again and then walk over to your boyfriend.
  5435. >Who is holding his book the wrong way around...
  5436. >Sighing, you turn it around with your magic.
  5437. >”Oh hey... look at that.”
  5438. >He closes it and puts it on the shelve again.
  5439. “Anon... what do we do now?”
  5440. >”Why don't we just tell him? I mean, it looks like he already figured it out on his own.”
  5441. “But how? Just from seeing me blushing?”
  5442. >”Well...”
  5443. “Well what?”
  5444. >Anon scratches the back of his head and avoids your eyes. He is hiding something.
  5445. “You didn't tell him already, did you?”
  5446. >”No! But I might have misspoken myself a bit...”
  5447. “In which way?”
  5448. >”You see... It was getting kinda late and I told Spike that we should see that we get home before you worry your cute, little head off. And of course he heard that remark...”
  5449. “Anon...!”
  5450. >He throws his arms up.
  5451. >”I know! I'm sorry, it just slipped out. And in my defence, you really are cute!”
  5452. >You sigh.
  5453. “Okay then. What has been done cannot be undone. And thanks.”
  5454. >Chuckling, he ruffles your mane.
  5455. >”Just saying the truth. So what do you think? Should we tell him when he wakes up?”
  5456. “Mmhh...”
  5457. >Anon is right, he probably knows it already anyway and just waits for confirmation...
  5458. >And if you tell him not to tell it around, you are sure it would be okay.
  5459. “Yeah. Let's do that.”
  5460. >”Wonderful. I'm sure he will be happy as a clam, once he hears the news.”
  5461. >You smile.
  5462. “He sure will be. What I wanted to ask... Ah yes! Where did you find Rarity and him? You were away for nearly an hour.”
  5463. >He shrugs.
  5464. >”It's a long story.”
  5465. “I love long stories! Do tell!”
  5466. >”Okay. But let's get comfortable for that. My feet hurt from all the walking.”
  5467. >You are kind of hungry anyway.
  5468. “How does the kitchen sound? I could fix something quick for us up.”
  5469. >He winces and you pout in return.
  5470. >You know your cooking is not the best, but you have improved! The last time something caught fire was nearly a month ago. And nopony got sick from your food since at least two months.
  5471. “Hey! It's not that bad!”
  5472. >Anon kneels down and scratches your ears.
  5473. >”Twi... I love you, I really do. But please, my stomach can only endure so many filled bell peppers or “Cheese surprises” before it collapses on itself. And...”
  5474. >Pfft... philistine.
  5475. “And what? Do you want to cook?”
  5476. >”Nah... Look!”
  5477. >A small paper bag dangles in front of your head.
  5478. “What's that?”
  5479. >”Open it.”
  5480. >You grab the bag and take a look inside.
  5481. “Ohh....”
  5482. >A Banana Kaboom! And a lesser pastry, that is not worthy of your attention.
  5483. “Wow thanks! Did you go to Sucarcube Corner, just to get me cake? You're so sweet!”
  5484. >You throw your hooves around his neck and nuzzle his face.
  5485. >”Hehe kinda... It's part of the story, that I will tell you once I finally sit.”
  5486. “Okay. Then let's waste no time! I can't wait to hear it while I devour this.”
  5487. >So you and Anon walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table.
  5488. >Your kitchen is not especially elegant or even remotely modern, but the chairs you have there are pretty comfy.
  5489. >They were a house warming gift from Fluttershy and Rainbow.
  5490. >You are pretty sure that Fluttershy chose them and Rainbow just tagged along, but who cares.
  5491. >Hovering two plates onto the table, you set the muffin on Anon's and the Kaboom on yours.
  5492. >No forks will be needed, at least for the Banana Kaboom. They would just ruin the “Kaboom” part of the sweet treat.
  5493. “Enjoy your meal!”
  5494. >Anon chuckles.
  5495. >”It's not really a meal, but thanks.”
  5496. >You take the first bite out of your pastry, and immediately your mouth is filled with small, banana flavoured explosions.
  5497. >It tingles a bit as it travels down your throat.
  5498. >Aww yeah... that's the stuff.
  5499. “So where did you find them?”
  5500. >He takes a small bite out of his muffin.
  5501. >”Well, I first decided to go to Sweet Apple Acres, to look if Rarity was still there.”
  5502. “And she wasn't?”
  5503. >”I didn't even get there. First I mistook a strange earth pony for her, with whom I now have a scheduling to tell her about a specific country from earth and then....”
  5504. >Huh?
  5505. “Which strange pony?”
  5506. >Anon pulls a business card out of his jacket and slides it over to you.
  5507. >Oh that one.
  5508. “Ah... yes. Aryanne. She is a bit... well let's say distinct. But a nice pony once you know her better. If I'm not mistaken she is from Germaneigh.”
  5509. >He nods.
  5510. >“Yep. She told me that too.”
  5511. “And about which country does she want to know more?”
  5512. >”Germany.”
  5513. >You giggle.
  5514. “What a coincidence. Do they speak germane too?”
  5515. >”They speak german. But its the same language, minus all the horse puns.”
  5516. “Or plus all the human puns.”
  5517. >”Yeah. You could see it that way too.” he says, chuckling.
  5518. >Another bite, another tasty explosion. This one was particular loud.
  5519. >Anon shoots you a worried look.
  5520. >”And you are sure that it's safe to eat this?”
  5521. “One hundred percent! They are just magical enhanced candy rocks, technically. There is a bit more to that, but it's boring magic theory stuff. So continue, please.”
  5522. >”Okay then... After that I continued on my merry way to Applejack's farm, but about half-way there I met Kirron.”
  5523. “Kirron is in town again? How nice...”
  5524. >You don't really like him, but he is a friend of Anon so you tolerate the minotaur.
  5525. >He is incredibly rude towards mares and even tried to hit on you one time with an unbelievably bad pick-up line.
  5526. >”Wanna learn something that isn't taught in books?” Or something similar like that.
  5527. >But if Anon likes him, he can't be that bad... At least you think so.
  5528. >“Yeah, we chatted for a while and he told me that he saw Rarity passing his cart.”
  5529. >Kirron was probably only able to memorize the direction she walked in, because he stared on her flank until she was out of sight...
  5530. “And I assume, you want to get a drink with him later?”
  5531. >Anon sighs.
  5532. >”'Maybe. But if you need me tonight, I will of course be with you.”
  5533. >Aww... he really is a sweetheart.
  5534. “You don't have to. I planned on experimenting all night anyways, once Spike goes to bed. So meet up with him if you want.”
  5535. >”Really? Are you sure you won't need me?”
  5536. >You nod and beam him a smile.
  5537. “Absolutely. Experimenting is best done alone anyhow.”
  5538. >”Heh. Okay. But then we will have to make sure, you make it through the night before I leave.”
  5539. >He wiggles his eyebrows.
  5540. >Your cheeks flush and you playfully wave a hoof at him.
  5541. “Oh you~ That sounds lovely. But Spike is home... I don't know if we can find time or quiet for this.”
  5542. >”Hmm... We could send him away to get ice cream. For after dinner. The little guy loves this stuff.”
  5543. “Sadly yes... But a good idea. That will give us enough time for a little fun~”
  5544. >”Perfect. So where was I... Ah yes. Kirron pointed me back to the library. From there I could either go to her boutique or Sucarcube Corner. And since I was a bit hungry anyways, I went to the latter first. And sure enough, she was there.”
  5545. >The last piece of your Banana Kaboom finds it's way to your stomach.
  5546. >Unfortunately the end pieces contain no candy rocks, so it's a bit boring but still delicious.
  5547. “Why did she go to Sucarcube Corner? My library lies on the way from AJ's farm to there. That doesn't make sense.”
  5548. >He shoves his muffin away. Looks like he is full.
  5549. >”Well you see... I'm gonna make it quick, since we can't change anything about it anyway.”
  5550. >You shoot him a confused look.
  5551. “What do you mean?”
  5552. >Anon gulps and loosens his collar.
  5553. >”The thing is, Rarity was punctual.”
  5554. “Yeah? And? Why didn't she knock?”
  5555. >”Twi, can't you remember what we did around that time?”
  5556. >Your blush intensifies.
  5557. “Oh.”
  5558. >”Exactly. And she didn't knock, because... well she heard you scream and decided that the politest thing to do was not to interrupt and brought Spike and Sweetie to SCC to kill some time.”
  5559. >You fear the worst.
  5560. “So she knows?”
  5561. >Please no... By Celestia and Luna, please no.
  5562. >But much to your dismay, Anon nods.
  5563. >”Yes...”
  5564. “But how?! Did she see or hear you?”
  5565. >”No. She figured it out by herself... She can be quite ingenious, if she wants to. I will spare you the details, but she put the pieces together one by one. From with what males you use to socialize to how far I live away from you and how it didn't make sense to send me to find her...”
  5566. >Your head droops and the pastry in your stomach feels like it wants to explode again. But in a very wrong way...
  5567. “Well, buck. ”
  5568. >Your boyfriend puts a hand on your hoof and squeezes it gently.
  5569. >”If it's of any relief to you, she was very happy for us and promised to keep it to herself. So nopony else will hear a word about us from Rarity.”
  5570. >Yeah... that's something.
  5571. “Terrific. Now Rainbow, Pinkie and Rarity know. Spike will soon too. So only Fluttershy and Applejack are left in the shadows... Might as well tell them too...”
  5572. >”I don't see the problem there, Twi. I understand that you don't want to be disturbed or distracted while you work on a cure, but what's the worst that will happen? Maybe a Pinkie party or two, and then normality will return again.”
  5573. >You sigh.
  5574. “I know and you are right. It's just...”
  5575. >He takes both of your hooves in his hands.
  5576. >”It's just what?”
  5577. “I'm just worried that they will find out...”
  5578. >”We won't let them. Only Rainbow knows about that little secret and she would rather die than tell anypony. She is the element of loyalty after all.”
  5579. “But still... My research and experimentation might suffer from this. And I want that to be over as soon as possible.”
  5580. >”Hmm... yeah. You have a point there. So then we just keep the status quo as long as possible. It's not like Applejack or Fluttershy tend to pry into your personal affairs. So additional surprises are as good as impossible.”
  5581. >Anon laughs and you can't help but to laugh a bit too.
  5582. “Yes... that sounds good. I promise you, we will make it official once this is over.”
  5583. >”And I will take you on the biggest and best date, like I promised. It will be so awesome that you want to write a book about it!”
  5584. >You giggle.
  5585. “Oh Anon... thanks.”
  5586. >”For what?”
  5587. “The usual... you know. For always being so sweet and understanding.”
  5588. >Now he has to blush.
  5589. “Only the best for my favourite pony.”
  5590. >Anon leans his head in, and you meet him half way.
  5591. >Your lips connecting in a loving and gentle kiss.
  5592. >”Woohoo! Go, Anon!” a voice suddenly yells.
  5593. >Instantly you and Anon break the kiss and look at the source of the noise.
  5594. “Spike!”
  5595. >”Spike!”
  5597. >Why is he awake?! And even more importantly what did he hear?
  5598. >Hopefully none of the juicy bits...
  5599. “S-Spike... You are awake already?”
  5600. >”Eyyup! I wanted to grab something to bite... Looks like you had the same idea.”
  5601. >”How long have you been watching us?” Anon asks.
  5602. >Spike walks into the kitchen...
  5603. >”Long enough to see you two exchanging body fluids.”
  5604. >... And climbs on a chair, right next to Anon.
  5605. >”So....”
  5606. >You and Anon are blushing like crazy, avoiding the small dragons interrogative gaze.
  5607. >Anon is still holding your hooves... It makes you feel uncomfortable with Spike around, but you don't feel like retrieving them from his grip.
  5608. “So what?”
  5609. >”Does that mean, Anon is your coltfriend now?”
  5610. >You exhale and look at Spike.
  5611. “Y-Yes.”
  5612. >The grin on his face grows even wider.
  5613. >”I knew it! That little remark from him about your cute, little head wasn't just a slip!”
  5614. >Spike is giggling like a mad pony. Unable to to contain his excitement.
  5615. >Anon ruffles his head fins.
  5616. >”So I assume you are happy for us?”
  5617. >The dragon nods furiously.
  5618. >”Of course! Why wouldn't I? So what does this mean then? Will Anon move in with us or do we move in with him?! Oh boy...”
  5619. >You exchange a chuckle and a short eye contact with your boyfriend.
  5620. “Spike...”
  5621. >”Yeah?! So what is it? Tell me!”
  5622. >He is chewing on his claws.
  5623. >Anon removes them from his mouth and bops him.
  5624. >”Calm down, little guy. That doesn't mean that we will move together... At least not now.”
  5625. >Aww...
  5626. >”It doesn't?”
  5627. >Anon shakes his head.
  5628. >”No. We may be a couple now, but we still have to see if this works out.”
  5629. “Yes. And to be honest... it was all a bit turbulent.”
  5630. >”Huh? What do you mean with “turbulent”? Spike asks.
  5631. >You giggle.
  5632. “Don't worry about it. Just a small problem...”
  5633. >”Does it have something to do with those experiments?”
  5634. >Oh buck...
  5635. >What to say now?
  5636. >”You heard that, Spike?”
  5637. >”Uhu...”
  5638. >Anon pulls Spike a bit closer to him.
  5639. >”This is important, Spike...You have to tell me what you heard and what not.”
  5640. >”From your conversation here?”
  5641. >Your boyfriend sighs.
  5642. >”Yeah.”
  5643. >”Not much... Just that something might interfere with Twilight's research, that you promised her a date and then she called you sweet and kissed you.”
  5644. >Spike blushes. Well technically it's not blushing, but more a chemical reaction in his scales to signalize emotions to others. In this case, embarrassment.
  5645. >Argh.. Stop Sparkle! To whom are you explaining this?!
  5646. >”Okay... Listen Spike.”
  5647. >”Yeah?”
  5648. >”Don't tell anypony about Twilight experiments or that we are together now. Do you understand?”
  5649. >His tone is strict, but not intimidating.
  5650. >Like a father who speaks to his son...
  5651. >Hmm...
  5652. >”O-Of course. But why?”
  5653. >”Firstly, those experiments are not of anypony's concern but Twilight and me. And secondly, we want to keep our relationship under the radar for a while, before we make it official. To see if we are compatible and what not.”
  5654. >Spike nods.
  5655. >”Okay. I understand. I won't tell anypony.”
  5656. >”Wonderful. Thanks, Spike.”
  5657. >”But...”
  5658. >”Hmm?”
  5659. >”What are those experiments about? Is one of you sick?”
  5660. “No, not really Spike. It's... complicated.”
  5661. >”What? That doesn't sound good!”
  5662. >His expression is one of worry and confusion... For a moment you ponder if you just shouldn't tell him.
  5663. >In a manner that is suitable for his age, of course.
  5664. >But before you could finish that thought, Anon has already an idea and begins to talk.
  5665. >You wonder what he will tell him.
  5666. >”Do you remember when I told you that my old world had no magic?”
  5667. >”Mhm. Yeah. Your folk did everything with machines and lightning bolts!”
  5668. >Anon chuckles.
  5669. >”Close enough. It was called electricity, but that's not the point.”
  5670. >”So it has something to do with the magic, here in Equestria?” Spike asks.
  5671. >”Exactly. You see, my body can't really handle all this magical energy and so it has some very embarrassing and inconvenient reactions to it from time to time.”
  5672. >”Huh? Like what?”
  5673. >”I fart Spike. Like a lot.”
  5674. >Oh Celestia please... You have trouble to contain your laughter.
  5675. >But not a dumb idea. You have to admit.
  5676. >”What? Really? That's hilarious!”
  5677. >Spike is laughing his flank off. Holding his belly and slapping the table.
  5678. >”Sadly yes. And Twilight is trying to find a cure for my problem. So you can surely understand now, why this needs to be kept a secret.”
  5679. >He is still laughing but gives your boyfriend a thumbs up.
  5680. >”Yeah. Of course... Would be a real BUMmer if this would get on the surface, wouldn't it?”
  5681. >Now you have to giggle too. Even if this was a really bad pun, it was funny.
  5682. >Anon just shakes his head, but smiles.
  5683. >”Yep. You could say, you shouldn't blow your own trumpet about this.”
  5684. >Your giggling turns into a full blown laughter, and Anon joins in soon too.
  5685. >For a while the three of you just keep laughing, until Spike breaks it.
  5686. >”Ahahaha... Oh wow...”
  5687. >”So you won't tell anypony?” Anon asks.
  5688. >”Yep. My lips are sealed!”
  5689. >Anon pats his head.
  5690. >”Wonderful. Any other questions?”
  5691. >”Actually yes.”
  5692. >”Spit it out, bro.”
  5693. >”Since I don't have to keep it a secret that you called Twilight's head cute any longer, does that mean you don't owe me ice cream any more too?”
  5694. >Anon and you chuckle.
  5695. >Oh kids will always be kids, no matter what happens.
  5696. >”Don't worry. You still will get your ice cream. In fact Twilight and I are giving you some money after dinner, so you can go buy some.”
  5697. >”Really?!”
  5698. >”Yep!”
  5699. “You can get as much as you want!” you chime in, clapping your hooves together.
  5700. >”Woohoo! Today is the best day ever!”
  5701. >”Sure is, Spike. Sure is”
  5702. >For some reason you can feel the same sudden sensation of content, happiness and satisfaction coming as when Anon cums inside you.
  5703. >Strange... You make a mental note about this. There has to be a reason for that.
  5704. >But that's a thing for later. What now matters is how happy you are with...
  5705. >Dare you say it?
  5706. >Yes.
  5707. >What now matters is how happy you are with your small family.
  5708. >Yeah... That sounds right.
  5710. >Your small family...
  5711. >You sigh.
  5712. >That is such a nice thought, and one you desired for quite some time.
  5713. >Maybe this time it will work? At least for now it looks like it, but how can you tell after just two days?
  5714. >Resting your head on your hoof, you watch Anon and Spike chatting while you delve into your mind.
  5715. >They are arguing about which kind of ice cream is the best.
  5716. >This brings a smile to your face.
  5717. >Hopefully everything will work out for a change... Usually some really bad things happen, when you are that happy.
  5718. >Mmhhhh...
  5719. >You never really noticed that, but seeing Anon caring for Spike really triggers something inside you.
  5720. >Technically you could say that the little dragon is your son... A weird, but somewhat cute notion.
  5721. >You did your best to raise him as good as you could, but you were so inexperienced...
  5722. >Of course your mother helped you from time to time, but Princess Celestia forbid you from getting too much assistance.
  5723. >Why? You don't know. Maybe it's part of some greater scheme of hers.
  5724. >You wonder what she has planned for your future... There has to be a reason, why she chose you as her protégée.
  5725. >Maybe she wants you to be a princess too?
  5726. >You giggle.
  5727. >Nah. That would be ridiculous. There are already three princesses. Why would Equestria need any more?
  5728. >Princess of books, or what?
  5729. >Hehe, no. And to be honest, if your current relationship with Anon becomes apparent as a long lasting one, you wouldn't want that.
  5730. >Being a princess means immortality. And immortality means that you would have to see all your friends and Anon die some day.
  5731. >Even Spike...
  5732. >You couldn't keep living like that, no doubt.
  5733. >How Princess Celestia and Princess Luna cope with this issue, is a mystery to you.
  5734. >Making new friends every generation, just to see them perish again... No.
  5735. >Princess Cadence on the other hoof... She is so young compared to the other princesses.
  5736. >Merely 450 years old. Plus or minus a few years.
  5737. >But she found a way to ignore this problem. She never made any deeper connections with other ponies and just concentrated on her duties as a princess.
  5738. >Spreading love and helping it bloom in the hearts of others, without ever finding it herself.
  5739. >...
  5740. >Misery, pure misery in your opinion.
  5741. >She basically had no friends other than the other Princesses... And you can understand why. They won't just die and leave her alone for all eternity.
  5742. >You once heard a rumour, that Cadence, after her parents died, had a similar incident like Luna.
  5743. >Allegedly she went crazy and used her magic to swell the love in the hearts of her subjects to unnatural proportions, until they couldn't feel anything but that.
  5744. >Forcing them to basically worship her like a goddess and do her every bidding.
  5745. >Creepy... but you get why she chose to never get too close to anypony else again.
  5746. >You don't know what happened after that or how the conflict was solved. Nothing about this is written down or documented.
  5747. >But it seems that Princess Celestia helped her change her ways and see the world in a different light. She even convinced her to go to High School and what not, to adapt to the modern equestrian society and give her life another purpose than just being the princess of love.
  5748. >If you are not mistaken she always went to the same schools as your brother. Except for the military ones of course.
  5749. >Not to speak that she was your babysitter when you were a foal.
  5750. >Heh. Yeah... Those were nicer, more unproblematic times. But you digress.
  5751. >Digressing from your own train of thought? Strange, but it happens.
  5752. >Anyhow... where were you going with that?
  5753. >Ah yes... Spike and Anon.
  5754. >They are still in a heated argument about ice cream and toppings... How cute.
  5755. >Ever since Anon arrived here in Ponyville, Spike clung on him like a leech.
  5756. >And the human accepted him with open arms, which you were and are incredibly grateful for.
  5757. >Over the time Anon became less of a friend and more of a big brother to him.
  5758. >Which he desperately needed. There aren't too many colts here in Ponyville and the few who are, are either too old or not interested in becoming friends with him.
  5759. >So he had your friends, the CMC and you... Not exactly the best circle of friends for a young boy as himself.
  5760. >Hmpf... That made him indeed a bit girly. But now with Anon things are getting better. Spike is getting more interested in colt things. At least by Anon's human standards.
  5761. >Things like adventuring, fighting and similar stuff. If he keeps that up, you could see Spike serving in Equestria's military some day. Not that you would want that, but still...
  5762. >Better than being a housemaid or servant.
  5763. >And now? Who knows what the future bears.
  5764. >Perhaps if this relationship with Anon holds, Spike can see more in him too or at least get some self-confidence in him being different than the rest.
  5765. >What do you mean with “seeing more in Anon”?
  5766. >As a...
  5767. >Father?
  5768. >You sigh. That would be nice, but you are not sure if Anon or Spike would even want that.
  5769. >They seem pretty content about their current relationship.
  5770. >But Anon would make a great father... He is so loving and caring.
  5771. >And now you know what felt before. You could honestly see Anon as the father of your foals... as cheesy at this sounds.
  5772. >But...
  5773. >Your chances to ever have a foal together are slim to non existent... Magic is powerful, but not omnipotent.
  5774. >Even if Anon might be “the one”. Sad, but that's the harsh truth.
  5775. >But you are getting ahead of yourself and the whole situation in general.
  5776. >First things first. And that means finding a cure.
  5777. >And then you will see what may or may not come.
  5778. >Things are looking rosy at the moment. For once you have no worries or fears.
  5779. >You two might be “officially” together for only two days now, but it feels like so much longer.
  5780. >Mmhh... Maybe you just danced around each other for too long.
  5781. >Could be, but that doesn't matter.
  5782. >”Twi?”
  5783. >You could talk with Rarity about that. Now that she knows too, you have finally your to-go mare for talking about relationships back again.
  5784. >Maybe she has some advice on how to proceed from here. You feel like you are moving too fast. In the physical as well as in the emotional world... Whatever that could mean.
  5785. >Also you still want to ask her, if she couldn't make you some nice lingerie.
  5786. >Oh by Celestia... How nice would it be to surprise Anon in a sexy outfit. Slowly walking towards him, hips swaying and eyelashes batting...
  5787. >But what should it be?
  5788. >”Twilight!”
  5789. >Your first idea was pretty good. A corset and stockings. Stockings are a pain in the flank to put on, but look sexy as tartarus.
  5790. >Applejack, of all ponies, owns several pairs...
  5791. >Anyhow... Rarity said that you have the perfect legs for them.
  5792. >”TWI!”
  5793. >Huh?
  5794. >Suddenly something presses against your muzzle, making it scrunch in return.
  5795. >”Boop! Equestria to Twi, are you there?” Anon asks.
  5796. >Were they talking to you?
  5797. “Oh yeah. I'm here. Sorry I was lost in thought.”
  5798. >”Were they nice thoughts?”
  5799. >You smile.
  5800. “Yes they were. Very nice thoughts, indeed.”
  5801. >Anon returns the smile and Spike snickers.
  5802. >”Wonderful. Spike and I were arguing about which kind of ice cream we should get. Now we are can't decide between “Judge Fudge” and “Berries, Berries and even more Berries”. So you are the tie breaker. What do you want?”
  5803. “Why don't we take both? To celebrate today, so to speak?”
  5804. >”Now that's something I can get behind.” Spike says.
  5805. >Anon bops him.
  5806. >”You just want to stuff your belly with ice cream, you cheeky bloke.”
  5807. >You giggle.
  5808. “That is is his only life goal at the moment, it seems.”
  5809. >”That is not true!” Spike states, blushing a bit.
  5810. >”Hehe, yeah. You have found another one today, didn't you?”
  5811. >Anon shoots him a wink and Spike's blush intensifies.
  5812. >Huh? What's that about?
  5813. “What do you mean, Anon?”
  5814. >”N-No!” Spike stammers.
  5815. >”Don't worry about it, Twi. We just had some man-to-man talk today.” Anon says, chuckling.
  5816. >”Y-Yeah!”
  5817. >You giggle again.
  5818. “Okay then. I won't pry into it.”
  5819. >Anon takes a look at the clock.
  5820. >”Oh. It's already half past five.”
  5821. “Really?”
  5822. >”Yeah. We should start on dinner soon.”
  5823. “You're right. But I don't have much here... Like you, I forgot to buy groceries.”
  5824. >You hop off your chair and walk over to the ice box.
  5825. >Opening it, reveals nothing too exciting.
  5826. “Hmm...”
  5827. >Just a few carrots, a lonely tomato, half a zucchini and something that probably was a mushroom a long time ago.
  5828. >Yeah, the bachelorette life was not kind to you...
  5829. >Spike is okay with just eating gems, which you have in abundance.
  5830. >But you. You need real food.
  5831. “Doesn't look good. I' afraid we have to get something elsewhere again.”
  5832. >”I'm okay with that. What do you have in mind?”
  5833. >You ponder for a bit.
  5834. “How about hayburgers like yesterday?”
  5835. >”You guys had hayburgers?!” Spike chimes in.
  5836. >Anon nods.
  5837. >”Yep. My attempt at making an omelette ended in fire and flames, so I got us a few burgers.”
  5838. >Spike crosses his arms and pouts.
  5839. >”Meh. That's not fair! I had to play butler for the crusaders...”
  5840. >Anon chuckles and pats his head.
  5841. >”Hehe, yeah. Life isn't always fair. But it's not like it wasn't good for something, if you catch my drift.”
  5842. >The little dragon blushes.
  5843. >”You're right...”
  5844. >They bump their fists together.
  5845. >Now you really want to know what they talked about...
  5846. >Judging from his reaction, it must be something really important to him.
  5847. >Maybe about Rarity?
  5848. >Could be.
  5849. >That's pretty much the only important thing to him, besides stuffing his belly with ice cream.
  5850. >Perhaps you should just ask Anon, some time later.
  5851. >”So hayburgers it is then?”
  5852. “I'm fine with that... but I will get a salad with fried hay-nuggets from them. I can't eat the same thing twice in a row.”
  5853. >Also you should keep an eye on your weight, if you want to keep your perfect “stocking-legs”.
  5854. >”Okay then. I think, I will take something different too. How about you Spike?”
  5855. >The small dragon scratches his chin.
  5856. >Another thing he cribbed from Anon.
  5857. >”I don't know...”
  5858. >You sigh.
  5859. >That's right... He can't decide on something unless he has their menu table in front of his eyes.
  5860. >But that gave you an idea...
  5861. >An idea how you can get even more time to have fun with Anon...
  5862. “Say Spike...”
  5863. >He looks at you.
  5864. >”Yeah?”
  5865. “How about I give you some money for the food and ice cream and you go buy our food?”
  5866. >Anon's eyebrow rises. Looks like understands what you are planning.
  5867. >You shoot him a wink.
  5868. >”The ice cream too?”
  5869. “Yes. Why not?”
  5870. >”But McHay and Sucarcube Corner are so far away! I don't wanna walk so long... alone. Couldn't we go together?”
  5871. >Eh... he still isn't in this age where he wants to do everything alone, it seems.
  5872. >Also they are really far away from each other. Spike would be away for good forty minutes.
  5873. “O-Of course. What were I thinking...”
  5874. >Your boyfriend chuckles and shakes his head.
  5875. >”Why don't we go to SCC and get the ice cream, Twi. While Spike here goes to the restaurant and gets our food? So everything will be done in no time.”
  5876. >That's actually a good idea, since it would leave you with at least some time to indulge in frivolities.
  5877. >You smile and nod.
  5878. “What do you think, Spike? Is this okay with you?”
  5879. >He gives you a thumb up.
  5880. >”Yeah!”
  5881. “Wonderful. Then it's settled. Let me get some money for you.”
  5882. >Materializing your bottomless bag, you take a look into it.
  5883. “Uhh...”
  5884. >Right... You bought some terribly expensive books today.
  5885. >Anon sees your distress and laughs silently, before reaching into his jacket.
  5886. >”Here you go, Spike. That's about 25 bits. Should be enough for Twi's salad and whatever you want.”
  5887. >Spike takes it.
  5888. >”And what do you eat, Anon?”
  5889. >”Eh... Good question. Hmm... I think, I will get some hayfries, a fried veggie sandwich and a small milkshake. Chocolate.”
  5890. “Uh! Uh! Uh! A milkshake for me too please!”
  5891. >That would be perfect accompaniment for your salad. Not many ponies would agree, but you are not many ponies.
  5892. >”Okay... I hope I can remember everything.”
  5893. >”You sure will. It's only three things, basically.”
  5894. >Anon gets up and stretches his arms.
  5895. >”So shall we go then? Or the strange blue pony will be there again. I have the feeling that she eats there everyday.”
  5896. >You giggle.
  5897. “Yeah. Lets go. And don't forget your bag Spike! The last time you tried to carry so much home, ended in you feeding every bird between the restaurant and our home.”
  5898. >Spike rolls his eyes.
  5899. >”That happened ONE time! And I still don't hear the end of it!”
  5900. “Aww... Don't be like that. You are cute when you're grumpy.”
  5901. >”He sure is!” Anon says, bopping him on the shoulder.
  5902. >”Hey! I'm not cute... I'm a boy!”
  5903. >”Whatever you say, mate. But I know at least two other ponies who would disagree.”
  5904. >He shoots him a cocky grin, which makes Spike blush again.
  5905. >Intriguing... Intriguing...
  5906. >”Y-Yeah... Now we should really go. Before it's getting dark...” Spike stammers.
  5907. >He gets off his chair and exits the kitchen to get his bag. Grumbling something into his non-existent beard.
  5908. >Anon just laughs.
  5909. “What was that about?”
  5910. >He leans in closer to you ear.
  5911. >”I will tell you later, if you promise not to lose a single word about it.”
  5912. >You nod and kiss him on the cheek.
  5913. “I won't.”
  5914. >Smiling, he lifts your chin up and plants a kiss on your lips.
  5915. >Just a short one, but long enough to send a shiver down your spine.
  5916. >You will never get enough of those~
  5917. >”So can we go now, I- … Get a room, you two!”
  5918. >Anon releases your lips from his and turns to Spike.
  5919. >”Later. And yes, we can. Come, Twi.”
  5920. “Uh... Y-Yeah! Lets go!”
  5922. “I will just get my enchanted saddlebags, so the ice won't melt.”
  5923. >”Do that. We will wait outside, okay?” Anon says.
  5924. >You nod and nuzzle Anon's leg as you pass him. Making Spike a bit uncomfortable, judging by the look on his face.
  5925. >Seems he isn't used to your new way of treating each other yet. But he will come around.
  5926. >They exit the library and you go upstairs to your room. Where you suspect your saddlebags to be.
  5927. >At least they should be there... somewhere... in this mess.
  5928. >That Anon wasn't bothered by it, is a mystery to you. His home is always tidy and neat.
  5929. >But maybe he just didn't notice it... you both were pretty distracted at the time.
  5930. >So where to start?
  5931. >The closet? Perhaps your best bet. Everything that doesn't have a dedicated place, ends up here.
  5932. >You open it and an avalanche of dresses, unsorted books and many different kinds of mementos roll over you.
  5933. “Umpf...”
  5934. >Yeah... When you have time, you should clean up there.
  5935. >Now you just have enough spare time to roughly sort it into a few piles.
  5936. >Clothes here... books there and... things on this pile.
  5937. >Quickly, most of the stuff is separated and ready to be assorted further some time later.
  5938. >But where are they...
  5939. >!
  5940. >There they are. Buried under some clothes and dresses. Your enchanted saddlebags
  5941. >Ah the memories...
  5942. >It was literally the first enchantment you ever did by yourself after finishing Canterlot High School.
  5943. >You were so nervous that you would screw up, but it ended up nicely. No explosions or accidentally summons of rampant elementals.
  5944. >Like in your classes...
  5945. >Poor Mister Bright Horn... he never was himself again after this earth elemental destroyed his biography...
  5946. >Anyhow, the enchantment itself lets the container it enchants keep the temperature of the first thing you put into it for a reasonable long time.
  5947. >Making it essentially impossible for food to go cold or warm, depending on the food in question, for at least four hours.
  5948. >Magically cooled or heated items even longer.
  5949. >And the best thing is, that it sustains itself by ambient magical energy.
  5950. >But that's not the point. You quickly put them on and close the closet.
  5951. >Your two boys are waiting. Better get going before they get antsy.
  5952. >Just as you were to exit your room, something catches your attention.
  5953. >Is that?
  5954. >It is...
  5955. >Your old college uniform... on an even older coat hanger.
  5956. >A black blazer with a white shirt, a dark purple skirt and a pair of hind leg socks in the same colour.
  5957. >But where are the shoes that belong to it?
  5958. >You rummage through the remaining things that need to be sorted out , and indeed you find them.
  5959. >Black brogue shoes.
  5960. >Shoes aren't a common piece of equestrian clothing, but schools like to use them as part of their uniforms.
  5961. >Something they adapted from gryphonian schools.
  5962. >Does the whole ensemble still fit, you wonder?
  5963. >Anon and Spike can wait for five minutes longer. They won't starve.
  5964. >The saddlebags are discarded and piece by piece the uniform is put on.
  5965. >First the shirt and the blazer.
  5966. >The shirt is a tight fit, but you can just use a newer one you already own.
  5967. >On the other hoof, the blazer still fits like in the days you went to school.
  5968. >Which means you didn't put on too much weight since then.
  5969. >Nice~
  5970. >The skirt also poses no problem. As well as the socks and shoes.
  5971. >You take a look into the mirror.
  5972. “Uh... If I may say so myself, I look bucking cute. Some mane styling and everypony would mistake me for a school filly!”
  5973. >School filly...
  5974. >Don't stallions like school fillies?
  5975. >And you don't mean it in the “bad way”, but in the good, fetishy way.
  5976. >You turn around and check out your flank.
  5977. >It does look pretty sexy... Especially since the skirt is now a bit too short for you.
  5978. >Revealing parts of your rump... Yeah~
  5979. >Now if only the socks would be a snippet longer. Up to your thighs or something.
  5980. >Then it would be sexy overkill.
  5981. >Yeah... Anon could like that.
  5982. >Some roleplaying to go with the uniform and the next long, kinky session is a done deal!
  5983. >You can already see it before your inner eye.
  5984. >Anon as the strict teacher and you as the tardy student...
  5985. >Who is in risk to fail her exam because of her tardiness and would do anything to safe her from this fate.
  5986. >And you mean everything~
  5987. “Oh please no, Mister Anon! Don't spank me again with your long and hard ruler~” you say, giggling.
  5988. >You give your ass a little shake.
  5989. “I promise to better myself~”
  5990. >A shudder runs down your spine. That would be so hot~
  5991. >Sadly not today though... Today has to be a quick one.
  5992. >But what could you do to still make it interesting, you wonder, while doffing the uniform and putting it neatly folded onto your bed.
  5993. >Hmm... You heard once, from Rarity of course, of a very special technique that is popular in the southern parts of Equestria...
  5994. >Your eyes wander down your chest and belly, to your teats. But you sigh as your hopes are dashed.
  5995. >They are too small for that.
  5996. >You wouldn't want gigantic blobs like this Milky Way mare, but a little bit bigger would be nice.
  5997. >Just big enough to pleasure him with them, like the mares there do to their stallions.
  5998. >Maybe there is a spell to make them temporary bigger. You own a few “sexy” spell books.
  5999. >His seed would be wasted on your stomach though... but nothing is stopping you from lapping it up there.
  6000. >While directly looking into his eyes... Uhuhuhuhu...
  6001. >You quickly banish those thoughts from your mind, before you start dripping like a broken fountain.
  6002. >Anyways... you wasted enough time.
  6003. >You put your saddlebags back on, trot down the stairs and exit your home.
  6005. >Anon and Spike sit on the ground, waiting and playing this weird “Rock, Paper, Scissors” game that you always lose.
  6006. >Hooves are only able to do the stone gesture...
  6007. >They notice you and get up.
  6008. >”There you are. You took your sweet time.” Spike says.
  6009. >”Yeah... Why are you sweating? You look flushed.”
  6010. >You do?
  6011. “Ehrm... I had to rummage through my closet to find them... Sorry guys.”
  6012. >Anon pats your head.
  6013. >”No problem. Are those the enchanted saddlebags? They look cute on you.”
  6014. >Your blush intensifies.
  6015. “T-Thanks.”
  6016. >He always knows how to flatter you.
  6017. >You nuzzle his hand and beckon him to kneel down.
  6018. “I found something nice. Just you wait~” you whisper into his ear.
  6019. >”Oh you did?” he whispers back.
  6020. “Yeah~”
  6021. >”Now I can't wait.”
  6022. >With a quick peck on your forehead, he stands up again.
  6023. >”Why are you whispering? I want to know too!”
  6024. >Anon chuckles and shoves him playfully.
  6025. >”Nothing of your concern.”
  6026. >”Aww... That's not fair!”
  6027. >”I know, I know. But we really should get going now. It's getting dark already.”
  6028. >He is right. The sun starts to settle.
  6029. “Yep. Spike you know where the restaurant is?”
  6030. >The little dragon nods and points in the completely wrong direction.
  6031. >You sigh and use your magic to guide his finger to the right way.
  6032. >”Oh yeah... Hehehe.”
  6033. “It just straight ahead. You can't miss it... And please no detours. Just buy our food and head straight home afterwards. Okay?”
  6034. >”Yeppers!” he says, saluting.
  6035. >Good dragon.
  6036. >”Wonderful. We will get the ice cream in the meantime. Take care, Spike.”
  6037. >”I will. You guys take care too.”
  6038. >You giggle.
  6039. “With Anon here on my side, I'm sure that I will be perfectly fine.”
  6040. >”Human strong!” Anon says, while drumming on his chest.
  6041. “Oh you~ And Spike?”
  6042. >”Yeah?”
  6043. “If somepony starts to bother you, you know what to say?”
  6044. >He rolls his eyes.
  6045. >”That my fire breath is hot enough to melt rocks and that they should think twice before kidnapping me.”
  6046. >That's not exactly what you told him, but it will do.
  6047. “Good. See you later, Spike.”
  6048. >”Yeah, see you guys later too.”
  6049. >And with that said, he is on his merry way.
  6050. >Anon and you look after him for a bit, before you start walking too.
  6051. >First in silence, just admiring the landscape in the dimmed, orange light that the settling light gives it.
  6052. >So beautiful... Not for all the money in equestria would you ever move away from here again.
  6053. >Especially since nopony is on the streets.
  6054. >”So what did you find then?”
  6055. >Oh he wants to know~ Though luck, because he won't.
  6056. “That's a secret, lover boy~ But you will like it. That's for sure.”
  6057. >He whistles.
  6058. >”Uhh... now I really can't wait.”
  6059. >You bump into him with your rump.
  6060. >It's nice to show affections beyond the safe borders of your homes.
  6061. “Didn't you want to tell me, what you and Spike talked about?”
  6062. >Anon nods.
  6063. >”Yep. But you must promise me to-”
  6064. “To never lose a word about it, I know. Look! I will even Pinkie promise!”
  6065. >You stop in your tracks and recite the sacred words.
  6066. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
  6067. >Anon snickers and gives you a thumb up.
  6068. >”Perfect. Now I can tell you. Basically it's about Rarity.”
  6069. >Interesting. You suspected something like this.
  6070. “Rarity? Please don't tell me you gave him dating advice. Because that’s a hopeless endeavour.”
  6071. >He shakes his head.
  6072. >”Of course not. Actually I dissuaded him from going after her.”
  6073. “Really?!”
  6074. >That are wonderful news!
  6075. >You tried the same thing multiple times, and he just blocked off or ignored you.
  6076. >”Mhm. I just gave him the facts straight.”
  6077. “What did you tell him?”
  6078. >”Just that she is simply too old for him, and that she won't return his feelings. Ever.”
  6079. >Ohh... That must have hit him pretty hard.
  6080. “How did he take it?”
  6081. >Anon makes some gestures, of which you can't remember the meaning right now.
  6082. >”At first Spike was devastated, but he understood why it would never work.”
  6083. “Aww...”
  6084. >”Don't worry. After some brotherly hugs he already felt better.”
  6085. “Thanks, Anon. You're the best.”
  6086. >For the Celestia-knows how many time, you ask yourself how you deserve such a loving and perfect stallion... Err, man.
  6087. >He chuckles.
  6088. >”Hold your horses, Twi. That's not all.”
  6089. >Huh?
  6090. “It isn't?”
  6091. >”We also talked about some alternatives to Rarity~”
  6092. >Alternatives...
  6093. “What do you mean? You didn't send him after one of my other friends, didn't you?”
  6094. >”Nope. Take a guess.”
  6095. >Hmm... Who could it be?
  6097. >If it isn't one of your friends, it really only could be a member of the Crusaders...
  6098. >Anon wouldn't convince to him to stop going after Rarity, just to point him into the direction of another mare who is way too old for him.
  6099. >But let's humour him for a moment.
  6100. “Is it Lyra Heartstrings?”
  6101. >”That green mare who plays lyre in the park?”
  6102. “Yes.”
  6103. >”No. She is nice, though. Easily excitable, but a friendly pony. Last month, she asked me if I have music sheets from earth.”
  6104. ”She did?”
  6105. >”Uhu... She first asked thousands of questions about earthen musicians, musical genres and what not. And after I told her everything I knew, she wanted to know If I have any sheets to practice. So she could be the first pony to play alien music.”
  6106. >He chuckles.
  6107. “And did you have any?”
  6108. >”Sadly no.”
  6109. “That's a pity... I really would have liked to hear her playing music from your home. She is a talented musician, even if she is a bit under appreciated here.”
  6110. >”Yeah... she should play in Canterlot or something. Everywhere else, other than in our tiny park... For a few bits.”
  6111. “She earns most her money at festivals like the Summer Sun Celebration, though. I don't think she has to hunger.”
  6112. >”Still...”
  6113. “I know what you mean. So she had to go empty-hoofed?”
  6114. “No, I gave Lyra my MP3-player to take with her. Maybe she can work something out from that. ”
  6115. >MP3-player? Ah, yes. That is this small box that plays music.
  6116. >You once tried to reverse engineer it, because the idea of a portable music player fascinated you.
  6117. >Also you thought you could get real rich, real quick.
  6118. >But you didn't come too far, since many parts of it's inside works were controlled by... what did Anon call them? Computers? Micro Chips? One of those things.
  6119. >Equestria just isn't at the same technological level as earth, it seems.
  6120. “That's nice of you.”
  6121. >He ruffles your mane.
  6122. >”I'm just a nice person. You have two more guesses, by the way.”
  6123. “Aww! I only get three guesses?”
  6124. >”Hehe, yep. That's how it goes.”
  6125. “Okay. Hmmm.... Is it Berry Punch?”
  6126. >Anon laughs.
  6127. >”Really? The vintner?”
  6128. “Why not? She is a friendly, outgoing pony. Also she is single~”
  6129. >”Nah. I don't think she would be a suitable fillyfriend for Spike. Maybe when he is older and allowed to drink alcohol.”
  6130. “But he could get us free wine~”
  6131. >”Yeah, didn't think of that... Free wine does indeed sound nice. One more, Twi. Make it count.”
  6132. >Okay, enough fooling around.
  6133. “It's one of the Crusaders, isn't it?”
  6134. >”Exactly. You just fucked with me, didn't you?”
  6135. >You brush his lower back with your tail, making him shudder.
  6136. “Not yet, stud~ But yes. I played with you.”
  6137. >Anon strokes from your cheek to the tip of your ear. Uhh, nice~
  6138. >”You sly little thing, you.”
  6139. “You wouldn't want me any other way!” you say, sticking your tongue out.
  6140. >”That is true. Never change, Twi.
  6141. >He beams you a smile.
  6142. >And you return it.
  6143. “Don't worry, I won't. So who is it? Scootaloo?”
  6144. >”Oh no. Scootaloo is like a little sister to me.”
  6145. “And Spike isn't good enough for her or what?”
  6146. >Your tone got a little bit angrier than you intended... But when it's about Spike, you get agitated fast.
  6147. >”I didn't mean it that way. And you know that.”
  6148. >Maybe a bit too angry.
  6149. “I'm sorry.”
  6150. >You nuzzle his leg and he scratches your mane.
  6151. >”It's okay. Well you see... With Spike being my little brother and her my little sister... it would be just weird. Also Scootaloo only sees him as a friend. I'm pretty sure of that.”
  6152. “And what makes you think so? Maybe she has a crush on him.”
  6153. >Anon shrugs.
  6154. >”Scoots already told me who she has a crush on, and it isn't Spike.”
  6155. >Her first crush, how cute.
  6156. >A filly never forgets her first crush.
  6157. >Yours was a pegasus colt in grade school. You think his name was Cloud Piercer...
  6158. >Or was it Cloud Dancer?
  6159. >Meh... that doesn't matter. You never asked him out anyway.
  6160. “And who is the lucky colt?”
  6161. >”Sorry, Twi. I promised not to tell.”
  6162. >His hand locks an invisible lock before his mouth and throws the key away.
  6163. “No problem. You are a good big brother. Both are incredibly lucky to have you.”
  6164. >”Thanks. I'm trying my best.” he says, smiling at you.
  6165. >And maybe an even better father...
  6166. >Well, well, well...
  6167. >Anyways.
  6168. “Who is it then? Applebloom or Sweetie Belle?”
  6169. >”It's Sweetie.”
  6170. >What?
  6171. “But she just exploits him all the time! Are you sure?”
  6172. >”She doesn't exploit him, Twi. Judging from the things Spike told me, she has a huge crush on him.”
  6173. “Really?”
  6174. >”Yeah. She just wants to spend as much time with him as she can. Sweetie even made her friends play along. For example, whenever they have to split into groups for crusading or something else, Applebloom and Scoots always team up instantly. So Sweetie and Spike can have some alone time.”
  6175. >Oh wow... You didn't know that. Spike just told you, how tiring and needy she sometimes is.
  6176. >”And once, she even bought cake for a “date” in the park.”
  6177. “Okay... He never told me this.”
  6178. >Anon chuckles.
  6179. “Hehe. That's because he couldn't see the meaning behind her actions. I had to help him open his eyes.”
  6180. >Yeah, that sounds like Spike. Oblivious little dragon.
  6181. >”Also...”
  6182. “Yes?”
  6183. >”You are basically his mother. No boy of his age likes to talk about those things with his mom. Even if he knew what was going on.”
  6184. >He is right. You too rather talked with Shining about your problems than your parents.
  6185. >And you are pretty close with them.
  6186. >You snicker and then sigh.
  6187. “Ah... that's nice for him. I'm just glad that he isn't running after Rarity any more.”
  6188. >”Me too. We both know it would just have ended very badly.”
  6189. “Indeed... So Sweetie likes him. Does he like her too?”
  6190. >”Hmm.. he isn't exactly sure of this yet. But he certainly enjoyed the time he spent with her, and will give her a chance.”
  6191. “Maybe they will be just like us~” you say, giggling.
  6192. >Anon shoots you a confused look.
  6193. >”What do you mean?”
  6194. “Aww come on now. You're a human, I'm a pony. He is a dragon, she is a pony. Don't you see it?”
  6195. >His face lights up.
  6196. >”Yeah! You mean an interspecies couple.”
  6197. “Exactly~ Ponyville's second to be precise. Wouldn't that be nice?”
  6198. >”It would. Our relationship isn't official yet, though...”
  6199. “Doesn't change the fact that we enjoy being together.”
  6200. >”That's right. Even if it took a while to get to this point.”
  6201. “Yeah... Looking back at it, it's pretty silly. It needed a stupid addiction to bring us together... Hmm...”
  6202. >”Something on your mind, Twi?”
  6203. >Actually, yes.
  6204. “Can I ask you something, Anon?”
  6205. >”You just did, but go ahead.”
  6206. “Oh you~ So...”
  6207. >”So?”
  6208. “Did you like me before... well, this incident?”
  6210. >He looks at you for a short moment, but soon averts his eyes from you again.
  6211. >”To be honest... I don't know.”
  6212. >Anon sighs.
  6213. >”I mean I always liked you, but in a romantic way? Maybe not as long as you, or I might wish... Sorry to disappoint you.”
  6214. >You rub your face against his hand.
  6215. ”I'm not mad or disappointed, don't worry.”
  6216. >Smiling at you, he scratches behind your ear and you lean into his caressing.
  6217. >”Thanks. So did you?”
  6218. >Blushing, you direct your gaze onto the ground.
  6219. “Y-Yes.”
  6220. >Now he blushes too.
  6221. >”Really? Since when?”
  6222. >Good question... You can't really spot a particular point in time where it began.
  6223. >Just when you began questioning your friendship to him.
  6224. “Remember last year? Our first movie night?”
  6225. >He nods.
  6226. >”Yes... We watched Reservoir Dogs, if I'm not mistaken. Also it was a terribly cold night.”
  6227. “Exactly... Before that I already had thoughts about you. Nothing special, just you popping into my mind from time to time.”
  6228. >”O-Okay.”
  6229. “And when you asked me the day before, I felt incredible happy and giddy for some reason. At first I thought it was because of the movie but that soon proved itself wrong...”
  6230. >You take a deep breath.
  6231. “When I arrived at your house and wanted to knock, my hoof stopped an inch before the wood... I started to wonder if I looked good enough and if I shouldn't have put on a nice dress or at least a bow or something...”
  6232. >”You would look cute with a bow. Now that I think of it, I have never seen you wearing one.”
  6233. >Your blush intensifies.
  6234. “Oh you~ Stop it~ But if you want, I can wear one some day.”
  6235. >”I would like that very much. But I interrupted you, go on”
  6236. “No problem. So yeah, there I stood, pondering if I shouldn't go back and pretty myself up and I nearly were about to turn when you opened your door.”
  6237. >The image of him standing in his door frame is still etched into your mind. You don't know why. Maybe it was the light of the setting sun that shone on him, maybe it was the whole situation.
  6238. “You greeted me like you always did... With a hug. My heart began to beat like crazy and then I realized why I some times have to think about you...”
  6239. >Anon is listening intently.
  6240. “I realized that I loved you... or at least liked you more than somepony should like a friend...”
  6241. >”Oh wow...”
  6242. “Hehe... yah. And the fact that it was so awfully cold that night and we had to cuddle up under a blanket didn't help.”
  6243. >He chuckles.
  6244. >”Now I understand why were so contact shy that evening. I thought I stank or was in some other way unpleasant.”
  6245. ”Oh no. To be honest, I love your scent. Particularly if you have sweated a bit. It emphasizes your masculinity and the pheromones in it drive me wild... To make a long story short, you just smell like the perfect mate to me.”
  6246. >”I do?”
  6247. “Mhm. My friends say, you smell like nothing special. But for me... yeah. It's strange , isn't it?”
  6248. >Anon shrugs.
  6249. >”Sorry, Twi. I can't really relate to that. Humans don't have the same perceive of smell like you ponies do. I can just say that you smell really nice.”
  6250. >You giggle.
  6251. “Thanks~ Sadly you can't smell my pheromones. If you could, you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off of me~”
  6252. >“But I already can't do that now, cutie~”
  6253. >A stray finger travels down your spine to your tail. Sending a pleasant shudder through your body.
  6254. “Stop it~”
  6255. >”Make me.” he says, shooting you a brash grin.
  6256. “I could... But it would involve kissing you into submission.”
  6257. >”You make it sound like I wouldn't want that.”
  6258. “You probably would~ And me too~” you say giggling seductively.
  6259. >Or as seductive as giggling can be.
  6260. >”We should probably stop before I pull you into a dark alley...”
  6261. >Oh my~
  6262. “Why not~? The streets are empty, sugar.”
  6263. >Loosening his collar, he looks around him... Is he seriously cons-
  6264. >Suddenly he picks you up and runs into a nearby side street.
  6265. “Anon!”
  6266. >Instead of answering you, he plants a rough kiss on your lips.
  6267. >So wild and feral...
  6268. >You close your eyes and let it happen. Your hooves embracing his neck pulling him closer to you.
  6269. >Hopefully he doesn't run into something...
  6271. >Soon, Anon and you are far into the alley.
  6272. >Breaking the kiss you gaze into his eyes.
  6273. >They shine and twinkle like a ferocious fire burns in them...
  6274. “Anon... you wild thing. What were you thinking?”
  6275. >He grins.
  6276. >”Just what you were suggesting, Twi.”
  6277. >His hand reposition themselves to your hips, groping your flanks..
  6278. >You are now face to face with him. Your already wet marehood in front of his crotch and your front hooves on his shoulders...
  6279. >That dirty talk beforehand really got you going...
  6280. “And you thought I was serious?” you whisper.
  6281. >”Yeah. But if you want to stop we can always turn back.”
  6282. “No. Take me now or lose me forever, stud...”
  6283. >”I love it when you call me that.”
  6284. >You move your muzzle to his hear. Breathing into it.
  6285. “Oh, you do? Because it's true. You put every stallion in Equestria to shame.”
  6286. >”And you every girl on earth.”
  6287. >By Celestia you are so ready.
  6288. “I want you.”
  6289. >”Then let's waste no time.”
  6290. >He unzips his pants and fiddles with his underwear.
  6291. >Your eyes wander down... you want to see it going in.
  6292. >Finally he has his hard cock in his hand and rubs it against your lips.
  6293. “Yah... “
  6294. >”You have to be quiet, Twi. Or...”
  6295. “I know... Just put it in. I can't wait any longer.”
  6296. >”Me neither.”
  6297. >His glans prods your entrance and he grabs your rump again..
  6298. >You can't really do much in this position. Even your hips are barely able of any movement.
  6299. “I love you.”
  6300. >”I love you too.”
  6301. >And with that said, he thrust forward. His whole length hilting almost instantly inside you.
  6302. >Your mouth opens for a scream of pleasure, but he seals it quickly with his own.
  6303. >Good reaction...
  6304. “Mmhmm...”
  6305. >Slow at first he begins to penetrate you. His dick parting your inner walls with every advance.
  6306. >His tongue pries your lips open... So forward~ Normally that's your job.
  6307. >You happily let it do that, meeting it with yours once it's inside.
  6308. >Teasing it with quick brushes and strokes before allowing it to engage the passionate dance they desire.
  6309. >No spot they leave unexplored or untouched.
  6310. >One of his forearm slides under your flanks, carrying now your entire weight and freeing his other arm.
  6311. >Which wanders up your barrel to your neck, fondling and tugging at your fur while it does this. Before gently letting it's nails sink into the skin there.
  6312. >You moan into his mouth.
  6313. >There it is again~
  6314. >”Run! Run! Run!” your brain screams.
  6315. >But it can buck itself...
  6316. >He breaks the seal of your lips and looks at you.
  6317. >”Be quiet, my Love.”
  6318. >You nod to show that you understood.
  6319. >My Love... Hearing that made your heart flutter.
  6320. >Anon increases his pace.
  6321. >Each thrust eliciting a quiet moan of you and sending you nearer to the edge.
  6322. “Hnngaah... Anon...”
  6323. >This is so... lewd. Doing it here in public.
  6324. >Any moment now, somepony could walk in to throw away their tra-
  6325. “Yaah!”
  6326. >A particular hard impact against your sensible marehood interrupted your train of thoughts.
  6327. >Hilting is the best thing ever...
  6328. >You both start to breath faster and shallower.
  6329. >...To throw away his trash or something and catch you in the act.
  6330. >And the fear of being caught makes it so incredible hot.
  6331. “F-Faster...”
  6332. >And he complies.
  6333. >Switching from controlled and heavier to faster and and stronger thrusts.
  6334. >Slamming his pelvic bone hard against your lips and clit, every time he fully enters you.
  6335. >Your nectar runs drips freely out of your marehood, hitting the ground beneath with a soft splashing noise
  6336. >So naughty... Hopefully somepony will find the mess you created and wonder what happened here
  6337. >Yeah~ That thought alone makes you wink faster.
  6338. >Letting it push out even more fluids.
  6339. >Anon is sweating like crazy....
  6340. >You should do something too.
  6341. >So you begin rhythmically massage his cock in unison with it's movements.
  6342. >Clenching down on it once it's hilted and pulling it back when it tries to exit you.
  6343. >Creating a suction effect.
  6344. >”Hnng.. Twi.”
  6345. “Quiet, lover boy.”
  6346. >He smiles at you.
  6347. >Anon now has to put in real effort, if he wants to pull back out.
  6348. >Rubbing his length against all the right spots while he does it.
  6349. >You close your eyes and enjoy the sensations.
  6350. “Yah... Mmmhhh.... So good.” you whisper.
  6351. >This is heaven...
  6352. >His hand claws down your neck. Running over the small bite wound he gave you before.
  6353. >It hurts a bit, but also increases the feeling of vulnerability.
  6354. “Nnnaah... My cut... Againnghh... Again..”
  6355. >It's fingers dance around the incision. Probing and carefully boring into it.
  6356. >Reflexive your marehood clamps down even harder on his cock. Locking it in place.
  6357. >Anon barely manages to suppress what could have been a rather loud moan.
  6358. >That's the stuff~
  6359. >Grunting he manages to pull it out again.
  6360. >Only to impale you once more.
  6361. “Hnngaa!”
  6362. >”Twi, I'm close.”
  6363. >Wonderful.
  6364. “Me too... Do it inside. Fill me up with your hot cum. I want aachh... every drop of it.”
  6365. >”Your wish is my command.”
  6366. >One last time he increases the velocity of his thrusts.
  6367. >Sliding in and out of you in an insane speed and breathing heavily as he works against the efforts of your marehood to keep him inside.
  6368. “Hah! Hah! Hah!”
  6369. >You put one hoof into your mouth... Better safe than sorry.
  6370. >So close... You are so close.
  6371. >The outlines of his face begin to blur and your breathing gets irregular.
  6372. “Mmmmhh!”
  6373. >The desire to have his seed inside your womb is staggeringly high. But not because of the addiction.
  6374. >Oh no... That is sated from before.
  6375. >But because of you wanting him to be the father of your foals.
  6376. >He would be perfect...
  6377. >”Twi!”
  6378. >And with one final push it's all over.
  6379. >You feel his penis twitch and jerk inside your tightly enclosed pussy,
  6380. >Anon shudders and let's loose.
  6381. >Spurt after spurt if his semen splatters against your cervix. Ultimately pushing you over to edge.
  6382. >Your head jolts back and you bite into your hoof,
  6383. >Trying your hardest not to scream in ecstasy.
  6384. >The orgasm is mind shattering. You can only see blue and pink blurry stars dancing before your eyes.
  6385. >Your whole body trembles and rocks in Anon's strong arms as your marehood gushes out torrents of your own cum.
  6386. >It splashes into the small puddle beneath your hips.
  6387. >And it doesn't stop~ Anon is still cumming inside you. Painting your insides white with his seed.
  6388. >Looks like your spell still has enough sustenance.
  6389. >It forces itself out of you, joining the gathering of your and Anon's fluids.
  6390. “Hnngggg...!”
  6391. >”Hach...!”
  6392. >But even the most beautiful things must end, and so does this orgasm
  6393. >Finally Anon has stopped ejaculating and you can feel his member shrinking inside you.
  6394. >Slowly he pulls out, exiting your marehood with a silent plop.
  6395. >A bit of his cum leaking out of you, but you quickly seal it up.
  6396. >So full~
  6397. >You regain your senses and manage to look into your boyfriends eyes.
  6398. >He is panting hard, but smiling contently.
  6399. “That was wonderful...”
  6400. >”Yeah.”
  6401. >You plant a quick peck on his lips.
  6402. “I love you, stud.”
  6403. >”Love you too, my Love.”
  6405. “Could you set me down please? My back kinda hurts.”
  6406. >”Of course. Sorry.”
  6407. >You giggle and wave him off.
  6408. “Don't worry. It was worth a mild back strain.”
  6409. >”Hehe okay. Here you go...”
  6410. >Anon lowers your body so you can get on your four hooves.
  6411. >Which are still a bit wobbly...
  6412. “Whoa~”
  6413. >But you manage to stand without falling over.
  6414. >”Careful, Twi.”
  6415. >A little stretching could do you some good. So you do that.
  6416. >Your rump in the air and your head to the ground. Just like Rainbow showed you.
  6417. >A few vertebrae pop.
  6418. “Nice. All better now.”
  6419. >”Perfect. Now we really have to hurry.” Anon says, while closing and zipping his pants again.
  6420. “Not my fault that you took me seriously~”
  6421. >You shoot him a wink.
  6422. >”Don't act like you didn't enjoyed this too. Come here for a bit. Lemme fix your mane. It's all messy.”
  6423. >He runs a hand through the streaks of your mane. Straightening and putting all the off standing hairs back where they belong.
  6424. >Simultaneously his fingers massage your scalp, making you coo.
  6425. “Ooohh~”
  6426. >”Stay still, Twi. Or els-”
  6427. >Suddenly the nearby trash cans rattle audibly.
  6428. >A silent voice can be heard:
  6429. >”Oh no...”
  6430. >Instantly Anon retrieves his hand and turns to the source of the noise.
  6431. >D-Did somepony watch you?!
  6432. >By Celestia please no... Why did you take such a stupid risk?
  6433. >Your heart beats faster and faster
  6434. >”Who is there? Show yourself!” Anon yells, his tone sounding strict and a bit angry.
  6435. >Who could it be?
  6436. >Slowly a stooped form emerges from it's metallic hiding place.
  6437. >”Uhh... Hi Anon and Twilight...” it says.
  6439. >You can't believe it.
  6440. “Fluttershy?!”
  6441. >”Fluttershy?!”
  6442. >The buttery mare winces and hides her beet-red face behind her long mane.
  6443. >”Uhm... Hi?”
  6444. >She is trembling quite a bit.
  6445. >It's obvious that the whole situation makes her more than uncomfortable, but you don't realize this.
  6446. >You take a few steps towards her, but she backs up.
  6447. “Were you following us?!”
  6448. >Your voice is high-pitched and shaky.
  6449. >Words cannot describe what you feel right now.
  6450. >Another one of your friends found out of your relationship to Anon. And in the worst possible way imaginable.
  6451. >By watching you having intercourse with him. Even if you shouldn't have done it publicly like that.
  6452. >But still, she should have left once she saw what was going on. There is no excuse for that!
  6453. “T-Tell me!”
  6454. >Fluttershy curls into a yellow ball.
  6455. >”Eeeep!”
  6456. >Anon sees her distress and shoves you back. Creating some distance between the agitated you and the huddling pony
  6457. “H-Hey!”
  6458. >His hand makes some gestures that you interpret as: “It's okay. Calm down and let me handle this.”
  6459. >You nod. It's probably better this way... You are far too emotionally shaken for this.
  6460. >”Flutters...” he says in a calm and soft voice.
  6461. >He kneels down, to be at eye level with her.
  6462. >This seems to help her relax since she looks at him instead of the ground.
  6463. >”We are not mad at you. Right, Twi?”
  6464. “Y-Yeah... Just a bit surprised... and shocked.” you lie.
  6465. >Of course, you are mad! Why did she follow you in the first place?!
  6466. >”I'm... I'm sorry.” she nervously stammers.
  6467. >”It's okay. Just tell us what you did behind these garbage bins.”
  6468. >”Uhm... I...”
  6469. “Tell us already!”
  6470. >Fluttershy winces again.
  6471. >”Twi!”
  6472. >Anon shoots you an angry glare.
  6473. >So you shut your trap.
  6474. >Your boyfriend sighs and shakes his head.
  6475. >”I think we first should get out of this dark alley... There is a bench nearby. Let's go there to discuss this.”
  6476. >She meekly nods and Anon gets up. Gently pushing your side to make you go with him as he passes you.
  6477. >You take one last look at Fluttershy, who also got on her hooves but is still averting any kind of eye contact, before following him out of the alley.
  6478. >...
  6479. >There it is. The bench he mentioned.
  6480. >Anon is already sitting on it and you join him.
  6481. >One of his hands runs idly along your back.
  6482. >”Calm down, Twi. I can understand your anger, but this is Fluttershy. If you keep yelling at her like that, she just will lock up again.”
  6483. >You exhale.
  6484. “I know. I acted in the heat of the moment... It's okay now.”
  6485. >”Wonderful.”
  6486. >No... That’s the total opposite of wonderful. Why did this have to happen?
  6487. >Your stomach feels sick and you don't know what to think or say.
  6488. >Not only is this bucking embarrassing but also could have ended far worse.
  6489. >You don't even want to think what could have happened if this wasn't Fluttershy.
  6490. >After a short while the mare in question shuffles out of the side street.
  6491. >Stopping and beginning to tremble again, once she sees you.
  6492. >Anon beckons her over with a smile.
  6493. >How he can be so calm and collected after this, is a mystery to you.
  6494. >Either way he just doesn't give one fuck, to use his words, or he is really good at hiding his emotions.
  6495. >Slow but steady she manages to put one hoof after another. And after what felt like a small eternity she finally reaches the bench and flutters onto it.
  6496. >Next to your boyfriend, of course. You wouldn't want to sit besides you too, if you were in her hide.
  6497. >Naturally she isn't looking at either one of you. Just at the ground, nervously pawing the wooden surface of the bench.
  6498. >”So...” Anon says.
  6499. >She tenses up.
  6500. >”What were you doing back there?”
  6502. >Her blush intensifies once more.
  6503. >”You see... Uhm... Well... Firstly I didn't follow you! I mean, I did! But...Ehrm... not to watch you... Sorry.”
  6504. >Oh by Celestia, spit it out already!
  6505. >You know that she is shy and timid and what not, but some times her behaviour really gets on your nerves.
  6506. >”Calm down, Flutters. I know you didn't do this on purpose.”
  6507. >She looks at him.
  6508. >”I would never!”
  6509. >”I know. But why were you back there then?” Anon asks.
  6510. >And her gaze is back on the ground again. Her muzzle scrunched up and her lower lip quivering.
  6511. >Now that you see it, a scrunch is really pretty damn adorable.
  6512. >Anon puts a hand on her withers.
  6513. >She first tenses up even more but eventually relaxes once he begins to pet her a bit.
  6514. >Her mouth opens, but no words come out.
  6515. >You sigh.
  6516. >Fluttershy still must be a bit shaken from you yelling at her.
  6517. “Fluttershy...”
  6518. >Your voice is now much softer and calmer. You try your best to bury your anger and shock.
  6519. >Still it's a bit jittery. But can't do much about it in the moment.
  6520. “Everything is okay. I'm not mad at you any more. And I'm sorry for yelling at you.”
  6521. >You really aren't. You are just angry at yourself, for letting your urges get the better of you.
  6522. “Now tell us... please.”
  6523. >Beaming her a smile, she exhales and returns it once she sees it.
  6524. >”Don't be. I would be mad too, if you... well you know. Caught me.”
  6525. >She makes some very crude gestures with her hooves.
  6526. >Anon and you chuckle.
  6527. >A very strange situation indeed. First despair and now laughter.
  6528. >She turns around to face you.
  6529. >”Well, you see. Angel Bunny wanted a special salad and I was flying into town to get a few ingredients for it that I'm missing.”
  6530. >Fluttershy pulls out a small paper bag.
  6531. >”Mainly cherries and star fruits. Also some herbs like...”
  6532. >Her muzzle rummages through the bag.
  6533. >Anon snips his fingers, which makes her go “eep!”.
  6534. >You giggle.
  6535. >So easy to scare.
  6536. >”That's all nice and dandy. But that's not the point, Flutters.”
  6537. >”Oh yeah...”
  6538. >Quickly she stores the bag away again.
  6539. >”Sorry.”
  6540. “No problem. Just get to the point, please.”
  6541. >”I will. Of course....”
  6542. >Now she is nervous again. Perfect.
  6543. >”Okay... I was on my way home when I saw Anon and you. Talking and … Uhm.... touching each other?”
  6544. “Go on...”
  6545. >You rub your temples.
  6546. >Getting information out of Fluttershy was always a pain in the flank. Especially when it's about something that embarrasses or makes her uncomfortable.
  6547. >One time she visited you in your library to get a book. But didn't say what book she wanted.
  6548. >You spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out what book she wanted from the very little information she gave you.
  6549. >And in the end it was a mildly erotic, romantic novel that just came out at the time.
  6550. >”A feather in the wind”? Or something like that.
  6551. >It was an incredibly cheesy, but cute love story about two pegasi.
  6552. >Anyways... she continues.
  6553. >”And I wanted to ask you if my... Uhm book already arrived. “
  6554. >Another blush.
  6555. >Ah, yes. Another mildly erotic, romantic novel. “Storm of Love”.
  6556. >She is a sucker for these kind of stories.
  6557. >”But before I could do that, Anon already grabbed you and ran into the alley. I thought you were in a hurry or something and flew to the other side to intercept you two...”
  6558. >Fluttershy fiddles with her hooves.
  6559. >”There I waited for a minute... and then heard strange noises coming from the side street... I was worried that you fell and hurt yourselves so I went in to investigate... and then Erhm...”
  6560. >Anon waves her off.
  6561. >”Let me guess. You saw us... well going at it and hid behind the garbage cans?”
  6562. >She nods.
  6563. >”Yeah... Sorry.”
  6564. >You and Anon sigh.
  6565. “There is no use crying over spilled milk...”
  6566. >”Exactly.” Anon states.
  6567. >An uncomfortable silence arises.
  6568. >For some reason you have to think about Scootaloo... Arise... strange word. But why?
  6569. >No one wants to look at each other.
  6570. >What to do? What to say? Such a circumstance is new to you.
  6571. >But much to your surprise, the yellow mare breaks it.
  6572. >”Uhm... So does that mean now...”
  6573. >”Yes, Flutters?”
  6574. >You look at her.
  6575. >”Are you a couple now? Or just... how did Rarity call this... Fuck buddies?”
  6576. “W-What?”
  6578. >Now you have to blush.
  6579. >And not because of her supposing that Anon and you are together...
  6580. >But because of the last two words he spoke.
  6581. >F-Fuck buddies?
  6582. >Somehow this destroys her whole perception of her...
  6583. >Hearing such... crude words out of her mouth.
  6584. >The mare that can barely express her taste in written erotica, knowing what this is.
  6585. >Why does this even bother you so much?!
  6586. >It's like your whole perception of her just collapsed like a house of cards.
  6587. >But she is an adult mare... with a probably healthy sex drive.
  6588. >Even if you can't imagine her ever doing anything more serious than holding hooves...
  6589. >”Oohh... Isn't this the right term? Sorry if I messed up...”
  6590. >Anon is trying hard not to break out laughing.
  6591. “It is the right term...”
  6592. >She smiles.
  6593. >”Okay then! So are you?”
  6594. >You begin to doubt if Rarity is good company for her. She never was so nosy before she started to hang out with the local dressmaker...
  6595. “T-That is really none of you concern... But... No, we aren't.”
  6596. >Hopefully she will understand, without you speaking it out.
  6597. >Her face lights up and her smile gets even bigger.
  6598. >”So that means....?!”
  6599. >Your boyfriend ruffles her mane.
  6600. >”Exactly.”
  6601. >You smile back at her.
  6602. “Yeah... we are a couple now.”
  6603. >She inhales a great deal of air and leans back.
  6604. >If this would be any other pony, you would have to intervene now. But this is Fluttershy.
  6605. >Even her loudest scream is the volume of anypony else talking normally.
  6606. >”Yay~!”
  6607. >Fluttershy leaps towards Anon and hugs him.
  6608. >”I'm so happy for you two!”
  6609. >He chuckles and returns the embrace.
  6610. >Hmpf... now you feel left out.
  6611. >”Thanks, Flutters”
  6612. >She retrieves her body and alternates between looking at you and Anon.
  6613. >”Since when, if I may ask.”
  6614. “You may. And basically since yesterday... Happened all too fast. But that's a story for another day.”
  6615. >Or never.
  6616. >”Oh my... Now I feel really bad for interrupting you.”
  6617. >”You didn't really interrupt us... we were finished anyway.”
  6618. “Anon!”
  6619. >”What? We were!”
  6620. “Yes. But she didn't need confirmation for that!”
  6621. >”Come on, Twi. She probably figured that out already.”
  6622. >”Uhu...” Fluttershy chimes in. “That's why I attempted my escape when you two were in the afterglow...”
  6623. >Stop destroying my view of you! You have to be shy and innocent and pure!
  6624. >”See?” Anon states
  6625. >You nod and sigh.
  6626. “Yeah... We shouldn’t have done this in the first place. So we are to blame.”
  6627. >She waves her hoof at you.
  6628. >”Oh no. I can understand you.”
  6629. >Huh? Really?
  6630. “You can?”
  6631. >Fluttershy nods, smiling.
  6632. >”Yes. Sometimes I catch my animals doing all sorts of... Uhm... kinky...” she blushes, ”things behind my hut or in the nearby woods. It's only natural to give in when you feel the love in the air.”
  6633. >Oh, okay... You almost thought she had personal experiences with exhibitionism.
  6634. >But that would be ridiculous.
  6635. “Ehehe... okay. But could we please change the subject? It's making me kinda uncomfortable.”
  6636. >”Yeah... me too.” Anon says, scratching the back of his head.
  6637. >Her blush intensifies.
  6638. >”Of course. Sorry...”
  6639. >Anon bops her.
  6640. >”Don't be. Like Twi said, our fault.”
  6641. “Yep. But we are lucky that you were the pony to catch us. And not somepony else. THAT would have been embarrassing!”
  6642. >The yellow pegasus giggles.
  6643. >”Mhm! And don't worry. Nopony will hear a word from me about this.”
  6644. >You didn't expect anything else from her, but still you are relieved.
  6645. >Not that she would be able to speak about it, without ending up furiously blushing and stammering anyway.
  6646. “Thanks, Fluttershy. And can you promise something else too?”
  6647. >”Of course.”
  6648. “Promise us not to tell anypony that Anon and I are together now.”
  6649. >She tilts her head sideways in confusion.
  6650. >Anon daww's.
  6651. “Hey! No d'awwing at other mares!”
  6652. >He shakes his head and pets your head.
  6653. >”Sorry. She just looked so adorable doing that.”
  6654. >Good job. Now she has to blush even more.
  6655. >”Uhm... Ehm... Thanks?” she stammers, hiding her face behind her mane.
  6656. “You are forgiven.”
  6657. >You nuzzle his hand a bit and turn your attention back to Fluttershy.
  6658. “So can you promise us that?”
  6659. >She meekly nods. Slowly emerging from her hairy fortress.
  6660. >”Y-Yes... But why? If you are okay, with me asking you this... I mean.”
  6661. >Looks, like the old 'Shy is back.
  6662. >Anon stays silent.
  6663. “Because we want to first see if it works out. And for the time being we are only telling our friends.”
  6664. >And then he titters to himself.
  6665. >Pfft...
  6666. “You were next on the list, but you found out by yourself...”
  6667. >Fluttershy does this weird apologetic squee of hers.
  6668. “Now only Applejack doesn't know about us. The rest is inducted and promised not to spread the news either.”
  6669. >She listens intently and nods after every few words.
  6670. >A little lie cannot hurt. Technically it isn't even a lie, just a small change to your previous plans.
  6671. >From telling nopony to telling some ponies.
  6672. >You can live with that.
  6673. “So can you do that for us?”
  6674. >Her smile returns.
  6675. >”Certainly! My lips are sealed!”
  6676. “Wonderful. Thank you, Fluttershy.”
  6677. >”Yep, thanks Flutters!”
  6678. >”No problem. Uhm...”
  6679. “Hmm?”
  6680. >”What I wanted to ask... is my book here yet?”
  6681. >Ah, yes . Of course. The original reason she wanted to talk to you.
  6682. “Yes. I still have to unpack it, though. You can fetch it tomorrow.”
  6683. >She paws the bench.
  6684. >”I kinda wanted to read it today... If that’s possible...”
  6685. >You would say that she is blushing again, but she never stopped doing that.
  6686. >A quick, sneaky peek in her open saddlebags reveals that she bought scented candles and lotion...
  6687. >Looks like Fluttershy has a date with her hoof this evening.
  6688. >What they write in these novels would be too softcore for you, but hey. To each his own.
  6689. “Okay. If you want you can come by later this evening. After dinner... so let's say around seven?”
  6690. >Her eyes twinkle.
  6691. >”Really? Thank you, Twilight!”
  6692. >Her wings take her a few centimetres in the air and she performs a really cute twirl.
  6693. >”Aww...”
  6694. >You poke your boyfriend in the ribs.
  6695. >”Ah!” he yelps.
  6696. “Bad Anon! What did I say?”
  6697. >He looks at you and sticks his tongue out.
  6698. >”Yeah, yeah. No finding other mares cute. I get it.”
  6699. >Fluttershy lands on the ground and giggles.
  6700. >”Oh my. You are a cute couple.”
  6701. “Oh... ah... Thank you.” you stutter.
  6702. >She closes her saddlebags and puts them on, before beaming a soft smile at you.
  6703. >”I'm just stating the obvious. I can feel that you are going to make each other very happy.”
  6704. >”We are trying our best.” Anon says, throwing an arm around your withers and pulling you close to him.
  6705. “A-Anon... we are still in public...”
  6706. >”I know, I know. But I hugged you in public before, didn't I?”
  6707. >You blush.
  6708. “Y-Yeah, I guess.”
  6709. >Fluttershy fastens the straps on her bag.
  6710. >”I'm going to leave you two love birds alone now. Have a nice evening.”
  6711. >”You too, Flutters.”
  6712. “T-Thanks. Don't forget to come by later.”
  6713. >She nods and smiles.
  6714. >”I won't. Take care.”
  6715. >”Bye!”
  6716. “Till later then...”
  6717. >She spreads her wings and takes off.
  6718. >Anon waves goodbye to her.
  6719. >You just watch her form getting smaller and smaller as she vanishes into the distance.
  6720. >After she completely is out of sight, your head droops and you sigh.
  6721. >”Well...” he states.
  6722. “Well...”
  6723. >Silence.
  6724. “Let's just forget this ever happened okay?”
  6725. >”I agree with you.”
  6726. >He gets up and holds a hand out for you.
  6727. >Such a gentlecolt. You grab it and glide off the bench.
  6728. “Thanks.”
  6729. >”You're welcome. Now lets hurry before Sugarcube Corner closes.”
  6730. “Mhm... Spike will be home soon too. And I really don't trust him with our food.”
  6731. >Anon shrugs.
  6732. >”Atleast he didn't buy any vegetables.”
  6733. >Huh?
  6734. “What do you mea-”
  6735. >The realization what he meant hits you.
  6736. “Oh stop it, you~!”
  6738. >You continue on your quest to get ice cream.
  6739. >SCC is not terribly far away now. Maybe five minutes, give or take.
  6740. >Your sexcapade took … hmm... around five minutes too.
  6741. >So being home before Spike should pose no problem. Nice.
  6742. >But...
  6743. >Now that you think about it, doing it in public was a pretty stupid idea. Celestia knows what could have happened.
  6744. >You don't even want to think about it. Oh my, oh my ...
  6745. >Nevertheless it was hot. You wouldn't mind doing it again some time.
  6746. “Anon?”
  6747. >”Yes, Twi?”
  6748. “We have to be more careful next time.”
  6749. >”I know... wait, what? Next time? Does that mean you want to do it again?”
  6750. >He shoots you a confused look.
  6751. “Mhm. It was pretty exciting, wasn't it?”
  6752. >”It was... But I didn't really think you were interested in repeating this, after... well you know.”
  6753. >You giggle.
  6754. “Nah~ To be honest, the fear of being caught made it more intense. Don't you think?”
  6755. >”You are right. It was quite intense.”
  6756. “I'm always right! You should know that by now!”
  6757. >He ruffles your mane.
  6758. >”Hehe, yeah. Sorry, oh all-knowing horned horse. Forgive me my ignorance.”
  6759. “Horse?”
  6760. >”My bad. I meant pony.”
  6761. “Better. And you are forgiven... again.”
  6762. >Anon's whole upper body collapses in overly mocked relief.
  6763. >”Thank you, and your magnanimity that knows no bounds!”
  6764. “Stop it! Seriously~”
  6765. >You gently whip his butt with your tail. A quiet crack noise can be heard.
  6766. >”Hey!”
  6767. >And again.
  6768. >”Stop, Twi.”
  6769. “No~”
  6770. >And another soft lash against his cheeks.
  6771. >But before your tail could connect, he grabs it mid-flight.
  6772. >”Bad pony! Bad!”
  6773. >You pout.
  6774. “Pfft... I wouldn't mind, if you spanked me. Why do you?”
  6775. >He smirks.
  6776. >”Oh really? Good to know. Anonymous will remember that.”
  6777. >What? Probably just another of his silly human references.
  6778. >Giggling, you wiggle your tail out of his grasp.
  6779. “Uhu~”
  6780. >His gaze wanders south, to your exposed flanks. So you give them a little shake.
  6781. “Like what you see?”
  6782. >The grin on his lips grows wider before suddenly vanishing completely.
  6783. >Huh?
  6784. “What's the matter, Anon?”
  6785. >”Uhm... Twi?”
  6786. “Yeah?”
  6787. >He gulps.
  6788. >”You are kinda leaking...”
  6789. >What?!
  6790. “What?!”
  6791. >You yank your head around and indeed...
  6792. >A trail of his cum is left in your wake. Not much, but still enough to bring you in a very embarrassing situation if somepony noticed and asked you about it.
  6793. >Quickly, you scan your surroundings.
  6794. >Phew... Nopony around.
  6795. “Buck. Luckily we are alone on the streets.”
  6796. >Celestia bless home time and the laziness of the ponies to leave their home after it.
  6797. >”Yeah... Can you... you know, seal it up?”
  6798. >You nod.
  6799. “Yes. But just to be safe, you should go into Sucarcube Corner without me. I will wait outside.”
  6800. >”Better safe than sorry, eh?”
  6801. “Exactly.”
  6802. >You contract your muscles and plug the leakage.
  6803. >Wiggling your butt a bit to see if something is still coming out, you let it through the nod.
  6804. >Yep, completely and tightly sealed off.
  6805. >This will take some concentration and energy to keep up, but you will manage.
  6806. “Okay... now let's leave as fast as possible, before we get company.”
  6807. >”Let's.”
  6808. >And with that said you both are on your way again.
  6809. >In a matter of no time the “streets of shame” are left behind you.
  6810. >Streets of Shame? Wasn't this a movie you watched with Anon?
  6811. >You are pretty sure of that.
  6812. >If you are not mistaken, it was about prostitution and an incredible cruel drama.
  6813. >The nights after that you had trouble finding sleep.
  6814. >Anyway...
  6815. >There it is.
  6816. >Sugarcube Corner.
  6817. >And it has still open. Good.
  6818. “You know which ice cream to buy?”
  6819. >He rolls his eyes.
  6820. >”Yes, mom. Judge Fudge and the berry thing.”
  6821. >Snickering, you swat a hoof at him.
  6822. “Wonderful. Buy a small tub of each, and get some gem sprinkles for Spike too. He loves that stuff.”
  6823. >”Will do.” he says, bowing.
  6824. “Silly you. Now git!”
  6826. >The door bell chimes and Anon enters the bakery.
  6827. >You take a look through the window.
  6828. >Hmm... Three other ponies are waiting in line and only Mr. Cake is behind the counter.
  6829. >Also he looks seriously distracted... His gaze wanders down every once in a while.
  6830. >Strange.
  6831. >Did he just wince and tense up? You wonder if he's in pain or something.
  6832. >Meh. Doesn't really interest nor bother you, so you turn around and sit down on your haunches.
  6833. “Hmpf...”
  6834. >This day totally didn't go like you wanted it to go.
  6835. >First Pinkie, then Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy.
  6836. >All know.
  6837. >Tomorrow you will have to tell Applejack, or else she will feel left out.
  6838. >She's a bit conservative, but you don't fear that she will have anything against your relationship with Anon.
  6839. >She likes him well enough and even didn't say anything when Anon started staring at her flank.
  6840. >He still thinks that this is some well hidden secret of his, but everypony knows.
  6841. >You giggle internally.
  6842. >Oh my...
  6843. >A part of you wishes that it was your flank instead, but you can't blame him.
  6844. >Applejack really has a nice rump.
  6845. >All the hard physical labour helped with that.
  6846. >You look at yours.
  6847. >Mmmhhh...
  6848. >And poke it with a hoof.
  6849. >Not too bad either. A bit soft, but still firm. And if Anon didn't like it, he wouldn't fondle it so much.
  6850. >So no reason to worry.
  6851. >You begin to whistle.
  6852. >Nothing particular, just a song that came to your mind in this moment.
  6853. >Waiting is boring, without a book to read.
  6854. >Your hooves start to drum the beat on the ground
  6855. >Pat... Pat. Pat... Pat... Pat. Pat. Pat... Pat. Pat.
  6856. “Seven branches on my window~” you quietly sing to yourself.
  6857. >What else is on the to do list today?
  6858. >Nothing much...
  6859. >Dinner, maybe a bit of cuddling with Anon before he has to go and then waiting for Spike to go to bed so you can start working on the cure.
  6860. “Waiting for the sun to come around~”
  6861. >You will probably start with the inexpensive stuff.
  6862. >Not like the last test series... Where you used all the expensive gems and metals first, since you thought that they will surely yield results.
  6863. “Take this on an empty stomach~”
  6864. >And in the end, the thing that started the reaction was a bucking ruby. A ruby!
  6865. >A five bits per pound, ruby.
  6866. “Waiting for the spring to come around~”
  6867. >To this day, you could still slap yourself for this.
  6868. “Saaaaave yourself~”
  6869. >Your singing got a bit louder.
  6870. >Around one hundred fifty bits thrown out the window.
  6871. “By the way~”
  6872. >Pat. Pat. Pat... Pat.
  6873. >Like Anon said... There is no use crying over spilled milk, but still.
  6874. >You could have bought something really nice with that money.
  6875. “Never riiiide alone~”
  6876. >More scientific or spell books for example
  6877. >Or a better and newer ice box for your kitchen.
  6878. >Your old one is really shitty. It doesn't hold the cold as good as it used to do.
  6879. “Take me down easy~”
  6880. >A new couch would have been good too.
  6881. >Or a chaiselongue, like Rarity has.
  6882. “I can't stand the sight or the smell~”
  6883. >Generally she has a good taste when it comes to furniture and decoration.
  6884. “It's getting harder and harder and harder and harder... to tell~”
  6885. >You should really get some furnishing and amenity tips from her.
  6886. “Tell me when the blood stops flowing~”
  6887. >Oh wow... you are an unstoppable singing machine.
  6888. “Let it rest. It's run to the ground~”
  6889. >A Pony exits the store.
  6890. >Hey it's Cheerilee, the school teacher.
  6891. >She smiles and nods at you, and you return the gestures.
  6892. >Friendly mare. It's a wonder that she is still single.
  6893. “Just in case the dogs are feeding~” you continue singing, while checking on Anon through the window.
  6894. >Still two more ponies before Anon.
  6895. >Why is Mr. Cake so distracted? He can't stand still... What is going on under the counter?
  6896. >Perhaps his legs hurt. He has to stand the whole day.
  6897. >You shift your attention back to the streets.
  6898. >Nothing happening there either...
  6899. “Shut the door so they don't hear the sound~”
  6900. >Ah yes... Cheerilee.
  6901. >If you would be a stallion, you would be all over her.
  6902. >Child friendly, pretty, intelligent and her hips.
  6903. >Oh Celestia her hips...
  6904. >You could smother all kinds of small animals with them.
  6905. >Pat... Pat. Pat. Pat... Pat. Pat... Pat.
  6906. “Save yourself~”
  6907. >But you are sure that she will find somepony soon.
  6908. “By the way~”
  6909. >The doorbell chimes again.
  6910. >Another pony passes by you.
  6911. >Shooting you a strange look...
  6912. >Never saw somepony singing on the street, or what?
  6914. >Hah! Extra loud! Just for you.
  6915. >She shakes her head and trots away.
  6916. >Pfft... You are a strong and independent zebrican mare, that don't need no audience!
  6917. >Or something like that.
  6918. “Show me no quarter~”
  6919. >Your stomach grumbles.
  6920. >Man are you hungry... The banana kaboom was nice but not especially filling.
  6921. “I can't stand the sight or smell~”
  6922. >Well, it's basically just pop rock candy with a bit of dough. So no wonder.
  6923. >But good nevertheless.
  6924. “It's getting harder and harder and harder and harder.. to tell~”
  6925. >What was even the name of this song? You just know that it's one from Anon's world.
  6926. >Let's check on Anon.
  6927. >One pony more... but he already got his order.
  6928. “Put me to pasture~”
  6929. >Huh?
  6930. >Did Mr. Cake just collapse onto the counter?
  6931. >Hopefully nothing happe-
  6932. >Oh he returns to an upright position. Phew.
  6933. >Anon seems to laugh and then turns around.
  6934. >Waving at you and you wave back at him.
  6935. >Uhh....? Is this Mrs. Cakes tail that wanders towards the kitchen?
  6936. >Did they? Oh no they can't.
  6937. >You probably misinterpreted that. The Cakes are a fairly boring couple. Nice, but boring.
  6938. >So back to singing.
  6939. “I can't stand the sight or smell~”
  6940. >How silly would that be? Heh.
  6941. >Mrs. Cake sucking her husband off while he has to serve customers.
  6942. >Trying desperately not to start moaning or losing his composure.
  6943. >Ridiculous... but in some way hot.
  6944. >The door opens again and Anon comes out of it, a bag in his hands.
  6945. “It's getting harder and harder and harder and harder.. to tell~”
  6946. >“It's getting harder and harder and harder and harder.. to tell~” he chimes in with you.
  6947. >You smile at him.
  6948. “Hey, you're back.”
  6949. >”Yep. Had fun singing?”
  6950. “Uhu. Got everything?”
  6951. >”Mhm.”
  6952. “Wonderful. Let's go then.”
  6953. >He pets your mane and nods.
  6954. >”Let's.”
  6956. >You stash the tubs of ice cream away into your enchanted saddlebags and get on your way home.
  6957. >Ponyville's streets are still empty, but slowly start to fill with ponies who go to the local bars and pubs for an after-work cider.
  6958. >Made by the Apple-family, of course. They have pretty much the cider monopole here.
  6959. >Personally you don't like the fermented apple-juice. You are more of a wine drinker.
  6960. >Even if you have no notion of what makes a wine good or not.
  6961. >Basically, you can only tell if it's red or white. And that was all the knowledge you ever needed.
  6962. >As long as it buzzes and tastes well, it's all okay.
  6963. >”Twi?”
  6964. >You look at him.
  6965. “Yes?”
  6966. >”Are you in thought again? You do that a lot lately.”
  6967. >His tone sounds a bit worried.
  6968. “Hmm... yeah. I guess.”
  6969. >”Is something on your mind?”
  6970. “Not really. Just thinking about random stuff. Don't know why.” you say, shaking your head.
  6971. >”Okay then... But if something bothers you, I have an open ear for you.”
  6972. >You beam him a smile and then nuzzle his hand.
  6973. “Thanks, Anon. You're a sweetheart. But it's really nothing.”
  6974. >He sighs in relief.
  6975. >”A penny for your thoughts then?”
  6976. “A bit.” you correct him.
  6977. >Anon chuckles.
  6978. >”Of course. A bit for your thoughts?”
  6979. “Like I said, nothing special. Just my preferences in alcoholic beverages. And I don't even know why it came to my mind.”
  6980. >”Yeah. It's wine. Red wine to be exact.”
  6981. >You giggle.
  6982. >”Precisely~ The wine we had yesterday was really good by the way.”
  6983. >”Yeah, it was. Domaine Romanêigh... Rarity recommended me it.”
  6984. >He does a dramatic pose. One hand on his forehead and the other swaying around while talking.
  6985. >”If you ever have a mare over, Anonymous dear. Give her this wine to drink and she will be putty in your hands.”
  6986. >Oh my. That certainly sounds like her.
  6987. “Really? She told you that?”
  6988. >Smiling, he nods.
  6989. >”Mhm. For a while she was really worried that I will never find a mare. Like a mother... but in a more perverted way.”
  6990. “What did she do?”
  6991. >He shrugs and looks at you.
  6992. >”Nothing special. Gave me dating advice and tips on how to woo a mare and what not.”
  6993. “And did it work?”
  6994. >”You should know best that it didn't.” he says, ruffling your mane.
  6995. >You quickly wiggle out his hand's reach and fix your manedo.
  6996. “I know. Just wanted to hear it from you.”
  6997. >”Why that?”
  6998. >A slight blush creeps on your face.
  6999. “Dunno... It makes me feel special to know that I am your first pony partner.”
  7000. >His cheeks turn rosy.
  7001. >”And I'm glad it was you. I couldn't think of any better pony.”
  7002. >Aww...
  7003. “Thank you... Did I ever tell you how incredible glad I am for you ending up here?”
  7004. >”As cruel as this sounds? But no, you didn't.”
  7005. “Oh...”
  7006. >Anon shoves you gently.
  7007. >”It was a joke, Twi. I long made my peace with it. Don't worry.”
  7008. >Thank Celestia...
  7009. >”And to be honest. I wouldn't have it any other way now.”
  7010. >He smiles softly.
  7011. >”Everything turned out pretty good, didn't it? Yeah, the beginnings were bumpy. But now? Look at me!”
  7012. >His fists hit his chest with a dull sound.
  7013. >”I have my own house, friends, a well paid job and a happy life. I even got a little sister and a brother! I couldn't be happier, if I tried.”
  7014. “Didn't you forget something?” you say, giggling.
  7015. >A hand is put on your withers. Idly fondling the short fur there.
  7016. >”Hehe no. I was just saving the best part for last.”
  7017. >Anon locks eyes with you.
  7018. >”And a lovely, beautiful, cute and wonderful mare on my side.”
  7019. >Oh my...
  7020. “You know...”
  7021. >”Hmm?”
  7022. >You grin.
  7023. “If we weren't in public, I would kiss you now.”
  7024. >The hand wanders up your neck.
  7025. >”Oh, we will have enough time for that later, dear. Don't you worry.”
  7026. “Can't wait, stud. Can't wait.”
  7027. >He returns your grin.
  7028. >You two must look seriously creepy now. But luckily you already passed the “nightclub” district of the town. So nopony sees you.
  7029. >Pressing your side against his legs as you walk, you enjoy the content silence for a bit.
  7030. >His hand still lazily petting you.
  7031. >It feels nice to finally have somepony, or somebody, who loves you as much as you love him.
  7032. >Your respective ways lead you away from each other first, but in the end it worked out.
  7033. >At least you hope so. But no signs point to anything to the contrary. So why worry?
  7034. >Your ways...
  7035. >You know yours, but nothing about his.
  7036. >Maybe you could ask him?
  7037. “Anon?”
  7038. >”Twilight?”
  7039. “Can I ask you something kinda personal?”
  7040. >”Of course. Ask away!”
  7041. “Which mares did you try to ask out?”
  7042. >”Oh, you want to know that...”
  7043. “You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”
  7044. >He shakes his head.
  7045. >”Nah, it's okay. The list isn't long, nor excititng. I see no reason, not to tell you.”
  7046. >Adjusting his collar, he continues.
  7047. >”The first mare was Roseluck.”
  7048. “One of the flower sisters?”
  7049. >”Exactly. Before I started hanging out more with you and your friends, she was my to go mare for bar crawling. And since she always got a bit touchy when she was drunk, I thought: “Why not?”.”
  7050. >Interesting.
  7051. “Touchy? How?”
  7052. >”You know... Like petting or stroking my arm. Or nuzzling me every few minutes.”
  7053. >That are some pretty clear signs, that a mare shows interest in somepony...
  7054. >”One evening when we went out to a our favourite bar, I waited for her to get a little bit drink... So she is buttered up and got in the “touchy mood”.”
  7055. “Sly thing, you.”
  7056. >Sighing, he kicks a small stone.
  7057. >”Didn't help, sadly. I will spare you the details, but when I tried to... well, “seal the deal”, she panicked, shoved some roses in my face and ran away.”
  7058. “How rude! That's not how you treat somepony who just asked you out.”
  7059. >”Mmmhh... maybe. But you know her. Always was a bit skittish and easily flustered. Anyway... She didn't talk with me for a week and avoided me at all costs... but apologized afterwards.”
  7060. >Anon chuckles.
  7061. >”Turns out Rose was never really interested in me, and that is how she gets with everypony when she's a bit intoxicated.”
  7062. “Pretty confusing.” you say, laughing.
  7063. >”You can say that again.”
  7064. “So she was the only one?”
  7065. >Another shake of his head.
  7066. >”No, two more Twi. Bear with me.”
  7067. >You smile at him and nod.
  7068. >”Wonderful. My second attempt at dating was with Sassaflash.”
  7069. “Sassaflash? Who is this?”
  7070. >”You don't know her?”
  7071. “Nope. Never heard of her.”
  7072. >”She's a pegasus. Pale turquoise coat, vanilla mane and tail, orange eyes.“
  7073. >Ah!
  7074. “I think, I know who you mean. Doesn't she work at the storm watch?”
  7075. >”Uhu.”
  7076. “Okay. What happened with her?”
  7077. >”Actually Rarity hooked me up with her.”
  7078. “She did?”
  7079. >”Yep. She told me that Sassaflash had interspecies relationships before. With a gryphon and a buffalo to be precise. Also that she is always open to try new things and, I quote: “If you two do not rub shoulders with each other, you should at least get a night of fun, dear.”.”
  7080. >You shake your head, groaning silently.
  7081. “Oh my goodness... But that's Rarity for you. Always on the look out to shove two ponies together.”
  7082. >”Hehe, yeah.”
  7083. ”So what took place with her?”
  7084. >”Well... I decided to impress her a bit for our first date and show some muscle. Apparently this was not a good idea.”
  7085. >Huh?
  7086. “And that put her off?”
  7087. >He shrugs.
  7088. >”Probably. Sassaflash was staring at my exposed arms and legs all the time, which I first interpreted as a good sign... But then she started shivering and keeping her distance from me.”
  7089. “Scary, scary alien, you~”
  7090. >”Rawr! Anon smash!”
  7091. “Oh stop it~ How did the date end?”
  7092. >”After a very awkward and silent dinner, she made up an excuse that she had to go now, gave me quick peck on the cheek and dashed off. Never heard of her again.”
  7093. >Such a stupid mare... You mean, you were intimidated by Anon's physique first too, but it didn't stop you from getting to know him better.
  7094. “Pfft. Her loss. She doesn't know what she is missing.”
  7095. >Anon smiles at you.
  7096. >”Thanks.”
  7097. “Just stating the truth. So who was the last mare?”
  7098. >”You know Time Turner?”
  7099. “Yes...”
  7100. >Please don't tell me, you gave stallions a burl...
  7101. >”His assistant.”
  7102. >Phew...
  7103. “Minuette?” you state, with a relieved tone in your voice.
  7104. >His eyebrow rises and he shoots a you strange look.
  7105. >”Wait a minute... You just assumed, I meant Time Turner, didn't you?”
  7106. >Blushing, you avoid his eyes.
  7107. “Ehehehe... No. Of course not.”
  7108. >”Good. Because the stallion of my dreams is Davenport and not Time Turner. He is so dreamy~”
  7109. “W-What?”
  7110. >He boops you.
  7111. >”Just messing with you, Twi.”
  7112. “Okay...”
  7113. >Snickering, he retrieves his hand.
  7114. >”Anyway. It was Minuette, but I like to call her Colgate.”
  7115. “That's a stupid name! Why, if I may ask?”
  7116. >”Because her mane and tail looks like popular brand of toothpaste with the same name.”
  7117. >How silly...
  7118. “So what’s your story with her?”
  7119. >”It looked promising in the beginning. We kinda bumped into each other in the market and I helped her on her hooves again.”
  7120. >Like in a cheesy novel or movie...
  7121. >”We got talking, found matching interests and agreed to meet up some time.”
  7122. >Anon sighs.
  7123. >”It took two dates this time, before we parted ways. And it was messy...”
  7124. “Oh, I'm sorry... How messy?”
  7125. >”We agreed to be open with each other. So that there are no secrets, if we ended up together... Well, I told her all kinds of things about me and she was fine with everything... Except the last tidbit of my human nature, I mentioned to her...”
  7126. >You wrap your tail around his leg. You know where this is going...
  7127. >”You see, Minuette wasn't really happy with the fact that I used to eat meat. The moment she realized that I didn't mean anything sexual with it, the look on her face changed.”
  7128. >Poor Anon...
  7129. >”In an instant, all the empathy and affection she felt for me vanished. The look on her face was one of pure disgust and revulsion... From all the things she called me after that, “Monster” and “Murderer” were the nicest.”
  7130. “I'm sorry.”
  7131. >Patting your head, he waves you off.
  7132. >”Don't be. It wasn't meant to be.”
  7133. “Yeah.. but still.”
  7134. >”I know. It's okay. And if I ended up with her, we wouldn't be together now, would we?”
  7135. >You shake your head, smiling.
  7136. “No. You are right.”
  7137. >”See? Everything happens for a reason. And my failed romances happened, so that I could finally find you.”
  7138. “Aww~ How sweet.”
  7139. >”It is, isn't it? Fate can be mysterious from time to time.”
  7140. “You believe in fate?”
  7141. >He nods.
  7142. >”Of course. After all what occurred to me, I would be a fool not to.”
  7143. >You laugh.
  7144. “Probably.”
  7145. >”Yeah. And to be honest, if I didn't believe that all this was predetermined, I would have gone insane by now. Sometimes, the best course of action is just to let things happen.”
  7146. >His face lights up. You wonder why.
  7147. >”But enough of that philosophical crap...”
  7148. “Aww... But I like philosophical crap!”
  7149. >He strokes your cheek.
  7150. >”I know. And if you want, I can give you some old school books about earth philosophy. They should be somewhere on my attic.”
  7151. “I would love that!”
  7152. >Oh boy, more knowledge! And of the best kind!
  7153. >Something you have to interpret yourself~
  7154. >Anon points in front of him.
  7155. >”Hey look! We are home.”
  7156. >Your home is now only a stone's throw away.
  7157. “Ah... indeed. Time flies when you have fun, doesn't it?”
  7158. >”It does... Also it looks like Spike's already home.”
  7159. “Then we should hurry, before he decides to save our food from getting too cold to eat...”
  7160. >He laughs.
  7161. >”We should.”
  7162. >And with that being said, you suddenly dash off.
  7163. >”Hey!”
  7164. “Race ya, stud! Winner gets the losers milkshake!”
  7165. >You can hear his feet stomping closely behind you.
  7166. >It is going to be a close race.
  7167. End Part 9
  7173. >You are now Anon.
  7174. >Still Equestria's only and thus best human.
  7175. >Feels good, even if there is no competition.
  7176. >And you just had a nice meal with Spike and your marefriend.
  7177. >Twilight won the race, but liberally didn't insist on taking your milkshake. So you had a chocolatey treat to go with your fried veggie sandwich.
  7178. >Which was sadly a bit too fatty for your taste and not as crispy as you might have wished.
  7179. >You swear, they try and care less with every passing day...
  7180. >Also their cups now bear the face of the strange blue mare from yesterday.
  7181. >”Great and plentiful refills for every costumer who buys a full meal!” is printed on them.
  7182. >What was her name again? Trixie? Yeah, you are pretty sure Twilight called her that.
  7183. >Looks like Trixie introduced Equestria to the free refill...
  7184. >And got herself an advertisement deal out of that.
  7185. >Well, good for her.
  7186. >You could slap yourself for not suggesting them this first.
  7187. >Just imagine how filthy rich you could be right now?
  7188. >No, better don't think about that... Who knows, for what it was good for.
  7189. >Finishing the last of your hay fries, you wipe your mouth with a napkin and pat your full belly.
  7190. “Ah, that hit the spot. I was hungrier than I thought.”
  7191. >Twilight giggles.
  7192. >”Yeah~ Probably from all the “walking” we did.”
  7193. “Probably.”
  7194. >Spike looks confused at you and Twilight.
  7195. >”Right...”
  7196. >He shoves the empty carton boxes away from him
  7197. >The small dragon most likely understood what you and Twi meant with “walking”. At least parts of it.
  7198. >You are not sure if he knows what sex is yet.
  7199. >Hopefully he does not. You wanna keep your innocent little brother for a while longer.
  7200. >But you are looking forward to the day you buy him his first beer.
  7201. >Just four more years... Then the two of you will paint the town red.
  7202. >Speaking of red...
  7203. “Oh gosh... Twi.”
  7204. >Her face is full of the ketchup that she used to smother her haynuggets.
  7205. >How someone is able to like soggy nuggets, is beyond you.
  7206. >Heh. Soggy nuggets.
  7207. >“W-What? Do I have something on my face?”
  7208. “You could say that.” you say, reaching for your napkin. “Lemme get that... Just come a bit closer.”
  7209. >She closes her eyes and leans her head in.
  7210. >”Okay~”
  7211. >Chuckling, you begin to clean her mouth and cheek area with slow, circular movements.
  7212. >Eliciting a coo from her now and then.
  7213. >It's a bit of an effort to get everything out of her fur, but in the end she looks presentable again.
  7214. “So, all clean.”
  7215. >Her cheeks get rosy and she plants a quick peck on your palm..
  7216. >”Thanks. You're too sweet.”
  7217. >Spike groans.
  7218. >Huh?
  7219. >You retrieve your hand and shift your attention to him.
  7220. >He looks seriously uncomfortable in his scales right now.
  7221. >Wasn't he all giddy and happy before, when you told him the news?
  7222. “Is something the matter, Spike?”
  7223. >”N-No. Not really.” he stammers.
  7224. >”Does the way Anon and I treat each other now, make you feel uncomfortable?” Twilight asks.
  7225. >He meekly nods.
  7226. >His eyes are darting from side to side.
  7227. >”Yeah... Could you maybe step it down a notch when I am around?”
  7228. “I guess... But you have to get used to it too. That's just the way things are now.”
  7229. >”I know. I promise, I will try... Just for now, please?”
  7230. >Twilight rubs his shoulder with her hoof.
  7231. >”Of course. We will keep the more lovey-dovey stuff to ourselves.”
  7232. >”Thanks.”
  7233. >You ruffle his head fins.
  7234. >So much has changed for him in such little time.
  7235. >The “loss” of Rarity,
  7236. >A possible new love interest in the form of Sweetie Belle.
  7237. >And of course the fact, that the people who where basically his mother and big brother, are together now.
  7238. >Poor lad.
  7239. >No wonder, that he wants to keep at least some sense of the old status quo.
  7240. “No problem, bro.”
  7241. >Your marefriend beams him a smile.
  7242. >”Anything else on your mind?”
  7243. >He returns it and shakes his head.
  7244. >”No. That was all.”
  7245. >”Wonderful.” she chirps. “Do you want some ice cream now?”
  7246. >”Do I?!” he blurts out, throwing his arms into the air.
  7247. >You laugh and Twilight chimes in.
  7248. “It's in the ice box. Go get it, champ.”
  7249. >”Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!”
  7250. >Drooling, Spike hops off his chair and walks to the freezer.
  7251. >Your marefriend levitates three bowls and spoons onto the table.
  7252. >You wish that there was magic back on earth. Your life could have been even lazier than it already was.
  7253. “Oh well...”
  7254. >”Hmm? What is it, Anon?”
  7255. “Nothing. Just a bit tired.”
  7256. >”Me too. Today was pretty exciting... So much stuff happened.”
  7257. >She sighs.
  7258. >”And I still have a night full of experimenting before me...”
  7259. “Are you sure you won't need me? I'm not the brightest when it comes to alchemy or chemistry, but I could still help you. With the mixing or grinding or something else.”
  7260. >Twilight giggles and shoots you a sultry look.
  7261. >”Nah~ Save your grinding for tomorrow, stud.”
  7262. >Hey~ Look who got bold.
  7263. “Heh. I will then. But still...”
  7264. >She shushes you.
  7265. >”No, no, no. Just you meet up with Kirron. You didn't see him in a long time and I work better alone. So it's a win-win situation for everyone.”
  7266. >Spike returns with the tubs.
  7267. >”Kirron is in town again?” he asks.
  7268. “Yep. I'm going to meet up with him later, since Twilight doesn't want my help.” you say, sticking your tongue out to her.
  7269. >”Like you would be of any help to me!”
  7270. >Twilight sticks her own tongue out.
  7271. “I would.”
  7272. >You cross your arms and pout.
  7273. “I can grind.”
  7274. >”That you can~” she says, giggling.
  7275. >”Ooookay... I'm going to eat my ice cream in my room.”
  7276. >Oops. Looks like you overdid it.
  7277. “Sorry, bro. We will stop.”
  7278. >He waves you off.
  7279. >”It's okay.”
  7280. >Quickly, he fills his bowl with two scoops of each sort and sprinkles the gem shards on them.
  7281. >”Greet Kirron from me.”
  7282. >You bump fists with him.
  7283. “I will.”
  7284. >”And ask him where the claws are, he promised me last year.”
  7285. >Chuckling, you nod.
  7286. “Okay. But I doubt that Twilight would allow you to have them.”
  7287. >”We talked about this, Spike! No weapons as long as you live under my roof!”
  7288. >”It isn't even your roof. Princess Celestia pays our rent...”
  7289. >He scratches his chin.
  7290. >”Maybe I should ask her.” he says, shooting Twilight a cocky grin.
  7291. >”Don't you dare!”
  7292. >”Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Only the stars know.”
  7293. >His free claw points towards the ceiling.
  7294. >”Spike...”
  7295. >The dragon in question, laughs.
  7296. >”Just joking, Twi.”
  7297. >She sighs in relief.
  7298. >”I'm going to leave you alone now... But be quiet please.”
  7299. “Sir! Yes, sir!”
  7300. >You salute to him.
  7301. >”Yeah, yeah...Don't forget to brush your teeth afterwards.” Twilight states, a bit annoyed.
  7302. >”I won't. Good night, Anon.”
  7303. “Night, bro!”
  7304. >And with that said, he vanishes up the stairs.
  7305. >Once Twilight hears his door closing, she groans.
  7306. >”He is a nice boy, but sometimes...”
  7307. “I know, Twi. I know. But compared to some other colts his age he is really tame.”
  7308. >”Luckily.”
  7309. >She smiles again.
  7310. >”Anyhow... When are you leaving?”
  7311. “Do you want me gone, or what?”
  7312. >”Of course not. I was just curious.”
  7313. >You take a look at the clock.
  7314. “Hmm... It's six twenty. He won't close his cart until seven and then needs, eeeh.. let's say fifteen minutes to stash everything away again... So in about fifty minutes or so?”
  7315. >”Uhm...”
  7316. >Her blush returns.
  7317. >She cannot possible want to sleep with you again...
  7318. >It's not like you would refuse her that, but how often did you do it today?
  7319. >Five or six times?
  7320. >Lil'Anon here can only take so much... Even with her spell.
  7321. “What's on your mind?”
  7322. >She fiddles with her hooves, shyly looking up to you..
  7323. >”Wanna read something and maybe cuddle up until then?”
  7324. >Aww, how cute.
  7325. >When it comes to kinkier things she is assertive as hell, but being so shy about asking for a cuddle session.
  7326. >This mare just earned herself the cuddling of her life.
  7327. “Nothing more than that, my Love.”
  7328. >The fire on her cheeks grows brighter and she smiles softly.
  7329. >”I will get a blanket then.”
  7331. >She glides off her chair, as gracefully as ever, and exits the kitchen.
  7332. >Giving your hand a quick nuzzle, that you return with a it running along her back as she passes you.
  7333. >Which makes her purr.
  7334. >Heh. Cute, cat-like pony.
  7335. >You can hear her rummaging through the closet in her living room.
  7336. >Ice cream goes well with cuddling, doesn't it?
  7337. >You fill the remaining two bowls with a scoop of the chocolate and the berry frozen treat each.
  7338. >Hmm...
  7339. >Wouldn't a single bowl for you and Twilight be more romantic? They do this in romance flicks all the time, don't they?
  7340. >Yeah.
  7341. >So the contents of one bowl slide into the other.
  7342. >It now looks messy, but with a bit of rearranging and land... or icescaping you manage to create a presentable desert.
  7343. >Nice. Now some whipped cream and it's perfect.
  7344. >Where does she keep it?
  7345. >Probably in the ice box. But with Twilight everything is possible.
  7346. >As organized and neat your marefriend is with her experiments, she tends to let the household slide.
  7347. >The total opposite of you, basically. Your home is always tidy but you don't take work or similar things so seriously.
  7348. >As long as it gets finished... And nopony complained so far, so it's chill.
  7349. >Heh. Looks like you complement each other pretty well.
  7350. >You open the freezer and much to your surprise the cream is where it's supposed to be.
  7351. >The dessert is decorated and small imperfections are disguised with pure calories in no time.
  7352. >Wonderful.
  7353. >Grabbing the bowl and a single spoon, you turn the lights off and join Twilight in the living room.
  7354. >Who is already lying on the couch with a small selection of books and of course the aforementioned blanket.
  7355. >She even lit a few... flames?
  7356. >The whole room is filled with dancing and floating orbs of fire.
  7357. >You whistle and extend your hand to one of them.
  7358. >The flames are cold... impressive.
  7359. “Beautiful...”
  7360. >Twilight turns to you and smiles.
  7361. >”It is, isn't it?”
  7362. “Indeed... Where did you learn such a spell?” you ask, letting one of the burning spheres settle on your palm.
  7363. >It emits a soft, orange light. Bright enough to illuminate it's vicinity, but not to an extent that it would annoy or distract you.
  7364. >She snickers.
  7365. >”In one of the books, I bought today. The pyromancy one to be exact... Those orbs...”
  7366. >One of them floats over to her.
  7367. >”... Are basically elementals without a core and thus no intelligence.”
  7368. >Interesting.
  7369. >Twilight told you once about elementals and their history and uses in Equestrian magic.
  7370. >Which don’t differ too much from what you already knew out of your video games and fantasy novels you had back on earth.
  7371. >Fighters or servants...
  7372. >Even after all the time you spent in this theurgic world, magic still baffles you.
  7373. >She blows it away.
  7374. “What are they called?”
  7375. >You sit down next to her. The flame still in your hand.
  7376. >”Irrlichter.”
  7377. >Huh?
  7378. “A germane spell?”
  7379. >Twilight nods and rests her head in your lap.
  7380. >”Yeah. They are quite a few of these in this book. Developed by an unicorn named “Aschmähne”.”
  7381. >With a shake of your arm, the Irrlicht drifts away.
  7382. >You begin to pet her mane with your now free hand.
  7383. >The bowl is set on the coffee-table, which you pulled closer for better access.
  7384. >”Just one bowl? Don't you want some too?”
  7385. >Chuckling, you lift her a bit, lie down and pull the soft pony onto your chest.
  7386. “It's for us both.”
  7387. >She smiles and blushes.
  7388. >Even in the faint, magical light you are able to make this out.
  7389. >”Okay...”
  7390. >Twilight adjusts her position on top of you a bit, so her hooves are on your shoulders and her cute face is right in front of yours.
  7391. >Directly staring into your eyes with those beautiful amethyst pools that are her eyes.
  7392. >You begin to idly run a hand along her back.
  7393. >She pulls the blanket over your bodies. Tucking you both in , nice and snuggly.
  7394. >”Now it's perfect.”
  7395. “It was perfect before too.”
  7396. >”Oh you~”
  7397. >Her head leans towards you and you meet it half-way for a kiss.
  7398. >No lust, no hurry and no hunger.
  7399. >You have all the time in the world, so there is no need for that.
  7400. >After a short while, your lips disconnect again.
  7401. >A content and happy smile on your marefriend's face and on yours too.
  7402. >Twilight nuzzles your chin and then rests her muzzle in the crook of your neck.
  7403. >”I love you.”
  7404. >Gently brushing a few stray strands of her mane out of her vision, you scratch behind her ears.
  7405. >She always loved this, even before you became an item.
  7406. “The feeling is mutual.” you say, chuckling.
  7407. >Her tail wraps around your leg... that's new. Impressive what they can do with them.
  7408. >”I hope so.”
  7409. >She giggles and snuggles deeper into your neck, inhaling a few times.
  7410. >”Mmhh~”
  7411. “Hey! That tickles!”
  7412. >”Just endure it and be flattered I like your scent so much.”
  7413. “I am, Twi... Smell is pretty important for you ponies, isn't it?”
  7414. >”Mhm... Not as much as it used to be, but it still plays an important role in finding a mate or partner.”
  7415. “So how do I smell then?”
  7416. >Twilight looks up to you.
  7417. >”Hmm... difficult to describe. Lemme think about that for a moment.”
  7418. “Okay. In the meantime, how about some ice cream?”
  7419. >”I would like that~”
  7420. “On it.”
  7421. >You fill the spoon with both sorts and a bit of whipped cream and direct it to her mouth.
  7422. >She smiles and let's you feed her.
  7423. >”Mmmmhhh~ Good~”
  7424. “Really? Now I have to try too.”
  7425. >So you prepare one spoonful for yourself.
  7426. >And indeed, the rich chocolatey taste complements perfectly with the fruity aroma of the berries.
  7427. >The whipped cream completes the picture by adding some smoothness and creaminess to it.
  7428. >”Was I right?”
  7429. >You swallow and beam her a smile.
  7430. “As per usual.”
  7431. >Which she returns.
  7432. >”You have something on your face.”
  7433. “Are you sure this isn't just a scheme to steal a kiss from me?”
  7434. >She giggles.
  7435. >”No.”
  7436. “I will take the risk then.”
  7437. >You lift her chin up and kiss her.
  7438. >Her tongue brushes against your lips.
  7439. >It is still a bit cold from the frozen treat.
  7440. >So why not help warming it up? Doing anything else would be cruel and ruthless.
  7441. >Your lips part to let give your tongue an exit.
  7442. >It meets with hers. Teasing it with quick licks and strokes before engaging into a passionate and ecstatic hustle.
  7443. >As they caress, embrace and nestle up to each other, you can taste faint hints of the ice cream.
  7444. >You put a hand on the back of her head, pushing her closer to you.
  7445. >Several times she moans into your mouth and you do the same.
  7446. >Each and every time, sending subtle vibrations through your skull.
  7447. >Out of breath, you break the kiss and gaze into her eyes.
  7448. >They shine like purple stars in the darkness of the room.
  7449. >A sly grin is on her lips.
  7450. >Her horn lights up and you feel a tug at your zipper.
  7451. >Your eyebrow rises.
  7452. “Getting frisky, aren't we?”
  7453. >”A bit.” she snickers.
  7454. “We shouldn't do this with Spike still awake...”
  7455. >”Shhh...” she shushes you. “It's okay. This is just for you... and you are a quiet one... au contraire to me.”
  7456. “But still...”
  7457. >”No buts! I want to reward you.”
  7458. >Huh?
  7459. “For what?”
  7460. >She unbuckles your belt.
  7461. >”For being there for me. For loving me. And for just being you.”
  7462. >Oh...
  7463. >You boop her on the nose and the magical aura around her horn fizzles.
  7464. >”Ah!”
  7465. >Works every time.
  7466. “Twi... You don't have to reward me with sexual favours for all this. I do this because I love you, not because I want to get something out of it.”
  7467. >She blushes fiercely, but the grin on face got even wider and thinner.
  7468. >In the dim light, it looks kinda creepy.
  7469. >”Oh I know... But I want to. Also you said we have to make sure that I make it through the night, didn't you?”
  7471. >Her voice becomes a silent, sultry whispering.
  7472. “Well, I did say that.”
  7473. >Your pants are opened and pulled down as low as they can go in this position.
  7474. >You can feel her soft belly and teats on your growing erection.
  7475. >How you still manage to get it up is a mystery to you.
  7476. >Maybe it's her spell, maybe it's Twilight herself.
  7477. >”Nice~” she hisses
  7478. >She rubs herself on it. Inhaling sharply as it grinds against her lower abdomen.
  7479. >”So hard already~ “ she breathes, “I takes this as a yes then?”
  7480. >You look at the stairs.
  7481. >No lights are coming from there...
  7482. >Hopefully Spike will be distracted long enough for you to finish and clean up.
  7483. >Because you are seriously tempted to just give in now.
  7484. “I...”
  7485. >Twilight nibbles on your earlobe. God, this feels good.
  7486. >”Don't worry... He will be fully occupied with eating his ice cream and reading comics.”
  7487. >Locking eyes with Twilight, you cup her face with a hand. Stroking the soft fur of her cheek.
  7488. “I thought you wanted to cuddle?”
  7489. >Your marefriend giggles. Shooting you a wink.
  7490. >”This is cuddling. Sensual cuddling~”
  7491. >She licks along the outlines of your ear and blows on the wet trail.
  7492. >You shudder.
  7493. >”So yes or no...”
  7494. >Her hot breath drives you crazy.
  7495. >”Please say yes.”
  7496. >The sultry whispering does it's part too...
  7497. >When she wants, she can be a real succubus.
  7498. >In an attempt to convince you further, Twilight rubs her lower abdomen on your now rock hard cock. Directly moaning into your ear.
  7499. >Not that she needed to do that... you have already settled your mind.
  7500. “Only a fool would say no.”
  7501. >Now only Spike needs to play his part, by not coming down the stairs.
  7502. >Easy enough, you hope.
  7503. >”You will enjoy this. Believe me.”
  7504. >Your boxer's fly is pried open, letting your member pop out of it.
  7505. >It flicks against the silken fur of her belly.
  7506. >The thousands of firm but soft hairs feel heavenly on the sensitive skin of you dick.
  7507. >Not to speak of it's even more sensitive glans...
  7508. “Aahh...”
  7509. >You grope the two perfect mounds that form her flanks. Squeezing and fondling them.
  7510. >”Mmhh~ Ready, stud?”
  7511. “As I will ever be.”
  7512. >”Wonderful. Just relax and let me work my magic...”
  7513. >This sounds familiar...
  7514. >And she quite literally meant magic, since her horn begins to glow again.
  7515. >Twilight rises her hindquarters, giving your penis a bit of “breathing room”.
  7516. >Aww... you quite liked the fee-
  7517. >Holy shit!
  7518. “Hnnach!”
  7519. >Suddenly your whole length is engulfed in a strong magical grip.
  7520. >She moves her muzzle to your temples again.
  7521. >”Like it?”
  7522. >The magic field goes crazy on your dick. Tugging on and massaging it everywhere, like it cannot agree on a spot to work on first.
  7523. >This alone pushes you very close to the edge. It's so intense. Fuck...!
  7524. “Y-Yeah... it feels unde-”
  7525. >It forms a tight ring at the base.
  7526. “Mmah!”
  7527. >Snickering, she nuzzles your ear.
  7528. >”That's something your earth girls cannot do, can they?”
  7529. “No!”
  7530. >The ring just stays there. Not moving one inch... The pressure making your cock twitch and jerk around.
  7531. >Your grip on her flanks intensifies in strength.
  7532. >”Oh my... Don't tell me you are about to cum just yet?”
  7533. >Possible.. very possible.
  7534. >Twilight flicks your earlobe.
  7535. >Another hard twitch.
  7536. “Hngah!”
  7537. >”I tell you what... You wanted to know how you smelled to me... Endure it until I'm finished and I will do something very, very special for your finish~”
  7538. >The last words were barely a whisper.
  7539. “I will try.”
  7540. >”Excellent~”
  7541. >She begins to slowly stroke your dick without lowering the squeeze of her magic.
  7542. >You can feel drops of your precum being forced out, running down your shaft and pooling on your pelvis.
  7543. >”So...”
  7544. >Her tail brushes against your balls, eliciting a hiss from you.
  7545. >Which makes her laugh silently.
  7546. >”You wanted to know how you smelled to me?”
  7547. >You nod, your eyes closed in concentration.
  7548. >”That's actually a good question...”
  7549. >She speaks very slow and deliberate. Emphasizing every word.
  7550. >Is she teasing you?
  7551. >”Your scent...”
  7552. >Burying her muzzle into the crook of your neck, she inhales deeply.
  7553. >”.. is just intoxicating to me.”
  7554. >The loop loosens a bit, but widens in girth.
  7555. >It begins to leave a prickling sensation in it's wake, like thousands of tiny spiders running around.
  7556. >”Masculine, but not intimidating...”
  7557. >Another nibble, this time slightly stronger.
  7558. >Her stroking gets faster and Twilight let's her grip spin while moving.
  7559. “Hahnng!”
  7560. >She giggles.
  7561. >”Don't cum... It will be wasted on our bellies.”
  7562. >You are fucking trying, god-damn it!
  7563. “I won't... go on.”
  7564. >”Good boy.”
  7565. >What did she just call you?
  7566. >If you wouldn't be so distracted right now, you would say something... but you rather relish the feeling of her pleasing you.
  7567. >Twilight peppers kisses randomly on your neck. Sending jolts of pleasure through your nerves.
  7568. >”It is fun to be able to fully concentrate on you for once~”
  7569. “Y-You are welcome.”
  7570. >”Hehe. So were was I...”
  7571. >Yeah, she is definitively teasing you.
  7572. >The brushing and flicking of her tail on your testicles gets more frequent. It tickles but also makes shiver in lust every time.
  7573. >”Ah yes...Your scent.”
  7574. >She licks across the spots she kissed with quick laps of her tongue.
  7575. >”Strong, but yet so subtle...”
  7576. >Her magic field completely covers your cock once more.
  7577. >Pulsating from it's base to the tip.
  7578. >Feels similar to her marehood... only without the lubrication.
  7579. >”No musk... but your alien pheromones make up for it.”
  7580. >She adds a light vibration to it.
  7581. “F-Fuck, Twi...”
  7582. >You fear that this will get very messy, very soon.
  7583. >”Concentrate on my voice, stud.” she whispers. “You want your special ending, don't you?”
  7584. “Yes...”
  7585. >”Good. I will not be angry if you cum too soon... but I really want to give you this treat.”
  7586. “I understand... And you can't just give it to me now?”
  7587. >Twilight snickers and blows into your ear.
  7588. >“No... where would be the fun in that? Cum when I tell you to do, and everything will be fine~”
  7589. >It was worth a try.
  7590. “You enjoy this, don't you?”
  7591. >”Yes~”
  7592. >She suddenly squeezes your dick hard. Nearly making you explode.
  7593. “Ach! Fuck...”
  7594. >”I know your limits... Don't you worry.”
  7595. >Sly thing...
  7596. >But this is turning you on more than it should. At least you like to believe that.
  7597. >”Can I continue?”
  7598. >You nod.
  7599. >Another squeeze. But still not strong enough to make you cum.
  7600. >”This won't do. Say it.”
  7601. >Her voice has a strict but sultry tone. You quite like the assertive Twilight.
  7602. “C-Continue.”
  7603. >Your hands inch closer to her marehood.
  7604. >”Keep your hands to you, stud~ I can't have a mess on my couch.”
  7605. >Too bad.
  7606. >So you reposition them on her flanks again.
  7607. >”Good~ Your pheromones... yes.”
  7608. >The pulsating gets more intensive. Fiercely kneading and milking your throbbing cock.
  7609. >”They make me feel funny... Ever wondered why I always visited you after your workouts?”
  7610. >!
  7611. >She really did visit you nearly every week after them... You never thought too much of this.
  7612. >Her tongue invades your ear canal.
  7613. >Sending you closer to the edge.
  7614. >”It was because of those lovely, intoxicating pheromones of yours... Some times I could barely keep myself from pouncing at you.”
  7615. >Twilight moans.
  7616. >”From just taking you there, on the floor...”
  7617. >Every word a quiet whisper.
  7618. >”From rutting you like an animal...”
  7619. >You hear her breathing in.
  7620. >”And every time I went home. Regretting that I didn't do it.”
  7621. >Her face comes into your field of view.
  7622. >”Having to find relief in my hoof.”
  7623. >Twilight presses her forehead against yours. Directly staring into your eyes, a grin on her lips.
  7624. >”Tell me.”
  7625. >The magic aura around your penis fizzles, only to replaced instantly by an even stronger field.
  7626. >Which furiously sucks, pulls and tugs at it with no rhyme or reason. Pure erotic chaos.
  7627. >”If I would have done it...”
  7628. >At the same time, her tail wraps around your balls. Gently squeezing and caressing them with it's silken hairs.
  7629. >Making you rock your body in ecstasy.
  7630. >The end is nigh...
  7631. >”Would you have let me?”
  7632. >She lowers her hips, prodding the entrance of her dripping marehood with your glans.
  7633. >There is only one answer for her question.
  7634. “Of course.”
  7635. >Twilight sighs, but then laughs.
  7636. >”So many opportunities wasted. You have earned your reward.”
  7637. >And with that said, she impales herself on your dick.
  7638. >Barely stifling a moan
  7639. >”You are... hngahh! Allowed to cum, stud~”
  7640. >The glow on her horn gets brighter illuminating the whole room in a purple light.
  7641. >Her pussy clutches your shaft tightly. Milking and kneading it in unison with her magic.
  7642. >Simultaneously something inside you is getting stimulated hard.
  7643. >Is she massaging your prostate?! Fuck!
  7644. >It feels like she's letting it vibrate or whatever... You never know that this could feel so good.
  7645. >This is too much for you.
  7646. >All of her combined efforts intensify one last time.
  7647. >Your body tenses up for the boding climax.
  7648. >And she feels it too
  7649. >”Breed me. Make me yours.”
  7650. >Her words trigger something primal in your brain...
  7651. >With a grunt, you let loose.
  7652. >An unbelievable strong wave of pleasure washes over you as you explode inside her. Pushing her rump down on your pelvis to makes sure she gets every drop of it.
  7653. >”Yes! Yes! Yes~!”
  7654. >Your cock twitches wildly inside her tightly sealed cunt. Splattering copious amounts of your cum against her inner walls.
  7655. >Filling her up more and more with the precious liquid she desires so much.
  7656. >And you will give it to her.
  7657. >Even with her pussy clamping down on you, several squirts of your seed slosh out of her.
  7658. >Dripping on your thighs.
  7659. >But it will be enough to satisfy her. You will make sure of that.
  7660. >You begin to thrust into her in unison with the rhythm of you ejaculating.
  7661. >”Ah! Anon!” she moans.
  7662. >Too loud... so you plant a rough kiss on her lips.
  7663. >Instantly her lips are pried open and her tongue wrestled into submission.
  7664. >Her spell along with the massaging of your prostate make still make you erupt like a volcano.
  7665. >Magic is a wonderful thing.
  7666. >She gives no resistance. All of her assertiveness and dominance gone...
  7667. >One final thrust and all is over.
  7668. >Your dick throbs one last time and releases one last spurt of your cum.
  7669. >Coating her most female parts with a sticky and gooey layer.
  7670. >You finally break the kiss as your body relaxes.
  7671. >Panting heavily, you disconnect yourself from her.
  7672. >The thin string of saliva as the only proof it ever happened.
  7673. >Twilight's eyes are glassy and cannot seem to focus on you.
  7674. >A goofy smile adorns her lips.
  7675. >Giggling she collapses onto you... breathing just as hard.
  7676. >You wrap your arms around her barrel and neck, idly petting and stroking them as your penis slowly shrinks and slides out of her.
  7677. >This... This was intense.
  7679. >You stay this way for a moment more. Both are you are mentally and physically exhausted anyway, so moving isn't an option.
  7680. >Enjoying the afterglow with your marefriend in your arms... you couldn't think of anything better.
  7681. >She still is in her cum-induced high. Pupils dilated and muttering random nonsense.
  7682. >...
  7683. >It's especially strong this time.
  7684. >”Ehehe... So pretty...”
  7685. >That can't be healthy...
  7686. >At least not in the long run.
  7687. >Her hooves paw your chest.
  7688. >”Soft...”
  7689. >She giggles
  7690. >You will ride this out with her... That's the least you can do.
  7691. >And pretty much the only thing...
  7692. >Fuck. You hate feeling powerless.
  7693. >Your arms strengthen her grip around her body. To make Twilight feel that she is not alone.
  7694. >She probably knows that, but you can't be sure what “the drug” does to her body and mind.
  7695. “It's okay. I'm here.” you whisper into her mane.
  7696. >One hand runs lazily along her back, while the other scratches behind her ears.
  7697. >No reaction besides an occasional coo.
  7698. >How long will this go on, you wonder.
  7699. >You have never seen her like this... Every other “high” was much milder and tamer.
  7700. >Maybe just a few dozen seconds of silly giggling and rolling around.
  7701. >Is the addiction getting stronger once more? Evolving, to make it even better for her?
  7702. >Or perhaps just an overdose? Hopefully... as disgusting as this sounds.
  7703. >Urgh... this is making you feel sick.
  7704. >You kiss her forehead.
  7705. “Love you, Twi.”
  7706. >”... too.”
  7707. >Good... She's not totally outta here.
  7708. “I know... I know.”
  7709. >She shifts around a bit to lie on her side.
  7710. >You adjust your arms to support her, so she doesn't roll off of you.
  7711. >Twilight's breathing gets slower and more regular. But she still reaches for invisible objects... or whatever she sees right now.
  7712. >Sighing, you start to rub her belly. Making her leg twitch with each completed lap of your hand.
  7713. “Twi, Twi, Twi... what are we going to do?” you say to yourself.
  7714. >She looks at you.
  7715. >”Cure!” she chirps
  7716. >Beaming you a huge smile, she rubs noses with you.
  7717. >Chuckling, you rub her back.
  7718. “Yeah, you are right. You will find one and then everything will be alright again.”
  7719. >Twilight giggles and then turns her attention to one of the floating orbs.
  7720. >Must look nice... You wonder how she sees them.
  7721. >The Irrlicht drifts towards you. Her eyes never leaving it.
  7722. >Once it comes to close to your face, you blow the burning wisp away.
  7723. >Which elicits a laugh from your marefriend.
  7724. >Not much to do other than petting her and wait.
  7725. >You take one of her hooves in your hand, Gently stroking it's short fetlock.
  7726. >She doesn't make any noises and closed her eyes. Inhaling and exhaling steadily.
  7727. >Periodically squirming and kicking. But other than this, nothing.
  7728. >Maybe she is cold. So you tuck yourselves in more tightly. Making sure she is completely covered.
  7729. “There you go, Twi.”
  7730. >Her squirming stops and she lets out a content sigh.
  7731. >Cute.
  7732. >“Thanks.”
  7733. >Oh? A clear response.
  7734. >Looks like she's slowly coming down.
  7735. “Twilight?”
  7736. >”Mmmhh...”
  7737. “How are you feeling?”
  7738. >”Good...”
  7739. “Wonderful. Anything I can do?”
  7740. >”No. Just hold me.”
  7741. “Of course.”
  7742. >You wrap your arms around her body once again and she snuggles into the embrace.
  7743. >”Thank you.”
  7744. “No biggie. I will stay with you as long as you need me.”
  7745. >”Love you...”
  7746. “Love you too, Twi.”
  7748. >A few minutes pass and she opens her eyes again.
  7749. >They are focused now, directly fixated at you.
  7750. >”Hey...”
  7751. “Hey.”
  7752. >She buries her muzzle into your chest.
  7753. >”How long was I...”
  7754. “High?”
  7755. >Twilight giggles.
  7756. >”Yeah... That's the right term.”
  7757. “Five minutes. Give or take one.”
  7758. >”Oh wow...”
  7759. “Hmm?”
  7760. >”It felt so much longer than this.”
  7761. “Time flies by when you are having fun.” you say, chuckling.
  7762. >”It does.”
  7763. >Twilight stretches her legs.
  7764. >”I feel so relaxed...”
  7765. “Care to tell me how it was? It was the first time it took hold like this...”
  7766. >”Were you worried?”
  7767. “A bit...”
  7768. >Pecking your nose, she rests her head in the crook of your neck.
  7769. >”You're a sweetheart. And it was... nice but weird. It's hard to describe...”
  7770. “Try.”
  7771. >”Okay... At first I felt this sudden burst of happiness and joy like always. But then my vision... erupted? Does that sound right?”
  7772. >You laugh.
  7773. “I don't know. Go on.”
  7774. >”Mhm. The outline of everything began to blur and contort and colours started to bleed out of them or just changed rapidly!”
  7775. >A hoof pops out from the blanket, drawing circles in the air.
  7776. >”I even saw things that weren't there!”
  7777. “Like what?”
  7778. >”Dozens of tiny ponies. Doing all sorts of stuff. One of them looked like Rarity sewing a dress. I tried to grab her, but she poked me with a needle and ran away.”
  7779. “Oh my. How rude.”
  7780. >She snickers.
  7781. >”Indeed~ But I quickly lost interest in them.”
  7782. “Why that?”
  7783. >”I heard you talking to me.”
  7784. “Did you understand what I said?”
  7785. >”Yes. But I wasn't able to respond properly... It made me feel happy and safe though. Incredibly so.”
  7786. >A slight blush creeps on her face.
  7787. >”Thanks for that.”
  7788. >Your words helped. That's relieving to hear.
  7789. “You're welcome, Love. But you did respond to me once.”
  7790. >She shoots you a confused look.
  7791. >”I did?”
  7792. “Yah.”
  7793. >You entangle your arms on her back.
  7794. “I asked myself what we should we do... And you said: “Cure!”. Quite happily at that.”
  7795. >Chuckling, you begin to rock her a bit.
  7796. >”I can't remember that.”
  7797. “Maybe because that Irrlicht immediately distracted you.”
  7798. >Twilight chimes in with your movements.
  7799. >”Ah yes... It looked so pretty.” she says, watching one of them drifting by.
  7800. “How did it look?”
  7801. >”Incredibly beautiful. It gleamed in all sorts of colours. Emitting waves and beams and changing size... I couldn't take my eyes off it.”
  7802. >Her gaze shifts back to you.
  7803. >”And it's core! It shone so bright! Like one thousand suns.”
  7804. “And it didn't blind you?”
  7805. >”No. If anything it pulled me in like a vortex. And when you blew it away, it just kinda exploded into an array of rainbows!”
  7806. >You roll onto your side, taking Twilight with you.
  7807. >”Whoa~”
  7808. >Lying now face to face next to each other.
  7809. >She nestles her hooves against her body and cuddles closer to you,
  7810. “And that made you laugh?”
  7811. >”Yeah~ It looked funny to me at the moment.”
  7812. “Okay then. So it was a pleasant experience overall?”
  7813. >”Yep. But it was over all too soon.”
  7814. “Like all good things.”, one hand wanders up to her neck, scratching her mane, “I'm just glad that you are back to normal now.”
  7815. >”Me too. I really did make you worry, didn't I?”
  7816. “Yes...”
  7817. >You sigh.
  7818. >”Something on your mind?”
  7819. “I don't like this, Twi...”
  7820. >She nuzzles your cheek.
  7821. >”I know... That's why I start working on the cure tonight. I'm sure my tests will yield some kind of result.”
  7822. “And if not?”
  7823. >”Then I will try again and again until I find something that works!”
  7824. >Her fore legs wrap around your neck.
  7825. >”Everything will be fine. Believe in me.”
  7826. >Your marefriend is right...
  7827. >No use in worrying about things you cannot change anyway.
  7828. >You just have to believe in her and her skills as a scientist.
  7829. “I will.” you say, beaming her a soft smile.
  7830. >That she returns.
  7831. >”Don't worry your cute, little head off.”
  7832. “Hey, that's my line!”
  7833. >She giggles.
  7834. >”But it fits! Won't you lend it to me just this one time?”
  7835. >You pull her even closer to you.
  7836. “Why not?”
  7837. >”Wonderful~”
  7838. >Twilight leans her head back a bit, so she can lock eyes with you.
  7839. >”Can we go back to cuddling and talking about nicer things now?”
  7840. “It's not like I was the one, interrupting our cuddle session...” you say, grinning.
  7841. >”Oh stop it~ Don't act like you didn't enjoyed it.”
  7843. “You took advantage of me.”
  7844. >”Oh, I did? Of what? You having a penis?” she asks, smirking.
  7845. “Exactly. Blatantly exploiting my biggest weakness.”
  7846. >Her hind hoof brushes against your still exposed member. Making it jerk a little.
  7847. >”Hmm~ Maybe I should exploit it again?”
  7848. >Twilight begins to rub it. Slowly convincing your body to distribute some blood to it again.
  7849. >But enough is enough...
  7850. >So you reach down and stop her from molesting you.
  7851. >Closing and pulling your pants up while you are down there.
  7852. “Twi, please.”
  7853. >She pouts.
  7854. >”Aww... I didn't even cum this time.”
  7855. “I know. I know. And I will make it up to you next time, promise. But lil'Anon here just feels numb and sore now...”
  7856. >Her pouting is replaced by a thin smile
  7857. >”Okay. We were pretty active today, so you are forgiven... But I will take you at your word.”
  7858. >She pokes you in the chest.
  7859. “We were... and thanks, I guess. Does your spell also increase my libido? Because doing it six or seven times in a day is not exactly normal for a human.”
  7860. >”For ponies neither.” she says, snickering, “And no. Not really. At least not more than full testicles would usually do. But I can't relate to that~”
  7861. “Heh. Hopefully.”
  7862. >Twilight's smile makes way for another pout.
  7863. >”What does that mean?”
  7864. >Did you say something wrong?
  7865. “That means that I'm glad that you can't relate to having full balls? And by extend having a penis?”
  7866. >”Hmpf! You wouldn't love me if I had a penis?”
  7867. >W-What? Is she serious right now?
  7868. >But the look on her face speaks for itself...
  7869. “Twi! I think you misunderstood me. I'm not into stallions and I mean even if you would have one, we still would be frie-”
  7870. >A hoof shushes you.
  7871. >”Friends?! I thought you loved me for what I am and not for what parts I have between my legs!”
  7872. >Her eyes glare daggers at you.
  7873. >Apparently, you fucked up. But how? And where exactly?
  7874. >This doesn't make sense. Perhaps a side effect of the addiction?
  7875. >You remove her hoof from your mouth.
  7876. “I do! But don't you underst-”
  7877. >Another hoof is put on your lips... Rude.
  7878. >Why is she acting like this? You wonder, what you could do to help her calm down...
  7879. >But before you could begin to think of something, she suddenly bursts out into laughter.
  7880. >Huh? What now... From anger to hysteria? You hope not...
  7881. >”Oh, Anon... I just messed with you.”
  7882. >Phew...
  7883. “Never do this again please. I thought these mood swings were another side effect of the addiction.”
  7884. >”Sorry. I won't.”
  7885. >She pecks your fore head.
  7886. “Thanks. Because I was seriously worried there.”
  7887. >Twilight giggles.
  7888. >”Sorry again, I promise.”
  7889. >You sigh in relief.
  7890. >Good thing it was only feigned. You don't know if you could handle another decline of her condition today...
  7891. >First the cramps, then the hallucinations and now mood swings.
  7892. >That would have been truly horrible.
  7893. >”But, Anon?
  7894. “Yes, Twi?”
  7895. >”What would you say, if I told you that I own a book which contains a spell that theoretically...”
  7896. >Fiddling with her hooves, she averts her eyes.
  7897. >You have a large assumption where this is going... and you don't like it.
  7898. >”Uhm... that theoretically could give me Ehm... a dick?”
  7899. >Yep... Nope.
  7900. >Shocked and flabbergasted, you back away from her and her theoretically dick.
  7901. >But she doesn't have any of that and shimmies closer to you. Her lips bearing a wide grin.
  7902. “Twi... I love you, I really do. But I hope you understand...”
  7903. >”Aww come on now... You penetrate me all the time. Why won't you let me experience the same thing?”
  7904. “All the time? Since yesterday...”
  7905. >”And?”
  7906. “That's not all the time.”
  7907. >The backrest prevents any further attempts of creating distance. So she is just as close to you as before.
  7908. >”Doesn't matter... Didn't you...”
  7909. >Her grin not getting one bit smaller, she continues creeping you out.
  7910. >”...Like me massaging your prostate, didn't you?”
  7911. “Yeah, I did, but...”
  7912. >”No buts... Just imagine what I could do to it with a fifteen inch, flared pony penis? Wouldn't that be nice?”
  7913. “Fif-Fifteen inches?!”
  7914. >Why did you even asked for confirmation?! Just say no!
  7915. >...
  7916. >Or run away. That's an option too.
  7917. >She snorts and nods.
  7918. >”Yeah~ That's the default size for this spell. But I can alter it in any way you want~”
  7919. >Her current size of minus five inches or so is perfect...
  7920. “Uhm...”
  7921. >”Bigger or smaller~ Some ponies like them cute.”
  7922. “Twi, I think we clearly crossed a line here and...”
  7923. >”Wider or thinner~ Easier penetrating or a full feeling. Pick your poison~”
  7924. >She just blatantly ignores you. Coming nearer and nearer with each spoken word.
  7925. >”Flare or no flare~ But without one it would be boring~ Don't you think?”
  7926. >Twilight is now right in your face. Giving you bedroom eyes.
  7927. “I don't have flare either. And I don't hear you complaining.”
  7928. >Just stop speaking. You are making it worse with every word that comes out of your mouth.
  7929. >”But I don't have a prostate~”
  7930. “Uhm...”
  7931. >Normally you like it when she's assertive and seductive... but this... this is just wrong.
  7932. >Finally listening to yourself you cease verbal communication and stare blankly at your marefriend.
  7933. >Imagining her with a giant purple pony dong dangling between her legs...
  7934. >A blush creeps on your face.
  7935. >Stop brain! You shouldn't be interested nor aroused by that!
  7936. >Her lips contort and she begins to chortle.
  7937. >”What do you say?”
  7938. “...”
  7939. >Her face cracks up and she begins to chortle.
  7940. “H-Huh?”
  7941. >Breaking into a laughing fit once again. Bopping and slapping you with her marshmallow hooves.
  7942. >”Wahahahaha... Oh Anon...”
  7943. >She wipes a tear from her eyes.
  7944. >”Some times you can be so gullible and easy to flatter... You didn't think I was serious, did you?”
  7945. >Meh. She fucked with you.
  7946. >Again.
  7947. “Pfft...”
  7948. >You scratch the back of your head and turn your attention to the ceiling that suddenly became very interesting.
  7949. “Of course not... That would be silly, wouldn't it?“
  7950. >Giggling, she nuzzles your face.
  7951. >”It would! And don't worry, I'm quite happy with the status quo of you entering me~”
  7952. “That's relieving to hear. I'm not opposed to try new things. But...”
  7953. >”I know. Just wanted to mess with you, that is all.”
  7954. >Pouting at her, you shoot Twilight an annoyed look.
  7955. “But twice in a row? That's just mean.”
  7956. >”You flatter and mess with me all the time. So it's only fair.”
  7957. “True, true.”
  7958. >She beams you a smile.
  7959. >”But back to more important things.”
  7960. >You raise an eyebrow.
  7961. “And these things would be?”
  7962. >Cuddling!” she chirps.
  7963. >Twilight rolls around onto her other side. Pressing her back into your torso.
  7964. >Looks like she wants to be spooned. You are all for that.
  7965. >So you slide one arm under neck and throw the other around her chest. Letting your hand fondle the soft tuft of fur that sits there.
  7966. >”Mmmhhh~ Nice.”
  7967. >She puts the hand on which she lies on, in her hooves and gently strokes it.
  7968. >Sighing in content.
  7969. >”It has been a long time since I had a good cuddling.”
  7970. “For me too. You tend to not realizing how much you miss them, until you finally have one again..”
  7971. >”I wouldn't say that. They were nights in which I felt pretty lonely. Craving for somepony to hold me.”
  7972. >Her voice has a hint of sadness.
  7973. >”Especially when you have somepony specific in mind.”
  7974. >You pull her closer to you.
  7975. “Sorry for being so dense.”
  7976. >Snorting, she kisses your hand.
  7977. >”Don't be. But yes... It took you a while.”
  7978. “In my defence, you weren't exactly clear with your signs.”
  7979. >”Throwing you onto my couch and sucking you off isn't a clear sign?”
  7980. >You blow her a raspberry.
  7981. “Stop being right.”
  7982. >”Never.”
  7983. >Silently humming, Twilight wraps her tail around your leg.
  7984. >A few moments are spent in silence. Enjoying the closeness to each other.
  7985. “Is this tail thing a sign of affection?” you ask, breaking the stillness.
  7986. >”Yes. Usually I would intertwine it with your tail, but since you don't have one, your leg is the next best thing.”
  7987. >You chuckle and move your hand down to her belly.
  7988. >Applying five points of pressure onto it.
  7989. “Oh, but I have a tail. And it's long enough to wrap something around it. Like your tail.”
  7990. >She snickers and bumps her rump into your groin.
  7991. >”Stop it~ Now I'm not interested in it any more too. You wasted your chance~”
  7992. “Aww... That's a pity.”
  7993. >”It is. Like a famous germane writer once said: “Zurück! Du rettest den Freund nicht mehr”. But I will keep that in mind.”
  7994. “What will you keep in mind?”
  7995. >”Wrapping my tail around yours, stud~”
  7996. “Hehe okay then. I will look forward to it.”
  7997. >”As well to the other thing~ I think I will combine the two~”
  7998. >Ah yes.. the thing she found today. You really wonder what it could be? Maybe some kind of sex toys?
  7999. >Or something sexy she could wear?
  8000. >The suspense is killing you.
  8001. “Now I really can't wait, Twi. Stop putting me on the rack.”
  8002. >Twilight's tail uncoils itself and brushes against your feet, before gently running it's silken hairs up and down your legs.
  8003. >”But teasing you is fun~ You will let me have this, won't you?”
  8004. >Why not? Usually you are the one teasing her.
  8005. >Usually... You talk like you are together for years already.
  8006. >...
  8007. >Certainly feels like that.
  8008. “Of course, my Love. Also you seem to be quite fluent in germane.”
  8009. >”Not really... I had a few years of it in college. I know some famous quotes and can read basic texts. But that's it.”
  8010. “Still impressive. Why did you learn it?”
  8011. >”Mostly for germane spell books.”
  8012. >Twilight puts her cheek into your hand.
  8013. “Are they different from Equestrian ones?”
  8014. >”Yah. They contain many spells that simply aren't allowed in Equestria.”
  8015. “For example?” you say, while beginning to rub her stomach.
  8016. >Eliciting a coo from her and making her hind legs squirm around a bit.
  8017. >”Soul magic... Which is magic for which you need the life essence of a living being. They are powerful but morally questionable.”
  8018. “Sounds pretty cruel.”
  8019. >”To be honest, they are not. The life force isn't consumed for the spell. It just accelerates and strengthens it. After that, it just dissipates into the aether like it would normally do anyway.”
  8020. “But you said they are morally questionable. I'm still new to magic and life force and what not, but this doesn't sound too bad.”
  8021. >You feel her shrug.
  8022. >”The morally questionable part is the fact that you need to imprison the essence in a vessel so you can actually use it. And with it trapped it cannot find it's way back into the... well, let's just call it circle of life to breathe life into something else. Essentially robbing the world of a piece of it.”
  8023. “Now I understand. Put like this, it certainly sounds evil.”
  8024. >”Magic isn't evil per se. The caster decides what to do with it, not the spell. Same goes for spears and other weapons.”
  8025. >Interesting. You like it when Twilight takes her time to explain and teach things to you.
  8026. >She does it with so much care and empathy, you wonder why she didn't become a teacher.
  8027. “Any other outstanding schools of magic from there?”
  8028. >Your marefriend laughs heartily.
  8029. >”Yeah. Body transformation or alteration magic.”
  8030. >You gulp.
  8031. “Like...”
  8032. >Twilight turns her head around to shoot you a wink.
  8033. >”Exactly.”
  8034. >A shudder runs down your spine.
  8035. “I thought you made that up too.”
  8036. >”Why would I?”
  8037. “Dunno. With those deprived fantasies of yours, anything is possible...” you say, with a hint of sarcasm in your tone.
  8038. >”My what now?”
  8039. >She kicks you softly. At least she tries to. From this position it's difficult for her to actually hit you
  8040. >”Just for your information: You were the one who gave me most of them~”
  8041. “Oh poor pony... Tainted by the predatory alien. She will never be able to live a normal life again.”
  8042. >”And don't forget what my parents would think of this! The scandal it would produce!”
  8043. “Outrageous. They never would be able to show their faces in Canterlot again.”
  8044. >”Mhm... What should we do now? We can't keep this a secret forever... Some day they will find out.”
  8045. >You cuddle closer to her.
  8046. “Maybe we should bolt? To some place far away?”
  8047. >”Hmmmm~ So romantic... I would like that.”
  8048. >She turns around again to face you.
  8049. >”But to where?”
  8050. “Trottingham? I heard it's nice there around this time of the year.”
  8051. >”Expensive city, though... How about Ravenholm? My brother said it is a beautiful small town and not only ponies are living there! So we wouldn't stick out as an interspecies couple!”
  8052. >Shaking your head, you kiss her muzzle.
  8053. “Sounds nice and all, Twi. But we don't go to Ravenholm, Twi.”
  8054. >Shooting you a confused look, she kisses you back and then smiles.
  8055. >”How could I forget? Silly me.”
  8056. >Your marefriend closes her eyes and snuggles deeper into your embrace.
  8057. >God, are ponies soft... Like a pile of fluff but with cute little hooves attached.
  8058. >”We had this conversation already yesterday, didn't we?”
  8059. “Yes. But without the running away part.”
  8060. >”As nice as it sounds, I don't want to leave Ponyville.”
  8061. “Me neither. It has it's problems and quirks but I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.”
  8062. >”Yep, everything you just said and more. Also Anon...”
  8063. “Yes?”
  8064. >”You aren't petting me any more. I feel seriously neglected. ”
  8065. “Oh my, I'm sorry. Lemme fix this.” you say, repositioning your hands.
  8066. >One on her back and one on the lower part of her mane. Idly stroking and scratching both spots.
  8067. >”That's better. Thanks~”
  8068. “Everything for my favourite little pony.”
  8069. >She opens her eyes again and blushes.
  8070. >”I love you.”
  8071. “Love you too, Dear.”
  8073. >You take a look at the clock.
  8074. >Eh, it's only six forty. So you still have plenty of time to enjoy the softness of your marefriend.
  8075. >Also something came to your mind just now, which you wanted to ask her.
  8076. “But say, Twilight.”
  8077. >”Mhm?” she hums.
  8078. “What would your parents think about me in earnest? Would they really be so cool about it like you said yesterday?”
  8079. >”Oh...”
  8080. >Her gaze leaves your face, and wanders through the room in thought.
  8081. >”They have never met you before... But I don't think that they will hate you.”
  8082. “But they wouldn't be happy either.”
  8083. >”P-Probably...”
  8084. >She sighs.
  8085. >”The real problem is my dad, though... He is a pretty conservative pony.”
  8086. “He is?”
  8087. >”Yes... He won't try to kill you or something.” she giggles, “But neither he will approve of our relationship...”
  8088. >Twilight sniffles.
  8089. >Maybe you shouldn't have brought this subject up... Way to kill the mood.
  8090. “It's okay, if don't want to talk about it right now.”
  8091. >”Nah... we can't avoid it anyway. So why not speak about it now?”
  8092. >Her eyes fixate back on you.
  8093. >”To be honest, I'm glad you brought this up. It's eating away at me since yesterday.”
  8094. >You smile and play with her mane. Twirling it around in your fingers.
  8095. “Okay then. What about your mother?”
  8096. >”She will be probably just be happy that I finally found somepony nice. So no need to worry about her too much.”
  8097. “Could she help us to turn your father around?”
  8098. >”Dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends ”
  8099. “On what?”
  8100. >”Only because you are nice, doesn't mean that she will be happy about the fact of you not being a pony... Or at least something from our planet.”
  8101. >You chuckle.
  8102. “Oh right... That's a thing too.”
  8103. >”Sadly, yes. Interspecies relationships aren't exactly the most common of things in Equestria. And you aren't even from the same world, so this makes it even saucier.”
  8104. >Snickering, she shifts around a bit to give you better access to her withers.
  8105. >”A bit lower please. I have an itch...”
  8106. >Scratching her there, she exhales in relief.
  8107. >”Ah, thanks...”
  8108. “No biggie. So what do you think we should do?”
  8109. >”Are you really so eager to meet my parents?” she says, shooting you a grin.
  8110. “Not more than any other man or stallion would be, but it sounds like a problem we have to solve.”
  8111. >Twilight groans.
  8112. >”You are right... Do you have any ideas?”
  8113. >Good question.
  8114. “Lemme think about this real quick.”
  8115. >”Kay. I will wait. But pet me while you think, please.”
  8116. “Wouldn't think of anything else.”
  8117. >”Wonderful~”
  8118. >Lazily stroking and fondling her fur and mane, you begin to think.
  8119. >What to do... What to do...
  8120. >Perhaps just blatantly telling them one day? Shanghai-ing them with the news, so to speak?
  8121. >Nah... You don't know how susceptible ponies are to heart attacks. In the worst case you have a funeral to attend.
  8122. >And in the best they will simply be angry...
  8123. >So that's not an option then.
  8124. >Hmm....
  8125. >You look at Twilight.
  8126. >She has her eyes closed and smiles softly. Your touch making her silently coo and moan from time to time.
  8127. >Meh... you want to be pet too. But hooves are completely the wrong instrument for doing this.
  8128. >Too hard and sharp around the edges for your thin human skin.
  8129. >So her warmth has to do.
  8130. >And making sure she feels good and cared for is enough for you.
  8131. >Back to thinking it is...
  8132. >From what Twilight said, it seems like her mother would be the best pony to introduce you to first.
  8133. >She just wants her to be happy and the stallion she loves not to be an asshole.
  8134. >You are pretty sure that she is happy and that you are not an asshole.
  8135. >At least most of the time.
  8136. >You can be if you want, though.
  8137. >Twilight paws your chest like a cat. Alternating between the right and left side.
  8138. >Heart status: critical muh.
  8139. >So why not invite her over alone? For a day, or so.
  8140. >Slowly making Twilight's mother comfortable around you, before finally telling her the big news.
  8141. >Then the chances of her throwing a desperate tantrum or her heart suddenly cease beating should be low enough.
  8142. >But do they even know about you? If not, this won't work too...
  8143. >Meeting an alien and learning that he is the coltfriend of your daughter might be too much for one day.
  8144. >You wouldn't want this too.
  8145. “Twilight?”
  8146. >”Yah?”
  8147. “Did you ever tell your parents about me?”
  8148. >”Of course. In a few letters and when I visited them in Canterlot.”
  8149. “Okay. And did they say anything?”
  8150. >She buries her head in the crook of your neck, and you feel it lightly shake.
  8151. >”Not really. But they acknowledged your existence.”
  8152. >Well, isn't this wonderful.
  8153. “So they now that I exist. That's good.”
  8154. >”Why?”
  8155. “I think I've got something.”
  8156. >”Really? Do tell...”
  8157. “How about we invite your mother over for a day?”
  8158. >”Interesting. Go on.”
  8159. “First you introduce me to her as a friend of yours. Then we will have a nice day in Ponyville together. Meeting your friends, the spa, a dinner and what not.”
  8160. >”But she already knows my friends.”
  8161. >Chuckling you rub a specific spot between her withers which is always tense and constrained.
  8162. >”Ohhh... Don't stop.”
  8163. “That doesn't matter. What matters is that she sees that I’m a nice person and not some kind of weird alien that just wants to ravage their daughter.”
  8164. >”You already did this... Several times.”
  8165. “Heh. She doesn't have to know this, yet. But do you understand where I'm going with this?”
  8166. >”You want to butter her up for the idea of you being my coltfriend?”
  8167. “Exactly. And if everything goes well, she might be on our side when we decide to tell your father.”
  8168. >Her head pops out of it's hiding place.
  8169. >”Actually, that is not a bad idea.”
  8170. “Hey!”
  8171. >You boop her muzzle.
  8172. “I can be smart too!”
  8173. >”You can. But don't forget that's my job.”
  8174. >She sticks her tongue out to you.
  8175. “Don't worry. I don't plan to overthrow you and take over your library any time soon.”
  8176. >”Good!” she chirps, beaming you a smile.
  8177. “So what do you think?”
  8178. >Lying down again, she nods.
  8179. >”Let's do this!”
  8180. “Excellent.”
  8181. >”Of course I want to find a cure first, before we tackle this.”
  8182. “That's a given. It would be difficult to ensure your “treatment” with your mom running around, anyway.”
  8183. >Twilight giggles and blushes.
  8184. >”But if she catches us in the act, it would save us the trouble from explaining this to her.”
  8185. >You laugh.
  8186. “Well, if you want we can simply go to Canterlot tomorrow and fuck in their garden.”
  8187. >”A-Anon!” she blurts out, shocked.
  8188. “Come on, Twi. It was a joke. Of course we would do it in the backyard. So only your parents can see and not the neighbours.”
  8190. >”Oh you~ Never stop being so silly.”
  8191. “If you never stop being cute. Then we have a deal.”
  8192. >You retrieve a hand and hold it out to her.
  8193. >Smiling, she puts her hoof in it.
  8194. >”Deal~”
  8195. >And with a shake the pact is sealed.
  8196. >”Ahh... nice. One problem less.”
  8197. >She rolls on her back, stretching all of her four hooves with a cute yawn.
  8198. “Tired?”
  8199. >”Kinda... The snuggling doesn't make it better.”
  8200. “Yeah, me too. It was a long day.”
  8201. >”Mhm. Long and eventful. And and it isn't even seven...”
  8202. >Hmm... She is right. Six fifty.
  8203. “How long are you going to experiment tonight?”
  8204. >”Dunno... Spike will be sent to bed around nine.... Ten, eleven, midnight... I think four hours should be enough for the first series of tests.”
  8205. “So till one?”
  8206. >”Yep. Some of the metals have to react over night anyway, so I can sleep while they do this... Can I get on your chest again?”
  8207. >Twilight shoots you a pleading look.
  8208. >You smile and pull her on top of you.
  8209. “Of course.”
  8210. >”Thanks. I'm not too heavy?”
  8211. “Nah. But if I stop breathing, please consider getting off of me.”
  8212. >She laughs.
  8213. >”I will. How long will you be out with Kirron?”
  8214. “Depends...”
  8215. >”Let me guess... On how much beer he has with him?”
  8216. “Yeah... exactly.”
  8217. >”Don't drink too much please. You get weird when you are drunk.”
  8218. “Not true.” you pout.
  8219. >”It is! Remember last summer? When the apple family made more cider than they could sell and threw a party?”
  8220. “Wanting to ride on Big Mac is not weird.”
  8221. >”In your underpants only, it is.”
  8222. “Not my fault... I got hit and lost my armour.”
  8223. >”W-What?”
  8224. “Nothing.“
  8225. >”Has this something to do with you calling yourself Arthur that night?”
  8226. “Maybe... But let's just forget this ever happened, okay? When I'm drunk I like to pretend...”
  8227. >Giggling, she rubs your nose with her muzzle.
  8228. >”Okay~ But promise me, not to overdo it.”
  8229. “Yes... Mom.” you say, rolling your eyes.
  8230. >Her face takes a sultry expression.
  8231. >”Does my naughty son need some nurture~?”
  8232. >You sigh and wave her off.
  8233. “No. Just no, Twi.”
  8234. >Twilight chortles.
  8235. >”Pfft... Pity! I thought you liked sexy roleplay.”
  8236. “I do... but not with you as my mother. That's just creepy.”
  8237. >”Oooookay. But I hope you will like what I have planned.”
  8238. >Ah yes... you still wonder what could be.
  8239. >She proved herself to be seductive as hell if she puts some effort into it.
  8240. >Anything is possible with this purple ball of lewdness...
  8241. “Can I get three guesses?”
  8242. >”No~”
  8243. >Meh.
  8244. “But I gave you three guesses before too!”
  8245. >”But you wanted to tell me about it in the first place. And I... don't~”
  8246. “Then I seriously hope, it's worth the wait.”
  8247. >Your hands are put on either side of her barrel. Slowly running along her ribcage.
  8248. >”Mmhhh~ It is, believe me.”
  8249. “I will wait then. But don't disappoint me.” you say with a mocked tone of strictness.
  8250. >”Oh~ Or what?”
  8251. “This.”
  8252. >Without warning you begin to tickle her.
  8253. >Pressing your fingers into her sensitive sides and furiously assaulting her armpits.
  8254. >”Wahahahahaaannoohooon stoohooohop!”
  8255. “No! Learn what it means to fail me!”
  8256. >”Pleheheheheease!”
  8257. >Her whole form is squirming in laughter on your chest. Desperately trying to stop your two-front attack with her hooves.
  8258. >Your aggression pushes her slowly off your chest, until she lies next to you again.
  8259. >”AhahahAnon...”
  8260. >Just a bit more. Don't want to make your marefriend pee herself.
  8261. >Twilight's horn flickers on and off. She cannot seem to muster enough concentration to channel a spell.
  8262. “Silly pony! Your magic is powerless in my realm!”
  8263. >”Uhm...”
  8264. >Huh?
  8265. >You cease your tickling and turn to the source of the noise.
  8266. “F-Fluttershy?”
  8267. >When did she come in?! How can one pony make so little noise, even while entering someone else's home...
  8268. >”Am I interrupting something? I can go again if I do...”
  8270. >The yellow mare stares at the floor and nervously paws the floor. Her face flushed.
  8271. “Can't you knock?”
  8272. >She winces
  8273. >”Ehrm... I did... But you didn't answer and I saw light, so I invited myself in...”
  8274. >Strange. Normally she waits patiently or just leaves... Not exactly a normal behaviour for her, but whatever.
  8275. “Sorry for raising my tone... How long were you standing there?”
  8276. >”Uhmmm.... Certainly not long enough to know that you like roleplay...”
  8277. >Fluttershy muzzle scrunches up and her eyes dart around the room.
  8278. >Okay... Another secret out. Still cool.
  8279. >Twilight recovers from her giggle fit and peeks over the backrest.
  8280. >”Oh Fluttershy! Sorry, I totally forgot that you wanted to come by. And no you weren't interrupting anything.”
  8281. >Eyyup. The “anything” did already happen.
  8282. “Just some cuddling and talking.”
  8283. >She kicks an invisible stone.
  8284. >”Oh... okay. But that's important too.” she says, smiling, “I'm just here to get my book and then I will leave again.”
  8285. >”Of course. One moment please.”
  8286. >Your marefriend leans her head to yours.
  8287. >”Are your pants up and closed?” she whispers.
  8288. “Yes. Why?” you whisper back.
  8289. >”Could you get the book, please? It's in the box over there.”
  8290. >She points at a wooden crate in the corner of the room.
  8291. >“I'm still kinda sticky...”
  8292. “Of course. Follow me, Flutters.”
  8293. >You get up and walk over to the crate.
  8294. >Fluttershy follows you and sits down on her haunches, looking expectingly at you.
  8295. >What's up with that?
  8296. >Opening the box reveals a fuckton of books.
  8297. >Twilight didn't actually tell you what book to get.
  8298. “What’s yours?”
  8299. >”Uhm...” she scans the contents, “Storm...”
  8300. >Eh... just say it. It's just a book. Can't be this embarrassing.
  8301. “Storm?”
  8302. >You sigh, rummage through the box and pull out a tome with “Storm” in its title.
  8303. “This one?”
  8304. >”No...”
  8305. >Huh?
  8306. >You take a look at the cover
  8307. >Two ponies in armour fighting what appear to be horned, pony demons. Lot's of blood is splattered around them.
  8308. >Yeah. And “Gore Storm” doesn't exactly sound like something she would read.
  8309. >But you take a mental note to check it out later. Maybe it's like your Warhammer books.
  8310. >”It's Storm of Love! Red cover with two pegasi on it.” Twilight yells.
  8311. “Thanks!”
  8312. >After some more time playing “crate explorer” you finally find it.
  8313. “Ah! There it is.”
  8314. >You fish it out and hand it to her
  8315. “There you go Flutters. Have fun with it.”
  8316. >Fluttershy's blush grows even brighter and she nods furiously.
  8317. >”Oh, I will. Thank you.”
  8318. >She presses the book against her chest and closes her eyes halfway... Weird... and is her tongue lolling out?
  8319. >Looks like she's in thought or in her imagination.
  8320. >”Oh... Pridewing...” she mumbles.
  8321. >Yep, it's her imagination.
  8322. >It's an adorable sight, but you have stuff to do. Cuddling related stuff.
  8323. >With a snip of your fingers, you bring her back to reality.
  8324. >”Oh! Sorry, I zoned out... What do I owe you, Twilight?” she asks.
  8325. >Twilight waves her off.
  8326. >”Six bits. But with the “Elements of harmony – Circle of super friends” discount, Pinkie forced on me, it's only four.”
  8327. “That's a thing?”
  8328. >Your marefriend giggles.
  8329. >”Sadly yes. But it only affects us six, so I don't lose too much money.”
  8330. >Fluttershy forages through her saddlebags and pulls a silver coin out of it.
  8331. >Which she “mouthes” to you.
  8332. >You take it out of the slippery grasp of her mouth and wipe it once she turns around to Twilight.
  8333. >Pony saliva always disgusted you somewhat. Twilight's is the only exception.
  8334. >And since they tend to do a lot with their mouths you have to wipe or wash many things after you buy them.
  8335. >Especially food and cooking utensils.
  8336. >”Keep the rest.”
  8337. >”Thanks. Also the author of “Storm of Love” just started a new series. If you are interested, I could order the first book in it for you.”
  8338. >Fluttershy's face lights up and she dashes over to your marefriend.
  8339. >”Really?!” she squees.
  8340. >If she wants she can be really quick...
  8341. >You put the unwanted books back into the crate and close it.
  8342. >”Dusty Tome's bookshop – For all your written needs!”is written on the lid.
  8343. >Pfft... You could have come up with a better slogan.
  8344. >Like... Like... Hmm...
  8345. >Okay, no you can't. But no one is paying you to do that anyway, so you don't have to.
  8346. >Shrugging, you join the talking mares.
  8347. >”Uhu. It's set in the classic era of Equestria. A young unicorn maiden tries to get the attention of a prince.”
  8348. >Sounds cheesy...
  8349. >”My! That sounds lovely! Does it... involve... Uhm... you know...”
  8350. >Fluttershy looks up to you, but then immediately averts her eyes again.
  8351. >Apparently you make her feel uncomfortable. Must be something saucy...
  8352. >So you take two steps back.
  8353. >Twilight laughs.
  8354. >”Yes, it does. Everything you like.”
  8355. >The buttery pegasus lets out another squee...
  8356. >”Nice!”
  8357. >… and flutters a foot or so into the air.
  8358. >”So shall I order it then?”
  8359. >Landing, she nods.
  8360. >”Please do.”
  8361. >Your marefriend smiles at her.
  8362. >”Okay. It should be here some time next week.”
  8363. >”Thank you, Twilight.”
  8364. >The two ponies exchange a quick nuzzle, before Fluttershy closes and fastens her saddlebags once again.
  8365. >Meh. You feel left out. Fluttershy's nuzzles are the best. Right after Twilight's, of course.
  8366. >But she extends her wing for a shake. That's good enough too.
  8367. >”I will take my leave then. Good bye, you two.”
  8368. “Take care.”
  8369. >”Have a safe trip home!”
  8371. >And with that said, she exit's the library.
  8372. >Leaving you and Twilight alone.
  8373. >A burning question in your mind.
  8374. “So...”
  8375. >”Yeah?”
  8376. “What is “everything you like”?” you ask, as you sit down next to her.
  8377. >Twilight rests her head and upper body on your lap, looking up to you.
  8378. >”Nothing of your concern~”
  8379. “Aww... Come on. I promise not to tell!”
  8380. >Her tail flicks your back.
  8381. >”I know. But it's still none of your business. Sorry, Anon.”
  8382. >Blowing her a raspberry, you lean back. Putting a hand on her mane and beginning to pet it.
  8383. >”Hmmmm....~”
  8384. “You keep so many secrets from me... It's like we are drifting further and further away with every passing second.”
  8385. >”Oh, stop it~”
  8386. “It's about Pridewing, isn't it?”
  8387. >She giggles.
  8388. >”Not really. But it involves stuff he does.”
  8389. “I understand. Is it sexy stuff?”
  8390. >”Could be. At least it's sexy for Fluttershy.”
  8391. >You raise an eyebrow.
  8392. “What does that mean? Does she have a weird fetish or something?”
  8393. >”Quite the opposite to be exact. She is probably the most vanilla pony in Equestria... Aww shoot.”
  8394. “Tricked ya into telling~”
  8395. >”Sly, tricky human. Damned be your distracting petting!”
  8396. “So should I stop then?”
  8397. >You remove your hand but her magic grip immediately drags it back down.
  8398. >”Don't you dare. And please don't tell her.”
  8399. “Tell her what?”
  8400. >”You know, about... oh you~”
  8401. >Your other hand joins the fun. Slowly tracing the outlines of her cutie mark.
  8402. “So she is pretty tame, fantasy-wise?”
  8403. >”Anon...”
  8404. “Okay, I stop.”
  8405. >”Good. It's rude to be so nosy.”
  8406. “I know, Mom...”
  8407. >She shoots you a steamy look and wink.
  8408. >”I thought you don't want me as your mom~ Did something change your mind? Maybe mama's hot plot~?”
  8409. >You feel her rump tensing up.
  8410. >Sighing, you slap it.
  8411. >”Uhh~”
  8412. “Still no, Twi. But your plot is pretty thick and juicy. I would read it every day.”
  8413. >”Thanks~ You can put your bookmark into it any time you want~”
  8414. “I will take you up on this offer. When I find some extraordinary interesting part, that I want to read over and over again.”
  8415. >To emphasize this, you give her flank another slap. Slightly harder this time.
  8416. >”Uuuhha! You know, if you don't stop any time soon... We may have to start reading in it right now~”
  8417. >As tempting as this sounds, you simply can't Not with Spike up and running around.
  8418. “Tomorrow, Twi.”
  8419. >”Okay~ I can wait. But don't forget about it.”
  8420. “I won't. Don't worry. Not when it's so unputdownable like this splendid specimen.”
  8421. >”You really like it, don't you?”
  8422. >You move your hand from her rump to her lower back. Stroking it calmly.
  8423. >Don't want this to escalate.
  8424. “What can I say? It's perfect.”
  8425. >”It's not. Don't humour me.”
  8426. “But I am not. Why would I lie?”
  8427. >”Dunno... To get into it?” she says, smirking.
  8428. “Are you imputing base motivations on me?”
  8429. >”Of course not. That would be ridiculous~”
  8430. >She rolls onto her back.
  8431. >”What else do you like about me?”
  8432. “Your cute belly for example. Perfect rubbing material.”
  8433. >Twilight hums.
  8434. >”Prove it. As a scientist, I just can't accept something without proof.”
  8435. >The clock strikes seven. More than enough time to give her proof for several theories of yours.
  8436. “Nothing easier than that.”
  8437. >Putting both hands on her tummy, you begin to rub it.
  8438. >Slowly at first, but steadily picking up speed.
  8439. >Making her coo and squirm in ecstasy.
  8440. >It's so soft. Especially the short fur that covers the skin.
  8441. >Her neck over stretches, pressing her head into your thigh and one legs starts to kick the air.
  8442. >How adorable. Reminds you of a dog.
  8443. “See? Prime spot.”
  8444. >Out of breath, she pushes your hands off of her.
  8445. >”Okay... What else?”
  8446. >You boop Twilight's muzzle.
  8447. “This muzzle here. Cute, scrunched or not scrunched.”
  8448. >She blushes a bit.
  8449. “Also everything...” your index finger draws a big circle around her head, “That surrounds it.”
  8450. >”O-Oh... Stop it, please.”
  8451. “Nope. Anon always delivers.”
  8452. >”W-What?!”
  8453. >Ignoring her, you let your fingers travel down her neck.
  8454. >A shudder running down her spine from the soft touch.
  8455. “Your long and slender neck... Like a swan.”
  8456. >”A-Anon!”
  8457. >Rarity told you once on what ponies measure beauty.
  8458. >Since they mostly look the same due to the fur, only few key features separate them from each other.
  8459. >They differ depending on what kind of pony the pony in question is.
  8460. >Things like horn length for unicorns and wingspan or the width of the hips for pegasi, respectively earth ponies.
  8461. >But what all ponies universally think is beautiful, is a long and slender neck.
  8462. >And Twilight's is especially delicate.
  8463. >You shush her.
  8464. “It's true.”
  8465. >Your lips form a smile that she returns.
  8466. >”T-Thanks.”
  8467. >She hides her ever brightening blush behind her front hooves.
  8468. >You love it when she becomes shy and cute like that.
  8469. >Flattering her was always fun, even when you weren't a couple.
  8470. >But now it makes your heart flutter in joy too.
  8471. >Heh. Seems like some things just get better when circumstances change.
  8472. >You bend down and push your face through her hooves.
  8473. >Planting a gentle kiss on her mouth.
  8474. >Twilight closes her eyes and leans into it.
  8475. >Pecking and suckling at your lips as she quietly moans into them.
  8476. >When did life become so wonderful?
  8478. >After a short moment, you break the kiss and stare into her beautiful purple orbs.
  8479. >They reflect your image in the faint light of the floating orbs.
  8480. >Which Fluttershy strangely didn't notice. Maybe she was too excited to get her book.
  8481. >Anyway...
  8482. “Enough proof? Or do you need more?”
  8483. >She meekly shakes her head.
  8484. >”No... That was enough. Thank you”
  8485. “No need to thank me, when I was stating the truth.”
  8486. >You smile at her.
  8487. >”Old flatterer, you~”
  8488. >She giggles and extends a hoof out to you.
  8489. >Which you take into your hands and kiss it.
  8490. “Don't act like you don't like it.”
  8491. >”True, true. I just wish, I could flatter you more often.”
  8492. >Laughing, you gently set her hoof back down.
  8493. “Sorry Twi, that's my job. Yours is being smart, and mine is to flatter you.”
  8494. >You point at her.
  8495. “Purple and smart.”
  8496. >And then at you.
  8497. “Green / Tan and charming.”
  8498. >”Okay, I get it, stud~”
  8499. “Good. But I won't be angry if you tread in my territory from time to time.”
  8500. >”Me neither.”
  8501. >Twilight sighs and lets herself fall on her side, facing away from you.
  8502. >”My oh my... I could fall asleep right away...”
  8503. “Why not postpone your testing to tomorrow morning?”
  8504. >”No... The sample won't survive that long. Your sperm has to be alive.”
  8505. “It's not like I could simply provide you with another sample.”
  8506. >”I know, I know. But I really want to start as soon as possible. Not that delaying this becomes a habit.”
  8507. “I understand.”
  8508. >You look at the clock.
  8509. >Ten minutes past seven. Another ten minutes or so, before you should leave
  8510. “You want me to do anything before I leave?”
  8511. >”Hmmm....”
  8512. >She blows a strand of her mane out of her face.
  8513. >”No, not really. Everything is done. I'm full of your “medicine”, I'm pet sufficiently and I was being told that I'm pretty. So I'm perfectly happy. Thank you.”
  8514. “Glad to hear that.”
  8515. >”Are you coming by tomorrow morning?”
  8516. “Of course.”
  8517. >Twilight hums.
  8518. >”Wonderful. Maybe we could get breakfast again?”
  8519. “Why not? Sucarcube Corner's then?”
  8520. >”Mmhh... No. Rarity told me that a new, lovely cafê just opened last week.”
  8521. “Really? Where?”
  8522. >”Near the old hospital. It's called “Java's coffee emporium” or something similar.”
  8523. “Sounds certainly interesting.” you say, while stroking her side.
  8524. >”The owner is apparently some famous barista from Manehattan. She won several prices for her coffee.”
  8525. >You whistle.
  8526. “Impressive.”
  8527. >”Mhm~ Also one of the waitresses must be something special.”
  8528. “In what way?”
  8529. >”Dunno. Rarity just said that she had to think about you when she saw her.”
  8530. “Interesting... I wonder why.”
  8531. >You know exactly why. She probably has a big flank.
  8532. >Stupid dresshorse... Why did she have to catch you staring?
  8533. >Your early life here could have been so much easier and free of teasing.
  8534. >”She probably has a big flank.”
  8535. >W-What?
  8536. >Can she read your mind?
  8537. “What? I don't know what you mean, Twi.” you stammer.
  8538. >She snickers and shoots you a grin.
  8539. >”Come on, Anon. Everypony knows that you couldn't stop staring at Applejack's rump for a good while.”
  8540. “T-Thats a lie, and you know it! E-Everypony, you say?”
  8541. >”Yeah~ Even Applejack.”
  8542. “She too?!”
  8543. >You sigh and your head droops.
  8544. “My secret is out...”
  8545. >”It was out, a year ago or so.”
  8546. “So long? Why didn't someone tell me? She must think now that I'm some kind of horny pervert...
  8547. >”Not really~ Actually, she found it endearing.”
  8548. >Huh?
  8549. “Endearing?”
  8550. >”Anon. Every mare likes to get attention. Even a hardy one like Applejack. And what better way of getting confirmation of your attractiveness, than some stallion checking you out all the time.”
  8551. >Your marefriend laughs and slaps your knee.
  8552. >”But you have a fine taste in flanks, Anon. I'll give you that.”
  8553. “Thanks, I guess...”
  8554. >God dammit. Your well hidden secret, wasn't so well hidden as you thought.
  8555. “But still, you could have said something.”
  8556. >”Nah.” she waves her hoof around, “We were relieved that you finally showed some interest in ponies. So we agreed on to let you just enjoy the sight of her flanks. As long as you didn't get aggressive, of course.”
  8557. “Aggressive?”
  8558. >”Like in wanting to touch it. That would have been a no-no.”
  8559. “And touching yours?” you say, groping the mounds of her rump.
  8560. >She giggles.
  8561. >”That's a yes-yes~”
  8562. “Good to know.”
  8563. >Twilight rolls around to face you.
  8564. >Her eyes locked with yours.
  8565. >”But did it help you?”
  8566. “Did what help me?”
  8567. >”Her flank, doofus.”
  8568. >You pout.
  8569. “Rude. And you mean like in... masturbation?”
  8570. >”Exactly~”
  8571. >They were several fantasies of yours that involved bucking AJ's apples...
  8572. >Did it just get hotter in here? Must be so, since you feel yourself blush and have to loosen your collar.
  8573. “Uhm... yes.”
  8574. >She bats her eyelashes at you.
  8575. >”Tell me about it~ Your favourite fantasy~”
  8576. >Not something you feel very comfortable about. Even with your marefriend...
  8577. “Twi, I don't kn-”
  8578. >Twilight shushes you and returns to an upright position.
  8579. >”And maybe I will show you mine then~”
  8580. >Show?
  8581. >You raise an eyebrow.
  8582. >This proposition just got a lot more interesting.
  8583. >Kirron can wait for a few minutes longer.
  8585. ~~~
  8586. Anon's masturbation fantasy
  8587. ~~~
  8589. >”Shouldn't you get going soon?”
  8590. >Twilight looks at you with tired eyes, yawning as she ends her sentence.
  8591. “Probably... I left Kirron waiting for quite a bit.”
  8592. >”Sorry.”
  8593. >You chuckle and brush a wet and sticky strand of her mane out of her face.
  8594. “Don't be. It was worth it, wasn't it?”
  8595. >”Most certainly~ I wouldn't mind to repeat this some time.”
  8596. “Me neither. But let's wait for a while before we try this again.”
  8597. >”Okay... But what's hindering me from casting the spell while we are in the act? The poor, devoid of magic human wouldn't be able to defend himself from me~”
  8598. “You wouldn't dare, my dear Twilight.”
  8599. >”Would I?”
  8600. >She sticks her tongue out.
  8601. “If the kinky pony wants her depraved desires pleased and satisfied by the poor, devoid of magic human, she shouldn't do that.”
  8602. >Giggling, she rubs noses with you.
  8603. >”Understood~”
  8604. “Glad we clarified that. So... how does this work...”
  8605. >You look around and reach a hand out in hope of finding the end of the illusion. But it looks like it goes further than you thought.
  8606. >”How does what work?”
  8607. “This bubble thing. Can I just step out of it, or will I fall into an endless void to my doom?”
  8608. >”The latter one.”
  8609. >You raise an eyebrow.
  8610. “What now?”
  8611. >She snickers and winks at you.
  8612. >”Just kidding. This isn't a banishing trap, only an illusion. One moment please.”
  8613. >Twilight closes her eyes and the glow on her horn gets brighter.
  8614. >Something in the form of a bubble starts to crack and shatter around you, bit by bit.
  8615. >Just as the first clear rifts and cracks can be seen, a voice interrupts Twilight.
  8616. >”Twilight? Are you in your rage bubble again?”
  8617. >Spike? Most likely. Who else should it be?
  8618. >You remain silent... Not that he gets any ideas.
  8619. >”B-Buck...” she mumbles.
  8620. >”What is it this time? Did you lose Smarty Pants again? It's not the end of the world, yanno?”
  8621. >Twilight has a rage bubble? And she uses it when she loses her doll? How adorable.
  8622. >You smirk at her and she sticks her tongue out once more.
  8623. >The next time she does that, you will grab it.
  8624. >She clears her throat.
  8625. >”N-No! I didn't. And this isn't my rage bubble, this is my thinking bubble. So please go to your room and let me think!”
  8626. >Rummaging can be heard in the background.
  8627. >”And claws off my rare gems!”
  8628. >”I just want a nibble from the orange ones... They look so tasty!”
  8629. >”No!” she blurts out, “They cost more than half-a-years worth of your allowance!”
  8630. >”W-What?!”
  8631. >”Yes! So please leave them in peace, and go to your room, so I can think undisturbed.”
  8632. >Spike lets out a loud sigh.
  8633. >Your marefriend's interactions with Spike are adorable as hell. Just like mother and son.
  8634. >Okaaayyy....”
  8635. >You can really feel how hard he rolls his eyes right now.
  8636. >”Where is Anon, by the way?”
  8637. >Twilight flinches.
  8638. >Now it's getting interesting. How will she wiggle herself out of that?
  8639. >”He... He already left.”
  8640. >”But his shoes are still here!”
  8641. >”Ponyfeathers...” she whispers.
  8642. >”What? I didn't understand you. Should I get inside?” he asks.
  8643. >”No, don't! It's full of books here, so you wouldn't have any room anyway. And I don't want you to knock everything over.”
  8644. >”Pfft... I'm not that clumsy.”
  8645. >“You are! But that doesn't matter. Anon said he wanted to go bare-feet, because.... Uhm... Because...”
  8646. “Because it is such a nice, warm night.” you whisper into her ear.
  8647. >She smiles and shoots you a thankful nod.
  8648. >”Because it is such a nice, warm night tonight!”
  8649. >”It is?”
  8650. >”Yeah... Just take a look outside.”
  8651. >”Nah. I will take your word for that.”
  8652. >You giggle internally.
  8653. >Cheeky little dragon.
  8654. >”Great... So can you leave me alone now, please? I have some serious thinking to do.”
  8655. >”Will do. But Twilight...”
  8656. >”Yeah?”
  8657. >”Why is the floor all wet? What is that strange liquid?”
  8658. >Your marefriend's mouth shoots open in shock.
  8659. >”D-Don't touch it! It's dangerous!”
  8660. >”Really? It kinda looks like gone off milk...”
  8661. >Oops... You don't remember to hit anything else than your marefriend with your cum. Maybe you shot some to the side, in your ecstatic rage.
  8662. >It was hard to control after all.
  8663. >And Twilight isn't exactly clean too, when she gets exited. Messy, little pony. But you love every drop that comes out of her.
  8664. >”It isn't milk! It's... It's...”
  8665. >Her eyes dart from side to side.
  8666. >Oh my, she looks so cute when she is in distress.
  8667. “Super glue.”
  8668. >She sighs in relief and plants a quick peck on your cheek.
  8669. >”Super glue! So please don't mess with it. I will clean it up later, once I made the right dissolvent for it.”
  8670. >Spike laughs.
  8671. >”'kay! I just wanted to say that I'm off to bed now anyway. Good night, Twi! And don't overdo it with your thinking.”
  8672. >”I won't! Good night, Spike. Love you!”
  8673. >The little dragon acknowledges her sign of affection with a snip of his fingers and then vanishes up the stairs.
  8674. >His door is slammed shut and your marefriend's form visibly relaxes once she hears it.
  8675. >That was close, but entertaining.
  8677. >”Ehh... That had the potential to get real awkward, real quick.”
  8678. “Amen to that... Didn't you say that Spike should be asleep already?”
  8679. >Twilight blushes and lets out a stammered laugh.
  8680. >”Ehehe... Yeah, I did... And he ate so much ice cream, that it should have knocked him out for good... Usually.”
  8681. “Do you think that... Uhm.. he heard other things too? Or saw?”
  8682. >”By Celestia! I certainly hope not... Looking back at it, it was real risky. We should be more careful in the future.”
  8683. >You could mention that all this was mostly her idea, but you bite back it.
  8684. >No use in starting a pointless argument.
  8685. “You are right. Let's confine ourselves to your bedroom when we want to do it here.”
  8686. >Her eyes go half lidded.
  8687. >”What about the bathroom?”
  8688. “But Twilight...”
  8689. >You cup her cheek with a hand. Stroking the soft, short fur there with it's thumb.
  8690. “One gets clean in the bathroom, not dirty.”
  8691. >”Aww~”
  8692. >She pouts.
  8693. >”But I like getting dirty.”
  8694. “I know. Me too, Twi. Me too.”
  8695. >Twilight leans forward and locks lips with you.
  8696. >Not for long though. Almost immediately after they made contact, she separates them again. Burying her muzzle in the crook of your neck.
  8697. >”Mhmm...”
  8698. >And then takes a deep whiff.
  8699. >”You smell like me and my arousal...”
  8700. “I do?”
  8701. >The only thing you can smell is a deep, musky scent. Not unpleasant but quite pungent.
  8702. >”Yeah. Normally I would say that you should keep it, so all the other mares know that you are my stallion. But...”
  8703. >She licks across your neck, sending a shudder down your spine.
  8704. >”It's too attention-grabbing right now. Do you want to take a shower before you go?”
  8705. “I would like that very much, thank you. Also I need a change of clothes. They are... well, drenched to say at least.”
  8706. >Giggling, she looks down to your pants. Feeling them up with her hooves.
  8707. >”You are right. And sticky too.”
  8708. “Why do you have to be so messy? It's like a broken dam down there, once you get going.”
  8709. >You give her rump a light slap.
  8710. >”Dunno... I always was like that. Don't you like it?”
  8711. “I do. Twi. Makes me feel good about my skills as a lover, when you start leaking like that.”
  8712. >Your marefriend shoots you a sly, seductive sideways look.
  8713. >”You don't have to be worried about that, believe me. I would have said something, if it was otherwise~”
  8714. >She takes a look at the clock.
  8715. >”Twenty minutes to eight already... You really should get going and I should start experimenting. Even if I don't want this to end so abruptly.”
  8716. “Me neither.”
  8717. >Twilight smiles and her horn lights up again to finish the job it previously started.
  8718. >The cracks renew themselves and after a few seconds, the bubble shatters. Small shards break away and fall towards the ground. Disappearing into the thin air before actually hitting it, or the two of you.
  8719. >Luckily... They look awfully sharp.
  8720. >It takes a while, but finally you are back in the familiar environment that is Twilight's home.
  8721. >Which is now lit by some candles, that Spike must have lit. The floating orbs are gone.
  8722. >Most likely due to a lack of magical sustenance from her side
  8723. >”So... That's it.”
  8724. “Home sweet, home.”
  8726. >She hops off your lap and lands gracefully on her four hooves on the floor. Stretching them for a bit before looking over her shoulder at you..
  8727. >”So what about that shower now? I could use one too.”
  8728. “Lead the way, Twi.”
  8729. >You get up and follow your marefriend, who is swaying her hips fairly seductively from side to side... Is she trying to warm you up for another round in the shower? Or is she just walking funny? Hard to tell.
  8730. >Either way you cannot overlook that she is leaking your seed out of various orifices. It looks hot, but you don't want to slip and break your neck.
  8731. >So you quickly scoop her up. Cradling Twilight in your arms and holding her plush rump up high, thus it stops seeping.
  8732. >”Whoa! Anon~”
  8733. >You kiss the tip of her muzzle.
  8734. “Let me carry you.”
  8735. >”Thank you.”
  8736. >She huddles up to you and closes her eyes.
  8737. >”I could get used to that...”
  8738. “To what? Me carrying you?”
  8739. >”Mhm. I ain't too heavy for you?”
  8740. “No. You are as light as a feather, Twi.”
  8741. >Like almost all ponies here in Equestria... Unlike their earth counterparts, they seldom exceed the one hundred pounds mark.
  8742. >In general they are very different to them. From the placement of their eyes to the human like expressions.
  8743. >Not to speak of the ways they can manipulate things with their hooves. You still have no clue on how they do this.
  8744. >Hooves... How do they work?
  8745. >”Aww... Stop flattering me. I'm a bit chubby. Look!”
  8746. >To emphasize her point she squeezes her tummy together. Forcing a small roll of fat to form between her hooves.
  8747. >You chuckle and brush them away.
  8748. “You are not chubby, Twi. You are cuddly! And now shush!”
  8749. >Twilight giggles and opens the door to her room with magic.
  8750. “Thanks.”
  8751. >”No problem. You have your hands full after all.”
  8752. “Yep. With a soft, cuddly pony.”
  8753. >Once you enter your marefriend's bedroom, she levitates two towels out of her closet and floats them over to the bathroom.
  8754. “You don't happen to have a change of clothes for me?”
  8755. >”Sadly not. But I could clean the ones you are wearing with a quick spell.”
  8756. “That would be lovely, thank you.”
  8757. >She nods and her horn begins to glow.
  8758. >A faintly shining, blueish orb gradually exits it and floats towards her bed. Settling right above her teddy bear.
  8759. >How pretty.
  8760. >”Phew... That was harder than I thought...”
  8761. “Is that some kind of cleaning bubble?”
  8762. >”Kinda. To be precise, it's a water familiar that attracts other liquids and collects them. Thus removing the stains out of your clothes.”
  8763. >You whistle.
  8764. “Neat.”
  8765. >”Yep! And you don't even need to dry them afterwards.”
  8766. “Really? That's convenient. Thanks, Twi.”
  8767. >She kisses your cheek.
  8768. >”You're welcome, stud. But you might want to use a perfume or something similar on them afterwards... The familiar doesn't disperse smells.”
  8769. “I will surely find something that will cover it.”
  8770. >You gently put her down and she glides out of your arms, as elegant and graceful as ever.
  8771. >”Thanks. There should be some more stallionly scents, that Spike uses from time to time in my bathroom.”
  8772. >Twilight snickers.
  8773. >”I put them there, so he doesn't use them all the time when he thinks he could get in the slightest vicinity of Rarity.”
  8774. “You don't need to worry about that any more, though.” you state, laughing.
  8775. >”Yeah. Luckily. Did I ever thank you for doing this?”
  8776. “I think so.”
  8777. >”Hmm~”
  8778. >Her eyes go half lidded and a sultry grin appears on her lips.
  8779. >”I'm not so sure about that... Should I thank you properly in the shower?”
  8780. >You kneel down and lift her face up by the chin.
  8781. “You're insatiable, you know that?”
  8782. >”I do~ Do you want me to change? Be your pure and innocent marefriend? That saves herself for her marriage?”
  8783. >Marriage? Whoa... Slow down there, Twi...
  8784. “Don't you think you get a bit ahead of yourself there? Also it is kinda too late for that, isn't it?”
  8785. >She blushes and plants a kiss on your palm. Brushing it softly with her tongue as she diverges from it again.
  8786. >”Perhaps? Sorry, stud.”
  8787. “Don't be. But let's wait a bit more before we discuss things like this, okay?”
  8788. >”Okay.”
  8789. “Wonderful. Now...”
  8790. >”Hmm?”
  8791. >You remove your clothes and lay them somewhat folded under the floating orb. It's glow starts to intensify and the garments below it get engulfed in a blue mist.
  8792. >Is it hissing? Creepy. But it seems to work.
  8793. >A steady, gaseous stream travels from them to the familiar.
  8794. >Twilight's eyes go wide as she sees your naked form. You can swear you see her licking her lips out of the corner of your eye.
  8795. >Sadly, you will have to disappoint her this time.
  8796. >If you start another lewd round of kinky things, you might never leave her home tonight.
  8797. >Not that you wouldn't like that too, but...
  8798. >Kirron and the barrel full of strong, delicious minotauren beer are waiting.
  8799. “Let's get cleaned up.”
  8800. >Twilight forces her gaze up from your privates parts to your face and nods.
  8801. >”Let's!”
  8803. >You and your marefriend enter her bathroom and she magically turns the lights on,
  8804. >For the first time you actually see it from the inside. There never was a reason to enter it before until now.
  8805. >A girls bathroom is her sanctuary, you learned that back on earth.
  8806. >Whistling, you take a look at your surroundings.
  8807. >You knew she isn't the type for things that are too girly, and her bathroom reflects that.
  8808. >Her tub and the walls that gird it are in a dark and deep blue. With the walls having streaks of pink and purple in them.
  8809. >The small cabinet above the tub as well as it's rim is full of scented candles and shampoos in all kinds of colours and scents.
  8810. >Even the shower curtains look kinda like her mane.
  8811. >You quite like it. Your bathroom is bland compared to hers.
  8812. >Aww... She even has a large mirror in the shape of her cutie mark. Framed by smaller mirrors to represent the smaller stars on it.
  8813. >You wonder if it was a gift or if she got that made.
  8814. >She looks up to you with a wide smile on her lips.
  8815. >”Like it?”
  8816. “To quote Rarity: “Its simply divine, darling!”.”
  8817. >Giggling, she swats your leg playfully with a hoof.
  8818. >”Stop it, you~”
  8819. >Twilight trots over to the tub and climbs into it.
  8820. >She struggles a bit at first, her hooves can't seem to get get a good hold...
  8821. >”Argh... Why did I ever chose those lotus tiles. Stupid things,”
  8822. >But then finally manages to get in.
  8823. >”Phew.”
  8824. >With an expectant look on her face, she beckons you to follow her.
  8825. >”Come on in! Before I start showering without you!”
  8826. >You didn't notice that before, but it looks awfully small.
  8827. >Your marefriend alone takes nearly half of the available space in there.
  8828. “Are you sure, that we will fit both in there?”
  8829. >She waves you off.
  8830. >”Of course! It maybe a bit snug, but we will manage.”
  8831. >A wink is shoot in your direction.
  8832. >”And the last time I checked, you liked tight, confined spaces~ So come here, stud.”
  8833. >No use to argue with this. She is utterly and completely right.
  8834. >”But first get that loofah over there, please.”
  8835. >Twilight points at a rack behind you. Several loofahs and wash-clothes neatly hang there, right next to each other.
  8836. “Of course. Which one?”
  8837. >”Doesn't matter.”
  8838. “Okay.”
  8839. >So you walk over to the rack and grab for a white loofah with purple specks.
  8840. >But before you can get a hold on it, it floats out of your reach.
  8841. >You go for it again, but another time the loofah escapes your grasp and even starts to dance in front of your face.
  8842. >Like it's mocking you for your inability to catch it...
  8843. >Rude.
  8844. >Several times more, you try to fetch the soft showering utensil, but each attempt fails.
  8845. >You shoot your marefriend an unamused glare over your shoulder, which she returns with a giggle.
  8846. >”Okay, okay. I will stop.”
  8847. >She floats it towards you and you take it into a secure hold. Nevermore shall it roam free.
  8848. >”But I enjoyed the show. You really have nice flanks~”
  8849. “Thanks. Yours are nice too.”
  8850. >”Judging from all the attention you gave them, I guessed that already.”
  8851. “Tzzk.”
  8852. >Twilight snickers and scoots over to one end of the tub.
  8853. >”Now come on in. It's awfully boring and lonesome in here.”
  8855. >You join your marefriend and she closes the curtains with her magic. Her lips still bearing that sly grin.
  8856. >She has something planned, that is sure.
  8857. >The residues of her nectar get stickier and more uncomfortable by the second, so you just look forward to the cleansing water and decide to deal with her advances as they come.
  8858. >Twilight turns the water on and a warm, steady rain starts to pour down on you.
  8859. “Hach... Nice.”
  8860. >But where does the water come from? As far as you observed, her shower didn't have a head shower.
  8861. >A look to the ceiling solves this mystery... A cloud?
  8862. >What is this sorcery?
  8863. >Your shower doesn't have a cloud... Just a bog standard shower head.
  8864. >Honestly you are a bit jealous.
  8865. >”Impressed? It's a shower cloud that I conjured myself!”
  8866. >Twilight looks at you with big eyes, her tail wagging from excitement.
  8867. >She must be really proud of this.
  8868. “Can't say that I'm not... Where does it get it's water from?”
  8869. >”From the piping.”
  8870. >Giggling, she pokes your leg.
  8871. >”Where else should it get it from?”
  8872. >How mundane.
  8873. “Makes sense. Still it's very fascinating. Could you make one for my shower too?”
  8874. >Your marefriend shakes her head.
  8875. >”I could, but it wouldn't work without an active source of magic. You would just get a thin, moist mist. Nothing more.”
  8876. “Pity.”
  8877. >”Yeah...”
  8878. >Twilight levitates the loofah and a bottle of shampoo towards you, which you take a bit confused into your hands.
  8879. >”But no use crying over things you cannot change. Do something that you can actually change... Clean my dirty coat~”
  8880. >She turns around and sits down on her haunches.
  8881. “Getting a little demanding, aren't you?”
  8882. >Nevertheless, you kneel down and squirt some shampoo on the loofah.
  8883. >Smells like lavender and... Chamomile?
  8884. >”A bit? Whatcha gonna do about it?”
  8885. “I simply couldn't scrub your back.”
  8886. >”But I would scrub yours too. Doesn't that sound nice?”
  8887. >It does.
  8888. >And isn't that something japanese men love? Getting washed and their back scrubbed by a beautiful girl?
  8889. >And Twilight is as beautiful as a mare can get. At least in your eyes.
  8890. >You are living their dream. Heh. Suck it random asian exchange student. That's what you get for not letting you copy his homework.
  8891. “Deal.”
  8892. >She looks over shoulder, shooting you a wink.
  8893. >”And if you do especially well, I might add a little something when it's my turn.”
  8894. >A little something? Intriguing... You didn't plan to give to one of her dirty passes, but let's not jump the gun.
  8895. >Could be worth the extra time you let Kirron wait. He will understand.
  8896. >What will his reaction to you being in a relationship now be, you wonder?
  8897. >”I don't feel any scrubbing~”
  8898. “Sorry, I was in thought.”
  8899. >Actually, you don't even know if Twilight takes any issues with you telling him. You should better ask her.
  8900. >”No problem.”
  8901. >You apply some of the orangey shampoo on her back and withers, and start to gently scrub them with the loofah, while your other hand runs around her barrel. Lathering her chest and neck with the sweet-scented soap.
  8902. >Did the rain just got weaker? How strange.
  8903. >Foam begins to form on her wet fur.
  8904. >The dried patches cum and other fluids prove quite resilient to your cleaning attempts, but eventually go off with some dedicated rubbing.
  8905. >”Hmm~”
  8906. >Sounds like she enjoys it.
  8907. >Her back is now almost clean, but it wasn't particularly dirty in the first place.
  8908. >Normally. you now would take shower head and rinse Twilight off... But with a cloud that isn't exactly possible.
  8909. “Uhm, Twi?”
  8910. >”Yeah?”
  8911. “Can I somehow influence where the stream goes? I want to rinse your back.”
  8912. >She snickers.
  8913. >”Oh, of course. Just think where it should go and add the word “Nimbus” before it... It's manipulated by thoughts. That’s how I reduced it's intensity before.”
  8914. >A thought controlled cloud? Impressive.
  8915. “Okay.”
  8916. >Let's give it a try.
  8917. >Nimbus, Twilight's back.
  8918. >Nothing happens.
  8919. >Nimbus, Twilight's back!
  8920. >And another time it blatantly ignores you.
  8921. >Does it think it's better than you?!
  8922. >Angrily, you shake your fist at it. But it isn't impressed by your sign of aggression.
  8923. >Twilight laughs.
  8924. >”Did you think “Twilight”?”
  8925. “Of course. Was that wrong?”
  8926. >”Yep. Try “unicorn”. The cloud doesn't know any names. It can only differentiate between species and gender.”
  8927. “Okay then.”
  8928. >”If you want it to concentrate on you, the keyword is “Diamond Dog”.”
  8929. >What? That's hardly flattering.
  8930. “Diamond Dog?”
  8931. >”Sorry stud, but that's the closest thing that resembles your appearance. But “Minotaur” should work too.”
  8932. >That's better. At least they have muscles... And thumbs.
  8933. >Anyway.
  8934. >Nimbus, unicorn's back.
  8935. >And indeed, a soft torrent of water rains down on her withers. Running down her back and taking the foam with it.
  8936. >After a few seconds, she is squeaky clean and let's out a content sigh.
  8937. >With another thought, you switch the cloud back to “shower” mode.
  8938. “Now your mane and front.”
  8939. >”Thank you.”
  8940. >Twilight turns on the spot to face you and her gaze wanders immediately down to between your legs..
  8941. >Almost disappointed is the look on her face. Did she expect to see you aroused from washing her back?
  8942. >You chuckle and force her eyes up again.
  8943. “Looking for something?”
  8944. >”N-Not really.” She blurts out, brightly blushing.
  8945. >Adorable. You will never get enough of that.
  8946. “Okay then. Should I use the same shampoo for your mane?”
  8947. >”No. Use this one, please.”
  8948. >She floats another bottle towards. This one is pink and white.
  8949. “Mane'n'Tail... No tear formula, for sensitive fillies...”
  8950. >Oh my. It even is bubblegum scented.
  8951. >You barely manage to suppress your laughter.
  8952. >”Don't lauigh! I-I hate getting shampoo in my eyes... It burns and stings.” she pouts.
  8953. “Yeah, that really sucks. Now bow down a bit, my sensitive filly.”
  8954. >”O-Okay.”
  8955. >She does so and presents you her cranium.
  8956. “Since I found out an embarrassing of yours shower secret, wanna hear one of mine?”
  8957. >”It really isn't that embarrassing... But, yes. Spit it out.”
  8958. “I sing while I shower. Really, really badly. And every time my neighbours hear it.”
  8959. >Twilight laughs and nearly ruins your shampoo applying attempt.
  8960. >”For real?”
  8961. “Mhm. They even complained once, but I don't care. I just try to introduce Equestria to cheesy, eighties glam rock.”
  8962. >”Neighties.”
  8963. “You ponies and your horse puns. Did Celestia decide that every town name and term has to be a horse pun, when she founded Equestria?”
  8964. >”No? Why would she do that?”
  8965. “Just asking.”
  8966. >You put the bottle away and begin to massage the soap into her scalp.
  8967. >”Ah... nice. You should do this professionally.”
  8968. “What? Assisting ponies in their showers? I don't see a bright future for this profession, Twi. Most ponies are perfectly capable of showering by their own.”
  8969. >”Not that, silly. I mean massaging. You do that really well.”
  8971. “My massaging isn't that special. It's mostly improvised, with no real coordination or what not.”
  8972. >”Were you ever massaged by a pony?”
  8973. ”Can't really say that I were.”
  8974. >Her head is sufficiently soaped now, so you move on to the lower part of her mane and neck.
  8975. >Massaging and kneading slowly down with circular movements and tugging at the occasional stuck together strand of hair.
  8976. >Meh... You really plastered her there good. If you knew you had to clean after your own mess, you would have aimed more carefully.
  8977. >But you do it gladly and willingly, seeing that she enjoys it so much.
  8978. >”It's horrible! Hooves are not made for handling such delicate tasks... Only unicorns can really offer a satisfying massage, but they have to use sticks and other means. If you want one that doesn't leave you more tense than before, you have to hire a gryphon or a minotaur. But those are expensive as tartarus.”
  8979. “I see. Because of their respective claws or fingers, I assume?”
  8980. >Speaking of fingers... Yours got somehow entangled in her mane.
  8981. >”Exactly. But gryphons can severely hurt you, if they aren't careful, and minotaurs generally lack the tact and gentleness that a good massage needs. So it can be a bit rougher than you would like it.”
  8982. >Twilight yelps as you try to free your fingers.
  8983. >”Ow!”
  8984. “Sorry, Twi. Just hold still for a moment.”
  8985. >”No, you hold still please.”
  8986. >Her horn flashes briefly and suddenly your hands are above her neck.
  8987. “Did you just teleport my hands?”
  8988. >”Yep.”
  8989. “Okay... Thanks.”
  8990. >You move them back down and continue washing her mane. Which is nearly clean and free from all fluids that don't belong there.
  8991. >”No biggie. Where was I... Ah, yes!”
  8992. >She looks up to you.
  8993. >”Firstly: A bit lower please. And secondly: But you... You have fingers and the needed tact and coordination for a good massage.”
  8994. “Comes with being human, eh?”
  8995. >”From what you told me about how your kind has evolved, most likely.”
  8996. >She tilts her head a bit to the left, to give you better access to a rather large patch of dried cum.
  8997. >Looks like it must have pooled there, since it's quite thick and especially crusty.
  8998. >Better let the shampoo soak for a while, so you have an easier time later.
  8999. >”I'm sure that the spa would appreciate your skills. Ponies from far and wide would come to Ponyville, just to get massaged by you!”
  9000. “Mayor Mare surely would like that too. More tourists means more bits.” you state, chuckling.
  9001. >Twilight giggles.
  9002. >”Probably. Sometimes I think, rising revenues are her fetish.”
  9003. “Heh. Just like last year at the summer solstice festival.”
  9004. >”Oh my! I totally forgot that! She nearly fainted on the spot, once I told her how much Ponyville actually earned during that day.”
  9005. >That should be enough soaking in. Time to scrub it out.
  9006. >Loofah I choose you!
  9007. “Seems like you aren't the only mare with strange kinks.”
  9008. >”Oh stop it, you~ They are far weirder ponies out there. Who like being whipped, hit and what not.”
  9009. “Or bitten and scratched.”
  9010. >Your marefriend blows you a raspberry.
  9011. >”Pfft. It isn't that strange. As a former flight and prey animal, it only makes sense that I might enj-”
  9012. >You shush her.
  9013. “It's okay, Twi. You don't have to justify yourself for what you like. In fact, I enjoy it too.”
  9014. >She blushes and sighs in relief,
  9015. >”You do? Wonderful... I feared that I might force you to do all this.”
  9016. “Nah. It was my idea in the first place, did you forget that too?”
  9017. >”Oh, you're right... How did you come up with that, anyway?”
  9018. >Shrugging, you put the loofah away and check if the dried-up seed is still there.
  9019. >Ah, great. It's perfectly clean.
  9020. “Dunno, to be honest. It was an idea that spontaneously came to my mind, and I tried it out. To great success, if I might add. Could you lie down on your back, please?”
  9021. >Twilight shoots you sultry look.
  9022. >”Why? Do you want to clean my insides with your hose~?”
  9023. >You shake your head, but you can't suppress that quiet giggle her cheesy innuendo elicited from you
  9024. “At the risk of disappointing you... No. I just want to clean your front, Twi.”
  9025. >”Aww... What a pity. Can I convince you otherwise? With more to clean, maybe~?”
  9026. >As tempting as this sounds, you don't want to leave Kirron waiting for longer than you already did.
  9027. >He won't wait forever.
  9028. “Sorry, Twi. I will have to refuse your offer. To quote a wise man from my planet: "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.“.“
  9029. >She snickers and paws your flaccid member.
  9030. >”I could change that with a quick healing spell... One second and you are good to go again.”
  9031. “Please don't.”
  9032. >”Why not? Are thirteen or so times too much for the poor human?”
  9033. “I am sure that isn't normal for ponies either...”
  9034. >”But it is!”
  9035. “Now you are fucking with me.”
  9036. >”Not yet... But I could be soon~”
  9037. >You ruffle her mane and boop her on the muzzle. Making it scrunch and stick her tongue out in response.
  9038. >”Okay. I get it. No more lewd, depraved acts for this mare tonight.”
  9039. “We have to ration them a bit. Or else we will ran out of new ideas.”
  9040. >”That won't be a problem, stud. There is so much we can try~ Like more role playing.”
  9041. “As long as you don't want to be my mother or any other close relative, that's fine with me.”
  9042. >That sly grin from before returns to her lips.
  9043. >”So distant relatives are okay then?”
  9044. >Oh my... That mare.
  9045. >Nimbus, unicorn's head.
  9046. >”Hey! That's meanwargharbll...”
  9047. >The torrent engulfs and interrupts your marefriend.
  9048. >Nimbus, shower.
  9049. >A bit disgruntled she looks at you, spitting the water that got in her mouth in your general direction.
  9050. >She is drenched, but at least the shampoo is gone now too.
  9051. >You brush the wet hair out of her face and beam her a smile.
  9052. “No relatives, please.”
  9053. >”Yeah... I got it.”
  9054. >Suddenly something very cold hits your back, making you flinch and scream like a little girl.
  9055. “Aaahhhh! Cold!”
  9056. >Twilight laughs and shoots you a dirty smirk as you fall flat on your ass.
  9057. >”Revenge is a dish, best served cold.”
  9058. “I had that coming, I guess?”
  9059. >”You did. But now we are even.”
  9060. >The icy downpour ceases and is replaced by the warm summer rain again.
  9061. “Sweet, life giving warmth... How did I miss you...”
  9062. >Giggling, Twilight turns around and you assist her to lie down on her back.
  9063. >Right between your legs and blatantly staring at your genitals.
  9064. >”Nice view!”
  9065. “Glad, you like it. My view is not bad either.”
  9066. >”You know... You could just lean over me and...”
  9067. >Another boop shushes her once more.
  9068. “Tomorrow, okay?”
  9069. >She rolls her eyes, but then smiles.
  9070. >”Okay. Could you use the shampoo in the green bottle over there? I have dry skin on my chest and stomach.”
  9071. “Of course. Just magic it over.”
  9072. >”Lazy, lazy human.”
  9073. “I'm not lazy, I just want to save calories.”
  9074. >Twilight pokes your belly with a hoof.
  9075. >”To me, it looks like you saved enough already.”
  9076. “I blame Pinkie for that. Her baking is far too good.”
  9077. >”And fattening...”
  9078. >She sighs and floats the bottle over to you.
  9079. >”Maybe we should go on a diet together.”
  9080. >You take it into your hands and read it's label.
  9081. >Master of Moisture... Stupid name. Kinda sounds like a video game set on a desert planet.
  9082. >Ehh... Video games. You miss them. Luckily your Sega Genesis, along with a few games, survived the trip to Equestria, so you can get your fix from time to time.
  9083. >Twilight enjoys them too. She had some problems with the controller at first, but she soon figured out to manipulate the buttons with her magic.
  9084. >She even managed to beat you in Mortal Kombat a few times.
  9085. >Anyway...
  9086. “Nah. I like me this way. And you for that matter.” you say, as you squirt some shampoo into your hand.
  9087. >Out of the corner of your eyes, you can notice a slight blush on her face.
  9088. >”T-Thanks.”
  9089. >You work the soap into the fluffy tuft on her chest. Spreading it clockwise from there.
  9090. “Just stating what I think, so no need to thank me. Now spread your legs a bit, please.”
  9091. >”Which pair~?”
  9092. “The one that doesn't contain two certain entrances between it.”
  9093. >”Aww...”
  9094. >She spreads her front-legs as far as she can manage, which is not much due to the way her body works, but still enough to let you reach and wash every part of her torso.
  9095. >Her eyes are closed the entire time and a quiet moan escapes her mouth occasionally.
  9096. >The stains aren't as bad as the ones on her head and neck luckily, so they are gone fairly quick.
  9097. >But still you add some extra massaging and caressing to your cleaning, just to hear her content sighs and moans.
  9098. >Which get more sensual and throaty by the second... Better tone it down a notch, before she decides to pounce at you.
  9099. >Just a few finishing touches here and there... And... Perfect. One foamy pony, ready to be rinsed.
  9101. >You prop Twilight's neck and head up a bit, so she doesn't accidentally drown when you let the cloud swill her.
  9102. >Better be safe than sorry. Who knows if this thing can suddenly go haywire and wants to get it's moisture from living beings.
  9103. >Like the Blob, just fluffier.
  9104. >The cloud hisses.
  9105. >Uhh...
  9106. >Did it just read your mind?
  9107. >You look up to it and watch it for a short while.
  9108. >Does something swim around in it's misty body? You can't really tell... It's too steamy in here.
  9109. >Looks black...
  9110. >”Anon...” she whines
  9111. >Her voice snaps you back to reality.
  9112. “Yes, Twi?”
  9113. >”I feel soap running down to my eyes...”
  9114. >Oh. Let's rinse her off then.
  9115. >Nimbus, unicorn.
  9116. >And like usual, it promptly follows your wish and concentrates it's downpour on your marefriend.
  9117. >She hums in delight when she feels the warm stream flow onto her.
  9118. >Taking the foam and thus all the dirt and dust of today with it.
  9119. >While she enjoys her rinsing, you take another look at the cloud.
  9120. >Hmm... Now it looks clear, or as clear as a cloud can be. Nothing is in it.
  9121. >Must have imagined that. Heat always did funny things to you.
  9122. >You turn your attention back to Twilight, who looks at you, up side down, with a wide smile.
  9123. >”Something the matter?”
  9124. “No, not really. Is the soap still there?”
  9125. >She shakes her head.
  9126. >”Nope! All clean... Well, except for a certain place, but since you aren't interested in touching that for the remainder of today, I will clean it myself.”
  9127. >Aww... She sounded a bit disappointed.
  9128. >You wonder if this is about her addiction, or just about general horniness.
  9129. >Heh. A horny unicorn. Beavis and Butt-Head would be proud.
  9130. “You seam really eager, even after our intense session from before. Do you need... you know, another dose?”
  9131. >Twilight frowns.
  9132. >”Dose... Better than fix, but still an ugly word.”
  9133. >But then giggles.
  9134. >”And no, I don't need one. I'm just, like you said, a bit eager today. And your naked form doesn't exactly help me dispelling all those naughty thoughts, I have right now.”
  9135. >She rolls around on her stomach and then pushes herself up into a sitting position.
  9136. >”You normally wear all those pesky clothes, so it's really special when I get to see you naked. Gets me going in no time.”
  9137. “That's what I wanted to ask you some time anyway...”
  9138. >”Why I find you attractive, or what?”
  9139. >You chuckle and squirt some of the orange shampoo onto the loofah.
  9140. “No, I think you already told me that. My scent and what not.”
  9141. >She giggles and takes the loofah into her magical grip.
  9142. >”Ah, yes. You're right. What did you want to ask then? And turn around please, now it's my turn to wash you.”
  9143. >You nod and turn yourself around. Which is a difficult task in this damned, pony-sized tub.
  9144. >”Bend over a bit.”
  9145. >Huh? Okay. Maybe she can't reach you well enough, otherwise.
  9146. >So you do so and rest your head on your knees.
  9147. “What I wanted to ask is, how you ponies deal with the constant nakedness. Doesn't this get awkward?”
  9148. >Not really. You get used to it. But for colts that enter puberty it's pretty hard.”
  9149. “Heh. Hard.”
  9150. >Your marefriend laughs.
  9151. >”Exactly. If you promise to never tell anypony, I will tell you a story about my brother.”
  9152. >Uuuhh... Interesting.
  9153. “I promise. I will even Pinkie promise, if you want.”
  9154. >”Nah, I will take your word for it. So...”
  9155. >You hear a long squirting sound. How much shampoo does she plan to use?
  9156. >Something pink flies through the shower curtains... Was that the loofah?
  9157. >”When Shining and Cadence started dating, I think he was around seventeen years old and she four hundred thirty-nine or something...”
  9158. >Chris Hansen would explode if he ever heard of this...
  9159. “Is this a normal thing in Equestria?”
  9160. >”What?”
  9161. “Such an extreme age difference for couples?”
  9162. >”Not really. But you are legally allowed to have a relationship with an adult, when you reach the age of sixteen.”
  9163. “Still it's kinda creepy.”
  9164. >”Cadence is an alicorn, and everything under a thousand is considered young age for them. If she wants a relationship, she is forced to chose somepony younger than her. Male alicorns don't exist, at least not any more.”
  9165. “What do you mean with “any more”? What did happen to them?
  9166. >She sighs and puts her hooves on your shoulders.
  9167. >”It's a long and sad story... To make it short, they were few in numbers to begin with and then died all in a pointless war... There is more to it, much more. But I'm not in the mood to teach you about ancient Equestrian history right now, so let's continue with my story. Maybe tomorrow, okay?”
  9168. >What a pity. Even though you don't want to spend eternities in here, you love it when Twilight explains or teaches you things.
  9169. >Tomorrow will be time enough.
  9170. “Of course. Go on, please.”
  9171. >”So...”
  9172. >Her wet and slippery body is pressed against your back.
  9173. “T-Twi... What are you doing?”
  9174. >”Washing you~ And now shush.”
  9175. >Slowly she starts to rub herself clockwise all over your backside. A quiet moan escapes her lips every now and then
  9176. >”I was twelve years old and Cadence came by to help me with my homework. I think it was advanced magical theories...”
  9177. >You can feel her teats... If she is trying to seduce you, she's on the right way.
  9178. >But she will have to wait... Until tomorrow.
  9180. >”We sat on the floor, since our table was to small to hold all my books, and Shining sat at the opposite end of the room, reading one of his rulebooks.”
  9181. >Twilight stops for a moment to apply more shampoo and then continues washing your back with her soft underside
  9182. >This time faster and with a bit more pressure. Now her assets are really prominent, as small as they may be.
  9183. “About this roleplaying game, he likes to play so much, I assume?”
  9184. >”Uhu. My parents weren't home and Cadence thought that this would be the ideal moment to tease my brother a bit.”
  9185. “Tease? How?”
  9186. >”Well, she bent over and rested her head on her fore hooves... Still explaining to and teaching me with her hindquarters raised high.”
  9187. >Your marefriend slides off your back.
  9188. >The pink shampoo bottle floats towards you and settles right above your head.
  9189. “Don't you have something a bit manlier? I don't want to smell like bubblegum...”
  9190. >She snickers and puts it aside.
  9191. >”Aww... Are you afraid that Kirron will laugh at you, for smelling like a mare?”
  9192. >You snort.
  9193. “No... And I probably smell like one anyway. You.”
  9194. >Twilight lets out a long hum.
  9195. >”Oh, didn't think of that... As a minotaur, his sense of smelling isn't as good as a pony's, but still good enough to detect my scent. Or at least my feminine pheromones.”
  9196. “Even after the shower?”
  9197. >”Yeah, they don't go off so easily. And residues always remain somewhere... Are you gonna tell him?”
  9198. >Another bottle is presented to you. Scales and Spines... One of Spike's shampoos.
  9199. >You take a quick whiff of it, and give your marefriend a thumb's up.
  9200. “I wanted to ask you first, if that's okay for you.”
  9201. >”How sweet.”
  9202. >She squirts a good portion of it on your hair.
  9203. >”I think it should be okay. He is a bit rude and crude, but he doesn't seem like the type to tell secrets around.”
  9204. “He has his own version of a Pinkie promise, in the form of his clan's oath. So, no he won't.”
  9205. >”Wonderful. You may, then. But don't tell him what we do in private...”
  9206. >Meh, you kinda looked forward to brag about it a bit.
  9207. “Not even some minor details?”
  9208. >A hoof hits the back of your head. Not painful, but with enough force to deliver the message.
  9209. >”No.”
  9210. “Okay, I get it. No details about our awesome sex-life.”
  9211. >Giggling, she starts to massage the shampoo into your scalp.
  9212. >Doesn't feel too bad actually. Yeah, her hooves are hard and the chinks in them pull a few hairs out every now and then. But overall it's kinda nice.
  9213. >Especially when she uses their sides to lather your temples.
  9214. >”It really is awesome, isn't it?”
  9215. “Mhm. The whole world should know of it! You could even write a book about it!”
  9216. >Another soft bop against your head.
  9217. “Just kidding, Twi.”
  9218. >”You really do want to tell him about it, don't you?”
  9219. >You sigh,
  9220. >She can read you like an open book.
  9221. “Kinda... It's a man's, or stallion's, thing.”
  9222. >”Oh, mares do that too. Don't worry.”
  9223. “Are you going tell the your friends, or what?”
  9224. >”Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the amount of alcohol, I decide to instil myself on the next girl's night. Lift your arms please.”
  9225. >You do, and look over your shoulder at her.
  9226. “So you are allowed to brag about it, and I am not? That's kinda unfair.”
  9227. >”Exactly. That's how it works.”
  9228. “Pfft...”
  9229. >With a quiet laugh, she begins to clean your sides using her soapy neck.
  9230. >God, where did she get that idea from? It feels nice, so you don't complain.
  9231. >Which fool would?
  9232. >”I was just joking, stud. Nopony, except for Rarity, would be interested in it anyway. We mostly keep our sexual escapades to ourselves... Well, except for Rarity again.”
  9233. >You chuckle.
  9234. “But you said mostly. So it must happen from to time.”
  9235. >”Yeah, maybe when all of us are really drunk. Then even Fluttershy opens up and tells us about what she wants and desires. And Rarity... Rarity really gets started.”
  9236. “I feel you sister. I know more about some stallions than I ever intended to know.”
  9237. >Twilight giggles and retrieves her head.
  9238. >”But would you be bothered by it?”
  9239. “As long as you keep it somewhat discrete, I think not. Only raises my market value, you know?”
  9240. >And another time, her hoof hits your head.
  9241. >”You don't have a market value any more. You are mine now~”
  9242. “Tzk. You are awfully brutal in the shower.”
  9243. >She plants a kiss on the back of your head.
  9244. >”Sorry, stud.”
  9245. “You are forgiven.”
  9246. >”Thanks~ I will tell you what... If you keep it somewhat discrete too, you may brag about it as well.”
  9247. “Really now?”
  9248. >”Mhm. But make him promise to never lose a word about it.”
  9249. “That's a given under guys anyway. So you don't have to worry about that.”
  9250. >”Wonderful.”
  9251. >Your marefriend kisses your neck and then takes a few steps back.
  9252. >”I'm going to rinse you off now.”
  9253. “And you? You are quite lathered too.”
  9254. >She snickers.
  9255. >”Oh, I need the soap on me for your front~ Some parts of you are terribly dirty.”
  9256. >Just as you wanted to say something, a torrent of water silences you.
  9257. >At least it's warm this time.
  9259. >The downpour ceases once more and the soft rain returns.
  9260. >You spit some water out and brush strands of your hair out of your face.
  9261. >”Lie down now, please. Or shall I sit on your lap~? I could do that too.”
  9262. >Lying sounds good right now, since your back starts to hurt from sitting so awkwardly in this pony-sized tub.
  9263. >So you lie down like she wants you to.
  9264. >And there she sits, with a wide smile on her lips. In all her soapy glory.
  9265. >Almost immediately her gaze wanders up to your crotch.
  9266. >Satisfied with what she sees, she gigglesnorts and focuses her eyes back on yours.
  9267. >”Someone is happy to see me.”
  9268. “Always, Twi. Always.”
  9269. >”Just tell me, if you change your mind. I'm open for everything~ Or open everywhere? You decide!”
  9270. >Oh man, this mare.
  9271. >It gets harder and harder to resist her advances.
  9272. >And maybe it's a pointless endeavour anyway
  9273. >Her spells from before revitalized you quite well, so another round would pose no problem at all.
  9274. >You just wanted to preserve her strength and concentration, in order that she won't be too tired for her experiments.
  9275. >But she must be rested enough if she still is so incredibly eager.
  9276. >A quick one couldn't hurt. As long as she initiates it.
  9277. >It is more fun that way and your marefriend has probably something planned by now, anyhow.
  9278. “We will see... Didn't you want to tell me an embarrassing story about your brother?”
  9279. >”Oh, yes. You are right.”
  9280. >Twilight smirks.
  9281. >”We kinda got distracted... I will just tell it while I wash your chest, stomach and...”
  9282. >She licks her lips.
  9283. >Yeah, she has definitively something planned.
  9284. >”Other parts... But first things first.”
  9285. >The shampoo bottle from before levitates towards her and she empties it on her chest and belly.
  9286. >With long and slow strokes of her fore legs, she rubs it deep into her fur. Creating a thick layer of foamy bubbles that coat her torso like a white vest.
  9287. >All the while keeping eye contact with you and letting out short, husky moans.
  9288. >Fuck... This is hot as hell.
  9289. >One hoof goes down to her teats, applying some soap there as well.
  9290. >She retrieves it with a quiet, throaty moan and beams you a seductive smile.
  9291. >”So... All slick and ready.”
  9292. >Your marefriend gets on her four hooves and straddles over you.
  9293. >Her plot is right in front of your face and that rich, musky smell of her arousal, that you learned to love so much, invades your nostrils
  9294. >Twilight lets her tail swish to the side, to give you a short glimpse of her glistening marehood.
  9295. >Which helps your penis to gradually overcome it's half-erect state.
  9296. >She snickers as she sees it twitch and looks through her legs at you.
  9297. >”Where was I... I think it was the teasing part, wasn't it?”
  9298. >You gulp and nod.
  9299. “Y-Yeah.”
  9301. >You are a certain purple, cute unicorn now.
  9302. >And you are currently showering with your boyfriend, trying hard to seduce him into another depraved act of kinky lewdness.
  9303. >Until now he was pretty steadfast... But your sexy back washing technique, that you picked up from a sleazy porn novel, seems to have convinced him into giving into your wish.
  9304. >His penis is already getting bigger and bigger with each passing second.
  9305. >Nice~
  9306. >Only a few inches more and it's ready to go.
  9307. >Why he didn't want some sexy shower action, is a mystery to you.
  9308. >Kirron is waiting for him, yeah.
  9309. >But that isn't a reason to leave his marefriend hanging. Especially if she tries her hardest to get him into her.
  9310. >In which hole doesn't matter. As long as he shoots his load deep into you~
  9311. >Another dose cannot hurt, since you are not sure if the last one had any effect due to your magic.
  9312. >Better be safe than sorry.
  9313. >Slowly, you settle down on his torso.
  9314. >A long, content exhale leaves your mouth as your body makes contact with his. The resulting stream of warm air, flows directly around his cock. Making it twitch another time.
  9315. >By Celestia, you love it when it does that. So adorable and hot~
  9316. >Okay... Now only some readjustments so that you lie comfy and that your hind-legs aren't hitting his face when you begin to slide all over him.
  9317. >You are sure that he will enjoy this treat. Some stallions pay good money to have a mare wash them this way.
  9318. >He even will get a happy end~
  9319. >And you hopefully too. But that didn't pose a problem until now, so there is no need to worry about that.
  9320. >Can you reach everything you need? Hmm... Yeah, this position should do nicely for some foreplay, since you plan not to stay in one place for too long.
  9321. >You take a quick look over your withers.
  9322. >Aww, he's staring at your perfect pony plot. Completely oblivious of you watching him.
  9323. >Perhaps if you wait long enough, he will grab you by your hips and violate one of your tight holes?
  9325. >He must surely smell how aroused you are... Your marehood began dripping since the moment you entered the shower with him.
  9326. >Stupid, sexy human. What does he do to you? Why does he make you so horny?
  9327. >This isn't normal... But you like it, so you don't care too much. Nevertheless, you keep it in mind.
  9328. >...
  9329. >No, he is still just staring. Not even touching you a tiny bit. Looks like you have to take the initiative.
  9330. >Or maybe, he wants you to take it... That would be even hotter.
  9331. >With a flick of your tail, you get his attention.
  9332. “Eyes are up here, stud. I thought you wanted the plot to my story and not my own plot.”
  9333. >He blushes and laughs.
  9334. >”Oh well... After I took a closer look at yours, I think I might have changed my mind.”
  9335. >You raise an eyebrow.
  9336. “What about your “bruised and spongy flesh”? I don't want to hurt you.”
  9337. >”Eh, I can endure that. Don't worry about it”
  9338. “Aww... Maybe I should kiss it better?”
  9339. >And he could do something with his mouth too...
  9340. >You blew him several times now, but he never really ate you out.
  9341. >Well, he did it a bit. Not for long however, since you already came when he stuck his tongue in.
  9342. >Yeah~ That is exactly the right treat right now.
  9343. >Licking your lips, you scoot your hindquarters closer towards your boyfriend's face.
  9344. “But you would have to kiss something back there too... It got so much punishment today, that it is a bit sore.”
  9345. >Teasingly slow, you raise your tail. Revealing your wet and glistening pussy to Anon, bit by bit
  9346. >You can hear him breathe faster and faster as your mask begins to engulf him.
  9347. >Celestia be damned... It's a pity that he can't smell your pheromones, but at least he seems to enjoy the smell of your excitement.
  9348. >His cock already begins to leak a small rivulet of his pre... The urge to just lap it up is almost overwhelming.
  9349. >Contenance Sparkle... You want some fun out of this, don't you?
  9350. >And if you start licking his glorious, pulsating shaft now, you wouldn't be able to stop.
  9351. >He has to do his part first. Earn his prize so to speak.
  9352. >Anon puts his hands on your cutie marks and gently kneads the flesh underneath them.
  9353. >Grinning at you, he spreads your buttocks and lets his tongue graze the sensitive lips of your marehood..
  9354. >A hot shudder runs up your spine.
  9355. >That's the ticket~
  9356. “Ah! Anon~”
  9357. >”So, you want some of the good, old number sixty-nine?”
  9358. >Huh? What number now?
  9359. >You shoot him a confused look.
  9360. “Sixty Nine?”
  9361. >He laughs and slaps your rump. Eliciting a yelping moan from you.
  9362. >”Silly pony. That is how this position is called. When I eat you out and you blow me at the same time.”
  9363. >How interesting... Ponies call that “The Cancer” from the zodiac sign. But sixty-nine sounds kinkier.
  9364. >Giggling, you let your tail swish across his face.
  9365. >Not so fast~
  9366. “Who said that I'm going to blow you, stud? As far as I know, you are a few orgasms ahead of me.”
  9367. >His face takes a somewhat crestfallen look. How cute.
  9368. “But...”
  9369. >Your gaze falls on his dick The fluid that runs down on it looks so inviting...
  9370. >Just one small taste can't hurt.
  9371. >You nuzzle his cock and lick the sticky stream off it..
  9372. “Mmhh~”
  9373. >Salty and a bit bitter, with a sweet tang... Just how you like it.
  9374. >And more is soon to cum~
  9375. >Forcing yourself away from your boyfriend's penis, you beam him a sultry smile.
  9376. “If you do well enough, I might reward you.”
  9378. >His smile from before returns, cockier than ever.
  9379. >Looks like you have awakened his competitive spirit. Wonderful.
  9380. >You are going to blow him either way he is doing good or not.
  9381. >There is no doubt of him doing well anyway... And his dick looks far too delicious to turn it down.
  9382. >Note to speak of the stuff which will soon coat every taste bud you call your own with it's sticky, creamy texture.
  9383. >By Celestia, you want to taste his cum now. Feeling it's stickiness gumming up your jaws and slowly running down your throat.
  9384. >Y-Yeah.
  9385. >You catch yourself getting closer and closer to his penis with your awaiting mouth open, but you manage to stop just in time.
  9386. >It would be a shame if you were too distracted to fully enjoy your boyfriend's tongue.
  9387. >Giggling you give his glans a quick kiss and propel yourself gently forwards.
  9388. >Your soapy chest, teats and stomach graze and glide over his rock-hard member more than once. Taking it with them as they slide over it.
  9389. >Eliciting several deep moans from Anon.
  9390. >Maybe you should do that, instead of sucking him off... He seems to like it well enough. You wanted to wash him anyway and sliding all over his body is kind of fun.
  9391. >His seed though... You will have to think of something.
  9392. >Magic is out of the equation, since you suspect it of corrupting it's effect.
  9393. >Hmm...
  9394. >Meh... Your mind is far too hazed with lust to think of a solution to this problem. Let's deal with that when it occurs.
  9395. >One last time, you let your body brush over your boyfriend's shaft and come to a stop on his stomach.
  9396. >Achieving a sitting position on his now slick body is a bit troublesome, but you manage.
  9397. >Licking your lips, you scoot a bit closer to his face.
  9398. “So...”
  9399. >”So.”
  9400. >And closer.
  9401. >He locks his arms behind your rump, allowing you to angle your hips in a way that gives him full access to your marehood.
  9402. >Pony anatomy can sometimes be so troublesome when it comes to interspecies lewdness... But he just knows how to sidestep this issue.
  9403. >One more time, you close the distance between your sanctum and his mouth. No more than a hairbreadth of air is between them.
  9404. >You put your front hooves on his head and let your hind legs embrace it. His hands wander up your back, steadying you even more.
  9405. >Anon looks directly into your eyes. His hot breath directly hits your sensitive, swollen lips.
  9406. >It drives you wilder and wilder by the second.
  9407. >The anticipation of finally feeling his tongue on and inside you is nearly unbearable now.
  9408. >Your clit pops out of it's hood, pushing a small spate of your nectar out.
  9409. >It flows from your groin on his sternum, creating a little pool.
  9410. “T-Taste me...”
  9412. >He laps part of the slick pond up before grazing over your lower lips with his tongue. Tracing their outlines with long, deliberate strokes.
  9413. >Each of them sending a blissful jolt of electricity up your spine and eliciting a husky moan from you.
  9414. >Slowly, it's advances approach your hooded pearl and teases it out of it's hiding place with gentle flicks.
  9415. >You pull his head closer to your dripping honey pot. Almost pressing it against your crotch in an attempt to get more from it even faster.
  9416. >And it works. Once your clit shows itself, he ceases the opportunity and wraps his lips around it. Sucking hard on it and hindering it's retreat.
  9417. >Your eyes shoot open and your mouth escapes a scream of pleasure.
  9418. “Yah! Anon!”
  9419. >The rapidly building up lust let's your hips move in their own. Grinding your most sensitive parts against his chin, soiling it with your lubrication and increasing your ecstasy even faster than before.
  9420. >If he isn't careful, you will reach your climax in mere seconds, which would be a real pity... All this hard work to finally get him between your legs, only to be over in a blink of an eye.
  9421. >You try to back your loins away, but your boyfriend's firm grip has your whole body more or less locked.
  9422. “Anon.. pleasssssnnnnghaa! ... Stop!”
  9423. >But he just blatantly ignores you and continues to mercilessly assault your clit, which franticly tries to retreat back into you.
  9424. >Your breathing gets faster and faster as you wildly jerk and twitch around in his arms. Your orgasm boding itself rapidly.
  9425. “Anonnnnnn...”
  9426. >Just before your pent up lust was about to release itself in a messy explosion, he lets go of your throbbing, abused pearl.
  9427. >A deep sigh escapes your lips, and you use the moment of serenity to catch your breath.
  9428. >Breathing heavily, you take a look down to your boyfriend, who peppers kisses around your marehood.
  9429. >Each kiss is followed by a quick lick of his tongue and a soft gust of air against your thinly pilosed skin.
  9430. >By the celestial sisters... This feels so good. His caresses are so gentle but yet give you so much.
  9431. >Teasingly slow, he spirals inwards, towards your hot, leaking centre.
  9432. “Hnngaah...”
  9433. >Gingerly, he lowers you onto his torso.
  9434. >Your head slowly settles on his groins. Something hard and warm brushes against the tip of your horn.
  9435. >You bow your head back and see his fully erect cock. Twitching in unison with every kiss Anon plants on your marehood.
  9436. >It's leaking quite a thick stream of it's delicious, salty lubrication now.
  9437. >Running down on it's length and pooling right in front of your forehead.
  9438. >There is nothing more that you want more right now than to suck it.
  9439. >To feel it pulsating and throbbing as it enters your throat.
  9440. >To feel it's final and strongest twitch when your lover is ready to unload into you.
  9441. >To feel his creamy seed filling your mouth up and savouring it's unique texture and taste as it coats every inch of your orifice.
  9442. >Before finally swallowing all he has to offer down and feel it viscously flowing down your throat.
  9443. >That's almost the best part...
  9444. >Yeah. This may be your addiction speaking, but you cannot wait any more.
  9445. >Every second not spent, sucking his penis is wasted.
  9446. >You quickly roll yourself around on your stomach and shoot your boyfriend a seductive smile over your wither.
  9447. >He first looks a bit confused but then nods knowingly. Putting both his hands on your flanks.
  9448. >They immediately begin to grope and fondle the area around your cutie marks roughly, eliciting a long hiss from you.
  9449. >Now to make him understand what you want...
  9450. >Your eyes go half lidded and your lips form a somewhat sad frown.
  9451. “Please, Mister human...”
  9452. >You lift your hindquarters up and twerk them towards his face.
  9453. “Don't hurt me with your sharp teeth and nails... I'm a sensitive filly~”
  9454. >Anon's gaze falls on your teats and he beams you a wide, toothy grin.
  9455. >The sight of his canines send a cold shudder down your spine.
  9456. >Your brain knows what is about to happen, and it doesn't like it.
  9457. >Nice~ Just how you like it.
  9458. >Satisfied and full of perverted anticipation, you turn your attention back to his shaft.
  9459. >You lick your lips and gradually approach it. Taking in and relishing it's masculine, deep musk that the fluid it leaks emits.
  9460. >By Tartarus, what does it do to you...
  9461. >One of his hands take a firm grip of your left thigh and you feel the other graze your mammaries as it crawls up your soft underside.
  9462. >It fondles and plays with the short fur there before forming a claw and rotationally sinks it's nails into your flesh.
  9463. >As short as they may be, the are enough to trigger your instincts and fill your mind with a slight sense of fear.
  9464. >You shudder and close the last inch that separates your muzzle from his cock. Planting a quick kiss on it's glans before nuzzling down on it to it's base and inhaling his musk where it is at it's strongest.
  9465. >His pheromones haze your mind and another shudder runs down your spine. This time a warm and pleasant one.
  9466. >Why... Why does he smell so right for you?
  9467. >In return, Anon kisses your clit and then indulges your swollen lips with long and deliberate strokes of his tongue.
  9468. >Fully exploring the entirety of one before switching it's sister.
  9469. >You really shouldn't fall behind...
  9470. >Quickly, you lap up and swallow the small pool of his pre and then give his length a taste of your tongue.
  9471. >Letting it follow the tangy rivulet before wrapping your lips around Anon's glans.
  9472. >He moans directly into your drenched marehood and the resulting vibrations make you moan into his dick.
  9473. >At the same time, he bores all of his nails in the sensitive flesh right below your ribcage and slowly drags them backwards.
  9474. >The burning sensation they leave in their wake intensify the lingering fear tenfold.
  9475. >Your whole body tenses up and prepares itself for an escape that you will deny it and your brain begs you to find a safer place.
  9476. >Immaterial where, just far away from this dangerous predator that is about to tear your defenceless belly up and indulge itself on your innards.
  9477. >But you ignore your instincts pleas and wallow in the panic with which it tries to convince you to opt for flight.
  9478. >You go down on his pulsating member to feel it entering your throat. Slowly forcing itself in and taking your ability to breath through your mouth away.
  9479. >Concentration now... You never actually deep-throated before. Just breath through your nose and everything will be fine...
  9480. >Easier said than done, with that distracted mind of yours.
  9481. >But you manage and once you hilt on his pelvis, you let your tongue wrap around his cock and begin to swallow empty.
  9482. >If you aren't mistaken, your tight throat massaging his shaft with it's muscular walls should feel heavenly for him.
  9483. >You hear him moaning and louder and louder with every dry swallow you do.
  9484. >Wonderful~
  9485. >But you don't want to him to cum too soon... You want to cum together.
  9486. >So you let your tongue unwrap itself from him as you go up again. Stopping at his cock's tip to suckle on it and fill your oral cavity with some of the delicious saltiness it leaks.
  9487. >That spell of yours does a nice job of satisfying that specific kink of yours.
  9488. >Anon starts to trace the outlines of your slick tunnel. Slowly approaching it's entrance and teasing it with quick tongue flicks and sloppy kisses against it.
  9489. >His hand has reached your teats now and takes one of them into it's firm grip.
  9490. >Slow and gentle at first your boyfriend's he starts to knead them. But soon you feel his nails scrape against the sensitive skin if your nipples as they pinch and tug at them..
  9491. >You close your eyes shut, and relish in the desperation of your mind and body as the fear and panic wells up another time.
  9492. >It hurts just enough to satisfy your perverted desires..
  9493. >Your lust is fueled further when you feel his dexterous muscle enter your slick depths. Wriggling around like a snake that tries to catch it's prey in a burrow.
  9494. >It searches for a particular sensual spot and it's attempts to find it drives you wilder by the second, making you double your efforts.
  9495. >Again, you go down on his throbbing cock and start to rapidly bop up and down on it.
  9496. >Anon's other hand grabs your tail and violently tugs at it. Sending a burst of lust through your nerves and making you yelp in surprise.
  9497. >At last, his tongue what it was looking for and immediately assaults it mercilessly with aimless strokes and pokes.
  9498. >Your eyes shoot open and the movements of your head ceases from the sudden burst of ecstatic pleasure.
  9499. >The two front attack on your genitals and on your tail, which gets yanked every few seconds, is too much for you and your hazed mind too handle
  9500. >But Anon takes up your slack and begins to thrust his hips into your mouth. Taking his cock deep into your throat with every push.
  9501. >You force yourself down on him to let him penetrate your gullet even deeper than before. Using your tongue to rub and caress his pulsating dick as it enters and leaves you.
  9502. >Simultaneously, he lets go of your tail and places two fingers on the tip of your dock. Slowly they wander down on it before tracing your taint and prodding it's inlet
  9503. >Still slick from the soap, they effortlessly advances into your rectal tunnel and do beckoning motions against it's folds.
  9504. >Your eyes roll into your sockets and you can barely coordinate your tongue's actions any more. They get more and more irregular and random as a familiar pressure in your loins builds up at a rapid rate.
  9505. >Now you will cum before him...
  9506. >Mustering all your remaining strength and concentration, you brace yourself up and continue your bobbing from before.
  9507. >Now your head moves opposed to his thrusts, allowing an even deeper penetration than when he face-fucked you.
  9508. >The urge to gag is nearly overwhelming now, but you suppress it.
  9509. >Your tongue is wrapped around the midsection of his cock, squeezing it tightly and massaging it as good as you can manage.
  9510. >More and more of your nectar leaves your marehood as it spasms and convolutes around your boyfriend's tongue.
  9511. >You push your rump hard against Anon's face and hand. Coercing their corresponding appendages you to invade your depths further.
  9512. >He lets it happen and begins to grind his chin against your rapidly winking clit while his tongue swirls around in you like a whisk, stirring your juices deep inside you.
  9513. >Anon must be close too, since you can feel his dick twitching violently and the taste of his cum starts to fill your mouth.
  9514. >Your eyes roll up into their sockets and you slam your muzzle against his pelvis. Sucking his length into your throat.
  9515. >With one last flick of his tongue against your g-spot and one last scrape of his fingers against the ripples of your bowels it's all over.
  9516. >Blue and pink stars appear before your inner eye and your body lets loose.
  9517. >At the same time Anon's groins jerk upwards as his own climax hits him.
  9518. >A wave of pleasure washes over you and your marehood clenches down hard on his dexterous muscle. Milking it desperately for seed that it will never gets.
  9519. >Instead it is shoot up your throat and you instantly back up to feel it where you want it.
  9520. >Inside your mouth.
  9521. >A strong gush of your nectar is forced out of your marehood. Splashing against his chin and neck.
  9522. >You can hear him swallowing your love efforts as several spurts of his thick seed splatter against you palate and tongue.
  9523. >More and more of the sticky, salty cream that you desire so much, fills your orifice and prolongs your orgasm with it's effects.
  9524. >Both of you continue to pleasure your lover as you exchange bodily fluids. Of which no drop is wasted.
  9525. >When the last dash of cum hits your tongue, you let his cock exit you with a silent pop.
  9526. >Anon retrieves his tongue and kisses your pearl, sending a gentle, ecstatic aftershock through your nerves.
  9527. >You turn around and shoot him a sultry look.
  9528. >Slowly and carefully, you open your mouth. Showing to him how full it is with his cum.
  9529. >He smiles at you and strokes your chin and throat with the sides of his fingers.
  9530. >Taking this as a sign that he is satisfied with it, you close it again and relish the slightly bitter taste before swallowing it all with a big gulp.
  9531. >A warm sensations spreads through your body as it runs down your throat.
  9532. >Y-Yeah... Your magic interfered with it's addictive effects... T-That's now for sure...
  9533. >G-G-Good to know...
  9534. >But what you now need is closeness to your boyfriend while you ride this out,
  9535. >Your vision already starts to get blurry and far too colourful to be normal.
  9536. >Luckily, Anon sees your distress and pulls you onto his chest.
  9537. >He wraps his arms around your barrel and you happily snuggle into his loving embrace.
  9538. “Hold me f-for a while... Will you?” you whisper into his ear.
  9539. >”Of course.”
  9540. “Thank you, stud. I love you.”
  9541. >”I love you too, Twi.”
  9542. >You bury your muzzle into the crook of his neck and close your eyes.
  9543. >Hopefully, this won't last for too long.
  9545. >The magical cloud still pours it's warm rain down on you. Every drop hitting you like a miniature, wet bomb and leaving small craters in your body.
  9546. >No painful though... Only annoying.
  9547. >But Anon's gentle hold will protect you from this treacherous attack... You thought, you could trust this thing.
  9548. >Apparently not.
  9549. >First thing tomorrow, you will... or yesterday? Mhmm... Time is a strange concept.
  9550. >Who gets to decide what is what? And when is when?
  9551. >Princess Celestia? Princess Luna, or even Cadence? Or is there a fourth Alicorn that controls time?
  9552. >Princess... Princesses... Where are their parents? Shouldn't they be queens?
  9553. >You roll on your side.
  9554. “Hmmm...”
  9555. >Queen Celestia... Has quite the ring to it.
  9556. >Where were you going with this?
  9557. >Your brain feels like mashed potatoes with.... With... What goes well with mashed potatoes?
  9558. >Cheese, doesn't it? Some cheese would be nice right now.
  9559. >Maybe you could fix some up later... Or you could order something... Like... Like...
  9560. >Hmm... What would be nice right now?
  9561. >Something that gives you all these calories back that you just lost... or lust. Heh.
  9562. >Fucking is fun. And good for your health.
  9563. >If you keep this up you will be slimmer than ever in no time!
  9564. >You snicker and push his arm off his chest. Why? You don't know. It seemed appropriate.
  9565. >Anon laughs and rests his other arm on your side. Lazily petting and fondling your cutie mark.
  9566. >Ah you know! Pizza! With every topping... even the things only Pinkie orders.
  9567. >Like cupcakes and gummy worms.
  9568. “Hehe... Worms...”
  9569. >”Huh?”
  9570. >You open your eyes to see what is going on outside of your mind.
  9571. >Your mind is fun, but it doesn't have colours. Only thoughts.
  9572. “Pretty.”
  9573. >So many different coloured shapes float around in the air before your eyes.
  9574. >You reach and paw for them, but your hoof just goes through.
  9575. >How annoying... But if you would be a colourful shape, you would stay in this bodyless form too. So no other ponies could touch you.
  9576. >Speaking of ponies... Who is this?
  9577. >A little, green pony with a question mark as a cutie mark stands on your boyfriend's shoulder, waving at you.
  9578. “Heh... Hi there.”
  9579. >”Hey, Twi.” a voice responds to you. You are not sure if it belongs to the pony or Anon.
  9580. >Giggling, you cuddle deeper into your lovers embrace and continue watching the small pea-coloured equine.
  9581. >It looks at you expectingly.
  9582. >You stare back, waiting for it to do something funny.
  9583. >But it just shrugs and peels his cutie mark off.
  9584. >Slowly it trots towards you, question mark in hoof, and plants it on Anon's right breast.
  9585. >Right next to his nipple... What’s up with that, anyway? Why does he have nipples? Isn't he a male?
  9586. >Is he?
  9587. >You let your tail swish around until it hits something solid.
  9588. >Yep, definitively a male. Phew... got you worried there for a second.
  9589. >Your new diet plans would have been ruined.
  9590. >A chuckle comes from somewhere and you turn to the source of the noise.
  9591. >Anon is widely smiling at you and you immediately return that smile.
  9592. >”Everything alright, Twi?”
  9593. >Yes.
  9594. >...
  9595. >Wait... Did you say that or just thought it?
  9596. >Well, too late now. You or him might never know.
  9597. >You press your muzzle deep into the skin of his chest, inhaling his masculine scent.
  9598. >He smells so nice... Makes you feel protected and safe.
  9599. >Slowly but steadily, you start to drift away when something in the corners of your eyes catch your interest.
  9600. >Four other ponies climb from Anon's right arm on his chest.
  9601. >They all look like your friends, except palette swapped.
  9602. >Rarity has Pinkie's colours, Pinkie's has Rainbows, Fluttershy has Rarity's and Rainbow has Fluttershy's.
  9603. >How peculiar and incredibly adorable. You want to keep them all as pets.
  9604. >You would give them cute names, like Pinkity and Flutterdash, and love and feed them everyday.
  9605. >So you reach a hoof out to pet them, but they back away and shake their head in unison with quite grim looks on their faces.
  9606. >Rude... Now you don't want them as pets any more.
  9607. >Retrieving your appendage, you decide to watch first watch them for a bit. Maybe they have something planned?
  9608. >You hope it's something funny.
  9609. >And indeed they have... One by one they show you their flanks.
  9610. >Each of them has a strange cutie mark... Looking like strongly stylized letters made out of elements of their original cutie marks.
  9611. >E... C... R... U... ?
  9612. >Strange.
  9613. >Fluttershy steps forward and peels her cutie mark off and plants it next to the question mark.
  9614. >”E?” Hmm...
  9615. >Then Rainbow Dash flies into the skies of your bathroom, does some flips and dive-bombs her cutie mark besides Fluttershy's.
  9616. >Did she hurt him?!
  9617. >Shocked, you look at your boyfriend, But he seems unmoved by it and just looks back at you.
  9618. >Friendly and caring as ever.
  9619. >He must be tougher than he looks, because that was quite an impact from Flutterdash there.
  9620. >You sigh in relief and return your gaze to the four ponies.
  9621. >They are still there... Seemingly waiting for you.
  9622. >Once they know that they have your full attention back, RainbowPie bounces forward on her rump and leave her cutie mark next to the others.
  9623. >How funny. A quiet laugh escapes you.
  9624. >It now reads “URE?”
  9625. >She flank-hops back to the others and lands flat on her stomach with a pomf.
  9626. >Laughing, she points at Pinkity, who fixes her mane and uses her magic to float the “C” over to the rest of the letters.
  9627. >It gracefully lands and completes the sentence.
  9628. >”CURE?”
  9629. >Huh? Cure?
  9630. >There was something you wanted to create a cure for... But for what?
  9631. >You shoot them a confused look.
  9632. >They all giggle and point at something below you.
  9633. >A bright blush creeps on your face. You don't want them to see your boyfriend's junk and let your tail cover it.
  9634. >But you now know what they meant.
  9635. >Your addiction...
  9636. “I'm working on it!”
  9637. >”Twi?”
  9638. >Flutterdash taps her ankle, as if there was a watch.
  9639. “Don't pressure me!”
  9640. >Rarishy does beckoning motions with her hoof.
  9641. >Anger starts to well up inside you. Why don't they leave you in peace? That is not their problem!
  9642. “Go away!”
  9643. >”Twilight?!”
  9644. >Anon shakes you, but you ignore him and point at the four nuisances.
  9645. >Suddenly a black pony walks directly out of your hoof.
  9646. >Scared, you immediately pull it back and take a good look at the new guest.
  9647. >It... It looks like you. Only malnourished and thin.
  9648. >So very, very thin...
  9649. >The four ponies all slowly back away from it as it trots towards them.
  9650. >Black Twilight's head yanks around. Her eyes, fallen in and glowing faintly green, staring at you.
  9651. >Her lips form a distorted grimace, revealing a black, endless void.
  9652. “NO! Leave them be!”
  9653. >”Twi?!”
  9654. >You swat a hoof at the black you and it bursts into a greyish mist, that disperses quickly.
  9655. >But so do the other ponies and the letters.
  9656. >Breathing heavily, you franticly overlook the area where this creepy scene played out... Nothing remained... Only the tan skin of your boyfriend.
  9658. >Where did your friends go? You could swear you aimed just at the evil Twilight.
  9659. >Hesitantly, you extend your neck to look for them, but to no avail. They are nowhere to be found.
  9660. >Aww...
  9661. >That wasn't your intention at all, even if they kinda pressured you.
  9662. >Or did they?
  9663. >Did you overreact?
  9664. >Uhh... You can't tell. Your brain still doesn't feel solid enough to think properly.
  9665. >But at least you are almost out of your stupor now. But judging from all these pretty colours that still surround you, the visual effects still seem to linger for a while longer.
  9666. >Meh. You kinda liked this blissful stupidity. No worries... No bad thoughts... Well, except for the creepy ending, but it that was most likely your subconscious trying to tell you something.
  9667. >Funny how the pony mind works. Maybe you should write a short essay about your experiences.
  9668. >...
  9669. >And reveal to anypony that you were addicted to the semen of an extraterrestrial? Nah... Better not. That would be embarrassing as tartarus and probably kill your parents too.
  9670. >Yawning quietly, you stretch your legs.
  9671. >Hmm... Looks like the time for dilly dallying is over.
  9672. >The effects of his cum seem strong, yet rather short lived when consumed orally. Interesting.
  9673. >Last time you experienced this... this... What did he call it? High? Yeah... That was it.
  9674. >It was much stronger and more intense in all it's aspects. Especially in the visual department.
  9675. >Like a colourful, surreal and oneiric eternity.
  9676. >A sharp pain suddenly shoots through your head like burning lightning. You groan and and rub your temples in attempt to soothe the agony.
  9677. >It helps... Even if only slightly.
  9678. >All those bright colours and blurry outlines that everything has, are starting to give you a headache.
  9679. >A pretty bad one...
  9680. >Why won't the shampoo bottles stay still?!
  9681. >Celestia be damned! You just want one point to focus on... A reality anchor. Something!
  9682. >”Twilight? Everything alright?”
  9683. >Huh? A voice?
  9684. >Are your miniature friends back?
  9685. >Hopefully. You want to apologize to them.
  9686. >Slowly, you turn your head to the origin of the voice.
  9687. >It belonged to Anon... Who has quite a worried look on his face.
  9688. >That won't stop contorting and morphing either... It's creepy, but you know who is behind this ever changing grimace.
  9689. >Your loving boyfriend, who worries and cares about you. Instantly, your headache gets a whole lot better and a warm feeling starts to spread through your body.
  9690. >There you have it. Your reality anchor.
  9691. >You aren't capable of forming any complex sentences now, so the following will have to do.
  9692. >Beaming him a wide and wonky smile, you nod at him.
  9693. “Yah! Thanks...”
  9694. >Anon chuckles and puts the arm you shoved off before, over your body again.
  9695. >Giggling, you tug your front hooves under his forearm. You like being this close to him.
  9696. >”Okay then. Are you cold?”
  9697. >Hmm... Are you?
  9698. >The water isn't as warm as it was in the beginning. So, yes... Kinda.
  9699. >But on the other hoof, you don't want leave the tub right now.
  9700. >Now that you have accustomed to the wacky world that is your bathtub, you are honestly a bit scared of what your bathroom will look like.
  9701. >So many lucent spheres and other indescribable forms... They are kinda soothing and relaxing to look at.
  9702. >This orange one in particular caught your interest... Swimming through the air, like a whale in the ocean.
  9703. >It even moves it's backside like one.
  9704. “Hmm...”
  9705. >”Are you feeling cold, Twi?” he repeats.
  9706. >Oh, he asked you something.
  9707. >Should you lie to him?
  9708. >Would he be angry if he found out that you did?
  9709. >You blankly stare at him while you ponder your options, and the worried look from before returns to his face.
  9710. >Laughing awkwardly, he gives your muzzle a quick rub.
  9711. “Heh.”
  9712. >”We should better get out...”
  9713. >Aww... But it's most likely for the better.
  9714. >A cold is nothing to be taken light-heartedly.
  9715. >Especially, if you want to find a cure and make your small, palette-swapped friends proud.
  9716. >That's the least you can do, after you killed them.
  9717. >What... What nonsense are you thinking?
  9718. >Seems like his seed has still a greater effect on your mind than you thought.
  9719. >Hehe... What silly thing did Anon say when his favourite comic book series got cancelled?
  9720. >Press “F” to pay respects?
  9721. >So you press the closest thing to a “F”, which is the faucet, and do a little salute.
  9722. >Anon watches your ridiculous display and chuckles before ...
  9723. >”Oh, Twi...”
  9724. >... Cradling you in his arms, like a mother would her foal, and carefully standing up.
  9725. “Don't slip!” you blurt out.
  9726. >”I won't. Don't worry, Twi.”
  9727. >The shower curtains are drawn open by an invisible force, which turns out to be his foot after a quick check.
  9728. >Wow... Is this how he always sees the world? Everything looks so small. And the ceiling is so close... You could touch it if you wanted.
  9729. >This looks far more impressive than it has any right to be, but heck you are enjoying it.
  9730. >Sounds of awe and wonder escape your lips as he steps out of the tub, and you cuddle closer into his embrace to prevent any accidental plummets.
  9731. >You are pretty high right now after all... Heh. Good one.
  9732. >Making a mental note to tell him about this joke later, you soak in your surroundings.
  9733. >It's totally different than in your tub... Instead of blurry and washed out colours, everything is completely over-saturated with very clear and sharp outlines.
  9734. >Almost like the drawings in a comic book.
  9735. >What did this sudden change cause to happen? The different lighting maybe?
  9736. >If you were any less drugged up right now, you would investigate this further.
  9737. >But for now... You just want to take in all the pretty colours.
  9738. >A wide smile appears on your face and Anon laughs when he sees it.
  9739. >”I'm guessing you are having a fun time.”
  9740. “Uhu.” you say, distracted.
  9741. >You have neither the time, nor the mental capacity to form a more elaborate answer.
  9742. >This... This is too wonderful to not turn your full attention to it.
  9743. >Anon quietly laughs and carefully kneels down, allowing you to slide out of his arms.
  9744. >One by one your hooves make contact with the tile floor.
  9745. >Was it always that cold and hard? Strange...
  9746. >But each tile is shining like a small star in the white light of your lamp.
  9747. >You plant your rump on the ground with a wet noise and look around.
  9748. “Ooooo...”
  9749. >Your boyfriends pats your head and turns it with a finger so it faces his.
  9750. >”Wait here for a moment, okay? I will get the towels real quick.”
  9751. “Okay.”
  9752. >He beams you a smile and then walks towards your towel rack.
  9753. >You let your gaze follow his naked form for a bit, before something in the corner of your eyes catches your interest.
  9755. >It's the terrycloth rug that Rarity got you last year... After you used your old one to wipe acid off your bedroom's floor.
  9756. >You wanted to create a new mineral-dissolvent for specific gem-streaked metal ores, whose gem veins gave you trouble to properly start a reaction with the metal.
  9757. >Sadly, it just corroded the vial and nearly ruined your whole bedroom.
  9758. >Oh my... That was one crazy day full of scientific shenanigans and near death experiences.
  9759. >But that's not why it caught your interest... Oh no.
  9760. >The reason that you are so fascinated by it right now is, that you can see almost every fibre and thread that was used to weave the rug.
  9761. >And to the smallest detail too.
  9762. >You lie down on your belly to inspect your new and fuzzy centre of attention closer.
  9763. “Uhh...”
  9764. >It's like a new whole world made out of purple and pink fabric.
  9765. >Your breath makes the fibres sway slightly sway from side to side like culms in the wind.
  9766. “Hehe.”
  9767. >How wonderful.
  9768. >You rest your head on the soft rug and rub it all over it.
  9769. >Hmm.... It's so soft. Almost unnaturally soft and smooth.
  9770. >Another side-effect of Anon's seed? Probably. But you cannot be sure.
  9771. >This need further testing~
  9772. >Getting up again, you walk on the rug and let your body collapse onto it with a quiet, dull noise.
  9773. “Pomf!”
  9774. >You hear Anon laughing in the background, but you don't care.
  9775. >By the celestial sisters... This... This is bliss.
  9776. >Each short, firm and yet soft fibre is palpable in such an intense manner that your mind almost can't comprehend all this sensory input any more.
  9777. >You need to feel this all over your body!
  9778. >So you start rolling around on the rug and more than one content moan and sigh escapes your lips as you do so.
  9779. >How can this be so enjoyable.
  9780. >Also you get dry at the same time, which is a pleasant side effect.
  9781. >You close your eyes to get the most out of this blissful experience as you lose yourself in it.
  9782. >So much so, that you don't notice Anon walking up to and kneeling down next to you.
  9783. >Just as you were about to begin to rub your back over the rug, you feel five points of pressure being put on your stomach and chest.
  9784. >They start to wildly swirl around on them. Tickling, massaging and fondling the fur on your sensitive underside and making you break out into a giggle fit.
  9785. >Your boyfriend can't stop himself from starting to laugh either.
  9786. >Hopefully you don't hit him accidentally with your hooves. That would be a shame.
  9787. >For a while he continues to assault your underside, before stopping and helping you into an upright position again.
  9788. >You open your eyes again and see Anon smiling at you.
  9789. >He almost looks normal now... How sad... Looks like this was the last burst of joy, you got out of your addiction.
  9790. >But everything has to end some time, you guess. It was fun while it lasted.
  9791. >”Had fun, Twi?”
  9792. >A bright blush creeps on your cheeks and you meekly nod.
  9793. “Yeah.”
  9794. >”Wonderful.”
  9795. >He drapes a towel over your neck and withers. It still feels more intense than it has any right to be, so at least the heightened tactile-sense still seems to linger around for a bit longer.
  9796. >”How are you feeling?” he asks you, as he starts to gently rub your mane and head dry.
  9797. “My brain still feels a bit mushy and spongy.... But most of the effects are gone, save for that everything feels so much nicer and softer.”
  9798. >You lean into his touch and relish in the sensations it gives you.
  9799. “Thank you.”
  9800. >”Just making sure, my favourite pony is feeling good. “
  9801. >His hands move the towel down to your upper back.
  9802. >”So everything feels nicer, huh? Even right now?”
  9803. “Uhu... You can't imagine how good this feels. Every touch is intensified like, like... Tenfold!”
  9804. >He whistles and dries your ribcage, sending a pleasant shudder up your spine.
  9805. >”Really now? Should I dry you off extra slow and careful then?”
  9806. “That would be lovely. Thanks, stud.”
  9807. >”Everything for the mare I love. I'm just glad that you are speaking again... I really don't like it when you are lost in your own little world.”
  9808. >Aww...
  9809. >You nuzzle his chin.
  9810. “Were you worried?”
  9811. >”A bit. You screamed at invisible things in the tub before... That startled me a bit.”
  9812. >Oh... That incident.
  9813. “I'm sorry, stud. I just have trouble differentiating reality from imagination when your stuff kicks in...”
  9814. >Your boyfriend flinches when he hears the words “your stuff”.
  9815. >”What did you see?”
  9816. >Should you tell him?
  9817. >You don't want to make him worry even more than he already does or did.
  9818. >But it would be probably better if you did.
  9819. >So you take a deep breath and beam him a smile.
  9820. “Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow and Pinkie.”
  9821. >He looks rather surprised at you. Seems like he didn't expect that.
  9822. >”How nice.”
  9823. >Anon is now working on your lower back and you try hard not to start moaning from the closeness of his touch to your rump.
  9824. >Oh my... If this feels already so heavenly, you wonder what sex would feel like in your state right now.
  9825. >Or a double dose of his cum.
  9826. >Could you convince him to go again?
  9827. >He doesn't have to pleasure you, as long as he shoots it somewhere inside your body.
  9828. >You catch yourself delving deeper into progressively naughtier thoughts, before you manage to shake them off.
  9829. >No... This is your addiction speaking... And you nearly gave into it.
  9830. >Now you finally understand the meaning of your hallucination from before.
  9831. >And he has to know.
  9832. >”Twi?”
  9833. >His voice snaps you back into reality.
  9834. “Oh. Sorry. I was lost in thought.”
  9835. >He chuckles and takes your right foreleg into his hands to dry it as well.
  9836. >”No problem. So why did you scream at them then? Were they scary looking?”
  9837. “Quite the opposite, to be exact. They were all palette swapped and tiny and cute and what not.”
  9838. >”Palette swapped? That sounds adorable. Did Rarity had Fluttershy's colours?”
  9839. >You giggle and float the other towel over to you with your magic.
  9840. >Seems like he already has towelled himself down, but his hair still looks wet. So you wrap it around his head.
  9841. “No. She had Pinkie's. And Pinkie had Rainbows. Who had Fluttershy's, and she had Rarity's, I even gave them new names.”
  9842. >”Let me guess. Pinkity, Rainbow Pie, Flutterdash and Rarishy?”
  9843. >How did he know?
  9844. “Exactly. Did I say their names or what?”
  9845. >”Hehe, no. But they seem pretty obvious to me.”
  9846. >You shoot him a wink.
  9847. “Or we just think alike~”
  9848. >”Or that. What did they do to deserve your wrath?”
  9849. >Finished with your right appendage, he lets it go and concentrates on it's counterpart.
  9850. “It's a silly story...”
  9851. >”I like silly stories. So go ahead.”
  9852. “Okay...”
  9853. >You tell him what happened in your hallucination up to the point where the black you showed up.
  9854. >Which was not an easy task, since he moved on to your hind legs and thighs... So you had to concentrate extra hard, not to pounce at him like a hungry manticore.
  9855. >”Their cutie marks formed the word “cure?`? How peculiar. Maybe that was your subconscious trying to tell you something. I think, I read about something similar back on earth.”
  9856. “You did?”
  9857. >”Yeah. Some guy took a heavy dose of a very strong hallucinogenic drug and saw humans that told him about something evil that grew inside his body. The next day, he went to the doctor and he told him that he had developed cancer.”
  9858. >Creepy... But very interesting.
  9859. “Did he survive?”
  9860. >”Yep. They diagnosed it just in time and were able to treat him properly.”
  9861. “How nice. And I already came to the same conclusion as you... But that's not all.”
  9862. >”Huh?”
  9863. “There were two more ponies. A green one, who planted the question mark and a black one.”
  9864. >Anon chuckles.
  9865. >”A green one? Perhaps that was me?”
  9866. >You don't know why he sometimes associates the colour green to himself. His skin is tan... But he has a point there.
  9867. “Yeah... Because than every pony represents someone who knows about our relationship or is directly involved in it.”
  9868. >”Hmm... Okay. And the black pony?”
  9869. “That one... Was me.”
  9870. >”You? How so?”
  9871. “It looked one-to-one like me. Only that it was black and malnourished.”
  9872. >A sound of disgust leaves your lips.
  9873. “She directly walked to my friends and then stared at me... With those sunken in eyes of hers. I got frightened and feared that she will do something to them... So I swatted at her.”
  9874. >”Yeah, I felt that.”
  9875. “Did I hurt you?”
  9876. >”Nah. I'm a big guy.”
  9877. “For me.” you say, giggling.
  9878. >”Exactly.” Anon chimes in with your snickering, “What happened next?”
  9879. >You shrug and unwrap the towel from his head.
  9880. “Nothing much. They all disappeared into thin mist and I started looking for them. But to no avail and then delved into my thought again.”
  9881. >”Fair enough... But the black Twilight you described, reminds me an awful lot of the creepy AJ I saw before... Turn around a bit, please. I want to dry your tail.”
  9882. “Of course.”
  9883. >So you do an one-eighty turn on the spot and lift your tail as high as you can.
  9884. “And now that you mentioned it... You're right. But Applejack wasn't black back there, was she?”
  9885. >”No. But the creepy thing that came out of her was.”
  9886. “Hmm...”
  9887. >Is there a correlation between these?
  9888. >The answer is yes, if it really doesn't turn out to be an addiction at all.
  9889. >You will keep that in mind.
  9890. >At the moment 50% of your observations speak for an addiction and the other 50% do not. So you can't be sure.
  9891. >Tonight will be very long and exhausting...
  9892. >Now you have to perform two entire different series of tests, instead of one.
  9893. >And both are complicated and require expensive materials.
  9894. >You sigh and shake your head.
  9895. “Well...”
  9896. >”Hmm?”
  9897. >At least you are relaxed to the core now and can start your experiments freshly energized.
  9898. “Nothing, stud. Just thought about tonight.”
  9899. >He wraps the towel around the hairs of your tail and lets it run along it's length.
  9900. >The slight tugs and yanks still feel very nice, but not as intense as before.
  9901. >”Okay. What about AJ and black Twi?.”
  9902. “I made a mental note. It could come in hoofy later.”
  9903. >”Handy.”
  9904. “No.”
  9905. >”Pfft.”
  9906. >Anon gives your tail a last, quick rub down and then frees it from the towel's grasp.
  9907. >It flies above your head and lands on the floor in front you with a wet slap.
  9908. >”So.”
  9909. >You let out a content sigh and look at him.
  9910. “So.”
  9911. >”Do you want me to brush your mane and tail?”
  9912. >Do you?! Of course!
  9913. “That would be lovely. Thank you, stud.”
  9914. >Using your magic, you open the small cupboard and levitate a white and golden brush, made out of various precious metals and very rare jewellery stones out of it.
  9915. >”Oh wow... Where did you get that?”
  9916. >He takes it out of your magical hold and inspects it closer.
  9917. “From my mother, as a house warming gift. She got it imported from Saddle-Arabia.”
  9918. >Like every time your boyfriend is impressed, he whistles.
  9919. >You love that aspect of him. It's adorable.
  9920. >”Saddle-Arabia huh? Then I don't even want to know what it costed.”
  9921. >You giggle and scoot closer to him.
  9922. “Me neither. So don't break it.”
  9923. >”I would neve- Whoa!”
  9924. >Oh no! Did he let it fall?!
  9925. >Worried, you yank your head around only to see your boyfriend grinning from ear to ear, with the brush dangling in his hand.
  9926. “Anon!”
  9927. >He laughs and pats your head.
  9928. >”Just messing with you. Now turn your cute head around again, so I can brush your pretty mane.”
  9929. “Flatterer~”
  9930. >”You know, you like it.”
  9932. “Indeed. So never stop praising my beauty, grace and intelligence!”
  9933. >Anon takes a strand of your mane into his hand and lets the brush's bristles sink into it.
  9934. >”I never said something about grace and intelligence. Just that you are cute and your mane is pretty.”
  9935. >They slide down through it in a fluid motion.
  9936. “Hey!”
  9937. >You chirrup your tail against his chest, making him yelp.
  9938. >”I was joking , of course. You are the most graceful and intelligent unicorn out there.”
  9939. >And are brought back up again to comb another streak.
  9940. “Better.”
  9941. >He chuckles and works his way through the knots and hair clumps of your mane.
  9942. >The two of you have fallen in relative silence, while he does this.
  9943. >So you begin to hum a slow song. The same one you hummed yesterday, when he brushed you in his bathroom.
  9944. >Your boyfriend soon chimes in when he realizes what song you are humming.
  9945. >You close your eyes and concentrate on his sign of affection, accompanied by a soothing melody.
  9946. >It feels nice to have somepony else do this. Brushing yourself is quite a pain in the flank, even as an unicorn.
  9947. >How Applejack and Pinkie do it is a mystery to you.
  9948. >But that is not your problem. You have now your own personal human boyfriend who can brush you everyday.
  9949. >Well, as long as he is with you when you need to be brushed.
  9950. >And is willing, of course.
  9951. >You would never force non-consent brushing on him. That would be cruel.
  9952. >The song's second verse kicks in and Anon tilts your head slightly to the side, so he can reach your upper mane.
  9953. >With gentle and precise strokes, he tames your highlights and puts them back were they belong.
  9954. >He bumps a few times against your horn, but it doesn't bother you. It's hard enough to endure a bit of punishment.
  9955. >Also it reminds you of something... When was the last time, you polished and moisturised it?
  9956. >Probably over a week ago.
  9957. >You sigh internally... Last week was pretty stressful.
  9958. >And proper horn care is important, or else the thin, velvet skin on it dries out and then crackles.
  9959. >This happened to you once, in your college years and it was a painful experience.
  9960. >Maybe he can do that for you too? It's not as bothersome as brushing yourself, but still takes a good amount of effort to get it right.
  9961. >Besides, it would probably feel ten-times better.
  9962. >My, oh my. That sounds like you are exploiting him for your own personal pleasure.
  9963. >Hopefully, he doesn't get it this way.
  9964. “Anon?”
  9965. >”Hmm?”
  9966. >He let's the brush slide a last time through your mane and then smoothens a few stray hairs out with his palm.
  9967. >”So all finished. What is it, Twi?”
  9968. “If it isn't to much trouble for you, could you maybe polish my horn? It has been a while since I last have done it.”
  9969. >”Polish your horn? I guess I could, if you tell me how.”
  9970. “You really don't have to, if you don't want to. If you want to get going soon, that's fine with me too.”
  9971. >Anon grabs you by the withers and turns you around, so that you face him.
  9972. >His lips bear a big, friendly smile.
  9973. >”Nah. Kirron can wait for five minutes longer. He isn't my marefriend after all.”
  9974. >You giggle and return his smile.
  9975. “That would be creepy. But he would have one more horn to polish.”
  9976. >”Two more.”
  9977. >Huh?
  9978. “What do you me-”
  9979. >A bright, crimson blush spreads across your cheeks when the realization what he meant hits you.
  9980. “Anon! Ewww!”
  9981. >He laughs heartily and bops you on the shoulder.
  9982. >”You can't outhorn the Kirron, Twi. And now tell me...”
  9983. >You are not sure if you can get the mental image of Kirron's “horn” ever out of your head...
  9984. >Anon gently flicks the tip of your horn. Sending a soft shudder down your spine.
  9985. >”How should I do this? Do I just take a towel and rub it until it shines?”
  9986. >As pleasurable and tempting as this sounds, it has less to do with horn care and more with getting you off.
  9987. >And sadly, that is secondary right now.
  9988. >So you let your magic hover a tub of horn polish and a special polish rag out of the cupboard and into his hands.
  9989. >”Feels silky...”
  9990. “It's made out of Hollow Shades Widow silk.”
  9991. >He shoots you a confused look.
  9992. >”Hollow Shades Widows?”
  9993. “A breed of giant spiders. Roughly as big as a pony and about as broad. They are not very poisonous, though. They hunt their prey with their strength and speed.”
  9994. >”Creepy... And ponies collect their silk to make rags out of them?”
  9995. “Uhu. It's nearly as durable and resilient as steel, with only a fractions of the metal's weight.”
  9996. >”Why don't you guys make armour out of it then? To me it sounds like the perfect material for it.”
  9997. >Good question. And you have a good answer for it.
  9998. >By Celestia, you love teaching others stuff. Especially your boyfriend.
  9999. >Not that he is stupid or something like that. But he is always genuinely interested in the stuff you tell him.
  10000. “For one it's highly flammable. Even the smallest spark is enough to set it ablaze.”
  10001. >”Okay.”
  10002. “Also due to it's arcane properties caused by the spiders special diet, it is a so called “tertiary magical catalyst”.”
  10003. >”A what now?”
  10004. >Snickering, you let the rug float into the air.
  10005. “Meaning that every magic user can use it to channel his or hers spells through it. Look.”
  10006. >You close your eyes and prepare a simple light spell.
  10007. >Without any effort you manage to channel it through the rag instead of your horn and the bathroom is illuminated in a soft orange glow.
  10008. >”Oh wow...”
  10009. >Cancelling the spell, you carefully levitate the silken patch back into his hands.
  10010. “See? Any spellcaster could target his enemies ranks without the need to aim or having to worry about accidentally hitting an ally.”
  10011. >Anon whistles.
  10012. >”Makes sense now, that you guys don't use it as armour. But what special diet gives it it's magical properties? Unicorns, maybe?”
  10013. “By Celestia, no! If that would be the case, I'm sure they would be extinct by now!”
  10014. >”On what do they feed then?”
  10015. “Hollow Shade Widows mostly live and hunt in underground caverns. And like most animals, they need a certain amount of magical energy, that is sparse there, to survive. So they prey on a special kind of centipede, called “Gemites”, that happens to soak up magic like a sponge.”
  10016. >He nods and inspects the rag closer before shifting his attention back at you again.
  10017. >”Also giant, I assume?”
  10018. “Yep! Those centipedes can grow up to twelve metres in length. And when a spider manages to catch one, it usually feeds on it until it's prey is sucked dry and nothing more than a hollow husk. Of course that give it much more magical energy than it needs, and this excess magic gets integrated into the spiders silk.”
  10019. >Another whistle from your boyfriend.
  10020. >”Well then. Thanks for the lesson, Twi.”
  10021. >You laugh and nuzzle his fist.
  10022. “No problem, stud. I love to give you lessons about equestrian wild life.”
  10023. >”And I love getting them from you... But, you still didn't tell me how to polish your horn properly.”
  10024. >Oh, yeah... You kinda got carried away.
  10025. “Sorry. Just take some of the polish and gently rub it into my horn until it feels “squeaky”. You know, like when your skin when you used too much soap.”
  10026. >”Sounds easy enough. Anything else I should mind?”
  10027. “Not really. Just follow my horn's spiral from it's base and don't use too much polish... It's very expensive.”
  10028. >”Got it. Bow down a bit please.”
  10029. >You do so, and watch your boyfriend as he opens the small tub.
  10030. >He dips the rag into it and you soon feel it on the base of your horn.
  10031. >With circular rubbing motions, he begins to work it into it's skin.
  10032. “Hmm~”
  10033. >This feels nice. Especially when he polishes the groove of your spiral, which contains most of your horn's nerve ends.
  10034. >Slowly, magic starts to channel through your horn and thus making it more sensible to his touch.
  10035. >If you aren't careful and in full control of yourself, this can quickly get out of hoof.
  10036. >Hornjobs always got you off extra fast... Even if most of them were self-given.
  10037. >And magicum not only glows, but also stains everything it comes in contact with. Including skin and fur.
  10038. >The last time some got on your coat, you had to wear a scarf for over a week to cover that embarrassing, bright purple stain.
  10039. >Luckily, nopony saw it and it faded away naturally.
  10040. >Slow and steady, he makes his way up your horn's spiral. Only stopping to to apply more polish and rework parts that don't feel squeaky enough yet.
  10041. >”Good so?”
  10042. “Y-Yes.”
  10043. >Hopefully, he didn't notice your stutter.
  10044. >”Wonderful.”
  10045. >Anon has reached your horn's middle section now, and his attentiveness to your natural given catalyst made it gather quite a copious amount of ambient magical energy.
  10046. >Which of course made it even more sensitive to your boyfriend's rubbing and polishing.
  10047. >Especially since he now started to get a bit rougher and more erratic with his movements.
  10048. >By Celestia... You have a hard time to not find this arousing.
  10049. “Anon...” you quietly moan.
  10050. >Your breathing begins to get faster and shallower.
  10051. >He chuckles and just continues polishing your horn with no change in his technique.
  10052. >Either he isn't interested in jerking you off, or he just teases you.
  10053. >You so hope that it's the latter.
  10054. >Gradually, his hand approaches the tip and finally engulfs it with the rag.
  10055. >You can feel the untamed magic inside your horn thicken and getting denser by the second.
  10056. >Horngasms are so different from a normal orgasm, that is why you like them so much.
  10057. >Instead of long climax, that releases itself over a few seconds. It's a short and very ecstatic burst of lust.
  10058. >With the added benefit of not having a sticky, wet mess from your marehood.
  10059. >And you can sense one coming. Rapidly.
  10060. >One last time, he removes the rag to apply more polish.
  10061. >You inhale and exhale sharply with every stroke that goes over the spiral of your horn.
  10062. >Faster and faster, his hand flies over your bony growth.
  10063. >He must surely know what’s happening to you... Your eyes are clenched shut, your cheeks feel like they are on fire and several times a husky moan escaped your lips.
  10064. “Hnng...”
  10065. >With one last brush along your length, he ceases his movements.
  10066. >”So all finished...”
  10067. >W-What? No...
  10068. >Just as you were about to say something, you feel his hand wrap around your horn and a hot jolt of electricity rushes through you.
  10069. >”Now we come to the happy end.”
  10070. >That is what you wanted to hear.
  10071. >You just have to remember, not to hit your boyfriend with your load or else parts of him will be purple for a while.
  10072. >”Ready?”
  10073. “Y-Yeah.”
  10074. >Anon leans down and plants a quick kiss on your lips. Grazing them with his tongue, before retreating again.
  10075. >”Enjoy.”
  10076. >And with that said, he tightens the grip on your horn and starts to rapidly jerk it off.
  10077. “Yaah!”
  10078. >His hands slides over it's slick length in an immense tempo. Maximizing your lust in only mere seconds.
  10079. >The hot feeling inside it intensifies as the untamed magic thickens again and readies itself to be released.
  10080. >And as fast as it started, it's over.
  10081. >In the last possible second, you manage to yank your head to the side and let loose.
  10082. >Your orgasms rolls over you and the pent up magical energy bursts out of your horn in an array of stars and strands of thick, concentrated magicum.
  10083. >Which lands with loud splashing noises on the tiles of your bathroom floor.
  10084. “Aachhyesssssss...........”
  10085. >Anon continues to masturbate you and lets his finger graze and brush over the tip of your catalyst.
  10086. >Surely soiling them with your sticky, arcane goo.
  10087. >This thought alone gives you another burst of pleasure that washes over your body.
  10088. >A final, small squirt merely drips out of your horn and you collapse into the awaiting embrace of your boyfriend.
  10089. >He locks one arm around your barrel and slowly manoeuvres your shivering form on his lap and chest.
  10090. >Heavily breathing, you open your eyes to look at him with a goofy, but satisfied smile.
  10091. >Anon pecks your nose and then moves his fingers, stained with your purple magicum, to his mouth.
  10092. >Licking them clean with slow and deliberate strokes of his tongue, while staring into your eyes.
  10093. >By Celestia, this is so hot... He just knows how to push your buttons.
  10094. >In an instant you shoot out and lock lips with him, wasting no time to invade his oral cavity with your tongue.
  10095. >You swirl it around and let it wrestle with his, to get some of the treat you just gave him too.
  10096. >A bit egoistic, but well... It's still as fruity as today morning~
  10097. >The faint taste of limes and tangerines fills your mouth and you break the kiss with a quick nip on his lower lip.
  10098. >Judging by the look on his face, this sudden kiss took him by surprise.
  10099. >You press your forehead and muzzle against his chest and take a deep whiff of his scent before resting your head on his shoulder.
  10100. “Thanks, stud. That was just what I needed.”
  10101. >He chuckles and pats your back.
  10102. >”You know, we just did it like five minutes ago in the tub.”
  10103. “Details. Now shush. Lemme enjoy my afterglow.”
  10104. >”Pfft. Do you mind enjoying your afterglow while I carry you to your bedroom? I'm starting to get cold.”
  10105. >You giggle and nuzzle his earlobe, eliciting a cute laugh from him.
  10106. “Nah. Go ahead.”
  10107. >”Wonderful.”
  10109. >Anon slides an arm under your rump to steady you, and slowly gets up.
  10110. >Your whole body still feels a bit jittery and weak from all the mental and physical exhaustion, so you lean against your boyfriends chest.
  10111. >The warmth it radiates is soothing and if you listen carefully, you can hear his heart beating in it.
  10112. >Such a blissful moment and feeling... If somehow you could let last them forever, you would do so.
  10113. >But sadly, there are experiments waiting to be experimented on and mysteries waiting to be solved.
  10114. >Quite important ones at that.
  10115. >You sigh and open the door for him with a quick spell.
  10116. >And Anon surely looks forward to his evening activity too. A night out with this rude minotaur...
  10117. >Hopefully they don't drink too much and decide to re-enact historic battles... Again.
  10118. >Your boyfriend here would have had a fairly nasty scar across his chest, if you wouldn't have healed the wound so quickly and ran into him in the middle of the night in the first place...
  10119. >His whole shirt was torn and full of blood.
  10120. >He can be so foalish and irresponsible at times, but you wouldn't want him any other way.
  10121. >Scars can be sexy, though... Maybe you should look up spells for illusionary ones.
  10122. >Could make an interesting base for an erotic scenario.
  10123. >But you are getting ahead of yourself, like always. First you should tackle the real vital and pressing problems.
  10124. >Then you can think about spicing up your encounters of the sexy kind.
  10125. >Anon walks into your bedroom and gently lowers you towards your bed.
  10126. >More sluggish than graceful, you slide out of his arms and onto the mattress, flanks first.
  10127. >You yawn and stretch your back, before checking on his clothes. Which should be relatively clean by now.
  10128. >”Tired?”
  10129. “A bit.”
  10130. >And indeed, the orb has changed colour from blue to a blueish grey and almost all of the stains have vanished.
  10131. >They still have a pungent stench of your arousal clinging to them... Especially the pants.
  10132. “Hmm... I'm not sure any more if one of Spike's perfume is enough to cover that.”
  10133. >He sits down next to you and takes the shirt into his hand.
  10134. >His nose scrunches up when he takes a whiff from it.
  10135. >Okay, now you can see why he thinks that it's cute, when your muzzle scrunches up.
  10136. >It really looks adorable.
  10137. >”Hmpft... It's tolerable. At least for me.”
  10138. “But most ponies would notice, and Kirron for that matter too. Which isn't a problem, since we agreed on you telling him, but still.”
  10139. >”Yeah... I don't want to run around, spreading your pheromones either... Who knows what kinds of crazy ponies stroll around in the night.”
  10140. >Oh my~
  10141. “I wouldn't worry about that. Most stallions aren't attracted to mares, who are twice the size as them and easily pack the same amount of muscle.”
  10142. >You giggle and poke his upper arm with a hoof which makes him look at you with mocked seriousness and pride.
  10143. >”Pfft... I can get any stallion I want. Just you wait!”
  10144. “Oh, yeah?”
  10145. >”Yeah!”
  10146. >Anon crosses his arms and turns his gaze from you to the ceiling.
  10147. “Okay. Then we should make sure, that no stallion snatches you away from me...”
  10148. >You lean down and pull out a small wooden chest from your bed, where you keep all the stuff that Spike isn't allowed to have unlimited access to.
  10149. >His perfumes, gems with medicinal properties, this freaking ball that screeches like a dying cat when it bounces and the Equestrian Army multi purpose knife, he got from Shining last year.
  10150. >Which has far too many blades and things with pointy ends than is good for a growing boy.
  10151. >The perfumes should be in the second compartment, you think.
  10152. >Ah there they are!
  10153. “So... Which one do you want?”
  10154. >You show your boyfriend a green bottle in the form of a stag.
  10155. “Deepest Woods or...”
  10156. >The next one is a round orange flask. Pretty boring design, but you like how it smells.
  10157. “Celestia's Delight for Stallions or...”
  10158. >”That sounds naughty.”
  10159. >He's right...
  10160. “Indeed, it does. I never noticed that... It smells nice, though! Take a whiff!
  10161. >As you open the flask to hoof it to him, the smells of amber, incense and musk with hints of lily and white pepper invades your nostrils.
  10162. >Such a heavenly combination of scents
  10163. >It reminds you off summery days in the more mountainous areas of Equestria. Where you used to spend some holidays with your family when you were just a small foal.
  10164. >If it wasn't so bloody expensive, you would buy more of it and use it to perfume your home.
  10165. >He takes the bottle and carefully waves some of the fragrant fumes to his nose.
  10166. >”Hmm! That could work! Where did you get that?”
  10167. >You float the cork over to him and close the chest.
  10168. “Spike bought it himself, when he started to take his dating attempts more seriously. Do you like it?”
  10169. >”I consider buying it myself. But...”
  10170. >How nice!
  10171. >Not that his natural scent isn't lovely either, but you are sure the perfume would only compliment it.
  10172. >Anon splays the shirt over his lap and scratches the back of his head.
  10173. >”How do I do this now...”
  10174. “What do you mean?”
  10175. >”This bottle has no spray thingy.”
  10176. >Ah, yes. It's a pour flacon... And just pouring it all over his shirt would be a waste and honestly quite an overkill.
  10177. >But luckily you know just the spell to solve this problem!
  10178. “Let me handle that!” you say proudly.
  10179. >He chucklesnorts and hands you the small bottle back.
  10180. >”Do your magic, Miss Sparkle.”
  10182. “Of course, Mister Mous. In no more than the blink of an eye, your clothes will smell like Canterlot's finest gentlecolt clubs!”
  10183. >You pat his hand to signalize that he should keep holding the round flask and begin to channel magic through your horn.
  10184. >First you will need some of the fragrant liquid out of the flacon.
  10185. >Usually that wouldn't pose any problem, but since you can't really judge how much of the perfume your magic actually affects, it's more fiddly than you imagined.
  10186. >Damned be the pony who invented opaque glass.
  10187. >But after some attempts you manage to get just the right amount out of it and compress it into a compact, nice-smelling sphere.
  10188. >Looks almost like a clear pearl. Pretty.
  10189. >Maybe you could create more of them and freeze them in time to use them as some kind of jewellery?
  10190. >Rarity would be surely interested in that. Aromatic pearl necklaces... Or earrings.
  10191. >If this takes off, you could be filthy rich in no time...
  10192. >A project for the future. You take a mental note and concentrate again on what you originally planned to do.
  10193. >Now you have to gasify the liquid and cover Anon's clothes with it.
  10194. >A simply heating spell should do the trick... But sadly there is almost no Aqshy in your general vicinity.
  10195. >But for some reason lots of Ghur... Are beasts running rampant somewhere close?
  10196. >Most likely some Timberwolves in the Everfree Forest.
  10197. >No... Timberwolves are elementals, earth elementals to be exact, they would invoke Ghyran not Ghur.
  10198. >So a hydra or a manticore maybe?
  10199. >Anyway...
  10200. >You shake the thought off and ponder about converting it into Aqshy.
  10201. >Shouldn't be too dangerous since it is it's neighbour on Quaysh, the diagram used to reflect the relationships between the magic winds.
  10202. >But also so is Shyish... The wind of death. And that could go awry and out of hoof faster than you would like.
  10203. >”Twi? Everything alright?”
  10204. “Yah. Just thinking.”
  10205. >He nods and brushes a few dust particles off his pants.
  10206. >A certain outline in the pockets of his trousers gives you an idea.
  10207. “Anon?”
  10208. >”Yes?”
  10209. “Do you happen to have your lighter with you?”
  10210. >”Of course! I never leave my house without it. You never know when you need to set something on fire.”
  10211. >Giggling, you beckon him to get it.
  10212. >”Here you go, Twi.”
  10213. “Thanks. Give me a light please.”
  10214. >So he does and instantly you can sense the warm and dry wind of Aqshy flooding the room.
  10215. >The world Anon came from is devoid of magic, at least from what he told you, but strangely some things he brought with him tend to produce magical winds when they are active. Not much, but usually enough to fuel simple spells.
  10216. >Especially his electronics, which emits Azyr, the wind of heavens, and this very lighter here.
  10217. >Why? You don't know and it bugs you like nothing else.
  10218. >Many nights were spent without sleep, trying to figure out how or why they do this. And of course no test or experiment wielded a single result.
  10219. >It's just a mystery which will most likely stay one for ever.
  10220. >But it comes in hoofy now.
  10221. >Now you won't have any problems more to cast and sustain that heating spell.
  10222. >With ease you gather the required amount of Aqshy and channel it into the sphere of perfume.
  10223. >It starts to boil and slowly turn into a gaseous mist, which you keep constrained by a magical field so it doesn't disperse into the thin air.
  10224. >That would be a shame and honestly quite embarrassing.
  10225. >After a short while it fully gasified and you carefully widen the field that restrains the fragrant gas, until it roughly has the width and length of Anon's shirt.
  10226. >You slowly let the mist sink into the fabric, and seal it deep into it with a final burst of heat.
  10227. “Okay... Now your pants and boxers.”
  10228. >Adding some more perfume and gasifying it, you give his legwear the same treatment as his shirt.
  10229. >Hopefully, that should have done the trick.
  10230. “So. All done. Tell me how they smell.”
  10231. >He grabs his clothes and gives each of them a hesitant sniff.
  10232. >”Oh wow... The smell is almost completely gone... My pants still smell a bit like you, but they would have to sniff my crotch to notice that. And I don't plan on letting anypony do that tonight.”
  10233. >You snicker and playfully bop his shoulder.
  10234. “You better not! Only I am allowed to do that from now!”
  10235. >”Heh. Don't worry. And thanks, Twi.”
  10236. “No biggie. Let me check them really quick, since my nose is more sensitive than yours.”
  10237. >Anon presents you his clothes and you diligently sniff at them.
  10238. >And indeed, most of your arousal got covered up by the perfume. The few lingering hints of your scent are not very noticeable, even to ponies. So that should do nicely.
  10239. >They will most likely think, that they came from normal every day contact.
  10240. >Except if he runs into Rarity, but she already know about you anyway...
  10241. >She always assumes the most kinky situation possible first, when she smells the scent of others on somepony.
  10242. >”And?”
  10243. >You beam your boyfriend a smile.
  10244. “All clear!”
  10245. >”Great! Then I can get dressed and be on my merry way.”
  10246. “So eager to get away from me?”
  10247. >He chuckles and ruffles your mane.
  10248. >”Nah, of course not. But you said, you don't want me here while you experiment and...”
  10249. >You and him take a look at the clock. It's five past eight.
  10250. >”It's already pretty late.”
  10251. “You're right...”
  10252. >He chuckles and scratches behind your ear.
  10253. >Celestia, how were you able to live without this for so long.
  10254. “Okay then... I will be downstairs and finish some more preparations for tonight while you get dressed.”
  10255. >Your lips escapes a long. content sigh and you hop off your bed.
  10256. >Stretching your four limbs for a bit, you yawn and turn to your boyfriend.
  10257. “When you are dressed, please put the used towels into the laundry bin over there, before you leave.”
  10258. >”Will do, Twi.”
  10259. >He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on your lips, which you happily return.
  10260. >You break it and look into Anon's eyes, before pecking his nose and trotting towards the door.
  10261. “Thanks, stud. See you soon.”
  10262. >”No problem. See you soon, my Love.”
  10263. >And there they are again... The butterflies in your stomach.
  10264. >You open the door quietly, so Spike doesn't wake up and make your way downstairs with a little bounce in your step.
  10266. >The candles Spike lit are still burning, although very dimly, when you enter your living room.
  10267. >Also the mess you and your lover produced is still there... You should better clean it up before it dries in even further than it already has.
  10268. >Luckily your floor is wooden and varnished, so cleaning it should be an easy task.
  10269. >Your couch on the other hoof... Ruined would be an understatement.
  10270. >You walk towards it and sigh deeply when you inspect it a bit closer.
  10271. >The combined efforts of your consummated love have sunken in deep into it's fabric and created milky-yellowish stains.
  10272. “Buck...”
  10273. >But luckily they are still wet, so the same spell you used for Anon's clothes could work here.
  10274. >You will have to think of something to cover up or disperse the smell though.
  10275. >But that's a problem for future Twilight. Present Twilight has to wipe the floor and work on her cure.
  10276. >So you channel once more magic through your horn and assemble the right mixture of magic winds to create the watery familiar.
  10277. >It exits through your catalyst the same way as before and you allow it to feast on the ambient magic winds so it can grow and thus absorb more liquids.
  10278. >With a mental command, you break the invisible tether between you and the blue, floating sphere and direct into the airspace of your couch.
  10279. >Immediately the familiar starts to glow and lowers its tendrils towards the stained fabric.
  10280. >Tendrils?
  10281. “Maybe I gave it too much power...”
  10282. >Some of your former classmates once told you quite horrific stories about familiars who went haywire and started to molest or straight out killed their masters.
  10283. >And with those tendrils it's more than well equipped to do that.
  10284. >Highly unlikely, but better be safe than sorry.
  10285. >You hesitantly touch the nearest tendril and it instantly retreats back from where it came from.
  10286. >Looks like it's not interested in pony blood or molesting you after all.
  10287. >Well, it's loss.
  10288. >Shrugging,you start to whistle a random song and open the closet next to the stairway.
  10289. >A mop and a bucket with water and some cleaning solution should do just fine.
  10290. >So you take the cleaning utensils out and carry them over to your kitchen, to fill the bucket with water.
  10291. >Just add a few drops of the cleaning agent, which Fluttershy recommended you, and you are good to go.
  10292. >The water gets a slight greenish tone and begins to emit a strong flowery smell.
  10293. >Heh. The slogan on the label is right That stuff really heralds the start of a new floral age of cleaning.
  10294. >Now it just has to clean as well as it smells to earn it's place in the hallowed halls of your closet.
  10295. >Only one way to find out...
  10296. “Mop, mop, mop. I'm mopping my floor~”
  10297. >...
  10298. >After some diligent mopping and slightly off-key singing, your floor is now cleaner and smells better than ever before.
  10299. >It's like you are standing amidst a field of wild flowers.
  10300. >And it took so little time too! That stuff really holds what it promises.
  10301. >You would happily let it take over the world to live in it's floral age of cleaning and wonders.
  10302. >Giggling, you put the mop aside.
  10303. >The agent also seems to smell strong enough to cover up or even disperse your and your boyfriend's musk that lingers in your couch.
  10304. >Nice~
  10305. >Just after the familiar has finished has it's work, you will mix a slightly more concentrated solution and thoroughly apply it on your sofa.
  10306. >Hopefully that will deal with your smell problem.
  10307. >You wipe some sweat off your forehead and behold the effort of your hard work and aforementioned sweat.
  10308. “Wonderful.”
  10309. >”Indeed.”
  10310. >Someone behind you claps and quietly laughs.
  10311. >Turning your head to the source of the noises, you see a fully dressed Anon with a wide smile on his face.
  10312. >”Do you always sing when you clean? I liked it.”
  10313. “Not always. Only when I'm in the mood for it..
  10314. >You point at your floor and then at your couch.
  10315. “But look! I already took care of our mess.”
  10316. >He whistles and walks towards the familiar.
  10317. >”Is that the same one that cleaned my clothes?”
  10318. “Not the exact same one, but it's the same kind of familiar.”
  10319. >”Okay. But this one is bigger, isn't it?”
  10320. >Anon extends a hand to touch the watery apparition, but it reacts the same way to his touch as to yours before.
  10321. >”Oh.”
  10322. >You laugh and beckon him to leave it alone.
  10323. “Yeah, it is. I might allowed it to gather a bit too much magical energy. So it kinda evolved into it's second stage.”
  10324. >”Evolved? How peculiar. Does this mean it has further stages beyond this one?”
  10325. “Yep! Five to be exact. And it gains more strength, capability, intelligence and independence with each. Of course it grows in size and magical prowess too. So you have to be careful on how powerful you let it grow, or it might turn against you if it deems you unworthy.”
  10326. >Anon's face takes a slightly worried look.
  10327. >”But it isn't powerful enough now to do that, is it?”
  10328. >Aww, how cute. He is worried about you getting hurt.
  10329. >You nuzzle his hand, which makes him cup your head with it.
  10330. “Nah. Don't worry about that. I will be fine.”
  10331. >A sigh of relief escapes his lips and he kneels down.
  10332. >”Okay then. Do you need anything before I go?”
  10333. “No, not really. Just one thing.”
  10334. >”And that would be?”
  10335. “A kiss.”
  10337. End Part 12
  10358. >You are still Twilight Sparkle.
  10359. >Ponyville's best librarian and it's only one... Which makes this accomplishment not as amazing as it sounds.
  10360. >Anyway...
  10361. >Your boyfriend Anon, just left your cozy home to meet up with Kirron, an old minotauren friend of his, for an excessive night of drinking.
  10362. >Hopefully, he will behave himself a bit and not wake up on some bench again, because he couldn't find home.
  10363. >Yeah... The chances of this not happening are quite slim, but a mare can dream, can't she?
  10364. >Anon sees his friend rarely, so he will surely try to get the most out of it.
  10365. >And who are you to deny him his fun?
  10366. >His marefriend, that is who. But you are not one of those marefriends who try their hardest to change and control their coltfriend.
  10367. >Shall he have fun, as long as he's safe you are fine with that.
  10368. >It's not like that you will have much time to worry anyhow... A long and exhausting night of experimentation to find a cure for your addiction lies before you.
  10369. >Not to speak, expensive... Very expensive.
  10370. >Somehow this little detail just won't leave your mind, because you usually don't care that much about money.
  10371. >Maybe a subliminal attempt of the addiction to deter you from your plan?
  10372. >Could be, could be.
  10373. >You take a mental note of that and walk towards the bookshelf that contains your secret compartment, which holds all your pricey materials or gems that Spike isn't allowed to get near at.
  10374. >That rascal would devour them in seconds, if he ever gets a chance to lay his claws on them.
  10375. >Those gems are powerful reactive components and if that what you have read about them is true, also quite tasty for dragons.
  10376. >Rare delicacies, so to speak.
  10377. >Maybe he will get some for his birthday.
  10378. >You don't need the Viridian Hearts any more anyhow, so there is no harm done in giving him your remainders.
  10379. >Whistling the same song from before, you pull out certain books in a specific order to open said secret compartment.
  10380. >With a several clicking and grinding noises it opens and reveals the treasures that are hidden in it.
  10381. “Hmm... What will I need?”
  10382. >Since you are going to run some biological tests as well, you will certainly need something that won't react with your blood in ill ways but also something that will react with it, and more importantly with what’s in it, at all.
  10383. >And if it's really not an addiction, there should be some kind of alien hallucinogenic in your blood stream that causes your highs.
  10384. >Not an easy task... Your supplies are more suited for chemical experiments than medicinal ones.
  10385. >Crimson Eyes... Maybe. It's pretty red roots contain an oil that acts as a blood clotting agent.
  10386. >Travel hallucinogenics in the blood plasma or with the erythrocytes now? Hmm... You can't remember any more...
  10387. >If it's the latter, this plant won't be of any help. But you take them out nevertheless and decide to read it up later.
  10388. >Now what else...
  10389. >These syringes, you will need in any case. So on the table they go.
  10390. >Drawing blood from yourself, or seeing your own blood in general, is something you hate with the utmost disgust. It can't be helped however.
  10391. >A cold shudder runs down your spine when you hear the sharp needle scrape against the wooden surface of your table.
  10392. “Brrrrr...”
  10393. >Better replace the needle, before using the syringe... You don't want a nasty infection.
  10394. >Why you forget to take it off in the first place, is a mystery to you.
  10395. >Replacement needles should be somewhere there... Ah, yes. There they are.
  10396. >And luckily still packaged nice and sterile. Just how you like your needles to be.
  10397. >They join the syringe on the table and you turn your attention back to the secret shelf of expensive goodies.
  10398. >Mmhmm... If you aren't mistaken this yellow gem here, called Brightcore, changes colour if it comes in contact with acids. And since blood is usually neutral or a bit basic, as long as you are healthy, and almost all hallucinogenics are acidic...
  10399. >Yeah! Perfect!
  10400. >With that, you basically don't need anything else.
  10401. >But better be safe than sorry... So just one more thing, that tests for something completely different.
  10402. “But for what?”
  10403. >Live tissue? Nah. You blood is alive, that would proof nothing.
  10404. >Dead tissue is out of the question, for the same reason.
  10405. >You scan the shelves of your compartment until something black and shiny in the back row catches your eye.
  10406. “Changeling chitin...”
  10407. >Taking the jar that contains the armour plate into your magical grip, you inspect it closer.
  10408. >It's full of spikes and it's edges are jagged, so it must have belonged to a Hive Guardian or maybe even something greater, like a Brood Sister.
  10409. >Both are rather high ranked in the caste system of a Changeling Hive. Especially the Brood Sisters, who raise the Hive's young and are the personal bodyguards of the Queen.
  10410. >Shining Armor told you once, that one Sister can easily take on twelve ponies and walk away victorious from that encounter. Often without a serious injury.
  10411. >Changelings are fascinating, yet scary creatures.
  10412. >But where and why did you get that? You don't remember buying it...
  10413. “Hmm...”
  10414. >You rotate the jar and begin to think.
  10415. >Maybe it got shipped accidentally and you sorted it in without looking at it?
  10416. >Unlikely, but it could have happened.
  10417. >It doesn't really matter, since this is a very lucky find.
  10418. >Changeling chitin reacts with magic. But not with any magic... Non pony magic.
  10419. >A very rare trait... And in your case, a very valuable one.
  10420. >If it really is a parasite, and it uses some kind of magic to affect your body and mind or is magical itself, this is the key to finding it.
  10421. >Just grind it up, add it to your blood and some time later, you have your result.
  10422. >It's a fairly slow process, compared to the Brightcore reaction, but good things take their time.
  10423. >Your lips form a wide grin.
  10424. >Now you have got both sides of this loathsome coin covered... The chemical and the magical one.
  10425. “Perfect.”
  10427. >Satisfied with your preparations, you close and lock your secret compartment and make sure that the books that act as the opening mechanism do not stand out too much.
  10428. >Don't want any nosy ponies or dragons sniffing around in your personal stuff... Nopony has to know what is written in those red booklets.
  10429. >Except for you and Anon. To who you will show your written smut and erotic short novels, once things have settled down a bit.
  10430. >That night is one you look forward to~
  10431. >But enough dilly dallying... You walk to your table and take a good look at the things that lie on it.
  10432. “I really should sort them a bit more...”
  10433. >It isn't too much lying around, but before you accidentally add something wrong and have to start over.
  10434. >So all the stuff you need for testing on Anon's cum goes to the left and all the few materials and reagent your need for your blood sample goes to the right.
  10435. >Your blood sample...
  10436. >Better get this over with now and then treat yourself to something sweet to ease the pain and help your body recover from the massive blood loss it has to endure soon.
  10437. >You were never good with needles...
  10438. >Gulping, you take the syringe into your magical grasp and remove the old needle from it.
  10439. >A new one is ripped open and carefully put into place.
  10440. “Buck...”
  10441. >It looks sharp and pointy... But unlike Anon's teeth, which are sharp and pointy too, it doesn't arouse you at all.
  10442. >Okay... Now to find a good vein. Somewhere on your right foreleg should be a relative prominent one.
  10443. >Ah, yes. There it is... Happily transporting your blood through your body and totally unaware of what is going to happen to it.
  10444. >You take a deep breath and align the needle to it.
  10445. “Here goes nothing.”
  10446. >Just as the ground edge made contact with your skin, you notice that you forgot one very important step.
  10447. >You didn't disinfect the skin and fur around the vein... That could have ended very, very badly.
  10448. >The last thing you need right now is a festering infection, that could probably cost you your leg or even your life.
  10449. “Buck.”
  10450. >There should be some pre-tinctured cotton swabs in the kitchen somewhere. And while you are there, you can grab your sweet treat as well.
  10451. >Maybe a cookie or a glass of chocolate milk.
  10452. >Which you hated as a foal for some reason... You even spilt it on purpose, so you didn't have to drink it.
  10453. >But now you couldn't live without a tall glass of this chocolatey goodness at least every few days.
  10454. >Yeah... That sounds nice.
  10455. >So you carefully put the syringe back on the table, making sure that the needle on it doesn't touch anything and trot over to your kitchen.
  10456. >Flicking the lights on, you levitate your favourite glass out of the cabinet and fill it with milk and two... no three teaspoons of chocolate powder.
  10457. >Cold is the way it was meant to be drank. Pinkie tries to tell you otherwise, but you firmly stand your ground.
  10458. >Hot chocolate is nice on cold days though... But even then, you mostly drink it cold out of pure habit.
  10459. >Also you love the small cocoa clumps that float on the top. They are the best~
  10460. >A distinct, delicious smell invades your nostrils and your mouth begins to water... You are heavily tempted to gulp it down right now. But you have to be strong and safe this for after your blood-letting.
  10461. >You will need it.
  10462. >With a sigh, you close the fridge's door and start to look through your drawers.
  10463. >In of them, there must be an unopened pack of those swabs.
  10464. >Given that, Spike didn't already use them to disinfect his comic books or something.
  10465. >It would be funny, if it wasn't true... He claims that this raises their worth somehow and stops them from ageing.
  10466. >Yeah... sure.
  10467. >After some rummaging and resorting, you finally find one pack. And luckily it's still unopened and seems to be in date.
  10468. >Very nice.
  10469. >Now you have everything and can finally go injure yourself... Yay~
  10470. “Meh.”
  10471. >You take a sip of your chocolate milk and let it's rich taste fill your mouth, before you make your way back to the living room.
  10472. >Now that's what you call good chocolate milk. Perfect in all it's aspects and totally worth the ten bits per one pound bag you have to pay for it, but hey... You only live once, don't you?
  10473. >Putting the glass somewhere safe on the table, you let your magic once more take hold of the syringe and tear the packaging of the dabs open.
  10474. >Instantly the room is flooded with a strong chemical smell that reminds you of Ponyville's hospital.
  10475. >And if they wouldn't ask questions on why you need a blood sample for yourself in the middle of the night, you would go there and let them do it.
  10476. >But sadly, they do and so you have to do it yourself.
  10477. >You pull one swab out and disinfect the vein and it's vicinity with light dabs until your fur and skin feels ice cold.
  10478. >That should have done the trick... Now it has to dry in for a bit and then you can begin at last.
  10479. >At least you won't cripple or kill yourself now. That's something.
  10480. >After a good thirty second it feels dry enough and you once more align the needle with your pulsating vein.
  10481. >Even only feeling it scraping against your skin, sends a cold shudder down your spine.
  10482. >Thoughts of doubt and qualm begin to fill your mind and you catch yourself contemplating about a possible abort of this endeavour.
  10483. “Celestia be damned...”
  10485. >This bucking addiction really starts to fuck with your mind. And the faster you get this over with the faster you can find a cure.
  10486. >You take another deep breath and prop your leg on a chair, so it won't accidentally slip away and possibly cause an injury by doing so.
  10487. >That needle is sharpened to such an extent, it could even pierce the skin of a chimera with ease. And since the Royal Guard makes armour out of their hides, that means it's sharp as tartarus.
  10488. >What can you say... You only buy the quality stuff.
  10489. >The syringe itself isn't exactly intended for medical purposes, though.
  10490. >You originally bought it to extract the liquid cores from some specific, magical ores.
  10491. >They are made out of iron, and hence quite sturdy but very stiff and clunky. So you need to concentrate and focus your magic extra carefully, if you don't want to hurt yourself.
  10492. >By the celestial sisters, you are making quite an affair out of it, aren't you?
  10493. >But you can't help it... You hate seeing your own blood. The sight of it makes you feel sick and light-headed.
  10494. >More than once, you nearly passed out when you cut yourself and saw your blood dripping to the ground..
  10495. >Strangely not when Anon bit you today... Maybe the addiction or your arousal has overwritten the panic?
  10496. >Hmm... Funny how some things work.
  10497. >But enough stalling. You wasted enough time, and if you don't get this over with soon, you might change your mind and delay the creation of the cure you so urgently need.
  10498. >You want to have a normal relationship with Anon some day... Without this nuisance that is your addiction to his cum.
  10499. >So you inhale and exhale deeply and regularly, just like Cadence taught you, to calm your nerves.
  10500. “I'm ready...”
  10501. >With one fluid movement, you let the needle pierce the thin barrier that protects your vein from the outside world.
  10502. >You ignore the sharp pain you feel as it slowly sinks into your fore leg and fully concentrate on aligning it properly.
  10503. >But the pain soon starts to intensify, and your brain begs you to stop.
  10504. “Buck... Focus, Sparkle. Focus.”
  10505. >It must lie in the absolute correct position, or else you won't be able to actually draw blood and even might penetrate the vein which would cause all sorts of problems.
  10506. >So you start adjusting the syringe's position with picayune movements until you think the needle lies inside your vein in the right angle.
  10507. >Sadly these needles aren't proper medical ones either... They are a bit too thick and inflexible to use them on ponies, but you learned to work with what you have.
  10508. >And this is what you have right now.
  10509. >This... This should do. Not too steep and not too shallow. An angle of roughly thirty degrees.
  10510. >N-Nice...
  10511. >Slowly and carefully, you pull the plunger back and watch as the syringe's barrels fills itself with the thick, crimson liquid that is your blood
  10512. >As per usual, your stomach begins to contort and your body to shudder.
  10513. >You have no problem seeing the blood of others, even that of your closest friends, but as soon as your gaze falls on your own life's essence, you become a shivering mess.
  10514. >Buck! Not now...
  10515. >Your magical grip on the syringe starts to weaken as your concentration slips away.
  10516. “Urgh...”
  10517. >Several belches leave your mouth and your oral cavity is filled with the bitter, acidic taste of vomit and stomach acid.
  10518. >You start to breath through your nose, making sure to do it steadily and deliberately.
  10519. >It helps and soon you can fully focus on this horrific ordeal once more.
  10520. “Okay... Wonderful.”
  10521. >How much will you need anyway? Two ounces perhaps? Will this be enough?
  10522. >Most likely, yes. But the syringe can hold roughly five, so it doesn't hurt to fill it completely and have some surplus in case you need to repeat a test.
  10523. >Also it spares you from going through this act again if this case should happen... Which is far more important.
  10524. >Five it is then.
  10525. >You close your eyes and continue to pull the plunger back and thus filling the barrel with blood.
  10526. >Soon you can feel it hilt and you open your eyes again.
  10527. >The syringe is full of your blood. Like a giant, ironclad mosquito that has just feasted on you.
  10528. “Phew...”
  10529. >A sigh of relief escapes your lips and you gently extract the needle out of your appendage.
  10530. >Nice and slow of course. Otherwise you might cause a bloody mess that you will have to clean up afterwards.
  10531. >And you really don't want to do this, since the contents of your stomach will most likely add themselves to your blood.
  10532. >Stop thinking such disgusting thoughts... You only work yourself up, you stupid foal.
  10533. >Once the needle has exited your leg completely, you immediately press the used cotton swab on the small puncture wound to prevent any further blood loss.
  10534. >The remaining disinfectant burns like fire, but you endure it like a big filly should.
  10535. “Thank Celestia...”
  10536. >At last it's over and you take a look at the syringe.
  10537. >The way your blood reflects the light that falls on it is beautiful, yet sickening at the same time.
  10538. >Like a very dark, red wine... A smile appears on your lips.
  10539. “Finally.”
  10540. >You remove the needle from the syringe before carefully removing the filled vial it contains and putting it on the table.
  10541. >The needle gets disarmed by small piece of cork and then thrown away in a special container that you can tightly seal, once it is full.
  10542. >It's the law after all, and you are a law obeying pony... Well, most of the time.
  10543. “Hah... Nice. I'm glad that this is over.” you say to yourself.
  10544. >You still will need to preserve your blood with the same spell you used on Anon's cum. Or else it will be soon gone bad and useless for your tests.
  10545. >Speaking of Anon's cum... How is it doing? Hopefully your spell hasn't worn off in the meantime.
  10546. >But a quick nuzzle proves that it's just as warm and nice as it was when it left your body this afternoon.
  10547. >It even hasn't lost any of it's consistency or texture... How nice.
  10548. >Your mouth begins to water and you catch your tongue licking your lips against your will.
  10549. “Oh my~”
  10550. >His seed really does look tempting and delicious... Perhaps you will allow yourself a quick sip before you start testing.
  10551. >Just to make sure that none of the withdrawal symptoms hit you during them...
  10552. >Yeah~
  10553. >Or...
  10554. >Your gaze falls on the chocolate milk you prepared beforehand and the smile on your lips grows wider.
  10555. >Or.... You could try something completely new.
  10557. >You take the vial into your magical grip and let it rotate before your eyes at a slight angle.
  10558. >Watching the thick liquid viscously move around is quite mesmerizing
  10559. “Still as fresh as before...”
  10560. >What coaxes you to try this admittedly disgusting thing, is beyond you.
  10561. >Maybe your addiction, or your kink for cum that you always had. Well , at least since you started having proper sexual relationships.
  10562. >And that kink got so dominant, that you even developed a spell for the sole purpose of increasing your lovers production of it.
  10563. >There was a time where you wondered if this was normal or not. But you learned pretty quickly that other ponies get off to much weirder stuff than you, so you stopped bothering.
  10564. >You open the vial and sniff it's mouth.
  10565. >A pleasant shudder runs down your spine as the slightly chlorine smell fills your nostrils and instantly your mind gets flooded with weird, psychedelic thoughts.
  10566. >Yep, that is definitively your addiction.
  10567. >Oh... You kinda forgot that his cum has now some very spectacular effects on you.
  10568. >Like strong hallucinations and total loss of your brain functions for a short time.
  10569. >But why did this so very obvious detail slip your mind? Strange...
  10570. >Probably another aspect of this addiction. What a sly and hellish thing it seems to be.
  10571. >So maybe you shouldn't try it after all and just resort to it when you feel the withdrawal effects boding.
  10572. >But didn't your magic negate it's effects?
  10573. >Yes, it did... That means that it must be magical itself to at least some lesser degree.
  10574. >Good thing, you remembered that.
  10575. >You really should start writing these important tidbits about your addiction down. If you are not mistaken, there should be a notepad and a bottle of ink in the drawers.
  10576. >And indeed, you find them after some rummaging and put them on the desk.
  10577. >The notepad is a bit yellowed, but it should do just fine. You won't keep those notes for too long anyway.
  10578. >A quill that was made out of one of Rainbow's primaries, that she lost during a storm and then decided to gift to you as a birthday present, is already on the table.
  10579. >Of course it was properly altered to fit it's new purpose and even got some really beautiful golden ornaments on it.
  10580. >It's easily your favourite and you always keep it safe so it doesn't accidentally break.
  10581. >That would be a real shame, since it's considered as a sign of trust when a pegasus gives you one of his primaries.
  10582. >And you don't want to disrespect Rainbow in any way. She has done so much for you.
  10583. >Anyway... You grab it and start to think.
  10584. >What do you know for certain about the addiction?
  10585. “Hmm...”
  10586. >With swift and long strokes of the quill, you write everything down that comes to your mind and has something to do with your current affliction.
  10587. >After a while, you have a nice compiled list of all the traits and aspects of your addiction.
  10588. >How it works, what it's effects are, how it reacts to magic, etcetera, etcetera.
  10589. >You even thought to replace all instances, where you would have to mention Anon's cum, with some plant you just cooked up.
  10590. >So even if somepony somehow finds your notes after you have thrown them away, he or she would would be none the wiser.
  10591. >Ponyville is a relative safe and nice community, but even here there are some strange ponies who dig through the trash of others, in hope that they find something interesting.
  10592. >Creepy...
  10593. >But that shall not bother you tonight, there are bodily fluids that wait to be experimented on.
  10594. >With which to begin though...
  10595. >It would be probably for the best if you start with the blood, since it still isn't conserved and put in a proper vessel.
  10596. >Blood can stay at room temperature for a while without going bad, but better not to take any risks.
  10597. >So you take a flask out of the shelf and carefully empty the syringe into it.
  10598. >The irony smell that forcefully invades your nostrils is revolting. Not to speak of the sight of...
  10599. >Your blood freely flowing...
  10600. “Urgh...”
  10601. >Once more your stomach plays up and you fight hard against the urge to puke.
  10602. >Luckily it's soon over and you immediately close the flask with a cork.
  10603. “Phew...”
  10604. >Now you have earned yourself a sip of your chocolate milk and waste no time in doing so.
  10605. >The cold, chocolatey treat flows down your throat and calms your raging gastrointestinal tract.
  10606. “Mmhh~ Much better.”
  10607. >Putting the glass back on the table again, you close your eyes and gather the necessary magic winds to cast the preservation spell.
  10608. >Buck... Not enough Qhaysh in the air to give it enough of it's time-slowing properties.
  10609. >That doesn't really surprise you, since it's a combination of several strands of the eight winds and thus incredibly rare.
  10610. >You could combine them yourself, but that is a exhausting and potentially dangerous endeavor.
  10611. >And you don't need more problems than you already have, so you just take what you can get and release the spell with less power.
  10612. >It will have to do and you will have to start with your blood. Which you don't really want, but eh.
  10613. >Can't change what you can't change.
  10614. >At least it won't go bad now and you have some time to prepare or grind up all the ores, gems and changeling body parts.
  10615. >Apropos changelings... You wanted to read up to which kind or breed of changeling that chitin plate belongs.
  10616. >A bit of reading to calm yourself before you start experimenting can't hurt. Reading in general never hurt somepony or something.
  10617. >Reading is practically the best thing in the world.
  10618. “Books!” you suddenly blurt out.
  10619. >Huh? Where did that come from?
  10620. >Strange, yet adorable. Anon would have liked it.
  10621. >Anyhow... Books about changelings should be in the Equestrian Wildlife section which is conveniently located in the room next to yours.
  10622. >So you check another time that everything on your table has a safe place and then trot into it.
  10623. >Flicking the lights on, you begin to scan the large shelf for books about changelings or their hives.
  10624. >Honestly it is kinda insulting for them to be considered “Wildlife”, since they are just as intelligent and sentient as ponies.
  10625. >But the royal librarians say that they are wildlife and so you have to sort them in as such. Or else you will be fined when the inspector comes to inspect your library. And quite heftily too...
  10626. >And they always come unannounced. So no secret fucking against the system either.
  10627. >A...
  10628. >B...
  10629. >C...
  10630. “Carnifices – Or how I learned to ignore the thousand fangs and got a neat mount...”
  10631. >Anypony who is insane enough to consider a Carnifex as a suitable mount should not be allowed to write a book.
  10632. >These abysmal things are basically only a large mouth with four very sharp claws, that happen to be long enough to give these monsters the gift of locomotion.
  10633. >A bit disgusted you move on.
  10634. “Celestia's menagerie.”
  10635. >That's only a report about which creatures currently live in Celestia's menagerie. Nothing too interesting and outdated too since it's from last year.
  10636. >Floating it out of the shelf and putting it aside, you take a mental note to order a more recent version.
  10637. >Not too many ponies actually borrow it, but Fluttershy does from time to time. So that's reason enough.
  10638. >The next few books are uninteresting too.
  10639. >By Celestia do you really need so many books about CeCeCe flies? They are rather dangerous creatures, but still...
  10640. >Eight books?! Nah, that’s at least four too many.
  10641. >You should really sort a few of them out in the near future.
  10642. “Mhmmhmm...”
  10643. >Ah. There they are. Very overseeable collection though...
  10644. >Ponies aren't exactly fond of reading about one of their greatest enemies, so you sadly had to thin this topic out.
  10645. >Books that don't get borrowed don't create any money, and you have to live from something too...
  10646. >That's the harsh truth... But you kept the most interesting and extensive books, so you should still be able to find something that will help you along.
  10647. >Lets see...
  10648. “Changeling reproduction... Nah. Changelings, A brief history. Hmm no.”
  10649. >Huh? What's this?
  10650. >A thin, red booklet with no title on it's spine. What could that be?
  10651. >You grab it and take a look on it's cover.
  10652. “Oh my...”
  10653. >Seems like you just found a bachelor thesis from one of your former fellow students.
  10654. “The Changeling's Hives – How they became the most equal of all communities and what Equestria can learn from them. By Starlight Glimmer.”
  10655. >Starlight Glimmer...
  10656. >You remember her.
  10657. >She was a quirky pony with lots of crazy notions about equality and what not.
  10658. >One day she had a quite fierce argument with your alchemy professor about how the materials weren't distributed equally. And on how she and her friends always got the low quality ones.
  10659. >Which was of course not true, but Starlight insisted on it and even threatened to call “the authorities”.
  10660. >When you were alone with her, she was a nice and friendly pony though. With a very interesting view on the world.
  10661. >Sadly, she just vanished someday and was never seen again.
  10662. >You wonder whatever happened to her. Hopefully she is well and alive.
  10663. >Equestria is a dangerous place if you wander off too far from civilisation...
  10664. >Maybe you will read in her thesis a bit later, before you go to bed.
  10665. >It looks worthwhile enough, so why not?
  10667. >But that's still not what you are looking for.
  10668. >So you put the booklet next to the outdated report and continue your search for wisdom.
  10669. “Uh.”
  10670. >This sounds promising.
  10671. “The structure of a changeling hive – A detailed compendium about the most common types of hives and the creatures that live within them.”
  10672. >Most common... Heh.
  10673. >As far as you know, there are only three types of hives.
  10674. >The brood colonies, which are specifically built to provide more living room, so the queen that occupies one can produce as much offspring as possible.
  10675. >They are not very common though, since they don't offer much else than living room and brood chambers and are most often found in areas that the changelings want to colonize.
  10676. >Commonly founded along with the second type of hive: A barrack cluster.
  10677. >Rather small hives with a focus on creating soldier types and drones with no specific talent.
  10678. >Usually without a queen living there. But a few Brood Sisters, who get the necessary eggs from a nearby hive and hatch them back home.
  10679. >It's rumoured among sages who specialise on changelings, that the vicinity of a queen inhibits the development of soldiers and other “male” brood strands.
  10680. >Most likely due to some strange pheromone interactions or something similar.
  10681. >This theory is underpinned by the last type of hive that you know of.
  10682. >Which is also the most common one.
  10683. >The so called “Hive Spire”. Which are named after their large, tower-like appearance.
  10684. >One can easily reach two hundred metres in height and the biggest specimens are almost half a mile high.
  10685. >Luckily those are located deep in the Bad Lands and thus far away from Equestria.
  10686. >Analyses of abandoned or destroyed hives of this type, show that the soldiers quarters are usually very far away from the queen's chambers and more often than not, not even directly connected to them.
  10687. >Sometimes even deep underground or in parts of the hive that were clearly attached afterwards.
  10688. >A strange quirk of their biology... And honestly one of their biggest weaknesses too.
  10689. >Most successful hive raids of the Equestrian Army were made possible by simply separating the queen from her soldiers and then finishing her off.
  10690. >Thus severing the mental tether that connects and unites the changelings. Without their queen the remaining changeling soldiers revert back to some kind of natural instinct and are then usually dispersed pretty quickly.
  10691. >Hah! It feels nice to check one's knowledge from time to time. Just to see if it's still there.
  10692. >And everything you learned from books or what Shining told you is still anchored in your brain. Nice~
  10693. >Now you can finally check to which kind of changeling that armour plate once belonged.
  10694. >You magically take the book out of the shelf and put it on the reading pedestal, you bought last year.
  10695. >And what a nice pedestal it is! Made from the finest fake marble you can buy on this side of Equestria.
  10696. >Some day you will have one made out of real marble... Some day...
  10697. >But for now this one has to do.
  10698. >Carefully, you open the book and skim through the table of contents.
  10699. “Changeling breeds... Ah there!”
  10700. >Drones and other working breeds... No. The scale is far too big, thick and spiked for that.
  10701. >It has to be one of your former suggestions.
  10702. >Where is the sections about soldier types?
  10703. >Okay, page 220.
  10704. >Turning the book to said page, you begin to read.
  10705. >Might as well bury yourself in this book for a bit. If you remember correctly, it is a pretty interesting and fascinating read.
  10706. >The author describes the different types of changelings very well and offers an unbiased view on them.
  10707. >Without all this “They are such savage monsters” and other fear and hate mongering kibosh, some authors tend to use, just to sell a few more copies.
  10708. >Oh, the temptations of the filthy lucre. What it does to some, is truly outrageous.
  10709. >Anyway... There is knowledge to be read and pretty pictures to be looked at!
  10710. >Without them you, that whole ordeal would be a bit senseless.
  10711. >Let's read the introduction first.
  10712. >Hmm... Just something about their ability to shapeshift.. And the fact that most of the soldier types posses it, but usually don't use this natural trait of their species in battle.
  10713. >Okay... But why?
  10714. >Does it hinder them or... Oh, maybe you should read the paragraph in it's entirety first, before you ask yourself dumb questions...
  10715. >It clearly says that this ability needs too much energy, both mental and physical, to be sustained during a fight.
  10716. >Well, then. Now you understand.
  10717. >It's like when a unicorn battlemage tries to sustain twelve different enchantments at the same time and then casts even more spells to inflict damage on the enemy.
  10718. >Saying that this is a difficult and exhausting task is an understatement...
  10719. >But now that you are properly introduced, it's time for the main course.
  10720. “The Soldier – The most common of all combat oriented drones. Nearly indistinguishable from the regular changeling drone and only marginal stronger than them. Their carapaces tend to be thicker and more resilient and their magic is almost completely combat focused. If no battles are currently fought, they lose their properties over time and become normal drones.”
  10721. >Interesting.
  10722. “Every hundredth or so Soldier will be born as a “Brood Leader”. A slightly bigger and stronger version of this type who usually stays out of battles and uses their natural ability to telepathically communicate with it's brethren to lead and control them.”
  10723. >So very totally cool. You wish ponies were able to do that... That would make so many things so much easier.
  10724. >Like ordering in a restaurant for example.
  10725. “Menders – Drones with a specialisation for treating the wounded. Their saliva glands are capable of producing a thick, red goo that mends Changeling chitin and sterilises wounds. It also contains a mixture of various endorphins, that revitalize the Changeling so it is almost immediately ready for battle again. As long as it was not too severely wounded, of course.”
  10726. >Fascinating, but unicorn medics can do similar things with their magic. So that's nothing new to you.
  10727. >You turn the page.
  10728. “Raptor – One of the few types that are only bred during times of war, since they are purely driven by instinct and will attack their brethren, when no enemy is available. Their forelegs are replaced by sharp mantis-like claws and their hind legs are longer and stronger to allow for somewhat fast bipedal movement and sudden, powerful pounces. This species wings are too small to allow for flight, but they still can be used to prolong jumps and to gain some height during them. So they should not be underestimated in battle, just because they seem to be ground-bound.”
  10729. >Trade security for power, you guess?
  10730. >Personally, you would never use something in battle that could possible harm your side worse than the enemies, but you aren't a changeling either... They think differently than ponies.
  10731. >For them the individual is not in the fore.
  10732. >Anyway... Their plates almost look like yours, but are still too small and not spiky enough.
  10733. >Maybe this one on the next page? It looks big and ferocious in the drawing.
  10734. “Hive Guardian – Genderless hulks that guard the inner parts of a hive or in some cases the entrances to them. Their natural armour is almost completely impervious to damage and reflects most projectile and beam based magic. This incredible defence makes them slow and sluggish but to compensate for this, they possess powerful claws that are easily capable of slicing even through stone and forged metal. Not much is known about their behaviour. Some sages assume that they don't have an intellect of their own and are controlled by other, higher ranked changelings instead. Since some observed specimen guarded the same entrance for over two weeks without moving a single limb or even taking in any kind of sustenance.”
  10735. >So they are just like golems then? How peculiar...
  10736. >And you have to correct your statement from before:
  10737. >Most changelings are just as sentient and intelligent as ponies... This one, is not.
  10738. >Or any other type of soldier up to this point... Are they just mindless machines meant for war?
  10739. >”The Soldiers” and “Menders” seem to have at least some kind of sentience. But the rest?
  10740. >You quickly browse through the section that describes the changelings military.
  10741. >No.
  10742. >Seems like that only the “civil” parts of a hive are truly sentient and possess a free will...
  10743. >War seems almost like a necessary evil and an afterthought to them and their nature.
  10744. >Creepy to a point, but very fascinating.
  10745. >You decide to investigate this topic further when things are less stressful again.
  10746. >This has potential to be a scientific breakthrough...
  10747. >Maybe it could change the relationship between Equestria and the Changelings all together!
  10748. >Who knows?
  10749. >Also you think that you have found the origin of your chitin plate, since the drawing on this page almost is a one-to-one copy of the scale you have.
  10750. >Yeah... The same jagged edges... The same form and the spikes on it are also the same form and length.
  10751. >Wonderful! Another mystery that stems out of a mess in one of your secret compartments has been solved!
  10752. >And you learned something new and made new insights too! Victory on all levels!
  10753. >Nice~
  10754. >You close the book and let out a deep breath.
  10755. >That really helped to calm your mind... From nothing, to be honest, but still it feels good.
  10756. >But now you really have to start experimenting... You wasted enough time.
  10757. >Well, time spent reading is never wasted but you know what you mean.
  10758. >You take a last look at the book and brush some dust off it's cover.
  10759. “Okay... Time to get going.”
  10761. >Flicking the lights off, you enter your living room again and trot towards your experiment set-up.
  10762. >Well, if you can call a couple of flasks and some assorted gems and metals, a set-up
  10763. >You could take this down to the cellar, where you have established yourself a lab, but the tests you want to run are far too simple to justify that.
  10764. >Grinding stuff up and mixing them together in two kinds of bodily fluids is something that can easily be done in the warmth of your living room.
  10765. >Without the hassle of carrying it down and setting your equipment up.
  10766. >You take a quick sip of your chocolate milk, while you rearrange some things.
  10767. >This goes here and that there... Uhh...
  10768. >Your chocolatey drink is already getting warm... Better finish it off quickly before it reaches critical staleness.
  10769. >This cocoa powder is far too expensive to allow that to happen. So down the throat it goes.
  10770. “Mmm~ That hit the spot.”
  10771. >Wiping your muzzle with a napkin you conveniently found on the floor, you put the now empty glass on a nearby stool so it doesn't get in your way.
  10772. >Let's see... What do you have to do first?
  10773. >Probably grind up the stuff you need for your blood since this stupid Qhaysh decided to make itself rare today.
  10774. >Maybe you should just buy yourself a magic storage device... They are terribly costly, but Shining could get his hooves on an used one.
  10775. >The Royal Guard sells their old devices from time to time. Usually only ponies who conduct magical research or work with magic in some other way are allowed to buy the variants that are capable of storing combined winds like Qhaysh, but you... You have connections and you are going to use them.
  10776. >Mercilessly.
  10777. >Your gaze falls on the filled syringe and your muzzle scrunches up in disgust.
  10778. >Meh... You hate working with blood.
  10779. >The last time you got it all over your coat after a slip and had a freak out of epic proportions.
  10780. >Rarity and Fluttershy, who were nearby for some reason, rushed through your front door to check on you and thought you had tried to kill yourself.
  10781. >Your dressmaking friend even ignored all the blood on the floor and got her hooves dirty, just see if you are okay or not.
  10782. >...
  10783. >That was one exciting day, heh. But you are lucky to have the friends you have.
  10784. >Sighing, your take the syringe into your hooves and give it a little shake.
  10785. >The thick liquid in it sloshes around.
  10786. >And this time it's your own too... Which is a problem in itself.
  10787. >You put the ironclad container down again and reach somewhat hesitantly for your mortar and pestle.
  10788. “Hmm...”
  10789. >It's pretty worn down... You will need a new one soon.
  10790. >Putting the mortar down, you grab the changeling scale and try to break off some of the smaller spikes, by carefully slamming them against the edge of the table.
  10791. >But they proof themselves to be quite resilient to your arduous efforts and don't have the decency to even slightly bend.
  10792. “Buck... Come on now, you stupid things!”
  10793. >Perhaps you have more luck with the large, crooked one? Leverage and physics should be on your side...
  10794. >It's worth a try.
  10795. >So you bring the heavy scale another time over your head and slam it with greater force against the edge.
  10796. “Kyah!”
  10797. >And it yields some results... But not the ones you hoped for or wanted.
  10798. >Instead of a broken off spike, you now have a rather large chink in your table, where the spine went through it like a hot knife through butter.
  10799. >In disbelief, you stare at the cut... And then at the chitin spike... Is it... Is it bladed?
  10800. >You let your hoof run over it and immediately retrieve it again once you feel a cutting sensation.
  10801. >By the celestial sisters, it is... Fascinating. It doesn't even look like it has an edge, but it does.
  10802. >A very hidden and nearly invisible one, as a closer look proofs. Only a faint and subtle reflection gives it away.
  10803. >The plate itself must have come from one of the changelings fore legs, or maybe it's shoulders.
  10804. >Otherwise this spike couldn't have been used effectively.
  10805. >A cold shudder runs down your spine when you imagine the damage it could and probably has caused.
  10806. >It's easily long enough to bore right into somepony's heart, regardless of whether it has entered through this pony's side, chest or back.
  10807. “Buck...”
  10808. >You now realize that you hold a weapon of war in your hooves, that probably has the blood of somepony on it and it doesn't feel good. Not one bucking bit.
  10809. >It begins to feel eerily hot in your grip and you let it fall to the ground out of surprise.
  10810. >With a dull, rattling noise the plate hits the floor and you stare blankly at it.
  10811. >Why does this affect you so hard? It's not like you can change anything about it's past...
  10812. >No... Stop being silly Sparkle, and continue with your tests.
  10813. >You pick it up again and give it another look over.
  10814. >Still doesn't look any better or friendlier, but...
  10815. >Is that a crack at the spike's base?
  10816. >Yeah, it is! Seems like you did some damage to it. How lucky.
  10817. >A little bit more and it should finally break off.
  10818. >Smiling, you carry the black plate over to a wall that has been partly replaced with granite bricks, since the wood there has rotten away over time due to water damage.
  10819. >Caused by Spike and one of his attempts to turn the stairway into a water slide.
  10820. >Running your hoof over the cold and smooth surface of the stone, you let it go through the nod.
  10821. >This should be hard enough to do the job.
  10822. >...
  10823. “Why for the sake of the four elder sisters, didn’t I use this wall in the first place?!”
  10824. >Sometimes you can be denser than granite itself.
  10825. >Meh... What happened, happened. No use crying over spilt milk and other phrases and proverbs that have the same meaning.
  10826. >Anyway...
  10827. >You plant your plot on the floor and lunge out.
  10828. >SMACK!
  10829. >And another time.
  10830. >SMACK!
  10831. >Finally, you hear that damn spike, that caused you so much trouble, hit the ground.
  10832. “Hah! Twilight Sparkle prevails once again!”
  10833. >It's still a bit to big to fit into your mortar, though... If you somehow could get smaller pieces off of it, that would be nice.
  10834. >Mmhh... You let your eyes wander through the room.
  10835. >No, nothing that could help you with this task.
  10836. >A long sigh escapes your lips as you pick the spike up and bring it over to the table.
  10837. >You let the plate itself on the floor for the moment. There is no rush in stowing it away.
  10838. >Once you reach your destination, you let the black spine fall into the mortar and decide to stare at it for a while.
  10839. >Maybe an idea will come to your mind while you do this.
  10840. “...”
  10841. >Well, you could blast it with magic until it crumbles.
  10842. >Freeze it and then try to grind it up. Yeah... That could work.
  10843. >Most things get brittle once they reach a low enough temperature. Hopefully this is the case too for changeling chitin.
  10844. >But first let's see if the magic winds decided to desert you once again.
  10845. >You close your eyes and let magic flow through your horn. Gathering all the magical energy in it's vicinity.
  10846. >Hah! Nice!
  10847. >There is more than enough Azyr and Hysh in the air to conjure a blizzard. Wonderful.
  10848. >So you begin to weave the necessary winds together and prepare to release the spell once the coldness in your horn is nearly unbearable.
  10849. >Cold magic was never your favourite. It's just too uncomfortable.
  10850. >With a bright flash, you let it loose and a white stream of icy mist flows towards the mortar.
  10851. >The grinding device itself is enchanted in such a way that it isn't affected by magic at all. Your table though...
  10852. >It will suffer some damage from your spell, but you can easily fix that later with some polish and oil.
  10853. >After roughly twenty seconds, you cancel the spell and wait until the mist has dispersed before carefully poking the now frozen spike.
  10854. >It crackles quietly when your hoof makes contact with it and a smile spreads across your lips.
  10855. “Nice. Chilled to the core and as bristle as a madeira cake.”
  10856. >Now you have to strike while the iron is hot... or cold.
  10857. >Taking the pestle into your magical grip, you start to work on it with strong, deliberate strokes.
  10858. >It still takes some dedication but after a good minute or so, the spike has been reduced to a fine, black powder.
  10859. >Satisfied with the results, you screw the syringe with your blood open and pour some of it into a broad vial.
  10860. >Quickly, you add the grounded up chitin to it and almost immediately it dyes the red liquid many shades darker.
  10861. “Eww...”
  10862. >Before any smells can reach your nostrils, you close the vial and put it far away from you.
  10863. >This has to be left standing for now and after a while you should be able to read the results off it, depending on the colour and consistency it takes on.
  10864. >If there even is any alien magic in your blood... But you will see.
  10865. >Somewhere you have a table with all the possible results on it, you just have to find it again.
  10866. >If you are not mistaken. it should be somewhere in your closet.
  10867. >But that can wait until you need it.
  10868. >Now you first want to finish up all the blood related stuff, so you can move on to another bodily fluid that doesn't disgust you so much.
  10869. “Okay... Where did I put the Brightcore? Ah, there.”
  10870. >You grab it and slam it once down on the table. A few splinters break away and hit the desk with the signature bell-like chime this gem has.
  10871. >If it wasn't so fragile, it would be a wonderful musical instrument. Sadly it is and has to scrape it's living by being a cheap acid indicator.
  10872. >Picking one of the splinters up with your magic, you throw it into a broad vial and pour the remaining blood over it.
  10873. >Luckily you decided beforehand to fill the syringe completely, since it is barely enough to cover the splinter.
  10874. >Just as you wanted to close the vial, something comes to your mind.
  10875. “Oh buck...”
  10876. >You have forgotten to tie a string around the shard, so that you can easily fish it out when it has properly finished it's reaction.
  10877. >Nicely done, Sparkle. Now you will have to clean the sink later, since you cannot use magic on the splinter to retrieve it again.
  10878. >Well you could, but that could distort the result.
  10879. >What has been done, cannot be undone. Might as well get mentally prepared to scrub your sink in about ten minutes.
  10880. >Just what you wanted to do tonight.
  10881. >Sighing, you get on your four hooves and stretch them one by one.
  10882. “Ten minutes, huh....”
  10883. >This will be your first piece towards solving that puzzle that is your addiction. That you are excited is an understatement.
  10884. >A queasy feeling spreads in your stomach.
  10885. >What if your tests yield no results?
  10886. >What if they will never show anything?
  10887. >What if you are incapable to stop this affliction?
  10888. >You sit down on your haunches and massage your temples.
  10889. “Calm down, Sparkle. Believe in yourself and in science.”
  10890. >Even if everything goes wrong there is always hope. And it comes in the form of your mentor.
  10891. >Princess Celestia.
  10892. >It will be horribly embarrassing to tell her what and how it happened, but you will just have to swallow the bitter pill and ask for her help.
  10893. >She will surely know a way to cure you.
  10894. >Yeah... How nice. Just imagine...
  10895. “Hey Princess! I'm addicted to the ejaculate of the alien that showed up some time ago. Do you know of something that doesn't make me crave his hot, sticky cum every few hours? That would be really bucking nice of you.”
  10896. >Ergh...
  10897. >But that is still a long way off... Let's first see how tonight turns out.
  10898. >If you really don't get any results, you will just try again another time in your laboratory.
  10899. >There you can conduct more complicated tests and experiments, that at least should give you something that you can work with.
  10900. >Even if it's going to be way more expensive than this... But money doesn't matter when it's about your health.
  10901. “Yeah!”
  10902. >With new found hope, you brush the dark thoughts away and grab the vial to give it a good shake, with the purpose of covering every inch of the shard with your life's essence.
  10903. >Well that was the intent... But sadly you forgot in your overzealousness to close the vial before that.
  10904. “Aaaaahhhh!”
  10905. >The blood sloshes out of it and splatters against your face and mane.
  10906. >Out of pure shock, your grip on the glass vessel loosens and it falls to the ground. Shattering into a thousand pieces.
  10907. >Almost instantly you begin to shudder and the queasy feeling in your stomach mutates to a full blown nausea.
  10908. >By Celestia, this is too much.
  10909. >The cold and sticky feeling on how it runs down your coat.
  10910. >The fetid smell and taste of iron and rust that invades your nostrils and mouth.
  10911. >Oh by the celestial sisters, it got in your mouth.
  10912. >Tears shoot into your eyes and your oral cavity is filled with the bitter aroma of vomit.
  10913. >In the last possible second, you manage to teleport yourself into your bathroom and let nature have it's way.
  10914. >...
  10915. >After your dinner exited you the same way it came in and of course a quick shower, you trot out of your room and make your way down the stairs.
  10916. >That was totally not part of your plan.
  10917. >How could you forget the close that bucking vial? How incredibly stupid and careless of you.
  10918. >Now you have to probably take another blood sample. Terrific, just bucking terrific.
  10919. >Grumbling, you enter your living room once again and hesitantly check the floor.
  10920. >Hopefully it's not too bad...
  10921. “Phew...”
  10922. >Only a few drops are spread across it... Nothing that a wet rag cannot fix.
  10923. >The glass shards though... You will need a broom and a scoop for that.
  10924. >But one shard sticks out...
  10925. >You pick it up and hold it close to your eyes.
  10926. >It's the Brightcore splinter...
  10927. “Hmm...”
  10928. >It is still covered in your blood, but you can clearly make out some discolourations. Red ones to be exact.
  10929. >You wipe it with the side off your hoof to make sure it isn't just blood, but the red spots stay.
  10930. >A smile forms on your lips.
  10931. >Looks like you don't need to take another sample after all.
  10932. >But even more importantly, that means there is something acidic in your blood. Something very acidic.
  10933. “Perfect.”
  10934. >And that means it isn't an addiction, since you are fairly sure that Anon's cum isn't capable of producing it's own hallucinogenics.
  10935. >Or that your body converts it into one somehow.
  10936. >No...
  10937. >Now you just have to find out what produces this poison and pumps it through your body.
  10938. >And...
  10939. >Why it only does this when your boyfriend's releases his seed inside you.
  10940. “Hah.”
  10941. >Flicking the shard into the air, you catch it with your other hoof before it hits the ground.
  10942. >You will get behind this.
  10968. >You are now Anonymous again.
  10969. >Equestria's only human with all the benefits and drawbacks that come with that status.
  10970. >Like having hands and being accused of desecrating graves to satisfy your sick flesh eating habits.
  10971. >Yeah... That happens once every few months.
  10972. >Usually it comes from the same ponies too, so you stopped caring after a while.
  10973. >Anyhow... You just left your marefriend's treebrary home and stepped into the cold night.
  10974. “Brrr... “
  10975. >You fasten your jacked, take a deep breath to fill your lungs with that fresh, crisp air and begin to make your way to Kirron's wagon.
  10976. >Who is hopefully still there and has not decided to set up his camp somewhere already.
  10977. >But knowing him, he probably tried to hit on a random mare and showed her all his weapons in an attempt to impress her.
  10978. >Which has a success rate of roughly five percent, judging by your experiences, but usually those mares are so intimidated by his stature that they don't dare to leave and endure the whole show before politely excusing themselves.
  10979. >And by politely excusing themselves, you mean running like the wind.
  10980. >Poor Kirron, but at least this whole procedure can take anywhere between thirty minutes and an hour. Depending on what your weaponsmithing friend has currently in stock.
  10981. >So your chances of finding him still standing at his makeshift stall are not that bad.
  10982. >He might be crestfallen, but that is nothing a beer or two can't fix.
  10983. >Oh man... You can't wait to finally wet your throat again with this masterpiece of a brew.
  10984. >It has been so long since you had a real beer.
  10985. >Ponies can make a mean cider and their wine isn't that bad either, but they cannot seem to brew a beer that is worth a damn.
  10986. >And you could use something to drink right now...
  10987. >The taste of Twilight's... well, let's just say lubrication and love efforts is still lingering in your mouth.
  10988. >Which is by all means not terribly bad, it tastes faintly of grass and hay, but you can certainly start to make out which other components are mixed in it too.
  10989. >Another difference to a human female you will just have to learn to accept and love.
  10990. >It's not like you had any trouble with the rest of her horselike aspects, so you don't worry and move on.
  10991. >Mum and Dad would be proud though...
  10992. “Well...”
  10993. >You chuckle and shake those thoughts off.
  10994. >They would be happy enough, knowing that their son is well and alive, despite him being in an unholy relationship.
  10995. >Taking another deep breath, you enter the road that leads to the Apple-family's farm.
  10996. >Seems like everyone is at home already or has found a place to get wasted tonight, since the streets are fairly empty.
  10997. >Expect for the occasional couple or lonely pony, you have them to yourself.
  10998. >A few even greet you and you return their gestures with a friendly nod and a wave.
  10999. >Feels nice to be finally a part of their little community and not the misfit that everyone hates.
  11000. >You pass a few stores and check what they have to offer en passage.
  11001. >Some of them really have weird concepts... Like this one.
  11002. “Jeff's mango and story emporium. Only the freshest and best of both... Yeah, right.”
  11003. >How a store like this can survive is a mystery to you, but somehow it does.
  11004. >Well, at least now you know where you have to go when you want to buy a book and a mango at the same time.
  11005. >His mangoes really do look good and fresh.
  11006. >And you if you are not mistaken, you remember Twilight saying that his stories are written just as well as his mangoes taste.
  11007. >Maybe you should pay him a visit next week and see for yourself.
  11008. >”Hey, Anon.” a familiar voice from behind you says.
  11009. >Huh?
  11010. >You turn around and see...
  11011. “Lily?”
  11012. >The pale pink mare smiles and trots towards you.
  11013. >”In the flesh. How's it going? We didn't see each other for a long time...”
  11014. >A long time is an understatement...
  11015. >Since your failed advance on Rose her sisters seemed to avoid you for some reason and your contact to them pretty much broke off completely.
  11016. “I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you?”
  11017. >”I'm fine too. Thanks for asking. What brings you out at so late an hour?”
  11018. “Kirron is in town, and I'm on my way to meet up with him.”
  11019. >Lily flinches but still manages to keep up her smile, even if it looks now obviously forced.
  11020. >”How nice...”
  11021. >No wonder, since she was once the main target of his crude flirting and cheesy pick-up lines.
  11022. >But unlike most mares she had the balls, or well... teats or ovaries in her case, to stand up against the minotaur and pass him a bit of her mind.
  11023. >Which didn't work out too well for Lily, since Kirron has a thing for strong mares and only doubled his efforts to win her over.
  11024. >In the end she did it like most mares and just ran away.
  11025. >You chuckle and wave her off.
  11026. “It's okay. I know how he is and how he can be towards mares.”
  11027. >She giggles and sits down on her haunches.
  11028. >Which is never a good sign, because it means that she prepares herself for a longer conversation.
  11029. >And you don't really want that right now...
  11030. >”Yeah... He is a crude brute. I assume you two will drink?”
  11031. “But a nice crude brute. And you can bet your flank that we will drink tonight. Like young gods.”
  11032. >Lily rolls her eyes, but keeps her friendly appearance.
  11033. >Despite the incident with Rose, you used to be pretty close to all flower sisters.
  11034. >”If you say so... Speaking of nice flanks and drinks. How about we four go out again some time? It
  11035. has been an awfully long since we did that...”
  11036. “I'm all for it, but you guys ignored and avoided me whenever I tried to get in contact with you. Was it because of me trying to hit on Rose?”
  11037. >She sighs and swipes a strand of her mane out of her face. Revealing a small scar on her forehead, that she got in a bar fight some time ago.
  11038. >You were drunk, but if you remember correctly, some random stallion accosted Daisy and didn't stop bothering her even after you told him to fuck off. Well, after that Lily decided to step in and take things into her own hooves.
  11039. >Quite literally.
  11040. >As the oldest of the flower sisters, she always saw it as her task to defend her younger siblings. And quite fiercely at that.
  11041. >In the end, the stallion chickened out and Lily bought drinks to celebrate her victory.
  11042. >Heh, tough little mare. She wasn't bothered at all at the fact that she was bleeding a small river after that incident. Just seeing her sister safe again was important for her.
  11043. >”Yeah... I know and I'm sorry, Anon. Rose just wanted to have some distance from you for a while and we played along of course. But please believe me that weren't angry at you. Just a bit surprised and well... Shocked, to be honest.”
  11044. “Shocked?”
  11045. >”Mhm. We always thought that you weren't interested in ponies at all. Or at least in mares.”
  11046. >Seriously? Why does every single one of your friends think that you are gay?
  11047. >Is it the way you are dressing?
  11048. >”But...”
  11049. >She beams you a wide smile and comes uncomfortably close to sniff your jacket.
  11050. >Fuck... Hopefully that perfume does it's job.
  11051. >”Hmm... Strange. I thought I smelled a mare on you. Must have been my imagination... But nice perfume, Anon. I really like it!”
  11052. >Phew...
  11053. >That was close.
  11054. “T-Thanks. And sorry to disappoint you, but I'm still single.”
  11055. >”Pity. Maybe I should convince Rose to give you a second chance?”
  11056. >Too late now.
  11057. “No, I fear that this would be a fruitless effort. She made pretty clear that she is not interested in me.”
  11058. >Lily snorts and steps back again.
  11059. >”That's a pity too. I think you two would make a nice couple.”
  11060. “I thought you were shocked that I tried something on her in the first place?”
  11061. >She shrugs.
  11062. >”Yeah, but only because it was so sudden! You just kinda began to grope and fondle poor Rosey out of nowhere! Of course we were shocked.”
  11063. “I wasn't really subtle about it, was I?”
  11064. >That fateful night begins to play out again in your mind.
  11065. >Every single embarrassing moment of it.
  11066. >...
  11067. >Yep. That was cringeworthy as hell. Better bury those memories somewhere in the deepest depths of your brain.
  11068. >The pink mare giggles and playfully swats a hoof at you.
  11069. >”No, not really. But if it eases your mind, Rose is already laughing about it.”
  11070. “I can't say that it does...”
  11071. >”Aww come on now, 'Non. She apologized afterwards, didn't she?”
  11072. “Yep, for shoving those roses into my mouth... From where did she even get those?”
  11073. >Another shrug.
  11074. >”Don't ask me. Maybe they were in her saddlebags? She usually works longer than the rest of us.”
  11075. >You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.
  11076. “Okay... It doesn't matter, I guess... So you all avoided me, because she wanted some time without me?”
  11077. >”Basically yes. But you can't really hold it against her, can you? I mean, I would be a bit flabbergasted too if one of my best friends just started hitting on me...”
  11078. >Nodding, you scratch the back of your neck.
  11079. “Yeah...”
  11080. >Lily smiles.
  11081. >”See? And after that was over, flower picking season began... And you know how that can be.”
  11082. “Pretty stressful.”
  11083. >”Exactly.”
  11084. >Since you helped them last year with picking their flowers, you know well enough how stressful a simple task like that can be.
  11085. >Each of the flower sisters has several fields with all kinds of different flowers, that all have to be picked by hoof, or in your case, by hand.
  11086. >Afterwards they all get sealed in specially enchanted containers that keep them fresh for the rest of the year.
  11087. >That ensures that they have goods to sell all over the year, and not only when the flowers bloom.
  11088. >But everything from bending over to pick the flower to carrying the full containers around, was pure poison for you back.
  11089. >It still hurts sometimes, when you just smell flowers...
  11090. “I understand... But still you could have said something. I feared that I fucked up completely and lost my favourite drinking buddies.”
  11091. >She blushes slightly.
  11092. >”I know, I know Anon. Like I said, we meant no ill intent with this. Let's just forget all that ever happened and start over. How does that sound?”
  11093. >Lily extends a hoof out to you.
  11094. >You chuckle and take it into your hand.
  11095. “Buy me a drink, and we have a deal.”
  11096. >”But just one!”
  11097. “Okay. Can't ask for too much, eh?”
  11098. >”Nah, you can't... Groper.”
  11099. “Tzk. Deal.”
  11100. >”Yay!”
  11101. >And with a hand-hoof shake, the deal is sealed.
  11102. >Laughing, she retrieves her hoof and gets on her hind legs to hug you.
  11103. “Oh.”
  11104. >A bit surprised, you awkwardly return the embrace.
  11105. >As nice as a mare Lily is, she tends to sweat a lot and her coat is clammy almost all the time. Even now... In this cold night.
  11106. >But her coltfriend Comet Tail, the local star gazer, seems to like it well enough. Since he cannot seem to keep his muzzle off her, every time you see them together.
  11107. >Well... To each his own, you guess.
  11108. >At least, pony sweat is relatively inoffensive to the human nose.
  11109. >”Nice to have you back, 'Non!”
  11110. “The pleasure is mine, Lil'.”
  11111. >She breaks the hug and you quickly wipe your hands on your pants, in the short moment where she doesn't have her eyes on you.
  11112. >God, how can one pony be so sweaty...
  11113. >”I won't keep you any longer then. Just visit me sometime at my stall, so we can arrange something as soon as possible!”
  11114. “Will do. I wanted to buy some flowers for a friend anyway... So I will just come by tomorrow, okay?”
  11115. >Lilly wiggles her eyebrows.
  11116. >”For a friend? A laaaaaady friend? Maybe I didn't imagine that smell from before after all! Let me sniff you again!”
  11117. >She immediately closes in at you again, but you back away from the literally nosy mare at the same pace.
  11118. >Fuck! Why did you mention that?
  11119. “Uhm... Please don't?”
  11120. >”Don't be that way, 'Non! Perhaps I can recognise her scent.”
  11121. >That's exactly what you fear.
  11122. >Lily isn't the most gossipy mare in town, but she can't seem to keep secrets for too long.
  11123. >Out of pure negligence, they slip out of her and in bugger all some random pony knows something that he or she didn't even ask for.
  11124. “Lily, please... That is none of your concern.”
  11125. >”Aww...” she pouts, stopping dead in her tracks.
  11126. >That was even closer than before...
  11127. >”You are a killjoy, you know that?”
  11128. “Might be, but you are far too curious for your own good.”
  11129. >She gigglesnorts and pokes you in the stomach.
  11130. >”Maybe I will just have to buy you more drinks, and get it out of you that way!”
  11131. “You are free to try, my dear friend. But I will remain steadfast.”
  11132. >A wide smile spreads on her lips, hearing that.
  11133. >”We will see about that, 'Non~”
  11134. “Let's.” you say, chuckling.
  11135. >Giggling, she takes a few steps back and turns around.
  11136. >”It was nice talking to you again. I will see you tomorrow then?”
  11137. “Of course.”
  11138. >”Awesome. But don't forget it or decide that it is now your turn to ignore us.”
  11139. “Now that you mention it...”
  11140. >”Anon...”
  11141. “Don't worry, I won't. Have a nice night, 'Lil.”
  11142. >”You too, Anon. Ciao! And don't greet Kirron from me!”
  11143. “Won't do, Lily. Farewell.”
  11144. >And with that said, she vanishes into the night.
  11145. >You look after the quirky mare, until her form has been completely swallowed by the dark shadows.
  11146. “Hmm...”
  11147. >Well, that was something you didn't expect to happen tonight.
  11148. >Not only did you get your old drinking buddies back, but also were basically promised free alcohol in exchange for saucy informations about your romantic life.
  11149. >Which you will never give her, but like you said: She is free to try.
  11150. >What a nice turn of events... This week just keeps getting better and better.
  11151. >Hopefully it stays this way.
  11153. >You continue to stare into the darkness that swallowed your pink friend for a while longer, it's creeping shadows enticing you in a strange way, before shrugging and deciding to get going again.
  11154. >It is already late enough and you don't want to keep your friend waiting any longer.
  11155. >There are stories to be told and beer to be drunk.
  11156. >And not any beer... Minotauren Ale!
  11157. >God, you cannot wait to taste this brew masterpiece on your tongue again...
  11158. >Ponies can make a mean batch of cider, especially the Apple family, and their wine isn't bad either but they cannot seem to brew a beer that is worth a damn.
  11159. >Either it is too watery or they decide to experiment and use completely wrong ingredients like berries, nuts or even hay.
  11160. >Which make for some interest concoctions, you give them that, but nothing you would call a beer while keeping a straight face.
  11161. >That would be heresy.
  11162. >You rub your hands together in attempt to warm them up.
  11163. “Fuck, it got real cold real fast.”
  11164. >Equestria's climate is not exactly cooler or warmer than the one you were used to back on earth, but it has the tendency to change quite rapidly.
  11165. >All thanks to the pegasus weather patrol... And they apparently decided that today’s night has to be colder than the rest.
  11166. >Probably because of some magical enhanced crop that needs such a cold night to activate the magic in it or some other bullshit.
  11167. >What's wrong with the traditional way of tillage? Put some seeds into the ground and throw shit on them until they yield fruit.
  11168. >Worked perfectly fine back on earth.
  11169. >Stupid Mayor Mare and her plans to increase Ponyville's profit margin...
  11170. >Anyway, the side-street you just passed should be the one in where you bumped into that germane pony.
  11171. >Aryanne, you think her name was.
  11172. >Whom you promised to tell her something about Germany. Of which you don't actually know that much.
  11173. >Only the stuff that they teach in schools, and that was mostly about the second world war and certain things that happened during it...
  11174. >Things, you don't plan on telling her for obvious reasons.
  11175. >Maybe some of your school books made the trip to Equestria?
  11176. >You wanted to get the philosophy books for Twilight anyway, so you might look for them as well.
  11177. >Speaking of old school books and trips to Equestria... How the fuck did you even get there?
  11178. >That is a question that still bugs you to this day, even if you don't want to admit it to your friends.
  11179. >You can't seem to remember one thing about this fateful day... Even Twilight's attempts to restore your memory with magic or Luna's occasional dream walks, which are creepy and unsettling as hell, managed to bring up any details about it.
  11180. >But judging from the things that came with you, you must have been in the process of moving or something similar.
  11181. >Most of them are from your old room. Like your TV or the Sega Genesis.
  11182. >If it was the one in your parental home or if you already had your own dwelling is beyond you.
  11183. >Not even that is anchored in your mind any more.
  11184. “God damn it...”
  11185. >Whatever force brought you to this colourful place, must have seriously fucked with your brain while doing so, that is for sure.
  11186. >You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.
  11187. >No use delving in memories that are non-existent anyway.
  11188. >Maybe you will find out one day, maybe you won't.
  11189. >And honestly it doesn't even matter. What would change if you know?
  11190. >Nothing.
  11191. >So why worry?
  11192. >What matters now is how incredibly drunk you are going to be in about an hour.
  11193. >Starting with your arrival at Kirron's cart in about five minutes, give or take one.
  11194. >You can't wait to tell him about Twilight and all the awesome kinky stuff you two do together.
  11195. >Not to forget how happy she makes you and what an all around cool pony she is.
  11196. >He will be so fucking jealous... And hopefully a bit happy for you too.
  11197. >Heh, of course he will be.
  11198. >Despite his macho demeanour, at heart he is actually quite the hopeless romantic who would probably make some mare very, very happy.
  11199. >Or a... A... Uhm...
  11200. >What the hell do you even call a female minotaur? A minotauress?
  11201. >Eh... Sounds dumb.
  11202. >Cowgirl maybe?
  11203. >Nah...
  11204. >You should just ask him later, once he is a bit inebriated. Then he usually opens up and pours his heart out to you.
  11205. >Not that he is shy and not talkative anyhow... But still it helps, you know?
  11206. >Aww yeah, you are really looking forward to this.
  11207. >It has been such a long time, since you had a night like this.
  11208. >Just two friends who talk about the things that keep the world spinning and the sun raising every day over a few mugs of beer.
  11209. >And probably fool around with the weapons that one of them has.
  11210. >Hopefully he has still this set of axes you like so much.
  11211. >They are just light enough that you can wield on of them in each hand and look like they were directly inspired by some grim dark fantasy game.
  11212. >Twilight will be presumably not very amused by this, but eh... That's an important part of your nights with Kirron too.
  11213. >None would be complete without a small scar or a minor laceration.
  11214. >Clapping your hands together in anticipation of the fantastic night that awaits you, you increase your pace through the streets of Ponyville.
  11216. >After passing some more shops with weird concepts, you finally reach the spot where your buddy's cart stands.
  11217. >Well, at least it used to stand here... Seems like he already left.
  11218. >Can't blame him for that. You really took your sweet time, even if it was worth it.
  11219. >A bit crestfallen, you approach the now empty patch of flattened grass on the side of the road.
  11220. “What's that?”
  11221. >A small piece of paper sticks on what probably used to be the shaft of a spear.
  11222. >Kirron would never break one of his weapons, so it must have been a faulty one or just a spare part.
  11223. >You take the note off it and search for your lighter so you can actually read it.
  11224. >Mayor Mare really should invest in better street lighting instead of magically enhanced seeds...
  11225. >It took some attempts, but you manage to get it to work and carefully bring the weak flame closer to the note.
  11226. >Setting anything on fire without a permission is considered a fineable offence... Ever since the Cutiemark Crusaders experimented with fireworks to earn their cutie marks in pyrotechnics.
  11227. >Needless to say, it didn't work out as they might have planned and nearly got the town hall destroyed.
  11228. >Anyway... What does the note say?
  11229. >”Hey Anon! If you ever decide to drag your hairless ass to good ol' Kirron, meet me at my usual camping spot near the woods. I've got a surprise for you! - Kirron. PS: Any cute mares who look for a good time and coincidentally read this note are warmly invited to join! You will not regret it!”
  11230. >Chuckling, you crumple the sheet of paper up and stuff it into your pocket along with the lighter.
  11231. >Typical Kirron, he leaves no stone unturned to get his dick wet or at least a good flank to look at.
  11232. >But sadly he will have to do with your company solely tonight.
  11233. >Not that any cute mare would have been able to read this scrawl he calls handwriting.
  11234. >And even if they could, they would never accept such an invitation anyhow, given his reputation here in Ponyville.
  11235. “A surprise, eh?”
  11236. >What could it be?
  11237. >Maybe a neat weapon or your own barrel of beer?
  11238. >God, that would totally make the last two days the best you have ever had.
  11239. >Even more so than before.
  11240. >So you focus your gaze roughly into the direction where you suspect his camp to be.
  11241. >His “usual camping spot” changes every time... Most likely due to the fact that he cannot remember any more, where the last one was.
  11242. >Your nights together are just that awesome.
  11243. “...”
  11244. >And indeed, you can make out a faint glimmer of light near one the Apple families orchards and the entrance to the White Tail Woods.
  11245. >Not the safest spot, but timberwolves usually give the minotaur a wide berth, so you don't need to worry about your life.
  11246. “Hmm... Roughly a mile away...”
  11247. >That will pose a problem when you want to go home... But you are planning to be so heavily inebriated at this point that you won't care any more.
  11248. >Time to cut across country, so you can start working on that.
  11250. >Another thing that Mayor Mare really should consider, is fixing this here field... It's nothing more than a minefield full of leg-breaking craters and thorny bushes that slowly tear your pants apart.
  11251. >Which are all the aftermath of a large military exercise that was performed here last year.
  11252. >It was very spectacular and what not, but the damage it caused was never really fixed or made undone.
  11253. >The thorn bushes itself are the remainders of some strange spell, that caused a whole wall of these prickly fuckers to grow out of the ground.
  11254. >And now they don't plan on going away any time soon...
  11255. >You sigh.
  11256. >Seems like your spite towards this mare grows with each passing moment.
  11257. >But at least you are almost at Kirron's camp. Only a few dozen yards now separate you from your horned friend and his strong beverages.
  11258. >You can already smell the distinctive smack of a burning camp fire and hear the sounds of something big that rummages through a wooden cart.
  11259. >Reminds you of the camping trips you had as a child.
  11260. >Soon you reach his camp and whistle in exaltation.
  11261. >A nice flat piece of land with a few trees surrounding it and even with a nearby mere in which he put some barrels to keep them cool.
  11262. >His cart stands in close proximity to the fire, which illuminates the whole area in a dim orange glow.
  11263. >All in all, the perfect spot. Secluded enough, so that nopony disturbs you or is annoyed by it, but not to an extent where it would hinder your ability to stagger home afterwards.
  11264. “Hey Kirron! Look who's here!” you bellow.
  11265. >Immediately the minotaur shifts his attention to you and a wide grin appears on his face.
  11266. >”Did you finally decide to show up?!”
  11267. >He gets up from his kneeling position and approaches you with spread arms.
  11268. >Of course, you don't reject him and engage in the most manly hug you can get on this side of the planet.
  11269. >”How are you? I started to wonder where you are.”
  11270. “I'm fine. Just had some things to do.”
  11271. >”I hope they were worth it. Because you kept me waiting for a fucking long time, you hairless ape.”
  11272. >You break the hug, before he decides to squeeze you even harder and break a few of your ribs.
  11273. “They were, my friend. They were. Fill me a mug and I will tell you about them.”
  11274. >He laughs and slaps you on the back.
  11275. “Ompf...”
  11276. >”I've already cracked a barrel open and cooked some of my famous stew. So just take a seat and help yourself!”
  11277. >Kirron thrusts a mug into your hand and gently shoves you towards the fire place.
  11278. “Don't mind if I do.”
  11279. >You fill your mug with the delicious brew and sit down on a tree stump opposite to your friend.
  11280. >”I'm glad that you were able to make it.”
  11281. “I would never leave you hanging, you know that.”
  11282. >And with that said, you clink mugs together. Spilling a bit of your beer in the process, but since there is much more where that came from, so you don't care.
  11283. >The coolness you feel on your wrist right now, only increases your anticipation.
  11284. >”To us!”
  11285. “To us!”
  11286. >As ever, Kirron pours some beer on the ground and speaks a quiet prayer, before he actually allows himself to drink.
  11287. >The first belt is always reserved for K'ruch, his clan's god and patron of blacksmiths.
  11288. >So you wait until he is finished ere you start drinking. It would be very impolite to do otherwise.
  11289. >”... K'ruch andraak.”
  11290. >These are the words you waited for.
  11291. >With one fluent movement, you bring the mug to your mouth and jug it's content's down.
  11292. >The bright amber liquid flows down your throat and it's incredible taste fills your mouth.
  11293. >It has the exact right balance between sweet, malty and bitter flavours and leaves a bit of a lingering dry on your tongue once it's gone.
  11294. >Of course, it's also quite strong. But instead of distracting one from the composition of aromas, it's strength only emphasizes every one of them.
  11295. >Joy, just pure joy.
  11296. >You both empty your mugs at the same time and upend them to prove that you have done so.
  11297. >Not a single drop falls out of yours and you shoot Kirron a cocky grin.
  11298. >”Hah! You are getting better. But that was only the first one. Let's see how you do after the third or fifth!”
  11299. “Is that a challenge?”
  11300. >”You bet your non existing ass!”
  11301. >Kirron pushes the log on which the barrel stands to you and you waste no time in filling your mug up again.
  11302. >He does the same and you clink mugs together another time.
  11303. >”So tell me. What was so fucking important that it was worth keeping me waiting for an eternity?”
  11304. “Oh, you will like this Kirron. I'm sure of that.”
  11305. >Raising an eyebrow, he rests his head on his free hand.
  11306. >”I'm all ears, friend.”
  11308. “You might not believe it, but the reason I kept you waiting for so long is...”
  11309. >”Yeah? Spit it out, Anon.”
  11310. >Kirron looks expectingly at you, his fingers erratically tapping his cheek.
  11311. >It makes you kinda nervous.
  11312. “Well you see... Uhm...”
  11313. >Wow, this is harder than you thought...
  11314. >Just a few moments ago, you were so excited to tell him about Twilight that you nearly couldn't bide it. And now...
  11315. >Now you don't know what to say.
  11316. >You were never good with talking about this stuff... Even back on earth.
  11317. “One moment please.”
  11318. >He throatily laugh and does a “go ahead” gesture.
  11319. >Maybe you just need some more of that famous liquid courage. That always helps when you are struck all of a heap.
  11320. >So another time the mug is brought to your lips and half-emptied in a few deep jugs.
  11321. >By god's glorious beard, this beer is good.
  11322. “Woah...”
  11323. >Now you can certainly feel something... A nice light buzz, right there where your brain is.
  11324. >”Feeling it already?”
  11325. “Yeah... Kinda forgot to eat, before I hit the road.”
  11326. >Kirron chucklesnorts and reaches into his cart, pulling a wooden bowl and a spoon out of it which he then throws in your direction.
  11327. >At least in your general direction... Kirron was never good at throwing stuff.
  11328. >Which is way you swore to never throw knives with him ever again... One puncture wound in your shoulder is enough.
  11329. >You barely manage to catch it with your already slightly impeded reflexes and shoot him a thankful nod.
  11330. >”The stew should be almost finished. Just help yourself.”
  11331. “Thanks, mate.”
  11332. >”No problem.”
  11333. >Your blacksmithing friend's stew is always something special.
  11334. >Usually it contains many different vegetables and spices that he gathered from all over Equestria.
  11335. >Almost nowhere else can you get such an exotic mulligan.
  11336. >This time it looks like it's consisting of carrots, onions, potatoes, a leekesque plant ponies call wizard's pipe and something purple you don't recognise.
  11337. >They kinda look like Twilight's cutie mark... What a nice coincidence.
  11338. “Hey Kirron?”
  11339. >”Yah?”
  11340. “What are these purple, star-shaped vegetables in your stew?”
  11341. >”Star roots.”
  11342. “Star roots?”
  11343. >He fishes one out and flings it into his gullet.
  11344. >”They are like potatoes, only a bit spicier because of some magic shit they have in them. Don't be a pussy and just eat 'em.”
  11345. “Tzzk... Just asking, mate. Just asking.”
  11346. >Filling your bowl up with some of the rich, dark brown stew, you take a smell at it.
  11347. >And it smells like edible heaven... The scents of thyme, rosemary and many other spices invades you nostrils and makes your mouth water.
  11348. >Time to see if it tastes as good as it smells...
  11349. >You scoop up a carrot slice, one of these star roots and some sauce and prepare your taste buds for the immediate explosion of flavours.
  11350. >Of course, you don't forget to blow on it once so you don't burn yourself. That would severely hinder your ability to enjoy your beer.
  11351. >The moment the tasty liquid hits your tongue, you are overfilled with joy.
  11352. >Everything just blends together so nicely.
  11353. >Especially the star roots, which give the whole thing just the perfect hint of spiciness.
  11354. >”How is it?”
  11355. >You just shoot your friend a thumbs up and continue to roll in the stew into your throat until not a single drop remains.
  11356. >Patting your now full belly, you put the empty bowl aside and take a gulp from your beer to wash the stew down.
  11357. “Well Kirron, if you weren't a hulky and crude beast, I would totally marry you for your cooking skills alone.”
  11358. >He bellows a deep laughter and waves you off.
  11359. >”Sorry Anon, but I would have to refuse. Your ass is just too flat for my tastes.”
  11360. “Your loss then. I would make you happier than any mare.”
  11361. >Chuckling, you fill your mug up again, since it got dangerously empty.
  11362. >Ah nice... Nothing better than the sight of a foamy mug full of delicious strong beer.
  11363. >”So what did you want to tell me? I reckon you are buttered up enough now.”
  11364. “Ah yes... Of course.”
  11365. >You take a quick sip to give to oil up your throat.
  11366. “Well, you see.... I kinda got a marefriend now.”
  11367. >Hey, that was easy.
  11368. >Kirron's eyes shoot open and he nearly chokes on his beer.
  11369. >With a bit of a shocked look on his face, he stares at you.
  11370. >Seems like he really can't believe it.
  11371. >”A what now?”
  11372. “A marefriend. You know... Like a girl that goes steady with me.”
  11374. >”I fucking know what a marefriend is... But for real now?”
  11375. “Ehrm, yah? Why would I lie to you about that?”
  11376. >He laughs and violently slaps his knee.
  11377. >The loud cracking sound the impact of his fist made, making you flinch.
  11378. >”By Ark'aara's thousand horns, I can't believe it! Lil' Anon here has a marefriend.”
  11379. >Still laughing uncontrollably, he wipes a tear from his eye before he empties his mug with one giant gulp.
  11380. >Wasting no time to immediately fill it up again, he presents it to you with a big smile on his lips.
  11381. >”That is of course a damn good reason to leave me hanging like bait on a hook! Congrats, mate! I knew you had it in you.”
  11382. >You return his smile and bump your mug against his.
  11383. “Thanks, Kirron.”
  11384. >”Let's celebrate and drink to that!”
  11385. “Let's!”
  11386. >In tandem you both drink off your third beer this evening.
  11387. >Now you can really feel the alcohol... Your head is starting to feel all dizzy and slowly but surely your vision tries it's hands at mitosis, splitting itself in two.
  11388. >Hopefully, the stew you just ate will act as a bit of a buffer and not accelerate the inevitable due to some magical interaction from the star roots.
  11389. >Only time will tell... And you are perfectly fine with that.
  11390. >At the same time you finish off your drinks and you put your mug next to you on the ground.
  11391. >Time for a small break... There is no need to get dead drunk after fifteen minutes already.
  11392. >Kirron on the other hand happily helps himself to another full jug and pushes the barrel to you afterwards with a small kick of his right hoof.
  11393. >”So who is the lucky gal? Do I know her?”
  11394. >Chuckling, you nod and rest your legs on the barrel.
  11395. “Yeah, you do know her. You even hit on her once, if I'm not mistaken.”
  11396. >”Oh, I did? And she chose you over me? Than she can't be all that great.” he says, snorting.
  11397. >You throw a small pebble at your mocking friend, but he dodges it with all the elegance a minotaur possesses.
  11398. >Which is not much, but enough to avoid your artillery strike.
  11399. “She's awesome. Just so you know!”
  11400. >”Does she have a great ass?”
  11401. “She does. The most perfect, purple, plush pony plot you can find in all of Equestria.”
  11402. >”Purple, huh? Can't remember ever hitting on a purple pony here in Ponyville.”
  11403. “You were drunk off your ass at the time.”
  11404. >”That explains a lot.”
  11405. >You laugh and decide that you waited long enough, so you refill your mug and moisten your throat with a draught.
  11406. >God is this good.
  11407. >”What's her name then? She must be quite the looker, if I decided to grace her with my attention.”
  11408. >Kirron pretty much hits on everything that has four legs, an ass, a vagina and is a pony... But that's not the point.
  11409. “She is. Remember Twilight Sparkle?”
  11410. >It takes a few moments, and you can hear the gears in his head grinding, but then his face lights up and he snips his fingers.
  11411. >”Ah yes! Isn't she the librarian with the nice pairs of legs?”
  11412. “That she is.” you say, sipping at your alcoholic beverage.
  11413. >Now that he mentions it, Twilight really has two nice pairs of legs... You wonder what she would look like in high socks or stockings.
  11414. >Ponies have those, don't they?
  11415. >You sure hope so...
  11416. >”And her ass isn't bad either! A bit on the wobbly side, but...
  11417. “Hey! Her ass is perfect the way it is. And how would you even know what her flanks are like?”
  11418. >The minotaur waves you off and points to his eyes.
  11419. >”Them peepers, mate. They can analyse a pony's plot from over a mile away!”
  11420. “I see...”
  11421. >Strange talent to have.
  11422. >”Also that is not a bad thing. Sometimes a bull needs a good cushion to rest his head on. Or other parts of his.”
  11423. >He laughs deep and loud out of his stomach and you chime in it.
  11424. >That is just the kind of dirty humour you need right now.
  11425. “You're right.”
  11426. >Taking another gulp...
  11427. >”I bet she let's you fuck it.”
  11428. >... And immediately spit it out again in a rather spectacular manner.
  11429. >A bit flabbergasted, you look at your friend who just stares at you with a dumb grin on his face.
  11430. “W-What?”
  11431. >Kirron chucklesnorts and points at you.
  11432. >”You heard me right. So does she or does she not?”
  11434. >That took you a bit by surprise, but such a question was to be expected from him. It was merely a matter of time...
  11435. >And since Twilight allowed you to talk about your sex life with her, as long as you keep it somewhat discreet and with your currently advanced inebriated state of mind, you see no reason not to give away some private details.
  11436. >Also you kinda looked forward to this from the beginning, so...
  11437. >Time to make your horned and horny friend jealous.
  11438. >You bring the mug to your mouth again, to replace the precious liquid you just lost and lean back against a few stacked crates.
  11439. >Not the most comfortable of backrests, but it will do.
  11440. >Hopefully, they don't contain some crazy ore that reacts to life energy and nearly kills you for just being near it, like last time.
  11441. >That were some seriously painful burns you got there...
  11442. >Lifebane, or whatever that metal was called. Nasty stuff.
  11443. >Luckily, the wood absorbed much of the magical heat that was created and Twilight kindly provided you an ointment to ease the pain the day after.
  11444. >Kirron snickers. Looks like he just remembered that incident too.
  11445. >Anyway...
  11446. “Y.Yeah... She let's me do that.” you say, with a bright blush on your cheeks.
  11447. >The minotaur hollers and throws his arms into the air; Almost spilling the entire contents of his mug.
  11448. >”I fucking knew it! The quiet and nerdy ones are always into the kinky stuff!”
  11449. >And that's not the kinkiest thing she is into... If he would know about her predator fetish, he would lose his shit.
  11450. >Should you tell him about that too, or would this go too far?
  11451. >Ehh, let's see first where this conversation leads to.
  11452. >Chuckling, you shoot him a nod.
  11453. “And that's not all. I was the first one she ever allowed to.... Uhm, you know.”
  11454. >Seems like the proper terms are still off limit... More alcohol should fix that problem, though.
  11455. >He whistles.
  11456. >”Really? You lucky bastard. I never had the honour to be the first in... well anything! Does she enjoy getting her pony ponut pounded?”
  11457. >Another time you nearly choke on your beer.
  11458. >By all of earth's deities, you are not drunk enough for this.
  11459. >So you jug your beer down, like there is no tomorrow and hope for the best.
  11460. >And lookie there... As you feel the cold liquid run down your throat and settle in your stomach, the buzz in your head intensifies once more.
  11461. >Maybe that was a bit too fast... But at least you feel now much more confident in talking about your sexcapedes with Twi.
  11462. >That's much better.
  11463. “Yep, I think so! The first time I put it in there, she came like four times!”
  11464. >”Four times?”
  11465. >Your friend's eyebrow raises and he looks at you in disbelief.
  11466. >”Are you yanking my fucking tail?”
  11467. >You laugh and blow him a kiss.
  11468. “You would like that, eh? Feeling my strong, yet dexterous fingers on your tail?”
  11469. >Kirron shakes his head and bows down to pick up another pebble, but you manage to leapfrog the minotaur and throw your own earthen projectile at him.
  11470. >”Ey! Stop that!”
  11471. >Superior human dexterity wins again!
  11472. “There is no need to be jealous and vent your spleen on me~”
  11473. >He snorts and sips at his beer.
  11474. >”I'm not jealous. I just seriously doubt what you just told me. I mean, four times? That seems like a fucking lie to me.”
  11475. >Shrugging, you help yourself to another refill.
  11476. >You will soon need another barrel, since this one is now nearly empty.
  11477. “Maybe I'm just that good?”
  11478. >”Tzzk. You wish. But anyhow... How did you two meet?”
  11479. “We have known each other for a long time... And even I can't exactly say how we came together. It just kinda happened.”
  11480. >”Some things are just meant to be.”
  11481. >And there it is: His sentimental side.
  11482. “Heh. Funny you say that. Rarity said the same thing.”
  11483. >His face lights up when he hears her name.
  11484. >”Rarity? The white one with the nice buns?”
  11485. “Yep. I had a talk with her today, about the same topic. Well, minus all the sex.”
  11486. >”Did she say something about me?”
  11487. >You chuckle and push the barrel a bit to the side, so that it doesn't stand so close to the fire any more.
  11488. >It would be a pity, if the rest of it's contents would get warm.
  11489. “Other than that you are a rude brute? No, not really.”
  11490. >”Shoot! I thought I had a chance with that one.”
  11491. “Maybe you should drop all those bad and cheesy pick up lines and try to be yourself? That could help.”
  11492. >Kirron laughs quietly and rolls his neck.
  11493. >”I'm not stupid, mate. I know that this doesn't make the best impression on mares. But as long as I travel, I won't have anything solid anyway. So I at least try, to get some steam out of my system from time to time. And sometimes those “bad” pick up lines allow me to do just that.”
  11494. “Why not? Aren't there mares that have the same taste for adventure and travel as you?”
  11495. >He shakes his head.
  11496. >”Nope. Most mares like a quiet life with no troubles and occasional bandit attacks.”
  11497. “And a minotaure... cow girl.. a female minotaur?”
  11498. >”Minotauress.”
  11499. “Yeah. What about them?”
  11500. >”Not my cup of tea. I was always a bit strange in that regard and preferred ponies over them. More appealing to the eye, you know?”
  11501. >You have never seen a minotauress, but you can imagine that they wouldn't be beauties.
  11502. >Basically just Kirron with boobs...
  11503. >At least you think, that they would have boobs.
  11504. >”Also they are nicer and don't want to be showered in the severed heads of my enemies every few weeks.”
  11505. “What?! That's a thing with you guys?”
  11506. >Your friend empties his mug and pulls the barrel under your feet away.
  11507. >”As long as you are a warrior, yes. Since I’m a blacksmith, they at least expect me to craft a masterpiece so I prove my worth as one. And I don't want that. When I settle down one day, I just want a house with a small garden in a nice village where I can ply my craft in peace and quiet. With a cute, little mare that looks forward to when I come home.”
  11508. “Aww... That's cute. But don't you want children?”
  11509. >He shrugs.
  11510. >”Dunno. Never thought about that. What about you?”
  11511. “I...”
  11512. >Oh...
  11513. >Fuck. You never thought about that either.
  11514. >There is absolutely no fucking chance of you ever having children here in Equestria. Even if your relationship with Twilight turns out to be a permanent one.
  11515. >Which you don't question, but still...
  11516. >As much as you would like to... You can't change genetic compatibility.
  11517. “Well...”
  11518. >Your head droops.
  11519. >Kirron stands up and walks over to you.
  11520. >One of his large hands finds it's way to your should and squeezes it.
  11521. >”Hey, it's okay friend. If you are still together with that Twilight gal after a few years, you can always adopt. There are enough fillies and colts that would kill to have you as a father.”
  11522. >You look up to him and smile.
  11523. “Thanks, mate. That just kinda hit me somewhat harsh for a moment there.”
  11524. >”No problem. But now stop pussying around and get your balls together. There is much beer in dire need of being drunk.”
  11525. >Good ol' Kirron. He always knows what to say.
  11526. “Yeah. And I can't do that while I'm sad.”
  11527. >”Exactly.”
  11528. >He bellows a laughter and slaps you on the back, before walking to the pond to pull a full barrel out of it.
  11529. >Walking back to his seat, he grabs a hammer and a spigot, along with a brown linen sack, out of his cart and broaches the barrel.
  11530. >A satisfying hiss can be heard when the carbon dioxide escapes out of it.
  11531. >”Good to go.”
  11532. >He puts it's next to the old one and sits down again.
  11533. >Your mug is still half full, but now is as good a time as any to kill off the first barrel.
  11534. >Also it has the added benefit of getting a permanent footrest.
  11535. >While you do exactly that, you start to wonder what is in this mysterious, bound together brown sack.
  11536. >It looks rather big... Could that be your surprise?
  11537. “What's in that sack, Kirron? More alcohol?”
  11538. >”Oh that?”
  11539. >He throws the bundle into the air and catches it by the rope that holds it together.
  11540. >”Did you read my note?”
  11541. >Sipping the head of your beer away, you nod.
  11542. “Of course.”
  11543. >”Than you already know what it is. Your surprise, mate.”
  11545. “I am wound up to a high! But you really shouldn't have.”
  11546. >”Heh, I know right? All that beer I share so generously with you and now a surprise even! I'm really spoiling you.”
  11547. >You chuckle and wave him off.
  11548. “And you don't want anything back either.”
  11549. >”Yeah, like I said before: Your ass is just too flat for my tastes.”
  11550. “Luckily.”
  11551. >Snorting dismissively, he slides the package over to you.
  11552. >”Open it. I'm sure you will like what’s inside.”
  11553. “Thanks, mate.”
  11554. >Your friend shoots you a nod that you return smiling, before you pick the bundle up from the ground.
  11555. >Uh... Feels heavy. What could it be?
  11556. >Putting your mug aside, you begin to untie the knots that separate you from your surprise.
  11557. >Which is harder than you thought, since they don't seem that they can agree to stay on one spot and are rather strongly knotted.
  11558. >Cursed be his superhuman strength!
  11559. >Kirron watches you intently as you fumble around and miserably fail to overcome the hempen security measures.
  11560. “God damn it...” you mumble.
  11561. >He shakes his head, unsheathes a dagger from his belt and holds it out to you.
  11562. >”Here you go, Anon.”
  11563. “Thank you.”
  11564. >You carefully take it into your hand and bring the blade to the rope that gives you so much trouble.
  11565. >Now you just don't have to cut yourself, or spill your mug that you hold between your knees and everything will be just fine.
  11566. >The dagger feels nice in your hand. Perfectly balanced and light as a feather.
  11567. >It's handle is slim and elegant and the roughly seven inches long blade itself shines in an almost mystic blue gleam.
  11568. >Must be mithril or some other magical metal.
  11569. >Also it seems like there is something engraved on it... Looks like runic, which is the alphabet of Kirron's folk and remarkably similar to the one the old Norseman used.
  11570. >He taught you the basics, so you try to decipher the engraving.
  11571. “Angus... Uhm....”
  11572. >”Angus McFife.”
  11573. “Huh?”
  11574. >”That's the dagger's former owner.”
  11575. >Oh, now you see it too. That's clearly an “F”... At least you think so.
  11576. “Former owner? Did you kill him or what?”
  11577. >Hearing that, the minotaur breaks into a hefty laughing fit, before wiping a tear from his eye and shaking his head.
  11578. >”Oh by all gods, of course not. He just couldn't pay for it and so I took it back. With a bit of force admittedly, but he is still alive.”
  11579. “Heh, okay then.”
  11580. >That got you worried there for a second.
  11581. >You know that he most likely has a bit of blood on his hands, that just comes with his choice of trade and his constant travels, but you wouldn't like to think of him as a murderer who kills for a nice shiny weapon.
  11582. >Even if this one is especially shiny and nice. You wouldn't mind owning that.
  11583. >Kirron's smithery is really something else, you must say.
  11584. >With almost no effort it cuts through the rope like a hot knife through butter and the ties fall to the ground..
  11585. “Nice!”
  11586. >The minotaur chuckles and shoots you a thumbs up.
  11587. >You hand him the dagger back and he throws it into the side of his cart, where he drew a few crude changeling and diamond dog targets.
  11588. >Hitting a diamond dog right in it's crotch area.
  11589. >”Bullseye!”
  11590. “More like Dogballs.”
  11591. >”Diamond dogs don't have balls. They are all pussies who draw in their horns once they see you are willing to fight back.”
  11592. >Slowly removing the remainders of the rope, you take a quick sip of your beer and look at him.
  11593. “Really now?”
  11594. >He gets up and pulls the dagger out of the wood and rams it right back between the drawn dog's eyes before sitting down again..
  11595. >The sudden crunching noise of violently split timber sends a cold shiver down your spine.
  11596. >It just reminded you a bit too much of the sound a bone makes when it breaks... But with a hefty draught, even this nasty mental image is forgotten.
  11597. >”Yah! Just remember, if you ever get attacked by these cockless fuckers, make yourself as big as you can and charge at them! They will be miles away before you even reach the spot they stood on.”
  11598. >Well, you can see this working as long as you are nearly seven and a half foot tall and roughly half as wide.
  11599. >Also having horns and the general looks of a born fighting machine helps surely too...
  11600. >But with your stature... Eh... It would probably be better to opt for flight.
  11601. >A cowardly, but safe ass is better than a brave, but dead ass.
  11602. “Thanks, I will try to remember that. If I ever get into such a situation, that is. Which I don't plan to.”
  11603. >Bringing his mug to his mouth, he shrugs and does a wild, undefinable gesture that you interpret as “Do whatever you want”.
  11604. >”You never know what the future holds, friend. I just try to prepare your flat, unappealing ass for everything it might get threatened by.”
  11605. >You chuckle and hold your mug out as a sign of gratitude.
  11606. “Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.”
  11607. >Kirron bumps his against yours and nods.
  11608. >”No problem. But do you always take so fucking long to unwrap a present?”
  11609. “Eh, I just try to preserve the surprise as long as possible.”
  11610. >”You must be unbelievably grateful then, that mares here in Equestria don't wear clothes all the time like the girls from where you hail from always do. Or else you would never score with Twilight.”
  11611. >Raising a finger and opening your mouth, you try to assemble an appropriate comeback for this, but you can't seem to come up with one.
  11612. >So you just shoot him a nod and admit your defeat.
  11613. “That was a good one.”
  11614. >”Thanks. Now open it already! Before I decide to motivate you a bit, warlord style.”
  11615. >He grins menacingly and pulls an intimidating looking three headed and viciously bladed spear from under his cart.
  11616. >You recognise this particular weapon. It's something he calls a “Pig Sticker” and it's his favourite tool of destruction.
  11617. >Normally only minotauren warlords are allowed to wield one in battle, but that doesn't stop him to fool around with it from time to time.
  11618. >Like threatening you to open your present faster by waving it's three bladed heads dangerously close to your face.
  11619. >And that's technically not fighting, so it must be okay...
  11620. “Yeah, yeah. Already on it... Put that thing away please, before someone loses an eye.”
  11621. >”You mean: “Before I lose an eye”.”
  11622. “Exactly. Before you lose an eye.”
  11623. >Kirron snorts and crosses his arms. The spear still in his hands.
  11624. >”Tzzk. You and which army?”
  11625. “I don't need an army.” you say shrugging, “I have the power of heart.”
  11626. >”And what is that supposed to mean?”
  11627. “That I’m only four elements away from summoning Captain Planet, who would totally wreck your shit.”
  11628. >Deeply laughing, he rams the spear into the ground.
  11629. >”I highly doubt that. He sounds like a total pussy!”
  11630. “You said the same thing about “Sunny Smiles” the last time. Remember? That guard? Who overheard what you said about him and wiped the floor with your ass afterwards?”
  11631. >He hawks and looks to the side.
  11632. >”That fucker wasn't fighting fair! He surprised me and used magic! Which is highly dishonourable in a duel.”
  11633. >You don't know if you could call that what happened back then a duel, since Kirron pretty much just taunted that guard until he had enough and just picked the minotaur off the ground to shake him around until he apologized, but whatever.
  11634. >Whatever makes him feel better about it.
  11635. >”And now don't delve in old memories and just see already what's inside, in Olgoch's name!”
  11636. >Heh, that still bugs him like hell.
  11637. “Who is Olgoch?”
  11638. >”Someone you will meet very soon, if you don't hurry the fuck up already.”
  11639. >Ah, god of the dead then.
  11640. >And since you don't plan on making his acquaintance any time soon, you begin to strip off the last few bits off rope that still cling to the bundle.
  11641. >Once they are removed, it loosens up and a very familiar smell invades your nostrils.
  11642. >Something that you didn't smell since you were brought to Equestria.
  11643. >Salty, hearty and with hints of various herbs.
  11644. >Could it be?
  11645. >You look at Kirron, who just chuckles and motions you to go on.
  11646. >The smell gets stronger with each cloth layer you remove, and your eyes go wide once they see what was hidden inside.
  11647. “H-Ham?!”
  11648. >Air dried ham, to be exact. And a rather large chunk of it.
  11649. >Also a small bag lies next to it, but that's a minor factor for you right now. That deliciously looking piece of meat captures your imagination completely.
  11650. >”Exactly, my friend. I hope it's to your liking.”
  11652. >You let one finger run over the ham's greasy rind and bring it to your mouth.
  11653. “God...”
  11654. >How long has it been since you last tasted something so delicious?
  11655. >The salt, the herbs and of course the pig itself... Everything blends together so nicely.
  11656. >And that's only the fat... You cannot imagine how good the actual meat would taste.
  11657. >Still a bit in disbelief, if this is actually happening and not just a blissful dream on your deathbed, you look at your friend.
  11658. “W-Where did you get this?”
  11659. >He shrugs and beams you a wide grin.
  11660. >”I had some business in Eagle's Peak a few months ago, and since this city is home to Gryphonia's largest butcher guild, I thought I could bring along a little souvenir for you. Do you like it?”
  11661. “Fuck yes! Thank you, Kirron... I don't know what to say.”
  11662. >Laughing, he gets up and dislodges the dagger from his cart to hand it to you.
  11663. >”How about you don't say anything and just try it.”
  11664. “Y-Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
  11665. >You take the dagger into a trembling hand and bring the blade's edge to the air-dried piece of tasty dead pig.
  11666. >Man, you can't even tell why you are so nervous about this.
  11667. >Maybe it's the anticipation to finally taste something made from an animal again or...
  11668. >It could be the fact that you are about to break one of Equestria's greatest taboos.
  11669. >Eating meat.
  11670. >All those years living a vegan's dream really made a dent in you...
  11671. >Is this right or is this is wrong?
  11672. >Evil even?
  11673. >Should you do this?
  11674. >Do you want this?
  11675. >...
  11676. >Of course you want this! And you couldn't care less right now.
  11677. >It's not like that anyone has to know, what you keep in the back of your kitchen's cabinets.
  11678. >Perhaps you will show it to Twi, though. She seems too be pretty cool about your meat eating habits.
  11679. >Or would she?
  11680. >She never actually has seen you eating some before...
  11681. >Quietly humming, you play with the knife's edge.
  11682. >Nah, no need to worry.
  11683. >Your marefriend would probably be turned on by the sight of your sharp teeth tearing through the ham's fibres and fat veins.
  11684. >Aren't you just one lucky dude?
  11685. >You will definitively keep this in mind, but now it is not the time to contemplate about kinky stuff.
  11686. >It's time to cut the first piece of this fatty treat.
  11687. >Like before the dagger slices through the ham like Rainbow Dash through a cloud.
  11688. >Words cannot describe how much you want this piece of art.
  11689. >But what can you do? You are not poor, but not exactly rich either.
  11690. >It's just enough to allow for some luxuries.
  11691. >Sadly a masterly crafted weapon is not one of them.
  11692. >And Kirron doesn't like to sell his work under value, even for friends. Which you respect, of course.
  11693. >He has to live from something too.
  11694. >Anyway... With one fluent movement the first meaty slice dislodges from it's origin and falls on the cloth.
  11695. >Naturally you offer your friend this piece. But much to your surprise, he waves you off and shakes his head.
  11696. >Huh? Didn't he tell you stories about feasts where they eat entire wyverns?
  11697. >”Thanks, friend. But I'm not allowed to eat meat.”
  11698. “What now? Why not?”
  11699. >Kirron chuckles and takes a quick belt, before resting his head on a hand.
  11700. >”Because the first blood I ever tasted was my own.”
  11701. >Confused, you look at him.
  11702. “Running the risk to repeat myself, but... What now? Your own blood?”
  11703. >”Exactly. When a minotaur comes to age, he has to prove himself in battle against one of the steppe's beasts. To see if he is any good with a weapon and his wits, basically.”
  11704. “Interesting. Go on.”
  11705. >”You can freely choose what you want to slay, and the bigger and more dangerous the monster is, the more prominent your reward and status within the clan will be. Bring something especially extraordinary back and you even might be chosen to be a Gorebull!”
  11706. “Gorebull? What's that?”
  11707. >”The personal bodyguard of the chieftain. The fiercest and strongest of the clan and it's whole proud.”
  11708. “Okay then... But what has this to do with you not allowed to eat meat?”
  11709. >He sighs and empties his mug.
  11710. >”You see, eating the meat of animals is a privilege. It is rare and hard to come by in my lands, since it's populated by horrible creatures that can tear even the most capable warrior limb from limb easily. So only the most worthy, meaning the clan's braves, get this privilege.”
  11711. >Right... He told you once about the beasts that live in the minotauren grasslands.
  11712. >Mammoths, basilisks, feline predators the size of cars and other animals that would give hunters a huge trophy boner.
  11713. >With the wyverns leading the way... Huge, dragon-esque lizards with the ability to breath various elemental breaths, depending from which part of the steppes they hail from.
  11714. >From the white Frostwyrms that dwell in icy caves high in the mountains to the acid spewing Lindworms which inhabit the few sparse forests.
  11715. >And all of them not particular happy to share a living space with the minotaurs, who rival them as the apex species there.
  11716. >Equestria really is a mystical place, that could stem right out of a high fantasy novel.
  11717. >You quite like it here.
  11718. >Helping himself to a refill, he continues.
  11719. >”And when the day came to prove my worth... Well, I got my ass handed to me pretty badly. I was so excited and full of youthful haughtiness that I immediately went out to the dwelling of the Icemother.”
  11720. ”The Icemother?”
  11721. >”An ancient basilisk that has troubled our clan since generations. She inhabits a mountain pass that would cut the travel time to our neighbouring clan by half, if we could ever kill her and reclaim it.”
  11722. “And you thought it was a good idea to engage her alone?”
  11723. >Chuckling, he nods.
  11724. >”At the time yes. I was so eager to prove myself to the clan that it seemed like one.”
  11725. “How did it end?”
  11726. >”Like I said, I got my ass handed to me. She nearly petrified me with her stone gaze and the few hits I got in on her didn't even bother her by the slightest. My axe barely chipped her scales or just bounced of them completely. That bitch has scales as thick as steel plates, I tell you!”
  11727. >Kirron takes a huge chug, before burping and popping a few of his joints.
  11728. >”The fight was short and brutal. And after she broke my jaw with a tail swipe and filled my mouth with my blood, I knew that I had no chance and got out of there as fast as I could.”
  11729. >He stares into the nothingness behind you.
  11730. >”Nearly got me killed there too... My injuries were worse than I though and I didn't notice that she petrified part of my chest. I just had luck that a hunter found and dragged my sorry ass back to the clan.”
  11731. “What happened then?”
  11732. >”Nothing much. I got my wounds treated and then had to step before the elders to tell them what happened. To make a long story short: They were impressed by my bravery to face this monster alone but also condemned my stupidity. In the end I was not deemed worthy enough to be warrior and had to chose another profession to make a living. What I chose, you already know.”
  11733. “Yeah, blacksmithing. Which is just as cool as being a warrior, I want to add. But...”
  11734. >”Thanks, friend. But what?”
  11735. “Do you ever regret your decisions or actions back then?”
  11736. >”Well... Sure I could have been something else today, maybe even a Gorebull, but I'm very happy with how my life has turned out. So... No, I don't.”
  11737. >Kirron laughs and holds his mug out to you.
  11738. >”Also I would have never met you then! And that is reason enough to not regret anything.”
  11739. “Aww... Thanks, mate! Cheers!”
  11740. >”To us!”
  11741. “To us!”
  11742. >You clink mugs with your friends and empty yours with one giant gulp.
  11743. >Now it's buzzing just right. Just how you like it.
  11744. “So if you would have brought that Icemother back, you would have been allowed to eat meat then?”
  11745. >”Yes. She would have been butchered and prepared into a huge feast for the whole clan in my honour. I would have been given the first and best piece of her, and then joined the ranks of my clan's warriors. But since I failed and tasted my own blood first before the one of my prey.... Well, that sealed my fate.”
  11746. “Okay, I understand. But you are in Equestria now, where meat is not abundant but easier to get. Couldn't you eat it then? Maybe catch a rabbit or buy it like the ham you got for me?”
  11747. >He shakes his head and takes a sip.
  11748. >”No, the rules of my clan don't allow this. And I won't break them just because nobody is here to enforce them.”
  11749. “That's very honourable of you.”
  11750. >”Heh. Just trying to be best minotaur I can. But you still haven't tried your ham yet. Tell me how it is.”
  11751. >”Of course.” you say smiling.
  11752. >Taking the piece you cut off, you bring it to your face and savour it's hearty smell with notes of various spices, butter and you think hazelnut, for a moment before shoving it into your mouth.
  11753. >And by god... The moment this forbidden treat hits your tongue, your whole body nearly melts into a puddle of bliss.
  11754. > The meat is perfectly balanced between sweet and savoury in flavour and it's combined flavours unfold themselves while you deliberately chew the soft strip of meat.
  11755. >It is seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic and you think you can taste juniper berries. All of them complementing the meat and fat just niceley.
  11756. >Did you die? Are you in heaven?
  11757. >Even after you swallowed, the taste still continues to linger in your mouth.
  11758. >It is so good that you aren't even bothered by the slight thirst you have now and decide not to flush it down with some beer.
  11759. >You want to relish it as long as possible.
  11760. >”How is it?”
  11761. “Perfect. Just perfect, Kirron. I can't thank you enough.”
  11762. >”You're welcome, friend. Just don't get caught with it. Them ponies might get a wrong idea and start to think that you turned one of their friends into something delicious.”
  11763. >Chuckling, you nod.
  11764. “Yeah, better not. Some of them think I desecrate graves to satisfy my blood lust. Can you believe that?”
  11765. >”Hah, really?! I knew that they are pretty paranoid about carnivores, but to that extent? That's ridiculous.”
  11766. “Sad but true. I will just get this home as soon as possible and bury it in the depths of my kitchen.”
  11767. >“Do that. But don't forget about your other surprise.”
  11768. “Huh?”
  11769. >Ah yes... The small bag that lies next to the ham. You totally forgot about that in your meat frenzy.
  11770. >You put it aside for now and wrap your ham up again.
  11771. >As much as you want to devour it now, you will have to ration it since you won't get a new one for a very long time. Or maybe never.
  11772. >So into the cloth it goes, to be your comforter for some particular exhausting or sad day.
  11773. >Like a drug, only tastier and with less health risks.
  11774. >After you have neatly wrapped it up and secured the bundle with bits of rope, you put it next to you and grab the small bag.
  11775. >It's rather heavy... What could be inside?
  11776. >Further palpating makes it pretty clear that it's money... But why? You can't take money from your friend for nothing.
  11777. >Your friend stares at you with the same huge grin from before.
  11778. >A bit hesitantly, you open it and your eyes go wide for a second time this evening.
  11779. >Inside is a pretty hefty sum... You can make about twenty golden bit coins and twelve silver ones out... Which makes for roughly two hundred sixty bits.
  11780. >Hold your horses! Do those three big coins have Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks on them?
  11781. >T-They do... Which makes them celestial bits and worth one hundred each.
  11782. >You never even had one of those before...
  11783. >And there are even more coins beneath the ones you can see, so it's probably far more.
  11784. >No, this is too much.
  11785. >You look at Kirron, who still watches you intently.
  11786. “Kirron... I can't take this.”
  11787. >The expression on his face changes from a happy to a surprised one.
  11788. >”Why not? It's a gift from myself to you.”
  11789. “Do you know much money this is?”
  11790. >”Yah. Eight hundred bits.”
  11791. “E-Eight hundred?!”
  11792. >That is more than you earn in two months... Even with all the extra hours you do.
  11793. “I can't take this! Seriously, Kirron..”
  11794. >”But I'm not taking them back. Also you earned them, so it's technically not even a gift.”
  11795. >What now?
  11796. “I earned them? How?”
  11797. >He bellows a laughter and reaches into his cart, pulling a black book out of it.
  11798. >”Remember this?”
  11799. “N-No...”
  11800. >You are still a bit baffled by the huge pile of money that lies before you.
  11801. >”Then take a closer look at it.”
  11802. >Kirron flings the book towards you and it lands right on your lap, nearly knocking the bag off it.
  11803. >Oh my... Now you recognise it.
  11804. >It's your Dark Souls Design Works... Which you got at one of your birthdays and borrowed it to Kirron since he was interested in how human fantasy weapons looked.
  11805. “I don't get it... What has that to do with...” you point at the bits, “This?”
  11806. >He chucklesnorts and does a beckoning gesture.
  11807. >”Turn it to the pages I bookmarked.”
  11808. “Okay...”
  11809. >You do so and find out that he bookmarked drawings of Ornstein's spear, the Man Serpent Greatsword, the Demon Great Machete and the Black Knight Greataxe.
  11810. >There are even notes stuck next to the pictures with ores listed on them.
  11811. >You can even read a few... At least to an extent. Kirron's handwriting is just terrible.
  11812. >Also it seems like the book has singes on it's edges... Like it was next to a fire or something for a prolonged time.
  11813. >Did... Did he craft some of the game's weapons?
  11814. >”By the way, I'm sorry that I damaged it a bit. But I needed it close by me for reference.”
  11815. >So he did...
  11816. “Show me one.” you say with a wide smile on your lips.
  11818. >Kirron returns it and gets up to rummage around in his cart.
  11819. >Which is not terribly big from the outside, but he had it's various chests and crates enchanted by some unicorn to hold more than they would be usually able to do.
  11820. >Much like Twilight's bottomless bag, only far more costly and expansive.
  11821. >You have no clue how these enchantments work, and are not particularly interested in finding out either.
  11822. >Magic is cool as hell, but it's theory is probably the most boring thing you ever have stumbled upon.
  11823. >Even your marefriend cannot add zest to it, which is saying something. Since you love when she explains stuff to you and gets all excited about it.
  11824. >Heh, you can't wait until her next lecture.
  11825. >Still...
  11826. >Your gaze wanders down to the small sack of bits.
  11827. >Why did he gave this to you? It cannot be just for the inspiration he got from your book.
  11828. >Eight hundred... Man, the things you could do with this money.
  11829. >But it's too much, you can't possibly take such a huge gift from your travelling friend. Who admittedly earns a lot more than you, but also has higher expenses.
  11830. >Far higher than you... Alone this mithril stuff costs about a hundred bits per kilogram, and you don't even want to know what the rarer metals costs.
  11831. >He doesn't mine them himself, you know that for a fact.
  11832. >As much as he hates diamond dogs and everything they stand for, he is forced too buy the more obscure treasures of the soil at one of their trading posts.
  11833. >Which are sprinkled all over Equestria and are open whenever the dogs feel like being friends with the ponies and they on the other hand don't feel like driving them back underground again.
  11834. >It's a strange love-hate relationship those two species maintain, but it seems to work somehow.
  11835. >”Ah! There it is!”
  11836. >His voice brings you back from your world of thought.
  11837. >”What a beauty, if I might say so myself!”
  11838. >Kirron retrieves his upper body from the cart with a giant and crude looking sword in his hands.
  11839. “Fuck...”
  11840. >This specific weapon and it's wielder has given you so much frustration and grief during your first few playthroughs of Dark Souls, that you would recognise it anywhere and under any lighting condition.
  11841. >The Demon Great Machete.
  11842. >And it looks just like you remembered it... From it's massive iron cast and hooked blade down to the useless and honestly a bit silly looking root like decorations at its handle.
  11843. >It even looks rusted and worn out, like it has been used for many decades and drawn the blood of many foes.
  11844. >How did he do that?
  11845. >”What do you think of that? Pretty fucking nice, eh?”
  11846. >Taking it into an one handed grip, he assumes a battle stance and starts to swing it around in wide arcs.
  11847. >That thing must weigh tons... How can he wield it with one hand so easily? Let alone swing it around like a fucking baseball bat.
  11848. >In awe, you watch your friend's demonstration of strength as he more or less gracefully dances around the camp, all the while attacking invisible targets and performing spectacular manoeuvres.
  11849. >For the giant hulk Kirron is, he is surprisingly nimble on his two feet... Or hooves.
  11850. >One final time he brings the blade over his head and let's its hook crash down onto a tree stump with an ear-shattering impact.
  11851. >”HAH!”
  11852. >Large wooden splinters fly through the air and you cover you eyes to shield them from the few that were sent into your direction.
  11853. >You whistle impressed, when you uncover them again and see what damage the machete caused.
  11854. >The stump has been completely obliterated... Only a small crater remains, in which the blade has deeply buried itself into.
  11855. >That thing has some serious oomph behind it... You wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it.
  11856. >Quite heavily breathing, Kirron reaches for his mug and empties it in one jug. Nearly tumbling over while doing so.
  11857. >”Whoa. I really shouldn't do this while I'm drunk. But it's too much fun.”
  11858. “Impressive, Kirron. No matter how often I see you fight, it never ceases to amaze me.”
  11859. >He chuckles and rests his bodyweight on the blade.
  11860. >”Thanks, friend. But if you are trying to get into my loincloths by flattering me, I fear that it won't work.”
  11861. >You return his laugh and carefully put your gifts aside, so you can stand up.
  11862. “I know, I know. My ass is too flat. But you can't blame a man for trying, can you?”
  11863. >”I guess not. But I tell you what.”
  11864. “Hmm?”
  11865. >”I will let you to touch my giant iron cudgel. How about that?”
  11866. “I couldn't ask for more.”
  11867. >”Take it then. But be careful, it's sharper than it looks. I couldn't really tell from your book, if it's edge is supposed to be ground or not, so I just ground it. I mean, who likes dull blades?”
  11868. “Exactly. Even if this thing's weight would be probably enough to cut through anything.”
  11869. >Kirron shakes his head and pulls the weapon out of the ground.
  11870. >Again with one hand...
  11871. >”Nah, I made it out of Blight Iron so it's surprisingly light for it's size. Roughly forty pounds.”
  11872. “Blight Iron?”
  11873. >”Yeah. It's a special metal that always looks filthy and rusted once it's forged. It's very popular among us minotaurs.”
  11874. >So that's how he gave it it's looks. Nifty.
  11875. “Sounds dangerously poisonous...”
  11876. >”It's perfectly safe. Just don't cut yourself on the edge, it hurts like hell.”
  11877. >He turns the weapon around and holds it's handle out to you.
  11878. >A bit hesitantly you grab it and slowly lift it out of your friend's grasp.
  11879. >And much to your surprise, it is really light. It's still too heavy for you to wield one handed, but with two hands you can operate it easily.
  11880. >Kirron laughs and takes a few steps back.
  11881. >”Try it out. But don't hit me or I will ensure that your ass gets even flatter.”
  11882. “Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me, worry about your obsession with my flat ass.”
  11883. >He snorts, takes the beer barrel and sits down with it.
  11884. >”If I were you, I wouldn't try any overhead stuff in your state. You will just fall on your flat ass.”
  11885. “Is that a challenge?” you say and shoot him a cocky grin.
  11886. >Shrugging, he refills his mug and takes a sip from it.
  11887. >Well, what’s the worst what can happen?
  11888. >You lift it slowly over your head and quickly begin to realize the mistake you just made.
  11889. >Even if it is relatively light, it still manages to drag you down and forces your behind to meet the ground in a rather harsh manner.
  11890. “Ow!”
  11891. >”See?”
  11892. “Tzzk. I'm just not used yet on how this thing handles!”
  11893. >”Whatever floats your boat, mate.”
  11894. >You grunt and get up again.
  11895. >Okay, so no overhead swings. You learned that.
  11896. >Maybe just a few horizontal and vertical swings and then call it a day before you hurt yourself.
  11897. >There is no need for the cutlass incident to repeat itself... Twilight nearly killed you when she saw the scar on your chest.
  11898. >She still healed it, but without a painkiller spell or else you wouldn't have learned your lesson.
  11899. >That was one funny night, heh.
  11900. >You bring the weapon to your side and start with basic footwork, that Kirron taught you, to gain some momentum.
  11901. >Once you think you have enough, you lunge out and let the blade whirl through the air.
  11902. >Using the created drive, you turn it around and swing it upwards to bring it down again in a lopsided arc.
  11903. >Wow, once you get a hang of this it really handles nicely. Despite the blade's unconventional form and size.
  11904. >You jump a few steps back and heave it towards the sky and then behind your body.
  11905. >Focusing all your strength, you pounce forwards and jab out. A nearby dead tree being your target.
  11906. “Aaarrrgh!”
  11907. >The machete's hook hits it's bark, gets driven into the hard wooden core and rips a large chunk out of it when you pull the blade back.
  11908. >Splinters of wood and saw dust hits your face, but you couldn't care less.
  11909. >The adrenaline in your blood just lets you strike out time and time again. Each swing tearing another piece of the tree away.
  11910. >”Woohoo! There you go! Show mother nature who is boss around here!
  11911. >One last time you reach back and bore your weapon's hook into the doomed tree with a hefty horizontal swing.
  11912. >And that is all it takes to finally bring it down.
  11913. >You can hear gritting noises and quickly jump back.
  11914. >Heavily breathing you watch as the tree sways from side to side before ultimately falling over and crashing next to the pond.
  11915. >It's fall silenced by the thickly moss-covered soil there.
  11916. >”Timber!”
  11918. >Oh my... You didn't think that you actually manage to bring that tree down. Granted it was already dead and it's wood brittle, but still...
  11919. >That was fucking amazing.
  11920. >You put the weapon down and take another look at it.
  11921. >Long dried up, dark brown sap sticks to it's hooked top like viscous blood.
  11922. >Especially in the dimmed light of the camp fire, one might mistake it for the life's essence of another being.
  11923. >A cold shiver runs down your spine and you quickly avert your eyes from the weapon.
  11924. >Leaning it against Kirron's cart, you stagger back to your tree stump and sit down on it again.
  11925. >You don't think you would make a good warrior... But playing around with it was fun as hell.
  11926. >Just the thought of actually severely hurting or even killing someone with it... Eh, not so much.
  11927. >Time to drink those dark thoughts away.
  11928. >Ah... Works every time.
  11929. >”Well? What do you say?”
  11930. >Your friend looks expectingly at you and eagerly waits to hear your opinion about his piece of work.
  11931. >Apart from your personal issues, that Kirron probably would categorize as “girly” and “pussy like behaviour”, you actually like how it looks and handles.
  11932. >He got it down to tee.
  11933. >Also the new bench that you “made” for the pond, speaks for it's destructive power.
  11934. >You make a mental note to carefully introduce Mayor Mare to this improvement. Maybe she will give you some kind of reward for it.
  11935. >Like a free inside tour of the guardhouse's prison cells for destroying village property... Hmm, better not.
  11936. >Beaming the minotaur a smile, you give him a thumbs up.
  11937. “Once I figured out how to wield it properly, it handled near fucking perfectly. To say that I was impressed is an understatement.”
  11938. >Oh, is that a blush? How cute, you never saw him flattered.
  11939. >He quickly hides it behind his mug though and waves his hand around sillily.
  11940. >”I tried it to balance it out to the best of my abilities, since it's form is nothing we blacksmiths call conventional. Glad to hear it worked.”
  11941. “You are a damn good smith, Kirron. If I would have more money, I would totally consider buying one of your weapons for myself.”
  11942. >He chuckles and points at you.
  11943. >”Well, you have money now. How can I be of service?”
  11944. >This is something that you wanted address anyway... That fucking huge pile of shiny bits, he decided to gift to you.
  11945. “Yeah, Kirron. About that money...”
  11946. >His hands shoots forward and a splash out of his mug interrupts you.
  11947. “Eh!”
  11948. >”Like I said before: I will not take it back and if you dare to you somehow smuggle it back into my possession, consider our friendship ended.”
  11949. >A bit flabbergasted you look at him.
  11950. >Well, that was more than clear. Seems like this is really important for him.
  11951. “But why? I mean you already said it has to do with my book, but you can't seriously give me eight hundred bits just for some inspiration.”
  11952. >”Why not? I crafted and then sold them. So I fail to see the problem here.”
  11953. >Wait, what? Sold?
  11954. “You sold them?
  11955. >”Yah! What else should I have done with them? Shove them up my arse?”
  11956. “Well, no. Maybe for yourself. I don't know. I didn't think that they were practicable enough to actually sell or let alone use them in combat.”
  11957. >The minotaur shrugs.
  11958. >”Believe me when I say that as long as a weapon appeals to a customer's notions and wishes, it will sell.”
  11959. “I understand... So who bought them?”
  11960. >”Some minotaur noble bought the Greataxe off me for the captain of his wife's personal bodyguard. And some gryphons up in Eagle's Peak were really interested in that Ornstein guy's spear, since they said it was perfect for aerial combat. Sadly I only made one, so they had to outbid themselves. Well sad for them, heh.”
  11961. >He laughs and then takes a long jug from his mug.
  11962. >”So see it as your share. Without you and your book, I wouldn't have earned those three thousand bits.”
  11963. >Three thousand bits for just two weapons?!
  11964. >You mean, they are all well crafted and what not. But still, that's ridiculous...
  11965. >Twilight has really chosen the wrong job for you. The engineer's workshop is nice and all, but you can only dream of making this much money.
  11966. >...
  11967. >Well, at least the work is easy enough and they appreciate you and your hands there.
  11968. >You chuckle.
  11969. “In profit, I assume?”
  11970. >”Of course!”
  11971. >Fiddling with the small bag and playing with the money inside it, you look at him.
  11972. “Good for you then. But still...”
  11973. >His face takes on an annoyed expression.
  11974. >”By the axe of my father, please stop with the buts. Yours is too flat to have any right to use this word!”
  11975. >That doesn't even make sense...
  11976. >”Just accept it. For my and your sake.”
  11977. “My sake?”
  11978. >”Yeah, because if you don't stop, I will shove the money somewhere where it won't come out until I've been long gone!”
  11979. >Meaning in your flat ass. Well okay then.
  11980. “Heh. Okay then. Thanks Kirron, for this very generous gift. But you should really work on your obsession with my behind.”
  11981. >He snorts and sips from his beer.
  11982. >”You're welcome and for the record, it's just too flat to ignore. How that Twilight gal of yours can like it, is a mystery to me.”
  11983. >You slip the bag into your jackets inside pocket and then take a hit.
  11984. “She likes it well enough, thank you very much.”
  11985. >”If you say so... Got any plans yet on how to spend your money? Maybe treat your marefriend to a nice dinner?”
  11986. “Yeah, something like that. I promised her the date of her life when she created a cu... I mean finished a project of hers.”
  11987. >His eyebrows raise and he shoots you a questioning look.
  11988. >Luckily, Kirron doesn't decide to investigate your slip of the tongue further.
  11989. >”That's nice. Have you something on your mind yet?”
  11990. >Hmm... Good question.
  11991. >You have some ideas, but yet lack the concept to weave them all together.
  11992. “No, not really... I planned on asking Rarity about that. Maybe she can help me along.”
  11993. >”Rarity, you say?”
  11994. “Well, yeah. She usually knows what mares like and what not.”
  11995. >Down to the most intimate details...
  11996. >You still have to properly thank her for telling you that ponies have a g-spot. Even if you didn't ask her specifically for this particular bit of detail.
  11997. >She just kinda mentioned it out of nowhere and without any given context. Like most of her sexy advices.
  11998. >Well... It did help you with Twilight, didn't it?
  11999. >”Is she a friend of your marefriend?”
  12000. “Yep, one of her closest.”
  12001. >”Then you should do that. It is always a good idea to ask your mare's friends. They sometimes know better what she wants than herself.”
  12002. “True, true.”
  12003. >You two fall silent for a bit. But not in awkward way.
  12004. >From one of his pouches, he pulls out a small cloth wrapped something and starts to fiddle around with it.
  12005. >What's that? Looks too small to be one of his daggers. And why should it be wrapped up then?
  12006. >Kirron looks at it intently before he shifts his attention back to you.
  12007. >”Another thing.”
  12008. “Yeah?”
  12009. >”About Rarity. Could you maybe give something to her?”
  12010. >Huh?
  12011. “Your regards, or what?”
  12012. >Kirron chucklesnorts and shakes his head.
  12013. >”No, you idiot. A gift.”
  12014. >A gift? Now it starts to get interesting...
  12015. “Well, that was pretty rude... So I don't know.”
  12016. >”Just do it and say that I'm sorry.”
  12017. >You beam him a smile and nod.
  12018. “Of course I will do it. But why apologize? You didn't do that to the other mares you graced with your attention.”
  12019. >For the second time since you know him you see his cheeks burn up.
  12020. >He rubs the back of his head and averts your gaze.
  12021. >Oh... Oh my... Does someone have a crush on somepony?
  12022. >”Well...”
  12023. “Oh man, that mare really turned your head, didn't she?”
  12024. >”No, yes... I don't know. I mean... Did you look at her? She's gorgeous! How couldn't I fall for her?!”
  12025. “I'm not judging you mate. I was just a bit surprised that you would consider Rarity as the cute, little mare that looks forward to you coming home.”
  12026. >Your friend sighs and downs the contents of his mug.
  12027. >”I fucked that up, didn't I?”
  12028. “I wouldn't say that....”
  12029. >”Hmm? What do you mean?”
  12030. “Well you certainly didn't make the best first impression, but Rares isn't the resentful type.”
  12031. >”She isn't?”
  12032. >A glimmer of hope shimmers in his eyes.
  12033. “Nah, but she really dislikes rude brutes.”
  12034. >And it's gone just as fast as it appeared.
  12035. “But I tell you what.”
  12036. >”Yeah?”
  12037. “I will give Rarity your present and tell her you're are sorry about your comment about her “crisp buns”. And you work on your demeanour while your away. And the next time you are here in Ponyville, I will properly introduce you two to each other.”
  12038. >”Really now? You would do that?”
  12039. “Yep. That's the least I can do after you were so generous to me. I will even warm her up to you... Like telling her that you are not a bad guy and what not. But I will first have to see how I do th-”
  12040. >A giant smile spreads across his lips and he pounces forward, to trap you in a strong, manly hug.
  12041. “Omph...”
  12042. >”Thanks, friend!”
  12043. >God... Air... You need air!
  12044. “Y-You're welcome...” you mumble into his hairy, muscular chest.
  12045. >At least he showered or washed himself today... Otherwise this would be a very musky experience.
  12046. >Releasing you again from the breath-taking grasp of his arms, he thrusts the small item into your hands and returns to his seat again.
  12047. >You start to feel it up, but you can't make out what it could be. Feels thin and light, though...
  12048. “Can I take a look at it?”
  12049. >”Of course.”
  12050. “'Kay.”
  12051. >Carefully, you unwrap the bundle and whistle when you see what the cloth covered.
  12052. >A beautiful, silver curved comb. With Rarity's cutie mark in every detail engraved on it.
  12053. >Well, judging by the time he spent looking at her flank, it's no wonder he memorized it so well.
  12054. “Colour me impressed, Kirron. That really is something else.”
  12055. >He laughs.
  12056. >”Yeah, didn't think I could make something so filigree myself.”
  12057. “Did you make this today?”
  12058. >”Mhm. Nopony really bought something, and since I couldn't get Rarity out of my head I decided to use my time making this instead of sitting on my ass and slowly getting drunk.”
  12059. “Remarkable, considering it's you.”
  12060. >”Asking for an ass-whooping, eh?”
  12061. “Nah, not really. Thank you.”
  12062. >You wrap it up again and put it into your jackets other inside pocket.
  12064. >”So you will give this to her?”
  12065. “I already said I would, didn't I?”
  12066. >Your friend chuckles and waves you off.
  12067. >”Just double checking. Got any tips for me, maybe?”
  12068. “For hooking up with Rares, or what?”
  12069. >”What else?”
  12070. >Shrugging, you take a draught.
  12071. “She likes gentlecolts and is far less high-maintenance as she might look like. Behind her lady-like and high-class demeanour is a carefree and excitable mare that just wants to have a guy that treats her well and is nice. So remember that.”
  12072. >Well, that's at least the impression you got from her over your years here. Should be right, though.
  12073. >Rarity is really easy to handle once you get to know her better.
  12074. >Now you just hope that she is into interspecies relationships... Apart from her interest in participating in yours and Twilight's sex life.
  12075. >Which was rather surprising.
  12076. >”Thanks, friend. I will.”
  12077. “No problem, mate.”
  12078. >You take a look into your mug and find that it has gotten dangerously empty.
  12079. “How much beer do we still have, Kirron?”
  12080. >Your friend takes the barrel into his hands and shakes it.
  12081. >”About one mug in there and two more barrels in the pond. So we won't die of thirst, don't worry.”
  12082. >That are some good news, you must say.
  12083. >Chuckling, you hold your mug out to him.
  12084. “Then let's finish them and talk the night away! It's still young!”
  12085. >He smashes his mug against yours and hollers.
  12086. >”To us!
  12087. “To us!”
  12089. >Time flies by and you talk with your friend about all things important.
  12090. >Things like your shared hatred for mayor mare, where in Equestria one can buy the best booze and of course mares and what you like about them.
  12091. >You told him about your recent life and he told you about his.
  12092. >Naturally his tales were far more exciting, since they more often than not included some kind of fight with a stealing customer, bandits or one of Equestria's various predators.
  12093. >He even showed you a necklace he made of manticore and basilisk teeth, which he got blessed by a travelling minotaur shaman he met.
  12094. >On the other hand he greatly enjoyed your stories about your everyday life.
  12095. >About your work, what you did with your friends, your shenanigans with Spike and Scootaloo and of course your short time with Twi.
  12096. >Much to your surprise he wasn't all that interested in your sex life with her. Instead he mostly wanted to know what kind of mare she is, if she likes cuddling and what not.
  12097. >Heh, like you said before: He tends to get sentimental when he's drunk.
  12098. >This particular bit of conversation lead to some more talk and advice about Rarity, on which he even took some notes.
  12099. >You highly doubt he will be able to read them the next morning, but it's the effort that counts.
  12100. >The next time you see the white dressmaking mare, after your date has been planned of course, you will carefully start to introduce the minotaur into your talks with her.
  12101. >With some luck she will warm up to Kirron and maybe consider giving him a chance.
  12102. >About that comb though... You will have to see when it's the best time to give it to her.
  12103. >In the distance, you can faintly hear a bell chime twice.
  12104. >Huh? Two o'clock already?
  12105. >”W-What? Two o'clock alrea... already?”
  12106. “Heh, funny. I just thought the shame shing.”
  12107. >Kirron lets out a washed laugh and squints into his mug.
  12108. >”Well, friend. I think it's time for me to go to bed. I have to pack all my shit together tomorrow morning and then get going again.”
  12109. “Aww... Shat's a pity.”
  12110. >”I know, but I got an order to deliver.”
  12111. “To where?”
  12112. >You burp and finish of the rest of your mug's contents.
  12113. >Meh, it's warm and stale... Your drinking speed has steadily gotten slower as time passed. But still you managed to get more than nicely drunk.
  12114. >All according to your plan.
  12115. >Your plan to get a liver transplant by the age of forty.
  12116. >Heh.
  12117. >”Tirek's Crossing.”
  12118. “Where's shat?”
  12119. >He does a gesture that you cannot interpret right now, since you see more than one hand.
  12120. >”Somewhere near the Hayseed Swamps. So about two days worth of travel through the Everfree away.”
  12121. “Man, through the Everfree? Shat's fucking dangerous.”
  12122. >Kirron shrugs and throws his drinking vessel into his cart.
  12123. >”I'm not travelling alone. I'm joining a caravan that's delivering some cloud making shit from Las Pegasus to Baltimare.”
  12124. “Shey go shrough the Everfree too?”
  12125. >”Yah. It's the shortest route. Otherwise they would have to go around the mountain range.”
  12126. “Well, okay shen I suppose it's shave. Don't want to shee you hurt or dead.”
  12127. >Your friend chuckles and gets up to stash the empty barrels away.
  12128. >”Thanks for your concern friend.”
  12129. “You're welcome. Should I help you with shomeshing?”
  12130. >You grab your things and get up, nearly tumbling over your own feet while doing so.
  12131. “Whoa!”
  12132. >Luckily Kirron grabs you by an arm and brings you into a stable standing position.
  12133. >Well, you still sway from side to side but it will do.
  12134. “Heh, shanks mate.”
  12135. >”No problem. And no, thank you. I think you should just go home and get some sleep.”
  12136. “Shat would be probably for she best...”
  12137. >”Yah. Come 'ere”
  12138. >He embraces you into another manly hug that you happily return.
  12139. >”It was nice meeting you again, friend.”
  12140. “She pleasure wash mine. When will you be in Ponyville again?”
  12141. >Patting you on the back, he breaks the hug and scratches his chin.
  12142. >”Dunno... Lemme think.”
  12143. “'Kay.”
  12144. >”Tirek's... those jerkwater towns in the swamps and the borders of the badlands... Appleloosa and Dodge City... Three to four months?”
  12145. >Hey that's shorter than usual. How nice!
  12146. >You beam him a smile and bop his chest.
  12147. “Wonderful! I'm looking forward to it.”
  12148. >Kirron bops you back and you barely manage not to harshly meet the ground.
  12149. >”Me too. Farewell, Anon.”
  12150. “Farewell, Kirron. Until next time.”
  12151. >Exchanging a last hug and a handshake, you begin to stumble your way back to Ponyville.
  12152. >Which is easier said than done, since this field hasn't gotten any better since you last walked through it a few hours ago.
  12153. >Also without the life giving heat of the camp fire, it's fucking cold outside. So you close your jacked and check it's contents while you're at it.
  12154. >Yep... Everything where it should be.
  12155. >Money and comb in the inside pockets and the ham in securely stuffed in one of your outside pockets.
  12156. >Perfect!
  12157. >Aww, no. Not perfect... You forgot your book.
  12158. >Eh... Kirron can have it for a while longer. Maybe he will find something else to forge.
  12159. >So it's chill.
  12160. >You take a last look on his camp, which is now nothing more than a shimmer of light in the darkness.
  12161. >Ah, yes. You certainly needed that.
  12162. >Stretching your tired limbs and inhaling the crisp night air, you get going again.
  12163. >Now just don't break your legs and everything will be fine.
  12165. >Wonderful...
  12166. >Somehow you made it through the field without twisting your ankle and only minimal damage to your pants.
  12167. >Part one of operation “Get your drunk ass home” is complete. Nice.
  12168. >Rarity will scream bloody murder at you for ripping one of your better pair of pants once you show them to her, but whatever.
  12169. >You will just buy her a package of her favourite tea and you should be able to soothe the dress horses wrath.
  12170. >'Kay now that this is out of the way... Where are you now?
  12171. >Either someone removed Kirron's improved sign post or you move waveringly from side to side more than you think.
  12172. >Probably the latter, judging by the number of your fingers. Which is currently somewhere around twenty.
  12173. >Hmm...
  12174. >Maybe you recognise one of the shops here?
  12175. >You walk to the very first shop that happens to lie on your erratic course and read it's sign.
  12176. >Oh, looky there what you have just found.
  12177. “ Fräulein Aryanne's pesticides. Poison, gas and more!”
  12178. >Seems like you have found that strange white mare's shop, from which she probably plans her next blitzkrieg.
  12179. >That's nice... But you can't actually tell how you can get home from here...
  12180. >However she sells a rather nice looking flamethrower that was enchanted so it only removes tares.
  12181. “Remove all those pesky undesirables from your soil! For only two hundred and fifty bucks!”
  12182. >Heh, okay.
  12183. >She certainly plans a blitzkrieg. A blitzkrieg on her customer's wallets.
  12184. >But that didn't help to calculate your position in the slightest.
  12185. >You step back from the shop window and start look around.
  12186. “Meh.”
  12187. >Nothing looks familiar... Shit.
  12188. >You sigh and ponder about your options.
  12189. >Not all too many... Sleep on the ground or try your luck finding your way home.
  12190. >And the ground looks really uncomfortable...
  12191. >Well, might as well walk randomly into town then and see where it leads you.
  12192. >Some fresh air would be good for you anyhow. Maybe it will even help to prevent a hangover.
  12193. >Which you highly doubt, but it's worth a try.
  12194. >So you turn into a side street and begin your walk home.
  12195. >The streets are unsurprisingly empty. Most ponies are in their warm beds already. Either alone or with someone they love or have picked up in some bar.
  12196. >You could go to Twilight's and see if she is still up and about. Then you might have not to sleep all alone.
  12197. >Now that you know what it feels like to wake up with a soft pony in your arms, you really don't want miss out on this any more...
  12198. >But she is probably in dreamland already, trying hard not to get eaten by Kirby. So better not...
  12199. >And even if not, that would mean she is still experimenting and you would just distract her from that.
  12200. >You are drunk as a fiddler's bitch, but still can see that this wouldn't be a good idea.
  12201. >So your bed it is then. As lonely, cold and unmade as it might be.
  12202. >Also you fucking forgot to clean Rainbow's puddle up from your carpet.
  12203. “God damn it... It probably shtinks like a cat's brothel in shere now...”
  12204. >Well, usually you are pretty productive while drunk, so chances are high that you might find the energy to clean it up when you come home.
  12205. >Something to eat would be nice too... Maybe a ham sandwich, with some lettuce and mustard.
  12206. >Yeah... Fatty, delicious meat between two slices of brea-
  12207. >”Mmhh” * slurp* “hmmah”
  12208. >Huh? What was that?
  12209. >You stop dead in your tracks.
  12210. >* slurp * “Hmmhhh”
  12211. >Some strange seem to come out of this alleyway right ahead of you.
  12212. >”Y-Yeah, right there honey bun... Hnngach! That's the spot.”
  12213. >Oh my... Sounds like someone is getting some oral attention in public. How naughty.
  12214. >It would be rude to interrupt this, but you really can't be asked to turn back right now and find another way.
  12215. >So they will have to swallow the bitter pill, ignore the strange alien that passes by them and then continue with their fun.
  12216. >Heh. Swallow. Someone is going to swallow something, that's for sure.
  12217. >Also it might be fun to see who hooked up together... Perhaps you know the two ones.
  12218. >Just don't look like a pervert and act naturally and preferably surprised...
  12219. >Okay. Here goes nothing.
  12220. >You take a deep breath and stumble towards the alleyway. Eyes looking forward, but your gaze fixated on it's entrance.
  12221. >God, this feels so wrong... Maybe you shouldn't do this and find another way around?
  12222. >...
  12223. >Nah, the curiosity is killing you.
  12224. >And as you finally pass by the alleyway and take a quick glimpse into it, you come yet to another halt out of sheer surprise what, or who to be exact, you see in this very moment.
  12225. >Mr. Cake leaning against against a wall with his front hooves on his wife's head while she has her husband's engorged pony penis in her mouth.
  12226. >”Soon... Ahh... sweet cakes...”
  12227. >Who is happily bobbing up and down it. Her tail wildly swaying from side to side like a straw in the wind.
  12228. >Spreading the musky aura of her arousal through the narrow ginnel.
  12229. >Man, you know that those two must have sex together. They are married after all... But, straight out exhibitionism. That totally does not compute with the idea you have, or had, of them.
  12230. >Why does this bother you so much?
  12231. >Not being able to move, you can do nothing else than watch as Mrs. Cake sucks her mate off.
  12232. >Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take very long for Mr. Cake to notice you.
  12233. >Staring at the peeper in total disbelief, his mouth opens wide but no sounds come out of it.
  12234. >For quite some time you two just gape at each other. Neither of you capable of saying a single word.
  12235. >Your gaze wanders down to Mrs. Cake and her admirations to Mr. Cake's cock every so often.
  12236. >Yeah... You have to admit she's really good at it. Working on his member like it's a big lollipop and especially focusing on it's gradually flaring tip.
  12237. >Which means he really is close...
  12238. >Confused why her husband doesn't make noises any more, she first looks up to him and after seeing where his attention is currently focused at, to you.
  12239. >And her reaction is totally unlike Mr. Cake's.
  12240. >Instead of being shocked or at least surprised, she just giggles, turns her plump rump towards you and lifts her tail.
  12241. >Exposing her glistening marehood to you and clearly inviting you to join the fun.
  12242. >She even shoots you a wink. Both kinds... The one you do with an eye and the one that pushes something slick out of her and down to the ground.
  12243. >Mr. Cake at first doesn't look all too sure about this, but eventually beams you a smile and nods.
  12244. >”T-There's enough cake for both of... Mmmach... of us.”
  12246. “Uhm...”
  12247. >The right course of action is so fucking obvious... Just walk away and pretend like this never happened. You have a marefriend now for god's sake!
  12248. >And cheating on her is not exactly something you have planned for the near future... Or ever.
  12249. >But why are you rooted to the spot then?
  12250. >Mrs. Cake lets her husband's member slide out of her mouth, gives it's pulsating tip a quick kiss and then look at you.
  12251. >The stallion's face takes a crestfallen look.
  12252. >”Oh, honey... I was so close.”
  12253. >She giggles and affectionately nuzzles his cock. Eliciting a thick stream of precum out of it, which she greedily laps up.
  12254. >Fuck, that's hot...
  12255. >Her stubby muzzle all smeared and soiled by his clear, but creamy lubrication.
  12256. >Slowly but surely, your body is convinced to divert some blood to somewhere it can have more fun.
  12257. >But luckily the alcohol in it, prevents it from actually finding that particular fun-promising place.
  12258. >”Shush now. It would be rude to finish before our friend here has even started, wouldn't it?”
  12259. >”You're right, sugar pie.” he states and rubs her cheek.
  12260. >The plump mare shifts her attention back to you and shoots you a seductive grin.
  12261. >”You know... We just waited for somepony like you...”
  12262. >What now?
  12263. “Y-You did?” you stammer and take a step back.
  12264. >”Mhm... Some perverted stallion who hears us and decides to investigate... Hoping to maybe join the fun.”
  12265. >So getting caught was part of their plan?
  12266. >That is some advanced lewdness, which you never though they were capable of.
  12267. >”And you are in luck...”
  12268. >”Yep! My honey bun here, is very picky!” Mr. Cake chimes in.
  12269. >Is she now...
  12270. >”I don't let any stallion who comes along to mount my voluptuous hills~ But you...”
  12271. >She shakes her hindquarters fiercely, sending a few drop of her nectar right at you. Which you barely manage to dodge.
  12272. >Phew... Not that Twilight gets any wrong ideas...
  12273. >”You are somepony I was long interested in... Other species are so rare here in Ponyville, a mare hardly has the chance to get any fun with them~”
  12274. >Mrs. Cake let's out a long, quiet moan.
  12275. >”I wonder how long you can last before you shoot your virile ape cum deep inside my tight pony pussy~”
  12276. >Ape? Now that's just rude.
  12277. >But her dirty talking is almost as good as Twilight's... It slowly helps you to overcome your alcohol induced impotence
  12278. >Not that you want to, but you can't help it!
  12279. >You take another step back and prepare yourself for a potential sudden flight.
  12280. >They look quite drunk and willing to take what they desire. Especially Mrs. Cake...
  12281. >Her expression is nothing less than creepy in this very moment.
  12282. “Shorry to dishappoint you, but...”
  12283. >”Aww come on now, Anon. Don't you want to bury yourself between her flanks? She will milk you dry.”
  12284. >”Uhu~ As often as you want, darling.”
  12285. >Another time she winks at you, parting the lips of her marehood with her pink pearl.
  12286. >”And it's not like you have a marefriend right now. Some relief will do you good...”
  12287. >”Yeah... You are always so tense when we see you... So relief yourself, Anon. Inside me~” she coos.
  12288. >Mr. Cake laughs and directs his wife's head back to his cock again.
  12289. >She starts to sensually lick up and down on it in tight circles. Each completed lap making it twitch and leak more of his pre.
  12290. >”Or do you want her mouth? She's very talented with it... And so hungry. She will happily accept everything you offer to her.”
  12291. >He moans and begins to rhythmically thrust his penis between Mrs. Cake's lips.
  12292. >”It's my favourite.”
  12293. >Good to know...
  12294. >But now this is getting seriously awkward... Mr. Cake is far too eager to see his wife ploughed by another male.
  12295. >Mrs. Cake dislodges herself from her husband's dick and uses her front legs to push him down into a sitting position, before impaling her mouth on it again and raising her flanks high up into the air .
  12296. >Her tail is splayed out across her back to give you full access to all of her more than ready looking goods.
  12297. >The stallion moans and presses her head further down on his flesh log.
  12298. >”Oh honey bun... So forward.”
  12299. >Nope. Better get out of here before the alcohol in your system assumes complete control and you do something you might... No, will regret.
  12300. >You avert your eyes from her ever faster winking vagina and start to turn yourself around on the spot.
  12301. >God... You will need a good wank once you are back home.
  12302. >”Are you sure, Anon? You will not regret it, believe me. Like she said, you can even cum inside.”
  12303. “Yah...”
  12304. >He shrugs and forces Mrs. Cake's throat to engulf his cock's base.
  12305. >”Have it your way then. We will have our fun, won't we sugar cakes?”
  12306. >She moans and furiously nods, making her husband shiver with every movement of her head.
  12307. >And with that heard, you leave the alleyway behind you and the couple to whatever this night might bring them.
  12308. >Maybe they will find another lucky stallion who is willing to mount Mrs. Cake and relief himself into her.
  12309. >But this stallion won't be you.
  12310. >Even if you had some fantasies about conquering the mountains of flesh that are her enormous, plush flanks.
  12311. >What can you say? You like flanks and rumps and everything that is around them.
  12312. >You hasten your steps to bring as much distance as possible between you and the two exhibitionist ponies as soon as possible.
  12313. >Soon you have exited the side street, the moans of Mr. Cake nothing more than a muffled echo in the distance now, and find yourself on one of Ponyville's high gates.
  12314. >The Downtown Loop-de-Hoop, to be exact. A street that pretty much encircles the mid-town of the village.
  12315. >And by the looks of it, you are somewhere near the Diamond Exchange. Which means your home is only a good half hour away westwards from here.
  12316. >Roughly in the direction of Rarity's boutique.
  12317. “Phew...”
  12318. >That was certainly something...
  12319. >Never would you have thought that the Cakes would be into such things.
  12320. >And that Mrs. Cake would be interested in you.
  12321. >Or that she is into interspecies stuff at all.
  12322. >God...
  12323. >Do they do this on a regular basis?
  12324. >Is this why their kids are not earth ponies like them?
  12325. >...
  12326. >No, that doesn't make sense. They are twins.
  12327. >Better not think to deep into it. Probably that’s just their kink.
  12328. >To each his own, you guess.
  12329. >You take a deep breath, stretch your back to get some of the tension out of it and begin your way home.
  12330. >Now that you know where to go it should be easy enough, shouldn't it?
  12332. >Well... You never have been more wrong.
  12333. >The wide empty street just offers your drunken body more space to sway from side to side.
  12334. >Walking in a straight line? A near impossible feat.
  12335. >You wish, you were in a narrow side street again... At least there you were able to keep a somewhat reasonable course.
  12336. “God dammit...”
  12337. >And no bench within sight... Apparently they tempt ponies to linger around and clog up the main streets.
  12338. >Fucking Mayor Mare.
  12339. >Like this street could ever be clogged up... Just look at it!
  12340. >It's at least one... two... three... four... Four ponies lengths wide! If not five!
  12341. >Meh... And now you have to piss too.
  12342. >Beer always runs through you like water through sand.
  12343. >But Ponyville doesn't have public toilets either! They cost too much to clean and maintain.
  12344. >And emptying your bladder on one of the nearby houses or trees is totally out of question.
  12345. >If a guard sees you, your big bag is instantly seventy five bits lighter.
  12346. >Well, you could afford that now... But you would rather safe the money for Twi's date.
  12347. >And maybe a new couch. The one you have, you bought from a neighbour that moved away, so it was already pretty worn out.
  12348. >Also you suspect, that sitting was not the only thing your neighbours have done on it... Some of its stains look dodgy, to say at least.
  12349. >But you always keep them covered with a sheet, so no part of your or your friends bodies ever had to touch them.
  12350. >So it's chill, you guess.
  12351. >You pass Greasy Pan's Breakfast Paradise and take a loot into it's windows.
  12352. >Man, what would you give for one of his breakfast burritos... Onions, black beans, tomatoes, cheese and eggs; All fried to perfection, then wrapped in a crispy tortilla and served with a nice dab of guacamole.
  12353. >Sadly, it's obviously closed at this late hour. It's a breakfast place after all.
  12354. >Breaking yourself away from the mouthwatering and hunger inducing pictures on the take-out window, you get going again.
  12355. >Your walking situation has not gotten better since you last have checked, but now you have at least somewhat adjusted to it.
  12356. >Only bumping against something or nearly tripping over your own feet now every every dozen steps or so.
  12357. >Which is a large improvement, you must say.
  12358. >From nothing, to be honest... But hey. It counts.
  12359. >You take notice of a few new stores that look interesting and try to memorise their names.
  12360. >Like this liquor store named “High Spirit's strong spirits”, for example.
  12361. >Alternative places to buy booze is always good.
  12362. >It has been a while since you took a stroll through the Loop-de-Hoop. Normally you have no reason to take this route.
  12363. >Your workplace lies on the outskirts of the town and even if the market place lies directly on it, you always preferred to use the quieter and less busy parallel streets to get to it.
  12364. >It's comfier this way and less ponies look funny at you for not walking around stark naked like them. Or whatever other reason they have to gaze at you.
  12365. >You are nearing the bridge that crosses “Harmony”, a river that flows through eastern Ponyville and decide to rest on it for a bit.
  12366. >Leaning over the railing, you look into the gently flowing waters below you.
  12367. >The night sky is reflected on its surface and you can even make out a few small fishes that calmly float in the soft current.
  12368. >Heh, they remind you of your first few weeks here.
  12369. >You thought it would be a good idea to broaden your diet by catching a fish or two and built yourself an improvised fishing rod out of a hazelnut shrub, some thread and a piece of metal that you bent into a a crude hook.
  12370. >Unsurprisingly, the locals weren't too happy about that and called the guards on you.
  12371. >Who promptly gave you a thirty bits fine for illegal fishing.
  12372. >And that nearly got you into jail too, since you were poor as dirt back then.
  12373. >But luckily, Twilight was nearby and paid the fine for you.
  12374. >She even insisted that they should cut you some slack because you were totally new to the Equestrian society and didn't know how things work here yet.
  12375. >They just told her to calm down and walked away.
  12376. “Hmm...”
  12377. >You never properly thanked her for that.
  12378. >Throwing a small pebble into the stream, you watch it sink before dislodging yourself from the railing and continuing your way home.
  12379. >But you can do that now... With the date you promised her.
  12380. >And with a little help of Rarity and since most of them already know, the rest of her friends it should be nothing more than perfect.
  12381. >Only Applejack is still in the dark about your relationship with the purple librarian, but you will just tell her tomorrow.
  12382. >And ask her if you can use this one hill that overlooks all of Ponyville for that particular evening.
  12383. >It would be the perfect location for the date's finale. A nice, nightly picnic with some wine, candles and a blanket to cuddle up under, while you two watch the stars together,
  12384. >Overly cheesy and romantic. Just how you like it, and hopefully Twilight too.
  12385. >Eh, she will love it. No need to worry about that.
  12386. >You reach one of the Loop's many crossings and if you are not completely mistaken, you have to turn left now.
  12387. >Yeah... That thing in the distance could be Rarity's boutique.
  12388. >So left it is.
  12389. >What you do before that, you don't exactly know yet though.
  12390. >A dinner at her favourite restaurant, that's for sure. And...
  12391. >Hmm...
  12392. >Back at Kirron's camp, you had a few ideas floating around in your head. But they seem to be all gone now.
  12393. “Fuck.”
  12394. >Stupid alcohol. Damned be your brain capacity reducing powers.
  12395. >Perhaps you remember them tomorrow morning.
  12396. >You shrug and check the contents of your pockets another time. Not that you lost anything in your staggering.
  12397. >Comb... Money... Illegal chunk of a dead animal... No, everything is still there.
  12398. >Phew... That would have been a serious inconvenience now.
  12399. >Retracing all your steps and looking for small things on the ground with only Luna's full moon to help you see.
  12400. >”Yo Anon!”
  12401. >Huh? Did someone say your name?
  12402. >”What's up?”
  12403. >You frantically start to look around, but see no one.
  12404. >Where is it coming from? Are ghosts following you? Are you possessed?
  12405. >”Up here, you dimwit.”
  12406. >Dimwit? Now that’s just rude.
  12407. >Nevertheless, you look up. Mostly for the reason to tell the pony that insulted you a bit of your mind.
  12408. >Oh.
  12409. “Rainbow?”
  12410. >”The one and only!”
  12412. >Rainbow laughs and slowly glides down from the cloudy night sky and stops her descent right before your face. Keeping her altitude with steady flaps of her wings.
  12413. >Man... The way pegasi fly looks so cool. How did you never notice that?
  12414. >”Hey, Anon! What's up, bro?”
  12415. “Hey, Rainbow... Nothing exciting... Jusht trying to get home, yanno?”
  12416. >She giggles and watches widely smiling as your feet dance on the spot, in an attempt to maintain your current position.
  12417. >Which must amuse her greatly, judging by the sounds she makes.
  12418. >”I can certainly see that... Say...”
  12419. “Hmm?”
  12420. >”Wanna rest on that fountain over there and talk for a bit?” she asks and points at the fountain in question.
  12421. >Its the Dew Drop memorial fountain. An unicorn mare from Ponyville who apparently invented some kind of revolutionary healing potion.
  12422. >The neat thing about the fountain, is not the beautiful effigy on it but the water that comes out of this statue.
  12423. >It's pale red and smells faintly of roses. Just like the potion she once created.
  12424. >That's at least what the plate on it says.
  12425. >Also it means that you are on the right way, since you recognise it.
  12426. >So why not.
  12427. >Your feet could do with a little recovery from all this walking and stumbling over them. Especially the latter took a heavy toll on them.
  12428. >You nod and the sky blue mare beckons you to follow her.
  12429. >...
  12430. >With her flanks never leaving your field of vision while you walk behind Rainbow.
  12431. >Which are nice, by all means. But must she sway them from side to side so wildly? It looks kinda goofy...
  12432. >”Stupid flies!”
  12433. >Her tail whips at something, exposing her marehood and taint.
  12434. >Dark blue!
  12435. >You quickly avert your eyes from your friend's goods and hear her grunt.
  12436. >It sounded... Disappointed?
  12437. >Arriving at the fountain, you take a seat on it's edge, stretch your aching legs and lean back.
  12438. >The subtle smell of roses and the quiet bickering of the flowing waters invade your mind and help you clearing the alcoholic mists that daze it.
  12439. >You always liked this place. But sadly its almost always full of ponies by day, and so you were never able to fully enjoy it.
  12440. >Too many overlapping voices and impressions.
  12441. >But now... It's perfect.
  12442. >Just you, the calm night, a good friend and the purling, rosy aquae.
  12443. >Rainbow floats down next to you and takes a deep breath.
  12444. >”Ah... Nice.”
  12445. “Shure ish.”
  12446. >Giggling, she fidgets about until she is satisfied with how her plot sits on the cool, marmoreal rim.
  12447. >Which honestly should take this much time... Her flanks aren't exactly big or plush.
  12448. >Not that you ever stared at them for a prolonged time... And certainly not earlier, when she flew in front of you.
  12449. >God, that Cake incident really threw you off course more than you would like to admit.
  12450. >Do you still have those playcolt magazines at home? You sure do hope so...
  12451. >Last month's issue had Fleur de Lis as the cover filly.
  12452. >She doesn't have much of an ass, just like your friend here, but she has legs for days and lingerie that emphasizes them very well.
  12453. >Also the sultry look and the bedroom eyes she gives the reader in every photo... Unf...
  12454. >It should lie around somewhere under your bed, you think.
  12455. >“So, why are you up and about this late?”
  12456. >Her voice snaps you back to reality.
  12457. >Hopefully she doesn't see the boner you gave yourself right now...
  12458. “Uhh... Kirron ish in town for the night. Sho I met up with him and had a few drinksh.”
  12459. >”A few drinks, eh?”
  12460. >She nudges you and scoots a bit closer.
  12461. >”A few too many?”
  12462. >You chuckle and brush her forelimb away.
  12463. “Yeah, maybe. But yunno... I could ashk you the shame.”
  12464. >Rainbow shrugs.
  12465. >”Eh, I couldn't sleep and decided to fly around a bit to clear my mind. Usually helps; But this time... Not so much.”
  12466. >Huh?
  12467. >Rainbow Dash, Ponyville's best napper and greatest defender of a healthy distribution between hours spent awake and hours spent asleep, has trouble finding sleep?
  12468. >That's highly suspicious and unusual.
  12469. >And did her ears just droop for a second there?
  12470. >Does she still feel bad about yesterday?
  12471. >Hmm... The day before yesterday would be more precise.
  12472. >But that's not the point.
  12473. “Shomething on your mind, Rainbow?”
  12474. >She flinches and starts to to nervously tap the rim with her hooves.
  12475. >”Uhm... No, not really.”
  12476. >Yeah... Something is bothering her.
  12477. “Come on, Rainbow.”
  12478. >You reach back to boop her, but she shields herself with a wing.
  12479. >”Stop that! I told you that I hate this.”
  12480. “Pfft... You don't and you know shis. But I can tell shat shomeshing ish eating you up.”
  12481. >Grumbling, she lowers her wing again and looks at you with sad eyes.
  12482. >”Are you mad at me?”
  12483. >Called it.
  12484. “No, Rainbow. I'm not.”
  12485. >”But why? What I did was so horrible!”
  12486. “You apologized, didn't ya?”
  12487. >”Yeah... But still... How can you just forgive me and pretend that nothing ever happened?”
  12488. >Chuckling, you throw an arm over the mare and pull her close to you.
  12489. >She looks surprised and a bit flabbergasted at first, but quickly gives in and accepts your embrace.
  12490. “I don't.”
  12491. >”W-What now?”
  12492. “Don't get me wrong, what you did wash shocking and shomewhat desthr... deshtro...”
  12493. >”Destroyed.”
  12494. “Shanks. Destroyed my trusht in you, but I shee no reason not to forgive you. Just like Twi, I cannot shtand to shee any of my friendsh shad. We have shat in common.”
  12495. >You rub her side and feel one of her wings splay across your back.
  12496. >Strange... But you let it happen.
  12497. “And if I would shtay mad at you, what would I have achieved? A sad Dash!”
  12498. >A small smile appears on her face and she lets out a content sounding sigh.
  12499. >”So we can still be friends?”
  12500. “Of courshe.”
  12501. >The wing on your back increases it's pressure on it and begins to idly move up and down.
  12502. >Ever so slightly, you feel the coarse tip of her tail brush over the lower parts of your back that are not covered by your jacket and shirt.
  12503. >She's awfully touchy-feely today... How unusual for her.
  12504. >But maybe that is just what she needs right now. Who are you to deny her that?
  12505. >”You just were so angry yesterday in my cell and didn't really say anything about that when you left.. So I was a bit worried...”
  12506. >She's right... You just kinda told her that she has to confess to Twi and left without ever actually talking about how your relationship with her stands now.
  12507. >Your emotions were still seething like a boiling cauldron back then.
  12508. “I'm shorry, Rainbow. I should have been more clear on shat.”
  12509. >”Ah, don't be. I deserved it and am just glad that this is over now.”
  12510. >Rainbow snickers and shoots you a wink.
  12511. >”Next time, I will try to be sneakier and clean up after myself!”
  12512. >This time she cannot defend herself from your boop and helplessly has to watch your finger as it rapidly draws closer.
  12513. >The moment it makes contact with her muzzle, it scrunches up and an annoyed grunt escapes from it.
  12514. “Boop!”.
  12515. >She shakes your hand off and sticks her tongue out.
  12516. >”Meh. It was just a joke!”
  12517. “Merely pretending, eh?”
  12518. >”Exactly! I learned my lesson. And now stop it please! It makes my muzzle feel all funny.”
  12519. >Pouting, she rubs her nose and shoots you several angry glares. But ever so often, you can see the corners of her mouth go up.
  12520. >This only further proves your theory that ponies secretly like being booped. Their aversion against it is only played and nothing more than a masquerade.
  12521. >One day they will come around and all the ponies will look up to you. Begging for your boops.
  12522. >And you will look down and whisper: “No.”
  12523. >Heh.
  12524. >You chuckle and pat Rainbow's side, before retrieving your arm.
  12525. >She's a bit damp from her flight and you don't want to get your hands all sticky with her sweat.
  12526. >It has quite a strong scent too, but not unpleasantly so.
  12527. >Reminds you a lot of a farmstead back on earth. Salt, hay and earth.
  12528. “Sho, everyshings good now?”
  12529. >Rainbow beams you a wide smile and nods.
  12530. >”Yeah! I'm feeling a lot better now. Thanks, bro.”
  12531. >She looks a lot more relaxed now and all the sadness from her eyes has gone too. Good.
  12532. >You return her smile and ruffle her mane.
  12533. >That wasn't the best idea you ever had... All the sweat in it is now spread evenly all over your poor appendage in all it's wet and sticky glory.
  12534. >Eww...
  12535. >Chuckling, you quickly dip it into the fountains waters and bop her shoulder.
  12536. “Don't menshion it. But shpeaking of cleaning after yourshelf...”
  12537. >Her cheeks puff out and a slight blush creeps on them.
  12538. >”Ehehehe... Well.”
  12539. >Your friend clops her front hooves together and looks at you with a crooked smile
  12540. >”How severe is the damage? I don't have to buy you a new carpet now, do I?”
  12541. “Nah. Letsh just shay you are a meshy one, but I shink my carpet will shurvive shis.”
  12542. >Not as messy as Twi though, but she doesn't have to know that.
  12543. >”Well... You see... When mares get excited, they tend to...”
  12544. “I know how shis works, Dash... But don't worry, it hash seen worshe.”
  12545. >”Heh. Okay then.”
  12546. >Like the bowl of vegetable chilli that you wanted to eat in your bed for some dumb reason and just ended up in front of your bathroom door.
  12547. >It will always be remembered... Especially the chillies that are so fucking expensive here.
  12548. >Thanks Mayor Mare and your unreasonable taxes on imported spices.
  12549. >Rainbow sighs and pats your back, before retrieving her wing from it.
  12550. >”Thank Celestia... A new one would have ripped a huge hole in my bank account.”
  12551. “Money'sh tight again, huh?”
  12552. >”Uhu...”
  12553. >Her head droops and she sighs another time. This one sounds a lot sadder though.
  12554. >She's the head of the weather patrol, but it seems like they don't pay as much for this position as one might expect they would do.
  12555. >And being an “Element of Harmony” is not something she gets paid for either.
  12556. >It's more like a honorary title and destiny thing.
  12557. >”But don't worry. You will get the money for the... Uhm... Incident... As soon as I have it!”
  12558. >Reaching one hoof out to you, she waits patiently for you to take it into your hand and shake it.
  12559. >”Promise”
  12560. >Instead of doing so, you give her slim form a quick look over.
  12561. >Slim and lean... Yeah. As long as you know her, she was always like that.
  12562. >But now lean is not the right word to describe her any more.... Skinny would be more exact.
  12563. >Not dangerously though... She still got muscle and you cannot count her ribs or something similar, but a bit more fat under her skin would suit and do her well.
  12564. >And seventy five bits is a huge sum for anyone who isn't noble or owns a huge business.
  12565. >So you push her hoof down and shake your head.
  12566. “Nah, itsh okay.”
  12567. >Her face takes a surprised look.
  12568. >”W-What?”
  12569. “Dash, I know what you earn. You don't have to pay me back.”
  12570. >Which quickly changes into an angry one.
  12571. >”But I want to and will do so! I am not willing to accept alms! Not from anypony and especially not from my friends!”
  12572. “Rainbow...”
  12573. >She backs up and points at you with a shaking hoof. Her wings spread out wide and the fur of her neck puffs up.
  12574. >”I don't NEED your money! And I WILL pay you back! Even if this means that I need to skip a gym day or two!”
  12575. >Meaning: Skip a meal or two... She would never miss out on gym day.
  12576. >“Did you bucking understand me?!”
  12577. >A bit flabbergasted, you look at her and ponder your options.
  12578. >You could try to convince her to take your money, but this is probably a lost cause.
  12579. >She is too proud to do that.
  12580. >And you can understand why. You wouldn't want this either and had a hard time accepting Kirron's gift.
  12581. >So the better course of action is to just give in and let grass grow over it.
  12582. >With a bit of luck she will forget about her debt.
  12583. “Y-yeah... I'm shorry, Rainbow. I didn't mean it like shat.”
  12584. >Taking a deep breath, she slowly calms down and draws closer to you again.
  12585. >”It's alright... That's just a soft spot for me, 'kay? Sorry for lashing out on you.”
  12586. “All forgotten. I jusht wanted to help you out, yunno?”
  12587. >”Yeah... But I don't need your money. I can take care for myself, despite what my...”
  12588. >Rainbow averts her eyes from you and stares to the ground. Beginning to tremble and fighting hard to hold her tears back.
  12589. >”Despite what my...”
  12590. >A tear rolls down her cheek and hits the ground.
  12591. >You exactly know how she wanted to end her sentence.
  12592. >Despite what my father said.
  12593. “C'mere.”
  12594. >You pull the shivering mare into a hug and start to slowly rub her back. Whispering slurred, reassuring words into her ear.
  12595. >”I hate him.”
  12596. “I know.”
  12597. >She never got into full detail about the relationship she had with her father. But from what she told you, you were able to build yourself your own opinion of him.
  12598. >Someone who was proud of his daughter and accepted her as long as she did well in flight school and had the opportunity to join the Cloudsdale's Finest just like him.
  12599. >Some elite flyer squad, like the Wonderbolts. Only more military focused and thus part of the Equestrian Army.
  12600. >But as soon as Dash dropped out of flight school, she was dead to him.
  12601. >And the rest is history.
  12602. >Rainbow moved to Ponyville and continued to live her life without him to the best of her abilities.
  12603. >Which worked out well for her until now. But sometimes her past catches up with her.
  12604. >Just like now.
  12605. >You hold her and scratch right between her withers while she weeps into your chest.
  12606. >It's her favourite spot to be pet, not that she would ever admit that; But you know.
  12607. >After a while spent petting and calming her, she wipes her face clean and looks up to you.
  12608. “Feeling better now?”
  12609. >She smiles meekly and nods.
  12610. >”Yeah... Thanks, Anon. You're the best.”
  12611. “You're welcome, Dash. Like I shaid: I can't shtand seeing my friendsh shad.” you say, chuckling.
  12612. >Rainbow giggles and wiggles herself out of your embrace.
  12613. >”Got a little bit sappy there, huh?”
  12614. “Maybe. But I'm not going to tell anypony. Sho don' worry.”
  12615. >”You better don't. Or else I will tell anypony what your preferences in porn are.”
  12616. >You snort and wave her off.
  12617. “Shats no big secret. I like flanksh and long legsh.”
  12618. >”And my flank is not good enough, eh....” she mumbles, barely understandable.
  12619. “What?”
  12620. >Did she just say something about her flank and it being not good enough for you?
  12621. >Nah, can't be... You must have misheard that.
  12622. >”Nothing. By the way, what are those things in your pockets?”
  12623. >You raise an eyebrow and shoot her an inquisitive look.
  12624. “Did you feel me up for valuablesh?”
  12625. >”Of course not. But they smell funny. Especially...”
  12626. >She pokes your jacket's left pocket.
  12627. >”This thing in there. Almost smells... like blood.”
  12628. >Uh-oh...
  12629. “Well... Itsh a gift from Kirron.”
  12630. >”Really? What is it? Can I see it?”
  12631. “If you promish not to tell anypony...”
  12632. >Her face lights up and she claps her hooves together.
  12633. >”I won't! Why? Is it something...”
  12634. >Rainbow moves her head closer to yours and whispers:
  12635. >”Something illegal?”
  12636. “Kinda...”
  12637. >The smile on her lips grows even wider and it looks like she is barely able to contain her excitement.
  12638. >”Uh! Is it crownroot? It doesn't smell like I remember it, but I still have an old pipe at home from my youth. I could get it an-.”
  12639. >You cover her mouth with a hand.
  12640. “No. itsh not crownroot.”
  12641. >She licks your hand and makes you retrieve it this way.
  12642. “Eww!”
  12643. >”That's what you get for silencing the Dash!”
  12644. “Yeah, yeah.”
  12645. >”So what is it? Show me!”
  12646. “You aren't gonna tell shomeone?”
  12647. >Rainbow snorts and shakes her head.
  12648. >”I would never rat you out. You should know this by now.”
  12649. “Until reshently, I also thought you would never shpie on me.”
  12650. >The blush on her face returns and she hides it by looking to the side.
  12651. >”That's a thing of the past now, isn't it?”
  12652. >You laugh and pat her back.
  12653. “It ish.”
  12654. >G-Great. So can I see it now?”
  12655. “Yep. But promish me firsht not to freak out.”
  12656. >A bit confused at first she looks at you, but eventually smiles and nods.
  12657. >Fiddling with your pocket, mostly due to the fact how snug the bundle sits in it, you finally manage to get it out of there and start to unwrap it before eyes.
  12658. >Which go very wide, once they see what is under all that cloth.
  12659. >”Is this?”
  12660. “Mhm. Ham.”
  12661. >”Ham? I thought this was meat?”
  12662. >Your palm meets your forehead with a satisfying smack.
  12663. “Ham ish meat, Rainbow.”
  12664. >She lets out an embarrassed giggle and rubs the back of her head.
  12665. >”The more you know, heh?”
  12666. “I guessh...”
  12667. >”So, its ham? What is ham exactly?”
  12668. “Ham is bashically the hind leg or shigh of a pig. And shis particular one ish dry-cured.”
  12669. >”A pig?! Like Mr. Bigglesworth on AJ's farm?” she asks you with a shaky voice.
  12670. “Yah... But you promished not to freak out.”
  12671. >”I... I know. It's just so surreal... A living being... Reduced to a chunk of meat.”
  12672. >Dash brings her muzzle closer to the ham and hesitantly takes a smell at it.
  12673. >”Doesn't smell too bad... Like salt and herbs and... well, blood.”
  12674. >You see her tongue crawl out and quickly yank the meat away from it.
  12675. “Hey! No licking my meat!”
  12676. >She snickers and bops your shoulder.
  12677. >”Oh, I would lick your meat alright.” she says under her hoof.
  12678. “What now?”
  12679. >Man... You really need to go to bed soon. The alcohol is starting to play tricks on your mind.
  12680. >”Nothing. I just wanted to have a little taste...”
  12681. “Are you shure?”
  12682. >Rainbow nods and lets her hoof brush over the ham's rind, coating it with a thin film of grease.
  12683. >”Yeah... I always was kinda curious how meat tastes, since it's such a huge taboo here.”
  12684. >Tentative, she brings it to her muzzle and lets her tongue graze over it.
  12685. >Smacking her lips, she cocks her head and hums.
  12686. >”Tastes like nothing... Just greasy.”
  12687. “Shats because its jusht fat.”
  12688. >”Does the rest taste better?”
  12689. >You nod, tear a small strip off the chunk and hold it out to her.
  12690. >She looks at it and gulps.
  12691. >”Why am I so nervous about this?”
  12692. “Dunno. Probably becaushe of shis taboo shing.”
  12693. >”Y-Yeah... I'm going to eat something that happily rolled around in its mud puddle a few weeks ago... That's pretty bucked up, isn't it?”
  12694. >Well, a few weeks is a not enough time for a ham to ripe, but whatever.
  12695. >The less she knows about how a ham is made and processed, the better.
  12696. >”Anon?”
  12697. “Hmm?”
  12698. >”You won't think any less of me if I eat this, will you?”
  12699. “Of courshe not. Why should I?”
  12700. >”Because everypony says it's evil.”
  12701. >You shrug and shove the morsel into your mouth.
  12702. “Shen letsh be evil together.”
  12703. >Rainbow giggles and scoots closer to you.
  12704. >”You always know what to say.”
  12705. >Chuckling, you rip another strip off and present it to her once more.
  12706. >”Okay then... Here goes nothing.”
  12707. >Rainbow's head shoots out and her lips engulf your fingers.
  12708. >You swear you hear her quietly moaning as her tongue searches for the small piece.
  12709. >Brushing over and flicking your appendages, before wrapping around it.
  12710. >Ever so slowly, she frees them again from her wet grasp and suckles on their tips before finally releasing them fully.
  12711. >All the while directly looking into your eyes with a bright blush on her face.
  12712. >She's acting strange today...
  12713. >Does she..?
  12714. >No that's ridiculous.
  12715. >You make a mental note to ask Twilight about this tomorrow.
  12716. >Maybe she knows something you don't...
  12717. >Closing her eyes, she starts to chew slowly and deliberately.
  12718. >Looks like she wants to get the full impression of all it's aspects and aromas.
  12719. >Can't blame her for that. It's something special for ponies.
  12720. >So you don't disturb her and just watch as her face goes through many expressions:
  12721. >Surprise.
  12722. >Disgust.
  12723. >Uncertainty.
  12724. >Before finally settling for a neutral one.
  12725. >Her muzzle scrunches up and her body shivers as she swallows hard.
  12726. >You snicker and rest your head on a hand.
  12727. “How wash it?”
  12728. >”Blergh...”
  12729. “Not to your liking shen, I ashume?”
  12730. >Rainbow shakes her head and does a “So-So” gesture with a hoof. Which looks like she's drawing an infinity symbol into the air.
  12731. >”It was not bad. I liked the salt and the hearty taste... But I couldn't get those thoughts out of my head. You know... That this was little piggy once.”
  12732. >She spits on the ground.
  12733. >”I don't think I will be a meat eater any time soon.”
  12734. >Enwrapping your piece of a little piggy again, you shove it back into your pocket and then get up.
  12735. >The night was long enough and you have trouble keeping your eyes open.
  12736. >Finally the alcohol takes it's toll, it seems.
  12737. “Nah, probably not. But now you can shay that you have eaten meat.”
  12738. >Rainbow snorts and hops off the fountain's rim.
  12739. >”Yeah. But I will keep this to myself. Just to be safe. You wanna go already?”
  12740. “Yah. Itsh probably fucking late already and I'm tired.”
  12741. >She flutters off the ground and flies over to you.
  12742. >”S-Should I bring you home?” she says with a face that screams: “Please say yes.”
  12743. >What's up with her tonight...
  12744. >You chuckle and ruffle her mane.
  12745. “I'm not a kid any more, Rainbow. Don't worry, I can look after myshelf.”
  12746. >Rainbow's face takes a crestfallen expression, but she quickly rallies herself and beams you a small smile.
  12747. >”You can look after your shelf?”
  12748. “Shat too. But you know what I meant.”
  12749. >Giggling, she throws her hooves around your neck and hugs you. Burying her muzzle uncomfortably deep into its crook.
  12750. * smooch *
  12751. “Wah!”
  12752. >A shiver like an electric shock runs down your spine.
  12753. >Did she just kiss you there?
  12754. >With a slight blush, she dislodges herself from your neck and cocks her head.
  12755. >”It was nice flying into you, Anon. Have a safe trip home.”
  12756. “Y-Yeah, you too.”
  12757. >”Good night and have a nice dream... I will surely have one...”
  12758. >The last words were barely a whisper... But you heard them.
  12759. >And with that said, she flies into the dark blue night sky.
  12760. >Rubbing the spot where she kissed you, you look after her until her form has been completely swallowed by the darkness.
  12761. >Well...
  12762. >That was interesting and confusing.
  12763. >The way she acted and behaved...
  12764. >Almost as she has...
  12765. >No.
  12766. >Like you said that's ridiculous.
  12767. >But stranger things have happened to you before, haven't they?
  12768. >You sigh and continue on your way home.
  12769. >With the alcoholic haze in your head replaced by a weird, almost emotional one.
  12771. ~~~
  12772. End Day 2
  12773. ~~~
  12775. >The rest of your walk home was pretty unspectacular and quiet.
  12776. >You didn't encounter some other pony or any kind of extraordinary event that would have distracted you from getting into your warm bed.
  12777. >And thank god for that.
  12778. >When you finally reached your front door, you were so fucking tired and exhausted that you barely managed to unlock it and get your human ass through it.
  12779. >In the end you skipped everything you intended to do and just went straight into your pillowy nest and blacked out almost immediately in it.
  12780. >You dreamt... Something which you can't remember clearly any more.
  12781. >But it included Rainbow Dash, you and the respective genitalia of you two... And how you introduced them to each other in the local gym's showers.
  12782. >Fuck...
  12783. >With a aching head you arise from your unmade bed and yawn.
  12784. >Everything hurts...
  12785. >Your head.
  12786. >Your feet
  12787. >And your fucking dick too.
  12788. >God, you really should have had that wank yesterday before bed... Hopefully your boxers are still clean.
  12789. >...
  12790. >Yep, no nightly outpouring of your manly fluids. That's something at least.
  12791. >But, hello morning wood... It has been some time since we last have met.
  12792. >What to do with you...
  12793. >You could just beat it now or in the shower you will take very soon.
  12794. >Which will be unavoidable, since you stink like a cross-breed of a camp fire and a keg of beer.
  12795. >Or...
  12796. >How late is it?
  12797. >A quick check of your clock reveals that it's only eight in the morning.
  12798. >Unsurprising, you were never able to sleep for very long when you were drunk.
  12799. >Either your full bladder awakes you or your hangover and the various hurting body parts that come with one does it.
  12800. >But that’s not the point...
  12801. >The point is that Twilight could be awake already too...
  12802. >And that means you could pick her up for the breakfast you promised her and maybe have an early round in the hay with her before that.
  12803. >You really don't like of thinking of your marefriend as just a way to release your sexual tensions, but it's an emergency.
  12804. >Yesterday night was so strange and confusing... First the Cakes and then Rainbow's weird, flirty behaviour.
  12805. >Let alone the wet dream you had with your sky blue friend.
  12806. >And it's not like you don't love Twilight... By god, you do. More than anything.
  12807. >Also she would surely not be against the idea of some fun together in the morning.
  12808. >Adorable, horny little mare.
  12809. >Did she make it through the night without any withdrawal symptoms? You sure do hope so...
  12810. >And much more importantly: Was she able to find something with her experiments and test series?
  12811. >Only one way to find out...
  12812. >...
  12813. >Ach nice... Sometimes a shower is all a man needs to feel like one again.
  12814. >All the dirt, smoke, blood and alcoholic residues of the last night washed off and erased from history.
  12815. >Also it seems like your stomach has stopped to glow. Which is nice, but now your right hand has a weird, purple stain on it that you didn't notice before.
  12816. >Was it from the quick, spontaneous horn rub you gave Twi in her bathroom yesterday?
  12817. >It smells faintly of tangerines, so probably yes...
  12818. >Well, can't do anything against it now and as long as she enjoyed it, it's chill with you.
  12819. >She endures the efforts of your love on and in her too.
  12820. >So...
  12821. >What to wear?
  12822. >Judging from the weather outside, it looks like it will be pretty warm today. So no need for a jacket or long trousers.
  12823. >A shirt and a pair of shorts should do nicely. All courtesy of Rarity, who else?
  12824. >Sometimes you wish, she didn't throw away all of your old clothing... But it's too late to rectify that.
  12825. >At the time you were too scared of her freakish unicorn powers to say anything that could have stopped her.
  12826. >The sight of her effortlessly floating things around the room made you nearly shit your new sewn boxers.
  12827. >But now you know, she couldn't and wouldn't ever hurt a fly with them.
  12828. >She can fling gems out of the ground though. With quite some force at that, you have to admit.
  12829. >You once saw her taking down one of Pinkie's flying contraptions which took one of her favourite scarves with one well aimed ruby.
  12830. >So there's that...
  12831. >Hmm... The black shirt with the beige shorts should go well together... At least you think so.
  12832. >Your assemble has to pleasing for the dressmaking mare's eyes if you don't want to spend hours hearing her patronizing your outfit when you go visit her to plan your date.
  12833. >If you even will have time for that.
  12834. >You don't know what Twi has planned for today.
  12835. >She may want to spend the whole day with her boyfriend, in which case you will have to postpone your date-planning endeavours.
  12836. >Eh, but you will see.
  12837. >Time to get dressed and instill yourself a cup of coffee.
  12838. >Pinkie Pie's extra dark fun roast... With a special surprise in every seventh cup!
  12839. >Hopefully, today will not be a “seventh cup” kind of day.
  12841. >You just had to push your luck.
  12842. >You just had to drink a second cup after your first.
  12843. >You just couldn't ignore your tiredness and thought that a another one couldn't hurt.
  12844. >But you were wrong. Very wrong.
  12845. >And now you are paying the price.
  12846. >Leaning over your bathroom sink, frantically brushing your teeth to get the taste of capers out of your mouth.
  12847. “God! Why isn't it working?!”
  12848. >Who even decided that capers would be a good addition to coffee?
  12849. >And how, in all of the Chaos Lord's names, do those coffee beans know when you are drinking your seventh cup?
  12850. >Pinkie must be some kind of heathen witch.
  12851. >Damned be she and her unholy doom beans...
  12852. >You reach for your mouth water and empty the whole bottle in its designated orifice.
  12853. >It's spicy and irritates your gums, but its worlds better than the disgusting combined flavour of capers and coffee.
  12854. >This... This seems to help. Thank goodness.
  12855. >For a few minutes you let the mint-flavoured, green liquid sit in your mouth and ignore the pain.
  12856. >Tears shoot in your eyes and the desire to just throw up grows stronger with each passing moment, but you bear up against them.
  12857. >Like the big guy you are.
  12858. >You point at your reflection at the mirror and nod. Forcing a wonky smile.
  12859. >Okay. That should be enough.
  12860. >Spitting the mouth water into the sink, you grab the large glass of water you prepared beforehand and jug it down.
  12861. “Ach!”
  12862. >Finally... A minty fresh, caper free mouth.
  12863. >So minty fresh it could make Lyra jealous, if you might say so yourself.
  12864. >Not that she has anything to do with mint, but her colours always reminded you of it.
  12865. >Anyway... Now that you are fresh and clean again mouthwise, you are basically ready to leave your home and make your way to Twi's.
  12866. >You exit your bathroom and grab your shoulder bag on the way down the stairs.
  12867. >Will you need anything special?
  12868. >Hmm...
  12869. >Kirron's gift to Rarity and your bag of bits of course.
  12870. >But not all of them.
  12871. >Taking approximatively one hundred fifty bits out of them, you stash the rest away in a secret compartment behind the bookshelf in your living room.
  12872. >Well, it's more of a hole in the wall than a secret compartment, but it does its job nicely.
  12873. >All your valuables are hidden there. Which are not much, but... Hey, they are yours.
  12874. >And that is what counts.
  12875. >So... That should be enough money to treat Twilight to a nice breakfast and cover any other expense that might come your way today.
  12876. >Anything else?
  12877. >...
  12878. >Nah.
  12879. >Your ham is already stashed away in the depths of your kitchen's cupboards. Securely enwrapped to deter flies and other threats and pests that could show any interest in it.
  12880. >Good to go then, huh?
  12881. >Seems like it.
  12882. >Grabbing your keys and fastening your bag, you exit your house and lock the door behind you.
  12884. >You are now Twilight Sparkle.
  12885. >Unicorn mare, collector of books and all around best purple pony in Ponyville.
  12886. >Well, that's at least what Pinkie says all the time.
  12887. >And you just have woken up from a night with too little sleep by your mercilessly ringing alarm clock.
  12888. “Unngh.... Stop it already...”
  12889. >Gathering a random magic wind, you throw it against a wall to make those annoying sounds stop.
  12890. >Judging by the quiet explosion you just heard, that random magic must have been Aqshy.
  12891. >Huh? Aqshy?
  12892. >With a groan, you get up and take a look out of your window.
  12893. >The sun is shining brightly in the blue, cloudless sky... Yeah... No wonder, Aqshy was the first wind you were able to sense.
  12894. >You rub the sleep out of your eyes and glide more or less elegantly out of your bed.
  12895. >Last night has been... mixed.
  12896. >The first half was full of results and progress.
  12897. >Finding something acidic in your blood, preparing the changeling shell and you even did some experimentation on Anon's sperm.
  12898. >Which didn't bear all too many fruits, but you were able to exclude that it contains anything addictive.
  12899. >But the second half of it... Meh.
  12900. >The changeling shell didn't have any intentions to react with your blood at all and you desperately tried to force it to do so.
  12901. >You even cast a bucking exhausting time acceleration spell on it, but to no avail.
  12902. >In the end you decided to freshen up your knowledge on this specific reaction and found out that cold spells of any kind completely destroy the changeling chitin's ability to react with anything.
  12903. >So you had to break off another piece and cumbersomely grind it manually.
  12904. >Which took you over one and a half hour! Can you believe it?
  12905. >Luckily you didn't have to draw a second blood sample, or else this would have been the icing on this disappointing cake.
  12906. >You just filtered the useless stuff out and reused your life's essence.
  12907. >With a bit of luck it should show some kind of result by now.
  12908. >But the book said, that it can take up to twelve hours... And since you steeped the plate in your blood at roughly two in the morning...
  12909. >Meh, you will see.
  12910. >Personal hygiene now, other stuff later.
  12911. >Yawning, you trot into your bathroom and activate the cloud with a mental command.
  12912. >In the morning it needs some time to warm up properly, since it uses all the warm water it can get to build up its size first.
  12913. >You learned that the hard and cold way.
  12914. >While it is doing that, you can brush your teeth and take care of some “business”.
  12915. “Uah!”
  12916. >By Celestia! Why do toilet seats always have to be so bucking cold?!
  12917. >How late is it anyway?
  12918. “Mhm...”
  12919. >Ten past eight.
  12920. “Thanks, kitty clock.”
  12921. >Eh... It looks like a battlefield in here.
  12922. >You didn't have time to clean your mess up after your bloody accident.
  12923. >But that can wait until later.
  12924. >Future Twi will surely forgive you.
  12925. >She's cool.
  12926. >Flushing, you hop off the toilet and take your toothbrush and your favourite brand of toothpaste into your magical grip and walk up to the sink.
  12927. >Time to get this fetor ex ore out of your mouth.
  12928. >Brushy~ Brushy~ Brushy~
  12929. >Your horn is really shiny, you have to admit. It has been some time since it last looked this good.
  12930. >Anon did a really good job of polishing it.
  12931. >You especially like how it's torsion is actually apparent again. Before it was so... Not scurfy, but not nice either.
  12932. >Horns can get really filthy if you don't take care of them.
  12933. >At least you washed it every day. You were just too lazy to polish and shine it.
  12934. >But now you have someone who could do this for you.
  12935. >With a little something extra, last like night? That would be very nice~
  12936. >The sensation of all those untamed magic winds flowing like ebb and flow through your horn, only to be finally released in a storm surge of lust and ecstasy is incomparable.
  12937. >Alone remembering yesterday's treat, makes you feel all warm and excited down there...
  12938. >You shudder and spit the toothpaste out.
  12939. >Didn't you two want to grab some breakfast again today?
  12940. >Maybe he is willing to... Postpone it a bit?
  12941. >For some fun with his marefriend?
  12942. >...
  12943. >You sure do hope so.
  12944. >Also there is still this sexy surprise you promised him...
  12945. >Your schoolfilly uniform.
  12946. “Hah!”
  12947. >Even if he has something else planned, this will convince him to change them!
  12948. >You rush into your bedroom, grab the uniform with all it's accessories and storm back into your bathroom.
  12949. >Now you can surprise him even more!
  12950. “Oh, of course we can go now. I just have to refresh myself a bit before that. Why don't you wait in my room until I'm finished and maybe read a book or something?”
  12951. >Then you will leave him waiting for a bit... So he starts wondering what in tartarus you are doing in there.
  12952. >And then...
  12953. >And then... You will walk out in all your sexy glory.
  12954. >Hips swaying wide and a seductive grin on your lips.
  12955. >Oh my~ You wonder what his reaction will be.
  12956. >Please Celestia, if you love this mare; Let him be all flattered and shy.
  12957. >You giggle and put the uniform neatly folded on a shelf.
  12958. >Should you roleplay?
  12959. >He seemed to enjoy the last time...
  12960. >Yah. You should. Totally.
  12961. >Now you just have to smell extraordinary nice for him.
  12962. >Anon likes your natural scent, but you can always smell even better!
  12963. “Hmm...”
  12964. >Do you still have that perfume Rarity gave you last year?
  12965. >The one that smells like leather, wood and orange blossoms? With a hint of white flowers?
  12966. >You only can recall that you used it once to accelerate some kind of reaction...
  12967. >Sometimes you can be so inconsiderate of your romantic future.
  12968. >It goes so well with your musk and scent!
  12969. >Damned be past Twi and her bachelorette ways!
  12970. >Hopefully you didn't empty it and threw it away.
  12971. >...
  12973. >There are not all too many perfumes on your shelf, so the search for this specific one should be quick and painless.
  12974. >So to speak.
  12975. “Mhmmhmm... Where are you? Show yourself!”
  12976. >Doesn't like it wants to reveal its position... Smart move. But you are smarter and your eyes are as sharp as an eagle's!
  12977. >So lets see what we have here...
  12978. >Lilac extract... Which you made yourself, since you like that stuff and buying any kind of extract is bucking expensive.
  12979. >Also it comes in hoofy whenever you need some concentrated alcohol. With the added benefit of perfuming the thing you need it for.
  12980. >Makes working with sulphur and such things much, much easier for your sensible pony nose.
  12981. >What's next on the shelf...
  12982. >Temptations for mares... Your to go perfume for a girl's night out.
  12983. >Doesn't smell too intrusive, but still enough to turn the heads of some stallions when you walk past them.
  12984. >Not that you would ever take a complete stranger home, but you still like the attention.
  12985. >Which mare doesn't?
  12986. >Anyway...
  12987. >Oh, this one is something special.
  12988. >Basilisk Blood... Yeah. Blood.
  12989. >Of a forest basilisk to be exact.
  12990. >Thinned down, mixed with various magical and chemical extracts and then distilled multiple times, it creates a strong and volatile aphrodisiac for the opposite sex.
  12991. >At least rumours say so.
  12992. >You never have used it, though... The thought of spraying another beings blood on you, to attract a mate is just disgusting.
  12993. >But a good friend and room mate from university made it for you as a birthday gift, so you kept it.
  12994. >”So you can lock our dorm room for a more fun reason than studying for once.”, she said with a wink.
  12995. >Moon Caller was her name, if you aren't mistaken right now.
  12996. >Nice mare and all, but...
  12997. >She had the same strange fascination with your sex life, like Rarity has with Anon's.
  12998. >Maybe you will try it out some day. Just to see if it works or not.
  12999. >Would it even work on Anon, since he is a whole different species?
  13000. >Hmm...
  13001. >Good question and another reason to actually give it a burl.
  13002. >The next few ones are just generic perfumes for all kinds of everyday situations a mare might get herself into.
  13003. >Like lunches, meeting friends and what not.
  13004. >Nothing you use regularly, though. You don't like smelling like a flower garden or a citrus tree when you go outside and do whatever.
  13005. >Hmm...
  13006. “Supreme Gentlecolt... Huh?”
  13007. >That one actually belongs to Spike... Why is it here and not in the box under your bed?
  13008. >You grab the stallion perfume and put it aside, so you can stash it away some time later.
  13009. >If you don't forget to...
  13010. >The next one is another stand out. A hearth's warming eve present from your mother.
  13011. >You can't read its label, since it is written in Saddle Arabian, but it smells really nice.
  13012. >Like sandalwood and other stuff you can't exactly put your hoof on.
  13013. >Your mother described it as creamy and soulful, and her description somehow fits
  13014. >Like all your other fragrances, you don't use it all too often. But for a completely different reason with this one.
  13015. >Rarity looked it up and found out that it is bucking expensive. Like, new living room furnishings expensive.
  13016. >So you just put it on, whenever your parents are coming to visit you. And every time she's happy as a lark.
  13017. >But the good smelling liquid is not all it has going for itself. It's vial is also truly beautiful: A golden orb with gemmed, hoof drawn illustrations of ponies on it.
  13018. >Once you emptied it, you will fill some of your pure magical essence into it and keep the filled flacon until the day you marry.
  13019. >A vessel with such an essence in it, is one of the most intimate and romantic gifts an unicorn can give to somepony... Or someone.
  13020. >But that's a pie in the sky for now... Moving on.
  13021. >Your eyes continue you to scan the shelf for this specific perfume.
  13022. >Looks like you already us-... Ah!
  13023. >Oh, thank Celestia! There it is!
  13024. >You levitate an oval flacon from the shelf and read its label.
  13025. “Premâre by Âme de la Rose“
  13026. >Some prench fashion designer and apparently perfumier.
  13027. >And the milky-white liquid in it still smells as fragrant and lovely as the day you got it. Nice~
  13028. >Anon will love this! You are just sure of that.
  13029. >Putting the vial aside, you grab a washcloth and one of your more feminine smelling shampoos for your mane and hop into your shower.
  13030. >The cloud should be ready by now.
  13031. >Time to get nice and clean for your stallion~
  13032. >...
  13033. >After a nice and refreshing shower, you trot out of your bathroom and towel yourself off while you make your bed.
  13034. >Ever since you have exited your shower, a gnawing and almost painful feeling has spread through your stomach.
  13035. >Not too distracting right now, but it will get worse over time.
  13036. >Just like yesterday before you went too bed... You had to drink the rest of Anon's cum to even be able to find some sleep.
  13037. >You are just lucky that you love this stuff. Or else this whole situation could be far more inconvenient than it is now.
  13038. >It was lukewarm though... So it wasn't all that nice, but still somewhat satisfying.
  13039. >Hopefully, Anon will be here soon...
  13040. >Sadly, he doesn't have a tele-crystal, since he can't activate one with his complete lack of any magic inside him.
  13041. >So calling him is out of question.
  13042. >Well... You just have to wait then and hope for the best. He won't forget you.
  13043. >Adding the finishing touch to your bed by neatly arranging your stuffed animals on the pillows, you throw the towel into the laundry bin and exit your room.
  13044. >Spike seems to still be asleep. Good for him.
  13045. >The little dragon doesn't have any specific chores to do today, so it won't hurt anypony to let him sleep for a bit longer.
  13046. >Also you don't want him to interrupt the possible adult fun session with your boyfriend.
  13047. >That would be a shame and hazardous to your health.
  13048. >You yawn and walk down the stairway to your living room.
  13049. >Is the changeling chitin's reaction already finished, you wonder?
  13050. >Probably not, but you have to check on it anyway.
  13051. >Not that some flies decided to lay their eggs in your now festering blood.
  13052. “Eww...”
  13053. >Way to start the day, Sparkle. Really. Good work there.
  13054. >But you really should have put a cork on the vial after you added the second ground shell to your blood...
  13055. >The cork was just so, so far away... In your kitchen.
  13056. >And you were so, so very tired that you couldn't be asked to get it from there.
  13057. >You reach the last step and carefully take a smell.
  13058. >No... Doesn't smell rotten or bad in any other way.
  13059. >Looks like you had luck.
  13060. “Phew...”
  13061. >Happily humming a random song, you trot towards the table. All the stuff you needed yesterday is still spread on it. And quite messily at that.
  13062. >Meh...
  13063. >At least your blood still looks relatively fresh, but the powder in it does not show any indications that it already reacted.
  13064. >No colour changes or discolourations yet. Well, except for the black tint it gives your life's essence naturally.
  13065. >But it has begun to foam slightly. That is a good sign.
  13066. >You take a quick look at the clock.
  13067. >Half past eight...
  13068. >Until Anon arrives, you could tidy up here a bit.
  13069. >It's not like you have anything better do.
  13070. >...
  13071. “Whew!”
  13072. >That was quite a bit of work, but you did it.
  13073. >Everything is clean again or put back to it's designated place in your secret compartment.
  13074. >And judging by the amount of stuff you had to stash away again, this night wasn't as expensive as you expected it to be.
  13075. >Very nice!
  13076. >You even built some sort of anti-spilling device around the vial with your blood out of old rags and a few bits of wood.
  13077. >It looks pretty wonky, but should do it's job well enough.
  13078. >Whoever said that you are totally untalented with hoofcraft can totally buck him or herself now!
  13079. “Hah!”
  13080. >* Knock * * Knock * * Knock *
  13081. >Huh? Someone's at the door.
  13082. “I'm coming!”
  13083. >If its Anon, you will be soon enough~ Yeah~
  13084. >Trotting over to your door, you don't just open it yet. Its more fun to keep him a bit on tenterhooks.
  13085. “Who is there?”
  13086. >”It's me Twi, Anon.”
  13087. “Anon... I don't know somepony with such a strange name as Anon...”
  13088. >You hear a chuckle from the other side.
  13089. >”Well, you might not now. But you could be soon.”
  13090. “Hmm... I don't know... Letting a complete stranger into my home. This seems mighty dangerous.”
  13091. >”Oh don't worry, beautiful mare. I won't bite.”
  13092. >He called you beautiful! Heh~
  13093. “And if I want you to bite?”
  13094. >”Then I would do it of course.”
  13095. >Giggling, you open the door and beam your boyfriend a smile.
  13096. “Heya, stud.”
  13097. >”Morning, Twi. Slept well?”
  13098. “Like a foal. Come on in.”
  13099. >He nods and steps through the door frame.
  13100. >You close the door behind him and immediately get on your hind legs to pull your boyfriend down to a kissable height.
  13101. >”Oh, Twi... Can't you wait?”
  13102. “No.”
  13103. >And with that said you press your lips onto his. Smacking them against each other in a flurry of quick kisses before settling for a longer on.
  13104. >Your tongue crawls out in search for his and you melt into a puddle of bliss once they finally meet.
  13105. >They snake and dance around each other, lubricating their counterpart and fighting for dominance.
  13106. >By Celestia, you have waited so long for this.
  13107. >Anon lets his tongue retreat and you waste no time following it with your own. Exploring his mouth and carefully probing closer to his teeth.
  13108. >A shudder runs down your spine when your tongue's tip feels the sharp serrations and you moan quietly into him.
  13109. >He tastes like mint...
  13110. >With one last flick against his tongue, you break the kiss and stare into his eyes.
  13111. >Like yesterday, small flames are dancing in them and draw you in.
  13112. >Smiling, you nuzzle his cheek.
  13113. “I needed that.”
  13114. >”Me too.” he says, chuckling.
  13115. >You get on your four hooves again and give your boyfriend a quick look over.
  13116. >No obvious scars or injuries... And he wasn't limping either. That's good.
  13117. >Only the bags under his eyes are a bit more prominent than usual, but that doesn't bother you.
  13118. >In fact, you quite like it. Gives him something... Mysterious...
  13119. >But you don't know what he's hiding under those clothes of his.
  13120. >Doesn't matter, you will find out soon enough~
  13121. “How was your night with Kirron?”
  13122. >”It was a night full of alcoholic wonder and manly chats. So it was nice, thanks.”
  13123. >You giggle and beckon him to follow you.
  13124. “No fights or re-enacted battles?”
  13125. >”Only with a tree. I learned my lesson from last time, Twi. So don't worry.”
  13126. “Good thing you did. Because it really hurt me, when I had to heal your wounds without a pain soothing spell...”
  13127. >”Really?”
  13128. “Yah, of course! Believe me, I was crying on the inside!”
  13129. >He chuckles and ruffles your mane.
  13130. >”But if I remember correctly, you looked quite fierce during it.”
  13131. “Well... That’s because healing spells are hard and I'm not the best healer to begin with... So I just didn't want to hurt you more.”
  13132. >The healing spells they teach nowadays are rather boring, so you never showed much interest in them during your time in university.
  13133. >They are relatively effective and low-risk, but also lack the “Oomph” of spells healers used during the classical ages.
  13134. >Like the ones in your pyromancy book which cauterise and close wounds with healing fire or life-giving breath.
  13135. >That's interesting and exciting!
  13136. >”Aww, how sweet.”
  13137. >Snickering, you brush his bare legs with your tail in the hope that the aftermaths of this light touch will travel a bit further up... To somewhere where it has more of an impact.
  13138. “Am I just not the sweetest mare and marefriend a human like you could wish for?”
  13139. >”You are, my Love.”
  13140. >Oh my~ You love when he calls you his love. Makes you feel all fuzzy inside~
  13141. >A warm feeling spreads through your body and mind, and filling the latter with more primal thoughts.
  13142. >But that could be also your addiction speaking... or thinking. Not that you mind it doing that right now.
  13143. >You quite want the same thing as it at the moment~
  13144. >”How was your night, Twi? Were you able to find anything?”
  13145. >You nod and beam him a big, happy smile.
  13146. “Yep! I was! One sample hasn't finished reacting, though. But it should yield some result in a few hours or so. How about we go grab some breakfast and I tell you about my night while we eat?”
  13147. >Uh, did he just flinch?
  13148. >His gaze wander to the table and sees the vial full with your life's essence.
  13149. >”S-Sample? Of what?”
  13150. >Right, you didn't exactly tell him that you are going to experiment with your blood...
  13151. >Your smiles gets a bit wonkier.
  13152. “My blood?”
  13153. >”Blood?!”
  13154. “I know what you think right now, but believe me.... It's nothing severe and it helped me to single out what it might be. Well, at least it will once the reaction has properly finished.”
  13155. >”Okay... Why is it so black then?”
  13156. >How cute. He sounds so worried.
  13157. “From the changeling shell I put into it.”
  13158. >”Changeling shell?”
  13159. >You giggle and wave him off.
  13160. “Don't worry about it. Let me just tell you the details over our breakfast!”
  13161. >”Now?”
  13162. “Uhu? Why not? Did you have something else planned~?”
  13163. >Judging from his reaction and the bit of a crestfallen look he has right now, he had. Probably the same thing as you.
  13164. >That's nice... And you could just pounce at and take him now. But where would be the fun in that?
  13165. >Your original plan is much more exciting and sexier.
  13166. >So lets tease him a bit and don't let your intentions show.
  13167. >”N-No, not really. It's just that...”
  13168. “What's on your mind, Anon? Oops!”
  13169. >You “accidentally” swipe a booklet off the shelf behind you.
  13170. “Clumsy me.”
  13171. >Turning around, you bend down and raise your hindquarters high. Your tail slightly hanging to the left while you pick the book up again.
  13172. >That should give him a good, but still innocent looking view on your goods~
  13173. “There we are.”
  13174. >You put it back and smile at him.
  13175. “So, what's on your mind then?”
  13176. >”Well you see... I thought that we could... maybe...”
  13177. “Can that wait?” you pout, “I worked all night and didn't have time to eat something....”
  13178. >Which is a lie. You ate at least two flower sandwiches and a whole bar of chocolate, so you are as far away from being famished as Pinkie Pie during her shifts at Sugarcube Corner.
  13179. “I'm famished, Anon!”
  13180. >But sometimes lies are allowed and useful. Especially if they lead to some kinky fun.
  13181. >Consensual, kinky fun of course.
  13182. >He sighs and nods.
  13183. >”Of course.”
  13184. >Giggling, you get on your hind legs to hug him. Pressing your belly intentionally a bit harder than usual against his loins.
  13185. >Oh my~ Is this a banana in his pants or is he just happy to see you?
  13186. >Maybe your spell is still exerting some of it's effects on him and that’s why he is so eager.
  13187. >Good thing that he is here with you now~ So you can help him release all this accrued tension.
  13188. >Preferably somewhere inside you~
  13189. >”To that place you told me yesterday about?”
  13190. >You break the embrace, making sure that your whole torso slides over the bulge in his trousers while you do so and nod.
  13191. “If that’s not too much trouble for you. I mean, its further away than Sugarcube Corner.”
  13192. >Anon chuckles.
  13193. >”Nah, it's okay. Whatever you want, Twi.”
  13194. “Yay! Thank you, Anon.”
  13195. >”Don't mention it. Everything for my favourite pony.”
  13196. >He scratches behind your ears and points at the door.
  13197. >”Grab your stuff and we are good to go.”
  13198. >Okay, this it. Time to execute phase two of your plan. Which is admittedly pointless, since you could just ask him to sleep with you, but...
  13199. >You want to seduce him~
  13200. “Okay!” you chirp, “Just let me freshen up a bit first. I cleaned my room before and I'm all sweaty from that.”
  13201. >”Do this. I will wait here until you are done, okay?”
  13202. >Shaking your head,, you grab his shirt with your magic and pull him in the directions of the stairway.
  13203. “Nah. Why don't you wait in my room and read a book until I'm finished? We could talk some more.”
  13204. >He raises an eyebrow and shoots you a questioning look.
  13205. >”Through your closed door?”
  13206. >A slight blush spreads on your cheeks and you quickly hide it with your mane.
  13207. “Y-Yes. Why not? Come on now. I wanna talk and I don't want to do it alone.”
  13208. >”Gets boring after a while, eh?”
  13209. ”Not if you have such an intelligent conversation partner as myself.” you say and stick your tongue out.
  13210. >”Don't forget beautiful.”
  13211. >Your blush gets brighter and hotter.
  13212. “Flatterer. But... Thank you.”
  13213. >Anon chuckles and does a little bow.
  13214. >”Just telling the truth, oh beautiful and wise unicorn. Now lead the way and we shall talk while you clear the sweat of your body.”
  13215. “Oh you~”
  13216. >You giggle and return his bow, before making your way past him and up the stairs.
  13217. >He follows on the heels of you and you feel his gaze burning smoldering holes into your backside. Just how you want it to be~
  13218. >Your tail gets blown away by a “mysterious” force and exposes once more your female bits to him.
  13219. >But only for the blink of an eye... Just short enough that it doesn't look intentional. Not that he rumbles your cunning plan and starts to make his own advances on you.
  13220. >You even have to bite back on the swaying of your hips. And you love doing this to get your boyfriends attention.
  13221. >Makes you feel sexy and feminine... But for now: Contenance, Sparkle.
  13222. >The two of you enter your bedroom and you beckon him to sit down.
  13223. “There are a few books under my pillow. Mostly romance stuff, but they are fairly entertaining. Feel free to read whatever you want.”
  13224. >He sits down and nearly knocks your teddy bear off your bed with shift his added body weight caused.
  13225. >Thankfully, your quick reactions saved your cuddle buddy from the terrible fate of falling onto your rather dusty floor.
  13226. >That you cleaned your room was also a big fat lie..
  13227. >”Sorry, Twi.”
  13228. “No biggie. I was able to save him.”
  13229. >”So...”
  13230. “Yeah?”
  13231. >”Does “feel free to read whatever you want”, include your diary?” he asks you with big smile on his face.
  13232. >You laugh and shake your head.
  13233. >Good try, but sadly your diary is beyond of dispute... For now.
  13234. >One day, you could show him the entries you wrote about him.
  13235. “Sorry, stud. My diary is hidden well and out of reach of any nosy human or little dragon.”
  13236. >Under a loose board beneath your bed... Trapped with an arcane mine... Not a harmful one, though. Only the variant that teleports the diary thief out of your room and locks it.
  13237. >You have too many saucy secrets that cannot be revealed to the outside world.
  13238. >Well... That and the few recipes for potent acids and other hazardous stuff that you stumbled upon during your various test series.
  13239. >Which is the real reason you hide and secure it so well.
  13240. >One might never know when she or he needs an acid that can dissolve a whole pony in mere minutes...
  13241. >Or poisonous gas that smells like daisies...
  13242. >”Really? Spike wants to read you diary?”
  13243. >His voice snaps you back to reality from your dark and twisted world of thought.
  13244. >Ah, yes. Seducing boyfriend now and ways to dispose of a possible, yet unlikely future corpse later.
  13245. “Yeah. Most likely because he wants to find out how to open my secret compartment.”
  13246. >”You mean: “Your secret drug lab”.”
  13247. “It's not a drug lab! I only have some drugs in there... But I don't make them myself!”
  13248. >They were times though, were you played with the thought of it... Some more money is always nice and getting the necessary ingredients does not pose a problem for you... Thanks to the royal herbary.
  13249. >But a nice filly and good student of Celestia herself, doesn't do things like that.
  13250. >And you are both: A nice filly and a good student.
  13251. >Who happens to harbour several secrets about potential biological warfare weapons, but...
  13252. >Oh well. It's not like you are going to do anything with them.
  13253. >You like your air unpoisoned and your ponies undissolved.
  13254. >So Equestria is safe.
  13255. >He chuckles.
  13256. >”I know, Twi. You showed me yesterday. Remember?”
  13257. “I-I know. Just wanted to check if you still know. Anyway...”
  13258. >“Hmm?”
  13259. “I'm off refreshing myself now. Be right back!”
  13260. >”Okay, Twi.”
  13261. >And with that said, you enter your bathroom and close the door behind you.
  13262. >Phase two was a success... Anon is sitting on your bed and is none the wiser. Time to move onto the third and final phase of your plan.
  13263. >Putting your uniform on and pray to Celestia you didn't gain a pound or two since yesterday.
  13264. >Maybe you shouldn't have eaten that bar of chocolate...
  13266. >Or the two flower sandwiches... Meh, its too late to regret this now.
  13267. >Either your flank makes it through the skirt's opening or it does not. And if not, you will just put the socks on and seduce him the old school way.
  13268. >You grab the white shirt and the black blazer and slide into them.
  13269. >Like yesterday, the shirt is a tight fit and actually you wanted to replace it with a newer one, but it will do.
  13270. >Its not like it will be on your body for long.
  13271. >Also it does emphasize your upper body's curves and your neck in a special way, you have to say...
  13272. >Yep. It will do.
  13273. >The blazer poses no problem and you fasten it up.
  13274. >Now you just have to adjust the shirt's ribbon thing on its collar and... Perfect.
  13275. >Hmm... Would a necklace look good with this?
  13276. >Lets see what is in your casket...
  13277. >A gold chain... Nah, too much and too long. It would dangle from your neck like a snake.
  13278. >But this ruby and amethyst choker on the other hoof.
  13279. >Yeah, this could work.
  13280. >The gem on it form your cutie mark, which would be a nice touch.
  13281. >Every mare owns at least one piece of jewellery with her cutie mark on it. It's basically Equestrian law by now, and you are not an exception.
  13282. >You put it on and look at your reflection in the mirror.
  13283. “Not too bad, if I might say so myself.”
  13284. >”Did you say something, Twi?”
  13285. “Nooohooo~”
  13286. >”Okay.”
  13287. >Giggling, you stash your jewel case away again and take the dark purple skirt into your magical grip.
  13288. “What are you reading?”
  13289. >This is the moment of truth.
  13290. “Don't let me down flanks...” you mumble.
  13291. >Or you will never see anything chocolatey or fatty again.
  13292. >Hind leg number one... Number two... And up with the skirt!
  13293. >For a moment, skirt's waistband stops at your hips and you fear that it might stay there forever, but...
  13294. >With a bit of extra effort and hold in breath, it finally slips over them and settles at your waist.
  13295. “Phew...”
  13296. >”Uhm... Almost a Gentlecolt.”
  13297. >Oh. Perfect~
  13298. >If Anon started reading from where you left off, he was directly thrown into the novel's hottest love scene.
  13299. >Where Lady Rose Petal seduces her childhood friend and love interest, Grim Charger, for the first time.
  13300. >Her love is forbidden, though. Since he isn't noble like herself and just the a common town's guard.
  13301. >Oh my... Grim Charger... After you have first read through that cheesy romance novel, you had a bit of a crush on him.
  13302. >He's so wild and rough and has absolutely no interest in the demeanour of the nobles but plays one so he can be with the love of his life.
  13303. >Just like the title suggest: Almost a Gentlecolt, but not really.
  13304. >It has too much unneeded drama for your liking towards the finale, but it ends happily nevertheless.
  13305. >Anyway...
  13306. >With the skirt now snuggly hugging your waist, its time to put on the socks.
  13307. >Its still too short, but that is just how you wanted it to be.
  13308. >Exposing just enough of your rump to leave the rest for Anon's imagination.
  13309. >But your tail is getting in the way of that... Hmm...
  13310. >!
  13311. >You know, what would look incredible sexy with your whole ensemble? And solve your tail problem?
  13312. >If you would tie it up! With a ribbon or something.
  13313. “Buck...”
  13314. >But all your ribbons are in your closet, which is in your bedroom.
  13315. >And you can't possibly walk into it now, looking like this. That would spoil the surprise.
  13316. “What to do... What to do...”
  13317. >”Everything alright, Twi?”
  13318. “Just dandy! Don't worry!”
  13319. >”Okay... Take your time.”
  13320. >Oh no...
  13321. “I'm not on the toilet or something!”
  13322. >You hear a muffled laugh through the door.
  13323. >No time to worry if your boyfriend thinks if you are emptying your bowels, or not...
  13324. >There has to be something in your bathroom that you can use to tie your tail up.
  13325. “Mhmhmmm....”
  13326. >Ah! That could work!
  13327. >Hastily, you yank the drawers of the cupboard open and rummage through them.
  13328. >Where are they... Did you already use the- There!
  13329. >A still sealed, brand new roll of bandages. Ready to be opened and wrapped around the base of your tail.
  13330. “Perfect.”
  13331. >You have never done this before, though... Hopefully, you don't mess it up.
  13332. >Turning around, so you can see your flanks in the mirror;You rip the packaging off the bandages and begin to carefully enwrap your tail with them.
  13333. >With your magic, of course. Hooves would be too fiddly for this.
  13334. >By the celestial sisters... Rarity made this looks so easy.
  13335. >Why do you keep slipping off? Your tail is not that silky, or is it? Argh!
  13336. >But after a few retries and stifled groans of desperation, the base and dock of your tail is finally fully jacketed by the bandages and forcefully held up by their stiffness.
  13337. >Even if you tried, you couldn't cover your marehood and taint with it now.
  13338. >Just how you want it to be... Always exposed and completely defenceless to everything your boyfriend might want to do to them.
  13339. >Nice~
  13340. >Now for the finishing touch: The dark purple socks.
  13341. >They pose absolutely no problem to be put on and slide over your hind legs easily.
  13342. >Still, you think they are too short... Barely going over your knees.
  13343. >But a quick spell could fix that.
  13344. >It's only illusionary though, but if you put some extra magical energy into the spell it should just look and feel like the real thing.
  13345. >Only one way to find out.
  13346. >Gathering the required magic winds, you add some additional mana from your own mental pool to them and release the spell.
  13347. “Uuhhh...”
  13348. >It always feels weird to use your own mental energies to fuel a spell... Like a dull headache, but without the pain.
  13349. >Just dull... dullness. Hard to describe, but not exactly pleasant.
  13350. >With a quiet sizzling sound and a purple glow, the socks begin to “grow” on your legs until their garters have reached the upper regions of your thighs.
  13351. >Hmm... They are high enough now, but look rather boring and too much like your coat... Maybe changing their colour would liven them up?
  13352. >Just a few shades darker... Nah, lets make them black instead. That should look sexy on you,
  13353. >You quickly add another few winds to the spell and they slowly start to change their colour from a dark purple to black.
  13354. >Yeah~ This will do more than nicely.
  13355. >One last time you look at yourself in the mirror.
  13356. “Oh my... By Celestia, I look bucking sexy. If I could clone myself, I would sleep with me.”
  13357. >Not that it would be totally impossible, such spells are just forbidden. For obvious reasons.
  13358. >Like world domination and similar things.
  13359. >So the looks are checked off, time for the final touch.
  13360. >Your smell.
  13361. >Taking the perfume flacon into your hooves, you spray two dashes of the fragrant liquid on each side of your neck.
  13362. >Immediately, your nostrils are filled with the pleasant and seductive scent of leather, wood and white flowers.
  13363. >There is no way he is not going to love this.
  13364. >Okay... Here goes nothing.
  13365. >You take a deep breath and walk up to your bathroom's door.
  13366. >With a light magic push, you open it and trot into your bedroom. The hoofsteps of your hind legs muffled by the soft fabric of the socks.
  13367. “Oh, Mr. Moooouuus~ I'm so sorry.”
  13369. >”Huh? Mr. Mous? And why are you sorry, Twili-”
  13370. >Anon looks up from his, in which he was pretty invested only a second ago, and stares at you with a gaping mouth and unblinking eyes.
  13371. >Wasn't even able to complete his sentence. How adorable.
  13372. >With a seductive smile, half lidded eyes and a hip sway that could knock anypony out that would be hit by them, you slowly walk towards him.
  13373. >Closing and locking your door with a quick spell, while you do so.
  13374. >Not that you two will be interrupted.
  13375. “For being too late for class again, of course... I can be so tardy sometimes~”
  13376. >”Twilight? What are you wearing?”
  13377. >You giggle and bat your eyelashes at him.
  13378. “Little old me? My school uniform... Like a good school filly should. Or would you rather see me without it?”
  13379. >A quiet moan escapes your lips.
  13380. “But Mr. Mous... Wouldn't that be naughty?”
  13381. >Come on... Just play along.
  13382. >He gulps and his eyes wander through the room... Like he's pondering if this is some kind of dream or not.
  13383. >But eventually, he loosens his collar and chuckles.
  13384. >”Well, of course. That wouldn't be appropriate now, would it?”
  13385. “No~”
  13386. >”But tell me, Twilight.”
  13387. “Yeah?”
  13388. >”To which class are you late again?”
  13389. >Snickering, you turn yourself around a bit so he can see your tied up tail and the rest of your outfit.
  13390. >And judging by reaction, your boyfriend seems to like it very much~
  13391. >Either a snake just moved around in his pants or that twitching bulge meant something else.
  13392. “Biology, Mr. Mous. How could you forget?”
  13393. >Anon shoots you a thin grin and shakes his head.
  13394. >”Just wanted to see if you know to which class you are tardy again! Come here for a moment, Twilight.”
  13395. “Y-Yes, Mr. Mous!”
  13396. >Your heart is beating like crazy... His voice sounded genuinely angry. What is he going to do to you?
  13397. >When you stand before his knees, he beckons you to sit down. And you do so... Even if your tail makes this more difficult than it should be.
  13398. >Kinda hurts...
  13399. >”So what is your excuse this time, Twilight? Did you “experiment” all night long? With your friends? At a party?”
  13400. “N-No... I just overslept! Honest!”
  13401. >He snorts.
  13402. >”Twilight...”
  13403. “Mhm?”
  13404. >”How many times is that now? The sixth or seventh this month? This is getting ridiculous, Twilight.”
  13405. “I know! But...”
  13406. >”No buts!” he states with a swipe of his arm, silencing you instantly.
  13407. >Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he sighs.
  13408. >”What am I going to do with you?”
  13409. >You just stare at the ground and try to look as miserable as possible.
  13410. >”I think it would be for the best, if you just repeat the entire year. You won't be able to pass any test with all the subject material you missed.”
  13411. >Repeat a year? Even in a played situation, this makes you feel sick in your guts.
  13412. “N-No! Mr. Mous, please! There must be something that I can do?” you blurt out and scoot forward.
  13413. >Holding onto his legs, you shoot him a pleading gander.
  13414. “Please. I will do anything. Just don't let me fail... Please...”
  13415. >”Anything?”
  13416. “Yes! Send me to detention, give me extra homework...”
  13417. >”Detention? That would be futile on you. Sorry, Twilight.”
  13418. “Uhm... Uhhh...”
  13419. >Your eyes dart from side to side in mocked panic... At least part of it is mocked.
  13420. >Should you say it?
  13421. >You never had a stallion do this to you...
  13422. >But it could be nice.
  13423. >Buck it!
  13424. “S-Spank me! Anything! Really!”
  13425. >Your boyfriend gives you a bit of a surprised look, before chuckling and grabbing you by your girth.
  13426. >The strong but gentle grip of his hands, making your heart beat and your lungs suck in air faster.
  13427. >You are genuinely excited and somewhat agitated now.
  13428. >”Spank you? Finally something comes out of your mouth that isn't a lame excuse for being late.”
  13429. >He lifts you into the air and looks deeply into your eyes, beaming you a small smile that tells you that he won't be too rough, before lying your tense form down over his lap.
  13430. >Your legs uselessly dangle from each side of his and your tail swishes from side to side like a tree in a hurricane. Fully knowing what is coming next and desperately trying to prevent it.
  13431. >A queasy feeling starts to spread through your intestines.
  13432. >You feel his hands slowly running along your back and hind legs. Exploring every inch of your outfit and feeling its various parts up.
  13433. >One of them slides under the blazer and begins to lazily rub your withers through the shirt, while the other lets its index finger run circles from your ankles up to the garters of the socks and back.
  13434. >Looks like your teacher is really digging your ensemble... Especially your leg-wear. He can't seem to get his fingers of them.
  13435. >And that thing that fiercely bores itself into your side...
  13436. >T-Total success!
  13437. >A quiet moan escapes your lips when his fingers get more daring and slowly approach your flanks from both sides.
  13438. “Aaahhh...”
  13439. >”Five should be sufficient for now, shouldn't they?”
  13440. “Yes! Whatever you deem necessary, Mr. Mous!”
  13441. >”Wonderful. Maybe we can make a good student out of you, after all.”
  13442. “Please... I just want to pass this year.”
  13443. >”We will see.”
  13444. >Anon leans down and gives the tip of your ear a gentle nibble, that sends a pleasant shower down your spine, before whispering into it:
  13445. >”Tell me if it hurts too much, okay?”
  13446. “Y-Yeah.” you whisper back.
  13447. >”You smell really nice.”
  13448. “Thank you.”
  13449. >”Is this my surprise?”
  13450. “Y-Yes.”
  13451. >”I love you.”
  13452. “Love you too...”
  13453. >And with that said, he kisses your forehead and you see his hand reaching back from the corner of your eye.
  13454. >You close them and prepare yourself for the imminent impact.
  13455. >With a quiet slap, it comes back down again and collides with your rump. Sending a hot and slightly painful, yet very pleasurable sensation through them.
  13456. “Ach!”
  13457. >”One.”
  13458. >When his hand leaves your backside again, it leaves a burning aftermath behind. Almost like a small fire... Making your tail twitch in anticipation for the next one.
  13459. >Another time it slaps against your buttocks, and you can feel and hear that he put more force into it.
  13460. >The singing pain is stronger and the burning sensation hotter... But also the lust it gave you is increased.
  13461. >You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
  13462. >Will the next one sound like this too? Oh my...
  13463. “Aah!”
  13464. >”Two.”
  13465. >His hand parts from your rump once more only to come down on it again near instantly.
  13466. “Yah!”
  13467. >By Celestia... It hurts... But it hurts so good.
  13468. >”Three.”
  13469. >What a depraved and dirty filly you have become... Enjoying it when your boyfriend bites and spanks you.
  13470. >Wearing a schoolfilly outfit to arouse him, at that...
  13471. >Your backside feels so hot and sore now... And you feel so... Dominated.
  13472. >So controlled.
  13473. >So in total mercy of him and his hands.
  13474. >And you don't want it any other way~
  13475. >You bite your lower lip and raise your hindquarters higher to give your teacher a better angle to discipline you
  13476. >It's only fair... Every bit of this punishment is well deserved for such a naughty filly like you.
  13477. “More!”
  13478. >He chuckles and lazily runs the hand he used to spank you, over your burning rump. But makes sure not to actually touch your marehood or ponut... Only teasing them with light brushes that are so close to them, but yet so far away.
  13479. >You hiss and shudder in desperation.
  13480. >Playing with the bandages around your tail, he lifts your chin up so he can lock eyes with you.
  13481. >”So eager to learn. You are a good filly, Twilight.”
  13482. “No, I am not! I'm tardy!” you blurt out.
  13483. >”I know. But your punishment isn't over yet, is it?”
  13484. “No it is not...”
  13485. >”Exactly. But you will be, once it's over.”
  13486. >By Luna's full moons... You sure do hope so that you are not.
  13487. >”Two more, Twilight.”
  13488. “Y-Yes!”
  13489. >Once again, you close your eyes and brace yourself.
  13490. >And once more his hand cannons into your flank. This one was especially hard and loud.
  13491. >The singing sensation and flaming pain returns full force but also does the surge of ecstasy that ripples through your whole body like the blast wave of an explosion.
  13492. “Kyah!”
  13493. >”Four.”
  13494. >You feel yourself starting to wink now. Slow, sure... But it's there.
  13495. >A steady stream of your nectar is already leaking out of it's source like out of a broken dam. Running down your thighs and soiling the garters of the socks with its slickness.
  13496. >Anon rubs your sore flanks for a short while, digging his fingers into them and thus increasing the pain and lust you feel, before retrieving his hand again.
  13497. >By all seventy levels of tartarus... Why does this feel so good?
  13498. >Looks like the pain and pleasure principle is a real thing after all, heh... You don't complain that it is.
  13499. >”The last one, Twilight.”
  13500. >You don't say anything and just elevate your flanks even higher.
  13501. >This position kinda hurts, but it will make sure that your lady bits also get some of this loving punishment.
  13502. >And you want to get the full experience...
  13503. >How will this feel, you wonder.
  13504. >Hopefully, not too bad... But you will see.
  13505. >Yeah~ You will see.
  13506. >Anon seems to ponder about that too for a moment, but you hear him chuckle and feel his hand making several “test runs”.
  13507. >You follow its movements out of the corner of your eye and tense your whole body up when you see it striking out.
  13508. >One final time it comes down again to smite your rump with a vengeance.
  13509. >A searing pain spreads like a wildfire through them and a high pitched scream leaves your lips like a banshee’s howl.
  13510. “Yaaaahhhh!”
  13511. >Are your windows closed? Did somepony hear you? Do you even care right now?
  13512. >No!
  13513. >All this is secondary and fades into the background of your mind.
  13514. >The impact against your marehood was very painful but also highly satisfying. Both pleasure- and soundwise.
  13515. >Sending drops of your lubrication flying and making you shiver pure ecstasy.
  13516. >”Five.”
  13517. >Your lower lips feel violated and pulsate like crazy, but also are so bucking wet and engorged.
  13518. >Ready for everything...
  13519. >You collapse onto your boyfrien-... no, teacher's knees and exhale sharply through your teeth..
  13520. >Never would you have thought that this would feel so good...
  13521. >Yeah, it was also very painful. Especially the last three, when Anon decided to get bolder; But if this would have bothered you would have said something.
  13522. >The pain was just a nice addition to the lust you felt.
  13523. >Rarity just knows what’s good.
  13524. >You should listen to her more often.
  13526. >With a muffled groan and a bit of a forced smile, you look at Anon and brush his arm with your tail.
  13527. “Did I do good?”
  13528. >”You did, Twilight. I'm proud of you.”
  13529. “Thank you, Mr. Mous.”
  13530. >Anon lets a hand run through your mane and gives the base of your ear a quick scratch, before he heaves you off his lap and settles you back down on the floor... On your aching haunches.
  13531. “Oww...”
  13532. >Immediately, his face is filled with worry but you quickly wave him off and widen your smile to disperse his worries.
  13533. >Not that he breaks his role... That would be a shame.
  13534. >It takes a while and you can see that he ponders if he should ask you if you are okay or not, but eventually he chuckles and shoots you a thin grin.
  13535. >You wonder, what he has planned next.
  13536. >Today is his turn to be in control... Yesterday was yours.
  13537. >He can do everything he want with you... You won't disagree. After all your future is at risk!
  13538. >”You did good, indeed... But do you think that's enough? Do you think you are a good filly yet?”
  13539. >Your head droops and you pretend to think for a bit.
  13540. >”Or...”
  13541. >Looking up to him, you cock your head sideways. He always found that cute.
  13542. >”What are you going to do about all that subject matter you missed?”
  13543. “I will catch up on it, of course!”
  13544. >”But Twilight...”
  13545. >Your teacher gently puts two fingers under your chin and raises it. They idly run over the short fur there.
  13546. >”The test is next week. You won't be able to make it in such a short time.”
  13547. “I... I know.”
  13548. >You yank your head away from his touch and cry a crocodile's tear.
  13549. “C.. Can't you help me? Maybe teach me now?”
  13550. >He silently laughs and forces you to look at him again with a soft push.
  13551. >”I could. But it is so much... And so hard...”
  13552. >The last words came out forced... You can tell that he cringed a bit saying them.
  13553. >How adorable.
  13554. “It doesn't matter! I will take it all!”
  13555. >”You will, huh?”
  13556. “Yeah! Like you said, Mr. Mous: I'm eager to learn!”
  13557. >You get up and put your front hooves on his thighs, pulling yourself up so that your faces are at the same height.
  13558. >Directly staring into his eyes, you say:
  13559. “I will swallow every bit of knowledge you have got for me zealously!”
  13560. >Your teacher chuckles and takes your hooves into his hands...
  13561. >”Oh, Twilight.”
  13562. >... Then parts his legs and gently puts your form between them.
  13563. >The bulge in his pants is right in front of your muzzle and you can smell his arousal through the fabric.
  13564. >What... What a rarity... You think that this is the first time you can smell it so clearly.
  13565. >All the pre cum that his cock has leaked... It's scent is invading your nose and hazes your mind.
  13566. >By Celestia... His boxers must be soaked by now.
  13567. >Looks like he enjoyed that little experiment with your rump too~
  13568. >And that your spell is still exerting some of its effects on him... But just to be sure...
  13569. >You close your eyes and gather the necessary magic winds to cast the body fluid enhancement spell.
  13570. >Buck... Not enough Hysh. But you won't give up.
  13571. >...
  13572. >There you are!
  13573. >Catching the tricky wind, you quickly release the spell before it can escape you again.
  13574. >Anon groans and bops your horn.
  13575. >”Twilight? What spell did you just cast?”
  13576. >Giggling, you nuzzle his groins.
  13577. “Just a spell to understand all that subject matter more easily, once you are ready to give it to me~”
  13578. >”Okay then. Are you ready for your first lesson?”
  13579. >You sit down on your haunches and nod, locking eyes with him.
  13580. “Y-Yes, Mr. Mous! What is it?”
  13581. >”How the reproductive organs of a male human work. You missed every single class on it!”
  13582. >A blush spreads on your cheeks.
  13583. “I'm sorry, Mr. Mous.”
  13584. >He puts a hand on the back of your head and gently pushes it towards his loins.
  13585. >”No problem, Twilight. I will teach you.”
  13586. “Thank you, Mr. Mous! So...”
  13587. >Your gaze can't seem to leave this twitching hill in his trousers... You want it... Now!
  13588. “Do you have any examples to show me? To see how one works? A chart maybe?”
  13589. >Your teacher laughs and shakes his head.
  13590. >”I have something better! A live specimen!”
  13591. “R-Really!”
  13592. >”Yeah. Just do everything what I say, okay Twilight?”
  13593. “Of course!”
  13594. >”Open my pants.”
  13595. >You unbutton and unzip them. His cock bursts through the opening you created like Pinkie through your front door when she wants to surprise you.
  13596. >Sadly it is still covered by his boxers... But just like you expected, they are completely soaked with a sticky, clear liquid.
  13597. >Unintentionally and probably thanks to your addiction, you begin to drool.
  13598. “What now, Mr. Mous?”
  13599. >”Pull them down.”
  13600. >Pfft... Anon is pretty lazy today. But it's fun~
  13601. >He lifts his hips up and you use your magic to do so.
  13602. >Once his pants and boxers have reached his thighs, his penis is only held down by the rim of the underpants...
  13603. >Slowly, you slide them down and gasp when it finally springs free. Flinging a string of his pre right onto your face.
  13604. >You desperately try to lap it up, but it is to high up.
  13605. “Ahh... Buck...” you mumble.
  13606. >”No cursing in my class, Twilight.”
  13607. “Sorry, Mr. Mous. It won't happen again.”
  13608. >Oh... Oh my... His dick is covered in it's own lubrication... Gleaming and shining in the light of the morning sun.
  13609. “So... This is a human cock?”
  13610. >”The proper term is penis. But yes... It is. What do you think of it?”
  13611. “It looks amazing... And so different... Don't humans have a sheath?”
  13612. >Your teacher chuckles.
  13613. >No, they don't. And if you would have attended my classes, you would have known that.”
  13614. >The blush on your cheeks gets brighter and you giggle.
  13615. “Sorry, Mr. Mous.”
  13616. >”Don't be. You are here to learn, aren't you?”
  13617. “Yep!” you chirp, still not being able to avert your eyes from his pulsating member.
  13618. >”Lets see then what you already know... Point out the parts you know the names of. With your muzzle.”
  13619. >With your muzzle? Nothing easier than that...
  13620. >You could do with some oral fun~
  13621. “Okay. These are...”
  13622. >Gently, you nuzzle his balls. Carefully nipping at and giving them a quick lick before retrieving your head again.
  13623. >Anon lets out a cute, quiet moan.
  13624. “The testicles. Sperm is uhm... produced there?”
  13625. >”Very good. Go on.”
  13626. >Snickering, you let your tongue graze his shaft. Making him shudder and eliciting another moan from your boyfriend.
  13627. >The sweet and salty taste of his pre fills your mouth.
  13628. “This... Ahh... is the shaft. I... I don't know what it is for.”
  13629. >”I will show you later.”
  13630. >You sure do hope so~
  13631. “And this...”
  13632. >You kiss his glans. Catching the small streams that leak from there with your lips and bedewing them with their slickness.
  13633. >Careful Sparkle... His pre could get you high too... Take it slow. Despite what your brain tells you.
  13634. “Is the glans, or tip of the penis, isn't it?”
  13635. >Your teacher laughs and pats your head. Slowly applying more pressure onto it with each touch.
  13636. >”Colour me impressed, Twilight. You know more than I thought you would!”
  13637. “Thank you, Mr. Mous.”
  13638. >”Do you have any questions?”
  13639. >You cock your head.
  13640. “Actually... yes, I do.”
  13641. >”Go ahead?”
  13642. >”What does happen if somepony, say me, would stimulate it?”
  13643. >”Good question. Twilight! Wanna learn on a practical example?”
  13644. >Your mouth gapes open in mocked excitement, and you beam him a wide smile.
  13645. “Of course!”
  13646. >He slowly guides your mouth back to the tip of his cock.
  13647. >”Very good. Open wide and just follow my instructions.”
  13649. >You back away from his penis again.
  13650. >Not that you particularly wanted to, but playing a role requires some sacrifices.
  13651. “But what if I do badly or can't follow your instructions? What if I accidentally bi-”
  13652. >Anon shushes you with a finger.
  13653. >”Don't worry, Twilight. You will do just fine.”
  13654. >Kissing his finger, you look up to him.
  13655. “Thank you, Mr. Mous. You really do believe in me, don't you?”
  13656. >He beams you a smile and lets his hand run from your muzzle to the back of your head. Gently giving the tip of your ear a quick rub while it is on its way there.
  13657. >When you have time, you should do a study on the sensitivity of pony ears... It feels so nice.
  13658. >”I always have.”
  13659. >You lean into his touch and return his smile.
  13660. “So what should I do first? I never have done this before...”
  13661. >All stallions like this trope, don't they? The innocent and inexperienced schoolfilly?
  13662. >Also this is a perfect opportunity to find out what he really likes when you orally pleasure him and to refine your techniques a bit~
  13663. >Maybe you have overlooked a crucial thing until now? Who knows?
  13664. >Lets see and learn~
  13665. >That is what you are here for, aren't you?
  13666. >The smile on his face gets wider and you see his cock twitch.
  13667. >Bullseye.
  13668. >”Start slow. Kiss and nuzzle the testicles. Explore its length with your tongue. Just do whatever feels naturally to you, before we move on to the more advanced stuff. Okay?”
  13669. “Okay, Mr. Mous.”
  13670. >Advanced stuff, huh?
  13671. >Can you make him cum without that advanced stuff, meaning taking his cock into your mouth, you wonder?
  13672. >Just by nuzzling and licking it... It could be fun to do so.
  13673. >Also it would add to your role.
  13674. >Yeah, lets try this~
  13675. >If that doesn't work, you can still suck him off normally. So he will have his fun, one way or another.
  13676. >He guides your head back to his dick.
  13677. >Its scent as strong as ever and still glistening from all the pre it has leaked.
  13678. >”But enough talking now. Be a good filly and show your teacher what you know and what he has to teach to you.”
  13679. >By Celestia... Every inch, from the its tip to its base, is completely drenched.
  13680. >Maybe you overdid it a bit with your spell? You were so desperate to find Hysh that you perhaps added too much when you finally found some...
  13681. >No wonder he cannot wait for you to finally start~
  13682. >Lets not torture him any longer.
  13683. >With a giggle and a nod, you move your muzzle to his balls and give each of them a gentle nuzzle. Making sure to use the short and soft fur you have there, to their greatest effect.
  13684. >They are so swollen... Brimful with his delicious, sticky cum.
  13685. >Yeah, you certainly overdid it. But you will rectify that soon enough~
  13686. >You begin to gently flick and trace them with your tongue. Relishing the slightly salty taste of his sweat.
  13687. >Each lick rewards you with a moan from your teacher and a twitch of his member. Sending another pour of his lubrication out, that directly finds its way on your muzzle.
  13688. >Slowly it collects itself there, and runs in small spurts into your mouth.
  13689. “Mmhh...”
  13690. >So sweet and tangy... And concentrated~ Perfect, just how you like it.
  13691. >Burying your muzzle deep into Anon's scrotum, you inhale its musky scent and let your tongue caress its under- and backside.
  13692. >Good thing that your pony tongue is so long and broad~ There is no way some human girl could do that.
  13693. >You can feel how his cock wildly jerks above you, rubbing against the velvety skin of your horn while you erratically lick and lap at his testicles.
  13694. >”Oh, Twi...”
  13695. >The pressure on your occiput increases and you open your mouth a bit wider to take one of his balls into it.
  13696. >You suckle and carefully pull on it, before releasing it again with a quiet pop to repeat this procedure on it's counterpart.
  13697. >He moans loudly and grips your mane. The slight pain making you shudder in delight.
  13698. >That spanking session really opened you up for new stuff, you have to say~
  13699. >Releasing his testicle from your wet grasp, you give each of them a quick kiss and place your lips at the base of his cock.
  13700. >You can feel his heartbeat on them.
  13701. >Gradually, you let them run up his length. Your tongue collecting every bit of his bitter-sweet lubrication that happens to be on its path.
  13702. >Once you reached the tip, you lock eyes with your teacher and swallow as loud as possible.
  13703. >”Very good.”
  13704. >Hopefully his pre can't get you high, or this will end sooner than he or you might like. There is so much of it, that you can't avoid it getting into your system.
  13705. >But until now, you don't feel anything.
  13706. >You giggle at his praise and move your head down again. Giving his whole length a big lick, before blowing on the wet trail you created.
  13707. >Eliciting a pleasant shiver from him and a hard twitch from his cock.
  13708. >Time after time you repeat this on every inch of his shaft, until he has enough of your teasing and somewhat forcefully tries to guide your head back up again.
  13709. >Apparently, so he can start teaching you the advanced stuff.
  13710. >Sadly, this will not happen.
  13711. >You shake him off and put your front hooves on each side of his pulsating member. Slowly starting to masturbate him.
  13712. >Each stroke pushing another squirt of his pre out, which you immediately catch in your awaiting maw.
  13713. >So good~ And there is so much of it. Isn't this just your lucky day?
  13714. >Once again, you let your tongue run over the underside of his cock. Eliciting another moan and shudder from him.
  13715. >See, isn't this nice too?
  13716. >”Twilight, please...”
  13717. >Retrieving your head from his dick, you shoot him a confused look.
  13718. >Of course, you still keep the movements of your hooves up. Not that it goes all limp and soft~
  13719. “What is it, Mr. Mous? Am I not doing well?”
  13720. >”You are, but don't you think we should move on? You understood the basics, but there is so much more you can learn.”
  13721. >You giggle and kiss his glans.
  13722. “There is? Isn't that enough to see what happens if I stimulate it enough?”
  13723. >”Sadly, it isn't. It will need much more stimulation that you give it right now, to do that.”
  13724. “Ohh... What should I do instead then?”
  13725. >His thumb brushes your lips and slowly pries itself inside them.
  13726. >You close your eyes and start to suckle on it.
  13727. “Mmmhh~”
  13728. >”See? This for example.”
  13729. >Honestly, it would be nice to feel him a bit more... direct. But that would deviate from your original plan.
  13730. >Giving his appendage a last nip, you let it exit you and increase the pace of your stroking. Your hooves rapidly moving up and down on his length, making him groan and tense up.
  13731. >How adorable~ If you keep this up for just a tad longer, he will cum.
  13732. “But I want to see what happens when it is stimulated enough...”
  13733. >That would be a bit too soon for you, however. And seeing him enjoy what you do to him is part of the fun too.
  13734. >So you slow down again, to a more reasonable speed.
  13735. >Anon visibly relaxes and leans forward.
  13736. >”What about your uniform? I have quite a bit in me...” he whispers.
  13737. “I can just wash it later. Don't worry.” you whisper back.
  13738. >”Are you sure?.”
  13739. “Yep! Do you like it?”
  13740. >He beams you a smile, cups your face and plants a loving kiss on your lips.
  13741. >You feel his tongue crawl out and you waste no time to free yours from its wet hiding place and let it engage his in a sensual dance.
  13742. >They snake and play around each other, trying to gain dominance with more and more daring acrobatics.
  13743. >For a while, it looks like you are going to win this battle. Your broader and longer tongue, easily overpowering his.
  13744. >But in war, strength is not all that counts.. You forgot that.
  13745. >In the end, his superior dexterity allows him to subdue your tongue with ease. Locking it in place with a gentle hold.
  13746. >A warm shudder runs down your spine and you moan into his mouth.
  13747. >Anon breaks the kiss and stares into your eyes.
  13748. >”Does that answer your question? It looks sexy as hell on you.”
  13749. >Once more, the temperature in your cheeks increases.
  13750. >A stray hand wanders down your side to your hind legs and plays with the garters of your socks.
  13751. >”Especially those. And...”
  13752. >It runs up your thigh again, along your rump and then brushes slightly over your soaked marehood before it settles on the bandaged base of your tail. Idly tracing its windings.
  13753. “Aahh~”
  13754. >His touches... Always so subtle, yet so effective.
  13755. >”This. I don't know why, but seeing your tail like that drives me wild.”
  13756. >You giggle and peck his nose.
  13757. “That was my intention~ If you want, I could tie it up like this more often, loverboy.”
  13758. >”Don't forget about the socks.”
  13759. “Of course not~”
  13760. >Leaning back and resting your bodyweight on your front legs, you let a stocking-hooved hoof graze over the underside of his member.
  13761. “How does this feel?”
  13762. >He moans and presses the hoof harder against him. Guiding it up and down on his throbbing shaft.
  13763. >”Incredible, Twi.”
  13764. >You bite your lower lip and watch with great pleasure, as the cloth that covers your hoof gets more and more soiled with the sticky, clear fluid he seeps.
  13765. >Tinting it even darker than it was before.
  13766. >But it is so wasted there...
  13767. >So you retrieve it again, much to the disapproval of Anon, and get back on your haunches. Your soaked hoof leaving a wet trail where it slid over the wooden floor.
  13768. >Kinda hot, you have to admit~
  13769. >”Aww...”
  13770. “I know, stud. But that's not we play right now, is it?”
  13771. >Anon chuckles and runs a hand through your mane.
  13772. >”Yeah. You're right.”
  13773. “But if you behave and play your role nicely, I will consider buying some even sexier and nicer feeling pairs~”
  13774. >Rarity should be able to help you along with that. In the back of her boutique is a small room that serves as its “adult section”.
  13775. >Full with all sorts of “special clothing” that a mare might need.
  13776. >And some stallions... But lets not get into that now.
  13777. >There are fare more important and fun tasks at hoof right now.
  13778. >”That would be appreciated, my Love.”
  13779. >There it is again. Makes your heart flutter every time.
  13780. “But...”
  13781. >”Hmm?”
  13782. “Lets get back to business, shall we?” you ask him with a wink.
  13783. >He pinches your cheek.
  13784. “Hey~ Stop that.”
  13785. >”Ain't I'm the teacher and get to decide such important decisions like these?”
  13786. >Snickering, you wiggle out of his fingers and stick your tongue out.
  13787. “How could I forget? Of course!”
  13788. >”So just to clarify that once more... It's okay if I cum on you?”
  13789. >You shoot him a seductive grin and nod.
  13790. “Very much so, stud~”
  13791. >”Okay then.”
  13792. >Your teacher harrumphs, to show that he is in his role again, and pats your head.
  13793. >”Don't worry about that, Twilight. I will tell you when it's nearer the time.”
  13794. “Really? Is this possible?”
  13795. >”Of course it is! Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.”
  13796. “I would never imply otherwise!” you say with mocked dismay.
  13797. >”And you are better off doing so, my dear student.”
  13798. >His cock is starting to get softer in your hooves... Something that you will not allow to happen on your watch!
  13799. >So you slowly begin to massage it again with strong but deliberate pumps.
  13800. >And in no time at all, it ceases its contraction and stands proudly before you again.
  13801. >Very nice~
  13802. “What should I do next, Mr. Mous? Just take it into my mouth and suck on it?”
  13803. >”That is a good way to start.”
  13804. >You beam him a wide smile.
  13805. “Okay! Anything special I should do? So it happens faster?”
  13806. >”You are really eager to learn, aren't you?”
  13807. “Uhu! You showed me how to be a good filly, Mr. Mous! And I want to make you proud!”
  13808. >Anon scratches his chin and thinks for a bit... Or at least he pretends to do so.
  13809. >”Twilight...”
  13810. “Yeah?”
  13811. >”Do you like philosophical questions?”
  13812. “Uhh... I don't know?”
  13813. >What is he driving at?
  13814. >”Yes or no.”
  13815. “Yes... I guess.”
  13816. >He chuckles and raises a finger.
  13817. >”Wonderful! Then think about this one: “How deep is a pony's throat anyway?”.”
  13818. >Oh by the celestial sisters and their lost siblings... That is so bad and not philosophical at all that it almost hurts.
  13819. >But not a bad way to stay in his role while he tells you to deepthroat him, you have to admit.
  13820. >Barely managing to stifle a giggle, you shoot him a nod.
  13821. “I think, I understand Mr. Mous.”
  13822. >”Great. I knew that you had potential, Twilight. You just had to find it first.”
  13823. “Thank you... For never giving me up.”
  13824. >You try to squeeze a tear out, but it doesn't seem to work... So you hope that your act is convincing enough without it.
  13825. >”Don't mention it. Now show your teacher that potential of yours, will you?”
  13826. >He cups your cheek and lets a thumb lazily run over the soft fur there.
  13827. “Of course! I won't disappoint you!”
  13828. >”You won't, my dear student. You won't.”
  13829. >And with that said, the hand on your cheek wanders to the back of your head and applies a light pressure on it.
  13830. >Slowly but steadily, forcing you closer and closer to his awaiting and still leaking penis.
  13831. >You part your lips and let them gradually engulf his glans while your tongue erratically laps at his shaft.
  13832. >When they finally have taken it fully inside your warm and moist cavity, you hear him moan and feel his cock wildly twitch.
  13833. >Shooting a thick spurt of his pre directly inside you, which you immediately and greedily devour.
  13834. >”Yeah... That's the stuff.”
  13835. >Your words~
  13836. >Even if he broke his role a bit... But you will ignore this little faux pas of his.
  13837. >Can't blame him for digging your skills, can you now~?
  13838. >No, you can't.
  13839. >Lets make him dig them some more, shall we Sparkle?
  13840. “Hmm~”
  13841. >Inch by inch, you let him enter you deeper and deeper. Past your teeth and the base of your tongue, until you can lastly feel him prodding the entrance to your throat.
  13842. >Now comes the hard part... Which may be even harder than the thing you suck on right now:
  13843. >Fellating him as deep as possible.
  13844. >Carefully, you start to bop up and down on him to accommodate your oesophagus to his throbbing girth and manage to get it inside it a bit further with each attempt.
  13845. >When your muzzle has almost reached his pelvis, you decide that this is enough and pull your head back one last time.
  13846. >With one fluent movement, you let it slide down on his length until your muzzle has hilted against his pelvic bone with a soft, but somewhat painful impact.
  13847. >Oww... Perhaps that was a bit too fast.
  13848. >But now he is so deep inside you... You can feel it pulsate against the tight walls of your throat.
  13849. >A delightful sensation~
  13850. >You let your tongue caress the pulsating underside of his member with slow, rolling motions and start to swallow empty, just like yesterday.
  13851. >He seemed to enjoy that.
  13852. >”God, Twilight!”
  13853. >Looks like he still does~
  13854. >Each swallow elicits another moan from from your teacher and an additional strong jerk of his dick in the narrow tunnel that is your oesophagus.
  13855. >The pressure inside it is almost unbearable... And you need air soon.
  13856. >So you slowly go up on his cock again. Letting your tongue coil around and rhythmically squeeze it while you do so.
  13857. >When your lips have finally reached his glans again, you suckle on it for a bit and indulge yourself on the juices it never ceased to leak.
  13858. >Your hooves convince it to give you even more and you moan into it with delight as you swallow what you have gathered.
  13859. >So sweet... So salty... So perfect.
  13860. “Mmhmm...”
  13861. >You feel the pressure on the back of your head increasing, and you look up to your teacher.
  13862. >His lips bear a warm smile and his face an almost pleading look.
  13863. >”Soon, my dear student. But you will have to keep your former performance up.”
  13864. >Oh my... Of course.
  13865. >What comes out now is nice, but what will come out when you have finally stimulated it enough is even nicer.
  13866. >And thicker and far more satisfying~
  13867. >Giggling, you shoot him a wink and swallow a final time. Coating your tongue and throat with the slick fluid before going down on his shaft another time.
  13868. >”Very good, Twilight. I will tell you, like promised.”
  13869. >With almost no effort at all, it enters and exits your throat and you start to bop your head up and down.
  13870. >Every time you pull your head back up again, you rub your tongue all over his length and suck hard on its engorged tip only to impale your oesophagus once again.
  13871. >Your teacher's breathing starts to get faster and his grip on your mane stronger.
  13872. >Guiding your movements and making sure you don't slow down, while his rock hard cock penetrates your throat.
  13873. >But soon he assumes direct control and sets the rhythm for them with the hand on the back of your head.
  13874. >Increasing their pace and intensity with each passing second and each advance he makes you do.
  13875. >Tears start to form in your eyes and you just let it happen and follow his instructions to the best of you abilities... Just let him teach you. Like it is expected from a good filly.
  13876. >And he is formidable at it.
  13877. >At this point you have given up to effectively control your tongue and just let press against his dick's underside and count the heartbeats you can feel on it as a measure to control your breathing, while he uses your head as a tool to pleasure himself with.
  13878. >So primal... So raw... He just uses you. and you like it.
  13879. >More and more frequently you feel his loins tense up and hear him groan in ecstasy.
  13880. >He is close... But...
  13881. >If he keeps this up he will cum inside you... Not that you wouldn't want this, but still...
  13882. >You rather have a second round with him than lying high off your rockers on the floor, giggling at imaginary ponies.
  13883. >But just as you wanted to do something against this, he gives you a crude sign with his free hand.
  13884. >”Now! Twilight!”
  13885. >Immediately, the pressure on the back of your head is gone and you yank it off his cock.
  13886. >Grabbing it with both of your front hooves, you open your mouth wide and start to pump it mercilessly.
  13887. >Each of your strokes making it twitch and jerk just a bit more fiercely. Until...
  13888. >Your teacher's form is shaken by a shudder and he lets loose with an almost animal like grunt.
  13889. “Ahhh!”
  13890. >His balls contract and a several giant spurts of his hot seed fly out of his cock. Covering your muzzle and forehead with it's sticky, glutinous glory.
  13891. >It splatters against your cheeks and nose, dripping down to your uniform and staining them white.
  13892. >When you feel his cum landing on your tongue and filling your mouth with its salty and bitter aroma, you close your eyes and increase your hooves pace.
  13893. >Milking him now for all its worth in an attempt to get every single drop out of him.
  13894. >And it seems to work, since his penis still hasn't stopped to bombard you with it's viscous ammunition.
  13895. >More and more of it lands all over your face and you lose your focus as you lose yourself in this sensation.
  13896. >Some of it starts to run out of your mouth, so you close it to keep that what you desire most now inside.
  13897. >Your upper body feels wet and surely your blazer is completely ruined by now. But you don't care.
  13898. >What matters is all of his hot, gluey love on you. That forms pools on your face's features and slowly runs down on them like a thick goo.
  13899. >Trickling from it on your upper body and smudging your uniform even more than it already is.
  13900. >Finally, you feel his penis twitch one last time in your hooves and feel one last strand hit your cheeks.
  13901. >You catch it with your tongue and unite it with its brethren in your mouth.
  13902. >There is so much of it inside you now... Is swallowing it really a good idea?
  13903. >...
  13904. >Buck it. You will be fine.
  13905. >For a moment more, you relish the sticky saltiness and roll it around, covering every inch of your oral cavity with it, before swallowing it all with a big gulp.
  13906. >Like on your face, it flows just as viscidly down your throat.
  13907. >And you love this feeling.
  13908. >A warm sensation spreads through you and hazes your mind.
  13909. >But... But you think you can control it. Fight it.
  13910. >Y-Yeah...
  13911. >You open your eyes and see your teachers gradually shrinking cock before them. A large, milky-white droplet of its seed hangs down from it.
  13912. >It shouldn't go to waste... No...
  13913. >So you let your lips engulf his glans once more and softy suck on it. Eliciting a quiet moan from him.
  13914. >With a kiss on the very tip of it, you swallow and put your hooves back on the floor.
  13915. >Which also got it's fair share of Anon's cum... But not as much as you, heh. That would be silly, wouldn't it?
  13916. >A floor with a fetish... Hehe...
  13917. >Your throat feels sore...
  13918. >You look up to him and beam him a smile.
  13919. >Is it wonky? You can't tell.
  13920. >Probably.
  13921. >He returns it and gives your right ear... Yeah, you think its the right one... A quick scratch.
  13922. >Feels nice...
  13923. >A mare could lose herself in touches like these...
  13924. >Wait, what?! Lose? No way!
  13925. >You have a role to play!
  13927. >Giggling, you wipe your face with a sleeve and slosh what you have gathered down to the ground. Creating another opaque-white puddle on the wooden boards of your flooring.
  13928. >Some stray droplets find their way on your bare thighs and stick the short hairs of your fur there together.
  13929. >Not that it matters... You are already full of his seed anyway.
  13930. >Your face feels damp where residues of it remain and it has sunken deep into fabric of your blazer.
  13931. >Especially the stains on its sleeves and shoulders, on which most of your teacher's cum has dripped onto, will be a pain in the flank to get out.
  13932. >But such a hot experience was worth every future cleaning problem it might have caused.
  13933. >The feeling of him bombarding your face... Each impact made you shiver in delight and await the next one even more.
  13934. >It's strong distinctive taste filling your mouth and numbing your tongue.
  13935. >The sensation of it slowly running down your throat... Spreading its risky, but ever so fascinating effects with deadly precision through your body.
  13936. >Affecting every cell and every fibre that you call your own.
  13937. >With you, a purple unicorn mare, perfectly aware of her affliction what it can do to her. And probably will.
  13938. >But disregarding the consequences for a short lived act of fun and rampant lust.
  13939. >And now...
  13940. >She has to pay the toll for it.
  13941. “Urgh...”
  13942. >”Twi?”
  13943. >By the second, your vision gets blurrier and more distorted. Warping everything around you into a amorphous, wobbling mess of bright colours.
  13944. >A million thoughts arrive and leave your brain at a rapid speed, like it is some kind of express train station.
  13945. >Staying just long enough to scream bloody murder at you for you to finish them. Slowly but steadily driving you into madness.
  13946. >Your whole body feels like it is vibrating on a molecular level.
  13947. >And just like yesterday, your sense of touch is increased to ridiculous heights. Making your schoolfilly uniform feel like it is a living and breathing part of you.
  13948. >By Celestia... No... NO!
  13949. >Something touches your shoulder.
  13950. >Why does it bring about its effects so bucking fast? It doesn't make one celestiabucking, damn bit of sense!
  13951. >No drug know to ponykind or any other sapient Equestrian race shows signs of its effects in just mere seconds after its ingestion.
  13952. >Your fight, which you so keenly have sworn to decide, seems so pointless now.
  13953. >So dumb and so futile.
  13954. >”Hey, Twi!”
  13955. >It gently shakes you.
  13956. >You close your eyes in attempt to regather your senses. But to no avail.
  13957. >They all have decided to sell you down the river. Doing what they want and completely ignoring your pleas for reality.
  13958. >For logic.
  13959. >For anything sensible.
  13960. >So you just give in and endure their crazed actions. With your breathing remaining as the only thing you can actively control.
  13961. >A shattering shudder verberates your form like an earthquake, at the same time as a sharp pain splits your head in two like it got struck by a thunderbolt.
  13962. “Arch...”
  13963. >From colourful to total darkness in just the blink of an eye...
  13964. >From hypersensitivity to complete numbness in the tiniest fraction of a second...
  13965. >A whole sea of thoughts made bone dry in a mere moment...
  13966. >Funny how some things can go...
  13967. >”Twilight?!”
  13968. >A crooked grin spreads on your lips and you feel yourself falling... But to where?
  13969. >”Fuck!”
  13970. >You neither know, nor do you care.
  13971. >All you want is to rest. Everything and any place will do. Even the cold, hard and soiled oaken floor of your room.
  13972. >Sounds nice right now...
  13973. >With a twisted sense of anticipation, you await the harsh impact. But it never comes.
  13974. >Instead something soft, yet firm catches you and slowly lifts you into the air.
  13975. >Settling you onto something warm... And nice smelling.
  13976. >This is better than the floor...
  13977. >You wonder what it could be.
  13978. >...
  13979. >..
  13980. >.
  13981. >Blackness.
  13982. >Nothingness.
  13983. >The endless void of your mind. And you...
  13984. >And you falling through it.
  13985. >Heh. It has been some time since you last have visited it. Four years, if you aren't mistaken.
  13986. >Yeah... That mass teleportation spell that went so awfully wrong and created an aether vortex instead of the desired pathway through space and time.
  13987. >Sucked your consciousness away like a black hole and kept it for nearly a whole day.
  13988. >The chance to end up here... Alone with your thoughts and doomed to drift through them until you somehow manage to escape. That is one of the more major downsides of being a magic user.
  13989. >And you didn't exactly plan to go there ever again.
  13990. >Everyone was so worried the last time... Your parents... Your brother... The few friends that you had back then.
  13991. >Wait...
  13992. >Brother? Do you even have a brother?
  13993. >You are not sure...
  13994. >Maybe, maybe not. You will find out soon enough when you eventually find your way back to reality.
  13995. >You did it once, you can do it again.
  13996. >How though? You don't know any more.
  13997. >That is the funny thing here...
  13998. >The cold, harsh winds, made of unfinished ideas and thoughts, cut deep into your helpless form like sickles through wheat as they breeze past you.
  13999. >Drawing no blood, but memories in a desperate attempt to reach completion.
  14000. >A familiar feeling for you now. Not painful, nor agonizing... Just an emptiness that slowly but steadily grows.
  14001. >Strange that you can remember this fact... Maybe something wants you to know what happens to you.
  14002. >How sadistic.
  14003. >It doesn't bother you, though. Should they have them.
  14004. >You will get them back once you make it out of here.
  14005. >Shouldn't take too long... At least you hope so.
  14006. >Time is meaningless here anyway.
  14007. >For what seems like a small eternity you fall... And fall... And fall... Each passing squall wrenching another precious memory from you.
  14008. >A particularly brutal one reels you around like a fish that got caught in a whirlpool, and makes you forget... Something... you loved dearly.
  14009. >What a pity.
  14010. >You close your eyes and just let them slice you up and empty you.
  14011. >Not that it matters.
  14012. >Eventually your limp form hits the ground, or something that resembles the ground, with a dull noise and you take your time to get on your hooves.
  14013. >Like you already clarified... Time is meaningless. So why hurry?
  14014. >Also it is calm and windless here... Reason enough to enjoy this short moment of rest.
  14015. >Shaking the dust off your coat, you start to look around, but see nothing more than a lifeless, greyish, rocky landscape with the pitch black void serving as its sky.
  14016. >No stars, no sun, no moon. Only the occasional, blinking wisp interrupts the dark nothingness and provides a faint glimmer of light.
  14017. >They are what ideas, thoughts, mindsets, emotions, feelings and even spells become when their possessor finalizes, locks and anchors them in his or her mind.
  14018. >Every pony or sapient creature has them, but only magic users can actually access their realm and see them.
  14019. >Willingly or not.
  14020. >A yellow, rather small one draws closer to you and you let it land on your muzzle.
  14021. >Formless... Massless... Just like you remember them.
  14022. >A smirk spreads across your lips and a warm feeling of conversance through your stomach.
  14023. ”Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again.”
  14024. >It blinks once and then flits away again. Leaving a glowing trail in its wake.
  14025. “Yellow... Must have been greed.”, you chuckle, “Poor thing. It was terribly small.”
  14026. >What can you say... You are not exactly a greedy mare.
  14027. “So...”
  14028. >In which direction should you head to?
  14029. >To be honest... It doesn't really matter, since your mind has no end. It will just create something new if you risk to reach one of its borders.
  14030. >Or it just loops endlessly.
  14031. >One of those two options.
  14032. “Hmm...”
  14033. >But that mountain-like thingy in the distance looks promising. Quite a few of these wisps flitter around it and it seems to emit some kind of light by its own.
  14034. >You can't recall such a thing from your last visit here... Or maybe you just forgot it.
  14035. “Okay then.”
  14036. >Time to get going.
  14037. >Something inside your head tells you that someone is worrying about you.
  14038. “Heh, inside my head. How fitting.”
  14039. >Whoever that might be.
  14041. >The air is stale and devoid of all moisture. But luckily you don't really need to breath in here.
  14042. >Your body is merely a projection of your consciousness and just serves as a puppet so this unnatural paradox doesn't drive you insane.
  14043. >A self-protection mechanism, so to speak.
  14044. >Still it feels extremely bizarre and you doubt that you will ever fully accustom to this sensation. No matter how many times you might visit this place in the future.
  14045. >Apropos...
  14046. >How by Celestia's beard, did you even end up here this time?
  14047. >Another spell mishap?
  14048. >Possibly. Even if it is kinda unlikely, since you don't remember casting anything big that could have caused this to happen.
  14049. >But maybe you just forgot it in your descent down here.
  14050. >Well... This mystery will resolve itself, once you are back in the real world again and have all your memories back.
  14051. >You hate this empty feeling, but what can you do?
  14052. >Nothing, but ignore it and carry on.
  14053. “I travelled far and wide~”
  14054. >Singing might help.
  14055. >Your voice produces no echo and just gets swallowed by the endless hollowness. You didn't expect anything else.
  14056. “And laid this head in many ports~”
  14057. >Yeah, it kinda does. Makes you feel less lonely.
  14058. >Nothing much to see in this port, though. A rather boring walk, but one you have to do.
  14059. >But you know that there are... things... in here. Stuff that makes up and represents your intellect in obscure ways.
  14060. “I was guided by a compass~”
  14061. >It is only a matter of time until you encounter on- Oh.
  14062. >What is this? Looky there...
  14063. >Your gaze falls on a lonely flower amidst a small pile of pebbles and you decide to give it a closer look.
  14064. >Withered petals with no colours... A forgotten memory. Not caused by the winds though. One you forgot yourself.
  14065. >Leaning down, you sniff at it and immediately regret it.
  14066. >It smells acrid... Most likely a memory of grief or sorrow.
  14067. “I wonder why I forgot you...” you ask it while you retrieve your muzzle.
  14068. >There are spells to revitalize and refresh it, but you are not particularly interested in doing so.
  14069. >Surely, you had your reasons to forget it.
  14070. >And casting spells inside your mind is incredibly dangerous. Just one tiny mistake and you could bring about irreversible damage to yourself.
  14071. >So you just beam it a smile as your farewell from it and leave it behind you.
  14072. >There is still a long way before you. And the ground under your hooves is hard and unforgiving.
  14073. >Shattered figments of your imagination litter it. They shimmer like the most pure nacre, but their edges are sharp as knives and bore themselves deep into your defenceless hooves.
  14074. >Causing no pain, though. Just minor inconveniences when the next step you take, breaks them off again.
  14075. “I saw beauty to the north~”
  14076. >This place really has a strange and macabre beauty to it. Gloomy, dreary and sorrowful, yes. But in a weird and wonderful way.
  14077. >If you can remember even a single thing from your trip here, you might commission a painting of this bizarre landscape.
  14078. >You are not sure if you have a fireplace, but it might look pretty good above one.
  14079. “I drew the tales of many lives~”
  14080. >The mountain doesn't seem to come any closer. But it eventually will. Quite rapidly at that then too.
  14081. >When your mind deems you ready. Or whenever it feels like it.
  14082. >That is how this nonsensical hell wants it to work. And it shall get its way.
  14083. “And wore the faces of my own~”
  14084. >You jump over a small gap, but miscalculate your landing and fall harshly on your side. Slicing your right foreleg open on a large sliver in the process.
  14085. “Urgh!”
  14086. >Again, no pain. Only a dull, throbbing feeling of something essential flowing out of you.
  14087. >Groaning, you get up again and inspect the damage on your leg.
  14088. “Buck.”
  14089. >Just what you needed... A giant gash from your ankle to your thigh. Nice...
  14090. “Celestia be damned.”
  14091. >It doesn't bleed. At least no blood.
  14092. >An ethereal mist escapes from the wound and mixes itself with the soft, dust-filled gusts, before it gets taken away with the breeze.
  14093. >Tentatively, you wave it around to see if it still works.
  14094. >No... You have no feeling in it any more.
  14095. >Might as well leave it behind now... It's rendered completely useless.
  14096. >Not the first time you have to do this.
  14097. >Sighing, you grab the splinter that is responsible for your injury and bring it above your head..
  14098. >In one fluent swipe, you cut through your leg like... like... the blue, winged one through a cloud.
  14099. >It lands on the ground and almost immediately turns into same haze that it leaked just a moment ago. And leaves you in the same way as it.
  14100. “Goodbye.”
  14101. >The cut is clean and doesn't take long to close itself.
  14102. >And indeed, after only a few seconds its fully healed and you are on your way to the mountain again.
  14103. >Strangely, you walk just as fine on three legs as on four. Almost like your leg got replaced by a phantom of itself.
  14104. >Feels nearly the same as before too...
  14105. “Tzzk.”
  14106. >Don't question it... Just give into the madness and everything will be fine.
  14107. “Pinkie would love it here...”
  14108. >Hmm... Pinkie... Was she the white or the yellow one of your friends? Or the one who grows apples? Or was it pears?
  14109. “Like it matters...”
  14110. >Wait, no. Of course it matters. They are your friends. The closest thing to family you have in... in... in... Wherever you live right now.
  14111. >Taking a deep breath, you try to imagine their faces. But only blurred blobs of various colours appear before your inner eye.
  14112. “Buck it.”
  14113. >This will have to do.
  14114. >You have to be careful with your apathy... It is easy to lose yourself in it and with that all will to carry on.
  14115. >There are too many stories of ponies who got themselves locked inside their minds and never returned to reality.
  14116. >And you don't want to join their ranks.
  14117. >Although...
  14118. >You also heard of ponies who were able to form their mindscapes to their likings and recreated their former lives there.
  14119. >But without all the troubles and problems that they had with them...
  14120. >Riches... All the friends they always wanted... The love of their lives... Basically their personal heaven.
  14121. >Would that be worthwhile for you?
  14122. >Are you happy out there? In the real world?
  14123. >You have friends, sure... But what about Love?
  14124. >For a moment, you stand still and ponder.
  14125. >Life hasn't been kind with you in this aspect. That you can remember.
  14126. >So much grief... And the flower from before is most likely a part of it.
  14127. >But something in some far off corner of your head tells you that this is now otherwise.
  14128. >For a split second, an image of a strange bipedal creature pops up in your mind. Its features are alien to you and almost intimidating. But it doesn't scare or frighten you.
  14129. >No...
  14130. >It makes you smile and your heart flutter.
  14131. >Could that be it? The love of...
  14132. “Huh?”
  14133. >A stray wisp began to orbit you and seemingly blink in joy, while you were thinking.
  14134. >It is pink... And looks fairly well nourished. Easily five times the size of the one you saw beforehand.
  14135. “Hey there little buddy... What are you?”
  14136. >The twinkling orb flies down and intensifies its glow. Radiating a soothing warmth that sinks into your fake body and fills it with new energy.
  14137. >Ahh~ You certainly needed that.
  14138. >Beaming it a soft smile, you sit down on your haunches and beckon it to come closer.
  14139. >Judging from its colour, it might be...
  14140. “Love? Maybe?”
  14141. >No response.
  14142. >You giggle and try to poke it. But it dodges your tactical boop.
  14143. “Come on. Blink once for yes and twice for no.”
  14144. >”Twilight.”
  14145. >W-What now? It spoke?
  14146. >Surprised, you back away from it.
  14147. >”Wake up.”
  14148. >Its... Its voice is nothing more than a ghostly whisper. But it sounds so... familiar.
  14149. “I'm trying... But... Who are you?”
  14150. >”Please.”
  14151. >And with that said, it shoots off into the dark skies.
  14152. “No! Wait!”
  14153. >But it is already gone. A faint pink shimmer remaining as the only proof that it was ever there.
  14154. >Alone... Again.
  14155. >You reach out to the trail it left behind and let the sparkling dust settle on your hoof. Tinting it in the wisp's colours before it dissolves completely.
  14156. >Kinda tickles...
  14157. “Well...”
  14158. >It may not have answered your question, but it certainly told you something else...
  14159. >That everything is alright out there.
  14160. >The smile on your lips gets wider and you get up and going again. Your steps accelerated and guided by the promise that someone is waiting for you.
  14161. >Someone you might love.
  14163. >After a short walk, you arrive at something that looks like a dried up riverbed and stop at what formerly was its bank.
  14164. >Flowers of various kinds and colours grow between the boulders and rocks in it and give it a strange sense of normality. Almost if this isn't a part of your mind and just a regular scenery.
  14165. >Of course the grey soil and the black sky take some of it away... But still...
  14166. >Carefully, you slide the shallow slope down and begin to slowly weave through the flowers, so that you don't accidentally trample one of them.
  14167. >Some are already withered or in the process of dying, but there are also quite a few that are just blossoming or in full bloom.
  14168. >Spreading their scent with all their might... To say that the smell here is breath-taking is an understatement.
  14169. >The sweet floral scents of happy or joyful memories mix themselves with the sharp and bitter notes that come from less... pleasant ones.
  14170. >Creating a chaotic and discordant haze that gradually numbs your sense of smell and makes you feel queasy.
  14171. >Luckily, there is nothing in your stomach that could be forcefully expelled and sully your fake coat.
  14172. >You pass a large, black lily and can't help but to notice that it emits a strange aura that... scares you?
  14173. >Against all your instincts, you stop and stare at it.
  14174. >No... Scare is too weak... It terrifies you.
  14175. >Each passing second increases the nightmarish horror and dread you feel, but also the urge to find out what terrifying memory it holds.
  14176. >If you could just get close enough, you would be able to see inside it...
  14177. >But should you even do this?
  14178. >A wise pony once said that not all secrets are worth revealing... Could this be one of them?
  14179. >Only one way to find out.
  14180. “Here goes nothing...”
  14181. >You raise your remaining front hoof and start to force yourself closer to it.
  14182. >Every step takes an immense amount of willpower to take and by the fifth you just want to turn around and run away.
  14183. >Black fumes begin to fill your vision and reduce it to a small tunnel once only maybe two more strides separate you from the flower.
  14184. >Focusing all your concentration into one manoeuvre, you reach out to it and look inside its inflorescence.
  14185. >You wish you never did.
  14186. >A dark brown stallion with an argent mane emerges out from it. Towering over and looking down on you with red burning eyes and a devious grin.
  14187. >No... It can't be...
  14188. “S-S-Silver?!”
  14189. >Immediately, you back away from this horrid part of your past. But fear has you firmly in its grip.
  14190. “N-No...”
  14191. >His grin gets wider and turns into a crooked grimace.
  14192. >”Sucking your horn? Do I look like a bucking colt cuddler to you?”
  14193. >Tears shoot in your eyes and your stomach turns as the grinning ghost draws closer.
  14194. >You are able to take a single step before your legs refuse to obey you again.
  14195. “G-Go away!”
  14196. >Silver Lining bellows a deafening laughter.
  14197. >”I will never go away, Twilight. I will always be there... I was the best thing that ever happened to a dumb librarian like you!”
  14198. >He snakes closer and closer until he...
  14199. >”Come here now, you useless whorse! That is the only thing you are good for!”
  14200. >... Suddenly shoots forward. Forelegs widely spread and ready to catch you.
  14201. “NO!”
  14202. >You close your eyes and hastily gather every magic wind you can sense around you.
  14203. >Hysh, Chamon, Ghyran, Azyr, Ulgu, Shyish, Aqshy, Ghur... It doesn't matter which one, you grab them all and weave them together.
  14204. >Into what? You will see.
  14205. >Just as the ghostly stallion is about to get hold of you, you release every bit of magical energy you collected.
  14206. >A giant, purple beam exits your horn and engulfs Silver Lining in a blinding, amethyst light.
  14207. “I.”
  14208. >Chamon and Aqshy. Shall his flesh be stripped off by parching metal.
  14209. “AM.”
  14210. >Ghyran and Hysh. The life-giving sun shall be his judge
  14211. “NO.”.
  14212. >Shyish and Ulgu. His corpse shall rot in the shadows.
  14213. “WHORSE!”
  14214. >Ghur and Azyr. And be devoured by birds and beasts alike!
  14215. >You burrow your hooves deeper into the rocky soil to counter the immense force of your spell that steadily pushes you back and break your tether to it.
  14216. >Free from your restrictions and bounds, it begins to recklessly feast on the ambient magical winds. Growing in power and size with every passing moment.
  14217. “DIE! DIE! DIE!”
  14218. >Even if you wanted to, you couldn't stop it now.
  14219. >It will continue to disintegrate everything in its path until it has ran out of fuel... Or you faint.
  14220. >Both scenarios equally likely to happen first.
  14221. >And you wouldn't want it any other way.
  14222. >Your own grin spreads on your lips and this feeling alone makes the almost unbearable strain on your mind tolerable and worth it.
  14223. >Groaning and ignoring the pain, you lean forward and fight against the pushback.
  14224. >It feels so good to be finally in power... In control.
  14225. >You don't want this to end, but you can already feel the spell getting weaker and weaker by the second.
  14226. >But this should have done the trick.
  14227. >The beam shrinks until it is nothing more than a fain trail of purple light and then finally sizzles away.
  14228. >Leaving only the smell of ozone behind.
  14229. “Eheheheh...”
  14230. >Huffing and puffing, you collapse onto the hard ground and see much to your delight that... that... Uhm... He, was it? Is gone.
  14231. >At whom did you even shoot?
  14232. >And why?
  14233. “Urgh...”
  14234. >You rub your aching horn and inspect the damage you have caused.
  14235. >The black lily is reduced pile of ashes... As well as the flowers that stood around it. Meaning whatever memory it hold and all that corresponded to this particular one are eradicated from your intellect.
  14236. >By Celestia... How could you be so stupid? Casting spells in your mind?!
  14237. >You could have killed yourself!
  14238. >But thank goodness, you seem to be still alive. Lets see...
  14239. >Left hindleg, check... Right hindleg, check... Left foreleg, check... Right foreleg... Holy sh-
  14240. >Oh, yeah... You cut it off before.
  14241. >You sigh in relief and that proofs that your head is still where it belongs too. Very good.
  14242. >Hopefully those memories weren't too important... It will take a long time until they grow back. At least a year, if not two.
  14243. “Oh well... What has been done and so on.”
  14244. >There was surely a good reason for you to blast the ever living hell out of it.
  14245. >Still it is kinda sad.
  14246. >You could accelerate the regrowing process, but you really don't want to cast any more spells... Too risky.
  14247. >So you just get on your four... three hooves again and take a last look on the smoldering, scorched patch of land before your turn around and continue to cross the riverbed.
  14248. >Making sure not to destroy more than you already did.
  14249. >Your form feels tired and depleted of any mental power. A feeling you hate even more than the one of emptiness.
  14250. >Honestly, you just want to rest for a bit...
  14251. >As soon as you reach the other side... Yeah... That sounds good.
  14252. >The rest of the flora here is not especially impressive, so you pass the flowers without giving most of them a second look.
  14253. >A few roses there, some tulips here and sometimes a rose. Nothing special... But all in outlandish colours and containing something precious.
  14254. >So where were you... Ah yes.
  14255. “I had these memories all around me~”
  14256. >This was a rather broad river, you must say... The other riverbank is still a good bit away.
  14257. >Or your mind is just fucking with you again... Yeah.
  14258. >* splash *
  14259. >Wonderful... Now your hooves are getting wet too. Why is there a puddle in the middle of this dried out river?
  14260. >* splash *
  14261. >Well, at least it is kinda refreshing. Even if a wet phantom hoof is a very strange experience.
  14262. >Yawning, you look down and see that the water is brown and dirty.
  14263. “So I wouldn't be alone~”
  14264. >Meh... Not your real body, so you don't have to worry about cleaning it.
  14265. >One of your friends would kill you though, if she would she the state of your hooves.
  14266. >You think it was the yellow one with the purple, curly hair.
  14267. >Finally, you reach the other side and decide to take your well-deserved rest on a large boulder there, before you start climbing the slope and continue your journey to the mountain.
  14268. >It looks rather steep and exhausting...
  14269. >You hop on the rock and assume the most comfortable sitting position you can on it.
  14270. >Eh... A stone bores itself into your rump... And not in the way you would want something this hard to do.
  14271. >But with a bit of readjusting it is bearable.
  14272. “Phew~”
  14273. >Time to take a look around and see how far you have come.
  14274. “Hmm...”
  14275. >The mountain looks far closer now. Very nice.
  14276. >Thank you very much, mind.
  14277. >Now comes your favourite part of the song: The refrain.
  14278. >Why you are able to remember this certain song, is a mystery to you.
  14279. “Some may be from showing up~”
  14280. >You wonder if this river once had special meaning. Did it maybe border something? Specific traits, perhaps?
  14281. >Could be.
  14282. >But now only memories grow in its moist soil and happily prosper in their isolation from the harsh climates that surround them.
  14283. >Strange how some rules of nature still apply in this bizarre place.
  14284. >Plants needing water and such things and the wind that softly blows through your mane.
  14285. “Others are from growing up~”
  14286. >And slowly... It begins to grow on you.
  14288. >For a few minutes longer, you take in the ambient landscape. Trying hard to etch its image into your mind, so you have something to describe to the painter when you commission that painting you wanted.
  14289. >There are so many details to remember... The endless, black sky... All the different kinds of flowers... Those shimmering figments of your imagination.
  14290. >If only a fraction catches on... That would be nice enough.
  14291. >Huh? What is that?
  14292. >You look down to the rocky soil and see a small, yellow dagger flower pushing itself through it. Unfolding its tiny petals once it has prevailed.
  14293. >How pretty... Seems that your efforts weren't in vain.
  14294. >An equally small smile spreads on your lips and you jump off the boulder. Landing more or less elegantly on your hooves.
  14295. “Ach!”
  14296. >The rubble here is not big or sharp enough too severely injure you, but you still managed to scrape your ankle on a hidden sliver.
  14297. >A thin gush escapes of the multi-chromatic haze sluices from the injury and engulfs the newly born memory. Giving it an eerie, yet fascinating sheen where it settles on it.
  14298. >You raise your hindleg and immediately lower it again, once you see that the wound already stopped leaking... whatever this mist is.
  14299. >What a shame... You kinda looked forward to lick it clean and see how it tastes.
  14300. >For some reason its appearance gives you the impression that it would taste fruity... Or at least sweet and sour.
  14301. >Just like a particular kind of rock candy, one of your friends makes. They look like the brume when it would take a solid form.
  14302. >Well... Maybe later. The way before you is full of those razor-sharp figments and splintery rocks.
  14303. >So the chance for another lesion lies somewhere between ninety and one hundred percent. At least if you aren't careful.
  14304. >Speaking of the way before you... You think its time to get going again.
  14305. “Good bye, memory of my mind. May you grow big and strong. I really want this painting for my potential fireplace.”
  14306. >You shoot it a nod and then start making your way up the slope.
  14307. >More than once, you almost slipped on the loose stones and were barely able to save yourself from the fate of tumbling down and starting all over again.
  14308. “Celestia be damned... Stupid imaginary slopes...”
  14309. >But with a bit of blood, toil, tears and sweat you eventually make it up to the top and sigh in delight once your last hoof makes contact with the level ground.
  14310. “Finally.”
  14311. >The incline that stops Twilight Sparkle needs to be built, or imagined in this case, first!
  14312. >Taking a deep breath, you stretch each of your appendages real quick before you continue trotting towards the mountain.
  14313. “Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue~”
  14314. >Doesn't look all too far any more. You can already make out the colours of individual wisps that buzz around there..
  14315. >Blue... Green... Purple... You think that one is turquoise and a few red ones.
  14316. >Red is most likely anger... So better stay away from them.
  14317. >And by the looks of it, your pink friend from before is there too! Flying circles around the mountain peak.
  14318. “I ain't winning no one over~”
  14319. >Almost seems like it wants to give it a halo with its trail. How cute.
  14320. >Maybe ten to fifteen more minutes of walking through this treacherous scenery and then you should finally be there.
  14321. >Provided that your mind decides to play along, of course. But you have a feeling that it will.
  14322. “I wear it just for you~”
  14323. >Meh... Kinda boring here. The riverbed was way more exciting. Nothing here but shimmering shards and grey rocks.
  14324. >Which you have to give a wide berth every few steps, since they now tend to appear in dangerous clusters. Prolonging your journey and making it more tedious than it already is.
  14325. >Sometimes you wish you could fly... This ability would make it so much easier to traverse all this.
  14326. >A nice and large pair of purple wings. Yeah.
  14327. >Would have the added benefit of giving ponies winghugs. Which you particularly enjoy, since they are so nice and warm.
  14328. >At least you think you do. Nevertheless, its a lovely thought.
  14329. “I've got your name written here~”
  14330. >You pass an especially nasty and deadly looking clump of figments and see out of the corner of your eye, something dark in its centre. Immediately catching your attention.
  14331. “Huh?”
  14332. >Backing out a bit, you try to get a good look at it. But the lustre that surrounds your current object of interest, effectively prevents you from doing so.
  14333. >Too flashy and distracting for your pony eyes, even in the relative darkness here... Hmm... What to do?
  14334. >Those things are kinda brittle, aren't they? The ones that stuck in your hooves always broke off when you stepped on them... So...
  14335. >Why not throw a large rock at them?
  14336. >You look around and find after a short search, a rock that suits your purposes.
  14337. >Not too small and not too large. Also no sharp edges... Perfect.
  14338. >Picking it up, you let your real and your imaginary front hooves accustom to its weight and then lunge out.
  14339. >It leaves your appendages with quite some speed and collides with the shard cluster. Producing a satisfying shattering noise, not unlike breaking glass, in the process.
  14340. >Oh my... What a rare find.
  14341. >A black pearl, roughly the size of an apple, rolls out of it and stops right before your hooves.
  14342. >Pearls like those belong to your subconscious and hold your deepest anchored personality traits, fears and beliefs about yourself.
  14343. >Things that unconsciously have a bearing on you and make you the pony you are.
  14344. >Also they store everything you seemingly forgot or have no memories of. Like your birth or your early years as a foal.
  14345. >One could think of those spheres as permanent and undying version of the flowers, only that you don't have direct access to them.
  14346. >But a simple spell could activate and reveal whatever secrets it holds... All it needs is a little, magical push.
  14347. >And if you wanted you could even destroy or alter whatever is inside... Possibly making you a better mare.
  14348. >Just imagine... An old fear just vanishes. Or an undesirable trait like vindictiveness...
  14349. >Are you even vindictive? Hmm... You don't think so. But you could be and just not know it!
  14350. >However... You already have caused enough damage in and to your mind. And maybe it isn't even worth the effort.
  14351. >It could just be you crawling around the floor, making silly noises and soiling your diapers.
  14352. “Eww...”
  14353. >And you certainly don't need a reminder of that. At least not for the last one.
  14354. >So you carefully put it down again, making sure that it can't roll away by steadying it with a few rocks and resume with your travels once you are satisfied with the support you built.
  14355. >You already lost enough time as it is.
  14356. >So... Where did you left off..?
  14357. “I've got your name written here...”
  14358. >There... But what is the next line?
  14359. >Something with a Rose... But how exactly did it go?
  14360. >While you ponder about this, you dodge another bundle of shards and jump over a round boulder. Driving a green wisp out of its hiding place behind it, when you land.
  14361. “Sorry, little guy.”
  14362. >It angrily flickers at you and spits out a massive cloud of green powder, before flying off into the endless sky.
  14363. “Hey! * cough * I said that I was * cough * sorry, didn't I?”
  14364. >Coughing and choking, you run out of the mischievous sprite's miasma and look after it once you can breath again.
  14365. >With watery eyes, you have to assess that it is already too far away to fear any retributions from your side.
  14366. >And it seemingly celebrates this fact by drawing figures on the black canvas that is your mind's void.
  14367. >Mocking and taunting you... The nerves this thing has!
  14368. “Grr...”
  14369. >Green... Jealousy... What else?! It was most likely just jealous of your good looks and tried to ruin them with its stupid dust.
  14370. >You shake the remainders of the wisp's powder off and leave this nuisance behind your flanks
  14371. >Of which it is probably jealous too. And with good reason!
  14372. >They might be illusionary and not your real ones, but they are still a nice exemplar of their kind!
  14373. >Shall it have a good look at them while you increase your distance to it with your muzzle in the air and a hastened pace.
  14374. >And luckily, it leaves you be and minds its own business.
  14375. >Your anger quickly peters out during the rest of the way to the mountain. Which happens, much to your delight, without any other special occurrences.
  14376. >No further injuries, no interesting parts of your minds and certainly no additional angry wisps. Thank Celestia for that.
  14377. >The dust they emit is kinda itchy... And you don't particularly want to scratch those itches on the rocks here.
  14378. >You don't know if this weird mist you loose every time you hurt yourself, is important for your existence here or not... So better not take any risks.
  14379. >Anyway... Before you lies the goal of your journey: Mount Twilight... Not exactly imaginative, but it is your mind and so you can call the things here as you want!
  14380. >And for that matter, you just decided to call the stupid wisp from before “The great and powerful horse apple”.
  14381. >Heh... How funny.
  14382. “Hmm...”
  14383. >From this vantage point, the mountain looks really more like a high hill. but...
  14384. >It is still easily at least half a mile high, but not very steep... Ascending it would be exhausting and a major pain in the flank, but by all means not impossible.
  14385. >Did you mention it would be time consuming also? No? Well, now you did.
  14386. >You sit down on your haunches and scan the hillside.
  14387. >It looks like the ground that surrounds it, but there seems to be something engraved or carved in it... But it is too subtle and understated, so you can't make out what it is supposed to be.
  14388. >Especially not in the current lighting conditions...
  14389. >Maybe your pink friend can help you along with this problem?
  14390. >Where is it though... It doesn't fly circles around the peak any more.
  14391. “Love?” you yell.
  14392. >No response...
  14393. “Hello? Are you the- WHOA!”
  14394. >A sudden pink, bright flash from behind you gives you a jump.
  14395. “T-There you are... Ehehehe... Don't startle me like that, please.”
  14396. >It gleams once and backs up a bit.
  14397. >”Brrzz?”
  14398. “Thank you. Say... Could you do me a favour?”
  14399. >Another flicker.
  14400. >Hey, you think that means yes. Looks like it remembered your previously suggested way of communication.
  14401. >Could just be a coincidence though...
  14402. “Are you blue?”
  14403. >Two blinks.
  14404. “Does that mean no?”
  14405. >One blink and a buzz that sounded annoyed.
  14406. >Wonderful!
  14407. >You giggle and point to the hillside.
  14408. “Could you light up this place there for me, please? I want to see what these strange markings in it are.”
  14409. >It emits a happier twanging drone and promptly flies off to where you pointed at. Dousing it in a lovely, pink light once it reaches it.
  14410. “Thank you! And a bit to the left, please! Uhm... right for you!” you shout after it.
  14411. >With a barely audible hum, it does as its told and moves a tad to the left.
  14412. >Ah now! Much better.
  14413. “Uhh... Wow.”
  14414. >The carving on the mountain almost looks like your cutie mark! Only with the five smaller stars missing and the big one that is there is a bit on the wonky side... But still very pretty!
  14415. >Especially in the shine of your pink friend. Which sinks into carved lines and gives them an spectral glow.
  14416. “You can come back now!”
  14417. >It breezes back to you again, and you greet it with a quick nuzzle.
  14418. >Feels prickly an-... Huh? What now?
  14419. >Are your eyes playing tricks on you or...
  14420. >No... The carving is still glowing... And quite brightly at that. Even clearer than when the wisp's light shone on it.
  14421. >And strangely enough, several spots, where the five other stars of your cutie mark would be, are gleaming too... Without any obvious marks or engravings in them.
  14422. >How peculiar...
  14423. >You wonder what this could mean... Maybe this is your way out of here.
  14424. >Or just a dead end that happens to look very promising and interesting... Well... There is only one way to find out, isn't there!
  14425. >Beaming your ethereal friend a smile, you point at the incandescence.
  14426. “Wanna go on an adventure? I could use a light source.”
  14427. >”Gzzzrraaaa!”
  14428. >Uah! That buzz sounded particularly angry and irritated.
  14429. >You giggle and gently bop it. Naturally, your hoof meets no resistance.
  14430. “And a friend, of course.”
  14431. >”Bzzzhh~” it drones happily and loops a loop.
  14432. >By Celestia, what a cute creature.
  14433. “Wonderful! Lets go then!”
  14435. >With your new companion by your side, you continue trotting towards the foot of the mountain. Dodging a few more figment clusters along the way.
  14436. >Luckily they are far easier to see now with the light it provides. Even the smaller ones that gave your hooves troubles before pose no problems any more.
  14437. >Very convenient~ But very inconsistent too...
  14438. >It doesn't stop whirring around your head and thus shifts the area it illuminates non stop from side to side.
  14439. >Slowly but steadily making you feel sea-sick... And there isn't even a drop of water anywhere nearby!
  14440. >Urgh...
  14441. “Say?” you beckon the wisp down to you.
  14442. >”Brrzzssh?”
  14443. “Could you maybe keep a straight course? I'm starting to feel... Well, queasy.”
  14444. >It bumbles quietly and apparently stops its swaying to think for a bit, before blinking once and then heading straight for you at a murderous speed.
  14445. “Whoa! No! What are you -?”
  14446. >You close your eyes to brace yourself for the impact... But it never happens. No fuzzy feeling on your face, no pink explosion... Nothing.
  14447. >Yet your horn feels funny... Did it..?
  14448. “What now? Where are youuooohhhh!”
  14449. >”Bsssh~”
  14450. >It did! Somehow it attached itself to your horn. Sticking to it like one of these horn lights that unicorns put on them for Nightmare Night and similar festivals.
  14451. >Looks like you are a channeling a spell... Cool...
  14452. “Uhh~”
  14453. >You shake your head to see how securely it sits there. But no amount of shaking seems to even make it budge an inch.
  14454. >Even cooler!
  14455. >Now you have your own personal headlight! And one with that you can communicate too!
  14456. >That is nearly the epitome of coolness!
  14457. “Good idea, love! Thank you!”
  14458. >Crooning, it adjust itself on your catalyst until it must feel comfortable or its equivalent to comfortable.
  14459. >Whatever this for wisps might be... And however this can be achieved with a horn sticking in one's posterior.
  14460. “Good to go?”
  14461. >”Ssshh.”
  14462. >And a flicker. Perfect.
  14463. “Wonderful. Just shine straight ahead and try not to blind me, okay?”
  14464. >Meh! That glint of affirmation did exactly that...
  14465. >But it quickly focuses its gleam directly in front of you. Illuminating everything you need to see nice and brightly.
  14466. >Also tinting your vision pink... But you can live with that. Its a bit distracting, but not annoying.
  14467. “Very good!”
  14468. >”Bzz Bzz!”
  14469. >Heh. How cute.
  14470. >Okay then... First things first... Investigating the carvings on the mountainside. They just have to hold at least some kind of clue to your escape from here.
  14471. >But they don't look all too different from up close... And the graven lines aren't very special either.
  14472. >Just an incessant groove in the ground that happens to glow in a cold and eerie light... Which would be very impressive by itself if it wouldn't frustrate you so much.
  14473. >What now?
  14474. >You look around but don't see anything of interest in your general vicinity. Only the same blackish-grey rocks and soil. With the occasional shard cluster thrown in there every few dozen feet.
  14475. >Not even a single flower grows here to break up this monotone image.
  14476. >And the mountain top doesn't seem to be all too promising either. It could give you a better overview though...
  14477. >On what? Rocks and rubble? So that’s worthless too.
  14478. >Maybe if you don't find anything that helps you along down here, you will climb it. But until then, you better save your breath and energy.
  14479. >Your body might be fake and illusionary, but the exhaustion you feel is very real.
  14480. “Okay.”
  14481. >Time to move on.
  14482. >There is always a way out, you just have to find it. No matter how good your mind has hid it or not.
  14483. >And all this is just too striking and salient to have nothing to do with it!
  14484. >This is only the first side of the coin. The other one might yield much more fruit.
  14485. >So you leave the giant imprint of your cutie mark behind the one on your flanks and begin to make your way along the foot of the mountain.
  14486. >Its inclination is for the most parts rather shallow and free from figments, for which you are greatly thankful.
  14487. >You are honestly quite sick of this unpleasant feeling when a shard sticks in one of your hooves.
  14488. >Unfortunately, this means that your walk is on the boring and uninteresting side too... Five minutes have passed and until now you didn't find anything of interest.
  14489. >So you stop for a moment and decide to rest your weary legs. That flat, egg-shaped boulder here looks quite comfy.
  14490. >Planting your rump on it, you stare into the endless rocky plains. Maybe something else has popped up there that might be attractive.
  14491. >Nope... Still as boring, hazardous and lifeless as before.
  14492. >That colourful spot in the distance could be a another patch of flowers, though...
  14493. “Hey, love?”
  14494. >”Brrsch?”
  14495. “Didn't you talk to me before? I mean... With a stallion's voice?”
  14496. >Its glow fades a bit.
  14497. >”Bsss...”
  14498. “Can't remember, eh? Yeah... That place does this to you... I can't remember many things either.”
  14499. >A forced chuckle escapes your lips.
  14500. “And I am practically surrounded by my memories... So what's my excuse?”
  14501. >”Brrrsch.”
  14502. “Hehe, exactly. You know what's funny though?”
  14503. >No response. As if it knows where this is leading to.
  14504. “I can't remember a single one of my friends. Or my family for that matter too! Or what even my bucking home looks like... And...”
  14505. >Is it raining?
  14506. “Even after everything got taken away from me...”
  14507. >Must be. Raindrops are rolling down your cheeks.
  14508. “It doesn't bother me! Not in the slightest! Why? Celestia, why?!”
  14509. >”Bzz...”
  14510. “Shouldn't * hic * Shouldn't I...”
  14511. >A warm sensation spreads through your head as the wisp intensifies its glow. Slowly filling your field of vision with a rosy veil.
  14512. “Shouldn't I be devastated? I mean... Nothing remained but useless trivia and irrelevances! Thank goodness I still have them, or I wouldn't be able to compare you to a bucking horn light for foals!”
  14513. >You don't notice the moment when it got engulfed whole.
  14514. “Isn't this just great?! Who am I? For Celes-... Huh?”
  14515. >And in this rosy veil, the image of five ponies appears. Hugging a certain purple mare, you know very well... You.
  14516. “W-What?”
  14517. >It exists just long enough to stop your rambling before it disappears again. But it promptly gets replaced by another one.
  14518. >They all give you presents now... Your birthday?
  14519. >Must be... That ornamented quill the blue pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail has in her hooves... You recognise it.
  14520. >”Bzzssshh.”
  14521. >Are those your friends?
  14522. >Oh my... Your former assumptions on how they look were totally wrong.
  14523. “Hehe... Sorry guys...”
  14524. >You reach your hoof out to them, but before it could make contact they are away already.
  14525. “No, plea-”
  14526. >Instead... A strange creature stands before you. Holding its claw up.
  14527. >No...It is not an “it”... He... Somehow you know this.
  14528. >His facial features are blurry and undefined, so you can't make them out... But what you are able to see makes you smile nevertheless.
  14529. >Just like before.
  14530. >”Happy birthday, Twi.”
  14531. >!
  14532. >Like in a bizarre dia-show, his images sluggishly shifts and almost gives it the appearance that it moves.
  14533. >He reaches into his pockets and pulls a small, rectangular package out of it. A pink pony hops into the frame and tries to snatch the present away from him. But he gently shoves her away.
  14534. >She falls on her rump and sticks her tongue out at him.
  14535. >You can't help but to giggle at this silly sight.
  14536. >”It's not much. But I hope you like it!”
  14537. >And with that said, he gradually begins to fade away. Along with the shroud and your other friends.
  14538. “No! Please stay! Who are you?”
  14539. >You tumble forwards, in a desperate attempt to get hold of him, but it is already too late. Nothing but the thin, dusty air fills your hooves.
  14540. >Landing on your muzzle, you quickly get up again and frantically start to look around.
  14541. >But they are gone already... Everyone.
  14542. “No...”
  14543. >Frustrated, you stomp the ground beneath you.
  14544. “NO!”
  14545. >So close! You were so close to find out!
  14547. >Desperate and devoid of all energy, you collapse to the ground. With tears in your eyes and an empty, gnawing feeling in your head.
  14548. >His words echo inside the emptiness... “Happy birthday, Twi.”
  14549. >Again and again, until they soften and eventually die down. Leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
  14550. >Who is he?
  14551. >And why aren't you allowed to know?
  14552. >”Bssshh?”
  14553. >Huh? The wisp?
  14554. >Listlessly, you straighten yourself again and focus your gaze on the shining mass that sits on top of your horn.
  14555. >Its tint looks... darker. Sadder and not as lively as before.
  14556. >Does it feel bad about this?
  14557. “You showed me them and... him, didn't you?”
  14558. >”Bzz.”
  14559. “Why?”
  14560. >Flickers and drones of varying length and intensity are its response.
  14561. >Ah... Yeah... What did you expect? It cannot speak. And this way of communication is only good enough for yes or no questions.
  14562. >You sigh and wave it off.
  14563. “Let me rephrase that...”
  14564. >”Brrshhhzz.”
  14565. >But before you even had a chance to think of a way to convert your question into a polar one, your vision gets once more swallowed by the garish, pink veil.
  14566. “What..?”
  14567. >In there, three of your friends pop up and speak each only a single word, before disappearing again.
  14568. >”Because...”, the white unicorn with the purple curly mane says. Holding a cup of tea between her hooves.
  14569. >”You were...”, a buttery yellow pegasus meekly whispers, while petting a rabbit.
  14570. >”Sad!”, blurts a pink earth pony out and jumps three feet into the air. The same one who tried to steal the present before...
  14571. >And as fast as it started, it ends.
  14572. >The shroud vanishes again and you are thrown back into the dull and lifeless scenery that is your mind.
  14573. “Wow...”
  14574. >Was this... Composed out of various memories of yours? How incredibly nifty, you have to admit.
  14575. >Even if it makes your head spin in circles..
  14576. “Love?”
  14577. >No response... And did it just get darker?
  14578. >Shaking your dizziness off, you gently bop your companion who suddenly got very silent and very dim.
  14579. >It weakly flickers when your hoof makes “contact” with it.
  14580. “Hey... You alright?”
  14581. >”Bzz...”
  14582. “Tired?”
  14583. >One blink... Okay... You wanted to ask it how it did this and why it didn't chose this method of communication in the first place.
  14584. >But that already answered your question.
  14585. >Those wisps seem to have a limited energy or power reservoir too... Just like you.
  14586. >Which really doesn't make one bucking bit of sense, since they are just part of your mind and imagination, but you decide to just roll with it.
  14587. >What does make sense here anyway?
  14588. “Rest for a while then... And thank you.”
  14589. >”Bzzhh.”
  14590. >It had good intentions with what it showed you. Even if this achieved exactly the opposite of what it intended.
  14591. >Or did it...
  14592. >Yeah, it made you angry and frustrated you a great deal but it also showed you a glimpse of what awaits you outside.
  14593. >Your loving and caring friends and... Who or whatever this bipedal creature is.
  14594. >How do you stand with him?
  14595. >His image made you feel so happy... So content.
  14596. >And his voice took all your fears and worries away in an instant... As if they never existed.
  14597. >Well! You won't find out if you stay here and waste your time, pondering about this, will you now?
  14598. “Nope!”
  14599. >”Bss?”
  14600. >So you get on your three remaining hooves again and stomp the ground with the invisible one. But this time not out of frustration, but out of determination.
  14601. >And funnily enough, it does make a sound.
  14602. >But there is no time to marvel at this bizarre feat!
  14603. >With a smile on your lips and a spring in your steps, you continue with your circumambulation of the mountain.
  14604. >And while you do this, your friend can rest and... recharge? Would that be the correct term, since its basically made out of some kind energy?
  14605. >Yeah, why not.
  14606. >Not that it matters too much anyway.
  14607. >As you progress, more and more rocks and shards begin to cross your path again. They steadily grow in size and density, as if someone has arranged them by those criteria.
  14608. >Also the shards begin to look now more like crystals than actual slivers... They get thicker and longer with each accumulation you pass.
  14609. “How strange.”
  14610. >You wonder if this means anything.
  14611. >It doesn't take long until you have to give them wide berths once more and eventually you come to a halt when a particularly large cluster extends itself before you like a crystalline wall.
  14612. “Well, buck...”
  14613. >A spiky mural in front of you and a literal minefield of razor-sharp crystals and crystal-like slivers behind you... You could just turn around and look for an easier path around all this, if it wasn't for the latter.
  14614. >Even with all the precaution and advance planning you put into your steps, you weren't able to avoid all hazards and gave some an involuntary, closer look.
  14615. >Stupid rocks which made you trip...
  14616. >A rather gruesome looking slash now graces your barrel and didn't stop leaking this strange mist ever since you got it.
  14617. >You quickly lost all interest in your former plans of tasting it, after you saw the wound from where it emerges.
  14618. >Roughly thirty centimetres long and you don't even want to know how deep it is...
  14619. >Luckily, pain doesn't seem to exist in this realm and it doesn't look like that the leakage affects you in any way.
  14620. >Aside from the dull, distracting feeling it causes on your side, of course. Which is annoying, but bearable for the time being.
  14621. >Sighing, you sit down and take a look at your surroundings.
  14622. >Crystals, crystals, crystals... Oh and are those crystals? You think so.
  14623. >What to do?
  14624. “Hmm...”
  14625. >You could just destroy a section of the wall like you did with the cluster that hold the pearl... Its long but it doesn't look all too thick. Maybe a metre or two.
  14626. >But the rocks and stones here all are far too heavy and big to pick up. Not to speak of actually throwing them.
  14627. >A spell, then? Perhaps?
  14628. “Uhh...”
  14629. >That is something you really only want to do if you have no other choice... But is there even another viable option other than this one?
  14630. >But what if the crystals aren't just more prominent versions of the figments and you actually need them for your existence here. Or even worse... In the real world.
  14631. >Tentatively, you let a hoof run over one.
  14632. >Doesn't feel and look all too different from the shards... Same nacre-like sheen, same sharp edges and same pointy tips.
  14633. “Ow!”
  14634. >Yep, very pointy indeed.
  14635. >But something seems to be inside them... Something fiery and ethereal. It reminds you of the multi-chromatic vapours you still seep out.
  14636. >Meh... It bothers you that they still have no name... So they shall be named “Anima”.
  14637. >Fitting, isn't it?
  14638. “Well then...”
  14639. >Better not destroy them and possibly risk your life. Whatever burns in their hollow cores, looks like its important.
  14640. >So... Should you just walk along the wall then, until you find some kind of entrance to its inner parts?
  14641. >That would be an awfully time consuming endeavour... But one you might have to undertake.
  14642. >Now you really wish that you could fly...
  14643. >”Brrsch?”
  14644. >Oh, hey! Your glowing friend just woke up. And just in time too... You are out of ideas.
  14645. >Well at least out of those, that don't involve a lot of walking.
  14646. >It lets out a long and monotone buzz, almost like a yawn, and flies off your horn afterwards.
  14647. “Good morning, sleepy head. Slept well?” you say, beaming it a smile.
  14648. >The wisp flickers once and then starts to erratically whiz around.
  14649. “Like you can see... I'm kinda stuck. Got any ideas?”
  14650. >”Bzzz....”
  14651. >A bright, pink flash blinds you and one of your friends appears before your inner eye.
  14652. >It's the orange one with the freckles and the hat.
  14653. >She's standing before a large barn and got a small bag of bits in one of her hooves.
  14654. >”Wait here, while Ah get yer cider sugarcube.”
  14655. >Heh... And apparently a funny accent.
  14656. >Very cute... Fits her well.
  14657. >And with that said, her image vanishes again into the thin air.
  14658. >You giggle and shoot your companion a nod.
  14659. “Will do!”
  14660. >It glints a few times and emits a low sounding croon, before dashing away.
  14661. “Don't forget my cider!” you yell after it.
  14662. >You could really do with one right now.
  14664. >And... It's gone. What was once a rose dot in the distance got quickly swallowed by the endless dark.
  14665. >Well, as long as it comes back and don't leaves you hanging for something else, like a pretty girl... or boy wisp... or whatever your friend likes, it's okay.
  14666. >Unlikely that these wisps even do kinky stuff, but they seem to enjoy the company of their kind.
  14667. >That swarm of red ones you saw before and the current gathering in the airspace above this mountain, lets you think so.
  14668. >Looks like they are having fun... Zipping around like that and doing flips and what not.
  14669. >Another flip... and another... Can't they do anything different than that?
  14670. “Boring...”
  14671. >You blow a raspberry at their humdrum air show and decide to focus your attention back to the crystal wall again.
  14672. >Maybe you can detect something that will help you along, while your companion does its thing. Whatever that might be.
  14673. >Maybe it just searches for an entrance, like you already took into consideration, or perhaps something completely different.
  14674. >Lets wait and see then.
  14675. “Hmm...”
  14676. >Once again, you carefully palpate the smooth surface of the crystals. Making sure not to prick yourself this time.
  14677. >The exterior walls doesn't seem too thick... Perhaps an inch at most, since you can feel the heat from the wraithlike flames radiating through them.
  14678. ”What is their purpose?” you wonder.
  14679. >Are they only acting as a barrier to prevent you from progressing and finding an exit from your mind?
  14680. >You think that you have read about exactly this once... That minds try their hardest to keep their masters inside them.
  14681. >Why? You don't know.
  14682. >Conceivably it is easier to operate for them when they don't have to process “outside” stimuli and do it because of that.
  14683. >But that would mean, that each mind would have a mind of its own.... And do those minds have their own minds then too..?
  14684. >By Celestia... Now it gets confusing.
  14685. >Better stop thinking too deep into that, before your brain collapses on itself.
  14686. >Retrieving your hoof again, you gently nudge the crystal you fondled.
  14687. >Immediately the flames inside it start to fire up and get significantly brighter and hotter by the second.
  14688. “Whoa!”
  14689. >In mere moments they become incandescent and you have to back off a few steps, to avoid the immense heat they so suddenly began to emanate.
  14690. >And it doesn't take long for this fire to spread to the neighbouring crystals and ignite them as well, until the whole cluster is ablaze.
  14691. “What in Celestia's name? Urgh... So hot...”
  14692. >A few steps won't be enough...
  14693. >You cover your eyes, to protect them from the gleaming light and the blistering ardour and jump backwards.
  14694. >Hoping that you don't hit anything while doing so... And luckily, you didn't and landed somewhat softly on your rump.
  14695. >Still...
  14696. >Even after your leap away from the burning mineral, it is almost unbearably hot here.
  14697. “Aarrr... End already!”
  14698. >You just bopped it! Bucking bopped it! Why does it react in such a violent way?
  14699. >In attempt to create more distance between you and the infernal heat, you start to crawl towards an array of crystals. Cowering behind their sharp columns once you finally have reached them.
  14700. >And much to your delight, the air there is breathable and much cooler. Even if you don't need it, its nice to fill your lungs with something else than a cooking gas cocktail again.
  14701. “M-Much better...”
  14702. >You peek over your crystalline fortress of coolness and watch as the wall section, you somehow caused to burn like a forge, slowly anneals until the flames inside it revert to their former colour and intensity.
  14703. “Wow...”
  14704. >That was certainly something...
  14705. >Forsaking your hiding place, you carefully draw closer to the steaming crystal bundle and sit down before it.
  14706. >Yeah... Now it is clear what the purpose of this wall is...
  14707. >It clearly is here to prevent you from advancing further and thus your potential escape.
  14708. >And judging from the way your mind tries to do so, you must be very close to it... Nice.
  14709. >This won't stop you.
  14710. >You just need to find a way around or through it, without destroying it in the process.
  14711. >Otherwise you, or the form you take here, could end up as a pile of smoldering pony ashes...
  14712. >You are not sure if you can actually die here, but you aren't particularly fond to find out either.
  14713. >In the best case you just wake up where you started, maybe without any memories of your “death”, and just have to try again.
  14714. >Like when you lose a life in a video game...
  14715. >Strange comparison, but it works.
  14716. >Why exactly does an earthworm in a strange metal suit appear before your inner eye, when you think about them?
  14717. “Groovy...”
  14718. >Huh? Well, okay then. Back to topic.
  14719. >But in the worst case you could actually die and fully end your existence. Both in your mind and the outside world.
  14720. >Game over, so to speak.
  14721. >And you don't think that you have any bits with you to buy a continue...
  14722. >What your intellect would have from the latter scenario happening is beyond you, but it works in mysterious and incomprehensible ways.
  14723. >And after what you have witnessed just now, you aren't too sure if it even cares if you are alive or not.
  14724. >Sighing, you lie down and rest your head on your forelegs while you observe the rising steam.
  14725. >It would probably be better for you, not to touch anything any more and just wait for your ghostly friend to return.
  14726. >You cannot do much now without risking to kill yourself anyway.
  14727. >Either by flames in front of you or by lacerations behind you.
  14728. >At least the fumes look kinda pretty.
  14730. >Some of the sudden, hellish heat from before still remains. Sunken deep in the greyish-black soil and small rocks on which you lie.
  14731. >It feels soothing and makes the large gash in your side less noticeable for you.
  14732. >Which still hasn't gotten one bucking bit smaller... But at least the anima has ceased to escape from it in the meantime.
  14733. >Either you have finally fully bled out or it healed naturally.
  14734. >Probably the second possibility, since you don't feel any different than ten minutes ago. Ere you received this gruesome wound.
  14735. >Your illusionary coat is slightly singed and you think you now need fake eyelashes, but apart from this you feel fine.
  14736. >And you stink... Quite horribly at that too.
  14737. >Like smoke, sweat and burned pony... The latter is especially revolting for your stomach.
  14738. >Eh... Nothing of all this does really matter.
  14739. >Firstly, the body you call your own right now is not actually your own and secondly, nopony is here to smell you and your smoky body odour.
  14740. >Only the pink wisp and you are almost certainly sure that it has no nose.
  14741. >So why bother?
  14742. >Yawning, you let yourself fall on your uninjured side and stretch your appendages.
  14743. >The heated ground makes you feel kinda sleepy... And once you managed to ignore the stones and pebbles on it, it is quite comfy too.
  14744. >A quick nap wouldn't hurt you, would it?
  14745. >And your mind certainly wouldn't try to kill you while you are asleep, would it now?
  14746. >...
  14747. “Who am I kidding.”
  14748. >Of course it would!
  14749. >Treacherous, devious thing...
  14750. >So you get up again and start to look around to find something to keep yourself occupied.
  14751. >But to no avail... Nothing of interest seems to exist in your general vicinity.
  14752. >The wisps still do their same old tricks and the wall is still as insurmountable as a few moments ago.
  14753. >Not forgetting highly volatile.
  14754. >...
  14755. >Volatile, huh...
  14756. >Maybe you should just throw a small stone at it and let the resulting inferno entertain you. From a safe distance of course.
  14757. >Like... You take a few steps back... From here.
  14758. >A nice and large crystal pack to hide behind when the light show goes off and an abundance of small rocks to start it. The perfect position.
  14759. >You pick one of them up and just as you were about to throw it, you hear a muffled buzz in the distance.
  14760. “Huh?”
  14761. >Oh, looky there. Your friend is back!
  14762. >Tossing the stone behind your back, you shoot the wisp a smile and a wave.
  14763. “Yoo-hoo!”
  14764. >It quickly bears down to you and by the looks of it, it has something in tow... Quite literally.
  14765. >Some kind of object hangs in its trail... Looks small and round...
  14766. >Neat! You didn't know they could manipulate things with them.
  14767. >Trails? How do they work?
  14768. >Its drones gets louder and clearer and in no time at all it has reached you and comes to a full stop in front of your face.
  14769. “Hey. Nice to see you back so soon.”
  14770. >”Bzzrrsch~”
  14771. “Did you bring my cider?”
  14772. >”Bzz..?”
  14773. >Aww... Are there no imaginary cider trees somewhere in your mind? Representing your drinking habits?
  14774. >What a pity.
  14775. >You giggle and nuzzle your ethereal companion.
  14776. >Ah... What a strange but nice feeling. You are sure that this is exactly how it would feel if you would nuzzle pure energy.
  14777. >Warm, tingling and a bit numbing. But with the added benefit of not burning your face off.
  14778. >So you indulge yourself for a bit longer in this pleasant sensation. Much to the dismay of the wisp.
  14779. >A bit irritated from your sign of affection, it backs up a bit and hums deeply.
  14780. “Heh... Sorry. I got a bit carried away. So what did you bring with you?”
  14781. >“Bsss~”
  14782. >It lets it trail vanish and the thing that was held in it, falls to the ground with a high pitched clank.
  14783. “An amethyst?”
  14784. >Picking it up, you inspect the gem in your hooves.
  14785. >Yeah... Certainly looks like one... But something is off. You can't make exactly make out what, though
  14786. >It has already been cut and polished, and quite professionally at that, so you can see your reflection on its shiny surface.
  14787. >By Celestia... You really do need fake eyelashes... They are all gone! And your beak... Oh my... It could really do with a shine...
  14788. >Wait, what? Beak?
  14789. “Wha!”
  14790. >Out of shock and surprise, you chuck the gem away and jump roughly ten feet into the air.
  14791. >Where you strangely enough stay... What keeps you up there?
  14792. “W-Wings!?” you state flabbergasted, after a quick glance over your shoulder.
  14793. >A large, majestic pair of wings grace your pectoral girdle now... With feathers in the same colour as your coat.
  14794. >Flapping steadily to prevent you from falling to ground...
  14795. >What the hay did just happen to you? Why do you suddenly have wings?
  14796. >Your brain feels like its about to explode... You can't comprehend this!
  14797. >In an attempt to calm yourself down, you put your face in your hooves. And...
  14798. >It... It helps... Slowly but surely, your breathing gets slower again and you are able to think straight once more. But...
  14799. >Were they always so pointy and so many?
  14800. >Confused you retrieve your appendages again and take a look at them.
  14801. “Claws...”
  14802. >Two pale-yellow claws... Of an eagle to be precise and with four talons on each.
  14803. “Ehehehe.... Why not?”
  14804. >You don't really want to... But you look down on the rest of your body.
  14805. >Lavender plumes cover your neck down to your chest... Where they change over into a short, dark purple fur for the lower parts of your form.
  14806. >Which now include the hindlegs and tail of a lion... Are you... Are you a gryphon now?
  14807. “Wow... How incredibly cool.”
  14808. >But how... And why?
  14809. >Did the amethyst cause this transformation?
  14810. >If yes... How did it do this? As far as you know, you shouldn't have control over the form you take in your mind.
  14811. >Only on itself... And its landscape... With enough dedicated training, of course.
  14812. >A happy sounding buzz interrupts your train of thoughts and a pink blur appears before your eyes.
  14813. “Huh? Love?”
  14814. >”Brrrrsch!”
  14815. “What happened to me? Why am I a gryphon now?”
  14816. >The wisps blinks several times and your vision gets swallowed by the pink shroud another time.
  14817. >Looks like it wants to tell you something...
  14818. >Two of your friends slowly emerge into the frame and speak each only a few words... Just like the first time.
  14819. >”It was a dream...”, the posh looking, white one says, while sewing a dress.
  14820. >Is she a dressmaker? It is always hoofy to know one in case of dress related emergencies.
  14821. >”Of yours!”, speaks the blue mare who gifted you the quill in one of your visions.
  14822. >Now that you have a closer look at her, you think that the feather she used to make the quill, once must have belonged to her.
  14823. >Most likely one of her primaries, judging by the size of the feather.
  14824. >So you must be really close with her, or she wouldn't have made you such a personal gift.
  14825. >They vanish again and you return to the airspace of your mind.
  14826. >Luckily, the beating of your wings seems to be a subconscious matter, at least when you are distracted. And good thing it is... You already prepared yourself for a harsh impact with the ground.
  14827. >You shoot the wisp a confused look.
  14828. “A dream of mine? So... I dreamt of being a gryphon once?”
  14829. >Your friend flickers once.
  14830. “And they are stored in those gems?”
  14831. >Another flicker.
  14832. “Okay then...”
  14833. >Hopefully it went straight for this particular dream and not looked through your kinkier ones first...
  14834. >This also begs the question if you could look through them... For solely scientific reasons of course.
  14835. >Maybe it could lead you to where ever your dreams are kept and then leave you alone for a bit, so you can...
  14836. >It blinks twice.
  14837. >What? Can it read your thoughts?
  14838. >No response... Of course.
  14839. >You wouldn't reveal your ability to read minds too, if you would have it.
  14840. >”Bssszzz~”
  14841. >Suspicious... But you will let it slide for the time being.
  14842. >There are more important matters at hoof right now!
  14843. >Your gaze falls on your talons.
  14844. >Flexing each individual digit, before you swipe the air with them a few times.
  14845. >Or should you say... At claw?
  14846. “Heh.”
  14847. >Anyway...
  14848. >With your newly attained way of travel, you can now easily fly over the volatile crystal walls and look what lies behind them!
  14849. >You can already feel the... the... the... However your escape out of here will feel like!
  14850. >Most likely like glory and victory!
  14851. >But first you have to check a certain thing...
  14852. “Excuse me for a bit, will you?”
  14853. >The wisp emits a questioning sounding buzz, but doesn't follow you as you glide down.
  14854. >What you want to do now, is something done best alone. Without somepony, or something watching.
  14855. >When your four limbs make contact with the ground, yep you have four again, you immediately head for the next best cluster of crystals and vanish behind it.
  14856. >What will it look like? Oh my... You are excited like a foal in a tuckshop.
  14857. >Hmm... Cub or hatchling would be more precise now, considering your current form... But whatever.
  14858. >Sitting down on your haunches, you spread your hindlegs and lean over them.
  14859. “Lets see...”
  14861. >No... What! Why?
  14862. >There is nothing there!
  14863. >Not even a tiny slit! Nothing!
  14864. >Just a more or less smooth hill where your vagina would be... And it isn't even sensitive!
  14865. >Only a bit squishy and ticklish... This simply won't do.
  14866. “Celestia be damned...”
  14867. >You were so curious if it would feel any different from your usual marehood... But your plans got thwarted by your prude mind... Or dreams or whatever.
  14868. >Groaning, you get up again and spread your wings.
  14869. >But what did you expect? Your probably dreamt this dream as a filly or something, since you have absolutely no memory of it.
  14870. >At least not any more.
  14871. >And you aren't even sure, if your former pony form had genitals... You certainly didn't feel anything down there before.
  14872. >Well, you have wings now instead. That’s something too, isn't it?
  14873. >Time to put them to good use.
  14874. >You beat them a few times and slowly gain height.
  14875. >It feels... weird, to be honest. But you quickly grow accustomed to this new sensation.
  14876. >Their handling is not all too different from your other appendages. They only differ in the way they stretch and flex.
  14877. >Which is distracting and takes most of your concentrations to keep your flaps steady at first, but you think you got the knack of it, after you flew a couple of circles and begin to ascend towards your pink friend.
  14878. >The wind that blows through your mane... Well, it isn't a mane any more... Through the several brightly coloured feathers on your forehead feels spectacular.
  14879. >You think they are called “pride feathers”.
  14880. “Haha!”
  14881. >You roll and twirl around, getting more and more reckless with the tricks you do and what you think you can undertake.
  14882. “This is awesome!”
  14883. >Just as you were about to soar even higher into the dark skies to perform a dive bomb, your companion flies before you and blocks your way. Droning loudly and blinking frantically.
  14884. >”Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!”
  14885. “Huh? What’s the matter?”
  14886. >And once more, the pink veil engulfs you. This time only the yellow pegasus is there.
  14887. >”The winds are lovely up there...”, she says and points upwards.
  14888. “Yeah? And?” you ask the wisp a bit irritated.
  14889. >Her image begins to shift and morph rapidly... As if it is looking through your memories for a certain phrase or word.
  14890. >At last the shifting stops and you see your friend sitting with a sad look on her face.
  14891. >”Can I ask you something personal, Twilight?”
  14892. >Oh by Celestia... It feels nice to hear her saying your name... A small smile spreads on your lips... Or whatever beaks have.
  14893. “O-Of course...” you reply.
  14894. >”Do you ever... Think about death?”
  14895. >!!!
  14896. “D-Death?!”
  14897. >And as those words leave your mouth, her images and the veil gets taken away by the harsh winds.
  14898. >The winds... How could you forget... Stupid you!
  14899. >They would just have torn into you and rob you of whatever memories you still can call your own.
  14900. >Even those you made here...
  14901. >Making all the progress you have made until now null and void... And possibly even seal your fate.
  14902. “I... I understand...”
  14904. >With a queasy feeling in your stomach, you let yourself slowly descent again. To a height that you think is safe.
  14905. >That... That was close...
  14906. >Thank Celestia, your wisp friend was there to stop you before it was too late. Or this could have been the end of your journey.
  14907. >You don't even want to think about what could have happened... Forgetting everything you have discovered up to this point. As little as it may be.
  14908. >Would you have pursued the same path then? Perhaps... This mountain is kinda striking. Especially since the engravings on it began to glow.
  14909. >But its for the better not to find out if this would be the case or not.
  14910. >Your companion flies down with you and happily buzzes once you are in safe waters again.
  14911. >Beaming it a smile, you steady your altitude and hold a claw out to let it land on it.
  14912. >Feels weird to have something else than a hoof there... But you could get used this.
  14913. “Thanks, Love. You know... For always looking after me.”
  14914. >”Bzzzrsch~”
  14915. >It has done so much for you... You wonder, how you could repay it?
  14916. >Maybe create a nice home for it in your mind?
  14917. >...
  14918. >Nah, you don't even know how to scape your mind yet. And you don't plan to spend enough time in there to gain this ability.
  14919. >Well, you will see when the time comes... For now you really should continue on your search for a way out of here.
  14920. >You let it fly off again and start to look around.
  14921. “Hmm...”
  14922. >First things first... The crystal wall. Since you can finally get a good look at it from up here.
  14923. >It is a lot broader than you formerly thought... At least four to five metres and its middle section is a lot higher than its sides.
  14924. >Almost looks like that there could be a tunnel or a passageway inside it... And if so... How to access it?
  14925. >The wall stretches for miles in the direction of the endless plains. But it seems to begin at a steeply ascending part of the mountainside, where it forms several gigantic clusters that completely cover the whole area there.
  14926. >Certainly there could something be hidden behind them...
  14927. >But you can't damage the crystals without risking to accidentally blow the whole thing up. So that method of accessing whatever is in them is beyond dispute.
  14928. >There has to be some way inside though...
  14929. >Maybe there is an entrance on its other side?
  14930. >So you begin to fly along it and keep your eyes open for anything that could resemble an entryway to it.
  14931. >But to no avail... It is as unflawed as Princess Celestia's coat. Outright unbroken...
  14932. >Why must everything be so bucking complicated here?! Meh...
  14933. >You land and scratch your head.
  14934. >Uhh... Uhh... Wow... This feels nice... How were you able to live without these amazing talons before?
  14935. >Never ever would you have to rub your back or rump against a wall to scratch an itch... If those would just be permanent.
  14936. >Well... Lets make the best out of them as long as you still have them. Time for some self belly rubbing.
  14937. “Ahh...”
  14938. >If only you had genitals then you could... But this is great as well.
  14939. >”Bss?”
  14940. “Huh? Ah!”
  14941. >Embarrassed, you quickly retrieve your appendages again and stare at the rocks on the ground, which suddenly became very interesting.
  14942. “I... I certainly was not pleasuring myself.”
  14943. >Wait, what? That came out wrong...
  14944. >”Brrzzz~”
  14945. “Yeah, yeah... Leave me alone for a while please... I need to think.” you say and wave it off.
  14946. >And indulge yourself in more of this heavenly scratching~
  14947. >Instead of buzzing off, the wisp intensifies its glow and the image of one of your friends starts to form in it.
  14948. >Wow... Neat. Must be more energy conserving than the veil thing.
  14949. >But... It is not a pony this time... Neither is it the strange bipedal creature... It is a... Small purple dragon?
  14950. >By its appearance it seems to be a male ridge dragon... Well, a young one. But the fins on his head are way too prominent for him to be a anything else.
  14951. >Aww... He looks so cute! Is he one of your friends too? You sure do hope so!
  14952. >”What's the pitch, Twilight?, the very little dragon says in a even tinier voice.
  14953. >Your... Your heart! You could just cuddle him to death.
  14954. “Eh... I'm a bit frustrated. I'm almost certainly sure that there is something inside this wall, but I can't seem to find a way in!”
  14955. >Like before with your yellow pegasus friend, his image shifts and mutates several times until the wisp has found what it has been looking for.
  14956. >How does it even access your memories?
  14957. >It is love, isn't it? So does that mean it can only “use” those that are associated with this particular emotion? In other words, the ponies you love?
  14958. >Most likely... Maybe you should ask it some time later.
  14959. >”Why not blast it with fire?”, he states and shrugs.
  14960. “F-Fire? No! That would just blow everything up! Me included!”
  14961. >He blows you a raspberry.
  14962. >Rude.
  14963. >”You know how the old saying goes, Twi. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire!”
  14964. >Before you could reply to this ridiculous suggestion, the images already dislimns and then fades away completely.
  14965. >Your ethereal friend drones weakly and nestles itself in the soft downs on the back of your neck.
  14966. >Must be tired... Poor thing. Shall it rest for a while. It doesn't weigh anything anyway, so it won't hinder you.
  14967. “Fight fire with fire... Hmm...”
  14968. >But maybe it has a point there. This wacky world is so devoid of any logic and sense that this could actually work.
  14969. >This begs the question though...
  14970. >Where to get fire?
  14972. >Magic is completely out of the question... Ever since you have turned into a gryphon, you can't feel any of the magic winds around you any more.
  14973. >Not even the slightest breeze... A very strange feeling indeed... Like an integral part of you is missing now.
  14974. >Which really is a pity, since you now would have certainly taken the chance to cast a simple fire spell... You are pretty sure, that you have sensed a lot of Aqshy before.
  14975. >Especially when the that wall section suddenly began to burn like an inferno, the arid wind was really prominent.
  14976. “Oh well...”
  14977. >You will just have to play the cards you have right and find another way to start a nice, sizzling fire to then somehow use it to find entrance into the crystalline abattis.
  14978. >Maybe the rocks here have similar properties to to flints? They look a bit like them...
  14979. >Taking two of them in your claws, you smack them together and much to your delight, you manage to create a few sparks by doing so.
  14980. >Not the largest ones, for sure, but they will do.
  14981. >Very nice... Now you need something to ignite. Something that is easily combustible and available in large quantities.
  14982. >But...
  14983. >The only things that would meet these criteria, would be the flowers that contain your memories... And you aren't exactly keen on burning one or even several of them.
  14984. >Not even those, that “only” hold remembrances of grief or sorrow... They are important and serve a purpose for you too.
  14985. “Buck!”
  14986. >What to do?
  14987. >What to burn?
  14988. >In the worst case, you will just have to sacrifice a part of your past to ensure your future... But this can't possibly be the best possible solution...
  14989. >That would be horribly cruel.
  14990. >Was there anything else that is flammable? Think, Sparkle think!
  14991. >...
  14992. >Rocks... Shards... Crystals... Flowers... Those are the things that make up your mind. None of them, except the latter, are inflammable though.
  14993. >Well, the crystals are, but they would kill you if you would attempt to break one of them off and even if the shards appear to be related to them, you doubt that they would be anything else than flame-retardant.
  14994. >They would kill you... Huh?
  14995. >What else is dead here?
  14996. >Yes... Of course!
  14997. >Who says that you have to burn your living memories? You can just burn your dead ones!
  14998. >There were many of these around by the dried out river bed. So why not pick a few of them and then wrap them around a sliver to create some kind of torch?
  14999. >You might cut yourself a bit in the process, but its you are sure that the anima you might lose will be worth it.
  15000. >If your current form even has anima or if anima even has an actual purpose other than looking pretty and mysterious when your injuries leak it.
  15001. >And if you aren't mistaken right now, the dead flowers looked awfully dry too! They would go up like a match!
  15002. >But also consumed by the fire just as fast as one, so you will have to be quick.
  15003. “Perfect!” you chirp and clap your claws together.
  15004. >By Celestia, does this feel so much more right than doing this with hooves! You will absolutely miss those dexterous appendages once they are gone.
  15005. >But this is still a long way off... You hope.
  15006. >Giggling like a mad mare, you spread your wings and take flight.
  15007. >Finally, a problem that seems to have an uncomplicated answer to it! What a Rarity!
  15008. >...
  15009. >Rarity... Why does this term seem so familiar?
  15010. >How strange... Anyway!
  15011. >Now you just have to hope that your mind plays along and not decide to fuck with you in the last possible moment. Like it did with the wall.
  15012. >You will have to punish it, with a very badly written fan-fiction for example, as soon as you are out of its treacherous grasp.
  15013. >Like “Daring Do and the Jungle of Terror”. You own this, right?
  15014. >...
  15015. >And even if not you will just buy it!
  15016. >It really has worked hard to deserve such a treat~
  15018. >Your wings take you to your desired flying height in almost no time at all, and you begin to glide towards your destination.
  15019. >The breeze up here is quite strong, but should still be weak enough to not pose a threat to you and your memories, which it is after.
  15020. >And since it comes from behind, it relieves you of some exertion. So you just endure the slight unpleasant feeling that it gives you.
  15021. >While you fly with more or less any effort from your side, you start to look around.
  15022. >Hmm... Nothing new. The same old dull and depressing scenery... Now just from a new angle and point of view.
  15023. >Although... It seems like the clusters of shards and crystals are connected to each other... By very faintly glowing, white lines.
  15024. >Almost like ley lines, unicorns use to connect certain magical devices.
  15025. >How did you not notice them before? What are these?
  15026. >They are hardly ley lines, since you don't recall ever laying some.
  15027. >Maybe they are part of some kind of network? To exchange informations between them? Whatever those might be.
  15028. >Makes sense... It is still only a theory though.
  15029. >And as much as you want to land and find out what they really are, you know that you have other and more important stuff to do right now.
  15030. >It bugs you, but... Too much time has already been lost. And since you don't know how long a “mind” hour is in the real world...
  15031. >Better hurry, than maybe lose another hour, day, week, month or even year of your actual life. You could be an old mare already!
  15032. >And your wisp friend surely wants to return to its everyday wisp life too. You were nothing but a burden to it.
  15033. >With a mighty beat of your wings you accelerate and dash away from this new mystery.
  15034. >Maybe some other day, you will return to your mind and reveal each and every secret that it holds inside it.
  15035. >There are a few spells that allow for safe visits to one's mind.
  15036. >Those voluntary trips are often described as not as vivid or detailed as the involuntary ones, but they have the big advantage that you can cancel them any time you want.
  15037. >So that's an option for the future.
  15038. >...
  15039. >A very, very, very distant future.
  15040. >The rest of your flight is eventless, but you learned two things:
  15041. >Firstly, that flying is much faster and funnier than walking, which is pleasant.
  15042. >And secondly, that the glowing lines between the crystal and shard clusters became brighter and more intense with every minute that passed... Which, knowing your mind, probably is not so pleasant.
  15043. >But until now, nothing happened... So maybe it is a completely harmless and natural reaction to you flying over them.
  15044. >You land near the newly born memory of your mind and beam it a soft smile.
  15045. “Hello again.”
  15046. >Looks like it already has grown a bit.
  15047. >Your painting might actually become a reality. How nice.
  15048. >That is not why you are here, though.
  15049. “So... Where were they?”
  15050. >Might as well start to walk into a random direction. It is only a matter of time, until you stumble upon one of them.
  15051. >And there is already one.
  15052. >A nice and dry... You think it once was a rose.
  15053. >You pick it and continue on your merry walk through the flower field.
  15054. >Having claws for tasks like this one is really hoofy. Makes it far easier to walk or talk at the same time.
  15055. >Not that you have somepony to talk right now...
  15056. >And most of the time, you use your magic to carry stuff around anyway, so...
  15057. >Well...
  15058. >It is still a nice experience.
  15059. >Apropos having somepony to talk with... How is your friend doing?
  15060. >You look over your shoulder and see it...
  15061. “Aww...”
  15062. >How cute. It's softly gleaming form has sunken halfway into your downs!
  15063. >And judging by the silent and steady buzzes it emits, it seems to be asleep and quite content with the place it chose.
  15064. >Or whatever a wisp's equivalent for sleep is.
  15065. >So you don't disturb it further and pick the rest of the flowers as silently as you can.
  15066. >After roughly ten minutes and many laps through the dried out stream, you think that you finally have gathered enough and begin to walk back to where you landed before.
  15067. >About fifty dead flowers of all kinds and sizes. Roses, lilies, dahlias, tulips and even a few forget-me-nots!
  15068. >Heh... The irony is not lost on you.
  15069. >Dumping your bundle on the ground there, you secure it with a couple of rocks so it cant get blown away and scattered in every direction by a stray gust.
  15070. >That would be a serious pain in the flank now...
  15071. “Good.”
  15072. >Now that this is done too, you can begin to look around for a shard that is suitable for your torch and you are good to go again.
  15073. >But most of the ones you find lying on the black soil, are either too sharp, too thin, too broad or too short... Or everything at once.
  15074. >And they can't have neither of these traits. Or you won't be able to properly hold the torch, or worse... Cut the flowers or your talons in half.
  15075. “Ehh...”
  15076. >Finding the perfect specimen is apparently more difficult than you formerly thought.
  15077. >Nevertheless, you pick the few slivers you almost deem usable up and carry them back to the secured bundle of flowers.
  15078. >Carefully putting them beside it, you sit down and start to think.
  15079. “Hmm... What shall I do with you?”
  15080. >Well... You can't do much about their length or width, at least not without magic... But you certainly could do something about their sharpness.
  15081. >Maybe blunten their edges on one of the rocks here?
  15082. >...
  15083. >Yeah. That could work. But only if you watch out that it doesn't break in the process.
  15084. >Despite their sturdy look, they are awfully brittle and delicate. Stupid things...
  15085. >Okay, here goes nothing.
  15086. >You take one of the longer and thicker shards in your claws and begin to slowly run its most prominent edge across a nearby boulder.
  15087. >At first it just cuts deep into it, much to your dismay. But soon enough it seems to lose to some of its bite and nearly gets stuck in the rock fragment in the end.
  15088. >Gradually, so it doesn't snap in two, you retrieve it again and then tentatively probe its former edge with a talon.
  15089. “Very nice.”
  15090. >No cutting sensation... Just a more or less smooth surface. Perfect.
  15091. >Looks like it has worked.
  15092. >And after repeating this procedure with the two other edges it possesses, you at last have the handle for your torch.
  15093. >Which is luckily still in one piece... The last replicate was almost thwarted by a sudden drone from your pink companion.
  15094. >Wisps apparently snore or yawn too... Who knew?
  15095. >Anyway.
  15096. >You grab the flowers and start to enwrap the mother-of-pearl stick with them.
  15097. “Phew!”
  15098. >That was harder than most books about survival made it look... But... After a few retries and stones kicked away in frustration, it is finally done! You hold your very first self made torch in your claws.
  15099. >Admittedly, it looks a bit wonky and unprofessional.. But who gives two flying ponyfeathers about looks? As long as it works, its good enough for you.
  15100. >Speaking of flying... Time to get going again.
  15102. >And speaking of time... It is running.
  15103. >So you spread your wings, admire their massive span and their impressive primary feathers for a second or two, and then take off into the dark skies once more. The torch you created, hold safely in your eight talons.
  15104. >Of which you are really proud... You can't remember when it was that you last made something with your own two hooves.
  15105. >Or claws... Or whatever. Lets just say appendages.
  15106. >Usually, you just use your magic whenever possible. It makes virtually everything easier and more convenient to do. But...
  15107. >You can't deny that the manual way gives a much higher sense of satisfaction. Like, you really accomplished this by yourself and... Without cheating.
  15108. >As dumb as this sounds.
  15109. >Maybe you should do things this way more often in the future. Could make you understand your earth pony and pegasus friends better.
  15110. >Well... You will see.
  15111. >How does the old saying go? Old habits die hard.
  15112. >The ground beneath you rapidly drifts by, and you almost have reached the area where the loose shards transition into their cluster form.
  15113. >And the lines that connect each of them to their nearby brethren, are still as glowing as acute as before. How nice... You didn't expect anything else, though.
  15114. >Crossing the first of many, you notice that it pulses once and then grows in size and intensity after you have done so. Spreading its increased potency then quickly to its neighbours.
  15115. >Not a good sign... It looks like they actually do react to you. And only you.
  15116. >Better get out of here as fast as possible.
  15117. >With a few mighty beats of your wings, you accelerate. Pressing the torch close to your chest, so you don't lose it.
  15118. >And it seems to work... You are able to traverse two to three lines before they win on power and after mere moments, the crystal wall is in sight again.
  15119. >The knot you have felt ever since you passed the first line, slowly begins to loosen itself again as it draws closer and closer.
  15120. >Just a few minutes more and then you will be there.
  15121. >You take a look down and have to assess, much to your dismay, that the connections are catching up to you. Their glow now gleaming and pulsating like crazy, as if they are close to reaching some kind of maximum and are about to explode.
  15122. >Not exactly something you like to see at this very moment.
  15123. >And the hissing sounds they emit aren't particularly calming your nerves either... So your hug your wings close to yourself and enter a slight letdown, in an attempt to leave this potential danger zone with all speed.
  15124. >Luckily, they seem to stay in this state. For now...
  15125. >”Brssch?”
  15126. >Oh, hey. Your friend finally woke up.
  15127. >But no time to talk now. You have some fast flying to do!
  15128. >It flies off your neck and next to you. Having apparently no problem to keep up with your ridiculous speed.
  15129. >How fascinating. You wonder how it does thi...
  15130. >And in the moment it does so, you hear an ear piercing sound and the world around you gets engulfed by an incandescent, parching hot veil.
  15131. “Ahhh!”
  15132. >Harsh blast waves from every direction knock you around like butterfly in a tornado and you fight hard to stay in control of your flight in this sudden outbreaks.
  15133. >But to no avail... It doesn't take long until your stunned form meets the rocky ground.
  15134. >The last thing you feel is something sharp going through your chest before everything goes black.
  15135. >...
  15136. >..
  15137. >.
  15138. >..
  15139. >...
  15140. >”B...zz z.. Bz...”
  15141. “Uuu...”
  15142. >Where... Where are you?
  15143. >”Bzz! Bzzz!”
  15144. >What is that buzzing sound? Your alarm clock?
  15145. “Stop... Urgh!”
  15146. >You wave your forelegs around to get this annoying apparatus to cease its waking endeavours. But they find nothing.
  15147. >Only stale, torrid air.
  15148. >”Bzzzzzz! Brsch!”
  15149. >Why is it so hot in your room? And what is this loud background noise? Almost sounds like a waterfall...
  15150. >Do you have a heating fountain in your bedroom?
  15151. >Are there even such things as heating fountains?
  15152. >Better open your eyes and see for yourself... Yeah...
  15153. >And as you do so, you see nothing but pink. How strange.
  15154. >”Bssszzztt!”
  15155. >The wisp?
  15156. “Love?”
  15157. >You remember now... It has gotten off you and in that exact moment, you somehow lost control and plummeted down.
  15158. >But why?
  15159. “What happened?” you ask it and heave yourself up, rubbing your numb claws to get some life back in them again.
  15160. >”Bsss....”
  15161. >It emits a soft drone, as it is relieved to hear and see you alive and backs off a bit. Gradually exposing how the world around you.
  15162. >Oh...
  15163. >That happened.
  15164. >World is not the right word any more... Hell or pandemonium would be more fitting...
  15165. “What in the...”
  15166. >The lines... They have erupted into white-hot, burning geysers. Their flames white as alabaster, radiating an intense heat and easily reaching at least one hundred feet into the air...
  15167. >And...
  15168. >Completely trapping you into a small, triangular patch of land. With no escape out of there, but up.
  15169. >For a moment, you contemplate if you shouldn't just fly upwards and... But it quickly comes to you that this isn't an option either.
  15170. >Not with the memory robbing winds waiting for you, beyond these blazing pillars.
  15171. >You start to look around if there isn't a gap in them for you to squeeze through, but they are unbroken and tightly packed.
  15172. “Buck.”
  15173. >Its the perfect trap... Either you burn yourself to death or lose all your memories and then get reduced to a smoldering pile of gryphon ashes as they push you into the inferno or just stay here forever.
  15174. >And honestly... The first choice... Heh, choice... What a cruel joke... Seems to be the best. At least it will be over quickly.
  15175. >Your companion blinks once. Its flicker barely noticeable in the argent hell you are situated right now.
  15176. >What to do...
  15177. >By the celestial sisters! What to bucking do?!
  15178. >This is ridiculous! What did you do to deserve this?
  15179. >Did you kill somepony, or what?!
  15180. “Celestia be damned! Why?!” you cry out and slump to the ground.
  15181. >Tears start to form in your eyes as you frantically hold your head. Your talons boring themselves deep into your scalp.
  15182. >You can feel the anima sizzling out of the small puncture wounds in thin streams, but you don't care.
  15183. >”Bzzz...”
  15184. >The wisp approaches you. Tinting your vision slightly rosy as it draws closer.
  15185. “Leave me alone!”
  15186. >”Bss!”
  15187. “I bucking said: LEAVE ME ALONE!”
  15188. >”Brsch...”
  15189. >It backs away again. Thank goodness... You just want to be alone right now and... and... and... Think or whatever!.
  15190. >Curling into a ball, you use your wings to shield you from the searing heat and close your eyes.
  15191. >Imagining some happy place.... Far, far away from here.
  15193. >...
  15194. >You don't know how long you have sat there in the middle of three fiery walls, idly petting yourself and thinking about your available options.
  15195. >Ten minutes, an hour or a whole day. Could be either one of those.
  15196. >But it certainly has been long enough that you barely have any feathers on your wings any more. They all have been singed off by the blistering ardency.
  15197. >Which has thinned out the possible ways to kill yourself. How nice.
  15198. >Less options... Less trouble... Yeah.
  15199. >Your fur has shared the same fate, but it wasn't all too long in the first place so it isn't as noticeable.
  15200. >The stench though... Its almost unbearable. You always hated it.
  15201. >Only the four long pride feathers on your head are still complete and mostly unscathed. Protected by your excoriated claws.
  15202. >No pain though... Like always. The only good thing about this place.
  15203. >Your wisp friend hasn't tried to get closer to you, ever since you yelled at it. It just sits there on a nearby rock and watches you.
  15204. >At least you think it watches you... Hard to tell with it having no eyes.
  15205. >Emitting a low drone every now and then.
  15206. >Why is it staying with you? It could just get the hell out of here. The winds have no interest in it.
  15207. >But it does... For whatever reason.
  15208. >You turn away from it and start to ponder for the Celestia knows how many time. Telling yourself not to involve suicide this time.
  15209. >If that has ever worked... In the end it always boils down to this.
  15210. >What do you know?
  15211. >The lines increased in strength and intensity every time you crossed one.
  15212. >They first started to appear when you gained the ability to fly. At least you think so. Maybe you just didn't notice them before, but this is unlikely.
  15213. >So they are most likely a countermeasure of your mind to this.
  15214. >And they began to erupt when you were maybe a quarter mile away from the wall... You can faintly see its outlines through the incandescent flames.
  15215. >Very good, Sparkle! You have come to same conclusions once more! Anything new, though?
  15216. >...
  15217. >No...
  15218. “Argh!”
  15219. >If you would just have your magic back, then you could teleport yourself out of here! You exactly know how the vicinity of the walls looks like! It would be no bucking problem!
  15220. >You cry out in frustration and throw a rock into the infernal geysers. Watching with great delight as it immediately turns red hot and drops to the ground as a molten ball of stone before it can even reach the other side.
  15221. >Such all consuming hotness... And soon you could be part of it.
  15222. “Heh.” you chuckle.
  15223. >Yeah... In the ends it always boils down to this.
  15224. >Getting yourself in a sitting position, you rub your dry eyes and look into the black skies.
  15225. >Its hardly even black any more.
  15226. “Ach...” you sigh.
  15227. >There has to be some other solution... But in the moment it doesn’t seem this way.
  15228. >And maybe this will never change.
  15229. >What will happen if you end it here? Will you be able to start over and try again or just cease to exist?
  15230. >Well... Only one way to find out.
  15231. >One last time, you spread your wings to admire their now burnt glory and relish the sense of freedom it gives you.
  15232. >One last time, you flex your talons one by one and let them gently run over your belly with closed eyes to get the most out of it.
  15233. >Feels as nice as ever...
  15234. >You also would like to cast one last spell, but you can't. So the memories of one will have to do.
  15235. >And they do nicely. You can almost feel the magic flowing through your horn.
  15236. >Filling your lungs with the arid air, you open your eyes and start to slowly walk forwards.
  15237. >You...
  15238. >You feel ready.
  15239. >Each step towards your certain doom is a hell in itself. The heat is excruciating and merciless. Eating away at you and taking the parts it devoured with it.
  15240. >But you don't turn around to save yourself. You simply can't.
  15241. >This is your last straw. And sadly you have to grasp at it with all hope that is still left in you.
  15242. >Throw all your bits into the pot.
  15243. >Stake everything on one card.
  15244. “He- * cough * Ehehe...”
  15245. >That was almost poetic... Who knew that someone who is eye to eye with death, can still be so eloquent.
  15246. >Even a small grin spreads on your singed and parched beak.
  15247. >Soon you will know. Only a few strides more.
  15248. >Maybe you will win, maybe you won't. Either way, it will soon be over.
  15249. >”Brrzz!”
  15250. >The wisp dashes into your field of vision. Blinking and flickering like fury.
  15251. >Oh... Yeah... You should at least make your farewell to it. It deserves as much after all it has done for you.
  15252. >So you come to a halt and beam it a smile.
  15253. “Hey, little guy.”
  15254. >”Bss!”
  15255. “You are surely asking yourself what in tartarus I am doing... Well...”
  15256. >It tries to shove you back. Which, however, is of little effect, due to its incorporeal form.
  15257. >You just feel a tingling sensation on your chest.
  15258. >How endearing... Your friend still cares for you, even after you lashed out against it.
  15259. >Hmm... That is what being friends is about, eh?
  15260. >That makes you a bad one then, doesn't it?
  15261. >”Brsssch!”
  15262. “This is the only option I have left. There is no other way out of here... I hope you understand.”
  15263. >More drones and buzzes that go in at one ear and out at the other. And thus you just continue with your last words to it.
  15264. >Standing this near to the infernal ardour is not exactly a nice experience, so you are eager to get this over with as fast as possible.
  15265. “I will just roll a few dice... That doesn't have to be my end, you know?”
  15266. >”Brsss?”
  15267. “It's either me taking the chance on a new chance here or... Spending an eternity in this literal hellhole.”
  15268. >You hold a claw out to it and beckon your companion to land on it.
  15269. >Oh my... You can almost see the bones through the blistered skin there... It really is time to finally shed this body.
  15270. “And I certainly don't want that. I would rather die for good.”
  15271. >It doesn't respond immediately. For a moment it just sits in your palm, with its focus and attention focused at you.
  15272. >Then you hear a loud buzz and its glow spreads until it has fully engulfed you.
  15273. >One last chat, huh? You wonder what it wants to tell you.
  15274. >A bright yellow mare with a cerulean mane and tail trots into the frame. Her face bearing a worried look.
  15275. >She's a new one.
  15276. >”What about your friends?” she asks you with tears in her raspberry eyes.
  15277. >You always liked that colour... Suits her well too.
  15278. >Forcing a chuckle, you wave the lemony pony off.
  15279. “They will do just fine, if my... Demise will be the end result of this. I am sure of that.”
  15280. >Her image rapidly morphs and shifts, but the wisp can't seem to find a fitting response. And thus lets your apparent friend disappear again.
  15281. >In lieu of her, three incredibly adorable fillies slowly emerge from the pink haze.
  15282. >Especially the orange one with the purple and somewhat messy mane is diabetes inducing. But her sisters, you assume, are just as cute as her.
  15283. >”But you...”, the yellow one with the bow says.
  15284. >Aww... She's balancing an apple on her round head.
  15285. >”Can't let it...”, your favourite of the three mutters and tries to get off the ground with her tiny wings.
  15286. >They look awfully underdeveloped for her size and age... Does she have a medical issue with them? Poor thing...
  15287. >”Win!”, the light-greyish unicorn filly blurts out.
  15288. >W-What?
  15289. “Let what win?”
  15290. >But the foals just blankly stare at you, before they share a blurry shrug and finally vanish completely.
  15291. >The veil goes with them and you are thrown back into the blazing reality of your mind once again. Your pink friend buzzing quietly.
  15292. “Tell me... What can't I let win?”
  15293. >No response. Just a prolonged blink and a low drone. As if it doesn't want to tell you.
  15294. >Then it can't be that important...
  15295. >Also it seems that it is more interested in you as a solution to its problem, whatever it might be, than as a friend.
  15296. >...
  15297. >Yeah... It's time.
  15298. >Retrieving your claw, you make your way past the wisp with no further words spoken.
  15299. >Immediately it flies before you and tries to cut you off again.
  15300. >”Bzz!”
  15301. “Please... Thank you for everything. But just let me be.”
  15302. >”Bzzrrsssh!”
  15303. >This is ridiculous... Slowly but steadily, anger begins to well up inside you. But you try your hardest to contain it and so just shove it gently to the side.
  15304. >Strangely enough, your claw doesn't just go through it like usually and actually meets a bit of resistance this time.
  15305. >Looks like it can take a more... Substantial form, if the situation calls for it.
  15306. >There is still so much you can learn about it and the barren wasteland it calls home...
  15307. >...
  15308. >You giggle and shake your head.
  15309. >Some other time perhaps.
  15310. >But it doesn't have any of that and dashes in front of your face another time. Buzzing and flickering more frantic than ever.
  15311. “I have made my peace with it! Can't you understand?”
  15312. >”Bzzzz! Bzz! Bzzzzzz!”
  15313. >It bumps against your chest and tries to push you back with all its might. Which is, despite its newly acquired mass, not much.
  15314. >As moving as its attempts to save you might be... You are starting to get annoyed.
  15315. “Uargh! Love... If you don't stop, I will...”
  15316. >”Brsch!”
  15317. >Another time it tries to drive you back.
  15318. >And again.
  15319. ”Ple- Ugh! Please... Don't make me... Agh!”
  15320. >And again.
  15321. “Grrr...”
  15322. >Enough is enough.
  15323. >If it doesn't want to understand, you will make it understand.
  15324. “For the love of Celestia! Leave me be already!”
  15325. >In a fit of rage, you swipe at it. Forgetting for a second, that it isn't incorporeal any more.
  15326. >The moment your claw makes contact with it, you immediately regret your decision as the resulting force sends your friend flying... Right towards the burning, white hot pillars.
  15327. >No! That wasn't supposed to happen... You didn't want this!
  15328. >Time slows down to a crawl and you desperately reach your claws out to the wisp. But nothing than the seething air fills your talons when they close again.
  15329. “L-Love!”
  15331. >Tears shoot in your eyes as you helplessly have to watch the being, that was your companion for so long, nears its inevitable doom.
  15332. >Every second feels like an eternity and when you finally see it entering the inferno, you instantly avert your gaze from this gruesome sight.
  15333. >You... You have killed it.
  15334. >The only thing that in this mad world you could have called a friend and... You killed it in a spell of mislead anger and bitterness.
  15335. “By Celestia, no...”
  15336. >Collapsing to the ground and holding your head in despair, you begin to cry.
  15337. “Why? Why? Why?”
  15338. >How could you have been so stupid? Now you really have nothing any more... Even if you get granted a second chance.
  15339. >Without it... You are completely stranded.
  15340. >The wisp was basically your “Get out of jail” card. Helping you with everything that you were not able to overcome yourself.
  15341. >You might have not realized, or maybe just straight out ignored, the fact that you used it for the same purpose as it might have used you.
  15342. >To solve a problem...
  15343. >Yours being your return to reality and its... Whatever you were supposed to stop.
  15344. >But now, that it is gone for good, neither problem will ever become solved.
  15345. >Perhaps... With some luck, you still could make your escape out of here, but would it be even worth it any more?
  15346. >The damage you might have caused to yourself, by destroying an entity that held so much of such a precious and important emotion, could be forever irreversible.
  15347. >Your grip on your head gets stronger.
  15348. >It is entirely possible that you are now no longer able to feel love and every emotion that is related to it.
  15349. >At least for a long, long time...
  15350. >There is a reason, why every book that deals with the exploration of one's mind, strongly suggest not to meddle with the things inside it that seem to be “alive”.
  15351. >And you just didn't meddle with one, you utterly destroyed it
  15352. “Heh.”
  15353. >Might as well move into the badlands then and start looking for a nice and cozy living cell in a changeling hive... They surely have some love to spare.
  15354. >”Brrssh?”
  15355. >Huh? What now?
  15356. >Did you just hear a buzz or does your mind play tricks on you again?
  15357. >”Bzz... Bshh?”
  15358. >No, you certainly didn't imagine that!
  15359. >Your eyes shoot open and you turn your head to the source of the noises.
  15360. >And what you see fills you with an incredible sense of joy and relief...
  15361. >Its the wisp... Still in one piece and floating motionless in one spot as it was frozen in time.
  15362. >Apparently confused itself by the fact that it is still alive.
  15363. “Love!”
  15364. >You heave yourself up, to dash to your friend. But stop yourself once you see that it is hovering right between two crystal clusters.
  15365. >The line that connects them is still there... But strangely enough, the flame geysers are gone.
  15366. >Only small, white-glowing sparks and embers occasionally emerge from it and fly a few feet into the air before dissipating fully.
  15367. >What? How?
  15368. >Why is the infernal wall gone?
  15369. >”Bzzz...”
  15370. >The wisp, now seemingly in control of its senses and movements again, flickers and starts to brreeze towards you.
  15371. >And as it does so, you see that the lines grow in power and intensity again.
  15372. “Stop!” you yell.
  15373. >”Brrzzz?”
  15374. “Go back where you were... Please.”
  15375. >It does as it is told and returns to its former position. And just as you thought, the line loses potency with it doing so.
  15376. >Interesting...
  15377. >The lines seem to react to the wisp too... But in the exact opposite way than in your case.
  15378. >They don't want to harm it.
  15379. >Was the reason they didn't erupt, even after they ostensibly already had reached full power, your friend sleeping on the back of your neck?
  15380. >Certainly looks like it...
  15381. >Those hellish things only did go off after it woke up and began to fly next to you... In a more or less safe distance.
  15382. >Of course. That's it!
  15383. “Hah!”
  15384. >As cruel as this may sound... As long as you let your friend go before you and “disarm” the traps, your mind will not able to touch you!
  15385. >Not without destroying something it is apparently just as fond of as you.
  15386. >You don't know why your intellect cares for the well being of your companion, when it tries to outright kill you at the same time... But you are doubtlessly going to employ whatever reason it has for doing so to your advantage.
  15387. >Tentatively, but with new found hope, you make your first steps towards the now extinguished hell fire.
  15388. >Each stride elicits a bright gleam and a threatening hiss from it. But barking dogs don't bite, and so you cross the line without setting it off.
  15389. >The wisp emits a questioning and baffled sounding drone as you pass it.
  15390. >Once you are on the other side, you quickly leap ahead and sigh in relief.
  15391. >Wonderful... It worked.
  15392. >For a second or two, you feared that you would end as a roast chicken...
  15393. >Turning around, you beckon your ethereal companion to come to you.
  15394. >And as expected, just as the rosy sprite has left the airspace right above the line, the incandescent pillars immediately burst out of it again with a blustering explosion.
  15395. >”Bsszz?”
  15396. “Love!”
  15397. >You embrace your friend in a hug. Pressing it so hard against your chest, that you would you suffocate it, if it wasn't for its lack of lungs.
  15398. >”BZZZ! BZZZ!”
  15399. “By Celestia, I am so glad that you are still alive!”
  15400. >”BZZ!”
  15401. “Oops, sorry.”
  15402. >Releasing it again, you beam it a coy smile.
  15403. >”Brsch.....”
  15404. >Oh... Sounds like it is still pissed at you for accidentally trying to kill it. And with good reason...
  15405. >Gently, you take it into your claws and rub your beak against its glow.
  15406. >It is still as tingly and warm as ever.
  15407. “Sorry, Love... For lashing out against you.”
  15408. >”Bzz...”
  15409. “And of course for almost killing you. That totally wasn't my intention... I was just angry and frustrated and desperate...”
  15410. >Hopefully, it will understand...
  15411. “I felt so hopeless in this moment, and you didn't stop trying to dissuade me and...”
  15412. >But before you were able to complete your explanation, you get interrupted by your vision suddenly becoming as ping as the plumage of a flamingo.
  15413. >Once more you get drawn into the rose mists...
  15414. >The orange earth pony mare appears in it and waves you off. Chuckling and with a wide, friendly grin on her lips.
  15415. >She appears to have a chipped tooth. You wonder where and how she got it... Maybe from a fight?
  15416. >”It's okay, Twi. Ah know, y'all didn't zap mah apples on purpose.”
  15417. >And with that said, she and the haze vanish into the thin air again.
  15418. >You giggle and wipe the few tears that survived the extreme heat, that still continues to persist, away.
  15419. “Thank you... For forgiving me and everything else.”
  15420. >”Bss~”
  15421. “Lets just forget that this ever happened and bring both our problems to an end, okay?”
  15422. >It blinks once and flies off your talons again with a happy croon.
  15423. “Wonderful! Then lets waste no more time!”
  15424. >”Bzz!”
  15425. >Your friend dashes ahead of you and disables the first of many white-hot flaming geysers that lie between you and the crystal wall.
  15426. >You would love to fly, just like it, but with most of your feather burned and gone, you have to rely on your legs again.
  15427. >Ah... To feel the wind in your wings one more time...
  15428. >But even without them, you are able to make good progress and reach the crystal wall in almost no time.
  15429. >There were a few moments though that nearly gave you a heart attack... Mostly caused by a sudden gust of wind that felt just strong enough to blow the wisp away.
  15430. >But it stood steadfast as solid as a rock and thus saved your sorry flank from getting incinerated.
  15431. >And now...
  15432. >You stand before it once more.
  15433. >A smile spreads on your beak and you hold your claw out to your companion.
  15434. >It bumps against it, before landing on your head. Right on your pride feathers.
  15435. >Which are sadly, now singed off too... Well...
  15436. >You might be a very ugly gryphon now, but at least you finally have made it to your destination.
  15437. >Now you just have to light the torch with two of these rocks and...
  15438. >...
  15439. >!
  15440. >The torch!
  15441. >Where is it?!
  15442. >Did you... Oh no...
  15443. “Celestia be damned!”
  15445. >Frantically, you start to look around but it is nowhere to be seen.
  15446. >And you can't remember if you dropped it when you crashed down or if you just laid it away while you wallowed in your sorrow and desperation.
  15447. >Buck! It could either be still back there or totally broken.
  15448. “Argh!” you cry out.
  15449. >Why does crap like this always happen to you?! You are usually such an organized mare and plan for everything in advance. But when you get harried, no matter how slightly, everything always just collapses like a house of cards.
  15450. >Maybe you should find the pearl that contains this trait of your personality and smash it to smithereens. Would solve a lot of future problems.
  15451. >You snort and shake your head.
  15452. >Well, you will have to swallow the bitter pill and retrace your steps through the literal minefield, that the plains behind you are.
  15453. >Even if the mines are visible...
  15454. >Hopefully, it didn't shatter into one thousand pieces.
  15455. “Love?”
  15456. >”Bsss?”
  15457. “We have to go back one more time. Stupid me forgot the torch...”
  15458. >”Bzbzbzbzbz~”
  15459. >Huh? Sounds like its laughing...
  15460. >This is no laughing matter! In the best case you will just lose more time and in the worst, you will lose even more time by going back to the parched out riverbed and creating a new torch.
  15461. >And in both cases, you run the risk to be fried to a crisp...
  15462. “What is so funny, if I may ask?” you ask and poke it.
  15463. >”Brsch~”
  15464. >Instead of giving you a more elaborate answer, in form of a vision, it just bumps gently against your chest and gleams softly.
  15465. >What now? Is there something on your chest?
  15466. “What is th-”, you look down, “Oh... Heh...”
  15467. >Looks like you never actually lost the torch... In fact it was with you all the time.
  15468. >Securely lodged into your torso... How did you not notice it sticking in there?
  15469. >Must have speared itself too deep into you, to give you any sorts of discomfort or trouble. Funny how some things in your mind work.
  15470. >The small shards that stuck in your hooves before, were far more uncomfortable than this rather massive sliver.
  15471. >Okay then... Time to get it out of you.
  15472. >You plop down onto your haunches and take the short section of the torch's handle that protrudes, into your claws.
  15473. >Its quite smooth, so you take your time to get a good grip.
  15474. “So... This should do nicely.”
  15475. >The wisp floats next to you and emits a worried sounding drone.
  15476. “No need to worry, Love. So far nothing did hurt me here, and I'm sure that this won't either.”
  15477. >”Bssz...”
  15478. >At least you hope so...
  15479. >Okay. Here goes nothing.
  15480. >With a deep breath, you begin to pull with all your might. Slowly and carefully of course, so you don’t accidentally break it.
  15481. >Inch by inch, you manage to extract the lighting device out of your chest cavity.
  15482. >And you were right... No pain, as per usual. But instead of it, you feel an increasing sense of irritation and numbness with each bit you expose.
  15483. “Urgh...”
  15484. >Which in itself is almost as bad as actual pain... Your forelegs are shaking and thick beads of sweat are running down your face.
  15485. >Only a few inches more, Sparkle. You already have reached midpoint and all the torch needs now is just a dedicated, quick pull.
  15486. >Then you can allow yourself a short break before you continue with your escaping endeavours.
  15487. >Yeah... That sounds nice.
  15488. >One...
  15489. >Two...
  15490. >Three...
  15491. >Pull!
  15492. “Augh!”
  15493. >* splosh *
  15494. >The cresset leaves your body and with it, a thick, powerful stream of anima. Hissing out of you like a multi-chromatic geyser.
  15495. >In mere seconds, your vision gets blurry and you feel incredibly weak. To the point that, you just want to collapse and sleep on the spot.
  15496. >You slump to the ground and desperately try to keep your wound shut with your one free claw. But to no avail.
  15497. >It leaks through your talons like they aren't even there.
  15498. “Celestia... * cough * Argh...”
  15499. >Your friend just watches and blinks occasionally, while you literally bleed out in front of its eyes.
  15500. >Why doesn't it help you?
  15501. >You open your beak, but no sound comes out.
  15502. >And then, nothing.
  15503. >...
  15504. >..
  15505. >.
  15506. >..
  15507. >...
  15508. >Where... Where are you?
  15509. >What did just happen?
  15510. >And why can't you feel your wings and talons any more?
  15511. >Oh no... Did you...
  15512. >Did you kill accidentally kill yourself?
  15513. >Groaning, you open your eyes and see...
  15514. >The wisp. Sitting on a round builder, a few feet away from the crystal wall.
  15515. >Huh?
  15516. >You are still here? How so?
  15517. >When it notices you, it buzzes happily and flies off its resting place.
  15518. >”Bzz!”
  15519. >Getting up, you rub your forehead and bump against something hard on it.
  15520. “What?”
  15521. >A horn? And a hoof?
  15522. >What now?
  15523. >Are you a pony again?
  15524. >You look down on your body and... Yeah, you have to assess that you are indeed in your unicorn form again.
  15525. >And much to your delight, it seems to be completely regenerated.
  15526. >All four legs and no giant gash on your side. Even the small scratches and cuts are all gone.
  15527. >Which is nice, but you don't get how.
  15528. “Love? What happened?”
  15529. >No response. It just softly pushes your head around.
  15530. >”Bss...”
  15531. “Oh...”
  15532. >Behind you lies your gryphon body. Singed, burned and with a large hole in its chest. Some anima is still funnelling out of it.
  15533. >Giving it an eerie and mystifying aura...
  15534. >In one of your former claws is the torch... Luckily, still intact and in one piece.
  15535. >You sigh and step closer to the corpse.
  15536. >By Celestia, it is so abused... Burns of all kinds and severity cover its body and no single feather is sound or at least in a good order.
  15537. >Both wings are crippled and deformed beyond recognition... And they were so pretty and majestic once.
  15538. >Its a pity, that you were not able to see what you looked like in this form, when it was still in its prime and unharmed.
  15539. >But even now, you can tell that it must have been incredibly beautiful. As conceited and arrogant as this may now sound...
  15540. >Sitting down, you carefully dislodge the cesset out of its dead talons and put it aside.
  15541. >It has served you very well, though... The least that you can do, is bury it.
  15542. >But first things first... A more dignified pose.
  15543. >...
  15544. >After roughly ten minutes, you have layered several strata of rocks over your former winged body and created so some kind of primitive tomb.
  15545. >It is nothing much and far from being pretty... But it will do.
  15546. >You even made a celestial cross, which is basically a “T” with two dashes, out of three shards that you tied together with some of the dead flowers and stuck it into the top.
  15547. >No engraving though... But you know who lies here.
  15548. >Touching the upper bar, you close your eyes and say:
  15549. “May Celestia's sun guide your soul...”
  15550. >Your hoof moves down to the lower sliver.
  15551. “And Luna's moon guard your eternal dream.”
  15552. >”Bzz...”
  15553. “Until we meet again... In Elysium.”
  15554. >It is done.
  15555. “Come, Love. Before it starts to rain.”
  15556. >“Bsshh?”
  15558. >With the torch in your magical grip, you walk up to the crystalline wall and start to look for a somewhat accessible section.
  15559. >Of which there aren't too many... Either they are too dangerous to approach or don't provide a good spot to use the torch on.
  15560. >One with a relatively rapidly rising surface and as many individual crystals as possible would be perfect.
  15561. >You don't know how exactly this is supposed to work, so the more of these you can affect at once with the torch, the better.
  15562. >At least you think so.
  15563. >And since you certainly don't plan to be anywhere near the wall when whatever reaction will go off, this approach seems to be your best bet.
  15564. “Hmm...”
  15565. >Too steep...
  15566. >Too risky...
  15567. >Maybe this one? Nah, not enough accessible crystals.
  15568. >But after a bit of walking, you find a portion that should do more than nicely.
  15569. >A nice and steep part with roughly thirty, small crystals, that grow out from the large cluster and form a kind of prickly pocket on it. Allowing for maximum contact surface and thus is perfect for your cause.
  15570. >Also since they are not too long, you won't hurt yourself by accident when you put the cresset on it.
  15571. >That tends to happen a lot recently... With varying consequences.
  15572. >Anyway.
  15573. >Optimal spot, check. Is there anything to hide behind in your general vicinity?
  15574. >Well... Not really. Only a few shard aggregations that are barely large enough for you to crouch behind them.
  15575. >And they aren't even that far away. Nothing that you would call a safe distance, but...
  15576. >They will have to do.
  15577. >Hopefully, that doesn't end in a devastating explosion or some other kind of fiery cataclysm. Or else you are going to be seriously bucked.
  15578. >Okay then. Here goes nothing.
  15579. >Taking the torch into your hooves, you sit down and begin to prepare a simple fire spell.
  15580. >Nothing fancy, only a generic controlled ember. That should do the job.
  15581. >Ergh... But there is barely any Aqshy in the air. Which is a real miracle after all that hot stuff that recently happened here.
  15582. >Heh... Hot stuff.
  15583. >However, with a bit of concentrating and some serious channeling efforts, you are eventually able to gather enough of the arid wind to fuel your spell.
  15584. “Scintilla...”
  15585. >A gleaming ember leaves your horn and you guide it towards the dry flowers. And like you expected, they go up like matches with a quiet burst.
  15586. >Much to your surprise though, the flames are not red, orange or any other natural colour. They are green... Almost like an emerald.
  15587. >And just as ethereal in their appearance as your pink friend.
  15588. “How pretty.” you mutter to yourself.
  15589. >Your memories seem to be consumed by the fire rather at a rather fast rate though. So you quickly lay the torch on the crystalline pocket and run to your hiding place.
  15590. >Ducking behind the array of slivers and crystals, you cover your ears and await the inevitable fulmination you expect to happy any second now.
  15591. >But even after waiting for a full minute, there is still nothing to hear.
  15592. >So you tentatively peek over your cover and see...
  15593. >Nothing.
  15594. >No conflagration, no smoke, and not even a single sign of an in-situ explosion.
  15595. >Just the torch lying in the same position like you put it beforehand.
  15596. >It didn't have the good grace to spread its flames one tiny bit. If anything, its nearly dead.
  15597. >Your eyebrows furrow.
  15598. “Meh...”
  15599. >How disappointing.
  15600. >Was the wisp mistaken?
  15601. >You shoot it a questioning look, but it just blinks and hums softly.
  15602. >Or did you do something wrong? Maybe not enough crystals were in contact with the fire.
  15603. >Could be. You should check if this was the case or not.
  15604. >So you leave your spiky hideout and start to trot towards the wall section.
  15605. >But just as you were about to reach it, you hear a sudden, loud hissing noise and immediately back up again.
  15606. “Whoa!”
  15607. >In an instant, the cresset's small flame grows tenfold in size and spreads its fire onto the large crystal cluster. Almost fully engulfing it in mere seconds.
  15608. >You watch in awe as the crystals begin to smelt and seemingly fight against the emerald flames with their own incandescent ones that leak from their broken shells.
  15609. >And it looks like they are succeeding in this effort.
  15610. >Rapidly they outshine and devour their green opponents until only the very top is still burning verdant.
  15611. “Oh no...”
  15612. >Is there something you can do?
  15613. >Should you even do something?
  15614. >Is that even a question?! Of course!
  15615. >Without losing any more precious moments, you close your eyes and collect as much of the red breeze as you can.
  15616. >But just like before, there is simply not enough around to cast even the simplest spell at whim.
  15617. “Buck!”
  15618. >What nearly is crushing you with its abundant presence though, is Shyish. The purple wind of change and death.
  15619. >It formally screams at you to use it.
  15620. >You don't question why there is so much of it or from where it comes. Only one thought comes into your mind:
  15621. >Convert!
  15622. >More fast than carefully, you start to bend the very basic structure of the wind into one that is unknown and undesirable for it.
  15623. >Gruesome and horrifying pictures of your death in all sorts of ways, appear in your head as a last effort of the magical entity to dissuade you from your endeavour.
  15624. >Tears shoot in your as you try to ignore a particular terrifying vision of you getting torn to pieces by what seems undead versions of your friends.
  15625. >Laughing and cackling at you as they gorge themselves with their rotten teeth on your still living and breathing flesh. Disregarding your begging for mercy and screams of pain.
  15626. >But nothing can allure you from stopping the process and throwing away your possibly only chance of escape.
  15627. >And finally it is done.
  15628. >Purple becomes red and you begin to channel the pure stream of magical energy into the last emerald pocket of resistance.
  15629. “Aaaahh!”
  15630. >The fiery onrush connects with it and immediately it grows in power again. Easily gaining the upper hand in the twinkling of an eye.
  15631. >Driving the incandescence back to the base of the cluster, where it is in its death throes and puts up one attempt to drive its enemy back.
  15632. >The spectacle is breath-taking. Green versus White, in an elemental battle for supremacy.
  15633. >But to no avail. They have no chance against the strengthened verdant flames and are quickly put out. Leaving the crystalline structure without any defences of its own.
  15634. >Perfect~
  15635. >You cancel your fueling tether and watch with a smirk on your lips as it first gets fully engulfed once more and then devoured bit by bit.
  15636. >Crystals melt and drip to the ground as a molten mineral soup, that quickly dissipates into a white, thick mist.
  15637. >And after a short while, nothing than a giant, smoldering gap in the former impervious structure remains. Some green embers still burning in and on it.
  15638. “The wall that I cannot break must first be invented.” you say chuckling and step closer to it.
  15639. >Well... It wasn't really your effort nor idea, but still you feel a bit proud of the destruction you caused.
  15640. >Casting so many spells in your mind and converting Shyish into Aqshy was a bit too risky for your tastes though... But you hope that it was worth it.
  15641. >If not. You will bite your flank.
  15642. >Okay. Time to see if your theory was correct or not.
  15643. >Carefully, you approach the scorched breach and take a look into the inner parts of the crystal wall.
  15644. “Wow...”
  15645. >There is indeed a tunnel inside of it... How fascinating.
  15646. >And satisfying~
  15647. >Finally it feels like you are making some real progress.
  15648. >Now you just have to see where it leads and what lies at its end.
  15649. >At least the one that is located at the mountain... Going into the other direction wouldn't make all too much sense.
  15650. >From what you have seen as a gryphon, it stretches for miles. So that is a pointless endeavour as long as you don't like wasting time.
  15651. >And you certainly don't like to do that... Usually.
  15652. >Towards the mountain it is then.
  15654. >You enter the narrow, crystal caverns and immediately have to assess that it is nearly pitch black inside them.
  15655. >Despite the flames that burn in the hollow cores of their walls... As if they don't want to provide any light any more, now that you successfully and forcefully made your way into them.
  15656. >Your mind can be so defiant sometimes...
  15657. >But luckily, it didn't envisage your secret weapon and friend.
  15658. “Love.”
  15659. >”Brsch?”
  15660. “Light the way, please.”
  15661. >It emits a somewhat worried sounding buzz and tentatively flies in front of you.
  15662. >Following it, you see in the light of its glow, that the insides of the wall are just as dangerous as its outsides.
  15663. >Crystals grow randomly in every direction out of the tunnel's walls and more than once, you have to crawl under one or squeeze yourself through a particularly narrow and spiked section.
  15664. >Making sure you don't accidentally touch one of them too, or else they might burst into flames again and cook you alive like some kind of pony bread.
  15665. >You are not sure if they still do this, but you aren't exactly keen on finding out either.
  15666. >So you limit yourself to a slow, but comparative steady pace through the crystalline gallery.
  15667. >At least the crystals don't seem to increase neither in size nor in density, so that's something... You guess.
  15668. >Still its rather difficult to navigate through this mined maze. Each step and every stride is accompanied by an adrenaline rush and a mini heart attack when you barely saved yourself from tripping or bumping into one of the many hazards.
  15669. >After roughly ten minutes of walking, squeezing and crawling, you decide to take a small break on a patch of land that happens to be mineral free.
  15670. >Sitting down on your haunches, you call the wisp to you and invite it to join you in your short moment of rest.
  15671. >”Bzz... Bss...”
  15672. >It sounds distressed and cannot seem to stand... Or float, still for a single second. Darting around like it got stung by a bee.
  15673. >This must be dangerous for it too... And every second spent doing nothing could be a second in that something possibly severe could happen.
  15674. >But you need to relax and rest your hooves for a moment.
  15675. “Just for a minute, okay?”
  15676. >”Brrrsss...”
  15677. “Thanks.”
  15678. >Beaming your companion a smile, you see that it struggles to keep its glow at full intensity. It flickers more and more and obviously looks far weaker than at the beginning of your cave exploring.
  15679. >Must be tired.
  15680. >Or...
  15681. “What now?”
  15682. >Does its gleam get sucked into the darkness ahead?
  15683. >Seems like it...
  15684. >Every now and then, small parts of its body break loose and drift away. As if some mysterious force is draining it of whatever energy it possesses.
  15685. >That was something that has struck you before, but you dismissed it as another trick that your eyes have played on you.
  15686. >But it looks like this isn't the case...
  15687. “Hey, little guy...”
  15688. >”Bszz?”
  15689. “Are you feeling strange? Is something or someone affecting you?”
  15690. >No response. Just a sway to the side.
  15691. “Tell me...”
  15692. >Again, nothing.
  15693. >So this is a yes...
  15694. >It knows something that you don't. Something that is hazardous to it.
  15695. >Maybe it is better for it, if the two of you part ways here. Even if this would drastically exacerbate your further way.
  15696. >You don't want to see it hurt or worse.
  15697. >But knowing your friend, it won't just leave you alone. It is far too loyal for this.
  15698. >Loyalty can be a dangerous field to tread in, though.
  15699. “Come here for a moment, will you?”
  15700. >”Bzzh?”
  15701. “I want you to thank you for everything you have done for me.”
  15702. >Reaching a hoof out, it lands on it.
  15703. “But if you are endangering yourself, I fear that I can't allow you to stick around any longer.”
  15704. >”Bsszz...”
  15705. “I see what is happening to you... Something is using up. So please do me and yourself the favour and leave.”
  15706. >Gradually, you let magic flow into your horn.
  15707. >Two blinks...
  15708. >Heh... Like you expected.
  15709. >You begin to weave a spell.
  15710. “Don't worry...” , you nuzzle it, “I can look after myself. I will just cast a light spell for the rest of the way.”
  15711. >Another time it gleams twice.
  15712. “You are a real good friend. And I hope you can forgive for what I am about to do. Farewell, Love. I won't forget you.”
  15713. >”Bzzrrs?!”
  15714. >Before it can do anything about it, you release your arcana and teleport it away. To where your journey has started.
  15715. “Promise.”
  15716. >And with that said, you begin to channel a lighting spell and get up again.
  15717. >No use in staying here any longer.
  15718. >If you aren't mistaken, you saw a small flower sprouting right next to you.
  15720. >Now alone, you continue on your way through the caverns.
  15721. >Much to your delight, your mind has decided to cease throwing obstacles at you. So except for the occasional stray crystal spike, your path is free and devoid of hazards.
  15722. >If it is because of the fact that you are on your own once more or for the reason that you now nearly have reached the mountain, you don't know.
  15723. >And neither do you care.
  15724. >Main point is, that you are finally able to make good and undisturbed progress.
  15725. >At first it felt strange to be alone again, but you quickly grew accustomed to this feeling. It is nothing new to you after all.
  15726. >Also your lighting spell does a slightly better job of illuminating the path before you than the wisp's glow. Perhaps that helps too.
  15727. >But still... You already start to miss your ethereal friend.
  15728. >Now the only one that is left to talk to, is you. And you don't feel like doing so either.
  15729. >So you just stoical trot forwards while trying not to accidentally lose your focus or concentration.
  15730. >After a while the walls begin to diverge more and more, until you almost have enough space around you to run around in circles.
  15731. >And shortly after that you arrive at a cave entrance and stop to take your and its surroundings in.
  15732. >The mouth itself is roughly nine feet tall and six wide and its rim is covered in crystals. But unlike their brethren behind and besides you, these are black and seem to leak a thick, black-greenish ooze.
  15733. “How peculiar.”
  15734. >It reminds you of something, but you can't exactly say of what.
  15735. >You know this particular shade of green... But from where?
  15736. >Tentatively, you draw closer to the strange crystals and scoop some of the ooze up with a hoof.
  15737. >Feels like... Ooze. Yeah... Slimy, viscous and slick.
  15738. >Doesn't smell like much either... But reminds you faintly of insects.
  15739. >Why though?
  15740. >Deciding against a taste test, you fling the mucous away and enter the cave. Since there is only one way to find out whatever is inside it, isn't there?
  15741. >The cave itself is completely coated in those oozing crystals from the very beginning. Lathering you slowly but steadily with the gunk they drop.
  15742. >Hopefully, you won't remember this... Why is your mind so icky?! Eww!
  15743. >The first thing that you do, once you are back in the real world again, is taking a hot shower. Even if it is just to wash those memories off you.
  15744. >With as much soap and shampoo as you can find...
  15745. >The path that bears before you is narrow but is, besides the incidental puddle of ooze, free of obstacles or other inconveniences.
  15746. >Walking on it is an adventure in itself though... Thanks to the aforementioned puddles. But you manage to do so without slipping.
  15747. >Thank Celestia for that...
  15748. >After a few twists and turns you notice that the crystals are getting sparser and rarer. Instead of their place on the walls, a strangely organic looking, black and turquoise gunk begins to cover it.
  15749. >Until it and the ceiling are composed of literally nothing else than that.
  15750. >The matter appears to pulse, relax and contract as if it is breathing... As if it is alive. The viscid, sticky noises it emits are vomit inducing, to say at least.
  15751. >Not to speak of the smell... It is the same as the ooze, only intensified immensely.
  15752. “I know this... I know that I know what this is!”
  15753. >But what is it?
  15754. >* squish *
  15755. “Eww...”
  15756. >And now the floor seems to follow this trend... How nice.
  15757. >Well... At least that type of flooring is easier on your hooves than the hard, rocky soil.
  15758. >Holding your breath, you continue on your way through the now apparently living cave.
  15759. >Every turn you take makes it even more bizarre and grotesque looking than it formerly did. Adding new features and aspects to and on the black gunk.
  15760. >First green, luminescent bubbles or blisters started to appear in it. Tinting the cavern into an eerie verdant light and eliminating the need to sustain your illumination spell.
  15761. >Then strange pillar-like, segmented structures began to grow out of the floor. Small and scarce at first, but soon almost twice as high as you and bordering the path on which you walk like a baroque alley of trees.
  15762. >Creepy in their appearance, but yet very fascinating.
  15763. >Their surface is smooth, shiny and completely black. Except for their turquoise rims and tips, that pulse from time to time like there is something flowing in them.
  15764. >Which is the reason why you didn't touch them. Not that they turn out to be just another form of the volatile crystals from before.
  15765. >Only now with poison gas or something else that fits into their biological theme to put an end to you....
  15766. >Unlikely, but you don't take any chances any more.
  15767. >You are too close now to let yourself fail due to misguided curiosity.
  15768. >After a good quarter hour of walking more or less in a straight line, you arrive at a junction in the path and come to a stop to look at your surroundings.
  15769. >Well... It's not really a crossing... Two of the three possible ways you could go are blocked off by the pillars. Leaving you with only one real option:
  15770. >Directly ahead.
  15771. >You don't know if this is a good sign or not... Whatever is waiting for you at the and of this cave, wants you to find it.
  15772. >Hopefully its the exit and not an abomination of your mind.
  15773. >But until now this looks more like the lair of a shoggoth or another hideousness than anything else...
  15774. >Stay calm, Sparkle. This just has to be your way out of here. Its far too distinctive and striking to be a dead end or a trap.
  15775. >So you take a deep breath and continue on your way.
  15776. >...
  15777. >If you ever had any doubts that the organic matter that covers everything here is alive or not... Well... They are gone now.
  15778. >Shortly after you left the junction, it began to show more... Biological traits.
  15779. >Veins, strange organs that you can't seem to recognise and what looks like turquoise compound eyes are embedded in it now.
  15780. >Staring you down and following your every step...
  15781. >The pillars are almost completely gone by now... But even stranger constructs have taken their place instead:
  15782. >Long, segmented legs. Not unlike those of insects sprout from the gunk and twitch and spasm erratically every so often.
  15783. >Luckily, they don't try to actually reach out to you or else you would have opted for flight the instant you saw them.
  15784. “By Celestia...”
  15785. >This isn't natural any more. That simply shouldn't be in your mind!
  15786. >Nothing of this!
  15787. >Is this the “it” that you aren't supposed to let win? What the wisp was so afraid of?
  15788. >No wonder... Whatever has nested here must be terrifying.
  15789. >But why didn't your friend tell you so then?
  15790. >And far more importantly... What is it and what is it doing in your mind?
  15791. >Before you were able to continue this train of thought, you feel something sharp suddenly brushing your thigh.
  15792. “Ah!”
  15793. >A cold shudder runs down your spine and you are paralysed from shock.
  15794. >Jumpily, you turn your head around and see one of those spindly legs slowly crawling up from your leg to your rump.
  15795. >Gradually drawing closer to a certain place...
  15796. “Oh, nonononononono!”
  15797. >In an instant, you run off and leave the creepy molester behind your flanks. Dodging many of its brethren in the process until you eventually reach a spot that is free from them and come to a halt to recollect your senses.
  15798. >By the celestial sisters... What did it try to do back there?!
  15799. >Definitively nothing friendly... That is for sure.
  15800. >Breathing heavily and with your heart beating like crazy, you plop down on your haunches and immediately check if the leg would have had any luck if it would have succeeded in its raping endeavours.
  15801. >No... Thank goodness. You are as smooth as a puppet down there.
  15802. >Never have you been more thankful to have no genitals at all than at this very moment.
  15803. >You sigh in relief and get on your four hooves again.
  15804. >That was an experience you would have been able to live without... Even if you never were in any real danger.
  15805. >Still... Brrr...
  15806. >The thought of what it could have done doesn't leave your head.
  15807. “Calm down... Calm down... Everything is alright.” you say to yourself over and over again.
  15808. >It could have gripped and held you down... You would have been totally helpless while the other legs would start to explore your body until each of them has found one of its entrances.
  15809. >Maybe more than one would find the same..?
  15810. >Forcefully they would enter and use them to their liking...
  15811. >Of course you would fight against them at first, but the lust that you would feel would slowly start to overwhelm you.
  15812. >And then... You would just give in and accept your fate.
  15813. >Until they release whatever they have to offer inside of you... Filling you to a brim.
  15814. >...
  15815. >!
  15816. >Stop! This shouldn't arouse you in the slightest!
  15817. “Argh!”
  15818. >You and your stupid fetishes that you apparently have. This is certainly not the time to live them out!
  15819. >Nevertheless... That would make a great erotic fantasy novel. A bit rapey, but you could town it down by changing the legs to tentacles that belong to a friendly monster or something.
  15820. >Some ponies would surely buy a story like this. Especially the weird ones.
  15821. >...
  15822. >Why exactly do you want to turn this into a story? Do you write?
  15823. >Ehh... You don't know. But it seems like it, otherwise that idea wouldn't have popped up in your mind.
  15824. >Anyway...
  15825. >Shaking those thought off, you continue on your way through the breathing gallery with a bright blush on your cheeks.
  15826. >After a few more minutes of walking, avoiding those creepy gropers and ignoring the ever gazing eyes, you arrive at something that looks like a cavern.
  15827. >Tentatively, you take a look inside of it and see...
  15828. “Wow...”
  15829. >A somewhat big room... Covered in the same black, organic matter like the tunnels behind you. Including all the strange organs, pulsating veins, molesting legs, glowing blisters and compound eyes.
  15830. >But it has a striking difference to them... There is a large sack hanging from its ceiling. Roughly ten feet in height and half as wide.
  15831. >It is hold and steadied from below by three especially long and giant legs and is for the most parts overgrown with thick, swollen blood vessels. You can see that something green and translucent is in its centre it though.
  15832. >Almost looks like some kind of egg.
  15833. >Also you have to correct yourself... Not everything here is covered by the gunk. A small spot on the opposite end of the room seems to completely devoid of it.
  15834. >That is something you should definitively investigate later.
  15835. >But first things first... The elephant in the room.
  15836. “What the heck is this?”
  15837. >As you enter the cavern and slowly draw closer to this ominous object, you notice that something seems to be moving in it.
  15838. >You only caught a glimpse of it, but it looked black and long... Like a worm.
  15839. “Celestia... Give me strength.”
  15840. >Taking the last few steps towards the sac, you gulp and force yourself, against all your instincts, to look into it.
  15841. >And you wish you never did...
  15842. “By the Allmother!” you cry out and jump back.
  15843. >Yeah... Its an egg alright...
  15844. >A gigantic larva with a black and long body, four pairs of green eyes and at least eight pair of legs, swims around in it.
  15845. >Tearing large chunks out of a pink orb with its sabre-like mandibles and devouring them with greedy bites.
  15846. >Looks like Love's glow... Is that the thing that drained your friend?!
  15847. >It doesn't take long for the creature to notice you.
  15848. >Elegantly, it swims towards and then towers over you inside its pellucid egg. Staring at your shivering form with its glowing eyes.
  15849. >Immediately you back further off and stare back with mouth agape.
  15850. “W-W-W-W...”
  15851. >What in the thousand hells is this?!
  15852. >The larva lets loose a blood-curdling, high pitched scream and it falls back with a mighty wind of its body only to shoot forwards again.
  15853. >Crashing against the shell of its egg and cracking it.
  15854. >Panic begins to well up inside of you and you instantly run towards the cavern's entrance.
  15855. >But before you were able to reach it, several legs grow out from the floor and block off your way.
  15856. “Wah!”
  15857. >Another time, the creature slams against the sac. Thin streams of the clear, green liquid start to leak out from the breaches it caused.
  15858. >Turning on the spot, you dash past the egg and frantically look around for another exit.
  15859. >But there is nothing in sight! Only the living walls...
  15860. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see it battering into its translucent prison. More and more of the amniotic fluid gushes out of it as the the ruptures get bigger and wider.
  15861. >Soon it will be out of there and rip you into shreds!
  15862. >Think, Sparkle, think!
  15863. >There has to be a way out of there! There always is!
  15864. >That are the bucking rules of your mind. It has to follow them. It just has to!
  15865. >Desperately, you start to scan your surroundings.
  15866. >Behind you is the blockade of legs.
  15867. >In front of you is a dead end...
  15868. >And...
  15869. >Wait...
  15870. >Its not a dead end... In fact that could be your way out of here!
  15871. >There has to be a reason why nothing grows on it.
  15872. >Something must have prevented the larva's domain from spreading to there... Something powerful and out of its control.
  15873. >You just have to blast your way through to it!
  15874. >Yeah!
  15875. >The idea of casting another destructive spell inside your mind, is not one you like. But this is your only hope, it seems.
  15876. >Okay! Here goes nothing!
  15877. >Hastily gathering every single wind that you can sense around you, you weave them together into a crude, but hopefully effective, projectile.
  15878. >* crack! *
  15879. >* splosh! *
  15880. >Buck! It sounds like you have not much time left.
  15881. >You hear another deafening scream. Far louder than the one before.
  15882. >By Luna and Celestia... You hope this works.
  15883. >With a scream of your own, you release your spell and a gleaming ball of pure magical energy leaves your horn.
  15884. “Yah!”
  15885. >It collides with a blustering explosion against suspicious spot on the wall and reveals a incandescent vortex once the dust has settled.
  15886. “Yes!”
  15887. >Now you just have to ma-
  15888. >”HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaaaHHHHH!”
  15889. >Surprised, you yank your head around.
  15890. >The larva is wreathing itself out of its egg. And its already half way out of there!
  15891. >No time for soliloquies, even it its only in thought.
  15892. >Galloping towards the exit, you see that the monster has now fully left its nursery and is slithering right at you.
  15893. >Its mandibles spread wide and ready to catch you.
  15894. >”Hhrrraahhhraaa!”
  15895. “No! No! No!”
  15896. >Only a few more metres are separating you from your salvation, but the larva is quickly catching up to you.
  15897. >Its sixteen legs allowing for far quicker movement than your four.
  15898. “No! By Celestia, no!”
  15899. >You don't want to die! Not here and certainly not in that way!
  15900. >Tears shoot in your eyes and when you can feel its hot, sticky breath on your rump, you take one desperate leap of faith.
  15901. >The last thing you hear is a cracking snap.

Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum

by X-Roads

Deep Rest Story for /emo/ - Not finished

by X-Roads

Anonfilly Cuddle Prostitution

by X-Roads

Anonfilly and Trixie Thing - Not finished

by X-Roads

Tree Hugger and Guard Anon - Not finished

by X-Roads