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Anonfilly Cuddle Prostitution

By X-Roads
Created: 2021-04-28 02:14:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Uhm... Hey, Hornet."
  2. "What do you want, Snips?", you ask with a hint of annoyance in your tone and bang two rocks together, "Can't you see that I'm busy?"
  3. >Man, you wish Equestria had toy soldiers... You hate using your imagination.
  4. >"I can... But I heard this silly rumour from Snails that you... Uhh...", he stammers and paws the ground, "You know..."
  5. >Oh, so he's here for that.
  6. >Cutting him off by planting a hoof on his mouth ere more words can leave it, you beckon him with a nod to follow you and lead him behind the schoolhouse.
  7. >Once you two are there, you sit down on your haunches and beam him your best sultry smile.
  8. "Okay. It's two bits for hoofholding, three for a hug, five for cuddling and seven for a kiss. I also offer several packages at reduced prices."
  9. >"Oh wow..."
  10. "Just ten bits for three whole minutes of full contact cuddling and a good-bye kiss for example!", you giggle and bat your eyelashes, "So what do you want, big boy? Recess will be over soon..."
  11. >"I can't d-decide..."
  12. "You can't... Oh, that's a really pity.", you pout and scoot closer to him, "How about I help you out a bit with that?"
  13. >"H-Huh?"
  14. >Grabbing one of his hooves, you firmly plant it on the soft tuft of fur on your chest and let it draw small circles on it.
  15. "Feel how soft and fluffy it is?"
  16. >"Y-Yeah!"
  17. "You could feel it all over you... And have a kiss to boot. Doesn't that sound nice?"
  18. >Just say yes, you chubby cunt.
  19. >"It does... But..."
  20. >Goddamn it.
  21. "But what?", you pout and nuzzle his hoof, "What's the problem, big boy?"
  22. >"Ten bits is my whole allowance for this week..."
  23. >Stingy fucker...
  24. "It will be worth it, though. Believe me. You won't forget this."
  25. >"I don't know, Hornet... Maybe I will just take a hug,"
  26. >Oh no, you won't.
  27. >Three bits won't even buy you a single bottle of cider, and you could really do with one tonight, since Twiggles isn't exactly happy with the results of your last math test.
  28. >Looks like you need to haul out the big guns.
  30. "And what if I extended the cuddling to five minutes?"
  31. >Urgh... Alone the thought of spending five whole minutes in full body contact with Snips makes your stomach churn, but at least he seemed to shower today.
  32. >You dare to say that he even smells kinda nice without that thick layer of sweat that usually covers his body.
  33. >Reminds you of a barber shop... How weird.
  34. >"Five minutes?!"
  35. "Yes~"
  36. >"And I c-can touch you?"
  37. "How are you going to cuddle me without touching me, silly~"
  38. >"Hehe, yeah... You're right."
  39. "So...", you coo and let one of your hooves trail the rims of his, "What will it be, stud?"
  40. >"I will t-take the cuddles and t-the kiss please!"
  41. "Good choice~ Now I only need the bits and we can begin immediately."
  42. >"Of course!", he chirps and opens his bit pouch, fishing a single golden coin out of it, "Here you go!"
  43. "Thanks.", you say and stash it away in your saddlebags before letting them slide off your back, "Lie down please."
  44. >With a hasty nod, he does so as you told him and lies down on his side, waiting with spread forelegs for your embrace.
  45. >God... He seems desperate, but you can't deny that he looks kinda cute like this.
  46. >So you don't let him wait for too much longer and lie down next to him, interlocking your hooves with his and wrapping around his barrel.
  47. >A quiet yelp escapes him when he feels your stomach touching his and you can't help but to giggle a bit at how fast his cheeks turned rosy.
  48. >Doesn't look like he's used to the touch of a mare... Or a filly in your case. Makes you want to make this special for him.
  49. >But not too special... You aren't that kind of filly.
  50. >Not yet, at least.
  51. >Starting to nuzzle his muzzle, you press your forehead against his and begin to let your hooves run along his sides, eliciting several low-pitched and short moans from him.
  52. "How does this feel?"
  54. >"G-Good!", he blurts out.
  55. "Hmm... You smell nice."
  56. >That isn't even a lie.
  57. >"T-Thanks, y-you too."
  58. "You know where I smell even better?"
  59. >"N-No."
  60. "Right...", you say and reposition one of your hooves to the back of his head, guiding it to your chest, "There."
  61. >A pleasant shudder rocks through your body as you feel his muzzle burying into your chest, scrabbling around through the tuft on it like a pig in search for truffles.
  62. "H-Heh... Told ya."
  63. >His legs press you even closer to him and you can feel them starting to explore your body, sending another shiver down your spine.
  64. >Damn... This isn't supposed to feel this good for you. He is just another customer...
  65. >"H-Hornet."
  66. >He takes a deep whiff of your scent and you feel him shudder in your embrace... And something harden against your belly.
  67. >W-What?!
  68. >It can't be his... Or can it?
  69. "That nice, huh?"
  70. >"Y-Yeah.", he mutters and thrusts his hips into yours.
  71. "W-Whoa!"
  72. >Yes... That is doubtlessly his cock slowly growing in his sheath.
  73. "Snips... This isn't included in my... Hnggha!"
  74. >By god! It's scraping against your teats!
  75. >"S-Sorry... I can't help it. You feel just too good..."
  76. >Pushing his trembling form a bit away from yours, you take a look down and indeed see a pink log of flesh slowly emerging out of his lower stomach.
  77. >You want to say something, but no words are able to leave your mouth as you watch his cock grow bigger and bigger.
  78. >He's obviously quite embarrassed by this too and fully ceased to caress you, averting his eyes from yours.
  79. >"Sorry, Hornet..."
  80. >You swallow and lightly shake your head to regain control of your senses, beaming him a warm smile.
  82. "I-It's okay."
  83. >Maybe you can squeeze a few more bits out of him...
  84. "You're the first colt to have this reaction, you know that?"
  85. >He really is... But if he is starting to get those kinds of reactions out of your touches, all the other colts might do the same.
  86. >And that means that now could be the perfect time to refine your business.
  87. >Nothing too serious, though... You aren't a whore, but a quick hoofjob might relief your costumers of the pressure you surely might give them in future.
  88. >That just poses a single question... How much more should you charge for this?
  89. >Ten bits? Perhaps even twenty? Hmm...
  90. >Let's see how much he is willing to pay.
  91. "Say, Snips?
  92. >Your words rip the pudgy colt out of his erotic daze and he looks with glazed eyes at you.
  93. >"Y-Yes?"
  94. "Should I maybe take care of your...", you say and sit down on his thighs, putting a hoof on the underside of his growing erection, "Little problem there?"
  95. >Your sudden touch on his privates makes him shudder once more and you feel a squirt of something slick spurt on your hoof.
  96. >Heh... This shouldn't take long. Easy money.
  97. >"Y-You would?", he replies with sparkles in his eyes.
  98. "Yeah... Just give me your next... Let's say... Two allowances?"
  99. >"Of course! P-Please do!"
  100. "Wonderful... Well... Enjoy then."
  101. >And with that said, you embrace his cock with both of your hooves and begin to slowly pump it, relishing the sensation of what he starts to leak in such galore onto them.
  102. >Oh my... He must by really pent up. No wonder... He probably never even has done this to himself before.
  103. >That makes it extra special~ For you and for him.
  104. >Faster and faster your hooves trail over the leathery skin of his stallionhood, massaging and kneading it wherever you think it would feel good for him.
  105. >And luckily, he gives you the reactions you anticipated... Squirming and moaning with each completed lap of your hooves on his colthood.
  106. >"Ah... Hornet...."
  107. >Just a bit more.
  109. >You lean forward and let your muzzle wander along his jawline up to his temples and then to his horn, where you start to lick around its coils.
  110. >Twilight once drunkenly told you that unicorns like their horns being licked and it looks like she wasn't wrong in that claim, as Snips' body begins to rock around more and more.
  111. >He must be so close...
  112. >Time to finish this.
  113. >Once more, you increase the pace of your hooves and begin to whisper reassuring and lewd words into his ears.
  114. >It feels hot and the fluids you elicited out of it made it slick and emit a strong musky smell which starts to slowly but surely turn your head, filling it with the urge to just turn around and let him ravage you.
  115. >But like you clarified before... You are not a whore.
  116. >Pressing his throbbing member against your lower stomach, you take his horn into your mouth and begin to gently suckle on it.
  117. >A muffled groan escapes your customer when he feels the warm and wet embrace of your mouth around his natural catalyst and you feel his whole body wildly tense up against you.
  118. >"H-Hornet!"
  119. >His shaft suddenly contracts and you feel several spurts of his warm cum shoot out of it, covering your thinly haired underside with its sticky goodness.
  120. >At the same time a weird gas starts to flood your mouth, seemingly coming out of his horn and filling your whole oral cavity before you slowly feel it turning into a thick goo.
  121. >It tastes like... Fruit? Like a weird mixture of pears and grapes.
  122. >You can't exactly put your hoof on it, but it is extremely sticky and you have a hard time swallowing it.
  124. >With a quiet pop you let his horn exit you and continue to stroke his still ejaculating cock with soft and delicate strokes, making sure that everything that leaves it finds its way onto your belly.
  125. >For some reason the feeling of his seed all over you turns you on like nothing before ever did... You certainly will need some alone time later.
  126. >And he cums quite a lot for a colt... At least you think so.
  127. >But sadly, its all too over all too soon and you can sense him go limb in your hooves, one final squirt of his seed grazing your developing teats.
  128. "Mhm...", you coo and let one of your hooves trail along his shrinking member, collecting all the cum that has pooled on it.
  129. >You stare deeply into his eyes and slowly guide your soiled hoof to your mouth, greedily licking all what it has gathered off it.
  130. >It tastes... Salty, bitter and a bit like hay...
  131. >All in all, you quite like it. You wouldn't be opposed to taste more of it some time.
  132. "Mmmmh.."
  133. >"Uahh..."
  134. "So...", you giggle and smack your cum-stained lips, "Did you enjoy it?"
  135. >"Y-Yes! Thank you!"
  136. "Don't mention it... Just make sure to recommend me to your friends, will you?"
  137. >"Of course!"
  138. "Wonderful... We really need to get up now, though..."
  139. >"But why?"
  140. "Classes are starting soon... And I need to clean myself up a bit."
  141. >"Heh... Yeah.... Sorry.", he chuckles, "You're right."
  142. "Don't be, stud. Just don't forget about my money, will you?"
  143. >"I won't!"
  144. >Perfect~

Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum

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Anonfilly Cuddle Prostitution

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