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Anonfilly Darkest Dungeon Thing

By X-Roads
Created: 2021-04-30 02:42:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hold still, Hahrnet."
  2. "But it fucking hurts..."
  3. >"Ah know...", Plaguebloom replies and grabs your wounded foreleg, "But we need ta stahp the bleeding thar."
  4. >It is indeed bleeding fairly briskly... And also secretes quite a lot of purulence already for such a fresh wound.
  5. >Those damned pigs... They really got you good there.
  6. >Who knows what nasty diseases grow on their infested blades?
  7. >Death waits for the slightest lapse in concentration, it seems... Just one moment of carelessness was enough to allow this to happen.
  8. >Fuck... What were you thinking? You could have waited just a few seconds more to reload your guns, but like always, you underestimated your enemies.
  9. >They aren't as dumb as they may look... There was still some intelligence left in their rotten brains and they used it to strike you while your defences were down.
  10. >Fucking bastards.
  11. "I can't feel it any more...", you stammer, "Does that mean that I'm going to lo-"
  12. >"Nah!", she interrupts you, "Not if we make it back in time."
  13. "But we aren't even halfway through yet."
  14. >"Don't worry, Hornet.", Occult Belle chimes in, "I can already sense the monster's vile presence... It's closer than we might want it to be."
  15. >"See? Ya will be fine. And now please stop fiddling already."
  16. "O-Okay."
  17. >With great care and patience, Plaguebloom bandages your lacerated limb, even using one of her herbal concoctions to disinfect it.
  18. >You know that they are pretty much priceless, so you are very grateful that she wasted one of them on one of your many mistakes.
  19. >"Thar ya go."
  20. "Thank you."
  21. >"No problem. But y'all owe me one!"
  22. "Heh.", you giggle and retrieve your leg, "Of course. How do a few ciders sound?"
  23. >"Pretty good.", she returns your laughter, "Does it still hurt?"
  24. "Can't tell any more... My feeling there is gone."
  25. >"Don't let it trouble you, Hornet." Leperloo joins in, cleaning her giant blade with a dirty rug, "As long as you don't feel it getting suddenly hot or cold, it's alright. It's just a small infection."
  26. "Small? I hope you are joking..."
  27. >"This your first excursion into the warrens?"
  28. "Yes,"
  29. >"Then you would be advised to believe me. Those foul creatures are able to contract far worse diseases."
  30. >Leperloo snorts and shakes her head, readjusting the bronze mask sitting on her face.
  31. >"I've learned that the hard way."
  32. "Okay..."
  33. >"Yeah... Okay.", she monotonously answers.
  34. >An awkward silence settles in and everyone returns to their seats.
  35. >If you could even call those rotting logs seats... You can't wait to return to the Hamlet and sleep in a warm bed.
  36. >Preferably with some easy colt... Or filly. Your preferences are not too strict in that matter.
  37. >Stirring the brown sludge the caretaker dares to call a stew, you take a look around you.
  38. >Plaguebloom is reading in some tome while Occult Belle is drawing strange runes into the dirt with her dagger, chanting in an ever stranger tongue.
  39. >She worships the very darkness you try to defend yourselves from... That you know. But she does it in a weird way,
  40. >A way that somehow benefits you instead of consuming your souls.
  41. >Also she's quite proficient with her weapon of choice, something you didn't expect from a magic user.
  42. >She gutted that Swinetaur with a singular strike... A feat that even your precise pistol shots were not able to achieve.
  43. >Maybe those dark gods aren't so bad after all.
  44. >You sigh and scoop some of the "stew" into your bowl.
  45. >It doesn't smell good and it won't probably taste any better either, but at least it is warm and will allow you to find sleep faster.
  46. >"How is it?", Leperloo asks you.
  47. "Didn't try it yet."
  48. >"Kay."
  49. >The silence returns as you force the grout into you.
  50. >Just as you expected, it doesn't taste like much and wash it down with some booze you brought with you.
  51. >As soon as Plaguebloom sees your flask, she holds her hoof out to you and you give it to her without any words spoken.
  52. >Alcohol is one of the few things that bring you facilitation here and you are more than willing to share some of it with your comrades.
  53. >Who knows who will return to the Hamlet and who won't?
  54. >It would be plain unfair to deny someone the taste of home.
  55. >"Thanks."
  56. "No problem."
  57. >"How's your leg?"
  58. "Fine, I guess.", you reply and throw your bowl next to the cauldron, "It's throbbing."
  59. >"That's good.", Leperloo states.
  60. "It is?"
  61. >"Mhm. Means that there's still life in it."
  62. "Okay then."
  63. >Plaguebloom reaches into her saddlebags and pulls a small sachet of leaves out of it, holding it out to you.
  64. >"Take this."
  65. "Thanks.", you say and take the leaves.
  66. >"Chew on them fer a bit. They taste bitter, but they will help with yer infection."
  67. "Thanks again.", you reply and do as she told you.
  68. >"Don't worry about it. Just don't forget about mah cider."
  69. "I won't.", you chuckle, "I won't..."
  70. >And once again, silence settles in.
  71. >You retrieve your pistols and give them a good look over, trying hard to ignore the bitter taste in your mouth.
  72. >By Celestia... They look filthy.
  73. >Grime, blood and various other bodily and natural fluids completely coat their once so shiny barrels.
  74. >It would be in your best interest to thoroughly clean them, lest they fail on you in a critical moment.
  75. >God knows that has happened before.
  76. >So you pull out a rug and some oil out of your own saddlebags and start cleaning your chosen tool of death.
  77. >And after a few minutes of dedicated scrubbing and polishing they are almost presentable again.
  78. >Of course they are not in the best condition they could be in, but this will do more than nicely for the moment.
  79. >As long as they still fire the bullets you put into them and don't shower your face with searing shrapnel, it will be fine.
  80. >Stowing them away again, you get up and lay down on your bedroll.
  81. "I think I will call it a night."
  82. >"Yes.", Occult Bloom says, "It has gotten quite late."
  83. >"That's a good idea", Plaguebloom states and closes her book.
  84. "Who will keep guard first?"
  85. >"I will", Leperloo says and stands up, shouldering her now shining sword, "I'm not tired anyway."
  86. "Good. Wake me in four hours, okay?"
  87. >You are quite exhausted, but the others really need their rest. They have done so much more than you in the past hours.
  88. >"I will. Your rest shall be ensured while I keep my eyes wide open.", Leperloo says and giggles, the latter a quite rare occurrence for her, "Nopony shall get past my blade!"
  89. "Thanks."
  90. >Hopefully Leperloo will keep her word.
  91. >Hopefully nothing will happen tonight.
  92. >Hopefully you will wake up...
  93. >What would you give for a few walls to protect you right now. This foul smelling clearing doesn't exactly ray out confidence.
  94. >Quietly mumbling a short prayer, you close your eyes and soon feel sleep overtaking you.
  95. >"Huddled together, furtive and vulnerable... Rats in a maze.", are the last words you hear before darkness fully engulfs you.

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